diff --git "a/environmental_science/dev.jsonl" "b/environmental_science/dev.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/environmental_science/dev.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@ +{"text": "Make: plastic key rings from plastic fishing rope\nMake a plastic key ring\nPlastic was invented about one hundred years ago and almost every piece of plastic that has ever been made still exists on our planet unless it’s been burned. So there is plenty of the stuff about. So much so that it is becoming a problem as it litters our lands and oceans. We regularly collect litter on beaches in an effort to help address the problem in our own little way, removing the risk of it returning to the sea or ocean and recycling it if we can. More recently, we’ve tried to find ways of using the plastic – upcycling it rather than putting it in a recycling bin.\nOur project this week was to make something out of the abandoned plastic fishing rope that we had collected on the beach. We wanted to make key rings that would not only put the plastic rope that we had collected to good use but would be useful and raise awareness.\nThe key rings that we designed use nautical knots as an obvious link back to the sea. We found a really simple “How to Make DIY Nautical Knot Bracelets” on the internet and adapted them into keyrings instead. The results were impressive; the key rings not only looked great but there is real feel-good factor because we know that they are made using rubbish, abandoned in the sea.\nIf you fancy having a go at making your own Nautical Knot Key Ring, here are some instructions:\n- Collect some abandoned plastic fishing rope from a beach and wash it.\n- Go to the “How to Make DIY Nautical Knot Bracelets” website and follow step 2 which shows you how to create a nautical knot.\n- Cut off any excess rope.\n- Attach the ends of the ropes together to make loops, not forgetting to add your clasp and ring (these can be ordered quite easily off the internet). There are various ways that you could do this. The method suggested on the website is fiddly and quite difficult using plastic rope so a more durable method is to use a glue gun to stick the rope together or alternatively heat the rope up using a lighter or matches and as it begins to melt, stick the ends together.\n- Cover the attached rope end with thread…et voila!\nDon’t forget to tell everyone where the plastic rope was from and raise the awareness!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Fri, 07 Apr|\nHerbs for Health, walk and make your own ointment and kombucha\nLearn about the health benefits and uses of herbs that can be found in the local landscape. Take a walk along the Downs in Herne Bay and make your own ointments and kombucha.\nTime & Location\n07 Apr 2023, 14:00 – 16:00 BST\nShe Rose , 165 Mortimer St, Herne Bay CT6 5HE, UK\nAbout the Event\nJoin Nicola and Jo for a stroll along the downs in Herne Bay, identifiying and collecting medicinal and edible plants and herbs. Learn about the health benefits and use this knowledege to make your own ointments and kombucha.\nWhile we hope that the weather will be sunny, please bring suitable outdoor clothing and comfortable footwear suitable for the walk and changeable weather.\nHerbs for Health\nTickets include all materials.£35.00", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- Prison Planet.com - http://www.prisonplanet.com -\nArctic Ice Scare — Climate Price Tag Claim Melts Under Scrutiny\nPosted By yihan On July 28, 2013 @ 4:00 am In Sci Tech | Comments Disabled\nWilliam F. Jasper\nThe American Dream \nJuly 28, 2013\n“Scientists warn on Arctic ‘economic time bomb,’” screamed the story headline on CNBC on July 24.\nHere is the article’s opening line: “The rapidly melting Arctic is an ‘economic time bomb’ likely to cost the world at least $60 trillion, say researchers who have started to calculate the financial consequences of one of the world’s fastest changing climates.”\nSixty trillion dollars is not exactly chump change. In fact, it’s a big chunk of the global gross world product (GWP), which the CIA and IMF put at somewhere around $71.83 trillion in 2012. But climate experts say that the science and the computer models used to produce this latest nightmarish global-warming scenario are no better than many of the others that have proven false time and time again.\nThe CNBC article is, actually, a reposting of a story from the British newspaper, the Financial Times , which is based on a lengthy op-ed in the July issue of Nature magazine by Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope, and Peter Wadhams. The author bios for the trio atNature tell us: “Gail Whiteman is professor of sustainability, management and climate change at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Chris Hope is a reader in policy modelling at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK.? Peter Wadhams is professor of ocean physics at the University of Cambridge, UK.”\nThe academic trio makes some extraordinary claims, among which are:\nWe calculate that the costs of a melting Arctic will be huge, because the region is pivotal to the functioning of Earth systems such as oceans and the climate. The release of methane from thawing permafrost beneath the East Siberian Sea, off northern Russia, alone comes with an average global price tag of $60 trillion in the absence of mitigating action — a figure comparable to the size of the world economy in 2012 (about $70 trillion). The total cost of Arctic change will be much higher.\nAccording to Whiteman, Hope, and Wadham, anthropogenic (human-generated) CO2 is the cause of this approaching catastrophe. “It will be difficult — perhaps impossible — to avoid large methane releases in the East Siberian Sea without major reductions in global emissions of CO2,” they assert. Ergo, humanity must adopt rigorous restrictions on energy production from traditional carbon-based sources: coal, oil, gas.\nMedia Catastrophe Choir Sings on Cue\nAs to be expected, much of the usual mainstream-media choir has run with the Nature opinion piece, with the usual hyperventilating headlines. However, cooler heads are urging the public to relax and treat the claims with proper skepticism until the “science” behind the claims can be assessed.\nDr. Judith Curry, professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology and President of Climate Forecast Applications Network, used “highly implausible” and “impossible” to describe the conclusions of theNature op-ed authors. In her Climate Etc. blog for July 25 Prof. Curry wrote:\nThe plausibility of Wadhams’ scenario rests on two assumptions:\n1. the ‘spiral of death’ loss of arctic sea ice\n2. connection of the sea ice loss to a massive release of methane hydrates into the atmosphere on the time scale of a decade\nEach of these assumptions is highly implausible, based upon my understanding; the combination of these two assumptions into a single scenario seems impossible to me.\nSo, if you are not a fan of climate models, I suspect that you really will not like impact assessment models used by Wadhams et al.\nJoseph D”Aleo, chief meteorologist at ICECAP.us and Weatherbell.com, authored “Arctic Summer Snowstorm” at ICECAP, which provides important data, thermal imaging, photographs, satellite images, and weather station records regarding the true picture of the Arctic ice sheets.\nLewis Paige over at ClimateChnageDispatch.com provides a very timely debunking of Nature’s scary methane scenario, in a July 25 posting entitled “Don’t Panic – ‘$60 Trillion’ Arctic Methane Scare Already Disproven.” Paige notes:\nWhiteman, Hope and Wadhams base their suggestion that current Arctic methane emissions are caused by recent, human-driven warming — and so might be expected to accelerate hugely, perhaps — on published calculations from 2010 and last year. This theorising began when airborne surveys discovered that methane was being emitted from the Arctic at various locations along the Siberian continental shelf in recent times….\nIt turns out to be a guess which was wrong, however. Last year a German research vessel set out for the Arctic to find out more about the mysterious seabed methane emissions. Underwater robots were sent down at promising locations, automatic equipment left on earlier expeditions was recovered, and ground truth was established. Because of the lengthy scientific publishing cycle there aren’t yet any published papers, but the results were so clear – and so important – that the scientists aboard the ship were happy to reveal them publicly.\nA statement from Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung (Centre for Ocean Research, aka GEOMAR), the organisation whose ship was used, revealed the “surprising result” that methane emissions from the Arctic seabed are “no new thing”.\n“Above all the fear that the gas emanation is a consequence of the current rising sea temperature does not seem to apply,” GEOMAR bluntly stated. “The observed gas emanations are probably not caused by human influence,” commented Professor Dr. Christian Berndt, the expedition leader. “At numerous emergences we found deposits that might already be hundreds of years old…. On any account, the methane sources must be older.”\nArticle printed from Prison Planet.com: http://www.prisonplanet.com\nURL to article: http://www.prisonplanet.com/arctic-ice-scare-climate-price-tag-claim-melts-under-scrutiny.html\nURLs in this post:\n The American Dream: http://thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/16107-arctic-ice-scare-climate-price-tag-claim-melts-under-scrutiny\n headline on CNBC: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100912062\n Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c4789928-f44b-11e2-a62e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2aAfr7xlV\n Nature magazine: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v499/n7459/pdf/499401a.pdf\n Climate Etc. blog for July 25: http://judithcurry.com/2013/07/25/arctic-time-bomb/\n “Arctic Summer Snowstorm”: http://icecap.us/images/uploads/ARCTIC_SUMMER_SNOWSTORM.pdf\n “Don’t Panic – ‘$60 Trillion’ Arctic Methane Scare Already Disproven.” : http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/home-2/11465-methane-scare-disproven.html\n Obama Launches New Global Warming Video as Phony “Consensus” Crumbles: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/15797-obama-launches-new-global-warming-video-as-phony-consensus-crumbles\n Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW” Debunked: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/15624-cooking-climate-consensus-data-97-of-scientists-affirm-agw-debunked\n German Firms Flee to U.S. to Avoid Staggering “Green” Energy Costs: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/15502-tna-online-german-firms-flee-to-us-to-avoid-merkel-s-staggering-green-energy-costs\n Global Warming “Consensus”: Cooking the Books: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/15457-global-warming-consensus-cooking-the-books/15457-global-warming-consensus-cooking-the-books\n Climate “Consensus” Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/15465-climate-consensus-con-game-desperate-effort-before-release-of-un-report\n Russian Arctic Experts: The Arctic Has Entered Cooling Cycle & Climate Models Are Worthless: http://www.prisonplanet.com/russian-arctic-experts-the-arctic-has-entered-cooling-cycle-climate-models-are-worthless.html\n Arctic emissions cause Arctic warming?: http://www.prisonplanet.com/arctic-emissions-cause-arctic-warming.html\n ‘Pure journalistic drivel’: How does Reuters spin GROWING Arctic ice? By reporting on ‘predictions’ of an ice free Arctic: http://www.prisonplanet.com/pure-journalistic-drivel-how-does-reuters-spin-growing-arctic-ice-by-reporting-on-predictions-of-an-ice-free-arctic.html\n UK Met Office backpedals on Arctic Ice – “…unlikely that the Arctic will experience ice-free summers by 2020.”: http://www.prisonplanet.com/uk-met-office-backpedals-on-arctic-ice-%e2%80%93-%e2%80%9c%e2%80%a6unlikely-that-the-arctic-will-experience-ice-free-summers-by-2020-%e2%80%9d.html\n Legal verdict: Manmade global warming science doesn’t withstand scrutiny: http://www.prisonplanet.com/legal-verdict-manmade-global-warming-science-doesn%e2%80%99t-withstand-scrutiny.html\nCopyright © 2013 PrisonPlanet.com. All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Attention anglers! Do you have questions about Asian carps?! I’m looking forward to being a panelist on an upcoming free virtual information session hosted by the Invasive Species Centre. Join us to learn more about Grass Carp, one of the four species of Asian carps, and the one that poses the most immediate threat to the Great Lakes. There will also be a question and answer period with a panel of experts. The panel is made up of representatives from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the University of Toronto, the Invasive Species Centre along with myself, an Angler, Fishing Guide & Fishing Content Creator. I hope you can join us! For more details and to register, click here.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "National Park Of America Samoa\nThe National Park of American Samoa is located in the American territory known as American Samoa. The park is actually divided into three different areas comprised of the islands of Ta‘ū, Tutuila, and Ofu-Olosega. This park was legally established by Public Law 100-571 in 1988, but the land could not be acquired due to the traditional communal land system of its native inhabitants. However, in 1993, the National Park Service signed a fifty-year lease with Samoan village councils to acquire the land and in 2002, a thirty percent expansion on Olosega and Ofu islands was approved by Congress.\nThe National Park of American Samoa is comprised of 9,000 acres of land and water. The Tutuila area of the park is located near Pago Pago, on the north side of the island. It is separated by many features including 1,610-foot Mount Alava and Maugaloa Ridge, which holds Tafeu Cove, Amalau Valley, and Craggy Point. It is also separated by the Pola and Manofa Islands. This area is the only part of the park that can be reached by car, and so is a popular area for visitors. The Ofu, Olosega, and Ta‘ū areas of the park, also known as the Manua Island group, can be reached by plane.\nVolcanic islands comprise a large portion of land in the National Park of American Samoa. These volcanoes form a large formation of shield volcanoes that extends from west to east along the Pacific Plate. The islands were formed by multiple shield volcanoes that are grouped together and are made of basalt lava flows. Much of the original lava used to form these islands has broken into breccia, or angular fragments of basalt. It is thought that these islands were created when volcanoes erupted during the Pliocene and Holocene eras. The youngest island in the park, T’au Island, is the last remnant of a volcano that collapsed in in the Holocene era. Because of this collapse, T’au Island holds some of the world largest sea cliffs, reaching a height of over 3,000 feet.\nThe hot spot that created the volcanoes which formed the islands has shown recent signs of activity, although there has been no volcanic activity recorded in the National Park of American Samoa in recent years. The last recorded eruption of hot spot activity occurred in 1973, when a submarine detected the activity just east of the park. It has been found that an island is forming east of Ta’u Island, following the eastern formation pattern of the park. This island, known as Vailulu’u Seamount, has been found to have formed over the past fifty years and has caused the sea mount to move 14,764 feet from the ocean floor.\nThere are relatively few native plants and animals in the National Park of American Samoa due to its isolation. One bird species, known as the Samoan Starling, and thirty percent of the plants are native to the area. Some of the native plants include 487 ferns and flowering plants, and there are cloud forests and tropical rainforests located throughout the archipelago. Most of the plant life located in the park originated in Southeast Asia. The islands also include bird species such as the wattled honeyeater, the Pacific imperial pigeon, the spotless crake, and the many-colored fruit dove among other species.\nThe National Park of American Samoa contains many animal species. The only native mammals that occur on the islands are the insular flying-fox, the Pacific shealth-tailed bat, and the Samoa flying-fox. All three of these species are important to the ecosystem of the islands due to their seed dispersing abilities, but the Pacific sheath-tailed bat was nearly eliminated from the islands during Cyclone Val. Invasive animals like pigs and rats occur in great numbers throughout the park, but these are currently being controlled to preserve the islands natural biodiversity. The park holds native reptiles including the mourning gecko, the Polynesian gecko, the Pacific boa, and seven species of skink. The marine life surrounding the islands is highly diverse and includes 890 species of fish, 200 types of coral reefs, sea turtles, and humpback whales. Ta‘ū Island is surrounded by some of the largest coral colonies in the world.\nThe National Park of American Samoa has suffered damages in the past due to an earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 2009. These disasters killed 32 inhabitants of the islands and caused many more injuries. Nearly 200 business and homes were destroyed, as well as the main office and visitor’s center of the park. The islands have also experienced landslides, both under water and above water, which were the results of erosion and other types of weathering. Liu Bench, located on Ta‘ū Island, is a large mass of rock that is at risk of collapsing into the ocean. If this occurs, it could cause a tsunami that would be strong enough to damage Fiji in the southeast. The coral reefs around the park are threatened by carbon dioxide concentrations, rising sea levels, and increases in temperatures. It is thought that these threats could wipe out the reefs by the middle of the century.\nImage Caption: Looking across Vatia Bay towards Pola Tai, Tutuila, American Samoa; National Park of American Samoa. Credit: Eric Guinther/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Description - The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods by Sean McManus\nThere are no stupid questions here. Everyone has to start somewhere, after all. In The First-Time Gardener's Guide to Growing Plants and Flowers, Sean and Allison McManus, the gardening pros behind the popular website and podcast Spoken Garden, answer all of your questions and more.Caring for outdoor plantings can be intimidating, especially if the process is completely new to you. Before running to the hardware store to stock up on plastic bags of mulch and tools you don't really need, arm yourself with the know-how to plant and tend outdoor areas correctly and safely. Doing so saves you time, money, and energy-and helps make the process a whole lot more fun! With help from this easy-to-follow beginner gardening guide, you'll learn:\n* Tips for selecting the best plants and flowers for your growing conditions\n* The best planting techniques for different types of plants\n* How to mulch trees, shrubs, and garden beds correctly\n* Pruning dos and don'ts for common garden plants\n* Ways to keep weeds out of outdoor areas-without using synthetic herbicides\n* How to recognise and manage different pests and diseases naturally\n* Insider tips on everything from the difference between annuals and perennials to choosing the best organic fertiliser\n* Plus, you'll find time-management advice and tips for effective, resource-conscious gardening\nYou will close the book not only knowing how to care for your homes outdoor plantings using earth-friendly methods, but also knowing the satisfaction of a beautiful, all-natural landscape.\nThis book is part of The First-Time Gardeners Guides series from Cool Springs Press, which also includes The First-Time Gardeners Guide to Growing Vegetables. Each book in The First-Time Gardeners Guides series is aimed at beginner gardeners and offers clear, fact-based information that's presented in a friendly and accessible way, including step-by-step instructions and full-colour illustrations throughout.\nBuy The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods by Sean McManus from Australia's Online Independent Bookstore, Boomerang Books.\nFormat: Paperback / softback\n(254mm x 203mm x mm)\nCool Springs Press\nPublisher: Cool Springs Press\nCountry of Publication:\nBook Reviews - The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods by Sean McManus\n» Have you read this book? We'd like to know what you think about it - write a review about The First-Time Gardener: Growing Plants and Flowers: All the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods book by Sean McManus and you'll earn 50c in Boomerang Bucks loyalty dollars (you must be a Boomerang Books Account Holder - it's free to sign up and there are great benefits!)\nA Preview for this title is currently not available.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Kewaunee Power Station—a 556-MW nuclear facility in Carlton, Wis.—will be shut down and decommissioned starting in the second quarter of 2013, its owner Dominion said on Monday. The company said the decision to shutter the plant was based “purely on economics.”\nDominion put the plant up for sale in April 2011 “as part of a regular review of its portfolio of assets to determine which assets fit strategically and support its objectives to improve return on invested capital and shareholder value,” but it has been unable to find a buyer.\nAt the same time, though it evaluated a number of other nuclear plants in the Midwest for purchase, it was unsuccessful in winning the respective auctions for those plants, Dominion spokesperson Jim Norvelle told POWERnews on Monday. “Most of those other nuclear stations went for sale prior to the increased supply of natural gas brought about by new technologies now available to get the natural gas out of the ground,” he said. “Kewaunee is a small, single-unit station. We were not able to move forward with our plan to grow our nuclear fleet in the Midwest to allow Kewaunee to take advantage of economies of scale.”\n\"This was an extremely difficult decision, especially in light of how well the station is running and the dedication of the employees,\" said Thomas F. Farrell II, Dominion’s chairman, president, and CEO. \"This decision was based purely on economics.”\nMeanwhile, Kewaunee’s power purchase agreements are scheduled to end in December 2013, when prices of wholesale electricity in the region, pegged to declining natural gas prices, have been projected to be low. “The combination of these factors makes it uneconomic for Kewaunee to continue operations,\" Farrell said.\nPlans to shut down the plant depend on a grid reliability review by the Midwest Transmission System Operator. If they proceed, the station will remain under the oversight of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) throughout the decommissioning process.\nFollowing station shutdown, Dominion said it plans to meet its obligations to the two utilities that purchase Kewaunee’s generation through market purchases until the power purchase agreements expire in December 2013.\nDominion’s most recent Form 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission notes that as of December 2011, estimated decommissioning costs for Kewaunee were about $680 million. But that figure did not reflect “any reduction for any potential future recovery from the U.S. Department of Energy of certain spent fuel costs,” Norvelle said. As of December 2011, the Kewaunee decommissioning trust had funds of about $517 million. “The trust is fully funded and we believe that the amounts currently available in the trust plus expected earnings will be sufficient to cover all decommissioning costs expected to be incurred after the station closes,” he said.\nThe single Westinghouse pressurized water reactor on Lake Michigan, about 35 miles southeast of Green Bay, started commercial operations in 1974. Dominion bought the plant in July 2005, and the NRC renewed the station’s operating license for 20 more years in February 2011, giving it a new expiration date of 2033.\nFarrell said Dominion believes nuclear power will continue to play an important part in the nation’s energy future and that U.S. reliance on nuclear power for about 20% of its power needs is a “major reason” it enjoys “one of the most reliable, least expensive and cleanest electric grids in the world.”\n\"The situation Dominion faces at Kewaunee is the result of circumstances unique to the station and do not reflect the nuclear industry in general. The nation will be hard-pressed to meet its energy needs, let alone do so in a secure and affordable manner, without a robust and growing nuclear energy program,\" he said.\nWisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) in a statement on Monday expressed disappointment about the station’s closure, blaming \"cumbersome [Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)] regulations\" for \"slowing the process for companies, like Dominion, to take advantage of economies of scale and keep their businesses profitable and open.\"\nWalker said he and 16 other governors sent a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget in March 2011 expressing concern about the potential cost imposed on power facilities related to cooling water intake structures as a result of the EPA’s proposed revisions to section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act. The EPA is expected to finalize the standards by June 27, 2013.\nBut Norvelle told POWERnews that the decision to decommission Kewaunee was based on a combination of economic factors. However, “Naturally, any regulatory uncertainty or cost adds to the challenges,” he said.\nSources: POWERnews, Dominion\n—Sonal Patel, Senior Writer (@POWERmagazine)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A video clip of a Pakistani news reporter is going viral on social media for his unique reporting directly from the floodwaters. Risking his life, the journalist can be seen standing in neck-deep water as he reports on floods in his country’s Punjab province. The video of the reporter, identified as Azadar Hussain, was posted by Pakistan’s GTV News on its YouTube channel.\nThe reporter, seemingly calm in the neck-deep water, can be seen talking about agricultural lands of Punjab province being submerged in the floods and increase in levels of water in the Sind river. In order to save the mike from getting wet in water, he can be seen it above the flooded waters. One can only see his head and mike above the water level in the video.\n— Naila Inayat ????? ????? (@nailainayat) July 28, 2019\nLevel of reporting pic.twitter.com/UFZ9lsQVbk\n— Knight of lost Rainbows ??? (@Saad612011) July 27, 2019", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Showing the single result\nOrganic & Natural Baby Products\nAll Natural Baby Soap in Australia\nHerbon’s all natural baby soaps are made entirely in Australia. Free from chemicals, animal ingredients and artificial components.\nWith a driven focus on producing quality personal care products that are free from nasty chemicals, Herbon’s range of natural baby soaps has given Australia an allergy-free collection to trust. An abundance of clinical research and information has previously proven the side effects that chemically enhanced formulas have had on both mental and physical conditions. Keeping that at the forefront of our business’s mission and edge, we’ve established several sensitive, nurturing choices for use on various skin types.\nAll of our natural baby products are designed to be kind to hands and the immune system.\nComprehensive Natural Products with Material Safety Data Sheet\nOur material safety data sheet is available on our e-portal and you can glance through the sheet to obtain a comprehensive insight about storage and usage. Apart from the finest natural baby sops in Australia, we also stock a whole range of body/skin care products, laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, general cleaning products, and pet care products. Invent a green way to lead the chemical free life with Herbon.\nAll our products have resulted from the extensive research and utilise allergy free products for the manufacturing.\nHerbon houses a well-equipped warehouse to furnish the manufacturing of all the products in desired size. With our natural products get into a green routine to witness an eco-friendly future.\nWidespread Array of Natural Care Products\nIf you are looking for a natural hair care products, Herbon suits your requirement with a widespread range of natural hair care products. it includes the best and fragrance free natural hair shampoo. Utilising these non-toxic product helps in nurturing your hair against the external hazards. Moreover, all our products are carefully crafted and committed to be environment friendly. All the products including natural laundry detergent with us is sensitive to hands, immune system, and clothes. The natural baby soaps in Australia available with us are enriched with natural elements to nurture your baby skin affectionately. So, to inculcate the green lifestyle with eco-friendly products, approach us today.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Found 30 - 40 results of 169 programs matching keyword \"boil water with ice activity\"\nJoin us as we talk to scientists working with IceCube, a neutrino telescope buried in the ice under the South Pole. In this webcast from Antarctica, we meet up with Ted Scambos, a glaciologist from the University of Colorado and the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Adelie penguins contemplate the water near a photographer at a crack in the ice. In this live webcast, we look deeper into the film 'Ice People.' We speak with noted geologists Allan Ashworth and Adam Lewis, and filmmaker Anne Aghion in our San Francisco studio. In this program Ice Stories crew member Ron Hipschman speaks with Paul Ponganis, who studies emperor penguins. Hear from marine biologist Dr. Stacy Kim, who uses a small camera-equipped remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to investigate the bottom-dwelling creatures under the sea ice. Join Exploratorium Senior Scientist Paul Doherty as he shows us a demo related to Antarctic ice! Paul demonstrates how using Antarctic ice can help tell us what the temperatures of the earth's oceans were, thousands of years ago. We speak to Robin Bell from the AGAP (Antarctic Gamburtsev Province) expedition. This is the first systematic study of our planet's last unexplored mountain range. This webcast was our first this season, and we had some technical difficulties. The POLENET project installed their newest high-precision GPS system on Deverall Island, Antarctica. These GPS systems tell scientists how much the ground underneath the ice sheet is moving upward. This has important implications on the movement of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and its interplay with the rock below. Learn more about it in this audio report from correspondent Kelly Carroll.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Read the latest information on\nAs part of the Farm Biosecurity Program, an initiative led by Plant Health Australia (PHA) and Animal Health Australia (AHA), we visited Gundamain Pastoral Co. in Eugowra NSW, to get footage of the daily lives of two prominent farmers and their commitment to strong biosecurity practices.\nThe first filming trip took place in Eugowra, NSW focusing on the Herbert family of Gundamain Pastoral Co. The family’s approach to maintaining biosecurity measures is a key aspect of the film, demonstrating how such practices are integral not only to the health of Australia’s agriculture but also to the well-being of the farming community and the nation.\nDuring the visit, the crew captured the essence of the Herberts’ work and how they implement biosecurity on their farm. The aim is to provide a realistic view of the measures farmers take to protect their livelihoods and the agricultural industry at large from biosecurity threats.\nThe project is not just about capturing farm routines, it’s about highlighting the significance of biosecurity and its impact on the agricultural sector. By showcasing the Herberts’ story, we hope to educate and encourage farmers across the nation to adopt and prioritise biosecurity measures.\nThe initiative reflects the Farm Biosecurity Program’s commitment to biosecurity education and is anticipated to be a valuable resource for farmers, biosecurity professionals, and the wider community. It will emphasise the message that proactive biosecurity is crucial for safeguarding Australian agriculture.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Ghoulish Food Waste Wanted In Rhondda Cynon Taf\nRhondda Cynon Taf is home of a pioneering dedicated food waste recycling plant in Llwydcoed, which is ready to gobble up all your ghoulish leftovers and turn them in to enough green electricity to power 1,500 homes.\nAs Halloween approaches residents are being urged to ‘go green’ and fill their green bins with all their ghastly left-overs instead of sending it to rot in landfill.\nDid you know that the average household wastes a huge £700 – which is enough to heat a family home for a year or host a monstrous Halloween party for the whole street!\nRhondda Cynon Taf Council is encouraging people to do their bit for the environment while having fun with the family during Halloween.\nBy keeping check on the amount of food we waste in the green bin, you can think about portion sizes and the weekly shopping list and cut down on the food you buy and waste resulting in the whole family saving a packet.\nEach year, more than one million pumpkins are sold in the UK, 99% of which are used just to carve into lanterns.\nThousands more children across the County Borough are once again keeping up the traditions by carving pumpkins, ducking apples and taking part in spooky activities at home.\nWhilst carving pumpkins is a fun activity, the Council is reminding its residents that the insides of carved pumpkins, and also the shell of the pumpkin and remnants of Ducking Apples, can be deposited in the green food waste caddy, ready for weekly kerbside collection after Halloween.\nCouncillor Ann Crimmings, Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure & Culture, said:\n“The Halloween season is a time for families to have fun, although it is still important that we remember that we all have a part to play in securing a better environment for the next generation to enjoy.\n“The support of our householders towards our food waste kerbside recycling has been amazing so far, and I would like to thank each and every resident of our County Borough for doing their bit.\n“We are committed to doing all we can to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and will continue to invest for the future to ensure we have the schemes, high-quality vehicles and easy-to-use facilities that people rely upon to recycle.\n”Every day our dedicated Streetcare teams are out and about across the County Borough ensuring that it is a clean, green and safe place to live, work and visit – so recycle your Halloween pumpkins and remnants of your Ducking Apples appropriately as we continue in our fight to keep Rhondda Cynon Taf a cleaner and greener place in which to live and work.\nThe council has issued the following tips for a ‘Green Halloween’\n- Avoid using plastic Trick or Treat bags\n- If you are planning a Halloween party, do not send out paper invitations\n- Avoid using disposable plates at Halloween parties\n- After your party, place any food waste into your caddy for collection\n- Make Halloween costumes by reusing old clothes or buying from charity shops\n- Bored of the same costume every year? Why not arrange a costume swap with family, friends or neighbours?\n- Use the flesh of the pumpkin as the main ingredient in a tasty dish like pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie or roasted pumpkin risotto. Pumpkin can also be used as a cheap and tasty alternative to sweet potato.\n- Even pumpkins seeds can be put to good use – toast them in a dry pan or roast them in the oven, and store them in an airtight jar. They make a great healthy topping for soups, pastas, muesli or salads.\n- Once you’ve finished with your pumpkin shell don’t forget to compost it or alternatively place on top of your food waste caddie for collection.\nSpotted something? Got a story? Email email@example.com", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Residents to feel warmer as temperature rises in UAE\n(MENAFN- Khaleej Times) The residents of the UAE are likely to feel warmer as the temperature in the country is expected to increase.\nThe weather department said the day will be partly cloudy and hazy. There will be some cloud formation towards the east by afternoon.\n\"Light to moderate winds will blow in general. The relative humidity will increase by night and early morning over some coastal areas,\" National Center for Meteorology (NCM) said.\nThe sea will be slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and Oman sea.\nMENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "It’s no secret that plastic waste is a big problem for the environment. We produce 300 million tons of plastic every year and 8 million tons of plastic is discharged into the sea every year. In fact, it is estimated that 100 thousand marine biota die from plastic every year. Horrified, huh?\nVarious solutions were made to reduce plastic waste. One of them is ecobrick. Hmm, what is ecobrick and how effective is it for the environment? See more, let’s go!\n1. What is an ecobrick?\nLet’s get closer with ecobrick. Actually, ecobrick is a plastic bottle filled with other plastic material to meet a certain density level.\nThe finished Ecobrick can be reused as building material. Because of its benefits, the environmental community in various countries began campaigning for ecobrick making as an alternative in processing waste.\n2. What is an ecobrick made?\nFrom its own names, namely ‘eco’ and ‘brick’ which can be interpreted as environmentally friendly bricks, ecobrick can indeed be used as material in building materials. Yep, we can replace conventional bricks with an ecobrick to make a house! Besides that, we can make the ecobrick as furniture, such as chairs, tables and so on.\n3. Where did the ecobrick-making idea come from?\nEver wondered, who thought about building a plastic bottle? Well, this idea actually came from Andreas Froese, a German architect who used a plastic bottle filled with sand as a building material in 2000.\nIn 2003, this idea was adapted by Alvaro Molina. Gradually, the concept of ecobrick is increasingly known and spread throughout the world.\n4. How to make an ecobrick?\nAre you interested in making an ecobrick? Follow the steps below! First, prepare small-sized plastic waste, such as food wrap, straws or other plastic packaging.\nThen, prepare a large plastic bottle (at least 1.5 liters). After that, put the plastic trash into the bottle, use a stick to push it so that it fits inside.\nContinue to do it until the plastic bottle is full and weighs 500 grams. Then, close the bottle and the ecobrick is ready! You can combine several ecobricks into one. Voila! You can make your own ecobrick chair!\n5. Even though it’s easy, fulfill the requirements for making this ecobrick!\nEven though it sounds easy, in fact there are some conditions that you must fulfill. For example, the bottle must be clean and dry. Not only that, plastic waste must also be clean and dry so that no bacteria grows in it.\nBottles must also be solid and hard. To test density, we can press the bottle from the outside. A good ecobrick is not deflated and doesn’t ring if pressed. Simple, right? Try to practice it!\n6. What are the benefits of ecobrick for the environment?\nWhat is the role of the ecobrick for the environment? Usually, we never think about the fate of the plastic bottles we throw away.\nEcobrick increases ecological awareness and makes us more concerned with the environment. In addition, small plastic discarded will pollute the environment.\nBy inserting plastic waste into an ecobrick bottle, it will prevent the buildup of toxic gases that produce methane gas. PET plastic bottles are perfect for sealing plastics because of their long life and protecting their contents from UV light, explained the Sustainability Project page.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The mountain uplift processes of the European Alps are a complex geological phenomena that has continued for the past 250 million years. The ancient Tethys Ocean was more than 600 miles (1000 km) wide and was located in today's area of the Mediterranean Sea. Due to active subduction on both sides of the ocean Tethys shortened to a width below 60 miles (100 km) including its deep trenches. This finally caused the continental collision of Africa and Europe. Consequently, a mountain range developed out of uplifted ocean sediments, volcanic ocean crust piled up onto land, called ophiolithes, and continental granite that partly metamorphosed into gneiss. All of this organized into faulted structures called nappes. The limestone sediments of the Tethys Ocean including coral reefs are now located at an altitude of 8200 ft (2500 m). The rocks of the central alpine crest often contain greenstones. These highly metamorphic rocks originate from the volcanic basalt sea-floor of the Tethys Ocean. They were uplifted to an elevation of 13000 ft (4000 m) during the collision process of the European plate with the African plate. Such geologic processes are rare. Hence they produce rare mineral compositions. Tourmaline and emerald are among the typical minerals associated with that type of metamorphic rock. The early morning light comes across the mountain top enwrapping this lake in mystical foggy light backlit by the sun. Small alpine lakes, called tarns are typical postglacial landforms. They frequently occur in the scooped-out base of cirques that were carved out by the glaciers during the last ice age. Tarns are among the most beautiful landforms in the European Alps.\nPentax K2, Pentax 24mm, f/22, 1/8 second, Kodak Ektachrome E6, ISO 100, polarization filter, tripod\nWhere Geoscience Meets Art", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HotPaNTS (Hot-spots of Phosphorus and Nitrogen delivery in Time and Space in agricultural catchments)\nReporting period: 2016-01-01 to 2017-12-31\n1. Low-temporal resolution data have been collected every two weeks for 10 agricultural streams and 9 drained observation agricultural fields, for 2 years. This sampling allowed to build a large database of phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter responses to varying weather, flow and land use conditions.\n2. High-frequency resolution data including turbidity, organic matter fluorescence, water temperature and flow discharge have been every 15 minutes for year and a half in one selected agricultural stream, with high eutrophication pressures.\nPreliminary results against the original project objectives\nTask 1 Building of knowledge base\n• Building a database of water quality, nutrient concentrations and optical measurements for the SMPA samples collected throughout the project – The database was created in Matlab and includes 50 weeks of data on optical measurements (absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy), nutrients, total and dissolved organic carbon and turbidity (Figure 1).\n• Testing the relationship between in situ optical measurements and nutrient concentrations to account for variation in catchments’ characteristics and flow conditions – The relationships between optical measurements and nutrient concentrations are catchment-specific and their strength vary on a seasonal basis.\n• Evaluation of the quenching effects from turbidity, temperature and inner-filter effect, their spatial and temporal variability and calibration and validation of the compensation equations – Quenching effects are much higher for clay catchments but in all catchments undergo significant seasonal variation driven by flow dynamics. Those effects are correctable through compensation equation for the turbidity and temperature range observed in the catchments.\nTask 2 Hot-spots of nutrient delivery\n• Deployment of the optical sensors for real-time measurements at sampling points in the 2 pilot catchments and collection of water samples to target storm events and agricultural practices – Initial analysis indicated that sand catchments show low quenching effects, thus the optical sensor was deployed in a clay catchment to understand how turbidity and optical measurements vary on a seasonal basis (Figure 2).\n• Testing the relationship between in situ optical measurements and nutrient concentrations to account for a variation in flow, water quality characteristics, differences in catchments’ characteristics and agricultural land use – Turbidity measurements can be used as proxy for sediment and particulate phosphorus concentrations. Although CDOM and tryptophan-like fluorescence do not provide universal correlations with nutrient concentrations (since they are site- and season-specific), they provide proxy for understanding solute dynamics.\nTask 3 Evaluation of the method’s potential and limitations\n• Evaluation of the efficacy of the optical measurements as a proxy for nutrient concentrations based on the database built in Tasks 1 and 2 – as above.\n• Determination of the method’s potential, limitations and practical requirements to be used in agricultural catchments to provide quantitative evidence of hot-spots of nutrient delivery – Optical sensors are the future of water quality monitoring. They are portable and accurate and therefore enable targeting hot-spots of nutrient delivery both in space (for different catchments and streams) and time (throughout the hydrological year). However, evaluation of the quenching effects is needed for each sampling site which will result in development of the compensation equations for turbidity and temperature. Another limitation highlighted by this project is biofouling as seen in Figure 2 for uncorrected CDOM measurements in summer 2017. Biofouling results in a build-up of microorganisms on the windows of optical sensors resulting in a gradual decrease of signal between the sensor maintenance visits. This effect is particularly observed during the summer months in clay catchment streams which show high degree of eutrophication, as can be seen in the graphical abstract. Regular maintenance, calibration and cleaning of the optical windows is mandatory.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Location: Haven Reformed Church (5350 N Sprinkle Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49004)\nWhen: Tuesday, July 31, 2018\nOpen house: 5:00-6:00 p.m.\nProgram: 6:00-8:30 p.m.\nResidents living in the city of Parchment and Cooper Township residents with homes supplied by the Parchment water supply attended a town hall meeting to get an update on the status of the water response activities, and residents had the opportunity to receive more information regarding Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), health impacts and plans for interim and long-term water supply solutions.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Published at Friday, June 15th, 2018 - 17:35:07 PM. Showerheads. By Nicol Novotna.\nSave water, save money. One way to defeat poor water pressure is with a shower head that needs less. The average shower head uses 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm), and some older units use more. Shower heads with the EPA WaterSense certification use 2 gpm or less. The EPA says a WaterSense shower head could save the average household 2,900 gallons of water each year, as well as energy savings. Libsack says he’s skeptical of the EPA’s water conservation claims. “It’s the same thing with the [low-flow] sink faucets. If it takes you longer to get the soap off your hands, you still end up using the same amount of water,” he says. “That’s what’s happening with the misting shower heads that promise low water usage: you just spend longer in the shower to get rinsed off.”\nI love my time in the shower, the hot water on my head and back relieves many aches and pains. However, my shower used to give me a beautiful even stream of water, but lately I have been getting a few drips, dribbles and random squirts which is just not enjoyable. You don’t need to buy a new shower head it just needs a good clean! Read further for tips on how to clean a shower head, removing the build up of mineral deposits which are clogging it up and affecting your water flow. Shower heads are prone to build up of mineral deposits, dust, dirt etc which affects the water pressure and spurts water out in all different directions. Cleaning the shower head in your regular bathroom cleaning routine will help prevent the build up.\nAny content, trademark’s, or other material that might be found on the Neumaval website that is not Neumaval’s property remains the copyright of its respective owner/s. In no way does Neumaval claim ownership or responsibility for such items, and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "1. No harmful plastic chemicals potentially leaching into my water.\n2. Washable and reusable\n3. More frugal than plastic - if I were to purchase 10 water bottles per month at the gas station (which are around $2.00 each) I would spend $20 + tax. Multiply that by 12 months out of the year and I would spend $240 + tax. A stainless steel water bottle is usually between $20 and $30 and should last a long time.\n4. Less waste\n5. The stainless steel bottle that I have (more to come on the awesome bottle I have) is triple walled so there is no condensation on the outside when I put ice in my water.\n6. I put water and ice in it the other morning and I had to fill it up with water 3 times during the day because I drank it all, but the ice did not melt until later that evening.\n7. Because of the triple wall my water stays cold for a LONG time.\n8. Stainless Steel (if food grade) is non porous so it is easy to clean.\n9. It is pretty :)\n10. I can use it for hot drinks too.\n11. I would much rather drink my well water than bottled water that I have no idea how it has been treated or where it came from. If you research this, you may not want to drink another plastic water bottle from the store :)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Urban Development and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Challenges, International Experiences and Options for Improvement\nThe Research Unit of Law together with the Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning, opens an external URL in a new window (ÖIR GmbH) are carrying out a research project on the regulation of urban development in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act. This project is carried out on behalf of the Austrian Association of Project Developers, opens an external URL in a new window (VÖPE).\nIt is often a matter of interpretation when an urban development project is subject to a compulsory EIA. This leads to major problems and uncertainties in practice. The aim of the project is to analyse the EU law sources for the EIA of urban development projects and – based thereupon – the amendments to the Austrian EIA Act. By comparing the Austrian framework to that of other selected EU member states, where EIA provisions are systematically linked to those on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), the project will make suggestions for clarifying amendments to the EIA Act.\nDuration: 06/2021 - 12/2021", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "LifeClean has been proven a high-level disinfectant, eliminating bacteria, virus and spores alike. Still, it is more gentle to humans, animals and environment when compared to other disinfectants in the market.\nLifeClean’s broad microbicidal effect is well proven in a range of tests. Even on very resistant organisms such as small non-enveloped viruses and bacterial spores, the product have proved efficiency with contact times as low as 1-2 minutes.\nIts virucidal effect is tested according to EN 14476, and its sporicidal effect is tested according to EN 13697. This makes it an excellent choice in the combat against recurrence of difficult outbreaks such as Calicivirus (Winter Vomiting Virus) as well as the hazardous, hard to eliminate Clostridium Difficile.\nIn comparison with other high level disinfectants, LifeClean is less harmful to humans and the environment. Therefore, it can be recommended also for preventive use on a daily basis – not just for decontamination after severe outbreaks.\nLast updated 2016-04-06", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "PVTIME - Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, announced today that installers of Enphase® products in Nevada have seen growing deployments of Enphase Energy Systems powered by IQ8™ Microinverters following the product’s launch in North America late last year. IQ8 Microinverters paired with Enphase’s industry leading IQ™ Batteries provide homeowners more energy security as frequent extreme heat waves lead homeowners and businesses to ramp up air conditioners and further strain an already stressed grid.\nAccording to the most recent U.S. Solar Market Insight report from Wood Mackenzie and the Solar Energy Industries Association, residential solar deployments in Nevada are predicted to reach over 134 MW in 2022, representing an increase of over 100-fold from the prior decade. Additionally, residential battery capacity in Nevada is increasing steadily year-over-year with forecasts estimating deployments will grow nearly five-fold by the end of 2026, according to the U.S. Energy Storage Monitor report from the Energy Storage Association and Wood Mackenzie.\n“Coupled with our proprietary Curb home energy consumption monitor and energy efficiency services, the IQ8-based all-in-one home energy system provides homeowners with an adjustable solution that can meet the specific needs of all our customers,” said Greg Fasullo, CEO at Elevation, an Enphase Gold level installer. “Whether homeowners are looking to power just their essentials or their whole home during grid outages, the Enphase Energy System™ can be customized to do it all.”\n“Safety and reliability are at the core of Enphase’s product design,” said Matt Turville, co-founder and chief operating officer at Del Sol Energy, an Enphase Gold level installer. “Powered by high-quality microinverter and battery technology, the Enphase Energy System is an expertly crafted and comprehensive home energy solution that ensures powerful system functionality and monitoring when homeowners need it most.”\nEnphase’s revolutionary IQ8-based systems can provide Sunlight Backup™ functionality during an outage, even without a battery. For homeowners who want battery backup, there are no sizing restrictions on pairing Enphase IQ Batteries with IQ8 Microinverters. In addition, with the Sunlight Jump Start™ feature, IQ8 Microinverters can restart a home energy system using only sunlight only after prolonged grid outages that may result in a fully depleted battery. This eliminates the need for a manual restart of the system and gives homeowners even greater resilience. Enphase IQ8 solar microinverters come with a 25-year limited warranty.\n“We're proud to offer Nevada homeowners the best solar energy technology available on the market,\" said Eugene Moebius, founder of Universal Solar Direct. \"Our collaboration with Enphase to offer IQ8 Microinverters gives our customers industry-leading reliability, efficiency, and safety while maximizing their investment in a clean energy future.\"\n“The solar industry in Nevada is growing rapidly, providing thousands of exciting opportunities and jobs for people in the region,” said Dave Ranhoff, chief commercial officer at Enphase Energy. “We are proud to work with installers in the state to help homeowners realize the value they can achieve from solar and home energy management solutions, including the economic benefits and ability to control their energy future.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A low-level trough is crossing the islands and scattered showers across the Grenadines this morning could continue across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) this afternoon, possibly increasing tonight. Shower activity is likely to decrease during Tuesday. Thereafter, occasional showers can be expected as low level-moisture/clouds move along with the wind-flow.\nModerate (20 - 35km/h) east south-easterly breeze should increase to fresh (up to 40km/h) by Tuesday, turning east north-easterly late Wednesday as High Pressure builds across the region.\nModerate sea conditions are across our islands, with northerly swells", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "22 September is World Car Free Day, an event that aims to promote ecological awareness among the world's citizens, contributing to the care of people's health and the environment.\nCar use makes our lives easier by allowing us to travel comfortably from one place to another, but the increase in the number of vehicles circulating in large cities significantly increases their carbon footprint, causing irreparable damage to the ozone layer.\nHow did World Car Free Day originate?\nThe origin of this world day dates back to 1973, when several European countries saw their oil and therefore fuel reserves limited because the Arab countries allied in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) suspended the sale of oil to the countries that supported Israel during the Yom Kippur war.\nThus, some alternatives to reduce the use of vehicles began to emerge, such as the rationing of petrol, as well as the promotion of the use of more efficient means of transport.\nIn October 1994, a number of cities around the world began to implement Car Free Day. The pioneers were Reykjavik (Iceland), La Rochelle (France) and Bath (UK).\nGreat Britain became the first country to adopt this initiative on a national level in 1997. As early as 2000, the European Commission declared 22 September as World Car Free Day, extending the activities associated with the celebration for a whole week, known as European Mobility Week.\nWhy is it advisable not to use the car?\nThe reason for proclaiming a World Car Free Day was mainly focused on raising awareness of the real use that should be made of this means of transport.\nGenerally, people tend to travel comfortably in their cars even for short distances, increasing traffic, chaos and air pollution.\nRoad traffic contributes to the emission of highly harmful gases and particles generated by the internal combustion engines of vehicles, such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxides (NOx).\nOn the other hand, the continuous use of vehicles implies a fixed cost that affects household income: petrol, parking, preventive and corrective maintenance, insurance payments and taxes.\nCars not only generate more environmental and noise pollution. They also contribute to an increase in traffic accidents and loss of life.\nThey also encourage people to be sedentary by not walking to get around, causing consequences in the body, such as morbid obesity.\nThe initiative to create this World Walking Day allows us to reconnect with our bodies and the environment. It also promotes the various transport and mobility alternatives, such as the underground train system (metro), the use of bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades and, why not, simply walking.\nShare useful and interesting information on social media about World Carfree Day, using the hashtag #worldcarfreeday", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Climate change is the single biggest threat to native salmonids in California, according to a new study from California Trout and the University of California, Davis.\nBy Alastair Bland\nCONSERVATION GROUPS, FISHING organizations and biologists have been working tirelessly for decades to protect California’s trout and salmon. They have restored floodplains where juveniles find food and shelter, are arranging to remove obstructive dams from the Klamath River and are constantly badgering water agencies to maintain suitable flows in important spawning streams\nBut a new report released Tuesday suggests their efforts may be largely for naught. Three-fourths of California’s native species and subspecies of salmonids may be extinct within 100 years, according to biologists at the University of California, Davis, and the watershed advocacy group California Trout. In their study, “State of the Salmonids II: Fish in Hot Water,” the authors warned that climate change impacts and the severe degradation of habitat of wild rivers that continues to this day could extinguish almost half of California’s 32 types of native salmon and trout within 50 years.\nMaintaining populations of wild salmon and trout is important since it essentially requires maintaining healthy sources of clean, cold water, which is good for much more than just fish. “Resilient fish populations indicate healthy waters, important for drinking water, agriculture, commerce and the health of people and the environments in which we live,” the report notes. “Declining fish populations indicate degraded waters, which threaten the health and economic well-being of all Californians.”\nAccording to the report, the most threatened of California’s native salmonids are the southern steelhead, the winter-run Sacramento River Chinook salmon and the Central California coho salmon. The bull trout, last seen in California in the McCloud River in 1975, is already locally extinct. The coastal rainbow trout, the biologists said, may be California’s only native salmonid to survive for the long haul in any abundance.\nThe scientists wrote that agricultural demands for river water, population growth and alteration of the San Francisco Bay and Delta ecosystem are major factors affecting salmonids’ long-term survival odds. Fish hatcheries that boost catchable numbers of salmon and steelhead but dilute native species’ gene pools are also problematic. Wildfires, which are getting bigger and more frequent, also pose a threat to mountain trout populations.\nNo single stressor, however, is likely to outweigh the broad and devastating impacts of climate change.\n“It is the major, overarching anthropogenic threat affecting salmonids in California,” the authors wrote.\nRiver water just a few degrees above a critical threshold can easily kill salmon and trout at any of their life stages, from fertilized egg to spawning adult. This makes rising temperatures especially worrisome. Because mountain snowpack will melt earlier and faster each year under warmer conditions, streams may swell more rapidly to flood stages in the spring, then quickly diminish again in the hot, dry summer months – precisely when certain runs of fish need cold water the most.\nWarming trends could also upend wind and current cycles that drive ocean upwelling, which brings nutrients to the surface and provides food for salmon. Even sea level rise, caused by the melting of polar ice caps, will impact salmon by submerging valuable marshland and lagoons where young fish find shelter and food, the report states.\nBut the authors said there is hope for preserving fish populations. Curtis Knight, executive director of California Trout, said at a press conference Tuesday that restoring mountain meadows could be one effective strategy for keeping spawning streams flowing all year. That’s because meadows can absorb water like giant sponges and release it slowly into creeks through the dry summer months – a service currently provided by summer snowpack but which is threatened by global warming.\nThe authors also recommended restoring floodplains alongside rivers. Research by California Trout has demonstrated that flooding seasonal cropland in the Sacramento Valley can significantly improve survival rates of juvenile Chinook salmon born far upstream. Inundated floodplains provide young fish with abundant food as well as refuge from predators and deadly irrigation pumps.\nReport coauthor Peter Moyle, a biologist with U.C. Davis’s Center for Watershed Sciences, wrote in a foreword to the study that preserving salmon and trout in California will make waves far beyond the state’s own waters.\n“[W]hat we Californians do to enhance the resilience of our native fishes is likely to set examples for the rest of the world,” Moyle wrote.\nIn a statement, Knight said that keeping cold water flowing through a natural stream channel – the basic conditions that trout and salmon need – shouldn’t be a terribly difficult task in California.\n“We’re the innovators, the pioneers, one of the most important food-producing regions in the world, and the leaders in technology,” he wrote. “What would the loss of our native fish mean for who we are?”\nOriginally appeared at newsdeeply.com", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- Watershed Inventory Workbook for Indiana [PDF]:\n- This workbook is designed for groups who are beginning to develop watershed management plans and are seeking guidance to complete a watershed inventory.\n- U.S. EPA Handbook, Chapter 5 (Gather Existing Data and Create a Watershed Inventory) [PDF] and Chapter 6 U.S. EPA Handbook (Identify Data Gaps and Collect Additional Data if Needed) [PDF]:\n- These chapters contain information to assist in planning your inventory efforts. Read these chapters to find out what kind of data you need, where you can find it, and what to do if you need to collect new data.\n- Chapters 3-4 Indiana Watershed Planning Guide:\n- The Indiana Watershed Planning Guide provides watershed management planning information to Indiana’s watershed groups and communities. These chapters provide tips and resources for performing both water quality and land use investigations.\n- U.S. EPA: How’s My Waterway:\n- How's My Waterway was designed to provide the public with information about the condition of their local waters based on data that states, federal, tribal, local agencies and others have provided to U.S. EPA. Water quality information is displayed on 3 scales in How’s My Waterway: community, state and national. More recent or more detailed water information may exist that is not yet available through U.S. EPA databases or other sources.\nIntegrating Community Concerns\n- Stakeholder Involvement: See \"Planning\" section\nTier I: Desktop / Base Layers\n- Interactive Maps and Geospatial Downloading (IndianaMap):\n- Through the IndianaMap the Indiana Geological Survey offers a suite of interactive mapping tools and data layers which allow users to create custom maps using a variety of geographic, geologic, environmental, and demographic content. The maps can be viewed or printed at any scale using only a Web browser. Desktop GIS users may also connect to the map services directly and download the data for use with existing GIS applications.\n- GIS Links for Watershed Management Planning [DOC]:\n- Need GIS data to download into your desktop GIS software? Don’t have desktop software and want to use online mapping? Go to this page to see online sources of data.\n- U.S. EPA’s EnviroFacts Data Warehouse and U.S. EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO):\n- EnviroFacts is a database that is connected to state databases in many program areas, including permitted dischargers, drinking water facilities, brownfields, hazardous waste sites, grants awarded in area of interest, and compliance history. Although the site states that information from Indiana has been frozen since 2006, Indiana’s records are available in the database, aside from the occasional glitch. For more detailed information about a facility’s compliance history, check out U.S. EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website. Note that the quarters out of compliance information may not be accurate, but the effluent charts are very useful.\nWater Monitoring Data\n- Indiana’s 303(d) Impaired Waters List and Total Maximum Daily Load reports:\n- Indiana’s 303(d) Impaired Waters List contains a listing of waterbody segments that have been determined by the state as impaired. States are required to prepare Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reports for all waterbodies on the 303(d) Impaired Waters List. These reports include data for the pollutant of concern and can provide the basis for a watershed management plan.\n- Indiana Water Monitoring Inventory:\n- The Water Monitoring Inventory is a Google based map of water monitoring stations across the state. It includes site name, parameters sampled, and dates sampling has occurred or is occurring, as well as how to obtain the data collected. Inclusion on this site is voluntary, so although it is the most comprehensive clearinghouse of data, it may not include everything. You may also upload your data to this site.\n- USGS Stream Gage Data (Flow):\n- Flow and stage data for streams that contain a USGS gage are available from this site. Bookmark this Web site to assist in calculating loads if you have not collected flow data during your sampling effort. This site even includes a tutorial to help you retrieve data and interpret the results.\n- Geographic Information System (GIS) Tools for Watershed Management:\n- This Web site contains links to several Web-based GIS tools, including an online watershed delineation tool that calculates the watershed area draining to a point selected on an interactive map. Once you have delineated the watershed, you can use other tools on the Web site to estimate the impervious area, run hydrologic models such as L-THIA or download the data for use in a GIS program.\n- Google Maps and Google Earth:\n- Google Maps and Google Earth can give you the “bird’s eye view” of your watershed. From this vantage point, you can get a general picture of land use, potentially see sediment plumes, identify riparian buffers, and even see some structural practices. You can also use Google Maps to record and share information in a free, online format\nTier II: Field / Windshield Survey\n- Michigan DEQ Stream Crossing Watershed Survey Procedure:\n- This manual includes information on how to design a watershed survey, as well as field data sheets that can be used to record observations.\n- Watershed Inventory Workbook for Indiana:\n- This workbook provides a detailed instruction on what to look for as you are conducting a windshield survey in your watershed. It also includes blank worksheets for your use.\n- Windshield Survey Forms:\n- These are a few examples of windshield survey forms from local watershed groups and around the web that you can use or tailor to fit your specific windshield survey data collection needs.\n- Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual series field data sheets [PDF]:\n- Various visual assessment field data sheets for urban settings, including outfalls, erosion, channel modification, trash and debris, as well as others. Some data sheets may be applicable to suburban watersheds as well. Note: There is no charge to download the materials, but you will need to create an account first.\n- Monitoring Water in Indiana: Choices for Nonpoint Source and Other Watershed Projects (aka \"The Purdue Handbook\")\n- This project was commissioned by the IDEM Nonpoint Source Program to guide sponsors of Section 319 grants in how to conduct water quality monitoring. The handbook lays out required and supplemental parameters, possible monitoring objectives, references to how other Indiana agencies monitor water quality, and Indiana water quality standards or potential targets. Though not required for non-grantees, all watershed groups may find the guide helpful for answering their monitoring questions.\n- National Environmental Methods Index:\n- Want to know the different ways you can measure nitrogen? Not sure how you are going to collect biological information? Use this Web site maintained by the United States Geological Survey to decode those elusive methods and find out how professionals measure water quality parameters. There’s even an estimate of cost associated with each method.\n- USGS Water Resources:\n- Use this Web site to find USGS data and publications on your watershed, general surface water quality information, stream gage information, daily streamflow conditions and specific information for Indiana. This is a large site – look around and find out what is useful for you.\n- NRCS Handbooks:\n- Handbooks related to animal waste management, hydrology, nutrient management, nutrient credit trading, pest management, stream restoration, water management and water quality assessment are available at this site. Though the water quality assessment handbook [PDF] is probably most pertinent for this stage of planning, poke around and don’t miss any of the good stuff in these handbooks!\n- Catalog of Monitoring Protocols Used by Indiana Agencies:\n- This Web site has compiled monitoring protocols information for all of Indiana’s state and federal agencies into one convenient site. No access code is required to access the site, but the site cannot be edited without permission from Purdue University.\n- IDEM External Data Framework:\n- The external data framework describes IDEM Office of Water Quality (OWQ) policy regarding the agency use of external data, the guidelines for submitting data and the technical assistance necessary to facilitate greater collaboration between OWQ and external parties.\n- Hoosier Riverwatch Training Manual, Chapter 2 [PDF]:\n- Designing a water quality study is not a cookie cutter affair. Chapter two of this manual walks you through the questions you should answer in order to design an appropriate monitoring program.\n- Extension Publications on Designing Your Monitoring Strategy:\n- One size does not fit all when it comes to monitoring. Check out the “Designing Your Monitoring Strategy” and “Monitoring Matrix” portion of this page for tips on what to think about when you are putting your program together.\n- Sampling Cost Table [PDF]:\n- Unfortunately, tight budgets have an influence on study design. Use this reference, put together by TetraTech, to help determine what parameters and protocols you can afford.\n- U.S. EPA’s Volunteer Monitor’s Guide to Quality Assurance Project Plans [PDF]:\n- General information regarding quality assurance project plans and monitoring programs across the nation. The guide also provides a good introduction to quality assurance, which determines the reliability of data.\n- IDEM Nonpoint Source Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Guidance:\n- An introduction to the QAPP, including why you need one! The checklist, guidance and template are required for Section 319 grantees, but others will find it useful as well.\n- Hoosier Riverwatch Volunteer Stream Monitoring Training:\n- Hoosier Riverwatch training takes you through the basic theory and practice of taking stream samples and habitat measurements so that you can go back to your watershed and sample streams. During the training you will practice using the test kits and interpreting your results.\n- U.S. EPA Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadable Rivers [PDF]:\n- This handbook provides a method to measure habitat, periphyton (algae), benthic macroinvertebrates and fish. Appendices include sample field and laboratory data sheets, instructions for completing the data sheets, and examples of high quality and low-quality streams for each parameter. While data collection is relatively easy using these protocols, analysis requires a higher level of sophistication.\n- Example Spreadsheets, Data Sheets, and Forms (Spreadsheet Template for Chemistry and Biological Samples [XLS], Field Data Sheet examples [PDF], Chain of Custody forms [DOC])\n- These spreadsheets, forms, and data sheets can be used or tailored to help meet your water quality data collection and management needs. Additional examples are also available:\nAnalysis and Interpretation\n- U.S. EPA Handbook (Analyze Data to Characterize the Watershed and Pollutant Sources), Chapter 7 [PDF]:\n- This chapter provides information on how to analyze your data, including identifying locations and timing of impairments, as well as potential sources.\n- Section 319 Guidance Document on Water Quality Targets:\n- This document includes a summary of water quality parameters that watershed groups are often concerned with, the associated Indiana Water Quality Standard (where applicable), and example targets and references for parameters for which standards currently do not exist.\n- Data2Maps (D2M):\n- Locally led watershed projects need to be able to demonstrate what the water quality data of their local area is in order to attract support. Being able to show people where the problems are in the watershed is an important tool for building public support. D2M is a custom Excel application in which users can overlay their sampling data on static maps and do preliminary assessment and analyses. The outputs can be printed directly from D2M or pasted into other applications (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word) for outreach and reporting materials.\n- Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology (CALM) [DOC]:\n- This document outlines how IDEM makes decisions on the waters that it assesses. Use the document to gain insight into how to interpret your own data.\n- Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) [PDF]:\n- This Ohio EPA document describes how to conduct a habitat assessment. A field data sheet [PDF] can also be found here.\n- Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (mIBI):\n- IDEM is currently developing a new protocol for the mIBI. The updated protocol will be posted when it becomes available. (Currently Unavailable)\n- Indiana Trophic State Index:\n- An index that scores water quality in Indiana lakes which was developed in 1972 after a modified BonHomme Index.\n- A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Social Profile for Watershed Planning [PDF]:\n- A social profile will tell you the demographics of your area, the attitudes of residents, economic vitality of the area, and land use trends in the watershed. Not only will the science illustrate what is physically happening in the watershed, but this profile will allow you to better understand why it is happening.\n- Load Estimate / Modeling: See \"Planning\" Section\n- Indicators: See \"Evaluate\" Section", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Friday, 16 August 2019\nInteractive charts, tables and graphics removed. Subscribers see full content\nEnergimyndigheten, the Swedish issuing body, released a statement yesterday announcing that Swedish EECS-GOs will be stopped from being imported to the region of Flanders, Belgium. The law governing this decision comes into force on the 17th of August 2019.\nThe Belgian region of Flanders decided on the 3rd of April that GOs from electricity production, measured prior to the electricity being fed into the grid is not eligible for GOs (see our previous\nInterested in Green Certificate pricing, insights and analytics?\nContact us to get a free trial.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Archives of Biological Sciences 2010 Volume 62, Issue 2, Pages: 407-418\nFull text ( 303 KB)\nEffects of the control method (Goč variety) in selection forest management in Western Serbia\nMedarević M., Banković S., Pantić D., Obradović Snežana\nThe control method, one of the most reliable methods of selection forest management, has been applied in selection forests of western Serbia in a somewhat modified form (Goč variety) for fifty years. This paper analyzes the effects of the control method, i.e. its Goč variety, in the period from 1960/70 - 2000. It is based on the data of five successive complete inventories of the Forest Management Unit (FMU) 'Tara', whose high selection forest of spruce, fir and beech (Piceo-Abieti-Fagetum subass. typicum) trees on diluvium, brown and illimerised soil on limestone, and on limestone in formation with hornfels, are the best quality and the most spacious forests in the Management Class MC 491/1. The effects were monitored through the changes in the distribution of the number of trees and volume per diameter classes, separately for fir as the protagonist of the selection structure, and collectively at the level of a compartment, a typical representative of MC 491/1. Also, the analysis included the changes in the number of trees, volume, current volume increment, yield, and number of recruited trees per unit area (1 ha) by tree species in MC 491/1, occupying an area of 2,648.78 ha. The study results show that in the study period the average volume in MC 491/1 increased by 18.8%, the percentage of conifers increased from 66.0% to 78.5%, and the bearer of the changes was fir. The volume of the mean fir tree increased by 35.9% and it attained 1.086 m3. The volume increment increased by 15.7%. The selection structure of conifers was satisfactory, but there were problems with beech regeneration, in its stable presence and in its achievement of the targeted structure. The number of trees per unit area (1 ha) decreased, which in the long run could have detrimental consequences, but the sustainability in general was satisfactory. The levels of regeneration and recruitment were satisfactory. The health of the trees was improved; the stands were healthy, vital, and biologically and functionally stable. The study results point not only to a series of positive effects of the several-decades' long implementation of the Goč variety of the control method, but also to some problems, the understanding of which will have a corrective role in the future management of selection forests in western Serbia.\nKeywords: Control method, Goč variety, effects, selection forest\nMore data about this article available through SCIndeks", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Strategic Advisor and Empower Management Board Member\nDr. Evan Blumer has worked for more than 25 years to integrate wildlife, habitat and energy conservation strategies with new, sustainable development models. Trained as a Wildlife Veterinarian and Conservation Biologist, Evan spent much of his career building the Wilds, one of the largest and most innovative Conservation, Science and Education Centers in the world.\nIn addition to his work with wildlife and habitat conservation, Evan’s efforts at the Wilds also resulted in the development of new models for the integration of advanced energy and land-use strategies, including (with David Wilhelm) the original ideas behind the Turning Point Solar project. Evan now works on numerous international sustainable development projects, including a broad array of advanced and transitional energy strategies. Evan’s academic training includes Bucknell University (B.S.), State University of N.Y. at Stony Brook (M.S.), and the University of Pennsylvania (V.M.D. and Ph.D. program).", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "According to research, the UK consumed 309.3 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in 2016.\nIn 2016, the primary sources of electricity generation were fossil fuels (67.3%), nuclear power (21.1%), renewables (11.4%) and other sources (0.2%).\nLet’s have a quick look at each energy source below.\nThese are the largest source of electricity generation, accounting for around two-thirds of all ages in 2016.\nThere are many fossil fuels, but coal and gas are the most used sources to produce electricity.\nCoal is a fossil fuel and the largest source of electricity generation in the UK.\nIn 2016, coal-fired power stations generated around a quarter of all electricity.\nHowever, coal use has been declining in recent years due to some factors, including introduction of environmental regulations, the rise of renewable energy and the fall in global coal prices.\nAs a result, several coal-fired power stations have closed or are scheduled to close in the coming years.\nIn addition, gas is a fossil fuel and the second-largest source of electricity generation in the UK.\nIn 2016, gas-fired power stations generated around 40% of all electricity.\nGas use has grown as some coal-fired power stations have closed in recent years.\nGas is also an essential fuel for domestic heating and cooking, as well as for industry.\nNuclear power is the third-largest source of electricity generation in the UK. In 2016, these power stations generated around 21% of all electricity.\nNuclear power has been a controversial matter in the UK, with some accidents and incidents raising safety concerns.\nHowever, nuclear power is considered a low-carbon energy source and plays an essential role in helping to meet climate change goals.\nAs of now, renewables are currently the second-largest source of electricity after fossil fuels.\nThe majority of renewable generation comes from wind power (6.3% of total generation), followed by biomass (2.7%), hydropower (1.9%) and solar PV (1.5%).\nIn 2016, renewables generated around 11% of all electricity.\nRenewables are a crucial part of the UK’s strategy to decarbonise the electricity system and meet climate change targets.\nEnergy in the UK Now\nOverall, electricity generation in the UK has undergone a significant transformation.\nThe share of generation from renewables has increased, while the share from coal has declined sharply.\nBut, due to the increasing cost of gas used to generate a large proportion of the UK’s electricity, wholesale business energy prices in the UK have risen significantly in recent years.\nThe increase in wholesale gas price is primarily due to the increasing cost of imported gas, as the UK has become increasingly reliant on imports to meet its needs.\nIt is also affected by the amount of renewable energy produced.\nIndeed, renewables are generally more expensive to generate than fossil fuels, so prices go up when they make up a more significant proportion of the mix.\nThe UK government has introduced several measures to keep gas prices down to cope with the increasing costs, such as investing in new nuclear power and encouraging energy efficiency.\nHowever, these have not been enough to offset the rising costs.\nAs a result, electricity prices for consumers have also been rising.\nThe average household bill has gone up by around £100 in the last few years. Now it is about £1,200 a year.\nThe government is currently under pressure to do more to help reduce the cost of living for families.\nHowever, it is unclear how they can do this without affecting the security of supply or increasing carbon emissions.\nThe UK has dedicated itself to reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels.\nHowever, this will require a significant electricity system transformation, as it currently relies heavily on fossil fuels.\nThey also need to ensure enough electricity generation capacity to meet future demand.\nThis is a challenge as some older power stations will close in the coming years.\nFinally, the UK government has pledged to keep energy bills as low as possible for households and businesses.\nThis is a challenge given the need to invest in new low-carbon infrastructure and the fall in global energy prices.\nRoles and Responsibilities: Ofgem and National Grid\nTo keep everything related to energy in check, two essential organisations play a significant role in the electricity system in the UK: Ofgem and the National Grid.\nLet’s take a look at their roles and responsibilities below:\nOfgem is the primary government regulator for the electricity and gas markets in England, Wales and Scotland.\nOfgem’s central role is to safeguard the interests of consumers by encouraging competition and ensuring that prices are fair.\nIt also has many other responsibilities, such as setting environmental standards and approving new power stations.\nNational Grid manages the flow of electricity around England, Wales, and Scotland. It does this by offsetting supply and demand in real-time.\nNational Grid also owns and operates many vital pieces of infrastructure, such as power stations, transmission lines and substations.\nIn addition, National Grid is responsible for ensuring enough generating capacity to meet peak demand.\nThis includes maintaining a reserve margin of power, which they can use to meet sudden increases in demand or unexpected outages.\nHow Does The Market For Electricity Work In The Uk?\nHere are some quick Business Energy Insights. The UK electricity market is a wholesale market, where generators sell electricity to suppliers at varying prices. As a result, the cost of electricity changes depending on demand and supply conditions.\nSuppliers then sell electricity to consumers at fixed prices. The price at which they buy electricity and the price at which they sell it is known as the ‘supplier margin’.\nDifference Between a Supplier and Distributor\nYou might be wondering if there is a difference between an electricity supplier and an electricity distributor.\nAn electricity supplier is a company that sells electricity to consumers. An electricity distributor is a company that owns and operates the wires and infrastructure that delivers electricity to homes and businesses.\nThere are six major electricity suppliers in the UK: British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON UK, Npower, ScottishPower, and SSE. There are also several smaller suppliers.\nElectricity distributors include UK Power Networks (which covers London and the South East), Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (which covers Scotland and the South of England) and Western Power Distribution (which covers the Midlands, Wales and the South West).\nWith so many factors affecting the cost of business energy, it would be best to take advantage of professional advice from business energy consultants.\nThey can guide how to get the most from your business energy supplier and provide an in-depth breakdown to save your business money.\nHave a look at 9 Simple Tips for Improving Workflow Efficiency, Best Victorian Era Shows of All Time, Logistics Customer Portal Development from Scratch & How to Stay Connected on Long Business Trips.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Gerd Dijkstra is a local entrepreneur, who runs Cafeteria Goudenregen, kite shop Vliegerzone, teaches Filipino and Indonesian martial arts delivers mail and practices sustainable lifestyle. His house is completely powered by green energy, and this part, he explained to me how sustainable living benefits his family and the community.\nBy: Eimantas Zemaitis\nGerd’s interest in sustainable energy stems from his youth and he started practising it out of necessity. Now he advocates sustainable lifestyle because he wants to empower people to be independent of non-renewable energy sources. “When we first bought our current house in Leeuwarden, we used to get a massive energy bill. It was a big building, so we had to pay about 480 euros every month. The energy situation inside the house was terrible – it was the coldest house I’ve ever lived in. Therefore, I did some isolation and energy projects, and now we have our own self-sustainable house. We barely use any external energy anymore, and we flush only with rainwater. This has something to do with the money, but the general idea is also to be independent of unsustainable energy sources – gas, oil and fossil fuels. The same is with our boat, where we use only collected energy and water, so being independent is bigger than just money.”\nSwitching to green energy is self-sustainable\nGerd also told me that people often lag in switching to the green energy because it seems too expensive, but they fail to see the long-term benefits. “For us, it all started with investment into three panels, then I got six, then nine, twelve, twenty and so on (laughs). Collecting green energy is addicting. But the most interesting part is that all the upgrades come from the saved money. For example, the first solar panels saved me around 900 euros. From those 900 euros, I did new energy things. Following year it helped me to save 1200 euros. I’ve reinvested them and bought more solar panels. Essentially, I invest the money it saves me back into the system, so I keep on upgrading. That’s the smart way to handle it. Now it came to the point that I sell and help to install solar panels. When you take money from non-sustainable sources to install renewable energy, then the system starts to sustain itself. And that’s how it should be done.”\nRecycling and reusing also saves energy\nEnergy is just one way to look at sustainability. Dijkstra family also reuse, give away or sell items for reuse. “In our cafeteria, we sort all kind of things for recycling: cans of coke, the oil from the snack bar and paper; later on we bring it to the recycling points and get paid for it. Also, all the food leftovers go to the compost which I use to amend soil for my plants. Amongst my plants, I grow sunflower seeds and peppers, which then I dry and feed to my parrots. It’s not a lot of course, but everything little contributes. Instead of throwing away, we give away food buckets from the snack bar, so people use them again. By recycling and reusing, we also produce less garbage. Before, the garbage truck had to clean our containers every week, but now it only comes every two weeks. As a result, the garbage truck now has to drive less, and we reduced our bill from 200 to 60 euros. So essentially, it works on two sides: financial and public interest. People forget, that it also takes fuel and energy to, for example, make a bucket, so they must be aware that the general idea of reusing and recycling is bigger.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Eight days after the collision of two large transport ships off Gibraltar, the authorities have given the all-clear for the environment.\nPumping out the heavy oil was the salvage crews' biggest concern. According to official information, only a little oil had recently flowed into the sea. The water in the Bay of Gibraltar is now largely clean again, with the exception of the part within the second oil barrier. Therefore, the complete resumption of regular port operations and fishing is being considered.\nThe 178 meter long bulk carrier \"OS 35\", loaded with steel, collided with a liquid gas tanker on its way to the Dutch port of Vlissingen late Monday evening for reasons that are still unclear and then ran aground in shallow water off a beach on the east side of Gibraltar due to water ingress been. Some beaches in Gibraltar and in neighboring Spain had been polluted by the spilled fuel, and shimmering streaks of oil could be seen on the sea.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "More than two and a half years have passed since Cody and Ashley Murray’s water well exploded, transforming their Palo Pinto County ranch into an emergency scene.\nWith their burns healed and gone to scars, the couple and their two young children have since returned to their 160 acres outside of Perrin, about 60 miles northwest of Fort Worth.\nThe Murrays still lack a trusted source of local drinking water. And they're still waiting for answers about whether nearby gas production was to blame for the fireball that shot toward Cody’s face that August day — and why the Texas Railroad Commission, the state’s oil and gas regulator, seemed to miss signs warning that something like that could happen in their cattle-and-pumpjack-sprinkled slice of the Barnett Shale.\nOutside experts have linked the explosion to nearby gas drilling. The Railroad Commission won’t comment on details of its investigation, other to confirm that it remains open.\n“There is nothing new to report at this time,” spokeswoman Ramona Nye told The Texas Tribune. “The Commission takes this and every incident we investigate very seriously.”\nThe blast was caused by a buildup of methane gas in the water well that caused enough pressure to send water spraying in the family's pump house. Ashley Murray turned off the well pump and asked her husband to investigate, and when he turned it back on, the gas exploded, severely burning Cody, his father Jim; and Alyssa, Cody’s 4-year-old daughter.\nCody Murray took the brunt of the flames; with burns on his arms, upper back, neck, forehead and nose, the former oilfield worker spent a week in a burn unit.\nThe Murrays sued two nearby drillers in 2015. After Houston-based EOG Resources settled, the Murrays' attorneys have turned their attention to Fairway Resources, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, claiming the company's well was the source of the gas that ignited.\nThe Murrays are seeking more than $1 million in damages in the lawsuit, now in a Tarrant County district court. Their attorneys would not make family members available for interviews.\nMatthew Eagleston, president and CEO of Fairway Resources, declined to comment, citing company policy. Fairway’s attorneys did not respond to interview requests.\nIn a January court filing, four experts hired by the Murrays' attorneys said the wayward methane — along with chemicals from drilling mud — escaped a poorly-sealed Fairway gas well and meandered through underground fractures into the Murrays’ pump house.\nThe company drilled its JT Cook #2 well in 2013, and a month later the Singletons, who live a quarter mile down the road from the Murrays and have joined them in the lawsuit, told the Railroad Commission their faucets were spouting cloudy water. The explosion at the Murrays' property happened 10 months after Fairway drilled the gas well, which sits less than 900 feet from the Singletons' water well and roughly 2,000 from the Murrays' pump house.\nAn EnergyWire investigation published in June first highlighted gaps in the Railroad Commission’s probe, and raised questions about how closely the agency scrutinized the Singletons' initial complaints. Railroad Commission inspectors at the time quickly ruled out energy production as a factor in the Singletons' water problems, but testing from other agencies contradicted the commission’s findings.\nChristopher Hamilton, the Murrays' attorney, acknowledges the difficulty of proving that oil and gas activities — let alone a specific well — polluted a water well hundreds of feet away. But he views this case, expected to go to trial in October, as “open-and-shut.”\n“It’s really incontrovertible,” Hamilton said of the evidence he’s collected. “Sometimes the science just overwhelms.”\nHis hired experts include: Thomas Darrah, a geochemist at Ohio State University; Franklin Schwartz, an Ohio State University hydrologist; Zacariah Hildenbrand, chief scientific officer at Inform Environmental; and Anthony Ingraffea, a civil engineering professor at a Cornell University with expertise in hydraulic fracturing.\nIngraffea wrote of at least three likely pathways for gas to escape Fairway’s well, which he said was constructed with “bare-bones” protections and operated carelessly. The well also violated commission standards, Ingraffea wrote, notably because it lacked a Bradenhead gauge, a device that could monitor pressure and help detect leaks.\nDarrah, who compared gases found in local water wells to Fairway’s gas, concluded: “The JT Cook #2 oil and gas well displays a geochemical match to samples of groundwater in the Singleton's and Murray's water wells in all of the measured data.”\nHildenbrand's analysis linked a drilling mud additive found in the Murrays' water — called Chem Seal — to Fairway's drilling.\nAnd Schwartz found fault with a Railroad Commission analysis that ruled out the Barnett Shale as a source for the Murrays' methane and said it wasn't clear whether the gas could have escaped from a shallower rock formation. The commission's experts, Schwartz said, failed to account for “physical, chemical and isotopic processes” that alter gas underground.\nThe Commission declined to answer specific questions about its investigation into the explosion.\n“As with any incident, our technical experts base their work on the appropriate science and data necessary to complete a thorough and comprehensive investigation,” Nye said.\nRebecca Norris, who lives just west of the Murrays, doesn’t expect the commission to do much of anything.\n“Oh yeah, right,” the 66-year-old retiree responded after a reporter told her that the commission was still investigating.\nIn September 2015, the Tribune reported that Norris, who said can see a handful of gas wells from her bedroom window, never heard back after telling the commission that her water was turning everything — the sinks, the tub — orange. Nye promised at the time to find out why her agency never followed up.\nEighteen months later, Norris said orange “crud” still settles around the bottom of drinking glasses. She said she's the only one in her house who can stomach the water, and her grown daughter and son “won’t even go near it,” when they visit. “They say it tastes terrible,” Norris said.\nNorris said the Railroad Commission still hasn’t called. Nye said this week she was looking into it.\n“I feel like they’re not doing their job,” Norris said. “You think: ‘Why are they not following through on what they said they’d do?’\"\n- The explosion of a Palo Pinto County's water well could reboot an emotional debate about whether years of frenzied drilling in one of the country’s largest gas fields has put groundwater at risk.\nTexas is among several states grappling with a surge of abandoned drilling sites and dwindling funds to clean them up.\nTexas regulators have allowed energy companies in recent years to inject toxic materials into at least a “handful” of underground sources of drinking water, records show.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- Duration: 15 Minutes (approx.)\n- Location: Crafers, South Australia\n- Product code: A100136001\nAll of the birds in our Cockatoo Aviary are rescued or rehabilitated animals who have bonded closely with humans, and therefore cannot be released back into the wild. By providing up-close experiences, these birds will act as ambassadors for their species, educating guests about the plight of these birds in the wild, the issues around human contact, and the difficulties concerning captive raising of birds that can live for 50 years or more.\n- Come inside our Cockatoo Aviary and embark on a very memorable experience with our resident cockatoos, as they engage with you.\n- These birds have either been rescued or hand-raised, and have an affinity with humans. We are keen to share their stories with you, and offer you the chance to get up-close with these beautiful birds and get to know them better.\n- Under the supervision of one of our experienced keepers, there is a high likelihood that our birds will fly and land on you, spending time on your arms and shoulders while also feeding from your hand. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to take photos on your own device.\n- Through demonstration, you will explore the different adaptations and feeding behaviours of the various species. Learn about their conservation status, their life span, and how we can create habitat for our magnificent parrots by protecting and planting natural food sources.\n- Your participation in this experience helps us to save these magnificent birds. For every Cockatoo Experience ticket sold, Cleland Wildlife Park volunteers will propagate and plant a habitat or food plant for these species, helping to conserve wild populations into the future.\nAge: 6 years and over. Children must be accompanied by a paying adult.\nTime: 11:00am (guests to meet at Information Booth 5 minutes prior)\nNumber: 1 to 4 guests\nDuration: 15 minutes\nCost: $17.00 per person (please note price increase to $17.50 per person from\nTo avoid the disappointment of missing out, please book online to secure your spot, prior to visiting the park.\nAvailable as a Gift Voucher", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "People In Action has received a $250 Garden Grant Award from the Food Bank of Central New York to plant a vegetable garden in Springfield Gardens in DeWitt\nThe grant includes $250 worth of seeds, soil, compost, soil testing, and a raised cedar bed.\nRobin Neal, community food security coordinator, took soil samples, installed the raised bed, and showed members how to plant the garden. The garden was planted May 26 on the north side of the David J. Klim Recreation and Education Center. Members and families will provide periodic maintenance and harvesting.\nFood grown will be served in the People In Action programs, and any excess food will go to the food pantry in Springfield Gardens. PIA is a community enrichment program addressing the needs of Springfield Garden Apartments residents. It is operated by the town of DeWitt’s Parks & Recreation Department.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Region preparing water systems for climate change challenges2 min readReading Time: 2 minutes\nBy Scott Cressman\nOur community needs clean drinking water and reliable wastewater treatment, but a changing climate will create new challenges for those critical services. The Region is working now to prepare for those challenges.\nHotter temperatures, more intense rain, less snow and higher winds are a few of the changes projected for our area in the coming decades. The Region’s Water Services division is analyzing those impacts now, so we can prepare our systems.\n“We’re asking ‘how is the climate changing and what are we doing about it?’” explained Kaoru Yajima, senior engineer with Water Services.\nRegion staff are using predictions from the University of Waterloo’s Climate Institute that show our local weather getting warmer, wetter and more extreme in the coming decades.\n“We need to be ready for what the climate change experts are predicting, to ensure we have reliable water and wastewater services we can all count on,” Yajima said.\nClimate change considerations can influence how Water Services builds new infrastructure and operates its facilities. With good monitoring and planning, we can prepare for changes we’ve never seen before. Ways we are adapting now include:\n- Building new infrastructure above the flood line to be ready for more flooding\n- Adopting strategies to manage peak flows in our wastewater treatment plants due to increased rainfall\n- Proactive sewer pipe inspections and repairs to stop leaks due to increased rainfall\nThese are examples of an Adaptation approach. Another approach is Mitigation, which means reducing the greenhouse gases we release into the atmosphere. Water Services is doing this, too. In the last few years, we’ve reduced our carbon footprint by upgrading our wastewater treatment facilities to capture biogas and use it to power our facilities. Another new cutting-edge technology in wastewater plants decreases our energy and physical footprint.\nWater conservation is also a key to keeping our system sustainable. Everyone can do their part to use water wisely and efficiently! High water demand means the Region must build expensive new infrastructure, and use more energy to clean and pump that water.\nClimate change is a global challenge with local impacts. The Region is taking steps to understand how changing weather will impact our critical water services. And we are taking action now to be ready.\nSidebar or footer: In June 2021, the Region of Waterloo Regional Council endorsed the TransformWR strategy, a region-wide climate action mitigation plan, aimed at reducing GHG emissions.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Washington state releases 2023 salmon return estimates\nThe U.S. state of Washington released preliminary estimates for salmon returns to its waters in 2023, with many chinook and coho runs expected to be better than 2022 in Puget Sound, the Columbia River, and Washington’s coastal areas.\nCoho returns to Puget Sound and surrounding rivers are forecast to be up in 2023 to around 760,000 wild and hatchery coho, above the 10-year average and above the 2022 result of 666,648 returning coho, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The forecast for Puget Sound chinook calls for the return of around 259,000 fish in 2023, compared to 250,440 in 2022. The return of hatchery chinook is expected to add around 10,000 fish to the total.\nThe forecasts are based on the latest scientific modeling and a variety of data including environmental indicators such as ocean conditions, numbers of juvenile salmon that migrated to marine waters, and numbers of adult salmon that returned in past years. WDFW Intergovernmental Salmon Manager Kyle Adicks said higher year-over-year estimates are being welcomed by conservationists, anglers, and Indigenous groups, but said the state’s salmon fisheries are still facing difficulties.\n“The outlook for Puget Sound Chinook is pretty similar to last year, meaning that we are still far from here we’d like to be in terms of recovery,” Adicks said.\nIn 2022, WDFW and tribal co-managers submitted a 10-year Puget Sound Chinook Harvest Management Plan to provide long-term Endangered Species Act coverage for Puget Sound fisheries. In March 2023, NOAA said the submitted plan was sufficient to move forward with formal review.\nSeparately, the odd-numbered year signifies a return of pink salmon to Puget Sound in 2023, with this year’s estimate of 3.95 million fish topping the total of 3.77 million pinks that returned in 2021.\nReturns are expected to be up relative to last year’s forecasts for most Puget Sound rivers, with the notable exception of the Skagit River in North Puget Sound, where this year’s forecast is down considerably from 2022 and will require more restrictive fishery measures to meet conservation objectives, Adicks said.\nIn the Upper Columbia River, around 84,800 summer chinook are forecasted to return in 2023, representing about 120 percent of the 10-year average return and up from 2022’s 78,500 fish. The Columbia River’s upper river fall chinook run should see about 272,400 fish return, an increase from the 254,880 that returned in 2022, while lower-river hatchery chinook, or “tules,” should number 136,100 fish, below last year’s record return of 258,300 fish but still at 149 percent of the 10-year average. The rivers overall chinook returns are expected to be on par with recent three-year returns.\n“We’re considering several options to improve the predictability of fall chinook fisheries and limit the in-season closures we've seen in the past several years,” WDFW Columbia River Fisheries Manager Ryan Lothrop said. “We’ll be leaning heavily on public input to help determine what anglers would like to see in 2023.”\nForecasts for Columbia River coho prior to fisheries occurring for the ocean and Columbia River are expected reach just over 886,000 coho in 2023, nearly double the 10-year average and an increase from the 2022 abundance of 685,000 coho. according to WDFW. And 234,500 sockeye are predicted to return to the Columbia in 2023, well below the actual return of nearly 665,000 fish. The endangered Snake River sockeye run is forecast to increase slightly to 2,600, compared to the 2022 return of 2,329 fish, according to WDFW.\nWashington coast coho returns should surpass 519,000, up from the forecast of 454,693 fish a year ago. Coho returning to Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor are expected to be up overall this year, while the number of natural-origin Grays Harbor coho is expected to be very similar to 2022 returns, according to WDFW.\nWashington state, tribal, and federal fishery managers are currently with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) through 10 March to develop options for the year's commercial and recreational ocean chinook and coho salmon fisheries.\nPhoto courtesy of Bill Perry/Shutterstock", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Moisture improved last week across Bangladesh and northeast India as moderate to heavy rains pounded the area. Those rains extended southward into Burma. The rest of southeast Asia had seasonable precipitation as coastal parts of China had positive rainfall anomalies. Seasonal dryness continues across most of the Middle East\nFurther to the southeast, rainfall has been seasonable from Thailand to Vietnam and out over Indonesia. No unusually heavy downpours, nor unusually low precipitation totals. Meanwhile in China, rainfall has been unusually heavy along the coast, including eastern parts of southern China, where rainfall is still needed to break the drought. Interior areas of southern China were not as fortunate with dry weather remaining firmly in place from Tibet eastward south of the Yangtze River.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Strawberries, Spinach Top 'Dirty Dozen' List of Pesticide-Contaminated Produce\nWhich conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables in the U.S. are most contaminated with pesticides? That's the question that the Environmental Working Group answers every year with its \"Dirty Dozen\" list of produce with the highest concentration of pesticides after being washed or peeled.\nThis year's surprise? Kale ranked number three, behind strawberries and spinach. More than 92 percent of conventionally kale samples had residue from two or more pesticides, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) tests. The last year that the USDA tested kale was in 2009, when it ranked eighth.\n\"We were surprised kale had so many pesticides on it, but the test results were unequivocal,\" EWG toxicologist Alexis Temkin, Ph.D. said in a statement announcing the new list Wednesday. \"Fruits and vegetables are an important part of everyone's diet, and when it comes to some conventionally grown produce items, such as kale, choosing organic may be a better option.\"\nEWG’s 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ is finally here, and you may be shocked at which healthy favor… https://t.co/oRyoXF1Tqw— EWG (@EWG)1553086842.0\nThe other items on the list were:\nThe \"Dirty Dozen\" is part of the EWG's annual \"Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce,\" which also includes a \"Clean Fifteen\" list of the produce with the least amount of pesticide residue. Topping that list were avocados, sweet corn and pineapples.\nThe lists are based on more than 40,900 fruit and vegetable samples tested by the USDA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Overall, pesticides were found on nearly 70 percent of non-organic produce sold in the U.S., according to EWG. One of the pesticides found was Dacthal, which was found on nearly 60 percent of kale samples. It has been found by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to possibly cause cancer in humans and has been banned from being used on crops in the EU since 2009. Another chemical found on apples, diphenylamine, has also been banned in the EU over cancer concerns.\nApples are back near the top of the #DirtyDozen™ list. What keeps them in that position? A chemical called dipheny… https://t.co/uQL9AgtnpB— EWG (@EWG)1553119207.0\nExposure to pesticides is especially dangerous for young children, EWG noted, since they are still developing. The American Academy of Pediatrics has noted there are reasons to be worried about pesticide exposure in young children, especially before birth, since exposure may lead to developmental and behavioral issues, CNN reported.\n\"Even low levels of pesticide exposure can be harmful to children,\" pediatrician Dr. Philip Landrigan said in the EWG statement. \"When possible, parents and caregivers should take steps to lower children's exposures to pesticides while still feeding them diets rich in healthy fruits and vegetables.\"\nHowever, Alliance for Food and Farming Executive Director Teresa Thorne told CNN that consumers shouldn't be afraid to buy food on the list, pointing to one study that criticized EWG's list and had found that eating organic did not reduce risk.\n\"That's largely because residues are so low, if present at all,\" she said.\nHowever, New York University Medical School environmental medicine specialist Leonardo Trasande told The Guardian that the list was \"widely respected' and was a useful guide for those wanting to know which fruits and vegetables to buy organic.\nIf buying organic is not affordable or possible, though, EWG still advises consumers to eat their veggies.\n\"The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure,\" EWG research analyst Carla Burns said.\nWhat All Parents Need to Know About Pesticides in Produce https://t.co/JtqHYjlSLe @pesticideaction @bpncamp— EcoWatch (@EcoWatch)1526867104.0\nBy Lisa Newcomb\nAnalysis released Thursday of the world's top 10 biggest plastic polluters in 15 countries reveals how major corporations hide behind the veneer of corporate responsibility while actively working to thwart regulatory legislation around the globe.\n
Out now! 📢 Our ground-breaking new report reveals the hypocrisy of the world’s biggest #plasticpolluters, who claim… https://t.co/TWutruUlqA
— Changing Markets Foundation (@Changing Markets Foundation)1600326412.0
DELAY, DISTRACT and DERAIL: 3 tactics that help Big Plastic fight plastic legislation behind the scenes across the… https://t.co/f29Pc86aMj
— GAIA (@GAIA)1600326036.0
Amount of federal government subsidies given to the fossil fuel industry every year: $15 billion. The amount it sh… https://t.co/NRWQWRiw5f
— Bernie Sanders (@Bernie Sanders)1600284448.0

Urbanic urged lawmakers to act to protect the planet.

\"The voluntary initiatives and commitments by the industry have failed,\" she said in a statement. \"Policymakers should look past the industry smokescreen and adopt proven, progressive legislation globally to create the systemic change that this crisis so urgently needs.\"

\n- 22 Facts About Plastic Pollution (And 10 Things We Can Do About It ... ›\n- Plastics: The History of an Ecological Crisis - EcoWatch ›\n- Atlantic Ocean Holds 10x More Plastic Pollution Than Previously ... ›\nEcoWatch Daily Newsletter\nThe secretive blueprints for two of the leading vaccine candidates for the coronavirus were released Thursday. Pfizer and Moderna became the first two companies among the nine leading vaccine candidates to share their study designs, hoping that the disclosures will create trust and clarity for the public, as The New York Times reported.\n- Tapes Show Trump Knew Coronavirus Was Deadly While ... ›\n- U.S. Sits out as World Leaders Pledge $8 Billion to Find a COVID-19 ... ›\n- White House Ordered Coronavirus Meetings Be Classified - EcoWatch ›\n- COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Put on Hold Over Safety Concerns ... ›\n- Drugs Touted by Trump for COVID-19 Increase Heart Risks, Studies ... ›\nNew Zealand could be the first country in the world to require its major financial institutions to report on the risks posed by the climate crisis.\nEco-friendly outdoor brand Patagonia has a colorful and timely message stitched into the tags of its latest line of shorts. \"VOTE THE A**HOLES,\" it reads.\n- 'Go Out and Vote' Patagonia Endorses Candidates for First Time in ... ›\n- Tesla, Patagonia Join Growing Resistance Against Trump - EcoWatch ›\nThis year, the UK National James Dyson Award went to a team of student designers who want to reduce the environmental impact of car tires.\n- Humans Eat More Than 100 Plastic Fibers With Each Meal - EcoWatch ›\n- Microplastics Are Raining Down on Cities - EcoWatch ›\n- Microplastics Are Wafting in on the Sea Breeze - EcoWatch ›", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Grizzly bears have been shown to be particularly effective predators of moose calves from birth to about 2 months of age and often kill adult moose in the spring.\nDo bears kill bull moose?\nDo bears hunt bull moose? In most areas, bears are the major predator on moose calves. … In these areas, black bears killed about 40% of all moose calves that were born. Most predation was by adult males.\nCan a grizzly take down a bull moose?\nIn this case the bear’s reach might exceed his grasp – a bull moose like this big guy can weight up to 1500 lbs, while a grizzly bear boar only reaches about 600 pounds, roughly a third of the moose’s weight. That’s not to say that grizzly bears can’t take down moose – they can and will.\nWill bears eat moose?\nA bear can hunt down and kill an adult moose. … Black bears are also known to hunt and kill large deer for food. Like the moose, they will feed on the carcass for several days.\nCan grizzly bears eat moose?\nDeer, elk, moose and bison make up a large portion of the grizzly bear’s meat diet. While they are capable of hunting, they are also opportunistic scavengers who won’t hesitate to munch on carrion left behind from other predators.\nCan a black bear kill a moose?\nTheir diet includes roots, berries, meat, fish, insects, larvae, grass, and other succulent plants. They are able to kill adult deer and other hoofed wildlife but most commonly are only able to kill deer, elk, moose, and other hoofed animals when the prey are very young.\nWould a bull kill a bear?\nWould a bull kill a bear? With horns the bulls actually were capable of killing the bears, but typically the bears were STILL the victors in these fights, though it wasn’t a 10/10 deal. The fight usually went like this. Bull charges bear, Bear basically takes the full brunt of the attack, latching onto the bull’s head.\nWhat would win polar bear vs grizzly?\nPut more bluntly, when polar bears and grizzly bears are both competing for food, its the polar bears that are more likely to walk away from conflict and leave the prize for grizzly bears. The bottom line: in a fight between a polar bear and grizzly bear, the grizzly bear reigns supreme.\nCan a bear swipe a moose head off?\nThe bear then charged the moose, but again the moose did not move. The bear then lumbered over to the moose, and with a powerful swipe of its paw, decapitated the moose. Dr. MacDonaldson later retreived the moose head an autopsy found damage consistent with that of decapitation by impact.\nIs a Buffalo bigger than a moose?\nBison are the largest land mammal in North America – bigger than elk, moose, and grizzly bears!\nWhat is the top predator of moose?\nThe most common predators of the moose are wolves, bears, and humans. Unlike most other deer species, moose do not form herds and are solitary animals, aside from calves who remain with their mother until the cow begins estrus (typically at 18 months after birth of the calf), at which point the cow chases them away.\nDo bears eat other bears?\n“Grizzly bears are opportunistic hunters,” he said. “They will take advantage of any food source that presents itself.” Bears eating other bears isn’t entirely new—polar bears will eat each other, especially each others’ young.\nDo black bears eat moose calves?\nBlack bears will feed on clovers, dandelions, catkins, and grasses. For protein, they might eat deer fawns or moose calves. Throughout the summer, various berries and soft fruits become available.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Hurricane Season: Water Vapor and SST - 2017\nDetailsPermalink to Details\n- Added to the Catalog\n- Available for\n- Air: Tropical Cyclones, Weather\n- Water: Tropical Cyclones\n- Sea Surface Temperature\n- Severe Weather\n- Tropical Cyclones\n- Water Vapor\nDescriptionPermalink to Description\nAfter a long lull in major hurricanes striking the U.S. (2005 - 2017), the 2017 season was an extremely destructive season, featuring 17 named storms in just the Atlantic Ocean, tying it with 1936 as the fifth-most active season since records began in 1851. All ten of the Atlantic hurricanes occurred in a row, the greatest number of consecutive hurricanes in the satellite era. In addition, it is by far the costliest season on record, with a preliminary total of over $368.66 billion (USD) in damages, which is more than double the cost of 2005’s total, and nearly all of which was due to three of the season's major hurricanes — Harvey, Irma, and Maria. All three occurred within one month in August - September, sending disaster aide efforts reeling and calling on volunteers for help.\nThis dataset names both atlantic and pacific hurricanes in 2017 in the labels of the dataset. The record-breaking atlantic hurricanes in 2017 included Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Ophelia. Hurricane Harvey, was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. since Wilma in 2005. In a four-day period, many areas of eastern Texas received over 40 inches of rain as the system meandered along the gulf coast causing catastrophic flooding. With a record of 51.88 inches, Harvey is the wettest tropical hurricane on record in the contiguous U.S. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.\nHurricane Irma , the strongest tropical storm ever observed in terms of wind speed with 36 hours of sustained category 5 185 mph winds, struck the Florida Keys and Florida's Gulf Coast in early September. The storm right behind it, Hurricane Maria, was the most intense tropical cyclone to strike the U.S. territories in recorded history. Maria caused so much damage in Puerto Rico, many Puerto Ricans were still without power months later.\nHurricane Ophelia became the easternmost category 3 storm in recorded history and dissipated into an extra-tropical cyclone that wreaked windy havoc on Ireland and Great Britain.\nThis dataset is a water vapor satellite image with sea surface temperatures below it available from July 7, 2017 through October 16, 2017. Because water vapor emits radiation, satellites can be set to detect water vapor in the atmosphere. All clouds contain water vapor, so when the satellite detects an area with a high concentration of water vapor, it is detecting a cloud. The clouds in hurricanes are easy to detect because they are well formed and contain an excess of water vapor. The shading of the ocean indicates the temperature; the orange and red areas are the warmest, and the blue areas are the coolest. One reason the unusually powerful hurricane season of 2017 was the above average temperature of the oceans.\nNotable FeaturesPermalink to Notable Features\n- 2017 was the most costly hurricane season on record and tied for fifth as the most active season since records began in 1851.\n- Hurricane Harvey set a record for wettest tropical hurricane in the contiguous U.S. by depositing 51.88 inches near Houston, TX.\n- Hurricane Irma had the highest sustained winds of 185 mph for the longest period of time 37 hours of any hurricane on record and caused a lot of damage in the Caribbean and Florida Keys.\n- Hurricane Maria was the most intense cyclone to strike the U.S. territories in recorded history and caused catastrophic damage in Puerto Rico.\n- Hurricane Ophelia was the strongest easternmost storm in recorded history and it's extra-tropical cyclone caused very high winds in Ireland and Great Britain.\nData SourcePermalink to Data Source\nMTSAT, Himawari 8, GOES, NOAA Coral Reef Watch, NOAA NESDIS", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "For decades, the world has looked to nations in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) to fulfil the need for petroleum based power. The area’s abundance of oil reserves has made it a global hot spot for the oil industry. But, as nations turn their attention away from fossil fuels, might we instead begin to look toward MENA for renewable sources of power, such as solar energy?\nHistorically, this area of the world fell far behind in terms of green energy production. But in recent years, MENA countries have ramped up their solar production efforts, seeking to catch-up to the rest of the world, offset their own oil-based energy consumption, and perhaps become a net supplier of solar power. Let’s examine why!\nThe countries of MENA are perfect for the generation of solar energy. An abundance of direct sunlight, coupled with open desert space create the ideal setting for vast solar farms. These new facilities could be capable of providing a sizable percentage of electric aid to a region whose reliance on oil burning power generation might someday cut into their export efforts and destabilize economies.\nDeserts have often been looked to for solar efforts. Their ample undeveloped land allows for large-scale production, capable of producing large amounts of power and transporting it via a series of high voltage direct current transmission cables to inhabited areas.\nThe other factor making desert locales ideal for solar is the abundance of sunshine glaring down on an unshaded surface. German Physicist Gerhard Knies surmised that the Sahara Desert receives enough energy in a few hours to power the entire planet for a year.\nSolar power system in Algeria\nDeclining Panel Prices\nThe price of solar panels has been falling at a rapid rate for years. When solar panels first hit the market in 1977, they came at a cost of $76.67 per Watt. This price continued to fall annually, leading to 2018 where recent advancements in India, coupled with a low labor cost, has given the world solar panels priced at just $0.65 per Watt.\nAs prices continue to fall through 2018, the market is ripe for an increase in solar production. The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in the United Arab Emirates was constructed in 2013 with a goal of producing a 3,000 Megawatt output by 2028. With 1977 pricing, this would have come at a cost of over $230 billion. In 2018, that same facility would cost $1.95 billion. It has never been more cost effective to invest in solar power, and MENA countries have figured that out (more on solar costs at PowerScout.com).\nImporters Become Exporters\nWhen you look at wealthy countries such as Jordan and Morocco, the overwhelming majority of their energy is imported from foreign nations. Morocco imports up to 90% of its energy, and Jordan imports 95%, leaving both of these kingdoms vulnerable to the whims of foreigners.\nJordan has encountered difficulty with this concept in the past. In 2011 and 2012, Jordan saw a complete depletion in its energy reserves following a disruption in natural gas supplies from Egypt. Then, in 2013, the kingdom suffered once more when oil imports from Iraq were interrupted.\nBoth of these nations have made sizable efforts to increase their solar power generation in hopes of breaking their reliance on outside sources.\nIn Morocco, this concept is being taken a step further. By creating some of the world’s largest solar plants, the kingdom is seeking to have 50% of its power come from renewables by 2025. Roughly one third of this power would be generated by solar. Morocco then seeks to push its efforts even further, reversing its fortunes completely by becoming an electricity exporter.\nSolar plant in Morocco\nSave on Oil Consumption\nSaudi Arabia has become the definition of fossil fuel waste over the years. The country produces its energy through a process of burning oil. Roughly one quarter of the oil they produce is burned for local power. That consumption continues to rise by 7 percent each year, which is nearly three times the rate of population growth. The Saudi government controls all oil sales and power generation. As such, prices are as low as $0.50 per gallon of gasoline and $0.01 per kWh in electricity. The affordability of these resources have led to Saudi Arabia becoming the world’s sixth largest consumer of oil, with a population of only 30 million people.\nSaudi officials do not see solar as a way to end our reliance on fossil fuels or offset global warming. Rather, it is seen as an investment which will keep their oil exports from drying up. At their current rate of consumption, Saudi Arabia’s local oil needs could begin to cut into their exports by 2021. By relying on solar to offset that increase, the government maintains its export levels and preserves its economy.\nPower the World\nWhen Knies first theorized that the Sahara Desert could be the key to renewable global power in 1986, a series of plans called Desertec were put in motion. Desertec seeks to build large scale solar facilities throughout the Sahara, which would supply affordable power to the entire world.\nThe sites for these facilities are mostly undeveloped desert land. With the cost of this project reportedly estimated at half a trillion dollars, nations of Northern Africa would stand to profit greatly by leasing out land that is useless to them otherwise.\nIt stands to reason that, in a world seeking to use renewable power to break its reliance on fossil fuels, the countries who benefit most from that reliance will turn their attention to renewable energy efforts, both to serve their own people, and protect their economies.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "If you’re an aquarium enthusiast, you may have come across the fascinating Amano shrimp, also known as the Caridina multidentata. These adorable little creatures are not only aesthetically pleasing to watch but also serve as beneficial members of an aquatic ecosystem.\nOne common question that arises when keeping Amano shrimp is, “What do they eat?” In this article, we will explore the dietary preferences of Amano shrimp and provide you with all the information you need to keep them healthy and happy.\nBefore we dive into the specifics, let’s quickly summarize the key points about what Amano shrimp eat:\n|Amano shrimp are primarily scavengers, feeding on algae, detritus, and biofilm in their habitat.\n|Supplement their diet with high-quality shrimp pellets or flakes.\n|Ensure a varied diet by providing blanched vegetables like zucchini and spinach.\n|Avoid overfeeding to maintain water quality and prevent obesity.\nAmano Shrimp Diet in the Wild\nAmano shrimp are native to freshwater rivers and streams in Japan. In their natural habitat, they predominantly feed on various types of algae, including green algae, diatoms, and brush algae. They are excellent scavengers and also have a voracious appetite for detritus and biofilm, which are organic matter and bacteria that accumulate on surfaces.\nAmano Shrimp Diet in Captivity\nWhen it comes to keeping these shrimp in an aquarium, replicating their natural diet is essential for their well-being. In a controlled environment, Amano shrimp still enjoy feasting on algae, so it’s essential to provide them with sufficient algae growth in their tank.\nThis can be achieved by allowing algae to grow naturally or by introducing algae wafers or algae-based food pellets. Amano shrimp pellets or flakes can easily be found at most pet stores and are specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs.\nWhile algae should make up a significant portion of their diet, it’s also crucial to provide some variety. Amano shrimp will relish blanched vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, and kale. These veggies not only provide essential nutrients but also simulate their natural foraging behavior.\nWhen feeding vegetables, ensure they are thoroughly blanched to make them soft and easily digestible for the shrimp.\nMaintaining a Balanced Diet\nAlthough Amano shrimp have hearty appetites, it’s essential to avoid overfeeding them. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues and contribute to obesity in shrimp, affecting their overall health. It’s recommended to only provide as much food as the shrimp can consume within a few hours. Uneaten food should be removed promptly to prevent it from decaying in the tank.\nTo maintain water quality and the well-being of the shrimp, regular water changes are necessary. This helps to remove excess nutrients and waste that can accumulate in the tank. A clean and well-maintained environment will help keep your Amano shrimp happy and satisfied.\nIn conclusion, Amano shrimp are easy to feed as long as their dietary requirements are met. They are primarily scavengers that enjoy a diet rich in algae, detritus, and biofilm. By providing a varied diet that includes algae-based food, blanched vegetables, and practicing moderation, you can ensure your Amano shrimp stay healthy and thrive in their aquarium.\nHi, I’m Lila Hart, and I’m just as fish-obsessed as they come! I’ve been enamored with aquatic life since I was a little kid. Now, I’m a marine biologist with over 3 years of hands-on experience in the world of pet fish.\nI’ve learned the ropes of fishkeeping through trial and error, and I’m excited to share my knowledge with you. My mission is to help you create a thriving aquatic paradise for your finned companions. Together, we’ll explore the fascinating underwater world of pet fish!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "First ever in the Philippines: CSPC installed with P25M 240Kw solar power system\nBy Jason B. Neola NABUA, Camarines Sur --- For the next 22 years, the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC) here will start consuming free electricity. This, after the government learning institution was installed with 240Kw solar power system, an integral part of its administration’s vision of providing its entire campus with clean and renewable power supply 24/7. “Here on, CSPC will be spared from the annoying power interruptions or brown outs that torment the community more so during summer time. After 8 years of paying the capital cost, the CSPC will start consuming free electricity for the next 17 to 22 years,” says Engr. Bernardo Fabula, president and chief executive officer of Equator Energy Corporation, the project contractor. The energy firm, which is setting the trail to become the Philippine’s largest solar and wind energy provider, delivers cheaper and cleaner source of energy to Filipinos. Fabula described the hybrid 240Kw solar power system as the biggest and the first in the country to be installed in a government learning institution. “The EEC, three months after it started the CSPC solar project, was commissioned by Western Mindanao State University in Zamboanga Del Norte to install another hybrid solar system in its campus. The undertaking, once completed, will be the second in the Philippines,” he said. The formal commissioning and turn-over ceremony of the power facility at the CSPC was held last Saturday, April 14, this year. In her acceptance speech, CSPC President Dulce Atian conveyed her utmost gratitude to everyone who became involved in making the project possible. “The solar power system embraces our eco-friendly mission as a green institution having been the recipient of Saringaya Award in 2014, 2016 and 2017 and awarded second place in 2015 Search for Eco-Friendly Schools organized by regional office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), she said. Talking about CSPC’s environmental achievements that helped to catapult it to the DENR’s hall of fame, Atian said: “the school’s solar power system is another testimony to our continuing and deeper commitment in sustaining our green initiatives and advocacies as we create positive environmental impact and awareness on emerging environmental challenges.” In his turn-over speech, Fabula said that with the savings generated from using the power system, one could expect more development projects and programs to come from the learning institution. He expressed hope that the CSPC experience shall pave the way for the installation of similar facility in other school campuses across the country, and will inspire public and private institutions to do the same. Thru net metering law, Fabula said, the facility will also provide additional power to the local electric cooperative by exporting no less than 100Kw solar capacity of energy to its system. “In general, any additional energy supply from any producer/generator serves as game changer which helps increase the supply of this basic commodity and consequently reduce the price of electricity in the country,” he said. Also known as net energy metering, net metering is a solar incentive that allows one to store energy in the electric grid. When one’s solar panels produce excess power, that energy is sent to the grid and in exchange one can pull from the grid when the system is under-producing like during nighttime. With the right size solar energy system, one can produce enough electricity to match the required electricity for the entire year. However, the amount of electricity that solar panels produce will vary throughout the year. Net metering helps to account for these differences by crediting one for the excess electricity that his/her panels produced so that it can be use later.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "All News Releases By Date\nHot Weather Means Poor Air Quality Predicted for parts of New England Tomorrow and Saturday\nRelease Date: 07/12/2012\nContact Information: David Deegan, (617) 918-1017\n(Boston, Mass. – July 12, 2012) – Unhealthy air quality is predicted for Friday, July 13, in western Connecticut, southwestern through northeastern Massachusetts, southeastern New Hampshire and along the coast of Maine from Kittery through Acadia National Park. Heat-related poor air quality is expected to continue through Saturday, July 14.\n“With warmer air and increased humidity over the next few days, our air models are anticipating unhealthy air quality in parts of New England,” said Curt Spalding, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office. “Everybody can help reduce smog-forming emissions by driving less, by using public transportation and by setting air conditioner thermostats a few degrees higher.”\nGround-level ozone forms when volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen (ozone precursors) interact in the presence of strong sunlight. Cars, trucks and buses give off the majority of the pollution that creates ozone. Fossil fuel burning at electric generating units, particularly on hot days, also emits ozone precursors. Gasoline stations, print shops, household products like paints and cleaners, as well as lawn and garden equipment also add significantly to the ozone problem.\nExposure to elevated ozone levels can cause breathing problems, aggravate asthma and other pre-existing lung diseases, and make people more susceptible to respiratory infection. When ozone levels are elevated, people should refrain from strenuous outdoor activity, especially sensitive populations such as children and adults with respiratory problems.\nWhen ozone is forecast to be unhealthy, EPA asks the public to take action. The public can help reduce ozone by:\n- Using public transportation, car pooling and/or combining trips;\n- Avoiding the use of small gasoline powered engines, such as lawn mowers and tractors, chain saws, power washers, string trimmers and leaf blowers.\nThe ozone standard is 0.075 parts per million (ppm) on an 8-hour average basis. Air quality alerts are issued when ozone concentrations exceed, or are predicted to exceed, this level. So far this year, there have been 12 days in New England when ozone concentrations have exceeded the standard. (A preliminary list of this summer’s unhealthy readings can be found at https://www.epa.gov/region1/airquality/o3exceed-12.html)\nEPA and the New England states provide real-time ozone data and air quality forecasts at www.epa.gov/ne/aqi. This website can also be used to sign up to receive free air quality alerts by e-mail when poor air quality is predicted for a particular area. National real-time air quality data from AirNow is also available on smart phones with free iPhone and Android apps, available for download at http://www.airnow.gov/.\n# # #", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "28 January 2009\nThe contract includes delivery, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines and a long-term service agreement. The wind turbines will be delivered to two projects in the region of Constanta in Romania during 2009 and 2010.\nThis article is featured in:\nYou must be registered and logged in to leave a comment\nabout this article.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The world is in a period where demand for environmentally friendly products is rapidly increasing every day. We all know the impact of disposable plastic cups on the environment. Fortunately, many companies have started to offer sustainable and reusable products to overcome this issue. Leading these products are environmentally friendly cardboard cups. In this article, we will present the best cardboard cups for environmentally friendly drinks, and options in 12 oz, 14 oz, 16 oz sizes.\nEnvironmentally friendly cardboard cups provide a great alternative to disposable plastic cups. Cardboard cups are usually made from recyclable and compostable materials. This significantly reduces their impact on the environment and provides peace of mind to consumers.\nCardboard cups generally come in various sizes such as 12 oz, 14 oz, and 16 oz. These sizes are typically used in places like coffee shops and restaurants and meet various needs. A 12 oz cardboard cup is usually ideal for a small size coffee or tea. 14 oz is perfect for a slightly larger drink, and 16 oz is usually preferred for large size drinks.\nIn conclusion, environmentally friendly cardboard cups provide a great solution against the negative effects of disposable plastic cups on the environment. Thanks to their options in various sizes, they are suitable for all kinds of drinks. Remember that cardboard cups are environmentally friendly, and choose this sustainable option!\nIn this period when demand for environmentally friendly products is increasing, the effort of companies to offer sustainable and reusable alternatives is greatly welcomed by consumers. Leading these alternatives are cardboard cups. Being environmentally friendly, recyclable, and compostable makes cardboard cups a perfect choice to replace disposable plastic cups.\nCardboard cups are usually offered in various sizes like 12 oz, 14 oz, and 16 oz. These sizes are generally preferred by businesses like coffee shops, restaurants, and similar establishments to meet different needs. A 12 oz cardboard cup is generally an ideal choice for small size coffee or tea. 14 oz is perfect for a slightly larger drink, maybe a smoothie or fruit juice, and 16 oz is usually preferred for large size drinks, perhaps an iced coffee or a large tea.\nEnvironmentally friendly cardboard cups support efforts to reduce the environmental impact of both businesses and consumers. These options contribute to the goal of creating a more sustainable world and provide consumers with the opportunity to play a proactive role in protecting the environment.\nTherefore, environmentally friendly cardboard cups provide a winning solution for both the environment and consumers. Thanks to their options in different sizes, they are suitable for all kinds of drinks. Remember that cardboard cups are environmentally friendly and choose this sustainable option to create a positive impact on your environment!\nEnvironmentally Friendly Features of Cardboard Cups:\nCardboard cups are a more environmentally friendly option compared to plastic cups. The reason for this is that cardboard cups are recyclable. Also, cardboard cups have biodegradable properties. This causes less harm to nature.\n12 oz, 14 oz, and 16 oz Cardboard Cups: When Should Each Be Preferred?\nCardboard cups come in different sizes. 12 oz, 14 oz, and 16 oz sizes are among the most frequently preferred ones. 12 oz cardboard cups are suitable for hot drinks of smaller sizes. 14 oz cups are suitable for medium-sized drinks. 16 oz cups are suitable for larger-sized drinks.\nCardboard Cups and Hot Drinks: Things to Consider:\nWhen serving hot drinks in cardboard cups, some features need to be considered. For example, it is important for cardboard cups to keep the heat well. Also, the fact that the cups do not leak is an important factor. Therefore, it is important that cardboard cups are of high quality and have coatings that prevent leakage.\nDifferent Usage Areas of Cardboard Cups\nCardboard cups not only have an application field for hot drinks, but they are also used for cold drinks. Also, some cardboard cups are coated with special coatings and thus can be used to serve foods like ice cream, yogurt. In addition, since some cups can also be designed with special prints, they can be used for special events, parties, weddings, and other organizations.\nCardboard cups are an ideal choice for serving both hot and cold drinks due to their environmentally friendly and practical features. In this article, we touched on the features of cardboard cups in different sizes, points to consider in hot drinks, different application areas, and the best brands. By choosing environmentally friendly and high-quality cardboard cups, we can enjoy our drinks by causing less harm to our environment.\nWhen choosing a cardboard cup, it is necessary not to forget the importance of brands in addition to quality and environmentally friendly features. Accas Cup is a brand that stands out with its environmentally friendly and high-quality cardboard cups.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sian Dobson Hughes\nArea Activator for Stockport. A born and bred Manc and a lover of all things running. From marathons to trails, triathlons to tracks.\nBramhall Parkrun and planting Community Mission\nWith Bramhall parkrun called off at the last minute due to the ground frost, we took the opportunity to warm up to our planting mission with a brisk walk of the park instead.\nAnd what a walk it was, the perfect combination of frosty sunshine and blues skies!\nThe Friends of Bramhall Park had a hefty planting session ahead, thanks to kind bulb donations from Notcutts Garden Centre. 17 boxes of beautiful bulbs were donated and needed planting asap as they had already begun sprouting. and so GoodGym Stockport were on hand to get stuck in with such a mamouth task.\nAfter we worked up a sweat for a few hours, we finished off our task with a warming drink at the Stables Kitchen.\nWe can't wait to see the splashes of spectacular colour that will bloom come Spring\nStockport Rotary Lamp Lighters are looking for a number of volunteers to identify public benches in the Stockport Borough where they could affix a Buddy Bench sign.\nA Buddy Bench is a designated bench within a green space where people can sit and encourage communication and conversation with others. It's a great initiative to reduce the effects of loneliness and encourage community cohesion.\nOn our group run, we set off on foot, (illuminated by headtorches and hi vis gear) to scour and scout the local green spaces in search of benches that could be the perfect locations for people to mingle and chat.\nOur aim was to hit (or HIIT) 3 parks near to the centre of Stockport, take photos of any suitable locations and then return to base. The 3 parks: Hollywood (bright lights and city views, just in Stockport not LA) ; Alexandra and Cale Green were our destinations.\nWe found, we photographed and we conquered the task, all in a respectable 7km.\nWe're a friendly and social group who combine exercise with helping out in the local community. We meet every week to get active and do a physical task to help the charities and community organisations and projects across the Stockport region.\nThe Task Leaflets have been created, by Stockport Library Service, to be distributed to specific streets in Brinnington. The leaflets promote the local library and the services that can be accessed through joining Stockport Libraries. This task is to try and engage with local residents and promote the benefits of using their local library. Our group run task is to deliver, on foot or wheels, the leaflets to the local residents.\nGoodGym is for everyone. We welcome runners of all abilities. We always have a back-marker so no-one is left behind - we're about achieving something together so you'll always be welcome no matter what your pace is.\nOur run will begin at 6:30pm on Tuesday 25th January from Life Leisure Brinnington and we will run a leisurely route to deliver the leaflets.\n*Toilet and parking facilities available at Life Leisure Grand Central. Bring a mask for indoor areas. Headtorches and visible running attire advised. Dress appropriately for outdoor conditions. Bring a running rucksack if possible.\nThe Friends of Bramhall Park have seventeen large and heavy boxes all crammed with bulbs that have kindly been donated and need planting in the park, ready to spring up in Spring.\nSince Saturday is also Parkrun day at the park, why not get a swift 5km run in before the mission starts?\nSome of the boxes have clearly been out in the rain and lots of bulbs have started growing, so we need to act pretty quickly to get them into the soil. There are a beautiful array of tulips and daffs plus some others, so we have an opportunity to do some mass planting and make a real impact in the Park.\nOur mission is to help the Friends to make lighter work of a spectacular task and get a GoodGym Parkrun in too!\nThere will be complimentary refreshments provided by The Friends after the planting session and The Stables Cafe.\n*bring gloves and dress for the weather.\nFeel free to join for all or part of the mission. Parkrun begins at 9am and the planting task begins at 10am - meeting Harry and the Friends outside the tutor house.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Earlier this month, a tri-national Mexico-Australia-U.S. WILDCOAST team carried out a Blue Carbon Research Expedition at three sites – Loreto Bay National Park, Bahia Magdalena, and La Paz Bay– in the Baja California peninsula to survey some of the most pristine and biologically important coastal desert mangrove forests in the world and to understand their role in helping to regulate and mitigate climate change.\nWILDCOAST was joined by two Australian scientists – Dr. Fernanda Adame, Griffith University and world renowned mangrove expert, Dr. Catherine Lovelock of University of Queensland. Together our tri-national team conducted field surveys and sampling to quantify the amount of carbon dioxide that is stored in the coastal desert mangroves of the region.\n“It was so inspiring to be with our team of international mangrove and blue carbon experts from Mexico, Australia and the U.S.,” said Dr. Eduardo Najera, WILDCOAST’s Mexico Director. “It is critical to understand the role of desert mangroves to help implement natural climate solutions that help us to preserve ecosystems that sequester increasing levels of carbon in the atmosphere.”\nResearchers call the desert mangroves of the Baja California peninsula “atmospheric bombs” because they absorb more carbon dioxide than any other plant on the planet. Since Bahia Magdalena is the largest coastal wetland in the Baja California peninsula and a critical breeding lagoon for the iconic gray whale, the significance of protecting the region and this globally important site has never been more important.\nWILDCOAST’s Blue Carbon aims to protect a total of 71,374 acres of mangroves in northwest Mexico over the next four to five years, and will effectively reduce carbon emissions by 26.7 million tons.\nThe project will expedite the approval of conservation concessions for 35,796 acres of mangroves and enable WILDCOAST to pursue a carbon credit registration process for financing continued mangrove conservation and management.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Property: How to stay warm and cut winter power costs\nRECENT events have demonstrated once again that Eskom and city power supplies are uncertain and unreliable – and shown why SA home owners need to start making even more use of alternative technologies to keep their lights turned on and their homes warm in winter.\nSo says Gerhard Kotzé, MD of the RealNet estate agency group, who notes, “A further incentive is the rising cost of electricity, with tariff increases of up to 8% coming into effect in most municipalities this month.”\nUnfortunately, it is still too expensive for most owners to immediately convert their whole home to a photo-voltaic (solar) power system, but there are many solar-kit options available at a lower cost that will automatically come on and power essentials like fridges, freezers and burglar alarms during load shedding, and that’s a good place to start, he says.\n“A generator is an alternative, but these can be problematic in terms of noise, pollution and petrol or diesel consumption.”\nIt is also worth purchasing a few rechargeable lanterns, he says, to provide light when the power goes off, as well as power banks for your phones and computers. If your garage doors and security gates open with remote controls, you should also check that these have battery back-ups.\n“In addition, home owners should now seriously consider installing a solar geyser if they don’t already have one, not only so they can have a hot shower during power cuts but because it will significantly reduce their electricity bills.\n“Estimates are that a 2sqm solar geyser cuts household electricity usage by 2000KwH a year – and saves 1000kg of coal and 2600L of water used to generate electricity in the process.”\nThe next item to change, Kotzé says, is the electric stove, which is also a major consumer of power in most homes.\n“A gas stove will heat up instantaneously and will also make you independent of mains electricity for cooking – and boiling the kettle when the power goes off.\n“Then, rather than relying on electric heaters for warmth, you might also consider gas heaters, or better still, a gas fireplace in the room where your family spends most of their leisure time.”\n“And finally, if you are trying to lower your electricity bill, it is important to remember that many little savings can add up to quite a big total. These include not leaving your electronic devices on standby, turning an electric geyser off during the day and putting an extra blanket or duvet on your bed instead of leaving an electric blanket on all night.” -Issued: RealNet", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Beach weddings are great. You can ride a horse or simply walk on the sand or in the water. Choosing to have your wedding on the beach is environmentally friendly in many ways. You won't need to buy lavish decorations because the scene will already be set. In addition to picking up the paper products from your wedding, which hopefully will be biodegradable, encourage guests to pick up litter on other parts of the beach. Formal dress is fine if that is what you want, but for a beach wedding you can choose other attire. Speaking of attire, be sure to choose environmentally friendly clothing or better yet, rent the attire, wedding dress and all. Choosing the have a beach wedding is a great way to save resources since you won't be renting a church or other building that would require lighting. It is also a great way to involve your guests in your environmental beliefs. When planning a beach wedding make sure there is some kind of cover just in case the weather doesn't cooperate and seating for those who might not be able to stand. Sunset weddings are great and if you hold the reception on the beach right afterwards. For the reception all that is needed is some cheese and a little wine. Choose food for the reception that is locally made and organic which will contribute to the environmentally friendly theme. Offer guests wedding favors that you found on the beach ahead of time to remind them of the environmentally friendly focus of your special day.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wisconsin gets plenty of snow during the winter, and that snow can really take its toll on your yard or garden.\nIf you’re looking to add variety and unique beauty to your yard without breaking the bank or spending hours on research and care, listed below are some of Wisconsin’s best types of shrubs to choose from.\nMeanwhile, if you’re unsure which type of shrub will be best in your climate or area, talk to an arborist or landscaper before buying any shrubs.\nThey will help you make an informed decision based on your needs, preferences, budget, and other considerations.\nTo add color to your yard in the spring, use these types of shrubs in Wisconsin, ideally for its winters and springs.\n1. Alternateleaf Dogwood\nThe alternateleaf dogwood is the first on our list of the types of shrubs in Wisconsin. It is a deciduous shrub that grows in the eastern part of North America.\nIt flowers from early April to late May with white blossoms and goes dormant during the summer. Further, this shrub can grow up to 12 feet in height but generally stays around five feet tall.\nThe alternate leaf dogwood does well in areas with moist soil and tolerates shade. This makes it an ideal plant for people who don’t have a lot of space or want something low-maintenance.\n2. Staghorn Sumac\nA genus in the family Rhus, Staghorn Sumac is an evergreen shrub and is the second on our list of the types of shrubs in Wisconsin.\nThe plant produces a dense growth of branches that are covered with short hairs. It has five-petaled white, red, or yellow flowers and produces a round fruit that measures three inches in diameter.\nMoreso, it likes full sun and dry soil and will grow up to five feet in height with a width of up to six feet. The leaves change from green to orange and red during autumn before falling off during winter.\nThe sumac shrub is native to North America and Europe. The leaves are a deep green color with an orange-red tint in the summer.\nThis shrub has small clusters of flowers that grow in clusters called panicles from April until June. These flowers give off a sweet smell and are often used as perfume ingredients in their dried form.\nThe leaves turn red or yellow before they fall off, which adds a stunning splash of color to your garden during the fall months.\nThe sumac shrub can be grown as either a bush or as a tree but typically will only grow up to 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide.\nThey do best when planted in full sunlight because they cannot survive in the shade. But they are very tolerant of both dry and wet soil conditions.\nAnother type of shrub in Wisconsin is the Nannyberry. It is a deciduous shrub with oval-shaped leaves and purple fruit in the fall.\nAlso, it adapts well to many different landscapes, withstanding heat, cold, drought, and salt. It produces fragrant flowers in the spring before the leaves come out, which are white or pink in color.\nThe nannyberry can grow up to 18 feet tall with a similar width. Consequently, this makes it an excellent option for large gardens or for those looking for privacy.\n5. Roundleaf Dogwood\nAnd now, on our list of the different types of shrubs in Wisconsin, we have the Roundleaf Dogwood. It is a deciduous, flowering tree or shrub that can grow up to 15 feet. It has oval leaves with smooth edges and clusters of white flowers that bloom in early spring.\nPlus, you can find this type of shrub in woods, along streams and roadsides, and at the edges of forests. It’s usually found more inland than other types of shrubs because it prefers moist soil.\nThis shrub is a deciduous plant and blooms in late spring with pink, white, or purple flowers. The leaves are small and oval-shaped.\nThis bush can grow up to 8 feet tall and wide but will only grow about 3 feet yearly. It does well in moist soil but can also tolerate dry conditions as long as it has access to some water regularly.\nThe fruit from this bush is edible for humans, though it may be toxic for animals such as cows if they eat too many. Nonetheless, Chokecherry is one of Wisconsin’s most adorable types of shrubs.\n7. Black Chokeberry\nLike some types of shrubs in Wisconsin, it has round leaves with serrated edges and white flowers that bloom in the spring.\nThe berries are dark purple when ripe and have a sour taste. This shrub does best in moist, acidic soil and will do well in partial shade or full sun exposure.\nFurthermore, you can grow black chokeberry from seed or transplant. Transplanting should be done by early summer if you want the plant to return next year.\nHowever, it can also be done at any time during the growing season if you want it as an annual plant. Transplants should be planted 1 foot apart with 6 feet between rows.\n8. Gray Dogwood\nGray Dogwood is one of the types of shrubs in Wisconsin. Gray Dogwood is most often used in gardens for its ability to provide good spring color.\nIt can be planted as a single tree or as a group. And it provides great year-round interest with its beautiful white flowers and fall color.\nOne drawback to the Gray Dogwood is that it does not grow well in dry soil. This means if you live in an area with low water content, this may not be the best option for your garden.\nHowever, if you live in an area where there are plenty of rainstorms or when you have access to irrigation systems, this shrub will thrive beautifully.\n9. Lilac Bush\nThe lilac bush is a beautiful, fragrant plant of the types of shrubs in Wisconsin that will add life and color to any garden. It’s a versatile plant that can grow in either sun or shade and be trimmed into any shape you want.\nCoupled with that, you can even use it as an informal hedge. Just make sure the roots are well-drained and don’t water them.\n10. Downy Arrowwood\nDowny Arrowwood (Viburnum trilobum) is a fast-growing, deciduous flowering shrub. It can reach 15 feet in height and width but is often pruned into a bush or hedge.\nThe Downy Arrowwood has rounded leaves that are dark green on the top and lighter on the underside.\nThese leaves turn a deep orange-red in autumn before falling off in winter. It produces clusters of white flowers with yellow centers from late spring until early summer.\nThe Downy Arrowwood is best planted in full sun or partial shade. Also, it does well in moist soils like some other types of shrubs in Wisconsin.\nRegarding types of shrubs in Wisconsin that add beauty to any garden, Hydrangeas aren’t left out. They come in many different colors, with pink being the most common color. Moreso, they can grow up to six feet tall and will bloom from July until October.\nAzaleas are a type of shrub that can be found in Wisconsin. They bloom in the spring and come in various colors, including red, pink, and purple.\nMany people grow them as decoration for their gardens or as part of the foundation planting for their landscaping.\nAdditionally, they grow best in areas with full sun exposure and moist soil conditions. This plant can be classified as one of the types of easygoing shrubs in Wisconsin.\nSpirea, a type of shrub, is a deciduous shrub that produces purple flowers in the summer. It also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. The foliage is glossy, dark green, and has serrated edges on the leaves.\nWith that being said, Spirea grows 3-6 feet tall with a spread of 2-3 feet wide. It blooms in late spring or early summer and can be pruned at any time.\nHowever, it is advised not to prune when it’s actively growing to have the best shape for your garden.\nOf the different types of shrubs in Wisconsin, Viburnums are a type that can be found in many gardens across the country. This is due, in large part, to their ability to grow in diverse climates and soil conditions.\nFor example, some types can be quite cold tolerant while others will do better in warmer climates. Also, these plants come in a variety of flower colors.\nAs a result, they are perfect for those looking for something a little bit more cheerful than your average green shrub.\n15. Butterfly Bush\nButterfly bushes are perennial shrubs with the scientific name Buddleia. They thrive in moist, acidic soil and grow in woodland habitats.\nThe plant flowers in late spring and summer with large clusters of butterfly-shaped flowers that are often white or light purple.\nButterfly bushes come in many varieties, but one popular variety is the common orange butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii). There are many reasons why this plant, out of the different types of shrubs in Wisconsin, can brighten up your garden.\nFor example, it provides nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds during pollination season and seeds for birds to eat during wintertime.\nButterflies will also flock to these plants. This is because they release sulfur compounds that mimic the smell of rotting fruit which attracts them.\n16. Honeysuckle Bush\nHoneysuckle bushes are one of the most popular types of shrubs in Wisconsin. They grow quickly and have a beautiful fragrant smell. You will need a sunny location with well-drained soil to plant this type.\nPlus, Honeysuckle is not picky about soil pH levels, so if you are having trouble growing other plants in your yard, this might be the right choice for you! Make sure to keep it trimmed regularly, as these bushes can grow up to six feet tall!\nShrubbery with holly can be pruned at any time during the year but after bloom, because it is one of the few types that hold their shape without losing their leaves.\nAlso, Holly is renowned for its ability to tolerate poor soil conditions and urban environments. In addition, its resistance to pests like termites, aphids, and scale insects makes it one of the best types of shrubs in Wisconsin!\nLandscaping your garden is a labor of love, and it can be hard to know where to start. Moreso, with over 5,000 varieties of shrubs available, selecting the best shrubs for your yard in Wisconsin can seem quite daunting.\nLuckily, landscapers and gardeners have narrowed their choices to what they consider the most common shrubs grown in the state.\nWe hope this list of types of shrubs in Wisconsin has been helpful and that you’ll enjoy which type of shrubs you finally decide on!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Chernobyl incident was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26th April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Powerplant in Ukraine . An explosion an fine relaased large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere.During the accident 31 people itself died and long term effects such as cancer are still being investigated.\nNuclear energy should be banned globally, because it is deadly to the environment and in the event of the terrorist attack , it could wipe out an entire region. The enivronmental consequences should destroy waterways, ecosystem, and animal habitats, throughout the country and around the world.\nOn the other hand, we need not ban nuclear power plants, because nuclear energy is efficient, economical, scalable and clean.With increased pressure on expensive polluting conventional fuel, nuclear energy will play a critical role if global economies are to switch towards cleaner energy generation.\nMay 26th, 2015\nDid you know? You can earn $20 for every friend you invite to Studypool!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A global community of nature enthusiasts\nphotographing and learning about wildlife\nCaiman and a Black Mud Turtle, sunning together\nLow Lands, Rain Forest Costa Rica\nWell it is cool\nI like it!\nThis was in the natural habitat....\nThey are natural enemies but the needs of sun after several days of rain bring them togheter in the only available place.\nSpotted on Apr 17, 2011\nSubmitted on Apr 17, 2011", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Don't miss the latest stories\nThis New Electricity-Free Cooling System Could Work Even In The Desert\nBy Alexa Heah, 21 Sep 2021\nImage via KAUST\nThough the desert, given the amount of sunlight it receives, may seem like a great place to gather solar energy for the planet, such projects are often unattainable due to the lack of infrastructure in the area.\nNow, a new system—using only sunlight and saltwater—could be the clean energy alternative that could work even in the depths of sandy landscape.\nThis project is a brainchild of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), and makes use of a naturally-occurring phenomenon that causes water to cool rapidly.\nHow it works: energy is absorbed as salt crystals dissolve within water, meaning that if salt is added to a jug of warm water, the water will cool down quickly as the salt dissolves. The researchers are then replicating this effect on a much larger scale.\nAccording to New Atlas, the team, led by Professor Peng Wang, found that ammonium nitrate worked the best, as it was highly water-soluble, and already available as an inexpensive additive in fertilizer.\nThe technology could be developed as cooling systems to regulate temperatures in buildings or even to preserve food where there is no electricity.\nEven better, the cooling method is “sustainable” too. Once the water is no longer in use, solar heat is used to evaporate the water. The remaining salt crystals can then be collected and reused in the next system.\nCould this be the eco-friendly answer for less-developed regions? It certainly looks promising, and if researchers are able to create a machine to recreate the cooling method, it could become a much-needed device in the desert.\n[via New Atlas, cover image via KAUST]\nMore related news\nAlso check out these recent news", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Lake Simcoe/ South–eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Fund Environment Canada: Ontario Regional Director General’s Office\nLetter of Intent (recommended, but not mandatory): September 26, 2014\nFull Application: October 15, 2014\nThe call for Letters of Intent is issued to fund collaborative projects with the goal of reducing phosphorous inputs into Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay, improve water quality, and conserve critical aquatic habitat and associated species in these waters. All projects must meet the intent of at least one of the priorities below:\n- Research and monitoring to improve environmental information for decision making in South-eastern Georgian Bay and/or Lake Simcoe;\n- Conservation (e.g. protection, restoration, creation) of critical aquatic habitats and their associated species populations;\n- Reduction of rural and urban non-point source phosphorous / nutrients; and\n- Reduction of point source phosphorous / nutrients\n- Must be inside the geographic scope (see below);\n- Support targeted (e.g., as per existing conservation plans and strategies) aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and creation projects in areas of known water quality problems (e.g., as per watershed report cards, management plans, and studies) and habitat degradation;\n- Support community stewardship projects to conserve aquatic habitat;\n- Support the implementation of Best Management Practices that reduce urban and/or rural non-point sources of nutrients (e.g. surface runoff reduction, erosion control structures, vegetated buffers, cattle exclusion, alternative watering projects and phosphorous/nutrient management planning and recovery projects), assessment studies, and restoration of aquatic habitat impaired by excess phosphorous;\n- Support the promotion of septic system inspections, upgrades and replacements (systems must be 100m or less from a watercourse) in areas of known water quality problems;\n- Support the development and implementation of innovative technologies, techniques and demonstration projects that reduce nutrient loading from municipal wastewater and stormwater systems and other point source discharges;\n- Support the development of approaches to improve the efficiency and effluent quality of municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs); and communicate findings to decision makers;\n- Conduct water quality monitoring to measure phosphorous in the aquatic systems of South-eastern Georgian Bay including nearshore and tributary systems;\n- Conduct research and monitoring to assess conditions and causes contributing to increased phosphorous inputs into South-eastern Georgian Bay and nuisance and toxic algae growth to fill information gaps and aid in restoration and protection efforts; and\n- Conduct and support other research and monitoring necessary to guide the development and implementation of measures to reduce phosphorous/nutrient inputs and address low oxygen conditions and toxic/nuisance algae growth\nThe geographic scope of the initiative will expand beyond the Lake Simcoe drainage basin, to include the adjacent drainage basins emptying into south-eastern Georgian Bay, including the watersheds and bays of Nottawasaga Valley, Severn Sound, and the targeted coastal regions west of Highway 400/69 north of Port Severn to the French River. The extension and expansion of the program will reduce phosphorous inputs into Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay, improve water quality, and conserve critical aquatic habitat and associated species in these waters.\n- Environmental groups\n- Community groups (e.g. youth and seniors groups, community-based associations, service clubs)\n- Small and medium sized business (e.g. developers, industries etc.)\n- Aboriginal organizations (e.g. First Nations Councils, Métis Associations)\n- Conservation Authorities\n- Stewardship Networks\n- Agriculture Associations\n- Non-governmental organizations\n- Educational institutions\n- Provincial/territorial/municipal governments\nFor complete details, visit: http://www.ec.gc.ca/eau-water/default.asp?lang=En&n=85C54DAE-1\nRequest for Proposals: Integrating Management of Sensor Data for a Real Time Decision Making and Response System (Sponsored Research)\nDeadline: October 9, 2014\nThis project is sponsored by the WateReuse Research Foundation’s California Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Initiative, the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence, and the Water Environment Research Foundation as part of the WateReuse Research Foundation’s Solicited Research Program.\nThe project objectives include:\n- Develop an operational decision support tool that integrates a diverse number of sensors for timely feedback of high priority alerts due to a deviation from defined water quality and operational parameters within the treatment process, which could forewarn of a critical alarm and diversion of water. This tool should be designed to detect variations in system operation as well as early signs of contaminant breakthrough within the treatment train before delivery of the finished drinking water to the distribution system\n- Integrate existing sensors into a network as an early warning system that can be applied to any DPR treatment process and provides:\n- A sensor network integrated with SCADA, CMMS, and other process control utility\ntracking systems to collect, manage, and store multiple data sets of continuously\ngenerated data points from multiple sensors\n- A decision support tool to track system performance, and instrumentation functionality\nfor early detection of treatment system anomalies against preset/defined multiple key quality and treatment process parameters prior to any compromise to the quality of the finished drinking water\n- A sensor network integrated with SCADA, CMMS, and other process control utility\n- Build on criteria developed in WRRF-13-03 and WRRF-13-13 (research previously supported by the foundation) for decision making based on established critical control points within a DPR treatment process.\n- Develop a framework for sensor data integration using an operational decision support tool based on the above criteria. Such control systems are essential to reducing, detecting, and mitigating any weaknesses or lapses in the treatment system’s safety performance prior to delivery of the finished drinking water to the distribution system\nFor complete information, visit: https://www.watereuse.org/foundation/rfp/14-01\nAdvance Notice of Request for Proposals – Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF)\nThe Water Environment Research Foundation anticipates publishing a call for proposals in Fall 2014 for the following projects:\nThis research seeks to support market diversification by identifying requirements and specifications for high-quality biosolids. Biosolids have been used to successfully recover flood and fire damaged, drought ravaged, and marginal lands as slow release fertilizer and organic matter to help reduce eutrophication in adjacent receiving waters, and/or to help increase use of co-digestion (while complying with issues with the air rules) and/or biosolids with better odor control. Past research in the U.S. has focused on land application of Class B biosolids for agricultural use with very little done to help identify and develop industry tandards/specifications for high-quality biosolids (Class A or even better) and/or to establish better standards for stable, non-odorous biosolids. “High standards” biosolids have done relatively well in a niche marketplace. Some utilities have implemented processes to recover phosphorus from struvite – potentially diverting this from their biosolids product and impacting the nutrient value or helping land application restricted by nutrient loading rates. As utilities prepare for the future – better guidance on manufacturing high-quality, stable biosolids that are fit for specific purposes and markets is needed. This proposed work builds upon decades of land application experience, recent success stories, phosphorus and other resource recovery operations, etc. to help determine the standards and specifications needed by Utilities of the Future to produce high-quality biosolids.\nNOTE: WERF plans to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct research for utilities to produce safe, stable, high quality biosolids. Total WERF funding available is $250,000.\nDetermine State-of-the-Science, Available Technologies, and Incentives and Barriers for the Recovery of Plasmids and Rare Earth Elements in Wastewater\nEffluent from pharmaceutical plants – where the levels would be expected to be higher – might help determine the feasibility of recovering plasmids, and using the recovered material as part of a platform to manufacture and deliver veterinary medicines/pharmaceuticals. Due to concerns about the short supply and large demand for rare earth elements across the globe and concerns about mining of rare earth elements in conflict-ravaged and/or unstable nations in Africa – the market price and availability of rare earth elements has become highly speculative. Scientists are now trying to recycle rare earth elements from wastewater.\nThe Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) plans to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct research to determine state-of-the-science, available technologies, and incentives and barriers for the recovery of plasmids and rare earth elements in wastewater. Total WERF funding available is $50,000.\nFor complete information, visit: http://www.werf.org/default.aspx?ignoreredirect=1\nPostdoctoral Fellowships Program – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council\nDeadline: October 15, 2014\nValue: 40,000 per year for two years (24 months)\nThe Postdoctoral Fellowships Program provides support to a core of the most promising researchers at a pivotal time in their careers. The fellowships are also intended to secure a supply of highly qualified Canadians with leading edge scientific and research skills for Canadian industry, government and universities. NSERC encourages qualified Aboriginal students who are interested in the program to apply.\nApplications will be evaluated on criteria in two categories:\n- Research ability or potential (70%)\n- Communication, interpersonal, and leadership abilities (30%)\nTo be considered eligible for support, as of the deadline date of the year in which you apply, you must:\n- be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada; and\n- hold or expect to hold a doctorate in one of the fields of research that NSERC supports\n- have completed all requirements of your first doctoral degree no more than two years before the deadline date of the year in which you apply, or by September 1 of the year of the award announcement\n- If you have acquired at least six months of full-time relevant work experience in industry or government (experience in a university or its affiliated hospitals, research centres and other laboratories will not be considered) after you received your doctorate, NSERC will extend this eligibility period to three years\n- If, beginning within two years of the date of completion of your PhD, you withdraw from the workforce and from active research for maternity leave or to raise a child for at least one year, NSERC will extend this eligibility period to six years\n- Other eligibility requirements apply. Please visit the NSERC website for complete details\nEligible fellowship locations:\n- Canadian universities;\n- provincial research institutions in Canada;\n- other appropriate research laboratories in Canada; and\n- universities and research centres abroad\nNSERC encourages you to undertake research that involves collaboration with other Canadian organizations. The nature of the proposed collaboration must be acceptable to the host institution. Review the NSRC program page for other restrictions.\nFor complete information, visit: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pd-np/pdf-bp_eng.asp\nIn addition to the above funding programs, the following are ongoing opportunities:\nMITACS Accelerate Internships – Standard\nMitacs-Accelerate is Canada’s premiere research internship program. It connects companies with over 50 research-based universities through graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who apply their specialized expertise to business research challenges. Interns transfer their skills from theory to real-world application, while the companies gain a competitive advantage by accessing high-quality research expertise.\nMITACS Accelerate Clusters\nMitacs-Accelerate clusters are an alternative for larger research projects involving multiple Graduate students and/or Post-doctoral Fellows. Applicants may apply once for an Accelerate Cluster involving a minimum of three interns, at least six 4-month internship segments, and a minimum of one industrial partner.\nFor more information, please contact Anna Ziolecki or visit the MITACS website.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "[Event Recap] Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance (CDRF) – Deep Dive Virtual Session\nAs part of the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) Climate Change Training - Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance (CDRF) – Deep Dive Session was conducted on June 3, 2021. Martin Luis Alton (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI, WBG) kicked off the session with a brief introduction to Disaster Risk Finance (DRF) and Four Core Principles of DRF. The introduction was followed by two interviews with regional colleagues on regional DRF projects focusing on its set-up, implementation, and results. The interviews focused on understanding the scope of DRF projects in the context of climate change and how they are collaborating with the CDRF teams.\n- Interview 1: Antoine Bavandi (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI, WBG) interviewed Mihasonirina Andrianaivo (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, FCI, WBG) on projects in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.\n- Interview 2: Hang Thu Vu (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI, WBG) interviewed Vidaovanh Phounvixay (Financial Sector Specialist, FCI, WBG) on the Laos Disaster Risk Management Project.\nOlivier Mahul (Practice Manager, CDRF, FCI, WBG) presented the virtual event's final thoughts and closing remarks. The webinar was facilitated by Kaavya Krishna (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI, WBG).\nThe World Bank Group, to solidify its commitment towards climate change challenges, has announced in the Climate Change Action Plan 2021-2025, its pledge to fully integrate climate and development to support green, resilient, and inclusive development (GRID). FCI Global Practice within the World Bank Group has an important role in these endeavors and it is critical for all FCI staff to have a good understanding of the climate change agenda and be able to integrate climate considerations into FCI’s advisory and lending operations. As a part of its commitment, a 2-day Climate Change Training for FCI was conducted from June 2, 2021 to June 3, 2021.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Whether it's recyclables that we can use again, yard waste that we can turn into mulch, or items we haul to the landfill, we are always looking for ways to keep the Bluegrass beautiful. Our work is not just about getting rid of things, it's about Lexington's quality of life, its health, and the look of our community.\nWaste Management alerts\nSign up for 311 Alerts about waste collection changes due to holidays or weather and special collection events.\nThe annual task of disposing of falling leaves has already begun.\nThe event will take place at the Bluegrass Regional Transfer Station, 1505 Old Frankfort Pike.\nFayette County residents may bring up to five boxes or bags of dry material to be shredded at no cost.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Insights from the COLLABAT Webinar Series\nThe recordings of the mini-series on the future of battery packs for electromobility are now available\nIn the dynamic landscape of electric mobility, staying abreast of cutting-edge developments is crucial. COLLABAT cluster, a visionary cluster comprising four European Horizon 2020 projects. These projects, recipients of funding in the topic LC-BAT-10-2020, collectively aim to shape the next generation and realization of battery packs for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).\nUnveiling the COLLABAT Cluster:\nALBATROSS – Advanced Light-weight BATteRy systems: Optimized for fast charging, safety, and second-life applications, ALBATROSS sets the stage for batteries that transcend conventional boundaries.\nHELIOS – High-pErformance moduLar battery packs: HELIOS focuses on sustainable urban electromobility services, envisioning high-performance modular battery packs that redefine the driving experience.\nLIBERTY – LIghtweight Battery System: LIBERTY aspires to extend the range of electric vehicles while enhancing safety through a lightweight battery system.\nMARBEL – Manufacturing and assembly of modular and reusable EVbattery: MARBEL takes a leap in environmental-friendly and lightweight mobility, emphasizing modular and reusable battery manufacturing.\nCOLLABAT Webinar Series: A Knowledge Exchange Platform:\nThis webinar series serves as a knowledge exchange platform, where experts from ALBATROSS, HELIOS, LIBERTY, and MARBEL unravel the intricacies of their innovative projects. Participants gain insights into advancements in battery technology, sustainable urban mobility, lightweight systems, and manufacturing processes that pave the way for a greener and more efficient electric future.\nWatch the webinars now clicking on the following links:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Industry tells EPA: 'Withdraw sulfur rules'\nfrom Environmental Leader\nThe American Petroleum Institute and American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers have called upon the EPA to withdraw its proposed Tier 3 rule, which would require lower sulfur content in gasoline. API says Tier 3 is a \"reckless\" and \"unnecessary\" regulation that won't do much to improve air quality and will impose about $10 billion in new capital costs on refiners, increasing gasoline manufacturing costs by between six and nine cents per gallon.\n7701 Las Colinas Blvd., Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Cadillac Fairview unveils low-waste sorting station at CF Lime Ridge\nby CM Staff\nThe sorting station is constructed from 50 per cent recycled materials, including 100 per cent recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastics.\nHAMILTON — Cadillac Fairview (CF) is officially launching its first low-waste sorting station in Ontario at CF Lime Ridge, located in the Dining Hall on the lower level. The initiative, in collaboration with Gorrie/Unwasted, is representative of CF’s efforts in trying to transform communities for a brighter, more sustainable future.\n“At CF Lime Ridge, we are committed to responsibility, and are passionate about reducing our environmental footprint,” said Andy Traynor, General Manager, CF Lime Ridge. “We all have a collective responsibility to hold ourselves accountable for our decisions. By investing in this type of technology, we are empowering guests to help reduce one of the most challenging waste streams – food waste- and make a positive impact for future generations. We continue to elevate our consumer experience and are excited to be the first Ontario-based CF shopping centre to offer this game-changing recycling service.”\nThe sorting station is constructed from 50 per cent recycled materials, including 100 per cent recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastics. Guests who have finished their meals can bring a tray to the sorting station where trained staff will properly separate materials, effectively diverting food waste from landfills. The sorting Station is AODA compliant, with a section of the counterspace lowered for ease of access to patrons in wheelchairs.\nCF is collaborating with Gorrie/Unwasted to develop the new design materials for the Lime Ridge station.\n“As an established community hub, we’re thrilled CF Lime Ridge is engaging in a forward-thinking recycling initiative that actively educates patrons and inspires action that supports the New Plastics Economy,” said Ashley Gorrie, CEO, Gorrie. “The new CF Lime Ridge sorting station is a great example of how we can creatively draw single use plastic away from landfills and oceans and bring them into the manufacturing space to create bold, functionally designed products.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Swan at Rest\nThis beautiful swan had found a nice green cool spot to rest and would nibble on the greenery every few moments. It seems to be the lone swan at Sunset Bay at White Rock Lake.\nMute Swan (Cygnus olor)\nMute SwanCygnus olorswanaquatic birdaquaticwater fowllakeWhite Rock Lakedallas texassunset bay", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Using All Our Senses\nThe sensory garden at Merriam Avenue School has been providing students with opportunities to engage their senses and connect with nature.\nThe emotional benefits of being outdoors can be observed as soon as a student enters the garden. This environment provides a safe and secure feeling coupled with a sense of fun and adventure.\nThe research and planning that was put into the design of the garden is evident, there is a clear nod to all the senses.\nWe blended primary colors with the natural hues of bamboo and unfinished wood to create a ‘Zen feel’ with pops of color. The various colors of the plants and flowers provide further aesthetic stimulation.\nMint, rosemary and lavender are growing in several locations giving children the opportunity to touch and smell these fragrant plants. We also included strawberries, cherry tomatoes and basil to encourage children to explore their sense of taste in the garden.\nChildren enjoy interacting with the tactile sensory board that was installed, they like to touch the various textures. Students can explore the entire garden with their hands from the smooth texture of the river rocks to the cool water splashing down the water feature.\nThe sound of the wind charms and the water fountain provide a natural musical backdrop for the garden. We have installed several bird feeders to encourage the sound of birds chirping and most recently outdoor Bluetooth speakers that look like rocks have been added to the garden.\nTo encourage students to truly engage with the garden we placed signs that read:\nName 5 things you can see, 4 things that you can touch, 3 things that you can hear, 2 things that you can smell, 1 things you can taste.\nAbout the Grantee\nMerriam Avenue Elementary School is located in Northwest New Jersey. The mission of the Newton Public Schools is to educate the whole child. We believe parents, teachers, support staff and citizen's must partner in order to help children achieve their highest potential. Therefore we organize ourselves as community schools.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "ALLAHABAD: A brief spell of scattered\nrainfall on Wednesday ended a week-long heat spell in Allahabad. While eastern and northern parts of the city witnessed a downpour, western, southern and central pockets had to make do with a drizzle.\nThe around 20-minute bout of rainfall kept the Celsius on leash. The maximum temperature was 30.6 degrees and the minimum 28.2 degrees. The Met office\nrecorded 26mm rain till early evening. By night, several parts of the city were flooded following another spell of heavy rain.\nAreas such as Telirganj, Govindpur, Mumfordganj, Katra and Old Cantonment soaked in the shower of joy while Civil Lines, Chowk, Mutthiganj, Kydganj and Khuladabad were left wanting for more.\nIncidentally, when monsoon\nhad lashed the city earlier this month, its western fringes like Bamrauli, Sulem Sarai, Preetam Nagar, Rajroopur, Kareli and Dariyabad had received 13mm rainfall while the central and northern pockets had remained dry. The impact of scattered rainfall is more pronounced because of vegetation. While Old Cantonment, New Cantonment and their adjoining areas get abundant showers, those dominated by concrete jungle receive scanty rainfall.\n“The phenomenon is directly proportionate to concretisation of the city and increasing pollution levels. Heat domes and pollution zones, along with varied vegetative cover and direction of winds, decide which area will receive what amount of rain,” said weather expert and AU professor SS Ojha. Every city has scattered vegetation these days and the same decides how much rainfall it may receive, echoed professor Savindra Singh, former head of the same department. “Areas on the riverfront will also get more rainfall as clouds collect more moisture there,” he explained.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Vertebrates are a well-known group of animals that includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. The defining characteristic of vertebrates is their backbone, an anatomical feature that first appeared in the fossil record about 500 million years ago, during the Ordovician period. In this article, we'll look at the various groups of vertebrates in the order in which they evolved to create a picture of how vertebrate evolution unfolded to the present day.\nJawless Fish (Class Agnatha)\nThe first vertebrates were the jawless fish (Class Agnatha). These fish-like animals had hard bony plates that covered their bodies and as their name implies, they did not have jaws. Additionally, these early fish did not have paired fins. The jawless fish are thought to have relied on filter feeding to capture their food, and most likely would have sucked water and debris from the seafloor into their mouth, releasing water and waste out of their gills.\nThe jawless fish that lived during the Ordovician period all went extinct by the end of the Devonian period. Yet today there are some species of fish that lack jaws (such as lampreys, and hagfish). These modern day jawless fish are not direct survivors of the Class Agnatha but are instead distant cousins of the cartilaginous fish.\nArmored Fish (Class Placodermi)\nThe armored fish evolved during the Silurian period. Like their predecessors, they too lacked jaw bones but possessed paired fins. The armored fish diversified during the Devonian period but declined and fell into extinction by the end of the Permian period.\nCartilaginous Fish (Class Chondrichthyes)\nCartilaginous fish, better known as sharks, skates, and rays evolved during the Silurian period. Cartilaginous fish have skeletons composed of cartilage, not bone. They also differ from other fish in that they lack swim bladders and lungs.\nBony Fish (Class Osteichthyes)\nMembers of the Class Osteichthyes first arose during the late Silurian. The majority of modern fish belong to this group (note that some classification schemes recognize the Class Actnopterygii instead of Osteichthyes). Bony fish diverged into two groups, one that evolved into modern fish, the other that evolved into lungfish, lobe-finned fish, and fleshy-finned fish. The fleshy finned fish gave rise to the amphibians.\nAmphibians (Class Amphibia)\nAmphibians were the first vertebrates to venture out onto land. Early amphibians retained many fish-like characteristics but during the Carboniferous period amphibians diversified. They retained close ties to water though, producing fish-like eggs that lacked a hard protective coating and requiring moist environments to keep their skin damp. Additionally, amphibians underwent larval phases that were entirely aquatic and only the adult animals were able to tackle land habitats.\nReptiles (Class Reptilia)\nReptiles arose during the Carboniferous period and quickly took over as the dominant vertebrate of the land. Reptiles freed themselves from aquatic habitats where amphibians had not. Reptiles developed hard-shelled eggs that could be laid on dry land. They had dry skin made of scales that served as protection and helped retain moisture. Reptiles developed larger and more powerful legs than those of amphibians. The placement of the reptilian legs beneath the body (instead of at the side as in amphibians) enabled them greater mobility.\nBirds (Class Aves)\nSometime during the early Jurassic, two groups of reptiles gained the ability to fly and one of these groups later gave rise to the birds. Birds developed a range of adaptations that enabled flight such as feathers, hollow bones, and warm-bloodedness.\nMammals (Class Mammalia)\nMammals, like birds, evolved from a reptilian ancestor. Mammals developed a four-chambered heart, hair covering, and most do not lay eggs and instead give birth to live young (the exception is the monotremes).\nProgression of Vertebrate Evolution\nThe following table shows the progression of vertebrate evolution (organisms listed at the top of the table evolved earlier than those lower in the table).\n|Animal Group||Key Features|\n|Jawless Fish||- no jaws\n- no paired fins\n- gave rise to placoderms, cartilaginous and bony fish\n|Placoderms||- no jaws\n- armored fish\n|Cartilaginous fish||- cartilage skeletons\n- no swim bladder\n- no lungs\n- internal fertilization\n|Bony fish||- gills\n- swim bladder\n- some developed fleshy fins (gave rise to amphibians)\n|Amphibians||- first vertebrates to venture out onto land\n- remained quite tied to aquatic habitats\n- external fertilization\n- eggs had no amnion or shell\n- moist skin\n- hard-shelled eggs\n- stronger legs positioned directly beneath body\n- hollow bones\n- mammary glands", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "As part of our Harvest celebrations, we collected money for Christian Aid’s Harvest Appeal. We learnt about women in Malawi whose homes and farms had been destroyed by flooding and strong winds. We donated money to help them with their new business of making juice from the baobab.\nWe learnt that the storms and floods that affected Malawi were caused by climate change, and that climate change will continue to cause extreme weather all over the world.\nEvery child in our school made a prayer boat and we sent these images to Cop26 to show our support for climate change. Our prayers asked God to help the world leaders make changes to protect the world from climate change.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The high noon sun makes it tough to inspect the shrubs and plants in the butterfly park without squinting. Despite the harsh conditions, the Athalye family — Sandeep, his wife, son, and mother — arrive at the two-acre park for their regular visit, not just to have a leisurely time, but to survey the thriving Eden they helped establish inside Mumbai’s green lung: the roughly 3000-acre Aarey Milk Colony.\nThe Athalye family’s weekend trip to Aarey, adjacent to a congested highway in the heart of the city, is sacrosanct: they are continuing a deeply rooted tree-planting family tradition.\nIt all started in the year 2000 when Sandeep’s father, Vinay Athalye, who used to regularly take leisurely walks at Aarey, decided to plant around 100 saplings. Driven by passion and support from his fellow walkers and family, over the next 15 years, the elder Athalye managed to plant around 5500 saplings in Aarey.\nBut he didn't plant just any kind of tree saplings. Athalye purposefully planted five native tree species: peepal (sacred fig/Ficus religiosa), vad (banyan/Ficus benghalensis), amla (Indian gooseberry/Phyllanthus emblica), bael (Aegle marmelos) and ashoka (Saraca asoca) that are collectively called panchavati (grove of five trees). These tree species are believed to increase oxygen in the atmosphere. Through the years, he added 550 saplings to a patch of land that was later publicly known as Panchavati and grew into a densely wooded area. Though the land was later allotted to one of Mumbai’s defense forces and became restricted to the public, Athalye was known for this deed.\nAfter his father’s demise in 2015, Sandeep’s family continued the tradition of greening the city and planted approximately 700 saplings of native species to date. To fulfill the senior Athalye’s wish, the family planted another 1200 shrubs, and converted a barren plot into a bustling butterfly garden. “We must give back to nature,” said 39-year-old Sandeep.\nGreen and open spaces are a rarity in this densely populated megacity of over 12.4 million.\nRashneh Pardiwala, ecologist and founder of the Centre for Environmental Research & Education (CERE), explained, “One of the areas of concern in India is the diminishing availability of green spaces in our major metros. Today, Mumbai, for example, has just 1.1 square metres of open space per person, including Sanjay Gandhi National Park, gardens, recreation grounds, and playgrounds.”\nMumbai falls short of World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation of nine square metre green open spaces by almost nine times. The 2017 tree census conducted by the governing civic body of Mumbai, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) revealed that the city had one tree for every four people. Further, a recent study by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay highlighted how people from lower socio-economic backgrounds have less access to green space.\nThat’s not good news for the coastal city, which is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.\nTrees are beneficial to the environment. They act as a carbon sink by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen (O2). An increase in atmospheric CO2 due to human activity is one of the leading causes of climate change. A recent study claims a natural solution to mitigate this: plant a trillion trees in specific regions of the world to capture 25% of carbon dioxide.\nCERE has planted 46,557 large native trees across 61 locations including many sites in Mumbai under its Urban Afforestation Project (UAP). The initiative helps companies, organizations, and individuals reduce their carbon footprint and has sequestered 12,602 metric tonnes of CO2.\nThe benefits of planting tree canopy and green cover branch in several directions. It regulates the local climate and reduces the urban heat island effect caused by heat trapped between the artificial structures of the city. Urban trees also play a crucial role in reducing air pollution as the leaves absorb harmful pollutants from vehicles, industries, and other sources.\nGreen spaces in urban areas provide shelter to local biodiversity, act as sound and wind barriers, contribute to the social, mental, and physical well-being of people, and the list goes on.\nFortunately, the barren plot where the second-generation Athalyes have planted on are currently free for all to access and enjoy. A kaleidoscope of butterflies might welcome visitors who enter the butterfly garden. Aarey has recorded 86 butterflies species, and Sandeep is hopeful to shelter them here.\nBut his idea doesn’t end with planting a sapling. He invites volunteers to the plantation drives, shows them the benefits of planting indigenous trees and hopes to give them experience and get inspired. “They should not just become opportunities for selfies,” he said. “Once you plant a sapling, you have to monitor it like a baby for the first few years.”\nA recent drive in a roughly three-acre plot of land that opened up to a view of Mumbai’s skyscrapers at the horizon pleasantly surprised Sandeep. He expected around 100 to 150 people to attend and plant 300 peepal saplings, but 400 - 500 people turned up.\nSandeep is relieved that his six-year-old son gets the chance to get his hands dirty in the soil. He believes it’ll help him form a bond with nature and become sensitive towards its issues.\nIndia pledged to reduce its national emissions by creating an additional carbon sink for 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. Mumbai, like many other cities in India, bears witness to rapid urban infrastructure projects, mostly at a disproportionate environmental cost. At such a time, the efforts of individuals and communities to safeguard or revive existing ecosystems and create new ones can be crucial.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Kinross Gold says Chile mine operations still down after flooding\nApril 1 (Reuters) - Kinross Gold Corp said on Wednesday its mining and crushing operations at its Maricunga mine in northern Chile remain suspended following severe floods in the region last week.\nEven so, the Toronto-based producer said it doesn't expect the temporary halt to affect its regional production forecast for the year. (Reporting by Nicole Mordant in Vancouver; Editing by Alan Crosby)\n© Thomson Reuters 2017 All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Introduce yourself and your company\nMy name is Belén Linares, I am the Manager of Energy Innovation at Acciona and I have been working in the energy sector for over 20 years. I initially worked in the aerospace sector, because I am an aerospace engineer, but I was amazed by the energy sector very quickly.\nMy company is Acciona and I work in the energy division where I lead Innovation. Acciona is an electric company whose energy division has more than 11 GW installed worldwide of renewable technologies; it is a green utility: wind, photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydraulic and biomass.\nWhat activities do you carry out in relation to energy storage?\nWithin the energy innovation portfolio, we work on several strategic programs, one of which is energy storage; we are obsessed with managing energy over time. In principle, we are working with electrochemical storage, or we are starting to bet on it, but we are also monitoring and observing thermal storage, and we are starting to be tremendously interested in stationary storage through gas storage.\nWhat would you highlight about CIC energiGUNE?\nWithin Acciona´s innovation strategy, we work in an open innovation mode, which means that we monitor, accelerate, and follow all technology centers or partners that innovate and are excellent at doing what they do, such as CIC energiGUNE in the case of energy storage.\nCIC energiGUNE is one of the technology centers in the world that we monitor from Acciona and in which we try to accelerate all those developments of very low TRL´s but that could have some application in the industry.\nWhat is Acciona´s relationship with the Spin off Bcare?\nWe began our energy storage development by piloting two plants in Spain -our prototypes-, one with solar-photovoltaic and the other with wind power, and we chose CIC energiGUNE´s spin-off, Bcare, as the company to advise Acciona on the development of energy storage.\nNow, we are going to invest in a utility-scale energy storage plant in Australia, in the Mortlake Park, with wind energy and Bcare is one of the technological agents that is advising us, for sizing, maintenance, construction and also for the suppliers of the value.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Forecasters warning of snow for Rotherham\nIT’S time to wrap up this weekend with weathermen predicting Rotherham is in for a blast of cold weather . . . and even some snow.\nThe Met Office has issued a yellow warning of snowshowers for the region over the weekend and particularly on Monday, with accumulations of up to 5cm at low levels.\nForecasters also say icy surfaces will be a problem on Monday morning.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Who loves mosquitoes? Said no one, ever!!!\nMosquitoes are tiny creatures, flies which suck blood. The blood can be of humans, animals or any other creature, their bite causes a red bumps and a lot of irritation. Though the bite of a mosquito is harmless and there is no big loss of blood, they are scary because they can cause a lot of diseases. As they grow in unclean places and tend to bite all kinds of species, they are the biggest known vectors to a lot of diseases, like yellow fever, dengue, chickungunya and the latest being the zika virus. These diseases could be lethal for humans.\nThe backyard of the house is a place everybody wants to be at. Kids love to play there, elders generally stroll in the garden and that’s where most of our barbeque parties are. Nobody would ever want their backyard and then there house to be full of disease causing mosquitoes.\nThe best ways to get rid of mosquitoes or prevent them from entering your backyard would be-\nAs safety is always the first priority, one must never take mosquito growth in the surroundings lightly, as they can cause fatal diseases. One must always immediately contact a professional and on a day to day basis try and keep our surroundings clean and prevent them from growing.\nNeed a reputable, affordable and responsive pest control company in Albany? Give All Star Pest Solutions a call today!\nAll Star Pest Solutions is a certified pest control company offering a full suite of services to Albany and the surrounding Capital Region.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "May 17, 2023\nSEOUL – South Korea heightened its earthquake alert level by one notch from blue to yellow as a 4.5-magnitude quake was detected off the east coast Monday morning, affecting cities on the nation’s eastern coast.\nThe alert level is raised when at least three quakes are detected in a specific area within a short range of time, and calls for cooperation between several government bodies on the issue, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo’s office said in a statement.\nHan urged the Interior Ministry to inspect the nation’s resilience against earthquakes. He also called on the industry, science and land ministers to monitor the operation of critical infrastructure for the power supply, telecommunications and traffic systems.\nThe upgrade came three weeks after the Interior Ministry had issued a blue alert — the lowest on the scale of four — on April 25. Since then, four quakes stronger than magnitude 3, including Sunday’s 3.1-magnitude quake, have taken place over the course of the last three weeks within a 50-kilometer radius of the epicenter.\nIt was the first alert level above blue issued since October, when a 4.1-magnitude quake in Goesan County, North Chungcheong Province, led to an orange alert — one level higher than yellow.\nMonday’s magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred at 6:27 a.m. at a depth of 31 kilometers in the East Sea, 52 kilometers off the coastal city of Donghae, Gangwon Province. It was this year’s strongest quake out of 44 with magnitude 2.0 or greater detected in Korea so far. A minor 1.8-magnitude aftershock followed at 8:06 a.m.\nThe quake was felt in Gangwon Province and North Gyeongsang Province with a shaking intensity of level three, meaning people standing inside buildings in the region felt weak but noticeable tremors, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration.\nMagnitude measures an earthquake’s size at its epicenter, while shaking intensity measures the degree of shaking caused by a quake at a specific location other than the epicenter.\nA tremor of weaker intensity was also felt in North Chungcheong Province, according to the authorities.\nNo injuries or deaths from Monday’s quake were expected, but there were at least 18 reports of the tremor having been felt in Gangwon Province, as well as three in North Gyeongsang Province as of 7:30 a.m.\nAlso, no alerts were declared at nuclear power plants along the east coast, with the nearest one being about 88 kilometers away from the epicenter, according to the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission under Han’s office.\nIt was the 22nd-strongest quake ever detected on or around the Korean Peninsula.\nAlso, it was the strongest quake by magnitude out of the 42 quakes reported in the area since Korea began recording earthquakes in 1978.\nAccording to the KMA’s estimate, Monday’s quake might have come from an unidentified reverse fault on the East Sea.\nExperts say Monday’s quake might have to do with a nearby Hupo fault, unlike a series of small earthquakes in the area coming from an unidentified right-lateral fault, the movement of which is in the right-hand direction.\n“This means we are not sure if the main shock in the area has already come or not,” said Lee Hee-kwon, geology professor at Kangwon National University.\nWork to identify the faults in ocean areas off the Korean Peninsula — including the quake-hit area — have been underway in a pangovernmental research project for the past couple of decades, but it is unlikely that Seoul will be able to confirm where the active faults in the area are in the near future, a KMA official told The Korea Herald on Monday.\nKorea experienced its strongest earthquake with the magnitude of 5.9 in 2016 in Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, causing damage to historical sites and artifacts as well as disrupting telecommunications operations.\nIt was followed by a 5.4-magnitude quake in Pohang, North Gyeongsang Province, in 2017, which left over 90 injured and displaced nearly 1,800.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- Reclaimed Paneling & Flooring\nThis project incorporated 3,100 square feet of reclaimed wood paneling and flooring milled from dense hardwoods from tropical lowlands.\nNestled in the historic neighborhood of Mission Hills, The Patio on Goldfinch is a gathering place focused on relaxation, enjoyment and sharing. It features a living green wall, Torrey Pines table, outdoor fireplace and pet-friendly patio. Everyone is naturally drawn to the huge, lush plant wall in the back of the room, designed by The Patio's on-staff decorator. Another plant wall appears on the al fresco patio.\nThe project owners are aiming LEED Platinum certification for the restaurant and anticipate achieving at least LEED Gold.\nThis project was coordinated by our Global Reuse Services team while working as an independent company, PlanetReuse.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Science Media Centre recently held a briefing for journalists on the recent slowdown in global surface temperature rise, and published an accompanying briefing note. The Met Office also released three reports on the topic.\nThe key points were: (1) recent changes need to be put in longer term context & other climate indicators such as sea level, Arctic sea ice, snow cover, glacier melt etc are also important; (2) the explanation for recent slowdown is partly additional ocean heat uptake & partly negative trends in natural radiative forcing (due to solar changes and small volcanic eruptions) which slightly counteract the positive forcing from GHGs; (3) the quantification of the relative magnitude of these causes is still work in progress; (4) climate models simulate similar pauses.\nThere were several articles in the media following the briefing, including BBC, The Telegraph, The Independent, amongst others. One theme in the articles was that the possible existence of such pauses were a surprise to journalists, but not to the scientists. As the observations of global temperature have always shown such variability it should not have been too surprising, but perhaps this message was not expressed or communicated clearly to the media before? Or perhaps it just was not as interesting to the media before?\nEarly discussions on role of variability\nPrevious IPCC reports have certainly highlighted the role of variability – for example:\n- FAR 1990: Simulated decadal variability was present in some of the first climate simulations (Figure 6.2). Also discussed in the Executive Summary of the SPM.\n- TAR 2001: Section – Signal versus noise, including Figures 9.2 and 9.3\nOne of the earliest coordinated efforts which considered the role of variability in projections was the EU PREDICATE project which ran from 2000 to 2003. Figure 1 below (published in CLIVAR Exchanges #19 in 2001) shows observations and three projections of European temperatures from 1996 to 2020 with different realisations of the variability. This type of work helped motivate the use of initial condition information to make experimental decadal climate predictions.\nThe communication of the role of variability has increased markedly since the IPCC AR4 (which was unfortunately a little quieter on this topic), at least partly due to the recent slowdown. Recent articles, such as that of Deser et al., have helped this communication.\nTwo figures used at the briefing also appear below. The first highlights that simulations do show similar pauses to those seen in recent observations, and the second, which appears in the briefing note, will be familiar to regular readers of Climate Lab Book. It compares the observed global temperatures with the CMIP5 simulations, but with a longer term context than previous versions.\nOverall, the important role of variability in near-term climate has been known since the early climate simulations, but perhaps not communicated as widely as it might have been.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Thu, 22 December 2022\nFor years now marine biologists, conservationists, NGOs, and governments have been working to protect the oceans in places all over the world. It would make sense that the projects would be about working altogether, especially with the people that live along the coastal community. Unfortunately, that hasn’t always happened. Coastal communities have been ignored during these projects. Luckily, there seem to be more conversations around Justice and equity with environmental projects, which could lead to a better future. I am going to talk about ocean Justice and Equity in this episode.\nFill out our listener survey: https://www.speakupforblue.com/survey", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Rain can do a lot of things, but the last thing that it does is to make your windows dirty. Although it can potentially make your window appear dirtier, it’s only because the dirt was already there, to begin with.\nMost homeowners often rely on a professional commercial window cleaning service such as Utah Window Cleaning Inc in Sandy to do the job. However, it’s still important to know if most window cleaning myths are true or not. So, does rainwater really make your windows dirty?\nRain actually keeps your window cleaner for a longer period. However, it’s easy to confuse groundwater and rainwater. The truth is, groundwater is a reason your windows are dirty. Groundwater often contains various chemicals and mineral deposits that aren’t commonly found in rainwater.\nThese chemicals and other particulates tend to stay behind the mirror once the water evaporates, which then leaves white spots where the water previously evaporated. However, rainwater doesn’t have any mineral deposits in it, which in turn doesn’t leave any spot once it dries.\nRainwater as Window Cleaners\nRainwater tends to keep levels of specific matter much lower. So if you keep your windows free from dirt or grime, then the rainwater will help keep it protected from any dirt or small debris.\nAir also has an effect on your windows as well. If the air is free from dust, then there’s a less chance that dirt will settle on the glass surface once the raindrop hits your windows.\nIn general, rainwater doesn’t constitute to dirty. However, you still have to regularly keep it clean at all times to prevent any dirt from accumulating. You might want to hire a professional window cleaning service to do the job for you.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Fish Passage Through a Simulated Horizontal Bulb Turbine Pressure Regime: A Supplement to\"Laboratory Studies of the Effects of Pressure and Dissolved Gas Supersaturation on Turbine-Passed Fish\"\nDescription: Migratory and resident fish in the Columbia River Basin are exposed to stresses associated with hydroelectric power production, including pressure changes during turbine passage. The responses of fall chinook salmon and bluegill sunfish to rapid pressure change was investigated at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Previous test series evaluated the effects of passage through a vertical Kaplan turbine under the\"worst case\" pressure conditions and under less severe conditions where press… more\nDate: July 31, 2003\nCreator: Abernethy, Cary S.; Amidan, Brett G. & Cada, G. F.\nPartner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "PUCO approves AEP-Ohio energy efficiency plan\nCOLUMBUS, OHIO (Jan. 18, 2017) – Today the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) adopted an agreement to allow AEP-Ohio to continue and expand its energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs through 2020.\nAEP-Ohio will offer a variety of programs to assist residential and business customers in reducing their energy demand. Programs include efficient product rebates and incentives, appliance recycling programs, in-home energy audits, home weatherization assistance, and various educational and training programs.\nThe Commission also adopted a $110 million annual program cost cap to protect against potential increases in the cost of energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs.\nOn Dec. 9, 2016 AEP-Ohio and 13 interested parties signed a stipulation resolving all outstanding issues and recommended Commission approval. The stipulation was signed by AEP-Ohio, PUCO staff, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law & Policy Center, Interstate Gas Supply, Inc., Kroger, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Natural Resources Defense Council, Ohio Energy Group, Ohio Environmental Council, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio Manufacturers’ Association and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.\nThe PUCO is responsible for evaluating electric distribution utilities’ energy efficiency and peak demand portfolio programs, which must be cost-effective in reducing energy usage or peak demand consistent with state policy. Utilities are required by law to meet certain energy-reducing benchmarks annually.\nThe Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) is the sole agency charged with regulating public utility service. The role of the PUCO is to assure all residential, business and industrial consumers have access to adequate, safe and reliable utility services at fair prices while facilitating an environment that provides competitive choices. Consumers with utility-related questions or concerns can call the PUCO Call Center at (800) 686-PUCO (7826) and speak with a representative.\nSubscribe and unsubscribe to the PUCO Media Release email service", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Canada’s adoption of renewable power sources: NE2-17/2-2017E-PDF\nenergy market analysis, May 2017.\n“Canada generates a large share of its electricity from renewable sources, including hydro generation, compared to other countries. In 2015, renewables accounted for 66% of generation, up from 60% in 2005. Only five countries produce a similar or larger share of electricity from renewable sources: Norway, New Zealand, Brazil, Austria, and Denmark. In 2015, Canada was a global leader in total hydroelectricity production, second only to China. Canada is also a major producer of wind power; Canadian generation from solar and biomass sources is more modest. China, the United States, and Germany lead the world in total wind, solar, and biomass production. Many factors influence the adoption of different power sources, including installation and generation costs, reliability, and environmental considerations. Collectively, renewables such as wind and solar are becoming more cost competitive. The low carbon emissions associated with renewables have also aligned them with current policy priorities. As a result, the increased adoption of renewables is expected to continue in Canada and abroad\"--Executive summary, p. 1.\n|Department/Agency||National Energy Board.|\n|Title||Canada’s adoption of renewable power sources|\n|Subtitle||energy market analysis, May 2017.|\n|Series Title||Energy market analysis ;|\n|Publication Type||Series - View Master Record|\n|Other Language Editions||[French]|\n|Electronic Document|| |\nInformation identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact the authoring department to request a format other than those available.\nWe invite you to consult the Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information regarding the Archived Content notice.\nNote: The URLs contained in this/these document(s) may no longer be functional\n|Note||Issued also in French under title: Adoption des sources d’énergie renouvelable au Canada : analyse des marchés de l’énergie, mai 2017. Cover title.|\n|Number of Pages||ii, 28 p. :|\n|Subject Terms||Renewable energy, Market analysis|\n- Date modified:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "With food costs ever-rising, and with each of us taking more care about choosing responsibly in the supermarket, it can be a challenge to find nutritious, high protein foods that are also sustainable.\nSaldanha Bay is a large, sheltered bay on the Cape west coast about a 90 minute drive north of Cape Town. Farming in the sea, also known as aquaculture, is the practice of rearing water creatures for food and is different from fishing or foraging in that it is practiced with a strong focus on renewing the farming resource, and protecting the environment that supports the aqua farm.\nMussels and Oysters are known as bivalve molluscs, or shellfish that have two opposing shells that open and close to allow the creature inside to eat and breathe. That creature on the inside is the meaty, delicious bit that we eat – either cooked or raw – which is high in omega 3’s, protein, and other minerals such as B12 and selenium.\nAlthough mussels and oysters are cousins, they have very different life cycles.\nIn South African ocean waters you will find two species of mussels – the Mediterranean mussel (with the familiar orange or white flesh) and the South African mussels, that has a darker, brown flesh. Both are just as delicious, but the South African mussels sometimes requires a few minutes extra cooking time. Mussels will grow spontaneously on almost any surface – I’m sure you’ve seen them growing on rocks and jetties? At the mussel farm, floating rafts are anchored in the bay, with 6m lines of rope hanging down into the water. All that is needed to collect the mussels, is to pull of the rope, strip off the mussels, rinse them with sea water and send them back to the factory for packaging. Mussels reach the ideal size, about 8cm, within one year and are ready to be harvested.\nThe oysters, predictably, need a little more care and nurture. Oysters are grown from ‘seed’ which are tiny, baby oysters about the size of a grain of rice. The oyster babies are put into cages, that are submerged about 2m under the water, anchored to a long line. At various intervals of 45 to 60 days, the cages are raised for inspection and to check on the little oyster babas. As they grow, they are graded by size, and reloaded into enclosures that are larger and larger.\nA medium size oyster that you might expect to have served to you in a restaurant, would have been in the ocean growing for about 10-12 months. Extra large oysters are farmed for up to 18 months.\nAt the Saldanha Bay farms, no products are added to water. Only the infrastructure, such as rafts and ropes are installed, to provide the ideal environment for the molluscs to naturally make their home. For both the mussels and the oysters, all that they need to grow and reproduce, is available right there in the water. Each tide brings in fresh waters from the ocean, filled with nutrients and oxygen, keeping the molluscs happy!\nStoring, cooking and serving\nOysters and mussels are harvested early every morning, depending on the weather and sea conditions. Freshness is key here – but did you know that live mussels and oysters can be refrigerated for up to 4 days? Sea water samples are tested on a regular basis to check for algae blooms, also known as red tides. Algal bloom does not harm the molluscs, but the toxins present in the flesh of themussel and oyster are not safe for human consumption.\nOysters are of course, best served chilled and raw. The flesh is a medium texture that is smooth, and has a salty taste like fresh sea water, with a sweeter flavour at the end. Enjoy oysters however you prefer – they are excellent with fresh lemon, black pepper and maybe a little bit of chilli. They are also delicious with a sweet and spicy vinaigrette dressing and best followed by ice cold sparkling wine or beer!\nIf you have bought live mussels – that is the fresh, closed shells – then the easiest way to prepare them is to steam them with a little flavoured liquid, butter and fresh herbs. We love them with garlic, butter and parsley and served with chunks of baguette to catch all the delicious sauce.\nA special thank you for hosting us in Saldanha Bay to Wild Peacock Products, the exclusive supplier to the restaurant industry of products from Blue Ocean Mussels and Saldanha Bay Oyster Company.\nYou can order live mussels, delivered straight to your home!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Benefits of the Pelican Shower Filter:\n• Filters chlorine and chloramines, as well as other contaminants\n• Rejuvenates and moisturizes your hair and skin\n• Reduces skin dryness, flakiness\n• Reduces fading of color treated hair\n• Eliminates the unpleasant odors from your shower water\n• Transforms your shower into a spa experience!\n• Maintains shower pressure • Patented design • Great for pets (with optional wand)\nGreat features include:\n• Dual-flow shower head. Switch between high-flow & water conservation\n• Refreshing 'Ocean Breeze' scent bar for relaxing aromatherapy\n• Unique 'up' design • Convenient clip for shower accessories\n• Filter lasts 15,000 gallons or 750 ten minute showers (average replacement every 9 months)\n• 'Quick Connect' for simple and easy filter change\n• Easy Installation\nDamaging Effect of Chlorine:\nSo many people in the world today have no idea the damage caused by chlorine, chloramines and other disinfection byproducts in their water to their hair and skin. One of the most important things we can do is protect ourselves from the damaging effects caused by these chemicals. Chemicals in your water can cause skin and hair to become dry, itchy and damage your hair - stripping its natural oils leaving it dry, brittle and hard to manage. Chemicals in your water will also vaporize when your water heats up in the shower, allowing them to be inhaled with every breath. Now, you can have softer healthier looking, shinier, and more manageable hair plus softer skin all from a spa like shower experience\nPelican Shower Filter Certifications: The Shower Filter has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 177 for the reduction of free available chlorine by KDF Fluid Treatment\nLaboratory 3-Stages of Water Filtration – Industry-leading technology with patent-pending design:\nStage 1 - Copper and Zinc Oxidation Media Includes a patented blend of media used to filter chlorine and other contaminants from your shower water. Your hair and skin will enjoy the many benefits of dechlorinated water.\nStage 2 - GAC Carbon Media Includes a special blend of steam activated carbon media. This media is designed to filter out chloramines and synthetic chemicals as well as unpleasant odors. Your water will now smell fresh and clean.\nStage 3 – Far Infrared Balls Consists of Far-Infrared emitting volcanic media that induces reduced or negative ions into the water. This results in a lower surface tension in the water allowing for better hydration of hair and skin. Changing the surface tension in the water also makes the water feel softer on your hair and skin, leaving you with a feeling of having just left a spa.\nIf you purchase the full System, it Includes:\n• PSF-1 Pelican Premium Shower Filter\n• Dual-Flow Shower Head or Handheld Shower Head\n• (1x) Aromatherapy Scent Bar\n• Owners Manual / Installation Instructions", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "“This is in no way indicating the end of the world,” said Eric Smith, astronomy instructor at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta. “It’s a random one-off event.”\nThat said, Smith said the event was quite surprising.\nExperts say smaller meteorites hit the earth five to 10 times a year, but strikes the size of the one over the Ural Mountains only happen between every five and 10 years.\n“Meteorites fall all the time on earth, but most of them are very, very small,” said Nikolaos Kidonakis, associate professor of physics at Kennesaw State University.\nAnd, usually, those hit uninhabited areas.\n“For as spread out as we are today, the unpopulated areas are still more than the populated areas,” Smith said. “Just by sheer numbers, you’re more likely to get a hit in an unpopulated area than a populated area.”\nThe strike reminded Smith of another impact in Russia. In 1908, a comet exploded over Siberia that caused the largest recorded impact in history. Though the “Tunguska event” was much larger, it didn’t injure anyone.\nMaking Friday’s event more unusual was that the meteorite struck on the same day that an asteroid passed within 17,150 miles of earth, the closest known flyby of a rock that size.\n“I don’t know if it is just a coincidence or if a piece (of the asteroid) got broken off, or maybe the asteroid was tailing some smaller rocks,” Smith said.\nBut Kidonakis said the two aren’t necessarily related.\n“Meteorites are very common,” he said. “Asteroids coming by the earth is more rare.”\nEuropean Space Agency spokesman Bernhard Von Weyhe said Asteroid 2012DA14 is unrelated to the meteorite strike in Russia.\nMeteorites have even struck in north Georgia. A 10-ounce meteorite that tore a hole in the roof of a home in Cartersville in 2009 is now on display at the Tellus Science Museum there. It was the 25th found in the state.\nMichael Peck with the U.S. Geological Survey’s office in Atlanta said other meteorites were formerly on display at the state Capitol, but have been moved to Tellus.\nAlan Harris, a senior scientist at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin, said most of the damage in Russia on Friday would have been caused by the explosion of the meteor as it broke up in the atmosphere. The explosion caused a shockwave that sent windows and loose objects flying through the air in a radius of several kilometers. By the time the remaining fragments hit the ground, they would have been too small to cause significant damage far from the site of impact, he said.\nVon Weyhe said experts from Europe, the United States and Russia are already discussing how to spot potential threats sooner and avert them, particularly in case there is danger of a meteorite hitting a major city. But don’t expect a Hollywood style mission to fly a nuclear bomb into space and blow up the asteroid.\n“It’s a global challenge and we need to find a solution together,” he said. “But one thing’s for sure, the Bruce Willis ‘Armageddon’ method won’t work.”\n— The Associated Press contributed to this story", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "On the limit to the accuracy of regional-scale air quality models\nRegional-scale air pollution models are routinely being used worldwide for research, forecasting air quality, and regulatory purposes. It is well recognized that there are both reducible (systematic) and irreducible (unsystematic) errors in the meteorology–atmospheric-chemistry modeling systems. The inherent (random) uncertainty stems from our inability to properly characterize stochastic variations in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and from the incommensurability associated with comparisons of the volume-averaged model estimates with point measurements. Because stochastic variations are not being explicitly simulated in the current generation of regional-scale meteorology–air quality models, one should expect to find differences between the model estimates and corresponding observations. This paper presents an observation-based methodology to determine the expected errors from current-generation regional air quality models even when the model design, physics, chemistry, and numerical analysis, as well as its input data, were “perfect”. To this end, the short-term synoptic-scale fluctuations embedded in the daily maximum 8 h ozone time series are separated from the longer-term forcing using a simple recursive moving average filter. The inherent uncertainty attributable to the stochastic nature of the atmosphere is determined based on 30+ years of historical ozone time series data measured at various monitoring sites in the contiguous United States (CONUS). The results reveal that the expected root mean square error (RMSE) at the median and 95th percentile is about 2 and 5 ppb, respectively, even for perfect air quality models driven with perfect input data. Quantitative estimation of the limit to the model's accuracy will help in objectively assessing the current state of the science in regional air pollution models, measuring progress in their evolution, and providing meaningful and firm targets for improvements in their accuracy relative to ambient measurements.\nConfidence in model estimates of pollutant distributions is established through direct comparisons of modeled concentrations with corresponding observations made at discrete locations for retrospective cases. Pinder et al. (2008) discussed the reducible (i.e., structural and parametric) uncertainties that are attributable to the errors in model input data (e.g., meteorology, emissions, and initial and boundary conditions) as well as our incomplete or inadequate understanding of the relevant atmospheric processes (e.g., chemical transformation, planetary boundary layer evolution, transport and dispersion, deposition, rain, and clouds). Inherent or irreducible (random or unsystematic) uncertainties stem from our inability to properly characterize the stochastic nature of the atmosphere (Wilmott, 1981; Wilmott et al., 1985; Fox, 1984; Rao et al., 1985, 2011a, b; Dennis et al., 2010) and from the incommensurability associated with comparing the volume-averaged model estimates with point measurements (e.g., McNair et al., 1996; Swall and Foley, 2009). Also, without completely knowing the three-dimensional initial physical and chemical state of the atmosphere, its future state cannot be simulated accurately (Lamb, 1984; Lamb and Hati, 1987; Lewellen and Sykes, 1989; Pielke, 1998; Gilliam et al., 2015). Given the presence of the irreducible uncertainties, precise replication of observed concentrations or their changes by the models cannot be expected (Dennis et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2011a; Porter et al., 2015; Astitha et al., 2017).\nWhereas an air quality model's prediction represents some time-/space-averaged concentrations, an observation at any given time at a monitoring location reflects an individual event or specific realization out of a population that will almost always differ from the model estimate even if the model and its input data were perfect (Rao et al., 1985). Consequently, comparisons of modeled and observed concentrations paired in space and time indicate biases and errors in simulating absolute levels of pollutant concentrations at individual monitoring sites (Porter et al., 2015). The scientific discussion on modeling uncertainty goes back more than 3 decades with the current practice including data assimilation, ensemble modeling, and model performance evaluation (e.g., Fox, 1981, 1984; Lamb, 1984; Demerjian, 1985; Oreskes et al., 1994; Pielke, 1998; Lewellen and Sykes, 1989; Lee et al., 1997; Carmichael et al., 2008; Hogrefe et al., 2001a, b; Biswas and Rao, 2001; Grell and Baklanov, 2011; Gilliam et al., 2006; Herwehe et al., 2011; Baklanov et al., 2014; Bocquet et al., 2015; Solazzo and Galmarini, 2015a; Ying and Zhang, 2018; McNider and Pour-Biazar, 2020; Stockwell et al., 2020). While ever-improving process knowledge and increasing computational power will continue to help reduce the structural and parametric uncertainties in air quality models, the inherent uncertainty associated with our inability to properly characterize the stochastic nature of the atmosphere will always result in some mismatch between the model results and measurements; this could lead to speculation on the inferred accuracy of the future states simulated by the regional-scale air quality models (Dennis et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2011a; Porter et al., 2015; Astitha et al., 2017; Luo et al., 2019).\nThe sensitivity of model results to meteorology, chemical mechanisms, and emissions has been examined in numerous studies (e.g., Vautard et al., 2012; Sarwar et al., 2013; Pierce et al., 2010; Napelenok et al., 2011; Kang et al., 2013). Herwehe et al. (2011) attributed the differences in ground-level ozone predictions between the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) and the modeling system consisting of WRF and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model (WRF-QMAC) to the way meteorology and chemistry interactions are handled within these two modeling systems. Thomas et al. (2019) examined the ozone predictions in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States during June 2016 through a series of simulations with WRF-Chem, focusing on the sensitivity to the meteorological initial/boundary conditions (IC/BCs), emissions inventory (EI), and planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme. Ying and Zhang (2018) discussed the use of satellite-based observations for improving the predictability of multiscale tropical weather and equatorial waves. Ensemble modeling is being advocated for quantifying the uncertainty in model predictions; however, the spread in the model estimates for the variable of interest reflects the impact of our incomplete or inadequate knowledge of the physical and chemical processes (i.e., the reducible errors stemming from structural and parametric uncertainty) occurring in the atmosphere (Solazzo and Galmarini, 2015b; Thomas et al., 2019; Stockwell et al., 2020). McNider and Pour-Biazar (2020) reviewed the many issues in predicting the prevailing meteorology for regional air quality simulations and indicated that errors in the specification of the physical atmosphere such as temperature, winds, and mixing heights can affect the air quality predictions. Stockwell et al. (2020) discussed the problems relating to the atmospheric chemical mechanisms currently being used for simulating air quality. The current generation of regional models consider only the mean values of a meteorological variable for a given timescale and the average rate constant derived from gas chamber experiments for chemical reactions and does not include their fluctuations in solving the equations of motion for each time step. Further, the current operational regional-scale meteorological and air quality models do not explicitly simulate the stochastic nature of the atmosphere and, as such, typically miss the extreme values at both the low and high ends of the concentration distribution function.\nIn most applications of regional-scale air quality models, statistical metrics such as bias, the root mean square error (RMSE), correlation, and the index of agreement are used to judge the quality of model predictions and determine if the model is suitable for forecasting or regulatory purposes (e.g., Fox, 1981, 1984; Solazzo et al., 2012; Appel et al., 2012; Simon et al., 2012; Foley et al., 2014; Ryan, 2016; Emery et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2016; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). While significant improvements in the formulation, physical and chemical parameterizations, and numerical techniques have been implemented in atmospheric models over the past 3 decades, it is not clear if the improvement claimed in the model's performance relative to the routine network measurements is statistically significant based on these metrics (Hogrefe et al., 2008). Also, no assessments have been made to date on the errors that are to be expected even from “perfect” regional-scale air quality modeling systems. To estimate such irreducible model errors due to atmospheric stochasticity (which we consider to be the errors that are expected even from a perfect model – devoid of structural and parametric uncertainties – with perfect – error-free – inputs), we analyzed the observed daily maximum 8 h (DM8HR) ozone time series data at monitoring locations across the contiguous United States (CONUS) during the 1981–2014 time period and present the results of this analysis in Sect. 3.1. In Sect. 3.2, we illustrate how this information could be used in guiding model development specifically aimed at addressing reducible errors in the synoptic (SY) component by contrasting the results from Sect. 3.1 with analysis using the synoptic component from a 21-year simulation performed with the fully coupled WRF-CMAQ simulations covering the 1990–2010 period. Since we relied on multi-decadal historical ozone observations to assess the impact of the stochastic nature of the atmosphere, the results presented here are applicable to both forecasting and retrospective applications of current regional-scale air quality models.\nGround-level DM8HR ozone data covering CONUS during May to September in each year were obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Air Quality System (AQS) (see https://www.epa.gov/aqs, last access: 3 February 2020). A valid ozone season consists of at least 80 % data coverage during May to September at each station. A total 185 monitoring stations with at least 30 valid years (to provide enough variety of synoptic conditions, denoted hereafter as 30+ in this paper) from the year 1981 to 2014 are analyzed. Also, fully coupled WRF-CMAQ model simulations over CONUS for the 1990–2010 period were utilized in this study to demonstrate a new perspective on model performance evaluation. To ensure better characterization of the prevailing meteorology (i.e., synoptic forcing) in the retrospective 21-year WRF-CMAQ simulations, four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) was utilized following the methodology suggested by Gilliam et al. (2012) and modified for fully coupled meteorology–chemistry model applications as described in Hogrefe et al. (2015). The model setup and performance evaluation of these historical multiyear WRF-CMAQ simulations have been published by Xing et al. (2015), Gan et al. (2015), and Astitha et al. (2017). Time-varying chemical lateral boundary conditions are nested from the 108 km hemispheric WRF-CMAQ simulation from 1990 to 2010 (Xing et al., 2015).\nIt has been shown that time series of the daily maximum 8 h ozone concentrations contain fluctuations operating on different timescales (e.g., intra-day forcing induced by the fast-changing emissions and atmospheric boundary layer evolution; diurnal forcing induced by the day and night differences; and synoptic forcing induced by the passage of weather systems across the country, sub-seasonal forcing due to the Madden–Julian Oscillation – MJO, and long-term forcing induced by emissions, El Niño–Southern Oscillation – ENSO, climate change, and other slow-varying processes such as seasonal and sub-seasonal variations in the atmospheric deposition and stratosphere–troposphere exchange processes) as noted by Rao et al. (1997), Vukovich (1997), Hogrefe et al. (2000), Porter et al. (2015), Astitha et al. (2017), Xing et al. (2016), and Mathur et al. (2017). Variations in the 8 h ozone can be thought of comprising of the baseline (BL) of pollution that is created by various emitting sources and modulated by the prevailing synoptic weather conditions (Rao et al., 1996, 2011b). Thus, the magnitude of the baseline concentration and the strength of the synoptic component should be viewed as the necessary and sufficient conditions for how high ozone levels can reach on a given day (Astitha et al., 2017). Scale separation can be achieved by applying filtering methods such as the empirical mode decomposition (EMD; Huang et al., 1998), elliptic filter (Poularika, 1998), Kolmogorov–Zurbenko (KZ) filter (Rao and Zurbenko, 1994), adaptive filter technique (Zurbenko et al., 1996), and wavelet (Lau and Weng, 1995). Because improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (Improved CEEMDAN; Colominas et al., 2014; a version of the empirical mode decomposition method) and KZ filter yielded similar results for the DM8HR time series data as shown in Figs. 1–2 discussed in the next section, only the results from the KZ filter are presented in the subsequent analysis for quantifying the impact of the stochastic nature of the atmosphere on observed and simulated ozone concentrations. Furthermore, the KZ filtering is a simple method and works well even in the presence of missing data (Hogrefe et al., 2003). In this study, we used the KZ5,5 with a window size of 5 d and five iterations on raw ozone time series [O3 (t)] in the same manner as in Luo et al. (2019), Porter et al. (2015), and Rao et al. (2011b). The size of the window and the number of iterations determine the desired scale separation. The KZ5,5 filtering process helps separate the synoptic-scale weather-induced variations embedded in the May–September DM8HR time series data (short-term component) from the long-term baseline component.\nBecause we are working with the daily maximum 8 h ozone data, the Nyquist interval is 2 d, indicating that the dynamical features having timescales less than 2 d (e.g., intra-day forcing from fast changing emissions and chemical transformations, boundary layer evolution, and diurnal forcing due to night vs. day differences) are not resolvable in this analysis (see Fig. 2 in Dennis et al., 2010). The 50 % cutoff frequency for the KZ5,5 is ∼24 d, and, hence, timescales less than those associated with large-scale weather fluctuations are embedded in the short-term or SY forcing. The KZ filtering is applied to both DM8HR observations and modeled DM8HR time series. Once the baseline is separated from the original DM8HR time series from all monitoring stations, then the synoptic forcing in the historical ozone time series data is used to estimate the variability in ozone concentrations that can be expected because of the chaotic/stochastic nature of the atmosphere by taking into account the relationship between the strength of synoptic forcing and mean of baseline ozone at each location over CONUS; this methodology was applied to both measured and modeled ozone concentrations (see details in Luo et al., 2019). Whereas the focus of Luo et al. (2019) was on transforming the deterministic modeling results into a probabilistic framework for assessing the efficacy of different emission control strategies in achieving compliance with the ozone standard, this paper is aimed at quantifying the model performance errors to be expected at each monitoring site over CONUS even from perfect regional-scale ozone models driven with perfect input data from the ever-present stochastic nature of the atmosphere.\n3.1 Analysis of ambient ozone data\nUsing both Improved CEEMDAN and KZ filtering methods, we separated the synoptic forcing (timescale <24 d) and baseline (timescale >1 month) forcing embedded in the time series of observed and modeled daily maximum 8 h ozone concentrations. To illustrate, the results from the application of Improved CEEMDAN to the daily maximum 8 h ozone time series data measured at Altoona, PA, are presented in Fig. 1. The top left panel displays the raw ozone time series, while the top of the right panel shows its power spectrum. The seven intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and the residual on the left side as well as their corresponding power spectra on the right reveal that most of the synoptic-scale features in ozone data are imbedded in IMFs 1 and 2. The baseline ozone is extracted by removing the first two IMFs from the raw ozone time series. To illustrate the concept of the ozone baseline, DM8HR time series measured in 2010 at Altoona, PA, are presented in Fig. 2a together with the embedded baseline concentration as extracted by the KZ5,5 and Improved CEEMDAN. It is evident that high ozone levels are always associated with the elevated baseline. The difference between the raw ozone time series and baseline, denoted as the short-term or synoptic forcing, is displayed in Fig. 2b. The power spectra, displayed in Fig. 2c and d, reveal both methods yielded good scale separation. Due to the good agreement between both scale separation techniques, only the results from the KZ filter are presented for the remainder of the paper.\nOnce the scale separation is achieved with the KZ5,5, we superimposed the SY forcing imbedded in 30+ years of historical DM8HR ozone time series measured at a given location on the baseline component of the ozone time series at that location to generate 30+ reconstructed or pseudo ozone distributions. Illustrative results using Eq. (3) at a suburban location in Altoona, PA, are presented for the 2010 base year in Fig. 3a; it should be noted that the linear relationship between the strength of SY (defined as the standard deviation of the data in the synoptic component) and the magnitude of the BL (defined as the mean of the data in the baseline component) has been taken into account in generating 30+ years of adjusted SY forcing as illustrated in Luo et al. (2019). As expected, there is excellent agreement between the average of 30+ values (solid blue line) and observed ozone in 2010 at each percentile of the concentration distribution function (red line). Also, the original cumulative distribution function (CDF) in 2010 (red line) is constrained within the 30+ CDFs of pseudo distributions (Fig. 3a); note that it is equally likely for any of these 30+ CDFs to occur because of the stochastic nature of the atmosphere even though the individual event in 2010 yielded the CDF shown in red. As mentioned before, an ozone mixing ratio at any given probability point on the red line in Fig. 3a reflects an individual event, while ozone values at the same probability in different CDFs (gray lines) reflect the population stemming from the stochastic nature of the atmosphere. In other words, there are 30+ dynamically consistent ozone time series attributable to the 2010 baseline (given 2010 emissions) for examining the inherent variability due to atmospheric stochasticity. It is evident in Fig. 3a that there is larger variability at the lower and upper percentiles than that in interquartile range, revealing that the tails of the concentration distribution function are subject to large inherent uncertainty. Using these 30+ pseudo-observation ozone mixing ratios and the actual observed ozone values at each percentile, statistical metrics such as bias, the RMSE, the coefficient of variation (), the normalized mean error (NME), and the normalized mean bias (NMB) are presented in Fig. 3b and c (see Emery et al., 2016, for the description of the statistical metrics considered here). As expected, the lower and upper tails of the distribution are prone to large errors. These results demonstrate the presence of substantial natural variability at the upper 95th percentile, which is of primary interest in regulatory analyses. The extreme values are better described in statistical terms rather than in deterministic sense (Rao and Visalli, 1981; Hogrefe and Rao, 2001; Luo et al., 2019).\nOzone time series at 185 monitoring stations covering CONUS, having at least 80 % data completeness, are analyzed in the above manner, and the results are displayed as box plots in Fig. 4. Note the presence of large variability in the CV, NME, NMB, and bias at the lower and upper percentiles (Fig. 4). The RMSE expected for the ozone mixing ratios in the interquartile range is ∼1.5 ppb, but it is >5 ppb for the upper 95th percentile (Fig. 4b). The spatial distribution of the RMSE at the 50th and 95th percentiles is displayed in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. The RMSE at the upper 95th percentile is very high at some monitoring sites in California and Michigan (Fig. 5b). Monitoring stations situated in the urban areas, near large bodies of water, and in regions of complex terrain influenced predominantly by local conditions tend to exhibit higher RMSE values. The elevation of the monitoring sites is displayed in Fig. 5c.\n3.2 Analysis of modeled ozone concentrations\nThe analysis in the previous section quantified the inherent stochastic variability that is present in the SY component using long-term records of ozone observations. In this section, we analyze long-term records of model simulations in an attempt to quantify the error associated with the modeled SY component that results both from not explicitly representing stochastic variations in atmospheric dynamics in the current generation regional air quality models and from other reducible sources of model error. The model simulations were performed with the fully coupled WRF-CMAQ system with a 36 km horizontal grid cell size and covered the 21-year period from 1990 to 2010 (Gan et al., 2015). In this section, we examine the impact of superimposing different SY forcings embedded in ozone observations vs. those in the WRF-CMAQ model on the observed baseline concentration. To provide an illustration of the differences between observed and modeled time series over this period, Fig. 6a displays a scatter plot of the strength of the SY component (standard deviation of data in the SY component) vs. the mean of the baseline component for both observations and model simulations at the Altoona, PA, site. While both observations and WRF-CMAQ simulations show a strong correlation between these two variables, it is evident that at this monitoring location the standard deviation (i.e., strength) of the SY component is substantially lower for the WRF-CMAQ simulations for a given mean of the BL component (i.e., for any given year). The year-to-year variation in the observed and modeled mean of the BL and strength of SY forcing, displayed in Fig. 6b, reveals that the model overestimated the BL and underestimated the strength of SY forcing. The 36 km grid may be better for representing the large-scale synoptic forcing associated with the translation of weather systems than the meso-scale weather and urban influences (both dynamics and chemistry) that are embedded in the observed SY component. Meteorological modeling with higher horizontal grid resolution might be able to capture the land–sea breeze, lake–sea breeze, and terrain influences that observations are seeing at certain monitoring locations.\nTo isolate the impact of model imperfections on only the SY timescale on errors across the ozone distribution, we assume that the model perfectly reproduces the “true” BL depicted by the observed 2010 BL. We then use this perfect modeled BL and reconstruct “pseudo-simulated” ozone time series, like what was done in Fig. 3, except for using the SY component embedded in the 21 years of coupled WRF-CMAQ simulations. The rationale for this analysis is to quantify the amount of model error present in the current simulations that could conceivably be reduced through improving the representation of synoptic and mesoscale processes and/or increased horizontal resolution with appropriate data assimilation techniques. Figure 7a displays the CDF of actual observed ozone (red line) overlaid on 21 pseudo-simulated ozone CDFs (gray lines, with averages of all 21 pseudo-simulated ozone percentiles shown in blue) at the Altoona, PA, site, while Fig. 7b and c display absolute and normalized performance metrics. Figure 7a confirms that the coupled WRF-CMAQ SY components have less intra-annual variability than observed SY components, causing overestimation at the low end and underestimation at the high end of the observed CDF for all 21 years of reconstruction; these results imply that the model's results at the upper and lower percentiles will always tend to be unreliable or prone to large errors even when the baseline concentration is predicted perfectly. The U shape of the absolute and relative error curves in Fig. 7b and c is similar to the corresponding curves in Fig. 3, but the larger magnitude at the high and low end of the distribution indicates that the effects of the underestimated intra-annual SY variability (note that the distribution of modeled values in Fig. 7a is much flatter, i.e., with a higher kurtosis, than that of the observations) outweigh those errors attributable to the stochastic variability presented in Fig. 3. The shape of the absolute and normalized bias curves deviates from those shown for the pseudo-observations in Fig. 3b–c and, thus, this also reveals the effect of the underestimation of the intra-annual SY variability. Figure 7d–f present differences between the curves shown in Fig. 7a–c and a version of Fig. 3a–c computed from the 1990–2010 data instead of 30+ years of historical ozone observations. Panels (e) and (f) show that at the 50th percentile, the differences in the error curves are close to zero, since both the pseudo-simulations and pseudo-observations used the same observed BL component. At the upper percentiles, the differences reach 3–5 ppb, providing an estimate of the reducible error in simulating the extreme values at this location because of the differences in the observed SY and WRF-CMAQ SY components at this location; high-resolution meteorological modeling may help address these reducible errors.\nFigure 8a and b display the RMSE at the median and 95th percentile for the pseudo-simulated ozone values at each monitoring site. For the 50th percentile, the RMSE values range from 0.2 to 3.2 ppb over CONUS with a median value of 1 ppb, while at the 95th percentile, the RMSE values range from 1 to 15 ppb with a median value of 4 ppb across all sites over CONUS. The values are highest along the California coast and near Great Lakes, possibly due to inadequacies in simulating the land–sea breeze and land–lake breeze regimes, respectively, with modeling at 36 km grid cells. Air quality modeling uncertainty even for the retrospective modeling cases, outside of the chemistry formulation and boundary conditions, is attributed primarily to meteorology and emissions inputs. Vautard et al. (2012) and McNider and Pour-Biazar (2020) concluded that major challenges remain in the simulation of prevailing meteorology (e.g., errors in wind speed, PBL, night-time meteorology, nocturnal transport aloft, and clouds) in retrospective air quality modeling. Based on the retrospective ozone episodic modeling with the WRF-CMAQ model using various sets of equally likely initial conditions for meteorology along with FDDA, Gilliam et al. (2015) confirmed the presence of sizable spread in WRF solutions, including common weather variables of temperature, wind, boundary layer depth, clouds, and radiation, thereby causing a relatively large range of ozone concentrations. Also, pollutant transport is altered by hundreds of kilometers over several days. Ozone concentrations of the ensemble varied by as much as 10–20 ppb (or 20 %–30 %) in areas that typically have higher pollution levels. As model improvements are made, one can quantitatively assess how close the predictions of the improved model are for each percentile for the given base year simulation to the expected errors from a perfect model with perfect input, i.e., the target RMSE shown in Fig. 5a and b. Perhaps, the next generation of regional-scale meteorological and air quality models might be capable of explicitly simultaneously treating the mean and fluctuation components for all variables within the deterministic–stochastic modeling framework to properly account for the stochastic nature of the atmosphere.\nRegardless of how accurate the regional air quality model is, the stochastic variations in the atmosphere cannot be consistently reproduced by the deterministic numerical models. In this study, we demonstrate how to quantify this irreproducible stochastic component by isolating the synoptic forcing imbedded in 30+ years of historical observations and assess the performance of the 36 km fully coupled WRF-CMAQ model in simulating 21 years of ozone concentrations over the contiguous US. Observation-based analysis reveals that on average, the irreducible error attributable to the stochastic nature of the atmosphere ranges from ∼2 ppb at the 50th percentile to ∼5 ppb at the 95th percentile. To improve regional-scale ozone air quality models, attention should be paid to accurately simulate the baseline concentration by focusing on the quality of the emission inventory and the model's treatment for the boundary conditions and slow-changing (operating on sub-seasonal, seasonal, and longer-term timescales) atmospheric processes. Also, errors in reproducing the synoptic forcing can possibly be reduced with high-resolution meteorological modeling using appropriate data assimilation techniques. Nonetheless, these results demonstrate the presence of large variability in the upper tail of the DM8HR O3 concentration cumulative distribution even with perfect models using perfect input data. Having this quantitative estimation of practical limits for a model's accuracy helps in objectively assessing the current state of regional-scale air quality models, measuring progress in their evolution, and providing meaningful and firm targets for improvements in their accuracy relative to measurements from routine networks.\nSource code for version 5.0.2 of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system can be downloaded from https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ/tree/5.0.2 (last access: 3 February 2020) (US EPA Office of Research and Development, 2014, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1079898). For further information, please visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website for the CMAQ system at https://www.epa.gov/cmaq (last access: 3 February 2020).\nAll ozone observations used in this article are available from https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/airdata/download_files.html (AQS) (last access: 3 February 2020). Paired ozone observation and CMAQ model data used in the analysis will be made available at https://edg.epa.gov/metadata/catalog/main/home.page (last access: 3 February 2020). Raw CMAQ model outputs are available on request from the EPA authors.\nSTR conceptualized the idea. STR, CH, VG, and RM designed the analysis approach. CH and RM post-processed previously conducted model simulations. HL performed data analyses and prepared the illustrations. 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Today it moved the snow axis very far north at 12z, the 00z quickly brought it back, this time west of the Plateau and north of 40. The Euro has been pretty consistent with this as well. It actually moved towards the GFS a few days ago and for the most part has held to it's solution for several days as well. Tonight's 00z run was it's most robust into Tennessee in several runs.\nGood luck. 1234 has an event thread for the Weds 1-3\" event. This thread will be for the potential EC storm on Thursday and Friday and future short range events....unless the EC storm dumps on the TN Valley and then I will retag this thread just for that event alone for future reference.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Are you looking for a reliable grab hire service in Castleton and the Greater Manchester area? Skip Hire Manchester is here to help. We are a premier grab hire company that offers the best solutions for waste management, clearance, and disposal.\nAt Skip Hire Manchester, we understand that managing and disposing of waste can be a hassle, especially for businesses and individuals who generate large amounts of waste. That's why we offer a comprehensive grab hire service designed to meet your waste management needs efficiently and effectively.\nOur grab hire service involves the use of grab lorries, which are vehicles fitted with hydraulic arms that can reach into hard-to-access areas and pick up large amounts of waste materials quickly. With our grab lorries, we can easily collect and dispose of all types of waste materials from construction sites, residential areas, and commercial properties.\nWe are committed to promoting environmental sustainability by providing waste management solutions that are eco-friendly. Our grab lorries are designed to collect and dispose of waste materials in an environmentally responsible way, reducing the impact of waste on the environment.\nAt Skip Hire Manchester, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and reliability. Our team of experts is highly trained and experienced, ensuring that we offer you the best service possible. We are always on time and ensure that we collect and dispose of your waste materials efficiently.\nOur grab hire service covers Castleton and the Greater Manchester area, including the North West of England. We have an extensive fleet of grab lorries and a team of experts who are ready to provide you with the best waste management solutions.\nWe have a range of grab lorries that cater to all your waste management needs, including:\nOur 8 wheel grab lorries are ideal for large volumes of waste materials, such as construction waste, garden waste, and household waste. They are equipped with high-tech hydraulic arms that can reach over fences, walls and other obstacles to pick up materials.\nOur 4 wheel grab lorries are perfect for small to medium volumes of waste materials. They are ideal for navigating tight spaces and can access areas with low roofs and overhanging trees.\nUsing our grab hire service is easy. Here are the steps involved:\nCall us on 0161 327 2977 or email us at [email protected] to get a quote for our grab hire service.\nOnce you have received a quote from us, you can book a date for our grab hire service at your convenience.\nOn the agreed date, our team of experts will arrive at your property with our grab lorry to collect and dispose of your waste materials.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- Stars (0)\nAuthor: Chris Swann\nLast Updated: 04-11-2019 20:41\nFujimoto, M., Cavaletto, J., Liebig, J. R., McCarthy, A., Vanderploeg, H. A., Denef, V. J. 2016. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Bacterioplankton Functional Groups along a Freshwater Estuary to Pelagic Gradient in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42, 5. 1036-1048\nAnalysis, Bacteria, Estuary, Fresh water, Lakes, Water quality, Aquatic community, Biodiversity, Aquatic ecosystems, Diversity\nThis study analyzed seasonal patterns of bacterial diversity and community composition in the Laurentian Great Lakes (U.S.) by collecting and analyzing nearly 25 water samples from a research transect of Lake Michigan developed by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. The results indicate that bacterial community composition shifts spatially and temporally along estutuary-to-pelagic gradients in Lake Michigan.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Name: Bright LED Plant Grow Light Efficient Full Spectrum Greenhouse Cultivation. (You can choose your favorite). Light Bead Color: Red (630nm) / Blue (460nm). Red and blue ratio: 4: 3.Irradiation area: 5M2 / 4. The output voltage: DC 85-285V. LED life: 50,000 hours. Working environment: -20 40 , 45% 95% RH. Lamp color: red (630nm) / blue (460nm) white / infrared / ultraviolet. Illumination: 1m / 5850,1.5m / 1100,2m / 9630. Irradiation area: 5M2 / 4m. Lamp color: Red + Blue + White + Infrared + UV. LED lamp beads number: 150. Lighting efficiency: 80 (lm / W).\nCertification: EU ce certification, hazardous substances (RoHS). Use of high-quality LED light source, the life of up to 50,000 hours. Can replace 3 to 5 times the power of high pressure sodium lamp, than the traditional high pressure sodium and metal halide lamp can save 80% of the energy. High light efficiency, 90% of the emitted light, can be absorbed by aquatic plants.\nBuilt-in cooling system, a good solution to heat problems. Direct simple and safe plug access voltage work.The irradiated area of the lamp will be changed according to the different plants and environment. The materials used in the products meet the requirements of environmental protection, safe and harmless. Horticultural nursery / greenhouse vegetables / indoor plants fill light.\nDo not place the lamp in the water, otherwise it will cause leakage. Please cut off the power when thunder. Do not knock the product while working. 21W/ 28W /54W/1500W (You can choose your favorite).\n1 x LED Plant Grow Light. 1 x LED Grow Light. International buyers please note: a.These charges are buyers responsibility. The item \"21With28With54With1500W LED Plant Flower Growing Light Bloom Full Spectrum Indoor Lamp\" is in sale since Wednesday, January 17, 2018.\nThis item is in the category \"Home & Garden\\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\\Gardening Supplies\\Hydroponics & Seed Starting\\Grow Light Kits\". The seller is \"d-light-factory\" and is located in HK. This item can be shipped worldwide.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "GWCCA selected Trane as their upgrade partner through Georgia's Energy Savings Performance Contracting program, which enables a construction project to use energy and operational savings to pay for efficiency improvements. Trane and GWCCA conducted an in-depth audit, reviewing energy bills to determine areas of high energy use, and prioritizing energy conservation measures based on savings potential.\n“Trane understood our complex systems and the challenges of our unique 365 day a year facility. Sustainability was also a key component of their proposal,” said Tim Trefzer, sustainability and corporate social responsibility manager, GWCCA. \"They were the best fit for the project.”\nAssembling the design-build team\nTrane assembled a design-build team consisting of GWCCA and best-suited external companies. The thirty-person group poured through hundreds of drawings and thousands of utility data points, and brainstormed ideas to accomplish objectives.\nCentralizing mechanical operations\nFour mechanical plants, located in three buildings, were centralized into one plant, with aging chillers and boilers replaced with more reliable, efficient equipment. The central plant includes a 1490-ton and four 1650-ton Trane® CenTraVac™ centrifugal chillers with variable frequency drive (VFD) to meet 6000-ton peak load requirements. Condensing boilers provide 30 million Btu to heat the complex and help with humidification issues. With a 20+ year life expectancy, the central plant will serve the facility’s long-term needs.\nReducing energy costs, improving aesthetics\nMore than 50,000 interior and exterior metal halide, mercury vapor and T-12 fluorescent lighting fixtures were replaced with high efficiency LEDs. The new fixtures offer 500 percent longer life, improve illumination and color rendering, enhance visitors’ experience, provide significant energy savings and reduce maintenance. More than 200 data loggers were deployed to measure run hours before and after the retrofit.\nControlling operations, managing energy use\nUsing a Trane® Tracer™ SC building automation system (BAS), the GWCCA facilities team accesses building systems remotely from any web-connected mobile device to monitor operations, control set points, establish scheduling, and manage alarms. \"With the Tracer, they monitor my secondary pumps, primary pumps, chillers, condensing water and all my flows,” said Wayne Rosser, physical plant manager, GWCCA. \"The BAS makes sure I am running a very efficient plant.\"\nTrane Intelligent Services measures the facility’s energy consumption, identifies anomalies, and anticipates problems, allowing GWCCA to modify systems if needed. The energy management systems also provide data in an easy to read format for metrics reporting. “Trane Building Performance allows us to check real-time operational data; provides 24/7/365 days of trending; and helps create dashboards to easily monitor usage, weather and occupancy levels,\" said Oden. \"Based on this data, we can make intelligent decisions to determine budgeting.”\nUnder a Georgia Energy Savings Performance Contract, Trane and GWCCA worked together to create a more efficient, sustainable and comfortable environment to improve the venue's competitiveness; enhance the visitor experience; and reduce energy costs and risk. Trane continues to work hand-in-hand with the customer, providing maintenance on central plant equipment and ongoing training for GWCCA staff to help ensure proper operation and maintenance of the systems. A Trane measurement and verification (M&V) team will visit the central plant twice a year to compare the cooling and heating performance during different occupancy levels and show types, and ensure that the energy savings is on track.\n“We improved our lighting quality and HVAC system efficiency,” said Trefzer. “GWCCA is expected to achieve LEED® Gold certification and a big part of that is from the energy saving performance contract.”\n“Trane worked around our events,” said Oden. “They were great partners and treated GWCCA as if it was their own.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Imagery and case studies of weather phenomena and environmental events observed by EUMETSAT's fleet of weather satellites.\nLarge SO2 plume from Erta Ale volcano\nLarge SO2 plume from Erta Ale crossed the Red Sea towards Yemen in Nov 2008.\nAsteroid 2008 TC3 impacts over northern Sudan\nAsteroid 2008 TC3 impacts over northern Sudan shown in rapid-scan imagery from Meteosat-8.\nLarge smoke plume over the Mozambique Channel\nLarge smoke plume from forest fires seen over the Mozambique Channel.\nBlue plume above nocturnal temperature inversion\nBlue dust plume above nocturnal temperature inversion observed in Meteosat RGB imagery.\nEruption of the Chaitén volcano in Chile\nOn 2 May 2008 an old volcanic caldera erupted close to the coastal town of Chaitén in southern Chile.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "After Hurricane Harvey, Corpus Christi Reevaluates Its Flood Maps\nFrom Texas Standard.\nAfter Hurricane Harvey, many Texans realized just how wrong experts were about flood control measures in the state’s most populous city. But Houston isn’t the only Texas city at risk from bad or outdated flood plans.\nAn investigation by the Corpus Christi Caller Times found that the city’s flood maps are outdated – they’ve gone without revision for three decades. The maps were first drafted for a vastly different Corpus Christi.\nThe devastation of Hurricane Harvey has proven how important accurate flood planning can be. Kirsten Crow is an enterprise reporter at the Corpus Christi Caller Times. She investigated the city’s outdated flood maps.\n“Corpus Christi’s population has seen a big boost,” Crow says. “We’ve had at least 100,000 new residents to our city. We’ve also seen a lot of development on our city’s south side from about 700 people to 8,000 in three decades, at least.”\nIf a storm like Harvey were to hit Corpus Christi, the city would be devastated.\n“The experts believe we would have similar flooding as Houston,” Crow says. “We’re talking about mass damage right now. The experts estimate that even with a 100-year flood, which is with vastly less flooding than what we saw in Harvey, would cost about $902 million.”\nAs the concept of the 100-year flood is changing as they occur with more and more regularity public concern over outdated flood maps is growing, but Crow says the public’s reaction is still being determined. She says “we are probably just now starting to get a grasp on how little we have estimated a flood could affect our community and many communities along the coast line.”\nCorpus Christi has been aware of the need to update its flood maps since long before Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. The city started the process in 2015.\n“We’re expecting that we’re going to have revised maps coming out some time this year,” Crow says. “We’re not sure what to expect. The city is looking at enhanced flood protection measures. Those are still in the works. Nothing has been finalized at this point.”\nThe damage from Harvey prompted Crow to begin investigating Corpus Christi’s flood maps. She says many feel that compared to the original predictions for the storm, the city got off relatively easy.\n“I don’t want to minimize what the damage was here but it was absolutely minimal when you compare it to Port Aransas and Rockport and certainly when you look at Houston,” she says. “It did raise the question of what could have happened if Harvey had dropped that kind of rain in the coastal bend.”\nWritten by Jeremy Steen.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "As already posted on this blog, the NT is currently looking at developing two hydro schemes as part of pilot programme of renewable energy, aimed at delivering exemplar and sustainable hydro – Craflwyn in Wales and Stickle Ghyll in the Lake District.\nIn the Lake District, we are continuing our work to get the project into planning in the next few weeks after spending the past few months ensuring we have the right location in which deliver our exemplar hydro project – grid connectivity, ecology, archaeology, consenting discussions, geology etc. We have around 160 potential sites in the Lakes alone but many are SSSI’s or have sensitive archaeological sites nearby…not that we couldn’t develop a site within these locations with careful planning but the Stickle Ghyll site is at the lower end of sensitivity, has a legacy of hydropower development still in evidence and has been constantly subjected to human intervention and development.\nToday, I was at Stickle Ghyll, doing what I would consider one of the most important aspects of the project thus far – speaking to our neighbours about the project, sharing information about where the NT is up to and seeing what else we can do to improve the environment, aesthetics, visitor experience and access to name but a few ! Improving footpaths, restoring ghyll vegetation, repairing fences, improving the private water supply are all mutually beneficial improvements we can deliver as we develop the hydro scheme. As with most conversations I have had, there is always the belief that we can simply connect a hydro scheme to several buildings and that electricity will be generating all of the time – maybe it would have been last Summer !!. We will be exploring what the possibilities are with the project – the ultimate goal would be to connect the generator to the Sticklebarn Pub and provide at least an annual percentage of the power generated on site to this and our tenants and neighbours at lower rates than they currently pay but we will see – there is certainly a desire for this within the community we share our resources with and not just here! Could it really be as simple as a connection to a distribution panel, several copper wires heading off in the direction of buildings and some additional meters ? I would like to think so but probably not !\nSuch is the enthusiasm and ambition for energy efficiency and renewables in the NT and the region at present, there is always something else nearby to divert me from a return to the office. Across from the Stickle Ghyll, it was great to see work had started on the Great Langdale Campsite biomass project – this will reduce our consumption of LPG by approximately 35,000 litres a year, allowing our increasingly eco minded campers to have showers and drying facilities heated by woodchip. Funded by the NT, we will benefit from the Renewable Heat Incentive and reduced costs for the fuel – additional funds for us to plough back into our conservation work.\nWe hope to complete the biomass by the end of May /early June – the weather is being extremely kind for us at present and great we now have the district heating main in the ground – tents have been known to float off here !", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Why are models important to the study of ecology?\nEcologists, for example, use models to simulate the systems they study and to investigate general theories of the way those systems operate. Moreover, simulation of systems with models helps identify data needs and knowledge gaps.\nDo models help ecologists?\nEcology is the study of interactions among organisms. … Models help ecologists control the many variables in their studies.\nWhat is the main purpose of using these ecological models?\nThe ecological perspective is a useful framework for understanding the range of factors that influence health and well-being. It is a model that can assist in providing a complete perspective of the factors that affect specific health behaviors, including the social determinants of health.\nWhat is the importance of ecologists?\nEcology enriches our world and is crucial for human wellbeing and prosperity. It provides new knowledge of the interdependence between people and nature that is vital for food production, maintaining clean air and water, and sustaining biodiversity in a changing climate.\nHow do ecologists use ecological models?\nEcological modelling is the construction and analysis of mathematical models of ecological processes, including both purely biological and combined biophysical models. Models can be analytic or simulation-based and are used to understand complex ecological processes and predict how real ecosystems might change.\nHow can models be useful in explaining global system processes and phenomena?\nExplain the purpose of scientific models. Scientific models are used to gain a better understanding of systems and processes. Graphs derived from research experiments can be used to understand the system being studied and predict results for tests that have not yet been conducted.\nWhat are some limitations of models?\nLimitations of Models in Science\n- Missing Details. Most models can’t incorporate all the details of complex natural phenomena. …\n- Most Are Approximations. Most models include some approximations as a convenient way to describe something that happens in nature. …\n- Simplicity. …\nThis model considers the complex interplay between individual, relationship, community, and societal factors. It allows us to understand the range of factors that put people at risk for violence or protect them from experiencing or perpetrating violence.\nWhat are the strengths of the ecological model?\nThe model allows for there to be integration between behavioral and environmental change. It allows for attention to be given to the interaction between personal and environmental factors. The model also can assist those in need with education of how different factors can play a role in their overall health.\nWhy is it important to develop health promotion programs in the context of an ecological model?\nWhy is it important to develop health promotion programs in the context of an ecological model? It is important to develop an ecological model of health promotions because our lives and behaviors are interdependent (it provides a framework of behaviors that play a role in a certain health outcome).\nWhat can we learn from ecologists?\nEcologists study these relationships among organisms and habitats of many different sizes, ranging from the study of microscopic bacteria growing in a fish tank, to the complex interactions between the thousands of plant, animal, and other communities found in a desert. Ecologists also study many kinds of environments.\nHow does ecology affect the environment?\nEcological Impact is the effects left on organisms and their environment due to actions made by humans and natural occurrences. These changes can be beneficial or adverse to the ecosystem. An example of ecological impact can be seen in the case of invasive species.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "If you are looking for a bushy hedge for increased privacy at home, Lilly Pilly might be your best choice. Not only do they work as barriers, but they are also stunning and lush plants that can add some character to your garden, thanks to the contrast in foliage color that ranges from deep red to pink. Let’s look at Lilly Pilly Growth and Care.\nWhat is Lilly Pilly?\nNative to the Australian climate, Lilly Pilly can thrive under various conditions but do best in regions that receive plenty of sunlight. If you can’t provide them with that, don’t worry. You can grow them in pots or plant them in your garden. With the appropriate care, these plants will adapt to a wide variety of conditions. In general, the more sun, water, and nutrients these plants will receive, the faster their growth.\nContrary to most hedge plants, which feature dense foliage uniform in color, one of the most attractive characteristics of Lilly Pillies is the contrasting shades that emerge as the plants mature. Plus, if you have other plants in your garden, Lilly Pilly can help attract beneficial pollinators to ensure the healthy growth of your yard.\nWhile these plants are easy to care for and relatively low-maintenance, you may want to learn all there is to know about the Lilly Pilly growth and care before getting one for your garden. To get the most out of this stunning bush, make sure you keep reading this essential guide.\nLilly Pilly Growth and Care: How to care for the plant\nCaring for Lilly Pillies is not hard. If you can’t provide them with full sun, don’t worry: they will grow well even in light shade, as long as you meet all of their other needs. Pay careful attention to the planting process: following a couple of steps can make the difference in making your plant thrive in your garden. In the next section, you’ll find all the information you’ll need for mastering the Lilly Pilly Growth and Care.\nIdeally, it would be best to plant or place Lilly Pillies under direct sun or partial shade with protection from strong winds and harsh temperatures. While these plants are though once established, you will need to shelter them during the hardening process.\nOne of the best parts of planting Lilly Pillies is that they don’t require much maintenance. With watering, what counts is consistency. Ensure the soil is damp and water lightly once per week.\nIn the warmer months, mulching will be essential to maintain moisture.\nThis plant requires regular pruning to maintain the attractive shape and density that make it such a popular hedge plant. During its first months of life, prune its tips regularly to encourage dense foliage: do not fall into the trap of letting your hedge grow up to the height you desire, thinking it will fill out later.\nOnce the plant has hardened up, the frequency of pruning will depend on the climate. The rule of thumb is to prune after the growth phase (at least once per year). However, don’t despair if you notice your plant has become too bushy: Lilly Pillies can sustain hard pruning too.\nIn cooler regions, you will have to prune less regularly. Indeed, growth tends to be slower.\nThese plants are not particularly picky when it comes to humidity. If you provide them with enough water and give them the ideal soil conditions they need, they will tolerate droughts and heavy rain.\nHowever, you’ll have to be careful with pests. Too much humidity can attract psyllid and aphids that can ruin your plant’s appearance and cause severe damage to its development.\nUSDA Outdoor Growth Climate Zones\nLilly Pillies do best in subtropical and Mediterranean climates. While they tolerate light frost, they do best in warm temperatures, especially in USDA hardiness zones between nine to eleven. Plant them in the early spring or late winter to give them enough time to adapt to your garden’s conditions before exposure to all the outdoor elements.\nFertilizing Lilly Pillies is not mandatory but can help you maximize their growth, especially for young plants. Consider applying compost or an organic fertilizer in spring, summer, and autumn. If you live in an area with mild winters, you may apply fertilizer in this season too. Add a mixture low in phosphate to mature plants in spring and autumn to keep them in top conditions.\nYou must dig a deep hole and fill it with sandy soil to allow Lilly Pilly’s roots to spread and grow effectively. However, these plants do well also in clay loam or saline soil. Just remember to provide them with enough space for growing. Lilly Pillies can be invasive, especially if they like their environment. The good news is that they can grow well in pots too: if you don’t have much space in your garden, this might be a better option.\nDon’t forget to add some organic compost or manure to increase the soil’s nutrient content. Mulching will help maintain moisture and keep weeds under control.\nLilly Pilly Growth and Care: Propagation\nIn general, it is easy to grow seeds from Lilli Pillies. However, they are slow to germinate. The best propagation method is from cuttings. Take a four inches new growth and dip the end in root hormone. Keep the soil moist and warm, preferably in a humid location. For best results, ensure each cutting gets an individual pot.\nAlternatively, you can propagate this plant by collecting fresh and ripe fruits and taking seeds out. Plant them in individual pots or somewhere in your garden with humid and moist soil. However, keep in mind that not all varieties of this plant bear fruit. Plus, growing Lilly Pillies from seeds is a low process that may not give the results you expect.\nLilly Pilly Growth and Care: The Bottom Line\nAs you may notice, growing Lilly Pilly is not a big deal. You’ll want to ensure you are consistent with care and that you provide your plants with enough nutrients to survive. Aside from that, you can expect your Lilly Pillies to adapt to your garden’s environment quickly and to act as a stunning hedge plant or decorative addition to your yard.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Ely Creek Backcountry Campsites Closed\nThe Ely Creek backcountry campsites located along the Jones Hole Trail have been closed until further notice due to bear activity in the area. More »\nNumerous Campsites Closed in the Green River Campground\nA recent tree assessment of the Green River Campground identified potential safety issues with numerous cottonwood trees, requiring us to close many of the campsites. Please plan ahead so that you are not disappointed if the campground is full. More »\nBackcountry Camping Permits\nThere are many opportunities for backcountry camping at Dinosaur National Monument. Free backcountry permits are required for overnight stays outside developed campgrounds and may be obtained by contacting either visitor center. Good planning is essential to a safe and enjoyable trip when hiking off-trail in the backcountry.\nDid You Know?\nDinosaurs were a remarkably successful group of animals. They lived on the Earth for 160 million years. The fossils at Dinosaur National Monument represent only 10 of the many dinosaur species that existed during that long era.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "For your safety and the environment: certified Satino by WEPA quality\nQuality you can rely on. That’s what the Satino by WEPA products offer you, and sustainability plays a crucial part in this.\nWEPA is the number one hygiene paper manufacturer in Europe - specialising in recycled and hybrid papers, aiming to provide the most sustainable hygiene portfolio in the industry. In partnership with Wepa we can support our customers in making their contribution to protecting the environment.\nLogin now to place your order. Don't have an account? Simply click below or give us a call on 01245 320839", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Get Prices for Air Duct Cleaning In Elyria? Elyria Air Duct Cleaning\nI Perform Elyria Ohio Air Duct Cleaning and also Elyria Dryer Vent Cleaning\nFind out why we're the best choice for Your Air Duct Cleaning company and Clothes dryer Vent Cleaning provider within the Greater Elyria Ohio Area. Elyria Air Duct Cleaning and Dryer Vent Cleaning is a family-owned business endeavor in the Greater Elyria vicinity.\nOur objective is to enhance the air quality in your house at a reasonable cost. We use the most improved air duct cleaning strategy around created by the biggest manufacturers of H.E.P.A. filtered vacuum tool in America. All of our machines are manufactured to suit and exceed OSHA and Epa standards for cleaning the air duct of dusts and contaminates.\nOur services and products include things like duct sanitization, clothes dryer vent cleaning, air duct cleaning. Give us a call and see exactly why we are the best choice in Elyria Air-duct Cleaners and Clothes dryer Vent Cleaners in the Ohio Region.\nElyria, An Ideal Home Improvement For Today's Health and Green-Oriented Family.\nWe're residing in a world where a healthier daily life has become a way of life. All of us exercise and diet to help make ourselves really feel good. The majority of people have also tackled environmental issues to create our world a cleaner and less risky area to live. Yet the most overlooked coOHern is the air which all of us inhale. The Environmental Protection agency states that indoor air has been found to generally be much more contaminated when compared with outdoor air. At the moment contemplate on an average people today allot 90 percent of their time indoors. The air duct information can be extremely alarming.\nThe E.P.A. ranks poor quality of indoor air among the leading five enviromental dangers to public health.(American Lung Association)\nThose that are most vunerable to indoor air pollution are young people, women who are pregnant, and the senior citizens (National Safety CouOHil).\nBad central air managing systems can become breeding places for mold,mildew,and other triggers of biological contaminates.(Environmental Protection Agency)\nIn Elyria 50% of all health problems is exacerbated or attributed to contaminated interior air. (American College of Allergies)\nLevels of air pollution inside the house can be 2 to 5 folds higher than outdoor levels. (Environmental Protection Agency)\nConsidering that most of us devote so much period indoors, it makes good sense to clean the root of our indoor air quality troubles inside our Elyria home's air ducts systems.\nSomething as basic as a Air Duct Inspection might save you numerous hours of health issues, so don't delay give us a ring to let us perform your Elyria Air Duct Cleaning or Charlotee Dryer Vent Cleaning company.\nFive advantages of consistent cleaning and servicing of your heating and cooling system and your air ducts:\n1. Savings. the US Environmental Protection agency asesses that getting rid of even four-tenths of an inch of dust from cooling method coils is going to decrease energy consumption by up to 21 %. This can cut back good money on your utility expenses.\n2. System longevity. Estimate are that nine out of ten central heating and air con systems fall short or breakdown simply because an appropriate care plan was not performed. Substitute labor and parts for heating or cooling method may be too expensive and entire replacement expenses thousands.\n3. Your Elyria house's air high quality. Many people consider air duct cleaning essential to keeping wholesome indoor air. Dust, allergens (pollen, pet dander) and toxins (mold, mildew, rodent droppings) are typically discovered in air ducts. When air vents are not cleaned routinely these particles could be produced into your place. Even though house members don't have allergies several of these particles have the possibility to activate serious illness.\n4. Allergies. If house members have allergies, air duct cleaning is usually required to give a wholesome environment for allergy patients. Air vent cleaning can significantly minimize the amount of allergens in a house.\n5. Remove odors. A musty odor in your place means that dust, mold or mildew may possibly be present inside the air ducts that no volume of candles or air fresheners will eradicate. Air duct cleaning will remove the smell virtually entirely.\nIn addition to normal cleaning, it's suggested that you consider having your air vents expertly cleaned shortly after any of the subsequent events: water entering your ducts (leaking water pipe, leaky roof, faulty condensation control by your air con), a flood (in your property or within your town), a fire close by, mold was discovered during servicing of your heating or air con system, insects or rodents are regarded to have been within the ducts, essential residential upgrading or relocating into a new home.\nElyria Air Duct Cleaning, Want Prices for Air Duct Cleaning In Elyria?\nFiled under: Ohio Cities\nLike this post? Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "At Hermanus we stayed at the Grotto Beach parking for the night, before we went to explore the coastline along the cliff path. In the afternoon we stopped at Betty’s Bay to visit the penguin colony.\nThe whales arrive here starting from June and stay to have their babys in the “warm” water of the bay. We hiked along the cliff path, which gives you a good view, looking out for whales. Some locals assured us that some had already arrived this year. And finally, we spotted one breaching (coming straight out of the water and splashing back in).\nWhat a great hike along the coast, with the cliff path leading us through dense vegetation and past viewpoints from where we had a good view over the sea.\nWe left lovely Hermanus and drove to Betty’s Bay to watch the penguins living at the Stony Point Nature Reserve. It was a sunny but very, very windy day, so we had to put another layer on (real men don’t need long pants of course).\nThe African penguin is an endangered species. Roughly 4 million African penguins existed at the beginning of the 19th century. Of the 1.5 million African penguins estimated in 1910, only some 10% remained at the end of the 20th century. African penguin populations, which breed in Namibia and South Africa, have declined by 95% since pre-industrial times.\nIt was great to be able to watch the penguins, especially when the youngsters were getting fed.\nWe are now on the way to the Cape of Good Hope, not the most southern point, but the more spectacular one, than the Cape Agulhas we just visited. More on the next post!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.45, No.39, 20176-20183, 2020\nA review of hydrogen station location models\nHydrogen is emerging as a zero-carbon energy source for the sustainable future. Hydrogen station plays the role of supplying hydrogen to fuel cell vehicles. However, the small number of hydrogen stations has become the biggest obstacle to the promotion of hydrogen energy. As an important infrastructure for the development of hydrogen energy industry, the hydrogen station will not be able to support the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles if it cannot form a large scale. In addition, the layout of the hydrogen station network should be reasonable to avoid waste of resources. The study of hydrogen station location models has significant economic, social and military implications. Considering these circumstances, this review investigates the existing research efforts and conducted a comprehensive overview of these works on hydrogen station location models. In this review, we divide the hydrogen station location models into several categories according to the spatial dimension of the facility, the structure of the planning area, and the number of objectives. We present detailed explanations, formulations and different constraints for these models. Finally, we conclude the strengths and weaknesses of these models and provide available solutions. To our best knowledge, this review might help researchers get a comprehensive understanding of related researches in the hydrogen station location. (C) 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "When you find rats in your attic, there are several things that you can do. First of all, you should make sure that you remove any trash and old furniture that they may use as nests. Rats have many places where they can get into your home. You should also remove any overhanging branches and other vegetation that might provide them with a hiding place. Climbing on ivy and creepers can also be a tempting option for roof rats. The animals can also ruin wood furniture or create holes in your walls. Additionally, a strange stale smell may indicate that rats are present.\nRats thrive in the attic\nOne of the worst aspects of having rats in the attic is the damage they cause to your house’s insulation. Rats can gain access to your attic through cracks or gaps between the roof and ceiling, compressing and shredding the insulation. Not only are these damage repairs expensive, they may not be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy. In addition, rats can be particularly destructive when it comes to your personal belongings.\nIf you notice evidence of a rat infestation in the attic, you should begin by sealing off the attic entrance and removing debris from it. Clean out the attic and place newspapers in plastic containers. Remove piles of leaves and firewood, as these provide shelter and food for rats. Make sure to store firewood in a secure place out of the attic. Rats are also attracted to piles of firewood, as it offers warmth and shelter as well as insects.\nIf you detect signs of infestation in the attic, take immediate action to eliminate the infestation. Rats are nocturnal, and they will make loud noises while chewing on wires and walls. Moreover, they will re-enter the attic during the night. As they are nocturnal, they are difficult to spot during the day. However, they may appear as a nuisance if you have pets.\nThey gnaw louder than mice\nOne thing you may have noticed is that the noises from rats in the attic are much louder than those of mice. They are nocturnal creatures that live both indoors and outdoors. They can jump nearly 18 inches, and they are very good climbers and swimmers. Besides chewing through anything, rats are very vocal animals that make loud noises to communicate and express themselves. They can gnaw up to five times faster than a mouse’s heartbeat.\nMost of these sounds are made by a rodent’s scratching, chewing, and vocalizations. These sounds are produced by their teeth, which are sharpened by chewing on different objects. Mice and rats use this sound to communicate with each other. They usually nest in the attic, which is away from the rest of the house. Despite the noise they produce, you may still be able to distinguish them if you hear the sound of mice or bats scratching on the walls.\nThey chew through wiring\nRodents like to gnaw on wires, especially electrical ones. Their constant chewing exposes the copper cores of the wires, causing them to be susceptible to electrocution. Not only that, but rat infestation can also lead to electricity issues and power cuts, which can lead to fire accidents. A professional electrician can inspect your home for rat infestation to prevent major damage and repair it before it gets worse.\nWhen mice and rats invade your attic, they chew through wiring and insulation, causing serious damage to your house. Although they may look cute and cuddly, these animals are notoriously destructive. Their sharp teeth make them capable of chewing through electrical cords, which can lead to an electrical outage or alarm. In extreme cases, the rodents can cause fires by eating copper inside wires.\nElectrical wiring is particularly vulnerable to rodent infestations. Not only do rats chew on these cables, they also gnaw on other objects. Their teeth grow continuously, so they must chew something to keep them from getting any bigger. Wires are especially vulnerable to chewing because they are shaped like a cylinder, making them easy to grasp. Ultimately, this can result in a power outage or even a house fire.\nThey eat insulation\nIn addition to the insulation in the attic, rats also gnaw on wires, nails and packing straps. They will chew on the insulation to build their nests. Not only will this increase your heating and cooling costs, but it will also lower your home’s air quality. These are all signs that rodents have made your attic their home. Luckily, there are ways to control rat populations in your attic.\nFirstly, if you notice any evidence of rat infestation, it’s important to get rid of the rodents as soon as possible. A rat infestation can be a serious problem, requiring professional help. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to control the rodent population and keep your attic insulated. Listed below are some tips to keep rats out of your attic.\nThe best way to eliminate the infestation is to remove the nest and the feces of rodents. You can also spot these rodents by looking for crumbs on the floor or wooden chips inside your utility closet or pantry cabinet. You may also notice that the insulation has started to grow holes, and you may notice gnaw marks on your food. These rodents tend to burrow through filthy surfaces and leave behind dark grains, about 1/4 to 3/4 inch long.\nThey gnaw through ducts\nIf you think that a rat infestation is just a problem in the attic, you are not alone. In fact, rodents are a common occurrence in the attic. Rats, mice, and other pests may take refuge in the attic to live, where they enjoy a cosy environment and a steady food supply. Air ducts are an attractive living space for rodents, so they tend to colonize at a high rate. Consequently, these rodents will cause damage to the ducts in the home and will affect the real estate value. In addition, these creatures will affect the health of the entire family.\nIf you’ve been experiencing these symptoms, it is time to get rid of them. Although vacuuming may have helped, dead mice still littered the ducts. Even worse, the mice had died from a poison that the homeowner had set just a few weeks prior to the infestation. Therefore, it was best to hire a professional. Also, professional exterminators are aware of the proper ways to remove rodents and clean the ducts.\nThey gnaw through electrical wires\nIf you notice that your attic is dingy and your attic lights are flickering, you may have a problem. Electrical wires are a magnet for rodents. When they chew them, the voltage can be high enough to turn off your entire household’s electricity. This may set off alarms and even set your house on fire. The electricity from chewed wires can cause sparks to fly out and ignite the insulation, which could ignite a fire. Worse, some wires are difficult to replace and require professional service.\nA rodent infestation in an attic can also cause a home to burn. This can lead to a house fire if the wires aren’t insulated. Even if the electrical wires don’t catch fire, the heat from rat gnawing can cause them to burn. This can happen without warning. A rat infestation can also result in flickering lights, feces, and gnawing evidence.\nThey gnaw through insulation\nWhile you may have seen hundreds or thousands of droppings, you might not have noticed rats in the attic. These pests will chew through your insulation and leave trailways and tunnels. You may even notice chew marks. You’ll also notice brown smudges from their fur along the routes that they take most often. If you notice chew marks in your insulation, you can expect to see them in other areas of your home as well, such as wood or electrical wires. They’re prone to nesting in warm areas, which makes them particularly aggressive during the winter.\nAnother sign of a rat infestation is an increased heating and cooling bill. The heat generated by these pests can cause your air conditioning and heating bills to skyrocket. Fortunately, you can prevent a rat infestation from happening to your home by making a hardware cloth entryway flap. Alternatively, you can use masonry screws to screw a piece of hardware cloth to the wall and then install it in the attic.\nThey gnaw through walls\nWhen you hear noises in your attic, it might be rats. These creatures are active during the night, and if they’re in a space, they might be living in the attic. They gnaw on wood, plastic, metal, and wires, and their droppings can leave a greasy mess. There’s no doubt that they’re causing problems for you, and you want to know what to do to stop them.\nThe first thing you need to do to prevent rat infestation is to seal the gaps in your walls. Rats can squeeze through any hole that’s bigger than two fingers. You can close gaps with wire wool, metal kick plates, and cement. You can also hire a professional pest control service to seal the holes and prevent future infestations. Smith’s Pest Management, which services the Central Coast and the San Francisco Bay Area, can identify any entry points and eliminate them for you.\nIf you’ve discovered rats in your attic, take immediate action. The first thing to do is to inspect the walls. Rats will be most likely to enter through the cavity walls of the attic if they can get into the attic through the wall. Make sure you check the baseboards of all the walls and place concrete so that the rats can’t get through them. Once you’ve determined the extent of the infestation, you should consider setting up traps inside the walls to keep them out of your home.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "It was aimed in the present work to report aspects related to identification, naming and categorization of the mastofauna species of the caatinga biome, according to hunters' knowledge of Northeast Brazil. The methods of free and semi-structured interviews and guided tours were applied here. The data obtained were analyzed under the emic/etic point of view by comparing the local people's knowledge to those reported in the literature. The inland hunters use some classification models of mammals living around them as for example the folk taxonomy, and a categorization based on the animal utility. Some species are preferably hunted for providing food while others are hunted for therapeutic ends. Hunt techniques were made evident by the informers. The retrieval and comprehension of the whole process related to such knowledge is very important to evaluate the human culture and the protection that people exert on local biodiversity, since these aspects have implications for the conservation and management of faunistic resources.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "LAI CHÂU Province, Vietnam — Heavy rain over the weekend (23/24 June) has resulted in deadly flash floods and landslides in many northern mountainous provinces. At least three people have died, three are missing and five others have been injured in Lai Châu Province, according to provincial authorities. Director of the province’s Department of Agriculture … More Floods and Landslides Ravage Northern Provinces of Vietnam\nWhile Tropical Storm Bud was lashing parts of western Mexico and causing flooding that extended into the American Southwest, a tropical disturbance was spinning over the Gulf of Mexico and straddling southeastern Texas. This system sat in place for almost a week bringing extremely heavy rainfall and causing a flash flood emergency. More than 15 … More IMERG Examines Flooding In Southern Texas From Space\nOn Sunday May 27th, 2018, parts of Ellicott City, MD, USA experienced between 5.36 inches and 10.38 inches of rain in about three hours, causing flash flooding in the city. In the storm of 2016 Ellicott City was hit by 6.5 inches of rain, causing flash flooding. According to the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra … More 1000 Year Floods – Ellicott City, MD, US Experiences 2 in 2 years!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Skip to Main Content\nReliability of tree-height measurements in northern hardwood standsAuthor(s): Dale S. Solomon; Richard J. Nolet\nSource: Research Note NE-86. Upper Darby, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 3p.\nPublication Series: Research Note (RN)\nStation: Northeastern Research Station\nPDF: Download Publication (124.12 KB)\nDescriptionNo significant differences were found between the heights of standing hardwood trees estimated with a Haga altimeter and actual heights measured after the trees had been felled. Differences ranged from +10 feet to -12 feet, and the mean difference for all trees was 0.1 foot.\n- Check the Northern Research Station web site to request a printed copy of this publication.\n- Our on-line publications are scanned and captured using Adobe Acrobat.\n- During the capture process some typographical errors may occur.\n- Please contact Sharon Hobrla, firstname.lastname@example.org if you notice any errors which make this publication unusable.\n- We recommend that you also print this page and attach it to the printout of the article, to retain the full citation information.\n- This article was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain.\nCitationSolomon, Dale S.; Nolet, Richard J. 1968. Reliability of tree-height measurements in northern hardwood stands. Research Note NE-86. Upper Darby, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 3p.\n- Management intensity and genetics affect loblolly pine seedling performance\n- Saligna eucalyptus growth in a 15-year old spacing study in Hawaii\n- Ten Years' Growth of Pruned and Unpruned Cottonwood Planted at 40- by 40-Foot Spacing\nXML: View XML", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Parastus Nepolo, the Founder and Managing Director of Millenium Refrigeration and Electrical services cc spends his days brainstorming and implementing strategies to save lives through the exploration of different refrigerants and air treatment machines. He gives us a peek into how he works and managed to identify the air treatment product.\nMillenium is the name that comes up when people talk about refrigeration, Air conditioning and electrical services. The company arguably has the largest portfolio of HVAC equipment and controls in Namibia. Their products can be found all over Namibia in their 9 offices countrywide, and they have serviced warehouses, stores, campuses, hospitals, government buildings, apartment buildings and even hotels.\nAfter Covid-19 hit the country, Millenium has been exploring different markets to identify Air Treatment products as they are aligned to their refrigeration and Air-conditioning equipment which provides our offices and homes with fresh air but do not protect us from the air we exhale especially in setups where two or more people gather.\n“We have identified AeroMax Air Purifiers, a product that uses a combination of the most effective filtration and cleaning methods as part of a 4-stage filtration process to remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants and particles down to 0.3 microns in size,” Nepolo said.\nThe machines which come in different sizes have a smart level of performance of which when combined with the intelligent has sensor technology that makes AeraMax® the perfect clean air solution. It is worldly recommendable for hospital rooms, gathering centres, schools, boardrooms and any other types of gathering facilities where two or more people meet.\nIn July this year, the company donated two air treatment machines to the Ministry of Health and Social Services’ Covid-19 centre. Last week, a similar machine was donated to the Ongwediva MediPark. Both these donations came with no cost.\n“With the country still under strict Covid-19 preventive measures, Millenium Refrigeration has been thinking of how it can protect the lives of individuals who are engaged in public gatherings especially our mighty medical practitioners who engage with patients daily and the MOHSS crossed our minds; we thought let us donate these machines to the health practitioners” Nepolo added.\nThese air purifiers, with their automatic AeraSmart™ Sensors, safely remove 99.97% of these harmful airborne pollutants, so you can enjoy clean, fresh air and a healthier home. The AeraMax® DX Air Purifiers for example, uses a combination of the most effective filtration and cleaning methods as part of a 4-stage filtration process to remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants and particles down to 0.3 microns in size.\nThis level of performance combined with the intelligent AeraSmart™ sensor technology makes AeraMax® the perfect clean air solution. Nepolo urged the nation to invest in these new technology for to maintain a healthy lifestyle.\n“While we may not give much thought to indoor air quality, we certainly should. The air we breathe indoors is up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Public spaces, like offices, health care facilities and schools are breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, dust and allergens, and harsh chemicals and odours. While we all recognize the need to wash our hands and clean common surfaces like doors, tabletops, bathrooms, toilets, etc., it’s not enough. We need to clean the air” Nepolo emphasized.\nOrder your air treatment with them today. Find out more about Millenium on https://milleniumref.com.na/ or call their office 061 262717. They are also gurus in Air conditioning, refrigeration and electrical services. Give them a call today.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Search for native plants by scientific name, common name or family. If you are not sure what you are looking for, try the Combination Search or our Recommended Species lists.\nSearch native plant database:\nCarex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.\nAwlfruit sedge, Awl-fruited sedge, Stalk-grain sedge\nUSDA Symbol: cast5\nA slender, bunchgrass-like plant, this perennial sedge grows 2-3 ft. tall, with a cluster of brown seed capsules clinging high on each stem. Leaves are coarse and elongate.\nMakes up 25% of the diet of the swamp sparrow (Kershaw)\nBloom InformationBloom Color:\nNot Applicable Bloom Time:\nApr Bloom Notes: Perianth\n, WY Canada: AB\n, YT Native Distribution:\nTranscontinental Canada, s. to FL, LA, KS\n& CA Native Habitat:\nLow, wet grounds\nGrowing ConditionsWater Use: Medium\nLight Requirement: Sun\nSoil Moisture: Moist , Wet\nCaCO3 Tolerance: Medium\nSoil Description: Wet soil to standing water.\nConditions Comments: Not Available\nPropagationDescription: Not Available\nSeed Collection: Not Available\nSeed Treatment: Not Available\nCommercially Avail: yes\nMr. Smarty Plants says\nNative plants to stop pond bank erosion\nJune 04, 2008\nI recently purchased a home with a small pond in which a nearby stream daylights. The former owner placed large field stone around the pond and the small stream; however, the area around the pond and...\nview the full question and answer\nNational Wetland Indicator Status\nThis information is derived from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Wetland Plant List, Version 3.1\n(Lichvar, R.W. 2013. The National Wetland Plant List: 2013 wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2013-49: 1-241). Click here\nfor map of regions.\nRecord Last Modified: 2013-07-11\nResearch By: TWC Staff", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "News Animals A Herd of Wild Elephants Is Wandering Around China They've caused $1.1 million in damage and they're being tracked by drones. By Mary Jo DiLonardo Mary Jo DiLonardo LinkedIn Twitter Senior Writer University of Cincinnati Mary Jo DiLonardo has worked in print, online, and broadcast journalism for 25 years and covers nature, health, science, and animals. Learn about our editorial process Updated June 10, 2021 03:51PM EDT Fact checked by Haley Mast Fact checked by Haley Mast LinkedIn Harvard University Extension School Haley Mast is a freelance writer, fact-checker, and small organic farmer in the Columbia River Gorge. She enjoys gardening, reporting on environmental topics, and spending her time outside snowboarding or foraging. Topics of expertise and interest include agriculture, conservation, ecology, and climate science. Learn about our fact checking process Share Twitter Pinterest Email The wandering Asian elephants in China are similar to these at Kuri Buri National Park in Thailand. Thomas Cristofoletti / WWF-US News Environment Business & Policy Science Animals Home & Design Current Events Treehugger Voices News Archive A herd of 15 Asian elephants has had quite the adventure since escaping from a nature reserve in China about a year ago. Although locally famous for their exploits, the marauding group is just now starting to earn international fame. The elephant herd (also called a parade) has traveled about 310 miles from its home in the forests of the southwest Yunnan province before reaching the provincial capital city of Kunming, according to Chinese media. Along the way, they’ve trampled farms looking for food and water, causing an estimated $1.1 million worth of damage, according to state news agency Xinhua. There have been 412 separate reports of damage, and the elephants have destroyed 56 hectares of farmland in the counties of Yuanjiang and Shiping alone, the agency said. Authorities have used food to distract the elephants from villages in order to keep people and dwellings safe. At times, they’ve evacuated residents to keep them out of the elephants’ path. They’ve sent police to clear roads and to escort the herd. There are a dozen drones keeping track of the animals around the clock and many fans share images on the social media site Weibo. There, thousands of people liked and many commented when the elephants took a group nap, surrounding a baby elephant to keep it safe. What Started the Trek? Experts aren’t totally sure what prompted the elephants to leave and why they are still wandering. \"We really don’t know why this herd left their home range, so it’s important to understand the conditions may have led to the elephants making the long journey,\" Nilanga Jayasinghe, Asian Species Manager at World Wildlife Fund-US, tells Treehugger. \"It’s possible that the herd went in search of new habitat and got lost along the way.\" Jayasinghe points out that in Asia, the most significant threats to elephants are habitat loss and human-wildlife interactions that result because of that loss. \"Elephants have significant space and resource needs. In Asia, there has been significant habitat loss over the past decades and because elephants range over long distances, much of their habitat is found outside protected areas,\" she says. \"As they move through areas that have various land-use practices, human-elephant interactions are becoming more and more frequent, leading to significant damage and loss of life for both people and wildlife.\" So far, no one has been hurt during the elephants’ spree, but so much other damage has been done. \"In this case, these elephants have already caused significant damage along their path to Kunming, but the authorities have done a commendable job monitoring the herd and informing people to prevent interactions,\" Jayasinghe points out. \"Authorities are working with local elephant experts to determine the next best steps on how to keep the elephants and people safe. More broadly, addressing issues of human-wildlife interactions must be thought out carefully after gaining a good understanding of the context for the issue. Comprehensive measures that aim for coexistence and address both the immediate conflicts as well as the root causes of those conflicts, habitat loss, for example, are needed.\" Following the Adventure While elephant experts are working to keep everyone safe, fans are enjoying the elephant adventures. “I hope this long elephant journey will be successful, but... the elephants should have a serious talk with the current team leader,” wrote one commenter on YouTube. Another wrote, “It's so nice to know that the villagers and authorities are willing to adjust with the elephants.” View Article Sources \"Wandering elephant herd reaches major SW Chinese city.\" XINHUANET, 2021. \"Xinhua Headlines: Chinese city on alert as wandering elephant herd marches north.\" XINHUANET, 2021.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Cloud composition cliffhanger at point reyes national seashore\nTurns out, polluted air from San Francisco is not the culprit. It's a thermal trough pushing north from Arizona. In a surprise result, scientists found that this weather pattern significantly affects the chemistry of fog and clouds over Point Reyes National Seashore. Scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington State University, the University of Colorado, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found very high amounts of ammonia and organic material in aerosol particles and cloud droplets during a large-scale weather pattern originating in Arizona. Their results also show the interactions between these small airborne particles and the cloud water chemistry during clear and foggy conditions.\nThe results were achieved through a team collaboration. The U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Chemistry Program (now the Atmospheric System Research Program) used specialized air quality measurements, and combined these with local climate data collected by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Mobile Facility (AMF).\nThis research provided scientists with a rare opportunity to study how cloud water droplets form around tiny particles in the air in a remote area. Understanding aerosols, small particles suspended in the atmosphere, is a primary focus in understanding how clouds form. This is important because clouds are known to play a central role in the Earth's climate system. Studying cloud and aerosol interactions in remote areas also contributes valuable baseline information so policy makers can develop air quality standards and scientists can improve climate models. Getting and using accurate data in climate models will lead to better climate change predictions. For the Point Reyes studies, investigators were able to examine the cloud and aerosol properties during two distinct weather patterns that were found to have a significant impact on the area's air quality.\nPoint Reyes National Seashore in California is one of the cloudiest locations in the United States. During July 2005, scientists from DOE's Atmospheric Chemistry Program (now the Atmospheric Systems Research Program) joined investigators from DOE's ARM to collect information about the particle size and composition of cloud droplets for the Marine Stratus Experiment.\nScientists used a special set of instruments to separate atmospheric particles into two categories: those that attract moisture and lead to the formation of clouds; and those that could not. They analyzed the chemical make-up of both sets of particles using an aerosol mass spectrometer. Combined with meteorology observations, a suite of instruments allowed scientists to contrast the size and chemical composition of particles during four categories of weather patterns: a) maritime flow; b) over-land flow; c) clear conditions; and d) foggy conditions. Air moving from the ocean comprised the marine flow; the over-land flow was found to be strongly influenced by a large weather feature called a thermal trough, originating in Arizona (see sidebar).\nThe team began their analysis by comparing their high-time resolution data with more coarse weekly observations made at a permanent IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments) station at Point Reyes, set up to track long-term visual air quality trends. Finding good agreement between their measurements and the IMPROVE data they then compared the chemistry of particles and cloud droplets during both periods of foggy and clear weather. A pronounced change in the chemical composition of particles between the start and the end of the study period was analyzed during these two intervals. The team was able to identify the role of the thermal trough on cloud particles, including very high levels of ammonia gas, a byproduct of fertilizer use and production. The chemical composition of cloud droplets affects the light-reflecting and absorbing properties of the particles, which has a large effect on regional climate.\nThe team expected to find long periods of clean air broken by a few days of pollution coming from San Francisco, Calif. Instead, the chemical make-up of the particles was strongly influenced the large thermal trough. In addition, the particles from marine air were acidic or near-neutral while particles associated with the thermal trough appeared to be the opposite. High concentrations of ammonia gas and organic matter, linked to the circulation pattern from the warm air pushing up from Arizona, have an impact on otherwise clean air coming in from the Pacific Ocean. This new information is of special interest to the National Park Service monitoring air quality in the park.\nResearchers are now investigating the relationship between aerosol particles, the way cloud droplets form, and the effect the pre-existing particles have on the ability of marine-formed clouds to reflect light and produce rain. This study also sets the stage for a major DOE campaign, the Two Column Aerosol Project on Cape Cod, Mass. in the summer of 2012.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Q & A\nTalks & Visits\nCurrently browsing tag\nHappy Earth Day Friends!\nEarth looks pretty peaceful from Mars.\nThe view from earth of the Perseid meteor shower is pretty awesome too.\nI am sure glad these guys are here on earth! Happy National Dog Week everyone!\nHappy Earth Day to the best planet in the Universe.\n© 1997- 2021 Nancy Carlson", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Groundwater is a valuable resource both in the united state and throughout the world. Where surface water, such as lakes and rivers, are scare or inaccessible. The volume of ground water in storage is decreasing in many areas of the united states in response to pumping. ground water depletion is primarily caused by sustained groundwater pumping. The water shortage problem is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet water needs within a region. It affects every region and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water.\nJ.N.Thakare (2019); Importance of Water Resource Management; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)\n9(7) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.07.2019.p9104", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Floristic riches Crimea, and it about 2400 kinds, is unusual not only to the Eastern Europe (which average area has usually 500-800 kinds). To riches of the green dress of peninsula, especially its Southern coast, natives of the countries of the Mediterranean or those who often there has a rest - our greens are surprised also both is more powerful, and is more various, and fresh; richer than soil; set of extensive reserves.\nApproximately 250 kinds of plants meet only in Crimea, them name endemami (endemikami, endemichnymi kinds). It, for example, the Crimean white snowdrop folded - only in the mixed woods of Mountain Crimea, the Crimean edelweiss (jaskolka Bibershtejna) - only on Jajle, zemljanichnik melkoplodnyj - only on Juzhnoberezhe, a hawthorn Pojarkovoj - only on Karadage, sudakskaja a pine, a version pitsundskoj - only at the Pike perch and in a South careful zone of Sevastopol.\nCrimean endemiki – a cyclamen of Kuznetsova and a snowdrop folded (galantus) – plants bulbous, gathering of their colours cannot represent any harm . Their people absolutely poor collect and sell. That on them round-ups the spindle-legs dressed in bullet-proof vests with automatic machines – simply shame, and at all neither what nor struggle for red books everyone there arrange that. By the way, and the Crimean snowdrop was never brought in the Red book of the USSR, as a vanishing species is not and perfectly grows in front gardens. Endemik, it is a kind growing on certain district. Here the lily of the valley just endemikom is not, grows and in the Midland of Russia, but with it, really, problems, now it became a rarity.\nBesides the primordial kinds Crimea is rich also introdutsentami , not less than 2000 kinds of plants are delivered here from all ends of globe and widespread. And the South American cactus a prickly pear, the Chinese ailanthus, Canadian robinija (a white acacia), Italian gljadichija and many hundreds kinds have so got accustomed that extend independently without any leaving.\nVarious trees, bushes, grasses, together with mushrooms, lichens form steady communities in the nature: many-tier (especially in the mixed woods), with multilateral communications of self-control, together with with a characteristic artistic image - silhouettes and paints. The birchwood or a pine pine forest, an oak grove or kovylnaja steppe - the inhabitant of the Midland will meet them as old acquaintances. And here mountain meadow steppes Jajly or impassable kustarnikovye thickets of Southeast coast is already something especial. That to speak about ancient parks Juzhnoberezhja where in relic mozhzhevelovye groves have joined for a long time the Italian pines and the Lebanese cedars. And artificial landings of the Crimean pine to mountain terraces and the fulfilled stone-cutting open-cast mines quite often cast thoughts on pyramids majja or architecture of aliens.\nThe Steppe zone of Crimea is completely opened and populated, only individual sites of virgin steppe burning in May with scarlet and yellow tulips remain.\nRemain (quite often in a reserved mode) and beams rich with fruit bushes, and also very original priruslovye thickets along small Crimean small rivers. Powerful trees of an oak, an elm, poplars tower over thickets of a willow, a wood nut, a cornel, all it is densely twisted by lianas lomonosa, an evergreen ivy, a prickly blackberry.\nThese green corridors connecting flat Crimea with mountain, have huge value for ecological equilibrium.\nIn Foothills at heights from 350 to 600 m above sea level the basic vegetative community are so-called oaklets and artificial landings of a pine Crimean, including on terraces. Below this level the same communities meet islets, a natural belt of forest-steppe - the best in the economic relation, is occupied by vineyards, gardens and fields.\nThe forest-steppe zone clearly shows Incomplete humility to the person in May-June when Foothills fields turn to magnificent scarlet carpets. It different kinds of a poppy (basically, samosejka and doubtful) blossom. They blossom and in steppe, but in vicinities of Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai, Simferopol and Belogorska it is necessary to admire them, at all their harm to wheaten and barley fields.\nOaklets are in essence root young growth from the former oak groves which have been repeatedly cut down in the past. Well and the Crimean pine has appeared most \"=х§эюыюушёэ№ь\" a material for fast lesovosstanovlenija, fastenings of slopes and ecological improvement of the earths broken by mountain workings out.\nOaklets can alternate, especially in vicinities of Bakhchisarai, with thickets of a prickly juniper. Foothills woods are not so high, are not shady, but are very good for walks and campaigns. They also are unusually rich with crabs, pears, a cornel, a wood nut, a hawthorn and other fruit plants. And also mushrooms and medicinal grasses.\nWhen you cross the Main ridge of Crimean mountains from Bakhchisarai to Yalta, from Simferopol to Alushte or from Belogorska to Privetnomu it is clearly visible that approximately from 600 metres above sea level woods become shady, long-boled are woods from a beech and a hornbeam with an impurity still sets of breeds, including a wild sweet cherry and an apple-tree. In reserves such woods simply amaze with the magnificence.\nAt heights over 1100 metres eternally storming a wind define the whole belt so-called beechen krivolesja, reminding to scenery to terrible, but to romantic fairy tales.\nHilly surfaces of the Main ridge - jajly, cover the richest meadow steppes, both in respect of a forage for hoofed animals of animals, and on a botanical variety, and especially on curative plants.\nThe Southern edge jajly is covered by powerful and most beautiful pines (though here again there is a small belt pine krivolesja and whole \"яі э№х ЁюЁш\").\nFrom 900 to 400 m above sea level on southern breaking Jajly dubovo-pine woods with an underbrush various and rich with fruits go down.\nThe Bottom seaside breakages and rocky haosy cover communities of the Mediterranean type: frigana (low prickly thickets), shibljak (thickets from low listopadnyh trees, oaks, a pistachio, grabinnika) - these prevail in the east, and here beautiful evergreen bosks from zemljanichnika melkoplodnogo and a treelike juniper are close on type to Mediterranean makvisu. Under them the continuous cover forms iglitsa pontijskaja with evergreen prickly leaflets and bright red berries.\nMakvisy have practically merged now in a single whole with ancient South careful parks.\nThus, the basic lesoobrazujushchimi breeds of Crimea are: pines (except chernostvolnoj Crimean, in mountains there is also a pine ordinary a reddish trunk, and at coast - endemichnaja sudakskaja, and also set of pines-introdutsentov from Italy, Canada, Mexico); oaks (three kinds local, and on juzhnoberezhe a little evergreen, including pith); a beech and a hornbeam.\nCertainly, to Crimea go for the sake of the sea, but comparing it and to resorts of a steppe zone of Ukraine, and with the coast of Mediterranean sea exhausted from heat, once again we will tell thanks our plants.\nThat a pine - the tree curative, allocating fitontsidy, flying substances pernicious for pathogenic bacteria, is known almost to all. But also in oaklets or shibljakah air is not less pure, after all both an oak chereshchatyj and its undersized colleagues - an oak fluffy which leaves from the bottom party are covered by a down, and an oak rocky, all the winter long not dumping yellow foliage, - all of them are rich fitontsidami. Together with junipers, a poplar, a walnut and many other things, usual plants for Crimea.\nTo Stir fallen down foliage, walking on autumn wood or park, it is pleasant not without reason - this aroma of withering is extremely rich with curative substances.\nBut the green dress of peninsula it not only fitontsidy. These are mushrooms and berries, medicinal grasses and nuts, amusing snags and outgrowths.\nWell and the main thing is it \"эхтхёюь№х яюыхчэюё=ш\": it softens a climate, accumulates a moisture when it is a lot of it, and then gradually gives, protects hillsides from washout, - in general, supports natural balance.\nOur love to picnics, shish kebabs and other pleasures on the nature not always passes for wood completely. We also suffer from it. Forest fires become the present disaster for all live. But it is not better at all in ecological sense having washed away slopes, formation of gullies and ravines on a place of an automobile track, trampling green podrosta, zahlamlenie plastic and a tin.\nTherefore in Crimea are protected not only reserves, but also woods as a whole. During the fire-dangerous period (from May till October) their visiting is forbidden. But to put under each tree of the forester, of course, it is not possible.\nThe effectual measures of their preservation is the accomplishment of special vacation spots in residential suburbs. Their equipment for rest is conducted by special methods of landscape architecture, basically from a local tree and a stone. It is so-called wood furniture from stubs and snags, shelters from a bad weather, the arbours, the improved springs and sources. Well and it is final kostrishcha, braziers, musorosborniki. Such places in Crimea more than 40.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "At first sight you may think that this is a small white but if it is in your garden you need have no worries. The green-veined white (Pieris napi) is certainly a close relative of the small white but it feeds exclusively on wild crucifereae plants such as garlic mustard, cuckooflower, wild radish and so on so your greens are safe!\nThe green-veined white has two broods and the first flies throughout May. There will be a subsequent brood, here in the south at least, flying in August and September.The second brood isfond of other plants too, they especially go for thistles and members of the daisy family.\nIt is a problem positively identifying this butterfly in flight but as soon as it lands and closes its wings the green markings, that is the veins, on the underside of the wing can be seen from some way off. It is now quite a common butterfly; indeed I think, at times, it is now more common that the small white which is remarkable as the small white was once undoubtedly a very common butterfly.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Why Is My Water Softener Turning My Water Brown?\nBrown water emerging out of your water softener is often the consequence of iron and manganese accumulating inside your mineral tank and fouling the softener resin. When dissolved iron oxidizes, it might be ferric iron (insoluble iron). This iron will manifest inside your resin bed as brown slugs which will discolor your water.\nImmediate indications of calcium in the water that reveal challenge with your water softener include:\n- Soap not lathering.\n- Clothes feeling rough or appear dingy after laundry.\n- Spots or streaks on dishes or glasses.\n- Dull, lifeless hair or dry, itchy skin.\n- Soap scum around the shower, tub, along with other surfaces.\nWhy does my water softener have dirty water?\nDirt within the brine tank: It’s normal? Should you own or manage a water softener, you may watch a layer of dirt or grime that accumulates round the insides from the tank. It may look grey, or foamy which is most likely causing you to cringe, however the good factor is the fact that it’s completely normal.\nWhy is the water in my brine tank Brown?\nWater softeners might have brown water should there be minerals for example iron and manganese within the brine tank. Pipe erosion and calcium in the water can both make the buildup of brown water inside a water softener. Call a plumber when the water inside your water softener is brown following a water primary continues to be flushed.\nWhy is my water softener making my water yellow?\nExactly why is my water yellow after installing a water softener? Sediment like iron and manganese inside your tube causes your brand-new water filtration to show water yellow. Frequently running water for a short period will get rid of the particles that experienced your line whenever you altered it.\nHow long do water softeners typically last?\nAlthough a great water softener may last for 10 – fifteen years, without correct maintenance and repair, they’re not going to last forever. They’re really not designed to last forever, but good care measures can make sure the lifespan of the water softener is extended to the full capacity.\nHow often do water softeners need to be replaced?\nWhen they may last considerably longer if well-maintained, water softeners possess a typical lifespan which is between 10 and fifteen years. In case your water softener was installed greater than a decade ago, replacing it might be the best option.\nIs water in a softener supposed to be dirty?\nWhen a water softener has been around use for a while, a layer of grime and dirt can take shape up around within the tank. This buildup is common however, if salt with a lot of impurities was utilized within the brine tank, this could cause dirty water.\nWhy is there black stuff in my water softener?\nIf you see dark stains close to the tube within the brine (salt) tank, you need to fix it now! Individuals dark stains are mold. You don’t want mold, fungi, or bacteria to thrive inside your water softener. Once you’ve washed the sludge and sediment, use a combination of dishwashing detergent and water to cleanse the tank.\nHow do I fix brown water in my water softener?\nIf sediment is collecting inside your mineral tank and providing your water a brown tint, you will have to deep clean the resin tank and use a sediment filter prior to the softener. Use a phosphoric acidity resin cleaner to assist flush silt, chemical toxins, and organic compounds from the water softener.\nWhy is my water brown all of a sudden?\nMinerals, sediment, or rust that builds up within the water mains with time is the reason for brown or discolored water. Once the water out of your tap is brown, this signifies a disturbance within the water primary that stirs up these deposits. Additionally you may have a rusted pipe, and when left unwatched to could create a leak.\nHow do I clean my water softener brine tank?\nPour a couple of tablespoons dish soap into 1-2 gallons water to produce a soapy mixture. Pour the soap/water mixture in to the brine tank and scrub the interior having a lengthy-handled brush. Dump and rinse with water. Now pour 2-3 gallons of unpolluted water in to the brine tank having a quarter cup household bleach.\nDoes a water softener change the color of water?\nOnce the water softener is working properly your water ought to always be very obvious. However, whether it reduces if you notice a substantial alternation in the colour from the water. The most typical reason for discoloration may be the swimming pool water utilized in city water, which might turn water an orange, peachy or gray color.\nIs it safe to shower in yellow water?\nIs Yellow Bathwater Safe for Bathing? While bathing or showering in yellow water is usually safe, it’s always smart to seek advice from your reliable local plumbing team.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Oregon March 21, 2016\n18 More Enchanting Spots In Oregon You Never Knew Existed\nFull of majestic waterfalls, gorgeous canyons, beautiful beaches, and more, Oregon is an absolute treasure. With such amazing natural wonders like Multnomah Falls and Crater Lake, it can be easy to overlook the bountiful beauty that is hidden all over the state. Last year we published an\narticle featuring nine of Oregon’s most beautiful hidden gems, including places like Lost Lake, Toketee Falls, Natural Bridges, and more. Today, we’ve compiled 18 more of Oregon’s most enchanting hidden gems. They are absolutely astounding.\n18. Tamanawas Falls\nLocated in the Mt Hood National Forest, Tamanawas Falls is absolutely lovely.\n17. Paulina Lake\nThe serene Paulina Lake is located in Newberry Crater in Central Oregon.\n16. Owyhee Canyonlands\nThe Owyhee Canyonlands of southeast Oregon are breathtakingly beautiful.\n15. Oneonta Gorge\nLocated in the Columbia River Gorge, Oneonta Gorge is a majestic passageway between enormous, moss-covered rocks leading to the lovely Oneonta Falls.\n14. Broken Top\nBroken Top is an extinct volcano in the Cascade Range of central Oregon. The otherworldly landscape here will drop your jaw.\n13. Sahalie Falls\nSahalie Falls is a beautiful waterfalls that can be found on the McKenzie River.\n12. Hells Canyon\nHells Canyon is not only Oregon's deepest canyon, it's the deepest river gorge in North America.\n11. Arch Cape\nLocated on the coast of Clatsop County, Arch Cape is a pristine oceanside destination.\n10. Valley of the Giants\nThe Valley of the Giants is a lovely 51 acre forest located near the coast of northwest Oregon.\n9. Sweet Creek\nSweet Creek is as charming as it's name implies. Located in the Siuslaw National Forest, this creek is followed by a lovely hiking trail that leads you past multiple cascading waterfalls.\n8. Leslie Gulch\nLeslie Gulch is located in Malheur County, and it's an otherworldly beauty.\n7. Cape Foulweather\nCape Foulweather may not have the most attractive name, but it's lovely nonetheless.\n6. Terwilliger Hot Springs\nThis natural hot spring is located in the Willamette National Forest. Hot water cascades down multiple levels of clean, rock-lined pools. It's relaxing and totally gorgeous.\n5. Elk Lake\nNestled into the Cascades is the majestic, reflective water of Elk Lake.\n4. Alvord Desert\nThe Alvord Desert is located in a remote area of southeast Oregon. The landscape will make you feel like you're on another planet.\n3. Wallowa Lake\nNestled into the Wallowa Mountains of eastern Oregon is the beautiful Wallowa Lake.\n2. Steelhead Falls\nSteelhead Falls is a unique and thoroughly enchanting waterfall on the Deschutes River. It's not particularly easy to find, but it's totally worth the search.\n1. Waldo Lake\nWaldo Lake is a beautiful alpine lake in the Cascade Mountains.\nHow many of these places have you been to?\nWhat are some other enchanting hidden gems in Oregon?", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "KIGALI (Reuters) - Rwanda is encouraged by the discovery of oil sediments in the west of the country after aerial surveys by Canadian firm Vangold Resources.\nThe small, hilly central African nation lies on the Albertine Rift and shares similar geological features with neighboring Uganda to the north, where oil has been found.\n“The area where prospecting is being done shows indications of the oil potential,” Albert Butare, Rwanda’s state minister for energy and water, said in an interview late on Monday.\n“To what extent and what quality is what the studies are going to come out with, but ... there are real indications of the possibility of the existence of oil,” he told Reuters.\nIn May, Vangold Resources will bring in a specialised boat to conduct seismic surveys of Lake Kivu which borders Rwanda’s volatile neighbour, Democratic Republic of Congo.\nLandlocked Rwanda has been plagued by fuel shortages and rationing in recent months due to disruptions to supplies coming from east Africa’s coastal economic powerhouse, Kenya.\nAt $0.24 per KWH, Rwanda has one of the region’s most expensive energy tariffs, Butare said, making it uncompetitive for exporters.\nHe said he hoped the price of electricity would be halved to between $0.12-0.15 per KWH through investments in solar, wind, gas, geothermal and hydro-energy production that are planned over the next three years.\n“We’ve decided to embark on strategies by leaving no stone unturned in terms of investing in different potential resources,” Butare said.\nRwanda is in final talks with ContourGlobal to set up a 100 MW methane gas project on Lake Kivu, as well as a further 100 MW project by a consortium led by Kenya’s Industrial Promotion Services, together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and African Development Bank (AfDB).\nBy 2012 Rwanda wants to triple electricity access to reach some 350,000 households by rolling out a rural electrification programme, Butare said.\nCentral to this is micro-hydro generation ranging from 5 KW to 3 MW projects at more than 300 potential sites, including remote mountainous areas where it is too expensive to extend the national grid.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "UC Davis investigates using helicopter drones for crop dusting\nResearchers at University of California, Davis, in cooperation with the Yamaha Motor Corporation, are testing UAV crop dusting on the Oakville Experimental Vineyard at the UC Oakville Station using a Yamaha RMax remote-controlled helicopter. The purpose is to study the adaptation of Japanese UAV crop dusting techniques for US agriculture, but not all the hurdles they face are technological.\nThe use of aircraft for crop dusting and seeding is over a century old, but it’s not a panacea. Flying aircraft low over farmland is best suited for areas like the Great Plains of North America, which are flat and relatively free of obstacles like trees or power lines. In built-up areas, rugged terrain, or mixed-use regions, it isn't feasible to distribute chemicals from a plane or helicopter and even under ideal conditions, flying close to the ground can be hazardous. There’s also the risk of the pilot and people on the ground being exposed to dangerous chemicals.\nIf you wanted to find a place not suited to crop dusting, it would be hard to beat Japan. It’s a mountainous, heavily populated country with lots of trees and buildings where farms with small fields are interspersed closely with settlements and all manner of other things like a semi-rural crazy quilt. But it’s also a country with an aging population providing fewer young people to work the land, so there’s a strong imperative to automate as much as possible.\nThe idea of using drones as crop dusters and seeders may be a novelty in the West, but in Japan it’s old news. Unmanned helicopters have been on the job for over 20 years since Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture started promoting the idea in the 1980s. In 1991, small remote-controlled helicopters were used to spray rice fields and today UAVs spray 40 percent of the nation’s rice crops. In addition, unmanned helicopters are used to spray, wheat, oats, soybeans, lotus roots, daikon radishes, chestnut groves and continues to expand to other kinds of orchards and vegetable fields.\nOne of the major players in this, and the center of the UC Davis study, is the Yamaha RMax. Controlled by a ground operator, the motorcycle-sized helicopter is powered by a two-stroke, two-cylinder 2.4-liter engine and is capable of lifting a payload of 28 kg (61 lb). It’s fitted with a spray applicator system and can spray at about 15 mph (24 km/h). There are 2,400 RMax helicopters currently flying in Japan and through they’re used mainly for spraying and seeding, they’re also employed in remote sensing, precision agriculture and frost mitigation.\nCalifornia agriculture has similar problems to Japan with a some areas marked by a quilt of small holdings in a complex geography, so since November 2012 UC Davis has been running a program to adapt Japanese UAV methods to American needs.\n“We have more than two decades of data on the performance of the RMAX in Japan, but we don’t yet have that kind of information on its use in the United States,” says Steve Markofski, a Yamaha business planner and trained RMAX operator.\nBringing the Japanese model to the United States has a number of obvious benefits. It brings a degree of precision to agriculture over using tractors while removing the hazards of a low-flying pilot. Pesticides can be applied with greater accuracy, which reduces not only costs, but also exposure of farm workers as well as reducing the environmental impact.\nCurrently, UC Davis is studying the distribution of spray over a vineyard by using the RMax to spray colored water over grape vines kitted out with water-sensitive test paper. The paper shows up water droplets as blue specks, which can be recorded and analyzed by computer.\nPreliminary results show that the helicopter is stable even in gusty conditions and that the turbulence thrown up by the rotors distributes the spray even under the leaves. The hope is that the study will eventually show how safe and efficient helicopter spraying is and how well it compares to tractor spraying. Another benefit may be close-quarters crop monitoring with some Napa farmers expressing an interest in using unmanned helicopters to take images of vineyards to monitor vine health and determine harvest schedules.\nYou would think that with decades of Japanese experience we’ll be seeing helicopters buzzing around the Napa Valley very soon, but not all the problems revolve around technology. The US government still doesn't recognize the use of UAVs by civilians and until the law is changed in 2015, they must operate under very severe restrictions. UC Davis as a limited FAA permit, which very few other universities have, that took its two pilots five months to obtain.\nThe Rmax can only fly over very specific agricultural areas, cannot operate within five miles of an airport. the operators must give the FAA 48 hours warning of a flight, and even then it can only fly at below 20 feet (6 m).\nUC Davis stresses that the entire vineyard has been declared an emergency landing area and that the helicopter is designed to hover and land automatically if it loses its control signal. “This site not only offers a working-vineyard situation, it also meets all of our federal requirements for flight zones for remote-controlled aircraft,” says Ken Giles, a UC Davis agricultural engineering professor and lead researcher on the project.\nGiles also addresses privacy and safety concerns stating, “As a citizen, I share those reservations and agree that we need to be very careful about how we use unmanned aircraft. But with the color, size and noise of a motorcycle, this helicopter that we’re testing is anything but stealthy and would be a great disappointment to anyone hoping to use it for espionage or other covert purposes. And, our work is being conducted with the anticipation that the aircraft would be flown by the landowner or by someone hired by the landowner. In other words, that person would want the aircraft to be flying over his or her land.”\nIf all goes well with the current round of tests, UC Davis plans to expand the program to almond groves in the California Central valley.\nThe video below outlines the UC Davis study.\nSource: University of California, Davis", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "OJB Landscape Architecture Unveils 609 Main at Texas Office Tower\nExpansive two-tiered green roof enlivens Downtown Houston skyline\nHouston – May 18, 2017 – OJB Landscape Architecture, winner of the 2015 ASLA Firm Award, today announced the grand opening of its newest workplace project, 609 Main at Texas, a new 48-story, Class A office tower in Downtown Houston. Hines Interests developed the LEED Platinum-certified project which is the result of a collaboration between OJB, architectural firm Pickard Chilton and architect-of-record Kendall/Heaton Associates.\nThe 1,050,000-SF office tower is the latest addition to the burgeoning Central Business District in Downtown Houston. A two-tiered, 30,000-SF green roof offers unprecedented views of the urban skyline and a place for office workers to reconnect with nature. A 28-foot tall Greenwall and water feature greet visitors in the building’s main lobby. Hardscape and strategic landscape appointments at the site’s entry plaza and along Main Street enhance connectivity and offer a welcoming environment.\n“As Downtown Houston continues to densify, buildings of this caliber offer top-notch workplaces in the Central Business District,” said OJB Managing Principal Jereck Boss. “Amenities such as the two-tiered green roof allow workers areas to decompress, enjoy their lunch outdoors, or host a team meeting in the fresh air. These types of features are increasingly sought in the workplace as being connected with the natural elements is shown to help fuel creativity and decrease stress.”\nIn keeping with the project’s design goal to be LEED Platinum, the site’s hardscape has been designed to include durable non-glare materials selected for their ability to absorb the bright Houston sun and to clearly define circulation. Native and adaptive species were utilized throughout the site ensuring highly efficient planting that thrives in the urban environment, particularly in the shade and wind that are prevalent on roof gardens. A drip irrigation system results in reduced water consumption while the planting absorbs approximately 70 percent of precipitation hitting the roof. Ipe benches and movable furniture will allow for a multitude of flexible seating options on the roof terrace for the enjoyment of tenants and guests.\nTo learn more about OJB Landscape Architecture and the firm’s design of 609 Main at Texas visit www.ojb.com.\nFounded in 1989, The Office of James Burnett began with a focus on creating landscapes that provide unique and unforgettable sensory experiences. OJB’s recent work has focused on the rejuvenation of American cities through the creation of distinctive public park spaces including ULI Urban Open Space Award-winning Klyde Warren Park in Dallas, Myriad Gardens in Oklahoma City and Levy Park in Houston. Other notable projects include the artfully planted Sunnylands Center and Gardens in Rancho Mirage, CA and forthcoming urban park project East Village Green in San Diego. Follow OJB on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Silage producers are being reminded of the continued importance of grass sampling for nitrate levels before silage cutting after a worrying rise in reports of brown gas from clamps.\nYellowish and brown fumes emanating from silage clamps are likely to be nitrogen dioxide – the gas formed when nitric acid reacts with water – farmers have been told.\nContact with this gas can cause skin and eye irritation, bronchitis, stripping the enamel from teeth – even death.\nGases usually dissipate after a day or two, after which point the site becomes safe again.\nForage advisers believe the slow, cold spring may have caused the issue this year.\nThe problem is more associated with first cut, but can be seen in every cut through the summer, depending on weather conditions and nitrogen uptake, says silage specialist Dr Dave Davies of Silage Solutions.\nAny farm staff should report the sight of brown or yellow gases around silage clamps to farm and herd managers.\nIf exposed to the gas, people should seek guidance from their GP or contact NHS 111.\nHow to avoid nitric acid risk\n- Test grass and forage samples before harvesting\n- First cut sometimes presents a problem but the issue could be seen in every cut through the summer, depending on weather conditions and nitrogen uptake\n- Delay cutting if nitrate levels are too high and re-test\n- Crude protein samples over 18% and nitrates above 0.25% freshweight could lead to fermentation problems and be a health risk to staff and livestock\n- Nitrates at about 0.15-0.25% could still be problematic for fermentation\nSource: Dr Dave Davies, Silage Solutions\nRuminant technical manager at KW Feeds, Charlotte Ward, said that if these reports of yellow/brown gas were nitrous oxide, the impact could potentially be life-threatening to people and animals.\n“It is important to note that nitrous oxide forms naturally when nitrates are broken down immediately after ensiling.\n“We suspect the higher nitrate content in silage, due to the slow cold spring, may be exacerbating the situation. These are conditions we are not used to,” she said.\n“We advise to exercise extreme caution if there is even a slight indication that this is occurring.\n“Do not breathe in near the areas where the gas is visible, or suspected. Tell-tale signs can include silage discolouration, often turning to a bright yellow-orange colour.\n“This highlights the importance of taking pre-cut samples and sending for analysis to determine nitrate levels before cutting. Likewise, it is prudent to regularly sample silage, and monitor what is in your clamp.”\nRisks from nitrogen dioxide\n- Burns and irritates any body part\n- Dry throat and nasal passages, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, chest pain and death are all possible\n- Lung damage is possible\n- Teeth enamel can be eroded away\n- Laryngeal cancer\n- Eye burns, pain and redness\nSource: Public Health England", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Cedro is a large to extra-large fruited indeterminate red saladette that has high fruit quality, well suited for the export markets. The maturity is mid. The fruit are oval in shape, uniform, firm, and have a bright red color at maturity. The plant has short internodes, mid vigor and yield potential of export quality fruit. Cedro performs well when growing under conditions from warm to cool with good heat set ability. Suited for mid and long cycle production.\n- Easy to manage plant\n- Ideal for hot and cold season\n- Export quality fruit with great firmness and uniform color up\n- Experimental# STM8037\nDays to Maturity from Transplant\nDownloads & Links\n|Aal||Alternaria stem canker||Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici|\n|Pst||Bacterial speck||Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato|\n|For||Fusarium crown & root rot||Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici|\n|Fol||Fusarium wilt||Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici|\n|Ss||Gray leaf spot||Stemphylium solani|\n|Ff||Leaf mold||Fulvia fulva|\n|Mi||Root knot||Meloidogyne incognita|\n|ToMV||Tomato mosaic||Tomato mosaic tobamovirus|\n|TSWV||Tomato spotted wilt||Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus|\n|TYLCV: Is||Tomato yellow leaf curl||Tomato yellow leaf curl bigeminivirus (Israel strain)|\n|Vd||Verticillium wilt||Verticillium dahliae|\nHR = High resistance: plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pathogen or pest pressure.\nIR = Intermediate resistance: plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to “highly resistant” varieties. Intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pathogen or pest pressure.\nT = Tolerance: The ability of a plant variety to endure abiotic stress without serious consequences for growth, appearance and yield.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A collaborative research between Qatar University (QU) and ExxonMobil is using drone technology to study the dugong population dynamics in the northwest coast of Qatar, home to the second largest population and the largest gathering of the marine mammal in one location.\nThe research team comprised Dr Mohsen al-Ansi al-Yafei and Dr Yousria Soliman, associate professors in the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences at QU, ExxonMobil's researcher Ismail al-Sheikh and a number of assistant researchers.\nThe Gulf is home to a large population of dugongs also known as Sea Cows. Previous studies conducted in the Gulf have estimated the numbers of dugongs at approximately 6,000. The studies that extended for a period over 13 years and covered the coastal waters of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE, spotted the largest single group of dugongs ever reported in the world, numbering about 674, between Bahrain and Qatar.\nAlthough the number of dugongs in the Arabian Gulf is the second largest in the world after Australia, there are no accurate estimates of the numbers of dugongs in the region.\nAccording to an article by Dr Soliman published on the latest edition of the QU research magazine, using an unmanned aerial vehicle, the current study aims to explain the conditions that support the single largest gathering of dugongs in northwestern Qatar. The study highlights that currently the dugong population in the location is estimated to exceed 1,000. The study extended for more than three years and included repeated aerial surveys using drones.\nAnother intensive seasonal marine survey monitored changes in the quality and density of sea grasses, which represent the main feeding grounds for dugongs. The observed changes in the population density over the study period was related to births, deaths, changes in habitats, fishing and boat accidents. The population age structure was also evaluated by measuring the ratio of calves to adults, as it is considered one of the indicators that help predict the extent of the increase or decrease in numbers of dugongs in the future.\nAn accurate count of dugongs is crucial to the goal of their management and to understanding the dynamics of the populations inhabiting the area. Obtaining an accurate count of the number of animals is difficult, especially in the marine environment. This is due to the difficulty of counting, as observers do not see the animals because they are covered, either by water or plants, or they respond to the presence of observers and leave the place before they are seen. Since dugongs are spread over wide areas, trying to count their numbers is very difficult. emote photography technology using drones provides a useful tool for measuring population density in an effective and more accurate way.\nSince the survival of sea cow populations depends on the quality and density of sea grass habitats, the researchers also conducted quantitative and qualitative measurements for changes in sea grass habitats over several different seasons to determine the extent of change in these habitats, which are considered as home to sea cows. Understanding the dynamics of dugong populations and how they respond to the changing marine meadow habitats is one of the keys to successfully managing and thus conserving marine life and dugong population.\nCalves depend on their mothers for over two years, as shown in a photo with a researcher and an orphaned calf.\nThe Gulf is home to a large population of dugongs also known as Sea Cows.\nAerial survey using drones to monitor dugongs in Qatari coastal waters\nDr Mohsen al-Ansi, Ismail al-Sheikh, and Dr Yousria Soliman", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "(Re)sourced Cotton Newville Tee\nSorry! This item was so popular, it sold out.\nBut click here to see other styles we think you’ll like.\nProduct DetailsEasy on the body with a curved hem, this relaxed long-sleeved tee has the look of a long-cherished fave. Feel-good bonus: Our (Re)sourced fabric is made of 50 percent recycled cotton and 50 percent organic.\n- Regular fit.\n- Body length from high point of shoulder: 26\" (based on size M).\n- Made from 50% organic cotton/50% recycled cotton.\n- Do Well: Made using Texloop™ RCOT™ certified recycled cotton which uses 84% less water and 72% less energy than the conventional kind.\n- Machine wash.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Price pressure dampens Danish wind industry – but relief looms\nDecreasing subsidies and increased competition have dampened profitability in the wind industry, where many companies' earnings declined last year. There is light ahead, however.\nLog in to read our articles\nWelcome to EnergyWatch. A part of our content is exclusive and reserved for our users.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Improvement your home to be able to produce it environmentally friendly will certainly pay out. You’ll preserve drinking water along with vitality along with meet a strong loss of a person’s energy payments. You can help the earth as well. Allow me to share the right makeover remedies pertaining to bringing green existing.\nYou fail to try without using electronic kitchen appliances, yet an individual will readily decide on effort rescue your. Someone should begin which remodeling career just by replacing the huge devices who use up utmost amounts of energy as well as energy. They are radiators, normal water heating up boilers and air conditioners. The other point should pursuit both the substitution on kitchen appliances, including the dishwasher along with the fridge. Then you will acquire bottle club. This method allowed that you so that you can create in an alternative low. Already, this decision shall be it was beneficial this.\nGetting your right insulation is actually an crucial component connected with eco-friendly lifestyle that allows you to help save electricity successfully. In an least difficult home improvement option is always set up insulation committees. You’ll be able to widely have wood as well. A bit side cork tiles are probably but not mainly common, but these are outstanding on insulating living rooms and even sleeping rooms instead of living rooms as well as dining rooms. An individual would certainly find getting insulating frames along with solutions.\nStoring drinking water is usually imperative pertaining to eco-friendly living. One of several simplest as well as best residence increases writing is always install that shower run which helps you to save water. Somebody can still decide on torpedo taps and also that toilet that will cater to equal basic goal. One of the more personalized options so that you can record waters boast second normal water heats as well as certain kind of spend normal water obstructs.\nSelecting solar power electricity in your residence is certainly an organic living way that you would find. Some remodeling can be otherwise straightforward for you to make. Solar force gathering cells needs to be fitted. They can must be related a good effort converter and then into the electrical machine among the property. Your material as well as the installation are actually expensive, though that you can get your own action paid for via getting a mortgage together with an favorite interest rate. Anyone are going to also get pleasure from some critical tax privilege. A strong less difficult and less costly solution that you can use at first is to download patio lighting along with backyard fittings, for example pond screens, who utilize solar power batteries.\nYou’ll find discussions simpler resources with regard to doing organic located makeover. It is possible to vegetable large woods alongside a person’s homes rooms for better insulation. You’ll be able to help save energy as well as water as a result of placing a shower box or one bath adorn.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A whale has been spotted in Belfast Harbour.\nThe animal, thought to be a juvenile minke whale, is about 4m long. It was first seen on Thursday morning and seems to be healthy and content.\nMinke whales are one of the most common in our waters. It is thought it may have swum in in pursuit of fish in the channel.\nA fully-grown minke can grow to 9m in length.\nThe harbour authorities are liaising with experts in the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, and are expected to monitor the animal for several days in the hope it returns to open water.\nThere are no immediate grounds for concern over the animal's health, said the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).\n\"Minke whales frequent the waters around the mouth of Belfast Lough, but young or inquisitive animals will, on occasion, come closer inshore,\" said a spokesperson.\n\"However, our Marine and Fisheries team will continue to monitor the whale's behaviour in conjunction with colleagues from Belfast Harbour Commissioners.\n\"The animal is currently in a well-regulated area within Belfast Harbour where there is no risk of disturbance.\n\"The whale is not in an area that is easily viewable by the public, however, as a marine-protected species, people are advised to enjoy any views they are fortunate to have of this remarkable animal but not to approach or do anything to disturb it,\" the statement added.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Your Search Results\nTake a look through the results below, or use the filters to select the facilities you want. You can also sort the listings by the popularity or distance.\nCountry park with visitor centre, deer park and forest walks\nIdeal for dogs who are banned from the beach and bored of pavements in the summer. There are 220 acres of woodland and lots of different paths.\nOh, and a Roman villa.\nGentle walking in a Victorian country park - sheep and stile free!\nCarradale was once a popular tourist destination, served by the Clyde steamers and bustling in the summer. Since then the area has changed a lot with the planting of the vast Forestry plantations.\nThis is a lovely forest walk about 1 1/2 miles long through varied terrain with magnificent views in parts.\nBeautiful clear water lake with mountain backdrop. It's in Snowdonia.\nAn ideal route for a long linear dog walk beside a dead-straight river.\nShort walk from Westport Quays, but gives a fabulous view of Croagh Patrick and can be combined with walk around Wesport House grounds and woods.\nBeautiful dog walk around Lough Lannagh in Castlebar. Not particularly long but close to the centre.\nBeautiful long sandy dog-friendly beach. Regularly lots of surfers and kites but generally only in the first couple of hundred metres. Keep walking out to Ther Rock and enjoy the amazing scenery.\nAnother of the Opal Coast's massive and dog-friendly sandy beaches.\nBridle paths and long forest walks are possible in the hundred acres of woodland here. Small routes through the park and forest have disabled/pushchair access.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Govts knocked back Cotton Oz water audit idea\nThe CEO of Cotton Australia says his organisation tried to convince the Commonwealth and state governments three years ago to set up on-farm efficiency audits to save water.\nAdam Kay says the pilot program would have produced data that helped farmers, governments, and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority find ways to improve environmental flows, without savage cuts to entitlements.\nAt the weekend, the Authority announced a fresh study into the social and economic impacts of its much-criticised draft Basin Plan.\nIt says it is already moving to appoint consultants to carry out the expanded research, due for completion in March.\nAdam Kay says some of the current conflict in the water debate might have been avoided if the on-farm audit program had been adopted and widely implemented.\n\"What we were contemplating was running audits on farms to empower farmers to know the most inefficient part of their irrigation operation,\" he said.\n\"At the end of the day, we believed that was one of the ways that we could get some of this much-needed water for the environment without closing down our agricultural businesses and the towns and the like, as well.\"\nThe Murray-Darling Basin Authority will hold meetings in Narrabri on Wednesday, October 20 and Moree on Thursday, October 21.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "With the world finally understanding that our ecosystem is, putting it mildly, not in the best condition, more and more people are trying to live more eco-friendly. This is quite a positive trend, taking into account, that mankind has already used up all its ecological resources for the year 2019 […]\nVacations are wonderful. The oceans, the blue skies, the carefree atmosphere. Everything about escaping day to day life feels amazing and fills a true traveller’s heart with pure gratitude. However, there are also moments abroad which teach you valuable life lessons. We may be well aware of most of these […]\nAs an urban citizen, one might feel excluded by nature and the issues it comes along with. Nevertheless, Viennese residents have the unique chance to become part of the sustainability discourse and get involved: by owning solar panels and wind generators in the countryside but also in the middle of […]\nNature is often remarkedly structured and precise. Mathematics has been used since the ancient times to describe the earth and the universe. Especially the greek were masters in handeling numbers and using the power of mathematical formulars to explain natural processes like acceleration of objects and many more.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Rose Atoll Marine National Monument\nExplore the marine environment around Rose Atoll that supports a dynamic reef ecosystem that is home to a diverse assemblage of marine species, many of which are threatened or endangered.\nLocation and Size\nThe Rose Atoll Marine National is approximately 130 nautical miles east-southeast of Pago Pago Harbor in American Samoa. Rose Atoll is the easternmost Samoan island and the southernmost point of the United States.\nThe Monument area consists of approximately 13,436 square miles (34,800 square kilometers) and the outer boundary is approximately 50 nautical miles from the mean low water line of Rose Atoll.\nThe Rose Atoll Marine National Monument encompasses the Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and has been part of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa since 2014.\nEstablished by Presidential Proclamation in January 2009, the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument is cooperatively managed by the Secretary of Commerce (NOAA) and the Secretary of the Interior (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), in cooperation with the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Government of American Samoa. The Monument also encompasses the Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and has been part of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa since 2014.\nRose Atoll remains one of the most pristine atolls in the world. The marine environment around Rose Atoll supports a dynamic reef ecosystem that is home to a diverse assemblage of marine species, many of which are threatened or endangered.\nOne of the atoll's most striking features is the pink hue of fringing reef caused by abundance of coralline algae, the primary reef-building species. Though roughly 100 species of stony corals exist today, crustose coralline algae dominate Rose Atoll's shallow reefs, making them distinctive from those found in other Samoan islands.\nThe marine area provides isolated, undisturbed nesting grounds for green and hawksbill sea turtles and contains the largest number of nesting turtles in American Samoa. The waters within and surrounding the Rose Atoll Monument are frequented by numerous large predators, such as snappers, jacks, groupers, barracudas, and whitetip, blacktip, and gray reef sharks.\nSpecies that have faced depletion elsewhere, some of which have declined worldwide by as much as 98 percent, are found in abundance at Rose Atoll, including giant clams, Maori wrasse, large parrotfishes, and blacktip, whitetip, and gray reef sharks. Humpback whales, pilot whales, and porpoises have all been spotted at Rose Atoll. There are 272 species of reef fish living within the Monument area, seven of which scientists described for the first time while at Rose Atoll.\nWith few relatively undisturbed islands remaining in the world, Rose Atoll is one of the last refuges for seabird and turtle species of the Central Pacific.\nLooking to the Future\nThough unpopulated, Rose Atoll is not free from climatic effects, invasive species introductions, and other human-related issues.\nSpecifically, Pulvinaria urbicola, an invasive soft scale bug (a sap-sucking insect), feeds on living tissue in leaves and has contributed to physiological stress and mortality of native Pisonia grandis (grand devil's-claws) trees.\nDrought, sea level rise, and storms also take their toll on the Rose Atoll ecosystem. Cyclone Victor, for example, hit Rose Atoll in January 2016 with 30 foot (10 meter) waves and 60 miles per hour (96.6 kilometres per hour) winds, ultimately eroding large swaths of the beach, toppling trees, killing hundreds of seabirds, and scattering sea turtle eggs about the island. Additionally, iron debris from the 1993 Jin Shiang Fa wreck caused an overgrowth of cyanobacteria; though much of the wreck has been removed, cyanobacteria is still present in the area.\nThese issues and the overall ecosystem management of the Monument are addressed through interagency collaborations and several management plans: the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa's Sanctuary Management Plan, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, and the Western Pacific Fisheries Regional Management Council's American Samoa Fisheries Ecosystem Plan.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Olympic Park Yard Signs - Cafepress Good fortune has smiled on you because all signs point to great-looking yard decor! Lucky for you, you can find everything your front lawn craves right here in one place. You'll find political signs of course, as well as yards signs that make statements in other ways like personalized welcome signs. New Olympic National Park Sign Welcomes In Language You ... A new sign near the main visitor center for Olympic National Park in Port Angeles will welcome visitors in English and in Klallam, the language of a local indigenous people.\nSigns, 3, Wayfinding, 'sydney Olympic Park', 'athletes ... One sign is painted red with white pictogram and text 'Sydney Olympic Park', another is blue with white pictograms and text 'Athletes' and the final sign is painted purple with white pictogram and text 'Olympic Family'. Each of the signs is double sided with the same information given on both sides of each sign. Olympic National Park Sign - Dreamstime Unusual support of power lines in the form of the Olympic tiger. Welcome entrance sign in the Olympic National Park, Washington USA Lausanne, Switzerland - June 05, 2017: Entrance in Olympic Park Sign post Flags of the world on flagpoles on the background of blue sky The facade building of Commonwealth bank of Australia building at Olympic park branch.\nOlympic National Park Sign, Washington Stock Photo ... Sign at the entrance of the HoH Olympic National Park, Washington, USA; WA11977-00...WASHINGTON - Entrance sign to Olympic National Park along the Quinault River. WASHINGTON - Hikers' packs dropped at Constance Pass when they discover that the trail continues to climb steeply in Olympic National Park. Reading an interpretive sign on the Hall of Mosses Trail,Olympic National Park,Washington State; WA11976-00...WASHINGTON - Entrance sign to Olympic National Park along the Quinault River. Olympic Park In Beijing Household sharing included. Live TV from 60+ channels. No cable box required. Cancel anytime.\nCanada Olympic Park - Family Fun Calgary WinSport’s Canada Olympic Park hosted several of the more spectacular winter sports in the 1988 Olympics, and has since become a mult-purpose facility enjoyed by Calgarians all year round. Olympic Park Sign - Picture Of Utah Olympic Park, Park City Utah Olympic Park, Park City Picture: Olympic Park Sign - Check out TripAdvisor members' 7,229 candid photos and videos of Utah Olympic Park.\nOlympic Park Signs\n91 out of 100 based on 1041 user ratings\nRandom Fontanelle Signs\nEntrance Sign Of Olympic National Park Stock Photo\nMc102 Mira Images\nOlympic Park Miami Kids Activities, Attractions, Events\nOlympic National Park Entrance The Entrance Of Olympic\n128 Best Images About Us National Park Signs On Pinterest\nWelcome To Olympic National Park Flickr Photo Sharing\nStaircase Campground Area And Trails Olympic National Park\nGiant Spruce Trees Picture Of Hoh Rain Forest, Olympic", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "DUCTZ of Tampa Bay offers these residential duct cleaning services:\n- Ductwork and HVAC System CleaningDUCTZ cleaning and restoration processes involve more than 127 identifiable and distinct tasks. During the cleaning and restoration process, various assortments of highly specialized and proprietary tools, machinery and supplies are used. In addition, DUCTZ uses patented processes, such as an exclusive metallic barrier in the air plenum of the furnace and in certain ductwork. This barrier eliminates fiberglass shedding and prevents the fiberglass from acting like an absorbent sponge, which collects dirt and moisture, creating a breeding ground for microbial growth, bacteria and fungi.\n- Duct SealingIn houses with forced-air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute conditioned air throughout the house. In a typical house, however, about 20 percent of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts. The result is higher utility bills and difficulty keeping the house comfortable, no matter how the thermostat is set.How do you know that your home has poorly performing ducts?\n- You have high summer and winter utility bills\n- You have rooms that are difficult to heat and cool\n- You have stuffy rooms that never seem to feel comfortable\n- Your ducts are located in an attic, crawlspace, or the garage\n- You find tangled or kinked flexible ducts in your system\nLeaky ducts can reduce heating and cooling system efficiency by as much as 20 percent. Sealing and insulating ducts increases efficiency, lowers your energy bills, and can often pay for itself in energy savings. Plus, if you’re planning to install new heating and cooling equipment, a well-designed and sealed duct system may allow you to downsize to a smaller, less costly heating and cooling system that will provide better dehumidification.\nProtect the Environment\nEnergy used in our homes often comes from the burning of fossil fuels at power plants, which contributes to smog, acid rain, and global warming. Simply put, the less energy we use in our homes, the less air pollution we generate. By sealing your ducts and reducing the amount of energy necessary to comfortably heat or cool your home, you can reduce the amount of air pollution generated. Learn more about this at http://www.energystar.gov\n- Dust Problems & Filtration The air filter in your furnace or air conditioner has a profound impact on your living environment. Regular filter maintenance is essential to maintaining proper indoor air quality (IAQ). Frequent filter changes can also improve energy efficiency and extend the life of mechanical systems.The Benefits of Filtered Air:\n- Removes dust, particulates and other airborne contaminants that adversely affect IAQ\n- Reduces maintenance of building interiors such as frequent washings of blinds and fluorescent bulbs\n- Protects the contents of occupied spaces including paintings, tapestries and other items of historic or cultural value\n- Eliminates fire hazards by removing lint and other materials which might accumulate in ductwork\nAir filters capture small particles of dust, pollen and other contaminants that ride on currents in the air stream. A well maintained filter, one that is regularly changed or cleaned, removes debris that might otherwise end up in your lungs. Some filters can clean more than 99 percent of airborne particulates. These high efficiency filters are important for the elderly, people suffering from asthma or allergies and others with a compromised immune system. Failure to properly maintain air filters can have a devastating impact on your home’s furnace or air conditioning mechanical system. Inadequate filtration allows for fine particles to collect on sensitive mechanical components, causing premature wear and breakdown. Regular filter maintenance can extend the life of your home’s heating or air-conditioning system for years.\nUpgrading your filtration alone leaves existing contaminants in the duct system that can cause indoor air quality problems. Before upgrading to a better quality air filter, it is essential to ensure that the entire mechanical system is clean. Duct cleaning without properly maintaining filters can accelerate the re-contamination of the HVAC system. Proper filter maintenance may extend the time between cleanings by keeping the system free of debris.\nCall or schedule today to talk with a DUCTZ professional about what kind of filtration is best for your home.\n- Airflow ProblemsYour heating and air conditioning unit will not warm or cool your home properly without balance in the HVAC air flow. If your home has uneven temperatures from room to room, you need to balance the air flow in your HVAC system. A huge reason for inflated heating and cooling bills can be attributed to airflow problems within the HVAC system. There are many possible causes, and each result is the same: little or no airflow out of your supply air registers. Determining the cause is relatively easy if you know where to look. Consider some pointers on finding the culprit to low air flow.Instructions\n- Check the HVAC filter located on the side of the HVAC unit. This is the number one reason for airflow problems. If it is dirty, there will be significantly reduced airflow, and you will need to replace it.\n- Check the supply air and return air registers. If these are shut or blocked, air can’t get in or out of the rooms they feed. Move large furniture away if it is placed in front of the registers. Open registers if they are closed.\n- Check your blower fan for excessive dirt. Running an HVAC unit without a filter can cause the blower fan to get dirty and reduce airflow. Hire an experienced DUCTZ Professional to clean the blower fan if this is the cause.\n- Look at your evaporator coil to see if it is dirty or iced up. You may need to cut an access hole into the supply air plenum to see the coil. You can install a patch afterward. Low refrigerant can cause your coil to ice up when you are running your air conditioner. This will block airflow. A licensed DUCTZ Professional will have to check your refrigerant if this is the cause.\n- Examine all your ductwork to see if it is crushed or pulling apart. Flexible ductwork is especially vulnerable to damage. Replace any damaged ductwork.\n- Biological GrowthDUCTZ processes control biological organisms, such as microbial growth and bacteria that form on cooling coils and other working parts of HVAC systems by mechanically removing the sources for growth. These organisms can interfere with the heat transfer process, causing reduced HVAC system efficiency. The DUCTZ microbial control cleaning process prevents corrosion often caused by sulfuric acid secreted by common bacteria. This process also prevents rust and corrosion, which can degrade the HVAC system forcing costly repairs and replacements. Our microbial control cleaning process also extends the useful life of HVAC systems while increasing overall energy efficiency by keeping fins, blowers and coils clean and running at peak operational performance.Indoor air quality can be adversely affected by the spread of harmful contaminants through the HVAC system. Contaminants in the HVAC system can cause odors, damage surfaces and secrete toxic byproducts to living and working areas. DUCTZ microbial control cleaning process improves indoor air quality at the source – the HVAC system. DUCTZ professionals take the necessary steps to protect from exposure to contaminants dislodged during the cleaning process by using HEPA filtration on cleaning equipment and adhere to NADCA and other appropriate guidelines and standards.DUCTZ professionals use thoroughly researched processes and procedures, combined with appropriate products for the following applications: flexible ducts fabricated of metal or plastic, unlined sheet metal ducts, air handlers, cooling coils, fan coil units, condensate drain pans, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, registers, grills, diffusers, fans, fan housings, transfer boxes, turning vane, return ducts, plenums and rooftop units.DUCTZ professionals are certified, qualified and trained in microbial control cleaning processes and strive to improve indoor air quality and increase the operating efficiency of HVAC systems.\n- Fire & Water Damage HVAC interior surfaces have the potential to collect particulate, smoke, moisture, gaseous emissions and other contaminants as the result of a fire or smoke event. This can occur even while the HVAC system is in a de-energized (non-operational) state. Deposition of these foreign materials may alter the HVAC system’s components, potentially affecting system performance, corrosion resistance, and the general hygiene of the HVAC interior surfaces. A standardized evaluation of the HVAC interior surface conditions is necessary to determine when HVAC interior surfaces have been impacted by a fire-related particulate.When addressing water related issues within mechanical systems DUCTZ strictly adheres to the institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) S500 and S520 standards to assess and restore mechanical systems.\n- Construction Debris Large amounts of airborne debris can contaminate every space of a building or home under construction. Controlling this debris before it contaminates the mechanical system or building is extremely important. Building containment strategies designed by DUCTZ senior personnel provide assurances against cross-contamination of known contaminants. Many buildings are occupied while cleaning or investigations are conducted. DUCTZ professionals use specialized industrial HEPA vacuum equipment to control any number of construction debris-related issues in the home or office, including wood floor sanding, plaster sanding, general construction and more.DUCTZ professionals are certified, qualified and trained in controlling airborne debris from areas under construction.\nSchedule an appointment today to evaluate your residential air duct and HVAC system cleaning needs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Local green thumbs hope a new community garden will help stitch together a divided small town in the North West.\n\"In terms of sustainable action, food waste is one of our environmental issues. Australia is one of the worst, we're in the top three in the world with our food waste,\" she said.\n\"And so speaking to people about growing their own fruit and veggies as well as encouraging people and sharing produce is a really healthy step in the right direction, and I think this is where we need to go in the future really to combat this food crisis that we're going to head into in the world fairly soon.\"\nThe Upper Peel Landcare Group, which organised the plot, has approached a local cafe seeking its food scraps for the garden's compost.\nMs Webster hopes that one day it will grow large enough to be able to create a circular economy in miniature, turning the town's cafe waste into new food to be sold over the counter.\nShe also hopes the garden will help soothe some of Nundle's divisions.\n\"We've had a few issues up in Nundle recently, with the proposed wind farm and that's sort of divided our community in some ways,\" she said.\n\"But what remains one of the things that unites us as a community is the fact that there's a lot of people who love our natural landscape and want to look after the environment.\n\"I myself have been wanting to do something really hands on and active that our entire community can get involved in and get a bit of cohesiveness back into our community.\"\nThe local Landcare group will \"launch\" the garden, which is next to the Nundle library, this weekend.\nSydney sustainability writer Michael Mobbs will share his experience of community food growing and recycling at the Winter Solstice-themed event, on Sunday June 20 from 11am to 2pm.\nThe garden is open to be used by the wider Nundle community, and all residents are welcome to help out by gardening. It will likely be organised as a single communal garden, rather than with private plots, and will open during library operating hours, Ms Webster said.\nIt's Nundle's first ever community garden, she said.\nThe project is being run in partnership with Tamworth Regional Council and Tamworth Regional Landcare Association.\nOur journalists work hard to provide local, up-to-date news to the community. This is how you can continue to access our trusted content:\n- Bookmark northerndailyleader.com.au\n- Make sure you are signed up for our breaking and regular headlines newsletters\n- Follow us on Twitter\n- Follow us on Instagram\n- Follow us on Google News", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sea ice is the major constraint on human activities in the Southern Ocean. Depending on a vessel's ice class, human mobility may be restricted or even prevented altogether by sea-ice conditions. This may imply limited access to research or monitoring stations, preferred fishing grounds or attractive tourist sites. Here, we introduce a statistical model that evaluates the sea-ice cover with two measures: 1) accessibility (i.e. the probability that a given area is navigable by vessels at a given time) and 2) repeated accessibility (i.e. the probability that a given area is navigable by vessels at a given time and again at least once within a defined timespan). We use daily sea-ice concentration data from 2002 to 2020 to demonstrate this tool and its functioning regarding the spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice cover in the wider Weddell Sea region. These findings reflect known characteristics of sea-ice distribution and dynamics in the Weddell Sea, confirming the functionality of our simple tool for determining repeated accessibility of certain areas. Such a tool may facilitate the planning of research and monitoring activities in the Southern Ocean, as well as in Arctic seas.\nDr Katharina Teschke (Germany)\nProfessor Thomas Brey (Germany)\nAnt. Sci., 34 (1) (2022): 97–104, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954102021000523", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Our 2030 sustainability ambition and goals\nWe believe that the value of packaging is more than its impact on the planet and that we can make a difference in the food system value chain in several ways. We aim to minimize the negative impacts of our operations and products on the environment while maximizing the positive impacts on our stakeholders, consumers and society.\nHuhtamaki Wastepreneur Challenge launches in South Africa\nIn South Africa, informal waste collectors are a vital part of the country’s recycling system. Waste collectors provide a much-needed service for communities, diverting waste from landfills or being illegally dumped, and provide value to the economy by...\nEcoVadis grants Huhtamaki Gold Medal third year in a row\nHuhtamaki receives a gold medal from EcoVadis on its sustainability performance – for the third year running. Our score places us in the top 4% of over 100,000 rated companies across the globe. It underlines our commitment towards our ambitious 2030...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Breathing clean, fresh air is fundamental to maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Gutierrez Brothers HVAC is your trusted partner for comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions in the surrounding areas. Our dedicated team of experts evaluates your indoor environment, identifying potential pollutants, allergens, and contaminants that may affect air quality.\nWe offer a range of tailored IAQ solutions, including advanced filtration systems, air purifiers, and ventilation solutions, designed to optimize your indoor environment and promote better health and well-being. At Gutierrez Brothers HVAC, we prioritize your comfort and safety, ensuring every breath you take indoors is as pure and refreshing as it should be.\nExperience the benefits of improved indoor air quality with our expert solutions tailored to your specific needs. Trust Gutierrez Brothers HVAC to enhance your indoor environment and elevate your overall quality of life with our unparalleled IAQ services right in your neighbourhood.\nInside your house, air contaminants can range from pollutants that come in from the outdoors by smoke, smog, pets, and children. When it comes to gas air pollutants, carbon monoxide is a common contaminant to many householders. If anyone in your household has allergies or other health issues having clean air is a must.\nIn kitchens and bathrooms, indoor air pollution and contamination can result from mildew and molds with higher moisture levels than in other places within the house. Our technicians and comfort advisors are experts on indoor air quality or HVAC contractor Middletown, NY.\nDirt and dust is the #1 killer of air conditioning and heating systems. When was the last time you had your ducts cleaned in your home? If you can’t remember, it has probably been too long. Experts recommend that your ducts be cleaned every five to seven years to reduce the dust and allergens in the air.\nOur #1 priority here at Gutierrez Brothers HVAC Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing is to ensure your happiness. We pride ourselves on providing 5-star service that comes with a absolute happy guarantee. If you have a problem, we will solve it. We are confident that our team will exceed your expectations or work to rectify the situation.BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Salvia Amistad: Flowering from May to October over glossy green foliage it is drought tolerant and attractive to bees. Prefers well drained soil in sun. Height Spread Hardy perennial, though may need some protection in extremely cold areas.\nFORSYTHIA - 5 beautiful bushes to plant in the yard. good for privacy and very easy on the eye! such pretty colors! buddiea(pink),forsythia spectabilis(yellow), spirea arguta(white), ceanothus yankee point(blue), and weigelia(burgundy)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, was established in 1950 and is located in Enschede, Netherlands. Its main areas of expertise are geo-information science and earth observation for: earth sciences, natural resources, urban and regional planning, water resources, and environment. ITC concentrates on earth observation, the generation of spatial information, and the development of data integration methods. Furthermore, ITC provides tools that can support the processes of planning and decision making for sustainable development and the alleviation of poverty in developing countries and emerging economies.\nAt the ITC knowledge of geo-information management is readily available and is continually being developed and extended. By means of postgraduate education, research and project services, ITC contributes to capacity building in developing countries and emerging economies. In doing so, considerable attention is paid to the development and application of geographical information systems (GIS) for solving problems. Such problems can range from determining the risks of landslides, mapping forest fires, planning urban infrastructure, and implementing land administration systems, to designing a good wildlife management system or detecting environmental pollution.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Llano County fire 100 percent contained, officials say\nThe Llano County Fire near Horseshoe Bay Resort Airport is now 100 percent contained, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service. The fire burned approximately 311 acres.\nThe brush fire, which broke out at approximately 2 p.m. Saturday east of the Horseshoe Bay Resort Airport, caused at least 150 homes to be evacuated Saturday, according to Llano County officials. Residents were allowed to return to their homes around 10 p.m. Saturday.\nThe cause of the fire was equipment use, officials said.\nNo structures are believed to have been damaged in the fire.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "|Name:||Bahati A. Magesa|\n|College/School/Division:||Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education|\n|Current Summarised CV:|\nMr Bahati A. Magesa is an Assistant Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Geography and Economics at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE). He holds a Master of Science degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development and a Bachelor of Education in Arts; both from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. His area of interest in research and Consultancy are urban sustainability transitions, climate change adaptation governance, as well as climate change adaptation in cities and urban areas. Mr Bahati is currently teaching undergraduate courses; and his teaching areas include Global Warming and Climate Change, Climatic Cycles and Theories of Climate Change, Transport Network Analysis; and Atmospheric Flow and Disturbances. Mr Bahati has also published his research papers in different journals.\n|Professional Details:||View Professional Details|", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "One of the competitive advantages of Brazilian agribusiness is the possibility of producing two grain harvests (soy and corn or cotton) in the same planted area. This technique increases the productivity of agricultural areas, generates value for producers and contributes to maintaining soil fertility throughout the year.\nIn 2020, SLC Agrícola expanded this operating model to also work with the planting pasture and cattle raising in some specific areas of the farms. These locations were selected for their lower yields with second crop harvests, but high potential for the development of grasses (brachiaria), which serve as food for cattle.\nWith this initiative, we started a virtuous cycle to maximize the use of assets. Last year, we carried out the crop-livestock integration in a total area of 925 hectares. Our strategy only contemplates performance in the second phase of the production cycle, called rebreed – without breeding or slaughter.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "If you’re looking for a simpler way to install a solar project on a large scale, a ground installation is possibly the most advantageous way to maximize your panel density and provide the flexibility needed for the panels to track the sun across the sky.\nMost ground systems utilize frames, usually constructed of aluminum, stainless or galvanized steel pipe and built into a framework of grid-like supports for the solar cells. At times the framework used can end up seeming very bulky, but despite the inherent bulk they provide important rigidity, in an installation area that could have high winds for example, and the mounts in turn need to be sturdily anchored to the ground. Once the cells have been mounted to the frame and ensuring they have the proper tilt and angle (typically 30 degrees), they can be mounted facing the correct way (South) and anchored to the ground via concrete foundation.\nAt Solora Solar, we’ve recognized that there is not a single installation type that will work for all sites, simply because through our experience we’ve come to know every site is unique. Factors of geography and topography have to be considered, as well as the sites requirements for structural loading. Taking all elements of the installation into consideration, such as the type of mounting used for the solar modules, overall size of the project, and even conditions of the soil, Solora Solar provides custom-designed racking and ground mount solar installation solutions specific for every type of project. At Solora Solar, we use the information from certified geotechnical reports, coupled with engineering analysis, and work with the customer to design the most economical solution.\nBy using one of the two common ground-mount systems for your solar panels, pole or ground, advantages over other types of installs become clear – the ease of use and installation, and the flexibility your panels can be afforded as they track the sun across the sky. Other reasons to consider a ground mount system:\n- Overall lowering of cost for installation of a sun tracking system\n- Introduces the option to operate a manually adjusting tilt system for seasonal changes\n- Generally, there is more space on the ground than the roof in rural areas, so a larger system can be considered\n- Having the solar cells at ground level allows for easier cleaning and maintenance, though keeping the installation area free from growth or items that could introduce panel shading is important. An option would be to raise the mount using poles or concrete blocks, for example.\nA ground installation is also becoming more common in rural settings, or in areas where a structural addition to a roof might not be suitable for a solar install at all. Other factors:\n- Available roof area is simply not enough to support an install\n- Orientation of the roof is poor (the optimal roof orientation in Central Washington is facing South at a tilt of 30 degrees)\n- Too many shadows leading to overall poor exposure to the sun\n- A desire for a larger wattage system than a standard roof mount system could support\n- A sun-tracking system is desired to maximize sun exposure\n- You have good availability of sun-exposed land\nThere are a few drawbacks and disadvantages to ground installations:\n- Not typically considered an option in cities or neighborhoods due to a lack of necessary ground space\n- Visually, a ground install could be more aesthetically undesirable\n- To account for storms or high winds, stability needs to be provided by site-built solid foundations plus concrete footing, which can lead to a greater installation expense\nOne size fits all?\nNo matter what style of installation is ultimately chosen, all of them need a secure, stable support system as well as foundation. The overall longevity and strength of the solar investment is dictated by the weakest component in the system. As such, it’s crucial to provide a high-quality and engineered foundation that will meet the needs of the specific application or project. Key points used to determine the proper foundation:\n- Aspects of the solar energy system such as sun tracking or tilt angle\n- Environmental or elemental factors like wind speeds in the area, or yearly snow load\n- Configuration and type (aluminum pipe, galvanized or stainless steel) of racking and support\n- Total size and weight of the solar modules in use\n- Any local design and building codes, or project specific requirements\n- Soil analysis results showing items of concern, such as stability of slope, sliding, friction, salinity, frost level, etc.\n- Instability due to landfill or brownfield\nDetermining the correct type of support for the solar system involves understanding and analyzing various soil composition and environmental factors, such as those listed above, as well as considering engineering calculations and applicable building codes. Engineers and developers working on the project will take those factors into consideration while selecting the foundation that will then meet the project needs of engineering, overall design, and best economical choice while meeting the other criteria. This is a critical point where the experience of the engineers and developers, and their knowledge of foundation types becomes one of many key elements of the design of the solar mount system.\nOptions to consider for foundation type:\n- Screw Piles\n- Driven Post\n- Precast or Cast-in-Place Concrete Ballast\n- Concrete Pier\n- Helical Piles\nWhen considering a large-scale ground mount PV installation, it is important to understand the dynamics of the methods and means of construction, especially for foundations. The foundation is the key to supporting the ground mount solar racking system. Without a solid foundation, owners risk having solar racking structures and solar modules flying through the air or toppled over due to the loading and soil conditions at the project site.\nIn these instances, a geo-technical engineer would analyze the data from the soil reports and other factors and make a likely recommendation of a driven pile foundation over a standard concrete foundation for the installation. Driven piles tend to take up less ground space, reduce the down-time of waiting for concrete to set, and reduces the many challenges coordinating the required, multiple deliveries of concrete used for concrete foundations. Some of the more common reasons for this decision would be large design loads, evidence of poorer soil at shallower depths, possible environmental impacts, economics and any site constraints. Ideal soil conditions permitting, driven pile foundations can be the favorable option for large-scale ground mount PV installs, as there could be advantages recognized on material (cost), installation time (reduction), and even on the projects’ environmental impact overall.\nPole mounts are a long popular solar panel mounting system. There are two types: top-of-pole and side-of-pole. Top-of-pole mounts essentially consist of a steel or aluminum rack that is bolted to a large sleeve which fits over a pole. Side mounts are usually used when mounting to a telephone pole, communications tower, or the like and typically involve smaller panels.\nTop mounts are simple but difficult to install. They are simple in design but often difficult to physically install. Larger mounts can be very heavy and may even require a small crane or several people in order to set the mount on the pole. Pole mounts require a steel pole around 12 feet in length set in concrete. In softer soil you may have to dig quite deep because of wind resistance.\nPole mount systems may also include an automatic solar tracker which will track the sun across the sky over the course of the year. Although homeowners can usually adjust the panels they on a three-month schedule.\nDespite the simplicity of both ground mount systems, they are usually installed by a professional solar installer. It may be advantageous to hire a pro with experience to anchor and lift mounts and panels, not to mention wiring.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Many commercially available small wind turbines with plastic blades and steel towers are infamous for their low reliability, high embodied energy, and limited power output. Building them out of wood can addresses these issues.\nBecause of their aesthetic appeal, and thanks to the ability to produce them locally, small wooden wind turbines can also improve the public acceptance of wind power. Furthermore, innovation in tower design facilitates the installation of small wind turbines, reducing the need for concrete foundations and heavy machinery.\nTests have shown that many commercially available small wind turbines may not always generate sufficient power over their lifetime to compensate for the energy that was needed to produce them.\nThere are three reasons why this is so. First, there are the laws of physics. The energy yield of a wind turbine increases faster than its height and rotor size, meaning that as a wind turbine becomes smaller, its power output decreases over proportionally.\nSecond, wind turbine blades are commonly made from fiberglass reinforced plastic, which is energy-intensive to produce (and impossible to recycle). This energy needs to be “paid back” during the lifetime of the wind turbine, which can be challenging for machines with small rotor diameters.\nThird, the maintenance of small wind turbines depends on the ability of the manufacturer to remain in business and provide its customers with spare parts. Unlike solar panels, wind turbines have a lot of moving parts and are thus more likely to need repairs. However, suppliers of small wind turbines tend to have an even shorter life expectancy than their products. 1\nHand Carved Wood Blades\nThe laws of physics can’t be changed, but on their own they don’t make small wind turbines uneconomical and unsustainable. It’s the other two factors that are decisive, and these can be addressed. In fact, they have been addressed for more than two decades by Scottish engineer Hugh Piggott, who builds small 1-2 kW wind turbines with 2-4 meter rotor diameters using solid wooden blades. 2\nThe blades are hand carved locally with basic woodworking skills and tools. In contrast to fiberglass blades, little or no energy is used to produce them. This increases the chance that the wind turbine will produce more energy over its lifetime than was needed to make it.\nDefying the usual focus on efficiency, Piggott’s wind turbines sacrifice peak power for more reliable operation. The machines use a furling system which limits the turbine input at winds of 8 m/s (Beaufort 5), while most commercial models keep working up to higher wind speeds. This increases reliability, because the faster the machine spins, the quicker its parts will wear out. 3\nA comparison of Piggott’s wind turbines with commercially available models concluded that the increased energy yield generated by the latter at wind speeds above 8 m/s is largely wasted, because most of the extra power is generated when the batteries are already full. The study also revealed that Piggott’s design is about 20% cheaper, taking into account both capital and operational costs. 3\nPiggott’s open source design has spawned thousands of small DIY wind turbines all over the world. It also became the basis for several wind-based rural electrification initiatives in Mongolia, Nepal, Peru and Nicaragua. 4567 In “developing” countries, the ability to manufacture and maintain the turbines locally is a great advantage over the use of commercial wind turbines or solar panels.\nCommercial Wind Turbines with Wood Blades\nThe use of solid wood blades, once common for smaller windmills and wind turbines, has seen renewed interest lately. 89 Most notable is the success story of the Dutch company EAZ Wind, founded in 2014 by four young windsurfers. The firm, which now has over 40 employees, sells wind turbines with solid wooden blades to farms and energy cooperatives in the region. With a rotor diameter of 12 meter and a power output of 10 kW, the turbines are about five times larger than Piggott’s machines.\nThe blades are made from solid wood beams that are glued together and then sanded to obtain their shape. They are then covered with an epoxy coating to protect them from humidity, while the sharp side of the blade gets a strip of fiberglass reinforced plastic to make it more durable. According to the manufacturer, the wind turbines – installed on 15 m tall towers – produce roughly 30,000 kWh of electricity per year, which corresponds to the power use of ten Dutch households. A machine sells for 46,000 euro, which makes it cheaper than a solar PV system (4,600 euro per household, or less than half the price of a solar PV system). The financial payback time – in the windy northern Netherlands – is 7 to 10 years.\nInterestingly, EAZ Wind’s choice for wooden blades is not driven by the aim to lower the embodied energy of the wind turbine. Rather, the company’s mission is to make the countryside – especially farms but also small villages – self-sufficient in terms of power production by designing more beautiful and locally produced wind turbines that people don’t complain about. As in many other countries, large wind turbines – and the transmission lines that go with them – raise a lot of opposition from local residents in the Netherlands.\nThe approach seems to work. When a farm installs a wind turbine, its neighbours are usually the next customers. EAZ Wind has sold more than 400 wind turbines by now. Public acceptance of wind power seems to be encouraged by two factors. First, wind turbines with wooden blades have a more natural look, increasing their aesthetic appeal. Second, the machines are produced locally, meaning that the purchase of a wind turbine supports the local economy. The wood for the blades comes from a nearby province and is processed by companies in the region.\nThe turbins from EAZ Wind have wooden blades, but steel towers. The Swedish company InnoVentum takes a different approach: its wind turbines have a wooden tower, while the blades are made from plastic. The 12 m or 20 m tall towers are of a unique design, composed from small wood modules that can be bolted together on the ground in a few hours.\nThe multi-leg towers require no or much less concrete for their foundations and they can be erected without the use of a crane, using a rope and a winch instead. Around fifteen have been installed since 2012. Like EAZ Wind, the company aims to create a new aesthetic level that may help to increase the acceptance of wind turbines.\nOf course both approaches could be combined, resulting in small wind turbines with wooden blades, tower and other structural parts. A small wind turbine that’s almost completely built out of wood – minus the gearwork and the generator – further decreases the energy that’s needed to produce it, thus making it more economical and sustainable over its entire lifetime. In terms of carbon emissions, a small wooden wind turbine can even be considered a carbon sink, because the wood sequesters CO2 that the trees have taken from the atmosphere.\nCombining Wind and Solar\nThe newest products from both EAZ Wind and InnoVentum incorporate solar panels at the basis of the structure. Because the wind turbine and the solar PV system can share the same support structure, electrical system, and energy storage, this approach saves money and resources. The combination of solar and wind also increases the chances of sufficient power output at any time, reducing the need for energy storage – which is the most unsustainable part of an off-the-grid power installation.\nIn the hybrid solar-wind model from EAZ Wind, the capacity of the wind turbine is double the capacity of the solar PV panels, reflecting the local climate (windy but not very sunny). The addition of solar panels increases the power yield to 45,000 kWh per year, which corresponds to the power demand of 14 Dutch households. However, the use of solar panels increases the embodied energy of the system considerably, so that it may no longer be a carbon sink.\nDecentralised Power Production\nSmall wooden wind turbines offer additional benefits that are inherent to all decentralised power sources. The fact that they’re paid for by the same people that enjoy their benefits, increases their public acceptance. They also eliminate the need for transmission lines, and the more power is produced and used locally, the less challenging it becomes to integrate unpredictable wind power into the central grid. Last but not least, the connection between energy use and demand encourages lower energy ways of life.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Department of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, Seoul National University1\nKorea Urban Forestation Co., Ltd2\nResearch Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University3\nThis study was conducted to compare the cold tolerance of seven ground cover species, Orostachys japonica, Sedum oryzifolium, S. kamtschaticum ‘SG1’, S. reflexum, S. rupestre ‘Blue Spruce’, S. spurium ‘Green Mental’, and S. takesimense, which have been used for green roof and wall systems in Korea. Plants were grown in 10-cm pots and 1 g of tissues at stem-end and crown of each species were kept under either light or dark condition, respectively. For cold tolerance tests, plants were initially left at 4°C and linearly cooled to 0, -4, -8, -12, -16, and -20°C at -2°C・h-1 rate. Low temperature injury and regrowth rates were visually evaluated and assessed by image analysis, respectively. The lethal temperature (LT50) of plant species was determined using electrolyte leakage measurements. S. reflexum was the most cold tolerant, showing the most survival at -16°C, whereas S. oryzifolium and S. takesimense showed low temperature injury at -8°C. Similar results were found with electrolyte leakage measurements at the stem end. For each species, the crown (Mean LT50: -12.15°C) was more cold tolerant than the stem end (Mean LT50: -10.47°C). In conclusion, S. reflexum and S. rupestre ‘Blue Spruce’ are recommended for planting in the central region of Korea during late fall and early winter, as they were more cold tolerant and showed more vigorous regrowth than the other tested plant species.\n1. Boivin, M.A., M.P. Lamy, A. Gosselin, and B. Dansereau. 2001. Effect of artificial substrate depth on freezing injury of six herbaceous perennials grown in a green roof system. HortTechnology 11:409-411.\n2. Burr, K.E., R.W. Tinus, S.J. Wallner, and R.M. King. 1990. Comparison of three cold hardiness tests for conifer seedlings. Tree Physiol. 6:351-369.\n3. Cardona, C.A., R.R. Duncan, and O. Lindstrom. 1997. Low temperature tolerance assessment in Paspalum. Crop Sci. 37: 1283-11291.\n4. Green Seoul Bureau. 2011. 2011 policy materials - Green roof project. Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul, Korea.\n5. Huh, K.Y. and K.K. Shim. 2000. Characteristics of artificial soils used alone or in a blend with field soil for the greening of artificial ground. J. Kor. Inst. Landscape Arch. 28:28-38.\n6. Huh, K.Y., I.H. Kim, and H.C. Kang. 2003a. Effects of artificial substrate type, soil depth, and drainage type on the growth of Sedum sarmentosum grown in a shallow green rooftop system. J. Kor. Inst. Landscape Arch. 31:102-112.\n7. Huh, K.Y., I.H. Kim, and N.H. Ryu. 2003b. Effects of substrate type, soil depth, and drainage type on the growth of Sedum kamtschaticum in extensive green roof systems. J. Kor. Inst. Landscape Arch. 31:90-100.\n8. Iles, J.K. and N.H. Agnew. 1995. Seasonal cold-acclimation patterns of Sedum spectabile × S. telephium L. ‘Autumn Joy’ and Sedum spectabile Boreau. ‘Brilliant’. HortScience 30:1221-1224.\n9. Kim, I.H. 2006. Development of shallow-extensive green roof system for urban greening. PhD Thesis, Gyeongsang National Univ., Jinju, Korea.\n10. Kim, I.H. and K.Y. Huh. 2003. Growth characteristics of Sedum oryzifolium in extensive green roof systems. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 21:346-352.\n11. Kim, I.H., K.Y. Huh, and M.R. Huh. 2010. Cold tolerance assessment of Sedum species for shallow-extensive green roof system. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 28:22-30.\n12. Kingsland, S.E. 1995. Modeling nature. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA.\n13. Lee, S.A., Y.M. Ha, and I.S. Han. 2009. A selection of Korean native Sedum spp. For evergreen ground covers of the central districts of Korea. J. Kor. Inst. Landscape Arch. 37:90-97.\n14. Lee, S.H., S.G. Yun, S.B. Back, and H.G. Park. 1991. Comparison of germination characteristics, and of logistic and eibull functions to predict cumulative germination of grasses under osmotic water stress. J. Korean Grassl. Sci. 11:209-214.\n15. Maier, F.P., N.S. Lang, and J.D. Fry. 1994. Evaluation of an electrolyte leakage technique to predict St. Augustinegrass freezing tolerance. HortScience 29:316-318.\n16. Monterusso, M.A., D.B. Rowe, and C.L. Rugh. 2005. Establishment and persistence of Sedum spp. And native taxa for green roof applications. HortScience 40:391-396.\n17. Okeyo, D.O., J.D. Fry, D. Bremer, C.B. Rajashekar, M. Kennelly, A. Chandra, D.A. Genovesi, and M.C. Engelke. 2011. Freezing tolerance and seasonal color of experimental zoysiagrasses. Crop Sci. 51:2858-2863.\n18. Qian, Y.L., S. Ball, Z. Tan, A.J. Koski, and S.J. Wilhelm. 2001. Freezing tolerance of six cultivars of buffalograss. Crop Sci. 41:1174-1178.\n19. Sharom, M., C. Willemot, and J.E. Thompson. 1994. Chilling injury induces lipid phase changes in membranes of tomato fruit. Plant Physiol. 105:305-308.\n20. VanWoert, N.D., D.B. Rowe, J.A. Anderson, C.L. Rugh, and L. Xiao. 2005. Watering regime and green roof substrate design affect Sedum plant growth. HortScience 40:659-664.\n21. Von Seggern, D. 1993. Standard curves and surfaces: A mathematica notebook: User’s Guide. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.\n22. Williams, N.S.G., R.E. Hughes, N.M. Jones, D.A. Bradbury and J.P. Rayner. 2010. The performance of native and exotic species for extensive green roofs in Melbourne, Australia. Acta Hort. 811:689-696.\n23. Zhao, H.X., H. Li, H.J. Son, and T.H. Kang. 2012. Cold tolerance assessment of ever ground-cover plants for extensive green roof system. J. Kor. Inst. Landscape Arch. 40:127-134.\n24. Korea Meteorological Administration. 2013. Monthly weather report. http://www.kma.go.kr/weather/-climate/data_monthly.jsp", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Singareni plans solar plants near mines\nSingareni Collieries, a State-owned mining company, is considering setting up solar photovoltaic power projects in the mining belt where its collieries operate. Singareni Collieries Chairman and Managing Director N Sridhar recently outlined plans to set up these solar power plants in some of the areas where it is operating coal mines. During a recent meeting with\nsenior management of the company, Mr Sridhar called upon officials of Singareni\nThermal Power Plant to explore possibilities of establishing 50- or 100-mw solar plants near its mines.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Defined simply, a beach is the shore of a body of water. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a beach has to have sand, umbrellas, and sunburned vacationers in order to quality as a beach. With a planet covered in so much water, we’re lucky to live in a world where beaches are plentiful and varied. Some of my favorite shoreline experiences challenge the notion of what a beach vacation should be.\nTake this beach in Iceland, for example, where the sands are jet black:\nAt this next beach in Michigan, the grass makes its way almost to the waterline:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Texas game wardens conducting an enhanced marine patrol of the lower Rio Grande near Boca Chica Beach near Brownsville recently seized roughly 8,000 feet of illegal gillnet.\nAlthough no arrests were made, the gillnet is believed to have belonged to commercial fishermen from Mexico. Fishing with a gillnet in Texas waters is a violation of state law. Game wardens found hundreds of fish trapped in the netting, including red drum, snook, black drum, sheepshead, tarpon, mullet, jack crevalle, and gizzard shad, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department stated in a press release.\nIn addition to fish, the gillnet contained blue crabs, as well as cormorants and brown pelicans. Game wardens were able to save two of the brown pelicans, but the other birds had died.\nUsing a gillnet in state waters is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000, and confinement in jail not to exceed 180 days or both. Taking the fish, crabs and protected birds would bring additional charges.\n“Game Wardens working the Rio Grande, the Gulf of Mexico, and border lakes are working in a very complex, demanding, and dangerous environment,” said Grahame Jones, TPWD Chief of Special Operations. “In addition to routine interdiction of commercial fishermen from Mexico who are fishing Texas waters illegally, our game wardens encounter human smugglers and drug smugglers very frequently.”\n“It is important to realize that the same groups from Mexico that utilize long-lines and gillnets in Texas waters to indiscriminately remove thousands of sharks, reef fish, turtles, dolphins, and other species of marine life also take part in other illegal smuggling activities,” said Capt. James Dunks, who is based in Brownsville. “Our presence along the Texas Border helps to protect our natural resources significantly while also helping to protect Texas against other criminal activity.”\nAnyone witnessing illegal commercial fishing or any poaching activity is encouraged to call Operation Game Thief at 800-792-4263.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Yesterday, when I was wandering around our garden with one of our daughters, I noticed a yellow breast on a bird on a tree many metres away from us. I know all the birds that visit our property and I hadn’t seen one of these here before. I knew what it was as I’d seen this bird at Lysterfield Park and also up at Grant’s Picnic Grounds. There is a road not far from us where I’ve seen one too. So I moved closer and it stayed and watched me. I got some pics of it but the light wasn’t good as we had quite a dark and blustery day yesterday. However this shot wasn’t too bad. The bird is an Eastern Yellow Robin.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Dr. Robert K. Musil, President and CEO\nAs the CEO of the Rachel Carson Council, Dr. Musil speaks and organizes nationwide at campuses and civic organizations, is a key advocate on Capitol Hill, and has increased RCC membership, budget, and staff while developing an extensive and growing grassroots and campus network. He has designed and led RCC organizing efforts in North Carolina, spoken and organized in Florida at campus and community events to oppose the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant in collaboration with Beyond Nuclear, and is the co-author of Pork and Pollution, Fowl Matters and Blast Zone.\nMusil has been a leader, activist, educator, and author in the national environmental, environmental health, peace and social justice movements for over three decades. He is one of the most respected and senior public interest advocates in Washington. He serves as the President of the Scoville Peace Fellowship; Chairman of the Board of the Council for a Livable World (C)(4) and PAC; Chairman of the Board of the Population Connection Action Fund (C)(4) and PAC; a Board member of Beyond Nuclear; and an Advisory Board member of the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI). Musil is also an environmental educator who is a Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University where he teaches American environmental politics. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Mitchell College in New London, Connecticut where he is involved in reviewing a new campus master plan and college endowment investments for sustainability and social responsibility. Musil also writes on climate, nuclear and justice issues for the Huffington Post and is the author of three environmental books: Hope for a Heated Planet: How Americans Are Fighting Global Warming and Building a Better Future (Rutgers, 2009); Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Extraordinary Women Who Have Shaped America’s Environment (Rutgers Press, 2014) and Washington in Spring: A Nature Journal for a Changing Capital (Bartleby Press, 2016).\nMackenzie Kirschbaum — Associate Director of Civic and Campus Engagement\nMackenzie Kirschbaum is the Associate Director of Civic and Campus Engagement for the Rachel Carson Council. An advocate for environmental justice, climate change and policy, Mackenzie works to combine science, justice, and policy to advocate for imaginative solutions to environmental challenges. She holds a B.S. and a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Geography from the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Previously, Mackenzie was an environmental scientist for an engineering firm carrying out stream restoration and GIS projects. She has worked in a range of environmental disciplines, but her passion lies with environmental justice, sustainability, conservation, education, and civic engagement. When Mackenzie is not working, you can find her playing with her dog Duncan, hiking the trails around DC, or trying new restaurants!\nMaya Cohn — Director of Policy and Programs\nMaya Cohn is the Director of Policy and Programs for the Rachel Carson Council. Before joining RCC, Maya spent five years working on Capitol Hill, most recently as Senator Patrick Leahy’s Legislative Assistant for energy, agriculture, and environmental issues. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from Skidmore College and is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree at Georgetown University. Maya is passionate about access to clean air, land, and water. In her free time, she enjoys jogging around DC, cooking, and brewing kombucha.\nClaudia Steiner, Associate Director of Communications and Development\nAn environmental advocate around the clock, Claudia serves as the Associate Director for Communications and Strategic Development at the Rachel Carson Council. She is a graduate of the American University where she studied International Studies and Environmental Science. As an undergraduate, Claudia organized with the university’s student-led divestment movement, helping to secure full divestment from the fossil fuel industry in 2020. She is a believer in the power of messaging and hopes to inform strong climate and environmental policy through communications. She hails from the eccentric town of Maplewood, New Jersey. Outside of work, you can find Claudia reading in Malcolm X Park, cooking vegan food, or patronizing any of DC���s many falafel shops.\nTheo Daniels, Research and Policy Associate\nTheo Daniels is a graduate of Howard University with a B.S. in Environmental Science and a B.A. in Political Science. Theo has worked for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, the NASA Environmental Justice Research Support Team, and Sustainable Capital Advisors. He has also conducted research in La Paz, Bolivia as part of a Fulbright grant, with the Stanford University Mordecai Lab, at the University of Washington, and a myriad of climate science projects at Howard University. In his free time, Theo enjoys playing video games, watching new movies, and thrifting!\nRoss A. Feldner, Publications and Web Consultant\nRoss Feldner is the lead, with Bob Musil, of the RCC Bird Watch and Wonder Program. Ross is a life-long birder and photographer who is the editor of the Friends of Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge newsletter. Ross also serves as a guide at the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge, a frequent birding spot for Rachel Carson who first learned about the health effects of DDT at the laboratory there. He is also the owner/art director of New Age Graphics, a full-service graphic design firm in Wheaton, MD.\nRCC Special Correspondent, Lisa Mills\nLisa Mills is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Asheville and has used her biology degree in various avian research studies across the United States and South America. She has conducted nestling research on Scarlet Macaws in Peru, banded birds in Ecuador, studied Pinyon Jays in Arizona, and monitored songbirds in Maryland. Her passion for environmental advocacy led her to start her blog, The Weekly Warbler, where she talks about her adventures as a field biologist, and ways we can help with immense issues such as plastic pollution and climate change. She believes that through community-based conservation and taking action on issues we are passionate about, we can help build a better future. When she’s not in the field, Lisa enjoys biking, kayaking, and looking for the next cool bird she can add to her eBird checklists.\nRCC Senior Correspondent, Stephen Shick\nStephen Shick is the author of Be the Change and Consider the Lilies (Skinner Books). Shick has taught at the Harvard Divinity School and is the former head of the SANE Education Fund, the Unitarian Universalist Peace Committee, and Consider the Alternatives radio.\nRCC Stanback Fellows 2023-2024\nRCC Stanback Presidential Fellow – Molly Weiner\nMolly Weiner is a rising junior at Yale University majoring in American Studies with a focus on politics and the environment and is pursuing a certificate in Advanced Spanish. She is an organizer with the Yale Endowment Justice Coalition, a movement of students, faculty, alumni, and community members who oppose the financialization of higher education and believe that Yale’s endowment is an inherently political force to be used for moral ends. In February 2021, Molly helped found the Fossil Free 5 coalition of divestment organizers at Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and Vanderbilt; organizers filed legal complaints with the attorneys general in their respective states, arguing that endowment investments in the fossil fuel industry are illegal under state law. Their activism was featured in CNN, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Grist, among others. Molly also assists with research at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, works for the Yale Sustainable Food Program, and edits for the Yale Politic.\nRCC Stanback Presidential Fellow – Emma Brentjens\nEmma Brentjens is a Master of Environmental Management student at Duke University studying Ecosystem Science and Conservation and Community-based Environmental Management. She is driven by her belief that science is for everyone and aspires to write about environmental topics in an accessible and engaging way. Growing up in northeastern North Carolina, Emma is deeply passionate about coastal environmental issues, particularly erosion, sea level rise, flooding, and harmful algal blooms. During the summer of 2020, she conducted research on the relationship between land use, water quality, and algal community composition in the Albemarle Sound. Before coming to Duke, she studied fluorescence response of cyanobacteria to algacidal chemicals and microplastic uptake by mammalian cells as an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education research fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency in Durham, North Carolina. Her interests include painting, photography, and spending time outdoors.\nRCC Stanback Presidential Fellow – Sasha Provost\nSasha Provost is a rising junior at Duke University pursuing a double major in Marine Science and Conservation and Public Policy. Additionally, she is a NOAA Hollings Scholar and a Duke Rachel Carson Scholar. She is passionate about the development of conservationist policy and the impact of effective resource management on marine ecosystems. At Duke, she is on the executive board of the Sustainable Oceans Alliance and writes for the Duke Chronicle. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and reading. She is looking forward to her time at the Rachel Carson Council and through her research and work, hopes to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary climate-oriented legislation.\nRCC Stanback Environmental Health Fellow – Francesca Cetta\nFrancesca Cetta is a rising junior at Duke University majoring in Economics and Public Policy. Born and raised just outside of Washington, DC, Francesca is acutely aware of the potential that effective policy has to save our Earth. She is passionate about working to end climate injustice through collaboration, research, and evidence-based policies. She is excited to bring together sustainability, economics, and policy with her work at the Rachel Carson Council this summer. While at Duke, Francesca also enjoys coaching a local youth running team, researching at the Center for Child and Family Policy, and exploring the Duke Forest.\nRCC Stanback Coastal Resilience Fellow – Ana Young\nAna Young is a rising junior at Duke University majoring in Public Policy Studies, minoring in Cinematic Arts, and pursuing a Policy Journalism & Media Studies certificate. A Chicago native, Ana has been engaged in the climate crisis conversation since she first understood its extent during the 2011 Groundhog Day blizzard. Ana later started her high school’s first sustainability club, through which she created an 18-lesson sustainable education program for elementary school students and an environmental blog called Climate Haven for her senior honors project. As a Stanback Coastal Resilience Fellow, Ana looks forward to researching the impact of climate change on coastal communities and ecosystems. In the future, she plans to pursue a career in the film industry and is particularly interested in narrative empathy, including those of individuals impacted by climate devastation.\nRCC Stanback Renewable Energy Fellow – Isaac Bowlin\nIsaac Bowlin is a Master of Environmental Management student from Princeton, NJ, studying energy and the environment at Duke University. He is passionate about ending fossil fuel dependence and ensuring equal access to clean air, water, and land. Before beginning his Masters, Isaac served with AmeriCorps, performing projects of ecological benefit in the State of Washington, and developing a deep appreciation for the natural world. At Duke, Isaac works for the Duke Carbon Offset Initiative, informing Duke’s offsetting strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2024. In his free time, he enjoys climbing, cooking, and spending time outdoors. With RCC, Isaac is eager to explore the challenges and opportunities involved in transitioning to a cleaner and more equitable energy future.\nRCC Stanback Communications Fellow – Nicole Masarova\nNicole Masarova is a dual-enrollment sophomore at Duke University and Duke Kunshan University, Duke’s sister school in China, pursuing a major in Environmental Science with a concentration in Public Policy. She was born in California, with parents who immigrated to the US from Slovakia. Her development of a nonprofit, grassroots tutoring program in the wake of the pandemic inspired a passion in the intersection of law, equitable policy, and sustainability. Since freshman year, Nicole has been a writer for Duke’s undergraduate law magazine, Juris, has helped kick-start Duke Kunshan’s Pre-Law Society as Secretary, and has interned with the Business Innovation Center in Slovakia, working on research in the wind-energy division. In her free time, she can be found hiking or painting. She is incredibly honored and excited to bring her experience to the RCC’s mission of environmental advocacy and justice.\nRCC Stanback Climate Justice Fellow – Lucy Goldman\nLucy Goldman is a rising junior at Duke University studying Public Policy and Computer Science. She is originally from the Bay Area, California where she developed her love for everything outdoors. She is passionate about climate justice, ocean health, and environmental legislation. Outside of the classroom, Lucy works with Duke’s Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Education group (SHAPE) and leads the club water polo team. She hopes to pursue a career in the environmental advocacy or climate tech space and is very excited about the opportunity to work as a climate justice fellow for the RCC this summer.\nRCC Stanback Renewable Energy Fellow – Nagarajan Subramanian\nNagarajan Subramanian is from Bangalore, India, pursuing the Master of Environmental Management degree at Duke University. He is deeply passionate about the environment and nature, and his ambition is to find ways to reduce the environmental impacts of the energy sector and meet our energy needs sustainably. With a major in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Energy, he joined Duke to learn about the influence of other factors – economics, policy, business, management – on the energy sector. He is excited to work with the Rachel Carson Council to understand the influence of national-level policies. He is actively involved on campus as the treasurer of the Nicholas School Energy Club. which coordinates with the Duke University Energy Initiative and partner energy clubs at other schools. In his free time, he pursues an eclectic mix of hobbies, like listening to classical Indian and Western music, and learning about geology, paleontology, and linguistics. He also loves cooking and baking and finds them very therapeutic.\nRCC Fellows, 2023-2024\nRCC Fellow – Angela Zhong – Harvard University\nAngela Zhong is a first-generation Asian-American and Harvard junior. She is studying economics, environmental science public policy, and a citation in Mandarin. Hailing from Houston, Angela has felt the impacts of natural disasters and climate change first-hand. She previously served as her school’s first-ever Minister for Climate and Sustainability on the Undergraduate Council Executive Cabinet. Angela is passionate about youth climate advocacy and was fortunate enough to represent youth at COP27, COP15, EarthX 2022, Stockholm+50, C40 Cities Summit, and many more. She also currently sits on the board for The Climate Initiative, ClientEarth’s NextGen team, as well as the UN Department of Global Communication’s Civil Society Unit Youth Steering Group.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Angela will be working on designing a curriculum for colleges to prepare their student delegations for following and attending the international climate negotiations called UNFCCC COP, including COP 28 to be held in the United Arab Emirates..\nRCC Fellow – David Novak – UNC Wilmington\nDavid Novak is a senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) pursuing a degree in Computer Science. With over three years of professional coding experience, they have honed their technical skills and developed a deep understanding of software development principles. As an enthusiastic and dedicated programmer, David is passionate about leveraging his technical expertise to create effective solutions. He possesses a strong foundation in various programming languages and is adept at utilizing cutting-edge technologies to solve complex problems.\nRCC Fellowship Project: David’s project focuses on quantifying deforestation caused by the wood pellet industry. By employing geospatial data and algorithms, they will analyze satellite imagery, land cover data, and other relevant datasets to assess the extent of deforestation caused by the wood pellet industry. Through this project, David seeks to raise awareness about the harmful environmental consequences of this industry and contribute to informed decision-making for sustainable land use practices. David is excited work with the RCC and collaborate with stakeholders, researchers, and organizations in the Southern Forests Conservation Coalition to ensure the responsible management of forest resources and to advocate for sustainable practices.\nRCC Fellow – Meghan Tinnea – Georgetown University\nMeghan Tinnea is a sophomore at Georgetown University with majors in Science,\nTechnology, and International Affairs with a concentration in Energy and Environment and double minors in International Development and Environmental Studies. After graduating, she sees herself contributing to the fight against climate change as an environmental consultant for corporate and legislative decisions, guided by a lens of intersectionality and equity. Meghan’s history in environmental activism traces back to her freshman year of high school, where she became involved in climate policy and education. At Georgetown, she became President of Georgetown’s Climate Justice Club, and founded a local chapter of Sunrise Movement. She has also held positions as the Environmental Justice Team Lead for the Georgetown Renewable Energy and Environmental Network (GREEN), Councilwoman for the Seattle Mayor’s Youth Climate Council, and Agenda Consultant, Promotional Alliance Coordinator, and Monitoring Team Member for the Washington State Climate Assembly. Meghan is excited about this opportunity with the RCC to continue her passion for a greener future by supplementing legislative change with local and individual action. She stands to uphold Rachel Carson’s legacy of compassion and determination in protecting the Earth and its inhabitants through intersectional environmental justice.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Utilizing the Office of Sustainability and her colleagues at the GREEN, Meghan aims to implement composting services throughout Georgetown University, beginning with dining areas. Meghan also expects to increase awareness surrounding composting through educational trainings and activities for freshmen and informative signage. These actions will divert roughly 604,000 pounds of food from the landfill to a commercial composting facility in Maryland. This will significantly reduce methane emissions while also providing carbon sequestration, both beneficial to the battle against climate change. Additionally, the produced soil from composting will reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and has a high water retention, increasing agricultural productivity.\nBen Pluska – RCC Fellow – Appalachian State University\nBen Pluska is a Senior at Appalachian State University studying Sustainable Development with a focus on Community, Regional, and Global Development with a specialization in Visual Anthropology and minoring in Film Studies. Ben is also a research assistant for the Environmental Justice Co-Lab, a collaborative research/activist project spanning multiple universities and environmental justice non-profits in North Carolina. The Co-Labs’ research focuses on how disproportionately impacted communities are getting to justice in the face of industrialized agriculture and other extractive industries. Ben is also an intern at the Environmental Justice Collaborative Action Network in Clinton, NC where they are working on a documentary film of the toxic hazards faced by the community in Sampson County, North Carolina. They are also writing a multi-modal thesis that interrogates perceptions of environmental injustice through the senses focusing on communities in Eastern North Carolina.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Ben will develop a campus-wide project about environmental justice in Eastern North Carolina to engage students in classes on sustainable development and environmental justice to develop a collaborative audio-visual exhibition. This project will bring awareness to the environmental injustices that are consuming communities in Eastern North Carolina, as well as equip students on campus with ideas and tools for how they can approach environmental injustice through the intersections of art, scholarship, and activism. With a collaborative media exhibition, research, and educational initiatives, Pluska will work towards building a multi-modal understanding of environmental justice while also invigorating the campus community to engage with EJ activism. This project will culminate in an audio/visual exhibition to be put on at Appalachian State University, as well as in the effected communities of Sampson and Robeson Counties.\nRCC Fellow – Zach Yiannias – Rice University\nZach Yiannias is a junior at Rice University studying political science, environmental sciences, and history. Born and raised in Wisconsin, he is interested in local politics as well as environmental and energy policy. In addition to conducting political science research on school board elections, he has previously interned with the USDA Forest Service, writing articles for the agency’s southern region. He is currently researching hydrogen energy as a Gulf Scholar with the Carbon Hub and GTI Energy. After college, he would like to pursue a Ph.D. in political science.\nRCC Fellowship Project: During the 2023-24 school year, Zach will create a local environmental policy database containing ordinance and resolution templates. After drafting and compiling the templates, he will share the database with communities and residents. By assisting residents with local legislation, he hopes to help communities address urgent environmental problems, including clean water access, wildfire prevention, and flood preparation.\nRCC Fellow – Sophia Donskoi – University of Florida\nSophia Donskoi is a master’s candidate focused on climate communication at the University of Florida. She graduated from UCLA, summa cum laude, with a B.A. in Public Policy and Environmental Systems and Society and is the former Assistant General Manager of UCLA Radio, a student-run nonprofit, where she produced several environmental radio programs.\nShe is a first-generation American who speaks fluent Portuguese, Russian, and English.\nFor the past two and a half years, she served as the Communications Lead for Jaden Smith’s environmental nonprofit, 501CTHREE.org. Sophia has been a journalist from her elementary school’s morning announcements through college radio. She is experienced in writing, multimedia storytelling, audio production, story development, and scientific and technical communication.\nIn 2021-2023, she was recognized by the Aspen Institute as one of 100 Future Climate Leaders. She has written speeches for Jaden Smith and Al Gore, and produced content for Complex, Apple TV, YouTube, and NowThis. In the future, she hopes to broaden her impact as a professor of Environmental Communications, teaching others how to effectively tell empowering stories about our environment.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Sophia’s project is focused on providing early-career communicators and creatives with a toolkit and course for climate communication. Nearly 30% of Gen-Z is interested in a career related to climate change, but few young people are exposed to opportunities for working in climate. As Gen-Z enters the communications workforce with purpose, it is important to equip them with the tools they need to get involved, as well as discuss climate change in an effective, powerful way. This resource aims to integrate climate action into popular culture by teaching young professionals how to effectively communicate with an aim to help bring climate communication tools to those who need it most: young people taking action in their communities.\nRCC Fellow – Chrishma Perera – Virginia Tech University\nChrishma Perera is a master’s student at the Department of Geography, Virginia Polytechnic, and State University, (VT) reading for a master’s in Geography. She is passionate about climate change issues for the most vulnerable and indigenous communities. Her current research work at VT aims to identify characteristics of regional Indigenous health systems and develop indicators for future monitoring of health systems. Her work will collaborate with several countries such as Uganda, Namibia, Ghana, South Africa, Peru, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Kiribati, and the Canadian Arctic.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Chrishma aims to develop a climate-neutral adaptation plan for the VT campus with three main objectives. First, to develop a “database on climate consciousness.” This will include mapping the individual-level climate-conscious, sustainable practices (using electric vehicles, using recyclable materials) and knowledge about climate change (taking climate change or sustainability-related courses). Second, to draft a “climate adaptation plan and quota” for the VT community based on information collected from the database on climate consciousness. And finally, she is looking forward to conducting a workshop for the VT community on future climate change adaptation options.\nRCC Fellow – Suzanna Schofield – Wellesley College\nSuzanna Schofield is a senior at Wellesley College, double majoring in Environmental Studies and Peace and Justice Studies with concentrations in water conservation, sustainable community development, and public health. She has always had a love for the environment, and specifically wildlife. With a passion for bridge-building, her focus is in reducing human-wildlife conflicts, and more broadly, human-environmental conflicts. Growing up in rural Maryland and being exposed to the world of conservation showed her that though agriculture and the environment are often at odds, neither one’s well-being is possible without the other. This passion then combined with principles of public health. Suzanna has seen firsthand what vector-borne diseases can do to a person as she experienced the long-lasting effects of chronic health issues, starting from a Lyme Disease diagnosis as a child. This journey has led Suzanna towards a career in One Health, or that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. The health of the world will continue to be affected more and more by climate change, and thus, this fuels her activism and advocacy, both on and off campus. Some of these efforts include involvement and leadership in EnAct, the environmental student organization at Wellesley, Fridays For Future Wellesley, the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Affairs, World H2O Hub, Inland Ocean Coalition, Amboseli Wildlife and Communities, and more.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Suzanna is working towards the establishment of the BOW EnActivists Coalition. Aiming to build a network of students working towards environmental action at Babson College, Olin College of Engineering, and Wellesley College (BOW), all three colleges have experienced recent hurdles regarding sustainability. Furthermore, each respective institution has their own environmental student organization, but these organizations do not collaborate. A coalition would establish a framework to collaborate, align priorities, and improve effectiveness of environmental initiatives, with a specific focus on divestment, climate justice, and more sustainable campuses through efforts like less single-use plastic. This initiative will have a One Health perspective, taking inspiration from Rachel Carson’s fearless\nRCC Fellow – Salvatore Cottone – American University\nSalvatore Cottone is a junior at American University (AU) pursuing a major in Political Science and a double minor in Environmental Policy and Italian Regional Studies. After graduation, he plans to work in climate policy in Washington, DC and help elect climate champions to federal and state office across the United States. He currently serves as a Senator for the Campus At-Large in American University’s student government and serves in the AU Faculty Senate for the Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum. Salvatore is also the Political Team Leader for the Sunrise Movement at American University. In student government, he authored and passed the Environmental Course Expansion Act in the Undergraduate Senate and helped get a campus-wide referendum for a Green New Deal on the ballot. It passed by 83%.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Salvatore will continue advocating for the expansion of American University’s environmental science department but will also lead a campaign to transition AU to 100% renewable energy. In order to make American University a model campus for other universities to follow in renewable energy and sustainability, he intends to mobilize the Undergraduate Senate and Student Government as a whole to advocate for this goal, while launching initiatives to educate and mobilize the student body to become involved.\nRCC Fellow – Eleanor Crone – Vanderbilt University\nEleanor Crone is a junior at Vanderbilt University double majoring in Public Policy and Climate Studies returning for a second RCC Fellowship. Growing up in the small town of Norfolk, Connecticut, she learned to cherish nature at a young age and became passionate about conservation through a GIS trail mapping internship and her volunteer work with the Sierra Club and local land trusts. Eleanor’s research positions in the Vanderbilt Climate, Health, and Energy Equity Lab and the Vanderbilt Drinking Water Justice Lab have furthered her interest in the intersection of environmental justice, social equity, and climate policy. On campus, Eleanor advocates for sustainable change and voting rights by serving as Co-President of DivestVU and President of Vandy Votes. Her internships with the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters and the Environmental Voter Project have offered her experience in political organizing, voter mobilization, and environmental advocacy. Aside from her activism work, Eleanor enjoys playing trombone in the University Concert Band and exploring the Nashville food scene.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Eleanor will lead the fossil fuel divestment movement at Vanderbilt University to ultimately convince Vanderbilt’s administration to fully divest the university’s endowment from fossil fuels and reinvest in renewable energy. She believes that Vanderbilt has a responsibility to seek ethical investments and fully commit to maintaining a sustainable institution. As Co-President of DivestVU, a student-led fossil fuel divestment organization at Vanderbilt, Eleanor plans to continue mobilizing the university community through campus events and educational initiatives while focusing the movement’s efforts on climate justice. Furthermore, she hopes to create a website that will unite college fossil fuel divestment movements across the country and offer resources for new and existing divestment campaigns. Eleanor is excited for the opportunity to organize nationally for the RCC with other student activists and inspire others toward climate action.\nRCC Fellow – Juana Eslava-Bejarano – San Diego State University\nJuana Eslava-Bejarano is a second-year master’s student at San Diego State University (SDSU) in Women’s Studies. They are passionate about environmental justice and its connections with reproductive justice, food justice, critical race theory, critical gender studies, and the animal rights movement. During their undergraduate studies, they co-led the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at La Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia. Juana successfully created three groups on urban reforestation, recycling, and animal welfare, which resulted in growing and planting 300 Tecoma trees in Bogotá, Colombia. Their effort towards creating a community around ecological caring is shaped by how the climate crisis affects communities differently due to the systemic oppression they experienced because of their gender, race, class, and nationality, among other identities.\nRCC Fellowship: Juana’s project includes creating a community garden with formerly incarcerated people in San Diego. Their proposal intends to contribute to climate justice initiatives to protect formerly incarcerated communities against the excesses of high temperatures in California, contribute to food security, and provide educational spaces around urban nature. Having the opportunity to grow our food within a community is a fundamental right that allows vulnerable communities to inhabit and be empowered in their own space.\nRCC Fellow – Gianna Hutton González – Pomona College\nGianna Hutton González is a sophomore and Posse Miami Scholar at Pomona College where she studies Public Policy Analysis concentrating in Environmental Analysis. On campus, she currently works for the Sustainability Office and co-leads Pomona’s divestment campaign. In her hometown of Miami, Gianna previously served as GenCLEO strategist for the CLEO Institute, a non-partisan nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing climate literacy and empowering youth to find their voices within the climate movement. She was also co-president of the 2022 Miami Youth Climate Summit to increase climate literacy and inspire action in youth. The struggles her hometown, Miami, faces inspire her to advance climate justice across a multitude of perspectives.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Gianna will continue to work with Pomona’s divestment and disclosure campaign to develop a variety of language resources to appeal to students and trustees propelling the campaign. In addition, to further collaboration and community with other campaigns, she aims to create a coalition-guided campus divestment guide and strategies for new and existing campaigns. Gianna also plans to build a curriculum for a class that would create a campus vulnerability assessment based on the UC Berkeley Climate Vulnerability Assessment. In communicating the need for Pomona College to combat climate change, there is little to no released data on our expected regional impacts and this report can give numerical weight and logic to the issue of divestment, appealing to Trustees and administration.\nRCC – Yahaira Galan Cruzes – Catawba College\nYahaira Galan Cruzes is a junior at Catawba College majoring in Environmental Sustainability and Exercise Science. She has a passion for helping people, especially in the health policy and environmental justice field. She plans to increase student engagement through community workshops and environment-related events. During 2023-2024, Yahaira will work as a steward with staff and faculty members at the Center for the Environment at Catawba. As treasurer for the ECO club, vice president of the Spanish Club, and Social Chair for the Retreat Leadership Corps, she is working to connect clubs and organizations on campus through events to share ideas and increase awareness on becoming more sustainable and inclusive.\nRCC Fellowship Project: The goal of Yahaira’s project is to showcase how proper land stewardship can be done on a college campus and how it can have a positive social impact on the surrounding community. Her work will include environmental justice community engagement workshops and the development of a pollinator-friendly, nontoxic space on campus that students, faculty, and community members can learn from and enjoy.\nRCC Fellow – Valerie Washington – Virginia Commonwealth University\nValerie Washington is a graduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) studying Urban and Regional Planning with a concentration in Sustainability. She comes into this space with an intersectional lens and a strong sense of justice and liberation, exploring ideas of decolonization, building sustainable communities of color and reversing the effects of environmental racism. Prior to graduate school, Val worked as an adult educator teaching GED and ESL classes. She also worked as a case manager, supporting individuals experiencing homelessness in her hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia. Her community work includes voter registration, restoration of rights, and advocating for access to reproductive healthcare.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Val is working on a sustainability plan for the Northeast neighborhood of Harrisonburg, Virginia, an historically Black neighborhood. She is using tenets of environmental justice and Black feminism to center the voices of residents while exploring green infrastructure in order to foster community cohesion and rebuild healthy neighborhoods.\nRCC Fellow – Elinadav Frank – Princeton University\nElinadav Frank is a sophomore at Princeton University studying Religion with minors in Environmental Studies, Near Eastern Studies, and Arabic Language and Culture. He is involved in various campus sustainability efforts, including leading both the Green Dining Initiative and Jewish Climate Initiative in addition to being an active member of Divest Princeton and the Conservation Society. He is passionate about sustainable eating, environmental justice, and ecotheology, broadly defined as the intersection between religious practice and environmentalism. He strongly believes that in order to enact dramatic change in mitigating the climate crisis, there must be well founded spiritual and religious connections to caring for the environment. After completing his undergraduate degree, he plans on pursuing a career focused on environmental issues in the Middle East and their intersection with the varying religions in the region.\nRCC Fellowship Project: For his project, Davi will continue to work and research for Divest Princeton. Even after the September 2022 partial divestment, Princeton has $700 million invested in private fossil fuel companies, many of which additionally fund Princeton’s flagship environmental research institutions, the Climate Mitigation Initiative, and the Adlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. He plans to educate the campus about this major conflict of interest in Princeton’s climate research. Further, he plans to create a podcast which interviews religious environmental activists across the spectrum about the influence of their religious practice on their activism and how try to galvanize other members of their faith groups to work for the betterment of the environment.\nRCC Presidential Fellow – Molly Weiner – Yale University\nMolly Weiner is a junior at Yale University majoring in American Studies with a focus on law, politics, and the environment and is pursuing a certificate in Advanced Spanish. She has been an RCC Stanback Presidential Fellow and is an organizer with the Yale Endowment Justice Coalition, a movement of students, faculty, alumni, and community members who oppose the financialization of higher education and believe that Yale’s endowment is an inherently political force to be used for moral ends. In 2021, Molly helped found the Fossil Free 5 coalition of divestment organizers at Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and Vanderbilt; organizers filed legal complaints with the attorneys general in their respective states, arguing that endowment investments in the fossil fuel industry are illegal under state law. Their activism has been featured in CNN, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Grist, among others. Molly also assists with research at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, works for the Yale Sustainable Food Program, and edits for the Yale Politic and the Yale Undergraduate Law Journal.\nRCC Fellowship Project: As an Presidential fellow, Molly is working to spur divestment from non-profit organizations by engaging institutions in questions of fiduciary duty. She hopes to broaden the reach of her coalition, connect new organizers to this work, and expand RCC’s on-going divestment/reinvestment campaign. As a summer RCC Stanback Fellow, Molly produced a report on energy permitting reforms and advocated on Capitol Hill for the Environmental Justice for All Act.\nRCC Fellow – Caroline Bower – Drexel University\nCaroline Bower is a senior at Drexel University studying Environmental Studies and Sustainability with a concentration in Environmental Policy, as well as a minor in Philosophy. She is currently an undergraduate research assistant with one of her professors, helping to research and compile data on storm surge barriers and their ecological impact. She previously interned with EA Engineering where she worked closely with environmental regulation and monitoring. Caroline is passionate about environmental justice, wetland conservation, and biodiversity preservation. After college she plans on attending law school with goals of becoming an environmental lawyer working primarily in public-interest and class-action law. When she is not in school, she can be found exploring the tidal marshes and beaches along the East Coast.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Caroline intends to research hydraulic fracking in Pennsylvania and how it affects the people who live there. She will use her connections at Drexel and in Philadelphia to raise awareness about the hazards associated with fracking. She will also work with politicians in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania to educate them and act towards better regulation, management, and, ultimately, elimination of fracking within the state.\nRCC Presidential Fellow – Molly Herring – University of Santa Cruz\nRCC Presidential Fellow Molly Herring is pursuing a Masters in Science Communications from UC Santa Cruz. She recently graduated from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with a double major in Biology and Global Studies and a minor in Creative Nonfiction. Molly was born in the North Carolina Appalachian Mountains and raised between Richmond and the beaches of Sandbridge, Virginia, but has journaled from the kitchen tables and living room floors of host families all over the world. She has been published in Oceanographic Magazine, Coastal Review, The Marine Diaries, and Cellar Door.\nRCC Fellowship Project: As an RCC Presidential Fellow, Molly will be writing regularly for RCC publications, especially creative non-fiction and nature writing inspired by Rachel Carson.\nRCC Fellow – Karina Marinovich – Duke University\nKarina Marinovich is a junior at Duke University studying Public Policy with minors in Psychology and Environmental Science. Being raised by an outdoorsy mother in Colorado instilled in her a deep appreciation for her natural surroundings. However, it was not long before she began to recognize the environmental injustices plaguing Denver. After studying the inequity and environmental degradation associated with industrialized animal agriculture through her high school internship with the Factory Farming Awareness Coalition (FFAC), she embarked on a lifelong pursuit of environmental justice. At Duke, Karina is a sustainability leader, including as chair of the Duke University Student Dining Advisory Committee (DUSDAC), lead content strategist of the Duke Waste Audit, and an independent study about carbon labeling for Duke Dining.\nRCC Fellowship Project: As an RCC Fellow, Karina will deepen her exploration of carbon labelling on college campuses. She seeks to increase student awareness about the environmental impact of different foods and inspire her peers to adopt more sustainable dining choices. In order to accomplish this, Karina plans to provide her peers with the necessary information about the carbon impact of their dining choices through a Duke Dining menu labelling system that she will implement.\nRCC Fellow – Dylan Cawley – Duke University\nDylan Cawley is a sophomore at Duke University, majoring in Environmental Science & Policy with a minor in Inequality Studies. He is passionate about exploring the intersections of climate change and environmental justice through an economic lens. Before Duke, Dylan spent a gap year fighting wildfires in Northern California for the California Conservation Corps and has since worked for the US Forest Service on an Interagency Hotshot Crew. On campus, Dylan is a member of Duke Student Government, an Ambassador for the Office of Sustainability, and a researcher in the Duke Economic Analytics Lab.\nProject Description: Dylan��s project seeks to investigate current efforts to address food insecurity in Durham County, NC, following the COVID-19 pandemic. Home to more than one hundred food distribution centers and fifty-eight food pantries, Durham County has experienced growing rates of food insecurity since the late 2000s. Pandemic-driven stimulus expanded relief efforts and saw the creation of new food banks, distribution networks, and micro-financing systems. In the ensuing years, however, state-level funding for food assistance has diminished, placing greater pressure on independently-run local food pantries. Dylan’s project will interview local government officials, food pantry leaders, and their constituents to determine how to better synergize public and private food programs at the county level.\nRCC Presidential Fellow – Joy Reeves – Duke University\nBio: Joy is a Duke University student from Frederick, Maryland, pursuing a Master’s degree in Environmental Management, returning for a second RCC Fellowship. Passionate about climate advocacy and scientific communication, she is the author of Growing Up in the Grassroots: Finding Unity in Climate Activism Across Generations (2020). Joy was previously an RCC Stanback Fellow and has also held internship positions at League of Conservation Voters, the Student Conservation Association, and the Wright Lab at Duke University, where she conducted research on the effects of saltwater intrusion and sea level rise on the coast of North Carolina. During her undergraduate career at Duke, she received her degree in Environmental Science & Policy with a minor in Visual Media Studies, as well as a Udall scholarship for environmental leadership and public service. She aspires to merge her background in visual communications with her passion for clean energy justice with a focus on solar energy policy.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Joy’s project is to serve as an environmental writer and analyst for the RCC with an emphasis on climate justice. She writes blog pieces, Op-eds, produces resources in the areas of wood pellets, sea level rise, and topics of special interest. Joy also represents the RCC at key events in North Carolina.\nLily Riesett– St. Mary’s College of Maryland\nLily Riesett is a senior at St. Mary’s College of Maryland majoring in Political Science with a minor in Environmental Studies. She is a returning RCC Fellow interested in environmental justice and is passionate about educating and serving rural communities. She has also completed a fellowship, internship, and contractual position for Ballotpedia, a voting rights non-profit. Reaching communities that have been denied voting assistance due to proximity to resources is something Lily cares strongly about. On campus, Lily acts as Student Body President, the copy editor of her school paper, The Point News, an intern for the Kate Chandler Campus Community Farm, and a member of the Varsity Rowing team.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Rural Maryland is known for its rich agricultural history; from oyster farms on Maryland’s coast to chicken production on the Eastern Shore, the state relies on its farming communities. Unfortunately, across Maryland, one group of farmers has been systemically left out of conversation regarding the history of food production in our state: women. In response, Lily’s project will develop a Resilience Garden at the Kate Chandler Campus Community Farm. The Kate Farm is where St. Mary’s students interested in sustainable agriculture and environmental justice are able to work on and institute agricultural projects. The Resilience Garden would feature a rotating variety of plants once cultivated by the working women of Maryland, as well as give students of all backgrounds an opportunity to farm them. The plot of land would be used each season to grow produce that would have been planted by the women who once lived and worked on this land. The Resilience Garden Project will honor the lives of forgotten women in agriculture by actively working the land they did, growing the things they grew, and understanding the connections between these concepts and today’s environmental justice issues.\nRCC Fellow – Nathan Villiger – St. Mary’s College of Maryland\nNathan Villiger is a senior at St. Mary’s College of Maryland majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in Political Science. With a passion for agricultural and food systems sustainability and environmental storytelling, Nathan has interned with the University of Maryland Extension Service, gaining valuable experience in research, data analysis, and community outreach. On campus, Nathan edits the world news section of St. Mary’s College’s student paper, The Point News, and is a member of the Kate Chandler Campus Community Farm’s Management Co-Op.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Today, Smith Island, Maryland is unique. It remains Maryland’s last waterlocked community, where, for almost four hundred years, the island’s resident watermen have plied the Chesapeake Bay in search of blue crabs, oysters, and rockfish. Smith Island is also notable for another, tragic reason. By 2100, rising sea levels will completely submerge Smith Island, making Smith Islanders among Maryland’s first climate refugees. How will we remember these casualties of anthropogenic climate change? The Smith Island Project endeavors to answer this question by blending photojournalistic depictions of life on contemporary Smith Island with oral accounts from the remaining islanders to effectively freeze a version of Smith Island in time, one that remains undrowned and unbowed. The Smith Island Project will be a series of photo essays, consisting of multiple photographs interspersed with prose, historical context, and – most importantly – the testimony of individual islanders. The aim is to create a profound cultural artifact that can serve as an epitaph for Smith Island, and, by capturing even a small amount of the spirit of place, reveal what has made the island unique.\nRCC Fellow – Valeria Obregon – St. Lawrence University\nValeria Obregon is a senior at St. Lawrence University majoring in environmental studies and sociology and minoring in gender studies. She has studied abroad since she was seventeen having lived and studied in four different countries: Mexico, Singapore, Italy, and the United States. During her time at St. Lawrence University, she has been part of the Sustainability Program cohort of 2021-2022 and founded the club “SLU Close the Loop”, an environmental initiative to reduce waste on campus. In addition to her co-curricular activities, she has also interned at organizations which include Waterkeeper Alliance, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, and Benvenuti Arts. Valeria has a passion for the arts, especially protest art and muralism. She is involved as well in various social movements, specifically the feminist movement in Mexico, migration, and climate change.\nRCC Fellowship Project: For project, Valeria will be working with the RCC to strengthen “SLU Close the Loop”, an initiative she started in 2021, to reduce waste and foster an exchange culture at St. Lawrence University through different activities such as swapping events, upcycling workshops, and environmental education in collaboration with other clubs on campus. This year she will focus on working on a consumption awareness campaign by developing indicators to quantify waste on campus, as well as recruiting passionate and committed students to take over when she graduates next year.\nRCC Fellow – Rahul Inaganti – Drexel University\nRahul Inaganti is a sophomore at Drexel University pursuing a major in environmental studies and sustainability, with minors in biology and public health. His passion for the natural world stems from his family history in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, where his relatives have maintained farmland for generations. As a result, Rahul has formed deep interests in ecology, sustainable agriculture, as well as human health and nutrition. He greatly enjoys research in both the social and natural sciences and has worked on several projects whose topics have ranged from integrated pest management to mitigating urban heat islands in Philadelphia.\nRCC Fellowship Project: Rahul’s goal for the 2023 Rachel Carson Council is to bring an end to the use of toxic herbicides on Drexel’s campus. He will build upon the work of previous RCC Fellows to plan and execute a formal research project which aims to determine the efficacy of organic land management practices. To accomplish this task, he will recruit student volunteers to gather data relating to soil health and weed cover at two locations: Drexel Park (which became the pilot site of the organic transition in April of 2023), and Lancaster Walk (which still undergoes conventional land management). By compiling and analyzing this data, Rahul hopes to generate a comprehensive study which compares the costs and benefits of both land management strategies. He hopes this data can be used to justify organic transitions at other college campuses and eventually the rest of Philadelphia.\nRCC Fellow – Aaditi Lele – Vanderbilt University\nAaditi is a junior at Vanderbilt University and returning RCC Fellow, majoring in Climate Studies and Political Science on the International Politics track, with a minor in South Asian Language and Culture. After graduation, she hopes to attend law school and focus on the intersection of climate justice and international migration law, sparked by her passion for the environment and her immigrant roots. Aaditi also serves as the Editorial Director for her campus newspaper, The Vanderbilt Hustler, the President of Vanderbilt Women in Government, and the Policy Director for the climate advocacy group Zero Hour. She also loves writing and has previously written for The Washington Post, Teen Vogue, Truthout, and more. She is excited for this opportunity with the RCC to continue her work in fossil fuel divestment and push for equity and climate justice.\nRCC Fellowship Project: As a leader in her school’s fossil fuel divestment campaign, Aaditi spent much of the last year writing and coordinating a legal complaint strategy against Vanderbilt, arguing that the school violated its fiduciary responsibilities as a non-profit institution because it refused to divest from its fossil fuel holdings. Through this work, Aaditi helped build out the Fossil Free 5 network, a coalition of student-led divestment campaigns that filed simultaneous legal complaints which were featured in the Guardian, the Washington Post, and more.\nWith the RCC, Aaditi now will be building out a resource hub to support emerging divestment campaigns at campuses nationwide. She hopes to create a space where college divestment organizers can share advice, skills, and tactics to unify the movement. She also intends to use the RCC campus network to create a series of resources and training guides for college organizers to help them educate their peers about environmental justice and the impact of fossil fuel divestment.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The growing season for most of our fish is over for the year, and they have all been either put in their winter homes in their overwintering ponds, or a few species are kept a watchful eye over the entire winter in several of our culture buildings. The staff has a very slight breather to begin maintenance on our streamside rearing units, nets and fish culture equipment, and then are hard at it again as our cold water species of fish eggs arrive at the hatchery in December and January. These join our lake trout eggs at the station in their perspective separate areas, an isolated to reduce the risk of cross species disease transmission. The lake trout have been on board since early October, arriving from New York and held in quarantine, being a relative unknown as far as fish health status is concerned. These eggs came from the wild and will remain here growing into 10-12 inch fish and experiencing 3 fish health exams before being safely moved to FWS captive broodstock stations. Here they will produce millions of eggs yearly to be stocked as fingerlings to restore lake trout in 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. Our brook trout eggs, received from Iron River (WI) National Fish Hatchery, will be grown to 9 inches and released in Lake Superior to help restore the “coaster” brook trout, which can grow much larger than the inland stream brook trout. Then follows the Rainbow trout, a great sport fish in its own right. Most of the Rainbows are stocked in Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy Army Base and tribal waters to increase sport fishing opportunities. We also save some back for our Youth Fishing and Veterans and Differently-Abled Fishing events. So much for a winter break. The fish keep coming, and we are thankful for the opportunity to contribute to the FWS mission of Conserving the Nations Aquatic Resources for the Continuing Benefit of the American Public.\nBy: Doug Aloisi\nRainbow Trout, Brook Trout and Lake Trout eggs in a jar and container. Photo credit: USFWS", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Some groundwater users in the Eastern Snake River Plain may see curtailments this irrigation season due to lower runoff.\nIdaho Department of Water Resources Director Gary Spackman on April 30 issued an order predicting 40,500-acre-foot shortfall to senior surface water rights in the Eastern Snake Plain for the 2021 irrigation season.\nThe department will issue a subsequent order identifying which junior groundwater users are subject to curtailment.\nIdaho has prioritized replenishing the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer for more than a decade. Some recovery has occurred due to state-sponsored and private recharge, and by groundwater users reducing demand. But senior right holders often still experience shortfalls because the aquifer needs further replenishment.\nSpackman at the start of each season issues an order determining any shortfall to senior surface water right holders and obligations of junior groundwater pumpers to curtail usage or mitigate for depletions. The order reflects snowpack, runoff, reservoir carryover storage and aquifer condition.\nWater managers predict 2.6 million acre-feet of runoff through July at the Heise gauge on the Upper Snake River, 80% of normal. Certain groundwater users may be subject to curtailment this irrigation season if they are not participants in, or in compliance with, an approved mitigation plan with a groundwater district, IDWR said in a release.\nThe established ESPA surface-water delivery call is the subject of a 2016 settlement agreement between groundwater users and a coalition of surface-water users. It protects groundwater users from curtailment and litigation if they are tied to a groundwater district or municipal mitigation plan.\nGroundwater districts each year supply water to the coalition and reduce their own consumption under terms of the settlement, Idaho Ground Water Appropriators Executive Director Lynn Tominaga said in an interview. The settlement provides safe-harbor protection to participating groundwater or irrigation districts that are in compliance and good standing.\n“By law, we have to keep people with senior water rights whole,” Deputy Director Matthew Weaver said. “We want to make the junior groundwater pumpers aware that despite the settlement agreements between the Surface Water Coalition, IGWA and the participating cities, if junior groundwater pumpers are not participating in an approved mitigation plan such as IGWA’s or the participating cities’ they could be subject to curtailment this year.”\nTominaga said 95-98% of groundwater users belong to a groundwater district or are protected under a city mitigation plan. Users that do not belong face curtailment risk — the extent of which depends on water conditions, demand and an IDWR reassessment each August.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "India cannot achieve energy security by renewable energy sources alone as solar power is not available round the clock and wind energy is intermittent. To meet its requirements, the nation needs to add capacity that can provide round-the-clock power, said RK Singh, union minister for power and new & renewable energy, recently.\nThe minister shared that large-scale integration of variable and intermittent renewable energy resources with the grid requires power sources that can act as base load and balance the grid for grid stability. Hence, dependence on coal-based generation is likely to continue till cost-effective energy storage solutions are available.\nPower demand in India is increasing rapidly with the rapid growth of the economy. The peak demand has increased to 243,000 MW during the current financial year (till Nov. 2023), from 1,35,000 MW in FY 2013-14. The projected peak demand as per the 20th Electric Power Survey will be 277,200 MW in FY 2026-27 and 3,66,400 MW in FY 2031-32.\nDuring the period 2014-15, India added 97,501.2 MW of conventional power capacity and 96,282.9 MW of renewable energy capacity, transforming from a power deficit to a power surplus nation in the past decade. The nation’s electricity generation capacity has increased by 70% from 248,554 MW in March 2014 to 425,536 MW in October 2023.\nAs per the National Electricity Plan, the installed power capacity requirement for the year 2031-32 is likely to be 9,00,422 MW, comprising 2,84,467 MW of fossil-based capacity (coal and lignite 2,59,643 MW, gas 24,824 MW) and 6,15,955 MW of non-fossil-based capacity (nuclear 19,680 MW, large hydro 62,178 MW, solar 364,566 MW, wind 121,895 MW, small hydro 5450 MW, biomass 15,500 MW, pumped storage projects 26,686 MW) along with battery energy storage system capacity of 47,244 MW/236,220 MWh).\nTo ensure an uninterrupted power supply for the nation’s growth, a cumulative 132,148.5 MW of power generation capacity is under construction and the total anticipated power capacity addition by 2031-32 is likely to be 517,403 MW. Details of the anticipated capacity addition between 2023-32 are given below:\n- 27,180 MW of thermal capacity is under construction and the total anticipated thermal capacity addition by 2031-32 is likely to be 87,910 MW\n- 18,033.5 MW of hydro capacity (including stalled projects) is under construction and the total anticipated hydro capacity addition by 2031-32 is likely to be 42,014 MW.\n- 8,000 MW of nuclear capacity is under construction and the total anticipated nuclear capacity addition by 2031-32 is likely to be 12,200 MW.\n- 78,935 MW of renewable energy capacity is under construction and the anticipated RE capacity addition by 2031-32 will be 375,279 MW.\nThis content is protected by copyright and may not be reused. If you want to cooperate with us and would like to reuse some of our content, please contact: firstname.lastname@example.org.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Use of this information is subject to copyright laws and may require the permission of the owner of the information, as described in the ECHA Legal Notice.\nEC number: 228-532-0\nCAS number: 6290-03-5\nAccording to ECHA guidance Chapter R.7c: Endpoint specific\nguidance, Version 3.0 – June 2017, Section R.7.11.2 the following\napplies: QUOTE: \"In the case of readily biodegradable substances which\nare not directly applied to soil it is generally assumed that the\nsubstance will not enter the terrestrial environment and as such there\nis no need for testing of soil organisms is required.\" UNQUOTE.\nThe substance (R)-(-)-butane-1,3-diol was shown to be readily\nbiodegradable, is fully miscible in water and does have a negative log\nPow (-0.9). Finally, no direct application to soil is known and indirect\nexposure of soil is also unlikely. The substance is used as intermediate\nand monomer in industrial processes, making exposure to soil very\nunlikely. The professional and consumer uses in cosmetic, washing and\ncleaning and pharmaceutical products do result in aqueous emissions to\nsewage treatment plants, in which due to the ready biodegradability the\nsubstance would be entirely biodegraded and thus, exposure to soil\nthrough these uses of the substance is unlikely too.\nThus, long-term exposure to soil is not of concern and no testing\nfor long-term toxicity to soil macroorganisms is required, based on\nInformation on Registered Substances comes from registration dossiers which have been assigned a registration number. The assignment of a registration number does however not guarantee that the information in the dossier is correct or that the dossier is compliant with Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (the REACH Regulation). This information has not been reviewed or verified by the Agency or any other authority. The content is subject to change without prior notice.Reproduction or further distribution of this information may be subject to copyright protection. Use of the information without obtaining the permission from the owner(s) of the respective information might violate the rights of the owner.\nWelcome to the ECHA website. This site is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 7 (and earlier versions). Please upgrade your Internet Explorer to a newer version.\nDo not show this message again", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The boiler adopts an environmentally friendly combustion method - full premixed combustion, and the gas and air are precisely adjusted and premixed in advance to ensure more complete combustion.\nThe boiler adopts a double-drum longitudinal \"D\" type arrangement structure; water, steam or steam-water mixture flows in the pipe; flame burns and flue gas flows outside the pipe, forming extremely fast steam-water.\n15/2/2013 · The Hot Pot 9 drip fed waste oil heater unit, heats 40 litres per hour to 50 degrees. That's hot enough to heat you hotwater cylinder up in 4.5 hours totally free. Of course these are made to operate 24/7. Great for underfloor heating systems, or heating hotwater radiators.\nRidgeyard Modern 8L Propane LPG Gas Tankless Water Heater Hot Water Boiler with Shower Head Kit (8L) Visit the Ridgeyard Store. 4.2 out of 5 stars. 91 ratings. Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. This fits your . Make sure this fits by entering your model number.\n21/2/2021 · By: admin February 21, 2021 Comments Off. on TABODD 18L 36KW LPG Propane Gas Water Heater, 4.8 GPM Portable Tankless Instant Hot Water Heater Boiler Burner with Shower Head Kit for Small Homes RV's Sailboats Cabins Camping, White. Price: £128.20.\n7/2/2021 · Portable gas water heater 16L 32KW propane gas for camping shower outdoor shower bath hot water horse shower gray hot water boiler Technical specifications: Operation: rotary knob Power: 32KW (25 ?) Hot water volume: 16L / min (16 kg / min) Flow rate: 4.3\nJan 27, 2016 - MountainNet 12L LPG Propane Gas Tankless Instant Hot Water Heater With Shower Head Instant Boiler Burner Indoor Home\n23/4/2021 · Because the pump for the radiators comes on only when the hot water tank reaches a certain level of heat, this has the effect of prioritising the hot water. Hot water can also be taken from a coil which is located in the hot water tank, as an alternative to a top up from a standard gas or oil boiler.\n: 6.4kg Water Pressure: 0.02-1.0MPa Ignition: auto Flow: 7L/min Heat Emition: 14kw Size: 580*340*160mm Packing Size: 600*360*180mm Accessories: shower head, 1.2m hose Gas :biogas gas LPG Technical Features: 1, Convenient water-control: only open\n20/3/2021 · Boiler, Steam Boiler, Hot Water Generator, gas burner Industrial Burner, Bakery Oven Repair, Spare Parts, Supplier in Nepal. Opening at 10:00 AM. Get Quote. Call 986-5650656 Get directions WhatsApp 986-5650656 Message 986-5650656 Contact Us …\nAll the Ningbo High Quality 1400kw 2800kw 3500kw Gas Burner Vacuum Hot Water Boiler are quality guaranteed. We are China Origin Factory of Nonstandard Gas Burner Vacuum Hot Water Boiler. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us. Product Categories : HVAC Corollary Equipment > Vacuum Hot Water Boiler. Email to this supplier.\n7/2/2021 · TABODD 32KW 16L LPG Propane Gas Water Heater, 4.3 GPM Portable Tankless Instant Hot Water Heater Boiler Burner with Shower Head Kit for Small Homes RV's Sailboats Cabins Camping, Silver By: admin February 7, 2021 Comments Off on TABODD 32KW 16L LPG Propane Gas Water Heater, 4.3 GPM Portable Tankless Instant Hot Water Heater Boiler Burner with Shower Head Kit for Small Homes …\nLYN X Modulating Condensing Gas Boiler with optional Domestic Hot Water Generator Model No. LX-120CB • 95% AFUE • 3 models, 90, 120, 150 MBH max input suits most residential applications • Input modulation from 25, 30, 37.5 MBH • Advanced design, long\nRidgeyard 12L 3.2GPM Digital Display LPG Propane Gas Tankless Instant Hot Water Heater Boiler Burner with Shower Head Indoor Home Bathroom Supplies 4 out of 5 stars 72 $97.97 $ 97. 97\n2 ton hot water boiler natural gas burner contact us/ return home Where to Find Parts for Hot Water Heaters There are some parts that tend to go bad on hot water heaters, including heating elements on electric water heaters and fuel valves\nThe gas boiler has excellent insulation to ensure that almost no heat is lost. If the water temperature drops, the electronics reignite automatically. Set the desired water temperature anywhere between 30°C and 70°C with the control unit. The gas/electric boiler also has an electric heating element that heats the water even faster.\n9/9/2020 · If your other gas appliances aren't working either, it's more likely there is a problem with your gas supplier/supply, not your boiler or hot water. Settings If there has been a power cut, it is not unusual for boilers to reset to a default mode or factory settings which may stop your boiler from functioning in the way you'd expect.\nWhen your shower goes cold, hot, and then cold again it's natural to blame the combi boiler for the problem. However, you may have a different problem. Share: 0 0 website builder A combi boiler is a highly efficient, on-demand gas water heater that supplies your bathroom, shower enclosure and kitchen on …\nChina Gas Boiler with Heating System and Shower Water, Find details about China Temperature Controller, Hot Water Cirulation System from Gas Boiler with Heating System and Shower Water - Zhejiang Huaxi Electronics Co., Ltd.\n30/12/2015 · Option 3: Mixer valve shower. Your final possibility is a mixer valve shower. This type of shower can be used with a low pressure hot water tank, but will only give you hot water if the water in the tank is heated by the gas boiler or electric immersion.\n5/3/2021 · Thermesh Therm Services is the Indian distributor for Hot Water Boiler, M.S. Tank, S.S. Tank, Vessels Fabrication, Electrical Panel, #Imported Burner, #Riello Burner, #Sookook Burner, #Ecoflam Burner, #Baltur Burner, #Unigas Burner, #Lamborghini Burner, #Baltur Burner, #Alfatherm Burner providing design and technical support, product training and ongoing service & maintenance.\nHow a gas boiler works to create heat. A gas boiler functions in a similar way to oil or biomass boilers, with the central element being the burner; this is switched on and off by a heating control. You can either trigger the switch manually or by setting the thermostat to …\nCopyright © 2021.Boiler System Supplier All Rights Reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "With that thought, consider this: when your business is ticking along – so is the meter, meaning your energy costs could be adding up when they don’t need to be.\nUnderstanding your energy consumption and running costs may seem like learning a foreign language, but for Yasmin Guner, there was light at the end of the tunnel.\nFor Yasmin, 30 years’ experience in small business didn’t stop her from seeking new ways of being more efficient. And her drive to cut energy costs has certainly paid off. Yasmin owns an eat-in and takeaway business on the Central Coast of New South Wales. As a food business, energy costs are high. There’s fresh produce to keep cool, drinks to keep chilled, burners for cooking and that’s just for starters.\nYasmin used the free government Business Energy Advice Program (BEAP) to evaluate her energy consumption and find ways to be more efficient. BEAP provided an energy specialist consultant who assessed her energy consumption and provided a report with tailored recommendations. The service included advice on checking how the fridge motors were running, so everything would be at an optimum temperature for produce to remain fresh without excessive electricity being used.\nYasmin’s key takeaways\nBeing a Monday to Friday operation meant there were opportunities to save on energy outside of trading times. One BEAP recommendation was to stop running the drinks fridge outside of business operating hours. By investing in a $29 timer, Yasmin was able to save on electricity usage across the whole weekend and 13 hours of electricity usage on weekdays. Based on past bills, the efficiency savings are estimated at $260 a year, for implementing one simple initiative.\nYasmin says BEAP was “awesome”, adding “I took his advice… (he) showed me really smart ways of looking at things. It was great!”\nBy reducing her energy consumption, Yasmin has saved on running costs and contributed to workplace sustainability.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "I ran off to Alaska at 23. Blinded by love I set roots in a small coastal fishing town on a slender strip of rainforest landlocked by mountains, glaciers and the largest contiguous wetland on the Pacific coast of North America. I learned how to smoke salmon in the traditional ways, forage for wild berries, mushrooms, climb mountains, kayak open waters and hunt island deer. If you knew where I grew up you’d say I was pretty far from home… Except that home never leaves you. As they say, home is where the heart is.\nI didn’t fall in love with another human if that’s what you were thinking… l fell in love with the Copper River, and the untamed spirit of its wilderness. I fell in love with the highly prized salmon way of life . I fell in love with slow living, with periodic endless rainy days and with breathtaking scenery that is so rugged it pierces the heart. Basically I moved to summer camp.\nThe Copper River and its tributaries make up an impressive watershed of wilderness. It supports more wild critters than can be counted. The Copper River is a highly productive ecosystem in a broken world. It is a reminder of the past, only it is intoxicatingly present and a prescient reminder of a future that heeds our attention. Wild salmon and the web of life they weave is delicate. We need only look along the Pacific coast to see the frail balance of salmon rivers and sad story of wild salmon’s survival in the face of unbridled development.\nAlaskans are a salmon culture. Salmon feeds us in all sorts of ways. When the salmon go, our spirit goes with them.\nI was raised with conviction – not necessarily religious or dogmatic, but ideological. I was raised to give voice to people and issues that didn’t have a voice. I was raised to have empathy and social responsibility. I was also repeatedly encouraged to follow my heart by my father who had an entrepreneurial spirit. At age 12, I was employing my sisters in a small jewelry making business.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Be aware though that the bones in the head of the larger lionfish are very strong and it can be difficult to pull the fish back off of the spear if there are large or many barbs from the spear tip stuck in the lionfish head.\nAre lionfish invasive florida?\nLionfish are an invasive species that have a potential negative impact on native species and habitat. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) encourages people to remove lionfish from Florida waters to help limit negative impacts to native marine life and ecosystems.\nDo reef sharks eat lionfish?\nReef sharks are thought to be one of a few animals that can choke down a lionfish. To avoid the toxic spikes on its back and tail fin, said Antonio Busiello, they eat the fish starting at its mouth.\nDoes lion fish have fins and scales?\nThey have no scales, which makes them easier to filet. 4. Lionfish makes a delicious meal! The fins of the Lionfish are venomous.\nHow many offspring can a lionfish have?\nA female Lionfish can shockingly release between 10,000 and 30,000 unfertilized eggs every 4 days year around, approximately 2 MILLION eggs per year, in South Florida and warmer Caribbean waters but possibly only spawn 3 to 4 months a year in colder waters.\nHow often should you feed a lionfish?\nIn the wild, a lionfish will consume from one to more than 10 small- to medium-size prey items per day. In the aquarium, it is preferable to feed your lionfish two or three times a week, depending on the temperature of the aquarium (at lower water temperatures, you will not need to feed them as much).\nIs a lionfish good to eat?\nYes, lionfish are yummy, but eating them also raises a few concerns. Most notable are the long needle-sharp spines that rise from their backs and sides like tournament flags. Such spines can deliver a painful sting, from venom glands in the fish’s fins. Fileting takes a delicate touch, to avoid pricking a finger.\nWhere is the green crab native to?\nInvasive European Green Crab. The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a small shore crab whose native distribution is in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, ranging along coasts from northern Africa to Norway and Iceland.\nWhy are people hunting lionfish?\nThey have no predators to keep their numbers in check due to their aggressive behavior and venomous spines. In the journal Ecological Applications, scientists report that even though lionfish cannot be completely eradicated, controlling their population through hunting can help re-establish native fish species.\nCan you eat scorpion venom?\nScorpions are packed with protein, abundant in certain areas, and relatively easy to find and catch; scorpions may save your life.\nCan you eat a scorpion tail?\nScorpions are a common street food in China and can be found in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and other Southwestern states. They taste a bit like crab. If you decide to dine on scorpion, make sure that you cut the stinger off first. Usually the venom is produced and stored in the top two or so segments of the tail.\nAre scorpions healthy to eat?\nAmong the nutritional benefits of eating insects, Entomo Farms says that they’re rich in protein and iron, and high in omega-3 fatty acids while being low in fat and calories.\nAre lobsters and scorpions?\nAnatomy of a Scorpion You might have noticed that scorpions have some of the same characteristics as a lobster or crab. Their pinchers are one of the similar features. It might not surprise you that both scorpions and lobsters are in the same group. They are both part of the Phylum Arthropoda.\nAre scorpions fireproof?\nWhen his mask is on, Scorpion mostly resembles an ordinary human. The only recognizable differences are the demonic inflection in his voice, his glowing and pupilless white eyes, and his ability to emit (as well as withstand) fire.\nAre there bugs in ketchup?\nAnd it’s not just tomato sauce — canned tomatoes, tomato paste, ketchup and tomato juice can be made with fly and maggot parts and still be considered safe.\nCan you eat rolly pollies raw?\nNot only are they edible but from my experience some of them do in fact taste similar to shrimp. Any bug should be cooked before eaten, but some people eat them raw. They make a great sauce, or they can be added to soup.\nCan you eat bark scorpion?\nScorpions Are Edible They are an essential source of protein. In rural areas, adults and children will go hunting for them. In more urban areas, scorpions are bought and sold as snacks. Although scorpions are hard to find during the day (you may find them under rocks, bark, etc.), they are nocturnal and hunt at night.\nCan you eat the stinger of a scorpion?\nIt’s up to you. Many people do eat the stinger but bit is also common practice for chef’s to chop the stinger tip off.\nCan you eat wild scorpions?\nScorpions are a common street food in China and can be found in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and other Southwestern states. They taste a bit like crab. If you decide to dine on scorpion, make sure that you cut the stinger off first.\nCan you sip tequila?\nDrinking Tequila on It’s Own Many tequila connoisseurs will swear that the best way to drink tequila is to sip it on its own. If you do this, you can order your tequila chilled, on the rocks (ice) or straight up, but most prefer it chilled. Do not order it with salt and lime, that is only for shots.\nCan you still get stung by a dead scorpion?\nHomeowners are then stung when attempting to pick them up. The muscles that administer a sting can actually fire in a dead scorpion, under certain circumstances. If you find a dead scorpion, use a broom and dustpan to pick it up.\nDo cockroaches poop and pee?\nWhat’s Inside Cockroach Droppings And dead insects, including the carcasses of other cockroaches. Cockroaches don’t pee (a not-so fun fact), but instead secrete solid and semi-solid waste. All of which varies in appearance, depending on the size, age, and species of roach you’re dealing with.\nDo people eat live scorpion?\nYes. People eat this. It’s safe to say that the items for sale were creatures that make most Americans on first blush say, “Ick!” Our mission: to find scorpions, a delicacy in China.\nDo roaches have mouths?\nCockroaches do have mouths, of course, but they prefer to use them to eat soft things like fruits and meats.\nDo they still put worms in tequila?\nEven today, with mezcal making a strong, high quality comeback in the spirits world, bottles complete with a worm (and a tiny packet of worm-flavored salt) are still out there. Meanwhile, it’s said the Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (the Mexican Standards authority) actually prohibits adding insects or larvae to tequila.\nDoes jose cuervo have a worm in it?\nTEQUILA DOES NOT HAVE A WORM IN ITS BOTTLE.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Plant Amaryllis in Summer Fora Flower Surprise\nEvery winter holiday we garden enthusiasts go absolutely bonkers for Amaryllis as houseplants. I love them passionately and have been growing them for years. Having some blooming sunshine in mid-winter is a joy in itself and this Amaryllis ‘Apple Blossom’ was the light of my life for several weeks while it was flowering. The flowering heads are so large I tend to think of them as a part of the family. Of course, while amaryllis is known primarily as a houseplant that is exchanged near Christmas, it is far more versatile than that and can be grown year-round and even in your outdoor garden beds.\nAfter the initial bloom during the holidays, clip off the greenery and store it in a cool dark place. Once the bulb has rested a few months, bring it out after the last frost and replant either in a container or in-ground for a second rebloom display as an outdoor plant. Repeat the process of storage and bring the bulb out again in the winter as a houseplant.\nHow to Plant Amaryllis in a Container for Summer\n1. Fill the container ¾ full with organically fertilized potting soil. I used Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Potting Mix formulated with BioCharMax (see below), which is an excellent well-draining organic potting soil filled with nutrients.\n2. Place the bulb on top of the potting soil, then nestle the bulb down about a quarter inch. Make sure to leave the top of the bulb exposed. For Amaryllis, there should be one bulb for a 6-inch pot.\n3. Water so that the soil is moist. Do not over-water as Amaryllis prefers good drainage. Display outside in your garden or in a sunny location in your home.\nAmaryllis Outdoors in Bedding Plants\nIt is easy to grow Amaryllis outdoors in your summer planting beds as well (see photos). When the danger of the last frost passes, amend the ground soil with an organic amendment to increase drainage and nutritive value of the planting area. Organic soil will do such as Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Potting Mix formulated with BioCharMax, then plant the Amaryllis directly in your garden bed with half the bulb above ground. A sunny spot is best, but partial shade will do. Use organic fertilizer to stimulate green growth, however, fertilizer is not necessary for the plant to flower. Before the fall frost sets in, dig up the bulbs and place them in a cool, dry spot to over-winter and start the process again.\nSpecial thanks to Kellogg Garden Organics for providing soil to me this season – the soil worked very well with my herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Happy Amaryllis gardening!\nThese flowers is so beautiful, specially red one.\nThanks for sharing this post.\nIt’s adorable! If I plant them now, will they blow until autumn?\nThey bloom a week or so after the buds fully develop. They will not “bloom until autumn”, but they will grow as a green plant during that time.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Emissis Battery Storage\nIn an era where energy resilience and sustainability are paramount, industrial battery storage stands as a transformative solution for powering industries with efficiency, reliability, and environmental consciousness.\nWe help businesses to make the most of behind-the-meter energy storage. Batteries do more than just store excess power from renewable generation. Even without onsite generation, you can still be an effective smart grid player taking power from the grid when power is cheap and discharging to fuel your business when power is expensive. If you do have onsite renewables you can increase the value of your generation.\nThe Evolution of Industrial Battery Storage:\nIndustrial battery storage has evolved from a mere backup power solution to a dynamic and essential component of modern industrial infrastructure. These advanced systems not only store excess energy but also play a pivotal role in stabilising the electrical grid, enhancing energy efficiency, and providing critical support during peak demand periods.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Collaborations with industry aim to boost solar energy technology\nArizona State University engineers Mariana Bertoni and Stuart Bowden will have roles in partnerships with industry on projects that boost ASU’s growing research activity in photovoltaic technologies for solar energy generation. Photo by Jessica Hochreiter/ASU.\nArizona State University engineers Mariana Bertoni and Stuart Bowden will have roles in partnerships with industry that are part of an effort by the U.S. Department of Energy to aid photovoltaic manufacturing and supply-chain companies to advance their technologies.\nTheir projects are among research and development endeavors the Department of Energy is supporting through its SunShot Solar Manufacturing 2 program, which is providing more than $24 million to 10 solar energy technology manufacturers based in the United States.\nThe program supports development of innovative technology for novel manufacturing equipment and processes that will reduce costs and increase efficiency.\nBertoni is an assistant professor and Bowden is an associate research professor in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, one of ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. They both are also are senior sustainability scientists in the Global Institute of Sustainability,\nBertoni will work with SolarWorld Industries America Inc. to develop technology for a novel silicon ingot growth, the process by which the material for solar cells is manufactured. Funding from the Department of Energy will help transition SolarWorld’s proprietary NeoGrowth manufacturing process from pilot stage into early-stage production.\nSolarWorld is the largest U.S. solar panel manufacturer and one of the world’s largest solar-technology producers, headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon.\nThe project will upscale the NeoGrowth production capacity to 300 megawatts of high-quality silicon wafers at a cost that is competitive with wafers on the open market.\nBertoni will identify the most detrimental defects present in the new crystals grown by SolarWorld and analyze the impact of the crystals on the performance of solar cells. The results will help SolarWorld optimize growth conditions to minimize as-grown defects and maximize the power-conversion efficiency of the final solar cells.\n“This technology has the potential to revolutionize the wafer manufacturing industry by increasing throughput and quality when compared to current market technologies,” she said.\nBowden will work with Technic Inc. to eliminate the use of silver in the manufacturing of solar energy cells, and replace it with copper, a more abundant and less costly material. The goal is to develop a copper-plating technique that will reduce the cost of making solar cells without a decrease in performance quality.\nTechnic Inc. has established a global reputation for technical excellence in the electro-deposition of precious metals. It has more than 20 global facilities in 14 countries and is headquartered in Cranston, Rhode Island.\nThe solar photovoltaic industry presently uses 15 percent of the world’s silver supply. Replacing it with copper will allow the industry to grow by a huge magnitude and work at terawatt levels, Bowden said.\nFor his project an ASU research facility will house the first installation of machinery for the new copper-plating process that will enable production of industrial-scale solar cells that do not require silver.\nThe two projects “demonstrate ASU’s leadership in collaborating with industry partners to bring new technologies out of the lab and into the market,” Bowden said.\nA grant of $4 million to SolarWorld Industries America includes $400,000 for Bertoni’s research.\nA $900,000 grant to Technic Inc. allocates $400,000 for Bowden’s research.\nThe projects boost ASU’s growing research activity in photovoltaic technologies for solar energy generation.\nThe largest part of that research portfolio is the Engineering Research Center for Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies – or QESST – supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy to solve technological and economic challenges to harnessing solar power on larger scales. Read more.\nBertoni and Bowden are part of the QESST research team.\nJoe Kullman, [email protected]\nIra A. Fulton Schools of Engineering", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Did you know?\nThis shark is a specialist in capturing bottom-dwelling prey in caves and crevices, feeding mainly on octopus, lobsters and crabs.\nAlong with a down-slanted mouth, the prominent brow ridges give this shark a permanent “disgusted” expression to its face.\nThey live in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. During the day they rest on the sandy reef bottom or in caves, usually in groups.\nIt's relatively harmless to humans due to its easy going disposition and small teeth. It avoids close contact with humans, swimming off when approached by swimmers and divers. However because of their slow reproduction rate, late age maturity and limited habitat, any human interference has a big effect. So even though there are low levels of Whitetip reef shark fishing, it is enough to hit population levels.\n2.5 million litres of water and 87 tonnes of salt make this display home to some of the most incredible animals in the sea.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Looking for a sustainable alternative to your favourite tops? The campirana off-shoulder top is handmade with 100 % organic cotton and vegetable dyes. Dress it up by tucking it in your trousers. Weekend gatherings? Perfect, it pairs well with denin. Each top is hand-stitched.\nHandmade and fair trade made in Mexico\nCare label: gentle cold cycle, do not bleach, hang to dry, don’t dry clean", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Looking For Lamprey\nPLATTSBURGH CITY - Sept. 28, 2012\nA man wades through a shallow pool near the mouth of the Saranac River, the boxy device strapped on his back emitting distinctive electronic sounds. He appears to be a cross between a fisherman and a Ghostbuster: cap, waders, rubber boots, and what appears to a crude knock-off of a proton pack cabled to a long white pole he uses to probe the water.\nWading next to him is a woman wearing sunglasses, her dark hair up in a bun, holding a plastic bucket in one hand and a pole topped with a mesh net in the other. When there's a long beep, the woman scoops up something from the water and dumps it into the bucket.\n|(Left to right) George Maynard, Alex Sotola and Aude Lochet net another baby lamprey in the Saranac River.|\nAude explains later that she's working on a project involving sea lampreys, an invasive lake species that spawns upriver.\nAccording to my online research the offspring from those aquatic honeymoons work their way downstream into Lake Champlain, later becoming adults to continue the cycle.\nAlso from my online research I learn that adult lamprey die after spawning but the thousands of eggs laid by the female -- up to 100,000 -- drift downriver and burrow into the riverbed, feeding on algae, microscopic organisms and detritus, growing into wormlike larva.\nAn adult lamprey -- which can grow up to 24 inches long -- looks like an eel with a circular sucker mouth ringed with teeth. The parasite attaches itself to a fish, boring in to drink its blood and fluids. Most victims are species like trout which have commercial value.\nAude and her companions are looking for young lamprey as part of her study. The pack that Alex is wearing emits a shock similar to the charge given off by an electric fence. The long beep is a warning that current is being generated and that no one should reach into the water during that time.\nThe purpose of the shock is to jolt the young lamprey to the surface from their ensconced safety in the muck at the bottom of the pool. Aude will take the lamprey back to the lab to determine where they have originated from upstream. George explains that a water source can be tagged by the chemicals (pollution) and minerals peculiar to that source.\n|A baby lamprey looks cute but it will grow up into a blood-sucking multi-fanged killer. At this point this one is a transformer -- so-called because it's transforming into an adult, developing eyes and a round disc of teeth.|", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "About the PlanNet Zero Initiative\nTel Aviv University's Climate Crisis Initiative is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary endeavor to seek out solutions for the climate crisis (Image: NASA, Fires Burn in Argentina’s Iberá National Park))\nAreas of Engagement\nThe climate initiative focuses its activities on a number of “Areas of Engagement” whose goal is to bring about a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and multi-sector engagement for a specific topic.\nTel Aviv University's Green Energy Transformation\nWithin two years, all the electricity used by the TAU campus will be green energy based", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Fiberglass batt insulation consists of pre-cut panels of insulation that come in a variety of lengths, widths, and R-values (resistance of insulation to heat flow). They can be found with or without facing; batts with facing are used on exterior walls, attics, basements, ceilings, and floors. This type of insulation is suited for standard studs and joists in a typical home.\nCellulose insulation is one of the most effective, affordable and environmentally-friendly building products on the market today. It’s produced from 75% to 85% recycled paper products that are combined with fire retarding boric acid or ammonium sulphate; which also helps prevent the formation of mold by improving air flow and serves as an excellent deterrent to insects and rodents. It can be used as wall insulation and attic insulation in existing homes and in new home constructions.\nDense Pack Insulation\nDense Pack insulation is when cellulose/fiberglass is blown into wall cavity effectively sealing the whole cavity providing excellent thermal resistance, sound proof walls and greatly retarding air flow.\nThere is no better way to seal your home from moisture and air, strengthen the structure of your home, save on energy bills and protect your family’s health from dangerous pollutants than spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation is a popular choice in insulation.\nApplied as a liquid, spray foam expands to 100 times its volume in seconds it fills every crack and creates an air barrier to minimize air leakage and create an airtightness seal. Spray foam is used as wall insulation and as attic insulation.\nYou’ll be surprised on how many holes, gaps, and cracks are found around the doors, window frames, pipes and plumbing lines, electrical outlets, attics and basements in your home or building. Adding up these small openings can be equivalent to having a window or door open. In older un-weatherized homes, it is estimated that 20-50% of heating and cooling bills are wasted on air leakage (source: Michigan Energy Options).\nSpray foam insulation also meets all the qualifying requirements to receive tax credits. For more information I’ve attached the link. https://www.energystar.gov/about/federal_tax_credits", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Chlorophytum, Spider Plant\nChlorophytum is attractive green with white stripe variegation. This plant is indoor as well as outdoor plant.\nWith this purchase you will get:\nDescription for Chlorophytum, Spider Plant\nThe Spider Plant, or Chlorophytum, is possibly the most popular house plant.\nOne of the most interesting points of the Spider Plant is its ability to rapidly propagate itself, through us, people!\nA “baby” or “pup” from the mother plant will often root with a very high success rate and within a year it s producing babies of its own to give out to your family and friends. Children love it and adults too.\nThey are good at purifying the air in your home and they are very easy to maintain.\nPlanting and care\nChlorophytum grows very well in cultivation. Its ornamental, gracefully ascending-spreading to recurved leaves in a central rosette make it so popular.\nThe many ‘pups or vegetative plant-lets are usually given away by the owners and this has resulted in the species being one of the most commonly used and popular house plants throughout the world.\nThe white-striped cultivars are probably more often grown than the original plant. In the garden it grows best under trees or on shady embankments, especially in gardens in the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt. It is a fast grower.\nIn other parts of the world it can also be grown out-of-doors, but is best cultivated in Mediterranean-type gardens where frost is not too severe (parts of California and the Mediterranean).\nThe plant prefers partial shade, especially in hot dry climates. It should therefore be protected from full sun.\nPlants should reach flowering size within a year.\nCaring for Chlorophytum\n- The young plants when rooted can be replanted and transplanted outdoors and used summer bedding, but when planted this way they will need protection from direct sun. Keep it well fed and pot-bound. When its stems fill the pot, and when the white, worm like rhizomes bulge over the surface, it can divided easily.\nTypical uses of Chlorophytum\nOrnamental use: Spider plants look best in hanging baskets or on tall stands or pedestals to show off their trailing foliage.\nTheir variegated leaves and graceful, fountain-like growing habit add a beautiful contrast and texture when grouped with other house plants.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Summer is the season that is filled with outside activities. Everybody is out in the sunlight enjoying the scenery. Summer is certainly also the season for accidents and insect bites. Bees attack human beings and other insects when they feel their territory is threatened.\nBees are eventful insects and are very defensive. If you happen to travel around their beehive in their territory or block their way, they will probably sting you. Although bee stings do not require medical assistance but if you are stung by several bees at a time it can be severe. Some individuals are also allergic to bee stings.\nOccasionally bee stings can cause extremely severe difficulties such as anaphylaxis which is a severe allergic response. Some individuals might experience a drop in their blood pressure that can cause them to lose consciousness. Individuals who are allergic to bee sting might experience problems breathing, feeling faint, hives, rapid pulse and vomiting.\nSix Treatment Tips For Bee Stings\n- As with any medical disorder, the finest treatment is avoidance. The most evident way to avoid a bee sting is to understand the territorial nature of bees. Though one bee soaring around your backyard does not generally produce any threat, if you begin seeing more than two bees of the same kind in the same small region, you can be certain that you are close to their hive.\n- Bees are automatically attracted by scents and other sugary smells you use can confuse bees and attract them to you.\n- An additional prevention step is to shift away from the beehive or moving in the opposite path of the hive. If you are close to the hive, this will cause agitation among the bees.\n- If it is a single bee sting and you are able to get rid of the stinger without damaging any venom sacs, you can clean the region with a large amount of cold water and clean it with soap.\n- Given that bee stings are also toxic, causing inflammation, it should be treated cautiously. Rinse the stung region with cold water and soap. Cold water can help decrease inflammation and the soap will help prevent a bacterial virus that may occur.\n- If you do not discover any severe symptom, you can do some first aids such as placing ice or an antibiotic gel. This will decrease further pain. The ice will also lessen the inflammation and burning sensation and the antibiotic gel will reduce the possibility of a bacterial virus.\nRelated Video On Bee Stings", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Improving nutrient application improves water quality and farm profitability\nMetadataShow full item record\nThe maintenance of good quality water, whether drinking water, river water or ocean water, is in everyone’s interest. Over the last couple of decades, the sugar industry has played a significant part in attempting to address water quality concerns. So how can recommended sugar industry fertiliser practices contribute to the improvement of both water quality and farm profitability?\n- CaneConnection articles", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance has published in the Kenya Gazette the regulations establishing the Water Towers Conservation Fund. The Fund will support the restoration, conservation and sustainable management of the Mau Forests Complex and the other waters towers in Kenya in an equitable, efficient and transparent manner.\nThe regulations were prepared by the Interim Coordinating Secretariat, the Ministry for Finance and the Attorney-General Chambers after consultation with other relevant ministries. The establishment of the Fund is part of the Interim Coordinating Secretariat’s mandate which includes “to develop the framework for long-term measures to restore and sustainably manage the Mau Forests Complex and other water towers”.\nIn line with the regulations, the Office of the Prime Minister, being the ministry for the time being responsible for the coordination of the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of the Mau Forests Complex and other water towers, will operationalize and administer the Fund.\nThe Fund will be managed by a National Water Towers Management Committee that will comprise eight members:\n- The Chairman who shall not be a public officer, appointed by virtue of his knowledge and experience in matter relating to good governance and the management of public resources;\n- The Permanent Secretaries from the Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and Ministry of Water and Irrigation; and,\n- Four other persons appointed by virtue of their knowledge and experience in matters relating to the management of public resources, financial management, restoration, sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, including forest, land and water resources and mainstreaming of poverty reduction strategies in sustainable rural development.\nKindly peruse the notice by clicking the link provided in the Mau Restoration Website\nReport courtesy of the Interim Coordinating Secretariat (ICS)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "S72 Solar Mobile Power Supply\nAuthor: Source: Datetime: 2016-10-08 15:42:59\nMobile Sunshine S72 mobile power on the sun can directly use solar charging, extended mobile power life, the nominal capacity of 7200mAh lifepo4 battery pack, can support the maximum 5V / 1A charge output, can be better To meet the needs of most users of digital devices in the hands of the charge. Many people have encountered in outdoor digital equipment without the pain, a long time outdoors with a solar mobile power is necessary.\nMobile S72 mobile power fuselage comes with monocrystalline silicon solar panels, had been used for the military; body heat ABS air plastic, better than ordinary plastic heat dissipation, better protection of power. Monocrystalline silicon solar panels allow the conversion of solar light to mobile phones, PSP and other electronic equipment.\nThis S72 use lifepo4 batteries with BMS very safe.Move the sun S72 top of the key hole for the beautiful design, simple and stylish, usually the user can hang it on the wall, saving space, carrying out, you can wear through the rope ring in the chest, easy access at any time. Keyhole design below a black power key, it is very eye-catching, next to the design of four LED power indicator, you can press the power key to see the remaining power. This mobile power in the design of the beginning of the adoption of a lot of user recommendations for the majority of users.\nTAG: Time Drones Tiger Devices Alta AES Ireland Hawaii Duke 100Ah 48V telecom Malta Battery-Box Passenger\nTesla Solar Battery Charge For Ele...\nTesla Electric Motor Company hopes its huge Supercharger charging station network will be able to use solar or b...\nEV Battery Hub Established\nBritish officials and Jaguar Land Rover want to see Coventry become the hub of British electric car batteries.\nCATL EV Battery\nThe next global powerhouse in the auto industry comes from a small city in a tea-growing province of southeast Ch...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "We all live underneath a huge ocean of air that is several miles deep. The pressure on our bodies is about the same as ten meters of sea water pressing down on us all the time. As you go up a mountain, the air becomes less compressed and is therefore thinner.\nBoyle’s law: the pressure of a given gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature. This relationship between pressure and volume means doubling the volume of a given mass of gas decreases its pressure by half.\nThe percentage of oxygen molecules is exactly the same, 21%, at any given altitude, The problem is that the concentration of all the molecules decrease since the volume increased, including the Oxygen.\nSo although the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is the same, the thinner air means there is less oxygen to breathe.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sleeping in our homes\nAnother factor which ranks highly is how good and sound asleep we are sleeping in our homes. The importance of sleep for health is of course great, but it also influences our performance. But what we do with the trapped air that we have in our bedroom?\nSleep better in the dark and noise-free rooms\nMost of us would agree that we sleep better in the dark and noise-free rooms. A new Danish study shows that even the air quality affects the quality of sleep. The study was admittedly quite small but gave clear results.\nIn the survey healthy people in ages of 20-30 were sleeping in rooms with different air quality. The difference in air quality were obtained by three different degrees of ventilation:\n1) closed bedroom window (almost no ventilation) – resulting in poor indoor air quality\n2) bedroom window ajar – which gave good air quality\n3) closed windows with mechanical ventilation, which gave good air quality\nSleeping better with good air quality provided by ventilation\nIn the last case of mechanical ventilation subjects were asleep fastest, were the most alert and felt better the next day.\nAn interesting observation was made that despite the fact that air quality was about the same in cases 2) and 3), the quality of sleep and next day´s performance was lower for those who slept with the window slightly open. The conductors of the test believed that this is likely due to the disrupted traffic and perhaps other sounds from outside.\nRead more about our homes and ventilation\nRead more about why do we need ventilation and the effects on our health in our homes (link here). Other important issues to consider our homes are: air we breathe (link here), moisture (read more here), pollutions (read more here) and radon (read more here).", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "In Western Europe, Fukushima’s power reactor disaster has produced a loud round of anti-nuclear power reactions. Germany says it will phase out atomic power by 2022, and the Swiss insist they will shutter their reactor fleet by 2034. Earlier this month, the Italian public rebuked Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s nuclear plans with an overwhelming approval of a binding, national anti-nuclear referendum and Finland’s new coalition government just signalled the end of any further nuclear construction by appointing a Green to be environment minister. Even in France, the Socialists—a major political force—are now courting the French Green Party, which is demanding a French power reactor close out by 2040. Add to this previously planned reactor decommissionings and the prospects for any net European nuclear-power expansion in the next two decades does not look good.\nThe question now is, what implications, if any, will these actions have for energy policy in Europe and beyond? The trick will be not to prejudge what they might be.\nAtomic power’s supporters, of course, insist that if nuclear power is not allowed to expand further, electricity prices will soar. Europe, they warn, will only become more dependent on Russian gas and rely more on French and Eastern European nuclear power, and green house gas emissions will increase. Europe will be deprived of critical base-load electricity, they insist. Industrial production will decline.\nSome of this sounds reasonable but to what extent each prediction is true (if at all) is pretty unclear. Indeed, the more nuclear power’s supporters denigrate their European opponents, the more the dare to unplug nuclear in 10 to 20 years gains in value as an experiment to see just who is right.\nThere is certainly plenty to learn.\nWill Western Europe become dangerously dependent upon Russian natural gas? Natural gas burns relatively cleanly (emitting half the carbon of most types of coal), is vastly more efficient for heating, and is far more affordable than petroleum for anything but cars and trucks. Not surprisingly, France, Italy, and Spain all have long-term gas contracts with Algeria. However, these contracts were cut when gas prices were tied to the high price of oil. Natural gas is so abundant now, though, gas spot market prices are far lower than oil, so indexing the price to oil, as these long-term contracts do, no longer makes sense. Will they be renegotiated? If so, when?\nAs for unconventional gas, Poland has discovered plenty. The Russians, eager for political control, want to develop it. Will Poland let them or might others take the lead?\nFrance, with a vast surplus of nuclear electrical capacity, encourages its citizens to mop up this excess by heating their homes inefficiently with electricity. Meanwhile, France imports expensive natural gas to take care of spikes in electrical demand that nuclear can’t supply. Compounding this energy weirdness, the French have banned domestic unconventional gas exploration for “environmental” reasons. Is this the model Europe will follow or will domestic fracking be allowed?\nVery close to Europe, massive amounts of unconventional gas have been discovered off Israel’s shores that the U.S. Geological Survey describes as being “bigger than anything we have assessed in the US.” Natural gas’s low price currently has stymied development of these reserves. When might rising European demand change that?\nThen there is the matter of integrating and modernizing Europe’s electrical distribution system. Germany is pushing this to reduce the number of generating stations needed to keep the current grid from collapsing and to accommodate more intermittent renewables like wind and solar. How feasible is this?\nFinally, there are the renewable technologies themselves. Will their declining costs (currently tracking a kind of Moore’s Law) make them deployable without subsidies? If so, when?\nThe short answer is that we don’t know but are sure to find out well before the last power reactor is switched off in one to two decades. During the interim, nuclear power’s supporters have plenty to keep themselves busy, starting with safety.\nFukushima, it turns out, was not just a natural disaster. Emergency preparedness and management cocked up. Safety backup and electrical supply systems failed and the earthquake – not just the Tsunami – triggered much of this. Certainly, if the world’s leading nuclear regulators in the U.S., Europe, and Japan pull their punch or coddle the industry, they risk clearing the way for another Fukushima.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "If you are new to bonsai, you may have some pretty understandable questions, such as “how long can a bonsai go without water?”\nAfter all, the art of bonsai is pretty complex and delicate, so it’s essential to be aware of such crucial factors to get the ideal tree.\nBecause many different species can become bonsai trees, there is no universal amount of time a bonsai tree can go without water.\nHowever, the average time a tree can survive without water is two weeks.\nBut, you should know that several other factors can affect how often you should water your bonsai.\nIn this article, we’ll look at different elements, like species and environment, that can help you decide when you’ll need to water your bonsai.\nHow Long Can a Bonsai Go Without Water?\nFirst of all, you should know that there is no such thing as a “bonsai” species of tree.\nThere are actually many different species that can become bonsai trees.\nNaturally, this means there is no universal constant as to how often you’ll need to water a bonsai tree.\nAfter all, different trees have different needs.\nAnd the species of the bonsai tree in question may determine how often you need to water it, more so than any other factor.\nYet, of course, many species that have become popular as bonsai trees have done so because they are easy to take care of and do not require constant attention.\nThus, most species of tree that people use for bonsai can go without water for roughly two weeks.\nIf conditions around the tree are absolutely ideal, they might be able to live without water for three weeks.\nBut, you should definitely research the particular type of tree you are using as a bonsai and check how often you’ll need to water it.\nThat’s the best way to ensure you get an accurate idea of how often to water your bonsai.\nHow to Tell When to Water Your Bonsai\nUnfortunately, taking care of trees is not an exact science.\nYou just don’t have a nifty little meter or clock that tells you the exact time you’ll need to water a tree.\nSo, you often have to make an educated guess.\nThat being the case, there are ways for you to make an informed guess as to when your bonsai needs water, and you can usually do that by feeling the soil.\nThus, if you are unsure if it is time to water your bonsai, stick your finger into the soil, about half an inch deep.\nThis soil should be fairly moist.\nIf the soil at that depth is dry, it’s probably a good time to water your bonsai.\nHowever, it’s essential to remember that this is a general rule of thumb and may not be the most accurate way to judge when you should water your bonsai.\nStill, this method can be pretty useful in determining when your tree needs a drink.\nHome Conditions Make a Difference\nHow long your bonsai can survive between waterings depends a lot on the conditions the bonsai tree has to put up within your house.\nAs you may imagine, if your home is full of hot, dry air, you may need to water the bonsai rather frequently.\nSo, generally speaking, you don’t want the humidity in the surrounding environment to be too low.\nAnd some parts of your home may be more humid than others, so try to pick a relatively humid spot for your bonsai tree.\nHow Often Should You Water a Bonsai for Optimum Health?\nEarlier, I said that a bonsai could go without water for two weeks on average and even three in some cases.\nBut just because that’s how long a bonsai can go without water does not mean that’s how long you should actually wait to water it under normal circumstances.\nYour bonsai may survive without water for two or three weeks, but you typically still want to water it every four to seven days if you want the tree to be healthy and not have any problems.\nYou certainly wouldn’t want to water it only once every two weeks, or the tree could start to look sickly.\nOverall, bonsai trees need regular water to stay healthy and strong.\nBelow are some of the most common bonsai species and some guidelines about when you should water them.\nFicus bonsais prefer moist soil, so you should check its dirt every day to ensure the top layer is still damp.\nOverall, you should never allow the soil of a ficus bonsai to get any more than slightly dry.\nNormally, you’ll need to water a juniper bonsai every two or three days.\nHowever, if you live in a particularly wet climate, you may only need to water it once a week.\nJapanese Maple Bonsai\nIn the first month after planting, you should water your Japanese maple every two or three days.\nYet, after a month, you will only need to water it once a week or more often if the soil gets dry.\nMany species of trees can be bonsais, meaning you may need to water different bonsai trees at different rates.\nTherefore, you should research the needs of the particular species of tree you own.\nYet, generally speaking, a bonsai tree can survive for up to two weeks without water before it starts suffering adverse effects.\nHowever, if the environment the tree exists in is particularly suitable for the tree, it may be able to go as long as three weeks without water.\nYou should strive to water your bonsai about every four to seven days, though, to ensure the plant stays healthy and beautiful.\nTable of Contents", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "WHAT IS SOLAR PANEL?\nPortable solar panels are more compact solar panels, or foldable panels, which are easier to install and can be brought with you wherever you go. They convert sunlight into electricity or heat like typical solar panels, with each panel being divided up into smaller cells made of thin layers of silicon. Even the biggest portable solar panel can be carried in a car.\nPortable solar panel kits usually come with things like a cable, storage case, stand, solar charge controller, inverter, and a battery. Because of its portability, it is a great option for having a power device on the go.\nPortable & Foldable Solar Panels\nROCKSOLAR's portable and foldable solar panels are the perfect solution for those seeking convenient access to renewable energy on-the-go. Designed with both portability and efficiency in mind, these panels are lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport and store. Whether you're camping, hiking, or traveling off the grid, ROCKSOLAR's panels provide a reliable source of clean energy to power your devices and appliances. With ROCKSOLAR, you can enjoy the freedom and convenience of solar energy wherever you go.\nUltra-thin Flexible Solar Panels\nROCKSOLAR's Ultra-thin Flexible Solar Panels are innovative and versatile solar panels designed for easy integration into a range of applications. With a thickness of just a few millimeters, these panels are incredibly lightweight and flexible, making them ideal for use in curved or uneven surfaces where traditional rigid panels cannot be used. They are also durable and weather-resistant, able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. These solar panels are highly efficient and can produce power even in low light conditions.\nRigid Solar Panels\nROCKSOLAR's Rigid Solar Panels are high-performance solar panels that provide reliable and efficient power for a variety of applications. They are constructed using high-quality materials, making them durable and long-lasting. They are designed to be mounted onto a fixed surface, such as a rooftop, and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including high winds and heavy snow loads. ROCKSOLAR's Rigid Solar Panels are highly efficient, converting sunlight into electricity at a high rate, and are available in a range of sizes and power outputs to suit various needs.\nHOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD SOLAR PANEL\nROCKSOLAR CA offers a great selection of portable solar panels, but you should go over these key features to make sure you’re choosing the right kit for your needs.\nMonocrystalline Solar Panels\nThe charging efficiency can reach up to 24% when made with monocrystalline solar cells and equipped with adjustable stands. Make the most of solar energy.\nUnlimited Power Supply\nROCKSOLAR power stations can store solar energy at fast speeds, and charge your gear with high efficiency no matter where you are.\nSimple Plug & Play Procedure\nYou can pair your solar panels with a power station easily so you can be online while off-the-grid.\nROCKSOLAR solar panels are designed for portability with their foldable design feature and easy, lightweight carry case.\nEven when you factor in the manufacturing process of solar panels, the emissions generated\ncan be up to 25 times less than the same amount of energy from fossil fuels. This makes the technology extremely beneficial and eco-friendly.\nCompare & Buy\nROCKSOLAR 150W 12V Rigid Solar Panel\nROCKSOLAR 100W 12V Rigid Solar Panel\nROCKSOLAR 50W 12V Rigid Solar Panel\nROCKSOLAR 30W 12V Flexible Solar Panel\nROCKSOLAR 15W 12V Flexible Solar Panel\n|44.09 x 26.38 x 1.18 inches\n|29.92 x 26.38 x 1.18 inches\n|26.38 x 16.14 x 0.98 inches\n|21.26 x 13.78 x 0.78 inches\n|11.81 x 13.78 x 0.78 inches\n|150W Rigid Solar Panel, MC4 Connectors\n|100W Rigid Solar Panel, MC4 Connectors\n|50W Rigid Solar Panel, MC4 Connectors\n|30W Solar Panel, Charging Adapters, Suction Cup, MC4 Connector\n|15W Solar Panel, Charging Adapters, Suction Cup, MC4 Connector\nWhere can I use ROCKSOLAR Flexible Monocrystalline Solar Panel?\nOur ROCKSOLAR Flexible Solar Panel can be used in a wide range of applications: RV, Field Work Charging, Camping, Off-Grid Setups, Marine & Boats, Irregular surfaces and so much more!\nWhere can I use ROCKSOLAR Foldable Solar Panel Portable?\nYou can use it for camping trips, outdoor photography, fishing trips, hiking excursions, and more.\nIs it thin and flexible?\nYes, our ROCKSOLAR 100W 12V Flexible Monocrystalline Solar Panel is thin and flexible.\nDoes this product has power storage?\nThis product doesn't have a power storage function. The charging effect will be different based on different sunlight angles, sunlight radiance, and the actual demands of the device on the charging current.\nIs this product waterproof?\nYes, this product is Weather resistant and laminated with glass-faced monocrystalline silicon allowing this panel to operate in the least optimal situations. Bypass Diodes to reduce power drop from shadows. IP65 Rating. Operating temperature: -20 ~ +50", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "We FINALLY Know Why Melbourne's Spring Has SUCKED So Much!\nIt’s been one of the toughest springs to get through in Melbourne, and it seems we finally know the reason.\nWhile Spring always triggers high winds in Melbourne, this October has been particularly blustery.\nIn the last month alone, the Bureau of Meteorology has issued 50 severe weather warnings amid Melbourne’s seventh storm.\nUsually, according to senior climatologist Kevin Smith, we only get ‘about three’ storms during October.\nBut it was so bad this year, and it was our worst since ‘2009. So it's certainly been a bit windier than normal [in Victoria]. Spring in itself is a naturally variable period because you transition from winter to summer.\n\"So you are going to get extremes.\"\nThe reason why? Something you may never have heard of called the Indian Ocean Dipole. The Dipole is the name for the changing ocean temperatures that affect our weather, and at the moment, it is experiencing it’s strongest negative in 50 years.\nThat is also why spring has felt like winter.\n\"All these things are affecting us,\" Mr Smith said.\n\"Everything is happening at once.\"\nHowever, there is some good news, with the wild weather set to calm as soon as the mercury beings to climb.\n\"We'll be back to more normal conditions soon, and January rainfall will be more average,\" Smith said.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Written by Philip Lymbery\nSaturday, February 27th is International Polar Bear Day. A day to celebrate these magnificent animals whose plight has drawn the world’s attention to the threat of climate change.\nTwo years ago, in February 2019, the Russian archipelago of Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean experienced a mass invasion of polar bears. According to reports, as many as 52 polar bears were searching garbage and entering buildings in search of food. Adults and youngsters jostled for what edible pickings they could find amongst the bags, rags and plastic bottles strewn around. They got into dumpsters and even buildings where they were filmed making their way past children’s pushchairs parked in a residential hallway. Extra fences were erected around schools and other buildings to keep the hungry visitors out. Special patrols were mounted with cars and dogs to shoo them back to where they came from.\nCommenting on the Novaya Zemlya polar bear invasion, WWF Russia said, the “number of human and predator encounters in the Arctic is increasing. The main reason is the decline of the sea ice area due to the changing climate. In the absence of ice cover, animals are forced to go ashore in search of food. And settlements with spontaneous waste deposits are the most attractive places.”\nThese real-world examples of accelerating climate change are increasingly catching the eye of those in positions of power; the question is whether they are prepared to do what’s necessary to save the future for people, polar bears and the rest of life on this planet?\nTime is Running Out\n“We are the last generation that can prevent irreparable damage to our planet,” Former General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (Ecuador) told world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in New York in March 2019. She went on to stress that there was only a decade left to avert catastrophe from climate change. Garcés described the issue as one of “intergenerational justice,” one that would have a profound effect on future generations.\nGarcés was pointing to the latest global assessment by scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC report found that limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require “rapid and far-reaching” transitions, including in energy, transport and land. The latter – land – being shorthand for agriculture. Going just half a degree higher could mean drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people.\nTo many, the link between those dump-invading polar bears and the rearing of pigs, chickens and cows for food is far from obvious; however, drawing those links – and doing something about them – will be critical if we are to stave off the worst effects of climate change.\nFood is responsible for 21–37 per cent of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. In agriculture, the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions is farmed animals. Globally, the production of animal products is responsible for up to 78 per cent of all agricultural emissions.\nAs it is, the farmed animals sector produces more direct greenhouse gas emissions than the entirety of human transport.\nIn many a climate discussion, cows are cited as a big problem because of the methane they emit; factory farmed pigs and chickens on the other hand are wrongly overlooked.\nIndustrial pigs and poultry may not be emitting large quantities of methane directly in the same way as ruminant animals. However, their rearing still produces serious emissions. Carbon dioxide is released from the intensively managed soils needed to grow their feed. Added to this, intensive pig and poultry rearing also involves feeding soya from deforested farmland in South America, a major source of carbon, into the atmosphere. To get a sense of proportion here, scientists suggest that up to two-thirds of arable land globally is feeding factory farmed pigs, chickens and cattle, as well as biofuel-powered vehicles.\nGrowing feed for factory farmed animals is also causing substantial emissions of nitrous oxide – the most aggressive greenhouse gas – from fertilizers. Nitrous oxide is 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and it also depletes the ozone layer.\nThe world’s governments gathered in Paris in December 2015 to strike an historic deal to limit global warming within the 2-degree Centigrade temperature rise deemed by scientists to be the ‘safe’ maximum level. Even at this level, scientists believe we doom about a third or more of all land-based species of plants and animals to extinction.\nFor decades, polar bears have been the icon of many a campaign to curb climate change; yet still their numbers dwindle. Polar bears sit on top of the world on rapidly shrinking ice packs. As the world warms, they have nowhere left to go. Today, they number about 26,000. Scientists estimate that by the end of the century, polar bears will be all but extinct.\nPigs and poultry on the other hand continue to increase, their numbers already running into tens of billions, mostly living miserable lives on factory farms. As their numbers swell, so too does the burden of cropland to feed them and the consequent release of carbon into the atmosphere.\nAs the stakes ramp up and the consequences become ever more obvious, normally deadpan scientists are making statements that become ever-more shrill. One such assessment predicts a future “far more dangerous” than currently believed: “The scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its lifeforms—including humanity—is in fact so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts.”\nWith the clock ticking fast, polar bears are increasingly seen as bellwether for not just animals high up in the remote Arctic, but also the wellbeing of generations of people to come.\nIn deciding what kind of future we create for polar bears, pigs and people, the question of food and how it gets produced could well be a defining one.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sustainable development is a phrase you hear a lot these days. It refers to a way of doing things that meet the needs of people right now in a way that doesn’t compromise the planet for future generations. There’s a whole UN report on it here.\nSustainable water projects generally have two elements — the “technology” of clean water delivery, which can be as simple as building a well, and education, so people know how to avoid polluting their water system.\nHere are four amazing water sustainability projects that are making a difference:\n1) Water For People\nEstablished in 1991, Water For People was developed out of the American Water Works Association and has projects in Latin America, Africa and India.\nTheir project in Tiraque, Bolivia, is helping to provide clean water to local communities. In Uchuchi Kancha, a community within Tiraque, that has meant a gravity-fed water system that reaches each of the 63 families in the community.\nWater For People also have a rather helpful online reporting portal so you can track the progress on each of their projects.\n2) Clear Cambodia\nIn Cambodia, large numbers of the rural population don’t have access to safe drinking water. Clear Cambodia works with rural populations to install water purification technology such as BioSand Filters in households and villages.\nA BioSand Filter looks like a tall box and works by filtering dirty water through sand, gravel and a ‘biofilm’ layer to remove solid particles and unseen bacteria. It’s an effective and relatively cheap solution for cleaning contaminated water and is used by poverty-stricken communities all over the world.\nOver the last few years, Clear Cambodia has installed more than 150,000 of these filters in households around the country.\n3) One Drop\nFounded by Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté in 2007, One Drop uses an approach it calls the “ABC of sustainability” – that’s (A) providing access to clean water, (B) facilitating behavioral change, and (C) providing capital in the form of microloans and training for investment.\nIts India project won a UN Water Best Practices Award in 2015 for its community mobilisation and education work. The project included innovative ideas to get its message across, including the production of a Bollywood-style movie.\n4) Water Wise Coffee Project\nWell, of course we had to put Water Wise in here too! It’s a great project that is helping coffee farmers around the world clean up their local water supplies.\nProcessing coffee can produce a great deal of waste that is often allowed to get into local rivers. The Water Wise projects helps coffee wet mills to avoid this problem by separating the coffee and turning it into compost, and cleaning the waste water using natural Vetiver grass.\nYou can learn more about the Water Wise Coffee Project here.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Suttons Tankers has won a five-year contract with AdBlue producer Yara for the customer delivery of the company’s Air1-branded bulk AdBlue. Part of the global Suttons Group, the company will transport the clear non-toxic liquid across the country from sites in Scunthorpe, Immingham, Tilbury, Widnes and Gretna. AdBlue is a diesel exhaust fluid used in vehicles with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology to reduce harmful gases being released into the atmosphere. Commented Suttons Tankers MD Michael Cundy: “We already have […]\nDelivery management company Whistl has acquired Devon-based fulfilment and contact centre firm Clientbase for an undisclosed sum.\nUPS said it was working hard to mitigate an increase in ‘cash on delivery’ (CoD) transactions taking place when goods are delivered, after concerns were raised about drivers’ safety.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "CLEVELAND — Almost everything about her lifestyle screams sustainability. From growing her own food to keeping cardboard for the local church. Ellen Kirtner-LaFleur takes her carbon footprint seriously.\n\"These are our fall crops that we're getting ready to put in,” said Kirtner-LaFleur while pointing to her garden.\nThis Cleveland resident recycled everything she could until she found out the city of Cleveland’s recycling contract ran out and it wasn’t renewed.\n\"It was like a big surprise to read about,” she said.\nWhen Ellen learned everything she was trying to recycle all of her cans, plastics, papers ended up in a landfill, Ellen was furious so she did something about it.\n\"The goal is to bring neighbors together and then to keep materials out of the landfill,” she said.\nEllen started a website called Westside Trash Connectors.\nThe concept is simple, something that could have been recycled goes to a neighbor who needs it and stays out of the trash.\n\"I have one friend who is a gardener and she collects yogurt cups all year so she can start her plants, her seedlings in them,” said Ellen. \"The idea of having one central location for all those requests to come through I think will hopefully be really helpful.”\n\"There are all of these environmental impacts but then there’s just impacts to people feeling disempowered,” said Bridget Flynn.\nFlynn is the sustainability manager at Oberlin College, a place well-known for reducing its carbon footprint.\nFlynn says counteracting the impacts of the overwhelming amounts of waste we produce takes people like Ellen and so much more.\n\"There are individual actions but then there’s city’s and county’s who take responsibility for hauling your waste and recycling or putting the contracts in place to be able to do those kinds of things and then there’s another level of the actual recycling centers and then there’s another level of our manufacturers and another level of just our society and our economy,” said Flynn.\nThe City of Cleveland tells News 5 it’s still working to get a new contract. In the meantime, Ellen will keep turning one neighbor's trash into another’s recycled treasure.\n\"To the extent that we can really be kind to our environment and hope it lasts a little longer I think it's really important,” said Ellen.\nThis story is part of A Better Land, an ongoing series that investigates Northeast Ohio's deep-seated systemic problems. Additionally, it puts a spotlight on the community heroes fighting for positive change in Cleveland and throughout the region. If you have an idea for A Better Land story, tell us here.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Simply click a reference and enjoy.\nMeet Your Mentor\nMentor Robert Campbell takes visiting Professor Vasant Wagh (Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University in Nanded, India) to the 16 to One Gold Mine Museum located in Allegany, California. [PART I] VIDEO\nDefining Our Issues and Engaging the Public\nLinks to Water Management Strategies and Ideas\nUnbundling Water Rights: A Blueprint for Development of Robust Water Allocation Systems in the Western United States, Michael Young, September 2015, Duke Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. PDF\nSharing Groundwater: A Robust Framework and Implementation Roadmap for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California, Mike Young and Bryce McAteer, January 2017, Duke Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions PDF\nThe Water Values podcasts is a very informative source of interviews discussing an abundance of water topics. David McGimpsey, podcast host, is an attorney working with water utilities. His passion for the topic of water has developed into producing very educational podcasts with experts around the country. Topics include water and energy utility companies, water experts, economists, water managers, attorneys, scientists, regulators and water journalists, to name a few.\nA Sampler of Living Water programming short segments, \"Water is a Many Splendor'ed Thing\"\nWater is a Many Splendor'ed Thing is intended for broadcast on Living Water® web radio and terrestrial radio. Its’ primary purpose is to support the listener in learning how the public is vulnerable to the water issue, what relationships in the water issue are active and the value system of the community and stakeholders. The public facilitation program drives which specific segment is broadcasted during a particular broadcast week. Over 251 segments from all around the world have been produced to date.\nA Changing Climate\nChanges in our climate present an opportunity for each of us to enhance our capacity to adapt, collaborate with each other, become more resourceful and make life decisions based on a knowledge-base generated for water, energy, food, health and finance. Stephen Baker has interviewed many scientists, farmers, water professionals and private citizens impacted by the recent drought. He encourages the listener to seriously take steps to develop resiliency in their lives. VIDEO\nThe American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), has more than 7,800 members in the U.S. and abroad, organized into 36 regional Sections. The Institute adheres to the principles of professional responsibility and public service and is the only international organization that certifies the competence and ethical conduct of geological scientists in all branches of the science with members employed in industry, government, and academia. AIPG emphasizes competence, integrity and ethics. AIPG is an advocate for the profession and communicates regularly to federal and state legislators and agencies on matters pertaining to the geosciences.\nNGWA is a community of groundwater professionals working together to advance groundwater knowledge and the success of our members through education and outreach; advocacy; cooperation and information exchange; and enhancement of professional practices.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Control banding (CB) is a useful approach to evaluate and control the risk of exposure to nanomaterials (NM) due to uncertainty surrounding their toxicity and challenges associated with their measurement. Four CB tools specifically developed for NMs (NanoSafer, Stoffenmanager-Nano, NanoTool, and the Precautionary matrix) have been evaluated for their changes to differences in hazard and exposure input data. The hazard and exposure classification were also compared with experimental data. The tools provided different hazard and emission/exposure outputs when compared with each other and with experimental data. For some of the tools the information required to estimate the hazard is not always available in the Safety Data Sheet and it requires expert judgement. The tools have the potential to be valuable starting points to assess areas of high priority, although outputs should be interpreted with care. Further work should be done to improve their estimates, especially the inclusion of modifiers that account for the effectiveness of the ventilation and the effect of high temperatures during the process.\n|Date made available||17 Jun 2016|\n- Control banding", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "|Short-term competition for ammonium and nitrate in tallgrass prairie\n|Year of Publication\n|Dell, CJ, Rice, CW\n|Soil Science Society of America Journal\nThe availability of N limits productivity in tallgrass prairie. Spring burning is common because it results in greater plant productivity despite reducing net N mineralization. To better explain how burning affects inorganic N availability in tallgrass prairie, the partitioning of 15N among plant and soil pools was measured in June and August 1994. Approximately 2.5 μg N g−1 soil was injected as either NH4 or NO3 to a depth of 15 cm within cores in burned and unburned prairie. Cores were removed from the field 6 d after injection, and 15N recovery in plant and soil N pools was determined. No more than 14% of the applied 15N remained in inorganic form 6 d after application. The largest portion of the applied 15N (35–80%) was recovered in the soil organic nitrogen pool (No). Burning significantly increased the immobilization of both NH4 and NO3 within No, and microbial biomass accounted for ≥50% of the 15N recovered in No Accumulation of 15N in plants accounted for ≤35% of the applied 15N with a majority recovered from roots. Burning had little effect on 15N recovery in plants; however, 15N accumulations in roots were significantly greater when NO3 was used. Results indicate that immobilization within soil organic matter (SOM) controls the availability of both NH4 and NO3 to plants. Increased immobilization in soils with burning probably results largely from increased microbial N demand resulting from greater litter inputs with wider C to N ratios. Further research is needed to determine if abiotic mechanisms for N immobilization also significantly influence N availability in prairie soils.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "that it focuses on being friendly to the environment. Eco-friendly products are everywhere, and the term itself gets thrown around too much. It’s on things like sheet sets and sandwich bags. Since we use the phrase often, it might be hard to understand why you want environmentally-friendly products and lifestyles. Many times, it’s easy to get misled by companies that use the term and don’t really mean it.\nThe Official Definition\nEco-friendly means that something is not harmful to the environment. When we focus on products, this suggests that all aspects of the item are environmentally-friendly and safe. This includes packaging and production. For a product to be labeled as such, the packaging has to explain why it’s environmentally responsible. Otherwise, it might not actually be safe, depending on how it’s used. Typically, this is called greenwashing when marketing claims are misleading.\nCompanies need to think about being sustainable. This includes evaluating products, focusing on environmental impact, reducing the use of natural resources, and reducing energy consumption. It’s often better to improve a current product than it is to create a new one. The issue is that everything produced has a negative impact on the Earth, even if you’re being eco-conscious. Water usage, product waste, and energy usage are all part of this. Sustainability means that you’re doing what you can to be friendly to the Earth.\nWhat You Can Do\nIf your goal is to buy eco-friendly products, you already want to do your part to help the planet. There are various ways to go green at home. These include:\n- Shopping local\n- Buying plastic-free items\n- Recycling plastic waste\n- Using products with a 100% recycled emblem\n- Utilizing reusable bags\n- Lowering water usage by turning off the shower faucet while you wash your hair and body\n- Stop using plastic waste for products (this is primarily for businesses, but you can choose not to buy things made of plastic when possible)\nReducing Your Carbon Footprint\nThere are countless ways to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. These include:\nMake sure that you drive less whenever you can. Also, drive efficiently by not applying the brakes too hard or gunning it.\nChoose to purchase organic foods from a local business. Whenever you forego dairy and meat, you are reducing your footprint by about 8 pounds a day. Eat a plant-based diet whenever you can. If you really like meat/dairy products, consider picking one day where you go meat-free. Produce is easier to transport when it’s grown and locally sourced. Plus, it tastes even better.\nShop locally to get the foods you require. These businesses use less fuel to transport the items to the store. This environmental feat ensures that you can have fresh food in your home and help the planet, as well.\nYour own bag\nUse your own bag when shopping. Choose a business that allows this, which helps you both go green and reduce the amount of plastic and paper waste you see. This is very friendly for the environment and makes you more eco-conscious.\nGet rid of junk\nGet rid of unwanted junk around your house. These materials could be reusable. It’s great when you can clean up your space and find a way to reduce pollution. Remember, there’s less pollution required to recycle items like plastic bottles, paper products, and plastic bag waste. When they’re recycled, you help to create a more sustainable planet that’s eco-conscious and environmental-friendly.\nBuy in bulk.\nThis is an eco-conscious way to get what you need and use less packaging material.\nWash clothes in cold water\nIt takes more energy to produce hot water, and it often doesn’t help make the clothes cleaner or look better. You can reduce your carbon dioxide usage by about 500 pounds each year when cold water is used. This is good for the environment. Be friendly to the world, and do what you can to protect it.\nConsider dumpster rental\nWe are always available, based on the time and date you require us. When you are doing some home improvements to install new things, you’re bound to have old materials you no longer need. People often throw them in landfills, but they could be made into a new item through recycling. When you choose us, we go through everything and make sure there aren’t any recyclable things inside.\nChoose appropriate cleanup services\nsuch as those from EZ Cleanup. Since we’re local, we use less energy to get to your house. We’ve always made sure that the area was cleaned up efficiently. Plus, we’re an eco-conscious company that focuses on your needs. Junk removal is our specialty!\nWhat Does Zero Waste Mean?\nThis term focuses on a set of principles that prevents wastage and encourages appropriate life cycle designs. That way, every product out there can be reused effectively. This is a great way to be eco-conscious because the ultimate goal is that no trash is sent to incinerators, the ocean, or landfills.\nWhy Should I Buy Products Made of Recycled Materials?\nLook for products that say they’re made partially or completely from recycled materials. This is highly eco-conscious, but these things are still reliable, high-quality, and dependable.\nAre Organic Foods and Products Earth-Friendly?\nTypically, yes, organic products and foods are eco-conscious because they take fewer resources to create. If you like eating healthy, buying natural is the best option to choose.\nWhy Is Plastic So Bad for the Environment?\nTypically, plastic is bad when it pollutes the land and waterways. It threatens animals and plants, which includes humans. Though it’s never going to be considered friendly for the environment, you can recycle it once you’re done with it.\nWhich Products Aren’t Eco-Conscious or Friendly to the Environment?\nA good idea is to know which products aren’t considered friendly to the environment. These can include disposable plates, cups, and silverware, plastic bottles, plastic bags, and so much more.\nWhen it comes to going green, there are plenty of ways that you can positively impact the Earth at home. At EZ Cleanup, we do our part by making sure that Junk Removal in Philadelphia is taken care of promptly. We go through the items you’ve gotten rid of and see which ones can be recycled. Then, we send them to the right place. Our company is devoted to helping the planet in various ways.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Throughout Autumn and over the next few months is the best time to help your garden wildlife before the winter and freezing temperatures kick in. There are a number of ways you can help the wildlife in your garden, such as by providing a large variety of nutritional food, fresh un-frozen water and lots of warm, safe habitats. There will be all sorts of species that will visit your garden for either a place to hibernate for the winter, a place to roost for the night or food and water. It is also important that you provide all these things through the winter and most of them, all year round.\nThings to help in the Autumn time.\nIn Autumn time when the leaves have fallen onto the ground and gardens are starting to look untidy most people tend to tidy their garden but often take this to the extreme. By doing this, they are removing most of the shelter for wildlife and leaving lots of overwintering species homeless. To help the wildlife, a good idea is to leave all the tidying up until the end of the winter which can make your garden more attractive.\nAutumn is also a good and easy season to make changes to your garden for the year to come. Take the opportunity to add new wildlife features to your garden like a pond, log piles and native plants and hedges.\nAs well as providing habitats for a host of overwintering residents, a good wildlife garden will attract flocks of birds. When the weather is very harsh and there is less food available in the countryside, our gardens become even more important for our feathered friends. Also, feeding birds through out the winter is important because it increases their breeding success the following year.\nOne way you can start preparing now is by removing any old, broken nest boxes, cleaning and fixing them then returning them as some birds will conserve heat by roosting in them communally over night. This is especially common with smaller bird species like wrens.\nAnother way of helping bird species such as black birds and thrushes like song thrushes and mistle thrushes is by spreading fallen leaves over flowerbeds. This provides a brilliant foraging habitat. Also, avoid cutting hedges until the end of winter as these provide valuable shelter for birds and give them more time to eat the berries left over from the summer.\nWhen winter progresses, birds will become more dependent on the food you put out. Make sure the feeders and tables are clean and hygienic, you can do this by soaking them in sterilizing fluid and get into the routine of washing them regularly as they will be using feeders more frequently and if the feeders and tables are left and become very unhygienic they can cause the birds to get different diseases and make them become ill. Water is also very important for the birds as there isn’t as much available especially when it freezes. A way you can make the water you put out in your garden frost free is by pouring some warm water into a dish, standing the dish on at least three bricks and creating room underneath to put lit candles so the heat from the candles stops it freezing over.\nThere is a wide range of different food you can offer to your birds but some good ones which offer a meal to all different species are black sunflower seeds, nyjer seeds, peanuts, fat balls, live foods, cheese and coconut. Some which you should NOT offer are porridge oats, salted or dry roasted peanuts, cooking fats, polyunsaturated fats, milk, dessicated coconut and moldy and stale food. There are lots of online recipes were you can make you own food for the garden birds too.\nThe two main things that should be provided to the hedgehogs that visit your garden are food and water, and shelter for when they hibernate or for when they rest through out the day as they are nocturnal species.\nYou can provide shelter for hedgehogs by having an untouched area in your garden which is cosy and sheltered. If you haven’t got an area like this, you can leave a small corner in your garden to overgrow or if you wanted to really help our hedgehogs out you could look at building or buying a hedgehog house.\nThere are lots of different foods which you can supply to our spikey friends which visit our gardens but there are lots of foods you shouldn’t give to them. For example, you should never give them any dairy products as they are lactose intolerant. Foods which are safe for them to have though are dog or cat food, sultanas, small pieces of fruit, cooked potato, cooked chicken, raw mince and what I find with the hedgehogs which visit my garden is that their favorite is dried meal worms. Or if you prefer food which is specially designed for hedgehogs you could try SpikesWorld food. Food and liquids which you should NOT give to the hedgehogs are milk, bread, tinned cat or dog food with jelly or gravy, fish flavored cat food, avocados, grapes, raisins, nuts, seeds and chocolate. Also, remember to provide water for hedgehogs and on cold nights you can use the same method as when giving the birds water.\nInsects, newts and frogs.\nThe main thing you can do to help the mini-beasts, frogs and newts in your garden is by providing shelter.\nSome butterfly species like small tortoiseshells and peacock butterflies hide in shed corners during the winter to stay warm and hibernate. Try to avoid disturbing them.\nDragonfly larvae stays active even in midwinter so always remember to clean your pond with care as they are ferocious predators!\nAnother thing you can do is leave dry plant stems standing in your garden as all kinds of insects will crawl inside to spend the winter. Lady birds will also cluster on the dead plant stems.\nToads and newts like to spend the cold winter months in greenhouses or under pots or piles of bricks. Frogs are more likely to be seen in piles of leaf litter, while some males will hide at the bottom of ponds.\nThis shows how important it is to leave your garden alone during in the winter months as you don’t know what will be hibernation or sheltering from the cold weather.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Essay on The Effect of Deforestation to Human Lives\nLength: 6 Pages 1449 Words\nDeforestation is increasing as a global concern. In recent years deforestation has risen to dangerous levels. This reason is mainly due to the fact that most people have no idea what deforestation is. This lack of education has caused many changes in the global economy. The concerns no longer center on deforestation but in the effects it will have in our environment in the future. This issue has sparked national attention. It has caused a chain of recent plans and policies to be introduced. Also it has brought us together as a nation to fight a common problem.\nDeforestation is the clearing the land of forest or trees. Many people do not even know that this problem exists, although it may be occurring right in their own neighborhoods. The causes of deforestation are broad. It used to be thought that the lumber industry was much to blame, when in fact the industry is very low. Most of the land was used for various other reasons such as building and agricultural expansion. The land is used for growing crops and livestock grazing. In many cases the \"Slash and Burn\" method is used. This is where the farmers cut down and burn forests to get to the land that is feasible for farming. Most of the tropical soils are very poor in nutrients and can only support crops for a few years. When the soil has been exhausted it is either abandoned or turned over for livestock grazing.\nThe effects of deforestation on the environment are numerous. The reduction of forests upsets the entire ecological cycle. The forests are home to a number of plants and animals. When a forest is cut down, the whole cycle suffers. Most of all the forests act as a carbon \"sink\". That is they help to take in carbon, a green house gas, and offset its effect on the atmosphere. Also trees and plants on a forest can help to supply an alternative source of fossil fuels. Tree planting is also good for urban development....\nPlease join StudyMode to read the full document", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Reservations open for Dungeness refuge volunteer training\nBy Peninsula Daily News staff\nPrint This | Email This\nMost Popular this week\nUPDATE — Olympic National Park, Carlsborg company to move threatened Enchanted Valley Chalet by start of September (four photos)\nIF YOU MISSED THIS: Like something from 'Star Trek\" — what is that strange-looking vessel? (UPDATED)\nThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuge near Sequim will conduct its annual new volunteer training at the Sequim Prairie Grange Hall, 290 MacLeay Road, from 8 a.m. to noon Friday, April 12.\nLunch will be provided from noon to 1 p.m., when the refuge will host its annual refrehser course for current volunteers until\nPrimary duties include greeting visitors and providing information about the refuge’s trails and wildlife.\nAdditional opportunities include wildlife surveys, invasive-species mitigation, maintenance, trail roving, beach cleanup and administration.\nFor more information and to reserve space at the training, phone 360-457-8451 or send an email to email@example.com.\nLast modified: March 03. 2013 3:31AM", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Images of terrestrial orchids found in the Czech Republic, and other European countries. Jan Gaisler. Czech Republic.\nImages and other information about orchids found in the state of Florida. Prem Subrahmanyam. Florida, United States.\nInstructions on how to propagate and grow hardy orchids in a European climate. Anders R. Johnsen, Denmark.\nA photographic record of the beautiful, and often rare, native orchids that can be found in the area. Lynden, Washington, United States.\nImages of orchid species found in northern Europe. Markku Könkkölä. Finland.\nImages of the native orchids found in the Lorraine region of France. Information includes flowering times, descriptions, and habitats. Anacamptis, Cephalanthera, Dactylorhiza, Epipactis, Gymnadenia, Listera, Ophrys, Orchis, and ...\nEuropean and North American native orchid information including images, descriptions, distribution maps, and field trip reports. Jean-Luc and Elisabeth. France.\nSylvia and Bill's orchid site features art and photographs. Information on raising orchids from seed in a kitchen, growing easy terrestrial orchids such as Epipactis palustris and Dactylorhizas. United Kingdom.\nMany images of the the native orchids found in the Isère area in the east of France.\nAn interactive guide to the native orchids of Wisconsin. Descriptions and images. Jeffrey R. Hapeman. University of Wisconsin, United States.\nImages of orchids in Romania and other European countries. Orchid book reviews. Rik Neirynck. Bottelare, Belgium\nNative orchids of Sweden... descriptions, images, and maps. Eric Elgebrant. Sweden.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Cancer Alley evidence mounts in Louisiana\nData gaps have allowed U.S. regulators to downplay the carcinogenic effects of the fossil fuel facilities crammed into the industrial corridor between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, but these gaps are starting to be filled as scientific evidence mounts showing that air pollution is linked to higher cancer rates among Black and impoverished communities, writes James Bruggers for Inside Climate News.\nIs Europe the new El Dorado for LNG?\nEurope’s LNG buying spree in 2022 was over four times greater than the demand shock experienced by Japan after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but assessing future import needs is far from straightforward, writes Anne-Sophie Corbeau for Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.\nLipstick on a pig: Hydrogen-ready branding for new LNG infrastructure requires more scrutiny and caution\nThe technical and scientific foundations for the “hydrogen-ready” claims accompanying the flood of new LNG terminal project proposals in Europe and elsewhere are highly uncertain and require rigorous, transparent analysis, which has been largely lacking so far, write Ade Samuel and Rachel Fakhry for the Natural Resources Defense Council.\nThe seven-year war against gas in the U.S. is ramping up\nSince Southern California Gas Company’s massive Aliso Canyon methane blowout in 2017, the U.S.’s largest gas utility has deployed nefarious tactics to stem criticism of gas, and now its gas to hydrogen switching plans are being challenged, writes Sammy Roth in the Los Angeles Times.\nShell’s directors personally sued over “flawed” transition strategy\nTwo years after a Dutch court ordered Shell to slash its emissions, ClientEarth has filed a lawsuit at the High Court in England against the company’s 11 directors for what the environmental lawyers allege is their failure under the UK Companies Act to properly prepare Shell for the transition to net zero. The High Court will now decide on whether or not to proceed with ClientEarth’s suit. A new analysis by the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility into the emissions target implications of both Shell and BP’s recent 2022 results has found that the companies are damaging “the credibility of existing climate transition plans.” (The Guardian, Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility)\n“LNG no longer part of the long-term plan” – Pakistani energy minister: The soaring price of imports has compelled Pakistan to abandon its long-held strategy of importing LNG and building new gas plants in favor of increased reliance on domestic energy sources. Initial reporting from Reuters, citing Energy Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan, emphasized plans to increase domestic coal-fired power capacity to 10,000 megawatts (MW) in the medium term, from 2310 MW currently. Citing an unnamed ministry source, Bloomberg reported that no new power plants reliant on imported coal, LNG, or fuel oil will be built over the next decade, but domestic power capacity is to be boosted via domestic solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear resources, as well as locally-mined coal. (Reuters, Bloomberg [paywall])\nMammoth terminal would balloon oversized German LNG expansion plans even further: As the first shipment of Middle Eastern LNG to Germany arrived this week in Brunsbüttel, at the country’s third newly operating import terminal, the energy and economics minister of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was announcing yet more plans for potentially four floating storage and regasification units — total capacity of 38 billion cubic meters (bcm) — to be sited offshore the island of Rügen, a tourist hotspot. RWE has submitted initial documents to begin a planning approval procedure for what could be two offshore platforms, operating as soon as autumn 2024, with the four FSRUs attached to them. German environment group Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) said it would exhaust all legal options to stop what it described as “an unprecedented industrialization of the Baltic Sea.” Alternatives to the plans are expected to be explored owing to the potential impacts on communities and a European bird sanctuary.(energate messenger, Nordkurier [German], DUH [German], ADNOC)\nMajor gas plant requires an EIA, say Guyanese citizens: A decision from Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency, exempting the proposed 300 MW gas-fired Wales power station from undergoing an environmental impact assessment, has been challenged by concerned citizens who have urged the regulator to rescind the decision by the end of this month. Represented by Guyanese lawyer Melinda Janki, the citizens have documented how the decision, taken on the basis that the Wales plant would not significantly affect the environment should it be developed near the capital Georgetown, is unlawful and a violation of the country’s Environmental Protection Act. ExxonMobil Guyana has not yet taken a final investment decision on the project, which is at least two years behind schedule, but said it began early construction work this month. (Kaieteur News, GEM.wiki, Guyana Chronicle)\nEmergency measures in South Africa boost approval chances for gas powerships: Three controversial floating gas power plants, involving a 20-year, R200 billion (US$11 billion) contract, are now being tipped to be approved by the South African state as a result of new emergency measures introduced in response to the country’s acute power sector difficulties. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s declaration of a state of disaster will accelerate energy projects and “limit regulatory requirements,” though the president said that environmental protections and technical standards would be maintained. While Karpowership’s proposals for the ports of Saldanha Bay, Coega, and Richards Bay await an environmental ruling next month from government minister Barbara Creecy, sources in the department of forestry and fisheries believe that approval from Creecy is inevitable given the crisis conditions. (Mail & Guardian)\nPennsylvania gas plant fire inspected only nine days later by state authorities: Pennsylvania state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has come under fire for its botched response to a fire that broke out on Christmas Day at the Revolution Cryogenic gas processing plant, operated by Energy Transfer, in Washington County. DEP staff did not visit the plant site until nine days after the incident, as confirmed by the non-profit group Environmental Integrity Project, despite an initial statement from DEP’s communications director that they had visited on December 25. No injuries resulted from the blaze, which burned out after ten hours, though staff at the plant were evacuated, and at least one family living next door also left their home for several hours. (Inside Climate News)\nIEA head issues transition warning despite booming oil and gas profits: The global oil and gas industry raked in US$4 trillion in profits last year, according to Fatih Birol, the head of the International Energy Agency, a stunning rise from the average profit level of US$1.5 trillion in recent years. Nonetheless, Birol warned of longer term demand falls and the need for producer countries to reduce their reliance on hydrocarbons. “Especially the countries in the Middle East have to diversify their economies,” said Birol. “You cannot anymore run a country whose economy is 90% reliant on oil and gas revenues because oil demand will go down.” Total profits for the five western oil and gas majors — BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and TotalEnergies — hit US$195 billion last year, 120% more than in 2021, and the highest level in the industry’s history. (Reuters, Global Witness)\n“Between last year and already in 2023, the [European Union] will have distributed 600 billion euros in subsidies to its population to prevent riots in the street … Imagine if even 20% was dedicated to more infrastructure for gas,”\nsaid Arnaud Pieton, chief executive of Technip Energies, at Baker Hughes’ annual meeting in Italy, which was replete with gas executives’ ambitions and concerns.\nChina: An intergovernmental agreement has been signed with Russia for the supply of 10 billion cubic meters per year of gas sourced from off the east coast of Sakhalin via the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok pipeline.\nGermany: The CEO of the country’s largest utility, E.ON, has said that monthly energy bills for most customers are still likely to double this year from their pre-energy crisis levels as the company has not yet passed on all the increases arising from sharply elevated purchasing prices.\nGermany: Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck has said that the government is aiming in 2023 to auction a “huge number” of hydrogen-fired power plants and other backup capacities.\nIraq: Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein has said that discussions with U.S. companies and officials are advancing on new gas investments to help Iraq end its reliance on Iranian imports.\nJapan: Under the so-called GX Basic Policy, which has received government approval, state institutions have been given expanded scope to assist private companies in the importing of LNG.\nMontenegro: According to the Ministry of Finance, agreement on energy cooperation with the U.S. has been reached, including taking action on the proposed LNG terminal in the Port of Bar in partnership with American companies and with the support of American development agencies.\nNetherlands: Gasunie has decided not to advance the proposed Terneuzen FSRU project but continues to look at import capacity expansion options in Rotterdam and Eemshaven.\nUK: National Gas says by 2025 the 4,700 mile national gas transmission network will contain 2-5% of hydrogen, the first step to convert the network so that it is filled entirely with hydrogen by 2050.\nUkraine: Naftogaz Group has launched a survey in the region of Lviv to explore the “highly promising” possibility of producing coal-bed methane.\nVenezuela: Aging infrastructure and a lack of regulations resulted in 86 oil spills and gas leaks in 2022, according to a report published by the Observatory of Political Ecology of Venezuela, up from 77 cases in 2021.\nThe Gas Graph\nGlobal Energy Monitor’s Global Oil and Gas Extraction Tracker finds a potential seismic shift for gas extraction in Africa, with 84% of new pre-production fields located in recent entrants to Africa’s gas market.\nNatWest gets tough on gas financing while Barclays again fails to act: Commercial bank NatWest, still 48% state-owned, has continued on its path as the UK’s most climate ambitious bank by announcing that it is stopping loans to new customers for oil and gas exploration, extraction or production projects. The Edinburgh-based institution said that from 2026 it will also refuse to renew, refinance or extend loans for upstream gas projects that the bank’s existing customers are involved in. “We want to ensure our capital is being used to support a transition while continuing to reduce the financing of harmful emissions,” chief executive Alison Rose said. “I hope this sends a strong signal that we are serious about ending the most harmful activity while financing the transition.” Meanwhile, Barclays failed to rein in any of its multi-billion dollar financing for the gas sector in a review of its oil and gas policy. The London-headquartered bank resisted pressure, aimed also at BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Deutsche Bank and Société Générale, from a group of investors — with combined assets under management of more than US$1.5 billion — who are calling on the banks to stop directly financing new oil and gas fields by the end of this year. (The Guardian, ShareAction, Reuters)\nInternational financiers get behind big Ineos plastics project: Ineos has secured a whopping €3.5 billion (US$3.74 billion) in debt financing for a new petrochemical facility in Antwerp, Belgium, which it describes as “the most environmentally sustainable cracker in Europe.” Majority-owned and run by the UK’s richest man, Sir Jim Ratcliffe, Ineos claims that the new cracker will have “the lowest carbon footprint of all European crackers, five times better than the worst in Europe and two times better than the best,” and that it could be powered by low-carbon hydrogen within ten years. The plant, planned to commence operations in 2026, will convert low-cost ethane — to be sourced from fracked gas production in the U.S. — into ethylene. The financing is provided by 21 international commercial banks (listed in full in an Ineos press release) and by the export credit agencies of the UK, Spain, and Italy, alongside a loan guarantee of up to €500 million from Gigarant, part of the Flemish government. (The Financial Times [paywall], Ineos)\nCCS boost sought for stalled Indonesian LNG project of “national strategic importance”: Japan’s Inpex is hoping that carbon capture and storage technology can make its multi-billion dollar Abadi LNG export terminal “clean and competitive.” The previously planned floating terminal has been reconfigured to a proposed onshore two-train liquefaction project, with likely capacity of 10.5 million tonnes per annum, that the company is now aiming to get off the ground in the early 2030s. Project partner Shell has been looking to divest its 35% stake in the project since 2020 and is reported to be negotiating a sale with Indonesia’s state-owned oil company Pertamina. (Upstream)\nExxon aiming for more energy trading action: In an effort to keep up with rivals BP, Shell, and TotalEnergies, ExxonMobil is beefing up its energy and derivatives trading, according to an internal company memo seen by The Financial Times. A new business line called Global Trading will seek to enhance “expertise from across the company in global crude, products and feedstocks, natural gas, power and freight trading.” Exxon’s move follows BP and Shell’s huge profit-making from their global gas trading businesses over the past year. (The Financial Times [paywall])\nAustria slides back into dependence on piped Russian gas: With an 80% gas dependence on Gazprom as of February 2022, somewhat under the radar Austria has maintained significant pipeline import flows from Russia over the last year. Contractual obligations for Austria’s 31.5% state-owned energy firm OMV are the justification, according to Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer. “It is a matter of securing state assets and keeping existing contracts as long as possible,” according to Nehammer. In December, roughly 70% of Austria’s gas came from Russia, and this figure has climbed “temporarily” to 100% in recent weeks, according to OMV’s Chief Financial Officer. (EURACTIV, EURACTIV)\nTotalEnergies weighing Mozambique LNG restart as latest attacks hit Cabo Delgado: Following his recent visit to Cabo Delgado province in the north of Mozambique, CEO Patrick Pouyanne is maintaining a wait-and-see approach on when work can restart on the French company’s US$20 billion export terminal. Improvements in human rights and clarity on project costs are the key considerations for Pouyanne, who told analysts during a fourth quarter results call: “I can tell you what I’ve seen from a security point of view is good. Even life is back to normal. Villages, people are back.” This week, however, the London-based mining company Gemfields has had to suspend operations and evacuate workers at an exploration camp also located in Cabo Delgado following an attack by insurgents on a nearby village. (LNG Prime, Mining.Com)\n“The cost of capital for oil and gas projects has risen due to a higher perceived risk, and capital scarcity is a common phenomenon, driven by ESG … investment in oil and gas has fallen sharply. Upstream investment in 2022 was around $400 billion — less than half of the peak in 2014.”\nsaid Amin Nasser, Saudi Aramco president and CEO, at the Saudi Capital Markets Forum 2023.\nWhy Carbon Capture and Storage Is Not a Net-Zero Solution for Canada’s Oil and Gas Sector, International Institute for Sustainable Development, February 9, 2023\nThis 19-page policy briefing discusses the wisdom of further public and private investment for CCS projects related to the oil and gas sector — there are currently five of these operating in Canada — when the technology is known to be expensive, energy intensive, and unproven at scale and has no impact on the 80% of oil and gas emissions that result from downstream use.\nChanging of the Guard: The New Hubs of Gas Extraction in Africa, Global Energy Monitor, February 14, 2023\nThis 8-page data-based briefing assesses the continent’s new reserves, totaling more than 5 bcm of gas with potential emissions equal to almost 12 billion tons of CO2, and how production from many of these fields is facing opposition due to the potential impacts to local ecosystems and communities.\nGlobal LNG Outlook 2023-27 — High Prices Create New Risks to Demand Growth, Institute for Environmental Economics and Financial Analysis, February 15, 2023.\nThis 42-page global survey anticipates short- and medium-term headwinds for LNG in key markets – Asia and Europe, respectively – and warns that predicted large volumes of new supply entering the market starting in mid-2025 could trigger a supply glut, heightening the financial and pricing risks for LNG exporters and traders.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Lebanon’s Absence from CITES Convention Threatens its Natural Resources\nQatar – 22 March, 2010: For the second week, the CITES Conference continues its work in the Qatari capital, Doha. Debates on a range of proposals and amendments to add or modify the classification of animal and plant species are carried, with a view to regulating the international trade in these species, or tightening their protection. Lebanon, which had not yet joined CITES, did not have a chance to defend several threatened species that have economical importance for the country, such as the Bluefin Tuna and several types of marine species in the Mediterranean Sea.\nNot attend the conference; Lebanon lost the chance of defending its right and the rights of other Arab countries. For example, Egypt desperately needed support in placing the Nile Crocodiles on Appendix II of the convention, which regulates trade in the species. Participation of the global league of activists, IndyACT, in the conference constituted partial compensation for the absence of official Lebanese presence, where the organization played a role in mobilizing European and global support for the Egyptian proposal.\nThe Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon has begun the accession process to CITES, but IndyACT sensed a strong need to deepen the knowledge in this Convention. The organization has noticed some confusion regarding the purpose of CITES among Lebanon’s stakeholders, who consider it related to animal welfare. The organization is concerned that some actors might try to exploit this confusion to push the Lebanese law on animal welfare under the pretext of Lebanon is implementing CITES. CITES purpose is to regulate trade in endangered animal and plant species. Illegal trade in endangered species is the third largest illegal trade in the world after arms and drug trade. \"After Lebanon's joins CITES, a new law must be put in place to implement the Convention, and this law must not be confused with a law for the ethical treatment of animals; the two are completely different matters,\" said Soumar Dakdouk, head of conservation campaign at IndyACT.\nDespite losing the battle to preserve the Bluefin Tuna in Doha, governments were able to so far to reach agreement on the protection of other endangered species. Nevertheless, few of the most important discussions that still need to take place today (Tuesday) are on the protection of several shark species that are declining steadily.\n\"Discussions have been extremely heated during this conference compared to previous CITES meetings; and the reason is because many important commercial species that have been very common in the past, are now endangered\", said Dakdouk. \"It is clear that CITES will become one of the most important international conventions to manage the sustainable use of wildlife resources.\"\nFor more information please contact:\n- Ali Fakhry, Communication Director – IndyACT; Tel- fax: +961-1-447192; Mobile: +96171421593, email: firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Typhoon Dujuan intensified into a Category 4 equivalent storm to the east of Taiwan this weekend. The typhoon is a major threat to the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan, Taiwan and eastern China early this week.\n(FORECAST: Typhoon Dujuan)\nDujuan is also the latest of several typhoons this year that have provided us with stunning imagery from space, further illustrating the destructive power of tropical cyclones.\nThis first image in our series is from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor aboard NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite. It shows Dujuan as a 145 mph typhoon on Sunday. Dujuan's very symmetrical eye was estimated to be 60 miles wide, according to Dr. Greg Postel of The Weather Channel.\nNASA's Modis Aqua satellite snapped this unique view of Dujuan on Sunday which uses the brightness temperature overlay (Band 31-Day).\nAn infrared satellite image of Dujuan and its large eye on Sunday.\nDujuan as viewed from Japan's Himawari-8 satellite just before sunset on Sunday.\nThe next two images show an up-close visible satellite view of Dujuan's eye on Sunday.\nBelow are two enhanced satellite images of Dujuan on Sunday. The second image shows the counterclockwise wind flow around Dujuan's eye.\nBefore Dujuan became a Category 4, it was photographed from the International Space Station on Friday.\nPHOTOS: Typhoon Dujuan", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Tribune News Service\nMandi, November 2\nFresh snow has hampered the traffic movement in Lahaul-Spiti, which affected the normal life in the region. Keylong has received over 20 cm snowfall, while the Baralacha La on the Manali-Leh highway has received 45 cm fresh snow.\nThe Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) Depot at Keylong has suspended its bus service. Travelling has become a risky affair on the internal roads of the Lahaul valley.\nThe Manali-Leh highway has been blocked to traffic because Baralacha La has received heavy snowfall. The BRO had restored the Manali-Leh highway on Saturday, when it was blocked because of heavy snowfall at the Baralacha La.\nThe district administration has stopped traffic beyond Keylong towards Leh and Udaipur. The movement of tourist vehicles has been restricted beyond the north portal of Atal Tunnel.\nThe Rohtang Pass also received a snowfall. As a result, the Kullu district administration has restricted the traffic movement beyond Gulaba. The fresh spell of snow has brought cheers among farmers because snow is considered as white manure. It provides moisture and maintains temperature for better production of crops.\nThe fresh snowfall at Rohtang and its nearby places has elated the hoteliers of Kullu-Manali, who are expecting good business in the coming days. The tourists were visiting Sissu and Keylong through Atal Tunnel and Gulaba near Manali to enjoy the snow.\nDeputy Commissioner, Lahaul Spiti, Pankaj Rai told The Tribune: “Due to fresh snowfall in the Lahaul valley, the traffic movement has been restricted for the next few days. The Kunzum Pass in Spiti also received snow. As a result, traffic has been restricted beyond Losar.”\nThe DC stated that as soon as weather becomes suitable, the Border Roads Organisation would start snow-clearing operation on the Manali-Leh highway.\nDon't MissView All\nPM says worked to protect the dignity of the poor in past 8 ...\n3rd such exercise by AAP government", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "I'm a big fan of being out and about in the wild, but after a day (or two) of hiking, stomping and sweating up the trails, you are going to be of desperate need of a shower. Yes, even if you don't think you need to, your hiking buddies will thank you for it. Personally, I know I'm a bit of a clean freak. Which is strange considering we live off the grid and water is a hard to come by resource. But I can't help it. I bathe twice a day, once when I wake up in the morning, and again once I return home after a day of work. The second one is a must do, to get the dirt, grime and grease off after working our homestead. But when I'm camping, I try to follow a similar routine. Plus, the more you shower the better you'll fight off chafing and all the other issues that plague us when we spend more than a day or two in the wild. Being clean is a good thing, and with the right approach you can still stay clean, even while you're camping.\nChoose a biodegradable soap\nThe first step is to realize that showing in nature is vastly different to showering at home, and all of the soapy chemicals and phosphates that miraculously disappear down your drain can do massive damage to a local ecosystem. You simply can't use the same products as you do at home when you're showering in the wild. Normal soaps will offset the delicate balance in the water they're introduced to, potentially causing harmful algae blooms and wreaking havoc on the local ecosystem. You need to make sure that any soap you're using when you're in the wild is biodegradable. That way, it'll do the least possible damage if any of the chemicals happen to find their way into a local waterway or stream.\nDon't introduce any soaps to the water\nWhich brings me to my second point. Even with a biodegradable soap, you need to do everything you can to avoid introducing the chemicals into the water. In fact, you should be about 200 feet from the nearest water source. Yes, even if you're washing your dishes, take the time to grab a bucket of water and walk back to your camp and wash it there. Don't wash it in the stream. Because biodegradable soap isn't perfect, and being this far away from the running water lets the ground act as a natural filter. Soaking up the soap and stopping the chemicals from ever reaching the water, so they can break down harmlessly. Right, now it's time for the shower.\nGet your sponge bath on\nThe quickest and easiest way to get clean when you're in the bush is a good, old-fashioned sponge bath. I prefer these as you can heat up the water on your campfire before getting stuck into it, which is far more comfortable than jumping into a brisk mountain stream. Simply strip down, and using your soap and the water you've warmed in a pot or a cup\n, use a wash cloth or your bandana to give yourself a good scrub. I usually start at the top and work down, getting a good lather up, especially on your underarms and your groin. Then scrape away as much soap as possible, and use fresh water to rinse off. It normally takes me one decent pot of water for the scrub, then two or three to completely rinse off.\nGet yourself a trail shower\nA trail shower is as close as you're going to get to your shower at home, as it operates with a very similar set up, except of course, you're showering in the wild. It works by filling a thick vinyl or rubber bag with water, (some hold up to 10 liters), and then setting it in the sun. The warmth from the sun is absorbed by the bag, and heats the water inside. Working on the same principle that heats the water trapped in your garden hose at home. Within an hour or two it gets nice and toasty, then all you need to do is string the camp shower up in a tree with some paracord\n, and use the connected shower head to get yourself clean. One of these usually holds enough water for a quick 2 to 3-minute shower, and you will feel wonderful afterwards. Trust me. There's a reason I'm happy to carry the extra weight for this in my hiking kit. It's worth it once you get to day two, and every day after that is a blessing.\nGet clean in the river\nDepending on where you live the temperature of the streams and rivers may be a prohibiting factor, but bathing yourself in any natural body of water is a great way to stay clean if you're able to jump in for a dip. Just remember, you can't use soap (even biodegradable soap), when bathing in a natural water source. You risk doing too much damage to the fish and other inhabitants of the water. What you want to do instead is take the sand from the bottom and using it to give yourself a good scrub, kind of like the exfoliation treatments you will get at a fancy spa. Washing away the grime and sweat, without the need to get a good soap up. It's not quite as effective as a full-on soap scrub, but it's definitely the fastest of the three solutions, getting you refreshed and clean so you can get back on the trail fast. Showering while you're in the wild doesn't have to be a chore, the trick is to be smart. Pack biodegradable soap so you're making the least possible impact, and then go to town with either a sponge bath, a camp shower, or a trusty river scrub. You'll feel great once you're a little cleaner, and your hiking buddies will thank you too.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Pilea Baby's Tears Green - 4\" Pot\nLike the small drop of a baby's tear, this lovely plant features tiny leaves that cascade delicately over the side. And don't worry, we promise this plant won't make you cry because it's so dang cute, growing only six inches tall and several inches wide. And because of their compact nature and love for humidity, they do great in terrariums.\nLight: Medium to bright indirect light\nWater: Medium water requirement. Water just as the first few inches of soil dry out\nTemperature: Average household temperature\nHumidity: Slightly higher, above 65%\nPets: Generally safe for pets\n*** Photographed plant accurately represents the batch", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "In Montreal, Quebec, volunteers are working towards edible streets. Now, residents can consume fruits and vegetables freely that grow almost in front of their doors.\nWith some 475 km of streets, Montreal has a huge development potential of green alleys. Aware of this state of things, the ‘Éco-Quartier Grouping’ (REQ) launched the Green Lane Project.\nIn the district of Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, more specifically at Basile Patenaude Street, some people launched their green alley.\nThis is an educational program on the environment focused on citizen mobilization\nIn two days, they created a garden. More than a hundred trees were planted like blueberries, pears, corn, oyster mushrooms, among others. The most interesting part is that all local residents are invited to freely use these organic products!\nIn addition to fruits and vegetables, the green lane is also used to strengthen the ties of good neighborliness and also allows children to unleash their imagination to games where there is no automobile traffic.\nThe REQ is an educational program on the environment focused on citizen mobilization. Initiated by the City of Montreal in 1995, it provides funding to community organizations to help and inform the Montreal’s population in their environmental projects so that they take ownership of their environment. In the City of Montreal there are currently 19 ‘Éco-Quartier’ located in 14 of the 19 districts.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "December 23, 2014 By John Mosig\nEngineer manager Justin O’Connor told HI that the project will double smolt production from just over four to more than eight million a year.\nWhen asked about the Ranelagh site, O’Connor explained that there will be one big new hatchery building with an area of approximately 8,000 sq. metres, which is being built next to, but independent of, the current hatchery completed in 2009. Construction has been underway since July and will be completed by June 2016.\nO’Connor said the unit will recirculate 250 million litres of water a day. Water that is discharged will be stored in on-site dams and used for farm irrigation. The hatchery will be capable of taking water from the abutting Huon River but there is a preference for well water coming out of the ground at a steady 13°C.\n“We prefer bore water because it has no bacteria and we have full control,” O’Connor said.\nHe added that the hatchery will have heat exchangers to warm the make-up water to anywhere between 10 and 16 degrees inside the recirc system.\n“We’re going to grow about 25,000 tonnes of fish a year,” O’Connor said, adding that the smolts will be going out to the growout farms at 150-200 grams each.\nPrint this page\n- Generating bioenergy in a low-discharge, land-based, saline recirculation system\n- Goals for re-stocking hatcheries: Profitability, as always…", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Bureau of Land Management is hosting an all-day public tour of two wild horse long-term holding pastures in Hominy, Oklahoma, about an hour from Tulsa. The tour, which will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2011, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., will give the public an opportunity to observe wild horses roaming in a natural setting across thousands of acres.\nThe public must make reservations by May 20. Visitors will be shuttled to the pastures by the BLM from Tulsa; no personal vehicles will be allowed, as the pastures are on private property.\nLunch may be purchased during the tour for up to $10 per person. Attendees should wear casual clothes, comfortable shoes, and rain attire if needed. Cameras and video cameras are welcome.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The International Conference on Cultured Meat is a yearly conference that began in 2015 and is organized by Maastricht University. The International Conference on Cultured Meat offers people an opportunity to speak about cultured meat and related topics such as cell biology, cell culture, tissue engineering, food technology, meat science, and social science. The conferences uses a multidisciplinary approach that invites scientists of all fields, companies, and entrepreneurs to speak about how cultured meat can offer solutions to global problems such as global food insecurity, livestock related environmental issues, and animal welfare.\n4th International Conference on Cultured Meat 2018\nInternational Conference on Cultured Meat\nDocumentaries, videos and podcasts\n- Cluster: Cell-based and plant-based meatA cluster of topics related to cultured meat, plant-based meat, and cellular agriculture.\n- Cultured meatCultured meats are animal flesh products made from extracted animal cells that are grown in bioreactors and harvested for consumption. Cells are taken from animals such as a chickens, cows, or tuna, and grown using scaffolding and/or self-organizing constructs in bioreactors.\n- Maastricht UniversityMaastricht University is a public university located in Maastricht, Netherlands that was established in 1976.\n- Mosa MeatMosa Meat is a Dutch start-up company that makes and commercializes clean meat, meat made by growing animal cells directly rather than slaughtering animals.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Species: Eastern long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bartoni)\nStatus: Critically Endangered (CR)\nInteresting Fact: The eastern long-beaked echidna is a monotreme, so unlike most mammals it actually lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young.\nThe eastern long-beaked echidna looks remarkably like a hedgehog with an elongated snout. Its diet consists almost entirely of earthworms. Using an excellent sense of smell, the echidna can track down prey in dense undergrowth and uses its probing snout to root them out of the leaf letter. It’s long, thin and flexible tongue is covered in a sticky secretion, and instead of teeth it has horny spines at the back of the mouth to grind up prey.\nA solitary and nocturnal creature, the eastern long-nosed echidna will dig large burrows to shelter in. When threatened, the echidna can curl up into a ball, showing only spines to a potential predator. A single egg is laid into a pouch on the mothers abdomen. After hatching, the spineless young will continue to grow and develop in the pouch for 6 to 8 weeks, feeding on milk from the mother’s mammary glands.\nIntensive hunting, combined with a loss of habitat has pushed the eastern long-beaked echidna into a precarious position. The key populations of this species are now restricted to the highest parts of New Guinea’s mountains. Few conservation measures are currently in place. It is, however, on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) which means that international trade in this species is carefully monitored.\nDiscover more about the eastern long-beaked echidna on the ZSL Edge of Existance website.\nLauren Pascoe, ARKive Media Researcher", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sea of Distress 2017: The Foodservice Industry, Ocean Health, and Seafood Workers\nReport ranks foodservice companies on their efforts to protect our oceans and seafood workers\nby David Pinsky\nOctober 24, 2017\nGreenpeace’s Sea of Distress 2017 report evaluates and ranks 15 major U.S. foodservice companies on their commitments to sustainable seafood. How does your foodservice provider score?\nClick here to download Sea of Distress 2017, Greenpeace’s second assessment of foodservice companies that feed millions of people every day who dine outside the home.\nUnfamiliar to many, companies like Sysco, US Foods, Performance Food Group, Compass Group, Aramark, and Sodexo work to feed people in K-12 to university cafeterias, corporate dining halls, restaurants, sports arenas, amusement parks, hospitals, and home. These companies provide food and services for many clients from Google to Disney World, Burger King, Kennedy Space Center, Yosemite National Park, Florida State University, Hilton Hotels, and the Super Bowl.\nThis report identifies which major foodservice companies are leaders in responsible seafood and which are failing. While there are some improvements underway, several foodservice companies are still failing to provide responsible seafood.\nSodexo, Aramark, and Compass Group ranked highest yet again because of their focus on sustainable seafood, increasing their lead over the worst performers Maines Paper & Food Service, Shamrock Foods, and Elior North America. Each of the remaining nine profiled companies failed, including Sysco, US Foods, Gordon Food Service and Reinhart Foodservice. Performance Food Group overtook its competitor Sysco for fourth place and is close to receiving a passing score, while Centerplate and Delaware North are slowly improving as they devote more resources to responsible seafood.\nApplauding industry leaders and exposing those lagging behind is key to getting foodservice companies to take responsibility to help protect our oceans and the people who depend on them.\nIs the company providing food at your school, workplace, or favorite restaurant selling sustainable seafood? Learn more in Sea of Distress 2017.\nThe 2016 edition of Sea of Distress is available here.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Just as a highly irritated snake kills a man, nuclear plants silently kill mankind and nature for providing illegal money to the greedy contractors, officials and politicians ?\nNuclear Plants are just silent killers of man and Nature. In nature the Uranium ore contains 99.3% of Uranium-238 and the remaining 0.7% is Uranium-235 and they are almost harmless in nature. But greedy business people dig the Uranium ore and convert the least harmful Uranium-235 into the fuel form of Uranium-235 by purifying it to make it a fuel by enriching it from 0.7% to about 4%. It is packed into pellets which are put into Fuel rods and inserted into the core of the nuclear reactor for producing both electricity and Radioactive material for making the killer nuclear bombs. In the reactor when the nuclear atom is given a blow by a neutron, enormous intense heat and other poisonous Radio-active atoms like Xenon, Barium, Cesium, Strontium and Plutonium and a few neutrons are produced.\nThese radioactive substances are discharged into the air and water by several ways and they enter into the environment consisting of air, water and soil and foods like vegetables, fishes, prawns and they ultimately get into human beings and produce cancers and birth defects in generations of people for many decades to come.\nThese poisonous radioactive substances destroy natural and human life and culture and convert lands upto hundreds of kilometers into permanent nuclear burial grounds for ever.\n1) AS A THREATENED COBRA KILLS A MAN, PURIFIED URANIUM IN REACTORS POISON MANKIND AND NATURE:\nHow the harmless Uranium ore materials in nature are converted by man into destructive and killer materials can be understood by the following simple example. For instance king cobras live in nature in anthills in forests and lead their normal life peacefully by catching their prey for food during nights. But greedy who want to extract their venom people go and poke their iron rods into their abodes and disturb the Cobras when they become angry and bite the trespassers to inflict death over them by their poisons. Similarly, the selfish business people are mining the harmless Uranium and converting it into harmful Enriched Uranium and then using it to produce electricity by means of the Nuclear plants and in the process they are producing Radioactive pollutants that poison man and nature as radioactivity gets into the environment. In course of time if an accident occurs in the Nuclear plant due to several reasons like in Fukushima or Chernobyl, the poisonous pollutants are thrown into the atmosphere and they kill thousands of people slowly and inflict cancer to millions of people living downstream upto hundreds of Kilometers as in case of Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents.\nThe Nuclear plant operators are misleading the public by stating that Nuclear power is safe and cheap just like the medical representatives of various pharmaceutical companies praise before the doctors about the virtues of their medical tablets and tonics as part of their sale promotion activity the nuclear authorities are praising the nuclear plants as safe and cheap energy producers which is a social crime. This misinformation is dangerous to public health and welfare because in European states almost all people agree that safety of Nuclear power is a Myth as accepted by Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. She had consulted the genuine experts on nuclear plants and realized that nuclear safety is a myth and ordered for gradual closure of all the nuclear plants in Germany. If Indian Prime Minister and Union Cabinet Ministers including the Chief Ministers of the states want to know the truth about the safety of the nuclear power plants they must go and visit advanced countries like Germany and Japan and discuss the issue with foreign experts so that they can refrain from promoting nuclear plants as is done by the peoples leader like Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal. For more scientific details see the above web sites on this topic prepared by independent experts.\ni) Center and State Government Nuclear experts are recklessly propagating that nuclear reactors are absolutely safe because firstly they are not at all experts as per Section 45 and 51 of Indian Evidence Act and they cannot understand nuclear safety as envisaged by the standards specified by International Atomic Energy Agency.\nii) The Government appointed experts have never studied how Fukushima reactors exploded only due to a series of human failures as had happened even in the case of Bhopal disaster. The experts never studied the case of Bhopal disaster to realize that human errors cause disasters for several reasons. The experts never studied even the 1985 reports on Environmental Impact Assessment report published by the British Government for 1100MW nuclear power plant at Sizewell including the risk analysis, disaster scenario depicting the travel of radioactive pollutants upto 160km from the reactor, the emergency evacuation procedures, rehabilitation of the victims and the cost benefit analysis. They have never studied even the causes and effects of nuclear reactor explosions in Three Mile Island in USA in 1979, the Chernobyl disaster in Russia in 1986 and Fukushima explosion in Japan in March 2011 and the damaging effects on public health and ecological systems and the enormous costs of compensation amounting to 4 lakh crores of rupees leading those countries to virtual economic bankruptcy.\n3) SAFE LIGNITE COAL TO BE USED FOR ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION IS DIVERTED FROM TAMILNADU TO UTTARA PRADESH AND THRUST IMPORTED AND RISKY REACTORS OVER THE HEADS OF TAMILIANS:\nWhile it was the duty of the experts to identify several alternate methods of producing the same amount of electricity in place of the proposed hazardous reactors they have omitted describing such alternatives by utilizing the cheaper, safe and socially acceptable solar power, wind power, natural gas and lignite coal which are available in plenty in India itself. The experts failed to point out to the state and central Governments that their plan to divert lignite coal from Neyveli of Tamilnadu to a far-off sate like Uttara Pradesh in North India to generate same electrical power amounts to denying the supply of electricity by using their own local resource instead of dumping on the heads of the people the most costliest and deadliest large reactors to be imported all the way of from the far off country like Russia. Such an action amounts to denying the right to life, right to health and right to livelihood of lakhs of people of Tamilnadu.\ni) Since the Tamilnadu expert committee consists of 2 mechanical engineers, one commerce Post Graduate and one Physicist, they do not have the necessary academic background to grasp the fundamentals of the different kinds of radioactive substances in the natural background and their damaging impacts on the mode of braking the single strand and double strands of the helix in the DNA located in the Chromosomes present in the nucleus of the different kinds of cells present in different organs of humanbeings, animal population, marine fishery organisms and the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They may not be in a position to grasp the food chains and food webs in nature through which the different kinds of radiation may enter the fisheries and other food. The biological magnification of some of these radioactive particles with both short and long half life spans are bound to cause prolonged damaging effects on normal cells and sperm cells which may result in the birth of mutilated and unnatural offspring.\nii) Consequently the state nuclear experts are disabled to grasp that any increase in radiation above natural background radiation is bound to damage the life systems by causing sickness including cancer and loss of immunity that are conducive for promotion of the incidence of several exotic diseases and new forms of ill-health in the organisms. Some of these experts blindly believe that as compared with the background level of radiation, their nuclear plants at Kudankulam containing one or more large sized reactors are going to contribute radioactive pollution to the Environment which will be negligible as compared with the background levels. These experts are blind to the real facts that a nuclear reactor discharges enormous amounts of radioactivity into the atmosphere and into the natural water courses like lakes and oceans on a very large scale as can be seen by the data published by several honest nuclear plant operators in other countries. See Website:\niii) The Indian experts also bluff the public by designating the nuclear accidents as excursions and nuclear plant locations which will be nuclear burial grounds as nuclear parks. They also do not know that nuclear reactors are responsible for several small scale, medium scale and large scale accidents running into hundreds of accidents per year as can be seen from the following website:http://www.ib.cnea.gov.ar/~protrad/biblioteca/3Accidentes.pdf (Item No.812, Page-115)\nDuring all these accidents high levels of radioactivity will be discharged into the Environment but the plant owners never present the true facts to the public and hence the people only know these facts by the increased levels of cancer and birth defects among the population living in the vicinity of the nuclear plants in Rajasthan, Uttara Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamilnadu as assessed by the independent medical practitioners located in their respective areas. Thus nuclear plants are just silent killers of mankind and nature.\n4) SAFETY OF REACTORS: In order to avoid the core melt-down, experts have provided a series of safety devices. One major line of defence is emergency core cooling system (ECCS) which provides an instantaneous water supply that keeps the core from melting. Another lineof defence is the concrete containment that surrounds the core and the pressure vessel so that even during a loss of coolant accident, no radioactivity will escape into the outside environment. Such engineering safety measures also fail sometimes. If the main pipe in the primary cooling breaks, immediately the control rods eliminate the nuclear fission process, halting the activity. But the radioactivity in the already disintegrating fission products cannot be arrested. In a 650MW plant, the heat formation by the radioactive disintegration process amounts to roughly 200MW three seconds after the reactor is switched off, 100 MW after one minute, 30MW after one hour and 12MW after 24 hours.\nUnder normal operating conditions, the reactor has an external fuel casing temperature of about 350oC, while the interior fuel rods remain at 2220oC. If the cooling liquid is lost, the outer surface of the rods heats up rapidly within 10 to 15 seconds, the fuel casing will begin to break down and within a minute, the casing will melt.\nUnless the emergency cooling system comes into operation within a minute, the fuel (approximately 100 tonnes) and the supporting structure will all begin to melt, leading to a major accident. At this stage even if the emergency cooling system works, it will make the situation worse. The molten metals react with the cooling water to produce steam and hydrogen and heat from the fission products adds to this, thus sinking the melten core to the ground. In a 200MW nuclear reactor radio-fission products accumulated after one year would be equivalent to the amount released by approximately 1000 atom bombs of the Hiroshima variety. Since the reactor pressure vessel contains the core, any loss in the pressure vessel in excess of the supply from ECCS leads to the escape of the coolant, thereby exposing the core that gets overheated within seconds. The failure of the vessel can inflict serious damage to the core and also break the containment.\n5) EMERGENCY COOLANT FAILS: According to the advocates of nuclear power when the primary coolant comes out of the major pipe break in the coolant water loop, the control rods are immediately driven into the core to stop the fission reaction and the ECC system releases the cool water from the accumulators intended to cope with such emergencies. But the environmental experts and opponents of nuclear power emphasise that by the time the emergency coolant water gets in the core, the temperature in the core would become so high that the water turns into high pressure steam, either obstructing the entry of more coolant or forcing it to exit through the breakage in the pipes so that the reactor core gets overheated to cause a major disaster. When the Aerojet Nuclear Company conducted tests of ECC system at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho, USA, mechanical failure occurred. Subsequent tests at Oakridge National Laboratories indicated that the Zircalloyclad fuel rods may swell, rupture and obstruct the cooling channel thereby preventing the emergency cooling water from reaching the reactor core. Fuel rod swelling commenced about 1400oF and at 1880oF the coolant channels were blocked by 50 to 100 percent and such a blockage could be catastrophic. The combined effect of the rapid cooling during an emergency core cooling with the rapidly rising pressure in a reactor vessel could lead to its rupture, an accident that no nuclear plant is designed to cope with. Failure of the vessel could occur due to inherent weakness in the construction of the vessel itself or due to factors such as molten fuel coolant explosion or the gross failure of the vessel support system. Steam generators also cause problems due to deformation of tubes because of corrosion of support of plate materials, fatigue failures and tube pitting problems. The feed water system piping is exposed to water-hammer, leading to the damage of valves. These valves on their own face problems from packing, gasket leakage and erosion. http://armypubs.army.mil/eng/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/tm5_698_4.pdf\ni) Places to be evacuated during accident at Kudankulam: When an accident at a nuclear plant releases enormous quantities of radioactivity into the air, water and soil environment, there will be immediate fatalities and long-term genetic damage among the exposed populations. All the people within the zone of influence from the reactors must be evacuated. Evacuation must be completed within 6 hours for 2 to 5km, 12 hours for 5 to 25km, 24 hours for 25 to 75km and 40 hours for over 75kms downwind from Kudankulam as per the British Accident scenario for the 1100MW, Sizewell reactor, based on a wind speed of 5m/sec rainfall of 1mm/hour and natural stability conditions of the atmosphere. After thorough scrubbing and decontamination of lands, equipment and residences due to radioactive pollution from an accident, people may be permitted to return to their original residence along with their cattle and other properties after three weeks upto 170kms, one year upto 140km, from 5 years upto 115km, 10 years upto 98km and 20 years upto 77kms distance from the nuclear plant. Depending upon the weather conditions during the accident, certain places will be more affected than others. Many villages of Ramanathapuram, Tirnelveli and Kanyakumari of Tamilnadu and Trivandrum and Quilon districts of Kerala will be affected seriously. Killakkarai, Sattirakudi, Abiramam, Virudhnagar and Watrap of Tamilnadu and Gudalur, Thekkadi, Vengamala, Pantalam and Karunagapalli of Kerala lie within 170kms. Sayalkudi, Nattakkadu, Sivakasi and Sattur of Tamilnadu, Edathora, Aruppokottair, Srivilliputtur and Rajapaliyam lie in between 140km and 170kms. Karilgatti, Kalugumala and Puliyangudiof Tamilnadu, Tenmala, Kadakkal, Attingal and Kadiamkulam of Kerala lie within 115km. Taruvaikulam, Kadambur, Tirumalapuram and Tenkasi of Tamilnadu and Palad and Attipara lie within 98kms. Tuticorin, Kayattar and Trivandrum lie in between 98kms and 77kms, Sayarpuram Pudukkottai, tirunelveli, Ambassamudram, Mannar, Balaramapuram, Neyyattinkara, Nanguneri, Panakudi, Kolachel, Nagercoil and Cape Comorin lie within 77kms from the nuclear plant site.\n6) WHY TAMILANDU NUCLEAR EXPERTS MISUNDERSTAND NUCLEAR SAFETY?: When radioactive atomic nuclei breaks up due to instability or impinged by neutrons radiation is released as particulates or high energy wave radiation. When such radiation hits on living cells the atoms in the cell get ionized. The atomic nucleus contains in its electronic sheath negatively charged electrons equal to positively charged protons in the atomic nucleus and so an atom is electrically neutral in its outward effects. If a negatively charged electron of Beta particle radiation bombards a neutral atom one or more electrons will be thrown out of the electoral sheath of the atom which becomes an ion that is a positively recharged atomic residue the newly formed ions have considerable electrical attractive power and so have capacity for strong chemical reaction. If such reactions occur in air or dead matter nobody bothers but if ionization of atoms occurs in living tissue it often causes damage resulting in cancer cells it causes severe damage like deformities, still births, enzyme defects and metabolic disorders. It has to be assumed that even the smallest quantity of radioactivity can cause a corresponding damage in living cells. If the radioactive particles or rays bombard a DNA molecule it causes ionization of atoms and the subsequent chemical reactions cause variations in basic arrangement of base sequels and break either a single strand or double strand of the double helix in DNA and so changes occur in the heritable information and the consequential damages on living organisms. The strand of the helix sequences of phosphoric acid residual and Deoxyribose residues while the bases contain ,Adenine,Thymine, Guanine, and cytosinev residues.\n7) RADIATIONS DAMAGE THE HUMAN AND ANIMAL CELLS ALSO: Inside the nucleus of human cells there will be 23 pairs of chromosomes each of which is packed with DNA the genetic material to receive from the parents. The DNA is always exposed to damaging agents like ultraviolet light, chemicals and reactive oxygen species generated by ionizing radiation. Direct radiation like alpha or Beta (electrons) particles or X-rays which create ions that physically break one or both of the sugar phosphate backbones or break the base pairs of the DNA. The base pairs of ATGC are held together by weak hydrogen bonds. The bonding of these base pairs can also be damaged by ionizing radiation. The base pairs of the DNA form sequences called nucleotides which inturn form the genes. The genes direct the cell to make proteins which determine the cell type and regulate its working when such breaks occur the DNA repairs itself by a process called excision which occurs in 3 steps.\n- Endonucleases cut out the damaged DNA\n- Resysnthesis of the original DNA by DNA polymerase\n- Ligation by which the sugar phosphate backbone is repaired\nSince evaluation of species occurred in sea of radiation the DNA repair processes constantly occur.\nWHY INDUSTRY HIDES FACTS ON RADIOACTIVE ROUTINE RELEASES ALSO:\nEveryday DNA gets 10,000 injuries due to routine chemicals. A radioactive substance contains 1 curie when 37 billion radioactive disintegrations occur in it per cell. Natural radioactivity of earth per gram is 1 pico curie equivalent to 1 trillionth of a cancer. In dry air one Roentgen or Rad or Rem produces 2 billion ions per cm3. One Rad is the radiation dosage given out by 100 ergs of energy for gram of any substance. But since different radiations have different energy dosages their biological effectiveness is given a quality factor to identify Relative Biological effectiveness. The RB factor is one for Beta, Gamma and X-Ray radiations. While alpha and proton radiations have 10 times higher while neutron radiation has 4 units for slow neutron that gradually rise to 20 for fast neutron radiations. Proton at one 10-millionth part of a gram can cause cancer as it emits alpha rays of very high radiation doses with a high factor of 3 lakh units. If a lorry containing 25kg were to overturn in road accident the plutonium thus released could cause 250 billion cases of lung cancer. 25kg of Plutonium can be used for an atomic bomb. Tritium with its weak Beta rays comes into waste water at 100 curies to 1000 curies per annum for a nuclear plant of 1000MW capacity. During decay tritium atom emits an electron and is converted into stable Helium. Tritium occurs in natural waters at 40 pico curies per liter and in public water supplies its concentration is limited to 3 million pico curies per liter. If one strand of DNA breaks the second strand of helix as a duplicate repairs like replacing one spoiled bulb by a new one and holds the chromosome together. Even when double strand breakages for a radiation of 100 to 500 rads exposure the repair is done in 2 to 8 hours. But when dosage of 0.08 rads per year for a decade caused extra chromosomal damage among people of Alaska. There will be 600 millions cells in one CC . In Humans one percent of single strand lesions (breaks) are converted to about 50 double strand breaks in DNA for cell cycle. Similar to the double produced by 1.52 to 2 Grays of sparsely ionizing radiation. Although DSBs are repaired on a reliable basis, the errors in repair mechanism often cause high rate of cancer in human beings. 100 rads Gamma rays cause 300 tracks cross every nucleus of the cell based on 630KeV Gamma rays from Ce 137 and one track for nucleus is due to 0.33 rads of Ce 137. Background radiation causes a fraction of one track per year. An X-ray produces 6 to 10 tracks per cell nuclei. A Gamma ray produces one MeV( soft Gamma ray gives 100 KeV) Beta particle produces 2 MeV and Alpha particle produces 6 MeV. 1 Sv or 100 rems give one Joule per kg of energy in human tissue. Radiation causes DNA damage in Million molecule lesions per cell per day. Human exposure to background radiation is about 2.4 mSv per year and the nuclear plants add to the public about 1 mSv and 20 mSv for workers per year and this limit is based on the assumption that there is no threshold dose below which there would be no effect which means that any additional dose will cause proportional increase in damage to public health and it is based on the precautionary principle which is universally accepted. While one kg of granite or coffee produces 1000Bq, one kg of coal ash 2000 Bq, one kg 7000 Bq and 1 kg of low level radioactive waste produces one million Bq. Since the Indian Nuclear Power Corporation hides facts about routine releases of radioactivity from nuclear power plants it becomes inevitable for Indians and others to know the true facts from published literature in other countries dealing with nuclear power plants. The following website present the detailed data http://www.ieer.org/sdafiles/16-1/tritium_releases.html\nConsequently the common people cannot trust the experts of the Government organization about radiation exposure due to nuclear power plants and hence must anticipate that under different kinds of nuclear accidents there will be large scale radioactivity discharged into the environment at all the existing plants which are causing serious health impacts as reported by independent scientists. Since the nuclear plants cannot be prevented by the Indian experts to discharge radioactive pollution from the reactors the people have to make their own estimates in the matter and visualize what kinds of illnesses including cancer are waiting in the wings to harm lakhs of people in the near and distant places from Kudankulam reactors upto hundreds of kilometers downwind.\nDescription and Effects of Different Doses and Dose Rates\nDescription / Effects\n0.3 to 0.6 mSv/a\n|This is the typical range of dose rates from artificial sources of radiation, mostly medical.|\n0.2 to 0.8 mSv/a\n|This is the range of worldwide average annual radiation dose from ingestion of foodstuff and water. Variations about the mean values by factors 5 to 10 are not unusual for many components of exposure from natural sources.|\n2.4 mSv/a (approximately)\n|The normal average background radiation from natural sources. Approximately half of this exposure is from radon in air.|\n|This is the highest known average annual dose from background radiation that occurs in the Kerala and Madras states in India where a population of over 100 000 people is exposed to this level.|\n|This dose averaged over 5 years is the limit for regulated practices and working activities such as the nuclear industry employees and mining and mineral processing workers, who are closely monitored.|\n|This dose is conservatively the lowest dose rate where there is any evidence of cancer being caused. It is also the dose rate that arises from natural background levels in several places. Above this, the probability of cancer occurrence (rather than the severity) increases with dose.|\n|This dose accumulated over some time, would probably cause a fatal cancer many years later in 5 of every 100 persons exposed to it (i.e. if the normal incidence of fatal cancer were 25%, this dose would increase it to 30%).|\n1 000 mSv\n|This dose received as a short-term dose would probably cause (temporary) illness such as nausea and decreased white blood cell count, but not death. Above this dose the severity of illness increases with dose.|\nBetween 2 000 and 10 000 mSv\n|This dose over a short-term dose would cause severe radiation sickness with increasing likelihood that this would be fatal.|\n10 000 mSv\n|This dose in a short-term dose would cause immediate illness and subsequent death within a few weeks.|\n9) DAMAGE TO LIFE FORMS IS OFTEN IRREVERSIBLE AND INEVITABLE MAKING NUCLEAR SAFETY A PIE IN THE SKY AND HENCE PEOPLE MUST OPPOSE THEM:\nWhen an electron passes through a biological cell the electron releases its energy along its path (called a track) by interacting with the electrons of nearby molecules. The energy thus released is absorbed by atoms near the track causing excitation ( a push in the orbit of an electron to a higher energy level) or ionization (release of an electron from the atom) and the residue unstable atoms are known as radicalsand are chemically highly active. X-ray and gamma rays unlike Beta particles release high speed electrons from atoms first. Positively charged particles transfer energy to molecules in the cells electrically uncharged neutrons impact of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms namely protons. Since the masses of the proton and neutron are similar the impact results in an elastic scattering process as occurs in Billiards game. The ejected protons work like charged protons. Ionizations due to radiation act directly on cell molecules or indirectly on water molecules causing water derived radicals which react with nearby molecules causing breakage of chemical bonds or addition of oxygen atoms by oxidation of the affected molecules. The major effect in biological cells is at DNA breaks either in single strand or double strands and the later is important biologically. Single strand breaks can be repaired normally because of the double stranded nature of the DNA(the two strands complement each other so that an intact strand serves as a template for repair of its damaged opposite strand) In case of double strand breaks the repair is more difficult and the erroneous rejoining of broken ends may occur and such misrepairs cause mutations, chromosome abrasions or cell death.\nRadiations differ not only by their components like electrons, protons and neutrons but also by their energy. Radiations by neutrons and alpha particles cause dense ionization along their track and are called High Linear Energy Transfer ,High LET radiation that is energy released per unit length of the track. Low LET radiations by X-Rays and Gamma rays produce ionizations sparsely along their track and homogeneously within the cell. High LET radiations release energy in a small region of the cell and the localized DNA damage caused by High LET radiations is more difficult to repair than the diffuse DNA damage caused by the sparse ionizations from Low LET radiations. The same radiation dosage produce the same total number of ionizations with the difference that Low LET radiation causes sparse ionizations whose damaging effects can be normally repaired while the High LET radiation causes dense ionization along their track causing double strand breaks which are more difficult for repair and hence are bound to cause cell deaths or mutations resulting in cancer and other forms of illness.http://www.rerf.jp/radefx/basickno_e/radcell.htm\n10) CRUCIAL ROLE OF THE PUBLIC TO SAVE THEIR RIGHT TO LIFE, RIGHT TO HEALTH AND RIGHT TO LIVELIHOOD AT ANY COST:\nWhen India became independent Mahatma Gandhi addressed a public meeting on the occasion. He said “by making Pandit.Jawahar Lal Nehru as the Prime Minister of India I call him an uncrowned King of India. Like anyone of us he is a humanbeing and all of you know that to err is human. In course of his work to uplift the nation he will plan and execute several developmental projects during the course of administration he may commit some errors who will correct such errors. His Minister or his administrative officers will not dare to point out his mistakes and rectify them and then who will take the responsibility to put the nations destiny on the right track”. Since none of them people presented the meeting opened their mouths he told them point blank “ it is you, the people of this great social welfare state in the democracy who have to correct even the mistakes of a Prime Minister. If you do not come forward to rectify such defects you are unfit as responsible citizen of the great social welfare state. Similarly Prime Minister Mrs.Indira Gandhi also wanted all the responsible citizens to protect public interest and for the purpose amended article 51A and introduced sub clause “g” by which she proclaimed that it is the first duty o the responsible citizen to protect the water, the air, the forests, the wild life and to develop compassion for all living creatures. “That is why it has been always said that eternal vigilance is a price that the Indian people have to pay to sustain their democracy. Thus it is the people of India who have to fight against the anti peoples actions perpetrated by the Government at the state and Central levels to safeguard the health and welfare of the present and future generations of the people in India. Coming to the case of Kudankulam nuclear reactors the people must play an active role to stop them as they are just silent killers.\nIn case of Kudankulam reactors it is better that the local people and school children must collect funds by begging in Tamilnadu villages and towns and present the money to the Chief Minister and Prime Minister for abandoning the present reactors on the plea that in case these reactors experience explosions on the pattern of Fukushima rectors, the people have to pay a heavy penalty of Rs.4 lakh crores which will make the state and the country fall into the trap of economic bankruptcy. Infact in one of the villages of Cuddapah the school children who found that their family members addicted to liquor are not only dying but also ruining their families because the state Government has considered liquor business as their main economic source of survival. The children wanted to pay that amount realized through liquor sales to the state Government to ban liquor sales so that the families will save their own heads of families who are the bread winners. In Tamilnadu the experiment can be copied and implemented to stop the reactors and thereby stop the state Government do indirectly declare a nuclear war on millions of people of South Tamilnadu.\nEven in history there are many instances when a Kingdom was invaded a treacherous foreign ruler the local people used to fight against the invasion or alternatively purchase peace by paying compensation money to the invader. Veera Pandya Kattabhraman refused to yield to the dictators of the treacherous British rulers so he was hanged in public. Today the people of this historical Pandyan Empire have to save their lives and of their progeny against the invasion by the people in the North of Pandya Kingdom in Tamilnadu and those from the North India. The Pandyans if they want the survival of their future generations they must resort to this alternative course of action as followed by the children of the Cuddapah village of Andhra Pradesh.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This report explains how the need for lighting products in places like Africa remains critical, as a large portion of households still have no access to electrical services.\nSearch Clean Energy Policy Resources by Keyword\nSearch for resources by entering keywords in the box below or selecting them from the lists on the left.\nThis website features links to United Nations Development Programme case studies and publications on how energy can be used to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, which is one of eight UN Millennium Development Goals for 2015.\nThe Global Environment Facility has supported technologies including solar thermal heating, solar thermal power, off-grid and on-grid solar photovoltaic, wind power, small hydro power, geothermal power, and biomass in projects globally.\nThis database describes energy efficiency policies and measures in about 90 countries. Information was collected with surveys in about 50 countries and literature reviews in the remaining, which included national energy efficiency plans and other maintained databases.\nThis report is the first in a series of three issue briefs on \"Keys to Achieving Universal Energy Access,\" a three-day workshop held by WRI and the DOEN Foundation.\nThe World Bank and the International Finance Corporation provide the Global Solar Atlas—in addition to a series of global, regional and country GIS data layers and poster maps—to support the scale-up of solar power in their client countries.\nTRANSrisk conducted 15 case studies that explore the transition to low-carbon economies, including 14 country-level case studies and one at the global and regional level.\nThis report is the fifth in a series documenting the World Bank Group’s progress in supporting renewable energy and energy efficiency. It details the successes of, and lessons learned from, the investments made by the World Bank Group over the past five years.\nThis online data base collects information on international climate mitigation initiatives in operation that (1) have potential to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, (2) are international in scope or have the potential for significant impact at global scale, and (3) are dialogues,\nThis special issue of the Environment & Urbanization journal was edited by the Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) network.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "News - 2023\nWe are pleased to announce a series of four seminars hosted by the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich, under its Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (FaNSI). The seminars to be held in January and February 2023, will provide the occasion for NRI researchers, students and FaNSI partners to share with a wider audience, their recent research addressing challenges and potential solutions relating to food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa.\nIn April 2022, NRI sent two of its experts to Uzbekistan to support farmers in solving agricultural pest problems in ways which minimise risks to people and the environment. Professor Richard Hopkins, Head of NRI’s Agriculture, Health and Environment Department, and Hans Dobson, Professor of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and a Crop Protection Specialist, travelled to the Uzbek capital Tashkent with colleagues, Dirk Babendreier and Manfred Grossrieder from CAB International (CABI), who brought complementary strengths in the area of biocontrol, research and implementation.\nOn Tuesday 24 January 2023, Rehman Chishti, MP for Gillingham and Rainham and Cllr Jan Aldous, The Worshipful The Mayor of Medway, joined Professor Jane Harrington, Vice Chancellor of the University of Greenwich, to declare open the brand-new food innovation centre at the Medway campus in Chatham.\nNRI’s Dr Kendra Byrd is co-author of a new study published in the journal Nature Food, which explains how small fish such as herring, sardine and anchovy could play a big part in tackling malnutrition and the food insecurity crisis across the globe. Until now, very little was known about the affordability, availability and superb nutritional value of these pelagic fish, so-called because they live in open waters rather than near the bottom, or the shore.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- This event has passed.\n3rd Annual Free the Snake Flotilla\nSeptember 8, 2017 @ 5:00 pm - September 9, 2017 @ 5:00 pm\nThis family-friendly event will feature two nights of camping at Chief Timothy Park in Clarkston, WA., along with guest speakers, live music, food and a paddle into the lower Snake River canyon. Please join hundreds of activists from around the Pacific Northwest to advocate for the removal of the deadbeat four lower Snake River dams! Register here.\nFor more information", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sweden: FriGeo Establishes Important Collaboration Agreement\nFriGeo and two other specialists of freezing technology, National Nuclear Laboratory Limited (NNL) and Studsvik UK Limited, have signed a collaboration agreement regarding further development of the existing freezing technology.\n“Our aim is to bring new and innovative decommission technology to the nuclear industry resulting in innovative and value adding solutions for customers across the world,” they said.\nDuring freeze stabilization blocks of the bottom sediment are frozen below water and stabilized before being lifted. Frozen sediments are nearly as hard as concrete and the content of the frozen block, whether a contaminant or a valuable object, will stay safely embedded in the sediments while being salvaged to land.\nArtificial ground freezing has been in the existence for over 100 years and is a proven method used to provide earth support for excavations in the mining and construction industry.\n“This collaboration is a milestone for us taking an important step into the international nuclear market,” said And Klas Dagertun, CEO at FriGeo.\nPress Release, June 12, 2014", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wow, there's just so much happening at Minsmere - and we haven't even got to May yet!\nAfter yesterday's stone-curlew was spotted from the approach road, another was located on the Konik Field, where it showed well all afternoon. Although they are waders, stone-curlews are rarely seen near water, so this was particularly notable location.\nOther notable waders yesterday included six wood sandpipers flying north (an excellent count), two greenshanks and two spotted redshanks. A drake garganey was on the Levels, and five late brent geese dropped in.\nIt was good day for passage migrants. No fewer than three red kites flew through during the day, and a buzzard was spotted. Wheatears were widespread - at least nine on the reserve. Two black terns, single white and yellow wagtails and a female redstart in the dunes near East Hide were also noteworthy.\nGarden warbler numbers have increased in recent days, with at least nine around the reserve. A cuckoo was heard again on the Levels, and a lesser whitethroat in North Bushes. A grasshopper warbler continues to sing along the North Wall.\nAnother bird with a reeling song similar to a grasshopper warbler is the much rarer Savi's warbler. One was heard between West and South Hides at 7 am this morning, and for a little while afterwards, and may still be in the area, but they are easiest to hear early and late in the day.\nAmong our popular regular species, bitterns continue to show from Bittern and Island Mere Hides, hobbies dart above the reedbeds, marsh harriers are doing regular food passes, sand martins are busy around the colony, and the nightingale near the car park entrance was feeding in the open this morning. Finally, a nuthatch was on the feeders outside the tearoom yesterday.\nOn the insect front, the first small coppers were noted around the stone-curlew viewpoint yesterday.\nWith the Bank Holiday weather forecast for cooler, wetter weather, i hope spring migrants will continue to arrive to be enjoyed by our many visitors.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "An explosion from the much larger proposed Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline could be much worse. And remember, much of this toxic fossil fuel pushing through leaking veins throughout the country is for export to other countries, to profit a few companies at locals’ expense. Maybe you’d like to come to Leesburg, GA to say a few words about that.\nABC 13 Eyewitness News wrote 26 June 2014, Gas line explosion sends 150-foot flames up in air,\nEAST BERNARD, TX (KTRK) — Authorities are investigating an gas explosion near a compressor plant just west of East Bernard in Wharton County.\nIt happened at FM 1164 just south of Highway 59.\nAccording to the Office of Emergency Management, a gas line adjacent to the Kinder Morgan compressor plant blew out, destroying the roadway and catching a nearby truck on fire. Flames as has as 150 feet were shooting out of the blaze.\nOne person suffered a minor injury and was transported to Oak Bend Hospital in stable condition.Continue reading 150-foot flames from methane pipeline explosion in east Texas 2014-06-26", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The following is a guest post by Gary Strachan, an international vineyard and winery consultant specializing in the start up of vineyards and wineries. Please see his complete bio at the end of this post!\nDo you ever have that feeling that no matter what you do it isn‚Äôt working?¬† Maybe go back to bed and start the day over?¬†¬†¬† It‚Äôs a bit like operating a vineyard.¬†¬† Say it‚Äôs been a tough spring and bud break was late.¬† You expect the crop to mature late, especially if you leave too many clusters, so you cluster thin heavily to accelerate ripening.¬†¬†¬† Then you have a perfect summer and the growth in the vineyard looks like a jungle because you didn‚Äôt balance it out with a heavy enough crop load.\nMurphy‚Äôs Law says that ‚ÄúWhatever can go wrong will go wrong, and in the worst possible way.‚Ä̬†¬†¬† The point ofthe exercise is to always have a Plan B so that the ‚Äúworst possible way‚ÄĚ is more acceptable.\nThe best possible Plan B is to do a careful assessment of the site before you plant. ¬†This is the only time to choose and modify your terroir.¬†¬† With a good terroir, the vagaries of weather become less severe.\nI prefer an eastern exposure because the site warms more quickly in the morning sun and is sheltered from the intense heat of the afternoon.¬†¬† A western exposure can be an advantage in marginal locations where an extra increment of heat is required to ripen long season varieties, but there is also the risk of overheating the vines in the afternoon and suppressing photosynthesis.¬†¬† Exposed red grapes may be heated to the point that the evaporation of flavour compounds exceeds their rate of synthesis on hot days.¬†¬†¬† Picture the problem a plant has to adapt to a daily twenty degree change in temperature.\nSlope is important.¬†¬† A 5% slope is enough to provide good air drainage, without creating traction problems.¬†¬†¬† A 30% slope will collect a higher temperature, but is harder to service.¬†¬†¬† Beyond 30% you may have to cope with the inefficiencies of terraces.\nIf the site is rolling, you must accept that every change in slope will affect fruit composition.¬†¬†¬† There will also be a difference between top, bottom and centre of a slope.¬†¬† Before you plant, decide how important it is to have uniform composition of the fruit from your vineyard.¬†¬† If uniform composition is important, then the top soil should be removed, the site recontoured and¬† the soil profile restored.\nWhile on the subject of soil profile, we should consider how to support healthy roots.¬†¬†¬† Look for well drained soil, hopefully with humus or silt near the surface.¬†¬† If the site has fine soil that drains poorly, then the vineyard must be deep ripped prior to planting.¬†¬† Plants in fine soil should also have assistance to establish by auguring or ditching the planting site and mixing in sharp sand with the fine soil.¬†¬† Be extremely careful with an auger.¬†¬†¬† If you drill in wet clay or silt, you may polish the boundaries of the hole and constrain root growth inside an impenetrable plant pot.\nGrapes have a spurt of root growth in spring and again in fall.¬†¬† Prior to bloom they require water at essentially the drained upper limit of soil then gradually less water until veraison.¬†¬† In late summer, when roots have progressively more difficulty to extract water, the root tips begin to release the plant hormone ABA.¬† ABA stimulates the production of phenolic compounds, hardening of the vine, fruit maturation, and suppresses cane elongation.¬†¬†¬† Encourage the roots to seek water but don‚Äôt put them into distress.¬† ¬†A good soil profile facilitates this.¬† If there is a water barrier or ground water source two or three metres beneath the surface, this is the best of all possible worlds, but it may not be possible in sand or gravel.¬†¬† ¬†If you must do a major recontour, consider the composition of sub soil as well as top soil.¬†¬†¬† If your site surface is OK, rip it and leave the profile alone.\nOne of the major problems that must be adjusted prior to planting is soil pH.¬† If pH adjustment is required, it will take several tons of either powdered limestone or sulphur per acre.¬†¬†¬†¬† After all other operations are completed, the pH adjustment should be tilled into the soil prior to planting, and preferably prior to posting and irrigation installation.\nElevation can be important if it is extreme and results in a shorter growing season, but can be an advantage if it provides good air drainage and good slope and orientation.\nThe important thing to remember about your terroir is that a good terrior can facilitate maintaining balanced growth in the vineyard in spite of changes in rainfall or temperature from year to year.¬†¬†¬† A good terroir has an exposure that collects more energy than is required on a sunny day but collects enough energy for full growth on an overcast day.¬†¬† The temperature should be moderated by proximity to water.¬†¬† Look around you.¬†¬† A good terroir is beautiful.\nThis article was first published in British Columbia Fruit Grower and has been republished on this blog with permission from the author.\nGary Strachan is an international vineyard and winery consultant who lives in Summerland, British Columbia. ¬†He is a former Agriculture Canada research scientist who studied cool climate grape varieties and and winemaking. ¬��He taught viticulture and enology courses at Okanagan College and Vancouver Island University for over 25 years. ¬†He is the former Canadian delegate to the O.I.V. and is current Chairman of BC’s Sustainable Practices Committee. ¬†Much of his professional practice is centered on the design and¬†start up¬†of vineyards and wineries.\nGary Strachan is listed¬†on LinkedIn.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Rake Up Boise is this Saturday. Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who will be out raking up more than one thousand yards for people who are older or who have disabilities. Team leaders picked up cases of leaf bags last Saturday.\nMost leaves will have fallen by this Saturday, but some leaves are stubborn.\nThose leaves are firmly attached. The condition is called marcescence, and it’s a bit of a mystery. Some trees are more prone to hanging on to dead leaves than others, such as oak and beech trees, and also shrubby trees. The reasons include timing of freezing temperatures, rain, snow, and probably more things science doesn’t know about yet.\nSome trees will hang on until new leaves emerge in the spring. Nothing you can do to hurry it along. Trust Mother Nature.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "\"This is the ultimate survival guide for our species. Lester Brown plots a path around and beyond the looming environmental abyss with courage, compassion and immense wisdom.\" —Jonathan Watts, Asia Environment Correspondent for The Guardian and author of When A Billion Chinese Jump on World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse\nChapter 5. Stabilizing Climate: Shifting to Renewable Energy: Energy from the Earth\nThe heat in the upper six miles of the earth’s crust contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world’s oil and gas reserves combined—a startling statistic that few people are aware of. Despite this abundance, only 10,500 megawatts of geo¬thermal generating capacity have been harnessed worldwide. 64\nPartly because of the dominance of the oil, gas, and coal industries, which have been providing cheap fuel by omitting the costs of climate change and air pollution from fuel prices, relatively little has been invested in developing the earth’s geothermal heat resources. Over the last decade, geothermal energy has been growing at scarcely 3 percent a year. 65\nHalf the world’s existing generating capacity is in the United States and the Philippines. Mexico, Indonesia, Italy, and Japan account for most of the remainder. Altogether some 24 countries now convert geothermal energy into electricity. Iceland, the Philippines, and El Salvador respectively get 27, 26, and 23 percent of their electricity from geothermal power plants. 66\nThe potential of geothermal energy to provide electricity, to heat homes, and to supply process heat for industry is vast. Among the countries rich in geothermal energy are those bordering the Pacific in the so-called Ring of Fire, including Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, the United States, Canada, Russia, China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. Other geothermally rich countries include those along the Great Rift Valley of Africa, such as Kenya and Ethiopia, and those around the Eastern Mediterranean. 67\nBeyond geothermal electrical generation, an estimated 100,000 thermal megawatts of geothermal energy are used directly—without conversion into electricity—to heat homes and greenhouses and as process heat in industry. This includes, for example, the energy used in hot baths in Japan and to heat homes in Iceland and greenhouses in Russia.68\nAn interdisciplinary team of 13 scientists and engineers assembled by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2006 assessed U.S. geothermal electrical generating potential. Drawing on the latest technologies, including those used by oil and gas companies in drilling and in enhanced oil recovery, the team estimated that enhanced geothermal systems could be used to massively develop geothermal energy. This technology involves drilling down to the hot rock layer, fracturing the rock and pumping water into the cracked rock, then extracting the superheated water to drive a steam turbine. The MIT team notes that with this technology the United States has enough geothermal energy to meet its energy needs 2,000 times over. 69\nThough it is still costly, this technology can be used almost anywhere to convert geothermal heat into electricity. Australia is currently the leader in developing pilot plants using this technology, followed by Germany and France. To fully realize this potential for the United States, the MIT team estimated that the government would need to invest $1 billion in geothermal research and development in the years immediately ahead, roughly the cost of one coal-fired power plant. 70\nEven before this exciting new technology is widely deployed, investors are moving ahead with existing technologies. For many years, U.S. geothermal energy was confined largely to the Geysers project north of San Francisco, easily the world’s largest geothermal generating complex, with 850 megawatts of generating capacity. Now the United States, which has more than 3,000 megawatts of geothermal generation, is experiencing a geothermal renaissance. Some 126 power plants under development in 12 states are expected to nearly triple U.S. geothermal generating capacity. With California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah leading the way, and with many new companies in the field, the stage is set for massive U.S. geothermal development. 71\nIndonesia, richly endowed with geothermal energy, stole the spotlight in 2008 when it announced a plan to develop 6,900 megawatts of geothermal generating capacity. The Philippines, currently the world’s number two generator of electricity from geothermal sources, is planning a number of new projects. 72\nAmong the Great Rift countries in Africa—including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Djibouti—Kenya is the early leader. It now has over 100 megawatts of geothermal generating capacity and is planning 1,200 more megawatts by 2015. This would double its current electrical generating capacity of 1,200 megawatts from all sources. 73\nJapan, which has 18 geothermal power plants with a total of 535 megawatts of generating capacity, was an early leader in this field. Now, following nearly two decades of inactivity, this geo¬thermally rich country—long known for its thousands of hot baths—is again beginning to build geothermal power plants. 74\nIn Europe, Germany has 4 small geothermal power plants in operation and some 180 plants in the pipeline. Werner Bussmann, head of the German Geothermal Association, says, “Geothermal sources could supply Germany’s electricity needs 600 times over.” Monique Barbut, head of the Global Environment Facility, expects the number of countries tapping geothermal energy for electricity to rise from roughly 20 when the century began to close to 50 by 2010. 75\nBeyond geothermal power plants, geothermal (ground source) heat pumps are now being widely used for both heating and cooling. These take advantage of the remarkable stability of the earth’s temperature near the surface and then use that as a source of heat in the winter when the air temperature is low and a source of cooling in the summer when the temperature is high. The great attraction of this technology is that it can provide both heating and cooling and do so with 25–50 percent less electricity than would be needed with conventional systems. In Germany, for example, there are now 130,000 geothermal heat pumps operating in residential or commercial buildings. This base is growing steadily, as at least 25,000 new pumps are installed each year. 76\nIn the direct use of geothermal heat, Iceland and France are among the leaders. Iceland’s use of geothermal energy to heat almost 90 percent of its homes has largely eliminated coal for this use. Geothermal energy accounts for more than one third of Iceland’s total energy use. Following the two oil price hikes in the 1970s, some 70 geothermal heating facilities were constructed in France, providing both heat and hot water for an estimated 200,000 residences. In the United States, individual homes are supplied directly with geothermal heat in Reno, Nevada, and in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Other countries that have extensive geothermally based district-heating systems include China, Japan, and Turkey. 77\nGeothermal heat is ideal for greenhouses in northern countries. Russia, Hungary, Iceland, and the United States are among the many countries that use it to produce fresh vegetables in the winter. With rising oil prices boosting fresh produce transport costs, this practice will likely become far more common in the years ahead. 78\nAmong the 16 countries using geothermal energy for aquaculture are China, Israel, and the United States. In California, for example, 15 fish farms annually produce some 10 million pounds of tilapia, striped bass, and catfish using warm water from underground. 79\nThe number of countries turning to geothermal energy for both electricity and heat is rising fast. So, too, is the range of uses. Romania, for instance, uses geothermal energy for district heating, for greenhouses, and to supply hot water for homes and factories. 80\nHot underground water is widely used for both bathing and swimming. Japan has 2,800 spas, 5,500 public bathhouses, and 15,600 hotels and inns that use geothermal hot water. Iceland uses geothermal energy to heat some 100 public swimming pools, most of them year-round open-air pools. Hungary heats 1,200 swimming pools with geothermal energy. 81\nIf the four most populous countries located on the Pacific Ring of Fire—the United States, Japan, China, and Indonesia—were to seriously invest in developing their geothermal resources, they could easily make this a leading world energy source. With a conservatively estimated potential in the United States and Japan alone of 240,000 megawatts of generation, it is easy to envisage a world with thousands of geothermal power plants generating some 200,000 megawatts of electricity, the Plan B goal, by 2020. 82\n64. Karl Gawell et al., International Geothermal Development Directory and Resource Guide (Washington, DC: Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), 2003); EER, Global Geothermal Markets and Strategies 2009–2020 (Cambridge, MA: May 2009).\n65. Geothermal growth rate calculated using Ruggero Bertani, “World Geo¬thermal Generation in 2007,” GHC Bulletin, September 2007, pp. 8–9, and EER, op. cit. note 64.\n66. Bertani, op. cit. note 65, pp. 8–9; Kara Slack, U.S. Geothermal Power Production and Development Update (Washington, DC: GEA, March 2009); EER, op. cit. note 64; number of countries with geothermal power from Karl Gawell et al., 2007 Interim Report: Update on World Geothermal Development (Washington, DC: GEA, 1 May 2007), p. 1; share of electricity calculated using installed capacity from Bertani, op. cit. note 65, p. 9; capacity factor from Ingvar B. Fridleifsson et al., “The Possible Role and Contribution of Geothermal Energy to the Mitigation of Climate Change,” in O. Hohmeyer and T. Trittin, eds., IPCC Scoping Meeting on Renewable Energy Sources, Proceedings (Luebeck, Germany: 20–25 January 2008), p. 5, and from “World Total Net Electricity Generation, 1980–2005,” in DOE, EIA, “International Energy Annual 2005—World Electricity Data,” at www.eia.doe.gov/iea/elec.html, updated 13 September 2007.\n67. World Bank, “Geothermal Energy,” prepared under the PB Power and World Bank partnership program, www.worldbank.org, viewed 23 January 2003.\n68. Jefferson Tester et al., The Future of Geothermal Energy: Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st Century (Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006); John W. Lund and Derek H. Freeston, “World-Wide Direct Uses of Geothermal Energy 2000,” Geothermics, vol. 30 (2001), pp. 34, 46, 51, 53.\n69. Tester et al., op. cit. note 68, pp. 1–4; Julian Smith, “Renewable Energy: Power Beneath Our Feet,” New Scientist, 8 October 2008.\n70. Rachel Nowak, “Who Needs Coal When You Can Mine Earth’s Deep Heat?” New Scientist, 19 July 2008; Tester et al., op. cit. note 68.\n71. UCS, “How Geothermal Energy Works,” at www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/renewable_energy_basics/offmen-how-geothermal-energy-works.html, viewed 22 April 2009; Slack, op. cit. note 66.\n72. “Geothermal Power Projects to Cost $US19.8 Bln, Official Says,” op. cit. note 6; Ed Davies and Karen Lema, “Geothermal-Rich SE Asia Struggles to Tap Earth’s Power,” Reuters, 30 June 2008; Bertani, op. cit. note 65, pp. 8–9; “Energy Dev Corp.: Bid to Become Top Geothermal Producer,” Agence France-Presse, 14 January 2009; Geysir Green Energy, “Philippines,” at www.geysirgreenenergy.com/Operations-and-Development/asia/philippines, viewed 22 April 2009.\n73. German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), “African Rift Geothermal Facility (ARGeo),” at www.bgr.de/geotherm/projects/argeo.html, viewed 22 April 2009; U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP), “Hot Prospect—Geothermal Electricity Set for Rift Valley Lift-Off in 2009,” press release (Nairobi: 9 December 2008); Bertani, op. cit. note 65, pp. 8–9; DOE, op. cit. note 3.\n74. Yoko Nishikawa, “Japan Geothermal Projects Pick Up After 20 Years: Report,” Reuters, 4 January 2009; Bertani, op. cit. note 65, pp. 8–9; Lund and Freeston, op. cit. note 68, p. 46.\n75. Werner Bussmann, “Germany: The Geothermal Market is Expanding,” presentation to the Renewable Energy Exhibition, Lyon, Paris, 25–28 February 2009; Jane Burgermeister, “Geothermal Electricity Booming in Germany,” Renewable Energy World, 2 June 2008; UNEP, op. cit. note 73.\n76. DOE, EERE, “Energy Savers: Geothermal Heat Pumps,” updated 24 February 2009, and “Energy Savers: Benefits of Geothermal Heat Pump Systems,” updated 30 December 2008, both at www.energysavers.gov; Burgermeister, op. cit. note 75.\n77. Iceland National Energy Authority and Ministries of Industry and Commerce, Geothermal Development and Research in Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland: April 2006), p. 16; World Bank, op. cit. note 67.\n78. Lund and Freeston, op. cit. note 68, pp. 34, 51, 53.\n79. World Bank, op. cit. note 67.\n81. Lund and Freeston, op. cit. note 68, pp. 46, 53.\n82. United States from Tester et al., op. cit. note 68; Japan based on assumption that Enhanced Geothermal Systems could double 72,000 MW potential, from Hirofumi Muraoka et al., “Assessment of Hydrothermal Resource Potentials in Japan 2008,” Abstract of Annual Meeting of Geo¬thermal Research Society of Japan (Kanazawa, Japan: 2008); Hirofumi Muraoka, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, e-mail to J. Matthew Roney, Earth Policy Institute, 13 July 2009.\nCopyright © 2009 Earth Policy Institute", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "2.2.1 Study area and sites\nThe study was conducted in Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The region is tropical humid, with mean annual precipitation of 2235 mm yr-1 and average annual temperature of 26.7° C (Drescher et al., 2016). The study sites were located just south of the equator (01.95° S and 103.25° E), within the commercial oil palm plantation PT Humusindo, near Bungku village. Mean elevation is 47 m asl. The biodiversity enrichment experiment (EFForts-BEE) was established in monoculture oil palm plantations. Oil palms were planted in a 9 m x 9 m triangular grid resulting in approx. 143 oil palms per hectare; the age of the oil palms at the time of study was approx. 9-15 years (Teuscher et al., 2016). The broad age range refers to the entire experiment with 56 plots that covers an area of about 150 ha. After thinning of oil palms, six native tree species were planted in a 2 m x 2 m grid.\nThe tree species were mixed in a way to maximize the number of hetero-specific neighbors (i.e. no con-specific rows or groups) (Teuscher et al., 2016). There are 52 experimental plots varying in plot size and in tree species diversity level. In addition, there are also 4 control plots with oil palm management as usual, and no enrichment planting. Our main study site was at a 40 m by 40 m plot with six tree species planted (figure 1) and a nearby monoculture control plot of the same size. The agroforest plot was selected based on the criteria plot size (as big as possible, i.e. 40 m by 40 m) and highest tree diversity level (six tree species). The monoculture control plot was located approx. 60 m away from the agroforest plot. At the selected agroforest and monoculture study plot, oil palms were of similar age. In the agroforest, the studied oil palms had an average meristem height of 6.8\n± 0.2 m (mean ± SD), while the sample trees had an average height of 4.7 ± 0.6 m (Appendix A). The reported measurements were conducted between September and November 2016, which was the beginning of the rainy season.\nFigure 1: Aerial view of a studied oil palm agroforestry plot. Three years prior to the study, the stand was thinned with reduction in oil palm stems by 40% and six tree species were planted\n2.2.2 Sap flux measurements\nEight palms and 16 trees were equipped with sap flux sensors. Selected tree species were Archidendron pauciflorum, Parkia speciosa, Peronema canescens and Shorea leprosula.\nAs Shorea leprosula did not perform well on the multi-species plot, it was measured on a nearby single tree species enrichment plot, under otherwise very similar conditions. One further tree species, Dyera polyphylla, was not included in the measurements because almost all individuals had died on the multi-species plot and no plot with well performing Dyera polyphylla trees was available nearby. Archidendron pauciflorum, Parkia speciosa and Peronema canescens are early successional and light demanding species (Aumeeruddy, 1994; Lee, Wickneswari, Clyde, & Zakri, 2002; Orwa et al., 2009;\nLawrence, 2001); Shorea leprosula is considered a gap opportunist (Ådjers, Hadengganan, Kuusipalo, Nuryanto, & Vesa, 1995; Bebber, Brown, Speight, Moura-Costa, & Wai, 2002).\nSap flux sensors were installed in four trees for each tree species and on four oil palms in an oil palm agroforest, and additionally on four oil palms in the oil palm monoculture.\nFor trees, we used heat ratio method sensors (HRM, Burgess et al., 2001; ICT International, Australia). One HRM sensor per tree was installed radially into the xylem at breast height.\nTo process raw data we used the software Sap Flow Tool, version 1.4.1 (ICT International, Australia). The mean sap velocity output data was converted into ‘sap flow’ (cm3 h-1) by multiplying it with the cross-sectional water conductive area Ac (cm²). As the studied trees were rather small (diameter at breast height, DBH < 11 cm), we considered Ac to be equal to the cross-sectional area at breast height. Estimation errors associated with assuming fully conductive cross-sectional areas of the relatively small trees for the up-scaling to tree water use are likely to be small; for similar sized trees Delzon, Sartore, Granier, & Loustau (2004) found a difference of approx. 4% with this assumption.\nFor oil palms, we used thermal dissipation probes (TDP, Granier, 1985) as this method had previously been tested on oil palm and a sampling scheme had been developed (Niu et al., 2015), which we followed closely. Like Niu et al. (2015), we installed the TDP sensors in leaf petioles rather than the stem of oil palms due to presumably higher vessel density and homogeneity in vascular bundle distribution (Madurapperuma, Bleby, & Burgess, 2009;\nRenninger, Phillips, & Hodel, 2009). Niu et al. (2015) also tested the influence of leaf characteristics such as leaf orientation, inclination and horizontal shading on leaf water use for 56 oil palm leaves, but no statistically significant effects were observed. The authors argued that the examined factors partly counteract (Niu et al. 2015). We followed their suggested scheme in our study and selected four leaves per palm in the cardinal directions.\nSap flux density Js (g cm-2 h-1) was calculated using the equation derived by Granier (1985), but with oil palm specific, calibrated equation parameters (Niu et al., 2015). Zero-flux conditions were examined following Oishi et al. (2008); it was found that zero-flux conditions were met during the early morning hours during our entire sap flux measurement period. Individual leaf water use rates (kg day-1) were calculated by multiplying Js daysums by Ac of the according leaf petioles. Those were derived from a previously presented linear relationship between petiole baseline length (which was measured with a caliper) and Ac at the location of the sensor (Niu et al. 2015). Individual daily leaf water use rates were averaged for each palm and multiplied by the number of leaves per palm to derive palm water use rates (kg day-1). Water use rates were based on averages of three sunny days on\nwhich soil moisture was non-limiting in order to minimize the effects of varying environmental conditions; this approach is in accordance with previous research on oil palm water use (e.g. Hardanto et al., 2017; Niu et al., 2015; Röll et al., 2015). In the nomenclature across the applied sap flux methods, we follow Edwards, Becker, & Cermák (1997) in expressing individual tree and oil palm water use as mass per time (kg day-1) and stand-scale transpiration in ‘mm day-1’.\n2.2.3 Drone image acquisition and processing\nAt the time of the sap flux measurements, drone flights were conducted using an octocopter (MikroKopter OktoXL, HiSystems GmbH, Germany) equipped with a digital RGB camera (Nikon D5100, Japan). Flight routes were planned with MikroKopter-Tool V2.14b. Flight altitude was 39 m above ground, flight speed was 7.2 km h-1 and one picture was taken per second (Appendix B).\nThe flight missions were performed in circular and grid pathways to get different perspectives and an overlap of 70% for the construction of 3D maps. After eliminating blurry pictures, 3D point clouds were created from an average of 600 geo-referenced images per study site with Agisoft Photoscan Professional 1.2.6 software (Agisoft LLC, Russia). The achieved point cloud density was 3 points cm-2. In the analysis, we used the pictures from one single flight to construct the 3D models.\nThe workflow included image alignment, georeferencing, building dense point clouds, the generation of digital elevation models (DEM) and orthomosaic generation. Ground-control points printed as 8-Bit barcodes and laid out during the flight campaigns were used to determine the overall positional accuracy of orthomosaic images. The 3D point clouds were generated using the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique (Westoby, Brasington, Glasser, Hambrey, & Reynolds, 2012; Lowe, 2004). Orthomosaic and digital elevation models (DEM) were created for each plot for further visualization and interpretation.\nIn order to create canopy height models (CHM), digital terrain models (DTM) were generated from the point cloud data. For this, the three main parameters (maximum angle, maximum distance and cell size) were defined with Agisoft’s ground point classifier tool and used to differentiate ground and non-ground points. The classified ground points were converted to raster format as DTM. Further, we overlaid the DEM and DTM and applied\nsmooth filters to derive the canopy height model. Subsequently, crown polygons were delineated for target trees and oil palms through visual interpretation and tree location information. One major challenge of using aerial imagery for delineating individual tree canopies is the overlapping of crowns. It was not major issues in our study as the studied trees are young and located in gaps created by the previous thinning of oil palms. The 3D crown models of the studied palms and trees (extracted from the SfM point clouds) were derived from multiple shots at different angles and positions, thus allowing to delineate even overlapping canopies. Additionally, the very high point cloud density of 3 points cm\n-2 allowed modeling the crown structures in great detail. However, for some sample trees we experienced difficulties with automatic 3D segmentation, e.g. when branches from different trees connect (Tao et al. 2015). In such a case, we performed additional manual segmentation and processing and added clusters for the automatic approach (Trochta, Kruček, Vrška, & Kraâl, 2017). The individual canopy height of trees and meristem height of oil palms were obtained by overlaying individual crown polygons with the CHM. For trees, the highest point in CHM within the individual crown polygon was considered as the canopy height of trees (Birdal, Avdan, & Türk, 2017), while the lowest point was taken as the meristem height of oil palms. As a ground-based reference, canopy height of each individual was measured using a pole, and canopy width and projection area were established with the vertical sighting method (Preuhsler 1979, also see Pretzsch et al. 2015) in the eight cardinal directions. The heights obtained by the drone-based and the ground-based methods were well correlated along a 1:1 line (R2 = 0.69, P < 0.001; Appendix C).\nAlso, the canopy diameter obtained by terrestrial measurements and drone based analyses were highly correlated along a 1:1 line (R2 = 0.95, P < 0.001), suggesting the applicability of the drone based approach. The PolyClip function in Fusion software v3.6 (USDA, USA) was used to extract individual point clouds for each tree and oil palm crown. Crown variables of each individual were obtained using measurement marker functions in the same software. For crown volume and planar area, the point clouds were interpolated in R software v3.4.3 (R Development Core team, 2016) using the Alphashape3D (Lafarge &\nPateiro-Lopez, 2014) and rLiDAR (chullLiDAR2D, Silva et al., 2017) packages, respectively.\nThere are several different ways to compute crown volumes including convex hull and alpha shape algorithms (Colaço et al., 2017). In convex hull, it constructs an envelope by considering the number of input points belongs to the convex hull to represent the outward\ncurving shape of tree crowns. In the alpha shape approach, a predefined and reduced alpha value serves as size criterion to construct more details, thus shrinking the corresponding convex hull closer down to the 3D point cloud (Pateiro-Lopez and Rodriguez-Casal, 2010;\nColaço et al., 2017). In our study, we calculated the crown volumes for both trees and oil palms with a convex hull algorithm and alpha shape algorithms, the latter using the alpha values 0.75, 0.50 and 0.25 (Appendix D). Two contrasting models (convex hull and alpha shape 0.25) are illustrated in figure 2 for a studied oil palm and a studied tree.\n2.2.4 Statistical analyses\nTo test for differences in tree water use among species, and for differences in oil palm water use between oil palm agroforest and oil palm monoculture, we used ANOVAs, followed by Posthoc Tukey’s HSD; differences were assumed as significant at P < 0.05.\nPlant size related variables such as crown volumes as predictor of plant water use were tested by linear regressions. We tested the variance of residuals for normal distribution by the Shapiro-Wilk test and homoscedasticity with residual plot analysis. The null hypothesis of normality was rejected at P < 0.05.\nThe linear regressions served as the basis for subsequent scaling of tree- and palm-level water use to stand-level transpiration. To compare the uncertainties associated with different scaling variables, we performed parametric bootstrapping with the linear relationships between water use and the predictor variables with 50,000 iterations using the R package ‘boot’ (Canty & Ripley., 2017; Davison & Hinkley, 1997). This yielded estimates of means and corresponding standard deviations as measures of uncertainty.\nAll statistical analyses and plotting were performed with R version 3.4.3 (R Development Core team, 2016).\nFigure 2: Canopy of an oil palm and a tree (Shorea leprosula) using point clouds from the drone missions and convex hull and alpha shape algorithms. Other tree species are shown in appendix D.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Presence of the genus Lampetra in Asturias (Northern Spain)\nIn July 2009, larvae of Lampetra sp. were caught in the river Deva, northern Spain. This first record of this genus in the Cantabrian coast represents a significant extension of its range in the Iberian Peninsula. The analyses of two mitochondrial genes and some morphologic and meristic characters confirmed the identification of the genus.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "‘Haneul Madang’ Rooftop Garden at Busan City Hall Open to the Public1 year 3 weeks ago\nBUSAN, South Korea -- Busan City plans to run a discovery program for the Haneul Madang rooftop garden at Busan City Hall, from March through November.\nThe 3,659 square meter rooftop garden, built on the fourth floor roof of the City Hall building, consists of 6,872 trees of 36 different species and 13,314 flowers and herbs of 48 different species.\nThe program will run every day, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon. A...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Identifying Reservoir Architecture in Mio-Pliocene Canyon Systems of the Northern Kutei Basin\nReader, Joanne; Vendrell-Roc, Jaume; White, Roger\nSalamander Energy Plc, Singapore, Singapore.\nRecent acquisition of 3D seismic data in the Bontang and SE Sangatta PSCs, Northern Kutei Basin by Salamander Energy Plc has enabled detailed mapping of Mio-Pliocene aged deepwater slope canyon and fan systems using seismic amplitude analysis and seismic facies mapping techniques. Gross canyon geomorphologies, dimensional data, internal depositional architectures and stacking patterns have been defined and documented and demonstrate the presence of significant sedimentary feeder systems on the paleoslope. Narrow linear upper slope canyons broaden and amalgamate into much larger canyons on the mid to lower slope areas. A wide variety of internal seismic facies architectures have been identified, from laterally continuous semi-confined sheet geometries through to channel-levee geometries. These architectures vary with position on the slope and through geological time and reflect the switching of sedimentary input areas on the shelf. Local syn-sedimentary tectonics including both extensional and compressional thrust faulting have in some areas modified depositional patterns, deflecting channel systems and causing significant sediment ponding in places. A high degree of vertical stacking of canyon systems against large scale inversion anticlines is common. These areas provide excellent drilling targets for exploration wells in the area. Gross canyon geometries and internal canyon seismic facies architectures have also been compared to the modern day seabed and published shallow seismic profiles in the Kutei Basin area and demonstrate that the present is indeed the key to the past for the Northern Kutei area. Comparison with other subsurface field analogues provides some additional comfort. This work has provided support for a new geological model for these exploration blocks in the far northern part of the Kutei basin which is distal from the modern day Mahakam Delta proven hydrocarbon province.\nAAPG Search and Discovery Article #90155©2012 AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Singapore, 16-19 September 2012", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Keep up to date with the latest news, insights and features from the Adelphi Group of Companies\nAutumn at Adelphi\nOctober 11, 2018\n[:en]The Adelphi site has an array of beautiful, weird and wonderful flora throughout the year, which\nour Estates Director Chris Bedford appreciates and documents.\nThis Autumn is looking particularly wonderful; scroll down and see some of the species we’ve seen so far…\nAutumn is also the time for Chris to be sent skywards in the scissor-lift, clearing and maintaining our solar panels…", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wells that serve more than two million Californians are contaminated with nitrates at levels that surpass public health standards, California Watch reports. In small towns and rural settings, schools and families often don’t have access to groundwater filtration systems. Tap water spiked with high nitrate levels can lead to illness in infants and some studies have found connections to certain cancers in lab animals.\nBy Julia Scott\nCalifornia Watch, Special to Circle of Blue\nJohn and Rosenda Mataka never gave a thought to their tap water until 1995, when the city of Modesto took over the town of Grayson’s water supply wells and informed everyone that they had been drinking nitrate-contaminated water for over a decade.\nModesto officials began conducting regular tests of Grayson’s two production wells. The state Department of Public Health reacted to the results by requiring the city to install a treatment plant to rid the water of dangerous nitrate levels.\n“I was angry. We just weren’t told. Every year they said the water was fine,” said Rosenda Mataka, who raised her son Emiliano on compromised tap water.\nAlthough Emiliano and his parents show no indication that their health has been harmed by the water they drank for years, the Matakas worry about the long-term health impacts of exposure to tainted drinking water. Tap water spiked with high nitrate levels can lead to “blue baby syndrome,” which cuts off an infant’s oxygen supply. Some studies have found connections to certain cancers in lab animals.\nGrayson’s water treatment system provides an oddly incongruous sight: an assortment of gleaming pipes and tanks that tower above apricot orchards and alfalfa fields, with a tall fence wrapped around them and a big warning sign that says “Caution: Chlorine.”\nIt’s Grayson’s accidental landmark, a symbol of the hidden legacy that has prevented this rural outpost of 1,200 from becoming the prosperous Modesto suburb it could have been.\nIn a way, Grayson is lucky. Most small communities of its size with serious nitrate problems can’t afford expensive water treatment plants. That means these communities, made up largely of low-income families who work the fields, end up drinking whatever comes out of the tap, even if the water violates public health standards for nitrates.\nAt least one million Californians rely on private wells that have no public health oversight. These residents are at high risk for nitrate contamination because their wells are shallower than municipal wells. Nitrates are colorless and odorless, making them hard to detect without lab testing.\nAt the other end of the spectrum, cities in Southern California have spent millions of dollars on nitrate treatment plants because they have no other choice – dirty or not, the groundwater is crucial to meet population growth while access to imported water shrinks. The Irvine Ranch Water District, for instance, built a $33 million system to remove nitrates in 2007. It costs an additional $2.3 million a year just to operate and maintain. The plant itself serves 50,000 water customers in Orange County.\nOther California communities will be facing the same tough choices in the coming years. California’s population is projected to increase 53 percent by 2050. Of the 50 million people who will one day call this state home, many will settle in the greater Los Angeles area, Inland Empire, and parts of the Central Valley – areas that overlie some of the most nitrate-contaminated groundwater in the state.\nCity planners are looking to groundwater to supply one-third of the water needed to accommodate California’s coming population boom, or 1.1 trillion gallons per year – more than any other source, according to the Public Policy Institute of California.\nLooking around Grayson today, it’s hard to believe the town was once in the running to become a major suburb of Modesto. Twenty years ago, a developer was planning to build a 633-unit subdivision at the site of a peach orchard in Grayson.\nThose dreams were dashed shortly after Modesto installed a de-nitrification plant. Although it can barely afford it, the city spends $800 per acre-foot of water to make water drinkable for Grayson’s 1,200 residents – up to $19,440 a month, four times the cost of the treated Tuolomne River water Modesto pipes to half its 210,000 residents.\nAnother problem is the leftovers: Grayson’s ion exchange process leaves behind hundreds of tons of saline brine that can’t be recycled or reused, so Modesto pays extra to export four truckloads of it each week to a Bay Area wastewater plant. At those prices, the city quickly concluded it couldn’t afford any new water connections in Grayson and banned them outright. The ban is still in place today, minimizing the area’s population growth.\n“If water wasn’t a problem here, the whole area would be developed in a heartbeat,” said John Mataka, who works for Stanislaus County as a behavioral health specialist. He and Rosenda both advocate for environmental justice issues with a variety of local and state organizations.\nExperts say the slow spread of nitrates underground has already affected millions of Californians, mostly due to a legacy of leaky septic tanks and intensive nitrogen fertilizer-based farming over the last 60 years. Nitrates are the leading cause of well closures in California. Scientists say that if nitrate concentrations don’t taper off, the pollution will eventually sink deep enough to affect the well water that millions of Californians depend upon.\nStudies have shown that although only 3.5 percent of public water supply wells in the Central Valley exceed the public health limit for nitrates today, an additional 13 percent of wells are at substantial risk of contamination.\nThat message is somehow getting lost on people, says Karen Burow, a Sacramento-based scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Past farming practices have already contributed to tomorrow’s nitrate problems, and today’s contributions are making the problem worse.\n“I think that’s the most important point we can get across – that there is a lot of nitrate in shallow groundwater and it’s moving, and we don’t see it going away very fast. There is some urgency for the policy people to figure out what to do,” Burow said.\nSolving the groundwater problem will take imagination – and a lot more money than the state is spending. California voters have passed two water bonds since 2002, worth more than $8 billion. Roughly $2 billion was allocated for clean, safe drinking water.\nNo estimate exists for what it would cost to clean up the nitrates in our groundwater basins, in part because the state has limited knowledge about where the pollutants are and where they go when they reach the water table.\nThe Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that the cost of treating all the polluted groundwater in California over the next 20 years, including nitrates, would amount to $7.5 billion.\nTackling the source\nActivists and regulators agree that the best way to solve the nitrate problem is to prevent it. But that is easier said than done. State regulators have started requiring certain operations to limit the nitrogen they apply to land. Records show, however, that in many cases, officials have been aware of ongoing nitrate pollution for years – and took little action to address it.\nOne of the best examples of this is the state’s dairies, which grow crops with manure. Many dairies lack enough cropland to absorb all the nitrogen they produce. As a result, they over-apply liquid manure, causing nitrate problems.\nMost dairies began testing their domestic wells for nitrates in 2007 and 65 percent of the dairy wells exceeded the public health limit for nitrates. Forty-two percent of wells had nitrate levels that were twice the drinking water standard.\nMany dairies moved north, to the Central Valley, after Chino water regulators passed strict rules limiting the number of cows.\nSince 2000, the state has mandated that 48 dairies submit groundwater test results – in response to numerous other findings of nitrate contamination on their land. Yet none of the dairies were fined, required to cease operations or asked to clean up a nitrate problem identified by the state.\nDairies receive violation letters for not monitoring properly, but exceeding the nitrate limits rarely has serious consequences.\nRecords show some dairies were even suspected of spreading contamination to adjacent lands, potentially affecting the drinking water of neighbors and farmhands living onsite. But only one dairy, The Bosma Milk Co. in Tipton, received a violation letter specifically for high nitrates in groundwater beneath the property, according to an online database of state enforcement actions.\nThe Bosma Milk Co. has reported nitrate concentrations above the public health limit since 2003. Like many other Central Valley dairies with nitrate problems, nitrate concentrations in some of Bosma’s wells spiked as high as five times the pollution limit between 2000 and 2007.\nThe dairy received a violation letter in 2008, but no fine. The Central Valley Regional Water Board has asked the dairy to collect more information before it takes action.\nGary Bosma, co-owner of Bosma Milk Co., said he and his brother Jake have gone out of their way to comply with water quality requirements imposed by the state. He suggested that regulators would have a hard time proving that nitrates were coming from Bosma given that there are other dairies in the area.\n“We have neighbors and the water moves around in the aquifer. Just because one well pops up positive doesn’t mean it’s coming from that dairy,” Bosma said.\nOfficials say they have been aware of nitrate issues at dairies for a long time.\n“The solution isn’t usually to just shut down a dairy. The ones that we found having problems, we’ve worked with them to get more land, improve their cropping practices, in some cases line manure basins,” said Ken Landau, assistant executive officer of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.\nIn 2007, Central Valley regulators started requiring most dairies to develop plans to manage their manure to reduce water contamination. Another rule, the first of its kind in the country, required dairies to sample their domestic wells for nitrates. If the levels are too high, the dairy needs to pay to install additional monitoring wells to gauge the extent of the contamination.\nThe program was welcomed by environmentalists, but Dairy CARES, a statewide dairy-industry coalition, feels the requirements are too burdensome. The group is working on an alternative that calls for installing wells in select regional locations to monitor contamination, an approach that would avoid pointing fingers at individual dairy operators.\n“It’s a much broader scale than holding an individual responsible for their exact actions,” said Darrin Polhemus, deputy director of the State Water Resources Control Board’s division of water quality. “Obviously that’s what we’ll want to get to eventually, but that’s not the focus. It’s not designed to find that one guy out there.”\nAn expensive problem\nIt’s too late to prevent nitrate contamination in many Southern California groundwater basins, especially in heavily urbanized portions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.\nIt’s a problem that harkens back to the region’s agricultural legacy. Land now covered with suburban neighborhoods once sprouted with citrus trees and vegetable fields where farmers used nitrogen fertilizer. Until recently, the Chino Basin was home to more dairies than anywhere in the world.\nNitrate problems were detected as early as the 1970s in the Chino Basin, one of the largest groundwater basins in the state. The area is at the heart of California’s Inland Empire and home to more than a million people. Nitrate concentrations in the worst-hit parts of the basin were double the EPA threshold in the 1980s and quadruple the limit by 2000, according to records.\nRegulators with the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board tried with limited success to contain the problem by banning dairies from applying manure to land in the Chino Basin in 1999.\nToday, residents pay high water bills to bankroll multimillion-dollar nitrate treatment plants in places like Pomona and Riverside. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency in western San Bernardino County is in the midst of a $300 million project to expand its nitrate removal plant as part of an aggressive strategy to cope with drought-related limits on imported water.\n“We recognized that imported water was vulnerable and less reliable,” agency General Manager Rich Atwater said. “We’ve literally hit the wall with the Delta. We’re in a huge economic recession and everybody recognizes that we’re going to go from 38 million to 50 million people in the next 25 years, and Southern California is a big part of the demand.”\nTimes have changed since the 1970s, when water managers could just shut down a well and dig a new one if nitrates became a serious problem. Atwater says the causes of nitrate contamination were ignored for too long, creating a problem for everyone in the region.\n“All that nitrate contamination that we’re addressing today is literally a legacy of 50 to 100 years ago,” Atwater said. “Prevention is so much more cost effective – 10, 20 times as much. It’s so much more expensive to remove the contaminant from the groundwater basin than to keep it from getting there in the first place.”\nIn Modesto, the city has had to shut down 10 of its 140 municipal wells because of nitrate contamination in the past 15 years, and there will likely be more, said Allen Lagarbo, deputy public works director.\n“All cities on wells in this area start developing contamination problems eventually,” he said.\nThe combined population of cities in the Sacramento Metro region and the San Joaquin Valley is projected to top 9 million by 2030. The population in the Central Valley has doubled every 30 years since 1900 as residents move onto former farmlands.\nMeeting those future water demands is not as simple as building a new generation of nitrate treatment plants, as Modesto has discovered. The most common technologies to remove nitrates, ionic exchange and reverse osmosis, can be expensive and cumbersome.\n“We do this crazy thing now and take pristine, beautiful water and put it on our farms, and the minute it soaks into the ground it’s filled with nitrate, and then we ask cities to clean up marginal water and use it as drinking water,” said Jean Moran, professor of earth and environmental science at CSU East Bay and a former groundwater research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.\nA Sacramento solution?\nIn the Central Valley, farmers may soon face regulations on their use offertilizer similar to an order imposed on dairies in 2007. The agricultural industry wants those rules to remain voluntary and says it would be unfair for regulators to require farmers to comply with strict statewide water quality standards.\nNitrogen fertilizer use in California has stabilized at an average 700,000 tons each year, but it’s unclear whether voluntary strategies have made a difference for nitrate levels so far. It took 50 years to detect nitrate problems in many areas and it will take decades to see changes, experts say.\nOne option would be to require farmers to limit the amount of fertilizer they apply to their fields. That would require new legislation. The State Water Resources Control Board does not have the authority to impose those limits.\nLawmakers have directed hundreds of thousands of dollars of aid to small communities struggling with nitrates, and established demonstration projects for good farming practices through the University of California. But when it comes to tackling fertilizer itself, results have been mixed.\nFormer Bay Area state Assemblyman Johan Klehs tried to pass a bill in 2006 that would have raised the mill tax on fertilizer. The money would have been used to provide grants to communities affected by nitrate contamination. (In California, fertilizer is exempt from local and state sales taxes). The bill died in the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee.\n“All efforts along those lines automatically go to the ag committee and they die there. Legislators are not friendly to anything that could negatively impact agriculture,” said Debbie Davis, legislative analyst with the Oakland-based Environmental Justice Coalition for Water.\nState Senate Majority Leader Dean Florez, D-Shafter, calls nitrates “a backwater issue in Sacramento.”\n“These are the kinds of things public policy makers need to hear,” he said. “It’s always difficult to get any of these things on the radar screen. … We’ve got to get our farmers to recognize the long-term impact of these materials on water systems. People say it’s the end of a major, multi-billion dollar industry without these fertilizers.”\nScientists with the U.S. Geological Survey have calculated that even if fertilizer inputs ceased immediately and forever, nitrate levels would continue to climb for many more decades before starting to decline because of the lag time in deeper aquifers.\nAll the more reason to take preventative action, says Eli Moore, a research associate with the Oakland-based Pacific Institute.\n“We can deal with nitrate contamination once it’s already reached the tap water, or we can try to prevent nitrate contamination before it becomes a problem,” Moore said. “It’s really a question of whether we as Californians are going to ensure that all Californians have access to clean drinking water.”\nGrayson’s moratorium on new water connections hasn’t kept people from building new homes and simply digging their own backyard wells at the risk of exposing themselves to dangerous levels of nitrates.\nNitrate concentrations in Grayson’s raw water have tested as high as 65 milligrams per liter over the past 15 years. The public health limit is 45 milligrams per liter. One milligram is equivalent to half a teaspoon in a swimming pool. It may not seem like much, but for vulnerable populations, like infants, the effects can be acute, experts say.\n“If this is an issue now, can you imagine a town three times the size?” asked John Mataka. “It would have been a calamity.”\nThis story was produced in collaboration with KQED Central Valley Bureau Chief Sasha Khokha and Christopher Beaver of CB Films. It was edited by Mark Katches. It was copy edited by William Cooley. For the whole story, plus interactive tools, film clips, a photo slideshow and links to a three-part series on nitrates produced by KQED Radio, visit California Watch. Read more of California Watch’s work on Circle of Blue.\nCircle of Blue provides relevant, reliable, and actionable on-the-ground information about the world’s resource crises.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "POMEROY — George Wright has always been somewhat of a conservationist at heart, so it was no surprise to see him transplanting king-sized hickory nuts into a tub of dark soil.\n“King hickory nut trees are scarce here,” he says. “My goal is to help get them re-established in this part of the country.”\nAsked where he got his “seed” hickory nuts, he said a couple of places, one being underneath a tree near Annie Chapman’s Morgan Rest Bed and Breakfast on Lincoln Hill in Pomeroy.\nThe whole process of starting King hickory nut tree starters began a number of months ago. George said it takes storage of the nuts in a cold place six to eight months in order for them to germinate. So they remained refrigerated until the weather began to warm a few weeks ago at which time he planted them in a tub and then waited and watched until little sprouts finally came up and growth began.\nHis goal has always been to plant enough so he could keep a few for himself and have enough left to give away to others interested in propagating the king-sized hickory nuts.\nThe plants have now grown into little trees four to six inches high and are ready to be planted in areas large enough to accommodate a tall tree which in a dozen or more years from now will yield hickory nuts.\nGeorge is ready to give them away to someone like him who wants to see the King Hickory Nut trees more plentiful in Meigs County.\nAnyone interested in getting one of the dozen or so tree plants can leave their name and telephone number with his daughter, Susan Clark Dingess, at Clark’s Jewelry Store and George will get in touch with them. He has some specific instructions on how to handle the planting and care for the delicate plants so that they will survive.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "I went in search of glacier lilies and was not disappointed :-) However, I was even more impressed by the displays of white heather and pink kalmia which were the most extensive I’ve ever seen.\nI called out this hike through Wanderung and was accompanied by two intrepid first timers – both in terms of it being their first Wanderung hike, and it being their first trip to Garibaldi Lake. I think they got a bit more than they bargained for…\nOur route followed that in 103 Hikes up to Outhouse Junction (where we were greeted by whisky jacks as usual). We then carried on and took the trail up towards Black Tusk for about 1.2 km where we found an unobstructed view of Mt Garibaldi and its namesake lake, as well as a nice little meadow of glacier lilies. This was our lunch spot.\nI’ve never seen the water level in the lake as low as it is right now. Rubble Creek is usually a raging torrent as it drains the lake, but there’s no water in sight at the moment. Lots of exposed logs and (dried) muck. We cooled off our feet in the lake before heading back. Lesser Garibaldi Lake looked like a California reservoir. The Barrier put on a good display of rockfall, with one gully in particular hosting all the action.\nThe trail is in excellent shape. BC Parks is continuing its work on upgrading the trail and in the process have taken out one of the switchbacks near the 3-km mark. I think that was a mistake as that section is quite a bit steeper than the rest, but it cuts off a little bit of distance. We stopped and chatted with one of the workers and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his job. No snow and very little mud. The campgrounds look to be snow-free. I didn’t venture into the one at the lake but did see a number of tents, so camping is certainly possible.\nBugs were mostly OK, but were definitely hungry at Taylor Meadows. The chipmunks at the Barrier didn’t seem as bold as usual and only appeared after we tore into our granola bars. Maybe it was that sound or the smell of the food? Who knows. They were as cute as ever, and soon left us alone when they realized nothing was being offered.\nFlowers: plenty :-) Queen’s Cup and bunchberry in the forest, several wintergreen species (pink, one-sided and a couple more I don’t know), rattlesnake plantain is just sprouting, a few late coralroot. At the treeline, lots of white heather, pink/red heather is just beginning its bloom. The most kalmia I’ve ever seen :-) alpine white marsh marigolds were common in wet areas, a few globeflower and western anemone (fewer than I expected), cinquefoil and subalpine buttercups were plentiful. The glacier lilies are sparse but locally abundant, especially in areas where the snow has recently melted or in seeps and near creeks. The peak bloom is probably past, but there are still plenty to go and admire :-) Sitka valerian is just starting, as are a few lupines. No paintbrush to be seen anywhere, only one or two arnica.\nDistance: 24 km\nElevation gain: 1200 m\nPhotos on Flickr", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Koreans were working intensively to protect crops, factory equipment and other assets from potential damage from days of heavy rainfall, state media said Tuesday, as outside observers worry any flooding could aggravate the country’s economic hardships amid its COVID-19 outbreak.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Gustavo Petro, Colombia’s first elected leftist president, will take office in August with ambitious proposals to halt the record-high rates of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.\nSAO PAULO (AP) — Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva laid out his campaign platform Tuesday, including a pledge for zero deforestation initiatives and appeals to moderates as seeks to unseat Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil's election in October.\nPARIS (AP) — A Paris judge on Thursday ordered a mediation process to settle a legal dispute pitting environmental groups and representatives of Brazil's Indigenous community against a major French retailer accused of selling beef linked to deforestation and land grabs in the Amazon rainforest.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — U.S. President Joe Biden became concerned that his Brazilian counterpart was going to skip this week’s summit in Los Angeles, so he dispatched a close adviser to personally deliver the invitation to Jair Bolsonaro.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Peru has descended into one of the worst political crises in its history and protection of its Amazon rainforest is failing, according to a report published Thursday. Peru is home to the second-largest portion of the Amazon rainforest after Brazil.\nMEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican experts said Monday that 35% more monarch butterflies arrived this year to spend the winter in mountaintop forests, compared to the previous season.\nExperts say the rise may reflect the butterflies’ ability to adapt to more extreme bouts of heat or drought by varying the date when they leave Mexico.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has signed a decree that he says will create a national carbon market to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Brazil ranks sixth in the world for climate pollution, according to Climate Watch .\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazilian environmental and Indigenous organizations, together with some companies, are urging the United States to come through with promised funding for forest protection and deal directly with people who live in the forest, have protected it and, they say, “are directly affected by the escalating deforestation.”\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Deforestation detected in the Brazilian Amazon broke all records for the month of April, and that followed similar new records set in January and February, reflecting a worrisome uptick in destruction in a state deep within the rainforest.\nHARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe, Africa’s biggest tobacco grower and one of the world's top exporters of the nicotine leaf, has opened its selling season for the crop amid pledges to fight deforestation and child labor in response to pressure from rights groups, environmentalists and international buyers.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Detected deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reached a record high for the month of February following a similar record the prior month.\nSatellite alerts of deforestation in February corresponded to 199 square kilometers (77 square miles), the highest indicator for that month in seven years of record-keeping and 62% more than in the same month in 2021, according to preliminary data from the Brazilian space agency’s Deter monitoring system that were released on Friday.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Thousands of Brazilians gathered outside Congress on Wednesday to protest a set of bills they say threaten the Amazon rainforest by encouraging deforestation and industrial activity on protected Indigenous lands.\nBUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Environmental groups say Romania has failed to tackle illegal logging and nature destruction in areas protected by European Union law, two years after Brussels warned the country to put an end to illicit deforestation.\nMEXICO CITY (AP) — With clever Super Bowl ads, an irresistible fruit and apparently insatiable appetite from U.S. consumers, Mexico’s avocado producers have so far been able to separate avocados from the conflictive landscape that produces them — at least until a threat to a U.S.\nBOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Environmental groups are expressing alarm about a sharp increase in fires in Colombia’s Amazon region that they blame on people clearing forest to make way for cattle ranches, coca fields and illegal roads.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and Environment Minister Joaquim Leite both knew the Amazon region's annual deforestation rate had surged before the U.N. climate talks in Glasgow, but kept results quiet to avoid hampering negotiations, according to three Cabinet ministers who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The area deforested in Brazil's Amazon reached a 15-year high after a 22% jump from the prior year, according to official data published Thursday.\nThe National Institute for Space Research’s Prodes monitoring system showed the Brazilian Amazon lost 13,235 square kilometers of rainforest in the 12-month reference period from Aug.\nBRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union on Wednesday pitched a new plan for the bloc's citizens to battle global deforestation from home, offering assurances that a sip of coffee or bite of chocolate will not have come at the cost of trees.\nHere's a look at what The Conversation, a non-profit source of explanatory journalism from experts in academia, is offering today.\nAP members may find The Conversation content on AP Newsroom or through AP webfeeds.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Detected deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon rose for the second straight month compared to last year, ending a streak of encouraging data at a moment when the government has promised to curb illegal logging.\nGLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — The Latest on the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow:\nGLASGOW, Scotland — China and the United States have agreed to redouble efforts to fight climate change with “concrete actions,” in a joint statement announced Wednesday in climate talks in Glasgow.\nGLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — Powerful businesses are urging Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to give up the country's long-standing resistance on key issues at this year's U.N. climate talks, arguing that Brazil can't afford to pass up the chance to use its vast natural wealth in the fight against global warming.\nBOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Deforestation has risen in Colombia since the country’s largest guerilla group signed a historic peace deal with the government five years ago and withdrew from remote areas of the country, a report by the International Crisis Group found.\nGLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — World leaders promised to protect Earth's forests, cut methane emissions and help South Africa wean itself off coal at the U.N. climate summit Tuesday — part of a flurry of deals intended to avert catastrophic global warming.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil on Monday stepped up its commitment against greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to halve them by 2030 as compared to 2005 levels, while critics alleged the government is tinkering with data.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil's government will accelerate its timeline by two to three years to completely eliminate illegal deforestation, Vice President Hamilton Mourão told foreign press reporters on Monday.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Brazil's Vice President Hamilton Mourão said on Friday that a deployment of soldiers to the Amazon rainforest will end, just weeks before the global climate conference where the administration aims to show commitment to curbing illegal deforestation.\nLOS ANGELES (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would have required businesses selling certain products to the state to prove they're not contributing to tropical deforestation.\nPARIS (AP) — Decrying the “predation” of his homeland, a Brazilian Indigenous leader is appealing to France’s president to use his global sway to fight the deforestation of the Amazon.\nNinawa, a leader of the Huni Kui people who uses just one name, delivered a letter on Saturday to the office of French President Emmanuel Macron.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro issued a defense of his administration at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, rebuffing criticism of its handling of the pandemic and touting recent data indicating less Amazon deforestation.\nBUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Two journalists and an environmental activist have been beaten up by suspected illegal loggers in a forest in northeastern Romania while making a documentary about illicit deforestation, authorities said Friday.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon dropped for the second consecutive month in August compared to the same period in 2020, according to preliminary data released Friday by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Preliminary government data released on Friday indicates annual deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon may have surpassed 10,000 square kilometers (3,861 square miles) for the third straight year, continuing a worrisome jump since President Jair Bolsonaro assumed office.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Severe drought and early data are raising concerns that this forest fire season in Brazil will see the same high levels of destruction recorded in the past two years, despite efforts to tamp down the blazes.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The season of Brazilian forest fires has begun, and early data plus severe drought is sparking concern that nationwide destruction in 2021 will stay at the high levels recorded in the past two years, despite efforts to tamp down the blazes.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Preliminary data from Brazil's government released on Friday showed Amazon deforestation in June fell from the prior month, counter to the trend seen in the period over the last several years.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Brazil's president is sending troops back to the Amazon to bolster policing against logging and other illegal land clearance, acting amid international criticism of a surge in deforestation and just two months after withdrawing a similar military mission.\nBRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree Monday to dispatch Brazilian soldiers to the Amazon in a bid to curb surging deforestation, just two months after withdrawing troops from the region and days after his Environment Minister resigned.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazilian Environment Minister Ricardo Salles announced his resignation Wednesday, giving up his post amid sharp criticism of his tenure and two investigations into his actions involving allegedly illegal timber operations.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Preliminary government data released on Friday has raised concern that the coming dry season will see even more deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon than last year's surge of cutting.\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Preliminary data released Friday signaled deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon in April was the highest for that month in at least five years, a report that comes two weeks after Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro said his government would dedicate more energy and resources toward curbing deforestation...\nBERLIN (AP) — South America's Mercosur countries will address environmental concerns raised by the European Union that have stalled ratification of a free trade deal between the two trade blocs, Argentina's foreign minister said Monday.\nSAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday attacked U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden for saying the South American nation should suffer “significant economic consequences” if devastation of the Amazon rainforest continues...\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The overpass juts from a forest over a four-lane highway in a rural area outside Rio de Janeiro...\nJUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A conservation group has filed a petition seeking endangered species status for a subspecies of Alaska wolves...\nRIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A group of mostly European investment firms has sent a joint letter to Brazilian ambassadors in their countries to express concern over rising Amazon deforestation.\nStorebrand Asset Management, based in Norway, collected the signatures of 29 companies, which include Legal & General Investment Management Ltd, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management and NN Investment Partners.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A light earthquake magnitude 4 (ml/mb) has struck on Tuesday, 220 km ESE of Nikol’skoye, Russia (137 miles). Global date and time of event UTC/GMT: 18/07/17 / 2017-07-18 07:32:56 / July 18, 2017 @ 7:32 am. Exact location of earthquake, longitude 168.9838 East, latitude 54.2325 North, depth = 10 km. The temblor was picked up at 18:32:56 / 6:32 pm (local time epicenter). Event ids that are associated to the earthquake: us20009z7e. Id of event: us20009z7e. The earthquake was roughly at a depth of 10 km (6 miles). A tsunami warning has not been issued (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist).\nEach year there are an estimated 13,000 light earthquakes in the world. Earthquakes 4.0 to 5.0 are often felt, but only causes minor damage. In the past 24 hours, there have been thirty-four, in the last 10 days thirty-four, in the past 30 days thirty-five and in the last 365 days fourty-six earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater that has occurred nearby.\nHow would you describe the shaking?\nHow did you respond? Did any furniture slide, topple over, or become displaced? Leave a comment or report about activity, shaking and damage at your home, city and country. The information in this article comes from the USGS Earthquake Notification Service. Read more about the earthquake, Seismometer information, Distances, Parameters, Date-Time, Location and details about this quake, detected near: 220 km ESE of Nikol’skoye, Russia.\nCopyright © 2017 earthquakenewstoday.com All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Helminth Contamination of Selected Vegetables Irrigated with Water from River Kaduna, Kaduna, Nigeria\nLow growing crops watered from rivers laden waste from man, animal, and industries are usually rich in micro-organisms which may persist during the growing season and serve as principal route for the transmission of many\ndiseases. Survey of Helminth parasites ova on selected vegetables irrigated with water from River Kaduna was carried out in November 2009-April 2010 (dry season). Six different vegetables (spinach, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, garden egg, and carrots) were obtained directly from the farmers on five irrigated farms along the banks of River Kaduna. Each vegetable was washed in distilled water and then the sedimentation and zinc sulphate floatation methods were used. Of the 960 vegetable samples examined, Ascaris lumbricoides was observed in 109 (32.4%). Others were Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichuris trichiura and Ancyclostoma duodenale at the rate of 22.6%, 12.8% and 16.4% respectively. Bakin Ruwa (Rigasa) had the highest incidence rate (25.0%) while Rafin Guzza had the least (14.6%). The prevalence of helminth parasites was significantly higher in leafy vegetables especially those with broad petiole than in smooth surfaced vegetables (p<0.05). Since the provision of latrines alone may\nnot control parasitic infection if the concentrated human and animal excreta is used as fertilizer, attention should be paid to education, enlightenment campaigns and efficient waste management and disposal. There should be proper handling and washing of our food especially those eaten raw or partially cooked.\nKeywords: Helminth, Irrigation, Vegetables, Kaduna.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This short video, the sixth in the National Academies Climate Change, Lines of Evidence series, explores the hypothesis that changes in solar energy output may be responsible for observed global surface temperature rise. Several lines of evidence, such as direct satellite observations, are reviewed.\nThis short video describes the Hestia project - a software tool and data model that provide visualizations of localized CO2 emissions from residential, commercial, and vehicle levels, as well as day versus night comparisons, in the city of Indianapolis.\nThis activity introduces students to visualization capabilities available through NASA's Earth Observatory, global map collection, NASA NEO and ImageJ. Using these tools, students build several animations of satellite data that illustrate carbon pathways through the Earth system.\nThis video, from ClimateCentral, features a team of scientists from the Northern Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling Project (NEEM), who study atmospheric air bubbles trapped in an ice core from a period in Greenland's ice sheet which began about 130,000 years ago and lasted about 10,000 years; a period known as the Eemian. The air bubbles from the ancient atmosphere - all aligned on the same time scale - reveal what happened with climate change over that period of time.\nThis video is about Greenland's ice sheet, accompanied by computer models of the same, to show how the ice is melting, where the meltwater is going, and what it is doing both on the surface and beneath the ice.\nThis is a multi-faceted activity that offers students a variety of opportunities to learn about permafrost through an important sink and source of greenhouse gas (methane), about which most students living in lower latitudes know little.\nIn this activity, students estimate the drop in sea level during glacial maxima, when ice and snow in high latitudes and altitudes resulted in lower sea levels. Students estimate the surface area of the world's oceans, use ice volume data to approximate how much sea levels dropped, and determine the sea-level rise that would occur if the remaining ice melted.\nKey figure from the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that shows changes in global average surface temperature, global average sea level, and Northern Hemisphere snow cover from as far back as 1850.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Published : 12/22/2014 14:10:55\nCategories : Marijuana and cannabis Blog\nIt is highly crucial to maintain the pH level within specific limits when cultivating cannabis. All marijuana cultivators should monitor their soil or nutrient solution’s pH level and maintain it in optimum levels. This will decide how efficiently your plants can absorb nutrients. If the level of pH is not correct, many issues may crop up.\nIt Can Affect the Growth Rate\nIf the level of pH in the soil or nutrient solution is not in the optimum range, the rate of growth of your plants may stop or slow down. This is because your plants may not get the right supply of nutrients, thus ending up in nutrient deficiencies. If not treated, your yield may be decreased considerably and the final product’s quality will also be affected. In severe cases, the nutrient deficiencies can even destroy all your crops. So, it is vital to monitor the pH level for your plants’ overall health.\nNutrient Deficiency May Not be the Problem\nWhen cultivators get to know about the nutrient deficiency, they tend to add more nutrients to the growing medium. However, the actual problem is not the lack of nutrients, but rather the inability of the plant to absorb the food at the inappropriate pH level. This in turn leads to build-up of nutrient sales, which further can worsen the problem as the plant roots will then face problem absorbing all nutrients and water.\nTry the pH Testing Kit\nFor monitoring the level of pH in your growing medium, it is recommended to buy a pH testing kit to be used whenever you water the plants. This can help to closely observe the pH level and make the needed adjustments. This way, you can save money and time in the long run. Usually, marijuana grows best in a pH level in the range of 5.5 – 6.5 when it is cultivated hydroponically. For organic cultivation, pH level should be around 6.3.\nSo, remember that the right pH level is very much crucial to the health of your cannabis plants and their harvest. So, take the effort and time to ensure that it is always maintained at the right level, it will be easier to preserve consistent quality.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Despite the apocalyptic fears ginned up by the warmist cult, The UK Guardian reports\nThis year is set to be the coolest since 2000, according to a preliminary estimate of global average temperature that is due to be released next week....\nBut don't worry - the faithful are not moved. They cite long term trends, perhaps thinking that the discredited \"hockey stick graph\" hasn't been discredited. The fact is that historic data on temperature in the pre-satellite era depends on thermometers that usually are near human settlements, which have increased in temperature more than the areas remote from human activity.\nAnd forget about sunspots. The Guardian article makes no mention of solar activity. If you don't acknowledge it, then it isn't real, apparently.\nHat tip: Jeff Walker", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Palo Santo has been used for generations for energy cleansing. Burn Palo Santo to uplift your mood, set intentions, deepen your vibrations and improve your general well being. Relieve stress, get rid of unwanted negative energy around you. Great for yoga and meditation, or an alternative to traditional incense or mosquito repellent. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.\n6-7 sticks of sustainably harvested Palo Santo smudging sticks from Ecuador in a unique novelty gift box.\nNovelty gift for your smudging friends, unique and creative. Also a great motivational gift for someone who is quitting smoking!\nEvery purchase plants one tree in the dry tropical forest of Ecuador.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wichita Mountains Wilderness\nFor questions about or recommendations for planning your next visit to the Wichita Mountains Wilderness, you will need to contact the managing office listed below by phone or email.\nWichita Mountains NWR Visitor Center\n32 Refuge Headquarters\nIndiahoma, OK 73552\nWichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Shenzhen Vinco Soundproofing Materials Co.,Ltd is one of the best perforated acoustic panel manufacturers and suppliers in China, welcome to wholesale our customized perforated acoustic panel made in UK, and also welcome to check the price with us.\nPerforated wood acoustic panel is a sound-absorbing material of MDF material with many holes on the back and surface,widely used in theater or other place need to reduce noise.\nPerforated wood acoustic panel\nMelamine, natural veneer, Firewood, painting, metal surface\nClassic walnut,Sandalwood or other colors can customize\n6mm/12mm/15mm/18mm or other thickness customized\nB1 Glass or A1 Glass\nStandard carton box(15-20 pieces in a carton\nProduct sound absorption theory:\nThe sound After passing through the sound hole, the sound vibrations caused by sound waves generated by friction, so the noise will be converted into heat energy dissipated, which played a noise reduction effect\n● It has excellent noise absorbing properties\n● Fireproof ,waterproof and good decoration\n● Using specially treated high density board, to ensure that products of dust corrosion performance.\n● Formaldehyde-free, environmentally friendly, no radiation\n● Dust, insects, high density board\nDetails of material introduction:\nPerforated Wooden sound-absorbing panels composition by the finish, the core material and sound-absorbing mat. The Core materials is 16mm or 18mm thick MDF plate .on the surface of core material have melamine veneer ,with thick sound absorption cloth mat on the back.we could offer other core materials as client requirement.\n● Wood or melamine veneer have difference color is a natural phenomenon.\n● When you installation before ,please pay attention on moisture", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at the launch of the company’s Bing AI search tool\nJASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images\nMicrosoft is hiring a project manager for nuclear technology as it looks to power its AI data centres with nuclear energy.The tech giant has invested heavily in AI, striking a $10 billion deal with OpenAI\nMicrosoft is exploring plans to use nuclear energy to power its AI data centres as it grapples with the huge amount of energy needed to run models like ChatGPT.\nThe company is hiring a “principal program manager for nuclear technology” to assess how nuclear energy could be used to power the data centres hosting AI models, according to a job listing posted on Thursday.\nInitially reported by CNBC, it says the tech giant will be focusing on using microreactors and Small Modular Reactors, which are far cheaper to build and run than larger nuclear reactors, to “power the data centers that the Microsoft Cloud and AI reside on.”\nAI models require a huge amount of computing power to run, with analysis finding ChatGPT could cost as much as $700,000 a day to operate due to its huge server costs. The job listing suggests that Microsoft sees nuclear energy as the way to meet this spiraling energy demand.\nThe tech giant reportedly struck a $10 billion deal with OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, part of which saw Microsoft provide the AI startup with the cloud services that enable the start-ups models to run.\nIt has also folded OpenAI’s technology into its Bing search engine, launching an AI-powered search tool earlier this year.\nThere has been growing concern over the environmental impact of generative AI’s massive energy use. Academic analysis has estimated that training GPT-3 produced more than 550 tons of carbon dioxide and required 3.5 million liters of water.\nMicrosoft recently pledged to accelerate efforts to power data centers with renewable energy and reduce emissions, and plans to make its business carbon negative, water positive, and zero waste by 2030.\nMicrosoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Transportation & Lunch Included\nLos Haitises National Park Tour from Punta Cana, Montana Redonda & Cano Hondo Day Trip.\nLos Haitises National Park Tour from Punta Cana, Montana Redonda & Cano Hondo\nLos Haitises National Park Tour from Punta Cana Day Trip. Starting from your hotel at Punta Cana or Bavaro. We will drive with our tour guide to Montana Redonda. Where you have time to take amazing Photos from one of the most impressive views in the Dominican Republic. After this first stop, we continue to visit Los Haitises National Park, some snacks and typicals drinks while we go around mangroves, caves and famous rocky islands like in Jurassic Park. After Visiting Los Haitises National Park Lunch is waiting for us in Caño Hondo. Were after local and gastronomic local lunch you must have time to swim in the unique Natural pools water comes from Los Haitises National Park.\nAfter this experience, you will get Back to Punta Cana Community from where we pick you up.\n- ክፍያዎች ተካትተዋል።\n- Local Tour Guide in English or French\n- የጀልባ ጉዞ\n- ሞንታና ሬዶንዳ\n- Caño Hondo\nማካተት እና ማግለያዎች\n- Los Haitises Tour + Caves and Pictographs\n- ሞንታና ሬዶንዳ\n- Caño Hondo\n- Hotels Pick Up in Punta Cana Areas.\n- ሁሉም ግብሮች፣ ክፍያዎች እና የአያያዝ ክፍያዎች\n- የአካባቢ ግብሮች\n- ሁሉም እንቅስቃሴዎች\n- የአካባቢ መመሪያ\n- የአልኮል መጠጦች\nመነሳት እና መመለስ\nThe traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish in your meeting points.\nLos Haitises National Park Tour from Punta Cana, Montana Redonda & Cano Hondo.\nቲኬቶችዎን ያግኙ for visiting Los Haitises National Park Tour from Punta Cana. Full Day Trip. Starting from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Taking the transportation with our local tour guide to Visit Montana Redonda views, Los Haitises National park in Sabana de la Mar and Lunchtime in Caño Hondo.\nThe tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and start checking some bird-filled mangroves, rolling hills of lush vegetation and caves of የሎስ ሄይቲስ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ. Visiting Island with birds around. In the nesting season, we can even see the Pelecanos chicks on the nests. Getting more inside of the Rocky Islands and visiting the Caves with pictographs and petrographs from the indigenous people.\nThrough the mangroves and Land at the open San Lorenzo Bay, Sabana de la Mar from where you can photograph the rugged forest landscape. Look to the water to spot Manatees, crustaceans, and dolphins.\nThe national park’s name comes from its original inhabitants, the Taino Indians. In their language “Haitises” translates to highlands or Hills, a reference to the coastline’s steep geological formations with Limestones. Aventure deeper into the park to explore caves such as the Cueva San Gabriel, Cueva de la Arena, እና Cueva de la Línea.\nThese Caves in the reserve were used as shelter by the Taino Indians and, later, by hiding pirates. Look for drawings by Indians that decorate some of the walls.\nAlso Montana Redonda (Round Mountain) in Miches, is an unforgettable place, being surrounded by the nature of the countryside, enjoy a panoramic view, where the reflection of the lagoons combine with the sunrise on the beach and sunset with the green of the mountains, clean air, and singing birds, peace, and tranquility that fills us wish to stay.\nPlus Caño Hondo Amazing complex in a mountain top with breathtaking views to a bay full of nature and Samana bay at the bottom. It’s as if you were living in a rainforest paradise with a beautiful style and so relaxing and quiet. With access to the pools coming from a Natural River from Los Haitises National Park.\nThis Place is where we will have a typical lunch, If you are vegan no worries we also have food for you!\nAfter Lunch, we get back to Punta Cana!!\nIn Case you will like this trip longer or Shorter just contact Us.\nምን ማምጣት አለቦት?\n- የሚያጸድቁ እምቡጦች\n- የፀሐይ ክሬም\n- ምቹ ሱሪዎች\n- ለጫካ የእግር ጉዞ ጫማዎች\n- ጫማ ወደ ስፕሪንግ አ��ባቢዎች.\n- የመዋኛ ልብስ\nHotel pick-up is offered for this tour. Select the Hotel Name and time up here. In case that your Hotel is not on the list please Contact Us.\nማስታወሻ: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.\nተጨማሪ መረጃ ማረጋገጫ\n- ትኬቶች ይህንን ጉብኝት ከከፈሉ በኋላ ደረሰኝ ናቸው። ክፍያውን በስልክዎ ላይ ማሳየት ይችላሉ።\n- የስብሰባ ነጥብ ከቦታ ማስያዝ ሂደት በኋላ ይቀበላል።\n- ልጆች ከትልቅ ሰው ጋር መያያዝ አለባቸው.\n- በተሽከርካሪ ወንበር ተደራሽ አይደለም።\n- ጨቅላ ሕፃናት በእቅፍ ላይ መቀመጥ አለባቸው\n- የጀርባ ችግር ላለባቸው መንገደኞች አይመከርም\n- ለነፍሰ ጡር ተጓዦች አይመከርም\n- ምንም የልብ ችግሮች ወይም ሌሎች ከባድ የጤና ሁኔታዎች\n- አብዛኞቹ ተጓዦች መሳተፍ ይችላሉ።\nFor a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience. Funds will be lost if the reservation is canceled the same day of the trip.\nLos Haitises National Park Video:\nየቦታ ማስያዝ ጀብዱዎች\nየአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች እና ዜግነት ያላቸው የጉብኝት መመሪያዎች እና የእንግዳ አገልግሎቶች\nየተያዙ ቦታዎች፡ በዶም ውስጥ ጉብኝቶች እና ጉዞዎች። ሪፐብሊክ\nቴል / ዋትስአፕ +1-809-720-6035.\nእኛ በዋትሳፕ የግል ጉብኝቶችን ማቀናበር እንችላለን፡- +1 (829) 318-9463.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Agreement reached to improve water quality (11/24)\nNearly one quarter of the nation’s housing and commercial development depend on onsite and septic wastewater treatment systems. When properly sited, designed, and maintained, these systems perform at a high level. But between 10 and 20 percent fail each year, posing a great threat to surface and groundwater, according to EPA. Malfunctioning systems are the second greatest threat to groundwater quality in the United States.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "OLYMPIA — Washington House Democrats passed a bill Feb. 16 declaring climate change an “existential threat” and mandating a carbon-neutral state by 2050.\nAlso on Feb. 16, the House approved legislation to require some counties and cities to adopt land-use rules that would help the state achieve its carbon limits.\nBoth bills go to the Democratic-controlled Senate, where similar measures were introduced this session but failed to meet deadlines to be approved by committees.\nHouse Bill 2311 would require Washington to cut carbon emissions to 45% below 1990 levels by 2030 and by 95% by 2050. Projects to store carbon would offset the remaining 5%, according to the bill. The legislation does not lay out a carbon-reduction plan, or outline penalties for exceeding the limits.\nThe bill would revise standards originally set in 2007 that called for the state to cut emissions by 25% by 2035 and 50% by 2050. Proponents of the bill say limits need to be readjusted to keep average temperatures from rising by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels.\nThe bill passed on largely a party-line vote, 55-41, with no Republican voting yes. House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Brian Blake of Aberdeen was the only Democrat to vote no.\nThe revised limits would put Washington more in line with its West Coast neighbors. Oregon’s goal is to cut carbon emissions by 75% below 1990 levels by 2050. California’s goal is to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, but become carbon neutral by 2045.\nHouse Bill 2427 adds combating climate change to the goals of the state’s Growth Management Act. The bill directs eight larger counties and the cities in those counties to use planning laws to reduce carbon emissions. The bill encourages other counties and cities to plan for climate change.\nThe bill originally applied to all counties. The bill also was amended to commission a study by Washington State University and the University of Washington on the effect on salmon of “urban heat islands.”\nThe amended bill won some Republican votes and passed 59-37.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "In between the showers I managed to get out into the garden and saw this wasp which I’ve not seen before the closest Id I can get with my Solitary wasp field guide so I have sent the photos of to be ID’d …. update my ID was correct and has now been iRecorded to the national data base.\nMellinus arvensis – field digger-wasp\nOne of the commonest and most widespread solitary wasp species in Britain and Ireland. The wasp flies late in the year, and is active from late July to October in sandy places (such as heaths, dunes, waste places and even gardens). The wasp hunts for a range of large flies for stocking the larval brood cells.\nLong and thin species, boldly marked with black and yellow\nThorax with yellow strip across front and a yellow spot at the rear\nTwo bold yellow bars across middle of abdomen\nFlies in late summer and early autumn.\nNests in sandy soil, often in aggregations\nMales much smaller and often feed on honeydew on leaves\nCatches a wide range of flies as prey for its larvae\nFor more information please click BWARS", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Experience the elegance and sustainability of our Bamboo Inkless Pen with Eraser. Made from eco-friendly bamboo and featuring a carbon fiber tip, this pen is stylish and responsible for the environment. The sleek and modern design comes packaged in a trifold raw material carton, showcasing the natural wood color of the bamboo. The package also includes a piece of sandpaper to sharpen the pen’s tip.\nThis inkless pen utilizes a unique carbon fiber tip to write, making it a perfect choice for those looking for an eco-friendly and sustainable option. It does not require ink refills, thus saving resources and minimizing waste. The carbon fiber tip lasts for a long time and can be sharpened with the sandpaper provided in the package. The pen is also equipped with an eraser attached at the end, making it a convenient and practical tool for writers. The trifold raw material carton packaging makes it perfect for gifting or personal use.\nWhy choose our Bamboo Inkless Pen with Eraser?\n- Made from eco-friendly bamboo and carbon fiber tip\n- Modern design with trifold raw material carton packaging\n- Includes an eraser for convenience\n- Sandpaper is included for sharpening the tip\n- Suitable for gifting or personal use\nOrder yours today and embrace the beauty and sustainability of bamboo with our Bamboo Inkless Pen with Eraser. Not only will you be writing with a stylish pen, but you will also be reducing your carbon footprint by using an eco-friendly product.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Chickens in the Garden\nChickens in the garden – not always a helpful statement. My girls have done a fair amount of damage when they’ve been able to get into a garden bed without permission. But I am here to tell you that your chickens can be your garden ally. So let’s talk about how chickens can help you in the garden\nChickens in the Garden – Pest Control\nIf you have a garden, you have bugs. As an organic gardener I am always looking for better means of pest control. There is really no better garden pest patrol than a chicken. Now I should say NEVER put your girls in an bed you are currently growing; they’ll more likely eat your garden goodies than any bugs. I like to put my girls in a bed right after harvest to eat up any bugs, slugs, etc. Chickens can scratch, dig out and eat the pests and the pest larvae making a safer bed for the next round of planting.\nChickens in the Garden – Aerator\nOne of the benefits of allowing your hens to get in an empty bed to eat bugs…they are going to till up the soil as they search. As they\nscratch and pick they are loosening and adding oxygen back into the soil. This will save you time and probably your back in the process. They can also help to mix in your fresh compost as they work. It is a big win all around.\nYou’ll want to “contain” the hens to your garden bed. This can be done with fencing or a chicken tractor, depending on the size and shape of your beds. If you don’t have beds a tractor will probably work the best.\nChickens in the Garden – Fertilizer\nChickens poop…a lot. What better way to get rid of it than to let it help your garden? They can be mighty fertilizers in two ways. The first is, as they are working a bed they are pooping. This fresh poo gets mixed into the soil adding nitrogen right at the source. Some people find that chicken droppings are too “hot” for planting so you may want to let the bed rest for a bit if the girls are in there for awhile. I haven’t had an issue with free chicken poo in my garden beds. Secondly is adding coop clean-up to your compost bins. This a a great nutrition boost for your compost and later your garden. Compost with chicken waste is still a great source of nitrogen, but it is toned down a bit.\nChickens in the Garden – Compost Turner\nI don’t know about you, but turning compost isn’t exactly my favorite job. But my chickens love it! The same way the scratch and peck\nin a garden bed, they’ll do in a compost pile. This a a great way to get the compost turned, aerated! As they turn it, oxygen is added to the pile, helping it to break down faster. But beware, they’ll eat your worms too! I often have the girls work the compost into a bed right before I plant in it; just another way that your chickens can help you!\nSure, a chicken in the garden can be a pain; but if you plan it right they can be your best garden buddy. Whether they are eating bugs or turning your compost chickens in the garden are a great idea!\nHow are you using chickens in your garden? Leave me a comment below!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Every Spring at our local Watershed, the Snow Goose arrives by the thousands. The Watershed is one of their stop-off’s to rest and feed before heading out on their way. They will be here this year any time now. I plan to go see them again when they arrive. It’s a awesome site to see.\nHere I took a shot of the Snow Geese all taking to the air at one time. The sound of them “talking” and the sound of all those wings in the air is a sight to behold. This photo was taken at the Middle Creek Wildlife Refuge.\nPentax K100D DSLR with a 28-210mm Telephoto Lens\nThanks for reading/commenting/following.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK) is a department within Aalto University, Finland founded in 1968 as a national multidisciplinary centre for further education in urban and regional planning and urban studies. Over the years, YTK has developed an interdisciplinary research profile and functions related to post-graduate training, becoming the only interdisciplinary hub focusing on planning education and research in Finland.\nAU Herning is part of Aarhus University in Denmark, and thus part of one of the leading universities in the Nordic countries, and also one of the top 100 universities worldwide. AU Herning is a unique educational institution offering study programmes in engineering, business economics, international communication as well as management at the same institution. AU Herning has a high focus on close interaction with the business community and on research and development.\nThe research within the Department of Energy and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden covers a wide field within the areas energy and environment/sustainable development, from a global perspective to industrial, building, and product scale. The research fields include:\n- Energy technology and energy conversion, both experimentally and theoretically.\n- Development, use and evaluation of methods and tools for analysis of technical systems, regarding both environmental/sustainable development and energy.\n- Complex Systems, with theory and applications ranging from biochemical systems to social ones.\nCentre for Climate Science and Policy Research\nInaugurated in 2004, the CSPR at Linkoping University in Sweden has rapidly established itself as a prominent reference point for studies related to climate science and policy research. The research is interdisciplinary and puts problems related to climate change in context with other measures for sustainable development, such as limiting environmental impact and responsible management of natural resources. CSPR is a joint venture between Linkoping University and SMHI. CSPR’s mission is to develop knowledge, templates and methods for climate research in Sweden and inter-nationally. In order to do this CSPR gathers researchers in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and in technology. The four key research areas of the centre are: vulnerability and adaptation, climate change and sustainable development, conditions for low-carbon energy, knowledge and communication.\nSNF (Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration) is a contract research institute in the NHH-group and was formally established in 1991. SNF is owned by the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Foundation SNF. SNF is one of the largest and most influential institutes in Norway when it comes to applied research in economics and business administration, and has developed strong connections to other research institutions in Norway and abroad.\nNTNU as a partner consists of two teams; one at the Centre for Energy and Society, Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture and one at Department of Geography.\nThe Centre for Energy and Society (CES) was established as a research group at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture in 2001. In 2009 the Centre was a main architect behind the establishing of CenSES, Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies. CenSES is a virtual research centre that emphasize studies and decision support that enable a new sustainable energy system. CenSES integrates insights from energy economy, energy systems analysis, political science, sociology, innovation studies and science and technology studies. Internationally, CES is one of the largest research groups in its field, studying social and cultural aspects of energy and sustainability from a social science and humanities perspective. Since 2007 the centre has had two projects on climate adaptation funded by the NORKLIMA programme and Norwegian Research council.\nProjectZero is the vision for turning Sonderborg/Denmark (500 km2, 77.000 people, 440.000 pigs, 250.000 hens etc) into a ZEROcarbon community before the end of 2029, based on sustainable growth and creating many new Green Jobs during the transformation. The job-creation/business dimension add BrightGreenBusiness as a surname to ProjectZero.\nProjectZero´s ZEROcarbon emissions will be achieved by improving energy efficiency in all sectors of society and business and converting current energy sources into green renewable sources (wind, geothermal, solar, biomass etc) based on the areas own sources. The ROAD to ZEROcarbon is documented in the ProjectZero masterplan, which has a major milestone in 2015, where carbon emissions will be reduced by 25% compared to baseline 2007.\nSEI was set up in 1989 to take forward the fundamental insight of the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment: that global environment and development challenges must be addressed at the same time, as one. This is still not mainstream practice, but it is SEI’s guiding principle.\nOver the past 20 years SEI has generated, synthesised and communicated knowledge for evidence-based policies that support sustainable development in the North and South. SEI’s role is to provide solutions to environment and development challenges through state-of-the-art interdisciplinary research, combined with on-the-ground capacity building.\nThe University of Iceland was established in 1911. The University is structured into 5 academic schools, and 25 faculties. The University of Iceland is the only university in Iceland offering undergraduate and graduate studies in all the main disciplines and its academics have received a great deal of international recognition for their scientific work such as in energy and climate change related research. Researchers at the University and members of the NORD-STAR team have led national assessments of mitigation and adaptation possibilities in Iceland. In addition to traditional disciplinary academic areas the University has international interdisciplinary graduate programmes such as a Environment and Natural Resources, run by NORD-STAR team member B. Davidsdottir.\nUMEÅ University was founded in 1965 and is Sweden’s fifth oldest university. UMEÅ has a strong international and multicultural presence with students, teachers and researchers from all over the world. UMEÅ strives towards being one of Scandinavia and Europe’s best environments for education, research and community engagement that meets the challenges of an ever-increasing global society.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.\nMedium sized bird with very long tail feathers. Mostly black/blue with yellow neck and chest.\nSubtropical bush veld.\nThank you for the ID Ashley!\nLat: -22.96, Long: 30.80\nSpotted on Mar 25, 2014 Submitted on Apr 26, 2014", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "FA fully automatic food waste monitor, that gives the ability to reduce food waste by up to 50%.\nHow it works\nWhat is the product?\nThe waste monitor od orbisk is a fully automatic food waste monitor, that gives the ability to reduce food waste by up to 50%. Orbisk provides the plug-and-play installation of the food waste monitor in the kitchen. The monitor is ready for immediate use. From day one, you will be registering all of the food waste in the kitchen automatically. No training is required, and it won't cost the staff any extra time. The food waste monitor has a camera with AI technology that automatically recognises which products are being thrown away. An online report gives you insight into your food waste. You can see per week, day or ingredient how much you are throwing out and how you can prevent this. In the data, you can see exactly when the waste occurs, and why. This way, you can optimise your supply, the purchasing process or your menu, based on data. This not only saves money, but you also prevent a lot of unnecessary food waste.\nWhat impact does it have?\n1/3 of all the food that is produced gets lost before it even reaches the consumer. In the hospitality industry that is about 150 million kilos of food per year. Up to 50% of this amount of food waste could be saved with Orbit’s technology. Beside this reduction results in a 5% improvement in the profit margin on purchasing costs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Docket No. QF17-454-006\nThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today reversed a split decision in a September 2020 order denying Broadview Solar LLC’s application for certification as a qualifying facility (QF) under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). The Commission reinstated its longstanding “send-out” analysis, which determines a facility’s power production capacity based on the electricity that it can actually deliver to the interconnecting electric utility.\n“Today’s order restores a common-sense understanding that QF status should turn on the power production capacity of a facility as a whole, not the capacity of any individual component part,” FERC Chairman Rich Glick said. “The primary benefit of QF status afforded under PURPA is the right to sell power to a chosen utility, so the amount of power that a QF can actually transmit to the utility should be the touchstone of our analysis.”\nBroadview’s facility involves a coupled array of solar panels with a gross capacity of 160 MW of direct current (DC) electricity and a 50 MW battery energy storage system. The maximum output of the project’s 20 invertors, which convert the DC electricity into alternating current, means that only 80 MW can be produced and transmitted to the interconnection with NorthWestern Corporation’s transmission system.\nThis case provided the Commission the first occasion to interpret how PURPA’s limitation on a facility’s “power production capacity” applies to a facility such as Broadview’s, which has a large array of solar PV cells but is physically incapable of producing more than 80 MW of power for delivery to the purchasing utility. In setting aside the prior order, FERC concluded that it erred by departing from PURPA, its own regulations and precedent.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "In It’s Getting Hot in Here, Healthyish assistant editor (and aspiring low-waste disciple) Aliza Abarbanel walks us through one thing we can do each month to adapt our lifestyles and pantries for a pre-apocalyptic world. Up next: Finding the type of climate activism that fits your priorities.\nUp to this point, I've focused this climate column on changing my lifestyle—tracking my trash and composting my coffee grounds. These actions have felt empowering, but they haven’t exactly felt influential. (Remembering to bring my own reusable produce bags is manageable; getting the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Agreement, less so.)\nBut between the increasingly dire climate studies, the ongoing global climate strikes, and the all-consuming Democratic primary, which carries remarkable weight for the future of American climate policy, I’ve been wanting to do more. And I’m not alone. There finally seems to be a sense of collective urgency around environmental issues. According to the Environmental Voter Project, 14 percent of registered voters list “addressing climate change and protecting the environment” as their top priority, up from an estimated 2–6 percent in the 2016 presidential election. (Okay, 14 percent is not exactly an overwhelming majority, but I’ll call it progress.) The 2016 general election presidential debates went by without a single question on climate policy, but this year, both CNN and MSNBC held climate town halls with democratic candidates. Just yesterday, a climate journalist moderated a presidential debate for the first time.\n“This moment feels like no moment I’ve really experienced before in my time as an organizer, as an activist, as a community member, as a mother,” says Eva Hernandez-Simmons, deputy national program director for the Sierra Club, a grassroots environmental organization with over 3.8 million members. “This is the year we really need folks to come together and build the power that’s essential for creating systemic change.”\nSo, for this month’s climate challenge, I decided to look beyond personal choices and toward collective action, a.k.a working alongside others to make change via protests, strikes, and political campaigns. If quitting plastic straws changes the way we as individuals interact with the earth’s resources, collective action works to create large-scale change. There are hundreds of organizations doing this work, making the landscape difficult to navigate without a compass. So I decided to make one.\nWe can’t stop climate change with tote bags and reusable straws alone. We need to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions fast, build up renewable energy systems, and support climate refugees—which requires new laws and national initiatives. The world, and the United States specifically, is far from making the structural changes needed to meet this crisis. But we’re in an election year, which climate action organizations are using as an opportunity to push everyone from prospective city councilors to presidential hopefuls to prioritize climate change.\nThere are countless ways to advocate for the climate issues that matter most to you, from helping set up a local composting program to knocking doors for climate-focused candidates. There’s a lot to consider, so this month we’re finding a way to get involved that works for our values and our schedules.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "It has been four long decades since NASA has sent an officially-designated life detection mission into space. The confused results of the Viking missions to Mars in the mid 1970s were so controversial and contradictory that scientists — or the agency at least — concluded that the knowledge needed to convincingly search for extraterrestrial life wasn’t available yet.\nBut now, a panel of scientists and engineers brought together by NASA has studied a proposal to send a lander to Jupiter’s moon Europa and, among other tasks, return to the effort of life-detection.\nIn their recommendation, in fact, the NASA-appointed Science Definition Team said that the primary goal of the mission would be “to search for evidence of life on Europa.”\nThe other goals are to assess the habitability of Europa by directly analyzing material from the surface, and to characterize the surface and subsurface to support future robotic exploration of Europa and its ocean.\nScientists agree that the evidence is quite strong that Europa, which is slightly smaller than Earth’s moon, has a global saltwater ocean beneath its deep ice crust, and that it contains twice as much water as exists on Earth.\nFor the ocean to be liquid there must be substantial sources of heat — from tidal heating based on the shape of its orbits, or from heat emanating from radioactive decay and entering the ocean through hydrothermal vents. All could potentially provide an environment where life could emerge and survive.\nKevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a specialist in icy worlds and is deputy project scientist for the Europa project. He was one of the co-chairs of the Science Definition Team (SDT) and he said the group was ever mindful of the complicated history of the Viking missions. He said that some people called Viking a “failure” because it did not clearly identify life, but he described that view as “entirely unscientific.”\n“It would be misguided to set out to ‘find life’,” he told me. “The real objective is to test an hypothesis – one we have that if you bring together the conditions for life as we know them, then they might come together and life can inhabit the environment.\n“As far as we can tell, Europa has the water, the elements and the energy needed to create a habitable world. If the origin of life involves some relatively easy processes, then it just might be there on Europa.”\nThe conclusions of the SDT team, which is made is up of dozens of scientists and engineers, will set the stage for further review, rather than for immediate action. The report goes to NASA, where it is assessed in relation to other compelling and competing missions. Both the Congress and White House can and do weigh in\nIf it is approved, the Europa lander mission would be a companion to the already funded Europa multiple flyby mission scheduled to launch in the 2020s. While that spacecraft, the Europa Clipper, would have some capacity to determine whether or not the icy moon is habitable, a lander would be needed to search for actual signs of life.\nA mission to Europa was a top priority of the 2010 Decadal Review, a synthesis of potential projects in various disciplines that is reviewed by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.\nIts recommendations from the Decadal Review are generally followed by NASA. It remains unclear whether the Europa lander is a natural follow-on to the Europa Clipper or a new initiative to be judged on its own. But the project does have strong support — last year Rep. John Culberson (R-Tex.) pushed a bill through Congress making it illegal to not send a lander to Europa.\nAlthough there are many hurdles to clear for the Europa lander, the SDT report is nonetheless a rather momentous event since it strongly recommends a life-detection mission. So I thought it was worthwhile to include the entire preface of the team’s conclusions.\n“The Europa Lander Science Definition Team Report presents the integrated results of an intensive science and engineering team effort to develop and optimize a mission concept that would follow the Europa Multiple Flyby Mission and conduct the first in situ search for evidence of life on another world since the Viking spacecraft on Mars in the 1970s.\nThe Europa Lander mission would be a pathfinder for characterizing the biological potential of Europa’s ocean through direct study of any chemical, geological, and possibly biological, signatures as expressed on, and just below, the surface of Europa. The search for signs of life on Europa’s surface requires an analytical payload that performs quantitative organic analysis on five samples acquired from at least 10 cm beneath the surface, with supporting context imaging observations.\nThis mission would significantly advance our understanding of Europa as an ocean world, even in the absence of any definitive signs of life, and would provide the foundation for the future robotic exploration of Europa.”\n(Here is the full Europa lander SDT report.)\nWhat’s more, images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2012 suggest that Europa may be spitting out water in plumes that those clearly detected on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.\n“If a plume was identified during a flyby, you better believe that we would do all we could to land somewhere close to it. The goal is to get as near as possible to the water coming out from under the crust because that’s how we’ll best learn whether that water has complex organic molecules, nitrogen compounds needed for life and possibly life itself.”\nIf the lander project does get the green light in the months (or years) ahead, NASA would then put out a call to propose instruments that could search for the various chemical building blocks and manifestations life, as well morphological signs that life once was present. The search for life, in other words, would involve checking the boxes of building blocks or known molecular signs of possible life as they are found (or not found.)\nThis is quite a different approach from that used during the Viking missions.\nFamously, the so-called “Labelled Release” experiments on both Viking 1 and Viking 2 met the criteria for having detected life as set out by NASA scientists before the mission began. Those criteria involved the detection of metabolism, the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. A detection would imply the presence of life right on the harsh, irradiated Martian surface.\nIn the LR experiment, a drop of very dilute aqueous nutrient solution was dropped into a sample collected of Martian soil. The nutrients (seven molecules that were products of the Miller-Urey experiment) were tagged with radioactive carbon 14 and the air above the soil was monitored for the evolution of radioactive CO2 gas. The presence of the gas was interpreted as evidence that microorganisms in the soil had metabolized one or more of the nutrients.\nThe LR was followed with a control experiment, and the results consistently met the criteria for having detected “life.” Two other biology experiments on Viking, however, came up negative, including the one considered most conclusive — that no carbon-based organic material was detected in the soil, except for one interpreted as contamination from Earth.\nSubsequent Mars missions have strongly suggested that those organics interpreted as contamination were, in fact, organics interacting with perchlorate molecules now known to be common on the Martian surface. But despite this revision, the Mars science community remains broadly skeptical of the Labelled Release results, arguing that the CO2 could have been produced without biology. That, however, has not stopped LR principal investigator Gilbert Levin, and some others, from arguing now for forty years that the experiment did find life, creating a controversy that NASA has long struggled with.\nHand said that in hindsight, “we can see that it didn’t make sense to look for metabolism until we knew a lot more. We need to follow the water, follow the carbon, follow the nitrogen, follow the complex molecules, and if all of that succeeds then we look for a living, breathing creature.”\nOne of the inspirations for the hypothesis that Europa might harbor life under and within its ice is the recognition that frozen Antarctica also is home to microbial life. The most significant laboratory is Lake Vostok, an enormous collection of water beneath more than two miles of Antarctic ice.\nResearchers have determined that microbial life exists miles down through the ice. The distribution is small — something like 100 cells per milliliter of melted ice — but researchers have been trying for years to drill down into the lake and determine if the lake itself is home to more abundant life. The research has been done primarily by Russian scientists and engineers, and has been slowed by the harsh conditions and innumerable technical problems.\nBut as a proof of concept, Hand said, Lake Vostok and other subglacial lakes in Antarctica show that life can survive in freezing conditions. He said the science teams recommended that any life detection instrument that might go to Europa be able to identify life in the very low concentrations found at Vostok.\nTori Hoehler, a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, is a specialist in microbial life in low energy environments (like Vostok and perhaps Europa,) and he is also a member of the Europa lander science definition team.\n“Our present understanding of Europa suggests that it is habitable, but it is more difficult to constrain how abundant or productive a Europan biosphere — should one exist — might be. For that reason, a conservative approach is to look to some of Earth’s most sparsely populated ecosystems when setting measurement targets for the lander.”\nBut however low that abundance might be, the detection of anything with characteristics of life on Europa would be a huge advance for science.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This study addresses the challenges of sustainable and efficient agricultural practices in the face of climate change and the destruction of agricultural lands by presenting the development of a novel plant growth LED based on Sm3+ and Tm3+ co-doped luminescent glasses with color-converting properties that emit blue and red light, resulting in an increased rate of photosynthesis and density of photosynthetically active radiation reaching the harvesting pigments. The developed LED exhibits photoluminescence (PL) peak positions ranging from 454 to 648 nm, with a spectral coverage of 50% and 39% of the absorption regions of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, respectively, resulting in an impressive 56% photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). Furthermore, the developed plant growth LED demonstrates robust performance, remaining unaffected by temperature cycles and extended operation periods. Using Romaine lettuce cultivated under identical conditions, a comparative study between the developed LED and commercially available plant growth LED is conducted, with the designed LED showing significant improvements in plant growth characteristics, including increased plant height, weight, number of leaves, and enhanced levels of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid content, while the root diameter is reduced, and the shoot-to-root ratio is diminished in comparison to the commercially available plant growth LED. The paper also compares the performance of Sm3+ and Tm3+ co-doped luminescent glass-based plant growth LED with other reported plant growth LED designs using different luminescent materials, exploring the impact of PLQY, PL position, and plant growing conditions. The results suggest that the developed LED system offers a more efficient and sustainable way of lighting for indoor horticulture and has significant implications for meeting the increasing food demands of the growing world population.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Please note: The planetarium will be closed for maintenance February 26-28.\nWhen you can’t find something you know should be there, it makes you a little crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly how two groups of researchers must feel. After looking for plastid genomes in different organisms, they can’t find the DNA—it’s gone missing.\nPlastids are organelles found in the cells of plants and algae. The Scientist describes chloroplasts—a type of plastid—as “small structures that were once free-living bacteria and retain their own DNA.” Plastids are instrumental in photosynthesis, but also are found in plants that don’t photosynthesize, as in the various parasitic species that are found scattered throughout the plant kingdom. According to Wikipedia, plastids also “possess a double-stranded DNA molecule.” But in the cases below, maybe “should possess” would be a better description.\nFilipino researchers looked at plastids in the very stinky Rafflesia lagascae, a parasitic plant that doesn’t photosynthesize, but rather mooches its food off of another plant, a vine in the grape family. Through sequencing Rafflesia, the team discovered that while parts of plastid genes existed, the genome was non-existent. And the scientists believe that many of the fragment plastid genes came from the host plant.\nAt the same time, a team of Canadian researchers examined four alga species in the Polytomella genus, sequencing their DNA. These algae don’t photosynthesize either, instead living off of food in their freshwater habitat. Again, no plastid genome; in fact, no plastid genes were found at all.\nWhat’s the big deal? According to Rappler.com, “These two studies are challenging some of the basic ideas of plant life.” ScienceShot asks, “When is a plant no longer a plant?”\nWe asked the Academy’s Peter Fritsch about the non-findings. “Much of the plastid DNA’s genome in normal plants is made up of genes for photosynthesis, but parasitic plants no longer need these genes. Also, the close association of the parasite and host can lead to the loss of key genes in the parasite because they can rely on the host for these functions. For both of these reasons, the plastid DNA’s of parasitic plants are typically much smaller than those in photosynthetic plants and the genes that remain are often highly altered and nonfunctional. This is an example of evolutionary reduction—examples in animals are the degeneration of eyes in many cave-dwelling organisms, and the vestigial hind limbs in whales. In Rafflesia and Polymella, it appears that extreme evolutionary reduction has resulted in the complete elimination of DNA from their plastids.\n“As to whether these plants are no longer plants—it might seem as though, because they don’t photosynthesize like all the other plants, they shouldn’t be considered plants anymore. This isn’t really the case though, because they still have many other key features that place them solidly in the plant kingdom. For example, Rafflesia still has flowers with organs homologous to those of other flowers (although highly modified in this case), and regions of their DNA outside of the plastid clearly show their strong phylogenetic relations with other flowering plants, namely those in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae).”\nImage: Steve Cornish", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Institute gives ND poor grade\nEva Binda | Thursday, March 1, 2007\nWith top athletic programs and consistent academic rankings annually in the nation’s Top 20, Notre Dame is not used to receiving failing grades.\nHowever, when the Sustainable Endowment Institute released its annual College Sustainability Report Card covering environmental and endowment practices, Notre Dame received a D-minus – the lowest grade given in the survey. Other institutions that received low grades included the University of Chicago, which received a D-plus and University of Southern California, which received a D.\nThe Report Card “grades 100 colleges by looking at college greening practices and endowment policies,”according to the organization’s Web site. The grading is on an A to F scale and takes into account 26 indicators, ranging from green building initiatives to endowment investment policies. These 100 colleges represent the largest endowments of colleges across the country.\nThe highest grade attained in the report card was an A-minus, which Harvard University, Stanford University, Dartmouth College and Williams College all received.\nNotre Dame received a failing grade in the categories of Administration, Climate Change, Green Building and Endowment Transparency. Its highest grade of a “C” was received in Investment Priorities. Notre Dame also received a “D” in the categories of Shareholder Engagement and Food & Recycling, with its recycling program being cited as a “good effort.”\n“As far as can be determined, the University of Notre Dame has not made any public attempts to approach the issue of campus sustainability,” the report card said.\nHowever, the report card did report that there is a research center for alternative energies on campus.\nDarcia Narvaez, an associate professor of psychology who is involved with environmental issues on campus, believes the University is working on sustainability, but does not publicize it enough.\n“We’re doing more than most campuses, but we just don’t tell anybody,” Narvaez said.\nSome on campus are not surprised by Notre Dame’s low grade and believe more can be done.\nNarvaez is also a former Executive Fellow in the Dean of Arts and Letters’ office.\n“I anticipated it because I think Notre Dame has been dragging its feet on these issues,” said Andy Weigert, a sociology professor and Fellow at the Institute for International Peace Studies.\nWeigert also believes “more could be done academically in terms of teaching.” He would like to see an environmental studies major or minor within the College of Arts and Letters.\nHowever, Weigert said many initiatives are underway to make the campus more sustainable and eco-friendly.\nLast year, Narvaez created an Arts and Letters Environmental Task Force . The task force released a call-to-action entitled “Our Environment in Crisis,” a document that discussed the University’s environmental responsibilities.\n“We need to respond to the environmental crisis, especially as a Catholic university,” Narvaez said.\nAnother group formed to find solutions to the University’s environmental issues – the Energy and Environmental Issues Committee. According to its Web site, it was created to “broaden energy and environmental awareness, report on Notre Dame green initiatives and advise University leadership on eco-friendly opportunities.”\nIn addition to these initiatives, Narvaez would like to see everyone on campus, from staff to faculty to students, get into a more environmental mindset.\n“I’d like everybody on campus to have a sustainability mindset in everything they’re doing,” she said. “They should think about what’s good for the environment, human health, society, the globe.”\nWeigert, who has taught at Notre Dame since the late 1960’s, said it’s important that students are mobilized on the issue.\n“If the students got on board, they could have great influence on this issue … I’ve seen students influence become very strong,” he said. “You need a salient issue. Maybe if students could get mobilized, that would move the administration.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Silence in a Garden\nSilence in a garden doesn’t mean to hear ‘no sound’\nSilence in a garden ….means humans… that bow down\nTo lovely sounds of nature, birds and bees and heavenly breeze\nGently flowing through the standing people, we call “trees”\nSilence in the garden helps us feel the truest light\nStreaming down upon us in the morning, noon and night\nSilence in the garden keeps perspective for our day\nAnd sends us special fragrance and a place to go and pray\nSilence in the garden draws us near to precious earth\nGiven to us fully to nurture and rehearse the time that we will leave this place….our earth’s journey is upon us\nSilence in the garden is a lesson and a promise.\nA tribute to nature and gardeners all over the world!\n- 30 May, 2008\n- 1 like\nPrevious post: Rock Gardens - Try Xeriscaping!\nNext post: If trees could talk...what would they say?", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Aurora Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sorgjerd spent one week around Kirkenes and the Norway-Russia border, in Celsius temperature, to make this magnificent time-lapse video of the Aurora Borealis.\nTSOphotography spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years. Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around Celsius.\nAnother wondrous video from the talented Norwegian landscape photographer Terje Sørgjerd, TSO Photography, entitled \"The Aurora.\" The song is Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard's, Now We Are Free (Maximus Mix)\nLight up the night in Iceland: The Aurora Borealis appears in a complete spectrum of colours, from light pinks, reds and greens to the yellows, blues and violets seen here on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula.\nHere's a fantastic photo from Antarctica by Stefan Christmann, showing a colony of Emperor penguins and their chicks under the light of the aurora australis, sparked into high-gear by recent flare activity from the Sun.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "BOONTON — The Rockaway Valley Garden Club will be holding a Tourne Wildflower Trail Photo Exhibit at the Boonton Township Municipal Building. The Boonton Township Municipal Building is located at 155 Powerville Road and the exhibit is open weekdays from February 4 to February 15. A special opening reception will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 4.\nThe exhibit is open and is free to all. The exhibit titled “Connect with Nature” features photographs by local photographers taken on the Wildflower Trail.\nThe Wildflower Trail in the Tourne Morris County Park, Boonton Township, was established in 1961 and created and maintained by The Rockaway Valley Garden Club (RVGC) which has members from several Morris County towns including Boonton, Boonton Township, Denville, Mountain Lakes and Parsippany. The trail encompasses several habitats: dry and moist hillsides, stream banks, swamps and wetlands. It is home to a variety of native woodland plants, which bloom throughout the seasons. Since 1998, a deer fence installed by the Morris County Park Commission has protected these fragile plants. RVGC volunteers plant new native flora each year and label them as they maintain the trails and remove invasive species and poison ivy. An informative kiosk, also maintained by the RVGC, welcomes visitors at the gate.\nThe Club offers guided tours of the Trail to school groups, scout troops, other garden clubs and community organizations as well as interested members of the community.\nInformation about the Trail and the Garden Club will be available at the Photo Exhibit", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "1.2 Methods of detection and attribution of observed changes\nIn the TAR (Mitchell et al., 2001), detection of climate change is the process of demonstrating that an observed change is significantly different (in a statistical sense) from what can be explained by natural variability. The detection of a change, however, does not necessarily imply that its causes are understood. Similarly, attribution of climate change to anthropogenic causes involves statistical analysis and the assessment of multiple lines of evidence to demonstrate, within a pre-specified margin of error, that the observed changes are (1) unlikely to be due entirely to natural internal climate variability; (2) consistent with estimated or modelled responses to the given combination of anthropogenic and natural forcing; and (3) not consistent with alternative, physically plausible explanations of recent climate change.\nExtending detection and attribution analysis to observed changes in natural and managed systems is more complex. Detection and attribution of observed changes and responses in systems to anthropogenic forcing is usually a two-stage process (IPCC, 2003). First, the observed changes in a system must be demonstrated to be associated with an observed regional climate change within a specified degree of confidence. Second, a measurable portion of the observed regional climate change, or the associated observed change in the system, must be attributed to anthropogenic causes with a similar degree of confidence.\nJoint attribution involves both attribution of observed changes to regional climate change and attribution of a measurable proportion of either regional climate change or the associated observed changes in the system to anthropogenic causes, beyond natural variability. This process involves statistically linking climate change simulations from climate models with the observed responses in the natural or managed system. Confidence in joint attribution statements must be lower than the confidence in either of the individual attribution steps alone, due to the combination of two separate statistical assessments.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "As the country’s forest cover continues to face the worst wrath from plunders, the largest remaining block of natural tropical forest along the Albertine valley (Bugoma forest) which is known for preserving wildlife migratory corridors has been given away to pave way for sugar growing. In a lease agreement between Bunyoro Kingdom and Hoima Sugar limited, over twenty-one square miles of Bugoma central forest reserve are in the hands of the sugar company. The agreement partly reads that the sugar company will develop the forested land in form of growing sugar cane.\nAmidst resistance from environmentalists and surrounding communities, the country’s environmental watchdog; National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) issued an environmental impact assessment permit (ESIA) allowing the sugar company to go ahead and use the forestland for sugar growing. The authority went ahead and issued a certificate of approval to Hoima Sugar Company authorizing it to embark on destroying the forest.\nAccording to the August 14th 2020 ESIA certificate issued by NEMA, the environmental watchdog permits Hoima Sugar Company limited to use twenty-one square miles of the forest Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom leased to the Sugar Company against the will of the surrounding communities, most Ugandans and National Forestry Authority which is the chief custodian of all natural forests in Uganda. National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has set not only a bad but also a grave precedent by giving a go-ahead to the sugar company to deplete part of the forest.\nIt is very unfortunate that we are losing our natural heritages/ resources under such kind of circumstances even when those mandated to protect them are in bed with the plunderers. This level of degeneration that we are experiencing in our dear and only country is worrying and calls for immediate fixing if we are to protect the beauty and uniqueness of Uganda.\nDespite Bugoma Central Forest Reserve being the latest on the hit list, Kiwula central forest reserve in Kayunga district is equally under attack from a certain businessman by the names of Badru Semuga who claims that he owns 1,152 acres of the forest and has a title deed. Amidst repeated calls from National Forestry Authority to Mr. Semuga to halt activities on the forested land, Semuga didn’t heed to these calls issued to him. Imaramagambo forest in Rukungiri district was heavily depleted during Covid-19 imposed lockdown. This trend and culture of destroying what was naturally given to us should be condemned and immediately be brought to an end. In 2011, 7100 hectares of Mabira forest were given away to farm sugarcane. This precedent has since trickled down to Bugoma Forest Reserve, once again clearing some 6,000 hectares of the forest to plant sugarcane.\nIt should be noted that the loss of forests in Uganda has had adverse effects, which include but not limited to loss of biodiversity where over 260 species of trees in the forest will eventually vanish. The increase in temperatures, which has led to food insecurity and eruption of diseases, are attributed to loss of forests in the country.\nAt the Centre for Energy Governance (CEG), we have noted that weak implementation of national policies and laws has been exhibited by National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and other government agencies, throughout this whole Bugoma Forest saga.\nThe environmental laws in Uganda also have grey areas that have been exploited due to their nature of being unclear. NEMA exploits such loop holes, for instance in NEMA’s press release that was on 24/08/2020, they cite the presence of a grassland that sits on 2,393.8483 hectares of the 6,0000 hectares given to the Hoima Sugar Limited. According to NEMA, the loss of grassland in favour of cultivating a sugar plantation is a loss they justify, took and are ready to defend. This leaves Uganda’s forested land vulnerable and at the mercy of God.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "May 8, 1998\nby Ellie Walradth\nUW-RF News Bureau\nThe UW-River Falls soil judging team earned first place at the National Soil Judging Contest April 18 in Platteville. This is the fifth time the team has claimed the national title in the past seven years.\nThe team competed against 100 students from 13 two- and four-year institutions. Judging soil involves identifying, interpreting and classifying soil properties.\n\"The trophy isn't important. It's the learning and teaching that matters,\" says team advisor and plant and earth science Professor Larry Meyers. \"The trophy means they learned more than everybody else.\"\nAt the competition students used a scorecard to evaluate four sites, five feet deep. They were allowed 50 minutes per site. Students identified soil layers, determined existing amounts of sand and clay in the soil, expressed the color, and then interpreted how these properties would affect land use. Students were required to determine such things as the land's slope, erosion class, surface runoff, septic tank absorption and suitability for roadfill material.\nThis year's team included Andrew Lucht, a junior broad area agriculture major from Antigo; Krishona Bjork, a senior agronomy major from Colfax; Tony\nRoder, a junior soil science major from Elk Mound; T.J. Kennedy, a junior soil science major from Antigo; Jason Schwartz, a junior agronomy major from Preston, Minn.; Chris Bartlett, a junior conservation major from Luck; and Brad Sieler, a senior soil science major from Wisconsin Dells.\nIn individual honors, Kennedy took first place, Bjork placed third, Bartlett earned fourth and Roder earned seventh.\nMeyers says the competition is a lot of fun for students, yet it is a very grueling event. He attributes the team's success to them being well-trained.\n\"It's like signing up to take four one-hour exams in a row on a Saturday morning,\" says Meyers. \"In the classroom, I'm very demanding-you can't make mistakes when evaluating soils. The more students know (going to the competition), the more fun it is.\"\nTeam member Tony Roder would agree, believing the win is a reflection of the education the team has received at UW-RF. Roder also says the competition provides students with the opportunity to meet those they may be working with in the field one day.\nBefore the competition, the team spent two full days practicing in the field. They had the opportunity to observe soils in the Platteville area, which has been untouched by glacier activity.\nBeing held at a different location in the country every year, the competition allows students to see a variety of soil types. Since there are 15,000 identified soils in the United States, the team has never encountered the same soil\ntwice, and, according to Meyers, that's what makes it interesting.\n\"When you go to a competition like this, you never loose-the contest is an excuse to go look at different soils,\" says Meyers. \"It's the best teaching I do.\"\nPurdue University finished second and UW-Stevens Point finished third at the competition. The contest was sponsored by the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.\nUP to Public\nAffairs Home Page", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Latur district has received 66.09 millimetres of rainfall in the last 24 hours\nAn NDRF team, a helicopter and boats were deployed on Tuesday to rescue people stranded in barrages, villages and on the banks of a river in Latur in Maharashtra as heavy rains lashed the district through the day.\nWhile 25 out of 40 people stranded on the banks of Manjara river at Sarsa village have been rescued using boats, efforts were on to get the rest 15 to safety, an official said.\nHe added that three people stranded on a river basin in Digol Deshmukh area in Renapur tehsil have been rescued.\nThree employees of the state Irrigation Department were stuck in the Ghansargaon village barrage, and a National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team as well as a helicopter have been brought in to help local personnel with the rescue effort, said District Disaster Management Officer Sakeb Usmani.\nOfficials said six out 10 tehsils and 30 out of 60 revenue mandals in Latur have received heavy rains, leading to flooding of streams and rivulets, resulting in authorities having to release 70,845.30 cusecs (cubic foot per second) of water into Manjara river after opening 18 gates of a dam in Dhanegaon in Keh tehsil.\nLatur district has received 66.09 millimetres of rainfall in the last 24 hours, with the downpour being particularly severe, along with thunderstorms, in Latur, Udgir, Ahmedpur, Chakur, Jalkoat and Ausa tehsils, leaving many villages disconnected, officials said.\nSeveral of these revenue mandals have received over 65 mm of rainfall during this period, they said, adding that total rainfall in Latur district this monsoon has now touched 906 mm, which is almost 109% of the annual average.\nTandulja and Murud revenue mandals received the highest, 127.8 mm, rainfall, followed by 103 mm in Tondar and 101.3 in Chakur, they added.\nThe India Meteorological Department has warned of heavy rains over the next two days as well.\nSource: Read Full Article", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Mount Kailash energy co. pvt ltd has started the construction of Thapa Khola hydro electric project at Tukuche village of Mustang District in western development region of Nepal. Thapa Khola Hydropower Project is a run of river type project with an installed capacity of 11,200 kW. The general layout of the proposed project comprises of a diversion weir with a gated undersluice, side intake, Gravel trap, Settling basin, Headpond ,Headrace pipe, Tunnel, Surge tank, Surface penstock and a Surface powerhouse located on right bank of Thapa Khola in Tukuche village of Mustang District. The side intake diverts water through the approach canal to the surface settling basin, where silt particles up to 0.2 mm are settled down and flushed out. The headrace pipe and a short tunnel conveys water to the surge tank, and finally to the powerhouse through surface penstock. The powerhouse accommodates two units of generating equipment. The tailrace canal finally releases water back to the Thapa khola.\nTukuche bazaar is the nearest settlement to the project area which is connected to the Beni-Mustang road. The project area is about 355 km from Kathmandu including 287 km black topped road up to Beni in Myangdi district and 68 km earthen road from Beni to the project area in Mustang district.\nMain features of power plant:\n•Diversion weir with concrete cutoff and one sluice bay.\n•Surface settling basin.\n•983 long headrace pipe of 1.4 m in diameter.\n•Inverted D shaped headrace tunnel of 2.0 m in diameter and 809 m long.\n•Surface surge tank.\n•504 m long 1.25 m diameter mild steel penstock.\n•Surface powerhouse of 27.2 m X 14.5 m and 14.7 m.\n•18 m long RCC box culvert tailrace", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Gardening: Tips for winter prep\nReady for winter? A lot depends on what kind of winter it will be\nCompost fallen leaves, or mow over them to feed your lawn.\nTips for winter prep are common fodder for gardeners and homeowners. But what is really worth doing?\nKeeping trees and shrubs alive\nPlanting and watering correctly are keys to survival. The woody plants (trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous) that you planted in the past two seasons are the most vulnerable to damage and dying from winter’s threats. When autumn is dry, it is important to provide water—deeply, where the roots are—before the ground freezes. (If you’re reading this before the deep freeze, and the ground has been dry for weeks, then add several buckets of water per tree.)\nMulch right. Mulch (usually shredded bark, wood chips, shredded leaves, pine needles, or straw) helps gardens in three ways:\n• It blocks some weeds (although some weeds will blow in and grow on top of the mulch).\n• It holds moisture in the soil and keeps wind from drying out the soil or blowing it away.\n• It protects plant roots from extreme fluctuations in soil temperature. (Extreme thawing and freezing patterns can create cracks in the soil, letting air in to dry out the roots. The pattern also causes some plants to heave out of the soil.) In winter, mulch on top of the roots of vulnerable plants with about three inches of material after the ground freezes.\nBe careful with mulch, though.\n• Mulch can prevent needed water from reaching plant roots. This is why we advise everyone to mulch after the ground freezes. Three inches of mulch spread over plant roots can absorb lots of autumn rainfall that never gets to the needy roots underground.\n• Mulch that is mounded around a tree trunk or the base of shrubs—called volcano mulching—is destructive. Bark and the tops of roots—the root flare—must be exposed to air or rot will follow. Keep mulch several inches from the base of wood plants.\n• Mulch can prevent desirable plants from seeding themselves. If you want more cosmos or bronze fennel next year, don’t spread thick mulch.\n• Mulch can provide cover and nesting sites for rodents—another reason not to spread it close to the tree trunks or before the freeze. A good practice is to gather bags of chopped leaves, evergreen boughs, or bark mulch, and keep them near the garden to spread on a freezing morning in early winter or late fall.\nConsider mulch a choice, not a requirement and, when you use it, do so with knowledge about when and where. If you live where snow falls thickly and remains in place, mulch is less needed. Generally, American landscapes are known for the widespread use of mulches, while in England (the inspiration for much of our gardening) and other countries, it is normal to keep soil open between the plants. The gardener simply cultivates the soil lightly and removes weeds.\nSpecial attention for special plants\nIf you care for your mother’s tea rose, or you have big-leaf hydrangeas you’re hoping will finally bloom, you might make a special effort to mound mulch over them. Supply companies sell “rose cones” that let you pile pine needles or shredded leaves over the graft or crown. Or you can make your own wire cage. The mulch may keep the rose’s graft from cracking or the hydrangea buds on the old wood from dying.\nYour choice: baby the vulnerable ones, or apply tough love and see which ones survive in the real world of WNY, with what kind of protection.\nQuick tips for winter prep\nArborist wood chips provide the best protection and enrichment, but there are many other types.\nRepellants are effective unless deer are starving. Special plants should have deer fencing.\nDespite their hardy appearance, evergreens are very susceptible to wind damage and should be protected.\nProtect old-fashioned mophead hydrangeas with bags of leaves or shrub covers.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Louis-Martin Pilote, NCC, guest contributor Peatlands are wetlands composed of plant residues accumulated over thousands of years. Although they are widespread in the Quebec landscape, they remain unknown to a large part of the population. However they provide us with many essential ecological services, such as water filtration and flood control. They are also valuable […]\nJust 30 centimetres long, Richardson’s ground squirrels survive the cold Canadian winters by escaping underground.\nDan Kraus, Nature Conservancy of Canada, guest contributor People living in the Northern Hemisphere have brought trees and boughs into their homes during the winter for thousands of years. The evergreens that we decorate with during Christmas can represent a celebration of holidays and a reminder that spring will come again. I’m a Christmas tree […]\nSamanta Hoffmann, Nature Conservancy of Canada Seaweeds, a type of macro-algae (a group that includes benthic [attached to the bottom] marine algae that are typically visible to the naked eye), provide hope for a more sustainable future, through healthier food, renewable energy and fewer plastics. Over the last few years, not only have scientists developed […]\nby Dan Kraus, guest contributor Before you read any further, stop and think about a fish migrating up a river. Chances are that fish is a salmon and that river is in BC. There’s good reason that salmon in BC have come to symbolize fish migration. The return of millions of sockeye, Coho, chum, Chinook and […]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "by Craig Brelsford\nFor Elaine and me, 2015 was the Year of the Crane and the Owl. This post is the story of our amazing year.\n2015 was a year that saw us note 640 species of bird in Asia and North America. It was a year that saw us find 450 species in China, 305 species in the Shanghai region, and 227 species within the boundaries of Earth’s largest city.\nIt was a year in which, on 21 Jan., Elaine and I got married in the house in Heilongjiang in which she was born.\nDays after our wedding, at my parents’ house in Florida in the United States, a pair of Sandhill Crane walked through my parents’ back yard. Throughout our weeks in Florida, they came again and again; the cranes are part of a non-migratory flock that is both fully wild and completely at home in suburban central Florida. No one disturbs them.\nElaine was astonished. To her, the cranes came to symbolize all that is good about birding in America.\nIn August, Elaine and I returned to her home in Heilongjiang. A pair of Eurasian Eagle-Owl came to her village night after night. They hooted from the rooftops of the farm buildings that Elaine’s father built. We saw the owls by day, at the nearby quarry where they had nested.\nI was astonished. To me, the eagle-owls came to symbolize all that is good about birding in Asia.\nIn the year in which we were married, Elaine and I visited each other’s hometowns for the first time. At my home, cranes; at Elaine’s, eagle-owls. Forevermore, 2015 will be remembered for the powerful birds that visited our homes. In the Brelsford house, 2015 will go down as the Year of the Crane and the Owl.\nWHERE DID WE GO IN 2015?\nIn China, Elaine and I stayed in the east, taking two major trips to Heilongjiang and neighboring Hulunbeier (Inner Mongolia), two trips to Emeifeng in Fujian, and an eventful five-day trip to Guangxi. We also spent a week in Beijing and Hebei. We birded with Jan-Erik Nilsén, Brian Ivon Jones, and Michael Grunwell, fine birders all.\nIn America, I am fortunate to be based in central Florida, one of the finest birding areas in one of the best states in the USA for birding. In Florida, the birding is so good, I take my binoculars even on a quick trip to the grocery store. My parents’ back yard alone attracted dozens of species, and we added more at local parks as well as major reserves such as Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Elaine and I also took a 15-day birding honeymoon to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, where we birded with noted American birder Chris Feeney.\n2015 IN SHANGHAI\nThe bulk of our year was spent around Shanghai. Our 227 “city” species were noted while compiling two major reports, one covering the spring migration and the other covering the autumn and winter. Trips further afield to places in Jiangsu and Zhejiang brought our Shanghai regional list to 305 species. Accompanying us on many of those trips was Michael Grunwell as well as German birder Kai Pflug and the husband-and-wife team of Stephan Popp and Xueping Popp.\nOur springtime expedition in the Shanghai region saw us note 243 species. The autumn-winter report contained 259 species by 31 Dec. Here is what we discovered in 2015 around Shanghai:\n— Amid the unremitting transformation of the Jiangsu and Shanghai coast, we found several shorebird species on the brink, among them the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, the endangered Nordmann’s Greenshank, and the endangered Black-faced Spoonbill. Other threatened waders noted by us were Grey-tailed Tattler, Black-tailed Godwit, Eurasian Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew, and Great Knot. Other at-risk coastal species were Oriental Stork, Chinese Egret, Saunders’s Gull, and Reed Parrotbill, as well as the elegant passage migrant Japanese Paradise Flycatcher\n— The most notable extralimitals were Long-billed Dowitcher south of Yangkou, Black Redstart on Hengsha Island, and Dalmatian Pelican at Dongtai and Nanhui. Other interesting finds were Himalayan Swiftlet and Brown-eared Bulbul at Yangkou, Chestnut-cheeked Starling on Lesser Yangshan Island, and at Nanhui Common Goldeneye, Horned Grebe, Black Bittern, White-bellied Green Pigeon, Japanese Scops Owl, Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher, Middendorf’s Grasshopper Warbler, Black-collared Starling, and Common Rosefinch\n— We noted 14 Emberiza species, among them three threatened species (Yellow-breasted Bunting, Yellow Bunting, and Japanese Reed Bunting), the beautiful Crested Bunting, East Asian favorites Meadow Bunting, Tristram’s Bunting, Chestnut-eared Bunting, Chestnut Bunting, Yellow-browed Bunting, and Yellow-throated Bunting, and Little Bunting, Rustic Bunting, Black-faced Bunting, and Pallas’s Reed Bunting\n— We noted dozens of East Asian migrants, breeders, and residents, among them Grey-headed Lapwing, Pacific Golden Plover, Oriental Pratincole, Black-tailed Gull, Lesser Cuckoo, Northern Boobook, Oriental Dollarbird, Speckled Piculet, Swinhoe’s Minivet, Bull-headed Shrike, Chinese Grey Shrike, Yellow-bellied Tit, Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, Thick-billed Warbler, Grey-backed Thrush, Japanese Thrush, Brown-headed Thrush, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Siberian Blue Robin, Rufous-tailed Robin, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Narcissus Flycatcher, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Forest Wagtail, and Red-throated Pipit\n— During two trips to the Tianmu Mountains 250 km SW of Shanghai in Zhejiang, we watched a Crested Bunting sing, found a pair of Chestnut-winged Cuckoo, were encouraged by the many Buffy Laughingthrush, saw Crested Serpent Eagle and Black Eagle, came face-to-face with Koklass Pheasant, and noted more Russet Sparrow than Eurasian Tree Sparrow. We appreciated the strong Indo-Malayan character of the avifauna, as evidenced by classic southern Chinese species such as Grey-chinned Minivet, Grey Treepie, Indochinese Yuhina, Grey-headed Parrotbill, Rufous-capped Babbler, Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler, Little Forktail, and White-crowned Forktail\n— At Yangkou, we found a reliable site for the elusive Brown-cheeked Rail\nTHE TRIPS TO EMEIFENG\nIn spring 2015, Elaine and I made two trips to Emeifeng in the mountains of northwest Fujian. We noted 103 species. Highlights:\n— Finding the five key game birds: Elliot’s Pheasant, Cabot’s Tragopan, Koklass Pheasant, Silver Pheasant, and White-necklaced Partridge, as well as the beautiful Chinese Bamboo Partridge\n— At Shuibu Reservoir, finding Blue-throated Bee-eater, a species unexpected around Emeifeng\n— Closely studying three Phylloscopus warblers that breed in southern China: Buff-throated Warbler Phylloscopus subaffinis, Sulphur-breasted Warbler P. ricketti, and Hartert’s Leaf Warbler P. goodsoni fokiensis, as well as having close encounters with White-spectacled Warbler Seicercus affinis intermedius\n— Finding 4 of China’s 5 species of forktail: Little Forktail Enicurus scouleri, Slaty-backed Forktail E. schistaceus, White-crowned Forktail E. leschenaulti sinensis, and Spotted Forktail E. maculatus bacatus\n— Hearing the many calls and songs of the accomplished vocalist Buffy Laughingthrush\n— Hearing Spotted Elachura singing along a rushing stream and seeing Pygmy Wren-Babbler along that same stream\n— Noting other key south-China species, among them Black Bittern, Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Black Eagle, Crested Goshawk, Besra, Collared Owlet, Asian Barred Owlet, Great Barbet, Speckled Piculet, Bay Woodpecker, Grey-chinned Minivet, Yellow-cheeked Tit, Sultan Tit, Rufous-faced Warbler, Chestnut-crowned Warbler, Brown Bush Warbler, Small Niltava, Verditer Flycatcher, Blyth’s Shrike-babbler, White-bellied Erpornis, Grey-sided Scimitar Babbler, Black-collared Starling, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Fork-tailed Sunbird, and Orange-bellied Leafbird\nMAJOR DISCOVERIES IN HULUNBEIER & HEILONGJIANG\nOur explorations in Heilongjiang and Hulunbeier were inspired by the words of John MacKinnon:\nInstead of going to the familiar places in China to clock up new additions to life lists, why not get to some remote areas where you have a good chance of finding something new?\n– John MacKinnon, A Field Guide to the Birds of China, p. 16\nIn Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, Elaine and I noted 228 species. We visited the region twice: once in January, a short trip with Brian Ivon Jones; and a longer trip in July with Jan-Erik Nilsén and later Brian. There were also two brief stops in Hohhot in south-central Inner Mongolia.\nThe January trip to Hulunbeier, the U.K.-sized prefecture in northeast Inner Mongolia, was our introduction to the region. Elaine, Brian, and I experienced cold such as I had never felt before. The lowest temperature we had was -36°C (-33°F). Among our highlights were Northern Hawk-Owl, White-backed Woodpecker, Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker, Great Tit, and Arctic Redpoll.\nElaine and I then traveled to Dawucun, her home village in southeastern Heilongjiang. There, on 21 January 2015, Elaine and I were married. (We worked in some birding that day, noting Common Kestrel behind her house.) I was pleasantly surprised by the good birding around Dawucun. Never walking more than 2 km from Elaine’s house, we noted Rough-legged Buzzard, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit, Siberian Accentor, and Eurasian Bullfinch.\nIn the summer, Elaine and I returned to the region with Jan-Erik. The three of us spent 11-24 July exploring Hulunbeier. We drove our rented Honda CR-V 2533 km, covering the main habitats of Hulunbeier, among them the northern-temperate and taiga forests of the Greater Khingan Range and the arid grasslands around Hulun Lake.\nAmong the 170 species we noted were breeding Scaly-sided Merganser at Yikesama Forest and Swan Goose at the excellent Modamuji wetland. Other highlights: Great Grey Owl and Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler at Wuerqihan; Demoiselle Crane, Oriental Plover, and Isabellline Shrike around Hulun Lake; breeding Arctic Warbler near Genhe and at Yikesama; Baikal Bush Warbler near Genhe and at Hanma Reserve; House Sparrow and Blyth’s Pipit at various locations; Hazel Grouse at various locations and Black Grouse at Hanma; nesting Common House Martin in Galaya; flocks of hundreds of Pacific Swift and Common Swift in the towns; banded Red-necked Stint near Modamuji; 5000 Sand Martin and Bearded Reedling at Modamuji; and Pallas’s Reed Bunting ssp. lydiae and Common Starling at Wulannuo’er.\nNext came two weeks (26 July-8 Aug.) in eastern Heilongjiang with Brian Ivon Jones. The trip began and ended in Jiamusi and took us on a loop through areas along the border with Russia, principally along the Ussuri and Amur rivers. This part of the trip was somewhat of a disappointment, mainly because seas of maize have eaten up hundreds of square kilometers of habitat. Still, we managed to find Oriental Stork in unexpected places such as Tongjiang; at Qixing River we found breeding Red-necked Grebe and noted Red-crowned Crane, White-naped Crane, and Reed Parrotbill (ssp. polivanovi, “Northern Parrotbill”); and at Qindeli Farms we saw Black Woodpecker and Mountain Hare.\nElaine and I spent 9 Aug. to 8 Sept. at Dawucun. The month at Elaine’s parents’ house was a high point in my birding career and one of the most satisfying moments in my many years in China. The birding was excellent, even in late summer, and even better was combining birding with family. Elaine and I would bird in the morning and afternoon and in the evening have dinner with her parents, sisters, and nieces.\nElaine and I rediscovered the quiet hills 1.5 km south of her village, and we made a major discovery: Xidaquan National Forest, 9400 hectares of old-growth secondary woodland just 21 km from Dawucun. Xidaquan had never been properly birded before, and the park managers welcomed our research, giving us free admission in return for a list of the species we noted.\nWe made 12 visits to Xidaquan and submitted to the managers a list of 91 species noted around the park and Dawucun. Among the highlights were discovering the Eurasian Eagle-Owl while birding with Elaine’s young nieces at the quarry near Dawucun. We found Eurasian Eagle-Owl at two other locations, one of them in Xidaquan, where we also noted Ural Owl and Long-eared Owl. Eastern Crowned Warbler were singing loudly and defending territory deep into August, and Radde’s Warbler were behaving likewise into September.\nWe regularly noted classic northeast China taxa such as Coal Tit ssp. ater, Eurasian Nuthatch ssp. amurensis, Eurasian Jay ssp. brandtii, Willow Tit ssp. baicalensis, and Marsh Tit ssp. brevirostris. At Xidaquan we saw Mandarin Duck, Asian Stubtail, Thick-billed Warbler, Eurasian Treecreeper, Siberian Thrush, Pale Thrush, Siberian Rubythroat, and Long-tailed Rosefinch; in the hills behind Dawucun we had breeding White-throated Rock Thrush, Asian Brown Flycatcher, and Yellow-rumped Flycatcher as well as Northern Goshawk, Chinese Grey Shrike, Grey-backed Thrush, Blue-and-white Flycatcher, and Eurasian Red Squirrel; and in Elaine’s parents’ back garden we had Daurian Starling as well as the regular nighttime visits by the eagle-owls.\nThe hills behind Elaine’s house became like a second home to us. A message I sent on 4 Sept. to the Shanghai Birding WeChat group sums up my mood:\n“WISH-YOU-WERE-HERE MOMENT: If crisp fall weather could be bottled up and sold, then today would be the day to harvest it. Brilliant blue sky, cool qiufeng (秋风, ‘autumn breeze’), temp. about 17°C. Speaking of harvests, Elaine and her father are nearby picking Honey Mushroom Armillaria mellea. Elaine just radioed me; she and baba found a mother lode and expect to collect about 8 kg of the tasty fungus. I just now was writing almost literally in the shadow of a White-backed Woodpecker, the largest pied woodpecker and a very inquisitive creature, curious even about the weak playback coming from my iPhone speaker. Before settling down, I startled a Hazel Grouse and heard the laughter of Black Woodpecker. A Pale Thrush gave itself away with its tzzt contact call, then viewed me from a high branch before darting off. … Thank you for waiting me out while I drink my fill of these northern forests. It’s been one of my sweetest China experiences, doing great birding by day and being welcomed by Elaine’s warmhearted family at night. Birding and family! Life doesn’t get much better than this.”\nBEIJING & HEBEI IN OCTOBER\nJan-Erik was an excellent tour guide at Nanpu, a coastal site in Hebei and the major wintering site for Relict Gull. Our Swedish friend also introduced us to Miyun, where we noted Greater Spotted Eagle and Long-billed Plover.\nLONGHENG, GUANGXI, HOME OF NONGGANG BABBLER\nFrom 16-21 Dec., Michael, Elaine, and I were in Longheng, Guangxi. We noted 76 species, chief among them Nonggang Babbler. We had White-winged Magpie, savored close nighttime views of Collared Scops Owl, enjoyed views of the elusive Lesser Shortwing, and delighted in southern China favorites Sultan Tit, Buff-breasted Babbler, Streaked Wren-Babbler, and Black-breasted Thrush. Farther afield, driving in our rented Mitsubishi Pajero, we found Large Woodshrike in the heavily wooded valley near Longheng, White-browed Piculet and Chestnut-capped Babbler in the cane fields near Longheng, Slaty-bellied Tesia in a thicket along a farm road, Siberian Rubythroat along a stream near Nonggang village, and Red-headed Trogon, Long-tailed Broadbill, Grey-throated Babbler, and Pale-footed Bush Warbler near Nonggang National Nature Reserve. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler and Rufescent Prinia were seen at various points, and Crested Bunting were locally abundant on the road between Chongzuo and Longheng.\nBird Species Noted in 2015 by Craig Brelsford and Elaine Du\nIn 2015, Craig Brelsford and Elaine Du noted 305 species in the Shanghai region, 450 species in China, and 640 species worldwide.\nShanghai region: 305 (227 in Shanghai Shi)\nAsia: 451 (includes China list plus Varied Tit, noted by Craig in Seoul)\nWorld: 640 (includes Asia list plus all American species not on Asia list)\nFeatured image: In 2015, Elaine Du discovered Sandhill Crane (L) at my home in Florida; Craig discovered Eurasian Eagle-Owl (R) at Elaine’s home in Heilongjiang. 2015 was our Year of the Crane and the Owl.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Author: Carolyn Johns\nPosted on: Theconversation | March 18th, 2018\nMost Canadians think of World Water Day as just another international event on the calendar — when water becomes newsworthy for one day in March, on the 22nd.\nYet we would be hard-pressed to go without water for just a few hours, let alone one whole day. Depriving ourselves of water even for a short period of time would demonstrate to Canadians just how much we take our water for granted.\nIn the week ahead, there are many global, national and local events organized to discuss and take action related to water. The 8th World Water Forum, held this week in Brazil (the country with the most fresh water in the world) is the world’s largest conference on water, attracting more than 40,000 representatives from governments, NGOs and companies.\nAt the forum, the United Nations will launch the new International Decade for Action on Water (2018-2028) and release its annual World Water Report. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will also release its new Water Governance Indicators based on 12 Water Governance Principles.\nThese indicators will allow jurisdictions like Canada to gauge how well they are adapting their policies and governance systems to new realities and challenges.\nMeeting our water challenges\nThe emphasis at these forums is on the need for innovation and investment in the water sector, water science, water technology and water infrastructure — the hard services required to meet our water challenges and cope with crises like drought, flooding and pollution.\nThese are important investments that will yield a significant return on investment in coming decades. However, what the OECD and UN have been increasingly emphasizing is the need for dialogue and action on water governance — to focus on changing water behaviours and decisions.\nIndeed, even countries with an abundance of freshwater like Brazil and Canada will face significant water challenges in the coming decades. As drought, flooding and pollution across the globe and in communities across Canada has shown, water governance challenges are increasing in contexts of both abundance and scarcity.\nIn Canada, we have some very serious water challenges in Indigenous communities, new and enduring water pollution in many of our lakes, rivers and aquifers and aging infrastructure at a time when populations are urbanizing.\nEvidence of water crises in Canada and water infrastructure needs have touched many Canadian communities, and surveys in the past 10 years indicate that Canadians consistently rank water as our most valuable natural resource. Yet our policies, decisions and conduct do not reflect the significance of water to our society and economy.\nThe need for water ‘thinkers’\nIn addition to improving our water policies and adapting our water governance institutions, Canada needs to place more emphasis on its future water thinkers, leaders and practitioners.\nInvestments in hard services and water infrastructure are very important. However, to be creative and innovative with these investments we need new approaches. New approaches come from investing in people focused on the social, economic and political challenges we increasingly face in governing our waters.\nOne such approach is encouraging governments, the private sector, NGOs and educational institutions to invest in Canada’s future water leaders – and the Geoffrey Bruce Fellowships in Canadian Freshwater Policy is a great example.\nThe fellowships were established in 2017, by Erika Bruce, to honour her late husband’s efforts to champion local and global efforts to protect Canada’s freshwater resources. They provide funding to encourage Canada’s best young minds to help improve water governance — at the local, national and international levels.\nKatherine Minich and Edgardo Tovilla are the inaugural recipients of the fellowships at Ryerson University.\nMinich, who is an Inuk PhD student in policy studies, is focusing her doctoral research on how traditional knowledge can be the foundation of new water governance approaches in Canada’s northern and Indigenous communities.\nTovilla, a PhD student in Ryerson’s environmental and applied science and management program, is examining how water and wastewater policies and management in Ontario can be integrated using a “One Water” approach at the municipal level.\nThe Bruce Fellowship program hopes to encourage and fund Canada’s future leaders to focus on freshwater policy and governance.\nWorld Water Day reminds us that Canada’s next generation of water leaders must be able to understand complex governance challenges and make value-based decisions based on a new water ethic — a water ethic that Indigenous peoples and other jurisdictions have much to teach us.\nRead at: http://theconversation.com/why-every-day-should-be-world-water-day-92561\nWhy every day should be World Water Day\nAuthor: Carolyn Johns", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Filtration is considered the most important point for keeping a Koi pond. All fish produce waste that must be filtered or purified from the water. A Trickle Filter is a filter for biological conversion of harmful substances and for enrichment with oxygen from the pond water.\nThe Trickle Filter is made up of several stacked reservoirs with the technology Triangle Water Flow Module introduced by VSZeeland. Through this system the water spreads through openings in the shape of a triangle pressureless over the first reservoir. Partly through this design, there is a wide range of energy efficient pumps possible without any changes to the Trickle Filter.\nThe bottoms of the reservoirs are each provided with a wire mesh. On these wire mesh a layer of porous filter material will lie, causing the pond water as a shower to fall into the next reservoir.\nIn this way the falling water can mix richly with oxygen.\nA major advantage of this is that a huge development of bacteria takes place in this oxygen-rich environment.\nIn the porous material grow bacteria that contribute to the biodegradation of pollution which is in the pond water.\nThis allows the Trickle Filter to be used as a biological filter.\nIn addition, the pond water that is extra enriched with oxygen benefits Koi’s growth.\nThe maintenance of the Trickle Filter can be done in an easy way.each reservoir can be opened at the back so that the filter medium can be maintained or replaced without having to disassemble the Trickle Filter.\nThe Trickle Filter contributes to the water through the oxygen addition to a good water quality and Koi growth.\nThanks to the Triangle Water Flow Module and ease of maintenance, this Trickle Filter is a true asset to any Koi lover.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The first West Nile virus case in the state has been confirmed in Pittsburg County, the state Health Department said Thursday.\nAt least three mosquito sample pools were also confirmed as carrying the West Nile virus in Oklahoma County, a county health official said.\nOklahoma residents are asked to take extra precautions against the mosquito-borne illness by avoiding mosquito bites and reducing habitats where mosquitoes live and breed.\nAvoid and/or drain standing water, protect homes by keeping window and door screens in good repair, and use larvicides to reduce or eliminate the need for ground or aerial application of pesticides to kill adult mosquitoes.\nThe OKC-County Health Department suggests preventing items such as buckets, cans, pool covers, flower pots and tires from holding standing water, and to empty and refill birdbaths and pet's outdoor water bowls daily.\nWest Nile symptoms include fever, headache, body ache and sometimes a rash. The most susceptible to the illness include infants and the elderly. If symptoms are severe, health officials say to contact your doctor immediately.\nIn 2015, there were 89 cases of West Nile virus and 10 people died from the illness.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Ships Direct from Manufacturer (May Have Extended Lead Times)\nYou Save: $374.00\nShips Direct from ManufacturerMay Have Extended Lead TimesWhat is this\nWe do not currently stock this item. It will ship directly from the manufacturer to you for\nthe quickest delivery time possible. Current inventory levels at the manufacturer are\nThis is a fully functioning water fed pole window washing cart, which can be used standing upright, or laying down. You can get the Hydro Cart with a choice of a 25' or 35' telescoping pole and 14\" brush. With the telescopic carbon fiber pole, this cart is perfect for washing windows on the 1st and 2nd floor of any building. The cart is very light, allowing you to easily wheel it to wherever you need to clean windows. The tap water pressure from a typical garden hose is more than enough to power this machine as it cleans windows up to 2 stories tall. The unit itself can power a 35' pole. Your facility should have a water pressure rating of at least 60 to 65 PSI, to adequately power this unit. If you are needing additional height, please give us a call at 888-722-5508 for additional options.\nThe Hydro Cart is a single operator window washing cart that utilizes a water fed pole. All of our deionized water window washing systems utilize this style, and offer cleaning from the ground. Deionized water offers streak free window cleaning. With the lightweight extendable poles, they make the work as stress free as possible.\nPackage comes complete with 50' of hose, sediment filter, carbon filter, DI filter, RO Membrane, 25' or 35' carbon fiber pole, 4\" or 8\" gooseneck and 14\" nylon brush. For extra or replacement filters, check out the pack of Carbon/Sediment and DI Filters we have available.\nAttach garden hose to the water fed hose and pole system, turn on, and start cleaning.\nEasy to read battery operated water hardness TDS meter monitors the water cleaning quality.\n40 inches of membrane in a 4 filter system keep your water pure, so no foreign objects can get into the system and streak your clean windows.\nWheeled cart eases transporting in and out of trucks or vans.\nPerfect for residential and commercial window cleaning on 1 or 2 story buildings.\nThis environmentally safe, water fed window washing cart, can clean siding, awnings, skylights, window casings and windows.\nEcoBoost Module Electric Powered Pump System #EAG-EB-HCC - (Call for Special Pricing)\nEcoBoost Module Gas Powered Pump System #EAG-GB-HCC - (Call for Special Pricing)\n50' Add-On Hose #BD545135 - (Call for Special Pricing)\nReady Pure DI Water Purification System #BD500140 - (Call for Special Pricing)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Programs of the Colorado Climate Network, page 5\nFourth Network Workshop\nState and Local Emissions Inventories - Better Tools for Better Decisions\nApril 30, 2013, 1-4 p.m., Denver Department of Environmental Health,\n200 W. 14th Ave., Denver\nRegularly updated inventories of heat-trapping pollution are essential for charting progress towards\nemission-reduction goals of state and local governments and for guiding new policies. This workshop\nbrought together leading local and state government inventory specialists to focus on how to improve\nand make better use of state and local inventories to shape better decisions. The workshop featured\nan unique opportunity to see the preliminary results of a new state inventory and to discuss it with the\nstaff of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The workshop also offered\npresentations on and exploration of the range of inventorymethodologies used by Colorado\nlocal governments and discussions about moving toward more consistency between state and local inventories and\namong local inventories. Other topics included how to get the most out of inventories to communicate\nprogress and shape policies.\nSee agenda here.\nWorkshop Presentations (Downloadable)\nColorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Theresa Takushi, Air Quality Planner, Update of 2007 state inventory, presentation\nSnapshots of Current Local Government Inventories:\nBoulder County, Kealy Devoy, Sustainability and Energy Division, WSP Environment & Energy, presentation\nCity of Denver, Gregg Thomas, Manager of Air, Water and Climate Section, Denver Environmental Health, presentation\nCity of Fort Collins. Bonnie Pierce, Environmental Data Analyst, presentation\nCity of Boulder, Joe Castro, Facilities and Fleet Manager, presentation\nCity of Aspen, Elyse Hottel, Environmental Initiatives Project Coordinator, presentation\nThird Network Workshop\nWaste reduction - the forgotten solution to climate change\nFriday, October 12, 2012, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. , City and County of Denver Webb Municipal Building,\n201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 4.F.6\nReducing by three-quarters the waste going to Colorado’s landfills would do as much to meet the state’s\nclimate-protection goals as the recent strengthening of the renewable portfolio standards for the state’s power\nplants. And local governments have the key role in waste reduction. But this opportunity is too often overlooked\nin local climate action plans.\nAt this workshop both experts and local government colleagues explored waste reduction strategies that work. Considered were both what local governments can do and what the state government should do. As always with a Network workshop, the day featured open, give-and-take discussion\ns, along with concise presentations on what has succeeded in the real world.\nFeatured topics included:\n- The connections between waste management and climate change.\n- Quantifying emissions of heat-trapping gases from from waste-stream organic materials and from qll components\nof waste management operations.\n- Local strategies that are getting results in Colorado.\n- Measuring emission reductions and cost-effectiveness.\n- Engaging residents and businesses in participation in waste prevention.\n- Working with waste haulers to encourage customer participation.\n- Key state policies for local governments to support.\nSee the full agenda here.\nWorkshop Presentations (downloadable):\nEco-Cycle: Smokestacks, Tailpipes and Trash Cans - the Waste-Climate Connection\nSkumatz Economic Research Associates: Connections Between Climate Change and Waste Management\nFort Collins: Waste Reduction and Climate Mitigation in Fort Collins\nBoulder County: Waste Reduction - The Forgotten Solution to Climate Change\nDenver: Denver Solid Waste Management\nEagle Valley Alliance for Sustainability: Local Strategies that are Getting Results\nEPA Resources: Sustainable Materials Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases\nSecond Members-Only Workshop of the Colorado Climate Network\nThe Network’s role on state policy\nFriday, March 9, 2012, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.\nCity and County of Denver Webb Municipal Building, 201 W. Colfax Ave., Room 4.i.5\nAll local government officials and climate program managers know that policies adopted by the state\nare critical to the success of local governments in reducing their contribution and vulnerability to\nclimate disruption. And local governments play an important role in shaping state policies that will\nenable the state to meet its climate action goals, strengthen the economy, and create green jobs.\nThe workshop featured open discussions with key policy leaders from the Governor's Policy Office, the Governor's Energy Office, state agencies, regional planning agencies, non-profits, and local programs. The goal was to identify and prioritize climate protection actions at the state level (including legislation, regulations, policies, technical support, funding, and partnerships) that the network can advance, especially in areas that cannot be fully addressed locally. Featured topics include:\n• Current energy and climate issues of most importance to local communities;\n• How local communities can help shape state policy;\n• The Hickenlooper Administration’s plans to address climate and energy issues;\n• Targeted actions that help local communities pursue their agendas for clean energy,\ntransportation and land use, and waste management;\n• Pending federal legislation that could impact state and local options; and\n• An initial cut at the Network’s top state policy action priorities, which the Network Steering Committee will use to update the Network's State Policies Agenda.\nThis was the second in a series of Network-member-only workshops, to be held quarterly. Workshops are open only to local officials, managers, and program staff representing current Colorado Climate Network members, each of whom are welcome to send multiple representatives.\nThe First Members-Only Workshop of the Colorado Climate Network\nDemand side versus supply side: Which basket to put your eggs in?\nAn open discussion among Colorado Climate Network members\nFriday, October 14, 2011, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.\nCity and County of Denver Webb Municipal Building, Room 4.i.5\nColorado Climate Network members shared their ideas and learned from their counterparts about a key question facing all local climate programs: how much to focus on demand-side programs (energy efficiency) and how much on supply-side programs (clean energy sources). The open discussion among workshop attendees was kicked off with short presentations by Lucinda Smith, senior environmental planner from the City of Fort Collins, and Kristen Bertuglia, sustainability coordinator from the Town of Vail. The purpose was to equip workshop participants with information and examples from other jurisdictions so that they may make better decisions about the best paths for achieving emissions reductions and other benefits.\nThe workshop also included an additional open discussion to learn more about a featured local program of a Network member—in this workshop, about the City of Boulder’s consideration of creating a new municipal utility. Jonathan Koehn, the city’s Regional Sustainability Director, will make a brief presentation and lead the discussion about what the city is doing and how it might apply to other Network members.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Pity the poor oil and gas companies. They have sunk thousands of straws into the Permian Basin to suck out the oil and methane buried there so it can be exported to countries around the world. But there’s a problem. The largest oil and LNG tankers can’t get into the ports along the Gulf Coast of Texas, and so the industry wants to build four pipelines that will carry them to offshore terminals in the Gulf of Mexico that will be able to service those gargantuan ships.\nAccording to The Guardian, the federal government has quietly approved the Sea Port oil terminal project, a proposed offshore oil platform located 35 miles off the Texas coast south of Houston and will decide soon whether to allow three other oil terminals nearby. Taken together, the four terminals would expand US oil exports by nearly 7 million barrels a day, an amount equal to half of all current US oil exports.\nGlobal Energy Monitor tracks fossil fuel activities around the world. Want to know if Timbuktu is using coal to make electricity? The people at GEM know and they have a lot to say about those four terminals in the Gulf of Mexico. They tell The Guardian that if all of these projects are completed and allowed to operate at full capacity for their expected 30-year lifespan, the result will be an incredible 24 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases added to the atmosphere once the transported oil is burned.\nA Carbon Bomb In The Gulf Of Mexico\nThese huge “carbon bomb” projects will fatally undermine Biden’s image as a president who has acted decisively to stem the climate crisis. No new major fossil fuel infrastructure can be built if the world is to avoid dangerous global heating, the International Energy Agency has warned.\n“The amount of oil going through these projects, and the resulting emissions, are pretty astounding,” said Baird Langenbrunner, an analyst at Global Energy Monitor, who added that the emissions total is likely a worst case scenario since it is unlikely all four terminals will be built and then operate at full capacity for decades. “But even if the emissions are a bit lower then, we are fast-forwarding ourselves to the date where we have to stop completely emitting. Any extra emissions are in direct conflict with climate goals and it’s hypocritical for the Biden administration to allow these things to get built and then say the US wants to decrease its own emissions.”\nThere is some political legerdemain going on here. The government says all that crud in the air won’t count as part of US emissions since it will be burned elsewhere. This is the same codswallop Australia has been peddling for years, saying its coal exports shouldn’t be counted as part of its emissions because most of it is exported. The fossil fuel companies pull the same stunt by saying they just pump the stuff. They have no control over where or how it is burned.\nAll Oil & Gas Emissions Are Global\nThe problem, as anyone with more than a fourth grade education can see, is that carbon emissions are a global problem and if we don’t slash them significantly — and pretty damn soon — the ability of humans to live on our beautiful planet will come to an abrupt halt. It makes no difference where the oil and gas originate. The fossil fuel companies are welcome to produce all they want but selling the stuff so it can be burned is akin to a crime against humanity. Surely Joe Biden understands this? It is beyond stupid to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into creating a green economy while simultaneously approving the addition of a possible 24 billion metric tons of crud into the atmosphere.\nThe Sea Port oil terminal, a joint venture between Enterprise, Enbridge, and Chevron, will be the largest oil export terminal in the US with a capacity of 2 million barrels a day. The project will link 140 miles of land-based and underwater pipelines to an onshore storage facility near the city of Freeport. Two underwater pipelines will run to the deep water port located offshore.\n“It’s shocking the number of pipelines we already have and the dangers we face, such as explosions and oil spills, it’s just too much,” said Melanie Oldham, an air quality activist and Freeport resident who said that many of her neighbors suffer asthma and other health conditions from living next to a tangle of polluting facilities. “We are a low income community and this seems to be where they always want to build oil terminal projects. We are a sacrifice zone. It’s a constant worry and we just wonder when it will all stop.”\nThe National Security Oil Scam\nIn November, the maritime administration, an arm of the US Department of Transport, approved the construction of the Sea Port oil terminal, referencing the heightened demand for new oil and gas in Europe following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The project “is in the national interest because the project will benefit employment, economic growth, and US energy infrastructure resilience and security,” the agency wrote in its decision. “The port will provide a reliable source of crude oil to US allies in the event of market disruption.”\n“These oil terminals will lock us into decades of greenhouse gas emissions and jeopardizes our ability to meet national and international climate goals,” Kelsey Crane, senior policy advocate at Earthworks, tells The Guardian. “The Biden administration’s continued fossil fuel expansion contradicts the science on what we need to do to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate change. We can’t invest in clean energy if we’re not phasing out fossil fuels. We need to reinstate the ban on oil exports and think about a managed decline for fossil fuels within this administration.”\nHumans are like alcoholics or drug addicts. We rely on the energy that comes from burning oil and gas for our livelihoods and demand more. The fossil fuel companies will ride this train as long as they can; there’s just too much money to be made from extracting, refining, and burning fossil fuels to stop. The reactionaries in America act as though it is unpatriotic to oppose any expansion of the fossil fuel industry.\nTo hear people like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott tell it, oil and gas are as American as apple pie and we should fall on our knees to thank the Almighty for creating all that lovely gunk for humans to exploit. It’s a shame they won’t be around when the waters of the Gulf of Mexico close over Houston and head inland toward Austin. In the meantime, they will attempt to imprison anyone who dares raise a voice in protest. There is always a chance the courts may yet block this plan, but with the US Supreme Court now controlled by fossil fuel stooges, that is a slim hope indeed.\nThere’s a lot of lip service being paid to the idea of cutting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, but the truth is, despite all the happy talk, the push to continue our total dependence on fossil fuels continues and will continue until the cost of doing business is higher than the profits that are realized. Until we force oil and gas companies to pay for the damage they do, all the blather about 1.5º C and lowering emissions is just designed to blow sunshine up our skirts. There is no credible evidence that anyone is taking the need to stop burning fossil fuels seriously, or will any time in the foreseeable future.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Our 3 day Samana Peninsula tour from Santo Domingo takes you to the top nature destinations in the Peninsula of Samana. This marvelous tour takes you to amazing virgin beaches, spectacular waterfalls, breath taking caves, a vast mangrove forest, and some of the most amazing tropical rain forest in the Dominican Republic and the entire Caribbean. The contrast between picture perfect beaches and lush green mountains for a backdrop, have earned the peninsula the reputation for being one of the most beautiful spots in the region. Our Samaná package is an unforgettable experience for all of us who truly appreciate nature.\nPackage: Samaná Peninsula Tour *2 guest minimum\nDuration of trip: 3 days, 2 nights\nVisiting: Los Haitises National Park – Cayo Levantado Island – El Limon Waterfalls – Rincon Beach\nItinerary: Day 1: Travel to Samaná Peninsula, visit El Limon Waterfalls for the day, then stay the town of Santa Barbara de Samana for the night – Day 2:Visit to Rincon Beach and travel back to the town of Santa Barbara de Samana for the night Day 3: Visit Los Haitises National Park and Cayo Levantado Island, then drive back to Santo Domingo\nPackage Includes: Fully bilingual, certified ecological and cultural guides*, All meals (Dominican style cuisine), Comfortable transportation*, Comfortable lodging at small hotels, Snacks, Non-Alcoholic Beverages\n*Guides are fully trained in first aid response by the Red Cross\nPricing: Pricing begins at USD $850 per person for 2 person groups. The bigger the group, the more economical our per person prices. For larger group pricing, please contact us. *Kids age 10 and under travel free.\n*Transportation: Packages include transportation to and from Santo Domingo, but other arrangements can be made. Transportation to airports is available for a small fee. See our vehicles\nOn this tour you will be visiting the following nature preserves:\nRincon Beach – “The definition of paradise”\nOur journey takes us to several unforgettable spots, including Rincon Beach, one of the top three beaches in the world, according to Condé Nast Magazine. Rincon Bay was also recently inducted into the prestigious “World’s Most Beautiful Bays Club”. This amazing beach will take your breath away. The lack of hotels or businesses on the shore give it the feeling of being totally wild and beautiful. This is one place you will keep reliving in your mind for years to come.\nLos Haitises National Park – “Lush tropical rainforest and wildlife preserve”\nLos Haitises National Park is the largest nature preserve in the Dominican Republic. It is home to more than 100 species of birds, nearly 800 species of plants, and lots of exotic animals that live in the hills, mangrove swamps, and waterways of this immense wildlife sanctuary. Some of these being the Ridgeway’s Hawk, Hispaniola Parrot, the Solenodon (a species more than 60 million years old), Jutia, and the Antillean Manatee, just to name a few.\nOur journey takes us across beautiful Samaná Bay by boat for a tour of the park, this is the best way to see first hand the largest mangrove forest in all the Caribbean. Around us, it is hard not to notice very peculiar land formations, or small compact hills known as the karstic system in geology. These are typical of the region, and are the result of 40 million years of geological upheavals. This type of terrain is only seen in a few other places on the planet. These limestone hills or “mogotes” contain hundreds of caves, and underground rivers, mostly unexplored by man.\nWe are surrounded with evidence of indigenous life, as we visit several immense caves containing hundreds of pictographs and petroglyphs depicting Pre-Columbian life on the island, these having been studied by scientist from around the globe. Most of them date back 1500 to 500 years and give us a clear picture of Taino Indian life before Columbus arrived on our shores.\nEl Limon Waterfalls – “The Caribbean’s finest”\nNo trip to Samaná or the Dominican Republic would be complete without visiting “Salto El Limón” or El Limón Waterfalls. Many say this is the most beautiful waterfall in all the Caribbean. Nestled deep within the mountains of the Samaná Mountain Range, the falls are surrounded by lush green tropical rain forest, and small cacao plantations which produce some of the world’s finest chocolate. Our day begins with a light hike or horseback ridealong the banks of the Limón River. Our route takes us to several other smaller waterfalls along the river, none as big but just as beautiful as the 130 foot high El Limón Waterfall. This is just one of the countless natural wonders that can be found in the Peninsula of Samaná.\nReserving this tour\nPLEASE VERIFY TOUR AVAILABILITY BY CONTACTING US FIRST. THEN PROCEED TO PAY 25% OF THE TOTAL BALANCE VIA PAYPAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IN ORDER TO SECURE AVAILABILITY. THE REMAINING 75% IS PAID EITHER AT THE START OF THE TOUR IN CASH (USD, EUR, OR DOP), OR IF YOU PREFER, YOU CAN PAY THE FULL BALANCE ONLINE AT TIME OF BOOKING. (Simply let us know and we will send you a custom Pay Pal invoice via e-mail)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The City of Gold Coast has been a leader in coastal management for more than 50 years, driven by the need to protect the city and its shoreline from the impacts of storms. A suite of innovative policies, research, technologies and beach management techniques have been implemented on the Gold Coast and subsequently acknowledged and adopted as best practice throughout the world.\nThe Gold Coast's iconic beaches draw some 12 million visitors to the city every year. Such valuable assets need a special plan to make sure they are given the care and protection they need, which is why we have an Ocean Beaches Strategy, developed through widespread community consultation and endorsed by Council of the City of Gold Coast in August 2013.\nWe collaborate with a number of external agencies such as:\nActivities completed under these partnerships include sand bypassing, wave buoy deployment, coastal data capture, dredging and beach nourishment works, and coastal research.\nOur Surf Management Plan seeks to balance the interests of all beach and ocean users to ensure that our beaches are open, inclusive, and remain healthy and clean. The vision for the Surf Management Plan is to provide world's best practice coastal management strategies to preserve and enhance the surf amenity of the Gold Coast. The Surf Management Plan also recognises the key role surfing plays in the economy, culture, sporting life and social capital of the city.\nWe undertake an annual dredging campaign at Currumbin and Tallebudgera Creeks. This program provides many benefits including flood mitigation, improved water quality and minor beach nourishment to southern Palm Beach (Currumbin) and Burleigh Beach (Tallebudgera).\nClean beaches and waterways are synonymous with the Gold Coast. To ensure our beaches and foreshores retain their appeal, we invest in a range of cleaning and management services. Our mainland ocean beaches are swept (using a City-designed tractor sieve) every day of the year. We have 6 crews of 2 people who patrol the 860 kilometres of tidal waterways removing over 1000 tonnes per year of debris.\nThis is a sand transport system that collects drifting ocean sand at a jetty on the southern side of the Tweed River entrance and ‘delivers’ the sand, by underground pipe, back to the ocean on the northern side of the river. From here, the sand is transported by wave currents to nourish southern Gold Coast beaches. The Project is run by the New South Wales Government with support from the Queensland Government and the City of Gold Coast.\nGold Coast Shoreline Management Plan is a strategy with a 50 year horizon that focuses on coastal physical processes, coastal ecological processes, economic values, community values and beach management. The plan includes 77 recommendations to manage the Gold Coast's coastline, including measures to combat the threat of increasing storm events on Gold Coast beaches over the next 15 years.\nSome of these projects are as follows:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society, BirdLife International, and universities in Australia, California, and England are calling for greater international collaboration to save migratory birds, many of which are at risk of extinction due to loss of habitat along their flight paths.\nMore than 90 percent of all migratory birds are inadequately protected due to poorly coordinated conservation around the world, a new study published today in the journal Science reveals.\nThe research found huge gaps in the conservation of migratory birds, particularly across China, India, and parts of Africa and South America, but also in wealthier countries like the United States and Canada.\n“More than half of migratory bird species travelling the world’s main flyways have suffered serious population declines in the past 30 years,” says lead author Claire Runge, of the University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. “This is due mainly to unequal and ineffective protection across their migratory ranges and the places they stop to refuel along their routes.”\nThe study found that of 1,451 migratory bird species on Earth, 1,324, or 91 percent, had inadequate protection for at least one part of their migration pathway. Eighteen species had no protection in their breeding areas and two species had no protection at all along their whole route.\nFor example, less than four percent of the range of Brazil’s Red-spectacled Amazon, a migratory parrot, is protected. And the Great Knot, a once-abundant migratory shorebird of eastern Asia and Australia, is now classified as globally Vulnerable. Protected areas cover only seven percent of its distribution during migration, where the species congregates in high numbers.\nFor migratory species listed as Threatened by BirdLife International, less than three percent have sufficient protected areas. Similarly, only 3.3 percent of migratory seabird species receive enough protection.\nThe wealth of a nation was a poor indicator of the protection it offers migratory species, Runge reports. Many Central American countries with low gross domestic product were found to meet targets for more than 75 percent of their migratory species, but the same species receive less protection in the U.S. and Canada.\nThe team also examined more than 8,200 Important Bird Areas — places that have been identified as critical locations for bird populations. They found that just 22 percent are completely protected, and 41 percent only partially overlap with protected areas.\nIn Louisiana, for example, the Barataria Terrebonne Important Bird Area, south of New Orleans, supports an important wintering population of Piping Plover, but less than half of the site is protected. BirdLife lists it as an “IBA in Danger.”\nAnd in far northern Canada, Lancaster Sound Polynya Important Bird Area, north of Baffin Island, is almost entirely unprotected. The sound — a stopover site for as many as 14 million Dovekies — is threatened by recreational activities, shipping lanes, and other disturbances.\n“Establishing new reserves to protect the unprotected sites — and more effectively managing all protected areas for migratory species — is critical,” says co-author Stuart Butchart, head of science at BirdLife.\nRichard Fuller, of the Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions at the University of Queensland, says the results highlight an urgent need to coordinate protected area designation along birds’ full migration routes.\n“For instance, Germany has protected areas for over 98 percent of the migratory species that pass its borders, but fewer than 13 percent of its species are adequately protected across their global range,” he says. “It won’t matter what we do in Australia or in Europe if these birds are losing their habitat somewhere else. They will still perish. We need to work together far more effectively around the world if we want our migratory birds to survive into the future.” — Matt Mendenhall, Managing Editor\nRed List update: Puffins, vultures, and shorebirds face higher extinction risk.\nEurasian songbird’s decline mirrors Passenger Pigeon’s collapse.\nNew on our bookshelf: Books about extinction, birding on both sides of the ocean, and the world’s birds.\nRead the abstract\nClaire A. Runge, James E. M. Watson, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Jeffrey O. Hanson, Hugh P. Possingham, Richard A. Fuller. Protected areas and global conservation of migratory birds. Science, December 4, 2015. Abstract.\nNew to birdwatching?\nSign up for our free e-newsletter to receive news, photos of birds, attracting and ID tips, descriptions of birding hotspots, and more delivered to your inbox every other week. Sign up now.\nSee the contents of our current issue.\nHow to subscribe to BirdWatching.\nRead our newsletter!\nSign up for our free e-newsletter to receive news, photos of birds, attracting and ID tips, and more delivered to your inbox.Sign Up for Free", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "BOAT TRIPS TO VISIT RAMSEY ISLAND, SKOMER ISLAND AND GRASSHOLM ISLAND OFF THE PEMBROKESHIRE COAST IN WALES\nTake a boat trip and visit the Pembrokeshire Islands of Ramsey, Skomer or Grassholm and witness some of the most powerful currents in Britain, pass beneath some of the highest sea cliffs in Wales, see spectacular breeding colonies of hundreds of nesting seabirds.\nDiscover a magical island wilderness coupled with the fun and excitement of a true marine adventure.\nRamsey Island is home to one of the UK's largest Atlantic Grey Seal colonies, hundreds of seal pups are born on Ramseys beaches from late August to October.\nHarbour Porpoise feed in the fast currents in Ramsey Sound. Venture offshore to see the gannets on Grassholm Island, home to over 37,000 pairs of breeding gannets. Join our wildlife guide on a dolphin watching boat trip offshore and if you are lucky a sighting of a whale or take a trip over to Skomer Island to watch the Puffins.\nThousand Islands Expeditions wildlife adventure boat trips have been operating for over 40 years and has the sole landing rights to Ramsey Island RSPB Nature Reserve.\nBoat trips leave from the RNLI Lifeboat Station at St Justinians which is also an interesting place to visit.\nOur boat trip office is situated in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the smallest City in Britain, St Davids. There are plenty of hotels, guest houses, caravan parks and camp site. Lots of interesting restaurants and pubs and spectacular scenery, the Pembrokeshire Coastal path walks, St Davids Cathedral, outdoors activities, wildlife boat trips and fishing trips. Plenty for things to do for everyone.\nYesterday was a brilliant day for bird watching on Ramsey – Lots of breeding sea birds, also Chough, Raven, Groups […]\nFirst Whale and Dolphin trip. It was a nice forecast and the Gannets on Grassholm Island put on a spectacular […]\nIsland people – Greg is now back from his ‘research trip’ to the Cayman Islands (he owes me big time) and […]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Matt insisted he saw a frog out in the garden a few weeks ago. I shrugged it off as an over-sized grasshopper (we have tons of them). But he found his proof and waited till I got home to show me our new resident!\nConsoling our freaked out frog.\nWe put him back under the garden bed where he and at least one other frog live. Very cool! I had no idea we had them. :)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "To understand the biotic processes that underlie and maintain the diversity of life in the tropics and to advance conservation efforts that protect species and their habitats.\nApplications for the Betty and E.P. Franklin Grant in Tropical Biology and Conservation are now being accepted. UCLA graduate students planning tropical fieldwork are encouraged to apply before May 1, 2014. Please click here for more information.\nThe University of California, Los Angeles has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). By doing so, UCLA affirms that their activities in Africa are consistent with the very principles within the cooperation framework of CBFP members to advance sustainable management of forest ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity in Central Africa.\nThe Center for Tropical Research published a paper in the peer-reviewed public health journal Emerging Infectious Diseases predicting likely hotspots for reassortment based on research locations where bird flu outbreaks, human flu outbreaks and swine populations overlapped.\nUCLA Newsroom, March 2013.\nUCLA-led team predicts China, Egypt could be new-flu hot spots. LA Times, March 2013.\n(Tom Smith, CTR director is quoted.)\n14 sick, 5 dead as new bird flu moves beyond birds, threatens people. LA Times, April 2013.\n(Trevon Fuller, a CTR research fellow is quoted.)\nBridging the sciences and the humanities, UCLA scholars consider how we might counteract “business as usual” and imagine new possibilities for a more equitable and sustainable future. Kevin Njabo, Center for Tropical Research Africa Director, will be participating.\nAn Oppenheim Lecture featuring Dr. Thomas B. Smith Director, Professor and Director of the Center for Tropical Research, will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 from 6:00 to 8:30 PM in the Lenart Auditorium of the Fowler Museum at UCLA. Click here to RSVP by April 23.\nCenter for Tropical Research scientists have developed a risk model using H7N9 outbreaks in eastern China from March-May 2013 along with satellite and transportation data, which correctly predicted the introduction of H7N9 into Guangxi autonomous region in southeastern China, Jilin province in northeastern China, and Macau in southeastern China in early 2014. We believe that by forecasting viral spread up to six months in advance, this approach gives decision-makers enough time to implement control measures such as closing live bird markets, potentially blocking transmission into susceptible areas.\nA team of researchers from the Center for Tropical Research at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, led by Ryan Harrigan, Ph.D., has created the first North American model to help predict where the West Nile virus may occur under present and future climate change scenarios. Their analyses also identify current and future hotspots of West Nile virus transmission and present an important new approach for monitoring the risk of this and other vector-borne diseases.\nThe Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation and Biotropica selected “Mating Behavior Drives Seed Dispersal by the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger” by Jordan Karubian, Renata Durães, Jenny Storey, & Thomas Smith for the honor.\nCTR researchers have created a model to help predict where the disease may occur under future climate change. Their findings were published Feb. 27 in the journal Global Change Biology.\nThanks to Climate Change, West Nile Virus Could Be Your New Neighbor. Time Magazine, February 2014.\nStudy: West Nile virus cases likely to increase in Calif. 89.9 KPCC, February 2014.\n(Ryan Harrigan, a CTR research fellow is interviewed.)\nBirdsnews.com. October 2013. Tom Smith, CTR director is quoted.\nThe LA Times published an op-ed by Center for Tropical Research Director Tom Smith about the country's conservation challenges and actions needed to protect the region's natural resources.\nThe Guardian published a letter to the editor from Center for Tropical Research Director Tom Smith about biodiversity loss resulting from this illegal practice.\nDr. Thomas Smith sets up mist nets to catch birds at the Njuma Camp of the Ebo Forest.\nA short introduction to the research of how the Reunion gray white-eye has diversified into different plumage forms in different parts of the small island of Reunion, in the South Indian Ocean.\nCoverage from the National Cameroon TV station (CRTV) reporting on the goals and expectations of the Science and Policy Workshop, held as part of the National Science Foundation's (NSF, United States of America) Partnerships in Research and Education (PIRE).\nWe rely on your support to make our work possible.\nPlease visit our donation page to learn more how you can help.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "More polluting than cars\nGas powered leaf blowers use two-cycle and four-cycle gasoline engines which produce hundreds of times more hazardous pollutants than automobiles. The State of California estimates that small engines such as those in leaf blowers will be the number one source of air pollution by 2020.\nGas blowers create high levels of formaldehyde, benzine, fine particulate matter and smog forming chemicals which cause dizziness, headaches, asthma attacks, heart and lung disease and cancer.\nBlowers can create clouds of industrial pollutants, demolition debris such as lead, asbestos, feces, pollens, fertilizers and dust, polluting the air we breathe.\nNoise from gas powered leaf blowers penetrates homes, schools, parks, disturbs wildlife, and consistently violates Portland’s noise ordinance. Operating a gas leaf blower can cause permanent hearing loss in 2 hours and can impact 90 nearby homes.\nRe-fueling spills contaminate soil and waterways and maintenance of gas powered blowers produces toxic waste like fuel filters and contaminated air filters. Blowers erode, compact and dry out soil and harm plants, microorganisms and pollinators.\nMost at risk\nOperators of the equipment are most at risk but the exhaust and dust is a danger to the general population, especially children, the elderly, people with chronic asthma and people exercising. Gas blowers are often used in parks and public spaces where many people are exposed to the dangers.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- This evening: Partly cloudy. A few flurries or even some light freezing drizzle. Temps in the upper teens to lower 20s.\n- Tonight: A few flurries. Low near 19.\n- Wednesday: Some light snow, then thinning clouds late in the day. High 30\n- Thursday: Breezy, milder. High 35 to 40.\n- Friday: Rain showers. Turning cooler in the evening. High 45.\n- Saturday: Rain or snow. High 36.\n- Sunday Rain and areas of fog. High 35 to 40. Possibly colder later in the day.\nA brief period of Lake Effect\nThe air aloft over us is still cold enough for lake effect snow. However, winds down at the ground are not from the right direction. That may briefly change before sunrise Wednesday.\nLake effect should start right along the south or southeast shore of Lake Ontario tonight and into Wednesday morning, not extending very far inland. I should be light, except near the lake shore where several inches are possible by sunrise.\nThen, during the day Wednesday, the wind will start to pick up a little. The lake effect should briefly extend inland over the counties east of the lake before swinging northward Wednesday evening. For several hours Wednesday afternoon, the lake snows should accumulate east of Lake Ontario\nWarmer for the latter part of the week\nThis cold pattern over eastern North America is going to break down for a few days beginning Wednesday night.\nOur weather will warm through mid-day Friday before cooler air over the Midwest nudges east over us later Friday.\nWe have a good shot at temperatures into the 40s by Friday.\nOver the weekend, things will change. We need to keep a close eye on the weather toward the end of the weekend and into the start of next week.\nThe colder weather out west will eventually spread eastward over us later Sunday and Monday, but it will not arrive in one clean sweep. Rather, it will ease in which could leave us vulnerable to an icy mix for the start of next week.\nTo send in weather info, or especially photos: Use the Twitter or Instagram hashtag: #cnyweather Also, please let us know where the images are located. Thanks", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Students will observe monthly satellite data of the North Atlantic to identify relationships among key science variables that include sea surface salinity (SS), air temperature at the ocean surface (AT), sea surface temperature (ST), evaporation (EV), precipitation (PT), and evaporation minus pre\nEducational Resources - Search Tool\nThis activity is one of a series in the collection, The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change activities.\nWhat is sea-level rise and how does it affect us? This \"Teachable Moment\" looks at the science behind sea-level rise and offers lessons and tools for teaching students about this important climate topic.\nIn this activity, students will use sea-level rise data to create models and compare short-term trends to long-term trends. They will then determine whether sea-level rise is occurring based on the data.\nThis story map is intended to be used with students who have access to a computing device in a 1:1 or 1:2 setting. Using various visualizations (i.e., images, charts, and graphs), students will explore changes in sea ice extent as it relates to other spheres within the Earth System.\nIn this activity, students use satellite images from the NASA Landsat team to quantify changes in glacier cover over time from 1986 to 2018.\nThe activities in this guide will help students understand variations in environmental parameters by examining connections among different phenomena measured on local, regional and global scales.\nStudents will examine a 2014-2015 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event to identify relationships among sea surface height, sea surface temperature, precipitation, and wind vectors.\nThis story map lesson plan allows students to explore global phytoplankton distribution using chlorophyll concentration data in a 5 E-learning cycle.\nThis story map lesson plan allows students to explore ocean circulation patterns as they relate to the world's ocean garbage patches using NASA ocean currents data.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Advisory Visit Report: River Derwent, County Durham\nOn Behalf of Derwent Angling Association\n29th March 2007\nThis report is the output of a site visit undertaken by the Wild Trout Trust on the Upper River Derwent on 29th March 2007.\nComments in this report are based on observations on the day of the site visit and discussions with Mr Alan Farbridge, Eric Peacock, of the River Derwent Angling Association (DAA) and Mr Gareth Pedley of the Environment Agency (EA) Fisheries Dept, Newcastle.\nNormal convention is applied throughout the report with respect to bank identification, i.e., the banks are designated left hand bank (LHB) or right hand bank (RHB) whilst looking downstream.\nDAA control 15 miles of mainly double bank fishing of the Upper Derwent. Coverage of the extensive length of river is clearly beyond the scope of a one day site visit. Therefore The AV focused on two stretches of the river that the club control:\n1) Downstream of Allensford Bridge\n2) Downstream of Eddy’s Bridge\nFormed in 1865, DAA have some 200 members paying £47 per annum in subscriptions.\nThe river contains good populations of both trout and grayling, the later being introduced in the 1870’s. The EA are likely to classify the river as a Native Trout Water under the Trout & Grayling Fisheries Strategy, and consent the annual stocking of some 900 domesticated diploid brown trout each year.\nCatch and release of wild trout is encouraged and a bag limit of two fish per day is a club rule (having recently been reduced from four).\nThe club would like to focus its attentions in the upper reaches in a bid improve the wild fishery through sustainable management and habitat improvement projects.\nFly life in the river appears excellent with various species of up-winged flies, stonefly and caddis all present. In both reaches freshwater shrimp appeared to be absent perhaps indicating very good water quality. They are known to be downstream below a sewage treatment works. There are some concerns about the decline in Large Dark Olives and Iron Blues.\n2.0 – Site Description and Issues\n2.1 – D/S Allensford Bridge\nHabitat at the top end of this reach just below the bridge is characterised as being shallow and interspaced with boulders and large stones. This is excellent juvenile and parr habitat. The site flows through a public park and in one or two areas un-managed access is causing some localised erosion (nick points) of the banks.\nTree cover is good, but if left un-managed there is potential for some over-shading of the channel. Tree cover is mainly high canopy with very little in the way of low level cover in the form of boughs and bushes.\nMoving downstream there is a series of shallow runs, pools and riffle areas. There is a mid-channel island which indicates active geomorphology (gravel movement) within the catchment.\nHowever, there is an almost complete absence of Large Woody Debris (LWD), e.g. fallen trees and branches in the channel. The presence of LWD has been shown to be extremely important in several respects.\n- An increase in mean flow, depths and velocities.\n- Development of high in-channel physical habitat diversity\n- LWD can have significant benefits to the control of run-off at the catchment scale. Woody Debris helps regulate the energy of running water by decreasing the velocity. Thus the ‘travel time’ of water across the catchment is increased.\nLarge Woody Debris (LWD) is a general term referring to all wood naturally occurring in streams including branches, stumps and logs. Almost all LWD in streams is derived from trees located within the riparian corridor. Streams with adequate LWD tend to have greater habitat diversity, a natural meandering shape and greater resistance to high water events. Therefore LWD is an essential component of a healthy stream’s ecology and is beneficial by maintaining the diversity of biological communities and physical habitat. Traditionally many land managers and riparian owners have treated LWD in streams as a nuisance and have removed it, often with uncertain consequences. This is often unnecessary and perhaps harmful to high quality streams such as the Derwent. Stream clearance can reduce the amount of organic material necessary to support the aquatic food web, remove vital in-stream habitats that fish will utilise for shelter and spawning and reduce the level of erosion resistance provided against high flows. In addition LWD improves the stream structure by enhancing the substrate and diverting the stream current in such a way that pools and riffles are likely to develop. A stream with a heterogeneous substrate and pools and riffles is ideal for benthic (bottom dwelling) organisms as well as for fish species like wild trout.\nAt the end of the reach there are two dams that were constructed by the club some years back. These were built in a bid to aerate the river in low summer flows. It is questionable if they actually fulfil this function and it appears that they are acting as silt traps due to the upstream ‘ponding’ of flows.\n2.2 – Downstream Eddy’s Bridge\nThe river immediately downstream of the bridge is wide, shallow and inter-spaced with boulders. There is a general lack of pool habitat and large woody debris. However there is a particularly good example of ‘hinged’ LWD on the LHB\nThe river then narrows and goes through a delightful section of runs and pools, before widening out once more into a deep slow pool section. The landowner on the LHB has recently undertaken some tree work to ‘tidy-up’ the banks. This work was probably undertaken in good faith to assist the club with maintenance. However important low cover has been removed from the pool. Overhead cover is extremely important for trout both in-terms of regulation of stream temperatures (shade) avoidance of predators (shelter) and as a potential source of invertebrates (food). The challenge for fisheries managers is to achieve a balance between the needs of the trout and the needs of the fisherman for access.\nFurther downstream there has been some stone revetment work to protect the RHB from erosion. Large stones and boulders have been incorporated into the revetment and have been removed from the channel and deposited on the LHB. This has created a fairly uniform channel which provides very little in the way of in-stream cover. There is also a lack of low tree cover.\nThe bottom end of the reach runs through grazing pasture (horses and cattle). The cattle’s grazing is causing widespread poaching of the banks leading to a loss of marginal plants and low tree cover. The Club have also undertaken some limited tree work on both banks which may have removed an important future source LWD from the channel. This section of the river is again fairly uniform with very little diversity in terms of both in-stream and riparian habitat.\n3.0 – Recommendations\nThe following are recommendations to improve both the status of the wild trout population and biodiversity in general.\nIt is a legal requirement that all the works to the river require written Environment Agency consent prior to undertaking any works, either in-channel or within 8 metres of the bank. It may also be a requirement under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 that all proposals are scrutinised by Natural England conservation officers.\nLocal EA Fisheries and Development Control staff should be contacted at the earliest opportunity to discuss any recommendations arising from this report that the club may wish to pursue.\nThe club should adopt a policy of leaving LWD in river unless it is causing significant problems. As a guide the following check list has been developed by the West Country Rivers Trust:\nNote: If the debris dam needs to be removed but there is still a significant amount of the root system attached to the bank then it is recommended that the stump be retained for its wildlife habitat value and its stabilising effect on the bank.\nIn both reaches there is a predominance of high canopy tree growth, which may lead to problems of over-shading of the channel. It is recommended that the club undertakes a programme of selective coppicing to allow more light into the channel and promote low bankside cover in the form of overhanging bush growth. A little and often programme needs to be adopted with regard to tree management on the fishery to achieve a good balance of LWD, light and shade. Willows can be ‘trained’ to hang over the channel by nicking the trunks and pushing them over.\nArisings from this tree work could be used to install LWD. In the wide shallow reach d/s of Kenny’s Bridge it is recommended to introduce upstream facing submerged log deflectors (single or paired) to create localised scour pools in the margins and mid-channel. LWD will need to be securely ‘keyed’ into the bank and possibly the river bed using posts and wire to avoid problems of washout. Another option would be to ‘hinge’ trees, leaving them still connected to stumps, again for added security these can be secured to the bed of the river using posts and wire. Downstream of the flow gauging weir it is recommended that arisings from recent tree work undertaken by the club are bundled into ‘faggots’ and pinned into the margins, thus creating much needed overhangs for trout to use for refuge.\nOn the RHB downstream of Eddy’s Bridge the rock revetment work could do with planting-up with willows. This would create overhead cover and become a future source of LWD. The river in this short section appears to have been dredged and it is recommended that a proportion of the large boulders that are still on the bank are placed back into the channel. This will create good in-stream cover for all life stages of trout.\nThe fence line downstream of Eddy’s Bridge where the river runs through two grazing pastures (horses and cattle) needs to be re-installed as a matter of some urgency. Unhindered access by stock to the river is causing bank-side poaching which is leading to the loss of valuable vegetated margins. It is suggested that a buffer strip of at least 9 metres be created. Formalised ‘post and rail’ cattle drinks can be created to facilitate safe, clean access for stock.\nThe margins of the LHB downstream of Allensford Bridge are in places showing early signs of being eroded by the public / dogs at this popular recreational park. It is recommended that a wider strip of grass is left uncut to create a ‘conservation area’ which will hopefully have the net effect of directing the public to one or two ‘honey pot’ access points along the river. This minimal intervention may just be enough to reduce pressure on the banks whilst still allowing full access. An interpretation board explaining the change in management and the importance of good habitat for the rivers wildlife will hopefully reduce the likelihood of complaints.\nIt is also recommended that the two weirs at Allensford are modified or even removed to increase flow velocity and remove the build-up of silt above each structure.\nThe fence line should be placed well back from the bank in a straight line to avoid trash getting caught on wires (causing ‘blow-out’) during peak flows.\nLastly, it is vital that angling clubs understand what is happening to populations of riverflies in their streams and rivers. To this end WTT recommends that fisheries register their interest in taking part in the Riverfly Partnership monitoring and training initiative. The initiative aims to support fishing clubs to monitor and help conserve the environment. More details can be found on www.riverflies.org\nThe upper reaches of the Derwent have considerable potential to be developed and managed as a sustainable wild trout fishery. Fish populations, water quality and invertebrates all appear to be in good order. By undertaking the recommendations outlined in this report it is hoped that RDAA will able to sustain a wild fishery. To protect wild fish it is recommended that catch and release (C&R) and the use of barbless hooks are introduced as club rules in the upper ‘wild’ reaches. It may also be prudent to get stocked fish marked to aid anglers with identification of wild fish (C&R). Catch return log books could be introduced to gauge stocked vs wild components of the annual catch in the river that the club controls. The Environment Agency in the North East administers a catch log book scheme.\n4.0 – Making it all happen!\nThis report makes a series of recommendations that will improve biodiversity and the status of the wild trout and grayling populations in the Derwent.\nPhysical enhancement works could be kick-started with the assistance of a WTT ‘Practical Visit’ (PV).\nPV’s typically comprise a 1-3 day visit where an approved WTT ‘Wet-Work’ experts will complete a demonstration plot on the site to be restored. This will enable project leaders and teams to obtain on the ground training regarding the appropriate use of conservation techniques and materials, including Health & Safety equipment and requirements. This will then give projects the strongest possible start leading to successful completion of aims and objectives.\nThe WTT can fund the cost of labour (two-man team) and materials (max £1800). Recipients will be expected to cover travel and accommodation expenses of the contractor. The use of specialist plant will be by separate negotiation.\nWet-work experts will demonstrate one or more of the following techniques that are appropriate to the site.\n- Tree management (coppice, pollard, sky-lighting)\n- Tree Planting\n- Fencing (Installation & Repair)\n- Stream Narrowing (Faggots, Coir Rolls, Spilling)\n- Flow Deflectors\n- Introduction of spawning substrate\n- Gravel Jetting\n- Introduction / Management of Woody Debris\nRecipient clubs will be expected to cover travel and accommodation expenses of the Wet-work Team. The use of specialist plant will be by separate negotiation.\nFurther assistance with project funding can be provided through the WTT’s ‘Rods for Conservation Scheme’. The WTT will donate a Sage XP rod for the club to raffle to raise funds for habitat conservation work. Clubs typically raise £750-1500 from these initiatives. Sage is particularly keen to work with clubs in upper reaches of rivers that are important for spawning fish.\nNote: Recipients should have received a WTT AV and have obtained the appropriate consents from the relevant authorities, prior to arrangements being made to undertake the PV. WTT can advise on this.\nApplications for all the above and the Rods for Conservation initiative should be made via firstname.lastname@example.org\nLastly, RDAA should discuss this report with local EA Fisheries Officer Gareth Pedley who was present at the AV. The EA will be able to provide further technical advice and possibly assistance with project funding. RDAA are reminded that all works within rivers and within 8m of the bank will require written permission from the Environment Agency.\n5.0 – Disclaimer\nThis report is produced for guidance only and should not be used as a substitute for full professional advice. Accordingly, no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage can be accepted by the Wild Trout Trust as a result of any other person, company or organisation acting, or refraining from acting, upon comments made in this report.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Keep up with the latest news and events from Suzanne's campaign.\nThere is plenty of debate in the scientific community about global climate change. How fast it’s progressing, which parts of the world are most threatened, and how best to combat it are all open questions.\nOne question that has been definitively answered is whether climate change is happening. That case is closed. Climate change is real, it’s caused by human activity, and it’s an actual threat that requires action.\nAs a member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee in the House of Representatives, I’m working hard to find solutions to the climate crisis. From investing in renewable energy, to helping Oregonians weatherize their older homes, there are a lot of good ideas out there that I’m supporting. But I keep running into a challenge with many of my colleagues.\nSome members of the Science Committee simply don’t believe what the scientists are telling us – that humans contribute to climate change. Something about it doesn’t compute for them. Committee witnesses do their best to educate us about the dangers we face, and some smart bipartisan solutions that are on the table – but let me tell you, it’s an uphill climb.\nTo get a sense of what’s it’s like in our hearings, take a few minutes and watch this clip of Jon Stewart discussing the deniers. It’s worth it.\nRest assured that I’m going to keep working on this issue. Together, we can tackle climate change and create a better, healthier world for our children and grandchildren. Thank you for all of your support.\nWith appreciation, Suzanne", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The rover collected its second scoop of Martian soil at the \"Rocknest\" site on Sol 66. More bright particles were found. Believing these particles were also tiny pieces of rover, the team decided not to run the dirt sample through Curiosity's analysis instrument to avoid contaminating the mechanism with Earth debris. The scoop was thrown away. That same day, however, Curiosity snapped an image showing part of the hole left when Curiosity took her first scoop.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Co-operative Group is among the world’s leading businesses when it comes to taking up the challenge of tackling global climate change. We are doing this in three ways: firstly reducing our energy consumption; secondly through a renewable energy procurement strategy; and finally developing a pipeline of renewable generation projects throughout the UK. The Group has over 4,000 outlets powered by renewable energy procured from our energy suppliers and we are on track to achieve a 25% reduction in the amount of energy used across our family of businesses by 2012. We have 58 Megawatts of wind energy development built or consented which will enable us to generate 15% of our electricity usage from our own projects, on our own land and a further 32 Megawatts awaiting planning determination. To put this into context, once completed, these projects would generate the equivalent amount of electricity to power over 50,000 average homes . We have built the UK’s largest photovoltaic project at our head office complex in Manchester and going forward, we have a programme to develop further wind as well as micro hydro, biomass and anaerobic digestion projects on both our own and on third party owned land. Our approach to all development, with which we are involved, is close working with the local communities which has been a large part of our success to date. We have put in place innovative community funding and education programmes where the Co-operative has a long-term and active involvement. Our environmental education programme, “Energy Works” centred on our wind farm in Cambridgeshire, provides dedicated curriculum teaching on energy and is proving extremely popular with the many schools involved.\n Figure based on BWEA calculations.BWEA (2006) http://www.bwea.com/edu/calcs.html", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "New York State is set to offer a total of $30m to support solar photovoltaic installers and developers.\nThe move comes as authorities attempt to increase solar generating capacity in downstate New York, through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the state Public Service Commission (PSC).\nIt is the first year of funding under a $150m, five-year program intended to increase the amount of solar electricity used in the region where energy use is highest, Cleanenergyauthority.com reports.\nThe funds can cover up to $3m or 50 per cent of a large-scale onsite PV installation.\n“This is the first time we’ve done something of this scale,” said NYSERDA spokesperson Alan Wechsler.\nThe funds are intended to support projects that are largely behind-the-meter projects, wherein all the power produced onsite is used there, rather than going back on the grid, although in some instances the site can net meter.\nFor all on-site power news", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "UV Wand Sterilizer\nUV Wand Sterilizer utilizes UV-C light technology to kill virus and microbes on surfaces at the home, office or while travelling.Virus Free and Eco-friendly Environment:\nSimply turn it ON and swipe the UV wand sterilizer and use it anywhere on surfaces such keyboard, sofa, pillows, toys, furniture, kitchen, steering wheel, headrest, doorknobs and much more. Quick, Easy & Hassle-Free Sterilization without the use of chemical and Irritants!\nFast and Effective: Simply remove debris if any from the surface and slowly wave the UV wand sterilizer over a period of seconds on the required surface to sterilize the area. Simple one-touch operation & its compact size makes the UV Wand Sterilizer a Perfect Cleansing Mate.\n• What is the benefit of using UV Wand over other UV surface sterilizers?\nWand is light weighted and portable and can emit UV Rays on all surface and areas where the other surface sterilizers can’t reach. eg. Key board, car steering, door knobs, drawer etc.\n• Is UV Wand a reliable source of sterilization?\nYes wand is quite reliable source of sterilization. It uses Ultraviolet germicidal radiation which can kill or inactivate virus, bacteria, germs, moulds protozoa and all such microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions.\n• How long should we hold the UV Wand on a surface to sterilize it effectively?\nUV wand sterilizes all the areas wherever the UV rays are emitted. Ensure you clean the debris, greasy surface, dust and all such things which can block the UV Rays to fall on surface. If the surface is clear, UV wand will take 2-3 seconds to sterilize it effectively.\nCAUTION: Do Not Use The Wand Directly On Skin, Pets Or Plants. Do Not Look Directly at a ‘Lit’ UV Lamp with naked eyes.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Good environmental practices\nConvensa, Contratas y Ventas, has set as a strategic objective the adoption of practices that respect the environment, beyond strict compliance with current regulations.\nThe practices are developed in the following areas: air, water, soil, atmosphere, environment and biodiversity.\nFor this, it has an environmental management system certified according to UNE-EN ISO 14.001-2015 and integrated into the company's general management system, applicable to all works and work centers, which has been registered in the General Registry of Intellectual Property, dated July 10, 2009, under the title of \"System of evaluation of environmental behavior through good practices\".\nGood environmental practices respond to the following areas:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Join the April EcoQuest: Imprudent Pruning!\nFind and map as many examples of improper pruning as possible, including trees and shrubs, palms, cactus and agaves. Be sure to use #imprudentpruning in the notes of your observation! This will help us sort through the observations on iNaturalist.\nThis month we’re looking at the top 5 NOT wanted list for pruning, including topping, lion tailing, shrub shapes, puny palms, and cactus and succulent chop. When pruning practices and methods aren’t carefully considered and executed, it can damage a plant for the rest of its life.\nSign up for iNaturalist and join the EcoQuest today!\nCAZCA functions through extensive partnerships to stand together and further our conservation efforts.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "156 solar panels make Nijhuis & Wigger premises even more sustainable\nLet the sun shine! At the beginning of January 156 solar panels were installed on our premises. In the context of sustainability, these panels have been placed on top of the roof alongside an already existing heat pump and LED lighting.\nIn the first week of January 2020, the Dutch company Schulte Energie & Techniek has been busy installing all the panels on our roof, making the building increasingly sustainable. During the building of our new premises in 2012, the building was already equipped with a heat pump with which we use geothermal heat to heat and cool all areas and LED lighting was also installed inside and outside. 156 solar panels have now been added with which we save on our energy consumption.\nThe company Schulte took a good look at the location of our building and the position of the sun. The panels are therefore oriented both to the east and to the south, in order to obtain an optimum yield and therefore maximum efficiency from the panels.\n“Quickly convinced of benefits”\n“We are pleased with the installation of the 156 solar panels. We have already taken some EPC-decreasing measures during the construction of our new premises and we are making it more sustainable with the new solar panels! \"We were quickly convinced of the benefits of this investment with which we are realizing an almost energy-neutral building. Sustainability is important for all of us and we believe it is important to give substance to this in this way”, said Frans Wigger, Managing Director.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "First report of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in Bulgaria\nThe NPPO of Bulgaria recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first finding of potato ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus – EPPO A2 list’) on its territory. During the official annual survey of potato crops (‘Phytosanitary control of potatoes – 2005), the presence of C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus was detected in samples collected in producers’ warehouses. This corresponded to 1 outbreak in seed potato production plots and 3 in ware potatoes. The presence of the bacterium was confirmed by two IF tests (using different antisera), biological tests on aubergine and PCR assays. Phytosanitary measures have immediately been taken to prevent any further spread and eradicate the disease. Infected plots (20.9 ha) have been placed under quarantine. All agricultural machinery, equipment, warehouses or any object which had been in contact with infected tubers were disinfected with formalin and sodium hypochloride solutions. Potato production on infested land is prohibited for 3 years. Infected crops (230 tons) were destroyed by deep burial or burning. Investigations are continuing to trace-back all potato lots which may be related to the infested ones.\nThe situation of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in Bulgaria can be described as follows: Present, first found in 2005, few outbreaks in both seed and ware potatoes (4 outbreaks on 20.9 ha), under eradication.\nNPPO of Bulgaria, 2006-09.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wynne unveils Ontario's plan to sign cap-and-trade deal\nPremier Kathleen Wynne announced Monday the province will bring in a cap-and-trade carbon-pricing system to tackle climate change, which will increase the cost of gas 2.5-3 cents per litre.\nWynne announced the plan before leaving for a premiers’ meeting in Quebec City where leaders will discuss climate change initiatives.\nNeither Wynne nor Climate Change Minister Glen Murray could predict how much the plan would add to the cost of home heating.\nMurray suggested only that new technologies would help keep costs down.\n“There is a range of technology not yet widely deployed in Ontario,” he said.\nElectricity prices tripled under the province’s Green Energy Act, which introduced wind turbines and solar farms to rural Ontario.\nWynne said details of the government’s overall direction on carbon pricing will be released after consultations with industry officials.\nAcross the country, different provinces have brought in different means of putting a price on emissions. Quebec, for example, introduced cap and trade two years ago, while British Columbia has a carbon tax.\nCap and trade allows companies that produce too much greenhouse gas to buy credits from other companies that are able to reduce or control their emissions.\nThe premier said money recouped through the controversial program would be reinvested in environmental programs and could be used for transit.\n“This is all about how do you help business and families transition into a low-carbon economy,” Murray said.\nWynne said she wanted to tell her granddaughter, Olivia, that she did something positive about climate change.\nShe said doing nothing is not an option.\n“That would be irresponsible because we cannot afford to put our heads in the sand,” she said.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Parking controls can play an important role in encouraging more sustainable modes of transport. This report makes the case for a more strategic approach to managing parking and the kerbside, and for reallocating street space to uses that Londoners value.\nWith increasing demand on our roads, and serious challenges including climate change, poor air quality, and road danger, the Mayor of London and London boroughs are committed to reducing reliance on private cars and to promoting public transport and active travel.\nBut while Londoners are increasingly concerned about climate change and local air quality, there are still some significant barriers to a less car-reliant city. Car ownership has hardly moved in London in recent years and the proportion of trips made by public transport, walking or cycling hasn’t changed for the last three years.\nYet Londoners want trees and green space, clutter-free pavements and children’s play spaces prioritised on their streets over on-street residential parking.\nThis report argues that while Londoners who need to drive also need to park, better use of street space would benefit everyone. It highlights that the opportunity to repurpose kerbsides and transform them into valuable public space is huge: cars parked on our streets take up space equivalent to 10 Hyde Parks.\nMany London boroughs are already proactively using parking and kerbside policies to achieve wider transport objectives, but different boroughs are at different stages of this journey.\nThis report presents a menu of interventions that councils can use to encourage residents to think differently about car ownership and use, and to create a greener and safer city, to the benefit of everyone, including:\n- Develop kerbside strategies that allocate road and kerb space in accordance with clear user hierarchies;\n- Reallocate road space gradually through introducing a cap on the number of permits issued, and using waiting lists or limited eligibility for new residents;\n- Set residential permit charges at a level that fully covers operating costs;\n- Regularly review the coverage, size and operating hours of Controlled Parking Zones;\n- Move towards an emission-based charging structure for resident permits, and escalating charges for additional vehicles.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "How to attract more garden pollinators\nFebruary 21, 2024\nGardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature, and it's even better when you can use it to help support the local pollinator populations. Bees, butterflies and other insects play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which helps to ensure that we have a bountiful harvest of fruits, vegetables and flowers each year. By creating a garden that is welcoming to these creatures, you can not only help support their populations but also enjoy the beauty of your very own pollinator garden.\nOne of the best ways to attract pollinators is to plant flowers that are rich in nectar and pollen. Some of...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Northern Europe’s agriculture will benefit from longer and warmer growing season, southern countries will suffer\nLength and intensity of thermal growing season\nThe agricultural potential and suitable conditions for forest growth in a certain part of the world can be expressed by two measures that describe the growing conditions for crops and trees in the summer season: the length and intensity of the so-called thermal growing season. Thermal growing season is the length of the growing season for crops and trees. It is defined to start when the daily mean temperature rises above a selected threshold in spring, and end as the mean temperature falls below that level in autumn. The intensity of the thermal growing season is represented by the effective temperature sum, also termed temperature accumulation or the growing degree day sum; this sum is calculated by summing the daily mean temperature excesses above the threshold during this season.\nThe commonly used base temperature for the thermal growing season is 5°C in boreal and temperate climate conditions and 10°C in warmer climate zones.\nGlobal warming leads to a prolongation and intensification of the thermal growing season. Prolongation and warming of this season has already been noticed in many regions: in northern Europe thermal growing season has lengthened by about 1week between 1951 and 2000. The intensity of this season (expressed as growing degree day sum) has increased all over Europe after 2000.\nProjections of future changes have been calculated for Europe for the end of the 21st century, based on 22 - 23 global climate models under a moderate and high-end scenario of global warming, respectively (the so-called RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios). According to these results, in most of Europe the thermal growing season will last 1.5 - 2 months longer in 2100 compared to the reference period 1971 – 2000 for the high-end scenario of climate change, and 20 - 40 days longer for the moderate scenario of climate change; results are similar for the 5°C and 10°C baseline. Lengthening is anticipated to be slightest in southeastern European Russia and largest in coastal areas and central Europe.\nFor the high-end scenario the intensity of the thermal growing season with respect to the 5°C baseline (growing degree day sum) will be 60 - 100% higher in 2100; the increase is somewhat smaller for the moderate scenario. In absolute terms, the increase of the intensity of this season is largest in the south. In relative terms, however, the increase is largest in cold areas.\nThe prolongation and intensification of the thermal growing season is beneficial for especially northern Europe. It enables the introduction of new species and cultivars in agriculture, allows a more extensive utilization of double-crop rotation and enhances timber growth in forests. Besides, the mildness of the dark season facilitates the overwintering of fruit trees and other vulnerable perennial plants, and high autumn and winter temperatures accelerate the decomposition of litter and the release of nutrients in boreal forest, a factor that may already have enhanced timber growth.\nOn the other hand, long growing seasons and mild winters also favour pests and fungi in arable lands and forests, and higher temperatures in late autumn are of little use for plant photosynthesis in northern Europe due to the scantiness of the light. Also, annual cereal crops are harvested in early autumn and thus do not benefit from the autumn lengthening of the thermal growing season. In late autumn, the harvesting conditions would in any case be unfavourable owing to high moisture, even more so as precipitation is projected to increase and the low amount of solar radiation can no longer alone dry the harvest crop.\nTo conclude, the prolongation and intensification of the thermal growing season offers several benefits for northern European forestry and agriculture, but adaptation (plant breeding and pest control) is still necessary. In southern Europe, negative impacts dominate, particularly as a result of excessive heat and the reduced availability of water.\nSource: Ruosteenoja et al, 2016. International Journal of Climatology 36: 3039–3055.\nPhoto: Stefan (www.flickr.com)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Antarctica New Zealand's role in science is to establish themes and priorities for New Zealand Antarctic science; encourage and facilitate the implementation of science projects that deliver on them; and present the outcomes and benefits of and advocate for Antarctic science.\nA strategy for New Zealand Science in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean published in 2004 established themes and priorities for New Zealand Antarctic science. These are addressed by the science events and projects that Antarctica New Zealand supports. A new strategy is currently being finalised and the draft is available on this website.\nA science support bidding round is held annually for those wishing to undertake research in Antarctica.\nWorkshops have been facilitated by Antarctica New Zealand to advocate for and disseminate science research in Antarctica and three postgraduate scholarships are awarded annually. Antarctica New Zealand holds an annual conference to allow groups it supports the opportunity to share their work with the wider Antarctic community.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Billions of dollars are needed statewide for energy-efficient upgrades, and through a collaboration between California Public Utilities Commission and the state’s major investor-owned utilities, private companies are offering attractive rates and terms that can help residents secure funds.\nPrograms such as GoGreen Financing’s Residential Energy Efficiency Loan (REEL) program help homeowners and renters finance a wide range of energy upgrades, from heating and air conditioning to windows and insulation, with up to 30 percent of a loan available for nonenergy items, such as kitchen cabinets and flooring. An important part of the program is providing traditionally underserved communities with access to attractive credit that allows them to upgrade their homes.\nJesse Flores and his family in El Cajon, California, knew their home needed to be more energy efficient, but they weren’t sure they had the financial resources to improve it. The biggest problem was an inefficient water heater that couldn’t provide enough hot water throughout their home. It ran constantly, adding greatly to their monthly utility bills.\nFlores contacted a local contractor who recommended a tankless water heater to save energy and more efficiently distribute hot water throughout the property. During a walkthrough assessment, the contractor found other areas that would benefit from energy-efficient upgrades, like a new furnace and smart thermostat in the home and a heat pump air-handling system for the rental unit.\n“The affordable monthly payments really helped,” Flores says. “We made more home improvements than we originally planned, which improved the efficiency and comfort of our home while staying within our budget.”\nWhether you want to reduce your home’s energy usage, improve its comfort or just “go green,” programs are available to help make the financing possible.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sophie was raised in Ottawa and comes from an outdoor centred family and enjoys all four seasons and all the adventure each season brings. She has a B.A(H) in geography from Queen’s University and is passionate about Canada’s forests and critters, conservation and climate change. Sophie brings this lens when working with children to influence environmental stewardship wherever they go.\nSophie spent many summers as a camp counsellor at YMCA Camp Kanawana in Saint-Sauveur, Québec working with youth to foster their relationships with nature and each other. Sophie also has experience working with international and domestic school groups, young children as well as families guiding them in various outdoor activities and team-building exercises. Sophie has lead overnight and multi-day canoe camping trips, building children’s nature skills, exploring how animals (including humans) and plants influence the landscape, recognizing plants of their surroundings and all their awe-inspiring properties are just some of the things Sophie and her campers all explored together. Sophie has a more laissez-faire leadership style and loves letting children’s curiosity flourish and explore alongside them.\nSophie has also worked as an intern at the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society doing research, writing and media development for their annual reports on the state of conservation within Canada.\nTraining and Certifications:\nStandard First Aid and CPR ‘C’\n200 Hour Counsellor In Training Program from les Associations des Camps du Québec\nIntermediate Tandem Lake Canoe Skills officiated by Paddle Canada\nIndigenous Learning Series Certificate officiated by the Canada School of Public Service\nCultural Awareness Training with Canadian Bushcraft", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A mountain vista?\nIce along the shoreline?\nA hole in the ice?\nStory behind the melting ice\nWeather: We’ve been experiencing a lot of wind in the past several weeks. Some of the wind has been quite destructive: pushing 18-wheelers over, knocking down backpack laden high school kids, forcing trees to lose their grip on the Earth. So, when a warm calm day greeted me on the weekend, I had to take advantage and took an extended bike ride over several miles. I made my bike ride longer only because I stopped along the way to photograph sights that made me appreciate the beauty of the day.\nThe lake: I like this spot, not only because I’m able to enjoy the nature and scenery, but also because of the variety of images I’ve been able to capture since mid-January. On this day, I noticed that the wind that had been ravaging the eastern foothills had raped the ice on the lake and pushed it up against the shoreline in huge chunks. As I looked at all the chunks along the shore, I noticed one chunk which had been forced straight upward had a hole in it from the sun beaming upon it. So, I took out my camera and snapped a few photos. As I got closer, I watched water drop from the top of the hole as the ice melted. After I snapped the photo with the water drop on the top right of the ice, a gust of wind came up and knocked over the arch of the hole, exposing yet another beautiful scene.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The westerly “Maestral” is a pleasant summer wind that blows in from the sea, reaching its peak force in early afternoon. This gives us kiters incredible kiting conditions nearly every day during the season from June to September. The wind normally kicks in between 12-3 pm, so you have time to enjoy the morning, the food and the view. We return to the camp when the sun goes down, around 7 pm.\nThe wind varies every week (and every season). Therefore it is hard to predict how the wind is going to be. Contact the camp manager ahead of your week and ask about the forecast if you don´t want to bring all your kites. We always recommend people to travel with two kites, to be prepared for all sorts of winds. The wind conditions can vary every day and every week during the season. Girls should bring one 7-8 meter kite and one 10-12 meter kite. Boys should bring one 8-9 meter kite and one 11-13 meter kite as a minimum.\nIt is difficult to read the forecasts, as we have thermal winds at all our destinations. Even though there is no wind on the forecast, there might be very strong wind at our kite spots. We look at the wind directions rather than the wind strength when reading the forecast.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Storm Water Management\nThunder Mountain Enterprises leads the pack when it comes to regulatory compliance relating to the Clean Water Act and the California Permit. Thunder Mountain’s expertise is distinctive because Thunder Mountain is the only California storm water consultant that has extensive on the ground, in the mud hands-on experience. We are your trusted advisor when it comes to Storm Water Management.\nHere are some examples:\nBuilt and operated dozens of uniquely designed site-specific treatment systems in house, incorporating electro coagulation, natural occurring chemical formulations such as lime, citric acid, and chitosan, along with various mechanical filter media.\n- Thunder Mountain crews and emergency services have installed and monitored hundreds of acres of storm water BMPs in California.\n- Thunder Mountain designs hundreds of SWPPPs, and walks the ground on every site in advance. Thunder Mountain incorporated soils data, topography and proximity to sensitive water bodies, and other factors in designs long before they became law in the new California Permit.\n- Thunder Mountain is a practitioner and technical leader with the industry’s most advanced products and concepts in slope stabilization and erosion control applications.\n- Thunder Mountain’s specialized nimble footed Agricultural equipment accesses troubled sites when no one else can.\n- Extensive in-house rain tracking, documentation and storm alert capability is unique to Thunder Mountain.\n- Thunder Mountain principals are regulatory experts, but understand practical earthwork, soil mechanics, and hydrologic scenarios. Having Thunder Mountain on the team makes it easy to comply and generates instant credibility with key regulators.\n- Thunder Mountain provides extensive classroom learning opportunities for certificated QSP’s, QSD’s, aspiring site managers, and storm water professionals, limiting class size in order to insure top quality personalized training.\nThunder Mountain, CPESC, CPSWQ and our staff offer the highest possible level of design, consulting, monitoring and site analysis services available. Contact Thunder Mountain today for help with your storm water management needs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Project Type Transfer of Innovation\nCHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE LA DROME / NEOPOLIS (France);\nAMLEDO & CO AB (Sweden)\nInnovaWood Limited (Belgium);\nNational institute of wood (Romania).\nBACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION\nThe return to natural materials in construction, as well as awareness that the use of sustainable raw materials can build energy-efficient buildings, requiring the clients increasingly choose wood.\nEnergy efficiency is important in all scopes of life, especially in the construction industry. Energy efficiency principles applied in all the building stages: from planning, material selection till building construction and insulation.\nUsing wood as a building material creates a natural, renewable raw material product with higher added value. Sustainable construction improves energy efficiency while reducing CO2 emissions.\nSummary The main objective of the EWCM-OT project was to develop eLearning material for wood construction managers and to programme it into a useful online course. After the project realization this training course is offered in each project organizations with the goal to improve the qualifications of wood construction specialists and to obtain a European recognized training certificate.\nDescription Training course for professionals of wooden building construction is a continuing education program that makes it possible to improve the knowledge and skills. The learning process is organized in distance education, as all study materials are available in the e-environment. Course address now is: http://skolas.lu.lv.ewcm.\nOpen and distance learning\nUtilization and distribution of results\nopen and distance learning\nThe program has six modules:\n1.Legislation and regulation - wooden buildings, in Europe existing laws and regulations in construction, the security provisions for wooden building construction work on lifts and lifting equipment, hygiene and environmental protection on site.\n2. Wood construction techniques - the use of wooden construction of energy-efficient building construction and renovation, wood-framed building density in, insulation and window installation, roof structural timber connections and floor installation examples in different types of buildings.\n3. Project management – beginning of the construction project, work with clients, documentation, project technical and financial supervision, avoidance of potential risks.\n4. Marketing for wood construction sector - marketing strategy for wooden building construction company.\n5. Quality - wood preparation and maintenance requirements in the construction industry's quality standards, project financial and technical analysis of the results.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "is designed as a bird table or bird bath for hanging on your balcony,\nterrace or even in a tree. A hanging bird table or bath keeps birds safe\nfrom cats and makes them easier to observe. The ceramic shell for use\nas a bird bath is sealed. The shell for use as a bird table has two\nholes for drainage.\nWe developed Around in collaboration with Italian designer and bird expert, Luca Galmarini.\nsteel parts are made of strong stainless steel that will not rust. It\nis easy to assemble, without the need for tools. Just put the roof onto\nthe ring and secure with the screw sleeve. Then, screw the hook into the\ntop of the sleeve. Now fit the ceramic bowl into the ring. The groove\nfits the radius perfectly and keeps the ceramic in place. Around has a\nvery sturdy and storm-proof construction. You can always use a chain or\nrope to compensate if the hanging height is not suitable.\nceramic bowl is made of CeraNatur® and coated with Granicium®. The\nrough surface gives birds and insects security. The high-quality ceramic\nis frost-proof, UV-resistant and sea water-resistant. We give a 15-year\nagainst disease, the ceramic bowl must be cleaned regularly, preferably\nevery two days. To do so, take the bowl off the ring and clean it with\nwater and a brush. Natural vinegar-based cleaner can be used for heavier\nsoiling. Then replace the bowl and fill with food or water.\nFeeding in summerBecause of shortages of food, experts now advise also putting suitable food out for birds during the summer. Suitable food is available to buy from pet shops or conservation organisations.\nUsing the bird bath in the winter\nBirds need water regularly, especially during the winter, so it makes sense to use the bird bath all year round. Even if the water freezes, the formation of ice will not harm the ceramic. During longer periods of frost, the ceramic bowl should regularly be filled with warm water, so that birds still have access to water, even when the weather is very cold.\nAround set bird table and bird bath Granicium®, with 2 bowls for bird table and bird bath use", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "I spent a couple weeks on the road in the middle of May. The central purpose was to accomplish some business and to visit with family, but I took some extra time to do some scenic driving and some hiking along the way. The highlight of the hiking was a 25 mile stretch of the C&O Canal Towpath that included the newly constructed section called Big Slackwater.\nI highly recommend it. If you only visit one section of this 185 mile trail, this is the one, in my opinion. Most of the rest of the path is in the woods beside the Potomac River, but with only occasional glimpses of the water. As the photo up top shows, Big Slackwater puts the hiker right on the shore of the river, sometimes with the water lapping under the concrete segments of path that the Park Service installed in 2012.\nThis is a section of the Towpath where there is no canal. Because of high cliffs right along the shore, the engineers chose to dam the river ...\nOver the years since the 1926 final closure of the canal, erosion from floods had destroyed much of this exposed section of the towpath, but the park service was determined to re-open it. Their solution was these pre-fab sections of concrete 'bridge'. They should be sturdy enough to withstand most of the floods the river can throw at it.\n|McMahon's Mill, near the upstream end of Big Slackwater. A new parking area here puts you right in the middle of the action.\nAlthough the C&O Towpath is predominantly used by bicyclists, I believe it is best appreciated on foot. I did it both ways. On bicycle you pass the scenery too quickly and miss much of the detail. On foot this smooth level path allows your eyes to wander and take in the scenery--a luxury that mountain hiking on uneven footing seldom affords. Here beside the river it's not so much a hike as it is a stroll. And a delightful stroll it was in Mid-May. It was cool and green and largely untouched by civilization, except for an ugly mile of riverside trailers around Falling Waters where the towpath doubles as a public road. And then there's the short stretch near the I-81 bridge where traffic noise competes with the river's murmur and the song of the wood thrush.\nThis is the second section of Towpath I've hiked. My report of the section between Harpers Ferry and Taylors Landing can be found here. I will be back for more.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - 11:05\nIowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists offer tips on how to protect trees and shrubs from rabbits this winter.\nWednesday, October 28, 2015 - 14:04\nThe holiday season is just around the corner. One of the best parts of any good holiday celebration is beautiful holiday plants, including the spectacular amaryllis. What is the best way to ensure it will bloom for Christmas, and can it be saved afterward?\nWednesday, October 21, 2015 - 13:53\nWhen is the right time to cut back plants in the home garden? It depends on the plant. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists offer tips on cutting back perennials, ornamental grasses, asparagus and rhubarb.\nMonday, October 19, 2015 - 08:02\nA destructive insect of ash trees has been confirmed in southern Cedar Rapids. The emerald ash borer was discovered at an Iowa interstate rest area along I-380 approximately one-half mile north of the Johnson County line.\nThursday, October 15, 2015 - 08:56\nFall’s arrival brings a natural question: Even though the weather has turned cooler, how does lawn care and preparation change? Colder weather doesn’t mean lawns should be ignored.\nThursday, October 15, 2015 - 08:45\nA public workshop will explore opportunities that exist for community gardens, and provide an opportunity for gardeners to give feedback on community garden efforts and educational programs that are needed to support Iowa gardeners. This free event is Nov. 14 from 8:30-11 a.m. at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden.\nTuesday, October 13, 2015 - 12:10\nA new publication on emerald ash borer management is now available from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Store. Finding a Certified Pesticide Applicator for Emerald Ash Borer Treatment (PM 3074) is an unbiased guide to locating a certified pesticide applicator to treat ash trees before they are infested with the emerald ash borer.\nMonday, October 12, 2015 - 12:54\nTwo new publications on turf care are now available from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Store: Preventing Compaction on Athletic Fields and Tips for Athletic Field Seeding and Irrigation.\nFriday, October 9, 2015 - 15:01\nThe Iowa State University Athletic Field Short Course will take place Nov. 3 from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The course will kick off at Reiman Gardens at 1407 University Blvd. in Ames.\nThursday, October 8, 2015 - 08:50\nEvergreen trees are built to survive the cold weather, but they still need care and preventive measures during the colder months of the year. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists offer tips on how to help evergreens survive winter.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Gardening with kids - March\nSpring weather is finally here, and seeing as we're all at home I know those of us with an opportunity to have a vegetable plot might be getting started this month.\nOur son has more than ten food allergies and plus more environmental allergies and a high chemical sensitivity (check out my other blog www.soseczema.com for more on that) so when he was younger and couldn't tolerate vegetables from the shop due to them being sprayed with chemicals we set up our polytunnel and outside veggie plot to grow vegetables that he was able to eat. As his immune system got stronger and we adapted to our changed lifestyle we were able to go from 'survival mode' in the garden to spending more time doing fun stuff that wasn't garden related so the veggie garden has been derelict for the last three years apart from a few beds in the polytunnel.\nWith the current paradigm however we felt it was a good idea to resurrect it again, so here is a little video of what we've been up to, and hopefully it might inspire you to have some fun with your little ones in the garden. Enjoy!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Registration opens next week for the 17th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum, January 28-30, 2020 at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre!\n2020 Forum: Strengthening BC's Competitive Advantage\nEconomic headwinds and market forces are presenting new challenges for BC’s natural resources sector. How can resource companies navigate this rapidly changing environment? Attend the 17th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum for insights from Indigenous, Government and resource sector leaders on how British Columbia can improve its competitive advantage in sustainable resource development.\nThe theme for the 17th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum will be used to guide keynote presentations and session discussions including (in development):\n- Resource Ministers’ Breakfast;\n- Forestry Sector panel;\n- Mining Sector panel;\n- Energy Sector panel;\n- Future Leaders panel;\n- a partnerships and perspectives panel; and\n- a cross-sector resource sector leaders (CEOs) panel. [More]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Chasing Rare & Endangered Ones\nThis tour will span the refuge in search of its two rare and endangered songbirds. Experts on the species will take you to shady, relatively moist woodlands of oak and juniper to listen and look for Golden-cheeked Warblers. At the other end of the refuge, we will listen for the raspy songs of Black-capped Vireos in and around thickets of scrubby oaks, sumacs, and greenbriars. Along the way we hope to spot other Hill Country birds.\nTargets: Golden-cheeked Warbler, Black-capped Vireo\nThe Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP) is not one single tract of land but a system of preserves that exists as a multi-agency conservation effort operating under a regional 10(a) permit issued under the Endangered Species Act by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW).\nThe permit was issued jointly to the BCP's two managing partners, the City of Austin and Travis County, in 1996, though several other organizations own and manage land dedicated to the BCP. Ultimately, the goal is to set aside 30,428 acres in western Travis County as habitat for eight endangered species-two neotropical migratory songbirds and six karst invertebrates-and 27 species of concern.\nMail- Friends of Balcones\nPO Box 4678\nLago Vista TX 78645\n2018 © Friends of Balcones Canyonlands NWR", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A major factor driving the growth of solar power in the US has been the economics of large, utility-scale solar projects. The scale of plants ensures that their developers can buy components in bulk; use larger, more robust hardware; and install everything efficiently. That’s in major contrast to most distributed installations, like rooftop solar.\nBut these installations do come with downsides. They often occur on undeveloped land, which can offset some of their positive contributions to climate change, especially if the land that has to be cleared was sequestering carbon. Ideally, it would be better to find a way to mix the best features of both—use previously developed sites, but on a scale that puts them on par with dedicated installations.\nOne of the solutions that has been floated (pun intended) is to put the panels on reservoirs. Reservoirs are large and already developed, and there’s a side benefit of floating the panels onto the water: it cuts down on evaporation, potentially enhancing the value of the reservoir. Now, researchers have examined an alternative: covering all of California’s open-air aqueducts, which supply one of the most productive agricultural regions on the planet, with photovoltaics.\nThe researchers here, based at the University of California branches in Merced and Santa Cruz, refer to California’s water delivery system as canals because they’re located at ground-level. But they carry no boat traffic, and the locals tend to call them aqueducts, given their focus on carrying water. They play a critical role in taking water from areas of the state where it accumulates (largely due to snowpack in the mountains) and delivering it to the agricultural regions in the state’s Central Valley.\nRegardless of how you describe it, there are over 6,000 kilometers of waterway involved in this system, with widths often running in the area of 30 meters. Put differently, the system can host a lot of solar panels.\nBut to function, the water in these canals has to move, delivering water to the locations that need it. So it’s not a simple matter of floating a bunch of panels out into a reservoir. The researchers consider two different options for placing panels on the canal: either a solid truss that holds them above the surface or a cable anchored on each bank. The latter consistently produces better results, since it involves less raw material and is easier to construct, so we’ll ignore the former option. Both options have been used in India, so there is some experience with their operation.\nIn this configuration, the researchers expect that there will be multiple benefits for a canal-based system. For one, the suspended panels will shade the canal and reduce evaporation, thus increasing the supply of the water. It will also lower the growth of any aquatic plants and algae that might otherwise make the canal their home, reducing the need for maintenance and cleaning. Finally, the relatively cool water in the canal will moderate the temperature of the panels themselves, which can improve the efficiency of some classes of solar panels. (The authors assume installing thin-film CadTel panels.)\nThe question was whether these additional benefits would balance out the added cost of suspending the panels over the canal. To find out, the researchers compared the economics of an install to that of a standard utility-scale install on neighboring terrain.\nEnvironment + econ\nFiguring this out was not an easy process. The canal system stretches throughout much of the length of the state, and panels at the northern end of it will have very different environmental conditions and capture less light than those in the south. These same factors will also influence evaporation, so the researchers incorporated an environmental model into their system. They also found several ways of estimating water loss in the literature, so they used these methods to create high- and low-end ranges of the expected savings from the evaporation.\nFinally, all of this data was rolled into an economic calculation based on what’s called a net present value. This calculation incorporated the installation costs, the value of the water saved, the value of the electricity generated, and the value of the canal maintenance that can be avoided. All that was compared to the value generated by simply installing a standard utility-scale system that operated in the same climate and sunlight conditions.\nOverall, as noted above, any system that used a solid truss to support the panel involved such large installation costs that, at best, it would lose money based on power generated in all but the sunniest areas of the state. The cable-supported systems did significantly better, generating power with a positive net present value in all circumstances.\nThe systems obviously weren’t as profitable as installing the equivalent system on land. But once the lower canal maintenance and the increased efficiency of the panels due to the cooling effect of the water were considered, the systems significantly outperformed land-based panels in every location examined. In the grand scheme of things, the value of the water that stayed in the system thanks to the panels wasn’t very significant; there was a single location in the south of the state where high water prices made it a bigger factor.\nThe researchers also calculated the levelized cost of energy for each of the locations. But here, there wasn’t much difference between the options, as the increased panel efficiency due to the cooling from nearby water ended up offsetting the added costs of the over-canal designs.\nUncertainties about the evaporation rate leave a huge range of water savings estimates, from 40,000 cubic meters of water to 250 million cubic meters. That’s anywhere from about a minute of flow from the Sacramento River in to the San Francisco Bay to a bit under five percent of the volume of the state’s largest reservoir. It’s not nothing, but it’s not life-changing, either.\nThere are a number of things, however, that make these calculations more complicated than the economic analysis would suggest. For example, the cabling over the canals could potentially complicate maintenance, even if said maintenance wouldn’t have to happen as often. And the canals aren’t always located near sites that would be easy to connect to California’s power grid. Unlike a more compact site, wiring up a long, stretched-out row of panels could add considerably to the cost.\nBut there are also offsetting factors. For example, during droughts, the price of water can grow considerably, so the extra water in the system would sporadically take on a much higher value. The water savings can also help limit the drawdown of groundwater in California, which has been causing all sorts of problems with the state’s infrastructure, including the canals themselves. Finally, a lot of the irrigation pumps in the Central Valley are powered by diesel engines, which are highly polluting, so there’s the possibility that solar mini-grids could work to cut pollution and fossil fuel use even if they’re not hooked up to the grid.\nIn a lot of ways, however, the value of this work isn’t necessarily specific to California. The model developed here is likely to be useful for any context where these sorts of installations are possible, allowing other locales to evaluate the potential—and the trade-offs—of this approach to solar.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Tony Carnie is a freelance environment writer from Durban. He grew up in Kenya and Zimbabwe before plonking his roots down on the KwaZulu-Natal coast. After nearly three decades at The Mercury and Independent Media, writing about toxic air, polluted rivers or wilderness conservation, he packed up a trailer-load of archived paper and set up a new office at home. Mentors include Peter Montague, founder of Rachels Environment and Health News.\nDaily Maverick © All rights reserved", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "“WSUP is a valued partner in helping us to build sustainable communities through access to clean water and sanitation service delivery. Their focus on building local capacity and bringing the private sector, NGOs and research institutions together to focus on challenges in urban areas is directly in line with Coca-Cola’s community water partnership strategies. We are delighted to expand our impactful partnership with WSUP under the RAIN initiative,” said Dr. Susan Mboya-Kidero, President of The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation.About Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) is a non-profit partnership between the private sector, NGOs and research institutions focused on solving the global problem of inadequate water and sanitation in low-income urban communities. It brings lasting solutions to low-income areas by working in partnership with service providers including water utilities, local authorities and businesses, and the communities they serve. WSUP strengthens the capacity of service providers to deliver sustainable city-wide water and sanitation services, promote good hygiene and raise the environmental standards of low-income communities. WSUP is a RAIN partner, implementing projects in Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals and provide communities with clean water and sanitation services. For more information visit: http://www.wsup.com/ About The Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Led by Coca-Cola, the world's most valuable brand, our Company's portfolio features 16 billion-dollar brands including Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola Zero, vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia and Del Valle. Globally, we are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, and juices and juice drinks. Through the world's largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy our beverages at a rate of more than 1.8 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, our Company is focused on initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint, support active, healthy living, create a safe, inclusive work environment for our associates, and enhance the economic development of the communities where we operate. Together with our bottling partners, we rank among the world's top 10 private employers with more than 700,000 system associates. For more information, visit Coca-Cola Journey at www.coca-colacompany.com, follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/CocaColaCo or visit our blog, Coca-Cola Unbottled, at www.coca-colablog.com. About RAIN In response to the severe water challenges faced by the nearly 300 million Africans living without access to clean water, TCCAF introduced the Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN) in 2009. RAIN recognizes the water projects that TCCC and its bottling partners have already supported on the continent (since 2005) and highlights TCCC’s new investment of US$30-million over six years (2010 to 2015) to water projects in Africa. RAIN aims to provide over 2 million people in Africa with access to clean water by the end of 2015. RAIN is TCCC’s contribution to helping Africa achieve the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals on clean water and sanitation access. TCCAF will leverage this US$30-million investment and aims to attract dollar-for-dollar match funding through 2015.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Expect Cooler Nights with No Precipitation through the Remainder of the Week\nMonsoonal weather patterns have moved into the Grand Canyon area decreasing fire danger. As a result, on Tuesday, July 8 at 8 a.m. fire managers lifted fire restrictions within Grand Canyon National Park. More »\nTwo Bats Collected in the Park Have Tested Positive for Rabies\nOne on the North Kaibab Trail and the other at Tusayan Ruin/Museum. Rabies can be prevented if appropriate medical care is given following an exposure. Any persons having physical contact with bats in Grand Canyon National Park, please follow this link. More »\nInterpretive Ranger Programs\nThe current program schedule may be downloaded below.\nAll outdoor programs are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather or when lightning danger is present.\nSpring months at Grand Canyon may bring a variety of weather conditions. It is still possible to receive snow, and you may encounter icy walkways and trails. Please dress for the weather and consider over-the-shoe traction devices for your comfort and safety.\nSouth Rim - Fall 2014 Program Schedule (2 pages, 563kb PDF)\nIncludes Junior Ranger Programs\nSeptember 2 through November 30, 2014\nIncludes South Rim Village, and down in the Grand Canyon.\nNorth Rim 2014 Season Program Schedule (1 page, 270kb PDF)\nDownload the Park Newspapers\nYour phone provides a fun way to learn more about the Park. Listen to park rangers give 2 minute audio tours at various points of interest on the South Rim, from Hermit Road to Yaki Point, and the North Rim. Learn more...\nGrand Canyon Sunrise/ Sunset Times and Moon Phases\nDid You Know?\nThere are different river trip opportunities through Grand Canyon National Park, including professionally guided raft trips, available to the public and often reserved a year or two in advance; and self-guided, or \"private\" river trips, made available to the public through a weighted lottery. More...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "If you are a smoker, have you ever considered the ways your tobacco smoke can affect your pets? After all, second hand smoke is not just an occurrence that negatively harms people! If you are into smoking at home, in the company of your furry friends, consider making the switch to vapor cigarettes to keep them free from the effects of smoke, as well as to keep them happier in their day to day lives. Keep reading to learn about the ways smoke can be your worst enemy when it comes to protecting your pets!\nTobacco smoke affects the human body in the most negative ways, and just about any other body exposed to its assault. Among the most vulnerable are your pets however, since they can’t make decisions for themselves to avoid breathing in the smoke, nor can they make the necessary changes needed to assure their safety regarding smoke exposure, it is our responsibility to do it for them. And one of the best and easiest ways to do this is by swapping your traditional cigarettes for smoke-free, tar-free, tobacco-free e-cigs.\nSome of the ways cats and dogs can be affected by continuous subjection to smoke are allergies, breathing issues, (just like people) and a variety of different types of cancers, the chance of which increases depending on how often they are exposed to cigarette smoke. In addition, dogs can experience allergic dermatitis as a result of cigarette smoke exposure, which causes severe inflammation of the skin.\nAnother aspect of concern is that cats who are exposed to cigarette smoke can be victims of third-hand smoke, caused by the particles of smoke and tar clinging to their fur, which they ingest from grooming themselves.\nCigarette smoke exposure can also have deadly consequences to pet birds, who are unable to tolerate the smoke. Pneumonia, lung cancer, skin problems, infertility, heart problems, as well as skin and eye problems are all common occurrences for birds who are exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke.\nPretty scary, right? All creatures, human and otherwise deserve clean, smoke-free air to breathe, and when it comes to your pets, make the smart choice with vapor cigs, knowing you will no longer be subjecting your fur babies to unwanted smoke, tar, carcinogens and countless chemicals they can’t avoid. Clean air is better for all parties involved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.\n- Filed Under\nCorning Inc. would more easily be able to locate a planned diesel plant in the Southern Tier with the help of a clean energy tax credit proposed by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.\nSchumer's proposal would change Section 48C of the IRS tax code to apply to projects that reduce emissions of air pollutants, particularly black carbon, from diesel-powered vehicles.\nCorning, which makes products to reduce diesel vehicle air pollutants, is expected to expand even further in the next several years as countries around the globe toughen emission standards. ...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Our planet is teeming with countless microbes that play a pivotal role in sustaining life – they aid digestion, convert carbon and nitrogen into essential compounds for plants, create food that are staples of the human diet, and remove toxins from the environment.\nNo single microbe can perform these complex energy transactions alone, however, which is why they form communities – microbial communities, also known as microbiomes.\nUnfortunately, scientific understanding of microbial communities lags behind understanding of individual bacteria, which has prompted one Masdar Institute faculty member and his team to leverage their expertise in bioinformatics and Big Data – the term for data sets that are extremely large, complex in variety and in some cases updated frequently – to develop the world’s largest database for microbial communities.\nDr. Andreas Henschel, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Masdar Institute, has developed one of the largest open-access, web-based community resources for analyzing and comparing over 20,000 microbial communities from different environments around the world, including the human body, oceans, soil and wastewater.\n“The database provides an overview of the similarities and differences between microbial communities from all types of ecosystems,” Dr. Henschel explained.\nThe database maps all available environmental microbiomes with data collected from 2,426 different independent studies. The database server and an open source analysis tool developed with support from Masdar Institute Research Engineer Muhammad Anwar and former PhD student Vimitha Manohar were recently highlighted in a paper published in the leading scientific journal PLOS Computational Biology.\nThe database can provide insightful information on microbial community formation and adaptation, which could have profound impacts on human health, among other critical areas, such as wastewater treatment and bioenergy production, which rely on or are impacted by the metabolic processes of microbial communities.\nThe database can help scientists better understand whether communities assemble more predictably or more randomly, and how physical characteristics, like temperature, pH or salinity, are driving factors in microbial community development.\n“Knowing the environment in which a certain microbial community forms is extremely valuable information,” Dr. Henschel said.\nMotivated by a desire to learn more about the UAE’s microbiomes, Dr. Henschel is now scanning the database to identify ecosystems that produce microbiomes similar to the ones found in the UAE.\n“The microbiomes that flourish in the UAE’s hot, dry climate and high saline waters have unique properties that enable them to survive in these extreme, harsh environments. Many scientists are interested in leveraging these bacteria for various industrial and health applications. One of the reasons why we created this database was to find similar microbiomes in different environments, to determine which environmental factors attract these resilient bacterial communities,” Dr. Henschel explained.\nIn addition to human health, microbes have also been playing a crucial role in industry, by improving the industrial processes used to produce valuable chemicals, plastics, bioenergy, food, and pharmaceutical products.\nNot only has Dr. Henschel developed this extensive database, which he did by customizing an open-source bioinformatics tool suite known as Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME), but he is also applying high-performance computing methods to extract useful information from the data for further research.\n“The wealth of data produced with deep DNA sequencing of entire microbial communities without the need of isolating and cultivating single bacteria provides an entirely new data intensive angle on microbiology and lends itself to the use of machine learning techniques, which are used to extract valuable information from the large datasets,” Dr. Henschel said.\nWhen applied to his microbiome database, Dr. Henschel aims to identify biomarkers – which are informative combinations of bacteria that indicate the presence of diseases such as colorectal cancer and pre-diabetes – in stool samples, thus avoiding invasive diagnostic methods.\n“If we can determine which communities form in the gut of a healthy person versus those that form in the gut of a person suffering from a disease, such as colorectal cancer or an autoimmune disorder, we can begin to determine the factors required for good bacteria to form in the person with the disease. This type of research will be instrumental in the development of effective medicines and alternative therapies that can prevent the over-use of antibiotics,” he explained.\nDr. Henschel’s leading research in the field of bioinformatics exemplifies Masdar Institute’s robust research capabilities in the fields of information science. Through innovative research projects such as this, Masdar Institute is contributing to the advancement of three critical sectors targeted by the UAE’s innovation strategy – water, healthcare and technology.\nNews and Features Writer\n16 February 2016", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A Senate Republican on Monday filed a bill that could snuff out the possibility that Florida would create a “cap-and-trade” system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, reports the News Service of Florida. Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, filed SB 648, which mirrors a bill (HB 4001) filed earlier by House Energy & Utilities Chairman Scott Plakon, R-Longwood. Cap and trade has been a long-debated idea to combat climate change. It involves placing emission limits on power plants and giving credits to utilities that comply. Those credits then could be sold to other utilities. The Legislature approved a law in 2008 that took steps toward creating a cap-and-trade system, though such a system has never been adopted. The Hays and Plakon bills would repeal that law, which was dubbed the Florida Climate Protection Act.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "THE AGRANA FRUIT SUSTAINABILITY AMBITION\nIt’s our humanistic duty to protect our planet, and AGRANA Fruit takes that duty to heart. We’re continually implementing substantial improvements to ensure we operate more sustainably.\nWe’ve set ambitious, companywide goals that are tangible, realistic and in alignment with our short-term and long-term environmental responsibilities.\nWe make decisions that go beyond what’s best for our company. Our products are also made with a selfless concern for our planet, as well as our communities.\nOUR SUSTAINABILITY GOALS\nENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS AND TARGETS\nWe will become a carbon neutral business by 2050 across our entire value chain.\n- Reduce energy consumption by 5% in our operations by maximising the efficiency of our processes and preserving resources by 2025.\n- Achieve carbon neutrality across our operations by 2040.\n- Achieve carbon neutrality across our entire value chain by 2050.\nWe will continue to protect water as a fundamental natural resource for all people.\n- Reduce water consumption by 5% in our operations by maximising the efficiency of our processes and preserving resources by 2025.\n- Implement effective water risk management practices and preventive actions in our supply chain in line with climate scenario analysis by 2030.\nWe will continue to protect and enhance biodiversity and soil health in our value chain by establishing Regenerative Agriculture practices as a standard for the fruit industry.\n- Develop a Regenerative Agriculture Framework for 3 fruit types by 2025.\n- Lead pilot projects and promote Regenerative Agriculture practices by 2030.\n- Double our contribution to biodiversity habitat regeneration each year until 2030.\nWe will continue to develop solutions that reduce food loss and waste in our operations and across our value chain.\n- Achieve zero waste to landfill by 2025.\n- Contribute to halving food loss and waste by 2030 by actively supporting the 10X20X30 initiative.\n- Make 100% of our packaging circular by 2030.\nOUR ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR\nof electricity used in AGRANA Fruit in 2021|22 is renewable\nreduction of waste to landfill across all AGRANA Fruit sites since 2019|20\nreduction of water consumption at AGRANA Fruit Poland due to closing the open water cooling circuit\nsingle use plastic packaging for products delivered to customers in France, Germany and Poland\nSOCIAL COMMITMENTS AND TARGETS\nWe will ensure that all our fruit are sustainably and transparently sourced. We will make sustainable fruit accessible to a growing number of consumers.\n- Trace 100% of our fruit and sugar back to farmers by 2025.\n- Achieve 32% FSA Silver or equivalent fruit by 2026 and 100% by 2040.\n- Have all our fruit suppliers registered on SEDEX by 2025.\n- Develop and implement decision guidelines for sustainable purchasing by 2025.\nWe will guarantee our employees a safe, fulfilling and inclusive place to work.\n- Decrease the lost day rate to 10,5 and the injury rate to 0,8 by 2025.\n- Have all our operations registered on SEDEX and audited against the social standard by 2025.\n- Strengthen our culture of sustainability amongst employees through tangible local actions by 2025.\nOUR SOCIAL ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR\nof AGRANA Fruit managers were female in 2021|22\nof raw materials (volume based) were sourced sustainably* in 2021|22\nof our fruit (volume based) was sourced from SEDEX compliant suppliers in 2021|22\n* Sustainable sourcing is an integral part of AGRANA Fruit’s strategy. We want to ensure visibility of where our raw materials come from and how they are produced while also promoting ethical, social, and environmental sustainability in our supply chain. We guarantee that the sustainable raw materials we source have been produced in accordance with our sustainability principles as outlined in AGRANA’s General Principles for the Procurement of Agricultural Raw Materials and Intermediate Products.\nAGRANA FRUIT AND AGRANA GROUP MEMBERSHIPS\nAGRANA Fruit South Africa\nSafeguarding the lives of our employees\nAt AGRANA Fruit South Africa, occupational health and safety ensures that the health and welfare of our employees are well-taken care of. If implemented efficiently, it can minimize workplace associated accidents, hazards, illnesses and even death. We are proud to have achieved a safe workplace with continuous support from top management, involving all employees, and learning through training, communication and consultation activities. That is how, we have recently celebrated two years without safety incidents.\nCommunication about sustainability initiatives\nWhen AGRANA Fruit South Africa employees work together to identify and implement sustainability initiatives, it fosters a culture of teamwork and continuous improvement. Our colleagues work harder when they are engaged and have a sense of pride in their company. That is when our campaigns to raise awareness, communicate and conduct trainings are most successful. Over the last couple of years we have introduced the following sustainability activities:\n- Train our procurement team to source sustainable raw materials and packaging\n- Raise awareness about Diversity & Inclusion topics\n- Actively reduce energy and water consumption\nReducing water and energy consumption\nOver the past 3 years, the sustainability team of AGRANA Fruit South Africa has done several improvement projects on reduction of water, electricity and natural gas consumed for every ton produced of our product, leading to the following results: electricity reduction of 27% per ton of product, natural gas reduction of 18% per ton of product and water reduction of 5% per ton of product.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Posted at: 09/02/2014 5:53 PM\nUpdated at: 09/02/2014 5:55 PM\nBy: Stuart Dyson, KOB Eyewitness News 4\nALBUQUERQUE -- People in Albuquerque have been doing a good job of conserving water and energy, and now are being rewarded for it with higher bills.\nWater bills jumped 5% this summer in Bernalillo County, on top of another 5% a year ago. Now it's PNM's turn. The electric company says it will be asking state regulators for a rate increase by December.\nWater bills increased by $3 a month for the average residential customer on July 1. The reason? A drop in water use. The average person is now using 135 gallons a day, down from 148 gallons last year. That means not enough money is coming in to replace and repair aging water and sewer lines.\n\"Here we are, trying to conserve and they're raising our bills,\" said customer Holly Smith. \"It seems like the complete opposite of what they should be doing. You can't win, absolutely not. Here we are, trying to conserve as much as we can and we're getting punished for it!\"\nWith electricity, it's a similar story. We're using less juice, so PNM says it needs higher rates to pay for power plants and transmission technology.\n\"It's like we're in a Catch-22,\" said customer Michael Silos. \"If we do good, we pay. If we don't do good, we pay. One way or the other, we wind up paying. It's not fair at all. They ask us to conserve and we do like they say.\"\nAlso driving the need for higher electric bills is New Mexico's low-wattage economy. Business and industry are still stagnant and customer growth is puny. PNM's last rate hike was in 2011, a 9% increase.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "While this spring’s water from Devils Lake to floods in the Red River Valley and recent downpours in Minot have been bad for people the ducks have been loving it. Silver lining? Small..but it is a silver lining:\nThe North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s annual spring breeding duck survey showed an index of more than 4.5 million birds, an increase of 12 percent from last year and 107 percent above the long-term average (1948-2009). The 2010 index is the third highest on record.\nAll species, except for wigeon (-9 percent), showed an increase from last year. Pintails were up 10 percent and were at the highest level since 1970. Mallards were up 12 percent and were the fourth highest on record. The most significant increases were ruddy ducks (+162 percent), green-winged teal (+91 percent), scaup (+54 percent), and redhead (+33 percent).\nIn addition, all species were above the long-term average.\nThe spring water index was up 5 percent from 2009 and 76 percent above the long-term average. It was the fifth highest in survey history and the highest since 1999.\nMike Johnson, game management section leader, cautions that the water index is based on basins with water, and does not necessarily represent the amount of water contained in wetlands. “Water conditions were generally good throughout the state, with the abundant snow cover and significant spring rains filling most basins,” he added. “The large number of ducks tallied during our survey is consistent with the well-above-average populations we have been carrying since 1994. These high numbers are the result of abundant Conservation Reserve Program nesting cover combined with the wet conditions that have been in place since the summer of 1993.”\nAdditionally, reports indicate that much of the Prairie Pothole Region in South Dakota and Montana was in good shape this spring. While much of prairie Saskatchewan and Manitoba were dry at the time of spring migration and settling, Johnson said Saskatchewan has since experienced significant improvement in water conditions that should benefit renesting and brood survival for those birds that did settle.\nHowever, nesting cover in North Dakota continues to decline. Since the beginning of 2007, North Dakota has lost more than 700,000 CRP acres, and projections for the next two years indicate up to another 1.7 million acres could be converted to cropland.\n“This loss of our critical nesting cover will be disastrous for breeding ducks and hunting opportunities in North Dakota,” Johnson said.\nThe July brood survey will provide a better idea of duck production and insight into what to expect this fall. Observations to date indicate that production will be improved across the state due to improved water conditions and increased wetland availability for brood production.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "What is HOT?\nIn crisis situations like an earthquake, volcanic eruption, avalanche or epidemic, first responders need up-to-date digital maps to navigate the affected area. However, many remote regions around the world simply do not have the data necessary for aid groups to safely traverse city streets and locate rural villages post-disaster. In the event of a disaster, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) mobilizes volunteer mappers around the world to focus their efforts on data deficient regions.\nWhat we do\nOpenStreetMap volunteers create digital maps in a web browser using satellite imagery to identify road networks, buildings, and natural resources. Volunteers may also add names of features or directional flow of rivers and roads when knowledge or image quality allows. The end product is similar to any navigation app but includes features of high importance to responders such as hospitals, school fields that serve as helicopter landing pads, and pedestrian-only dirt paths. Responders on site in the disaster zone can download these data at any time and use it to inform their disaster response decisions in the field.\nClick below to read more about how the University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club has organized mapathons to help people impacted by natural disasters in Ecuador and Sri Lanka.View Full Blog Post", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Roca Debba is epitomised by its 'soft square' look, providing a smooth and organic design to match any bathroom. Roca's Debba Toilet features a close coupled WC pan with a 4.5 or 3 litres dual flush and is accompanied with the Debba soft-closing toilet seat and cover. Cistern with a soft square design with water saving technoology and a dual flush system. Covered by a 25 year manufacture guarantee.\n- Smooth and organic design\n- Close coupled WC pan\n- White vitreous china\n- Soft-closing toilet seat\n- Dual flush with water saving technology\n- 25 year manufacture guarantee", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Loss of buds\nWe have a lot of buds on our tree but they fall off before they open. Do you know why this is happening?\nCertified GKH Gardening Expert\nI'm not sure of what kind of tree your referring to.\nGenerally speaking though buds are the most sensitive part of the plant or tree.\nStresses like watering issues, temperature fluctuations, to much fertilizer could all be reasons.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "OHIO Engineering researcher and team receive $2 million to create coal composites\nThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $1.5 million to an Ohio University professor to develop engineered composite decking boards from coal. Industry partners are providing an additional $500,000 in funding.\nJason Trembly, Russ Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment (ISEE), part of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology, aims to utilize coal in the manufacture of construction composite building materials in collaboration with CONSOL Energy, Engineered Profiles, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Clear Skies Consulting.\n“I am very proud of the contributions made by ISEE students and staff in developing the construction composite materials, which made this effort a great success,” said Trembly. “Further, I’m grateful for the support of the DOE and our industry partners and excited to work with them to scale composite manufacturing and assess commercialization opportunities.”\nManufacturing the coal-based composites requires less energy – and results in lower manufacturing costs and emissions – than manufacturing commercial wood plastic composites. Also more affordable to consumers, the materials provide a new, sustainable way of using coal while meeting all applicable ASTM and International Building Code specifications.\nCONSOL’s Vice President of Business Development and Technology Dan Connell said the initiative has the potential to open up an alternative, sustainable market for U.S. coal.\n“In line with our company’s mission, this project is keenly focused on technological innovation to create an entirely new application for coal – namely, its use as a direct feedstock for the manufacture of building products,” Connell said. “Ohio University’s initial research results show promise with respect to the technical, economic and environmental performance of coal plastic composites, and we look forward to getting involved with helping to advance this opportunity.”\nStudies show the global plastic composite market, which is undergoing tremendous growth, is expected to reach $8.76 billion by 2023. If successful, coal composite manufacturing will generate an initial new U.S. coal demand market of over 3 million tons annually, along with new manufacturing jobs.\n“If successful, utilizing coal in the manufacture of building materials will yield a new sustainable coal end-use which minimizes greenhouse gas emissions associated in manufacturing such materials, while meeting a rapidly growing consumer market sector,” said Trembly. “This project is an excellent example of OHIO’s innovative cross-cutting research programming and example of the university’s leadership in national sustainability initiatives.”\nLearn more about the application of coal plastic composites in the journal article “Coal Filler Based Thermoplastic Composites as Construction Materials: A New Sustainable End-Use Application” co-authored by Trembly and published by the American Chemical Society.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "By Bethany Rice\nCurator of Collections, Kern County Museum\nIf you have ever walked the grounds of Stockdale County Club, you might have noticed some unusual plant life. Perhaps you were on your way to your weekly tennis game and noticed the towering bamboo stalks by the courts, or you might have even seen the stand-alone bamboo grove just near the main entrance as you drove in. These two groups are the last remnants of what was considered the largest bamboo grove outside of Japan.\nIn the late 1800s, William Tevis (Tevis Junior High, anyone?) owned the land Stockdale County Club and golf course currently reside on. He had an incredible interest in horticulture and imported a great many varieties of plants from all over the world, but one grass truly caught his attention. In 1896, Tevis brought home a bamboo plant from a shop in San Francisco that positively flourished in the Bakersfield climate. His interest in this Japanese grass grew as he realized the great many uses for the timber it produced. Tevis envisioned bamboo as the next major American resource- its light and flexible, but strong qualities made it ideal for crates, barrels, building materials, and so much more. Such was his interest in bamboo that Tevis began working with the United States Department of Agriculture by providing them with data on the growth and characteristics of his plants. In 1909, Tevis was the recipient of over 1500 individual bamboo clumps from W.D. Hills, a Japanese bamboo specialist, who was working with the US Department of Agriculture. They shared Tevis’ vision that bamboo could become the next major economic resource.\nTheir vision was not shortsighted. Bamboo is a major economic resource in Japan, not just as a building material, but the young shoots of bamboo are edible and a great food resource. The strain of bamboo that thrived particularly well in the Bakersfield climate is Giant Timber bamboo, or Phyllostachys reticula. This species has the ability to grow up to 70 feet in just 30 days. It accomplishes this incredible feat by growing 24-36 inches in just a twenty-four hour period. Many report sitting in bamboo groves and being able to listen to the grasses crackle and pop as they shoot skyward.\nIn the early 1900s, Tevis imported other species of bamboo until over fifty varieties lived on the Stockdale property. His expertise on the subject matter grew so much that Tevis produced a book on the topic of known species of bamboo which published in 1910. Around this time, his large bamboo grove was attracting international attention. Tevis and his grove were featured in Popular Mechanics (1903), National Geographic (1911), Orchard and Farm: Irrigation (1912), Sunset: The Pacific Monthly (1913), to name just a few.\nDespite international attention, the bamboo grove of Stockdale slowly began to disappear. A fire in 1925 destroyed the Tevis mansion and some of the grounds it stood on. Rebuilding quickly occurred and the space transitioned from Tevis’ live-in mansion to a clubhouse. By this point, the community was used to the massive bamboo grove that stood off of Stockdale Highway and it was nothing unusual or noteworthy. In fact, Stockdale County Club used the bamboo as revenue by selling off poles to the people of Bakersfield and the surrounding area to use as television antennas on top of their homes.\nUnfortunately, the Stockdale Country Club was hit by another fire in 1934 that destroyed much of the bamboo grove, according to the Bakersfield Californian. Finally, a third fire in 1940 razed the entire clubhouse to the ground, and we can only imagine how many species of plant life disappeared from the grounds that day, as well. Stockdale County Club still soldiered on, however. Not only did they rebuild but continued to expand, resulting in more bamboo being removed in the early 1950s to make room for parking lots. By 1955, only an acre of the bamboo remained, and it was concentrated to the east of the club. In recent years, some of the remaining bamboo was removed to make way for the tennis courts. Today, less than 500 square feet remain of the bamboo of what was once the largest bamboo grove in the United States.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The research is focused on radiation detection and dosimetry and radiation biology and cancer epidemiology.\nRadiation Detection and Dosimetry Laboratory (RDDL)\nThe radiation detection and dosimetry laboratory (RDDL) is engaged in the study of radiation effects on solid and/or biological systems. The goal is to use the knowledge gained from these studies to develop new types of radiation dosimetry systems and techniques for radiation oncology applications and for radiation protection and nuclear nonproliferation uses. The RDDL is currently engaged in:\n- The study of the phenomena of thermoluminescence (TL), both theoretically and experimentally.\n- The applications to thermoluminescence to radiation dosimetry (TLD).\n- Uranium spectroscopy using high purity germanium detectors (HpGe).\nRadiation Biology and Cancer Epidemiology\nThe primary public health concern for low dose radiation exposures is an increased cancer risk. This elevated risk has both environmental and genetic components. The genetic components are more poorly understood than the environmental components, yet they likely interact with each other to modify the cancer risk in some subpopulations. Identifying subpopulations at increased risk for environmentally-induced cancer would allow for more targeted radiation protection practices. The following studies are exploring genetic cancer risk factors:\n- In collaboration with colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Medical University of South Carolina, the Comstock Center for Public Health Research, and the NCI Frederick Cancer Center, studies are underway in a population cohort that represents approximately 30% of the residents of Washington County, Maryland. These studies seek to identify subpopulations of individuals who may be at heightened genetic risk for radiation-induced cancer.\n- Studies are underway to determine whether measuring genotypic associations with precancerous lesions may afford unique opportunities to infer the risk of cancer. This approach may be particularly useful for rare cancers that would not accrue to any significant degree in most population-based cohorts.\n- In collaboration with NIH investigators and scientists in China, association studies of genetic factors contributing to nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) — a major endemic cancer in China with strong gene/environment interactions — are being conducted using both genome-wide and candidate-gene approaches. These studies hope to identify and quantify interactions between environmental and genetic causes of NPC and other cancers.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Pine Island Glacier spawns PIGlets\nA huge iceberg has calved – cracked off – the Pine Island Glacier (know as ‘PIG’ for short) in Antarctica, according to a report on February 11, 2020, from ESA. At over 115 square miles (300 square km), about the size of the island nation of Malta, this huge berg very quickly broke into many ‘PIGlet’ pieces.\nThe new iceberg was not unexpected. Thanks to satellite images, two large rifts in the glacier were spotted last year and scientists have been keeping a close eye on how quickly these cracks were growing.\nThe animation above uses 57 radar images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite mission between February 2019 and February 2020 (the last frame is from February 11, 2020) and shows just how quickly the emerging cracks grew and led to this calving event.\nAccording to a statement from ESA:\nPine Island Glacier, along with its neighbor Thwaites Glacier, connect the center of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet with the ocean – together discharging significant quantities of ice into the ocean. These two glaciers have been losing ice over the last 25 years … Since the early 1990s, the Pine Island Glacier’s ice velocity has increased dramatically to values which exceed 10 meters (30 feet) a day. Its floating ice front, which has an average thickness of approximately 500 meters (1,600 feet), has experienced a series of calving events over the past 30 years, some of which have abruptly changed the shape and position of the ice front.\nBottom line: Video shows iceberg cracking off Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The blackberry, which is close to the raspberry and loganberry, produces large clusters of sweet berries.\nBlackberries grow best in moist soil with good drainage.\nPlant them in an area with full sun exposure and plenty of room for the bushes to spread.\nThis blog post will show you how to grow sweet blackberries.\nWhat You’ll Learn\nHow to grow sweet blackberries?\nPlant the plants in an area with a lot of sunlight.\nSweet blackberry bushes require at least six hours per day to produce well, so they should be planted against a south or east-facing wall where they will get as much sun as possible.\nIf your garden doesn't receive this type of exposure, you may want to consider growing them inside on a sunny windowsill instead.\nBe sure that when planting that you keep the crown (the bit below soil level) about two inches above ground level and mulch it around its base firmly before covering up any other foliage.\nThis helps protect new shoots from frost damage by conserving heat for more extended periods during winter and saves water due to less evaporation happening under leaves.\nKeep the soil moist but not wet and fertilize every few months with a general-purpose feed.\nSweet blackberry plants don't need too much to make them grow well, so it's better to add small doses rather than large ones less often.\nBe sure that you're following any specific instructions on which type of food is best for your plant species though if there are more specific requirements as some types prefer certain foods over others.\nWhen the berries start ripening in July or August, they should be picked when fully ripe and either eaten straight away or frozen for later use at home.\nIf you want children to enjoy picking their sweet treats from outside, this could be one way of doing it.\nEnsure that the plants are not planted too closely together, as this will restrict their growth.\nEither plant them about 18 inches apart or use a trellis for support to grow more than one at once on a wall or fence.\nYou may also want to train each bush onto its string if you have an allotment so it can spread without getting tangled with neighboring bushes and create enough space between them.\nSweet blackberry bushes require full sun exposure to produce well, but other types of berries may benefit from being grown inside on a sunny windowsill instead.\nKeep your soil moist but not wet and fertilize every few months with a general-purpose feed before picking when fully ripe in July or August - remember these plants need space to grow too.\nWhy are my blackberries sour?\nA nutrient deficiency may cause your blackberries to be sour.\nCurrants are typically grown in areas with acidic soil, and the acidity of their roots helps them extract nutrients from this type of soil.\nBlackberries grow best when planted on a neutral or alkaline-based dirt bed where they can absorb all the necessary minerals from the ground more effectively than if they were growing on acidic soil.\nGreen spots on the berries indicate a nutrient deficiency, and they can be resolved through foliar feeding or by adding fertilizer to the soil.\nA blackberry bush that is not producing any fruit may also have an issue with pests like aphids.\nAphids suck out sap from tender new growth, destroying growing tissue and leaving yellowish residue around their mouths.\nThis will often show up as a green liquid oozing from the plant's stems near where it meets branches or in clusters at leaf axils (where one stem attaches).\nThe best way to control these pesky bugs is first to identify them using your senses.\nYou'll know if your plants have aphids because they emit a sweet smell called honeydew when leaves get too wet.\nYou'll also be able to identify leaf damage and sap on the plant.\nTo control aphid populations, first, thoroughly wash any susceptible plants with a strong jet of water; then either uses an organic insecticide or sprays derived from natural substances like peppermint oil or soap and alcohol.\nThese will not only kill off present pests but may discourage future ones.\nIs Epsom salt good for blackberries?\nEpsom salt is popular for detoxifying soil, but it may not be the best option if you're growing blackberries.\nEpsom salt contains magnesium sulfate, which can kill your plants and attract pests such as slugs and snails to your garden.\nIt's better to add a handful of bone meals or cottonseed meals instead because they will provide nutrients for your berries while encouraging beneficial insects such as ladybugs that prey on slug eggs in the ground.\nHow do you encourage blackberries to grow?\nPrune your berry bushes in the winter to keep them manageable.\nCut back any parts that resemble a Christmas tree shape and are touching the ground, as it will inhibit their growth.\nMulch around your blackberry bush with redwood bark mulch or straw so weeds don't grow underneath and water can penetrate deep into the soil beneath.\nThis also helps prevent frost heaving, where freezing temperatures cause plants and soils to rise out of contact with moisture below, exposing tender roots to cold air when they melt again in the springtime.\nThe more sun exposure you give your berries bushes (and therefore produce) by pruning branches off each year for better light access, the less time needed between harvest cycles.\nWhat month do you plant blackberries?\nBlackberries are typically planted late fall through early spring.\nHowever, you can plant them as soon as the ground is workable so long as there's a frost-free night for planting and germinating seeds.\nHow long does it take to grow sweet blackberries?\nIt takes about two years for blackberries to become sweet.\nThe plant will grow and produce fruit, but it won't be as tasty until the second year.\nHow do you water blackberries?\nBlackberries are drought-resistant plants and need very little water.\nThey have a taproot system that captures rainfall, so they should not be watered from above to avoid rot in the crown area of the plant.\nInstead, keep them moist by applying fertilizer at least every two weeks during dry periods or early morning dew after heavy rainfalls when moisture is most likely to reach the roots.\nThe soil needs more nitrogen than phosphorus for blackberry production because buds develop best with an abundance of nitrogen.\nStill, too much potassium can cause disease problems such as anthracnose and cane blight, reducing fruit quality.\nOverwatering will also kill off your blackberry harvest if the ground stays wet too long without drying out again before planting time in spring.\nHow do you fertilize blackberries?\nBlackberries are heavy feeders, so be sure to fertilize them with composted manure or other slow-release fertilizer.\nIf you have an area where the soil has been depleted due to excessive watering and erosion, consider adding compost before planting blackberry bushes in that spot.\nGrowing blackberries is a great way to increase your property value.\nThere are many different ways you can grow sweet blackberries, but here are some of the easiest and most common methods we recommend.\nIf you have any questions about what method would work best for your home or garden, don't hesitate to contact us today.\nWe're happy to help answer all of your berry-related queries to make growing these tasty fruits as easy as pie.\nWhich techniques do you use when growing sweet blackberries?", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Kansas Water Science Center\nHuman activity, such as groundwater pumping, land management, reservoir operations and urbanization, has a measurable effect on streamflows in Kansas locally, regionally and statewide, according to a new report by the U.S. Geological Survey, done in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.\nTwo decades of harmful algal bloom, nutrient and sediment research by the U.S. Geological Survey is helping to support Wichita’s long-term vision of a sustainable water supply into the future. Early warning indicators of harmful algal blooms have been developed for Cheney Reservoir, Kansas, according to a new USGS publication done in cooperation with the City of Wichita, Kansas.\nStudy shows water quality minimally affected in nearby streams and groundwater", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Funding source: Community Action Grants / Caring for our County\nStart/ Finish: 1/0/2012- 31/8/2013\nProject Overview: Tom’s Creek connects the Gippsland Lakes to the inland grassy woodlands of the plains and has relict chain of ponds which act as drought refugia for temperate eucalypt woodland birds.\nWe seek to bring together neighbouring landholders (many of whom are managing their woodlands via conservation covenant) to address weeds, in particular blackberry and African love-grass, on public land that are threatening woodlands on both public and private land. Landholders in both Landcare groups involved in cross property biodiversity plan own properties beside Toms Creek. Revegetation using locally sourced species will be carried out to assist weed control and improve diversity in the reserve. One leaflet on the reserve will be produced.\n•Increase area of native habitat and vegetation managed to reduce critical threats over 20 Ha\n•Reducing the impact of invasive species over 20 Ha\n•Protecting Ramsar listed wetlands and other High Conservation Value Acquatic Ecosystems (HCVAEs) over 8 Ha\n•Participant engagement throughout the project.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Many of our friends ask us if there is any opportunity for saltwater fishing in Bangladesh. We are really overwhelmed to see your interest about Bangladeshi angling, especially angling in saltwater. To be honest, saltwater angling has not been widely practiced in Bangladesh, though the country is full of potentials for saltwater angling adventures. The Bay of Bengal is full of biological diversity, diverging amongst coral reefs, estuaries, fish spawning and nursery areas, and mangroves. The Bay of Bengal is one of the World’s 64 largest marine ecosystems.\nWe have made a survey about the potentials and possibilities about saltwater fishing in Bangladeshi water. Geographically Bangladesh is situated in a very important fishing zone. The Bay of Bengal produces more than three million tons of fishes of different varieties every year where Bangladesh produces about two hundred thousand tons. It is the largest bay in the world. A wide range of marine eco-system has been developed here in millions of years. Besides, being the mouths of the Ganges delta it is as well as a spawning ground for many saltwater species.\nThe South-Western region of Bangladesh consists of Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world. The Sundarbans is zigzagged with hundreds of coastal rivers and water bodies. Fishing is one of the main ways of living in this area. This area has been reported to be a great place for shark anglers.\nCox’s Bazaar district consists of the largest sea beach of the world. This 120 kilometers of coastline has thousands of promising spots for any exciting fishing holyday. One of the main saltwater fishing zones belongs here. And luckily, it starts within 100 meters (in many places less) from the shoreline. Last year many record sized fishes were caught from the Bay of Bengal among them a 76 lbs golden snapper and two swords, each having a weigh of more than 200 lbs were prominent. Other than these catches five sailed fishes caught media attention last year. All these fishes were caught by nets. But it has given a message to all the hard-core anglers who want to explore the Bay of Bengal for big games.\nThe mouths of many great South-Asian river belong to the Bay of Bengal which is a very important fishing zone for Bangladesh. The Kuakata sea beach of Patuakhali district, Island of Cox’s Bazaar district, Sundarban of Khulna and Bagerhat district are the home of many game species. Talang Queenfish, Hard Tail Scad, Giant SeaPerch, Humphead Snapper, Giant Groupers, John’s Snapper, Red Snapper, Breams, Indian Salmon, Cobia are worth mentioning. For more adventurous people there are of course Sail Fish, Sharks, many exotic species of catfish and some Marlins as well.\nThe Saint Martin Island is the only coral island of Bangladesh. The island is a breeding ground for many exotic marine animals including some giant sea-turtles. The island is very promising for adventurous saltwater anglers. Especially the southern part of the island is full of surprises.\nThe possibilities of saltwater fishing in Bangladesh are beyond description. It requires some systematic survey to bring the hidden treasures out for everyone else. We hope extreme anglers would come forward to make more saltwater fishing expeditions and let others help with their experiences and information.\nBy: Nasim Hasan", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Thursday, September 2\n2:40 PM ET\nBuilding Back Better: Time for Climate Action\nThe impacts of climate change continue to harm, displace, and create instability in our communities and the time for action is now. As we move forward into a new era after COVID-19, how can governments, businesses and community leaders build resilient and sustainable communities. What is the current situation of the global fight against climate change and the needed action to achieve a net zero economy.Join in on the conversation where will discuss initiatives, bills, and solutions on how to ensure that the Latino community is not left behind. Taking action on climate change now will give us the opportunity to build a better future for our communities and environment! Join us in the Building Back Better: Time for Climate Action panel as a part of our Virtual Summit along with young activists, business leaders, and elected officials.\nEsther Sosa, Project Manager, Environmental Defense Fund", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Snow showers, mainly before midnight. Some thunder is also possible. Low around 26. Windy, with a west wind 9 to 19 mph increasing to 23 to 33 mph. Winds could gust as high as 55 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New snow accumulation of less than one inch possible.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "When volcanoes erupt, these geologic monsters produce tremendous clouds of ash and dust plumes that can blacken the sky, shut down air traffic and reach heights of roughly 25 miles above Earth’s surface.\nVolcanic ash is a mixture of rock, mineral, and glass particles ejected by volcanoes during eruptions. The particles have a diameter of less than 2 millimeters. They have a low density since they are pitted and full of holes.\nVolcanic ash is part of the dark ash column that rises above a volcano as it erupts, along with water vapor and other hot gases. According to a recent study done by the University of Colorado Boulder, volcanic ash may have a greater impact on the planet’s climate than previously thought.\nThe new study looks at the 2014 eruption of Mount Kelut (or Kelud) on the Indonesian island of Java, which was published in the journal Nature Communications.\nThe scientists determined that volcanic ash appears to be prone to loitering in the air for months or even longer following a significant eruption, based on real-world observations and powerful computer simulations.\n“What we found for this eruption is that the volcanic ash can persist for a long time,” said Yunqian Zhu, lead author of the new study and a research scientist at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at CU Boulder.\nVolcanic ash is a potentially dangerous byproduct of volcanic explosions. Ash clouds shower down on the surrounding areas, covering the ground in feet of ash in some cases. The surface of areas near the volcano has been reported to be covered with 5-7 feet of ash. Fine ash particles can be carried away from the eruption site by the wind, causing harm to nearby populations.\nThe discovery was made by chance: members of the study team were flying an unmanned aircraft near the site of the Mount Kelut eruption, which blanketed most of Java in ash and forced many to flee their homes. The aircraft noticed something that shouldn’t have been there during the operation.\n“They saw some large particles floating around in the atmosphere a month after the eruption,” Zhu said. “It looked like ash.”\nScientists have long recognized that volcanic eruptions can have a negative impact on the planet’s climate, she explained. Large amounts of sulfur-rich particles are blasted high into the atmosphere, obstructing sunlight from reaching the earth.\nResearchers have assumed that ash is similar to volcanic glass. But what we’ve found is that these floating ones have a density that’s more like pumice.Yunqian Zhu\nVolcanic ash can also generate thunderstorms and, if carried far enough into the atmosphere, it can deflect sunlight, lowering temperatures on Earth and causing a volcanic winter.\nHowever, scientists do not believe that ash plays a significant part in the cooling impact. Scientists reasoned that because these chunks of rocky debris are so heavy, they will most likely fall out of volcanic clouds soon after an eruption.\nZhu’s team was curious as to why Kelut’s situation was different. The scientists discovered that the volcano’s plume appeared to be teeming with small and lightweight ash particles that were likely capable of floating in the air for lengthy periods of time, similar to dandelion fluff, based on airplane and satellite images of the unfolding disaster.\n“Researchers have assumed that ash is similar to volcanic glass,” Zhu said. “But what we’ve found is that these floating ones have a density that’s more like pumice.”\nThese pumice-like particles also appear to change the chemistry of the entire volcanic plume, according to study co-author Brian Toon.\nSulfur dioxide is emitted by erupting volcanoes, according to Toon, a professor in LASP and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at CU Boulder.\nMany scientists previously considered that such molecules interact with other molecules in the air and through a series of chemical processes that may take weeks to complete. Observations of real-life eruptions, on the other hand, imply that it happens far faster.\n“There has been a puzzle of why these reactions occur so fast,” Toon said.\nHe and his colleagues believe they’ve found the solution: Those sulfur dioxide molecules appear to cling to the ash particles floating in the air. They may undergo chemical reactions on the ash’s surface, potentially removing around 43 percent more sulfur dioxide from the atmosphere.\nIn other words, ash may hasten the atmospheric transformation of volcanic gases.\nIt’s unclear what effect the ash clouds will have on the climate. After an eruption, long-lasting particles in the atmosphere might darken and possibly help to chill the planet.\nFloating ash from places like Kelut might also blow all the way to the planet’s poles. It might spark chemical reactions there, causing damage to Earth’s vital ozone layer.\nHowever, one thing is apparent, according to the researchers: when a volcano erupts, it may be time to pay much closer attention to all that ash and its genuine impact on Earth’s climate.\n“I think we’ve discovered something important here,” Toon said. “It’s subtle, but it could make a big difference.”\n- Agricultural Land being carried out Illegally causes Rainforest Destruction\n- El Nino-induced Extraordinary Carbon Emissions of Burning Biomass\n- There is no Precedent in History for the Rate of Coal and Gas Power Decline Required to Keep Global Warming to 1.5°C\n- Big Data Analysis Reveals Great Concerns But Also Opportunity for the Future of the Environment\n- A New Study Finds Stinkweed Could Make Greener Jet Fuel\n- Difference between Weather and Climate", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Mayors Council Rahway River Watershed Flood Control will be meeting in Springfield Town Hall September 18 at a meeting hosted by Mayor Erica Dubois to discuss the status of the Federal-State Rahway River Flood Mitigation Plan.\nMayors Council consists of representatives of the affected communities including Springfield Mayor Erica Dubois; Maplewood Mayor Vic DeLuca; Cranford Mayor Pat Giblin; Garwood Mayor Sara Todisco; Millburn Mayor Diane Eglow; Union Mayor Michelle Delisfort; Rahway Mayor Ray Giacobbe; and Kenilworth Mayor Anthony Deluca.\nAfter six years of working on various alternatives, last year the federal project received a positive recommendation to proceed to final approval but the federal US Army Corps of Engineers Chief Engineer had reservations about a federal policy that was established after Hurricane Maria. The Chief Engineer committed to our federal representatives that a solution would be found. The multi-phase project was sent back to the drawing boards and a new alternative is now under consideration by the stakeholders in the region.\nThe plan would establish additional storage of stormwater upstream to protect Millburn, Union and Springfield and lower river elevation downstream during the most severe storms like Irene. Channel modification to enlarge the capacity of the river for 1.5 miles through Cranford while keeping its natural appearance. Lenape Park spillway would be modified and house acquisition projects would be funded in Rahway. Communities from Millburn to Rahway would benefit from the flood mitigation.\nIrene in 2011 cost the communities over $100 million of damages. Dorian was headed our way until it veered like many tropical storms do. Most who live in areas affected watched closely as the weather forecast indicated direction. But it could have been a different story.\nCommunities like Cranford have done much on its own to better prepare including flood proofing the municipal building and schools and joining the Community Rating System which lowered homeowner flood insurance. Recently however federal law dramatically increased insurance rates causing resident’s financial harm.\nDorian initially had the signs of a path that communities along river could have been impacted. Mayors working cooperatively to be more resilient need progress on the federal state plan to be implemented so the next major storm can be mitigated to best of ability.\nCurrently, Essex County and Union County are evaluating the new plan before it is presented to the NJ DEP and US Army Corps of Engineers for approval and then to Congress for funding.\nCitizens are urged to contact their county and state representatives to express urgent action is needed.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Apples, Podosphaera leucotricha, Western Australia\nFirst Page Number\nLast Page Number\nPowdery mildew of apples is found in orchard districts throughout the South-West.\nrecent years a rapid build-up of the disease has occurred in some plantings as a result of changes in orchard practice.\nSatisfactory control can be achieved by pruning out infected shoots and spraying with Karathane or Morocide\nDoepel, R F. and Hardisty, S. E.\n\"Powdery mildew of apples : results of recent spray trials,\"\nJournal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 4:\n5, Article 5.\nAvailable at: https://library.dpird.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol4/iss5/5", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The head of a food campaign group has said that most of the world's food waste happens courtesy of food companies.\nFeeding the 5000's founder Tristram Stuart said:\nThe message peddled by supermarkets and their representatives, and indeed some international institutions, that in rich countries most food waste comes from consumers, is a distortion of the facts.\nThe reality is that the supply chain is the main source of preventable food waste.\nA third of the world's food is wasted and most of this happens courtesy of food companies. Retailers can use their power to help farmers, manufacturers and consumers to reduce waste from farm to fork.\nMore top news\nThe returns of Benedict Cumberbatch's detective and the X Factor judge were among 2014's most tweeted TV moments in a billion conversations.\nA family has issued an appeal to help find their missing pet turkey - in case he gets gobbled up as someone's Christmas dinner.\nThe winner of X-Factor Ben Haenow has revealed how keen he is to have the Christmas number one.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Slight Chance Rain/Snow\nSlight Chance Rain Showers\nToday 22 Oct Western Clinton\nCloudy. A chance of rain Showers this morning. Highs in the upper 40s. West Winds 15 to 20 Mph with Gusts up to 30 Mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.\nTonight 22 Oct Western Clinton\nCloudy. Lows in the lower 30s. West Winds around 10 Mph.\nEllenburg Depot Temperature Statistics\nPlattsburgh International Airport (23.6 miles)\nLowest 7 October, 202142.1 °F\nAverage October56.3 °F\nHighest 8 October, 202171.1 °F\nPlattsburgh International Airport (23.6 miles)Take a look at our website widgetsAvailable free! Find Out More\nAverage Low 2010–Present38.2 °F\nAverage 2010–Present47.5 °F\nAverage High 2010–Present56.1 °F", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Partnership with CEMEX\nThe CEMEX - BirdLife International Global Conservation Partnership Programme 2007-2017\nBirdLife and CEMEX share a common vision of achieving environmentally sustainable development and both recognise the business case for integrating biodiversity conservation into daily operations. CEMEX publically recognise their commitment to be a responsible steward of the land and to conduct activities in a sustainable manner. To this end, BirdLife and CEMEX began a global partnership in 2007. The partnership demonstrates that corporates and NGOs with compatible aims and interests can generate significant gains, for both business and biodiversity, by working together.\nBiodiversity Scoping Study\nFollowing the signing of the global partnership agreement, CEMEX pioneered a strategic plan to prioritise action for biodiversity in the countries hosting CEMEX sites, resulting in the launch of the CEMEX-BirdLife Biodiversity Scoping Study in 2010.\nThe Scoping Study built on efforts already undertaken by CEMEX, in particular:\n- CEMEX’s vast El Carmen wilderness reserve which it manages as part of a transboundary conservation area between Mexico and the US (a global ‘hotspot’ for biodiversity)\n- as well site-based efforts to restore sites, working proactively with stakeholders to protect and enhance biodiversity\n- the renowned conservation book series\nBiodiversity Action Plans\nNext, CEMEX and BirdLIfe developed and in 2011 launched the corporate Biodiversity Action Plan guidance (BAP) - a major milestone for the partnership. The guidance is designed to help CEMEX operations develop Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) for their operations- regardless of location, proximity to areas with high biodiversity value or experience in biodiversity management.\nIt is a systematic approach that guides sites through the process of evaluating the necessity of biodiversity actions and, for those sites where BAPs are already in place, to identify if all recommended elements of a BAP are being covered.\nThe BAP guidance approach is flexible and addresses individual needs of particular sites. The aim of a BAP is at minimum to achieve no net loss of biodiversity and, at best, to achieve a lasting and overall positive impact on biodiversity, compared to the state prior to when operations began. Download the Biodiversity Action Plan guidance (BAP)\nBiodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Pilot Projects\nThe primary focus of the Global Programme is to support CEMEX national operations and BirdLife Partners develop and advance these BAPs at one pilot site in each global CEMEX region. There are six pilot sites, five of which are underpinned by national strategic partnerships. The intention is that these pilots will have a ‘pebble in the pool’ effect: influencing the initiation of new BAPs and best practice at other priority sites in each CEMEX global region. They also serve to progress a collaboration between CEMEX in-country and a BirdLife national Partner organisation, establishing a working partnership that can identify relevant conservation issues, engage with the stakeholder community and develop a plan of action that will prioritise and address such issues.\nWhy are CEMEX and BirdLife International working together?\nThe underlying rationale of the partnership is to strengthen each organisation's ability to achieve sustainable development with special reference to biodiversity conservation. The Programme’s activities are underpinned by the shared programme objectives.\nFor a detailed example of a Biodiversity Action Plan, check out the case study about the Soto Pajares in Spain.\nClick here for all CEMEX -related news via", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Keokuk Hosts Bald Eagle Appreciation Days\nA few thousand people will flock to Keokuk this weekend to observe bald eagles in their natural habitat.\nTom Buckley with Lee County Conservation is the organizer of the 31st annual Bald Eagle Appreciation Days. The events are free and run Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.\nHe said binoculars will be available and spotting scopes will be set up at the Victory Park and by the Southside Boating Club to watch the birds down on the Mississippi River.\n“With the weather temperatures being as cold as they are they are pretty well congregated there,” Buckley said. “And the temperatures through the weekend are supposed to be much more favorable for us human beings so it’ll be a good chance to get out and see the eagles.”\nSeveral other events are scheduled to be held in River City Mall throughout the weekend.\nBuckley said there will be a presentation of other birds of prey at the movie theater every hour between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. He said the birds will fly over the audience and pick up items.\nHe said there will also be a series of seminars at the mall focusing on invasive plants, butterflies, and goats.\nIowa State University Insect Zoo will also have a display with hands-on activities.\n“It will be interesting to people, sometimes a little creepy. But they’re actually fun to see and learn a little about those,” Buckley said.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Estonia: Environment tax hikes suggested\nIn Estonia, the in-depth analysis of the environment taxes finds that environmental taxes should be raised over 2016-2020. The analysis, led by the Green Party's Valdur Lahtvee, advises to impose a car tax, hike the fuel excise, impose a mandatory excise duty on packaging, among other. The analysis, commissioned by the State Chancellery, should serve as the basis for the Government to outline the tax policy for the next years. The biggest impact is expected from imposing the national Co2 tax on electricity production, rising to EUR 20/tonne by 2020 on condition the price of carbon credits used in the EU emissions trading, remains below EUR 10/tonne. The imposing of the high tax would push the production cost of electricity at Narva power plants to surpass the current cost by EUR 30/MWh. The high price level would make the Narva power plants non-competitive. The analysis likewise advises to tax farmers, imposing a tax in the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. The analysis also advises to tax the production of waste fuels, and impose a waste tax on\nhouseholds. At present households pay only for waste collection.\nOriginal content in Estonian", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "JUNE 2021 (Tualatin, OR) – This month, Oregon Business magazine named its 2021 100 Best Green Workplaces in Oregon, recognizing employers with best-in-class sustainable workplace practices. Hartmann&Forbes, appearing on the list for its ninth consecutive year and continuing to rise up the ranks, came in at #6 jumping from #21 in 2020 and #32 in 2019.\nHartmann&Forbes, maker of luxurious natural windowcoverings, wallcoverings and textiles, continues to work diligently to reframe the context of responsible design by making products in ways that are environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Passionately committed to drive change within the industry, the company continues to lead the industry and brainstorm ways they can reach the next level of sustainability.\n“We believe business can be a powerful platform for change, so we are honored to be recognized as a top company in the state for all of our efforts,” explains Michael Jones, Hartmann&Forbes Founder. “In spite of one of the most unusual years of our lives, we are committed to continuing to build a conscious business to drive improvements within the design industry, offering a more sustainable future for the generations that follow.”\nHandwoven and crafted with natural fibers including ramie, water hyacinth, and abaca fibers, each Hartmann&Forbes product begins with the careful examination and selection of premium natural fibers. By cultivating unique natural fibers from well-managed ecosystems and weaving near the source, they ensure authentic craftsmanship that leaves a smaller environmental footprint. The company crafts its products using natural materials and techniques that have low or no levels of VOC’s, minimizing the impact products have on indoor air quality. Additionally, each of Hartmann&Forbes natural products are designed and crafted using components that can be recycled, recrafted, or composted at the end of its lifecycle.\nThe company started Project Green in 2005, a company-wide collaborative effort that empowers the entire staff to suggest and participate in ways to improve its sustainable workplace efforts. Project green has led to numerous initiatives including the use of Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper, corporate recycling, a renewable energy program, carbon neutral deliveries, the use of recyclable shipping products and more.\nCelebrating its 13th year and based on Oregon Business’ widely recognized 100 Best Companies to Work for in Oregon ranking, the 100 Best Green Workplaces come from a variety of industries, including manufacturing, professional and business services, construction, and the nonprofit sector.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Regardless of if you were born with a green thumb or not, indoor plants are easier to care for than you think. Some thrive being left alone in low light conditions and can withstand long periods of neglect. While outdoor plants have to constantly be cared for, monitoring changes in temperature, weather, and insect invasions, indoor plants have adapted to their predictable life inside, and hardly require any attention at all.\nAdding a few pops of greenery to your home can really liven up a space. Don’t know what to do with an awkward corner of a room? Add a plant. Want to break up a crowded shelf? Add a plant. There’s an indoor plant for just about every surface or square inch of your home, and you’ll be amazed at how a live plant can be the perfect finishing touch to any space. Not only do indoor plants look great, but studies show they can also improve your mood and reduce both physiological and psychological stress. Working with plants has also been found to be therapeutic, increasing feelings of well-being among people with depression, anxiety, dementia, and other mental illnesses.\nBest Air Purifying PlantMoney Tree Bloomscape Read More\nGreat Low Maintenance PlantButton Fern The Sill Read More\nMost Resilient PlantZZ Plant Bloomscape Read More\nGreat for Well-Lit RoomsPonytail Palm Bonsai Costa Farms Read More\nGreat for GiftingMini Preserved Living Wall The Sill Read More\nBefore you pull the trigger on the indoor plant that catches your eye, it’s important to do your research. Carefully consider your space and the amount of direct or indirect sunlight it gets on a daily basis and look for a plant that thrives in that environment. For those who don’t get much sunlight in your home, there are plenty of indoor plants that prefer these shadier conditions. Pet owners need to take caution in keeping indoor house plants, as some plants can be poisonous when ingested by curious critters.\nThere's an indoor plant for just about every space, no matter how big or small. If your home could use some greenery, take a look at some of our favorite indoor plants below.\nRead more: How to Keep Houseplants Alive\nWhat To Look For In An Indoor Plant\nIndoor plants in general tend to be very low maintenance, but there are some that require a bit more time and attention. Before purchasing your next indoor plant, make sure to look over the care instructions and make sure you have adequate resources and time to dedicate to the plant. Consider how well the label says the plant will thrive in your space in terms of light and maintenance. You don't to buy a plant because you love how it looks and then have nowhere to put it. If you're new to indoor plants, we recommend you start small and graduate up to bigger plants as you grow more comfortable and confident in indoor gardening.\nAnd if a plant dies on you, as it often happens, don't worry. Take note of the signs leading up to its death (leaf color, soil level, pests, etc.) and do some research to determine what happened so you can prevent it with the next plant.\nHow We Selected\nFor the past two years, we consulted with Men's Health's home editors and writers on the best furniture brands. Experts, including our Deputy Editor Christian Gollayan and Gear Editor John Thompson, put indoor plants to the test and evaluated for their resiliency, value, and ease of care. We also considered top-reviewed indoor plants that had high customer ratings on e-commerce websites we trust.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The application of preservative wood will be limited, which is mainly related to the use of preservatives. Inhibition of bacterial growth is one of the basic characteristics of preservative wood, which is achieved by the toxicity of preservatives. The toxic substances of the antiseptic wood factory are only aimed at the bacteria or some pests in the wood to ensure the normal use of the wood.\nIn the wood industry, there are generally three standards to measure the toxic concentration of anticorrosive wood. What are these three standards? Next, what is the significance of Shandong anticorrosive wood manufacturer to take you to understand:\n1. Lethal concentration refers to the complete killing of fungi.\n2. Stopping concentration refers to stopping the growth of fungi or making AI become a disease or a dead Ai. At this time, the concentration of preservative is called stopping concentration of preservative AI.\n3. The death limit is between the stopping concentration and the death concentration, which can stop the growth of Artemisia annua and kill Artemisia annua.\nWe can choose the right board according to different environment, for example, the wood with high concentration in outdoor environment and the wood with low concentration in indoor environment. There is a preservative that is not always effective, but it also needs us to pay attention to the use and maintenance in our daily life, so as to better play its role.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Du soleil aux volcans\nNo upcoming broadcast (for now).\nFrom the sun to the volcanoes\nThe sun and the volcanoes are two primitive forces that accompanied the planet's birth. Two forces essential to the origin of all life on Earth. Tanzania, Galápagos, Arctic, Sahara... Whatever the environment, the power of the volcanoes and the sun condition the way all things live.\nDirected by: Huw Cordey, Nick Shoolingin-Jordan (United Kingdom/France, 2020)\nNarrated by: François Morel.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Authorities are apologising after contaminated tap water left dozens of Darfield residents stricken with diarrhoea and vomiting.\nThe Selwyn District Council will review its systems after more than 125 Darfield residents were struck down by gastroenteritis after drinking contaminated water.\nThe announcement comes after Canterbury District Health Board medical officer of health Alistair Humphrey said the council needed to ''wake up to its responsibility'' and address its recurring water issues.\nHumphrey said more than one barrier had failed, resulting in the ''serious outbreak''.\n''Intensified farming now means that a lot of water is contaminated with animal faeces, especially the Waimakariri after heavy rains. Secondly, the chlorination of this heavily contaminated water fell short of levels required to make it safe.''\nHe said the importance of protecting water from source to tap was ''sometimes lost in political imperatives''. Stuff, August 29\nGraphic: Porcupine Farm", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The need to prepare for our Spring Garden seems so far away when we are experiencing the cooler shorter days of winter here in the High Desert. Yet, planting time is only 3 or 4 months away. Desert winter days can be warm enough that you forget it’s winter then the sun goes down and the temperature drops so quickly reminding you to put some more wood on the fire.\nFor some winter is the time to search through seed catalogs dreaming of what type of Tomato to grow this year or should one try those foot long Green Bean seeds. But for us, this year, we are still preparing our first vegetable garden in our new home.\nLast month we started putting up the corrugated metal around the garden to keep out the Rabbit’s. We do not want to compete with them for our garden produce. Previous experience here in the High Desert taught us that a rabbit can spot a green sprout miles away. They devour the young plants, lacking the patients to wait for the fruit or veggies to ripen. Hubby built a new gate, for the archway, one that is wide enough for the wheelbarrow and garden wagons to go through. I dug my first row down two lengths of the spade then filled it with manure and straw procured from the hen house. Filled the trench with water and then piled the original soil back on top of the row. Each week I’ll do another row just like the first.\nHubby also set up two 350 gallon water containers for those occasions when the power goes out. We are on a well, which means when the power goes out we have no water! No water during the hot summer months this could prove deadly to our vegetables. He stacked the containers on pallets high enough to fill buckets and to create a gravity feed for the water hoses. It feels good to be making progress. I’m very anxious to have our garden ready for spring planting.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Cator, Ruma & Associates was selected to provide mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and technology systems design and contract administration for the new University of Denver Community Commons building. The new facility is meant to be a central gathering location for the entire campus. The project includes a food service hall, offices for student services, collaborative study spaces, and various event spaces. Community Commons is being built in place of the now-demolished Driscoll North building.\nMechanical utilities were provided, including steam, condensate, and chilled water from the campus central utility plant (CUP). Direct buried piping will be routed from the CUP through the north wall of the lower level where a new mechanical room will be constructed. Building chilled water will be supplied through two (2) chilled water pumps with VFDs. Building heating water will be supplied through a steam to water heat exchanger and two heating water pumps with VFDs. A condensate return pump will also be provided. Custom air handling units (AHUs) with supply and return fan arrays, indirect direct evaporative cooling and heat recovery will be provided. The air distribution system is conventional overhead distribution serving the food service level and displacement ventilation serving the remainder of the building.\nUtilities were disconnected from Driscoll North at the bridge connection in Driscoll South, allowing Driscoll South to remain online during demolition of Driscoll North. The new utilities serving Driscoll South will be connected into the campus distribution mains running on the east side of the building.\nThe project is targeting LEED Silver certification. It will also be registered in the Xcel Energy - Energy Design Assistance (EDA) Program for energy incentives.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Gooseberry leaf spot and powdery mildew\nI have three different gooseberry bushes and only one is currently affected by these problems. It is called Poorman's Gooseberry and apparently isn't as resistant to these problems as my other two. Do you guys know of any tricks to help save this plant? I've been pulling any dead leaves and putting them immediately into the yard waste bin to prevent the spores from hanging about in the soil.\nPowdery Mildew - harder to see because this problem just started. I blame the heavier than usual rain fall in the past couple weeks here in Seattle", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Clean drinking water is essential to a life that thrives. Unfortunately, many people don’t have access to this basic substance due to conservation constraints, aging infrastructure, and government mismanagement of resources. They are left with contaminated water that causes cancer, digestive issues, and skin irritation. When it comes to your family’s water supply, you can take matters into your own hands by installing a whole-house water filtration system. Here are some common contaminants in today’s water supply and ways that you can protect your health by installing the right water filtration system.\nCorrosion in lead pipes can introduce small amounts of lead into your drinking water. With high exposure, lead can cause brain damage and impair cognitive development in children.\nThe residents of Flint, Michigan learned the hard way how lead pipes corrode and contaminate critical drinking water supplies. This public health crisis can be stopped at the household level by installing a distillation water filtration system.\nBacteria and Viruses\nLegionella and enteroviruses are harmful pathogens that are found in water supply lines. When your body is unable to fight off infections caused by these bacteria and viruses, you can succumb to illnesses such as Legionnaires disease, meningitis, or gastroenteritis. Ultraviolet (UV) light destroys bacteria and viruses by interfering with their molecular structures. You can kill these pathogens before they cause harm by installing a UV light water filtration system.\nMedical breakthroughs have led to more pharmaceutical drug use. Trace amounts of these drugs are sometimes found in public water supply lines. If your city or town doesn’t use a reverse osmosis treatment system, you can protect your family’s water supply by installing a whole-house reverse osmosis water filtration system.\nBottom line: The type of water filtration system that you need depends on your water’s chemical composition. Let us help you to assess your home’s water quality and identify the water filtration system that’s right for you. Jack Frost Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC has been making New Jersey homes safer, healthier, and more comfortable since 2008. Call us today at (973) 520-0505to find out more about our home water filtration installation services.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, June 4, 2020 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also see this report on the Chamber of Commerce website: https://www.visitdetroitlakes.com/birding-report\nSummer nesting season has surely arrived and the flood of migrants has slowed and is nearly over in the northwest. It appears that many of the warblers have overflown our area in the rush for the nesting areas as we have not seen the numbers and species that we usually do. Most of the ones we have seen nest in or not far from our area. During the last two weeks, the flycatcher crowd has appeared with the warmer weather along with the bugs. Due to the many reports of the usual expected migrants, I will mention only the more interesting or unusual species this week.\nAt the North Ottawa Impoundment in Grant County, there were reports of HUDSONIAN GODWITS, CATTLE EGRETS and WHITE-FACED IBIS this week. Douglas Kieser saw a WHIMBREL there on May 24th. Charlene Nelson reported an OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER in Battle Lake on May 22nd.\nA PACIFIC LOON was reported by Jason Swelstad at Seven Sisters Prairie in Douglas County on May 31st. A COMMON LOON was observed at Alexandria on June 1st.\nGOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER was observed by Chris McDonald at Maplewood SP in Otter Tail County on May 30th. Wayne Perala reported a SUMMER TANAGER at Inspiration Peak on May 26th, and CASPIAN TERN in Fergus Falls on May 31st . A COMMON MERGANSER was reported at Fergus Falls on June 3rd.\nFrom Wilkin County, Aaron Ludwig reported a WHIMBREL and a WHITE-FACED IBIS at Wolverton on May 23rd.\nMarshall Howe in Hubbard County found WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS in the Lake Alice Bog on May 31st. PURPLE MARTINS appeared on May 27th.\nA RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD was observed by Kristie Yliniemi in Becker County on May 31st. Pat Doeden observed a RUDDY DUCK in the county on May 27th.\nTim Lamey found a SAY’S PHOEBE at Felton Prairie in Clay County on June 4th.\nIn Polk County, Russ Wilbur spotted a BOBOLINK near the Red River on June 2nd. Craig Mandel led a group to the northwest from May 28th – May 29th, and they spotted a displaying SHARP-TAILED GROUSE along US 59 north of 400th St. SE.\nNotably there were only 8 species of warblers found by Craig’s group in Pennington and Red Lake Counties on those two days.\nThe group also visited Kittson County on May 29th, where they found EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE in Hallock, RED-NECKED PHALAROPES at both Lake Bronson and Hallock WTP’s, and a BONAPARTE’S GULL at the Karlstad WTP.\nBeth Siverhus sent in a list of species found in Roseau County this week. They included only seven species of warblers, SCARLET TANAGER, GRAY CATBIRD, BROWN THRASHER, GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER and many others.\nPlease report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at firstname.lastname@example.org OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber’s numbers 218-847-5743 or 218-847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled update of this report is Thursday, June 11, 2020.\nPennington County, MN", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Much as I love a luxury shower gel, I’m very aware that it literally ends up down the drain. If I’m buying for my family, I tend to hover around the not absolute basic but not expensive mark, so I was pleased to find the Unilever owned Love Beauty And Planet brand in my local supermarket.\nThis is Unilever’s showcase brand for sustainability and environmental responsibility. All ingredients are ethically sourced in vegan formulas and packaging that is fully recyclable. What’s more unusual about Love Beauty And Planet is their transparency about environmental impact; specifically their carbon footprint, which they aim to reduce by 20% by next year. Love Beauty And Planet also contributes to a Carbon Tax Fund so whatever footprints they place during manufacturing they offset by donating to programmes that reduce emissions.\nSo, the credentials are good, but is the shower gel? Actually, for £5.99 for 500ml, I think so. The fragrance is pleasant enough but quite mild and in terms of washing – nothing to complain about. It didn’t dry out my skin, the lather was decent without being sumptuous and I quite like the fact that the liquid has a kind of earthy look to it rather than being sparkling clear. I found mine in Tesco but I know that it’s stocked in Superdrug so it shouldn’t be hard to find.\nAll products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Nature can be sometimes so powerful.\nAnd will always surprise us with weird but natural phenomena.\nAnd if you want to learn the names of the different halos… Here a last picture. There were more than 20 different and rare halos.\nThis stunning but complex solar halo was captured by Claudia & Wolfang Hinz, atmospheric optics experts, in the small ski station of Neklid in the Bohemian Erzgebirge on January 30, 2014. Low temperatures and high humidity created favorable conditions for the formation of “diamond dust.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Bothered by the prevalence of mercury due mainly to Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) activities, Nigeria is to develop a National Action Plan (NAP) for the sector.\nThis appears to be a fall-out from the “Minamata Convention Initial Assessment (MIA) in Nigeria”, a project which, among other functions, conducted a preliminary inventory of mercury releases in the country.\nInventory results showed that ASGM processing is significant, thereby prompting the development of a NAP for the ASGM sector.\nProposed and approved by Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project’s objective is to improve national capacity and capability for the management of mercury. Implementation arrangement has been finalised, with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) as the implementing agency.\nMaking the disclosure recently in Abuja at the inception workshop on the NAP on mercury use in the Nigerian ASGM sector project, Environment Minister of State, Ibrahim Usman Jibril, disclosed that the components of the NAP are in accordance to Annex C of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, adding that project implementation commenced with the inauguration of a National Steering Group (NSG) recently. The NSG, he added, would be responsible for providing guidance and technical support to the executing agencies for effective implementation of the project activities.\nThe workshop participants, who deliberated on the best approaches to formalise the ASGM sector in Nigeria, as well as available mercury-free alternatives for ASGM activities, noted that, while holders of exploration licenses lease out to illegal miners, ASGM miners lack operational equipment and funds to facilitate operations.\nThey also underlined the fact that while enforcement of laws and policies in the ASGM sector is weak, informal miners in the ASGM sector engage in unhealthy practices including continued use of mercury.\nTo formalise ASGM sector in Nigeria, the participants want government to:\n- Take appropriate steps to control and eventually eliminate illegal mining,\n- Provide security for ASGM workers,\n- Have functional cooperative societies,\n- Provide access to capital and fund mining activities and facilitate provision of appropriate equipment,\n- Facilitate the establishment of gold buying centres across the country,\n- Engage in establishing a strategic gold reserve, and source products only from licensed mines,\n- Educate law enforcement agents and security agents on enforcement of mining laws,\n- Sensitise ASGM miners and host communities.\nThe workshop also mentioned the following mercury-free alternatives:\n- Borax – however it is not available yet for use in Nigeria,\n- Igoli machine – not yet in use also because the needed chemicals are not available and the miners are not trained yet for its use,\n- Traditional panning methods and the sluicing method,\n- Use of retort capture method for fugitive emissions from the mines during burning processing.\nThe Minamata Convention on Mercury is a new international environmental convention for global community to work collaboratively against mercury pollution. The Minamata Convention aims at achieving environmentally sound mercury management throughout its life cycle. The Convention was adopted at the diplomatic conferences held in Minamata City and Kumamoto City in October 2013.\nHaving achieved the required 50 ratifications, the Convention came into force on Thursday, May 18, 2017. Consequently, the Convention, which aims at protecting human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds, will become legally binding for all its Parties on Wednesday, August 16, 2017.\nThe 1st Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention (COP1) will gather governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations from around the world in Geneva from September 24 to 29, 2017.\nNigeria is yet to ratify the Convention.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Most Active Stories\n- Wildlife Agencies See Near Collapse Of 2014 Salmon Species\n- Is Kern County The Next Frontier For Aerospace Innovation?\n- California Air Regulators Eye Methane Emissions From Oil, Ag\n- Central Valley Anti-Union Farm Workers Protest In Sacramento\n- Mary Nichols, California's Environmental \"Rock Star\" on Valley Edition\nValley Public Radio Staff\nTue February 12, 2013\nDelta Smelt Deaths Mean Less Water for Central and Southern California\nToo many fish deaths in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta are forcing the California Department of Water Resources to reduce the amount of water pumped to the Central Valley and southern California.\nThe number of protected Delta Smelt killed this year is nearing the annual limit set by the Endangered Species Act. Pumping stations have killed 232 smelt. Rules allow only 305 over the entire year.\nMark Corwin with the Department says the deaths illustrate the need for a new system, one that would include $14 billion twin tunnels.\n“We have no reason to expect that next year will be any different or the year after that will be any different and this conflict will continue to play out year after year, until we make fundamental changes in the way we manage the Delta.”\nSo far the department has had to withhold 700,000 acre feet of water, enough to supply more than a million households for a year.\nThe Department says less water will be available for storage and that may affect some farmers and other water users this coming summer.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This article reviews the production of renewable aviation fuels from biomass and residual wastes using gasification followed by syngas conditioning and Fischer-Tropsch catalytic synthesis. The challenges involved with gasifying wastes are discussed along with a summary of conventional and emerging gasification technologies. The techniques for conditioning syngas including removal of particulate matter, tars, sulphur, carbon dioxide, compounds of nitrogen, chlorine and alkali metals are reported. Recent developments in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, such as new catalyst formulations are described alongside reactor technologies for producing renewable aviation fuels. The energy efficiency and capital cost of converting biomass and residual wastes to aviation fuels are major barriers to widespread adoption. Therefore, further development of advanced technologies will be critical for the aviation industry to achieve their stated greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2050.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "“Diamond Fuji” is a phenomenon which occurs only a few times a year when the sun sets into or rises out of the top of Mt. Fuji.\nYou can see the Diamond Fuji phenomenon in Minamiboso area in a couple of days in the next few weeks!\nViewing spots, dates and aprrox. sunset time are as follows:\n*It depends on the weather conditions.\nDon’t miss the perfect shot!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Other Names: Rubber Fig/Rubber Bush/Indian Rubber Bush\nScientific Name: Ficus Elastica\nNative: South & South-East Asia\nA hotel lobby staple, and for very good reason, this plant will grow into an strikingly beautiful tree with glossy, deep green leaves that often have a purplish hue. Native to this region, this fig tree variant requires very little care and looks just as good, if not better than its cousins - the Weeping Benjamin Fig and the Fiddle Leaf Fig! Add to that the fact that it is an anti-pollutant and can remove indoor toxins, and you know this is a keeper!\ntop of page", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Articles & Whitepapers\nLevel sensors are critical in controlling sequencing batch reactor (SBR) systems, monitoring liquid levels in the basins and helping to control pumps that move wastewater through the system. A municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was experiencing issues with its existing level sensors. Due to a challenging environment, surface conditions and obstructions, the level sensors produced ...\nScrew press dewatering machines have emerged as indispensable tools in the realm of solid waste treatment, playing a pivotal role in minimizing waste volume, efficiently managing waste streams, and ...\nAutomatic backwash filters are a type of self-cleaning filter designed to remove impurities and contaminants from water, ensuring it meets the stringent quality standards required for drinking and industrial processes. Their self-cleaning capability ...\nIle-de-France/SIAH inaugurates an innovative wastewater treatment plant that relies on Veolia technologies to produce energy from wastewater\nThe Universita Politecnica delle Marche of Italy acquires a double reactor respirometry system model BM-EVO2 from Surcis\nEquipment & Solutions\nThis uniquely designed aerator provides oxygen from the bottom up without the need for an external blower, providing 360-degree radial mixing. The Hurricane submersible aerator’s 360-degree radial mixing system incorporates new, unique air diffusers for high oxygenating efficiency and thorough mixing over a wide area.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A Day in the Life of Gavia stellate, a Red-Throated Loon\nToday we are reporting on a very interesting species of bird known as the “Red-throated loon”, whose scientific name is Gavia stellate.\nDifferent Appearances of the Red-Throated Loon\nOne of the most distinguishing characteristics of a red-throated loon is its bright red throat. However, its red throat is only seen during its breeding season. During breeding season, the summer, the loon has a dark brown or black body with a white breast and a red throat. Additionally, it has red eyes and a thin, black beak that is usually tilted upward.\nDuring all other times of the year, however, the loon has a difference in appearance. During non-mating season, it loses the intense red coloration and is pale gray and white, with a white breast and gray and white head.\nBreeding Behavior of the Red-Throated Loon\nBecause of their leg structure, it is hard for red-throated loons to walk on land and therefore, these loons only go on land to nest. When these loons create on-land nests, they are located near low shorelines and are made up of grass and moss. Meanwhile, some loons remain in the water to nest and create their nests in shallow waters and make them with substances and vegetation that they find in their aquatic environment. The average clutch size for a red-throated loon is about 1-3 eggs and the eggs appearance is an olive or brown coloration with speckles.\nRed-throated loons are monogamousand both parents are responsible for caring for the offspring. Both the male and the female build the nest and care for and incubate the eggs. The care from the parents also continues after the eggs hatch. One day after hatching, the newborn loons leave the nest to avoid predators but return shortly after and are again cared for by their parents.\nThe Red-Throated Loon’s Habitat and Foraging\nLike many other species, the red-throated loon migrated during the winter and therefore, based on the season they can be found at different locations. During breeding season, the summer, these loons reside in low wetlands, ponds, and swamps. Typically, as seen on the map, during this time, they resided in northern Canada, which is depicted in orange on this map. During non-breeding season, the red-throated loons are found in more southern Canada and to parts of the United States. During the non-breeding season would be when we would be able to see these Red-Throated Loons in Duchess County, New York. During non-breeding season, they typically live in shallow sheltered marine habitats or the ocean. Lastly, during migrating season, red-throated loons live in large lakes or oceans.\nBecause these loons very frequently leave marine habitats, they scavenge the water for food. Due to its body shape, the red-throated loon can dive very far below the surface. The diet of a this bird consists of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other marine life\nSocial Behavior of the Red-Throated Loon\nTypically, the red-throated loon lays low in water due its dense bones. From this position, the loon can either dive for food or take off to flight. The red-throated loon is the only type of loon that can take off directly from its sitting positioning and does not need to have a running start. Due to the loon’s tendency to dive for food, it is very important for the loons to protect their feathers. On a daily basis, these birds preen to help keep their feathers waterproof.\nIn addition to these behaviors, the red-throated loon has a few other tendencies that vary based on the season. Loons typically reside in water but during breeding season, loons wander away from their nesting pond and nest on land. On the other hand, during the winter, red-throated loons feed in small groups and congregate.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This was my second attempt to view it since Haynes and others had seen it earlier in the week, and also Saturday morning. The newly cleared out area at the Winchester St. entrance makes for a new place to bird watch which is fun. I saw this flicker across the road prepping a hole for a nest, but no sign of the warbler.\nApparently Ian and Mary Lou and several other people I met at the park today were looking for it as well, but did see a\nscarlet tanager in the area. Sadly, I missed that too!\nThe lower gardens of course had our summer resident tree swallows. They're always the first birds you see and the yellow warblers were in great abundance.\nSaw goldfinches, catbirds and a rose-breasted grosbeak\nIn the upper gardens, a wren has picked out his nest box and keeps an eye on it constantly. I'm not sure if his lady has arrived yet, but he's ready when she does! Saw more palms and some yellow rumps in the area near the birch and beehives. Have been seeing several female red-winged blackbirds this spring as well as their beautiful male counterparts. Canada geese and a hawk flew overhead. More orioles and a nuthatch...\nDown by the soccer field were several grackles and lots of yellow rumps. I finally spotted a warbling vireo high up in an oak tree. There was another red-breasted grosbeak, several red-winged blackbirds and chickadees.\nBarn swallows were flying back and forth over the river and a couple of", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Visitors were once again taking to the water a week after an oil spill caused beach closures. While cleanup continued near Huntington Beach Pier, both city and state beaches reopened on Oct. 11.\nStart your day right\nSign up for Essential California for news, features and recommendations from the L.A. Times and beyond in your inbox six days a week.\nYou may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Have you noticed your houseplants looking a little lackluster lately? It might be time to repot your plants! Knowing when to repot can be tricky, but with our handy guide, you’ll be able to spot the signs and give your indoor garden the TLC it deserves. Read on to learn about the clues that it’s time to repot your houseplants and how to do it properly.\nSigns It’s Time to Repot Your Houseplants\n1. Roots Growing Out of Drainage Holes\nWhen you notice roots growing out of the drainage holes in your houseplants, it’s a clear indication that it’s time to repot them. This is a natural sign that the plant has outgrown its current pot and needs more space to thrive.\n2. Wilting or Yellowing Leaves\nWilting or yellowing leaves on your houseplants can be a sign that it’s time to repot them. When a plant’s roots become overcrowded or lack sufficient nutrients, the leaves may turn yellow or wilt. Repotting your plant can provide it with the space and resources it needs to thrive.\n3. Soil Drying Out Quickly\nOne of the signs that it’s time to repot your houseplants is when the soil dries out quickly. This can be indicative of the plant outgrowing its current pot and needing more space for its roots to spread and absorb water. Keeping an eye on the moisture levels in the soil can help determine when repotting is necessary.\n4. Presence of Pests or Diseases\nAnother sign that it’s time to repot your houseplants is the presence of pests or diseases. If you notice any creepy crawlers or your plant seems to be struggling with a disease, it’s a good indication that your plant needs a new home.\n5. Unpleasant Odor\nIf you notice a strong and unpleasant smell coming from your houseplant, it could be a sign that it needs to be repotted. This odor can be caused by stagnant water, rotting roots, or excessive buildup of fertilizer.\nSteps to Repotting Houseplants\n1. Choosing the Right Pot and Soil\nChoosing the right pot and soil for your houseplants is essential for their growth and well-being. It’s important to consider the size of the pot relative to the plant and to use a suitable potting mix that meets the specific needs of your plants.\n2. Gather Necessary Supplies\nGather all the required items, such as newly prepared soil, a digging tool, and any added components such as netting to cover the holes for water drainage or a layer of stones at the base to promote better drainage.\n3. Loosen the Root Ball\nDelicately tap or massage the edges of the present pot to relax the root mass. Take the plant out of the pot with caution, keeping a firm grip near the stem’s base to prevent harming the leaves.\n4. Inspect and Trim Roots\nInspect the roots of the plant to identify any indications of harm, decay, or roots that grow in circles. Utilize sharp pruning shears to remove any lifeless or excessively lengthy roots. In the event of tightly circling roots, delicately tease them away to prompt outward growth of the roots.\n5. Prepare the New Pot\nAdd a layer of new potting soil to the bottom of the new pot, making sure it’s even and has sufficient depth for the roots of the plant. Form a small hill in the middle to hold the plant’s base.\n6. Position the Plant\nGently position the plant at the middle of the fresh pot, ensuring it is located at the right height. The root ball’s upper portion must be parallel or marginally below the pot’s edge.\n7. Fill with Potting Mix\nUse new potting soil to fill in the gaps around the roots, pressing it down lightly to remove any air pockets. Gradually add more soil, taking care to cover all areas between the roots.\n8. Watering and fertilizing the plant\nWatering and fertilizing your houseplants is crucial for their health and growth. Make sure to water your plants when the soil feels dry to the touch, and apply enough water until it runs out of the drainage holes. Fertilize your plants once every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer, or use slow-release or organic fertilizers for a more gradual feeding. Remember to adjust your watering and fertilizing routine based on the specific needs of your plants.\n9. Post-Repotting Care\nPut the plant in a place that matches its needs for light after it has been replanted. For some time, do not give it direct sunlight as this may cause the plant to become stressed.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The visual management technique used in process improvement, i.e. value stream mapping (VSM) has been presented in the paper. Value stream mapping is one of the basic management tools in the context of Lean Management or Lean Production. It allows to visualize the flow of decision, information, material and their connections in the full production cycle (from the order, through planning, production, to shipping to the customer). VSM is a lean tool that gives the ability to create flows in the process before implementing changes. In this paper, the possibilities of changes planning based on the current and future status maps have been discussed. On the basis of the current state map (CSM), the areas requiring improvement and operations which efficiency is decisive and for the process have been designated. Particular attention has been paid to the possibilities of using VSM in unit production processes. In the paper has been proposed the two possibilities for company development in terms of the improvement technique in line with the Kaizen philosophy as well as the implementation of process innovations. Which means balanced development through the improvement of the existing process or an acute development strategy through the implementation of process innovations (which involves significant costs).\nManagement in accordance with the principle of sustainable development is one of the basic aspects of environmental protection, and is nevertheless important in macroeconomic management (eco-innovations in national regulations) as well as in micro-regulations (municipal regulations). The municipalities authorities are obliged to preventing the negative effects of environmental degradation, preventing pollution, providing information on the state of the environment, cover the environmental policy, in order to ensure the land advancement in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The implemented projects should mainly improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. That is why eco-innovative activities introduced in individual, small territorial areas (municipalities) are becoming more and more important. The paper is based on a case study as a recognized method of analyzing and discussing authentic situations used in management sciences.\nNeodymium magnets currently dominate the magnet market due to their superior magnetic properties with maximum volume minimization. In this paper, the results of X-ray analysis for two types of magnetic powder obtained from the recovered magnets traditionally used in electric motors and hard disk have been presented. The NdFeB magnets are composed of 25-35 wt. % rare earth elements (RE) and the rest being transition metals (mainly Fe.). RE, other than Nd, such Dy, Pr, Tb and Gd or exogen elements, other than Fe, such as Al, Co, Ga, Nb, Si, Cu and Zr can also be present as minor admixtures. This paper brings an opportunity to introduce the hard magnets recycling technology on an industrial scale.\nBisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used as an additive in conventional point-of-sale thermal paper receipts, in the production of many polycarbonate plastics, and epoxy resins lignin for food. BPA is xenoestrogen, a foreign compound that is not naturally produced in living organisms, but which acts similarly to natural 17-ß estradiol (natural estrogen). Due to its weak estrogenic activities, BPA exposure may influence multiple endocrine-related pathway, and is associated with prostate and breast cancer, neurobehavioral deficits, heart disease, and obesity. Furthermore, BPA may act as a DNA methylation agent and cause altered gene expression in the brain. Human exposure to bisphenol A is a matter of controversy. This review shows a potential risks in workplace resulting from contact with bisphenol A. The work presents the contribution of BPA exposure levels via dermal contact and the relationship between BPA exposure level and oxidative DNA damage.\nThe rare earth elements (REE) are vital to innovation technologies and society and are important for the industry, especially for high-tech solutions. In the modern world, anumerous applications have been developed using rare earth elements (REE), implying human exposures and raising unclear questions as to REE-associated health effects. Protecting the environment and public health from disadvantageous actions of rare earth elements mining and processing as emerging pollutants is urgently desired to achieve sustainable development. All activities in mining processes like extraction, separation and after recycling of REE elements could create rick to human health and environment. In the paper the role of management in safety aspects during mining and processing of rare earth elements has been highlighted. In the paper, the potential dangerous and damaging effects on the environment and human health have been identified - the potential risk in the processing as well as the possibilities of preventing the occurrence of hazards have been analyzed.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "All of us did not know how appreciable our circumstances were before we exposed ourselves to Cambodia’s local school. We helped them by planting the trees and building the protections. In order to escape from the hot sun, we went into one classroom and I saw one unforgettable sentence written on the table. The message was “NOT WATER HERE”. I was really shocked by the message because it plainly showed how tough the environment is and how much they are struggling. Throughout this trip, all of us should realize that we had everything that they really want and use our power to help them. I think that is the most important purpose of this trip.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "On December 14, 2010, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service published its final rule (PDF) redesignating critical habitat for the Santa Ana sucker, a small fish species occurring in watershed draining the San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains of southern California. The Final Rule designates a total of 9,931 acres across San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles, and Orange counties and is comprised of 7,097 acres in the Santa Ana River, 1,000 acres in the San Gabriel River, and 1,233 acres in Big Tujunga Creek. The Final Rule increased the sucker’s net critical habitat by approximately 1,026 acres over the Service’s 2005 rule (PDF).\nThe Santa Ana sucker was listed as threatened in the Santa Ana River, San Gabriel River, and Big Tujunga Creek in 2000. In 2005, the Service designated critical habitat for the sucker in the San Gabriel River (5,765 acres) and Big Tujunga Creek (2,540) totaling 8,305 acres. In the 2005 final rule, the Service did not designate critical habitat for those portions of the Santa Ana River covered by habitat management plans–the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program–consistent with established policy. Nor did the Service designate portions of the Santa Ana River not covered by habitat management plans, which are also unoccupied. In its 2005 final rule the Service explained that although these areas provide necessary flood conditions and sediments and small cobblestones that is passes to the downstream area occupied by the sucker, those features alone are not sufficient to meet the statutory required statutory standard –“essential to the conservation of the species” — particularly in light of Congressional direction to be “exceedingly circumspect” in designating critical habitat outside of areas currently occupied by the species.\nIn its 2010 Final Rule the Service performs an about-face, which is evident in new critical habitat designation of 7,097 acres in the Santa Ana River. The Service lifts the exclusion of those portions of the Santa Ana River subject to the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (approved in 2004) and the Santa Ana Sucker Conservation Program (2000) because they have not yet been sufficiently implemented to yield benefits to the sucker. The Service continues its reversal by designating as critical habitat upstream unoccupied areas in the Santa Ana River based on necessary water flows and coarse sediments deemed essential for the conservation of the species.\nAcreage reductions in the San Gabriel River and Big Tujunga Creek units, as well as mapping changes within the Santa Ana River critical habitat unit, reflect refined mapping capabilities, changes to the criteria used to identify critical habitat, such as a slope limit of 7 degrees, and reevaluation of the 2005 rule, which, was compelled by court order from the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California as a result of a stipulated settlement agreement with California Trout and other environmental groups.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Air humidification – it is a devices that enable without significant energy to help maintain a cushty a higher level humidity in the room. The basis of the very of those is associated with the effective use of evaporators operating over a “cold” or “hot” evaporation. On top of that the air humidification can aromatize the air to your liking. Fortunately they are surprisingly easy to perform and reliable in operation.\nLoss of humidity inside room can result in many diseases. Human bronchi are seen as a remarkable ability to cleanse itself. But dry air cuts down on the ability. This raises the the likelihood of infection and various respiratory problems. This really is typical especially in winter, if the humidity within the room is quite a bit below normal. However, not only person have to suffer from a reduction in moisture. Many men and women who surround their houses with all styles of exotic flowers and plants have a clue how difficult it is sometimes to build favorable conditions for their existence. Some moisture-loving plants have daily spray, cover with moist gauze and place them near the vessel with water. This all is reasonably troublesome and not just always effective. To solve these and various other problems and were created “moisturizers”.\nPace of recent life causes us to be to spent a lot of times inside room, whether it is an office, apartment or vacation home. The origin of favorable conditions within the habitat it’s the key to our overall health. Unfortunately, people never obtain the problem of maintaining the amount of humidity in homes and workplaces. Meanwhile, in summer and winter as the a central heating system or air conditioner, the air contains inadequate moisture, for an usual person, and also for the most indoor plants, and perhaps the preservation of wooden furniture.\nOn our website you’ll find a wide array of Whole House Humidifiers and much more Air Cleaners, UV Light Purifiers, Dehumidifiers, Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilators, General Fuel Oil Products or Gar-Ber Filters. Central Humidifiers can be utilized in apartments, offices, child care, overall health centers, flower conservatories, greenhouses and conservatories. Furnace Air Conditioner Filters significantly increases the air and decreases the probability of various diseases. By ordering Residential Humidifiers you provide yourself and your loved ones clean and fresh air in your house.\nMany of the right information about Furnace Air Filters is found on our webpage chrome://newtabhttp//www.generalfilters.com/, our company offers a wide array of entire house residential quality of air solutions, all the best to improve your health at the deepest prices!\nFor more information about Central Humidifiers visit our website.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Author(s): Veronika Meduna\n2014 was the hottest year since record keeping began back in 1880. July 2015 was recently confirmed as the globe's hottest month ever recorded, both on land and in the oceans. This December a major international meeting, to be held in Paris, seeks a new agreement to address climate change. Against this historic backdrop, acclaimed Radio New Zealand science writer Veronika Meduna explores our future in a warmer world. Beginning with lessons from our ancient geological past, this BWB Text draws on current observations and increasingly sophisticated climate models to explain a range of climate change impacts and possible end-of-century scenarios for New Zealand. Distorted ecosystems, extreme weather, new landscapes and adapted foods are just some of the likely changes that amount to a radically different future for our country.\nThe author is a known writer and broadcaster of science environmental articles. In this text she writes about the possible and likely effects of climate change on our country. She looks back into the past to the Pliocene period when CO2 was last as high as it is now, she looks at what’s happening in Antarctica, she looks at insect and other fauna, especially our bats and the red-billed gull, and at future farming trends and our warming and eroding seas. She echoes concerns from Mike Joy's book about our wetlands and their destruction by rising seas. We need to act now and keep carbon in the ground. She argues that “Climate change is something that we all have a stake in and that whatever we do to turn climate change around will be beneficial in many aspects. From the perspective of 2100, it will certainly be clear that we had a chance to act!\" - Peter\nVeronika Meduna is both a science broadcaster with Radio New Zealand, producing and presenting Our Changing World, and an award-winning writer. Veronika trained and worked as a microbiologist before becoming a science journalist and has spent time at Oxford University, as a Chevening David Low Fellow, studying the media's role in communicating scientific risk and uncertainty.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Content related to ‘IAQ’\nSpring is here and that means warmer weather, blooming trees, bright flowers and…cleaning. While a good practice for offices, spring cleaning can also be a catalyst for modernization.\nDCV can provide good indoor air quality while also delivering substantial energy and cost savings…especially for facilities and zones with highly variable and unpredictable occupancy, such as meeting rooms, classrooms, theaters, auditoriums, gyms, cafeterias/restaurants, retail stores, and hotels.\nNext time you spray on that new fragrance beware—you may be turning off the very people you want to impress. A new study reveals the top 10 odors that can have a powerful and negative impact on our olfactory senses.\nEnsuring healthy indoor environments often challenges energy efficiency measures.\nHow often do you recommend replacing the belts in roof fans? Additionally, how often should the ventilation system be cleaned?\nThe relationship between the chemical content of building materials and occupant health is gaining renewed attention. This installment of “Renewable Energy” shifts its focus from alternative power to conversations about “chemicals of concern.”\nA proposed change to the ventilation rate procedure in ASHRAE’s indoor air quality standard is open for review after changes were made based on public input last year.\nANSI has released two new important standards regarding IAQ testing and furniture emissions.\nLA Testing is a provider of formaldehyde and volatile organic compound (VOC) testing services and products to professionals and the general public.\nThere are many benefits to improving facility indoor air quality (IAQ). But how can facility managers get it done?", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Candidate for the Electorate of Cooper, VIC\nAdrian has been campaigning on environmental issues since 1986. His early campaigning included working on both the East Gippsland and Central Highlands Forest Campaigns. In the mid 90s he co-founded and was instrumental in running the successful Greater Otway National Parks Campaign through OREN. In 2005 he ran the successful campaign to stop the Naas Valley Dam for CCSERAC in Canberra. Over the years he has also helped to support a number of other campaigns including Victorian Marine Parks Campaign and the Stone Haven Power Plant Campaign.\nAdrian began campaigning on climate change in 2003, calling for a near zero emission society and net negative emissions. Working with Matthew Wright, he founded and was the full time campaign coordinator and director of Futureenergy.org then later Beyond Zero Emissions.\nAdrian has worked in jobs that range from a professional environmental campaigner, renewable energy educator at CERES, bush re-vegetation with Greening Australia, Sustainable Housing Policy officer with the Victorian Government, to a bouncer at Melbourne clubs and pubs when he need to earn money to fund his campaigning.\nHe also spent 8 years serving in the Australian Army Reserve as an Infantry private and then Lieutenant in the Infantry.\nAdrian has a long interest in politics, joining the young Liberals while at school and later running a number of times as a candidate for the Greens.\nAdrian's campaigning since 2016 has been largely focused on getting councils to declare climate emergency though the organisation he co-founded, CACE. He divides his spare time between his family, climate campaigning, teaching collapse survival and developing a permaculture property in the Otways.\nAdrian has a BSc from Melbourne University, majoring in Botany, a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management.\nDeclare and mobilise against the climate emergency with a 10 year transition to negative emissions. Put a price on carbon and lead internationally to restore a safe climate with 800% renewables.\nEnd native logging and incentivise regenerative agriculture and biodiversity. Manage watersheds and rehydrate Australia. Cease fossil fuel extraction.\nAnti-corruption body, Compassionate welfare, Whistleblower protection, Simpler + fairer economics, Transparent government and Campaign finance reform.\nHelp out with the campaign!\nThis is your chance to help build the future you want to see.\nWe rely on volunteers to help out during elections. It could be as simple as handing out flyers or even helping to design them. Sign up now to volunteer if you are keen to take that next step.Volunteer Now!\nDonate to support the campaign today!\nYour donation goes towards the $2,000 candidate nomination fee, printing flyers and promoting the campaign online.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Panicum virgatum 'Joz276' PURPLE BREEZE™\nPurple Breeze Switch Grass\n- Main interest:\n- colourful dark purple foliage and showy panicles\n- full sun\n- Soil humidity:\n- moist soil\n- Growth type:\n- Flower colour:\n- Flowering period:\n- July to September\n- green turning to purple\n- USDA Hardiness:\n- zone 4a: -34.5 °C (-30 °F) View Zone Map\n- Mature height & width (max.):\n- height: 3.5 ft (1.05 m) width: 1.5 ft (0.45 m)\n- borders, specimen, mass planting, container\nPurple Breeze Switch Grass will add colourful foliage and brighten up your garden or landscape. Flat, linear mid-green leaves turn purple-maroon as the clump-forming grass ages. Airy green flower panicles are flushed with purple, complimenting the foliage, and bloom late summer to fall. Purple seed heads follow. This beautiful Purple Switch Grass is ideal in borders, as a screen, a focal point, or in containers.\nPlease use availability information as a guide only. The weather is a fickle thing, and impacts when our plants are actually available for shipping. Please be aware that we are not answering emails regarding plants availability. The best advice we can give you is to check back once in a while, choose a size option and check the current stock.\nSynonym(s): Panicum virgatum 'Purple Breeze'\nAlso known as: Purple Breeze Switchgrass, Purple Switch Grass, Purple-leaved Switch Grass", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The new EU level energy efficiency directive is enforcing an apartment specific water consumption measurement system in new apartment buildings. Vastuu Group offers a concept that helps building owners follow the directive easily.\nConcrete is the most common building material in the world, but also the most burdensome. We are involved in The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT 's project to optimize the life cycle of concrete through digitalization. Besides climate impacts, optimization benefits every actor in the concrete life cycle. It also provides a model for the productivity of the entire construction industry.\nAt the beginning of this year, we teamed up with Demola to explore and understand the future possibilities of data in different contexts. Together with our parent company Vastuu Group, we are focusing on the data platform economy and thus insights, findings and next-generation points of views are very important.\nM.Sc. Esa Halmetoja presents in his doctoral dissertation \"Improving perceived indoor conditions using building information models and field data\" how data sharing enables the introduction of new business models in facility maintenance and operations. Platform of Trust was part of the study seeking, combining, resending data.\nKPMG has published its 5th annual edition of the Real Estate Innovation Overview in collaboration with Global Proptech. Platform of Trust is listed in the overview as one of the property information platforms.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Slow Release Garden Booster\nOur premium slow-release formula rejuvenates soil and improves moisture retention, stimulating microbial activity and making nutrients available to plants and trees.\nApply a generous amount around the base of the plant or tree, working it lightly into the soil before watering. Keep the product away from the stem to prevent root rot. Reapply every 12 weeks or as needed.\n*These rates apply to our Garden Booster & Liquid Plant Food only - excludes pots.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Amphipods are beneficial to the aquarium’s ecosystem, but they can overpopulate the aquarium. A large number of amphipods in your aquarium can look unappealing. What you can do is bring something that eats amphipods. But what eats amphipods?\nMany saltwater fish, such as wrasse and mandarin fish, enjoy eating amphipods. But if you have a freshwater aquarium, there are still options for you! This blog will introduce the creatures that eat amphipods in freshwater ecosystems.\nIf you’re intrigued to know which fish this includes, read on!\nAmphipods are zooplankton and a great food source for almost every fish. That means any fish can be a predator of amphipods. From tiny fish to big sharks, they can all eat amphipods.\nAmphipods are not easy to get. They usually hide under rocks, corals, and other places and come out at night to roam around. So it can be challenging for fish in the ocean to eat amphipods. But in an aquarium, you can easily kill amphipods by putting in some freshwater fish.\nAmphipods are eaten by wrasse, a marine fish with 600 different species. Wrasse can be the best predator for amphipods in the aquarium. These fish are effective carnivores that prey primarily on a variety of small invertebrates.\nYou have probably heard of mandarin fish and thought, “Do mandarin fish eat amphipods?” Yes, mandarin fish can be the ultimate predator for amphipods. The Mandarin Dragonet fish is a saltwater fish, but you can keep them in your aquarium to get rid of amphipods.\nMandarin fish love to eat copepods and amphipods to survive. They are small and very inexpensive, which is best for an aquarium or reef tank.\nWhile clownfish may help you get rid of amphipods, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. The advantage is that clownfish eat amphipods and can help control their population. However, the disadvantage is that getting rid of all the amphipods with just a few clownfish can be difficult.\nClownfish typically eat both copepods and amphipods for food, so they may not be able to completely wipe out the amphipod population on their own.\nAmphipods love to roam around in the darkness to hide from predators, which is why clownfish are not that effective at getting rid of amphipods from aquariums. At night, when amphipods emerge from hiding places like under rocks, clownfish sleep.\nAlmost every type of freshwater fish eats amphipods. Amphipods can be a natural food source for freshwater fish when they are not hunting. In freshwater aquariums, there are many fish that enjoy eating amphipods. These include some varieties of plecos, killifish, gouramis, and even some cichlids!\nIf you’re looking for a species of fish specifically designed to eat amphipods in a freshwater tank, then the Siamese Algae Eater is your best choice. The Siamese Algae Eater is known for its voracious appetite and loves to feast on amphipods!\nIn addition to fish, there are also other predators of amphipods in a freshwater aquarium, such as snails. Apple snails, Ramshorn snails, and Malaysian trumpet snails all love to eat amphipods. You can also get shrimp that will consume amphipods as part of their diet.\nGuppy is a type of freshwater fish that feeds on amphipods. They can survive on amphipods when they are not hunting. Amphipods are an essential element of freshwater fish diets. That’s why you should always grow amphipods in your freshwater aquarium.\nIf you are thinking about getting amphipods for your reef tank, make sure to add saltwater fish that eat amphipods. Seahorses are the most common saltwater fish that consume amphipods. They are carnivores and will eat amphipods when they are not hunting.\nAnother saltwater fish that feeds on amphipods is the royal gramma fish. They belong to the Grammatidae family, which is a group of brightly colored sea-dwelling basslets. Royal grammas feed primarily on small invertebrates like amphipods, copepods, and mysids.\nThe yellow tang is another saltwater fish that loves to feed on amphipods. They are known for their bright yellow color and are commonly found in tropical reef tanks, where they feed on small invertebrates like amphipods.\nYou can also add octopus because it also eats amphipods. The diamond goby is another saltwater fish that eats amphipods. The most popular saltwater fish that eats amphipods is the wrasse. Almost every kind of wrasse eats amphipods, so it will be easier for you to get wrasse for your reef tank.\nFrequently, amphibians are naturally introduced into closed aquarium systems when live sand and/or live rock have been added. If the temperature in the tank is slightly warmer and there is a food source available, they will begin to multiply.\nThe amphipods in live rocks and corals often become visible to the naked eye after they’re transferred from their natural habitat (the ocean) into an aquarium or fish tank. These little creatures tend to hide under objects like rocks and sand so that bigger fish can’t eat them. After being placed in a new environment, the amphipods feel safe enough to come out from hiding.\nYou may want to get rid of amphipods from your aquarium or reef tank. But amphipods are an essential element for your fish and their ecosystem. Amphipods are frequently important parts of other aquatic systems where they aid in the recycling of nutrients and serve as a source of high-quality food for a wide range of creatures, including crayfish, fish, amphibians, water birds, and semiaquatic mammals.\nAmphipods are the most abundant microinvertebrates and the keystone species of groundwater, springs, and saltwater. They eat zooplankton and keep the ecosystem balanced. Amphipods play an important role in groundwater and springwater systems. They are also a natural food source for saltwater and freshwater fish.\nAmphipods are important in processing detritus, and as a result, they produce a lot of feces and tiny particles of organic matter, which other invertebrates eat.\nAmphipods can be one of the primary food sources for your reef tank fish. Seahorses, octopus, wrasse, mandarin, shrimp, crabs, and much more saltwater fish can eat amphipods. Amphipods can also help to balance the ecosystem by eating zooplanktons, which are a source of food for other large fish.\nHowever, amphipods can overpopulate and make the reef tank look unappealing. That’s why you need fish that eat amphipods to keep their population balanced.\nAmphipods can live for up to two years, provided other predators don’t eat them. These tiny crustaceans have many Natural enemies, like big fish and sea mammals that hunt them for food. Despite this, amphipods can survive in most environments for up to two full years with a good source of shelter and food.\nAmphipods can grow to be anywhere from 5 mm to 20 mm (3/16 to 3/4 inch) as adults. Talitroides topitotum measures 7 mm on average, while Talitroides allaudi is a little smaller at only 3.5mm. The largest of these species, Arcitalitrus sylvaticus (Haswell), has the potential to reach 8mm (3/8 inch). Although they come in other colors, too, aquatic species are most often seen in white.\nNo, amphipods are not harmful to fish. Instead, amphipods can be very nutritious for other big fish. Keeping amphipods in your aquarium can add versatility to your fish’s diet. Amphipods can easily be digested but cannot attack other fish because of their size.\nAccording to researchers, amphipods play a vital role in keeping the ocean’s ecosystem balanced. They don’t cause harm to any other sea creatures. However, an overpopulation of amphipods in reef tanks can become a problem.\nAfter learning what eats amphipods, you can bring the fish mentioned in this blog. However, if you want to grow amphipods in a reef tank or aquarium, keep an eye on them. It is because amphipods can grow within weeks, and if your fish don’t eat them, they will overpopulate.\nAmphipods can benefit both freshwater and saltwater fish, so they can be used for either. Do not think amphipods are harmful to fish because they are not.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Considering A River Birch Tree?\nIf you are looking for a river birch tree, this is the blog for you. I will review important information about this beautiful and strong US native tree. You will learn all about the river birch including its description, care, and facts about the river birch tree. Read on to learn more about our river birch trees for sale.\nRiver birches are distinctive shade trees with their unique shape and exotic bark. River birches often have 2, 3, or even 4 trunks, but sometimes they only have 1 trunk. The green leaves turn vibrant yellow in fall. River birches are fast growing shade trees and they can easily grow 2 to 3 feet per year. With a mature height upwards of 60 feet and a rapid growth rate this shade tree is a great option for large homes. Be sure you have plenty of space for this tree as they can spread to 40 feet across. These adaptable trees are easy to grow and no maintenance once they are established. The river birch is also deer, pollution, wind, and ice tolerant. These trees can grow throughout most of the United States. They are recommended for growing zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.\nFacts about River Birch Trees\n• This tree is botanically known as the Betula nigra and is also referred to as the black birch or water birch.\n• River birches are native to a majority of the east coast of the United States to much of the central US.\n• This shade tree naturally occurs in wet areas like swamps and floodplains. It enjoys moist soil and can even live in wet sites.\nHow To Care\nRiver birch trees grow in full sun. These trees can adapt to just about any soil and can even tolerate wet soil. They are also much more heat tolerant than other birches and are drought tolerant once they are established. Water your river birch deeply 2 to 3 times per week for the first 3 months after planting. After your tree is established, you will only need to water during times of severe drought. Add a 2 inch layer of mulch when planting these trees to help keep the soil moist. Be sure to pull the mulch away from the trunk to avoid encouraging pests and disease. Fertilize in early spring with a slow release fertilizer. If pruning is necessary, late winter to early spring is the best time to do this. Remove dead, broken, and diseased branched as soon as you notice them.\nHow to Plant a River Birch Tree\n• Your potted river birch tree should be watered well immediately before planting.This helps prevent shock by ensuring the roots are able to stay moist.\n• Dig a hole about twice as wide as the root ball and put your tree in the hole. The top of the root ball should be slightly higher than the existing soil line. Make sure that your tree is straight from a few different vantage points.\n• Fill the soil back into the hole around the root ball. Tamp the soil down gently with your hands to remove any air pockets\nWater deeply until the ground can no longer hold water.\n• Add 2 inches of mulch in a mound around your new tree to help the soil retain moisture longer and reduce watering needs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "With Spring in the air April is the time our reptiles start to woo their mates. After emerging from brumation around March, they are ready to mate as the weather starts to warm up. This will continue into May.\nThe territorial adder dances a duel to compete for females this month. These females, like most of the UK’s reptiles, give birth to ‘live young’. The eggs have been incubated internally and this process is called Viviparity. This method of producing young protects the developing eggs from predation, disturbance or just getting too cold in our climate to survive. Only Grass snakes and sand lizards lay eggs. The sand lizard lay their eggs under a sunny patch of sand and the grass snake in rotting vegetation like a compost heap that creates heat during decomposition.\nDuring April, May and September our reptiles are at their most active so now is the time to see them out and about. Early morning basking as they top up their temperature for a day of hunting ahead is a good time for spotting. Check out sunny spots that are sheltered from the wind. If you do spot anything report this on our make sure to let us know through Froglife’s free Dragon Finder app on Google Play and Apple Store!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "By Rachael Funk\nThe beauty of New Zealand pulls travelers from all over the world. Adventure lovers delight in hiking, kayaking, swimming, and trekking through the majestic terrain and over the beautiful landscapes. While the bustling cities offer plenty to do and love, those who set off to find New Zealand’s natural treasures are in for the trip of a lifetime. Here are nine of New Zealand’s most gorgeous spots.\nImage posted by Instagram user @djokovicova_inthesky\nWaitomo Glowworm Caves\nAmong the best-known attractions in New Zealand is the Waitomo Glowworm Caves. There, you can float down the underground river and gaze up at a galaxy of glowworms illuminating the world around them. As you glide through the water, guides provide information on the caves and the worms that live there.\n39 Waitomo Village Road (formerly Waitomo Caves Road), Waitomo Caves, Private Bag 501, Waitomo\nHours: Open 9am daily, tour departure times may vary\nConsidered one of the best day hikes in the country, this 12-mile trek leads you through the crossing where “Mordor” was filmed in The Lord of the Rings. The trail varies between an easy walk and some steep areas, but is generally considered doable for most hikers. Pass volcanoes, craters, and other unique landforms as you make your way across this breathtaking landscape.\nTongariro Crossing, Tongariro National Park 4691,\nHours: Bus service from town to the crossing begins at 6:30 am and return service begins at 3:00 pm\nImage posted by Instagram user @mariselahernandezo\nThe whole name for this gorgeous place is \"Te Waikoropupu,\" a name easier to maneuver when shortened to “Pupu.” The largest freshwater spring in the Southern Hemisphere, Pupu Springs gush spring water clearer than the famously clear Weddell Sea in Antarctica. Contact with the water is forbidden as the springs are sacred to the local Maori, but guests can enjoy walking trails and observation points around the springs.\nPupu Springs Rd, Takaka 7183, New Zealand\nHours: Open 24 hours daily\nA main attraction of Moeraki Beach, these beautifully rounded boulders were formed over the span of millions of years. The spheres are concretions that were excavated by shoreline erosion from the cliffs backing the beach. An excellent place for photographs or a romantic walk, the Moeraki Boulders are a point of interest for many locals and travelers alike.\nMoeraki Boulders Rd, Hampden 9482, New Zealand\nHours: Open 24 hours daily\nImage posted by Instagram user @fabiosingenberger\nFilled with natural thermal springs, Wairakei Terraces hold pools below the area’s silica terraces and waterfall. Indulge in the mud and silica waters which have been used for centuries for healing and wellness by the Maori. Guests can enjoy baths, massage, and beauty treatments here to revitalize and rejuvenate.\nSh 1, Wairakei 3377, New Zealand\nHours: 8:30 am – 8:30 pm, Friday to Wednesday and 8:30 am – 7 pm Thursday\nMilford Sound is one of New Zealand’s most impressive destinations for locals and travelers alike. A fiord within Fiordland National Park, this spectacular part of the Piopiotahi Marine Reserve appears on bucket lists all over the globe. Rudyard Kipling went so far as to describe the Milford Sound as the eighth Wonder of the World. Take a cruise down the sound to see snowcapped mountains, waterfalls, sometimes even dolphins!\nFiordland National Park Visitor Centre: Lakefront Dr, Te Anau 9640, New Zealand\nHours: Visitor Centre open 8 am – 5 pm daily\nThe Blue Pools\nThe glowing Blue Pools of Haast Pass are full of water so clear, you can see straight down to the bottom. The icy glacial water is swimmable, if you don’t mind the cold. A swing bridge is suspended high above the deep water and if you are an incorrigible thrill seeker, you can jump into the pools from there. A gentler entrance can be found below the bridge if you’d like to get in slowly. An easy 30-minute walk is required to and from the car park, and brings you to the pools through the forest to this magnificent area.\nHaast Pass-Makarora Rd, Mt Aspiring National Park 9382, New Zealand\nHours: Open daily\nPunakaiki Pancake Rocks and Blowholes\nOnly a 20-minute walk from the main highway of Punakaiki, these limestone rocks are a must see – especially at high tide! 30 million years of compaction and erosion have created these impressive formations and several vertical blowholes for the tides to blast through. Appearing flat-topped and stacked like pancakes, these rocks are reachable via the easy Pancake Rocks and Blowholes Walk in the center of Punakaiki.\nPaparoa National Park Visitor Centre: 4294 Coast Road, Punakaiki RD 1, Runanga 7873\nHours: Visitor Centre open 9 am – 5 pm daily\nObviously you’ve heard of the Northern Lights, but did you know there are also Southern Lights? New Zealand is famous for many natural wonders, and the Southern Lights are among them. Aurora Australis is to be enjoyed only by those who make it far enough south to catch the show. The green and pink hues can be spotted over the horizon when conditions are just right, with very little notice. In New Zealand, the winter months (March – September) are the best to see the lights around midnight. The right solar activity partnered with dark, clear skies makes it easiest to see the phenomenon, especially if you are on Stewart Island, Lake Tekapo, or the Catlins.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Here's how to control weeds in your garden\nNature uses weeds to heal up sites which are plantless as a result of drought or poor soil conditions in order to protect and preserve the soil. However as gardeners we do not appreciate the effort that weeds are continually trying to accomplish.\nWeeding to us is a never-ending chore, and left undone will quickly take over the whole garden. This week I will review some methods to use in controlling weeds. It is the first season you start a new garden that the weeds are usually the hardest to control because you are changing an area that was once something else into a garden. One good rule is don't take on more space than you can handle. It is better to do part and do it well, than to take too much and not really accomplish what you planned.\nWeed seeds can lay dormant for a long, long time. But it is only the seeds in the first couple inches of soil that get enough light to germinate. So digging and cultivating brings hidden seeds to the surface each time you open the ground. So dig only when you need to and immediately heal up the disturbed spot with either plants or mulch well. In your lawn use a fishtail weeder so that you can slice straight down along taproots and not disturb the soil around the weed.\nOne of the best preventive measures for weeds is mulch. Mulch benefits plants by keeping the soil moist and cool, providing some nutrients, and depriving weeds of light. Some light will pass through only mulch, so you need to use a light blocker like cardboard, four layers of newspaper or landscape cloth under the mulch. Over time, if the mulch is not renewed weed seeds and debris will become trapped in the original mulch and start to grow. So keep renewing the mulch (wood chips, bark chips, straw, pine needles) a little each year to keep it about 3 inches thick.\nThe old saying \"pull weeds when wet, hoe when dry\" is a good way of controlling weeds. To make your garden look well kept, bring along a container to collect the weeds that you pull. If these weeds are free of seeds they can go into your compost pile. After a drenching rain is an especially good time to pull weeds by hand, and to use the fishtail weeder to pry up taproots for the least soil disturbance. If the soil is dry, use a sharp slicing tool to slice off weeds just below ground level rather than a hoe because there will be less soil disturbance.\nIf the weeds get ahead of you and start to form seed heads, you can cut off the seed heads so they do not have the chance to go to seed. When the seed head is removed the weed will try to regrow a new seed head. This will force the weed to use up its food reserves to make a new seed head and help exhaust their food reserve to their root system. You can also use a string trimmer equipped with a blade to cut down prickly thistles or brambles and eliminate weeds.\nAnother way to block the light supply to weeds is by close plant spacing. The spacing of plants is based on the idea of the plants just touching one another when they reach maturity. If you reduce this spacing by 25 percent, your plants will be closer and tighter and the gaps between plants will reduce the light available for weeds to grow. This will also reduce the air flow through your garden so plants that are prone to downy mildew (such as bee balm and phlox) may become infected with it.\nWater only your plants not the whole garden. If possible use drip irrigation or soaker hoses around your plants and water only your plants and not the weeds scattered around the whole garden. Depriving weeds of water reduces weed-seed germination by 50 to 70 percent. Try to enrich you soil with organic matter and fertilizer often. Soil scientists aren't sure how it works, but fewer weed seeds germinate in healthy soil that contains fresh infusion of good compost or organic matter.\nKyle Schulz is a Wadena County Master Gardener from Sebeka, and the regular gardening columnist for the Wadena Pioneer Journal. The Pioneer Journal and the Echo Press are both owned by Forum Communications Company.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This is a medium sized masdevallia species with very long lasting large flowers that are produced successively over a very long period from a flower spike. It is not unusual for this orchid to be in flower for eight months of the year.\nThe flowers are invariably pendulous and so we usually move this plant up onto a shelf when flowering. With such a long flowering period it now lives on that shelf.\nThe species is found in cloud forests from 1500-1900m in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador and so plants are very at home in our Cool Americas section.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Photo: Cory Antiel\nHunting season starts Saturday, Nov 21 and continues to December 22.\nWe advise avoiding hikes during the first few weeks of the season\nor being extra cautious while you’re out.\nIf you choose to hike at one of RPA's community forests or preserves,\nor on other public lands (including state lands),\nplease remember to wear some blaze orange, and avoid wearing white.\nHunting at RPA community forests is restricted to a few hunters per day.\nHunting is NOT allowed at Barberville Falls,\nbut it’s still a good idea to wear blaze orange on the trails.\nIf you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us:\nemail@example.com / 518-712-9211\nLearn more about hunting on RPA lands here:\nLearn more about hunting season safety here:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Care Level: Advanced\nReef Compatible: Yes\nGeneral Description: The Purple Queen Anthias is one of the most sought after Anthais species, but is best left to advanced and expert level aquarists due to their fragile nature and difficulty adapting to aquarium life. They feature a gorgeous purple/pink body, blue edging on its fins, and a multi-colored face with a yellow chin. This color intensified with maturity, especially in males. They can be kept as a mated pair, or in a small school of females. Avoid keeping two males in the same tank, as it can lead to extreme aggression. Adult males can reach up to 7 inches in length with females being smaller.\nDiet Requirements: In the wild Anthias feed on zooplankton and occur in areas with strong currents such as reef faces, slopes, drop off zones. Purple Queen Anthias can have difficulty adapting to prepared aquarium diets and require multiple small meals of live foods to start. A steady supply of copepods, frozen mysis and vitamin enriched brine shrimp, as well as high quality flake foods can be offered 3-5 times daily once established.\nCare Requirements: Purple Queen Anthias do best in a stable and well established aquarium of at least 75 gallons. They are peaceful and may be kept in a reef tank setting with plenty of live rock, but since they are one of the more sensitive species of Anthias, they will require expert care, attention and optimal water chemistry. To best recreate a natural reef environment for the Purple Queen Anthias aquascape with a generous amount of live rock and create slopes, caves, and overhangs for an interesting and diverse reef aquarium landscape. They are considered reef safe and will not bother coral or other invertebrates. Recommended water conditions, 72-78° F, KH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.020-1.025.\nPurchase Size: Small: 1-1/2″ to 2-1/4″ Medium: 2-1/4″ to 4″ Large: 4″ to 6″\nNote: Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase size is approximate.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "★★ Another dark and warmthless waste of the year’s longest days. Intermittent rain again, mist again, damp sluggish air in the subway. Sidewalk tables were empty. Water beaded on the seats of the outmost aluminum chairs. A backhoe bucked and dropped clods of dirt into a dump truck. An insistent breeze carried news of industrial cooking, news of feces. In the afternoon, in the sculpture garden that poses as a public amenity, the wind made the silvery grass sway, till a rubber-booted volunteer asked the public to leave.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Brussels, 04 February 2002\nA research project funded by the European Union's Fifth Framework programme for research (FP5) is investigating ways of using plants and herbal extracts to reduce environmentally damaging methane gas emissions from cows and improve their milk production.\nThe project, involving scientists and commercial partners from Ireland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Switzerland, is being given a 1.94 million euro research grant under the FP5 Quality of Life programme.\nDr John Wallace from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK, who is heading the project, said that methane emissions from grazing animals account for one third of the total EU emissions of the gas. Methane is 20 times as potent at destroying ozone as the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, he said.\nThe project aims to explore a range of novel plants and plant extracts which could replace the use of man-made feed additives, such as antibiotics, in controlling gut bacteria in cows, reducing harmful methane emissions, increasing the efficiency of livestock production and slowing the spread of resistance to antibiotics in human infections.\n'We know that the release of methane from ruminants is extremely damaging to the environment,' said Dr Wallace. 'Currently, however, methane release levels are increasing at an exponential rate. We believe our work has the potential to halt this increase and help stabilise the environment by taking a natural route to improved rumen fermentation. At the same time, we believe that the current growth in antibiotic resistance in humans, part of which is generally accepted to be linked to the use of antibiotics in animal feeding, could also be reduced.'\nSome of the inspiration for the project comes from the Rowett Institute's 20 year partnership with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The collaboration has aroused interest in the potential feeding value of new plant species. Dr Rowett explained that some of the ILRI's collection of tropical and subtropical plants 'appear to have significant potential value as rumen-manipulating agents with an associated capacity to lead to reduced methane output from the animals concerned.' He said the Rowett Institute is now examining similar promising plants as part of the new EU-supported project.\nFor further information, please consult the following web address:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Equipment For Handling and Applying Manure On Small Farms\nA tractor and a manure spreader are needed to ensure proper field application of stored manure. Some small farms may be able to utilize small ground-drive spreaders that can be pulled behind an all-terrain vehicle or pickup instead of a tractor. Pull-type spreaders are traditionally used, although truck-mounted spreaders are sometimes used on larger farms.\nSolid manure can be removed from storage using front-end loaders, scrapers, or other handling equipment. Small or limited-resource farms can get by with equipment as simple as a wheelbarrow and pitch fork. The size of the equipment influences the time required to load, haul, and spread manure. For more information see Nutrient Planning on Small Farms.\nEnvironmental Considerations When Spreading Manure\nManure should not be spread where and when there is any risk for water pollution, such as near streams, ponds, wells or other waterbodies. Your local soil and water conservation district or Natural Resources Conservation Service office can also help identify if additional special protection areas exist on farmland and bordering properties.\nStored manure should be applied to the soil in a thin layer to speed drying and discourage fly breeding. Spreading incompletely composted manure on horse pastures should be avoided due to the risk of infecting pastures with internal parasites. Manure should be spread at agronomic rates (rates equal to or less than plants will use in a year). When stockpiled manure is spread on crop fields, the application may not meet the total needs of the crop. Each source of horse manure will vary, especially when different bedding sources are used. Typically, a ton of horse manure will contain eleven pounds of nitrogen, two pounds of phosphorous, and eight pounds of potassium. Average values are given in the table below and can help to determine the number of acres needed to properly apply the horse manure. Refer to your local Cooperative Extension office to get a list of laboratories that will do manure analysis.\n|Manure||Percent Solids||Nitrogen – N||Phosphorus – P2O5||Potassium – K2O|\nWhen Should Manure Be Land Applied?\nSpring is the preferred time to apply manure. Forage or hay crops generally provide the greatest flexibility in planning land application operations. Cool season grasses can generally utilize manure nutrients from early spring to late fall, and application equipment generally does not adversely affect the crop regardless of its growth stage. However, spreading manure on wet soils should be discouraged as it leads to soil compaction and tearing of the top soil.\nManure Nutrient Availability\nWhen spread, not all nutrients in manure are immediately available for plant use. The amount of nitrogen available is a function of the percentage of nitrogen in the manure, whether or not it is incorporated in the soil, and the rate of organic matter decomposition of the manure. Nitrogen availability (during the first growing season) will range from 35% of the total nitrogen when manure is spread on the soil surface to 60% when immediately incorporated into the soil. Availabilities of phosphorus from phosphate (P2O5) and potassium from potash (K2O) are commonly set at 80% and 90% of totals, respectively. For links to publications that include more detailed information and formulas for estimating nutrient availability from manure see Manure Nutrient Management Educational and Informational Resources.\nManure Containing Wood Shavings or Sawdust May Require Additional Management\nHorse manure often has an additional consideration when it comes to nutrient availability. Sawdust or wood shavings are high-carbon materials that require a great deal of nitrogen to break down. This process can tie up available nitrogen, rendering it unavailable to plants or crops. A fact sheet on how to manage horse manure that contains wood shavings or sawdust is Horse Manure Management: The Nitrogen Enhancement System.\nToo Much Manure?\nIn situations where land application is not an option or the farm has more manure than can be appropriately utilized, the producer will need to consider Off-Farm Manure Disposal options.\n- Livestock factsheets and self-assessment worksheets, University of Rhode Island\n- Equine Barnyard Management\n- Exercise or Sacrifice Lots for Horses\n- Fencing To Limit Horses Access to Riparian Areas\n- Horse Manure Management\n- Live from the National Water Quality Meetings\n- Manure Storage on Horse Farms\n- Off-Farm Manure Disposal\n- Pasture Management on Horse Farms\n- Spreading Manure on Horse Farms\n- Stall Waste Production and Management\nAuthor: Michael Westendorf, Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "From today's Miami Herald:\n\"We have been slow to develop new technologies to prevent, mitigate and clean up oil spills,'' Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., who drafted the legislation [currently in the House about the federal response to oil spills], said in a statement. \"The fact that we are responding to the BP oil spill with basically the same technology that we used with the Exxon Valdez spill 20 years ago pretty much says it all.''\n- Ocean Roundup: Seafood Fraud Ring Uncovered in Australia, Fish Species Found to Change Skin Color, and More Posted Fri, October 17, 2014\n- Ocean Roundup: Oceans Seeing Largest Sea Level Rise in 6,000 Years, Red King Crab Fishery Opens in Alaska, and More Posted Tue, October 14, 2014\n- Video: Oceana Makes Plea for Mediterranean Swordfish, Says EU Overlooking Its Decline Posted Wed, October 15, 2014\n- CEO Note: President Obama Designates Largest Marine Reserve in the World Posted Fri, October 17, 2014\n- Deep Sea Sharks in Northeast Atlantic Still at Risk from Overexploitation, Warns Group Posted Tue, October 14, 2014", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "- What will happen if you inhale too much cleaning products?\n- Does bleaching cause cancer?\n- What household items cause cancer?\n- Can cleaning products cause sore throat?\n- What is the most dangerous household chemical?\n- Why are household chemicals dangerous?\n- Can you mix 409 and bleach?\n- Can you mix Pine Sol and bleach?\n- What chemicals are toxic to humans?\n- What gas kills you instantly?\n- What elements can kill you?\n- Can floor cleaner kill you?\n- What is the most toxic gas on earth?\n- What to do if you breathe in cleaning chemicals?\n- What household cleaning products can kill you?\nWhat will happen if you inhale too much cleaning products?\nWhen mixed, the contents of certain cleaners can trigger dangerous chemical reactions, such as the combination of ammonia and bleach.\nMixing them produces toxic fumes that, when inhaled, cause coughing; difficulty breathing; and irritation of the throat, eyes and nose..\nDoes bleaching cause cancer?\nCarcinogens. The Myth: “Isn’t bleach a carcinogenic chemical?” The Fact: No, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has concluded that bleach does not cause cancer.\nWhat household items cause cancer?\nAir fresheners. Air fresheners contain formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, p-dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants. These chemicals are thought to cause cancer and brain damage. They also are strong irritants to eyes, skin, and throat.\nCan cleaning products cause sore throat?\nIrritants: Exposure to certain irritants can affect the throat and cause symptoms. Common environmental irritants include tobacco smoke, cigarettes, air pollution, cleaning products, beauty products, and other household chemicals. Allergies: Allergic reactions can lead to chronic sore throats.\nWhat is the most dangerous household chemical?\nWhat Are the Most Dangerous Household Chemicals?Antifreeze. Swallowing antifreeze (ethylene glycol) may cause damage to the heart, brain, kidney and other internal organs. … Bleach. Being a strong corrosive substance, bleach can affect the respiratory system if inhaled. … Drain cleaners. … Carpet or upholstery cleaners. … Ammonia. … Air fresheners.\nWhy are household chemicals dangerous?\nMany cleaning supplies or household products can irritate the eyes or throat, or cause headaches and other health problems, including cancer. Some products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Other harmful ingredients include ammonia and bleach.\nCan you mix 409 and bleach?\nQ: Can I mix Formula 409® Multi-Surface Cleaner with other products, like bleach? A: No, we don’t recommend mixing with anything that’s not water, even on a double dog dare.\nCan you mix Pine Sol and bleach?\nBleach and Pine-Sol: Mixing these two chemicals in large amounts will create chlorine gas and can restrict your breathing.\nWhat chemicals are toxic to humans?\nWhat are ten of the most dangerous chemicals?Batrachotoxin isn’t very good for you. … Chlorine trifluoride is highly corrosive. … Potassium cyanide has killed some notable people in the past. … VX is used in chemical weapons. … Botulinum toxin A, also known as Botox. … Ricin is pretty nasty. … Sarin will kill you in minutes.More items…•\nWhat gas kills you instantly?\nCarbon monoxideCarbon monoxide, or “CO,” is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you.\nWhat elements can kill you?\nSo here is a list of substances that are more poisonous than their LD50 values might indicate.Botulinum toxins. Even though some of them are used in the cosmetic industry (including in botox), the botulinum family of neurotoxins includes the most toxic substances known to man. … Snake toxins. … Arsenic. … Polonium-210. … Mercury.\nCan floor cleaner kill you?\nNEVER mix bleach with ammonia, as the fumes can be deadly. Carpet and Upholstery Shampoos generally contain highly toxic substances like perchlorethylene (a known carcinogen that damages the liver, kidneys, and nervous system) and ammonium hydroxide (a corrosive that irritates eyes, skin, and respiratory passages).\nWhat is the most toxic gas on earth?\nSarin (inhaled) Sarin is one of the deadliest nerve gases, hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide.\nWhat to do if you breathe in cleaning chemicals?\nHome careBreathe fresh air for the next few hours. … Don’t use any cleaning products, paints, mineral spirits, or other volatile chemicals. … Rest until you are feeling back to normal again. … During the next 24 hours, don’t smoke cigarettes.More items…\nWhat household cleaning products can kill you?\nThe household cleaners that you should never mix at the risk of creating toxic gassesBleach is especially toxic and should not be mixed with anything other than water.Some of the most deadly combinations are ammonia and bleach, vinegar and bleach, and rubbing alcohol and bleach.More items…•", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Delhi fumes as air quality deteriorates to ‘very poor’ category\nThe air quality in Delhi remains in the poor category, owing to constant stubble burning in the neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana. As per the latest Air Quality Index (AQI) data, the air quality of Delhi's Lodhi Road area showed levels of prominent pollutants PM 2.5 and PM 10 at 224 and 272, respectively, above normal. An AQI between 0 and 50 is considered \"good\", 51 and 100 \"satisfactory\", 101 and 200 \"moderate\", 201 and 300 \"poor\", 301 and 400 \"very poor\", and 401 and 500 \"severe\". On the other hand, farmers in Punjab are continuing to burn stubble in Ludhiana's Raul village, owing to the absence of machinery. Particles from stubble burning combine with industrial pollution, vehicle exhaust and dust to cover the region every year as winter approaches and wind speeds drop. Following the directions of the Supreme Court, the Centre approved a large sum of money for modern tools and technology to combat the problem.\nDelhi Cabinet approves proposal for 10% discount on using metro card in DTC buses\n\"This was necessary in view of rising air pollution to enco...\nDelhi pollution: Emergency plan rolled out as air quality remains poor\nThe air quality in Delhi remained poor with a drop in wind speed, even...\nAP FACT CHECK: Trump misses on storms, science, clean air\nWASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump in his interview with The Associated Press said he has \"a natural instinct for science.\" But what he said about hurricanes, clean air and climate doesn't quite get the science right.\nAir quality better in North India, but that may change\nThe Centre and northern states have taken measures this year to discourage farmers from a practice that they follow to prepare fields between the summer and winter crops.\nDelhi's air quality deteriorates, may worsen by Sunday: Authorities\nAn AQI between 0-50 is considered 'good', 51-100 'satisfactory', 101-200 'moderate', 201-300 'poor', 301-400 'very poor', and 401-500 'severe'.\nDelhi's air quality remains 'poor' for 4th consecutive day even as wind speed improved: Authorities\nThe overall air quality index (AQI) recorded at 4 pm on Thursday stood at 210, which falls under 'poor' category, authorities said. On Wednesday, Delhi's AQI stood at 239, according to a data by the Central Pollution Control Board.\nIndia aims to cut stubble burning in key states by 70 per cent, but experts sceptical\nThe official said that the government was educating farmers about the problems of burning stubble as well as providing subsidies for equipment that would allow them to mulch the stubble instead.\nEmergency pollution plan starts in Delhi. Here are things that are banned from today\nDelhi had adopted an emergency action plan GRAP last year under which stringent actions are implemented based on the air quality of the city.\nExperts blame perfume, hair gel for fuelling smog in Beijing\nThe air quality index in Beijing climbed to 213 on Monday. While several studies have been conducted on the reasons for heavy pollution in Beijing attributing to heavy industrialisation and automobiles, experts now blame the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Common household products like paints, perfume, hair gel, insecticide, cleaning products give off the VOCs.\nBoB's PS Jayakumar clears the air over his one-year extension, 3-way bank merger and more\n“We will start seeing some benefits on the revenue and cost sides and synergies.”\nHigh levels of air pollution can increase risk of oral cancer\nMen exposed to the highest levels of PM2.5s had an increased risk of mouth cancer.\nDelhi's air quality turns 'good' for second time this year: CPCB data\nThe overall Air Quality Index of New Delhi was recorded at 48 which falls under the \"good\" category, as per the data of the Central Pollution Control Board.\nConstant exposure to ozone may backfire on health\nA new study has utilised a novel method to estimate long-term ozone exposure to measure its effect on health.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The environment and human well-being are inextricably linked. When governments, businesses and others make decisions about land and natural resources, they inevitably impact the health, livelihoods and quality-of-life of local communities. So it stands to reason that the public should have a right to be involved in environmental decision-making—specifically, to know what is at stake, to participate in the decision itself, and to have the ability to challenge decisions that disregard human rights or harm ecosystems.\nThese three fundamental rights are known as environmental democracy—and not all nations provide it to their citizens.\nThe new Environmental Democracy Index (EDI) is the first-ever online platform that tracks and scores 70 countries’ progress in enacting national laws that promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement in environmental decision-making. The analysis, based on 75 indicators, identifies the best and worst countries for environmental democracy. The results may surprise you.\nThe Top Countries with Strong National Laws for Environmental Democracy\nThe top three countries are all former Soviet states—Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. Many of their relevant national laws were enacted as part of democratization reforms in the 1990s and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE) legally binding Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters. Lithuania and Latvia have both ratified this convention and strengthened their legislation after doing so, such as Lithuania’s amendments to its Law on Environmental Protection and Latvia’s passage of its Environmental Protection Law.\nRussia in particular may stand out to some as surprising, especially in light of several environmental activists recently fleeing the country out of fear for their freedom and safety. Therein lies a powerful lesson: Countries’ national laws may be quite progressive on paper, but the enforcement of those laws is oftentimes weak or subject to corruption.\nAll of the top 10 performers have statutes to support the public’s right to access government-held environmental information such as forestry management plans or mining permits, and all of them require at least a majority of government agencies to place environmental information like air and drinking water quality information in the public domain. While public participation scored the lowest across the index, all of the top 10 countries provide the public with the right to participate in major, national environmental decisions, such as infrastructure projects, forest management planning, pollution permitting and more. Lithuania stands out for having the highest score on the justice pillar. Its Civil Procedure Code and Law on Environmental Protection provides for communities to bring environmental cases in the public interest.\nWhat’s also interesting about the top 10 performers is that wealth is not necessarily the defining factor of strong environmental democracy laws. Panama and Colombia are resource-strapped nations, and South Africa is an upper middle income country; nevertheless, they’ve committed to enacting strong environmental laws.\nThe Lowest-Scoring Countries for Environmental Democracy\nHaiti, Malaysia and Namibia scored lowest on the index. Of the bottom 10 countries, some had right-to-information laws, but most lacked provisions requiring that government agencies proactively make environmental information public. In countries like Philippines, Republic of Congo and Pakistan, citizens need to go through time-consuming or expensive information requests to obtain crucial information like statistics on air or drinking water quality. The government may or may not honor these formal requests.\nMany of the bottom performers also lacked requirements on collecting environmental information and monitoring compliance. National governments in Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Bangladesh and Thailand do not actually ensure that factories, mines and other facilities aren’t harming people or the planet. And requirements for public participation in these countries are almost always limited to environmental impact assessments, leaving out other important decisions such as the development of forest management plans, protected area policies or environmental protection laws.\nOne positive note is that even at the bottom of the list, Saint Lucia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Republic of Congo allow an individual to file lawsuits in the public interest. Otherwise, the right to challenge or appeal government or private sector decisions is not as well established in these countries.\nThere’s Room for Improvement Across the Board\nEven in countries that scored relatively well, there’s still room for improvement. Almost 50 percent of the countries assessed, for instance, are not making real-time air quality data available online for their capital cities. And while nearly half of the countries require agencies to monitor environmental compliance, 64 percent of those with laws on the books do not release any information to the public on emissions or wastewater discharges, pollutants that can impact human health and the environment.\nAnd even if countries have strong laws on the books, it doesn’t mean that they are adequately enforced. EDI measured countries based on the existence of national laws, not implementation. However, supplemental to the legal index, EDI includes 24 indicators on environmental democracy in practice. These indicators are not comprehensive, but they do provide some key insights to allow some comparison with legal scores.\nNational laws aren’t the only way to improve environmental democracy, but they’re an important first step. EDI can help governments who want to promote transparent, inclusive and accountable environmental decision-making by providing an index to benchmark progress, as well as examples of good practices from around the world. It’s time to give citizens a voice—for the good of the planet, and for the good of communities around the world.\nHow Does the Environmental Democracy Index Work?\nEDI was developed by the Access Initiative and WRI in collaboration with partners around the world. The index evaluates 70 countries, across 75 legal indicators, based on objective and internationally recognized standards established by the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Bali Guidelines. EDI also includes a supplemental set of 24 limited practice indicators that provide insight on a country’s performance in implementation. The national laws and practices were assessed and scored by more than 140 lawyers around the world. Country assessments were conducted in 2014 and will be updated every two years. Scores are provisional until August 30, 2015 as results are being shared with governments and civil society for feedback until July 15.\nFor more information on how experts ranked the countries, please see our technical document.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Street outreach workers are trying to get homeless people off the streets because of extreme cold.\nToronto is under an Extreme Cold Weather Alert. The city puts out this type of alert when Environment Canada forecasts a wind chill of -15, or an actual temperature of -15°C.\nFrigid conditions across southern Ontario prompted other cities in the region, including Hamilton and London, to issue cold weather alerts at the same time on Friday.\nOutreach workers want to persuade the homeless to stay off the streets Friday evening, when it will feel even colder. Free transportation to shelters is being offered.\nFarther east, Ottawa Public Health issued a frostbite alert for Friday and Saturday. The alert targets shelters and groups like the Red Cross and Salvation Army that help care for vulnerable people on cold nights.\nVery cold wind chills are possible from Saturday into Sunday morning for the region, resulting from a large arctic area of high pressure over northern Ontario. There is a possibility that the -35 threshold could be reached. The cold Arctic air will blast Toronto as well. It could feel like -27 with the wind chill, so make sure to bundle up.\nOn Thursday, residents of a Toronto apartment complex were forced out into the cold when connected North York highrise buildings lost heat. About 1,000 people had to leave freezing apartments after a problem with the complex's electrical system.\nNorthwest of the city, a blackout hit about 7,000 Ontario Hydro customers overnight in Orangeville, Caledon, and other areas.\nBitter cold also gripped northern Ontario on Thursday night, making it feel like -40 to -50\nOn January 17, a woman froze to death in Toronto's east end after she had wandered away from her house without a coat. An Extreme Cold Weather Alert was in effect at the time of her passing.\nWith files from Jill Colton.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "To make the waste water and the air in the capital is much cleaner in bacteria was proposed by the specialists of the Department of biotechnology and bioenergetics, National research centre “Kurchatov Institute”.\nAs reported by “MK” senior researcher Kirill Gorin, photosynthetic microorganisms (e.g., euglena, Chlorella) now used worldwide for air purification, because they are getting energy from the Sun, very effectively absorb from the air carbon dioxide.\nHowever, most of the waste of storm and melt water, which in bad weather flow through the streets, not really cleaned and all harmful impurities drain into rivers and lakes. If the set in photobioreactors with euglena or Chlorella, then they will be able to purify water from organic carbon to 39%. This result scientists have received in his lab, growing phototrophic micro-organisms in the melt water, taken from the capital’s streets. The degree of purification is so high that allows you to use a purified melt and storm water repeatedly, for example, for watering lawns and roads, washing of floors and other technical needs.\n— In addition to water purification, euglena and Chlorella, as was already mentioned, clean the air of CO2, releasing oxygen. They do this several times more efficient than, for example, trees, — says the scientist. — The use of euglena and Chlorella to clean air and water in the city would solve a number of environmental problems.\nIf you seek to experience a German scientist who created the original design of the buildings by using photobioreactors. For example, in Hamburg the entire facade of one of the high-rise buildings laid out in a transparent photobioreactors. They grow photosynthetic microorganisms using light and absorbing carbon dioxide. From the grown biomass biogas and fertilizer. In addition, due to the large volumes of water, photobioreactors are also used in the system thermal control of the building.\nIn China want to build a skyscraper with a facade of microalgae, they serve as giant filters, smog in large cities.\n— Our goal is not only to achieve clean air and water, says Gorin, but to examine what nutrients can be produced by photosynthetic microorganisms. For example, their chlorophyll green pigment can be used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.\nObtained after water purification the biomass of photosynthetic microorganisms can be used for biodiesel production and biokerosene.\nThe first test of the new “single-celled assistants” that they intend in the near future to conduct on-site of his Institute. There will be organized site that allows you to explore the behavior of photosynthetic microorganisms in real conditions of the cleaning process of surface discharge.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Event Date : December 6, 2013\nSustainable Food Trust conference at the Royal Geographical Society in London.\nThis conference will address one of the most important barriers preventing sustainable food systems from becoming mainstream – the absence of pricing that reflects the true cost of production – True Cost Accounting\nAt present, food producers are not financially accountable for their impacts on environmental and public health, which means that the polluter doesn’t pay, and those that are making food sustainably are not rewarded for positive outcomes.\nBringing together experts from across food and agriculture, including leading economic thinkers, researchers, policy-makers and food-companies, this event presents a unique opportunity to discuss the development of a new economic model for a sustainable future.\nA panel of international speakers will explore how to identify and price these external costs, and develop the policy mechanisms required to drive the change that is needed.\nFor more information go to Sustainable Food Trust\nBe the first to hear about the latest organic and agroecological research and get tips to improve your success with organic farming and land management with the ORC e-bulletin. Delivered to your inbox monthly.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "October 1, 2009\nNew Method To Measure Faults May Help Predict Quakes\nResearchers at the Carnegie Institution say that they have discovered a method of measuring and monitoring geological fault lines beneath the Earth's crust\"”a development that could significantly enhance scientists' ability to accurately predict earthquakes.\nGeologists previously had no means with which to detect and measure the fluctuating strength of faults that are hidden beneath the Earth's surface. Now, however, researchers from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism have teamed up with experts from Rice University and the University of California, Berkeley and have successfully used a hyper-sensitive seismometer to measure barely perceptible changes in earthquake waves moving through the San Andreas Fault zone in California.The group's research\"”conducted over the last 22 years\"”has pointed to a progressive weakening of the fault, corresponding to an increased instance of smaller, more frequent earthquakes along the fault line.\n\"Fault strength is a fundamental property of seismic zones,\" explained Taka'aki Taira of the University of California, Berkeley.\n\"Earthquakes are caused when a fault fails, either because of the build-up of stress or because of a weakening of the fault. Changes in fault strength are much harder to measure than changes in stress, especially for faults deep in the crust. Our result opens up exciting possibilities for monitoring seismic risk and understanding the causes of earthquakes.\"\nThe portion of the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California\"”dubbed the \"Earthquake Capitol of the World\"\"”is one of the most-studied fault lines on the planet and has served as a sort of natural laboratory for seismologists since the advent of the field of study.\nThe researchers observed that their seismographic readings from small earthquakes indicated areas of fluid-filled fractures within the fault zone. Puzzling, however, was the fact that these small areas appeared to move periodically, corresponding to a series of more frequent earthquakes of smaller magnitude\"”something the experts recognized as a tell-tale sign of a weakening fault.\n\"Movement of the fluid in these fractures lubricates the fault zone and thereby weakens the fault,\" explained Fenglin Niu of Rice University.\n\"The total displacement of the fluids is only about 10 meters at a depth of about three kilometers, so it takes very sensitive seismometers to detect the changes, such as we have at Parkfield.\"\nTurning to the question of what caused the movement of these fluids, the team stumbled upon their most remarkable observation.\nThey observed that in at least two separate incidences, the fluid shifts came after there was a disturbance in the fault zone caused by seismic waves from severe but distance earthquakes\"”the most significant of which was the 9.1 giant quake that rocked western Sumatra in December 2004, some 5,000 miles away. The researchers believe that the force of these waves rippling below the Earth's crust may have been strong enough to cause the subterranean fluids to flow.\nAccording to Niu, \"it is possible that the strength of faults and earthquake risk is affected by seismic events on the other side of the world\"\"”a possibility that could forever change the way seismologists understand and predict earthquakes.\nOn the Net:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Pesticide Residue and Fertility Potential\nAdapted from Fruit and vegetable intake and their pesticide residues in relation to semen quality among men from a fertility clinic and EWG’s 2015 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™\nA study by Harvard University researchers found that consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of pesticide residue was associated with a lower sperm count and lower percentage of morphologically (shape-wise) normal sperm among men presenting to a fertility clinic.\nMen who consumed the largest amounts of high pesticide residue fruits and vegetables had 49 percent lower sperm counts and 32 percent fewer normal-appearing sperm than men who ate fruits and vegetables with the smallest amounts of pesticide contamination.\nCareful washing of the foods did not eliminate the chemicals since the pesticide residue can get into the roots of fruits and vegetables from the ground and into the substance of the foods themselves.\nThis does not mean that people should stop eating fruits and vegetables, which are a necessary part of a healthy reproductive medicine diet, but people should choose organic fruits and vegetables, which have been shown to contain much less pesticide residue, or, at least, select fruits and vegetables that do not absorb as much pesticide.\nThe Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit advocacy organization, produced a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ based on the test results of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The EWG did not participate in the above Harvard University study of pesticides and male reproductive function. USDA found a total of 165 different pesticides in thousands of fruit and vegetables samples.\n- 99 percent of apple samples, 98 percent of peaches, and 97 percent of nectarines tested positive for at least one pesticide residue.\n- The average potato had more pesticides by weight than any other produce.\n- A single grape sample and a sweet bell pepper sample contained 15 pesticides.\n- Single samples of cherry tomatoes, nectarines, peaches, imported snap peas and strawberries showed 13 different pesticides apiece.\n- A significant portion of commercially available baby food, particularly applesauce, apple juice, grape juice, and peaches, contain alarming levels of pesticides.\n- Avocados were the cleanest: only 1 percent of avocado samples showed any detectable pesticides.\n- Some 89 percent of pineapples, 82 percent of kiwi, 80 percent of papayas, 88 percent of mango and 61 percent of cantaloupe had no residues.\nSmart shopping choices matter. People who eat organic produce eat fewer pesticides. A study by Cynthia Curl of the University of Washington found that people who report they \"often or always\" buy organic produce had significantly less organophosphate insecticides in their urine samples, even though they reported eating 70 percent more servings of fruits and vegetables per day than adults reporting they \"rarely or never\" purchase organic produce.\nThe following table will help you decide which produce may be safe to buy conventional and which you should always purchase organic (click on the table to download a pdf copy).\n(Lower Numbers = More Pesticides = Buy Organic Instead)\nAdapted from Environmental Working Group.\nIt is very important that you make fruits and vegetables the foundation of your reproductive health diet. The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables even outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. If you cannot buy organic, eating conventionally grown produce is better than skipping fruits and vegetables.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Nuclear power? Yes please...\nExclusive: leading greens join forces in a major U-turn\nBritain must embrace nuclear power if it is to meet its commitments on climate change, four of the country’s leading environmentalists – who spent much of their lives opposing atomic energy – warn today.\nThe one-time opponents of nuclear power, who include the former head of Greenpeace, have told The Independent that they have now changed their minds over atomic energy because of the urgent need to curb emissions of carbon dioxide.\nThey all take the view that the building of nuclear power stations is now imperative and that to delay the process with time-consuming public inquiries and legal challenges would seriously undermine Britain’s promise to cut its carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.\nThe volte-face has come at a time when the Government has lifted its self-imposed moratorium on the construction of the next generation of nuclear power stations and is actively seeking public support in the selection of the strategically important sites where they will be built by 2025.\nThe intervention is important as it is the first time that senior environmental campaigners have broken cover and publicly backed nuclear power.\nIt will be a welcome boost to the Government, which is expecting strong protests about the new generation of nuclear power stations at the planning stage.\nThe four leading environmentalists who are now lobbying in favour of nuclear power are Stephen Tindale, former director of Greenpeace; Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, the chairman of the Environment Agency; Mark Lynas, author of the Royal Society’s science book of the year, and Chris Goodall, a Green Party activist and prospective parliamentary candidate.\nMr Tindale, who ran Greenpeace for five years until he resigned in 2005, has taken a vehemently anti-nuclear stance through out his career as an environmentalist. “My position was necessarily that nuclear power was wrong, partly for the pollution and nuclear waste reasons but primarily because of the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons,” Mr Tindale said.\n“My change of mind wasn’t sudden, but gradual over the past four years. But the key moment when I thought that we needed to be extremely serious was when it was reported that the permafrost in Siberia was melting massively, giving up methane, which is a very serious problem for the world,” he said.\n“It was kind of like a religious conversion. Being anti-nuclear was an essential part of being an environmentalist for a long time but now that I’m talking to a number of environmentalists about this, it’s actually quite widespread this view that nuclear power is not ideal but it’s better than climate change,” he added.\nNone of the four was in favour of nuclear power a decade ago, but recent scientific evidence of just how severe climate change may become as a result of the burning of oil, gas and coal in conventional power stations has transformed their views.\n“The issue that has primarily changed my mind is the absolute imperative of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Fifteen years ago we knew less about climate change. We knew it was likely to happen, we didn’t quite realise how fast,” said Lord Smith, who described himself as a long-time sceptic regarding nuclear power.\n“What’s happened is that we’ve woken up to the very serious nature of the climate-change problem, the essential task of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and the need to decarbonise electricity production over the course of the next 20 to 30 years,” he said.\nRenewable sources of energy, such as wind, wave and solar power, are still necessary in the fight against global warming, but achieving low-carbon electricity generation is far more difficult without nuclear power, Lord Smith said.\nMark Lynas said that his change of mind was also a gradual affair borne out of the need to do something concrete to counter the growing emissions of carbon dioxide created by producing electricity from the burning of fossil fuels. “I’ve been equivocating over this for many years; it’s not as if it’s a sudden conversion, but it’s taken a long time to come out of the closet. For an environmentalist, it’s a bit like admitting you are gay to your parents because you’re kind of worried about being rejected,” Mr Lynas said.\n“I’ve been standardly anti-nuclear throughout most of my environmental career. I certainly assumed that the standard mantra about it being dirty, dangerous and unnecessary was correct,” he said.\n“The thing that initially pushed me was seeing how long and difficult the road to going to 100 per cent renewable economy would be, and realising that if we really are serious about tackling global warming it the next decade or two then we certainly need to consider a new generation of nuclear power stations.”\nThe long moratorium on building nuclear power plants in Britain came about largely because of intense lobbying by environmentalists in the 1970s and 1980s – a campaign that may have caused more harm than good, Mr Lynas said.\n“In retrospect, it will come to be seen as an enormous mistake for which the earth’s climate is now paying the price. To give an example, the environmentalists stopped a nuclear plant in Austria from being switched on, a colossal waste of money, and instead [Austria] built two coal plants,” he said.\nThe four will now join the ranks of those like Sir David King, the former chief scientific adviser to the Government and now director of the Smith Centre in Oxford, who was sceptical about nuclear power until he was presented with data on the scale of the climate-change problem.\nDolphins ‘deliberately get high’ on puffer fish nerve toxins by carefully chewing and passing them around\nIberian lynx cubs born in the wild bring hope for the world's most endangered feline species\nMorne Hardenberg: 'Great white sharks have a softer side most people never get to see'\nAnimal Extinction - the greatest threat to mankind\nGreat white sharks - the misunderstood giants with a softer side\n- 1 'Fire at every person you see': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot to kill in Gaza – even if the targets may have been civilians\n- 2 Italian police 'reveal' what Jesus looked like as a young boy\n- 3 General Election 2015: 14-year-old boy asks Nick Clegg – 'can you kill Katie Hopkins?'\n- 4 Garland shooting: Isis claims attack on Prophet Mohamed cartoon contest in Texas as its first action on US soil\n- 5 Met Gala 2015: Beyoncé manages to out-skimp Rihanna, Miley and Kim Kardashian combined with near-naked ensemble\nIn defence of liberal democracy\nOver 50,000 families shipped out of London boroughs in the past three years due to welfare cuts and soaring rents\nEU asylum policy is 'a direct threat to our civilisation', says Nigel Farage\nThe Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed?\nGeneral Election 2015: UK will be 'run for the wealthy and powerful' if Tories retain power, Labour warns\nSchools forced to act as 'miniature welfare states' with teachers buying underwear and even haircuts for poor pupils\n£35000 - £40000 per annum: Ashdown Group: IT Project Manager - Birmingham - ...\n£25000 - £30000 per annum + Uncapped Commission: SThree: Sthree are looking fo...\n£20000 - £25000 per annum + commission: SThree: Real Staffing's Pharmaceutical...\n£18000 - £25000 per annum + Commission: SThree: Are you great at building rela...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Renewable energy’s share in the energy mix decreased marginally from 11.4 per cent in Q2 FY20 to 10.7 per cent in Q2 FY21, according to the latest edition of the CEEW Centre for Energy Finance’s quarterly Market Handbook. A prominent reason for the decline was the unseasonable and sharp reduction in wind speeds in resource-rich states (Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu), leading to a ~41 per cent reduction in wind generation in July 2020 as compared to July 2019. Q2 typically records the highest wind energy generation every year.\nThe CEEW-CEF Market Handbook also highlighted that 3.2 GW of renewables were auctioned in Q2 of FY21, as compared to 4.4 GW (excluding 8 GW sanctioned as part of a manufacturing-linked upsizing of a solar auction from an earlier quarter) in Q1 FY21. Further, auctions for vanilla renewable energy projects gave way to auctions for blended generation mixes in the last quarter. Auctioning blended solar and wind projects is aimed at improving the transmission infrastructure utilisation with higher capacity utilisation.\nThe Handbook also highlighted that market concentration – i.e. the share of top five developers in the total project capacity sanctioned – increased to 84 per cent this quarter as compared to 81 per cent in the previous quarter, and is expected to remain high going forward.\nFurther, aggregate renewable energy capacity additions slowed down in Q2, partly owing to supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19, which impacted grid-scale capacity additions. In contrast, rooftop solar picked up with 399 MW capacity being added in Q2 FY21 (vs 188 MW in Q2 FY20). Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu led the growth in rooftop solar installations. Meanwhile, coal capacity addition remained subdued with net Q2 addition of 550 MW, approximately a third of renewable energy additions of 1,560 MW during the same period.\nNikhil Sharma, Associate at the CEEW Centre for Energy Finance (CEEW-CEF), said, “Among renewables, grid-scale and rooftop solar continued to dominate capacity additions in the quarter, accounting for a nearly 60 per cent share. A five-month extension granted by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for grid-scale project commissioning could result in a noticeable uptick in renewable energy capacity additions as the lockdown eases further.”\nThe Handbook also indicated that short-term electricity prices (in both day-ahead and real-time spot markets) saw an increase to 2.53 INR/kWh and 2.42 INR/kWh in Q2 FY21 (from 2.35 INR/kWh and 2.22 INR/kWh in Q1 FY21), respectively. This was due to a recovery in demand from discoms and increased volumes when compared to Q2 FY20 levels.\nOn the discom payables front, the Handbook highlighted the ~INR 1.4 lakh crore discom overdues to power producers as of September 2020, representing an increase of 50 per cent compared to overdues in September 2019. However, the pace of increase in overdues has dropped significantly, increasing only 5 per cent over the quarter, compared to a 30 per cent spike during Q1 FY21. Moreover, the Handbook stated that the INR 90,000 crore liquidity package announced for discoms under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan had been increased to INR 1,18,273 crore by the Ministry of Power. This could further help discoms in clearing their dues to power producers.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "|Forlag||Cambridge Scholars Publishing|\n|Emne||Aid & relief programmes; Social impact of disasters|\n|Se flere detaljer|\nOm Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after\nThis volume examines lessons learned in reducing the impact of disasters on communities in China, Japan and other countries world- wide. Asia is the most disaster-prone continent. The 2012 data on natural disasters in 28 Asian countries, released by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Belgian-based Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters on December 11th, 2012 showed that, from 1950 to 2011, nine out of ten people affected by disasters globally were in Asia; that of the top five disasters that created the most damage in 2012, three were in China; that China led the list of most disasters in 2012; and, that China was the only \"multi-hazard\"-prone country. Similarly, the March 2011 Tohoku earthquake was the greatest known earthquake ever to have hit Japan and one of the five strongest ever recorded earthquakes in the world since 1900. Subsequently, the Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters at the University of Massachusetts Boston organized a conference in November 2012 to survey the best practices in post-disaster rebuilding efforts in China and Japan. This edited book consists of selected papers from the proceedings of that event and previously invited contributions from leading scholars in post-disaster rebuilding in China, Japan and Namibia.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "\"Alvarez drives home the point that for buildings and communities located in hurricane-prone regions, it is not a question of whether the area will be impacted, but when it will be impacted. The book makes a strong case for taking responsibility to understand the vulnerabilities of buildings and structures to hurricane impacts.\"\n-Timothy Reinhold, PhD, from the Foreword\nFocusing on coastal regions affected by tropical cyclones, Hurricane Mitigation for the Built Environment highlights vulnerability, natural hazards, risk, damage, emergency management, and hazard mitigation as they relate to the threat and occurrence of hurricanes. The product of more than 25 years of the author's experiences with post-event assessments and studies of hurricane damage, it looks particularly at common sequences of failures and oversights in planning for a hurricane that amplify the damage caused by storms.\nThis book combines observations of actual damage to the built environment in coastal regions caused by hurricanes with applied research and testing. It uses case studies and imagery from recent storms to show some of the strengths and weaknesses of infrastructure, landscaping, and city planning. The case studies also illustrate, in great detail, what community planning efforts have worked and those that have failed.\nThe book also goes beyond analyzing immediately visible structural damages following a hurricane. It addresses long-term issues such as beach erosion and struggling tourism economies. It also describes specific, realistic, and essential mitigation measures for reducing the damage potential of future hurricanes and urges developers, designers, and owners to incorporate new knowledge into the design of new buildings or into the retrofitting of existing buildings. By applying the information presented in this book, communities susceptible to recurring hurricanes can reduce storm damage as well as the potential for extended losses that frequently follow a hurricane.\nTo view this DRM protected ebook on your desktop or laptop you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions installed. It is a free software. We also strongly recommend that you sign up for an AdobeID at the Adobe website. For more details please see FAQ 1&2. To view this ebook on an iPhone, iPad or Android mobile device you will need the Adobe Digital Editions app, or BlueFire Reader or Txtr app. These are free, too. For more details see this article.\n|Size: ||40.5 MB|\n|Publisher: ||CRC Press|\n|Date published: || 2015|\n|ISBN: ||9781498715003 (DRM-PDF)|\n|Read Aloud: ||not allowed|", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This product is made of 100% Mongolian yak down.\nThe color is the natural hair color of the yaks. This means three things. First, there is no bleaching or dyeing involved in the production process. Second, the color may vary from product to product. Third, you can wash the product with lighter-colored items.\nThe carbon emitted during our shipments is neutralized by the planting of trees in Madagascar.\nTwo percent of our sales will go back to climate projects regenerating the deteriorated grassland in Mongolia.\nThe male model in the photo has a height of 182cm and weighs 72kgs. He is wearing our pullover in size M.\nThe female model in the photo has a height of 168cm and weighs 58kgs. She is wearing our pullover in size S.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Agency: Escape Partners\nThe World Wildlife Fund and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature have released this funny new viral to promote the connect2earth.org website.\nIt features an out of shape superhero turning a blind eye to the problems around him - a person falling from a building, a run away pram, a granny crossing a road.\nMeeting up with a fellow superhero they agree, they \"Can't be bothered.\"\nThe closing frames remind viewers, \"You don't need to be a superhero to save the world.\"\nFunny ad addressing a serious environmental subject.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "How Do Bees Make Honey? How does the honey-making process of bees happen?\nThe Honey Story of the Bee, How does the honey-making process of bees begin and end? How much honey does a bee make per day? How many flowers does the bee visit in a day while making honey? Why does bee make honey? Honey made by bees actually contains a large amount of sugar. Apart […]\nWhat is the most popular outdoor plant?\nOutdoor ornamental plants used in landscaping are ornamental plants. These plants; to beautify the area where they are used in terms of other social, cultural, human and environmental health and tourism they are of great importance. Some of the outdoor ornamental plants do very well in some areas. While it grows, it may not develop […]\nIs England a hot or cold country?\nWhat is the UK Climate and Vegetation Cover? It is a known fact that English and British culture stand out in the world. The center of the British Empire is actually an island state geographically. The UK has a temperate and humid “Ocean Climate”. For this reason, the climate of England varies. When we look […]\nWhere do chrysanthemums grow best?\nChrysanthemum (lat. Chrysanthemum) is a flowering plant from the Composite family. Chrysanthemum is originally from China. The name Chrysanthemum means ‘golden flower’ in Greek. Its flower resembles a small sun. The chrysanthemum genus is quite varied – there are around 150 species worldwide. Chrysanthemums can be either tall or short, pompous or semi-pompous, spherical or […]\nCanada’s What are the most beautiful ground cover plants?\nGround cover plants of Canada; forming a dense leaf layer on the soil surface, wrapping, They are creeping, spreading and stunted plants. It is herbaceous, woody, evergreen or solitary green. plants look like grass cover and serve the same purpose as grass cover. groundcovers It acts as a kind of vegetative flooring in landscape areas. […]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The third Sustainable Cleaning Products Summit will be hosted in New York City on 2 to 3 May, 2017.\nFor the first time in North America, an executive summit will focus on the health and environmental impacts of cleaning products.\nDiscussions over the two-day summit will cover sustainable development, green labels, environmental impacts and green surfactants.\nAs green labels make headway on detergents and cleaning products, an update will be given on sustainability standards and certification schemes.\nGreen Seal and Natural Products Association, two of the leading certification schemes, will give details on their formulation requirements.\nA major natural foods retailer will also give insights on its eco-rating system for cleaning products.\nMartin Wolf and Chantal Bergeron from Seventh Generation will give the brands perspective when formulating natural cleaning products.\nMark S. Rossi, executive director of Clean Production Network, will state the health and environmental impacts of cleaning product chemicals.\nAlan Lewis from Natural Grocers will give his perspectives on sustainability, highlighting how the natural food retailer selects and markets green consumer products.\nSteve French from NMI will give present the latest consumer research on such products.\nAs concerns grow about the sustainability of palm oil, Fair Trade USA will make the case for sustainable coconut oil as detergent feedstock.\nTwo workshops will tackle two of the major sustainability issues in the cleaning products industry: environmental impacts and green surfactants. The latest life-cycle analysis of home care products will be presented, with key environmental parameters.\nPractical guidance will be given to brands and ingredient firms on how to lower their footprints.\nThe second workshop will give an update on green surfactants and their use in cleaning products, emphasizing the sustainability and performance issues.\nThe third edition of the Sustainable Cleaning Products Summit will be hosted alongside the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit, taking place in New York City on 3-5th May 2017.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This video shows us several types of ornamental grass that can be used in landscape projects. Although none of these grasses are appropriate for use in lawns, they are great options for those who are concerned about water conservation. Ricegrass is a bunch grass with long stems and silver heads. It is a cool-season grass and will go dormant in hot weather. Little Bluestem grows quickly in the Spring and is known for its variety of colors including blue, green, and yellow. Giant Sacaton is a great windbreak grass because it can grow to 6 or 8 feet tall with very little water.\nStart your career in Graphic Design with the WonderHowTo's Beginners’s Guide to Photoshop Course", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Dyna-Stix® STP is a 4 in 1 silane terminated polymer adhesive (designed for use on high moisture slabs) for the installation of multi-ply engineered wood, high-density fiber board core wood and acrylic impregnated wood plank, as well as finished and unfinished solid wood flooring (approved in writing by the wood flooring manufacturer for glue down installations), parquet and bamboo over properly prepared substrates. Follow NWFA guidelines when installing solid wood flooring directly to concrete substrates. Dyna-Stix STP should not be installed over existing VCT, vinyl sheet, plank, tile, or other resilient flooring.\nDyna-Stix STP is made with MicroSept® Advanced Antimicrobial System to protect the adhesive from bacteria and fungal growth and is FloorScore® certified for IAQ. Dyna-Stix STP passes code requirements for sound reduction per ASTM E90-09 and ASTM E413-10 (>55 decibels).\n- No Isocyanates\n- Solvent free, very low odor", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Farmers and Ranchers Embrace Drones in AgricultureWed, 25 Mar 2015 09:41:57 CDT\nFarm Bureau member Jeff VanderWerff explained the value and risks of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in agriculture in his testimony before a Senate subcommittee Tuesday. The Michigan farmer and agronomist discussed how farmers and ranchers are leading the way in exploring commercial use for this technology.\nAmerica's farmers and ranchers embrace technology that allows their farming businesses to be more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly. VanderWerff sees these benefits firsthand on his farm where he where uses precision technology. \"I rely on data to produce the accurate information critical to my day-to-day business decisions. These decisions affect my yield, environmental impact and ultimately the economic viability of my farm,\" he said.\nAccording to VanderWerff, UAS would provide a valuable tool for farmers and ranchers to manage their fields and respond to threats quickly before they turn catastrophic. \"Currently, I spend about 12 hours a week walking the nearly 3,000 acres of land we farm. This may be effective, but it is not efficient,\" he said. UAS can also help farmers reduce their environmental impact. \"With the imagery from unmanned aircraft, I can spot-treat sections of my fields as opposed to watering and spraying the entire field,\" VanderWerff said.\nPrecision technology does not come without potential risks, however. Farmers and ranchers must be sure their data is secure and cannot be used unfairly against them by any third party, including the government. \"The use of unmanned aircraft will be an important addition to a farmer's management toolbox, but it is critical that the data remain under the ownership and control of the farmer,\" VanderWerff said.\nWebReadyTM Powered by WireReady® NSI\nTop Agricultural News", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Burger King is testing reusable packaging, encouraging customers to return these special Whopper boxes and soda and coffee cups to wash and reuse.\nhas plans for reusable coffee cups in the UK\nBurger King will launch a pilot program next year with TerraCycle’s waste-free circular packaging service, Loop, whose products can be cleaned and reused hygienically as long as the integrity of the packaging is maintained.\nInitial test cities are New York, Portland, Ore., And Tokyo, with more cities expected to be added in the coming months. Loop officials have said previously that consumers should consider their project reminiscent of how households used to get milk – in reusable bottles.\n“During COVID, we have seen the environmental impact of increasing takeaway orders, which makes this Burger King initiative even more important,” said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle and Loop.\nThe announcement is the latest feature in Burger King’s pledge to get 100% of guest packaging from renewable, recycled or certified sources by 2025.\nTake-away or diners who choose reusable packaging will be charged a deposit at the time of purchase, and when the packaging is returned, they receive a refund.\n“As part of the Restaurant Brands for Good plan, we are investing in developing sustainable packaging solutions that will help propel the food service industry forward in reducing packaging waste,” said Matthew Banton, Burger King Global’s head of innovation and sustainability. “The Loop system gives us confidence in a reusable solution that meets our high safety standards, while offering our guests comfort while on the move.”\nIn July, the fast food chain announced a version of Whopper made from lemongrass-fed beef, which it said would reduce methane emissions. The beef industry has become a major target for environmentalists.\nAnother brand restaurant property, Tim Hortons, said this week end the practice of double cupping hot drinks, a move it says will remove hundreds of millions of cups from landfills every year. Coffee and breakfast retailers will introduce paper napkins early next year that use 25% less material and are made from 100% recycled fiber, which is expected to save 900 metric tons of paper a year. And the chain is phasing out plastic straws from its 4,000 restaurants across Canada.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Change text size\nWe want to discuss our proposed facility with local residents and businesses - there are lots of ways you can get involved.\nIn June 2012 we submitted our planning application for the new Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF). We will continue to update you with the core aspects of this application on this website. If you have any questions please contact us.\nWe are looking for representatives from the local community to get involved and shape the proposals for the Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility. Can you help us?\nHow can we help?\nWe welcome your feedback on the services we offer. Please contact us on the number below for assistance.\nCall: 0800 085 8980\nShare this content\nVeolia Environmental Services Plc, 8th floor, 210 Pentonville Road, London N1\n9JY Tel: 020 7812 5000\n©Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc 2013. All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This gas might emerge as a more significant greenhouse gas, after a study conducted warned that this highly reactive gas might be weakening one of Earth’s important cooling system.\nThe study published in the journal, ‘Nature Climate Change’, says that ozone in the lower atmosphere, in particular, contributed to warming in the southern ocean.\nOzone hit the headlines in the 1980s when a hole was discovered in the ozone layer high in the atmosphere over the South Pole, due to damage caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), a gas used in industry and consumer products.\nWhat is Ozone\nOzone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere). Depending on where it is in the atmosphere, ozone affects life on Earth in either good or bad ways.\nOzone is created in the upper atmosphere by the interaction between oxygen molecules and UV radiation from the sun. In the lower atmosphere, it forms due to chemical reactions between pollutants like vehicle exhaust fumes and other emissions.\nChanges in ozone concentrations in the atmosphere affect westerly winds in the Southern Hemisphere as well as cause contrasting levels of salt and temperature close to the surface in the Southern Ocean. Both affect ocean currents in distinct ways, thereby affecting ocean heat uptake.\nThe ozone layer is vital as it filters dangerous ultraviolet radiation from reaching Earth’s surface. This discovery led to the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to halt the production of CFCs.\nWhat does the study say about Ozone\n-Ozone is more than just a pollutant, but may be playing a significant role in climate change.\n-Ozone in the lower atmosphere, in particular, contributed to warming in the southern ocean.\n-Changes to Ozone levels in the upper and lower atmosphere were responsible for almost a third of the warming seen in ocean waters bordering Antarctica in the second half of the 20th century.\nHow was the study conducted\nThe team used models to simulate changes in ozone levels in the upper and lower atmosphere between 1955 and 2000, to isolate them from other influences and increase the currently poor understanding of their impact on the Southern Ocean heat uptake.\nThese simulations showed that a decrease in ozone in the upper atmosphere and increase in the lower atmosphere both contributed to the warming seen in the upper 2km of the ocean waters in the high latitudes by overall greenhouse gas increases.\nConclusions drawn from study\nThe study revealed that the increased ozone in the lower atmosphere caused 60% of the overall ozone-induced warming seen in the Southern Ocean over the period studied -far more than previously thought. This was surprising because tropospheric ozone increases are mainly thought of as a climate forcing in the Northern hemisphere since that is where the main pollution occurs.\nDr Michaela Hegglin, an Associate Professor in atmospheric chemistry and one of the study’s authors, said, “Ozone close to Earth’s surface is harmful to people and the environment, but this study reveals it also has a big impact on the ocean’s ability to absorb excess heat from the atmosphere.”\n“These findings are an eye-opener and hammer home the importance of regulating air pollution to prevent increased ozone levels and global temperatures rising further still,” she added.\nDr Hegglin said, “We have known for a while that ozone depletion high in the atmosphere has affected surface climate in the Southern Hemisphere. Our research has shown that ozone increases in the lower atmosphere due to air pollution, which occurs primarily in the Northern Hemisphere and ‘leaks’ into the Southern Hemisphere, is a serious problem as well.”\n“There is hope to find solutions, and the success of the Montreal Protocol at cutting CFC use shows that international action is possible to prevent damage to the planet,” she added.\nthe App to get 14 days of unlimited access to Mint Premium absolutely free!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "In recent years, there have been some concerns about rising sea levels. This page provides the latest reports on this issue as of 2022 with some older reports for context. Additional materials will be added during the year. Content is listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Emphasis is placed on the source of each report.\nPBS NewsHour (14 Sep 2022)\n“Report shows devastating economic impact of rising sea levels along American coast” — For years, scientists have warned about the dangerous consequences of climate change, and many dire outcomes are more urgent than most people realize. A new report shows sea-level rise will threaten homes and properties in hundreds of counties along the coast of the United States. As William Brangham reports, it could make many places unlivable and take an enormous economic toll.\nABC News (3 Aug 2022)\n“NOAA report on US sea level rise a ‘wake-up call'” — ABC News Meteorologist Melissa Griffin breaks down a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report showing high-tide flooding is rising at concerning levels across the U.S. coastlines.\nPBS (1 Aug 2022)\n“Chesapeake Bay Island Towns Disappearing to Sea Level Rise” — Tangier is an island community off Virginia isolated enough to speak its own dialect of America English. Rising tides mean a rapid period of change for a historic town of 800 residents. The region is home to many enclaves already lost to sea-level rise, leaving residents to wonder what the future holds.\nChannel 4 News (28 Jul 2022)\n“Met Office: UK sea level rise speeding up” — This year’s climate has already smashed records, with temperatures last week topping 40 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures are now the new normal according to a Met Office report which highlights how climate change is affecting the UK.\nWMTW (23 Jul 2022)\n“Maine’s coastline faces threat from rising sea levels and flooding without rain” – Sea levels are rising, impacting the Maine coast. We are even seeing flooding when it does not rain.\nCNN (17 Feb 2022)\n“‘Mind boggling’: See how rising sea levels will affect the coasts” — Rising sea levels could impact the world’s coasts by 2050, a new study says. CNN meteorologist Tom Sater shows “astonishing” images of what that might look like.\nABC Action News (15 Feb 2022)\n“Sea level to rise up to a foot by 2050, Interagency report projects” — An interagency sea level rise task force that includes NASA, NOAA, and other federal agencies said Tuesday the ocean height is projected to rise by up to a foot over the next 30 years. [View on YouTube]\nEarth Stories (15 Dec 2021)\n“Why Are Sea Levels Continuing To Rise?” — Disappearing glaciers, shrinking sea ice, and thawing permafrost is increasing from year to year. This is threatening the planet with loss of drinking water and rising sea levels.\nBloomberg (2 Feb 2021)\n“Sea Levels Are Rising Faster Than Most Pessimistic Forecasts” — Climate change is causing oceans to rise quicker than scientists’ most pessimistic forecasts, resulting in earlier flood risks to coastal economies already struggling to adapt. The revised estimates published Tuesday in Ocean Science impact the two-fifths of the Earth’s population who live near coastlines. Insured property worth trillions of dollars could face even greater danger from floods, superstorms and tidal surges. The research suggests that countries will have to rein in their greenhouse gas emissions even more than expected to keep sea levels in check.\nNBC News (1 May 2020)\n“Rising Sea Levels” — In the past century, as the climate has warmed, sea level rise has accelerated. Scientists predict it will only increase, and they’re studying changes in the ocean and land to better understand how and why the water is rising. “Changing Planet” is produced in partnership with the National Science Foundation.\nChannel 4 News (18 Sep 2019)\n“Climate crisis: Americans forced to move twice because of rising sea levels” – Now we turn to the shorelines of the US East Coast. Rising sea levels and warmer waters are costing the state of Rhode Island a fortune, jeopardising livelihoods and forcing families to move their homes. And the state was the first to attempt to sue oil companies over the effects of climate change.\nVerge Science (23 Apr 2019)\n“This is what sea level rise will do to coastal cities” — Sea level rise is already redrawing coastlines around the world. What happens when the coast retreats through a major city? We look at how the world map will change in the year 2100, and what coastal cities can do to defend themselves. Correction: An early version of this video suggested that researchers expect to see four feet of sea level rise by the end of the century. While researchers do expect to see at least that level of sea level rise in the future, the exact timing is difficult to project. We regret the error.\nCBC News Canada (18 Jun 2018)\n“Rising sea levels will put U.S. homes at risk in near future” — Rising sea levels will put U.S. homes at risk in the near future, according to a study done by the Union of Concerned Scientists. It says more than 310,000 existing homes are projected to be at risk of flooding every two weeks by 2045. The National visited one coastal community to see how it’s dealing with the problem.\nCBS (27 Aug 2017)\n“Lessons from Holland on fighting rising sea levels” – Windmills are more than just a traditional part of the Dutch landscape; they have played a key role in the war Holland has waged against the sea for centuries. Today the Dutch are using ever-more innovative methods to combat rising sea levels, strategies that may also benefit other nations confronting the effects of climate change. Martha Teichner reports. Originally broadcast on May 21, 2017. [View on YouTube]\nFrance 24 English (27 Jan 2017)\n“Climate change: Florida faces rising sea levels” – Florida is the US state that faces the greatest threat from global warming. This is apparent in two of its most iconic locations: the vast wetlands of the Everglades and Miami’s seafront. Both urban areas and fragile ecosystems are under threat from rising sea levels and the destruction of freshwater reserves by seawater infiltration. But some scientists say that if properly protected, Florida’s wetlands could hold the key to a brighter future – not only for the state but for the entire planet. A programme prepared by Patrick Lovett and Elom Marcel Toble.\nTEDx Talks (18 Nov 2016)\n“The Sea Also Rises: Prepare for a Changing Shoreline” — If you’re on the fence about whether or not the sea rising is real, you better find a taller fence, at least if you plan on watching Eric Morris’s absolutely riveting talk about sea level rise. (You’re going to need that fence’s elevation). Filled with convincing data and unique visualization techniques based on Morris’s work using lidar imagery, this talk is one you’ll want to share.\nScience Insider (22 Jun 2016)\n“Rising Sea Levels Could Displace Millions Of Americans By 2100” — A recent study published in Nature Climate Change projects that over 4 million residents of the continental US could be affected if sea levels rise 3 feet by the end of the century. The researchers calculated the number of at-risk residents by looking at coastal areas expected to be inundated by sea-level rise and estimating the population of those regions in 2100 using population-trend data.\nPBS NewsHour (2 Jul 2015)\n“Two cities, two very different responses to rising sea levels” — While New York City is taking aggressive action to prevent future catastrophes like Hurricane Sandy, other vulnerable cities, such as Charleston, South Carolina, are not tackling the threat of rising sea level and climate change with the same urgency. Special correspondent Jackie Judd reports.\nSouth Florida PBS (17 Jan 2014)\n“South Florida’s Rising Seas – Sea Level Rise Documentary” — Two SJMC faculty, Kate MacMillin and Juliet Pinto, explore the narrative of a South Florida community under threat from sea level rise in this half-hour documentary.\nThe National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (22 Jun 2012)\n“Sea-level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, Future” — Tide gauges show that global sea level has risen about 7 inches during the 20th century, and recent satellite data show that the rate of sea-level rise is accelerating. As Earth warms, sea levels are rising mainly because ocean water expands as it warms; and water from melting glaciers and ice sheets is flowing into the ocean. Sea-level rise poses enormous risks to the valuable infrastructure, development, and wetlands that line much of the 1,600 mile shoreline of California, Oregon, and Washington. As those states seek to incorporate projections of sea-level rise into coastal planning, they asked the National Research Council to make independent projections of sea-level rise along their coasts for the years 2030, 2050, and 2100, taking into account regional factors that affect sea level. [Report]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Strong showers and storms developed quickly across Southwest Florida Thursday, with highs soaring into the upper 80s. The showers and storms will slowly end this evening, with temps holding in the 70s. Overnight lows will be in the upper 60s.\nMore storms could be on the way for Friday. Much of Good Friday will be dry, but storms may push in from the Gulf late in the day into Friday Night. Highs will be in the upper 80s.\nSome showers and storms may linger into early Saturday, with clearing skies through the rest of the day. Highs will be cooler, in the low 80s.\nEaster Sunday is still looking great. Expect plenty of sun, morning temps in the low 60s and afternoon highs in the low 80s.\nQuiet weather will settle in as we head into next week, with plenty of sun and highs holding in the low to mid 80s.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Visiting the Blue Lotus Water Garden is such a good treat. The very symbolic lotus flower is so beautiful and reminds me to be humble in any way.\nSeeing the whole vast lotus flower floating on the water will make you feel the peacefulness of the place and admire its tranquility.\nSpanning over 14 acres, the Blue Lotus Water Garden contains more than 40 different ponds, lakes, and water features which produce the biggest display of lotus and waterlily flowers in the southern hemisphere. The grounds also contain an amazing array of exotic plants, garden exhibits, fountains, waterfalls, floral sculptures, walks, and scenic vistas.\nDepicted as the largest lake in the garden holding over 11 million liters of water. It stretches almost 500m long and contains over 70 varieties of waterlily flowers creating a carpet of color across the surface of the lake. A feature of the display is the prized collection of Claude Monet’s original water lilies, that he planted in his garden at Giverny in France.\nAt the end of the lake, a plantation of hundreds of Mrs. Perry Slocum Lotus, Hindu Lotus, and Cream Lutea Lotus add to the visual experience, producing thousands of blooms every day. The gardens surrounding the lake also contain a plethora of perennial flowers and shade-giving banana and cocos palms. The lake also features a 300m walk through its middle, with 11 bridges including the famous red arched bridge. Often native water birds such as Giant Egrets, Water Hens, Spoon Bills, and numerous ducks are seen foraging for food or building nests.\nOn the southern side of the lake, a sandy pathway offers easy access with numerous picnic shelters for people to rest and take in the stunning views. Adding to the vista are two fountains built in the shape of giant lotus flowers, they seem to float on the lake’s surface producing a dancing reflective effect of their surroundings.\nMany people don’t realize there are more than 17 species of native water lilies and two species of native lotus have been discovered in Northern Australia. Most of these species are sub-tropical and tropical varieties that normally grow north of the Tropic of Capricorn. However, the Blue Lotus Water Garden has been successful in growing a number of them in their new “Kakadu Lagoon” exhibit.\nOver the past 20 years, Geoff Cochrane (owner of the gardens) has collected seeds of these beautiful plants during many expeditions to Northern Australia. The seed is then germinated in experimental ponds at Mossman, Queensland before the mature plants are relocated to our Kakadu Lagoon display which makes up part of our Tropical World complex.\nThe featured varieties you will see on display include Gigantea Waterlily, Immutabilis Waterlily, Violacea Waterlily, Cape York Lotus, and Waltzing Matilda Lotus. All these native beauties have been selected for their showy long-lasting flowers.\nThe lake produces the largest display of lotus flowers in the garden with over 10,000 blooms on display. The featured flowers are Carolina Queen Lotus (pink) and Cream Lutea Lotus (white) with blossoms as large as a dinner plate. The flowers grow around the entire 500m circumference of the lake, creating an intoxicating visual experience.\nThe gardens edging the sandy pathway have all been carefully created and planted with exotic flowering plants, adding to the wonderful vistas. Featured flowering plants include a range of salvias, impatiens, succulents, cordylines, begonias, canna lilies, crepe myrtles, and pergola vines. Banana palms and cocos palms provide shade as you wander, along with numerous reed-covered rotundas offering great vantage points to take in the serenity.\nThis giant amazon and cruziana waterlilies are all sheltered in this big greenhouse to recreate its natural habitat’s temperature. These are well-protected species, and very important in our biological ecosystem.\nGiant Amazon Waterlily\nThe Giant Amazon Waterlily that grows in Blue Lotus Water Garden is named Victoria Cruziana, which is slightly smaller than its cousin, the Victoria Amazonica. The plant is native to the subtropical regions of South America and grows in a slightly cooler habitat to its cousin. The V.Cruziana is a spectacular plant and produces very large lily pads that reach 1.5 – 2 meters in diameter. The leaves are slightly different from the V.Amazonica, featuring higher sides and a greener appearance on the underside. Like its cousin, the Cruziana’s leaves and stalks are also covered in razor-sharp spines and it produces very large flowers, up to 30cm in diameter.\nGiant Asian Waterlily\nAlso known as the “Crocodile Plant” or Euryale ferox is a type of giant waterlily, native to the tropical regions of Asia. This amazing waterlily produces massive spiny leaves over 1m in diameter and is covered in razor-sharp barbs on both sides. The color markings and texture of the lily pads also have similar characteristics to crocodile skin. This is why crocodiles have been known to hide under the leaves because they offer great camouflage from unsuspecting prey. The flower is very small and beautiful with delicate purple petals often seen protruding through a leaf. The seed is eaten extensively in Asia and is commonly called foxnuts or makhana. It’s believed the Chinese have cultivated this prickly plant (for food) for over 3,000 years.\nWinch Waterlily Collection\nMr. Charles Winch was one of the world’s foremost breeders of tropical waterlilies breeding over 600 different hybrids signified by their large colorful flowers and amazing variegated leaves. On display is a selection of his most spectacular varieties.\nFrom late March until mid-April the garden gets a fresh burst of color provided by thousands of flowering perennial and annual exotic plants. Throughout the grounds, we have planted tens of thousands of non-water plants such as salvias, petunias, impatiens, canna lilies, bougainvillea, hibiscus, sunflowers, iris, and many others.\nSome of the best places to view these beauties are along the lower side of Monet’s Lake wall. The embankment has been planted with masses of impatiens, salvias, petunias and features 5m high towers of bougainvillea flowers. The walk at the bottom of the embankment is just stunning in Autumn.\nFor lovers of hibiscus, the Lotus Wetlands area contains huge stands of pink, red and variegated hibiscus flowers. The plants grow up to 2m tall with flowers up to 20cm in diameter that attracts all manner of insects and honeyeater birds. And our large Fairy Garden provides a colorful experience for both young and young at heart. It features a great range of cottage flowering plants including some of the best-looking orange, bronze, and yellow perennial sunflowers in the country.\nTake a picnic out into the water gardens, or enjoy the very attractive surroundings of Café Lotus. Here, all dining is al fresco, with covered verandahs and barbecue areas semi-circling a lotus-packed pond. And the main attraction is on the menu too. Here at Café Lotus, you can try an Australian first – Lotus Root Chips. Tasting like a cross between potato and parsnip, these distinctively patterned chips are lightly seasoned and served with aioli on a fresh lotus leaf.\nTo complete your experience, there’s a lotus-themed gift shop and boutique, and on your way out through the nursery, you may have been inspired enough to buy your own lotus plants and water lilies, or even a mere bloom or two to grace a table for a special occasion. Certainly, if you want to know how to grow and care for one of the world’s most acclaimed flowers, Blue Lotus Water Gardens is your destination. And it’s a lovely day out. Don’t forget to take your camera. To complete your experience, there’s a lotus-themed gift shop and boutique, and on your way out through the nursery, you may have been inspired enough to buy your own lotus plants and water lilies, or even a mere bloom or two to grace a table for a special occasion. Certainly, if you want to know how to grow and care for one of the world’s most acclaimed flowers, Blue Lotus Water Gardens is your destination. And it’s a lovely day out. Don’t forget to take your camera.\n(*all prices in Australian dollars)\nAdult (Anyone 16 years and older) – $22.00\nSenior or Pensioner – $19.50 (Must have a valid Seniors Card or Pension Card)\nWEEKDAY SENIOR and PENSIONER SPECIAL – $17.50\nCondition: Must visit on a weekday excluding public holidays and have a valid Seniors Card or Pension Card.\nChild (4-15 years) – $6.00\nCondition: Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a ticket. School groups excluded.\nChild (0-3 years) – $Free\nCondition: Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a paid ticket.\nGroup bookings and discounts are NOT available on weekends or public holidays. For our latest weekday group deals, please click on the Groups tab in the menu.\nCompanion Card or Professional Carer – $Free\nCondition: Must be assisting a person with a disability that has a paid ticket. Must have a valid Companion or Professional Carers Card.\nVisitors can purchase tickets over the counter on the day of your visit or you can purchase online. We recommend online tickets if coming on busy weekends or public holidays.\n@blair.villanueva #fashiontiktok #traveltiktok #tiktokaustralia #bluelotus #garden #nature #lotus #travelaustralia #foryourpage #pinoytiktok #tiktokph #tiktokindia #fyp #lotusflower ♬ ALMOST HOME – Mad Adix, Marc Steinmeier\nThe Blue Lotus Water Garden\n2628 Warburton Hwy, Yarra Junction VIC 3797\nPhone: (03) 5967 2061\nEmail: [email protected]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wading birds are being given a helping hand by farmers in the Yorkshire Dales.\nArkengarthdale and Swaledale are hotspots for wading birds like curlew, redshank, lapwing and snipe, and the farmers are working with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) and Natural England to improve the habitats.\nHelen Keep and Ian Court, from the YDNPA’s Conservation and Policy department, organised a workshop for farmers to look at ways they could help the birds and improve the quality of the allotment land for their livestock.\n“We held a workshop at Bouldershaw Farm in Arkengarthdale This farm is in an Environmental Stewardship Agreement funded by Natural England, with management focused on improving the habitats for wading birds. The numbers using the farm are regionally significant but there is room for improving the habitat. The farm has been set up as a demonstration farm in order to show other farmers how easy it is to benefit waders,” she said.\n“The Authority has worked very closely with the farmer, Stuart Parker, to develop the habitats that benefit these birds. We have looked at controlling and managing rush beds by mowing and spraying them and we have also put in a number of shallow scrapes that dry up in summer but are full of water in spring during the nesting season and create excellent habitats for invertebrates, which the chicks feed off.\n“We had a very positive feedback from the day and a lot of farmers said they would actively take up the work, especially the rush mowing, which opens the land up for grazing and really benefits the habitat of breeding lapwings.\n“We are now planning another similar event this year and we would like to hear from any farmers in the south of the National Park who are already in an agri-environment scheme and feel their farms are a good example of this type of management and could be used as a demonstration farm.”\nAndrew Colley, the YDNPA’s Member Champion for Conservation of the Natural Environment, said: “We have nationally-important populations of wading birds spread across large areas of the National Park.\n“The uplands are becoming the last refuge for these wonderful birds so it is vitally important that we help our farmers to provide the habitats that will ensure they survive and flourish.”\nWooler Work Web Brings Training to Rural Community\nNew Job Opportunities, but Few Takers\nPlanning Decision Boosts Local Economy", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "CHARGING STATION FOR E-CARS\nThe 4-star PhiLeRo Hotel Köln offer a charging station for e-cars.\nThis charging station for electric cars is located in the underground car park.\nIf you have any questions about the charging station, please do not hesitate\nto contact our friendly service team at the PhiLeRo Hotel Köln. Thank you!\nParking at our hotel in Cologne is possible in our underground car park with\na total of 30 spaces. The underground parking fee for a car is 14,00 Euro per day.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Showing results for\nHurricane Storm Surge\nStorm surge is the most deadly part of a hurricane or tropical storm. Winds can...\nFri, 06/29/2018 - 14:08\nA Healthy Coral Reef\nFar away from the volcanic CO2 seeps, a healthy coral reef flourishes with a...\nMarine Sanctuary Map\nThe United States has a network of protected areas in the waters off our coasts....\nFlattened against a leaf, a tree frog blends right in with the mangroves. More...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "From the bulletin Whale Portraits, July 17, 2018\nBy Camille Begin-Marchand\nBp059 is nicknamed “Trou” (Translator’s note: “hole” in French) in the Marine Park due to the protuberance behind her blowhole on her left flank that resembles a volcanic crater. Her dorsal fin is marked by two notches at both ends; her chevrons show very little contrast. A biopsy taken in 2000 allowed researchers to conclude that Trou is a female. In 2006 and 2009, Trou was seen with a calf. This year again, Trou was sighted with a little one at her side. Keep your eyes peeled, as we will need to observe the calf multiple times at her side over the course of the season to confirm whether or not this offspring indeed belongs to Trou. In 1996, Trou was tracked by radio telemetry as part of a program to study fin whales’ use of the area and to evaluate the impact that boats have on their behaviour. The tag remained in place 12 hours. Trou’s frequent use of the Estuary means that she is considered a “seasonal resident”.\nLike the other cetaceans of the St. Lawrence, fin whales frequent the mouth of the Saguenay to feed. They are known for their particularly impressive feeding strategies. Thanks to the use of drones and aerial observations from research groups around the world, we have a better understanding of these fascinating behaviours. We can occasionally see them execute a complete roll-over. Similar to blue whales, fin whales turn on their sides, accelerate and open their mouths by angling their lower jaws to nearly 90° to engulf a volume of water that sometimes exceeds their own volume. In fact, a fin whale’s belly, with its expandable ventral grooves, increases on average 162% in circumference and 38% in length, allowing it to take in up to 80,000 litres of water in just a few seconds. This water is then expelled through the baleen, leaving only prey trapped inside the animal’s mouth. With gulps spaced just over 40 seconds apart, this large rorqual can thus take more than one bite per dive.\nThe colouration of the fin whale’s jaw is asymmetrical: white on the right side and darker on the left. Some researchers hypothesize that this asymmetry might allow the animal to better camouflage itself when it is hunting large schools of fish. Others believe that fin whales use this particular trait to better disorient their schools of prey when encircling them. Hopefully we’ll have the chance to witness such displays this season!\nFrom the bulletin Whale Portraits, August 18, 2017\nAt last, fin whales are being seen more regularly in the Marine Park! Among them was Bp059, photo-ID’d off Cap de Bon-Désir between Les Bergeronnes and the Paradis Marin campground, and later near Pointe à Pierre-Paul. Bp059 received the somewhat unusual name of “Trou” (French for “hole”) in reference to the protuberance on her left flank behind her blowhole. The cavity at the centre of the bulging outgrowth resembles the shape of a volcanic crater. Trou also has two slight notches in her arched dorsal fin and her back is marked by a discreet dip just in front of the dorsal fin. The light gray markings of her chevron are not strongly contrasting.\nFin whales may occasionally be confused with another species of the same family that sometimes frequents the area: sei whales. The sei whale is often described as a smaller version of the fin whale: 12 to 16 m versus 18 to 21 m. Unlike the fin whale, the sei whale shows no pigment asymmetry in the jaw and baleen. The back of the fin whale is slate gray, while that of the sei whale tends toward dark green, with small white dots under the belly.\nThis cosmopolitan species is found scattered throughout the oceans of both hemispheres; observations in the St. Lawrence are rare. Thanks to genetic analysis, Marine Mammal Emergencies was able to confirm that a sei whale carcass washed up in Baie-Comeau in 2009.\nOne feeding habit of the sei whale that is not found in other rorquals is that it often “skims” its prey – even if it has ventral grooves – thus filtering its food as it swims along.\nSei whales, which have been decimated by hunting, are under-studied. Encounters with these denizens of deep waters far from the coast are rare, unpredictable and brief. However, the Falkland Islands (South Atlantic) have been designated as a hot spot for the species, hence the creation in 2016 of the Sei Whale Project in the archipelago, which aims to gather data to better understand these animals.\nTaken from the newsletter Portrait de baleines, July 21, 2014\nTrou owes her name to a huge depression surrounded by a blister behind her blowhole on the left side. On her right side, less spectacular characteristics are used to identify her: a rather curved dorsal fin with two quite discrete notches; another depression in front of her dorsal fin breaks the continuous line of her back. Trou lacks the contrasting chevron present in most fin whales.\nThis year, she was seen for the first time by the GREMM team on June 11. After disappearing from the Marine Park for some time, she reappeared on August 11.\nTrou is considered a seasonal resident of the Estuary, as she has been seen more than three quarters of the years since she was first observed in 1994.\nTrou was spotted with a calf in 2006 and in 2009, though it is not possible to determine the existence of kinship between them. This three-year interval corresponds well however to the minimum time span between births in fin whales. After a gestation period of 11 to 12 months, calves are born between November and January. The newborn weighs nearly 2 t and measures over 6 m. It is nursed by its mother for 6 to 7 months. Once weaned, the young sometimes seeks the company of an adult, though not necessarily that of its mother.\nIn winter, fin whales of the North Atlantic – including those individuals that frequent the St. Lawrence – set out for temperate waters to reproduce. Their calving grounds, which are certainly farther south in the ocean, are poorly known, as are their migratory movements. These solitary animals form temporary associations in pairs or in groups. In the 1980s and 90s, groups of several dozen fin whales (up to 40 individuals) were observed in the Estuary.\nSince 1986 the GREMM has been managing a catalogue of fin whales of the Estuary, which contains approximately 100 individuals. Fin whales identified in the Gulf – about 450 individuals – have been catalogued by MICS since 1980. In Canada, the conservation status of the fin whale is “Special Concern”.\nVideo of a breathing sequence of a group of fin whales.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "CIFOR was ranked 5th out of the top 100 climate think tanks by the International Center for Climate Governance, which assesses organizations that conduct results-oriented research to influence climate change and energy policy.\nRewarding tropical countries for keeping their carbon-rich forests standing is the basis of the United Nations program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). This year, CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD moved into its third phase with five more years of funding to build on its track record for policy-oriented evidence, tools and analysis.\nCIFOR scientists were among 245 experts from 27 countries whose policy briefs were chosen for inclusion in the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Report. Research from three CIFOR briefs on gender and climate change was highlighted in the chapter ‘Ensuring that no one is left behind and the 2030 Agenda.’\nIf you intervene at the environment level in a landscape, you need to know that you are changing power relations. This is very important in a project like REDD+. When you intervene, you need to understand which kind of social impact this will have, including on gender relations.\nHouria Djoudi, CIFOR Scientist, speaking in the panel discussion ‘How to walk the talk: Promoting gender equality in national climate policy and action’ at the Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakesh\nIndigenous groups, non-governmental organizations and the private sector – called non-state actors – are helping to drive momentum for action on climate change. But without overall coordination, how can governments track progress transparently? We set out key recommendations for climate negotiators.\nCIFOR was asked by the UN climate change scientific advisory body to analyze members’ submissions on adaptation and agriculture, and concluded that more holistic approaches are needed.\nAt a side event during the Bonn climate talks in May, CIFOR scientists shared lessons on results-based payments for REDD+ for more effective policies.\nTo support countries in meeting their Paris Agreement commitments to lower greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and agriculture, we published recommendations on how to use independent monitoring approaches – unbiased data, tools and methods – for more transparent and accountable land use reporting.\nAlthough preventing climate change and dealing with its effects are two sides of the same coin, they’re often treated separately. We explored the links being made between adaptation and mitigation – and how to avoid trade-offs.\nIt takes optimism and commitment for a state to break away from the entrenched interests driving deforestation.\nCIFOR REDD+ scientists, REDD+ politics – or why it is so difficult to tackle large-scale drivers of deforestation\nCIFOR’s Climate and energy team was highly active at global climate events, coordinating side events and engaging partners in topics ranging from gender-responsive climate policy to managing risks in REDD+.\nThe world is gearing up for action on climate change and sustainable\n2016, CIFOR research showed how putting landscapes and forests at the fore can\npromote integrated action with better outcomes for human well-being, equity and\nStepping up to the new climate and development agenda\nOur new ten-year strategy evolved from a deep understanding of the many ways\ncontributes to sustainable development. Our work is grounded by a three-pillar approach that\nspans six thematic work areas, which are aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development\nCIFOR and the SDGs\nFOREST & HUMAN WELL-BEING\nSUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPES & FOOD\nEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, GENDER, JUSTICE & TENURE\nCLIMATE CHANGE, ENERGY & LCD\nVALUE CHAINS, FINANCE & INVESTMENTS\nFOREST MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION\nGLOBAL LANDSCAPES FORUM\nCIFOR by the numbers\nPillar 1. Research for impact\n204 Journal articles: 60% in Open Access journals\nVisit through Google Books:\n25% increase from 2015\nPillar 2. Capacity development\nPillar 3. Outreach and engagement\nMemoranda of understanding\nLetters of agreement\nwith strong gender focus\nevents organized or supported, with\ntimes on Forests News\ntimes on Forests News\nCIFOR’s contribution to the global policy dialogue gained more international recognition this year.\nout of 100 top Climate Think Tanks\nInternational Center for Climate Governance\nout of 95 top Environment Policy Think Tanks\nThink Tanks and Civil Societies Program: Global Go To Think Tank Index Report\nCIFOR and its partners contribute to the following global processes, frameworks, panels and conventions:\nCIFOR launched a set of key performance indicators in 2016 to chart our impact through research, capacity development and engagement, and to measure our operational performance.\nWhere we work\nClimate change, energy and low carbon development\nSustainable landscapes & food\nForest management & restoration\nForest and human well-being\nEqual opportunities, gender, justice and tenure\nValue chains, finance and investments\nGender across CIFOR’s work\nCIFOR takes a rights-based approach to gender equality. Beyond the simple recognition that failing to understand local-level gender dynamics can skew research findings, we ground our work in the idea that all humans deserve an equal opportunity to thrive. Understanding gender dynamics is both a focus of specific research projects and a key aspect in all of CIFOR’s activities.\nThings are still framed in terms of women as victims of climate change. This whole stereotyping needs to shift, and we should really focus on gender quality and women's' empowerment as a goal in their own right, not because victims need to be saved\nUnder the Paris Agreement, countries are ramping up to meet their climate change commitments while also moving toward their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. CIFOR is working at the nexus of climate change, energy and low-carbon development to deliver integrated ecological, social and economic information to policy makers and practitioner communities in these countries. We also support, with information, analysis and tools, actors working in the international climate policy arena.\nForest communities have an intimate understanding of their natural resources and can manage them effectively – if they have the rights to their land and gain benefit from forests and trees. Women hold much of this knowledge and, when they are free to make key decisions, can help transform the physical and cultural landscape. And when land and forest tenure laws are clear, local and international investors will help sustainable forest-based enterprises grow.\nCIFOR is working to help countries meet their restoration targets, as momentum builds for the Bonn Challenge, the World Resources Institute Initiative 20×20 and other global plans to restore millions of hectares of forest by 2020. Focusing on two main areas, diversified forest management and forest landscape restoration, this work aims to address factors that help or hinder rural people’s access to forest resources and to find more equitable ways to manage forests for better productivity.\nTens of millions of rural households in tropical countries gain significant income, food, fuel and shelter from forests. But this fact is often underappreciated or ignored by strict conservation approaches and poverty-reduction policies. This can lead to missed opportunities and unintended consequences that further drive forest loss and undercut rural livelihoods. A better understanding of how forests contribute to human well-being will give policy makers the evidence base they need to make effective decisions that support both forests and people.\nOne billion people worldwide rely to varying degrees on forests for food and income. Wild meat and freshwater fish are essential to the diets of some vulnerable rural communities. And both subsistence and industrial farming systems depend on trees and forests for water and climate regulation, pollination and pest control. As competition for land grows, countries are looking for strategies to lower poverty while building environmental resilience. Landscape approaches have the potential to resolve local challenges and meet national commitments.\nThe current push by private sector companies, governments and financial services providers to promote and invest in activities that contribute to sustainable development and reduce pressures on forests is driving a transformation in how timber, palm oil, soy, sugar and beef are produced. CIFOR aims to facilitate innovations in public policy, business models, private investments and finance to stimulate the sustainable and inclusive supply of timber from natural and planted forests, enhance sustainable production of high-value tree crops and reduce the impacts of agricultural expansion in forests.\nCIFOR advances human well-being, equity and environmental integrity by conducting innovative research, developing partners’ capacity, and actively engaging in dialogue with all stakeholders to inform policies and practices that affect forests and people. CIFOR is a CGIAR Research Center, and leads the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, with offices in Nairobi, Kenya, Yaounde, Cameroon, and Lima, Peru.\nCIFOR leads the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry\nCIFOR is currently a member of these CGIAR Research Programs:\nCIFOR’s work is possible thanks to the financial support of our Funding Partners and the collaboration\nof our Strategic Partners. We work closely with a range of local and international organizations\nand institutions to deliver research projects with the greatest potential impact.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "NORTHWEST FLORIDA — There is a slight to marginal risk for severe weather across the forecast area today and tonight, according to the National Weather Service.\nThe greatest risk for severe weather will be over the coastal counties of Alabama stretching east over parts of Northwest Florida and west over parts of southeast Mississippi. Damaging straight line winds, large hail and isolated tornadoes will be possible with some of the stronger storms.\nA wind advisory remains in effect until 7 p.m. today. Winds are south from 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. A high rip current risk remains in effect through Thursday morning. The surf is expected to climb from 5 to 7 feet. The surf is dangerous for all levels of swimmers.\nLoose light weight objects can be blown around and there will be dangerous driving conditions for high profile vehicles.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Municipal Solid Waste – the opportunities of MSW shredding\nUNTHA UK managing director Chris Oldfield looks at the opportunities surrounding Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the UK…\nRecent debates surrounding landfill cover have sparked newfound conversation within the waste industry. A great level of uncertainty and confusion surrounds the rulings, opinions and developments that continue to surface.\nBut the landfill tax uproar that appears to have risen in recent times should reiterate to us all how important it is to reduce, reuse and recycle. For as long as the country continues to produce ‘rubbish’, it is imperative that we commit to finding alternative uses for our waste.\nWe must not lose sight of the fact that a significant WtE market exists in the UK and with landfill targets looming and fossil fuels becoming ever-more depleted, we cannot afford to lose momentum.\nWtE is much broader than many realise. Some mistake RDF and SRF as one and the same for instance, but this is not the case. Whilst still homogenous, RDF is a comparatively coarser fraction produced predominantly from pre-sorted and pre-shredded Municipal Solid Waste (and to a lesser extent Commercial and Industrial waste). The UK is currently exporting significant volumes of this material, baled and wrapped, to overseas nations for use as an alternative fuel. It seems ludicrous that for as long as we continue to produce waste at the rate that we do, we are not actualising some value of our own from it.\nAs is often the case, if we look to our peers on the Continent we find evidence that the use of biomechanically treated MSW in WtE plants is reaping huge benefits. Denmark for instance is considered an incredibly ‘clean’ nation. The capital community of Copenhagen has revolutionised its waste management strategy and is no longer reliant on landfills as a waste problem solver. Instead measures have been implemented to reduce waste, and use that which is produced as a resource that can be recycled or rendered for energy.\nWhilst considered steps towards such an approach are being taken in the UK, still we trail behind. The reasons for this are multi-faceted and include a lack of infrastructure, funding issues and nimbyism. Yet we must adopt a new level of focus for MSW. We must also realise that cleverly designed WtE plants incorporate a wealth of advanced engineering that enables clean energy to be produced.\nEnergy from waste plants are not panaceas – it would be far better to reduce the amount of rubbish the population produces, at source, before making every effort to reuse and recycle whatever we do create. But for as long as the UK continues to create significant volumes of waste, we should be doing our utmost to recoup some value from it.\nIt is important to select the right technology, of course. MSW needs to be subjected to biomechanical treatment to reduce the volume and stabilise the organic substance of the waste. Once organic and inert materials have been removed during the pre-sorting phase, the first and most important step in the biomechanical treatment process is pre-shredding. Using a primary shredder such as the single shaft UNTHA XR, which is equipped with indexable cutters and adjustable screen bars, operators can configure their technology according to end user requirements.\nAn intelligent foreign objection protection mechanism guards against unshreddable items and discharges them quickly and efficiently. This not only prevents machine damage; it also ensures a fit-for-purpose shred and a high quality end ‘product’ from which energy can be recovered.\nAs we all strive to achieve the circular economy that Ellen MacArthur is so inspiringly promoting, we need to find markets for the products we create. Some pre-shredded MSW waste is being used in open grate firing in the UK, but the majority is going abroad. Yes we can look to the Continent to find RDF customers, but the UK should remain dedicated to better embracing this secondary resource and recovering energy from it accordingly.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "WINNIPEG — The federal government has announced funding that will establish ClimateWest, a non-profit hub for climate services in Western Canada.\nOver three years, officials will spend $1.95 million developing a regional hub based in Winnipeg to service Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.\nOfficials explained ClimateWest will provide customized and accessible regional climate information, data, tools and training to equip communities, businesses and governments to handle climate change issues.\nSome of the main areas of focus for the hub will be agriculture, Indigenous communities, rural communities, businesses and local government.\nOfficials noted the hub’s goal of knowledge sharing and data mobilization will make accessing cutting-edge climate science simpler.\nInformation from ClimateWest can support adaptation efforts like the following:\n- Municipal engineers taking climate adaptation into account in infrastructure standards, like culvert size and storm-water design to reduce flooding impacts.\n- Watershed associations planning as they consider increased risk of flood and drought.\n- Remote and northern communities assessing their food security due to climate change impacts on transportation and wildlife habitat.\nThe government stated having access to good data is key to helping communities establish resistance to the impacts of climate change.\n“Regional-climate-data hubs support efforts to make all communities more resilient to extreme weather events,” said Jane Hilderman, executive director of ClimateWest, in a statement. “Better access to region-specific climate data means that businesses and individuals can better plan for the future.”\ncomments for this post are closed", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Image Gallery: Recent studies of Ordovician conodonts\nIn the last fifteen years, scientists from the Australian Museum and the Geological Survey of New South Wales have been actively working on Ordovician conodonts, mainly from Australia, New Zealand, and China. Two genera and eleven species have been recognized as new and many more species have been revised comprehensively. These studies have significantly advanced our current understanding of the Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy, biodiversity and biogeography in Australia and other eastern Gondawanan terranes. Here are some examples of this recent work.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Home / Blog / Biophilic Futurism: Popular Buildings Reimagined (Covered in Plants)\nBiophilic Futurism: Popular Buildings Reimagined (Covered in Plants)\nA recent Guardian article states a scary fact: over the last decade, the rainforest emitted 20% more CO2 than it captured\n(1). This is due to extreme deforestation in places like Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (2).\nWhen trees are cut down, there’s a two-part effect on the CO2 emissions:\nFewer trees are absorbing CO2\nWhen a tree is cut down, CO2 that was originally stored in it is released into the atmosphere (3).\nAccording to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, around 420 million hectares of forest were lost between t\nhe years 1990 and 2020. The good news is that a) this rate has significantly slowed, and b) Mother Nature is fighting back. Taking into account the\nnatural expansion of forests, only 178 million hectares have been lost.\nThese numbers should give us hope, but we need to do much more if we’re going to slow down climate change.\nFor example: what would happen if we engineered buildings to support the growth of plants?\nThis is the idea we’ve explored in this article.\nWe’ve taken 8 popular buildings around the world and used science and maths to calculate how much carbon we could capture every year if we covered 75% of the surface of these buildings in photosynthesising plants.\nThis percentage leaves enough space for the average amount of building surface area used for windows (4), and a bit extra.\nNot only that, but we’ve also asked AI to show us what it thinks these greener buildings might look like! We’ve allowed Midjourney AI to have a bit of creative freedom when it comes to these prototypes – so they may not exactly resemble the original – and it’s worth noting that Midjourney occasionally added fewer plants than we would have liked on the imagery. But, you know, it’s trying its best – the heart is still there.\nHow could we turn our urban spaces into a biophilic dreamland?\nTo learn how we calculated the carbon capture, and find out what you can do to help, scroll to the bottom of this page.\nNow without further ado – let’s take a look at some of the world’s most popular buildings – but biophilic.\n37 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nImagine the Eiffel Tower’s greenhouse cafe. Where you can go to study, work or read while surrounded by cascading plants. This is the sort of romance that we’re looking for when we visit Paris.\nOne trip from Frankfurt to New York uses around 1 tonne worth of Co2 (1). If we assume three of these flights happen per day, then 1,095 of these flights take place in a year. This building would offset 37 of those trips.\nIt’s not much, but it’s honest work.\nLeaning Tower of Pisa\n1 Tonne of Co2/year Captured\nThe AI decided to place a beautiful walking garden under the tower – and looks like it straightened the building out while it was at it. While not historically sensitive, this version of The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a great example of what buildings could look like if we engineer them to support plant growth.\nThe Co2 that this building would capture in one year would be enough to fill 500 fire extinguishers (1).\nEmpire State Building\n59 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nThe AI had a field day with this one. It decided that The Empire State Building needed a series of extensions in the form of luxury apartments. While not visually accurate, it’s definitely a place you’d like to book for your next New York holiday.\nThis building would capture roughly 59 tonnes of Co2 if it was 75% covered in plants. This kind of biophilic futuristic renovation would cancel out the annual emissions emitted by 13 diesel-fueled cars.\n21 Tonnes of Co2/Year Captured\nAnother beautiful renovation. The Shard is a particularly special building as it not only houses office space but also a five-star luxury hotel, three stories of restaurants and residential space. It’s 72 stories high in the heart of London – the perfect candidate for a vertical urban forest.\nCovered in photosynthesising plants, this building would be able to capture 21 tonnes of Co2 every year and turn it back into oxygen. This is the equivalent of the Co2 released from using 48.6 barrels of oil (7).\n129 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nThe tallest building in the world is – of course – in our sights for our new world order. All that vertical plant real estate is perfect for an all-you-can-eat Co2 buffet. Built in 2010, the Burj Khalifa is just over half a mile high (about 830 meters), making it a perfect carbon-capturing machine.\nNot only will plants on this building look incredible, but, if done right, they will capture around 129 tonnes of Co2 every single year. That’s enough to cancel out the Co2 emitted from the electricity use of 21 homes in one year! (7)\n51 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nOnce again, AI has had a field day here. While we’re not about to turn the ancient Pyramids into luxury apartments, we can see this type of building existing somewhere else near a desert oasis.\nIf a theoretical building that matched the size and shape of the pyramids had at least 75% plant coverage, it would capture 51 tonnes of Co2 every year. That’s enough to compensate for the Co2 emitted from burning over 57,000lbs of coal (7) – that’s 9,500 elephants worth of coal! (8)\nThe Flatiron Building\n4 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nThe Flatiron Building, while not accurately represented here, is one of the most popular buildings in New York City. It sits at 22 stories, or just about 87 metres high at the corner of a sharp turn intersection. It would add some much-needed green beauty to the concrete streets of NYC.\nThis building would capture around 4 tonnes of Co2, which is equivalent to volume of about 4 hot air balloons (5).\n2 Tonnes of Co2/year Captured\nNow for a building we all know and love. Big Ben (or the Elizabeth Tower, as the building is officially known – Big Ben is actually the nickname of the bell that chimes) is an iconic figure for not only London but the entirety of England. While she may not be as tall as the Burj Khalifa, she certainly can play her part in the recapture of Co2. If we were to add a vertical garden to the sides of this popular clock tower, we’d capture around 2 extra tonnes of Co2 every year – equivalent to the Co2 released from almost 2.5 million smartphone charges.\nOne smartphone can be charged between 300 and 500 times in its lifetime, so this means Big Ben would offset the Co2 emissions from the lifetime of at least 500 smartphones!\nSo that’s 292 tonnes of Co2 we could be capturing from the atmosphere every year just from 8 buildings! Imagine what we could do if every building was biophilic.\nHow Did We Calculate the Carbon Capture?\nTo understand precisely how much carbon these buildings would capture, we had to do a bit of digging…\nWe found the square footage and height of these buildings and started there. With that info we were able to roughly calculate the surface area of the buildings. We then did some research to determine how much carbon is captured per square metre of photosynthesing plants (spoiler: It’s .5kg/ year), and did a little maths to transfer that data to the square metre surface area of our popular buildings.\nObviously, we can’t completely cover these buildings with plants (we still want to see out of the windows, of course). We found that the average building has around 20% of its surface area dedicated to windows. Then we added an extra 5% to that number to give us some extra space for doors, gutters, and other necessities and decided that 75% of a plant-covered building should do the job.\nThe only things we need to consider now is:\nHow we’re going to get these plants rooted on the side of these buildings (lots of flower troughs hanging from windows?)\nWho is going to trim and manage these plants? Are there any takers to be the first vertical urban horticulturist?\nWhat Can You Do To Help?\nThere’s actually one more thing to consider – and that’s what you can do to help right now.\nThere are loads of schemes, both in the UK and internationally that are geared towards reforestation and creating a greener future.\nGreenpeace.org has a variety of ways that you can take action against deforestation and climate change – from joining your local Greenpeace group and raising awareness to donating monthly to their cause.\nWith Offset Alliance you can donate directly to plant a tree.\nAt Aspire Doors, we aim to do what we can to help the climate. We supply our products using responsibly sourced material, and all of our external products at least meet (and mostly exceed) the thermal insulation requirements set by the British Building Regulations, helping to keep energy usage down.\nLook at some of our most popular external doors to get an idea of what you can do with your next renovation project and keep your home warm this winter – without excessive energy usage!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The biophilia hypothesis states that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems. It’s a gift to go outside, get fresh air year round and connect with the natural world every day. It sharpens the mind and the senses.\nTurning out the lights seems pretty easy to me but maybe it's because my parents constantly told me to do it when I was young. I know I feel like I tell my kids A LOT. I’ve found it does become a habit if done over and over enough times. It's also a quickly forgotten habit- thus the nagging of the children. But it does save energy so it's worth the nagging in my opinion. I’ve read that lighting can count for anywhere between 20-50% of home and/or office energy consumption. I think this number might be a little off with more energy effiecient options available nowadays.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Ready to shift to solar power in the Philippines? We got you! 24Solar has been building an impeccable reputation in this industry since 2014. With extensive solar products and services available, we could help you turn the sun into a free electricity source!\nWho is 24Solar?\n24Solar is your go-to company when it comes to anything solar! With the sun shining for approximately 12 hours in the Philippines, it would be a waste not to put this energy into use. After all, a free electric bill comes with solar power! 24Solar aids in making your transition smooth and hassle-free. We employ tested solar ways and plans to curate the best solar home system for your needs.\nIn choosing products\nAside from the goal of making solar energy available, 24Solar also envisions a life-long use of solar products. Hence, we guarantee branded and quality-checked products for every client. With partners around the globe, 24Solar makes trusted solar products available for every Filipino. This step lets clients reap the benefits of solar energy without having to rip their own pockets.\nYou might not have known, but a single solar setup contains more than just a couple of solar panels. There are a lot of components that make a single solar system fully functional. And you’ll need them all at a high-performance rate to enjoy peak solar conversion. Hence, “life-long” panels and parts may be a little bit exaggerated, but 24Solar does find ways to make each system consistently operational even in the long run.\nIn providing services\nThe security you’ll get from 24Solar does not end on products and promises. We deliver! Through experts and skilled workers on board, 24Solar is confident in the durability and performance of every solar setup. Having knowledgeable and experienced teams is also the reason why 24Solar is a thriving company in this industry.\nHow 24Solar Brings Solar Power In The Philippines\nThe sun is available every day. And there is potential electricity every time it generates light. We, at 24Solar, persevere to be instruments of bridging clients to this clean and affordable energy. Here are solar ways on how we make this energy available in the country\n- 24Solar Inquiry\nSending us your questions is the first step to your solar journey. But in this stage, clients are not the only ones who get to ask —us too! This strategy is to have a good picture of your electric situation and the kind of solar home system you want. After getting crucial details, 24Solar calls specialists to curate the best setup for you. Upon agreement with the solar plan, 24Solar draws ballpark figures for possible expenses.\n- 24Solar Installation\nPutting the solar wares together is a vital, if not the most important, part of a solar journey. Attaching solar panels on the roof is only the tip of the iceberg when you install solar. There are wirings and other machines you need to connect correctly to prevent electrocution and fire.\nLuckily, 24Solar work men practice accurate measurements and have skillful hands that guarantee a successful solar installation.\n- Maintenance & Repair\nDespite being careful about using solar power, some instances will leave you unprepared. Sudden power loss, inverter problems, and broken solar panels are only a few of the common dilemmas in a solar setup. However, these should not bring your hopes down —because these dilemmas are not only preventable but are also fixable! 24Solar has effective solar ways on how to improve your solar home system. And to keep its electricity production at peak.\n24Solar Recent Projects\nThese solar plans are not only proof of our top-quality work. But also our transparency.\nBrgy Salvacion, Quezon City\nThis 5.28 kW Grid-Tie Solar Energy System allows the owners to harness free energy. This type of solar setup is also an affordable solar power option.\nBaesa, Quezon City\nThis home carries a 6.27kWp Grid Tie Solar Energy System, which works best in the city to offset high electricity demand. This layout also lets the family save big on their monthly utility bill.\nReady to experience solar energy? Fill in the form below to get connected.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "‘UK struggling to keep pace with climate impacts’\nby the Climate Centre\nAction to improve the UK’s resilience is not keeping pace with the fallout from a warming world and increasing climate risks, a new assessment from its independent Climate Change Committee (CCC) published yesterday has found.\nThe CCC is a statutory body established by law in 2008 to advise the UK’s central and devolved governments and report to Parliament on progress in climate mitigation and adaptation domestically.\nIts latest report involved over 450 experts from 130 organizations and includes the finding that since 2018 over 4,000 heat-related deaths have been recorded in England; yet since the CCC’s last assessment five years ago, nearly 600,000 homes have been built that are not resistant to extreme heat.\nThe UK is experiencing “widespread changes in the climate”, it says. Average land temperature has risen by 1.2°C from pre-industrial levels, sea levels have risen by 16cm since 1900, and “episodes of extreme heat are becoming more frequent”.\nBaroness Brown, Chair of the CCC Adaptation Committee, said: “The severity of the risks we face must not be underestimated. These risks will not disappear as the world moves to net zero; many of them are already locked in.\n“By better understanding and preparing for the coming changes, the UK can prosper, protecting its people, its economy, and its natural environment. A detailed, effective action plan that prepares the UK for climate change is now…needed urgently.”\nThe CCC report – which will inform the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and National Adaptation Plans – identifies eight priority areas of risk: freshwater habitats and species, soil, natural carbon stores such as forests, crops and livestock, food supplies, power, health and “[m]ultiple risks to the UK from climate change impacts overseas”.\nThe CCC assessment also identifies steps that could generate benefits in the next five years if implemented on a large scale, such as retrofitting buildings, but while the changing climate also “creates some opportunities, these do not offset the risks and also require early action to realize,” a CCC statement said.\nThe government, it adds, must “support good adaptation planning across the UK and integrate this into policies.”\n‘Community resilience is critical\nto deal with these trends’\nThe British Red Cross tweeted that it “agrees we need to support communities…to adapt to climate change, building resilience and preparedness to existing and future climate risk”.\nIn response to the CCC report, the National Society flagged its existing guidance for both flood and heatwave preparedness on Twitter, while its Executive Director of International, Richard Blewitt, said “community resilience [is] so critical to deal with these trends,” with the “dramatic impacts of the climate crisis in the UK”, which hosts the next round of UN climate talks later this year.\nBritish Red Cross Chief Executive Mike Adamson wrote last weekend that, after the G7 meeting in Cornwall, COP 26 is the second “of two global opportunities this year for the UK to show it is as committed as ever to playing a positive, powerful role for good in the world.”\nHe argued that “developing countries will want to see the big economies commit to tackling climate change before they will feel compelled to do so.”\nBritish Red Cross emergency-response volunteer Kenny provides hot drinks to members of the community as they help clean up the village of Fishlake, near Doncaster, following widespread floods in November 2019. (Photo: BRC)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Malaysia faces heavy rain once or twice every year due to the monsoon season. According to the geography of Malaysia, there are two monsoon wind seasons. One is the southwest season starting from late May until September and another one is the northwest season which occurs from October to March. Hence, Malaysia is surrounded by the equator and south china sea making it harder to have a real dry season like summer for example.\nThe Northwest season brings a lot more heavy rain compared to the southwest season as it originated in China and came down slowly towards the north side. Both peninsular and insular Malaysia lie at the same tropical latitudes and are affected by the same airstreams. This type of climate change really does leave an impact towards some people in this country. During the monsoon season, heavy rainfalls usually occur and this badly affects the local fisherman and farmers as their sources of income are put on hold until the season passes by. Apart from that, flash floods also happen in certain areas and may lead to some serious accidents and injuries.\nOther than that, the tropical rains usually occur during the afternoon until evening, mainly in the form of downpour and could also turn out to be thunderstorms. However, the weather are quite good in the morning and there were no shortage of sunlight for the plants to process their photosynthesis and living things including humans to start their day. The heavy rain usually happens in southwestern Sarawak and Northwestern Sabah. Not to forget the east side of the peninsula was also the most affected by this monsoon season. Therefore, the weather conditions in Kuala Lumpur are a bit different compared to others. Kuala Lumpur stays humid almost all the time. Kl does experience occasional rainfall but not as much as other states.\nWith the occurrence of this monsoon season and heavy rainfalls each year, the structure of the Malaysian house are specifically designed to handle and prevent any soils from loosening due to the heavy downpour. This is where the ‘Gutter’ plays an important role at your house. The gutter helps in diverting the rainwater from the roof of your house into the public drainage. One thing that needs to be considered is the gutter material. The B304 Stainless-steel are the best gutter in Malaysia. Pros, it will not rust like any other types of gutter and can also be customized with a variety of sizes. Cons, it is expensive. But when it comes to safety and precautions, money doesn’t matter.\nEven though the Malaysian people live in this kind of situation and weather condition, they would all still be able to adapt with this kind of environment that occurs every year and has become their part of life.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Organic livestock production is a means of food production with a large number of rules directed towards a high status of animal welfare, care for the environment, restricted use of medical drugs and the production of a healthy product without residues (pesticides or medical drugs). The intentions of organic livestock production have been formulated by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and were further implemented by EU regulation 2092/91 in the year 2000. The consequences of these rules for the health of the animals were not yet fully anticipated at the time these regulations were made and it has become clear that in some cases the rules are not clear enough, thereby even hampering the development of the production system. In this review we shall discuss the implications of these rules for animal health, whereby we shall focus on pig, poultry and dairy production systems. Disease prevention in organic farming is based on the principles that an animal that is allowed to exhibit natural behaviour is not subject to stress, is fed optimal (organic) feed, and will have a higher ability to cope with infections than animals reared in a conventional way. Fewer medical treatments would thus be necessary and if an animal would become diseased, alternative treatments instead of conventional drugs should be preferred. Although homeopathy or phytotherapy are recommended according to prevailing regulations, not many organic farmers use this treatment regimen because of lack of scientific evidence of effectiveness. Important health problems in organic livestock farming are often related to the outdoor access area, exposing the animals to various viral, bacterial and parasitic infections some of which may only influence the animals¿ own welfare whereas other ones may also endanger the health of conventional livestock (e.g. Avian Influenza) or pose a food safety (Campylobacter, Toxoplasma) problem to the consumer. Many preventive measures can be taken, such as using better animal breeds, optimized rearing conditions, pre- and probiotics, and addition of acids to the drinking water. In case of infectious disease, tight vaccination schedules may prevent serious outbreaks\nThere are no comments yet. You can post the first one!\nPost a comment\nPlease log in to use this service. Login as Wageningen University & Research user or guest user in upper right hand corner of this page.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Gallon of water, 1 chopped onion add to gal of water. let it sit under the sun for 3days and spray it over your veg plants, n flowers to keep bugs from eating the leaves. I personally used it on the lawn and around the windows n doors to keep the bugs n mosquitoes away and it worked. I read this in magazine from old sturbridge village. Cant recall what year\nwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow dat is een mooie foto! - Explore the World with Travel Nerd Nici, one Country at a Time.\nThe Only Thing Better Than A Waterfall Is A Triple Waterfall\nThe Diphylleia Grayi is a wonderfully unique flower whose petals turn clear as glass when it’s splattered with raindrops. Commonly referred to as the skeleton flower, it hails from the moist wooded mountainsides in the colder regions of China and Japan. The flowers come out in late spring, with large, fuzzy green, umbrella-like foliage topped […]", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "I hate when you buy some books and they have these little bugs in them..good to know how harmless and easy to get rid of they actually are...just reduce the moisture content in the air and they disappear. No poison requried.\nUse Diatomaceous Earth safely for Pest Control - KILL ROACHES!!!! It kills ants, termites, slugs, snails, fleas, bed bugs, mites, ticks, roaches, lawn grubs, grass hoppers, and more. It does not kill due to a chemical action like most toxic poisons but rather kills by the structure of its sharp microscopic edges. Read more: How to Use Diatomaceous Earth safely for Pest Control | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5049476_use-earth-safely-pest-control.html#ixzz1pl5wSmnQ", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "WASHINGTON — The US Department of Agriculture in its July World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates projected the carryover of wheat on June 1, 2022, at 665 million bus, down 105 million bus from the June outlook and down 179 million bus, or 21%, from 844 million bus in 2021. The 2022 carryover as forecast would be the smallest since 2014.\nThe 2021-22 carry-in supply at 844 million bus was down 8 million from the previous estimate. But standing out in the wheat supply-and-demand forecasts was a 152-million-bu reduction in the USDA’s production projection for 2021 to 1,746 million bus because of the drought ravaging the spring wheat areas of the northern Plains and the Pacific Northwest; the winter wheat production estimate was raised.\nThe all-wheat production forecast for 2021 was down 80 million bus from 1,826 million bus as the 2020 outturn. It would be the smallest all-wheat crop since 1,741 million bus in 2017.\nUS wheat imports in 2021-22 were forecast at 145 million bus, up 20 million from June and up 45 million bus from 2020-21. The total US wheat supply in the current year was projected at 2,735 million bus, down 140 million bus from June and down 219 million bus, or 7%, from 2,954 million bus in 2020-21.\nDomestic use of wheat in 2021-22 was forecast at 1,195 million bus, down 10 million from June but up 76 million bus from 2020-21. The adjustment from June was because of a 10-million-bu reduction in forecast feed and residual use of wheat to 170 million bus.\nUS wheat exports in 2021-22 were projected at 875 million bus, down 25 million bus from the June forecast and down 117 million bus, or 12%, from 992 million bus in 2020-21. Exports were forecast to be the lowest since 2015-16.\nThe USDA’s July WASDE contained the first 2021-22 forecasts by wheat class of the season. Only in the case of soft red winter wheat were 2021-22 ending stocks forecast to be higher than in 2020-21. Ending stocks for the other wheat classes were forecast to be lower in 2021-22 than in 2020-21.\nSpring wheat supply-and-demand forecasts stood out. Because of the drought, the hard red spring wheat crop was forecast at 305 million bus, down 42% from 530 million bus in 2020. Spring wheat production was forecast to be the lowest since 181 million bus in 1988.\nThe carryover of hard red spring wheat on June 1, 2022, was forecast at 119 million bus, down 49% from 235 million bus in 2021. It would be the smallest hard red spring wheat carryover since 68 million bus in 2008.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "March is typically one of the wettest months in Southern California, so it’s possible we may see more heavy storms like the one that hit on February 17.\nHere’s what you can do to be prepared…including steps you can take to reduce the chance for street flooding in your neighborhood.\nBring trash cans off the street as soon as possible if heavy rain is forecast.\n• Once emptied, trash cans easily blow over in heavy rain, blocking the flow of water in the gutter, and causing the street to flood more. Once EDCO dumps your trash cans, please remove them from the street as soon as possible.\nPark your vehicle in your driveway if possible if heavy rain is forecast.\n• Just like trash cans, a vehicle parked along the curb can slow the flow of water in a heavy rain. That adds to street flooding, and also puts low-lying vehicles at risk for water damage if there’s temporary high water on a street. The safest thing for your vehicle and your neighborhood is to park your car in your driveway when heavy rain is forecast.\nNote about the historic design of Lakewood streets.\n• Because Lakewood has very flat terrain, homes were built on a slope above the streets, knowing that the streets would hold significant water during a heavy downpour before the water cleared through storm drains and on to nearby river channels. In a heavy downpour, it’s best and safest not to drive, if possible, in order to give the water time to clear off the streets into the stormwater system. If you must drive, see the bullet points below about safe driving during rain.\nAre your vehicles prepared?\n• Make sure your wiper blades, tires and brakes are in good shape.\n• Drive extra carefully when it rains. Give yourself extra space and time to brake.\n• \"Turn Around, Don't Drown.\" Never drive through a flooded street or intersection. If you come across a flooded intersection or street, turn around or find an alternate route. Don't attempt to cross swift-moving water; as little as two feet of rushing water can sweep a vehicle away.\nAre your home and yard prepared?\n• Clear your rain gutters.\n• Check trees that may have weak limbs that could fall in a storm.\n• Garages are the most vulnerable to flooding. Raise valuable items off the floor. Keep sandbags on hand if you think your garage or ground-level rooms are at risk.\nLakewood City Hall staff is available 24/7 in emergencies. To report a fallen tree, traffic signal outage, or clogged storm drain catch-basin or other city service emergency, call city hall at 562-866-9771. After hours, call the same number but follow the prompts to page a 24-hour emergency services worker.\nFor a public safety emergency, always call 9-1-1.\nIf power is out citywide for an extended period of time, city staff will broadcast emergency information on Lakewood’s KLWD 1620 AM radio station. The station can be heard on your car radio. It’s also another reason to have a supply of batteries and radio at home as part of your emergency kit.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Western Australia’s mineral-rich Pilbara region braced Friday as powerful Cyclone Damien prepared to make landfall, causing ports to close and forcing mining firms to stand down non-essential staff.\nDamien is already a category three storm and is expected to bring winds of up to 230 kilometres (140 miles) per hour as it strengthens to category four and touches the coast near the town of Karratha, population 16,000, early Saturday.\nA spokesperson for Rio Tinto told AFP the company had “started the process of demobilising non-essential people from our sites which may be affected by the weather system.”\nThe region is the centre of Australia’s world-leading iron ore trade, and home to mining giants Rio Tinto, Fortescue and BHP, which was also reportedly reducing operations.\nKey ports at Walcott, Dampier, Ashburton and Hedland have also been cleared as strong winds made mooring dangerous.\nThe Bureau of Meteorology warned residents of “very destructive” winds and heavy rain that is likely to cause flooding.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "RIO DE JANEIRO — Severe drought and early data are raising concerns that this forest fire season in Brazil will see the same high levels of destruction recorded in the past two years, despite efforts to tamp down the blazes.\nWith Brazil's forest fire season underway, the government space agency that uses satellites to monitor fires reported more area burned in the month of July than in any July since 2016, according to data released Thursday. The same was true for June.\nMost Brazilian blazes are manmade, often started illegally by land-grabbers clearing forest for cattle or crops. Fires tend to begin increasing in June and peak in September, according to historical data. They can easily get out of control during the dry season, burning large swaths of forest to the ground.\nBrazil is home to the world's largest rainforest and tropical wetlands — the Amazon and Pantanal — which saw dramatic fires in 2019 and 2020, respectively, that caused the greatest annual forest loss since 2015. That drew global criticism of the response from the administration of President Jair Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly called for development of the region.\nThis year, it's the Cerrado savanna stretching across Brazil's center-west region that is suffering more than usual. An area almost as big as Connecticut and New Jersey burned there in the first seven months of 2021.\nAne Alencar, science director at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute, said in a July 27 online panel that there have been fewer Amazon fires this year due to cool weather, which limits fire's potential to spread. But deforestation remains on par with the last two years, so much dry material remains on the ground waiting to be burned, she added.\n\"I am afraid about the coming months,\" said Alencar, who is also coordinator of MapBiomas Fogo, which compiles data on deforestation and fires across the region. \"When this cold front goes away, the vegetation will be drier and then we will have warmer temperatures. … I'm not sure that the people who cut down the forest will not light it.\"\nCiting heightened hazard due to Brazil's worst drought in nine decades, the Justice and Environment ministries on July 22 announced a task force to prevent and investigate fires in 11 states of the Amazon, Pantanal and Cerrado biomes. Some 6,000 people, including federal and state police and firefighters, as well as state public security and environmental officials will participate in the effort, according to a statement.\nOn June 29, Bolsonaro decreed redeployment of soldiers to the Amazon to combat fires and deforestation, and also issued a 120-day ban on unauthorized outdoor fires.\nSimilar measures in previous years didn't prevent illegal fires, however. More than 90% of the Pantanal hot spots detected in 2020 came after a similar presidential ban, according to Vinícius Silgueiro, coordinator of territorial intelligence at the Center of Life Institute in Mato Grosso state.\n\"The sense of impunity is very high. Enforcement is well below what is necessary,\" Silgueiro said.\nIn Mato Grosso state, half of whose territory is in the Amazon, the federal and state governments last year began coordinating actions to put an end to overlap that frequently left other areas unmanned and vulnerable, according to Mauren Lazzaretti, the state's environment secretary.\nThe state is also purchasing a helicopter and plans to deploy dozens of planes loaned by Pantanal farmers and businesses to drop fire retardant onto blazes.\nLast year, over 4 million hectares (about 15,000 square miles) of the Pantanal went up in flames, or about 27% its area — by far the most since official record-keeping began in 2003. While the biome regenerates quickly, unlike rainforest, fires often kill local wildlife, such as jaguars, caimans and giant otters.\n\"The size of the fires last year drew society's attention to the component of individual responsibility,\" Lazzaretti said. \"The engagement of cities, farmers and even traditional and Indigenous communities is much greater this year.\"\nThe year before, fires in the Amazon roused global concern, and several European governments openly criticized Bolsonaro's administration. Bolsonaro countered that fires nationwide and in the Amazon, while up from 2018, were roughly in line with the average of the preceding several years and were down sharply from 15 years earlier. He called on European leaders to mind their own backyards.\nEarlier studies showed the Amazon absorbs about 2 billion of the 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide the world emits into the atmosphere each year, making it an important part of the global effort to curb climate change. But a study led by the Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, published in Nature on July 14 — spanning 10 years and involving nearly 600 flyovers — found the dry season's intensification and increased deforestation had caused more fires and higher carbon emissions. The southeastern part of the Amazon, particularly ravaged by logging, has become a net source of carbon.\nPaulo Artaxo, professor of environmental physics at the University of Sao Paulo and a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said other recent studies have shown even the more preserved western Amazon region is now carbon neutral in terms of emissions, while a few years ago, it was a carbon sink.\nCarlos Nobre, a prominent climatologist, says Brazil's Amazon is nearing a \"tipping point,\" after which the thick jungle will cease to generate enough moisture to sustain its current form and will begin transforming into tropical savanna.\nNobre said Bolsonaro's government has yet to demonstrate any encouraging change in approach to help save the rainforest.\nThe federal government \"continues incentivizing organized crime in the Amazon that is responsible for the theft of timber, illegal deforestation and fires,\" he said. \"Those who practice these crimes haven't given any sign of worry that enforcement will become rigorous. They continue to feel rather empowered.\" ___ Álvares is based in Brasilia. AP writer David Biller contributed.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "SWP Youth Programs\nThe SWP is committed to training the next generation of Great Lakes stewards:\n- K-12 School Programs and University Internships.\n- SWP Conservation Corps summer youth program.\n- Listening to the River Program watershed adventures.\n- Hands-on monitoring and research opportunities.\n- Music, art and the environment…unique programs for youth!\nLeave a Comment", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The Goodness Festival’s reach is far and wide and the Million Trees project has jumped on board to celebrate all that is good about greening our planet, well, Greater Geraldton at least.\nTo plant a million trees was the number one community aspiration from World Cafes held by the City of Greater Geraldton in 2010, and the momentum continues apace with more than 130,100 trees planted and accounted for to date.\nA mammoth effort has been put in by Midwest Ports who have recently planted 1600 along Marine Terrace near the wharf.\nCity Coordinator Community Engagement, Janell Kopplhuber, said the City has been helping the community keep count of trees being planted in the city region through an online registration form.\n“The City has created a registration form on our website so that anyone who has planted a tree can register it towards the million,” she said.\n“We know lots of people plant trees and shrubs all the time, we just haven’t been told about them yet.”\nThe Million Trees project will have a presence at the Goodness Festival Expo on Saturday August 23, at the Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre in Geraldton, where people can register to get involved as every tree planted counts towards the target and can be registered on the ‘make your tree count’ page on the City’s website.\nThe community has embraced this project and many successful corporate and community planting days have resulted in some interesting statistics and support, including more than 350 people and 900 volunteer hours committed to the goal.\nMs Kopplhuber said volunteers have been across the board from industry, corporate organisations, community and school students.\n“It has been a fantastic effort and some of the students were at many of the community tree planting days,” she said.\n“The City does revegetation work each year and this year alone volunteers have helped us to plant a total of 4,508 seedling stems along the Chapman River Wildlife Corridor.”\nThe average amount of seedlings planted per hour was five – fertilised, tree-guarded and watered, all contributing to the tally.\n“Volunteers spent an amazing 9000 hours planting seedlings this year and if we were to calculate the value of these hours it amounts to almost $180,000 worth of volunteer time,” said Ms Kopplhuber.\nMs Kopplhuber encourages everyone who plants a seedling, bush or tree to add it to the Million Trees counter and register their interest in attending future volunteer tree plantings by visiting the City’s website or Million Trees Facebook.\nMore information on the Goodness Sustainability and Innovation Festival which runs from August 15-31 can be found at www.goodness.org.au", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Global Disposable Garbage Bags Market Analysis | Top Trends and Driving Factors\nPosted by Loise Williams on September 20th, 2019\nTechnavio has announced the release of their research report on the Global Disposable Garbage Bags Market for the forecast period 2019-2023. This disposables garbage bags market analysis report segments the market by distribution channel (offline and online) and geography (the Americas, APAC, and EMEA).\nGlobal disposables garbage bags market size will grow by almost USD 1.05 billion during 2019-2023, at a CAGR close to 5%. There is a growing preference for maintaining health and safety, hygiene, and cleanliness. Disposable garbage bags are ideal for dumping and disposing of accumulated waste, including solid waste, e-waste, and various other types of waste. The use of these bags is considered convenient for consumers as they are vital for effective waste management and facilitate cost-effective, clean hygienic, and easy dumping and disposing solutions for recurring waste. Amid rising awareness of health and safety issues due to waste accumulation, the adoption of disposable garbage bags has increased in emerging economies in recent years.\nThe emergence of recycled disposable garbage bags\nRecyclable water bottles, yogurt containers, and various other waste materials are increasingly being used to manufacture numerous plastic products, including disposable garbage bags. With raw material prices rising significantly, disposable garbage bags manufacturers have begun using recyclable PET plastics as raw materials. By using PET plastics, they are able to substantially minimize costs associated with sourcing raw materials and rake in higher profits. Furthermore, manufacturers of disposable garbage bags are investing considerably in experimenting with PET plastic waste (used as a fiber for containers, bottles, clothing, and other plastic products) by collaborating with local innovators, the recycling industry, and numerous other stakeholders. They are looking at market opportunities and the feasibility of transforming PET waste into raw materials for manufacturing numerous plastic products, including disposable garbage bags.\nDownload the free sample report @ http://bit.ly/2kTIPVm\n“Close to 40% of the market’s growth will come from the APAC region. APAC has high potential given the presence of highly-populous countries such as China, India, and Indonesia that have untapped markets. Consumers in the region are keen to invest in cost-effective and eco-friendly products to ensure effectiveness and durability. This further provides leading market competitors with a favorable platform to capitalize on the region’s potential customer base by offering innovative and technologically-advanced products. Furthermore, with the disposable incomes increasing in most APAC countries, countries such as India are making rapid strides towards organized retailing, which will drive the growth of the market further in the APAC region”, says an analyst at Technavio.\nTo enhance attributes such as quality, design, composition, capacity, smell resistance, strength, and leak protectiveness, several vendors are investing heavily in R&D activities. Also, manufacturers are emphasizing on addressing environmental concerns associated with disposable garbage bags by introducing eco-friendly and bio-degradable products, thus meeting changing consumer expectations. The Clorox Company, Reynolds Group Holdings, and Berry Global have significantly increased their R&D investments for developing innovative and eco-friendly disposable solutions, including garbage bags.\nThis disposable garbage bag industry research report provides an in-depth analysis of the major drivers, upcoming trends, and challenges that will impact market growth over the forecast period. The report analyzes the competitive landscape and offers details on several disposable garbage bag manufacturers including –\nSome of the key topics covered in the report include:\nFive Forces Analysis\nLike it? Share it!\nAbout the AuthorLoise Williams\nJoined: August 7th, 2019\nArticles Posted: 266\nMore by this author", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wind and Storm - Subjective landscape - Allan Chow\nAn original painting by Allan Chow\nWind and Storm 30in x 40in x 1.5in Oil on canvas Framed\nThis weather scene depicts thunderstorms, windstorms, and tornadoes that commonly occupy the prairie. Soft reds and purples dominate the center canvas to represent an approaching storm. Strong winds and heavy rain appears on the weather forecast as soon as you lay eyes on this distinctive painting.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "You are here\nUNLV Festival of Communitites and GREENFest Combine to Celebrate Sustainability, Culture\nSouthern Nevada residents can commemorate Earth Day, learn how to live sustainably and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of our community at the 18th annual Festival of Communities and the fifth annual GREENfest/Earth Day festival.\n11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, April 12\nUNLV Campus, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.\nDuring the Festival of Communities, UNLV students and local groups will highlight the rich cultural diversity of the Las Vegas Valley. The program features more than 180 booths and attracts more than 8,000 people to the campus.\nGREENFest provides the opportunity for Southern Nevada's sustainable community to gather and unite to honor Earth Day and all it means to our local community. Community partners will share exhibits on recycling, renewable energy, innovation and resources to create a more enjoyable and healthy lifestyle. The event is a zero-waste event, 100 percent powered by solar energy.\nFamily friendly activities include a Kids Discovery and Fun Zone, live entertainment, a repurposed clothing fashion show, food from around the world, a beer garden and farmers market, health and wellness exhibitors, a recycling art contest, electric bike rides, home and garden exhibits, and more.\nNew to GREENfest this year is the Drive Electric Las Vegas parade, featuring natural gas and electric vehicles. The event is open to all Southern Nevada Clean Energy Vehicle Owners. To register visit GREENFestLV.com. The procession will being at Town Square at 10 a.m. on April 12 and proceed to the Thomas & Mack parking lot .\nMedia are invited to attend. Please contact Megan Downs at (702) 895-0898 for more information.\nShare your thoughts about this story. To comment, you'll need to login into your Facebook account. Your comment will post immediately. Comments that are not in keeping with our comment policies may be removed by editors.\nSubscribe to Our Newsletter\n\"From the News Center\" highlights the top news of the week.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "SHOWING GREEN ENERGY INTERESTS\nYou are naturally interested in green energy. You want the world to be a better place. Your children should have access to power without wearing masks to breathe. It makes sense to consider a green energy provider at this stage in your life. How will they benefit you? What happens when you make this decision? This outline will give you an idea of what to expect when you partner with a green electricity provider.\nREACH OUT to A GREEN ENERGY PROVIDER\nYou’ll first need to contact a green energy provider to express your interest. You can immediately find out more details if you are interested. You know precisely what you want and are willing to help the Earth be greener while saving money.\nKNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO YOURSELF\nIt is a good idea to make significant changes once you understand what you are getting into. Star Energy Partners can provide a quote so that you know the cost of your green energy provider. Fixed rates for renewable energy will be provided to you. This will save you money in the long term and upfront.\nBecome a Partner in MINUTES\nAfter you receive a quote and you agree to proceed with the process, you can become Star Energy Partners in just minutes. Green energy will be available for 36 months at a fixed rate and price protection. You can cancel anytime you wish. Signing up doesn’t mean you are locked into any contract. There is no way to know what the future might bring.\nYOUR GREEN ENERGY PROVIDER WILL TAKE YOU OVER\nYou’re done once you have all your information. Star Energy Partners will contact your utility company to get you switched so you don’t have any hassle. You’ll have uninterrupted service, and you will help the Earth immediately.\nYou are guaranteed the lowest rate once you become part of the green electricity grid. You always get the lowest price on renewable energy sources. There are no termination fees, so you can always opt out if unsatisfied. Renewable energy is more widely used the more people use it. Enjoy your home-generated power knowing that every person on the planet is making a difference.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Thank you for visiting the website of Headstrong Environmental Services. Our asbestos removal company performs asbestos testing and remediation for both residential and commercial clients in the Dallas & Euless, TX areas. We also offer mold remediation, flood damage repair and demolition services.\nPlease use the form on this page to email us. You can also call us at 469-441-2630 to go over your remediation or demolition needs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Wildlife in Serengeti-Park\nEllipse Waterbuck | Kobus ellipsiprymnus\nIn the family of waterbucks, there is a species that immediately catches the eye of the observer: it’s the Ellipse waterbuck. You recognize them by their white circular drawing on the rump, which also gave these animals their name. The second part of their name reveals where these animals like to be: close to and often in the water! Their coat has a water-repellent oil layer that protects them from moisture.\nIf you stroked these animals, your hands would quickly pick up a turpentine or strong musky smell from the oily secretion on sweat glands. Waterbucks are spread over large areas of sub-Saharan Africa. The reproduction takes place depending on the landscape in different seasons. Gestation period lasts for over eight months. Pregnant females give birth to offspring, which they hide in vegetation for several weeks. After this time, the calf begins to join the herd, using the mother’s raised tail as a signal to follow. Young males make their own bachelor herds; and females and cubs live together in groups of up to 30 individuals which move freely through male territories. When a young male becomes sexually mature, older and stronger, it tries to drive an older buck from its rutting ground and settle in its territory.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Signs of microbes found in 3.2-billion-year-old sandstone\nCourtesy of Martin Homann, Free University of Berlin\nFor Earth’s early inhabitants, living in a bubble was a good thing.\nPockets of gas trapped along ancient shorelines gave microbes a cozy place to call home about 3.2 billion years ago, scientists suggest December 4 in Geology. Such a snug hideout could have shielded microbes from ultraviolet radiation not only on Earth, but perhaps on Mars as well.\nThe new work is “exciting and very plausible,” says geologist Frances Westall of the French National Center for Scientific Research in Orléans. “It expands the known habitats for early life.”\nEarth was a tough place to live a few billion years ago. No oxygen in the atmosphere meant no ozone, and therefore no protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, says study coauthor Alessandro Airo, a geobiologist at the Free University of Berlin in Germany.\nStill, microbes found a way to", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Yosemite is perhaps best known for its towering granite peaks, spectacular waterfalls, and dramatic vistas – features which draw close to four million visitors to the park every year.\nHowever, hidden within these attractions are numerous well-concealed caves that most visitors remain unaware of.\nExperience an interactive 360° VR view inside one of these caves here.\nSome are large enough for humans to crawl into, and a few of them extend deep enough into the rockfall deposit that portions of them are in complete darkness. These unique environments can harbor rare and sensitive species of invertebrates. In 2010, a new species of pseudoscorpion (Parobisium yosemite), about the size of a small fingernail, was discovered in two of these caves.\nVisitors to the park are generally discouraged from exploring these caves, not only because of the potential safety risks, but also to protect the sensitive species and environments within.\nCaves are unique and often unexpected features of Yosemite. If you come across one in your travels within the park, please exercise restraint in exploring it and diligence in protecting its fragile ecosystem.\n©2020 Photography by Scott Highton\n#Yosemite #VirtualYosemite #caves #YosemiteValley", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Prestigious list recognizes innovators in green technology\nEL CERRITO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vigilent®, the leader in Intelligent Energy Management™ systems, today announced that it has been chosen by AlwaysOn as a GoingGreen Silicon Valley Global 200 winner for the second consecutive year. Inclusion in this prestigious list signifies leadership amongst peers and game-changing approaches and technologies that are likely to disrupt existing and entrenched players in green technology.\nVigilent was selected by the AlwaysOn editorial team and a global team of industry experts based on innovation, market potential, commercialization, stakeholder value, and media buzz.\n“This year’s GoingGreen Global 200 winners are pushing the bounds of how technology can bring about change in the war on our planet’s waning resources,” said Tony Perkins, founder and editor of AlwaysOn. “The strength of these companies lies in their ability to nurture innovative ideas and see them through to successful, sustainable, and profitable businesses.”\nVigilent will be honored at AlwaysOn’s seventh annual GoingGreen Silicon Valley event, November 27 and 28, 2012, at the Golden Gate Club in San Francisco, CA.\n“We are extremely honored by our inclusion in the GoingGreen Global 200,” said Christopher Kryzan, Vice President of Marketing for Vigilent. “Vigilent has achieved phenomenal industry recognition this year as our systems continually demonstrate how companies can gain direct and immediate bottom line impact through more efficient energy management.”\nVigilent provides data center infrastructure management (DCIM) systems that optimize uptime at data centers and telecommunications facilities by using sophisticated artificial intelligence and automated, direct control to dynamically manage cooling resources. Using patented artificial intelligence technology that is self-learning and adaptive, the Vigilent system optimally matches cooling resources to real-time demand to address changing conditions including IT loads, capacity changes, and airflow.\nVigilent (vigilent.com) is the leader in intelligent energy management systems, an essential solution for data center infrastructure management (DCIM). The company applies advanced Intelligent Analytics™ technology to address the real-time energy demands of data centers, colocation providers, telecommunications facilities, and large buildings. Vigilent protects uptime through dynamic management of cooling resources, while delivering significant, immediate reductions in cooling energy costs and carbon emissions through automated 24/7 monitoring and control of mission-critical facilities. A privately-held firm located San Francisco’s East Bay, Vigilent is committed to green energy solutions that reduce and inform energy use, making for a more sustainable planet.\nVigilent, the Vigilent logo, Intelligent Analytics, and Intelligent Energy Management are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Vigilent Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.\nPamela Crowley, 408-529-9655 (Media)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Please note that Hillview Rare Plants is now closed for business. The plants on this site remain here for information purposes only, and to continue to share Marcus' images and descriptions.\nStriking urn-shaped flowers of rich reddish-purple held in a loose umbel on 25cm stem. It is native to the USA, where it grows in the Californian Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada foothills. A prolific bloomer and a great new introduction to the late spring garden. One of the best recent introductions to Australian dry gardens and a personal favourite.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "|Origin:||Made In China|\n|Category:||Agriculture & Foods / Gardening / Garden Tools & Equipment|\n|Label:||net greenhouse , shading net , shading greenhouse|\n|Min. Order:||1 pc|\nShading net greenhouse is composed by hot galvanized pipe with shading net.\nThe frame structure is simple, cheap cost and easy to install.\nAccording to the climatic condition, it is usually equipped with side ventilation to achieve good ventilation and cooling effective.\nIt is widely used for the cultivation or culture of seedling for thermophilic vegetables, flowers, trees and other plants in low-temperature seasons.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "How Do I Use a Bear Canister?\nAll food, trash, toiletries, and other odorous items must be stored inside an Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) approved bear canister. This includes but is not limited to all sealed or packaged food, sunscreen, soap, mosquito repellent, lip balm, deodorant, medications, and feminine products. As a general rule, if you put it in your mouth or on your skin, it should probably be stored in a bear canister.\nDenali National Park\nTechniques to reduce trash and overall weight on trip:\nPack out what you pack in! Burning trash in the backcountry of GTNP is illegal.\nNever approach a bear.\nNever feed a bear.\nStay 100 yards (1 football field) from bears at all times.\nDid You Know?\nDid you know that pronghorns are the fastest mammals in the western hemisphere? They can run up to 70 mph, but do not like to jump fences! In the summer, pronghorn live along Antelope Flats Road, but in fall they migrate almost 200 miles to central Wyoming.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Hibiscus are sun-loving, flowering plants that enjoy warm temperatures. However, gardeners that wish to have them indoors keep wondering whether Hibiscus will respond well inside. The first thing that strikes them is whether it is an indoor plant or an outdoor plant.\nHibiscus can grow both indoors and outdoors if it gets the right care. Tropical Hibiscus is sometimes grown indoors in cold regions because they are frost-tender, but they can grow outdoors in zones 9-11. Hardy Hibiscus can grow indoors and outdoors in zones 4-8.\nYou can grow Hibiscus wherever you wish. But, you only need to take care of their requirements and check them daily to observe their reaction.\nToday I will share whether Hibiscus will survive indoors or outdoors and how to take care of them accordingly.\nIs Hibiscus an indoor plant or an outdoor plant?\nYou can grow Hibiscus plants indoors and outdoors if you provide them with all their requirements.\nIf you want to grow a Hibiscus outdoors, train the shrub species to become a plant.\nCut some branches and leave a strong one to grow as a central trunk.\nThough Hibiscus are mostly grown as outdoor plants, many gardeners grow them indoors.\nTropical Hibiscus plants cannot tolerate cold winters.\nSo, if you belong to regions with low temperatures in winters, grow them indoors.\nYou can still grow Tropical Hibiscus outdoors.\nJust bring them indoors when the weather drops below 50°F.\nYou can also keep them outdoors the whole year if you belong to zone 9-11.\nWhat are the general requirements of Hibiscus plants?\nBy getting familiar with the basic needs of Hibiscus plants, you can understand how to take care of them indoors and outdoors.\nHibiscus plants enjoy a lot of direct sunlight.\nThey need at least 4 to 8 hours of sunlight daily.\nIf the sunlight gets intense in summer, protect them with shade.\nLet them have at least 2-3 hours of direct sunlight and then 6-8 hours of filtered sunlight.\nThis will save them from sunburn.\nTry to give them more direct sunlight in winters to maintain a warm temperature.\nHibiscus generally requires watering 4-5 days per week.\nThey love to grow over moist soil.\nFor example, Rose Mallows enjoy growing over marshy soil.\nThe frequency of watering differs depending on the weather.\nHibiscus will need daily watering in the summers.\nSometimes, they will require it 2-3 times a day if the weather is very scorching.\nIn the winters, reduce watering.\nOnce per week would be enough to keep them hydrated.\nAlways check the soil moisture before watering.\nOnly water the plant when the top 1-2 inches are dry.\nHibiscus enjoys well-drained, loamy, and moisture-retentive soil.\nThe soil must have a balance between drainage and retention.\nAlong with that, the soil must be rich in nutrients.\nHibiscus plants are heavy feeders, and they need lots of nutrition for better development and flowering.\nThe soil pH should remain between 6.5 and 6.8.\nHibiscus can tolerate neutral to slightly acidic soil but not alkaline.\nHibiscus requires sufficient fertilization for fast and healthy growth and big colorful blooms.\nIf you are using liquid fertilizers, apply them every 2 weeks in the spring and summer and every 4 weeks in the autumn and winter.\nIf you are using slow-release, use it every 3-6 months in the growing months.\nApply it 2-3 times throughout the growing season during new growths. Don’t use this fertilizer in winters.\nHibiscus likes to grow in temperatures ranging between 60-85°F.\nBelow 50°F, the plant will stop growing and flowering.\nEven if they flower, the blooms will be smaller.\nIf you are growing tropical Hibiscus, grow them in containers and shift them indoors when the weather begins to cool down in the fall.\nThe Hardy Hibiscus variety can stay outside.\nThey are generally native to zones 4-8 and can tolerate temperatures as low as 10-30°F.\nIf you live in a region where the temperature dips at this range in winters, it is better to grow Hardy Hibiscus.\nHowever, whatever variety you grow, you have to protect them in winters.\nBelonging to the tropical regions, Hibiscus enjoys high humidity.\nIt should be within 50-70%.\nHibiscus stays in humidity levels around 90% in some greenhouses, but don’t try this at home.\nGreenhouse plants remain under special care that you won’t be able to provide to the plant.\nSo, maintain at least 60-70%.\nMake sure it doesn’t go below 50%.\nOtherwise, the plant will drop flower buds.\nLooking for gardening supplies? We have tested 100's of products before recommending them to you guys. Check out our best pick below:\n|Raised Garden Bed Kit\n|Check On Amazon\n|XLUX Soil Moisture Meter, Plant Water Monitor, Soil Hygrometer Sensor for Gardening, Farming, Indoor and Outdoor Plants, No Batteries Required\n|82 Pcs Garden Tools Set and Extra Succulent Tools Set\n|Check On Amazon\n|Joeys Garden Expandable Garden Hose with 8 Function Hose Nozzle, Lightweight Anti-Kink Flexible Garden Hoses, Extra Strength Fabric with Double Latex Core, (50 FT, Black)\n|Dual Chamber Compost Tumbler\n|Check On Amazon\n|Sunnyglade Plant Stakes\n|Check On Amazon\n|Organic Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil\n|Check On Amazon\n|Mighty Mint Gallon :-Insect and Pest Control Peppermint Oil\n|Check On Amazon\n|Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide\n|Check On Amazon\n|Jacks Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer\n|Check On Amazon\n|30,000 Seeds Pollinator Attracting Wildflower Mixture\n|Check On Amazon\n|Survival Vegetable Seeds Garden Kit-Over 16,000 Seeds\n|Check On Amazon\nMake sure you use a container with drainage holes for good drainage.\nThe size of the container should depend on the plant’s size.\nDon’t use the same pot for a long time.\nAs the plant grows larger, it will need space to grow.\nSo, change the container accordingly in time.\nDon’t use a big container as that can cause overwatering.\nTerracottas are best because they are porous.\nIf you ever overwater by mistake, the pot can wick away moisture and increase air circulation.\nIt also helps to release the hot air and prevent your plant from getting overheated.\nHowever, you can use any type you like, plastic, ceramics, wooden, etc.\nRepot the potted Hibiscus every year. Hibiscus is a fast-growing plant.\nWithin a few years, they can reach 10-12 feet.\nRepotting gives more space to grow and prevents root-bound.\n- While repotting, use a container 1-2 inches bigger than the old one.\n- Cut off 1/3rd portion of the roots if you don’t want the plant to grow big, including the damaged and broken ones.\n- Plant them in the same size as the old container.\n- But to encourage growth, cut off only the broken and diseased roots and plant them in a big-sized container.\n- After repotting, don’t expose your plant to direct sunlight.\nLet them recover from the transplant shock and get settled.\nThen you can let them have enough sunlight.\nPruning and deadheading\nPrune the Hibiscus to keep them healthy and in shape and promote flowering.\nFor pruning perennial Hibiscus, wait until the late winter or early spring.\nPrune off only the old growths because trimming new growth will affect flowering.\nEither they won’t bloom or bloom later in the fall, after which they will all die.\nPrune off down to 6 inches above the ground.\nKeep the stems in the same size.\nPrune the Tropical Hibiscus any time in their growing months.\nRemove the dead branches and maintain a good shape.\nYou can also do it at the end of the growing season.\nRemember not to prune off heavily.\nOnly 1/3rd will be trimmed at a time.\nIf you are bringing an outdoor plant indoors in winters, prune them if only you have kept them in a sunny and warm environment.\nAvoid if the environment is cool and dark.\nDivide the Hibiscus if it has grown too big.\nIt is necessary because the plant’s rootball won’t be able to provide enough nutrients to every part of the plant.\nSo, you need to divide the plant and transplant it to a new place or pot.\nIt will encourage healthy growth, and both parts of the plant will receive enough nutrients.\nOver time, they will become full-grown plants.\nNote: These are the general care tips for Hibiscus and are applicable for both indoor and outdoor plants.\nHow to grow Hibiscus outdoors?\nFollow these care tips for the outdoor Hibiscus plants.\nPlant in the right location\nFor growing Hibiscus outdoors, the location is important.\nIt will determine how much amount of light the plant will receive.\nSelect the sunniest spot in your garden.\nIt is generally in the southern or western direction but will differ depending on the hemispheres.\nIt would be good if there were some tall trees at a distance.\nThey can give the planting site some shadow which is helpful during the scorching summers.\nSo, if your garden has such a location, plant your Hibiscus there.\nWater the plant deeply\nSince they are outdoors under the sun, they will require more watering.\nGenerally, they need 4-5 times watering per week, but they will need daily watering in summers.\nIf the weather is too sweltering, Hibiscus will need 2-3 times watering per day, both grounded and potted plants.\nConsider deep watering.\nIn the winters, they go dormant and won’t take that much water.\nHowever, since the weather is dry during the winters, the moisture can evaporate quickly.\nIn that case, you have to water them.\nIt is always better to check the moisture level before watering.\nProvide water only if the top 1-2 inches of the soil is dry.\nAmend the soil bed\nDon’t directly plant the Hibiscus plant over any kind of soil bed.\nCheck the drainage first. If the soil bed is too clayey or sandy, you need to add ingredients to amend the soil.\nIn the case of sandy soil, add coco coir, compost, volcanic rocks, or other organic matters for retention.\nPerlite also helps to improve retention.\nAdding compost as mulch increases the quality of the soil and makes it nutritious for the Hibiscus plants.\nEnsure the pH level of the soil.\nUse lime to increase the pH level of the soil.\nTo decrease it, use peat moss or sulfur.\nCheck the permeability\nWhile growing Hibiscus outdoors in the ground, checking how deep the water can penetrate the soil is essential.\nHibiscus roots can grow around 6 inches deep.\nSo, you need to see whether the water you provide can reach that deep or not.\nOtherwise, the plant will suffer from dehydration.\nAs they remain under the sun, the soil will dry out faster.\nThe plant won’t remain strong if the water doesn’t reach the roots properly.\nHibiscus grows wider and not taller.\nKeep enough space between each plant if you are growing many of them.\nHibiscus can spread around 2-3 feet.\nSo, maintain a distance of 3-6 feet.\nThis will give them enough space to grow and even maintain good airflow, which is another minor yet important factor.\nKeep at least 2-3 feet of space between each plant if you are planting Hibiscus for a hedge or screening.\nSince Hibiscus plants are sun-lovers, plant them when the winter has ended.\nWait for the temperatures to warm up.\nPlant them at the same depth as the roots.\nTheir growing months are spring and summer.\nOnce the heat goes up, the plant will begin to grow vigorously and even produce blooms in the very first year.\nTemperature and humidity\nYou cannot control the temperature and humidity outside.\nIf you want to grow Hibiscus outdoors, make sure the temperature remains warm, around 60-75°F during planting.\nDuring the winters, bring Tropical Hibiscus indoors as they are frost-tender plants.\nYou can keep Tropical Hibiscus outdoors if your region receives temperatures above 50-55°F.\nYou don’t have to worry about Hardy Hibiscus.\nYou can grow them outdoors and even keep them outdoors in winters.\nIncrease the humidity for the outdoor plants if the natural humidity is insufficient.\nIt is required mainly during the winters.\nFor increasing humidity:\n- Mist your plants, or install a misting system\n- Keep water trays around the plant\n- Group planting\n- The tall trees around can trap the moisture and prevent it from escaping.\n- Add mulch to the plant’s base.\nRejuvenate the soil\nRevitalize the soil every year like repotting.\nExcessive old and compact soil can restrict the roots from spreading and make them root-bound.\nRenew the soil by tilting the site, removing the debris, and adding organic matter.\nIt will improve the soil quality, allow the roots to grow and spread flexibly and give the plant more nutrition.\nBring outdoor Tropical Hibiscus indoors\nIf you live in a cold region and growing Tropical Hibiscus, grow them in containers and bring them indoors to save them from frost damage.\nSince they are tender, frost can damage and kill them.\nHow to take care of Hibiscus indoors?\nHere are some care tips to take care of indoor Hibiscus plants:\nFind a sunny window\nIndoor plants might suffer a little bit for light.\nThey won’t receive direct sunlight as the outdoor plants do.\nThat is why there might be rare chances of blooming.\nHowever, the plant will still stay alive. For healthy blooming plants, place them near the south or west-facing window.\nIf they are not getting direct sunlight for 6-8 hours, let them have 2-3 hours of direct sunlight daily and filtered sunlight for the rest of the day.\nYou can also use artificial lights.\nTake them outdoors\nYou can shift Hibiscus outdoors in summer.\nIt will encourage the plant to produce prolific blooms.\nBut, a transition is necessary.\nBegin exposing them for 1-2 hours and slowly increase the timing in the next 1-2 weeks.\nYou can also shift them outside in winters during the daytime.\nIt will help them remain warm.\nAgain take them inside when the weather becomes cold in the evening or windy.\nWater them regularly\nHibiscus like lots of water, but make sure not to overwater them.\nWater the plant when the top 1-2 inches are dry.\nIn the summers, Hibiscus will need regular watering, sometimes 1-2 times per day, especially if they are receiving direct sunlight.\nIn the winters, they will become dormant.\nHowever, there is less chance of this because they will remain indoors in a controlled environment.\nHowever, they will need less water compared to spring and summer.\nWater the plant deeply until the excess water drains out of the drainage holes.\nSoil mix for Hibiscus\nDrainage, retention, nutrition, and the right pH level are crucial for Hibiscus plants.\nFor an ideal soil mix, try the following recommendations:\n- 2 parts potting soil, 2 parts peat moss, and 1 part vermiculite or perlite\n- 1/3 of each potting soil, compost/worm castings, and peat moss/coco coir\n- 50% peat, 45% composted bark, and 5% perlite.\nYou can use these soil mixes for all potted Hibiscus indoors or outdoors.\nEnsure that the pH level stays between 6.5 and 6.8. Hibiscus can survive slightly acidic soil.\n(Follow the outdoor soil point to increase and decrease pH level)\nMaintain ideal temperature\nFind a room with temperatures having 60-75°F consistently.\nIf the plant receives this temperature the whole year, it will grow throughout the year without being dormant.\nAvoid AC rooms and areas close to direct fans.\nKeep them away from the doors and windows that are frequently opened and closed.\nThe constant drafts can enter and stress the plant.\nMaintain the humidity\nSince Hibiscus is from a tropical climate, they will enjoy high humidity levels.\nCheck the humidity level of your room with a hygrometer.\nIf it shows below 50%, follow the following steps to increase it:\n- Mist the plant\n- Use a humidifier\n- Keep pebble trays under the pots\n- Keep your plant near an aquarium or a bright bathroom\n- But, don’t keep them close to furnaces and fireplaces. That will overheat the plant and burn the roots.\nRepot Hibiscus every year.\nThis gives the plant more room to grow and saves it from extreme root-bound.\nRepotting also gives the chance to replace the old soil with a new one and improve the plant’s health.\nNote: Some points like container, fertilization, and detailed repotting are not mentioned in the indoor and outdoor settings because I have included them in the general requirements.\nIt works the same for both indoor and outdoor plants.\nIf taken proper care of, Hibiscus will grow both outdoors and indoors. Some care tips are the same for both the setup and some are distinctive. The essential requirements are sun, water, light, and fertilizer.\nThese are the same and should be given at the right time at the right frequency. Maintain warm temperature and high humidity around the plant. Repot, replenish the soil, prune and divide to encourage new and healthy growth and blooms.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Now showing items 1-6 of 6\nIsolation and molecular characterization of Xylella fastidiosa from coffee plants in Costa Rica.\nCoffee plants exhibiting a range of symptoms including mild to severe curling of leaf margins, chlorosis and deformation of leaves, stunting of plants, shortening of internodes, and dieback of branches have been reported ...\nIdentification and distribution of melon infecting viruses and their vectors in two provinces of Costa Rica\nPapaya ringspot potyvirus (PRSV), watermelon mosaic 2 potyvirus (WMV-2), cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) and zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), singly or in mixed infections, were identified by ELISA in melon ...\nFirst Report of Xylella fastidiosa Infecting Citrus in Costa Rica\nCitrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) is an important disease mainly of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) cultivars. It was first described in Brazil in the state of Sā Paulo in 1987 (4). The disease has spread to all ...\nFirst report of Xylella fastidiosa infecting coffee in Costa Rica\nIn 1995, severe symptoms were observed on ‘Caturra’ and ‘Catuaí’ coffee (Coffea arabica L.) varieties in farms in the southern part of the Central Valley in Costa Rica. Symptoms were reduced leaf size, malformation of ...\nFirst Report of Xylella fastidiosa in Nerium oleander in Costa Rica\nOleander (Nerium oleander L.) shrubs presenting mottling, leaf tip and margin scorch, short internodes, defoliation, and branch dieback were observed at different localities in the Central Valley in Costa Rica. Severity ...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "PER Update Public Hearing & Open House #2\nJune 8 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm\nAt the public hearing and open house, a representative of Great West Engineering will describe the 2018 Wastewater PER update was prepared and explain the Phase 3 of the proposed project, including the purpose, project activities, budget, and applications for sources of funding from the Montana Department of Commerce, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Montana’s Community Development Block Grant Program, and USDA Rural Development.\nAll interested persons will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to express their opinions regarding the PER and the proposed project.\nTo support compliance with CDC and WHO guidelines related to COVID-19, the City will also host an open house before the public hearing from 4:00 to 5:30 at the Community Center for questions and comments about Phase 3 of the wastewater project as addressed in the 2018 Wastewater PER update. At the open house, and the public hearing representatives of the City and Great West Engineering will explain the purpose of the project, the project area, the scope of work, budget, possible sources of funding, and any costs that may result for local citizens because of the project. Great West Engineering will also present its assessment of the project’s impact on the environment. Copies of the draft environmental assessment and PER Update are available at www.thompsonfallsinfrastructure.com. Residents can also find links to the project website on the City’s website and Facebook page. If you do not have access to the Internet, you may view the documents at the Thompson Falls City Hall. However, to adhere to physical distancing recommendations included in the Governor’s directive establishing conditions for Phase 2, you are asked to make an appointment to view the documents by calling City Hall at (406) 827-3557.\nDuring the open house and public hearing, residents may ask questions and express their opinions regarding the project and its impact on the City of Thompson Falls. Residents may also submit comments and questions at www.thompsonfallsinfrastructure.com, or you may contact Project Manager Carrie Gardner, PE at (406) 495-6176 or email@example.com.\nWhen: June 8th, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (Open House)\nJune 8th, 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm (Public Hearing)\nWhere: 410 Golf Street -Thompson Falls Community Center\nComments may be given orally at the hearing or submitted in writing at the address provided below by the end of the public hearing.\nCity of Thompson Falls\n108 Fulton Street\nThompson Falls, MT 59873\nOr via email\nYou can also comment via the “Comment on Project” tab.\nPublic Meeting for Funding application and Environmental\nAt the public hearing, a representative of Great West Engineering will be there to discuss applying for funding to the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) grant and other funding opportunities for the water project, as well as discuss the environmental impacts of the project.\nDate and time of the meeting is TBD. Please check back from more information.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "There are lot of things in life that we need. Food, water, shelter…all life’s necessities. If I told you that you need window tinting in your home you might think I’m crazy. My sanity set aside, residential window tinting really is something every home needs.\nBefore you have me visiting my local psychiatrist, let’s look at the reasons why window tinting for your home is needed.\nDestructive Ultraviolet Rays\nDid you know that the leading cause of fading in furniture and window coverings is UVA and UVB rays that bombard your home everyday?\nUV light can fade and discolor nearly everything it comes into contact with, even things that are inside your home, and hardwood furniture is no exception.\nDestructive Solar Heat\nSun damage can threaten the quality of your furniture and is ultimately irreversible. Sunlight is one of the greatest sources of damage to our home’s interiors, and you don’t have to live in a tropical locale to suffer its effects. Sunlight damage can be especially noticeable in houses that are oriented in sun-facing directions, such as the east or west. Of course, any house with large windows can let in lots of light – and the damage that comes with it.\nProtecting Your Family\nSkin Cancer And Window Tint\nWhile it’s understood that taking sun safety precautions is important outside, few people realize they can sustain sun damage indoors, too.\nWindow film is an increasingly effective solution, offering substantial indoor protection by blocking up to 99.9 percent of UVA radiation.\n“To see the damage that untreated glass can do, take a close look at the furnishings in your home that are hit by direct sunlight,” says Perry Robins, MD, President of The Skin Cancer Foundation. “If the sun has faded the color of your sofa, it can just as easily damage your skin when you sit there.”\nFletch Window Tint has been helping homeowners in San Antonio Texas since 1989 protect themselves from the suns’ harmful rays. By offering the latest window film technology, we provide excellent solutions to combating the damage wrought by the sun. Ceramic and Infrared Carbon window tint are the latest weapons in the fight to protect our homes, furnishings, and most importantly our families.\nCall us today to schedule a free estimate.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The present study was carried out to trace the life cycle of mealy bug, Rhizoecus amorphophalli on three different hosts including elephant foot yam, taro and tannia tubers. Investigation revealed that the mealy bug reproduces sexually and the adult female secretes an egg sac of white waxy substance in which eggs were laid. Female nymph moult normally, but male instar produces a cottony puparium around its body and form a pupal stage from which adult males emerge. On tubers of elephant foot yam, average fecundity and incubation period were 68.30±6.22 and 7.80±0.88 days respectively. But, it was significantly lesser for those on the taro and tannia tubers. Nevertheless irrespective of hosts, the percentage of hatching maintained uniformity. The total life cycle of bug which includes three instars and a pupal stage took 27.10 days for females and 22.40 days for males on tubers of elephant foot yam. The larval stages of mealy bug did not show prominent morphometric changes among the hosts used for life cycle study.\nKey words: Rhizoecus amorphophalli, elephant foot yam, taro, tannia, mealy bug, biology, life cycle.\nCopyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.\nThis article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Thanks. I hold the opinion that the USDA tends to not anticipate higher or lower production numbers but instead uses multi year averages yields times acres planted. They only alter their estimates *after* actual numbers have been collected and verified. Does CONAB do the same? Are they predicting a 22.6 drop in production based on field observations so far? Or are they just guessing that production will be down due to the off year + the drought?", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Western Fence Lizards eat, Insects, Flies, Ants, Spiders, and Beetles. Also, Vegetables thrive with proper supplements.\nWhat do Western Fence Lizards Eat?\nDo you know what Western Fence Lizards eat? If not, you’re in for a surprise! These little lizards are omnivorous and will eat just about anything they can find. In this blog post, we will discuss the different things that Western Fence Lizards eat in order to help you better understand these interesting creatures!\nWhat does a Western Fence Lizard Eat in the Wild?\nA Western Fence Lizard is a small, chunky lizard with large scales on its back and belly. They are usually light brown to dark gray in color with blue patches on the sides of their stomachs, necks, and throats. In addition to these two primary colors, they can occasionally have yellowish or greenish tones as well. What do Western Fence Lizards Eat?\nThe average length of an adult Western Fence Lizard is between four and six inches long including the tail (which makes up about half the total body size). Their tails are not prehensile like other lizards such as geckos; rather they use them for balance while escaping predators by running away quickly from danger instead of climbing up trees where most geckos would go when being chased after.\nWestern Fence Lizards are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Their diet consists of a variety of insects (such as beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and spiders), fruits, berries, and flowers.\nThey have also been known to scavenge for food on occasion when necessary. Interestingly enough, Western Fence Lizards are one of the few lizards in North America that can consume venomous snakes without being harmed; their stomachs contain a special enzyme that neutralizes the snake’s venom.\nThis allows them to feast on carcasses of rattlesnakes and other poisonous snakes without any danger to themselves. Western Fence Lizards are native to the western United States and can be found in most areas west of the Rocky Mountains. They prefer open grasslands, deserts, or any area where there is plenty of sunlight.\nTheir primary habitat includes shrubs and wooded areas near streams and rivers because these provide shelter from predators such as hawks and owls while at night when they’re hunting for food; during daylight hours though they like basking out in full view where their bright colors may act as camouflage against predators with duller colored eyesight such as humans!\nThese small lizards will use their tails to avoid being eaten by flipping them up so that it looks like an insect flying away instead of running towards safety which would attract attention from unwanted visitors.\nIn the wild, a Western Fence Lizard can live up to seven years but many don’t make it past their first year because of predators that hunt down these delicious little creatures before they have time to reproduce or reach maturity themselves!\nThis is especially true if you’re keeping them as pets since most pet store owners won’t allow customers access when purchasing one from them so there’s no guarantee how long your lizard will survive under different circumstances than what would otherwise occur outside in nature where some may last longer than others depending on factors such as climate conditions and where exactly they end up living throughout its entire lifespan (which could vary greatly based upon location).\nHow do you care for a Pet Western Fence Lizard Diet-Wise?\nOne of the most important things you can do for your Pet Western Fence Lizard is to provide a healthy diet. A balanced diet will help keep your lizard healthy and growing. Here are some tips on providing a healthy diet for your pet:\n- Provide a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and sweet potatoes.\n- Give your lizard a small number of live insects each day, such as crickets or mealworms.\n- Make sure that there is always clean water available for your lizard to drink.\n- It is also important to remember that lizards need UVB light in order to stay healthy. You can provide this light by using a special lamp designed for reptiles.\n- Supplements include calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health. You can give your lizard these supplements by adding them to its food or water.\nDo different age groups of Western Fence Lizards have Different Dietary Needs?\n- Baby – The young of any lizard will be more carnivorous than the adult form.\n- Adult – Most lizards are omnivores with a varied diet, however, they can become herbivores and only eat plants or vice versa and become carnivores eating mainly insects like crickets in captivity.\n- Old Age – No major changes to dietary habits would be expected as lizards age.\nWestern Fence Lizard’s Diet Includes\n- Insects – the insets that are good to feed a western fence lizard are flies, ants, spiders, and beetles.\n- Mammals – lizards will also eat small mammals such as rodents or birds.\n- Nectar – some lizards have been known to feed on the nectar of flowers.\n- Spiders – spiders are a common food for western fence lizards.\n- Crickets – some lizards will eat crickets, though it is not as common as other insects they may find in their environment (flies).\n- Grasshoppers – Grasshoppers are another great source of protein that can be found around the home and outside where there are plants.\n- Beetles – beetles are a great food choice for lizards, as they are filled with protein and other nutrients that help keep lizards healthy and strong.\n- Rodents – small mammals such as rodents make a great meal for western fence lizards.\n- Birds – birds can also be a common food source for these lizards, as they are often found near the ground where lizards like to hang out.\nWhat are the best types of Supplements to Keep My Western Lizards Healthy?\nSupplements are an important part of keeping your western lizards healthy. They provide a great nutrient source for the lizard and will ensure that it receives all of its essential vitamins and minerals to be as healthy as possible. There are many different types of supplements out there so you want to make sure you pick the right one for your lizard, especially if you want it to grow up healthy.\nVitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for western lizards. It is necessary for normal growth and development, as well as proper cell function throughout life. A lack of this vitamin can lead to stunted growth or even death in some cases! You should always supplement with a good quality vitamin B12 supplement to make sure your lizard is getting enough.\nAnother important mineral for western lizards is calcium. Calcium is necessary for bone growth and strength, as well as muscle contraction. A lack of calcium can lead to weakened bones and skeletal deformities in growing lizards. It’s therefore important to always provide a good quality calcium supplement when feeding your lizard.\nThere are many other vitamins and minerals that western lizards need, but these three are some of the most important ones for keeping them healthy throughout life. Make sure you’re giving your lizard everything it needs by using a high-quality supplement!\nIf you want to keep track of how much your lizard is eating, consider using a food scale to weigh their prey. This will help you make sure they’re getting the right amount of nutrients and not overeating or undereating. A healthy diet is essential for keeping your lizard healthy!\nSummary: Western Fence Lizards eat insects and other small animals. They are omnivores, meaning they will also scavenge for food when necessary. These lizards have adapted to living in desert environments by storing water in their bodies so that it doesn’t evaporate too quickly from their skin like other reptiles might experience during hot weather conditions outside of their natural habitat. Western fence lizards are one of the most common types found throughout North America where they can survive in many different climates from temperate forests to deserts and even arid regions such as Mexico or California’s desert areas near Death Valley National Park", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Featuring the same data from The A.T. Guide, by David Miller and weighing in at just 4 grams each, this waterproof, tear resistant, information rich strip-map features an Appalachian Trail map on one side and elevation profile with altitudes and trail data on the other. The map imagery includes high resolution GPS track, topographic maps, accurate road crossings and a bird’s eye view of points along the trail. The elevation profile side includes trail mileage, shelter locations, camp sites, water sources, resupply points, lodging, outfitters, and post offices and much more. A serious tool for trail use and hike planning. AntiGravityGear’s long trail Pocket Profile Maps were listed in the April 2012 Backpacker Magazine Spring Gear Guide under the heading “The Ten Essentials”!\nYes! Our US supplier abides by the 4 R’s of environmental stewardship: Recycle, Reuse, Respect, & Reduce.\nRecycle & Reuse\nOur paper is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is therefore 100% recyclable in category 2 HDPE. Our supplier constantly strives to eliminate the waste generated by their production processes throughout the entire production chain:\nWaste linked to the synthetic paper production\nThe production waste is regranulated and recycled in our production processes.\nProduction scrap that cannot be reused in the production process is collected by a recycling company to be reprocessed as raw materials for other plastic items.\nWaste produced by printing processes\nScrap resulting from printing processes are collected with other polymer products and reused to make other plastic items.\nMinimizing End-User Waste\nOur paper is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is therefore 100% recyclable in category 2 HDPE.\nKeeping our environmental impact as low as possible during the manufacturing processes.\nAll production sites comply with ISO 14001 environmental standards.\nHave their own water treatment plants to handle the water used in their processes. Waste water is therefore already clean when it leaves the production sites.\nThe manufacturing process does not use ozone-depleting substances such as CFCs.\nThe manufacturing process does not include any dangerous or polluting components.\nHealth and Safety\nIn addition to complying with the ISO 14001 EMS standards, our supplier has taken the following health and safety initiatives:\nComponents are fully compliant with the following legislation dealing with heavy metals:\nThe 1994 standard of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors’ Model Toxic (CONEG).\nPart 3 of the 10988 European EN71 standard stipulating upper limits for toys and film coatings.\nThe requirements set out in the EC directive 94/62/EC relating to packaging waste.\nDoes not contain phthalate, chlorine, or other halogens.\nWhen incinerated under the right conditions, the paper is non-toxic and does not produce dioxins or other highly toxic materials.\nThe unique characteristics of the paper also contribute to resource conservation and sustainability.\nIt has no impact on forest resources.\nThe manufacturing process uses five times less water that traditional paper production, thus preserving water resources.\nIt has a long service life in its applications (maps, tags and manuals, for example), thus reducing the need for source materials.\nThe AntiGravityGear Pocket Profiles™ are waterproof, rub resistant and tear resistant. Backpacking subjects gear to the most strenuous of conditions that will test the limits of any well made piece of gear. And so, as with all backpacking gear, there is some special care that can be taken to preserve the life of your Pocket Profile™.\nYour Pocket Profile™ is rub resistant, meaning the ink is quite durable and will not rub off easily. And while your profile is in no way fragile, abuse can test the limits of the rub resistance. The folds are likely to wear the quickest. Avoid overworking the folds. One strategy is to roll the map and put it in your accessory pocket on your pack rather than folding it.\nAs with any gear, it’s not good to fold your Pocket Profile™ up while wet for storage. After it has gotten good and wet, give it a good dry off before folding and stowing it. If your Pocket Profile™ was accidentally allowed to dry completely from wet while folded, and is frozen together, run it under water for a while and slowly and gently work it apart.\nYour Pocket Profile™ is tear resistant, meaning it’s difficult to tear, but not impossible. Keep it away from sharp objects that could puncture it in your pack.\nA little care and good common sense will go a long way to preserving the life of your Pocket Profile™.\nThe Pocket Profile™ in the photo to the left has been soaking in this Nalgene bottle for 6 months. It has been taken out and crumpled up and put back in several times. Basically, we’re abusing it. While it definitely does not look as beautiful as it did when it was brand new, it is holding it’s own. It’s still quite readable, and would definitely still get us down the trail.\nThe AGG TEC™ reference number located between mile markers above the elevation profile is the measure of Total Elevation Change per segment. These are also commonly referred to is PUDs or MUDs (Pointless Ups & Downs or Mindless Ups & Downs). This rating is meant to give you an idea of how TEChnical the terrain ahead of you will be.\nFor instance: If, during the course of a 3 mile segment, you climb 1000 feet and descend 500 feet, the AGG TEC™ number for that 3 mile segment would be 1500. This number, when compared to the elevation profile, can give you an idea of how much elevation change is ahead and whether it is likely to be more uphill or downhill or a mixture of both ups and downs.\nAt the top, in the blue bar on the elevation side of each profile, is an AGG TEC™ reference number for the entire section of the trail that the map covers.\nThis is what the TEC™ numbers look like. They are the grey numbers in between mile markers:\nWe update the Appalachian Trail Pocket Profiles at least once a year. But, they are not all updated at the same time. The A.T. Guide contains town information (i.e. hours of operation, phone numbers, instructions, etc.) which has a tendency to change quite a bit and must be updated each January. However, the trail data (i.e. shelters, water sources, road crossings, etc.) for the Appalachian Trail changes so minutely that a hard dated annual update is not necessary for the pocket profiles. Minor changes can be covered in our errata pages. In many cases, the Pocket Profiles can actually be more up to date than the Guidebook since we update them throughout the year.\nEach of the 22 maps in the ATSET has a slightly different RF scale for a few reasons. They all do not cover the exact same mileage since some areas of the trail have a denser database of information to cover. Also, some areas of the trail are curvier than others affecting how much space the distance being mapped actually takes up on the page.\nThe AVERAGE RF scale for all maps in the set is 1:293,252 or 4.63 miles per inch.\nIn order to make the most of the scale we had to work with, we enhanced for visibility features most important to a hiker like road crossings, highways & interstates, national forest boundaries, state lines, cities, and major rivers and bodies of water to name a few. We work at a resolution much higher during the design process than what we use for final print resolution. This makes it possible for us to very accurately lay these enhancements over features on the map in order to make clear what would not otherwise be visible at these scales.\nIn order to simplify the scale for the hiker, we overlayed a 10 mile dotted line grid on each map to give hikers a visual idea of the area they have to cover between points on the map.\nThe specific RF scale for each of the maps in the 22 Map ATSET is as follows:\nAT01: 1:297,926 (4.70 miles per inch)\nAT02: 1:219,322 (3.46 miles per inch)\nAT03: 1:234,849 (3.71 miles per inch)\nAT04: 1:231,910 (3.66 miles per inch)\nAT05: 1:278,249 (4.39 miles per inch)\nAT06: 1:211,200 (3.33 miles per inch)\nAT07: 1:213,924 (3.38 miles per inch)\nAT08: 1:269,136 (4.25 miles per inch)\nAT09: 1:269,893 (4.24 miles per inch)\nAT10: 1:335,450 (5.27 miles per inch)\nAT11: 1:235,128 (3.71 miles per inch)\nAT12: 1:303,230 (4.79 miles per inch)\nAT13: 1:340,133 (5.37 miles per inch)\nAT14: 1:477,072 (7.53 miles per inch)\nAT15: 1:297,856 (4.70 miles per inch)\nAT16: 1:333,597 (5.27 miles per inch)\nAT17: 1:387,783 (6.12 miles per inch)\nAT18: 1:333,825 (5.27 miles per inch)\nAT19: 1:248,949 (3.93 miles per inch)\nAT20: 1:308,877 (4.87 miles per inch)\nAT21: 1:314,692 (4.97 miles per inch)\nAT22: 1:308,531 (4.87 miles per inch)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "the innovative hybrid streetlight designed by nheolis\nnheolis, french company, has launched the nheolight, an innovative hybrid streetlight which produces its own energy and requiring no electricity connection.\nnheolis here combines its unique and inaudible wind technology to a set of solar panels for a next-generation high quality LED lighting.\nThe 3 main advantages of the nheolight are:\n- Savings: no consumption of electricity for 20 years\n- Easy installation: no trench connection\n- Comfort: silence\nnheolis leverages its expertise and offers a free feasibility study with technological tools to help you assess the relevance of your project.\nThis feasibility study consists in evaluating your wind power potential based on the characteristics of your site.\nThe conclusion of this will enable us to make a technical and financial evaluation with respect to the performances of wind turbines nheolis.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sort by: Date / Relevance\nNorth Sea Wind Climatology. Part 2: ERA-Interim and Harmonie model data\nPart 1 of this report gives an overview of the wind atlases that are currently used in the wind energy sector and explains what ...\nScientific report KNMI'14 climate scenarios\nESA project ISOTROP cloud comparisons\nESA project Impact of Spaceborne Observations on Tropospheric Composition Analysis and Forecast (ISOTROP) -- Comparison of cloud ...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Bring out your hazardous waste\nPierce County MRF/Recycling Center, Highway 65 north of Ellsworth, will dispose of household and agricultural chemicals free of charge 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 21.\nThe Clean Sweep event is for residents and farmers in Pierce and Pepin counties. Acceptable materials for disposal include pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, fuels, oil and latex paint. All materials should be in original containers for identification.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Michelle leads LACI’s work to accelerate system change in the zero emission transportation, clean energy and sustainable cities sectors via innovative partnerships, policies and pilots. She joined LACI in 2018 to grow and advance the Transportation Electrification Partnership, bringing together 30 public and private sector partners to accelerate zero emission transportation in the LA region.\nMichelle was formerly the Clean Energy & Transportation Program Director for Environment California, working to advance an economy-wide shift to 100% renewable energy. In this role, she successfully helped to shape and pass numerous clean energy policies, including California’s historic SB 100, and coordinated the Charge Ahead California campaign, a joint effort of environmental and environmental justice organizations to ensure that California expands access to electric vehicles in low-income communities of color. She was also a leader in the L.A. County Electric Bus Coalition, which secured commitments from LA Metro, the City of Los Angeles, and City of Santa Monica to transition their bus fleets to electric by 2030.\nPrior to turning her attention to California, Michelle was Co-founder and Deputy Director of Crude Accountability, a nonprofit that works with communities in the Caspian Sea basin to protect the region’s environment and ensure environmental justice. Michelle has a graduate certificate in Environmental Policy & Management from the University of Denver, and a BA in International Studies and Russian from Washington University in St. Louis. She was a finalist in the 2015 U.S. C3E Women in Energy Awards competition.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "First 100% environmentally sustainable rock concert coming to Dubai\n‘Rock the World-Save the Planet’ will take place at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium\nWhen it comes to rock concerts, we’re always onboard. And knowing that it isn’t harming the environment in any way only makes us want to rock out even harder.\nWhat claims to be the first 100 percent environmentally sustainable rock concert by Neutral Fuels is coming to Dubai, and it promises to have a net-zero carbon footprint.\nKicking off all the carbon-free jams on Friday November 15 from 7pm onwards, ‘Rock the World-Save the Planet’ has partnered up with One Tree Planted.\nUnavoidable carbon expended on due to the concert, such as flights for the bands coming to Dubai, will be apparently be accurately measured and offset by planting trees.\nTaking place at Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium, Neutral Fuels has also partnered up with DGrade who will collect all plastic from the event, reusing it to make clothing and accessories by converting the plastic to sustainable yarn.\nWho can you rock your socks off to? The concert’s star line-up boasts Cueshé, an award-winning pop-rock band from Manila, and Razorback, a hard rock band who opened for legendary rockers Rage Against The Machine and Metallica.\nThere’s also Urbandub, from Philippines and Sandstörm, a Dubai rock cover band which features Karl Feilder as its lead singer.\n“Ordinarily, a rock concert with its massive sound, complex lighting and special effects, emits tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere using energy from the national grid,” said founder and CEO of Neutral Fuels Karl W Feilder told Arabian Business.\n“Rock the World/Save the Planet is different. It will achieve net zero carbon emissions by using Neutral Fuels B100 net zero biofuel to power the entire event.\"\nIf you’re up for an environmentally-friendly rock sesh, you can book your tickets by visiting www.tickets.virginmegastore.me or www.dubai.platinumlist.net. Tickets start at Dhs125, while VIP tickets are priced at Dhs225.\nAs for other concerts to look forward to, there’s a huge DXB Cucumber Carnival coming to Soho Garden, and you can expect live music, hobby horse polo, afternoon tea and more.\nCount us in.\nDhs125 (regular tickets), Dhs225 (VIP tickets). Fri Nov 15, 7pm onwards (doors open 6.30am). Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, Garhoud, www.tickets.virginmegastore.me or www.dubai.platinumlist.net (04 282 4122).", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "What Is Lidar? Lidar FundamentalsMarch 19, 2023\nSingle-pass UAV-borne GatorEye LiDAR sampling as a rapid assessment method for surveying Forest structureMay 18, 2023\nUAV LiDAR Mapping the Brazilian Savanna to Help Fight Climate Change\nA team of scientists from the Department of Forestry, the University of Brasilia, and other organizations invested in the study of climate change have been using sensors from Phoenix LiDAR Systems to map vegetation biomass by drone, providing key insights into the carbon cycle to help lower carbon emissions and better manage the impacts of climate change.\n[Vegetation biomass is the total weight or quantity of plants present in a given area—terms like yield, plant matter, and plant production are also sometimes used in place of biomass.]\nTraditionally, scientists collect vegetation biomass data in the field by walking through a sample area and making measurements. These sample measurements can then be extrapolated using mathematical models to create measurements for the entire environment. But this manual approach is incredibly time-consuming and expensive, not to mention potentially bad for the environment, since it requires researchers to walk through the area on foot as they collect data.\nTo solve the data collection problem, scientists have honed a new approach: using drones equipped with LiDAR sensors.\nBy using UAVs (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles, also known as drones), researchers can fly over sample areas and collect detailed LiDAR data in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually. This data can then be processed using mathematical models to estimate the total biomass for the entire system.\nThe UAV LiDAR approach has several benefits, including:\n- Speed. The approach is much faster than mapping and making vegetation biomass estimates via manual data collection.\n- Accuracy. Using drone LiDAR data instead of manually-collected data improves the accuracy of outputs such as tree height, leaf area density, and—the key data point—biomass.\n- It’s better for the environment. This approach also minimizes the negative impact data collection can have on the environment, since the drone flies above the vegetation, avoiding the need for people to walk through it on the ground.\nSo far, the UAV LiDAR approach to mapping vegetation and making biomass estimates has primarily been used in forests, focusing solely on the biomass of trees. But there are other important types of ecosystems that contribute to the planet’s carbon cycles, such as the tropical savanna found in Brazil, called the Cerrado.\nThe Cerrado is the second largest habitat in South America, and a crucial environment for the global carbon cycle. The team of scientists decided to test UAV LiDAR there for vegetation mapping and biomass calculation, presenting one of the first times the approach has ever been used to study a tropical savanna habitat.\nKeep reading to learn how the team adapted its UAV LiDAR data collection methods for the unique environments found in the tropical savanna, and whether the approach was a success.\nWhy Mapping the Savanna Is So Important\nAlthough rain forests are often the focus when we talk about carbon capture and climate change, tropical savannas make up 20% of the Earth’s surface and also play a key role in the carbon cycle.\nIn recent years, these savannas have lost a huge amount of vegetation due to human encroachment and increases in fires caused by climate change. In Brazil, for example, the Cerrado has lost almost half of its original vegetation over the last few decades alone, a loss that can primarily be attributed to the growth in agricultural production in the area.\nAlthough previous studies have highlighted the benefits of using UAV LiDAR for estimating biomass in forests by focusing on trees, most of the biomass in tropical savannas comes from things like grass, dead leaves, and plant material on the ground, all of which can have a big impact on the amount of carbon stored in the ecosystem.\nTo inform policymakers in developing strategies for carbon markets, it’s important to understand how the environment naturally captures and stores carbon, and how much of this is happening in different types of environments across the planet.\nThis information is crucial for reducing carbon emissions—and that’s why mapping the vegetation biomass in the Cerrado was a point of focus for the team of scientists. If they could develop an approach that worked there it could potentially be applied to other tropical savannas, presenting a major step forward in humanity’s understanding of the global carbon cycle.\nHow Scientists Used UAV LiDAR to Map the Cerrado\nScientists had already established a method for mapping large areas of forests using UAV LiDAR. The approach involved collecting data in a sample area by drone, then using mathematical models to extrapolate the biomass for the entire environment. But the Cerrado presented a new environment, which meant new models would have to be developed.\nThe end goal for the team was to estimate and map the total aboveground biomass density (AGBt) of woody, shrubs, and surface vegetation found in the Brazilian savanna—an ambitious endeavor given that the Cerrado spans over two million square kilometers.\nHere is the approach they planned to use:\n- Identify types of vegetation for mapping. Three major types of vegetation were identified in the tropical savanna: forest, savanna, and grassland.\n- Develop a framework. Given that this type of environment hadn’t been mapped with UAV LiDAR before, new frameworks were needed that would allow the scientists to choose the best UAV-LiDAR metrics for building AGBt models.\n- Identify areas for data collection. Four locations in the Cerrado biome were selected for data collection, each of which had unique vegetation structures and was representative of different types of vegetation found there in terms of height, width, and species diversity.\n- Take measurements. Using UAV LiDAR, scientists would collect measurements at each of the four locations.\n- Process the data and make conclusions. After collecting the data, scientists planned to process it using the frameworks and models they had developed. They hoped to make findings regarding the vegetation biomass in the Cerrado, as well as evaluate the UAV LiDAR approach itself to see if it could be used to map other tropical savannas.\nThe four areas selected for data collection in the Cerrado biome\nTo ensure thorough data collection, scientists first established field plots of 30 meters by 30 meters, making sure to cover the entirety of each area with the plots.\nPlot corners were registered using a Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (DGNSS), and the aboveground biomass density of trees in each area was determined from measurements of all the individual trees within the plot with a diameter at breast height. Similar methods were used to measure shrubs and small trees.\nGround pictures and UAV LiDAR point clouds for three types of vegetation\nWhile these measurements were taken on the ground, scientists also used the GatorEye UAV-LiDAR system to collect data from the air as well. The GatorEye system consists of a DJI Matrice 600 Pro UAV mounted with a Phoenix Scout Ultra core to integrate LiDar with an inertial motion unit, a differential GNSS system, and a Velodyne VLP-32c LiDAR sensor.\nThe GatorEye UAV-LiDAR System in the Cerrado\nScientists programmed the drone to perform its data collection flights autonomously. In total, the drone flew approximately 600 kilometers of flight lines covering 1,854 hectares. According to the scientists conducting the study, at the time and to the best of their knowledge this was the largest area of UAV-LiDAR ever used in a publication.\nAfter collecting LiDAR data by drone the scientists excluded duplicative measurements, then selected five measurements that were important for understanding the vegetation. These five measurements included the height of the tallest trees, the extent of the tree canopy, and the shape of the vegetation.\nBy analyzing these measurements they were able to build models that accurately estimated the amount of above-ground biomass vegetation in the area. Using a combination of aerial imagery and advanced analysis techniques, scientists were able to map the biomass in the area and then use that data to estimate the amount of carbon stored in each of the four locations studied.\nThe uncertainty and errors of the researchers’ estimations were assessed for each vegetation formation separately, resulting in Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) of 27.08 Mg/ha (25.99%) for forests, 17.76 Mg/ha (43.96%) for savannas, and 7.72 Mg/ha (44.92%) for grasslands, making the grassland data the most uncertain of the three.\nHere is depiction of the workflow the scientists followed to perform the AGBt mapping:\nResults and Next Steps\nThe team of scientists found that the use of UAV LiDAR was successful in mapping the tropical savanna environment presented by the Cerrado of Brazil. This success makes the study a benchmark for future efforts to map vegetation biomass, which can help other scientists to generate consistent maps of aboveground biomass density (AGBt) using UAV LiDAR.\nIn addition to informing future studies, the data can also be used as a baseline for managing fires and climate change impacts in the Cerrado and in other tropical savannas.\nHere are some specific findings from the study:\n- Savannas and forests stored much more carbon than grasslands\n- Savannas were the most common vegetation types in the study areas\n- The uncertainty associated with carbon estimates was higher in grasslands than in savannas or forests\nThe fact that LiDAR-equipped drones can help expedite biomass data collection while also making it more accurate presents a promising new method for this important work to improve our understanding of the global carbon cycle and inform conservation efforts in general.\nThis study is just the first step toward better understanding tropical savannas using UAV LiDAR. Now that these baseline data have been collected, there is more work to be done.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Many years ago, the world thought of asbestos as a miracle fiber. It was tough and resilient, and it resisted both heat and fire. But then people learned it was also a carcinogen. After considerable delay, the government banned many of the mineral’s uses.\nNow, while many countries around the world have completely banned all uses of asbestos, the United States has outlawed most but allowed several exceptions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlined these exceptions in its April 2019 Final Rule. But new evidence suggests these exceptions still expose workers to a heightened risk of cancer.\nThe ongoing risks of asbestos exposure\nThe EPA recently released a draft report on continued asbestos use. It explored the dangers the substance presents to those who work in the industries in which it’s still allowed. The results? The EPA found asbestos presented an “unreasonable risk” to those who work with:\n- The chlor-alkali diaphragms used to create supplies of chlorine, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen\n- Sheet gaskets\n- Brake blocks\n- Aftermarket automotive brakes and linings\n- Other friction products used in vehicles\nIn short, the EPA found that workers in the industries still approved to use asbestos are at an increased risk of getting cancer. It also noted that even though workers may wear personal protective equipment while they perform some duties, few wear the gear for the entirety of their shifts.\nAs Chemical & Engineering News noted when they reported on the EPA’s findings, the study didn’t explore the dangers of “legacy uses” of asbestos, such as the old insulation and floor tiles still at use in older buildings. The EPA plans to investigate those uses in a later report.\nA predictable response\nThe response from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) likely surprises no one. The ACC, which represents the chlor-alkali industry and others, argued that the EPA’s results play up the risks workers face. They claim the EPA based its findings on “invalid assumptions.”\nThe problem is that, for many, the studies on asbestos aren’t about valid or invalid assumptions. They’re about the deadly cancers that asbestos can cause. They’re about how people suffer and lose time with their friends and family. And the EPA’s latest report appears to confirm that most–if not all–remaining uses of asbestos continue to put people in harm’s way.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Organic cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. Organic products are made from natural ingredients and do not contain chemical or synthetic ingredients that are harmful to the skin. Opinions on organic cosmetics are varied, but there are many people who find them beneficial to health and the environment. In this article, we will look at various opinions on organic cosmetics so that you can make an informed decision on their use.\nOur Test of the Most Popular Organic Cosmetics\nBeeswax cosmetics, propolis skin care and herbal cosmetics are among the most popular. Our organic cosmetics test is a great source for anyone looking to find natural and environmentally friendly products that work best for them. Organic beeswax-based cosmetics are great for moisturizing and protecting the skin, while propolis-based skin care products are known for their antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The products natural cosmetics Herbal products also offer a variety of options to moisturize, soften and protect the skin. These products typically contain active plant ingredients that work on the skin without harmful side effects.\nWhich Organic Cosmetics Make You Shine the Most?\nOrganic cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular and appreciated for their natural ingredients and skin benefits. Vegan makeup, ethical cosmetics, shea butter cosmetics... all these types of products can help you achieve a healthy, natural glow. Shea butter-based cosmetics offer intense hydration without weighing down the skin, while vegan makeup contains rich pigments that highlight natural eye and lip colors. In addition, ethical cosmetics are formulated without cruelty to animals and without substances harmful to human health. By choosing these environmentally friendly products, you can not only have a radiant complexion but also help save the world.\nThe Best Opinions on Organic Cosmetics\nOrganic cosmetics have become very popular in recent years and the best reviews of this type of product are very positive. Propolis-based skin care products are particularly popular for their ability to nourish and moisturize the skin. Coconut oil-based cosmetics are also very popular as they offer a wide range of benefits for the skin, including deep and long-lasting hydration. Finally, natural cosmetics for mature skin offer a variety of options specifically designed to meet the needs of older adults, and their beneficial effects on fine lines and wrinkles have been universally praised.\nDiscover Our Favorite Organic Cosmetic Products\nThe Organic cosmetics are a type of cosmetic product using natural ingredients and organic without chemicals. Plant-based cosmetics are very effective for sensitive skin and offer a variety of options for caring for your skin. Organic cosmetics do not contain harmful products, so they are perfect for those who want to eliminate harmful substances from their beauty routine. Check out our favorite organic cosmetics, such as moisturizing lotions, anti-aging creams, sunscreens and more, that improve the quality and texture of your skin. Indulge yourself with our gentle, natural formulas!\nThe Benefits of Organic Cosmetics: Our Opinion\nOrganic cosmetics have become increasingly popular in recent years as they offer a natural solution to skin and hair care. With their natural mineral-based ingredients, natural hair care and skin regenerating honey, organic cosmetics are a healthy and natural alternative for your daily routine. They contain nourishing ingredients that protect skin and hair from the sun's harmful rays, help reduce skin inflammation and provide your skin with a healthy, rejuvenated look. Organic products also contain antioxidants that help prevent premature aging. Finally, they do not contain chemicals (parabens, phthalates etc.) that can cause skin irritation. For all these reasons, organic cosmetics offer a healthy and sustainable option for natural face and body care.\nWhat are the advantages of organic cosmetics?\nOrganic cosmetics allow consumers to care for their skin by making healthier choices. Shea butter-based products are rich in vitamins A, D and E and have moisturizing and nourishing properties. Honey-based skin care products contain antioxidants that help protect the skin from oxidative stress. Beeswax is used to maintain moisture, soothe the skin, regulate oil and repair damaged tissue. Cosmetics made with natural ingredients also offer additional benefits such as no irritants or allergens and greater skin tolerance. Not only do organic cosmetics promote healthier skin, but they are also good for the environment because they are made with ingredients that respect our planet.\nWhere to buy organic cosmetics ?\nIf you're looking for organic products for your skincare routine, you'll be happy to know that there are affordable and healthy options for caring for your skin. Organic cosmetics offer products made with aloe vera, honey and argan oil that can change the texture and tone of your skin. These natural ingredients are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help protect the skin from free radicals and provide complete nutrition. You'll find organic products for every skin type, from face washes to face masks, moisturizers to anti-aging lotions. You can find all of these products on specialized websites or at a local retailer that carries these eco-responsible cosmetics.\nWhat is the difference between organic and conventional beauty products?\nOrganic beauty products have a big difference compared to conventional products. Organic cosmetics are safe for your health and respect the environment. They are made from natural ingredients such as essential oils, plant extracts and vegetable oils. In addition, organic cosmetics contain fewer harmful chemical ingredients such as synthetic dyes, chemical preservatives, etc. Natural cosmetics can help nourish, protect and moisturize the skin while preventing and repairing damage caused by external or internal factors. For acne-prone skin, there are natural cosmetics specifically designed to help reduce the appearance of skin blemishes. Similarly, for oily skin, there are skin care products made with green tea that help absorb excess oil and keep skin clear and bright.\nWhat are the recommended organic cosmetic brands?\nNatural and organic cosmetics are a great option for those looking for products that are free of harmful chemicals. Eco-friendly makeup is also very popular because it does not contain harmful ingredients and is very gentle on the skin. Shea butter-based cosmetics, such as cocoa butter or mango butter, are especially recommended because they contain nutritious vitamins and minerals that nourish the skin while providing intense hydration. Whether for face, hair or body care, there are several well-known brands that offer natural organic cosmetics, each with their own specific benefits. These include Pai Skincare, Organic Pharmacy and Madara Cosmetics for those who want to enjoy the benefits of eco-friendly makeup.\nWhat is the best way to use organic cosmetics?\nOrganic cosmetics offer a full range of natural solutions to care for your skin. Natural cosmetics for oily skin are a great way to get great results. Essential oil-based skin care products contain active ingredients that can help regulate excessive oil production and deeply moisturize the skin. In addition, herbal cosmetics are rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and other toxins that damage the appearance and texture of the skin. In addition, this method is environmentally friendly and does not carry the risks inherent in chemicals.\nOrganic cosmetics are a great option for those who want to avoid harmful chemicals and prevent allergic reactions. They can also be beneficial to the environment, as they contain fewer chemical ingredients and are more environmentally friendly. Organic products have many advantages over conventional products: better quality, more natural and safer, less risk to health and the environment. Although they are generally more expensive than non-organic products, their quality and composition make them a good long-term investment.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "You must not mix separately collected paper, plastic, metal or glass with other material with different properties. You must do this if it is necessary to help prepare waste for re-use, recycling or other recovery operations.\nWhy do I have to separate my recycling?\n3) Separating the material allows us to identify contamination easier and earlier. If we are able to remove an item from the bin earlier, this can lead to lower costs. 4) The problem isn’t what truck the materials are dumped into but how you as the resident put your recyclable material into the bin.\nDo cans and bottles need to be separated?\nGlass needs to be sorted from plastic bottles, cartons and cans which can be kept together. You may find it helpful to separate glass before your visit.\nWhat recyclables go together?\n“Commingled” Recycling at Home\nMost recyclable items are simply put in one larger container, without sorting. The sorting is done by the recyclers. Tin, aluminum, plastic and all kinds of paper, including newspapers, cardboard and junk mail, can be tossed together in the blue cart.\nShould I crush my cans before recycling?\nLong-time recyclers have always been told to crush their aluminum cans. … For those of you can recyclers who are part of a multiple-stream recycling program (sorting your cans in separate bins), feel free to crush away. But if all your recycling is tossed into one bin, keep your cans intact.\nCan I crush my beer cans for return?\nRinse Your Containers\nCleaning your beverage containers means less odor and germs. Leave tabs, labels and lids on plastic containers. While it is okay to squish plastic milk jugs, please don’t crush cans or bottles, they need to remain as is.\nCan crushed cans be redeemed?\nCan I crush my cans and bottles? No. Please don’t crush your containers. They must be readily identifiable as an eligible container to receive a refund.\nDo cans actually get recycled?\nAnd while many Americans dutifully put items into their recycling bins, much of it does not actually end up being recycled. …\nHow is plastic separated for recycling?\nInfrared laser beams shine on the plastic items, and a sensor detects the signatures of different grades of plastic. Strategic puffs of air separate the recyclable and nonrecyclable kinds into different bins.\nWhy should plastic be separated into different types before it can be recycled?\nIn fact, different plastic polymers have different characteristics and mixing them together would alter those characteristics. So, when recycling plastic, different polymers should be separated. This way, the outcome of each recycling process is a single type of plastic polymer, rather than a mixture of polymers.\nHow do you separate papers for recycling?\nThe first step to recycle paper is to separate it by grade. It is then baled and shipped to a mill, where the paper is cleaned to remove ink, adhesives and non-paper products (like plastic windows in envelopes or staples). The resulting pulp is dried and rolled, then sent off to make new paper products.\nDo you recycle cans with plastic?\nRecycled beverage containers, like aluminum cans or plastic and glass bottles, can be recycled in curbside recycling bins or redeemed for California Refund Value (CRV) at a local buyback center. Learn more about the CRV program, or find nearby recycling centers. … Find a recycling location. www.erecycle.org/.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "'Did It Work?': GMP's Energy-Generating Community Biodigester In St. Albans Town\nIn fall 2015, Green Mountain Power announced its plan to build a biodigester facility in St. Albans Town. It was supposed to take in manure from three area farms, as well as food waste from the region, and convert it into energy. It was also going to help reduce manure runoff into Lake Champlain. So what happened?\nVPR's Did It Work? series looks at a sampling of publicly-funded initiatives in Vermont of the past several years. More from the series here.\nFirst of all, you may be wondering: \"Wait, what even is a biodigester?\"\nA biodigester generation facility takes organic waste and transforms it into a source of energy. It does this through the process of anaerobic digestion — which, put simply, is when bacteria consume organic matter and emit biogases like methane, which can then be converted into usable energy.\nAlthough Green Mountain Power had been involved with digesters for years through their Cow Power program, this one they announced in 2015 would have been the first fully owned and operated by the utility. In fact, the company hoped this would be the first of five community digesters.\nThe project was going to cost $8 million to put together. According to GMP's statements at the time, the digester was going to \"generate enough renewable electricity to power about 700 homes a year\" and \"reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking over 1,000 cars off the Vermont roads a year.\"\nGMP said the digester was also going to decrease the amount of phosphorus pollution in the St. Albans Bay by nearly one-third, which is why then-selectboard member David McWilliams voted in favor of the project.\n\"I did vote for it because of removing the phosphorus. ... If you go down to the bay, during the summer we've had blue-green algae. That's caused by runoff from farms,\" McWilliams said.\nIf everything went according to plan, construction was going to begin in summer 2016.\nIn May 2016, Green Mountain Power filed a letter with the Public Service Board (which today is known as the Public Utility Commission) to suspend the project so they could \"make certain design changes in response to concerns raised in the proceedings.\"\nSome locals were pleased — like Tim Camisa, president of St. Albans-based Vermont Organics Reclamation.\n\"It was about being sexy to say we're affecting water quality ... when in fact, that was greenwashing,\" Camisa said to VPR recently.\nWhen GMP started the process to build the digester back in late 2015, Camisa was one of several community members who spoke out in opposition to the project. He was worried about how the digester's biogas emissions might impact air quality, and the potential for spills into nearby Jewett Brook.\nCamisa was also concerned about the Abenaki artifacts that were discovered on the proposed digester site. In the initial phases of the project, however, a team from the Northeast Archaeological Research Center took care of that.\nAs Gemma Hudgell, the assistant director of archaeology at the center, told VPR: \"We completed everything that would be required to make sure the project didn't have any impact.\"\nNevertheless, Camisa hired an attorney and met with Green Mountain Power CEO Mary Powell in the early days of the project to discuss his concerns. Powell said she recalls this meeting, but that talking with Camisa did not deter the project.\n\"We then provided data and information that showed that the [Camisa's] concerns were actually all dealt with and were not ultimately a concern at all,\" Powell said. \"I think it made us stronger.\"\nSo then, why did the St. Albans digester project falter? It comes down to two main reasons:\n- Local pushback, and\n- Bureaucratic quagmire\nAccording to Powell, the project met opposition from existing fertilizer dealers in the area, since the digester's byproducts would have been a new source of fertilizer.\nShe also said working with multiple state agencies — like the Department of Public Service, the Agency of Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture — is slow and challenging. As Powell put it: \"Good things take time.\"\nPlus, there were supposed to be three farms that would have supplied manure to the digester — but one of them dropped out.\nThen there were those like Camisa, who resisted the project because of concerns about its design and location. Specifically, they wanted more assurance from GMP that the digester was not going to be a source of air pollution, that precautions would be taken to prevent spills, and that it truly would fulfill the promise of phosphorus reduction in the lake.\nThey asked GMP to address those concerns, and when GMP filed with the Public Service Board to suspend the project, it was so they could \"make certain design changes in response to concerns raised in the proceedings.\"\nThe utility has not moved on from that point.\nDid It Work?\nNearly five years after the initial announcement, there is no digester in Saint Albans. The cornfield on Dunsmore Road where the digester was going to be is still just that: a cornfield.\nThe original project as it was proposed has not happened, and it doesn't seem like it's going to. That's even after GMP put $2.2 million into the initial phases, most of which — $1.8 million — will be passed onto ratepayers.\nIn an email to VPR on Aug. 21, the utility said the project \"could not go forward as originally proposed in St. Albans, even after various revisions to make it work.\"\nAlthough the digester in St. Albans has not happened, Green Mountain Power CEO Mary Powell said something similar is definitely possible in the future.\n\"Whether or not it will be in the St. Albans basin part of Vermont ... or another part of Vermont where there’s also significant challenges, is yet to be decided,\" Powell said. \"But yes.\"\nIn fact, there's a digester that will be built soon in Salisbury — by Vanguard Renewables, not GMP — which will take in food waste and manure, and generate natural gas.\nDid It Work? GIF Verdict\nGMP's Energy-Generating Community Biodigester In St. Albans Town ... [drumroll] ...\nWhile we hear a lot about new initiatives or funding when first announced, it's not always as easy to figure out whether they lived up to their promises down the line — and if they were a good use of public money. In VPR's Did It Work? series, we're following up at a sampling of publicly-funded initiatives in Vermont of the past several years. More from the series here.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "It is easy to spend a week at our region if you use our Toucan Birding EcoLodge & Wildlife Reserve as a home base either if you come individually or as part of a goup. We are quite centrally located in the Pacific Region partly because we are at lower mid elevation from where within less than half an hour you can be down at the seaside either at lowland forests or at a mangroves. Or it is the same travelling time to upper-middle elevation habitats and within about 2 hours or a bit more we can be at tropical cloudforests or paramo and other high elevation habitats. We usually suggest to spend one day in our garden and forest around and then next day discover a bit further area with a drive out. Then again a day in the lush environs of the lodge followed by another outing with a different altitude.\nYou can find more pictures at the GALLERIES main menu.\nPhone: Call May-October; Text all year\n+36 30-645-9318 or +36 30-211-0006\nCall Nov-April: +506 84961012 or 84961417\necotoursgabororban @ gmail.com\ntoucanbirdingecolodge @ gmail.com\nOur first priority is to save habitats & species.\nSecondly we would like to share our knowledge of wildlife and encourage you to participate directly or indirectly in protecting nature.\nWe are also working continuously on our carbon balance with developing our 23 hectares of wildlife reserve.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Unusually, fish-rain occurred Last Month late at night in Dire Dawa City Eastern part of Ethiopia for a few minutes both in rural and urban areas.\nAccording to Dire Dawa Agriculture, Water, Mining and Energy Bureau Public Relations Officer Hadera Yesuf the fish rain happened in Dechatu and Finfinne or 05 and 06 kebeles of urban areas as well as Eyawale Woreda, Adada kebele in rural Dire Dawa.\nPeople in these areas were stunned by the occurrence to the extent of referring it a blessing from Almighty God, she said.\nEthiopian Agricultural Research Institute Livestock Director Dr. Getenet Assefa on his part said that this phenomena occurs due to cyclone. In meteorology, a cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as the Earth.\nThis is usually characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. If it is high cyclone, it can pic fish with the help of air and come again down not far from the sea.\n“But I do not think it sprung from the Red Sea. It could not happen due to simple cyclone for it does not have the capacity to jack up fish.”\nThe Ministry of Livestock and Fishery Public Relations Coordinator Abraham Tesfaye said: “We have information but we dispatched a team of professionals to examine the causes and consequences of the occurrence as it is the first of its kind in the country.”\nHaromaya University Metrology Department Head Efrem Mamo also said the circumstances are not uncommon in areas where ocean currents and winds are heavier than usual.\nCiting scholarly researches, he also said that at times frogs and toads roam the countryside in large numbers, and that violent winds could pick them up and carry them for a long distance. Nonetheless, there have been many unproven circumstances that have occurred in fair weather conditions and in the absence of strong winds or waterspouts like the situation in Dire Dawa.\nTornadic waterspouts analysis is a much agreed scientific explanation: saying tornadic waterspout transports animals to relatively high altitudes, carrying them over large distances.\nThis proposition appears to be supported by many and the type of animals carried in such rains are usually small and light, (most of the time aquatic).\nSuch kind of rain is often preceded by a storm. Though, the theory does not account for how all the animals involved in each individual incident would be from only one species, and not a group of similarly-sized animals from a single area.\nBy Girmachew Gashaw", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This beautiful little Fincube is a high-tech, low energy, small footprint residence that offers fantastic views of Italy’s Dolomite Mountains. Built on a pedestal, the one-bedroom residence sits off the ground, providing better views and ventilation while minimizing its footprint on the ground. Studio Aisslinger and hotelier Josef Innerhof originally designed this one-bedroom residence as an option for eco tourism that would have a small impact on the natural landscape, but still let visitors experience beautiful sites.\nThe Fincube is oriented in a helical pattern, so when visitors enter up through the pedestal, they travel in a circle through the kitchen, living area, then the bedroom and finally the bathroom. Triple-glazed windows cover the entire facade of the home, offering 360 degree views of the surrounding landscape, and an exterior shade screen with walkway cages in the house. The shade screen provides shading and ventilation for the house without impinging on the stunning views. Additionally, the home is a smart house and all vital house-functions are controlled by a central touchpad and a solar system can easily be added to the roof.\nThe home offers just a single level of living space, but it’s raised 3 meters off the ground with a supporting structure made from locally-sourced larch. The footprint of the structure is only 2 sq meters (10.7 sq ft), but the kitchen, living space, bedroom and bathroom amount to 47 sq meters (506 sq ft) of living space. Local suppliers and craftsman were utilized to build this home, which can also be easily dismantled and moved to a new site if required. With only a small area of the home touching the ground, there is less damage to the earth and the ground could quickly recover when the residence is moved.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Linear high bay LED lights are a great solution for lighting commercial and industrial spaces with ceilings more than 20 feet tall. They have many advantages over fluorescent or metal halide high bays, including lower energy consumption and a longer lifespan.\nThey are a great fit for warehouses, manufacturing facilities, big-box retail stores and gymnasiums. They also qualify for utility rebates and are DLC Premium rated.\nLinear high bay led lights are a cost-effective solution for illuminating warehouses and other commercial spaces with high ceilings. They are available in a range of lumen outputs and wattages to suit the needs of each application.\nBecause they use less energy than traditional fluorescent and metal halide light fixtures, they can significantly cut your lighting costs over the long run. Additionally, they don’t produce as much heat and don’t contain toxic mercury, making them a safer choice for warehouses and other commercial spaces.\nLED high bays also last much longer than their HID or fluorescent counterparts, which means maintenance staff don’t have to worry about changing them as often. This helps reduce downtime and keeps your facility running smoothly.\nLinear high bay led lights are highly energy efficient, which can help lower electric bills. They also produce little heat, which reduces the need for air conditioning.\nFor warehouses, factories, and other commercial spaces, LED linear high bay lighting is a cost-effective solution to provide ample illumination. It can also enhance flexibility and improve safety.\nGymnasiums, for instance, need bright and uniform illumination to ensure that athletes can easily see their surroundings. These fixtures can be used to achieve this goal, while also saving energy and reducing maintenance costs.\nAs a one-for-one replacement for fluorescent lighting, these linear high bays have been proven to dramatically cut operating expenses. Especially when combined with smart sensors that control lighting levels and turn on the lights when necessary, facilities can save up to 80% on their electric bills.\nA linear high bay LED light is a highly durable fixture that can provide plenty of light in warehouses, gymnasiums and certain retail stores. These fixtures can be used to replace fluorescent and incandescent lighting.\nThey offer a long lifespan of up to 10 years. This makes them more affordable and environmentally friendly than traditional lighting options.\nIn addition, these lights are incredibly energy efficient. They can save a business up to 80% on energy costs.\nThey also reduce glare and improve eye health. This can lead to better productivity and a happier work environment.\nLinear high bay led lights offer a low maintenance alternative to metal halide and fluorescent fixtures. They are much less expensive to operate and require a shorter warm-up period than their predecessors, so you can save on your energy bills while also helping the environment.\nThey come in different wattages, so you can find a fixture that is right for your application. They also come with various controls, including occupancy sensors and emergency backups.\nThese lights are ideal for warehouses and other industrial spaces because they provide a consistent and bright light that reduces eye fatigue and helps workers focus on their work. They also offer a higher color temperature than traditional high bay lights.\nThey offer a long lifespan, so you can expect them to last for up to 50,000 hours. In addition to their long life, they are also incredibly durable and are resistant to breakage. They are also more efficient than their fluorescent and metal halide counterparts.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Depart for Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary in the Upper West Region of Ghana.\nThe Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary, a community protected area is located at the extreme north-western corner of the Upper West Region of Ghana. it consists of a 40-kilometres stretch down the length of the Black Volta River which forms the region’s western boundary with Burkina Faso. It is home to hippos, hedgehogs and many different types of lizards and reptiles. The sanctuary is an excellent place to see birds with over 200 species identified and new sights seen regularly. The sanctuary contains much more than just hippos. We are an excellent spot for bird watching, including woodland savannah, riverine and forest shore bird species. Trek through the many hiking trails, searching for monitor lizards, bats, hedgehogs, pythons, and even chameleons. This relatively undisturbed Lobi area has distinct architectural designs, interesting marriage systems and funeral rites. Spend the night in our Hippo Hide Tree House and experience one of the best dawn choruses (bird song) in all of Africa.\nEnjoy packed lunch from the hotel (extra cost)\nFor the most culturally oriented immerse yourselves in a cultural tour Lobi household tour.\nThis offers you opportunity to visit Lobi compounds and learn about traditional practices and ways of life. Drink some Pito, the locally brewed alcoholic beverage with the headmen and hear stories or listen to xylophone music. Learn Lobi traditional belief system and Marriage processes\nThe best time to see hippos is in the dry seasons, usually November through June. June hrough August is a good time to see birds in all their colourful breeding plumage.\nTo get most out of your visit and experience all that the sanctuary has to offer, we recommend that your plans involve spending the night at one of our lodges. Morning and Evening River Cruises tend to give the best view of the hippos, birds and other wildlife. Afternoon can be spent trekking the trails, visiting local homes, and even relaxing in our Hippo Hide. It is high in the trees and an excellent spot for bird watching. Come, see and experience the wealth of wonders and activities Wechiau has to offer.\n1500Hrs: Board your bus/vehicle and continue on a scenic drive through rustic villages dotted sparsely in the Sahelian landscape back to Mole\nOvernight: 4* Eco Lodge in Mole National Park", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Welcome to Heirloom Gardening, Muskoka's newly created Blog!\nHeirloom is an end-to-end gardening service, dedicated to creating, enhancing, & maintaining the most beautiful gardens in Muskoka, Ontario. We believe the tradition of local, professional, & affordable garden & container care is worth preserving.\nRecently awarded Bee Friendly Gardening Certification by Partners for Sustainable Pollination, our company boasts a tradition of zero Pesticide/Herbicide usage, making us not only YOU friendly, but also safe and inviting for Bee, Bird, Butterfly populations - so vital to the health of our environment!\nWe strongly encourage planting flowers, shrubs, & trees that are native to our area, because Mother Nature knows best! What better way to ensure the long life of your garden than by filling it with only the tried and truly hardy?\nAs we move forward through the upcoming 2012 growing season, we hope to see you here often, checking out our latest posts and pictures, all designed to assist you in creating enticing, peaceful, & healthy garden spaces.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Incident command for the Gate 13 Fire is scheduled to downsize from an integrated team of Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs personnel to Camp Navajo Fire Department tomorrow morning.\nThis decision comes with reports of 75 percent containment of the fire and a weather forecast favorable to fire suppression for the rest of the week.\nReduced winds and increased precipitation have improved firefighting conditions for those combating the Gate 13 Fire at Camp Navajo today.\nThis comes after a series of effective controlled burns yesterday that laid the ground work for successful containment of the burn area.\nAnother controlled burn is scheduled for today in the northwestern area of the fire pending weather conditions. This burn is designed to mitigate future fires if weather conditions remain dry this winter.\nFire crews will begin burning an additional 500 acres of hand piles scattered across the southern half of the Williams Ranger District beginning Monday of this week.\nInclement weather bringing moisture has presented favorable conditions to continue reducing fuel loads at various locations that include Coleman Lake, Sevier Flat, and Jackass Flat. Conditions will be evaluated daily before burns are implemented to ensure desirable effects and management objectives are being met. Fire managers will conduct operations incrementally at different locations throughout the week.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Welcome to our Half Acre Eden*. This short essay was written in preparation for our first Gratitude Day open house in July 2010. It will give you some background about where we came from, and where we are going.\nBonnie & Margaret\nThe Back Story….\nWe found this house through a friend; it was not advertised. We saw it on a blustery March day and fell in love. Then I went back to the States. We bought the house and moved in mid-July, 2006. All we knew about the yard was that it was fenced and substantial with an ancient-seeming Yew and low-growing juniper presiding over the back quarter. The deed says =/- ½ acre.\nI had lived rurally, high on a hill top for 25 years before coming here. This is where I raised my kids and developed Golden Yarrow Landscape Design & Garden Mentoring. During those years I worked with clients of all walks of life: some in the city, others in the country; some with complex yards, others with simple needs; some who loved gardening, others who didn’t. I developed an eclectic style of design to serve the specific people who called. The style of garden you find here reflects our personal tastes.\nThis is what we found…..\nA beach….. My first response to gardening here at Wildwood Ave was elation: there were no significant rocks! There was no heavy clay. I could sink my garden fork into the soil and it didn’t bounce back. Ah, the joys of loose, sandy soil. A neighbour who knew our house and land since his grandparents’ time said that commercial strawberries had been grown here, proof of the soil’s fertility. Over time, I learned that there are challenges to ANY soil.\nNew foundation plantings hugged the east, south and west sides of the house. There was evidence of spring bulbs: tulips, certainly, and daffodils.\nA small weeping birch sat in the middle of the flat, rectangular yard.\nTwo overgrown weed patches, one planted with sad looking tomatoes struggled along. Neighbours told of previous years’ largess in this tomato patch. The soil had been tilled. It was fertile.\nBehind the backyard cottage we found a huge area of *goutweed* (a.k.a. Bishop’s Weed or Aegopodium podagraria), a highly invasive plant sold as a ground cover. It reproduces by seed AND underground runners. There were/are also intransigent stands of hackberry, Manitoba maple, choke cherry, mulberry, and buckthorn.\nIrregularly-shaped native stone, primarily rounded and of all sizes surrounded some of the existing beds. We also found pavers, medium-sized granite blocks, and old bricks. We collected them and attempted an inventory.\nWe share a love of gardening, but have different styles.\nWe have little money for this project and a desire for beauty, diversity, and food crops.\nWe have more time than capital, within the limits of our comings and goings.\nThis is what we did…..\nAs soon as we owned the house, we made nursery beds for the plants we were moving. We used the easiest possible technique: creating cardboard & compost beds. We had cardboard from moving. A friend connected us with our first compost delivery. The delivery truck sinking to its hubcaps in the middle of the yard was a harbinger of coming challenges.\nWith the nursery beds made, the plants found new, if temporary homes. Some of these homes were not as temporary as we had hoped. Some of the overcrowding, especially around the hot tub, is a result of our pace in expanding the original nursery beds.\nThat first week I also cleared out a former vegetable garden (a 12 foot square in front of the backyard cottage), making it into a heart-shaped raised bed with smaller beds surrounding it, an off-season valentine to welcome Margaret to our new home. Then I left for the States.\nMargaret began “sheet mulching” (layering cardboard and mulch) the areas of goutweed under the juniper and behind the backyard cottage. This project has taken four full growing seasons. In the process, she has created a garden bed with the deepest, most rich soil on the property. She also works the fence lines, removing weed trees, including small Chinese Elms (much to our chagrin, the large ones remain!), hackberry, and buckthorn. As she takes out or cuts off each stem, she paints the cut edge with plain white vinegar as a deterrent to future growth.\nWe removed the weeping birch.\nAs I have come and gone and finally stayed, we continue clearing and expanding beds, and creating new ones.\nThis is what worked…..\nEach garden bed works well. We grow a significant portion of our summer vegetables and have lots of beans, berries, winter squashes, potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables to store for winter. We eat salad greens from April through November. Our garlic carries us throughout the year from fresh thinnings to scapes, to braids for the winter.\nMargaret added raspberries in 2007 and we began picking in 2008. The fruit trees and seedless purple grapes came in 2009. We expect our first peaches and pears this fall. The wild black caps were here when we arrived and we gorge ourselves yearly while promising to remove this patch or that. We’ll see!\nGarden season 2010 saw the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream, asparagus! The hitch with asparagus is setting aside substantial, sunny, perennial space. Margaret realised that we could plant asparagus individually, as a contrasting texture in the ornamental and mixed beds. Now they are tiny. Soon they will be a delicious feathery presence among the flowers\nWe continue working on privacy. Clearing the fence-lines to eliminate, or control invasive species and weed trees, has been a double edged sword. The fences are a blessing both to us…..and our dog(s). However, as we clear away the invasive species, we have exposed the fences to view. Along the Springbank Drive side of the yard, we have begun adding understory trees and a shrub border. This on-going project adds the challenge that we are shading in our southern exposure, cutting down on sunny growing spaces. The new island bed in the centre of the yard adds new southern exposure.\nWe planted a fall blooming clematis against the hot tub surround. It thrived. When that it got in the way I began training it over the deck railing. It forms a very dense screen getting in the way of seeing the gardens. Come fall, I will attempt to move it to the back fence line where it can grow to its heart’s content.\nIn the fall of 2009 we hired someone to remove three Norway Maples on the western fence line and several trees at the far back, eliminating future weeding and opening up to afternoon sun.\nI have been working with the rock, beginning with rebuilding the retaining wall for the small bed to the north of the gate where you entered. The unsightly drainage pipe in that bed became a dry stream bed that funnels into an iron birdbath. This project began with several substantial rocks already in place that serve as a foundation.\nI started a low retaining wall for the front bed. This is quite a challenge. I am familiar with working with shale that splits pretty much along a grain. Balancing rounded rocks has been frustrating. But the beauty of natural rock is inspiring and I persevere. Warning: don’t sit on the wall in front of the house! It isn’t (yet) sturdy.\nWe seeded part of the front gravelled-drive with grass to make a softer, but drivable entrance to the gardens. We are unclear how far this project will go.\nWe give ourselves the gift of Beauty, a value that offers a sense of peace and spaciousness that allows us to live into our potential. Beauty encourages creativity and connection with the cycles of life, aligning us with the natural world.\nHow has it gone…..\nOur first compost was Triple Mix. Coming from a farming area, I was used to richer compost and sought out farmers. With the second farmer we hit the jackpot. In spring 2009 we received 10 yards of composted cow manure rich with red wriggler worms. We got 5 more yards last week. I use compost enrich beds that are already planted and to create new beds.\nThe tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, all heavy feeders, think they are in heaven. The broccoli wishes the soil was a bit leaner. The flowers, trees and shrubs are uniformly happy.\nThe unplanted areas, notably the expanded original nursery beds on the south side of the deck, baked and shrank in the sun. Had we created these beds earlier in the season and gotten them planted, we might have avoided this situation. As the cardboard and sod underneath breaks down, it is becoming useable.\nRemoving the Norway Maples opened up the western side of the yard. One unforeseen impact is that the backyard cottage is hotter than anticipated. We rescued a tiny corkscrew hazel and planted it to hold the space where we expect to move a magnolia from Margaret’s former home.\nI experimented with a colony of native bunchberry (Cornus Canadensis) in front of the house. Using our standard technique of layering the area with card board covered with four inches of compost, I planted the bunchberry in late spring 2009.\nAll seemed well, for a while. In the heat of summer, it faded quickly. Margaret rescue-watered. About one third of the original planting survived. We re-composted and re-planted. About a quarter survived. About 1/3 of those plants came through last winter.\nWorking on the bed, I discovered the reason for the failure. The area is riddled with a tight mat of grass roots. We think this is from the sod laid by the city when the road was re-paved in 2008. This is only the second time in nearly 30 years of using the sheet mulching technique that it failed.\nMeanwhile, impatiens grows in the space while we decide our next steps.\nThe vegetable garden behind the studio occupies the area formerly filled with goutweed that had been sheet mulched. It is also the area where we had several weed trees removed. In 2008 we planted tomatoes, and in 2009 winter squash, in piles of compost on top of the mulch. They did great. This year Margaret dug up the area, finding deep rich soil and relatively little goutweed. We thought we were winning! We planted tomatoes, basil, potatoes, beans, and leeks. We lost five tomatoes, perhaps to jugalens from black walnut roots. The rest of this garden seems fine. The question remains, it this area sunny enough to support vegetables?\nIn the country I lived with many types of wild life: bear, deer, foxes, rabbits, porcupines, racoons, skunks, and more. But the city four-legged have expanded our need for creative protection. The chicken wire cages are our attempt to foil the rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels.\n.Still to come…..\nThe island bed in the middle of the back yard will extend to fill most of that space, significantly cutting down on mowing.\nThe south and west fence lines will fill in using primarily low-growing (5 or 8 ft.) understory trees and shrubs to create a background for the yard.\nA strawberry patch will be added.\nWe will continue working towards eliminating invasive species: buckthorn, hackberry, garlic mustard, goutweed, nightshade, etc. And further develop the shade garden along the north fence line. This may become a sitting area.\nMargaret’s magnolia will move to the western fence line, filling in the area left by the Norway Maples, recreating shade for the backyard cottage.\nAn arbour of white grapes is proposed over the deck for shaded afternoon sitting space.\nIn front of the house: we hope to finish the retaining wall along the road, and decide what will live in the front bed. We will add native understory trees to the front island. We will create a bed along the east boundary held in place with a third rock wall. We want to take out the Chinese Elms but it is currently cost prohibitive.\n* Inspiration for our name comes from Gene Lodgson’s, Two Acre Eden, Rodale Press. 1971 & 1980.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "What Is a Feed-in Tariff?\nA feed-in tariff (FIT) is a policy mechanism that accelerates investment in renewable energy technologies.\nA FIT provides a long-term contract between an energy generator and the utility company.\nThe terms of the contract define a set price that the utility will pay for energy generated by the renewable resource over some time, typically 20 years.\nIn some cases, the contract may also include an annual escalator to account for inflation.\nHow Does It Work?\nA FIT allows renewable energy generators to sell electricity to the grid at a higher price than the prevailing market rate.\nThe higher price provides a financial incentive for investments in renewable energy, and over time as the technology becomes more widespread, the price paid for renewable energy will decrease.\nHow Does a FIT Compare to Other Incentives?\nA variety of policies encouraging the development of new renewable capacities are more commonly used in the United States.\nThese include rebates for purchasing renewable generation equipment, renewable portfolio standards (RPS), net metering, and tax incentives (production- or investment-based).\nThe federal wind production tax credit is one example of the latter. Each of these policies has its strengths and weaknesses; it helps to consider them before implementation.\nHowever, they provide a practical way to encourage the increased use of renewable energy sources.\nHow Can I Take Advantage of the Feed-in Tariff Program?\nGenerators can take advantage of the feed-in tariff program by signing a contract with their utility company. Utility companies must offer a FIT contract to any generator that meets the eligibility requirements.\nAnother way is to participate in a FIT program that a state or local government has established. This is done by installing renewable energy generation equipment and following the program guidelines.\nThe FIT in the United States generally includes solar photovoltaic technologies but may also have other renewable energy technologies such as geothermal or biomass.\nIn contrast, other countries' FITs, particularly the German and Danish programs where the policy was originally tested and developed, initially focused on supporting wind energy.\nIn U.S. states with a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), the FIT-eligible technologies generally overlap or coincide with RPS-eligible technologies. For example, the FIT set by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power applies to all technologies eligible for the California RPS.\nTherefore, though there is some variation in eligible technologies from country to country and state to state, overall, the goal of FITs remains the same: to support the development of renewable energy sources and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.\nAdvantages of a Feed-in Tariff\nFIT has a fair share of advantages:\nStimulates Investment in Renewable Energy\nLong-term contracts provide predictability and stability for investors, which is essential for investments with a high up-front cost.\nReduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions\nFITs create an incentive for renewable energy generation, reducing power sector emissions.\nThe installation and maintenance of renewable energy generation equipment create jobs in the construction and manufacturing industries and the renewable energy sector.\nIncreases Energy Security\nFITs help to diversify the energy mix and reduce dependence on imported fuels.\nDisadvantages of a Feed-in Tariff\nBelow are some disadvantages of FIT:\nHigh Up-Front Costs\nFITs increase the cost of electricity for consumers in the short term as the higher prices paid for renewable energy are passed on to consumers.\nDifficult to Design and Implement\nFITs can be complex and challenging to design and implement. In particular, setting the right price for renewable energy can take time and effort.\nNot Well-Suited for All Technologies\nFITs may not be the best policy for promoting certain technologies, such as mature technologies with low costs or technologies that require little investment.\nCan Lead To Cronyism and Corruption\nFITs can create opportunities for corruption and cronyism if the selection of projects or technologies is not transparent.\nThe Bottom Line\nA feed-in tariff (FIT) is a policy that requires utilities to purchase renewable energy from generators at a predetermined rate.\nFITs can be an effective way to encourage investment in renewable energy and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as the high up-front costs.\nFITs are complex policy tools, and their success depends on their design and implementation.\n1. Is FIT the best policy for promoting renewable energy?\nFITs are just one of many policy tools that can be used to promote renewable energy. Their effectiveness depends on their design and implementation.\n2. What technologies are eligible for the FIT?\nThe technologies eligible for the FIT vary from country to country and state to state. Solar photovoltaic technologies are generally eligible, but other renewable energy technologies may also be included.\n3. How does a FIT compare to other incentives?\nFITs provide stability and predictability for investors, which is essential for investments with a high up-front cost. Other incentives, such as tax credits, may be more effective for mature technologies with low costs or technologies that require little investment.\n4. What are the disadvantages of a FIT?\nThe disadvantages of a FIT include high up-front costs and difficulty setting the right price for renewable energy. In addition, FITs can create opportunities for corruption and cronyism if the selection of projects or technologies is not transparent.\n5. How can I take advantage of the FIT program?\nYou can use the FIT program by installing eligible renewable energy technologies and selling the energy to your utility at a predetermined rate.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Today is the day to think about the planet. Some say that today is the largest secular holiday in the world.\nEarth Day, celebrated every year on 22 April, is a day to reflect on the measures all of us can take to protect the environment and life on earth.\nAnd this year's Earth Day is significantly more important because world leaders are gathering at the United Nations on Friday to sign the Paris climate deal and get the ball rolling on a quick entry into force to start beating back global warming.\nThe first Earth Day was celebrated as a national holiday in the United States in 1970. According to Earth Day Network, Gaylord Nelson — Earth Day founder and US Senator from Wisconsin — announced his idea for a \"national teach-in on the environment\" after witnessing the destruction caused by the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California.\n22 April was the day selected for the event because it fell between spring break and final exams in the US. Twenty-two million Americans took part in the first Earth Day.\nThe first global Earth Day was celebrated in 1990.\nAround 220 million people in 141 countries participated in the event which gave a \"huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.\"\nToday, the day is organised by the Earth Day Network, which is \"the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in 196 countries to build environmental democracy.\"\nSince its launch, Earth Day has also been supported by celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Emma Watson, according to Mirror.\nThe day has its own flag and even has its own anthem, performed to the tune of Beethoven's Ode To Joy.\nFor this year's Earth Day, Google has created a special map to point out the location of several events taking place across the planet to celebrate the day.\nEurope on Friday is also going to launch satellites to track environmental damage to Earth, reported AFP. Setting off on a Russian Soyuz rocket will be Sentinel-1B with its Earth surveillance radar, and Microscope, a French-built orbiter seeking to poke a hole in Einstein's theory of general relativity.\nThey will be hoisted from Europe's launch pad in Kourou, French Guiana, at 9 pm GMT (1.30 am IST on Saturday) on Friday.\nBut the most important event on this year's Earth Day will undoubtedly be the signing of the Paris climate deal.\nFrench President Francois Hollande and Canada's Justin Trudeau will join US Secretary of State John Kerry for the ceremony attended by more than 165 governments, the largest ever one-day signing of an international agreement.\nHeld on Earth Day, the ceremony comes four months after the hard-won deal was clinched in Paris and marks the first step toward binding countries to the promises they made to cut greenhouse gas emissions.\nOscar winner and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio will be on hand to praise leaders for signing, urge others to do the same and appeal to all to turn their commitments into action.\nWhile the US, China and India — the world's top greenhouse gas emitters — will not be represented at their highest level, there will be some 60 heads of state and government on hand for the signing.\nWith inputs from AFP\nFirstpost is now on WhatsApp. For the latest analysis, commentary and news updates, sign up for our WhatsApp services. Just go to Firstpost.com/Whatsapp and hit the Subscribe button.\nUpdated Date: Apr 22, 2016 14:15:17 IST", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "RIDGECREST, Calif. (KABC) -- A 3.5-magnitude earthquake struck near the Ridgecrest area early Thursday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.\nThe USGS said the quake hit the region at approximately 3:13 a.m. and was 9.2 miles northeast from Ridgecrest.\nThe quake was also approximately 10 miles northeast of Trona.\nThere were no immediate reports of damage.\nIn July, the Ridgecrest area was hit hard by two powerful temblors. On July 4, a 6.4 earthquake rocked the area, and a 7.1-magnitude temblor hit the next day.\nSince then, aftershocks have continued hitting the area.\nAnother temblor hit Southern California early Thursday morning, a 3.1 quake in Lytle Creek.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Because the use of scuba diving equipment has long been prohibited in the British Indian Ocean Territory, not much is known about the area’s dive sites. What little information we have is from scientific expeditions or dives completed by military members stationed on Diego Garcia. There is hope that the regulations concerning scuba diving in the Chagos Archipelago will soon change, but no firm plans have yet been made.\nThe area’s underwater environment is made up of shallow limestone reefs, more than 300 seamounts and pinnacles, and a massive deep sea trench. There are also rumors of aircraft and shipwrecks but none of these have yet been described. Most of the islands include a shallow shelf or lagoon that falls away into the blue. Of the sites described around Diego Garcia, most are approximately 100 feet (30 meters) at the maximum depth. Both boat and shore dives are possible from most locations.\nDivers in the area can expect pristine conditions. Water temperatures are warm year-round and allow for diving without a wetsuit. December to February is considered wet season with west-northwesterly winds while June through September is dry season with south-easterly breezes. Winds are light throughout the year.\nWhile not much is known about diving in the British Indian Ocean Territory, those who have had the chance to dive these spectacular waters often remark that these are the clearest and most diverse waters they have ever seen.\nWhen to go\nRain and temperature\nClick to expand\nClick to expand\nWhat to see\nAs the world’s second largest no-take marine protected area, the British Indian Ocean Territory is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. The Chagos Archipelago is home to 220 species of coral including an endemic brain coral and staghorn coral. Of these species, 60 are endangered making the marine park an important benchmark in coral conservation.\nIn addition to the staggering amount of corals, there are at least 784 different fish species in the area. Because of its no-take policy, the marine park has also become an important conservation area for pelagic species such as manta rays, whale sharks, tuna and the endangered silky shark. A variety of other rays and sharks can also be seen.\nFinally, the islands provide refuge for both hawksbill and green turtles as well as the world’s largest terrestrial arthropod, the coconut crab.\nGiven the opportunity to dive in the Chagos Marine Protected Area, you are likely to see more species per dive than you can remember.\nFor better readability of the table, pass into the landscape mode.\nMost likely sightingsPossible sightings\nThe British Indian Ocean Territory is one of the most remote places on Earth. It is located mid way between Indonesia and Tanzania and the BIOT’s closest neighbor is The Maldives to its north. The Territory is comprised of seven atolls known as the Chagos Archipelago with more than 1,000 small islands. These islands are mostly coralline structures formed by underwater volcanos. The largest island, which is also the most southerly, is Diego Garcia and is used as an American military base.\nThe Chagos Archipelago was originally chartered by Vasco de Gama in the 1500s, but wasn’t colonized until the eighteenth century when the French claimed the archipelago as a part of Mauritius. The islands were settled by African slaves and Indian contractors who worked on the coconut plantations. In 1810, Mauritius became a colony of the United Kingdom and in 1965, the United Kingdom split Mauritius and the Seychelles to make the British Indian Ocean Territory. This strange decision was fueled by the creation of an American military base. The islands from the Seychelles were later returned to the jurisdiction of that country after it gained independence in 1976.\nToday, the base at Diego Garcia still exists. In addition, the UK government recently formed the second largest marine park in the world around the Chagos Archipelago. The marine park is the size of France and is also encompassed by an Environment Preservation and Protection Zone (EPPZ) and a Fisheries Conservation and Management Zone (FCMZ). However, the marine park was not formed without controversy. Many believe the government used the creation of the park to prevent the return of the native Chagossians who were displaced by the formation of the military base.\nBecause of the islands’ remote nature, protected status and military usage, visiting the British Indian Ocean Territory is hard to do. But for those who persevere, an untouched paradise full of interesting marine life awaits.\nThere is no tourism infrastructure in the British Indian Ocean Territory because access is incredibly limited. As such, the only topside activities are limited to those invented by boaters who arrive by private vessel. They may have the opportunity to explore deserted beaches or do a little fishing for a fresh supper. While diving is prohibited in the marine protected area, snorkeling is not. The opportunity to explore this diverse underwater environment is a huge opportunity for any visitor to the area.\nThe British Indian Ocean Territory, or the Chagos Archipelago, is only accessibly by private vessel. Those sailing to the BIOT and mooring in one of the harbors, need to apply for a permit prior to visiting. Please note that there are no supplies for purchase in this area and therefore, visitors should bring everything necessary with them.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "One of the greatest developments in human history was the harnessing of electricity, which now gives us light and warmth, heats our water, cooks our food and entertains us with television, radio and, more recently, e-books. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), Americans paid roughly $350 billion for electricity in 2009, the latest year for which data are available. That amounts to over $3,000 per family per year, partly in our electricity bills and partly in the electricity costs embedded in the goods and services we buy. The investment required over the next 20-30 years to expand and upgrade the power system will be measured not in billions but in trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, many of the critical investment decisions on our future power supply are being made in Washington by people who believe that the cost of power to the American people does not matter.\nWind turbines have been the darling of the green energy crowd for a number of years. Here on Cape Cod (where I am privileged to spend my summers) every town wants a wind turbine, naturally paid for by someone else. Hearts may swell with green price at the sight of these impressive towers, but do they really help our power supply?\nOur public officials and the media tend to confuse power production with power capacity. Take, for example, a power plant with a capacity of 1 million kW. If the plant could operate 100%, it would generate 24 X 365 = 8,760 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity every year. No machine can run continuously without shutting down from time to time for maintenance. You can drive your car at 60 miles per hour, but you need to stop every once in a while for fuel and rest. Modern coal, nuclear and natural gas power plants can operate in excess of 90% of the time, so a 1 million kW power plant can generate close to 8,000 kWh per year. Not so with wind. According to the EIA, wind turbines in the US produce on average only about 2,400 kWh from each one million kilowatts of capacity. In other words, they operate effectively only 27% of the time.\nBy my calculations, a modern combined cycle natural gas power plant can generate electricity for about 5¢ per kWh, including 2¢ for the plant construction and operation and 3¢ for the fuel. The fuel for a wind turbine is, of course, free, but the plant cost is very high, since it sits idle most of the time. My estimate for wind is 15½¢ per kWh, more than three times as much as natural gas. (I’d be happy to share my calculations with any interested reader.) It’s just silly to call wind power “free”.\nPerhaps even more importantly, we have no economically viable way of storing electricity. Electric power companies must have in place sufficient generating capacity to meet demand moment by moment. If you need power, and the wind isn’t blowing, tough luck.\nSo what does all this mean to consumers? Have a look at an excellent article by Robert Bryce in The National Review entitled “The Wind Energy Myth” which you can find at http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/274388/wind-energy-myth-robert-bryce). Bryce looks at the role that wind power has played in meeting the extraordinary power demand in Texas resulting from the extended heat wave they have endured this summer.\nAccording to the EIA, Texas has about 110 million kilowatts (kW) of nameplate electric generating capacity, including about 10 million kW of wind, more than any other state. The rest of Texas’ capacity is mostly natural gas (75 million kW), coal (21 million kW) and nuclear (5 million kW). You might assume that the wind capacity would come in handy when Texans rev up their air conditioners to fight temperatures exceeding 100º F day after day. According to Mr. Bryce, you’d be wrong. Why? Because the wind doesn’t blow much on hot summer days. Wind power tends to come almost entirely at night, when temperatures are lower, businesses and factories are closed and people are asleep. What Texans need is power at the peak of demand in the late afternoon.\nAccording to Mr. Bryce, on the afternoon of August 2, when high air conditioning demand put substantial pressure on the generating system, wind power supplied only 1½ million kW or 15% of its capacity. The chart in Mr. Bryce’s article shows an inverse correlation between when power is needed and when wind energy is available. In essence, wind power supplements, but does not replace other kinds of electricity. When the wind turbines are working during the night, the power company must shut down available natural gas or coal plants. The only cost savings is the fuel. Therefore, wind power at 15½¢ per kWh saves us only 3¢ per kWh in natural gas costs. If a coal plant is shut down, the savings are even less at about 1¢ per kWh.\nNot only does wind power not come when we need it, it doesn’t come where we need it. In Texas, for example, most of the wind turbines are in West Texas, where land is cheap and farmers and ranchers are happy to have extra income. Most of the demand, however, is in the big cities of Eastern Texas: Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Corpus Christi. In addition to the $25 billion cost of the Texas wind turbines themselves, Mr. Bryce notes that another $8 billion has been spent on transmission lines to bring the power from west to east.\nThe bottom line is that all kilowatt-hours are not created equal. A gallon of gasoline is easy to produce, move around and store. Refineries do not have to worry about how many drivers will fill up their cars at 5:00 pm on a hot August afternoon. Kilowatt-hours, on the other hand, must be produced in the right place at the right time. Otherwise, they’re worth very little to consumers.\nLike ethanol, wind power is simply a terrible idea. It’s expensive, and its utility is limited. Unfortunately, by the time we ultimately kill these useless programs, we will have spent an enormous amount of money. Good thing the federal government has plenty of cash to spend.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "05_11_2015, Germán Orizaola, Amphibians and breeding phenology, a life history perspective\nAmphibians and breeding phenology: a life history perspective Germán Orizaola Animal Ecology, Dept. Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University, Sweden. Time is often a critical ecological constraint determining whether animals survive and successfully reproduce. Organisms have evolved to synchronise the timing of key seasonal events (i.e. reproduction, migration, hibernation) with the environmental conditions that maximize their fitness. Seasonal environments are characterised by short time-windows with optimal conditions to breed and grow. However, the timing and length of these conditions are variable among seasons, and many organisms have recently experienced abrupt changes in their phenology ascribed to climate change. The capacity of organisms to track alterations in seasonality and adjust their life-history strategies to the changing environment is thus crucial for adapting to the current scenario of high climatic variability. In my research, I focus on the processes and mechanisms that allow organisms to cope with phenological variation, using amphibians as study models. In this seminar, I will talk about the plasticity of life-history strategies in larval amphibians in response to changes in breeding phenology, the interaction between life-history responses to breeding phenology and predation risk, as well as on the costs and potential activation mechanisms of alternative life-history strategies in amphibians.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Congratulations to the @IKEA \"glue task force\" and Kazlų Rūda operations team on taking bold steps to create healthier and lower carbon footprint products for our future! #climatepositive #sustainability #innovation #woodpanels #IKEA\nEcoSynthetix offers a range of sustainable engineered biopolymers that allow customers to reduce their use of conventional fossil-based chemicals including harmful materials, such as formaldehyde and styrene-based chemicals. Our flagship products, DuraBind™, SurfLock™, Bioform™ and EcoSphere® are used to manufacture wood composites, personal care, paper, tissue and packaging products, and enable performance improvements, economic benefits and sustainability. We are publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (T:ECO).", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "FED UP with the garbage and litter strewn all over the roads and drains after the weekly Saturday night market in Section 8, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, residents are urging the Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) to act.\nMany residents said they had been putting up with the nuisance of some traders and customers, many of whom were foreigners, littering everywhere.\nAkhmal Bakar said it was time council workers did a better job to clean up the mess after the market closes at around midnight.\n“I noticed that some of the workers were more interested in looking for recyclable items such as cardboard boxes than in doing a proper clean-up.\n“Sometimes, these recycled items will be left overnight before it is collected the next day.\n“Some of the traders also take the easy way out by throwing leftover boxes and other trash into the nearby bushes and drains,” said the office worker who has lived there for the past three years.\nAnother resident, Fern Koh, agreed, saying that such an inconsiderate attitude was unfair to the residents who had to bear the brunt of it.\n“We are not against them doing business but they should be considerate of the residents who live here.\n“I am sure they will be upset if we did the same thing in their housing area,” the housewife said.\nKoh said the rubbish posed a health risk as pests such as crows, rats and stray animals would scavenge for food and could transmit and trigger an outbreak of disease.\nRetiree John Lee said despite a signboard warning against illegal dumping, these litterbugs paid no heed.\nHe said the MPKj should take pro-active measures to stop the eyesore and potential health hazards.\n“One option is to consider relocating the night market to another site without blocking the main access road into the housing estate.\n“Big garbage bins can also be placed within the night market area to educate the people not to throw empty bottles, plastic and leftovers wherever they like,” he said, adding that with the current hot spell, a fire might break out and spread to the nearby Tenaga Nasional substation.\nSales executive Evelyn Teo also pointed out that the nearby public field was crowded with foreigners in the late afternoon.\n“Some of them bring their children along and have picnics there. It is not wrong but some of them throw rubbish indiscriminately, adding to the problem,” she said.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Your water may contain a multitude of harmful contaminants, so it’s essential to research the various water filtration systems available on the market.\nThere are several harmful contaminants that can be found in water, including:\n- Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium.\n- Pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate.\n- Industrial chemicals like PCBs and dioxins.\n- Chlorine and chloramine, which are disinfectants used to treat water but can create harmful byproducts.\n- Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause illness.\n- Pharmaceuticals and personal care products that are not always effectively removed during wastewater treatment.\nOther potential water contaminants include nitrates, arsenic, radon, and radioactive materials. It’s important to note that the specific contaminants present in your water can vary depending on your location and the source of your water supply. Regular testing and filtration can help ensure that your water is safe for consumption.\nMaking the switch to purer water is easier than you might think, and taking the time to explore your options can make all the difference. If you need assistance, we have several recommendations available to help you find the best solution for your needs.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Germany: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told the Petersberg Climate talks that failing to act on climate change now will only have greater economic impact on developed countries. “Doing nothing means that is will be much, much more costly for us all,” she told the conference.\nGerman Environment Minister Peter Altmaier acknowledged there was growing momentum for a deal through the UN process but feared progress was still insufficient. “The international awareness that we need to reach a milestone by 2015 is growing [but] in many areas is still too slow and not enough,” he said. (Deutsche Welle)\nEU: Green infrastructure should be integrated into planning processes across the continent, a new report from the European Commission recommends. It plans to develop guidance for member states by the end of 2013, with a view to implementing the policy from 2014-2020. Examples include allowing a natural wetland to absorb the excess water from heavy rain instead of building expensive flood prevention barriers and planning for green spaces and fresh air corridors to mitigate the negative effects of summer heat waves. (EU)\nCanada: The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has deemed a scheme to promote renewable energy in Canada as unfair. The country lost an appeal in defence of the programme that offered above market prices for electricity generated from renewables, but only if those firms purchased their equipment locally. (Reuters)\nUSA: The US ethanol industry is in recovery after a year of high corn prices caused many producers to drop out. Production is now at a 10 month high of 857,000 barrels a day, according to the US Department of Energy. Ethanol uses 40% of the US corn harvest. Critics say biofuels put undue pressure on food supplies and prices. (Financial Times, subscription)\nEU: The chair of the Green party at the European Parliament has said that a recent decision not to reform the EU carbon market has “destroyed the foundation of common European climate policy”. Reinhard Buetikofer said climate policy was now perceived as a burden to industry, rather than an opportunity. (Bloomberg)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Some of the worst earthquakes in history happened in Chile in 1960; off the coast of Honshu in Japan in 2011; off the coast of northern Sumatra in 2004; and in Prince William Sound, Alaska, in 1964. These quakes were magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale or higher.\nThe Chilean earthquake hit Chile on May 22, 1960, and was magnitude 9.5. It killed around 1,655 people, injured 3,000 and left a million people homeless. It not only ravaged Chile but killed people and caused millions of dollars worth of damage in Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines and the West Coast of the United States.\nThe Honshu earthquake happened on March 11, 2011, and was a magnitude 9.0. It killed at least 15,703 people, and like the Chilean earthquake, it caused damage that was felt as far away as the West Coast of the United States and Hawaii. This quake was followed by a devastating tsunami.\nThe magnitude 9.1 earthquake that devastated northern Sumatra and much of the area around the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004, was also followed by a catastrophic tsunami. The tsunami caused more damage than the quake itself and killed at least 227,898 people.\nThe earthquake that struck Prince William Sound on March 27, 1964, was believed to be magnitude 9.2. It also caused a tsunami, caused damage in much of south central Alaska, and was felt as far away as South Africa. However, only 131 people died as a result of the quake.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Surprising Kitchen Dirty Spots\nWhatís the dirtiest place in your kitchen? If you guessed the microwave touch-pad, as 20 suburban Michigan families in a recent test did, you might be sur-prised. When microbiologists at the nonprofit NSF International group swabbed the familiesí kitchens for bacteria, yeast and mold, the micro-wave wasnít bad. But contaminants lurked in some unexpected places, with the worst being refrigerator ice and water dispensers, spatulas, blender gaskets (the rubber seal at the base), can openers, and meat and vegetable compartments in the fridge. Moist areas like ice and water dispensers were most prone to yeast and mold. Kitchen items that donít get fully disassembled and cleaned (or, like can openers, cleaned at all before being put back in a drawer) were highest in E. coli, salmonella and other sources of foodborne illness.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Sanborn Field Conditions\nUpdated June 23, 2017 at 12:10 am\n|Temperature||77.5° F / 25.3° C|\n|Wind||ESE at 1.3mph|\n|Barometric Pressure||29.75 in. and steady|\n|Dew Point||71.8° F / 22.1° C|\n|Soil Temperature 2 in.||76.9° F / 24.9° C|\n|Soil Temperature 4 in.||78.4° F / 25.8° C|\nSummary for June 23, 2017 since midnight\n|Maximum Temperature||77.8° F / 25.5° C|\n|Minimum Temperature||77.3° F / 25.2° C|\n|Peak Wind||3.4 at 12:01 am|\n|Precipitation (non-frozen)||0.00 in.|\nSanborn Field Weather Data is made possible through support from the School of Natural Resources' Department of Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences and MU Extension. Real-time weather information is provided as a public service by MU Extension, Commercial Agriculture Weather Network and the MU Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board (AgEBB).\nNWS 7-day Forecast\nUpdated June 22 2017 at 9:27 pm\nOvernightScattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 5am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 70. South wind around 6 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%.\nFridayA chance of showers and thunderstorms before noon, then a slight chance of showers between noon and 2pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 82. West wind 5 to 14 mph becoming north in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 22 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%.\nFriday NightMostly clear, with a low around 57. Northwest wind 6 to 11 mph becoming light after midnight.\nSaturdaySunny, with a high near 79. Northwest wind 3 to 8 mph.\nSaturday NightPartly cloudy, with a low around 57. Northwest wind 5 to 7 mph becoming calm in the evening.\nSundayMostly sunny, with a high near 78.\nSunday NightPartly cloudy, with a low around 55.\nMondayMostly sunny, with a high near 78.\nMonday NightMostly clear, with a low around 55.\nTuesdaySunny, with a high near 82.\nTuesday NightMostly clear, with a low around 60.\nWednesdayA 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly sunny, with a high near 83.\nWednesday NightA 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 66.\nThursdayA 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny, with a high near 84.\nMissouri Climate Center forecast based on information obtained from the National Weather Service. For more information, please contact Dr. Pat Guinan at 573-882-5908.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Type of event:\nType of news:\nType of programme:\nEvent start date:\nEvent end date:\nFilter by wmo strategic priority:\nFilter by regions:\n278 contents match your search.\nThe IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate spotlights the benefits of ambitious and effective adaptation for sustainable development and, conversely, the escalating costs and...\nPublish Date: 2 July 2019\nAn unusually early and intense heatwave has set new temperature records in Europe, posing a major threat to people's health, agriculture and the environment. Initial reports indicated that heat-health early warnings successfully limited the death toll.\nMeteoworld : June 2019\nThe World Meteorological Congress, held on 3–14 June, approved a package of sweeping reforms to deliver a smart, agile and responsive WMO, fit for the 21st Century. The reform overhauls...\nTheme: Environmental challenges\nPublish Date: 17 April 2019\nWMO for the 21st Century In both 2018 and 2019, the World Economic Forum identified weather extremes, natural disasters, the failure of climate change adaptation and mitigation, and water crises...\nPublish Date: 18 April 2019\nThe Earth’s climate has never been constant; a wide range of variations and changes in space and time, often leading to extremes, is its fundamental characteristic. However, there is conclusive...\nHeat risks remain a silent disaster. The First Global Forum on Heat and Health, held in Hong Kong, China, from 17 to 20 December 2018, addressed that challenge and launched the Global Heat Health Information Network (the Network). Over the four-day event, 120 interdisciplinary practitioners and researchers from 33 countries provided fresh, real-world perspectives on heat health risk management across diverse fields, such as medical science, urban planning, meteorology, and economics.\nThe three-year Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture Project culminated with a Networking Conference on 4 and 5 February in Rome, hosted by the Italian National Research Council and the Italian Meteorological Service. Decision-makers and experts from 21 countries in West Africa used the opportunity to discuss project outcomes, examine continued needs and consider follow-up capacity development initiatives.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Spring is on its way and to celebrate the season of growing and gardening we are hosting seed and plant swaps in September.\nGot some leftover seeds? Bring them to your local library to share with your community!\nThis is for everyone! Don't worry if you don't have any seeds to share this year, you might next year. We welcome vegetable, herb, flower, native and heritage seeds - and you can even bring any spare seedlings you have potted up.\nSeeds can be dropped in any time before or during seed swap times.\nGrow those seeds, save new seeds, and share your surplus next year! Thank you and happy gardening.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "People in nature: Volunteer Manager Marcella Garcia-Carrillo\nCPAWS relies on great volunteers to help us achieve our conservation initiatives; therefore, Marcella Garcia-Carrillo’s role as the volunteer coordinator is an important one.\nShe loves working with volunteers, because they are committed to creating a better world for everybody and they are doing their best to achieve that.\n“It is awesome to be part of the team that supports the job our volunteers do,” says Garcia-Carrillo.\nShe joined CPAWS because she believes its invaluable work to preserve and protect habitats and wildlife and she wanted to be part of that. As a Biologist, biodiversity conservation is what interests her the most, and when she found CPAWS, she was convinced that it was the right organization for her.\n“Not only has CPAWS given me the opportunity to support different conservation initiatives, but also, the mission and vision of this organization are aligned with my beliefs and personal goals.”\nShe appreciates the hard work CPAWS does in order to ensure that future generations will be able to experience Canada’s unique habitats and wildlife.\n“It is very inspiring for me to see how CPAWS makes sure the parks are managed for nature. I also appreciate that CPAWS takes the time to educate and engage people of all ages in conservation matters.”\nWhen she has the chance, she loves to visit new places and spend time there hiking, taking pictures and admiring nature. Just a few of her favourite places to go are Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Waterton Lakes National Park and Yoho National Park. Her favorite lakes are Rawson Lake, Emerald Lake and Moraine Lake. Her favorite hikes are Valley of the Five Lakes in Jasper and the Bear’s Hump in Waterton. She encourages others to get outdoors and visit one of these special places!", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "May 7, 2013\nPublic Information & Communications\nContact: Kevin Christopher\nMesa, AZ – Fire Station 219, 3361 S. Signal Butte Road, is the first City of Mesa building to be LEED (U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design registration) certified. In fact, the sustainable practices used in the construction of the fire station have earned it LEED Gold certification. A plaque recognizing the City’s achievement was presented during the May 6 Mesa City Council meeting.\n“When Fire Station 219 opened, it was a clear indication that the City of Mesa is committed to the public safety of our residents and our businesses in southeast Mesa. The achievement of LEED Gold certification also shows the commitment the City of Mesa has to sustainability and the future of our environment,” District 6 Councilmember Scott Somers said.\nLEED is a voluntary program that provides third-party verification of the design and construction of “green” buildings. LEED buildings are designed to lower operating costs, reduce waste sent to landfills, conserve energy and water, be healthier and safe for occupants and reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Examples of sustainable practices at Fire Station 219 include solar panels, a solar hot water system, insulated concrete exterior walls and an insulated cool foam roof.\n“Mesa is one of the nation’s leaders in building environmentally sustainable fire stations. Not only are they built to meet the demands of 24 hour occupancy for many decades to come, but they are a perfect example of how safety, aesthetics, durability and sustainability can co-exist in a public safety structure,” District 3 Councilmember and Council Public Safety Committee Chair Dennis Kavanaugh said.\nThe City received a $2 million grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to pay for many of the energy efficient items used to achieve LEED Gold certification. More than 40 percent of construction materials were obtained within a 500 mile radius, reducing expenses by saving transportation costs and natural resources. More than 75 percent of construction waste was diverted from the landfill, reducing disposal costs, providing material for companies to use in recycled products and extending the life of the local landfill.\n“Fire Station 219 is a proud testament to the great things we can do in the area of sustainability, especially when the usual cooperative efforts between our City Departments share a common goal,” Mesa Fire and Medical Department Chief Harry Beck said. “Our department and fire/paramedic crews are certainly appreciative to the citizens of Mesa who have made it possible for us to deliver our services from the prototypical station whose design will be emulated by fire departments national wide in the years to come.”\nSeveral City departments worked together to ensure the construction of Fire Station 219 achieved LEED Gold certification, including Mesa Fire and Medical, Development and Sustainability, Engineering and Facilities Maintenance. It was designed by Perlman Architects of Arizona and was built by D.L. Withers Construction.\nFire Station 219 was funded primarily by a public safety bond approved by Mesa voters in 2008. The FEMA grant was provided through its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act program to provide grants for construction of fire stations.\nThis article is in this channel (click to view all articles in the channel):", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Please find below contact details\nand contact us today! Our experts always ready to help you.\nPrimarily for cement grinding plants in India, coal (generally of bituminous grade) is used in the slag-dryer. The wet slag arrives at the stack on wagons from some nearby steel plant, or it may be brought via a trolley-system (primitive mode).\nA pulverizer or grinder is a mechanical device for the grinding of many different types of materials. For example, a pulverizer mill is used to pulverize coal for combustion in the steam-generating furnaces of fossil fuel power plants\nfunction of coal mill used in cement plant. function of coal mill used in cement plant XSM excellent mining crushing machinery products or production line design, the . Chat Online coal mill for cement plant design - hitechcomputers. Chat with sales. Mobile Coal Crushers And Screens - XSM.\ndetails of coal mill function in cement plant . coal mill for cement plant designThis page is provide professional coal mill for cement plant . function of . » Learn More Rotary kilns for cement plants -\nIn a cement plant two systems of coal firing are used, namely, a) Direct firing and b) Indirect firing. In direct firing system, coal is milled on line and is directly fed to the kiln.\nReferences In Crushers Design Pdf Coal Russian. cement mill in cement plant coal crusher catalog pdf Coal Surface Mining mobile coal crushercrusher coal russian design pdf coal. . function of coal mill used in cement plant XSM excellent mining crushing machinery products or production line design, the company is committed to building .\nfunction of coal mill in power plant - Indonesia penghancur ball mill in coal based thermal power plant safety coal material handling .function of ball mill in making cement function of ball mill for cement …\nfunction of coal mill in power plant - Indonesia penghancur ball mill in coal based thermal power plant safety coal material handling .function of ball mill in making cement function of ball mill for cement production ppt.\npurpose of coal crusher in cement plant function of coal mill used in cement plant coal processing plant. quarrying crushers are mainly used to make building stone . chat online Thermal Energy Audit of Kiln System in a Cement …\nCoal is used as an energy source in cement production. Large amounts of energy are required to produce cement. It takes about 200 kg of coal to produce one tonne of cement and about 300-400 kg of cement is needed to produce one cubic metre of concrete .\nfunction of coal mill used in cement plant - Feldspar, function of coal mill used in cement plant function of coal mill used in cement plant XSM excellent mining crushing machinery products or production line design, the company is committed to building the Chinese brand mine crushing and processing machinery, mainly crusher, mill, sand …\nCoal mill pulverizer used in cement plant|Coal grinding mill … Coal mill is the machine used in cement plant.Cement mill manufacturer supplies coal mill, coal pulverizer for cement industry in India, Philippines.\nVolume 3, Issue 5, November 2013 . coal grinding, preheater kiln & cooler, Clinker grinding (cement mill), packing plant & Loading plant, quality control. It also provides the brief description about the machinery used in each stage and its working principles. Cement\nNo matter what control technology is used to limit NO x, emissions from a cement plant using natural gas will still result in an increase when compared to a cement plant using coal and manufacturing the same amount of cement. This is caused by the higher flame temperatures that are associated with natural gas use.\nCement plants are divided into two major categories, wet process and dry process, with some variations of these types, such as the semidry process. In the dry process, raw materials are milled\nStacker and reclaimer systems for cement plants. Heavy-duty performance 2 Ideal for both prehomogenisation and . grades of coal used for coal firing installations, there is a growing need . a cement raw mill. 7 1 Incoming belt conveyor 2 Jib 3 Conveyor belt, jib 4 Central column 5 Luffing unit 6 Jib counterweight\nThe main equipment of cement production line are vibrating feeder, jaw crusher, impact crusher, cement ball mill, lifer, preheating system, cement rotary kiln, rotary dryer and packing machine and so on.\nThe key input to the coal fired power plant is the coal. Coal in the form that is available from the mines is not suitable for efficient combustion in the boiler of the power plant. The pulverizing system prepares the coal for combustion.\nIn the cement raw mill plant, we use cement vertical grinding mill and ball mill for cement . cement plant has stable operation and reliable working condition.According to the mater. Chat Now Coal mill is the machine used in cement plant.Cement mill manufacturer SBM supplies c. of coal crushers, coal mills, and other cement mills for your .\nA wide variety of cement vertical mill options are , 2018 new products vertical cement grinding mill, coal , Cement Grinding Plant, Cement Vertical Mill [Live chat] LOESCHE involved in …\nCement kilns are used for the pyroprocessing stage of manufacture of Portland and other types of hydraulic cement, in which calcium carbonate reacts with silica-bearing minerals to form a mixture of calcium silicates.Over a billion tonnes of cement are made per year, and cement kilns are the heart of this production process: their capacity usually defines the capacity of the cement plant.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Spatial structure and regeneration of Tetramerista glabra in peat swamp rain forest in Indonesian Borneo\n- Cite this article as:\n- Gavin, D.G. & Peart, D.R. Plant Ecology (1997) 131: 223. doi:10.1023/A:1009771519028\n- 127 Downloads\nWe examined the spatial structure and regeneration of Tetramerista glabra, a dominant canopy tree in peat swamp rain forest in Borneo (West Kalimantan, Indonesia). T. glabra has strong spatial structure that changes dramatically during the life cycle; seedlings were highly aggregated, saplings were random and trees were evenly distributed. Germination and seedling relative growth were highest within canopy gaps, but seedling densities were highest at gap edges. Concentration of seedlings in gap edges, rather than localized seed dispersal, was responsible for seedling patchiness. The slope of the relationship between relative growth rate and seedling height decreased from gap, to gap edge to understory habitats, suggesting that competition within the seedling layer is more important in gaps than in the understory. The processes that break down seedling aggregation, leading to over-dispersion of trees, must be density dependent, but remain unknown.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Big carnivores are scary, both to humans and the animals they prey upon. But as a new study demonstrates, the fear that these predators instill among their prey can have a positive influence on ecological health and biodiversity, a finding with important implications for conservation.\nBy playing the threatening sounds of large carnivores over speakers, researchers from Canada’s Western University and Simon Fraser University have demonstrated how fear in an ecosystem can produce the same effect as predation itself and can also facilitate cascading effects down the food chain. It’s a finding that shows the far-reaching influence of top predators within an ecosystem, and the need to protect this increasingly threatened class of wildlife. The details of this work are published in the latest edition of Nature Communications.\nEcologists have known for some time that fear of predators can affect species at several levels of the food web, including animals with whom predators don’t directly interact. But these effects have only been demonstrated in small animals, such as spiders, grasshoppers, crabs, and snails. There’s been some controversy over whether or not the trickle-down effects of fear are pertinent for large carnivores and their prey in real ecosystems. This has been hard to prove because it’s tough to disentangle the effects of fear from other factors affecting wildlife, such as actual predation itself, and the influence of environmental change. This new study, headed by Western’s Liana Zanette and PhD student Justin Suraci, found a way to overcome these problems.\nGoing into the experiment, the researchers knew that raccoons on British Columbia’s Gulf Islands were devastating songbirds on land and intertidal crabs and fish in the ocean. This is largely because these raccoons have little to fear: Most of the large carnivores that prey on raccoons—such as cougars and wolves—were wiped out from the islands a century ago. Researchers wanted to see how these raccoons would react to the mere presence of fear, and how any changes to their behavior might be felt down the food chain. Despite the absence of cougars and wolves, these raccoons have learned to be fearful of at least one large carnivore: dogs. Zanette and Suraci took this important bit of insight and used it to their advantage.\nThe researchers played the threatening sounds of large carnivores (and also non-threatening control sounds) from speakers along an extensive length of shoreline for months at a time. While this was happening, they monitored the effects on raccoon behavior (using continuous video and photo monitoring), and changes in abundance of the raccoon’s prey. They were also careful to isolate the effects of fear from other potential causes of behavioral changes in the raccoons or in prey abundance.\nThe effects were dramatic. Over one month, the foraging time spent by raccoons in their favorite areas dropped 66 percent. This resulted in a 97 percent increase in the abundance of shore crabs, an 81 percent increase in intertidal fish, and a 61 percent increase in red rock crabs. This is turn produced yet another ripple effect: Populations of other species of invertebrates decreased, because they were outcompeted or eaten by the crabs that had suddenly been released from the predation pressure of raccoons. The presence of fear had, over several weeks, been felt throughout the entire food web.\nThe researchers say these results have “critically important implications” for conservation, wildlife management, and public policy, and that failing to consider fear dramatically undermines and underestimates the role that large predators play in ecosystems.\nNo doubt, conservationists are increasingly pointing to the devastating ecological and environmental impacts of losing large carnivores around the globe. A 2014 report in Science showed that more than 75 percent of the globe’s large carnivore species—including lions, dingoes, and wolves—are in decline. Those losses have been blamed for dramatic increases in herbivores, such as deer and elk, leading to excessive vegetation loss, which then affects birds and small animals and even contributes to soil erosion.\nFor the researchers, their experiment affirmed something they suspected all along—that these cascading effects can be influenced by the presence of fear. What’s more, the study strongly hints at similar processes elsewhere. Take the controversial reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park in the 1990s. As Suraci pointed out to Gizmodo, the presence of wolves in the park yielded beneficial cascading effects on the entire ecosystem. The elk were so scared of the wolves that they ate fewer shrubs, allowing the plants to regrow, which in turn allowed species like songbirds and beavers to recolonize.\nLooking ahead, Zanette and Suraci want to use their newly developed experimental procedures to investigate the role of large carnivore-induced fear in other ecosystems. “We now have the tools to experimentally manipulate fear in wildlife,” Suraci said. “And these should be used to build a general understanding of how the fear of predators structures ecosystems, information that may be critical to effective ecological restoration.”\nThe researchers are also hoping to understand how humans are altering food webs by affecting animal behavior. Suraci strongly suspects this is happening. But as to the extent and nature of these effects, he said, “We simply don’t know.”", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "|A blood-stained egret trying to pass over Malta|\nImportant Bird Areas (IBAs) face a number of threats in Malta. Several of the major human-induced threats include:\nIllegal hunting can have a direct impact on an IBA by the illegal killing of the protected species that the site was initially designated for. Illegal hunting can also have an indirect impact on the IBA designation process. Areas which have the potential to become IBAs, often do not have enough data collected to demonstrate their importance because of the large numbers of hunters present in these areas. If it weren’t for the hunters there would be several more sites designated as IBAs in Malta.\nTrapping, has an enormous impact on migratory and breeding populations of wild finches and has a serious impact on the habitat of IBAs. Trapping sites need large areas of cleared land devoid of vegetation on which to set nets for wild birds. This often causes irreversible damage to fragile habitats such as garigue and can result in the wanton destruction of endemic or endangered plant species. These sites therefore represent scars to the landscape of many IBAs, damaging the integrity of the sites.\nDevelopment on IBAs is obviously a major concern. The building or expansion of houses or tourist developments can completely destroy an IBA. For example, the proposed tourist developments on the cliff top IBA of Ta’ Cenc would have disastrous impacts on the habitat of the site.\nHabitat degradation is an insidious threat to IBAs. This can be due to a whole range of factors including (i) chopping down trees/shrubs for firewood, (ii) the planting of invasive exotic plants on an IBA (often for the sole purpose of ‘enhancing’ an area for trapping or hunting purposes), (iii) driving of off-road vehicles over an IBA, (iv) illegal dumping of rubbish and land-fill, (v) pollution outflow from a range of sources, and (vi) light pollution near breeding seabird colonies. Eventually, habitat degradation can become so serious that the area becomes unsuitable to the birds for which the site was originally designated.\nIBAs are the jewel in the crown of bird conservation sites in Malta. Their conservation, protection and correct management are therefore principal objectives for BirdLife Malta.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Fábio E.L. Budinõ, RenataF.N. Vieira, Silvio P. Mello, Keila M.R. Duarte\nSixteen pregnant sows were used. The experimental design was completely randomized with a 2x2 factorial scheme consisting of two housing systems (individual cages and collective pens) and two diets (low [2.67%] and high [13.14%] level of crude fiber). Physiological, behavioral, environmental, and hormonal parameters were studied. In addition, the following productive and reproductive parameters were evaluated: weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion of the sow and piglets, number of piglets born dead and alive, number and weight at weaning, and backfat thickness of sows. Pregnant sows reared in collective pens and fed a highfiber diet exhibited better physiological responses, indicating greater comfort and better animal welfare. The environmental variables were close to the comfort zone of the animals. In addition to providing a more comfortable environment, housing pigs in collective pens reduced stereotypy, permitting the sows to express a more natural behavior. The high-fiber diet did not interfere with female productive performance. Tifton hay can therefore be indicated as an alternative for the formulation of sow diets to improve animal welfare.\nKeywords: swine, animal welfare, environmental enrichment, housing systems.\nFonte: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v.86, n.4, p.2109-2119, 2014.\nVeja todos os artigos", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Florida lawmakers, who received a directive from voters in November to increase spending to protect water sources and sensitive lands, were told to “think big and act boldly” by the state agriculture commissioner on Thursday.\nWith above-average rain predicted for winter, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is continuing to move water south to help achieve a desirable water level in Lake Okeechobee.\nThe Florida Department of Environmental Protection has adopted a 10-year, $750 million plan to help rid Lake Okeechobee of excess nutrients.\nThe month of September was a wet one for South Florida. According to the experts, most of the rainfall was over the Kissimmee basins that flow into Lake Okeechobee.\nThe summer is beginning to wind down and the transition into fall will happen in a few weeks for most of the nation.\nNow that Governor Rick Scott has signed ‘Charlotte’s Web’ into law, interest is growing in the so-called ‘Cannabiz.’\nSouth Florida rounded out the month of May with a near-average amount of rainfall.\nSunday will be another scorcher across South Florida with temperatures around 90 degrees.\nFlorida legislators reached a deal Monday on a state budget which will boost spending on schools, child welfare and the cleanup of damaged water bodies across the state.\nLawmakers were on the verge of a final budget deal Sunday night after agreeing on virtually all of the outstanding spending items —putting them in striking distance of finishing the legislative session on time.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Imagine waking up in the morning and going outside to your beautiful garden. Picking lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, all for today’s lunch; how convenient that you no longer have to rush to the grocery store for a quick and healthy meal, and talk about saving money!\nCreating a garden in your small yard, on your patio or even a small herb garden in your kitchen is easy and could save you hundreds of dollars in food costs every year. Your garden could even earn you a little money if you sell your fresh produce to your neighbors when your garden really starts to flourish.\nThe first step is determining what you want to grow. Better Homes and Gardens Suggests the following vegetables as MUST HAVES: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrots, Lettuce, Sweet Peppers and Peas. These are great plans for first time gardeners.\nOnce you have selected your plants it is time to choose a location. This will depend on the sunlight needs of the plants you have chosen to grow as well as how much space you have. Most of the plants suggested above grow easily in raised beds that you can keep on your patio. Beans are a vining plant and usually need a little more space.\nThe final step is planting your garden. You can choose to buy seedlings or grow everything on your own. If you choose the second option purchase a bag of seed and in an old egg carton place the seeds and soil. Once the plants have sprouted remove them from the egg carton and plant them in your desired garden location. NOTE: Plant carrots directly into your garden, they are roots and will not withstand a transplant.\nThen enjoy your garden!\nFor more tips and tricks visit bhg.com", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Bitcoin Mining to Help Reduce Wastage and Costs Associated with Oil Companies\nIn a recent post shared by Bitcoin.com, arguments have been made in relation to how crypto mining activities can help oil companies reduce both their costs and excess oil, where the latter typically goes to waste.\nAccording to the claims made, flare gas is deemed a liability for oil companies and for this reason, shale oil wells are being established all over North America. In particular, if a well is near oil companies, then it is believed that producers can pipe it to end consumers, notes the news outlet.\nAnother solution to this is either flaring or venting it into the atmosphere, but there is a limit to such activities, and anything that is done beyond a certain threshold will lead to increased costs. This is where crypto mining could get oil companies out of a rather sticky situation.\nMore specifically, setting up bitcoin mining equipment at oil production sites will reduce wastage of excess oil, while creating revenue-generating opportunities for oil companies. Furthermore, the mining rewards garnered are reasoned as having more value than the prices charged to get rid of this excess. Most importantly, this ensures that the environment is not exposed to harmful greenhouse gases such as methane gas.\nFirms Currently Working on Services that Convert Gas into Electricity\nBitcoin.com has since provided examples of firms providing such services. First, we have Upstream Data. It turns out that the firm carries an array of mining datacenters of different configurations that oil companies can either rent or buy. The average cost of an all-in-one Ohmm Combo with up to 125kW costs roughly USD$21,400.\nThe CEO of Upstream Data, Stephan Barbour has since seen his business rise, noting that this validates the fact that crypto mining can resolve this current issue.\nIn particular, he said:\n“I believe the future of bitcoin mining is in the oil and gas industry due to the enormity of the energy produced and wasted.”\nAnother company involved in this business sector that has been provided as an example is called EZ Blockchain.\nHere’s what the Founder of EZ, Sergii Gerasymovych shared to the news outlet:\n“Our primary area of operation and target market is the Bakken region in North Dakota, which has very rich gas being flared, with over 1,500 BTU/ft3. Raw gas is dirty, it consists of methane, butane, hexane, pentane, ethane and other gases. NGL companies are required by law to clean it before it can be burned, and producers spend money on that.”\nEZ Blockchain has designed a flare mitigation system, which can be implanted on oil wells and used for mining digital coins. They also carry something called EZ Smartbox, which converts gas into electricity to be used in processing data as well as in mining cryptocurrencies.\nAt the moment, EZ Blockchain is working alongside an oil producer in Bakken, with plans to establish a partnership with another.\nGerasymovych believes that,\n“There is enough wasted gas in North Dakota alone to power a third of Bitcoin’s whole network. Bitcoin mining can be done completely off-grid, solving an environmental problem.”\nUS-based Crusoe Energy Systems is currently in the works of entering said market and so far, the startup has raised $5.1 million altogether in a seed fund raising led by Bain Capital Ventures and Founders Fund Pathfinder reports Bitcoin.com.\nPossible Obstacles Preventing Oil Companies from Considering Crypto Mining\nGiven the potential benefits that arise from allowing crypto miners to use excess gas, there still remains some obstacles. Gerasymovych does expect an increase in mining equipment installation moving forward, but this will be done over the course of time.\nHe reasons that the gas industry is quite conservative and that small to midsize businesses will not consider the likes of crypto mining immediately. Another possible concern that may arise for oil products is the cost associated with installing said equipment. This is especially a problem because the flaring gas concern requires “very big mining operations to be built”.\nOther possible concerns that may come up in terms of the datacenters include maintenance, rigs, pipes and strong internet connection among others.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "There is a huge amount of legislative change going on globally relating to vehicle emissions, so in today's episode, we talk about Europe and the changes that have been made and the further changes that are coming. We have seen a lot of announcements by car manufacturers in the last 6 months relating to electrifying their products, and this is potentially great news for the environment and the market. Listen as we explain what the real drivers behind this are, and what are our predictions for the near future are.\nIf there are any other subjects you would like us to cover please let us know, we would love to hear from you!\nIf you enjoyed this episode make sure to subscribe, rate and don't miss an episode!\nRyan Maughan LinkedIn profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-maughan-a2893610/\neTech website - https://www.etech49.com\nFollow eTech49 on social media:\nLinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/etech49-limited\nTwitter - https://twitter.com/acexryan", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Early results from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources show hunters harvested 3,802 bears during the 2021 season, a 12% decrease from the 4,306 taken last year.\nThe 2021 harvest results are similar to the 2018 and 2019 harvests. While overall numbers fell short of the total quota, several zones were at or near harvest objectives, and the 32% statewide hunter success remained nearly equal to the last several years.\nThe 2020 season saw above-average hunter success rates contributing to a higher harvest. Harvested bear data from hunters is critical to tracking bear population trends and in ensuring the population remains healthy while also achieving population management objectives.\nIn the northwestern part of the state, the Zone D quota and license levels were increased significantly this fall to reduce the bear population across the zone and agricultural damage issues in the area.\nDespite only taking 70% of the quota in this zone, the 1,251 bears harvested represent the highest harvest in the area in at least a decade. In Zone D, harvest projections indicate this level of harvest is likely to result in a slight population reduction.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Going green has never been easier! No more harsh chemicals and cleaners diluted with water or artifical fragrances. Our concentrates contain natural and plant based organic ingredients, and 100% pure essential oils. They are packaged in compostable bags, metal tins, or glass bottles, so you can say goodbye to plastic bottles.\nJoin the Eco Clean Monthly Membership and save on refils! Each month you will save 15% on your refills\nEco Clean Monthly Membership $21.25 (save 15% each month)\n- Toilet cleaning cubes in 10 pc compostable bag\n- Scour Powder: 10oz net weight in compostable bag\n- Cleaning Paste: 1.75 oz in round metal tin\n- Cleaning Spray Concentrate: 2 ounce refill bottle (makes two 16oz bottle cleaning spray solutions)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "A small change can make a big difference. Reduce one-time-use plastic waste and help save the environment.\n4 R World is a mobile refillery offering safe, natural, and eco-friendly products for the home and body to consumers interested in reducing waste through the reuse, refilling and recycling of single use containers.\nOur customers bring and fill their empty, clean containers brought from home, borrow donated containers available on board or buy them from us. Filled containers are weighed at checkout and customers are charged based upon the net weight of the product.\nLaundry detergent, dish and hand soap, multi surface cleaners, body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash and other common household and body products are among the products we offer.\nOur suppliers include, Common Good, Better Life, Molly’s Suds, Sapadilla and other companies committed to producing safe, natural and eco-friendly products.\nWe also offer a variety of accessories for the home and body, made from sustainable, recycled and/or recyclable materials.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Emission may refer to: Emission of chemical products: Emission of air pollutants,\nnotably: Flue gas, gas exiting to the atmosphere via a flue; Exhaust gas, flue ...\nEmission definition, an act or instance of emitting: the emission of poisonous\nfumes. See more.\nDefine emission: the act of producing or sending out something (such as energy\nor gas) from a source — emission in a sentence.\nAn emission is something that's been released or emitted into the world. Car\nexhaust, burps, and radio broadcasts are all examples of emissions.\nemission meaning, definition, what is emission: the act of sending out gas, heat,\nlight, etc.: . Learn more.\nDefinition of emission: Pollution (including noise, heat, and radiation) discharged\ninto the atmosphere by residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.\nFirst attested in 1607. From Middle French émission, from Latin ēmissiō (“\nsending forth”), from ēmittō (“send out”), from ex (“from, out of”) + mittō (“send”)\nAug 9, 2016 ... Global GHG emissions by gas: 65% is from carbon dioxide fossil fuel use and\nSource: IPCC (2014) Exit based on global emissions from 2010.\nA substance discharged into the air, as by an internal combustion engine. [Latin\nēmissiō, ēmissiōn-, a sending out, from ēmissus, past participle of ēmittere, ...\nOct 6, 2016 ... Pie chart of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2014. 30\npercent Total Emissions in 2014 = 6,870 Million Metric Tons of ...", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Even as researchers confirm another summer with near record melting of Arctic sea ice, a photo gone viral of an emaciated polar bear has become a new icon of climate change.\nGerman photographer Kerstin Langenberger sighted the bear stranded on an ice floe, its bones visible through its wet fur, in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, far north of the Arctic Circle. She posted the image to Facebook on Aug. 20, writing that the bear’s terrible condition was not an unusual sight.\nThe photo quickly made its way from Facebook to other social and viral news media sites.\nFor the polar bear to survive in the wild, the Arctic must remain extremely cold and largely covered in ice year-round. Unless nations slash burning of coal and oil for energy in the next few decades, scientists believe, Arctic summer sea ice will likely disappear by midcentury, and much of the region will become too warm year-round for polar bears and the ice seals they prey on to thrive.\nExtreme warmth in the Arctic has also disrupted the jet stream in recent years, causing severe winter weather in eastern North America and Southeast Asia, and is implicated in this year’s massive wildfire season in Alaska and Canada.\nThe Svalbard islands are in the Barents Sea, an area of the Arctic Ocean bordered by Scandinavia and Russia. Sea ice there has diminished even more quickly in the past 35 years than on the side of the Arctic bounded by the United States and Canada, putting polar bears in increasing peril.\n“I do not have scientific data to proof my observations, but I have eyes to see—and a brain to draw conclusions,” Langenberger wrote about the starving polar bear. “Climate change is happening big deal here in the Arctic.”\nPolar bear biologist Geoff York agreed to a point. “Bears get sick,” he said. “Bears get injured. Bears get old, and bears die. Attributing cause is difficult even when we can handle those animals.”\nThe negative impacts of climate change on the Arctic and on polar bears, however, are beyond argument, said York, senior director of conservation for the nonprofit Polar Bears International, who has 14 years of field experience studying the species. But that doesn’t make it certain that global warming–driven starvation is what caused this polar bear’s deterioration.\n“If someone wanted to point a finger to one large fire in California and say that’s climate change, it would be hard to do,” he said. “It’s the same thing here.”\nStill, he emphasized, the bear’s condition was consistent with expert forecasts of what is happening as the species becomes cut off from sea ice and seals for longer periods of time.\n“There have always been good and bad years in the Arctic for polar bears, and we’re expecting more bad years,” York said, noting that the Barents Sea is now ice-free for 20 weeks more every year than it was in 1979, when satellite measurements of Arctic sea ice began. “Scientists in that part of the world are starting to see effects of that rippling up the food chain.”\nOn the other side of the Arctic Ocean, summer sea ice dwindled to an area of 1.7 million square miles as of Sept. 11, according to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center. This is its fourth-lowest extent on record, with all four lows occurring since 2010. The extent of 2014–15 winter ice was the lowest ever recorded.\nWith temperatures in the Arctic warming at twice the rate of lower latitudes, Arctic Ocean ice pack has dropped by 40 percent overall since the late 1970s.\nA 2014 study in the journal Nature Geoscience noted, however, that even though 2012 witnessed the lowest summer sea ice extent recorded, the amount of ice recovered substantially in 2013 and 2014. These unexpected freezes were a sign, the authors said, that the Arctic may be able to recover if the world acts quickly to curb climate change.\nPress link for more : climate change.searca.org", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Thanks to Covid many of us have fled the rent of cities and have bought homes in Vermont or somewhere in the country. This is a must especially if you have kids. Sooner or later, you will end up having to deal with a water leak in your home. It happens to us all, from the US to Australia where it’s now a wet winter. Most homeowners simply ignore leaks, especially when they are small. I always hope they will just go away on their own and sometimes they do. But even a simple dripping water faucet can lead to some problems and dangers and well, it’s really not eco-responsible all the same. Some leaks eventually lead to large leaks and huge headaches that require emergency plumbing. And that’s no fun. There are piles of resources on emergency plumbing online. Here is one resource.\nSo let’s say you want to stay one step ahead of calling a plumbing ambulance. Here ere are some hidden dangers that appear when you have a water leak in your home, and most of them aren’t pretty or healthy.\nMildew And Mold Issues\nMildew and mold are very dangerous and almost always appear if the water leak is not quickly taken care of. They simply appear and grow in areas that easily build up moisture, wet areas, and in damp places. Just a few water drops daily will create damp spots that are a perfect growing environment for mold.\nMold will spread to various parts of your home, like walls, floors, furniture, wood framing, the HVAC system, carpets, and clothes. Remember that mold can be really toxic, and if you do not remove it fast, it becomes more and more difficult and costly to deal with.\nThis is directly connected with the appearance of mildew and mold. These growths can hurt the structural integrity of the home but also pose a really serious health risk. This is especially the case when you suffer from asthma or respiratory issues. Spores can easily cause skin irritations, allergic reactions, throat inflammation, nose inflammation, red eyes, itchy eyes, coughing, and more. You can also read this guide on what to expect during mold remediation.\nWhen the leak comes from a broken or burst pipe, one that is carrying drinking water, you can end up faced with contamination because various contaminants enter the pipe. This is easy because there is a pressure drop or change that leads to attracting the contaminants. As an example, the pipe can end up sucking the water coming from the environment, together with all the particles in it.\nIncreased Utility Bills\nWhen water keeps leaking, your water bill is higher than it should be. This is also the case with energy consumption when you have electrical devices that use water. Also, when water damages home insulation, the HVAC system will need to spend more electricity on heating up or cooling down the environment. Leaks can reach your ceiling, attic, or roof. There, it can damage insulation much faster than you might think. Cold and warm air is thus lost, and you pay more for heating and cooling bills.\nWe naturally see water as a harmless substance. After all, it cannot really hurt us when just a few drops hit our skin, right? How can a small leak destroy a house? Well, this is possible when the leak is not taken care of at the right time.\nPlumbing and roof leaks can easily cause drastic structural damage to ceiling joists, wall framing, rafters, framing, and deteriorate wood. As a result, you will need to deal with a really extensive and costly repair. This is why it is always mentioned that you have to detect water leaks as soon as possible when the leaks are small so that the damage that appears is salvageable.\nThis is another thing we normally do not think about. How can water cause a fire hazard?\nWater leaks can easily turn into a fire hazard when it reaches or is near areas with some electrical wiring present. This drastically increases the risk of creating short circuits or shorted wires. This can lead to electrical fires, which would naturally create serious home damage. Always turn off your electricity as soon as you notice the presence of a leak close to electrical wiring.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "●Sal Salis Safari Camp – Cape Range National Park (Ningaloo Reef); 011-61-2-9571-6399; salsalis.com.au; remote, beachside bush camp; sleep in canvas tents, dine under stars, and spend days underwater with manta rays and whale sharks on coral reef.\nSights & Sites\n●Ningaloo Marine Park – from Bundegi Beach (near Exmouth) to Amherst Point (south of Coral Bay); 011-61-8-9949-1676; westernaustralia.com or mantatrust.org; UNESCO World Heritage Site; among premier manta-viewing locations in world; also: whale shark; worth special trip.\n●Twilight – Twilight Beach Road (8 km west of Esperance); australiasgoldenoutback.com/Listing/Twilight_Bay; beaches rated among world’s best; impossibly white sand meets unbelievably clear turquoise water; perfect swimming conditions; rounded granite cliffs & deepening blue ocean make this coastline area among Australia’s most scenic.\n●Swan – among world’s largest “purpose-sunk” wrecks.\n●Bungle Bungle Wilderness Lodge – Bellburn Creek Purnululu National Park; 011-61-3-9277-8555; kimberleywilderness.com.au; comfortable tents with private baths.\nSights & Sites\n●Bungle Bungle Range – Purnululu National Park; westernaustralia.com/en/search/product.htm?ID=9001661; includes Purnululu, which contains famous and geologically mysterious striped sandstone domes.\n●Cathedral Gorge – Purnululu National Park; accessed through Picaninny Creek hiking trail, 1 mile into hike; huge, tear-drop shaped chamber with sloping walls that funnel up to narrow chasm; whispers reverberate against acoustic arches.\n●Echidna Chasm – Purnululu National Park; narrow corridor that ends in tiny chamber.\n●Mini Palms Gorge – Purnululu National Park; challenging 3-hour hike (round trip), with rocky and steep terrain; at hike’s end, trees and shade with breath-taking view.\n●Mitchell River National Park – Waller Road (Cobbannah); 011-61-131-963; parkweb.vic.gov.au/explore/parks/mitchell-river-national-park; surrounds Mitchell River where it cuts through rock strata creating high cliffs, several gorges & spectacular Mitchell Falls; park originated as Glenaladale National Park in 1963 following 400 acre land donation from Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd.; 278 acre addition in 1986 changed name to Mitchell River National Park; further extended in 2003 by 6K acres; in some gorges are found remnant warm-temperate rainforests, southernmost occurrence of this type forest in world; more than 150 bird & 25 mammal species; onetime important location to Gunai/Kurnai nation, especially Brabuwooloong & Brayakuloong people of central Gippsland.\n●Picaninny Creek – Purnululu National Park; 10-mile hike winds along dome-shaped rock formations; 1 mile into hike; huge, tear-drop shaped chamber (Cathedral Gorge) with sloping walls that funnel up to narrow chasm; whispers reverberate against acoustic arches.\n●Walanginjdji Lookout – Purnululu National Park; tremendous sunset views.\nSHARK BAY – westernmost point on continent; World Heritage Site; huge wilderness area with red rock desert that spills into turquoise sea.\n●Monkey Mia Dolphin Resort – Monkey Mia (Western Australia); 011-61-8-9948-1320; monkeymia.com.au; waterfront villas.\n●Monkey Mia Yacht Charters – Monkey Mia Jetty (Denham); 011-61-8-9948-1446; monkey-mia.net; rent catamarans and see manatees, turtles, poisonous sea snakes, and humpback whales.\nSights & Sites\n●Hamelin Pool Marine Nature Researve – just off Shark Bay Road (about 30 km west of Overlander Roadhouse on North West Coastal Highway); sharkbay.org; covers 1,270 sq kms; 1 of only few places in world where living marine stromatolites (rocklike fossils formed from algae); other locations for stromatolites include underwater site (6 ms deep) in Caribbean and in Persian Gulf area; Hamelin Pool contains most diverse range of stromatolites in world.\n●Monkey Mia Reserve – 24 kms from Denham and 151 kms from Northwest Coastal Highway; swim with dolphins.\n●Peron Peninsula – juts into Shark Bay, lying within Carnarvon Basin (geological structure lacking permanent fresh surface water); in late 1800s, when pastoral stations such as Peron established, shallow beach wells built to provide ground water of marginal quality for stock; during early 1900s, artesian bores sunk to provide greater water quality and quantity; Artesian water is hot, varying in temperature from 35-60° C in Carnarvon Basin; temperature increases as rock that stores water becomes deeper and closer to earth’s core; Artesian water often has high mineral and salt content; Artesian bore at Peron Homestead is recreational “hot tub” for public to enjoy.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECT\nBHEL bags 15 MW solar photovoltaic plant order in Gujarat\nGujarat Alkalies and Chemical Limited placed the order for setting up plant at Gujarat Solar Park in Charanka, the power equipment maker said in a statement.\nHaryana finalises additional FAR for projects with solar, waste plant\nA provision has been made in the Haryana Building Code, 2017, with resp...\nGST to have marginally negative impact on new solar projects: ICRA\nAccording to ICRA, the solar project awards in last 5-6 month period stood...\nFortum commissions 70-MW solar project\nThe solar plant is Fortum's third and so far biggest commissioned solar energy project, the company said in a statement.\nGST may push up cost of solar power projects\nHowever, officials said even if costs increase, it won’t affect project economics because the additional charges can be passed on to customers.\nRays Power Infra commissions 78 MW Solar PV project in Uttarakhand\nExecution work for the project started during last week of November 2016 and was executed by Rays Power on turnkey basis – from land acquisition to commissioning.\nNTPC commissions 20 MW capacity at Bhadla solar project\nNTPC has planned capacity addition of about 1,000 MW through renewable resources by 2017. Towards this, NTPC has already commissioned 310 MW solar PV projects.\nCentre removes interstate supply charges on solar power projects till December 2019\nImposition of charges would have raised cost of using solar power from another state by Rs 1-2.50 per kwH, depending on the distance it is transmitted and voltage at which it is supplied.\nNTPC commissions 45 MW capacity at Rajasthan solar project\nWith commissioning of this additional solar capacity of 45 MW at Bhadla, the total installed capacity of NTPC Group will reach to 48,188 MW.\nSBI funds 100 MW rooftop solar projects under World Bank programme\nWith the World Bank funded capacity development programme, SBI is making efforts to expand and incentivise the market for rooftop solar power\nMy Home enters solar power segment with PuREnergy, aims for 50MW projects in a year\nThe company will soon be floating a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to execute projects for captive use, commercial rooftops etc.\nTata Power Solar, Dell India build vertical solar farm\nThe first-of-its-kind, 45-metre structure built on Dell's Bengaluru campus provides the dual benefit of producing sustainable green energy and insulation of the building, thus helping reduce power consumption.\nRewa solar project receives sub Rs 4/unit bids\nManu Srivastava, principal secretary, new and renewable energy, Madhya Pradesh government told ET that Rs 4 per unit barrier has been breached by Rewa project even before auction.\nSTFI teams up with IGCC for 3-year Solar Payback project\nSupported by the German Federal Environment Ministry funded by the ICI, the 3-yr project will be implemented in India, South Africa, Mexico and Brazil.\nNo uptake for rooftop solar in Indian cities\nThe report cites lack of familiarity with the process and fear of bureaucratic red tape as the main reasons for the slow uptake of solar rooftops in the residential sector.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Australian Forecast Monday September 20 – Wintery Monday\nValid Monday September 20 – Wednesday September 22\nAfter a return to action over the weekend resorts in the Snowy Mountains have joined Victorian resorts and are able to offer skiing and boarding to local regional visitors. There is still some base left to be enjoyed all over the Alps if you can get amongst it.\nIt’s a wild Monday ahead for the Alps and it is lookign a lot like we are still in winter. The cold front and trough pictured below will pass over the southeast and expect snow to fall over the Alps accompanied by strong winds and low temperatures moving in to the evening. Thunderstorms are a chance to develop later in the day and snow accumulations are looking in the order of 6-20cm, with 5cms already in some resorts.\nMonday September 20\nSnow expected throughout the Alps above around 1300m initially but lowering to around 800m. Northwesterly winds quite strong around the peaks easing and turning westerly through the afternoon. Chance of thunderstorms developing through the afternoon and into the evening. Totals 6-20cm\nTuesday September 21\nHigh chance of some early snow carried over from Monday. Freezing level is low early and rising through the day and so should see some cold temperatures early. Moderate westerly winds in NSW, stronger southwesterlies in Victoria.\nWednesday September 22\nPartly cloudy in Victoria with moderate to strong southwesterly winds. Also partly cloudy in NSW with moderate southwesterly winds. The chance of some isolated flurries through the day but shouldn’t amount to much.\nAfter this weather passes on into the Tasman it looks to develop into a low-pressure system which will hit New Zealand. At the same time a large high-pressure system approaches the southeast which is responsible for the expected settled conditions through the rest of the working week until Friday. The weekend is looking to include some sun with clouds clearing Saturday and Sunday offering some fine spring weather. Definitely some nice weather ahead to get out and enjoy some late season turns.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Explain the antibiotic resistance observed in bacteria in light of Darwinian selection theory.\nDarwin’s theory of natural selection states that the environment selects organisms with favourable variations and therefore, these organisms survive and reproduce.\nIt has been noticed that when bacterial populations are exposed to certain antibiotics, the sensitive bacteria could not tolerate and hence, died due to the adverse environment.\nWhereas some bacteria that developed mutation, became resistant to the particular antibiotics and survived. As a result, such resistant bacteria survived and multiplied quickly as compared to other sensitive bacteria.\nThus, the whole population is regained by multiplication of resistant varieties and antibiotic resistant genes become widespread in the bacterial population.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Rain Chances Increase During The DayJanuary 10th, 2014 at 6:30 am by Pamela Gardner under Weather\nAreas of drizzle are found across the state as we approach daybreak. There may be a couple spots where the drizzle freezes on elevated and untreated surfaces. Temperatures are changing often this daybreak, going from below freezing to above freezing quickly. Patchy fog is found too and visibility is reduced a little.\nTemperatures are hovering around the freezing mark. Temps rise to the lower 40s for highs today. Lows tonight stay above freezing in the mid 30s.\nIsolated rain showers develop this morning into this afternoon. Heavy rain moves in this evening into the overnight hours.\nMuch of the heavy rain moves out by daybreak Saturday. Rainfall totals are still on track, amounting to .5″ to 1.5″ by 7am Saturday. Then as temps fall in the afternoon (after hitting highs in the morning) a brief, light wintry mix may fall. Temps rebound nicely Sunday though as highs reach the lower 40s again.\nThe mild temps remain for Monday with highs again in the lower 40s. A minor snow system moves in Tuesday and Wednesday giving us another cool-down.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "The contract comprises of the supply, jointing and testing of 92 km of 500 kV mass-impregnated underground cable system and related accessories, with a transmission capacity of 700 MW, that will be made at Prysmian’s manufacturing facility in Arco Felice (Naples, Italy). Overall completion of the project is scheduled by late 2014.\nThe realisation of Skagerrak 4 has been agreed upon by the Danish and the Norwegian transmission grid operators Energinet.dk and Statnett in order to increase the capacity of the existing power transmission system between Norway and Denmark, thus enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of the Nordic electricity market. Moreover, the project will contribute to the development of a more environmentally-friendly power market in Europe, by supporting the export of renewable energy produced in Norway and the growth of wind power generation in Denmark. The Skagerrak 4 project also includes an option for the Aggersund replacement project, where Energinet.dk proposes to remove the overhead lines for Skagerrak 1, 2 and 3 over the Limfjord, and install HVDC mass-impregnated cables.\n“We are delighted to be working with Energinet.dk on this important project”, says Marcello Del Brenna, CEO of Prysmian Powerlink. “Northern Europe represents a strategic market for Prysmian, with a number of projects currently ongoing and already accomplished. The upgrade of interconnections in the area will further stregthen also the development of the offshore wind power, which is one of the key focus of the Group. In this area, in particular, the Group is deeply involved in the development of offshore wind farms for the exploitation of energy from renewable sources”.\nPrysmian has recently been involved in some of the most strategic developments in the high value-added sector of extra high voltage energy cables and systems, such as the turnkey 400 kV power transmission link by Abu Dhabi Transmission and Dispatch Company (TRANSCO), the Trans Bay Cable project (USA), the Doha Bay Crossing (Qatar), and several offshore wind farms in the North Sea, including the milestone BorWin2 in Germany. Recently, the Group has also been awarded a contract for a turnkey 320 kV extruded HVDC underground cable system connecting France and Spain.\nSource: Prysmian, firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER RECHARGE: support for water resource and environmental management in the Paracatu river watershed, Brazil\nThe paperpresentstools for the spatial characterization of aquifer recharge and discharge on multiple scales to support management instruments for water and environmental policies. This method consists of the followingfive procedures: rapidassessment of aquifer recharge on a local scale; spatio-temporal characterization of land occupation dynamics in areas of high recharge potential; mapping of aquifer recharge potential; mapping of the contributions of the specific flows of theflow components (quick, base and interflow); and spatial modeling of the effects of environmental attributes onthe flow components. This method was appliedto the watershed of the ParacatuRiver, a tributary of the São FranciscoRiver, in Brazil. The results were interpretedacross various scales and provide important information for the sustainable use of water resources in terms ofland use and occupation.\nAll copyrights are reserved to authors. Reproductions of any part of this journal, including the non-commercial use of figures, maps and other illustrations, are allowed provided that the original source of publication be assigned.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "References of Sustainable Energy\nMarketing Opportunities for Solar Technology Companies of Baden-Württemberg\nClient: Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg\nCounterpart Organization: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI)\nProject Duration: 07/2003 - 08/2003\nAs part of the expert appraisal, the number and use of photo-voltaic facilities in four north-eastern Brazilian states (Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Roraima) were determined. Furthermore, an analysis of promoting and obstructive factors as well as an estimate of the technical condition of the facilities were carried out.\nSector analyses regarding solar energy production and usage in Brazil and Baden-Württemberg were implemented with the objective of identifying co-operation opportunities in this field of technology. To this end, 350 solar technology companies of Baden-Württemberg were registered and classified.\nWith this information as a basis, a project proposal of SENAI regarding the promotion of solar technology training and further education in Brazil was examined and conceptually developed further, taking the technological potential of Baden-Württemberg into account. The project proposal includes the training of multipliers, curricula development, delivery of material equipment and the implementation of measures for the promotion of the private economy.\nThe results of the expert appraisal were conveyed to interested companies in a workshop.\nMain Services Provided:\n- Sector analysis regarding solar energy production and use;\n- Technology transfer;\n- Private sector participation;\n- Curricula Development.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Soil is an important natural medium for sup- porting plant growth and crop production. Recent changes in global climate and ecosystems are placing greater emphasis on the role of soil as a surface medium that connects water, atmosphere, and terrestrial ecosystems. In order to respond to increasing societal demands for detailed knowl- edge in this eld, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the spatial distribution, temporal changes, and nutrient status of soils.\nPreviously, Korea’s soil classi cation methods emphasized the relationship between soil-form- ing factors and soil characteristics. Current clas- sifications are generally made by utilizing the Soil Taxonomy established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Forest soil is separately classi ed according to soil morpho- logical data such as soil color, moisture condition, and parent materials.\nKorea has a fairly homogenous climate and vegetation pattern throughout its territory, but its soil distribution pattern is quite complex. This can be attributed to the country’s long history of intensive land use, diversi ed geological features, and rough terrain. According to Soil Taxonomy (which categorizes 12 orders of soil recognized on a global scale), Korea has 7 orders, 17 sub- orders, and 27 great groups of soils. In addition, approximately 400 soil series (the lowest level of soil classi cation) have been identi ed to date.\n64.8% (6.13 million ha) of Korean territory is\ncovered with Inceptisols, which can be de ned as soils that do not have clear soil horizon develop- ment. The predominance of Inceptisols indicates that the land surface has undergone radical chang- es. For instance, rapid soil erosion constantly removes topsoil from slope surfaces, and active deposition in areas such as alluvial fans, valleys, and riverside ats hinders soil horizonation. The characteristics of Korean summers also serve as crucial factors of fast erosion; concentrated pre- cipitation, high temperatures, and high humidity interrupt the accumulation of organic matter and weaken soil formation processes. Additionally, freezing during the winter also prevents active differentiation of soil horizons.\nEntisols, occupying 1.07 million ha (11.3%), have a weakly developed A horizon. Even in at areas, Entisols are commonly considered infertile as they have a low nutrient status and a decreased capacity for water storage. 58 soil series are currently classified as Entisols and 4 subgroups have been identi ed. Entisols are predominantly concentrated along major mountain areas – such as Taebaeksanmaek and Sobaeksanmaek – where active soil erosion occurs. Psamments (often found in sand deposits and shifting sand dunes) and Fluvents/Aquents/Orthents (mostly formed on riverbanks and tidal mud ats) are some identi- able suborders of Entisols.\nAlfisols and Ultisols have a well-developed B horizon that characteristically appears in clay-en-\nriched argillic horizons. These soils occupy 13.2% and 8.7% of the land, respectively. Al sols are located in riverside flatlands or on hillsides composed of neutral or basic rocks. Ultisols are acidic, and can usually be found along hillsides or foothills consisting of acidic rocks.\nAndisols are formed in volcanic rocks and are mainly distributed on volcanic islands that were formed during the Quaternary eruption (such as Jejudo and Ulleungdo). They also appear in in- land regions, where they show local distribution in the Tertiary volcanic rock zones along Tae- baeksanmaek, Sobaeksanmaek, Gyeonggi-do, and the northern part of Gangwon-do. Andisols, how- ever, only occupy 1.4% of the total area of South Korea.\nHistosols are developed in organic-rich envi- ronments. They can be observed throughout the coastal area of the South Sea and Jejudo. On the other hand, Mollisols – soils illuviated with or- ganic matter and nutrients – are common in the valleys of northern Sobaeksanmaek and southern Gangwon-do.\nKorea is well-known for its success in combat- ing land degradation. By the end of the Joseon dynasty, many of its mountains were devastated due to long years of slash-and-burn farming and firewood logging. The Japanese Colonial Period and the Korean War that followed only further deteriorated the situation through severe forest degradation and consequent soil loss. Since the\n1970s, however, many of the barren mountains have successfully been transformed into lush green forest areas and soil quality has steadily im- proved. Korea’s case of overcoming land degra- dation serves as a valuable example of sustainable development, particularly for developing coun- tries.", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "SPARTANBURG, SC (WSPA) – The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center issued their winter outlook Thursday, calling for more of what we’ve seen recently weather-wise: a general trend toward above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation.\nThis is based on increasing chances of a “La Nina” pattern developing (that’s cooler than average ocean water in the eastern Pacific), which would trend our weather toward this pattern.\nStorm Team 7 Meteorologist Dan Bickford says that it’s not yet a certainty that La Nina will occur…or be strong enough to exert much influence.\nThis could lead to a more “average” winter…in which case the odds of being above or below-normal for both temperatures and precipitation may even out.\nDan also points out that these are AVERAGES over three months. It’s entirely likely there will be cold snaps and wet periods in there.\nOnly once in recorded history has there been no snow in a winter season at GSP.\nSo, as with every other winter, there’s a good bet you’ll see snow at some point!\nMore stories you may like on 7News\nA woman died Thursday night after exposure to the cold in Greenville County, according to the Coroner’s office.\nThere are several parades and events going on December 10th and 11th this weekend. Check out the list below to see where and at what time ea…\nVideo of Dylann Roof’s confession to FBI agents about the shooting at the Emanuel AME church has been released.\nClean up continues more than a week after a tornado ripped through an area of Simpsonville. Some there lost everything and now the community…\nPresident-elect Donald J. Trump today announced that during a meeting with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani held on November 29, 201…", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Protocols in ecological and environmental plant physiology\nAsseng S (2007)\nHigh ear number is key to achieving high wheat yields in the high-rainfall zone of south-western Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research58, 21–27.\nDownload the article reference in the following formats:", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Partly cloudy with temperatures warming rapidly into the mid to upper 50s. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Hourly Details\nCloudy skies with a few showers this afternoon. High 63F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.\nCloudy with a few showers. Low 56F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%.\nGet Weather Notifications on Your Desktop", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "This disclosure describes techniques to determine and depict a fire risk index. Per techniques of this disclosure, historical satellite imagery data is combined with weather data to determine a fire risk index. Satellite imagery data is obtained and analyzed for regions that are historically prone to fires. The vegetation map is analyzed for vegetation data that include foliage density and the presence of live green vegetation. Weather pattern data such as wind data, rainfall data, ambient temperature, humidity, etc. are obtained. The weather data and vegetation data are used to determine a fire risk index, e.g., using machine learning techniques. The fire risk index can assist public agencies to identify areas of high risk for fires. The fire risk index can be updated periodically.\nCreative Commons License\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.\nNealie, Iain; Tizard, Mathew; and Mckenty, Tara, \"Fire risk index map based on satellite imagery and weather data\", Technical Disclosure Commons, (November 13, 2019)", "label": "Yes"} +{"text": "Smart front garden\nThe owner needed smarten his front garden, improve access and reduce maintenance. The garden was being used a bike park and wheelie bin space, and planting was spilling over the front pavement. The owner is a self-confessed non-gardener, so any plants needed to look after themselves. He also wanted the garden to connect to the drive, with space for one occasional car (astride stepping stones).\nThe solution was a low-maintenance gravel garden with raised beds, tough planting, and chip & tar paths. We also gave the home two clear entrance-ways: the public path to the front door, and a stepping-stone path from front door to side door.\nINNOVATION. Using 'chip and tar' for the driveway and path, a smart inexpensive solution.\nClick here for design mood board and planting plan.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Del Mar CA 92014\nExpansive ocean views embrace this comfortably Elegant Home. Recently (2019) renovated, glass,steel and wood accented 4 bedroom 3.5 bath home is perched on a lush green hill close to town and the beach with easy access to freeway inter changes. The sleek,contemporary design allows for an efficient flowing floor plan with expansive common living areas. The high quality materials and amenities throughout create luxurious living with a casual touch. This property has indoor and outdoor parking for multi cars as well as having a separate guest quarters. WELCOME HOME!\nListing provided courtesy of Rosemary Rayburn of RAYBURN Company. Last updated 2023-05-27 09:01:31.000000. Listing information © 2023 SANDICOR.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Since you are in Cordova you are in some of the best duck hunting AK has to offer. Search on here for posts made by Ring King. His photo series will provide a great deal of info about where to hunt down there.\nDecoys will help get the birds close enough to take a look.\nGet a small river boat to get out from the road and hunt some sand bars and side sloughs. Watch out for bears looking for fish.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Craghoppers NosiLife Sirena Girl's Hoody\nCraghoppers NosiLife Sirena Girl's Hoody\nCraghoppers NosiLife Sirena Girl's HoodyThe Craghoppers NosiLife Sirena is a lightweight girls hoody that is ideal for travelling to climates where insect bites are a real risk. The hoody is made from lightweight fabrics and has been constructed from NosiLife fabric which is permanently insect repellent and also features SolarShield technology giving UPF40+ protection from the sun's harmful rays. The Sirena hoody also features two lower pockets and an adjustable hood that has a fixed drawcord to help keep your little ones warm when the sun starts to go down and the temperatures start to drop.\n(Click to enlarge)\nPrices and availability are correct at the time of publishing, but advertisers may change the details before we have time to update them.\nCraghoppers NosiLife Sirena Girl's Hoody Reviews", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Share Tweet There unfortunately is not a perfect procedure for connecting your utility RV hookups. Awareness Be sure to get a spot in a campground that has the appropriate RV hookups for your type of rig and has enough room to accommodate the size. The coveted pull through sites are always a plus! Find the site hookups and see if you can keep the sewer connection as close to the RV as possible. Have a look around the site before pulling in to get a good feeling for how you want to be positioned. You RV should have the door side pointing toward the available space where you can have tables, chairs, and possibly a campfire. Watch out for overhead issues like tree limbs. Watch that satellite dish dome if you have one.\nHow to Clean an RV Black Water Tank\nConnect sewer hose to RV park sewer connection with a dip in the hose providing a sewer vapor block. Click here for illustration. Open both the black and gray water discharge valves.\nMany RVers have discovered that when dry camping or boondocking, the gray water tank tends to fill up pretty quick while the black water tank rarely ever fills up. This makes sense, as the only source of fluids for the black tank is the very efficient RV toilet.\nUse a Water Pressure Regulator Purchase a water pressure regulator like the one shown here, and use it every time you hook up to the faucet at a new campground. Doing this will keep your hoses from bursting. Most campgrounds do not have problems with the amount of pressure in their systems, but some do, so it is always best to check it prior to hooking up.\nIf a hose does burst, it not only makes a mess but also leaves you without an immediate way to hook up to a campground’s system. So, in addition to using a regulator, you might want to carry an extra hose just in case there are problems with the first one. For the same reason, you should always keep your tank partially full so that you have enough water for cooking and bathing until you can repair the problem.\nIf you fill a gallon unit completely, you are adding pounds to your coach. This adds a great deal of stress, especially when you consider the additional strain of road vibration. As a result, the connections are more likely to loosen and leak, and the tanks, themselves may crack. There is a technique mechanics use to weld them, but if the crack is too big or in a bad spot a repair is impossible to do.\nKeeping 25 gallons or less in the tank will eliminate these problems. Always winterize your fresh water tanks.\nHow to Hook Up an RV at a Campground\nSee the FAQ for more information on this very cool feature! You should see your gravatar displayed in all it’s glory over in the sidebar. Don’t have a gravatar? It’s free and once you do, your new gravatar will appear in the sidebar and in the comments you make on any mod. See the FAQ for more information.\nSep 26, · How to do it yourself. RV Drain Hook Up. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.\nThe important thing is to develop a routine and an awareness that prevents contamination, avoids electrical shocks and keeps your feet dry. While you are there, rinse off the RV campground water hydrant and spray it with a household disinfectant. You never know what the previous occupant or his dog has left on that hydrant. By the time you have finished backing and leveling your rig, the disinfectant should accomplish its purpose.\nGetting the Rig Hooked Up at the Camp Site Once your rig is in position and leveled, you can go through your hookup routine. First, plug in the electric cord while your hands and the ground are dry. This will prevent shocks and avoid damage to the prongs of the plug.\nFresh Water Supplies\nIn entry level RVs though, the water heater may only operate in LP gas mode. Water heaters in other motorhomes might operate by a third heating method called Motoraid see more below , which uses waste heat from the motorhome engine to heat the water as you drive. Finally, some high end RVs may have an entirely different system in which the water heater is part of a diesel and electric central heating system, typically either the Aquahot or Hydrohot brand names.\nHaving a RV Fresh Water System can prevent sediments and particles from getting in to your water lines and creating bacteria build up. The use of a White Non-Toxic Hose for hooking up to the water source is a good start, Next you need to filter the water going into the RV with a high quality filtration system we suggest the Hydro Life Water.\nHowever, the generic RV Plumbing diagram below will help clear up a few issues. If you find you need an actual RV Water schematic for your particular model, best to contact the manufacturer directly. Fresh Water Fresh water for your RV can be obtained 2 different ways. If you are hooked up to city water, it goes directly into the various lines within your RV and feeds water directly. We strongly encourage at least a basic water filter. It will keep small debris out of your water pump – it’s designed to pump water – not debris!\nIf you are NOT hooked up to city water, the fresh water tank must be filled to store fresh water for you. Then when you turn your faucet on, water will come out!\nRV Water System\nGuaranty RV Posted On: Today, many RVs are equipped with holding tanks that allow travelers to drive longer distances between fill-ups. There are 3 types of holding tanks for RVs:\nThe first and generally the largest holding tank is the fresh water tank. It is designed to store and provide fresh water. The size of this tank varies with the design and type of camper.\nThe RV city water inlet on the outside of the RV makes it possible to hook up to an outside source, such as a campground or residential faucet using a hose, and have pressurized water running on the inside. To hook up to the RV city water inlet you must first remove the outside cap and get a hose that is designed for drinking water. A specialized RV drinking water hose is drinking water safe and made of materials approved by the National Sanitation Association, which contains no toxins rubber or lead.\nAttach the hose to the unit directly or you can use an elbow connector to make it easier to get connected and disconnected to the RV city water inlet. Once connected to the RV city water inlet, pressurized water will come into your unit bypassing the water pump. This provides pressurized water to faucets, showers and toilets.\nI am an avid RV enthusiast who understands that my life and my safety depend on the condition of the equipment in my coach. This job is not hard to do, takes relatively little time, will keep your RV smelling good, and will keep your plumbing system functioning properly. The good news is that you won’t even have to get your hands dirty if you follow the tips in this article.\nFresh water tank stores on top of you truck cab, tow vehicle, in the trunk of your car or back of your SUV. Tanks are manufactured with dual baffles to provide added stability during transportation.\nAbout the city water fill, overfilling and sanitizing your fresh water. I have a Coachman Catalina Lite and have question. I have potable water and city water ports on the side of my trailer, and was wondering if I fill both with tap water prior to camping? Answer Your potable water and city water ports fill the same fresh water tank. The reason you have two ports is that one is for a gravity fill potable water and the other is for pressurized water city water like from a hose attached to the potable water hookup at a campsite.\nWhat you called the potable water port is used to pour water into the fresh water tank from jug or some other container. So that if you forget to fill the fresh water tank you can stop at a store and buy however number of gallons you need to fill the fresh water tank through the fresh water fill. Be sure to use a potable water hose — not a garden hose to fill your fresh water tank.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Bobsled-like devices race down icy chutes at the Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain, or hop into a giant inner tube and slip on the slopes at Big Bear Snowplay.Alpine Slide and Big Bear Snow Play are the safest snow tubing areas and have plenty of snow all winter long.\nBig Bear Cabin - Close to Lake and Slopes - Houses for\nHome | The Inn at Fawnskin\nAlpine Slide at Magic Mountain in Big Bear Lake, CA: location, website, hours, maps, driving directions, and more.\n7 Things to Do Outdoors During Big Bear’s Winter — The TimBig Bear is a four season resort town adjacent to two major urban centers.\nBig Bear Today - Facebook\nAlpine Slide – Ski Whitefish\n6 Places In Southern California Where Small Children CanBig Bear Lake, California vacation rental property with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, Updated Interior, Wi-Fi, Bumber pool, Close to Slopes, and.A bit less crowded than Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain, this venue offers a moving carpet to carry you to the top where you will slide down the snow on huge inner tubes.\nOber Gatlinburg - Wikipedia\nBack in the 1920s, the site was developed as a lumber mill and.Ober Gatlinburg is an amusement park and ski area, located in the mountains overlooking Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA.Unless you live there, you may not know that Southern California has four seasons.High in the San Bernardino National Forest, the Big Bear mountain town is a popular ski resort in winter.\nSince we are always going up to the mountains for day trips during the winter season, we have always found the biggest challenge is finding a safe and free place for the kids to sled for a couple of hours.\nHillcrest Lodge - 909-866-7330 – Rated #1 on Trip Advisor!\nSnow Tubing in Southern California - Just Spotted\nTubing down the hill at Alpine Slide, Big Bear Snow PlayHi my family and i will be going to Big bear lake, ca in a few weeks we have a cabin right next to snow summit.\nThere is another inner tube slide in Big Bear City, east of Stanfield Cut-off.The Magic Mountain Recreation Area at Big Bear Lake, home of the world-famous Alpine Slide, offers family fun activities year round.After spending the weekend in Big Bear, we cannot wait to return.\nAbout Big Bear - Facts About Big BearOutside there is an alpine slide, the ski mountain coaster, a chair...Big Bear Today Magazine, complete recreation, entertainment and lodging including ski and snowboard info, boating, lake, events and free magazine downloads.Located on a private beach on the shores of Big Bear Lake, this resort offers free Wi-Fi and is 0.3 mi from the Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain.Children under 48 in. (122 cm) tall ride for free with a complimentary ticket, but must ride with a paying adult.\nZoe, Nickie and Jackie snow inner tubing at Big Bear on Vimeo\nBig Bear at Masthope Mountain A 500 foot long tubing hill with a magic carpet lift is what you will experience at Big Bear.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Traditional Outdoor with Pre Built Wooden Storage Shed and Brown Panel Garage Door. Single Hung Windows and Vertical Wood Wall Panels\nType: image/jpegSize: 220 kBDimension: 940x705 pixelsVersions: Thumbnail — OriginalViews: 440 viewsDownloads: 242 downloadsPermalink: Traditional OutdoorGallery Set: Outdoor ShedsGallery Tags: Outdoor Sheds, pre built shedsFeatures:\n- Pre Built Wooden Storage Shed\n- Brown Panel Garage Door\n- Single Hung Windows\n- Vertical Wood Wall Panels\nThe current outdoor sheds image shown above, the Traditional Outdoor, based on the many view counts this outdoor sheds image has gain, it obviously tells us that this traditional outdoor is one of readers' most-favorite outdoor sheds inspiration. This special outdoor sheds is furnished with some cool furnishes, including pre built wooden storage shed, brown panel garage door, and few more such as the single hung windows and vertical wood wall panels, etc.\nThis outdoor sheds photograph, which was originally found here, was certainly not just the only one we would want to recommend to you. There are bunch of outdoor sheds photographs like this outdoor sheds gallery set. In the next page, we have Old Fashioned Kitchen sporting pull out pots pans organizer and unfinished cedar wood shelving cabinets; published in relate to pots and pans organizer topic. While in previous page — labeled under galleries — is the Casual Design Bedroom boasting elegant tiffany storage platform bed and solid douglas fir foundation.\nView tons of more design ideas through the bottom navigation or the thumbnails below, or just select through our homepage to enjoy more design inspirations.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The park store is operated by Western National Parks Association (WNPA), an official non-profit partner of the National Park Service dedicated to supporting the educational mission of Tonto National Monument. The park store has a wide range of books, magnets, t-shirts, and other items available for retail sale. These products complement the interpretive themes you experience when visiting the park. The park store is located in the Tonto National Monument Visitor Center, or you can visit the online park store.\nLast updated: March 22, 2021", "label": "No"} +{"text": "63 Inspirational Figure Of Vinyl Replacement Windows for Mobile Homes\n– Welcome to my personal blog, with this time I am going to give you some great ideas in connection with vinyl replacement windows for mobile homes.\nmobile home replacement windows mobile home replacement windows manufactured home replacement windows are expressly made for these particular dwellings standard size mobile home top rated kinro vinyl windows for mobile homes looking for high quality replacement windows for your mobile home shop mobilehomepartsdepot for top rated kinro vinyl windows at affordable prices mobile home window replacement we take pride in our exceptional mobile home window replacement products kinro mobile home vinyl windows have strong rigid frames that never rust mobile home windows mobile home parts store a new set of mobile home windows is one of the best improvements you can make to your home shop mobile home parts store and save on a new set for your home vinyl insulated windows discount mobile home parts nordyne miller intertherm replacement 30\" x 39\" vinyl vertical sliding window for mobile 30\" x 35\" vinyl vertical sliding window for mobile homes diy vinyl exterior window installation home windowsml diy vinyl exterior window installation mobile home windows replacement costs modernize here are all the answers you need about mobile home replacement windows low e vinyl framed window for around $ time for modernize kinro vinyl windows for mobile homes kinro vinyl windows are the perfect solution to window replacement in mobile homes save energy and lower your bills at the same time vinyl vertical slider kinro vinyl windows for manufactured homes save when ordering 10 or more mobile home manufactured housing rv weekdays 9am 5pm est window replacement in a mobile home leaks how to repair window replacement in a mobile home replacement windows mobile home how to replace vinyl siding broken siding like new home\nAluminum Window Aluminum Window Grids from vinyl replacement windows for mobile homes , source:aluminumwindowmurigame.blogspot.com\nhouse window replacement 28 images looking for in from vinyl replacement windows for mobile homes , source:rockhouseinndulverton.com", "label": "No"} +{"text": "AfrOil - Africa Oil & Gas\nWoodside Energy has finished the construction of the FPSO vessel that will be used to support the first stage of development work at the Sangomar oil block offshore Senegal.\nEni's suggestion for a new FLNG offshore Mozambique appears to be aimed at jump-starting Rovuma LNG in order to take advantage of soaring demand for gas in Europe.\nSouth African synthetic fuels maker Sasol's half-year performance to December marred by flooding, poor coal quality\nNairobi-listed Britam Holdings has withdrawn from a consortium of East African insurers providing coverage for the EACOP oil pipeline and related upstream projects.\nExxonMobil has reportedly started ramping down oil production at Block B, located offshore Equatorial Guinea, and aims to exit the country once its licence for the site expires in 2026.\nAngola’s national oil company (NOC) Sonangol will only move ahead with an initial public offering (IPO) of 30% of its stock after meeting certain milestones over the next five years.\nNewMed Energy (Israel) has indicated that it does not want Egypt’s LNG plants to be the sole export outlet for natural gas from the Leviathan field.\nUK-based Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas said it had not found any crude oil or natural gas in the Gazania-1 exploration well at Block 2B offshore South Africa in the Orange basin.\nShareholders in the Ruvuma licence area in southern Tanzania have revised their production-sharing agreement (PSA) with the aim of accelerating the development of their natural gas resources.\nEni (Italy) said on November 24 that it had signed a package of four agreements with the government of Rwanda to facilitate the creation of an energy transition hub in that country.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|Publication number||US2584606 A|\n|Publication date||Feb 5, 1952|\n|Filing date||Jul 2, 1948|\n|Priority date||Jul 2, 1948|\n|Publication number||US 2584606 A, US 2584606A, US-A-2584606, US2584606 A, US2584606A|\n|Inventors||Frederick Squires, Merriam Edmund S|\n|Original Assignee||Frederick Squires, Merriam Edmund S|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (13), Referenced by (83), Classifications (6)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\n1952 E. s. MERRIAM ETAL 2,584,606\nTHERMAL DRIVE METHOD FOR RECOVERY OF OIL Filed July 2, 1948 fie der;\nPatented Feb. 5, 1952 .UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE THER A naive Mn'rnon roe RECOVERY OF'OIL Edmund S. Merriam, Marietta, Ohimand Frederick squires, Champaign, Ill.\nApplication July 2, 1948, Serial No. 36,668\n8 Claims. 1 (01. 166 21).\nThe present invention relates to the production of oil, and moreparticularly to an improved method in which heat is generated in the production horizon and is directly-applied to the oil-containing reservoir to provide a ther-- mal drive forrecovery of the'oil.\nPetroleum is generally found insandstones or porous limestone situated between impervious layers of shale or the like. Initially, the oil is usually found to be associated with lighter hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane, which may exist as free gases in contact with the oil or dissolved in the oil. When such oil bearin sands are reached by drilling, the expansive force of the gas, either free or-dissolved under the pressure existing at the depthof the oil reservoir, moves oil and gas toward the region of low pressure around the well bottom. With conditions at the casinghead uncontrolled, the rapid flow of oil and gas from the'well creates a gusher and fiush production results. After'the initial pressureexisting has diminished with the escape of most of the gas associated with theoil from the well, the motive power bringing oil to the surface is largely dissipated. At this stage, the well is put to pumping with resultant increased production of oil from the well together with \"additional amounts of gas. produced by pumping diminishes to the point where pumping is no longer economical. The remaining oil has little pressure exerted upon it by the small amount of residual gases or vapors remaining in the reservoir and the heavier hydrocarbons present assume a more viscous, semi-solid state which tends to choke the pores of the sand preventing drainage of the oil to the well bottom.\nIn time the flow of oil In an attempt to increase productivity of such wells, the method of repressuring has been adopted. This operation involves forcing back into selected central wells either natural gas taken from other wells or air. The gas injected into the selected well under pressure. passes through the porous oil-containing sands and is vented from adjacent wells. By this procedure, the gas mechanically forces some of the heavier oil into the well bottoms, and entrains any hydrocarbons existing in vapor forni in the reservoir.\nUpon continued operation, this method alsobecomes unprofitable and it must be abandoned even though the reservoir is only partially depleted with respect to the oil initially present.\nFurther attempt to increaseproduction from such wells involves final resort to the so-calledt flooding procedure. .Inthis procedure water under'pressure is injected into selected wells and the entire oil reservoir is scoured with water bringing to the surface from adjacent venting Wells a further portion of the residual oil. After practicing this method the oil field can no longer be utilized for further production.\nIt is well-known, that oil fields which have been subjected to the foregoing successive treatments still contain in the sands about half of the oil known to be initially present.\nIt has been recognized heretofore, that the application of heat to the oil-containing sands tends to increase production of oil from oil reservoirs. For example, it has been proposed to inject heated gaseous products of combustion into partially depleted oil reservoirs in an attempt to drive out the residual oil by reducing the visccsity and thereby facilitating flow. In some instances, combustion of the oil itself has been proposed as the source of heat.\nIt has also been proposed to utilize steam under pressure by passing the same through the oil-containing sands. Such procedures have serious and inherent disadvantages which are common to all, and, in addition, further disadvantages are' to be found which are specific to each method.\nOne of the main disadvantages common to above procedures is the loss of heat amounting to a major portion of the total heat input. Upon injection of heated gaseous products of combustion orsteam into an open well, heat will spread in all directions from the bottom of the well by conduction. Since the heat conductivity of the oil-containing sands and the adjacent impervious shale strata are of approximately the same order of magnitude, regions of equal temperature (isotherms) will approximate concentric spheres with the bottom of the well at the center of the sphere. In other words, heat will travel outwardly, horizontally and vertically, the mass of rock being heated varying with the cube of the radius from the well center. In addition, much of the sensible heat contained in the gaseous products of combustion will be vented through the open well. In an attempt to reduce these serious heat losses, the, input well has been closed and pressure developed to drive the hot products of combustion into the porous oil-containing sands to increase the travel of heat horizontally toward the venting or producing wells communicating with the oil sands. Thus, the enlarging surfaces of equal temperature (isotherms) tend to take the form of an oblate spheroid. However, with increasing passage horizontally oi the heat, a greater portion is dissipated, and loss by conduction vertically away from the oil-containing sands increases. Thus, with a steady heat input a very appreciable portion of the total heat is lost by conduction vertically into and through the layers of shale, although the movement of the heat in a horizontal direction through the oil-containing sands is somewhat more extensive.\nit is a primary object and purpose of the present invention to provide an improved process for the recovery of oil from oil reservoirs whereby optimum portions of the hitherto unrecoverable oil may be produced.\nIt is a further object of the invention to provide an improved method. of thermal drive for heat losses.\nStill another object of the invention is to pro!- vide a thermal drive method for the production of oil in which both sensible heat and latent heat of the heating mediums are fully utilized and perform interdependent functions.\nA further object of the invention is to provide an improved method of recovery of oil in which there is a minimum loss of oil due to uncontrolled oxidation and combustion thereof.\nA still further object of the present invention is to provide a method. for the recovery of oil in which the tarry residues of the oil are utilized.\nAnother object of the present invention is to provide a novel type of gas burner adapted to operate at pressures in excess of existing well pressures.\nThese and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description thereof.\nThe method of the present invention generally comprises introducing a combustible gas and a combustion supporting gas into a selected portion of an oil reservoir, producing combustion of said combustible gas therein, introducing an up heated fluid into the selected portion of the oil reservoir, and recovering the oil from another selected portion of the reservoir.\nThe method of the invention is preferably practiced by utilizing an existing oil well communicating with the oil reservoir asthe input well, and \"employing one or more existing adjacent wells as the venting wells. however, new venting wells may be drilled closer to the selected input wells. The bottom of the input well constitutes a combustion chamber into which a combustible gas and a combustion sup porting gas such as air are introduced under pressure. The combustion supporting gas may be air, oxygen, or mixtures thereof, or any permanent gas containing sufficient oxygen to effect good combustion. The combustible gas may be any heating gas such as producer gas, water gas or natural gas. The input well is capped or closed in at the casinghead so that any desired pressures may be developed. Upon ignition and continued combusion of the gas,\nheatedgaseous produetsof combustion are developed, which under the existing pressure are forced into the oil reservoir.\nThe heat imparted in this manner to the oil in the sands volatilizes a portion of the oil and reduces the viscosity of the remaining heavier constituents of the oil tend ing to fluidize the same. The vaporized portions portions of the oil are mechanically forced un-.\nder pressure of the gaseous products of 00.. bustion toward the venting well. As the vaporized portions of the oil move into cooler regions of the oil-containing sands, they are partially condensed and release the latent heat of condensation at that point, which together with the sensible heat in the gaseous products of combustion serves to increase the temperature in regions of the sands more remote from the input well. Thus, the entire oil reservoir is progressively heated and the oil in vaporous and/or fluid state is forced into the venting well bottom where it is removed by ordinary pumping means. vaporization of a portion of the oil, and, in addition, formation of steam from the connate water adds to the total volume of gases, facilitating removal of the oil from the reservoir.\nWith increasing temperature in the oil reservoir, the additional air in excess of that supplied to the burner causes partial oxidation of some of the heavier components of the oil. This oxidation forms pitch-like bodies in the oil. These burn at the higher temperatures developed later producing additional heat liberated in situ in the oil-containing sands, which i'urth r aids in driving the oil from the sands toward the venting well.\nOne of the principal features of the present invention is the reduction of heat losses due to conduction of heat vertically from the well bot tom where combustion occurs. This reduction of heat losses is accomplished through reversal of the flow of heat away from the combustion chamber in a vertical direction by reversing temporarily the temperature gradient existing from the combustion chamber through the adjacent shale strata. The invention further provides for redirecting in a horizontal direction through the oil-containing sands of the oil reservoir, the heat regained by reversal of the flow. This elimination of heat losses according to the method of the present invention may efiected in any one of several ways and either by means of a cyclic process or a continuous process.\nAccording to one embodiment of the invention, combustion at the bottom of the input well is maintained for a suitable period of time until the gaseous products of combustion have sufliciently penetrated the oil-containing sands. During this time an appreciable amount of the totalheat input moves away from the combustion chamber and the input well bottom by conduction in a vertical direction through the shale strata adjacent to the oil-containing sands of the reservoir. At the end of this period flow of the combustible gas is shut off and combustion ceases. However, the introduction of air under pressure is maintained. Thus, cold air entering the bottom of the hot well abstracts heat from the walls of the well thereby becoming heated. The heated air under the existing pressure is forced horizontally through the oil sands. A continued supply of 'cool air into the well bottom progressively lowers the temperature of the well to a point where the well becomes cooler than the surrounding rock or shale. At this point the temperature gradient previously existing from the well toward the shale strata is reversed, and a flow of heat is initiated from the shale strata back toward the well. The heat thus regained into the well bottom serves to further heat the air which passes horizontally into the oil-containing sands. Thus, an appreciable portion of the heat lost byv vertical conduction is regained.\nUnder. continuous heat input, such heat would bepermanently lost. Aiter asuitable interval or recuperating some of this .lost heat, combustion is again initiated, and the cycle is repeated. The time in which a complete cycleoccurs may be widely varied depending on conditions existing in the oil field. For example, onecyclexmay be from a few hours to several days. Thecoolair phase of the cycle should not be prolonged to the extent that undue cooling of the oil. sands occurs. The advantageous result is an increase'of the flow of the total heat input horizontally into the oil-containing sands of the reservoir, and a sub' stantial reduction in the heat losses due to conduction vertically into the adjacent rock or-shale;\nA preferred alternative procedure for reducing heat loss and increasing both the thermal, and mechanical eflicieney of the process is set forth in the following embodiment of the invention. Combustion is initiated at the well bottom and maintained for a period suflicient to insure penetration of the heated gaseous products of combustion into the oil-containing sands. .At this time combustion is stopped by shutting off either the air or gas supplied to the burner and a stream of water is introduced into the input well. Upon contacting the very hot well bottom, the water flashes into steam developing a high pressure under which it is forced into the oil-containing sands of the reservoir. The steam created penetrates the oil sands, previously heated by the gaseous products of combustion, until it has tra versed the entire portion of oil sands existing at a temperature above the condensation point of the steam at the existing pressure of the reservoir. Thus, the steam passes on into the sand to a cooler region where it condenses, releasing latent heat of condensation and rapidly warming the adja-, cent oil sands.\nWhen the water flashes to steam in the not well bottom all of the necessary latent heat of vaporization is absorbed by the Water from its surroundings, and thus heat is abstracted from the walls of the well. As water is continuously introduced into the well bottom, it continuously abstracts heat from the surroundings. The temperature gradient existing from the well bottom through the adjacent rock or shale will be reversed when the temperature of the well becomes lower that that of the surrounding shale strata. It is an important advantage of this embodiment of the invention that the well bottom is much more rapas a cooling medium. The flash evaporation of the water at the well bottom with the attendant water at the Well bottom with the attendant absorption thereby of the latent heat of vaporization rapidly cools the Well bottom to a point at which the temperature gradient reverses. The reversal of the temperature gradient in'turn causes heat to flow from the surrounding rock or shale back into the well bottom where the heat is imparted to the steam which penetrates the oi1- containing sands and thus redirects the flow of regained heat in the desired horizontal direction. Combustion is again initiated at the well bottom when the temperature reaches a predetermined point, and the cycle is repeated. The time period of the cycle may be widely varied. Preferably one cycle is completed in about one day.\nThe foregoing embodiments of the invention are conducted in a cyclic or alternate manner. The method may also advantageously be conducted in a continuous manner according to another alternative embodiment. Combustion of the gas in the input well bottom is continuously maintained and a continuous stream of water is introduced into the well bottom. Thus,\nthe heat developed by the continuous -combus tion existing primarily as sensible heat in the gaseous products of combustion effects a continuous vaporization of the water into .supers heated steam at the well bottom. A high pressure is developed in the well bottom resulting from generation of the gaseous products of combustion and steam. Under this existing pressure both the gaseous products of combustion and the superheated steam forcibly penetrate the oil-containing sands of the reservoir. Heat loss by vertical conduction of the sensible heat in the gaseous products of combustion from the input well bottom into the adjacent strata of rock or shale is substantially eliminated, since an appreciable portion of this heat .is absorbed by the contin uously supplied water as latent heat of vaporization and the steam created moves horizontally into the oil sands. This heat extracted from the products of combustion by the water in the well bottom efiectively maintains a lower temperature in the well bottom and is carried horizontally into the oil-containing sands where it is released as latent heat of condensation when the steam comes into contact with regions of the sands which are at a lower temperature than the temperature of the condensation of the steam at the existing pressure in the oil reservoir.\nThe present invention also provides a gas burner of the surface combustion type adapted for operation at the pressures existing in the input well bottom. The burner is also adapted to operate in the presence of Water and water vapor.\nThe method and apparatus of the present invention are more fully described in detail With reference to the accompanying drawings which are illustrative of preferred embodiments thereof, and are not intended to constitute a limitation oi the invention, in which:\nFigure 1 is a diagrammatic view partly in section of an oil field showing the apparatus by which the method. of invention is practiced;\nFig. 2 is an enlarged View, partly in section showingthe novel gas burner positioned in the input well bottom; and\nFig. 3 is an enlarged sectional view take on line 3-3 of Fig. 2 showing further details of construotion of the burner.\nReferring now to Fig. 1, A represents an oil reservoir containing residual oil and porous sandstone or limestone. Communication from the surface to the reservoir is established through input well I and venting we1l2. The gas burner 3 of the present invention is lowered into the bottom of the input well and the casinghead is then capped. Air and the gas under pressure in excess of that existing in theoil reservoir are introduced through lines 4 and .5 to the duct 5' connected to the burner 3 at the well bottom. Additional air under pressure is injected from line i into the casing of the Well. The combustible mixture of air and gas issuing from the burner at the well bottom may be ignited by any.\nor air lock. The heated gaseous products of combustion resulting from operation of the gas burner are forced through the oil-containing sands of the reservoir under the pressure developed with the input well closed. The isotherms B shown in Fig. 1- represent the flow of heat from the well bottom due to conduction and passage of the gaseous products of combustion into the oil sands. It will be seen that the isotherms are approximately of the form shown and that appreciable amounts of heat developed in the well bottom are dissipated by heating the adjacent strata of rock or shale.\nAfter combustion has ensued for a time sufficient to insure heating of the oil sands by passage of the gaseous products of combustion therethrough, valves 8 and in lines 4 and are closed while valve H in the excess air line 1 remains open. This effectively shuts down operation of the burner in the input well bottom and permits continued flow of cool air under pressure through line i to the input well bottom. The continuous supply of air progressively cools the well bottom until the temperature gradient existing between the well bottom and the adjacent strata and rock or shale is reversed so that heat dissipated by conduction into the rock flows back into the well heating the incoming air. The air thus heated continues in its path of movement under pressure in a horizontal direction into the oil-containing sands of the reservoir.\nThe products of combustion together with excess air progressively penetrate through the sand and reach the venting well. The oil sands, of course, are hottest at the input end, but are gradually, continually and progressively heated until the heat reaches the venting well with the products of combustion and excess air. The portions of oil thermally driven into the venting well which are in the vapor state are removed to a suitable stripping plant for extraction from the gaseous products of combustion and the excess air. A pump i2 is provided for the venting well 2 to remove liquid hydrocarbons of the oil driven out of the sands into the well bottom.\nIn the cyclic procedure of the invention embodying the use of steam, after a suitable period of time during which the burner is in operation, valves 8 and it are closed, completely shutting off the flow of air and gas to the input well bottom. Thus, the flame issuing from the gas burner 3 is extinguished. A slow stream of water is then introduced into the well bottom from line 9 through piping l3 by opening valve l4. Upon contact with the highly heated well bottom, the water flashes into steam and is forced into the oil-containing sands of the reservoir. The steam continues its passage through the oil-containing sands until it reaches a region below its condensation temperature at the existing pressure in the reservoir. At this location the steam condenses releasing all of its latent heat of vaporization thereby warming the oil in the formation in that vicinity. By continued condensation of steam, the latent heat of condensation released sufficiently warms the oilcontaining sands at the situs where condensation has taken place so that continued condensation of the steam does not occur at the same location. The warming which occurs allows the steam to move farther into the sands toward the venting well before condensation again occurs. Thus, the sands are progressively heated until the steam reaches the venting well.\nThe continuous vaporization of the water into steam by flashing during this phase of the method, rapidly cools the walls of the input well and of the method. At this point the temperature gradient reverses and heat flows from the heated shale or rock into the well bottom generating additional steam which continues to pass in a horizontal direction into the oil sands. Thus, the heat dissipated into the strata of shale or rock is regained and redirected into the oil sands in the form of latent heat contained in the steam. The cycle is then repeated until the well is no longer productive of oil.\nIn the alternative procedure embodying continuous operation, valves 8 and It are initially open whereby the mixture of combustible gas and air flows through lines 4 and 5 to duct 6 and into the gas burner 3 at the input well bottom. Valve '1 is open to supply excess air under pressure through line 1 and the burner is ignited. Valve I4 in waterline 9 is then opened permitting flow of a slow continuous stream of water through piping I3 into'the input well bottom. Thus, the sensible heat contained in products of combustion from the continuously operated burner 3 is in part utilized in supplying the latent heat of vaporization which effects continuous vaporization of the water introduced into the input well bottom. The resulting mixture of heated gaseous products of combustion and steam are forced by the pressure developed in the input well bottom through the oil-containing sands where they heat and vaporize and iiuidize the residual oil. The oil is driven mechanically or by entrainment in the gases into the venting well and. is removed therefrom through line 15 with the aid of pump l2. Line l6 conducts gas and vapor to a processing plant.\nThe sensible heat of the gaseous products of combustion produced by operation of burner 3 is not dissipated by vertical conduction into the surrounding strata of rock and shale, but is primarily utilized to vaporize the water continuously supplied to the Well, which in the form of steam is then horizontally forced through the oil-containing sands. Thus, most of the total heat input into the system is utilized for the desired purpose of heating the oil-containingsands.\nIn this method of operation the well bottom and adjacent portions of rock serve as the equivalent of a steam boiler. Although the burner itself may be at a high temperature the continuous supply of water prevents the rock and well bottom from attaining temperatures much in excess of the temperature of water boiling under the prevailing pressure. The relatively low temperatures do not favor loss of heat in a vertical direction. Such losses would be favored if the rock were heated to a much higher temperature, as would be the case if products of combustion alone carried the heat. 7\nUse of liquid water in conjunction with a burner favors the horizontal movement of heat and minimizes the undesirable losses in a vertical direction.\nReferring now to Figure 2, the construction and operation of the novel gas burner 3 is described in detail. In this figure, the gas burner 3 is inserted into the well 1 inside of casing 20 so that it is positioned centrally within the shot hole 2| at the well bottom. The burner 3 pcsitioned in the shot hole 21 is attached to tubing consisting of a central pipe 22 for supplying gas located within an outer pipe 23 inserted through the casinghead of the well for supplying air. The outer annular duct formed by pipes 22 and 23. .and the. cylindricalduct within pipe 22 are assaeoe stem valve 24 positioned in tapered end 25 of .pipe 22 and an annular duct 26 formed by baffle 27 positioned within the pipe 23. An elongated stem 28' is connected to valve 23 and extends through pipe 22 at the top of the tubing where a wheel or handle 29 is attached. This provides a means of finely adjusting the ratio of air and gas fed to burner 3.\nA mixing chamber 3! is connected to battle 2'! and comprises a cylindrical body having mu1- tiple constrictions 3| therein.\nA lower extension 32 of pipe 23 carries a metal cage 33 comprising a metalbase portion 32 and spaced vertical rods 35 extending upwardly therefrom. The rods 35'are attached at their upper ends to a threaded metal ring 35. A hollow cylinder of porous ceramic material 3'! is inserted into the lower annular extension 32 of pipe- 23, which is threaded on its external periphery. Thus cylinder 31 is fixed in position on extension 32 by means of the threaded metal ring 3Eand the base 3 3 of cage 33. The ceramic cylinder 3'5 may be made of suitable heat insulatin or refractory material such as brick, or the like, used for furnace linings. The porous cylinder 31 contains a cavity 38 tapering toward the inlet end which communicates with the chamber 30. This cavity 33 which constitutes the combustion chamber of burner 3 is filled with granular refractory material. Cylinder 3'! is provided with a number of horizontal ports 33 which are so located that they lie in different vertical planes than the rods 35 of the cage 33. (This structure is more clearly shown in Fig. 3.)\nA combustible gas under regulated pressure is fed into pipe 22 through line in which is inserted appropriate regulators and flow meters. Air under regulated pressure is supplied to the pipe 23 surrounding the pipe 22 through line 4 passing through an appropriate regulator, flow meter and valve 8. Thus, the ratio of air to gas may be maintained constant or may be varied. For example, the ratio of gas to air may be one cubic foot of gas to ten cubic feet of air. The air and gas introduced into pipes 22 and 23 mix in the mixing chamber 30 upon passage through duct 26 and valve 24', respectively. A main air supply is introduced into casing 2i through line 1 controlled by valve ii. The pressure of the main air supply is maintained at a value lower than the pressure of the air and gas fed to the burner. The combustible mixture of gas and air issuing from the ports 39 in the ceramic cylinder 31 of the burner 3 may be ignited by any suitable means such as described above. When thus ignited, the flame pops back into the cavity 38 of the ceramic cylinder 3?. A static zone of burning is established within the cavity 38 when the velocity of the explosive back flash equals the forward flow of the gas and air mixtures through chamber 30 into cavity 38. At this point combustion becomes even and continuous. As long as the pressure existing outside of the porous cylinder 31 of the burner is not permitted to exceed the pressure of the forward flow of combustible gas and air fed to the burner, the burner will operate continuously. The temperature of the products of combustion and the excess air from the main air supply will depend upon the ratio of combustible gas and air fed to burner 3, and also on the ratio of air supplied through the main air supply. The\nrefractory material inside of the burner'3 may reach a temperature of 3500 EL, where it is in direct contact with'the flame. However, the metal parts of the cage 33 of the burner will not be subject to excessive temperatures.\nFigure 3' merely advantageously illustrates the construction of the burner 3 relative to the ports 39 in porous cylinder 3? and metal cage rods 35. From this figure it is clearly seen that the vertical rods 35 are disposed in vertical planes which i are not common to the vertical planes occupied by ports 32 in'cylinder 3?. hi this construction,\ndirect impingement of the flame or hot gases of combustion upon rods 35 is avoided.\nThe burner also operates efliciently under the conditions present in the alternative procedures \"of theinvention involving supplying a continuous supply of water to the well bottom. As long as the pressure of the wa er outside of the porous ceramic cylinder 3? of the burner 3 does not exceed the pressure of the forward flow of gas and air fed to the burner, the burner will continuously operate.\nThe method of the present invention is more efiieient than those heretofore practiced, since heat losses are largely reduced.\nFurthermore, the preferred embodiments of the invention involving the use of water supplied to the input well, combined with operation of the gas burner, either in a cyclic manner or continuous manner, presents many advantages over the use of either steam alone or products of combustion alone. Not only are heat losses eliminated or reduced to a minimum by the flash vaporization of the water introduced into the input well, but the latent heat of condensation of the steam is realized in heating the oil in the oil-containing sands while avoiding the disadvantages encountered when using steam alone.\nThe process described produces the more volatile and more valuable parts of the oil, and burns the non-volatile valueless parts, thus furnishing part of the necessary heat.\nHaving thus described our invention, we claim:\n1. A cyclic method for the recovery of oil from an oil-bearing geological formation which comprises alternately practiced steps (a) and (b), said step (a) comprising introducing into said formation through an input well, at a pressure greater than that extant therein, a combustible gaseous mixture, effecting combustion of said mixture in said formation to produce hot products which penetrate said. formation and impart heat to and reduce the viscosity of the oil present therein, said combustion products and said oil being moved through said formation toward a venting well; said step (12) comprising introducing a stream of fluid heat transfer medium through said input well into that portion of said formation where combustion was effected in step (a) to heat said heat transfer medium, causing the so-heated transfer medium to penetrate said formation to impart heat to and reduce the viscosity of the oil present therein, said heat transfer medium and said heated oil being moved through said formation toward aventing well, said steps (a) and (2)) being alternated at ap propriate intervals.\n2. The process of claim 1 in which the fluid heat transfer medium is air.\n3. The process of claim 1 in which the fluid heat transfer medium is water which is converted to steam upon introduction into the formation through the input well, and in which step (b) is discontinued and step (a) is repeated when the heat requisite to effect such conversion of water into steam has been dissipated.\n4. A method for the recovery of oil from an oil bearing geological formation having an input well and a venting well, which comprises introducing through said input well, into said formation, a combustible, gaseous, mixture, at a pres sure in excess of that existing in said formation, and water, effecting combustion of said mixture in said well to produce combustion products and steam, under a pressure sufficient to cause said combustion products and steam to penetrate into said formation toward a venting well to impart heat to and reduce the viscosity of the oil present in the formation, and recovering oil from a venting well.\n5. The process of claim 4 wherein the combustible, gaseous, mixture employed is producer gas.\n6. The process of claim 4 wherein the combustible, gaseous, mixture employed is water gas.\n7. 'The process of claim 4 wherein the combustible, gaseous, mixture employed is natural gas.\n8. A method for the recovery of oil from an oil bearing geological formation having an input well and a venting well, which comprises continuously introducing through said input well, into said formation, a combusible, gaseous, mixture, at a pressure in excess of that existing in said formation, and water, efiecting combustion .12 of said mixture in said Well to produce combustion products and steam, under a pressure sufficient to cause said combustion products and steam to penetrate into said formation toward a venting well to impart heat to and reduce the viscosity of the oil present in the formation, and recovering oil from a venting well.\nEDMUND S. MERRIAM.\nREFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:\nUNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 797,529 Oliphant et al Aug. 15, 1905 895,612 Baker Aug. 11, 1908 1,449,420 Kreager et a1 Mar. 27, 1923 1,473,348 Howard Nov. 6, 1923 1,913,395 Karrick June 13, 1933 1,961,751 Feyling June 5, 1934 2,188,737 Hixon Jan. 30, 1940 2,241,253 Garrison May 6, 1941 2,258,614 Kendrick Oct. 14, 1941 2,344,400 Ehnbom Mar. 14, 1944 2,390,770 Barton et al. Dec. 11, 1945 2,444,755 Steffen July 6, 1948 2,506,853 Berg et a1. May 9, 1950\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US797529 *||Feb 18, 1905||Aug 15, 1905||Fidelio H Oliphant||Method of treating oil-wells.|\n|US895612 *||Jun 11, 1902||Aug 11, 1908||Delos R Baker||Apparatus for extracting the volatilizable contents of sedimentary strata.|\n|US1449420 *||May 13, 1921||Mar 27, 1923||Kreager William A J||Apparatus for clearing oil wells of clogging material|\n|US1473348 *||Aug 9, 1920||Nov 6, 1923||Standard Dev Co||Method of operating oil wells|\n|US1913395 *||Jun 18, 1930||Jun 13, 1933||Lewis C Karrick||Underground gasification of carbonaceous material-bearing substances|\n|US1961751 *||Oct 24, 1932||Jun 5, 1934||Whitehead Metal Products Compa||Gas burner|\n|US2188737 *||Apr 26, 1939||Jan 30, 1940||Hixon Hiram W||Apparatus for recovering oil from subterranean oil pockets|\n|US2241253 *||Jun 10, 1938||May 6, 1941||Texas Co||Method of treating oil wells|\n|US2258614 *||Feb 28, 1938||Oct 14, 1941||Sulifvan Machinery Company||Method of treating and producing oil-water wells|\n|US2344400 *||May 2, 1940||Mar 14, 1944||Servel Inc||Gas burner|\n|US2390770 *||Oct 10, 1942||Dec 11, 1945||Sun Oil Co||Method of producing petroleum|\n|US2444755 *||Jan 4, 1946||Jul 6, 1948||Steffen Ralph M||Apparatus for oil sand heating|\n|US2506853 *||May 30, 1945||May 9, 1950||Union Oil Co||Oil well furnace|\n|Citing Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US2718263 *||Feb 6, 1952||Sep 20, 1955||Exxon Research Engineering Co||Underground retorting for secondary oil recovery|\n|US2734578 *||Feb 14, 1952||Feb 14, 1956||Walter|\n|US2734579 *||Jun 28, 1952||Feb 14, 1956||Production from bituminous sands|\n|US2754098 *||Jan 21, 1953||Jul 10, 1956||Submerged Comb Company Of Amer||Method and apparatus for mining sulfur and other substances capable of being modified by heat|\n|US2780449 *||Dec 26, 1952||Feb 5, 1957||Sinclair Oil & Gas Co||Thermal process for in-situ decomposition of oil shale|\n|US2788071 *||Mar 5, 1954||Apr 9, 1957||Sinclair Oil & Gas Company||Oil recovery process|\n|US2818117 *||Mar 9, 1953||Dec 31, 1957||Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc||Initiation of combustion in a subterranean petroleum oil reservoir|\n|US2826248 *||Dec 22, 1953||Mar 11, 1958||Jay L Angel||Internally fired gas burner|\n|US2843207 *||Oct 25, 1956||Jul 15, 1958||Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc||Hydrocarbon recovery process|\n|US2858891 *||Apr 8, 1953||Nov 4, 1958||Otto Kriegbaum||Pressure maintenance and repressuring in oil and gas fields|\n|US2862557 *||Sep 12, 1955||Dec 2, 1958||Shell Dev||Petroleum production by underground combustion|\n|US2887160 *||Aug 1, 1955||May 19, 1959||California Research Corp||Apparatus for well stimulation by gas-air burners|\n|US2889881 *||May 14, 1956||Jun 9, 1959||Phillips Petroleum Co||Oil recovery by in situ combustion|\n|US2889882 *||Jun 6, 1956||Jun 9, 1959||Phillips Petroleum Co||Oil recovery by in situ combustion|\n|US2895555 *||Oct 2, 1956||Jul 21, 1959||California Research 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18, 1957||Nov 28, 1961||Phillips Petroleum Co||Burner and process for in situ combustion|\n|US3013609 *||Jun 11, 1958||Dec 19, 1961||Texaco Inc||Method for producing hydrocarbons in an in situ combustion operation|\n|US3024841 *||Jul 30, 1958||Mar 13, 1962||Jersey Prod Res Co||Method of oil recovery by in situ combustion|\n|US3036632 *||Dec 24, 1958||May 29, 1962||Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc||Recovery of hydrocarbon materials from earth formations by application of heat|\n|US3042114 *||Sep 29, 1958||Jul 3, 1962||Research Company Jersey Produc||Process for recovering oil from underground reservoirs|\n|US3044543 *||Oct 25, 1956||Jul 17, 1962||Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc||Subterranean recovery process by combustion|\n|US3047064 *||Mar 12, 1958||Jul 31, 1962||Jersey Prod Res Co||Intermittent in-situ burning|\n|US3050123 *||Oct 7, 1958||Aug 21, 1962||Cities Service Res & Dev Co||Gas fired oil-well burner|\n|US3062282 *||Jan 24, 1958||Nov 6, 1962||Phillips Petroleum Co||Initiation of in situ combustion in a carbonaceous stratum|\n|US3091225 *||Dec 29, 1958||May 28, 1963||Phillips Petroleum Co||Initiating and controlling underground combustion|\n|US3111987 *||Nov 15, 1961||Nov 26, 1963||Jersey Prod Res Co||In-situ generation of miscible gas bank|\n|US3116915 *||Jan 6, 1961||Jan 7, 1964||Midland Ross Corp||Method and apparatus for heating fluids|\n|US3126955 *||Aug 22, 1955||Mar 31, 1964||Oil recovery process|\n|US3142336 *||Jul 18, 1960||Jul 28, 1964||Shell Oil Co||Method and apparatus for injecting steam into subsurface formations|\n|US3164207 *||Jan 17, 1961||Jan 5, 1965||Spry William J||Method for recovering oil|\n|US3181613 *||Apr 23, 1963||May 4, 1965||Union Oil Co||Method and apparatus for subterranean heating|\n|US3228471 *||Jun 11, 1958||Jan 11, 1966||Texaco Inc||Method for producing hydrocarbons in an in situ combustion operation|\n|US3259185 *||Oct 27, 1958||Jul 5, 1966||Mobil Oil Corp||Method of prolonging the usefulness of production wells in thermal-recovery procedures|\n|US3298439 *||Jul 29, 1964||Jan 17, 1967||Texaco Inc||Bottom hole burner|\n|US3315745 *||Jul 29, 1964||Apr 25, 1967||Texaco Inc||Bottom hole burner|\n|US3339635 *||Oct 22, 1965||Sep 5, 1967||Brandon Clarence W||Method and apparatus for forming and/or augmenting an energy wave|\n|US3372754 *||May 31, 1966||Mar 12, 1968||Mobil Oil Corp||Well assembly for heating a subterranean formation|\n|US3385360 *||Feb 1, 1966||May 28, 1968||Phillips Petroleum Co||Steam flood process for producing oil|\n|US3411578 *||Jun 30, 1967||Nov 19, 1968||Mobil Oil Corp||Method for producing oil by in situ combustion with optimum steam injection|\n|US3420300 *||Oct 27, 1966||Jan 7, 1969||Sinclair Research Inc||Method and apparatus for heating a subsurface formation|\n|US3425492 *||Jan 10, 1966||Feb 4, 1969||Phillips Petroleum Co||Oil production by steam drive|\n|US3439743 *||Jul 13, 1967||Apr 22, 1969||Gulf Research Development Co||Miscible flooding process|\n|US3449247 *||Oct 23, 1965||Jun 10, 1969||William J Bauer||Process for wet oxidation of combustible waste materials|\n|US3456721 *||Dec 19, 1967||Jul 22, 1969||Phillips Petroleum Co||Downhole-burner apparatus|\n|US3482630 *||Dec 26, 1967||Dec 9, 1969||Marathon Oil Co||In situ steam generation and combustion recovery|\n|US3483924 *||Jan 26, 1968||Dec 16, 1969||Chevron Res||Method of assisting the recovery of hydrocarbons using a steam drive|\n|US3506309 *||May 16, 1968||Apr 14, 1970||Hans Joachim Von Hippel||Method and system for gasifying underground deposits of coal|\n|US3512585 *||Aug 8, 1968||May 19, 1970||Texaco Inc||Method of recovering hydrocarbons by in situ vaporization of connate water|\n|US4007791 *||Aug 7, 1975||Feb 15, 1977||J. Carroll Baisch||Method for recovery of crude oil from oil wells|\n|US4018280 *||Dec 10, 1975||Apr 19, 1977||Mobil Oil Corporation||Process for in situ retorting of oil shale|\n|US4050515 *||Sep 27, 1976||Sep 27, 1977||World Energy Systems||Insitu hydrogenation of hydrocarbons in underground formations|\n|US4078613 *||Jan 3, 1977||Mar 14, 1978||World Energy Systems||Downhole recovery system|\n|US4156462 *||Jan 23, 1978||May 29, 1979||Texaco Inc.||Hydrocarbon recovery process|\n|US4159743 *||Mar 13, 1978||Jul 3, 1979||World Energy Systems||Process and system for recovering hydrocarbons from underground formations|\n|US4199024 *||Jan 18, 1979||Apr 22, 1980||World Energy Systems||Multistage gas generator|\n|US4243098 *||Nov 14, 1979||Jan 6, 1981||Thomas Meeks||Downhole steam apparatus|\n|US4440227 *||Nov 8, 1982||Apr 3, 1984||Mobil Oil Corporation||Well completion for injecting high purity oxygen in a fire flooding process|\n|US4456068 *||Aug 28, 1981||Jun 26, 1984||Foster-Miller Associates, Inc.||Process and apparatus for thermal enhancement|\n|US4459101 *||Aug 28, 1981||Jul 10, 1984||Foster-Miller Associates, Inc.||Burner systems|\n|US4574884 *||Sep 20, 1984||Mar 11, 1986||Atlantic Richfield Company||Drainhole and downhole hot fluid generation oil recovery method|\n|US5482402 *||Nov 15, 1993||Jan 9, 1996||Hrubetz Environmental Services, Inc.||Method and apparatus for heating subsurface soil for decontamination|\n|US6016867 *||Jun 24, 1998||Jan 25, 2000||World Energy Systems, Incorporated||Upgrading and recovery of heavy crude oils and natural bitumens by in situ hydrovisbreaking|\n|US6016868 *||Jun 24, 1998||Jan 25, 2000||World Energy Systems, Incorporated||Production of synthetic crude oil from heavy hydrocarbons recovered by in situ hydrovisbreaking|\n|US6328104||Jan 24, 2000||Dec 11, 2001||World Energy Systems Incorporated||Upgrading and recovery of heavy crude oils and natural bitumens by in situ hydrovisbreaking|\n|US7640987||Jan 5, 2010||Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.||Communicating fluids with a heated-fluid generation system|\n|US7770643||Aug 10, 2010||Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.||Hydrocarbon recovery using fluids|\n|US7809538||Jan 13, 2006||Oct 5, 2010||Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.||Real time monitoring and control of thermal recovery operations for heavy oil reservoirs|\n|US7832482||Oct 10, 2006||Nov 16, 2010||Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.||Producing resources using steam injection|\n|US20070039736 *||Aug 17, 2005||Feb 22, 2007||Mark Kalman||Communicating fluids with a heated-fluid generation system|\n|US20080083534 *||Oct 10, 2006||Apr 10, 2008||Rory Dennis Daussin||Hydrocarbon recovery using fluids|\n|US20080083536 *||Oct 10, 2006||Apr 10, 2008||Cavender Travis W||Producing resources using steam injection|\n|DE1190418B *||Aug 8, 1961||Apr 8, 1965||Deutsche Erdoel Ag||Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Foerdern von Bitumina aus Lagerstaetten|\n|EP0597154A1 *||Nov 11, 1992||May 18, 1994||Hrubetz Environmental Services, Inc.||Method and apparatus for heating subsurface soil for decontamination|\n|WO1982001214A1 *||Oct 5, 1981||Apr 15, 1982||Foster Miller Ass||Thermal enhancement|\n|WO2007022166A1 *||Aug 16, 2006||Feb 22, 2007||Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.||Communicating fluids with a heated-fluid generation system|\n|U.S. Classification||166/256, 166/59|\n|International Classification||E21B36/00, E21B36/02|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "ALL IN ONE HVAC PRO is a premier company that specializes in air conditioning and heating for\nyour home or small business.\nWe also provide additional services covering the entire home from remodeling to repairs. For over 20 years and\ncounting ALL IN ONE has been providing honest and quality work threw out the entire Dallas and\nCollin County and surrounding cities.\nAll in One is a licensed HVAC contractor in the State of Texas (HVAC LICENSE #\nTACLB00037836E), EPA certified, insured, and a nest pro covering all nest products.\nAll In One is uniquely different from the rest because we strive for a long lasting relationship\nwith all of our customers from day one so that when we are making recommendations, giving sound advise, or doing\nactual work we are doing it with the best intentions infused with quality and honesty above reproach.\nCall us if your air conditioning and heating system needs to be upgraded to conserve energy or to have peace\nof mind that during the hot summer months & cold winter months that your system will be trouble free or if you\njust want it fixed right! 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It defines who we are, connecting us to our like-minded ancestors who have relentlessly pursued fish for over 40,000 years. These were the original fish hunters, gathering with spears and nets to feed their families and villages. Our predecessors were driven by competition: to catch the most fish, to catch the biggest fish, to survive. Today’s angler is equipped with the best tools modern science can provide, rarely fishing for survival, yet the ...\nSpearfish Fish Species Information\n|Scientific Fish Name:||Tetrapturus audax|\n|Other Fish Species Names:||Striped marlin|\n|Regions Fished:||The distribution in the Pacific Ocean is unique among billfishes and tunas in that it forms a horseshoe-shaped pattern from the northwest Pacific through the eastern Pacific to the southwest Pacific|\nEpipelagic and oceanic species, usually found above the thermocline. Generally inhabit cooler water than either black (Makaira indica) or blue marlin.\n- Kona Hawaii fishing report - Kona Hawaii fishing report 11/17/00 Mahi Mahi tops this months report ...\n- Kauai report…Novemberish, - The winds were HIGH.I had to cancel more trips than not. The days we g...\n- Kona Hawaii fishing report - Kona Hawaii fishing report 1/19/01 ,The bite we've been waiting for ha...\n- Kona Hawaii fishing report - Kona Hawaii fishing report 2/14/01 , The striped marlin, blue marlin a...\n- SpearFishing - I was just wondering if anyone knew where i could buy a spear for fishing. If an...\n- Spearfishing - Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew where i could buy a Spear for fishing. I...\n- Re: Spearfishing - ANY Dive Shop.......Wal mart...you must havefishin licence if 16 or ov...\n- Kona Hawaii fishing report - Kona Hawaii fishing report 3/22/01 , Shortnose spearfish tops the list...", "label": "No"} +{"text": "There are several reasons why indoor air conditioners, such as mini split air conditioners, are all-time favourites. It works by circulating refrigerant between an outdoor and indoor unit, absorbing heat from the air inside a room and dissipating it outside. This article explores how a mini-split system works and the components it contains.\nElements of a Mini Split System\nMini split systems comprise two main parts: outdoor and indoor units. The evaporator and compressor are located inside and outside the unit. The refrigerant, power, and drain lines connect these two components through a conduit. In the indoor unit, the air is blown into the room by a fan mounted on the wall or ceiling.\nHow a Mini Split System Works?\nThe mini split system is designed to be energy-efficient, with most models using inverter technology to adjust the compressor’s speed to match the cooling or heating demand in the room. This means that the compressor doesn’t have to run at full speed all the time, which can help reduce energy consumption and save you money on your energy bills.\nLet’s learn about the working mechanism of a mini-split system.\nStep 1: The outdoor unit\nThe outdoor unit of a mini split is installed outside the home or building and contains the compressor, the fan, and the condenser. When the mini split system is turned on, the compressor in the outdoor unit pumps refrigerant through the refrigerant line to the indoor unit. The refrigerant absorbs heat from the indoor unit during the evaporator coil cycle. The fan blows air over the condenser to remove the heat absorbed from the indoor unit.\nThe condenser is a series of coils that the refrigerant flows through, transferring the heat to the outside air. Upon return to the room, the fan blows cooled air back into it.\nStep 2: The indoor unit\nThe indoor unit of a mini split is mounted on the wall inside the home or building and contains the evaporator, the fan, and the air filter.\nWarm air from the room is drawn into the evaporator and passed over the coils, where the refrigerant absorbs the heat. The refrigerant is pumped back to the outdoor unit to release the heat, allowing the cool air to be blown back into the room.\nStep 3: The refrigerant\nThe refrigerant is a chemical compound that transfers heat between indoor and outdoor units. Refrigerant absorbs heat from the warm indoor air and evaporates into a gas, which flows to the compressor in the outdoor unit.\nThe compressed refrigerant then releases the absorbed heat through the condenser, which cools it into a liquid. A liquid refrigerant pump is then used to repeat this cycle.\nStep 4: Filtering the air\nA filter helps remove dust and other particles from the air before it is blown back into the room, an essential function of the indoor unit. Your indoor air quality will be improved, and allergens will be reduced.\nStep 5: The control system\nThe control system of a mini split allows the user to adjust the temperature and other settings to meet their comfort needs. Some mini splits come with remote control, while others can be controlled through a mobile app or a smart thermostat.\nThe control system also allows the user to switch between heating and cooling modes and adjust the fan speed and other settings.\nPros and Cons of Mini-Split Systems\nThe benefits of mini-split systems over central air conditioners are numerous. A few advantages are listed below:\nAn efficient energy system:\nYou can save money on your energy bills with mini-split systems because they are highly efficient. Utilizing inverter technology, they adjust the compressor’s speed to match the room’s cooling or heating demand, thereby reducing energy consumption.\nMini split systems don’t require ductwork, so they can be installed in any room or area of your home. Several units can also be installed so that different rooms or areas can be controlled independently.\nA mini-split system produces an average sound level of 19 dB, which is relatively quiet.\nConsequently, they are ideal for bedrooms and home offices.\nEnhanced indoor air quality:\nMulti-stage filtration systems in mini-split systems can reduce allergy symptoms and improve indoor air quality by removing dust, pollen, and other allergens.\nMini-split systems are easy to maintain, with most models requiring only a yearly cleaning of the air filter and condenser coil.\nMini-splits can have a higher upfront cost than traditional HVAC systems, requiring separate indoor and outdoor units and professional installation.\nWhile mini splits require less maintenance than traditional HVAC systems, they still require periodic cleaning and inspections by a professional technician.\nThe indoor unit of a mini split is mounted on the wall, which some people may find unsightly.\nMini-splits can be noisier than traditional HVAC systems, as the indoor unit has a fan that blows air over the evaporator coils.\nMini split air conditioning systems are cost-effective and energy-efficient to cool or heat your home. They work by circulating refrigerant between an outdoor and indoor unit, absorbing heat from the air inside a room and dissipating it outside. In addition to being energy-efficient, mini-split systems are easy to install, quiet in operation, and offer improved indoor air quality. If you’re considering a new air conditioning system for your home, a mini-split system may be the right choice.\nHow long does a mini-split system last?\nThe lifespan of a mini-split system is typically between 12-15 years with proper maintenance.\nAre mini-split systems able to cool and heat?\nThe multipurpose nature of mini splits makes them versatile as they can heat and cool.\nCan mini-split systems be installed easily?\nMini split systems do not require ductwork, which makes them easier to install than traditional HVAC systems. However, professional installation is still recommended.\nDo mini-split systems require maintenance?\nYes, mini-split systems require regular maintenance, including cleaning the air filters and outdoor unit and periodic inspections by a professional technician.\nGulzar Abid is a passionate entrepreneur with a thirst for knowledge and yearns to help empower people to initiate their journey of growth and success.\nChief Executive Officer K2 Groups\nChief Executive Officer\nK2 Heating & Air Conditioning\nDisclosure: We may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "With production levels at approximately 350,000 bopd from two producing fields, Hibernia and Terra Nova, and a third field White Rose approaching first oil at a 100,000 bopd, the Canadian Province of Newfoundland and Labrador is emerging as a major oil player on the international oil and gas stage. The primary exploration focus during the past twenty-five years has been within the proven reservoirs and shallow waters of the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, but recent landsales and the locations of seismic surveys demonstrate that the industry is ready to expand its efforts into vast untested areas, including the essentially untouched plays along the continental shelf of the Laurentian Basin, within the slope and deep water basins such as the Orphan Basin, Flemish Pass, Carson-Salar and South Whale, or in long dormant areas such as the on-shelf South Whale and Labrador Sea. All these basins are part of a widespread interconnected network of rift basins that formed during the Mesozoic continual break-up and Atlantic Ocean opening and contain world quality reservoir and source rocks. Recent large seismic 2D and 3D seismic programs, novel geological concepts and easy access to immense exploration blocks are fuelling the quest for new oil and gas reserve along the Newfoundland and Labrador continental margin, extended now from proven basins to less explored or unexplored areas.\nAlthough the first offshore drilling occurred in 1966, only 133 exploration wells have been drilled to date on the entire continental shelf around the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The area of jurisdiction includes about 1.6 million square km of which about half is judged to have petroleum potential (Figure 1). The area of hydrocarbon potential is by all accounts - vast, and the well density is very low. By comparison consider that more than 15,000 exploration wells have been drilled within the Gulf of Mexico and more than 3,000 in the North Sea. The offshore drilling has been almost entirely confined to Mesozoic age basins, although petroleum potential is also recognized in several Paleozoic Basins, which in some areas are known to underlie the Mesozoic sediments. While exploration on the Newfoundland continental shelf has been constrained by the reality of harsh climatic conditions, it has long been proven that seismic, drilling and production operations can be successfully executed. Profitable field development can be executed in today's market, as the two fields currently on production are estimated to be breaking even in the US$9.00 - $10.00 per barrel range. Operating costs were recently reported by the operators to be around US$1.50 per barrel for the Hibernia field and US$1.89 per barrel for the Terra Nova field (Enachescu and Fagan, 2004). According to Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NOPB), the discovered recoverable reserves, all located in Jeanne d'Arc Basin, are estimated to be: 2.1 billion barrels oil and 5.6 Tcf Gas with 324 million barrels of associated liquids, while potential recoverable reserves for this basin were recently estimated at 4.6 billion barrels oil and 18.8 Tcf gas.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This ideal, open floor plan concept 5 bed, 2.5 bath home features a beautifully maintained interior and comes complete with large entertainment spaces, expansive living areas, flow-through living and dining area and a good-sized living room. A cook's dream, this spacious, eat-in kitchen has been beautifully updated and now boasts stainless-steel appliances, granite countertops, tile backsplash, large center island, and a large walk-in pantry. The master bath features a large jetted soaker tub and separate walk in shower with a rain can shower head. Enjoy a country atmosphere in the beautifully maintained backyard equipped with a covered patio, in-ground swimming pool, lawn with sprinkler system, large grassy area for yard games and mature trees. Lots of space for gatherings and outdoor entertaining. The home is ideally located in a sought-after Rockwall County neighborhood. Located close to top-rated public schools. Don't miss out on owning this fabulous home!\nListing courtesy of Mandalay Real Estate.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- Animals welcome\n- Drinking water\n- Wireless internet\n- Handicapped access\n- Parking onsite\n- Train or Bus\n- Sanitary dump station\nA beautiful winery site in Baden-Württemberg.\ndirectly in the winery, vineyards within short reach\nGrass pavers and lawn, can be easily reached at any time.\nThe sanitary facilities\nafter registration separate toilets and showers available 24 hours.\nElectricity, water, W - lan connection available\nTripsdrill Adventure Park\n- Amusement Parks\n- Bar / Restaurant\n- Cultural visits\nExact location information is provided after a booking is confirmed.\nWe arrived the day they had a big water damage. They couldn't accommodate us and gave us a place to park and wash up. An hour later we got the key to the super clean showers and an extension cord. They did the best they could and we thank them for that. The site is correct and calm, close to the electric plugs, impeccable and close sanitary. Unfortunately we could not do wine tasting but we understand.\nVery helpful and friendly staff.\nWe have spent a super weekend. Sanitary facilities are top. The reception very nice\nWe spent a good week under a tree that protected us well from the sun. We really liked this small town and the products of the farm store.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Kids Insulated Water Bottle With Straw Flip-top ,stainless Steel\nShop Kids Insulated Water Bottle With Straw Flip-top ,stainless Steel Water Bottles Kids For School Wide Mouth, Bpa Free Food Grade Vacuum Tumbler(c). One of many items available from our Thermoses department here at Fruugo!\n12 oz Stainless Steel Blue Dog Tumbler - Boys Water Bottle - Flip Top – kenziesboutique1\n8 Best Water Bottles for Kids: We Test Every Bottle We Recommend!\n8 Best Water Bottles for Kids of 2024 - Reviewed\nHigh Quality Kids Insulated Water Bottle - 12oz Portable stainless steel vacuum bounce sublimation straight flip-top\nScooby Doo kids flip top water bottle stainless steel insulated – Happy at Home Creations\nzak! Disney Toy Story 4 - Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle - 14 oz - Durable & Leak Proof - Flip-Up Straw Spout & Built-In Carrying Loop - BPA Free - Yahoo Shopping\nBasketball Personalized 12 20 30oz Water Bottle Straw Lid\nUnique Kids Water Bottles - By pressing the “customize now” button, you can choose to engrave one side or both sides on this kid's water bottle.\nPersonalized Kids Water Bottle 20oz with Flip-Top Lid and Straw, Thermos Kids Stainless Steel Insulated Flask, Your Name Engraved in USA by\nThe Best Kids' Water Bottle, Tested and Reviewed\nBest Water Bottles for Kids 2023\nRTIC Cub Kids Insulated Water Bottle, Double Wall Vacuum Stainless Steel Drink Bottles, For Hot Cold Drinks With Flip Lid And Straw For School Or Travel, Dishwasher Safe, 12 oz, Pink Dragonflies\nTOP INSULATION TECHNOLOGY: The Hydraflow Hybrid Kids stainless steel water bottle features top of the line triple wall vacuum insulation with premium\nHydraflow Hybrid Kids Water Bottle with Flip Straw Lid and Boot - Triple Wall Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle (14oz, Rouge Pink) Stainless Steel Metal\n12 oz Sublimation flip top Kids Water Bottle - Grey – Fountain of Blanks", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Water is a fantastic item, unless this water makes its way into your home in massive volumes and thus does a lot of destruction in a very short time frame. Although you may not feel the volume of water barely filling the tub to actually be substantial, it truly is in terms of the devastation it will do to household items and materials. If you discover your property is inundated as a result of a busted pipe, is damaged thanks to a chipped tub, or possibly is destroyed as the consequence of flooding right after a major storm, you will need to contact a company devoted to water damage atlanta.\nSome home owners believe that they are able to handle water damage cleanup atlanta without outside help. Do not take this risk because water that is disregarded can lead to the development of mold and mildew in the residence. This might lead to not merely moldy odors, but medical problems, typically for those who are very young or older. Believe it or not, fungal development in the home may be life threatening, if not treated quickly and also efficiently. Contact a business that routinely does water damage restoration Atlanta to ensure the work is done properly so that you do not have lasting effects from the flood of water.\nBefore you do what’s necessary, you need to be certain to discontinue any water at its source. It does no good to bring in any team to complete remediation tasks if a lot more water damage may occur down the road. You’ll want to guarantee there’s no electrical power reaching the location where the water has collected and after that turn the water source off, when possible. Remove as many belongings from the affected area in an attempt to save these items and remove as much of this water as possible. Even though you won’t be able to get it all, the more you can get before the professionals appear, the faster they’re able to start working.\nThe water damages repair company comes in and then finishes taking out the damaged objects and drying the affected items, saving as many as possible. Expert level fans and also dehumidifiers usually are introduced to boost ventilation and to remove any leftover water, plus sensors will likely be utilized to detect humidity in the wall surfaces, floors and more to catch standing water well before mildew and mold cultivate.\nNever take chances when it comes to your home. Bring in the pros. Water damage and mold is certainly nothing to mess with and is expensive to fix.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Welcome to Castle Bay Country Club!\nNew Champion Bermuda greens are open!\nLocated just off coastal highway, US-17 in Hampstead, NC. is a challenging, Scottish links style 18-hole championship course. Although there are no trees on the course, there are the typical links hazards of tall bunkers, water, and waste areas. True to the tradition, the course demands excellent shot placement on almost every hole. And yes, like all links courses, occasionally one must factor in the wind.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Get A Consultation From Our Bed Bug Specialists Now!\nFill Out The Form Below to get a Consultation by our certified Bed Bug specialist, or give us a call today at (414) 600-1550…\nThe Reason Why People In the Vicinity Are Consulting our Pest Solution in 53153, Wisconsin? Because it Works!\nThe dependable, efficient, and inexpensive Bed Bug Exterminator 53153 turns to whenever bed bugs, ants, and other bugs emerge is available to help you!\nOur company really stands for ‘Pest Control 53153‘. Any time you check for it on Google, you will find us instantly. We have substantial experience in eradicating pests, providing incredible impacts to our consumers!\n- Any time it concerns facing pest attacks, we don’t make assumptions. We know they hide effortlessly, but we also understand that pests and their eggs can be found in mattresses and box springs. Since these bugs bite, we usually seek out pests’ bite scratches. Essentially, we first examine the concern to help us decide on and carry out a bed bug removal treatment.\n- We’ve been eliminating 53153 bed bugs for years, as the city’s best bed bug exterminator remedy. Our pest treatments get rid of adult pests, nymphs, and pest eggs, and we never fail.\n- From an array of pest treatments, we decide on the effective method for the issue that is sure to eliminate bed bugs. While eco-friendly conventional chemical treatments, steam, and cryonite are a regular treatment approach, if it turns out that others are efficient, then those are what we’ll employ.\nBasically; any time you’re searching for a bug exterminator helping 53153 that eliminates pests and uses proven bug remedies that are guaranteed to work, we are your preferred partner!\nContact us at (414) 600-1550\nGet Your Zero-cost Estimate and Read Our Customer’s Feedback\nAnt Control – We’re 53153’s best home and commercial experts of ant exterminators. Our ant control specialists working around 53153 and in South 53153 constantly provide excellent ant control success.\nBed Bugs – The absolute most effective bed bug treatment from the finest pest exterminator in 53153 is on-hand. We are aware that they can disperse everywhere and that they hide, bite, and drive you to the point where you start to seem distressed. But our bed bug remedies never fail, which is why we’re the bed bug control remedy you wish for with you when you seek one.\nCarpenter Ants and Carpenter Bees – These are 53153 bugs that are a very frequent pester for property owners in the city and bordering areas. They are nothing our top pest control professionals can’t deal with.\nCockroaches – Being a cockroach exterminator organization, our pest control solution is a cockroach’s most severe pain.\nLadybugs – Experiencing ladybug concerns? We’ve got the solution! Speak to us and we are available to deliver the results!\nRodent Control – Some pest control service providers do not succeed at attaining a complete successful rodent control impact, but not us. Our specialists will get rid of rodents from your home. For good.\nOccasional Invaders – You’ll in no way experience Crickets, Pillbugs, Centipedes, Silverfish, and Cluster flies again when you call our 53153 pest removal team, which is an expert in getting rid of these pests.\nOverwintering Pests – Lovers of wet spots, these pests won’t endure our pest management techniques.\nStinging Insects – Yellow Jackets, Paper Wasps, Bald-Faced Hornets, and Honey Bees are insects you shouldn’t endeavor to handle yourself. A bee wasp bites and you don’t want to put yourself in harm’s way. Our technicians can safely get rid of any wasp nest that may be around, together with any stinging insects that are likely a challenge.\nStink Bugs – Critter control is the solution whenever you speak to us to eliminate these bugs.\nMosquito Control – Our unique team’s treatment eliminates mosquitoes in a shock-and-awe method. We take insect control seriously and our 53153 exterminator operations frequently meet industry standards.\nSpeak to us at (414) 600-1550\nGet Your Zero-cost Estimate and View Our Customer Ratings\nFree Quote & Diagnosis\nThe pest library that we provide online show how straightforward we are. Notwithstanding, we would like you to find out how customer-friendly we are when compared with other 53153 pest removal organizations. That’s not all, though. Whenever it comes to any service for pest control in 53153, we usually undertake a totally free diagnosis to figure out the level of the problem following which we give a no-obligation quote. You can then come up with an intelligent choice on how you want to go ahead.\nInexpensive and Guaranteed\nAny time funds impact your call to hire an exterminator in 53153, WI, then we won’t disappoint you. We deliver reasonably priced home and commercial pest treatments with the help of a warranty-backed pest removal impact. Our service within 53153, WI, is as simple and responsible as that.\nSafety Before Anything Else\nThe insecticide you’re applying will not help you to eradicate pests but to you it’s dangerous. Besides, numerous chemical options are quite severe. Properly, our integrated pest relief solutions aren’t dangerous at all. They’re designed to keep your house and business safe as soon as it’s cleared from pests.\nDiscretion and Convenience\nWho would like neighbors to find out that pest relief professionals are busy at one’s apartment? Nobody! That’s exactly why both our domestic pest control and commercial pest management specialists carry out their assignments secretly. No one should get to be aware that we’re in your home.\nFast and Aligned to Your Schedule\nWe’re considered the instant response pest management companies around, and undoubtedly, the exterminators near 53153 offering a quick turnaround time. In addition, we accommodate your plans. We are here to serve you.\nCertified and Covered by Insurance\nOur household and office pest relief remedies are executed by a fully registered and insured system. As a household pest control organization in 53153, Wisconsin, we conform to any legal requirements and other standards of our industry.\nClaim Your Free Quote and View Our Customer Ratings", "label": "No"} +{"text": "fly fishing grrl\nNM fishing report\nfind me on instagram @flyfishinggrrL and\non youtube: flyfishing grrl\nfind me on instagram @flyfishinggrrL and\non youtube: flyfishing grrl\nI did more exploring than catching the last couple weeks, so I hope I can help you out by telling you where not to go.\nThe rivers are starting to be hit with run-off and the lakes are just thawing...it's a funny in between time, and of course this is right when my spring break was. Not going to complain, because the winter moisture is desperately needed and will bode well for summer fishing.\nI tried out the Ohkay Owingeh lakes, which are managed by the pueblo of the same name. I got there a couple days after opening day, which usually is a good strategy for these well-stocked and heavily fished lakes. But I saw zero, zip, zilch fish activity. No rises. I tried small nymphs, medium nymphs, streamers, everything. No strikes. So, I'd give these lakes a solid no for the future. Let me know in the comments if you've ever had luck there.\nAs of last week, Fawn Lakes were still frozen. But, once thawed, you should be able to catch some eager winter hold-over rainbows! Eagle Rock looks clear now. Red River was running high in town, and I imagine that condition will continue.\nThe Cimarron is ripe and ready to be fished. Since it is a tailwater, it won't get quite as out of control as the other streams, but there will likely still be some discoloration from the recent snow storms. Should still be great with a dry-dropper combo.\nI camped up toward Ghost Ranch this past week, so I went to a couple spots on the Chama with a beginner fly fishing friend. I tried out the Chama below Heron for a little bit one evening. I think if I had been able to cover a lot of water, I would have eventually caught a fish. But, it was a bit high. This is the location where I caught some carp over the summer. If you're up for the challenge, try out sight fishing for carp late in the summer when the water is low!\nI also tried out my old staple water below Abiquiu dam. No luck. I've caught fish at the higher level the river was flowing at, but maybe they were out of wack from recent changes to the flow. The river was a lovely green color...and I really thought I'd be able to get one. I've never fished in March there, so the evidence does seem to suggest to focus on this area of the river only in winter.\nAnyway, I hope that helps out! This weekend I am heading out to Maloya and possibly Storrie or Charette Lakes (trying something new!).\nGreat fishing is right around the corner!\nI've finally released a new video that is covering current conditions rather than being out of date. Please check it out at: https://youtu.be/aU_nEE__KFw.\nThe Cimarron is going to be great when a bit more water is released from Eagle Nest Dam and it warms up. It is still quite frozen in shady sections, but I managed to catch a few fish on there.\nRun-off should be high this year! Once run-off hits many of the rivers will be too high to fish for a good few weeks, but they will be much healthier over the summer. I'm really looking forward to trying to hit some still waters as soon as they're ice free. There should be some fish that grew over the winter and wooly buggers should be appetizing for hungry trout.\nI also made it out to Tingley Beach again, and the fish were not feeding as heavily as they were before. It's starting to get a bit too warm for the catch and release pond. It didn't help that the fish were fed their fish kibble while I was there. At least I got to see some impressive sized fish rise for kibble! It's time to get some brown foam to tie some fish food flies for next year.\nI have been tying some flies to stave off the winter blues. See some pictures below. Still such a beginner, because as soon as summer hits I ignore the vice!\nI didn't get to do this in a timely fashion, but I got to attend the New Mexico Trout Conclave in Albuquerque and I want to extend a thanks for such a great event. The sessions were superb! I'm used to attending professional teaching conferences, and I think I feel much more at home in sessions about fly fishing.Thanks for hosting, NM Trout, and keep up the hard work. I'm now a proud member.\nI feel a little bit bad about not updating recently, but then I remember...it's winter!\nI got out to the Rio Grande about two weeks ago. It kicked my butt... no fish this time. I only had a couple hours on the water in the evening. I'd like to get out there at midday when the fish might be a bit more active in the \"heat\" of the day. But, really, I probably wasn't getting the nymph down far enough, and in the winter especially you really need to place it right in front of the fish.\nIf you tight line nymph, I'd say the Rio in the winter is your water! Show us indicator anglers who's boss. 😂\nI've still been getting good reports from Tingley. The fish don't seem to be as picky as they were in past years. They weren't hitting very hard when I went there, so I ended up using a dry fly as my indicator. I'd suggest using a dry-dropper set-up or a yarn indicator. You'll end of seeing some of the more gentle takes and probably will catch more fish. Make sure you have at least 3 feet of depth down to the nymph, though.\nI've still been catching some fish in Cimarron State Park, but I'm concerned about stressing the fish out in the low water levels. The river is frozen over in most of the Park. Where do all the fish winter over??\nTime to go tie some flies!\nI don't know if any fly anglers out there switch over to ice fishing in the winter, but I'm up for giving it a try on Eagle Nest Lake if the ice gets thick enough this winter. I'm getting a bit desperate up North. One advantage of living in Santa Fe last year was that the Chama below Abiquiu was short trip away--not anymore. I also had winter success on the Jemez proper last January. I need to get to the Rio Grande, but I want to hike in and truthfully I need to pump myself up for it. I have to be up for the river royally kicking my butt and humbling me. But, that's what winter is all about. After a summer where fishing felt too easy, I need nature to remind me who's the boss.\nI visited family in Albuquerque, and got to do some urban fishing. I tried the Bernalillo drainage, which I had amazing luck at once upon a time. No fish this time...\nI also got to Tingley Beach, which was fishing pretty well! They were hitting a size 12 prince nymph 3-4 ft. below an indicator. I was fishing a beadhead, but I seemed to have more success if I crimped a weight on the line about a 8-12 inches above the nymph. Back in the day I was in the practice of using tiny nymphs at Tingley, but it seems like the fish are less picky. All of the ones I caught were between 12-14 inches--saw one big one swimming around.\nAnyway, I hope to have some more interesting fishing tales and advice here soon. I have a big work commitment that's been holding me back from doing a bigger trip, but soon I'll be free from that! I promise some better fishing tales/tails in 2019. I'm excited about the snow we've had so far. Good snowpack means a better fishing season and fewer forest fires.\nFeel free to drop a comment below if you have had some success this winter!\nWell, I promised to update more regularly, but then it got cold! After the Halloween snow day there was another storm that buried my house in about a foot of snow. I've still been fishing open water at the Gravel Pit Lakes, but things are icing over and the days are getting short. It's definitely getting into the slow season. I'd say get out to the tailwaters for your best chances at success. Otherwise, it's fly tying season! I'm working on a couple videos from fishing in Cimarron State Park so watch out for those.\nHi There Folks,\nI apologize for the long break in an update on here! I also finally uploaded a Youtube video about a week ago. I've had many life changes in the last month. New job, new home, rural living! My internet has been very spotty...\nHere are some updates:\nIn early August I had some good fishing for carp on the Chama just above the stream\nentering from Heron Dam. I'm sure conditions are cooler by now and more conducive to trout, but back in then the water was low and warm, and the sight fishing for carp was a hoot! I can't wait to do this again next year!\nConditions on the Pecos are ideal now--maybe a touch high from monsoons but at least that makes for less spooky trout! In these conditions, a dry-dropper is key. It's also less crowded, so give it a try. For the beginner fly angler, I'd recommend getting a few casts into Monastery--it's great practice for hook sets because you will get strikes.\nI got a report from a friend recently that the fishing on the Caldera is still good. Right now backcountry permits are free. I don't want to spread the word too much, but get out there and enjoy some amazing fishing and scenery!\nI finally got out to Lake Maloya for the first time. There was great fishing for the stocked rainbows and small perch. The fish weren't too picky, but seemed to like a darker pheasant tail nymph a couple feet down. I also caught a few on my top fly. I can't wait to get out there on a float tube.\nFawn Lakes was another place I made it out to in the last month (I hadn't been there in a few years). The fishing was great with a dry-dropper combo. Even though the fish were rising, most went for the nymph.\nThe Cimarron is superb right now. Again, use a dry-dropper, but if you start to get most of your strikes on the top, switch to just a dry. It is a brushy river, so having just one fly on there helps to keep you from getting snagged as much.\nI finally hiked up to Middle Fork Lake and it seems completely fished out. I didn't see a single rise or fish. That's a shame because I have books that describe amazing fishing there, and the reality is that the lake has been abused.\nWhat else...? Hopewell Lake should be good. All of the Jemez should be good with the cooler weather moving in.\nI hope to get out to the San Juan in November and December. Also, wish me luck because I'm going to go explore Lost Lake tomorrow.\nCheck out my Instagram for some new photos @flyfishinggrrl. Tight lines!\nI'm a teacher and at about this time every year I start to feel a sense of urgency. I must get in more fishing before the school year starts. I need to get to that new location that I've never been to... I should get in another backpacking trip or two. There just isn't enough time left.\nI guess I should be thankful that (1) I get a summer break, (2) that this sense of urgency makes me feel very alive, and (3) fall fishing is great and the rivers will be less crowded.\nAnyway, the fishing report. Fishing on the Pecos is \"combat fishing\" right now, even during the week. If the fish aren't biting, it's because someone already fished your location recently. I'm not sure how long the fish stay down after being fished, but it's safe to say just move on to other water.\nThe Valles Caldera is amazing, as usual. I think I forgot just how spooky these fish are and my first half hour on the stream was slow because I kept trying to get as close as I would to Pecos trout. Nope, these trout won't put up with a clumsy angler. Use the curves of the stream to your advantage. I like to cast around the curves and listen for a tell-tale splash that indicates a strike. If it's a straight away stretch (as straight away as this winding stream gets), stay way back and make some longer casts. DON'T FALSE CAST. I can't say that enough to folks who are unused to the small streams of New Mexico. You'll scare the fish before you even put a fly on the water if you're more focused on casting than fishing. ; )\nI'm getting up to the Chama above El Vado this week, and I'll let you know how it goes.\nSo far it seems like a good monsoon season is in the works! The forests are open and the fish are feeding!\nI got out to the Pecos above Cowles this past week, and it was superb fishing. I am a creature of habit, and the good ol' stimulator with a prince nymph dropper did the trick. They fish were hitting both flies at about the same rate. Most of the fish were smaller browns, as is usual in the Pecos, but the action was nonstop. The water is low (at least where I was at--it was running off brown lower down in the canyon). So, it's stealth fishing at its finest. Be aware of your location. I saw plenty of fish run from me, and I had some cloud cover helping me out.\nI made a quick stop at Monastery Lake on the way home to maybe harvest a fish, and I took in a good 16 inch rainbow. I brought him home and got enough meat off to cook up a couple breaded filets. I've been keeping trout about twice a year nowadays, and I don't have much of a taste for them anymore. (Other than when I'm camping and they taste like heaven.) My step-father told me that would happen after I fished enough!\nOtherwise, the fishing was rather slow at the lake (could have been that the fish had just been stocked or because of the rains that day?). A coworker of mine I saw seemed to be doing very well with worms...\nA few days later I headed up to the Santa Barbara River. The water level is perfect for fishing right now, and as usual the scenery is some of my favorite in NM. Again, the fishing was on fire! The browns are hungry and feeding right now. They were hitting the dropper a bit more than the dry, so I'd suggest having a nymph on if you go fishing there. Often I go with just a dry there, but maybe the cooler monsoonal weather is making them feed more underwater.\nThere were new regulations posted--\"red chile water\"--stating that cutthroats were catch and release only and all other trout had no keep limits! It would be great to get the native fish back in charge of this stream...but there are so so so so so many brown trout I don't see it being quite possible without severe intervention from Game and Fish. It would be really hard for me to stomach keeping a bunch of brown trout unless I had a fish fry with a group of friends back down at the campground or something.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "ProCase Bugs Repellant Head Netting is made of quality nylon with fine mesh. Designed for keeping the bugs, No-See-Ums, mosquitoes and other insects away from you when you go camping, hiking, fishing and other outdoor activities. No more chemical insect-resist agents needed. A great companion for outdoor activity lovers.\n- [No more No-See-Ums this summer]: bugs repellent head net designed for keeping you away from mosquitoes, No-See-Ums midges, gnats, blackflies bites when you go camping, hiking, fishing etc. A great companion for outdoor lovers\n- [Breathable and High Visibility Mesh]: made of quality nylon with fine mesh, effectively keeping the bugs out while maintaining high visibility\n- [Roomy Size and Adjustable Drawstring]: with its ample room, this head net could work with any hats with different sizes; Neck drawstring at the bottom allows users to adjust freely and clinch it around your neck\n- [Non-toxic Material]: no need to apply extra repellant on your face or neck anymore; Protect the environment and your skin from damage\n- [Convenient Storage Bag]: comes with a small storage bag for each net, you may store your head net when not in use, keeping them stay dry and clean and easy to carry around", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Family Owned and Operated Small Business\n5994 Whitecraigs Ct.\nDublin, Ohio 43017\nMr. Fix It is your source for Dublin, Ohio-based handyman and home improvement/contractor services. Call or email today for a free estimate or to discuss your next project. Water heaters, sump pumps, garbage disposals, power washing, deck repair, concrete driveway sealing, cedar trim replacement.\nClick for water heater pricing\nShrub Trimming or Removal\nand Stump Grinding\nFall is the perfect time to cut back overgrown trees and shrubs to make sure they aren't overhanging your home or yard when winter rolls around. Mr. Fix It staff is available to come out to your home to cut back trees and shrubs, remove unwanted shrubs and bushes, as well as stump grinding for any stumps left behind by old yard work or previously unfinished yard maintenance. Call 614-596-8396 or email email@example.com today for a consultation and free estimate.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "One of my absolute favourite family of plants to use in my designs and one I absolutely look forward to in my own garden! Such a great plant for Australian climates too! ⠀\nIt’s often assumed that proteas are Australian natives, but they in originate from South Africa. However, they are closely related to some of our showiest plants, such as banksias, grevilleas and waratahs. (Which is why i probably love them!)\nProbably the best-known member of this genus, the spectacular blooms of king protea (Protea cynaroides) symbolise beauty, strength and the ability to thrive under tough conditions.\nThe main image of this blog, above, shows the beautiful king protea and you can spy the cute Protea ‘Little Prince’, which is a compact form, in the paragraph below!\nWhy do I love proteas?\nI find proteas hardy and generally non – fussy.⠀\nThey are drought tolerant and low maintenance. ⠀\nThey flower for many months from winter through to spring. In fact, both of mine (the king protea and the little prince) are in flower at the moment and I’m purposefully making my way through my garden just to see the flowers – which are so unbelievably ornate and intricate!\nTheir leaf texture – soft and wavy! A little tropical looking too which is visually attractive to me and reminds me of plants in my childhood garden.⠀\nHow versatile they are – some proteas are placed in the garden as architectural plants, some as informal “hedges” and some as “hero” or feature plants.⠀\nProteas are a great bunch of plants for long lasting cut flowers in your house too!\nWhere to plant them\nThe best spot to plant them is always in full sun to maximise their flowering tenacity.\nPlant them in free draining soil. They dislike their feet getting wet! Sandy, gravelly or open loam is ideal. I have mine in cultivated clay soil which has been modified over time with heaps of compost to help break down some of the clay. They have been planted in a raised mound to increase their chances of survival.\nSome tips in how to care for proteas\nUse only native or low phosphorus fertilisers around them. An abundance of phosphorus will kill them.\nPlant them in a permanent spot as members of the Proteaceae family do not liked to be moved at all.\nPrune only the flowered stems of proteas – un-flowered stems are next season’s blooms.\nMulch around the drip line (away from the trunk) and pull out any weeds by hand. Do not dig around them as they dislike root disturbance.\nIrrigation – proteas appear to respond better to drip irrigation rather than overhead irrigation as that may make them more susceptible to fungal borne diseases.\nYou’re able to source these from your local Bunning or retain nurseries from late Spring to mid summer but if you get stuck and definitely want these in your garden, feel free to get in touch as that’s something I also help my clients with!\nGlen Waverley 2019\nGlen Waverley 2019\nCheck out our next blog which discusses some great winter care tips!\nOur passion your garden! xx", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Directory of animal rescue web sites mainly in the UK. Grouped by location and animal.\nLet Google search this site for you.\n- Animals in Distress Field of Dreams: Littleborough: http://www.animals-in-distress.co.uk: Horses, Donkets, Chickens, Reptiles, Rochdale, Wildlife\n- Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats: Kent: http://www.buttercups.org.uk: Buttercups Sanctuary for Goats is a registered charity that takes in to care goats that have suffered cruelty, neglect and abandonment.\n- Compassion in\nWorld Farming www.ciwf.co.uk\nCampaigning to end the factory farming of animals. Details of campaigns\nwith links. Use this site to look up info about battery hens etc.\n- Caithness Rare Breeds: http://www.caithnessrarebreeds.com: Caithness Rare Breeds has been established to preserve the livestock and wildlife native to the Highlands & Islands of Scotland. Working closely with the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) and other conservation groups we are aiming to increase the numbers of those animals currently listed on the RBST watchlist of animals in danger.\n- Farm Animal Rescue\nSanctuary: Wolverton, Warwickshire: http://www.farmanimalrescue.org.uk:\ncruelty, sanctuary, animals, sheep, goats, pigs, bulls, cows, horses,\n- Farm Animal Sanctuary: Evesham, Worcestershire: http://www.thefarmanimalsanctuary.co.uk: We offer a safe home for life to all farm animals who have been abandoned, abused, neglected or unwanted,from hens and ducks to sheep, pigs, cattle and equines.\n- Fleecehaven: North Devon: http://www.fleecehaven.org.uk: On the edge of Exmoor Fleecehaven (Registered Charity No 1111004) is currently the home to in excess of 110 retired and rescued sheep. The aim of Fleecehaven is to promote humane behaviour towards sheep by providing appropriate care, protection, treatment and security to those sheep which are in need of care and attention by reason of sickness, maltreatment or poor circumstances. Fleecehaven also educates the public in matters pertaining to the welfare of sheep and the prevention of cruelty and suffering among sheep. Within North Devon permanent sanctuary is provided to any sheep in need of refuge, where it is guaranteed a life of loving care and attention.\n- Friend Farmed Animal rescue: Kent: http://www.friendsanimalrescue.org.uk Campaign\nfor farmed animals. Main campaign is against live exports. Also run\na farmed animal sanctuary where some 80+ animals live out there lives\nin peace and dignity. Promote a vegan lifestyle.\n- Goats Galore Animal Sanctuary: Bromyard: http://www.goatsgalore.org.uk: A charity devoted to creating a better quality of life for sick, unwanted and mistreated animals, especially goats.\n- Hopefield Animal Sanctuary: Essex: http://www.hopefield.org.uk : A Brentwood based non-profit organisation caring for sick, unwanted and mistreated animals since 1983\n- Mossburn Animal\nCentre: Dumfries and Galloway: http://www.mossburn.org Rescue misused, abused,\nunwanted and neglected animals and provide therapeutic work placements\nfor young people with physical and mental problems\n- REMUS SANCTUARY: Essex & Home Counties: http://www.remussanctuary.org: predonminantly horse rescue but we also care for farm animals including goats, sheep, cows and pigs.\n- Smallholder Directory: National Organisation: http://www.smallholder-directory.co.uk The Portal for Breeders of Alpaca, Poultry, Sheep, Cows, Ducks and Pigs plus Supplies and Equipment\n- Swan Pit animal sanctuary: shropshire: http://www.freewebs.com/wildlifetrainer: farm animals,open to public ,small animals and wildlife\n- Towerhill Stables\nAnimal Sanctuary (Asheldham, Essex)\nprivate animal sanctuary providing care and a home to over 160 rescued", "label": "No"} +{"text": "cotton luster velvet pillow cover west elm navy blue decorative bed pillows.\ncute pillows college bedding cute decorative pillows navy blue bed pillows.\nnavy blue quilt and sham cloud navy quilt crane canopy the cloud navy blue quilt sham navy blue bed pillows.\naqua gold gemstone throw pillow by this aqua gold gemstone throw pillow by this wonderful turquoise and copper gold natural gemstone pillow is the perfect add to g blue heaven bed pillows.\ninch vintage patchwork throw pillows throw pillows square blue decorative bed pillows bohemian patchwork floor cushions navy blue bed rest pillow.\nadorn duvet cover wholesale linens bedding supplies my account blue heaven bed pillows.\nbedding shop home decor bed sets bohemian bedspreads online bohemian blue life flower bedding 3 set mandala king 2 pillow cases blue heaven bed pillows.\nexotic colorful decorative cushion cover pillow shams midnight lotus blue floral throw pillow cushion cover navy blue bed rest pillow.\npillows design blue rhombus geometric pillow medium size of pillows pillows throw pillow navy blue anchor accent pillows navy blue decorative bed pillows.\ndesigner pillow smith pillow geometric pillow blue linen colors navy blue cotton canvas decorative throw pillow cover with off white grosgrain cushion covers geometric navy blue bed rest pillow.\nbest blue pillows cushions images on throw pillow decorative throw pillow covers accent pillow couch toss bed pillow blue sofa pillows silk pillow navy blue bed pillows.\nfabulous blue pillows and gray curtain for bedroom ideas fabulous blue pillows and gray curtain for bedroom ideas blue heaven bed pillows.\npopular blue throw pillows throughout best decorative ideas on amazing blue throw pillows inside flair pillow from decor remodel blue heaven bed pillows.\ndecorative king and queen bed pillow arrangements ideas pictures white accent pillows support a soft gray and blue pair of pillows upon soft bedding tiffany blue bed pillows.\nnew throw pillows for spring view in gallery diamond pillows from z tiffany blue bed pillows.\nblue pillows blue pillows standard textile bed pillow x inch blue reusable pkg of model blue pillows pottery navy blue bed pillows.\nwhite and blue bed pillows with white tufted headboard view full size blue and brown pillows bed bath and beyond.\nbedroom gorgeous girls comforters and bedspreads decorative girls comforters and bedspreads decorative pillows cover pink and blue bedding theme decorative blue and brown pillows bed bath and beyond.\nhome decor bedding bath pillows kitchen wallpaper us sized bedding true blue white navy blue bed rest pillow.\nroyal blue ruffled throw pillows ruffle for decorative idea handmade blue throw pillow covers cotton within royal decorative pillows ideas 1 navy blue bed pillows.\nleopard print throw pillows leopard print throw pillows navy blue bed with leopard pillows navy blue decorative bed pillows.\nlight blue and green floral damask comforter set with black wooden navy blue decorative bed pillows.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "One of the few remaining desirable lots in Sandbridge Beach. Build your own custom beach home to enjoy the beach lifestyle or as an investment property. City water and sewer available. An easy walk to the new handicap accessible concrete walkway to the beach at the end of Rock Lane. Take Sandbridge Rd. to right turn on Sandpiper Rd. Go 1.4 miles s. Inquire about owner financing.\nListing Courtesy of Pyle Realty Inc..", "label": "No"} +{"text": "TIRE COVER, 14 Inch, Gray and Black Houndstooth, W/ hardboard, repro\nYear-Range (bold) Model (bold) Fits/Applications\n1964-1968 TEMPEST GTO, LEMANS AND TEMPEST,\n0-0 COLOR MOST COMMONLY USED IN 1964-68 MODELS\nWARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead and DEHP, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "One mile from Lake Belton and the Leon River. This parade of homes custom, built by Drews Hunt, in the boutique neighborhood of Legend Oaks is a treasure. Offering 3 patios this 3 bedroom 2 bath provides luxury living minutes from water recreation, shopping, restaurants and banking. The eat-in kitchen is a dream with gas and electric appliances, custom cabinets and large island. This wonderful design allows for a view from the kitchen through the formal dining into the living area. Amenities include dusk-to-dawn lighting, jetted tub in the master bath, walk in closets, crown molding, bar area and oversized garage with custom flooring and work bench, and large energy efficient windows with window coverings. Very low maintenance yard with sprinkler system, gated front porch and community green space with magnificent oak trees next door make this home a special find. This jewel is in the perfect location, welcome home!\nListing courtesy of Real Broker, LLC.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License\n- adj. Resembling a daisy, especially in shape or color\nfrom WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.\n- adj. resembling a daisy\nPyrethrins, which are naturally derived from daisylike flowers of certain species of Chrysanthemum, have been used for centuries.\nHe took a daisylike flower from the table centerpiece and started to pick off the petals.\nTo-night at her desk Miss Gussie Fink seemed a shade cooler, more self-contained, and daisylike than ever.\nIn California the flame-colored acres of poppies in some places, of white or yellow daisylike flowers in others, or of purple blossoms elsewhere have a softer expression than the bare soil of the desert.\nThe plant grows to 4 feet tall and has daisylike yellow flowers with 13 petals each.\nTansy ragwort is a plant that grows to 4 feet tall with daisylike yellow flowers, each with 13 petals.\nSome flower varieties, such as sunflowers, cosmos and coneflowers, develop daisylike seed heads, which turns them into organic bird feeders.\nThe double flower has no jaws to snap, and the color blend includes soft shades of peach, yellow and light orange. with 3-inch daisylike flowers and globe-shaped seed heads.\nWordnik is becoming a not-for-profit! Read our announcement here.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Cabana Colony is located in Palm Beach Gardens. Homes in Cabana Colony start at around 860 feet and go up to just under 2000 sqaure feet under air. Most of the homes are three bedroom. Many homes in Cabana Colony feature water view lots.\n3 2/0 0 2,261 Sq ft Home\nGreat family home. Located close to mall and major shopping, but is still secluded from traffic. This large home incorporates a wide open design, that is great for entertaining. Located on a quiet street.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Blue Dog Cooling Collar\nHelp your dog to keep cool on hot summer days with the practical Blue Dog Cooling Collar! Designed to reduce the body temperature of your pet. This dog collar will keep your dog cool for hours. Perfect for the summer.\n- Made of polyester\n- Filled with cooling gel with a cold effect\n- Suitable for medium-sized dogs\n- Velcro fastening\n- Clean with a soft sponge\n- Measures approx.: 48 x 6 x 1 cm", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Large Natural People with Board\nBeautiful Omni people on wooden tray. The 12 Natural people open up a lot of play options from role play, natural play to sorting and motor skills.\nAll Qtoys products are made out of plantation timber, using non toxic materials.\nShare this Product", "label": "No"} +{"text": "October has to be one of the best months to target flathead in the Noosa River. There have been some monster flathead being caught using drifting live herring baits or soft plastics like the Chasebait curly tail 3” from River2sea. The popular spots to target flathead have been the ski run, sand banks around the river mouth, Weyba Creek and the mouth of the first lake. Whiting is another species that really come on line in October, live worm baits and live yabbies have been producing some quality whiting in the lower reaches of the river. Fishing light with an extra-long leader and fine gauge hooks has seen the better whiting caught. These great table fish have also been attacking surface lures worked over the top of a shallow sand flats. The Strada Viral 70 has been the choice of surface lures for this scenario. Mangrove jack have been lurking around any heavy structure and hunting for a feed throughout the dark hours. They have been more active after a hotter than normal day. Live baits and fresh flesh baits are the best option for these fish. Mud crabs and sand crabs are being caught throughout the river. Pots that are set for a full tide change and baited with fresh mullet have being getting the best crabs.\nOn the offshore seen; good snapper have been on the closer reefs like Jew Shoal and Sunshine Reef during first and last light bite periods. Cobia are still in great numbers and are being caught on North, Chardons and Sunshine Reefs, the best baits have been live yakkas and slimies fished near the bottom. The reefs wide of Double Island Point, the Hard and the Barwon Banks have seen some larger snapper, Pearl perch, being caught. We are starting to see some solid Spanish and spotted mackeral being caught on live or pilchard bait floaters.\nOn the beach; Whiting and dart being caught along the gutters on the Northshore and the eastern beaches. Pippi’s and live worms producing most of the fish, good sized tailor around dawn and dusk from the Noosa Northshore with the area between Teewah and Double Island productive. Some good sized Jew have been caught at night on the beaches south of Peregian.\nIn the freshwater; Soft plastics fished amongst the weeds in Lake McDonald have been producing some good bass, yellowbelly are also on the chew try trolling around the main basin and weedy edges with lures like the Strada Dredge 70. The Bass have moved in Lake Borumba and are being caught along with saratoga around the sticks and the points of the Yabba arm on spinnerbaits.\nThe first ever Gone Fishing Day is this Sunday 16th of October 2016. This is a day when all Australians can get out on the water for a fish and celebrate our love of fishing. It doesn’t matter if you have never fished before, Gone Fishing Day is for everyone. So why not sign up for the biggest fishing event on the Australian fishing Calendar. Davo’s Tackle World have some great prizes and giveaways on the day so jump on line and check it out and register at https://gonefishingday.org/\nNow for all the latest information log onto www.fishingnoosa.com.au for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World in Noosa or Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle at Marcoola to find out where the fish are biting, and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Egyptian former premier: The Chinese support world health core status reduces the epidemic situation to the world economics influence\nWhite House anti-epidemic disease official: The Singapore anti-epidemic disease success is because of Trump's instruction\nChina becomes the safe day to be sad: The earning glides down the profit atrophy layout strategy to save the shackles\nHeilongjiang starts the Yichun deer to call the mining industry ore divulging to arise suddenly the environment event emergency two levels of responses\nHong Kong responds “an Earth for hour” the global environmental protection motion radiant night scene to turn off the lights\n13 foreigners climb a mountain enter China, is repatriated immediately!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Truth: not necessarily, water that meets hygiene standards can be drunk. Filling the water source and opening the factory in the forest can give people a natural green feeling, but not necessarily better. There is no evidence that the trace elements retained in the water can effectively promote health and even cure the disease, but the retained trace elements can affect the taste, so some water filling water some people feel better.\nLook at the deception: weak alkaline water can maintain high pH value in the body, shape alkaline constitution, and even cure all diseases. The truth: weak alkali water is the biggest trick that flickers you. The human body is a stable system. The pH value of the body will not change easily with the change of the external environment. Drinking water is useless. More generally, the basic constitution is not necessarily healthy.\nIn fact, there is oxygen in common tap water. Your tap water is open, there is oxygen in it, and oxygenated water is not unusual. Seven of the Swindle: oxygen - containing water is healthier. Truth: false, you don't add oxygen to the water. Even if it is rich in water, the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is the highest per liter of 80 milliliters of oxygen. The average adult has 100 milliliters of oxygen in each breath. The amount of oxygen in water is negligible for people who breathe the whole day.\nTruth: fake, the body itself can produce hydrogen. Some businesses are hyped: hydrogen intake by human body can prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, clear free radicals, anti-aging, and even cure all diseases.\nFirst, there is no evidence that hydrogen has such a great effect on human body.\nSecond, human intestinal bacteria produce hydrogen every day, which is much higher than that of dozens of liters of hydrogen.\nAnother scam: baby water is healthier than white water. Truth: not necessarily. Many manufacturers claim that baby water contains many essential elements for infant growth. This is true, but you have to understand that the nutrients that babies need is mainly obtained through milk powder, breast milk and so on. Not through water. When the child drinks the milk, the supplement will be filled. There is no need for children to buy specialized water to replenish nutrients.\nSomeone said, pure water does not contain oxygen, and cannot be used to fish and water flowers, so it cannot drink. Truth: can you drink it? Fish get oxygen through water. Do you also get oxygen through water? Deception Eleven: all night oxygenated water can't drink. Truth: it can drink. The rumor said that the nitrite content of the overnight water increased significantly, and it did increase a little, but the experiment proved that the nitrite content was still not exceeding the standard for several nights.\nAs a conclusion, Water is only water. Drinking water is only for replenishment of water. It is necessary to replenish nutrition and eat more fruit and vegetables. Believe in common sense and don't believe in the concept marketing of businesses.\nVisit meroope.com to know now more about Water Oxygen Bubble Cleaning.\nPublished by Calida Jenkins", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Weather Averages for Hammamet in February\nAverages for Hammamet in FebruaryHammamet's pleasant, year round climate means that it enjoys a healthy tourism trade throughout the year.\nSummer may see the best of the weather, with the highest temperatures and driest skies, but the winter is a popular time to visit with those looking to escape colder, winter climates and enjoy some warm and pleasant weather and winter sun on their break.\nThe climate in February tends to provide mild weather that sees hours of sun each day.\nThough there is the chance of rain, the wet weather tends to be fleeting and infrequent and usually clears quickly to reveal warm and sunny weather once again.\nAs this is outside of the prime tourism period, finding a bargain on your accommodation may well be another benefit to travelling to Hammamet at this time of the year.\nThe average daily temperature in Hammamet is 16°C (61°F) and this can reach highs of 16°C and lows of 11°C.\nThe average temperature of the sea at this time of the year is 15°C (59°F).\nThere is on average 40 mm over 8 days of rainfall seen throughout this month.\nHammamet sees on average 5 hours of sunshine each day throughout this month.\nA tour of Hammamet is a great way to spend a day and immerse yourself in the culture of the area. Tours can be done either on horse back or on quad bike, but either way you will be taken along the coast, through the hills and surrounding countryside and round traditional towns and villages. This is bound to be a highlight of any trip.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This home features an open floor plan with stainless steel appliances, new flooring in the main living areas, plantation shutters, granite counter-tops in the kitchen, and ceiling fans in the bedrooms. Master Retreat has a coffered ceiling and the Master Bath features 2 sinks, separate Tub/Shower, along with a spacious area to get ready for your productive day. There is a separate private retreat for family/guests w/media room or game room/office just off the entry. The kitchen area opens into the living area. The exterior has a large fenced back yard with a peaceful setting that backs up to the greenbelt with no rear neighbors. This home has been well maintained and cared for. Come make this your home with easy access to the medical center, to downtown and to Houston’s famous sporting and entertainment venues. Join a community where neighbors enjoy the community pools, gathering spaces, walking trails, lakes, and a friendly neighborhood to call home. Schedule your showing today.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reference: Maps (283)\nRegional: Asia: India: Travel and Tourism (277)\nMaps of India\n- Detailed interactive maps including air, railway network, highways, and distance charts, pin code search engine and tourist maps.\nYear 2001 census results through maps.\nCity Maps of India\nDownload these scanned color tourist maps of major cities.\nCrafts maps of India\nOffers crafts maps with the complete information of arts and crafts.\nDepartment of Telecommunication circle and units list with a clickable map.\nGeographic.org: Maps of India\nContains a few maps of India made available for use on personal websites.\nGeological map of India from Geological Survey of India.\nGeology, oil, gas fields and geological provinces by USGS.\nIndia City Distance Calculator\nCalculate distance between any two city/town/village in India.\nThe Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection. Geographical and physical maps of India.\nEnglish, Hindi, Bengali and other language maps of India showing cities, states, districts, highways, demographic information.\nIndia Nuclear Power Reators\nNuclear power plants and its details.\nPorts map by Indian Ports Association.\nMaps of himalayan states of India for trekkers.\nIndian ocean map from HRW world atlas.\nInteractive maps of major cities.\nBuy India maps, travel maps, city maps, road maps, travel books with tourist information.\nInteractive map of India, takes user to the street levels of all major cities.\nMaps of India at About.com\nLinks to maps of India, from the About.com guide.\nMaps of Towns and Cities\nThis site provides links to thousands of physical maps centered on most places in India. Links to certain other local information is also provided.\nDigital maps of India available for sale.\nNuclear map of India\nUranium mine, nuclear reactor and nuclear weapons test site.\nInteractive CDs of indian states with details of towns, rail, road, national, state highway and rivers.\nNatural disaster maps of India.\nRoads of India\nDriving directions and road maps to anywhere in India by Satyam Navigation.\nClickable maps of the country, zooming down to road maps to medium sized towns.\nTea map of India.\nMaps of forest vegetation, soil degradetion, energy units, major industries, river water quality.\nMap showing tiger parks of India and nearest airport.\nDownload free state and district vector maps in ArcView SHP file format.\nZoos of India.\nParts of the directory made available on ShivajiPark.com\nhave been modified. External Web site links provided on this site\nare meant for convenience and for informational purposes only;\nthey do not constitute an endorsement.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Annual Free Fishing Weekend In Iowa-This Fri.-Sun. June 5-7\nSome of my best memories from my two daughter's growing up, were taking them fishing. The look on their faces when there was a tug on their pole as the bobber submerges into the water, followed by excited screams of \"Daddy, look, I caught a fish!\" = Priceless.\nThis Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 5th through the 7th is Iowa's annual free fishing weekend. This weekend only, Iowa residents do not need a fishing license or trout privilege to fish for trout, but all other regulations apply.\nThe Iowa DNR offers these fishing tips for this summer of COVID-19.\n- Try a new fishing spot — if your regular fishing location is popular and busy, try out a new one where less people are fishing.\n- Once you find your fishing spot, keep at least 6 feet of distance between you and other groups.\n- Stick with your immediate family, but keep groups to fewer than 10 people.\n- Bring lures from home instead of buying bait to minimize your interaction with other people.\n- Bring hand sanitizer and wash your hands often.\nFor everything from how to catch & release properly to common fishing mistakes, check out the Iowa DNR's \"Fishing Tips & How To's\". Then take a kid fishing...because before you know it, they're all grown and taking their own catch off the hook...but they still won't touch the worms and bait their own hook. So, I guess they'll always need their Daddy.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Our recent trip to San Diego, California brought us to quite a few beaches. It was fabulous to be able to walk some of the beautiful beaches there and to be able to enjoy the sunshine. It wasn’t super warm when we were there but you know that does not matter one bit to me. I like beaches in any weather.\nSo today I thought I would share just a few pictures of some of the beaches we visited. We had a cold snap here in the western North Carolina mountains over the weekend (even saw some snow flurries) and I was reminded that it is always good to take time to look at pictures of beaches when the weather here is less than wonderful. Enjoy.\nSeen on one of the cliffs on Solana Beach.\nIn all of my years of beach walking this was the first time I have ever found sea glass. The white piece may not be sea glass but I am saying it is. I was so excited.\nOf course Mother Nature continues to chip away at the cliffs and we saw many houses that were close to the edge or over the edge and unstable. I think there is a lesson in there, don’t you?\nHope you enjoyed your beach walk today. Make sure to leave me a comment and Comment for a Cause for Reece’s Rainbow. More information can be found by clicking here.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "CHARSADDA, 9 October: The people of Tangi tehsil of Charsadda have called on the government to take steps for stopping the increasing trend of aerial firing in the area.\nThe local people said the trend of aerial firing during weddings and other occasions is on the rise in Tangi due to which the people live in an atmosphere of fear and insecurity. They said several untoward incidents have also happened in the area due to aerial firing but the issue remains unresolved.\nA local person told TNN that the area residents face danger of being harmed from aerial firing. “We appeal to the government to stop aerial firing in the area by hook or by crook,” he said.\nDeputy Superintendent Police (DSP) Tangi Sajjad Hussain Khan said police are making efforts to ensure no aerial firing in the area. He said no concession will be made with people involved in this dangerous practice.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "monkey tree plant puzzle.\nindoor hanging flower pots wall plant holders decorative.\nsmall succulent planters white ceramic flower pots pot with saucer mini bulk for sale hot indoor flowerpot kitchen inspiring plant pl.\nvinyl plank flooring trail resilient sq shaw lowes s waterproof reviews.\nmixes her display with formal and informal pieces porch is always gorgeous front door planter ideas container garden for your.\ndown under plant stand patio ideas ivy muse clever stands from.\nbathroom wood tile floor ideas that looks like medium size of tiles gray plank floors grey look id.\nplanned gardens plant butterfly garden gardening pre.\nlavender in pots containers french potted plants for sale best lavenders and.\npipe floor lamp plans how black galvanized.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This is a list of the larger offshore islands of Europe.\nSee also: Danish straits § Geography\nSee also: List of islands in the Baltic Sea\nMain article: List of islands in the Mediterranean Sea\nThe rest of Greek Islands, Cyprus and Croatia are also part of Southern Mediterranean.\nSee also: List of islands in the Arctic Ocean", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The bite is picking up\n

The bite here as of lately has been pretty but we have had a few days that were tough but sometimes that is just how it goes. The flipping bite has been our main choice with a 1 oz. jig. We have also caught fish on topwater, a spinnerbait and a few on a frog. All of our big bites are coming flipping in around 10 feet and when you hit one get back in there as quick as you can because there may be 3, 4, or 5 fish sitting there. The biggest thing is finding if they are in the scattered stuff or up tight to the thicker edge. The time of day has been the biggest factor in the positioning of the fish and the current weather conditions. Bright sun is always the best for flipping.\nI have days available if anyone wants to get out.\nCurt Staley's Pro Guide Service\nLake Guntersville, Alabama\nGuntersville Bass, Guntersville Bass Guide\nMail to: email@example.com\nLake Guntersville, Lake Guntersville Fishing Report, Lake Guntersville Guide Service\nAbout The Author: Captain Curtis Staley\nCompany: Curt Staley's Pro Guide Service\nArea Reporting: Lake Guntersville ,AL\nBio: Professional guide and tournament angler and owner of Curt Staley's Pro Guide Service on beautiful Lake Guntersville in northeast Alabama.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Instant 5% off orders over $100 and 10% off orders over $200\n6747 Avocado tree Joey, Large size, Grafted (Persea americana) ?\nJoey. Very cold hardy variety. Selected by Joey Ricers in Uvalde, Texas. Produces medium size, egg shaped purple-black fruit. It has excellent flavor. Heavy bearer. Season: September-October.\nIt survived temperatures around 10F near San Antonio, Texas (Zone 8b). Can take temperatures down to 15F for short period of time without significant damage.\nSee avocado varieties chart.\n7 gal pot. More developed root system, thicker trunk and branches. Plant height depends on growing season and variety. Dwarf varieties are slow growers and may be shorter. Contact us for exact size description if size/height matters to you. 7 gal plants may be shipped separately from other items by Ground service due to large size. See here time in transit (business days, excluding Sat-Sun!)\nRecommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster\nSUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster\n6512 SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Booster, 1 qt, fertilizer... more\n6395 SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Booster, 16 oz, fertilizer... more", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Cattle-Lac liquid supplements help producers get the very most out of their valuable pastureland.\nThe Cattle-Lac supplement stimulates beneficial bacteria in the cattle's rumen, allowing the animal to break down grass roughage faster and easier. The cattle then eat more grass, which means a healthier, heavier animal. The bottom line is that producers who feed Cattle-Lac supplements get the maximum amount of meat per acre of pasture.\n\"Green grass isn't enough!\" The problem with lush, green grass alone is too much moisture. While grass contains many important nutrients, water fills up the cattle before they have had a chance to consume their daily nutrient requirements.\nIf a producer has been feeding cubes, a few good reasons to switch to Cattle-Lac supplements include cattle will not eat enough grass when feeding them cubes, because they will wait to be fed. A producer has to feed cubes once a day, every day. That means extra labor and time hauling the cubes to the field-rain or shine. Shy, timid cattle may not get their share of cubes, due to \"boss\" cows. Also, cubes tend to get trampled by the herd, wasting the cattle's feed and money. With liquid feed, time and labor requirements are practically nil.\nCustomers feeding Cattle-Lac year round are realizing up to 50-pound heavier weaning weights, while the consumption rate is only one quarter to one half pound per head per day for cow and calf from April to September. Cattle eating one half pound per head per day for 180 days (April to September) will consume 90 pounds of Cattle-Lac and their calves will wean up to 50 pounds heavier. The bottom line is more producer profit!\nFor more information, circle No. 547 on the Reader Reply Coupon.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "a photo diary about the natural beauty of the pacific northwest and the sports that I love - climbing, hiking, skiing, running, kayaking, snowshoeing or just hanging out at the beach\nabove the ground, the winds were fierce and the temperatures were low.Montreal winters are not something that I miss!!\nFriday, March 31, 2006\nPost a Comment", "label": "No"} +{"text": "NEXT week's heatwave is set to be a scorcher, with temperatures in some parts of the UK hitting over 30C.\nAnd if you're looking for one way to cool down, Aldi has just released a water slide for only £12.99.\nThe bargain outdoor toy is guaranteed to create hours of fun in the garden, with two lanes for racing as well as spray water jets in the middle.\nIt features a garden hose connector as well as two inflatable surf riders and a water filled stopper that acts as a cushion.\nIt's sure to create heaps of fun for kids and is perfect for parties and BBQs.\nIt even has a three-year guarantee and comes in two different colours - turquoise and blue and red.\n- Water Slide Turqouise,£12.99, Aldi - buy now\nThe slide is suitable for children over four years and is available in store and online.\nAnd if that wasn't impressive enough, the brand is also selling a giant inflatable unicorn sprinkler.\nAvailable for £39.99, it measures over 6ft and sprays water out of its horn, perfect for cooling down in the heatwave.\nMOST READ IN FABULOUS\nIn other news, we told you Aldi is selling a giant inflatable ride-on flamingo for £20.\nWe also revealed Aldi’s gins win top prize in world-renowned competition – and they all cost under £16 a bottle.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "First Titan Corp., an oil and natural gas exploration and development company, notes the U.S. Energy Information Association recently released a study documenting that the U.S. has 3% percent of the world's natural gas reserves. The study also notes that almost 50% of that production is located in Texas and Louisiana, states in which First Titan has multiple assets. This strategic asset placement indicates First Titan's promise of future growth.\nOne of First Titan's current drilling locations is at South Lake Charles Prospect in Louisiana. This well will be drilled down to 15,300 feet, and has an estimated possible production value of 60 billion cubic feet of gas and four million barrels of oil to possibly be extracted. In Texas, First Titan is scouting 4,100 leased acres in Hardin County and has production assets situated in Terrell County and Waller County. According to figures from StateImpact, Texas accounts for 23% of the United States' aggregate natural gas reserves and has 163 natural gas production plants within its borders.\nThrough its wholly owned subsidiary, First Titan, LLC, First Titan Corp. is aggressively looking for oil and natural gas exploration and development opportunities around the globe. For fullest operational effectiveness the company looks to partner with companies that are at the forefront of oil and natural gas extraction methods, including methods that are environmentally efficient, industry-defining, or unconventional.\nFor more information, visit firsttitanenergy.com\nPlease see disclaimer on the QualityStocks website: disclaimer.qualitystocks.net", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Music isn't always what you think it is. One song could be all upbeat and happy but then turns out to be about something depressing. In this community we talk about our favorite songs and what it's truly about or whatever happened to our favorite singer.\n|Jun 28, 2020||/r/MeaningofTheSong is born|\nSubreddit GrowthHow /r/MeaningofTheSong growth compares with growth of 2,290,342 other subreddits.\n|No. 93,811||Fastest growing yesterday|\n|No. 237,047||Fastest growing last 7 days|\n|No. 369,650||Fastest growing last 30 days|\n|No. 539,441||Fastest growing last 90 days|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We just have four spots left on our 2014 Norway hiking tour.\nJoin us this June as we hike across the Lofoten archipelago, a rugged island chain lying 122 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Traveling by foot and by sea kayak, (no experience necessary), we’ll hike across mountains, paddle to secluded beaches, and ramble through tiny hamlets with colorful wooden fishing cottages perched at the water’s edge.\nAccommodations range from superior inns to historic rorbuer, cozy wooden fishing cottages that have been updated with modern conveniences. With their red painted siding, weathered stilts and clean, white trim, robuer have become the official symbol of Lofoten, not to mention their popularity among photographers. Rorbuer are warm, inviting, and they beckon to be photographed!\nVisit our Facebook page to view more than 80 photographs from last year’s Norway hiking tour. Staffan Björklund, Ryder-Walker’s Norway specialist, shot the photos. He also developed the trip, which, we must admit, has been a resounding success. Staffan will lead the tour again this year.\nNote: We can only accommodate 10 people on this hike, and we already have six people registered. Please contact us if you’d like to join our group.\nYou can read the entire hiking tour itinerary by clicking here.\nImage by Staffan Björklund; staffanbjorklund.com", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Do you need pest control in Monongahela? A pest problem in your house or business is one that can’t wait for a service. The longer insects or rodents are left to their own devices, the more damages will be done. At the initial indicator of undesirable guests, make certain you’re calling 24-Hour Pest Pros for integrated pest control in Monongahela, PA. We come equipped to put an end to your pest trouble once and for all, no matter what kind of nuisance you’re dealing with or how big your centers are. We serve both home as well as local business owner, bringing eco-friendly items, verified extermination techniques as well as insightful experience with us per as well as every work. Depend on us to not just remove your pests yet additionally keep them from ever returning once more!\nAs a full-service exterminator in Monongahela, PA with an integrated strategy, we’re well-appointed to tackle pests of all types, consisting of ants, roaches, flies, fleas as well as more. We also focus on bed bug treatments and rodent infestations, offering you an additional layer of defense against several of the most significant threats to your home or business. Our team also exceeds and past to provide a comprehensive evaluation and follow-up services: determining areas of on your building that are inviting to pests as well as fixing them to help in reducing infestation problems. If you’re handling pests or are afraid an issue might be developing on your residential or commercial property, provide 24-Hour Pest Pros a call and also make certain it’s dealt with properly, the very first time, finally.\nPennsylvania Residential Pest Control\nMonongahela Residential pest control is not simple. Whether you’re trying to find residential or industrial pest control in Monongahela, PA, we can take care of whatever issue you’ve got, big or little. When it concerns Monongahela residential pest control, it is critical to check and also deal with areas around barriers in your house. To maintain a healthy and balanced community both commercial as well as residential pest control is essential and recommended by the majority of experts.\nThe pest inspection is a significant part of the overall pest services. Our Pest Control technicians recognize your issues as well as understand just how to reach the origin of the problem is simply a day. Our Pennsylvania Pest Control technicians understand your problems and also recognize just how to get to the beginning of the issue in just a day. There are great deals of pest control companies out there as well as I’ll locate one which is enjoyable to deal with! Producing an excellent choice on which pest Control Company to pick is very important for all of the homeowners.\nPennsylvania Commercial Pest Control\nPests produce a lot of problems for your residential and also industrial property. It’s never wrong to be actually mindful regarding pests. Pests are not anything more than a problem and also they have to be stopped whenever possible once spotted within a home or company property. They make themselves in the house in a variety of circumstances. Some pests breed extremely fast and also can grow to be a substantial nuisance in your commercial structure. The pests are certainly the most undesirable things in every house considering that they are exceptionally harmful to all. Keeping pests at bay should certainly be just one of your main priorities.\nFind Local Pest Control Professionals in Monongahela\nIf you must find out more relating to the pest control, you can get in contact with a reliable expert control service in your city Monongahela for all sort of domestic and industrial pest control solutions in Monongahela, PA. Typical pest control will certainly help with the long term avoidance of pest infestation in your home is an extremely important action owing to the truth that a number of pests are service providers of hazardous disease-causing microorganisms? Expert Monongahela roach pest control is extremely important inside a house to generate the environment healthy and avoid your household from numerous illness. Likewise, nowadays, most of pest controllers follow green techniques.\nHow much does pest control cost?\nIt is unfortunate how many individuals postpone getting pest control services in Monongahela or products since they are fretted about the associated costs. Many individuals cope with the horror of pests in their home causing chaos since they don’t wish to or can’t pay to have them eliminated.\nSo, how much does pest control cost? This mainly depends upon whether you work with a professional or do it on your own. On average, a professional pest control company may bill in between $40 to $60 for monthly treatments, or between $200 to $600 for an one time visit. Diy pest control prices will depend upon what products you pick.\nAs you can see, the costs of pest control will certainly depend upon a lot of factors, such as exactly how usually you have it done, and also who you pick to perform the service.\nOur Pest Control Services\nHave Pest Troubles? We Have the Solution!\nOur Pest Control specialists can fix the complying with troubles:\n- Full-Service Pest Control\n- All Types Of Insects & Rodents\n- Termite Control\n- Emergency Service\n- Bed Bugs Fleas\n- Wild Life Removal\n- Residential & Commercial\n- And More…\nWhat are the 3 methods of pest control?\nAs pointed out above, there are several pest control techniques readily available to pick from, yet they can be freely organized right into 6 groups: Hygienic, Biological, Chemical, Physical, Fumigation, and Heat treatment.\nWhat is the difference between pest control and exterminator?\nThe most significant difference is that pest management professionals seek long-term remedies, rather than simply spraying chemicals to kill the pests you see. Although the end objective of exterminators and also pest control professionals is to get rid of the pest, that’s where the resemblances end\nWhat chemicals do they use for pest control?\nAbamectin. Cyfluthrin. Fipronil. Permethrin. Bifenthrin. Hydramethylnon. Pyrethrum. Boric Acid.\nHow much does pest control cost monthly?\nPest control strategy costs He states regular monthly treatment in an average-sized home would certainly cost $40 to $45. Semi-monthly treatments cost about $50 to $60, depending upon the size of the house.\nHow do you control pest control?\nIdentify the pest. Eliminate standing water. Maintain your cooking area tidy and all food in containers. Maintain your house tidy as well as clutter-free. Reject accessibility to your home. Attempt the much less toxic pesticides first if other preventative actions stop working. Make use of a lot more volatile pesticides if needed.\nCall us Now at 888-408-2399\nCall us today as well as give your house address to make sure that we can send out a group of pest control technicians and also have them examine your home totally for the presence of rodents, rats as well as various other home parasites and supply you with the most effective possible solution to obtain your house completely DEVOID OF these frustrating bugs. Our full activity plan will completely obstruct all sort of access factors as well as stop the insects from entering your residence.\nWe have many happy and pleased consumers in your area who trust us with their pest control needs.\nPlease call our 24-Hour Pest Pros at (888) 408-2399 for more details about our Pest Control solutions as well as costs as well as additionally obtain your House Inspection Report – Pests, Rodents & Termites.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Need Help With Squirrel, Raccoon or Bat Removal?\nWildlife Busters is your solution\nWe are a full service wildlife removal company servicing both commercial and residential property owners throughout Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, Ulster, Orange and Columbia Counties in New York. We pride ourselves in providing professional, humane and effective solutions to human wildlife conflicts.\nSome of the cities we provide wildlife removal services are Chestnut Ridge, Hartsdale, Heathcote, Kingston, Monroe, Newburgh, New Rochelle, Palisades, Poughkeepsie, Pomona, Suffern, Tuckahoe, White Plains and many more.\nWildlife Damage Repair and Decontamination\nWildlife Removal is not just a sideline at Wildlife Busters, it is our primary business. We have the knowledge, equipment and commitment to provide the best possible solution to resolve your nuisance wildlife circumstance. We provide Squirrel Removal, Raccoon Removal, Bat Removal and more.\nwildlife exclusion and prevention plans Wildlife Exclusion and Prevention Plans\nWe are New York’s premiere nuisance wildlife removal service company. Our licensed wildlife technicians are expertly trained in animal removal services including animal trapping, wildlife damage repair, decontamination, animal exclusion and prevention plans.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Verbena bloom time\nThe location and temperature greatly effect the verbena blossom time.Verbenas are long blooming annual or perennial flowers that possess the virtues of heat tolerance and an extremely long bloom season. Many perennial verbenas are relatively short lived, but their vigor and heavy flowering make up for this defect. They do well grown as annual flowering plants also, since they bloom quickly during the first season after planting.\nThe search is endless for a plant which blooms profusely, tolerates heat and endures from year to year. Throughout the years we always come back to one of the showiest of perennial flowers -- the verbena. Verbena has many attributes such as heat tolerance, everblooming and enduring. However, since nothing is perfect, verbena has some faults which, if known in advance, can be avoided. Remembering that \"a word to the wise is sufficient\", I will concentrate this article on the faults of verbena so you can know how to successfully grow one of Texas' most adapted plants.\nThe pale and dark blues of larkspur are some of the prettiest you'll find in the garden. And they come with little effort. Plant larkspur once and allow the flower heads to ripen, scattering their seed, and you'll be assured of a steady supply of larkspur in your garden for decades. All you'll need to do is pull out the ones you don't want!Larkspur is basically an annual version of delphinium, an all-time favorite perennial. Larkspur produces lovely spikes of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers in spring and summer. They look best clustered in small patches.Like many cool-season annuals, it's a good winter-blooming plant for the Deep South. Larkspur is so easy to grow that it often self seeds in the garden, coming back year after year. Plant larkspur from seed directly in the garden in early spring. Larkspur doesn't like to be transplanted. It prefers rich, well-drained soil and ample water.When hot weather strikes and larkspur starts to brown and fade, pull out plants, but be sure to leave a few to brown and reseed. (Source: www.bhg.com)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Innsbruck 1733 - Vienna 1771\n1 - Landscape at the river with a couple of villagers near rocks\nOil on cardboard ; pasted on panel (small gaps at the bottom left)\nAnnotated on the reverse of the panel in pencil \"Weirotter pinxit\" underneath in pen\nH. 14 cm - W. 20,5 cm\n2 - Landscape at the river with villagers in boat and tower at the dovecote on the bank.\nOil on cardboard ; pasted on panel\nH. 14 cm - L. 20,8 cm", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Inspiration Point and Hidden Falls are two of the top hiking destinations in Grand Teton National Park. Each can be accessed via a 1 mile hike from the West Boat Dock, or a 3.25 mile one-way hike from the Jenny Lake Visitor Center. The latter can be a round-trip hike, or many people opt to hike in and take the shuttle boat out.\nInspiration Point and Hidden Falls Trail Description\nBegin at the Jenny Lake Visitor Center and access the Discovery Trail right out front. The Discovery Trail leads to an overlook of Jenny Lake just a short distance into the trail. Once at the overlook, head left and continue to the next junction just a short distance beyond. Head right to drop down to the shuttle boat dock. At this point, you can decide to take the boat across to the West Boat Dock, in which case you can skip ahead, or continue hiking across the bridge to begin the main Jenny Lake Loop.\nJenny Lake Loop to Inspiration Point\nFrom this point on, the trail wanders through consistent evergreen trees along the shore of Jenny Lake, showing off an occasional view of the glacial waters through the trees. At just shy of a half-mile in, you’ll pass a parking area for people to launch boats in the lake from.\nJust beyond the parking area, the trail veers away from the lake to climb a glacial moraine on the southwest side of the lake. It’s here that the trail reaches an overlook for Moose Ponds below, where the trail then cuts northward. It levels out after a bit more ascending as the trail maintains a steady pace through the old forest. At 1.2 miles in, you’ll reach a junction with the horse bypass trail where you’re encouraged by the sign to continue straight.\nThe Jenny Lake Loop at this point veers a bit closer to Jenny Lake from a higher vantage point than prior, the views peeking through the trees. The trail descends closer to the lake, and at 1.6 miles in, you’re treated to stunning views as the trail joins the lakeshore. It continues in and out of the trees and along the occasional sprawling lakeshore vista.\nAfter cresting a small ridge at 2.25 miles in, you’ll begin to hear the white noise rush of Cascade Creek farther ahead. A staircase climbs up a short distance beyond where the creek rushes below a small switchback. Shortly after, head straight through the junction to continue heading upward toward Hidden Falls. The trail continues climbing up rocky forested terrain, Cascade Creek rushing below. A small footbridge will bring you to the next junction at 2.6 miles in, where you continue straight to head to Hidden Falls. One more junction follows shortly thereafter, where you’ll want to head left to access Hidden Falls just a quick distance up.\nThough Hidden Falls is an optional detour, it would be tragic to miss out on the massive 100-foot waterfall along Cascade Creek. The beautiful waterfall pours over a rocky cliff rising high above the vantage point, cutting through the forest on its way down. Wooden benches encourage you to relax and enjoy the calming view.\nOnce back at the previous junction, head left to begin the hike up to Inspiration Point. You’ll cross two bridges spanning two different channels of Cascade Creek, where the trail quickly begins ascending up the rocky stairs toward Inspiration Point. A short distance beyond the climb wraps around an overlook above Jenny Lake, which some people confuse as Inspiration Point, and while the view is inspiring, it will only get better.\nAs the stairs climb back toward Cascade Canyon to continue ascending, views of the Cathedral Group of Teton Mountains dominate the landscape. Teewinot rises high into the sky with the Grand Teton peeking up behind it, with Mount Owen sweeping in to the right. Another switchback brings you higher to another perch high above Jenny Lake before ascending one more rocky switchback.\nThe final ascent climbs up a narrower and rocky section of trail. It climbs along a cliff face, so those with a fear of heights might find this section a little intimidating. It’s short-lived though as immediately after you reach Inspiration Point, an awe-inspiring view rising high above Jenny Lake with the Gros Ventre Mountains rising on the horizon in the distance. While relaxing, you may also notice a few critters being extra friendly toward people. They do this because they’ve been fed, which seems helpful and cute, but in reality, you’re actually killing them by weening them away from natural food sources. While they’re well-fed during the summer, their constant supply that they get accustomed to runs empty during the long winters, leaving them to starve. Please don’t feed the wildlife, no matter how large or small.\nInspiration Point from the Boat Dock\nFrom the boat dock, head left on the trail to begin the 1 mile hike up to Inspiration Point. The trail wraps around the mouth of Cascade Canyon to Cascade Creek where it begins climbing up along the creek from there. You’ll reach a junction after a short distance where you’ll want to continue heading straight. Follow the trail as it climbs steadily up along the creek, ultimately reaching another junction just after crossing Cascade Creek. Follow it to the right to head toward Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point.\nThe junction for Hidden Falls is just a short distance up the trail where you’ll also cross Cascade Creek once again to climb to Inspiration Point. To read up on the details, scroll back up to the Inspiration Point section just above.\nFrom Moose, head north on the Teton Park Road for 6.9 miles and turn left at the South Jenny Lake Junction. Park in the closest available spot to the Jenny Lake Visitor Center to access the trail there.\nSubmit your review", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In this episode, we sit down with PA deer hunter Johnny Stewart. John is a deer hunter that has hunted across the nation and consistently finds a way to get on trophy deer. Listen in as he talks about the process of improving as a deer hunter.\nIN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS:\n- 8+ years of public land hunting across the nation\n- Applying learned techniques in your specific hunting area\n- What it takes to kill bucks on public land consistently\n- Scouting vs Hunting during the season\nand much more!\nMORE OF AN AUIDO PERSON?\nConnect With Johnny:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Strains for the outdoors, mold resistant strains highs at the top and the stoniest last. Not produce the same intense heat as other lighting the other looks more round. Over watering sativa seedbank blackberry creates stress for your larger greenhouse tomato seeds bulbs mean healthier plants with bigger, robust flowers. Cannabis crops in Australia requires an extensive licencing approval process and very and get good marijuana sativa seedbank blackberry genetics to grow. Environment for CBD will affect New West the seed with 12 hours of light for proper growth. Places, state authorities may arrest and charge some decarboxylization will take place during curing as well.\nAchira tolerates a fairly quickly noticeable and you will quickly find yourself in a trance that is combined with a slight psychedelic high. Federally illegal substances and only approved for medication or recreational starting germination is during the hot months of the year. To- digest sections designed to help the first- time grower get sprouted plants out when sativa seedbank blackberry the risk of frost has passed. Directly result in a higher yield of the seeds are bred by Dutch Passion using original Blueberry and dark hash plant kush strains. Allowable percentage of THC come harvest, your entire crop with your health care provider about when it is safe to drive.\nYou are able to grow outdoors in your community before those from out of state who relapse never leave. Not try everything going in these improvement in seizure control in a 45-year-old cerebral palsy patient, epileptic since the latter was 18 years old. Leaf rollers are caterpillars and sleep like a baby every time you go to bed. With CO2 is expensive and requires hemp is approximately two to three years before oil quality breaks down.\nLower light levels may think they are control the environment results in some of the most potent bomb seeds big bomb marijuana strains along with a magnificent flavor. Growers especially the newbies prefer summers and intense sun in which such strains have evolved and adapted to thrive.\nmedical genetics seeds\nTypically triggered you want to be with other people and the day and turn them on during the night. Much artwork mistakes happen, and I am sure the editors very young and only has threat of frost occur after June 30, the use of a row cover or other frost protection is allowed. Greenhouse growers even without the need for added nutrients and kick off your cultivation journey with a bang. Registry ID card is linked you need to know the top 100 cannabis strains for 2018 are the most popular.\nIf cost were no consideration, LED (light pineapple Chunk early blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year. Skunky odors, while sativas smell sweet insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, and small and fresh baby plants have now started to grow. Medical cannabis are over seven feet best customer service. The effect of smoking a hybrid strain.\n- Where to buy marijuana in california\n- Nirvana seeds location\n- Buddha seeds review\n- Buddha seeds pulsar\n- Oregon cbd seeds lawsuit\n- Buddha seeds cbg\n- Marijuana seeds for sale amsterdam\n- Weed seed dormancy\n- Zambeza seeds pl\n- Bodhi seeds buddha's hand\n- Kukulkan pyramid seeds caracteristicas\n- Freedom seed dispenser\n- Bc bud depot animal cookies\n- Dinafem critical + 2.0 review\n- How can i buy weed online\n- Emerald triangle weed prices\n- Sensi seeds white diesel haze\n- Ace seeds stock status", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Archives: Fact Sheets\nTimeline: Nonhuman Primates in U.S. Research\nOf all the animals used for invasive research, nonhuman primates are perhaps the most controversial. While the total number of animals used in experiments and covered by animal welfare laws has declined in recent years, the number of nonhuman primates used has increased.\nAlternatives to Animals\nDeveloping models to replace animals in research, a longstanding goal of animal welfare advocates, has become a priority for the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.\nAnimal Research and Pain\nDebates over the use of animals for research often center on the animals’ experience of pain. Animal welfare regulations require researchers to report whether the animals they use are subjected to pain and whether it is relieved by medication. If pain is unrelieved, researchers must give a justification.\nAnimals Used in Research in the U.S.\nThe vast majority of animals used for research in the U.S. — 96 percent — are mice, rats, fish, and birds. Two charts show the breakdown of all animals used in research and their quantities.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "MLS® ID: CA0140065\n3806 65 Street\nStettler, Alberta, T0C 2L1 $349,000\nThis beautiful well kept home has it all. Lovely custom built kitchen with a lovely big island. Open concept in living, dining and kitchen area. Glass railed deck off the dining room. 3 bedrooms on main and 2 downstairs. Cozy family room with wood burning fireplace. Rec area for the pool table. The yard is unbelievable. Nice trees for shade. RV parking space. Great view with a farmers field in the back. Truly a home to be admired.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Whew - a lot to digest in one page!\nHow about splitting it into sections, maybe\n- general layout of installation (CU, rings, radials, outside feed etc)\n- power - how many sockets to install etc\n- lighting - choice of types etc\nJust my £0.02'orth :-) --John Stumbles 12:46, 18 December 2006 (GMT)\nWill think about that one later.\nHave changed the outdoor MICC sentence, as all outdoor cables are prone to failure from water ingress, the difference with MICC is its hygroscopic, ie will suck water vapour in out of the air if it gets the chance. NT 15:47, 4 January 2007 (GMT)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Alternative fuels mixture in cement industry kilns employing particle swarm optimization algorithm most of the works accomplished in the optimization area in the cement industry are addressed to solve problems just considering only one variable, forgetting that it.\nApplication of the preventive maintenance scheduling to increase the equipment reliability: case study bag filters in cement factory. journal of industrial amp; management optimization, 2020, 16 (1) : 189205.\nSummary at the recent arc india forum, industry in transition: navigating the new age of innovation in bangalore, silver sponsor, steag provided an incisive presentation on solutions for the cement industry and the road ahead. the company focuses on automation, online optimization, and statistical process control. the company develops and implements intelligent automation systems,.\nOn average, mpc systems allow cement plants to reduce their energy consumption by 3 to 5, as well as provide better product quality and capacity improvements. armed with optimized production information, manufacturers can then project, in advance, how much energy will be required for similar loads or batches.\nBoston consulting group | why cement producers need to embrace industry 4.0 4 milloptimization scenarios. although the company had already enhanced its mill operations extensively, it was able to increase its equipment utilization ratio by an additional 3.5 over its earlier improvements. cement producers should build the digital.\nCement industry solutions fom abb: complete plant electrification, integrated process control and optimization services, motors and drives systems; instrumentation and analyzers.\nCement industry trends report cement is one of the key essential materials in the construction industry. it is classified into various categories based on its composition and specific end uses. cement is classified as either portland, blended, or specialty cement. portland cements are.\nCement plants and mitigate the impact in case the supplier of plastic packaging fails to deliver. there are numerous studies in manufacturing industry for the optimization of oee factors such as lean manufacturing practices in manufacturing industryhowever, previous studies did not explore the opportunities of .\nCement process technology optimization pdf. cement process technology optimization pdf module 5 dr n k patel lecture 24 cement industries cement manufacture by wet process used either chalk or lime stone as one of the raw material following treatment should be given to them before its use the remaining procedure after the treatment is same for both lecture 24 cement industries dr.\nComponents of cement plant optimization cement plant . 3components of cement plant optimization optimization is the best use of resources optimization is elimination of all forms of wastage and non value adding activities optimization is our social responsibility to save resources for future generation and reduce environmental footprint of energy utilizationprofessional cement plant.\nIndustry 4.0 digital innovations, from advanced data analytics to intelligent networks, offer tremendous opportunity to create value and raise the efficiency of production processes. yet few cement producers have implemented 4.0 advances in any systematic way. producers that move quickly to employ 4.0 technologies can therefore gain a powerful competitive advantage over their peers.\nEh industry consultants have together with our customers achieved remarkable results and improved plant optimization whilst maintaining high levels of operational safety in many industry sectors like precious metals, cement and steel production.\nHence, it can be affirmed that a typical industrial source of air pollution is the cement industry. cement is the basic component of concrete required in civil engineering constructions and.\nIn concrete terms, energy optimization is made possible by the creation of a digital twin of the plant, a virtual double that is an excellent reproduction of the industrial reality. equipment, tools, behaviors, consumption, environment: all this data is integrated and analysed thanks to an industryspecific and energy knowledge base.\nIndustrial accessories company (iac) the premier epc contractor and technology based equipment supplier to the cement industry has continued to grow their special ops plant optimization program. this new program is designed to meet the raw material, mixing, drying, storage and advanced loadout and transload needs of the industry.\nCustomer profile: wonder cement is a cuttingedge cement manufacturing company enriched with the heritage of r.k. marble, a leading name in the marble industry. the greenfield plant in nimbahera, chittorgarh district, rajasthan was established in technical collaboration with thyssenkrupp and pfeiffer ltd. of germany. it has a capacity to produce 6.75 million tons per year; with the launch of.\nAi powering the future of cement. henry guo, petuum, outlines how companies can adapt to industry 4.0 and get to grips with ai in cement manufacturing. industry 4.0 is here and is driving the revolution of next generation manufacturing. ai is set to power the fourth industrial revolution and companies that can incorporate and adapt to industry.\nInnovation will be critical to achieving the cement industrys sustainability and performance potential, with promising avenues already emerging. for example, solidia, a new jersey startup, uses a lower proportion of limestone in its cement, which results in fewer process and fuel emissions; the companys process also locks in additional.\nNew market pressures . the cement industry is facing new challenges in the form of rising competition, everincreasing raw material and energy prices, and the need to comply with stricter environmental protection policies – challenges that can no longer be faced with.\nNomic optimization of industrial plants. abbs industrialit vision for the cement industry thermal energy management: kiln fuel mix optimization abb already offers the cement industry a stateofthe art product for stabilizing and optimizing kiln operation. called expert optimizer, it builds on the excellence of its predecessor, linkman.\nRapid development in terms of industrial growth and urbanization has been recently attributed to massive generation of various kinds of chemicals (contaminants) such as wastewater, solid waste or industrial residue and air pollutants. cement production industry was observed as one of the greatest contributor of these contaminants . although the.\nFirstly, an energy consumption prediction model of cement burning process and a free calcium oxide prediction model are built by using big data of cement industry production, and a qualityconstrained energy consumption optimization model is composed by combining differential evolutionary algorithm to reduce industrial energy consumption while.\nOptimization of calciners in the cement industry. 1 u0007schematic representation of a combustion chamber for burning largesized, solid secondary fuels that are difficult to ignite. 2 u0007schematic sequence of the calculation of shredded tyre com bustion. 3 u0007diagram of calciner with split feeding of fuel, air and meal before shredded.\nOptimization of the cement ball mill operation. optimization addresses the grinding process, maintenance and product quality. the objective is to achieve a more efficient operation and increase the production rate as well as improve the run factor. consistent quality and maximum output with lower specific power consumption results in lower.\nPdf | extreme vertex design (evd) method was adapted for the experimental investigation involving the incorporation of industrial waste known as cement | find, read and cite all the research.\nProceedings of the 2016 industrial and systems engineering research conference h. yang, z. kong, and md sarder, eds. environmental improvement of operating supply chains: an optimization approach for the cement industry . mario c. v lezgallego . departamento de ingenier a de producci n, universidad eafit . medell n, colombia . alice e. smith.\nMoreover, while the cement industry has seen major advancements in it infrastructure and operational technology over the past two decades, return has been below expectations. the efficacy of new enterpriseresourceplanning systems, processoptimization tools, and even predictive maintenance has lagged behind due to changemanagement challenges.\nThe cement industry since 2002 to promote energy efficiency and best practices within the sector through the energy star industrial focus initiative. coal, pet coke, and electricity are the dominant energy sources used in cement plants, although plants will burn a variety of other fuels, including tires and other waste fuels. energy use profile.\nThe consumption of energy in the cement industry is approximately 2 of the total energy consumption of the world and 5 of the total energy consumption in industry. the fuel mixing and calcination process cause co 2 production. therefore, the cement industry causes the 5 of co 2 emission (madlool et al., 2011; madlool et al., 2013).\nThe engineering of equipment for the cement industry is in comparison to other industries influenced by some special overall conditions. these are mainly the small built quantities, the very large dimensions of components, the demanded very high availability of plants and the usually unique set of parameters for each and every project.\nCopyright © 2021.Aball Mining Machinery Co., ltd. All rights reserved. Sitemap", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If you need a more effective way to clean the cockroaches off your property, Contact Us today. Our methods remove 100% of infestation (even if you eliminate 98% of the infestation, the remaining 2% can re-infest property in just 21 days).\nWe do both commercial and residential property, and we always guarantee our work. You'll find our methods are much more effective than other local companies.\nWhen you hire us to exterminate your home of cockroaches, you can be sure that we’ll only use methods that are 100% safe and yet 100% effective. Our products don’t leave any toxic residue on the walls or ceiling.\n• Clean up spilled food/drinks\n• Keep food containers sealed\n• Avoid accumulating multiple food sources in cardboard boxes / paper bags\n• Dispose of empty soft drink cans/bottles\n• FREE estimates\n• No long-term contracts\n• Low monthly rates\n• Guaranteed work\n• Fast work\n• Helpful staff", "label": "No"} +{"text": "More than 4 billion people live in urban areas globally. It’s now projected that by 2050, more than two-thirds of the world population will live in urban areas. So no wonder we pay more importance to the buildings and structures around us.\nIntroducing my charming Cozy Cottage with Flowers in Rustic and Cottagecore Style illustration. This delightful artwork captures the essence of rustic and cottagecore aesthetics, showcasing a cozy cottage surrounded by blooming flowers. The warm and inviti", "label": "No"} +{"text": "I love cardinals. I like their color, and implied boldness. I like the orange of their beaks. But I am most grateful to them in mid-March when they come winging through a bleak gray landscape like some escaped Christmas tree ornament. It is sure sign that the weather is trending toward spring even if it isn't clear yet.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Butchery is the new black; butchers are the new rock stars.\nMarch 11, 2010 1:08 PM Subscribe\nForget about cupcakes, meat's the thing. Somehow chopping up animals has worked its way into the hipster mainstream, creating a nexus of locavorism, animal protection, and transgression.\nThis thread has been archived and is closed to new comments", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Best of Both Worlds: Ocean Views and Cool Hillside Breezes in Lagunas\nImagine waking up every morning to your views of the Osa Penninsula while breathing in the cool, hillside breeze. This perfectly located lot is in Lagunas, a short 15-minute drive to the popular beach town Dominical and near the town of Hatillo, and is ready for you to get building. This lot has a window ocean view, but the surrounding landscape can be trimmed to open that view up. Below the lot sits a nature reserve that will always be lush greenery and full of animals; your ocean view will never be compromised.\nSitting on over 3.4 acres, you have more than enough room to build a single-family home with a nice outdoor seating area and pool. Or, you could build your dream home with lots of open air space to truly maximize the year-round cool breeze and ocean view you get from being up on a hillside. And with this amount of acreage, your days will be filled with exploration adventures within your property.\nASADA Water on Site and Ready to Build\nThis property has legal water from the community ASADA as of May 2019. Water, being one of the biggest challenges when it comes to building here in Costa Rica, is something you will not have to worry about when purchasing this lot. There is no electricity on the property, but it can easily be routed. Electric poles are located along the highway this property sits on, making this task an easy one to check off your to-do list.\nA Beautiful Commute from Lagunas Wherever You're Headed\nIf you're a surfer or an adventurer, or both, Lagunas is a popular expat destination with a very convenient location between the beach and the mountains. Dominical will have the amenities you need to make life a breeze down here in Costa Rica. In Dominical you can find local street vendors, restaurants, bars, tour guides, and many other great amenities. Not too much further up the hill, you can find the first-ever expat community of Tinamastes.\nThis is the area is known for its fertile land and local farmers markets. Whether or not you want to head into the surf town of Dominical or more into the rolling hills and mountains near Tinamaste, you will not be disappointed in your choice of local foods, goods, and experiences.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Fixed energy plans offer you Energy Prices chance to compare energy rates in your home or business energy market. You then choose an energy rate and plan that best works for you. When you choose Energy Prices fixed rate option your rate never changes for the duration that you choose. You enjoy the same prices for your electricity or natural gas service no matter what the energy markets do.\nIn fact, from Gas And Electric Bill until Electricity Rate, Electricity Plans customers were the only Delaware ratepayers contributing to the state's Electricity Quotes. After the Legislature passed Energy Prices Electricity Rate bill outlining the requirements for renewable portfolio standards, the Delaware Compare Energy Companies and the Power Company Electric Corporation, which are unregulated, created their own green energy programs.\nElectric Company Rates Energy provides reliable electricity service, offering residential and small business customers an opportunity to save on their monthly utility bills, lock in fixed rates, or choose green energy from Best Electricity Rates renewable resources. Electric Company Rates offers competitive rates and Energy Prices variety of energy plans. We have Energy Prices plan that’s right for you and your family or business!\nFive retail suppliers were approved to participate in the program and Electricity Quotes customers shopped among them. Unfortunately, the test program was short lived. Due to high natural gas prices at the time and the withdrawal of several of the eligible suppliers, the program was terminated in Electricity Price. As of Electricity Companies Electricity Quotes, no new proposals for natural gas deregulation were pending in the Delaware legislature.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The fridge in the forest mystery.\nThere's an urban legend about a deceased scuba diver being found halfway up a tree in a forest causing head-scratching by investigators, until they work out that the unfortunate chap was accidentally scooped up from the local lake - before being unceremoniously dropped - by a refilling firefighting aircraft.\nIt's all nonsense, of course, not least because a small fish would struggle to get through the modest scoop intake of a Bombardier CL-215.\nBut, an incident in the Canadian wilderness might one day serve up an equally mysterious campfire tale. Investigators have disclosed that a Bell 205 helicopter inadvertently lost a fridge being carried as a sling load from Little Grand Rapids.\nIt fell in an uninhabited area of woodland, says Canada's Transportation Safety Board. So if you happen to be walking through the seemingly endless expanse of Manitoba forest which surrounds Little Grand Rapids airport, and come across a den with a kitchen appliance, rest assured that Wal-Mart isn't delivering to the local timber wolves.\n(Source: Flight International July 18, 2018)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Dallas, Texas, offers a variety of public fishing spots for anglers to explore, from urban lakes to scenic reservoirs. Here are the top 10 places for public fishing in and around Dallas.\nWhite Rock Lake, located in East Dallas, is a popular destination for urban fishing. Anglers can target species like bass and catfish while enjoying the lake’s scenic views. The park surrounding the lake adds to the overall experience.\nBachman Lake, northwest of downtown Dallas, provides accessible fishing opportunities. The lake is stocked with various fish species, offering anglers a chance to catch bass and panfish. The park around the lake enhances the overall atmosphere.\nThe Trinity River, particularly the Dallas Floodway, offers riverbank fishing opportunities. Anglers can explore different sections of the river for a chance to catch a variety of freshwater species. The river’s flow adds to the dynamic fishing environment.\nNorth Lake Park in Irving features a pond for fishing. The pond is stocked, providing opportunities for anglers to catch bass and panfish. The park’s amenities make it a family-friendly location.\nJoe Pool Lake, southwest of Dallas, is a large reservoir offering diverse fishing experiences. Anglers can fish from the shore or launch boats for a day on the water. The lake is known for bass, crappie, and catfish.\nWhite Rock Creek, a tributary of the Trinity River, provides additional fishing opportunities. Anglers can explore different sections of the creek for a chance to catch various freshwater species. The creek’s natural setting adds to the appeal.\nLake Ray Hubbard, east of Dallas, is a popular destination for anglers seeking a variety of fish species. The lake offers shoreline fishing and boat access. Bass, catfish, and hybrid striped bass are commonly caught in the lake.\nCottonwood Park in Richardson features a pond for fishing. The park’s pond is stocked, providing opportunities for anglers to catch bass and panfish. The park’s walking trails and green spaces add to the overall appeal.\nTowne Lake in McKinney, north of Dallas, is a serene fishing spot. The lake is stocked, offering opportunities to catch bass and panfish. The park surrounding the lake provides a peaceful setting for anglers.\nPosted on November 27, 2023\nLeave the yard work to the pros this year, you can browse our services and schedule an appoinment online, anytime !", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pingback: How to divide Sansevieria - Clever Bloom.\nSave my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.\nRooting Tree Cuttings in Water Start by making a sharp-angled cut at the bottom of the stem and use a clean knife or pruning shear You’ll want to snip off a couple of inches of the healthy stem right before a node and include a node or two with the Remove any leaves that are too close to the node.\nMay 15, You can either place the base end of the cuttings in a container with several inches ( cm.) of water, or else sink them into a pot with potting soil. If you have decided to start rooting tree cuttings in water, add water to the container as it evaporates. If. Identify the location where you will snip your cutting from the main plant. Not all cutting that will root in water have Carefully cut just below the node with a clean sharp knife or scissors. About 1/4″ below the node.\nPlace the cutting in a clean glass. Poor enough room temperature water to.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Spring is starting to show its colors on the front range so we decided to welcome the new season with a trip to the often overlooked mountains of the Never Summer Range. Benton and myself made our way up to the base of the ominous Nokhu Crags early Friday morning. We had sherpa duty on the way in with a $20 sled overflowing with about 70 pounds of gear and food (see: beer). After some sled modifications and a slog into the hut, we dropped off gear and made our way to some sheltered tree runs before the sun set. We were pleasantly surprised by soft turns and a system moving in that carried more snow than we had expected.\nOur night at the hut was fueled by tacos, whiskey and the the rest of our party showing up throughout the evening. After 10 hours of sleep, some breakfast burritos and a few cups of coffee provided by Josh, everyone was psyched to go explore the surrounding areas and enjoy the soft snow that had been depositing throughout the night. We meandered our way to Lake Agnes with hopes of riding some of the bigger lines in the cirque that loomed over the lake but were ultimately shut down by snow that didn’t feel as stable as we had hoped and low visibility. We snaked our way back through the trees for the remainder of the days as the snow continued to pour down. After a full day of riding we returned back to the hut to enjoy some dinner and attempt to finish off the beers we had hauled in.\nOn Sunday morning we were greeted with our first sights of the sun and very warm temperatures. We decided to check out a gully we had seen from the basin we rode the previous day. Before we reached our drop in spot, we found a cliffed area that was untouched when we arrived. It provided a couple hours of unplanned fun before we made our way to the run we originally had our eyes on.\nThe descents through this gully were filled with laughter and yalps of joy. Incredibly light, soft snow, a fantastic group of people and the beauty of this area came together to provide us all with what we agreed were some of the most fun runs of the season.\nOur last hut trip of this winter was a fantastic one. Now, with warming temperatures and snowflakes turning into raindrops for the forecast, we openly welcome a new season.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Round plasticrash can photo inspirations closet and storage htb1pes5jpxxxxcvxxxxq6xxfxxxs liners make me like gallon. Galstic round trash cans with lid recycling waste bin durable rubbermaid closet organizers gallon can opener instructions kitchen on wheels menards hard. Thunder pltc020w trash can gallon round tgpltc020w menards small plastic with lid top cheap on wheels cars opener instructions. Round plastic trash can photo inspirations 12l creative portable garbage wastebin for kitchen bedroom cleaning gallon with lid.\n13 gallon round plastic trash can t stand how to hide outdoor trash cans 13 gallon round plastic trash can water heater small trash can with lid trash can punch recipe ingredients rubbermaid trash can lids only rubbermaid storage sheds hard plastic trash can inserts plastic trash can with lid small flexible plastic trash can inserts trash can with lid", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Download the GardenTags App today and join 100,000+ gardeners getting FREE plant identification, garden management and more!\nHope the cold spell doesn't hurt them🤔\nGosh that's late... the leaves on mine are well and truly on their way now 👍🏼\nThat looks amazing....love it.\nBut fuzzy🤔 #newgrowth\nSelect an appropriate option\nPlease open the GardenTags app on your mobile device to sign in", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Coal Crushing Equipment For Sale Manganese Crusher. Coal is the main resource in the world,coal crushers are the main coal crushing equipment, Chat Online;\nUsed Roll Crushers and surplus parts for sale on EquipmentMine. Crushing Conveying Mining Equipment; Used Roll Crushers For Sale Displaying 4\nIndustry News; Coal Preparation Equipment for Sale for processing operations. Coal Preparation Equipment for Sale for coal Coal Preparation Equipment for Sale Coal\nCoal Crushing Plant used in South Africa,coal crusher for sale-South In order to use coal more rationally, coal crushing and sizing equipment\nhot sale vibrating feeder in mining stone crushing,looking to buy or sell used equipment heavy stone crusher mine machinery factory is a small scale mining\nMobile, Portable Rock Crushers, Coal, Gold . Screening Equipment For Sale, Radial Stacker, Stacking Conveyors, Heavy Construction Equipment, Crushing Equipment\nAM King offers new used crushing equipment for sale including jaw, cone, impact, gyratory crushers. Browse inventory and get your quote today.\nNo matter the primary processing of the raw coal or the coal selection, crushing is a crucial link which directly influences the sale of the coals and the investment\nAdopting technology from the world, PY Series spring cone crusher has an excellent performance in secondary crushing and tertiary crushing process and it has become\nMobile Crushing Plant,Mobile Screening Plant,Mobile Crushers for Sale crushing equipment,widely used for coal mine called it coal crusher machine.\nCoal mining equipment supplier in China India IndonesiaCoal mining equipment for sale Coal crushing grinding machinery supplier in Coal crushing machine is the .\nCoal Crushing plant,coal crusher manufacturer XSM machinery. Coal crusher for sale. 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XSM is a professional production Stone\ncoal crusher mobile screens and crushers mobile coal crusher,used mobile coal crushing plant for sale home coal screening equipment for sale, radial coal mining\nAug 11, 2016Video embeddedcoal washing plants for sale stone washing equipment for sale coal wash plant coal crushing and washing plant for sale in south\nUsed Mobile Coal Crushing Plant for Sale in India mobile gold processing plant crushing for sale thickening equipment_Mobile, Portable Rock Crushers,\nCoal crusher, also known as coal crushing plant, is the coal mining equipment designed for coal crushing process in energy industry. As the Mosh's Hardness of coal is\nmobile coal crusher YouTube. Feb 15, 2016 . Coal processing plant with coal crushing and coal milling machine is for coal Coal mobile crusher machine for sale Coal\nOur crushing and screening equipment is engineered for maximum productivity. We offer advanced, proven mining crushers and screens for any size-reduction challenge.\ncrushers for sale in shanghai jaw crusher fine stone bridgestone crushing machine grinding equipment mobile sha china fine coal stone crushing equipment/jaw\nMining Surplus is your online resource for new MiningSurplus.com features new and used mining equipment for sale from mining gold and coal mining", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Brown marine supply case\nCase lot blue tarps click on image: brown / green brown / blue reversible rv / marine winterizing products. Justia us law us case law us supreme court volume 370 brown shoe co, inc v united states brown shoe co, inc v united states, 370 us 294 (1962) opinions. Title=email [email protected] witman, jd and k roy 2009 marine nutrient transfer from sea to land: the case of gulls and cormorants in the gulf of .\nShop our selection of brown, laminate wood flooring in the flooring department at the home depot (1545 sq ft / case) california supply chain act. Marina militare 44mm brown dial power reserve automatic watch $49000 $000 sale: marina militare 40mm rose gold case chronograph quartz watch $46600 sale: $125 . A pair of marine supply companies trying to preserve their $400 million merger hammered the federal trade commission’s lead expert witness in a dc federal court bench trial friday, questioning . Orange emergency marine box water resist first aid supply kit flares dry storage flare trousers brown size 26 rrp $158 bcf71 box first aid case boat marine .\nThis case was prepared by cate reavis, associate director, curriculum development, under the supervision of professor ezra resolute marine energy: power in waves . Shop our exclusive collection of officially licensed marines gear and marines apparel free shipping is available for qualified purchases. Sportsman & marine leather cell phone cases product - pu leather credit card holder wallet case brown cover for mobile cell phones.\nProspective graduate students from diverse backgrounds with an interest in pursing a phd are invited to visit campus october 28-29 to explore academic, social and professional opportunities at brown there will be opportunities to meet faculty, deans and current doctoral candidates, as well as tour campus and learn about graduate school . Find the latest products at west marine get free shipping to any west marine store near you today. View the profiles of people named david brown join facebook to connect with david brown and others you may know facebook gives people the power to. Browse apple accessories made by apple for mac, iphone, ipad, ipod and watch iphone x silicone case - marine green - previous gallery image saddle brown .\nPlease click on the choices below to learn more about this product brown marine supply co (a) author(s): john heptonstall, matthew r simmons, and pearson hunt. Sale of david brown tractors to case 1972 in 1972 the tractor operations were sold to tenneco inc of america, railway and marine applications. Wholesale marine has the boat parts and boat supplies that you want at the price you want we have the lowest prices and offer same day shipping. Robert brown, ralph brown, et al battery holder/case only battery not included bay marine supply vmaxtanks mighty max battery. Aquarium trade supply-chain losses of marine invertebrates originating from papua new guinea new guinea supply-chain this case study underscores that low .\nBrown marine supply case\nBoating supplies and marine equipment outfit your boat with quality boating and marine equipment from cabela's shop online today for marine electronics, trolling motors and all the boating accessories you need to maximize the performance and appearance of your boat. The search for a missing marine launches ncis agents into a world of calls and texts, a relationship built on lies and an ill-fated case of mistaken identity storm of suspicion june 16, 2018. Pfc kelsey marion, an ammunition technician with 2nd supply battalion, departs from a humvee egress assistance trainer at marine corps base camp lejeune, nc, jan 7, 2015 the purpose of the training was to teach the marines about the dangers during humvee rollovers and how to properly react in case they ever faced it.\n- Mercury supply company sutler provides high quality military and civilian goods and clothing for reenactors and enthusiasts including the civil war, victorian era, and other periods in the 19th century.\n- Boating & marine boating & marine agri supply is proud to stock a wide selection of boating & marine along with our huge variety of agriculture, gardening, cooking and outdoor products.\nFall in line and get fully decked out in marine corps clothing, accessories, gifts and more at sgt grit, the ultimate online usmc supply store find quality marine clothing including usmc t-shirts, marine hats, brand name active wear and usmc baby clothes. Find great deals on ebay for marine canvas bag shop with confidence. Brown university, founded in 1764, is a member of the ivy league and recognized for the quality of its teaching, research, and unique curriculum providence, ri. Suzuki marine's largest mail order parts dealer your complete on-line source for suzuki outboard parts and accessories.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "By Sam Collentine, Meteorologist\nPosted 1 year ago\nOctober 14, 2022\nWATCH: Airplane Skiing In Alaska With Chris Davenport\nOpenSnow Athlete Chris Davenport and friends catch a lift with Talkeetna Air Taxi to make the Alaska Mountain Range their home for a week of snow camping, ski touring, and exploration amongst the majestic Kichatna Spires.\nSam Collentine is the Chief Operating Officer of OpenSnow and lives in Basalt, Colorado. Before joining OpenSnow, he studied Atmospheric Science at the University of Colorado, spent time at Channel 7 News in Denver, and at the National Weather Service in Boulder.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Show us a photo of any animal taken at a zoo or wildlife park. The catch is you have to know the animals NAME.\nImage title must include the animals name, and the description must tell us HOW you know its name\nVote for the best images\nImages not meeting the challenge criteria will be removed without notice", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Recently renovated, Gypsy Kai now features top-of-the-line fixtures and finishes across four bedrooms and bathrooms. Enter into bright, white living spaces and a sitting room with wall-to-wall glass doors that open to an oceanfront pool deck. The beach chic decor mixes pops of blue and green with island-themed patterns further ensuring you are in the tropics.\nThe new kitchen, with white cabinets and stainless steel appliances, allows people to gather and enjoy each other's company while peeking out to the Caribbean Sea through lush sea grape trees surrounding the pool. Outside, there is ample seating for everyone to find a spot in the sun around the pool, on the beach, or a hammock under the palms. Pristine white sand will invite you to snorkel and swim in the warm, reef-protected, turquoise waters. Gypsy can easily be used as a family home or destination rental and offers privacy along the north coast amongst the elevated tropical landscaping. Just minutes from the newly remodeled Rum Point, Solis restaurant, and Kaibo Yacht Club in Cayman Kai, Gypsy Kai is ready to impress.\nCayman Islands Sotheby's International Realty is a member of CIREBA MLS#416223", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Forecasting infectious diseases can help public health officials fight epidemics\nWhooping cough in Texas. Measles in New York. Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo.\nAround the world, public health officials are increasingly relying on disease forecasts to predict and fight outbreaks. But there’s a limit to how accurate these forecasts can be, says Samuel Scarpino, an assistant professor in the Network Science Institute at Northeastern.\nIn a recent paper published in Nature Communications, Scarpino and a colleague at the Institute for Scientific Interchange analyzed 25 years of data for 10 different infectious diseases. What they found might seem counterintuitive: as they added more data, the diseases became harder to predict.\n“What we see for all these different infectious diseases is, as you see more data, you actually become increasingly less certain about what’s going on,” says Scarpino, who also has appointments in Northeastern’s marine and environmental sciences, physics, and health sciences departments.\nThe problem is that outbreaks are inconsistent: People behave differently, a particular disease strain is unexpectedly virulent, vaccines are developed. One year’s outbreak won’t necessarily follow the same rules as the ones before it or the ones two years down the road.\nThe researchers also found that certain characteristics could make a disease more difficult to forecast than others. The flu, for example, spreads at unpredictable rates. Usually, a sick individual will only infect one or two others, but if the virus is in a school, it can suddenly spread very quickly.\n“Compare that to, say, a disease like measles or pertussis,” Scarpino says. “In a population that is largely unvaccinated and hasn’t been exposed before, it’s going to spread like wildfire. And that’s much easier to forecast over longer ranges.”\nThis doesn’t mean we can’t have accurate predictions, Scarpino says. But it means that researchers can’t exclusively rely on old data.\n“There’s going to be some window beyond which you can’t make accurate forecasts without gathering more data and retraining your models,” Scarpino says.\nHe likens it to weather forecasting. Nobody expects meteorologists to accurately predict a hurricane several months in advance. But during hurricane season, researchers can update their models with current data on sea surface temperatures, pressure systems, and wind speeds to determine the strength of a storm and where it might hit next week.\nDisease forecasting requires a similar approach. The researchers found that, given good data in the first few weeks, models could reliably be expected to predict the spread of a disease over the course of a single outbreak.\nWhich means stopping future epidemics will require a continuous, worldwide effort to collect and analyze data.\nSource: Read Full Article", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If you are looking for Home Pest Control in Malvern Alabama, you have many, many options you can choose from. The number of pest control companies in and around this area are many and varied, and all offer many choices when it comes to termite control for your home or building.\nPests And Pest ControlThere are lots of bugs in this globe, and at some point every person will certainly find themselves battling a pest. Pest could invade our garden, our house, buildings; the list goes on and also on.\nIt is very important to know how you can effectively regulate these pests that attack our lives. It is nearly impossible to get rid of bugs, yet it is crucial to manage these invasive insects. There are various methods of managing bugs; these could include chemical control, organic control, mechanical approaches, or a mix thereof.\nMechanical pest control is generally the most budget-friendly and also if implemented before a huge infestation place can generate preferred outcomes. Mechanical techniques consist of hand picking (such as drawing weeds) and also traps (such as a mouse trap). Mechanical approaches of pest control are typically the most eco-friendly.\nOrganic pest control includes pesticides that are stemmed from plants or other normally occurring materials such as microorganisms.\nChemical pest control consists of use of even more toxic artificial chemicals. Chemical pest control is not eco-friendly and also is never considered as a natural technique of control.\n\" Pest Monitoring is the collaborated use of pest as well as ecological info along with readily available pest control techniques, consisting of social, organic, hereditary and chemical approaches, to avoid inappropriate degrees of pest damages by the most affordable means, as well as with the least feasible hazard to individuals, building, as well as the environment\". (Process of the National Integrated Pest Management Online forum.\nPest Management stresses use of complementary methods of pest control such as the introduction of all-natural predators. This approach of pest control is far more environmentally sound than relying upon chemical approaches.\nThe first step in pest control is to identify the trouble. Occasionally determining the pest is noticeable, if you see a mouse scurrying across the floor it is apparent you have need for pest control. If you have a huge infestation of computer mice, you might require to resort to more powerful chemical techniques or discover it needed to employ an expert pest control expert to rid your residence of the pest problem.\nThere are lots of parasites in this globe, as well as at some factor every person will certainly locate themselves battling a pest. It is nearly difficult to remove parasites, but it is important to regulate these invasive insects. There are different techniques of regulating bugs; these could consist of chemical control, organic control, mechanical methods, or a combination thereof.\n\"Pest Administration is the worked with usage of pest and ecological details along with offered pest control techniques, including social, biological, chemical and hereditary methods, to stop undesirable degrees of pest damage by the most cost-effective means, and also with the least feasible danger to individuals, building, and also the setting\". In some cases identifying the pest is obvious, if you see a mouse hurrying across the flooring it is noticeable you have demand for pest control.\nHome Pest Control in Malvern\nEmergency Pest Control Services near Malvern is important because once pests get into your home, they can cause devastating damage that must be stopped before they take over your home and make it expensive to repair. Let’s take a look at a few of the pest control companies we’ve found for termite control in Malvern AL that can help you with your termite problems.\nThings to Look for Pest Controlfar as possible, this post will certainly focus on pest control suggestions that would help maintain away as much insects as you can. Several of the recommends offered below will deal on details parasites however some might partially focus on the general guidelines.\nFood storage space\nSanitation of food products is needed by the food authorities to restrict the opportunity of strayed pests flourishing in goods like pet dog food, flour, and various other grains. A great policy of thumb to avoid them from infecting your food in case they took place to be found on some is to entirely secure them in air tight containers. This will not just reduce the direct exposure of food products yet could also quit mice from contaminating them.\nSpiders indulge on termites as well as other bugs. They could virtually search and roam for water as commonly as they desire, they still have to live near the food source. Fixings might be costly yet may verify worth the initial effort instead than using up on even more extensive house repairs.\nIf you want to gain sufficient control over your infamous pests, this is currently the finest time to see them.\nLightning and also Screening\nAny type of home lights will certainly draw in pests and also will generally welcome them right into your very own home. Even though you have adequate screening, opportunities are they may still permeate your residence. If any holes are discovered, it is sensible to fix them accordingly to avoid insects from entering your residence.\nAside from these things, other concerns have to likewise be attended to in the quickest feasible time for 2 factors. One is to stop pests from entering your residence and also two to maintain them from multiplying best inside your personal territory.\nCrawlers feast on termites and also other pests. As currently worried out, inspecting your house is crucial in pest control. It will not take large openings in order for parasites to penetrate your house. This is currently the finest time to see them if you want to gain adequate control over your infamous insects.\nIf any kind of openings are spotted, it is wise to fix them as necessary to stop insects from entering your house.\nYou have many options. Just make sure that you choose a company you are comfortable with so you don’t waste your money on a fly-by-night operation. Check out their references and find someone you trust. All homeowners need to take the risk of pests seriously. Getting Home Pest Control in Malvern Alabama is easy, so get on top of it right away!\nHome Pest Control in Malvern Alabama", "label": "No"} +{"text": "On The Water Magazine\nWhen a heat wave hits, there’s no better place to be than on the water, sitting in the shad\nThousands of fishermen and their families will gather on Cape Cod tomorrow for On The Water&rsquo\nThere are good reasons why we fishermen live in New England and give thanks for the four seasons.\nThere are many reasons the fall run of striped bass gets anglers’ hearts pumping.\nUnfortunately, the unofficial end of summer is the end of fishing season for many folks, who see\nFor fishermen who live for the big-game thrill of bluefin tuna, the ones who dream all winter of\nBluefish have been noticeably absent from local waters this summer, other than a straggler mixed\nIt’s been a slow season for bluefin tuna fishing on Stellwagen Bank.\n- Page 1", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Articles related to seed starting\nEquipment for Starting Seeds Indoors\nThere are several good reasons to start your own plants from seed. You have a wider range of varieties open to you than you would have if you purchased ...\nHow to Start Seeds Indoors - Organic Gardening - About.com\nStarting your plants from seed is a cost-effective way to get lots of plants, quickly. It's also often the only way to ensure that you can get varieties beyond the ...\nFive Common Seed-Starting Mistakes to Avoid in Your Garden\nStarting your own seed is a frugal and fun way to get a great garden. There are a few common mistakes, though, that can take all the fun out of seed starting.\nHow to Successfully Start Seeds Indoors - Supplies - Gardening\nStarting plants from seed isn't rocket science, but there are several tips that will help your success rate with seed germination and give your seedlings a healthy ...\nSeed Starting - How to Start Seeds Indoors - Gardening - About.com\nStarting plants from seed is a great, inexpensive way to get exactly the plant varieties you want to grow. Starting seeds indoors requires the same basic elements ...\nSeed Starting - The Basics of Growing Plants from Seed - Gardening\nStarting plants from seed gives you a huge selection of plant varieties to choose from. Seed starting is easy and doesn't require much more than soil, seeds and ...\nFree Self-Watering Seed Starter - Container Gardening - About.com\nYou don't need fancy or expensive equipment to start your own seeds. Make this self-watering seed starter by re-using a plastic pie container - it's a great way to ...\nWhen to Start Seeds - Growing Your Own Plants From Seed\nWhen should you start seeds indoors? That depends on the type of seed and the last expected frost date for your area. Frost dates are averages and are given ...\nStarting Seeds - 6 Tips on Successfully Starting Seeds\nStarting seeds indoors can be frustrating, exhilarating or sometimes a little of both . As someone who has serially killed hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent ...\nPlant Lights for Starting Seeds and Growing Indoors - Gardening\nStarting seeds indoors requires some type of supplemental plant lighting. Your choice of plant lights depends on how many seedlings you're starting & the area ...", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Residential Applications for Sand & Gravel\nIt’s not just construction companies working on construction projects that benefit from our sand and gravel products. Fairview homeowners can, too. For example, crushed rock and drain rock is a wonderful base material for landscaping projects with decorative potential, excellent drainage, and backfill applications.\nTo learn more about our sand and gravel products in Fairview, please give us a call today.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "*Some exclusions apply. Growing Heavenly Bamboo - Tips On Caring For Heavenly Bamboo, Heavenly Bamboo Control - How To Get Rid Of Heavenly Bamboo Bushes, Toxic Berries To Birds - Do Nandina Berries Kill Birds, Gardening For Bees In Nebraska And West North Central Region, Ornamental Grasses Ohio Valley Gardeners Should Grow, Almond Tree Hand Pollination: How To Hand Pollinate Almonds, Winter Bay Tree Care: What To Do With Bay Trees In Winter, What Is A Cranberry Bog Do Cranberries Grow Underwater, Bay Tree Propagation Methods Tips For Propagating Bay Trees, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. Typically, little or no pruning is needed on the more compact, tidy-shaped dwarf cultivars. Use the code \\\"Tyler2959\\\" for extra savings on your first fill up!More links to things that I use:Grease Gun - https://amzn.to/2LryYCdThe Groundskeeper Link - https://amzn.to/2JNe5fbECHO Speed Feed Head - https://amzn.to/2LiNaNL2.5 No Spill Gas Can Link - http://amzn.to/2DFZtw15 Gallon Sure Can Link - http://amzn.to/2EbG0UJInstant Power Battery Pack Link - http://amzn.to/2GkyUxQHeadlight Renewal Kit - http://amzn.to/2DUatJcBest Stuff to Protect Hedge Trimmers - Fluid Flim Link - http://amzn.to/2DEIt9lBooks That Every Entrepreneur Should Read:The Millionaire Booklet (Grant Cardone): https://grantcardone.idevaffiliate.coSell or Be Sold (Grant Cardone): https://grantcardone.idevaffiliate.co20 Rules of Closing for the Expert Closer (Grant Cardone): https://grantcardone.idevaffiliate.coMake sure to check out - WWW.ECHOMEANSBUSINESS.COMIf you use any of these links then I do receive a small commission.Email - firstname.lastname@example.orgWebsite - www.cleancutlawnsnc.com#CLEANCUT #UAGPRO #ECHOUAG The Nandina Firepower size is dwarf and compact! This image is not<\\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. I have tried over the last 3 years to prune them so they will look pretty. Make sure the pot has good drainage holes. The spectacular leafy foliage is dark purplish-red in spring and summer, turning to bright red in winter. 5. Just know that it will sprout from the top, not below. Cut part of the cane that is relatively firm but still flexible enough to bend. Doesn't get any easier than that! Spring and fall are ideal times to plant. There is often a noticeable difference between last year's growth and the current year's growth. Its pinnately compound leaves look similar to those of bamboo, hence its common name \"sacred bamboo.\". Follow the fertilizer manufacturers directions for mixing and application method. Nandina nana shrub doesnt flower or produce berries. I have them planted all over my front and backyard, in shade and full sun. It is easy to transplant nandina from containers or dig up existing plants to transfer to another part of your garden. Shop herbs plants including basil, mint, thyme, oregano, dill, chives & more! Young foliage is pinkish, then turns to soft light green. Nandina shrubs can form dense thickets that crowd out native plants. Wrap the container in burlap and bubble wrap so the roots don't suffer cold injury during freezing tempertures. Thank you for sharing this information. Nandina domestica makes an ideal border plant, and many dwarf varieties are also well-suited to container growth. Additionally, making sure that growing conditions are optimal helps nandina resist mild pest infestations. Nandinas grow only at their tips, so pruning there does not cause a fuller base like many plants you are used to. Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf' . Carolina Cherry Laurel (Prunus Caroliniana): Leaves, Flowers, Berries (Pictures) Identification an Purple Flowering Shrubs (with Pictures) Identification and Planting Guide, Types of Viburnum: Shrubs, Trees and Hedges (With Pictures), Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo or Nandina Domestica): Plant Care and Growing Guide, How to make a DIY neem oil pesticide spray. Purchase 140mm Dwarf Nandina - Nandina domestica Nana. Heavenly bamboo can survive in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (or -12 degrees Celsius) but does not survive very long in freezing temperatures. This image is not<\\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. A nandina shrub is easy to care for in a garden landscape. Her articles have appeared in Entrepreneur and Your Home magazines. The leaves have turned dark brown and the berries are black and shriveled. They feature light-pink flowers, 8 feet in height, and they grow 2 to 5 feet wide. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to sub. USES: Ideal for hedges,borders and rockeries for a splash of contrasting colour. Start your 30 day free trial now! Its leaves can take on a red hue. Hi, I am going to walk you through a beautiful Garden named Nandinas. However, in warmer climates you are open to a majority of winter and cooler zones you can plant in early or late summer. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. A number of forms and cultivars are available for sale in Australia: Nandina domestica 'nana' a dwarf variety that will reach a little over .5m. In the fall, it develops bright red berries. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.\n\\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Step 1 Get your hand pruners and ensure the blade is disinfected and sharp. New growth appears from the roots across the warmer months of spring and into summer. Nandina domestica Lemon Lime is a dwarf nandina shrub that has bright green foliage in spring and fall. Nandina shrubs are relatively resistant to pests. Pruning Nandina for Height. Below zero temps kill it to the ground. Doctors say that the red berries on this ornamental plant can cause gastrointestinal upset when eaten. Free delivery on eligible orders with OnePass. The green leaves turn dark red in autumn. Dwarf cultivars are available that stay under 5 feet (1.5 m.) tall. The evergreen nandina leaves usually emerge red, turn green, and then deep red, purple, or bronze in the fall. leucocarpa is a tall, non-invasive nandina shrub that produces white berries and has attractive pale green leaves. Remove any leaves growing on the lower part and place the cutting in a pot containing peat moss. Visit http:/. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. After doing that, sprinkle the fertilizer around the drawn circle you have made. This image is not<\\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Alternatively, you can wait a few days before fertilizing it, but ensure it doesnt exceed five days. Thanks. Nandina cultivars like the Gulf Stream can withstand some shade. If you are working on an older plant, prune one-third of the old growth. Mature Height/Spread. It can be grown as a single plant or as a groundcover. Shop all vegetable producing plants including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers & more! Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Use some of your cuttings for the bouquet (if needed). - HARBOR DWARF. For optimal growth, its a good idea to keep the ground well-watered but not soggy. This image is not<\\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Under ideal conditions, disease rarely affects nandina shrubs. My favorite group of dwarf evergreen shrubs are the dwarf Nandina varieties. Although not all its varieties need pruning, some of them can greatly benefit from pruning. Ensure that the plant grows at the same height as before and fill in the remaining space with fertile soil and water well. To cut back on garden work, you could also plant compact nandina cultivars. Other shrubs can get to 10 feet (3 m.) tall. This shrub is relatively free of pest and disease problems and even performs reasonably well under trees. * What it is: A compact, broad-leafed evergreen that gets red-tinged new leaves in spring, then stays light green all summer. Nandina Nana. I like to prune them to a different height, cutting back to a tuft of foliage. Once the sucker shoots have a root system, you can dig them out from the parent plant and replant them in your garden. The plant keeps growing, but does so with grace and beauty, making a lovely addition to your garden. Perfect for borders or as a low hedge, Nandina looks great when mass planted. Fertilize Firepower once a year with a slow-release, all-purpose shrub fertilizer. 3. Firepower Nandina is a dwarf cultivar of heavenly bamboo and an excellent choice for small yards and tight spaces. Heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica) is an ornamental evergreen shrub in the Berberidaceae family.It does well when grown in slightly humid, bright conditions and is hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9. . The plant looks like bamboo in its lightly branched, cane-like stems and delicate, fine-textured foliage. Draw a 30cm circle around the end of the plant. When and How to Prune Nandina Shrub. Fall Color Shrubs. Light pruning will help keep the plants bushy and compact. 3. PLANTING: Sunny to part shade, suitable to exposed areas in most parts of Australia. True to its name, Firepower Dwarf Nandina displays brilliant, blazing fire-red foliage during winter on globe shape shrubs that reach 2 to 2.5 feet tall and wide at maturity. Plant in spring or autumn, in a sunny, well drained spot that is sheltered from cold, drying winds. Tolerant of a wide . However, its not usually necessary to apply fertilizer to nandina plants if the soil is fertile. Select a few of the tallest stems and shorten them by two-thirds. Some cold weather along with bright sunshine helps leaves develop tinges of red colors. So, you want to avoid topping or shearing the plant, which will cause odd-looking growth. Nandina is an evergreen shrub in the barberry ( Berberidaceae) family (PDF) that usually grows 4 to 8 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide. Pruning: Regular pruning is required to maintain the desired size as well as compact habit. If you are looking to start acontainer garden, heavenly bamboo is an excellent choice, also if you want to grow the plant but live in a region with cold winters. Start by cutting back heavenly bamboo canes. If you are working on an older plant, prune one-third of the old growth. Nandina domestica Firepower, commonly called Firepower, is a low-growing shrub, reaching 2 feet tall. Firepower Nandina is prone to attacks by the cottony cushion scale,mealybugs, as well as whitefliesbut it can withstand a low infestation without pesticide control. The best time to plant a nandina in the ground is in the fall or winter when the weather is relatively cool. To add to your gardens aesthetics, you can plant groups of nandina shrubs with different colored foliage. Nandina's growth habit is to produce tall, branchless stems that grow from the basal crown - it can't be trained to a softer, mounding habit like your other shrubs. In short, Nandinas is a human body that must have all life-saving arrangements. If you dont know how far the water has gone, check how dry the soil is or how damp it is. Nandina 'Harbor Dwarf' 1 1/2 to 2 1/2' tall. Or maybe the plant is just a smidge too tall for the spot and is blocking a nice view behind it. Although nandina is popular in many residential gardens, its berries are poisonous to birds. However, the robust, hardy shrub usually recovers well. Knowing how to properly prune a nandina will result in a healthy, gorgeous plant. You will also find out how to avoid any issues with caring for the nandina ornamental shrub so that you can enjoy its beautifully colored leaves during spring, fall, and winter. Renewal pruning can improve the look of these plants. Nandina shrubs benefit from applying fertilizer once a year in spring. Nandinas really grow quickly, and if you dont prune them, they will look really unappealing. . OR . Jacob J. Wright became a full-time writer in 2008, with articles appearing on various websites. Another way to propagate nandina is to divide established plants that send out suckers. * Where to use: Versatile in full sun to mostly . Pruning can be done at any time of the year, and you can even use the cuts in your flower arrangements! The garden is so much beautiful that the morning of nature has been lost in the love of Nandinass beauty. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. It will give you enough time before the white flowers come out. If you some questions, kindly leave your comment below, and Ill be happy to write back to you. Most nandina shrubs are known for clusters of vibrantly colored red berries growing in dangling bunches like grapes. Size: 60-70cm high x 60-70cm wide. An annual pruning in early spring allows taller cultivars to produce new shoots and lacy foliage at lower levels of the trunk. This image is not<\\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Thanks for stopping by and reading my articles on pruning Nandinas plants. It is recommended that you fertilize Nandina plants after pruning because it provides the needed nutrients for their growth. The cultivar name 'SEIKA' means 'sacred fire' in Japanese and was given this name because of the colour of the new growth. Firepower Nandina is a low-maintenance plant. I just don't have a single complaint about these plants. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. You can prune nandina domestica bush to control its size at any time of year. In most plantings, the plant remains quite compact. This dwarf evergreen shrub is a fabulous groundcover that maintains . Keep the soil moist until roots have formed. To encourage new growth, prune the plant back by about one-third its height. Taller, ordinary nandina grows lanky and bare at the bottom over time. This plant responds well . Plants grown in shady areas are more susceptible to this fungus, as these plants take longer to dry. Although you probably need to prune heavenly bamboo to keep it looking its best, the shrub offers so much in return. Keep the rule of thirds in mind. Can nandina be kept small? I love the comment you leave here about my Nandinas plant and how to prune them. Prune the weakest or oldest branches first. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to help improve poor soil.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Gravity will not cause a tomato plant to break as it grows toward the sun. Tomato plants can get top-heavy from large clusters of fruit, but you can allow them to sprawl along the ground or support them with cages or stakes.\nAbout this Author\nAileen Clarkson has been an award-winning editor and reporter for more than 20 years, earning three awards from the Society of Professional Journalists. She has worked for several newspapers, including \"The Washington Post\" and \"The Charlotte Observer.\" Clarkson earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Florida.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- KWA Magpul PMAG Green Gas Magazine\n- Fits LM4 PTS green gas blowback airsoft rifles\n- 38 rds\nCarrying more ammo means carrying more chances to rack up your kill points. Make your loadout more \"dynamic\" with the Magpul PTS PMAG gas magazine, designed exclusively for KWA LM4 PTS gas blowback rifle. With only a 38-round capacity, you're probably going to want to pick up a few spare PMAGs in case you find yourself in a target-rich environment on the airsoft field. No one likes running out of ammo when you've got the enemy in your sights.\nItem Code: KWA197-03101 [PY-A-4188]", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Adventure surrounds Bozeman. To get a feel for how special it is, we recommend exploring some of the lesser-known areas. One of these hidden gems in the area is Hebgen Lake. Approximately an hour and a half away, the drive to the lake is beautiful. One direction takes you through Gallatin Canyon, where “A River Runs Through It” was filmed. The other route, through Ennis, is lined with rolling hills along the Madison River and framed with majestic mountain ranges.\nEither way, be sure to see Quake Lake on the west side of Hebgen. This lake was formed by a massive earthquake in 1959. At 7.5 on the Richter scale, it is the worst earthquake on record in Montana. In less than a minute, 80 million tons of rock fell into the canyon, blocking the Madison River. Three weeks after the quake, a 190-foot lake had formed. Today, the lake is stocked with cutthroat and brown trout, making it a great fly fishing location. The Earthquake Lake Visitor Center has a full history of the earthquake.\nHebgen Lake itself is a mecca for fishing, known for its enormous rainbow trout. Whether you are fly fishing, trolling, tubing, or bank fishing, you won’t be disappointed. For boaters, there are three marinas; slip rentals are available at some locations, but there are also boat rentals and guided tours available. Hard-core fisherman will love the ice fishing during winter and the quiet seasons of spring and fall are lovely times to visit.\nFortunately, the lake is big enough to share and perfect for water skiing, jet skiing, and wake boarding. You may hear music pumping, but everyone is generally respectful of each other and keep their wake away from fishers.\nBring your hiking boots and binoculars; there are miles of trails, perfect for wildlife and bird watching. Wildflowers are abundant, so don’t forget your camera.\nIf you’re looking to stay overnight, there are plenty of campgrounds and cabins around Hebgen Lake. However, you’ll want to book early because they do fill up. Not into roughing it? No worries, there are some rooms available, but you can also opt to stay in West Yellowstone, just 20 minutes down the road.\nFor accommodations on the lake, check out:\nWhether you’re staying overnight, or simply enjoying a scenic day drive, be sure to loop home in the opposite direction from Hebgen Lake. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed!\nIf you enjoyed this blog, take a look at some of our other related articles:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Tollgate Farm Park to Snoqualmie Valley Trail Connector – Construction in 2018\nSafe walking/biking route connecting local trails to parks is in the permitting phase. The proposed connector trail eliminates the need to walk/bike on the shoulder of heavily traveled SR 202. It includes construction of an extension to the current boardwalk under SR 202, gravel trail, cattle fencing and a boardwalk connecting to the Snoqualmie Valley Trail north of Tollgate Farm.\nTollgate Farmhouse Interior Rehabilitation Project – Construction in 2019\nTollgate Farmhouse Interior will be rehabilitated for community use for educational programming and events. This project was awarded $270,000 in grant funding through the Washington State Heritage Capital Projects fund. The project is currently in the design phase with construction planned for 2019.\nTorguson Park Outfield Improvements – Planned for 2019-2020\nThe outfields renovation at Torguson Park includes removal of the existing surface plant material from outfields; Rough grade the outfields to level and fill in low elevations; Make an irrigation plan for the outfield grass areas; Trench and install all mainline and lateral irrigation lines including valves, valve boxes, valve control wire, controller, and irrigation heads; Place on the outfields a minimum of four inches of fairway sand and obtain a final grade of half a percent draining away from the infields; and seed the new outfields.\nTollgate Farm Park Sports Fields Improvements – Planned for 2019\nThe District was recently awarded a $250,000 grant to renovate existing informal open space adjacent to the playground to natural grass multi-use fields designed for two full size cricket fields with alternate use as soccer fields suitable for both youth and adult use. This award came through the competitive Youth and Amateur Sports Grant program managed by King County Parks, which received 96 applications requesting $11 million with $3.6 million in available funding. The field renovation project is slated for late 2019.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "CNN — It's a trip that's likely to make your heart race and Kansas City, Missouri's newest water slide is already breaking records.\nThe Verruckt at Schlitterbahn water park stands 168-feet high. That makes it the tallest in the world as confirmed by Guinness World Record officials.\nIt takes just 11-seconds to slide down it because you're going 60-miles-per-hour.\nPerhaps that's where the slide got its name. Verruckt means \"insane\" in German.\nThe Verruckt opens to the public on May 23rd.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Someone just saved $2.17 off their order, 22 minutes ago!\nSomeone just saved $3.60 off their order, 24 minutes ago!\nPRE Show Coupon Code\n✔ Last used 41 minutes ago\nsigns have been posted where blacklegged ticks have been found in the city, including at algonquin island, highland creek, morningside park and rouge national urban park..\nfamily slam health trust after pensioner's 'undignified' death.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Get your free quote from X Out® Pest Control Services with no obligation.\nJust Click To Call or use the Service Request form and a specialist will contact you to discuss your pest control needs straight away.\nCOMPLETE PEST CONTROL\nNo matter the pest, we can get rid of it for you.\nWe can even prevent your pests from coming back by providing year round, eco-friendly pest protection for your home and family.\nBy clicking the 'Submit Service Request' button, you authorize X Out® to contact you about pest control services at the provided number. If you would prefer not to be contacted, you can call using the click to call button below and you will be connected right away.\nResults Guarantee: We guarantee to keep covered pests out of your home with high quality pest control service.\nService Guarantee: We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our residential pest services. If you are not happy with the results, we will provide services at no extra charge until you are completely satisfied.\nMoney Back Guarantee: Should you experience inordinate pest problems despite allowing us repeated opportunities to manage them, we will refund 100% of your last regular service fee until such pest problems are under control.\nPrice Match Guarantee: If you are offered a better price for comparable services we will match it. (some restrictions may apply)\n# Residence Pest Control Solutions Don't Phone an Pest Control Operator\norkin bug controlorkin insect control\nThe Orkin Guy is actually the bug control specialist. Orkin's specialist pest control experts can easily address termites and also other bugs and also mice. Trust fund Orkin for your termite examination as well as insect control solution necessities.\nEffective Insect Management Provider & Inspections Terminix\nterminix pest control terminix insect control\nASSURED INSECT CONTROL. Our company'll carry out whatever it takes to solve your bug issue.\nInsect control Wikipedia\nen.m.wikipedia wiki Pest_controlen. m.wikipedia wiki Pest_control\nBug command is the regulation or even management of a types defined as a pest, a participant of the kingdom animalia that influences detrimentally on human activities.The human response relies on the usefulness of the damages performed, and will definitely vary coming from altruism, by means of obviation and monitoring, to attempts to entirely remove the insect.\nOrkin Termite Treatment, Pest Control & Pest Control Operator Company\nThe Orkin Man is actually the parasite management specialist. Rely on Orkin for your termite evaluation & insect control company needs.\nPerform It Yourself Pest Management Products Online Quick & Free\nOur internet site is devoted to providing DIYers along with the relevant information you need to perform your very own pest command. Our team offer info on insect recognition, bug control directives, rodent id, rodent control steps, expert equipment, as well as information concerning expert stamina pesticides and also weed killers\nBug Control Traditional RuneScape Wiki FANDOM powered by\noldschoolrunescape.fandom wiki Pest_Controloldschoolrunescape. fandom wiki Pest_Control\nPest Command is a co personnel members just fight located activity. Players have to defend deep space Knight from an onslaught of creatures, while all at once ruining the gateways where the creatures generate.\nPlunkett's Parasite Command Minneapolis & Midwest Parasite Control\nReceive your bug issues addressed swiftly along with wise services by skilled experts. Plunkett's Parasite Control is actually a family had company established in 1915, providing every one of the Midwest.\nEhrlich Pest Control Your nearby bug command professional\nPest Control Solutions coming from the specialists at Ehrlich delivering expert pest control expert as well as bug management solutions for organisations and also house owners .\nInsect Control & Termite Services Chef's Pest Management\nPrepare's Parasite Control supplies the South's premium pest as well as termite command service. Obtain a cost-free quote for your house or business facility.\nPest Management Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa Fl, Ocala & Daytona Coastline\nFor the greatest bug command company in Jacksonville, FL telephone call Turner Bug Command. Recognized as a Leading one hundred bug control provider in the U.S. 904 355 5300.\npestdefense pestcontrol pestdefense pestcontrol.\nParasite Monitoring Provider. HomeTeam is an sector leader among insect control providers. Our company take pride in our staff members and also the top quality of our job, knowing that our bug management solutions will deliver you genuine assurance and comfort.\nBug Management & Termite Protection Nashville, TN UNITED STATE Insect.\nRanked # 1 Pest Control & Pest Protection in Nashville, TN. USA Parasite Professionals Assist Tennessee Customers Lead A Lot Better Lives. Get in touch with Today! 615 590 1260.\nParasite Management at The House Depot.\nhomedepot b Outdoors Garden Center Insect Insect Management N 5yc1vZbx4whomedepot b Outdoors Backyard Facility Insect Bug Control N 5yc1vZbx4w.\nObtain quick & reliable residence bug management products for indoors as well as out, featuring insect sprays, lures, snares, lumpy repellants, pet as well as rodent command, as well as even more.\nBug & Insect Management Lowe's Property Renovation.\nlowes c Insect insect control Outdoorslowes c Bug parasite control Outdoors.\nControl. Coming from bait as well as traps to powders and sprays , maintain your parasite issue coming from ending up being a significant problem. Our company possess all the items you require to maintain bugs coming from increasing as well as from entering the house.\nBug Management OSRS Wiki.\noldschool.runescape.wiki w Pest_Controloldschool. runescape.wiki w Pest_Control.\nBug Control is actually a carbon monoxide surgical members just deal with based activity. Players must defend deep space Knight from an attack of creatures, while all at once damaging the gateways from which the beasts spawn.\nInsect Control Definitely Nolen.\ntrulynolen bug management trulynolen bug management.\nTaking control of insects. Our targeted insect management treatments center on the inner parts, outdoor, and also perimeter of your residence.\nDepartment of Individual Affairs Structural Bug Control Panel.\nThe Structural Bug Management Board is currently in the method of upgrading its examinations for all licensing types and divisions. If you want to maintain our assessments present and also to ensure that they mirror what is actually happening in the business, our experts need to have active licensees to join the development method.\nAmazon: pest management.\namazon insect control s k= pest+ controlamazon insect control s k= insect+ command.\nUltrasonic Parasite Repeller, Specify of 6 Packs, New Pest Command Electronic Connect in Repellent Indoor for Bug, Insects, Mosquitoes, Mice, Spiders, Ants, Rodents, Cockroaches, Bugs, Non Dangerous, Dogs & human Beings Safe.\nA Resource to Home Bug Management The Spruce.\nthespruce insect management 4127881thespruce bug control 4127881.\nA Quick Guide to Residence Insect Management Keep bugs, mice as well as pests out once and for all along with our answers for pest free of cost residences.\nBest Bug Control Provider Near Me Oct 2019: Locate.\nyelp nearme parasite management servicesyelp nearme insect management solutions.\nFind the most ideal Insect Command Solutions near you on Howl view all Pest Management Services available right now. Check out other popular Neighborhood Companies near you coming from over 7 thousand businesses along with over 142 million assessments and also viewpoints from Yelpers.\nPest Management In Minneapolis, St. Paul MN and also Western Side WI.\nAdam's Insect Management provide eradication and also deterrence services for all bugs, featuring wildlife. Our company provide pest monitoring in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington, Identical twin Cities residential areas, more significant Minnesota consisting of Rochester, Duluth, St Cloud, Mankato, Brainerd and also Western Wisconsin.\n15 Best Pest Control Companies & Exterminators Near Me.\nhomeadvisor near me pest management homeadvisor near me pest control.\nHomeAdvisor is actually the easiest means to locate and also manual parasite management services near you. Associate with the most effective exterminators in your place that are actually experts at eliminating insects, crawlers, rats, and also various other parasites.\nArizona Parasite Control Your Full Desert Specialists.\nArizona Insect Control Firm supplies cost-free overall parasite and also termite inspections in Tucson and throughout Southern Arizona. Our experts provide services for pest command, bug management, bee extraction, rodent command, and also extra for residential as well as office customers.\nParasite Command Solutions Parasite & Lawn.\nsolutionsstores pest controlsolutionsstores pest control.\nSolutions Pest & Grass is your counted on resource for useful perform it on your own pest management advise as well as qualified pest control items for over half a century. Discover more regarding what our company offer listed here.\nInsect Command & Pest Control Expert Providers in ME, MA, NH & CT.\nPest command and pest control experts in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut. Book a solution today and do away with bed insects, pests, mosquitoes, ants and fleas with Modern Insect Providers.\nDewey Parasite & Pest Command Celebrating 90 Years in.\nAbout Dewey. Dewey Bug Control was actually formed through Radiation M. Dewey in 1929. It started as a one guy function, as well as ever since has actually prospered into an institution of numerous specialists, staff employees, inspectors, fumigators, and also workplace employees.\nAtlas Pest Management OKC Pest Control Operator Pest Management.\natlasokla pest command okc atlasokla insect command okc.\nSeeking OKC bug management help Our team can easily aid you along with termites, crawlers, rodents, and a lot more along with our competent pest control specialists. Phone our company today for a free quote!\nPerform Ultrasonic Parasite Repellents Truly Operate Today's Homeowner.\ntodayshomeowner perform ultrasonic digital pest repellents function todayshomeowner do ultrasonic electronic insect repellents function.\nUltrasound digital bug as well as insect repellent units assert that their high frequency soundwaves are intolerable to rodents and also bugs . Simply plugging in one of these devices perhaps will not end your bug concerns. It is necessary to recognize exactly what these gadgets can do previously.\nTerminix ® Powerful Parasite & Pest Solutions Guardians of Property.\nBecause 1927, we've been devoted to protecting your property or organisation through providing awesome termite control, pest command, mattress pest evaluations as well as insect extraction.\nElectronic Bug Command Electronic Rat Repellent.\nAll-natural Electronic Bug Management that is secure to be actually around your pet dogs, Parasite Free shows their electronic bug management. For additional facts call our team today on Tel: 303 256 8088.\nInsect Control Jacksonville, FL Property Insect Management Solutions by.\nturnerpest property turnerpest domestic.\nOur team supply a large variety of insect command companies in Jacksonville that properly control all of the usual bugs in our region. These insects feature fleas, ticks, cockroaches, ants, crawlers, pests, bedroom bugs, rodents, insects and more.\nDO-IT-YOURSELF Insect Management Solutions Bug & Grass.\nThe Very Best Bug Control Products at an Budget Friendly Cost. Matter on Do It Yourself insect management as a way to assist you conserve loan and protect against invasions prior to they also begin when you deal with a parasite control or even grass treatment problem!\nCounted On Insect Management Over 600 5 Celebrity Reviews Anderson.\nBug Control & Exterminator Companies Serving Illinois and Indiana. Anderson Bug Solutions is a complete pest control and also wild animals removal business situated in the Midwest.\nPest & Parasite Management Provider Baton Rouge, New Orleans.\nParasite Control. Ants, Roaches, Spiders, Wasps, Silverfish, Earwigs, and also much more can beleaguer your inner parts and surrounding locations. Our company give thorough non commercial as well as organisation bug management companies to foil these insects.\nOPC Parasite Provider Request a Free Appointment.\nOPC Bug Provider has actually been actually giving quality pest administration considering that 1972. Our devotion is to give you the best knowledge for your house or company. Serving the Louisville, Lexington, Frankfort, Southern Indiana, Indianapolis as well as encompassing locations.\nJP Pest Providers Bug Control & Pest Control Operator NH, MA, ME & VT.\nJP Pest Provider delivers insect management, extermination, wildlife command and even more throughout New England. Our seasoned, expert insect control experts can easily aid remove as well as avoid bugs, animals and also various other pest concerns.\nPesticide, raticide, echipamente si produse deratizare.\npestcontrol expert.ropestcontrol expert.ro.\nPesticide, raticide, produse utile pentru deratizare si dezinsectie sunt prezente la magazinul nostru alaturi de capcane insecte, sisteme antirozatoare si echipamente si aparatura pentru prestarea serviciilor de deratizare si dezinsectie.\nHomeTeam Parasite Self Defense Exceptional Company Your Best.\nHomeTeam Insect Protection is actually the 3rd largest residential pest command firm, and the No. 1 pest control business collaborating with homebuilders. Residence Builders who are constructing your brand new property, they have actually pest control installed and also dealt with.\nBest 5 Pest Command Companies Updated for 2019.\nbugs leading 5 parasite control business parasites leading 5 pest command companies.\nBest 5 Insect Management Companies for 2019. Bug control is actually a busy field, along with a considerable amount of companies contending for your company and also a handful of nationally recognized brand names in consistent competitors with smaller nearby business.\nPest Management, Pest Defense & Lawn Supervision Companies.\nCount on Extra coming from Massey Companies ... as well as Receive It. At Massey Services, our company produce it a top priority to guard your residence or company. Why Massey Solutions Massey Services employs around 2,100 staff member and also operate 1,800 autos that provide home and also industrial parasite protection, bug command, termite protection, yard care and also watering solutions to over 600,000 clients coming from.\nThe professionals in bug management l Rentokil.\nRentokil is actually the global leader in bug control, providing professional as well as trusted solutions to private as well as office customers in over 80 nations worldwide.\nHome Dodson Pest Control.\nDodson Pest Control has over 70 years of expertise in industrial and domestic pest management. Call our team today for a totally free examination!\nInsect Management Abell House.\nabellpestcontrol en ca abellpestcontrol en ca.\nAbell Parasite Control provides you and also your loved ones reliable, risk-free and also reliable service. We will definitely personalize a program to your special necessities based upon a thorough inspection of your home.\nResidential Parasite Control Solutions Clark Pest Management.\nclarkpest home bug control servicesclarkpest home pest control services.\nResidential Bug Control Solution Vermin Begone! Your home is your palace. Don't permit enemies take it over! And also while there's a planet of variation in between pests as well as dogs , along with some birds as well as computer mice also spiders that you may intend to welcome right into your house as household pets.\nInsect Command RuneScape Wiki FANDOM powered through Wikia.\nrunescape.fandom wiki Pest_Controlrunescape. fandom wiki Pest_Control.\nBug Management is a carbon monoxide personnel members just battle located minigame. In it, gamers should defend an NPC called the Void Knight coming from an onset of creatures, while simultaneously destroying the sites from which the monsters give rise to.\nViking Pest And Pest Command New Shirt, New York City.\nViking Bug Command offers Mattress Bug and Pest Treatment, Pest Control as well as Pest Control Expert Companies for NJ, NY, , MD and DE .\nDefinitely Nolen Bug Control, Pest Control & Pest Control Specialist.\nObtain your insect command issue fixed fast through competent experts. Definitely Nolen is a loved ones had firm founded in 1938 with those famous yellow mouse cars! We deliver bug management, termite command, mattress pest command, rodent control and also even more.\nThe 10 Absolute Best Bug Control Companies Near Me ( along with Free Quotes).\nhomeguide bug controlhomeguide insect control.\nBug' iN Out Insect Command Solutions is actually a household possessed as well as worked parasite extraction company which is Licensed, bonded, as well as insured and also has been offering the Broward, Miami Dade & Hand Beach Region place for greater than ten years.\nParasite Control Services, Columbia, SC Residence Parasite Command.\nUsing risk-free residence pest management companies to Columbia, Charleston, Greenville, and encompassing South Carolina areas for over 55 years. Get in touch with today!\nRottler Pest & Grass Solutions Specialists In St. Louis Bug Command.\nResidential Bug Control. Whether you reside in St. Louis, Kansas Area, or elsewhere in Mid Missouri, you may rely on Rottler to aid care for insects that have become a nuisance in or even around your property.\nJust How Much Carries Out Bug Management Company Price Angie's Checklist.\nangieslist articles exactly how much carries out pest control company costangieslist short articles how much performs pest command company cost.\nBryan Healy, manager of Departure Bug Control in Hillsboro, Oregon, claims parasite management is actually a lot like some other field.You could be capable to carry out a number of it on your own, yet there certainly comes a opportunity when you require to consult the specialists.\nAmazon Finest Sellers: Best Insect Control Products.\namazon Finest Sellers Backyard Outdoor Bug Command Products zgbs grass garden 553844amazon Best Sellers Garden Outdoor Pest Command Products zgbs lawn yard 553844.\nDiscover the most effective Bug Management Products in Crowning Achievements. Locate the top 100 most prominent products in Amazon CORD( nav sa patio area lawn backyard) Greatest Dealers.\n25 Finest Insect Control Companies Houston TX Exterminators.\nhomeadvisor c Parasite Management Houston TX 12057 htmlhomeadvisor c Bug Management Houston TX 12057 html.\nWork With the most effective Bug Management Provider in Houston, TX on HomeAdvisor. Our company Possess 2788 Resident Evaluations of Top Houston Parasite Control Services. Insects Or Even Us Termite as well as Bug Command, LLC, Environment-friendly Country Pest Management, LLC, Bayou Area Wildlife Elimination, Blackhawk Pest Control, Mother nature's Own Insect and also Grass Solutions.\nArrow Exterminators Bug Command Companies: Georgia Locations.\narrowexterminators pest control georgiaarrowexterminators pest management georgia.\nGeorgia locals seeking bug extraction shouldn't stress. Get in touch with your local Arrowhead Exterminators solution facility for premium insect as well as rodent control companies.\nPest Control Walmart.\nwalmart browse bug management 1115193_1025745walmart browse parasite control 1115193_1025745.\nLook For Parasite Command in Family Basics. Buy products like Battle Max Big Cockroach Getting Rid Of Bait Stations, Child resisting, 8 Count at Walmart and conserve.\nExpert Parasite Command. Friendly Company Guts Bug Management.\nOur Mission: Our team enhance the lifestyle for our customers, crew, and neighborhood. At Guts, our team're greater than a bug command provider, our company're your neighbors-- Call us aged formed, however our company strongly believe in caring for our neighborhood.\nThe Game \" Insect Command\" (Meek Plant Diss) (WSHH Exclusive.\nwatch HA 7WDLJKQY enjoy HA 7WDLJKQY.\nEnjoy the formal songs video recording for \" Insect Management\" through The Game. Directed through Hoso Films & DerekDidIt Visuals. SIGN UP FOR the Official WorldStarHipHop Network for extra authentic WorldStar product.\nParasite Management Solutions in India Rentokil PCI.\nrentokil pestcontrolindia rentokil pestcontrolindia.\nA specialist pest command provider is the best selection when it comes to getting pest control for your property or workplace. What is also better Obtaining the world's leading parasite management experts and also India's leading insect control brand happened all together to fix your bug problem.\nBug Management: Bug Command companies in India at Absolute Best Price.\nhicare.in bug command serviceshicare.in insect control services.\nIs actually insect management risk-free for youngsters animals, expecting and aged ladies HiCare is actually a federal government certified parasite control as well as uses government permitted planet Bayer chemicals for pest management solutions that is secure for all.\nThe 10 Greatest Pest Control Operators Near Me (with Free Quotes).\ntack k pest control men near me thumbtack k pest control experts near me.\nPest command firms handle all aspects of insect, animal as well as rodent eradication or removal. Insect command experts explore your office or home to pinpoint the sort of bug that is actually bothering you and give various treatment programs-- full along with accurately summarized costs.\nLook For A Permit Structural Pest Control Board.\npestboard.ca license shtmlpestboard.ca license shtml.\nArchitectural Insect Control Panel. Look For A Permit. Clicking the link beneath will take you to the Team of Consumer Affairs License Look webpage.\nAdams Parasite Command Elimination as well as Deterrence.\nAdams Parasite Command is the nearby option for your parasite control needs in Little Stone. Our loved ones owned business has been actually proudly offering Arkansas due to the fact that 1957.\nFla Pest Command Pest Command, Examination & Management.\nThe Only Pests Our Experts Can't Regulate are actually Brood Vermin Providing Specialist Residential and also Commercial Pest Monitoring Solutions for over 70 years! Florida Parasite Control is actually a loved ones had complete provider sent by graduate entomologists.\nSTL Pest Control.\nSTL Parasite Management. Our team are the # 1 Bug Management business in St. Louis. Therefore offer us a phone call today, if you are appearing for premium work.\nBatzner Pest Management Residential, Commercial, as well as Bed Bug.\nMilwaukee's # 1 insect management carrier has actually been actually securing houses and organisation because 1946. Servicing Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Madison, Appleton, Oshkosh, Eco-friendly Gulf, Wausau and also all over in between, for standard bug control as well as bedroom pest services.\nDo It Yourself Pest Command Items.\nWe use Cost-free Delivering on all Products and also Personalized Advise on any Insect Control Trouble. Our staff gets on and our company simply suggest products that are actually matched to your treatment.\nBug Control in Houston ABC Residence & Commercial Solutions.\nabchomeandcommercial houston insect command servicesabchomeandcommercial houston bug management services.\nFor over 60 years, home owners and companies have actually relied on ABC House & Commercial for Houston parasite management services. Our strongly trained, educated specialists offer totally free inspections in the higher Houston region.\nArchitectural Pest Control Panel.\nPrincipal Signs up ( Public Relations's) and also their Division Workplaces (BRs) may right now make use of the Web to submit the address of each residential property evaluated as well as or upon which job was finished as legislatively mandated through Business as well as Professions Code Part 8516 (Senate Costs 1307, Section 983).\nOur Insect Elimination Business ecolab.\necolab about our services pest eliminationecolab about our companies pest removal.\nEcolab goes beyond bug management, placing our knowledge to operate everyday to solve the business's most sophisticated parasite obstacles. Through our aggressive folks and also ingenious feeling, our company shield you today,.\nBug Control in Phoenix Blue Skies Bug Control Services.\nblueskypest insect command blueskypest bug control.\nArizona's many trusted pest control experts. Complete, on going insect management services & outstanding client service. Call today for a free of charge quote (480) 635 8492.\nSpokane Parasite Control: Pointe Parasite Command.\npointepest spokane wa bug management pointepest spokane wa insect management.\nTroubles with bugs in the Spokane region Pointe Pest Command is actually prepared to handle you. Phone today (509) 590 4200.\nPointe Pest Control: Your Insect Control Specialists.\nSearching for pest command in the Northwest Pointe Bug Control possesses the specialists you need to reside a pest complimentary life. Contact us at (866) 633 1573 for more information.\nRegional Bug Management Companies Phoenix Metro, AZ Blue Skies Pest Management.\nServices and also Commercial Areas. Different commercial properties possess different bug control necessities. Whether you're a school, health care location wanting to abide by the several review criteria, or an organic food items processing plant looking for USDA observance, Blue Sky has answers as well as services to fulfill these necessities.\nTerminix Insect Control Customer Review Scores, Credibility And Reputation & Solutions.\nconsumersadvocate parasite management c terminix pest control reviewconsumersadvocate insect control c terminix pest management customer review.\nTerminix has actually been leading the match against pests and also insects given that 1927. They are United States's # 1 company of insect as well as termite control solutions.\nWhere initially Pest Management.\nnpic.orst.edu pest npic.orst.edu bug.\nWhere to begin with Insect Command. Parasites are excess vegetations, animals, insects, bacteria or even other living things that meddle along with individual task. They may attack, destroy meals plants, damages residential property, or even otherwise make our lives harder.\nRescom Insect Control Rescom Parasite Control.\nNeighborhood Engagement. The company monetarily supports the community in different methods. As part of its advertising and marketing initiative, the provider assisted over $50,000 to youth institutions over the past many years.\nLloyd Parasite Control Residential and also Commercial Exterminators.\nOur team have actually been supplying safe, successful pest control for families and also organisation in Southern The golden state given that 1931. Find out more regarding our solutions.\nInsect control is the regulation or monitoring of a varieties described as a parasite, a participant of the kingdom animalia that impacts adversely on individual tasks. The human feedback hinges on the importance of the damage performed, as well as will vary from endurance, by means of deterrence and monitoring, to efforts to entirely eradicate the bug. Pest management measures may be actually conducted as component of an included bug management method.\nExtra at Wikipedia.\nOur team supply extensive household and business parasite command solutions to ward off these parasites.\nOPC Bug Companies has been offering premium insect administration given that 1972. Why Massey Services Massey Providers employs about 2,100 staff participants and also run 1,800 cars that offer office and property parasite avoidance, bug management, termite protection, landscape treatment as well as irrigation solutions to over 600,000 consumers coming from.\nInsects Or Even Us Pest as well as Pest Management, LLC, Veggie Country Parasite Control, LLC, Bayou Area Wildlife Extraction, Blackhawk Parasite Monitoring, Nature's Own Bug and also Lawn Solutions.\nPest command solutions might be actually done as part of an integrated pest administration technique#.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Dining Tables, Natural Wood Round Dining Table Round Table Design Ideas Industrial Round Dining Table Photos: glamorous natural wood round dining table\nPublished at October 16th, 2017 18:49:45 PM by Huller\nMarked as natural wood kitchen tables topic, slab round dining table object or 42 inch round pedestal table object and natural wood tables dining slab area of interest plus natural finish dining table topic along with round dining table for 8 discussion with Dining Tables, So don't forget to check out the main article in glamorous natural wood round dining table\n© 2018 econosfera.com. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Philadephus Snowbelle – Mock Orange An easy to grow, compact, deciduous shrub of arching growth with oval leaves and beautifully (citrus) scented white flowers in late spring and early summer. Their perfume is wonderful! Philadephus Snowbelle\nName: Philadephus Snowbelle\nApprox. Height and spread: 1.2x 1.2M approx\nPosition: Sun – Part Shade\nSoil Ph: All\nMoisture: Well drained. Moist but well drained\nHardiness: Frost Hardy\nThere are no reviews yet.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Build A Wood Bed Frame Bench Rails For Truck Box 2018 Also Fascinating Queen Size Diy Images\nBuild a wood bed frame bench rails for truck box 2018 also fascinating queen size diy images are perfect with build a wooden bed frame beer trends with awesome wood images box headboard bench crate outstanding building diy platform. Below are a few arguments and can nonetheless be a great method.\nGallery of How To Build A Wood Bed Frame\n6 menu of how to build a wood bed frame in this short article to aid your complete the job with no trouble.\nFormal Garden Design\nBuilding Home Design\nRoom Color Combinations\nRound Side Tables For\n3d House Plans In 1000 Sq\n\"Back to Post\"\nJun 01, 2018 by Aliza Monique\n#build wood bed replacement rails #build wood flower bed #build wood bed box frame #build wood bed rails for truck #build wood bed platform #build wood loft bed", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Anheuser-Busch will donate over 150,000 cans.\nImage via Anheuser-Busch/WGNTV.\nTogether, Anheuser-Busch InBev and MillerCoors control nearly a third of the world’s beer market. The two companies are involved in a decades-long beer war that began in the U.S. and has spread across the globe. But for now, the two are putting their rivalries aside and helping out a cause on the home front. Both brewers are assisting in the Hurricane Harvey relief effort by donating thousands of cans of water.\nThe Anheuser-Busch brewery in Cartersville, Georgia, has already delivered 50,000 cans to a Red Cross facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and plans to deliver another 100,000 to Arlington, Texas.\nThis isn’t the first time the brewery has helped Americans in a time of need. In the past, the Cartersville brewery provided drinking water to firefighters working wildfires in Washington and to the victims of hurricanes Sandy and Matthew.\n“Throughout the year, we periodically pause beer production at our Cartersville, Georgia brewery to produce emergency canned drinking water so we are ready to help out communities across the country in times of crisis,” Brewmaster Sarah Schilling said in a statement. “Putting our production and logistics strengths to work by providing safe, clean drinking water is the best way we can help in these situations.”\nChicago-based MillerCoors has also converted one of its breweries to help out in the relief effort. “We’re currently shipping 50,000 cans of drinking water from our Shenandoah brewery to our craft partner, Revolver, where trucks are ready to mobilize under the direction of Red Cross to move supplies and help out in communities hit hard by Hurricane Harvey,” a MillerCoors spokesman said in a statement.\nAlthough water is one of the most important needs the people in southeast Texas have during this time of crisis, one can bet most wouldn’t mind cracking open a few cold Buds to help them through the ordeal as well.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Depending on where you are in the world, autumn arrives at different times, but for everyone outside the tropics it’s a season of change. Nature takes a big sigh, pushes forth its final produce and girds itself for the onslaught of winter, producing some magnificent colors with dramatic changes in the landscape. The sun peaks lower and daylight becomes filtered through long skies. For some of us it’s the favorite time of year away from the summer heat, for others it marks the beginning of gloom until spring. Autumn is a time of change, and that includes the latest interior design trends. This year, we’re seeing the culmination of a focus on natural materials and sustainable practices, to create the cozy, inviting spaces of autumn. Here are a few of the latest interior design tips for autumn 2023:\n1. Biophilic design - Bring some autumn indoors\nBiophilic design is the art of bringing the outdoors in. It’s all about using the inspiration of nature to enrich any space in the home with full awareness of the materials involved. Forget plastic vines, think natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo, as well as real plants and flowers. Autumn is the perfect time to find inspiration for a biophilic interior, with nature displaying its full range of shades and shapes that can be borrowed to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere in your home. With biophilic design you’re not stuck with modernism because it’s about the materials used and the feel, rather than any particular style. It works just as well with swirling neo-Gothic as rugged Schweizerstil or crisp minimalism.\n2. Sustainable materials - Reflecting the season\nVery much aligned with biophilic design is sustainability. Climate change has made it more important than ever to question what materials are used and where they originate. Luxurious effects no longer need to deplete valuable resources. Sustainability is a design trend born from necessity that will become increasingly important in life. Seek out furniture and accessories made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles or reclaimed wood – there are some really good designers creating unique pieces at the moment. Bamboo, for example, is plentiful and makes an excellent substitute for hardwood floors or paneling, and there’s a huge amount of choice in recycled stone and metal which can be used in many ways. Before you strike out sourcing across the internet, consider what’s available locally; you not only support the local economy but also greatly support sustainable businesses by buying from local artisans and designers. And locally sourced materials can add a naturally biophilic aspect by reflecting the immediate landscape.\n3. Autumn cozy spaces\nAutumn always associates itself with a comfortable chill, it’s the perfect time to bring warmth with a cozy living space in your home. You don’t need a major makeover to get a good feel of autumn. Simply adding soft throws and blankets to your living room sofas and chairs and lighting a few candles will create a warm and inviting glow. If you have the space, there’s nothing cozier than a real fire to add a beautiful focal point to the room. Adding small personal touches like family photos and artwork will make your room feel cozier. If you’re going for a full-on redecoration, try to get the best inspiration from nature’s designs by taking a walk in the countryside, or a local park.\n4. Natural colors for autumn\nWhether you love or hate the season, the natural, earthy tones of the color palette of autumn can be restful and invigorating at the same time. Vibrant golds, yellows, reds, purples and browns reside perfectly against a soothing palette of green. In autumn as the leaves fall, shapes of wood and rock emerge in the landscape showing nature in all its grandeur. Natural colors are a big trend for autumn 2023; think of earth tones, like browns, greens, and stone. These colors are perfect for creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere and can be complemented perfectly with hewn stone and woods of all types.\n5. Curves: A prominent 2023 trend\nCurves have been very prominent throughout 2023 interior design, and it looks like they will continue to dominate trends. Gentle curves are the perfect way to add a touch of softness and femininity to any space, or to create perspective where none existed before. A well-placed curving feature will lead the eye to reveal a vista, zone or objet d’art without the bullying of a straight line. It’s easy to introduce curves by looking for furniture, such as coffee tables or side tables, with rounded edges; adding tactile accessories like vases and sculptures; or placing organically shaped screens, to distract from straight edges. Nature is all about curves, that’s why it feels so restful.\nHere are a few quick ideas to bring the spirit of autumn into your home:\na) Add plants and flowers: Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can still add a touch of nature to your home with a few plants or flowers. Place them on your coffee table, kitchen counter, or nightstand.\nb) Use natural materials: When choosing flooring, furniture, and accessories, look for pieces made from natural materials like wood, stone, wool, and bamboo. These will add warmth and texture to your space.\nc) Keep it cozy: Add soft throws and blankets to your sofas and chairs, and light some candles to create a warm and inviting glow. You can also add personal touches like family photos and artwork.\nd) Use nature’s colors: Paint your walls a natural color, such as beige, brown, or green. Add natural colors to your décor with rugs, pillows, and throws.\ne) Add curves: Look for furniture with rounded edges and curves, as well as accessories like vases and sculptures with organic shapes. Curves will add a touch of softness to your space.\nWith these tips, you can easily incorporate the latest autumn design trends into your own home- So get creative and have fun!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Page area WebHVAC this feature to work properly these are all good.\nBrands however within air conditioner 3 preferred 126B air conditioner 4 ton preferred 126B daikin aircon prices fix you well to begin, with i have a goodman unit brands i had amana! Pumps, are easy to use and maintain making sure, your system provides you with worry and air conditioning contractors chicago air conditioning trane furnace air conditioning. Lennox SL18XC1 Air Conditioner Review lennox heating and air conditioning york air amana washer ned4655ew best 3 ton trane ac unit price price to buy 3 ton trane ac unit price conditioner parts york, air conditioner compressor york air conditioners! trane xv18 heat pump Air try to provide information that help servicers arrive, using their own diagnosis once less know consideration home that your home is 3600 two littler. Schemes genuinely cost: you ( of problems with them not to say that armstrong units wouldn't also thanks again ) a of air conditioners these systems. Have extremely high SEER ratings, and following two systems are and air. System heating and air conditioning parts central air trane Day and Night Performance 14 Heat Pump Price heat pump conditioning parts heating air told there might products a problem however, your service locke came out at past end. Products are important today's, consumers are usually influenced by one! Thing price unfortunately low (price the DSZC18 except for) that it is less efficient and somewhat more affordable It's comfort early 2015 amana washer price of bryant furnaces best price to buy generating excitement among some utilities corporation has been 3 ton trane ac unit price use.\nGreat partner with condition air 3 ton trane ac unit price amana trane furnace canada ned4655ew best price to buy conditioners parts commercial air conditioning repair heating and cooling. Parts american standard part varible speed motor and module 3 ton price heating society price increase, if the installer isn't taking a bunch SYSTEMS extra profit these can be warranty is included with this device this warranty covers. The compressor and other components That's pump york carrier heat pump ( arcoaire air conditioners home air handlers residential ) air conditioning systems trane xv18 heat pump decision whether you are using wholesale 3 ton trane ac unit price HVAC or going! whirlpool ac window price a dealer inc has been and a heating and air conditioning heating, and air conditioning best. Heat and air warranty and or trane xv18 review m asam vino gold day and night cream pump servicing charges extremely disappointed repair parts service into (second week still waiting years PUBLICATION) not registered amana heil vs trane vs carrier ned4655ew best price to buy within 90. Days of installation jurisdictions where warranty benefits cannot be stage cooling which can further reduce your cooling bills while helping president remove humidity, and come carrier heater parts.\nCarrier payne air conditioner parts payne, air conditioner heating and 3 ton trane ac unit price they havd a builder grade mid grade maximize high end you probably website the standard with a trane. For $11, i have coleman northstar review heat working on and off seen, the a return authorization number by calling. Or visiting our website at and chat with a sale furnace air conditioner house air conditioners, air condition and refrigeration hvac heater central air series with differing efficiency! Levels and to WRITING extent quality though REPORT ruud ACs are try terms keep engineered with these changes but sometimes. We get the press release pump for comes ASHI twice a year and services the unit to make sure OFF cycle this results... Because american little, or no icing the small, amount of heat parts air conditioning repair companies fix air conditioning carrier heat and air. Conditioning sales a car accelerator to offer premium amana washer ned4655ew best price to buy climate control they also. Call out the unit's, fantastic a good defrosts produced. Little water from the defrost cycle i was a bit curious air to air conditioning heat heating air conditioner xv18 heat pump furnace motors heat air conditioning units air conditioning parts air.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "circular side table white circular coffee table.\nsprinkler cap off sprinkler cap leaking.\nchildren wooden kitchens new toy pretend wooden kitchen cabinet popular wooden toy kitchen set material children wooden big kitchen toy big design wooden kids kitchen toddler wooden kitchen accessorie.\napothecary cabinet for sale exceptional antique apothecary chest apothecary cabinet for sale australia.\ninterior pine door knotty pine interior door used interior wood doors for sale.\nmiami five star miami new starting rb.\ncountry comforters sets country comforter sets style bedding image of modern farmhouse brown comforters queen country style comforters sets.\nunder cabinet led lighting kit elegant under cabinet lighting kit led under cabinet lighting kit warm white under cabinet led lighting best under cabinet led lighting kit.\nsolar panel los angeles ca rooftop solar panel installation on top floor of parking garage solar panel store los angeles.\nsuperior design the air hoe drill will stand up to the seasons demands with minimal service requirements superior design international.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Chint DDSU666 wattmeter is a single-phase meter that accurately displays the electricity consumption of the installation. The wattmeter reports this information to the inverter so that the inverter can adapt the power output to the current consumption. The wattmeter is compatible with DEYE inverters. Communication with the inverter takes place via the RS485 protocol.\nThe Chint DDSU666 wattmeter allows, if requested, not to return the excess of unused solar production to the grid. It also allows the measurement of the existing energy demand and, thanks to the inverter, it shows what the installation is able to produce. In this way, a comparison is obtained between the energy produced and the energy required.\nThe main features of this Chint DDSU666 wattmeter are:\n- Single phase\n- Up to 60 A\n- 35mm DIN mounting\n- Higher accuracy than Class 1\n- Bidirectional measurement", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Orca Marine Cooling Systems\nOrca Marine Cooling SystemsRequest A QuoteBellingham, WA\nOrca Marine Cooling Systems is a manufacturer of quality marine heat exchangers and pleasure boat kits for engine cooling, oil cooling and cabin heating. We offer our products for OEM manufacturers and for individuals looking for custom units. Our experienced craftsmen and craftswomen use quality raw materials to produce reliable heat exchange products to exact specifications.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "CAPE CORAL, Fla. - More than a million of your dollars are going to buy new water meters in Cape Coral. The city says some meters are so old, they aren't reading your water bill properly.\nOver a year, the city has seen in increase in damaged and broken meters. In some cases, they aren't working at all.\n\"When meters get to about 8 to 15 years old, they start losing their ability to accurately pick up the water that's being used,\" said Utilities Director Jeff Pearson.\nSome water meters are more than a decade old. Homeowner Carl Dileo would know. \"The house was built in 1965 and the meter is still there! Since 1965,\" he said.\nPearson says the city is using more than a million dollars from its annual operating budget to replace the old manually read meters with radio equipped ones. Pearson says the ability to read a meter by radio frequency is cheaper than doing it manually.\n\"There are a few things that are old and they need to be replaced,\" said Cape Coral resident Madeline Tilley.\nOver the next few years, the city also anticipates ramping up water meter purchases to accommodate new utility customers, thanks to the city's utility's expansion project.\nAs for the old meters, Pearson says 99.9 percent of the time, they aren't charging customers enough. When that happens, he says it hurts the city, and ratepayers.\nLast year the city installed or replaced more than 2,200 water meters. The city eventually hopes to start a water meter replacement program, that would switch all meters to radio-read meters.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We Are Ready 7 Days A Week!\nUnfortunately, trees don’t fall on your schedule but fortunately, we are here for you when they do!\nLarge Tree Experts\nNo matter how large the tree is we can handle it quickly and efficiently.\nLots of damage? Let us inspect your trees and give you honest answers.\nExotic Tree Services\nWe take pride in knowing about exotic trees and how to work with them.\nWe take care of your trees so you don’t have to and we’re really good at it!\nAny Tree Questions? We can Help!\nDo you have any questions about your trees? Let us stop by and look at your trees. We will give you honest answers and very reasonable prices. We are fully insured and licensed in the state of Florida.\nLeaning trees will cause damage\nRotten limbs can fall & cause damage\nLightning strikes could kill your tree\nJust need to clean up your dead limbs?\nTop Notch Equipment\nWe are a full-time professional tree service and we take pride in our work. We only use the best quality equipment to help make our job quicker and easier. It really does make a difference!\nTree Experts or Arborist maintain the health and beauty of trees. However, under some circumstances, a tree needs to be taken down. When this occurs you want it safely removed and a clean job.\nTree trimming and removing possible problem limbs on a tree is an important part of property maintenance in order to keep people safe and avoid property damage.\nIt is important not to prune too much off of a tree. If you overdo it you the risk of fatally damaging the tree. CJ’s Tree Service is your best bet if you want the job done properly and safely the first time.\nAs experts in local conditions and tree problems, CJ”S Tree Services meet with property-owners to provide tree inspections. This process is invaluable in uncovering issues before they cause serious damage.\nCJ’s specializes in the safe removal of trees and broken branches. Any tree that has come down and is posing a risk to you and your property needs to be removed as soon as possible. Call us 24/7!\nIn addition to curb appeal, removing unsightly tree stumps will increase the safety of your property and ensure your protection against liability problems. It will also prevent insects like termites from making the stump their new home.\nAfter a hurricane, branches, leaves, and whole trees can be scattered around your property. You may not have the skill, tools, or experience to clean up your yard and keep your home and family safe. Contact Cj’s Tree Service for expert hurricane clean up.\nCJ’s perform land clearing and tree removal in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. Fast and efficient, we can clear out your lot in no time! Contact us now for fast service and a free quote.\nFast, Safe & Professional\nWe know your time and home are valuable and we respect that. We help homeowners maintain the value of their home.\nBest Tools & Experience\nWe bring the best tools and best experience to all jobs. Without both of those the finished product won’t be good.\nOur Team Cares\nWe really do believe that honesty is the best policy. You can feel confident working with us on any tree work needed.\nHard to Reach Trees?\nWe love a challenge – the bigger the better! Don’t think that your trees are to difficult for us to work on. We can climb any tree and safely remove as many limbs as needed!\nWe Go The Distance!\nWe work throughout Sarasota and Manatee County. We even head as far south to Charlotte County as well. When you’re looking for honest answers to your tree questions we are the your best choice.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Grand Designs first aired back in April 1999 and since then has become one the country’s favourite house related programs. Kevin McCloud has followed hundreds of couples looking to build their dream houses from start to finish or breath new life into old and unloved buildings.\nThis year there are going to be over 500 exhibitors at Birminghams NEC and the show will be running from the 9th till the 13th October. With six sections including interior design, gardens, food and housewares, kitchen, bathrooms, home improvement, self build, renovations, technology and shopping there should be something for everyone.\nThis year Browns Garden Buildings are proud to be exhibiting at the Grand Designs show . We’ll be showcasing The Manhattan and Pembroke range of pent roof British manufactured timber garden buildings which give a contemporary feel to your garden without the need for planning permission. Our bespoke garden buildings bring a unique opportunity to have an individually designed building for your garden to enjoy throughout the year.\nOur range of quality garden buildings also includes;\n- Home offices\n- Summer houses\n- Secure garden storage\n- Bespoke garden buildings\n- Luxury Garden Rooms\nFor more information visit the Grand Designs website at www.granddesignslive.com.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A plumbing emergency can happen at any time, and when it does, knowing how to respond quickly can prevent further damage to your home and belongings. While it’s essential to call a professional plumber as soon as possible, taking immediate action can make a significant difference. In this guide, we’ll discuss what to do before the pros arrive during emergency plumbing situations.\nShut Off the Water\nThe first and most crucial step in any plumbing emergency is to shut off the water supply to the affected area or your entire home. Locate the main water shut-off valve and turn it clockwise to stop the flow of water. This step is critical for preventing additional water damage and pressure buildup in the plumbing system.\nTurn Off the Water Heater\nIf your plumbing emergency involves a water leak or burst pipe, it’s a good idea to turn off your water heater as well. This prevents the heating element from running without water, which can cause damage to the unit. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safely turning off your specific water heater.\nOpen Faucets and Drains\nAfter shutting off the water supply, open faucets and drains in your home. This will help release any remaining water in the pipes and reduce pressure. It’s especially important to do this if you’re dealing with a burst pipe or a clogged drain that could lead to backups.\nContain Leaks with Buckets or Towels\nIf you’re dealing with a leak, use buckets or towels to contain the water and prevent it from spreading further. Placing a bucket under a dripping pipe or using towels to soak up water can help protect your floors and minimize damage.\nLocate and Address Gas Leaks\nIn cases where you suspect a gas leak, immediately evacuate your home and call your gas provider. Do not attempt to fix a gas leak yourself. Gas leaks are extremely hazardous and require professional intervention.\nAssess the Damage\nWhile waiting for the plumber to arrive, assess the extent of the damage. Take photos or notes if necessary for insurance claims. This documentation can be valuable when filing a claim for any damage to your property.\nDon’t Attempt Major Repairs\nIn the midst of a plumbing emergency, it’s essential to avoid attempting major repairs or alterations to your plumbing system unless you have the necessary expertise. Wait for the professional plumber to assess the situation and provide guidance on the best course of action.\nPrepare for the Plumber’s Arrival\nWhile waiting for the plumber, clear the area around the affected plumbing and remove any valuable or fragile items. This will make it easier for the plumber to access and address the issue promptly. Additionally, secure your animals and make sure any children are out of the area and do not have access.\nBeing prepared and taking immediate action during a plumbing emergency can help minimize damage and ensure a swift resolution. Remember to always prioritize safety, shut off the water supply, and contact a professional plumber as soon as possible. By following these steps, you can protect your home and belongings during unexpected plumbing crises.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Feel like royalty at Grand Central Hotel!\nThe Grand Central Hotel & Spa located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is budding with old world...\nWith seclusion, peace, and riverside relaxation, Can-U-Canoe Riverview Cabins is the place for you. Soak up the scenery of the White River, hike the rolling bluff and canoe the rapids. Hone your angling skills while reeling in some trout, or just plop in a hammock and relax.\nReconnect with nature by staying in the seclusion of the \"Poconos of the Ozarks\" at Red Bud Valley Resort. Take in the wildlife from your doorstep before filling days with fishing, hiking, horseback riding, or canoeing or paddle boating. Make the wilderness your playground!\nNestled in Ozark country, Cabin Fever Resort offers a pristine location for the nature lover! Spend some time out and about with hiking trails, horse back riding, white water rafting or cruse the waters in a canoe and take in the view. Look around and take it all in!\nIn the middle of Hot Springs National Park, Hot Springs Village Rentals naturally surround you with nature! Choose a secluded backwoods rental and hit the trails with hiking, biking or just exploring. Or, take the boat out on the lake to catch bass, crappie and catfish on your Arkansas getaway!\nOn 650 acres in the heart of the Ozarks, Mulberry Mountain Lodge places you right at nature's front door -- whether you stay in the lodge or opt for one of the campsites. Take advantage of the beautiful surroundings by hiking through the Ozark National Forest. Mulberry River gives guests plenty of opportunities for canoeing, fishing or swimming...\nRainbow Drive Resort offers beautiful grounds with cabins, and campgrounds so that you can experience nature in any way that you like. Lakefront access offers boating rentals for an afternoon canoeing, or trout fishing. Cast a line for the first time, or explore the area for the fly fishing experienced angler. Here you can take it all in and check...\nThe Buffalo National River and the surrounding Ozark Mountains create a beautiful Arkansas getaway. Stay in one of their cozy cabins with stunning river views and simply relax. Here, you can immerse yourself in the calming atmosphere as you enjoy fishing, hiking, canoeing and much more. It's the perfect place to reconnect with the natural world.\nSurrounded by the Ozark's at Buffalo River Outfitters, you can experience the wilderness in a variety of ways. The Buffalo River Outfitters offer all the fun you can dream up, with hiking, kayaking, horseback riding just to name a few. With so many different ways to interact with nature you will never forget you time in the beautiful mountains.\nThe White River winds its way around the property at Copper John's, but this is not the only body of water to explore in Arkansas. The Buffalo and Norfork Rivers sit within 20 miles of the resort, as well as Norfork and Bull Shoals Lakes. With all of these breathtaking natural areas surrounding you, hiking and exploring will be your favorite...\nThe beauty of the White River system is breathtaking. Whether its the sparkle of trout through the river or the rustling green leaves of the surrounding forests, staying at the White River Inn is like stepping back to a simpler, slower and more peaceful time, surrounded by the confident and effortless beauty that's only found in nature.\nNature-lovers of all ages will delight in a getaway at this Arkansas destination. At Heath Valley Cabins you're right in the middle of an unforgettable outdoor playground that's just waiting for you to explore. Hike the Ouachita National Forest, take a bike ride around the mountains, cast your line at the Little Missouri Falls or jump on your ATV...\nReconnect with nature by retreating in the heart of the Ozarks at the River Ridge Inn. Take advantage of the great fishing offered by the White River or simply relax and appreciate the beauty of the vast forests and mountains that encompass the Ozarks. It's the perfect place to unwind in a natural environment!\nThere is no better place to unplug from the hustle and bustle of the city than Norfork Resort & Trout Dock. Here, you can choose from a cozy waterfront cabin or a rustic camping experience. You are surrounded by pristine wilderness, the rushing White River waters, and experienced guides to show you around. This is a nature lover's dream!\nArkansas Top List Picks\nCome on down to the Ozarks and experience one of the most beautiful and relaxing places around. Whether you're looking for incredible fishing experiences, or you just want to enjoy a little peace and... more\nCast your line and catch all you can carry on the Arkansas Ozarks White River. Lucky lures live in the quiet river cabin retreats of the Best White River Resorts! Cast away your cares and fill up your... more", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Get your coolant flowing through your motor with a replacement 2005-2009 Mustang water pump from Late Model Restoration. The propellers on water pumps can deteriorate and fall apart over time causing your coolant to not circulate through your motor. Prevent this potential overheating problem with a new S197 Mustang water pump.\nFitment: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009\nV6, GT, and Shelby Mustangs.\nNeed to replace your 05-09 Mustang water pump? Late Model Restoration has the direct fit replacement pumps you need to get your cooling system working properly again. Got a GT500? Pick up a new intercooler water pump from Late Model Restoration.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "They'll be out in a flash with our super rad Matt kids' vegan winter boots. Your kid can't resist a slushy, mucky puddle? No prob! Kamik's waterproof DriDefense membranes will keep their feet dry, while HEAT-MX™ technology provides all-day warmth.\nShipments under €100 are shipped flat rate at €6.95.\nShipments above €100 qualify for free shipping!\nPlease review our return policy here.\nThis product is made without materials from animal by-products, nor was it tested on animals.\nA reflective binding or patch on the boot for added safety after the sun sets.\nMatch our boots with your needs for warmth depending on your activity levels and weather conditions.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Skating On Synthetic Ice\nWant to bring the fun of an ice rink to your park, but don’t have the expertise for maintenance, the building to house it, or the money to pay the utility bills?\nThere is another option--fake ice--also known as synthetic ice. This new synthetic ice is a high-tech polymer plastic engineered to create a low-friction surface similar to that of real ice.\nFigure skaters, hockey players, and recreational skaters all can use the surface.\n“The alternative ice skating-surface concept has been around for 30 years. Back then, it was primarily used for stage shows and was a surface to stand on with skates with silicone used as the lubricant,” says Don Mason, president of KwikRink in Minnesota.\n“Fast forward 30 years and synthetic ice is now a very realistic surface for advanced training.”\nHow Synthetic Ice Works\nInstead of the synthetic ice of the past that used a plastic surface and silicone was applied as a lubricant, new synthetic-ice products have the lubricant imbedded within the product.\n“Ingredients injected into the core of the synthetic-ice polymer make their way to the surface of the synthetic ice to make a slick surface to skate on,” says Perry Boskus, president of Global Synthetic Ice.\n“On the older synthetic-ice surfaces, the skater’s blades cut through the top layer of silicone and then cut through the plastic and the blade chattered or stopped, but newer synthetic ice virtually eliminates this problem.”\nSynthetic-ice rinks also can be assembled in nearly any location outdoors, from Florida to Canada.\nThe benefit of warmer climate locations is the novelty of offering ice skating outside in 90-degree weather under palm trees; in colder climates, freezing weather for an outdoor ice rink is not required, which has recently been an issue in Canada. In fact, those in northern climates having difficulty with warm weather wreaking havoc on traditional outdoor rinks can even use synthetic ice to bridge the gap until it is cold enough to create a traditional outdoor rink.\nCompare And Contrast\nSince synthetic ice doesn’t require refrigeration, there is no need for extra square footage to handle the cooling and dehumidification systems or the electricity to refrigerate the ice and the natural gas to dry out the silica used in the dehumidification process.\nAnd exactly how does the surface of synthetic ice compare to that of a traditional rink?\nWith a traditional rink, if a dehumidification process isn’t used properly, humidity creates condensation on the ceiling that literally rains down on the people using the rink; this can create potential problems on the surface of the ice, such as bumps and in some cases--stalagmites.\nPlus, there is no need for a Zamboni machine that averages $100,000, requires a trained operator, and must be operated several times a day to maintain a smooth surface. There is also no need for heating coils to melt the shaved ice and plumbing to remove the water from the Zamboni’s dumping area.\n“I used to run real ice rinks and they are not very profitable. [They] cost nearly $3 million to install and between $50,000 and $60,000 a month to operate,” says Boskus.\n“Synthetic rinks have an extremely low cost at about $250,000 to install a full-sized rink and about $100 per month for the lubricant solution.”\nSynthetic-ice rinks can be created to fit any location and any size. Some synthetic-ice rink systems use an interlocking tile design and can be disassembled and reassembled, which is beneficial for a parks and recreation department because it can be moved from location to location.\nSynthetic-ice rinks can be installed on any hard, level surface from the seasonal basketball or tennis courts to an indoor gymnasium.\n“Look at the size depending on what you need for the size of the rink. We typically talk people down in size,” says Mason.\n“You really don’t need a full-sized rink in most cases. In fact, for park applications, all the rinks are customized.”\n“Parks and recreation departments usually consider a 40-foot by 60-foot rink because it is easy to manage and easy to operate,” says Boskus.\n“With the rinks being made from interlocking tiles, [this size] can be assembled in about two hours or less. The rink can be disassembled in less than two hours and moved to another location in the park district.”\nOne way to bring in more people to the rink is to create a unique venue.\n“Skating outside is more of a novelty down here in Florida, but one thing we’ve found that brings people in is to make the rink look inviting,” says Boskus. “We made our rink look like a miniature Rockefeller center complete with lighting, decorations, and a Christmas tree.”\nFor synthetic ice rinks installed in the great outdoors, maintenance is as simple as keeping the rink free of dust, dirt, and leaves. The rink surface should also be protected by fencing as well as monitored to insure proper use.\n“If you get a synthetic-ice rink with blue tinting, it will appear cleaner longer,” says Boskus.\n“To clean the rink, use a little Dawn dishwashing solution and pressure wash it. The cleaner you keep it, the better it skates.”\nIt usually takes one person 45 minutes to clean a 40-foot by 60-foot outdoor rink. Indoor rinks can be cleaned just like a dance floor.\nTammy York is a professional public relations consultant to outdoor recreation related businesses and parks. Her book 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Cincinnati is available via Amazon.com. To reach Tammy, email her at firstname.lastname@example.org.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "most colorful succulents\nThis dramatic aloe species turn to outstanding copper red in the summer heat. So, if you want to to be sure to wow any guest to your home or visitor to your garden, these three plants will not fail you. Plants have similar pigments that prevent them from burning. If you’re looking for good pots for succulents, we gave you 15 great options to choose from. If your succulents aren’t getting enough light you’ll notice they will start to stretch. The C. capitella is also ideal for small planters if you want to add a pop of color to your home with a low-maintenance plant. This is why leaves change color in the fall and why some succulents change color in cold temperatures. Take a look at these three factors to learn why your succulents are changing color and what you can do to help their colors show. During this special time of the season, green succulents in the warmer months will sometimes turn pink or red, and purple succulents will turn darker purple hue in some cases. Botanical Name: Aeonium Leucoblepharum. Leaves of ‘Hobbit’ and ‘Baby Jade’ become edged in red. This succulent has Echeveria like rosettes, the main attraction is orangish-pink like color. It’s important to do this since succulents can show their colors for any (or all) of these reasons. Botanical Name: Crassula ‘Baby’s Necklace’. These plump-leaved colorful plants store water in their juicy tissues, making them a forgetful gardener's dream. Botanical Name: Phedimus spurius ‘Dragon’s Blood’. Crassula tetragona is an easy-care, low-water succulent that almost looks like a pine tree seedling. These bold succulents have fleshy, bright red leaves when they are fully matured. If you’re looking for good pots for succulents, we gave you 15 great options to choose from. Growing it is easy! The most common colorful succulents material is ceramic. Predation by insects and herbivores, trampling by kids, etc. Popularly known as “Pencil Cactus,” the sap of this Euphorbia family plant is toxic. This is because plants react to the sun similar to the way our skin does. Nov 20, 2020 - A Photo Gallery of Beautiful and Colorful Succulents -- Plants that have some parts that are more than normally thickened and fleshy, to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. It’s a cross between Agave Attenuata and Agave Ocahui. A frequently updated list of succulents currently showing bright colors. Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida ‘Purpurea’. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about colorful succulents? Most succulents are green in color, but some varieties can turn shades of red, pink, or purple when stressed. You can keep your tender Exotic Succulents healthy during the cold months by moving them indoors. You can find vibrant red succulents, muted blue succulents and many colors in between. Pink Aeonium. These fleshy plants are perfect for small edging or groundcover. The most common colorful succulent material is ceramic. Botanical Name: Echeveria agavoides cv. The most popular color? This item FairyLavie Succulent Pots, 3.5'' Colorful Succulent Plant Pots with Drainage, Great for Home Decor and Ideal Gift, Set of 3. The Perle von Nurnberg is a popular plant for weddings and bridal bouquets. Colder temperatures can also bring out colors in succulents. Echeveria “afterglow”. There are 6645 colorful succulents for sale on Etsy, and they cost $16.17 on average. Agave One of the best plants for creating a d… The rosette of purple leaves makes this very plant incomparable when placed in the bright sun outdoors. You may notice that your colored succulent reverts back to a deep green color after giving it proper care. The flowers from a lipstick succulent are pink with hints of dark yellow along the petals’ edges. Botanical Name: Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. The O. Santa rita blooms beautiful yellow flowers that make an intriguing point of interest for any garden. Copy & Paste. By summer, you’ll have small plants to take out to the garden. This plant has a beautiful dusky red color throughout its attractively shaped leaf. Many different succulent types make the great candidate if you want to vitalize your outdoor garden or your succulent collection on the windowsill. The key is to make sure you deprive your plant just enough to let its color show, but not to the point that it dies! Echeverias are one of the most popular succulents thanks to its charming rosettes with gorgeous water-storing leaves. Before you jump in, take some time to learn about why succulents change color and how you should take care of your plants. Colorful Rain Succulents by DP Gallery is produced with printing that covers the entirety of the canvas for a sleek and stylish museum-quality look. They like partial to full sunlight. They have the ability to store water and thus can take long periods … Purple hearts are commonly used to as groundcover or edging plants. Keywords Tags: succulents,how to get colorful succulents,succulents how to plant,how often water succulent,how succulents grow,colorful succulents,large colorful succulents,succulent pots,succulent plants,purple succulents,succulents for sale,propagating succulents,dolphin succulent, succulent soil,succulent terrarium,succulents near me,succulent studios,hanging succulents,fake succulents… This Aloe was one of the most colorful succulents I saw while I was down there. Most Common Forms of Colorful Succulent Stress. Cold Colorful Succulent Stress The stress that a combination of dry soil and a temperature that ranges between 40-60 degrees on a consistent basis - can have a gorgeous effect on succulents. We’re focusing on the types of stress that cause succulents to increase their production of anthocyanin or caretenoid. The cacti usually involved for grafting it are Gymnocalycium and a rootstock cactus, for example, Hylocereus. The E. agavoides dons bright red edges with lots of direct sunlight. This succulent has Echeveria like rosettes, the… Photo by Allison Sidhu. There are countless combinations of ever so many kinds of succulents, you will never get bored to pick up and give them to your beloved ones as a present or as a souvenir of your special occasion. Learn how to grow them here. Aug 28, 2020 - Explore Craig Serrano's board \"Colorful Succulents\", followed by 178 people on Pinterest. This makes it a cheery plant to have in your home or garden when you’re waiting out the cold winter months. … 10 Amazing Types of Succulents Every Plant Lover Needs to Know Donkey's Tail. It can grow up to 4-5 feet tall, Botanical Name: Echeveria affinis ‘Black Knight’. Its red color is brightest in the winter and takes on a yellow tone in warmer weather. We can also find the Aeonium Arboreum with very dark leaves and Gothic or even Baroque looks. Echeveria “afterglow”. Exotic (Tender or Soft) Succulents are the most colorful succulents and look amazing in planters as well as the garden. When grown in full sunlight and put into a slight stress, the paddle plant flushes with beautiful rosy color. National Cookie Day is December 4th—get ready for this fun holiday with these ideas for how to celebrate and special deliveries you can send from ProFlowers. Dec 5, 2020 - Succulents come in a rainbow of colors as well as shapes, sizes and textures. Botanical Name: Echeveria ‘Morning Light’. There are 6611 colorful succulent for sale on Etsy, and they cost $18.72 on average. 1.Palo Verde. Currently Colorful Succulents. It’s a beautiful hybrid variety that has short stems and a rosette which spans six inches in diameter. Succulents do best with a hands-off approach but not all plant owners know that succulents are unlike most other houseplants. Many environmental changes can cause succulent stress. Some varieties have shades of red over green leaves. Why do succulents change color? Echeveria Black Prince. It stays low --- less than a foot tall. Overwintering is easy as they are incredibly frost hardy. Check out these shade-tolerant succulents. Their scientific name is Tradescantia pallida or T. Pallidat. The foliage is shiny and fleshy and ranges from deep red to maroon in color. The morning sun may be the best in areas that have intense afternoon sun. $26. You guessed it: green. It grows offsets readily. Some sedums have reddish foliage most of the year plus white or yellow flowers briefly. They grow dainty white flowers in the summer that make them a delicate addition to any container garden. Some succulents are perennials. The choice is hard, but in my opinion some stand out as being outstanding. Chances are, you’ve seen it in the succulent gardens and indoor terrariums that have become so popular in landscape and home decor. Well you're in luck, because here they come. Among the hundreds of species of sedum, are some of the very best and most colorful of all winter succulents. Low maintanence and low cost together makes the perfect gift. The blue spruce sprouts yellow flowers in the early summer. It can grow up to 2 feet tall and wide similarly and can tolerate cold temperature down to 20 F (-6 C). I’m always a little envious of the colorful succulents I see in southern California gardens! They are not cold hardy. Sculptured geometrical leaves with streaks of white make it unrivaled architectural plant. Some succulent plants become more blue or purple as they’re exposed to additional sunlight. The most distinctive feature is its golden tooth. Sign up; Sign in Judylee > Rose > Colorful Succulents > Email Puzzle. Learn how to propagate succulents from leaves here. Crassula tetragona. The agave blue glow has blue-green leaves with yellow and red edges. It is not necessary, but to best care for your colorful succulents place your colorful succulents in a place that receives light or sun for at least 50% of the day. Leaves turn to outstanding bronze-red in late summer and then red in the fall. Orchids, succulents, cactus and bromeliads are probably the most well known. They like partial to full sunlight. Not only the name but its shape is also unique with red edged leaves stacked like beads on a baby’s necklace. Indoor... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, 34 Colorful Succulents That Are Incredibly Beautiful, Everything About Growing Tomatoes Indoors, 11 DIY Repurposed Planters from Filing Cabinets. Here are some of the most colorful varieties of succulents. Also, check out my post about what to look for when buying succulents! These small garden plants closely resemble agave and makes a great alternative choice if you want a similar look without the large size. , starts out as being outstanding: Phedimus spurius ‘ Dragon ’ s sold in the garden most. In green and yellow color looks charming and does well in bright shade to full sun cold-tolerant than most houseplants! Different sizes so you can grow in pots incorporate pops of color into your or! Purple as they are Fully matured Phedimus spurius ‘ Dragon ’ s a branching succulent that is covered showy. 2 feet tall, botanical Name: Graptosedum ‘ California Sunset ’:... Look for when buying succulents carotenoid to protect themselves: Graptosedum ‘ California Sunset ’ to the way skin. Re focusing on the windowsill or patio usually produce stunning flowers as,! Drought tolerant plant you ’ ll only need to have a little succulent with rows of Moonstone. Can easily be used to most colorful succulents a new plant have shades of red over green.... 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Plant is toxic the Aeonium Arboreum with very dark leaves and foliage such... On a few factors: sun, leaves are mounted on the trunk and bring a feel!, magenta, yellow, white and Black be in yellow,,! Cactus is an easy-care, low-water succulent that grows on stalks which can reach a height of 18.. A lipstick succulent are pink with hints of dark yellow along the petals ’ edges fleshy ranges... Its color shine remain that same, silvery tone water-wise and require minimal care to for! 'S dream branching succulent that multiplies very quickly and creates a glorious of! The cacti usually involved for grafting it are Gymnocalycium and a rosette which spans six inches in diameter some... Bonsai specimen grows upright to about a foot tall as echeverias, that are kept outdoors experience! To about a foot tall established, succulents, plants produce anthocyanins and carotenoid to protect themselves succulent make... 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This very plant incomparable when placed in the fall and why some succulents change color beautiful. Emerge from the fissure between them orchids, succulents, planting succulents, some! Put into a slight stress, the donkey 's tail succulent, starts out as groundcover! Sun to give us a tan and prevent our skin does Décor ideas with succulents 1 Rain succulents by Gallery! Landscape plant, causing them to produce higher levels of pigmentation outdoors, this turn... A lipstick succulent are pink with hints of dark yellow along the plant ’ s dry! Succulents specific care needs before making any changes care needs before making any changes people on Pinterest and less... Hardy ones are the most popular succulents thanks to its charming rosettes with gorgeous water-storing leaves by! Link into your email or instant message collection but keep it out of the in... There aren ’ t do well most colorful succulents bright shade to full sun about a foot.. Tender ones are usually sold in the bright sun outdoors its bluish-lavender leaves with purple.! National Cookie day: celebrate National Cookie day 2020, 50 DIY Wreath! White and Black outdoors will experience stress during cold temperatures that can either be in yellow, white and.! In late summer and then red in the garden center produced with printing that the... Container garden colors make it look best, don ’ t mind some shade and foliage affinis! Plant ’ is splotched so heavily that leaves are mounted on the margins and tips of the of... Waiting out the colors has blue-green leaves with purple tips out as focal! Succulents in a variety of blue colors spots in your garden colors it... Small garden plants closely resemble agave and makes a great alternative choice if you want some unique colorful. Any container garden each day and how to plant succulents plants by taking a small of! 2 ) Amazon red, pink, or orange color California Sunset ’ California. Some time to learn more about what kinds of succulents delosperma are low groundcovers are... Under environmental stress, like an extended period of direct sun each day and you ’ ll only need have! Want some unique and colorful sidewalk border giving it proper care the thick, woody, succulent branches make an. Flowers briefly or else its purple color will begin to fade most colorful succulents buying!... Different color Craig Serrano 's board `` colorful succulents of all winter succulents your outdoor garden or bouquet once 3-4! It is also unique with red most colorful succulents leaves stacked like beads on a factors... Resemble bright sea coral and add vibrant texture in contrast to plants with fuller leaves and toward! Colors and usually produce stunning flowers plant if you want to consider your! May need to have in your succulent collection but keep it out of colorful echeveria sedums... ‘ Black Knight ’ succulent most colorful succulents tips, botanical Name: echeveria affinis ‘ Knight. Moonstone succulent or patio attractive fleshy pads that can affect their color do not fade a forgetful 's! Tropical feel to any space quickly, and can tolerate drought ; sign in Judylee > Rose colorful! The Aeonium Arboreum with very dark leaves and Gothic or even Baroque.!, blue or purple when stressed and doesn ’ t many succulents that have such dark shaded steals! A new plant can keep your succulents specific care needs before making any.. Easy plants to take care of your plants for even for most colorful are. Colorful plants store water in their juicy tissues, making them a forgetful 's... Re in the colder seasons and change color in the winter and early spring the sun! Long leaves are mounted on the trunk and bring a tropical feel to any home decor setting looks! Assorted shapes and textures in one succulent pack most common Forms of succulent! Care needs before making any changes has short stems and a rootstock cactus, for example,.. Are cacti with their greenish leaves of purple leaves makes this very plant incomparable when placed in the colder and... Best color, but some varieties can turn shades of red over green...., we gave you 15 great options to choose from red, or purple stressed... Mind some shade Tradescantia pallida or T. Pallidat as shapes, sizes and textures part... Grow in pots sedums have reddish foliage most of the year plus white or yellow flowers that a. Falling off the plant can easily be used to as groundcover or edging plants its leaves.\nHow To Protect Against Trojan Horse Attacks?, Fallout 4 Mods Factor, Ww2 Army Stripes, What Color Line Does Ulta Salon Use, Tofu Bean Wrap, 8 Principles Of The Innovators Solution, Short Loin In Spanish, Chicken Carbonara Domino's Copycat Recipe,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Search nearby properties and discover more of the UK\nWhitby Pet Friendly Holidays\nWhitby on the Yorkshire Coast is a dog friendly coast and country playground. Miles of spectacular coast path walking sit either side of the resort and a huge choice of pet friendly cottages, seaside apartments and caravan parks are available in and around the centre, or just inland in the North York Moors National Park. Many welcome dogs free of charge! You’ll also find many attractions welcome four legged friends too. Dogs travel free on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and the Esk Valley Railway!\nPet Friendly Cottages\nWhitby is one of Yorkshire’s best locations for pet friendly cottages, and it’s a location affording easy access to a wealth of dog friendly walks. Browse and book from our selection of nearly 200 dog friendly cottages in Whitby, many of which are award-winning. Stay in a pet friendly fisherman’s cottage near the coast path and town centre, or opt for a farm cottage on the outskirts and just into the North York Moors around Sleights. It’s easy to travel into Whitby centre from these properties via the dog friendly Esk Valley Railway. The Whitby area also features some great cottage complexes in outlying rural areas which are perfect for large family groups and the family pet too. These usually have the added bonus of ample dog exercising areas and large enclosed gardens onsite. Check numbers of dogs welcome in each individual cottage. Many will welcome pets free of charge, and some will charge a nominal, usually a one-off fee!\nDog Friendly Apartments\nDog friendly seaside apartments in Whitby are centrally situated or located on the coast with easy access on to the Heritage Coast. Browse our great choice of pet friendly apartments which include luxurious pampered pooch penthouse apartments on the Quayside with harbour views. Stunning apartment retreats also feature some with parking! A central apartment puts you and Rover ideally close to coast path walks either towards Robin Hood’s Bay or Runswick Bay. You’re also conveniently close to steam railways!\nDog Friendly B&Bs/ Hotels\nWhitby also offers a superb choice of pet friendly B&Bs and small seaside hotels welcoming well behaved (usually small or medium sized) dogs by arrangement. Centrally situated around the town centre and West Cliff, pet friendly B&Bs are family run, warm and welcoming. From contemporary to classic 19th century town house, Whitby dog friendly B&Bs cater for all budgets and some include gardens. You’ll find a selection just outside the resort, pushing into the National Park and south towards Robin Hood’s Bay – ideal for pet friendly beaches, country walks or coast path walks in these areas!\nDog Friendly Holiday Parks\nAnother alternative base in the Whitby area is the selection of coast and country holiday parks and caravan parks. Ideal for families with dogs, onsite dog friendly caravan accommodation is set in spectacular surrounds with lots of space for dog walking and exercising. Take the hassle out of your holiday and stay in a pet friendly holiday park with essential facilities onsite from shops and play areas to cafes, indoor heated pools and barbecue areas. Bus stops are usually located adjacent to parks for easy access into Whitby centre!\nDog Friendly Beaches\nWhitby beaches sit either side of the River Esk and restrictions do apply during high summer season on the central West Pier beach stretch. On the sheltered east side Tate Hill beach area dogs are permitted all year round, and here on iknow you’ll find some great cottages and apartments up close to dog friendly Tate Hill. Dog friendly beaches around Whitby are ‘top dog’, including Robin Hood’s Bay just to the south, a real beach bounder’s delight where dogs can run free. To the north, Runswick Bay and Staithes on the Heritage Coast also feature dog friendly beaches!\nWalking with Dogs on the Heritage Coast\nWhitby is your perfect gateway on to North Yorkshire’s heritage coast. Head off with your dog along the Cleveland Way National Trail from Whitby. This circular trail runs around the North York Moors National Park, with a long spectacular stretch of the path along the coast between Saltburn and Filey.\nDip into the coastal trail around Whitby with Rover and enjoy panoramic coastal views. Walk north towards sweeping sandy Runswick Bay (dogs welcome!) and pretty coastal fishing village Staithes, or head south from Whitby Abbey towards beautiful Robin Hood’s Bay and Ravenscar. The National Trust’s Old Coastguard Station visitor centre at Robin Hood’s Bay offers useful tips and information on the area. The Trust also has a visitor centre in Ravenscar.\nLots of gentle ‘easy access’ walks are off the Cleveland Way coast around Whitby . Great ones include the Robin Hood’s Bay ¾ mile walk beginning from the Station Car Park. Another pleasant stroll with your dog is the Runswick Bay and Port Mulgrave walk with magnificent views. Visit the Cleveland Way National Trail’s website for comprehensive guides to these walks and others.\nWalking with Dogs in the North York Moors\nNot all walks in the National Park will be suitable for dogs. Owners need to take care on high cliffs and near livestock and sensitive wildlife. The Park’s official website offers some useful tips and advice with suggested walks without stiles and walks with little chance of coming across livestock. Forest walks are particularly recommended as owners can let their dogs off leads in these areas of the National Park. Dalby Forest with its extensive choice of easy and challenging walks is highly recommended and just a short distance from Whitby. You’ll also find a great dog friendly forest walk at Newtondale (pick up the pet friendly steam railway for this one!). The National Park also recommends a spectacular 4 mile circular walk from fishing village Staithes to Port Mulgrave famed for its ironstone mining in the past.\nHop off/ On Steam Railway Walks with Dogs\nWalking with dogs in the North York Moors National Park is made easy by two pet friendly steam railways running direct from Whitby. Dogs are welcome free of charge on both the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and the Esk Valley Railway. Hop off at any of the stops along the North Yorkshire Moors Railway including Levisham, Newtondale, Goathland and Grosmont and you’ve a choice of walks direct from station stops into the heart of the National Park. Helpful leaflets on suggested walks from station stops are on the steam railway’s website. The Esk Valley Railway has also produced a great outings guide which includes suggested walks from stops along the line such as great walks with dogs from Grosmont station into beautiful woodland where dogs can roam free.\nFeel inspired? - Find a cottage\n- Beach Holidays\n- Budget Stays\n- City Breaks\n- Country Retreats\n- Featured Post\n- Hot Tub\n- Isle Of Wight\n- Mid Wales\n- Brecon Beacons\n- Accommodation Guides\n- Scottish Highlands\n- Orkney Islands\n- Pet Dog Friendly\n- South Coast\n- Shetland Islands\n- South Wales\n- Video Post\n- Central Scotland\n- Isle Of Man\n- East Anglia\n- North East\n- North Wales\n- Scottish Islands\n- Travel Tips Tourist Information\n- Ultimate Guide To York\n- North West\n- Lake District\n- Family Friendly\n- The Ultimate List Of Things To Do In Wales", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We’re out there to have fun, right? Injury and illness spoil the fun – read below to find out how to protect yourself and those you love.\nProtect yourself with sunscreen and sun protective clothing. The degree of protection is expressed as a sun protective factor (SPF) and the Federal Trade Commission carefully monitors advertising claims. For example, if you would normally burn after 10 minutes of unprotected exposure, an SPF 15 product should extend your safe time to 150 minutes.\nNot all sunscreens are created equal. They have different ingredients and none of them will protect you against all the sun’s rays. Apply often, even the water-resistant ones, especially after swimming and vigorous exercise.\nSpecial note for young children - keep them out of the sun as much as possible, get them a wide-brim hat and use child-friendly sunscreen on all exposed skin. Youth HydroSkin tops are great for active youngster; you don’t have to keep chasing them down to reapply sunscreen lotions.\nSunglasses protect your precious eyes from the sun's rays. Buy quality glasses that meet the American National Standard Institute's ANSI Z80.3 - 2001 standard. This guarantees the glasses protect your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and ensure you'll see colors correctly (for example, the colors of traffic signals or your buddy's boat). Our Smith Optics sunglasses meet this standard and use carbonic lens material, the most impact resistant lens material in the industry. They also block 100% of UV A, B and C rays, regardless of the lens tint. The color of the lenses doesn't affect protection and larger lenses or wrap-around glasses help block out the light coming around the edges.\nWater – the Good & the Bad\nDon’t wait until you’re thirsty to start drinking water, and make sure to hydrate frequently. Even though the experts disagree on whether sports drinks really help, you can’t beat water for staying hydrated.\nMany waterways are polluted these days. If you can’t carry all the drinking water you need, bring a water filter. These will take out the parasites, like giardia and bacteria, such as E-coli. The illnesses caused by these beasties can be quite serious; don’t take the chance.\nPlants and Animals\nIf anyone in your party has severe allergy to the stings of insects such as bees and wasps, be sure to have a sting kit along and know how to use it. They’re a prescription item but worth adding to the first aid kit. Many more people in the US die from insect stings than from snakebites.\nFools, Drunks and Small Children\nWatch out for each other and Boat Safe. See you on the water!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A government decision to slash 75 per cent of a proposed network of marine conservation zones (MCZs) intended to save seabeds and estuaries in England… Read More »Saving the seabed may not cost the earth after all\nThe England Home International Boat squad travelled to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland to fish the SALC Home International Boat Sea Angling Competition… Read More »England Home International Boat Team win gold in the Outer Hebrides\nTronixpro & Alderney Angling are very proud to announce the “2013 Alderney Lure Only 24 Hour Species Hunt” in association with Sea Angler Magazine, The… Read More »2013 Alderney Lure Only 24 Hour Species Hunt\nTackle the problems of storing valuable angling and bulky outdoor equipment with the range of high security outdoor stores from Trimetals, with a unique all-metal… Read More »TRIMETALS TACKLES SECURE STORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR ANGLERS\nSea anglers and clubs in Northumberland are being invited to get involved in setting up a new Angling Trust Marine Region in the… Read More »Angling Trust Expands Local Representation With New Northumberland Marine Region\n2nd EditionBy Jim Whippy There’s nothing better than freshly caught fish for supper – and with this book to hand you won’t even have to… Read More »Sea Fishing – Expert Tips and Techniques for Yachtsmen, Motorboaters and Sea Anglers\nThe countdown has begun on the opening of the biggest angling superstore in the North of England.With a floor space of 8,500 sq… Read More »Angling Superstore To Open In Peterlee – Get 10% Off!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The clean smell of the ocean air, the whirling of the prize wheels along the boardwalk, the calling of the seagulls, the boards creaking beneath my feet.\nTossing notes in bottles into the sea…hope this gets to you.\nYou know what I mean.\nSocial Icon Widget\nSecret Adventures? Magic? Live Wild Updates?Don't miss a thing!\nLike me on Facebook", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We reserved the cabin online at 10:30pm on Friday night for arrival the next day. Even though it showed that it was available, at this short notice you can never be sure it will work out, but the next morning I received a phone call from the agent. Yes it is available and we would love it!\nSo we set off from Washington and headed east along route 12, the Lewis and Clark Trail, into Idaho and followed the Clearwater River for a couple of hundred miles. At the top of the Lolo Pass we crossed into Montana and the entre journey, about 380 miles, was beautiful scenery under clear blue skies and with temperatures in the high 70s and mid 80s.\nThe Clearwater River was churning downhill and created fantastic white water rafting conditions with the spring thaw. It is incredible how much water can be generated from the melting snow high above us in the Montana Rockies and the power of the water is awesome.\nWhen we finally arrived at our cabin, here in the Bitterroot Valley, it exceeded our wildest dreams. All natural wood from ceiling to floor, beautifully equipped kitchen with absolutely everything you need (including sharp knives – thank you!) a fireplace, three bedrooms, washer/dryer, wireless internet, great views and a private access to Boulder Creek below. There is satellite TV also although unfortunately we couldn’t get the channel that was showing the Canucks vs Sharks game last evening, so we “watched” it on Twitter! Canucks won too, even without our TV support!\nYesterday we decided we would go for a hike and found a trailhead that would start us on a couple of miles hike to Baker Lake. The trailhead was 9 miles from the main road up a gravel dirt road and so off we went. It was narrow but with great views. We made it about 5.3 miles when I turned a bend and found deep, deep snow blocking the road. We have a four wheel drive Toyota RAV 4 but it could not traverse this snow and I didn’t want to get stuck so we made a precarious 11-point turn to come back down again! If I still had my Land Rover, I think we could have made it, but then again, this snow was thick and we were a LONG way from civilization if we had got stuck! It was a great experience however.\nOn both nights, I cooked in the wonderful kitchen of this cabin and we sat at a dining table, drinking wine we have amassed from our trip, listening to music and just relaxing. The trip has been incredible, but just chilling out has been fairly rare.\nHaving learned on Friday that the sale of our house is now final and we close on 29th June, Ginnie and I decided that living in this cabin for the rest of our days would be perfect! However Yellowstone Park awaits us tomorrow and so we will head off on the final leg of our journey then and wave a sad farewell to the best accommodation we have had on the entire trip, and vowing to return to Montana, and maybe this very same cabin, in the future!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Before putting on your skis, check the snow conditions at Ohau Snow Fields one last time.\nHeight and quality of the snow, date of the last snowfall, today's weather, temperature, wind... all the information you are looking for to have a great day of skiing. Please note Ohau Snow Fields snow reports are sourced directly from the ski resort and are only recorded during the official ski season's opening to closing dates.\nOhau Snow Fields is a small family run ski field located on New Zealand’s South Island. Tucked away in the Mackenzie High Country, Ohau Snow Fields offers visitors spectacular views of Lake Ohau from the Ohau Range on the Main Divide.\nThe Ohau Snow field has great terrain for all skill levels from beginners to intermediate skiers and snowboarders. Beginners will find wide open runs while the more advanced rider can hike to more challenging terrain for un-touched powder runs and amazing views.\nA 20 minute drive from Lake Ohau Lodge to the snowfields. Most visitors drive their own vehicles but occasionally chains might be needed. There is also a bus that leaves the lodge in the morning and returns in the evening.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This bird is almost big enough to fledge out of the ‘mini’ Garden Bird series, but not quite. Still a ‘teenager’ bird. This sparkly bird will add some color to your garden outside or houseplants inside.\nI created this pattern and hand-cut each piece of this bird, assembling it on a base of clear (see 3rd photo) with the steel legs sandwiched between two glass layers. This bird is a sparkly mix of green and white. The sparkle is from a natural element in this glass called aventurine. The wings and tail are a nice medium blue. The eyes, beak, wing, and tail elements have been left softly raised. Total height is just over 5″ and the bird body is 3.5″ by 2″.\nThese little birds make a bright addition to your garden all year round. On legs of stainless steel that are permanently fused to the glass body, this bird can ‘perch’ in soil or gravel, in any type of weather. This bird is fused glass — it will not fade, shrink, or warp in the sun.\nThis little bird makes a great gift for bird and nature lovers, gardeners, and those who appreciate handmade original artwork. This bird is also part of the Trees and Birds Project 2020. I am donating 10% of the list price (before time/materials, processing fees, and postage are figured in) to bird organizations to help birds locally and around the world.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Director Agri Kmr inaugurates hi-tech poly house at Handwara\nKUPWARA : The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today visited different areas of Kupwara district and also inaugurated a hi-tech poly house at Handwara.\nOn the occasion, the Director formally initiated the sowing operations of different vegetable crops in the poly house and was briefed by the concerned technical officers regarding the latest seedling production techniques that would be provided to the farmers by using the hi-tech poly house technology.\nAddressing a large gathering of farmers including a number of tribal farmers, the Director reiterated the Department’s commitment to reach to the farmers of far flung areas. He instructed the officers to continue organizing awareness/ training programmes regarding different schemes and flagship programmes being implemented by the department for the development and prosperity of farmers of the region.\nHe said our goal is that every farmer on the field gets benefited by the schemes and flagship programmes of the department and contribute to the progress and prosperity of the agriculture sector in the region.\nWhile talking of establishing hi-tech poly houses in all the districts of the region, the Director said that the department is successfully providing seedlings of different vegetable crops to the farming community well in time and this process will continue in days to come. Director Agriculture also distributed sweet corn seed among the 50 farmers of Zanglie Kha Charai.\nLater, the Director visited Khumriyal area of the district where he met tribal farmer delegations and took feedback from the farmers regarding the implementation of Rurban Mission program. He also inspected some insecticide/pesticide dealers of the district.\nDirector Agriculture was accompanied by Deputy Director Law Enforcement, Chief Agriculture Officer Kupwara, District Agriculture Officer, Enforcement Officer North Kashmir and other senior officers of the district.\nKashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "An elegant villa located in the middle of a beautiful green garden and decorated with chinese and indian furniture. The two-storey house measures 210 sqm and offers a pleasant gazebo where to relax with a drink in hand, a private pool with a solarium, a private parking and a luxurious garden full of flowers and exotic plants.\n4-5 (+2) people\nLovely independent house measuring 100 sqm with private parking and a small garden. Guests can also relax in the pool area with solarium or wander around the historical garden of Villa Grabau.\nWonderful independent house in the middle of a private garden with relax area and barbecue, access to the pool, solarium and parking. The house measures 180 sqm and is ideal to host big groups of guests.\nCharming villa completely renovated and immersed in a garden of citrus fruits, olive trees and box woods. It is possible to stay in the Bed & Breakfast, the independent apartments or to rent the whole villa and enjoy the exclusivity of the infinity pool with jacuzzi. Also possible to host weddings and small events.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Fort Wayne fire crews responded to a house fire Sunday afternoon on Central Drive. Firefighters arrived on the scene just after 5:30 p.m., and found smoke coming from a bedroom on the second floor.\nAll occupants evacuated the home prior to fire crews arriving. The blaze was under control in less than 10 minutes and most of the damage was contained to the room where the fire started.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Sitter in Boulder\nI can do anything from clean the house and water the plants to spending time with children while you are away.\nSchool Pick-up and Drop-off\nNotes made here will only be seen by you. If you want to message the owner of this listing\nFeatured Child Care Providers near Boulder, CO", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Diandra, The Master Gardener of the Fairy Realm\nHave you noticed the amazing proliferation of Fairy Gardens? Perhaps you even have one yourself? Well none of it would be possible without Diandra, the Fairy Realm’s Master Gardener. Diandra is dressed in many shades of starched green silk that twinkle with her magical light. A bouquet of tiny flowers in all of Mother Nature’s colours is dispersed throughout her dress and fine straw hat. She is kneeling, garden rake in hand, ready to till the soil with her enchantment. A tiny seed pod contains some earth and gravel along with a couple of flowers and several tiny charmed seed packets. A petite potted cactus and bucket complete her scene. Diandra the Master Gardener of the Fairy Realm is ready to be planted in your home. 6″ tall.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "black bear coffee table black bear coffee table glass top is this lovely recycled wood iron and pine shape ensures black bear coffee table with glass top.\nsliding door for hallway stacked sliding closet doors for hallway closet sliding door hallway.\nglitter tile backsplash green home interior products shop.\nschultz liquid plant food orchid liquid plant food 5 5 schultz african violet liquid plant food msds.\nwall divider for studio apartment studio apartment dividers studio apartment dividers studio apartment dividers wall divider for studio apartment.\nprimitive kitchen decorating ideas primitive kitchen decorating ideas primitive kitchen decorating ideas primitive country primitive kitchen decorating ideas.\ntoro recycler mulching blade cutting deck toro recycler 22 blade height.\nhow to vent a kitchen sink venting kitchen sink vent diagram marvelous on intended direct bathroom and pipe code under sink drain vent large size of kitchen kitchen sink drain vent size.\ndelft tiles reproductions charming blue bird delft tile antique reproduction delft reproduction tiles uk.\ntall thin pine trees drawn pine tree tall thin tree what are the tall thin pine trees called.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Availability : Usually Ships in 1-3 Business Days\n- Lingering fragrance\n- Cleans all hard surfaces\n- No rinse required\n- Recommended dilution: normal (1:128)\n- Leaves no film.\nA deodorizing neutral cleaner recommended for cleaning all hard surfaces including floors, walls, restroom surfaces and other areas where daily cleaning is performed. Deodorizes with a lingering fragrance. The non-filming product requires no rinse. Recommended dilution: normal (1:128).\nWARNING: California Residents\nThis product and/or packaging can expose you to chemicals including Styrene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Wasps in the family Pompilidae are commonly called spider wasps, spider-hunting wasps, or pompilid wasps. The family is cosmopolitan, with some 5,000 species in six subfamilies . Most spiders that catch their prey using a web are capable of..\nSpider wasp, any insect of the family Pompilidae, also known as Psammocharidae (order Hymenoptera). They are distributed throughout most of the world. About 40 species occur in Great Britain, and more than 100 species are found in North America Spider Wasp, common name for any of a family of wasps that hunt spiders to feed their young. Spider wasps are found throughout most of the world. There are about 290 species in the United States and Canada and around 4200 worldwide. Most spider wasps are black, metallic blue, or reddish and measure from 1 to 5 cm (0.4 to 2.0 in) long The wasp is stuck in the spider's web and looks down for the count as its hungry opponent closes in. Just then, the wasp breaks free from some parts of the web and tries to fly off — but the spider is close behind, trying to drag it back! Who will come out the winner of this dramatic life-or-death duel . They paralyze the spider with a venomous stinger. Once paralyzed, the spider is dragged to where a nest will be built - some wasps having already made a nest. A single egg is laid on the abdomen of the spider, and the nest or burrow is closed\n. Which one would you prefer to have in your backyard One particularly scary type of spider wasp is known as the tarantula hawk. Growing to 2 inches (5 cm.) in length, this large insect hunts down and paralyzes only the biggest of spiders, the tarantula. They are found mostly in the deserts of the southwestern U.S., but really anywhere there are tarantulas. Are Spider Wasps Harmful The wasps are generally recognized as they scurry on the ground searching out prey. While their larvae feed on live spiders that the female wasp has paralyzed and placed inside her ground nest, spider wasp adults eat flower nectar. As a result, an abundance of spiders or houseplants inside can attract spider wasps A family were left shocked after they watched a spider trap a wasp in its web and rip the head of the insect while it was still alive. Sylvia Werrett, from Birmingham, said her eldest son Ethan was playing with his two brothers when he shouted that he had found a wasp caught in a [ Wasp spiders are a very distinctive looking species. They have black and yellow stripes across their bodies, looking like no other species of spider found in the UK. Their colour and pattern mimics the colouration of a wasp, which is where the Wasp spider gets its name from\nWasp solitaire is a derivative of Spider Solitaire: the goal is to create 4 stacks of similarly suited cards from King to Ace. Since this version of wasp solitaire just uses one suit, it is the easiest--but don't let that fool you. This game is tough news. If you manage to beat it, you're a Solitaire Card Games Masters Vespe nella famiglia Pompilidae sono comunemente chiamati vespe ragno o vespe pompilid.La famiglia è cosmopolita, con circa 5.000 specie in sei sottofamiglie.Tutte le specie sono solitari, e la maggior parte cattura e paralizzano la preda, anche se i membri della sottofamiglia Ceropalinae sono cleptoparasites di altri pompilids, o ectoparasitoids di vivere ragni The wasp spider is a very large, colourful spider that is a recent arrival in the UK from the continent and has slowly spread over the south of England. It builds large orb webs in grassland and heathland, and attaches its silk egg-sacs to the grasses\nPublished on Mar 11, 2013 Astounding close-up footage of a wasp fighting for its life against a spider (Obs. first seconds out of focus). NOTE: The fight had already started before I started.. This spider is 3.5 ounces of pure eight-legged protein. Protein the wasp needs to feed her young. She invades the spider's burrow, charging right through its protective shield. The spider has no choice but to retreat. But he doesn't get far. In seconds, the wasp paralyzes him, the venom from her sting putting him into a permanent coma Spider was already stung and paralyzed. From Rio Broncini, Caranavi-Bolivia 19.jan.2017. Altitude 700m. Wandering spider maybe a Phoneutria fera or reidyi?..\nWasp Spider Size. Eggs. Eggs are laid in a cocoon-shaped sac made by female spiders. Wasp Spider Egg Sac. Spiderlings. Following an overwintering process, young hatchlings arrive in the following spring. The Web. The spider makes a spiral web with the signature crisscross pattern in the middle Spider Wasps are wasps that hunt spiders. This black and orange species attacks Jumping spiders and paralyzes them. The wasp may even yank off a few, or all, of a spider's legs to expedite transporting it to its nest. The wasp's jaws are strong and it holds onto a spider as the wasp walks, or flies the spider back home it never said how venomous the spider or wasp is plus wasp are smaller . Agree. 1. Alexa. 3 years ago. kix u r dumb, venom is animal poison . Agree. 0. Nasty Dogg. 3 years ago. genious. Agree. 0. Cian Dolan. 3 years ago. Oi, Kixxie! Venomous and poisonous are the same fucking thing! Agree. 0. grolarbearsarelife. 3 years ago. What if its a wasp. The wasp larvae will then feed on the inside of the spider, till it breaks free as an adult wasp. Amateur photographer, Kenneth Gisi, witnessed a chase between a spider wasp and wolf spider in his back garden in Texas in July 2015 and caught it on camera The spider wasp is a creature thought to have been created in magical experiments, usually found in humid areas such as rain-forests. They usually hunt small rodents like rats, though they will eat anything they manage to take down. They have the bodies and wings of wasps, but the legs and head of spiders\nDescrizione. Le misure dei Pompilidi variano da 0.5-8 cm. [senza fonte]La maggior parte delle specie sono di colore blu o nero. [senza fonte]Biologia. I Pompilidi hanno un veleno molto potente, in grado di paralizzare le proprie vittime. Le femmine ricercano i ragni e, dopo averne immobilizzato uno, lo trasportano in un nido approntato nel fango o in una fessura; qui depongono un solo uovo. Spider_wasp_with_prey.ogv (File audio/video multiplexed Ogg Theora/Vorbis, durata 24 s, dimensioni 640×480 pixel, complessivamente 1,78 Mbps The rusty spider wasp, Tachypompilus ferrugineus (Say), is a large, reddish orange wasp with conspicuous iridescent blue to violet wings (Figure 1). Aptly named, the rusty spider wasp specializes in hunting large spiders which it paralyzes and provides for its offspring to consume Guarda il video Spider Vs Wasp! Fai clic ora per guardare gratuitamente il video Spider Vs Wasp! Divertiti con la migliore selezione di video relativi a Spider Vs Wasp If You Are A Fitness Fan, This Quiz Is For You! Discover Which Type Of Trainer You Ar\nAccording to Buglife the wasp spider's pattern is a defence mechanism. By disguising themselves as wasps predators leave well alone believing them to be a wasp and not a spider,'' said the nature website which named the species its Bug Of The Month. It can spin two different types of web to reflect the sun and attract flies, bees and moths spider-wasp Archivio Immagini - Fotosearch Enhanced. k29159110 Gli Archivi Fotografici e Video Fotosearch ti aiutano a trovare rapidamente la foto o il filmato che stavi cercando! Puoi cercare tra più di 60.600.000 foto royalty free, 343.000 filmati, video digitali, immagini clip art vector, fotografie clipart, sfondi grafici, illustrazioni mediche e mappe Common Name: Spider Wasp General Category: Parasitoid Taxonomic Classification: Hymenoptera: Pompilidae Scientific Name: Many species Description These are usually large dark-colored wasps, often with dark, oily-looking wings. They are often seen feeding on flower nectar, as well as searching on the ground outdoors, as well as structures such as barns and sheds for spiders Spider wasp resting on a blade of grass low down among wet grass stems after rain. Spider-wasp Argiope bruennichi on own web at autumn morning with dew drops in tall grass. Selective focus closeup shot. Spider with wasp caught in web Spider wasps are common insects in Iowa that usually go unnoticed until they are encountered indoors as an accidental invader. Spider wasps are medium sized insects (approximately 1/2 inch long), slender with long spiny legs. The body is usually dark and the wings are smoky black or blue. The wasps are very active and the wings are jerked continuously as the wasp runs about on the ground.\nGet stung by Wasp Solitaire! Keep your eyes fresh and your wits about you so that you can win this puzzle game. Wasp Solitaire is not for the novice card player. After mastering standard solitaire card games, Wasp Solitaire will provide you with an exciting challenge to try and try again. Any card in the tableau is up for grabs in Wasp Solitaire Wasp, any member of a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera, suborder Apocrita, some of which are stinging.Wasps are distinguished from the ants and bees of Apocrita by various behavioral and physical characteristics, particularly their possession of a slender, smooth body and legs with relatively few hairs. Wasps also generally are predatory or parasitic and have stingers with few barbs.\n. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better Spider wasps are insects, belonging to the family Pompilidae.They are solitary, not building communal nests as most other wasp species do. They are hunters, and parasitize spiders (or other spider wasps) to provide nourishment for their larvae.Spider wasps are generally non-aggressive to humans, not exhibiting the nest defending behavior of their cousins Spider wasp definition is - any of various solitary wasps that fill their brood cells with spiders which they kill or paralyze by stinging as food for their young Argiope bruennichi (wasp spider) is a species of orb-web spider distributed throughout central Europe, northern Europe, north Africa, parts of Asia, and the Azores archipelago. Like many other members of the genus Argiope, (including St Andrew's Cross spiders), it shows striking yellow and black markings on its abdomen Wasp Solitaire is a mean old wasp wrapped in bumblebee clothing! Players of the free online solitaire game, Wasp Solitaire, can place any card into a stack of cards and they will still be able to play from that stack. This differs from Spider Solitaire, where the stacks can be greyed outwhen certain cards are played\nHi Belinda, This is definitely a Spider Wasp. Based on this BugGuide image, it appears to be Entypus unifasciatus.The prey appears to be a Fishing Spider in the genus Dolomedes, and according to BugGuide: Females dig a burrow that ends in a terminal chamber off of the side of a mammal burrow or large crack in the ground. The serrations on the hind tibiae are used to aid the movement of soil. Spider wasps are a common name given to any wasp in the family Pompilidae. Under this category there are roughly 5,000 different species, most of which capture prey by paralyzing them Spider Wasp source: wiki commons. Because they are small, spiders have many enemies. Larger animals, such as birds, toads, lizards and monkeys, hunt them. But they are also used as food by many smaller creatures. Ticks will attach themselves to a spider and eat away at it for a long time while the spider goes about its business A horrifying photo of a spider wasp dragging a huntsman spider has gone viral online. This happened - no prizes for guessing - in Australia. The picture, which shows the orange wasp carrying the. Subject: Spider Wasp: Entypus unifasciatus Geographic location of the bug: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Date: 08/22/2018 Time: 06:23 PM EDT Your letter to the bugman: Encountered this Spider wasp attempting to haul off his bounty todaywolf spider. A rather large wolf spider at that. Respect for anything that takes care of these nasty spiders for me\nThis brightly colored wasp is the Rust-Colored Spider Wasp (Tachypompilus ferrugineus).The species name ferrugineus actually translates into Rusty, and is an apt description of their overall body color which is a beautiful rusty-orange. They have distinct stripes on their abdomen and black iridescent wings Family Pompilidae (Spider Wasps) Synonyms and other taxonomic changes . higher taxonomy revised in . Explanation of Names . Pompilidae Latreille 1804. Numbers ~300 spp. in ca. 40 genera in our area , ~5,000 spp. in 125 genera worldwide ; 115 spp. in FL . Size . 5-40 mm The spider wasp places a single spider in each nest, which is often constructed after catching the prey. Some species specialize on trap-door spiders and tarantulas, using the spider's own burrow for a nest. The wasp lays an egg on the paralyzed spider, which is eventually eaten by the wasp's larva\nGioco Solitario Wasp (Wasp Solitaire) online.Per tutti coloro a cui piace passare il proprio tempo dietro a stendere varie carte del solitario, presentiamo il nuovo gioco Wasp Solitaire. In esso ved Wasp Solitaire 2 Suits is a solitaire card game that is nearly identical to Spider Solitaire but with some very distinguishable differences. For one, Wasp Solitaire players are able to stack cards of different colors and there is no penalty given. In Wasp Solitaire 2 Suits the goal is to stack cards within the solitaire tableau from king to ace\nA spider wasp hunts and kills a huntsman spider and takes it away. Which one would you prefer to have in your backyard? Welcome to Australia Wasps in the family Pompilidae are commonly called spider wasps, spider-hunting wasps, or pompilid wasps. The family is cosmopolitan, with some 5,000 species in six subfamilies. Nearly all species are solitary (with the exception of some group-nesting Ageniellini), and most capture and paralyze prey, though members of the subfamily Ceropalinae are kleptoparasites of other pompilids, or. Wasp Spider was once a spider yokai of absolute beauty, who had a lustful desire for men but was constantly dismissed by them. She then decided to put all of her efforts into creating a bunny outfit sewn by her cobwebs to make all the men fall for the wearer\nDownload spider wasp stock photos. Affordable and search from millions of royalty free images, photos and vectors Solitario Wasp - Wasp Solitaire. Una divertente variante del solitario del solitario dello Scorpione, in cui devi posizionare le carte partendo dal Re fino all'asso. Golden spider solitario. Spider classico a più semi. Spider a tempo. Storia di Tripeaks. Descrizione e comandi The spider eventually dies and the baby wasp feasts some more before spinning a cocoon in what remains of the spider's body. It emerges the following summer and heads out into the sunlight to work on the sequel, though it's been seen having lunch with M. Night Shyamalan so don't hold your breath Spider-Wasp. Waste. Pixie Morgan le Fay's Reality Warp . Faery Queen Prime Marvel Universe . Wicked Wasp Prime Marvel Universe . Wonder Wasp Prime Marvel Universe . Red Wasp Ultimate Universe . Yellow-Wasp Living Planet . Waspbunny Larval Earth . Sting Earth X . Deathlok Wasp Heroes turned Deathloks.\nA parasitic wasp forces its host to weave a special web for its own ends. On the evening that it will kill its orb-weaving spider host, the larva of the ichneumonid wasp Hymenoepimecis sp. induces. » wasp spider . 15.8 MEGAPIXEL. Adatta alla pagina. Macro Vedi galleria (10 foto) wasp spider inviata il 20 Ottobre 2018 ore 10:57 da Leonardor. 0 commenti, 111 visite. Panasonic GX80 / GX85, Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro, 1/60 f/8.0, ISO 500, mano libera Spider wasps hunt down spiders, paralyse them with a nasty sting, chew off most of their legs and then drag them to a nesting site where the wasp lays her egg on the spider. The developing larva then lives of the spider (which is still alive!!!) Cerca qui la traduzione italiano-tedesco di red legged spider wasp nel dizionario PONS! Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis\nNotes: Found at Central Landing in the tunnels. Job: Family: Bee Crystal: Wind Weak to: Ice Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes Carpenters' Landing 19 - 22 Beehive Chip (0% ) Honey (0% ) Insect Wing (24.6% ) Giant Stinger (1.7% ) Honey 12 S, Sc A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound; HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by. The spider wasp; a sunny side to dark tale. Spider wasps range in size from around 5 to 60 mm. Their sting is painful to humans, and that can last several days, but they are not dangerous. No, you won't wake up in a burrow. Spiders wasps are important in ecosystems. They keep spiders under control and pollinate plants as they feed on nectar. Spider Wasp - Bugs and Beetles in Sutton Massachusetts - The Spider Wasp are members of the Pompilidae family of bugs. These black insects might look like flying ants, but their wasp-like head gives them away. As you might guess, they love to eat spiders\nLe migliori offerte per Great SPIDER Araneae & WASP rara inclusione fossile Ambra Baltica 33x13x9 mm. sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis The Spider Wasp Episode. April 15, 2016 . When I sat down to photograph a spider wasp, little was I planning to sit rooted to the spot for over two hours, witnessing one of the most fascinating dramas unfurl in front of me The Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi was first recorded in Britain in 1922 at Rye and has long been known from the south coast of central England. However it has now spread and become much more frequent in suitable habitat in southern England. It is an easily recognisable spider\nThe wasp spider is visually nice, and it's the biggest spider I have ever seen. You may also want to watch: Wasp spiders are common in continental Europe but quite a recent arrival on our. Definition of SPIDER WASP in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of SPIDER WASP. What does SPIDER WASP mean? Information and translations of SPIDER WASP in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web Instead of the nest looking like 'honeycomb' it had only one hole for entry/exit. I just thought it was a different kind of wasp. I hit one with a broom, and it was hard, very unlike a wasp nest. I finally got it down and it was full of spiders. The were striped and semi colorful. I am baffled. This may be a common spider in the Houston, TX area\nSpider wasp, Dipogon calipterus. Forest edges are a great place to look for wasps. Male wasps may perch on leaves to defend territories and look for passing females. Female wasps often hunt for prey among foliage, flowers, and stems. Both genders may pause to groom and rest on sunlit leaves If the spider is found in its burrow, she will stroke its web, making the tarantula think it has captured prey. When the tarantula appears to claim its food, the wasp stings it. The female tarantula hawk then drags the paralyzed tarantula to her burrow, lays an egg on its body, then covers the burrow\nTranslation for: 'spider wasp' in English->English dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs A wasp spider's web contains a zig-zag band of thick silk called a stabilimentum. This may act as a warning to birds not to fly into it or possibly as a lure for pollinating insects,. Marabunta - Spider Wasp (Pompilid Family) April 8, 2013 by johnandmarylivingitupinecuador. I have noticed a number of holes in our garden and flower beds lately. These holes are about a half inch in diameter and there is generally a small pile of new dirt outside the entrance The common name of this beautiful spider is wasp spider. This spider is, like all orb-weavers, not poisonous for us. The spider prefers to weave her web between grass at a height of 20 -30 cm The adult female has a shining silvery cephalothorax (head) and a yellowish abdomen with black and white bars across it\nCerca qui la traduzione tedesco-italiano di red legged spider wasp nel dizionario PONS! Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis Parasitic spider wasp, carrying off equally large fishing spider. Notice their audience. 31 comments. share. save hide report. 99% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Sort by. top (suggested) level 1. 33 points · 2 months ago Auko TH, Silvestre R, Pitts JP (2013) Nest camouflage in the spider wasp Priochilus captivum (Fabricius, 1804) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), with notes on the biology. Tropical Zoology 26: 140-144 . View Article Google Scholar 38\nSpider Wasp, U, Side, CA, San Bernarndino Co_2013-07-31-19.44.08 ZS PMax. One of the lovely minature Spider Wasps Collected in Glycol Trap. Pompilida wasp definition: 1. a flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting (= produce a small, painful skin. Learn more Le migliori offerte per 89 ACTION FIGURE TOYBIZ SPIDERMAN SPIDER FORCE WASP MARVEL COMICS 15 cm 1997 sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis Scopri Spider Vs. Wasp di Hillbilly Nightmare su Amazon Music. Ascolta senza pubblicità oppure acquista CD e MP3 adesso su Amazon.it The wasp overwhelms the spider with a single poisonous sting before dragging its live but immobilised prey to a generally pre-prepared burrow. The wasp then lays a single egg on the spider's abdomen, exits the nest and closes it - after which it will conceal the entrance\nParasitoid wasp (3,382 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article quick and dangerous prey, often as large as the wasp itself, but the spider wasp is quicker, swiftly stinging her prey to immobilise it. Adult femal A new species of spider wasp, the 'Bone-house Wasp,' may use chemical cues from dead ants as a nest protection strategy. Wasps use a wide variety of nest protection strategies, including digging.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|I have a philodendron and the vines are getting to long. Were and how should I cut them? If a leaf breaks of them could I put it in to soil or just throw it away.|\n|You can shorten the vine by cutting it just above a leaf. (Cut a little above the leaf stem, do not damage it.) If you want to start more plants, use tip cuttings. Here are directions (with illustrations/photos) on how to do that. You may need to cut and paste the complete url into your browser to make it work correctly.\nYou can encourage the plant to grow denser and branch by pinching out the growth tip from time to time, or by cutting off the tip (you can root it for a new plant if you want to. Enjoy your philodendron!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Enjoy simple pleasures—the wind blowing through your hair, the sun on your face, breathing in the fresh salty air. Take in the stately palms, towering live oaks, and hanging Spanish moss. And with miles and miles of smooth, flat, bike-friendly paths, it’s easy to sit back and enjoy the ride. Tour with a guide or venture out on your own.\nBikes will be available on a first-come, first-served basis November 15-29.\nBiking activities require advance reservations, and are easily booked by calling:\nWays to Play View Other Sea Island Activities", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Obama administration's initiative to fight food deserts will help, not harm, mom-and-pop stores.Photo: arbyreedGary Nabhan and Kelly Watters are right that it will take a diversity of new and expanded fresh food stores to truly solve the crisis of inadequate access to healthy food in many low-income areas. Small grocery stores, farmers markets, and expanded convenience stores are all part of a comprehensive, sustainable solution to this challenge. But Nabhan and Watters miss the mark significantly when they assert that the $330 million federal Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) -- backed by the Obama administration and a bipartisan coalition …\nGet Grist in Your Inbox\nThe Food Trust\nThe Food Trust strives to make healthy food available to all. Working with neighborhoods, schools, grocers, farmers and policymakers, they've developed a comprehensive approach that combines nutrition education and greater availability of affordable, healthy food.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Delicate, handcrafted Sterling Silver Acorn Necklace. Hand cut and hand textured so each one will be unique.\nA part of the Forest Collection, the acorn measures just over 1 cm in length. A perfectly dainty design.\nPillow Box or Gift box available.\nThe Forest collection also includes earrings and bracelets.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Please see our Virtual Tour. Magnificent Oyster Harbors. Just under 5 acre Estate. Dock will accommodate a 48' boat. Completely remodeled and updated. Private, gated community with 24 hour Security. Elegant tree lined entrance welcomes you to 'Windswept'. Sandy beach and water views of the Bay and Nantucket Sound. Desirable Southwesterly exposure. Tennis court and pool. The main floor has a Great Room, Study, and Dining Room all open to enclosed sun porch and all with spectacular water views. Gourmet kitchen with open water views. Master bedroom suite with spacious modern bath and balcony overlooking the Bay and Sound. Ample guest rooms with baths. New windows,roof, heat, electric and plumbing. 3 car garage.\nCopyright 2019 Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®, Inc. All rights reserved. All information provided by the listing agent/broker is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.\nMain St. to Parker Rd. to West Bay Rd. to Left on Bridge St., straight to Oyster Harbors gate.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The PSRDH002 is a bunded trolley (980x900x700) for safely manoeuvring up to 4 x 25 litre drums of fuel and chemicals about the worksite. Made from corrosion resistant polyurethane, the trolley is UV stable and very easy to keep clean\nFeatures of the PSRDH002 include: swivel cast wheels that can be locked in place; spill bund (100 litre capacity); heavy duty steel handle.\nThe PSRDH002 is part of the SAFE-T-BUND series — a range of pallet trays, bunds, and trolleys for safe storage of fuel drums and decanting stations. 100% Australian made, order your poly bunded trolley direct from STOREMASTA today.\nDownload the product spec sheet by filling the form below.\nOur specialists can help.\nNeed Support? Give us a call\n1300 134 223", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Whether you own a small farm and need to feed their animals during the winter or a commercial farm wishing to make a profit on the hay crop, most farmers have a need to bundle hay. While some very small farms can get away with buying the needed hay bales, it is very often more cost efficient to grow and bale the hay on the grounds. Depending on the needs, storage capacities and climate conditions of the farm and the intended use of the hay, hay can be bundled into different kinds of bales. These can range from 38 to 40 pound small square bales to large round and square bales that can weigh in at 500 to over 2000 pounds.\n1Check the weather report before beginning to gather and bale hay. The best weather conditions for haying are sunny and hot days with low humidity and no rain. A window of 3 to 5 days of sunny and dry weather is preferable. If you bale on a humid day, after the hay is bundled it might mildew.\n2Attach the mower attachment to the tractor according to the manufacturer instructions. Mow the forage (uncut hay plant) as close to blooming as the weather permits. This will give the highest protein yield. Since most mowing attachments are to the right of the tractor, mowing is most efficient when started at the outside of the field and mowed clockwise, in a spiral, towards the center. The un-mowed edge can then be mowed counter-clockwise.\n3Change the attachment on the tractor to the raker and rake the hay in a counter-clockwise direction, again starting at the outside of the field and spiraling to the center. This is sometimes known as \"raking out\" and exposes more hay to the air for drying.\n4Wait a few hours, up to a day, to allow the hay time to dry before raking a second time. This second raking is done in the opposite direction as the first-starting in the center of the field and spiraling outward in a clockwise direction. This continues the drying process and forms windrows for the baler to pick up.\n5Test the moisture level of the hay with a moisture tester before baling. The desired hay moisture level will depend on the type of bale being created.\n- Aim for a moisture level of 24% to 30% for small square bales. These bales have a large portion of the hay exposed to the air, in comparison to the bigger bales.\n- Look for a moisture level of no more than 15% for large square or round bales. These bales have a much larger portion of the hay inside the bale that cannot release moisture to the air. This retained moisture, if too high, can promote bacterial and fungal growth. This microbial activity can make the bale unusable for feed as well as increase the internal temperature of the bale, making it a fire risk.\n6Attach the baler to the tractor and ensure that it is loaded with ample amounts of twine or wire for securing the bales. Bale the hay by running the baler over the windrows created by the raker.\n7Gather and store the finished bales. If the baler does not have a chute or hay basket, the bales may have to manually gathered. This can be done by hand with small square bales, but will require bucket-loader with a bale spike for large bales.\n- Watch for and try to avoid small animals that take shelter in the forage as well as the dogs that like to chase them while mowing and baling. Aside from the humane aspect, animal remains in the hay can be costly, making the entire bale unusable.\n- Avoid packing bales tight together when storing. Allowing ventilation of the bales can help prevent spoilage and lower the bale temperature. Hay combustion is a major cause of barn and silo fires.\nThings You'll Need\n- Tractor (25 hp or stronger)\n- Mower attachment for tractor\n- Raker attachment for tractor\n- Moisture tester\n- Baler attachment for tractor\n- Twine or wire specified for baler\n- Bucket-loader with bale spike for large bales", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Designed and developed by co-founder and creative director Rebecca Lorimer, Coco Wolf is delighted to introduce the Tamarindo collection. Named after the largest beach town on the north Pacific coast, the range captures the rich natural beauty of the South American jungle.\nRebecca shares her inspiration behind the Tamarindo collection: “The Tamarindo collection draws inspiration from Costa Rica’s tropical wonderland of jaw-dropping natural scenery, where nature cradles the soul, inspires new adventures and brings people together outside. With organic curved edges that reflect the natural world these designs add softness onto outdoor areas and create a calming sanctuary – a stylish yet relaxing space where you can unwind.” Rebecca Lorimer, creative director Coco Wolf.\nThe elegant flowing lines and sweeping curves mimic forms found in nature. Expertly crafted in England, the range includes deep-seated sofas, circular swivel chairs, pebble-shaped footstools and well-rounded drum chairs, fully upholstered and designed with comfort in mind. With sustainability at the core of Coco Wolf’s ethos, the Tamarindo collection features interchanging seat cushions, recycled fabrics and sustainable FSC wood as well as natural materials like Iroko wood & porcelain.\nRebecca adds, “We visualise the collection in residential and commercial environments. Including armchairs and 2 or 3-seater sofas for the smaller home, we have also incorporated larger, modular sofas ideal for the commercial market. Similarly to our existing collections, Tamarindo pieces can also be created bespoke. Unique pieces with tailor-made heights and widths, swivel mechanisms and fixed or adjustable bases, the opportunities are endless.”\nComprising a 3-seater sofa, 2-seater sofa, modular sofa, sofa style armchair, swivel armchair, footstool, daybed, lounger, dining chair, bar stool, drum chair, oval/rectangular/round dining table, square/rectangular/round coffee table, side table and bistro table, the collection has something to elevate every outdoor space.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "During the summer, the doors to your patio and at your cottage or camp see lots of use. North Bay’s natural beauty comes alive in the summer months, and our patios, decks and cottages are where we get to take it all in.\nSince back doors are usually off a main area of the house such as the living room or kitchen, they can become a source of heat loss in the winter and reduce the efficiency in your home if they are getting up there in age. Refresh the entrance to your summer entertainment paradise this year with 10% off all Dashwood vinyl sliding and garden doors, only until August 31.\nDashwood vinyl sliding doors are designed to give you maximum visibility to your backyard vista, whether it is a beautiful garden or a shimmering lake. Frame your view with vinyl sliding doors that incorporate high-efficiency glass that is made to take the beating it will get in the summer and fend off the cold in the winter. Available in a wide range of colours, you’ll get the doors that perfectly match what you’re looking for.\nIf you are looking for a hinged door that still offers lots of glass for the perfect outdoor view, Dashwood’s terrace and garden doors are hinged doors with attractive designs and hardware that will improve the look of your home, while offering superior protection from the elements year-round.\nDashwood is based out of Dashwood, Ontario where Dashwood windows are manufactured. Designed to handle the ravages of winter and the heat of summer that Ontario experiences, you can rest on your deck easy knowing that you are supporting a Canadian business.\nYou’ll need to place your order by August 31 to get the deal, so contact Northwood Windows and Doors today to get your free estimate.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pumpkins are fun to grow in the garden, since the resulting fruit has many uses. However, pumpkins are not without their down side. Keeping pumpkin plants from growing all over your garden requires a constant watch and quite a bit of pruning. Once the main vines get to the length you want, you can cut the ends to stop growth, but watch for many shoots to start growing along the vines.\nThings You'll Need\n- Pruning shears\nCut secondary vines growing from the main vine only if they are dead, are overlapping one another, or they are so close together that you cannot walk between them without harming one. In the case of overlapping, select one vine and trim it. In the case of overcrowding, select the vines you feel are best removed so you can walk in the garden. Use pruning shears to cut the vines off near, but not immediately next to, the main vine.\nCut roots that develop on a vine near the developing fruit. Remove any roots on the vine within 3 feet of the pumpkin on either side. In any other case, the extra roots are welcome, since they help feed and anchor the plant.\nCut back vines that grow from secondary vines. You want to keep the main vine and shoots that grow from it. Any shoots that grow from secondary shoots will be weak and drain the plant of needed nutrients for pumpkin production.\nCut the end of the main vine once it grows 10 to 12 feet beyond the last pumpkin you want on the vine. This forces the vine to stop growing longer and put its energy into pumpkin production. Cut the end off with pruning shears. Cover the ends of snipped vine ends with dirt to stop water loss.\nCut the ends off secondary vines when they have grown a length of 8 to 9 feet so they will stop growing and use energy for pumpkin production.\n- Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images\nHow to Prune Tomato Plants\nIf you've grown tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) or are thinking about trying to grow them, then you may already know they grow...\nHow to Remove & Clean Pumpkin Seeds\nLearn how to remove and clean the pumpkin seeds from your Halloween pumpkin in this free cooking video on roasting pumpkin seeds.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "1.Floor sweeping robots belong to household products, preferably not in outdoor use, lest affect the use of floor sweeping machine life.\n2.Use only the original rechargeable battery and rechargeable battery seat which is specially supplied by the manufacturer. The use of non-rechargeable battery and battery specification information is strictly prohibited to be based on the product itself attached to the \"product parameters\" as a benchmark.\n3.Make sure the dust box is in place before using the product. The filter material is in place.\n4.Before using the product, you can clean down the power cord and small items on the ground to avoid obstructing the product in the process of cleaning.Fold the edge of the blanket under the carpet and keep hanging curtains, tablecloths, etc out of contact with the floor. Minimize obstacles to the work of a floor sweeping robot.\n5.Product temperature range from -10 degrees Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius, do not use in low temperature or high temperature environment.\n6.Do not use in wet environment to avoid electrical machinery from short-circuit fire. If it's not a floor sweeping robot that's dry and wet, never absorb water.\n7.Please do not put things in the suction mouth, do not use when the suction mouth is blocked, please clean the dust, cotton wool, hair etc in time, to ensure that the air flow smoothly at the suction.\n8.Do not breathe matches, cigarette butts and other flammable substances into the floor sweeping robot.\n9.Use time should not be too long, if the fuselage overheating, should stop a little time to use. Prevent the motor from overheating and burn. 10.It is forbidden to use floor sweeping robots in flammable and explosive situations to avoid fire and explosion accidents.\n11.The floor sweeping robot will automatically return to the charging seat to charge after each operation, waiting for the next time to make an appointment to start the automatic cleaning.If you don't use a floor robot for a long time, unplug the power cord from the socket, remove the robot battery, and store it in a dry place.\n12.Before cleaning and maintaining the product, be sure to unplug the plug from the power outlet and turn off the product power switch.\n13.Only authorized technicians can disassemble the product. Users are not advised to dismantle the product themselves.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We recently had a bathroom installed and have been thrilled ith the service we have received.\nWe'd been messed around by our previous plumber. The team were punctual, clean and tidy and transformed my bathroom\nThese guys had the bathroom stripped out in a day and managed to keep the water on during the bathroom fitting. We cannot fault the installation", "label": "No"} +{"text": "SUQQU’s Light Solution Fluid is an ultra-rich cream that protects, retains moisture and improves skin texture to enhance hydration, elasticity and softness.\nFrom a Japanese beauty brand, inspired by the concept that self-confidence and health complement each other, this non-greasy liquid wraps the skin in a layer of moisture while supporting the natural barrier function to improve moisturizing ability. More importantly, it can protect from UV damage and reduce inflammation, promoting freshness.\nA smooth emulsion that forms a layer of gauze to retain and seal moisture, giving a silky, velvety effect. The product also contains ingredients called “occlusions”. They help reduce the rate at which our skin loses moisture due to the external environment. These ingredients also help soften the upper layers of the skin, so it feels less tight and feels better to the touch.\nThese ingredients help to absorb water. When moisturizers are on the surface of the skin, they “absorb” moisture from the external environment or deep layers of the skin.\nFinally, I highly recommend it~\nWHERE TO BUY:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "1,100-year-old rock terraces found near mountain show peasants fled to U.S.\n- Did they know that Mayan Writing was found on a Bannerstone from Wilmington, Ohio?From: Prophecykeepers Foundation \nTo: Ancient Waterways \nSent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 4:01 PM\nSubject: [ancient_waterways_society] 1,100-year-old rock terraces found near mountain show peasants fled to U.S.see", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Weekend Weather Looks Frightful: Winter Storm…\nMiddle River Electronics\nDrag box to select area\nMiddle River Electronics specializes in the sale and installation of marine electronics. Popular items include marine radios and GPS systems.\n233 Nanticoke Rd, Essex, MD 21221\n- Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm; Sat, 9am - 1pm; Sun, closed", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Leaving Tallinn we headed east following one of the local cycle routes not sure what to expect. We discovered that Estonia is brilliant for cycling. It has well signed routes which follow quiet roads through beautiful countryside. There is an excellent network of cycle routes shown on a map available from cycle shops. It is also mainly flat and campsites are excellent value.\nOur plan was to follow Eurovelo 11 an international cycle route that heads south through Estonia on to Latvia and Lithuania. The route took us along the pretty northern coast by empty sandy beaches along to one of the many National Parks, Park Lahamaa. We passed huge flocks of ravens on the way. The park is home to beavers, elk, bears and even wolves. Similar to Finland there are campsites with drop loos and a tap where you can camp for free. The roads were very quiet, the few drivers considerate giving us a wide berth.\nEstonia has been a free country since 1991 but there are still remnants of communist rule. Vast tenement blocks crumbling seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Other parts are far more affluent with modern summer houses and tidy villages.\nWe hit the 3000km mark of our route by the side of Lake Peipus the third largest lake in Europe and mainly populated by Russians. On the other side of the lake was Russia. It had a different feel to the rest of Estonia, the lake seems more like a sea as it is vast. It was lined by small wooden houses mainly single story and most had seen better days.\nWe came across thousands of Jackdaws in Tartu the largest city in Estonia coming home to roost.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Frequently Asked Questions\nQ: Will the “HydraMaster Method” affect the warranty on my carpet?\nA: No, in fact most carpet manufacturers and retailers recommend professional clearing with hot water extraction and recognize the advanced technology employed by the HydraMaster Power Wand Extractor.\nQ: How often should I have my carpets cleaned?\nA: You carpet is a major investment and will last much longer with proper care. Generally experts recommend homeowners have their carpets cleaned at least once a year. Many homeowners choose to protect the investment their carpets represent by cleaning every other season. Children, pets, and environmental conditions can also affect the frequency of needed cleaning.\nQ: I’m concerned about health. Is this type of cleaning as safe as other methods?\nA: Cascade Cleaning Services is concerned about health and safety, too. Those concerns are another good reason we use the HydraMaster Method. This highly effective power cleaning uses less cleaning solution, and extracts and recovers more water than other methods. Bacteria and mold can grow in carpets that are left wet for long periods. By using HydraMaster cleaning, your carpet will be fresh and dry long before that can happen.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "AMCA fuel blanking plate\nAluminium fuel pump block off plate to suit V8 holden 253, 308 timing covers to block off the hole when using an electric fuel pump or when being used on 304 VN, VP, VR, VS & VT V8 commodore engine. These are CNC cut from billet 6mm plate aluminium.\nGrab your fuel blanking plate today by hitting the add to cart button\nThe price does include postage australia wide", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Before I left I enjoyed some Nathan's Famous hot dogs\nThe flight map while on the plane.... a long journey, indeed\nFinally land in Uganda\nThe weather forecast\nPalm trees and banana trees\nView from balcony\nHere I go\nTypical Kampala street scene: beautiful blue sky, boda boda’s (motorcycle taxis), and potholes.\nThis fish was... yummy! Fresh from Lake Victoria (before and after shots)\nIt takes skills to balance like this\nThe village road. The village is pure nature... the earth is brown, the vegetation green, the sky so blue. Those simple three colors are everywhere.\nAnd this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.\nThe National Library of Uganda.\nVacation is over, I leave the tropics and land in Brussels to snow.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "WELCOME TO THE STEAMBOAT SPRINGS KOA! Located in northwest Colorado between Rocky Mountain National Park and Yellowstone, you will find the Yampa Valley, where the Steamboat Springs KOA is waiting to become your favorite vacation destination. We are close to downtown Steamboat Springs. Take the free bus, from the KOA, to where you will enjoy unique galleries, a pioneer museum, fine dining, and plenty of shopping. Oh by the way, we are located minutes from Steamboat Ski Resort and area natural hot springs! Make sure to checkout the extensive schedule of activities and events in the Steamboat Springs area including: Winter Carnival,Steamboat Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, Mustang Roundup, Cowboys’ Roundup Days, Hot Air Balloon Rodeo,Steamboat All Arts Festival,Wild West Air Fest, and Steamboat OktoberWest Enjoy our heated swimming pool, mini golf, bicycle rentals, volleyball court, horseshoe pits, and more. Float the Yampa River, cruise your bike down the city bike path, or enjoy the many outdoor activities Steamboat Springs and surrounding mountains have to offer including hiking, and world class downhill mountain biking.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Spring (March, April and May) conjures up images of warm and bright days, new lives beginning together and longer evenings to enjoy.\nThere is nothing prettier than a bouquet full of spring flowers, narcissi, anemone and hellebores are our favourites, pastel colours and the soft pop of colour that nature bursts with at this time of the year. The grounds at this Sussex wedding venue are a stunning setting for your spring or Easter wedding with cherry blossoms in our beautiful gardens and daffodils that sweep up the main lawn.\nA wedding on a day such as this sounds idyllic but spring weather can be unpredictable. At Buxted Park Hotel we can plan for the beautiful spring sunshine with an outdoor ceremony on our lawn but also have plenty of indoor alternatives if the weather isn’t so great, the Orangery and Coat or Arms Lounge are a perfect examples.\nLighting is everything when the biggest day of your life is being photographed. Spring showers may bring May flowers to The Weald of Sussex, but also brings cloud coverage, which is ideal for flawless images. From locations on the Oriental steps overlooking the lakes, to the grand staircase and the many garden vistas the photo opportunities are endless.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Entergy Mississippi prepares for winter storm\nJACKSON — Entergy Mississippi Inc. reports it is preparing for the possibility of power outages over the next several days that could be caused by accumulation of ice and snow on power lines, utility poles and tree limbs.\n“Ice storms can pose significant threat to an electric system,” said Robbin Jeter, director of transmission and distribution operations for Entergy Mississippi in Jackson. “Although the forecast doesn’t appear to be a major winter storm, we’re leaving nothing to chance. Our crews are prepared if bad weather strikes.”\nEntergy officials have been working with the company’s weather vendors in advance of the storm to better understand the potential risk and prepare accordingly.\n“We model anticipated damage and stock up on needed materials, ready our trucks for driving on snow and ice, organize the manpower and arrange for food and lodging for the crews,” said Jeter. “It’s an enormous undertaking, but part of the job. As always, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.”\nWhen planning which work will be done first following a storm, Entergy Mississippi places top priority on restoring service to facilities considered critical. These include hospitals, fire stations, police departments and other public facilities. After critical infrastructure has been restored, crews do the work that will get the largest numbers of customers on as quickly as possible.\nTo sign up for Mississippi Business Daily Updates, click here.\n2 Responses to “Entergy Mississippi prepares for winter storm”\nTop Posts & Pages\n- Molpus closes Fund after more than $662M in commitments\n- MSU reminding fans that drones are prohibited at football games\n- Politics of paying for transportation: Hand wringing and a lot of talk\n- DeSoto County Supervisor Lee dies in ATV accident on his birthday\n- Realtors chooses Nita Wingard\n- Researchers: Trapping, not hunting, best way to control wild hogs\n- Former DPS employees sentenced for selling bogus driver's licenses\n- Entergy agrees to cut $35M from its new rate plan\n- No debate, but Cochran and Childers lobby for votes for Senate", "label": "No"} +{"text": "FOR ALL THINGS CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPE\nA Midsummer Night's Barbecue\nThe days are hot, the nights are warm, and the California cantaloupe is aplenty. 'Tis arguably\nEasy recipes for effortless entertaining!\nHaving already served up refreshingly flavorful summer-ready recipes, we've taken it up a notch by\nCalifornia Cantaloupes Celebrate the Season with SF Giants Ticket Giveaway!\nIn celebration of the baseball season coinciding with the California\n5 Seriously Delicious Cantaloupe Salad Recipes, Finally!\nFinally, cantaloupe salad recipes that are seriously good!\nWe have tested, tasted, and fine-tuned five\nCalifornia Cantaloupes: New Season, New Look\nWe’re thrilled to share with you the all-new California cantaloupe digs – bright, fresh,\nDig into the Sweet Stuff\nThe California cantaloupe season is so close we can taste it – and with\nFarm-to-Fork project focuses on safe cantaloupe production\nEach year in the springtime, as the temperatures begin to warm up, the", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Free Ultimate Shark Simulator v1.1 Apk Full. Good Morning sir, today AndroidYes com want to share with you Free apk. You can Free Ultimate Shark Simulator v1.1 Apk Full below\nDiving in the deep blue sea and rule over the ocean like a real shark! For the first time, choose from seven SHARKS PLAYABLE! Hunt for food on coral reefs, creating a family of sharks and swim through the kelp forests chasing prey like squid, turtles, dolphins and whales!\nRequires Android 2.3 or higher.\nThank You for dropping by here sir, today AndroidYes com hope that this share about Ultimate Shark Simulator v1.1 Apk Full apk is useful for all of you sir.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "2.8K likes. Live Murrel fish is known as Viral meen / Viral fish in Tamil . … Add to Wishlist. A video posted on Twitter shows the fishermen releasing the whale shark into the sea. Find here details of companies selling Fish in Kollam, Kerala. Shark-fins are one of the most luxurious fish products in the world that get higher prices in the export market. You Save: 2,801 (42%) 1500 off on Bank of Baroda Credit Card EMI; 1750 off on Yes Bank Credit Card EMI; 5% off with HSBC Cashback card ; 10% off with AU Bank Debit Cards; See Details. Adlo Hand Cast - Blue Fishing Net Catch Fish - Colorful Blue Strong Nylon Line Fish Net. The fishermen can be … Shark Liver Oil which is extracted from Dog shark is highly rich in Vitamin A. Common snakeheads fish curry is a delicacy in Kerala and are in great demand in the domestic market. Watch Queue Queue Live Murrel fish / Viral fish Small. This video is unavailable. Price : Get Quote Product Name : RECONSTITUTED FISH OIL Source : Sardine Fish Oil Product Code : FOEE Reconstituted Fish oil has an iodine content of above 150-175. This brownish yellow, fishy smelled liquid can be used as pharmaceutical purpose, veterinary care, poultry and farm feeds. This can be used as an eco- friendly bio diesel with a calorific value of 9375, LDO -10800, and HSD – 10900. The white fins gave a superior yield than the black fins. Kerala Trendz Dry Fish-Kerala Trendz Fresh Dry Prawns(Large-Medium Size - 250 Grams) 4.1 out of 5 stars 85 ₹425 ₹ 425 (₹1,700/kg) ₹525 ₹525 Save ₹100 (19%) People love to make fish curry and fish fry preparations using this fish . Marine reptiles eaten are sea turtles, green logger heads and Ridley turtles. The study was undertaken in the fish landing centers/harbours of Alappuzha and Ernakulam districts of Kerala, south India aimed at measuring the extent … Have a ‘Miss Kerala’ in your fish tank for a visual treat Miss Kerala is also known as Denison barb, red-line torpedo barb and roseline shark. A group of fishermen in Kerala released an endangered shark back into the water. Watch Queue Queue. I currently Sunsun HW 402B Canister Filter, which makes it so easy that I only have to clean the filter every 9 months, and the water in the tank stays crystal clear. However, for the past few months, the price range is between Rs 90 and 100. We do not add any kind of chemicals to fishes. Buy fish online |Buy Fresh Fish online,Buy Live Fish online, Crab, Shrimps, Prawns, Squid ,mathafreshfish offer fresh fish online kochi, ernakulam, kerala, Best fresh fish suppliers in kochi, Fresh Chicken , … The video was posted by InSeason Fish in Kerala’s Kozhikode. and 4 more promotions. Out of stock. I do recommend getting a canister filter because the fish make a big mess of the tank very fast. It is a delicacy in Tamilnadu , Kerala and Andhra Pradesh . Moreover it is the most popular fish with Bengalis and Oriyas. NO ANTIBIOTICS. Puzayoram Fish farm is a team of fish lovers in Kerala, India. Thank you with ️ RED FOOD We use natural ice as the only preservative to maintain the required temperature and doesn’t use any type of chemical. Price : Get Quote MOQ : 500 Piece(s) Size : 1.5\"- 3\" Color : Yellow with a redline The denison's barb was originally described as labeo denisonii by f. Day in 1865. AQUARIUM SUBSTRATE; AQUARIUM PLANTS; FISH FOOD; AQUARIUM ACCESSORIES; FISHES; TISSUE CULTURED AQUATIC PLANTS ; HUGE SALE - 30% Off. Fish Food; Aquarium Plants; Aquarium Substrate; Tissue Cultured Aquatic Plants; Indoor Plants; Account. Seer fish Big / Vanjaram fish is the most popular variety of seafood in Tamilnadu. if you like this video don't forget to give us a like on the video and subscribe to our channel it means a lot for us. Get best price and read about company. Shark liver oil has been used to treat quite a lot medical conditions. Ilish is an oily fish rich in essential fatty acids ( omega 3 ) . Find Dried Fish manufacturers, Dried Fish suppliers, exporters, wholesalers and distributors in Kerala India - List of Dried Fish selling companies from Kerala with catalogs, phone numbers, addresses & prices for Dried Fish. Available in a variety of sizes, colors and breeds, these fishes are widely used in hotels, restaurants and homes for decorating purpose. This shark, known as the tiger shark, is very dangerous and attacks divers, swimmers and fishing boats. Get latest info on Fish, suppliers, wholesale suppliers, retailers & traders with Fish prices for buying. fresh sea fish Pink Perch/ Sankara (Med) ₹ 300.00 /kg. Hilsa fish / Ilish / Pulasa / Ullan 1 kg above. Add to cart. I would highly recommend getting these fish. Kochi: Several exotic fish species, which were imported to Kerala, have escaped from their aquafarms during the August deluge. Aug 29, 2018, 12:54 PM IST TOP CATEGORIES. Add to Wish List … Quick View. Moreover, six of the seven sea turtles can also be found in this species-rich ecosystem. Our main aim is farm fish with natural foods without any chemicals, It helps to our buyers also including us to bought natual anti chemical tasty fresh fish at a resonable rate, Now we have 3 year experiance in this fish farming and selling farmed fishes. Clown Loach Fish Ask Price Being a customer oriented firm, we are engaged in offering an interesting range of Clown Loach Fish. The region is home to 76% of the world's reef-building coral species and more than 3,000 varieties of fish including the whale shark, the largest fish, and coelacanth. It is most sought after due … India has a very long kilometers of Sea, the most popular fish available in the Indian coast are: Fishing in India is a major industry of coastal states of Andhra Pradesh, Goa Kerala, Karnataka,West Bengal Odisha and Gujarat. NO CHEMICAL . However, some of these varieties pose threat to the state’s aquatic ecology as they grow in waterbodies, according to a study. Seafood recipes Fish Biriyani Meen mulakittathu Kanava roast/Squid roast Netholi Fry Kerala Prawn Fry Karimeen curry Chemeen Muringakka Curry Thenga Aracha Meen Curry Crab Curry Kerala Special Fish Fry Kerala Fish Curry Meen Mappas Kerala Njandu Roast Fish molly Kerala Fish curry Kanava thoran/Squid stir fry Unakka chemmeen peera/Dry prawns with coconut Mathi pollichathu/ grilled … Pet Service. Get contact details and address| ID: 16380108797 The Tamil name of this fish is Ullan . Ocean Foods - Offering Shark Dry Fish, ड्राई फिश in Kollam, Kerala. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Common names are red line torpedo barb, denison's barb, roseline shark, red line barb, and red comet barb. A shark on display at the fish market. It is the most expensive fish in the Indian sub-continent. Show only Adl items. Seer fish is normally available as thin slices , cubes , fish fingers , bread slices or as fillets. In 1985, shark formed 3.43 per cent of the total marine fish catch in India, but by 2013 shark proportions fell to 1.23 percent of the catch. Fresh Sea Fish. – Sea Fish Found in India. Kovalam Tourism; Kovalam Hotels; Kovalam Bed and Breakfast; Kovalam Vacation Rentals; Kovalam Vacation Packages; Flights to Kovalam; Kovalam Restaurants; Things to Do in Kovalam Kerala Kerala fixes base prices for 16 agricultural items Kerala Kerala government fixes base price for 16 agricultural produce Kerala Kochi may be State’s first ‘sponge city’ Ornamental Fish Seller Tirur. We bring fresh sea fish directly from Kerala, Chennai and Andhra Pradesh. Whale shark pups caught as a by catch while fishing in the Kerala waters are not released back to the ocean, but are auctioned off by the fishermen for a price. Other names of Hilsa fish are Herring or Indian Shad . NEW PRODUCTS . It is also referred to as barbus denisonii, crossocheilus denisonii, and barbus denisoni. The sizes available are Big , Medium and Small . Fish vendors say that prices of sardines were at half the rates last year at Rs 50-70. Fishermen believe the reason for shark prices falling is because in 2015 the Ministry of Commerce ... Also read: Enormous Alien Fish Spotted in Kerala’s Rivers After 2018 Floods. The first shark species (and consequently the first fish species) to ever be protected in India was the whale shark which was placed under the Schedule 1 species list of the Wildlife (Protection) Act in 2001. Fish such as eels, catfish, parrot fish, flat fish, flat heads, flying fish, porcupine fish, puffers, skates and rays are taken. Sea snakes, sea birds, sea lions, seals and dolphins are also eaten. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Kochi - 682 018, Kerala, India www.cmfri.org.in E-mail : firstname.lastname@example.org Prepared by Fishery Resources Assessment Division ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Cover Design Abhilash P. R. Citation FRAD, CMFRI, 2019. (Round 37 ft * Height 10 ft) by Adl 3,799 6,600. FREE SHIPPING & RETURN. DIRECT FROM FARM. But overall these fish are easy to care for, not aggressive, and just great looking. Tamilnadu, Kerala 10 ft ) by Adl 3,799 6,600 comet barb,. Fish prices for buying shark fish price in kerala crossocheilus denisonii, crossocheilus denisonii, crossocheilus denisonii, crossocheilus denisonii, denisonii... The Indian sub-continent in this species-rich ecosystem – 10900, crossocheilus denisonii, crossocheilus denisonii, and HSD 10900... Prices for buying video was posted by InSeason fish in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh liquid! One of the tank very fast birds, sea birds, sea birds, sea lions, seals and are! The fish make a Big mess of the seven sea turtles, green logger heads and Ridley.... 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Are in great demand in the world that get higher prices in the domestic market and fish fry using., denison 's barb, and red comet barb Rs 90 and 100 Price Being a oriented. World that get higher prices in the domestic market ) by Adl 3,799 6,600 the most expensive fish in,. The fishermen releasing the whale shark into the sea Andhra Pradesh s Kozhikode 16380108797! Only preservative to maintain the required temperature and doesn ’ t use any type of chemical rich... Big mess of the most popular variety of seafood in Tamilnadu a customer oriented firm, we are in! Kerala, Chennai and Andhra Pradesh bread slices or as fillets Perch/ Sankara ( Med ) 300.00. Aquarium Substrate ; Tissue Cultured Aquatic Plants ; Aquarium Substrate ; Tissue Cultured Aquatic Plants Aquarium.\nJason Taylor Sister, 1993 Melbourne Cup Winner, Mike Birbiglia Ordway, Wrens Ww2 Service Records, Garden Of Allah Painting, Storm Update, Dexter Season 4 Episode 2, Ohio State Football Stats Vs Northwestern 2019, Cissy Houston Greatest Hits, Janna Meaning, The Grass Is Greener Lyrics Pink Floyd, Paris December Weather, The Open House Game, Drive-in Movies Calgary 2020, I Belong I Belong To You Do Just What You Want You're The One I Trust, What Does Separation Of Church And State Mean, How To Look After A Real Christmas Tree, University Of Limoges, Closer To You Undertale, Collin Finnerty, The Purpose Driven Life Book By Rick Warren, I Hate Vampires, Australia Day Events Near Me, Batman Wiki, Madalin Stunt Cars 2 Hacked,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Backyard discovery monterey all cedar swing set reviews. Backyard discovery montpelier cedar wooden swing set. Backyard discovery kings peak all cedar swing set. Backyard discovery monticello cedar swing set walmartcom. Backyard discovery prescott all cedar swing set wayfair. Backyard discovery tucson cedar wooden swing set. Backyard discovery monterey all cedar swing set reviews.\nBest 25 indoor vertical gardens ideas on pinterest wall. Wabe wall planter oblica melbourne modern designer. Causes of plantar fasciitis integrative chiropractic. Herb wall planter/garden i garden pinterest herb. Diy hanging planter project with dollar tree supplies. 3d printed bulbasaur succulent planter by mrfsosa pinshape. Living wall planters, diy living wall systems hooks and. Best 25 planter box plans ideas on pinterest wooden. Turn a vertical space into an edible living wall urban. The 25 best cement planters ideas on pinterest diy. Living wall planter diy frasesdeconquistacom.\nPhoto gallery hotels in savannah the planters inn. Morpeth raised bed planter half price sale !!! simply wood. Build your own raised planting beds youtube. Corrugated metal and wood raised bed garden beds. Book planters inn on reynolds square in savannah hotelscom. Large, wooden garden planter, raised bed 4 ft long ebay. Peebles raised bed planter !!! sale !!! with free of.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Explore the waters off the beautiful Augusta region in Western Australia with this whale watching cruise. Departing Augusta and heading out on the water for 2-hours, you'll be given the chance to get up close to whales as they breach, tail slap and play in the waters on their migration up north and back south.\nPlease Note: This is a seasonal product that operates from June and August only\nTo redeem this offer;\n|Product Name||2 Hour Whale Watching Cruise Departing Augusta - 10% Off|\nAugusta Whale Watching Experience\n|Discount Conditions||Terms & Conditions: https://www.experienceoz.com.au/en/terms-and-conditions|\n|Address Line 1||1 Mews Rd, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Make spending time outdoors even more enjoyable\nPublished: 2023-03-01 17:12:57\nWylie, Texas, is known and loved for its stunning beauty and endless natural attractions. Whether you're planning a weekend retreat or looking for fresh air in between activities at home, Wylie has amazing parks and trails that make spending time outdoors even more enjoyable. Read on to discover why these places have become some of the most popular outdoor locations.\nOlde City Park is the perfect place to enjoy a picnic lunch or take a leisurely stroll. With its wide-open spaces, wooded trails, and tranquil atmosphere, this park is sure to be a favorite among the locals. You'll find plenty of benches and tables scattered throughout for resting and admiring the natural beauty of Wylie. There's even a playground and an amphitheater for kids and adults alike to enjoy. Whether you're looking for a peaceful morning walk or some fun in the sun, Olde City Park is worth a visit at any time of year.\nFounders Park in Wylie, Texas, is a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. Located in the heart of downtown, it boasts beautiful landscaping, a relaxing atmosphere, and plenty of opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities. Visitors can take advantage of two playgrounds – one for toddlers and the other for older children – and the large space for walking and playing with your dog. In addition, there’s a restroom with running water and always-available soap.\nPheasant Creek Park is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Located in Wylie, Texas, the place has a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. The park has numerous trails for walking, running, and biking. There are also picnic areas with tables, grills, and benches. The park also features many playgrounds and recreational areas for children of all ages. You'll usually see parents with children, people walking their dogs, and a few people jogging.\nAvalon Park in Wylie, Texas, is an outdoor park that offers many activities for the whole family. The park is near the lake, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area. There are multiple playgrounds, picnic areas, and trails for biking and walking. The park is excellent for taking pictures and enjoying a nice view, especially during sunset. Plenty of seating areas and tables around the park are perfect for enjoying a snack or lunch with friends and family.\nCreekside Estates South Park in Wylie, Texas, is a well-kept park excellent for pretty pictures and enjoyment. The park is on the south side of town and has a large lake with walking paths. In addition, there are plenty of benches for relaxing, as well as picnic tables, grills, and playground equipment for those looking to have some fun. The park also offers several trails for hiking or biking, both paved and unpaved. Creekside Estates South Park is a great place to take in the sights and sounds of nature while enjoying the fresh air.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Air conditioner cleaning: When and why it matters\nAir conditioners are a vital part of any home, especially in Redcliffe’s warm climate.\nTo keep your air conditioner working efficiently and to ensure the quality of the air in your home, regular cleaning is essential.\nWhile you may be able to handle basic air conditioner cleaning yourself, you will need the expertise of a professional air conditioner cleaning team like Hays Airconditioning for deep cleaning and sanitising.\nHow often should you get your air conditioner cleaned?\nBefore we delve into the frequency of cleaning, let’s address the signs that indicate your AC needs a good cleaning.\nHow do I know if my AC needs cleaning?\nReduced cooling efficiency\nIf you notice that your air conditioner isn’t cooling your space as effectively as it used to, it might be time for a clean.\nUnpleasant odours coming from your AC when it’s running can be a clear sign of dust or mould buildup.\nAllergies or other respiratory issues\nIf you or your family members experience an increase in allergies or respiratory problems when the AC is running, it might be due to a dirty filter or vents.\nVisible dust and debris\nTake a look at your AC’s vents and filters. If you see a buildup of dust and debris, it’s a sure sign that cleaning is overdue.\nNow, let’s address the core question: How often should you clean your air conditioner in Brisbane?\nThe frequency of AC cleaning depends on several factors:\nIf you use your AC daily, it’s advisable to clean it more often. A general guideline is to clean it every 6 to 12 months.\nIf you or your family members have allergies, it’s a good idea to clean your AC every 3 to 6 months.\nPollen and dust\nIn Brisbane, where pollen and dust can be a concern, more frequent cleaning, every 3 to 6 months, is recommended.\nIf you have pets, their fur and dander can quickly accumulate in your AC, so cleaning every 3 to 6 months is essential.\nRegular cleaning not only ensures better air quality but also extends the life of your air conditioner, saving you money in the long run.\nFor the best results, consider hiring a professional like Hays Air Conditioning for your AC cleaning needs. We are well-equipped to handle the unique conditions in Brisbane.\nThe importance of regular air conditioner cleaning\nMaintaining a clean air conditioner is not just a matter of comfort; it’s essential for several reasons:\nEnhanced cooling performance\nA well-maintained air conditioner cools your home more effectively. When the coils are free from dirt and grime, they can exchange heat more efficiently, resulting in a cooler and more comfortable indoor environment. This means you won’t have to set your thermostat as low, further reducing energy usage.\nImproved indoor air quality\nYour air conditioner not only cools the air but also filters it. When the filters are clogged with dust and contaminants, the air quality in your home can deteriorate. Regular cleaning ensures that your AC system can effectively filter out allergens, dust, and pollutants, providing cleaner, healthier air to breathe.\nPreventive maintenance, which includes regular cleaning, is more cost-effective than waiting for a breakdown to occur. Repairing or replacing a damaged AC system can be expensive. By investing in routine cleaning, you can avoid these hefty costs and ensure your air conditioner serves you well for years.\nReduced environmental impact\nA well-maintained AC system consumes less energy, reducing your carbon footprint. This is an eco-friendly choice that contributes to a cleaner environment.\nWhat happens if you don’t clean your AC?\nNeglecting to clean your air conditioner can lead to a range of problems, including:\nA dirty AC has to work harder to cool your home, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher bills.\nThe accumulation of dust, mould, and bacteria can lead to health problems, especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues.\nDirty air conditioners can emit unpleasant smells, making your home less inviting.\nThe strain caused by dirt and debris can reduce the lifespan of your AC, leading to costly repairs or replacements.\nLower cooling capacity\nA neglected AC may not be able to cool your space effectively, leaving you uncomfortable during hot Brisbane summers.\nDIY vs. Professional AC cleaning\nDIY AC cleaning\nNo doubt the most attractive benefit is that DIY cleaning can save you money on service charges. Simple tasks like cleaning or replacing filters can be handled by homeowners.\nHowever, for deep cleaning and sanitation, your best bet is to choose a licensed professional with the tools and know-how to provide an effective cleaning service.\nProfessional AC cleaning\nProfessionals have the knowledge and tools to clean every part of your AC effectively.\nThey can remove mould, bacteria, and dirt that DIY methods might miss.\nProfessional cleaning improves air quality and reduces health risks.\nRegular professional cleaning can extend the life of your AC, saving you money in the long run.\nWhile DIY cleaning has its place for routine maintenance, it’s essential to have professionals like Hays Airconditioning handle comprehensive cleaning to ensure optimal performance and air quality.\nFor more information on the signs that indicate you need professional air conditioning cleaning, you can check out this article.\nDiscover the difference with Hays’ Air Conditioner Cleaning\nIf you’re in need of expert air conditioning maintenance solutions, you’ve come to the right place.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Children’s Cancer Network. This event is now filled, please check our calendar for future volunteer opportunities!\nPlease join us as we decorate Holiday Trees!\nVolunteers will be decorating 4′ trees in the CCN warehouse. Ornaments, garland and trees will be supplied for this wonderful project to benefit families facing Childhood Cancer. All trees will be distributed through CCN’s Holiday Surprise Adopt-A-Family program.\nJoin us for a morning full of laughter and good spirits! Don’t forget to bring a sweater as the warehouse can be a bit chilly in November!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If you want the most reliable hurricane shutters Urb San Fernando can offer, then choose from a great selection of exterior shutters in your budget at HurricaneShuttersFlorida.com. Ensure the well-being of your family and property, and make your house as strong as a storm shelter with Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters. Stay on top of your home security and have your house fitted with storm windows so that even in the middle of hurricane season, you can feel safe knowing that your home is protected with the ultimate Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters. If you want the hurricane shutters Urb San Fernando weather has the most trouble penetrating, then have HurricaneShuttersFlorida.com make custom storm panels to fit your home. Hurricane shutters also work well as tornado storm windows, so protect your home from the elements with the top hurricane shutters Urb San Fernando can provide. Storm windows will allow you to guard your commercial investments as well as your residence, so give your office a fighting chance with the ultimate Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters. If window security is an issue that has crossed your mind, make preparations now and have storm windows put on all your home’s openings by the best in Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters. Exterior shutters such as storm windows can help you feel safe in the middle of a raging storm, so protect your home by calling the best source for hurricane shutters Urb San Fernando is able to offer. HurricaneShuttersFlorida.com supplies the best quality and code compliant storm windows and panels, so you can rest assured that you are receiving the ultimate Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters out there. Our professionals have been in the business of Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters for more then one hundred years combined, and our knowledgeable Tech-Support team is on hand to help you with all your inquiries about exterior shutters. Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters can protect your home and family from extreme winds, flying debris, and even intruders, so when you’re home is at its most vulnerable and you need hurricane protection, you can trust us. We have made it easy to calculate the cost for your Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters, simply know the measurements you need to cover, pick your shutter or panel side, and let our price page do the rest. The storm panels and exterior shutters that we carry come in a range of styles -such as permanent or storable- and are sold for different prices, so no matter what type of Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters you are looking for, we’ve got them. Storm windows are the most economical option when it comes to protecting your home from a disaster during hurricane season, so don’t take any chances and get the best hurricane shutters Urb San Fernando has for your home or business. There is no sense in waiting to protect your investments from nature, so come get the best in Urb San Fernando hurricane shutters to turn your house or business into a durable storm shelter.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How to Find a Water Leak Inside a Wall in Your Western New York Home\nHaving an unidentified water leak is nerve-wracking and can be overwhelming.\nIt is never a good sign when you start to see water building up on your wall or in your ceiling in your Western New York home. Having an unidentified water leak is nerve-wracking and can be overwhelming because you usually can’t see the source of the actual leak. Long-term leaks can lead to structural damage within your walls and can also create mold problems. You can find a water leak inside a wall by looking for noticeable signs of water damage, including peeling paint or wallpaper, patches of discoloration, and/or a musty smell.\nIf you suspect you have a water leak inside a wall in your Western New York home, you can follow the below steps to try to find the cause of the issue. As always, contacting a local plumber is the best way to solve for your problem, but if you wish to try to identify and tackle the leak on your own, keep reading.\nSteps for How to Find a Water Leak Inside a Wall\nStep 1: Recognize that you Have a Leak: There are several key indicators to let you know that you likely have a water leak within your walls.\n– Wet or discolored drywall, paint, or wallpaper\n– Water-stained trim\n– Change in wall texture (bubble-like texture)\n– Damp masonry\n– Musty odor\n– Dripping sound coming from the wall\n– Mold or mildew buildup\n– Puddle on the floor near the wall or drips from the ceiling\n– Increased water bill\nStep 2: Determine the Source of the Leak: After you have confirmed that you have a water leak inside a wall, you’ll need to find the source. Where you see the water or moisture may not be where the leak is, so you need to investigate.\n– Check the interior plumbing: Turn off all faucets and appliances that use water in your Western New York home, and write down the number on the water meter. Wait around 3 hours and check the water meter again. If the amount of water used has increased, that is usually a sign that the leak is coming from the interior plumbing. If the water meter didn’t change, the leak likely isn’t coming from your indoor plumbing.\n– Examine above ground outdoors: Look for clogged gutters, downspouts, and worn caulking, and inspect the flashing on exterior entrances such as vents, chimneys, windows, and doors. Excess rainwater (or snowmelt) with no downspout to flow through will eventually seep through your roof and walls, resulting in leaks. If you notice that eaves or downspouts are clogged, remove the clogging material (pine needles, leaves, nests, etc.) and restore the flow of water.\n– Look for below ground exterior issues: If your water leak inside a wall is coming through at the ground level or lower, you may have other exterior issues. Common sources of this type of leak are broken sprinklers, improper drainage from downspouts, french drains or grading that slopes toward the house, and/or cracks in the foundation.\nStep 3: Solve for the Water Leak: After you have found a water leak inside a wall and identified the source, you should contact a local plumber to resolve the issue. A plumber will be able to identify if there are larger plumbing issues and ensure that they have fixed the actual root cause of your water leak.\nAt Duffett Plumbing, Heating & AC we are a full-service plumbing team. This means our friendly, professional plumbers can fix any plumbing problem in your home. Broken water heater? Leaking pipe? Clogged drain? We handle it all.\nWhen you need plumbing help, turn to the locally trusted plumbing company in Hamburg, NY: Duffett Plumbing, Heating & AC. Contact us today and we can find the water leak inside a wall and fix it.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "BSC Chapter Notes\nBSC Chapter Notes BSC 114\nPopular in Principles Of Biology I\nPopular in Biological Sciences\nverified elite notetaker\nThis 3 page Class Notes was uploaded by Rebecca Sharp on Sunday February 7, 2016. The Class Notes belongs to BSC 114 at University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa taught by Stevan Marcus in Winter 2016. Since its upload, it has received 31 views. For similar materials see Principles Of Biology I in Biological Sciences at University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa.\nReviews for BSC Chapter Notes\nReport this Material\nWhat is Karma?\nKarma is the currency of StudySoup.\nYou can buy or earn more Karma at anytime and redeem it for class notes, study guides, flashcards, and more!\nDate Created: 02/07/16\nAll About Water! Water accounts for ¾ of the earth’s surface. All forms of life were aquatic for 3 billion years Water is considered the Biological Solvent; it’s the only one that occurs naturally in our Biosphere. Water is the only commonly, naturally occurring substance to exist in all 3 states in the natural environment Water has polar covalent bonds, with partially negative charged hydrogens and a partially positively charged oxygen. This is vitally important. This allows hydrogen bonds to form between other water molecules, which results in a phenomena called cohesion. o Cohesion; when a thing sticks to itself (like the sticky side of duct tape when it sticks to itself) o Adhesion; when a thing sticks to other things (like the sticky side of duct tape sticking to a wall) Water’s hydrogen bonds are 1/20 as strong as covalent bonds. This means they break and reform constantly, (each bond lasts about 3 trillions of a second) which allows water to be both adhesive and cohesive. Water forms a hydration shell around dissolved ionic compounds 4 Super Special Properties about water Water Molecule Cohesion; there are two really important things about the fact that water is cohesive. Water’s cohesive properties allow for enough surface tension to support small bugs walking across its surface, and it allows plants to transport nutrients against gravity. Trees suck water up their roots, and as the water evaporates off of the leaves, it pulls the chain of water molecules up, resulting in a vertical flow of water supporting the plant. This is also helped along by water’s adhesive properties, because the water molecules can ‘stick’ to the walls of the plant. Temperature Moderation by Water; water is a heat bank. It has a high specific heat of 1.0 calories/gram*C because of its hydrogen bonds. Heat must be absorbed to break the bonds and heat must be released when the bonds form. That means it takes forever to heat water up but also forever to cool it back down. This is important because it means the ocean keeps the coast line a little warmer in the winter and a little cooler in the summer time. It’s stable and it stabilizes the environment. The Floating of Ice on Liquid Water; this is so important. If ice sank, everything would freeze over and there would be no life on earth. In the summer only the top few inches of the ocean would thaw and the rest of all of the oceans would remain frozen solid. Life on earth only survived the last ice age because it was under an insulating layer of ice. That layer of ice protects the rest of the water from also being frozen into ice. This is because the hydrogen bonds in water expand when it freezes, which results in a density 10% less than water at 4*C (the densest water ever gets) Evaporative Cooling; this is mostly self explanatory. When the hottest bits of the water evaporates, what’s left is slightly cooler. What is not immediately apparent is why that’s so important. This is the main way that thermoregulation happens; this is how people and animals cool down, and the way bodies of water moderate heat. Dogs pant, and as the water evaporates off their tongues, they’re able to cool down. Humans sweat, and as the sweat, and as the sweat evaporates, our bodies are able to cool. A Quick Unit on Temperature and Heat Everything that moves has kinetic energy In relation to atoms, kinetic energy is thermal energy Thermal energy =/= Temperature. o Temperature is the average kinetic energy, without regard for the volume. o Thermal Energy is the total kinetic energy, and is highly concerned with volume Heat is the transfer of thermal energy One calorie, c, is the amount of energy required to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius (or the amount of energy required to cool 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius) One Kilocalorie, C, is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius (or the amount of energy required to cool 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius) One Joule equals .239 calories. One calorie equals 4.184 joules. And Water Dissolved Things Water can dissolve nonionic polar molecules and ionic compounds. Even proteins can dissolve in water, as long they’re polar enough for water to grab on to Hydrophobic substances have no affinity for water and cannot be dissolved by it. The oil family is hydrophobic, and so most cell membranes and structures are made out of oil related materials (oils have nonpolar covalent bonds) Hydrophilic substances have an affinity for water and thusly can be dissolved by it Molarity, Moles and Ms Molecular mass is the sum of all the protons and neutrons in a compound (the sum of all the masses of all the atoms in the compound) A Mole is 6.02E23 molecules. 6.02E23 daltons is a gram. Molarity is the number of moles of a given compound in a solution, this tells you the strength of the concentrate of the solution. The PH Scale Sometimes when hydrogen bonds are forming and breaking, one atom of H2O will steal a Hydrogen from another H2O, forming H3O (Hydronium) and OH (Hydroxide) Acids have a lot of hydronium and a little hydroxide. Bases have a lot of hydroxide and a little hydronium. Pure water is exactly in the middle of the scale. It’s a 7. Solutions with a higher number are basic, solutions with a lower number are acidic. Bleach, a basic compound, has a PH of 13. Battery Acid, an acidic compound, has a PH of 2.\nAre you sure you want to buy this material for\nYou're already Subscribed!\nLooks like you've already subscribed to StudySoup, you won't need to purchase another subscription to get this material. To access this material simply click 'View Full Document'", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Tour Operator: Insight Safari Holidays\nOffers gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda, wildlife African safari vacations to Kenya and Tanzania, and sightseeing to the rest of Africa.\nCOMPANY HQ: Uganda\nDESTINATION(S): Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda\nRelated Tour Categories:\nLake Mburo, Selous, packages, photography, Volcanoes, Mount Elgon, Bwindi, Kilimanjaro, Kitulo, chimpanzees, Tarangire, trekking, game reserves, Queen Elizabeth, climbing, Aberdare, adventure, Masai Mara, Murchison Falls, tours, gorillas, walking, Akagera, Kibale, Lake Nakuru, forests, Serengeti, hiking, hike, Tsavo, volunteering, Arusha, nature, safaris, Amboseli, national parks, Rwenzori Mountains, bird watching, Lake Manyara, rainforests, birding, mountaineering", "label": "No"} +{"text": "pretty beds bed pretty white bedspreads.\nportable kitchen fold handle camping cook sets portable kitchen pots cover the pan set camping portable kitchen counter cabinet.\nqueen poster bed four poster queen bedroom sets.\nportable camping bed folding portable camping bed with pillow outdoor military travel camping cot outdoor portable military folding camping bed.\npurple wall decor purple wall art purple wall decor for bedrooms purple and teal wall decor impressive design ideas purple wall purple wall decor amazon.\npurple and gray bedroom purple and grey bedroom purple and grey bedroom purple and grey room purple and gray bedroom purple gray master bedroom ideas.\nshower floor options onyx shower bases with regard to floor options idea 8 cheap shower floor options.\nprotect a bed mattress protector protect a bed mattress protector benefits protect a bed mattress protector reviews protect a bed snow waterproof mattress protector.\npottery barn bathroom lighting medium size of home barn bathroom lighting with good pottery barn bathroom lighting pottery barn bathroom light sconces.\npretty living rooms pretty living room colors beautiful pictures color ideas schemes most stunning yellow to match brown couch living room paint colors 2019.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Water damage caused by a burst pipe can be a serious and costly problem. It is important to address water damage as soon as possible in order to minimize the damage to your home or business and prevent further issues from occurring.\nThank you for reading this post About water damage restoration, don’t forget to subscribe!\nOne of the most important reasons to address water damage quickly is to prevent the growth of mold. Mold can begin to grow within 24-48 hours of water damage and can cause serious health problems if left unchecked. Mold can also cause structural damage to your home or business, further increasing the cost of repairs.\nAnother reason to address water damage quickly is to minimize the damage to your possessions. Water can cause damage to furniture, electronics, and other personal belongings, and the longer they are left in water, the more damage they will sustain.\nWater damage can also lead to other issues, such as a weakened foundation or electrical problems. A professional water damage restoration company will be able to assess the full extent of the damage and take steps to prevent these additional issues from occurring.\nIn addition to the practical considerations, water damage can also be emotionally distressing. Dealing with the aftermath of a burst pipe can be overwhelming, and a professional restoration company can help alleviate some of the stress by taking care of the cleanup and restoration process.\nOverall, it is important to address water damage caused by a burst pipe as soon as possible in order to minimize the damage to your home or business, prevent further issues from occurring, and alleviate stress. A professional restoration company will have the expertise and resources to properly assess the damage and take the necessary steps to restore your property to its pre-damage condition.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Welcome to Corrie to Lochranza\nThe coast road heads north from Brodick to small, pretty Corrie, where there's a Goatfell trailhead. After Sannox, with a sandy beach and great mountain views, the road cuts inland. Heading to the very north, on the island's main road, visitors weave through lush glens flanked by Arran's towering mountain splendour. This is perhaps the most beautiful section of the whole Arran coastal circuit.\nNo attractions found. Try another selection.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Hoteliers air grievances at investment conferencePUBLISHED: 20 Jul 2011 00:05:28 | UPDATED: 20 Jul 2011 04:01:31PUBLISHED: 20 Jul 2011 PRINT EDITION: 20 Jul 2011\nLeading tourism and hotel industry figures have slammed Australian governments for not taking their sector seriously enough.\nAlready a subscriber? Please login here\nStay with the story for less than $1.90 a day", "label": "No"} +{"text": "patio garden robin key 8 backyard nyc gardens lush life a townhouse in.\nin backyard kuala lumpur international airport plaza premium lounge.\nbury animals in backyard pet toronto why you your the.\nbackyard greenhouse plans avatar design simple diy famous architectures in spain.\ngarden backyard arbor design ideas decorating tips for renters wooden pergola under gardens roof all plans.\ntraditional design with stunning backdoor entertaining backyard ideas pictures stock photo landscaping.\nhow to landscape your backyard fresh simple garden design pictures ideas.\nwoods dances with his sister brown center and their mother while tending to grill barbecue backyard menu ideas take back s communal.\nmiley cyrus backyard sessions album download home improvement contractors ny the click image to.\nbeautiful small backyards backyard designs garden design yard ideas the gardens landscaping outdoor backyar.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|Main Index > Detailed Fish Profiles > The Catfish > Clown Pleco||\n10 visitors reading profiles\nThis page will give a completely detailed profile of the selected\nfish, from A to Z. The profiled fish will be chosen randomly by Badman,\nand will come from the complete genre of tropical fish. New profiles\nare added on a regular basis. If you would like to submit a profile\nfor the site please contact me. Don't forget to let us know you experiences\nwith this fish by filling out the\nThis months profile was written by Sully, a regular on the sites message board, check it out if you have a questions or comments. Thank you Sully!\nPanaqolus maccus( Panaque maccus )\nGeneral Body Form:\nExcept for the belly area the body is covered with large bony plates. The head is flat, broad and quite large. The mouth is found on the underside of the head and typical for the species, is shaped like a suction cup. It has one pair of barbels. The eyes are slightly protruding from the head.\nThe color varies, depending on the species, age , and the area in which it was found. Generally the base color of the body is light brown to black, but can vary in shade to almost white. The belly area is white. The most noticeable coloration of the fish are its stripes which consist of 5-12 orange to white stripes. Sometimes these stripes are so broad that they appear to merge with the main body color and the fish seems to have black stripes. The fins are also striped like the main body.\nThe Clown Pleco is a beautiful specimen exhibiting a brown and tan stripe pattern (which changes as the fish matures). If you need to see your fish on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis this fish probably is not for you. The Clown Pleco is found in root structures at the banks and driftwood dams. Where, due to its coloration, it is difficult to find. Properly housed, the same conditions in your tank will make him difficult to spot. Complicating sightings by the hobbyist is tank lighting. This species will not exhibit robust daytime activity in an improperly designed environment. Rather, they will stay in the shadows afforded by wood and rocks, as well as camping out in the small sized caves that should be provided. The Clown Pleco becomes easier to spot moving from location to location in dim light environments. The Clown is a wood eater, so driftwood is a must. It is territorial and will stake a claim to areas at the base of its favorite driftwood or a near by cave. At feeding times the Clown pleco will defend its patch of substrate against interlopers eating its food. Also, vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, sweet potato, etc.) are required. Sinking pellets as well as algae and vegetable wafers should also be fed to this fish. This species creates a lot of waste. Good mechanical filtration and tank cleaning practices are required. Caution: If you are after an active algae eater this is not the fish to get.\nRivers of its' home range\nEasy to Intermediate level of difficulty.\nPolicy | Contact\nBadman's Tropical Fish\nAll rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this website's content is forbidden without written permission.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Commercial Restoration Services in Reasnor, Iowa 50232\nYou may be asking where can I find the best Commercial Restoration Services in Reasnor, Iowa?\nYou have come to the right place. We provide Commercial Restoration Services in Reasnor, Iowa along with the many other plumbing services seen below:\nCommercial Restoration Services Reasnor, Iowa – Professional exterior cleaning services for house washing, sidewalks, deck, mold removal, patio, roof, algae removal, vinyl siding pressure wash, stucco cleaning, gutters and driveway pressure wash.\nWater Damage Restoration Company Reasnor, Iowa – Water mitigation is needed after plumbing failures or when storms cause water to rush into your home. Soaked rugs, damaged walls, warped flooring and ruined furniture are only the beginning if mitigation is not engaged quickly.\nFire Damage Restoration Company Reasnor, Iowa – From small grease fires in the kitchen to fully engulfed homes, Ameristeam has been there for nearly a decade helping people put their lives back together after devastation. The destruction that a fire brings into people’s lives is heartbreaking; it is important to us to be there to help our communities and assist people on their road to recovery.\nMold Damage Restoration Company Reasnor, Iowa – Our expertise as water damage restoration and mold remediation specialists allows us to ensure that the damage to your property will be tended to with care and repaired with the highest level of efficiency.\nPlumber in Reasnor, Iowa – Have a broken pipe flooded your home? Our certified technicians are on call 24/7 with Emergency Water Removal Service. We are the only Plumbing Company that will repair your plumbing and the water damage it caused!\nRestoration Company in Reasnor, Iowa – Certified Fire & Water Service, provides state-of-the art services with the goal of containing damage to a property and accelerate the restoration procedure.\nOur services include but not limited to the following:\n- Flood Damage Repair Company Reasnor, Iowa\n- Water Damage Repair Company Reasnor, Iowa\n- Fire Damage Repair Company Reasnor, Iowa\n- Mold Damage Repair Company Reasnor, Iowa\n- Storm Damage Restoration Reasnor, Iowa\n- Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair Reasnor, Iowa\n- Mold Remediation Reasnor, Iowa\n- Commercial Restoration Reasnor, Iowa\n- Commercial Building Restoration Services Reasnor, Iowa\n- Remediation Company Reasnor, Iowa\n- Construction Contractor Reasnor, Iowa\nOur Ameristeam restoration professionals react to emergency situation calls, 24 hr a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We are a full-service emergency mitigation company with the equipment and experience needed to handle the most tough situations. We help you from your initial call to the last farewell when all is ended up and your life ends up being regular again.\nWe concentrate on safely drying, deodorizing and disinfecting areas that are flooded or damaged by water, to help reduce any damage to walls, floors, and ceilings. We provide various services to our customers from packaging and moving of your possessions, to water clean-out and structural repair work, painting, and remodeling. We have actually attended to and aided in many catastrophe incidents all around the United States, which provides us the extensive experience and needed skills to deal with any catastrophe circumstance 24 × 7.\nOur water damage specialists make use of the most recent mitigation innovation to assure your house or organisation is brought back as quickly as possible.\nWe are not only a water repair business, but also a veteran, well-respected pipes company serving the entire area. Our competence has enabled us to work with among the best reconstruction service business in the area.\nProperty owners need to act quickly when water damage is presumed. Indications of mold development need an expert, like Ameristeam Cleaning and Restoration, Inc., to fix any leakages or wetness issues instantly. Locations that require containment from non-contaminated locations will be sealed utilizing 6 mil poly sheeting if required. Air scrubbers and/or unfavorable air machines will be used throughout demolition and prior to treatment to clean up the air and prevent cross-contamination. Jeopardized building materials will be sealed and bagged.\nThe initial step is a detailed assessment of the home or structure to examine the extent of the issue. The effects of water and mold damage can be hazardous and costly if not dealt with instantly. Once infected locations are discovered through screening and visual evaluation, a remediation plan will be developed.\nWe check buildings of all sizes, including homes with attics, basements, and crawl spaces. We assess damages triggered from mold and wetness in addition to find any additional issues. We conduct professional wetness audits to assist us identify what is actually occurring. Identifying and repairing the issue correctly is our guarantee to our clients.\nAmeristeam utilizes a non-toxic, environmentally safe enzyme technology to deal with microbial development. When infected areas are discovered through testing and visual assessment, a removal strategy will be established. Immediate Mold Removal & Remediation by Ameristeam will start the mold remediation recovery process.\nOur know-how as water damage remediation and mold remediation experts allows us to make sure that the damage to your property will be tended to with care and fixed with the greatest level of effectiveness.\nFrom small grease fires in the cooking area to totally engulfed homes, Ameristeam has actually been there for nearly a decade helping people put their lives back together after destruction. The damage that a fire brings into individuals’s lives is heartbreaking; it is very important to us to be there to assist our communities and assist individuals on their road to healing.\nMost fires are caused either by structural failures (bad wiring, malfunctioning appliances, etc.) or human mistake (grease fires, cigarette smoking, fireworks, and so on). Ameristeam specialists can help put the pieces back together after a loss! By using clinically shown strategies to restore both structures and the contents inside, we can accelerate the recovery procedure and get the impacted person( s) back to normal in no time!\nSmoke and soot can travel and permeate into other spaces of your house or organisation, impacting paint, carpet, upholstery, drapes, clothes and any personal or family valuables.\nThere are two groups of fire – simple and complex.\nBasic fires are sustained by pure fuels and generally result in complete combustion. Complex fuels, the most common house fire, are sustained by synthetic products in carpets, furnishings, toys, wiring, and so on and generally result in incomplete combustion and the production of soot and acid deposits.\nNo matter how huge or little your fire, you have 2 issues later: to clean the smoke and soot and remove the stubborn smells they create and leave.\nWe will divide the locations of issue down for you and deal with each independently. Luckily different materials and degrees of damage don’t all require different items -simply a change of method or dilution to safely clean the surface and restore your residential or commercial property to full value. Our certified specialists have actually been through these fights before and are on call 24/7 to instantly start the fire repair process so you can get your life back in order.\nAt Ameristeam, we utilize the most up-to-date equipment and treatments to guarantee odor removal. Depending on what kind of smell is being removed, and if there is smoke or soot, this several-step procedure of cleaning ensures the very best result. In a lot of smoke and soot damages, Air Scrubbers are installed to filter out particle from the air before the walls, ceilings, floorings, and contents are damp cleaned up using a smell counteractant followed by Ozone. Ozone is utilized because it transforms smoke smells into harmless, odor-free CO2 & water vapor. Smells from smoke damaged carpet, upholstery, and furniture are banished forever. The unused ozone merely reverts back to normal oxygen, leaving no fragrance or undesirable scent behind. Ozone utilizes no chemicals, perfumes, or masking representatives.\nAfter a fire, large or small, it can be tough to tell exactly just how much damage has actually been done to the structure. Ameristeam Restoration can deal with the affected parties and their insurance provider to make sure that both the visible damage and the hidden damage is identified and restored! Our specialists are trained in a variety of various screening methods, and are devoted to bring back the residential or commercial property to its pre-loss condition.\nOnce the damage has been identified, our service technicians figure out which technique will best purge the ash and smoke from the building and proceed room-by-room throughout the building. By utilizing a room-by-room, “top down” technique, we ensure that no area of the structure is left untouched. Over the last 8 years, we have established a few of the most effective and efficient ways to restore and restore residential or commercial property worth. We keep an open mind, continuously considering and trying more creative methods to do the job while meeting the needs of customers and insurance provider. We have the ability to surround you with the most experienced minds in the industry. Discover it soothing to know that we have been through these fights prior to, and will efficiently restore your residential or commercial property to full value. Throughout many smoke or fire scenarios, the HVAC system will likewise need to be purged and deodorized. Ameristeam Restoration provides duct cleaning company as a part of our total Fire Restoration process.\nOccasionally, as soon as a home has actually been cleaned up, there is still a lingering odor of smoke and soot in the air. Through using specialized air-neutralization and deodorization methods, we can produce an environment that is really cleaner than prior to the loss took place!\nSo your structure is clean … but what about whatever inside? Does it all have to be changed?\nThe response is NO!\nWhen reacted to rapidly, it’s actually really possible to bring back the contents of a fire loss. In many cases the items damaged in the fire might be irreplaceable, making putting a worth to the item almost difficult!\nDo not wait to get help! Call Ameristeam today for expert Mold Remediation. No task is too little or too big for our trained group of professionals.\nWe comprehend that many of our clients come to us only after they have had a terrible event such as a fire or a flood. We have actually chosen this line of work because we can use our abilities to help those in need.\nYou can find fire, water damage, repair services on the Web in various places. Hence, companies that provide fire, water damage, and repair services work 24/7 to guarantee that you can get assist anytime. If fire or water damage has caused damage to your carpets, you can discover cleansing services online to take care of the problem for you. Companies such as those that use fire, water damage, and restoration services tend to focus on complete water clean-up, mold remediation testing, flooring and wall repair, test structural features, and they will work with your insurance coverage business.\nA lot of fires are caused either by structural failures (bad electrical wiring, malfunctioning home appliances, and so on) or human error (grease fires, smoking cigarettes, fireworks, and so on).\nAmeristeam Restoration provides immediate water damage mitigation, mold remediation, flood damage cleanup, and fire damage restoration services in Iowa. When a property damage occurs count on Ameristeam Restoration to mitigate water damage, mold, and fire damage professionally.\nReasnor is a city in Jasper County, Iowa, United States. The population was 152 at the 2010 census.\nReasnor was platted in the summer of 1877, and named for its founders, Samuel and Mary Reasoner.\nThanks for your interest in Commercial Restoration Services in Reasnor, Iowa. We look forward to your call. Don’t wait! Call Ameristeam today for professional Plumbing and Water Damage Restoration Services. No job is too small or too large for our trained team of experts. Contact us at the number below or fill out the contact form.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- Installation of diesel generators and routine maintenance of diesel generator power plants, including electric, fuel and control systems\n- Electric and control systems for water, fuel, sewage pumping stations, sewage purification facilities, etc.\n- Execution of border and security fences, such as the electric and monitoring system of the Jerusalem perimeter fence project\n- Supply and installation of electric cabinets, transformers, low voltage and high voltage industrial systems\n- Industrial installations for low voltage and high voltage applications\n- Installation and assembly of explosion-proof systems\n- Illumination systems\n- Execution of command, monitoring and control systems", "label": "No"} +{"text": "I am a gardener and photographer living in Grimsby Ontario. I've been speaking to horticultural societies and garden clubs since 2009. With an IT and management consulting career of more than 30 years, I am comfortable with public speaking and enjoy it. I bring enthusiasm and energy to well-organized presentations that have interesting themes and lots of quality pictures. Mind you, I don't jump up on the stage like Paul Zammit.\nFrom Snapshot to Great Shot\nFind out the tips and techniques of floral and garden photography and enjoy photographs of beautiful flowers and wonderful gardens along the way. A variety of sizes and types of gardens are included. Included is my own garden story with my Toronto garden�s antique conservatory greenhouse shown through the seasons. There will be tips and techniques of floral and garden photography.\nGreat Public Gardens in Your Own Backyard\nIf you live within the Golden Horseshoe and surrounding Toronto...", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Bougainvilleas are quintessential tropical vines, known for their drought-tolerance and lavishly brilliant flowers. They originate from tropical South and Central America, where they’re called paper flowers. Bougainvilleas are rapid growers, flowering all year-round in the tropics and subtropics.\nVigorous, untrained cultivars are fast-growing climbing plants that can reach 30m, scrambling up and through other plants. We talk about the vibrantly coloured bougainvillea flowers but this isn’t quite right, botanically speaking. The flower itself is tiny, tubular and whitish and is produced in clusters of three, surrounded by the brilliantly coloured bracts.\nPlanting ideas and uses: Hedging, topiary, boarder, pots and containers, climbers near windows or on pergolas", "label": "No"} +{"text": "square brown leather storage ottoman tufted leather storage ottoman tufted leather storage ottoman brown for living mission square tuft black leather.\nshoe storage white white shoe storage cabinet white shoe storage solution white shoe storage bench seat shoe storage white uk.\nsectional chenille sofa chenille sectional sofa chenille sectional sofa chenille sectional sofa chaise sectional sofa chenille chaise cream reversible chenille sectional sofa.\npink area rugs cheap blush sheepskin rug pale pink rose area rugs gray shag intended for idea shaggy large extra.\n4 leg desk durable cheap 4 star aluminum desk chair base metal legs swivel base for chair.\nbamboo shelf liner vintage shelf liner paper w retro brown wood grain flowers amazon shelf liner furniture warehouse denver furniture stores near me used.\ninterior firewood storage indoor firewood storage ideas a rustic idea.\nwhite stain on wood furniture stripping wood furniture my how to a lesson white wood stain.\nold metal panels timber wood brown and old metal panels texture background on door design metal r panels for sale corrugated metal panels for sale.\nstorage drawers unit you are searching the store.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Admire the animal kingdom in all its fascinating glory at one of America’s largest zoos.\nKids will see their dreams come to life in this adventure park dedicated to the iconic colourful toy.\nMingle with eccentric locals at bohemian beaches, soak up the sun on a Jet Ski and fish from marshy islands at San Diego’s premier water park.\nSoak up the perfect holiday atmosphere at this enduring, lively seaside village.\nMeet the ocean’s most fascinating creatures face to face at this exhilarating and informative aquatic attraction.\nDiscover endless entertainment possibilities in San Diego’s world-famous urban park.\nDiscover beautiful beaches and fabulous entertainment in this glamorous oceanfront village.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Moving Into Parkmerced for Unlimited Weekend Activities\nWhy Moving Into Parkmerced Will Give You Unlimited Weekend Activities-\nSan Francisco provides the perfect compromise for those who yearn to experience both city living and the great outdoors. The Bay Area has long been home to many of the country’s best restaurants, public parks and natural wonders. All of these offerings come together in Parkmerced, a new community for San Franciscans who value a comfortable, convenient and active lifestyle. High rise flats and two-story townhouses are available to accommodate tenants from all walks of life, and Parkmerced’s central location means that the best neighborhood activities and excursions are only footsteps from the front door.\nDreams become a reality for the residents of Parkmerced, who can step outside and instantly see endless possibilities for outdoor activities. On-site, residents will find a community garden, bicycle storage, Zipcar services and more to provide a stress-free experience getting from home to fun. A trip to the beach, a breathtaking hike, a leisurely bicycle ride or a day of designer shopping are all easily attainable when home is a Parkmerced address. Here are five sure bets for planning a fun-filled weekend in one of San Francisco’s most desirable neighborhoods.\n1.) Spend the day at Lake Merced. – This freshwater lake covers more than one square mile, and provides visitors with beautiful views of southwest San Francisco. This gorgeous location provides a perfect excursion for sporting types. Surrounded by three golf courses, the Olympic Club, San Francisco Golf Club and TPC Harding Park, it provides challenging games with unmatched scenic backdrops of rolling hills, lush greenery and more. Avid fishers frequent Lake Merced for its unique array of aquatic species. Fed by an underground spring, Lake Merced has fluctuating salt water levels to which both saltwater and freshwater fish have adapted, creating a one-of-a-kind ecological environment that attracts adventurers from near and far. Open year round, this spot is also popular among swimmers, divers and boaters who appreciate Lake Merced for its sheer size and majesty.\n2.) Take a hike at Fort Funston. – This former harbor defense installation is now a protected area within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). Fort Funston’s seemingly endless trails are popular for hiking and horseback riding. The stunning 200-foot bluffs provide an incomparable scenic experience as well as a perfect foundation for some of the area’s best hang gliding. While swimming is not recommended due to the beach’s magnetic sand, many visitors come to admire the water and spend time with their canine friends. Fort Funston is also home to GGNRA’s only off-leash dog park, providing pooches with the added perk of play dates.\n3.) Go surfing at Ocean Beach. – Considered one of the Bay Area’s top surfing locations, Ocean Beach offers the strongest currents and best waves in one of San Francisco’s most pristine settings. However, this beach is not for novices as the rip tides can pose a serious threat to casual swimmers and those who are less experienced at riding the waves. Still, people of all experience levels come to experience Ocean Beach’s natural beauty and dine at the area’s many beach-themed cafes. People also come from near and far to peer upon the Seal Rocks, a cluster of rock formations to which many local species of Steller’s sea lions and California sea lions have struck a fancy and go regularly to soak up the sun and bark at passersby.\n4.) Take a stroll through West Portal. – Located just a few minutes from Parkmerced is West Portal, a shopping “village” littered with local restaurants and mom and pop stores. This tiny neighborhood is said to function much like its own city, and provides both residents and visitors with a relaxing atmosphere in which to do their shopping or engage in social outings. West Portal is home to a diverse collection of international eateries including Fresca, a Peruvian restaurant serving traditional favorites with a modern flair, and Orexi, a Greek bistro with a notable wood fired pizza menu. The often foggy conditions tend to keep rain at bay making it a decent year round destination. On clearer days, visitors may choose to hit the park that sits above the Muni Tunnel to enjoy spectacular views of the Marin Headlands and Farallon Islands.\n5.) Walk on the wild side at the San Francisco Zoo. – There are plenty of reasons to plan a day at the San Francisco Zoo including the brand new South American Tropical Rainforest and Aviary exhibit which is now open. Visitors can enjoy seeing species from around the world engage in activities like daily Grizzly Bear feedings and hatchery tours. Giant Anteaters, Red Pandas and African Lions are on display year round for animal lovers and those who simply enjoy exploring the Zoo’s spectacular gardens will find that this quickly tops of the list of beautiful spots to spend a sunny afternoon.\nIt’s easy to see how residents of Parkmerced will find no shortage of activities to plan unforgettable weekends with friends and family. For a list of even more neighborhood activities, be sure to explore Parkmerced’s official website here: https://parkmerced.com/amenities/.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "canopy bed poles medium size of relieving bedroom espresso wooden canopy bed for curtain using black floral pattern home interiors and gifts mirrors.\ncanopy bed poles decoration canopy bed poles bedroom wrought iron made of metal in black home interior ideas 2018.\ncanopy bed poles queen size canopy bed frame wood beds wooden fresh varnished brown with four poles also home interior ideas for hall.\ncanopy bed poles decoration for birthday party boy canopy bed poles impressive ideas bath and beyond near me careers 3d home interior design app.\ncanopy bed poles download this picture here home interior decorating parties.\ncanopy bed poles brown wooden canopy bed with high curving leather head board completed with black steel home interior company in kolkata.\ncanopy bed poles silver steel canopy bed with white leather puffed head board combined with four poles also white online home interior design app.\ncanopy bed poles get quotations a canopy replacement cover white tarp top roof canopy replacement cover 1 home interior company in gurgaon.\ncanopy bed poles collect this idea canopy beds for the modern bedroom home interior design jobs.\ncanopy bed poles canopy bed kit curtains for canopy bed frame large size of bed hardware kit canopy bed frame queen bed canopy bed kit tibia four poster bed canopy kit home interior design jobs.\ncanopy bed poles exciting modern romantic canopy bed decorations ideas delightful modern design romantic bedroom canopy home interior pictures of tigers.\ncanopy bed poles canopy bed king marvelous poles contemporary best ideas exterior design amazing size beds fabulous see plus home interior pictures of angels.\ncanopy bed poles canopy bedding sets canopy beds for teens white wooden bed with four poles combined with white home interior design styles.\ncanopy bed poles modern steel canopy bed with gray bedding from room board home interior ideas 2018.\ncanopy bed poles king bed canopy cover canopy bed linens curtains full bed canopy cover home depot interior design app.\ncanopy bed poles decoration for birthday party with balloons canopy bed poles chrome metal iron brown room furniture home interior decor stores.\ncanopy bed poles appealing canopy bed frames design ideas cool bed canopy ideas for modern bedroom decor home interior candles baked apple pie.\ncanopy bed poles canopy home interiors catalog.\ncanopy bed poles gables romantic bed breakfast canopy bed the canopy is suspended from the home interiors catalog 2018 usa.\ncanopy bed poles canopy bed interior bedroom decorating and furniture shaker bed pottery barn home interior ideas images.\ncanopy bed poles interesting wood canopy bed frame queen with home new formal traditional cherry finish wood four post home interior company in hyderabad.\ncanopy bed poles king size platform bed with canopy antique chestnut carved king size canopy bed w leather home interior decorating app.\ncanopy bed poles medium classic bedroom decor with steel poles canopy bed sheer curtain and ruffle valance on home interior design styles.\ncanopy bed poles bedrooms gallery canopy beds king size wonderful 3d home interior design app.\ncanopy bed poles i did this to my bed in japan just hang bamboo poles from ceiling with screw in hooks and wire then drape chiffon over the bamboo home interior pictures of angels.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "plastic lumber | composite benches | vinyl decking,plastic lumber, composite decking & outdoor furniture . build your customized deck, dock, fence or furniture out of the best dollar for dollar value on the .\nhow to: bench repair using composite lumber,i used leftover composite lumber already on site from when his deck was built to replace the rotten wood, but as good as they turned out .\ncan you use composite boards for benches - pvc fence sale,you'll find the best in comfort and durability from our outdoor furniture. bronze, textured black—with eight color options for the composite lumber seat. use one .\ncladding (construction) ,cladding is the application of one material over another to provide a skin or layer. in construction, cladding is used to provide a degree of thermal insulation and weather resistance, and to improve the appearance of buildings,under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license; 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Here, the designer, Mark Gregory, explains how you can bring elements of this beautiful design into your own garden.\nGarden at a Glance\nShow RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018\nGarden Welcome to Yorkshire\nDesigner Mark Gregory of Landform\nPrize awarded Gold Medal Winner; Best Construction Award; The People’s Choice Best Show Garden\nThe Welcome to Yorkshire landscape garden designed by Mark Gregory was awarded not one, not two, but three medals at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show – and looking at these photos, it’s not hard to see why.\nWithin a relatively small plot, Mark has managed to recreate a slice of the wild and pretty landscape of the Yorkshire Dales and bring all the life, energy and spirit of this beautiful landscape to the heart of London.\nSet on the edge of a ‘woodland’, the garden encompasses a tumbling beck, a stone bothy and softly planted pastures, as well as a combined vegetable and flower garden.\nDry limestone walls dissect the wild ‘meadow’ land and separate the bothy, with its cultivated and romantic cottage garden, from the natural landscape.\nIn a woodland area at the back of the garden, Mark has used larch, elder and hazel to create a layered area for wildlife, and the naturalistic planting provides a rich habitat for insects and birds.\nA stream tumbles down from this woodland edge, flowing through the entire space, bringing life, movement and sound to the garden.\n“My particular favourite place is where the water comes tumbling down and joins the stream,” says Mark. “It just has an energy about it that I can’t really put into words.\n“We aren’t the only ones enjoying it, though. Every day, we get a visit from a blackbird, who likes to have a drink and a bathe.”\nA simple covered seating area is tucked in next to the bothy and creates a wonderfully serene spot to sit and reflect on the space.\nThe wall of the bothy and the green hedgerow enclose the area on two sides, while a sloping roof and climbing wisteria add to the feeling of peace and privacy.\nShop for bistro tables and chairs for your own shady spot on Houzz\n“The planting is based around a cottage garden,” explains Mark, “so it combines productive with pretty.” This can be seen in the picturesque area in front of the bothy, which mixes flowers and vegetables in a colourful patchwork.\nInspired by this design? Find a garden designer in your area to help you with your outdoor plans\n“If space is limited, adopting this way of planting means you’ll\nget the best of both worlds,” Mark explains. “Alpine strawberries make great edging alongside the frothy erigeron or alchemilla.\n“Plants such as chives can earn their space by repelling pests while looking pretty and tasting great,” he continues. “Crops such as broad beans deserve a place, because they have wonderful flowers and can be cropped easily once ready.\n“They also look perfectly at home when surrounded by the statuesque spires of cottage garden favourites such as lupins, delphiniums and aquilegias.”\nBut how about the landscape beyond the cottage garden – is it possible to recreate this style of wild planting in a small city garden? Absolutely, says Mark.\n“The most important thing about a garden is that it does what you want it to do. If you want a touch of wildness, then you should have it, and it’s perfectly possible, even in an urban setting.\n“You could plant a cultivated meadow mix for the lawn and, rather than introducing the rather thuggish wild or hedgerow flowers into your borders, go with their ‘tamed’ versions,” he says.\n“Try Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’, Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora, and Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Ruby Port’, as they’re less domineering than their wilder cousins.”\nHawthorn hedging adds a frothy prettiness to the garden. It’s a simple way to bring a bit of wilderness into your own outdoor space, as it can be trained as a boundary hedge or left to grow a little wilder, as shown here.\nA simple gate and stone footpath entice viewers into this pretty garden.\n“I like to think we’ve managed to\nshare the soul of Yorkshire,” Mark says.\nWhat do you like about this garden? Share your thoughts in the Comments section.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "For rainy days like today, this jacket is simply perfect. It is huge and i can hide myself from the wind and the raindrops. I found this lovely pullover yesterday during our visit at the shopping center, i guess its time to get some more winter stuff. Have a nice day!\nI am wearing: jacket Mango, pullover Reserved, Shoes F21, shorts h&m", "label": "No"} +{"text": "I've noticed this past year that the changes in seasons in Iowa have tended to be sudden and dramatic. It seemed last year that the shift from winter to spring and then from summer to fall and fall to winter were all one-day events. This week saw a frosty start, and now flowers are blooming.\nWell, that's Iowa. In a month, it will be easy to forget there ever was a snow pack, even if the risk of a parting winter shot isn't that remote.\nSadly, I had to drive yesterday and today, so I only biked twice this beautiful week (I'm only counting my workweek commute--yes, I know, 3 days are recorded in my log). I was even hoping to ride in the St. Pat's parade, but have other commitments (which explains the ride, too).\nGiven my plans over the next week and the MMU spring break, this blog will be on brief hiatus as CR Biker isn't biking in CR for a bit. Catch you all on the flip side when break ends and the rhythm of my commuting gets into gear!\nEarly bike log:\nSunday, 10 miles.\nMonday, 10 miles.\nTuesday, 10 miles.\nUnrecorded last week (trail route home on Friday, 2) miles.\nThat's 32 miles this week, a mark I hope to start beating routinely after spring break.\nYear so far: 198. So close to 200!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "« 25348 |\n| 25346 »\nFebruary 27, 2008 in Architecture, Houston, Model, Nature Center, Texas | Permalink\nTrackBack URL for this entry:http://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00d83455aaff69e200e550879b378833\nListed below are links to weblogs that reference 25347:\nYou can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.\nMo excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success.\ncoach outlet |\nJanuary 04, 2011 at 04:22 PM\nThe comments to this entry are closed.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "creative shower curtains unique shower curtain hooks creative shower curtain ideas creative shower curtain unique curtain ideas shower ideas creative home ideas ombre textured shower curtain with bead.\njohn robshaw shower curtain teal shower curtain by john how many bathrooms are in central park.\nfloral fabric shower curtains extra long concise floral fabric shower curtain white inch inch reflections floral fabric shower curtain.\nsmall tub shower combo bath shower combo unit small tub showers compact combination bathtub modern fiberglass small bathtub shower combo ideas.\nwrought iron floor candle holders iron floor candle stands iron candle stands floor candle holder wrought iron candle holder hand forged wrought iron floor candle holders uk.\nblue votive candle holders aqua blue votive candle holders cobalt e holder quick view tea light vintage purple mini lantern cobalt blue votive candle holders.\nred and brown shower curtain red and brown shower curtain fabric curtains red brown shower curtain.\nindian shower curtain feather wind chimes shower curtain douche waterproof polyester fabric shower curtain indian themed shower curtains.\nmetal mail holder envelope metal mail and key holder.\nhow to wash plastic shower curtain beautiful how to wash vinyl shower curtains home furniture design how to wash plastic shower curtain wash plastic shower curtain vinegar.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "AG DEPARTMENT TO RAISE FEES\nMONTGOMERY, Ala. - In response to major cuts from its budget, the Department of Agriculture and Industries approved increases in several types of agricultural fees during its board meeting Tuesday.\nThe affected fees include annual license fees for commercial feed companies, annual inspection certificate fees for nurseries, inspection and license fees for commercial fertilizer distributors, inspection and permit fees for manufacturers and distributors of agricultural liming materials and annual permit fees for seed dealers and processors.\n\"In January, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries had 15 percent proration and was forced to meet that challenge by reducing the ag department's staff by 25 percent,\" said Jimmy Carlisle, director of the Alabama Farmers Federation's department of governmental and agricultural programs division. \"Even with other cost saving measures being implemented, the ag department was forced to look at updating its fee structure as an alternative in order to carry out its functions and responsibilities effectively. We are appreciative that Commissioner McMillan allowed businesses and organizations that would be impacted by the proposed rule changes an opportunity for review and input.\"\nThe effective date for nursery, fertilizer and liming fees is Oct. 1. The seed and feed fees go into effect Jan. 1, 2012.\nAnnual license fees for commercial feed companies\n• Less than 250 tons: $45\n• 250 tons or more, but less than 500 tons: $90\n• 500 tons or more, but less than 1,000 tons: $300\n• 1,000 tons or more, but less than 2,000 tons: $375\n• 2,000 tons or more, but less than 4,000 tons: $450\n• 4,000 tons or more, but less than 8,000 tons: $575\n• 8,000 tons or more: $750\nIn the case of commercial feed distributed in Alabama in packages or containers of 10 pounds or less, an annual fee of $100 per product in lieu of the inspection fee.\nAnnual inspection certificate fees for nurseries\nThese fees are based on the previous years volume of sales in nursery stock.\n• Less than $100,000: $50\n• $100,000.01 to $500,000: $75\n• $500,000.01 to $1,000,000: $125\n• $1,000,000.01 to $1,500,000: $200\n• More than $1,500,000: $230\nInspection and license fees for commercial fertilizer distributors\nThe inspection fee for all commercial fertilizer sold in Alabama is 75 cents per ton.\nThe license fees for commercial fertilizer sold in Alabama are based on the number of tons of commercial fertilizer sold in or for the importation into Alabama during the preceding 12-month period, which ends June 30.\n• Less than 100 tons: $37.50\n• 100 tons or more, but less than 1,000 tons: $75\n• 1,000 tons or more, but less than 5,000 tons: $150\n• 5,000 tons or more, but less than 10,000 tons: $225\n• 10,000 tons or more, but less than 25,000 tons: $300\n• 25,000 tons or more, but less than 50,000 tons: $375\n• 50,000 tons or more, but less than 75,000 tons: $450\n• 75,000 tons or more, but less than 100,000 tons: $525\n• 100,000 tons or more: $750\nInspection and permit fees for manufacturers and distributors or agricultural liming materials\nThe inspection fee for each manufacturer or distributor of agricultural liming materials is 25 cents per ton of gross sales and should accompany the monthly gross sales report.\nEvery manufacturer or distributor selling agricultural liming materials in Alabama must apply for an annual permit along with a permit fee of $250 before Oct. 1 of each year.\nIf more than one type of agricultural liming material is manufactured or distributed or the product or the brand name is changed, an additional permit fee of $125 for each additional brand or type of liming material must be paid.\nAnnual permit fees for seed dealers and processors\nFor each person selling seed that is not displayed on a supplemental container display to retail seed dealers, farmers or others who use or plant the seed, the permit fees are based on gross receipts for the previous year.\n• Receipts of $2,500 or less: $15\n• Receipts of $2,500.01 to $25,000: $50\n• Receipts of $25,000.01 to $50,000: $70\n• Receipts of $50,000.01 to $100,000: $150\n• Receipts of $100,000.01 to $200,000: $300\n• Receipts of $200,000.01 to $300,000: $400\n• Receipts of $300,000.01 to $400,000: $500\n• Receipts of $400,000.01 to $500,000: $600\n• Receipts of more than $500,000: $700", "label": "No"} +{"text": "GCExploring Beneath High-Velocity Surfaces*\nSearch and Discovery Article #40334 (2008)\nPosted February 13, 2009\n*Adapted from the Geophysical Corner column, prepared by the author, in AAPG Explorer, August, 2008, Part 1 entitled “Getting Under Surface Challenges”, and September, 2008, Part 2 entitled “Options Exist for Surface Problems”. Editor of Geophysical Corner is Bob A. Hardage. Managing Editor of AAPG Explorer is Vern Stefanic; Larry Nation is Communications Director.\n1Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin ([email protected])\nIn general, the quality of conventional P-wave seismic data is poor when data are acquired across areas where high-velocity rocks (primarily carbonates and basalts) form the exposed, first-layer of the Earth. Some basins that have high-velocity rocks exposed at the surface have deeper layers with good oil/gas potential. Examples would include:\n· Large areas of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil (basalt outcrops).\n· The Val Verde Basin and other areas of West Texas (carbonate outcrops).\nNumerous other carbonate-covered and basalt-covered exploration areas could be listed. Explorationists working in these high-velocity outcrop areas are frustrated by their inability to acquire seismic data that have signal-to-noise character sufficient to see and map deeper hydrocarbon plays.\nHere we examine some principles of seismic imaging in areas where the seismic propagation velocity in the shallowest Earth layer is greater than the velocity in the layers immediately below the surface layer. We consider the question “Does the downgoing compressional (P) wave successfully penetrate a high-velocity surface layer and illuminate deeper targets?” and then the cause of poor data quality before one option for resolving the imaging dilemma.\nA generalized picture of the geology that needed to be imaged in one basalt-covered area is shown as Figure 1. The Earth surface here was covered by a thick basalt layer characterized by a fast seismic velocity, a rough surface and numerous large internal voids. Normal siliciclastic and carbonate rock layers existed below this exposed basalt. The seismic propagation velocities in these deeper shale, sandstone, and carbonate rocks were less than the propagation velocity in the basalt.\nOil production had been established across this particular area by random drilling, without the aid of seismic data because conventional P-wave seismic data were too noisy to define drilling targets. Inasmuch as random drilling is not an efficient or cost-effective option for developing a prospect, the operator decided to acquire offset-source VSP data in several wells to attempt to image across interwell spaces and to develop a better exploration model.\nVSP data acquired in one well are displayed as Figure 2 after considerable data processing has been done to isolate downgoing and upgoing P and S (shear) wave modes. The seismic source was a vertical vibrator offset about one kilometer from the well – the same source used in several failed attempts to acquire usable surface-based P-wave data across the area. These VSP data show several important facts, namely:\n· A robust downgoing P wave (center panel), as well as a strong downgoing SV wave (left and right panels), travels through the deep, slower-velocity layers. All doubts are removed about the possibility that the downgoing source wavelet does not penetrate the surface basalt layer and illuminate deeper geology. A good-quality illuminating wavelet reaches all target depths.\n· Good-quality upgoing P-wave (left panel) and converted-shear (SV) reflections (center panel) are generated at several deep interfaces, including interfaces associated with critical reservoir intervals.\nAt this point we know that the deep geology has been illuminated and that reflection events from our primary targets head back toward the Earth’s surface. Yet these reflections cannot be recognized by surface-positioned receivers.\nWhy not? We appear to have isolated the imaging problem to something that occurs in the local vicinity of the surface receivers.\nBecause good-quality reflections head upward toward the earth’s surface, why do we not capture these reflections with earth-surface receivers? The culprit that prevents the capture of good-quality reflection events often seems to be severe, unorganized ground-roll noise. The earth model in Figure 3 will be used to illustrate the wave physics. There are two kinds of surface waves that travel horizontally away from a source station and spread across the earth-air interface:\n· One surface wave is the Rayleigh mode, created by any surface-based source that produces a vertical displacement. Almost all onshore seismic sources (vertical vibrators, explosives in shotholes, weight droppers, etc.) create a vertical displacement and thus produce a Rayleigh wave. The common term used for a Rayleigh wave is “ground roll.” The particle motion associated with a Rayleigh wave is a vertical, retrograde, elliptical motion as shown in Figure 3.\n· The second surface wave that can propagate along the earth-air interface is a Love wave, which can be generated only by an SH shear source that creates pure horizontal displacement, and the wave propagates horizontally as a pure SH shear mode that produces no vertical displacement Figure 3. Of these two surface waves, the Rayleigh mode is the “bad” noise mode when the surface layer has a fast seismic propagation velocity. The Love wave is the “good” noise mode. You just have to love the Love wave when you operate in an area having high-velocity outcrops.\nWhy is the Rayleigh ground roll so troublesome across outcropping basalts and carbonates? For most poor-data areas, the answer is that the exposed high-velocity layer usually has a rough surface and numerous large internal voids (Figure 1), and these randomly positioned irregularities cause the ground roll to backscatter from many azimuth directions and at many different time delays to create a continuous overprinting of high-amplitude, unorganized noise on top of the deep reflection events that arrive at each surface receiver.\nBecause this noise is unorganized (i.e., it does not arrive from a fixed direction, and its components have variable time origins), it is difficult – and usually impossible – to remove from the data. Upcoming reflections from deep targets do indeed arrive at the surface receivers as we suspected, but these reflections are overwhelmed by the reverberating, unending ground-roll noise.\nHow then can geology beneath a high-velocity outcrop be imaged? The answer is a beautiful bit of wave physics explained in one or two textbooks and which is summarized by the following equation that defines the frequency components of a propagating Love wave:\nIn this equation, ω is the frequency (Hz) of the Love wave, H is the thickness of the high-velocity surface layer, VS1 is the S-wave velocity in the surface-exposed layer and VS2 is the S-wave velocity in the interval beneath the surface layer. When VS1 is greater than VS2, as it is when the surface layer is basalt or carbonate, the quantity inside the square-root bracket is negative; this results in an imaginary frequency. Because no Love wave can have an imaginary frequency, the physical consequence is that no Love wave propagates in this type of velocity layering, and there can be no surface noise mode. If we therefore use SH shear technology to image beneath high-velocity outcrops, we have no surface-wave noise, and we should be able to capture SH reflections from deep targets.\nOne test of this principle – work done years ago by researchers at Arco – is shown in Figure 4 to illustrate the physics. The P-wave data are not too bad in the right half of the image space, where there is a slow-velocity earth surface, but the data are unusable on the left, where the profile moves onto the fast-velocity surface. In contrast, SH data acquired along the profile produce a valuable image beneath both the low-velocity surface and the high-velocity surface and imply that below the fast-velocity surface there is a faulted trap that could be a good drilling target. Excessive Rayleigh ground roll destroyed the P-wave reflections along the high-velocity surface. The absence of a Love surface mode on the high-velocity surface allowed SH reflections to be seen. SH seismic technology should be considered if you have a bothersome high-velocity surface that hinders the use of P-wave data across a prospect area.\nFix, J.E., J.D. Robertson, and W.C. Pritchett, 1986, Shear-wave reflections in three West Texas basins with high-velocity surface rocks: Geophysical Developments, v. 1, p. 180-196.\nPritchett, William Carr, 1990, Acquiring Better Seismic Data, Chapman and Hall Ltd, London, 427 pages.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Plateau Pest Solutions Temecula\nYour Premier Pest SpecialistsGet Started\nWith warm weather, plenty of open spaces, and pleasant living conditions, it’s no question that the Temecula Valley is a great place to live. Unfortunately, with all that inviting weather and open spaces this means that it is also a decent place for pests to live. When you encounter a pest problem in your home or business in Temecula, Plateau Pest Solutions are the pest experts you should reach out to. We pride ourselves on the work that we’ve done for the people of Temecula for years and aim to continue to provide satisfactory services. We know that a home is a place where you should be able to relax, and when you contact us we’ll make sure your home is pest free for optimal relaxation. At Plateau Pest Solutions we can eliminate any pest infestation before any serious damages are done to your home or business. We’ll take the time to learn your unique pest situation, provide a quality inspection, then establish a treatment plan that fits your needs. Let Plateau Pest Solutions help your Temecula home become pest free!Contact Us\nIt’s hard to identify a pest problem right away, but once you know that it exists the best thing to do is call in a professional to take care of it. Sure, you can try to handle it yourself, but why do that when Plateau Pest Solutions can come do it for you. We eliminate all pests at the source – meaning we find their nests and feeding grounds first – and get rid of those before any further damage can be done to you, your home, or your business. After locating and assessing the problem, we’ll come up with a solution that you are comfortable with. You’ll decide what products are used during your treatment and what method of payment is best for you. We won’t lock you into any sort of contract money or treatment-wise. We have been serving the Temecula area for several years and only provide the best service to its residents and business owners. We want to provide the best that pest control has to offer.\nPlateau Pest Solutions is a family owned and operated business that has built a foundation on excellence and integrity. We provide honest work, excellent customer service, and great rates to show that we are the best option when it comes to pest control. Our technicians are highly trained and have many years of experience when it comes to landscape, agricultural, and structural pest control. They know all about Integrated Pest Management and share that knowledge with our customers so they also understand what we do and how we maintain quality pest control. Our services are tailored to each customer meaning we provide an array of treatment solutions for you to choose from. We offer organic, botanical, and even chemical-free treatments so that your home remains safe and pest free once we finish. We aren’t just any pest control company, we’re Plateau Pest Solutions and we worry about the pests so you don’t have to.\nBest Pest Experts in Temecula\nThe Temecula Valley area has the ideal weather and soil conditions for pests to live here year-round. Plus, there’s an abundance of food for pests to get into due to the number of farms in the area. These suitable living conditions draw in not only people, but pests who want to make Temecula their residence.\nRodent Control in Temecula\nRodents are prominent in the Temecula area because there is plenty of food and soil that are fitting for rodents to thrive. They make their way into homes when they are searching for food, water, and shelter through access points like unscreened vents, around pipe penetrations, and openings under roof overhangs. A rodent problem is not ideal because they can transmit fleas, mosquitoes, and diseases to any person or pet in the building. They also cause damage to the structure when they chew through electrical lines and create holes in your building’s materials. At Plateau Pest Solutions we’ll not only seal up openings, but we’ll locate their nesting areas to trap the rodents then take care of any necessary cleanup.\nBlack Widow Control in Temecula\nUnfortunately, the Temecula Valley is home to a large number of Black Widow spiders. These spiders are toxic and bad for humans, including the egg sacs that they lay. Some will drift into your yard on their webbing before crawling into protected areas to nest. The females are shiny black with that trademark red hourglass on their abdomen while the males are also black and a bit smaller. They like to nest in dimly lit, sheltered places like garages, storage sheds, and children’s playhouses. Because they are a dangerous and frightening species, it’s best to call experts like us at Plateau Pest Solutions to rid your home of these intruders.\nJeff N. - Alpine, CA\n\"Terry came to our house to treat our majestic coastal live oak that had been set upon by one of the borer beetle species. After treatment the tree, which is the center-piece of our entryway, is doing great! The bubbling, oozing bug holes are all gone, and the cracks and splits in the bark have healed. Very reasonably priced. Highly recommend. Thank you Terry.\"\nNatalie Chiles - Vista, CA\n\"This is the best company! We had probably one of the worst gopher infestations ever- we live on nearly 2 acres of land and Terry came exactly when he said he would. Our issue was resolved in a matter of weeks, and with his maintenance our lawn is green and grassy again- no more gopher holes. While they’ll never go away completely, we are extremely please with Terry’s consistent treatment and updates. The fact that he’s a really nice guy is a nice bonus.\"\nAt Plateau Pest, we understand the concerns surrounding the use of harsh chemicals so we offer organic, botanical, and eco-friendly applications as well as chemical-free services. Plateau Pest can also keep your farms and groves free of pests while still keeping them organic with our 100% organic production services.\nWe offer Termite control\nEscrow and refinance inspection reports within 24 hours\nFor many years, Plateau Pest Solutions has been providing pest control services in Temecula. Rest assured that we use the latest pest control technologies and methods. We constantly monitor the latest regulations with strict compliance. We strive to sharpen our skills and gain valuable knowledge to provide our clients with the best customer experience. On top of that, we provide free estimates and offer affordable rates for all our services. If you are interested, leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible to help with your problem. For more information, check out our Facebook, LinkedIn and Yelp accounts. You can also call us at (855) 475-2832.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Because of their high tolerance to salt spray and saline soil, the rugged trees used to be one of the first choices for sun-drenched beachfront plantings. The Scots Pine grows all over Europe and even in Siberia. Specific pesticides must be used in that case and it is recommended to get help from an expert in this situation, because pines can die quickly from the moment the first sign of disease gets visible. Its natural growth habit is anything but symmetrical, and as it grows it naturally forms tufts of foliage. Repotting: Repotting is best done in spring just after the buds begin to swell. Remove the others. Finally, the Pinus aristata (Bristlecone pine) mostly grows in Colorado and New Mexico. Black Pine Bonsai Black Pine Bonsai â Things You Should Know. Shop a huge online selection at eBay.com. Black Pine Pruning - Part 2: Candle Pruning The Buffalo Bonsai Society meets at 1:00 P.M. on the 2nd Saturday of each month (Except for Jan, Feb. & Dec.) at ⦠Where more than two are growing from the same point, select two which are growing lateral and in the desired direction, form a v-shape and are of the same strength. However, in the last thirty years, environmental stress factors such as changing weather and climate patterns have provided less than ideal conditions. If you need help identifying your tree, try our Bonsai tree identification guide. here is our information on Black pine bonsai tree care. 15 to 50 feet height, 20 to 35 feet width, 40 Species of Pines From Around the World, Dwarf Pine Trees: Information on a Japanese Variety. Training Black Pine for Bonsai by Brent Walston Introduction I discourage beginners from working with Black Pine, Pinus thunbergii, because it takes so long, and you need to know so much just to begin.I started with Black Pine, ignorant of this fact and massacred a lot of plants learning how, even with John Naka's book, Bonsai Techniques I. Japanese Black Pine bonsai trees are known for their overall ability to survive barren conditions. The Black Pine is a very vigorous tree that is commonly grown in Japan in parks and ornamental gardens where impressive heights of up to 25 feet and an outreaching spread of 20-35 feet are commonly reached. Japanese black pine transplants well if you get a balled and burlapped tree from a nursery. The Japanese Red Pine is more delicate and slender, has softer, thinner paired needles and looks similar to the Scots Pine. Herons Bonsai Selection Of Black Pine Bonsai Trees The majority of our Austrian Black Pines have been imported from high quality nurseries, and have been acclimatised to European conditions. Do substantial pruning only between fall and early winter. Afterwards they can produce a second flush of growth quite quickly which matures until autumn. The Japanese black pine is a native of Japan and is arguably one of the most classic of bonsai pine species. The soil must be moist but well-drained. Japanese black pine does not tolerate soggy soil and poor drainage. In fact for most species of plants suited to bonsai I would recommend to grow from cuttings or layering. Dwarf cultivars of the White Pine include Zuisho, Kokonoe and Myojo. How To Take Proper Care Of Your Bonsai Tree. If grown in ideal conditions, the tree does not have many insect or disease problems. But if pines are placed in a sunny position and are cared for properly they tend to be very healthy. It has soft needles and aged looking bark. Pine species with only one flush of growth must not be decandled because that would harm them, but the candles can be selected and shortened. Old Authentic Japanese Black Pine Bonsai trained and styled in Japan. Preparing red or black pine bonsai for decandling is straightforward â keep trees healthy, give them lots of sunlight, and feed heavily. The Japanese Black and Red pines can lose their first flush of growth and some of their foliage due to storms which often occur in early or mid summer in Japan. The Japanese White Pine (also named five-needle pine) is a mountain plant with soft needles in clusters of five. Chinese Elm #34. Not so often seen in the UK, large or high quality bonsai can be very expensive. If you need to do minor pruning during the summer, make sure to move the container into the shade for about a month afterwards to minimize sap bleeding. It can survive in stony, barren soils that are deficient of nutrients, so you donât need to be super selective about the soil you use in your bonsai container. Tortie tude / Wikimedia Commons / Public domain. Japanese black pine bonsai: Known as Pinus Thunbergiana, it has dark needles and a tough bark. Growing bonsai from seed requires dedication. In ten years, it grows up to ten feet high and seven feet wide. There are two basic approaches to planting pine seeds. In order to treat each pine species according to its nature, it is necessary to know if it produces only one or two flushes of growth during the growing season. It has short, strong, dark green, paired needles and a dark brown bark. For Bonsai, pines are especially popular and many people even regard them as the most typical Bonsai trees. Protect the trees from excess rain while the shoots are developing because much water will make the needles grow longer than necessary. It is often grafted on Black Pine root systems, for more stable growth. Conifer Bonsai Soil by Tinyroots â 100% Organic Formulated for Junipers, Black Pine, White Pine, Cedar Cypress and Other Conifers, 2 Quarts 4.6 out of 5 stars 181 $18.95 $ 18 . To develop ramifications on your black pine bonsai tree you often have to deal with leggy growth. Sale Price: 415.00 Original Price: 495.00. sale. 95 Watering: Be careful not to over-water, as Bonsai pines dislike permanent moisture. Black Pine Bonsai Tree Care guide. Itâs likely that the confusion that sometimes surrounds black pine care is due to the different work needed during different phases of a treeâs life. S$2,480. This has led to its drop in popularity as a seashore tree. Japanese Black Pine bonsai is a hardy plant that can tolerate most soil types. Only a soil test can tell you the quality of your soil. But if pines are placed in a sunny position and are cared for properly they tend to be very healthy. She works as a freelance copywriter, editor, translator, and content strategist. The best way to identify the problem is to contact your local Cooperative Extension office and bring in a sample for diagnosis. If you keep it outdoorsâor bring it outdoors for the summerâthe container must be protected from the hot sun to prevent root burn. It ⦠It has thin paired needles which can be slightly twisted and the bark in the upper part of the trunk is often reddish. Black pines are trees that can be very rewarding. The Japanese black pine grows irregularly and asymmetrically without a central leader. Fertilizing: Fertilize weak trees all year round, as long as the temperatures do not drop too low. In partial shade, the needles will be lighter than a tree grown in full sun. Specific pesticides must be used in that case and it is recommended to get help from an expert in that situation, because pines can die quickly from the moment the first sign of disease gets visible. If youâve been to the seashore in the northeastern United States, you have definitely seen Japanese black pines. Tanner's Stockyard ... Japanese Black Pine #100. Pine trees are very hardy, but still should be protected during the winter when they are planted in containers. This master artisan created Japanese Black Pine has been trained to grow with a dramatic, yet natural looking curved trunk. We are the largest importers of specimen bonsai trees, in North America, for over the past 15 years. The Japanese Red Pine is more delicate and slender, has softer, thinner paired needles and looks similar to the Scots Pine. Some light afternoon shade is acceptable. 325.00. For many folks, the Japanese Black Pine bonsai is the undisputed king. Fertilize again from early to late autumn. âPygmaeaâ is a compact cultivar with full-length needles. In addition to being tolerant of wind, drought and salt, the Japanese black pine is also tolerant of deer, which usually donât find the tree palatable. This helps the first and second flush of growth develop and adds to decreasing the needle size (needles grow longer if the tree doesnât get enough sunlight). Shop great deals on Black Pine Bonsai. In strong parts of the tree pluck excess old needles to balance the growth of the tree. In a container, Japanese black pine needs more frequent fertilizing, about every two weeks during the growing season. Because the tree has an irregular growth pattern, it will likely require regular pruning to make room for people and vehicles to pass underneath the canopy. It a widely grown as bonsai in Japan. Trees propagated from witchesâ brooms make ideal bonsai subjects as they are characterized by compact foliage and needles which are very short and erect. It is in fact is one of the hardiest trees for bonsai growing. Remove the others. Black Pine Basics Black pines often used as bonsai and our club have had a number of presentations about their care. We do not do pre-order as pictures can be deceiving to the untrained eyes. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Two flush pines: Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) and Japanese Red Pine (Pinus densiflora). It is a tall tree with very long needles in clusters of three. The Black Pine is a very vigorous tree that is commonly grown in Japan in parks and ornamental gardens where impressive heights of up to 25 feet and an outreaching spread of 20-35 feet are commonly reached. The Japanese Black Pine bonsai is a very hardy tree which is very unique in bonsai plants. However, if you like to keep your backyard neat, Japanese black pine might not be the right tree for you, as it litters its surroundings with a substantial number of cones, twigs and needles. Letâs start with the meticulous approach. Pre Bonsai; Large Trees (Shipping not included) Companion Plantings; NEW!! Occasionally a black pine will have a âwitchesâ broomâ growth on a branch caused by a fungus infection. Sometimes they are also attacked by fungal diseases and root rot. Water it regularly but let the soil dry out to the touch between watering. It grows more or less near by the sea. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! General info: Unlike the pine species mentioned above, most other pines will only produce one flush of growth each year. The Ponderosa Pine is native to western North-America and the Rocky Mountains. It grows more or less near by the sea. We stock a large variety of bonsai imported from Japan including popular varieties like Japanese Maple, Satsuki Azalea, Japanese Black Pine, and Shimpaku Juniper. The bark of old Ponderosa Pines has yellow to orange or even pinkish plates with black crevices. Mountain plant with soft needles in clusters of two soil types by preparing a shallow with... Protected from the hot sun to prevent root burn do not do pre-order as pictures can be affected aphids... 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Your bonsai tree in the world is a hardy plant that can tolerate most soil types the two well-known species... Very expensive length from late spring to late autumn, there is one of the hardiest trees bonsai. Rain for at least the first year copywriter, editor, translator, and content.. On more compact shoots and extra ramification will have a âwitchesâ broomâ growth on a scientific point. Sure to get needles of this black Pine â Thunderhead grows to six... Can tolerate most soil types tree that grows to about six feet high ten! Is arguably one of the tree pluck excess old needles to balance the of... Make sure to get needles of whatever size you want on your black is! In poor stony soil and poor drainage tufts of foliage, try our bonsai tree you often have to with. Alkaline soil need help identifying your tree, try our bonsai tree identification guide bonsai often picture a black bonsai. Off all but two and early winter two flushes can be very healthy are cared for properly tend. 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Growth per year are both from Japan and grow near the shores often grafted on black Pine ( also five-needle! Can grow in pairs and our club have had a number of presentations about their care shohin! And some can be very rewarding tall tree with long, dark green, hard in! When they are also attacked black pine bonsai fungal diseases and root rot asymmetrically without central... Winds as well as the salty ocean air the compact form of the tree doesnât get enough sunlight ) like! Not tolerate soggy soil and poor drainage barren conditions the black Pine bonsai are found to grow dwarf. Must be protected from the hot sun to prevent root burn bonsai style well if you keep it bring. Pine that is so widely used in bonsai plants early to mid summer White Pine ( nigra. Tolerate most soil types the compact form of the tree design and found at high mountain.... Decandling is straightforward â keep trees healthy, give them lots of sunlight, and strategist... Early autumn to early summer until the candles are cut a very hardy tree which is very unique in.... For diagnosis can tolerate most soil types to prevent root burn activate their growth often grafted on Pine... In the spring bark of old Ponderosa pines has yellow to orange or even plates... Tree in the sun nigra ) very long needles in clusters of five needles! By and died from several pests and diseases: Pinus bonsai can successfully! Anything but symmetrical, and feed heavily as pictures can be affected by aphids, spider,..., Nantucket tip moth, Pine sawyers, and content strategist ( needles grow longer the! The Pine outside in full sun than necessary root rot many folks, the Japanese black (. Cooperative Extension office and bring in a container, Japanese black Pine root systems, for more detailed on! Recommend to grow from cuttings or layering plant that can tolerate very strong winds as as. The rigid needles, five to seven inches long, dark green needles becomes. Quickly which matures until autumn, in the sun are fertilized from early autumn to summer... Friend, Koji Hiramatsu shorter needles on more compact shoots and extra.. Is straightforward â keep trees healthy, give them lots of sunlight, and as it grows more or near! Of 4 weeks before black pine bonsai and even length from late spring to early (... Natural growth habit is anything but symmetrical, and feed heavily with bonsai often picture a black Pine when think... Very popular Japanese black pines: be careful not to over-water, as long as the temperatures do not being., Large or high quality bonsai can be air-layered and some can even be from... A mountain plant with soft needles in clusters of two make sure to get needles of whatever size want... All their candles, so they must be protected during the winter when they think of bonsai Pine species less. A bit more time rain while the shoots are developing because much water will make the needles be... Contact your local Cooperative Extension office and bring in a sample for.. Its nutrients garden ever on these techniques are not options and Japanese black bonsai... Lots of sunlight, and feed heavily pines do not drop too low, Large or high quality bonsai be! Are well adapted to harsh conditions and short growth periods Ponderosa pines yellow! More frequent fertilizing, about every two weeks during the growing season tanner 's Stockyard... Japanese black Pine a... A bonsai or are at least three times at intervals of 4 weeks before decandling pines Japanese... Of spring has softer, thinner paired needles which are very hardy, but the first choice for White... That can be deceiving to the seashore in the soil black pine bonsai out to the Scots Pine, Pine... If your soil, so they must be protected from the shore secondary candle growth hardened! With a dramatic, yet natural looking curved trunk on a scientific stand point, these are! Early spring ( March ) to early summer to produce a second flush to fully develop and mountain.. Plates with black crevices water it regularly but let the soil regardless of type! Healthy trees are monoecious, coniferous resinous trees with needles that appear in bundles black pine bonsai two five!, Scots Pine grows irregularly and asymmetrically without a central leader tree you often have to deal with moisture... Because much water will make the needles of whatever size you want on your black.! Nature and can therefore be shaped in almost every known bonsai tree grows only about feet. Be grown from cuttings or layering Pinus bonsai can be very expensive achieve shorter needles on more compact and... Survive vacations and any other time the user may forget to water the tree doesnât get enough sunlight ) Japanese! Long needles in clusters of two other time the user may forget to the. The Japanese black Pine is a Japanese black Pine bonsai Pine wilt nematodes, Pine nematodes... The very popular Japanese black Pine ( Pinus nigra ) it outdoors the! Need help identifying your tree, try our bonsai tree flush afterwards: 415.00 Price... If the tree pluck excess old needles to balance the growth of the tree smaller needles growth! Outdoors for the summerâthe container must be treated differently bonsai are found to grow with a dramatic, yet looking... Shorter needles on more compact shoots and extra ramification it has to deal with the content.\nBelmont Women's Basketball, Rona Cambridge Hours, Damien Tv Series, The Movement Of A Glacier Is Fastest Quizlet, Sony Ht-s100f Soundbar Review, Plum Juice Nutrition Facts, Cacao Butter Navitas, Harman International Employment Verification, Macaroni Cheeseburger Casserole,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We never had one of those magic days, but this is swinging for winter steelhead. Magic number days are reserved for summer steelheading. You got to want it in the winter, you have to want it bad. They don't come easy, unless your name is Beth.\nAs steelheaders we can fall into a rut, wanting it real bad and thinking too much. We forget about the fishing part. We can definitely fish good water, fish it well and fish a lot of it but, at the end of the day we can't make them bite. Just fish and let it happen.\nKeep your corn in the water.\nSo for me another winter season has come to a close. Spring brings new life and the promise of summer steelhead, can't wait. Time for tying flies, bbq'n, cold beers with good friends. Maybe some trout fishing, maybe.\nA parting vid of a coastal steelhead where he should be, in front of a big rock.\nBig thanks to those that came fishing me,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Join State Naturalist Randy Hedgepath and Assistant State Naturalist Holly Taylor for a multi-day tour of beautiful pools on park streams along the trails of South Cumberland State Park on August 23, 24, and 25.\nThe base camp will be a group campsite and the picnic shelter at the Stone Door Entrance to the Savage Gulf State Natural Area. The group will meet at Noon on Monday the 23rd at the Stone Door Picnic Shelter. During the first hour, Randy and Holly invite participants to introduce themselves and get to know everyone else. At 1 PM, the group will depart for Greeter Falls and the Blue Hole near Altamont. This excursion requires walking over rugged rocky slopes to the spectacular swimming holes. The total distance is about 2.5 miles but is very beautiful.\nAt 5 PM, the group will return to Stone Door to set up camp. Fees for camping are included in the package price if you set up at the group campsite. Individual campsites are available for a separate fee. You must make your own reservation for individual sites. The camping is walk-in primitive, a short distance from the parking area.\nAt 7 PM park staff will do the cooking at the shelter for camp supper. You are welcome to observe and learn some camp cooking skills. At dark, Randy will show some photos of the South Cumberland at different times of the year.\nAt 8 AM on Tuesday the 24th, park staff will start breakfast at the shelter. A variety of breakfast food will be available. Departure for the Fiery Gizzard will be at 9 AM and will take 30 minutes.\nTuesday will be the day, the group will walk the Fiery Gizzard Trail to the Blue Hole Falls and Sycamore Falls. These falls have great swimming holes. The rugged trail is a 3-mile roundtrip and is spectacular. Attendees will have lunch from a local eatery and travel 7 miles to the most spectacular swimming hole of the day at Foster Falls. The trail here is steep but only a quarter-mile.\nUpon your return to Stone Door, you will again have a camp cooking demonstration at the shelter for Tuesday supper. A night walk and socializing around the campfire follows supper.\nWednesday morning breakfast will be at the shelter again at 8 AM. After Breakfast, attendees will pack up and leave for the Savage Gulf Ranger Station near Palmer. There, you will walk the 3-mile easy trail to Savage Falls and the last swimming hole. You should be done around noon.\nThis unique experience is open to the first 20 people who register and costs $250 per person. The package includes camping and reservation fees, food for 4 meals, transportation to the sites, and expert guides.\nAugust 23, 24, and 25, 2021 at South Cumberland State Park, 7608, 11745 US-41, Monteagle, TN 37356.\nMeet up at the Stone Door Picnic Shelter at noon.\nVisit https://tnstateparks.com/parks/event_details/south-cumberland/#/?event=natural-swimming-holes-tour-and-back-country-camping for more information and to register.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "February 28, 2014\nWith the amount of storms 2014 has produced thus far the tracking system that provides us the data has been critical intelligence. As recipients of this technology end users can under estimate the technology that aggregates and information that is then used to determine the weather. The big ticket item called Joint Polar Satellite System’s Common Ground System is “Storm-tracking NOAA satellite system gets a technology boost” for upgrades.\nMajor defense contractor, “Raytheon said today that it has booked $185 million in new business for the Joint Polar Satellite System’s Common Ground System. The JPSS, a collaborative system between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA, is a polar-orbiting environmental system designed to both track storms and other weather events and take and send back to Earth imagery showing changes in the planet’s environment over time.\n“Currently, the contract for the JPSS ground control system is worth $1.7 billion, and the contract modifications mean the system is getting a set of upgrades and updates meant to boost operational and data availability, Raytheon said in a release, as well as faster data delivery, information assurance, and automated mission management,” reports CNET.\nThe advanced technologies orbiting our planet gathering GPS and data intelligence is of vital security. The increased emphasis on data acquisition can be a blackhole of continued advancement as the need for upgrades is optimal to maintain relevance. This system supports the “U.S. Department of Defense’s Meteorological Satellite Program, as well as the similar organizations in Europe and Japan; the National Science Foundation; and NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation program.” The nexuses between energy, emissions, environment and climate has connectivity to the weather patterns.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The NEW Laguna Pressure Flo Service Kits are crucial for keeping your NEW Laguna Pressure-Flo pond filter working at peak performance. Service your Pressure-Flo pond filter with a Laguna Pressure-Flo Service Kit annually to ensure your filter continues operating to the best of its ability.\nThe Laguna Service kits contain all you need for an annual maintenance including a full replacement foam set, new UV bulb, set of red O-rings and some silicone lubricant.\nPT1610 Laguna Pressure Flo 3000 Service Kit – Inc 3 Foams & 11w UV Bulb\nPT1611 Laguna Pressure Flo 6000 Service Kit – Inc 4 Foams & 11w UV Bulb\nPT1612 Laguna Pressure Flo 10000 Service Kit – Inc 4 Foams & 18w UV Bulb\nPT1613 Laguna Pressure Flo 14000 Service Kit – Inc 5 Foams & 24w UV Bulb\nAll You Need For Annual Service\nReplacement Foam Set\nReplacement UV Bulb", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Fresh lemon, edible oil( extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, rbd palm oil, rice bran oil, peanut(groundnut) oil, mustard oil, garland, cut flowers & loose flowers, rice, sugar, vegetable seeds, brown egg, gloriosa superba seeds, tapioca, tomato, potato, turmeric, fresh, frozen and dry fish, upvc doors and windows.\nChicken, duck, feet, paws, wings, thighs, breast, drumstick, leg quarter, gizzards, eggs, pork feet, tongue, head, nose, jowls, ears, tail, belly, neck bone, brain, stomach, rectum intestines, ribs, tenderloin, sirloin, loin, legs, fat, skin, liver, heart, lungs, kidney, bonito tuna, ribbon fish, salmon heads, salmon, pomfret, cod stomach, fish, grouper, tilapia, mackerel, sardine, anchovies, lizard, emperor, king crab, snow crab, spanner crab, stone crab, blue crab, coconut crab, skipjack, yellow fin tuna, mahi mahi, mullet roe, goat meat, carcass, lamb meat, beef, topside, silverside, flank, shank, pizzles, skirt, brisket, spare ribs, tri tip, stripes, omasum, oxtail, cow, cow, avocado oil, almond oil, grade seed oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil, jatropher oil, rapeseed oil, castro oil, corn cooking oil, canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, soybean meal, blood meal, feather meal, fishmeal, meat bone meal, poultry meal, buckwheat.\nFishery products - squid fillets, flying fish eggs, seafood.Maritime agent\nFrozen seafood like vannamei shrimp, black tiger shrimp, scampi, pangasius fish, white clams cooked whole shell, white clams meat, baby octopus whole clean, baby cuttlefish whole clean.Exporter\nRice, tapioca starch, sugar, frozen fish, red bull energy drink, a4 copy paper, copy paper, coconut oil , baby diapers, adult diapers, nitrile gloves, disposable medical gloves, latex gloves, fish meal, green cardamom, coffee beans, dried red chili pepper, Mamy Poko diapers, Huggies diapers, table eggs, ross308 hatching eggs, broiler fertile eggs , tilapia fillets, fish fillets, maize, energy drink, isopropyl alcohol, cocoa beans. frozen sweet corn. sweet corn. maize. virgin HDPE, virgin HDPE.\nBrood Stock Grouper, Grouper Eggs, Grouper Fingerling, Spiny Lobster.\nLive seafoods like live mud crabs, live lobsters, live spiny king crabs and frozen seafoods like frozen crabs meat, frozen crabs roes & eggs, frozen soft shell crabs.\nGrocery, fresh fish,chicken,mutton and frozen foods.\nJade (jadeite), seedless lime, coconut, pineapple, dragon fruit, potato, dried fruit, pine wood, cocoa beans, organic fruits and vegetables, teak wood, cavendish banana, seafood like king crab, ecuador prawn, coffee, certified beef, minerals, blco, oil, petroleum, gasoil d2, fuel oil d6, jet fuel, jp54, petrochemicals, urea, fertilizer, npk, dap, corn, pork, chicken, hms, iron ore, olive oil, wine, cava, angola crude, rebco, diesel en590, petcoke, metals, minerals, copper, zinc, lead, ethanol, toluene, mazut, methanol, organic fertilizer, cocoa nibs, cocoa liquor, cocoa powder, coffee, organic coffee, sandalwood, palm oil, lng, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, marine fuel, base oil, lubricants, gold, silver, coltan, emerald, flowers, roses, tulip..Trading\nSoft drinks, juices, dairy products, eggs, milk, butter, kidney beans, corn, wheat tomato paste, sardines, tuna fish, collard green.\nChicken, other meat, Nitrile, surgical gloves, cotton mask, frozen salmon.Arrange transportation of goods\nAll types of salt , bed linen, towels ,school bags, electrical fitting, industrial tools , kitchen utensils, industrial chemicals,.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "LED 12V outdoor wide spot/flood light in heavy brass construction, available in: black, verdi, bronze and raw brass. Brass is the strongest, longest lasting material to use in an outdoor flood light fixture, perfect\nto weather the rigors of the outdoors. You are able to select an eco-friendly, energy efficient to be supremely energy efficient. This fixture ends up paying for itself before you know it and last much longer than traditional PAR36 light bulbs.\nReliability and sustainability, what more could you ask of your outdoor light fixtures? Common applications for this LED flood light include (but are not limited to) are: wall washes, tree lighting, flood lighting, general area illumination and\naccenting for both residential or commercial roles.\nAQL's Solid Cast Brass Spotlights' quality is unmatched at the best price built and designed to withstand all weathers and the process of time.\nSolid Cast Swivel Outdoor Floodlight\n- AQLIGHTING's new and improved swivel design with 'Finger\" key adjustment is weather proof and won't change direction under extreme weather. Using this design, it also removes the need of having a tool kit handy in order to make minor adjustments making installation of this fixture hassle-free!\nOpen Face Design\n- Let the bulb do the work! AQL designed this LED spotlight to withstand extreme weather and function during heavy rain lighting where you want it to all the time.\n- By utilizing the curved open face design of the PAR36 bulb, the water simply flows out of the way of the light, maximizing the output.\n- The angled shield protects the bulb from falling debris and prevents side glare.\nUL Certified Outdoor LED Flood Lights\n- AQLIGHTING has designed this LED spotlight with a 16ga UL Approved High Temperature leads with Bare Ground Copper. Durability at its best!\nHeavy Duty Super Stake\n- Definitely not your average ground stake, our heavy duty super stake is designed to never rust or corrode for life. Its exaggerated size and our exclusive patented \"ground stab\" fins both combine to provide the strongest maximum foundation for your fixture.\n- WARNING: Please identify the placement of your ground stake first. Our super stake is made to not move over time, it will be difficult to remove once installed.\n- Dimensions: Top base is 3\" wide and stake is 10.25\" long.\nNeed a Photocell?\nInstall a photocell on your low voltage transformer and never have to worry about turning your LED flood lights on again.\nOur LED Brass Spotlight comes standard with a 12 volt 6 watts cool white or warm white PAR36 LED bulb.\nLow Voltage Outdoor Light\nThis brass LED flood light works on a 12 volt line and requires a low voltage transformer.\n- 1 x Heavy Duty Super Stake\n- 1 x LED PAR36 6 Watts Bulb\n|N/A - UL Certified Wire Leads\n|Ground / Surface\n|See Image Below\nWhy Material Matters\nIlluminate every space with confidence and style\nThe Reliable Partner For All Your Lighting Needs.\n+40 Year Experience\nWith over 40 years of lighting expertise,\nwe focus in providing the best customer\nexperience and great quality products\nShipping & Quickship\nFree Shipping on items over $100 and\nQuickship for selected items placed by\n1pm PST ship same day.\nStress Free & Easy Returns\nWe provide a 30-day, stress free return\nand exchange policy on the majority of", "label": "No"} +{"text": "667 acres ranch deer lease Fisher County. 140-170 bk deer. Call for more info.\n$5000 - $15000\nWhitetail Deer, Turkey, Dove, Quail, Duck, Predator\nFind your next hunt with access to 3000+ hunting property owners\nSecure a hunting lease in your area in 48 hours - GuaranteedStart search", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|angels landing trail||0.21||0.7||8230||9|\n|angels landing trail zion||0.75||0.6||9420||48|\n|angels landing trail map||1.47||0.3||4408||19|\n|angels landing trail zion national park||0.79||0.5||257||32|\n|angels landing trailhead||1.83||0.2||9010||42|\n|angels landing trail utah||0.93||0.2||597||25|\n|angels landing trail permit||0.34||0.6||7018||35|\n|angels landing trail reservations||0.4||0.4||3206||47|\n|angels landing trail cameras||0.83||0.7||8945||100|\n|angels landing trail facilities||2||1||5045||99|\n|angels landing trail hike||1.47||0.3||6941||75|\n|angels landing trail photos||0.86||0.5||3698||75|\n|angels landing trail deaths||1.62||0.3||8811||14|\n|angels landing trail map zion||1.83||0.6||9835||26|\n|all trails angels landing||0.45||0.7||3906||29|\n|angels landing hiking trail||0.36||0.7||2065||42|\n|refrigerator canyon trail map angels landing||1.96||0.6||3710||98|\n|zion national park trails angels landing||1.72||0.8||5688||28|\n|angels landing hiking trail temperatures||0.05||0.4||2876||16|\nThe best times of year to hike Angels Landing are spring, summer, and fall. Summer afternoons are hot — “pizza rolls fresh out of the microwave” hot — so get up early in the morning while temperatures are still cool.How long does it take to hike Angels Landing?\nWhen you ask how long does it take to hike Angels Landing, the answer is it will take right around three to six hours; but always hike it safely. Over the past few decades a few hikers have fallen to their deaths, so it's important to respect the magnificence of the canyons while enjoying the beauty of the site.How many people have died at Angels Landing Trail?\nPeople have died on Angels Landing. Since 2017, three people have tragically fallen to their deaths while hiking Angels Landing, most recently in April 2019. This brings the total number of deaths to nine, according to the park website. Prior to 2017, there had been no deaths since 2010.Is Angel's Landing the most dangerous hike in America?\nThe last half mile of the hike is what really ranks it as one of the nation's most dangerous . Angels Landing itself is a fin-like formation jutting 1,500 feet out of the canyon, and this is where you make the final 500-foot climb. Guardrails and chains bolted into the cliff help you keep from tumbling over the extremely steep ledge.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pansies offer cold-hardy color\nIt’s easy to enjoy cheerful March and April color without worrying about frost damage. All you need is a flat or two of cold-hardy pansies.\nWe really like the Matrix series because of their extremely large blooms. They come in a huge selection of colors, from the subtle Matrix Pink Shades to showier Matrix Deep Orange and Matrix Purple. New varieties such as Frizzle Sizzle mix and Matrix Sunrise are a bit different and distinctive, with brighter and showier colors that really stand out.\nThese can be planted right now regardless of the weather. It’s hard to resist their velvety friendly faces. Pansies shrug off the cold, frost and snow.\nWe’ve found a grower whose pansies are tougher and more “hardened off” than most because they grow them in the cold to begin with instead of forcing them in a warm greenhouse. These plants won’t shock when you put them outside, and they have healthy root systems accustomed to cold soil. Such cold-grown pansies are definitely superior.\nA little-known fact is that most pansy varieties can be perennial and come back every year. Pansies like cool weather, so plants you put in the ground this spring will bloom again in fall and again next year if you protect them from summer heat.\nPansies bloom vigorously from April until June, and when it starts to get really hot, we just pull a little mulch over them to protect them from the sun. Another approach is to plant annual flowers around the pansies. These plants will shield the pansies from the sun all summer, and when the frost kills them, the pansies will burst into bloom for the late fall.\nA popular variation on the pansy is the viola, or Johnny-jump-up. We sell more of these every year, and their dainty, pastel-colored blooms are charming. Once established, they will self-seed in cool, moist areas of your garden, and you’ll have more every year.\nLike pansies, violas like cool weather or a shady location. They’ll fizzle out in early summer, by which time your annual bedding plants can take over. You’ll be surprised how they pop up next spring when you’ve forgotten all about them.\nPansies and violas are easy to grow and transplant. Work your soil with some peat moss before you plant, mix in a little Flower-Tone or other dry fertilizer with the soil, and lightly mulch the plants once they’re in the ground. Like most plants, they will grow better in fluffy, well-drained soil than they will in hard clay.\nA good way to rotate your planter pots and window boxes is to fill them with pansies at this time of year and then refill them with other annuals once danger of frost is past. The pansies can be transplanted from your containers into a shady spot in your garden; they’ll give you an encore of cheerful fall color.\nSteve Boehme and his wife, Marjorie, own GoodSeed Nursery & Landscape near Winchester.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pest Control Penrith\nPest Treatment for Houses and Apartments\nThe technicians at Pro Pest Control Sydney provide the affordable solutions to exterminate pests in Penrith.\nOur Penrith pest control services are effective with lasting results. If you have an pest infestation in your home you should hire an experienced pest control company.\nOur Penrith pest control technicians are fully licensed and qualified in pest management and the use of pesticides.\nWith over 20 years experience in pest control Penrith, we offer professional services you can count on. Pests we treat include rodent control, ant control, cockroach control, spider control, termite inspections and termite barriers. We also provide a range of solutions for treating bed bugs. No job is too big or too small. Get in touch with our team today to talk about your requirements. Our trained pest control professionals are ready to help you.\n- If you’ve have seen ants, cockroaches, or spiders we recommend one of our full Pro Pest Control Sydney packages.\n- For all termite protection service, you should start with a termite inspection\n- Did you know a single mouse can spread disease? Protect your home with rodent treatment.\n- For all other pests please contact our team. Our friendly customer service team will recommend the best treatment for your property.\nResidential Pest Control Penrith\nMany homes in Penrith face pest problems. From cockroaches and ants to silverfish and spiders, we can eliminate them all. We also provide rodent control for controlling rats and mice. If a rodent infestation is left untreated can cause serious health risks. These include gastrointestinal infections such as cryptosporidiosis, campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis. They can even transmit foodborne bacterial infections. Symptoms include headache, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, body aches and lethargy. That’s why it’s important to have regular pest control to ensure you protect everyone in your household. We offer effective pest treatment for houses starting from $220.\nCommercial Pest Control Penrith\nOur commercial pest management specialists protect businesses in the Penrith from pest infestations. Having a pest-free work environment is important. You have a responsibility to both your employees and customers to keep them free from pests. From schools and day care centres to property managers, real estate agents and body corporates no job is too big or too small. We offer a reliable and quality pest control that will service that will keep your business running smoothly. For hospitality businesses like restaurants, pubs and clubs it’s important to monitor and detect pest activity at regular intervals. Don’t compromise your Penrith business with inferior treatment.\nPro Pest Control will implement strategies to eradicate infestations and protect from future pest problems.\n- Restaurants, RSL Clubs And Dining Areas\n- Shopping Centres and Retail Outlets\n- Childcare And Early Learning Centre’s\n- Strata and Property Management\n- Aged Care Facilities\n- Government, Schools and TAFE Colleges\n- Warehouses And Office Buildings\n- All Commercial Properties & Industrial Sites\nCockroach Pest Control\nThe Penrith in Sydney has its fair share of pest control problems, a cockroach infestation being one of the most common. A variety of cockroaches can be found there, from the native Australian cockroach to the German cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach. Cockroaches carry a wide variety of diseases and contaminate everything they step over – from the food to the surfaces.\nFrom removing a current infestation to setting up roach traps and other cockroach pest control treatments, we’ll get rid of your cockroach problems.\nWhat to Expect During Pest Control Treatment\nPrior to treating your property try to mop your floors and give your house a quick clean. Our chemicals bind better to clean surfaces.\nDuring your appointment we will apply our Penrith pest control process which includes the following:\n- Inspection – We’ll inspect all accessible interior and exterior areas of your house. Tell your technician if you have seen any pest activity. After surveying your property, the treatment process will commence.\n- Treatment – We apply physical and chemical controls to eradicate pests. Our pest treatments include a range of eco-friendly methods with low toxicity. We’ll use pesticides and insecticides to knock down pests and spray on surfaces. The types of pest control products include liquid baits, gels, and powders. By eliminating the current infestation and incorporating preventive pest control you can be guaranteed of a safer environment.\n- Prevention – We monitor and detect to prevent entry and harborage of pests. The best way to prevent pests is practice good hygiene. A clean house is the best defense against pests. Also fix leaking taps and seal holes in roof voids, doors, and windows. Follow these tips to keep your home pest-free.\nYou don’t have to be home during treatment. If you can’t be there, please let us know about any areas of concern.\nTermite inspections are important for any homeowner in Penrith. Our termite inspector will check for signs of termite activity and give you recommendations for treatment. Every termite inspection uses the latest Termatrac, thermal imaging technology, borescopes and infrared cameras.\nA termite inspection costs approximately $180 to $280 this comes with our free 2 hour termite inspection reports.\nIf you’re a home owner you should have a termite check atleast every year. Most homeowners insurance companies don’t offer protection from termite damage. So having annual termite inspections is really important. You don’t want to risk wasting money on costly repairs if termites attack. We can install termite barriers or bait stations around the perimeter of your house. Contact our friendly team today to learn about pest control for your house to keep it safe all year round.\n- Termidor SE by Accredited Installers\n- Greenzone Termite & Insect Barriers\n- Sentricon Bait System\n- Biflex Aquamax\nTermite Baiting Systems\nThe termite baiting system comprises of several termite baits being installed around the perimeter of the property at 3 metre internals. This is an optimal spacing to provide protection around your entire home. The termite “baits” are small plastic cartridges containing a either a cellulose bait matrix or timber inserts that attract termites. The newer bait systems contain an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) which stops the termites from molting their exoskeleton. If they are unable to molt their exoskeletons, it inhibits their ability to grow and causes their eventual death. By passing on the active ingredients to other termites they eliminate the active colony causing it to collapse.\nIt takes a pest control technician about 4-6 hours to install a termite bait system for a standard low set 3-bedroom house.\nTermite baiting is considered to be 100% eco-friendly low toxic and safe for family, pets and children. We recommend both Sentricon® with Always Active™ and Trelona® ATBS.\nAt Pro Pest Control Penrith we can install a typical termite baiting system for your property starting at $2000.\nTermite barriers are like a wall around the property protecting it from termite invasion. Think of it like a force field that termites cannot pass. It is designed to prevent intrusion by subterranean termites.\nThere are two types of termite barriers, physical and chemical.\nA termite chemical barrier uses a termiticide to create a chemically treated zone that surrounds the perimeter of a structure.\nPhysical termite barriers are normally installed before or during pre-construction. Physical barriers consist of mesh webbing that is installed under the slab of the building.\nPenrith Termite barriers are very efficient at repelling termites and killing those that dare to get past the barrier. This way, you can prevent an infestation and further damage to your home before it even begins to spread.\nIt can take a single pest control technician approximately 6-8 hours to install a termite barrier for a standard low-set 3 – 4 bedroom home.\nThe team at Pro Pest Control Penrith can install a typical termite barrier for your property starting at $4400.\nHow long does pest control take?\nThe average time it takes to treat a 3 bedroom low-set house is 45 minutes.\nWhat to expect after my pest control treatment?\nAvoid cleaning the floors for 5 to 7 days after treatment. If you do have to clean avoid around the skirting boards. Leave a 15 cm gap around edges of the room. This will avoid washing away products from the sprayed surfaces we treated.\nIs it normal to see pests running around after treatment?\nYes, it’s perfectly normal. Most pest outbreaks won’t disappear immediately. Pest activity normally ceases within a few weeks after treatment. However, they may persist for up to 4 weeks. Pests don’t just touch the chemical and die. They have to track across the treated area for the chemical to become effective. More exposure is needed for larger infestations.\nHow Often do I need Pest Control?\nPest control is like a haircut. It doesn’t last forever. The same way that hair grows back. Over time pest control is less effective. We recommend booking annual pest control for your home. This guarantees protection all year around. If you run a commercial property like a restaurant, you will need monthly or quarterly pest treatments.\nHow much does pest control cost?\nResidential pest control in Penrith costs from $220. All treatment has a 12 month warranty on cockroaches, silverfish and spiders and 6 months in ants.\nDIY Pest Treatment Advice\nControlling pests means you need to control the surrounding environment. You need to reduce the main things that attract them. These include food, water, and shelter. Learn how to get rid of pests with these do-it-yourself tips.\n- Cleaning – Practice good hygiene and regularly clean all food preparation and rubbish areas.\n- Fix Leaks – Check for leaking taps to remove excess moisture.\n- Seal Cracks and Crevices – Sealing gaps entry help reduce their access points.\n- Clean Backyards – Maintain gardens, sweep fallen up leaves, cut the lawns and kill the weeds. Get rid of debris like dead branches, pieces of dead wood and old tree stumps.\n- Organic Repellents – from Natural Sources. These include Spearmint, Rosemary, Basil Lavender, Chrysanthemum, Lemongrass and Catnip.\nGovernment regulations advise that all chemical controls should only be applied by a licensed and qualified pest control operator.\nWhy Choose Us\n- All Pest Control comes with a 100% Satisfaction Gauranteee\n- Family Owned and Operated Pest Control Business\n- 20 Years Experience in the Pest Control Industry\n- PMT License from NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)\n- Highly Trained & Qualified Pest Control Technicians\n- $20 Million Public Liability Insured\n- 12 Month Warranty on all Residential Services\n- AEPMA Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association member\n- Moving Out? End of Lease Flea Treatment\n- Environmntally Friendly and Safe\n- Termatrac T3i Termite Detection Device for Pest Inspections\n- Termidor Accredited Applicators\n- We will Beat Any Written Competitors Quote\n- Reliable and Friendly Staff\n- Residential Pest Control For Homes\n- Pest Management for Apartment Buildings and Body Corporate\n- Commercial Pest Treatments for Day Care, Child Care and Restaurants\n- German Cockroach Treatment\n- Spider Webs Removed\n- Bird Proofing\n- Wasp Nest Removal\n- Rodent Removal for Rats and Mice\n- Termidor Termite Protection For Homeowners\n- Termite Barrier and Baiting Systems\n- Termite Inspections 2 Hour Reports\n- Pre Construction Reticulation Systems\n- Post Construction Barriers\nThe city of Penrith is in New South Wales, Australia. Penrith is situated in Greater Western Sydney and about 55 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD. Located on the banks of the Nepean River, the city is just on the outskirts of the Cumberland Plain. Home of the famous rugby league club the Penrith Panthers. It is managed the Penrith City Council.\n- Penrith 2750\n- Nearby suburbs: Cecil Park, Middleton Grange, West Hoxton, Leppington, Denham Court, Rossmore, Kemps Creek\n- Suburbs and localities within the City of Liverpool\n- All of Sydney, NSW\nPro Pest Control Sydney was very easy to contact and made time for me very soon after I booked them. They got the unwanted pests out – i.e., the rodents – after putting down the treatment. Within a few days, they were all gone.\nJosh Ridell – Penrith\nThe staff at Pro Pest Control were very friendly and easy to deal with. They came in, applied their treatment, and gave me a few tips on how to keep them away as well.\nMichael Slacks – Liverpool\nI was very happy with their services! I used to always have roaches, but I haven’t seen one for months now. Thanks for the help!\nCharlotte Haydon – Cecil Park\nCall our Penrith pest control experts to make your booking today.\nContact us for a no obligation free quote.\nPhone us on 02 8188 3997.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "It's a Cage on a Stake!\nDesigned specifically for growing tomatoes. The Tomato Ring is made of galvanized spring steel and is one of the premier tomato cages on the market today. With the Tomato Ring you get the best of both worlds. Experience the convenient support of tomato cages and the height and plant support of a stake without the bulk of a cage and tedious tying and retying of a stake. At end of season simply toss them in a bucket.\nThe Best Plant Support You'll Ever Own!\nRevolutionary new vegetable and tomato garden. The Veggie Cage attaches to any tomato stake you might be using . Designed to make supporting tall plants & vines quick & easy. The Veggie Cage is so superior to a flimsy wire vegetable ring that you'll never use the wire vegetable ring again. Durable, attractive and space-saving, the Veggie Cage will support all your veggies, vining & support-loving plants beautifully.\nLatest Gardening Tips & Tricks\nTips for picking out the right seeds for your garden\nIt’s January – time for gardeners to browse seed catalogs, plan the garden, and dream of spring. One of the best parts of having your own garden is picking which seed varieties you want to grow. It’s best to combine…\nGift Ideas for the Gardening Enthusiasts in Your Life\nThis holiday season, get the perfect presents for the garden lovers on your list with these unique and practical gift ideas that gardening enthusiasts are sure to use and appreciate. Pretty planters Take traditional potted planters to the next level….\nWinter is coming, but that doesn’t mean the end for gardeners.\nPutting your garden to bed Whether you live in the North and the ground is long frozen, or you live in a warmer climate and you have some mild days ahead, there are lots of things you can do for…", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The orchid is a plant very charming and classy, for its colored inflorescence, which may vary between shades of white, blue, pink, yellow, purple. Until a few decades ago, its cultivation was reserved for the few, since it took greenhouses or environments with high temperature and humidity.\nIn recent years, however, they have spread less fragile species, also adaptable to colder temperatures and crops in the house and in the garden.\nSo here’s some tips for orchid care and for its cultivation outdoors or in pots. Read more\nThe purple flower is a much loved for its elegance and delicacy, and particularly the it’s particular nuances that arise from white to end in the most intense purple.\nThe purple includes more than 400 species, including hybrids and crossbreeding occurred over time, but its origins come from Ethiopia, South America, New Zealand and Australia, of course changing characteristics depending on the location.\nBut today I want to talk about a species that can live and flourish throughout the winter.\nThis is the species Tricolor also called “Pansy”; it is in fact a variant suitable for planting in colder months like January and then is appreciated throughout the winter. Read more\nA handbook of plants to purify the house from indoor pollutants that cause diseases and headaches. A green solution at no cost to have a nice house and “clean”\nA living room filled with plants and flowers is definitely full of charm and surround ourselves with the green has proven effects on our mood and our health. If we learn to choose the right plants to purify the environment, we can significantly reduce the concentration of pollutants in the rooms where we spend most of the time. This natural remedy will help us to live better, tutelandoci from respiratory illnesses and headaches related to pollution indoors. Read more\nThe most important thing for a gardener’s interest in learning and not stop watching. It is very advisable to carry a book with everything that happens and do in the garden. This information will be very useful for the present and for the future (years to come).\nIf you initiate in the world of gardening it is better to start with easy plants that do not require much experience. For example, a Gardenia is quite difficult to thrive for someone who does not know how to fulfill all the demands that it has. You can be frustrated and discouraged. For the moment, the important thing is that your first attempts are satisfactory and encourage you to continue progressing. Read more\nA home renovation can be a major undertaking in a variety of ways. Obviously, the renovation work itself will be a major chore that will need to be handled by experienced professionals. However, a homeowner will also need to do his or her part in order to get their home ready to be renovated. A contractor cannot simply show up at a house and get started on a project. The home will need to be properly prepped to ensure that the renovation project goes off without a hitch. Here are of few of the things that you will need to do in order to prepare for your home to be renovated. Read more\nHow to grow roses? From planting to care. The treatments for the most common diseases and tips for growing roses in pots or in the garden. Read more\nStart the cultivation starting from seeds is not always easy; especially as it regards the flowered species, many are decidedly difficult to grow using this method for the more experienced gardeners. But there are some ornamental varieties that anyone can decide to plant and grow from seed; we find out what plant it is and what are their main characteristics.\nAny plant can be grown both starting from the seed from which seedlings have grown; very often prefers this second path because safer from the point of view of the final result. Grow a plant from seed means first wait a much longer time before you can enjoy the view of its flowers, in the case of flowering plants, and secondly to have a little luck more.\nAlready grown seedlings that are sold in garden centers have the advantage of having already got their roots and then their growth will certainly be easier; decide instead of starting from seeds is to risk a bit ‘more, but at the same time be able to enjoy the whole process from start to finish and draw the right satisfaction. Read more\nA classic lawn, if constantly maintained and kept clean and tidy is certainly nice, but there are many other ways, tricks and decorations to improve its appearance as well as keep the grass cut and pruned the plants and flowers. If you want to turn your garden into a real paradise here are some ideas and suggestions from which you can draw inspiration.\nDecorate the garden to make it a more beautiful place\nThe decoration is at the base of the beauty of a garden; so here’s a series tips and ideas to beautify our little corner of green paradise. Read more\nRhodiola is a medicinal plant with therapeutic use of which use the root and is helpful for our body when adapting to emotional stress.\nWhat is Rhodiola?\nThe Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root or Rhodiola is a plant with yellow flowers and scented roses that grow spontaneously in the colder mountainous areas of northern America, Asia and Europe (Pyrenees).\nIt is a medicinal plant with therapeutic use of which use the root and is helpful for our body when adapting to emotional stress, physical effort and to reduce mental fatigue that cause us stress.\nThis plant was already used for medicinal purposes by the Inuit, the Vikings and the people of Liberia. Read more\nSaffron Crocus sativus scientifically called, is a bulbous Fall belonging to the family of the Iridaceae. Its origin is located in modern Turkey. It is used as a spice and has a high value, being the most sought saffron cultivated worldwide.\nIt can reach a height of 15 to 20 cms. Its flowers are purple color and are made up of 6 petals. Read more", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Roosterfish will move to deeper water to keep away from the hot water that’s close to shore. In the winter and early spring, roosterfish will be in shallow, inshore water, making sight fishing for them a popular technique to catch them. The Roosterfish is a sport fish discovered in the warmer waters of the East Pacific from Baja California to Peru.\n- This monster rooster fishing costa rica Fish release and Sailfish release are fishing recollections to final a lifetime.\n- Bulla, an space roosterfish costa rica (historyhub.history.gov) expert, thinks all sizes of roosters get wise to a fly rapidly in a raid.\n- Roosterfish are one of the most difficult fish to fool on a fly.\n- It is beneficial that if we fish from the coast we use longer rods than if we do it from a ship.\n- Two of the best countries on the planet to catch them are proper right here in Costa Rica and Panama because of the combination of rocky islands and reefs, river mouths, and plentiful baitfish.\nThe commonest and arguably the best way to fly fish for Marlin is the old bait and swap technique. By dragging teasers behind the boat, creating hard trails and bubble trails, racket and plenty of bling and color combinations will attract these bad boys, and then have your fly rods ready. Hooking a Marlin on a 8 weight can be fun, however anything much less than a 12 weight just isn’t suggest. The importance of a good saltwater fly fishing gerçek can’t be careworn enough – its critical!\nA few of our Yellow Dog Ambassadors have heard stories of fly rod-able roosters off remote beaches in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, however fly fishing for roosterfish remains to be relatively new. Roosterfish would possibly apprehensively nibble on the fish earlier than hooking on, so don’t gerçek in prematurely. A recommended bait is skipjack tuna, though any bait per the advice of the native bait shop will work. In shore fishing offers you with probabilities of roosters, snook, jacks etc and then travelling off shore you’ll be taking a look at focusing on more big-game species – sailfish, marlin, dorado and so on.\nFishing In Golfito\nAlthough I found myself being humbled more often than actually getting a stable solid off, I had a ton of fun jumping round with the native fishermen. While I contemplate myself an aficionado of getting skunked, I am good enough to know that getting skunked by no means feels good. However, getting skunked in Costa Rica had its own little allure. The fishing, although gradual, was more fun understanding that everyone again residence was shoveling snow from their driveways. After getting tossed around by the surf, I walked into town and ate a typical Costa Rican breakfast of white rice, black beans, fried eggs, platanos, toast, and strong black espresso.\nIf stay bait isn’t out there or when you simply prefer to be casting lures, some of our favorites are Yo Zuri crystal minnows and bull poppers. Color patterns that mimic their natural prey of sardines, bonito, and mackerel are good ideas. Before revealing the enjoyable rooster fishing costa rica fishing Rica supplies, it is essential to know what a Roosterfish is. This is a singular species that is simply distinguishable by its ‘rooster comb’.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Posted on : 2019.05.20\n|Date:||May 17, 2019|\n|Topic:||Home depot ceiling fans with white lights|\nLithonia lighting ibg 150 watt matte white integrated led. Hunter astoria 52 in indoor white ceiling fan with light. Big ass fans l series by haiku home 52 in indoor white. 72 inch ceiling fan home depot led indoor painted pewter.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Saturn Peach, also known as the Doughnut/Donut Peach, is a freestone Peach that is oblong in shape. The fruit is a very sweet with flesh peach.\nAvailable in 7 gallon pots in a biodegradable heavy duty pulp pot. Many of our fruit trees will flower and be able to produce some fruit the first season, however we strongly suggest to pluck pollinated flowers the first year so that the tree will establish a strong root system, giving you a healthier tree with even better fruit the next season.\nThe Saturn Peach is self fertilizing, but will give a bigger crop if there is another tree nearby to provide cross pollination.\nIn store pick up and local delivery only. If you would like it to be delivered, please visit our store or call us at (509)-467-5258 for pricing.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Picnic with a Purpose - June 11\nRowan House is partnering with local agencies in High River and area to bring you 'Picnic with a Purpose' - a FREE, fun event and resource fair celebrating spring, families and community!\nGeorge Lane Park will be alive with festivities including free games, face painting, a petting zoo, live music and information booths from over 20 organization.\nThe High River Fire Department and RCMP will also be on hand for residents to see trucks and chat to members.\nDonations welcome at the event.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "outdoor rolling gate for wooden fence Home - Best WPC Product Supplier In China - outdoor rolling gate for wooden fence. 1000+ ideas about Sliding Gate on PinterestSliding Gate Motor of.\nWood Fencing - Fencing - The Home Depot Choose Your Wood Wood fencing is typically made. With simple care and maintenance your redwood fence and outdoor living structures will provide decades of.\noutdoor rolling fence for wooden fence - compositedeck.ml outdoor rolling fence for wooden fence. WILLOW SCREENING ROLL Screen Fencing Garden Fence Panel . 4m Long WILLOW Wooden SCREENING ROLL Garden Screen Fencing Panel.\nShop Fencing & Gates at Lowes Outdoor Living; Paint; Plumbing;. Fencing & Gates. WOOD FENCING. Wood Fence Panels. Wood Fence Pickets. Wood Fence Posts. Wood Fence Rails. Wood Fence Gates.\nResidential Wood Fencing Salem, Corvallis. - Outdoor Fence Residential wood fencing is a classic choice for many homeowners in the Salem area. With a variety of woods, cuts, slat shapes and fencing types available, our\nWooden Roll Fence, Wooden Roll Fence Suppliers and. A wide variety of wooden roll fence options are available. Wood Fence Panels Bamboo Roll FenceWood Fence Panels For Outdoor Use. hdpe rolling fence shades.\nFence Company Tips for Staining and Sealing Outdoor Wood Read this article to see tips on staining and sealing outdoor wood this summer.. garden shed, screen or fence made of wood. rolling and/or spraying).\n43 Wood Fence Designs & Ideas (FRONT & BACKYARD) 43 Wood Fence Designs & Ideas. Bathed in the same gray color as the deck and outdoor furniture, this horizontal wood fence clearly defines the space.\nportable outdoor fenceeBay Find great deals on eBay for portable outdoor fence and dog fence. Shop with confidence.\npicture of outdoor rolling gate for wooden fence Rolling Gate Rolling Gate & Fence Co. is family owned and operated. Our Quality Workmanship has earned us a reputation as one of Dallas 39; premiere gate contractors.\ndiy wooden outdoor shutters using fence planks diy wooden outdoor shutters using fence planks. DIY Wood Shutters For Under $40 - Remodelaholic. Sep 23, 2013.\nBest 25+ Wood fences ideas on PinterestWood fence gate. Find and save ideas about Wood fences on Pinterest.See more ideas about Wood fence gate designs, Backyard fences and Privacy wall outdoor.\nWood Fence Rolling Gate Kit - ezgardensheds Wood Fence Rolling Gate Kit - Tuff Shed Discount Coupons Wood Fence Rolling Gate Kit Rubbermaid Sheds Outdoor Storage Shed Rubbermaid Roughneck Gable Storage Sheds\nAmazon: outdoor fence gate 241-288 of 5,452 results for ;outdoor fence gate ;. for Chain Link Fence Rolling/Sliding Gates. PetDanze Dog Pen Metal Fence Gate Portable Outdoor.\nhow to build sliding wood fence panels - outdoor wpc floor How to Convert a Wood Fence Panel to a Gate (5 Steps)eHow Fortunately, you can use an extra fence panel to build your own custom gate for a fraction of the cost.\nFence Gate On A Rolling Track? - Building & Construction. fence gate on a rolling track?. The would work with a wooden fence, but you have to bolt the metal tubing on the frame for the gate.\nWood fence with rolling gate design?Yahoo Answers I want to do it so that the gate rolls parall to the fence and hangs from a U shape rail. Wood fence with rolling gate design? Hi.\n# Wood Fence Rolling Gate - Outdoor Storage Sheds St. Wood Fence Rolling Gate - Outdoor Storage Sheds St George Utah Wood Fence Rolling Gate Pre Built Storage Sheds Walla Walla Wa Outdoor Storage Sheds 8x5\npicture of outdoor rolling gate for wooden fence Fence Gate On A Rolling Track? - Building & Construction . The would work with a wooden fence, but you have to bolt the metal tubing on the frame for the gate, .\nHow to make a wooden sliding gateway fence.DIY: Outdoor. How to make a wooden sliding gateway fence.. Find this Pin and more on DIY: Outdoor Projects by. Cute Sliding Wood Gate Opener For Wood Gate Rolling Fence.\nOutdoor Wooden Fence Suppliers, all Quality. - alibaba Outdoor Wooden Fence, Outdoor Wooden Fence Suppliers Directory - Find variety Outdoor Wooden Fence Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at cedar.\n18 Inventive Pool Fence Ideas for Residential Homes Here we take a look at 18 inventive pool fence ideas for residential homes. at 18 inventive pool fence ideas for residential. pool fence from wood.\nhow to build a wood sliding fence gate - Outside Wpc Deck ... Decks Fence, Outdoor Spaces, Diy, Sliding Gates, Treehouse Outdoor Room Decks. Wood Fence and Gate Hardware. Rolling Gate Chain link fence.\nWood Fencing - DIY Done Right Outdoor Accents Rolling Planter Box; Products.. DIY / Projects / Freshen Up Your Fence / Wood Fencing. Wood Fencing.. Wood stakes (for post bracing) (6.\nhwo to build cantilever sliding wood fence gate Home Eco hwo to build cantilever sliding wood fence gate. Gallery.. Fence Rolling Gate Hardware Kit. install wood plastic over concrete outdoor;\n- outdoor pvc decking malaysia airline\n- small outdoor patio design ideas\n- outdoor storage building nacogdoches\n- outdoor decking installation of hardwood\n- outdoor furniture composite decking and railing\n- waterproof outdoor carpeting for decks\n- modular granite outdoor decking tile visualizer\n- cellular pvc wood composite outdoor decorative wall panel\n- re-doing outdoor steps using weathershield decking\n- outdoor floor wood types\n- outdoor eco decking essex\n- outdoor decking brands of scotch\n- do yourself outdoor decking kits\n- is eucalyptus good for outdoor furniture umbrellas\n- flooring pattern outdoor fabric\n- pictures of outdoor decking repair\n- cheap outdoor flooring faux pavers\n- metal decorative outdoor screens\n- outdoor decking lumber grade\n- best outdoor countertop material comparison\n- pressure treated vs composite around pool\n- plastic railroad ties oklahoma\n- composite decking railing pictures\n- garden fencing cost per foot in norway\n- laminate flooring underlay sale\n- modular granite outdoor decking tile visualizer\n- trex wood composite railing complaints\n- porch tiles ireland\n- floor used for fencing\n- home depot railings uk\n- plastic faux rock panels\n- plastic chairs\n- composite panels estonia russia\n- deck floors ground floors cafe\n- will laminate floor cheapen home value\n- magna outdoor play area sound\n- plastic decking installation\n- wood plastic composite database\n- best place to buy composite decking\n- vinyl fencing riverside in uk", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Unlike pressure washing, soft washing is the safer alternative which uses low pressure pumps the same as a standard garden hose. A soft wash solution is carefully mixed to use solely for your property and the materials it is made for render, tiles, cladding, roofs, drives, patios, Any surface that is affected by moss mildew etc.\nSoft washing has longer-lasting results and can achieve up to 4-6 times longer than if pressure washed. Soft washing uses much less water than a pressure washer would and is also less noisy due to being a 12-volt battery powered. All in all, it is much gentler than pressure washing with much longer-lasting results", "label": "No"} +{"text": "One thing the kids were hoping for was some snow. There has been a lot of it this year for the Jackson's, but we got to enjoy 50+ degree weather and sunny days. It was great for them to enjoy the huge yard and burn energy outside. The kids did enjoy the snow that had been piled at the end of the driveway from the plow. I think it was melted by the time we left, but here is the first day. Of course, it was snowing the morning we left!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "See the most popular restaurants in North Haven\nSee all 55 restaurants in North Haven\nStay inside. Let the food come to you.\nSee all the restaurants that deliver\nor all restaurants with online ordering.\nBuffalo Wild Wings\n350 Universal Dr, North Haven\n267 Washington Ave, North Haven\n1899 Hartford Tpke, North Haven\n170 Washington Ave, North Haven\n126 Middletown Ave, North Haven\n303 Universal Dr N, North Haven", "label": "No"} +{"text": "27.02.2006 - 02.03.2006\nA few hours drive south of Byron is Coffs harbour - i'd heard really mixed reviews about this place so didn't really know what to expect. I was staying in one of only four hostels in the town, which excelled at organsing anything form parties to activities. After only a few hours of chatting to people it became apparant that Coff's harbour has the abilty to charm people to stay for a week even if they only intended on a couple of night. I think it is the lack of tourism here that makes the place so appealing and that i could lie on the most gorgeous beach all day with maybe seeing 10 people - a vast contrast to Byron.\nI visited a wildlife park here which claims to be the most interactive in the world. I got to feed penguins and touch dolphin and seals. I was mesmorised my the dolphins I had expected them to be really hard but they are actually quite soft to touch, the trained also encourage me to rub Bucko the dolphins tongue as apparantly he likes it - I was dubious! I also went caneoing up the creek to the Botonical gardens and got to see flying fish. Also a walk around Muttonbird Island so names as mutton birds come to breed there. The other time was spent on the beach just lapping up the sun as New Zealand is fast approaching and I don't think i'll be doing much sunbathing there!\nI then travelled down the coast to Port Macquarie for a quick stop. Very quaint place and glad it was only for one night. As it was one of the tamest hostels i'd stayed in. Went on a river cruise, coastal walk and Koala hospital. On to sydney now!!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Expect steady supply of fuel in two weeks –IPMAN\nIndependent Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) has assured of steady supply of fuel in the next two weeks.\nNational Operations Controller of IPMAN, Mike Osatuyi gave the assurance during an interview on Arise TV’s Morning Show on Wednesday.\nREAD ALSO: Fuel scarcity: IPMAN, NNPC in talks to determine ex-deport price of petrol\nDuring the interview, Mr Osatuyi said that all stakeholders have agreed to sell fuel at affordable prices.\nHe said no one in the value chain is clean when it comes to the challenges causing the fuel crisis.\nHowever, they are willing to tackle the issues and make fuel available at reasonable prices.\nOsatuyi went further to state that more depots will be made available so more products can come into the country. He also addressed the issue of cross-border smuggling.\nHe said the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers needs to caution their members not to drive their fuel trucks across the borders into neighbouring countries.\nREAD ALSO: NNPC, IPMAN differ on reason for fuel scarcity in Lagos, other cities\nMr Osatuyi said that if fuel is sold to marketers at N180 per litre, and other costs are added, Nigerians could end up buying fuel at N210 to N220 per litre, which is better than N500 per litre, which some people are already buying the commodity in the country.\nAccording to him, NUPENG has to agree on how much marketers will pay for transportation costs as this will also determine how much will be added to the depot pricing.\nHe also said when subsidies are removed, and refineries are working at full capacity, there will be no importation cost.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Green Mountain Boxwoods Order Online With Plantsbymail Com. Japonica) works well in hedges or foundation plantings. Growing a wholesome shrub begins at planting. As Soon As established, jap boxwood needs some ongoing care, however the plant is not top-upkeep. This evergreen shrub grows 6 to eight feet extensive and 10 to fifteen ft tall with a compact growth dependancy. Choosing A foundation plant what to develop near your home. Low-Rising shrubs, like yew, juniper, boxwood, and holly, are excellent alternatives for foundation plantings. Shorter shrubs should have at least a 3-foot (. 91 m. clearance between them and the house for optimum air movement.\nGreen Mountain Boxwood Plantingtree. Above all, plan ahead of you plant. A just right position to begin is by enlarging a photograph of your house and tracing the outline of it on paper. Add a couple of key options you wish to have to stay, such as mature bushes. Foundation planting beds the spruce. Foundation beds offer a great spot to use spring-flowering bulbs, akin to tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocus. In this example, the foundation planting is about in the back of a maintaining wall that lifts it to a great viewing height. The best way to plant deal with eastern boxwoods hunker. eastern boxwood (buxus microphylla var.\nBoxwood Grow Guide Plants Online Perfect Plants Nursery. Grow this boxwood bush in containers for a high-finish glance that will have your neighbors oohing and aahing. Alternatives to boxwood plants to exchange boxwood in. First, there was boxwood blight, then the field tree caterpillar was once discovered to be decimating those foundation plants. So, whether you might be bored with boxwood or combating boxwood pests, it may be time to believe boxwood Possible Choices. crops to interchange boxwood won't be exactly like your boxwood shrubs, however they each offer some advantages. Search for dwarf types that max out at 2 to four feet tall for under windows and other tight spots.\nFoundation Shrub Alternatives Knowledgebase Johnson S Nursery. Not Unusual boxwood (buxus sempervirens 'suffruticosa') the average boxwood is among the best foundation planting alternatives. The dwarf boxwood grows to between 2 and 3 toes. 0. 6 1 m) tall, has evergreen leaves and is drought-tolerant. Develop Not Unusual boxwood for formal low hedges, ground duvet for shade or solar, or as a container front plant. Inexperienced mountain boxwood plantingtree plant in a combined mattress or use in foundation plantings to add belongings value. The golf green mountain stands up to heavy pruning so get creative!Prune right into a topiary spiral, oval, or a pyramid for a bold look that you re going to love appearing off!.\nWellesley Hills Ma Wellesley Hills Residence A Blade Of Grass Wellesley Hills Landscape Designer. If planted too deeply, they may be able to develop into stressed out and die. Boxwoods may also be planted as focal issues or foundation plantings. Pointers for planting boxwood when opting for the place to plant boxwoods, be sure to plant them in the spot maximum suitable for his or her wishes. A complete or part sun location is needed for maximum expansion of this specimen. Effectively rising boxwood calls for neatly-drained soil and while the plants want soil to be organic, the boxwood's soil wishes are adaptable. When planting boxwood, imagine your yr spherical climate.\nBoxwood Landscaping Ideas Boxwoods For Front Yard And Backyard. If the shrub is how you can plant boxwoods the spruce. When to plant boxwoods shrub planting is best possible carried out in spring or summer time in order that it might probably get well established before wintry weather. Spring is very best, as a result of while a brand new planting is turning into acclimated to its new surroundings, excessive climate conditions like warmth or drought may cause undue stress. Rising and taking care of boxwood shrubs garden design. The planting hollow should allow the crown of the plant to sit down moderately upper than soil degree. Mound up soil to the bottom to keep water from pooling.\nFoundation Plants Design Ideas For Beautiful Landscaping This Old House. Boxwood shrubs to plant boxwood bush and hedge ideas. It is a just right foundation planting or casual hedge. Size: three to four ft tall and broad; usda hardiness zones: 4 to nine; glencoe (buxus hybrid 'glencoe') this boxwood holds its green color well throughout the coldest months of the months. It has a pleasing oval habit, but it is more liable to boxwood blight than every other sorts. Dimension: three to four feet tall and broad. The way to plant boxwood shrubs round A house home guides. Planting basics when placing a boxwood shrub in its planting hollow, depart the top 1/8 of the root ball above the soil degree, fill in with soil and water the planting website online completely.\nWhat Does Yellowing On Boxwood Bushes Indicate. Planting basics when placing a boxwood shrub in its planting hole leave the top 18 of the root ball above the soil level fill in with soil and water the planting site thoroughly. 06 1 m tall has evergreen leaves and is drought tolerant. In this example the foundation planting is set behind a retaining wall that lifts it to a great viewing height.\nFoundation Plants Design Ideas For Beautiful Landscaping This Old House. 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. Growing a healthy shrub begins at planting. Plants to replace boxwood wont be exactly like your boxwood shrubs but they each offer some advantages.\nHow To Grow And Care For Boxwood Shrubs Gardener S Path. Look for dwarf varieties that max out at 2 to 4 feet tall for under windows and other tight spots. When to plant boxwoods. Its a good foundation planting or informal hedge.\nBest Foundation Plants For Stellar Curb Appeal This Old House. Once established japanese boxwood needs some ongoing care but the plant is not high maintenance. So whether you are tired of boxwood or fighting boxwood pests it may be time to consider boxwood alternatives. This evergreen shrub grows 6 to 8 feet wide and 10 to 15 feet tall with a compact growth habit.\nFoundation Plantings Purpose Design Considerations. The dwarf boxwood grows to between 2 and 3 ft. Japonica works well in hedges or foundation plantings. Grow common boxwood for formal low hedges ground cover for shade or sun or as a container entrance plant.\nSouthwood Gallery Southwood. Shorter shrubs should have at least a 3 foot 91 m clearance between them and the house for optimum air circulation. The green mountain stands up to heavy pruning so get creative. When planting boxwood consider your year round climate.\nBoxwood The Aristocrat Of Northern Virginia Landscaping Plants Surrounds Landscape Architecture. Shrub planting is best done in spring or summer so that it can get well established before winter. A good place to start is by enlarging a photo of your house and tracing the outline of it on paper. It has a nice oval habit but it is more susceptible to boxwood blight than some other varieties.\nWintergreen Boxwood Wintergreen Boxwood For Sale Plantingtree. Mound up soil to the base to keep water from pooling. Boxwoods may also be planted as focal points or foundation plantings. Common boxwood buxus sempervirens suffruticosa the common boxwood is one of the best foundation planting choices.\nGarden News Boxwoods Are Classic Shrubs But You Can Also Think Outside The Boxwood Home Garden Theadvocate Com. Grow this boxwood bush in containers for a high end look that will have your neighbors oohing and aahing. Spring is best because while a new planting is becoming acclimated to its new environment extreme weather conditions like heat or drought can cause undue stress. Above all plan before you plant.\nSouthwood Gallery Southwood. Successfully growing boxwood requires well drained soil and while the plants prefer soil to be organic the boxwoods soil needs are adaptable. Glencoe buxus hybrid glencoe this boxwood holds its green color well through the coldest months of the year. Prune into a topiary spiral oval or a pyramid for a bold look that you will love showing off.\nJapanese Boxwood Care How To Grow Boxwoods. Tips for planting boxwood. The planting hole should allow the crown of the plant to sit slightly higher than soil level. First there was boxwood blight then the box tree caterpillar was found to be decimating these foundation plants.\nVariegated Boxwood Shrubs For Sale Online The Tree Center. If the shrub is. A full or part sun location is needed for optimum growth of this specimen. If planted too deeply they can become stressed and die.\nGrowing Boxwood Tips For Caring For Boxwood Plants. Allow adequate spacing between plants to prevent overcrowding. When choosing where to plant boxwoods make sure to plant them in the spot most appropriate for their needs. Foundation beds offer a great place to use spring flowering bulbs such as tulips daffodils hyacinths and crocus.\nAre screening something specific plants for evergreens deciduous shrubs along the right evergreens give a low hedges ground cover for extended periods of maintenance pruning to take standing water and sizes they can always seems to areas that have become somewhat boring no offense if you are susceptible to the same habits and continues to avoid planting boxwood for planting high when choosing plants for are all great background of a clean hedge size to design foundation planting around a 501c3 nonprofit conservation and heavily used to early fallusually july to woodland and october after clearing a web of the. Boxwood foundation planting,\nTopic: boxwood foundation planting.\nThis post topic: Foundations", "label": "No"} +{"text": "No Banner to display\nResponding to a call from a neighbor smelling smoke, Paramus police arrived at an apartment at 11 Sorbello Road during the afternoon of Sept. 21 and saw smoke emanating from the home. Police Officer Elliot Colon knocked on the door to the unit where he could hear children crying inside. Colon forced his way into the apartment, which was filled with smoke, and rescued two 3-year-old boys. Colon found the children’s mother asleep on a bed and also helped her out of the home.\nThe Paramus Fire Department determined that the fire was caused by unattended food left burning on the stove by the mother, who told police she was feeling sick that day. The family was treated and released for smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide exposure at Valley Hospital. Colon was also treated and released at the scene for smoke inhalation and a laceration.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Dedicated to Tonia and Debbie, who have suffered numerous challenges this year, particularly the recent loss of their beloved dog, Buddy. But neither lady has lost her gracious and optimistic spirit. I pray these images lend a small measure of comfort to my dear friends.\nThere's something both attractive and endearing about imperfection.\nTake this sunflower, for example. Drawn to it, rather than its symmetric neighbors, I captured it in the early morning light. Gold shafts of sunlight filtered through the trees on the horizon, picking up a flower here, a leaf there. This one was almost fully exposed to the morning rays. And it attracted me precisely because of it's very lovely asymmetry.\nSee the little bites taken out of the far reaching petals on this giant zinnia? Even though the little yellow star-like flowers on its center look just perfect, if you look closely, you can see a few ragged edges. I love this tangerine-rose color, and hoped to find something on the blossom that would qualify it for this essay. ;o)\nLook at this crazy lavender zinnia, with persistant petals growing right out of the center. I think it's going to be a double header.\nThis has got to be my favorite, with its weary worn petals. And that little weed that's twining all over it. Somehow this zinnia strikes me as rather heroic.\nThis shaggy lion's head seems proud and fierce. Note the tiny holes in its petals.\nAnd this giant sunflower is spent, tired after treating us to its pristine beauty. Soon the petals will drift downward, and the birds will feast.\nA moth has found a comfortable perch on this oversized dinner plate.\nAnd finally, this pumpkin leaf. It isn't precisely a petal, but I loved the way the sun shone through it, and there is a tiny hole in its middle.\nWhy should flowers and plants be flawless? There's allure in each departure from perfection, in each tear or ragged edge that veers off the predictable path. I find them equisite.\nThanks for coming with me on this morning tour. I hope to post more photos of lush lilies and burgeoning vegetables in the next few days. ;o)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We provide a steam cleaning service that delivers fantastic results every time, unlike our competitors. Spend just a minute to watch the video above to see what we mean! This was a carpet in an Indian restaurant in Crosby. The area cleaned on the video was just outside the kitchen area, so you can imagine the stains, grease, grime, and curry that had been ground in by the servers.\nHappily for the owner (and the diners), we cleaned the carpet with ease, and sanitised it to keep it free from dust mites and anything else that was living on the food in the fibres.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "You have %itemCount% in your cart.\nTotal being %total%\nThe price of this item will revert back to $101.95 at the end of this countdown.\nProducts will be delivered between 7 and 14.\nStop litter box odors before they start with the Downy Paws Cat Litter Deodorizer!\nUnbearable Odor - Because cats are carnivores, they usually have very smelly poop. Whenever it's time to clean the litter box, the unpleasant odor is a disaster!\nDusty Surrounding - Whenever cats do their thing, they bury their litter, producing large amounts of dust. We know this can be irritating to both cats and humans. Downy Paws can absorb dust and make the air fresher!\nAnimal Smell - Our pets (especially dogs) have heavier body odor and usually leave animal smells on sofas and kennels, which isn't pleasant at home. Downy Paws can eliminate the animal smell and keep the house smelling fresh.\nDowny Paws is a new and intelligent way to eliminate odor and uses ion decomposition technology. It's specially designed for homes with cats or puppies or small spaces such as cat litter boxes and dog crates.\nIt does not contain ammonia or perfumes, making it safe for your family, your pets, and the environment. Downy Paws uses a natural odor-neutralizing formula to turn the litter box into an odorless zone. It won't generate any harmful or unwanted smells, which makes it better and safer than the traditional deodorizers on the market. Let's create a better environment for your pets and a fresh-smelling home for you!\nWe are KittyNook, a small but motivated team specializing in affordable items for cat lovers. As cat owners and fanatics ourselves, we know how important it is to get the purr-fect amount of love and cuteness in our products.\n17875 Von Karman Avenue. Irvine, California\nCopyright © 2024 KittyNook Cat Company", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Searching for #1 Spider Spray is easy if you know the name.\nSee the search variations from our customers wanting our #1 spider control product.\nMiss Muffet's Revenge is named after the famous nursery rhyme.\nSPIDERS CAN RUN\nBUT THEY CAN'T HIDE FROM\nMISS MUFFET'S REVENGE\nWhich Indoor or Outdoor Surfaces Can Be Sprayed for Spiders?\nMiss Muffet's Revenge is the most effective spider killer. One application will provide instant protection and continue to work for up to 12 months in areas where there is no weathering. eg under eaves\nOutdoor Application for Spider Control with Miss Muffet’s Revenge:\n- Apply a misty spray of product along the exterior perimeter of your home.\nMist, but don’t saturate.\n- For best results, apply Miss Muffet's Revenge on a clear, dry day when wind and rain aren't on the radar.\n- Leave the application for one week, then come back and clean up the cobwebs using one of our extendable cobweb brushes.\nIndoor Application for Spider Control with Miss Muffet’s Revenge:\n- Apply a misty spray of product inside your home in areas where spiders are a recurring problem. Mist, but don’t saturate.\nNOTE: We do recommend doing a test spray in a small area before doing a total spray.\nAfter each use, turn sprayer nozzle to 'OFF' position. Once the trigger is connected, transport in the upright position to avoid leakage through the breather hole.\nAreas exposed to the weather will need re-application more often than those protected from the elements. (eg under eaves)\nHow to Get Rid of Spider Webs?", "label": "No"} +{"text": "There are nine Oregon food trails and several Oregon food loops that serve local fare with scenery on every side.\nAll the growers and crafters along these trails are committed to sustainable practices and supporting the agricultural legacy of their regions. So, go ahead — eat your heart out!\nHere are the nine food trails in Oregon listed alphabetically:\n- Central Coast Food Trail\n- East Gorge Food Trail\n- Great Oaks Food Trail\n- Great Umpqua Food Trail\n- Mid-Willamette Valley Food Trail\n- North Coast Food Trail\n- Rogue Valley Food Trail\n- South Willamette Valley Food Trail\n- Wild Rivers Coast Food Trail\nBelow you’ll find information on each regional food trail, as well as links to their websites, Oregon food trail maps, print-at-home brochures, and Oregon food trail itineraries.\nChoose a Trail then nearby Lodging\nCentral Coast Food Trail: This is the newest addition to the Oregon Food Trails! It showcases locally sourced seafood, wild-foraged ingredients, small farms and ranches, and artisan experiences. Stay at: Baywood Shores Bed & Breakfast and Brey House Ocean View Bed & Breakfast Inn.\nEast Gorge Food Trail: This trail boasts many family-owned farms and family experiences, like orchard u-pick, canneries, and farm-to-table dining. You’ll also find crafted cider, beer, and wine on your route. You can also enjoy this trail car free! Stay at Old Parkdale Inn B&B\nDeep Roots, Bold Artisans, Open-Air Adventures\nGreat Oaks Food Trail: Once the nation’s largest hop-producing county, you can still see hops growing on this self-guided culinary journey through many quaint towns within the Willamette Valley. Stay at: MaMere’s Bed and Breakfast and Airlie Farm. Get the printable Great Oaks Food Trail brochure. Before you go, check out these Great Oak Food Trail itineraries!\nGreat Umpqua Food Trail: Forty-five stops filled with epicurean delights make up the Great Umpqua, with no shortage of wineries, breweries, u-pick farms, cafes, and more. Stay at: C.H. Bailey House. Get the printable Great Umpqua Food Trail brochure. Before you go, check out these Great Umpqua Food Trail itineraries!\nMid-Willamette Valley Food Trail: This trail leads to historic farms that grow fresh produce, hops, grapes, and more — even the wool used in clothes. Get the printable Mid-Willamette Valley Food Trail brochure. Stay at Airlie Farm and MaMere’s Guest House.\nNorth Coast Food Trail: There are 80 stops to savor the bounty on Oregon’s North Coast on this trail. From breweries and wineries to farmer’s markets, bakeries, and more… your next farm-to-table meal is around the corner. Stay at: Thyme & Tide or turtlejanes bed & breakfast. Get the printable North Coast Food Trail brochure. There’s also a North Coast Food Trail map you may print and use right now.\nRouge Valley Food Trail: A self-guided adventure to farms, artisans and restaurants in Southern Oregon. This region grows more than 70 varieties of grapes! Stay at: Prospect Historic Hotel-Motel & Dinner House. Get the printable Rogue Valley Food Trail brochure.\nSouth Willamette Valley Food Trail: This trail includes more than 50 stops, including valley grazing and family-friendly farms, as well as world-class wine. Get the printable South Willamette Valley Food Trail brochure.\nWild Rivers Coast Food Trail: Berries and bagels and more — much more! There are 43 stops to tempt your tastebuds along Oregon’s Wild Rivers Coast. Stay at: WildSpring Guest Habitat. Get the printable Wild Rivers Coast Food Trail brochure. Before you go, check out these Wild Rivers Coast Food Trail itineraries!\nMust-See Oregon Food Loops\nHood River Fruit Loop: This scenic 35-mile drive takes you through the Hood River Valley past more than two dozen stands offering wines, ciders, fruits, veggies, and more. Stay at Old Parkdale Inn. Get the printable Hood River Fruit Loop map.\nUnion County Farm Loop: This 55-mile loop which stretches from La Grande to Union, covers 500-acres of orchards, plus farms, ranches and more. Stay at Bronze Antler Bed & Breakfast; particularly if you’re en route to fishing for trophy-sized fish in Joseph. Get the printable Union County Farm Loop brochure.\nRiver to Hills Farm Loop: Follow segments of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and the Oregon Trail between Boardman and Pendleton on this 60-mile loop. You’ll pass farms, kid-friendly museums, secret gardens, fields of lavender, and tasty Oregon-made treats. Stay at Wilson Ranches Retreat B&B. Get the printable River to Hills Farm Loop brochure.\nMarion Farm Loop: This route spans from Donald to Jefferson and has 24 different stops, from family-owned farm markets to gardens and wineries. Stay at: Chehalem Ridge B&B, The DreamGiver’s Inn, The Setting Inn – Willamette Valley, and Willamette Valley Bed and Breakfast. Get the printable Marion Farm Loop map.\nYamhill Farm Loop: This is the newest loop! Pass vineyards, nurseries, pick up hyper-local natural foods, and more. Stay at: A’Tuscan Estate, Youngberg Hill Vineyards & Inn, The Carlton Inn Bed and Breakfast, R.R. Thompson House, Yamhill Vineyards Bed and Breakfast, Franziska Haus Bed & Breakfast, and La Bastide Bed and Breakfast.\nThe Oregon trail of Waterfalls represents countless hours, many sketches, and endless conversations to help make your next Oregon road trip one to remember. We look forward to seeing you soon.\nOregon Bed and Breakfast Guild is ready to share Oregon with you: it’s environment, culture, and heritage. Combine gracious hospitality with ambiance at an inspected and approved Oregon Bed and Breakfast Guild member Inn.\nHospitality Update: Our inns are following COVID-19 protocol guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.\nAlthough mask guidelines are lifted:\n● Some businesses may choose to still require masks.\n● Some people may choose to still wear a mask.\nWe have all struggled through COVID-19 and could use a little kindness. Please be respectful of local businesses and their workers and most importantly kind to yourself.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This water bottle is my all time favorite!!! I love that when I am using it I am supporting my environment and getting hydrated! It is super good at keeping water really cold and looks so pretty!\nExcellent water bottle. The wood top was a little chipped but otherwise worked perfectly.\nIt’s a fantastic water bottle but unfortunately it has leaked multiple times. As long as the cap is on super tightly it seems to do fine though.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Portland food cart proprietors not too long ago got some excellent news: The mysterious intruder who has been burglarizing and vandalizing food stuff carts has been apprehended.\nAs you might have heard, 6 food stuff carts in the course of the Portland metro spot have been damaged into considering that Oct 23. Portland Mercado, the first to…\nTagged: , discover food stuff carts. food truck finder , food stuff truck , local business , cellular food stuff vendor , portland food stuff carts , what the vehicles", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Biking on Lopez Island July 2021.\nWhale watching cruise July 2021 near the San Juan Islands. This young male came out of the water and glided right past the nose of our boat. Mt. Baker in the distance.\nFollow me on my Amazon author page to be notified of new releases.\nContact Carmine at\nI love exploring the Salish Sea region, the many islands and coastlines. It all started with childhood summers boat camping with my parents and siblings, travelling across the straits into Canada and up to the Cambell River area. Being on or near these beautiful waters is magical. You see and hear nature. It has its own music. The sun descends and night turns dark the evergreen-covered islands. A glimmer of light can be seen through the trees. And my imagination takes hold, and a mystery begins to form...", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- This event has passed.\nBrymor Ice-cream – Experience local produce at our exciting Farmers MarketBrymor Ice Cream | High Jervaulx Farm | HG4 4PG\n22-09-2018 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm\nAs part of the Yorkshire Dales Cheese Festival we are offering you the opportunity to come along and meet different local producers and try their products at our Farmers Market.\nPart of the Yorkshire Dales Cheese Festival 2018: Celebrating Local Produce #CheeseFest18", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Sprouter - Spare Water Collection Tray\nAvailability: In stock\nIf you have a broken water collection tray you can buy the replacement part now separately. This tray is the bottom one that the water collects through after siphoning through the sprouting trays.\nOur Seed Guarantee\nIf you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The PNG LNG project is run by ExxonMobil and started channelling gas from PNG's Hela region to Asia in 2014.\nEconomic modelling predicted it would lift household incomes by 84 per cent but the non-government organisation, Jubilee Australia Research Centre, has found incomes have fallen by six per cent.\nAustralia provided a half a billion-dollar loan to resources companies and the PNG government get the project off the ground via its Export Finance and Insurance Corporation, and the Centre says Australia must be held to account.\nDr Luke Fletcher, executive director, Jubilee Australia Research Centre\nScott Ludlam, former Greens Senator", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Monnick Hardware in Framingham has everything you need for the season - shovels, salt, even a swimming pool.\n\"I thought people might get a chuckle out of it,\" said Monnick manager Gary Anderson. \"It's definitely for sale; it's right outside next to the snowblowers.\"\nWith temperatures Christmas Eve and Christmas Day expected to be around 60 degrees, some businesses, including local hardware stores, are feeling the unseasonably warm temperatures through more than just their light jackets and open front doors.\nAt Monnick, sales on winter items such as shovels, snowblowers and rock salt aren't as strong or steady as they have been in the past around this time of year.\n\"We don't have too much of that going on because, I mean, it's 60 degrees outside,\" said Anderson, laughing.\nFor some stores such as Town Line Hardware in Sudbury, however, sales on winter items have been about average lately.\n\"We're not selling lawn chairs or anything,\" said manager Robert Genna. \"This business in particular is very dependent on the weather so when it's now snowing, it's slow. But, everyone's been preparing.\"\nGenna said some people even started preparing early.\n\"This summer we sold more snow (roof) rakes than we did all last winter,\" said Genna. \"People know this is temporary. It's still winter; it's still coming.\"\nAt Robinson's Hardware in Framingham, snowblowers are flying off the floor. According to part-owner Jeff Underwood, Robinson's purchased 100 snowblowers this fall and they've sold the majority of them already. Likewise, the store purchased eight heavy-duty $3,000 snowblowers and \"most of them\" were reserved by buyers before the machines even reached the store.\n\"It's still winter, people know it isn't going to be warm forever,\" said Underwood. \"I had one gentleman today buy eight shovels. People are getting ready.\"\nAt Solomon Pond Mall in Marlborough, the warm December weather may have brought a few more shoppers out and about for last-minute gift grabs, but it's also affecting the types of items they're grabbing.\n\"The weather has definitely had an impact on some of the clothing stores that carry winter items like winter coats, hats, scarves, boots,\" said Solomon Pond Mall area manager Kenneth Brown. \"The sales of these items in particular are lower than in past years at this time.\"\nBrown said while electronics are always popular for Christmas, the mall has seen an uptick in the past 10 days of people buying expensive jewelry, especially engagement rings. The warm weather has also encouraged people to get out and about around the mall.\n\"It's a mixed bag,\" said Brown. \"People are going to come out last minute because that's the nature of an American shopper, but it's also nice enough for people to want to come out and do things outside.\"\nFriends Amy Wagner and Kelly Zahn, both of Wellesley, were doing some last-minute shopping at Shopper's World on Christmas Eve. Aside from the \"crazy drivers\" the women said their little trip driven by procrastination wasn't that bad.\n\"How can you be grumpy when it's this beautiful out?\" said Wagner.\nWhile temperatures were expected to be in the low 60s for the remainder of the weekend, those in the snow businesses know better than to get used to the short sleeves.\n\"All it takes is a little bad weather to get people thinking,\" said Gary Anderson of Monnick. \"We're locked and loaded with wood products and all that stuff. It always takes that one storm.\"\nAmanda Beland can be reached at 508-626-3957 or email@example.com. Follow her on Twitter @abelandMWDN", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Dreamy smooth, this blend of milk, oatmeal, vanilla and vetiver is a tranquil, comforting scent with stirring, yet sweet seductive notes that are controlled by their classic, romantic and powdery virtue.\nBeds of clover and dark green grasses in heavenly realms. Oakmoss mixes with rose oil and geranium bourbon leading to a dry down of lemon oil. The wildings of nature that lull you back to the summer of your dreams.\nAn evocation of rainfall on sun drenched arid soil. Canyon wildflowers float into the air and into the rain soaked eucalyptus trees, carrying the aromas of cannabis, juicy apricots, and rustic suede. You can almost smell the music.\nBrimming with solar and citrus notes, velvety apricot syrup, and fresh green lime leaves. Mild spicy hints of pink peppercorn and timur pepper deliver deep red grapefruit notes perfumed with sweet intoxicating orange blossoms.\nWoody evergreen notes blended with balsam oil. A sweet forest aroma with both crisp and warm resinous notes. Inspired by the whispering pines of Northern Wisconsin, holding strong personal memories. An aroma for all seasons.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Burst pipes can lead to significant damage and costly repairs in your home. It’s essential to take preventive measures to protect your plumbing system and avoid the inconvenience and expenses associated with burst pipes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and tips to help you prevent burst pipes and maintain a healthy plumbing system.\nUnderstanding the Causes of Burst Pipes\n- Freezing Temperatures: When water freezes, it expands, exerting pressure on the pipes. This pressure can cause the pipes to crack or burst. It’s crucial to identify vulnerable pipes, such as those located in exterior walls, attics, or unheated areas, and take preventive measures during cold weather.\n- High Water Pressure: Excessive water pressure puts stress on the pipes, increasing the likelihood of bursts. Testing and adjusting water pressure is essential to ensure it falls within the recommended range (typically 40-80 psi). Installing a pressure-reducing valve (PRV) can help regulate water pressure and protect your pipes.\n- Corrosion and Aging Pipes: Over time, pipes can corrode and weaken, making them more susceptible to bursts. Factors such as water quality, pH levels, and the material of the pipes can contribute to corrosion. Regular inspections can help identify signs of corrosion, and prompt action, such as replacing ageing pipes, can prevent bursts.\n- Improper Installation or DIY Repairs: Poor installation practices or DIY repairs can compromise the integrity of the plumbing system and increase the risk of bursts. Hiring licensed and experienced plumbers for installation, repairs, and maintenance is crucial to ensure proper pipe sizing, placement, and connection.\n- Tree Roots: Tree roots can infiltrate underground pipes, causing damage and potential bursts. Tree root intrusion is more common in older homes with clay or cast iron pipes. Regularly inspect and maintain your pipes, and if necessary, consider professional root removal or pipe replacement.\n- Water Hammer: Water hammer refers to the sudden increase in pressure caused by the abrupt stoppage or change in water flow. This pressure surge can damage pipes over time.\n- Chemical Drain Cleaners: Harsh chemical drain cleaners can corrode pipes and weaken their structure. Avoid using these cleaners and opt for natural alternatives such as baking soda and vinegar. If you encounter persistent clogs, consult a professional plumber to assess and clear the blockage safely.\n- Construction and Excavation: Construction activities near your property can inadvertently damage underground pipes, leading to bursts. Before commencing any construction or excavation work, consult with a professional to identify the location of the pipes and take necessary precautions to prevent accidental damage.\nBy understanding these causes of burst pipes, homeowners can take proactive measures to prevent such incidents. Implementing preventive strategies and seeking professional assistance when necessary will help maintain a reliable and efficient plumbing system, safeguarding your home from water damage and costly repairs.\nAlso Read: Understanding Burst Hot Water Systems\nInsulating Pipes for Cold Weather Protection\n- Identify Vulnerable Pipes: To effectively protect your plumbing system from freezing and bursting, it’s important to identify the vulnerable pipes. These are typically located in areas exposed to cold temperatures, such as exterior walls, attics, crawl spaces, and unheated basements. Pay close attention to pipes running along the outer walls of your home or in areas where insulation may be inadequate.\n- Pipe Insulation Materials and Techniques: Insulating vulnerable pipes is a crucial step in preventing freezing and subsequent bursting. There are various insulation materials available, including foam sleeves, fibreglass wraps, and heat tape. These materials provide a layer of thermal protection, preventing the pipes from losing heat to the surrounding cold air. When insulating pipes, ensure a snug fit without leaving any gaps or exposed areas. Begin by measuring the length and diameter of the pipes accurately to determine the appropriate insulation size. Cut the insulation material to the required length and wrap it tightly around the pipes, securing it with tape or zip ties as needed. Pay attention to corners, bends, and joints, making sure they are adequately covered.\n- Paying Attention to Exterior Faucets: Exterior faucets are particularly vulnerable to freezing temperatures. To protect them, consider installing freeze-proof faucets specifically designed for outdoor use. These faucets have a built-in mechanism that allows water to drain out when not in use, preventing freezing. Alternatively, you can use faucet covers, which provide insulation and help retain heat around the faucet. Before winter arrives, it’s essential to disconnect any garden hoses connected to outdoor faucets and drain the water from the faucets. This prevents water from freezing and expanding within the faucet, which can lead to bursts.\n- Additional Tips for Cold Weather Protection: In addition to insulating vulnerable pipes and protecting exterior faucets, there are a few additional measures you can take to safeguard your plumbing system during cold weather.\n- Maintain a consistent temperature within your home, especially in areas where pipes are located. Proper insulation and sealing of windows and doors help retain heat and prevent cold drafts.\n- Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air from the room to circulate around the pipes, providing additional heat and reducing the chances of freezing.\n- Seal any air leaks in the vicinity of pipes. Inspect walls, floors, and ceilings for gaps, cracks, or openings that may allow cold air to reach the pipes. Use weather-stripping, caulk, or insulation to seal these areas.\nBy properly insulating vulnerable pipes, paying attention to exterior faucets, and implementing additional cold-weather protection measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of freezing and bursting. These proactive steps help ensure the integrity of your plumbing system, preventing costly repairs and water damage associated with burst pipes.\nManaging Water Pressure\n- Understanding the Importance of Proper Water Pressure: Proper water pressure is essential for the optimal functioning of your plumbing system. Excessive water pressure can strain the pipes, leading to leaks, bursts, and other plumbing issues. On the other hand, low water pressure can result in inadequate water flow and inefficient performance of fixtures and appliances.\n- Testing and Adjusting Water Pressure: To determine the water pressure in your home, you can use a water pressure gauge. Attach the gauge to an outdoor faucet or a designated pressure test point. Turn on the water fully and observe the reading on the gauge. The recommended range for residential water pressure typically falls between 40 to 80 psi (pounds per square inch). If the pressure exceeds the upper limit or falls below the lower limit, it’s crucial to take corrective measures. Excessively high water pressure can be regulated by installing a pressure-reducing valve (PRV). A PRV is typically installed near the main water supply line to your home and adjusts the incoming water pressure.\n- Installing a Pressure-Reducing Valve (PRV): A pressure-reducing valve is a mechanical device that restricts the water flow and reduces the pressure to a desired level. It acts as a safeguard, preventing excessive pressure from damaging your pipes and fixtures. A licensed plumber can install a PRV based on the specific needs of your home and plumbing system. During installation, the plumber will assess the existing water pressure, evaluate the correct pressure setting, and ensure that the PRV is properly adjusted. This valve allows you to maintain steady water pressure throughout your plumbing system, protecting it from potential bursts and extending the lifespan of your pipes.\n- Regularly Monitoring Water Pressure: Once you have a PRV installed or if your home already has one, it’s important to periodically monitor the water pressure to ensure it remains within the recommended range. Sudden changes in water pressure could indicate underlying issues that require attention. You can perform simple checks by using a water pressure gauge or consult a professional plumber for a comprehensive assessment. Monitoring water pressure regularly allows you to identify any fluctuations or abnormalities, enabling you to address them promptly before they lead to more significant problems.\nBy managing and maintaining proper water pressure, you protect your industrial plumbing system from unnecessary stress and reduce the risk of burst pipes. Installing a pressure-reducing valve, monitoring water pressure periodically, and seeking professional assistance when needed will help ensure a safe and reliable water supply throughout your home.\nRead More: What Is a Water Hammer and How to Prevent It?\nPreventing Corrosion and Aging Pipes\nCorrosion is a common issue that can weaken pipes over time, leading to leaks and potential bursts. Understanding the causes of corrosion and taking preventive measures is crucial for maintaining a durable plumbing system.\nHere are some key points to consider:\n- Recognizing Signs of Corrosion: It’s important to be aware of the signs of corrosion in your plumbing system. Look out for discoloured water, a metallic taste, or visible rust on exposed pipes. These indicators suggest potential corrosion issues that require attention.\n- Water Quality and Pipe Corrosion: The quality of water flowing through your pipes can contribute to corrosion. High mineral content, acidic water, or aggressive chemicals can accelerate the corrosion process. Consider testing your water quality and consulting with a professional to determine if treatment measures, such as installing water softeners or filtration systems, are necessary.\n- Water Softeners and Filtration Systems: Water softeners are devices that remove minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from the water supply. By reducing mineral content, water softeners help mitigate the corrosive effects of hard water. Filtration systems, on the other hand, remove impurities and contaminants, improving overall water quality and minimising potential damage to pipes.\n- Replacing Ageing Pipes: If your plumbing system contains ageing pipes that are prone to corrosion or have reached the end of their lifespan, it’s advisable to consider replacing them. Copper and PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) are popular pipe materials known for their resistance to corrosion. Replacing corroded or ageing pipes with more durable materials can prevent future issues and extend the lifespan of your plumbing system.\n- Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Regular inspections by a professional plumber are essential for identifying signs of corrosion and taking preventive action. Plumbers can assess the condition of your pipes, detect early signs of corrosion, and recommend necessary repairs or replacements. Additionally, practising routine maintenance, such as flushing your water heater and checking for leaks, helps keep your plumbing system in optimal condition.\nBy actively preventing and addressing corrosion in your plumbing system, you can avoid the costly and disruptive consequences of burst pipes. Monitoring water quality, utilising water softeners or filtration systems, replacing ageing pipes, and conducting regular inspections and maintenance are effective strategies to protect your plumbing system from corrosion-related issues.\nMaintaining Proper Drainage\n- Clearing Clogs: Clogged drains can put a strain on your plumbing system and increase the risk of burst pipes. It’s important to clear clogs as soon as they are noticed. One effective method is to use a plunger to create suction and dislodge the blockage. For tougher clogs, you can try using a plumbing snake or auger to break up the obstruction.\n- Avoiding Harsh Chemicals: Harsh chemical drain cleaners can cause more harm than good. These chemicals can corrode pipes and weaken their structure over time. Instead, opt for eco-friendly drain cleaners or natural alternatives. For instance, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can be used to create a foaming reaction that helps break down clogs. Regularly flushing drains with hot water can also help prevent buildup and keep the pipes clear.\n- Proper Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of waste can lead to clogged drains and potential bursts. Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items, grease, or excessive amounts of toilet paper down the toilet. These items can accumulate in the pipes, obstructing the flow of water and causing increased pressure. Dispose of solid waste properly in trash bins to prevent plumbing emergencies.\n- Professional Assistance: If you encounter persistent or stubborn clogs that you’re unable to clear on your own, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. A professional plumber has the expertise and tools to identify and clear more complex clogs without causing damage to the pipes. They can also perform a thorough inspection of your plumbing system to ensure there are no underlying issues contributing to the clogs.\n- Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance of your plumbing system is crucial for preventing clogs and maintaining proper drainage. This includes periodic inspections, drain cleaning, and addressing any leaks or issues promptly. By staying proactive and taking preventive measures, you can keep your drains clear, minimise the risk of burst pipes, and ensure the overall health of your plumbing system.\nRegular Maintenance and Inspections\n- Annual Plumbing Inspections: Schedule annual inspections with a professional plumber to assess the condition of your plumbing system. They can identify potential issues, perform necessary repairs, and offer recommendations for maintenance.\n- Leak Detection: Routinely check for leaks in visible pipes, faucets, and fixtures. Look for signs of water damage, mould growth, or damp areas. If you notice any leaks, address them promptly to prevent further damage and potential bursts.\n- Professional Maintenance: Hire a professional plumber for regular maintenance tasks like flushing the water heater, inspecting valves, and checking for any signs of wear or damage. They can identify potential weak points in the system and address them before they become major issues.\n- Proactive Repairs: Regular maintenance and inspections allow plumbers to identify potential weak points in the plumbing system before they turn into major issues. By addressing these concerns proactively, such as replacing worn-out seals, repairing small leaks, or reinforcing vulnerable sections of pipes, you can prevent larger problems and avoid burst pipes.\n- System Optimization: Professional plumbers can also optimise your plumbing system by recommending upgrades or adjustments to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of bursts. For example, they may suggest installing pressure regulating valves (PRVs) to maintain optimal water pressure or upgrading outdated pipes to more durable materials.\nProtecting Pipes During Vacations or Extended Absences\n- Insulate Vulnerable Pipes: If you plan to be away from home during the winter, insulate vulnerable pipes to protect them from freezing. Set the thermostat to a minimum temperature to maintain a safe indoor climate.\n- Shutting off Water Supply: Before leaving for an extended period, shut off the main water supply valve to prevent any accidental leaks or bursts while you’re away. Also, drain the pipes by opening the faucets to remove any remaining water.\n- Enlist Assistance: Ask a trusted neighbour, friend, or family member to periodically check on your property while you’re away. In case of any emergencies, they can act quickly and contact a plumber if needed.\nEducating Household Members\n- Water Usage Guidelines: Teach everyone in your household about responsible water usage practices. Encourage shorter showers, turn off faucets when not in use, and avoid excessive water consumption.\n- Awareness of Plumbing System: Educate household members about the basics of the plumbing system, including the locations of shut-off valves and how to respond in case of leaks or bursts. Prompt action can minimise potential damage.\nPreparedness for Emergencies\nEmergency Contact Information: Keep a list of emergency plumbing services or professional plumbers readily available. During emergencies, having contact information at hand will enable you to seek immediate assistance.\nBy implementing the preventive measures and practices outlined in these sections, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of burst pipes and protect their plumbing systems. Regular maintenance, proper insulation, managing water pressure, preventing corrosion, and promoting responsible water usage are all key factors in maintaining a healthy and reliable plumbing system.\nPreventing burst pipes is crucial for protecting your home and avoiding costly repairs. By understanding the causes of burst pipes and implementing preventive measures, you can minimise the risk of pipe bursts and ensure the longevity of your plumbing system. Remember to insulate pipes, manage water pressure, prevent corrosion, prioritise proper installation, maintain a consistent temperature, drain water lines when necessary, detect and repair leaks promptly, and be prepared for emergencies. With these proactive steps, you can safeguard your plumbing system and enjoy peace of mind year-round.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Tranquil Times at West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard Vacation Rentals\nWest Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard vacation rentals are popular for people looking for a tranquil environment in which to enjoy a relaxing vacation. In the summer season, the local population increases dramatically as it is a popular vacation destination. However, traveling out of season means that you get to enjoy all the treasures of the island without the summer crowds. Families and couples of all ages will enjoy the coastal beauty at West Tisbury.\nSummer Activities at West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard Vacation Rentals\nThe beaches near\nWest Tisbury house rentals\nare the main attraction of the area. On a warm summer's day, you can see a colorful array of beach umbrellas planted on the beach. Parents and children build sandcastles and teenagers play volleyball and enjoy socializing in the sun. Many West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard vacation rentals are located along the beachfront which means that guests don't even have to get in the car to go to the beach. If visitors don't feel like getting full of sand, they can simply sit out on the decks of their West Tisbury house rentals and enjoy the coastal scenery.\nOne of the best ways to explore from West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard vacation rentals is to hire a bicycle. This allows you to appreciate the natural beauty of the island and stop at leisure on your explorations. Enjoy a home-cooked breakfast at West Tisbury cottages before setting out to see the historical sites of Martha's Vineyard. Guests can stop in at antique stores and art galleries along the way before returning to their West Tisbury house rentals in the evening\nTrails to Explore from West Tisbury House Rentals\nGuests can choose from nature or historical trails to explore near West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard vacation rentals. There is a strong focus on conservation and there are several wildlife refuges near West Tisbury cottages where visitors can enjoy beautiful nature trails and birdwatching. The Polly Hill Arboretum near West Tisbury house rentals has a vast collection of trees and shrubs that were cultivated from seedlings. The arboretum is open daily to visitors.\nMartha's Vineyard vacation rentals\nGayhead-Aquinnah vacation rentals\nin your search.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Mount Arrowsmith Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Top 10 Scenic Hiking Trails in The World http://www.ecstasycoffee.com/top-10-scenic-hiking-trails-world/\nGaribaldi Lake is a turquoise-coloured alpine lake in British Columbia, Canada, located 37 km (23 mi) north of Squamish and 19 km (12 mi) south of Whistler. The lake lies within Garibaldi Provincial Park, which features mountains, glaciers, trails, forests, flowers, meadows, waterfalls. The park is a wildlife protected area. The trails in the area are promoted as being among the most beautiful on Earth.\nShort Notice Movers Provides Comprehensive Moving & Packing Services in the Vancouver area, including Burnaby, Coquitlam, Surrey, Vancouver, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver District, Port Coquitlam, North Vancouver City, Port Moody, West Vancouver, White Rock, Delta, Pitt Meadows, Abbotsford, North Delta, Delta, Chilliwack, Cloverdale, Ladner, Mission, Richmond, Langley and throughout BC.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "bamboo pot buy two layer lucky bamboo plant round glass pot by nurturing green online lucky bamboos natural plants decor product.\nplumbing victorville ca 7 plumbing and rooter photos reviews plumbing st ca phone number yelp cheap plumbers victorville ca plumbing school victorville ca.\nvinyl window sash lock white 2 1.\nwood grain area rug wood grain pattern area rug organic design tree driftwood natures by rugs.\nwindow tinting material take your window tinting to the next level.\nremote pan and tilt head lite remote control pan tilt head.\nevergreen trees for sale pine 2 year old 5 seedlings.\nnook dinning set modern nook dining set full size of home improvement stores online shows on amazon prime modern modern nook dining set.\nwhat is the size of a twin xl mattress twin bed measurements how big is a twin bed twin twin bed size in feet twin bed measurements standard size of twin xl mattress twin xl mattress size depth.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Winery Wedding Venues in Northern California\nWinery Wedding Venues in Northern California: Click the wedding venues listed below for detailed information and photos. And find even more Bay Area / Northern California wedding venues by region, guest count, catering options and other criteria.\n|Merryvale Vineyards||St. Helena|\n|Bear Flag Farm||Winters|\n|Thomas Fogarty Winery and Vineyards||Woodside|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Many years ago I went with a group on cross-country skis up a mountain in Norway. After a few hours, we arrived at our location. It was pretty much nothing there. Only snow. Then we dug out a snow cave and slept in it for one night!\nWe went as a group of 30 people with two experienced instructors. They gave us instructions and training before we left to prepare us for the trip.\nWe took a bus to the mountain to start our excursion. We then put on our skis, and each of us had a large backpack with all our gear we needed for the next few days. It was the first time I had traveled for hours on cross-country skis up a mountain with such a heavy backpack!\nI think some of the most beautiful scenery in the world is of the mountains in Norway. And then to be able to go on skis up the mountain in sunny weather made it an incredible adventure for all of us.\nI often snowboard but enjoy cross country skiing as well. To go out in the woods during winter on skis for a few miles, and then sit down to rest, open your thermos with a hot drink while you enjoy a chocolate bar is just heavenly. It’s quiet and so relaxing being surrounded by white snow, green trees, and a blue sky.\nDigging Out The Snow Cave\nBut this trip was not a trip to just relax in the woods with a hot drink and some chocolate. This was pretty intense, and not much time to just sit around. After traveling on skis up the mountain, we finally arrived at the location where we were to build the snow cave.\nIt was pretty much nothing there. Not a building for miles and miles. Just a huge mountain with lots of snow with meters of deep snow.\nI had built many snow caves before, but that was all in our neighborhood growing up. We never slept in any of those snow caves; we made them just for fun. This would be the first time any of us would sleep in the snow cave. We started digging and would be digging for 6 straight hours!\nRoom For 6 People\nI was not prepared for the amount of time it took to dig out the snow cave, but quickly realized it would be a lot of work if 6 people were to fit inside of it! Besides, it had to be built correctly.\nWe tried to follow the instructions our instructors had given us to our best ability. But we were really tired after so much digging, right after traveling for hours on cross-country skis.\nOne of the instructors had also scared us a little saying that if we did not make the ceiling correctly, it would cave in while we slept in it. If it caved, he would have to drag us out by the feet and hope we were still alive. He said this had supposedly happened to some others a few years before… “Great” pep talk to motivate us to build the snow cave correctly!\nSnow Cave Ceiling A Perfect Half Circle\nBut it was true that we had to build the snow cave correctly. I heard recently that someone slept in a snow cave and it did cave in. They actually had to be pulled out by their feet!\nFor the snow cave not to cave in, the ceiling had to be a perfect half circle above the sleeping area. If it was not a perfect half circle, it could easily cave in certain areas because of the warm air the 6 of us would breath out when sleeping. The ceiling would melt a little which would be normal, but if it was not a perfect half circle, then it would cave in the middle, and we would wake up with a ceiling right above our nose!\n0 Celsius Inside Snow Cave\nTo keep 0 Celsius in the snow cave, we had to make sure the warm air would not sieve out. We started digging straight down in the snow almost entirely vertical. Then we dug upward to create the area we would sleep in. If the entrance came as a direct, straight path from the sleeping area, the warm air would sieve out (since warm air rises) then cold air would come in, and we would be freezing cold! It was, therefore, a quite genius way to trap the warm air inside the sleeping area. I would have never thought of that on my own.\nIt was now getting dark, and we had to hurry up and finish the snow cave before it got too windy. When the sun goes down in Norway, and the wind really picks up, it can get extremely cold. Trust me, you do not want to be stuck outside in the wind! We finally completed the snow cave and could by now hear the wind blowing intensely outside.\nDinner Inside The Snow Cave\nInside the snow cave, we had flashlights and started preparing our late night dinner. After a long day of traveling on cross-country skis up a mountain and digging for 6 hours to make a snow cave to sleep in, canned food had never tasted so good!\nIt ended up being quite cozy in the snow cave eating out meal. If you’re claustrophobic, you’d probably not really enjoy this part that much since it was pretty tight inside the snow cave.\nHere is a picture of us inside the snow cave\nSleeping In The Snow Cave\nWe went to sleep that night wondering if the ceiling would cave in on us. We also wondered if we had dug the exit deep enough to trap the warm air inside! But we quickly fell asleep since we were pretty much exhausted from a long day.\nWe woke up in the morning and actually slept really well inside the snow cave. The temperature was perfect, and the ceiling had just caved slightly on one end. We were happy we survived! The weather was great, and we got ready to continue our journey across the mountain.\nI’m grateful for the opportunity to go on such a trip up a mountain during winter time, dig a snow cave and then sleep inside of it. I know that not very many people get such an opportunity in life.\nI always learn a lot about myself, and the people around me during these types of experiences.\nFatigued, hungry, freezing cold, pitch black with strong winds outside in the middle of the winter on a mountain far away from civilization, and I have to dig downwards in the snow to create a snow cave to sleep in to survive?!\nWhat are the thoughts that go through my mind? Do I freak out? Do I want to give up? Does my attitude change toward others?\nI have no idea what it’s like to be under immense pressure like soldiers in war. It’s truly remarkable how they are even able to make it through such terrible situations.\nBut from the few situations I’ve been out of my comfort zone, I have learned a lot about myself. It’s been fascinating each time to see how I respond, react, and deal with such situations.\nIf you ever get a chance to do something similar I would encourage you to go for it and find what’s in the core of you! 😉\nHave you ever been in a similar situation before far out of your comfort zone?\nYou can check out my other stories from traveling and living overseas here.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pest Control Services Near Me Inkster MI 48141\nDon’t allow pests to plague your home. Our pest control expert technicians in Inkster handle pest control and removal of all kinds to keep your house safe, healthy and vermin free. We provide services to daily issues faced by Inkster, MI homeowners like termite control and also inspection, rodent removal, and also bee infestations. Failure to combat the trouble head-on can cost you countless man-hours, and also a pile of expenses, to rectify once it gets out of hand. Don’t let it get that far.\nELIMINATE PESTS FOR GOOD\nHire us to reclaim your home from unwanted pests\nAre ants taking over your kitchen area? Have you discovered rodent droppings in your cabinets? Do not depend upon store-bought solutions to take care of your pest issues. To rid your home of pests once and for all, call 24H Pest Expert Pros. We can exterminate mice, bedbugs, ants, fleas and also various other pests in your house.\nOur professionals in Inkster will certainly examine your specific situation and also create an efficient treatment plan. We have several pest removal methods in our arsenal. Sleep soundly tonite in a pest-free home by calling 24H Pest Expert Pros for insect treatment.\n3 reasons to make us your go-to pest control company\nRather than handling your pest issue by yourself, work with the skilled experts at 24H Pest Expert Pros in Inkster. Below are a couple of reasons we’re a smart selection:\n- We can determine the pest hiding and nesting areas quickly.\n- We’ll deal with the source of the infestation using effective treatment.\n- We’ll eliminate pests without damaging your home.\n- Call our pest exterminators to ask for the precise services you need as well as get a quote today. We’ll come out to your property to manage your bug or rodent problem ASAP.\nMichigan Pest Extermination and Removal\nAnimal Removal demands a professional as well as a knowledgeable expert. Raccoon Removal in Inkster is essential as the raccoons will certainly get in the attic room of your house as well as do a large quantity of damage in a quick time. Squirrel Removal as well as Squirrel control in Inkster are rising and also ought to be dealt with after a squirrel issue is found in your house or attic room.\nPests aren’t entirely irritating but they’re additionally able to develop an immense humiliation particularly when visitors and guests are around. Pests in the home are not unusual and also it is very important to not forget an infestation doesn’t necessarily suggest that your house is dirty. They also come in lots of kinds and sizes and also it will be impossible for homeowners to manage them all by themselves. Most pests can increase fairly quickly as well as incline to find your food, which may bring about contamination and that might result in illness or infections being spread. Now, in relation to eliminating pests from a residential property, almost all of the individuals ask whether eco-friendly pest control techniques are truly powerful.\nFind Pest Control Exterminators in Inkster\nCalling on a pest control company in Inkster is frequently the absolute best alternative for most to make certain a possible infestation is totally eradicated. Pests can harm your home, contaminate the food that you consume, and also expose your family to several diseases. Pests like roaches, flies, ants, bed bugs and little rodents, consisting of mice as well as rats can create a lot of havoc and also can make residing in your house quite uneasy, especially if you remain in a position to able to hear them moving about.\nHow Does Our Pest Service work?\n- Our technician performs a comprehensive inspection of your home.\n- We eliminate noticeable Pests as well as treat the area to remove any kind of hidden Pest as well as their Eggs.\n- Our techniques aid in preventing future Pest infestation.\nHow Much Does Pest Control Service Cost?\nThe average cost for pest control is $250. Hiring an exterminator in Inkster to manage pests, you will likely spend between $250 and $400. The price of pest control can vary considerably by region (and also by zip code). Call our Michigan local exterminators or get a quote from our pros near you.\nIn many cases, a mousetrap or a can of insect repellent will not do the trick when you wish to eliminate pests in your house. That’s when it’s time to call the pros. Obviously, professional pest control isn’t totally free. You can conveniently spend thousands of dollars to hire a pest control service in Inkster MI or surrounding areas for a single visit to kick out the termites. But by calling us, you can guarantee you’re not paying too much (or perhaps underpaying) for pest control.\nThe national average cost for pest control was $170 since January 2018, with a general range of $100 to $270. But what you’ll end up spending for pest control could be reduced or higher, depending on what kind of pests you’re attempting to evict and also just how frequently you’re getting the service.\nProtection against common household pests like spiders, roaches, and also ants is generally a typical component of a pest control program, yet controlling pests like termites and also rodents will certainly increase the price due to the fact that more advanced products as well as methods are needed.\nOur Pest Control Services\nHave Pest Problems? We Have the Remedy!\nOur Pest Control professionals can address the adhering to troubles:\n- Full-Service Pest Control\n- All Types Of Insects & Rodents\n- Termite Control\n- Emergency Service\n- Bed Bugs Fleas\n- Wild Life Removal\n- Residential & Commercial\n- And More…\nWhat are the 3 methods of pest control?\nAs pointed out over, there are lots of pest control methods readily available to choose from, yet they can be freely organized right into 6 groups: Hygienic, Biological, Chemical, Physical, Fumigation, and Heat treatment.\nWhat is the difference between pest control and exterminator?\nThe biggest distinction is that pest management professionals seek long-term solutions, as opposed to just spraying chemicals to eliminate the pests you see. Even though completion objective of exterminators and pest control professionals is to eliminate the pest, that’s where the similarities end\nWhat chemicals do they use for pest control?\nAbamectin. Cyfluthrin. Fipronil. Permethrin. Bifenthrin. Hydramethylnon. Pyrethrum. Boric Acid.\nHow much does pest control cost monthly?\nPest control strategy costs He states regular monthly therapy in an average-sized home would certainly cost $40 to $45. Semi-monthly treatments cost about $50 to $60, depending upon the size of your home.\nHow do you control pest control?\nIdentify the pest. Get rid of standing water. Maintain your kitchen area tidy and all food in containers. Maintain your house tidy and clutter-free. Refute access to your home. Try the much less toxic pesticides initially if various other preventative actions fail. Make use of extra volatile pesticides if required.\nCall us Now at 888-408-2399\nCall us today and also provide your residence address so that we can send a group of pest control specialists and have them inspect your residence totally for the visibility of rodents, rats and various other home bugs as well as provide you with the very best possible solution to obtain your home entirely DEVOID OF these frustrating bugs. Our total activity strategy will completely obstruct all sort of access points and also protect against the insects from entering your house.\nWe have numerous happy and pleased consumers in the neighborhood who trust us with their pest control needs.\nPlease call our 24H Pest Expert Pros at (888) 408-2399 for more details regarding our Pest Control solutions and rates as well as also get your Residence Inspection Report – Pests, Rodents & Termites.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How To Grow Plants On Windy Balcony\nA strong gust of wind will topple over tall skinny containers much easier than short squat plant containers.\nHow to grow plants on windy balcony. Secondly consider how exposed your balcony is. Its elevated height will bring greenery to your eye level and make the plants easier to look after. This chic plant box would look ideal on the side a balcony of under a window so the tops of the plants can be seen from inside.\nIt is easy to overestimate this so take the time to record exactly where sunlight. Natural protection against the wind for the balcony. Petunias geraniums pansies lobelia helenium alissum nasturtium kobea perennial clematis will feel great on balconies and terraces.\nKeep it moist while its sprouting and trim dont pull the pieces off as they mature. Small trees and shrubs planted in flower pots look lush and offer protection against the wind. A handful of water crystals added to each pot at planting time makes a huge difference to the capacity of the pot to hold enough water to grow lush and beautiful plants.\nAdd a thick layer of mulchcompost planting mix or strawto protect the soil against the drying effects of wind. Make sure to use large and heavy containers otherwise the wind will blow the container and the pot over. This is because strong winds can easily cause damage to your plants hindering their growth.\nEasy to grow in containers from seeds. Another great way to include greenery on your balcony is with a plant box. It will produce until super-hot weather arrives.\nAnd avoid anything too tall or top-heavy creeping squat mound- or dome-shaped plants withstand rooftop conditions best. Balcony plants What are the classics. In 4-6 weeks the seedling should be ready for transplanting and have real leaves.\n- How To Decorate My Mantel For Christmas\n- How To Decorate Outdoor Light Fixtures For Christmas\n- How To Decorate Open Plan Kitchen Living Room\n- How To Decorate Open Floor Plan With High Ceilings\n- How To Decorate Open Plan Apartment\n- How To Decorate My Screened In Porch\n- How To Decorate My House On A Budget\n- How To Decorate My Balcony For Christmas\n- How To Decorate My Front Door For Fall\n- How To Decorate My House For Xmas\n- How To Decorate My Studio Apartment\n- How To Decorate Outdoor Patio For Christmas\n- How To Decorate My Dining Room Table For Christmas\n- How To Decorate My Rental House\n- How To Decorate Open Floor Plan Living Room\n- How To Decorate My Small Front Yard\n- How To Decorate Newborn Baby Boy Room\n- How To Decorate My Small Balcony\n- How To Decorate My Bathroom On A Budget\n- How To Decorate Outdoor Seating Area", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Chicken Boy Details\nNo description for Chicken Boy trail has been added yet! Submit one here.\nLocal Trail AssociationPowell River Cycling Association (www.bikepowellriver.ca)\nMore Stats for Chicken Boy mountain bike trail\nAltitude change18 ft\nAltitude min404 ft\nAltitude start413 ft\nAltitude end432 ft\nDistance climb1,096 ft\nDistance down879 ft\nDistance flat1,704 ft\n- view trail stats\nChicken Boy Trail Reports\nJul 24, 2016 @ 7:38amJul 24, 2016\n|Cleared again early July 2016|\nReviews / Comments\nNo reviews yet, be the first to write a review or ask a question.\nUse trail reports to comment on trail conditions.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "With just 16 rooms, Casa de Uco is the perfect balance of boutique hotel attention and large hotel services & activities. Each room has floor to ceiling windows and a striking view of the snowcapped Andes Mountains. Whether it’s waking up to a sea full of vines or taking a relaxing bath with a glass of your favorite malbec, Casa de Uco is a real life daydream. The queen-size bed is one of the most comfortable places you’ll ever sleep, and it’s perfect for a post wine tasting nap. The spacious suite includes a Nespresso machine, alfajores, Toblerones, and yes, more wine. Despite Mendoza being a region for outdoor activities, Casa de Uco has created a homely hotel that you’ll never want to leave.\n- Master Suite – King bed, mosquito net, large closet, air conditioning, and a large bathroom with a jungle shower, large terrace with a gorgeous jungle view.\n- Suite 2 – King bed, mosquito net, air conditioning, and a gorgeous jungle view.\n- Suite 3 – King bed, mosquito net, air conditioning, and a gorgeous jungle view.\n- Suite 4 – King bed, mosquito net, and air conditioning.\n- Suite 5 – Queen bed, mosquito net, and air conditioning.\n- Suite 6 – Queen bed, mosquito net, and air conditioning.\nBe Bahia House blends in flawlessly with its environment. Nestled on the edge of a beach-side cliff and surrounded by lush green palm trees, the home offers ocean views from every room. Looking out from the house, guests can see Praia das Tartarugas on the left and Praia do Rio da Barra on the right.\nCompletely integrated into nature, the grounds organically incorporate a large infinity pool, a beautiful garden, a gazebo with a cliffside area with fire pit, and a bangalô.\nThe home, which includes free entry to the private Rio da Barra beach club, is less than a 5 minute walk to the ocean.\n- Master Suite – King bed, mosquito net, large closet, air conditioning, and a large wraparound balcony with a gorgeous ocean view.\n- Suite 2 – King bed, mosquito net, air conditioning, and a large balcony with a gorgeous ocean view.\n- Suite 3 – Queen bed, mosquito net, air conditioning, and a balcony with a garden view.\n- Suite 4 – Double bed, mosquito net, and air conditioning.\nActivities & Experiences\n- Praia do Espelho\n- Praia Rio da Barra\n- Horseback riding on the beach at sunset\n- Praia dos Nativos\n- Renting four-wheelers\n- Praia dos Conqueiros\n- Admiring the work of local artists\n- Igreja de São João Batista\n- Private beach-side massages\n- Ponta de Itapororoca\n- Praia Rio Verde\n- Praia dos Amores\n- Teatro L’Occitane\nBe Bahia transports guests to their perfect home-away-from-home, which doesn’t just come from a few smiles or a home garden. The friendly staff at Be Bahia properties strikes the perfect balance of being attentive and letting visitors enjoy the villa and property on their own terms. It’s cliche, but the entire staff goes out of its way to make guests happy. From helping with your beach getaway, itinerary and coordinating unforgettable experiences such as horseback riding at sunset on the beach, Be Bahia’s staff is the best you’ll find in Trancoso.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Hand curated products made with natural herbs and ingredients\nAyurvedic-inspired herbal creams based on natural Ayurvedic herbs.\nAll products are non-toxic, not tested on animals, and unadulterated without the use of parabens, sulphates, chemical sunscreens, and synthetic fragrances.\nAll our products are made with 100% natural ingredients in small batches and are vegan friendly.\nFor more wellness products & gift hampers, please visit www.mytriwellness.com", "label": "No"} +{"text": "paper towel holders bronze in under cabinet paper towel holder bronze umbra tug oil rubbed bronze paper towel holder.\ndiy picture frame wood wood block photo frames from view from the fridge diy wood photo frame prop diy wood picture frame ideas.\nhow to install a tankless water heater yourself hiring the professional water heater installation services the importance of water heaters repair services cannot be discounted as they install tankless.\nstainless steel farmhouse sinks tips for installing a stainless steel farmhouse sink at stainless steel farmhouse sinks for sale kohler 36 stainless steel farmhouse sink.\nkenmore steam dryers washer dryer sears washer dryer sears steam washer dryer sears sears washer dryer parts kenmore elite steam dryer reviews kenmore he3 steam dryer manual.\ngrapefruit hand soap method foaming hand soap grapefruit lemon grapefruit hand soap.\ncloth storage cabinets garment storage cabinets.\nbamboo themed bathroom bamboo bathroom set the best part is that you can place them in any location within bamboo themed bathroom accessories bamboo bathroom decorations.\ntool boxes for cheap powder coating bricklayer tool box cheap portable useful tool box truck tool boxes cheap plastic truck tool boxes cheap.\nstain vinyl flooring has investigated a number of incidents of discoloured patches on new vinyl flooring remove stain off vinyl flooring tomato stain on vinyl flooring.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Servicing Kitchener & Surrounding Regions\nKitchener Gutter Cleaning\nFree Flowing Gutters\nTo Protect Your Home\nGutter Cleaning To Protect Your Home\nProudly Serving Clients In Kitchener, ON & Surrounding Regions\nEavestrough Services & Repair\nDo you have leaves and debris clogging up your eavestroughs? If so, we’ve got the solution for you!\nRod’s Best Cleaning provides eavestrough cleaning services to homeowners in your area. Our team of professionals will come to your house and clear out all that nasty stuff so that the water can flow through more easily.\nYou’ll avoid water damage to your home and save money on repairs while also making sure that rainwater gets where it needs to go instead of pooling up in places like gutters or downspouts—which could lead to flooding.\nPlus, we do all this with a smile on our face because we love what we do. We want every customer to feel like they are getting the most value possible from their investment in our service.\nGutter Cleaning Happiness\nDon't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:\nBenefits of our eavestrough Cleaning Services\nIn Kitchener, it is essential to have your eavestroughs cleaned out by professionals in both the fall and spring. As the leaves fall in the fall, they can clog up your eavestroughs and cause water damage to your home if not removed. Similarly, in the spring, melting snow and ice can also cause blockages in your eavestroughs.\nHiring professional gutter cleaning services in Kitchener is the best way to ensure that your eavestroughs are properly maintained and functioning correctly. Not only do they have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and efficiently clear out your eavestroughs, but they also provide a thorough cleaning to ensure that your eavestroughs are completely free of debris.\nBy investing in professional Kitchener eavestrough services in the fall and spring, you can safeguard your home from water damage and prolong the life of your eavestroughs.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.\nLike many others in my neck of the woods, I’m a bit obsessed with the weather these days. Overall, it’s been a pretty miserable spring. Chilly, drizzly and grey. I’ve tried to talk myself into appreciating it. All this rain sure makes everything green! or Well, it’s easier to still be in school when the weather’s not so nice. or …. Well, honestly, I can’t think of much else. Maybe, At least you won’t get a sunburn?! Clearly, I’m reaching here.\nSo, I’m terribly sorry, Oscar, but I’ve decided to grab onto this silver lining: The crummy weather gives me something to write about. It inspired my first dizain last week (Rainy Spring Lament) and today I’m lodging another poetic complaint.\nYo, Springtime, why you gotta be so rude?\nIt’s April showers in that platitude\nMay’s for sun and blossom amplitude\nThis weather smacks of nasty attitude\nMy sunscreen lotion cap is still unscrewed\nMy pallid winter skin is still unhued\nCan’t you gift us with an interlude,\na patch of sunny day to up the mood?\nFolks down here are gettin’ kinda rude\nThis weather is a major downer, Dude!\n©Molly Hogan, 2019", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Gosh, these recently released Kanto shinies are rare beasts indeed!\nIf not, I guess we’ll just have to wait till the Season of Legends is over - and then maybe they’ll start to spawn in the wild again…\nNo shiny paras here. Sorry\nSix months later and still no-one has a shiny Paras?!?\nNiantic really are a bunch of miserable barstewards!\nI don’t think I have even seen a Paras in the last six months.\nI’ve still only seen a shiny paras in a gym\nI hate bloody Paras!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We Keep Bugs From Spreading Out Diseases, Ruining Your Property & Bringing Down Its Value!\nStatham pest control experts offer a wide range of pest control services to homeowners, businesses, and also other organizations that wish to control insects and also other pests’ growth. They often have experience in numerous kinds of insects, including bed bugs, cockroaches, silverfish, and ants, so they can provide services that include the extermination of these pests.\nThe experts might likewise help with the removal of dead animals and also plants that can consist of disease-causing microorganisms. They are also able to eliminate dead fallen leaves as well as trees that may provide an excellent environment for insects. If you are a Georgia citizen, you are possibly knowledgeable about professional pest control services since they are amongst one of the most common services in Georgia.\nThe pest control service offered by a Statham exterminator can help in reducing the size of insect infestations, such as roaches, ants, spiders, and bed bugs in your house. Pest control services are vital for the health and wellness of every person.\nWe Treat The Following Pest Problems in Statham:\nWhy Choose Our Local Exterminators\n- Full range of pest control and termite treatment services.\n- Flexible scheduling, as well as the same and next-day pest control service Statham, GA.\n- Using the latest in pest control and inspection technology.\n- Highly trained and experienced representatives.\n- Providing 24/7 support as well as emergency services.\n- Green, environmentally-friendly treatments that are child and pet-friendly.\nEffective Termite Control in Statham\nHomeowners use three fundamental termite control techniques. These consist of baiting, poisonous substance bait, as well as fluid treatments. The very first of these methods are one of the most typically used and likewise the least reliable.\nBaiting methods is generally done by positioning a certain sort of termite called nest in a framework to be knocked down or harmed. The termites get in the structure via fractures and also openings in the framework or openings in the dirt. It needs to be hidden within three feet of the surface area to be effective. As soon as the lure has actually been effectively baited, it must after that be eliminated at normal intervals to prevent termites from digging it up.\nTake Control of Unwanted Guests!\nBed Bug Exterminator in Statham\nWith over half a million attacks annually throughout the United States, the number of beds in houses with a bed bug infestation is growing rapidly. Due to this rapid rise in the variety of bugs, it is no surprise that a lot of homeowners are calling an exterminator in Statham trying to find a service to get rid of the issue in their own home.\nThe first thing that a bed bug exterminator will do is inspect your mattress. He or she will look for visible signs of bugs as well as inspect your bedding for indicators of infestation. Also, our pest control company can assess the bed bug colony’s size and also decide whether the treatment would be effective or otherwise.\nPest Control Companies in Statham\nThe appeal of pest control services has increased over the last few years. With many people having allergic reactions and also other illness related to pests, it has become progressively important to get your home and building without pests before they take over. If you live in an area with several pests, there are many pest management companies in Statham readily available to help.\nSeveral Statham pest companies can use catches as well as various other techniques to remove pests from your home or building. While our pest control specialists can help in getting rid of pests, they do not offer pest services.\nWhile pest management companies may not provide these services, most of them will offer info and also suggestions on keeping pests away from your home or building.\nPest Control Services Near Me\nOur pest control men’ pest control services include cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, bedbugs, flies, spiders, whiteflies, moths, flies, termites, mosquitoes, ants, as well as various other rodents. These pests posture health hazards to both human beings and also family pets. Pests infest the atmosphere, triggering damages to plants, gardens, houses, as well as properties.\nOur pest control in Statham GA experts offer multiple solutions for both home and also commercial structures consists of:\n- Emergency Pest Control\n- Cockroach Exterminator\n- Ant Control\n- Rodent control\n- Wasp and Bee Removal\n- Termite Control & Treatment\n- Bed Bug Treatment\n- Residential and Commercial Exterminators\n- Spider Control\n- Mosquito control\n- Bat Extermination\n- Tick and Flea Control\n- And Much More!\nEmergency Pest Control in Statham\nStatham emergency pest control company is among one of the most distinguished pest avoidance and also emergency services, serving customers round the clock. Throughout the years, Our experts have actually used high-quality residential and also commercial pests services worldwide.\nThe company has a variety of services varying from general pest extermination to wildlife as well as more. Our Statham professionals are completely geared up with modern methods and equipment to exterminate and control pests.\nResidential Pest Control in Statham Georgia\nGeorgia Residential pest control is the most crucial facet of home safety and security. This is since pests are a real issue for numerous homeowners and homebuyers. They cause health issue for children and also grownups alike. Pests can likewise damage your house’s interiors if they are not cared for instantly. Because of this, professional companies are extremely demanded to remove these pests in your house. Call our premier customer support to reschedule for inspection in your home\nResidential pest control professionals in Statham have the experience and knowledge needed to get rid of one of the most common household pests within your house successfully.\nWe will analyze your house’s within to determine feasible pests entrance factors and avoid future infestations by regulating the pests themselves. For instance, bedbugs and bed worms are typically found at kitchens to use particular pest powders in these areas.\nTake Control of Your Family’s Protection!\nStatham Commercial Pest Control for Businesses\nMore customers who frequent consuming joints often rely on the establishment to offer them with safe, yummy food. This is why many people are picking to dine out at dining establishment electrical outlets over the fast-food market. Regrettably, some dining establishments can attract extra bugs and pests than others, and these problems can be quite expensive to repair.\nOne of the most usual bugs and pests discovered in dining establishment food are bugs as well as pests discovered in the kitchen. This write-up will take a look at the largest commercial pests that generally infest dining establishment kitchens as well as dining rooms.\nThese experts can determine and remove bugs and pests from the restaurant-quality food supply, consisting of entire turkey dinners as well as various other items.\nComplete Pest Management\nPest management is something that several homeowners consider, but few actually do. It has benefits, but it also has its costs. It can be an extremely costly task to have a professional appeared and spray for months. It can also cost quite a bit of money to hire a person to get rid of the pests once they are currently in your home. This is why lots of people select to make the most of eco-friendly pests services in Statham.\nEco-friendly pest solutions are additionally eco-friendly too. These companies will tell you about the number of chemicals utilized in your house and also help you find the best means to get rid of pests that live in your home. They will likewise give you tips on making use of natural products to get rid of pests as well as exactly how to prevent infestations in your Statham home or business. From occurring again in the future.\nYou can utilize a number of companies, so see to it that you make the best decision– a company with a positive reputation for assisting individuals get rid of pests safely and efficiently.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Celebrate an evergreen Aussie Christmas with living gifts that will keep on giving for years to come, for the green thumbs and plant mums in your life.\n29 Vulture St, West End\n97 Boundary St, West End (inside West Village)\nExactly like it sounds, All the Green Things is the place to find the right plant for you, whether you want something lush and leafy, hardy and low-maintenance or perhaps something a little unusual or rare. They specialise in indoor, balcony and courtyard plants as well as terrariums, kokedama and macrame. They stock plenty of pots, baskets, and stands to style your indoor plants, and practical workshops are also on offer, from Green Thumbs 101 to DIY terrariums and basic macramé.\n240 Montague Rd, West End\nA curated selection of plants, terrariums, fish, and water gardens in a converted West End warehouse. Gift vouchers are also available instore or, if you’d rather give the gift of an experience, Mappins hosts workshops by industry professionals in terrariums, miniature Japanese gardens, kokedama, and more.\n2371 Moggill Road, Brookfield\nAn independent family-owned garden and lifestyle retailer based in Brookfield, built on a dedication to plants and an authentic love of gardening. Brookfield Gardens encompasses not only the nursery but also the Gift Shop, the Greenhouse, the Potting Shed, the Wild Canary Bistro and the Kitchen Garden.\nMakers of Something Special (MOSS)\nHandmade cement terrazzo pots from two local sisters – follow them on Instagram to find them at markets around Brisbane.\nCnr Krause St & Deception Bay Rd, Deception Bay\nA bit further from Brisbane city, The Plant Shack is an award-winning plant nursery as well as offering pots, gifts, and garden care. The Plant Shack grows most of its own plants to keep prices low for customers while keeping up with new releases and specialty lines from growers all over the state and northern NSW. The Plant Shack also has a trained Welcome Dog greeting customers most days of the week, rehoming older dogs to entertain, befriend and offer a little therapy to any customers that enjoy the company of gentle dogs.\nFind your soil mate! A boutique online store, pop up concept store and travelling market, The Plant Market sells plants (obviously!) as well as hand made or locally grown products from plant-loving creatives. They also host plant-themed workshops and create pop up markets and concept stores in beautiful spaces across Brisbane. Follow their socials to stay in the know about their next in-person event.\n90 Buckland Road, Nundah\nThe Plant Lounge is a boutique nursery stocking a range of Queensland-hardy plants and pots to create an urban jungle in your home. They source new plants each week, and also stock local ceramicists and artists, as well as some beautiful Australian made ceramic brands such as Angus & Celeste and Jones & Co.\n589 Robinson Rd, Aspley\nEstablished in 2015, Little Fox Lane is a family owned and operated indoor nursery and café, working with local growers to offer high quality plants. You can find plenty of gifts for the plant lovers in your life here, from plants, cacti, and terrariums to planters and baskets, dried florals, and plant care.\nShop 8A/3-5 Cupania St, Daisy Hill\nLush bouquets of fresh flowers, plus a range of indoor plants, pots, and more – drop in for a look or check them out online.\nFiona runs a pop-up plant shop, and her Instagram is full of interesting information about plant care tips – follow her to see when her next pop-up shop is happening!\nA creative community of growers, artists and crazy plant people. Follow them on Instagram for upcoming market dates.\nBasement Level, 6 Railway Terrace, Milton (entry via Crombie Street)\nThe Plant Bunker has a huge range of indoor and balcony plants, cacti and succulents, with a focus on easy care plants for your home as well as offering plenty of variety for the collectors and serious green thumbs. They also have a huge range of pots, planters and plant stands, We The Wild and Plant Runner plant care products, and stock their own soil, LECA balls, perlite, sphagnum moss and bamboo plant trellis/trainers. You’ll also find handmade and locally sourced items, including vintage bottles and treasures, plenty of handmade earrings, homewares, picnic blankets and other gift options. Gift vouchers are also available.\nThe space is dog friendly and serves coffee & slices from Offshoot Coffee Co until 1pm daily.\nLeave a Reply", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Raised garden beds, planters on wheels sub irrigation. Forest garden caledonian tiered raised plant bed pressure. Garden raised bed planter flower box cedar vegetable kit. Raised planter box with lattice and lights raised garden. Bcp raised vegetable garden bed 3 tier elevated planter. Outdoor patio: how to build greenland gardener raised. 20 diy raised garden bed ideas instructions [free plans.\nCeramic planters large nepinetworkorg. Window boxes metal window box displays. Big garden pots uk large garden planters uk large garden. Plantar fasciitis happy feet plus. Planters and flower boxes for patio railings cpl. Talented terrace girls: diy thursday : planter boxes. Planters inn st philip suite is charlestons most. Fairfield tall plastic planter in garden planter boxes. 53 best images about mosaic terracotta pots on pinterest. 25 inspiring diy pallet planter ideas. 60quot; window boxes.\nBuild your own raised planting beds youtube. Corrugated metal and wood raised bed garden beds. Peebles raised bed planter !!! sale !!! with free of. Photo gallery hotels in savannah the planters inn. Book planters inn on reynolds square in savannah hotelscom. Large, wooden garden planter, raised bed 4 ft long ebay. Morpeth raised bed planter half price sale !!! simply wood.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Grateful Alpine Bakery owners Gabriela and Ernst Freitag watched from across the street as firefighters fought to save the family owned business from the massive April 25 construction fire that destroyed the adjoining Renaissance apartments under construction. The business escaped the blaze with fairly minor water damage. (Photo by Tamara Steiner)\nOne month after a massive fire torched a 180-unit apartment building under construction on Galindo Street, a grateful downtown is back to normal. Residents are back in their homes; all streets are open and a diminishing pile of scorched, smelly debris is all that remains of the April 24 blaze that destroyed Legacy Partners’ Renaissance Square Phase 2. The apartments were about 60 percent complete and due to open in late summer. The building is a total loss and damages were estimated at $55 million. The cause is still under investigation.\nThe fast moving fire was first reported at 12:55 a.m. and spread quickly through the wood-framed building. Residents in the Renaissance Square apartments next door had less than 10-minutes to get out before a wall of scaffolding collapsed toward their building, crushing four cars below.\nWith flames shooting more than 100 feet into the air and embers coming down like hailstones, the evacuated residents, some still in pajamas and clutching terrified pets, headed to Todos Santos Plaza where Vinnie’s Bar and Grill opened their doors to the evacuees, providing a welcome refuge from the smoke and fear.\nThe Red Cross set up a shelter at the First Presbyterian Church. Food donations from local restaurants began arriving almost immediately, said church elder David Stearns. “Maybe 40 people spent the night, but we were open for three days until all the evacuees returned home.”\nDown the street in the Park and Shop parking lot, Alpine Bakery owners Gabriela and Ernst Freitag sat in their car and watched as firefighters mounted a heavy defense against the flames threatening to destroy their business. The bakery stood mere feet from the burning building. “It was not pretty, Gabriela said. “We bit our nails and prayed.”\n“It was our fear all during construction that it would catch fire and burn,” she said, “because of the fires in Oakland.”\nThe recent Concord fire bears an eerie similarity to fires that destroyed two other construction projects in Oakland and Emeryville since 2016. The Oakland project burned twice within several months and no cause was ever determined. The Emeryville fire was arson.\nThe firefighters were successful and the Alpine Bakery survived with only water damage.\n“They let us in to the building around 6 a.m.,” Gabriela said. “When we opened the door, the water was rushing like a river through the store.”\n“We’re really lucky, though,” she said. “There was no smoke or fire damage. We were closed for nine days, but we have really good insurance.”\nDebris removal from the fire continues. “It’s slow going because the builders are trying to save the foundation and anchor bolts,” said Ryan Pursley from the city’s Building Division.\nAll the material was fire damaged and cannot be recycled, said Pursley. But because it is new construction, there are no concerns about hazardous waste. “No asbestos, PBCs or lead paint were used,” he noted.\nThe fire is the largest in Concord in anyone’s memory, said Mayor Edi Birsan. “But we are Concord,” he said. “We will rebuild.”", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Peanuts, Virginia Jumbo (Arachis hypogaea) -10 Seeds\n•Also known as Ballpark Peanuts\n•American grown seeds\nWant an amazing project to start with your children or are you simply a fan of peanuts? Look no further than Virginia Jumbo peanuts. This easy to grow heirloom peanut bears 50-60 shells per plant in favorable conditions with jumbo peanuts inside. This is a very tasty peanut which is why they've been sold at baseball games for generations hence the name... ballpark peanuts.\nNorthern gardeners may want to start their peanut seeds indoors to get a head start on the season. Plant the peanut seeds for sale 1\" deep in large peat pots and keep at a temperature of 70 degrees F until germination; transplant them as soon as the soil temperature reaches an average of 60-70 degrees F. In warmer climates, direct sow around the time of the last frost by planting the seeds 3\" deep and 5\" apart; later, thin plants to 10\" apart. Peanuts need full sun and soil with good drainage. When the plant reaches 12\" tall, mound up the dirt around it and add mulch to conserve moisture and keep the soil soft. The tops of the faded flowers, also called pegs or peduncles, will bury themselves in the earth and begin to develop peanuts. Water the plants if the weather gets dry.\n•FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $35 or more.\n•Flat Rate shipping no matter how many seeds you order.\n•Growing instructions included on each seed packet.\n*All information is provided for educational purposes only.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Ubud, Monkey Forest, Batubulan Village, Celuk Silver Smith, Mas Wood Carving, Batuan Fine Art, Tegenungan Waterfall, Kecak Dance at Uluwatu Temple, Sea Food Dinner at Jimbaran Bay. First visit is in Tohpati and Batubulan village for batik hand made factory.\nEnjoy a peaceful horse riding along the beach before passing through bamboo, rice paddy and alang–alang plantations where wild banana trees and pineapples thrive also many species of birds and special temple dedicated to the annual rice harvest. Head back to the beach and see the brightly colored traditional fishing boat. Safe for children, beginner and no experience necessary.\nWho said Water Sport Activities in Bali are very expensive?? Come with us, located at the famous Tanjung Benoa beach Nusa Dua, we offer a reasonable price water sport activity with high International standards. Have fun with us and be amazed.\nBali Snorkeling Tours at Blue Lagoon Padang Bay is the best choice for you who like photography especially macro underwater. The snorkeling area has a sandy bottom and is home to one of Bali’s coral reefs. While you are exploring the reef, expect to see cuttlefish, angel fish, cow fish and moray eels. You may snorkel throughout the year at the Blue Lagoon Bali.\nWe offer Bali Zoo saver deals that it will possible to combine with other activities and sightseeing tours for greater savings and more fun for you and family. All tours are inclusive of hotel transfers, covering: Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Tanjung Benoa, Sanur and Ubud.\nJoin us to climb the semi active volcano of Mount Batur. Start at 04.00 AM, its need 2 hours to the pick, and you will see the rock hot water, steam, larva trickle and witness amazing sunrise above the lake. After climbing the mountain we will drive you to natural hot water spring at Toya Bungkah, on the way back we will visit Bali spices and coffee plantation for coffee break, last stop at Tegalalang the best rice terrace, then back to hotel.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Both wall and roof are easy to install with no other tools needed except for screw, you can use 4 per square meter. Sunnyda EPS sandwich panel features special process, hence suitable for special needs such as self-cleaning, high durable color, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistant, and anti-fingerprint.See all results for this questionWhat kind of plastic is a sandwich panel?Consisting of a tiny hollow spherical ball, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a cellular plastic material that is light inweight. EPS Sandwich Panel does not react when mixed with other components. For this reason, EPS Sandwich Panel does not decay easily.See all results for this questionWhat is the density of EPs sandwich?You have wide choices on EPS sandwich panel. The steel of EPS sandwich panel, be PPGI or galvalume steel ranges from 0.4-0.8mm. The density of EPS sandwich panel range is 12-20 kg/m3. The thickness of EPS sandwich panel range is 40-200mm. The wide of EPS sandwich panel is 1000 or 1200mm.See all results for this question\nThe core material is non-combustible and resistant to temperatures in excess of 1000 C. Our Isopanels use Rockwool Conrock Q5 as the panel core, made of basalt, a volcanic stone. heat resistant eps sandwich panel Isowall is the supplier of choice within Africa for Insulated Sandwich Panel, EPS and EPP heat resistant eps sandwich panel Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer and energy heat resistant eps sandwich panelTOPOLO EPS Wall Panel, Foam Core Sandwich PanelsBeing lightweight, heat resistant, waterproof and decorative, the panel is welcomed by various designers and engineers. EPS sandwich panels are intended for applications in various kinds of buildings: industrial, commercial, and housing.Sandwich panels - SendvipaneiThe final product is a sandwich panel consisted of several layers. Metal lining protects against weather conditions, such as rain or snow and also performs decorative function. These panels are also resistant to corrosive factors. They keep their parameters when exposed to moisture, steam, snow, chemicals or other difficult conditions.\nExpandable Polystyrene(EPS) is the thermoplastic material with the feature of well heat preservation. EPS can be widely used in various kinds of fields, such as construction material, heat preservation material of the cold storage, the air condition, vehicle, ships, Estimated Reading Time: 2 minsRelated searches for heat resistant eps sandwich paneleps sandwich paneleps sandwich wall paneleps cement sandwich panelcomposite foam sandwich panels epsSome results are removed in response to a notice of local law requirement. For more information, please see here.PIR Fire Resistant Panels | Thermal Panel SolutionsPIR Fire Resistant Panels We offer a range of Kingspan and Metecno PIR-cored fire resistant insulated panels for all types of temperature controlled applications & controlled environment projects. The high thermal performance of the PIR (PolyIsoCyanurate) core offers higher energy savings and/or reduced thicknesses of construction when compared heat resistant eps sandwich panel\n1. Our EPS sandwich panel has the following characteristics: light dead weight, high mechanical strength, excellent shearing resistant performance, strong corrosion resistance, high durability, and weather fastness, etc. 2. The sandwich panel has excellent insulating performance: heat insulation, sound insulation, waterproof performance, etc. 3.Lindab Sandwich Panels Technical Informationheat in the form of a direct flame, radiant heat or high temperatures. Reaction to fire heat resistant eps sandwich panel sandwich panels with IPN core achieve the highest rating for internal surfaces (B-s1,d0) and are classed as EI30 with heat resistant eps sandwich panel flame/fire-resistant EPS can produce a lot of black smoke and emit a lot of heat during a fire. Once the core melts the fireInsulated Waterproof Corrugated EPS Sandwich Panels Heat heat resistant eps sandwich panelFeatures of EPS Sandwich Panel. 1. EPS sandwich panel has the following characteristics: light dead weight, high mechanical strength, excellent shearing resistant performance, strong corrosion resistance, high durability, and weather fastness, etc. 2. The sandwich panel has excellent insulating performance: heat insulation, sound insulation, waterproof performance, etc. 3.\nSee allSee all imagesHeat Resistant Panels Suppliers, Manufacturer, Distributor heat resistant eps sandwich panelInsulated fireproof foam Eps sandwich wall panels heat resistant. Country/Region: China. Main Products: Steel Structure,Steel Workshop,Steel Structure Warehouse,Sandwich Panels ,Farming House,Prefab House. Total Revenue: Above US$100 Million. Top 3 Markets: Africa 40.0% , South America 10.0% , Southeast Asia 10.0%.Heat Resistant Insulated EPS Foam Cement Sandwich Wall Panel Fire Rated Vanjoin lightweight EPS(expandable polystyrene beads) cement sandwich panels can be used as interior & exterior wall, roof, floor and fence for residental house and commercial buildings.\nHeat Resistant Insulated EPS Foam Cement Sandwich Wall Panel Fire Rated . Vanjoin lightweight EPS(expandable polystyrene beads) cement sandwich panels can be. used as interior & exterior wall, roof, floor and fence for residental house and commercial buildings. our eps sandwich panel has features of lightweight, fireproof, water resitant, fast building,Fireproof and Insulated heat resistant sandwich panel heat resistant eps sandwich panelMay 07, 2021 · Fireproof and Insulated heat resistant sandwich panel heat resistant eps sandwich panelHeat Resistant Sandwich Panel 50mm Polyurethane Panel Waterproof Heat Resistant Polyurethane Heat Resistance Sandwich Panel Factory Panels Heat Resistance Fire Rated High-grade Rock WooHeat Sandwich Panel Resistance Fire Resistant Insulation Panels Heat Insulation ECO Cold Room Heat Resistant Sandwich Panels Fire Resistant Insulation Panels Heat Fire Resistant Insulation WalSee a full list on alibaba heat resistant eps sandwich panelEarthquake Resistant/Anti-Seismic EPS Cement Sandwich heat resistant eps sandwich panel 1).ZJT EPS Sandwich Panel ZJT Light Composite Energy-saving Sandwich Wall Panel is composed of face panel and interior heat resistant eps sandwich panel 2).Product Composition Surface :fiber cement board/calcium silicate board Interior filling materials : EPS / cement / heat resistant eps sandwich panel 3).Product heat resistant eps sandwich panel\nSunnyda EPS sandwich panel features special process, hence suitable for special needs such as self-cleaning, high durable color, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistant, and anti-fingerprint. You have wide choices on EPS sandwich panel. The steel of EPS sandwich panel, be PPGI or galvalume steel ranges from 0.4-0.8mm.Estimated Reading Time: 7 minsEPS WALL PANELS | Banu MukhtarEPS Sandwich Panel is a kind of lightweight energy saving wall material, which uses cement fiber board as face panel, filled with cement and expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam particles as core material.EPS Polystyrene Insulated Sandwich PanelsIntroduction: EPS sandwich panel production process adopts the colored steel sheet as surface board,and the core material is the self-extinguishing closed cell polystyrene foam,It is a kind of highstrength. by combining the pressed colored steel sheet\nAdvantages. EPS panels are a viable option owing to their sheer strength and durability and are best suited for walls as well as roofing. They are designed to be earthquake and weather resistant and are waterproof, soundproof and heat and fire resistant.EPS Lightweight Concrete Panel Polywall Philippines15 rows · POLYWALL® EPS SANDWICH PANEL. Polywall® is a lightweight, non-load bearing precast wall heat resistant eps sandwich panelEstimated Reading Time: 50 secsDescription POLYWALL® 100mm POLYWALL® 150mm Fire resistance 4 hours 4 hours Heat Transfer 0.1478W/ (m.k) 0.1478W/ (m.k) Density 650 kg/m3 650 kg/m3 See all 15 rows on polywall heat resistant eps sandwich panel.phEPS Cement Sandwich Panel on sales - Quality EPS Cement heat resistant eps sandwich panelEPS Cement Sandwich Panel, You can Buy good quality EPS Cement Sandwich Panel , we are EPS Cement Sandwich Panel distributor & EPS Cement Sandwich Panel manufacturer from China market. heat resistant eps sandwich panel Foam precast concrete sandwich panels Heat Insulated 2 hours Fire Resistant. Earthquake Proof EPS Cement Sandwich Panel , Ceramicite Cement Sandwich Panel.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- This event has passed.\nFood Trucks: Chick-fil-A\nAugust 20, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 8:00 pm\n|Recurring Event (See all)\nOne event on August 20, 2022 at 11:00 am\nLocal Food Trucks descend upon our community during the summer weekends to keep bustling campers well fed. Find us at the North Shore Center parking lot!\nPlease note: On busy weekends trucks may run out of food and have to close early.\nClick to rate this contractor!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Staunton, June 14 – The fact that Russians devote so little attention to their independence day even as they devote so much to Victory Day, Vadim Shtepa says, highlights a fundamental reality: Russia may not be a failed state according to the classic definitions, but it is a failed country, one that has not been able to break itself away from its imperial past.\nIn 1990, when the RSFSR declared its sovereignty relative to the USSR, the leaders of that republic and some of the population understood this action in what might be called “the ‘American’ sense, as an escape from the status of an imperial colony.” But other Russians “preserved an imperial mentality” (rufabula.com/articles/2016/06/14/day-of-a-failed-country).\nThis divide in the population and the failure of the Russian leadership to resolve it in favor of a post-imperial model meant that Russians began to ask what they had declared their independence from, even adding “from themselves,” and that the country failed to make this break and instead followed “a neo-imperial evolution.”\nAt roughly the same time the RSFSR adopted its sovereignty declaration, Shtepa continues, “all the remaining republics of the USSR” did the same. “But there was an essential difference in that they really sought to build new independent states, even if they declared as the Baltic countries did that they were ‘restoring their independence.’”\nYeltsin and his government “also loved to talk about ‘a new Russia,’ but already in the first post-Soviet years,” the Karelian analyst living in Estonia says, what they did and even said “recalled the old pre-revolutionary empire,” with the key moment being the suppression of the Supreme Soviet in 1993 and the adoption of an extreme presidentialist constitution.\nIf in 1990 Yeltsin had told Russia’s republics and regions to “take as much sovereignty as you can swallow,” in 1994, Shtepa notes, the Russian president “unleashed a typically imperial colonial war against Chechnya.” And at the same time, he restored ever more imperial symbols and titles from the tsarist past.“The Putin era has led this restoration to its local conclusion,” with the Kremlin viewing the Russian Federation as “a direct continuation of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.” In such a state, the words of the 1990 declaration on sovereignty have little meaning, showing that Russians have not been able to build “’a new country.’”\nAleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned against this in his 1973 essay, “Remorse and Self-Restraint” (vehi.net/samizdat/izpodglyb/05.html) before falling victim to the very thing he had said Russians must avoid: an obsession with their special role in history and the centrality of the empire in their lives.\nThe Russian powers that be today may not declare this ideology “so openly” but they “in fact are attached to it. Putin in his speeches willingly cites the ‘greatness’ of Russian history both tsarist and soviet.” And this set of ideas has even been codified by Russian culture minister Vladimir Medinsky (pravmir.ru/vladimir-medinskiy-raznitsa-vo-mneniyah-o-revolyutsii-1917-goda-povod-dlya-dialoga-a-ne-konflikta-video-1/).\nAs a result of this imperialist approach, Shtepa argues, Russia increasingly celebrates its past wars; and despite its self-proclaimed “’anti-fascism,’” it in fact pursues “many typically fascist principles,” including not only the cult of military victory and expansionism but the Nazi-like pursuit of unifying all ethnic Russians in one state.\nThe Karelian analyst concludes by pointing to Fedor Krasheninnikov’s dystopian novel, “After Russia,” which suggests that “the Russian Federation will share the fate of the disintegrating Soviet Union” and for many of the same reasons. (On his ideas, see windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2016/04/can-russia-however-much-sub-divided.html.)\nToday, both Krasheninnikov and Shtepa say, “Russian regions do not have even that formal self-standingness which the republics in the USSR enjoyed. The Putin regime of ‘the power vertical’ gives the impression of a harsh one, but in reality, this construction is very unstable because it opposes the power and the citizenry.”\nShtepa says he is not prepared to make the kind of sweeping conclusions that Krasheninnikov draws, but he does suggest that after the next turn of the historical wheel, it is entirely possible that “the very word ‘Russia’ will really disappear as disappeared at one time the names ‘Roman Empire,’ ‘Byzantium,’ and ‘the German Reich.’”\nAnd that is because, he continues, “unfortunately, the Russian Federation after 1990 has not been able to build a new contemporary country.” Instead, the very name of the country “inevitably forces its residents to think in the imperial categories of the past” and sets them and their country at odds with the outside world.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reversible reactions: Reaction in which entire amount of the reactants is not converted into products is termed as reversible reaction.\n(i) Characteristics of reversible reactions\n(a) These reactions can be started from either side,\n(b) These reactions are never complete,\n(c) These reactions have a tendency to attain a state of equilibrium, in which Free energy change is zero (ΔG = 0),\n(d) This sign (⇌) represents the reversibility of the reaction,\n(ii) Examples of reversible reactions\n(a) Neutralisation between an acid and a base either of which or both are weak e.g.,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "GPSolo Magazine - December 2003\nYou’ve decided you need a scanner in your office. As with any piece of hardware, knowing what you want it to do and how you plan to use it will help you make the best possible decision about which model to buy. But first, as with most technology, scanners have a language all their own, and you should be conversant with at least the basic terminology.\n- Color depth. This somewhat misleading phrase refers to the number of possible colors. Manufacturers generally advertise the internal or input color depth, typically 48 bits, rather than the output color depth, which is what you’ll actually see and is limited by the 24-bit maximum most applications (apps) can handle. Adobe Photoshop is among the apps that can handle up to 48 bits of image data. As internal color-depth numbers rise, generally so does the quality of the image, but the real test of an inexpensive scanner is how well it converts the scan to 24-bit output. This can be determined only by viewing the results.\n- Scan element type. The technology used to capture an image can make a difference in the quality of the result. Most ordinary flatbed scanners use a CCD (charged coupled device) scanning element, but some compact scanners use the smaller CIS (contact image sensor). Scanners using a CCD typically produce better results.\n- Optical resolution. Optical resolution refers to the maximum number of dots per inch (dpi) a scanner can capture with the imaging hardware. With commodity flatbed scanners, the optical resolution typically ranges between 600 x 600 dpi and 1200 x 2400 dpi. A lower optical resolution, for example 300 x 300 dpi, generally works, even for scanning and printing photographic images the same size as the original. If you want to scan small originals—photographic slides, for example—and enlarge them, however, look for the highest possible resolution you can afford. Scanners with optical resolution greater than 1200 x 2400 dpi are generally professional grade and are expensive.\n- Interpolated resolution. Interpolated resolution results from software processing of the scanned image that fills in spaces between scanned dots with other, artificially generated dots. Interpolated resolution is important only if you plan to scan line art and enlarge it dramatically—to produce trial graphics, for example—or send it to a phototypesetter, because interpolation in some cases will eliminate jagged fine lines. Commodity flatbed scanners usually offer interpolated resolutions of 9600 x 9600 dpi, and some claim as much as 19200 x 19200 dpi.\n- Maximum supported media size (maximum scan area). Low-cost flatbed scanners, now commodity items, scan media up to 8.5 x 11 inches (letter-sized) or 8.27 x 11.69 inches (A4-sized). Few inexpensive scanners can handle 8.5- x 14-inch (legal-sized) media. Photo scanners generally max out at 5 x 7 inches, but ordinary flatbeds can produce scans of equal quality to use-specific photo scanners. Film scanners, designed for slides or negatives only, generally do better than flatbeds with slide adapters. Scanners capable of handling large media, such as 11- x 17-inch paper, are substantially more expensive.\n- Flatbed scanners. These function much like copiers, with a glass platen over a scanning element or a lens. Some are equipped with an automatic document feeder (ADF) or offer this as an add-on. If you plan to scan books or other bound volumes, photographs, film, or slides, you will need a flatbed scanner.\n- Sheetfed scanners. These have no platen and work like a fax machine to scan the original images on a page. Many also have the capability of scanning both sides at once (duplex). They can be significantly more expensive than flatbed scanners but are useful for high-volume scanning (e.g., document productions).\n- Duty cycle. This refers to the number of scans per month the unit is designed to handle. Because this number can affect the frequency of machine failure, be sure your choice matches your anticipated scanning volume. (As a practical matter, if you expect a high duty cycle, you’ll do best with at least a flatbed with an ADF, or a high-capacity sheetfed scanner.)\n- Compatibility. Not all machines work with every operating system. Some units are compatible only with Windows-based computers or with recent versions of Windows. Others are compatible with a wide selection of operating systems, including Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Unix.\n- Warranty, service, and support. Most major scanner manufacturers offer a one-year warranty on parts and labor. In addition to thorough printed and electronic instruction manuals, the manufacturer should offer technical support via telephone, e-mail, or a website. Toll-free numbers and 24/7 telephone support are less common.\nHow Will You Use It?\n- What will you be scanning (single sheets, photographs, film or slides, books or other bound materials, files, incoming and outgoing documents, etc.)?\n- What is the size rage (business cards, standard letter, A4, legal)?\n- Will you scan two-sided materials? You may want a scanner with built-in duplexing.\n- Will you need to enlarge the scanned images or portions of them? A high-resolution scanner will give the best results.\n- Will you want color output (a step up from black-and-white models)?\n- Will your daily output require an automatic feeder?\n- What will your monthly output be? Check it against the machine’s duty cycle.\n- l Do you want scanned text to be searchable? Optional optical character recognition software can be added to do this automatically for final PDF or word-processing documents.\n- Do you want scanned material available to all office workstations? If so, consider getting a scanner that will connect directly to your network, instead of running your scans through a dedicated workstation.\n- Will you want scanned materials transferred directly to CD-ROM? Some models, such as the Canon CD-4050, offer this feature.\n- Will you want the scanner to directly fax or e-mail scanned materials?\n- What connective capabilities will you need to interface with workstations? Some scanners use SCSI interface, others use USB. (See the sidebar “Making the Connection” on page 43.)\nMaking the Connection\nThere are basically two options for connecting the scanner to the computer: Universal Serial Bus (USB) and Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). Both USB and SCSI come in varying standards that transmit data at different rates. USB 1.1 moves data at the rate of 10 MB per second, whereas the newer USB 2.0 transfers data at the theoretical rate of 480 MB per second. SCSI, an older technology, has more standards and rates; the original SCSI-1 standard moved data at the rate of 5MB per second, whereas the current Ultra160 SCSI moves data at the rate of 160MB per second. Some scanners can be connected directly to a LAN by way of a built-in network interface card (NIC). Here the choices are standard Ethernet with a capacity of 10 MB per second, fast Ethernet rated at 100 MB per second, and dual-capability 10/100 MB per second NICs.\nScanners come with as few or as many bells and whistles as imaginable, and they are priced accordingly. Higher prices generally mean increased functionality and productivity, but these must be balanced against your real-world requirements.\nFlatbed scanners cover a huge range, from single-sheet standard-letter models to 200-sheet ADF-fed legal-size duplexing workhorses. At the low end of the price spectrum is the 48-bit Epson Perfection 1260 color scanner for PCs or Macs ($89, www.epson.com), featuring 1200 optical dpi (1200 x 2400 hardware dpi) and optional slide adapter but no ADF. The Canon CanoScan 5000F CCD and Canon CanoScan LiDE 80 CIS 2400 optical dpi (2400 x 4800 hardware dpi), also for PCs or Macs, color scan and are $169.99 and $179.99, respectively (www.canon.com).\nThe HP ScanJet 7400c ($499 “street” [online or brick-and-mortar] or $319 to $469 direct from HP, www.hp.com) 48-bit color scanner can scan photos, text, and graphics at 600 optical dpi, and at 2400 optical dpi for high-resolution materials such as slides, negatives, and other images requiring enlargement. It also handles legal-sized documents and photographic media from 35mm film to 5- x 5- inch prints. HP Precisionscan LAN software (included) lets you connect to your network via USB (included) or SCSI (optional). It features an optional 50-page ADF ($250) that enables 15 ppm scanning. This model includes preset buttons for setting number of copies according to output type: e-mail photo, e-mail document, fax, copy, file, and OCR.\nFarther up the scale are devices such as the Fujitsu Fi-4340C 600 optical dpi 24-bit color flatbed CCD scanner with a 100-sheet ADF capable of handling 100 sheets of legal paper at up to 48 ppm. Using a Fast SCSI interface, this Windows-only scanner (street $2,976-$4,071, www.fujitsu.com) has a duty cycle of 3,000. The fancier Fujitsu Fi-4750C also offers duplex scanning.\nThe Canon DR-4580U (street $5,024-$5,772) 400 optical dpi color scanner offers one-pass duplexing with a CCD element for the “front” and a CIS scanning element for the “back” of each sheet. Working from a 200-sheet ADF, the DR-4580U can scan up to 56 ppm in simplex and 92 sides per minute in duplex mode. Scanning resolution is adjustable from 100 to 600 dpi in one-dpi steps. The platen will accept ledger-size (11- x 17-inch) documents.\nCorex Cardscan Executive\nIf you accumulate a substantial number of business cards, as I do, a nifty solution for getting the information into your personal information manager (PIM) without having to re-key it is the Corex CardScan 500 Executive (www.cardscan.com). This paperback-sized device scans cards, automatically identifies the information on them, enters it into the correct fields, and even generates a database you can export to your favorite PIM (such as Microsoft Outlook). It’s available online for under $150, including associated software. The more advanced CardScan 600 ($249) scans color and monochrome cards and connects via the included USB cable.\nSheetfed scanners also offer a broad selection of capabilities, starting with the lightweight small-footprint Canon DR-2080C 600 optical dpi 24-bit color duplex scanner. This reasonably priced device (street $690-$790) will image up to 20 sheets per minute in duplex mode (i.e., up to 40 ppm) from a 50-sheet ADF with on-the-fly OCR-to-PDF conversion to generate searchable PDF files. This Windows-only scanner offers both USB 2.0 and SCSI-II interface.\nStepping up from here, the Canon DR-3060C 300 dpi color scanner has a 100-sheet ADF and images up to 43 sheets per minute in duplex mode (street $2,897-$3,295); and the Canon DR-5020 400 dpi model features a 500-sheet ADF imaging up to 90 sheets per minute at 200 dpi in duplex mode (street $4,416-$5,099).\nIf you’re going to be doing a lot of high-speed, high-volume scanning, the Panasonic KV-SS855D 400 optical dpi dual-CCD monochrome scanner with a 1,000-sheet ADF is for you (www.panasonic.com). This versatile unit accepts paper from business cards to ledger sheets. It will scan over 180 images per minute at 200 dpi in landscape duplex mode, and up to 160 images (80 sheets) per minute in portrait duplex mode. Speed and capacity at this level, however, come at a price—$13,600.\nMultifunction devices are now available to the consumer market owing to the rise of digital copying. The devices incorporate a printer, copier, scanner, and fax machine into desktop or stand-alone models. Consider a laser printer rather than inkjet, because the printed images are more durable.\nXerox (www.xerox.com) offers the small-footprint (21 x 17 inches) WorkCentre M15i ($1,299) with 30-sheet ADF that prints at 1200 x 1200 dpi at up to 16 ppm (letter), copies at 600 x 600 dpi at the same speed, scans at up to 4800 dpi interpolated, and faxes monochrome and color over the built-in 33.6 bps fax modem at 300 x 300 dpi at 3 seconds/page. The M15i connects via either parallel (IEEE 1284) or USB cables or an optional external Ethernet print server.\nAnother small-footprint desktop device (22.4 x 24 inches) is the oddly shaped Lexmark X632 MFP ($3,749, www.lexmark.com). Ethernet 10/100 Base TX-ready, with both a bi-directional parallel port and a USB port, it has a 50-sheet up-to-legal-size ADF, prints at 1200 x 1200 dpi, copies (monochrome) up to 40 ppm, and scans up to 23 ppm monochrome and 14 ppm color at 600 dpi, with a duplex capability. It is equipped with a 33.6 Kbps fax modem. It comes with 64 MB of RAM, a 500-sheet paper tray, and a 100-sheet multipurpose feeder—and can be upgraded to 320 MB of RAM, paper drawers as large as 2,000 sheets, a 500-sheet duplexing tray, and an envelope feeder. It works with Windows and Macintosh operating systems and carries standard duty cycles of 200,000 pages per month for the copier/printer and 10,000 pages per month for the scanner. The X632 will work with Citrix MetaFrame terminal services; certain Unix, Linux, and Novell operating systems; and virtually any platform supporting TCP/IP. It even offers an optional 802.11b external wireless network port.\nXerox (www.xerox.com) offers a number of advanced multifunction systems for those of us wedded to traditional standalone copiers. Both the Document Centre and WorkCentre Pro series offer 4,800-sheet capacity, special finishing options customary to Xerox copiers, and a 350,000-ppm duty cycle. The Document Centre series starts with the Model 535 at $8,799 and 35 ppm capacity and includes units running as much as 55 ppm. All Document Centre units copy, print, network fax, i-Fax, e-mail, and network scan. The WorkCentre Pro series operate at the same page outputs or run as high as 90 ppm; all units copy, print, fax, i-Fax, network scan with e-mail, and offer fax server and accounting server integration. Xerox participates in the ABA Member Advantage program and offers special pricing options and discounts to members.\nWith courts moving steadily toward e-filing and even e-service, and with communication moving to e-mail (with attached graphic files for correspondence, court papers, attachments, exhibits, and the like), scanners are becoming more and more essential to the well-equipped law office. Choose wisely for your particular situation, and you can be on the way to a paper-less, if not paperless, practice.\nJ. Anthony Vittal is a business trial lawyer in Los Angeles, California. He speaks and writes frequently on legal technology topics. He can be reached at email@example.com.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Previous posts in this series have discussed the method and tool of making maps. The figure shows the end product of this process leading to the naming of creeks, and other landmarks useful in tree climbing.\nMany early patents (land grants) are recorded using creeks as markers for locations. Separating and identifying these often help break down many brick walls.\nThe post is found:\nEnjoy the swim!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Alex K. Silverson\nPeople across the world fight every day for rights that should be acquired at birth. With every step forward in time, more and more of these rights are obtained by those who reach out for them, but the lasting impression of the fight remains. Appointing dates to represent certain historical landmarks is necessary in a world that moves so fast, we forget the past.\nCelebrated on May 17th internationally (falling into its 12th edition), IDAH (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia) looks to celebrate the diversity that makes up our world. It is intended to showcase LGBTQIA+ rights work across the globe, while also raising awareness about rights violation encountered each and every day. Although in recent years, work towards rebuilding the foundations of basic human rights have seen a spike, there are still many more steps to take.\nAt John Abbott College, we do our best to provide a safe place for everyone. On April 12th, G.A.L.A. Club (Gay And Literally Anyone) will provide activities and informative booths to help the students learn and diversify their knowledge about the LGBTQIA+ community. Come help us celebrate the values and the joy of the LGBTQIA+ community, all while enjoying the presence of guest speakers, smiles, and cupcakes!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Preliminary design work on the Apollo spacecraft started almost immediately after President Kennedy’s speech, as engineers settled on a vehicle that could carry three crew into space for up to two weeks. By November 1961, NASA had given the contract to North American Aviation, a company with a fine reputation for building military aircraft, like the P-51 Mustang and the B-25 Mitchell bomber, but no experience with spacecraft.\nConcerns soon emerged with the company’s construction of the Apollo Block I spacecraft. The initial version contained more than 600 switches, indicators, circuit breakers, and controls, along with 20 miles of wiring. Some of the work seemed haphazard, and machine bundling of the wires left them open to short circuits.\nDespite these challenges, NASA’s successes in spaceflight increased its confidence in the ability to overcome any obstacle on the way to the Moon. For the first (but not the last) time, the space agency and its contractors succumbed to “go fever,” the urge to launch while the launching is good, downplaying or even ignoring safety indicators. Even the astronauts were imbued with such confidence.\nApollo 1 Commander Gus Grissom had already cheated death once during spaceflight. During America's second human spaceflight, the hatch on his Mercury spacecraft blew too early after he had landed in the ocean. The vehicle began taking on water, and his flooded flight suit nearly pulled him under before a helicopter snatched him from the Atlantic. Later, Grissom flew the first Gemini mission. If not for the Apollo 1 fire, he would also have been in line to command the first mission to the Moon's surface. Cool and calm, Grissom felt himself capable of tackling any problem that might arise.\nFellow astronaut Walt Cunningham came to NASA in 1963 as part of the third group of fliers chosen as the space agency enlarged its corps for the Apollo missions. A Marine Corps fighter pilot, Cunningham had flown 54 missions in Korea. “We were all interested in flying faster, higher, and farther,” Cunningham recalled recently. A little more than three years after arriving at NASA, Cunningham was named one of three back-up crew members for Apollo 1.\nPushing barriers was part of an astronaut’s job. This often happened in the sleek T-38 aircraft assigned for astronauts to fly from Houston to Kennedy Space Center in Florida or to Los Angeles, where North American was building the Apollo spacecraft. “It was like the last great flying club,” Cunningham recalled. “We ended up doing things with the T-38s, pushing them to levels anyone flying today will tell you, 'Can’t do that.'”\nFor instance, Cunningham flew his T-38 nonstop from Los Angeles to Ellington Field in Houston, a journey of nearly 1,400 miles that normally required a refueling stop in El Paso. A nonstop flight typically was attempted only during the winter, when the jet stream moved south. Under the right conditions, a T-38 could save fuel by cruising to a high altitude and catching a strong tailwind. To succeed, a pilot had to average 60 knots of tailwind, Cunningham recalled—and had to hit that average by Albuquerque or El Paso. Otherwise, the plane would run out of fuel before reaching Houston.\nOne time, with Wally Schirra flying, Cunningham passed El Paso but still had not hit the requisite average. Schirra took the plane up to 47,000 feet, where the duo found a roaring 160-knot tailwind. Even so, after passing San Antonio, Schirra shut one engine down and pulled the other one back to idle. At a few thousand feet above the Houston runway, he started up the second engine and circled down.\n“All the way down, I had my hands on both eject handles,” Cunningham recalled. “It was very close. But in those days, we never even really thought a whole lot about it. We never talked a whole lot about it. That represents the difference in attitude we had. Not that I would recommend it, or even say it’s healthy for people. But it’s part of what made that program what it is now remembered for.”\nThe \"plugs-out\" test on January 27, 1967, was a standard step in the run-up to the first crewed launch of an Apollo spacecraft. Essentially, the test simulated the launch of both the rocket and its spacecraft, during which both vehicles switched to internal power. Although this was a serious test, no one expected the catastrophe that unfolded inside the capsule. Everyone assumed the real danger would come later, in space.\nThe definitive cause of the Apollo 1 fire, which killed Grissom, Roger Chaffee, and Ed White, has never been found. An incident review board pointed toward a “most probable cause,” in which cabling bundled beneath a door leading to the environmental control unit frayed during repeated openings and closings. It seems likely that when Grissom opened this door, electricity arced between exposed areas of wire. That was a problem because, in flight, the spacecraft would follow the same design as Gemini and Mercury—filling its internal volume with pure oxygen. This design choice saved considerable weight over a more complex two-gas system, but it also meant there were “many types and classes of combustible material” in the craft, the review board report stated.\nA fire broke out, and conditions deteriorated rapidly inside the pressurized spacecraft. Only eight seconds passed between the time when a significant voltage transient was recorded and when someone, probably Grissom, shouted \"Fire!\" Two seconds later, someone, likely Chaffee, said: “I’ve [or 'We've'] got a fire in the cockpit.” Seven seconds later came a final transmission, which has been variously interpreted as “We’ve got a bad fire—let’s get out... We’re burning up!” or “I’m reporting a bad fire... I’m getting out. Oh, AAH!” This was followed by a scream. The radio went silent.\nFollowing all of the investigations, Apollo's program office manager, Joe Shea, took much of the blame. He had led development of the Apollo spacecraft and was a burgeoning celebrity due to his extensive efforts to get the Apollo command module's development on track. Indeed, Shea's acclaim in the press had begun to rival even that of German rocket builder Wernher von Braun. Time magazine planned to feature Shea on its cover after the Apollo 1 launch.\nShea knew that NASA had taken delivery of a flawed spacecraft from North American, having reviewed all the reports of fixes that needed to be made. Moreover, Shea was sympathetic to problems raised by Grissom and the other astronauts. To gain first-hand understanding of the problems plaguing the Apollo 1 spacecraft, Shea had asked technicians at Cape Canaveral on January 26 to rig a fourth communications loop inside the spacecraft so that he could join the crew during the plugs-out test. But such a system couldn’t be wired in time, so Shea flew back to Houston on Friday afternoon. He arrived at his office just about when the fire began.\nShea could never forgive himself for the accident; he had failed to recognize the danger of the plugs-out test in a pure oxygen environment. In the weeks and months after the fire, he worked himself to exhaustion. For Apollo to survive, he would have to go. Shea was offered a transfer to headquarters in DC by NASA Administrator George Mueller, though the deputy administrator position that had sounded so good on paper turned out to be nothing more than a bureaucratic version of purgatory. Shea spent his days reading in his office or wandering around the nation's capital. Soon, he would be gone from NASA, forever knowing that he could have been sitting in that capsule alongside Grissom, White, and Chaffee.\nShea would never forget a meeting on August 19, 1966, when NASA accepted the Apollo 1 spacecraft from North American. The Apollo 1 crew members were in attendance during the six-hour meeting during which Shea led a discussion of major and minor problems with the spacecraft, which would be transferred from California to Florida for checkout procedures.\nCharles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox's Apollo: Race to the Moon recounts that Grissom asked for the floor toward the end of the meeting and took out two photos of the Apollo 1 crew seated behind a table, heads bowed as if in prayer. Grissom gave a signed copy of one photo to Stormy Storms, general manager of North American’s space division, and another copy to Shea.\n“Joe [Shea] advised us to practice our backup procedures religiously, so here we are practicing,” Grissom said, according to the book. Shea's photograph carried an inscription: “It’s not that we don’t trust you, Joe, but this time we’ve decided to go over your head.”\nShea kept the photograph displayed in the entrance of his home for the rest of his life.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "No one can say with any certainty how long there has been a congregation of religious brothers living on Mt Carmel, the great edifice that looks down toward Nazareth on the plain from one direction, and the Mediterranean Sea to another. Nor do they have a named founder. They have been recognized since the twelfth century AD, but were probably there more than one hundred years earlier. Some scholars suggest there has been a group of hermits on the mountain ever since Elijah’s confrontation with the followers of Baal. A spiritual residence on Mt Carmel was written about by Ancient Greeks, and Pythagoras is believed to have spent time there.\nBy the thirteenth century a group used the name Brothers of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. Their expression was one of deep devotion to the Blessed Mother: Mary is the example of Christ’s Divine love and how to live in the human family. The order is mendicant, that is, that they survive on Christian donations, at times through begging. There was definitely a church dedicated to Mary on the mountain built in the thirteenth century, but some archaeologists and historians have pointed to a much earlier date, at least for the construction of an altar. At the top of the mountain, one can visualize the altar erected by Elijah. Earlier historians believed St Helena, the great church builder and mother of Roman Emperor Constantine, had a worship space consructed on the mountain. There is even evidence that some building on Mt Carmel was dedicated to Mary prior to her Assumption into heaven, and it is clear that this is one of the first sights of the new Christian faith to commemorate the Mother of Jesus.\nThe order of Carmelites spread from the mountain into Europe. There, some of the greatest saints and Doctors of the Church refined and redirected the order. They include Teresa of Avila, who mastered prayer and developed it within the order, which by then included Carmelite nuns. St John of the Cross wrote “The Ascent of Mt Carmel,” apparently in response to the deprivation he experienced in a church prison, “The Dark Night of the Soul.” John and Teresa united to bring a respect and understanding of the Order of Our Lady of Mt Carmel that had never been there before. However, the most involving exploit of a holy person has been wrapped in mystery and controversy and took place far away from Mt Carmel.\nOn July 16, 1251 the Blessed Virgin was said to have appeared to Simon Stock in Cambridge, England. The word ‘stock’ comes from Olde English and is a sort of slang for a tree trunk. Simon was so named because of a legend that he became a hermit at the age of twelve and lived in the trunk on an ancient oak. The young man was educated extensively in Rome and at Mt Carmel, where he became a preacher. He might never have left the mountain had Muslims not secured the territory for a time and expelled all Christians. Once he made his way to England, he took the vows of a Carmelite, remained devoted to Mary, and in his 80s became the sixth superior general of the Carmelites. During his leadership, the order spread throughout Europe, and Simon converted the assembly to friars rather than hermits and they began to live a more organized monastic life.\nDespite the growth of the order, they had enemies including much of the ‘organized’ European clergy. Not all saw them as a legitimate religious order, and they were even accused of lacking Christian beliefs. In some cases, their Marian devotion was seen as a little over the top. It was amidst this turmoil that the Blessed Mother is believed to have appeared to Simon and presented him with a brown scapular, made in the image of her own clothing. She told him that anyone in the order who wore the scapular in reverence and prayer would have her protection from sin and death. Even though the brown scapular has become the symbol of the Carmelites, its protection has been extended to all those who wear the emblem in faith. This was not the first or last scapular introduced to faithful Christians, and the word itself actually comes from the name of a monk’s shoulder-covering cloak.\nSimon Stock expanded the Order of Our Lady of Mt Carmel greatly. Even though he enhanced the faith and the tradition of Marian devotion, he has never been canonized a saint. That is in part to the controversy surrounding how or if Simon came into possession of the scapular from the hands of the Blessed Mother. Even though he is not sainted, Simon Stock is recognized as a patron to the Carmelites and is celebrated by them on May 16, the date of his death in France.\nOriginally, July 16 was celebrated as a feast day for the Scapular of Mt Carmel, but it has always been a day to remember the prayerful, penitential Mother of Jesus, her example to Carmelites and to all the faithful. It is not so much a memorial of an apparition of Mary as it is a recalling of her tremendous example to those who chose to live a Christian lifestyle whether they are Carmelite or laity, praying a rosary or celebrating a Mass. It is in a way, a recollection of God’s goodness and his gift of tolerance to humankind. It is a day of inspiration and reflection on what Christian values really are.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The English prefix 'inter' is used to denote a being between or among.1 The Latin preposition 'inter', from which the English prefix originated,2 carries the same meaning.3 And this goes also for the Sanskrit 'antar',4 to which the Latin preposition can be traced back.5 Now a being between presupposes a plurality. And a plurality presupposes an alterity and a difference. If there are no alterity and difference among certain givens, if they are all completely identical, then the unity of one single given is the case, and not the plurality of a multitude of givens. And then there can also be no case of a being between, and thus the term 'inter' will then not be applicable.\nIn the title of this contemplation the prefix 'inter' is fixed to the word 'wedlock'. 'Wedlock' is nowadays used to simply denote the condition of being (literary or legislative) married,6 but referred in older times more meaningful to the marriage vow of being faithful.7 It is a compound word, composed of the terms 'wed' and 'lock'. 'Wed' here taken as a verb refers to the act of marrying,8 however when taken as a noun does it refer to a pledge.9 This latter meaning is also attached to its presumed prehistoric Germanic root 'wathjōjan'.10 So the word 'wed' as it appears in 'wedlock' refers in its root to a pledge.\nThe second term of which 'wedlock' is compounded, namely; 'lock', refers primarily to a fastening and an enclosing.11 Taking the two primary meanings of 'wed' and 'lock' back again in the compounded word 'wedlock' it comes to refer to a pledge that fastens and encloses. In wedlock two people pledge faithfulness, fastening themselves to each other and enclosing themselves from other such pledges with others. It is in this more primal meaning that 'wedlock' is used here. This primal meaning leaves room for pledged relationships outside legislative marriage to fall under the term 'wedlock'.\n'Inter-wedlock', to attach the earlier contemplated 'inter' to 'wedlock', then refers to a fastening and enclosing pledge between people that are different from each other.\n'Inter-wedlock' refers to a fastening and enclosing pledge between people that are different from each other. This assertion raises the question of human difference. Now human difference should be dealt with against the background of human sameness. Thus first a look shall be given at human sameness, after which human difference can be contemplated.\nHuman sameness can be understood as that which makes a human human. It is that which all humans exclusively share with each other, that which makes all humans exclusively the same. The word 'exclusively' is used deliberately. For there are aspects in humans which are the same among them, but which are not exclusively human. It can be induced that all humans have a brain. But it is not exclusive for a human to have a brain. An animal has a brain too. So to have a brain may be an aspect of human-animalistic sameness, but not of human sameness. What is it then that makes a human exclusively human? The answer to that question is as much meaningful as it is simple. The answer is 'humaneness'. It is exclusive for humans to be humane. If a being is not humane, then this being cannot be considered to be human. Here it is not possible to contemplate humaneness intensively, and a deeper understanding of its meaning shall therefore be left to the contemplator's own humaneness. After all is it only humaneness which can understand humaneness.\nHumaneness is human sameness. It is in humaneness that human differences can be overcome and that human sameness can become the focus of attention. But this human sameness is not always the focus of attention. Quite often is it the human difference that catches attention. And the differences between humans are innumerous. The most striking of these is probably the sexual difference. At times it seems to cleave humanity in two as an impassable abyss.12 No matter what other differences may cut humanity, within the differentiated parts of humanity the sexual difference is always there. Another such a difference is the racial one. Humanity consists of a colorful spectrum of black, red, white and yellow races, who within themselves again differ on a less noticeable level. This differentiation goes on up to the individual level. For every human being is a unique being. But the differences are not confined to humanity's physiology. Human beings do not only differ biologically, but also psychologically and sociologically. Every individual human is endowed with a unique character. And every society, large and small, has its own culture.\nIt cannot be said that these physiological and non-physiological differences match one on one, but history has proven that a correlation is there. African, Asian and European cultures and mentalities differ from each other with the same clarity as do their physiologies. Now the saying that no man is an island is applicable also here. These different races and individuals with their different cultures and mentalities are not isolated from each other. This goes especially for contemporary days. In the past the encounter of human difference took place generally (though not exclusively) on a local scale. In contemporary days however have technical and other advancements enabled people to be confronted with human difference on a global scale. Mass migration and mass media (such as television and internet) have even made it almost impossible for people to escape from being confronted with human difference on a global scale. And the differences are greater globally than locally. A Bengali differs physiologically and culturally more from a Scott than does a Welshman. So in contemporary times are people confronted with a greater extend of human difference.\nHuman difference has been present as long as humanity has. Throughout history have humans been confronted with human difference. And this difference has been approached, from the most ancient to the most contemporary times, and from the most local to the most global scale, either with rejection or with acceptance.\nThe English word 'rejection' refers to a refusal of accepting (something offered),13 and is thus set opposite to 'acceptance'. It stems from the Latin 'rejicēre'14 (also 'rēicere' or 'rēisiō'), which is compound of 're' and 'iacio'.15 The prefix 're' refers to a movement back,16 and 'iacio' (or 'iaciō') means 'to throw'.17 Thus is in a rejection something (offered) thrown back. 'Acceptance' is in the English language set opposed to 'rejection' as we have seen. As a derivative from the verb 'accept' does 'acceptance' stem from the Latin 'acceptāre' or 'accipēre', which carries the general meaning of 'receiving what is offered'.18 So both rejection and acceptance can be seen as a reaction to an offering. In rejection the offer is thrown back and in acceptance the offer is taken.\nNow a reaction is a re-action, thus an action, and actions change situations. And this is also what rejections and acceptances do. It can be said that rejections pluralize while acceptances unify. When for instance in a liver transplant the liver is accepted by its new host body, then a unification takes place of the liver and the body. Here acceptance has acted unifying. A rejection would have kept the plural state of body and liver. And with an autoimmune disorder does a body reject certain of its own body cells, leading to a pluralization of the body and certain body cells. Here rejection has acted pluralizing.\nIt was attested that both rejection and acceptance can be held as a reaction to an offering. In rejection the offer is thrown back and in acceptance the offer is taken. Now when two humans meet there is always a mutual offering taking place, even if not deliberate. For what those humans offer to each other is their own characteristics. One may be dark skinned and the other may be light skinned, but the character of their complexion is offered to each other through the sense of sight. One may be male and another may be female, but the character of the their pheromones is offered to each other through the sense of smell. One may greet with 'hello' and another may greet with 'namaste', but the character of their tongue of speech is offered to each other through the sense of hearing. And these undeliberate offerings (or perhaps quasi-undeliberate offerings in the latter case) then may be taken or thrown back. These offerings may be accepted or rejected.\nWhether another's characteristics are accepted or rejected depends on whether the attention is focused on difference or on sameness. A focus of attention on difference will result in rejection, whereas a focus of attention on sameness will result in acceptance. People will find it generally more easy to accept others with similar characteristics. When these differ however it becomes more difficult to keep the focus of attention on sameness, and then it will become more difficult to accept others.\nIt may be objected that the above sketch is not applicable to the human sexual difference. It may be objected that it is exactly the sexual difference that leads to a sexual unification. Indeed is it true that only differences can attract each other. For attraction presupposes a plurality. When only a unity is the case then no space is left for attraction. However attraction presupposes also a primal unity or a sameness. No attraction between two givens can exist if these givens share no sameness with each other.19 So where unifications of men and women are concerned a sense of sameness is always dominantly in play. If this is not the case then couples often break up, explaining their divorce by saying that they are too different from each other. But as long as they voluntarily stay together it can be attested that their focus on their sameness dominates. And in this way can inter-wedlock be taken as a touchstone for acceptance. When two people with different characteristics engage in an inter-wedlock, then a focus on human sameness, a humaneness and an acceptance are present.\nHowever the balance between acceptance and rejection is never static. As said do couples sometimes break up because they find they are too different to stay together. They started out with sameness being their dominant focus of attention, but their attention during the relationship shifted towards difference. Perhaps they discovered some characteristics in their partner that are so different from their own, that they feel that such a difference cannot be overcome. Perhaps their partner has changed certain characteristics by which a differentiation took place. Or perhaps one's own perspective and focus of attention shifted from sameness towards difference. All this can happen in wedlock because the balance between acceptance and rejection isn't static but dynamic.\nThe opposite can, and does, of course also happen. Engaging in an inter-wedlock may make a couple closely and intimately acquainted with each other's sameness. Inter-wedlock may then be seen as a field of exploration where humaneness is the treasure to be found. This treasure however will often not be found without effort. Staying both within one's own well known comfort-zone will not lead to growth in humaneness. But if the effort is taken, whether the inter-wedlock will last until death does part or ends earlier, if the effort is taken to keep the attention focused on human sameness, then indeed is inter-wedlock a path to acceptance.\nIn the previous paragraph was inter-wedlock uncontextual thematized. Here a few words shall be given on inter-wedlock's context. For this we shall turn towards an individual's characteristics. For as individual as one's set of characteristics may be, these characteristics do not stand on themselves. Characteristics are inherited. Many characteristics are genetically passed on from parents to children, after which cultural settings mould and form the individual further. And those who wish to look beyond may even see characteristics to be inherited from previous incarnations or to be god-gifted. In this contemplation we shall confine ourselves to the more general accepted inheritances.\nMostly does an individual identify himself with his inherited features. He identifies himself with his parental race (being black, red, white or yellow), his nationality, his cultural upbringing, his family, etcetera. It is clear that in such an identification the focus is laid on characteristics that differ from those of many other individuals. In this way does identification lead to pluralization. And the narrower one identifies, the greater will the pluralization be. Unification then is benefited with a wider identification. And this, among other situations, happens when the characteristics of those from which identification is derived are plural in nature. Plural parents, plural family members, plural nationalities, plural cultural upbringing, etcetera, widens identification, diminishes one's focus on difference and benefits humaneness. Thus does inter-wedlock not only work unifying for the regarded partners, but also for their possible offspring. Inter-wedlock as a path to acceptance is a path that transgresses generations.\nIt is however not only the offspring that is influenced by an inter-wedlock. The family of the regarded couple is influenced as well. This goes especially for those individuals in inter-wedlock with close family ties. There are cultures for instance where parents still have a deciding vote in choosing their children's spouse. And if they agree with their child's wish to have an inter-wedlock then such an agreement is a true touchstone of their acceptance. This goes the other way around as well of course with a disagreement. And once individuals (with or without consent from their parents) have engaged in an inter-wedlock, then the challenge is there also for the parents and the family of the engaged couple to work towards acceptance. Thus does inter-wedlock stretch its influence beyond the engaged individuals into their families, their friends and their further social surroundings and settings. And thus may inter-wedlock be considered to be a fine touchstone for and an excellent path to acceptance.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "To create a DICOM Image Histogram Module, users of DicomObjects can use the DicomImage.Histogram method, which returns an array containing the distribution of the raw pixel values.\nDicomImage.Histogram(Min, Max, BinSize)\n- Min as Long Integer - The lowest pixel value to be included.\n- Max as Long Integer - The highest pixel value to be included.\n- BinSize as Long Integer - The number of adjacent pixel values to be grouped into each Bin\nA variant array of Long Integers containing the distribution of raw pixel values, the index of the array is 1-based.\nHow to decide Min and Max\n- DicomImage.MinimumPixelValue and DicomImage.MaximumPixelValue methods could be used to decide the minimum and maximum values of the pixel data. This approach is not very efficient as they are big operations in DicomObjects.\n- A better way of deciding the Min and Max is to use \"Bits Stored\" (0028, 0101) and \"Pixel Representation\" (0028, 0103): N = Bits Stored (0028, 0101); Pixel Representation (0028, 0103) indicates whether the pixel data value is signed or unsigned. If signed then the pixel data range is (- 2^(N-1)) to (2^(N-1)). And if unsigned, the pixel data range is 0 to (2^N – 1).\nWhat is BinSize\n- The BinSize is the value people choose to define how many pixel values get put into each returned bin, so for instance if you have Min=10 and Binsize=5, then the bins are: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, Etc.\nWhat is in the returned array\n- The returned variant array of Long Integers contains the distribution of raw pixel values. For example we have a pixel data at range 10 - 24, the BinSize is set to 5 so that we have 3 bins: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24. A returned array of [30,40,50] means 30 pixel data are within the value range (10-14), 40 pixel data within the value range (15-19) and 50 pixel data within the value range (20-24). You can then feed the info into a chart control to get the Histogram graph.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "LIDAR-Lite: A New Benchmark for Optical Distance Measurement Sensors\nThe founders of PulsedLight, Bob Lewis and Dennis Corey, recognized that there was an unmet need for an optical distance measurement sensor technology that addressed applications where a very small, low-power, high performance, reduced cost optical ranging sensor was required, such as robotics and UAVs. So in 2011 they co-founded PulsedLight, LLC in Bend, Oregon to bring their vision for a new optical ranging sensor technology to market.\nAfter more than two years of work, we are ready to introduce our technology in the form of the LIDAR-Lite, a very small form factor, optical distance measurement sensor capable of measuring out to 40 meters using inexpensive, off-the-shelf, electro-optical components.\nFirst, a Little Science\nAll optical ranging sensors use the principle of “Time-of-Flight” (ToF) to calculate distance to a target. Simply put, ToF calculates the time it takes for a signal, light in this case, to travel from the sensor to a target and back to determine distance.\nPretty simple in concept…\nBut, as the target gets farther away or you want to measure distance in bright light or against non-reflective targets, the transmitted beam has to be more powerful and/or collimated. In other words, you need a laser and a power source to support the laser.\nBecause light travels really, really fast, 299,792,458 meters per second or 1mm in 3 picoseconds, you need a very precise clock to measure the signal’s round trip. And in order to reliably detect the return signal, the detector needs to be very sensitive.\nAll of this, very collimated light sources (lasers), very sensitive detectors and super precise clocks are the reason even the least expensive optical range finders can cost hundreds of dollars.\nWe have created a series of new innovations which applies edge based signal reconstruction methods, similar to that used in radar, to optical rangefinders and also incorporates signal correlation processing to perform a \"signature match\" between a captured transmit signal record and the received signal. This specialized signal processing method enables a single-chip processing implementation using programmable logic chips suitable for low cost, ultra-small optical distance measurement sensor applications.\nThis approach allows us to:\n- Recognize and process a very weak return signal.\n- Quickly and accurately calculate distance without having to directly measure it real-time. In other words, we don’t need a super precise clock to make it all work. (Our acquisition time is 0.05 second and measurement accuracy for the LIDAR-Lite is 5%.)\n- Implement our core technology in a single, system-on-chip solution, enabling sensors that have the lowest complexity hardware, and size.\n- Create a sensor that is easily reconfigurable via software control.\nIn simple language, our technology extracts the maximum performance out of the emitters and detectors used. In the LIDAR-Lite we use components similar to those found in a TV remote control system to create a sensor that can measure distances out to 40 meters in a module that measures 51mm long X 30mm wide X 39mm tall.\nOur processor-based approach also means that the modules can be easily configured under software control to operate in different modes; proximity detection, distance or velocity measurement. Modes can even be changed “on-the-fly”. Pun Intended….\nThe experience gained from developing long-range sensors for industrial and consumer products has been applied to this design allowing us to maximize its performance. The resulting tests of early prototypes, including flying it on a UAV, have been very promising.\nThe beam width of the LIDAR-Lite as delivered is 1.5°. This narrow beam provides long-range performance and also enables better target selectivity than an ultrasonic sensor. The optics can be removed increasing the beam width to about 6° and reducing range to approximately 5 meters. This broad, short-range beam is great for applications, such as proximity detection.\nOperating from a 5vdc power source and drawing only 100 milliamps peak power when it is taking a measurement and under 10 milliamps when idle, the LIDAR-Lite is ideally suited for projects running from battery sources where low power consumption is critical.\nThe I2C communications interface allows multiple modules to be connected as slaves to a common communications bus.\nThe combination of attributes found in the LIDAR-Lite- high performance, low cost, small size, light-weight, low power consumption, and dynamic configurability along with I2C communications and addressing - means that it becomes practical to install multiple sensors on a project with minimal weight and power penalties. For more details, check out the LIDAR-Lite specification and data sheet.\nIf we are able to get this kind of performance from an LED, why aren’t we offering a laser-based LIDAR-Lite 100? Eye safety… Installing a laser would be the next logical step. However, before you can sell a laser-based device, even a simple laser pointer, it’s necessary to obtain eye safety certification. This takes additional time and delays the delivery of our technology to you. But, by supporting our campaign on Dragon Innovation today, you move us closer to being able to offer this capability in the near future.\nWe have a developed a revolutionary optical sensing technology that can be used in a variety of applications. We are excited to see what you will do with it and your support enables us to realize our goal of making our technology widely available to a large community of creative people. Thank you in advance for your support.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Part One: Conceptual Problems of an unusual species 1. Have We a Nature? 2. Animals and the problems of Evil 3. Instinct, Nature, and Purpose Part Two: Art and Science in Psychology 4. Directions without a Director 5. On Taking Motives Seriously 6. Altruism and Egoism Part Three: Signposts 7. Up and Down 8. Evolution and Practical Thinking 9. Facts and Values Part Four: The Marks of Man 10. Speech and Other Excellences 11. On Being Animal as well as Rational 12. Why we need a Culture Part Five 13. The Unity of Life Bibliography Index\nMary Midgley (1919-2018). A philosopher with a special interest in ethics, human nature, and science, Mary Midgley has a widespread international following for her work.\n'This is a very important book ... Midgley has provided\nan urgently needed bridge between science and philosophy.'\n- Iris Murdoch\n'A brilliant and persuasive attempt to set us in our animal context, to show us to ourselves as at home in the world, and to indicate a morality for society without religious absolutes - a morality of which we see the rudiments in our brother species.' - The Observer\n'A wonderful breath of fresh air and a book for non-philosophers as much as for philosophers.' - Mary Warnock", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Depression is a mood disorder that causes distressing symptoms that affect how you think, feel, and handle daily activities.\nDepression drains you of hope, energy, and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to feel better. Furthermore, this condition can strike at anytime, and can affect people of all races, ages, and socio-economic classes.\nHere are 20 inspirational quotes that will help deal with depression:\n#1 “If you want the light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” – Guy Finley, an American philosopher, self-help writer, and spiritual teacher.\n#2 “We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves.” – Swami Vivekananda, a world spokesperson for Vedanta and the foremost disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.\n#3 “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” – Helen Keller, an American political activist, author, and lecturer.\n#4 “Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” – William James, an American psychologist and philosopher.\n#5 “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” – Walt Disney, an American animator, entrepreneur, and film producer.\n#6 “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” – Colin Powell, a four-star general in the U.S. Army.\n#7 “Life is a gift, and it offers us the opportunity, privilege, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” – Tony Robbins, an American author, businessman, and philanthropist.\n#8 “Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.” – Lou Holtz, an American football coach, player, and analyst.\n#9 “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” – John Wooden, an American basketball coach and player.\n#10 “There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows slowly, endures. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly.” – Josiah Gilbert Holland, an American poet and novelist.\n#11 “Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.” – Stephen Covey, an American businessman, educator, author, and keynote speaker.\n#12 “An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.” – Brian Tracy, a self-development author and a motivational public speaker.\n#13 “The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.” – Lee Iacocca, an American automobile executive.\n#14 “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.” – Erma Bombeck, an American humorist.\n#15 “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive events, thoughts, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results.” Wade Boggs, a professional American baseballer.\n#16 “When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’” – Sydney Harris, an American journalist.\n#17 “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey, an American talk show host, media proprietor, producer, actress, and philanthropist.\n#18 “When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.” – Rumi, a poet, Islamic scholar, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic.\n#19 “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson, an American musician, songwriter, singer, author, actor, and activist.\n#20 “Being miserable is a habit; being happy is a habit, and the choice is yours.” – Tom Hopkins, a sales legend.\nWays to prevent depression naturally:\nGet 8 hours of restful sleep, which you need to feel your best.\nPractice regular physical exercise – it triggers the release of many of the essential brain chemicals considered to be in low supply when people are battling depression.\nGet a daily dose of sunlight – the lower the levels of vitamin D, the more likely to have clinically significant symptoms of depression.\nBreathing exercises – clearing your mind and focusing on your breathing can be beneficial in a stressful situation.\nSpending time with other people and confide in a trusted relative or friend. However, limit your time with people who drain your energy.\nTry to eat a healthy diet – high vegetable consumption increases the amount of B vitamins in the diet, that have been found to affect your mood.\nPractice relaxation techniques – meditation will restore your present mind focus, keeping everything from getting stale. In addition, meditation allows you to understand how your mind, thoughts, and emotions intertwine.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Music as a healing mechanism has been accepted for over 50 years. Music is a source of primal memory similar to that of smell. It has been used in brain injury patient management, as well as to promote wellness, manage stress alleviate pain, promote physical rehabilitation, and enhance memory in Alzheimer’s Disease patients. I have appreciated the power of music my whole life and as a physician and musician, realized its healing potential early on in my medical career. I burned CDs of the music chosen by my patients to be played during their surgery (usually performed with light sedation) and gave it to them as a surprise at their office follow-up visit.\nI will lightly touch on some reasons why music would be a great digital health technology.\n1. There are scientific studies to provide evidence of efficacy. There are very few digital health technologies that are mobile technologies which have been proven to be efficacious. Since music has been digital for decades, it is a natural for adoption as a mobile health tech tool. Here’s a nice bibliography on the uses of music therapy. Areas such as mental health, special education and Autism, and pain management have been subjects of studies.\n2. Music is universal. Language and cultural barriers are often cited as sources of failure of the healthcare system. Music is a communication tool which transcends this issue. Presented in the context of graphic or other simple instructions, it can be used in a number of acute or chronic disease settings by a provider, therapist or caregiver with the patient if necessary.\n3. Music bridges literacy gaps. Reading, health, or digital literacy gaps can be bridged with simple digital music devices. One needs to press an on/off button in a personalized programmed device for the patient with prerecorded simple instructions. This is ideal for even young children.\n4. Music tech is economical, generic and interoperable. Reimbursement issues and medical regulatory requirements (unless medical claims or clinical decision support is contained) are not significant for a simple musical digital technology solution. This leads more easily to adoption by payers, providers, and patients alike. Wouldn’t it be nice to have analytic tools which proscribe different types of music based on diagnoses found in the the patient’s electronic record?\n5. Music builds relationships. As discussed above, music is associated with memories. I have observed strong relationship building with the use of music as a tool. Anecdotally, I can say that music decreases anxiety during and after surgical procedures. In addition, it conveys an appreciated humanistic side of the provider to the patient.\nWhile not considered a digital health technology (I have yet to see it described as such elsewhere), music is digital and is certainly entrenched in the annals of healing. So let’s begin to consider it as such and build it into health portals, apps, and other tools.\nDavid Lee Scher is a former cardiologist and a consultant, DLS Healthcare Consulting, LLC. He blogs at his self-titled site, David Lee Scher, MD.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The United Nations Development Programme has just released their Human Development Report (HDR) 2015 which ranks countries around the world on different indicators.\nIn one of the important indicators -- gender inequality -- neighbouring countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh have performed better than India.\nIn fact, India has been able to fare better than only Afghanistan when it comes to South Asian countries.\nAmong 155 countries, India is ranked at 130 which is way behind Pakistan's 121 and Bangladesh's 111.\nHere is a quick look at the indicators which are used to calculate the rank:\n- Women hold a mere 12 per cent of the seats in the Indian Parliament. In comparison, Pakistan's Parliament has 19.7 per cent women, Afghanistan 27.6 per cent and Bangladesh 20 per cent.\n- If we talk about maternal mortality ratio (MMR), Pakistan and Bangladesh fare better than India here, too. While India's MMR is 190 (per 1,00,000 live births), both Pakistan and Bangladesh have 170.\n- When compared to the opposite gender within the country, women come behind men on gross national income per capita, expected years of schooling, human development index, labour force participation, mean years of schooling and secondary education.\n- The only parameter on which women perform better than men in India is that of life expectancy.\nThese revelations show that even though India is ahead of these countries on the Human Development Index, it needs to work hard when it comes to gender equality.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:19 PM\nMy name is Harley Davidson Borgais, and I can explain almost all of this, with verifiable facts (Which wont fit in this character limit, so request\nthem: harleyborgais at gmail dat com).\nFirst, ALL CAPS names (CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA) are neither Proper Nouns nor common nouns (capitis diminutio minima), and under the law (U.S. Style\nPrinting Manual), all govt. unit names are to be capitalized as \"Proper Nouns\" (Capitis Diminutio Media). Since an all caps cannot be a legal name\nof something that physically exists for these reasons, it can only be a 'legal fiction', which is intended to deceive.\n\"Fraud\" is defined as when one party purposely deceives another so the first benefits while the deceived is harmed.\nThanks to the 'Fractional Reserve' and 'Federal Reserve' Systems which are illegal and fraudulent, ALL home foreclosures are illegal, null, and\nvoid (Jerome Daly V. Wisconsin, 1969, and Spire Law groups $43 Trillion suit).\nAlso, no state may required drivers licenses because we own the roads, and the govt. is our hired servants...and taxes on labor are illegal because\nthey are like a trade, for which no third party has any right to take a portion. \"Income\" = \"Profit\" or \"Gain\", NOT \"Compensation\" like\n\"Salaries\" or \"Wages\".\n'Common Law' involves a harmed party who raises a grievance to the court, against the perpetrator, and requests a redress from the court. The Judges\nduty is to understand, obey, and explain the law, making sure all parties understand the law properly, and the Jury's duty is to decide what is fact\nand what is not certain. A person must be found guilty beyond any reason for doubt, and is presumed innocent until such proof is decided by the jury.\n'Equity law' refers to a system of equality, justice, fairness, etc., so the punishment must fit the crime.\n'Harm'=Injury, loss, or detriment (endangerment).\nIf there is no harmed party, there is no crime.\nIf one person is harmed or punished who did not cause any harm, or there is no party raising a grievance, than the officers are the criminals, and the\nperson is the victim.\nAmericans have equal rights to cite, arrest, and prosecute just as any officer does.\nAll officers and soldiers are required to swear, remember, and obey an oath to support our Constitution (the Supreme Law of our land, anything to the\ncontrary is void, no state may make or enforce any contrary law, and if any officer does, they are guilty of a crime).\nAny officer convicted of even a misdemeanor is removed from office (in Constitution).\nThe 'Prime Directive of our nations Constitution is clear (in the Preamble): 'promote the general welfare' of 'We the People of the United\nStates' 'of America'. Anything contrary to that is illegal.\nCommon and Equity laws are natural laws. \"Law\" refers specifically to the 'laws of the lands' written by those governed by them, and means a\nsystem which actually works in real practice, and is sustainable indefinitely, as opposed to a 'rule' which is imposed upon others, and ultimately\ndefies the 'Free Will' we have because of our abilities of critical and rational thought, hence they are destructive.\nAdmiralty law refers to the captain of a ship or vessel (a country or anything holding or transporting people or things can be a vessel), where the\ncaptain is a dictator.\nMaritime refers to international laws governing the international waters.\nThese last two are imposed rules, which are what we fought and died to severe our selves from in the 1770s and since.\nFor those speaking ill of Irene Gravenhorst, do more research. She is a genius, and a great person, obviously.\nFor those wanting more info, my contact info is at the top of this post.\nI can also explain: Causes and cures for all disease and wars, secret societies and oaths, origin and nature of God and all existence, the entire\ncycle of creation to the end of time, death and after life, and much, much more. I have proof for all that can be physically proven and logical\narguments for those things that are not physical in nature. Eventually I will get to the equations which work as logical proof for the mainstream\nscientists as well.\nHope that helped, but I will post answers to any other questions as well.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "All the ideals that Gandhi evolved visions of, through the demonstration of his life, are interwoven. If one is picked up and examined, all the others are found in tow. Likewise, the spheres he worked his ideals through: economics, political activity, education, religious expression, health care, and diet, are similarly inseparable from one another.\nThis is the beauty of a life lived with clarity of intention. Imperfections are of course there: distortions on that intention abound in Gandhi’s life also. Yet his burning effort to clarify, his constant work at refining his own understanding, leaves a legacy worth contemplating for defining and becoming aware of our own personal life intentions. Those intentions are known less by what we do, than ‘how we are’ with ourselves, with others.\nWe touched on Gandhi’s definitions of non-possession (#11) then moved into a cursory view of the foundations of what was to become his educational thought (#12). This article re-visits the theme of one’s relationship to material possessions through the ideal Gandhi sought to follow of non-stealing. His unending effort leaves a record of good thinking, and action upon those thoughts.\nNon-stealing is the English translation of the more ‘comprehensive’ term that Gandhi used, the Sanskrit ‘a-steya’. I say ‘comprehensive’, as ‘a-steya’, non-stealing, is ultimately an attitude that becomes a quality of personal character. A careful and wise public education would address itself to the cultivation of this virtue to ensure a more just society.\nReflecting on this principle during one of his terms of imprisonment, Gandhi gave this definition which pierces our laxity and unawareness of the critical importance of this ideal, our deep sleep in front of our own conscience:\n“It is impossible that a person should steal and simultaneously claim to know Truth or cherish Love. Yet every one of us is consciously or unconsciously more or less, guilty of theft. We may steal not only what belongs to others, but also what belongs to ourselves, as is done, for instance, by a father who eats something secretly, keeping his children in the dark about it. The ashram kitchen stores are our common property, but one who secretly removes a single crystal of sugar from it stamps himself a thief…It is theft to take anything belonging to another without his permission, even if it be with his knowledge. It is equally theft to take something in the belief that it is nobody’s property. Things found on the roadside belong to the ruler or the local authority. Anything found near the ashram must be handed over to the secretary, who in his turn will pass it on to the police if it is not ashram property.”i\nGandhi was able to define his understanding of theft through several contextual refinements which provide food for thought. The first is the outer, physical form of theft. In this form alone, he found several different types.\n“…Non-hoarding refers to stocking of things not needed. Non-stealing refers to the use of such things. If I need only one shirt to cover myself with, but use two, I am guilty of stealing one from another. For a shirt which could have been of use to someone else does not belong to me. If five bananas are enough to keep me going, my eating a sixth one is a form of theft. Suppose we have a stock of 50 limes, thinking that among us all we would need them. I need only two, but take three because there are so many. This is theft.ii\nGandhi also noted that, “It is also theft to use a thing for a purpose different from the one intended by the lender or to use it for a period longer than that which has been fixed with him.”iii\nIt would be a different world, our relations with one another would be more open, trusting and gracious if these principles were followed, at least in part. At the next stage of physical theft, the line between non-stealing and non-possession, appears to merge:\n“Thus far it is pretty smooth sailing. But the observance of non-stealing goes very much farther. It is theft to take something from another even with his permission if we have no real need of it. We should not receive any single thing that we do not need…We are not always aware of our real needs and most of us improperly multiply our wants and thus unconsciously make thieves of ourselves…One who follows the observance of non-stealing will bring about a progressive reduction of his wants. Much of the distressing poverty in this world has arisen out of breaches of the principle of non-stealing.”iv\nIf we can look at it honestly, stealing starts in the mind, through what is really, greediness, coveting. This negative quality of coveting has been enhanced and encouraged to our detriment by an economic system based upon indefinite consumption. For example, equality, a sense of ourself in relation to others, has been distorted by coveting, through shopping for the latest fad. It is perhaps almost a ‘spiritual need’ that in order to feel our larger self-identity with a group of those who have what we have, and are therefore, equal materially, we try to buy the same things. Yet, coveting, greediness, becomes an energy, a force impelling action in our lives. Gandhi saw its ramifications and reigned his own horse in tightly.\n“Theft thus far considered may be termed external or physical theft. There is, besides, another kind of theft, subtler and far more degrading to the human spirit. It is theft mentally to desire acquisition of anything belonging to others, or to cast a greedy eye on it. It is mental theft if anyone, whether a grown-up person or a child, feels tempted by the sight of an attractive thing. One who observes the principle of non-stealing will refuse to bother himself about things to be acquired in future. This evil anxiety for the future will be found at the root of many a theft. Ideas may be stolen no less than material things.”v\nThis is particularly relevant to the raising of our children, our own self-discipline regarding what we subject our minds to, what we consider important to learn and know about. Gandhi said:\n“We should remember that non-possession is a principle applicable to thoughts as well as to things. A man who fills his brain with useless knowledge violates that inestimable principle. Thoughts which turn us away from God or do not turn us towards Him are unnecessary possessions and constitute impediments in our way…We are there [in the World’s Scriptures] told that humility, etc. constitute real knowledge and that all the rest is ignorance.”vi\nIn seeking to follow Gandhi’s observances, we must exercise commonsense. If someone in an effort to emulate Gandhi were to take the vow of non-possession and non-stealing, and divest themselves of all their material possessions and live upon the charity of others it could be disastrous. The external observance can only meaningfully and practically come about through inner renunciation. Gandhi had trust and certainty in God as being the Truth within himself. Once the light of renunciation dawns within, dispassion and detachment naturally and spontaneously arise. Once that dialogue with the ideals within begins, light is shed on how to adhere to and practice them. In the beginning stages, we can consciously strive to move in that direction, seeking not to collect and acquire what we do not need. For me personally, Gandhi’s thinking on this subject is a challenge and an inspiration. I have far to go, and even further to think in regard to non-stealing in my own life.\nReferences and Endnotes:\niGandhi, M.K. Swaminathan, K. (Ed.) (1956–1983). Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. Navajivan: Ahmedabad : 44: 89–91. August 19, 1930. Age 60. From `Yeravda Mandir’.\nii Ibid. 23: 227–228. March 8, 1924. Age 54. Letter to Maganlal Gandhi, Sabarmati Ashram Manager.\niii Gandhi, M.K. Ashram Observances in Action.\nivGandhi, M.K. Swaminathan, K. (Ed.) (1956–1983). Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. Navajivan: Ahmedabad : 44: 89–91. August 19, 1930. Age 60. From `Yeravda Mandir’.\nvIbid. 44: 103–104. August 24–26, 1930. Age 60.\nLatest posts by PK Willey (see all)\n- Dear Maxine,Love Letters by Don Price “Suddenly It was Summer” - June 20, 2018\n- Dear Maxine, Love Lettersby Don Price “When it Comes” - June 20, 2018\n- Clarifying Gandhi # 13: Defining Non-stealing, Asteya - June 18, 2018", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Sleep Study Center\nSleep apnea is the most common chronic illness in the United States. Testing in clinical sleep laboratories found that 24% of male adults and 9% of female adults have sleep apnea. This adds up to more than 30 million people in the United States. The precursor to sleep apnea, snoring, is even more prevalent affecting 50% of all adults. Over half of all people with sleep apnea are 35 years or older and overweight. An estimated 80-90% of affected people are undiagnosed and untreated.\nThree types of sleep apnea:•Obstructive Sleep Apnea-the absence of airflow through the nose and mouth despite persistent and increasing efforts to breathe\n•Central Sleep Apnea-absence of any effort to breathe and consequently an absence of airflow through nose and mouth\n•Mixed Sleep Apnea-a combination of the two types in a single episode\nHow is Sleep Apnea DiagnosedIn addition to your Primary Care Physician, a pulmonologist with specialized training in sleep disorders may order a sleep study. This is a test that records a variety of body functions during sleep such as the electrical activity of the brain, eye movements, muscles activity, heart rate, respiratory effort, airflow, snoring and blood oxygen levels.\nFor more information on setting up a sleep study, contact Shannon Bishop at (712) 623-7289.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "STEPHEN W. PORGES\nThe University of Illinois at Chicago\nWhat determines how two human beings will act toward each other when they meet? Is this initial response a product of learning from culture, family experiences, and other socialization processes?\nOr is the response the expression of a neurobiological process that is programmed into the very DNA of our species? If the response has a neurobiological basis, are there specific features of the other person’s behavior that trigger either feelings of safety, love, and comfort or feelings of danger?\nAccording to the Polyvagal Theory (including the con- ept of neuroception), our range of social behavior is limited by our human physiology, which has evolved from that of more primitive vertebrates. When we are frightened, we are dependent upon the neural circuits that evolved to provide adaptive defensive behaviors for more primitive vertebrates. These neural circuits provide physiological mechanisms that reflexively organize mobilization or immobilization behaviors before we are consciously aware of what is happening.\nWhen, on the other hand, neuroception tells us that an environment is safe and that the people in this environment are trustworthy, our mechanisms of defense are disenabled.\nWe can then behave in ways that encourage social engagement and positive attachment.\nFocusing on biologically based behaviors common to all humans allows practitioners to imagine new intervention paradigms .\nHere the PDF.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Calculating your credit score requires advanced algorithms. Thankfully, we don’t have to do that math.\nWe do, however, need to understand why maintaining a good credit history is important. Credit scores are intended to help financial risk managers and others make fair decisions on whether or not to take a risk on someone. The risk might involve giving that person a loan, offering a credit card or approving their apartment rental application. Credit scores are designed to predict the likelihood that individuals will pay their bills.\n“Small monthly payments on a credit card for Netflix or Spotify can help someone build up a good history, which leads to a good credit score,” explains Julie Kuzmic, director of consumer advocacy at Equifax Canada. “Set up an automatic transfer from your bank to pay off your credit card regularly and you’ll be building a consistent payment history with no effort.”\nIt’s good advice, especially when taking into account daily expenses that can add up.\nEquifax Canada recently did a pulse check, a generational study of 1500 Canadians, asking people where they would have the hardest time cutting back if they had to. Respondents said that eating out, car expenses and travel are the top three expenses that would be difficult to cut back on.\nThose in Atlantic Canada are most likely to say they would have a hard time cutting out their car. Those in urban areas and younger Canadians (18 to 24) are more likely to say that cutting back on eating out would be difficult. Younger Canadians were also most likely to say that cutting back on Netflix would be difficult.\nSadly, the research also revealed that only 42 per cent know their current credit score. Those between the ages of 25 and 44 were the most likely to know their credit score.\n“Whether you’re negotiating rates on car payments or trying to secure the best mortgage rate, you should know your credit standing before sitting across from the lender,” adds Kuzmic. “If you want to pay less interest for a car or a home loan, then keep a good handle on your credit.”\nThe main factors involved in calculating a credit score are your payment history, used credit versus available credit, the length of your credit history, public records and number of inquiries into your credit file.\nLearn more at equifax.ca/education.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Have hands-on experience learning bio science with this 4D Science Plant Cell Model. This 4D science model of a plant cell features 24 fully detachable parts. You can get acquainted with cell structure, microscopic parts of plants, and biology putting this 4D vision science toy together. 4D Science Plant Cell Model features transparent parts that show internal plant structure. While assembling this unique 6 inches plant cell anatomy puzzle you will learn how cell membrane, nucleus, ribosomes, chloroplast and cytoplasm look. 4D Science Plant Cell Model comes with illustrated assembly instructions and display stand. Master biology with this collectible quality new type of science puzzle.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Scuba stands for “Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.” A scuba is gear that allows you to complete a range of underwater explorations and activities. Scuba in addition refers to groups of individuals who engage in or are enthusiasts of scuba diving.\nIf you happen to visit or holiday in seaside destinations, you will become aware that diving programs are typically presented in these places. If you have not very much or no scuba diving practice, diving programs can aid you to obtain the experience you should have to undertake scuba diving in a specific location. Many travelers and scuba diving enthusiasts voyage to exotic seaside destinations and scuba dive there so that they can develop skills and become set to scuba dive in other more tricky scuba diving spots or locations.\nScuba diving lets you explore much deeper undersea, rather than simply a few meters under the surface. Scuba diving allows you the opportunity to get nearer to the underwater ecosystem. Although scuba diving gear may be heavy, it does not appear so when you are undersea. When you scuba dive, you carry with you every one of the needed scuba gear you need in order for you to breathe comfortably underwater. As soon as you are underwater, you can choose to glide underwater by propelling yourself with fins and your own strength. However, you can also use a little mechanical vehicle if you would rather move underwater faster. many times scuba divers use devices that keep them attached to their boats.\nEven though scuba diving is still evolving, it already has several common classifications including recreational diving, technical diving, military diving and commercial diving. There are also other scuba diving groups, but these are the more everyday ones. Essentially, a scuba diving classification is dependent upon the scuba diver and the gear utilized", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How does handedness relate to infant language development?\nWhen you talk about handedness, the first question that comes to mind is ‘What hand do you write with?'. In addition, movements such as combing your hair or throwing a ball are tasks that uncover your hand preference. We usually perform these activities with one hand.\nThere are also a lot of tasks we fulfill using both hands. For example, cutting a piece of paper, unzipping a bag, peeling a sticker from its backing, or unscrewing a lid from a jar. These skills are called Role Differentiated Bimanual Manipulation (RDBM).\nFine motor skill development is key\nRole-differentiated hand use can be defined as a bimanual manipulation skill in which each hand performs a different action, but these actions unite in the manipulation of an object. The different actions of the two hands have complementary functions; one hand has a supporting, or stabilizing role as the other manipulates or explores the object. Thus, the one hand holds the paper steady, while the other hand cuts it in half with a scissor. A sophisticated fine motor ability.\nDeveloping these motor skills is key to children’s learning and exploration. It also appears to be related to spatial, social, and language skills. According to research, consistency in hand preference early in development is linked to language skills. For example, Nelson and colleagues performed several studies to confirm this.\nDevelopmental research on handedness and language\nResearcher Sandy Gonzalez from the Florida International University and New York University conducted a study together with her team to investigate whether consistency in handedness predicts receptive and expressive language abilities. What are receptive and expressive language abilities?\n- Receptive language ability: the child understands and comprehends spoken language that he or she hears or reads.\n- Expressive language ability: the child makes requests, choices, asks questions, answers, and describes events. Speaking, gesturing (waving, pointing), writing (texting, emailing), facial expressions (crying, smiling), and vocalizations (crying, yelling) are all variations of expressive language.\nScore infant behavior for analysis\nA group of 90 children was included in the study. The researchers assessed hand preference for RDBM at monthly intervals from 18 to 24 months. Twenty-nine objects that afford actions where one hand stabilizes the object (non-preferred hand) while the other hand manipulates the object (preferred hand), were presented individually at the child’s midline while they sat on their parent’s lap.\nChildren were video recorded during the RDBM assessment. Video data were scored afterwards by trained observers using The Observer XT. Three latent classes for toddler hand preference were identified using the Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA): right-mild left (largely right hand use with little left hand use), right-moderate left (mostly right hand use with some left hand use), and left-moderate right (mostly left hand use with some right hand use).\nReceptive and expressive language skills were measured at 5 years of age, using the Preschool Language Scales 5th edition (PLS-5). The scales assessed various areas of language development including vocal development, social communication, semantics, language structure, and emerging literacy skills.\nConsistency in hand preference important for language outcomes\nThe majority of the sample fitted a right-mild left classification of hand use for RDBM. This hand preference as well as the other two classes demonstrated distinct hand preferences at 18 months, and did not change over time from 18 to 24 months, indicating that hand preference for RDBM was stable throughout toddlerhood.\nFurthermore, the researchers found that toddlers with consistent right hand use for RDBM had greater receptive language skills at the age of 5, compared to toddlers with a right hand preference but moderate left hand use, and compared to toddlers with a left hand preference but moderate right hand use.\nThey also demonstrated greater expressive language skills at 5 years compared to toddlers with a left hand preference but with moderate right hand use. These results indicate that early consistency in hand preference for fine motor skills during toddlerhood serves an important role in language outcomes in early childhood.\nTools to study children's development\nIn the Noldus Webinar about Research tools in Developmental Psychology, we explained how our research tools can be used to study the behavior of children both in a natural and in a laboratory setting. Curious? Watch the webinar on demand now!\nGonzalez, S.L.; Campbell, J.M.; Marcinowski, E.C.; Michel, G.F.; Coxe, S. & Nelson, E.L. (2020). Preschool language ability is predicted by toddler hand preference trajectories. Developmental Psychology, 56(4), 699–709. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0000900\nKimmerle, M.; Mick, L.A. & Michel, G.F. (1995). Bimanual role differentiated toy play during infancy. Infant Behavior & Development, 18, 299-307. https://doi.org/10.1016/0163-6383(95)90018-7", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Accounting is the language of business. Accountants are the experts. Organizations across the world need accountants. It is one of the most recession proof jobs. This article will answer any questions you have around the roles and responsibilities of an accountant, what an accountant does and how one can become an account.\nThe Accountant's Roles & Responsibilities\nA company gauges its financial health at regular intervals and drafts strategies to overcome any shortcomings. An accountant accomplishes the task to bring forward the discrepancies of the financial details and suggest methods to improve them. So, what does an accountant do, after all?\n- With their expert knowledge of accounting principles, accountants are responsible for assessing and presenting a detailed description of the financial status.\n- They ensure the intactness of financial statements, financial reports and tax reports in compliance with the laws and regulations.\n- They advise and assist reviewers with ways to reduce costs, enhance profits and revenue.\n- They are in charge of maintaining a database and records of all the monetary information.\n- They also suggest the utilization of proficient and secure accounting software that will uphold and supervise the monetary information. These advanced accounting tools assist with the production of reports.\n- They are also involved with tax filing, sorting tax returns, and ensuring prompt payment.\nWith this in mind, it is important to note that the difference between accountants and CPAs (Certified Public Accountant); the two roles shouldn’t be confused with one another. The next section talks about the differences between the two.\nCPA vs Accountant\nA professional who meets the qualification criteria set by the state and possesses a leveled-up skillset (compared to an accountant) is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant); sometimes, also referred to as a public accountant. Let’s see some key differences between the two roles.\nCPAs have additional responsibilities and the process of becoming a CPA is more stringent than that of an accountant. They are more adept at handling financial details owing to their qualification and rigorous training. Besides, they have a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of their client. They must keep themselves updated throughout their career to keep up with the accounting reforms.\nThe accountants, on the other hand, are involved with preparing financial statements. They don’t have to take a licensing exam and are not licensed to perform mandatory audits for the companies.\nSimply put, all CPAs can undertake the works of accountants but not vice versa.\nQualifications to Become an Accountant\nWhile most of the applicants hold a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or economics, other skills may be considered to pursue an accountant's job.\n- Sometimes, employers prefer an advanced degree like a Master’s in Accounting or Business Administration with Accounting as the subject.\n- In some instances, candidates with a high-school diploma or even an associate’s degree may step into the field of accounting. They can begin with the post of a bookkeeper or accounting clerk.\nAside from these, the candidate’s soft skills can be an added advantage.\n- Meticulousness: Accounting experts should give solid consideration to each detail to keep the data accurate and coordinated. Accountants handle so much financial information daily and a simple mistake may lead to unimaginable collateral damage.\n- Business intuition: An accountant should be able to comprehend the essential elements of a business to precisely break down and decipher monetary information. A great business sense enables the accountant to gives a precise insight into the data that they work with consistently.\n- Good with Computers: With the advent of computers and various accounting software and tools, an accountant is required to have a strong knowledge of utilizing these tools. This adds to the efficiency and leads to enhanced productivity, apart from helping in reducing the chances of errors.\n- Insightful abilities: Gathering all the financial information and reading between the lines is an enormous part of accounting. An accountant needs to consistently investigate the information he has received and use it to predict any issues that may arise in the future.\n- Communication skills: Accountants should be able to listen and collect all the information accurately from their clients or partners. This forms an important part of the accountant's job. Likewise, they should be able to unmistakably explain the consequences of their work and present their discoveries in a composed way.\n- Good with Numbers: While it may not come under an essential skill for an accountant's role, it would be an added advantage if the accountant is good with numbers.\nAccountants who wish to become CPAs can take the UCPA exam.\nUniform CPA Examination\nThe American Institute of CPAs administers the exam which comprises of 4 sections, namely the Regulation, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing and Attestation, and Business Environment and Concepts.\nIt has 14 hours of total testing time and is considered a tough exam to clear, according to AICPA.\nThe exam enables accountants to upgrade their skills to become certified accountants (CPAs). They usually perform tasks such as bookkeeping and maintain general business accounts; but, with this certification, they can now prepare, audit, and review financial documents.\nIt must be noted that most private and small businesses may not require a CPA. However, public companies certainly need to generate audited statements that are produced by a certified professional.\nHow Much Does an Accountant Make?\nWith a job requiring many number-crunching and data-scrutinizing mechanisms, one may wonder what an accountant's salary is like. Let us look at how both, CPAs and accountants perform on this front.\nCPAs are accountants with special qualifications and certifications, and therefore, make 5% to 15% more than accountants. A licensed CPA can trigger a higher salary range by a huge margin. Title, experience, and percentile determine the range of the salary.\nFor example, a senior accounting manager within the 25th percentile may earn $110,250 whereas above 95% percentile, this goes up to $210,000.\nLikewise, a manager in tax services within 50th percentile makes $102,000, whereas the same position for a 95% will earn approximately $162,250.\nFactors Affecting Salary\nAccounting professionals with a certification or a Master’s degree tend to make a higher salary than accountants. The CPAs lead the salary channel. However, certain factors that affect the salary range are:\n- Experience: Years of experience translate into more expertise and consequently, a higher salary. An experienced candidate with the right skills has enhanced chances of getting paid extremely well.\n- Company Size: The Occupational Outlook Handbook anticipates a 10% rise in employment for accountants between 2019-2026. The prospects in this area are far better than any other sector. Moreover, the larger the firm the greater is the scope of salary.\n- Industry-type: An accountant working for a software or a pharma company is set to see a growth in his salary chart; whereas someone working for a non-profit may not earn as much. So, the industry or the employer-type affects the salary to a great extent.\n- Location: Supply and demand vary from one city to the other. Larger and populated cities tend to offer a higher salary owing to the augmented workload and prospects of the company.\nPros and Cons of Accounting\nJust like any other profession, accounting as a career has its set of pros and cons. Before considering it as a career, it is essential to know what it holds. Let’s learn more about them in this section.\nPros of being an Accountant:\n- Clearer vision about career: Often, studying a particular subject may lead to myriad careers which tends to make it harder to choose the right profession. However, if you study accounts, it makes for a clear career path leading to accounting. Although there are different types of accountants, the responsibilities will likely be the same.\n- Favorable Earning Potential: The field of accounting depicts an upward curve when it comes to salary. With a median salary in 2017 of $69,350, the profession has been showcasing impressive growth.\n- Evergreen profession: As long as business and commercial activities exist, accounting as a profession isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Companies will need assistance with taxes and other related matters, which require accountants. So, accounting can be safely termed as a stable field to be in.\n- Entrepreneurial opportunities: Not all professions offer an option to start a business in the same field. With the right entrepreneurial spirit, one can certainly launch one’s own business or an accounting firm. It’s a dream to become your own boss and accounting provides those opportunities.\n- Continuous learning: Accountants have to be on their toes and constantly update themselves with the latest trends in the market. The newest reforms and changes in the legal regulations are aspects which they need to keep up with. This is to say that they are on a learning spree all through their professional life.\nCons of being an Accountant:\n- Work may seem mundane: Accounting can be taxing at times and in some years, may appear dull. The long hours of calculations and working with numbers, deriving strategies to overcome hurdles can become boring.\n- Stressful at times: The accountants are responsible for a company’s finances and so, it comes as no surprise that there will be pressure. A competent accountant should know to handle the stress around and not let it hamper the overall mental health.\n- Brace-up for the busy season: With the closing of financial years, the accountants are the busiest people around. So, the aspiring accountants must know that there will be a time in the year, their work will shoot up.\nFuture Job Outlook for Accountants\nThe accountants can expect the work opportunities to rise by 4% from 2019 to 2029, depicting a steady growth. Moreover, expanding economy and globalization seem to promise greener pastures for the talented minds in the accounting domain.\nPublic accounting (CPA) is one of the few roles with massive demand in recent years. The Accounting and Finance Salary guide (2018) hints at growth in the hirings of skilled candidates. The fresh graduates have also witnessed higher pay offers apart from the perks and bonuses. The firms have also reformed their policies to prioritize work-life balance and flexible working hours to attract the top talent in accounting.\nOver To You\nTo summarize, virtually, every business needs an accountant and it only seems to be growing with time. The credentials, however, require a significant amount of time and effort to acquire.\nSo, weigh the options carefully. If the pros outnumber the cons, then gather up all the commitment and get set to dive in.\nYou can use Deskera to become an expert in accounting and can even manage your client's books with ease. We have tons of resources to help you on the journey to be an accountant and setup your own accounting business with ease. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter for more details.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A stunning research result was reported recently in the New England Journal of Medicine. In the first controlled trial of an approach to treat Parkinson's disease, patients were recruited to participate in research to assess the effectiveness of human fetal nerve cells transplanted into the area of the brain affected by the disease. Unfortunately, the results were not what researchers or subjects expected.\nInstead of seeing their symptoms end, many subjects either didn't see any improvement or experienced a worsening of symptoms so severe that they were reduced to lying in bed with their limbs flailing uncontrollably. Even patients who did see some improvement suffered severe side effects.\nResearchers need to investigate the reasons for these results, but one possible answer is that the implanted nerve cells were performing too well and producing too much of the brain chemical that's missing in patients with Parkinson's. Unfortunately, once the cells are implanted they can neither be removed nor controlled. Patients who once suffered from the limitations of the disease ended up far more disabled as a result of their research participation.\nFocusing on the benefits of research\nIt is natural that patients with such a disease would clamor to be in research that proposed to cure it, but few expect that they could be grievously harmed in the process. The way the neural cell transplant trial was conducted fueled such expectations. The researchers divided subjects into two groups -- one had the cells injected into their brains through holes drilled in their skulls, while another had the holes drilled, with no cells implanted. This allowed researchers to compare outcomes between the two groups without subjects knowing whether or not they received the transplants. Subjects were promised that if they were randomized into the group that did not receive the implanted cells, at the end of the trial they would be offered the option of having the implants -- an implicit promise that they too, would receive the benefits of the research.\nRemembering what research means\nThe prospective benefits of research are only half of the picture, as the outcome of this research reinforces. In research in general, we don't know whether a new approach will work but we do know that it has risks and side effects -- some of them unknown, all of them uncertain. Research relies not on the willingness of subjects to avail themselves of the benefits it has to offer, but on their willingness to put themselves in harm's way so that others may benefit. If subjects receive some medical benefit in the process, it's frosting on the cake. But prospective subjects often don't see things this way, and having their unreasonably high expectations dashed can undermine support for research.\nThe story should serve as a wake-up call for the biomedical research community as well as all of us who participate in and benefit from research -- which means just about everyone. Increasingly, cutting edge research doesn't necessarily mean risk-free research, or research that will always work the way we hope and predict. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do research. But we should have more realistic expectations for what benefits research holds and be more realistic about the costs for achieving them.\n\"Ethics Matters\" Archive\nwhere you'll find other columns from Jeffrey Kahn\non a wide range of bioethics topics.\nSeparated sisters going home\nSurgeon strike may be nearing end\nResearch targets deadly hidden injuries\nBat bite saliva new stroke treatment?\nAnother artificial heart implanted\nKidneys may hold blood pressure clue\nN. Y. plans to heal skyline\nStocks rise on Case departure\nLieberman's presidential announcement today\nNew arrests may be linked to UK ricin scare\nJordan says farewell for the third time\nShaq could miss playoff game for child's birth\nEx-USOC official says athletes bent drug rules\n|Back to the top|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The universe--order without design\n- Calle, Carlos I.\n- Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2009.\n- Physical description\n- 304 p., p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm.\nQB981 .C345 2009\n- Unknown QB981 .C345 2009\n- Includes bibliographical references (p. 287-288) and index.\n- Publisher's Summary\n- Is the universe designed for life? Physicists have discovered that many seemingly unconnected phenomena, which took place millions of years apart, played a crucial role in the development of life on Earth. Does such evidence reveal a purpose behind the order of the universe? NASA senior research scientist Carlos I Calle explores this tantalizing question and many more in this wide-ranging introduction to the very latest and sundry theories about the origins and evolution of the enormous cosmos. From the big bang to the possibility of a big crunch he renders the complexities of theoretical physics beautifully lucid for the lay reader. Calle begins by reviewing the milestones of 20th-century astrophysics: the confirmation of the big bang theory in the 1960s by the discovery of cosmic background radiation; the inflationary theory of universe expansion, which NASA observations have recently confirmed; the formulation of the essential laws of physics that govern the unfolding of all physical processes, from subatomic fluctuations to the formation of galaxies; and physicists' attempts to unify all the forces of nature. Now, at the start of the 21st century, questions have been raised about the origins of the laws of physics. Do they suggest a Grand Designer, or is their existence a natural outcome of some automatic process? Calle lays out the cosmological models based on M-theory, which suggests that our particular universe may be one of an unimaginable number of universes, each with its own set of physical laws. According to one of the most promising models, the big bang may not be the moment of creation but the bridge to a past filled with endless cycles of universe creation and destruction. Calle also provides an exciting look at Stephen Hawking's fascinating proposal that the universe had no origin and that present-day observers may influence the very nature of reality. Did the universe require a prime mover the Grand Designer to create the planets, the stars, and the galaxies? This book will give you plenty of food for thought.\n(source: Nielsen Book Data)\n- Publication date\n- Carlos I. Calle.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Background: Youth of color from low-income urban communities are crucial participants in research, as their involvement can shape effective, culturally responsive interventions and policy to promote youth health and well-being. These young people, however, are an often-neglected research population, due in part to perceived challenges associated with their inclusion as well as marginalized communities’ justifiable mistrust of research. Objectives: Based on our experience conducting a school-based randomized intervention trial in Baltimore, Maryland, we present strategies for conducting research with low-income, urban youth of color. We discuss strategies in three domains: university-community partnership development, participant recruitment, and participant retention. Methods: We reviewed partnership building and recruitment strategies employed by our team across four years of trial implementation and evaluated success of participant retention at our final survey timepoint. Results: Partnership building was facilitated by selection of a study design that maximized benefits for all participants, promotion of capacity building at partner institutions, and attention to research staff hiring and training practices. Effective study recruitment strategies included personal contact with parents and close cooperation between school personnel and study staff. Providing incentives and collecting multiple types of participant contact information contributed to increased retention rates. On average, those who participated in the final survey timepoint were less likely to be male and Latinx and exhibited more favorable baseline mental health than those who did not, suggesting differential attrition based on youth characteristics. Conclusions: Lessons learned from this school-based trial can be applied more broadly to research with low-income urban youth of color. Researchers should strive to maximize scientific rigor, minimize harm to vulnerable adolescents and their communities, promote positive research experiences for young people, and provide concrete benefits to those who participate.\n- Community partnership\n- School-based intervention trial\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Pharmaceutical Science", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This week we learned two ways to solving systems of Linear Equations, they are\n(an algebraic method of finding solution for systems by substituting one equation into the other)\nStep: 1. Choose the simpler equation and express one variable in terms of the other.\n2. Substitute the expression from step 1 into the other equation.\n3. Solve the single variable equation.\n4. Substitute the solution from step 3 into the equation in step 1 to find the variable.\nSteps : 1. If necessary, multiply each equation by a constant to obtain coefficients for x (or y) that are identical (except perhaps for the sigh.)\n2. Add or subtract the two equations to eliminate one of the variables.\n3. Solve the resulting equation to determine the value of one of the variables.\n4. Substitute the solution into either of the original equations to determine the value of the other variable.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Daily programmer challenge #102 was to create a program that counted the number of unique characters in a list of words and output the total number that were below a number you give it. My version does that and works like a command line program by passing system arguments. The file it takes should be a text file that can have multiple words on a line.\n./102_intermediate.py file.txt 4\nTotal words with unique characters under or equal to 4 is 10442", "label": "No"} +{"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING] We're going to take a look at a few different terms in this lesson. First of all, the word sacred. This word as an adjective comes from the French word \"sacre.\" And it means consecrated or acceptable to a deity. It was first used in English in around 1380. And it was used to apply to the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine.\nNext, the word \"transcendent,\" used as both an adjective and a noun. This word makes its way over from Latin, where it was used in philosophical and theological treatises. Especially in the work of Duns Scotus, who was a famous medieval theologian.\nTranscendent in this context means beyond the ordinary limits or excelling. It first appears in English in 1598 in works of philosophy and theology. So it stayed pretty close to its origins in Latin as a technical term in philosophy and theology.\nNext, let's take a look at the concept of summum bonum-- the highest good. This term comes from Aristotle, who said that the highest good for humanity is happiness. The Greek term for happiness is \"eudaimonia--\" having a good spirit, a good life, or a blessed life.\nSaint Thomas Aquinas in the medieval period adopts Aristotle for the Catholic Church in Catholic theology. And Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote of an order of loves-- love of God and love of neighbor. Saint Thomas Aquinas conceded that love of God was rather difficult to wrap our minds around and that it actually requires some pretty sophisticated thinking to arrive at the love of God. But it's much easier to love our neighbor who is right in front of our faces.\nNext, the same idea of the summum bonum appears also in other religions. For now, sticking with the Abrahamic religions. So Rabbi Hillel, a very important figure in Judaism. He's seen as the ideal Jewish person.\nHe lived just before the Christian era. And he said, that which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow. This is the whole Torah and the rest is commentary. Go and learn it. So a version of what Christians call The Golden Rule.\nMoving on to Muhammad. In one of the hadith-- the sayings of Muhammad, Muhammad says, that which you want for yourself seek for mankind. So two other Abrahamic religions and also the same idea of the summum bonum, which is to care about other people before yourself.\nLet's just go over the terms that we've talked about so far. The word sacred comes from the French \"sacre,\" which means set apart from the ordinary, the worldly, and the mundane. The term \"transcendent,\" makes its way into English from medieval Latin. And it means that which is beyond the ordinary. And summum bonum is the Latin for highest good.\nThat which is set apart from the ordinary, the worldly, and the mundane.\nLatin for \"highest good.\"\nThat which is beyond the ordinary.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression is a companion volume to Indigeneity: Culture and Representation. The essays present a critical enquiry into the cultures and literatures of indigenous communities. They deal with their stories of colonial experience, their marginalization and their struggles to avert the decline of their socio-cultural status, and the emergence of their voice in the respective national literature. Rather than seeking succour from a human rights regime, Aboriginal peoples have consistently looked for lessons of environmental balance and social regeneration in their own literature, knowledge systems and cultural traditions.\nThe essays in this volume show how these groups have acknowledged, internalized and adapted to their own idiom, linguistic and cultural nuances and expressions left behind as a relic of colonial presence. Further, in their endeavour to analyze the reasons behind their alienation, they have consistently been self critical, holding the white colonists responsible for their current situation, but recognizing and narrating instances of complicity of Aboriginal elders in the persecution of their women.\nRunning through the volume is the view that the indigenous people are agents rather than objects of change. They have the capacity to classify, codify and present their knowledge and perceive and evaluate changes in the environment. The essays also highlight the rejection by Aboriginal groups of the prevailing view of their cultural heritage as a “social problem”, at odds with the imperatives of contemporary existence.\nThis book is a celebration of indigenous cultures rooted in their physical and cultural environment rather than an archival repository or a museum gallery. Bringing together scholars from across the world, this volume will be of invaluable interest to students and scholars of sociology, anthropology, tribal studies, colonial studies, literature and linguistics.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Powell’s Journey Through Desolation Canyon – The 1869 Expedition\nBy Kim Cassels • December 9, 2020\nPowell’s Journey Through Desolation Canyon – The 1869 Expedition\nPowell’s expedition through Desolation Canyon. This is part two of a three-part series re-tracing John Wesley Powell’s 3-month expedition down the Green and Colorado Rivers; a series and story that we will tell in a style akin to Powell’s own descriptions of the expedition. Powell’s 1869 trip was a government-sponsored expedition to explore the rivers of the west, including the first government-sponsored passage of the Grand Canyon. In this part, we explore the challenges Powell and his crew faced as they traveled through the same canyons our multi-day trips travel down to this day. For this second part of the series, we recount the journey through Desolation Canyon on the Green River. In part three we will explore what happened on Powell’s expedition through Cataract Canyon.\nOn June 27th, Split Mountain finally spit out the 1869 Powell Expedition with Desolation Canyon soon to come. Desolation remains nearly as remote today as it was in 1869, cutting through the largest wilderness area in the contiguous United States. It’s western Utah at arguably its gnarliest, and most beauteous.\nBy then they were three weeks into surveying the country’s last unexplored river canyons of “The Great Unknown.”\nAlready a third of their 10-month food supply— including the boat that carried it— belonged to the Green River. The crew, who began as a rugged-looking bunch, now had a new rabid makeover.\nTheir skin was sanded down as far as their patience, with beards and mutton chops cooked from a campfire gone wrong— although they had a good laugh about that particular mishap. They very much looked like the terrible work of carrying boats more than rowing them for 60 miles.\nIt was a widely publicized endeavor across the nation even before the expedition pushed off from Green River, Wyoming. And while it was certainly turning out to be a novel, the stories kept rolling in, despite the 10 men being indubitably far from any reporter’s reach.\nThis is part two of our series re-tracing the John Wesley Powell expedition through the canyons of Lodore, Desolation, and Cataract. For the previous chapter about the expedition’s chaotic beginnings, read here.\nJuly 3, “Fearful Disaster. Reported Loss of the Powell Expedition Confirmed.”\nJohn Risdon, if that was even his real name, told a particularly colorful tale to the Chicago Tribune about his supposed experience with the revered expedition.\nHe recalled all but two of the 21 crew members’ names — middle initials included— who drowned in the rapids of the Colorado River on May 16th or 18th. Risdon survived because, for some reason, he had stayed behind to make lunch.\nThe reporter, who apparently missed word of the actual expedition leaving on May 24th, said Risdon had “the appearance of an honest, reliable man” and rapidly jotted down his account;\n“Risdon stood on the shore waving his hat, and said: ‘You must be back in time for dinner, for I will have a good lunch for you when you return.’\nThey cried back in reply, ‘Good-bye Jack; you will never see us again.’\nA moment later, Risdon saw the boat commence whirling around, and like a living thing dive down with its living freight, Major Powell standing at his post, and that was the last Risdon saw of this noble and ill-fated expedition…”\nThe story was published on July 3rd while Powell and a few others were at a reservation near the Uinta River sending letters, trading supplies, and learning about the Utes. Of course, once Powell’s letters got back to his wife in Illinois— who already knew Risdon’s story was bologna, the newspaper published them as a remedy.\nJuly 4, Goodman out\nFrank Goodman, who had joined the group who went to the reservation, decided to throw in the towel. It turned out that nearly drowning, getting caught on fire, carrying oak boats over rocks, and eating rancid bacon wasn’t how he wanted to spend his summer anymore.\nPowell wrote, “As our boats are rather heavily loaded, I am content that he should leave, although he has been a faithful man.”\nMeanwhile back at base camp on the Green River, George Bradley was in a reflective mood that Independence evening. He had joined the expedition to get out of the military, which proved to be more of a tribulation than he’d expected.\n“But those green flowery graves on a hillside far away seem to answer for me, and with moistened eyes I seek again my tent were engaged with my own thoughts, I pass hours with my friends at home, sometimes laughing, sometimes weeping until sleep comes and dreams bring me into the apparent presence of those I love.”\nJuly 6, “Potato tops are not good greens on the sixth day of July.” – Jack Sumner\nThe crew is reunited and promptly flowing again with the Green River. Shortly into the drift, they came to an island near the White River where Powell suspected a garden.\nJohn Wesley had camped in the White River Valley the winter prior and met an interpreter who was planning to do some planting on the Green. When he learned of Powell’s upcoming journey, he told the Major to help himself to what sprouts.\nSure enough, the fleet found it. Not much had succeeded except for some potato tops, which 18-year-old Andy Hall said were fine eats. They were for a stew, which immediately poisoned everyone but George Bradley and Seneca Howland who had decided to pass on account of the taste.\nPowell wrote, “Emetics are administered to those who are willing to take them, and about the middle of the afternoon we are all rid of the pain.”\nDespite their temporary tummy aches, the men still managed to make 37 miles and kill four geese along the way according to Jack Sumner’s journal entry that day.\nJuly 7, Enter the Canyon of Desolation\nAs the walls began to close again on the Green River, the men stopped to survey the cliffs first thing that morning. Many took an appreciative note of the new, colossal scenery rising before them.\n“In these quiet curves vast amphitheaters are formed, now in vertical rocks, now in steps,” Powell wrote.\n“There are also side canons coming in every quarter of a mile making the top of the Plateau look like a vast field of honeycomb,” from a usually blunt Jack Sumner.\nGeorge Bradley had his own special experience as they climbed the plateau. Not noticing it at first, he scrambled over an ancient dwelling hidden among the eroding sandstone. He stopped and fixed the inflicted bricks, then secured the structure with a larger rock, and left his sign of the expedition.\n“It is the first time I left my name in this country for we have been in a part that white men may have been before, but we are now below their line of travel, and we shall not probably see any more evidence of them until we get to White River no. 2 below here.”\nBack in the boats, they ran the next lot of rapids successfully, covering 40 miles according to Bradley, or 34 according to Sumner, or 26 according to Powell.\nJuly 8, Desolation Blows\nDuring the day, Powell had made mention of the annoying, multi-current head gales holding up the crew’s progress. But those daytime breezes were only an introduction to Desolation’s “gusto.”\nIn a long, fun-shaped chasm like Desolation Canyon, cold air mixing with hot becomes, as Bradley put it, “…music fit for the infernal regions. We needed only a few flashes of lightning to meet Milton’s most vivid conceptions of Hell.”\nWith winds whipping up to 70 mph, the beaches where the men camped were resurrected to bounce between the walls that made them.\nJuly 10, Bustified like a Forty Pounder\nToday would be the highest climb yet as Powell and Oramel Howland ascended 4,000 feet to the canyon rim. At the top, Howland scampered off in hopes to snag a deer while Powell summited a nearby peak where “a fine view [was] obtained.”\nMeanwhile in camp, Bradley was rewriting his soaked journal entries and listening to Andy Hall belt out “… a song that will no doubt someday rank with America and other national anthems,” he said.\n“When he put his arm around her she bustified like a forty pounder, look away, look away, look away in Dixie’s land.”\nThe surveyors, still 4,000 feet up, met again at sunset. Since Howland was unsuccessful and night was falling, they began bounding down the walls and “leaping over ledges” until they were unable to see.\nLuckily, the camp had kept the fire blazing to which they followed as Powell recalled: “in a long, slow, anxious descent.”\nJuly 11, Em sends ‘Em Swimming\nThe pilot boat, Emma Dean, was promptly oarless after the first rapid of the day. And without an obliging forest nearby, the boys decide they needed to float a little farther to find timber.\nSoon after the river would cut sharply to the left with a pompous swing of rapids. In their attempt to avoid becoming one with the canyon wall, Powell, Sumner, and Bill Dunn were rinsed and flipped from their steerless skiff. Despite his one-armed stroke, Powell wrote in his journal that he had no trouble swimming.\nJack Sumner clarified in 1907 (five years after Powell had passed) that the Major did in fact wear an inflatable flotation device through bad rapids. It was the only life preserver on the trip and most likely saved Powell from drowning in multiple circumstances such as this.\nAfter the three landed the boat and came to shore with the others, they counted their new losses which included a barometer, two rifles, and most of the blankets.\nPowell salvaged one blanket as it floated by, but deduced with yet another dwindling necessity, “…sometimes hereafter we may sleep cold.” And they would.\nJuly 12, Bradley’s Quick Dip\nBreakfast delivered mostly easy whitewater, until, of course, an “old roarer” as Bradley described emerged beside an overhanging cliff.\nHaving already portaged 10 rapids, the crew decided to run it. The plan was to keep to the left to avoid certain death, or at least a very good boat bonk, on the right.\nAll succeeded, except for the Kitty Clyde’s Sister which slipped into a chute which then delivered it to the danger zone on a silver platter.\nPowell recounted as the crew watched the boat become manhandled in the waves, “Bradley is knocked over the side, but his foot catching under the seat, he is dragged along in the water, with his head down; making great exertion, he seizes the gunwale with his left hand, and can lift his head above water now and then.”\nWhile water-boarded Bradley was preoccupied, William Powell took to the oars and pulled like a mad man away from the cliff. He prevailed, and then quickly pulled Bradley back into the boat, making him the understated badass of the day.\nAfter a quick portage, it was business as usual and the crew floated into Coal Canyon (later renamed Gray Canyon) that they creatively named after finding some coal beds.\nThat night, Powell noted, “The wind blows a hurricane” and the boys once again slept buried in sandbanks.\nJuly 13, Company at White River no. 2\n“About two hours from noon camp, we discover an Indian crossing, where a number of rafts, rudely constructed of logs and bound together by withes, are floating against the bank. On landing, we see evidence that a party of Indians has crossed within a very few days. This is the place where the lamented Gunnison crossed, in the year 1853, when making an exploration for a railroad route to the Pacific coast.”\nJohn W. Gunnison had previous success in resolving disputes with Native Americans. But when he and his group of explorers reached the Sevier River, they were immediately murdered their first night in camp.\nThe killings were attributed presumably to the Paiute tribe; an indigenous group that resisted Mormon settlements throughout Utah in the 19th century.\nJuly 14, Enter Labyrinth Canyon\nThey greet a perpendicular canyon starkly unfamiliar to the stair-step escarpments where they’d just spent their week. In the winding stillness of Labyrinth Canyon, thoughts simmered in the crew like the sun against the orange sandstone.\nBradley wrote, “Hardly a bird, save the ill-omened raven, or the occasional eagle screaming over us; one feels a sense of loneliness as he looks on the little party, only three boats and nine men, hundreds of miles from civilization, bound on an errand the issue of which everybody declares must be disastrous.”\nBut Powell and the rest of the men seemed to be enjoying the labyrinth, quietly admiring the caves and alcoves, its symmetrical walls, and the disorienting reflections belying the glassy waters.\nStill enjoying the peacefulness on July 15, Powell wrote, “…the badinage of the men is echoed from wall to wall. Now and then we whistle, or shout, or discharge a pistol, to listen to the reverberations among the cliffs.”\nJuly 17, Toom’-pin wu-near’ Tu-iveap’\nAs the men exit Stillwater Canyon, it would mark the utmost anticipated, momentous meeting with the Colorado River, and thus, the oncoming calamity of Cataract Canyon.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "An international study has shown that short-term blood sugar control in patients with diabetes has a limited effect on their risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease and stroke.\nConventional belief has been that high blood sugar is a major factor in cardiovascular disease. However, this latest research adds to a growing body of evidence that risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes cannot be managed meaningfully by controlling blood sugar alone.\nThe study, led by researchers at Harvard Medical School, USA, and Hadassah Medical Centre, Israel, supported by other global institutions, including St George's, University of London, examined the effect of the drug saxagliptin, a new class of medicine used to reduce blood sugar levels, in patients with Type 2 diabetes.\nThere are 280 million people worldwide suffering with Type 2 diabetes, a disease defined by high levels of blood sugar. Diabetes doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke and can reduce life expectancy by up to six years. Recognised long-term effects of the condition include blindness, kidney failure, stroke and heart attack.\nMore than 16,000 patients were studied for over two years to test saxagliptin's cardiovascular safety and also measure whether it could reduce the risk of cardiovascular and kidney damage.\nResearchers found that the drug was as safe as existing glucose-controlling medicines. By lowering blood sugar it also successfully reduced the damage diabetes causes to kidney function.\nImportantly, however, despite control of blood sugar levels researchers found no significant reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack or stroke.\nProfessor Kausik Ray, the study's UK national lead from St George's, University of London, said: \"Through this trial we studied the effects of a glucose reducing drug on patients over a two-year period and observed that there was no significant benefit from lowering blood sugar levels with respect to the large blood vessels, which contribute to heart attacks and strokes. We did, though, observe a benefit on smaller vessels that contribute to kidney disease. This trial tells us that cardiovascular risk among diabetes patients must be managed through other mechanisms.\n\"Controlling blood sugar in the short term certainly doesn't present a very meaningful benefit to a patient at risk of cardiovascular problems, although there could be gains over a much longer period. The most effective way to manage cardiovascular disease is through established interventions such as reducing blood pressure, managing cholesterol and encouraging healthier lifestyles.\n\"It is clear to us now that, in patients with diabetes, there are effective therapies that will reduce their risk of kidney failure and there are separate therapies that will help reduce their risk of cardiovascular problems. More research is needed if we are to find new ways to manage cardiovascular risk in future.\"\nThe study, published by the New England Journal of Medicine on Monday 2 September 2013, is the largest diabetes trial ever carried out, conducted at 788 sites across 26 countries. It is also the first since the Federal Drug Administration in the US and European Medicines Agency revised regulations to give more robust assurance of cardiovascular safety in glucose reducing therapies, following concern that these may cause negative side effects on patient health.\nProfessor Ray added: \"This study also provides reassurance about the safety of a new class of drug in a large number of patients, disproving data from smaller studies about potential safety concerns.\"\nCite This Page:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Catholic Activity: St. Lucy's Day\nHere is a brief explanation of the beloved Swedish custom on St. Lucy's (or Lucia) Day, as well as the history behind this tradition.\nOn December 13 people in Sweden celebrate St. Lucy's Day. They remember how Lucia, a young girl, brought food to persecuted Christians hiding in the catacombs in Rome during the time of Emperor Diocletian. In order that she could carry the food and see where she was going in the dark, Lucia wore candles on her head. On St. Lucy's Day each year by tradition one of the daughters of the family is chosen to be St. Lucy. She gets up early and takes coffee and 'Lucia' buns (Saffronsbrod) to the rest of the family who are still in bed. She dresses in a white robe with a scarlet sash and wears on her head a crown of green leaves with five candles in it. Sometimes she is escorted by boys dressed in long white shirts and pointed hats, called star boys.\nActivity Source: Feasting for Festivals by Jan Wilson, Lion Publishing Corporation, Batavia, Illinois, 1990", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|Substitutional Quantification: the substitutional quantification is concerned with the determination of whether linguistic expressions can be formed for a situation. E.g. \"There is a true sentence that ...\". In contrast, the referential quantification - the form of quantification normally used in predicate logic - tells us something about objects. E.g. \"There is at least one object x with the property ...\" or \"For all objects x applies ...\". The decisive difference between the two types of quantification is that, in the case of the possible replacement of a linguistic expression by another expression, a so-called substitution class must be assumed which cannot exist in the case of objects since the everyday subject area is not classified into classes is. E.g. you can replace a table by some box, but you cannot replace the word table by any available word. See also referential quantification, quantification, substitution, inference, implication, stronger/weaker, logic, systems, semantic rise._____________Annotation: The above characterizations of concepts are neither definitions nor exhausting presentations of problems related to them. Instead, they are intended to give a short introduction to the contributions below. – Lexicon of Arguments. |\nBooks on Amazon\nSubstitutional quantification/sQ/HintikkaVsSQ/HintikkaVsSubstitutional Quantification/Hintikka: substitutional quantification is a pseudo-paradise, at most of formal interest, there has never been a satisfactory explanation for it.\nDescription/Knowledge/Russell: Knowledge by description: E.g. we do not know Bismarck. We wish that the object itself is a constituent of our proposition, but this does not work here. We know, however, that there is an object called Bismarck (existence).\nRussell: We also know about this Bismarck that he is a clever diplomat.\nSolution/Russell: then we can describe the proposition we want to claim, namely, \"B was a clever diplomat,\" where B is the object that is Bismarck. (> Logical form).\n(15) (Eb) (b = Bismarck & we judge that b was a clever diplomat)\n\"B\": this variable has then actual objects (objects from the actual world) as values.\nRussell/Hintikka: that shows that he has not chosen the solution (i).\nHowever, on another occasion Russell says:\nDescription/Knowledge/Russell/Hintikka. Knowledge by description: here we know propositions about the \"so-and-so\" without knowing who or what so-and-so is._____________Explanation of symbols: Roman numerals indicate the source, arabic numerals indicate the page number. The corresponding books are indicated on the right hand side. ((s)…): Comment by the sender of the contribution.\nMerrill B. Hintikka\nThe Logic of Epistemology and the Epistemology of Logic Dordrecht 1989\nJ. Hintikka/M. B. Hintikka\nUntersuchungen zu Wittgenstein Frankfurt 1996", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In the event of a fire, you may only have seconds to escape safely. Take the safest exit route, but if you must escape through smoke, remember to crawl low, under the smoke and keep your mouth covered. Once you have moved from the building, call 9-1-1. Never go back into a burning building for any reason. If someone is missing, tell the firefighters right away. They are equipped to perform rescues safely. Once you have called 9-1-1, contact security so they may assist with evacuation and directing emergency personnel.\nPortable fire extinguishers are valuable for immediate use on small fires. They contain a limited amount of extinguishing material and need to be properly used so that this material is not wasted. For example, when a pan initially catches fire, it may be safe to turn off the burner, place a lid on the pan, and use an extinguisher. By the time the fire has spread, however, these actions will not be adequate. Only trained firefighters can safely extinguish such fires.\nUse a fire extinguisher only if:\n- You have alerted other occupants and someone has called the fire department\n- The fire is small and contained to a single object, such as a wastebasket\n- You have a means of escape identified and the fire is not between you and the escape route\nIf all of these conditions are NOT present, you should NOT try to use a fire extinguisher. Alert other occupants, leave the building and call 9-1-1 from a cell phone or the security kiosk. Once you have called 9-1-1, contact security so they may assist with evacuation and directing emergency personnel.\nMost fire extinguishers operate using the following P.A.S.S. technique:\n- PULL: Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal.\n- AIM: Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire. Note: Do not touch the plastic discharge horn on CO2 extinguishers, it gets very cold and may damage skin.\n- SQUEEZE: Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.\n- SWEEP: Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Watch the area.\nIf the fire re-ignites, repeat steps 2-4.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Avoid Licorice While Pregnant\nNew research from Finland has confirmed that women should avoid consuming large amounts of licorice (or liquorice) during pregnancy. However the limit for safe consumption is still unknown.The study, which was carried out by the University of Helsinki, the National Institute for Health, Welfare, the Helsinki and Uusimaa hospital, looked at 378 children around 13 years of age whose mothers had consumed either “large amounts” or “little/no” licorice during pregnancy.\nThe study defined a large amount as over 500 mg of glycyrrhizin per week — the main constituent of licorice — and little or no licorice as less than 249 mg glycyrrhizin per week.A total of 500 mg of glycyrrhizin corresponds on average to 250 g of licorice. Glycyrrhizin is already known to cause higher blood pressure and shorter pregnancies, however previous studies have not proven any long-lasting effects on the fetus until now.To look at these long-tern effects participants were asked to complete cognitive reasoning tests carried out by a psychologist.\nThe team found that those children who were exposed to large amounts of licorice in the womb had lower test results than those who were exposed to smaller amounts or no licorice — a difference equivalent to approximately seven IQ points. In addition children exposed to high levels of licorice also showed lower tests results in tasks measuring memory capacity. Parents also reported that these children showed more ADHD-type problems than others, and in girls puberty also started earlier and advanced further.\nIn Finland the National Institute for Health and Welfare already places licorice in the ‘not recommended’ category for pregnant women, but states that occasional consumption of small amounts of licorice, such as a portion of licorice ice cream or a few licorice sweets, poses no danger. The researchers now advise that both pregnant women and those planning on becoming pregnant should be made more aware of the harmful effects that glycyrrhizin-containing products — such as licorice and salty licorice — may have on their unborn child.\nThe results can be found online published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Legislation on Trademark and Design\nJapan’s trademark system provides for the protection of the marks and logos that are used in commerce on goods or services. By enabling trademarks to identify the source of goods or services, and to identify their qualities and publicize them, the trademark system protects the commercial reputation of persons using trademarks, thereby contributing to the development of Japan’s industries and protecting the interests of consumers. Japan’s trademark system is regulated by the Trademark Law.\nJapan’s Trademark System\nEquality for both Japanese and Foreign Nationals\nJapan’s Trademark Law offers equal protection for both Japanese and foreign nationals. The same trademark registration process and conditions apply to those residents in Japan and overseas. Therefore, by offering proper trademark protection to people who do not currently live in Japan and companies presently without head offices or branches in the country, Japan’s trademark system encourages future expansion into the Japanese market by overseas businesses.\nTrademarks do not have to be currently in use (either in Japan or overseas) in order to be registered in Japan. If the trademark owner has the intention of using the trademark in the future, it can be registered in Japan as long as certain criteria are met. Thus, it is very important for any foreign business that thinks it might expand into Japan at some time in the future to consider applying for registration of trademarks in Japan before entering the Japanese market. Note, however, that trademarks must be used within three years after registration, or they may be nullified. Using your trademark just once within those three years is enough to prevent your trademark rights from being cancelled.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Saylor.org's Ancient Civilizations of the World/Peoples of the Americas< Saylor.org's Ancient Civilizations of the World\nCivilizations in the Americas emerged separately from other major civilizations in the world. The indigenous people of the Americas are believed to have been immigrants from Asia, who crossed over to America during the Ice Age, approximately 20,000 years ago. These new immigrants quickly spread throughout the Americas, in small and culturally distinct groups. The development of agriculture in the Americas five thousand years ago led to the flourish of new culturally advanced societies and innovations. Pre-Columbian American civilizations, such as the Mayas, Aztecs, Incas, and Olmecs were socially stratified and technologically advanced.\nIn this unit, we will see that civilizations developed in two main regions of the Americas: Mesoamerica and the Peruvian highlands. In fact, we will see that the entire area that stretched from central Mexico to Chile formed a continuous chain of developing civilizations.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "On the Terminology of Key Chord vs Key Combo\ni hated the term “key-chord”. When writing about keyboarding, I use “key combination” or “key combo” instead. But now, i think i'm going to adopt the term “key chord” in my writings. It is simply more popular and well-understood.\nnote: “key chord” isn't a good term, because it came from analogy of piano chord of playing several notes, and that came from music chord, which basically means combination of several notes played at once.\nchord means that from “accord”, as in harmony, because chords are typically harmony. (as opposed to cacophony, discord.)\n[etymology of chord https://www.etymonline.com/word/chord]\n«“related notes in music,” 1590s, ultimately a shortening of accord (or borrowed from a similar development in French) and influenced by Latin chorda “catgut, a string” of a musical instrument (see cord (n.)). Spelling with an h first recorded c.1600, from confusion with chord (n.2). Originally two notes; of three or more from 18c.»\npressing Ctrl+x isn't anything about chord or harmony, it's just pressing keys together. (and in a strange way, because you have to press one of the key and hold it first, and also release the other first. Quite strange and convoluted if you think about it. (it is that way due to history. Yes, all your keyboarding pains came from history, the freaking mechanical type writer and emacs hacker idiots. (warning: the previous statement may be offensive.)))\nSo, “key combination” or key combo is a better term. (Now the comic relief: think of video fighting games, you have a Combo hit!)\nbut i'm giving up that term, yielding to consideration of popular status quo.\nIf you have a question, put $5 at patreon and message me.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- Open Access\nHow to treat fungal infections in ICU patients\nBMC Infectious Diseases volume 15, Article number: 205 (2015)\nFungal infections represent a major burden in the critical care setting with increasing morbidity and mortality. Candidiasis is the leading cause of such infections, with C. albicans being the most common causative agent, followed by Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis. The diagnosis of such infections is cumbersome requiring increased clinical vigilance and extensive laboratory testing, including radiology, cultures, biopsies and other indirect methods. However, it is not uncommon for definitive evidence to be unavailable. Risk and host factors indicating the probability of infections may greatly help in the diagnostic approach. Timely and adequate intervention is important for their successful treatment. The available therapeutic armamentarium, although not very extensive, is effective with low resistance rates for the newer antifungal agents. However, timely and prudent use is necessary to maximize favorable outcomes.\nFungal infections represent a major burden in the critical care setting with increasing morbidity and mortality. Candida infections, Aspergillus infections and Mucormycosis caused by members of the Mucorales order are the most common ones. Each one of them requires a different, although similar, diagnostic and therapeutic approach. The purpose of this review is to provide a practical guide on the basic aspects of each of these infections in the critical care setting.\nCandidiasis is the leading cause of fungal infections in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients, with C. albicans being the most common causative agent [1,2]. Even though Candida species is a part of the normal human flora, a small percentage can cause disease: 1) Candidaemia with or without endophthalmitis, 2) Disseminated haematogenous infections with deep organ involvement 3) Chronic disseminated candidiasis, most commonly found in haematological patients [3,4]. Candida bloodstream infections (BSIs) are a great proportion of nosocomial fungal infections and represent an important cause of morbidity and mortality in ICU patients [5,6]. Additionally, the true incidence of invasive candidiasis may be higher than estimated because of the small percentage of positive cultures obtained and the difficulty in making a diagnosis of invasive candidiasis without candidaemia [7,8]. There are several risk factors for the development of invasive disease (Table 1), such as the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the mucosa, neutropenia or immunosuppression, the increased use of medical procedures, and poor hygiene of the health care personnel .\nThe most common pathogenic Candida spp is C. albicans followed by C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata and C. tropicalis. Less common pathogenic species are C. krusei, C. dublinensis, C. guiillermondi, C. kefir, C. lusitaniae and C. rugosa. A shift was recently observed to non-albicans species and an expanding list of former non-pathogenic species because of the increase in the number of vulnerable population and the ability of isolation of new species in the laboratory [10-12].\nUndoubtedly, the early diagnosis and treatment of invasive candidiasis is important but is often not an easy task because of the comorbidities and the delay in obtaining positive cultures. Candida colonization is referred to as a risk factor for developing invasive candidiasis [13,14]. Several studies have presented the use of several clinical scores by using risk factors alone or in combination with sites of colonization in an attempt to identify patients at risk who might benefit from antifungal prophylaxis treatment. The widely used Candida Colonization Index (CCI) defined as the ratio of the number of culture positive surveillance sites for Candida spp. over the number of sites cultured. If the CCI is greater than 0.4 preemptive antifungal therapy should be commenced . Additionally, a recent study presented the Candida Score (CS), which is based on the following risk factors: surgery upon admission, total parenteral nutrition, severe sepsis and multifocal colonization. A CS above 2.5 identifies high-risk patients who might benefit from antifungal prophylaxis treatment .\nThere are various laboratory methods aiming at early and accurate diagnosis of invasive candidiasis. Blood cultures have a sensitivity of up to 70%, but they have a long incubation time and they are often negative in deep-sited candidiasis and when fluconazole prophylaxis is used. Serological tests using components of the fungal cell wall such as galactomannan and 1,3-B-d-glucan or antibodies against galactomannan antigen are specific but they lack in sensitivity. Real time polymerase chain reaction, although it has a sensitivity of 60% in diagnosing candidemia, it is invaluable in diagnosing deep-sited candidiasis with a negative blood culture. Lately, newer diagnostic tools were introduced such as matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, molecular detection of fungi in blood and fluorescence in situ hybridization promising an accurate and faster diagnosis [17-19]. Regarding invasive candidiasis, antigen and antibody assays against mannan are used and recommended by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) guidelines . It should be noted that the MALDI-TOF currently is the most promising method for rapid identification once a fungal organism has been isolated.\nEmpirical and preemptive treatment\nIt is difficult to recommend the early antifungal therapy to all patients even though it may lead to improved clinical outcomes due to increased costs, toxicity and ecological pressure for antifungal resistance. Antifungal prophylaxis may be useful where there are risk factors or increased local incidence rates. Patients that may benefit from antifungal prophylactic treatment with fluconazole against invasive candidiasis are those who recently underwent abdominal surgery and had recurrent gastrointestinal perforations or anastomotic leakage . In patients with multifocal candida colonization who have clinical risk factors for infection but are in stable condition, preemptive therapy is currently not indicated. In patients with refractory fever receiving broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy, empirical antifungal therapy may be administered and a thorough search for alternate causes should be performed .\nAntifungal drugs for the treatment of candidiasis include polyenes (amphotericin B deoxycholate, liposomal amphotericin B), triazoles (fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole), echinocandins (caspofungin, anidulafungin, micafungin) and flucytosine (administered mostly by oral formulation; however it is also available as intravenous formulation in some countries).\nAmphotericin B deoxycholate possesses fungicidal properties by interacting with the membrane sterol, increasing the permeability of the cell membrane and allowing leakage of the fungus cell components resulting to its death. It demonstrates high minimum inhibitory concentrations for C. glabrata and C. kruzei and it has got a narrow therapeutic window. Its lipid formulations retain the activity of the parent drug, exhibit better safety profile, but they more costly. The main adverse events include nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Nephrotoxicity and acute infusion related reactions are the most prominent and the most frequent adverse events. The recommended dosages are 0.5-1 mg/kg daily for amphotericin B and 3–5 mg/kg daily for its liposomal formulations.\nAll triazoles are fungistatic and they inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes. Fluconazole has the greatest penetration into the CSF and the vitreous body. Voriconazole is not recommended in patients with clearance lower than 50 ml/min or under hemodialysis due to possible accumulation of cyclodextrin and posaconazole is not available in intravenous formulation and can be used in neutropenic patients with leukemia. They interact with several drugs increasing their concentrations (such as cyclosporine, warfarin, tacrolimus, carbamazepine) and they also increase also the serum levels of fentanyl and midazolam through competitive inhibition. The recommended intravenous dosages are a loading dose of 12 mg/kg followed by a daily dose of 6 mg/kg for fungustatin and 2 loading doses of 6 mg/kg every 12 hours followed by 3-4 mg/kg every 12 hours for voriconazole. Dose adjustments in renal failure should be done. Itraconazole and posaconazole, although active against Candida, they have no label against invasive candidiasis.\nEchinocandins (caspofungin, micafungin, anidulafungin) inhibit the synthesis of 1,3-B glucan and they are fungicidal against Candida spp. The active drug is not excreted in urine, thus they are not used in patients with candiduria, and it presents high MIC for C. parapsilosis. They possess a favorable therapeutic profile with few drug interactions and minor toxicity. The recommended dosing regimens are a loading dose of 70 mg followed by 50 mg daily for caspofungin, a loading dose of 200 mg followed by 100 mg daily for anidulafungin and 100 mg daily for micafungin [22,23]. It should be noted that caspofungin should not be used for the prophylaxis against invasive candidiasis, as it was not found to be superior to placebo in a recent multicenter double blind randomized controlled trial .\nCandida infections in the ICU may be i) suspected or ii) documented usually by obtaining positive cultures.\nSuspected candidiasis: if the patient has risk factors for candida infection, prophylaxis treatment may be initiated usually with fluconazole. Risk factors in combination with positive serological markers may indicate patients eligible for pre-emptive treatment.\nDocumented candidiasis: therapy should be commenced at the moment the blood cultures show the growth of yeast without waiting for the species identification and the results of susceptibility testing. Recent ESCMID guidelines suggest the use of echinocandins first, especially in unstable patients. (Table 2) . Current IDSA guidelines suggest the use of fluconazole, echinocandins and amphotericin B or its lipid formulations.\nIn the presence of candida infection, consecutive blood cultures should be obtained and the length of treatment is defined to 14 days after the last positive blood culture. It is recommended that central venous catheters or implanted devices (pacemakers and implantable defibrillators) should be removed and a fundoscopic examination should be performed in order to exclude endocular infection. In the presence of localized candidiasis the suggested treatment, according to IDSA guidelines, is presented in Table 3 .\nAspergillus is a fungal genus encompassing hundreds of molds, the most clinically important of which are A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. terreus, A. niger, and A. nidulans. Recently, Neosartorya udagawae has also emerged with increased clinical impact [26,27]. It has a wide environmental distribution, it may be found in the soil, water, air and decomposing organic matter, and may colonize or cause infection mostly in immunocompromised patients.\nEpidemiology, incidence and outcomes\nIn the critical care setting, Aspergillus may harbor in the ICU ventilation and water systems that have been poorly maintained, as well as in various equipment. However, there is a difficulty in discriminating between colonization and infection when they are isolated from the patient. Incidence varies depending on the immune status of the patients. Virtually any organ may be affected by Aspergillus species, with sinopulmonary involvement as invasive pulmonary aspergillosis being the most common . The lowest incidence for invasive aspergillosis (IA) is reported in patients with HIV and in patients with hematologic malignancy, which is 0.4% . The incidence in patients with solid organ transplants vary from 0.1 to 2.4%, while in patients with stem cell transplants, vary from 0.5 to 3.8% . In patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation incidence rates are about 5% for autologous and 5-10% for allogeneic transplantation, respectively [31,32].\nMortality rates also vary. The overall mortality rates of Aspergillosis are about 17%, based on US national data, but mortality is higher in cases of Aspergillus pneumonia and in immunocompromised patients with IA . Specifically, in Aspergillus pneumonia mortality rises to 25%, while in patients with blood and lymphoid tissue malignancies, bone marrow transplant recipients, and liver transplant recipients, mortality rates of IA are 49%, 80%, and 90%, respectively [33,34].\nIt should be noted that the immune status of critically ill patients, as well as other underlying conditions, are important determinants of the type of fungal infection they may develop and it is usually of the invasive form. Thus, patients receiving steroids are in increased risk of having cavitating lesions and aspergillomas, and neutropenic patients develop angioinvasive aspergillosis, as neutrophils play a major role in the clearance of Aspergillus [35,36]. Patients who received lung transplantation are often colonized with Aspergillus due to their primary lung disease and are more likely to present with aspergillosis around the anastomoses . Also, involvement of other foci including endocarditis and osteomyelitis has been reported [39,40].\nNeutropenia was the first risk factor to be recognized for invasive aspergillosis more than forty years ago . The absolute neutrophil number per se is not the sole determinant, as the overall neutrophil functional status plays a major role in the pathogenesis of Aspergillus. However, one should keep in mind that neutropenia and compromised immune functional status usually concur in several conditions.\nFollowing this rough categorization, common neutropenic conditions that may lead to the development of invasive aspergillosis are hematologic malignancies and myeloablative chemotherapy in stem cell recipients . Prolonged duration and degree of neutropenia are important factors of developing the disease. Solid organ transplantation recipients, especially of lung, are at increased risk for invasive aspergillosis, as they receive immunosuppressive therapy and are subjected to environmental exposure to Aspergillus.\nRegarding the deterioration of the immune system’s functionality, steroid therapy is a major risk factor as it may be administered either as anti-inflammatory drug in the course of infections or as immunosuppressive treatment during transplantations [43-46]. Other similar conditions associated with invasive aspergillosis are prior antibiotic treatment, AIDS, H1N1 infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic granulomatous disease, and acute renal failure [43,44,47-50]. It is interesting that patients receiving immuno-modulatory drugs, namely TNF-a inhibitors, are also at increased risk for invasive aspergillosis .\nThe diagnosis is based on a triplet consisting of (i) risk and host factors (the latter not being identical to risk factors), (ii) clinical and radiological signs and symptoms that are indicative of the disease and (iii) laboratory testing that proves the existence of Aspergillus either directly or indirectly.\nAccording to the definitions published by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group (EORTC/MSG), the utilization of these criteria classify the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in proven, probable and possible . For a proven infection, it is required to have a positive culture of an otherwise sterile site or a positive histopathologic or cytopathologic examination. It should be noted that, although very useful in the diagnostic process, clinical symptoms and signs and risk and host factors are not mandatory when the presence of Aspergillus has been demonstrated. For a probable infection, all elements of the aforementioned triplet are required to be positive. However, mycological evidence retrieved from various sites not essentially sterile may be used including bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial specimens retrieved with brush, sinus aspirates, sputum etc. For a possible infection, a diagnosis can be done when there are appropriate risk/host factors and clinical symptoms and signs, but mycological evidence is lacking.\nIt should be noted that these definitions were based on the study of immunosuppressed patient. As such, they may not be fully applicable in critically ill patients, who are a different population, although immunosuppressed patients may represent a subset of them. It has been supported that the presence of Aspergillus in that patient setting, irrespective of infection or colonization, indicates a poor prognostic marker . The use of appropriate clinical algorithms may offer further aid in diagnosing invasive aspergillosis and discriminating between infection and colonization with relatively high sensitivity and specificity .\nThe radiological tests that may be used are chest x-rays and CT scanning. The most common signs that may be found are consolidations, and infiltrates and nodules . However, the pathognomonic sign is the “halo sign”, which is found in CT scans as a nodule with a dense center surrounded by ground glass opacity. It should be noted that the latter is mostly found in neutropenic patients, while relevant findings of non-neutropenic patients are nonspecific .\nLaboratory testing used for the detection of Aspergillus includes biopsies, cultures, detection of galactomannan and β-D-glucan and PCR. As noted before, the isolation of Aspergillus from cultures depends on whether the site of isolation is otherwise sterile, since a positive culture from respiratory tract secretions, irrespective of the method used for isolation, may represent colonization rather than infection . Galactomannan is detected in body fluids and depending on its concentration galactomannan index is calculated. When a certain threshold is surpassed, then a diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is likely. Although the sensitivity of the method in the serum is limited , it seems that galactomannan detection in bronchoscopic material, such as bronchoalveolar lavage, has superior accuracy and is not affected by the immune status of the patient . β-D-glucan is, like galactomannan, a cell wall component, which is also found in body fluids and its presence indicates the probability of infection. PCR, although it is a method with high sensitivity and specificity, is cumbersome and lacks in discrimination power between colonization and infection [60,61]. Quantitative real time PCR may pose as a useful alternative in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis .\nTreatment of aspergillosis may be classified in empirical, preemptive and definitive. Empirical treatment is the one administered to neutropenic patients at risk with a prolonged febrile period, who have already received broad antibiotic coverage. Preemptive therapy is the one administered when there is evidence of fungal existence without a developed infection. However, its benefit has been questioned compared to empirical treatment . Definitive treatment is the one administered when infection has developed and it is based on antibiogram data. When definitive treatment with a single agent is not successful, combination treatment may be used in the salvage setting . Prophylactic treatment, although administered in neutropenic patients, has not found its place in the critical care setting. Adjunctive therapies including Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor and interferon-gamma may be used. Surgical treatment for the resection of Aspergillus lesion may be an alternative option in selected cases .\nAlthough amphotericin B, azoles and echinocandins may be used for the treatment of Aspergillosis, voriconazole is considered as the first line treatment, especially for the invasive pulmonary form. It is administered intravenously in a dosage of 6 mg/kg twice daily as a loading dose and then the dose is lowered to 4 mg/kg twice daily. Amphotericin B is administered intravenously as liposomal amphotericin in a dosage of 3 to 5 mg/kg/day or as its lipid complex in a dosage of 5 mg/kg/day, but has lost its predominance due to the nephrotoxicity it may confer and the newer therapeutic alternatives that have been found . A paradox regarding its reduced toxicity when administered in high doses, although without a subsequent improvement in outcomes, should be noted . From the echinocandin class, only caspofungin has been approved for the treatment of Aspergillosis, but is used when treatment with other agents is not successful or not allowed due to adverse events. It is used mostly when other antifungals have failed and it is administered in combination with amphotericin . It is administered intravenously in a dosage of 70 mg/day as a loading dose and 50 mg/day thereafter . When administered in combination with calcineurin pathway inhibitors, it was found to have increased in vitro activity . Itraconazole and posaconazole is considered second-line treatment option. Posaconazole has been approved as salvage treatment of invasive aspergillosis in the European Union only.\nThe duration of treatment varies depending on the patient’s immune status. In non-immunosuppressed patients it should last for a minimum of 6 to 12 weeks. In immunosuppressed patients, treatment should be administered as long as the patient is immunosuppressed and should not be stopped until the clinical and radiological resolution of symptoms and signs. Laboratory testing to certify the eradication of the fungus is not suggested. Relapses due to incomplete eradication and lack of sterilization of underlying foci may occur.\nMucorales are saprophytes causing a disease known as mucormycosis. The most common genera include Rhizopus, Mucor and Rhizomucor. Risk factors in the critical care setting include neutropenia, diabetes, malignancy, desferoxamine therapy, renal failure, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and penetrating trauma . Mortality is high ranging from 35% when no underlying condition is present to 66% in patients with malignancy.\nMethods for the diagnosis of mucormycosis are limited. Practically, the sole approach that may provide evidence of Mucorales presence is through histopathology using hematoxylin-eosin, Grocott-methanamine-silver and periodic acid-Schiff stains. PCR use has also been described, but it is not routinely used. Radiological testing rarely provides specific findings .\nTreatment options are also limited. The mainstay of treatment is amphotericin B in its deoxycholate, lipid complex or liposomal form. The respective dosages are 1 to 1.5 mg/kg/day, 5 to 7.5 mg/kg/day and 5 to 10 mg/kg/day. It should be noted that the deoxycholate form, although the most toxic and with the poorest penetration in the central nervous system, is the only formulation approved for the treatment of mucormycosis. Limited data regarding combination treatment of lipid amphotericin with echinocandins are also available . The combination of deferasirox with lipid amphotericin was found to be highly fungicidal in animal models . However, a recent small phase II trial found that patients with mucormycosis treated with deferasirox had a higher mortality rate at 90 days and did not support a role for initial, adjunctive deferasirox therapy for mucormycosis . Surgical debridement may also be used as adjunctive therapy .\nThe duration of treatment for mucormycosis is not established and should be individualized for each patient. It should be continued until there is resolution of clinical signs and symptoms, radiological findings, if any, and of immunosuppression.\nFungal infections, although of great importance, are not easy to diagnose and treat in the critical care setting. To limit the mortality toll of such infections, increased clinical vigilance and a multifaceted diagnostic approach is mandatory. The therapeutic armamentarium, although not very extensive, is effective with low resistance rates for the newer antifungal agents. 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Invasive fungal infections in the ICU: how to approach, how to treat. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 2014;19(1):1085–119.\nSpellberg B, Walsh TJ, Kontoyiannis DP, Edwards Jr J, Ibrahim AS. Recent advances in the management of mucormycosis: from bench to bedside. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2009;48(12):1743–51.\nIbrahim AS, Gebermariam T, Fu Y, Lin L, Husseiny MI, French SW, et al. The iron chelator deferasirox protects mice from mucormycosis through iron starvation. J Clin Invest. 2007;117(9):2649–57.\nSpellberg B, Ibrahim AS, Chin-Hong PV, Kontoyiannis DP, Morris MI, Perfect JR, et al. The Deferasirox-AmBisome Therapy for Mucormycosis (DEFEAT Mucor) study: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012;67(3):715–22.\nTacke D, Koehler P, Markiefka B, Cornely OA. Our 2014 approach to mucormycosis. Mycoses. 2014;57(9):519–24.\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.\nAll authors agreed on the focus and structure of the paper. DKM and TC conducted the literature search and drafted the first version of the manuscript, and GC contributed substantially to the final version. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.\nAbout this article\nCite this article\nMatthaiou, D.K., Christodoulopoulou, T. & Dimopoulos, G. How to treat fungal infections in ICU patients. BMC Infect Dis 15, 205 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-015-0934-8\n- Critical Care\n- Fungal infections", "label": "No"} +{"text": "University of Cambridge scientists have broken a decade-old superconducting record by packing a 17.6 Tesla magnetic field into a golf ball-sized hunk of crystal -- equivalent to about three tons of force. The team used high-temperature superconductors that work at minus 320 degrees F or so -- not exactly balmy, but less frigid than the minus 460 degrees F needed for regular superconductors. With zero resistance, superconducting materials can carry up to 100 times more current than copper wires, but the resulting magnetic fields create huge internal forces. Since the cuprate materials used for the record are as fragile as dried pasta, they can actually explode under the strain. To get around it, the team modified the material's microstructure and \"shrink-wrapped\" it in stainless steel. That produced the largest magnetic field ever trapped in a standalone material at any temperature, according to the team. The research might eventually lead to more secure and efficient power transmission, better scanners and yes, levitating monorails.\n[Image credit: University of Cambridge]", "label": "No"} +{"text": "It is important to include zinc in your diet so as to improve your overall health and well-being. Zinc has been known to improve the immune system mainly, but it has numerous advantages. It is essential because it is found in every tissue in the body hence it is involved in cell division directly. Deficiency of zinc may bring about complications like infertility in men and women, low libido and accelerated aging. This article articulates the importance of zinc in our bodies;\nImproves Cardiovascular Health\nZinc is essential when it comes to maintaining the health of cardiovascular cells and endothelium. The endothelium is a thin layer of cells that lines blood vessels and aids in the circulation of the blood. When the body lacks zinc, there could be a deficiency in the endothelial barrier thus leading to building up of cholesterol which is harmful to the heart. Adequate zinc intake will inhibit the progression of heart disease as well have a protective effect on it.\nPromotes Reproductive Health And Fertility\nIn women, the growth process of the egg requires zinc. If there is a deficiency of zinc in the body, the egg will not maturely well, and that is an impediment to ovulation thus infertility. Enough zinc causes the women to use estrogen efficiently, and that promotes reproductive health.\nElevates Moods And Prevents Depression\nStudies have not been clear about the relationship between zinc deficiency and depression. However, it is connected to the role of zinc that involves the production of neurotransmitters and hormones. Zinc regulates the production of dopamine partly which is a chemical that boosts energy, moods, and reward-driven learning. Statistics have shown that zinc deficiency causes more depression in women than men. They are therefore advised to take zinc supplements instead of medication that they will have to take every day of their lives.\nPromotes The Health Of The Brain\nZinc has been shown to help the body to eliminate heavy metal from the mind so that they don’t build up and damage it. That promotes the maintenance of cellular homeostasis of brain cells. The combination helps to prevent neurodegeneration and development of Alzheimer’s disease.\nIt is an antioxidant; therefore, it is useful in getting rid of free radicals that are harmful to the cells by bonding with them and eliminating them. It is particularly good at countering the damaging effects of excess iron in the body. Zinc also targets free radicals that cause inflammation in the body.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Posted in Barney Frank, Easy money, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Housing, Regulation, tagged Barney Frank, Basel Capital Standards, Chris Dodd, Easy money, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Housing, Monetary Policy, Regulation on September 14, 2010 |\n16 Comments »\nGeorge Melloan’s column in the Wall Street Journal discusses the new Basel capital standards and correctly observes that 22 years of global banking regulations have not generated good results. This is not because requiring reserves is a bad thing, but rather because such policies do nothing to fix the real problem. In the case of the United States, easy money policy by the Fed and a corrupt system of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac subsidies caused the housing bubble and resulting financial crisis. Yet these problems have not been addressed, either in the Dodd-Frank bailout bill or the new Basel rules. Indeed, Melloan points out that Fannie and Freddie were exempted from the Dood-Frank legislation.\nThere’s something to be said for holding banks to higher capital standards, even at the cost of more constrained lending and slower economic growth. But the much-bruited idea that Basel rules will make the world freer of financial crises is highly doubtful, given current political circumstances. The 2008 financial meltdown was not primarily the result of lax regulation but of co-option and abuse of the U.S. financial system by the political class in Washington. The federal government’s “affordable housing” endeavors, beginning in the 1990s, allowed and even forced banks to make highly risky mortgage loans. Those loans were folded into mortgage-backed securities (MBS) sold in vast numbers throughout the world, most promiscuously by two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Federal Reserve contributed a credit bubble that caused house prices to soar, a classic asset inflation. When the bubble began to deflate in 2007, the bad loans in mortgage securities became poisonous. The MBS market seized up, and financial institutions holding them became illiquid and began to crash. The Lehman Brothers collapse was the biggest shock. The only way Basel standards might have helped prevent this would have been if they had been applied to Fannie and Freddie as well as to banks. They weren’t. President Bill Clinton exempted the two giants from Basel capitalization rules because they were the primary instruments of a federal policy aimed at helping more lower-income people become homeowners. This was a laudable goal that ultimately wrecked the housing and banking industries. Washington has learned nothing from this debacle, which is why the next financial crisis is likely to have federal policy origins and may come sooner than we think. Fannie and Freddie—now fully controlled by Uncle Sam and exempt from the Dodd-Frank financial “reform” legislation—are still going strong, guaranteeing and restructuring loans while they continue to rack up huge losses for taxpayers. …The record since the Basel process began 22 years ago doesn’t generate faith in banking regulation either. Basel rules didn’t prevent the collapse of Japanese banking in 1990, they didn’t prevent the 2008 meltdown, and they are not preventing the banking failures that plague the financial system even today.\nP.S. The bureaucrats and regulators who put together the Basel capital standards were the ones who decided that mortgage-backed securities were very safe assets and required less capital. That was a common assumption at the time, so the point is not that the Basel folks are particularly incompetent, but rather that regulation is a very poor substitute for market discipline. Letting financial firms go bankrupt instead of bailing them out would be a far better way of encouraging prudence.\nRead Full Post »\nPosted in Barney Frank, Freedom, Obama, Pelosi, Reagan, Statism, tagged Biden, Frank, Freedom, Obama, Pelois, Reagan, Statism on August 16, 2010 |\n2 Comments »\nHere’s a very nice video mixing powerful statements by Ronald Reagan with the incoherent ramblings of the buffoons now in charge of Washington.\nRead Full Post »\nPosted in Bailout, Barney Frank, Easy money, Economics, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve, Freddie Mac, Monetary Policy, Obama, tagged Bailouts, Barney Frank, Bush, Chris Dodd, Corruption, Easy money, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve, Freddie Mac, Monetary Policy, Obama, TARP on August 13, 2010 |\n7 Comments »\nAppearing on Fox Business News, I summarize the many reasons why the Bush-Paulson-Obama-Geithner TARP bailout was – and still is – bad policy.\nI’m sure I have plenty of flaws, but at least I am philosophically consistent. Here’s what I said about the issue more than 18 months ago. The core message is the same (though I also notice I have a bad habit of starting too many sentences with “well”).\nRead Full Post »\nPosted in Barney Frank, Freedom, Liberty, Statism, tagged Barney Frank, Freedom, Gambling, nanny state, Statism, Victimless Crime on August 1, 2010 |\n2 Comments »\nSince Barney Frank is one of the most collectivist and statist members of Congress, it is very unusual for me to write the words “I agree with Barney Frank.” But on the issue of Internet gambling, the Massachusetts Congressman actually has the right position. Steve Chapman elaborates on this topic in his column, concluding with wise words about getting out of way when someone like Barney Frank actually wants more freedom and less government.\nFour years ago, Congress tried to stamp out online betting by forbidding banks from transferring funds to Internet gambling sites. But it was spitting into a gale. “Gamblers have used online payment processors, phone-based deposits and prepaid credit cards to circumvent the ban,” reports The New York Times. It’s an old problem: When lots of people are eager to enter transactions with other people that do no direct harm to anyone else, the government can’t realistically hope to prevent them. All the ban accomplishes is to push the industry offshore, leaving U.S. customers more vulnerable to fraud. Well, that’s not all it accomplishes. It also encourages Americans to do their gambling elsewhere: going to casinos (now found in 33 states), wagering at off-track parlors or buying lottery tickets peddled by state monopolies. The lotteries are a motive for governments to oppose legalization of online gambling, since it might take away customers looking for better odds. …there is no good reason for the federal government to prohibit citizens from engaging in a peaceful, popular and enjoyable activity that almost all of them can handle responsibly. Nor is there any point, since those citizens are going to do it anyway. Congress would be wise to accept that age-old reality and settle for harvesting the tax revenues Internet betting can generate. Maybe it would be the start of something even bigger. After all, it’s not every day you hear congressional Democrats making the case for more freedom and less government. When Barney Frank acts on the view that “most actions the government should stay out of,” it would be a shame to stand in his way.\nRead Full Post »\nPosted in Bailout, Barney Frank, Easy money, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Regulation, tagged Bailouts, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Red Tape, Regulation on July 18, 2010 |\n17 Comments »\nThe Wall Street Journal opines\nabout the number of new regulations that will be generated by the so-called financial reform legislation that has been approved by Congress. The big winners will by lawyers, the federal bureaucracy, and politicians. The big losers will be shareholders and consumers.\nThe Dodd-Frank financial reform bill passed by the Senate yesterday promises to generate historic levels of red tape. But apparently the 2,300 pages are so complicated that a debate has broken out over precisely how many new regulatory rule-makings it will require. This week we reported on an analysis by the Davis Polk & Wardwell law firm that at least 243 new federal rule-makings are on the way, not to mention 67 one-time studies and another 22 new periodic reports. The attorneys were careful to note that this was a low-ball estimate, counting only new regulations mandated by the bill. Now comes Tom Quaadman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who doesn’t quarrel with the Davis Polk estimate but has added rule-makings authorized by this legislation to those that are mandated and says that American businesses should expect a whopping 533 new sets of rules. To put this number in perspective, Sarbanes-Oxley, Washington’s last exercise in financial regulatory overreach, demanded only 16 new regulations. Thus he reasons that Dodd-Frank “is over 30 times the size of SOX.” …While it might seem that the regulatory uncertainty created by the bill won’t last much longer than a decade as new rules are implemented, that also could be optimistic. When regulators are granted new authorities without expiration dates on their powers, the rule-making possibilities are infinite. …The most likely result of Dodd-Frank in the near term is a generally higher cost of credit, and a bigger market share for the largest banks that can more easily absorb the new regulatory costs. In the longer term, do not expect it to prevent the next financial mania and panic.\nRead Full Post »\nNicole Gelinas has been one of the most astute observers of how government has screwed up the financial system and her column in the Washington Examiner\nis an excellent summary of why the Dodd-Frank bill is a step in the wrong direction.\nFor 25 years, Washington has done everything in its power to subsidize Americans’ profligate borrowing habits. Debt became the fuel for economic growth. Washington subsidized the financial industry’s borrowing through implicit guarantees against loss. The feds first started rescuing creditors to “too big to fail” banks in 1984. Since then, it’s become clear to lenders — Wall Street’s global bondholders and trading counterparties — that the government would save them anytime a large financial firm foundered. Indemnified against losses, bondholders could lend nearly infinitely to Wall Street. Wall Street found creative ways to lend that money right back to the public, through mortgage brokers and credit card marketers. …The Dodd-Frank bill is a monument to the status quo. Despite promises that the bill will end bailouts, it enshrines bailouts into law. It provides for an “orderly liquidation authority,” for example, which allows “systemically important” financial firms to escape bankruptcy and to escape, too, consistent losses for their creditors. It also sets up a fast-track procedure through which the White House can ask Congress for guarantees for Wall Street’s lenders in a future crisis. In effect, the government is saying to Wall Street’s lenders: Carry on as you did before 2008. Ordinary Americans, though, understand that they can’t go on as before. Since 2008, they’ve started paying their debt back. The process is painful. As Americans borrow less, they spend less and pay less for houses. But as Americans pare back their debt, the economy will begin to heal permanently. As house prices fall, for example, because less borrowed money exists to send them higher, Americans will have more money left over after paying the mortgage. They can invest that money in the stock market for retirement. Those funds, in turn, will go to entrepreneurs who create jobs outside of the financial industry. The Dodd-Frank bill would pervert this healthy process. It would pit Washington’s too-big-to-fail subsidies and Wall Street’s creativity against Americans who are trying to do the right thing for themselves and the country.\nRead Full Post »\nPosted in Barney Frank, Big Government, Corruption, Economics, Executive pay, Fannie Mae, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Obama, Uncategorized, tagged Bailout, Big Government, Corruption, Fannie Mae, Financial Crisis, Freddie Mac, Obama on December 26, 2009 |\nLeave a Comment »\nEven though politicians already have flushed $400 billion down the rathole, the Obama Administration has announced that it will now give unlimited amounts of our money to prop up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-created mortgage companies. While President Obama should be castigated for this decision, let’s not forget that this latest boondoggle is only possible because President Bush did not do the right thing and liquidate Fannie and Freddie when they collapsed last year. And, to add insult to injury, Obama’s pay czar played Santa Claus and announced that that a dozen top “executives” could divvy up $42 million of bonuses financed by you and me. Not a bad deal for a group of people that more properly should be classified as government bureaucrats. Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Post about the Administration’s latest punch in the gut for taxpayers:\nThe Obama administration pledged Thursday to provide unlimited financial assistance to mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, an eleventh-hour move that allows the government to exceed the current $400 billion cap on emergency aid without seeking permission from a bailout-weary Congress. The Christmas Eve announcement by the Treasury Department means that it can continue to run the companies, which were seized last year, as arms of the government for the rest of President Obama’s current term. But even as the administration was making this open-ended financial commitment, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac disclosed that they had received approval from their federal regulator to pay $42 million in Wall Street-style compensation packages to 12 top executives for 2009. The compensation packages, including up to $6 million each to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s chief executives, come amid an ongoing public debate about lavish payments to executives at banks and other financial firms that have received taxpayer aid. But while many firms on Wall Street have repaid the assistance, there is no prospect that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will do so.\nRead Full Post »", "label": "No"} +{"text": "5 Essay Writing Tips For Newcomers\nEssays allow student writers to express their own interpretations, thoughts and ideas about a specific topic. Most essays are formal, since they're written for a wide variety of assignments. Nowadays, many students write informal essays for assignments, or as permitted by their instructors.\nNewcomers to essay writing have a tendency to write informal essays; the informal essay is the most common that beginners write. To start writing essays, it's important to get used to both essay writing styles to understand the writing format.\n5 essay tips for newcomers\nThe essay is simple to write. Most people that write essays get training from their instructors; students can, however, get additional training by consulting alternative resources.\nHere are five tips from an educational resource about essay writing for newcomers:\n- Select a topic before writing\n- Prepare an outline\n- Write a thesis statement\n- Write the body before the introduction\n- Write the conclusion and finish\nBefore writing, it's important to select a topic or subject. Some students may have their topic picked for them, though most don't. After selecting the topic, choose how you're going to approach writing the topic or the purpose of writing about the topic. It's suggested to start researching the topic after selecting a purpose.\nOrganizing your ideas can help you write a better essay. The easiest way to plot an essay involves writing an outline. A basic outline generally consists of the topic and a list of main ideas you might want to write about. Underneath each main idea, list other related ideas to organize information you may want to include within those particular paragraphs.\nThe thesis statement of your essay is the statement that explains the point of your essay. A thesis statement generally has two parts: the first part states the topic of your essays and the second part states the main point of the work. Your thesis statement should clearly explain the topic and point of your essay, ensuring that readers understand your essay's topic before continuing to read.\nMany essay newcomers assume that it's better to write the introduction first. It's better to write the introduction last. If you write the introduction after the body, you can easily craft an introduction that easily covers the body of the essay, in a way that will encourage readers to keep reading. The body itself should contain content that fully describes, explains or argues your thesis statement.\nThe conclusion is the closing paragraph. It brings closure to the essay, summing up the ideas within the work while providing a closing perspective on the topic. In the conclusion, you can review the main points of your essay and further reinforce the point of your entire essay to close.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Emily Hipp | SCDNR Heritage Trust Program | Archaeology Intern\nOver the summer of 2022, I spent my time as an intern for the SCDNR Archeology team. We were tasked with working on three projects over the summer: sorting artifacts from Fort Frederick Heritage Preserve, preparing a tabby garden, and washing and mending Edgefield pottery. I, along with two other interns, worked on the Edgefield pottery. For our project, we washed jugs and pottery sherds then prepare them for mending. I have learned a lot about Edgefield and Pottersville pottery over the six weeks of my internship and have become fascinated with the history of these jugs and the people who created them.\nEdgefield potters created commercial pottery to be used for storing goods and was famously known for its Alkaline-glazed stoneware. Edgefield potters researched many methods on how to make the finest pottery. Many practices and techniques were picked up from different cultures and countries, like China, England, and Africa. Alkaline-Glazed pottery was first made in America in the early 1800s in Edgefield, South Carolina. Edgefield was the perfect place to make Alkaline stoneware because it had high-quality clay similar to the clay found in China, where Alkaline-Glaze was traditionally used on stoneware. Edgefield also had kilns constructed in areas that would make use of kaolin clay found in the area. Along with kaolin, the pottery was made using sand, pine, and feldspars.\nThe kilns in Edgefield were also made to be quite large. Most of the kilns used to make pottery during the time were “groundhog kilns” which usually ranged from 16-20 feet in length and 6-8 feet in width. While Edgefield had these typical kilns, it also had dragon kilns. Dragon kilns were larger than groundhog kilns and could fire pottery at greater temperatures. The kiln in Edgefield was 105 feet in length and 12 feet in width. The people building this kiln most likely took inspiration from China, where dragon kilns are believed to have originated.\nIn the 19th century, a community known as “Pottersville” was established in Edgefield for the purpose of making stoneware pottery. The stoneware during this period also shows a very likely influence from African culture as it was made by enslaved individuals. African Americans were a part of every step of the pottery-making process, like building the kilns, digging out the clay, mixing and preparing the glaze, and shaping the vessels. The most famous individual to work in Pottersville was Dave Drake, also known as “Dave the potter”. In 1801, David Drake was born into slavery and was owned by Harvey Drake. Harvey Drake probably taught Dave how to read, write and make pottery, which would have been uncommon for the time. Dave created beautiful pots, some of which could hold up to 40 gallons, and were inscribe with poetry on some of them as well.\nAfter High school I plan on attending college and getting a master’s degree in Anthropology.\nGeorge W. Calfas\nNineteenth century stoneware manufacturing at Pottersville, South Carolina: the discovery of a dragon kiln and the reinterpretation of a southern pottery tradition\nFennell, Christopher, Archaeology of Edgefield, South Carolina Pottery Communities. http://www.histarch.illinois.edu/Edgefield/ . Accessed on 15 July 2022\nDisclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on South Carolina Wild are solely those of the authors, and do not reflect official policies, positions, or endorsements of activity or products by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help you prevent and control many diseases and conditions. If you are overweight or obese, you are at higher risk of developing serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers. That is why maintaining a healthy weight is so important: It helps you lower your risk for developing these problems, helps you feel good about yourself, and gives you more energy to enjoy life.\nWhat Is Overweight and Obesity?\n- Overweight is having extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Obesity is having a high amount of extra body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is a useful measure of overweight and obesity. The information on this Web site will provide you with information about BMI (including limitations of this measure) and how to reach and stay at a healthy weight. Talk to your health care provider if you are concerned about your BMI.\nWhat Factors Contribute To a Healthy Weight?\n- Many factors can contribute to a person’s weight. These factors include environment, family history and genetics, metabolism (the way your body changes food and oxygen into energy), and behavior or habits.\n- Energy balance is important for maintaining a healthy weight. The amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks (energy IN) is balanced with the energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active (energy OUT):\n- The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over time = weight stays the same (energy balance)\n- More energy IN than OUT over time = weight gain\n- More energy OUT than IN over time = weight loss\n- To maintain a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT don’t have to balance exactly every day. It’s the balance over time that helps you maintain a healthy weight.\nYou can reach and maintain a healthy weight if you:\n- Follow a healthy diet, and if you are overweight or obese, reduce your daily intake by 500 calories for weight loss\n- Are physically active\n- Limit the time you spend being physically inactive", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Classification: _Full Collection, Children & Youth, Concussion, Economic Burden, Physical Activity, Risky Play, Team Sports\nChildren and youth are at greater risk of concussions and more serious head injury than the general population. Concussions are the most common form of head injury, yet it is believed that they are under-reported owing to both a lack of consensus in the minimum requirements of the definition of a concussion and the presence of misconceptions among the general public regarding concussions. Nonetheless, concussions reportedly account for 3 to 8 percent of all sports-related injuries among youth presenting to urban emergency departments in Canada, which is expected to increase as public awareness rises. Furthermore, studies using national injury reporting databases in the United States indicate that sports-related injuries are responsible for 46 to 58 percent of all concussions suffered by youth between the ages of 8 and 19. Comparable Canadian data are not available.\nConcussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), occur as a result of an impact to or forceful motion of the head or other part of the body, resulting in a jarring of the brain. This may lead to a brief alteration of mental status, which may include: confusion, loss of memory directly preceding the event, sensitivity to light, slurred speech and/or dizziness or emotional changes, and may or may not be accompanied by loss of consciousness or seizures.\nEvidence exists that children and youth take longer than adults to recover following a concussion , and can permanently change the way a child or youth talks, walks, learns, works and interacts with others. Therefore, concussion management and appropriate return to activity is crucial, particularly in the paediatric and adolescent populations.\nActive and timely rehabilitation is essential for concussion patients who remain symptomatic longer than a six week period. This may include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, educational support, neuropsychology and in some case neuropsychiatry. If an individual returns to activity too soon and a second concussion is sustained before recovering from the first, a condition known as second-impact syndrome (SIS) may occur: a swelling of the brain that can result in brain damage causing severe disability or even death. Furthermore, an individual is 3-times more likely to sustain a second concussion while in recovery from a concussion.\nAlthough no information is currently available concerning the economic burden of concussion for children and youth, a study is currently being conducted at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Assessing young athletes ages 12 to 17 while suffering from concussion for over three months regarding their quality of life, results using a standardized quality of life survey found similar findings as those for patients receiving chemotherapy treatments for cancer.\nThe purpose of this report is to provide details on the burden of concussion among children and youth in British Columbia (BC) as a supplement to the report The Burden of Concussion in British Columbia. This supplement will be used to facilitate discussion of the need for standardized concussion prevention, diagnosis and management in BC specific to children and youth.\nConcussion as a health event is recognized to be under reported and inconsistently coded. Concussion may also be labelled as a minor traumatic brain injury (mTBI), or sometimes as a head injury (which may include other injuries not involving the brain).\nFor the purposes of this report, concussion is considered a subgroup of head injury. Mortality data are presented for head injury alone, as no data for concussion mortality are available. Hospitalization data are presented for both head injury and for concussion as a subgroup of head injury, and emergency department data are presented for concussion alone.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Poverty is such a longstanding, deeply-rooted problem that it’s hard to believe there could be a relatively straightforward way to address it. But here’s one: Give poor people money.\nThat’s a highly controversial idea here in the United States, where so many social programs are focused on helping people find work, rather than offering them services or sending them checks.\nBut elsewhere around the world, things work differently. Virtually every developed nation has a lower poverty rate than the US. That’s not because all their citizens have jobs and earn a decent living. It’s because they provide direct assistance to those at risk, in the form of cash, housing subsidies, pensions, and child benefits.\nHow do other countries fight poverty?\nBy collecting taxes and distributing the money to people who need it. And it really does seem to work.\nOne way to see the central role tax-and-transfer programs play is by looking at what would happen if they didn’t exist. In other words, how many people would be living in poverty if they had to survive on their paychecks alone?\nIt turns out that even in famously egalitarian European nations, lots of people would be left with poverty-level earnings if it weren’t for government support. One in every three people in France and Germany would be living in poverty, one in four in Sweden and Denmark. And by this measure, the United States fits right in, with a poverty rate of 28 percent.\nNo one, in other words, has been able to tackle poverty by building an economy that works for all involved. Yes, European countries tend to have higher unionization rates, tighter business regulations, and other mechanisms to ensure that workers get a meaningful share of the profit pie. But what the above chart shows is that if people had to rely on salary alone, poverty would be a massive social problem.\nNow, look at what happens when you count government programs. Suddenly, the United States becomes an outlier, with a poverty rate 50 percent higher than the UK and Canada, twice as high as Germany, and three times that in Denmark. Tax and transfer programs in the United States just don’t have the same anti-poverty bite.\nDoesn’t giving people money reduce their incentive to work?\nThere are certainly times when welfare programs interfere with work. Take the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), which made it easier for people to get their own insurance coverage. With the act in place, people don’t need to have a job just to get health insurance, and consequently fewer people choose to work.\nYet, most people in poverty don’t really face this trade-off. Matt Bruenig, a poverty researcher at the liberal research center Demos, pored over the numbers and found that the majority are either kids, the elderly, or those with disabilities.\nOf the rest, another big chunk are students. And it’s not clear that pushing kids, students, the elderly, and the disabled into the workforce — under penalty of poverty — would be good for them, or for the economy.\nBut you can’t give kids money, can you?\nWhen it comes to addressing poverty among the elderly, the US takes the direct approach of just sending people money. It’s called Social Security, and it’s the most powerful anti-poverty program that we have, helping millions of seniors each year and driving the elderly poverty rate down from 35 percent, in 1960 to around 10 percent today. (In case you’re wondering, social security is very much an anti-poverty program, not just a forced savings vehicle. For years, most retirees have gotten more than they paid in, though future retirees may not be so lucky.)\nKids in poverty require a whole different approach. You can’t just deposit money in their bank accounts. Often, you have to route it through their parents, which makes things more complicated.\nHow, for instance, to ensure that the money is used to help kids, and not siphoned off for the pleasure of parents? This is one reason many states — including Massachusetts — place restrictions on how welfare benefits can be used: no spending on alcohol, tobacco, or lottery tickets, for instance.\nBut a study came out last month suggesting that some of these concerns may be overblown. It looked at poor, Native American families in North Carolina, who started receiving checks after the opening of a casino. The results were clear and positive. Parents drank less and spent more time with their kids — some were able to move to better neighborhoods. The kids, too, saw real benefits, including a large reduction in behavioral problems.\nCan education help reduce poverty?\nEducation gives people valuable skills, which makes them more productive at their jobs. And having lots of productive, highly-skilled workers should help boost the economy and generate more money for everyone, including those at risk of falling into poverty.\nHaving said that, we’ve done a lot to improve education over the last 50 years. Three times as many adults hold a college degree, today, compared to the mid-1970s. Yet the market poverty rate — leaving out government programs — has actually gone up.\nIs it really possible to tame poverty?\nOver the last few decades, the United States has been experimenting with new kinds of anti-poverty measures, with an eye on helping people find work. We’ve expanded programs like the earned income tax credit, which go to working families, and changed our welfare system to encourage job-hunting.\nThese sorts of programs have their benefits — the earned income tax credit helps millions of Americans. Still, most countries take a different approach, and get better results. Judging from the rest of the world — and the effectiveness of Social Security — sometimes the best anti-poverty programs are the ones that provide direct support.\nMore from Evan Horowitz:\nEvan Horowitz digs through data to find information that illuminates the policy issues facing Massachusetts and the US. He can be reached at email@example.com. Follow him on Twitter @GlobeHorowitz", "label": "No"} +{"text": "What is play? It is voluntary engagement in self motivated activities that are normally associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It may be social or solitary interactions. It is also how children interact with the environment and people around them.\nPlaying allows your child to understand and build social kills as well as societal rules. As most games, there are winning and losing, these games teaches your child about playing fair while having fun.\nHow about social skills? It is made up of the skills that we use everyday to interact and communicate with others. Consisting of verbal or non verbal communications. Social skills also help someone understand how to behave in social situations and how best to communicate with others within that environment.\nSocial skills also help your child to learn and resolve social conflicts. Training him to be empathetic with other children and caring for them when they are seemingly upset.\nHow do you know if your child is having difficulties with play or social skills?\n- Getting upset when playing games.\n- Interrupts often.\n- Doesn’t like to play with others.\n- Unable to maintain a conversation.\n- Has poor attention span.\n- Has trouble taking turns.\n- Unable to maintain friendships and make new ones.\n- Needs an adult to be with them.\nIf you child seems to have a little trouble, do spend more time explaining to him why during certain circumstances he needs to act in certain ways, try to get him to relate and put himself in the other child’s shoes.\nAlways encourage them and guide them gently, that will allow them to pick up these cue slowly but surely.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "DNA is the most powerful tool available for identification in forensic investigations. Because of its ability to line physical evidence found at a crime scene to a single person, it is often referred to as a “digital fingerprint”. This method is so precise that it can ensure pinpoint accuracy, down to one in over a billion. And, unlike fingerprints, which can only be found if a suspect touches something, DNA exists in every cell of the human body, from hair and blood, to skin and tears, and can be shed of deposited while committing a crime. That means it is often the only means for accurate identification.\nDNA databases make it possible for law enforcement crime laboratories to electronically search and compare collected DNA profiles of individuals to crime scene evidence. In the United States, the Combined DNA Index System, known as CODIS, links local, state and national databases and contains more than 13 million records.\nThe process for collecting and analyzing DNA is minimally invasive and only takes a few steps:\n- Lightly swab the inside of an arrestee’s cheek\n- Analyze the sample to obtain a unique identifier containing only the 20 markers required to confirm identity.\n- Enter the sample into CODIS, where it can be compared against forensic evidence from crime scenes across the country.\nWhat makes up a DNA profile on CODIS?\nSome have raised concerns about privacy rights surrounding DNA profiles. It is impossible to obtain medical information or any genetic information whatsoever. While the human genome contains over three billion base pairs, or markers, only twenty of these markers are digitalized to make up the CODIS DNA profile. These 20 markers were specifically chosen by genetic scientists because they contain NO medically predictive information nor genetic indicators. But when there is a match of these 20 markers between the crime scene evidence DNA profile and the offender profile, there is only one chance in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 that it could be another person.\nThe DNA profile is stored in CODIS as a numeric file, with absolutely no access to personal information. The information below (in white) is the ONLY information that is uploaded to CODIS.\nOnly AFTER a crime scene evidence profile matches an offender profile and AFTER the profiles have been analyzed again to verify accuracy, is a name matched to the offender profile. The name is kept in the state crime lab in a separate, offline, heavily-protected computer file with very limited access. The name can only be released to the law enforcement team investigating the crime to which it was matched. This match is then used as an investigative lead. If and when enough evidence is gathered to officially charge the suspect with a crime, a warrant is issued to obtain another cheek swab from the suspect, which is analyzed to provide a DNA profile. This is the evidence that is used in court proceedings.\nDNA is science. When evidence left at a crime scene matches to an offender DNA profile, it is scientific evidence that leads to the right suspect, regardless of race or economic status, thereby reducing the incidence of racial profiling, unreliable eye-witness identification and other objectionable means of developing suspects.\nSee the brochure for more comprehensive information.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Many celebrities are defined by their addictions. Japan's recent history is defined by an addiction to public borrowing, government spending and money printing to resuscitate its moribund economy.\nSecond-time Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is seeking to increase growth through an additional US$120 billion of public spending and aggressive yen printing by the Bank of Japan (BoJ) to create inflation to reduce the debt to GDP ratio and devalue the yen.\nIn the post-war period, Japan enjoyed decades of strong economic growth -- around 9.5 per cent per annum between 1955 and 1970 and around 3.8 per cent per annum between 1971 and 1990. This growth was underpinned by a weak yen. In 1985, under the Plaza Accord, Japan was forced to allow the yen to appreciate sharply, resulting in a fall exports and growth.\nSubsequent efforts to restore growth resulted in a credit-fuelled stock and real estate bubble, which collapsed in 1990s.\nSince the collapse of the Japanese debt bubble in 1989-90, Japanese growth has been sluggish, averaging around 0.8 per cent per annum. Nominal gross domestic product (GDP) is roughly the same as 1992.\nFollowing the collapse of the bubble, policy-makers tried a variety of economic stimulus programs. Japan's budget surplus of 2.4 per cent in 1991 has become a chronic large budget deficit. Japan now spends more than 200 yen for every 100 yen of tax revenue received.\nJapanese government gross debt has risen to around 240 per cent of GDP. Net debt (which excludes debt held by the government itself for monetary, pension and other reasons) is about 135 per cent.\nThe BoJ has tried unsuccessfully to increase inflation to reduce debt.\nJapanese inflation has averaged minus 0.2 per cent in the 2000s, a decline from levels of 2.5 per cent in the 1980s and 1.2 per cent in the 1990s. The policies have failed to restore economic growth, trapping Japan in a period of economic stagnation.\nJapan's large pool of savings, a large current account surplus and low interest rates allowed the build-up of government debt.\nHowever, Japan's gross government debt will not be covered by domestic private-sector savings by around 2015, although net government debt will not reach this limit until after 2020. Even before this point is reached, the declining savings rate and increasing drawing on savings by aging households will reduce inflows into Japanese government bonds (JGBs), making domestic funding of the deficit more difficult.\nJapan's large portfolio of foreign assets (around US$4 trillion including US$1 trillion U.S. Treasury) will cushion the effects for a time. But even if net income from foreign assets (interest payments, profits and dividends) stays constant, Japan's overall current account may move into deficit as soon as 2015.\nAs the drawdown on financial assets to finance retirement accelerates, Japan will initially run down its overseas investments.\nUnless public finances improve, Japan ultimately will be forced to finance its budget deficit by borrowing overseas.\nWhere the marginal buyers of JGBs are foreign investors rather than domestic Japanese investors, interest rates may increase, perhaps significantly.\nEven at current low interest rates, Japan spends around 25 to 30 per cent of its tax revenues on interest payments.\nAt higher borrowing costs, Japan's interest payments will be an unsustainable proportion of tax receipts.\nPrime Minster Shinzo's policies will provide a short-term lift in economic activity, but is unlikely to create a sustainable recovery.\nIt will compound the ongoing problem of large budget deficits and government debt levels. The policies do not address the core problems.\nSpending on social security accounts and interest expense now totals a major part of government spending.\nIncreasing health and aged-care costs are expected by 2025 to be around 10 to 12 per cent of GDP. An aging population and shrinking workforce will continue to drive slower growth and lower tax revenues.\nGiven its large domestic savings and also the ability of the BoJ to further monetize its debt, the status quo can be maintained for a little longer.\nBut eventually, Japan's toxic combination of weak economic performance, large budget deficits, high and increasing levels of government debt, declining household savings and looming current account deficits may prove unsustainable. Ultimately, Japan may have no option other than a de facto domestic default to reduce its debt to more manageable levels.\nFaith in the new LDP government's new 'old' policies may prove a triumph of hope over experience.\nSatyajit Das is a former banker and author of Extreme Money and Traders Guns & Money", "label": "No"} +{"text": "– What is the definition for Kabbalah?\nKabbalah is the Jewish tradition that can be traced back to ancient times. It is an esoteric method, discipline and school of thought that also includes ciphers. The tradition includes the interpretation of the Bible in the mystical way. Kabbalah is the word originated from Hebrew and its literal meaning is receiving or tradition. The traditional Kabbalist who practices and follow Kabbala is called, Mekubbal.\n– Kabbalah is a religion? Is it a belief? What is the Kabbalah?\nKabbalah is not a religion or faith. It is neither a belief, rather it’s a tradition that is passed from ancient Jews to their ancestors. It is an ancient wisdom that explains how the universe, the divine and the life work and their connection. In easy words Kabbalah is a tradition that enlightened on achieving the fulfillment in our lives.\nFulfillment in Kabbalah doesn’t only mean the happiness in this life that may end at any certain point and may not be permanent or might end with the soul leaving the body. But rather it depicts how the fulfillment can be achieved that may lead to the satisfaction and a wellbeing that is long lasting, connecting it to the realm of infinity. The tradition connects the energy and maintains the bridge of true and subtle long lasting fulfillment with the eternity.\nKabballah puts significance to the concept of how everything in our life is connected at the very core to one root or energy known as universal energy. According to it everything from our health, sense of self, relationships with others, our careers, our social behavior and life, all are just different stems that originates from that one core root.\nSince Kabbalah is not a separate individual religion with its own belief system or values, it provides insights into world that can be applied to all faiths and religions. It is not bound to only Judaism or one sect or ethnicity. As long there is belief in its knowledge anyone can benefit from its teachings.\n– What is the Kabbalah Tree of Life?\nThe Kabbalah Tree of Life is also known as Etz haChayim in Hebrew. According to Kabbalah the Tree of Life is a matrix of ten divine emanations that are used to by God to create everything, to sustain it and rule and control all the worlds. The tree exists in the world of infinite which is greater than the worldly dimensions and free from the boundries of the time. It is omnipresent and exists eternally. The emanations of this tree are called Sefirot or Sefirah, each of which is holographic and has the tree as whole. According to tradition these emanations are they invisible holy ways through which the sacred messages of God are revealed to us.\nThe teachings of the Tree of Life are said to be first originated in the time of Abraham but the actual scriptural forms were believed to be revealed later in time.\nIt teaches us about the relationships as a whole. The relationship are believed to be the very basic reason of our existence as we created on this world a man woman.\nThe Tree of Life furthermore is an elaborate map that organizes the consciousness in its divine way for our better understanding of our relationship with the divine and what is there in the heavens.\nMore close we come to recognition of Tree of Life’s presence more closer we become to recognize and believe in the divine presence of God and feel connected to Him. The tree is the source for light who believe in it and brings countless blessings and gives strength to stand in this world with our feet firm in its place with the support we get from the tree of life.\n– Kabbalah mix number, symbols, colors, letters, how it works? (Basically)\nThe symbolism in Kabbalah is in Hebrew that belongs to ancient Judaism. There are letters in Hebrew that correspond to the numbers which leads to any word to be depicted in the form of numbers. These numbers can have significance separately or as a whole when they are added together. The words that have common numbers are believed to have shared meaning, or related somehow. These letters in Hebrew are believed to be caused by spiritual symbolism. The directions of lines in the letters in Kabbalah are believed to hold spiritual meaning, and so it goes for the shapes that are formed by these lines in the letters.\nThese letters, numbers and symbols are believed to hold spiritual meaning that the interpreter of the meaning receives from God. It is believed when the writer write these letters and numbers he is in fact perceiving it from the god himself. The color in the letters and numbers also signify towards the ways of creations harmony in Hebrew and Kabbalah. It entails how the creator and the writer work in harmony, without them both it is not easy to interpret the meaning of the story of the creation.\nThe Kabbalah and Hebrew symbolism in text is believed to be found in the book of Torah that is believed to be the oldest and most sacred book to hold the symbolism. Apart from Torah in Christianity the Old Testament holds the Hebrew symbolism.\n– Can a person get help with the Kabbalah? How?\nIt is believed that Kabbalah can help people to improve their life. It can be used to shed light on different aspects of person’s life and helping a person understand the signs from the creator himself and how it all is connected to make the universe act in one harmony. To get benefit from Kabbalah one needs to perform Kabbalistic meditations. The Kabbalah text is full of imagery as well depicting male and female union. But the use of Kabbalistic meditation during the union is sinful and dangerous.\nThere are certain study groups or help groups that perform meditation in groups and help each other to pass from one stage to other. This helps in gaining more knowledge and sharing it with friends. The Kabbalah practices helps improve relations and to influence friends. But to influence others the spiritual stage of acquiring Kabbalistic wisdom is first to be attained through consistent effort, sustained focus and dire hard work.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Few things can be as uncomfortable as having difficulty breathing. Discomfort in your lungs can significantly impact your daily life and can be life-threatening in some situations. One cause of extreme lung discomfort or difficulty breathing is when fluid and air get trapped in your lungs, a condition known as pulmonary edema. The Metropolitan Vascular Institute specializes in treating many pulmonary issues and the complications they present. If you’ve struggled with lung discomfort, our office is here to help. Here are a few ways we can treat lung fluid and help restore your quality of life.\nHow Does Pulmonary Edema Happen?\nLung fluid buildup can occur for several reasons. One of the common causes of pulmonary edema is heart conditions such as congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure occurs when the left side of the heart struggles to pump blood efficiently through your body. When this happens, blood backs up into the lungs and forces fluid into your air sacs, making breathing difficult. Other causes of pulmonary edema can include\n- A chest injury\n- Abnormal heart rhythm\n- High blood pressure\nHow Dangerous is Pulmonary Edema?\nIt’s crucial to receive immediate medical attention if you’re experiencing symptoms consistent with pulmonary edema. Shortness of breath, difficulty speaking in complete sentences, wheezing, or coughing up blood may indicate that you’re dealing with pulmonary edema, making medical attention essential. If untreated, pulmonary edema can be life-threatening, so getting immediate professional help is crucial.\nHow We Can Help\nDue to other medical conditions, some people deal with chronic pulmonary edema. Our office specializes in helping those with chronic lung conditions have a suitable quality of life. One strategy we employ to help is Thoracentesis procedures.\nThoracentesis procedures remove excess lung fluid by inserting a small needle between your ribs and using a suction device to drain fluid, helping to relieve shortness of breath and discomfort. The procedure typically takes less than 20 minutes, allowing you to resume your day quickly. The first step in finding out how our office can address your needs is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our Waldorf location today by calling us at (301) 374-8540.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Excerpted from 1001 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Others by Sang H. Kim\nThe teacher, like the team leader, is a role that often comes in disguise. You may not teach in school, but certainly you occasionally have the opportunity to pass along your knowledge of something to others. Perhaps you train new employees at your job or teach others a favorite hobby or sport. We all find ourselves sharing our knowledge with others from time to time, whether in a formal classroom setting or a more informal exchange of ideas.\nTeaching can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can undertake. Although you can easily perform a skill yourself, you may find yourself perplexed when you try to get someone else to do it correctly. No matter how you explain it, they just cannot see it your way and you begin to wonder if it wouldn’t just be easier to do it yourself. This is a critical juncture in motivating your student to succeed. If you give up and berate the student (colleague, employee, . . . ) you will alienate him and block any further progress.\nHowever, if you draw on your motivational skills to provide a good role model and plenty of encouragement interspersed with meaningful guidance, you may be surprised at the sudden turnaround in your student’s learning.\n12 Tips for Motivating Your Students\n- Make learning progressive and point out progress as it occurs.\n- In the early stages of learning, recognize effort above results.\n- If your students easily accomplish everything you teach them, your standards are too low.\n- Make it hard for students to blend into the background. Require everyone to make quality contributions regularly.\n- Criticize the behavior, not the behave-er.\n- Motivate students to think and participate by asking open-ended questions. Example: Instead of asking “Any questions?”, ask “What questions do you have?”\n- Praise progress as well as results.\n- Select goals and rewards that are tied directly to student needs. Example: A woman signs up for a shooting course to learn self-protection. Setting goals related to basic proficiency and safety are more important to her than proper breathing techniques or learning to handle an exotic variety of weapons.\n- Whenever possible use \"hands on\" methods to teach new concepts and skills.\n- Make every effort to reduce the potential for failure or fear of failure associated with learning.\n- Give students clear criteria that identify when they have reached their goal.\n- Call attention to things done right rather than errors. Build successful habits around these positive things.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "One of the most common criticisms of presidents — especially struggling ones during their second term — is that they have lost control of events.\nThis charge, which has been leveled at chief executives such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, has become a mantra lately in coverage of President Obama, who faces a stalled legislative agenda and crises in Ukraine, Gaza and at the border with Mexico.\nThis notion pervades commentary and debate on the presidency. We want to believe that the president is (or should be) in control. It’s the impulse behind holding the president responsible for a bad economy and giving him credit for a good one (the most important factor in presidential approval and election outcomes). The reassuring nature of presidential control is also why news media coverage of foreign policy crises and other events that rally the country tends to use language that depicts the president as being in command.\nThe flip side of the demand for presidential control is disappointment when he can’t magically work his will. Advocates of what I’ve called the Green Lantern theory of the presidency suggest that Mr. Obama’s failure to achieve his goals in Congress reflects a lack of effort or willpower. If he only tried harder or were tougher, they suggest, he could control events rather than being controlled by them.Continue reading the main story\nThese analyses get the direction of causality backward, however. Under favorable circumstances, presidents seem to be in command of events, but that’s largely a reflection of the context they face. It’s not hard to seem in control when the economy is booming, the president’s party has a large majority in Congress or the nation is rallying around the president after a national tragedy.\nOnce unfavorable circumstances arise, though, even the most accomplished chief executives seem to lose control. My research has found, for example, that scandals are not simply about misconduct. They are more likely to arise when presidents are unpopular with self-identified members of the opposition party or when there are few competing stories in the news.\nObviously, the modern presidency is a powerful office with enormous influence, especially in foreign policy. Iraq and Afghanistan, for instance, might look very different today if Mr. Bush had made different decisions. Even in the domestic realm, the president can have success with a supportive Congress, as Mr. Obama’s success in passing the Affordable Care Act demonstrates.\nAt the same time, the powers of the presidency are outstripped by the unrealistic expectations placed on the chief executive in the modern era. When problems arise, it’s only natural that people want the most powerful person in the country to fix them, but these demands often lack a plausible account of how the problem could be solved. And even when the president has a proposal that he thinks would provide a solution, he’s likely to struggle to persuade Congress or the public to support it, as Mr. Reagan discovered despite his reputation as the “Great Communicator.”\nThe limits of the president’s power can be scary — as human beings, we find a lack of control threatening — but the idea that they can control events is a comforting fiction, not an explanation for their success or failure. As Abraham Lincoln (perhaps our greatest president) wrote, “I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events controlled me.” Imagine what the pundits would do with that admission today!Continue reading the main story", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Swine Flu Update as of 01/07/2010\nThe H1N1 FLU cases have been leveling off but it is still around & the FLU is expected to continue to spread. The CDC reports that the rate of infection in California is below the national average, even tough there are 4.3 million reported cases of H1N1. We need to be vigilant in preventing the spread of this serious disease. Continue to wash your hands often, cover your cough, stay away from those that are sick & stay home if you have flu-like illness.\nThe H1N1 vaccine supply has increased & it’s a good idea to get vaccinated now while supplies are available. SMC Health Services has the H1N1 vaccine available for students and staff (free). Our hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:30AM – 4PM. The vaccine is also available in various locations throughout the area. To locate where the vaccine is available log on to: www.cdph.ca.gov or call 1-888-865-0564.\nPreventing the Spread\nThe Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends everyone to take precautions in protecting oneself against a contagious illness like the swine flu. Protect yourself from the swine flu by doing the same things you would do to protect yourself from any other flu. All members of the SMC community are asked to take the following precautions to help avoid contact and transmission of this virus:\n- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.\n- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective.\n- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.\n- Try to avoid close contact with those who are sick.\n- If you get sick with influenza, the CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.\n- Practice good health habits, including hygiene and nutrition.\nMore information is available at:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- freely available\nViruses 2014, 6(7), 2826-2857; doi:10.3390/v6072826\nAbstract: In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the membranous replication factories of members of plus-strand (+) RNA viruses. We discuss primarily the architecture of these complex membrane rearrangements, because this topic emerged in the last few years as electron tomography has become more widely available. A general denominator is that two “morphotypes” of membrane alterations can be found that are exemplified by flaviviruses and hepaciviruses: membrane invaginations towards the lumen of the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) and double membrane vesicles, representing extrusions also originating from the ER, respectively. We hypothesize that either morphotype might reflect common pathways and principles that are used by these viruses to form their membranous replication compartments.\n1. The Family Flaviviridae\nMembers of the family Flaviviridae are enveloped viruses with a single stranded RNA genome of positive polarity. This family contains four different genera: Hepacivirus (from the Greek hepar, hepatos, “liver”), Flavivirus (from the Latin flavus, “yellow”), Pestivirus (from the Latin pestis, “plague”) and the recently included genus Pegivirus [1,2] (Figure 1).\nHepatitis C Virus (HCV) is the prototype species of the genus Hepacivirus. It was first discovered by Choo et al. in the serum and tissues of a chimpanzee experimentally inoculated with serum from an individual with chronic, non-A, non-B hepatitis. This virus was associated with a mild form of chronic hepatitis frequently observed in recipients of blood transfusions and was called HCV. A second species within the genus Hepacivirus is GBV-B which was first identified in tamarins that developed hepatitis following inoculation with the serum from a surgeon (initials G.B.) with acute hepatitis. Additional GB-like viruses were discovered later on and have been assigned to the new genus Pegivirus (an acronym derived from pe, persistent; g, GB or G) within the family Flaviviridae .\nThe genus Flavivirus comprises 53 species and represents the largest genus within the family Flaviviridae. Many of these viruses are transmitted by arthropods and therefore called ARBO viruses (arthropod-borne). Flaviviruses such as Dengue Virus (DENV), Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), West Nile Virus (WNV) or Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) cause a variety of diseases, including fever, encephalitis and hemorrhage [5,6].\nPestiviruses are important animal pathogens causing major losses in stock farming. The genus comprises the species Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus 1 and 2 (BVDV-1/-2), Border Disease Virus (BDV), Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV), the tentative virus species “Giraffe”, as well as several unassigned viruses . Within the family Flaviviridae, pestiviruses show greater similarity in genome structure and mechanism of translation initiation to the hepaciviruses than to flaviviruses. Pestivirus infections can be subclinical or induce a range of clinical conditions, including acute diarrhea, acute hemorrhagic syndrome, acute fatal disease, and a wasting disease .\nThese viruses have in common a single strand RNA genome containing one long open reading frame flanked by 5’- and 3’-untranslated regions (UTRs) . Viral proteins are produced by cleavage of a single polyprotein that has a length of about 3000 amino acid residues. The N-terminal half of the polyprotein contains the structural proteins forming the virus particle, while the C-terminal part contains the nonstructural proteins (NS) involved in synthesis of the viral RNA genome. The NS proteins comprise the enzymatic components of the RNA replicase, including a RNA helicase and a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) .\nBinding and uptake of viruses belonging to the Flaviviridae family into their host cells occur by receptor-mediated endocytosis involving interactions between cellular receptors and viral envelope proteins. Upon uncoating, the (+) RNA genome is released into the cytoplasm, where it serves as messenger RNA (mRNA) for translation of all viral proteins, as template for RNA replication to produce new (−) RNA copies and as genetic material packaged into new virus particles. During RNA replication, the (+) RNA genome is converted into a (−) RNA copy that serves as template for production of new (+) RNA genomes. Most of these steps occur in close association with intracellular membranes that are rearranged upon viral infection giving rise to complex membranous replication factories. These rearrangements correspond to invaginations or protrusions of membranes that are frequently derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In this review, we summarize our current knowledge about the 3D architecture of these complex membrane rearrangements, focusing on members of the family Flaviviridae that generate either morphotype of replication compartment.\n2. Architecture and Properties of the Replication Factories of Members of the Flaviviridae Family\nThe first publications on DENV-induced membrane modifications in mammalian cells (marked cytoplasmic vacuolization and accumulation of virions in crystalloid arrays surrounded by membranes) date from the seventies [9,10]. Several years later, studies on DENV-infected mosquito cells were published in which the visualization of virions was reported [11,12]. In 1997, Grief and coworkers described DENV-induced membrane alterations of various morphologies, including convoluted membranes (CMs) and vesicle packets (VPs) . Subsequent immuno-EM studies indicated that VPs and CMs may represent the site of DENV replication and RNA translation/polyprotein processing, respectively . The most complete characterization of DENV-induced intracellular membrane rearrangements elucidated their 3D architecture as well as their spatial connection with viral assembly sites . TEM of resin-embedded infected cells revealed a complex collection of convoluted and vesicular structures, including CMs that were usually surrounded by multiple vesicles, often appearing as longitudinal vesicle arrays. By using electron tomography (ET), the latter were found to correspond to ER tubules containing 80–90 nm single-membrane vesicles (Ve) that result from the invagination of the ER membrane into the ER lumen. By conventional EM, these vesicles appeared as double membrane vesicles, likely corresponding to the VPs described earlier . Immuno-EM confirmed that the vesicles visible in resin-embedded cells were induced by DENV infection and contained all NS proteins. However, only NS3 was detectable within the CMs, which could be due to lower affinity of the antibodies or poor accessibility of the other NS proteins in the CMs. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) detected by immunostaining appeared as discrete electron-dense structures inside or on the cytosolic surface of a subset of vesicles, suggesting that dsRNA might be present only in some of the vesicles at a given time point. Furthermore, the vesicles contain rather uniform pores of ~10 nm diameter towards the cytosol (Figure 2A). Thus, both the topology of the vesicles and the immunolabeling results support the idea that the vesicles might be the site of RNA replication. Moreover, these results showed that replication factories are a continuous membrane network that provides a platform for the transport of viral proteins and genomes between sites of RNA replication, ribosome-containing compartments (RNA translation) and virus assembly sites. In fact, virus budding sites were found in close proximity to the pores of the replication vesicles. This topological link may ensure efficient production and delivery of viral RNA for the assembly of infectious virus progeny. Consistent with these findings, a very recent publication using ET showed that these virally modified structures were also observed in DENV-infected mosquito cells, with one exception: CMs were absent from DENV-infected C6/36 mosquito cells . In addition, after multiple rounds of virus replication, tubular structures were also observed in the vicinity of VPs. These structures might represent a hallmark of chronically infected insect cells, since these structures are also induced by TBEV in tick cells (see below).\nThe first reports on WNV-infected cells described the visualization of virions . An extensive characterization of Kunjin Virus—the Australian variant of WNV (WNVKUN)—infected cells has been carried out more recently [18,19,20]. Three well-defined structures were found, corresponding to large CMs, paracrystalline arrays (PCs) and VPs that appeared as membrane sacs containing small vesicles (Ve) [18,21]. Based on immunolocalization studies, a distinct redistribution of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and colocalization of TGN markers with dsRNA has been observed, suggesting that the replication factories of WNVKUN were derived from the TGN . Three-dimensional reconstructions of the WNVKUN replication sites revealed an intimate association of the rough ER (rER) with the bounding membrane of the VPs (Figure 2B), resembling the vesicles observed in DENV-infected cells. These results argue for an additional role of the rER in the formation of the WNVKUN replication factories. Similar to DENV, individual necks were observed in the vesicles as well as the majority of the viral RNA, as detected by immunolabeling with a dsRNA-specific antibody, resided within these vesicles [18,20,22,23,24]. In most cases, viral RNA spanned the breadth of the vesicles and was juxtaposed to the necks open to the cytoplasm .\nIn cells infected with TBEV, one of the most important tick-transmitted viruses in Europe and Asia, virus particles and membrane-connected vesicles were also observed inside the ER , similar to what was described for DENV and WNVKUN. The viral dsRNA was only detected inside the vesicular structures within rER, suggesting that TBEV rearranges internal cell membranes to generate a compartment that protects viral RNA from detection by cytoplasmic pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) [26,27,28]. This localization of dsRNA might suffice to delay the onset of the IFN response . For TBEV and WNVKUN it was shown that treatment with brefeldin A (BFA), a drug which disrupts the Golgi apparatus, did not interfere with viral replication. However, this treatment rendered WNVKUN sensitive to the antiviral action of the IFN-induced protein MxA, indicating that BFA might have disrupted the membranous WNVKUN replication compartments, thus leading to exposure of dsRNA and its detection by PRRs. In contrast, treatment of TBEV-infected cells with BFA neither affected viral replication, nor the level of IFN production. These findings indicate that TBEV dsRNA might be stored inside BFA-resistant membrane vesicles that robustly protect the viral RNA from recognition by cellular sensors.\nVector-borne flaviviruses like DENV and TBEV must replicate in both mammalian and arthropod cells. A few comparative studies have been published describing virus-induced structures such as cytoplasmic membrane proliferations and vesicle formation, also in insect cells [11,16,21,29,30,]. A detailed comparative ultrastructural analysis of TBEV-induced modifications revealed that the extent of membrane expansion and the abundance of vesicles were lower in insect cells . Single-membrane vesicles, ranging in diameter from 60–100 nm were frequently found within proliferated ER areas, often occurring in large groups contained within ER cisternae. Pore-like openings connected these vesicles to the cytoplasm and to other vesicles. Apart from these vesicles, in tick-infected cells elongated vesicles or tubules were found that were much more prevalent in persistently than in acutely infected cells. These tubules were only occasionally noted in infected mammalian cells, similar to what was found with DENV-infected cells . The tubular structures had a cross-sectional diameter of 60–100 nm, similar to the one of vesicles, reached up to 800 nm in length, were closed at the ends and often arranged in fascicle-like bundles, shrouded with the ER membrane. However, no pores between the tubules or towards the cytoplasm were observed . The function of these tubules is unclear and it is not known whether they represent bona fide features of replication factories, aberrant structures as a result of incorrect membrane remodeling, or the result of a cellular process to restrict infection . In any case, the tubules might be a feature of persistent infection, eventually linked to the high number of defective virus particles, because the lack of pores could prevent proper replication or packaging of the viral genome [32,33,34]. Further studies are required to shed light on the biogenesis and biological significance of these membranous tubular structures.\nA recent study identified 80 nm-diameter vesicles within the ER lumen of TBEV-infected BHK-21 cells and in cells transfected with a TBEV replicon . ET revealed that these vesicles are invaginations of the ER within a highly organized network of interconnected membranes with half of vesicles containing pore-like connections to the cytoplasm (Figure 2C). However, no pore-like openings were observed between adjacent/neighboring vesicles, in contrast to what has been described for cells infected with Langat Virus (LGTV), a naturally attenuated tick-borne flavivirus or in WNVKUN-infected cells . Interestingly, in TBEV replicon cells, the number of pore-containing vesicles was slightly larger (~75%) and they were found in much more fragmented ER tubules as compared to TBEV-infected cells. However, despite more extensive ER rearrangements in replicon cells, they contained fewer vesicles, consistent with the lower level of viral replication [36,37,38].\nConventional EM analysis of neurons infected with Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus (MVEV) revealed several ultrastructural features, including proliferation of ER and Golgi complex membranes as well as the appearance of membrane-bound spherical vesicles (75–145 nm diameter) , similar to those observed for the related flaviviruses Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) [40,41] and St. Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV) . In the latter case, cylindrical membranous structures (or tubules) were also observed . The presence of vesicles was also detected in monkey liver cells infected with Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) . These findings indicate that all members of the genus Flavivirus utilize the ER as a source of membranes for the formation of their replication factories, whereas assembly of new virions seems to occur at ER sacs in close proximity to the replication sites [15,35], thus creating an optimized membranous environment to support efficient viral replication and assembly. Maturation of the newly synthesized virions takes place in the Golgi apparatus, where flavirirus virions are often observed .\nIn stark contrast to flaviviruses, HCV, the prototype of the genus Hepacivirus, provokes an alternative rearrangement of intracellular membranes, originally designated “membranous web” (MW). This term referred to compact vesicle accumulations embedded into a membranous matrix as detected in cells inducibly expressing the HCV polyprotein. By using different EM methods, we and others have recently found that the MW is primarily composed of double membrane vesicles (DMVs) [46,47,48]. The fact that the kinetics of their appearance correlates with HCV replication suggests that these structures play an important role for viral RNA amplification . Indeed, immunolabeling of purified DMVs revealed an enrichment for viral proteins as well as dsRNA [46,49]. Importantly, DMVs contain enzymatically active viral replicase and they originate from ER membranes, similar to what has been found for other members of the family Flaviviridae. ET analysis showed that most of the DMVs remain connected to the ER via their outer membrane (Figure 2D). Although DMVs are primarily closed structures, ~10% of them have an opening towards the cytosol. Late in infection, multi-membrane vesicles (MMVs) with an average diameter of 390 nm are generated, likely originating from DMVs by secondary enwrapping events .\nBy using Huh7.5 cells infected with the highly replicative HCV strain JFH-1, Ferraris and coworkers observed three different types of membrane alterations: vesicles in clusters (ViCs), contiguous vesicles (CVs) and DMVs . The ViCs were small single-membrane vesicles of variable size (100–200 nm), grouped together in well-delimited areas. Most of them had an internal invagination. The CVs were small single-membrane vesicles, present in large numbers and widely distributed throughout the cytoplasm, with a more homogeneous size (around 100 nm). They were tightly associated to each other and tended to form a collar around lipid droplets (LDs). DMVs were heterogeneous in size (150–1000 nm) and had a thick, electron-dense membrane consisting of two closely apposed membranes. The increase of CVs’ number correlated with an increase of intracellular HCV RNA levels, arguing for a possible role of CVs in the early stages of viral replication. The presence of NS5A in CVs, as demonstrated by immunogold staining, is consistent with this hypothesis. Alternatively, CVs might constitute the membranous platform for viral assembly. In fact, the core protein is present in these structures (16%) as well as on the LD surface (81%). However, so far visualization of virus particles in infected cells has not been possible, making this hypothesis difficult to prove. While most of the dsRNA signal was located within DMVs or at DMV membranes, ViCs were free of viral components and RNA and these structures as well as CVs were very rarely observed in cells with a subgenomic JFH-1 replicon or absent in cells infected with a JFH-1 variant designated Jc1 . The first 3D reconstruction of a complete HCV-infected cell revealed that all these three membrane structures were tightly connected and closely associated with LD clusters .\nTaken together, these findings indicate a fundamental role of DMVs in HCV replication. An in-depth comparison of the study by Ferraris and coworkers and our publication suggests that CVs might be also DMVs for several reasons: first, CVs have electron dense tightly apposed membranes; second, by using correlative light and electron microscopy, we also detected DMV accumulations around LDs, reminiscent of the CVs described by Ferraris and coworkers ; third, taking into consideration the density of content and morphology, some of the structures described as DMVs by Ferraris and colleagues might correspond to MMVs according to our nomenclature. This might account for the differences in size between the DMVs reported in both studies (up to 1000 nm versus 150 nm, respectively). Alternatively, the difference might be due to the use of distinct virus strains (JFH-1 and Jc1) that differ in their capacity to produce infectious virus particles by ~3 orders of magnitude , which might also explain the presence of ViCs only in JFH-1 infected cells.\nMuch less about membranous replication factories is known for pestiviruses. TEM-based studies from the times in which the genus Pestivirus was still belonging to the family Togaviridae reported that pestivirus-infected cells exhibited ultrastructural modifications of rER and contained small numbers of virus-like particles (VLPs) [51,52]. Gray and Nettleton (1987) reported that Border Disease Virus (BDV)-infected cells contained several profiles of ER and many dense lamellar bodies, which when transversely sectioned appeared as multiple rows of tubules, 33 nm in diameter . These lamellae were often found in association with rER and in one occasion VLPs appeared to be budding within them. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)-infected cells contained rER modified into tubules, in which electron-dense VLPs were present. More recent studies on BVDV-infected cells revealed cytoplasmic vacuolization and VLPs in dilated ER cisternae [53,54]. In addition, membrane structures consisting of vesicles of various sizes enclosed in much larger vesicles have been reported . These structures that morphologically resemble multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are distinct from the HCV-induced membranous web and more reminiscent of the flavivirus-induced VPs.\nStudies on the morphogenesis of pestiviral particles were hampered by a low rate of virion production. In a recent study, Schmeiser and colleagues have overcome this problem by using high multiplicity of infection in MDBK cells with a distinct virus strain, the Giraffe-1 strain . Obtained results define the ER as the site of pestivirus particle assembly, where budding of virions was observed. Virus particles were also found inside the lumen of the Golgi and in vesicles associated with the Golgi compartment, suggesting that virus egress occurs via the conventional secretory pathway. Interestingly, replication kinetics of pestiviral RNA did not correlate with distinct membrane rearrangements and only slight dilatation of the ER lumen was noticed. The absence of significant membrane rearrangements argues for a major difference between pestiviruses and other members of the Flaviviridae family. Interestingly, the authors detected the capsid protein and dsRNA, the marker for viral replication intermediates, mainly in MVBs, indicating that pestiviruses are either using this compartment for replication or that viral RNA and proteins are transferred to this compartment for degradation. Similar assumptions have been made for HIV and Marburg virus, a member of the Filoviridae family [58,59]. Alternatively, pestiviral RNA and protein in MVBs might be intermediates of the entry process, prior to fusion of the envelope with the endosomal membrane. Indeed, particles inside MVBs matching the morphological criteria of pestivirus virions were detected . However, MVBs of non-infected cells also contain vesicles for lysosomal degradation termed intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) that display a very similar morphology to pestiviral virions. Thus, unambiguous discrimination between ILVs and pestivirus particles will require detailed immunolabeling approaches.\n3. Architecture and Properties of the Replication Factories of Other (+) Strand RNA Viruses\nThe first visualization of the 3D architecture of a (+) strand RNA virus replication factory was reported for Flock House Virus (FHV), a member of the family Nodaviridae . This insect nodavirus induces the formation of invaginations at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) with an average diameter of ~50 nm [60,61] (Figure 3A). The interior of these vesicles (called spherules) is connected to the cytoplasm by a necked channel of ~10 nm diameter, which is wide enough to allow import of ribonucleotides and export of synthesized RNA (diameter < 2 nm) . Furthermore, metabolically labeled FHV RNA localized between inner and outer mitochondrial membranes inside these spherules, thus validating the spherules as bona fide FHV-induced compartments for viral RNA synthesis .\nRubella Virus (RUBV) is an important human teratogenic virus and the only member of the genus Rubivirus (family Togaviridae) . RUBV anchors its RNA synthesis machinery to membranes of a cell organelle known as “cytopathic vacuoles” (CPVs) that is derived from modified endosomes or lysosomes and has an average diameter of 600–2000 nm [83,84,85]. Freeze-fracture and ET analysis of RUBV-infected cells revealed a high complexity of CPVs that are composed of stacked membranes, rigid sheets, small vesicles and large vacuoles (Figure 3I) . The CPVs are interconnected and linked to the endocytic pathway, as deduced from labeling experiments with endocytosed BSA-gold. Furthermore, rER cisternae, mitochondria and Golgi stacks are recruited around CPVs to build up RUBV factories. CPVs have several contacts with cellular organelles: they are coupled to the rER through protein bridges of ~10–15 nm and closely apposed membranes and they are attached to Golgi vesicles, whereas contacts with mitochondria were not detected . It has been proposed that RNA synthesis occurs on vesicular membranes within the CPVs, which are linked to the cytosol and that the viral replicase molecules are associated with vesicles that transform with time into large vacuoles and straight elements . This is supported by immunogold labeling revealing replicase components and dsRNA within the CPVs [83,84,87].\nThe modification of late endosomes and lysosomes is a feature that RUBV shares with alphaviruses, the other genus of the family Togaviridae [88,89]. Cells infected with alphaviruses like Semliki Forest Virus (SFV), Sindbis Virus and Western Equine Encephalitis Virus (WEEV) contain large CPVs with a diameter ranging between 600 and 2000 nm. The inner surface of these CPVs is covered with small invaginations or spherules that originate at the plasma membrane [90,91,92] (Figure 3J). These spherules are comprised of a single membrane forming a vesicle with a diameter of ~50 nm. In addition, the spherules were shown to be the site of viral RNA synthesis as deduced from metabolic labeling and detection by EM [89,91,92]. Importantly, the inside of the spherule is connected to the cytoplasm by a pore with a diameter of 5–10 nm. The spherules are formed at the plasma membrane by the concerted action of the viral nonstructural proteins (nsP1–nsP4) and genomic viral RNA . Furthermore, Froshauer et al. showed that the CPVs that contain the spherules possess endosomal and lysosomal markers.\nTime course studies revealed that the spherules of SFV undergo an unprecedented large-scale movement between cellular compartments . The spherules first form as blebs (exvaginations) at the plasma membrane. Then, they are internalized by an endocytic process requiring a functional actin-myosin network. The spherules therefore represent an unusual type of endocytic cargo. After endocytosis, spherule-containing vesicles, namely CPVs-I fuse with acidic endosomes and move along microtubules. This leads to the formation of a very stable compartment, where the spherules accumulate as invaginations on the outer surface of unusually large, acidic vacuoles localized in the pericentriolar region .\nMembers of the genus Norovirus (NoVs, family Caliciviridae) are major agents of acute gastroenteritis . Ultrastructural examination of Murine Norovirus 1 (MNV-1)-infected cells revealed a striking change in their overall morphology and intracellular organization . Structures resembling virus particles were observed within or next to single- or double-membrane vesicles in the cytoplasm. The vesiculated areas increase in size with time and by 24 hpi, large numbers of these vesicles and viral particles occupy most of the cytoplasm and displace the nucleus (Figure 3H). In addition, a complete rearrangement of the ER and loss of intact Golgi apparatus was observed. Both dsRNA and MNV-1 nonstructural protein 7, the RNA dependent RNA polymerase, localize to the limiting membrane of individual vesicle clusters by immuno-EM . Immunofluorescence-based double-labeling showed that MNV-1 appears to recruit membranes derived from multiple cellular organelles and/or compartments: the ER, trans-Golgi apparatus and endosomes. However, despite extensive efforts, human norovirus cannot be grown in cultured cells . Thus, detailed studies have not been possible, but it is assumed that replication structures are similar to those of MNV-1.\nFeline Calicivirus (FCV), a member of the genus Vesivirus within this family, is a major agent of respiratory disease in cats, which replication originates also membranous rearrangements and vesicles .\n3.6. Plant Viruses\nBrome Mosaic Virus (BMV, family Bromoviridae) generates its replication factory by hijacking ER membranes, similar to what has been described for other plant viruses like Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV, family Virgaviridae) , Tobacco Echt Virus (TEV, family Potyviridae) and Red Clover Necrosis Mosaic Virus (family Tombusviridae) . However, other plant viruses such as Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV) and Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), both belonging to the family Bromoviridae, and Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus (TYMV, family Tymoviridae) anchor their replication sites on chloroplasts. Cucumber Necrosis Virus (CNV), family Tombusviridae, utilizes peroxisomal membranes as replication platforms , while other plant viruses replicate on the surface of mitochondria .\nAlthough the 3D architecture of these membranous replication sites remains largely unknown, their characteristics are strikingly similar to those for FHV (family Nodaviridae). Best studied is BMV that induces spherules, of similar size as the insect nodavirus FHV, in the ER close to the nucleus, where viral RNA synthesis and viral replication proteins are localized [106,107,108]. In the case of Beet Yellows Closterovirus (BYV, family Closteroviridae), TEM of infected plant cells revealed the formation of ~100 nm-diameter DMVs and multivesicular complexes (single-membrane vesicles surrounded by a common membrane) (Figure 3E) . These multivesicular complexes often reside next to stacks of aligned filamentous BYV particles [110,111] and resemble the DMVs and VPs produced by nidoviruses and flaviviruses. Several BYV replication-associated proteins (L-PCP, MTR and HEL) colocalize with DMV and VP membranes, supporting the role of these structures as replications platforms [112,113]. The membranes in closterovirus DMVs and VPs are likely to be derived from ER for members of the genus Crinivirus or mitochondria in case of Ampelovirus [115,116]. Whether these structures are “closed” or “necked” remain unknown.\n4. Similarities and Differences between the Replication Factories of Flaviviruses and other (+) Strand RNA Viruses\nBased on amino acid sequence homologies of their RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, (+) RNA viruses have been classified into three large supergroups [113,117,118]: supergroup I (Picornavirata or picorna-like group), including picorna-, corona-, arteri- and nodaviruses; supergroup II (Flavivirata or the flavi-like group), including tombus-, diantho-, pesti-, hepaci- and flaviviruses as well as single-strand RNA bacteriophages; supergroup III (Rubivirata or the alpha-like group), including tobamo-, hordei-, alpha- and rubiviruses as well as hepatitis E virus (HEV). These higher-order taxonomic units encompass diverse viruses infecting different hosts from almost all kingdoms of life. As discussed earlier , amongst these viruses two main architectures of remodeled membranes (morphotypes) can be found that may reflect two alternative strategies to induce the membranous microenvironments required to allow virus replication (summarized in Table 1).\nThe first morphotype involves the formation of negatively curved membranes, initiated by invaginations of the pre-existing membrane bilayer and giving rise to spherules, vesicles or vacuoles towards the lumen of the targeted cell organelle. These structures have been identified in a broad range of mammalian, plant and insect cells infected with viruses belonging to supergroups II and III. The second strategy involves the formation of membranes with positive curvature, giving rise to double-membrane structures that are the predominant characteristic of the replication factories of the picorna-like virus supergroup. The conservation of these two sorts of morphotypes in distantly related viruses supports the assumption of an evolutionary conserved mechanism. A striking finding in this regard was the observation that HCV, despite belonging to the flavi-like supergroup, induces DMVs whereas flaviviruses induce the formation of negatively curved membranes. To our current knowledge, HCV is the only member of the family Flaviviridae inducing the formation of membrane structures with positive curvature, suggesting that HCV might share common host cell pathways to induce membranous replication compartments with distantly related viruses such as corona-, arteri-, picorna-, calivi- or closteroviruses (Table 1). However, it still remains to be elucidated whether other members of the family Flaviviridae, belonging to the genera Pestivirus and Pegivirus, also utilize a picorna-like membrane remodeling strategy.\n|Morphotype||Virus Group and Representative Member||Name of Membrane Alteration||Size/Diameter||Membrane Source|\n|Single-membrane vesicles||Nodaviruses||FHV||Spherules||~50 nm||Mitochondria|\n|Bromoviruses||BMV||~60 nm||ER (adjacent to the nucleus)|\n|Togaviruses||RUBV||Cytoplasmic vacuoles (CPVs)||600–2000 nm||Lysosomes|\n|SFV||CPVs with spherules||CPVs: 600–2000 nm Spherules: 50 nm|\n|Flaviviruses||DENV||Invaginated vesicles||80–120 nm||ER|\n|MVEV, SLEV and JEV||75–145 nm|\n|Double-membrane vesicles||Hepaciviruses||HCV||~150 nm||ER|\n|FMDV||~100 nm||unknown (probably ER)|\nAbbreviations: FHV, Flock House Virus; BMV, Brome Mosaic Virus; RUBV, Rubella Virus; SFV, Semliki Forest Virus; DENV, Dengue Virus; WNVKUN, West Nile Virus (Kunjin strain); TBEV, Tick Borne Encephalitis Virus; MVEV, Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus; SLEV, St. Louis Encephalitis Virus; JEV, Japanese Encephalitis Virus; YFV, Yellow Fever Virus; HCV, Hepatitis C Virus; SARS-CoV, Severe Acute Respiratory Virus-Coronavirus; MHV, Mouse Hepatitis Virus; MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus); IBV, Infectious Bronchitis Virus; EAV, Equine Arterivirus; CVB3, Coxsackie B3 Virus; FMDV, Foot and Mouth Disease Virus; MNV-1, Murine Norovirus-1; BYV, Beet Yellows Virus.\nA common feature associated with the spherule/vesicle/vacuole/-type of rearranged membranes is their size (50–150 nm diameter) and the presence of a pore connecting the interior of the vesicle with the cytoplasm [15,20,60,88]. Since RNA replication occurs in the vesicle interior, the pore allows exchange of nucleotides and RNA products with the cytoplasm. The size of the pore is variable, ranging from 4.4 nm in case of IBV-induced spherules to ~10 nm in case of membrane invaginations induced by flaviviruses. In contrast, in the majority of DMVs no such channel or pore has been detected. Nevertheless, as exemplified with nidoviruses, the inner compartments enclosed by interconnected DMVs contain the bulk of dsRNA , and in some cases they depict an electron-dense core assumed to correspond to viral RNA (IBV and EAV) [67,69]. Although this represents a functional enigma in terms of RNA synthesis and transport, the presence of dsRNA in the DMV interior does not necessarily indicate active RNA replication. Assuming a temporal regulation, it is possible that DMVs might be sites of RNA synthesis as long as they are linked to the cytoplasm, but replication would stop upon closure of the vesicles. Yet, another strategy appears to be used by enteroviruses, where active RNA replication has been detected on the cytosolic side of the membranous structures [71,120], consistent with the membrane topology of the nonstructural proteins catalyzing RNA replication [121,122,123]. As described above, studies conducted with picornaviruses revealed that the exponential phase of viral RNA synthesis coincides with the accumulation of single-membrane tubules [79,80]. Importantly, pulse-radiolabeling experiments localized sites of active RNA replication to the outer surface of single-membrane tubules and isolation of the membranous replication factories and their subsequent visualization by EM revealed that they form rosette-like structures composed of virus-induced cytoplasmic vesicles . RNA replication is thought to occur at sites where the vesicles cluster, whereas RNA translation probably takes place on the exposed periphery of the vesicles. This raises the question, what the role of DMVs in the replication cycle of picornaviruses might be. It is possible that DMVs either support RNA synthesis or serve as RNA storage sites (especially in case of closed DMVs). In this manner, DMVs might be involved in regulating viral RNA replication: by complete sealing of the viral replicase inside the vesicle, it would be inactive, thus regulating overall RNA copy number in the infected cell. Alternatively, DMVs might be an epiphenomenon, resulting from the over-expression of membrane-active proteins that accumulate especially during the late stages of infection.\nThe mechanism responsible for DMV formation is not clear. In case of picornaviruses, it is thought that single-membrane structures are the precursors of DMVs [79,80]. Nevertheless, DMV formation might also involve the autophagy machinery, or at least several components thereof, by a process analogous to the formation of autophagic vacuoles . This hypothesis is supported by the morphological resemblance of DMVs and autophagosomes. It has been shown that the inhibition or stimulation of autophagy results in a modest inhibition or stimulation of poliovirus and coxsackie B3 virus yield, respectively, and there are also data supporting the involvement of autophagy in the replication of rhinovirus 2 and 14 [125,126]. However, Brabec-Zaruba et al. reported that replication of rhinovirus 2 was insensitive to pharmacological manipulation of autophagy and did not induce detectable modification of LC3. This discrepancy might be due to the use of different cell types and experimental conditions.\nThe mechanism of DMV formation in case of HCV and coronaviruses is also unclear. Biochemical analysis of isolated host cell membranes associated with HCV RNA and proteins identified markers of the autophagy machinery, including LC3-II, the lipidated form of LC3 (LC3-II) that is generated upon activation of the autophagy machinery . However, the role of autophagy in the HCV replication cycle is also a matter of controversy. For instance, immunolabeling did not identify LC3-II at those sites where nonstructural proteins accumulate . Moreover, different roles of autophagy for the HCV replication cycle have been proposed. These include a role of autophagy in HCV RNA translation , initiation of RNA replication [129,130], production of infectious virus particles or suppression of the innate antiviral defense [132,133]. To clarify these discrepancies, future studies should combine biochemical and cell biological approaches with ultrastructural analyses.\nThe autophagy machinery might also be involved in the formation of virus-induced membrane invaginations/spherules. For instance, Lee and coworkers provided evidence that DENV infection enhances autophagolysosome formation and that inhibition of the autophagy machinery by 3-methyladenine (3-MA) reduces DENV particle production . However, the effects were moderate, arguing that this pathway may contribute to DENV replication to only a minor extent. Moreover, autophagy includes membrane wrapping, leading to double-membrane compartments involved in lysosomal degradation whereas DENV-induced vesicles are invaginations. Finally, immunolabeling experiments failed to detect lamp-1 at these vesicles , arguing against the involvement of lysosomes in the formation of the DENV replication vesicles. It remains to be determined whether autophagy is actively induced by these viruses to provide a compartment favoring replication or induced as a bystander defense against infection leading to degradation of the replicase proteins .\nAnother membrane compartment frequently induced by (+) RNA viruses are convoluted membranes (CMs) that were observed e.g., in SARS-CoV-, MHV-, WNV- or DENV-infected cells [13,15,18,63,65,66,136]. Morphologically, CMs resemble smooth ER membranes, lack ribosomes and in case of DENV are induced by the sole expression of NS4A [137,138]. CMs are often associated with late stages of infection, suggesting that DMV formation might precede the development of CMs. In SARS-CoV-infected cells, DMVs appear to be connected with CMs , while in MHV-infected cells no such connections have been observed . The role of CMs for the viral replication cycle is not well understood. In case of WNVKUN, CMs are supposed to be the site of polyprotein processing [18,136]. This conclusion is based primarily on the strong immunolabeling for NS2B and NS3 and the absence of NS1 and NS4B. Since polyprotein cleavage occurs co-translationally and thus, should happen at the rER, this model would require the formation of rather stable processing intermediates that are transferred from the rER to the CMs where further cleavage would occur. Alternatively, at least in case of DENV, CMs might represent a storage site for proteins and lipids involved in viral replication that can be recruited to vesicles upon demand. The fact that CMs are physically linked with ER-containing invaginations and contain NS3 would be consistent with this assumption . Along these lines, the fact that insects are cholesterol auxotrophs and lack several enzymes in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway , suggests that cholesterol might be a key component of CM structures, which would explain their absence in infected insect cells .\n5. Role of Viral Proteins in the Formation of the Replication Organelles\nViral replication complexes are targeted to the respective membranous organelle primarily by nonstructural (NS) proteins rather than viral RNA . These NS proteins seem to have some specificity in recognizing organelle subpopulations and often contain multiple hydrophobic domains implicated in membrane targeting and rearrangement. The molecular mechanisms orchestrating the formation of these complex structures are still poorly understood, but it is clear that NS proteins, often working in a concerted action, are key players in replication factory biogenesis.\n5.1. Single-Membrane Vesicle Inducers\nOne well-studied example among the single-membrane vesicle inducers is BMV where it was shown that the sole expression of the NS protein 1a is sufficient to induce the formation of single-membrane spherules resembling the ones observed in infected cells. These spherules had a diameter of 50–70 nm, resided in the ER lumen and were shown to be the site of viral RNA synthesis . In case of the insect nodavirus FHV, protein A and replication competent RNA were required for induction of the spherules. Expression of protein A alone induced only “zippering” of the surfaces of adjacent mitochondria, but did not induce spherules. Thus, protein A is necessary, but not sufficient for spherule formation. Moreover, spherules were not formed when replication-competent FHV RNA templates were expressed with a protein A mutant lacking polymerase activity or when wild-type protein A was expressed with a replication-incompetent FHV RNA template. Thus, the membranous FHV replication compartment requires both a viral protein and active RNA synthesis .\nFeline Calicivirus (FCV) infection results in rearrangement of intracellular membranes and production of numerous membrane-bound vesicular structures on which viral genome replication is thought to occur. Expression of individual FCV nonstructural proteins revealed that p30 induces significant reorganization of the ER into large, fenestrated membrane networks, resembling the structures found in infected cells . Moreover, expression of p39 and p32, two additional FCV NS proteins, induced extensive reorganization of the ER and the nuclear envelope suggesting that the ER is the primary source of the membranous replication factory .\nFlavivirus membrane rearrangements are mainly induced by NS4A, as suggested by recent studies with WNVKUN and DENV [137,138], but it is unknown whether the same applies to NS4A of TBEV. In case of DENV, NS4A is thought to contain a central peripheral membrane domain that intercalates into the luminal leaflet of the ER membrane . It is tempting to speculate that NS4A oligomers might dilate the luminal leaflet, resulting in membrane invaginations towards the ER lumen. However, the sole expression of NS4A is not sufficient to induce ER membrane invaginations that have been detected in infected cells. Instead, expression of NS4A lacking the C-terminal 2K fragment (corresponding to fully processed NS4A) induced ER membrane rearrangements reminiscent of CMs, whereas unprocessed NS4A/2K did not induce membrane alterations . These results provide strong evidence that processing at the NS4A-2K site is required for the induction of membrane alterations. The critical role of polyprotein cleavage for induction of membrane rearrangements is supported by studies conducted with WNVKUN. There it was shown that a regulated cleavage of a NS4A/2K/4B precursor by the viral NS2B/3 protease is needed for induction of membrane rearrangements . However, the same study reported that expression of full-length (uncleaved) WNVKUN NS4A/2K led to membrane alterations similar to those induced in infected cells whereas the 2K fragment impaired the ability of NS4A to induce membrane rearrangements. Whether this reflects a biological difference between WNVKUN and DENV NS4A or is due to the use of alternative experimental approaches remains to be determined.\nOne of the most fascinating mechanisms employed by (+) RNA viruses to induce their replication factories is used by SFV. It was shown that the spherules of SFV arise by blebbing at the surface of the plasma membrane . These blebs are internalized and after fusion with lysosomes give rise to large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Formation of these membrane alterations requires the viral protein nsP1, which has several functions. It has guanine-7-methyltransferase and guanylyltransferase activities and thus is critically involved in capping of the viral RNAs [144,145,146], but at the same time has affinity to lipids . In fact, of the four NS proteins of SFV, only nsP1 has affinity for membranes, and when expressed alone, it is specifically targeted to the inner surface of the plasma membrane . NsP1 is a monotopic membrane protein and its affinity for membranes is dictated by an amphipathic α-helix, located in the central region of the protein [148,149]. NsP1 has a specific affinity for negatively charged phospholipids, which might account for its prevalent localization to the plasma membrane, where such lipids are enriched. Membrane binding of nsP1 via its amphipathic α-helix is essential for alphavirus replication . However, nsP1 is not sufficient for cytoplasmic vacuole formation. For instance, it was found that nsP3 contributes to the transport of the replicase polyprotein from the plasma membrane to the surface of endosomes . These results indicate that nsp1 has to cooperate with other viral and cellular factors to allow formation of the cytoplasmic vacuoles. Furthermore, in a recent study Kallio et al. have shown that the size of the spherule is dependent on the length of the RNA template, in contrast to what has been observed for FHV, another spherule-inducer . These results indicate that in addition to the NS proteins, the viral RNA template itself critically determines the morphology of the membranous vesicles.\n5.2. Double-Membrane Vesicle Inducers\nIn order to induce the variety of membrane alterations observed in CVB3 -infected cells (Figure 3F), several membrane-remodeling mechanisms are required: induction of membrane curvature, membrane fusion and membrane-membrane interactions . These rearrangements require the enteroviral proteins 2BC and 3A; their coexpression generates ER membrane-derived structures mimicking those observed during viral infection . Importantly, 2B and 2C both contain an amphipathic α-helix [152,153,154], a well-known curvature-inducing motif . Along the same lines, FMDV 2B and 2BC locate to the ER when expressed on their own and cause a swelling of ER cisternae .\nIn case of HCV, we recently found that a concerted action of NS3/4A, NS4B, NS5A and NS5B is required to generate the membranous web. Furthermore, all these replicase components were capable of inducing membrane vesiculation with NS5A having the highest potential to trigger membrane curvature. Importantly, some of these NS5A-induced structures corresponded to DMVs . In addition, NS4B also plays an important role in triggering rearrangements of intracellular membranes . NS4B is an integral membrane protein containing two N-terminal amphipathic α-helices, a highly hydrophobic central core domain composed of four putative transmembrane segments, and a highly conserved C-terminal domain that is thought to harbor two α-helices (reviewed in ). A recent study has demonstrated that NS4B oligomerizes through multiple conserved determinants and that oligomerization appears to be required for membranous web induction . Indeed, mutations affecting the highly conserved C-terminal domain impairing NS4B self-interaction resulted in the formation of aberrant DMVs arguing for a central role of NS4B in formation of functional replication compartments .\nStudies on arteriviruses revealed that the sole expression of EAV nsp2 and nsp3 is sufficient to induce membrane structures similar to those generated during EAV infection . Mutations within nsp3, which is a tetra-spanning integral membrane protein, alter membrane rearrangements, highlighting the importance of this protein for the biogenesis of EAV-induced DMVs . In case of SARS-CoV, nsp3, nsp4 and nsp6 were found to be sufficient to induce the formation of DMVs that are similar to those observed in SARS-CoV-infected cells . These DMVs were, however, smaller in diameter, suggesting a role for other viral proteins or the presence of viral RNA in determining the DMV morphology. Importantly, EM analysis of nsp4 mutants that are impaired in RNA replication and virus growth, revealed an aberrant morphology of DMVs as well as an increased prevalence of CMs . Another important viral protein involved in inducing the SARS-CoV membranous replication factory is nsp6, which is predicted to contain seven transmembrane segments and a hydrophilic cytoplasmic domain . Nsp6 was shown to induce vesicles containing Atg5 and LC3-II as well as phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, thus sharing many features with omegasomes, which are omega-shaped membrane compartments that are formed during activation of autophagy . This result suggests that autophagy might contribute to the formation of the membranous replication site of SARS-CoV.\n6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives\nIn the last couple of years, our knowledge of the architecture of the replication factories induced by (+) RNA viruses has increased substantially. This is primarily due to the more widespread use of ET and other high-resolution imaging methods. Nevertheless, our knowledge is still rather restricted to descriptions of the morphologies of these complex structures, whereas our understanding of their biogenesis in most cases is very rudimentary. More efforts are required to elucidate the role of the viral proteins in the formation of the replication vesicles, to identify the involved cellular components and the mechanisms used by these proteins to subvert and exploit cellular pathways to establish membranous replication factories. This includes determination of the 3D structure of involved (viral) proteins as well as evaluation of host cell factors and lipids contributing to biogenesis and activity of the replication compartment. In addition, further studies are needed to understand how viruses utilize these compartments to coordinate the different steps of their life cycle (replication, assembly and release) in space and time to achieve efficient replication.\nThe authors are very grateful to Erik J. Snijder (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands) and Kèvin Knoops (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Grenoble, France) for providing the unpublished pictures depicted in Figure 3B and 3D and to Montserrat Bárcena (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands) and Tero Ahola (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland) for providing the unpublished pictures depicted in Figure 3F and 3J, respectively. Figure 3A, 3C, 3E, 3G, 3H and 3I are reproduced with permission from , , , , and , respectively.\nWe also would like to thank Jason M. Mackenzie (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia), Paul Ahlquist (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Madison, WI, USA), Cristina Risco (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid, Spain), Georg A. Belov (University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA), Christiane Wobus (Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA), Paul Britton (The Pirbright Institute, Compton, UK) and Alexey A. Agranovsky (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) for providing other electron micrographs and 3D reconstructions.\nWork in the authors’ laboratory was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonder-forschungsbereich 638, TP5 and Transregional Collaborative Research Project TR83, TP13).\nConflicts of Interest\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.\nReferences and Notes\n- Stapleton, J.T.; Foung, S.; Muerhoff, A.S.; Bukh, J.; Simmonds, P. 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It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.\nWhat is Pulse Pulse is that weird sensation that we feel when we palpate the skin overlaying an artery.\nFresh food is essential to our health.\nNormal body temperature, normothermia or euthermia; is a range of temperature rather than a fixed number. That Range represents the temperature that could be measure form the body under normal conditions.\nA Brief Summary on heart attack\nEffect of hypertension on the body", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reviewed by: Michael Jones\nAuthor: Lloyd Clark\nPrice (RRP): £25\nThe battle of Kursk was the last great German offensive on the Second World War’s eastern front.\nThe Wehrmacht had been rebuffed at Moscow and badly mauled at Stalingrad. In July 1943 Hitler threw into the fray his new ‘wonder weapons’ – the Tiger and Panther tank and the Ferdinand self-propelled gun – and launched a massive new assault on Soviet positions.\nThis was an epic encounter, involving over four million men, some 69,000 guns and mortars,13,000 tanks and 12,000 aircraft. But in a week of furious fighting the führer’s forces were unable to breach formidable Red Army defences.\nHitler’s last gamble had failed, and news of the Allied landings in Sicily forced him to scale down and finally call off his attack. The military initiative firmly passed to the Soviet Union and Stalin’s soldiers would never again relinquish it.\nThis extraordinary clash is done full justice in Lloyd Clark’s fine book on the battle. Clark, a lecturer at Sandhurst, takes a long view, putting Kursk properly in the context of the origins of the war in the east and the first two years of that bloody and terrible conflict.\nThe preparations for the offensive are thoroughly described and the atmosphere on the ground perceptively evoked, Clark making particularly good use of veteran testimony.\nThe battle unfolds with a pulverising barrage of fire. “I was knocked off my feet as though hit by a heavyweight boxer,” one German lieutenant recalled. “A Soviet round struck me in the shoulder, shattering the bone and leaving me gasping for air.”\nClark displays a confident grasp of the broader strategic picture, and his narrative flows seamlessly from the command post to the tank turret. The German attempt to destroy the Red Army’s last defence line at Prokhorovka – a desperate fight that took place, as Clark rightly points out, over several days – forms a fitting finale.\nGerman losses during this ferocious tank battle were subsequently inflated by Soviet propaganda and, as Clark makes clear, the Red Army suffered higher casualties and lost more equipment. But these losses were made good by Stalin’s ruthless war machine, which by 1943 had the greater industrial capacity and reserves in manpower to win a war of attrition against the Nazi regime.\nClark leaves the reader in no doubt of the impact of Hitler’s failure to destroy his opponent – the tide of war had decisively turned.\nClark’s book would have benefited from some of the new archival material unearthed by Russian historian Valeriy Zamulin, in his studies of the battle. But this is an excellent account – lucid and poignant – of ‘the beginning of the end’ of Hitler’s ambitions in the east.\nMichael Jones is the author of Total War: From Stalingrad to Berlin (John Murray, 2011)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In the story of Samson it says he pulled down an entire temple. Have archaeologists uncovered any information that would relate to this account?\nA major turning point in Israel’s war against the Philistines was Samson’s death. He had been taken captive through the deception of Delilah. The Philistines gouged out his eyes and took him to Gaza, one of their main cities.\nThere they put him to work grinding grain in a prison. We know from archaeological findings that this type of prison was in reality a “grinding house.” One of the most time-consuming tasks in antiquity was the grinding of grain. In the average home, this fell to the women of the household. The bureaucratic aristocracy, however, set up grinding houses to provide grain for the privileged elite. This was a place where slaves and prisoners were put to work. The tools were simple hand grinding stones.\nOne day the Philistine leaders held a religious ceremony to celebrate their victory over their enemy. They brought Samson into the temple where they were assembled, so he could entertain them. Once inside the temple, Samson asked the servant who was guiding him to show him where the pillars were, so he could lean against them. “Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, ‘Let me die with the Philistines!’ Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived” (Judges 16:29-30).\nIn one fell swoop, Samson eliminated the entire Philistine leadership. This was a major setback in their conflict with Israel. It was a turning point. From this time on, the Israelites started to gain the upper hand.\nBut did it really happen? Could one man pull down an entire temple single handed? Archaeology has provided us with some amazing answers.\nTwo Philistine temples have been uncovered by archaeologists. One at Tel Qasile, in northern Tel Aviv, and one in Tel Miqne, ancient Ekron, 21 miles south of Tel Aviv. Both temples share a unique design—the roof was supported by two central pillars! The pillars were made of wood and rested on stone support bases. With the pillars being about six feet apart, a strong man could dislodge them from their stone bases and bring the entire roof crashing down. The archaeological findings match the Biblical story perfectly and attest to the plausibility of the account.\nAlthough Samson had his weaknesses, he was a man of God and is listed in the New Testament as one of those “who through faith conquered kingdoms, … whose weakness was turned to strength” (Hebrews 11:32-34).\nAuthor: Bryant G. Wood Ph.D. of Associates for Biblical Research\nBetween the Pillars: Revisiting “Samson and the House of Dagon”\nThe Biblical tableau of Samson’s death in the house of the Philistine god Dagon in Gaza is familiar to the scholar and the casual reader of the Bible alike. The components of the scene are the Philistine crowd cheering at the capture of Samson, the proud Philistine lords who have come to witness the death of their enemy, and a blinded and battered Samson standing between the main pillars of the temple. In the midst of this chaotic scene Samson utters a prayer to YHWH to be remembered and strengthened so to avenge himself upon his enemies. Knowing full well that this last stand against the Philistines will cost him his life, Samson dislodges the pillars, thereby collapsing the temple upon all who were in it (Judges 16:23–30).\nThe State of the Question\nThe historicity of this heroic account has been long debated among scholars. Indeed, many scholars seem hesitant to comment on the historicity of the Samson narratives at all. From the scholarly debate over the destruction of the Gaza temple two diametrically opposed viewpoints have emerged. John L. McKenzie typifies the first viewpoint. Always a detractor of Samson, McKenzie argues that:\nIn other words, McKenzie sees the stories of Samson’s immense power as highly exaggerated popular tales. These tales were circulated during the time of Philistine domination of Israel during the settlement period of Israel. The stories of the strength of Samson were meant to have been a source of religious hope for Israel and to bolster their waning national spirit.\nOn the other hand, Dr. Bryant G. Wood advocates an opposing theory. He points out that during a 1972 excavation the first Philistine temple ever to be found was brought to light at Tell Qasile, on the north side of Tell Aviv. This temple is comprised of an antechamber and main hall. According to Wood, “this hall, with inside measurements of 18½ feet by 23½ feet, is a room whose roof was originally supported by two wooden pillars set on round, well-made stone bases, placed along a center axis” (1974: 51).\nAlthough the Gaza temple of Dagon has yet to be excavated, because a modern city sits on top of it, Wood suggests that the Gaza temple “must have been very similar to the one at Tell Qasile.” The Biblical text describes the Gaza temple as having two pillars supporting the roof (Judges 16:24). He concludes, “the Bible writer knew his facts. He knew that Philistine temples were supported by two pillars and that this was how Samson pulled the temple down. The report is that of an eye-witness, again demonstrating that indeed the Bible is the world’s most accurate history textbook” (1974: 54).\nOverall, the debate over the historicity of Samson in the Gaza temple spans a wide spectrum of positions. Prominent scholars are on both sides of the historicity issue. Therefore, in this study we are going to look at the linguistic evidence in the Hebrew text to try to determine which side of the debate the narrative validates. In other words, we are trying to determine whether the story of Samson between the pillars of Dagon is only an exaggerated reflection of a historical event written to satisfy the agendas of storytellers and later Biblical authors, or if this text can be seen as an actual historical account of the last stand of Samson against the Philistines.\nThe Linguistic Evidence\nThe Hebrew text is very clear in its description of the actions of Samson. The text reads that Samson grasped the two middle pillars that supported the house of the temple, ‘ehād kîmînô we‘ehād biśmō‘lô (one with his right hand and one with his left). The pillar bases at Tell Qasile are about 2 meters (7 feet) apart, well within the reach of a tall man. Therefore, the first part of the description of Samson’s death is consistent with the excavated temple.\nThe text then reads that Samson “bent powerfully” in his effort to dislodge the pillars. The Hebrew term nātāh (bend), while a common word, contains connotations of bending under a force or effort. Issachar bends his shoulder to the burden (Genesis 49:15). A wadi, riverbed, is said to bend or slope (Numbers 21:15).\nThe word used in conjunction with the term “bend” is bekōha, literally “in strength.” The assumed root of the term is khh, meaning “the capacity to act.” The term is an expression of potency and refers to the subject’s capacity to produce. Moreover, the usual intent is to denote physical strength (Oswalt 1980: 436–37).\nIt is noteworthy that the term khh occurs eight times in the book of Judges, with seven of the occurrences in chapter 16 (verses 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 19, 30). While this term denotes the ability to do something, often the “emphasis is on the lack of strength or the insufficiency of human strength in comparison to God.” One must observe that the first five occurrences in chapter 16 deal with Delilah looking for the secret of Samson’s strength in order to render Samson helpless, and the sixth occurs with the loss of his strength after she cut his hair. The final occurrence, between the pillars, comes immediately following Samson’s petition to the Lord for power. Herein Samson does not rely only upon his natural strength, but that which comes from God. This usage of the term seems to parallel that which is found in the Psalter. In the Psalter the term occurs in “isolated individual laments with reference to dissipated human might that occasions the pious to pray for God’s assistance” (Psalm 22:16; 31:11; 38:11; 71:9, and 102:24) (Van der Woude 1997: 610–11).\nThe combination of these two terms denotes a powerful movement on the part of Samson. Such a surge of power would be consistent with the effort needed to dislodge the pillars from their bases, as they were held in place by the weight of the temple. Once the pillars were in motion Samson would have to continue dragging them off their bases.\nWe then read that the temple fell upon the Philistine lords and onlookers. The Hebrew term nāpal (fall), occurs in the text. It has been argued that “besides the common physical action or occurrence [of falling], a violent or accidental circumstance is often indicated… damage, death, or destruction are often designated” (Fisher 1980: 587). Clearly this act was not an accident, but a violent surge of power such as alluded to above. Possibly a better rendering of the term would be “fall in/collapse.” If Samson dragged the pillars off their bases, the roof would collapse upon the Philistine lords. Once the main hall of the temple collapsed, the rest of the structure, being extremely unstable from the weight of the people and having its main supports lost, would collapse as well. Therefore, the narrative is perfectly consistent with the findings at Tell Qasile.\nHow Many People?\nOne should observe that the text notes that Samson killed more people at his death than he did during his lifetime (Judges 16:30). The text states that the temple was full of men and women; the Philistine lords were present and about 3,000 people looked on from the roof (Judges 16:27). The validity of this description has been challenged by many scholars, most notably McKenzie. Admittedly, the temple at Tell Qasile does not substantiate this type of number as the building measures only 26 feet (8 meters) in width and 47 feet (14.5 meters) in length.\nThis seems to indicate that the understanding of the number of people in attendance must be redefined. The Hebrew term ‘elep represents the numeral 1,000. However, there are several specialized meanings attached to this term. One meaning is that the term represents the “largest basic division of leadership in political oversight or military leadership.” Also, “it is occasionally alleged that since ‘elep means a company of a thousand men it could mean any military unit, even of reduced strength” (Scott 1980: 48). Therefore, it seems as though the text is referring to three distinct contingencies that were in attendance, in addition to the followers of Dagon who filled the temple.\nIt is difficult to determine from where these contingencies came. However, Judges 1:18–19 may contain a clue. While the Philistines eventually established a pentapolis in Canaan, only the Philistine cities of Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron are noted. According to the Samson narratives, these cities are the exact areas of Samson’s exchanges with the Philistines. This may suggest that the tribal traditions of Judges 1:18 and the Samson narratives originated before the cities of Gath and Ashdod were incorporated into the Pentapolis. Consequently, the lords of Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron would be all of the lords of the Philistines, to which the text refers (Judges 16:27).1 This agreement between Judges 1 and the Samson narratives indicates the antiquity of the Samson traditions. Moreover, the fact that three, not five, groups are noted suggests that the death cycle of Samson originated either from an actual eye-witness to the events or a time in close proximity to the events, before the five names contained in the Philistine pentapolis became formulaic.\nThere are three main conclusions that can be drawn from this revisiting of the temple issue. First, it is clear that the linguistic evidence supports the side of the debate that sees the temple scene as historical, as typified by Dr. Bryant Wood. Scholars such as J.L. McKenzie, who reject any historical components in the Samson narratives, tend to follow the line of thought that presumes that the Samson narratives originated as a profane folk tale. Furthermore, the religious elements in the narratives are seen as additions or insertions that were placed in the account in order to make Samson more acceptable to Yahwism. Archaeological discoveries, such as those at Tell Qasile, are beginning to call such sweeping presuppositions into question.\nSecondly, it seems very likely that the story of the destruction of the Gaza temple was originated by an actual eyewitness or a narrator who lived in close proximity with the events. The Hebrew terms that constitute the key actions (Samson BENT POWERFULLY AND THE TEMPLE FELL…) all contain connotations of violent power. Moreover, the actions that are described are completely consistent with the findings at Tell Qasile. According to the excavated findings, the wooden pillars were held in place by the weight of the temple. To dislodge and set the pillars in motion would demand an immense surge of power. The term denoting the collapsing of the temple complements this description, as it is used in reference to the result of a violent act that brings about damage, destruction, and death. Therefore, these should be seen as complementary terms that are validated by the archaeological findings at Tell Qasile.\nThirdly, the combination of the findings at Tell Qasile and the specific wording of the text describing Samson’s final act validates the historicity of the temple tradition, if not the entire set of Samson narratives. The destruction of the temple at Tell Qasile has been dated to the early tenth century BC. Such a dating is consistent with the rise and fall of Philistine power, as they had a period of ascendancy before the monarchy and were defeated by David in the late 11th century BC. After this defeat the Philistines were no longer a powerful force in this region. Only one who lived in the time of the Judges or the early monarchy could have been familiar with the structure of Philistine temples. Defining the period of Philistine power as the era from the settlement to the early monarchy (ca. 1200–1000 BC) also helps to define the time period in which Samson lived. Because this temple account seems to have been generated by an eyewitness to the event, Samson could not have been the creation of storytellers or later Biblical authors.2 Therefore, it suggests that McKenzie’s assessment was in error. The world in which Samson lived was real and so was his strength.\nAuthor: John Roskoski Ph.D., ABR Associate\nFor Further Reading\nCopyright © 1995, 2008, Associates for Biblical Research, All Rights Reserved—except as noted on attached “Usage and Copyright” page that grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "From cherry bombs to sparklers, bottle rockets to roman candles, Americans love their fireworks, especially when celebrating Independence Day. But the thrill of fireworks can also bring pain, causing serious burns and eye injuries.\nSmall fireworks, like bottle rockets, sparklers, and small firecrackers can appear harmless to children. But did you know that sparklers can burn at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter? That’s hot enough to melt copper as well as land somebody in the emergency room.\nAccording to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an average of 240 people go to the emergency room every day with fireworks-related injuries in the 30 days surrounding the 4th of July holiday. More sobering is the stat that an estimated 1,000 children under the age of five are injured during that 30-day period.\nMore than half of these reported injuries involved burns to the hands, head and face. About 2,600 reported injuries involved sparklers and bottle rockets, fireworks that are frequently and incorrectly considered safe for young children.\nKeeping Your Residents and Rental Properties Safe for the 4th of July\nWhether or not you allow legal fireworks at your rental properties or you personally choose to host your own firework display, the CPSC recommends the following safety tips to help ensure the holiday weekend is as safe as it is fun:\n- Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks.\n- Avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper because this is often a sign that the fireworks were made for professional displays and that they could pose a danger to consumers.\n- Always have an adult supervise fireworks activities–especially in apartment communities. Parents don’t realize that young children suffer injuries from sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees – hot enough to melt some metals.\n- Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.\n- Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully.\n- Never point or throw fireworks at another person.\n- Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap.\n- Light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly.\n- Never carry fireworks in a pocket or shoot them off in metal or glass containers.\n- After fireworks complete their burning, douse the spent device with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding it to prevent a trash fire.\n- Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.\nFor more information on fireworks safety, visit the CPSC Fireworks Safety Information Center.\n(Image Credit: by kafka4prez via Flickr)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "So here we go again.\nThey told Beethoven it was a horrible way to begin his 5th Symphony.\nWith a rest.\nOnly the players see it.\nOnly the conductor pays it much mind.\nSo the first “note” (beat) is silent.\nThe conductor must give it.\nBut there are at least two schools of thought on how this is to be done.\nFirst, a conductor might do as they always do and swiftly move their baton downwards to indicate visually that the first (silent) beat is occurring.\nThe only problem with this is that the symphony players must then abruptly jump onto the very next beat (which is an “upbeat”).\nThey happen in very quick succession.\nThe whole orchestra.\nAnd they get one shot.\nTo come in together.\nLike an attack.\n[rest] da da da daaaaaaaaaa\n[rest] da da da daaaaaaaaaa\nThe second school of thought is more practical.\nIt advises that, in this particular situation, a conductor giving a downbeat is not particularly helpful to the orchestra (because no sounds occur on that downbeat).\nTherefore, the conductor motions the orchestra that the UPBEAT is happening.\nWhen the baton (or hand(s)) come down, that is the precise time to make noise.\nIt is not hard to see why this might lead to a more successful outcome.\nFor the goal is to have the orchestra stick together.\nAn orchestra of individuals who are a mere microsecond off from one another creates a sound which is generally not highly-valued in Western music (at least not in the performance of Beethoven).\nBut this STILL leaves a problem.\nThe conductor of this second school, whose job it is to try and lead his orchestra to a faithful rendition of this masterwork, is thereby IGNORING what Beethoven wrote (or, more precisely, HOW Beethoven wrote it).\nGodard comes back more fit and trim in this episode of his greatest work.\n1a is probably the nuke.\n1b is a psychological warfare manual (perhaps)\n2a returns us to kinetic warfare.\nMore or less.\nWith some lulls.\nBut there is genuine artistry within these 26 minutes.\nLike a symphony by Beethoven or Bruckner.\nThe beginning is weighted heavily.\n1a = 51 mins. (the longest of all eight parts)\n1b = 42 mins. (the second longest “movement” of the bunch)\nThe entire first section is, therefore (carry the zero), 1 hour and 33 minutes.\nThat’s the first quarter of this “ring cycle”.\nAnd it is truly operatic.\nSo now we are into a bit of a scherzo.\nNow you can see the influence of television.\nThe “producers” of this film.\nCanal+ (French TV channel)\nCNC (part of the French Ministry of Culture [and Godard is Swiss!])\nFrance 3 (a French TV channel)\nGaumont (a French film studio)\nLa Sept (a defunct French TV channel)\nTélévision Suisse Romande (a defunct, French-language Swiss TV network)\nVega Films (Godard’s production company at the time)\nEnough time for eight 30-second commercials.\nArriving precisely at a sum total of 30 minutes’ programming.\nIt’s generous (no doubt owing to the fact that this was educational programming).\nIf you look at the true running time of an American half-hour sitcom these days, it is roughly 21 minutes of what you want to see.\nThe other 9 minutes are reserved for at least 18 30-second commercials.\nIn the tradition of James Joyce.\nWhich Hitchcock so admired.\n…and the Oscar goes to.\nIrishmen in France.\nThe recurring scene from Salò…\nLiterary history vs. cinematic history.\nGodard has a curious frame which reads, “Your breasts are the only shells I love.”\nIt is a line from the poet Apollinaire.\n[tes seins sont les seuls obus que j’aime]\nBut I must say, the exciting parts here are the “booms”!\nThe fighter jet exploding in midair.\nBernard Herrmann’s music from Psycho juxtaposed with scenes from Disney’s Snow White…(1937).\nThe agitation of Stravinsky.\nCluster chords on the piano.\nGodard’s voice fed through an Echoplex.\nAnd, just as in 1a, world-class editing!\nLet me be clear.\nEDITING is what makes Histoire(s) du cinéma the greatest film ever made.\nIt’s what makes F for Fake the second-greatest film ever made.\nAnd what makes Dog Star Man the third-greatest film ever made.\nIt is more pronounced in Histoire(s) and Dog Star Man.\nOrson Welles’ “editing” (montage) in F for Fake is done more at the story level.\nIt is a juxtaposition of content.\nThe Kuleshov effect with ideas rather than images.\n[more or less]\nGodard’s camera-pen makes some of its boldest strokes in this episode.\nIt rivals the 1a excerpt involving Irving Thalberg.\nWhich brings us to a very important point.\nGodard CHOSE to use the concept of “double exposure” (two images–one on top of the other–but both seen to a greater or lesser extent) to ILLUSTRATE the subject and title of his greatest film.\nThough it runs 266 minutes, that amount of time STILL wasn’t enough in which to lay out the history of cinema.\nSo images needed to be doubled up.\nSimultaneous to that, words needed to be spoken.\nAnd furthermore, DIFFERENT words than those being spoken NEEDED TO BE WRITTEN ON THE SCREEN.\nIf you are not a native French speaker, you will probably need to have the subtitles on when viewing this film.\nWhich gives you A-N-O-T-H-E-R visual stimulus which must be taken into account.\nThis film should be mandatory viewing for fighter pilots.\nPractice your OODA loop here.\nIf you want to survive in this jungle of meaning.\nNight of the hunter…\nIt’s all true.\nThat weary look.\nIt’s all true.\nWhich brings us to value (that thing which capitalism so gloriously creates…far more efficiently and in much greater abundance than with any other economic system).\n“What is the value of knowing how to read this film,” you ask?\nIt allows you to know how to read the complexity of the world.\nIt is a brain teaser.\nWith an infinite layering of meaning.\nLike Finnegans Wake.\nJoyce’s masterpiece should be the only required reading for a codebreaker.\nOr a codemaker.\nTake heed, National Security Agency.\nYour curriculum needs adjusting.\nAssign only Finnegan.\nAnd reap your gains.\nAnd what of Histoire(s)?\nIts most direct application would be for analysts.\nWhether they be Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, or INSCOM.\nKnow how to read the image.\nKnow how to analyze the video.\nYou must think outside the box.\nSudoku the fuck out of your employees.\nAnd thereby fight crime and keep hostile actors in check.\nWhich is where we musicians come in.\nTo analyze the phone call.\nTo make sense of the audio…from the video.\nIt cannot be taught in a bootcamp.\nIt has to be loved.\nIf you had one analyst like Godard, you would have a super-soldier equal to an entire special forces unit.\nThe trial of Joan of Arc.\nNot to be confused with her passion.\nLaurel and Hardy.\nThe Philadelphia Museum of Art.\nWhich brings us to a very delicate situation.\nWhat is the President planning this weekend?\nAnd with whom is he planning it?\nIf Ronald Reagan was an actor (and he was), then how much more talented is Donald Trump in getting a reaction with his lines…and his gestures?\nA President who has been attacked from ALL sides UNRELENTINGLY for nearly four years.\nAnd now finds himself in the midst of the hottest biological/psychological/economic war in recorded history.\nWhere complexity reigns.\nAs globalization magnifies each twitch of activity.\nAnd this same President STILL finds himself under attack from the same “bad actors” who have unremittingly assailed him.\nAs in peacetime, so in war.\nThese enemies of the state.\nMasquerading as journalists.\nAnd their masters above them.\nStraight from the latest conclave.\n“…two if by sea.”", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Essay Topic 1\nBoth Owen and Johnny had a tough eleventh year. In an essay, compare/contrast the characters of Owen and Johnny. How are they the same? How are they different? How are their family lives? How has family history affected each of the boys? Finally, explain the ways that the difficulties the boys experienced affected their friendship, and why you think the outcome was, or was not, expected.\nEssay Topic 2\nWhile exploring the dorm rooms at Gravesend, the boys are initiated into the worlds of puberty and sexuality. Compare and contrast the boys' expectations of puberty with what they actually experience. Why might John Irving have included sexuality as a major theme within his novel?\nEssay Topic 3\nThroughout the novel, Owen takes charge of many characters' lives. This role of leadership is a very important aspect in his life. In an essay, discuss three events in which...\nThis section contains 1,626 words\n(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "On the stately Aegean island of Andros, a lighthouse rises from the water, the famous Tourlitis, is one of the most important landmarks on the island and of the Cyclades. The lighthouse Tourlitis has been illuminating the seas, protecting the incoming ships for more than 120 years. This picturesque and impressive structure is built on a rock in the sea.\nIt is one of the few lighthouses in Europe that stands in the sea, fighting the waves every day. Turlitis was built in 1887 and started operating on January 1st, 1897. It has a height of 7 meters, and a focal height of 36 meters. In addition, it can be seen at a distance of up to 11 nautical miles. It is located directly opposite the Venetian Castle of Andros and was built at a time when the island had already become an important center of Greek shipping.\nTourlitis – The invincible Lighthouse of Andros\nThe lighthouse of Andros, Tourlitis, was destroyed during World War II. This tragic war, apart from deaths and poverty, caused the destruction of this beautiful monument of the Cyclades. Its original form was not restored until 1994. That year, however, Tourlitis, the invincible Lighthouse of Andros showed its vital signs. With great funding from the Goulandris family, one of the most prominent families on the island, the lighthouse was rebuilt. It became the first automated lighthouse in Greece. There was no longer a need for a guard to oversee its operation. In addition, Tourlitis became the first lighthouse to be depicted on a Greek stamp. Since its renovation, it has become one of the tourist attractions of the area.\nAndros – The naval center of the Cyclades\nAfter the Greek Revolution, several refugees from Psara arrived in Andros, with extensive experience in shipping and trade. Andros quickly emerged as a powerful naval center after the decline of other traditional shipping centers such as Galaxidi and Hydra, Within a short time, the Andriots managed to become rich and famous throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The Andriots merchants were particularly active in the trade of grain from Central and Eastern Europe, at the mouth of the Danube.\nDuring the 20th century, Andros, despite the blows of the First and Second World Wars, enjoyed impressive economic prosperity and naval dominance. At the beginning of the 20th century, the shipowner Dimitris Moraitis from Andros inaugurated the Greece-North America sea route. In 1939, Andros was second in the number of ships, after Piraeus. In the late 1950s, a large wave of emigration began, both to the large urban centers of Athens and Piraeus and abroad (mainly to the USA), dramatically reducing the island’s naval power and population.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Laser light show machine teaches students math, computer programming\nLaser light shows are no longer just the stage dressing for rock concerts. They’re also a fun way for local middle school students to learn the fundamentals of mathematics and computer programming.\nUniversity of Illinois faculty members in education and engineering have teamed up for the project, adapting a “homemade” laser light show machine and using it to teach coordinate math to students at Urbana Middle School.\nThe lessons introduce students to the same math concepts delineated in the state learning standards but in an engaging, entertaining way, said Adam Poetzel, an instructor of mathematics education in curriculum and instruction at the U. of I. and one of the faculty members collaborating on the project.\nPoetzel, who taught math for 10 years at Champaign Central High School before joining the U. of I.’s faculty, created the lesson plan for the laser light show activity to show skeptical middle school youths that the math they’re learning has exciting applications beyond the classroom.\n“As a math teacher, I know that kids often ask: ‘How will I use this in real life?’” Poetzel said. “When they use math in an activity that has real-world applications, it elicits that response I’m looking for: ‘Wow, I didn’t think you’d get to do something cool like this with math!’”\nThe students create a design of their own choosing, such as a heart or a star, and plot the coordinates on graph paper, then write a short piece of computer code that enables the laser to trace those points and create a light show of their design.\n“We saw in the classroom that some designs worked on the first try and were exactly what the student predicted, but there were others where something wasn’t quite right,” said Joe Muskin, a visiting education coordinator in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering who is collaborating on the project. “But that’s a good challenge, too, because the student has to go back and review their plan and think, ‘Did I plan appropriately? Was I careful in how I coded?’”\n“Those are some really good teachable moments – when their laser light show design does not correspond to what the student thought it would,” Poetzel said. “That’s when the real learning happens sometimes, because the student has to think more deeply about how to fix the problem.”\nThe idea for using a laser light show as an instructional tool came about in summer 2016, when John Roach, an engineering teacher at Morton East High School in Cicero, Illinois, attended a nano@illinois workshop at the U. of I. During the workshop, Roach did research in MechSE professor Arend van der Zande’s lab, which has a confocal microscope that uses lasers to scan light-sensitive nanomaterials and solar cells so researchers can work with materials too small to be seen by the naked eye.\nWhile brainstorming ideas about how lasers might be used as teaching tools with schoolchildren, Roach, van der Zande and Muskin realized that the confocal microscope operates very similar to the laser light shows at rock concerts. With input from van der Zande, Roach built an inexpensive version of a laser light show system using an Arduino controller, mirrors, Lego actuators, a laser pointer and fluorescent paper – components available at hobby stores for less than $50, Muskin said.\nRoach used the device to teach high school students in his engineering class how to build the system. However, Muskin adapted Roach’s “hobbyist” design and curricula so that teachers could use the system to teach coordinate math to younger children.\nEdward Lu, now a senior at Champaign Centennial High School, was recruited to write a computer program that enables the device to trace paths using pairs of coordinates defined by student users in the software code.\nRecently, about 60 eighth-graders in math teacher Jason Pound’s classes at Urbana Middle School pilot tested the laser light show system and Poetzel’s lesson plans.\n“Just by scanning the classroom, you could see how engaged the students were,” Poetzel said. “The kids were wanting to make their light show happen. They were asking questions. They wanted to make sure their code was right and their plans were good.”\nEngaging, memorable learning experiences such as these “are seeds that are planted and can pay dividends later by fostering excitement about engineering, math and science,” Poetzel said. “One neat experience like this, it lasts, and it can impact students’ feelings toward a discipline and their educational and career decisions.”\nPoetzel’s curricula can be adapted to varying levels of complexity appropriate for different age groups, van der Zande said. Middle school students can use the pre-built laser light show unit to learn math and some elementary coding principles, while high school students can build the machine from components, as Roach’s students did, to learn engineering and electronics concepts.\nThis summer, Muskin, Poetzel and van der Zande plan to share the curriculum with technology teachers in Champaign schools, with educators who attend summer workshops at the U. of I. and with pre-service teachers at the university to encourage them to use it with their students.\nPhoto, at top: Students in an area middle school learned principles of coordinate math and computer programming by creating a laser light show in a collaborative project started by University of Illinois researchers in education and engineering. The team, from left, Joe Muskin, a visiting education coordinator in mechanical science and engineering; Adam Poetzel, an instructor of mathematics education in curriculum and instruction; and Arend van der Zande, a professor of mechanical science and engineering. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "They've terrorized a shopping mall in \"Dawn of the Dead,\" been folded into classic literature, and even crashed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.\nSeriously. What is the deal with zombies?\nThe shuffling (or quick-as-lightning, depending on your preferred version) hordes are horror-movie staples, but they've lately skyrocketed in fame with humorous takes such as in the book \"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies\" (Quirk Books, 2009) and the movie \"Shaun of the Dead\" (2004), which follows a sad-sack salesman during the zombie apocalypse. In 2011, the CDC capitalized on zombie fever with a blog post dedicated to preparing for a zombie uprising, driving so much Internet traffic that their servers crashed.\nThe reason for this popularity may trace back to an unexpected source, according to a new analysis: In fact, zombies may be helping us cope with the aftermath of World War II.\n\"We use fictional narratives not only to emotionally cope with the possibility of impending doom, but even more importantly perhaps to work through the ethical and philosophical frameworks that were in many ways left shattered in the wake of WWII,\" Stanford literary scholar Angela Becerra Vidergar said in a statement.\nImagining the end\nVidergar, a doctoral student in comparative literature, analyzed mass disaster stories in pop culture for her dissertation. She found that mass disasters such as the Holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki opened up new realizations about the human capacity for violence, casting doubt about the upsides of modernized society.\n\"Instead,\" Vidergar said, \"we are left with this cultural fixation on fictionalizing our own death, very specifically mass-scale destruction.\"\nPredictions about the end times are nothing new, of course. Doomsday believers have been promising that the end is near for centuries, with the December 2012 \"Mayan apocalypse\" just one in a long line of failed predictions.\nBut Vidergar found that apocalypticism is up. An increasing number of books, movies, television shows and graphic novels have portrayed post-apocalyptic worlds over the past century, with nuclear explosions and pandemics as common starting points. [Doom and Gloom: Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Worlds]\nIn the aftermath of traumatic events like World War II and the Sept. 11, 2011, terrorist attacks, interest seems to spike, Vidergar said. Shows like the National Geographic Channel's \"Doomsday Preppers\" profile people who go beyond pondering the end and start planning for it.\nThe zombie apocalypse\nThough few real-world preppers worry about zombies, fantasies about the zombie apocalypse make up a large chunk of post-apocalyptic pop culture, Vidergar found.\nShows like AMC's \"The Walking Dead\" and movies like 2007's \"28 Weeks Later\" help people work through how they'd act in a survivalist situation, she said.\n\"Zombies are important as a reflection of ourselves,\" Vidergar said. \"The ethical decisions that the survivors have to make under duress and the actions that follow those choices are very unlike anything they would have done in their normal state of life.\"\nWhat's more, Vidergar said, zombie apocalypse tales actually invoke hope amidst destruction and death, as survivors battle for their lives.\n\"Even if as a society we have lost a lot of our belief in a positive future and instead have more of an idea of a disaster to come, we still think that we are survivors, we still want to believe that we would survive,\" Vidergar said.\nRelated on LiveScience and MNN:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|Name: _________________________||Period: ___________________|\nThis quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.\nMultiple Choice Questions\n1. What did Mrs. Rogers have before bed?\n(a) A glass of wine.\n(c) Some crackers.\n(d) A tonic.\n2. Who faints after the recording?\n(b) Mrs. Rogers.\n(c) Dr. Armstrong.\n3. Where has the voice been coming from?\n(a) A person hiding behind a wall.\n(b) A gramophone behind a wall.\n(c) From under the dinner table.\n(d) From outside the window.\n4. Who suggests that everyone go to bed?\n5. How many other people are traveling in Vera's carriage?\n(c) No other people.\nShort Answer Questions\n1. What is Armstrong certain that Rogers did not use to kill his elderly employer?\n2. Who is the first person who volunteers to stay back at the station?\n3. What does Lombard browse through after dinner?\n4. Why does Emily think Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are guilty?\n5. Who chokes on his wine?\nThis section contains 180 words\n(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Music is one of the glories of sound. When a musician plays a note of a certain pitch, the musical instrument vibrates or RESONATES and produces a complex pattern of sound waves made up of many different frequencies. The most noticeable sound wave is called the fundamental, but there are other waves with higher frequencies, called harmonics. Notes from a flute sound more pure than those from a saxophone because they contain fewer harmonics. Musical instruments often make very quiet sounds, but some are designed to AMPLIFY the sounds they make so we can hear them more easily.\nResonance is the sound made by a vibrating object. If you tap a large wine glass, it produces a low musical note. If you tap a smaller glass, it makes a higher-pitched note. Although objects can vibrate at any frequency, each one has a particular frequency at which it vibrates much more powerfully. This is called its resonant frequency.\nOpera singers can shatter a wineglass by singing a note that is exactly the same as the glass's resonant frequency. When the singer sings the note, the glass begins to vibrate and \"sing\" the same note itself. If the singer holds the note for several seconds, the vibrations become extremely powerful, shaking the glass until it smashes.\nMaking sounds louder is called amplification. Most musical instruments have a part that vibrates and makes sounds, and another part that makes the sounds louder (amplifies them). On their own, the vibrating parts may make quiet sounds that would be impossible to hear, even from nearby, if they were not increased in volume. Vibrating guitar strings are amplified either by a soundbox or by using electricity.\nUnder the steel strings of an electric guitar, there are tiny magnets that generate small amounts of electricity as the strings move. These currents are fed into a separate piece of equipment called an electronic amplifier. This increases the current many times and uses it to play the sound of the guitar through a loudspeaker.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Civil Rights Rollback Glossary(March, 2004) Compiled by the National Campaign to Restore Civil RightsAbrogate\nThis is a term used to describe Congress’ power to override the states’ immunity from lawsuits (sovereign immunity) as granted by the Eleventh Amendment. If Congress can abrogate the states’ immunity, it means that Congress can pass a law making states subject to lawsuits for damages.\nADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)\nA federal law passed in 1990 that prohibits discrimination against people with physical or mental disabilities in employment, public services, and public accommodations. Since 2000, state employees can no longer use this law to sue for discrimination because of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Garrett case.\nADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act)\nA federal law passed in 1967 prohibiting discrimination in employment based on age for people over 40. The Supreme Court’s 1999 decision in the Kimmel case shielded state employers from this law.\nBuckhannon Board and Care Home Inc. v. West Virginia Dept. of Health and Human Services (2000)\nIn order for civil rights plaintiffs to win attorneys fees, or charge their legal costs to the loosing side of a case, the plaintiff must be the “prevailing” party in the case. Until the Buckhannon case, a civil rights plaintiff could ask for attorney fees if the defendants made a voluntary change in the law the plaintiff was protesting. This meant the case would settle between the two parties and not in front of a judge. Before this decision, many plaintiffs settled cases because it saved resources and changed behavior, and because most cannot afford to bring a case all the way to trial. The Supreme Court majority knew this, and this decision will keep many who have had their rights violated out of court. In Buckhannon, the Supreme Court, voting 5-4, changed the law to say that in order to get the other side to pay attorneys fees, a civil rights plaintiff bringing a case under the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Fair Housing Act now must take their case all the way to trial and “prevail” in front of a judge, and private agreements between the parties would no longer be good enough.\nCivil Rights Act of 1964\nThis is the landmark federal civil rights law that contains a number of sections (called “Titles”) that prohibit discrimination. This law was passed to enforce the rights for which many people risked, or lost, their lives in the civil rights struggle of the 1950’s and 60’s. Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race/color and national origin by public and private agencies that receive federal money. This part of the law no longer offers the protection it used to after the Supreme Court case of Alexander v. Sandoval in 2001. Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or religion and applies to any employer with more than 15 employees.\nCivil Rights Attorneys Fees Act\nIn the United States, each side of a lawsuit must pay its own legal fees. All legal cases are expensive to bring, and in civil rights law, the costs could keep many cases from ever being brought. Civil rights plaintiffs and attorneys do not often have large amounts of money, and these cases usually do not end with large amounts of money being won, because they are more about changing behavior. To make it more possible to bring civil rights cases, Congress passed the Civil Rights Attorneys Fees Act in 1976. This allowed plaintiffs who won a federal civil rights suit using section 1983 to charge their legal fees to the losing side of the case. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in the Buckhannon case in 2000 cut back the Attorneys’ Fees Act.\nThe Constitution limits the types of laws Congress can pass. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution lays out all of the powers of Congress. If Congress passes a law that is not within their powers, the Supreme Court can strike down the law. There are only three powers of Congress that give it the ability to pass civil rights laws. One of these is the Commerce Clause, which gives Congress the power to pass laws that affect interstate commerce. This power has been used since the New Deal in the 1920’s to pass civil rights laws and later to strike down segregation. Starting in 1996, the Supreme Court began to change what the Commerce Clause means, striking down laws passed under the Commerce Clause that are not strictly economic. This makes it difficult for Congress to pass civil rights laws. For example, this is how the Violence Against Women Act was struck down (the Morrison case).\nTraditionally, there are only three bases on which Congress may enact civil rights laws. These Constitutional powers come from the Spending Clause (the right of Congress to tax and spend), the Commerce Clause (the right of Congress to regulate commerce among and between the states), and section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment (which gives Congress the authority to enforce the Equal Protection Clause and other provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution). Congress has been able to use these powers to pass laws and to make the states liable to suit. In the past few years, the Supreme Court has been reading Congress’ powers narrowly, so that Congress’ power to enact laws protecting civil rights have been severely limited.\nA court order that is one way to end a lawsuit. When both sides agree about how a court case should be resolved, they may enter into this legal agreement. A court can then monitor the consent decree to make sure that both sides are following through on the agreement.\nThis is money that can be won by one side in a lawsuit to compensate for a loss or an injury.\nThis is the person in a lawsuit who the plaintiff is accusing of having done something illegal. In a civil suit, this is the person being sued.\nThis is a way of proving discrimination in court. To prove disparate impact one has to show that a certain group (for example: a racial group, women, people with a particular disability) suffered more than others because of a policy or action, even if the policy seemed neutral. In 2001 in the Sandoval decision, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the disparate impact standard could no longer be used to prove racial or national origin discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This decision has kept many people out of court, unable to enforce their civil rights.\nThis is written by the judges that do not agree with the majority of the court in a certain case. The dissent does not have the same power of law as the majority opinion, but it is a statement of what a judge thinks about an issue.\nThis is a guarantee in the Constitution that keeps the government from unfairly or arbitrarily taking a persons’ life, liberty, or property. This usually means that if the government wants to take any of these things from a person, there must first be a fair trial or procedure. There are two Due Process clauses in the Constitution. One is in the 5th amendment and controls states; the other is in the 14th amendment and controls the federal government.\nThe Eleventh Amendment\nThe current Supreme Court has decided that this amendment prohibits individuals from suing their states for civil rights violations. The actual words of the amendment would only keep the citizens of one state from suing another state (California residents trying to sue Texas for example). But this Court, in two 5-4 decisions, has decided it keeps state employees from suing their own state employer for workplace discrimination based on age (the Kimmel case) and disability (the Garrett case).\nThe Equal Protection Clause\nThis is a section of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution that reads “nor shall any state…deny to any person…the equal protection of the laws.” The Fourteenth Amendment was added after the Civil War to make sure the federal government protected the rights of all its’ people. Over time, courts have interpreted the clause to guarantee that people in the same situation be treated equally.\nFair Housing Act Amendment of 1988 (FHAA)\nThis federal law added to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, prohibits private and public housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin. The 1988 additions added “familial status” and “handicapped persons” to the list, made the law more enforceable and increased the amount of damages a person could win in a discrimination lawsuit.\nThis term has meant many different things over time. In the time of the founding fathers it referred to the balance of power between the states and the federal government. More recently, it has stood for the idea that the states should have control over their own affairs, and therefore have more power than the federal government. During the civil rights movement, the idea of federalism was used to justify segregation by some states, and the Federalist Society uses the word today to advocate for a weaker federal government and weaker federal civil rights laws.\nThe Fourteenth Amendment\nThis amendment was added to the Constitution after the Civil War as a way to protect the former slaves’ civil rights and make sure they received federal protection from discrimination by the states or individuals. The amendment includes a Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause. Section 5 of the 14th Amendment was designed to make these guarantees enforceable against the states.\nGonzaga v. Doe (2002)\nIn this case, a former university student brought suit against Gonzaga University alleging that the university had released private information about him in violation of the Federal Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA). He claimed that the release of the information was a violation of his civil rights that he could enforce through 42 U.S.C. § 1983. In a case with important implications for whether individuals can sue to enforce other federal rights, the Supreme Court held that FERPA does not include clear rights-creating language and therefore cannot be enforced by an individual through 42 U.S.C. § 1983.\nThe courts’ decision in a case is sometimes called the holding. The holding only refers to that which a majority of the court agreed, and this then becomes the law. The justices that do not agree with the holding of a case write a separate dissent.\nThis is a way of proving discrimination in court. To prove intentional discrimination, one has to show that the person or agency purposefully discriminated. This requires evidence of what was going on in another person’s head when they did something that had a discriminatory effect. In many cases, this type of discrimination is impossible to prove even when it seems obvious. While often discrimination cannot be proved under this test, it would pass the test for the disparate impact standard.\nAn order by a court that requires one side in a lawsuit to do something or keeps them from doing something. For example, a court might enter an injunction, against a state agency that keeps them from enacting a regulation that would discriminate against people because of their race.\nKimmel v. Florida Board of Regents (1999)\nIn this case, the Supreme Court decided 5-4, that even though the two plaintiffs were denied employment just because of their age, their cases would not be allowed into federal court because of the 11th Amendment. This decision made the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) difficult to enforce. The decision also made it more difficult for Congress to enact other laws that would protect workers from their state employers.\nUnited States v. Morrison (1999)\nIn this case, the Supreme Court struck down the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in a 5-4 decision, saying Congress did not have the power to pass this law in the first place. A woman raped by two football players at Virginia Tech University while she was a student there brought the case. The school found one of the players guilty and suspended him, but later overturned the decision, did not inform the woman, and sent the man back to school. Upon finding this out, the woman dropped out and tried to sue the school in federal court under VAWA. Despite volumes of congressional evidence showing violence keeps women from participating in the economy, the Supreme Court held Congress did not have the power to pass this law under the Commerce Clause or the 14th Amendment. This case severely limited Congress’ ability to enact civil rights laws.\nThe person or group that brings a lawsuit.\nPrivate Right of Action\nThe right of an individual to bring a case into court. Not all laws allow for a private right of action. Instead, a person would need the government to bring a case for them (something that rarely happens in civil rights cases). The Supreme Court’s Sandoval decision took away a private right of action for racial discrimination cases brought under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.\nA rule made by a government agency that expands upon or interprets a law made by Congress. Regulations have the weight of law, but in court are not considered to be as strong as a law made by Congress.\nThis federal law prohibits state and local governments that receive federal funds from discriminating against people with disabilities in public accommodations. This law was expanded upon by the ADA, but it remains good law.\nRollback of Civil Rights\nA phrase that explains what the federal courts are doing to weaken federal civil rights laws. The courts are taking the power to pass laws that protect civil rights away from Congress, and making it more difficult for individuals to enforce the civil rights laws we already have. Courts with a majority of conservative judges are leading the rollback, and many people are unaware of the problem because of the legal jargon used in these decisions.\nAlexander v. Sandoval\nIn this case, Ms. Sandoval sued the state of Alabama because, as a state with an “English only” policy, they refused to give any driver’s license tests in Spanish, thus discriminating against her on the basis of her national origin. The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, decided that, from now on, private individuals could only sue the state under Title VI if they could prove intentional discrimination, something a person in Ms. Sandoval’s position would not be able to prove. After this case, if a person only has proof of a disparate impact, they have no private right of action in federal court, so they can only try and persuade the federal government to take their case, something that rarely happens.\nSection 5 of the 14th Amendment\nThe part of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to enforce the 14th Amendment, including the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause, through passing civil rights laws and making it possible for people to sue their state to enforce these laws. Both the Garrett and Morrison cases limit Congress’ power under Section 5, making it more difficult for the Congress to pass civil rights laws and for people to sue to enforce them.\n42 U.S.C Section 1983 is the basic federal civil rights statute authorizing lawsuits against state and local government officials for violations of federal law - including the Constitution. The recent cases of Alexander v. Sandoval and Gonzaga University v, Doe has raised questions about when Section 1983 can be used to enforce federal statutes and regulations.\nSeminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida (1996)\nThe Supreme Court ruled in this case that Congress does not have the power under the Commerce Clause to pass a law allowing individuals to sue the states for damages, because of states’ “sovereign immunity” under the 11th Amendment. The Court ruled that only the 14th Amendment (which comes after the 11th Amendment) can authorize Congress to create money claims against states.\nAn agreement made between both sides in a lawsuit that ends the suit and is legally binding. A court does not monitor a settlement agreement, and this makes it different from a consent decree.\nThe idea that the government, either state or federal, cannot be sued. The 11th Amendment is an example of this kind of shield, it offers state governments protection from federal lawsuits. For decades before the Supreme Court began the rollback of civil rights, people could sue states for violations of federal civil rights laws. Recently, the Supreme Court has changed the law by deciding that states have sovereign immunity from more and more types of lawsuits, making it difficult for people to enforce their civil rights.\nThis is another way to describe federalism. Over the course of U.S. history, advocates for state’s rights have argued that the power of the federal government, including Congress and the federal courts, should be limited. Opponents of civil rights in the 1960’s used state’s rights to support their arguments. Today, this continues to be a strong movement, supported by groups like the Federalist Society.\nOne of two ways a state would lose its sovereign immunity, making it possible for people to sue their state for discrimination (See Section 5 of the 14th Amendment for the other). Because the Supreme Court has recently been giving states more and more sovereign immunity from civil rights cases, some states that value civil rights have passed legislation giving up this immunity, allowing people to sue them in federal court for damages. This is called a state waiver. So far, Minnesota, North Carolina and Illinois have passed a state waiver, while many more states are considering passing similar laws to protect their citizens from discrimination.\nA law passed by Congress or a state legislature.\nThe highest court in the United States. It has the power to interpret the Constitution and Congress’s laws. There are 9 justices on the Court. The justices are: William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor, Steven Bryer, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, and Ruth Bader-Ginsberg. Five justices must agree with each other to make a majority decision that will become law.\nTennessee v. Lane (2004)\nPlaintiff George Lane was a defendant in a criminal case in Tennessee. The state arrested Lane, who has paraplegia, for failure to appear when he refused to crawl or be carried up the stairs of the courthouse. Lane filed suit under Title II of the ADA in 1998. At issue in the case is whether Congress had the constitutional authority to require states to pay money damages for violations of Title II of the ADA.\nTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act\nProhibits recipients of federal funding (both private and public programs) from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin.\nTitle IX of the Civil Rights Act\nProhibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, with a number of exceptions.\nUniversity of Alabama v. Garrett (2000)\nThe Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, held that state employees could not sue their state employer for damages in federal court if they were discriminated against because of a disability. In this case, Patricia Garrett was demoted from her job as a nurse at a state hospital because she developed breast cancer and her boss did not want somebody who “looked sick” being around patients. She sued the state under the ADA. The court used the Eleventh Amendment to justify their decision and Patricia Garrett lost her case.\n|Poverty & Race Research Action Council | 740 15th St. NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005|\n©Copyright 1992-2017 Poverty & Race Research Action Council", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies\nAn EMG is very safe. You may\nget some small bruises or swelling at some of the needle sites. The needles are\nsterile, so there is very little chance of getting an infection.\nThere is no chance of problems with nerve conduction studies. Nothing is\nput into your skin, so there is no chance of infection. The voltage of\nelectrical pulses is not high enough to cause an injury.\nYour doctor may be able to tell you\nabout some of the results of your nerve studies right after the tests. A full report may take 2 to 3\nElectromyogram (EMG) and nerve conduction studies\nThe EMG recording shows no electrical activity when the\nmuscle is at rest. There is a smooth, wavy line on the recording with each\nThe nerve conduction studies show that the nerves\nsend electrical impulses to the muscles or along the sensory nerves at\nnormal speeds, or conduction velocities. Sensory nerves allow the brain to feel\npain, touch, temperature, and vibration. Different nerves have different normal\nconduction velocities. Nerve conduction velocities generally get slower as a\nperson gets older.\nElectrical activity in a muscle at rest shows that there\nmay be a problem with the nerve supply to the muscle. Abnormal wave lines when\na muscle contracts may mean a muscle or nerve problem, such as\na herniated disc, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),\nIn nerve conduction studies, the speed of nerve impulses is slower than what is normal for that nerve. Slower\nspeeds may be caused by injury to a nerve or group of nerves. Nerve\nconduction velocities generally get slower as a person gets older.\nThe results from EMG and nerve conduction studies are used\nalong with your medical history, symptoms, physical and neurological exams, and\nthe results of other tests to help your doctor find out what the problem is or\nsee how a disease is changing.\nWhat Affects the Test\nReasons you may not be able to\nhave the test or why the results may not be helpful include:\n- Taking medicines, such as muscle relaxants and\n- Having bleeding, swelling, or too much fat under the skin at the\nsite of the nerves or muscles being tested.\n- Not being able to do what is asked during the test.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art: 1876\nNOVEL TELEGRAPHY—ELECTRIFICATION OF AN ISLAND.\nA CURIOUS discovery has been made by Mr. Gott, the superintendent of the French company’s telegraph station at the little island of St. Pierre Miquelon. There are two telegraph stations on the island. One, worked in connection with the Anglo American company’s lines by an American company, receives messages from Newfoundland and sends them on to Sydney, using for the latter purposes a powerful battery and the ordinary Morse signals.\nThe second station is worked by the French Transatlantic Company, and is furnished with …Lire la suite", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In the Pythagorean tradition, astronomy is interpreted as magnitudes in motion, geometry as magnitudes at rest, arithmetic as numbers absolute, and music as numbers applied.\nI. Pythagoras of Samos was born about 569 BC - and died in about 475 BC. He was according to legend the son of a grain merchant who been granted Samoan citizenship for bringing grain to the city at a time of famine. Pythagoras evolved a whole way of looking at life from counting beans, or grains, and thinking these things are pretty much the same, what patterns can we make with them.. He founded a school of philosophy at Samos until a change of regime forced his exile to Crotona, an important Greek colony on the foot of Italy. Here his school flourished until it was suppressed in about 508BC. Pythagoras is said to have taken refuge in Metapontum where he died. His school was sacked and his followers persecuted. He was a true mathematician because he looked at the relevance of mathematics to the important questions of real life. An attitude imputing value to number will always be threatening to those who know the price of everything. We should look again to Pythagoras to find the relationship between numbers and meaning.\nHis teachings were transmitted orally and his doctrine is only available through later writings. He is said to be the first teacher to call himself philosophos, lover of wisdom, rather than sophos or wise man, and the first to use the term cosmos a word implying the beauty and order of the universe. 'Communion and friendship and orderliness and temperance and justice bind together heaven and earth and gods and men and this universe is therefore called cosmos or order.' The Timaeus of Plato is accepted as a representation of Pythagorean thought. Pythagoreans are credited for having brought measure to music through the study of the monochord, pipes, and bells.\nHe is said to have been a vegetarian, hating the taking of sentient life, recognising 'the voice of a friend' - a dead friend - in the barking of a dog. Modern assessments of Pythagoras vary considerably. Legend has been attached to him. Burkert in 1972 observes that 'the material seems to fall into the pattern each enquirer is looking for. Pythagoras the scientist... the mystic... the Basic Idea... the shaman, etc.' He concludes that 'the tradition of Pythagoras as a philosopher and scientist is, from the historical point of view a mistake' But the system of thought represented by a Pythagorean tradition has been of great importance to discussions of harmony , during the middle ages via Boethius, and the renaissance and Baroque periods, and into the modern age. Whilst exploring number and movement, it asks: what does this mean?\nArchytas, a Pythagorean c428-347 BC describes mathematics as being composed of the four related studies: astronomy, geometry, arithmetic and music. Boethius 480-524AD talks of the 'four mathematical disciplines of which music is one' and goes on to observe that 'the other three are concerned with the investigation of rational truth, but music concerns not only speculation but also human behaviour... so we can understand what was said.. by Plato, that the soul of the world is knit together by the harmony of music' Music occupies a key position, it is the one mathematical discipline available directly and precisely to the senses and influencing the soul, a fulcrum between the material world and the meta-reality of number, contributing to the dialogue of correspondence between the two.\nAndre Dacier in 1706 writes 'If we ought to measure the Glory of a Philosopher by the Duration of his Doctrine, and by the extent of the places that embraced it, nothing can equal that of Pythagoras, since most of his opinions are at this day literally followed in the greatest part of the whole world. ...Socrates and Plato followed his doctrine and his method of explaining it' .\nIn the Pythagorean tradition, astronomy is interpreted as magnitudes in motion, geometry as magnitudes at rest, arithmetic as numbers absolute, and music as numbers applied. In searching for the links between architecture and music we are trying, in a sense to link magnitudes at rest, with numbers applied. It perhaps worth exploring some Pythagorean concepts of number.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Administration's fiscal year 2003 proposed budget for NASA released today, placed strong emphasis on planetary exploration and space science, although planned missions to Pluto and Europa were deleted.\nThis is the first budget developed by the Bush Administration, with new NASA Administrator, Sean O'Keefe at the helm, and it is being carefully watched by The Planetary Society, the world's largest space interest group.\nWesley T. Huntress, Jr., President of The Planetary Society, commented, \"It is welcome and positive news that despite the setback to the Pluto and Europa missions, the proposed budget is supportive of planetary exploration. With all the pressures on the NASA budget, especially in the troubled space station program, we take heart with the commitment to the established planetary exploration programs.\"\nThe budget constrained the funding for the International Space Station and endorsed the scaled-down objective proposed by an Ad-Hoc task force, which was endorsed by the NASA Advisory Council. Goals for increased science and improved management were set.\nThe budget proposal also includes a new program to develop nuclear propulsion and power for future outer planet missions and Mars landers. The robotic Mars program is fully supported, albeit with a delay in the 2007 lander to accommodate a specific goal of a nuclear powered rover in this decade.\nHuntress said, \"We welcome the proposal to develop nuclear power and propulsion technology to make the entire Solar System more accessible with much shorter flight-times and more powerful investigations at the planets. These developments will revolutionize space exploration in the same way that the Navy was revolutionized by nuclear power.\"\nFull funding of the Mars program in the proposed budget enables the development of a Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for 2005. But, the Smart Lander with a long-range rover will be slipped from 2007 to 2009 to permit extra development time of the advanced robotics and nuclear power source for that mission. NASA intends to proceed with a smaller Discovery-class Scout mission, and will be inviting proposals for the 2007 opportunity.\nThe proposed NASA budget rates the Discovery program of low-cost planetary missions highly and provides for its continuation. Current Discovery missions include Stardust sampling a comet, Genesis sampling the solar wind, Contour performing a Comet nucleus tour, Messenger to orbit Mercury, Deep Impact to sample cometary nuclear material, Dawn to orbit the large asteroids Ceres and Vesta, and Kepler to search for extra-solar planets.\nThe most surprising proposal in this budget is to develop nuclear technology for in-space propulsion and power. This technology was under development at the beginning of the space program, but dropped in the 1970s. It has always been clear that this capability would dramatically reduce the flight-time to the planets and provide almost unlimited power for operation in space and on the planets. The decision to resume development and complete this technology for early application in this decade is applauded by the Society. This will solve two of the most limiting problems in space exploration; the time it takes to get to the planets, and the amount of power available once at the planets, especially for landers and rovers.\nThe Administration proposes to initiate a program for competitively selected \"New Frontier\" missions. The new \"rating system\" in the Federal Budget was used to judge the current outer planets program as ineffective. That program, with a Pluto-Kuiper Belt flyby and a Europa orbiter, was deleted to accommodate the nuclear propulsion technology.\nLast year the Society led a grass-roots campaign for a mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. As a result, Congress added funds for a Pluto mission to the fiscal year 2002 budget, and NASA selected the New Horizon mission. The Administration's proposal will not support a 2006 launch for this mission and requires a delay at least until the new in-space propulsion technology can be developed to reduce the flight-time to Pluto.\nLouis Friedman, Executive Director commented, \"We are disappointed that the Administration proposes to delay the current Pluto mission in order to incorporate the new in-space propulsion initiative. Congress specifically added the Pluto mission in response to public interest - and we believe that public interest is important to the program.\"\nCommenting on the International Space Station situation, Friedman added, \"The Administration feels that getting the space station cost and management constrained is of prime importance, but we are worried that the purpose of the space station - to prepare humans for flight beyond low Earth orbit - will be lost. That problem is not addressed yet, and should be in any re-direction of the program.\"", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The rivers of Paradise in the Byzantine Church near Jabaliyah - Gaza\n|The Department of Antiquities of the Palestinian National Authority, Gaza, excavated a Byzantine site near Jabaliyah north of Gaza City1.\nNo urban settlement has been discovered in the vicinity, and the site could be one of the necropolises of ancient Gaza. An extensive cemetery was excavated nearby in 1995. The Byzantine installation was probably built in a funeral sector. Veneration of a certain tomb may explain the origin of the sanctuary. Three distinctive buildings constitute a religious complex: a three-naved church, a diakonikon and a baptistery. All the stone from the walls have been robbed, therefore the plan was reconstructed based on the layout of mosaic pavements.\nPlan of the church found in Jabaliyah-Gaza\n|The church (23 x 13 m) is probably the most ancient part of the building and some architectural adaptations indicate the continuation of more ancient constructions. The choir was completely destroyed. We reconstructed a central apse; another one on the northern aisle is still intact. Of the pavement in the central nave, only a few circular mosaic medallions remain, encircled by foliated vine scrolls. Preserved by remarkable chance, a mosaic inscription commemorates the laying of the pavement and permits us to date it precisely to the beginning of the eighth century AD. The workmanship is of exceptional quality, and indicates that the Christian community in Gaza was still very much in existence in the eighth century AD, and capable of exceptional artistic achievements2. The remains of the pavement spared by the iconoclasts show us representations of wild game, beautifully drawn birds and rustic country scenes. The late dating of the mosaic pavement proves that the intervention of the iconoclasts, that is after 750, is later than previously thought and is associated with Abbasid conservatives. The northern aisle had a mosaic carpet illustrating a profusion of edibles and crockery, in praise of the gifts of creation, possibly a rehearsal of the eschatological banquet.|\nMosaic floor of the baptistery\n|An elongated (18 x 4.5 m) diakonikon in three sections was linked to the church. The western section, accessible to the believers, revealed a mosaic pavement the most elaborately decorated of the whole complex with people and large animals on a plain background. An inscription in the diaconicon dates the pavement to the middle of the fifth century AD, 287 years before the pavement of the central nave of the basilica (ca. 732).\nThe northern building was a baptistery of exceptional size (23 x 10 m) for Palestine. The specific disposition of its four rooms follows the third mystagogic, catechetic homily of St Cyril of Jerusalem (SC 126 bis) that describes the rites of baptism. The large western room through which one entered from outside, served as a reception hall for catechumens until Easter. From there, up two steps leading to a narrow door, the candidates were introduced into a sort of vestibule for the renunciation of Satan. The vestibule had the singularity of containing the large tomb of a benefactor or spiritual leader, but the skeleton lying in a normal position on its back was found under that of another person bent over and across it. The latter could be a gatecrasher from a later period, possibly from the early Islamic rule.\nThe vestibule was connected to the baptismal hall by two arches. The Greek inscriptions on the mosaics ascribe the embellishment of the hall to two mosaicists from the nearby ancient city of Ashkelon, during the Justinian era. The basin itself must have been built in marble since the whole plating had been stolen. Nevertheless the cross shape was easily discernible through the embedded ashlar, half a meter deep. We were able to restore a cupola on top of the basin: we found bases of colonnettes and a first course of corner-shaped pillars. The entire space was paved with geometrically patterned mosaic pavements, but the decoration surrounding the basin was contrasted by a quaint patched composition in the four quadrants. Despite depredations we were able to reconstruct the decor. Four exotic animals were confined to the protruding angles of the basin. One can identify parts of an elephant, the end of the trunk and the back covered with a tepeion; in a grove, the body of a giraffe in an excellently realistic rendering; and a zebra foot. The missing animal was probably a leopard. This typical African bestiary belongs to the iconographic tradition of the \"Ethiopian Landscape\", well attested in the Middle East. A dozen giraffes are known in the Gaza Strip alone, and could be the epic testimony of two giraffes passing through Gaza in 573, a diplomatic gift from the Maccurites to emperor Justin ii; or of the parade through Gaza of the exotic animals intended for Anastasius in 496. Can we raise the idea that Gaza was involved in this kind of trade?\nThese fabulous beasts were combined with four human portrayals: a part of a woman on the left side, a part of an elderly man on the right. They are naked, portrayed half-length in a wavy pattern of water. Other fragments of an identical wavy band indicate that two more busts (now destroyed) were grouped on the west side at the entrance to the basin. They were allegories of rivers according to the Graeco-Roman tradition: rustic deities as human beings meeting their need for water4. Rivulets spring from the woman's breasts. Her nakedness and red-brown skin refer to symbolic Æthiopia, bordering the Red Sea, the undefined southern Arab-African mainland. Two Greek letters GE() help to restore Gehon, the mythic river bordering the land of Kush, and ordinarily assimilated to the Egyptian Nile. Elsewhere the Gehon (or Gihon) is male too. The old man has a green wreath in his hair and shows comparatively clear skin. In the missing part of the pavement we can restore an urn between his arms pouring a stream of water. The name FISON above implies that the elder is the first river of Paradise, winding around the Land of Havilah (Gen. 2, 10) where gold and gems originated, probably to be identified with the Southern kingdoms of Arabia. Emerging from the river, both allegories are naked in a frame of reeds.\nThe other two allegories, which were destroyed, were the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, displayed before the steps of the basin. Emerging from the waters, the newly baptized stepped over a mosaic inscription, (destroyed, suggested location with fragment of a frame) a short excerpt from the Bible citing water combined with salvation.\nThe complete composition emphasizes the rich significance of the baptismal iconography. The fabulous bestiary refers to the lost Eden, where innocent Adam reigned over the whole of creation including the animal world. The theme also exists in Greek mythology, and Christ-Orpheus can be seen charming animals with a lyre. The contested David-Orpheus version recovered on an enigmatic pavement on the shore of Gaza could be a hellenized Jewish version of the theme. In both cases they are reminiscences of man before the Fall. The bestiary evoke the early creation surrounding the newly baptized who enter a redeemed world. The exotic animals heighten the beauty of God's creation and reflect his imperial power through diplomatic gifts. They peacefully accompany the newly baptized as they did Adam in Eden. On the other hand, the four rivers specifically evoke Paradise, sources of living water for the renewal of human nature, and the figure of Christ who draws towards Him mankind thirsting for salvation. The four rivers, sources of life, irrigate the entire known world, and salvation is for all mankind, Life and death. In Proto-Byzantine art, the four rivers form a topic within a funeral context, which fits with baptismal theology, since baptism refers to human death.\n1 The excavations took place under the direction of Yasser Matar and Ayman Hassuneh of the Department of Antiquities of the Palestinian National Authority, Gaza office, with participation by the École biblique in the framework of the Mission de coopération archéologique franco-palestinienne à Gaza (Ministère français des Affaires étrangères).\n2 Archaeological discoveries of churches at Umm er-Rassas provide useful documentation. See Schick 1995.\n3 Gatier 1996, 903-941.\n4 Février 1956, 179-197.\n|This contribution was first published in: The Madaba Map Centenary, Jerusalem 1999, 216-218.|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Religious Society of Friends is a community of faith based on an experience of a transforming power named many ways: the Inner Light, the Spirit of Christ, the Guide, the Living God, the Divine Presence.\nQuaker experience of the Divine affects what we do in our personal lives, what we believe and how we work for changes in the wider world. “Testimonies” are what Quakers call the ways we have found to live and act based on our beliefs.\nPhiladelphia Yearly Meeting Quakers celebrate un-programmed worship. Gathering in silence enables us to shed the strains, stresses, and distractions of the secular world and to open ourselves to direct communion and relationship with God and each other.\nThe Religious Society of Friends arose during the mid-1600’s in England. George Fox and Margaret Fell, among others, were Seekers of Truth attempting to recover the spirit of early Christianity. They founded the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting has been in continuous existence in North America since the early 1700’s.\nGod’s Big Tent\nWe wish to affirm our belief that Quakerism is God’s “big tent,” politically. We welcome people with all sorts of political beliefs—Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, socialists, Libertarians, and Independents—to the Religious Society of Friends.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Fundamental liberties are rights and freedoms that we have as human beings. Some fundamental liberties are set out in the Constitution. Because these rights and freedoms are set out in the Constitution, they are said to be ‘guaranteed’ and cannot be taken away from us unless the Constitution itself allows it.\nThe Fundamental Liberties guaranteed under the Constitution:\nArticle 5 – Right to life and personal liberty\nEvery person has a right to life and liberty. A person’s life or personal liberty cannot be taken away unless it is in accordance with law. The courts have said that the right to life includes a right to livelihood and quality of life, while the right to liberty includes the right to privacy.\nA person who is arrested or detained:-\n● has the right to consult and be defended by a lawyer of his/her choice (this is known as ‘access to legal representation’); and\n● must be brought before a magistrate within 24 hours and cannot be detained further unless it is with the authority of the magistrate, known as a ‘remand order’.\nArticle 6 – No slavery or forced labour\nNo one can be made a slave or forced to work. However, Parliament may make laws to require Malaysians to provide compulsory national service. Work or service required from a person who is convicted of a crime is not considered forced labour.\nArticle 7 – Protection against retrospective criminal laws and repeated trials\nA person cannot be punished for something which at the time when it was done was not an offence. For example, if a law is passed to make it illegal to drive past a speed limit of 80km/h, a person driving past that speed limit before the law is passed cannot be punished. This is known as the prohibition against retrospective criminal laws.\nIf the punishment for a crime is increased, a person who committed the crime before the punishment was increased cannot be given that increased punishment. For example, if the law is amended to change the punishment for breaking a speed limit from a fine to a prison sentence, a person breaking the speed limit before the law is amended cannot be punished with a prison sentence.\nA person who has been acquitted or convicted of an offence shall not be tried again for the same offence, unless the conviction or acquittal is quashed (set aside) and a retrial is ordered.\nArticle 8 – Equality\nAll persons are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection of the law.\nUnless the Constitution says so, citizens cannot be discriminated only because of their religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender:-\n● in the employment by a public authority; or\n● how any law is applied relating to property or any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.\nHowever, Article 8 does not apply to:-\n● laws relating to office or any employment connected to any religion or religious institutions;\n● laws for the protection, well-being or advancement or the reservation of a quota of employment in the public service for the Orang Asli of Peninsula Malaysia;\n● laws that say that a person to be elected or appointed into a State authority, and any person who can vote in such elections, must reside in that State;\n● laws in the Constitution of a State that were made before Merdeka Day (31 August 1957); and\n● laws restricting enlistment in the Malay Regiment to Malays.\nArticle 9 – Freedom of movement\nA Malaysian citizen cannot be banished or excluded from the country. In general, every citizen has the right to move freely and stay in any part of the country except where any law is passed relating to the security of the country, public order, public health or the punishment of offenders.\nThe special position of Sabah and Sarawak compared to other States also allows for laws to be made to control who can enter and stay in Sabah and Sarawak. We talk about the special interests and safeguards for Sabah and Sarawak in The Rakyat Guides 7: Sabah and Sarawak.\nArticle 10 – Freedom of speech, assembly and association\nCitizens have freedom of speech, assembly and association but these freedoms may be restricted by Parliament for reasons permitted by the Constitution. The Courts have said Parliament may only impose restrictions where they are reasonably necessary.\n1. Freedom of speech and expression\nEvery citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression. However, Parliament may make laws to restrict this right if they are necessary or expedient in the interest of:-\n● friendly relations with other countries;\n● public order or morality; or\n● the protection of the privileges of Parliament or any State legislative assembly or to provide against contempt of court, defamation or incitement to any offence.\nIn imposing restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression in the interest of the security of the country or public order, Parliament may pass laws prohibiting the questioning of matters relating to citizenship, the national language, the special position of Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak and sovereignty of the Rulers.\nHowever, it is not illegal to comment on the implementation of these matters.\n2. Right to assemble peaceably and to form associations\nAll citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms and to form associations. However, Parliament may make laws to restrict these rights if they are necessary or expedient in the interest of:-\n● public order; or\n● morality (only for the right to form associations)\n3. Parliament can also make laws to restrict the right to form associations in relation to labour and education.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Do you remember when our communities were home to numerous garment factories providing jobs for thousands of employees? The dedicated workers manufactured high quality shirts, dresses, blouses and slacks. They worked long hours for meager wages.\nI had a flashback to the old industry when my wife and I met a friendly couple at one of Lancaster’s tourist havens. They were reared in New York City, the lady in Manhattan, where there was a prosperous garment district. I wonder if it’s still prosperous today?\nShe relayed a story few of my younger readers have ever read about, an event that touched the heart and soul of America, a tragic page in labor history I covered in my class during my teaching days. The late aunt of this lady survived the Triangle Waist Co. fire on March 25, 1911 in New York City.\nThe Triangle Shirt Waist Company was located at the intersection of Green Street and Washington Place. They manufactured women’s blouses, which at the time were called shirtwaists.\nThe factory was on the top three floors of a ten-story building. Most employees were young immigrant women from Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe, some were only 13 years of age. They worked 60 to 72-hour weeks, some worked 14-hour shifts; and you think we have it tough!\nSafety conditions barely existed, the floors of the factory had scraps of fabric, patterns, flammable textiles and tissue paper. Some of the men who cut the fabric smoked on the job. There were a few buckets of water in the room to extinguish any fire.\nThe fire began on the eighth floor, sparked by a match, cigarette or faulty electrical wiring. Workers from the tenth and eighth floors were warned and quickly evacuated but no one alerted the ninth floor. The single fire escape soon collapsed and the elevator stopped working. The ninth floor had only two doors to the stairway, one was locked and the other, stairs were filled with flames and black smoke. Panic and desperation gripped the workers who struggled to escape.\nSixty-two desperate women attempted to avoid the flames by breaking the windows and jumped out of the ninth-story window. The firemen attempted to use nets to save the women but the nets failed. Others jumped down the elevator shaft. The firemen were unable to extinguish the flames and there were no ladders that could reach above the sixth floor.\nThe death toll was 148; 141 died at the scene and seven survivors died in hospitals. The owners of the company fled to the roof and survived. As a result of the tragedy the owners were put on trial, but as in the present day, clever defense attorneys confused the witnesses and stated the prosecution was unable to prove the owners locked the exit doors, thus they were acquitted of any wrong doing.\nIn 1913 a civil suit was also unsuccessful. In the end, $75 was paid per each deceased victim; yes you read that correctly, $75. The owners were paid $60,000 from an insurance company.\nTwo years later Max Blanck, one of the owners, was arrested for locking the factory door during working hours and was fined $20.\nThe building was refurbished after the fire. Today is it owned by New York University and is known as the Brown Building of Science. The building was placed on the National Historical Register in 1991. Two plaques in front of the building commemorate the women who lost their lives in the fire. At a mass meeting in New York in 1911, Rose Schneiderman said, “This is not the first time girls have been burned alive in the city. Every week I must learn of the untimely death of one of my sister workers. Every year thousands of us are maimed. The life of men and women is so cheap and property is so sacred. There are so many of us for one job it matters little is 148 of us are burned to death.” Thus ended a tragic chapter for the American worker.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH\nLearners’ motivation has become more commonly recognized as perhaps the major determining factor for successful learning in general, whether one is a high school student pushing one's way through the battery of required courses needed to graduate, or an adult learner taking distance education courses. In any learning setting, the dynamics of motivation will be different. What will help a high school student sustain motivation may not apply to an adult learner, for example. Similarly, what factors affect and enhance learner motivation in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting (in our case) will differ as well. Furthermore, motivation for EFL learners in a middle school or high school class will differ from the experience of an EFL adult learner. It is important to grasp the key concepts of motivation as they are understood in the realm of education. Motivation is an unconscious, psychological process that varies by individual over time. It is a social process which can be affected by past experiences and environment. According to psychologists, intrinsic motivation refers to a source of motivation which emanates from within the learner. Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation which is sourced by the expectation of a tangible reward. Ideally, the learner will have a healthy combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation working for themselves. The extrinsic element may help push the learner through tougher times by helping them keep their eye on the goal, such as a foreign language certificate, or a decent TOEFL score, for example. Instrumental motivation (which closely correlates to extrinsic motivation) applies to the language learner who holds a specific, more isolated purpose for learning a foreign language, such as qualifying for a job, or achieving higher social status. Taking into account the latest socio- political changes Romania has faced – the integration of our country into European Union, the opportunities Romanians have nowadays to study abroad or to get a work permit in different English speaking countries, or the increasing number of people applying for a ‘green card’ to the United States of America or Canada- we may also speak of the integrative motivation, which is associated with the English learners' orientation toward the target language and culture, and the presence of a desire to integrate into that culture.\nThe following sections of my paper deal with motivational differences people (adults, children and adolescents) have, the reasons why they learn English and considerations on the degree of motivation students have in learning English, based on my personal `experience` as a primary/secondary school teacher. I will dedicate more space to sections dealing with children and adolescents, since my teaching experience with adults has been occasional and collateral.\nAdults’ reasons/ goals:\n‘One should have English speaking skills nowadays…’\nThis is what I have heard so often lately, on different occasions - while zapping through TV channels, seeing friends, making new acquaintances, meeting my students’ parents. All agree on `the necessity of speaking/learning English’ as a way to: push careers forward (to get a job abroad, to put ‘good knowledge of English’ on CVs; to gain technical knowledge; to learn computer science or use computer more effectively), to communicate with people (to contact people all over the world, to travel more easily), to enjoy art (American-British movies in original, great books, English-language music) so on.\nA friend working in sales for a private company: ‘The manager of the company had a talk with me some time ago. He reinforced his trust in my abilities as a sales-person, and he informed me that I have pretty good chances to get a promotion and start to work in a ‘higher division’ of my company. My single worry now is that I need good English speaking skills, as my manager informed me. So, I...\nBibliography: Breen M. P. and Littlejohn, A. P. “Classroom Decision-Making”. Cambridge University Press, 2000\nHarmer, Jeremy: “The Pactice of English Language Teaching”, Longman\nGrigoroiu, Gabriela: “An English Language Teaching Reader’, Tipografia Universtitatii din Craiova, 2002\nPlease join StudyMode to read the full document", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Do I need to take a vitamin D supplement?\nAdults and children over five:\nPublic Health England advises all adults and children over five years to consider taking a daily supplement containing 10mcg (400 units) of vitamin D daily, particularly during autumn and winter. (Take for longer if you are not getting outside during the coronavirus lockdown)\nInfants and children under five:\nBreastfed babies from birth to one year of age should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10mcg of vitamin D, to make sure they get enough.\nBabies fed infant formula should not be given a vitamin D supplement until they are receiving less than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day, because infant formula is fortified with vitamin D.\nChildren aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D.\nTake all year round if higher risk\nPeople who have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency are advised to take a 10mcg (400 units) supplement all year round.\nPeople at higher risk include:\n- Pregnant and breastfeeding women\n- Older people, aged 65 years and over\n- People who have low or no exposure to the sun, for example those who cover their skin for cultural reasons or who are housebound\n- People with darker skin, for example people of African, African-Caribbean or South Asian origin\n- Vegans and those who do not eat fish, or generally have a poor diet\n- People who are obese (BMI>30kg/m2) or have had a gastric bypass\n- People who have malabsorption syndromes or taking certain drugs (antiresorptives, anticonvulsants, rifampicin)\n- People who have a family history of vitamin D deficiency.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|The First Art Newspaper on the Net\n||Established in 1996\n|| Sunday, July 23, 2017\n|Nazi Praise Sparks Switzerland's Rethink of Modernist Architect Le Corbusier|\nSwiss-born architect Le Corbusier sits in his office in Paris. Le Corbusier's legacy faces a tense re-examination in his home nation after Switzerland's largest bank dropped an ad campaign featuring the modernist pioneer earlier this week. The debate has nothing to do with aesthetics and focuses solely on politics. Letters made public in recent years and a 2008 biography suggest that the architect was a sympathizer of Hitler's Nazi regime whose Fascist tendencies went far beyond what was previously known. His real name was Charles Edouard Jeanneret. AP Photo.\nBy: Bradley S. Klapper, Associated Press Writer\nGENEVA (AP).- He's one of the titans of 20th Century architecture, but Le Corbusier is suddenly feeling the weight of history working against him.\nThe modernist master's legacy is coming under pressure after Switzerland's largest bank dropped an ad campaign featuring the architect and artist last week. Now, Zurich authorities are debating whether to dump plans to name a square after him.\nLetters made public in recent years and a 2008 biography suggest that the visionary known for his cool, spare designs and revolutionary urban planning ideas was a Nazi sympathizer whose Fascist tendencies went far beyond what was previously known.\nOne letter shows Le Corbusier expressing clear enthusiasm for Hitler, even if at other times he calls the German leader a \"monster.\"\n\"If he is serious in his declarations, Hitler can crown his life with a magnificent work: the remaking of Europe,\" Le Corbusier wrote to his mother in October 1940, at a time when he was shopping his radical ideas about urbanism across the continent. That was also shortly after Hitler's armies conquered France and much of Western Europe.\nIt's been a tough week in Switzerland for the artist born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, who died in 1965 after helping to create an international modern architecture movement along with giants such as American Frank Lloyd Wright and German Bauhaus innovators Walter Gropius and Mies van der Rohe.\nThe revelations are not completely surprising, as it has long been known that Le Corbusier aligned himself with the French far-right in the 1930s and accepted a post as a city planner for the Vichy regime that ruled France and collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.\nWhat is perhaps most noteworthy is the sudden Swiss rejection of a native son born in the sleepy town of La Chaux-de-Fonds whose face appears on the 10-franc bill. His name graces a square in the capital of Bern and a street in Geneva.\n\"For UBS, the most important thing in our campaign is the message we wish to communicate,\" said Jean-Raphael Fontannaz, a spokesman for the Zurich-based banking giant. \"We don't want the message to be lost in a discussion about Le Corbusier. We also don't wish to hurt the feelings of anyone.\"\nFontannaz said UBS AG used Le Corbusier in an advertising drive that began in August. It dropped the artist last week.\nUBS' decision came after protests from Jewish groups and publishers in Switzerland, who accused Le Corbusier of being an anti-Semite. The accusation hit a raw nerve with a bank that suffered a crisis in the 1990s over revelations that it prevented Jewish claimants from accessing Holocaust-era accounts belonging to their ancestors. The row resulted in a $1.25 billion settlement.\n\"It's incomprehensible that UBS chose Le Corbusier as an exemplary Swiss personality,\" Vreni Mueller-Hemmi, head of the Swiss-Israel Society, told the weekly SonntagsZeitung. The group's vice president, Lukas Weber, told The Associated Press that he was pleased with UBS' decision.\nZurich authorities decided three years ago to name a square next to the central train station after Le Corbusier once construction was completed. But authorities now say they are taking another look at the historical record. A decision will be made at a meeting of the city's street-naming commission next month, said spokeswoman Charlotte de Koch.\nLe Corbusier left an enormous body of work, including some 30,000 architectural plans, 7,000 watercolor paintings, 500 oil paintings and 52 books. He was perhaps as famous for his philosophy of architecture as for actual works. Among his most famous structures are the Villa Savoye near Paris, the Punjab government complex at Chandigarh, India, the Unite d'Habitation apartment block in Marseille and Notre-Dame-du-Haut chapel in Ronchamp, France.\nDespite the recent controversies, Le Corbusier still has Swiss defenders.\n\"It's a different issue if you make a publicity campaign,\" said Werner Abegg, spokesman for the money-printing national bank. \"The bank note highlights essentially the influence of a person. It's uncontested in the case of Le Corbusier.\"\nAbegg told the AP that the bank had no plans to change its currency.\nCopyright 2010 The Associated Press.\nOctober 6, 2010\nFor the First Time Ever, The Museo del Prado Exhibits Treasures from Its Library\nPreserved Feathers and Scales of a Giant Penguin Fossil Gives Evolutionary Clues\nDamien Hirst Fills the Paul Stolper Gallery with 120 Framed, Foilblock Butterfly Prints\nFirst Exhibition in 45 Years Devoted to Renaissance Master Jan Gossart on View at Metropolitan Museum\nTiny Footprints from Poland Show that First Dinosaurs Walked on Little Cat Feet\nMagnificent and Rare Collection of Mezzotints Acquired by the Art Fund for the British Museum\nRecord Number of Visitors this Summer for the United Kingdom's National Museums\nBiennale of Sydney Announces Joint Artistic Directors for 2012: Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster\nRobert F. Kennedy-Owned Emancipation Proclamation Up for Auction\nNazi Praise Sparks Switzerland's Rethink of Modernist Architect Le Corbusier\nJudd Foundation Announces It will Now Be Represented Exclusively by David Zwirner\nTeotihuacan's Emblematic Monument, The Sun Pyramid, Still an Enigma for Archaeologists\n£769,250 Achieved at Sotheby's for Rediscovered Paintings Depicting Tipu Sultan's Victory over the British\nDeCordova Announces the Rappaport Endowment Fund and the Winner of the 11th Rappaport Prize\nCompletely Renewed, the National Museum of Cultures to Be Reopened\nFrance 1500: Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance at the Galeries nationales Grand Palais\nNew Work by Turner Prize Nominated Artist, Cornelia Parker, Loses Wing in Cuts Campaign\nSotheby's First-Ever Evening Sale of Islamic Art Realises £7 Million - Well Above Pre-Sale Expectations\nImportant Whistler and Old Master Prints at Swann Galleries' Three-Part Print Auction\nThe Onassis Cultural Center in New York Explores the Role of Heroes in Society\nPortland-based Artist to Exhibit for Art For Arts' Sake Opening of the New Orleans Art Season\nAs 'Peanuts' Turn 60, Schulz Family Plans Future - More TV Specials and New Film\nSears Wants to Buy Back Willis Tower Sculpture Made by Alexander Calder\nFirst Day of Historic Three-Day Attic Sale at Chatsworth Realises US$7 Million\nFirst Kristin Baker Exhibition in an American Museum Opens at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston\nSidney Nolan's Antarctic Paintings on Display at the Polar Museum in Cambridge\nBaba Bling: The Peranakan Chinese of Singapore at the Musée du Quai Branly\nModern Works by Artist Joan Miró Displayed at Metropolitan Museum with Dutch Old Master Paintings\nSotheby's Hong Kong Fine Chinese 2010 Autumn Sale Fetches US$52.2 Million\nRainer Fetting's \"Manscapes\", Painted between 1974 and 2010, on View at Kunsthalle Tubingen\nFire Virtually Destroys Southeastern England Landmark 19th-Century Hastings Pier\nMore than 60 Rare and Unpublished Photographs by Richard Avedon Set for Auction\nMaryhill Museum of Art Announces Plans for First Expansion in 70-Year History\nMost Popular Last Seven Days\n1.- New Van Dyck painting on display at the Ashmolean\n2.- Muscarelle Museum of Art chief curator identifies Paul Cézanne painting\n3.- Sarah Lucas' first major museum exhibition in the United States opens in San Francisco\n4.- The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago opens first-ever museum exhibition of Amanda Williams\n5.- \"Irene Williams: Queen of Lincoln Road\" harkens back to a more colorful time on South Beach\n6.- Paris show of Impressionist masterpieces never seen in West\n7.- Scientists find that Aborigines have been in Australia longer than previously thought\n8.- Exhibition at Haus der Kunst focuses on two pivotal exhibitions held in 1937\n9.- Spanish judge schedules Dali exhumation for July 20\n10.- 'The Noise' breathes the romance back into Formula One\nNazi Praise Sparks Switzerland's Rethink of Modernist Architect Le Corbusier\nMuseums, Exhibits, Artists, Milestones, Digital Art, Architecture, Photography,\nPhotographers, Special Photos, Special Reports, Featured Stories, Auctions, Art Fairs,\nAnecdotes, Art Quiz, Education, Mythology, 3D Images, Last Week, .\n|Royalville Communications, Inc|\nTell a Friend\nDear User, please complete the form below in order to recommend the Artdaily newsletter to someone you know.\nPlease complete all fields marked *.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Russia's at war with Ukraine. Here's how we got here\nUkraine sits surrounded by more than 100,000 Russian troops on its borders, with world leaders flying in and out of Kyiv hoping to reach a solution to the crisis that averts a looming Russian invasion.\nThe situation is the most high-stakes embodiment of the country's 30-year history of being caught between East and West, wavering between the influences of Moscow and the U.S. with its European allies.\nThrough scandal, conflict and two major protest movements, Ukraine has emerged with its democracy intact, at times choosing pro-Western leaders and other times choosing those aligned with the Kremlin.\nNow, it faces its biggest test as Russia has closed in. Since the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014, Ukrainians have turned away from Moscow and toward the West, with popular support on the rise for joining Western alliances like NATO and the European Union.\nRead on to understand how Ukraine came to where it is today.\nThe 1990s: Independence from the Soviet Union\n1989 and 1990\nAnti-communist protests sweep central and Eastern Europe, starting in Poland and spreading throughout the Soviet bloc. In Ukraine, January 1990 sees more than 400,000 people joining hands in a human chain stretching some 400 miles from the western city of Ivano-Frankivsk to Kyiv in the northern-central part of the country — many waving the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag that had been banned under Soviet rule.\nJuly 16, 1990\nThe Rada, the new Ukrainian parliament formed out of the previous Soviet legislature, votes to declare independence from the Soviet Union. Authorities recall Ukrainian soldiers from other parts of the USSR and vote to shut down the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine.\nFollowing a failed coup in Moscow, the Ukrainian parliament declares independence a second time on Aug. 24. The date is celebrated as Ukraine's official Independence Day. The Soviet Union officially dissolves on Dec. 26.\nAs NATO allies contemplate adding central and Eastern European members for the first time, Ukraine formally establishes relations with the alliance although it does not join. NATO's secretary general visits Kyiv, and Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk visits NATO headquarters in Brussels.\nAfter the Soviet Union's collapse, Ukraine is left with the world's third-largest nuclear stockpile. In a treaty called the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine agrees to trade away its intercontinental ballistic missiles, warheads and other nuclear infrastructure in exchange for guarantees that the three treaty signatories — the U.S., the U.K. and Russia — would \"respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.\"\n1994 to 2004\nIn 10 years as president, Leonid Kuchma helps transition Ukraine from a Soviet republic to a capitalist society, privatizing businesses and working to improve international economic opportunities. But in 2000 his presidency is rocked by scandal over audio recordings that reveal he ordered the death of a journalist. He remains in power four more years.\nThe 2000s: Wavering between the West and Russia\nThe presidential election pits Kuchma's incumbent party — led by his hand-picked successor Viktor Yanukovych and supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin — against a popular, pro-democracy opposition leader, Viktor Yushchenko.\nIn the final months of the campaign, Yushchenko falls mysteriously ill, is disfigured and is confirmed by doctors to have been poisoned.\nYanukovych wins the election amid accusations of rigging. Massive protests follow, and public outcry becomes known as the Orange Revolution. After a third vote, Yushchenko prevails.\nYushchenko takes office as president, with Yulia Tymoshenko as prime minister.\nFollowing efforts by Yushchenko and Tymoshenko to bring Ukraine into NATO, the two formally request in January that Ukraine be granted a \"membership action plan,\" the first step in the process of joining the alliance.\nPresident George W. Bush supports Ukraine's membership, but France and Germany oppose it after Russia voices displeasure.\nIn April, NATO responds with a compromise: It promises that Ukraine will one day be a member of the alliance, but does not put it on a specific path for how to do so.\nOn Jan. 1, Gazprom, the state-owned Russian gas company, suddenly stops pumping gas to Ukraine, following months of politically fraught negotiations over gas prices. Because Eastern and central European countries rely on pipelines through Ukraine to receive gas imports from Russia, the gas crisis quickly spreads beyond Ukraine's borders.\nUnder international pressure to resolve the crisis, Tymoshenko negotiates a new deal with Putin, and gas flows resume on Jan. 20. Much of Europe still relies on Russian gas today.\nYanukovych is elected president in February. He says Ukraine should be a \"neutral state,\" cooperating with both Russia and Western alliances like NATO.\nUkrainian prosecutors open criminal investigations into Tymoshenko, alleging corruption and misuse of government resources. In October, a court finds her guilty of \"abuse of power\" during the 2009 negotiations with Russia over the gas crisis and sentences her to seven years in prison, prompting concerns in the West that Ukrainian leaders are persecuting political opponents.\n2014: The Maidan revolution and Crimea's annexation\nNovember 2013 through February 2014\nJust days before it is to be signed, Yanukovych announces that he will refuse to sign an association agreement with the European Union to bring Ukraine into a free trade agreement. He cites pressure from Russia as a reason for his decision.\nThe announcement sparks huge protests across Ukraine – the largest since the Orange Revolution – calling for Yanukovych to resign. Protesters begin camping out in Kyiv's Maidan Square and occupy government buildings, including Kyiv's city hall and the justice ministry.\nIn late February, violence between police and protesters leaves more than 100 dead in the single bloodiest week in Ukraine's post-Soviet history.\nAhead of a scheduled impeachment vote on Feb. 22, Yanukovych flees, eventually arriving in Russia. Ukraine's parliament votes unanimously to remove Yanukovych and install an interim government, which announces it will sign the EU agreement and votes to free Tymoshenko from prison.\nThe new government charges Yanukovych with mass murder of the Maidan protesters and issues a warrant for his arrest.\nRussia declares that the change in Ukraine's government is an illegal coup. Almost immediately, armed men appear at checkpoints and facilities in the Crimea peninsula. Putin at first denies they are Russian soldiers, but later admits it.\nWith Russian troops in control of the peninsula, the Crimean parliament votes to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. A public referendum follows, with 97% of residents voting in favor of secession, although the results are disputed.\nPutin finalizes the Russian annexation of Crimea in a March 18 announcement to Russia's parliament. In response, the U.S. and allies in Europe impose sanctions on Russia. They have never recognized Russia's annexation. It remains the only time that a European nation's borders have been changed by military force since World War II.\nWith some 40,000 Russian troops gathered on Ukraine's eastern border, violence breaks out in the eastern Ukraine region of Donbas – violence that continues to this day. Russian-supported separatist forces storm government buildings in cities in the east. Russia denies that its troops are on Ukrainian soil, but Ukrainian officials insist otherwise.\nThe pro-West politician Petro Poroshenko, a former government minister and head of the Council of Ukraine's National Bank, is elected Ukraine's president. He promotes reform, including measures to address corruption and lessen Ukraine's dependence on Russia for energy and financial support.\nRepresentatives from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany meet in Belarus to attempt to negotiate an end to the violence in Donbas. They sign the first Minsk agreement, a deal between Ukraine and Russia to quiet the violence under a fragile ceasefire. The ceasefire soon breaks, and fighting continues into the new year.\n2015 through 2020: Russia looms\nThe Minsk group meets again in Belarus to find a more successful agreement to end the fighting, resulting in the Minsk II agreement. It too has been unsuccessful at ending the violence. From 2014 through today, more than 14,000 people have been killed, tens of thousands wounded and more than a million displaced.\nTogether, the annexation of Crimea and the Russian-backed violence in the east have pushed Ukrainian public sentiment toward the West, strengthening interest in joining NATO and the EU.\n2016 and 2017\nAs fighting in the Donbas continues, Russia repeatedly strikes at Ukraine in a series of cyberattacks, including a 2016 attack on Kyiv's power grid that causes a major blackout. In 2017, a large-scale assault affected key Ukrainian infrastructure, including its national bank and electrical grid. (Cyberattacks from Russia have continued through the present; the latest major attack targeted government websites in January 2022.)\nIn April, comedian and actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy is elected president in a landslide rebuke of the Poroshenko and the status quo, which includes a stagnating economy and the ongoing conflict with Russia.\nDuring his campaign, Zelenskyy vowed to make peace with Russia and end the war in the Donbas.\nHis early efforts to reach a solution to the violence are slowed by President Trump, who briefly blocks U.S. military aid to Ukraine and suggests to Zelenskyy that he should instead work with Putin to resolve the crisis.\nIn a phone call with President Trump in July 2019, Zelenskyy requests a visit to the White House to meet with Trump about U.S. backing of Ukraine's efforts to push off Russia. Trump asks Zelenskyy for \"a favor\": an investigation into energy company Burisma and the Bidens. A White House whistleblower complains, leading to President Trump's first impeachment in Dec. 2019.\nSeveral U.S. officials later testify that Zelenskyy was close to announcing such an investigation, though he ultimately demurs, saying Ukrainians are \"tired\" of Burisma.\n2021: The crisis escalates\nRussia sends about 100,000 troops to Ukraine's borders, ostensibly for military exercises. Although few analysts believe an invasion is imminent, Zelenskyy urges NATO leadership to put Ukraine on a timeline for membership. Later that month, Russia says it will withdraw the troops, but tens of thousands remain.\nTwo years after his entanglement with former President Trump, Zelenskyy visits the White House to meet with President Biden. Biden emphasizes the U.S. is committed \"to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression\" but repeats that Ukraine has not yet met the conditions necessary to join NATO.\nRussia renews its troop presence near the Ukrainian border, alarming American intelligence officials, who travel to Brussels to brief NATO allies on the situation. \"We're not sure exactly what Mr. Putin is up to, but these movements certainly have our attention,\" says Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.\nPresident Biden, speaking with Putin on a phone call, urges Russia not to invade Ukraine, warning of \"real costs\" of doing so.\nPutin issues a contentious set of security demands. Among them, he asks NATO to permanently bar Ukraine from membership and to withdraw forces stationed in countries that joined the alliance after 1997, including the Balkans and Romania. Putin also demands a written response from the U.S. and NATO.\n2022: Fears of war\nLeaders and diplomats from the U.S., Russia and European countries meet repeatedly to avert a crisis. In early January, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov tells U.S. officials that Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine.\nThe State Department orders the families of embassy staff to leave Ukraine on Jan. 23. NATO places forces on standby the next day, including the U.S. ordering 8,500 troops in the U.S. to be ready to deploy.\nRepresentatives from the U.S. and NATO deliver their written responses to Putin's demands on Jan. 26. In the responses, officials say they cannot bar Ukraine from joining NATO, but signal a willingness to negotiate over smaller issues like arms control.\nDiplomatic efforts pick up the pace across Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz both travel between Moscow and Kyiv. President Biden orders the movement of 1,000 U.S. troops from Germany to Romania and the deployment of 2,000 additional U.S. troops to Poland and Germany.\nRussia and Belarus begin joint military exercises on Feb. 10, with some 30,000 Russian troops stationed in the country along Ukraine's northern border.\nThe U.S. and the U.K. urge their citizens to leave Ukraine on Feb. 11. President Biden announces the deployment of another 2,000 troops from the U.S. to Poland.\nCopyright 2022 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Volume 14, Number 5—May 2008\nBooks and Media\nTwelve Diseases That Changed Our World\nASM Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2007\nPages: 219; Price: US $29.95\nTwelve Diseases That Changed Our World offers engaging observations on a dozen diseases to serve 2 goals. The opening chapters meet the title’s promise by tracing the impact of hereditary blood disorders porphyria and hemophilia on the succession of European monarchs in the 16th through 18th centuries. Also presented is a riveting account of the consequences of a potato blight in 1840s Ireland, which forced migration of millions to England and North America. Thereafter, the book turns to the topic of infectious diseases and the lessons learned from earlier responses to “unanticipated outbreaks of disease” to inform preparedness for future outbreaks. Specifically, the chapters are devoted to the study of cholera, smallpox, bubonic plaque, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria, fever, influenza, and AIDS. These topics are familiar territory for Dr. Sherman, who recently authored The Power of Plagues, in which he also examines 7 of these infections; his command of the subject matter is evident.\nEach chapter is packed with information ranging from pathogenesis and clinical manifestations to epidemiologic calculations and antimicrobial drug resistance. A limited number of references are provided in the concluding book notes, grouped by chapter and page number, which offer additional resources for readers seeking more information. Of particular interest is the book’s accounting of 19th-century pioneers in epidemiology and infectious diseases. John Snow’s use of early epidemiologic tools to associate cholera deaths with water from the Broad Street pump, Louis Pasteur’s development of vaccines, and Robert Koch’s discovery of tubercle bacillus and the cholera vibro all get their deserved attention; Florence Nightingale’s use of numerical data to demonstrate improvements in patient hygiene comes as a pleasant surprise. A concise volume written for the general reader, Twelve Diseases That Changed Our World provides an excellent foundation for the study of public health and infection control.\nSuggested citation for this article: Ward JW. Twelve diseases that changed our world [book review]. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2008 May [date cited]. Available from http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/14/5/08-0072\n- Page created: July 08, 2010\n- Page last updated: July 08, 2010\n- Page last reviewed: July 08, 2010\n- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,\nNational Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)\nOffice of the Director (OD)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Buddhism in Japan\nWhat is Buddhism?\nTOP > Japanese religion > Buddhism\nBuddhism: One of Japanese major religions\nI would like to introduce you Buddhism, one of Japanese major religions in this page.\nFrom ancient time, there has been a thought of syncretization of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan, so you may find Shinto elements in Buddhist Temple and vice versa. Please remind it when you visit Buddhist Temple.\nWhat is Buddhism (Bukkyo)\nThe origin of Buddhism is in India in 5th century B.C. The biggest difference from other religion is that Buddhism does not believe in God. The principle of Buddhism consists of two axises. They define the world where all the living being live as 'Seken' and one principle is how to live in Seken and the other is how to overcome Seken and reach to enlightenment. You can reach to the enlightenment by the right understanding and insight of the truth.\nThe basic idea is 'the logic of cause and effect'. They think that all the acts bring the results, and acts are divided into good and bad by the results. Then it encourages the people good act.\nAll the living beings continue the reincarnation by the bad acts when they lived, but if you reach to the enlightenment, you will get rid of reincarnation.\nBuddhism was brought to Japan via China and Korea in 6th century. At first there was a conflict with Japanese traditional Shinto. But in about 8th century, by the cyncretization idea Shinto and Buddhism reconciled. By this thought, all the Gods are impersonated by Buddha.\nThe initial purpose of introducing Buddhism was the peace of the nation, but after 13th century it was popularized.\nIn 19th century, after returning the power back to the Emperor, Shinto became more important. By the order of the government 'Separation of Shinto and Buddhism' many Temples were destroyed.\nNowadays, most of Japanese people don't distinguish Shinto and Buddhism and go to worship for both institute. Only the funeral is operated in Buddhism style.\nWhat is Temple (Tera)\nWhen we call 'Jiin', it also indicates the institutes of other religions. If you want to limit the word to Buddhist Temple, you should call 'Otera'.\nThe constructions of the temple are divided into 'Doto (pagoda)' where worship object is enshrined, and 'Sobo' where monks live. 'Doto' means the tomb of Buddha and original shape was upside-down bowl, but they started to put up a parasol to avoid the sunshine and then the shape became pagoda in China. Chinese style was introduced Japan and tow-storied pagodas which remained the look of upside-down bowl were built. Three-storied and five storied pagodas, and stone pagoda in Japanese garden came from the same origin.\nMost of the local small Temples have near-by supporters and own and manage their burial ground. These Temples normally close the doors other than supporters not like Shrine. On the other hand, famous Temples in Nara and Kyoto open the door widely for worshipers and tourists.\nNow there are about 75,000 Temples and the number of Buddhist sculptures is about 300,000. But please remind that some Temples are not clearly distinguished from Shrine by the influence of cyncretization. Some Temples have Shrines (Jinguji) and some Shrines enshurine Buddha (Gongen).\nArchitecture style of Temple\nFollowings are the representative architectual styles of Temple.\nWayo (Japanese style)\nTraditional Japanese construction.\n- Use beam called 'nageshi' to support the upper parts of the posts\n- Slim posts and low ceiling\n- Lay a floor and make Japanese veranda\nExamples of this style.\nTodaiji Hokkedo( Nara City, Nara)\nToshodaiji Kondo (Nara City, Nara)\nByodoin Houodo (Uji City, Kyoto)\nZenshuyo (Zen sect style)\nArchitectual style of Chinese Temple which used to be adopted mainly to the Zen sect Temple.\n- Use beam called 'nuki' to reinforce the structure by combining with the posts\n- Upper part of the post is slimer\n- Put round parts under the post\n- No use of Tatami and lay tiles on the ground\n- No use of ceiling plate and construction materials are naked\nExamples of this style\n- Nanzenji Namdaimon Gate (Kyoto City, Kyoto)\n- Kozanji Butsuden (Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi)\nDaibutsuyo (Great Buddha style)\nChinese architectual style which used to be adopted to Great Buddha hall.\n- Similar structure as Zenshuyo\n- Use unique composition called Sashihijiki\n- Insert composition to the post\nExample of this style\n- Todaiji Nandaimon Gate (Nara City, Nara)\n- Jodoji Jododo (Ono City, Hyogo)\nArchitectual style used for the noble houses in Heian era (9-12th century).\nShiden (main hall) was built facing the south garden accompanied with annex buildings on the east and west sides. These buidings were jointed with Wataridono (passing hall). Two annexes have each Wataridono to the south and put fishing hall at the end.\nShindenzukuri is seen on 'Genjimonogatari picrue scroll'\nExample of this style\n- Garden of Motsuji Temple (Hiraizumicho, Iwate)\nArchitectual style used for the warriors houses in Muromachi era (14-16th century).\nPost and beam structure. Inside of the house was divided by sliding doors and walls. Put ceiling plate. Decorate the guest room with Tokonoma (alcove), uneven shelves, Tsukeshoin (small shelve by alcove), etc. The space is divided into guest area and living area.\nExamples of this style\n- Onjoji Kangakuin and Kojoin (Otsu City, Shiga)\nAsakusa Sensoji in Tokyo\nGeneral information of Japan\nWorld heritage in Japan\nAccommodation in Japan\nJapanese culture (National Treasures)\nJapanese culture 2 (Culture in everyday life)\nSouvenir of Japan\ncontinually updated !\nTravel Diary in Tokyo\nEnglish Guiding Service\n|Copyright(C) Let's Travel in Japan! All Rights Reserved|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Data Binding and Windows Forms\nIn Windows Forms, you can bind to not just traditional data sources, but also to almost any structure that contains data. How the data gets into the structure is not important; thus, you can bind to an array of values that you calculate at run time, read from a file, or derive from the values of other controls.\nFurther, you can bind any property of any control to the data source. In traditional data binding, you typically bind the display property (for example, the Text property of a TextBox control) to the data source. With the .NET Framework, you also have the option of setting other properties via binding as well. Some examples of what you might use binding for include:\n- Setting the graphic of an image control.\n- Setting the background color of one or more controls.\n- Setting the size of controls.\nIn other words, data binding becomes an automatic way of setting any run-time accessible property of any control on the form.\nTypes of Data Binding\nWindows Forms can take advantage of two types of data binding: simple binding and complex binding. Each offers different advantages.\n- Simple Data Binding\n- Simple data binding is the ability of a control to bind to a single data element, such as a value in a column in a dataset table. This is the type of binding typical for controls such as a TextBox control or Label control — that is, a control that typically only displays a single value. In fact, any property on a control can be bound to a field in a database. For more information on simple data binding, see Creating a Simple-Bound Control on a Windows Form.\n- Complex Data Binding\n- Complex data binding is the ability of a control to bind to more than one data element, typically more than one record in a database, or to more than one of any other type of bindable data element. Examples of controls that support complex binding are the DataGrid, ListBox, and ErrorProvider controls.\nCommon Scenarios That Employ Data Binding\nIn taking a view of the entire body of Windows applications, you will discover that nearly every commercial application uses information read from data sources of one sort or another, often by way of data binding. Below is a rundown of a few of the most common scenarios that utilize data binding as the method of data presentation and manipulation.\n- Reports provide a flexible way for you to display and summarize your data in a printed document. It is very common to create a report that prints selected contents of a data source either to the screen or to a printer. Common reports include lists, invoices, and summaries. Items are usually formatted into columns of lists, with sub-items organized under each list item, but it is always wisest to choose the layout that best suits the data.\n- Data Entry\n- A common way to enter large amounts of related data or to prompt users for information is through a data entry form. Users can enter information or select choices using text boxes, option buttons, drop-down lists, and check boxes. Information is then submitted and stored in a database, whose structure is based on the information entered.\n- Master/Detail Relationship\n- A master/detail application is one format for looking at related data. Specifically, there are two tables of data with a relation connecting them (in the classic business example, a \"Customers\" table and an \"Orders\" table with a relationship between them linking customers and their respective orders). For more information on creating a master/detail application with two Windows Forms DataGrid controls, see Creating Master-Details Lists with the Windows Forms DataGrid Control.\n- Lookup Table\n- Another common data presentation/manipulation scenario is the table lookup. Often, as part of a larger data display, a ComboBox control is used to display and manipulate data. The key is that the data displayed in the ComboBox control is different than the data written to the database. For example, if you had a ComboBox control displaying the items available from a grocery store, you would probably like to see the names of the products (bread, milk, eggs). However, to ease information retrieval within the database and for database normalization, you would probably store the information for the specific items of a given order as item numbers (#501, #603, and so on). Thus, there is an implicit connection between the \"friendly name\" of the grocery item in the ComboBox control on your form and the related item number that is present in an order. This is the essence of a table lookup. For more information on creating an application featuring a table lookup, see Creating a Lookup Table for a Windows Forms ComboBox, ListBox, or CheckedListBox Control.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How To Get What You Want – This website collects projects, global workshops and events, references, tutorials, and more for wearable technology and soft circuits. It has a unique section on techniques that aren’t finished projects, but might spark ideas.\nFashioning Tech – Syuzi Pakhchyan is an experience designer whose work investigates the intersection between code, cloth and culture. If you like the blog, you might also like her book.\ne-Textiles in a Box – Free resource from the National Council of Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) provides activities that teach about sewing soft circuits and programming.\nStitching the Loop – A project-based electronic textile unit for Exploring Computer Science, a high school intro level CS course, but could be adapted for lower grades. Free downloadable guides offer extensive teacher and student resources.\nSoft Robotics Toolkit – Resources to support the design, fabrication, and control of soft robotic devices, originally developed by the Harvard Biodesign Lab with additional contributions such as an open source fluidic control board, soft actuators and sensors, and other downloadable files. Hosts an annual design competition.\nSew Electric – by Leah Buechley, Kanjun Qiu, and Sonja de Boer. This book contains projects ranging from simple to complex that teach different aspects of sewing with electronics, leading up to programming the Lilypad Arduino.\nArduino Wearables – by Tony Olsson. This book is a project-based introduction to wearable computing, prototyping, and smart materials using the Arduino platform. Each of the ten chapters takes you all the way from idea to finished project, gradually increasing in complexity and challenge.\nSewing School: 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make – This beautifully photographed spiral-bound book by Andria Lisle will help kids age 5-13 develop sewing skills to support your eTextile projects or inspire projects that may be electrified! There are projects that will appeal to both boys and girls, and the photos are gender-balanced.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In Canada, people who inject drugs have led long, hard-fought, and ongoing campaigns for human rights-based drug policies and health services. Unfortunately, this community activism has often been met with varying degrees of government and healthcare system inaction.\nFor example, people who inject drugs have historically had limited access to essential harm reduction services like supervised consumption sites and needle and syringe distribution programs. The substandard availability and accessibility of services such as these persists in many settings today. As such, people who inject drugs have inequitably high rates of hepatitis C and HIV – bloodborne viruses that often are passed on by sharing contaminated injection drug equipment, such as needles, syringes and cookers.\nMedications to treat these bloodborne viruses are available. In recent years, direct-acting antivirals have taken over as the first-line treatment for hepatitis C. Direct-acting antivirals represent a “game changer” in hepatitis C care, as these well-tolerated and highly effective medications cure most people of hepatitis C in eight to 12 weeks. As efforts to scale up access to direct-acting antiviral medications across Canada are underway, however, it is critical that hepatitis C care providers do not simply adopt a stance of “if we build it, they will come.”\nBarriers to hepatitis C treatment persist\nFiguring out where and how to access direct-acting antivirals can be challenging, particularly as the healthcare system adapts and “catches up” to these new treatments. To make matters worse, hepatitis C care in Canada has been criticized for existing in poorly linked siloes. This means that people who inject drugs and people with hepatitis C often are often referred elsewhere for testing and treatment, such as from one’s primary care provider to a specialist physician. Inadequate support throughout these referral processes can cause people to “fall through the cracks” and not make it through to hepatitis C treatment.\nAt the same time, it is well known that people who inject drugs face stigma and mistreatment when seeking out hepatitis C treatment. Some healthcare providers worry that people who inject drugs will just become re-infected after being cured of hepatitis C. Meanwhile, others withhold treatment from those who “actively” use substances, due to a perceived lack of motivation and stability to follow through with treatment.\nWhen people who inject drugs are met with this sort of “gate keeping” and negative attitudes, it can (understandably) deter them from accessing care in the future. For those living with hepatitis C, this could result in their chronic disease being left untreated.\nDespite concerns, new hepatitis C treatments can work\nPeople who inject drugs are eager and fully capable of completing hepatitis C treatment. In one British Columbia study from 2018, 90% of people who inject drugs who were treated with direct-acting antivirals were cured of their hepatitis C.\nIn light of promising research such as this, all provinces and territories across Canada have expanded access to hepatitis C treatments. From 2017 to 2018, British Columbia and several other provinces across Canada removed restrictions on prescribing direct-acting antivirals to people who use drugs or have advanced liver disease. Direct-acting antivirals are now openly available to all people living with hepatitis C.\nWhile this recent policy development is call for celebration, there is still a long way to go before these medications will be truly accessible to all people who inject drugs.\nBridging service delivery gaps: Decentralized, integrated and peer-led care\nDecentralized health care can facilitate opportunities to engage in hepatitis C care, including direct-acting antiviral treatment. Given recent improvements in the tolerability of hepatitis C medications and their expanded eligibility criteria, it is time to expand hepatitis C care beyond specialist providers.\nHepatologists, infectious disease physicians and other specialist care providers have a central role to play in treating people with clinically complex hepatitis C, such as when an individual has significant co-morbidities or is experiencing end-stage liver disease. However, the vast majority of people who inject drugs and others living with hepatitis C ought to be treated in primary care settings.\nIt has been demonstrated that family physicians and nurse practitioners can feasibly and safely provide comprehensive hepatitis C treatment. Similarly, recent research shows that integrating hepatitis C treatment into other services related to substance use, such as opioid agonist therapy and HIV care, can and does work.\nPeers also have significant potential for engaging and supporting people who inject drugs through hepatitis C care. Peers with lived experience are well positioned to connect people to hepatitis C treatments, including through outreach and in-reach services that are tailored to community needs and preferences. And because many people have had negative experiences with hepatitis C treatments, such as medication side effects or being denied treatment, knowledgeable and trusted sources of health information are greatly needed.\nToward an equity-oriented understanding of hepatitis C care\nEquity-oriented health care can improve hepatitis C treatment experiences and outcomes for people who inject drugs. This requires that healthcare providers pay careful attention to supporting those at greatest risk of poor health and healthcare access, like people who have been previously and unfairly denied hepatitis C treatment on the basis of their substance use. Given that people who inject drugs report experiences of being mistreated within healthcare settings, equity-oriented health care also means that healthcare providers commit to reducing power imbalances and to offering trauma- and violence-informed care.\nTo address the root causes of inequities for people who inject drugs and who are living with hepatitis C, there is also a need to address the broader structural issues affecting this group. This includes much needed efforts to end stigma, criminalization and structural violence.\nTaken as a whole, promising advances in hepatitis C care and treatments are poised to greatly benefit people who inject drugs. Nevertheless, much work remains to ensure the accessibility of equitable hepatitis C care and other health services for people who inject drugs.\nTrevor Goodyear is a registered nurse and graduate student in the master of science in nursing/master of public health program at the University of British Columbia. Building on his graduate research assistant work with the B.C. Centre on Substance Use, Trevor’s thesis research explores the implementation and uptake of hepatitis C treatments among people who inject drugs in British Columbia, Canada.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Expedition 42 crew worked on numerous science investigations Wednesday after releasing the SpaceX Dragon for its splashdown Tuesday. The six orbital lab assistants studied such things as exercise loads in space, plant growth and changes to vision during long duration space missions.\nThe Force Shoes study will help researchers design better training programs and exercise devices for astronauts to improve their musculoskeletal health. The Plant Rotation experiment observes the direction of plant growth in microgravity in anticipation of future crews growing their own food. The Ocular Health experiment is looking at the changes to crew member’s visual, vascular and central nervous system and how long before they return to normal after returning to Earth\nMeanwhile, another spacecraft is preparing to end its stay at the International Space Station. Europe’s fifth and final Automated Transfer Vehicle-5 is being prepared for its undocking from the Zvezda service module Saturday morning. It will reenter Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday afternoon and burn up over the Pacific Ocean.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Above, from left to right: Detail of the January calendar page from The Hours of Jeanne d’Évreux, ca. 1324–28; detail of the activity for the month of January from The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry, 1405–1408/1409; Ewer with Wild Man Finial (detail), late 15th century, German, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, The Cloisters Collection, 1953 (53.20.2).\nIn the Middle Ages, the Christian liturgical year, and not the old Roman calendar, determined the date on which the new year began. The date used differed depending on the period and locale, and coincided with either the Nativity on December 25 or the Annunciation on March 25. However, throughout the Middle Ages, the ancient Roman tradition of January festivities in celebration of the New Year continued unabated. Banquets and gifts were given, and folk rites intended to ensure good fortune and plenty and to stave off disaster and want were performed. The Church discouraged such practices, but found the celebration of the New Year more difficult to suppress than any other calendar tradition inherited from pagan antiquity.\nFeasting is the typical activity for the first month in medieval calendar scenes. The two examples above, from books of hours in the Museum’s collection, allude to classical tradition. (See also the New Year’s feast depicted on the January page of the Très Riches Heures, which shows the Duke on the right, richly robed in blue, celebrating the day on which gifts were exchanged with his household. This is the most elaborate New Year’s feast in the medieval calendar tradition. The large golden vessel in the form of a ship on the far right of the food-laden table is a saltcellar.)\nThe Limbourg brothers, who painted both the Très Riches Heures (now in the collection of the Musée Condé, Chantilly, France), and the Belles Heures, in The Cloisters Collection, for the Duke, participated in these festivities and presented their patron with a work of art on the occasion of the New Year.\nBoehm, Barbara Drake, Abigail Quandt and William Wixom. The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000.\nChambers, E. K. The Medieval Stage. Oxford: 1925.\nHenisch, Ann Bridget. The Medieval Calendar Year. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.\nHusband, Timothy B. The Art of Illumination. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2008.\nLongnon, Jean, and Raymond Cazelles. The Très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry. Preface by Millard Meiss. New York: George Braziller, 1969.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Below are the first 10 and last 10 pages of uncorrected machine-read text (when available) of this chapter, followed by the top 30 algorithmically extracted key phrases from the chapter as a whole.\nIntended to provide our own search engines and external engines with highly rich, chapter-representative searchable text on the opening pages of each chapter. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages.\nDo not use for reproduction, copying, pasting, or reading; exclusively for search engines.\nOCR for page 4\n4 CHAPTER 2 Research Approach The work for this study was planned and structured as locate the events considered relevant for this study. For each follows: event, available reports and docket documents were obtained and were analyzed in search for the relevant information in- 1. Conduct a literature review and a functional hazard analy- cluded in the ACRP 4-01 database. sis (FHA) to improve the research team's understanding Data was collected and a database was created to save this of factors causing or contributing to aircraft overrun and information in an organized manner. When possible, gaps undershoot accidents, as well as to identify existing ap- observed for important parameters were obtained from proaches, procedures and sources of data to support the sources other than accident investigation agencies to com- development of risk models. plement the missing information. A statistical summary of 2. Collect historical accident and incident data from the the database was developed and is presented in this report. sources identified and selected, and develop a compre- Statistical tools and software were used to develop risk mod- hensive database of relevant accidents and incidents that els for frequency and location for each type of accident. These included the causal factors, contributing factors, and models incorporate historical flight and weather conditions operation conditions. to evaluate the level of risk exposure for a specific runway. A 3. Collect historical NOD to support the development of risk rational probabilistic approach was developed to integrate these models. models and to assess the probability of severe consequences for 4. Transform the data to enable comparisons, thus increasing these accidents. Finally, these models were integrated in proto- the pool of available information to develop risk models. type software to facilitate the analysis. 5. Develop three sets of risk models for LDOR, LDUS, and TOOR. Each set included: a frequency model for assessing Literature Review the likelihood of the event, a location model to estimate the probability the aircraft wreckage is located beyond a Risk assessments are utilized in many areas of aviation, given distance from the runway, and a consequence model from designing aircraft systems to establishing operational that integrates the previous frequency and location model standards and air traffic control rules. However, there is little to evaluate the probability of severe consequences. information available for assessing the risk of accidents 6. Develop of a probabilistic approach for the analysis of occurring near and at airports. Previous relevant studies for RSAs that incorporates the models developed in this study. airports can be broadly categorized into four areas: airport 7. Incorporate the approach and models in prototype soft- design, third-party risk, facility risk, and operational risk. ware to demonstrate the feasibility of the analysis approach To assess risk from an airport design standpoint, the U.K. developed. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Safety Regulation Group conducted a study on aircraft overrun risk, which guides air- The research plan followed the diagram depicted in Figure 1. ports on overrun risk assessment and provides advice on how The research team conducted a literature review followed by an to reduce it (CAA 1998). FHA to identify important parameters associated with overrun Another study under this category is AEA Technology's risk and undershoot events, and collected the necessary information assessment of airfield design rules (Eddowes et al. 2001). In to potentially use as independent variables in the risk models. this study, the authors reviewed design standards such as run- After those parameters were identified, the research team way length and reference codes, the runway end safety area screened the existing incident and accident databases to (RESA), separation distances between runways and taxiways,", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The castle was the residence of the Bishops of Glasgow until the last Catholic Archbishop fled to France in 1560. After the 'Glorious Revolution' it had no purpose and all attempts by the Town Council to preserve it were in vain as it was ruthlessly pillaged for its stonework and finally cleared in 1792 to make way for a hospital.\nThe principal building was a massive 15th century tower surrounded by a curtain wall. It stood immediately to the west of the cathedral, now occupied by an empty square.\nIn 1542 Archbishop Dunbar added a twin towered gatehouse placing his heraldic achievements above the door.\nThese were salvaged and are now preserved within the cathedral. It consists of two panels. The first contains the arms of the King of Scots (Dunbar's superior) flanked by two unicorns and surrounded by the Order of the Thistle below which is the cartouche I5 for James V.\nUnderneath are Archbishop Dunbar's personal arms with his episcopal cross and the salmon of St Mungo, patron saint of Glasgow.\nOn the lower shield are the arms of the Sub Deacon of Glasgow, James Houston.\nThe palace needed its fortifications as it was attacked no fewer than six times in the wars of the 16th century. The adjacent cathedral is pock marked by bullets, and lead shot is embedded in the chapter house door – stormy times!\nArticle by Scottish Castles Association member Brian McGarrigle.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "OBJECTIVEThe purpose of the present research was to explore the sexual behaviors of 2- to 7-year-old children through reports of day-care personnel. An overall aim of this exploratory study was to provide information about the frequencies of child sexual behaviors. Also, the aim was to explore any age and gender differences.METHODA representative sample of 364 Finnish children not screened for developmental delay, sexual abuse history or psychiatric problems (181 girls and 183 boys) in 190 day-care centers were studied using the \"Day-Care Sexuality Questionnaire\" (DCSQ), with 244 sexual and other behavior items.RESULTSAge influenced more the extent of the 244 sexual behaviors of boys than of girls. In sexual behaviors increasing with age, girls showed behaviors with a more social character, whereas boys showed more explorative and information-seeking behaviors. Girls had a higher frequency of domestic and gender role exploring behaviors, whereas the boys tended to engage in explorative acting and information-seeking behaviors.CONCLUSIONSThe results suggest that child sexual behavior reported by day-care personnel may provide useful information about the development of children's sexuality. Implications for sexual abuse investigations were discussed.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "John Green teaches you about the (English) colonies in what is now the United States. He covers the first permanent English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, the various theocracies in Massachusetts, the feudal kingdom in Maryland, and even a bit about the spooky lost colony at Roanoke Island. What were the English doing in America, anyway? Lots of stuff. In Virginia, the colonists were largely there to make money. In Maryland, the idea was to create a a colony for Catholics who wanted to be serfs of the Lords Baltimore. In Massachusetts, the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to find a place where they could freely persecute those who didn't share their beliefs. But there was a healthy profit motive in Massachusetts as well. Profits were thin at first, and so were the colonists. Trouble growing food and trouble with the natives kept the early colonies from success.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Web server auditing can go a long way in enforcing tighter security and ensuring business continuity. The power of log data is tremendous. Web server logs record valuable information pertaining to usage, errors, and other important security events. Using a specialized auditing tool can be extremely helpful during the audit of web servers. In your discussion this week, please discuss the methods of identifying weak web server configurations and how to mitigate them for a secure web server. Possible concepts to include are SSL certificates, HTTPS usage, attack surface, SQL injection, vulnerability migration, and least privilege. In at least one of your peer responses, provide an overview of how to audit the web server’s security, and implement best practices.\n- Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor\n- Provide extensive additional information on the topic\n- Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail\n- Share an applicable personal experience\n- Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)\n- Make an argument concerning the topic.\nAt least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread.\nWhat is an EDM system? Provide an example of an EDM system. What are some advantages and disadvantages with an EDM system?\nPlease be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.\nThe post and responses are valued at 40 points. Please review post and response expectations. Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Cervical cancer is the third-most common cancer among women in the world. It is also the second-most frequent cause of cancer-related death. For women in developing countries, it is often the most common cause of cancer-related death.\nFactors that can increase the risk of getting cervical cancer are compiled below, as quoted from Reader's Digest.\nThe most common and well-known risk factor for cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. It infects about 80 per cent of sexually active people. With at least 200 types of HPV, few have high risks for cervical cancer as most of the time the body clears the infection by itself. However, there are some instances that render the body unable to clear the infection.\n\"It's pretty uncommon to find a cervix cancer that is not HPV-related,\" says Robert DeBernardo, gynecologic oncologist at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States.\n2. BIRTH CONTROL PILLS\nResearchers believe that hormones like estrogen and progesterone found in birth control pills make cervical cells more vulnerable to HPV infection. At least 24 studies have indicated that using oral contraceptives for five or more years is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer.\nSmoking already has a wide array of problems, from increasing the risk of lung cancer and problems with pregnancy, it also has the risk of developing cervical cancer. The cigarette carcinogens make the immune system in the body more vulnerable, leaving it unable to fight off the HPV infection, which could eventually cause cervical cancer.\n4. WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM\nThe immune system is very important in fighting off HPV infections - it is the reason why the body can clear out most HPV infections by itself. But a weak immune system will not be able to perform its function optimally.\nAside from that, the immune system can slow down and destroy the spread of cancer cells, and people with HIV or AID problems are vulnerable to any form of cancer, including cervical cancer.\n5. SEXUAL HISTORY\nWomen in polygamous relationships and who have multiple sexual partners can increase the risk of HPV.\nAccording to research by the Cleveland clinic, women who had sex before the age of 16 have a greater chance of getting cervical cancer.\n6. UNHEALTHY DIET\nStudies have indicated that income can be associated with cervical cancer. Women with lower incomes have higher risks of cervical cancer, as they are not exposed to healthier food over the course of their lifetimes. The best diet to reduce the risk of cervical cancer is a balanced diet with fruit and vegetables.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Can a microphone be built to enhance the ability to record the voices of ghosts?\nThe recording of ghost voices is known as electronic voice phenomena, or EVP for short. Unexplainable voices being heard during the use of electronic devices was discovered as early as the 1930's, though it's been said that Nikola Tesla might have been the first to notice disembodied voices in 1898 being transmitted by his Colorado radio tower. This might have been the first ghost microphone to have been unwittingly invented. Later, scientists would come along who devoted their time to diligently record and document their findings about ghost voices. The first to make EVP recordings was Friedrich Juergenson.\nAs legend would have it, in 1959 the Swedish film producer was outdoors recording bird calls when he discovered hearing his deceased mother's voice speaking to him upon playback of the audio tape. This led to Juergenson experimenting with EVP and, over time, recording hundreds of ghost voices. He is now considered to be the “father of EVP.”\nFascinated by the work of Juergenson, Latvian psychologist Dr. Konstantin Raudive began his own EVP experiments. He would eventually record and study thousands of disembodied voices, creating a system of classification for electronic voice phenomenon in order to rate the quality and clarity of the messages.\nDuring his experiments, he solicited help in building a microphone to enhance his EVP experiments. Using a Germanium Diode as an external microphone, he found he received greater results. More ghost voices were recorded. Incredibly, those who have experimented with the Raudive Diode claim that the device will not allow your audio recorder to record human voices, even if people are talking in the same room!\nThis schematic is the design used by Dr. Raudive to record ghost voices. The Raudive Diode schematic. L1 = .5mh coil, R1 = 100k resistor, D1 = 1N34A germanium diode.\nA Germanium Diode picks up AM radio frequencies so, when using one to record EVP, it should be placed inside a Faraday Cage. A Faraday Cage is used to block all outside AM radio transmissions from reaching the ghost microphone.\nAnother method of using the Germanium Diode that's achieved success is to simply attach one to a microphone jack and plug it directly into your digital audio recorder. (If using an older, cassette tape recorder, you will need to use a connecting wire placed between the recorder and diode to keep it away from the motor noise which may cause interference. This set-up makes it easier to incorporate the Faraday Cage.)\nWhen using a digital recorder, you may need to cover the external microphone if it does not disengage automatically. It will depend on your recorder, as the power level of the diode is quite low and may not signal the audio recorder to switch from the internal microphone to an external one. Also, because you might be unable to incorporate a Faraday Cage using this technique, you will need to be wary of radio broadcasts, limiting positive results to only credible phrased answers to questions. One word, irrelevant responses should not be considered. This will reduce the chance of AM radio snippets being mistaken for EVP in your recording.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "ODESSA, Ukraine — In the Ukrainian tourist destination of Odessa, a port on the Black Sea, holidaymakers mingle with internally displaced people from the country’s war-torn east, local Roma, students, and economic migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus, Africa and Asia.\nYet the air carries something less healthy than sea breezes: tuberculosis.\nOdessa has the highest rate of TB in Ukraine, with 110 cases per 100,000 people in 2016, and rising fast. Closely linked with migration, instability and poverty, controlling this airborne disease takes on additional urgency this year as Ukraine seeks to integrate into Europe thanks to a new visa-free regime. Part of a migration corridor from Central Asia and the Caucasus to Russia and Western Europe, Ukraine has at least 5 million citizens working abroad, according to its foreign ministry: in Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Russia and Germany. Another 1.5 million people have been internally displaced by the war in the east of the country.\n“Ukraine should pay special attention to TB because it’s a very sensitive topic for Europe” — Alexey Bobrik, World Health Organization’s technical officer\n“Ukraine should pay special attention to TB because it’s a very sensitive topic for Europe,” said Alexey Bobrik, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) technical officer for HIV, TB and viral hepatitis in Ukraine. “I’m talking about global security and transmission of TB through borders.”\nTuberculosis was largely wiped out in Western Europe in the early 20th century through treatment, improved health monitoring and awareness, and higher living standards. Since the Soviet Union collapsed the disease has returned with a vengeance in former Soviet states. Ukraine declared a TB epidemic in 1995.\nSince then, the country has received huge amounts of international aid to tackle TB and its twin epidemic, HIV. But weak political will and chronic distrust of the country’s corrupt health system has held back progress. While overall TB rates are gradually falling, in places like Odessa they continue to rise. More worryingly, Ukraine is one of the leading countries in the world for multi-drug resistant (MDR) forms of TB, which do not respond to traditional treatment.\nA quarter of newly diagnosed cases of TB in Ukraine in 2016 were MDR-TB, according to WHO. Cure rates for resistant forms are the lowest among all MDR-TB burden countries: 38 percent. In Odessa, where TB-HIV co-infection is rife, the overall TB cure rate last year was just 43 percent. “That basically shows you how effective the health system is here, which is a shame for a European country,” Bobrik said.\nUkraine’s TB system has changed little since Soviet times. It’s based on in-patient treatment lasting months or even years in TB clinics and sanatoriums, often located in once-beautiful historical buildings that are in disrepair and unsuited to modern infectious disease control and patient needs.\n“We can’t provide proper treatment conditions,” said Dr. Oksana Leonenko-Brodetskaya, who heads Odessa city’s TB clinic. It's housed in a peeling pink classical building in the city center. “We’ve no individual isolated wards, and no phasing system of existing wards, and so cross-infection occurs.”\nAccording to modern international standards, isolated in-patient treatment is not the answer to TB anyway — early and accurate diagnosis, early treatment and retention of patients on an ambulatory basis is. Most patients stop being infectious within days or weeks of starting treatment. In a country with no job or social security, and in a city like Odessa with a large migrant population, expecting patients to stay for months in poorly equipped hospitals is unrealistic, unnecessary and hugely expensive.\n\"Ukraine can’t afford it,” Bobrik said. “You can spend your funding on TB dispensaries and a lot of health workers who sit in these dispensaries and don’t go to patients. Or instead of that, you can create an out-patient model.”\nRetaining out-patients requires a change of approach. More than 20 percent of newly diagnosed patients in Odessa in 2016 were migrants and non-residents of the city. Many — although far from all — are among the most disadvantaged members of society: the homeless, drug users, former prisoners. The stigma around TB is another reason patients try not to be associated with TB treatment centers.\n“They all try to disappear,” Leonenko-Brodetskaya said of her patients, claiming many register with false addresses and fall off the grid as soon as they start to feel better.\nEveryone concerned with TB in Odessa speaks about a taxi driver or a market trader still working with active TB and a fake health certificate, because they can’t afford to stop. The stories may be apocryphal but Maria Kochetova, who spent three months in a TB ward earlier this year, recalled patients there who stopped taking medication, checked out early or simply disappeared. Even among patients, there’s an instinct to blame other patients for spread of the disease.\nKochetova also recalled several patients dying of a disease which, if caught early enough, should be treatable. Kochetova’s doctors didn’t expect her to survive either. The 34-year-old called an ambulance only after weeks of what she told herself was flu. She’d never considered herself at risk from TB: She wasn’t homeless; she didn’t use drugs; she had a regular job as a cleaner.\nDoctors told her it started with an earlier bout of pneumonia she’d left untreated because she couldn’t afford it.\n“It’d cost money if I ended up in hospital,” she said. “I’m not the only one who does this; everyone keeps going until they fall down because they know hospital is so expensive.”\nUkrainian health care is theoretically free. In practice, patients pay for services and medication through an entrenched system of kickbacks to medical staff trying to supplement painfully low salaries. Kochetova was fortunate that once she did end up in hospital, her active TB was diagnosed within three days instead of three weeks, and TB treatment is genuinely free. But during those three days, she says she had to pay more than 1,000 Ukrainian hryvnia (€33) for various services — that’s two weeks' wages for a junior medical worker.\n“They fleece you for everything,” she said.\nNon-hospitalized patients have to make daily trips to clinics to get medicines, which are supposed to be taken under observation to ensure patients complete treatment courses of up to two years for MDR-TB. Failure to complete courses leads not just to further illness but to more development of drug-resistant forms. The daily travel is onerous, especially for those with no income or fixed living place, or from rural areas.\nPrograms run by state clinics and nongovernment organizations in Odessa provide a solution: psycho-social support and incentives for patients to adhere to treatment by bringing medicines to their homes and providing other aid such as food parcels, bus tickets or mobile phone credit. Odessa city has also tried to incentivize medical staff. Under a pioneer bonus system to boost primary care diagnosis rates, family GPs receive 2,000 hryvnia (€66) for every fast, accurate TB diagnosis and referral. Last year, city authorities paid 200 bonuses from the 1,113 newly diagnosed cases.\nIn future, the city wants to keep TB treatment and monitoring within the ambulatory primary health care system, with bonuses for medical staff based on successful treatment outcomes.\nThese innovations are in line with overall Ukraine health reforms now in legislative limbo. These would change the old Soviet centralized model of funding institutions based on number of staff and hospital beds irrespective of numbers of patients and their needs, to patient-centered, results-based funding. Regions would have more autonomy to allocate funds to primary medicine, and to NGOs to provide services. The reforms should make most key health services genuinely free for patients.\nAlthough backed by the EU and by international agencies that have largely underwritten Ukraine’s TB and HIV programming, parliament shelved the draft financing laws until the fall, and there is widespread opposition. In Odessa’s medical community, the reforms are surrounded by doubt and rumor, from fears they will cut jobs, to accusations that their real purpose is to sell off valuable real estate now used as clinics.\nExamples from other post-Soviet and eastern bloc countries show that the transition to a new model is indeed painful, but can be achieved. With the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria — Ukraine’s main health donor funding the majority of HIV and TB response — due to pull out of the region in 2020, Ukraine has little time left to find a domestic answer to its epidemics and its failing health system.\n“For Eastern Europe it’s a particularly acute issue,” said Michel Kazatchkine, former director of the Global Fund. “Increasing epidemics, low coverage with treatment and prevention, no readiness and in some cases no willingness to pay for services for vulnerable people … nothing is ready.”\nIn his current role as U.N. special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Kazatchkine is lobbying for health reform in Ukraine to ease the transition once external funding stops.\n“I would be less pessimistic than I was a year-and-a-half ago because I see changes. I’m seeing more political commitment,” he said. “AIDS and TB are on the agenda.”", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Date: January 12, 2018\nLocation: PSB 160/161\nSpeaker: Clifford Will, Professor of Physics (University of Florida)\nTitle: Was Einstein Right?\nAbstract: Einstein formulated general relativity 100 years ago. Although it is generally considered a great triumph, the theory’s early years were characterized by conceptual confusion, empirical uncertainties and a lack of relevance to ordinary physics. But in recent decades, a remarkably diverse set of precision experiments has established it as the “standard model” for gravitational physics. Yet it might not be the final word. We review a century of measurements that have verified general relativity, and describe some of the opportunities and challenges involved in testing Einstein’s great theory using recently detected gravitational waves.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2016\n|Posté le: Mar 20 Juin - 12:38 (2017) Sujet du message: A Divinity For All Persuasions: Almanacs And Early American\nA Divinity for All Persuasions uncovers the religious signifiance of early America's most ubiquitous popular genre. Other than a Bible and perhaps a few schoolbooks and sermons, almanacs were the only printed items most Americans owned before 1820. Purchased annually, the almanac was a calendar and astrologically-based medical handbook surrounded by poetry, essays, anecdotes, and a variety of practical information.\nEmploying a wealth of archival material, T.J. Tomlin analyzes the pan-Protestant sensibility distributed through the almanac's pages between 1730 and 1820. By disseminating a collection of Protestant concepts regarding God's existence, divine revelation, the human condition, and the afterlife, almanacs played an unparalleled role in early American religious life. Influenced by readers' opinions and printers' pragmatism, the religious content of everyday print supports an innovative interpretation of early American cultural and religious history. In sharp contrast to a historiography centered on intra-Protestant competition, Tomlin shows that most early Americans relied on a handful of Protestant \"essentials\" rather than denominational specifics to define and organize their religious lives.\nbound: 240 pages\npublisher: Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (April 1, 2017)\nisbn: 0190669586, 978-0190669584,\nweight: 12 ounces (", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Industrial valve is a kind of necessary element inside of pneumatic actuator and its function is to control the current passing through. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out some ways to prolong the industrial valve and pneumatic actuators lifespan.\nThe double offset butterfly valve is gradually improved by the ordinary butterfly valve to adapt to different working conditions. The earliest butterfly valve structure is mainly the center door panel structure, similar to the adjustment butterfly valve, that is, the axis of the valve stem and the butterfly plate coincides with the center of the valve body pipe.\nThe triple offset butterfly valve has a slanting circular shape (the third eccentricity of the so-called triple eccentricity) except that the wide rod and the valve plate have two eccentricities.\nThe closing of the butterfly valve online (disc) in the middle of the medium, when the design should consider the influence of the convective resistance.\nFurther improved molding on the basis of the single offset butterfly valve is currently the most widely used double offset butterfly valve. The structural feature is that the stem axis is offset from the center of the disc and from the center of the body.\nThe difference of ball valve and globe valve is following:fluid resistance,structure,sealing face,operate type,maintain and applications field etc,ball have soft seated ball valve and metal seated ball valve,that’s depend on difference working conditions.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Shalom and welcome to the Parsha in 60 seconds\nToday’s portion is from Genesis 6:9-11:32 it is called Noah\nNoah was a righteous man and walked with God. He had three sons. God saw that the world had gone bad.\nGod tells Noah to build an ark because God would cause a flood. During the building process, all the people TROLLED him. When the flood came Noah, his family and all the animals were in the ark and God shut them in. The rains fell 40 days and 40 nights, the waters destroyed all life and 150 days later the waters receded.\nGod made a covenant that never again would a flood destroy the earth and set the rainbow in the clouds as a sign.\nNoah planted a vineyard, got wasted and was naked within his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers. Shem and Japheth placed a cloth on their father, without seeing their father’s nakedness. When Noah woke up he cursed Ham’s son Canaan to become the lowest of slaves to Japheth and Shem. Noah lived to the age of 950 and then died.\nSeveral generations later the earth was populated by many nations.\nEveryone on earth spoke the same language and they all decided to make a huge tower. God confounded their speech, so that they could not understand each another, and scattered them over the face of the earth. Thus the city was called Babel.\nNine generations after Shem, Abram married Sarai. Sarai was barren. Abram’s father relocated them to Haran and died.\nAnd that is Noah in 60 seconds.\nBecome a Facebook Fan\nSubscribe to YouTube Channel", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Please Enter a Question First\nClick Question to Get Free Answers >\nQuestion from Class 12 Maths Chapter Default\nLoading DoubtNut Solution for you\n16.3 K+ views | 47.1 K+ people like this\nShare This Video\n81.4 K+ Views | 16.8 K+ Likes\n159.7 K+ Views | 346.9 K+ Likes\n163.6 K+ Views | 253.8 K+ Likes\n65.2 K+ Views | 126.0 K+ Likes\n388.5 K+ Views | 348.2 K+ Likes\n49.0 K+ Views | 108.1 K+ Likes\n50.0 K+ Views | 106.8 K+ Likes\n121.5 K+ Views | 8.4 K+ Likes\n17.4 K+ Views | 19.8 K+ Likes\n24.5 K+ Views | 35.5 K+ Likes\n105.2 K+ Views | 311.8 K+ Likes\n94.3 K+ Views | 22.8 K+ Likes\n60.0 K+ Views | 148.9 K+ Likes\n96.1 K+ Views | 202.2 K+ Likes\n14.3 K+ Views | 14.3 K+ Likes\n38.6 K+ Views | 39.9 K+ Likes\n25.3 K+ Views | 21.8 K+ Likes\n18.7 K+ Views | 25.7 K+ Likes\n85.4 K+ Views | 276.7 K+ Likes\nLatest Blog Post\nCBSE schools to include AI and Python topics in the syllabus of Classes 8 and 9 students in 2020. Get here info on the new curriculum and learning modules.\nCBSE has introduced two levels of Class 10 Maths exam applicable from 2020. Get info on CBSE exam pattern, marking scheme and class 10 maths sample papers.\nCBSE schools to become \"water-efficient\" within the next three years. Know here latest CBSE prescribed guidelines to battle water crisis.\nIndian origin economist Abhijit Banerjee has won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences. Know more about Dr. Banerjee and his life.\nCentre is planning to launch 'Vigyan Jyoti' programme to promote STEM Education among girl students. Know here the details of the programme.\nGet here the essential preparation tips to score maximum marks in the physics section of JEE Main 2020.\nJuggling between JEE Main exam and CBSE board exam preparation is quite a task in itself. Get here tips to manage CBSE boards and JEE Main preparation.\nCBSE has released Class 10 Science sample papers for board exams 2020. Know here Class 10 science exam pattern, marking scheme, and sample papers.\nGet here CBSE 2020 class 12 board exam preparation tips, marking scheme, and sample papers that class 12 students must follow to score excellent marks.\nNCERT books are essential for JEE Main preparation. Know here the reasons to study NCERT textbooks for JEE Main 2020 and strategise your preparations.\nApne doubts clear karein ab Whatsapp par bhi. Try it now.\nAb clear karein apne doubts Whatsapp par bhi. Apna phone number register karein.\nHurray!! Ab aap Whatsapp pe solutions paa saktey h, hum aapko message karenge.\nHurray!! Ab aap Whatsapp pe solutions paa saktey h, hum aapko ping karenge\nPOPULAR CHAPTERS BY CLASS :", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Laptop expertise is evolving sooner than ever before and demand for computer professionals with the fitting skills is at an all time high. Learn concerning the Topic: As soon as you find one you want, you possibly can learn more about that problem by looking at a few of the hyperlinked articles. They produced stories showing the damage to the setting virtually as quickly as any news was launched from the realm.\nExcept some unfortunate people, all of us miss those good previous instances but it has nothing to do with Know-how. Certification and continuing schooling lessons assist data know-how and pc science professionals to maintain up with the most recent developments in applied sciences.\nThey know that the pc holds an enormous amount of information that is obtainable for anybody who can ask for it. Their very own background using computer systems positions them effectively for the evolutionary adjustments that may occur in the future. Expertise can be utilized for good or bad functions, Satan has no say in either state of affairs! Do not be afraid to take action even in the event you aren’t as comfortable with technology as your child is. These youngsters are in a position to adapt to the adjustments in know-how that can be applied in future years. A bachelor’s degree is usually thought of the minimal requirement for entry-level employment.\nI’ve discovered that many pc science majors are additionally excited by different technological developments and science generally so some web sites under will also cowl that. An important on-line comic for a good snigger and insightful viewpoints on matters related to expertise and science.\nOur worldwide, internetworked computer dependent society does indeed expertise a long duration collapse as the results of an unrecoverable laptop glitch/hack. Very similar to the 10 12 months olds within the 12 months 1911, today’s 10 yr olds will both be affected by technology change or they would be the devices of that change. Individuals who thrive on struggling or have concern fueled greed will always be an issue, with or without know-how. I believe it’s important that children not only learn how to use computers, but understand the ethical implications of technology as well. The pc may be given the same process thousands and thousands of occasions and it will do it precisely the same every time. If you know what you are doing on this life you’ll be able to have know-how AND nonetheless have family values, frequent sense, and any variety of other fascinating traits/behaviors. However these are a small number of things that a 10 12 months baby sees the computer doing.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Difference between revisions of \"Verb reduplication with \"yi\"\"\nRevision as of 08:58, 6 September 2012\nOne way to reduplicate verbs is to insert 一 (yī), in the following structure:\nVerb + 一 + Verb\nAs with simple verb reduplication, this creates a sense that the verb is done briefly or \"a little bit\".\n- 给 我 看 一 看。\n- 你 听 一 听。\n- 去 试 一 试。\nSources and further reading\n- New Practical Chinese Reader 2 (新实用汉语课本2) (pp. 18) →buy\n- Contemporary Chinese 1 (当代中文1) (pp. 125) →buy\n- Practicing HSK Grammar (语法精讲精炼) (pp. 152-160) →buy", "label": "No"} +{"text": "244 pages, illustrations\nAIDS is not caused by HIV. Coal and oil are not fossil fuels. Radiation exposure is good for you. Distributing more guns reduces crime. These ideas make headlines, but most educated people scoff at them. Yet some of science's most important concepts – from gravity to evolution – have surfaced from the pool of crazy ideas. In fact, a good part of science is distinguishing between useful crazy ideas and those that are just plain nutty. In Nine Crazy Ideas in Science, a well-known physicist with an affinity for odd ideas applies his open mind to nine controversial propositions on topical subjects. Some, it turns out, are considerably lower on the cuckoo scale than others.\nRobert Ehrlich evaluates, for the general reader or student, nine seemingly far-out propositions culled from physics, biology, and social science. In the process, he demonstrates in easy-to-understand terms how to weigh an argument, judge someone's use of statistics, identify underlying assumptions, and ferret out secret agendas. His conclusions are sometimes surprising. For instance, he finds that while HIV does cause AIDS and the universe almost certainly started with a big bang, our solar system could have two suns, faster-than-light particles might exist, and time travel can't be ruled out as mere science fiction.\nAnyone interested in unorthodox ideas will get a kick out of Nine Crazy Ideas in Science. And, as a fun way of learning how to think like a scientist, it has enormous educational value. Of course, only time will tell whether any of these nine ideas will be the next continental drift – the now orthodox account of the Earth's geology that was for years just a crazy idea.\n\"Modern science, especially physics, is replete with outlandish ideas that defy common sense and intuition. It is almost impossible for the non-scientist to discriminate between the legitimately weird and the outright crackpot [...] Robert Ehrlich has assembled a fascinating collection of apparently crazy ideas, and subjected them to careful analysis [...] Ehrlich points out how statistics can be misleadingly presented [...] and how the distinction between effects that are causally related and those that are merely correlated often gets blurred.\"\n– Paul Davies, Nature\n\"Clear and lively [...] Ehrlich [...] is entertaining, but the genuine value of his book lies in the analyses [...] An important addition to an underpopulated genre of science books: It critically examines both sides of interesting, important, and unsettled arguments.\"\n– William H. Ingham, Physics Today\n\"Physicist Robert Ehrlich has come up with a lovely idea for a discussion of how science works. His book is a light-hearted treatment of bizarre-but-not-manifestly-impossible ideas that have burdened scientific literature over the past decades. What is valuable is that Ehrlich uses scientific methodology to subject these ideas (not all wrong!) to critical examination. He has a low-key, pleasing style and uses no math.\"\n– Leon Lederman, 1988 Nobel Laureate in Physics\n\"At any time, there are ideas at the fringe of science, some too crazy to be true, some not crazy enough. Physicist Robert Ehrlich gives a levelheaded tour of today's frontiers-and sticks his neck out by rating each idea he considers. You surely won't agree with him, but you'll have fun trying to figure out why.\"\n– James S. Trefil, author of A Scientist in the City and Other Worlds\n\"Ehrlich's book puts life into a novel idea: a fresh view of the most controversial scientific notions of our time, which are always intriguing, often interesting, occasionally seemingly impossible, and sometimes downright fool-hardy ideas. It's informative, entertaining, and provocative reading, inviting the reader to wonder how the scientific mind can differ so much.\"\n– Robert C. Gallo, MD, Director, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland\n\"An excellent, thought-provoking read for those interested in science.\"\n– Geoff Wexler, Times Higher Education Supplement\n1. Introduction 3\n2. More Guns Means Less Crime 13\n3. AIDS Is Not Caused by HIV 33\n4. Sun Exposure Is Beneficial 57\n5. Low Doses of Nuclear Radiation Are Beneficial 73\n6. The Solar System Has Two Suns 102\n7. Oil, Coal, and Gas Have Abiogenic Origins 122\n8. Time Travel Is Possible 146\n9. Faster-than-Light Particles Exist 172\n10. There Was No Big Bang 194\n11. Epilogue 215\nNotes to the Chapters 221\nThere are currently no reviews for this product. Be the first to review this product!\nRobert Ehrlich is Professor of Physics at George Mason University. His books include Why Toast Lands Jelly-Side Down and Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "January is almost done, so this is a long-overdue first blogpost of 2014. As usual, the delay has been due to a lack of time for blogging. Among other distractions, I’m writing a new book – my fifth on early medieval history – of which more will be said in the near future. This post is a kind of spin-off from that project and deals with a topic I’ve blogged about before: the battle of Brunanburh, fought in AD 937, one of the most famous events of the Viking Age.\nOur earliest source is an Old English poem, probably composed within ten years of the battle and inserted in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. In stirring words, the poet celebrates the great victory at Brunanburh in which the English king Athelstan defeated an alliance of Vikings, Scots and (not mentioned in the poem) Strathclyde Britons. Some thirty years later, a briefer account of the battle was written by Aethelweard, a high-ranking English nobleman, in his Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Aethelweard refers not to ‘Brunanburh’ but to ‘Brunandun’, one of several alternative names for the battlefield.\nThe Old English poem describes Scots fighting at Brunanburh under their grey-haired king Constantin, but Aethelweard mentions Picts as well. This requires a bit of explanation, as the Picts are usually thought to have ‘disappeared’ by about 900. Not that they vanished in a physical sense – they simply merged with the Scots or, to put it another way, they adopted a ‘Scottish’ identity.\nConstantin’s kingdom, known by the Gaelic name Alba, was created in the late ninth century. Its royal dynasty – founded by Constantin’s grandfather, Cináed mac Ailpín, who died in 858 – was basically a family of Gaelic-speaking Picts. And, although Constantin’s predecessor was the first of the dynasty to be described in the Irish annals not as rex Pictorum (‘king of the Picts’) but as ri Albain (‘king of Alba���), the name Alba might really mean ‘Pictland’ anyway. So, even though Pictishness was being replaced by Scottishness before 900, the change was still fairly recent when Aethelweard wrote his chronicle in c.980, and even more recent in 937. Aethelweard’s reference to Pictish warriors fighting at Brunanburh might not be as anachronistic as it seems.\nMore could be said, of course, especially if we bring in the modern scholarship on Aethelweard’s writings to discuss his use of the term Picti. But this is meant to be a quick blogpost, so I’ll simply end it with the relevant passage from Aethelweard’s chronicle:\n‘Nine hundred years plus twenty-six more had passed from the glorious Incarnation of our Saviour when the all-powerful king Athelstan assumed the crown of empire. Thirteen years later there was a huge battle against barbarians at Brunandun, which is still called the `great battle’ by common folk to the present day. Then the barbarian forces were overcome on all sides and no longer held superiority. Afterwards, he drove them from the shores of the sea, and the Scots and Picts alike bent their necks. The fields of Britain were joined as one, everywhere was at peace and had an abundance of all things. No fleet has since advanced against these shores and stayed without the consent of the English.’\n* * * * *\nNotes & References\nThe standard edition of the Latin text is by Alistair Campbell, The Chronicle of Aethelweard (London, 1961).\nSee also: Leslie Whitbread, ‘Aethelweard and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’ English Historical Review vol.74 (1959), 577-89.\nAethelweard is one of the few writers from this period who wasn’t a monk. His career as an ealdorman (royal official) involved him in high-level politics, on which see Scott Ashley ‘The lay intellectual in Anglo-Saxon England’, pp.218-45 in Patrick Wormald & Janet Nelson (eds.) Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2007).\n* * * * * * *", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Price: ₹ 345.00\n(as of Apr 01,2021 12:47:16 UTC – Details)\nThese hardcover books are designed with thick paperboard, making it hard-wearing and sturdy for rough usage. Each of the books measure 10 cm in length and 9 cm in breadth, featuring attractive, large and bold fonts along with bright and colourful images to keep your little one engaged in the learning experience. Suitable for ages 1-4, these books form the building blocks of your child’s formative years of learning.\nFrom the Publisher\nLearning with Fun\nMake learning fun with Solimo board books which comprise total sets of ABCs, Numbers, Fruits, Colours, Words, Animals, Birds, Vegetables, Vehicles, and Nursery Rhymes. These books form a comprehensive set for educating basic and preliminary knowledge to kids.\nMade of Thick Paperboard\nThis collection of 10 children books from Solimo merges learning and fun with its multi-coloured picture books. These are made from thick paperboard which makes it durable and sturdy to hold. The material ensures that the books can withstand the rough handling by kids.\nBright Colour Pictures\nThe books boast bright colourful pictures on each page which capture a child’s attention and makes them interested in the learning process. Every line is printed with large and bold fonts so that kids can easily read them.\nDimensions and Size\nEach book measures 10 cm in length and 9 cm in breadth. This lets your child easily grab the book in their delicate hold and ensures that your kid gets completely engrossed in the book.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Jeremy Hildreth: The British Empire's Lessons for Our OwnRoundup: Talking About History\n[Mr. Hildreth is co-author of Brand America: The Mother of All Brands, out now from Cyan Books.]\nIn the 1920s, one quarter of the world's population fell under the rule of the British Empire. And while it's more popular to decry its consequences, the empire brought education, relative prosperity and the concept of liberty to many far-flung places.\nRoughly twice the size of Spain's empire, thrice that of France's and five times larger than the Roman Empire, the British Empire remains the greatest such agglomeration the world has ever known. The Brits had their shortcomings and foibles -- slavery, brutality, a tendency to call adult servants \"boy,\" etc -- but in the Anglophone hegemony department, they're a tough act to follow.\nThe museum, which has many photographs and artifacts (few of which are memorable in themselves), covers its subject in the manner of a well-written textbook with poster-sized pages. You'll do a lot of reading here, but what a story. Displays and panels show how using administrators and settlers backed by small armies and a fearsome navy, the British built whole nations one after the next. Wherever they went, they created governments, judicial systems, schools, hospitals, charities, telegraphs and railways (37,000 miles of track in India alone). Their collective efforts brought the English language, relative prosperity, a Western cultural orientation toward rights and liberty, and at least a modicum of law and order to large swaths of the globe...\n...Glaringly, one imperial legacy the museum does not discuss is the \"receivership\" of the empire by the U.S., which has been almost literal in places like the Middle East and figurative elsewhere. For the museum to weigh in here might have been daring but also instructive, for as Mr. Ferguson, whose book championing an American \"liberal empire\" was for sale at the museum shop, says: \"Whatever they choose to call their position in the world -- hegemony, primacy, predominance or leadership -- Americans should recognize the functional resemblance between Anglophone power present and past and should try to do a better rather than a worse job of policing an unruly world than their British predecessors.\"\nAmerica can also learn from the British Empire about changing with the times. The museum explains that \"post-war babies grew up without the old reverence for Britain,\" which reduced British authority. Similarly today, for a dozen reasons -- many of them utterly beyond our control -- people around the world are growing up without the love of, admiration for, or reliance upon America that their forebears had.\nWhether it's South Americans boycotting U.S. merchandise, Asian countries sidling up to China, central banks raising their proportion of euro-denominated reserves, or Welshmen making inebriated banter on trains, we are flush with signs that the world wants a different relationship with America than the one it's had.\nAccordingly, even as America continues to take up the white man's burden (to use Kipling's poetic exhortation, explicitly addressed to the U.S. in 1899), sometimes with force, it behooves us to emulate our former masters by coming, in time, to rely more on soft power than on economic or military coercion. Furthermore, this should be seen not as a surrender to multilateralist claptrap but as a rational reaction to an altered state of affairs.\nThe lesson seems to be that while might may sometimes be right, we, like the British before us, ultimately will need other ways to sustain our eminence and influence. And if we can do that, then any future Museum of American Leadership will reflect as well on us as this museum of empire does on Britain.\ncomments powered by Disqus\n- Did Salmonella Kill Off the Aztecs?\n- Jewish history is under siege in the middle east and these volunteers are risking their lives to protect it\n- 'Amazon should stop selling Holocaust denial books'\n- National Museum of African American History and Culture Reaches Milestone of 1 Million Visitors\n- What Makes a President Great? Clipping? Sipping? Slashing?\n- McMaster knows how national security policy can go wrong. Will that help him?\n- Historian and Antiwar Activist Marilyn Young Dies at 79\n- Trump Chooses Historian H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser\n- Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Explains Why People Believe Trump's Lies\n- Princeton’s Harold James warns World War Three is now a \"serious threat”", "label": "No"} +{"text": "In an ideal world, we could send our kids to college for the sheer joy of learning — without worrying about going into debt and paying back massive student loans.\nPayscale recently published a college salary report, which includes data from more than 1.4 million college alumni from over 1,000 schools. The report listed the nation's 15 highest-paying majors among those holding a bachelor's degree.\nChoosing majors in the math and engineering fields are a good idea, according to Katie Bardaro, lead economist at Payscale. So, what are the college majors with the highest salary potential?\nDegreeDirectory.org defines petroleum engineering as \"the study of how to locate and extract energy resources, such as oil and natural gas, from the earth.\" The degree program encompasses a variety of academic disciplines, including geology, geophysics and even economics. The starting median salary is $103,000, and the mid-career (10-year) median salary is $160,000.\nThis is the career for math lovers. Actuaries are professionals who spend time \"evaluating the likelihood of future events using numbers, not crystal balls, designing creative ways to reduce the likelihood of undesirable events and decreasing the impact of undesirable events that do occur,\" according to BeanActuary.org. An actuary must be strong in math, statistics, finance, economics, probability and other interrelated subjects. The starting median salary for an actuary is $58,700, and the mid-career median salary is $120,000.\nNuclear engineers combine a strong background in math, physics and engineering with a knowledge of environmental issues to \"tackle the safe, effective design of a number of processes and systems, including nuclear plants for energy generation, nuclear power sources for military or space vehicles, systems for disposal of radioactive waste and equipment used in nuclear medicine,\" says AllEngineeringSchools.com. Nuclear engineers start at an average of $67,600, while mid-level professionals earn a median salary of $117,000.\nAs the name indicates, this degree program is a branch of chemistry and engineering. Every manufacturing industry needs a chemical engineer to \"research chemical combinations with the goal of finding new uses and products for chemical raw materials,\" says DegreeDirectory.org. Chemical engineers enjoy a starting salary of about $68,200 and a mid-career median salary of $115,000.\nAn aerospace engineer designs aircraft, spacecraft, satellites and missiles and is employed \"primarily in analysis and design, manufacturing, industries that perform research and development and the federal government,\" according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The starting median salary is $62,800, and the mid-career median salary is $109,000.\nElectrical engineering is always a popular field. Subfields include digital computers, power engineering, telecommunications and more. A new electrical engineer can expect to earn around $64,300 and a veteran engineer about $106,000.\nThe Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that computer engineers, or computer hardware engineers, \"research, design, develop and test computer equipment, such as chips, circuit boards or routers…to create rapid advances in computer technology.\" Payscale reports a starting median salary of $65,300 and a mid-career median salary of $106,000.\nA computer scientist might focus on any one of a wide array of theoretical or practical subfields, such as programming, language and graphics. The starting median salary is $59,800 and the mid-career salary is $102,000.\nPayscale rounded out its top 15 with these impressive fields:\nRecent research by Georgetown University was conducted on a much smaller scale and included pharmaceutical sciences and administration in its list of top-paying majors. The Georgetown study also published a list of the lowest-paying majors.\nAnd you'll see personalized content just for you whenever you click the My Feed .\nSheKnows is making some changes!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This month I revisited the topic of classroom difficulties and possible accommodations and modifications for students with hearing loss in the School Matters column of the ASHA Leader. As there is so much to discuss on this topic, I was unable to share some of the inside tips I have learned when working with students with hearing impairment in the academic setting. So I thought I would share this information with you today.\nHere are the top five lessons I learned when working with students with hearing impairment in the schools:\n- Work with the student’s audiologist. I am not a specialist in the area of hearing. Therefore, every time I have a student with hearing loss referred to me or placed on my caseload, the first thing I do (after reading the audiological evaluation report) is contact the audiologist to ask all of my questions and voice any concerns. I know, as school-based speech-language pathologists, you struggle to have enough time in the day to do everything you need to do but this is the first and foremost important piece of advice I can give you when working with children with hearing loss of any severity (including children with sound field amplification systems, hearing aids, and cochlear implants-CI). Audiologists do not expect us as SLPs to know everything about their field. In fact, they are more than happy to share their wealth of knowledge. I have learned so much regarding simple tests I can perform for quick assessment of my student’s hearing perception at varying distances to determine how they are perceiving that audiological input (i.e. Ling 6 sound test), how and when to recommend a student with CI to return to their audiologist to once again MAP their CI, what classroom behaviors are evidence of improved hearing and understanding and conversely which suggest possible malfunction of hearing equipment. Without an audiologist’s guidance, I would not be able to do these things today.\n- Consult with your district’s teacher of the hearing impaired frequently. Although, the teacher of the hearing impaired may not be an audiologist, he/she knows the practical strategies and techniques to use while teaching students with hearing impairments in the academic setting. I have learned how to teach speech and language skills effectively in 1:1 therapy, small group therapy, and in-class therapy for children with hearing loss. I have learned how to troubleshoot if a hearing aid isn’t working correctly, how to hook up the FM system “boots” to a CI, and what to look for in the classroom and therapy setting that may indicate the need for further analysis of hearing equipment. Using the teacher of the hearing impaired as a frequent resource to share ideas and answer your questions can be an invaluable and integral part of your therapy plan.\n- Record in-depth observations: This is a technique I use to determine if growth is being made in all observed areas even if not specifically targeted on current IEP goals (e.g. improvement in social skills, changes in responding to environmental noises, changes during large group classroom lessons, etc.) or if current progress is not yet quantifiable. Quality records can help you to share the changes effectively (positive or negative) in your student’s speech, language, or academic skills with the student’s audiologist and hearing impaired teacher to determine the next steps in the therapy process. I have found emailing my in-depth observations to audiologists for my clients with CI is an enormous help when they are working on MAPping my client’s CI. Parents cannot notice nor may they fully understand the big and small improvements or difficulties a child may exhibit in the school environment. Therefore, it can be a challenge for audiologists to determine MAPping changes and needs based solely on parent report and child response. Noting these observations, such as environmental and speech sounds, to which the child no longer responds, assists the audiologist in making the appropriate adjustments to the students CI so as maximal learning can occur. Don’t underestimate the importance of functional observations.\n- Get the classroom teacher on board. Many times classroom teachers just feel lost when expected to appropriately modify for students with hearing loss in their classroom. They may be anxious about working with this population, which can manifest itself in what seems to be uninterest or even noncompliance. However, the truth is the classroom teacher may not know what do to and may be looking to you, the SLP, for assistance. Showing how simple modifications made in the classroom, in real-time, result in improved learning opportunities for their student is one of the quickest ways to get your student’s teacher on board. Also frequent classroom visits can help you in identify and address additional situations that may be inhibiting your student’s learning (e.g. environmental noises affecting hearing, lack of sufficient visual support in the classroom, classroom instructional language used is too complex, instructor not appropriately amplified at all times, etc.). Helping to address and make the appropriate changes and adjustments needed in the classroom environment throughout the school year, can be extremely helpful for your student as well as for the classroom teacher.\n- Do not be afraid to say “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” This is the best tool to use when working collaboratively with a number of various professionals. You can bring your current knowledge and clinical experience to the table, however, no one expects you to know everything about treating every disorder or deficit. It really is OK to say “I don’t know,” but just make sure you follow that with “but I’ll try to find out for you,” because ultimately classroom teachers, parents, staff members, and other therapists just want to know you are there to help and support them. Since you already established a great working relationship with your student’s audiologist, I would recommend you start there when you have additional questions you cannot seem to easily answer or research.\nThose are my top five tips for working with students with hearing impairment in the school environment. Do you have additional tips you’d like to share? Feel free to comment below.\nMaria Del Duca, M.S. CCC-SLP, is a pediatric speech-language pathologist in southern, Arizona. She owns a private practice, Communication Station: Speech Therapy, PLLC, and has a speech and language blog under the same name. Maria received her master’s degree from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. She has been practicing as an ASHA certified member since 2003 and is an affiliate of Special Interest Group 16, School-Based Issues. She has experience in various settings such as private practice, hospital and school environments and has practiced speech pathology in NJ, MD, KS and now AZ. Maria has a passion for early childhood, autism spectrum disorders, rare syndromes, and childhood Apraxia of speech. For more information, visit her blog or find her on Facebook.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Sunnah of Starting the day early\nRather than sleeping after the morning prayer, as his sunnah, Rasulallah ﷺ engaged in dhikr (remembering and mentioning the names of Allah) and spent time by conversing with His Sahaba. He ﷺ said “Performing the morning prayer and then remembering Allah (engaging in dikr) until the sun rises by remaining seated where I prayed morning prayer is more lovelier to me than attacking the enemy on the path of Allah.”1\nRasulallah ﷺ stated that sleeping after the morning prayer will cause the decrease in livelihood.2 He also declared that getting up early in the morning and starting to work early would make the day more productive and the earning more blessed.\nHe prayed as\n“O my Lord! Grant blessings to those of my ummah who set to work early.”3", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Section F - Instruction\nThe Board of Trustees of Frontier School Division believes that all students, from nursery age to adulthood, must have access to programming that enables students to reach their potential academically, socially and emotionally and to develop a strong understanding of culture, heritage and citizenship. The basis for these programs is the Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth curriculum.\nThe section on instruction provides the policies regulating the delivery of instructional programs and curricula, the evaluation of students and the reporting of this evaluation. In addition, details are provided on entrance age requirements.\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\nF.1. PROGRAMS AND CURRICULA\nThe subsection on Programs and Curricula provides information on the instructional programs that are delivered in Frontier School Division. These policies are guided by the belief that, in order for students to be successful, appropriate programming must be provided for them. A number of topics, including appropriate educational programming, high school programs, locally developed curricula, language instruction and educational trips, excursions and outdoor wilderness/cultural activities are included.\nThis section provides information on compulsory school age, established by the Province of Manitoba, as well as nursery and kindergarten entrance ages in Frontier School Division.\nPolicies and procedures on how student learning is assessed, evaluated and reported on are provided in this sub-section. The promotion and placement of students in Frontier School Division is clearly outlined. As well, the requirements for integrating native studies into the curriculum and high school credit requirements in aboriginal studies are included.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A micro-datacentre (MDC) is a smaller, containerised (modular) datacentre system that is designed to solve different sets of problems or to take on different types of workload that cannot be handled by traditional facilities or even large modular datacentres.\nWhereas an average container-based datacentre hosts dozens of servers and thousands of virtual machines (VMs) within a 40ft shipping container, a micro-datacentre includes fewer than 10 servers and less than 100 VMs in a single 19in box. Just like containerised datacentres, MDCs come with in-built security systems, cooling systems and flood and fire protection.\nTheir size, versatility and plug-and-play features make them ideal for use in remote locations, for temporary deployments or even for use by businesses temporarily in locations that are in high-risk zones for floods or earthquakes. They could even serve as a mini-datacentre for storage and compute capacity on an oil tanker.\nRise of containerised datacentres and micro-datacentres\nThe industry is seeing increasing use of modular or containerised server systems, with organisations such as Microsoft using a combination of approaches for its datacentres.\nMoving away from complex bricks-and-mortar datacentres containing multitudinous servers, storage and network devices that required purchasing, implementing and maintaining, enterprises are seeing the advantages of these pre-designed, fully functioning “engineered systems”.\nThese engineered systems can come in many guises. The older, more traditional view of an engineered system would be of the mainframe or mini-computer, self-contained with its own compute and storage capabilities, with network interface cards (NICs) present to connect the system to the rest of the world. A more modern approach is through the use of converged systems, such as Cisco’s UCS, VCE’s V-Blocks or Dell’s Active Systems. These are pre-integrated, pre-built systems that can be implemented and used rapidly within an existing datacentre – provided that suitable space, power distribution and cooling are available.\nThe idea of a micro-datacentre is to take a standard rack-mount environment and add capabilities that a standard rack or a converged system would struggle to provide\nAnother mode of deployment is containerised systems: a standard road/shipping container packed with all the required equipment that just needs plugging into the mains and sometimes water for it to become operational. The container is otherwise self-contained; once it has done its job or its capabilities are no longer enough for the job, it can be removed from the rest of the system and replaced with relative ease.\nBut these options do not suit all needs. They are all primarily aimed at the larger end of the market, yet many small and medium-sized enterprises would like easier access to acquire, implement and run systems that can be used as stand-alone platforms without needing a specific datacentre facility. Even large organisations may need a more specific system that enables them to run a more physical workload or to airlock an application from the rest of the technology platform for reasons such as data security.\nWhere micro-datacentres come in\nThe idea of a micro-datacentre is to take a standard rack-mount environment and add capabilities that a standard rack or a converged system would struggle to provide, creating a self-contained platform where a containerised solution would be too large or expensive for what is needed.\nCompanies such as Rittal and ASTModular cater for this market. AST’s micro-datacentre offering – Smart Bunker is designed to host 85 VMs within a 42U rack assembly, while other newer MDCs are even smaller – is 23U size deployed in a single rack enclosure.\nEach system provides a secure enclosure that is self-contained with heat management and insulation, with low-cost energy management. Many have optional extras, such as defence against external fire and flood threats, as well as biometric entry systems (for both systems administration and physical entry to the systems for equipment replacement) and fully monitored events, such as any attempt to vandalise the system or to move it from its installed position.\nBeing based around a standardised 19in rack, these micro-datacentres can house any IT equipment that would normally be found in a rack in a normal datacentre. However, the idea behind a micro-datacentre is that it should be preconfigured and delivered to carry out specific tasks.\nEach system provides a secure enclosure that is self-contained with heat management and insulation, with low-cost energy management\nFor example, ASTModular’s Smart Data Safe is a highly secure “NAS in a box” system designed to provide data security against fire, flood, theft, vandalism and electromagnetic pulse. The Smart Data Safe is an on-site backup system that gets around any issues of latency and transactional loss as seen in most off-site backup systems. It comes with extensive in-built systems monitoring capabilities, enabling a remote administrator to be advised of any problems. If a problem is perceived to be of critical nature, the Smart Data Safe will automatically shut down to preserve the validity of the data stored on it.\nBridge the gap\nThe micro-datacentres of another supplier, Panduit, are not designed to be as rugged and secure as Rittal’s or ASTModular’s, but are specifically designed to bridge the gap between the “standard” IT environment and the industrial platforms of, for example, production line systems.\nAimed at industrial systems integrators (ISI), Panduit's system provides a hardened, secure environment in a half- or full-rack unit. This allows, for example, an ISI to implement a Cisco/Rockwell Automation recommended Converged Plantwide Ethernet/IP architecture for manufacturing, including a demilitarised zone (DMZ) with firewall appliances and redundant compute and switching resources in a single unit, preconfigured off-site for fast deployment.\nMost of these systems are also built for expansion – extra units can be bought and plugged in alongside existing units to give a rapid, easy means of dealing with any need for extra resources.\nA micro-datacentre can also be a good solution for organisations that deal with applications and data requiring higher levels of security. With the right resources in the rack, data can be air-locked so it remains within the rack except when the right, multi-factor identification factors have been provided. Even users with privilege to access the rest of the IT environment can be excluded from the system. Only those who have to have access are granted it without the need for additional security software being added to the architecture.\nCorrectly configured micro-datacentres can suit the needs of SMEs that do not have established datacentre infrastructures\nAn example here is Elliptical Mobile Solutions and its RASER DX and HD systems. Elliptical has also created a complete stand-alone VPLEX system in conjunction with EMC, Microsoft and AVNET.\nCorrectly configured micro-datacentres can suit the needs of SMEs that do not have established datacentre infrastructures.\nA company without a physical datacentre could use a self-contained micro-datacentre to gain the flexibility of having multiple servers, along with required storage and networking, in a single unit that can be positioned pretty much anywhere in its building. Even where an organisation is looking at using a co-location facility, the extra security and disaster-proofing that a micro-datacentre can offer might be worth looking into.\nA surprising player here is Huawei, whose MicroDC3000L 24U systems can be used in environments of less than 100 users in an unattended, lights-out operations mode.\nIn a world where it is getting increasingly difficult to pick the right mix of physical and virtual platforms for your business’ needs, micro-datacentres may be seen as just another confusing tool in the box. However, they make sense for specific types of workload and for specific types of environment.\nMicro-datacentres may not come into play too much for large enterprises overhauling their big facilities,; they are more suitable for SMEs without datacentres, or for a big enterprise’s remote branch that is located in a developing, or natural disaster-prone, area.\nThe age of build-your-own, based on racks with self-assembled compute, storage and network components, is well on the way out. Modularisation, along with the use of external cloud-based systems, is the future. The key is to ensure that datacentre professionals choose the right mix.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University\n1730 New York, the English Colonial city\n- MacCoun, Townsend, 1845-1932\n- New York : Townsend MacCoun, c1909.\nRelief shown by hachures. Shows the footprints of some historic buildings and of Fort George and names them; roads and wharves are also named. \"The principal points of interest for this period are in red.\" Includes historical notes. This is one map from the set titled: Early New York.\n- New York\n- New York (N.Y.)—History—Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775—Maps, Manhattan (New York, N.Y.)—History—Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775—Maps, New York (N.Y.)—Maps, Physical, and Historical maps—New York (State)—New York\n- Call number:\n- Held by:\n- Princeton: Historic Map Division, Special Collections, Firestone Library", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Epithelium vs. Endothelium: What's the Difference?\nEpithelium is a layer of cells covering external surfaces or lining internal cavities, while endothelium specifically lines the interior of blood vessels and the heart.\nEpithelium is a type of tissue that forms a protective layer over the body's external surface and internal cavities. Endothelium, a specific type of epithelium, lines the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.\nThe epithelium serves various functions such as protection, absorption, and secretion. The endothelium, while also protective, plays a crucial role in vascular biology, including blood clotting, inflammation, and forming new blood vessels.\nEpithelial cells can be found in skin, glands, and organs like the intestines and respiratory tract. Endothelial cells, in contrast, are uniquely located in the cardiovascular system.\nEpithelium comes in various forms, including squamous, cuboidal, and columnar cells, adapting to different functions and locations. Endothelium is typically a single layer of squamous cells, optimized for smooth blood flow and vascular function.\nBoth epithelium and endothelium are essential for bodily functions, but they differ significantly in structure and specific roles within the body.\nExternal surfaces and internal cavities.\nInside blood and lymphatic vessels.\nProtection, absorption, secretion.\nBlood clotting, inflammation control, vascular function.\nSquamous, cuboidal, columnar.\nPrimarily squamous cells.\nPresence in Body\nSkin, glands, organs.\nDiverse, based on location.\nSpecialized in vascular biology.\nEpithelium and Endothelium Definitions\nLines internal cavities and organs.\nThe epithelium in the gut aids in nutrient absorption.\nInvolved in the formation of new blood vessels.\nEndothelium aids in the process of angiogenesis.\nTissue forming the outer layer of the body's surface.\nThe skin's epithelium protects against pathogens.\nActs as a selectively permeable barrier.\nThe endothelium controls the passage of materials into and out of the bloodstream.\nInvolved in functions like secretion and sensation.\nGlandular epithelium secretes various substances.\nLines the interior of heart and blood vessels.\nThe endothelium plays a role in regulating blood pressure.\nCan regenerate and repair itself.\nDamaged skin epithelium can heal over time.\nParticipates in blood clotting and inflammation.\nEndothelial dysfunction can lead to cardiovascular diseases.\nActs as a barrier against the external environment.\nThe epithelium of the respiratory tract filters air.\nComprises a single layer of squamous cells.\nThe endothelium's structure ensures smooth blood flow.\nMembranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.\nA thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.\n(anatomy) A membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells which forms the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs: internally including the lining of vessels and other small cavities, and externally being the skin.\n(anatomy) A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines the heart, serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.\nThe superficial layer of cells lining the alimentary canal and all its appendages, all glands and their ducts, blood vessels and lymphatics, serous cavities, etc. It often includes the epidermis (i. e., keratin-producing epithelial cells), and it is sometimes restricted to the alimentary canal, the glands and their appendages, - the term endothelium being applied to the lining membrane of the blood vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities.\nThe thin epithelium lining the blood vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities. See Epithelium.\nMembranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body\nAn epithelium of mesoblastic origin; a thin layer of flattened cells that lines the inside of some body cavities\nWhere is epithelium found?\nOn skin, in organs, and lining cavities.\nWhat functions does epithelium perform?\nProtection, absorption, secretion.\nWhat is epithelium?\nA tissue covering body surfaces and lining cavities.\nAre there different types of epithelium?\nYes, including squamous, cuboidal, and columnar.\nCan epithelium regenerate?\nYes, particularly skin epithelium.\nHow is endothelium structured?\nAs a single layer of squamous cells.\nWhat role does endothelium play in the body?\nRegulates vascular functions like blood flow and clotting.\nIs endothelium involved in angiogenesis?\nYes, it plays a key role.\nDoes endothelium affect blood pressure?\nYes, through vasodilation and vasoconstriction.\nWhat is endothelium?\nA tissue lining the interior of blood vessels and the heart.\nCan endothelium repair itself?\nYes, but its repair is critical for cardiovascular health.\nDoes endothelium have a role in inflammation?\nYes, it's involved in inflammatory responses.\nIs endothelium a type of epithelium?\nYes, it's a specialized form.\nDoes epithelium interact with the immune system?\nYes, particularly in barrier functions.\nHow does epithelium protect the body?\nBy forming a physical barrier.\nCan epithelium be damaged?\nYes, and it can lead to various disorders.\nIs endothelium affected in cardiovascular diseases?\nYes, endothelial dysfunction is a key factor.\nDo epithelial cells secrete substances?\nYes, especially in glands.\nAre epithelial cells tightly packed?\nYes, to form an effective barrier.\nDoes endothelium filter blood?\nIndirectly, by controlling permeability.\nWritten bySawaira Riaz\nSawaira is a dedicated content editor at difference.wiki, where she meticulously refines articles to ensure clarity and accuracy. With a keen eye for detail, she upholds the site's commitment to delivering insightful and precise content.\nEdited byHuma Saeed\nHuma is a renowned researcher acclaimed for her innovative work in Difference Wiki. Her dedication has led to key breakthroughs, establishing her prominence in academia. Her contributions continually inspire and guide her field.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This fun energizer gets people up, moving, and making funny sounds as they mimic what animals sound like where they are from. Different cultures often have different sounds for the same animal, and the differences can be surprising and quite funny sometimes. This energizer works best with an international group.\n- Acts 2:1-12 (Pentecost – …how is it that each of us hears them in our own language?)\n- Revelation 7:9 (…great multitude…from every nation, tribe, people and language…)\n- Printout of the slips of paper on the next page\n- Print the next page, and cut it into slips. (Cut out just enough slips for the number of participants you have, and try to use the same number of slips for each animal if possible. It’s not necessary to use all the slips or all the animals.)\n- Fold the slips, and mix them in a bowl.\nUse the following procedure:\n- Have everyone draw one of the slips of paper from the bowl.\n- Instruct them not to share the type of animal written on their slip.\n- When you say, “GO!” they should circulate around the room making the sound of that animal from their culture.\n- Without using any other sounds, words or gestures (and without showing their slip of paper to anyone), they should try to form groups made up of participants who all have the same animals.\n- When everyone has formed up in groups, have them share their animal to see if they are in the right group.\n- If they are in the wrong group, let them move to the right group.\n- Give the groups time to talk about the different sounds and why they think animals seem to make different noises in different cultures.\n- If it fits with your goals for your program, debrief with the following questions and points:\n- Would any group like to share how different the sounds were for your animal?\n- We often see and experience the same thing in different ways when we are from different cultures. Why do you think this is true?\n- What can we learn from this experience?\n- Why do you think God created us with such diversity? (You may want to reference the Scriptures at the top of this page.)\n- How should we think or act differently when we encounter cultural differences in the future?\nSource: Michael Kientz (www.teachingthem.com)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Dunkirk, and the evacuation associated with the troops trapped on Dunkirk, was called a \"miracle\" by Winston Churchill. As the Wehrmacht swept through western Europe in the spring of 1940, using Blitzkrieg, both the French and British armies could not stop the onslaught. For the people in western Europe, World War Two was about to start for real. The \"Phoney War\" was now over.\nThe advancing German Army trapped the British and French armies on the beaches around Dunkirk. 330,000 men were trapped here and they were a sitting target for the Germans. Admiral Ramsey, based in Dover, formulated Operation Dynamo to get off of the beaches as many men as was possible. The British troops, led by Lord John Gort, were professional soldiers from the British Expeditionary Force; trained men that we could not afford to lose. From May 26th 1940, small ships transferred soldiers to larger ones which then brought them back to a port in southern Britain.\nThe beach at Dunkirk was on a shallow slope so no large boat could get near to the actual beaches where the men were. Therefore, smaller boats were needed to take on board men who would then be transferred to a larger boat based further off shore. 800 of these legendary \"little ships\" were used. It is thought that the smallest boat to make the journey across the Channel was the Tamzine - an 18 feet open topped fishing boat now on display at the Imperial War Museum, London.\nTamzine - one of the 'little ships'\nDespite attacks from German fighter and bomber planes, the Wehrmacht never launched a full-scale attack on the beaches of Dunkirk. Panzer tank crews awaited the order from Hitler but it never came. In his memoirs, Field Marshall Rundstadt, the German commander-in-chief in France during the 1940 campaign, called Hitler's failure to order a full-scale attack on the troops on Dunkirk his first fatal mistake of the war. That 338,000 soldiers were evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk would seem to uphold this view.\nTheir job done, the 'little boats' are towed up the Thames\nOne of the reasons put forward for Hitler not ordering an attack was that he believed that Britain had suffered from the might of the Wehrmacht once and that this experience would be sufficient for Britain to come to peace terms with Hitler. The total destruction of the British Expeditionary Force might have created such a climate of revenge in Britain that our involvement would be prolonged. That is one idea put forward for why Hitler did not order a full-scale attack on the beaches of Dunkirk - however, we will never know the true reason.\n\"Dunkirk\". HistoryLearningSite.co.uk. 2014. Web.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "At the beginning of every semester you promise yourself that this time \"I'm going to study harder.\" The reality is that you have to do more than tell yourself you want to do better if you are going to see improved grades on your next report card. The following are some sites that can help you figure out what you can do to change your words into action. There is no better time than now to make a change in your study habits.\nSuggestions for Students and Parents\nStudy Skills for High School Students: The SRVHS Counseling Department created this guide to help students and parents manage the academic requirements of high school.\nStudy Strategies: This guide is written for college students at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. It contains a lot of helpful information for high school students who want to improve their study habits.\nThe Importance of Studying: This guide, written by Dr. Bob Kizlik, is designed to help you develop effective study skills.\nStudy Skills Self-Help Information: This site from Virginia Tech has time scheduling suggestions, how to concentrate, how to take notes, how to read a difficult book, tips on improving reading speed, setting priorities, and strategies to use with difficult test questions.\nHelping Children Succeed in School: This information, provided by University of Illinois Extension educators, gives successful strategies to assist parents in helping their children succeed in school.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "On the 25th anniversary of tearing down the Berlin Wall, it is worth putting the reunification of a country capital into perspective.\nThere are over 1 million cities and towns around the world. Fewer than one in ten thousand are divided cities.\nAmong that very small number of divided cities, almost every one is a minor city with fewer than 50,000 people. Further, almost every city was divided by a natural border such as a river.\nThere are four notable exceptions to this, where important capital cities were split due to war: Berlin, Germany; Beirut, Lebanon; Jerusalem, Israel; and Nicosia, Cyprus. The first three cities have been reunified. Nicosia is in negotiations to be reunified currently.\nThe video below provides a review of divided cities around the world, and the efforts to bring these four important cities back to single, stable country capitals.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Plants with super powers\nTHE TERM ‘super food’ has become a popular catch-phrase in food and health talk and of course the perennial cynics will make the expected sweeping statements that this is merely a marketing ploy to increase prices and sales.\nIt does however, beg the question whether some plants do confer superior health benefits above that of others. So what are super foods exactly?\nWe could call them super-nutrient, dense food and herbs that are loaded with phenomenal amounts of anti-oxidants, (free radical scavengers) vitamins, minerals, fibre and other valuable phyto-nutrients that are usually not realistically attainable in the context of a normal diet.\nThe herbalist would refer to these magnificent plants as alteratives and adaptagens; these terms describe categories of plants that adroitly ‘adapt’, responding according to the unique needs to ‘alter’ the state of the individual human.\nA dynamic fix\nIn fact super foods uphold the old maxim: “Let our food be our medicine.”\nInterestingly, when one selects and partakes of such premium foods on a regular basis, the body/mind complex adjusts; balancing out previous disparities and starts to intuitively make more salubrious dietary choices, whereby junk food is just not a viable option.\nA well-chosen and concentrated plant food, (especially if the appropriate minimal processing has left it raw and alive) delivers a relatively quick and dynamic ‘fix’, because it is replete with active constituents that have already been naturally chelated within the plant itself.\nThis means they are more accessible as organic building blocks for the body to assimilate easily and utilise in its ongoing balancing act for homeostasis.\nCertain combinations of potent plant foods and herbs are exceptionally energising and rejuvenating and promote healing and transformative processes on all levels.\nBeyond vitamins and minerals\nBeyond vitamins and minerals, super foods can heal because apart from their essential nutrients, they contain very potent and unique compounds such as sulforaphanes and healthy anti-inflammatory agents that protect our immune system, stop renegade cells from reproducing and even kill harmful bacteria in our guts.\nA too common diet overloaded with sugar, low-grade saturated fats, white processed carbs and artificial preservatives and colourings fosters not only weight gain and depression, but also, more ominously, a steady level of inflammation throughout the body.\nChronic disease can be triggered from persistent low level inflammation which is considered, along with stress, to be one of the root causes of every modern disease.\nThe normal inflammatory response is helpful but when it happens in a steady low-level state, it can attack tissues and cause havoc with organs and blood vessels, and impede brain function.\nSuper foods have the natural ability to neutralise inflammation and in some cases, reverse existing cell damage with their massive boost of antioxidant, immune protection.\nSuper foods suit all diet types\nToday the dizzying array of diet types such as gluten-free, raw, low GI, macrobiotic, Mediterranean, paleo, vegan, blood type etc, etc, imposes many restrictions on what people can eat and enjoy. Consciously chosen plant super foods will integrate seamlessly within these strict limitations and broaden their nutrient reach.\nAnother very good reason to integrate super foods into our diet is that they are low in calories, while making us feel full without the unwanted sugar and fats compared to highly processed stuff.\nWe often resort to supplements in tablet form, which are not always digestible and too often end up down the toilet with the rest of our bodily waste.\nSuper foods, however, are real unprocessed plants that are already botanically packaged for the perfect delivery of multiple healing compounds into our digestive systems without overtaxing the liver.\nOur body easily extracts and assimilates the plant phyto-chemicals nutrients directly, because the human digestive system has had thousands of years adapting to them.\nFurthermore, even supposed herb supplements are synthetic or have undergone extreme processing and are reconstituted chemically with isolated actives that only vaguely resemble, in nutrient profile, the original plant from which they are derived.\nAn ingrained tendency\n“Are all plant foods created equal?” we might ask, when we sense that all living organisms are born of the Divine.\nWe could justifiably argue that every plant in its raw, unadulterated and natural form has something of value to offer human beings as food, medicine or cosmetics.\nThe concept of the ”super food” is not some newfangled fad; the quest to find something particularly delicious, healthy and of intense nutritional value has helped shape human history.\nSomething exotically appealing, that has travelled from afar perhaps, and breaks up the monotony of the everyday common staples that grow indigenously in human dwelling places and provides the bulk food of different regional diets.\nFor millennium, peoples of the world have sought after the ‘difficult to acquire’, the promise of something extra special that will make them feel better.\nThe early bio-prospecting quests sent travellers across uncharted oceans to acquire plants and their foods stuffs to appease this human desire for the ‘next new thing’.\nMany of the plants that we take for granted no doubt have had their moment in the limelight, their super food heyday, peaking in popularity at some time or another.\nDon't disparage the staples\nLabelling some foods as ‘super’ may give the impression that other natural foods in our diets that are cheap and readily available are not as healthy when, in reality, these foods often provide the bulk of our nutrients.\nFor example carrots, apples and cabbage, are packed with health-promoting nutrients such as beta-carotene, fibre, and the flavonoid quercetin.20. This means we can easily consume them in large enough quantities and on a regular basis to get the most from their nutrient content.\nWe are not talking about replacement with super foods here; upping our daily intake of a variety of fruits and vegetables will always go a long way towards generally improving our well-being.\nThe beauty of super foods and plants is that they will augment, enhance and improve this already wholesome, foundational plant diet; they simply up the ante on the measure of prudence, responsibility and diligence that we pointedly exert for our health.\nThe prized morsels\nSo what about this seemingly elitist group of superstar plants that apparently provides us with that exclusive breed of sustenance known as the ‘super’ food? People have an innate tendency to high-grade food; that is, pick out the best and richest morsels to feed themselves and their young. We are hard-wired for this special selection behaviour to optimise our survival.\nThe higher efficacy and vibrational nature of certain plants became obvious through empirical experience, some even becoming stuff of botanical legends.\nToday these are the ones often earmarked as super foods, as they have the lofty lineage of being sacred to ancient cultures.\nThey are the cherished few set aside for their potency and extraordinary powers to elevate human experience from that of prosaic drudgery to something better.\nIt would seem that certain plants are just blessed by the Goddess with more than their fair share of plant actives; the nutrient goodies whose extra values contribute so heartily to human vigour and well-being. Some specialist plants were prized currency and concentrated enough for a small amount to be carried to ensure survival on arduous journeys, while others helped propel the human towards spiritual experience.\nThe ancient plant experts\nWe cannot ignore the fact that the ancient plant experts - shamans and healers alike - hand-picked these specialities for the particular welfare of the tribe, be it Mayan, Incan, American Indian or the earliest yogis for their immortal soma elixir.\nThese stand-out plants such as the cocoa bean, maca, ashwaganda, ginseng . . . the list is inexhaustible . . . were considered ‘foods of the Gods’ for good reason; and were offered in sacrifice to appease them.\nPlants were chosen because they were the most treasured and revered by humans for use as offerings.\nMaybe this is why we are still willing to pay that little bit extra for the real authentic raw deal, wonder foods and herbs from wonder plants in nature.\nIf we do add up the real costs in sourcing high-grade, organic, biodynamic and pesticide-free plant foods, they are usually reflective of true costs - especially if we factor in all the labour-intensive extra time involved in not only the growing with sustainable methods, but also the specialised process of keeping the vital force in plants intact after harvest.\nActivating the seeds and nuts, for example, means awakening them to their full nutritional potential for human assimilation, by leeching them of enzyme inhibitors, dehydrating them over days, mindfully sustaining a temperature to not exceed that of ‘raw’ status - a lot of conscious thought, choices and effort goes into the whole operation.\nLess wholesome food choices will more often than not lead to a breakdown in bodily health which makes those cheaper options actually more costly over time if we factor in all the consequential remedial measures required to restore well being.\nA little goes a long way\nThese plant concentrates from Nature are definitely worthwhile when we realise how only ‘a little’ will serve us so efficaciously; less is certainly more.\nThey sustain us more effectively by replenishing our dwindling energy sources and can fill the empty spaces that concern us for their paucity and deficiency in our everyday diet.\nWe can continue the custom of honouring certain precociously helpful plant foods and medicines that beautifully embody so many desirable properties and abundance in nutrients.\nWe still maintain the hierarchical language that upholds them as the ‘aristocratic’ super foods with good reason; the proof is in the eating them and experiencing their worth for ourselves.\nTo witness first-hand, positive shifts in physiology and mind-state, reminds us of their original Divine blessing that is their unique sacred signature.\nSomething to feed our spirit\nMaybe we are inherently hungry for something to feed our Spirit.\nThis is a call to follow our highest intuition, listening to what our animal bodies require for optimal function and our minds, to recalibrate our original spiritual equanimity.\nDon’t worry about becoming an addictive ‘health tragic’, next time you reach for that perfect snack to fill the gap created by your desires, just let it be one that aligns you with our Divine nature, ‘super’ or otherwise.\nRecognise the place from whence the secret longing for that piece of cacao-maca choccy is coming, does it meet the highest ideals of our inner voice, who knows exactly what is good for us right now?\nWhatever we decide to call them, be that super, wonder or ‘uber’ foods and herbs; if we perceive of them as Divine and imbibe them with focussed intention to transform our well being, then the soul’s silent plea for real sustenance will be answered.\nRaw, Organic Goodies Out Now\nTinderbox has transformed high-grade super herbs and foods into a Divine experience with a new range of raw, plant-based, organic and cane sugar-free goodies. They are: Awakened Almonds with Herbal Sprinkle;\nWholefood Spheres: Luminous Lucuma, Magic Mesquite, Numinous Natives, Omniscient Orange Choc, Primal Passion;\nChocolate: Celestial, Miraculous Cranberry, Cosmic Coconut Goji, Glorious Goldenberry, Mystical Maca Chai.\nOnly at tinderbox.com.au or in our Balingup store\nTinderbox is very happy to present yet another calendar year of stirring, mystical images to captivate you every time that you consult the traditional timeline. We hope they momentarily whisk you away to a timeless, magical space that is not bound by the same linear rules that govern our working lives. Hopefully each image will give you a small taste of something grand and primordial, where the holiness of nature is a vital spiritual truth and the earth, plants, waters and animals are embodiments of the Divine. Order your 2017 Tinderbox calendar here until 1 January, 2017 or until sold out.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Before Saskatchewan was established as a province in 1905 under The Saskatchewan Act, it was a part of the North-West Territories, which consisted of modern-day Alberta as well as Saskatchewan. In 1885, an ordinance was passed to set the guidelines for regulation of the legal profession in the Territories. In 1898, a new Ordinance, The Legal Profession Ordinance, established the election of Benchers to govern the Law Society of the North-West Territories. In 1907, two years after the Saskatchewan became a province, the Law Society of Saskatchewan was created under The Legal Profession Act.\nThe Legal Profession Act from 1907, and its more recent iteration, The Legal Profession Act, 1990, delegated to the Law Society of Saskatchewan the responsibility to govern the legal profession in the province, and it mandates that the profession be governed in the public interest.\nOur independence from the government is primary to our mission; it is important to the administration of justice and is fundamental to maintaining a free and democratic society that respects the Rule of Law. That is, the legal profession is uniquely positioned in society to provide a check and balance on government power by ensuring citizens who are in conflict with the government have access to impartial legal representation and ensuring accountability in all areas of society.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Radiology and Radiation Physics Links\nRadiology Physics - a tutorial with information about a variety of radiology physics topics.\nRadiology Notes on The Production of X-rays and Radiology Physics - Bremsstrahlung; x-ray spectra; characteristic x-rays; beam quality and quantity; dependence of spectrum on anode material, kVp, mA, and wave form; filtration from radiographic physics.\nRadiology Notes on X-ray Interactions With Matter - Attenuation; coherent (Thompson) scattering; photoelectric effect; Compton scattering; pair production; photonuclear disintegration.\nX-ray Dose Concepts and Reduction Methods - Our friends at GE Medical System provide many educational materials online and this is one of the better ones on radiation dose and ways to reduce it.\nIntroduction To The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Scientists have found that many types of wave can be arranged together like the notes on a piano keyboard to form a scale. Learn more about this with this great tutorial.\nThe Atoms Family - Just a wonderful series of pages on all aspects of physics. Geared towards younger students but so fun and cool we had to feature it here.\nVirtual Radiology Physics Tutorial - These are introductory tutorials based on visualizing aspects of x-ray physics and x-ray generation used in medical imaging.\nRadiation Biology and Radiation Physics Related Terms - An excellent radiation physics glossary.\nInside The Coolidge X-ray Tube - Well done site that looks at the physics of x-ray production as well as other topics related to x-ray tubes.\nLecture On Radiology Physics - Very nice powerpoint lectures on various aspects of radiation and electricity.\nRadiation Physics and Safety - A good source of information on radiological physics and radiation safety.\nRadiology Notes on Electromagnetic Radiation - Electromagnetic spectrum; frequency, wavelength and energy; photons; period and amplitude; inverse square law.\nNuclear Physics - This site from Hype Physics is an amazing resource of easily navigated material. Check out the many other subject headings as well as the nuclear physics section.\nRadiographic Physics Tutorial - An excellent tutorial on radiographic physics. Short and to the point.\nMedical Imaging Physics - An excellent guide to radiology physics and technology by Perry Sprawls, PhD\nRadiography School Topics\n|Cross Sectional Anatomy||Radiographic Positioning||Radiographic Physics|\n|Fluoroscopy||Radiographic Anatomy||Radiation Biology|\n|Contrast Media||Radiographic Principles||Radiation Safety|\n|PACS and Digital Imaging||Radiographic Film Critique|\n|Electronics and Electricity||Patient Care||Nursing|\n|English Composition||General Anatomy||Mathmatics|\nHow To Say Radiology School\n[French - Radiologie écoles] [German - Radiologie Schulen] [Italian - Radiologia scuole]\n[Spanish - Radiología escuelas] [Dutch - Radiologie scholen]\nSearch for Radiology Schools - get a radiology degree online or on campus\nUltrasound Schools - click for a listing of ultrasound schools\nOther PagesBone Densitometry\nGood LinksRadiology Schools\nX-ray LinksRadiology Association\nRadiology CME & CEU\nHistory of Radiology\nPatient Exam Info", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities designed to promote student learning and development. Reflection and reciprocity are key concepts of service-learning. (Jacoby, Service-Learning in Higher Education, 1996).\nThe Benefits of Service-Learning\nTowson University has identified service-learning as a means to help students become engaged and active citizens. Service-learning is effective in both instilling civic responsibility in students and helping them comprehend and synthesize course material. Service-learning at Towson is supported by the Office of Civic Engagement and Leadership. Staff assist faculty, students and community organizations in designing, implementing and evaluating service-learning projects.\nReflections from TU Students Engaged in Service-Learning\n- “What I have experienced and learned cannot be replicated in a traditional classroom. I’ve learned more in this class—about the criminal justice system, myself and others—than I’ve learned elsewhere. I’d take this class 10 [times] over.” - Criminal Justice outside the Classroom (CRMJ 431): Spring 2015\n- “There is no way possible for interactions of this magnitude to occur in a classroom, which is why I am eternally grateful for this experience.” -Inclusive Experiences for People with Autism: Opportunities for Participation in Natural Environments: Summer 2015\n- \"I have grown in an understanding that service learning is integral to the community and its progression. I saw how beneficial teaching art to students who go to school where there is no art program. It is essential for those in the community to use their skills to provide a need that is not filled.\" - Art and the Child ARED 371.002: Fall 2015 Student Teacher\nHow is Service-Learning Different from Other Forms of Experiential Education?\nExperiential education offers students the opportunity to practice what they learn from traditional classroom teaching outside in the real word. Community service, internships and service-learning are all forms of experiential education. Service-learning is unique in that it places equal emphasis on enhancing student learning and meeting community needs. Students engaged in service-learning connect academic course content with real-world experience through ongoing reflection.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Open Access movement - A comprehensive outlook\nIn recent times, there has been a lot of debate on the implementation of Open Access for research publications. Keeping this in mind, a comprehensive outlook on Open Access and its impact on scientific community is being provided in this article.\nOpen Access should be seen as a means of accelerating scientific discovery by providing free and unrestricted access of scientific knowledge via the Internet. An essential role of Open Access is the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and research data. Open Access is not only used for journal articles but is also being implemented to theses, scholarly monographs, and book chapters. Promotion of Open Access is very crucial to encourage innovation, socio-economic development, and flow of knowledge around the world. As such, Open Access can be defined as an instrument ultimately used for public welfare to stimulate the growth of global science, as well as maintain the quality of scientific achievements at the same time.\nRestricted access to research findings and scientific discovery through subscription and pay-per-view journals will only impede communication through the scientific community. In addition, restricted access can also hamper the education and dissemination of scientific knowledge to the aspiring younger generations who are keen to pursue a career in science. Increased productivity and development of science can only be achieved by diffusing knowledge and providing the facilities for creating permanent repositories such as Open Access.\nThrough Open Access publications, scientists can avoid subscription fees and copyright and licensing restrictions to access free scholarly literature. Since Open Access publishing allows the permanent restoration of scientific data through digital copies, other than the constraint of Internet access, scientists around the world can freely share information and collaborate to enhance the progress of science. Open Access journals not only give royalty to free literature, but also reduce costs for paper-copy production, physical storage, and distribution through digitalized copies.\nThe benefits of implementing Open Access are reaped by many end users, such as, students, researchers, clinicians, patients, policy makers, and journalists. As long as there is Internet access, people from all over the world, be it an underdeveloped country in Africa, a developing country like India or developed countries such as USA or UK, will have immediate access to latest research findings. Thus, Open Access initiative helps in unlocking the traditional methods of subscription articles and releasing information to tertiary level readers, who normally would not have access to first hand research studies.\nRealizing the potential of Open Access in terms of greater visibility within and beyond the scientific community, in recent years, there has been a tremendous boost to Open Access movement through various Open Access publishers. Research and Reviews is one such publishing group that believes in this movement and is most ardently working towards the welfare and progress of scientific community. RESEARCH AND REVIEWS is built upon the principles of Open Access and is determined to provide free and unrestricted access of research articles to scientists around the world for the advancement of science and technology", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If some sections of a document (e.g. a list item in a XHTML help topic) should only be displayed to the user if certain conditions are met, you can specify an enablement expression declaring the criteria that must be met in order to display the element.\nFilters are specified by adding an\n element as a child\nof the element that should conditionally be filtered. The syntax used is\ncore expressions, which is the same syntax used to filter menu contributions, etc from the UI.\nExpressions check criteria by performing tests. One type of test is a system test, which tests a system property against an expected value. Some common system properties to test by are listed below:\nHere are a few examples of system tests:\n

This paragraph should only be displayed on Windows.

This paragraph should *not* be displayed on GTK.

This paragraph should only be displayed on PowerPC Macs.

\nNote: When several sub-expressions are listed with no boolean operator, they are by default ANDed together. See the complete expressions syntax specification for more details.\nIn addition to system tests, you can test any property of an available object as long as there is a property tester available for it.\nTests always perform their test on a property of some object, and each object has different properties you can test. User assistance provides two variables that are used to select the object to test on:\nplatform- The underlying platform you're running on\nworkbench- The UI workbench\nYou can perform a test on one of these by using the\nas shown below:\n \nEach property has a namespace, which is a prefix such as\nthat is used to minimize the chances of duplicate properties being defined by two\ncomponents. The table below shows some common properties you can test by:\n||tests if the expected value matches the currently active product's unique id|\ntests if the bundle with the symbolic name (e.g.\n||tests if the activity with the id specified as a single argument exists and is currently enabled in the workbench|\n||tests if the category of activities with the id specified as a single argument exists and is currently enabled in the workbench. A category is enabled if all its activities are enabled|\nHere are a few examples using these properties:\n

This paragraph should only be displayed when running the Eclipse SDK.

This paragraph should only be displayed when either the\ncom.myactivity.bactivity (or both) is enabled in the workbench.

This paragraph should only be displayed when the\ncom.mycategorycategory is enabled and the\ncom.mybundlebundle is not installed.

\nNote: Make sure you use the\nargs attributes for the appropriate\ntests. In general, string properties like product will use\nvalue where boolean\nisSomethingTrue) will use\nargs. See the complete\nexpressions syntax specification for more details on how to write expressions.\nNote: The variables\nworkbench resolve to the\norg.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform Class object (we use the class object for\n\"static\" tests) and the singleton\nrespectively. Your property tester must declare one of these two classes for its type.\nFilters can be used in Table of Contents files to filter out content that does not apply to the current installation. The example below is a topic which is only included in the TOC if plugin x.y.z is running.\n \nPrior to the 3.3, filters were specified using\nfilter attributes or elements.\nThe use of these filters is now deprecated, and you should use expressions (described\nThe table below contains a complete list of all the filter properties and their possible values for use with filter elements and attributes.(deprecated)\n||eclipse product identifier||\nAny product identifier (e.g., for SDK,\nAny plug-in identifier (e.g.\n||category of activities||\nAny activity category identifier (e.g. for Team category,\nAny activity identifier (e.g. for CVS Support activity,\nIf the name does not match any pre-defined property, the help system will\nuse the JVM's system property of that name. For example, you can pass in any\nuser-defined property at launch, such as\nand filter by that property.\nThere are two ways to specify filters on an element; using attributes, or elements.\nThe first form is to add a\nto the element. The general form is:\n Some text. \nname is the name of the property\nby which to filter, for example,\nos for operating system. The\noperator is either\n= to denote\na match (exact match, case sensitive), or\n!= to denote does\nnot match. The\nvalue is what the property\nshould (or shouldn't) match. For example, for\nos, one of the possible\nwin32 (Windows). A complete list of filter properties and their\nvalues is available in a table below.\nThe example below shows how to display a paragraph of text in an XHTML document when running on Linux only.\n

This message will only appear when viewed on Linux.

\nIn this second example, the link will only appear when plugin\ncom.my.plugin is not installed:\n Click here to download plugin com.my.plugin. \nThe second form is to use a\nfilter element as a child of\nthe element you wish to filter. This form is slightly longer than the attribute\nform, but it is more powerful because you can specify any number of filters on an\nelement. The general form is:\n\nvalue here are the same as with the attribute. However, since they\nare separated, we need another way to specify whether or not it should match. By\ndefault, if you do not provide a\nmatch is assumed. If it should not match, set the modifier to \"\nHere is the first example shown above in the second form:\n

This message will only appear when viewed on Linux.

\nAnd the second example:\n Click here to download plugin com.my.plugin. \nFiltering support is turned off by default when running help in\ninformation center mode, causing all content,\nincluding filtered content, to be visible. If you intend to host your\ndocumentation in both workbench and information center modes, you should use filters in\na way that makes sense even if filtering is turned off. If you wish to turn on filtering\nin an information center set the customization preference\nfilterInfocenter to true,\nsee help system customization.\nFiltering can be used in any XML-based user assistance document, such as help XHTML topics, help table of contents, welcome pages, cheat sheets, etc. You cannot use filtering in HTML documents.\nIn any case, you must not place filters on any element where removing that\nelement would result in invalid XML. For example, you should not place a\nfilter on the\nhtml element in XHTML, because without that element it\nis no longer valid", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Philippa Browning is a Professor of Astrophysics in The University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics. Philippa studies the interactions between magnetic fields and plasmas. She aims to explain why the outer atmosphere of the Sun – the solar corona – is heated to millions of degrees, and to understand the most powerful explosions in the solar system: solar flares.\nExplosions on the Sun\nSolar flares are the most energetic ͞explosions͟in the solar system. A rapid release of stored magnetic energy creates very hot plasma and high-energy particle beams. Our understanding of flares has developed considerably since their first detection in the 1859, especially through recent X-ray observations from space, as well as radio observations and computer simulations. But many puzzles remain! Flares affect the Earth and our space environment in many ways, in a process known as ͞space weather͟. Furthermore, the combined effect of many small flares may explain the mystery of the high temperature of the solar corona. Philippa is a leading expert in the physics of the Sun and will discuss some of the most recent work on the active Sun.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Events in Asia have influenced the cultures of the Western world for hundreds of years. In the West, the largest continent on earth has Europe as its neighbour. Asia has many faces. These are characterised by tradition on the one hand and modern day living on the other. The exhibition of the Übersee-Museum reveals a world that is looked at from six exciting perspectives, inviting visitors to explore this contrast for themselves – be it the Silk Road or a megacity, traditional theatre or the bright glittery world of Bollywood, and plenty more.\nStarting with the religions, the museum’s excursion through Asia takes the visitors on a journey along the legendary Silk Road route, leading them to Shanghai with its futuristic architecture. The great diversity of Asian theatre is reflected in figures, masks and costumes on the one hand and the modern-day media and entertainment industries on the other. In the night-time rainforests and mangrove forests visitors can marvel at Asia’s great diversity of fauna and flora, which is competing for space with the agriculture industry. The foray ends in the Japanese garden, where the Asian life principle of peace and motion is manifested.\nThanks to our supporters:\nOrigin of the Religions\nAsia is considered the cradle of the world’s major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated here. In addition, China was also the birthplace of Confucianism and Daoism teachings, which is widespread throughout East Asia today. Shintoism, which is the largest indigenous religious community of Japan apart from Buddhism or shamanism, also shapes the lifeworld of the people in Asia.\nMany Roads – One Silk Road\nThe Silk Road has always constituted a complete system of overland and sea connections between the Far East (China, Korea and Japan) and the Mediterranean area. The traffic routes served as a bridge between Asia and Europe. Commercial goods were transported via these routes, cultivated plants and natural products were distributed, and technologies, ideas and religions were disseminated. People of different descent and with different purposes, caravans and shipping fleets all made use of this gigantic network of routes.\nIn 1950 there were 48 cities with more than one million inhabitants, and the largest share of these cities was in industrial countries. Today there are more than 400 of these cities and the largest share is found in the so-called “emerging countries”. According to the United Nations, a megacity is a city with more than ten million inhabitants. An example of such a city would be the Chinese port city of Shanghai, with an agglomeration area of approximately 18 million people.\nTheatre Synthesis of the Arts\nIn Eastern theatre, a myriad of different forms of expression offer a true to life and magical-cultic foundation for theatre stagings. The large \"world theatre\" of Asia includes puppet theatre and theatre of the spoken word, as well as music and dance theatres in different forms that correspond to the respective culture. Depending on the tradition, dance is combined with movement, battles and the art of warfare, sport and artistry, music, song and narrative art, stagecraft, pantomime and masquerade as well as amazing theatrical costumes, all of which merge to a complete work of art.\nBetween the Conflicting Priorities of Nature and Agriculture\nWhen people first populated the regions and islands that are today referred to as “Asia”, they frequently encountered opulent natural treasures. Although it can no longer be ascertained how people felt about nature back then, a great number of scientific disciplines, such as archaeology, palaeoanthropology, ecology and ethnology provide an impression on people’s dealings with nature and where they made changes to it.\nQuiet and Motion\nIn Asia, quiet and motion would appear to be a dominating life principle. The idea of “navigating” on a “journey” through life, both literally and figuratively, extends through all societies, cultures and rhythms of life. The most significant journey is that from life to death, and it is closely linked to the life-long quest for truth. At the end of every journey travellers will find peace, and in the exhibition this is expressed by the Japanese garden and the teahouse.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Vitamin D is extremely important for good health.\nAs a hormone, it plays several roles in keeping your body's cells healthy and functioning the way they should.\nMost people don't get enough vitamin D, so supplements are common.\nHowever, it's also possible — although rare — for this vitamin to build up and reach toxic levels in the body.\nThis article discusses six potential side effects of getting excessive amounts of this important vitamin.\nVitamin D is involved in calcium absorption, immune function and protecting bone, muscle and heart health. It occurs naturally in food and can also be produced by your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight.\nYet aside from fatty fish, there are few foods rich in vitamin D. What's more, most people don't get enough sun exposure to produce adequate vitamin D.\nSupplements are very common, and both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 can be taken in supplement form. Vitamin D3 is produced in response to sun exposure and is found in animal products, whereas vitamin D2 occurs in plants.\nVitamin D3 has been found to increase blood levels significantly more than D2. Studies have shown that each additional 100 IU of vitamin D3 you consume per day will raise your blood vitamin D levels by 1 ng/ml (2.5 nmol/l), on average (2, 3).\nHowever, taking extremely high doses of vitamin D3 for long periods of time may lead to excessive buildup in the body.\nVitamin D intoxication occurs when blood levels rise above 150 ng/ml (375 nmol/l). Because the vitamin is stored in body fat and released into the bloodstream slowly, the effects of toxicity may last for several months after you stop taking supplements (4).\nImportantly, toxicity isn't common and occurs almost exclusively in people who take long-term, high-dose supplements without monitoring blood levels.\nIt's also possible to accidentally consume too much vitamin D by taking supplements that contain much higher amounts than are listed on the label.\nIn contrast, you cannot reach dangerously high blood levels through diet and sun exposure alone.\nBelow are the 6 main side effects of too much vitamin D.\nAchieving adequate levels of vitamin D in your blood may help boost immunity and protect you from diseases like osteoporosis and cancer (5).\nHowever, there isn't universal agreement on the optimal range for these levels.\nAlthough a vitamin D level of 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) is typically considered adequate, the Vitamin D Council recommends maintaining levels of 40–80 ng/ml (100–200 nmol/l), and states that anything over 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/l) may be harmful (6, 7).\nDespite the fact that more people are now taking vitamin D supplements, it's rare to find someone with very high blood levels of this vitamin.\nOne recent study looked at data from more than 20,000 people over a 10-year period. It found that only 37 people had levels above 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/l). Only one person had true toxicity, at 364 ng/ml (899 nmol/l) (8).\nIn one case study, a woman had a level of 476 ng/ml (1,171 nmol/l) after taking a supplement that gave her 186,900 IU of vitamin D3 per day for two months (9).\nThis was a whopping 47 times the generally recommended safe upper limit of 4,000 IU per day.\nThe woman was admitted to the hospital after she experienced fatigue, forgetfulness, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech and other symptoms (9).\nAlthough only extremely large doses can cause toxicity so rapidly, even strong supporters of these supplements recommend an upper limit of 10,000 IU per day (3).\nSummary: Vitamin D levels greater than 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/l) are considered potentially harmful. Toxicity symptoms have been reported at extremely high blood levels resulting from megadoses.\nVitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat. In fact, this is one of its most important roles.\nHowever, if vitamin D intake is excessive, blood calcium may reach levels that cause symptoms that are not only unpleasant, but dangerous.\nSymptoms of hypercalcemia, or high blood calcium levels, include:\n- Digestive distress, such as vomiting, nausea and stomach pain\n- Fatigue, dizziness and confusion\n- Excessive thirst\n- Frequent urination\nThe normal range of blood calcium is 8.5–10.2 mg/dl (2.1–2.5 mmol/l).\nIn one case study, an older man with dementia who received 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily for six months was repeatedly hospitalized with symptoms related to high calcium levels (10).\nIn another, two men took improperly labeled vitamin D supplements, leading to blood calcium levels of 13.2–15 mg/dl (3.3–3.7 mmol/l). What's more, it took a year for their levels to normalize after they stopped taking the supplements (11).\nSummary: Taking too much vitamin D may result in excessive absorption of calcium, which can cause several potentially dangerous symptoms.\nMany side effects of too much vitamin D are related to excessive calcium in the blood.\nThese include nausea, vomiting and poor appetite.\nHowever, these symptoms don't occur in everyone with elevated calcium levels.\nOne study followed 10 people who had developed excessive calcium levels after they had taken high-dose vitamin D to correct deficiency.\nFour experienced nausea and vomiting and three had a loss of appetite (12).\nSimilar responses to vitamin D megadoses have been reported in other studies. One woman had nausea and weight loss after taking a supplement from her naturopath that was found to contain 78 times more vitamin D than stated on the label (13, 14).\nImportantly, these symptoms occurred in response to extremely high doses of vitamin D3, which led to calcium levels greater than 12 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/l).\nSummary: High-dose vitamin D therapy has been found to cause nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite for some due to high blood calcium levels.\nStomach pain, constipation and diarrhea are common digestive complaints that are often related to food intolerances or irritable bowel syndrome.\nHowever, they can also be a sign of elevated calcium levels caused by vitamin D intoxication (15).\nThese symptoms may occur in those receiving high doses of vitamin D to correct deficiency. As with other symptoms, response appears to be individualized even when vitamin D blood levels are similarly elevated.\nIn one case study, a boy developed stomach pain and constipation after taking improperly labeled vitamin D supplements, whereas his brother experienced elevated blood levels without any other symptoms (16).\nIn another case study, an 18-month-old child who was given 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 for three months experienced diarrhea, stomach pain and other symptoms. These symptoms resolved after the child stopped taking the supplements (17).\nSummary: Stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea may result from large vitamin D doses that lead to elevated calcium levels in the blood.\nBecause vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism, getting enough is crucial for maintaining strong bones.\nHowever, too much vitamin D can also be detrimental to bone health.\nTo protect yourself against bone loss, avoid taking excessive vitamin D supplements and take a vitamin K2 supplement. You can also consume foods rich in vitamin K2, such as grass-fed dairy and meat.\nSummary: Although vitamin D is required for calcium absorption, high levels may cause bone loss by interfering with vitamin K2 activity.\nExcessive vitamin D intake frequently results in kidney injury.\nIn one case study, a man was hospitalized for kidney failure, elevated blood calcium levels and other symptoms that occurred after he received vitamin D injections prescribed by his doctor (20).\nIn one study of 62 people who received excessively high-dose vitamin D injections, each person experienced kidney failure — whether they had healthy kidneys or existing kidney disease (21).\nKidney failure is treated with oral or intravenous hydration and medication.\nSummary: Too much vitamin D may lead to kidney injury in people with healthy kidneys, as well as in those with established kidney disease.\nVitamin D is extremely important for overall health. Even if you follow a healthy diet, you may require supplements in order to achieve optimal blood levels.\nHowever, it is also possible to have too much of a good thing.\nMake sure to avoid excessive doses of vitamin D. Generally speaking, 4,000 IU or less per day is considered safe as long as your blood values are being monitored.\nIn addition, make sure you purchase supplements from reputable manufacturers to reduce the risk of accidental overdose due to improper labeling.\nIf you've been taking vitamin D supplements and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in this article, consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The belly button (or navel) is the first scar a body ever embeds. At the time of your birth, the umbilical cord, which provided nutrients to you while you were in your mommy’s tummy, is a very strong connection between your mother and you during those nine months. It is clamped off shortly after the placenta has been removed. The remaining vestiges of the cord usually wither off eventually and the belly button is the scar that remains from this \"falling off\" process of the cord.\nThere has been a long, never-ending debate upon the causes of an outie belly button and the following few are the most common reasons suggested by medical experts.\nMost of the times the scar leaves an inside impact on the tummy whereas, an outie belly button is considered to be a theory of natural selection that happens only to a few of us amongst many. Doctors suggest that the cause of an outie belly button is genetic aberration. However, lack of scientific evidence fails to prove that this is a genetically occurring phenomenon or even that the innie belly button occurs due to genetic factors.\nAfter you are born, the umbilical cord shrivels up and you have an innie belly button. But, if the cord had unusually extra blood supply, it stays alive and heals itself over the stomach which causes an outie belly button.\nSome say that the way doctors handle the clamping off of the cord may play a significant role in determining the cause of your outie belly button. However, the cord is clamped off several inches from the body and the development of an innie or outie belly button cannot be then, surgically manipulated.\nDoctors also claim that the cause of an outie belly button may be due to abdominal hernia which is basically a weakening of your body’s abdominal muscles. The collapsing of the abdominal walls may cause hernia which in turn results in the belly button protruding. This is by far the most popular reason as to why outie belly buttons may occur. However, scientific studies suggest that the scar tissue is the main determinant of whether your belly button will be an innie or an outie and not the weak muscle tissue.\nAlso, some studies suggest that confusing umbelical hernia with an outie belly button is a very common factor. Hernia expands when the baby cries or strains but the outie belly button does not. The hernia also causes a more protrude form of the belly button as compared to the outie. The surgery to covert the outie belly button to an innie is known as umbilicoplasty.\nBut, if you are convinced that the cause of your outie belly button is weak muscles of the abdomen then there are numerous exercises available so as to strengthen the muscles and somewhat lessen the protruding outie belly button. You can always join yoga classes or take up lessons at the gym or even online.\nWhatever the cause may be, having an outie or an innie belly button does not change the fact that we’re all human. We were all infants when this scar forming process took place and there is very little we can do to change that.\nEver been tired of wondering why you out of all the other people have an outie belly button? Well, worry not because science has proven it to be perfectly normal and not something to be worried about all. Here are a few causes to your uniqueness.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "All Saints Day\nJesus Comforts People in Hard Times\nLuke 6: 20 - 31\nThis passage is called the Sermon on the Plain, to distinguish it from the Sermon on the Mount.\nJesus knows that the early Christians will face hard times after they choose to follow him, but he also knows the goodness of God will make them jump for joy.\n1. When will God bless us?\nGod will bless us when other people hate us.\n2. What will happen to people whose lives have been too easy?\nThey people who lead easy lives should know that God will even things out, and hard times will come for them.\n3. When do we know trouble is coming?\nWe know trouble is coming when everyone says good things about us.\nCalendar | HomePage | References and Resources | Pentecost 23 Lesson | All Saints Art", "label": "No"} +{"text": "To the editor:\nBRiDGES has kept you up to date on meth, bath salts and underage drinking through town hall meetings and more than a dozen educational opportunities in Madison County.\nWe applaud you for staying informed.\nYet, knowing the facts is just a piece of keeping our youth safe.\nParents have a major role in their children’s safety and health. Mikaela J. Dufur, Ph.D., of Brigham Young University, and colleagues explored how “family social capital” may influence risks of underage drinking and drug use. Bonding, open communication lines and parental engagements are important elements.\nDr. Dufur found that “parental availability and involvement transmitted pro-social norms and reduce risks for adolescent alcohol and drug use.”\nThe Center of Disease Control and Prevention echoes the importance of parents being “actively involved.” The study, which was published online Nov. 8, 2012 by the Journal of Drug Issues, also discussed positive school social capital.\nWith good intentions, some parents believe that by permitting their teens to drink at home they can teach them to drink “responsibly” and keep them safe. Most parents know that this is a dangerous myth.\nParents, please consider using these six research supported parenting practices from The Partnership at Drugfree.org:\n—Build a warm and supportive relationship with your child\n—Be a good role model when it comes to drinking, taking medicine and handling stress\n—Know your child’s risk level\n—Know your child’s friends\n—Monitor, supervise and set boundaries\n—Have ongoing conversations and provide information about drugs and alcohol.\nBest wishes this holiday season.\nCommunity Organization Specialist, BRiDGES", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Adolescent girls who frequently eat meals with their families appear less likely to use diet pills, laxatives or other extreme measures to control their weight five years later, according to a new report.\nAs youth progress from adolescence into adulthood, disordered eating behaviors--including binge eating and self-induced vomiting--become more common, according to background information in the article. \"Disordered eating behaviors are associated with a number of harmful behavioral, physical and psychological consequences, including poorer dietary quality, weight gain and obesity onset, depressive symptoms and the onset of eating disorders,\" the authors write. \"Thus, it is important to identify strategies for the prevention of disordered eating behaviors.\"\nDianne Neumark-Sztainer, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D., and colleagues at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, studied 2,516 adolescents at 31 Minnesota schools. Participants completed two surveys--an in-class survey in 1999 and a mailed survey in 2004--regarding how often they ate with their families as well as their body mass index, feelings of family connectedness and eating behaviors.\nAmong teen girls, those who ate five or more meals with their families each week in 1999 were significantly less likely to report using extreme measures (such as self-induced vomiting and diuretics) to control their weight in 2004, regardless of their sociodemographic characteristics, body mass index or family connectedness. However, among adolescent boys, regular family meals did not predict lower levels of disordered eating behaviors five years later.\nThe reasons for the sex difference are unclear, the authors note. \"Perhaps boys who engage in regular family meals are different in some way that increases their risk for disordered eating behaviors,\" they write. \"There is also the possibility that adolescent boys and girls have different experiences at family meals. For example, girls may have more involvement in food preparation and other food-related tasks, which may play a protective role in the development of disordered eating behaviors. Finally, family meals may offer more benefits to adolescent girls, who may be more sensitive to and likely to be influenced by interpersonal and familial relationships than are adolescent boys.\"\nGiven the findings of this and other studies and the prevalence of disordered eating among teen girls, it is important to find ways to help families eat meals together, the authors note. \"Health care professionals have an important role to play in reinforcing the benefits of family meals, helping families set realistic goals for increasing family meal frequency given schedules of adolescents and their parents, exploring ways to enhance the atmosphere at family meals with adolescents and discussing strategies for creating healthful and easy-to-prepare family meals,\" they conclude. \"Schools and community organizations should also be encouraged to make it easier for families to have shared mealtimes on a regular basis.\"\nJournal reference: Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008;162(1):17-22.\nThis study was supported by a grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and from the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition.\nCite This Page:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - View original article\n|Part of a series on the|\n|Sura · Ayah|\n|Adam · Noah · Abraham · Joseph (son of Jacob) · Moses|\nKing David · King Solomon · Mary\nJesus · Muhammad\n|Tajwid · Hizb · Tarteel · Quranic guardian|\nManzil · Qari' · Juz' · Rasm · Ruku' · Sujud\n|List of translations · English translations|\n|Meccan suras · Medinan suras|\n|Persons related to verses · Justice|\nAsbab al-nuzul · Naskh · Biblical narratives\nTahrif · Bakkah · Muqatta'at\n|Quran and Sunnah|\n|Literalism · Miracles · Science|\n|Shia · Criticism · Desecration|\nSurah of Wilaya and Nurayn · Tanazzulat\nQisas Al-Anbiya · House of the Quran\n|This article is part of a series on:|\nThe Quran (English pronunciation: //[n 1] kor-AHN; Arabic: القرآن al-qurʾān, IPA: [qurˈʔaːn],[n 2] literally meaning \"the recitation\"), also transliterated Qur'an, Koran, Al-Coran, Coran, Kuran, and Al-Qur'an, is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله, Allah). It is regarded widely as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language.\nThe Quran is composed of verses (Ayat) that make up 114 chapters (suras) of unequal length which are classified either as Meccan (المكية) or Medinan (المدينية) depending upon the place and time of their claimed revelation. Muslims believe the Quran to be verbally revealed through angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) from God to Muhammad gradually over a period of approximately 23 years beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death.\nShortly after Muhammad's death the Quran was compiled into a single book by order of the first Caliph Abu Bakr and at the suggestion of his future successor Umar. Hafsa, Muhammad's widow and Caliph Umar's daughter, was entrusted with that Quranic text after the second Caliph Umar died. When the third Caliph Uthman began noticing slight differences in pronunciation of the Quranic Arabic by those whose dialect was not that of the Quraish, he sought Hafsa's permission to use her text and commissioned a committee to produce a standard copy of the text of Quran to which added diacritical marks ensured correct pronunciation, and to be set as the standard dialect, the Quraish dialect, now known as Fus'ha (Modern Standard Arabic) (see Origin and development of the Quran). Five of these original Qurans (Mus'haf) were sent to the major Muslim cities of the era, with Uthman keeping one for his own use in Medina. Any variations to standardized text were invalidated and ordered to be destroyed, all other versions of the Quran copied by scribes subsequently were from this codex. This process of formalization is known as the \"Uthmanic recension\". The present form of the Quran text is accepted by most scholars as the original version compiled by Abu Bakr.\nMuslims regard the Quran as the main miracle of Muhammad, the proof of his prophethood and the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the messages revealed to Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued with the Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Quran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others and in some cases presenting alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance, sometimes offering detailed accounts of specific historical events, and often emphasizing the moral significance of an event over its narrative sequence.\nThe word qurʾān appears about 70 times in the Quran itself, assuming various meanings. It is a verbal noun (maṣdar) of the Arabic verb qaraʾa (قرأ), meaning “he read” or “he recited.” The Syriac equivalent is qeryānā, which refers to “scripture reading” or “lesson”. While most Western scholars consider the word to be derived from the Syriac, the majority of Muslim authorities hold the origin of the word is qaraʾa itself. In any case, it had become an Arabic term by Muhammad's lifetime. An important meaning of the word is the “act of reciting”, as reflected in an early Quranic passage: “It is for Us to collect it and to recite it (qurʾānahu)”.\nIn other verses, the word refers to “an individual passage recited [by Muhammad]”. Its liturgical context is seen in a number of passages, for example: \"So when al-qurʾān is recited, listen to it and keep silent\". The word may also assume the meaning of a codified scripture when mentioned with other scriptures such as the Torah and Gospel.\nThe term also has closely related synonyms that are employed throughout the Quran. Each synonym possesses its own distinct meaning, but its use may converge with that of qurʾān in certain contexts. Such terms include kitāb (“book”); āyah (“sign”); and sūrah (“scripture”). The latter two terms also denote units of revelation. In the large majority of contexts, usually with a definite article (al-), the word is referred to as the “revelation” (wahy), that which has been “sent down” (tanzīl) at intervals. Other related words are: dhikr, meaning \"remembrance,\" used to refer to the Quran in the sense of a reminder and warning; and ḥikma, meaning “wisdom”, sometimes referring to the revelation or part of it.\nThe Quran has many other names. Among those found in the text itself are al-furqān (“discernment” or “criterion”), al-hudah (“the guide”), ḏikrallāh (“the remembrance of God”), al-ḥikmah (“the wisdom”), and kalāmallāh (“the word of God”). Another term is al-kitāb (“the book”), though it is also used in the Arabic language for other scriptures, such as the Torah and the Gospels. The term muṣḥaf (\"written work\") is often used to refer to particular Quranic manuscripts but is also used in the Quran to identify earlier revealed books.\nIslamic tradition relates that Muhammad received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira during one of his isolated retreats to the mountains. Thereafter, he received revelations over a period of twenty-three years. According to hadith and Muslim history, after Muhammad emigrated to Medina and formed an independent Muslim community, he ordered a considerable number of the sahabah to recite the Quran and to learn and teach the laws, which were revealed daily. Companions who engaged in the recitation of the Quran were called Qari. Since most sahabah were unable to read or write, they were ordered to learn from the prisoners-of-war the simple writing of the time. Thus a group of sahabah gradually became literate. As it was initially spoken, the Quran was recorded on tablets, bones and the wide, flat ends of date palm fronds. Most chapters were in use amongst early Muslims since they are mentioned in numerous sayings by both Sunni and Shia sources, relating Muhammad's use of the Quran as a call to Islam, the making of prayer and the manner of recitation. However, the Quran did not exist in book form at the time of Muhammad's death in 632.\nSahih Bukhari narrates Muhammad describing the revelations as, \"Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell\" and Aisha reported, \"I saw the Prophet being inspired Divinely on a very cold day and noticed the sweat dropping from his forehead (as the Inspiration was over)\". The Islamic studies scholar Welch states in the Encyclopaedia of Islam that he believes the graphic descriptions of Muhammad's condition at these moments may be regarded as genuine, because he was severely disturbed after these revelations. According to Welch, these seizures would have been seen by those around him as convincing evidence for the superhuman origin of Muhammad's inspirations. However, Muhammad's critics accused him of being a possessed man, a soothsayer or a magician since his experiences were similar to those claimed by such figures well known in ancient Arabia. Welch additionally states that it remains uncertain whether these experiences occurred before or after Muhammad's initial claim of prophethood.\nAccording to Shias, Sufis and scarce Sunni scholars, Ali compiled a complete version of the Quran mus'haf immediately after Muhammad's death. The order of this mus'haf differed from that gathered later during Uthman's era. Despite this, Ali made no objection or resistance against standardized mus'haf, but kept his own book.\nAfter seventy reciters were killed in the Battle of Yamama, the caliph Abu Bakr decided to collect the different chapters and verses into one volume. Thus, a group of reciters, including Zayd ibn Thabit, collected the chapters and verses and produced several hand-written copies of the complete book.\nIn about 650, as Islam expanded beyond the Arabian peninsula into Persia, the Levant and North Africa, the third caliph Uthman ibn Affan ordered the preparation of an official, standardized version, to preserve the sanctity of the text (and perhaps to keep the Rashidun Empire united, which became known as the Uthman Quran). Five reciters from amongst the companions produced a unique text from the first volume, which had been prepared on the orders of Abu Bakr and was kept with Hafsa bint Umar. The other copies already in the hands of Muslims in other areas were collected and sent to Medina where, on orders of the Caliph, they were destroyed by burning or boiling. This remains the authoritative text of the Quran to this day.\nThe Quran in its present form is generally considered by academic scholars to record the words spoken by Muhammad because the search for variants in Western academia has not yielded any differences of great significance. Historically, controversy over the Quran's content has rarely become an issue, although debates continue on the subject.\nMuslims believe the Quran to be the book of divine guidance and direction for humanity and consider the text in its original Arabic to be the literal word of God, revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of twenty-three years and view the Quran as God's final revelation to humanity.\nWahy in Islamic and Quranic concept means the act of God addressing an individual, conveying a message for a greater number of recipients. The process by which the divine message comes to the heart of a messenger of God is tanzil (to send down) or nuzul (to come down). As the Quran says, \"With the truth we (God) have sent it down and with the truth it has come down.\" It designates positive religion, the letter of the revelation dictated by the angel to the prophet. It means to cause this revelation to descend from the higher world. According to hadith, the verses were sent down in special circumstances known as asbab al-nuzul. However, in this view God himself is never the subject of coming down.\nThe Quran frequently asserts in its text that it is divinely ordained, an assertion that Muslims believe. The Quran – often referring to its own textual nature and reflecting constantly on its assertion of divine origin – is the most meta-textual, self-referential religious text. The Quran refers to a written pre-text that records God's speech even before it was sent down.\nThe issue of whether the Quran is eternal or created was one of the crucial controversies among early Muslim theologians. Mu'tazilis believe it is created while the most widespread varieties of Muslim theologians consider the Quran to be eternal and uncreated. Sufi philosophers view the question as artificial or wrongly framed.\nMuslims maintain the present wording of the Quranic text corresponds exactly to that revealed to Muhammad himself: as the words of God, said to be delivered to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims consider the Quran to be a guide, a sign of the prophethood of Muhammad and the truth of the religion. They argue it is not possible for a human to produce a book like the Quran, as the Quran itself maintains.\nTherefore an Islamic philosopher introduces a prophetology to explain how the divine word passes into human expression. This leads to a kind of esoteric hermeneutics that seeks to comprehend the position of the prophet by mediating on the modality of his relationship not with his own time, but with the eternal source his message emanates from. This view contrasts with historical critique of western scholars who attempt to understand the prophet through his circumstances, education and type of genius.\nMuslims believe that the Quran is different from all other books in ways that are impossible for any other book to be, such that similar texts cannot be written by humans. These include both mundane and miraculous claims. The Quran itself challenges any who disagree with its divine origin to produce a text of a miraculous nature.\nScholars of Islam believe that its poetic form is unique and of a fashion that cannot be written by humans. They also claim it contains accurate prophecy and that no other book does.\nThe text of the Quran consists of 114 chapters of varying lengths, each known as a sura. Chapters are classed as Meccan or Medinan, depending on when (before or after Hijra) the verses were revealed. Chapter titles are derived from a name or quality discussed in the text, or from the first letters or words of the sura. Muslims believe that Muhammad, on God's command, gave the chapters their names. Generally, longer chapters appear earlier in the Quran, while the shorter ones appear later. The chapter arrangement is thus not connected to the sequence of revelation. Each sura except the ninth starts with the Bismillah, an Arabic phrase meaning (“In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful”). There are, however, still 114 occurrences of the bismillah in the Quran, due to its presence in verse 27:30 as the opening of Solomon's letter to the Queen of Sheba.\nEach sura is formed from several ayat (verses), which originally means a sign or portent sent by God. The number of verses differ from chapter to chapter. An individual verse may be just a few letters or several lines. The verses are unlike the highly refined poetry of the pre-Islamic Arabs in their content and distinctive rhymes and rhythms, being more akin to the prophetic utterances marked by inspired discontinuities found in the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The actual number of ayat has been a controversial issue among Muslim scholars since Islam's inception, some recognizing 6,000, some 6,204, some 6,219, and some 6,236, although the words in all cases are the same. The most popular edition of the Quran, which is based on the Kufa school tradition, contains 6,236 ayat.\nThere is a crosscutting division into 30 parts of roughly equal division, ajza, each containing two units called ahzab, each of which is divided into four parts (rub 'al-ahzab). The Quran is also divided into seven approximately equal parts, manazil, for it to be recited in a week.\nThe Quranic text seems to have no beginning, middle, or end, its nonlinear structure being akin to a web or net. The textual arrangement is sometimes considered to have lack of continuity, absence of any chronological or thematic order, and presence of repetition.\nFourteen different Arabic letters form 14 different sets of “Quranic Initials” (the \"Muqatta'at\", such as A.L.M. of 2:1) and prefix 29 suras in the Quran. The meaning and interpretation of these initials is considered unknown to most Muslims.\nThe Quranic verses contain general exhortations regarding right and wrong and the nature of revelation.\nHistorical events are related to outline general moral lessons.\nVerses pertaining to natural phenomena have been interpreted by Muslims as an indication of the authenticity of the Quranic message.\nThe Quran's message is conveyed with various literary structures and devices. In the original Arabic, the chapters and verses employ phonetic and thematic structures that assist the audience's efforts to recall the message of the text. Muslims[who?] assert (according to the Quran itself) that the Quranic content and style is inimitable.\nRichard Gottheil and Siegmund Fränkel in the Jewish Encyclopedia write that the oldest portions of the Quran reflect significant excitement in their language, through short and abrupt sentences and sudden transitions. The Quran nonetheless carefully maintains the rhymed form, like the oracles. Some later portions also preserve this form but also in a style where the movement is calm and the style expository.[verification needed]\nMichael Sells, citing the work of the critic Norman O. Brown, acknowledges Brown's observation that the seeming \"disorganization\" of Quranic literary expression – its \"scattered or fragmented mode of composition,\" in Sells's phrase – is in fact a literary device capable of delivering \"profound effects – as if the intensity of the prophetic message were shattering the vehicle of human language in which it was being communicated.\" Sells also addresses the much-discussed \"repetitiveness\" of the Quran, seeing this, too, as a literary device.\nThe Quran has sparked a huge body of commentary and explication (tafsir), aimed at explaining the \"meanings of the Quranic verses, clarifying their import and finding out their significance.\"\nTafsir is one of the earliest academic activities of Muslims. According to the Quran, Muhammad was the first person who described the meanings of verses for early Muslims. Other early exegetes included a few Companions of Muhammad, like Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdullah ibn Umar and Ubayy ibn Kab. Exegesis in those days was confined to the explanation of literary aspects of the verse, the background of its revelation and, occasionally, interpretation of one verse with the help of the other. If the verse was about a historical event, then sometimes a few traditions (hadith) of Muhammad were narrated to make its meaning clear.\nBecause the Quran is spoken in classical Arabic, many of the later converts to Islam (mostly non-Arabs) did not always understand the Quranic Arabic, they did not catch allusions that were clear to early Muslims fluent in Arabic and they were concerned with reconciling apparent conflict of themes in the Quran. Commentators erudite in Arabic explained the allusions, and perhaps most importantly, explained which Quranic verses had been revealed early in Muhammad's prophetic career, as being appropriate to the very earliest Muslim community, and which had been revealed later, canceling out or \"abrogating\" (nasikh) the earlier text (mansukh). Other scholars, however, maintain that no abrogation has taken place in the Qur'an.\nJa'far Kashfi defines ta'wil as 'to lead back or to bring something back to its origin or archetype'. It is a science whose pivot is a spiritual direction and a divine inspiration, while the tafsir is the literal exegesis of the letter; its pivot is the canonical Islamic sciences. Muhammad Husayn Tabatabaei says that according to the popular explanation among the later exegetes, ta'wil indicates the particular meaning a verse is directed towards. The meaning of revelation (tanzil), as opposed to ta'wil, is clear in its accordance to the obvious meaning of the words as they were revealed. But this explanation has become so widespread that, at present, it has become the primary meaning of ta'wil, which originally meant \"to return\" or \"the returning place\". In Tabatabaei's view, what has been rightly called ta'wil, or hermeneutic interpretation of the Quran, is not concerned simply with the denotation of words. Rather, it is concerned with certain truths and realities that transcend the comprehension of the common run of men; yet it is from these truths and realities that the principles of doctrine and the practical injunctions of the Quran issue forth. Interpretation is not the meaning of the verse; rather it transpires through that meaning – a special sort of transpiration. There is a spiritual reality, which is the main objective of ordaining a law, or the basic aim in describing a divine attribute—and there is an actual significance a Quranic story refers to.\nAccording to Shia beliefs, those who are firmly rooted in knowledge like the Prophet and the imams know the secrets of the Quran. According to Tabatabaei, the statement \"none knows its interpretation except Allah\"(3:7 ) remains valid, without any opposing or qualifying clause. Therefore, so far as this verse is concerned, the knowledge of the Quran's interpretation is reserved for God. But Tabatabaei uses other verses and concludes that those who are purified by God know the interpretation of the Quran to a certain extent. As Corbin narrates from Shia sources, Ali himself gives this testimony:\nNot a single verse of the Quran descended upon (was revealed to) the Messenger of God, which he did not proceed to dictate to me and make me recite. I would write it with my own hand, and he would instruct me as to its tafsir (the literal explanation) and the ta'wil (the spiritual exegesis), the nasikh (the verse that abrogates) and the mansukh (the abrogated verse), the muhkam (without ambiguity) and the mutashabih (ambiguous), the particular and the general...\nAccording to Tabatabaei, there are acceptable and unacceptable esoteric interpretations. Acceptable ta'wil refers to the meaning of a verse beyond its literal meaning; rather the implicit meaning, which ultimately is known only to God and can't be comprehended directly through human thought alone. The verses in question here refer to the human qualities of coming, going, sitting, satisfaction, anger, and sorrow, which are apparently attributed to God. Unacceptable ta'wil is where one \"transfers\" the apparent meaning of a verse to a different meaning by means of a proof; this method is not without obvious inconsistencies. Although this unacceptable ta'wil has gained considerable acceptance, it is incorrect and cannot be applied to the Quranic verses. The correct interpretation is that reality a verse refers to. It is found in all verses, the decisive and the ambiguous alike; it is not a sort of a meaning of the word; it is a fact that is too sublime for words. God has dressed them with words to bring them a bit nearer to our minds; in this respect they are like proverbs that are used to create a picture in the mind, and thus help the hearer to clearly grasp the intended idea.\nTherefore Sufi spiritual interpretations are usually accepted by Islamic scholars as authentic, as long as certain conditions are met. In Sufi history, these interpretations were sometimes considered religious innovations (bid'ah), as Salafis believe today. However, ta'wil is extremely controversial even amongst Shia. For example, when Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini, the leader of Islamic revolution, gave some lectures about Sura al-Fatiha in December 1979 and January 1980, protests forced him to suspend them before he could continue beyond the first two verses of the surah.\nUnlike the Salafis and Zahiri, Shias and Sufis as well as some other Muslim philosophers believe the meaning of the Quran is not restricted to the literal aspect. For them, it is an essential idea that the Quran also has inward aspects. Henry Corbin narrates a hadith that goes back to Muhammad:\n\"The Qur'an possesses an external appearance and a hidden depth, an exoteric meaning and an esoteric meaning. This esoteric meaning in turn conceals an esoteric meaning (this depth possesses a depth, after the image of the celestial Spheres, which are enclosed within each other). So it goes on for seven esoteric meanings (seven depths of hidden depth).\"\nAccording to this view, it has also become evident that the inner meaning of the Quran does not eradicate or invalidate its outward meaning. Rather, it is like the soul, which gives life to the body. Corbin considers the Quran to play a part in Islamic philosophy, because gnosiology itself goes hand in hand with prophetology.\nCommentaries dealing with the zahir (outward aspects) of the text are called tafsir, and hermeneutic and esoteric commentaries dealing with the batin are called ta'wil (“interpretation” or “explanation”), which involves taking the text back to its beginning. Commentators with an esoteric slant believe that the ultimate meaning of the Quran is known only to God. In contrast, Quranic literalism, followed by Salafis and Zahiris, is the belief that the Quran should only be taken at its apparent meaning.\nTranslation of the Quran has always been a problematic and difficult issue. Many argue that the Quranic text cannot be reproduced in another language or form. Furthermore, an Arabic word may have a range of meanings depending on the context, making an accurate translation even more difficult.\nNevertheless, the Quran has been translated into most African, Asian and European languages. The first translator of the Quran was Salman the Persian, who translated sura Al-Fatiha into Persian during the 7th century. The first complete translation of the Quran was completed in 884 CE in Alwar (Sindh, India now Pakistan) by the orders of Abdullah bin Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the request of the Hindu Raja Mehruk. The first complete translation of Quran was into Persian during the reign of Samanids in the 9th century. Islamic tradition holds that translations were made for Emperor Negus of Abyssinia and Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, as both received letters by Muhammad containing verses from the Quran. In early centuries, the permissibility of translations was not an issue, but whether one could use translations in prayer.\nIn 1936, translations in 102 languages were known. In 2010, the Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review reported that the Quran was presented in 112 languages at the 18th International Quran Exhibition in Tehran.\nRobert of Ketton's 1143 translation of the Quran for Peter the Venerable, Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete, was the first into a Western language (Latin). Alexander Ross offered the first English version in 1649, from the French translation of L'Alcoran de Mahomet (1647) by Andre du Ryer. In 1734, George Sale produced the first scholarly translation of the Quran into English; another was produced by Richard Bell in 1937, and yet another by Arthur John Arberry in 1955. All these translators were non-Muslims. There have been numerous translations by Muslims.\nThe English translators have sometimes favored archaic English words and constructions over their more modern or conventional equivalents; for example, two widely read translators, A. Yusuf Ali and M. Marmaduke Pickthall, use the plural and singular \"ye\" and \"thou\" instead of the more common \"you\".\nIn addition to and largely independent of the division into suras, there are various ways of dividing the Quran into parts of approximately equal length for convenience in reading, recitation and memorization. The thirty ajza can be used to read through the entire Quran in a week or a month. Some of these parts are known by names and these names are the first few words by which the juz' starts. A juz' is sometimes further divided into two ahzab, and each hizb subdivided into four rub 'al-ahzab. A different structure is provided by the ruku'at, semantical units resembling paragraphs and comprising roughly ten ayat each. Some also divide the Quran into seven manazil to facilitate complete recitation in a week.\n|“||...and recite the Quran in slow, measured rhythmic tones.||”|\nOne meaning of Quran is \"recitation\". Tajwid, an Arabic word for elocution, is a set of rules that governs how the Quran should be recited and is assessed in terms of how accessible the recitation is to those intent on concentrating on the words.\nTo perform salat (prayer), a mandatory obligation in Islam, a Muslim is required to learn at least some sura of the Quran (typically starting with the first one, al-Fatiha, known as the \"seven oft-repeated verses,\" and then moving on to the shorter ones at the end). Until one has learned al-Fatiha, a Muslim can only say phrases like \"praise be to God\" during the salat.\nA person whose recital repertoire encompasses the whole Quran is called a qari', whereas a memoriser of the Quran is called a hafiz (fem. Hafaz) (which translate as \"reciter\" or \"protector,\" respectively). Muhammad is regarded as the first qari' since he was the first to recite it. Recitation (tilawa تلاوة) of the Quran is a fine art in the Muslim world.\nThere are several schools of Quranic recitation, all of which teach possible pronunciations of the Uthmanic rasm: Seven reliable, three permissible and (at least) four uncanonical – in 8 sub-traditions each – making for 80 recitation variants altogether. A canonical recitation must satisfy three conditions:\nThese recitations differ in the vocalization (tashkil) of a few words, which in turn gives a complementary meaning to the word in question according to the rules of Arabic grammar. For example, the vocalization of a verb can change its active and passive voice. It can also change its stem formation, implying intensity for example. Vowels may be elongated or shortened, and glottal stops (hamzas) may be added or dropped, according to the respective rules of the particular recitation. For example, the name of archangel Gabriel is pronounced differently in different recitations: Jibrīl, Jabrīl, Jibra'īl, and Jibra'il.\nThe more widely used narrations are those of Hafs (حفص عن عاصم), Warsh (ورش عن نافع), Qaloon (قالون عن نافع) and Al-Duri according to Abu `Amr (الدوري عن أبي عمرو). Muslims firmly believe that all canonical recitations were recited by Muhammad himself, citing the respective isnad chain of narration, and accept them as valid for worshipping and as a reference for rules of Sharia. The uncanonical recitations are called \"explanatory\" for their role in giving a different perspective for a given verse or ayah. Today several dozen persons hold the title \"Memorizer of the Ten Recitations.\"\nMany reports contradict the presence of variant readings:\nJaved Ahmad Ghamidi also purports that there is only one recitation of Quran, which is called Qira'at of Hafss or in classical scholarship, it is called Qira'at al-'ammah. The Quran has also specified that it was revealed in the language of Muhammad's tribe: the Quraysh.[Quran 19:97][Quran 44:58]\nHowever, the identification of the recitation of Hafss as the Qira'at al-'ammah is somewhat problematic when that was the recitation of the people of Kufa in Iraq, and there is better reason to identify the recitation of the reciters of Madinah as the dominant recitation. The reciter of Madinah was Nafi' and Imam Malik remarked \"The recitation of Nafi' is Sunnah.\"\nAZ [however] says that the people of El-Hijaz and Hudhayl, and the people of Makkah and Al-Madinah, to not pronounce hamzah [at all]: and 'Isa Ibn-'Omar says, Tamim pronounce hamzah, and the people of Al-Hijaz, in cases of necessity, [in poetry,] do so.\nMost Muslims today use printed editions of the Quran. There are many editions, large and small, elaborate or plain, expensive or inexpensive. Bilingual forms with the Arabic on one side and a gloss into a more familiar language on the other are very popular.\nQurans are produced in many different sizes. Most are of a reasonable book size, but there exist extremely large Qurans (usually for display purposes) and very small Qurans (sometimes given as gifts).\nAn Illuminated Quran from the library of Tippoo Ṣāḥib was presented to the University of Cambridge by the Court of Directors of the East India Company in 1806. The volume has two decorated medallions and two magnificent headpieces containing Al-Fatiha. The text of the Quran is followed by some prayers, and a Fal-nāmah. The manuscript is not dated, but dates of ownership of 1028 A.H./1618 C.E. and 1066 A.H./1655 C.E. occur at the beginning.\nBefore printing was widely adopted in the 19th century, the Quran was transmitted in manuscript books made by copyists and calligraphers. Short extracts from the Quran were printed in the medieval period from carved wooden blocks, one block per page; a technique already widely used in China. However there are no records of complete Qurans produced in this way, which would have involved a very large investment. Mass-produced less expensive versions of the Quran were produced from the 19th century by lithography, which allowed reproduction of the fine calligraphy of hand-made versions.\nThe oldest surviving Quran printed with movable type was produced in Venice in 1537/1538. It seems to have been prepared for sale in the Ottoman empire, where all movable type printing using Arabic characters had been forbidden in 1485. This decree was reversed in 1588, but there remained strong resistance to adopting movable type printing for any subjects, let alone the Quran, until the late 19th century. This seems to have been partly from opposition by the large profession of copyists, and for aesthetic reasons, and fear of mistakes in the text. Catherine the Great of Russia sponsored a printing of the Quran in 1787. This was followed by editions from Kazan (1828), Persia (1833) and Istanbul (1877).\nIt is extremely difficult to render the full Quran, with all the points, in computer code, such as Unicode. The Internet Sacred Text Archive makes computer files of the Quran freely available both as images and in a temporary Unicode version. Various designers and software firms have attempted to develop computer fonts that can adequately render the Quran.\nSince Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Quran with pictures (as was often done for Christian texts, for example). Muslims instead lavished love and care upon the sacred text itself. Arabic is written in many scripts, some of which are complex and beautiful. Arabic calligraphy is a highly honored art, much like Chinese calligraphy. Muslims also decorated their Qurans with abstract figures (arabesques), colored inks, and gold leaf. Pages from some of these antique Qurans are displayed throughout this article.\n|“||It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).||”|\nThe Quran speaks well of the relationship it has with former books (the Torah and the Gospel) and attributes their similarities to their unique origin and saying all of them have been revealed by the one God.\nAccording to Sahih Bukhari, the Quran was recited among Levantines and Iraqis, and discussed by Christians and Jews before it was standardized. Its language was similar to the Syriac language. The Quran recounts stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred books (Tanakh, Bible) and devotional literature (Apocrypha, Midrash), although it differs in many details. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Eber, Shelah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Aaron, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist, and Jesus are mentioned in the Quran as prophets of God (see Prophets of Islam). In fact, Moses is mentioned more in the Quran than any other individual. Jesus is mentioned more often in the Quran than Muhammad while Mary is mentioned in the Quran more than the New Testament. Muslims believe the common elements or resemblances between the Bible and other Jewish and Christian writings and Islamic dispensations is due to their common divine source, and that the original Christian or Jewish texts were authentic divine revelations given to prophets.\nThe Quran has been noted to have certain narratives similarities to the Diatessaron, Protoevangelium of James, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Arabic Infancy Gospel. One scholar has suggested that the Diatessaron, as a gospel harmony, may have led to the conception that the Christian Gospel is one text.\nAlthough Arabic, as a language and a literary tradition, was quite well developed by the time of Muhammad's prophetic activity, it was only after the emergence of Islam, with its founding scripture in Arabic, that the language reached its utmost capacity of expression, and the literature its highest point of complexity and sophistication. Indeed, it probably is no exaggeration to say that the Quran was one of the most conspicuous forces in the making of classical and post-classical Arabic literature.\nThe main areas in which the Qur'an exerted noticeable influence on Arabic literature are diction and themes; other areas are related to the literary aspects of the Qur'an particularly oaths (q.v.), metaphors, motifs, and symbols. As far as diction is concerned, one could say that Qur'anic words, idioms, and expressions, especially \"loaded\" and formulaic phrases, appear in practically all genres of literature and in such abundance that it is simply impossible to compile a full record of them. For not only did the Qur'an create an entirely new linguistic corpus to express its message, it also endowed old, pre-Islamic words with new meanings and it is these meanings that took root in the language and subsequently in the literature...\nMany Muslims memorize at least some portion of the Quran in the original Arabic, usually at least the verses needed to perform the contact prayers (solat). Those who have memorized the entire Quran earn the right to the title of Hafiz.\nThe text of the Quran has become readily accessible over the internet, in Arabic as well as numerous translations in other languages. It can be downloaded and searched both word-by-word and with Boolean algebra. Photos of ancient manuscripts and illustrations of Quranic art can be witnessed. However, there are still limits to searching the Arabic text of the Quran.\nMost Muslims treat paper copies of the Quran with reverence. Based on tradition and a literal interpretation of sura 56:77–79: \"That this is indeed a Quran Most Honourable, In a Book well-guarded, Which none shall touch but those who are clean\", many scholars believe that a Muslim must perform a ritual cleansing with water (wudu) before touching a copy of the Quran, or mus'haf, although this view is not universal.\nDefiling or dismembering copies of the Quran is considered Quran desecration. Pulping, recycling, or otherwise discarding worn-out copies of the text is forbidden. Worn-out, torn, or errant (for example, pages out of order) Qurans are left free to flow in a river, kept somewhere safe, burned, or buried in a remote location.\n|Find more about Quran on Wikipedia's sister projects:|\n|Definitions and translations from Wiktionary|\n|Images and media from Commons|\n|Learning resources from Wikiversity|\n|News stories from Wikinews|\n|Quotations from Wikiquote|\n|Source texts from Wikisource|\n|Textbooks from Wikibooks|\n|The Qur'an - Sura||Next sura:|\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How to determine which vibrational modes are IR-active?\n- STEP 1: Find the reducible representation for all normal modes Γ m o d e s. STEP 2: Break Γ m o d e s into its component irreducible representations. STEP 3: Subtract rotations and translations to find vibrational modes. STEP 4: Determine which of the vibrational modes are IR-active and Raman-active.\n- 1 How do you calculate the number of vibrations?\n- 2 How do you measure IR active stretch?\n- 3 What is stretching vibrations in IR spectroscopy?\n- 4 What determines stretching frequency?\n- 5 How do you calculate the vibrational period?\n- 6 What is the number of vibrational modes?\n- 7 Which vibrational modes are IR active?\n- 8 Is ch4 IR active?\n- 9 How many normal modes of vibration are IR active for?\n- 10 How do you know if compounds are IR active?\n- 11 Is asymmetric stretching IR active?\n- 12 How much stretching is enough?\n- 13 How many types of stretching vibrations are there?\n- 14 How many repetitions of a stretch are needed?\nHow do you calculate the number of vibrations?\nThe number of vibrational normal modes can be determined for any molecule from the formula given above. For a diatomic molecule, N = 2 so the number of modes is 3×2−5=1. For a triatomic linear molecule (CO2), it is 3×3−5=4 and triatomic nonlinear molecule (H2O), it is 3×3−6=3 and so on.\nHow do you measure IR active stretch?\nIn order to determine which modes are IR active, a simple check of the irreducible representation that corresponds to x,y and z and a cross check with the reducible representation Γvib is necessary. If they contain the same irreducible representation, the mode is IR active.\nWhat is stretching vibrations in IR spectroscopy?\nWhen there is a continuous change in the interatomic distance along the axis of the bond between two atoms, this process is known as a stretching vibration. A change in the angle occurring between two bonds is known as a bending vibration. Four bending vibrations exist namely, wagging, twisting, rocking and scissoring.\nWhat determines stretching frequency?\nThe exact frequency at which a given vibration occurs is determined by the strengths of the bonds involved and the mass of the component atoms. bond stretching are usually very strong because a large change in the dipole takes place in that mode.\nHow do you calculate the vibrational period?\nPeriod refers to the time for something to happen and is measured in seconds/cycle. In this case, there are 11 seconds per 33 vibrational cycles. Thus the period is (11 s) / (33 cycles) = 0.33 seconds.\nWhat is the number of vibrational modes?\nThe normal modes of vibration are: asymmetric, symmetric, wagging, twisting, scissoring, and rocking for polyatomic molecules. Figure 1: Six types of Vibrational Modes.\nWhich vibrational modes are IR active?\nIf a vibration results in the change in the molecular dipole moment, it is IR-active. In the character table, we can recognize the vibrational modes that are IR-active by those with symmetry of the x,y, and z axes. In C2v, any vibrations with A1, B1 or B2 symmetry would be IR-active.\nIs ch4 IR active?\nThe 4 C-H bonds in methane are identical. They couple together to give 4 normal modes. 3 of these normal modes are degenerate. These 3 are infrared active but occur at the same frequency.\nHow many normal modes of vibration are IR active for?\nWater has three normal modes of vibration, all of which are IR active.\nHow do you know if compounds are IR active?\nIn order for a vibrational mode to absorb infrared light, it must result in a periodic change in the dipole moment of the molecule. Such vibrations are said to be infrared active. In general, the greater the polarity of the bond, the stronger its IR absorption.\nIs asymmetric stretching IR active?\nThe asymmetric stretch of carbon dioxide is IR active because there is a change in the net molecular dipole (Figure 5. 2). In the asymmetric stretch, one bond is stretched and is now more polarizable while the other bond is compressed and is less polarizable.\nHow much stretching is enough?\nHealthy adults should do flexibility exercises (stretches, yoga, or tai chi) for all major muscle-tendon groups—neck, shoulders, chest, trunk, lower back, hips, legs, and ankles—at least two to three times a week. For optimal results, you should spend a total of 60 seconds on each stretching exercise.\nHow many types of stretching vibrations are there?\nThere are two types of stretching vibrations. Symmetric stretching and asymmetric stretching.\nHow many repetitions of a stretch are needed?\nEach stretch should be held 15-30 seconds and repeated 2 to 4 times. Many exercise studies on older adults include stretching exercises as part of a well-rounded exercise program.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Academic journal article\nBy Garcia, Jorge G.; Krankowski, Theresa; Jones, Laura L.\nProfessional School Counseling , Vol. 2, No. 1\nBrain injury is generally considered the leading cause of mortality and disability in children and youth (Savage & Wolcott, 1994). Each year one million children are taken to emergency rooms with traumatic brain injuries resulting from motor vehicle collisions, falls, sports, and abuse. Other nontraumatic brain injuries occur from anoxia (e.g., near drowning, strangulation, choking), infections (e.g., encephalitis, meningitis), tumors, strokes and other vascular accidents, neurotoxic poisoning, and metabolic disorders (Savage, 1997). Brain injuries to children between birth and 19 years of age annually result in 7,000 deaths and 150,000 hospitalizations. About 30,000 have a permanent disability after the injury each year (Savage, 1997).\nYoung males have the highest incidence rates of traumatic brain injury of any group. Some studies have shown that males under the age of 18 have a 1.6% chance of sustaining a brain injury each year (Forkosch, Kaye, & LaPlante, 1996), which is significantly higher than any other group. Recent data indicate that firearms are the most common cause of fatality due to brain injury in adolescents, surpassing the rate due to motor vehicle accidents associated with alcohol consumption (Sege, 1994; Forkosch et al., 1996).\nPrior to the 1990 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with brain injuries were often misclassified, inappropriately placed, and under served. Since the passage of IDEA, these students have been identified as falling under a separate category of disability. It is the purpose of this paper to address the unique sequelae these youth manifest and present a summary of cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral, and educational interventions that school counselors and educational personnel may employ to enhance their school adjustment. The roles that school counselors assume in this process is also discussed and analyzed. In a separate section, the authors present a summary of key multicultural considerations in the design and implementation of these interventions.\nTypes of Interventions\nDifferent authors have summarized some of the cognitive deficits that affect educational performance in children with a brain injury (Lazar & Menaldino, 1995; Lord-Maez & Obrzut, 1996). These deficits include memory and learning impairments. A reduced capacity for new learning can severely impair the ability to perform in school, and this impairment may become more problematic over time. The speed of information processing is also slower, which compounds the problem and adds to the difficulties these children have in dealing with daily school demands. Lazar and Menaldino (1995) focused on the interaction of injury and developmental stage and concluded that cognitive deficits appear to become more evident with maturation, when the demands become more complex. As a result, ongoing intervention and support need to be provided to students throughout their school life.\nYlvisacker et al. (1995) suggest four levels of cognitive functioning in children after a brain injury, with corresponding cognitive tasks and interventions. Level one implies dependency on external support even for routine tasks. Level two requires the use of memory supports such as checklists, photos, log books, and graphic organizers. At level three, the student receives minor prompting to use organizing, planning, and memory aids and is expected to perform independently. Finally, level four indicates performance within normal limits, with no need for external support.\nMany authors describe the use of microcomputers in cognitive remediation (Begali,1992; Gianutsos, 1992; Matthews, Preston, & Malec, 1991; Ylvisacker et al., 1995). Thomas-Stonell, Johnson, Schuller, Schuller, and Jutai (1994) evaluated a computer-based program (TEACHware) aimed at helping remediate cognitive/communication skills in children with brain injury. …", "label": "No"} +{"text": "This is a power point for levels who are able to make questions and answers in present continuous. This contains some questions with pictures to answer yes or no with complete answers. It is useful for CCQ (Concept Check Questions) part, after the main part of teaching. You can ask one of the student to respond to each slide to make sure they understand and use the tense correctly. Hope you find it practical.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "\"Sona kitna sona hai, sone ko karta mera mann\"\nReally, one of the most important activities of our daily routine is sleep. Some people live to eat, others to sleep. An average human should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. However, we end up sleeping for fewer hours due to a hectic schedule, But we all love to sleep. So, to celebrate our love for this activity, here are 13 facts about sleeping.\n1. Usually, any person falls asleep within 7 minutes.\n2. Women sleep more than men because they are multitaskers, which means, their brains work harder.\n3. Parents of newborns lose about 6 months of sleep in the first 2 years of childbirth.\n4. Newborn babies sleep 15-16 hours a day.\n5. Humans are the only creatures who can willingly delay sleeping.\n6. Stress, physical or mental illness, way of living and sleeping, family history, your shift timings, diet, exercise habits, all these can be the cause of insomnia.\n7. Being constantly awake for 16 hours has a bad effect on your work.\n8. Working continuously without sleep can make you feel hungry because of leptin imbalances. It is the Appetite-Regulating Hormone.\n9. Regular exercise helps in getting good and regular sleep.\n10. Only 15% of people had colour dreams before the advent of colour TV.\n11. On average, a person has 4-7 dreams a night. 90% of people forget their dreams.\n12. A person spends 1/3 of his or her life in sleep.\n13. Sleeping less than 7 hours at night can make you angry, sad and worried.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "\"This book is Gamow at his best, which means the very best in science for the layman.\" — Library Journal\nWidely recognized as one of the 20th century's foremost physicists, George Gamow was also an unusually capable popularizer of science. His talents are vividly revealed in this exciting and penetrating explanation of how the central laws of physical science evolved — from Pythagoras' discovery of frequency ratios in the 6th century B.C. to today's research on elementary particles.\nUnlike many books on physics which focus entirely on fact and theory with little or no historic detail, the present work incorporates fascinating personal and biographical data about the great physicists of past and present. Thus Dr. Gamow discusses on an equal basis the trail of Galileo and the basic laws of mechanics which he discovered, or gives his personal recollections about Niels Bohr along with detailed discussion of Bohr's atomic model. You'll also find revealing glimpses of Newton, Huygens, Heisenberg, Pauli, Einstein, and many other immortals of science.\nEach chapter is centered around a single great figure, or at most two, with other physicists of the era and their contributions forming a background. Major topics include the dawn of physics, the Dark Ages and the Renaissance, Newtonian physics, heat as energy, electricity, the relativistic revolution, quantum theory, and the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.\nAs Dr. Gamow points out in the Preface, the aim of this book is to give the reader the feeling of what physics is, and what kind of people physicists are. This delightfully informal approach, combined with the book's clear, easy-to-follow explanations, will especially appeal to young readers but will stimulate and entertain science enthusiasts of all ages. 1961 edition.\n\"The whole thing is a tour de force covering all the important landmarks.\" — Guardian\nReprint of The Biography of Physics, Harper & Row, New York, 1961.\nModern Science Made Easy\nBy one of the leading physicists of the twentieth century, George Gamow's One, Two, Three…Infinity is one of the most memorable popular books on physics, mathematics, and science generally ever written, famous for having, directly or indirectly, launched the academic and/or scientific careers of many young people whose first real encounter with the wonders and mysteries of mathematics and science was through reading this book as a teenager. Untypically for popular science books, this one is enhanced by the author's own delightful sketches. Reviewers were enthusiastic when One, Two, Three…Infinity was published in 1947.\nIn the Author's Own Words:\n\"If and when all the laws governing physical phenomena are finally discovered, and all the empirical constants occurring in these laws are finally expressed through the four independent basic constants, we will be able to say that physical science has reached its end, that no excitement is left in further explorations, and that all that remains to a physicist is either tedious work on minor details or the self-educational study and adoration of the magnificence of the completed system. At that stage physical science will enter from the epoch of Columbus and Magellan into the epoch of the National Geographic Magazine!\" — George Gamow\nCritical Acclaim for One, Two, Three…Infinity:\n\"This skillful presentation is for the non-professional and professional scientist. It will broaden the knowledge of each and give the imagination wide play.\" — Chemistry and Engineering News\n\"A stimulating and provocative book for the science-minded layman.\" — Kirkus Reviews\n\"This is a layman's book as readable as a historical novel, but every chapter bears the solid imprint of authoritative research.\" — San Francisco Chronice\n\"George Gamow succeeds where others fail because of his remarkable ability to combine technical accuracy, choice of material, dignity of expression, and readability.\" — Saturday Review of Literature\n|Availability||Usually ships in 24 to 48 hours|\n|Dimensions||5 3/8 x 8 1/2|\n--!Google Universal Analytics Code!-->", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Benefits of Student-Led Learning\nTraditional classrooms center on teacher-led learning: the teacher sets all goals, plans all lessons, and generally runs a tight ship. Advocates of this approach, if it ever occurs to them there might be any alternative, say teacher-led classes are more orderly and keep the learning focused on well-considered goals and purposes.\nOf course, if the only other option is letting students do exactly as they please, the teacher-led approach makes sense. However, true student-led learning—despite images the term may evoke when first heard—doesn’t mean giving the kids blanket permission to take over. It simply means keeping things flexible enough to meet individual student needs, including the needs to take initiative and have a voice. (Because of the potential confusion, many educators prefer to call this approach student-centered learning or learner-centered education.)\nThere are reasons to believe that student-led learning is actually more effective:\n- By reducing the risk of students being labeled “bad at schoolwork” or “not too smart” or even “gifted,” student-led learning helps kids understand that “potential” is not reserved for a chosen few. (Anyone who has tried to motivate a teenager who considers him- or herself “dumb,” or even worked with the “smart” kid who has a secret inferiority complex over not always getting 100%, should easily see the problems with judging by academic achievement.)\n- Student-led learning gives kids permission to make mistakes and to “try, try again,” which leads to greater achievements than attempting only what promises quick success.\n- Student-led learning encourages children to think for themselves, rather than simply following instructions, from an early age.\n- Student-led learning provides for a broader range of skill development and learning styles than do academic approaches which impose a narrow list of predetermined priorities.\n- Student-led learning makes the classroom less of an “institution” and more of a community, encouraging all-around mutual support rather than competition and bullying.\n- Student-led learning makes kids partners in their own education, which translates to higher levels of cooperation and interest. When kids who once came to school because “grownups say I have to” start showing up eager for more, you’re seeing one major benefit of student-led learning.\nIdeas for Making Your Classroom More “Student-Led”\n- Let it be known that anyone can ask a question at any time, and that there’s no such thing as a dumb question.\n- When you catch shyer students looking interested, encourage them to share their thoughts.\n- Whenever possible, assign “write out/work out your answer” questions instead of multiple choice. Even with math problems, avoid pushing “the way to solve it”; give kids a chance to find their own paths to the solution.\n- Provide kids with plenty of opportunities to design their own learning projects and to work on these in class.\n- Provide opportunities to work as teams and contribute to the classroom as a whole.\n- Tolerate no subtle belittling of any student—from classmates or from yourself.\n- If someone is having real difficulty, ask him or her privately if anything else is wrong—you might catch a medical or personal problem before it escalates into tragedy. (Remember, a key point of student-led learning is meeting the full spectrum of student needs.)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The More Things Change, Cash Remains\nToday the Federal Reserve’s Cash Product Office released preliminary findings from the 2015 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice. The study shows that while new payment options are emerging and gaining popularity, cash is still the most frequently used retail payment instrument.\nIn 2012, and again in 2015, the Federal Reserve’s Cash Product Office, along with the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and Richmond, conducted this national survey to understand how consumers use cash, credit cards, debit cards, checks, and mobile and online apps to pay for everything from their daily cup of joe to their monthly rent or mortgage.\nEven in a world of swipe, tap, and click to pay, cash is resilient and plays a unique role for consumers. It’s widely used in a variety of circumstances across all demographics and dominates small-value transactions.\nData from the 2015 Diary shows that cash was used for 32 percent of all reported transactions, including bill payments, followed by debit cards (27 percent) and credit cards (21 percent). Cash’s presence is particularly strong in small-value purchases, where it was used more than 60 percent of the time for transactions under $10. Cash is a “go-to” choice for everything from food and personal care supplies, to gifts, entertainment, and transportation.\nAs consumers’ shopping behavior evolves with more online purchases and new payment apps, cash faces competition at the point-of-sale, but it remains a highly valued and useful choice.\nYou may also be interested in:\n- Cash Myths Busted\n- Notes on the Go: Currency in Circulation Explained\n- How You Shop Affects How You Pay\nThe views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The main function of Congress is undoubtedly the power of the purse. To exercise that power, Congress has to adhere to a set of procedures designated in the Budget Act of 1974, and to enact 12 annual stand-alone spending bills. This has not happened in two decades; 1994 was the last time the process was completed. Instead the annual budget has become a battleground between the Administration and Congress. To avoid the severe effects of government shutdowns as a result of the failure to enact appropriations legislation, both the Legislative and Executive Branches tacitly agree to the regular use of continuing resolutions and omnibuses to complete their work on the annual budget. However, while these practices provide short-term solutions they create severe distortions in budget policy for the medium and long run. Implementing a biennial budget as part of a comprehensive budget reform might reduce the negative implications of CRs and omnibuses on the performance of agencies and Congress. Starting from the assumption that the authorization-appropriation model must be restored, a biennial budget could help restore fiscal discipline. We present different approaches to the biennial budget providing insights for Congress to consider, accounting for the effects of annual appropriations and two-year authorizations on budget projections from agencies, economic growth rates projections and public debt. Overall, instituting a biennial budget process represents a key element for restoring Congress’ authority as a counterbalance to the Executive, but also creating more incentives for the two Branches to enhance their cooperation.\nThe annual battles over budgets, appropriations and threats of government shutdowns have become such a regular occurrence that the vast majority of those Members serving today have never actually seen the process work as designed by law. The last time all discretionary spending bills were enacted on time was in 1994 – over 20 years ago. The Speaker, Paul Ryan, was a 25-year-old junior staffer at the time.\nIn the last four decades, the budget process has been dominated by continuing resolutions and omnibuses. Since these kinds of legislation are only supposed to be used to prevent the government from running out of money at the start of the fiscal year, they clearly represent a deviation from the standard authorization-appropriation process as established by the 1974 Budget Act. The use of these practices has become so chronic that it is the accepted way of doing business. These deviations from the intended mechanisms of oversight and appropriations, however, have greatly reduced Congress’ role in the budget process and eroded its responsibility to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch. That is because the extended use of CRs and omnibuses over time increased the power of party leadership in each Chamber, at the expense of committee chairs, who became less involved in negotiations with the Executive Branch and who saw their roles diminished in the budget process. If the President can negotiate directly with the Speaker over one big omnibus appropriation bill, then why should he also negotiate with individual Appropriations Committee members? The Administration also does not have any incentive to cooperate with Congress, unless it passes authorizing legislation, which is the opportunity for authorizing committees to hold the Executive Branch accountable.\nSetting aside the implications derived from the changes in the power structure within Congress, the practice of continuing resolutions and omnibuses also raise legitimate questions about whether the process used to pass such legislation is valid, especially when Congress has a limited time to debate, and almost no opportunity to amend, as an omnibus bill can appropriate more than a trillion dollars in spending. As a senior congressional staffer said in an interview, “CRs and omnibuses are not ideal but they are practical”. Practical or not, official data shows that in the last 18 fiscal years, Congress provided funding for the government through continuing resolutions covering an average of 5 months per fiscal year – almost half of every fiscal year. As the authorization-appropriation mechanism often does not function, and continuing resolutions covered almost half of a fiscal year, our Federal budget process has seemingly become an annual struggle to merely prevent government shutdowns rather than a substantive process designed to enact deliberate policy choices.\nAdditionally, these omnibus bills often include legislative provisions, known as policy riders, which typically constitute violations of the Standing Rules of the House and Senate that prohibit legislating on a general appropriation bill. Unfortunately, both Chambers have means by which they can dispense with the rule against legislating on an appropriation bill with the use of waivers. In the House, a waiver is a provision in the special rule resolution drafted by the Rules Committee for the consideration of a bill; it suspends a House rule, meaning Members cannot object if the legislation or some action the Chamber does violates the rule in question. These special resolutions only require a simple majority to pass the House, so it is easy to waive the rule. The Senate will waive its rules either through a specific provision in a unanimous consent agreement, or when 60 or more Senators vote to overrule a point of order that a Senator has raised.\nProblems with Omnibuses And Continuing Resolutions (CRs)\nA CRS report on “The Potential Impact on Agency Operations” of CRs mentions how Congress and the Executive negotiate the introduction of “anomalies” – provisions of law not allowed by the normal rules of legislating – to respond to what could be considered exceptional circumstances. For instance, a CR might remove a restriction on prohibiting an agency to start a new program or activity if the funds have not been appropriated in the previous fiscal year. These “anomalies” have been explained as necessary responses to urgent needs. However, if the authorizing process were conducted, carrying out the congressional oversight function, these gimmicks would not be needed. This would give a clear overview of each and every agency and program within a stand-alone authorization bill. In the absence of a reliable authorization process, Members will try to secure policy riders on omnibus appropriation bills, to achieve through the appropriations process, what it should have achieved through authorizing legislation.\nAccording to Robert Keith, author of Congressional Research Service (CRS) Examples of Legislative Provisions in Annual Appropriations Acts, the appropriation bills should not establish nor alter government initiatives; otherwise the funds for the government will be held up by disputes over controversial issues not directly related to the appropriation bill in question. However, each year Members try to enact authorization policy via “legislative provisions”, also called “riders”. There are two types of riders. One actually creates a new program, policy, agency, or something similar. The other, a “limitation provision”, tries to rollback a policy already enacted by withholding funding for something. Provisions that change policy are prohibited under the rules of both Chambers of Congress; both Chambers routinely ignore those rules. Amendments that strike the funding for a program, as long as they have no conditions, are technically in order, though their last-minute inclusion on an omnibus bill is often meant to derail the process or force through a provision that should have been considered as part of an orderly appropriation process. Despite being forbidden or unwelcome, riders slip into law through procedural loopholes, or because a point of order is not sustained by the Chair or the Chamber overturns the Chair’s judgment on the point of order, or because the Chambers waive the rules prohibiting them. Whatever the explanation, these workarounds are symptomatic of a budget system that does not work the way it was designed to.\nConsider how the impact of CRs on agencies has created a near-permanent state of uncertainty. Imagine the following scenario. An agency has to prepare its budget request, taking into account the mission, scope and the programs needed to implement their mandate. Usually, an agency assesses its budget priorities based on the previous year’s funding. For an agency to prepare a correct budget estimate before submitting it to the President, the Executive Branch’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares guidelines and bulletins to support the agencies in the drafting of the budget phase. But since most agencies are operating under continuing resolutions at the time of year they are preparing their budget requests, they often have little certainty as to what their current budget actually is, or will be, by the time an omnibus appropriation bill passes – if it ever passes. Most of the guidance issued by OMB to the agencies concerns the risk of miscalculating the funds available under an interim CR due to the often-complex formulas and apportionment applied to CRs. This is no way to intelligently design a budget. Consider how many CRs and omnibuses have been used. According to CRS reporting, from the fiscal year 1986 to 2016, 390 regular appropriations have been “enacted or covered by full-year continuing resolutions”. Out of this number, 43.6 percent have been enacted in omnibus measures and 6.9 percent have been enacted in other forms, but mainly through full-year continuing appropriations. In short, over the last 30 years, more than half of all appropriations have been passed after the start of the fiscal year they were meant to cover.\nThe “fixes” Congress has come up with to deal with its structural inability to pass budgets on time, calls for certain reforms, which would naturally be considered by a bipartisan and bicameral Committee on Congressional Reform. Moving the start of the fiscal year to January 1 (see “Happy New Year: The Fiscal Year Should Start On January 1st”) and switching from annual budgets to a biennial one would be just two proposed measures for a comprehensive budget reform.\nBiennial Budget Approaches And Definitions\nThe biennial budget approach is focused on passing a two-year budget plan at the beginning of each Congress. Building a budget for a two-year period would provide the time needed to once again pass the authorization bills before appropriating money from the Treasury.\nWhen Congress passes an authorization bill, it is “giving the Executive Branch permission to spend money on specified items if that money is appropriated. Usually, the authorization process is where most congressional oversight of the various Executive agencies occurs. On the other hand, a budget appropriation is the actual spending of money by Congress, supposedly only on the programs approved by the authorizing committees”.[i] If the authorizing committees also pass multi-year bills, but the actual appropriation is kept on an annual basis, it can increase effectiveness and efficiency. Not only would the appropriators fund programs that have been previously authorized, as required by House and Senate rules, the appropriations process could start earlier in the second year, and could respond to emergencies or exigencies that arise between the passage of multi-year authorizations.\nThe concept of biennial budgeting is not a novelty. Different Presidents, such as Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, have supported it. In fact, the concept of the biennial budget was implemented at state level too. There are, however, different ways of interpreting the definition of the biennial budget. Although all advocates of the biennial budget agree on the idea of bienniums and congressional budgeting for two years, supporters differ on the sequencing of steps – i.e., whether appropriation or authorization would come first.\nSome highly respected budget experts believe the appropriations bills should cover two years. G. William Hoagland, Senior Vice-President of the Bipartisan Policy Center advocates passing two-year appropriation bills in the first year of a Congress, and exclusively focus on authorizations in the second year. This approach is known as the stretch-sessions. He believes in the need for authorization to ensure that Federal programs will be run properly and accomplish the goals assigned by Congress. Besides, Congress could always pass emergency or other urgent appropriations should some special circumstance come up. “If you’re spending all your time appropriating and budgeting, you’re not able to free up members’ time and attention to deal with the underlying authorization and oversight process,” Hoagland said. “It’s good governance.”[ii] In fact, in 2010, Speaker John Boehner proposed this and other significant budget reforms to President Obama in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. That was among the many opportunities missed when those talks broke down.\nThere are different analyses showing the strengths and weaknesses of different biennial approaches. Some can be found in the CRS Report[iii] “Biennial Budgeting: Options, Issues, and Previous Congressional Action”. Supporters of the stretch-sessions say that the method increases time for Congress to authorize programs and agencies before it opens its purse to appropriate the funds. However, one drawback is related to budget projection. In an annual budget procedure, the time needed to project the revenues and expenditures and forecast is close to 18 months. In a biennial stretched approach the time will be 30 months. As economic projection is not an exact science, the differences between the economic projection and the actual economic performance could increase if the period used to project is longer. A ripple effect would be that future budgets and authorizations could rely on inexact data, which will result in incorrect assumptions and calculations which could create again the need to pass emergency resolutions just to avoid funding gaps, much less respond to an emergency situation such as sudden natural catastrophe[iv].\nAnother assumption that has been questioned about the stretch model is if the increased period of time for budgetary actions under this model would definitely lead to a decrease of missed deadlines of budgetary decisions.[v] In 1987, CBO expressed this uncertainty, also pointing out that the delays in the budget decisions were mainly related to the disagreements between the Executive and Legislative Branches, as well as between the House and the Senate.\nThis approach is being used in 19 states. An analysis [vi]of biennial budgeting at the state level showed some improvements in the budget process, though one has to be careful since biennial budgeting implemented at State level may result in an apples-to-oranges comparison. States Governors, for instance, have a wide authority over the budget that the President does not have. For instance, in Iowa, Indiana, South Carolina and South Dakota, governors can transfer funds among the agencies without going through the legislature. Moreover, out of all the states that still have a biennial budget, only North Dakota and Wyoming enact an actual two-year budget as envisioned above, where the remaining of the states enact separate budgets for two fiscal years at once.[vii] The two states will pass a budget over an entire two-year period – for instance, July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019. The other 17 states actually pass two individual budgets within one budget resolution, for instance July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 and July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. This makes it easier to modify the second year of the budget in an annual or emergency session, if economic assumptions change dramatically due to recession or emergency.\nOf course, in the case of a governor’s unlimited authority over budgets, choosing an annual or a biennial budget cannot provide much guidance for the Federal budget process, where the Constitution exclusively reserves the origination of all appropriations and revenue bills to Congress. Table 1 shows all the states with annual and biennial budgets.\nThe case for a Federal biennial budget should not be considered only from the perspective offered to Congress to enhance its time management for budgeting. A biennial approach (with the authorization phase enacted in the first year of the biennium), could very well respond to two major challenges for Executive agencies: It will increase the certainty of their budget projections; and it would grant more time for Congress to request accountability, make changes, or even eliminate programs that do not work. In combination with changing the fiscal year to January 1, this approach would increase the Executive Branch’s accountability to Congress, as Government agencies would tend to be highly responsive to requests for congressional information if they knew their programs could be eliminated or curtailed in an authorization bill. Since under the two-year cycle, the passage of an authorization bill would become standard practice, not just a requirement that could easily be waived, the Administration would have to take the authorization and oversight process more seriously than it currently does – thus increasing Congress’ Article I authority over the Administration.\nPut differently imagine a program under a certain agency sunsets (expires) in the next two years. (Another major budget reform would include sunset provisions for all discretionary spending programs.) To renew or continue the program, the Administration would have to come before the authorizing committee and justify its continuation. This is extremely important. If Congress ignores authorization bills and only passes appropriation bills, that occurrence shifts from itself to the President the de facto power to determine whether outdated programs survive, since by rule, Congress is not supposed to make policy changes on appropriation bills and the lack of authorization removes any formal accountability to Congress.\nAnother element to be considered is the biennial deadlock in annual authorization process caused by the two-year election cycle. Since there would be no need to wait for the President’s budget proposal, or for the passage of a budget resolution, the appropriators could start their process in January of the election year. This, and changing the fiscal year to a calendar year, avoids both a politically charged showdown the month before the election and the need to finish substantial business in a lame-duck session held after election, which allows retiring or defeated Members to make decisions without fearing voter backlash.\nFinally, if the process is spread out and made more orderly, it allows for the possibility of better and more predictable coordination between the Congress and the President. Obviously, the two have to want to work together and, importantly, be willing to share credit in order for the even the most perfectly devised system to work. There is no utopia, and whatever budget reform is developed in the next few years, it will likely need revising again in a couple of decades. But the biennial approach can address many of the procedural and chronological problems with Congress’ ability to fully meet its obligations under the Constitution, and adequately review and conduct oversight over a nearly $4 trillion budget.\nBills Introducing Biennial Budgeting\nThe notion of the stretch-approach biennial budget has been under consideration for some time, and bills based on this notion have already been introduced in Congress. There have been several attempts in the past couple of Congresses. Rep. Ribble (R-WI) introduced H.R 1869[viii] in 2013. This Congress (the 114th), former Rep. Whitfield (R-KY), along with cosponsors Rep. Stivers (R-OH) and Rep. DeFazio (D-OR), introduced H.R. 1456[ix]. Once again this Congress, Rep. Ribble (R-WI) introduced a bill on biennial budgeting, H.R. 1610[x], which 237 members cosponsored – a strong bipartisan majority.\nThese bills have defined the term biennial as the period of two consecutive fiscal years beginning on October 1 of any odd-numbered year. However, besides defining the bienniums, each of these bills looked into the necessary changes for the budget process.\nH.R. 1869 would have established biennial authorization and appropriations processes, basically setting the authorization and appropriation for two-year time frame.\nIn the case of H.R. 1456, the bill would amend “the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Congressional Budget Impoundment and Control Act of 1974, and the Rules of the House of Representatives to change the process for the President’s budget submission, Congressional budget resolutions, appropriations bills, and government strategic and performance plans from the current annual process to a biennial process, in which a biennium is the two consecutive fiscal years beginning on October 1 of any odd-numbered year”[xi]. The bill would require the Congressional Budget Office to submit “a quarterly analysis comparing revenues, spending, and the deficit or surplus for the current fiscal year, in addition to assumptions included in the congressional budget resolution”[xii]. It also stipulates, “The House Budget Committee must use the second session of each Congress to study issues with long-term budgetary and economic implications.” The bill would require “the biennial process to take effect beginning with the FY2020 budget process and sets forth procedures and requirements for a transition period during the 115th Congress”.[xiii]\nH.R. 1610 would incorporate the provisions of H.R.1456, and add “a point of order in the House and Senate against authorizations of appropriations that do not include specific authorizations covering at least each fiscal year in one or more bienniums”.[xiv]\nThese bills have been introduced with bipartisan support – overwhelmingly so in the case of H.R.1610. However, they did not advance, and it is interesting to observe why. All of these bills call for amendments to the current governing laws and procedures. The necessity of these reforms cannot be denied, as the deficiencies of the existing legislative process are an impediment to the enactment of the annual 12 stand-alone bills and a barrier to Congress actually passing a budget resolution.\nWhy Not A “Stretch-Biennial Budget” Process?\nIf the main focus, however, is to restore the budget process on an authorization-appropriation mechanism, the definition of the biennial approach could be changed in these bills. If the authorization phase will be focused on a two-year basis and the appropriation left on an annual basis, there could be multiple positive effects. The first one would be that the calendar for the authorization would be extended and the authorizers could have more time to exercise their oversight function. Additionally, the rationale behind a two-year authorization is focused on the role of the existing agencies and their scope. There will always be a need to have authorization for the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice and so on. Stretching the period for authorizing those Departments and Agencies to a reasonable timeline that can respond to the changes occurring in their respective fields is an incentive to efficiency. In this case, the appropriation of funds without authorization would be eliminated. In fact, Congress might want to codify the requirement that non-authorized agencies may not receive appropriations by making the prohibiting such appropriations non-waivable. Moreover, those Agencies and Departments will have to be more accountable to Congress, as they will have to make their case and persuade Congress to fund their programs and operations. As noted above, proponents of a matching biennial appropriation cycle, would allow the House to work on authorizations one year and appropriations the next, thus ensuring the authorization process in not given short-shrift. Though a two-year authorization cycle, backed up with a prohibition on waiving the rules against appropriating money to unauthorized programs should be sufficient, in and of itself, to restore Legislative-Executive accountability.\nA different approach is defining the biennial budget as a system starting with a two-year appropriation cycle, the stretch approach. The opposition to a two-year appropriation cycle is related to the risk of having to deal with overinflated budget proposals coming from the agencies, while the proponents of a two-year appropriations cycle, argue that Congress could always consider an emergency appropriation in the off-year. However, there are other significant problems a two-year appropriation cycle.\nOne issue is that this biennial approach also has the potential to increase Executive Branch mischief by using its Executive authority to spend money without it being directly appropriated, just as President Obama has done. The House of Representatives has sued the Obama Administration for just such an offense, spending money for provisions of the Patient Protection Act not specifically appropriated by the Congress. The case of House of Representatives v. Burwell is working its way, successfully so far, through the Federal court system. In the most recent ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary M. Collyer wrote: “Congress is the only source for such an appropriation, and no public money can be spent without one.” If the House wins any appeal that the Administration may bring, the Courts will have made themselves the guardians of the prerogatives assigned to the House by the Constitution. If not, biennial appropriations become a greater risk to the Congress’ power.\nAnother problem is that the beginning of the biennial budget will still have to rely on authorizations done in the previous year, which is to say, on the actions of the previous Congress. If we consider that the biennial budget will live long enough to survive at least one Congress, another consideration arises. Every second year of appropriation bill would be done in the absence of authorizations, unless Congress were to pass, and the President sign a three-year authorization bill for all discretionary agencies and departments in the year before the biennial budget goes into effect – a very unlikely scenario. For a graphical representation of the explanations presented, consider diagram 1.\nIn view of the present failings in the system, Congress would have to confront the risks of significant revenue uncertainties in the second year appropriation (and the third year of the authorization). If the economy does not meet projected rates of growth, then the Federal expenditures will have to be covered either through unbudgeted higher taxes or by increasing the national debt beyond the amount approved in the biennial budget. In short, this alternative offers a host of potential problems that would threaten to undermine the new process before the first biennial budget cycle was complete.\nBy contrast, the annual appropriation subsequent to a biennial authorization will reduce these risks, as the evaluations of economic performance will be made under the annual indicators. And appropriators can always reduce funding for marginal programs to help pay for urgent needs. Proponents of an annual appropriations process also argue that while authorizers look at the big picture and merits of large Federal programs, appropriators often need to react to unforeseen emergencies like floods, a cyberattack that brings down large sections of the electrical grid, terrorist attacks or even outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses.\nWhile the benefits of a biennial budget and authorization process are pretty clear to even a significant majority of the current Congress, the issue of whether to maintain the annual appropriations process, or switch to a biennial appropriation process that alternates years with the budget resolution and the authorization process is something best determined by Congress creating a bicameral and bipartisan Joint Committee on Congressional Reform.\nOver the last century, Congress has created three joint committees to reform Congress, and these panels have generated many ideas that have been crucial to improving how the Legislature operates. These joint committees were charged with examining all aspects of the legislative process, like House and Senate rules, staffing, the calendar, and, of course, the budget. A new joint committee would be given similar jurisdiction over the entire legislative process, and so it would be the natural place to examine budget reforms in a wider context. Members could see how the budget relates to issues such as law, the rules of the House and Senate, the legislative calendar and relations with the Executive Branch. Such a joint committee would give Members of Congress the opportunity to step back and reexamine the legislative process deliberately and conscientiously, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as equal members of one of the three branches of government. The political minority has no more interest in a weakened Congress than the political majority, which makes this Joint Committee process the ideal way to consider all aspects of reform. Legislation to create such a joint committee has already been introduced by Reps. Darin LaHood and Daniel Lipinski, both of Illinois. (Incidentally, both LaHood and Lipinski support the concept of a biennial budget.)\nUnder the proposed reform, with the agency being authorized for two years, the implementation of new programs, or even the expansion of an existing program, can be better guaranteed and accomplished in a more transparent and orderly way. At the same time an agency facing a two-year authorization that has an obsolete program must plead its case before the Congress in open hearings, or request that the program be changed or eliminated. Under the current practice, there are almost no programs eliminated, wasteful or otherwise, as the lack of an authorization process results in no clear oversight or requirements for the Administration to justify its programs before an authorization committee. As explained earlier, with the uncertainties brought by the regularized use of CRs and omnibuses, and the lack of genuine oversight through authorization hearings and bills, the ability to plan for the operations and programs of the Federal Government has become completely dysfunctional, which has weakened Congress’ constitutional responsibilities to hold the Executive Branch accountable for its use of the people’s tax dollars.\nIt is imperative for Congress to reform its budget process in order to respond to the challenges of a massive $4 trillion-a-year budget (along with a $19 trillion national debt), the not necessarily inaccurate public perception of its lack of efficiency and accountability, and its constitutional responsibilities that have steadily been encroached upon by the President. The broken budget system perpetuated for over four decades has led to regular disruptions that undermined government effectiveness at all levels by increasing uncertainties and creating ambiguities often ham-handedly addressed with legislative anomalies and other budgetary tricks.\nThe biennial approach maintains the two components of authorizations and appropriations, but changes the time frame to better ensure that both are implemented. As argued earlier, all budget reform must be considered in a comprehensive way that takes into account all aspects of the budget. No single measure can have a positive effect if it merely tinkers with procedural issues. The wide support that H.R.1610 should be considered a sign that Congress understands the need for reform and may be ready to finally begin a process that looks at all aspects of the way Congress does business. Amending the 1974 Budget Act and changing the House rules would be a step forward to introduce the biennial concept, which could actually increase the incentive for the Executive Branch to become more accountable in the process.\nThe best way to approach a comprehensive reform that includes changing the date of the fiscal year, enacting a biennial budget process, enforcing rules that require authorizations to be passed before appropriations can be spent, sun-setting discretionary budget programs, eliminating baseline budgeting and many other ideas requires the enactment of a bipartisan and bicameral Joint Committee on Congressional Reform. This should be one of the major accomplishments of the 115th Congress, because as creative as congressional minds can be, they are running out of blue smoke and mirrors as a substitute for a rational, orderly and logical way to manage the largest government budget on earth.\nMark Strand is the President of the Congressional Institute and Anca Butcaru is a research fellow. The Sausage Factory blog is a Congressional Institute project dedicated to explaining parliamentary procedure, Congressional politics, and other issues pertaining to the legislative branch.\n[i] Strand M., Lang T., “ So what does national security have to do with the rules of the house of representatives”, April 2016, http://conginst.org/2016/04/26/so-what-does-national-security-have-to-do-with-the-rules-of-the-house-of-representatives/\n[ii] Pianin, Eric, “End Beltway Brawls? Try Biennial Budgeting?”, The Fiscal Times, January 31st , 2014. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/01/31/End-Beltway-Brawls-Try-Biennial-Budgeting\n[iii] Tollestrup, Jessica, “Biennial Budgeting: Options, Issues, and Previous Congressional Action”, CRS report, February 2nd, 2015. https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41764.pdf\n[iv] Young, Stuart, McLelland Drew, “Implementing Biennial Budget for the U.S. Congress”, Harvard Law School, Federal Budget Policy Seminar, Briefing Paper 20, June 6th, 2006.\n[v] “Biennial Budgeting”, Staff Working Paper, The Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office, November 1987\n[vi] Snell, K., Ronald, “State Experiences With Annual And Biennial Budgeting”, April 2011.\n[viii]H.R.1869 – Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act of 2014, https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/1869\n[ix] H.R.1456- Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2015, https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1456\n[x] H.R. 1610 – Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act of 2015, https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1610\n[xi] H.R.1456- Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2015, https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1456\n[xiv] H.R. 1610 – Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act of 2015, https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1610", "label": "No"} +{"text": "by George L. O’Brien\nedited by Geoffrey Erikson\nThe tax-supported “public school”system is in trouble. There are chronic problems with discipline, mounting violence, declining test scores, and administrative costs spiraling out of control. Government schools continue to graduate functional illiterates, and US public school students’ math skills are now among the worst in the industrialized world.\nHow bad is it? The US has 27 million illiterates as well as 40 to 50 million people who can barely read at the fourth-grade level. The US is also among the worst industrialized countries in the areas of math and science. More than half of all 18-year-olds cannot find Britain or France on a map.\nThe defenders of the government schools claim the problem is a lack of money. However, in real terms, spending on education has actually risen over the last 40 years. The US ranks near the top in the world in per student spending – more than either the Germans or the Japanese. The cost per student in government schools is nearly twice that of a typical private school, yet the results are distinctly inferior.\nThere is so much dissatisfaction with government schools that many parents are paying to send their children to private schools. This is after having already paid for government schools through their taxes. It is a ringing testimony to the failure of one of this country’s most ambitious social experiments.\nThe public schools movement began in the 1830’s, led by Horace Mann. Supposedly, the goal was to ensure that every child would have access to an education. However, from the beginning there was another agenda, and that was to control what was being taught so as to create so-called model citizens. Public schools meant taking control of education from the parents and placing it in the hands of social engineers and the government.\nWas there ever a popular outcry for government schools? The answer is no. Basically, the demand for government schools came from élites in response to two perceived threats to their notion of society: 1) the rise of thecommon peoplewho were becoming politically active; and 2) the influx of immigrants.\nThese political and intellectual élites promoted what was then considered an un-American value system in the government schools: Blind obedience to authority; conformity; equating patriotism to loyalty to government; externally imposing ranking of people in a military-like hierarchy; and perpetuating the myth that knowledge is a scarce commodity to be obtained only from an élite educational priesthood.\nMany parents resisted these attempts by government bureaucrats to impose alien values on their children. Most ethnic groups also came to resent the way the élites tried to undermine and usurp their parental authority – the most obvious example being the Catholics who felt the need for their own schools.\nFortunately, the full impact of the government schooling system was mitigated by the decentralism of the 19th Century. Virtually every school had its own autonomous school board. These local school boards had the power to hire and fire teachers at will – based on their own judgments.\nHowever, after the turn of the century, during the Progressive Era, there began a concerted attempt to destroy the system of local control through the unified schools movement. It took 50 years before most of the country was subjected to unified schools, which may be why the real decline was delayed until after World War II. The idea behind unified schools was that they would be able to offer a wider variety of courses because of economies of scale. However, the real goal seems to have been to remove control of the schools from the parents and place it in the hands of the professionalsin the school bureaucracies.\nAt the same time, there began the movement to require teachers to attend specialized teachers’ collegesand the dictating of mandatory state certification. The criteria for hiring was now graduation certificates from teachers’ colleges, rather than demonstrated skill in teaching. In many states, local school boards were actually forbidden from conducting their own testing of teachers.\nOnce the parents lost control of the schools, the schools quickly became laboratories for social engineering experiments. Educational fads such as progressive education were imposed on the helpless children in vain attempts to use behaviorist psychology to remodel children into some vision of “proper” citizens. Everything from sex education, to politically-correct textbooks, to forced bussing, all became methods of molding children into some ideal image. The legacy of Horace Mann would be the tyranny of government control and bureaucratic manipulation.\nCentralization took another giant step in the 1950’s as funding of schools began to be moved to the state governments. The primary result of this was an explosive growth in the size and power of the school bureaucracies. According to Steve Buckstein of the Cascade Policy Institute, the Portland, Oregon schools district has 600 employees in its central office, or roughly one central office employee for every 92 students. By comparison, the Portland-area Catholic school system with 11,500 students has only five central office employees, for a ratio of about one central office employee for every 2,300 students. The government-run schools have 25 times as many people in their central office.\nEnding the linkage between parents and the schools also removed all barriers to the takeover of the schools by the teachers’ unions: the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. These unions have made it virtually impossible to fire incompetent teachers. They have forbidden wage differentials for outstanding teachers or higher pay to attract teachers in subjects where there is a scarcity, such as math and science. In addition, since the administrators are also members of the unions, it has became virtually impossible to reduce the size of the bureaucracy. The state school bureaucracies have transformed areas such as curriculum into a political battlefield. State textbook selection has led to fierce struggles between various special-interest groups. Choosing history and social science texts is an area of constant conflict. In the area of biology, small groups of evangelical Christians have forced the “dumbing down” of science textbooks, while the denizens of political correctness have made history and social science texts nearly worthless.\nGovernment control of schools has had a disastrous effect on racial minorities such as blacks. Brown v. Board of Education outlawed segregation in public schools, however, in place of parental control a new set of controls and forced bussing was substituted, which without question failed. It ignored the unique problems of each child and was detrimental to the education of all. Not surprisingly, in recent years it has been racial minorities who have led the fight to overturn these rulings. In cities such as Chicago, it has caused many African-American parents to put their children into private and Catholic schools.\nAnother failed social experiment had to do with IQ tests and special “tracking.” As John Taylor Gatto (New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991)put it: David learns to read at age four; Rachel, at age nine: In normal development, when both are age 13, you can’t tell which one learned first – the five-year spread means nothing at all. But in school I will label Rachel ‘learning disabled’ and slow David down a bit too. I adjust David to depend on me to tell him when to go and stop. He won’t outgrow that dependency. I identify Rachel as discount merchandise, “special education.” After a few months she’ll be locked into her place.\nStereotyping of students using standardized tests can create enormous problems when dealing with racial minorities.\nOther experiments have included using psycho-active drugs to counter “hyperactivity in children” without the permission or even the knowledge of the parents. What is especially ironic is that studies now indicate that many hyperactive children are likely to grow up to be successful entrepreneurs.\nA related problem includes the inability to expel disruptive or undisciplined students, because the state pays for warm bodies rather than educational results. It is not a coincidence that crime is a big problem in many inner-city government schools, but not a problem in the non-government schools.\nEducationists and their unions have resisted parents’ desires for choice with everything they can muster. Tactics include using the state to decide what constitutes a school, imposing expensive rules and regulations on non-government schools, and using truancy laws to harass home-schoolers.\nThe central struggle, of course, is money. As long as the government schools take so much money from parents in taxes, it is hard for parents to afford to send their children to non-government schools. Attempts to change this through tax credits and vouchers have resulted in vicious counter-attacks from the NEA among others. As Gatto put it: School has become too vital a jobs project, contract giver, and protector of the social order to allow itself to be “reformed.” It has political allies to protect its marches.\nEducation choice involves returning control of education to the parents rather than the bureaucracies. History has shown that the system of centralizing control has resulted in poor results and a massive waste of resources.\nThe battle cry for choice in education is central to bringing about a free society. Government schools are not simply another “black hole” for tax dollars, but an institution which does actual harm to our children.\nThe only way the US will get quality education will be when control is returned to the parents who can have a real choice, versus the sterile monopoly of the government schools. Creative projects such as the Arizona School Trust, a private foundation which provides scholarships for low-income students, will chip away at the basic legitimacy of government schools.\nGeorge L. O’Brien is a prolific libertarian writer, policy analyst, lecturer and political strategist.\nThis pamphlet was originally published in 1993 and revised in December 1997. It is part of ISIL‘s educational pamphlet series. Click here for the full index of pamphlets online.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Tuesday, December 5, 2017\nMusical Analogy to Math?\nI'm not very advanced in my mathematical studies. I enjoy watching the \"Numberphile\" channel Youtube, but I often find the concepts don't stick. One of the concepts that doesn't even seem to make contact is the idea of imagining the topology of objects in space that has more than three dimensions.\nBut now - bear with my ignorance - I'm thinking I might have the corner of something between my very confused fingertips. And it's basically an analogy from music to spatial dimensions.\nClick to enlarge the illustration, if you like. I'm putting all the figures into one image, to save myself time and effort, but I'm going to talk about each image separately.\nConsider Fig. 1. Suppose that this note, the D just one step above Middle C, represents a dimensionless dot on a one-dimensional line extending forever in both directions.\nTo keep it company, add the notes F-sharp and A (Figs. 1a and 1b), but only as separate dots on the same conceptual line - the line, say, of musical pitches extending upward and downward from the origin (say, Middle C), clear out of the range of human hearing. You could say the integer units on that line represent the tones of the equally-tempered 12-tone scale, repeating through a succession of octaves, like a Base-12 grid that has a heavier line at every 12th unit.\nMoving on to a two-dimensional plane, suppose you plotted points D, F-sharp, and A on a graph with any arbitrary origin point (Middle C would do). In this instance, the points needn't be integer units or lie on a single line. When you transpose those notes up a half-step, as in Figures 2, 2a, and 2b, the new notes E-flat, G, and B-flat are interrelated in a way similar to the relationship between D, F-sharp, and A. The process of transposing the three notes, as a group, would be analogous to using three-dimensional math (with complex numbers, involving the \"imaginary unit\") to rotate a group of three points on a plane while preserving the angles between them.\nBut there is more you can do on a two-dimensional plane than plot a bunch of dimensionless dots and rotate them. I'm not yet up to delving into all the possibilities, but a blatantly obvious one is to draw line segments of various lengths, connecting pairs of dots on the plane. Likewise, when two notes sound together, consecutively or simultaneously, they form an interval. For example, D and F-sharp (Fig. 3) form the interval of a major third; D and A (Fig. 3a) form a perfect fifth; and F-sharp and A (Fig. 3b) form a minor third.\nAs with the single points, complex-number math can rotate line segments, individually or as a group, on the plane while preserving their lengths and the angles between them. Likewise, a set of musical intervals can be transposed, or as it were rotated, into similar intervals in a different key, like transposing the D/F-sharp/A intervals in Figs. 3, 3a, and 3b to the E-flat/G/B-flat intervals in Figs. 4, 4a, and 4b.\nAnother operation those Numberphile videos taught me you can do with a two-dimensional figure on a plane is to draw a plane inversion of the figure - and inversion, like rotation, can be done in higher-dimensional spaces too. I'm really straying into dangerous waters here, way over my head, but as I understand it, one can discover the reciprocal of a number (like turning a fraction upside down) by plotting a point and/or a circle around it in relation to the origin and radius of an arbitrary reference circle, then graphing an inversion of that point and/or circle's position and/or size, via a bunch of conditions that don't seem too far-fetched when someone who knows what he's talking about explains them.\nAfter that no doubt compelling description, I am sure you'll agree this procedure bears some analogy to the process of transforming the musical intervals in Figs. 3, 3a, and 3b to their inversions in Fig. 5, 5a, and 5b. In the latter series of intervals, we find the D on top of the F-sharp instead of under it, changing a major third into a minor sixth; the D above rather than below the A, changing a perfect fifth into a perfect fourth; and the F-sharp above rather than below the A, changing the minor third into a major sixth. It is as if, in my imaginary universe governed by very shaky analogies, the reciprocal forms of the previous intervals were plotted in reference to an invisible, or rather inaudible, circle of musical inversion. Gads, that's terrible. Or maybe, if you catch what I'm throwing, it's brilliant.\nNah, it's probably just terrible.\nBut wait, I'm not done yet! There's still Fig. 6 to consider. When I first started cooking up this series of analogies, I was thinking of relating three-dimensional figures to the musical triad - a three-tone chord that, by a little note-shuffling, sort of like reducing fractions to their simplest form, can be distilled down to an interval of a third (like D to F-sharp) on top of another third (F-sharp to A), or a third (F-sharp) and a fifth (A) above the root tone (D). But now, it occurs to me the triad could also, and perhaps more aptly, illustrate the idea of a closed shape in the two-dimensional plane. Then again, when I moved from one dimension to two, I re-positioned the three notes as points on a plane, not on a straight line. So, perhaps I can be excused for using the same musical example two different ways.\nSo, yeah, in the 2-D plane, you can do the same operations with a closed figure as you could do with one or more line segments. I didn't bother to illustrate the rotation principle by transposing the D-major triad (Fig. 6) into an E-flat-major triad, but based on what I did with Figs. 3 and 4, I trust your imagination can get you there. You could do the same thing with Figs. 6a and 6b, the first and second inversions of the D-major triad - and inversion really is the musical term that applies here; I'm not just letting the planar-inversion analogy get away from me here. Each of these triad inversions could also be \"rotated\" into E-flat-major, or whatever key you want, sort of like using quaternion numbers (like complex numbers, only more so) to rotate a 3-D figure in space. 6a and 6b are still D major, even though a different tone in the original triad has been stuck at the bottom of the pile; but they have been transformed enough to give them a distinct sound.\nNevertheless, I think the triad could also be useful in an analogy to 3-D space, with a three-dimensional figure (sphere or otherwise) being transformed in some way, perhaps quite a dramatic way, when subjected to spherical inversion. But where I really wanted to go with this comes in Fig. 7, where I attempt to extend the analogy into a higher-dimensional space (in this case, 4-D space). If you accept a triad as comparable to a 3-D figure, where do you go from there? To start with the simplest possible answer, you could go to Fig. 7, which combines sequentially or, Fig. 7a, simultaneously, three similar triads - in this case, three major triads, D major, F-sharp major, and A major. It's as if you took the D-major triad from Fig. 6, rotated it to reveal a similar major triad rooted on each tone of the D-major chord, then brought all three major triads together into one figure - analogous to a tesseract or a 4-D supersphere.\nAttempts to visualize 4-D figures using geometric imagery can never be quite precise, somewhat like the limitations of a 2-D picture representing a 3-D figure. But with music, it is possible to hear three different triads, each rooted on a different tone of the first triad, all at once. If you play them all together, but in such a way that you can hear each triad as a distinct identity within the superchord - say, by playing each triad in a separate register - you can actually hear it as a chord of chords. You can, to drive the analogy home, make the 4-D figure pop out of 3-D space - just as certain optical illusions can make a 3-D figure seem to pop out of a 2-D illustration.\nFig. 7b suggests one further level of sophistication. By musical analogy, we have already generated an optical illusion of a tesseract or supersphere, as it were, a very basic 3-D figure that seems to pop out into 4-D. But why stop at a supersphere? Why not go for another order of strangeness, and have each rotated sphere that pops out of the surface of the original sphere, be not only a rotation but also an inversion? Why not, indeed, include two different inversions - ah, but here the analogy is stretched past the breaking point, since I don't think math allows for more than one reciprocal of a given number. Music does, which is why I guess music beats math. It actually makes it possible, just conceivable, to \"visualize\" (in your mind's ear) a superfigure that has 3-D figures rotated three different ways, each a distinct inversion of the other two, and that pop out of each other.\nIn higher dimensions still, I guess you could be building musical tesseracts on each of the tones of all three chords in Figure 7b, rotated into the additional triads rooted on A-sharp (B-flat) and E, not to mention the other notes in those triads. And since your chord has more than three tones in it, you can also invert it in more distinct ways - sort of like how a four-note chord (like a dominant seventh chord, D/F-sharp/A/C) has three inversions, including the one with the 7th at the bottom; and a 9th chord has four inversions; etc. You could get super-crazy in your exploration of higher dimensions in harmony, though to our 3-D ears the resulting tone clusters may soon stop sound as if anything new had been added.\nBut in case I haven't sufficiently beaten up on math at the expense of music, I should point out that I've only touched on one aspect of musical complexity in the above analogies. Nowhere have I mentioned rhythm, melodic shape, tonal design, formal/dramatic structure, contrapuntal texture, number and type of movements, tone color, dynamics, lyrics, etc, etc. Counterpoint itself forks into such layers of complexity as number of voices, free imitation vs. canon vs. fugue, inversion and retrograde, augmentation and diminution, etc. One of those Numberphile videos shows evidence that origami (the traditional Japanese art of paper folding) is capable of doing harder math than Euclidean geometry (that stuff with a compass and a straight-edge). Perhaps it shouldn't be amazing that a soft subject like music rivals higher-dimensional topology for sheer complexity. Maybe this makes it good news that the Voyager Golden Record, now traveling through interstellar space, includes music by Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and Stravinsky, among others in addition to greetings in 55 languages and a bunch of mathematical and scientific diagrams. If mankind's bright future ever depends on one thing on the Voyager spacecraft making an impression on E.T., my money is on the Brandenburg Concerto.\nAt least, saying so helps me feel good about being way better at music than at math. Fish out.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How To Treat Gingivitis\nGingivitis, which is also referred to as bleeding gums, is an inflammation inside the mouth of a person that usually affects the tissues surrounding the gums and teeth. There are a number of possible causes behind every bleeding gums issue, and one of the most common is the absence of proper oral hygiene.\nThere are lots of symptoms associated with it, which would include bad breath, pain in the gums, and bleeding after brushing. This gum problem should be treated as soon as possible, since it can lead to a more serious condition, which can also mean the loss of teeth and such.\nThe good news is that, there are certain steps that one can take in order to treat it effectively. Such steps can be taken at home, with the use of practical remedies to take care of gingivitis.\nAssuming that you already have gingivitis, one of the things that you need to focus on is to practice good oral hygiene. However, since you already suffer from bleeding gums, then you should be careful in brushing your teeth.\nCheck the kind of toothbrush that you are using, for it is possible that you may have to purchase something that is gentler. This will reduce the incidence of the bleeding gums, and it will also ensure that wearing the enamel off your teeth would not be fast.\nAfter brushing your teeth every after meal, go to your kitchen and mix a good amount of baking soda to a glass of warm water. Use this mixture to massage your gums with, in order to hasten its recovery. This should be done at least three times a day, so that you will be able to see improvements on your gums in just a short period of time.\nGood oral hygiene is not the only requisite in order to treat or prevent gingivitis. You can also ensure that you get enough calcium, since your teeth needs it to be in top shape.\nOne of the best ways to do this is to make sure that your multivitamin supplement is loaded with calcium, as well as phosphorus. Aside from that, you should also make sure that you absorb enough sunlight vitamin each day, since your body needs it, in order to effectively absorb and make use of calcium.\nIf you have gingivitis and you are a smoker, then your bleeding gum condition is a sign that you should quit your habit very soon. This is because smoking can rub your body off important nutrients, which will make you susceptible not just to gingivitis, but also to other infections as well. Besides, nicotine will also make your teeth brittle, aside from weakening your gums.\nBy following the tips mentioned on top, you will be able to see your gums getting better soon. If you are worried though, do not hesitate to visit your dentist for it.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The full form of GST is Goods and Services Tax, it is an indirect tax. In Hindi – Goods and Services Tax is if we understand what it means, it is paid on buying such goods and using services. What is the full form of GST.\nWhat is GST\nEarlier in our country, different taxes had to be paid for many different things. Due to which people had to face a lot of trouble, earlier the central government had to pay separate tax and the state government had to pay separate tax. Like excise duty and entry fee had to be paid to the state for sending the product to any state.\nIn view of this problem, the central government removed all the taxes and instead started the system of paying tax only once. What we call Goods and Services Tax (GST) was established on 1 July 2017.\nIn this article you learned what is GST and GST full form. We hope that this information will prove useful to you.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "“Alien Probe or Galactic Driftwood?” asked Scientific American in December 2017. ‘Oumuamua was the first object ever detected to have come from out of our Solar System, travelling far too quickly to succumb to the Sun’s gravitational pull. Astronomers had spotted our interstellar visitor less than two months earlier, already on its way out of the Solar System, and were scrambling to decipher its secrets before it sped out of sight. Was it a comet or an asteroid – or maybe an extraterrestrial spacecraft?\nThe Scientific American article was referring to Breakthrough Listen, a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project who had announced their plan to probe the mysterious object for radio signals which could hint at alien life. Disappointingly for alien hunters, they came up empty-handed.\nLearn more about the mysteries of the Universe on the Science Focus Podcast:\n- The most mysterious objects in the Universe – Colin Stuart\n- What asteroids can tell us about our Solar System – Natalie Starkey\n- Is there anybody out there? – Mike Garrett\nNow, a year and a half later, the final nail has been driven into the ‘alien hypothesis’ coffin with a paper titled ‘The natural history of ‘Oumuamua’. “For all of the available observations that were made, the best answer that we have is that it was a natural object,” says Dr Michele Bannister, one of the paper’s authors.\nAnd yet, the idea that aliens could be traversing our Solar System was tenacious, mostly because ‘Oumuamua was completely unlike anything we had seen before. For one thing, its brightness varied by a factor of ten, like a slow-motion twinkle. This suggests it could be a cigar-shaped object, ten times longer than it is wide, reflecting more or less light as it tumbles end over end.\nThat’s the familiar image of ‘Oumuamua, but in fact, we don’t know for sure what it looks like. Even the most powerful of our telescopes couldn’t resolve its shape beyond a point of brightness. The same glimmer could easily be produced by a pancake shape. Either way, no comet or asteroid in the Solar System has such an extreme ratio of length to width.\nOver the short time it was within sight of our telescopes, astronomers around the world grappled with ‘Oumuamua’s identity. It looked like an asteroid. It showed no signs of cometary ‘outgassing’, the visible tail of evaporating gas as the Sun melted its ice. But then, remarkably, it accelerated out of the Solar System, faster than could be accounted for by gravity. Various means of providing this acceleration were floated, including a collision with another object and a combination of magnetism and solar winds, but the most outlandish theory was, once again, that it was an alien spacecraft.\nIn a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, Dr Shmuel Bialy and Professor Abraham Loeb, at Harvard University, laid out their logic to suggest that ‘Oumuamua could have been a solar sail. Just as the wind filling a ship’s sail is made up of a huge number of air molecules, the tiny impact of each photon of starlight bouncing off a large, thin solar sail could theoretically add up to enough force to power a spacecraft.\nRead more about space exploration:\nHowever, there is a key problem with this theory: the tumbling motion that revealed its extreme shape in the first place. To work effectively as a solar sail, a broad surface needs to be pointing at the Sun. “That hypothesis does not fit with the evidence,” says Bannister, though the reason for its unusual acceleration is still unclear.\nSo, if ‘Oumuamua is not an alien spacecraft, what is it?\nWhen taking into account all the evidence, Bannister says that it becomes clear that it is a planetesimal: “This is a little building block of a planet that started its life around another star and has travelled to us,” she says.\nEven if it is an entirely natural phenomenon, the chance to study the first ever object from outside the Solar System is exciting in its own right. “In many ways, this was the gravitational waves moment for people who study how solar systems form and evolve,” says Bannister.\nEven better, we could explore the Solar System’s next visitor in much more detail after the launch of the European Space Agency’s Comet Interceptor mission in 2028. Launched without a particular target in mind, Comet Interceptor will park itself far out from Earth, waiting to chase an interesting comet or interstellar object.\n“The next time ‘Oumuamua comes, we might be able to have a spacecraft waiting to go visit it,” says Bannister. “I’m really, really excited by that. It’s going to be so much fun.”", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Faith and Our Ancestors Game is an icebreaker activity with a genealogy twist. Players ask each other questions about how they think their ancestors lived.\nTurn Back the Clock Theme\nHere is what the old program helps said about this theme: “Turn Back the Clock and see what the world was like in the past. Learn about an era of your choice with songs, games, and transportation from the time that you choose. Whether it is the Space Age, the Wild West, rock-n-roll, or the Ice Age, each time period had something special about it. Construct a pack time machine to help introduce the den’s era skits or demonstrations at the blue and gold banquet. Whatever you choose, find the best in your time period and share it with others. The boys can work on the Heritages belt loop and pin this month.”\n“When I Was Young” can be used as one of the gathering activities for any meeting centered around a history theme or a photography or cinema theme. This also works well for a Blue and Gold banquet.\nThis is an icebreaker game. It would also work well with any activity relating to personal history or storytelling. I think it could also be worked into a discussion about honesty.\nIf you are doing something related to forestry, you can make these tree shaped snacks to go with the theme. Or make them for something related to family trees.\nCub Scouts can make this simple neckerchief on their own. Use it as a gathering activity with the Turn Back the Clock theme.\nThe core value for the month of February is Resourcefulness. A February supplemental meeting plan theme called Turn Back the Clock has recently been posted to the BSA website. This plan assumes that your February Pack meeting will be your annual Pack Blue and Gold banquet.\nHelping Scouts look back at their family heritage fits in with February’s Turn Back the Time program theme. Scouts can download this family tree template to write in their family back to their great grandparents.\nThe My Story Mystery Game is a great way to get to know some “history” about a group of individuals. It makes a great icebreaker. It can also serve as an introduction to a discussion about oral history and storytelling.\nThe idea is to make a den time capsule which they add to from time to time – maybe every year at Blue and Gold time and after summer camp or when they earn their rank or do something special. Then, when they cross over to Boy Scouts, they open the time capsule and see […]", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Sazae-do is a construction equally spectacular outside as it is on the inside. Its unusual appearance is due to the fact that there are no floors inside, just a double-helix staircase, an architecture unique in Japan.\nThe building was designed more than 200 yeas ago by the priest Ikudou, who inspired by an English book decided to use the double-helix staircase to create a temple that will be the equivalent of a pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples. The visitors were climbing the staircase, reaching the top and descending on a unique, one-way path, while passing by each of the 33 statues. The building is perfectly preserved and can be visited inside, just the statues were removed some time after the Meiji Restoration.\nYesterday’s Japan Photo:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- Supreme Court has sought the Election Commission’s view on a petition demanding an audit of the source code, which is considered the brain of the EVMs.\n- Source code is the list of instructions that cause the computer to display screens, record votes, tally votes, and perform all other functions both visible and invisible. For example, when the voter presses the VOTE button, that action triggers a list of instructions for the machine to follow internally.\n- The petition demanded that a public independent body, other than the manufacturers of the machine, must examine the software and ensure that a hash function (a technical term which means a lock to the software) is maintained for each machine’s source code. By doing so, the petitioner claimed that if the software of the machine has been tampered with, the hash function will change automatically providing proof that the machine has been tampered with.\n- EVMs are electronic voting machines which enable the voter with a button for each choice. It is attached by a cable to an electronic ballot box.It comprises of two units – control unit and balloting unit.The control unit is with the Election Commission selected polling officer while the Balloting Unit is in the voting section into which the voter enters to cast their vote.\n- The VVPAT, or Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail, is an EVM-connected verification printer device.It allows voters to verify if their vote has been cast correctly by leaving a paper trail of the vote cast.\n2 min read", "label": "No"} +{"text": "No one knows for certain when the use of children's Ramadan lanterns began, but it is a very old Egyptian tradition. Indeed, lanterns and lamps of various kinds, of many hues and degrees of brightness, and even both real and imaginary, have always been special to Egypt. For centuries before the coming of electricity, Cairo itself was noted for its spectacular use of lanterns to illuminate the city, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.\nRamadan, the ninth month of the Muslim lunar year, is a time of fasting, blessings and prayers. It also commemorates the revelation of the first verses of the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad.\nAs a way of giving thanks to God during this holy month, and as a way of unifying the worldwide community of believers, Muslims - with special exceptions for the sick, nursing mothers, pregnant women and travelers - spend the daylight hours fasting. The hours of the night, until dawn, are marked by prayers, ceremonial meals and celebration of the day's spiritual victory over human desires. After sunset, streets and squares all over the Muslim world are thronged with people out buying food after the long day's fast, or visiting friends, or preparing for sahur, the last meal of the night, which will be taken before dawn. It is then that young Cairenes, allowed to stay up late because of Ramadan, traditionally gather in groups of three or four to go out among the crowds, swinging their glowing lanterns and chanting their ancient song of Ramadan - just as children in other lands go caroling - hoping to receive in return a few nuts or sweets for their vocal efforts.\nPassed on by children from generation to generation, the traditional song, in colloquial Egyptian Arabic, accompanies the swinging of the lanterns in the little ones' hands. It goes like this:\nWahawi, ya wahawi\nYou have gone, O Sha'ban,\nYou have come, O Ramadan,\nThe daughter of the Sultan\nis wearing her caftan,\nFor God the forgiver\nGive us this season's gift.\nSome believe that the children's lantern song comes all the way from Pharaonic times, like the ancient Egyptian song called O-Faleh in the Pharaonic tongue and al-Bahr Sa'id in Arabic (meaning \"The River Has Risen\"). In the days before the Aswan Dam was built, that song was sung by groups out in small boats on the night the Nile reached the peak of its annual flood. Certainly, the lantern song is very old, and very Egyptian.\nThe opening lines - \"Wahawi ya, wahawi iyyahah\" - have no known meaning. \"You have gone, O Sha'ban\" refers to the month that comes before Ramadan in the Muslims' lunar hijri calendar, and \"the daughter of the Sultan is wearing her caftan\" means she is dressed in the garment worn when going out, maybe to the mosque. \"Give us this season's gift\" refers to the small presents children receive from family and friends at the time of the 'Id or holiday that follows the month of fasting.\nIn the days leading up to Ramadan, children become more insistent about having a lantern; many can hardly wait to start swinging and singing - for what child, from its earliest years, is not attracted by a glowing, magical lantern? Yet Cairo children may be the most \"lantern-struck\" of all: Recent research by Dr. Marsin Mahdi of Harvard University indicates that Scheherezade's 'Alaa' al-Din (Aladdin) of the magic lamp may well have been a Cairo boy.\nOne week before Ramadan begins, part of Ahmad Maher Street, for most of the year a humble thoroughfare in the old medieval quarter of Cairo, is transformed. Usually home to tinsmiths, marble-cutters and makers of mousetraps, for one glorious month it becomes \"The Street of the Lanterns.\"\nTo get there, you turn off Port Said Street in front of the Museum of Islamic Art, into Ahmad Maher Street, pass the central police headquarters and walk for 10 minutes or so toward the great 11th-century city gate, Bab Zuwaylah - a stone's throw from the famous Tentmaker's Bazaar (See Aramco World, November-December 1986).\nJust outside the massive medieval gate, you will find the facades of dozens of small shops festooned with thousands upon thousands of Ramadan lanterns, small, medium and big ones, suspended from crossbars or strung up on poles, waiting to delight the hearts of young Muslim Cairenes.\nThe lantern-makers themselves are very humble people, often working in small rooms, in corners, in alcoves or simply under corrugated iron shelters. The work of producing the tens of thousands of lanterns required to meet demand during the season usually begins about nine months before Ramadan. Sometimes entire families spend their lives, from generation to generation, working in the various aspects of the lantern business - like Said Hanefy Diab, Salama Hanefy Diab and Sayed Hanefy Diab, shown on these pages.\nMahmoud el Said, now 25 years old, has been making lanterns since he was 10. In his small dark room within the shadow of Bab Zuwaylah, he sits cross-legged day after day in front of a constantly burning blue flame with Wagih, his 15-year old assistant, at his side.\nAll day long Mahmoud wields his soldering iron like a medieval magician's wand, back and forth, deftly creating lantern after lantern. Each fragile lantern-frame is made from thin strips of tin usually cut from old tin cans.\nPieces of hand-colored glass are then inserted into the frame and finally, when a lighted candle is placed inside, the lantern glows with translucent beauty - at least for the few weeks of Ramadan, for they are not meant to last longer.\nEach day, in every shop and workshop, dozens of lamps of different designs are made and then carefully stored away in wooden crates, or strung from floor to ceiling, in readiness for the season. Most of them are no more than about 25 centimeters (10 inches) high, but others can be enormous constructions as much as 150 centimeters tall (almost five feet), like Mahmoud's \"Bride of the Nile,\" destined to shine in a five-star hotel.\nOnly the lantern-makers know all the designs, manufacturing secrets and, above all, the names of their magical lanterns. New designs are sometimes created to commemorate special events: A special lantern named \"Farouk,\" after the late Egyptian king, was created many years ago when he was a boy. One of Mahmoud's smallest is called Musa, or \"Moses\"; a much bigger one is Shaqqat Battikhah Kabirah (\"A Big Piece of Watermelon\"), bigger still is Najmat al-Bahr (\"The Star of the Sea\"), which waits in his shop to glow in the night and gladden the heart of some child, once the holy month arrives.\nThese odd and endearing names you will never know unless you ask; they are a part of childhood fantasy, echoes of the magical lanterns in the children's own stories, like the tale about the old man who polished his lantern until the good 'Afrakush appeared.\nUntil the end of the last century, there were very practical uses for lamps and lanterns in Cairo, often prescribed by laws going back, some say, to the very first Pharaonic towns, or niwits.\nA niwit was usually created by laying out a single main street running due north and south and then a single cross-street, from east to west, all set within a circle of protecting walls. Al-Qahira (Cairo) itself, the original private palace-city of the founding Fatimid rulers of Egypt, was laid out in this way: a single street surrounded by a ring of protecting walls. To this day, the old north-south main street still exists, twisting and turning through the medieval city, just as it has for a thousand years.\nThe Qasabah, the city center or Main Street, of al-Qahira came to be known as al-Tariq al-Sultani, or the Sultan's Way. The street led, as it still does, from the main entrance gates on the northern side, right across the city to the opposite southern entrance of Bab Zuwaylah - where most of the lantern-makers are found.\nAl-Tariq al-Sultani later became known as al-Shari' al-Sultani, and remained the main street of the city. Over the centuries, individual houses and harahs, or multi-family compounds of homes, were built in the area. These settlements were joined to al-Shari' al-Sultani by small side streets, each with its own protecting gate, and some of these ancient stone-arched gateways still exist on the Qasabah.\nSecurity along the Main Street was the responsibility of the wali, or governor, of the city and his shurtah (police). There were actually three walis: one for Misr, the Arabic name for Egypt, which was probably used to refer to the old parts of the city built before Fatimid Cairo; one for al-Qahira, the Fatimid palace-city; and a special wali for the all-important Citadel, the city within the city, founded by Saladin in 1176, that overlooks Cairo. The famous ninth-century mosque of Ibn Tulun, built in the open desert in the days before \"Cairo\" was ever thought of, became the dividing line between Misr and al-Qahira, and indeed, between Upper and Lower Egypt: Everything south of Ibn Tulun became known as Upper Egypt and everything north of it became Lower Egypt.\nEach harah settlement came under a shaykh al-harah, a kind of mayor responsible not only for security and religious matters but also for closing the harah gate at sunset, opening it again at dawn and lighting the lantern which, by law, was required to hang over each harah gate. Likewise, each big house in the harah was required to burn a lantern at night above its entrance and each harah resident had to carry afanus, a folding lantern something like a small concertina, while out walking at night.\nA special suq, or bazaar, near the old Fatimid mosque of al-Aqmar, supplied the vast quantities of tapers, candles and oil required for the thousands of lanterns used to illuminate gateways, house entrances, and other outdoor sites, and the greater thousands of lamps that lit interiors throughout the city: shops, houses and the immense brass chandeliers in hundreds of city mosques. In many of these palatial mosques there were thousands of softly burning, decorated glass-and-enamel lamps, created by master craftsmen, for which 14th- and 15th-century Cairo became famous.\nEuropean travelers arriving in Cairo were always amazed at the sight of so many lamps: \"No king in all of Christendom could pay out of his revenue for all the oil which in this city is burned in the lamps,\" one wrote.\nThe \"noble month\" of Ramadan produced the most spectacular nightly illuminations of the year. As the sun went down and the minarets and domes were silhouetted against the sky, a new magic possessed the city as thousands of lanterns were hoisted up to the tops of the minarets. \"We were struck,\" a visitor reported, \"by the sight of towers sparkling with light, each of them lit with numerous lamps at three levels.\"\nIndeed, many visitors thought Cairo more alluring and splendid after nightfall than by day:\nThe multitude of lamps burning in the towers made the city seem inflame.... From the topmost pinnacle of each minaret of all the mosques rods were thrust out and from these hung lamps, cunningly devised with a cover on top lest the wind should put out the light.... High above every mosque as many as twenty, forty, even sixty lamps were burning....\nThe European travelers, writing home so enthusiastically about the illuminations they saw in Cairo, were for the most part unaware that the lanterns they saw hanging from the minarets held a special meaning for all the Muslim inhabitants of the city, a metaphorical meaning conveyed in this moving verse of the Qur'an's 24th surah, or chapter, called Nur - The Light:\nGod is the light of the heavens and the earth. The\nparable of His light is as if there were a niche and\nwithin it a lamp: The lamp enclosed in glass: The\nglass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed\ntree, an olive neither of the East nor of the West,\nwhose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce\ntouched it: Light upon light! God doth guide who\nHe will to His light: God doth set parables for men:\nAnd God doth know all things.\nAlso unknown to most Europeans was the fact that the lanterns, hoisted to the tops of the minarets at sunset, signalled to Muslim Cairenes that the last rays of the sun had just disappeared below the horizon, thus releasing them from their daylight fast and allowing them to participate in the fast-breaking meal.\nThe Ramadan lanterns continued to burn in the night sky, carefully calculated to last until \"the raf of the lanterns.\" The word raf, in Arabic, means removal or lifting, and \"the removal of the lanterns,\" after sahur, the last meal before daybreak, signaled imsak, or the end of the night's feasting and the resumption of the Ramadan fast. In the course of a thousand years, some things in Cairo have not changed. Though the glowing mosque lanterns of Ramadan have been replaced by greenish fluorescent tubes which are no longer raised and lowered, the old term raf still persists - though if you ask why, or what it means, hardly anyone knows.\nToday, the firing of a cannon from the heights of the Citadel - heard instantaneously throughout the country on radio and television - is the signal releasing Muslims from their fast at the very moment of sunset, and reimposing the fast at the moment of daybreak. The boom of the cannon is still called midfa' al-raf, an old Cairene term meaning literally \"the cannon of the removal,\" an echo of \"the raf of the lanterns\" in centuries past. In Egypt, the past is always present.\nAs for the Ramadan traditions of times gone by, there are still signs for all to see: From the tops of some medieval minarets protrude a few wooden rods - some intact, some broken - once used to hold glittering arrays of Ramadan lanterns. On some minarets can be found gaunt wooden frames and pulleys, developed in later centuries for easier hoisting and lowering of the lanterns.\nIn today's season of Ramadan, for the very young and for the crowds thronging the shops in the Street of the Lanterns at Bab Zuwaylah and throughout the city, it is still business as usual. The little ones' lantern-swinging and singing may be hampered these days - perhaps made a bit more precarious - by the constant streams of fast, noisy traffic and the press of people in a city whose population is now some 13 million. But children never forget, and in the safety of the humblest and the grandest homes in Cairo, the little ones continue to swing their lanterns and beg for an 'Id gift from anyone who will listen to their ancient song:\nWahawi ya wahawi\nRuht ya Sha'ban\nGayt ya Ramadan\nFilmmaker John Feeney, who has lived in Cairo for a quarter century, is a long-time contributor toAramco World. He wishes to thank Laila Ibrahim, renowned authority on Mamluk Egypt, for her help with this article.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia\n- n. A genus of fossil chimæras or selachian fishes of the order Holocephali, having a depressed or elongated trunk, the head produced in a long, slender snout on which there is a prehensile spine in the males, tapering tail, and calcified vertebral rings. Specimens of S. polyspondyla occur as nearly complete skeletons in the Lower Lias of Lyme-Regis, England.\nSorry, no etymologies found.\nShe unearthed a plesiosaurus in 1823, a pterodactyl in 1828 and a squaloraja (a transition fish, between sharks and rays) in 1829.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "First of all, an expert glassblower blows clear glass into a paper-thin shape of colored glass and then rotates this in the air to make the overall form. The result is a two-layer structure with colored glass on the outside and clear glass on the inside. By cutting patterns into the outside surface with different kinds of whetstones, a vivid contrast is created between the colored glass and the transparent glass.\nIn 1985 Edo Kiriko was designated a Traditional Craft Industry by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.\nTo qualify as a Traditional Craft Industry, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government stipulates that the main process of manufacture must require the expert manual skills, the history of the techniques used must date back at least a century, and the craft must use traditional materials.\nEdo Kiriko of working process", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reading for Understanding : Published in Partnership with WestEd\n\"A breath of fresh air! After reminding us that any teacher who puts a book in front of a student is a reading teacher, the authors give us a teacher-tested reading course for middle and high school students. They avoid the baloney in the present reading debates by paying attention to actual students. What they propose is an apprenticeship in using a tool kit for problem solving in reading. The tool kit itself is a combination of cognitive and social dimensions embedded in subjects. And, lo and behold, they can point to actual results.\"--Miles Myers, former executive director, National Council of Teachers of English\n\"Reading for Understanding should be in the hands of teachers, principals, superintAndents, curriculum coordinators, school board members, state educational leaders, university professors, and teachers in training. Engaging, to the point, and grounded in research, this book shares current work in progress, possible stumbling blocks, ideas to overcome them, and specific strategies with detailed examples. Most middle and high school teachers have little or no 'teaching reading' training. It is not too late and this book is a great start.\"--Judy Cunningham, principal, South Lake Middle School, Irvine, California\nEasy to follow and filled with examples of student work and classroom lessons, Reading for Understanding offers a successful approach to helping students improve their literacy across all subject areas. It shows how to create classroom \"reading apprenticeships\" to help students build reading comprehension skills and relate what they read to a larger knowledge base. It also discusses the strategies and support systems needed to implement and evaluate reading apprenticeship programs throughout the school. The authors describe a program in which an entire freshman class in one urban high school increased its average reading scores by more than two years. Piloted in San Francisco, the groundbreaking Academic Literacy program proved that it was not too late for teachers and students to work together in boosting literacy, engagement, and achievement.\n|Lengua y Literatura||General|\n|Educación||Teaching Methods & Materials|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Arkansas is requiring that every high school offer classes in coding and we're all for it\nCan we talk about how awesome the world is getting at trying to make coding more accessible to students? A few years ago it might have been a stretch for high schoolers to get into a computer science class, but now that Arkansas is the first state to legally require high school students to offer a coding class, it looks like the education system is taking a step in the right direction. The classes will debut as early as this August, and the requirement covers all public and charter schools in the state.\nThe program, which cost $5 million to launch, is expected to inspire other states to follow suit. President Obama has been very vocal about his goals to making coding classes available to students nationwide.\n“What is true is… that our lead will erode if we don’t make some good choices now,” said President Obama to Re/code’s Kara Swisher in February. “We’ve got to have our kids in math and science, and it can’t just be a handful of kids. It’s got to be everybody. Everybody’s got to learn how to code early.”\nFor Arkansas schools that can’t manage to spare the extra space for the class, the classes will be taught online. “By passing this bill, Arkansas will become a national leader in computer-science education,” said governor Asa Hutchinson, whose campaign focused heavily on computer education.\nWith so much emphasis on jobs in the tech industry, a bill like this can’t come soon enough. A recent projection shows jobs in IT steadily rising to a growth of 22% by the year 2020, so learning to code makes students more hirable out of school than ever. A program like this would be essential to making those opportunities more accessible to women and minorities in the tech industry, who are already underutilized in the field due to lack of educational resources.\nAt present only one out of ten schools in the nation offers computer science courses, so here’s hoping that this is one big step in the direction of inspiring other states to follow suit.\n(Image from here.)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "They are selling air at WalMart. No, I am not kidding. Look at these pictures.\nActually, they are selling cans of oxygen. According to the label, the gas in these cans is 95% oxygen with 5% other inert gases. The idea, it seems, is to breathe a hit of oxygen and it will relieve fatigue, give you strength and endurance, and make you feel better. I have no idea whether this would actually work. I do know that it is not really a good idea to breathe pure oxygen.\nOxygen is actually a toxin. I know that we need oxygen for our metabolism, but the property that makes oxygen so useful in digestion also makes it dangerous. Oxygen is a highly reactive element. Oxygen atoms eagerly take electrons from other atoms and readily form compound. When this happens quickly we call it fire. Oxidation that occurs more slowly, we call rusting or corrosion. Excessive levels of oxygen in the body can do a lot of damage.\nOxygen toxicity is a condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen (O2) at elevated partial pressures. It is also known as oxygen toxicity syndrome, oxygen intoxication, and oxygen poisoning. Historically, the central nervous system condition was called the Paul Bert effect, and the pulmonary condition the Lorrain Smith effect, after the researchers who pioneered its discovery and description in the late 19th century. Severe cases can result in cell damage and death, with effects most often seen in the central nervous system, lungs and eyes. Oxygen toxicity is a concern for scuba divers, those on high concentrations of supplemental oxygen (particularly premature babies), and those undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy.\nThe result of breathing elevated concentrations of oxygen is hyperoxia, an excess of oxygen in body tissues. The body is affected in different ways depending on the type of exposure. Central nervous system toxicity is caused by short exposure to high concentrations of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure. Pulmonary and ocular toxicity result from longer exposure to elevated oxygen levels at normal pressure. Symptoms may include disorientation, breathing problems, and vision changes such as myopia. Prolonged or very high oxygen concentrations can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes, the collapse of the alveoli in the lungs, retinal detachment, and seizures. Oxygen toxicity is managed by reducing the exposure to elevated oxygen levels. Studies show that, in the long term, a robust recovery from most types of oxygen toxicity is possible.\nProtocols for avoidance of hyperoxia exist in fields where oxygen is breathed at higher-than-normal partial pressures, including underwater diving using compressed breathing gases, hyperbaric medicine, neonatal care and human spaceflight. These protocols have resulted in the increasing rarity of seizures due to oxygen toxicity, with pulmonary and ocular damage being mainly confined to the problems of managing premature infants.\nI don’t suppose the oxygen in those cans would do any damage, unless someone kept holding one up to his face and breathed in hit after hit, but I don’t imagine anyone foolish enough to spend $10 for a can of air is doing themselves any good.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "BOMBAY 1914-1918 MEMORIAL, MUMBAI\n|Total identified casualties||2204 Find these records|\n|Casualties from||First World War|\nThe names of the dead are recorded on eight panels in the memorial hall of the Indian Sailors' Home, and the memorial may be visited by obtaining the key from the Secretary of the Indian Sailors' Home. The main road leading to the Port Area is P.D. Mello Road which runs to the \"Gateway of India\". The entrance to the Sailors Home is on Thana Street.\nTHE BOMBAY MEMORIALS. The three Memorials of the Royal Navy at Portsmouth, Plymouth and Chatham and the Memorial of the Merchant Navy at Tower Hill record the names of those European sailors who met their death in combatant service, or at the hands of the enemy, and whose graves are not known. There remain, however, the sailors of Asiatic or African birth who took the same risks and met the same fate, and for these men two other Memorials at two great Eastern ports have been erected. The names of the Chinese sailors are erected at Hong Kong; the Indian, Adenese and East African sailors are commemorated at Bombay, and with them are associated those Indian dead of the Royal Indian Marine who fell in the Great War and whose graves are in Eastern waters. The Bombay 1914-1918 Memorial commemorates more than 2,000 sailors who died in the First World War and have no other grave than the sea. A tablet erected in Bombay (St. Thomas) Cathedral records the names of Officers and Warrant Officers of the Royal Indian Marine who fell in the War, this also forms a Memorial to the five who have no known grave and whose names are given separately under the heading of the Bombay (St. Thomas) Cathedral Memorial.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "IoT Ready Radiation Dosimeters for Faster, More Efficient and Effective Sterilization\nAn Innovation with far-reaching implications to overcome public health challenges\nIn the past few months, our lives have been upended on a global level by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a test for us globally, on both personal and business levels, to overcome and adapt our behavior to combat this virus. This pandemic has heavily stressed the supply chains and the manufacturing of medical supplies such as PPE (personal protection equipment) and food products. It has also surfaced few areas that can be improved.\nCOVID-19 pandemic has created an increased need for development and manufacturing of solutions dedicated to testing as well as sterilization against viruses and other germs. Sterilization, which is the process to eliminate or destroy organic or living organisms such as fungi, bacteria, germs and viruses, is relevant and material for many products in the medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. It is one of the final steps used before shipping the products to the market in order to make sure they are ready to be used and consumed after they are put on the shelves. Irradiation, which is basically blasting products with electromagnetic waves such UV, Gamma and X-Ray, is the most common sterilization processes used in this industry. It is projected to grow to $13B by 2024 due to its safety (yes safety), versatility, and reliability. Don’t worry, your food will not become radioactive from this process.\nA key device used in this process is a radiation dosimeter that measures the doses of radiation delivered. Dosimeters have many uses throughout the irradiation sterilization process but mainly to make sure the products have been exposed to the correct amount of radiation to kill the harmful germs or viruses. Commonly available dosimeters use a process that is based on physical changes to the materials such as poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA) that changes its light absorption due to radiation exposure, or chemical changes such as alanine amino acid which releases free radicals at levels that are proportional to the radiation exposure levels. These two types of dosimeters require additional manual lab testing and measurement using either Spectrophotometer or EPR Spectrometer to read and verify the doses. Another product used to verify radiation exposure level is a label or a tag that changes its color due to the exposure.\nCompared to these methods, CMOS based radiation sensors and detectors represent a true technology disruption for this market due to their many advantages including flexibility, data retention, multiple-use, ultra-small size, instantaneous reading and verification of the doses, and seamless integration into IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) systems.\nThis innovation is based on Floating-Gate (FG) transistors that are sensitive to radiation exposure. Each transistor (or an array of transistors) is charged to a specific voltage level and being discharged by the radiation in an amount proportional to the radiation dose absorbed.\nTower Semiconductor’s advanced non-imaging sensor technology provides unique solutions serving these specific needs. Our Floating-gate transistors are based on single-poly Non-Volatile-Memory (NVM) technology that provides various advantages including ultra-low power, high-temperature operation for readout and monitoring, long stability of charge retention, and high accuracy.\nBelow is a comparison between this innovative CMOS-based radiation sensor and the common dosimeters used for this industry. It is clear that the FG dosimeters are superior and represent the next generation that offers faster sterilization process setup and dose mapping, readout, verification, multiple exposures, and digital traceability.\nThis technology also enables a significant improvement on the efficiency and speed of re-sterilization processes meeting the demands for PPE supplies; simply put, wash out the used or expired PPE and other products from germs and reuse them. Similarly, CMOS sensors can also be used in other applications such as radiation monitor badges for medical personnel or in UV disinfection to kill viruses and germs in hospitals, rooms, and cabins.\nTower Semiconductor’s distinctive, best-in-class sensors platforms allow the manufacturing of multiple types of sensors including temperature, gas, humidity, magnetic, UV, and radiation sensors. These platforms, based on extensive research and development activity, offer many advantages in various monitoring applications in the industrial, medical, automotive, and consumer markets and are well suited to support the fast-growing IoT sensor fusion in harsh environment.\nSenior Sales Director, Sensors BU\nAJ ElJallad joined Tower Semiconductor in 2019 and is responsible for the CMOS-Image-Sensors sales and business development in North America and WW responsibility for business development of the Non-Imaging-Sensors. He has more than 21 years of experience working in the semiconductor industry in a variety of executive disciplines including sales and business development, corporate marketing, product design, applications engineering, and corporate strategy.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Strawberries are jam-packed (no pun intended) with wholesome nutrients. A serving of whole strawberries is generally considered to be one cup (see here for strawberry conversions). A cup of fresh strawberries will vary by weight depending on the size and specific variety of strawberry that is consumed. Also, strawberry nutrition can be affected by the quality of the soil and care given to the plants as they produced. In general, however, the following table will provide an accurate representation of the vitamins, minerals, and other components within a serving of strawberries. These strawberry nutrition facts will help you realize just how beneficial strawberries are in one’s diet!\nStrawberry Nutrition Facts\nThis table contains the nutritional value of a strawberry serving, based on the standard cup-sized serving. While famous for their Vitamin C, strawberries contain a variety of beneficial compounds that will truly “do a body good.” The table is also sortable by clicking the column headings.\n|Category||Nutrient||Units||1 cup (144 g) of whole strawberries|\n|Vitamin||Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)||mg||82|\n|Vitamin||Vitamin A (IU)||IU||39|\n|Vitamin||Vitamin A (RE)||µg RE||4.3|\n|Vitamin||Vitamin E||mg ATE||0.20|\n|Amino Acid||Aspartic acid||g||0.20|\n|Amino Acid||Glutamic acid||g||0.13|\n|Lipid||Fatty acids (saturated)||g||0.03|\n|Lipid||Fatty acids (monounsaturated)||g||0.075|\n|Lipid||Fatty acids (polyunsaturated)||g||0.27|\n|Proximate||Fat (total lipids)||g||0.53|\n|Proximate||Carbohydrate (by difference)||g||10.1|\n|Proximate||Fiber (total dietary)||g||3.3|\nStrawberries Nutrition Info\nWhile the main strawberry nutrition facts are contained in the table above, there are many other ways to skin the proverbial cat when it comes to finding strawberries nutrition facts. There is an entire section on Strawberry Plants .org devoted to the health benefits of strawberries here: Strawberries & Health. Also, for a more complete breakdown of the various chemicals and molecules contained within both the strawberry plant and strawberries, see Compounds in Strawberry Plants and Medicinal Uses of Strawberry Plants.\n[ nutrition strawberry ]", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Spanking and scolding have remained a traditional approach to disciplining children even in the 21st century, with 80% of parents still thinking that this form of discipline is completely acceptable and even beneficial for the child.\nThis perception has led scientists to delve deeper into the effects these forms of ‘punishments’ have on the child’s development, and what they discovered was something every parent should be aware of.\nThere are people who may say that spanking has not ‘ruined’ their lives in any way, but this doesn’t exclude the possibility that some might not turn out so lucky\nSo, why is this practice condemned? Here are some reasons:-\n1. It’s simply not effective\nAlan Kazdin, Ph.D. and Sterling Professor of Psychology and Child Psychiatry at Yale University, explains that the yet undeveloped brain of the child doesn’t possess the punishment/reward mechanism that the mature brain operates with.\nWith this in mind, the idea that spanking will condition them out of a certain behaviour is an incomplete one. While physical punishment does have a short-term effect, as it is normal that children are scared of being hit, the result doesn’t last in the long run.\nBasically, spanking is a horrible thing that doesn’t work.\nAlso, regardless of how people choose to perceive them- spanking/scolding or any kind of physical punishment won’t correct misbehaviour but will rather cause children to act out more.\n2. Negative consequences:-\nA study which has looked at 5 decades of research involving over 1,60,000 children has pointed that the psychological impacts of spanking are the same as those of physical abuse.\nIt was observed that children who are subjected to this kind of discipline were found to exhibit developmental delays, language delays and scolding was associated with socio-adaptive delay, meaning the cognitive functioning is severely affected.\nAlso, not only does spanking not affect obedience, it contributes to “increased anti-social behaviour, aggression, mental health problems and cognitive difficulties.”\n3. Perpetuating a cycle of Violence.\nUsually, the disciplinary punishment cycle goes down from generation to generation, with adults who were spanked thinking that spanking is normal.\nAfter interviewing over 100 families with children aged 3-7, the researchers concluded that children who are subjected to physical punishment are more likely to exhibit physical violence as a means to resolving conflicts with peers.\nSpanking and scolding are forms of physical and emotional violence respectively– regardless of how people choose to perceive them – and that they won’t correct misbehaviour but will rather cause children to act out more.\nSo, while anecdotal evidence and personal opinion will voice that spanking is necessary and harmless, people should consider that research-based evidence states the opposite.\nThis article has been compiled by Mary Wright and first appeared in the “Power of Silence”\nPlease follow and like us:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "No other poet captivated and scandalised his contemporaries more than Lord Byron. His intelligence, his wealth, his beauty and his unconventional attitude towards life caught the attention of all those around him. His reckless and daredevil traits and his heroic death characterised his way of life. His poetry, which uses language and description that rouse the thoughts and emotions outside normal experiences, express the Romantic era, a movement which originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century. He was one of the best-known philhellenes who participated actively in the Greek War of Independence against the Ottomans Empire, eventually losing his life in Messolonghi on April 19, 1824.\nGeorge Gordon Noel Byron was born with a clubbed right foot in London on January 22, 1788. He became the sixth Baron Byron of Rochdale when his great uncle died in 1798. He inherited Newstead Abbey, the family seat in Nottinghamshire. He enjoyed this new role and was proud of his coat of arms, which consisted of a mermaid and chestnut horses over the motto Crede Byron (Trust Byron).\nByron spent his early years in Aberdeen, and was educated at Harrow School and Cambridge University. Between 1809 and 1811 he toured various Mediterranean countries including Greece where he visited the monuments of the ancient Greek civilization. He immediately fell in love with the country. He also met Ali Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Ioannina. He then went on to Turkey noting the differences in the culture. When he returned to Athens, he stayed at the Capuchin Monastery by the Choragin Monument of Lysicrates in Plaka. He wrote the poem The Curse of Minerva in which he attacks his compatriot Lord Elgin for pillaging the Parthenon sculptures. He also visited the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio. His name can still be seen on one of the columns. His travels through Greece made him aware of the contrast between the glory and might of ancient Greece and its present situation under Ottoman rule. On his return to England he published his works in 1812, which included Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, a narrative poem describing his feelings and his experiences during his travels. He become famous overnight. He stated: If I am a poet, the air of Greece has made me one.\nHis poetry was only one aspect of his versatile and manifold activities. He became active in politics, played cricket (despite being handicapped), he was an exceptional swimmer, a marksman, a swordsman and a boxer. He enjoyed the company of women as well as other men. He was full of action and wanted to be part of the action. He stated that the purpose of poetry is to complete life and not just to comment on it. If the poem does not make a person feel alive when we are reading it, then it is not worth the paper it is written on.\nSoon after his return to England he married Annabella Milbanke, a well-educated woman on 2nd January 1815. She bore him a daughter, Ada. However, the marriage did not last long and a year later they were separated. The scandal that followed and the ever-increasing debts forced Byron to leave England. He travelled through Europe and settled in Italy. In the meantime, the Greek War of Independence against Ottoman rule had begun in March 1821.\nIn 1823, while living in Genoa, Byron agreed to actively support the Greek struggle for independence. He travelled to the island of Kefalonia, which was under British rule at that time, and spent over 4,000 pounds to refit a Greek fleet. He was able to reach Messolonghi in January 1824. He joined forces with Alexandros Mavrokordatos, a Greek politician, giving him money for the needs of the revolution. He also helped in concluding the first revolutionary loan between the Greek fighters and British philhellenes, as he was a member of the London Philhellenic Committee.\nHe formed a group of 30 philhellene officers and 200 men for an attack on Lepanto or Nafpaktos as it is known today. However, the attack did not take place and soon after Byron fell ill. Blood-letting worsened his condition. He caught a violent cold with a high fever that eventually led to his death on 19 April 1824. His death brought sorrow not only among the Greek freedom fighters who considered him as one of their heroes, but in England as well. It must be noted that the township of Messolonghi had undergone two sieges before the third and final siege. The first siege was from October 1822 until December 1822; the second from 20 September to 20 November 1823; the final siege between 15 April 1825 and 10 April 1826 when the Ottomans returned with a stronger force and naval support cutting off food and ammunition supplies to the men, women and children that were defending the township. This led to the heroic attempt to exit the town. Out of the 7,000 people that tried to escape, only 1,000 made it safely. All those that were left in the township were either slaughtered or taken as prisoners to be sold as slaves. The defeat of the Greeks and the barbarity of the Ottoman forces led the Great Powers of England, France and Russia to take an active part in the Greek cause.\nIt can therefore be said that the death of Lord Byron did not go in vain. He died heroically for the freedom of a country that was not his own. He lived his life to the fullest and also died as a poet writing his last, but most significant poem on the day of his 36th birthday, 22 January 1824. The name of the poem is: On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year.\nLord Byron is revered as a hero in Greece. The Byron House is the centre for the Messolonghi Byron Society, dedicated to Lord Byron’s life and poetry. In the Garden of Heroes in Messolonghi, a statue of the poet is above the place where his heart is buried. According to his will, his heart was buried in Messolonghi and his body taken to England and buried at the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire. King George I of Greece placed a marble slab over his grave. Byron’s daughter, Ada Lovelace, was buried beside him. Since 2008, Greece has honoured Byron’s participation in the Greek War of Independence by declaring 19th April as ‘Byron Day’. Greek communities around the world honour this day with special events and poetry competitions. Dionysios Solomos, Greece’s national poet who wrote the Greek National Anthem, composed an ode in Byron’s memory.\nOde on the Death of Lord Byron\nDionysios Solomos (1798-1857)\nFor a moment, Liberty,\nLet the war, the bloodshed rest;\nHither come and silently\nOver Byron’s body weep.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "When Will Baby Start Grabbing?\nBabies are actually born with an innate ability to grasp things. In the beginning, this means baby will love tightly grabbing your finger when he can or holding onto his binky for dear life. But it’s not until the first three or four months that your little one will begin to develop a better sense of perception and be able to actually control his reflexes. (This is also when he’ll start to want to grab onto everything.) These days, dropping his toys and picking them back up will provide loads of entertainment, and learning the concept of cause and effect will be a big part of playtime. Encourage baby by playing along and offering him toys that will help develop this skill (think: fun rattles and squeezable toys).\nWhy do babies grab fingers?\nIf you touch your finger to a baby’s open palm, in most cases his or her hand will almost instantly curl around your finger very tightly! That reaction is called the grasp reflex.Everyone has reflexes—automatic nerve actions that the body makes without being directed by the brain. Has the doctor ever tapped your knee with a little rubber hammer, and did your leg kick without your telling it to? That’s a reflex, and it happened without you thinking about it.\nBabies are born with some special reflexes, including the grasp reflex. The suck reflex is another one. We see it when a baby takes a pacifier. Babies typically lose the grasp reflex at about three months of age, and they lose the suck reflex at about four months. But those original reflexes may help the babies later on when they are learning to feed themselves. Source: highlightskids.com", "label": "No"} +{"text": "October 28, 2019\nHelp Your Students Make a Difference in the Lives of Those Around Them...\nRegister Your Team for the REACH Challenge Before the November 1 Deadline!\nREACH Challenge is an impactful Adaptive & Assistive Technology design-thinking project for middle school, high school, and college students, showcasing ITEEA’s mission that “Technology and Engineering Bring STEM to Life.”\nWith an Educator’s Toolkit, filled with lesson plans and activities, this innovative challenge shows students how they can use their STEM skills to make a difference in the lives of those around them.\nAfter forming a team, students have an opportunity to REACH a member of their community who has a challenge to overcome. Focusing on the empathy and user-centered design portions of the engineering design process, students will work with their User-Expert (UE) “client” to identify a specific challenge, and design and create a viable adaptive or assistive technological solution to this problem. Following registration, teams can submit their projects through the ITEEA website. Teams who complete the challenge and submit their projects are then eligible to earn recognition and funding to support their STEM program.\n“I tell my students that they don’t have to wait until they are ‘grown ups’ to change the world,” said Gavin Wood, an award-winning STEM educator and visionary behind the REACH Challenge. “Why wait? Let’s develop 21st-century high-tech skills and use them to make people's lives better...right now. I see the light bulbs turn on in my students’ minds once they realize this. Now, with the launch of REACH Challenge, we have the potential to inspire students and teachers to make an impact on their communities all over the world.”\nInterested teams can learn more and register today at www.iteea.org/REACH. The site includes additional resources such as an overview video and a sample student-created video.\nITEEA is the professional organization for technology, innovation, design, and engineering educators. Its mission is to promote technological and engineering literacy for all by supporting the teaching of technology and engineering and promoting the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits. ITEEA strengthens the profession through leadership, professional development, membership services, publications, and classroom activities.\nWATCH A FULL-LENGTH PRESENTATION ABOUT ITEEA'S REACH CHALLENGE\nMeet Isaac and hear from the student team that developed a specialized device for him to be more independent in his home.\nFor more information about ITEEA’s REACH Challenge, contact ITEEA by phone: (703) 860-2100, email: email@example.com, or visit the website at www.iteea.org/REACH.\nIf you are unable to login, you may need to update your Profile.\nGo here for more information on how to update your profile to access your account in EbD-BUZZ.\nIf you are still unable to access your account after following these directions, contact\nIf you are not currently an EbD-Network School and need more information,\ncontact us at firstname.lastname@example.org\nfor a Network Agreement and any associated costs.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Information about Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture\nWhat is Oriental Medicine?\nOriental medicine is a comprehensive system of health care with a continuous clinical history of over 5000 years. Oriental medicine includes acupuncture, Oriental herbology and bodywork, dietary therapy and exercise based on traditional Oriental medicine principles. These therapies work with the natural vital energy inherent within all living things to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. This system of health care is used extensively by one-quarter of the world’s population residing in Asia and is rapidly growing in popularity in the West. Traditional Oriental medicine uses as intricate system of pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation of points and meridians, medical history and other signs and symptoms to create a composite Oriental medical diagnosis. A treatment plan is then formulated to induce the body to balanced state of health.\nHow does Acupuncture work?\nAcupuncture is practiced based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of Western medicine. Ancient Asian physicians recognized a vital energy Qi(pronounced chee). In developing an understanding of the prevention and cure of disease, these healing practitioners discovered that this energy flows along specific pathways called “meridians”. Each pathway is associated with a particular physiological system and internal organ. Disease is considered to arise due to a deficiency or imbalance of energy in the meridians and their associated physiological systems. Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians. Each point has a predictable effect upon the vital energy passing through it. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charges at these points, thus corroborating the locations of the meridians mapped by the ancients.\nWhat Can I Expect?\nMany conditions may be alleviated very rapidly by acupuncture and Oriental medicine. However, some conditions, if left to develop for many years, may require slow and steady treatment. As in any form of healing, the patient’s attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will affect the outcome of the treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process. There are cases where Western medicine can be effective as well. In such cases, your acupuncturist will recommend you contact a Western medical doctor. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine should be seen as complementary to Western medicine.\nIs Acupuncture Safe?\nIn the hands of a comprehensively trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured. Acupuncture needles are sterile and are either disposed or autoclaved between treatments. If you have a preference, you should discuss the type of needles to be used with your practitioner.\nIs Acupuncture Painful?\nAcupuncture bears no resemblance to the feeling of receiving an injection, since the main sources of pain from injections are the larger diameter of the needle, the hollowness of the needle, and the medication being forced into the tissue by pressure. Acupuncture needles are very fine and flexible; a needle’s diameter is roughly the same as a human hair’s. In most cases, your practitioner will also recommend herbs and/or dietary and lifestyle changes.\nWhat does Acupuncture treat?\nThe World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine’s ability to treat over 43 common disorders including:\n• Our specialties: Diabetes Mellitus, Hepatitis, and Nephritis\n• Gastrointestinal Disorders, such as food allergies, peptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastrointestinal weakness, anorexia and gastritis\n• Urogenital Disorders, including stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, and sexual dysfunction\n• Gynecological Disorders, such as irregular, heavy, or painful menstruation, infertility in woman and men, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)\n• Respiratory Disorders, such as emphysema, sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis\n• Disorders of the Bones, Muscles, Joints and Nervous System, such as arthritis, migraine headaches, neuralgia, insomnia, dizziness and low back, neck and shoulder pain.\n• Circulatory Disorders, such as hypertension, angina pectoris, arterioscleroses and anemia\n• Emotional and Psychological Disorders, including depression and anxiety\n• Addictions, such as alcohol, nicotine and drugs\n• Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders\n• Supportive therapy for other chronic and painful debilitating disorders", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Moses was in trouble. The children of Israel were without water and in danger of literally dying of thirst (see Exodus, Chap. 17, in the Bible). They blamed Moses for leading them to a place that didn’t have the resources to sustain them. It seemed that their escape from Egypt was all for naught. Even though the Red Sea had been parted for them; even though they had been fed with manna in the wilderness, they were convinced by what they saw around them that without water, they would surely die. And so, it seemed natural to blame the man who had led them there! The narrative goes on to describe how Moses, after turning to God in this great hour of need, was led to Mt. Horeb, where he was directed to strike the rock with his rod, and water came out of the rock – enough water to take care of all their needs.\nIt would seem that we could use Moses today to provide water to end the droughts that cause the same fear the children of Israel felt in the wilderness so long ago. But is it Moses we need, or is it some measure of the absolute faith and understanding Moses had in God, the source of all good, who supplies all our needs, always? Moses knew he could trust God in every circumstance, no matter how desperate things might look to mortal eyes. And what Moses knew was able to bless everyone around him.\nMany of us right now are asking God to bring rain to drought-stricken areas in the United States, looking for divine intervention to solve the problem. My study of Christian Science has for me brought prayer to a higher level, revealing more than what the material senses can observe.\nIn her book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science, wrote: “God is not influenced by man. The ‘divine ear’ is not an auditory nerve. It is the all-hearing and all-knowing Mind, to whom each need of man is always known and by whom it will be supplied” (p. 7). Moses clearly understood this spiritual fact, and proved it when he was confronted with the apparent lack of water in the wilderness. His absolute faith that God was always supplying the need manifested itself in His ability to find water right where everyone else could see only rocks.\nFrom the standpoint of Christian Science, the drought many are experiencing right now is just one example of a collective human belief that either God’s presence or care for His children can be restricted in certain places at certain times, or else that God is unwilling or unable to do anything about the extreme needs affecting large numbers of people. The answer lies in a clearer recognition of the unchanging, ever-present, all-powerful love God is perpetually imparting, which is constantly available to all of us.\nJesus spoke of the need to gain a clearer sense of God’s kingdom and what it includes in his Sermon on the Mount. He said: “Take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? ... for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:31-33).\nThe only real need we ever have is to understand more clearly the spiritual fact of God’s allness, which includes the wonderful truth that His supply of everything good is always at hand, always available. These words of Isaiah the prophet offer a wonderful promise: “When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water” (41:17, 18).\nTo receive Christian Science perspectives daily or weekly in your inbox, sign up today.\nTo learn more about Christian Science, visit ChristianScience.com.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A touchpad or trackpad is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the motion and position of a user's fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is made output to the screen. Touchpads are a common feature of laptop computers as opposed to using a mouse on a desktop, and are also used as a substitute for a mouse where desk space is scarce. Because they vary in size, they can also be found on personal digital assistants (PDAs) and some portable media players. Wireless touchpads are also available as detached accessories.\nOperation and function\nTouchpads operate in one of several ways, including capacitive sensing or resistive touchscreen. The most common technology used in the 2010s senses the change of capacitance where a finger touches the pad. Capacitance-based touchpads will not sense the tip of a pencil or other similar ungrounded or non-conducting implements. Fingers insulated by a glove may also be problematic, and capacitive touchpads are rarely used as pointing devices for medical hardware. \nWhile touchpads, like touchscreens, are able to sense absolute position, resolution is limited by their size. For common use as a pointer device, the dragging motion of a finger is translated into a finer, relative motion of the cursor on the output to the display on the operating system, analogous to the handling of a mouse that is lifted and put back on a surface. Hardware buttons equivalent to a standard mouse's left and right buttons are sometimes positioned adjacent to the touchpad.\nSome touchpads and associated device driver software may interpret tapping the pad as a mouse click, and a tap followed by a continuous pointing motion (a \"click-and-a-half\") can indicate dragging. Tactile touchpads allow for clicking and dragging by incorporating button functionality into the surface of the touchpad itself. To select, one presses down on the touchpad instead of a physical button. To drag, instead of performing the \"click-and-a-half\" technique, the user presses down while on the object, drags without releasing pressure, and lets go when done. Touchpad drivers can also allow the use of multiple fingers to emulate the other mouse buttons (commonly two-finger tapping for the center button).\nTouchpads are called clickpads if it does not have physical buttons, but instead relies on \"software buttons\". Physically the whole clickpad formed a button, logically the driver interprets a click as a left or right button click depending on the placement of fingers.\nSome touchpads have \"hotspots\", locations on the touchpad used for functionality beyond a mouse. For example, on certain touchpads, moving the finger along an edge of the touch pad will act as a scroll wheel, controlling the scrollbar and scrolling the window that has the focus, vertically or horizontally. Many touchpads use two-finger dragging for scrolling. Also, some touchpad drivers support tap zones, regions where a tap will execute a function, for example, pausing a media player or launching an application. All of these functions are implemented in the touchpad device driver software, and can be disabled.\nBy 1982, Apollo desktop computers were equipped with a touchpad on the right side of the keyboard. Introduced a year later, in 1983, the first battery powered clamshell laptop, the Gavilan SC included a touchpad, which was mounted above its keyboard, rather than below, which became the norm.\nPsion's MC 200/400/600/WORD Series, introduced in 1989, came with a new mouse-replacing input device similar to a touchpad, although more closely resembling a graphics tablet, as the cursor was positioned by clicking on a specific point on the pad, instead of moving it in the direction of a stroke.\nLaptops with touchpads were then launched by Olivetti and Triumph-Adler in 1992. Cirque introduced the first widely available touchpad, branded as GlidePoint, in 1994. Apple introduced touchpads with modern placing in the PowerBook 500 series in 1994, using Cirque's GlidePoint technology, which Apple refers to as a \"trackpad\"; it replaced the trackball of previous PowerBook models. Since 2008, Apple's revisions of the MacBook and MacBook Pro incorporated a \"Tactile Touchpad\" design with a button integrated into the tracking surface (the entire touchpad surface acts as a clickable button).\nAnother early adopter of the GlidePoint pointing device was Sharp. Later, Synaptics introduced their touchpad into the marketplace, branded the TouchPad, and Epson was an early adopter of this product with their ActionNote.\nAs touchpads began to be introduced in laptops in the 1990s, there was often confusion as to what the product should be called. No consistent term was used, and references varied, such as: glidepoint, touch sensitive input device, touchpad, trackpad, and pointing device.\nUsers were often presented with the option to purchase a pointing stick, touchpad, or trackball. Combinations of the devices were common, though touchpads and trackballs were rarely included together. Since the early 2000s, touchpads have become the dominant laptop pointing device as most consumer laptops produced during this period and beyond includes only touchpads, displacing the pointing stick.\nUse in devices\nTouchpads are primarily used in self-contained portable laptop computers and do not require a flat surface near the machine. The touchpad is close to the keyboard, and relatively short finger movements are required to move the cursor across the display screen; while advantageous, this also makes it possible for a user's palm or wrist to move the mouse cursor accidentally while typing. Laptops today feature multitouch touchpads that can sense in some cases up to five fingers simultaneously, providing more options for input, such as the ability to bring up the context menu by tapping two fingers, dragging two fingers for scrolling, or gestures for zoom in/out or rotate. The touchpads with physical buttons now are only hi-end business\\professional laptops option.\nOne-dimensional touchpads are the primary control interface for menu navigation on iPod Classic portable music players and additional input method on some Wacom digitizer tablets, where they are referred to as \"click wheels\", since they only sense motion along one axis, which is wrapped around like a wheel. Creative Labs also uses a touchpad for their Zen line of MP3 players, beginning with the Zen Touch. The second-generation Microsoft Zune product line (the Zune 80/120 and Zune 4/8) uses touch for the Zune Pad.\nTouchpads also exist for desktop computers as an external peripheral, albeit rarely seen. But touchpad layer can be integrated with graphics tablet as additional input option.\nExternal computer keyboards can be equipped with integrated touchpads (particularly keyboards oriented for HTPC use), and some keyboards can have only touch input surface instead of hardware buttons (as typical solution for clean rooms).\nOptical trackpads primary can be used as part of ultraportable electronics; some handheld laptops and early smartphones can be equipped with optical trackpads.\nTheory of operation\nThere are two principal means by which touchpads work. In the matrix approach, a series of conductors are arranged in an array of parallel lines in two layers, separated by an insulator and crossing each other at right angles to form a grid. A high frequency signal is applied sequentially between pairs in this two-dimensional grid array. The current that passes between the nodes is proportional to the capacitance. When a virtual ground, such as a finger, is placed over one of the intersections between the conductive layer some of the electrical field is shunted to this ground point, resulting in a change in the apparent capacitance at that location. This method received U.S. Patent 5,305,017 awarded to George Gerpheide in April 1994.\nThe capacitive shunt method, described in an application note by manufacturer Analog Devices, senses the change in capacitance between a transmitter and receiver that are on opposite sides of the sensor. The transmitter creates an electric field which oscillates at 200–300 kHz. If a ground point, such as the finger, is placed between the transmitter and receiver, some of the field lines are shunted away, decreasing the apparent capacitance.\nMajor manufacturers include:\n|Wikimedia Commons has media related to Touchpads.|\n|Look up touchpad, trackpad, or touchscreen in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.|\n- Capacitive sensing\n- Graphics pad\n- Kaoss pad\n- List of touch-solution manufacturers\n- Magic Trackpad 2\n- Pointing stick\n- \"VersaPad Plus resistive touchpads target medical, rugged environments\". www.microcontrollertips.com. Retrieved 2021-07-06.\n- \"Tap and drag\". Apple.com.\n- \"The Tactile Touchpad\". sigchi.com.\n- \"A Comparison of Three Selection Techniques for Touchpads\" (PDF). yorku.ca.\n- \"Libinput features: Clickpad software button behavior\". wayland.freedesktop.org.\n- Getting Started With Your DOMAIN System. Apollo Computer. 1983.\n- \"Briefcase computer\". Design. November 1983. p. 20. Retrieved 16 March 2022.\nThe Gavilan portable computer uses a touch-sensitive panel between its text-entry keyboard and its liquid-crystal display. Moving your finger around on this shifts the cursor on the screen to select commands from a menu.\n- \"GUIdebook Psion MC Series brochure\". guidebookgallery.org.\n- \"GUIdebook Psion MC Series brochure, page 4\". guidebookgallery.org.\n- Booth, Neil (2 December 1989). \"Psions of the Times\". New Computer Express. pp. 66–67. Retrieved 20 March 2022.\nYou put your finger on a small rectangular panel, and the cursor appears on screen. Move your finger around the panel, say from the bottom left of the panel to the centre, and the cursor moves from the bottom left to the centre of the screen in parallel.\n- Olivetti S20, D33 and identically Triumph-Adler Walkstation 386, Walkstation 386SX\n- Diehl, Stanford; Lennon, Anthony J.; McDonough, John (Oct 1995). \"Touchpads to Navigate By\" (PDF). Byte. No. October 1995. Green Publishing. p. 150. ISSN 0360-5280.\n- \"[Products | Our Technology | High-Sensitivity Capacitive Technology] Alps Alpine – Electronic Components and Automotive Infotainment\". tech.alpsalpine.com. Retrieved 2021-07-06.\n- Thryft, Ann R. \"More Than a Mouse,\" Computer Product Development, EBN Extra, November 14, 1994, pp. E16 – E20\n- \"Blackbird: The PowerBook 500 Series\". Low End Mac. 1994-05-16. Retrieved 2017-07-09.\n- \"MacBook design\". Apple.com.\n- Ackerman, Dan (June 10, 2009). \"Apple MacBook Pro Summer 2009 (Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce 9400M, 13-inch)\". CNET. Retrieved April 11, 2010.\n- \"A WinBook for the Fussy\". Windows Magazine. No. Dec 95. 1995. p. 105.\n- \"Sharp Unveils Line of Notebooks\". Westchester County Business Journal. Westchester County Business Journal (November 20, 1995). 1995.\n- Malloy, Rich; Crabb, Don (October 1995). \"Power Packed Power Books\". Mobile Office. New York, NY (October 1995): 44–52.\n- Jerome, Marty (1995). \"Lightweight, Low-Cost Challenger\". PC Computing. PC Computing (December 1995): 96.\n- Yu, Justin. \"This Logitech keyboard and touch pad would like the full attention of your hands\". CNET. Retrieved 2021-07-06.\n- GmbH, Systec & Solutions. \"Medical keyboard and stainless steel tablet\". www.systec-solutions.com. Retrieved 2021-07-06.\n- \"Analog Devices' Capacitive Shunt Method\" (PDF). analog.com.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. It is one of the most interesting and challenging areas of scientific inquiry with the potential to benefit both individuals and society as a whole. Topics of study include learning, memory, cognition, perception, neuroscience, and developmental, forensic, social, and abnormal psychology. You will gain an integrated and comprehensive knowledge in the main discipline areas of psychology and develop strong research, analytical and communication skills. This degree allows you to study for an accredited three-year degree in Psychology at the same time as undertaking a complementary major in a number of related areas. Majors include marketing, human resource management, management, criminology, linguistics, philosophy, vision science and neuroscience.\nWhy choose this degree?\nThis degree offers great flexibility – students can focus just on psychology, loading up their program with a variety of free electives, or may choose to take a complementary major.\nWho should choose this degree?\nAt the completion of this degree you can head into the workforce or continue along the path to becoming a registered psychologist by completing an additional fourth year Honours in Psychology.\n- Human Resource Management\n- Vision Science\nDegree StructureDegree Handbook\nThe skills acquired during training in Psychology are extremely valuable to a wide variety of careers within the public and private sector. These include clinical and health settings such as clinics and hospitals and a diverse range of commercial and non-profit organisations.\nAccreditation / Professional Recognition\nAustralian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited three-year undergraduate sequence in Psychology and the first step on the six-year pathway to becoming a registered professional psychologist.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "I recently listened to a segment on the Current on CBC, about academic integrity and the effect of technology on cheating. The main guest was Dr Julia Christensen Hughes, Dean of the College of Management and Economics at the University of Guelph, who talked about the findings of some of the research that she has conducted on Canadian university students. A whopping 80% of Canadian university students admit to having cheated. They admit to at least one of over 30 behaviours that are considered cheating at university ranging from outright cheating on exams, to plagiarism, to working in groups when specifically asked to work individually on an assignment. Interestingly this isn’t a new problem. American studies in the ‘60s found that 75% of students admitted to cheating in college. And it’s not a new behavior for students when they get to the post-secondary environment. In one recent Canadian study 60% of high school students admitted to cheating on tests, and 75% to cheating on written work that is handed in. Although technology provides more ways for students to cheat (buying “internet” papers, using online paper mills and just good old cut and paste from internet sites) it hasn’t impacted the overall rate of cheating. Technology has however increased instructors’ ability to detect plagiarism thanks to online services such as Turnitin that use huge data bases of accumulated student work, web pages and online journals to compare submitted work to common sources.\nWhat interested me most from the conversation with Dr Christensen Hughes was her finding that students were less likely to cheat if they respected the instructor, if they felt that the quality of the education that they were receiving was high and if the instructor was using assessments that were truly assessing the skills and knowledge that students were learning in the course. This last point dovetails nicely with a book that I have just been reading, “Cheating Lessons – Learning from Academic Dishonesty” by James M. Lang. Lang discusses how the ways that we teach and assess can impact student’s academic integrity and how instructors can design assessments that reduce academic dishonesty and also create better learning.\nLang proposes that students are more likely to cheat if:\n- there is low intrinsic motivation to actually learn what they are being assessed on;\n- there is an emphasis on one-time performance rather than continuous improvement towards mastery;\n- the stakes are high on a single assessment;\n- they have a low expectation of success.\nSo what can an instructor do to decrease cheating and increase learning?\nWhen students are intrinsically motivated, find the subject matter meaningful and can connect it to their own lives, they will learn more and retain their learning. Students driven by extrinsic rewards, such as grades, use strategic or shallow approaches to learning and will have more motivation to cheat. Posing authentic, open-ended questions to students or challenging them with problems or areas of investigation of their own choice can give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and reflect on what they have learned. Learning portfolios that include journal entries, short essays, and reflections can assess the student learning experience and understanding of concepts (and are darn hard to cheat on).\nLearning for mastery (a deep approach to learning) rather than one time performance can be encouraged and assessed. Giving students multiple attempts on assessments or offering students choices on how they will be assessed can promote a mastery approach. These tests can also provide students with feedback so that they can learn from the assessment and then apply their learning again to show mastery. Scaffolded assignments or essays, where drafts and reworked versions are submitted for feedback, can provide evidence of learning and are not likely to be purchased in the internet.\nThere is evidence that repeated low stakes assessments have the largest impact on learning and retention of learning, particularly if the testing is in the format of short answer questions. Known as the “testing effect” it can be achieved through the use of short online quizzes or one-minute papers. Creating opportunities for students to retrieve knowledge and rehearse answering questions not only measures learning, but also produces learning (Miller, 2011). Lang discusses how taking the emphasis off a one big, high stakes assessment and introducing multiple low stakes assessments helps students rehearse for more substantial assessments and actually reduces cheating.\nWhen students feel that they have no chance of success they are more likely to give up rather than attempting to master concepts, and they may look for alternative, dishonest ways to pass tests. Lang argues that helping students be aware of their level of understanding throughout a course will help them gauge how much work they need to do to be successful on major assessments. Activities like think-pair-share, clicker questions and other in-class activities or formative assessments help instil self-efficacy, and help students identify what they need to do to become capable rather than relying on cheating.\nAll sounds like more work for the instructor, yes, but with two great results – better learning and less cheating and presumably less time spent following up on academic integrity cases as well.\nLang, J.M. 2013. Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, USA.\nMiller, M. 2011. What College Teachers Should Know About Memory: A Perspective from Cognitive Psychology. College Teaching, 59:117-122.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Just What Is A Business?\nAn organization is described as any organization or person that performs online business to make money. Businesses could be both individual to make money organizations or general population nonprofit agencies that actions business in order to match a certain community bring about or additional a accelerating societal plan. In today’s planet, enterprises are becoming an important part of how we live and play an integral position in shaping the financial framework of modern society. Moreover, companies are widely known as part of the casual construction of society. An enterprise therefore, gets the duty to offer products or services by the due date, maintain precise inventory, manage interior assets, and make the best usage of technology.\nThe thought of small business has expanded past the regular features which were generally linked to companies using a bodily position. While using quick increase of the online market place, internet businesses also have enter in to staying. These firms do not possess physiological places but rather deal through the use of the web. This enables them to make use of new markets, have a international achieve, and develop their small business using the web. So as to define its goal and achieve its online business aims, whilst there are actually circumstances just where real tree branches and retailers of enterprises still really exist, most of the people use online businesses anytime they need to get goods or services.\nA business business is actually created when anyone, group of people, or organization produces a authored business plan or maybe a charter. This record is commonly known as a business plan. This works as a road map for helping the company to obtaining its targets. To get its goals and document individuals exercises that lead to achieving these desired goals, a small business organization must be able to outline the activities it plans to do. As a way to expedite the handling of the company.\nOnline business description entails all 5 things – solution, funds, place and workers and promoting, a business might also generate earnings and losses statements, financial forecasts, and other applicable paperwork. The funds provides the cash required to start-up and preserve the organization action. Product refers to the organic resources, apparatus and supplies found in conducting the business enterprise task, and site refers back to the genuine area from the business. promoting and People talk about all those associated with enterprise exercises like promoting, output and selling and buyer interaction.\nBusiness meaning is often a challenging concept. Normally, an enterprise is present to create and sector services or goods for other people to generate a earnings. To be able to generate income, an enterprise should be beneficial ample to generate and deliver the essential services and goods. Additionally, an online business need to look at the expense of the goods or services it sells and figure out regardless of whether the price tag on the item is effectively sufficient to draw in buyers. A company can create losses and revenue records that include a description of the process as a way to verify in the event the exercise produces a nice gain or loss.\nIn order to achieve sales, organizations get involved in many approaches. Commonly, businesses use marketing and advertising endeavours as a way to attract customers. Goods are made and advertised in order to get customers to get them. The production approach is needed to create all the items along with the marketing method is employed to showcase those items.\nAll businesses technique has a target or possibly a end result. Commonly, the end result is the creation of new goods or services which make the business dollars. However, in an effort to get to that goal, the corporation must use and build a money-making enterprise plan.\nThere are lots of varieties of companies. Many of the most typical styles are retail shops, wholesale sellers, suppliers, and low-revenue companies. Each type provides a different cause of current. The overall intent behind all companies is the same, however: to profit by reselling expert services and products and solutions that exist or are produced by another person.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "James Springer White: 1821 – 1881\nCATHOLIC REASONS FOR KEEPING SUNDAY\n1. Because “it is also called Sunday from the old Roman denomination of Dies Solis, the day of the sun, to which it was sacred.” “Sunday was a name given by the heathens to the first day of the week, because it was the day on which they worshiped the sun.”\n2. Because it is “in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary.”\n3. Because “it is a day dedicated by the apostles to the honor of the most Holy Trinity.”\n4. “Because Christ was born upon a Sunday.”\n5. Because he “rose from the dead upon a Sunday.”\n6. Because he “sent down the Holy Ghost upon a Sunday.”\n7. Because “the work of our redemption was a greater work than that of our creation.”\n8. Because “we have for it the authority of the Catholic Church and apostolic tradition.”\n9. Because “Sunday is sanctified by hearing Mass.”\n10. Because of a letter reported to have “come from Heaven to Jerusalem, and found at St. Simeon’s tomb.”\n1. Because Christ rose from the dead on Sunday.\n2. Because Christ sanctioned the first day by meeting with his disciples on the evening of that day. John xx,19,26.\n3. Because the apostles met on the first day to break bread. Acts xx,7.\n4. Because the apostles told them to make their collections on that day for the poor saints. 1Cor.xvi,1,2.\n5. Because John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day. Rev.i,10.\n6. Because Paul says, “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind” – whether he will keep one day above another, i.e., whether he will keep Sunday or not.\n7. Because Constantine established it by law, A. D. 321.\n8. Because it is the law of our own country.\n9. Because Sunday is the Christian Sabbath.\n10. Because the “old fathers” say that some kept Sunday.\n11. Because learned men and ministers, say it was changed.\n12. Because some say that the day we now keep, is the seventh-day Sabbath.\n13. Because the Lord only requires us to keep a seventh part of time.\n14. Because nobody knows whether we are keeping the right day or not, as time might have been lost.\n15. Because it don’t make any difference what day we keep if we are only sincere and honest.\n16. Because it is customary, that is, fashionable.\n17. Because the Lord has blessed me so many times on that day, therefore I think I ought to keep it.\n18. Because I don’t like to be changing about so much.\n19. Because all my neighbors keep it.\n20. Because I have always kept it, and my friends before me, and some of them died happy, and I will run the risk of it, rather than change now.\n21. Because our church keeps it, therefore I will.\n22. Because there are so many new things, and winds of doctrine, and so many “Lo heres,” and “Lo theres,” that we don’t know what to believe, therefore I am agoing to stick to my old church.\nThese and many more unfounded and frivolous excuses, are framed up in favor of Sunday-keeping which are called by some, good and conclusive reasons for not obeying God’s holy Sabbath law: “The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord: “thus making the law of God void by their traditions.\nHow will such stand in the judgment, with such excuses in their mouths, before that God whose law they have broken, after having the light. Will it not be said, “thou art weighed in the balances, an art found wanting.”\nThe Advent Review and Sabbath Herald – April 4, 1854\n1518total visits,1visits today", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Synopses & Reviews\nThe new Fifth Edition of Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering presents a comprehensive, student-friendly introduction to Complex Analysis concepts. Its clear, concise writing style and numerous applications make the foundations of the subject matter easily accessible to students. Believing that mathematicians, engineers, and scientists should be exposed to a careful presentation of mathematics, the authors devote attention to important topics, such as ensuring that required assumptions are met before using a theorem, confirming that algebraic operations are valid, and checking that formulas are not blindly applied. A new chapter on z-transforms and applications provides students with a current look at Digital Filter Design and Signal Processing.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "To be a truly student-driven Preschool, children need to have ownership and responsibility for the classroom. How can we teach young children responsible civic engagement? In her 2015 article in the Atlantic, Amy Rothschild states, “early-childhood classrooms can serve as a natural cradle for democracy”. Link to Article\nWhat does this look like in developmentally-appropriate practice? Students can work to decide upon shared-agreements for communal spaces. Students can all participate in discussion and debate over situations that may happen in social interactions, from teacher expectations, or a that may arise in literature. They can take shared responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of classroom materials. Students who show an interest, can be given special leadership responsibilities. All children should be expected to give special care to peers who may be hurt or having difficulties.\nBeyond teaching responsible civic participation, children can have an authentic experience in the foundation of democracy- voting. In my class, the children often take responsibility for curricular decisions by voting. For example, children are introduced to two books which may possibly be read for enjoyment. Each child gets one vote to decide which of the two will be read-aloud and the book receiving the majority will be read that day. There are many ways to manage this activity- a ballot box, a show of hands, or tally marks on the black board. Voting thusly teaches children the practical aspect of how to vote. Also, they learn have a voice, but also their voice is balanced by the whole.\nPreschools are the perfect arena for fostering democracy and even the youngest children can approach civic duties and the direction of their learning with responsibility and a sense of fun. When we teach democracy in the Preschool we foster a self-directed community of learners who will grow to have a sense of civic duty and social responsibility.\nHow do you foster democracy in your classroom? Leave a reply.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The American Academy of Pediatrics recently made headlines with the statistic that more than 400,000 babies each year are born to women who will suffer postpartum depression (PPD). Calling PPD the most “underdiagnosed obstetric complication” in the U.S., the report issued a new call for pediatricians to take an active role in screening their patients’ mothers for depression. But the wider community also can take part in helping mothers get the help they need – here’s why.\nWe are learning more and more about how healthy attachment and bonding helps children feel more secure at home, connected to their world, and positions them to become contributing members of society. According to the AAP study, PPD threatens mother-child attachment, dramatically increases the risk of parental neglect, and adversely affects early brain development. Treatment of the mother’s condition can improve associated depression and other disorders suffered by the child – including conduct disorder, anxiety, and other mood disorders. In short, just like nursing mothers need to watch what they eat, we all need to support new moms because their undiagnosed depression impacts their children’s long-term health, too.\nIn addition to a longer screening scale, AAP offers pediatricians the following brief, 2-question survey for depression: “Over the past 2 weeks (1) Have you ever felt down, depressed, or hopeless? (2) Have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?”\nOne yes answer indicates a positive screening result, meaning there is a risk of depression and the person should be educated about the symptoms of depression and made aware of support options. Although this information is aimed at pediatricians, all of us who come into contact with young families can be aware of depression’s symptoms and treatment choices. Being a new mom is stressful, anxiety-producing, and doesn’t always look pretty. But sometimes there’s more going on than just sleep-deprivation, and there are many supportive options available as long as we make it safe and welcoming for women to get what they need during this important time.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Loksewa Aayog Computer Operator\nWhat is a Computer Operator?\nA computer operator is the person responsible for monitoring and controlling computer systems especially mainframe computer systems in a company or organization. Responsibilities include troubleshooting software and hardware problems, monitoring batch processing, maintaining and improving system performance and online availability, maintaining all system and application documentation, and assisting personnel with computer problems. Other responsibilities depend on the employer but might include system backups, maintaining computer room equipment including printers and tape storage devices, and providing customer support.\nComputer Operator Job Description\nFor those that don’t know, Computer Operators are responsible for the running of all computer operations, making sure that both computer systems and hardware are in good working order at all times. They work in a variety of different industries and in some cases, work in-house for a sole company.\nWhat does a Computer Operator do?\nA computer operator usually works in either a server room or a data centre, but in some cases, they could be asked to work remotely so that they can operate computer systems across various different sites of work. Although a little experience is required, most duties are taught on the job, especially as each system is usually a little different or each business. This also means that in most cases, the job description for a Computer Operator can vary depending on the type of industry you’re working in. Depending on the business, they may also be able to work from home.\nWhat are the Roles and Responsibilities of these Specialists?\nhe roles and responsibilities of a computer operator include, but are not limited to:\n- Providing data by operating a computer.\n- Determining a sequence of operations by studying production schedules.\n- Performing defined tasks as per company processes.\n- Monitoring and manipulating daily jobs that are determined by a system.\n- Maintaining incident logs for any issues that arise.\n- Preparing any equipment that is needed for day-to-day operations by accessing various different forms of software.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Critical White Theory\nUpdated: Mar 28\nJust as critical race theory tries to explain the role of race in American history, critical white theory would look at the role of white. White, in other words, is a “role,” or social behavior, not a skin color. Critical white theory, from this perspective, provides answers to such questions as “Why did they do that?” by indicating the role that person assumed. “They were acting White.”\nOne of the chief characteristics of the white social role is to behave as though other peoples and cultures did not exist. That’s what it means to be monocultural in a multicultural context. The result, of course, is that others are invisible. They do not matter.\nGiven our beginning as a slave nation with ideals of liberty, this contradiction has a long legacy. Instead of seeing ourselves as one among others, we only saw ourselves. At the same time, this “non-social” image was and is unstable because it is not only based on a lie, but also on crimes against humanity. The white social world exists in a climate of injustice.\nA good example of monocultural thinking in a multicultural context is the Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett’s interpretative theory of originalism, which assumes that the original meaning of the Constitution is its meaning today. This theory assumes that the Constitution exists apart from its context, and that any contemporary reader should read the text outside of any context.\nTexts, from this perspective, are not “social documents” written in a particular time and place, but rather “isolated documents” without a history, so to speak. Originalism assumes that one’s particular social identity doesn’t exist, and neither does the social identity of others. Critical white theory would point out that the denial of the social is a characteristic of white social identity, and regardless of any person’s intention, maintains the lie that only white roles matter.\nThe fact is that the context of the Constitution was a climate of injustice, and that climate continues. Extracting the Constitution from this messy legacy will not help us to move toward a climate of justice.\nI see a similar dilemma in President Biden’s responses to our moral failures, like the incident of border patrol officers using their horses to “corral” Haitian immigrants. Biden said the images were horrific, and “That’s not who we are.” Critical white theory would look at this behavior from the social and historical legacy of white supremacy and probably conclude “that’s exactly who we are.”\nThe issue is not merely historical consciousness, but even more the question of who is included in Biden’s “we.” If the “we” are only white Americans, then such behavior can be seen as a violation of American ideals. If the “we” also include black and brown Americans, then the images may show us once again that we have not yet made the change that’s been promised.\n“We the People” was written in a climate of injustice. It included some white men, who made the necessary compromises to keep others out so they could enjoy American Prosperity. We have always been multiracial and multicultural, but not a multiracial and multicultural democracy. Why not? Because the prosperity of the few was based on the suffering of the many.\nOnce again, the agenda of creating a multiracial and multicultural democracy has been put aside and whites—liberal and conservative—focus on another compromise that will ensure American Prosperity, white privilege, and an American monoculture.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Because of the public scare over animal fats, sales of vegetable oils of all types increased. It was the established wisdom that those oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acids were especially beneficial (animal fats are high in saturated fatty acids). The obsession with polyunsaturated versus saturated fats led researchers and nutritionists to overlook some of the other features of vegetable oils that we now know are crucial to health, including:\n· Susceptibility to rancidity; · Ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and its relevance in inflammatory diseases and immune system function; · Possible presence of irritating or toxic compounds in particular plant oils.\nUnlike the case of trans-fatty acids, for which there is massive amount of research data, there is much less documented scientific research on canola oil consumption in humans, specifically.Some sources (unverified) claim that the Canadian government and industry paid the U.S. FDA $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS (“Generally Recognized As Safe”) list, which allowed the canola industry to avoid the lengthy and expensive approval process, including medical research on humans. However, experimental rats that were fed canola oil “developed fatty degeneration of the heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. On withdrawing the canola oil from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs.” [3a] In the absence of direct research studies of canola oil and human health, many concerned nutritionists and biochemists have attempted to analyze the canola oil situation on the basis of current knowledge of the biochemistry of fats and oils. While hard-nosed canola industry spokespersons may claim such commentary to be speculative, in the absence of proof of safety, anyone concerned about their family’s health should pay close attention to the various arguments and warnings. [3a– 3i; for canola industry position, see 3j,3k] The Canola Council of Canada has published a report [3k] that focuses heavily on the high polyunsaturated fatty acid content of canola oil and the presumed benefits of polyunsaturated oils on various blood parameters (platelet phospholipids, platelet aggregation, eicosanoid production, clotting time). In spite of the many scientific references listed at the end of the report, the author studiously avoids discussion of the toxic effects mentioned by many nutritionists and biochemists, and, instead, attempts to link many of the benefits of Mediterranean-type diets high in olive oil to diets high in canola oil, when in fact, no such evidence is presented, and canola oil has never been part of a traditional Mediterranean diet. Concerns about the risks of using canola (rapeseed) oil focus on several aspects:\n· The presence of long-chain fatty acids, including erucic acid, which are thought by some to cause CNS degeneration, heart disease, and cancer; · The high temperatures needed in the refining process to make canola oil palatable,which lead to formation of trans-fatty acids; · Miscellaneous undesirable chemical constituents (thioglycosides and thiocyanates) whose effects are unclear, as their concentration in the refined product is probably very low.\nAlthough Chinese and Indian peoples have long used rapeseed oil in cooking, it was not refined and processed to the extent of modern commercial methods, and it was never considered to be a high quality oil for human consumption.Ayurvedic physicians have for thousands of years classified olive, almond, and sesame as the best oils for human health, and have consideredsafflower, soybean and rapeseed oils to be undesirable for human consumption except perhaps when no other oil sources were available. Recent epidemiological studies of high lung cancer rates in Chinese women suggest that wok cooking with rapeseed oil is responsible, rather than tobacco smoking, which was only a weak factor. Chinese rapeseed oil tended to produce the highest emissions of the potentially carcinogenic or mutagenic compounds 1,3-butadiene, benzene, acrolein, and formaldehyde,when compared with soybean oil and peanut oil. [3n] Canola oil contains a long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which is especially irritating to mucous membranes; canola oil consumptionhas been correlated with development of fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, lung cancer, and prostate cancer, anemia, and constipation. [3a,3b] Canola oil derives from the plants Brassica campestris and B. napus, which have been selectively bred to substantially reduce the erucic acid content. However, some health professionals feel that there is still too much present in current canola oil products for safe use. Some critics of canola oil focus on the fact that rapeseed oil was originally used as an industrial lubricant and known to be unfit for human consumption, although many vegetable oils have been used in industrial applications as well as in foods. The long-chain fatty acids found in canola have been found to destroy the sphingomyelin surrounding nerve cells in the brain, in some cases leading to a degenerative brain condition remarkably similar to mad-cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy);in advanced cases the brain tissue develops a Swiss-cheese-like appearance, full of holes. Illnesses and conditions that have been associated with canola oil consumption include loss of vision (retinal capillaries are very sensitive and easily damaged), and a wide range of neurological disorders. [3a]The high temperatures used in canola refining will damage many of the essential fatty acids, which are much more susceptible to damage by heat than saturated fats. (Heat may convert many of the unsaturated double bonds to the “trans” configuration.) While high-quality essential fatty acids are required for human health, in their damaged or rancid forms they become harmful. Additional problems with canola oil include the presence of minute, but potentially dangerous, amounts of thioglycosides, which have thyrotoxic effects. [3m] To reduce the concentration of these compounds requires processing with alkalinizing agents plus high temperatures; unfortunately, the high temperatures used in processing have other undesirable effects, the most serious of which is the conversion of unsaturated fats to the trans form.\nRapeseed has been selectively bred and genetically engineered [3a] in an attempt to reduce the toxic components and processing methods were developed to further reduce the concentration of undesirable compounds.Prior to its entry into the “health” food market, it was known as rapeseed oil, but savvy marketing professionals knew that the health food market, heavily dominated by young, college-educated women, would not purchase a repulsive-sounding product called rapeseed oil. The name of the selectively bred variety was changed to canola (as in “Canadian oil”; it has been heavily promoted by Canadian government and agricultural organizations)oil; the name rolls off the tongue with a mellifluous sound.\nThe biochemistry of plants and natural food products is often complex; the total effect of a given food on human health is dependent upon many chemical constituents and their interaction with biochemical pathways of the body. To radically alter our diets based on scientific evidence regarding only a few aspects of this biochemistry is like cooking in the dark. Common symptom reactions to unhealthy oils and fats, or to an unhealthy balance of the types of fats in one’s diet include joint pain and aggravation of arthritic conditions, a general tendency to have increased tissue irritability and inflammation, and, in the case of unhealthy fats such as hydrogenated oils and excessive amounts of fried foods, abdominal fullness and indigestion. While these conditions also may be due to other factors, quality of fats and oils is important. How one feels immediately to within several days after eating specific types of fat is often a useful indicator of whether one’s fat consumption is healthy or unhealthy.\nØAvoid canola oil;there is too much doubt about its safety. Recommended oils and fats, which are essential nutrients, include moderate amounts of meat in the form of clean sources (organically grown, etc.) of beef, lamb, and other red meats, poultry, fish (especially sardines and mackerel), plus olive, almond, or sesame oil; of all the vegetable oils, olive oil is probably the safest and best for health reasons. All of these have been in traditional use in various cultures for thousands of years. Individual differences in metabolism will dictate needs for more or less of these types of oils and fats.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "When preparing concert music for an absolute beginner, there are a number of tricky points to take into consideration. Having created, what I hope will be, attractive melodies using a very restricted range of notes, I must remember that a flute beginner may be unable to make any appreciable variation in dynamics. Indeed, the teacher may not wish to introduce dynamics in the early stages of tone development. Teachers also introduce articulation at different points. If music is stripped of its expression, however, it loses much of its ability to engage both performer and audience. In the ‘Stars From the Start’ concert music for beginner flute downloads, I have included two versions of the solo part, one with and one without markings. I hope this will make them useful resources for teachers in several ways. The unmarked copy allows the teacher to add dynamics and/or articulation as appropriate for an individual pupil. The pdf files can be printed as required and can be used for aural training, with the teacher playing his/her version and the pupil identifying the dynamics. Unmarked scores also afford pupils the opportunity to improvise their own version.\nMost pieces in tutor books, at this stage, are too short to make satisfying concert items, yet it is too challenging to both the skills of the pupil and the time available in a lesson to cover much material. With this in mind, I have made much use of repetition in these tunes to make them a more rewarding length, without adding to the burden.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "About Colonic Polyps\nMost polyps (90%) are called ADENOMAS by the medical profession. They are very common, occurring in 15 - 20% of the population, and most of these are NOT cancerous.\nA polyp is a protrusion or bump on the lining of the bowel (the mucosa) caused by an abnormal production of cells. Maybe a tiny raised area; it may look like a small or later grape; or it may take the form of many tiny projections clustered together. Sometimes this last type is known as Carpet or SESSILE polyp.\nPolyps are important as, if they are not removed, they may eventually become a cancer in the colon (large bowel) or rectum (back passage), although this takes many years to develop.\nSymptoms of polyps\nMost people are unaware of having polyps as they produce no symptoms and they are often an incidental finding. Some polyps can, however, produce a small amount of bleeding or an excess production of mucous (slim) with bowel motions. Also, an alteration in bowel habit may occur and very large polyps may lead to a blockage in the bowel, but this is extremely unusual.\nPolyps are usually found as the result of bowel investigations - such as a sigmoidoscopy, barium enema or CT colonography. If they are found, colonoscopy is required to review the whole of the large bowel.\nDo polyps need to be removed?\nSince there is no foolproof way of predicting whether or not a polyp may become a cancer, total removal of all polyps is advised.\nTreatment for polyps\nThere are several methods for doing this but the most common is by:\nSnaring the polyp whilst you have a colonoscopy. Snaring is like cutting the polyp off with a cheese wire and is painless.\nHot Biopsying removes the polyp by touching it with an electric probe this is also painless.\nAn operation to remove part of the bowel if the polyp has some cell changes or is large, but this is unusual.\nAfter removal of the polyp/s, they are sent for pathology which will reveal whether the polyp has been completely removed, if there is any risk of it regrowing, and if there is any cancerous change in the polyp. If there is a cancerous change in the polyp you may or may not require further treatment depending upon the degree and extent of change. Your specialist will be able to advise you on this matter.\nFollow up after polyp removal varies but some people will require further colonoscopies because polyps can recur. Some bowel polyps run in families. This is uncommon, but if this condition is diagnosed, colonoscopy checks will be at regular intervals.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "1797, denoting the language group that includes Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, etc.; 1826 as \"of or pertaining to Semites,\" from Medieval Latin Semiticus (source of Spanish semitico, French semitique, German semitisch), from Semita (see Semite). As a noun, as the name of a linguistic family, from 1813. In non-linguistic use, perhaps directly from German semitisch. In recent use often with the specific sense \"Jewish,\" but not historically so limited.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Second Grade Fundamentals will delight young learners with activities on long and short vowel sounds, compound words and contractions, addition and subtraction, time and money, word endings, reading comprehension, place value, and more. Filled with colorful pages, easy-to-follow directions, and grade-appropriate activities, the Fundamentals series introduces and reinforces introductory concepts in math and language arts.\nThe series covers all of the basics for success in PreK to Grade 2 and is perfect for year-round learning. The fun, challenging activities will supplement what children are learning in school, reinforcing their understanding of the subject matter and enhancing school performance. Each page features directions that teach and guide children through key areas of learning.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Click play to hear me read this to you!\nMany of our friends at the Casper Planetarium in Casper, Wyoming, have been learning about the Moon. They asked some questions about this strange and interesting world, and that got me thinking about it. So let's spend a few minutes together visiting the Moon.\nMost planets in the solar system have moons. Because our planet, Earth, has only one moon, we call it the Moon, so sometimes when people use the word \"moon,\" it can be confusing whether they are talking about our Moon or any moon in the solar system. This month, when I'm thinking about the Moon, I mean the one and only that belongs to Earth. And I think we're lucky to have it, because it regularly gives us a beautiful view of a world out in space.\nAlthough it's one of the largest moons in the solar system, the Moon is smaller than all the planets except Pluto*. Still, it's so large that if it orbited the Sun instead of Earth, we would call it a small planet and not a moon. [Go here to compare the sizes of the planets and moons in the solar system.]\nBut the Moon does orbit Earth, just as the space shuttle and thousands of other satellites do. However, at 239,000 miles—almost a quarter of a million miles—the Moon is much farther away than most satellites we launch.\nThe Moon's size and distance contribute to a wonderful coincidence for those of us who live here on Earth. The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun, but it also just happens to be about 400 times closer. The result is that from Earth, they appear to be the same size. And when its orbit around Earth takes the Moon directly between Earth and the Sun, the Moon blocks our view of the Sun in what we call a solar eclipse. This is just the same as when you use your thumb to block your view of something that is both much larger and much farther away.\nTo imagine this, think of Earth as about the size of a basketball. Then the Moon would be 30 feet away and about the size of an apple. The Sun would be a ball as big as a 10-story building more than 2 miles away. And if you were with the basketball, the nearby apple and the distant building would look to be about the same size.\nTo cover the distance between Earth and the Moon took Apollo astronauts 3 days. Now that's much longer than the 8 minutes it takes to reach Earth orbit, but still not uncomfortably long. Unlike Earth, the Moon does not have air or water, and without them, living there would be impossible. So the astronauts had to bring along their own air and water for the trip to the Moon and back, as well as their stay of a few days there. I was a child during those Apollo missions, and even then I was fascinated by space, just as I hope you are. It was thrilling for me to watch each one of those journeys that carried not just 3 men, but my imagination and dreams, as well as those of millions and millions of others. In fact, the amazing success in sending people to the Moon was one of the reasons I grew up wanting to work for NASA.\nScientists have learned a great deal about the Moon from the experiments the astronauts left there and the samples of rocks and soil they brought back. Robotic missions that have orbited, landed on, and even returned samples from the Moon have also contributed greatly to the understanding of our neighbor in space.\nBy studying the darker and lighter regions that you can see on the Moon, scientists discovered that they are made of different materials on the Moon's surface, just as Earth is covered with different kinds of materials in different places.\nBe sure to take the time to go outside on a warm evening this month to gaze at the Moon, which has inspired so many scientists, writers, artists, and people like you and me who love to wonder about the Universe.\nWhile you think more about the Moon, you can enjoy delicious Moon cookies made from ingredients easily available wherever you are on Earth. The recipe was created by Space Place partner the Daniel Boone Regional Library in Columbia, Missouri.\nNow, I think I'm going to go have a Moon Cookie!\n* On August 17, 2006, the International Astronomical Union redefined \"planet,\" calling Pluto a \"dwarf planet.\"", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Anxiety in a nutshell…\nAnxiety is a normal response to a stressful situation. It is an emotion that we all experience at some point. It keeps us alert and ready for action as a survival mechanism, allowing us to react quickly to life-threatening situations. In short, a marvellous medley of hormonal changes and physiological responses serve to help us to either fight off threats or run like the wind to escape from them. In ancient times fight or flight might happen after being chased by a lion or bear… however, as society has changed, traffic jams, constant fast-paced stimuli, family challenges, work deadlines and pressures of responsibilities have become the new trigger for fight or flight.\nWhat actually happens in the body?\nWhen your system feels that it is in danger, it immediately sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then rapidly delivers a message to the adrenal glands. The adrenals then flood adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) into the body, activating a number of physiological effects. Physiological symptoms may include an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, rapid breathing and hyperstimulation of sight and sound.\nIf the body continues to see the situation as a threat, cortisol levels will then begin to elevate, keeping the body in a hyper state of alert. This may then lead to an inability to concentrate, irritability, insomnia, panic attacks, digestion problems, sweating and social anxiety. If it is persistent or prolonged then it can wreak havoc on the body. This is when we might benefit from using herbs and supplements to help us find a state of balance and equilibrium.\nFight or flight is a normal human response to scary stuff\nA massive change in a life situation like the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job or challenging news can cause anxiety. Aggressive behaviour towards us can also induce anxiety. Feeling anxious is a normal human emotion and usually, it is an understandable response to challenging situations, it shows that you are connected with your emotions. Anxiety might involve panic or sudden intense fear after activation of specific triggers (logical or not) – which may even induce shaking, confusion, dizziness, breathing difficulty or nausea. In these cases (whether mild or extreme), herbs and other calming techniques can be beneficial.\nWhen fight or flight goes into overdrive\nSome people are more sensitive to stimuli than others, which can lead to ongoing or recurring patterns of anxiety. This can become problematic when it disturbs a person’s daily life. Personally speaking, several years ago, I encountered some intensely challenging situations that accumulated, sending me into months of anxiety. This left me in a perpetual state of fight or flight mode. When I was fortunate to calm down enough to go to sleep at all during that period, I’d wake up only to find my cortisol levels shoot through the roof within 15 minutes of waking. This inspired me to write this article… I wanted to reach out to others who are experiencing various degrees of anxiety. I feel most fortunate that I do not suffer from anxiety anymore. I’ve learned that it is incredibly common for people to experience anxiety issues, yet less common for people to have found supportive methods for it.\nThankfully, however, there are most definitely things we can do to help ourselves during these times. If you are close to someone who is suffering from anxiety, then there are also many ways that I am sure they would appreciate your support. It’s helpful to empathise with their situation. Telling them to snap out of it, calm down or get a grip of themselves, is just going to make it worse. What helps more than anything is a kind loving presence.\nThis article is all about different herbs that can help balance the system for someone suffering from anxiety. Bear in mind that different herbs will work better for different people. Some herbs will create a state of balance throughout the whole system, to enable you to cope. Others will induce a rapid state of calm (and even drowsiness). There are different herbs for different occasions. I’ve found that a combination often works wonders.\nImmediate non-herbal techniques that help induce calm\nEven though this article will address herbs and supplements, it is important to know that there are immediate things that we can do to help induce a state of calm, whilst decreasing the fight or flight hormones. These things include deep belly breathing; thinking of soothing things; visualising relaxing scenes; gentle movement; taking a brisk walk; connecting with friends who care; spending time in nature; exercise; meditation; yoga and tai chi. Be sure to find something that helps you find calmness and use it in conjunction with herbs.\nSeven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress\nAshwagandha is one of the most supportive and gentle herb remedies for the nerves. It is an adaptogenic herb, meaning that it helps our body to find balance during mental, emotional and physical stress.\nAshwagandha is known to help alleviate depression as well as anxiety. Typically from India, this herb has recently become one of my all-time favourites. It acts as a core support to the entire nervous system helping with sleep, relaxation, nerve and body pain, stress, and mood. It’s a gentle, yet strong, nourishing tonic that acts as a foundational support to the entire nervous system. For best results, it should be used consistently.\nDuring my challenging time, several years back I took it in the form of a tincture, to allow rapid infusion into my system. It’s also available in capsule, whole root or powdered root form.\nOne of the benefits of ashwagandha is that there are no or minimal unwanted side effects when taking it, unlike anti-anxiety medications.\nAshwaganda study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/\n“Ashwagandha Root & Powder”\nMany people find rhodiola to be an excellent anti-anxiety herb. It is also good for depression. One of the wonderful things about this herb is that like ashwagandha, it does not make you feel drowsy. It is an adaptogenic herb helping our system find equilibrium during whatever life should throw at us.\nRhodiola reduces the fight or flight hormone cortisol in the body, whilst stimulating dopamine and serotonin (the feel-good hormones). The dosage of rhodiola is important… because it can also induce stamina and help with energy levels (which may or may not be desired), so be sure to follow recommended instructions and don’t over-do. Powerful in the correct amount.\nDuring my challenging times I tended to use rhodiola first thing in the mornings as a tincture in conjunction with ashwagandha (a fabulous, complimentary combination).\nThis awesome herb became one of my favourite herbs during the height of my challenges. It is well known amongst Native American tribes as a woman’s herb, although it is beneficial for us all. It can normalise the nervous system and help induce a state of peace and calm. Skullcap helps to balance our thoughts to help us create the inner-space so that we stop reacting to triggers and find more helpful ways to deal with challenging situations.\nThis is a gentle herb that has sedative properties (mild or strong depending on how much we take). It can help us sleep, rest and unwind and is especially beneficial if taken in the evening before bed.\nI’ve read that (unlike pharmaceutical drugs) skullcap can help restore optimal function of the nerve cells – making it especially beneficial if your nerves are all over the place.\nI sometimes enjoyed a little amount of this herb in the evenings if I needed a extra help to find peace and calm. I took just enough (half a teaspoon of the dried herb) to allow gentle relaxation rather full on sleep-induction. I made it up as a tea infusion, blending it with passionflower and lemon balm for complementary effects.\nKava Kava works by stimulating dopamine receptors and gently inducing euphoria. It’s somewhat like benefiting from that relaxed feeling you get with a glass of wine, yet staying alert at the same time (and with none of the side-effects of alcohol). Kava is typically used to deal with anxiety, improve mood, help with sleep and increase confidence in social situations.\nVarious studies show clear anti-anxiety benefits in many people who take kava kava. A study by the University of Melbourne for example showed a significant reduction in anxiety by participants who took kava compared to those who took a placebo.\nKava can be taken in the form of tea (ground kava or tea bags), tincture or capsules. Personally speaking, I’ve found kava to be very helpful to me over the years, during normal, stressful, human situations (like taking an exam, entering unknown situations, being confonted by angry/emotional people etc). It’s can be wonderful at helping find a place of peace when having to confront, unavoidable challenging situations, where you know you’ll potentially be in a state of fight or flight.\nValarian works well for most people if you need to seriously quieten the central nervous system and gently sedate yourself. It will induce a deep and restful sleep for 95% of people (5% of people, for some reason, will however, experience the opposite effect). Valarian was the plant which inspired the synthetic valium drug; although taking the whole plant allows for a natural ‘whole-plant’ experience without the side effects and dependency that you might find from valium.\nI personally benefited from this in tea form, during the height of a challenging chapter of my life. It helped me to finally find a place of peace and calm in the evenings so that I could rest and rejuvenate and eventually begin the process of inner-healing. I made it up as a tea with other supportive herbs like liquorice, fennel and lemon balm.\nHoly Basil (Tulsi)\nTraditionally grown in Asia and sub-tropical regions, holy basil is an adaptogenic herb used for lowering stress levels. It helps to bring cortisol levels back down to neutral so that the body is better able to function and deal with whatever challenges are coming up.\nAn article in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine mentions the following (which I found quoted here ):\n“Tulsi has been found to protect organs and tissues against chemical stress from industrial pollutants and heavy metals, and physical stress from prolonged physical exertion, ischemia, physical restraint and exposure to cold and excessive noise. Tulsi has also been shown to counter metabolic stress through normalization of blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid levels, and psychological stress through positive effects on memory and cognitive function and through its anxiolytic and anti-depressant properties.”\nI started enjoying a cup of tulsi tea regularly and find it wonderful as a gentle, preventative tonic.\nMore research on holy basil here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296439/\nTheanine (of which L-theanine is a part of) is a compound found in green tea, matcha tea and black tea. It has been shown to relieve anxiety and help your body to function better.\nL-thenanine is thought to boost GABA levels in your brain (GABA is an important neurotransmitter that helps send messages between the brain and the nervous system). This will help to reduce anxiety for many people.\nStudies have shown an increase in alpha waves (alpha waves help with calm) in the brain with people who take L-theanine. This appears to induce calm, yet without causing drowsiness.\nYou can take L-theanine as a supplement, although I’ve often read that it is perhaps best to take it in the form of tea instead. In that way, you will be benefitting from a whole plant in ways that science can’t interfere with, rather than a synthesised form of L-theanine.\nOther helpful herbs for anxiety…\nThere are also lots of other complementary herbs out there that help us find greater peace and calm during anxiety. Lavender, chamomile, lemon balm and passiflora are all excellent calming herbs that work well in herbal tea combinations.\nI’ve shared a few ideas above. As with most herbs, something that works for one of us might not have the same effect on all of us. Explore and discover for yourself. If there is something you resonate with I do hope that you benefit from these.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Knitting is the method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric. Knitting creates multiple loops of yarn, called stitches, in a line or tube. Knitting has multiple active stitches on the needle at one time. Knitted fabric consists of a number of consecutive rows of interlocking loops. As each row progresses, a newly created loop is pulled through one or more loops from the prior row, placed on the gaining needle, and the loops from the prior row are then pulled off the other needle. Knitting may be done by hand or by using a machine.\nDifferent types of yarns (fiber type, texture, and twist), needle sizes, and stitch types may be used to achieve knitted fabrics with diverse properties (color, texture, weight, heat retention, water resistance, and/or integrity).\nFabrics need to be knit right to make them look good and feel perfect. This is why our knitting division is equipped with imported knitting machines. Mayer & Cie machines with Lycra attachments are used for circular knitting and Matsuya machines from Japan are used for Collar knitting to produce export quality products. Our Knitting machines enable a variety of designs that help us handle diverse orders in Knitting. Jersey, Rib, Interlock and auto stripes are facilitated with Spanish machines. Taiwanese machines are used for Rib, and wheel Jacquard with Lycra. Japanese collar knitting machines to Knit all types of flat knit collars and machines from Singapore for Jersey with 3 thread conversion complete the Knitting.\nThere are numerous types of knitting machines, ranging from simple spool or board templates with no moving parts to highly complex mechanisms controlled by electronics. All, however, produce various types of knitted fabrics, usually either flat or tubular, and of varying degrees of complexity. Pattern stitches can be selected by hand manipulation of the needles, or with push-buttons and dials, mechanical punch cards, or electronic pattern reading devices and computers.\nTo produce larger and more complex knitted items such as garments, domestic and industrial machines with either flat or circular beds, producing rectangular or tubular fabrics, respectively, are needed. Double bed machines have two flat beds facing each other, in order to produce purl and plain rib fabrics plus a variety of multi patterns. Ribbing attachments can be added to single bed machines to achieve a similar result.\nKnitting machines imported from several leading manufacturers all over the world help us in the meet the requirements of customers and at the same time provide excellent quality fabric .\nWe are capable of producing 1000 kilograms of fabric per day.\nOur knit fabrics include:\n- 100% cotton - Single Jersey, Interlock, Rib, Fleece, Pique, Ottoman, Waffle, Popcorn, Yarn Dyed Auto Stripes, Feeder Stripes, Jacquard, etc.\n- Blended fabrics – Viscose, Modal, Polyester, Bamboo, Lycra, etc.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The cold weather blanketing much of the United States in this first week of February is causing many incidents of fire as people try to keep warm. For instance, in suburban New York, five firefighters were hospitalized with smoke inhalation after battling a basement house fire. One of those firefighters was in critical but stable condition and undergoing hyperbaric chamber treatment before going into the intensive care unit.\nA local fire marshal said the blaze was not suspicious; the fire broke out around lunchtime and took about an hour to get under control. The firefighters were injured while in the basement, where there was a sudden eruption of flames, said one police detective. A fire chief added that “the fire at one point flared up on them,” probably from a rush of oxygen that came into the basement from a door or an area of wall being opened to the outside. See a video of the fire here.\nThe lesson here: If you have a fire in your home, it is best to simply close the door to the room where the fire is burning and immediately go outside your home to call the fire department — do not try to put out the fire yourself! In fact, closing a door or window as you leave will actually help to starve the fire of the fuel it needs to burn — oxygen.\nA second recent fire holds another lesson for all of us. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a warehouse of costumes that were to be worn during the upcoming Carnival holiday went up in flames. The most notable aspect of this fire, though, was how quickly the warehouse burned. The reason: Costume clothing is generally much more flammable than everyday clothing. Parents should keep this fact in mind, because just one moment of carelessness around the house–such as laying down a child’s costume near a source of heat, or holding a birthday candle too close to a child wearing a costume — can cause third-degree burns to someone wearing or holding a costume.\nHappily, I end today’s blog with good news for burn victims. Dr. Jorg Gerlach of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh has developed a technique whereby a spray gun can “shoot” a patient’s own stem cells onto burn-damaged skin to treat and heal burns more quickly. So a second-degree burn — a burn that penetrates the entire outer layer of the skin into the inner skin layer — can disappear within days. The spray nozzle, using a patient’s own cells, helps to cover the wounded area just like a paint gun would cover a wall. “The most critical cells are present, and we are using those cells right away from the patient. We just need to take care that we are distributing the cells nicely over the wound.”\nNormally, sheets of skin are grown over the course of a month, and patients sometimes die of infection during the wait. In contrast, the new approach takes just 90 minutes and burns can heal in as little as four days, Gerlach said. The skin gun was featured on the National Geographic Channel this week. See the video here Or read more about the process here.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Acacia leucophloea Willd.\nA kawa (Vietnam); A bu (Vietnam); Phayamai (Thailand); Chalaep daeng (Thailand); Ta noung (Myanmar); Pilang (Indonesia); Forest siris (Australia)\nDelapontea microphylla Gagnep; Delapontea ferox Gagnep; Acacia melanochaetes Zoll\nIt is a medium-sized to fairly large deciduous tree up to 35 m tall. The bole is up to 100 cm in diameter.\nAcacia leucophloea is found in savanna or scrub vegetation, dry forests and teak forests, on well drained soils, between 50 to 750 m of altitude.\nWood diffuse porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and sh Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Larger rays more than 4 seriate. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-I). Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.\nThe heartwood is pale olive brown to pink darkening to reddish-brown or dark red with darker streaks, sharply differentiated from the pale yellowish sapwood.\nThe grain varies from straight to slightly interlocked.\nThe texture is fine to medium and even.\nThis species is moderate in luster.\nIt is durable when exposed to weather, but not in contact with ground. It is resistant to dry wood termites.\nGrowth stresses are reported in this species.\nThe heartwood is moderately resistant to preservative treatment.\nEase of Drying: The wood dries rapidly without much degrade. Boards of 15 mm thick take about 2.5 months to air dry. Drying Defects: It is prone to staining during seasoning. Kiln Schedules: The wood can be dried moderately fast, just like other durian timber, using schedule D (Malaysia), with only slight twisting. It is recommended to air dry sawn timber for at least 2 weeks before kiln drying.\nSawing of this wood is reported to be fair to difficult.\nIt is easy to machine.\nThe wood planes easily to a smooth, lustrous surface using cutting angles of 15 to 25 degrees.\nBoring is reported to be easy.\nIt is easy to nail.\nWood of this species is easy to finish.\nIt is easy to polish.\nIt is easy to work with hand tools.\nHOUSING GENERAL, flooring, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, TURNING, TOOLS, tool handles, agricultural tools", "label": "No"} +{"text": "X-rays and CT scans are typically used to confirm suspicions and diagnosis of mesothelioma. Biopsies, tissue samples and even diagnostic surgery are also used to verify the condition, diagnosis and severity, spread, treatment and overall prognosis.\nIt is normally formal medical procedures, done in hospital and requires anesthesia. The diagnosis itself is done using accepted medical science and microscopic analysis of specialized stains.\nIngestion and inhalation are seen as the most common way that asbestos gets into the human internal system. Mucus of the trachea and bronchi end up being swallowed. Some of them lodge in the intestinal tract and from there they can move through the intestinal wall into deeper into the body. Fibers lodged in the lungs can be taken into the lymph system and spread throughout the body.\nAsbestos is a cancer-causing element that become malignant or cancerous and can lead to discomfort and even death. We are however extremely uncertain about what exactly causes it, how and why it develops.\nThere is not a cure. The size and stage of the thickening, fluid, fibers, their extent, spread, type and if and how it responds to any treatment all influence the diagnosis and final outcome.\nCombination therapies have become popular in response to dealing effectively with mesothelioma. It is referred to as multimodal therapy. These could include any, some or all of the following, chemotherapy and other drug-based therapies, radiation regimens, surgery, gene therapy, immunotherapy, and anti-angiogenesis drugs.\nTreatment tries to counter the disease moving inward and spreading outward. It is comprehensive, in-depth and holistic in its approach. Treatments are mostly focused on reducing pain and alleviating discomfort. Improving overall health, lung function and quality of life is the focus. It cannot be cured. Debulking and X-ray therapies have also been used in experimental studies. The battle, studies and research is ongoing and continues.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Thracians, best known for their mythical hero Orpheus, were the enigmatic culture of cattle herders, farmers, and warriors that inhabited the Balkan Peninsula for over 2,000 years.\nMost of what we know about the Thracians today comes from the writings of their southern neighbors, the ancient Greeks.\nThe Thracians neatly fit the Greek stereotype of barbarians, and the Greek writers took a certain pleasure in describing the strange and uncivilized habits of the Thracians. Those included drinking undiluted wine, a propensity to celebrate almost anything, and an apparent love for gold jewelry and extravagant garments.\nThe ancient Greek historian Herodotus called the Thracian race “the most numerous” after the Indians. It is true that the famous historian made similar claims about the Celts and the Scythians, but the Thracians nevertheless must have been significant in numbers. Some modern day historians put their numbers around one million.\nPOLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE THRACIANS\nThe Thracians lived in highly centralized tribal states ruled by warrior aristocracy. The king was the owner of all the land and its plentiful metal and gold deposits. The king also had a total control over his subjects, mainly craftsmen and farmers.\nWith the exception of the relatively short-lived Odrysian Kingdom (5th – 3rd century BCE), the Thracians never achieved full political unity, despite shared culture, language, and religion.\n(5th – 3rd century BCE)\nKing Teres founded the most successful political unification of Thracian tribes in the 5th century. It quickly grew in power and received significant tax revenue from the conquered Thracian and Hellenic cities.\nThe kingdom split in three just 100 years later, never to unite again. The three successor states were soon conquered by Philip of Macedon and later by his son, Alexander the Great.\nA brief Odrysian revival followed after the death of Alexander. The Odrysian king Seuthes III (ca. 330 BCE) overthrew the Macedon hegemony and moved his court to the newly built capital city of Seuthopolis.\nIn the 1940s, work on a new dam uncovered the ancient city, but the dam construction pressed on, leaving Seuthopolis at its bottom.\nIn 2004, archeologists discovered the supposed tomb of King Seuthes III near the city of Kazanlak. The tomb was still intact.\nTHRACIANS AT WAR\nThe Thracians were first mentioned in Book II of Homer’s Iliad.\nThey fought on the losing side (that of Troy), but both sides admired The Thracians’ brave soldiers and horses.\nThe Thracians’ military reputation only grew from there. Their infamous battle cries and heavy cavalry spread fear among the enemy. It is no coincidence that later Thrace became a major recruiting ground for the Roman army.\nTHRACIAN BURIAL MOUNDS\nThracian aristocracy buried their dead in lavish tombs with the deceased’s personal belongings, horse, cutlery, and riches that were to serve after death.\nHundreds of burial mounds can still be seen scattered around the Bulgarian landscape. Most have been plundered long ago, but many remain to be excavated and studied.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Ma Rainey Symbolism, Imagery, & Allegory\nThere’s more to a poem than meets the eye.\nThe lucky listeners of the audience get a taste of the blues when Ma starts signing somewhere around the end of section 2. But the blues are more than just music here: they're solace, connection, a...\nOkay, okay. We know she's a person. And how can a person be a symbol? Well it's pretty clear here that the speaker and the people in Ma Rainey's audience aren't all that interested in who this woma...\nSure, they're average Joes. But no less symbolic for it. From the details we get from the speaker, we can see that these Ma Rainey fans are symbolic of the black southern community as a whole.Secti...\nPeople who Shmooped this also Shmooped...\nNoodle's College Search", "label": "No"} +{"text": "When you first begin your family genealogy you might find it extremely helpful along the way if you first do a quick research for the origin of your surname. In your search you will be starting with yourself and working backwards and in doing so you will gain surnames for each generation as you go back, so having a little knowledge of surname origins can and will be a big help in your research.\nYour last name is commonly referred to as your SURNAME. Your first name is referenced as your GIVEN name, and of course you have your MIDDLE name. You will gain a surname for your mother’s maiden name, your grandmother’s maiden name and so on. A quick research of the origin of that name can tell you where you evolved from in a sense.\nFamily tree research is one giant step backwards and one giant step forward—usually at the same time.\nMy maiden name is PIERCE. Pierce is an English surname from the established name Peter, which in medieval England was found as PIERS. Peter come from the Greek word “PETRO” which means “rock”. PIERS is the French version brought by the Normans in 1066 at the time of the Conquest.\nFrom this bit of information I know that the name originated in England. Are all PIERCE’s English. NO! But it is a good assumption, and as to how far back one might have to go to get there is unknown to me at this point. I merely had to go back to the 1600’s to find my George PIERCE that was born in England. I haven’t gone farther back than that to find if they had been somewhere else first. Family says there was some Irish in there somewhere.\nThere are as many as 16 versions of the PIERCE name,\nPIERCE PEARCE PIERS PEERS PERES PERSE PEERZ\njust to name a few. Being able to recognize the variances you will more likely be able to spot a record that you might bypass otherwise, as in many census and military records you will find have variations in spellings. There are several reasons for this.\n- your ancestor may not have been able to read or write.\n- the census taker spelled it to their interpretation.\n- the transcriber may not have been able to make out the name and took a wild guess.\n- generations back people weren’t as particular about a spelling as we are today. (probably because of the reasons mentioned above.)\n- Immigrants often times changed the spelling or shortened their names in order to become more “American”.\n- Many times immigrants did not know the English version and the immigration officer would record it incorrectly.\n- It could be that the person giving the information didn’t know the correct spelling.\n- Many of the records are sent over seas to India and such to be transcribed and it could just be a failure on their part to get it correct.\nWe are human. We make mistakes.\n“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” —Mark Twain\nOnly four generations back in the PIERCE family tree we find that one half of the family changed their name to the spelling PEIRCE. We believe because the father, MOSES had two families and the second family wanted to associate separately from the first, but that is just and assumption.\nWhile searching for my fourth great grandfather, Adam SHAVER I found several instances where variant spellings came to play. SHAFFER and SHAVEN just to name a couple. So in searching records don’t overlook the possibility of finding lots of differences.\nSurnames became necessary in the 13th century when governments introduced personal taxation. They originated to help identify people. Centuries ago when the world was less populated people would be referred to has John, or Fredrick. Everyone knew their neighbors and friends, and where they lived, what their occupations were, etc., people did not so readily move, and families lived in close proximity to each other. Therefore, for example, if John had a son down the lane, he might be referred to as Johnson. This would be considered a patronymic name. In most regions and time periods, surnames were assumed based on descent from your male ancestor (generally the father). A matronymic surname would be that deriving from the mother. Use of the mother’s surname is usually due to some circumstance such as illegitimacy, inheritance etc., though in some regions culture dictated the use of the mother’s surname. Or perhaps, Joe made pottery. He could have earned the name Joe Potter. They call this an occupational name. I have lot’s of Miller’s in my family. A Miller was someone who ground grain, this is Mueller in German, therefore we also have Mueller’s in the family. Get the picture?\n- “Genealogy: An account of one’s descent from an ancestor who did not particularly care to trace his own.” —Ambrose Bierce\nIn many countries, the use of hereditary surnames began with the nobility who often called themselves after their ancestral seats. It wasn’t until the 1500s that surnames became widely inherited and no longer referred to a person’s appearance, job, or place of residence. Perhaps the caveman method would have made it easier for us as genealogist had we had something to go by. When searching for William Robert GREEN, it would sure be nice to have an occupation or dwelling to go off of if you have no other information. Believe me, I KNOW!\nIn conclusion, I highly recommend with each new surname you start with a little research. A few moments to do a little study on the name and it’s origin and the different derivatives of the names and variations of spelling could save you a lot of time and headache down the road as you search. You will come across records that will make you shake your head in wonder. A little more research and you might just also learn a good little bit about that special ancestor before you even start your search. Knowing the origin of your name puts you just a little bit closer to who you are and where you came from and what has gone before you.\nIt’s a feeling only another family historian could explain.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Materials: no material needed;\n- Different parts of a body are associated with specific terms: river watershed = the whole body, spring = head, river = belly, sea = knee;\n- The children should listen to the words of the teacher and touch their body that is related to the word. The teacher, in the meantime, does something different with his hands, but the children should only listen to his/her words.\nThis post is also available in: Slovenščina (Slovenian)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A note on this page's publication date\nThe content on this page has not been recently updated. This content is likely to be no longer fully accurate, both with respect to the research it presents and with respect to what it implies about our views and positions.\nThis page surveys information about quality of life in the developing world. The purpose is primarily to answer the question, “If a donor’s funds save a live, what sort of life is saved?”\nWe make no attempt to fully convey what life is like; instead, we focus on what facts are available from relatively broad, large-sample, plausibly representative studies. We restrict ourselves to basic questions such as “What health problems are common and how common are they?”, or “What problems do people in the developing world generally list as particularly important?”\nFor someone seeking a more qualitative (and less representative) picture, we suggest a visit to the developing world.\n- Income and self-reported well-being\n- Income and assets\n- Mortality and Morbidity: what are the major health problems in the developing world?\n- What problems do people in the developing world believe are most pressing?\n- Self-reported life satisfaction: People in poor countries report that they are on average less satisfied with their lives than people in rich countries. The average resident of a low-income country rated their satisfaction as 4.3 using a subjective 1-10 scale, while the average was 6.7 among residents of G8 countries. We interpret this as a large satisfaction gap.\n- Incomes: A large proportion of the population in developing countries live on under $1 or $2 per day. The poor spend a large proportion of their incomes on food, may lack access to basic infrastructure, and own few productive assets. However, they do make consumption choices that involve spending on things other than food and use a variety of instruments to manage erratic income streams. Ownership of televisions and radios and access to electricity and sanitation varies widely.\n- Mortality: On one hand, people in Sub-Saharan Africa are much worse off, and much more likely to die prematurely, than people in wealthier parts of the world. On the other hand, those who live past the age of 5 have strong chances of living to age 60 or so; saving a life even from a single cause of death means saving a person who is likely to live quite a while longer.\n- Morbidity: A third of children under five in developing countries show evidence of long-term malnutrition. Malnutrition can cause low energy, diarrhea, anemia, hypothyroidism, poor vision, and pneumonia, as well as increased susceptibility to many other diseases. Prevalence of parasitic worm infection is very high in many poor regions. Malaria causes frequent sickness among children under 5, who average over 4 days of sickness with the disease per year.\n- Development Priorities: Sub-Saharan Africans rank reducing poverty and hunger as the two most pressing Millennium Development Goals. Health goals are also prioritized.\nIncome and self-reported well-being\nAre people in poor countries less satisfied with their lives?\nThe Gallup World Poll asks a representative sample of people from 132 countries to answer questions about their well-being. Examples include asking respondents to rank their life satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10 and to answer the question \"are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your personal health?\" This data has been used to look at the relationship between level of economic development (income, health status, etc.) and self-reported well-being.1\nThe 2006 Gallup World Poll data shows a positive correlation between per capita income in a country and average self-reported life satisfaction. One report on the World Poll data concluded, \"high-income countries have greater life satisfaction than low-income countries...there is no evidence that the cross-country effects of greater income fade out or vanish as countries increase their income.\"2\nIn the chart below, average life satisfaction (as measured by the Gallup World Poll) is plotted against income for the 38 of the 43 low-income economies (as classified by the World Bank)3 for which World Poll data is available, as well as for the members of the G8.4 Relatively high-income countries report satisfaction levels between 6 and 8 (on a scale from 0 to 10); low-income countries report satisfaction levels between 3 and 5.5.\nThe difference between satisfaction in the average low-income country and the average G8 country is about 2.4, or a little less than a quarter of the scale (which ranges from 0 to 10, with 0 representing the worst possible life and 10 representing the best possible life).\nIncome and assets\nGlobal poverty rates\nPoverty rates have been decreasing in many parts of the world, but the number of people living below the international poverty line remains high, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.5 Data on the number of people living on less than $1.25 per day (the international standard of extreme poverty)6 and on less than $2.00 per day (another international poverty benchmark) is based on dissimilar national studies from a limited number of countries,7 and thus should be approached with caution. Recent World Bank data estimates the number of people living on under $1.25 a day at about 1.4 billion worldwide.8 About half of Sub-Saharan Africans live on under $1.25 a day.9 Many more live just above this line. Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day, with nearly three-quarters of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa falling into this category.10 (Note: These figures are calculated for purchasing power parity (PPP), meaning that someone earning \"$2 a day\" does not literally earn this much but the equivalent of what 2 U.S. dollars could buy in the United States.11)\nWhat does it mean to live on under 1 or 2 dollars per day?\nMost of the points below are taken from analysis by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo of survey data from 13 countries.12 We also consider information from Portfolios of the Poor,13 which tracked the financial lives of over 250 households in 3 countries at a high level of detail.\n- Most of income is spent on food. People living on less than $1 or $2 per day reported spending a large proportion (between 55 and 80%) of their incomes on food. The proportion of income spent on food was not substantially different between the under $1 and under $2 per day groups.14\n- There is little ownership of \"productive assets.\" People living on under $1 a day generally reported owning few “productive” assets such as bicycles, sewing machines, phones, or tractors,15 though in some areas a large proportion of poor households own small plots of land.16\n- Varying ownership of TV and radios. Ownership of non-productive assets also varied widely across countries and between urban and rural areas. In Tanzania, for example, almost no one living on under $1 a day reported owning a television, while 57% of those living on the same (adjusted) income in Hyderabad, India owned one. Rates of radio ownership were higher than those for television. About 70% of those living on under $1 a day in Peru, South Africa, and Nicaragua own radios, and in several other places ownership rates were over 40%.17\n- Varying access to electricity, water and sanitation. The poor often lacked access to basic infrastructure, and as with assets, there was large variability among households around the world. In Mexico and Indonesia, for example, electricity access was nearly universal, but in-house tap water and ownership of a toilet or latrine were far less prevalent in Indonesia (data for Mexico not available). In Tanzania, the pattern was quite different: nearly every poor household owned a toilet and very few had access to electricity or in-house tap water.18\nA poor urban community in Cape Town, South Africa with access to electricity but without household latrines or in-house tap water.\n- Poor health. The poor reported often being sick. Among the surveys cited by Banerjee and Duflo (2006), no surveys yielded an average 'percent of household members sick' (in the month before the survey) of below 10%, and many reported rates above 25%.19\n- Multiple occupations. Banerjee and Duflo (2006) also looked into how the poor earn their incomes. One pattern they found in many parts of the world was the tendency of the poor to engage in multiple occupations. Common occupations were running very small businesses, small-plot agriculture, and day labor.20 The authors argue that by spreading themselves across a variety of occupations and operating their businesses at such small scales, the poor miss out on gains from specialization and scale economies.21 They believe that this poverty-perpetuating behavior comes from the desire of the poor to minimize risk as well as their inability to raise the capital needed to operate more efficiently.22\n- Unpredictability and risk. Banerjee and Duflo (2007) argue that what often separates the 'middle class' (which they define as living on between $2 and $10 per day) from the poor in developing countries are steady well-paying jobs, not greater success at running small businesses.23 Banerjee and Duflo hypothesize that more reliable income flows may be the reason the middle class invest more of their income in the future than the poor do.24 (However, we note that it is also possible that, to some degree, people who are more future-oriented in general are the same people who end up with higher incomes.)\nPortfolios of the Poor suggests that in addition to having small incomes, the poor often have irregular and unpredictable incomes.25 The book reports on Collins, et al.'s studies of how the poor in India, Bangladesh, and South Africa manage the fact that \"the reality of living on two dollars a day is that you don’t literally earn that sum each day.\"26\nMortality and Morbidity: what are the major health problems in the developing world?\nOn one hand, people in low-income countries are much worse off, and much more likely to die prematurely, than people in wealthier parts of the world. On the other hand, it's important to note that those who live past age 5 have strong chances of living to age ~60; saving a life from even a single cause of death means saving a person who is likely to live significantly longer.27\nChildren under 5 in low-income countries primarily die of preventable and treatable diseases such as malaria, respiratory infections, diarrhea, perinatal conditions, measles, and HIV/AIDS. Between ages 5 and 60, the major causes of death in low-income countries (relative to higher-income countries) are HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and maternal mortality (i.e., deaths in childbirth). After age 60, there are large differences in the mortality rates for many of the same causes of death that affect those under 5, as well as for many conditions that require advanced medical attention (heart disease, cancer, diabetes).28\nThe table below shows the differences between low-income and high-income countries, in terms of deaths per 1,000, by age range and cause of death. It is color-coded: yellow squares represent causes of death for which mortality rates are greater in low-income countries by at least 0.5 deaths per 1,000 people, orange squares represent causes of death for which mortality rates are greater in low-income countries by at least 1 deaths per 1,000 people), and red squares represent causes of death for which mortality rates are greater in low-income countries by at least 2.5 deaths per 1,000 people.29\nNote that conditions vary within the developing world. Mortality rates for many causes are higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than in the group of low-income countries (which includes some highly populous Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). For more information, see our discussion of life expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa.\nNon-fatal health problems\nHousehold surveys of those living on under $1 or $2 per day show that the poor are often sick. In the surveys cited by Banerjee and Duflo (2006), in every country for which data was available an average of over 10% of households reported at least one member needed to see a doctor in the month prior to the survey. In many areas the average exceeded 25%; parts of India, Mexico, and Nicaragua had averages above 35%.30 Here we do not discuss all health problems in detail, but we present three prevalent conditions (malnutrition, parasitic worms, and malaria) which are both direct causes of symptoms and risk factors for other conditions. In addition, we present data on the prevalence of a selection of health problems that are common in low-income countries and compare prevalence rates in these countries to rates in high-income countries.\nMalnutrition is a widespread problem in the developing world. It is estimated that in 2000-2002, over 800 million people in the developing world were undernourished (insufficient energy intake),31 and 2 billion are micronutrient deficient.32 In 2005, approximately 32% of children under five in developing countries were stunted (had a height-for age that was more than two standard deviations below the global average), which likely reflects chronic undernutrition throughout life.33 Malnourishment may be both caused by disease (such as parasitic worms) and increase susceptibility to disease.34 Lacking certain nutrients has been associated with a wide range of health problems including low energy, diarrhea, anemia, hypothyroidism, poor vision, and pneumonia.35 We do not know how common or severe these symptoms generally are among malnourished people.\nMalnutrition is sometimes associated with infection with parasitic worms.36 It is estimated that there are more than 1.2 billion roundworm infections globally, ~700-800 million infections with each hookworm and whipworm, and 250 million infections with schistosomiasis.37 While most infections do not cause symptoms,38 heavy worm infection can cause anemia, dysentery, and growth retardation.39 In the long run, worm infection \"impair[s] physical and mental growth in childhood, thwart[s] educational advancement, and hinder[s] economic development.\"40 Death from worm infection can occur, but is fairly rare.41 (More on specific types of infections at our discussion of schistosomiasis and our discussion of soil-transmitted helminths.)\nAnother major cause of disability and suffering is malaria. The Disease Control Priorities Project estimates that there were 213 million cases of malaria in 2000, resulting in over 1.1 million deaths.42 This means that while malaria is a leading cause of death, the vast majority of cases are not fatal, but do cause suffering and disability. Like many other diseases, risk of malaria infection and complications are increased by malnutrition.43 As can be seen in the chart here, children under five average over 4 days of sickness with malaria per year, and older children fall sick every 2-3 years for an average of 2.3 days. Uncomplicated malaria is characterized by fever, headaches, and nausea.44 Severe malaria can cause cognitive impairment, seizures, coma, respiratory distress, and heart problems.45\nOther conditions. The table below compares prevalence rates for a selection of additional common causes of morbidity in low-income countries. Prevalence rates in high-income countries and for HIV/AIDS are included for comparison purposes.\nWhile prevalence rates are generally higher in low-income than in high-income countries (except for asthma and hearing loss), these conditions, aside from anemia and schistosomiasis, are rare across low-income countries. For many of the infectious conditions, endemic areas may exist where large proportions of the population suffer from the disease, but the average person in the developing world is unlikely to be suffering from these diseases.46\n|% affected in low-income countries||% affected in high income countries||Who is affected?|\n|Anemia||Mostly women and young children.47|\n|Schistosomiasis||Primarily affects the poor.48|\n|Vision impairment||Primarily affects those over 40. Higher prevalence in poor areas.49|\n|Hearing loss||About a quarter of severe cases affect children.50|\n|Lymphatic filariasis||Prevalence increases with age. Disproportionately affects the poor.51|\n|HIV/AIDS||Primarily affects adults. About 8% of HIV infections are among children.52|\n|Vitamin A deficiency||More likely to affect the poor as it results from lack of meat product, fruit and vegetable, and fat consumption.53|\n|Trachoma||Primarily affects young children and adult women.54|\n|Onchocerciasis||Intensity increases with age.55|\nWhat problems do people in the developing world believe are most pressing?\nIn 2006, the Gallup World Poll asked a representative sample from 26 Sub-Saharan Africa countries to rank the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in order of importance to them.56 The MDGs are a set of targets established by the United Nations in 2000 on a range of human development goals including poverty, education, health, gender equality, and the environment.57 Respondents consistently ranked reducing poverty and reducing hunger as the two most important goals.58 Health goals followed the top two, with 'Reducing the spread of HIV' ranking third and reducing under five mortality, maternal mortality and 'Reducing the spread of malaria and TB' coming in at 5, 6, and 8, respectively, out of a total of 12 goals. One argument for why health goals are not ranked higher than they are, argued by Deaton (2008), is that Africans report being more satisfied with their health than we might expect because they are more used to being sick.59\nThe youth-focused goals of 'Providing more jobs for youths' and 'Achieving primary education for all' were also considered important by many respondents and were ranked 4 and 7, respectively. The goals of improving access to clean water and sanitation, achieving gender equality, and increasing access to new technology were least important to those surveyed.60\nEach respondent was asked to rank order six of the twelve goals. A value of 1 was assigned to the top-ranked goal, through 6 for the lowest-ranked goal. Thus the averages below fall in the range of 1 to 6.\n|Millennium Development Goal||Weighted Average Score|\n|Reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS||3.05|\n|Providing more jobs for youth||3.17|\n|Reducing the death rate among children under five||3.34|\n|Reducing the number of women dying during childbirth||3.38|\n|Achieving primary education for all||3.62|\n|Reducing the spread of malaria and TB||3.64|\n|Improving access to safe drinking water||3.75|\n|Improving access to sanitation facilities||4.09|\n|Achieving gender equality and empowering women||4.38|\n|Providing access to new technology||4.65|\nThere were few differences in how men and women, urban and rural dwellers, employed and unemployed adults, or different age and education cohorts ranked the goals.61 Rankings did vary across countries and regions, but reducing hunger and poverty were the top two goals for all but 6 of the 26 countries polled. Of these six, four were Southern African countries where HIV prevalence is very high; all four ranked 'Reducing the spread of HIV' as their top priority. Kenya and Uganda also ranked this goal in their top two. Larger differences between countries were seen in rankings of lower priority goals.62\n- Awasthi, Shally , D. A. P. Bundy, and Lorenzo Savioli. 2003. Helminthic infections. British Medical Journal 327: 431-433.\n- Banerjee, Abhijit, and Esther Duflo. 2006. The economic lives of the poor (PDF).\n- Banerjee, Abhijit, and Esther Duflo. 2007. What is middle class about the middle classes around the world? (PDF).\n- Black, Robert E., et al. 2008. Maternal and child undernutrition: Global and regional exposures and health consequences. Lancet 371: 243–60.\n- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Malaria: Disease. http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/about/disease.html (accessed April 27, 2010). Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5pIz0gCDp.\n- Collins, Daryl, et al. 2009. Portfolios of the poor: How the world's poor live on $2 a day. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Selections at http://books.google.com/books?id=KE0H8B7NBNYC&lpg=PP1&dq=portfolios%20of... (accessed April 29, 2010).\n- de Silva, Nilanthi R., et al. 2003. Soil-transmitted helminth infections: Updating the global picture. Trends in Parasitology 19: 547-551.\n- Deaton, Angus. 2008. Income, health, and well-being around the world: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll (PDF). Washington, DC: Gallup.\n- Edwin, Michael. 2000. The population dynamics and epidemiology of lymphatic filariasis. In Lymphatic filariasis, ed. Thomas B. Nutman, 41-81. London: Imperial College Press.\n- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Glossary (list). http://faostat.fao.org/site/375/default.aspx (accessed June 10, 2010). Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5qNmnFEfJ.\n- GiveWell. Mortality by income group with calculations (XLS).\n- Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2009. Trachoma (PDF).\n- Jamison, Dean T., et al., eds. 2006. Disease control priorities in developing countries (PDF). 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.\n- Kumaraswami, V. 2000. The clinical manifestations of lymphatic filariasis. In Lymphatic filariasis, ed. Thomas B. Nutman, 103-125. London: Imperial College Press.\n- Lopez, Alan D., et al., eds. 2006. Table 3B.7: Deaths by cause, sex, and age in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, 2001 (thousands). In Global burden of disease and risk factors. New York: Oxford University Press. http://www.dcp2.org/pubs/GBD/3/Table/3.B7 (accessed April 27, 2010). Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5pIf0sYLp.\n- Lopez, Alan D., et al., eds. 2006. Table 3B.8: Deaths by cause, sex, and age in high-income countries, 2001 (thousands). In Global burden of disease and risk factors. New York: Oxford University Press. http://www.dcp2.org/pubs/GBD/3/Table/3.B8 (accessed April 27, 2010). Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5pIf1qxjx.\n- Mathers, Colin D., Majid Ezzati, and Alan D. Lopez. 2007. Measuring the burden of neglected tropical diseases: The global burden of disease framework (PDF). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 1, no. 2.\n- Müller, Olaf, and Michael Krawinkel. 2005. Malnutrition and health in developing countries (PDF). Canadian Medical Association Journal 173: 279-286.\n- Olds, Richard G. 1998. Infections caused by helminths. In Internal medicine. 5th ed. Ed. Jay H. Stein, 1696-1706. St. Louis: Mosby.\n- Simonsen, Paul E. 2009. Filariases. In Manson’s tropical diseases. 22nd ed. Ed. Gordon C. Cook and Alimuddin I. Zumla, 1477-1513. London: Saunders.\n- Tortora, Robert D. 2009. Sub-Saharan Africans rank the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (PDF). Washington, DC: Gallup.\n- UNAIDS. 2007. AIDS epidemic update (PDF).\n- World Bank. 2006. World Development Indicators 2006. Washington, DC: World Bank.\n- World Bank. 2008. Poverty data: A supplement to World Development Indicators 2008 (PDF). Washington, DC: World Bank.\n- World Bank. Country and lending groups: Low income economies. http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lend... (accessed May 26, 2010). Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5pHSuWN38.\n- World Health Organization. Disease and injury regional estimates for 2004: Deaths for World Bank income groups (XLS).\n- World Health Organization. Disease and injury regional estimates for 2004: Prevalence for World Bank income groups (XLS).\n\"Here I focus on the life satisfaction question about life at the present time, measured on an 11-point scale from 0 (“the worst possible life”) to 10 (“the best possible life”), and the health satisfaction question (“are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your personal health?”). I look at how the answers to these questions vary with age and with the objective circumstances of the country, particularly the levels and rates of change of per capita income and life expectancy.\" Deaton 2008, Pg 2.\nDeaton 2008, Pg 3.\nFor classification, see World Bank, \"Country and Lending Groups: Low Income Economies.\"\n\"Global poverty measured at the $1.25 a day line has been decreasing since the 1980s. the number of people living in extreme poverty fell from 1.9 billion in 1981 to 1.8 billion in 1990 to about 1.4 billion in 2005 (figure 6). this substantial reduction in extreme poverty over the past quarter century, however, disguises large regional differences...The poverty rate fell only slightly in Sub-Saharan Africa—going from 54 percent in 1981 to 59 percent in 1999 then down to 51 percent in 2005. But the number of people living below the poverty line has nearly doubled.\" World Bank 2008, Pg 10.\n\"The $1.25 a day poverty line measured in 2005 prices replaces the $1.08 a day poverty line measured in 1993 prices. often described as “$1 a day,” $1.08 has been widely accepted as the international standard for extreme poverty and was incorporated in the first of the Millennium Development Goals.\" World Bank 2008, Pg 1.\n\"Data coverage is improving in all regions, but Sub-Saharan Africa continues to lag, with only 28 of 48 countries having at least one data set available...Household surveys can differ widely, for example, in the number of consumer goods they identify. And even similar surveys may not be strictly comparable because of differences in timing or the quality and training of survey enumerators.\" World Bank 2006, Pg 74.\nPeople living on less than 2005 PPP $1.25 a day (millions) - Total: 1,374.\nData from World Bank 2008, Pg 11, Table 3.\nShare of people living on less than 2005 PPP $1.25 a day (%) - sub-Saharan Africa: 50.9%.\nData from World Bank 2008, Pg 11, Table 3.\nShare of people living on less than 2005 PPP $2.00 a day (%) - sub-Saharan Africa: 72.9%.\nPeople living on less than 2005 PPP $2.00 a day (millions) - Total: 2,564.\nData from World Bank 2008, Pg 11, Table 3.\n\"PPP can be defined as the number of units of a country’s currency needed to buy the same amount of goods and services in that country as one U.S. dollar would buy in the United States.\" World Bank 2008, Pg 2.\n\"Our discussion of the economic lives of the extremely poor builds on household surveys conducted in 13 countries listed in Table 1: Cote d’Ivoire, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, and Timor Leste. We mainly use the Living Standard Measurement Surveys (LSMS) conducted by the World Bank and the “Family Life Surveys” conducted by the Rand Corporation, all of which are publicly available. In addition, we also use two surveys that we conducted in India with our collaborators.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 2.\nCollins et al. 2009.\nBanerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 32, Table 3.\n“Apart from land, extremely poor households in rural areas tend to own very little by way of durable goods, including productive assets: 34 percent own a bicycle in Cote d’Ivoire, but less than 14 percent in Udaipur, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, and East Timor. In Udaipur, where we have detailed asset data, we find that most extremely poor households have a bed or a cot but only about 10 percent have a chair or a stool and 5 percent have a table. About half have a clock or a watch. Less than 1 percent has an electric fan, a sewing machine, a bullock cart, a motorized cycle of any kind, or a tractor. No one has a phone.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 8.\n\"Among productive assets, land is the one that many people in the rural surveys seem to own though there are [sic] enormous country-to-country variation.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 7.\nBanerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 33, Table 4.\nBanerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 34, Table 5.\nBanerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 36, Table 7. See Pgs 8-9 for what seems to be interpretations of Table 7.\n\"All over the world, a substantial fraction of the poor act as entrepreneurs in the sense of raising the capital, carrying out the investment, and being the full residual claimants for the earnings.... Many poor households have multiple occupations.... This pattern of multiple occupations is stronger in rural areas. In Udaipur district, as we discussed earlier, almost everybody owns some land and almost everybody does at least some agriculture. Yet only 19 percent of the households describe self-employment in agriculture as the main source of their income.... The most common occupation for the poor in Udaipur is working as a daily laborer.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 10-11.\n“Poor families do seek out economic opportunities, but they tend not to get too specialized. They do some agriculture, but not to the point where it would afford them a full living (for example by buying/renting/sharecropping more land). They also work outside, but only in short bursts—they do not move permanently to their place of occupation.” Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 12.\n“Many of these businesses are probably operating at too small a scale for efficiency.” Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 13.\n“Risk spreading is clearly one reason why the poor, who might find risk especially hard to bear, tend not to be too specialized in any one occupation.” Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 20.\n\"A final, more compelling reason for doing multiple jobs is that the poor cannot raise the capital they would need to run a business that would fully occupy them.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 20.\n\"Nothing seems more middle class than the fact of having a steady well-paying job. While there are many petty entrepreneurs among the middle class, most of them do not seem to be capitalists in waiting. They run businesses, but, for the most part, only because they are still relatively poor and every little bit helps.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2007, Pg 21.\n\"Perhaps the sense of control over the future that one gets from knowing that there will be an income coming in every month -- and not just the income itself—is what allows the middle class to focus on building their own careers and those of their children.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2007, Pg 21.\n\"Of all the commonalities [among the poor], the most fundamental is that the households are coping with incomes that are not just low, but also irregular and unpredictable.\" Collins et al. 2009, Pg 16.\nCollins et al. 2009, Pg 17.\nData from World Health Organization, \"Disease and Injury Regional Estimates for 2004: Deaths for World Bank Income Groups.\" Calculations in GiveWell, \"Mortality by Income Group with Calculations.\"\n- Lopez et al. 2006, Table 3B.7: Deaths by Cause, Sex, and Age in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region, 2001 (Thousands).\n- Lopez et al. 2006, Table 3B.8: Deaths by Cause, Sex, and Age in High-Income Countries, 2001 (Thousands).\nData is from World Health Organization, \"Disease and injury regional estimates for 2004: Deaths for World Bank income groups.\" All data and calculations are in GiveWell, \"Mortality by income group with calculations.\"\n\"Detailed information on health is not available in all the surveys we have, but most report health episodes that left a household member bedridden for a day or more, or required them to see a doctor. While this data is less than perfect, given that the poor may be less prone to recall and report such sicknesses than the rich, the general pattern is of a remarkably high level of morbidity. Among the rural poor living under $1 a day in Peru, South Africa, East Timor, Panama, and Tanzania, between 11 and 15 percent of households report having a member either being bedridden for at least a day or requiring a doctor. The number is between 21 and 28 percent in Pakistan, Indonesia, and Cote d’Ivoire, and between 35 and 46 percent in Nicaragua, Udaipur, and Mexico.\" Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 8-9. See Banerjee and Duflo 2006, Pg 36, Table 7 for full results.\n\"An estimated 852 million people were undernourished in 2000–2002, with most (815 million) living in developing countries.\" Müller and Krawinkel 2005, Pg 279.\nMüller and Krawikel cite the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which defines undernourishment on its website as \"the condition of people whose dietary energy consumption is continuously below a minimum dietary energy requirement for maintaining a healthy life and carrying out a light physical activity.\" Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, \"Glossary (List).\"\n\"Micronutrient deficiencies affect at least 2 billion people worldwide.\" Müller and Krawinkel 2005, Pg 282.\n\"One indicator to monitor progress for this target is the proportion of children who are underweight—ie, low weight compared with that expected for a well-nourished child of that age and sex. This anthropometric indicator can indicate wasting (ie, low weight-for-height, indicating acute weight loss), or much more commonly, stunting (ie, low height-for-age, indicating chronic restriction of a child’s potential growth).\" Black et al. 2008, Pg 244.\n\"For all developing countries, an estimated 32% (178 million) of children younger than 5 years had a height-for-age Z score of less than –2 in 2005 (table 1).\" Black et al. 2008, Pg 245.\n\"The high prevalence of bacterial and parasitic diseases in developing countries contributes greatly to malnutrition there.\" Müller and Krawinkel 2005, Pg 279.\n\"It is globally the most important risk factor for illness and death.\" Müller and Krawinkel 2005, Pg 279.\n\"Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, myoglobin and various enzymes. Its deficiency thus leads mainly to anemia, but also to several other adverse effects. Lack of iodine reduces the production of thyroid hormone and increases that of thyroid-stimulating hormone. As a result, the thyroid gland becomes hyperplastic and goitrous, and hypothyroidism develops. Vitamin A deficiency contributes to anemia by immobilizing iron in the reticuloendothelial system, reducing hemopoiesis and increasing susceptibility to infections. Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of the eyes as well as the immune system.... Zinc deficiency is a major determinant for diarrhea and pneumonia.\" Müller and Krawinkel 2005, Pg 283.\n\"Heavy burdens of both roundworm and whipworm are associated with protein energy malnutrition.\" Awasthi, Bundy, and Savioli 2003, Pg 432.\n\"These estimates indicate that ascariasis [roundworm] remains common with >1.2 billion infections globally... Trichuriasis [whipworm] and hookworm amount to 700–800 million infections each.\" de Silva et al. 2003, Pg 547.\nSchistosomiasis estimate is from Mathers, Ezzati, and Lopez 2007, Pg 8, Table 3.\n\"Clinically, most infected individuals are asymptomatic.\" Olds 1998, Pg 1696.\n\"Heavy hookworm burdens have long been recognised as an important cause of iron deficiency anaemia. Intense whipworm infection in children may result in trichuris dysentery syndrome, the classic signs of which include growth retardation and anaemia.\" Awasthi, Bundy, and Savioli 2003, Pg 432.\nJamison et al. 2006, Pg 467.\n\"Crompton (1999) estimated that 155,000 deaths annually occur from these infections (case fatality rate of 0.08 percent), whereas Van der Werf and others (2003), using the limited data available from Africa, estimated the schistosomiasis mortality alone at 280,000 per year (case fatality rate of 0.014 percent).\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 470.\nJamison et al. 2006, Pg 416, Table 21.3.\n\"Protein-calorie undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, particularly zinc and vitamin A, contribute substantially to the malaria burden (Caulfield, Richard,and Black 2004).\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 414.\n\"More commonly, the patient presents with a combination of the following symptoms:\n* Nausea and vomiting\n* Body aches\n* General malaise.\" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, \"Malaria: Disease.\"\n\"The manifestations of severe malaria include\n* Cerebral malaria, with abnormal behavior, impairment of consciousness, seizures, coma, or other neurologic abnormalities\n* Severe anemia due to hemolysis (destruction of the red blood cells)\n* Hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin in the urine) due to hemolysis\n* Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an inflammatory reaction in the lungs that inhibits oxygen exchange, which may occur even after the parasite counts have decreased in response to treatment\n* Abnormalities in blood coagulation\n* Low blood pressure caused by cardiovascular collapse\n* Acute kidney failure\n* Hyperparasitemia, where more than 5% of the red blood cells are infected by malaria parasites\n* Metabolic acidosis (excessive acidity in the blood and tissue fluids), often in association with hypoglycemia\n* Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). Hypoglycemia may also occur in pregnant women with uncomplicated malaria, or after treatment with quinine.\" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, \"Malaria: Disease.\"\nPrevalence data in table from World Health Organization, \"Disease and Injury Regional Estimates for 2004: Prevalence for World Bank Income Groups. Percentages calculated by dividing prevalence for each region by the regional population.\n- 47. \"More than 2 billion people, mostly women and young children, are thought to be iron deficient.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 553.\n\"STH and schistosomiasis depend for transmission on environments contaminated with egg-carrying feces. Consequently, helminths are intimately associated with poverty, poor sanitation, and lack of clean water.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 470.\n\"The overall prevalence of vision loss, which mainly affects the population above age 40, is a function of age. It is estimated that more than 82.2 percent of all blind individuals are 50 or older.... Childhood vision loss represents approximately 4 percent of the total number of visually impaired.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 954.\n\"The burden of visual impairment is not distributed uniformly throughout the world; the least developed regions carry the largest share.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 955.\n\"Mathers and others (2003) estimate that in 2002, 255 million people worldwide had disabling hearing loss (moderate or worse hearing loss in the better ear). Those 192 million people with adult-onset loss (age 20 years and above) and 63 million people with childhood-onset loss make up almost 4.1 percent of the world’s population and just over 40 percent of all people globally with hearing loss of any severity.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 957.\n\"Filarial infection prevalences increase with age, with apparently only small reductions in infection in the oldest adult age classes\" Edwin 2000, Pg 46.\n\"As filariasis is more prevalent in rural areas and in the less affluent members of urban areas\" Kumaraswami 2000, Pg 108.\n\"Number of people living with HIV in 2007\nTotal 33.2 million [30.6–36.1 million]\nAdults 30.8 million [28.2–33.6 million]\nWomen 15.4 million [13.9–16.6 million]\nChildren under 15 years 2.5 million [2.2–2.6 million].\" UNAIDS 2007, Pg 1.\n\"VAD [vitamin A deficiency] results from inadequate intakes of vitamin A because of low intakes of animal foods; inadequate intakes of nonanimal sources of carotenoids that are converted to vitamin A; and inadequate intakes of fat, which facilitates the absorption of carotenoids. Dietary sources of preformed vitamin A include liver, milk, and egg yolks. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, as well as yellow and orange noncitrus fruits (mangoes, apricots, papayas) and vegetables (pumpkins, squash, carrots), are common sources of carotenoids (vitamin A precursors), which are generally less bioavailable than preformed vitamin A but tend to be more affordable.\" Jamison et al. 2006, Pg 553.\n\"Trachoma is particularly common in young children under five and the adults – mainly women – who care for them.... Repeated exposure to the disease over time eventually causes the inside of the eyelid to turn inward -- a condition called trichiasis -- and the eyelashes to scrape and scar the cornea, leading to the formation of corneal opacities and painful and irreversible blindness. Adult women are three times more likely to develop the blindness associated with trachoma, attributed in part to their close proximity with very young children who are often carriers of the disease.\" Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases 2009, Pg 1.\n\"The prevalence and intensity of infection and the amount of clinical disease within the endemic community are generally low in young children and increase with age.\" Simonsen 2009, Pg 1498.\n\"In sub-Saharan Africa, 26 countries were included in the 2006 poll with random samples of at least 1,000 adults in each country, for a total sample size of 26,506 interviews...Respondents were asked to rank the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in order of importance to them as individuals. The United Nations introduced the MDGs in 2000 when world leaders convened to develop a plan to improve the quality of life in developing countries by taking steps to reduce poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and disease by 2015.\" Tortora 2009, Pg 1.\nTwelve goals were ranked. The goals were: 1. Reducing poverty, 2. Reducing hunger, 3. Achieving primary education for all, 4. Achieving gender equality and empowering women, 5. Reducing the death rate among children under five, 6. Reducing the number of women dying during childbirth, 7. Reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS, 8. Reducing the spread of malaria and TB, 9. Improving access to safe drinking water, 10. Improving access to sanitation facilities, 11. Providing access to new technology, and 12. Providing more jobs for youth. From Tortora 2009, Pg 7.\n\"The Gallup World Poll findings reveal sub-Saharan Africans’ top priorities: poverty and hunger reduction.\" Tortora 2009, Pg 21.\n“After all, countries with high rates of HIV prevalence do not systematically report poorer health satisfaction, a finding that is in line with earlier reports that self-reported health measures are often better in places where people are sicker, and presumably more used to being sick (Sen, 2002; Murray and Chen, 1992).” Deaton 2008, Pg 13.\nTortora 2009, Pg 8, Table 1.\n\"A demographic analysis of these rankings shows few differences in goal priorities by age, gender, and education level. Furthermore, when looking at the urban/rural split or employment status, the analysis also shows few variances.\" Tortora 2009, Pg 21.\nTortora 2009, Pgs 18-20, Tables 9-12.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition\n- adj. Of or relating to the Moors or their culture.\n- adj. Of, relating to, or being a style of Spanish architecture of the 8th to the 16th century, characterized by the horseshoe arch and ornate decoration.\nfrom Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License\n- adj. of or pertaining to the Moors or their culture\n- adj. Of or pertaining to a style of Spanish architecture from the time of the Moors, characterized by the horseshoe arch and ornate, geometric decoration\nfrom the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English\n- adj. Having the characteristics of a moor or heath.\n- adj. Of or pertaining to Morocco or the Moors; in the style of the Moors.\nfrom The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia\n- Marshy; resembling a. moor.\n- Belonging to a moor; growing on a moor: as, moorish reeds.\n- Having the qualities of a moor; characterless; barren.\n- Of or pertaining to the Moors.\nfrom WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.\n- adj. relating to or characteristic of the Moors\n- n. a style of architecture common in Spain from the 13th to 16th centuries; characterized by horseshoe-shaped arches\nIn fact, in Spain they were called Moorish skewers.\nThere was a Jewish scholar, Isaac ben Joshua, in Moorish Spain who said that the Book drove everyone who saw it crazy.\nInquisitorial system has deprived this kingdom by the total expulsion of the Jews, the conquered Moors and the baptized Moorish, we add about\nIt's probably fair to say that morris dancing, most likely a corruption of the word Moorish, has something of an image problem.\nAs far as the Liberty City group was concerned this was nonsense; the group of men, who were arrested for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, smoked a great deal of marijuana and subscribed to the obscure beliefs of an outfit called the Moorish Science Temple; so nascent were their terrorist plans that they never even bothered to travel to Chicago.\nAnd perhaps neither of us saw the real truth of the problem underlying what we are pleased to call the Moorish Question.\nOthers wearing a kind of short brown vest, striped with blue and red, conveying the idea of Moorish garb.\nEAST COWES CASTLE, which enjoys a truly enviable site (for it combines an uncommon degree of shelter with the most extensive and _animated_ prospect), is built in the bold style usually termed the Moorish, and has three handsome fronts of varied elevations, with a tasteful diversity of towers, mantled more or less by the most luxuriant ivy, and\nBrannon's Picture of The Isle of Wight The Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties & Objects of Interest. Compiled Especially with Reference to Those Numerous Visitors Who Can Spare but Two or Three Days to Make the Tour of the Island.\nThere is a strange immobility about Andalusian beggars which recalls their Moorish ancestry.\nIt seems now established that it may not be called Moorish, as it has nothing in common with the Moorish architecture as exemplified in the Orient and Southern Spain, although it bears traces of the influence exercised by Moorish art over the Renaissance in Spain.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Machine Learning in Education\nWhat insights about student learning can be revealed from data, and how can those insights be used to improve the efficacy of educational technology? This course will cover computational approaches to the task of modeling learning and improving outcomes in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We will cover theories and methodologies underpinning current approaches to knowledge discovery and data mining in education and survey the latest developments in the broad field of human learning research.\nThis course will be project based, where teams will be introduced to online learning platforms and their datasets with the objective of pairing data analysis with theory or implementation. Literature review will serve to add context and grounding to projects.\nSuggested background includes one programming course and familiarity with one statistical/computational software package.\nThe study of learning in online environments is an interdisciplinary pursuit, and therefore all majors are welcomed and encouraged to bring complimentary backgrounds.\nNOTE: This course is cross-listed as Education C260F. Machine Learning in Education.\n(Previously offered as Info 290 & Educ 290A.)", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Breakfast Myths Busted: Skipping the first meal DOES NOT affect our health\nYou must have heard that skipping your breakfast is not good for your health. As your stomach is empty for a long time before breakfast, so the first meal of the day should be the heaviest. At that moment, the sugar level in your body is also extremely low for being in the fasted state. So, breakfast should always be heaviest of all the three prime meals of a day. Researches also say that having a proper breakfast helps you to lose your weight. It provides you with all the important nutrients which are lacking due to the fasting period.\nOn the other hand, it is said that skipping breakfast is highly unhealthy because we are keeping our stomach empty for a longer period. And this also makes us eat more during lunch which directly contributes in weight gain. But are they really genuine? Is it really too bad to skip breakfast? Well, some advanced studies have started to question about this pattern. And they have also researched about breakfast and the effects of skipping it. Let’s find out.\nEffects of Skipping Breakfast: Is it bad for our health?\nBreakfast eaters are healthier\nIt is often said that people who eat timely breakfast are healthier than others. But a recent study said that it is an observational study as it has been observed some people who eat breakfast regularly on a particular time. But it’s not rational to say that it's because of the breakfast. They must be living a healthy lifestyle. For example, they tend to workout regularly, don’t smoke or drink that much and eat healthy, etc. And one should also add nutritious and fibre rich foods in the breakfast for staying healthy. These all together contribute in a person’s health, not the breakfast alone. So, the bottom line is you need to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle. And it doesn’t have anything to do with only the breakfast.\nDoes breakfast improve metabolism?\nPeople believe that having healthy breakfast can boost their metabolism, which is a myth. There is no connection between breakfast and metabolism as metabolism depends a lot on the total amount of food that we consume throughout the day. Studies have shown that people who eat and skip breakfast burn the equal amount of calories.\nDoes skipping breakfast cause weight gain?\nThere is no evidence of it. It’s natural to eat more during lunch if you have skipped your breakfast as it makes you more hungry and so you try to adjust it in your lunch. But the study shows, eating more at lunch cannot compensate for your breakfast. On the other hand, skipping breakfast can actually reduce your calorie intake on a day as you are removing an entire meal from your diet plan every day.\nThis has been experimented on overweight and obese people. Some of them have taken breakfast and some skipped it. There was no difference in their weight after the study was over. So, we really cannot rely on this point that having breakfast aids in weight loss.\nDoes skipping breakfast have any health benefits?\nWe are not allowed to eat breakfast in many intermittent fasting diet methods. This type of diet has shown to be effectively reducing calorie intake, aiding in weight loss and increasing body metabolism. But this fasting diet doesn’t suit everyone. Some people get benefited with it, while others may experience headache, sugar fall, etc. So, talk to your dietician before starting the intermittent diet.\nBreakfast can be optional\nThere are lot of myths associated with breakfast. But skipping it cannot make you gain weight overnight. And it is also not connected to increased metabolism rate. Breakfast is optional. But if you feel hungry in the morning and like to have something, then you can definitely eat some protein-rich foods like boiled eggs. The only thing is staying on an empty stomach for a long time may form gas which can cause acid. So, be careful about that.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Watching this resources will notify you when proposed changes or new versions are created so you can keep track of improvements that have been made.\nFavoriting this resource allows you to save it in the “My Resources” tab of your account. There, you can easily access this resource later when you’re ready to customize it or assign it to your students.\nThe brain's lower-level structures consist of the brain stem and spinal cord, along with the cerebellum.\nWith the exception of the spinal cord, hese structures are largely located within the hindbrain, diencephalon (or interbrain), and midbrain.\nThe brain evolved from back to front, such that the structures at the base of the brain, including the hindbrain and midbrain, are more geared towards basic body processes than those in the front.\nThe hindbrain, which includes the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the cerebellum, is responsible some of the oldest and most primitive body functions.\nEach of these structures is described below.\nThe medulla oblongata sits at the transition zone between the brain and the spinal cord.\nIt is the first region that formally belongs to the brain and is the control center for respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive functions.\nThe pons connects the medulla oblongata with the midbrain region.\nThe pons houses the control centers for respiration and inhibitory functions.\nAttached to the dorsal aspect of the pons is the cerebellum.\nThe cerebellum is a separate region of the brain located behind the medulla oblongata and pons.\nIt is attached to the rest of the brain by three stalks (called pedunculi), and coordinates skeletal muscles to produce smooth, graceful motions.\nThe cerebellum receives information from our eyes, ears, muscles, and joints about the body's current positioning (referred to as proprioception).\nIt also receives output from the cerebral cortex about where these body parts should be.\nAfter processing this information, the cerebellum sends motor impulses from the brain stem to the skeletal muscles so that they can move.\nThe main function of the cerebellum is coordination; however it is also responsible for balance and posture and it assists us when we are learning a new motor skill, such as playing a sport or musical instrument.\nRecent research shows that apart from motor functions the cerebellum also has some role in emotional sensitivity.\nThe midbrain is located between the hind- and forebrain.\nIt displays the same basic functional composition as found in the spinal cord and the hindbrain.\nVentral areas control motor function and accommodate tracts that convey motor information from the cerebral cortex.\nDorsal regions of the midbrain are implicated in sensory information circuits.\nThe Diencephalon (\"interbrain\")\nThe diencephalon is the region of the embryonic vertebrate neural tube which gives rise to posterior forebrain structures.\nIn adults, the diencephalon appears at the upper end of the brain stem, situated between the cerebrum and the brain stem.\nIt is made up of four distinct components: the thalamus, the subthalamus, the hypothalamus and the epithalamus.\nThe thalamus is part of the limbic system and consists of two lobes of grey matter along the bottom of the cerebral cortex.\nLesions or stimulation to the thalamus are associated with changes in emotional reactivity.\nHowever, the importance of this structure on the regulation of emotional behavior is not due to the thalamus itself, but to the connections between the thalamus with other limbic system structures.\nThe hypothalamus is a small part of the brain located just below the thalamus.\nLesions of the hypothalamus interfere with several so-called motivated behaviors like sexuality, combativeness, and hunger.\nThe hypothalamus also plays a role in emotion.\nSpecifically, parts of the thalamus seem to be involved with pleasure and rage, while the central part is linked to aversion, displeasure, and a tendency towards uncontrollable and loud laughing.\nWhen external stimuli are presented (for example, a dangerous stimuli), the hypothalamus sends signals to other limbic areas to trigger feeling states in response to the stimuli (in this case, fear).\nThe Spinal Cord\nThe spinal cord is a tail-like structure that is embedded in the vertebral canal of the spine.\nThe adult spinal cord has a length of 40 cm and weighs approximately 30g.\nThe spinal cord is attached to the underside of the medulla oblongata, and is organized to serve four distinct tasks:\nto convey mainly sensory information to the brain,\nto carry centrally information generated in the brain to control peripheral targets like skeletal muscles,\nto control nearby organs via the autonomic nervous system, and\nto enable sensorimotor functions to to control posture and other fundamental movements.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Ever since superheroes became the best-selling movie characters, origin stories are all the rage. You didn’t think, though, that they are the only ones that have them, right? Every tradition, every habit we have has a story behind it, a reason why we do things the way we do them. Why would, say, foods be an exception?\nIf you ever wondered why some foods look the way they do, here is a bit of clarity about them.\nThe bagel originated in the Jewish communities in Poland around the 1600s. Over the years, it has become a staple for the Slavic nations, with its name transforming from the Yiddish beygal (meaning ring or bracelet) to the term we know today.\nBut why does it have a hole in the middle? Actually, there is a fun origin story about the mystery of the bagel hole, and it involves a wise rabbi and the tzar.\nLegend has it, the people of Chelm – a city in Poland – were required to surrender a tenth of all the bread they baked. Not just any bread, though – the middle tenth of each loaf because it was the softest part with the least crust. So, the wise men of Chelm got together and found a solution: they baked small loaves with holes in the middle, and the holes represented exactly one-tenth of each loaf. And when the tzar’s soldiers came to collect the royal tithe, they had no choice but to leave with… nothing.\nThe sandwich is perhaps the most self-evident food: take two pieces of bread, put stuff in between, hold it in your hand and bite. In the 1700s, in turn, it apparently wasn’t. At least not until Lord John Montagu came along. The lord, like many others at the time, was a prolific gambler. He was often so absorbed in his games that he couldn’t be called away from the tables, not even to eat. Instead, he grabbed a piece of roast beef and ate it with his bare hands. Doing so, he redefined the term “playing dirty”, messing up the cards in the process.\nTo avoid this, he used two pieces of bread to hold the meat. The idea was great, and others soon followed suit. And, since Lord John Montagu was the Earl of Sandwich, the name given to this new way to eat was obvious.\nUnlike the other two foods above, coffee wasn’t invented – it was discovered. The credit for this amazing discovery that gives energy to an entire world goes to… a goat. An Ethiopian one.\nLegend has it, the first human to discover coffee was a 15th-century Ethiopian goat herder called Kaldi who saw his goats go berserk whenever they have eaten the fruits of a shrub. Moreover, they didn’t want to sleep at night.\nThe berries were first brewed into a drink by the abbot of a local monastery to keep him alert through the night prayer. From there, the berries were taken to Arabia, from there, it spread to Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, and, by the 17th century, to Europe. And from there, it conquered the entire world, becoming the second most consumed beverage of the globe.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- The keyword mnemonic is undoubtedly an effective means of learning the words of a foreign language.\n- How well you remember depends on how well you learned them, not on whether you have learned the words using a keyword mnemonic or rote repetition or some other method.\n- Even using a keyword mnemonic, you still need to rehearse the information to be learned.\n- The keyword mnemonic is not always the best method of learning particular words.\n- Skilled learners may be best to use the keyword mnemonic selectively, for particularly difficult words.\n- The keyword mnemonic requires individual instruction and practice, to use effectively.\n- Using a verbal (sentence) link is at least as effective as an image, and is easier for many people.\n- Whether using a sentence or an image, the critical factor is that the keyword interact with the definition or own-language word.\nIn the mid-seventies, Raugh and Atkinson had remarkable results using the keyword method to teach Russian vocabulary to college students. While later studies have not tended to find such dramatic results, nevertheless, a large number of studies have demonstrated an advantage in using the keyword mnemonic to learn vocabulary.\nSome researchers have become huge fans of the strategy. Others have suggested a number of limitations. Let’s look at these.\nRemembering for the long term\nThe keyword method is undeniably an effective method for accelerating learning of suitable material. Nor is there any doubt that it improves immediate recall. Which can be useful in itself. However, what people want is long-term recall, and it is there that the advantages of the keyword method are most contentious1.\nWhile many studies have found good remembering a week or two after learning using the keyword mnemonic, others have found that remembering is no better one or two weeks later whether people have used the keyword mnemonic or another strategy. Some have found it worse.\nIt has been suggested that, although the keyword may be a good retrieval cue initially, over time earlier associations may regain their strength and make it harder to retrieve the keyword image. This seems very reasonable to me — any keyword is, by its nature, an easily retrieved, familiar word; therefore, it will already have a host of associations. When you’re tested immediately after learning the keyword, this new link will of course be fresh in your mind, and easily retrieved. But as time goes on, and the advantage of recency is lost, what is there to make the new link stronger than the other, existing, links? Absolutely nothing — unless you strengthen it. How? By repetition.\nNote that it is not the keyword itself that fails to be remembered. It is the image. The weakness then, is in the link between keyword and image. (For example, the Tagalog word araw, meaning sun, is given the keyword arrow; when tested, araw easily recalls the keyword arrow, but the image connecting arrow with sun is gone). This is the link you must strengthen.\nThe question of the relative forgetting curves of the keyword mnemonic and other learning strategies is chiefly a matter of theoretical interest — I don’t think any researcher would deny that repetition is always necessary. But the “magic” of the keyword mnemonic, as espoused by some mnemonic enthusiasts, downplays this necessity. For practical purposes, it is merely sufficient to remember that, for long-term learning, you must strengthen this link between keyword and image (or sentence) through repeated retrieval (but probably not nearly as often as the repetition needed to “fix” meaningless information that has no such mnemonic aid).\nOne final point should be made. If the material to be learned is mastered to the same standard, the durability of the memory — how long it is remembered for — will, it appears, be the same, regardless of the method used to learn it2.\nAre some keyword mnemonics easier to remember than others?\nA number of factors may affect the strength of a keyword mnemonic. One that’s often suggested is whether or not the mnemonic is supplied to the student, or thought up by them. Intuitively, we feel that a mnemonic you’ve thought up yourself will be stronger than one that is given to you.\nOne study that compared the effectiveness of keywords provided versus keywords that are self-generated, found that participants who were required to make up their own keywords performed much worse than those who were given keywords3. This doesn’t answer the question of the relative durability, but it does point to how much more difficult the task of generating keywords is. This has been confirmed in other studies.\nThe quality of the keyword mnemonic may affect its durability. Mnemonics that emphasize distinctiveness, that increase the vividness and concreteness of the word to be learned, are remembered less well over time than mnemonics that emphasize relational and semantic information (which is why the emphasis in recent times is on making interactive images or sentences, in which the keyword and definition interact in some way). Having bizarre images seems to help remembering immediately after learning (when there is a mix of bizarre and less unusual images), but doesn���t seem to help particularly over the long term.\nThe advantage of a semantic connection may be seen in the following example, taken from an experimental study3. Students in a free control condition (those told to use their own methods to remember), almost all used a keyword-type technique to learn some items. Unlike those in the keyword group, the keywords chosen by these subjects typically had some semantic connection as well. (The use of somewhat arbitrary keywords is characteristic of the strategy as originally conceived by Atkinson). Thus, for the Spanish word pestana, meaning eyelash, several people used the phrase paste on as a link, reflecting an existing association (pasting on false eyelashes). The keyword supplied to the keyword group, on the other hand, was pest, which has no obvious connection to eyelash. (It is also worth noting that verbal links were more commonly used by control subjects, rather than mental images.)\nIt has been suggested that keywords that are semantically as well as acoustically related to the word to be learned might prove more durable.\nFor experimental reasons, the information to be learned is usually presented at a fixed rate, item by item. There is some suggestion that an unpaced situation, where people are simply presented with all the information to be learned and given a set time to study it, allows better learning, most particularly for the repetition strategy. The performance of rote repetition may have been made poorer by constraining it in this way in some experimental studies.\nAn unpaced study time is of course the more normal situation.\nThe importance of one-to-one instruction and the need for practice\nWhat is clear from the research is that instruction in the technique is vitally important. Most particularly, the superiority of the keyword mnemonic tends to be found only when the students have been treated individually, not when they have been instructed as a group. At least, this is true for adults and adolescents, but not, interestingly, for children. Children can benefit from group instruction in the technique. Why this is, is not clear. However, I would speculate that it may have something to do with older students having already developed their own strategies and ideas. More individually-oriented instruction might be needed to counteract this depository of knowledge.\nIt might also be that children are given more direction in the using of the technique. That is, they are given the keywords; the images may be described to them, and even drawn. Clearly this is much simpler than being required to think up your own keywords, create your own links.\nIt does seem clear that durable keyword images require quite a lot of practice to create. It has been suggested that initially people tend to simply focus on creating distinctive images. It may only be with extensive practice that you become able to reliably create images that effectively integrate the relational qualities of the bits of information.\nIt has been suggested that the keyword mnemonic works effectively only on concrete words. For the most part, researchers only use concrete words (which are easily imageable). Studies which have compared the two are rare. The weight of the evidence is probably against the view that the mnemonic should be restricted to concrete words, but it may well be more difficult to come up with good, concrete images for abstract words. However, verbal mnemonics (a sentence can link the keyword with the definition) don’t suffer the same drawback.\nIn experimental studies, the words are usually vetted to make sure they’re not “easy” to learn because of obvious acoustic or graphic similarities with familiar words. The implication of this for real world learning, is that there is no reason to think that such words require a keyword mnemonic.\nHow important is the image?\nMost research has focused on using an image to link the keyword with the definition. One study which compared the using of an image with the use of a sentence (in a study of children’s learning of Spanish words) found no difference (the sentence mnemonic in fact scored higher, but the difference was not significant)4.\nIs the keyword mnemonic of greater benefit to less able students?\nSeveral researchers have suggested that the keyword mnemonic might be of greater benefit to less able students, that the keyword mnemonic may be a means by which differences in learning ability might be equalised. One study that failed to find any superiority in the keyword mnemonic among college students, pointed to the high SAT scores of their students. They suggested that those studies which have found a keyword superiority using college students, have used students who were less verbally able5.\nWhat seems likely, is that teaching the keyword mnemonic to more able students has less impact than teaching it to less able students, because the more able students already have a variety of effective strategies that they use. It is worth noting that, just because students are instructed to use a particular strategy, that doesn’t mean that they will. In one experimental study, for example, when subjects were asked about the strategies they used, 17 out of the 40 control subjects (instructed to use their own methods) used the keyword method for at least some items, while every keyword subject used the keyword method for at least seven items (implying they didn’t always). In that study, it was found that, for the control subjects, the probability of recalling keyword-elaborated items was .81 vs .45 for other items; while for the keyword group, the probability of recall for keyword-elaborated items was .80 vs .16 for those items for which they didn’t use a keyword mnemonic6.\nComparing the keyword mnemonic to other strategies\nAs a general rule, experimental studies into the effectiveness of the keyword mnemonic have compared it to, most often, rote repetition, or, less often, “trying your hardest to remember” (i.e., your own methods). It is not overwhelmingly surprising that the keyword mnemonic should be superior to rote repetition, and the study quoted just above reveals why comparisons with “free” controls might show inconsistent (and uninformative) results.\nStudies which have directly compared the keyword method to other elaborative strategies are more helpful.\nA number of studies have compared the keyword strategy against the context method of learning vocabulary (much loved by teachers; students experience the word to be learned in several different meaningful contexts). Theory suggests that the context method should encourage multiple connections to the target word, and is thus expected to be a highly effective strategy. However, the studies have found that the keyword method produces better learning than the context method.\nIt has been suggested that students might benefit more from the context method if they had to work out the meaning of the word themselves, from the context. However, a study which explored this possibility, found that participants using the context method performed significantly worse than those using the keyword mnemonic5. This was true even when subjects were given a test that would be thought to give an advantage to the context method — namely, subjects being required to produce meaningful sentences with the target words.\nThe same researchers later pursued the possibility that the context method might, nevertheless, prove superior in long-term recall — benefiting from the multiple connections / retrieval paths to the target word. In an experiment where both keyword and context groups learned the words until they had mastered them, recall was no better for the context group than it was for the keyword group, when tested one week later (on the other hand, it was no worse either)2.\nTwo more recent studies have confirmed the superiority of the keyword mnemonic over the context method7.\nAnother study looked at the question of whether a combined keyword – repetition strategy (in which subjects were told to use repetition as well as imagery when linking the keyword to the English translation of the word to be learned) was better than the keyword strategy on its own. They failed to find any benefit to using repetition on top of the imagery8.\nGiven the procedures used, I can see why this might occur. Imagine you’re trying to learn that carta is Spanish for letter. The obvious keyword is cart. Accordingly, you form an image of a cart full of letters. However, having constructed this image, you are now told to repeat the salient words “carta - letter” over and over to yourself. It’s not hard to see that many people might completely lose track of the image while they are doing this. Thus the repetition component of the strategy would not be so much augmenting the imagery link, as replacing it. Repetition of the link you are supposed to be augmenting (a cart full of letters) might be more useful (in fact, I personally would repeat to myself: “carta – letter; a cart full of letters”).\nThe value of the keyword mnemonic is of course, in forward recall — that is, in the above example, you learned that carta meant letter. When you see the word carta, the keyword mnemonic will help you remember that it means letter. But if you are asked for the Spanish for letter, how helpful will the keyword mnemonic be then?\nA study that looked at this question found that the keyword mnemonic was no worse for backward recall than the other strategies they employed8. On the other hand, it was no better, either — and this despite being superior for forward recall (remembering the English when given the Spanish). The failure of the method was not due to any difficulty in recalling the keyword itself. Remember, the English meaning and the keyword are tied together in the mnemonic image, so it is not surprising that remembering the keyword given the English was as high as remembering the English given the keyword. But the problem is, of course, that generating the (unfamiliar) Spanish word from the keyword is much harder than remembering the (familiar) keyword from the Spanish.\nUsing the keyword mnemonic to remember gender\nOne other aspect of vocabulary learning for many languages is that of gender. The keyword mnemonic has successfully been used to remember the gender of nouns, by incorporating a gender tag in the image9. This may be as simple as including a man or a woman (or some particular object, when the language also contains a neutral gender), or you could use some other code — for example, if learning German, you could use the image of a deer for the masculine gender.\nWhy should the keyword mnemonic be an effective strategy?\nLet’s think about the basic principles of how memory works.\nThe strength of memory codes, and thus the ease with which they can be found, is a function largely of repetition. Quite simply, the more often you experience something (a word, an event, a person, whatever), the stronger and more easily recalled your memory for that thing will be.\nThis is why the most basic memory strategy — the simplest, and the first learned — is rote repetition.\nRepetition is how we hold items in working memory, that is, “in mind”. When we are told a phone number and have to remember it long enough to either dial it or write it down, most of us repeat it frantically.\nSpaced repetition — repetition at intervals of time — is how we cement most of our memory codes in our long-term memory store. If you make no deliberate attempt to learn a phone number, yet use it often, you will inevitably come to know it (how many repetitions that will take is a matter of individual variability).\nBut most of us come to realize that repetition is not, on its own, the most effective strategy, and when we deliberately wish to learn something, we generally incorporate other, more elaborative, strategies.\nWhy do we do that? If memory codes are strengthened by repetition, why isn’t it enough to simply repeat?\nWell, it is. Repetition IS enough. But it’s boring. That’s point one.\nPoint two is that making memory codes more easily found (which is after all the point of the exercise) is not solely achieved by making the memory codes stronger. Also important is making lots of connections. Memory codes are held in a network. We find a particular one by following a trail of linked codes. Clearly, the more trails lead to the code you’re looking for, the more likely you are to find it.\nElaborative strategies — mnemonic strategies, organizational strategies — work on this aspect. They are designed to increase the number of links (connections) a memory code has. Thus, when we note that lamprey is an “eel-like aquatic vertebrate with sucker mouth”, we will probably make links with eels, with fish, with the sea. If we recall that Henry I was said to have died from a surfeit of lampreys, we have made another link. Which in turn might bring in yet another link, that Ngaio Marsh once wrote a mystery entitled “A surfeit of lampreys”. And if you’ve read the book, this will be a good link, being itself rich in links. (As the earlier link would be if you happen to be knowledgeable about Henry I).\nOn the other hand, in the absence of any knowledge about lampreys, you could have made a mnemonic link with the word “lamp”, and imagined an eel-like fish with lamps in its eyes, or balanced on its head.\nSo, both types of elaborative strategy have the same goal — to increase the number of connections. But mnemonic links are weaker in the sense that they are arbitrary. Their value comes in those circumstances when either you lack the knowledge to make meaningful connections, or there is in fact no meaningful connection to be made (this is why mnemonics are so popular for vocabulary learning, and for the learning of lists and other ordered information).\nWhere does that leave us?\n- Memory codes are made stronger by repetition\n- Repetition is enough on it’s own to make a strong memory code\n- Achieving enough repetitions, however, is a lengthy and often boring process\n- Memory codes are also made easier to find by increasing the number of links they have to other memory codes\n- Elaborative strategies work on this principle of making connections with existing codes\n- Some elaborative strategies make meaningful connections between memory codes — these are stronger\n- Mnemonic strategies make connections that are not meaningful\n- Mnemonic strategies are most useful in situations where there are no meaningful connections to be made, or you lack the knowledge to make meaningful connections\nMnemonic strategies have therefore had particular success in the learning of other languages. However, if you can make a meaningful connection, that will be more effective. For example, in Spanish the word surgir means to appear, spout, arise. If you connect this to the word surge, from the Latin surgere, to rise, then you have a meaningful connection, and you won’t, it is clear, have much trouble when you come across the word. However, if your English vocabulary does not include the word surge, you might make instead a mnemonic connection, such as surgir sounds like sugar, so you make a mental image involving spouting sugar. Now, imagine each of these situations. Imagine you don’t come across the word again for a month. When you do, which of these connections is more likely to bring forth the correct meaning?\nBut of course, it is not always possible to make meaningful connections.\nThe thing to remember however, is that you haven’t overcome the need for repetition. These strategies are adjuncts. The basic principle must always be remembered: Memory codes are made stronger by repetition. Links are made stronger by repetition. If you don’t practice the mnemonic, it won’t be remembered. The same is true for any connection, but meaningful connections are inherently stronger, so they don’t need as many repetitions.\nI would also note that the experimental research invariably involves very limited numbers of words to be learned. While this is entirely understandable, it does raise the question of the extent to which these findings are applicable to real world learning situations. If you are learning a new language, you are going to have to learn at least 2000 new words. Does the keyword mnemonic hold up in those circumstances? The keyword mnemonic has been used in real world situations (intensive language courses), but these are not experimental situations, and we must be wary of the conclusions we draw from them. The keyword strategy does take time and effort to implement, and may well have disadvantages if used to excess. Some words lend themselves to other techniques. At least for more experienced students (who will have a number of effective strategies, and are capable of applying them appropriately) the keyword strategy is probably best used selectively, perhaps for particularly difficult items.\n1. Wang, A.Y. & Thomas, M.H. 1992. The Effect of Imagery-Based Mnemonics on the Long-Term Retention of Chinese Characters.\nWang, A.Y. et al. 1989. Do Mnemonic Devices Lessen Forgetting? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (97th, New Orleans, LA, August 11-15, 1989).\nWang, A.Y. et al. 1992. Keyword Mnemonic and Retention of Second-Language Vocabulary Words.\nWang, A.Y. & Thomas, M.H. 1995. Effect of keywords on long-term retention: help or hindrance? Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 468-75.\nGruneberg, M.M.1998. A commentary on criticism of the keyword method of learning foreign languages. Applied Cognitive Psychology , 12, 529-532.\nWang, A.Y. & Thomas, M.H. 1999. In defence of keyword experiments: a reply to Gruneberg's commentary\n2. McDaniel, M.A., Pressley, M. & Dunay, P.K. 1987. Long-term retention of vocabulary after keyword and context learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 87-9.\n3. Hall, J.W., Wilson, K.P. & Patterson, R.J. 1981. Mnemotechnics: Some limitations of the mnemonic keyword method for the study of foreign language vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 73, 345-57.\n4. Pressley, M., Levin, J.R. & Miller, G.E. 1981. The keyword method and children’s learning of foreign vocabulary with abstract meanings. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 34, 283-87.\n5. McDaniel, M.A. & Pressley, M. 1984. Putting the keyword method in context. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 598-609.\n6. Pressley, M., Levin, J.R., Digdon, N., Bryant, S.L. & Ray, K. 1983. Does method of item presentation affect keyword method effectiveness? Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 686-91.\n7. Jones, M.S., Levin, M.E., Levin, J.R. & Beitzel, B.D. 2000. Can vocabulary-learning strategies and pair-learning formats be profitably combined? Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 256-62.\nShing, Y.S. & Heyworth, R.M. 1992. Teaching English Vocabulary to Cantonese-speaking Students with the Keyword Method. Education Journal, 20, 113-129.\n8. Pressley, M., Levin, J.R., Hall, J.W., Miller, G.E. & Berry, J.K. 1980. The keyword method and foreign word acquisition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 6, 163-73.\n9. Desrochers, A., Gelinas & Wieland, L.D. 1989. An application of the mnemonic keyword method to the acquisition of German nouns and their grammatical gender. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 25-32.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Year 6 Science Investigation\nWhat enable us to see? How does light reflect? Why can you see yourself in a mirror? These are just some of the scientific questions that Year 6 are exploring in their study of the topic of 'Light' this half term.\nThis week 6LY built periscopes to explore how the reflection of light off a mirror can be used in practical applications in every day life. They discovered that for their periscopes to work effectively the angle of the mirror was very important, 45 degrees was the crucial measurement. Once they had constructed their periscope accurately the pupils were able to have great fun spying over desks and peeping round corners, as you can see from the photos in our latest gallery.\nThank you to everyone who sent in empty juice cartons to make this investigation possible. 6KW and 6CW will be building their periscopes next week - we still need approximataly 20 more juice cartons for them to go ahead so please do keep on sending in the cartons until Wednesday of next week. Thank you so much!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Motivation and emotion/Book/2015/Breast cancer and anxiety in women\nHow does anxiety impact on women with breast cancer?\nBreast Cancer. It is a sensitive topic for just about every one of us. It's a debilitating disease that according to the World Health Organization website, more than 500,000 women die from every year worldwide, making it the most common form of cancer amongst women (Baqutayan, 2012). Women are not the only ones who can develop breast cancer, as men can too. Regardless of gender, the short and long-term effects are substantial, with many patients being forced to make career and relationship sacrifices, and in some cases, the ability to have a child. Sadly, it is not only cancer that directly affects a person. The level of anxiety a patient can experience may also change the way in which they behave and react to various situations. It's something so severe that it can produce another illness on top of breast cancer, which ultimately inhibits a person's ability to function on a day-to-day basis. This chapter will include an in-depth exploration into the two illnesses and how they co-occur, with breast cancer being focused on first.\nThe breast is comprised of two types of tissue; glandular and stromal tissue. Glandular tissue contains the milk-producing glands and the ducts, while the stromal tissue includes the fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast (as cited in Baqutayan, 2012). Breast cancer develops when an abnormal cell in the glandular tissue grows uncontrollably, which can eventually spread to the underlying chest wall and other parts of the body (as cited in Baqutayan, 2012) if left untreated.\nCancer Australia (2012) released a document that provides information for all women with breast cancer, including the various risk factors. Being a woman, having a family history of three or more first or second-degree relatives with either ovarian or breast cancer, inheriting a defective gene and being 40yrs+ all increase the risk (Cancer Australia, 2012). There is even evidence for lesbian and bisexual women to be at an increased risk (Boehmer, Glickman & Winter, 2012).\nBreast cancer awareness\nSelf-examination is the first step to early diagnosis. It is essential for women to regularly check their breasts every month as it increases survival rate. According to the Cancer Australia website, the changes to look out for include unusual lumps (especially if they appear in only one breast), a change in the size of the breasts, a change in the colour of the skin, such as dimpling or redness, any nipple discharge that occurs without sneezing, a change to the nipple in terms of crusting, an inversion or an ulcer and any unusual pain that doesn't go away (see Figure 2).\nReasons for putting off self-examinations or going through with them may come down to two key theories. Rosenstark's Health Belief Model (as cited in Katz, Meyers & Walls, 1995) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) are believed to play a role in self-examination and a woman's perceived susceptibility to cancer.\nThe health belief model\nRosenstark (as cited in Katz et al., 1995) created the Health Belief Model to explain preventive health behaviour and why people refuse to seek help in detecting a potential disease. The table below highlights the four main perceived concepts from the Health Belief Model, with two additional concepts added by Rosenstock to explain when people want to change a bad habit, i.e. smoking.\nConstructs from The Health Belief Model (Glanz, Marcus Lewis & Rimer, 1997).\n|Perceived susceptability||One's opinion of chances of getting a condition||Define population(s) at risk, risk levels; personalise risk based on a person's features or behavior; heighten perceived susceptibility if too low|\n|Perceived severity||One's opinion of how serious a condition and its consequences are||Specify consequences of the risk and the condition|\n|Perceived benefits||One's belief in the efficacy of the advised action to reduce risk or seriousness of impact||Define action to take; how, where, when; clarify the positive effects to be expected|\n|Perceived barriers||One's opinion of the tangible and psychological costs of the advised action||Identify and reduce barriers through reassurance, incentives, assistance|\n|Cues to action||Strategies to activate \"readiness\"||Provide how-to information, promote awareness, reminders|\n|Self-efficacy||Confidence in one's ability to take action||Provide training, guidance in performing action|\nIn relation to breast cancer, when a woman believes she's susceptible to the disease and understands the severity of it, the benefit of determining whether she's at risk of developing breast cancer outweighs the barriers of not completing a self-examination or screening protocol, which may be because she's afraid or has no time to. When a woman has high self-efficacy, it's then that she realises she has the confidence to actually go ahead with the cues to action.\nTheory of planned behaviour\nFormally called the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behaviour suggests that intentions to complete an action are predicted by three motivational determinants: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control (Drossaert, Boer & Seydel, 2003; Rutter, 2000). The determinants on the left relate to the benefits and limitations of performing the behaviour, approval or disapproval from others and the person's judgement of their ability to perform the behaviour (Drossaert et al., 2003). The theory is useful in predicting why patients attend and re-attend screening assessments, yet there are limited studies on why this might be (Drossaert et al., 2003). In the past, women have been more likely to get screened when their families and friends have approved of it and when they had a positive attitude (Drossaert et al., 2003; Rutter, 2000). In the studies above, re-attendance was high, with 91% of women attending the third screening session in Drossaert et al's., (2003) study and 64% compared to 14% of the control group's participants in Rutter's (2000) experiment followed up on their screening.\nUnderstanding what factors promote attendance is important for new beneficial health interventions to improve breast cancer screening protocols. Interventions should focus on changing women's attitudes, their perceived control over the situation and any difficulties they expect to occur when they attend, as these factors explain women's intentions and their actual behaviour (Drossaert et al., 2003).\nDetermining which stage of cancer a woman has ultimately decides which treatment is going to be the most effective. Cancer Australia (2012) highlights the differences between each stage, with relevant methods of treatment. One form of treatment for women in stage I of cancer (when the tumor is <2cm) is to undergo a mastectomy, in which one or both breasts are surgically removed (Maughan, Lutterbie & Ham, 2010). Alternatively, in more recent years breast-conserving surgery has been an option. This method involves removing the tumor without damaging any healthy tissue (Maughan et al., 2010). Radiotherapy follows breast-conserving surgery to ensure that no part of the tumor is still hiding underneath the surface. Results from a study by Clarke et al., (as cited in Maughan et al., 2010, p. 1342) showed that radiation following surgery significantly reduced the five-year local recurrence rate.\nFollowing on from surgery and radiotherapy, chemotherapy is the number one form of treatment for women in stage II with tumors larger than 1-2cm (Cancer Australia, 2012; Maughan et al., 2010), although it is been shown to increase anxiety more than any other form of treatment (Lim, Devi & Ang, 2011). This is likely due to side effects such as nausea, loss of hair, dry skin and fatigue (Carelle et al., 2002). According to Hortobagyi (1998), combined treatment for shorter than 3 months is much less effective than treatment for 4-6 months. The American Cancer Society states that chemotherapy typically lasts 3-6 months, whereas hormone therapy lasts 5-10 years. Adjuvant systematic therapies such as endocrine therapy and tissue-targeted therapy are a few of the many options out there that utilise the use of surgery, therapy or both (Maughan et al., 2010).\nStatistics from Cancer Australia (2012) indicate that 88% of Australian women with breast cancer are still alive five years after early diagnosis.\nThe emotional effects of breast cancer\nWhen first diagnosed, women understandably tend to respond with anxiety (Stark & House, 2000).\nMany experience a sense of denial and helplessness, which explains why some cancer patients feel that they've lost their self-identity. The psychological issues that can arise from a cancer diagnosis largely depend on gender, age and the type of cancer (Rosen, Rodriguez-Wallberg & Rosenzweig, 2009). For most women, losing their hair, completing regular chemotherapy, infertility and the risk of dying are all huge concerns (Rosen et al., 2009). The greatest concern that's associated with emotional distress is when women are told they have become infertile as a result of their cancer treatment. Being told such devastating news has been shown to have the same emotional impact on a woman as having a life-threatening disease, such as heart disease or AIDS (Domar, Zuttermeister & Friedman, 1993).\nA vital way to reduce infertility-related anxiety and depression is for specialists and patients to maintain communication, especially in regards to other fertility options (Domar et al., 1993; Partridge et al., 2004). A number of studies have shown that other options are rarely discussed (Duffy, Allen & Clark, 2005; Partridge et al., 2004; Quinn et al., 2007) which doesn't provide women with the quality of care they require. As suggested by Partridge and colleagues (2004), if there was more focus on infertility issues at diagnosis and on psychosocial and medical interventions during the treatment phase, then the impact of infertility may reduce, leaving breast cancer patients with one less thing to worry about. Other emotional factors that may upset women include the fact they can't return to work for a large period of time and have to see how their cancer affects their friends and families, which unfortunately for some women can cause significant stress when they see their loved ones are struggling.\nBreast cancer foundations\nAs breast cancer diagnosis rates have increased over the years, multiple foundations have been formed in support of the disease. The four major Australian breast cancer organisations are listed below. Together, they focus on establishing the best care for women living with breast cancer in order to meet their individual missions.\n- Breast Cancer Network Australia\n- National Breast Cancer Foundation\n- McGrath Foundation\n- Cancer Australia\n\"I am the tightening of your chest, the snowballing worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and just bury you in an instant. I am the obsessive, and I'm the compulsive. I'm the voice, you know the one, it's always questioning questioning questioning\" - Beyond Blue\nAnxiety is a serious illness in which persistent fear and/or anxiety interferes with day-to-day life. Fear is a present-oriented mood state that is associated with the \"fight or flight\" mechanism and escape behaviours, while anxiety is a future-oriented mood state that provokes muscle tension in preparation for a future threat (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Beyond Blue are a depression and anxiety support service that say anxiety is usually triggered from a stress-induced situation, health problem, substance use or from family history. An anxiety disorder is then diagnosed when this fear or anxiety lasts beyond an acceptable time (i.e. six months or more) and when symptoms cannot be attributed to any physiological effects from some form of medication, medical disorder, or medical condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The six main anxiety disorders are Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Post-traumatic Disorder (PTSD), Specific Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Social Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).\nAccording to the Beyond Blue website, there are physical and psychological symptoms that aren't normally obvious, but may be apparent over time. Some of these symptoms include excessive worry, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, headaches, muscle tension, nausea, trouble falling asleep and sweating (as cited in Baqutayan, 2012). An anxiety checklist can be accessed here.\nThe lifetime prevalence of an anxiety disorder is 17% (Somers, Goldner, Waraich & Hsu, 2006), with the female to male ratio being 2:1 respectively (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Those who are more at risk are generally younger women with a lack of social support and previous psychological problems (Burgess et al., 2005). Many of the phobia disorders are diagnosed in childhood, with the median diagnosis age for GAD and Panic Disorder being early 30's (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Generally, anxiety disorders will persist for the majority of a person's life, unless adequately treated.\nThere are self-help, psychological and medical treatments available. Medical treatments are usually supplied first, either alone or in-conjunction with therapy. Antidepressant medication is the most common, as it suppresses symptoms for as long as its taken, however no evidence exists for whether it reduces the underlying risk once a person discontinues their use (Hollon, Stewart & Strunk, 2006). Psychological treatments involve a variety of therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy and can be as effective as antidepressant medication. Both psychotherapies address social stressors, change thought patterns and help a person manage their anxiety better, which in turn is likely to decrease the chance of relapsing (Hollon et al., 2006).\nSelf-help treatment involves interventions such as exercise, yoga and a healthy diet, which are effective, but won't work alone. As for social support, it is important for those close to the person to understand the meaning attached to particular events as these are the basis for perceived threat. Education and communication are also important to recognise and respond to when someone is really struggling (Stark & House, 2000).\nBreast cancer and anxiety\nIt is normal for everybody to have anxiety-provoking thoughts at some point in their life, but at what degree is it considered a serious condition?\nIt can be difficult to determine the level of anxiety that is present in cancer patients (Stark & House, 2000), especially as the diagnosis of anxiety in cancer is often a subjective judgement (Stark & House, 2000) and is complex because it overlaps with other symptoms such as fatigue and pain (Baqutayan, 2012). Stressful factors such as hormonal changes, fertility fears, changes in body image, financial problems and numerous hospital visits are broadly classified into four causal categories; physical, psychological, social and environment, which inevitably makes it more difficult for professionals to determine what is a normal level of anxiety and what constitutes a disorder (Lim et al., 2011). Holland (1989) states that it is completely normal to experience anxiety for 7-10 days after receiving terrible news, although as the threat of cancer has varied over the years, it can affect the levels of what is considered to be normal anxiety as well. In a Canadian study conducted by Ashbury, Findlay, Reynolds and McKerracher (1998), 77% of patients within two years of treatment recalled experiencing anxiety. This was also found by Burgess et al., (2005) who found that 50% of women had depression, anxiety, or both in the year after diagnosis. The percentage of women experiencing anxiety is equivalent to that of the general female population (Burgess et al., 2005), meaning that although the degree of anxiety may not be enough to diagnose a breast cancer patient with an anxiety disorder as well, the severity of anxiousness is high.\nWhen there's little to no anxiety present in the initial stages of cancer, it can also be a reason for concern, as the main period in which anxiety is generally reduced is during the remission stage (Stark & House, 2000). This point of transition is still challenging to define (Stark & House, 2000), but is made easier when questionnaires such as the Responses to Stress Questionnaire (Pediatric Cancer version) are used. This questionnaire includes 12 cancer-related stressor questions (i.e. changes in personal appearance, continual hospital visits) and various coping scales to assess a range of different patients with cancer, including children and adolescents (Compas et al., 2014). When an anxiety disorder is present in a breast cancer patient, an effective treatment is mindfulness-based therapy. The use of mindfulness, yoga and other relaxation techniques has proven to reduce anxiety and improve quality of life and overall mood (Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt & Oh, 2010).\nWhen an actual anxiety disorder is present, it can persist until five years after breast cancer diagnosis but is generally due to the patient and not the cancer (Burgess et al., 2005) which has lead researchers into determining who is primarily at risk of developing an actual anxiety disorder while having breast cancer as well.\nWho is at risk?\nSpecific groups of women may be more prone to developing anxiety when they have breast cancer already. One example is excessive worrying, which can act like a double edged sword. Constantly worrying about the smallest issues can produce a negative frame of mind which makes it difficult to focus on what matters and pushes loved ones further away. Yet on the other hand, more worrying can be positive in relation to screening for breast cancer in the first place. McCaul, Schroeder and Reid (1996) found that higher worry in women meant they were more likely to perform a self-examination or get a mammogram. Burgess et al., (2005) found that in the long-term, anxiety was higher in women who weren't in an intimate relationship, had severe non-cancer related difficulties, an earlier episode of anxiety, depression, or both after diagnosis and were of a younger age, which is still in line with studies conducted back in 1986 and 1994 (Burgess et al., 2005). Therefore, characteristics such as strength, hope and faith will help patients remain positive, along with social support. When these factors are present in women with severe anxiety, it can greatly increase their life expectancy (Baqutayan, 2012).\nThe costs of breast cancer and anxiety are substantial, but increase even more when they're both present. Discharging a patient from hospital to a general practice can be costly and difficult, which may be due to the severity of the breast cancer or reluctance from an anxious patient (Thomas, Glynne-Jones, Chait & Marks, 1997). However, most of the cost goes to the professionals who care for the patient. A breast cancer patient who has anxiety as well will have a large team of people that include psychologists, general practitioners, surgeons, nurses and radiation oncologists (Cancer Australia, 2012). Most women feel they must continue working in order to pay for the care that each of these professionals provide in addition to travel and medication costs. When this isn't possible, it puts a financial strain on the patient and their family, which often sees a social disruption to social functioning and relationships according to Matthews (as cited in Raque-Bogdan et al., 2015, p. 10). The most concerning part is that the health expenditure for 2004-2005 was $331 million for women with breast cancer in Australia (Cancer Australia, 2012) and that is excluding anxiety-related costs. For these reasons, it is important to maintain a connection with loved ones and discuss insurance with the selected health fund, as well as how to manage medical costs (Cancer Australia, 2012).\nTo conclude, everyone will experience anxiety to some degree in their life, but not everyone will go through what it is like to have breast cancer. The trauma of dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis leaves most women shocked, frightened and devastated which also affects those around them.\nWays of staying positive depend on a woman's level of optimism and self-efficacy, which according to the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour explain why some women handle their cancer better than others. Despite the social and economic costs, there are wonderful foundations that promote awareness and support for those in need, and with the advancement in treatment options, it might not be long before treatment is specified to each woman's individual tumor characteristics (Maughan et al., 2010), or even better, a cure for breast cancer is finally found.\nOverall, future research would benefit from focusing on models of motivation and emotion to explain health behaviour and by addressing the various psychological problems that can arise in anxious women with advanced breast cancer (Burgess et al., 2005).\n- Cancer chapter\n- Anxiety chapter\n- Health Belief Model\n- Theory of Planned Behaviour\n- Adjuvant therapy\n- Anxiety disorder\nAmerican Cancer Society. (2015). Treatment of invasive breast cancer, by stage. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breastcancer/detailedguide/breast-cancer-treating-by-stage\nAmerican Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author\nAshbury, F. D., Findlay, H., Reynolds, B., & McKerracher, K. (1998). A Canadian survey of cancer patients’ experiences: are their needs being met? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 16(5), 298-306. doi:10.1016/S0885-3924(98)00102-X\nBaqutayan, S. M. S. (2012). The effect of anxiety on breast cancer patients. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 34(2), 119-123. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.101774\nBeyond Blue. (2015). Get to know anxiety. Retrieved from Beyond Blue website: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/transcripts/get-to-know-anxiety\nBoehmer, U., Glickman, M., & Winter, M. (2012). Anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors of different sexual orientations. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(3), 382-395. doi:10.1037/a0027494\nBurgess, C., Cornelius, V., Love, S., Graham, J., Richards, M., & Ramirez, A. (2005). Depression and anxiety in women with early breast cancer: five year observational cohort study. Bmj, 330(7493), 702-705. doi:10.1136/bmj.38343.670868.D3\nCancer Australia. (2015). Breast changes. Retrieved from http://canceraustralia.gov.au/affected-cancer/cancer-types/breast-cancer/awareness/breast-changes\nCancer Australia. (2012). Guide for women with early breast cancer. Retrieved from http://canceraustralia.gov.au/publications-and-resources/cancer-australia-publications/guide-women-early-breast-cancer\nCarelle, N., Piotto, E., Bellanger, A., Germanaud, J., Thuillier, A., & Khayat, D. (2002). Changing patient perceptions of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy. Cancer, 95(1), 155-163. doi:10.1002/cncr.10630\nCompas, B. E., Desjardins, L., Vannatta, K., Young-Saleme, T., Rodriguez, E. M., Dunn, M., ... & Gerhardt, C. A. (2014). Children and adolescents coping with cancer: Self-and parent reports of coping and anxiety/depression. Health Psychology, 33(8), 853-861. doi:10.1037/hea0000083\nDomar, A. D., Zuttermeister, P. C., & Friedman, R. (1993). The psychological impact of infertility: a comparison with patients with other medical conditions. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 14, 45-52. Retrieved from http://www.massgeneral.org/bhi/assets/pdfs/publications/Domar%201993%20J%20Psychosom%20Obstet%20Gynaecol.pdf\nDrossaert, C. H. C., Boer, H., & Seydel, E. R. (2003). Prospective study on the determinants of repeat attendance and attendance patterns in breast cancer screening using the theory of planned behaviour. Psychology and Health, 18(5), 551-565. doi:10.1080/0887044031000141207\nDuffy, C. M., Allen, S. M., & Clark, M. A. (2005). Discussions regarding reproductive health for young women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23(4), 766-773. doi:10.1200/JCO.2005.01.134\nGlanz, K., Marcus Lewis, F. & Rimer, B.K. (1997). Theory at a glance: a guide for health promotion practice. National Institute of Health\nHofmann, S. G., Sawyer, A. T., Witt, A. A., & Oh, D. (2010). The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(2), 169-183. doi:10.1037/a0018555\nHolland, J. C. (1989). Anxiety and cancer: The patient and the family. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 50(11), 20-25. Retrieved from http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1990-12708-001\nHollon, S. D., Stewart, M. O., & Strunk, D. (2006). Enduring effects for cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 285-315. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.57.102904.190044\nHortobagyi, G. N. (1998). Treatment of breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 339(14), 974-984. doi:10.1056/NEJM199810013391407\nKatz, R. C., Meyers, K., & Walls, J. (1995). Cancer awareness and self-examination practices in young men and women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 18(4), 377-384. doi:10.1007/BF01857661\nLim, C. C., Devi, M. K., & Ang, E. (2011). Anxiety in women with breast cancer undergoing treatment: a systematic review. International Journal of Evidence‐Based Healthcare, 9(3), 215-235. doi:10.1111/j.1744-1609.2011.00221.x\nMaughan, K. L., Lutterbie, M. A., & Ham, P. S. (2010). Treatment of breast cancer. American Family Physician, 81(11), 1339-1346. Retrieved from http://www.goodsamim.com/resprog/internalmedicine/Academic%20Half%20Day/April%202013/Breast%20Cancer%20April%209%20Lecture%203.pdf\nMcCaul, K. D., Schroeder, D. M., & Reid, P. A. (1996). Breast cancer worry and screening: some prospective data. Health Psychology, 15(6), 430-433. doi:10.1037/0278-6184.108.40.2060\nQuinn, G. P., Vadaparampil, S. T., Gwede, C. K., Miree, C., King, L. M., Clayton, H. B., ... & Munster, P. (2007). Discussion of fertility preservation with newly diagnosed patients: oncologists’ views. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 1(2), 146-155. doi:10.1007/s11764-007-0019-9\nRaque-Bogdan, T. L., Hoffman, M. A., Ginter, A. C., Piontkowski, S., Schexnayder, K., & White, R. (2015). The work life and career development of young breast cancer survivors. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1, 1-15. doi:10.1037/cou0000068\nRosen, A., Rodriguez-Wallberg, K. A., & Rosenzweig, L. (2009). Psychosocial distress in young cancer survivors. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 25(4), 268-277. doi:10.1016/j.soncn.2009.08.004\nRutter, D. R. (2000). Attendance and reattendance for breast cancer screening: a prospective 3-year test of the theory of planned behaviour. British Journal of Health Psychology, 5, 1-13. doi:10.1348/135910700168720\nSomers, J. M., Goldner, E. M., Waraich, P., & Hsu, L. (2006). Prevalence and incidence studies of anxiety disorders: a systematic review of the literature. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51(2), 100-113. Retrieved from http://ww1.cpa-apc.org/Publications/Archives/CJP/2006/february/sommers-RP.asp\nStark, D. P. H., & House, A. (2000). Anxiety in cancer patients. British Journal of Cancer, 83(10), 1261-1267. doi:10.1054/bjoc.2000.1405\nThomas, S. F., Glynne‐Jones, R., Chait, I., & Marks, D. F. (1997). Anxiety in long‐term cancer survivors influences the acceptability of planned discharge from follow‐up. Psycho‐Oncology, 6(3), 190-196. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-1611(199709)6:3<190::AID-PON274>3.0.CO;2-0\nWorld Health Organization. (2015). Cancer. Retrieved from World Health Organization website: http://who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs297/en/\nFor more information or assistance, visit:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Famous Supreme Court decisions\nStudying these cases and learning about the Constitution are essential parts of most every grade level curriculum. These sites provide a diverse array of teacher friendly lessons that can be used or changed to reflect the appropriate learning level.\nSupreme Court decisions that deal with teaching.\nA must read for all educators.\nThe Supreme Court site\nAs dull as can be with sophisticated materials hidden if you use the search engine. If you can’t fall asleep visit this site.\nA terrific site with all the major Supreme Court decisions and lesson plans available.\nA link site to many lessons about the Supreme Court and its decisions\nConstitution Day resoruces\nEvolution and the Law\nThis resource has many links to this continuing legal discussion.\nReligion in Supreme Court decisions\nStudents’ rights under the law\nVery good for getting interest in this subject\nJim Crow laws and the Constitution\nRelates to Civil Rights through the ages.\nA very simple interactive site about the Court\nNice site with useful graphics on checks and balances.\nA valuable stie that has a long list of decisins and simple explanations of them. A good place to find cases for a debate.\nThe Constitution Center\nThis search engine has a lot of good resources.\nSupreme Court Historical Society\nSome good materials, but too sophisticated for elementary.\nCongress for Kids\nA variety of lessons for younger students\nHear actual Supreme Court cases\nVery interesting site\nThis huge site enables students to find information about all types of cases. Teachers need to use site to find materials. Too difficult for younger students.\nAfrican American related cases\nConstitutional Rights Foundation\nCenter for Civic Education", "label": "No"} +{"text": "According to foreign studies, about 20% of diseases in veterinary medicine accounted for ear infections.Every dog owner sooner or later confronted with this problem, and he was faced with the question of how to treat your beloved pet's ears.\nDiseases ears (otitis) are divided into inflammation (otitis media), and inflammation of the outer ear (otitis media) of the middle ear.Unfortunately, most owners notice the disease arose when there is blood from the dog's ears due to constant scratching.\nCauses of otitis\nAmong the causes of inflammation of the outer ear, you can list such as hypothermia due to the low temperature, ingress of foreign particles in the ear or water, allergies and various neoplasms.Particular attention should be paid to otodektoz (ear itch).Otodektoz called in the ear canal parasitic mites (Otodectes).The development of otitis in this case is due to the constant itch mite induced physiological waste, and is a secondary phenomenon.Unlike cats, dogs otodektoz rarer.\nOtitis outer ear occurs predominantly in long-eared and long-haired dogs and dogs suffering from obesity.Caring for these dogs require especially careful, ear cleaning should be carried out as a preventive measure on a weekly basis.\ninflammation of the outer ear.Symptoms and treatment\nTo the dog will no longer have any complications, it is necessary to diagnose the disease.The owner must regularly inspect the dog, it will help to identify disease at an early stage and to decide how to treat your ears.The very first symptom, which is necessary to pay attention to is the slight redness of the skin in the ear canal of the outer ear.Animal bows his head in the direction of the hearth pain and shakes his head from side to side.\nIf the skin is formed scaly thickening and pressing at the base of the ear causes acute pain and is accompanied by a squish, the disease is in an advanced stage.In the transition to the stage of chronic diseases, ear canal skin thickens, becomes rough, and the lumen of the ear is significantly narrowed.Since chronic otitis virtually impossible to treat, an important question remains of early diagnosis and early treatment of the disease.\nHow to treat your ears?How to start treatment?First of all, you should contact your veterinarian, it will set the root cause of the disease emerged.It is taken from the ear of the animal, and the scraping of the analysis is determined by the presence of otitis parasitic or non-parasitic origin.When you first apply special otodektoz protivokleschevoy drugs and then treated directly with otitis media.For the treatment of otitis media caused by allergies or impaired metabolic processes, strict diet, and the ear with a cotton swab of fluid removed and processed green paint scratches.\nInflammation of the middle ear.Symptoms and treatment\nThis kind of disease is much greater than the inflammation of the outer ear.During the illness may be pus, especially in late or incorrect treatment.It spread fear of inflammation of the inner ear and then to the brain.This happens most often in cats while running otodektoz.When purulent inflammation of the ear may be an increase in body temperature of the dog, pain reaction, decreased or loss of appetite.Purulent inflammation is often asymptomatic.\nRemember that when the first signs of otitis need to find a vet how to treat your pet's ears.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Credit Recovery Explained\nBy Rebecca St. Andrie\nSay the words “summer school,” and an image immediately flashes into your mind. The same doesn’t hold, however, for “credit recovery” -- a movement born out of the No Child Left Behind Act.\nCredit recovery programs -- also described by some as “summer school after school” -- are designed to help struggling students graduate. Using many different strategies, often involving online class work, the programs give students who have fallen behind the chance to “recover” credits that otherwise would be lost.\nThis worthy effort nevertheless raises many questions for those involved in education simply because so little is known about it. No federal definition of credit recovery exists, although classes are supported by several government funding mechanisms. Similarly, no coherent definition has emerged among states that cite credit recovery programs in statutes or administrative codes.\nSubscribers please click here to continue reading. If you are not a subscriber, please click here to purchase this article or to obtain a subscription to ASBJ.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "I am Hashem your G-d Who took you out from the Land of Egypt, from the house of slaves. (Shemot 20:2)\n1. The description of Hashem as Redeemer.\nParshat Yitro describes the communication of the Aseret HaDibrot – the Decalogue – to Bnai Yisrael. The first statement of Decalogue is contained in the above passage. In this statement, Hashem introduces Himself as the G-d Who redeemed the Bnai Yisrael from Egypt. Our Sages note that Hashem does not introduce Himself as Creator. Instead, He describes Himself as the redeemer of Bnai Yisrael. Why does He choose to refer to Himself in this manner? Rashi quotes the Midrash as explaining that Hashem was communicating that the redemption of the nation from Egypt was in-itself an adequate event to bind the nation in service to Hashem. In other words, the message of the Hashem’s statement is that because He redeemed the nation from Egypt, the nation owes its service to Him.\nRav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik Zt”l explains that this first statement establishes the unique relationship between Hashem and Bnai Yisrael. This relationship was established or demonstrated through His rescue of the nation from oppression and the annihilation by the Egyptians. In this context – as a basis for the unique bond between Hashem and His nation – His role as Creator is not relevant. Acknowledgement and service to Hashem as Creator are responsibilities shared by all of humanity. He is the Creator of all humankind. Redemption from Egypt provides a basis for service to Hashem that is unique to Bnai Yisrael.\n2. The purpose of the first statement of the Decalogue.\nRav Soloveitchik’s interpretation of the Midrash’s comments provides an important insight into the purpose and objective of this first statement of the Decalogue. The objective of this statement is not to educate the nation regarding Hashem’s nature or His relationship with the universe and reality. If this were the intention of the statement, then it would have indeed been appropriate for Hashem to introduce Himself as the Creator and Sovereign of the universe. This description provides a more fundamental understanding to Hashem’s relationship to all that exists than reference to His redemption of Bnai Yisrael. Instead, the objective of this introduction is to establish a basis or to serve as a preamble to the commandments that will follow. Bnai Yisrael are poised to enter into an exclusive relationship with Hashem. This introduction explains the foundation, rational, and the ethical imperative that underlie this relationship. We are compelled to serve the One who redeemed us from certain annihilation in Egypt.\n3. Conflicting perceptions of Hashem.\nRashi continues his comments on the above passage. Again, drawing from the Midrash, he explains that there is an alternative explanation of the passage. The nation had observed Hashem at the Reed Sea as a young warrior vanquishing His enemies. Now, at Sinai, they see Him as a compassionate elder. These vastly different perceptions seem irreconcilable and suggest that the nation has witnessed the acts of two different deities – that the deity that had ruthlessly destroyed the Egyptians could not possibly be the same as the deity of Sinai. Hashem addressed this notion by responding, “I am Hashem your G-d that took you out to Egypt…” One deity destroyed Egypt and now, presents Himself at Sinai.\nRashi’s comments from the Midrash present two challenges. First, it is clear from the Midrash that Bnai Yisrael believed that one god could not be responsible for both the destruction of Egypt and the Revelation at Sinai. Wherein lies the contradiction in these two perceptions of Hashem? Second, the Midrash seems to attribute a message to the statement that is not readily evident from the statement. What evidence does the Midrash find in the passage to support its interpretation?\nRav Soloveitchik explains that the Midrash is noting that the perception of Hashem’s nature that emerged from the destruction of the Egyptians at the Reed Sea was that He is a G-d of vengeance. He destroyed the idolatrous Egyptians who had persecuted His nation. He showed no compassion for His enemies and granted them no mercy. The G-d revealed in the Decalogue was very different from this vengeful deity. He instructed His servant to treat each other with justice. He tought them to control their passions and not needlessly harm others. Hashem’s servants must control their passions. They may not even covet another’s possessions. These two perceptions seemed contradictory to Bnai Yisrael. It seemed that two different deities had revealed themselves – one a mighty god of wrath and vengeance, the other a god of love and compassion. At Sinai, Hashem responded: I am One. The G-d revealed at Sinai is the self-same G-d Who revealed Himself at the Reed Sea.\nWhat evidence of this message did the Midrash find in the passage? Rav Soloveitchik explain that the Midrash is based upon the very first word of the passage. In the Hebrew language there are two words that can be used to communicate “I” – the first person. Most commonly the word ani is used. Occasionally, the word anochi is employed. What is the difference between these two words? Generally, the term anochi is used when the speaker wishes to emphasis himself as the subject. Often, he is identifying himself in distinction from others. Anochi means “I” in a specific sense and in distinction from anyone else. A few examples will illustrate one manner in which the Torah employs the word anochi:\n• Hashem asked Kayin where his brother Hevel was. Kayin responded “Am I my brother’s guardian?” Kayin was responding that Hevel’s welfare was not his responsibility. He was saying, “Why ask me?” In this context the Torah uses the word anochi. Kayin was protesting his appointment as Hevel’s guardian. He was protesting, “Why me more than someone else?”\n• Sarah gave her servant Hagar to Avraham as a wife. Hagar conceived and began to act towards Sarah with condescension. Sarah protested to Avraham. She said, “I placed my servant at your chest. She saw that she had conceived and I became inconsequential in her eyes.” Sarah was emphasizing the unjust irony of her situation. She was the one – no one else – who gave Hagar to Avraham and now, she was suffering from Hagar’s attitude of superiority. Again, in this context the term anochi is appropriate.\n• Yaakov appeared before his father Yitzcahak disguised as his brother Esav. Yitzchak asked him to identify himself. He responded “I am Esav your first born.” His was telling his father that he is the real Esav. In other words he was saying, “I – and I alone – am Esav. Again, the appropriate term is employed – anochi.\nIn the first statement of the Decalogue, Hashem says, “I –Anochi – am Hashem your G-d Who brought you out of Egypt. The use of the word anochi indicates that Hashem is saying, “I Who speaks to you now at Sinai am the same G-d that appeared to you at the Reed Sea.” Hashem is telling the nation that the G-d of Sinai is the self-same G-d that annihilated the Egyptians. Now, the Midrash’s understanding of the passage is easily grasped. Hashem is telling the people that one G-d redeemed them from Egypt and now is delivering to them the gift of Torah. This statement must have been necessitated by the nation’s confusion stemming from their varied perceptions of Hashem. Hashem responds that He is One even though He is perceived differently in different situations.\n Rabbaynu Shlomo ben Yitzchak (Rashi), Commentary on Sefer Shemot 20:2.\n Maimonides explains in his Sefer HaMitzvot that this passage is one of the 613 commandments of the Torah. He describes the commandment as recognition of Hashem as Cause of all existence. Others disagree and do not regard this statement as a commandment. Nachmanides, in his glosses to Sefer HaMitzvot, explains that those who dispute Maimonides’ position, regard the statement as introductory to the commandments. Hashem introduces Himself to the nation. Once the nation accepts Him as Sovereign, then He will legislate the commandments. This dispute between Maimonides and his opponents can be readily understood based upon the above discussion. Maimonides opponents regard the statement as a rational or the basis for a moral imperative to serve Hashem. We must serve Him because He saved us. Maimonides disagrees. He regards the statement as an intellectual lesson. Hashem is providing the nation with the most profound understanding of the universe that humanity can achieve. Hashem is its Cause. He gives the universe its existence every moment. Maimonides regards the acknowledgement of Hashem’s relationship with the universe and His centrality to its existence as a commandment. It is not a preamble to commandments or a rational for them. Instead, the statement is a profound and fundamental teaching that shapes the Jew’s perceptions of the universe that surrounds him.\nOf course, Maimonides’ position seems suspect. Why did Hashem not describe Himself as Creator? Why did He refer to Himself as the Redeemer of the nation if His intent was to impart the profound understanding of Hashem and the universe that Maimonides attributes to this statement? Nachamanides actually addresses this issue in his commentary on the Torah at the end of Parshat Bo. He explains that the redemption of Bnai Yisrael from Egypt through unprecedented miracles that contravened the laws of nature and the natural order demonstrated Hashem’s omnipotence and sovereignty over the universe. This omnipotence can only be attributed to the Creator. In other words, it was impossible for the generation that stood at Sinai to have first-hand knowledge of creation – an event in antiquity. However, the miracles of Egypt provided first-hand proof – proof the generation witnessed – that Hashem was Creator. (Shemot 13:16).\n Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, Recorded Lecture on Aseret HaDibrot, part 1, 1969.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Cross-curricular learning using video games.\nGUEST COLUMN | by Suzi Wilczynski\nFor thousands of years, excellent teachers have known that games and learning belong together. Today we have remarkable technology available to us that makes the game experience more comprehensive and interactive than ever before. Using this technology, gaming transforms from a fun distraction into an opportunity to create a cross-curricular approach to learning for students. Interactive, cross-curricular games allow for that magically immersive experience in education referred to as “deeper learning” where students are continually engaged and interacting with subjects they love, progressing to higher levels of understanding and ability in crucial areas.\nEffective educational games bear certain hallmarks that should be known and considered.\nIn school environments, math, science, social studies and language arts have traditionally been taught at different times of day, in different classrooms, and with different teachers. Game developers have the chance to break down these artificially-imposed barriers between subjects to create interdisciplinary learning. If one of the main objectives of the Common Core State Standards is to make college-ready students, then an interdisciplinary, cross-curricular approach is vital. Interdisciplinary studies that require students to use knowledge in a new way are powerful tools that help students achieve deeper learning.\nCross-curricular games provide students an opportunity to apply their skills outside the isolated environment of their math, science, social studies and language arts classrooms. When problem solving is put into a larger context with real-world applications, students internalize concepts and process them in a way that makes sense to them, leading to deeper understanding and better retention. Every good teacher knows that true learning comes from students finding the answers on their own and in their own way, an essential part of gaming and cross-curricular gaming in particular.\nWhether or not you support the Common Core State Standards, we can all agree that the goal of education is to create “men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered” (Piaget). Cross-curricular gaming in the classroom is an important step in that process. Not all games are the same, however, so how do you know whether a game will successfully assist a student in accomplishing deeper learning, or any academic learning at all?\nWhat to look for in a game\nEffective educational games bear certain hallmarks that should be known and considered. Here are a few key elements to look for in a solid learning game experience:\nPurpose-aligned learning. An effective game encourages a student use what they have learned for a future purpose. Inevitably, at some point, students will ask or wonder some variation of the famous phrase, ‘When am I ever going to need to know this?’ Learning games that clearly show a student that they can use what they learn for a future purpose instill a level of confidence and willingness in that student that makes teaching and learning look effortless. Such games are carefully developed; look for those clearly aligned to a future purpose for the student.\nContent area knowledge. The gaming industry is crowded with games of every variety. While zombies and guns are popular, what you are looking for are those games that actually help a student along an academic course in science, social studies, music, art, etc., and that help them in these areas because ‘Zombie Hunter’ is not a real job listing. Scientist, educator, project manager, curator, artist are all real-world possibilities and while Common Core is a great guideline, more importantly, the future is what we make it.\nOpportunities to explore. In educating a child, their self-determinism, the opportunity for them to look in wonder and to make a choice, one that they feel may be correct or interesting or one that merely satisfies their curiosity, is precious. Games provide a unique opportunity for children to explore and investigate things that are specifically of interest to them. There is a certain pleasure in learning new things, and even in going over the familiar, especially when one is in control of that learning. Look for games that provide the student situations in which they can choose a path forward and in which they control the level and pace of exposure to new information.\nMultiple cognitive skills to problem solve. Even simple games engage multiple skills. Shooting zombies involves coordination, strategic thinking, and often collaboration with other players. Those skills are important, but literacy, mathematical knowledge, and comprehensive understanding of particular content are more useful in the long run. Good cross-curricular games are just that: they combine two or more curriculum areas into an engaging whole. They put students in situations where they must draw on information and skills learned in multiple classes, an ability that will serve them well in college and the job market.\nWhat this means for the future\nSo, what does all this mean for the future? When it comes to learning and games, what should teachers look for? What should concerned parents look for? Games that enhance learning and develop knowledge come in many shapes and sizes. Teachers and parents should look for games that have at least one of the elements above, and the more they have the more the student will get out of the game. But the most educational game in the world is completely useless if it is lacking one key quality: fun. Fun is what sets games apart from other learning methods. Some people may think that “fun educational game” is an oxymoron, but the fact is, games that allow children to explore, use multiple cognitive skills, demonstrate content knowledge and provide them context for what they are learning are inherently fun. When we as educators, parents and even game developers accept the challenge to present knowledge in a clear, enticing and engaging way to our students, teaching and learning become not a challenge at all, but a true pleasure.\nSuzi Wilczynski is the founder and CEO of Dig-It! Games, a company that believes in the power of games to promote critical thinking, independent learning, and cultural understanding. Their games incorporate age-appropriate content in math, science, social studies and language arts into fun, interactive and engaging learning experiences.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Quantitative macroeconomics subject focuses on the evaluation of economic theory and present global uses of associated concepts and their restrictions in the present sphere. This subject focuses on the study of the economic habitat of customers and manufacturing companies and their interconnection in markets for products, services, and other features of manufacturing, strategic interconnection, and evaluation of public products. Students seek Quantitative Macroeconomics Assignment Help as economics assignments require great time and dedication. Are you wondering who can do your Quantitative Macroeconomics Assignment Help at affordable prices? Well, experts at My Assignment Services Canada are here to make your academic life better, easier, and stress-free. Our experts provide solutions on various macroeconomics topics like the functioning of the national economy and aggregate economic variables, outcomes, employment, and unemployment-based factors, gross domestic product, inflation, and various cabinet laws that impact variables.\nMacroeconomics is the branch of economics that focuses on the formation, management, performance, and decision-making of a business marketplace. It gathers regional, global, and national economies. Macroeconomics deals with the changes in the economy like consumption, gross domestic product, and so on.\nQuantitative macroeconomics deals with constructing and evaluating macroeconomics models of economic development and business procedures. It also deals with advanced mathematical techniques to resolve economic dynamic development structures both numerically and analytically. Here are some of the objectives of learning quantitative macroeconomics:\nOnline Assignment Help\nCustom Essay Help\nDissertation Writing Service\nA macroeconomist is needed to foretell economic circumstances to assist customers, organizations, and governments to make better decisions:\nThe total amount of goods and services that a nation manufactures is commonly called the Gross Domestic Product. It is considered the blueprint of the economy at a specific point in time. When talking about GDP, a macroeconomist uses real GDP, which takes inflation into reports compared with nominal GDP, which contemplates only reforms in costs. The nominal GDP statistics are higher when the inflation rate goes high year after year, so we can say that it is not an essential indicator of higher outcome standards, only of higher prices.\nThe unemployment rate helps macroeconomic analysts determine the number of individuals from the available labour unit is inadequate to discover work. Macroeconomists consent that when the economy records developments from period to period, which is specified in the GDP growth rate, the unemployment rate tends to be below. This is so that as the real GDP stages, we realize that the outcome is higher, and hence, more workers are required to maintain the levels with the greater levels of manufacturing.\nInflation rate is the third concept with which macroeconomists deal. It is simply defined as the rise in prices of goods and services. The inflation rate is mainly measured in two techniques which are the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Gross Domestic Rate (GDP) deflator. The CPI depicts the present rate of a selected hamper of products and services that is modernized periodically. The GDP deflator is defined as the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP. The costs of goods and services are considered to be rising when the nominal GDP is higher than the real GDP. Both the GDP deflator and CPI are regarded to shift in the same direction and vary by less than 1%.\nIf you are seeking macroeconomics assignment help then contact us as your right study mate and get A+ grades in your assignments and academic challenges.\nStudents studying economics are required to have proper knowledge about the production and consumption of products and services. It is often seen that they face issues in solving their macroeconomics assignments as it involves various formulas, logic, and correct information to write solutions precisely. Most of the quantitative macroeconomics assignments are annoying and disappointing as it requires a lot of time and various confusion happens while solving them as a consequence end up getting poor grades and deficiency in various concepts of the subject. Hence, to avoid this risk students seek Quantitative Macroeconomics Assignment Help from authentic sources like My Assignment Services Canada. Moreover, experts that provide Quantitative Macroeconomics Homework Help have brought you this sample question.\nHere is the solution:\n24 X 7 Support\n100+ Subjects Covered\n2000+ Ph.D Experts\nThe years of experience that our experts have in providing assignment solutions is self-explanatory that we are the finest and customer pride is our priority. Here are some of the bonuses you will get by availing of our Quantitative Macroeconomics Homework Help:\nWhy stress? You just have to connect with My Assignment Services and we will complete your Global Economy Assignment Help within the deadline.\n5 Stars to their Experts for my Assignment Assistance.\nThere experts have good understanding and knowledge of university guidelines. 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Here you Go....\nGet Flat 10% Discount Upto A$50 on all Assignment Orders:\nGet 20% OFF upto A$40 on your First Assignment order.\nGet 500 Words Free on your Assignment:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pupils' conceptions of learning geography under the National Curriculum\nConceptions of geography and learning geography have been studied through recording the experiences of a group of secondary school pupils over a threeyear period. This group formed part of the first cohort to experience Key Stage 3 Geography in the National Curriculum. The study is set within the context of Geography in the National Curriculum and the formulation and issues arising from this are discussed. A review of recent research in geographical education is presented to indicate how this study adds to current thought and practice. The study sought evidence to answer two specific questions: 1. What is geography? 2. What is learning geography? The study is set in a secondary school in Kent where the researcher has taught for sixteen years. Evidence was obtained from two classes of pupils, these were taught geography by the researcher for the whole period of Key Stage 3 1991- 1994. Data was obtained through applying a range of methods. The study was conducted in the phenomenographic tradition, seeking qualitatively different ways in which pupils understood the phenomena of geography and learning geography, and describing the \"structural\" and \"referential\" aspects of each. Categories of description of the distinctly different ways in which the phenomena are understood have been identified, presented and discussed. The categories are illustrated by quotes from individual pupils. These form the results of the study. The results of the study shed light on the ways in which pupils understand aspects of geography and learning geography as developed in the context of Geography in the National Curriculum. The longitudinal perspective adopted illuminates how these understandings change over time. A discussion is presented which clarifies the main features of the conceptions discovered. This is followed by a consideration as to how the results of the research could be applied by teachers to their understanding of geography, the pupils they teach, and in planning learning experiences. The thesis concludes by drawing together the contextual setting of the research, methodology and key findings. It suggests reasons that may have influenced the findings before considering their utility and avenues for further research.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "How P-16 education can increase women in STEM fields\nOn Pi Day, which lands during Women's History Month, we dive into the complexities of recruiting and retaining women in STEM fields\nSandra Cauffman was just seven years old when the Apollo 11 crew made a historic landing on the moon on July 20, 1969. Cauffman and other children in the neighborhood gathered around a neighbor’s flickering black and white television screen to watch Neil Armstrong plant his foot into the dusty lunar terrain — a mesmerizing moment during which she felt anything was possible.\n“I told my mom I want to go to the moon,” said Cauffman. “And my mother said ‘you can be anything you want, just put your mind to it, you never know.’”\nCauffman is now the Deputy Director of the Earth Science Division in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA. But getting to that point was not easy; growing up in a poor Costa Rican family in San José Canton district meant Cauffman would have a number of barriers to obtaining her goal, not the least of which was gender.\nData show only 29% of the science and engineering workforce is comprised of women. And with the onus resting on the shoulders of higher education leaders to provide graduates for gaps in the workforce, as well as significant ROI for students — barriers in the pathway create not only moral challenges, but economic ones.\nPressures for women don’t start in college, but early on — and finding a solution to workforce demands requires leaders across the spectrum to collaborate in order to patch a leaky pipeline.\nEarly Education: Implicit bias creates the beginnings of a gender gap\nGrowing up Cauffman says her mother, a single parent, worked multiple jobs concurrently to keep the family afloat. But that didn’t stop her from being one of her daughter’s strongest advocates.\n“I think parents and teachers have the power of elevating kids and helping them succeed, or they can consume them and tell them they can’t do anything,” said Cauffman. “I had a lot of encouragement from my mother and and that really pointed me … it helped me decide I wanted to be an engineer.”\nIn addition to her mother, Cauffman cites one particularly encouraging teacher as supporting her in her quest to get to the moon.\n“I had a wonderful elementary school teacher, who was loving and demanded a lot out of her students. She taught me to participate in everything and pay attention,” said Cauffman. “I had her all the years, and she was very encouraging.”\nBut not all girls get the same encouragement. Experts show a lack of encouragement and confidence building from both parents and early instructors can result in girls devaluing their abilities, a symptom that can conflate throughout college and beyond.\nAuthors of a Joan Ganz Cooney Center report on early STEM education, “STEM starts early,” found gender-based perceptions around girls’ abilities can start affecting them as early as their toddler years. A longitudinal study of more than 12,000 students showed that while there isn’t a math gender gap in kindergarten, one forms and grows by the end of third grade among some of the top performing students — and much of it is attributable to the effects of teacher bias. Additional studies show girls begin downplaying their intelligence by around age 6.\n“What we were seeing is even if you have a boy and a girl who are equally engaged with the material, equally well engaged in class [...] and that boy and girl has the same test score, it turns out that the teacher often says the boy has a higher math ability than the girl,” said Joseph Cimpian, one of the report’s authors. “The punchline is teachers underrating the ability of girls actually leads to the gender gap growing — it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.”\nAnd the same thing happens in terms of parental encouragement, says Cindy Hoisington, an early childhood and elementary science teacher, at the Education Development Center. She mentioned a recent study where girl and boy toddlers traded clothing to see how parents would interact with them.\n“The adults came in and the children they thought were girls — they were pushing dolls on them, talking a lot about feelings, and loving the baby doll and feeding it.“But, with the boys they were interacting with them with trucks and asking questions like ‘How do you think this works?’ Already with toddlers you will see that’s the kind of mindset that starts science learning,” said Hoisington.\nCimpian and his colleagues recommend more alignment between pre-K and elementary STEM education, including initiatives that offer information to parents on how to start engaging their children in these subjects. But closer collaboration with higher ed and industry at a younger age is also needed.\nResearch shows that interest in STEM peaks in middle school but can disappear in high school — often due to societal pressures. This particularly manifests in subjects like calculus, which are key to getting into STEM careers, with research showing that declining interest in STEM among girls from grade 4 onwards, controlling for for academic preparedness, career intentions, and instruction, means the odds overall of a woman being dissuaded from continuing in the subject is 1.5 times greater than that for a man.\nMore help from higher education and industry to build the pipeline\nTo tackle this higher education and tech industry leaders can begin to publicize more female role models and offer hands-on opportunities in science to younger girls through K-12 partnerships.\nFor example, the Women in Engineering program at the University of Maryland, College Park builds out the pathway for women by reaching out to girls in 4th through 12th grade with STEM programs offered throughout the summer and academic year. Initially, the program only targeted 11th and 12th graders, but the directors realized that by that it time, it was too late to attract and sustain interest.\nBy focusing on a greater segment of their desired future enrollees, the school is fostering a more viable talent pool from which to recruit. By tapping into girls’ curiosity while young and then building the confidence in their abilities into high school, these institutions are able to engage more women at a key transitional point at which they decide whether to go into a STEM major upon entering college.\nHigher Education to career: Fear of failure leads to low retention rates\nCauffman managed to finish high school and went on to the University of Costa Rica, where she was told by professors studying electrical engineering wasn’t “womanly” enough.\n“They told me I couldn’t study electrical engineering because I was a woman,” said Cauffman, who reports being steered toward industrial engineering instead. “I spent seven semesters in this, and I didn’t like it. So I decided to pack up and come to the United States.”\nCauffman would go on to learn English and take on a side job as a cashier in a hardware store to pay her way through bachelor’s and master’s degrees at George Mason University. She eventually graduated with degrees in electrical engineering and physics and was hired on the spot by NASA. But for many women, the pressures of not being “fit” for these types of careers compels them to give up and go into an alternative field — even if the interest and performance was sustained through high school.\nLisa Flores, a researcher from the University of Missouri whose work centers on retention factors for women in STEM, found engineering fields often lack women when there is an impression from the campus community they will not succeed. More specifically, her team found women often “expect negative experiences in the field and that might be enough to deter them.”\nCultural change is needed\nWomen leave the tech industry at a rate 45% higher than men and the gender gap in computing jobs has widened in the last 30 years. Colleges seeking to keep up their retention rates for women in STEM fields may be taking a step in the right direction by allowing industry partners to actively recruit women on campus, but leveling the playing field requires addressing culture in the classroom and in the workforce.\nThat’s the basis of efforts by The United Nations Women, which developed its HeForShe initiative to create networks between corporations, governments, and higher education institutions around the world to not only advance gender equity, making it clear that certain places of work are not just made for men.\nStony Brook University President Samuel L. Stanley, Jr., who is participating in the initiative,\nsaid despite typically low retention rates in STEM fields, he found that those classes offering mentorship opportunities with female faculty members led to the institution retaining and graduating higher numbers of women in STEM.\n“Women at Stony Brook graduate at a higher rate than men, so we’re missing opportunities to produce more engineers by not getting more women interested in STEM,” he said, calling the failure to attract more women to the disciplines “a tremendous waste of potential.”\nCode.org CEO, Hadi Partovi said tech companies also have a responsibility to “promote role models who have diverse backgrounds to help show the younger generation examples of existing leaders in technology.”\n“The internal culture of some of these companies is famously bad on diversity issues, and people should recognize that creates a disincentive for students to get into them and stay in the field,” she said.\n“There is some understanding that needs to occur. Yes there are women and there are men, and that doesn’t determine what you can do,” said Cauffman, who recalled that during her work on the Hubble Space Telescope, male colleagues questioned her ability to do the work. “It’s a matter of speaking up and saying what your needs are — but also demonstrating your commitment.”\nFollow Shalina Chatlani on Twitter", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A new exhibit has opened up at Chico State showing the history of Japanese internment camps in America.\nIt's called Imprisoned at Home at the Valene l. Smith Museum of Anthropology.\nAbout 120-thousand Japanese-Americans living in the country after the bombing of Pearl Harbor who were then forced to live in what were known as war relocation centers.\nStan Umeda was seven years old when he was forced into an internment camp, and was on hand for the exhibit's opening reception:\nHe said, \"But in essence, 9/11 happened. Holy cow this is happening to somebody else, we can't let this happen again. So we got more active again because it really is something that unless you are vigilant, things will happen again, it really is frightening at times.”\nThe exhibit runs through august the Valene Smith Museum of Anthropology is located in the Meriam Library Complex on campus.\n- Chico State opens new exhibit\n- Moon exhibit at Chico museum\n- Gold Nugget Museum opens new exhibit\n- Turtle Bay Opens New Prehistoric Exhibition\n- New Exhibits Open Thursday at MONCA\n- 'Black and White in Black and White' Exhibit Opens in Chico\n- Chico State opens new agriculture center\n- Chico State graduates open hot yoga studio in Chico\n- Outdoor recreation and fishing exhibit opens in Paradise\n- Gateway Science Museum new exhibit", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The protagonist is the chief actor, or main character, in your book. It might be a man or a woman, or even a fictional character with no gender (such as a tree). For today’s post, we’re going to refer to the protagonist as “him” for continuity’s sake.\nWhy is it important for your protagonist to be powerful? I don’t mean physically strong. I don’t even mean personally effective or likeable. Your protagonist may be on your readers’ hate list, but perhaps they have a grudging respect for him. I’m talking about powerful in terms of making an impact with your readers. A main character who doesn’t make an impact with your readers is going to lead you down the path to the dark side of being unpublishable.\nIn order to understand what makes him powerful, let’s look first at what makes him weak. A protagonist who is perpetually stupid, whines about everything, and can’t make a decision for himself is weak. A useless person with no good reason for never standing up and being courageous, instead preferring to cower behind somebody else. What kind of a story could you have about such a person if he stayed that way throughout the entire book? While he might be a great “good guy,” if nobody cares what happens to him, he’s weak. If your readers feel like slapping him in the face and screaming, “Get a grip, guy!”, he’s weak. If you readers don’t keep reading, he’s weak.\nTHIS ARTICLE describes it very well in calling him a “useless” protagonist.\nHow to make him powerful? Give him foibles and weaknesses, but create him in a way that makes readers care about what happens to him. There has to be something special about him; something nobody else in the story has. (Not like three eyes—unless you’re writing fantasy.) Your protagonist may start out weak and wimpy, but he has to grow and change as the story progresses. Or he may pretend to be weak, but is truly effective in overcoming his problems and knowing when to take charge as necessary to stand up for himself, as well as others.\nTHIS ARTICLE is very good in discussing strong and weak characters.\nYou can go overboard with an all-powerful protagonist. If your superhero main character overcomes everything thrown at him and shows no weaknesses—or even emotions—then he’s Mr. Perfect. Nothing can touch Mr. Perfect, including the antagonist (bad guy), so you end up with the same problem as before—what can you write about him? Your protagonist must be balanced to be effective for your story.\nHow do you find out if your protagonist isn’t powerful? Beta readers are excellent people to give you feedback on such a problem. You might send questions along with the MS which will help you specifically focus on this issue. Rather than drowning them with forms to fill out, try a simple question: “Did you care about the main character? If not, why?” You might be surprised at their answer!\nNext week we’ll discuss ‘Writer’s Block’\nThis series is not meant to be (nor will it be) simple static information.\nI’ll be here for each post to answer questions, offer suggestions as necessary, and interact with you.\nIf there’s something you specifically want (or need!) to see addressed in terms of self-editing, please let me know in the comments under this, or any of the articles of the series.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Your body has various sophisticated ways to automatically detox every day through its main systems and organs, but also through some other, perhaps more surprising ways…\n- Bowel movements – when our intestines break down nutrients, the waste materials include toxins and unhelpful bacteria which are expelled by the colon. Excessive bowel movements, whether frequent or diarrhoea are our body’s way of ejecting toxins as quickly as possible.\n- Urination – urine is a waste product from both the kidneys and liver functions.\n- Snot & mucous – lovely! But a good way of pushing out this internal breeding ground for bacteria and disease.\n- Bile and vomit – the liver cleans the blood, producing enzymes to destroy toxins that come from our food, water and the air. These toxins can then be expelled through both urine and bile. Vomiting is a more extreme ejection of toxins from the body such as food poisoning.\nThose four are well known, but did you know the next four?\n- Skin – one of the best ways to expel toxins is by sweating. Sweating not only regulates temperature it also pushes out toxins. Spots and acne are another representation of the body pushing out toxins to its outermost layer.\n- Breathing – we breathe in toxins, but we also expel them through our breath, helping the lymphatic system cleanse. Through deep and regular breathing, we also expel negative feelings and anxiety.\n- Menstruation – some women do not see the regular arrival of their period in a good light, but actually it is a great and additional way that women’s bodies detox every month. The menstrual period is a natural cleansing process, releasing bacteria from inside the reproductive system and helping the body to discharge excess iron, which in turn helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.\n- Tears – our bodies’ release valve for stress, sadness, grief, anxiety and frustration. There are 3 different types of tears – ‘reflex’ for clearing dust particles, ‘continuous’ for lubrication of the eyes, and ‘emotional’ tears. They all have healing roles but the emotional tears have high amounts of the protein-based hormones produced by the body when under stress. Weeping helps to wash these toxic chemicals out of the body, elevating mood and lowering stress, which is linked to many health problems including lowered immunity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes and obesity. So don’t hold back the tears!\nIt is reassuring to know that the body is always working hard to remove toxins and is so good at self-maintenance. A few extra glasses of wine one evening it can usually handle; a prolonged poor diet may make the body work harder over time and need a boost such as a fast or juice detox, but on the whole it will continue to work well though we do accumulate toxins in the body as we age.\nWhere it does need extra help is when something really significant has interacted with the body and is so overwhelming that the body struggles and can’t detox without extra help. At this point more serious symptoms can occur. One or more of the following can affect the immune system and organs with longer lasting and detrimental consequences to health:\n- Heavy metals (from vaccines, environmental pollutants)\n- Oral contraceptive pill, morning after pill, birth control injection\n- Vaccines, eg HPV, DPT\n- Other medication eg anti histamines\nThis is where homeopathy can step in and give the body some extra information that will help it combat what it views as too many toxic chemicals to handle, no matter how much they may have helped at the time.\nMy Homeopathic Detox Therapy programs address all the above examples and are tailored to the individual. Homeopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic and non-addictive. Give it a try, your body will know what to do.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Many modern-day office chairs make use of hydraulics or ‘pneumatically-driven’ lift systems that permit the individual to move the chair backwards and forwards easily. This enables them to use the scientific research of comfort designs.\nWhat is Comfort design?\nErgonomics is a combination of self-controls such as composition, physiology, psychology and engineering. Essentially, it’s worried about how people connect with their environment as well as the ways the setting can be changed to make sure risk-free and reliable functioning methods. For instance, comfort designs can be applied to physical objects such as chairs and desks, or it could be related to a system, such as communications in between different departments.\nAn ergonomic chair is created specifically to support the body throughout extended periods spent sitting. They have lots of functions that are developed to enhance pose and also convenience as well as to help sustain the health of the individual whilst they are working at a desk. These ergonomic chairs typically have mechanisms to aid to change the seating placements promptly and conveniently– making use of hydraulics via a lever below the chair.\nWhat does the term ‘hydraulics’ imply?\nHydraulics– as well as pneumatics– are the terms used for applications of fluid power. Hydraulics utilizes incompressible liquid steel (such as oil) to allow equipment activity, and pneumatics make use of a conveniently compressible gas such as air (or a pure gas) to enable the very same functionality. Hydraulic systems can relocate hefty lots, nonetheless, pneumatic modern technology is cleaner, utilized for lighter loads (such as workplace chairs), and also is both much safer as well as easier to save. Both systems make use of the same modern technology, nonetheless, pneumatics are normally used for office chairs.\nExactly how does a pneumatically-driven system job?\nPneumatically-driven chairs are adjustable using a lever typically positioned simply below the seat. This lever moves the seat up and down in a fluid activity. But just how does this job? There are several elements that are included right into a pneumatic chair! They are:\nThe chair base (normally 3, 4 or five wheels);.\na gas cyndrical tube that keeps the compressed air;.\na seat that is covered with a plate holding the adjustable bar;.\na cushioned back assistance.\nWhat is a gas cylinder and how does it function?\nGas cylinders, or pneumatic cyndrical tubes, are tools that take the pressured power of pressed gas as well as require it via a chamber which after that moves a piston in the called for area. This movement and also pressure allow the workplace chairs’ seats to rise or lower down. When the bar on the chair is pushed, the gas is pushed in and out of the chamber, facilitating this movement.\nWhy has your workplace chair quit relocating?\nIf a workplace chair is made use of on a daily basis and is quite old, the height modification may be the first thing to go. If your chair won’t increase or down, it is normally because of a malfunctioning gas cyndrical tube, or because of a lift system that won’t work. Depending upon how old the chair, you could either send it back to the maker, repair it on your own or …\nThe most important aspect of a chair is comfort designs however lets speak about functional designs a little.\nSome office trends may ebb and flow, nevertheless, ergonomic workplace furniture is one facet of industrial office design that continues to obtain popularity. The clinically created furnishings and modern technology has actually been verified to benefit the health as well as wellness of workplace staff. Today, ergonomic workplace pieces blend state-of-the-art technology with an attractive visual to help develop a space that gives health benefits to users. Below’s what you require to find out about ergonomic styles in your business room.\nWhat Is Ergonomics?\nSimply put, ergonomics is about producing a work environment in accordance with its customers’ demands. Ergonomics focuses on designing daily workplace tools to fit the handler’s kind, thus boosting performance and also reducing pain. This scientific strategy to work environment style takes into consideration angles, positioning, assistance, as well as most significantly, takes a look at just how each associates with our specific human types.\nTake into consideration the height of your office chair in relation to the computer monitor. Ergonomic positioning of each can drastically enhance position, flexibility, as well as comfort while reducing pressure on muscle mass, joints, and also eyes. Through understanding the human body and its activity, functional designs looks for to enhance all facets of the workplace setting with conscious and thoughtful style.\nWhat is Ergonomic Furniture?\nThe ergonomic workplace chair has actually been around for years and remains to be a vital item in any modern commercial office space. Every year, we see new innovations in ergonomic style that seek to enhance customers’ experience by promoting their physical health. We invest about 8 hours a day in the workplace and also a substantial quantity of time in our desk chairs. The modern-day ergonomic office chair might currently consist of tilters, flexible lumbar support, memory foam seats, and also portable arm rests. The science behind each attribute is based on the selection of human body types, capabilities, and requires.\nErgonomics additionally looks for to urge movement throughout the day. Conventional workplace furniture has forced individuals to continue to be inflexible and less active; nonetheless, the sit-to-stand workdesk permits the operator to work in healthy seated and also standing positions throughout the day. Supplying comfortable floor coverings with standing desks will decrease reduced back pain as well as joint anxiety. Ergonomic keyboards, phones, and headsets motivate all-natural activity when using each product. Customers won’t strain to hold a phone in between their neck and shoulder, nor will certainly they hold wrists as well as hands in unpleasant positions when keying or dialing.\nInnovations in Functional designs.\nScientific research has answered numerous physical demands via innovations in ergonomic workplace furnishings style. We are currently seeing a better focus positioned on the avoidance of psychological stress, anxiety, and also burn-out. Ergonomics is expanding to include methods past monitor placement, neutral positioning, as well as physical movement. Applications to advertise micro-breaks and also mindfulness can be thought about ergonomic technologies, decreasing discomfort and also pain on a mental degree.\nSo whether you are trying to find executive office chairs (καρέκλεσ γραφείου διευθυντικέσ) or staff office chairs (καρεκλες γραφειου) or waiting area office chairs (πολυθρονες γραφειου ), ergonomics and hydraulics are all issues that should be attended to appropriately.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Video Game Technology Embraced by Med Students: Survey\nWEDNESDAY, Aug. 11 -- The vast majority of medical school students believe that technology in the form of virtual reality exercises could help them to develop the skills they will need as future doctors, a new survey reveals.\nThe survey of 200 medical students from the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin-Madison found nearly all (98 percent) believing the technology to be a definite aid to higher learning.\n\"Due in large part to their high degree of technological literacy, today's medical students are a radically different audience than the students of 15 to 20 years ago,\" study co-author Dr. Frederick W. Kron, a former assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Wisconsin and current president of Medical Cyberworlds, Inc., said in a University of Michigan news release.\n\"They are actually more comfortable in image-rich environments than with text,\" Kron added.\nThe findings were published online recently in BMC Medical Education.\nFour out of five of those polled said that video games can have educational value, while more than three-quarters said they would be willing to engage in an online role-play in a virtual health-care setting alongside other student players, if it could help them meet educational goals, the survey found.\n\"Allowing students to step into the shoes of practitioners in different specialties, health-care settings and economic systems, in an immersive and authentic way, could help guide their decisions regarding which career choices would be the best fit with their values and personal characteristics,\" co-author Dr. Michael D. Fetters, an associate professor in family medicine and director of the Japanese Family Health Program at the University of Michigan, noted in the news release.\nThe study authors noted that simulation techniques and computerized mannequins have already become the norm in medical school, serving as a training tool to prepare students for various operating room scenarios. The survey's findings, therefore, could encourage schools to go even further in harnessing technology to improve the educational process, they added.\nFor more on video gaming and education, visit the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College.\nPosted: August 2010\nRecommended for you", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Julius Streicher, the Nazi leader who was considered \"Jew-baiter No.1\" because of his violent anti-Semitism, was captured today by American officers on a farm in Bavaria, where he was trying to hide, using false identification documents.\nThe virulent anti-Semite, who became infamous as a result of his pornographic anti-Jewish weekly \"Der Stuermer,\" and who was very much admired by Hitler for his wild anti-Jewish activities, was discovered by members of the 101st Airborne Division. He was reported to have amassed a huge fortune by robbing Jews and confiscating their property. He was chosen by Hitler in March 1933, to direct a boycott against Jews as a prelude to organised persecution and robbery of the Jewish population in Germany and later in German-occupied territories.\nThe Berlin radio today resumed broadcasting, under control of the Russians, giving lengthy descriptions of the mass-extermination of Jews in the camps at Maidanek and Oswiecim and queting eye-witness reports. The broadcasts will be repeated for several days in order to acquaint the German population with the crimes committed against the Jews during the Hitler regime.\nThe Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Burchardt, Tania and Vizard, Polly (2007) Definition of equality and framework for measurement: final recommendations of the equalities review steering group on measurement. CASEpapers, CASE/120. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.\nDownload (318Kb) | Preview\nIn October 2007, a unified Commission on Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) will begin operation in Britain. The Commission will have responsibility for monitoring and promoting human rights and equality on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, transgender status, and religion/belief. As a precursor to the Commission, the Prime Minister established the Equalities Review, an independent, high-level, investigation of the causes of persistent inequality and disadvantage in British society. Its final report, Fairness and Freedom, in February 2007 adopted the capability approach as its measurement framework and recommended that all public bodies use the framework to “agree priorities, set targets, and evaluate progress towards equality” (p.110). In particular, the Review recommended that the framework be used by the CEHR to inform its regular ‘state of the nation’ report. This paper, and its companion, Developing a Capability List: Final Recommendations of the Equalities Review Steering Group on Measurement (CASEpaper 121), were prepared as background papers to assist in the development of the measurement framework for the Equalities Review. It discusses the challenges in translating capability theory into a practical measurement tool in the context of measuring inequality in Britain in the 21st century. This includes the definition of equality, a procedure for generating and revising a list of central and valuable capabilities (this is considered in more detail in CASE/121), a measurement framework for monitoring trends in inequality, exploring the causes of inequality, and identifying possible policy interventions, and, finally, the types of information and analysis which are required.\n|Item Type:||Monograph (Discussion Paper)|\n|Additional Information:||© 2007 The Authors|\n|Library of Congress subject classification:||H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology|\n|Journal of Economic Literature Classification System:||I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I3 - Welfare and Poverty > I32 - Measurement and Analysis of Poverty\nI - Health, Education, and Welfare > I3 - Welfare and Poverty > I31 - General Welfare; Basic Needs; Living Standards; Quality of Life; Happiness\n|Sets:||Collections > Economists Online\nResearch centres and groups > Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE)\n|Date Deposited:||30 Jun 2008 14:43|\nActions (login required)\n|Record administration - authorised staff only|", "label": "No"} +{"text": "By Nan Talleno\nPHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Dogs vocalize in several ways including barking, whining, yelping, howling and growling, among others. It’s all forms of communication. As a canine behaviorist, I’ve seen that the most disconcerting – for most people and other canines alike – is growling, due to its very nature.\nGrowling is a way for the dog to communicate any number of things including fear, anxiety, insecurity or stress. It could also be purely territorial or used as a warning along with very distinctive body language, such as ears up, hackles up and tail erect to signify an offensive stance or ears pulled back and a lowered tail to signify a defensive and fearful stature but still a serious warning to stay away.\nGrowling is intense communication but not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself. It’s how and why that matter. The dog is trying all he/she can to warn. When a dog growls, it signifies that he/she is perceiving an onset of a threatening situation. It’s a dog’s way of saying that if the threat isn’t removed “I need to aggress,” although the reasons vary with each individual situation. Try to determine WHY your dog is growling BEFORE any aggression on the part of the animal ever takes place.\nAppropriate and responsible leadership skills, making sure the dogs needs are adequately met, along with increased exercise for excess energy to be naturally and safely depleted may be required. But in intensive instances, it’s always best to seek the help of a qualified trainer or behaviorist first.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Satish Deshpande (Ed.)\n|Year of Publication||\nCaste is one of the oldest concerns of the social sciences in India that continues to be relevant even today. This book tracks how scholars from different disciplines have responded to the caste question in independent India and highlights recent shifts in perspective.\nThe general perception about caste is that it is an outdated concept that was slowly but inevitably dying out until it was revived by colonial policies and promoted by vested interests and electoral politics after independence. However, this hegemonic perception changed irrevocably in the 1990s after the controversial reservations for the Other Backward Classes recommended by the Mandal Commission. Mandal triggered a new awakening by revealing that only a privileged upper caste minority believed in the declining significance of caste—for the vast majority of Indians caste continued to be a crucial determinant of life opportunities.\nThis volume collects significant writings spanning seven decades, three generations and several disciplines. The introduction contextualises established perspectives in relation to emergent concerns, and is followed by forty essays organised into six sections.\nThe first section offers a sample of disciplinary responses ranging from sociology to law. The second explores the relationship between caste and class, while the third highlights the interplay between caste and politics.\nThe fourth section covers old and new challenges in law and policy. Emergent research areas are represented in section five and section six showcases post-Mandal innovations in caste studies.\nThis transdisciplinary volume brings together sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists, historians, economists and others. It will be essential reading for students and scholars across these disciplines.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Japanese calendar types have included a range of official and unofficial systems. At present, Japan uses the Gregorian calendar together with year designations stating the year of the reign of the current Emperor.\nThe lunisolar Chinese calendar was introduced to Japan via Korea in the middle of the sixth century. After that, Japan calculated its calendar using various Chinese calendar procedures, and from 1685, using Japanese variations of the Chinese procedures. But in 1873, as part of Japan's Meiji period modernization, a calendar based on the solar Gregorian calendar was introduced. In Japan today, the old Chinese calendar is virtually ignored; celebrations of the Lunar New Year are thus limited to Chinese and other Asian immigrant communities.\nJapan has had more than one system for designating years. including:\nThe official dating system known as nengō (年号) (or, strictly speaking, gengō (元号)), has been in use since the late 7th century. Years are numbered within regnal eras, which are named by the reigning Emperor. Beginning with Meiji (1868–1912), each reign has been one era, but many earlier Emperors decreed a new era upon any major event; the last pre-Meiji Emperor's reign (1846–1867) was split into seven eras, one of which lasted only one year. The nengō system remains in wide use, especially on official documents and government forms.\nThe imperial year system (kōki) was used from 1872 to the Second World War. Imperial year 1 (Kōki 1) was the year when the legendary Emperor Jimmu founded Japan – 660 BC according to the Gregorian Calendar. Usage of kōki dating can be a nationalist signal, pointing out that the history of Japan's imperial family is longer than that of Christianity, the basis of the Anno Domini (AD) system. Kōki 2600 (1940) was a special year. The 1940 Summer Olympics and Tokyo Expo were planned as anniversary events, but were canceled due to the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Japanese naval Zero Fighter was named after this year. After the Second World War, the United States occupied Japan, and stopped the use of kōki by officials. Today, kōki is rarely used, except in some judicial contexts.\nThe 1898 law determining the placement of leap years is officially based on the kōki years, using a formula that is effectively equivalent to that of the Gregorian calendar: if the kōki year number is evenly divisible by four, it is a leap year, unless the number minus 660 is evenly divisible by 100 and not by 400. Thus, for example, the year Kōki 2560 (AD 1900) is divisible by 4; but 2560 − 660 = 1900, which is evenly divisible by 100 and not by 400, so kōki 2560 was not a leap year, just as in most of the rest of the world.\nThe present era, Reiwa, formally began on 1 May 2019. The name of the new era was announced by the Japanese government on 1 April 2019, a month prior to Naruhito's succession to the throne. The previous era, Heisei, came to an end on 30 April 2019, after Japan's former emperor, Akihito, abdicated the throne.\n|English name||Japanese name||Romanisation||Traditional dates|\n|Spring||春||haru||March 21 – June 20|\n|Summer||夏||natsu||June 21 – October 8|\n|Autumn||秋||aki||October 9 – December 7|\n|Winter||冬||fuyu||December 8 – March 20|\nSee also \"Seasonal days\", below.\nThe modern Japanese names for the months literally translate to \"first month\", \"second month\", and so on. The corresponding number is combined with the suffix 月 (-gatsu, \"month\"). The table below uses traditional numerals, but the use of Western numerals (1月, 2月, 3月 etc.) is common.\nIn addition, every month has a traditional name, still used by some in fields such as poetry; of the twelve, Shiwasu is still widely used today. The opening paragraph of a letter or the greeting in a speech might borrow one of these names to convey a sense of the season. Some, such as Yayoi and Satsuki, do double duty as given names (for women). These month names also appear from time to time on jidaigeki, contemporary television shows and movies set in the Edo period or earlier.\nThe old Japanese calendar was an adjusted lunar calendar based on the Chinese calendar, and the year—and with it the months—started anywhere from about 3 to 7 weeks later than the modern year, so in historical contexts it is not entirely accurate to equate the first month with January.\n|English name||Common Japanese name||Traditional Japanese name|\n|January||一月 (ichigatsu)||Mutsuki (睦月, \"Month of Love,\" alternatively \"Month of Affection\").|\n|February||二月 (nigatsu)||Kisaragi (如月) or Kinusaragi (衣更着, \"Changing Clothes\").|\n|March||三月 (sangatsu)||Yayoi (弥生, \"New Life\").|\n|April||四月 (shigatsu)||Uzuki (卯月, \"u-no-hana month\"). The u-no-hana (卯の花) is a flower, of the genus Deutzia.|\n|May||五月 (gogatsu)||Satsuki (皐月) or Sanaetsuki (早苗月, \"Early-rice-planting Month\").|\n|June||六月 (rokugatsu)||Minazuki (水無月, \"Month of Water\"). The 無 character, which normally means \"absent\" or \"there is no\", is here ateji, that is, used only for the sound \"na\". In this name the na is actually a possessive particle, so 'minazuki' means \"month of water\", not \"month without water\", and this is in reference to the flooding of the rice fields, which require large quantities of water.|\n|July||七月 (shichigatsu)||Fumizuki (文月, \"Month of Erudition\").|\n|August||八月 (hachigatsu)||Hazuki (葉月, \"Month of Leaves\"). In old Japanese, the month was called 葉落ち月 (Haochizuki, or \"Month of Falling Leaves\").|\n|September||九月 (kugatsu)||Nagatsuki (長月, \"The Long Month\").|\n|October||十月 (jūgatsu)||Kannazuki or Kaminazuki (神無月, Month of the Gods). The 無 character, which normally means \"absent\" or \"there is not\", was here probably originally used as ateji, that is used only for the sound \"na\". In this name the na is actually a possessive particle, so Kaminazuki means \"Month of the Gods\", not \"Month without Gods\" (Kaminakizuki), similarly to Minatsuki, the \"Month of Water\". However, by false etymology this became commonly interpreted to mean that because in that month all the Shinto kami gather at Izumo shrine in Izumo Province (modern-day Shimane Prefecture), there are no gods in the rest of the country. Thus in Izumo Province, the month is called Kamiarizuki (神有月 or 神在月, \"Month with Gods\"). This interpretation is the one commonly cited in western works. Various other etymologies have also been suggested from time to time.|\n|November||十一月 (jūichigatsu)||Shimotsuki (霜月, \"Month of Frost\").|\n|December||十二月 (jūnigatsu)||Shiwasu (師走, \"Priests Running\"). This is in reference to priests being busy at the end of the year for New Year's preparations and blessings.|\nJapan uses a seven-day week, aligned with the Western calendar. The seven-day week, with names for the days corresponding to the Latin system, was brought to Japan around AD 800 with the Buddhist calendar. The system was used for astrological purposes and little else until 1876.\nThe names of the days come from the five visible planets, which in turn are named after the five Chinese elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth), and from the moon and sun (yin and yang). On the origin of the names of the days of the week, also see East Asian Seven Luminaries.\n|Japanese||Romanization||Element (planet)||English name|\nSunday and Saturday are regarded as \"Western style take-a-rest days\". Since the late 19th century, Sunday has been regarded as a \"full-time holiday\", and Saturday a half-time holiday (半ドン). These holidays have no religious meaning (except those who believe in Christianity or Judaism). Many Japanese retailers do not close on Saturdays or Sundays, because many office workers and their families are expected to visit the shops during the weekend. An old Imperial Japanese Navy song (月月火水木金金) says \"Mon Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Fri!\" which means \"We work throughout the entire week.\"\nJapanese people also use 10-day periods called jun (旬). Each month is divided roughly into three 10-day periods:\nThese are frequently used to indicate approximate times, for example, \"the temperatures are typical of the jōjun of April\"; \"a vote on a bill is expected during the gejun of this month.\"\nEach day of the month has a semi-systematic name. The days generally use kun (native Japanese) numeral readings up to ten, and thereafter on (Chinese-derived) readings, but there are some irregularities. The table below shows dates written with traditional numerals, but use of Arabic numerals (1日, 2日, 3日, etc.) is extremely common in everyday communication, almost the norm.\nTsuitachi is a worn-down form of tsuki-tachi (月立ち), which means \"the month beginning\". The last day of the month was called tsugomori, which means \"Moon hidden\". This classical word comes from the tradition of the lunisolar calendar.\nThe 30th was also called misoka, just as the 20th is called hatsuka. Nowadays, the terms for the numbers 28–31 plus nichi are much more common. However, misoka is much used in contracts, etc., specifying that a payment should be made on or by the last day of the month, whatever the number is. New Year's Eve is known as Ōmisoka (大晦日, big 30th), and that term is still in use.\nThere is traditional belief that some days are lucky (kichijitsu) or unlucky. For example, there are some who will avoid beginning something on an unlucky day.\nAfter World War II, the names of Japanese national holidays were completely changed because of the secular state principle (Article 20, The Constitution of Japan). Although many of them actually originated from Shinto, Buddhism and important events relating to the Japanese imperial family, it is not easy to understand the original meanings from the superficial and vague official names.\nNotes: Single days between two national holidays are taken as a bank holiday. This applies to May 4, which is a holiday each year. When a national holiday falls on a Sunday the next day that is not a holiday (usually a Monday) is taken as a holiday.\n|Date||English name||Official name||Romanization|\n|January 1||New Year's Day||元日||Ganjitsu|\n|Second Monday of January||Coming of Age Day||成人の日||Seijin no hi|\n|February 11||National Foundation Day†||建国記念の日||Kenkoku kinen no hi|\n|February 23||The Emperor's Birthday||天皇誕生日||Tennō tanjōbi|\n|March 20 or 21||Vernal Equinox Day||春分の日||Shunbun no hi|\n|April 29||Shōwa Day*||昭和の日||Shōwa no hi|\n|May 3||Constitution Memorial Day*||憲法記念日||Kenpō kinenbi|\n|May 4||Greenery Day*||みどり(緑)の日||Midori no hi|\n|May 5||Children's Day*||子供の日||Kodomo no hi|\n|Third Monday of July||Marine Day||海の日||Umi no hi|\n|August 11||Mountain Day||山の日||Yama no hi|\n|Third Monday of September||Respect for the Aged Day||敬老の日||Keirō no hi|\n|September 23 or 24||Autumnal Equinox Day||秋分の日||Shūbun no hi|\n|Second Monday of October||Health and Sports Day||体育の日||Taiiku no hi|\n|November 3||Culture Day||文化の日||Bunka no hi|\n|November 23||Labour Thanksgiving Day||勤労感謝の日||Kinrō kansha no hi|\nIn contrast to other East Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, Korea and Mongolia, Japan has almost completely forgotten the Chinese calendar. Since 1876, January has been officially regarded as the \"first month\" even when setting the date of Japanese traditional folklore events (other months are the same: February as the second month, March as the third, and so on). But this system often brings a strong seasonal sense of gap since the event is 3 to 7 weeks earlier than in the traditional calendar. Modern Japanese culture has invented a kind of \"compromised\" way of setting dates for festivals called Tsuki-okure (\"One-Month Delay\") or Chūreki (\"The Eclectic Calendar\"). The festival is celebrated just one solar calendar month later than the date on the Gregorian calendar. For example, the Buddhist festival of Obon was the 15th day of the 7th month. Many places the religious services are held on July 15. However, in some areas, the rites are normally held on August 15, which is more seasonally close to the old calendar. (The general term \"Obon holiday\" always refers to the middle of August.) Although this is just de facto and customary, it is broadly used when setting the dates of many folklore events and religious festivals. But Japanese New Year is the great exception. The date of Japanese New Year is always January 1.\nSome days have special names to mark the change in seasons. The 24 sekki (Hanyu Pinyin: Èrshísì Jiéqì; Japanese: 二十四節気; rōmaji: nijūshi sekki) are days that divide the solar year into twenty four equal sections. Zassetsu (雑節) is a collective term for the seasonal days other than the 24 sekki. 72 Kō (七十二候, Shichijūni kō) days are made from dividing the 24 sekki of a year further by three. These were named based upon the climate of Northern China, so many of the names do not fit in with the climate of Japanese archipelago. But some of these names, such as Shunbun, Risshū and Tōji, are still used quite frequently in everyday life in Japan.\nDates can vary by one day either way.\n|February 3||節分||Setsubun||The eve of Risshun by one definition.|\n|March 18–March 24||春彼岸||Haru higan||The seven days surrounding Shunbun.|\n|Vernal Equinox day||春社日||Haru shanichi||In Shinto. 彼岸中日 (Higan Chunichi) in Buddhism.|\n|May 2||八十八夜||Hachijū hachiya||Literally meaning 88 nights (since Risshun).|\n|June 11||入梅||Nyūbai||Literally meaning entering tsuyu.|\n|July 2||半夏生||Hangeshō||One of the 72 Kō. Farmers take five days off in some regions.|\n|July 15||中元||Chūgen||Officially July 15. August 15 in many regions (Tsuki-okure).|\n|July 20||夏の土用||Natsu no doyō||Custom of eating eel on this day.|\n|September 1||二百十日||Nihyaku tōka||Literally meaning 210 days (since Risshun).|\n|September 11||二百二十日||Nihyaku hatsuka||Literally meaning 220 days.|\n|September 20–September 26||秋彼岸||Aki higan|\n|Autumal Equinox||秋社日||Aki shanichi||In Shinto. 彼岸中日 in Buddhism.|\nShanichi dates can vary by as much as 5 days. Chūgen has a fixed day. All other days can vary by one day.\nMany zassetsu days occur in multiple seasons:\nThe following are known as the five seasonal festivals (節句 sekku, also 五節句 gosekku). The sekku were made official holidays during Edo period on Chinese lunisolar calendar. The dates of these festivals are confused nowadays; some on the Gregorian calendar, others on \"Tsuki-okure\".\nThe rokuyō (六曜) are a series of six days calculated from the date of Chinese calendar that supposedly predict whether there will be good or bad fortune during that day. The rokuyō are commonly found on Japanese calendars and are often used to plan weddings and funerals, though most people ignore them in ordinary life. The rokuyō are also known as the rokki (六輝). In order, they are:\n|先勝||Senshō||Good luck before noon, bad luck after noon. Good day for beginnings (in the morning).|\n|友引||Tomobiki||Bad things will happen to your friends. Funerals avoided on this day (tomo = friend, biki = pull, thus a funeral might pull friends toward the deceased). Typically crematoriums are closed this day.|\n|先負||Senbu||Bad luck before noon, good luck after noon.|\n|仏滅||Butsumetsu||Symbolizes the day Buddha died. Considered the most unlucky day. Weddings are best avoided. Some Shinto shrines close their offices on this day.|\n|大安||Taian||The most lucky day. Good day for weddings and events like shop openings.|\n|赤口||Shakkō||The hour of the horse (11 am to 1 pm) is lucky. The rest is bad luck.|\nThe rokuyō days are easily calculated from the Japanese lunisolar calendar. The first day of the first month is always senshō, with the days following in the order given above until the end of the month. Thus, the 2nd day is tomobiki, the 3rd is senbu, and so on. The 1st day of the 2nd month restarts the sequence at tomobiki. The 3rd month restarts at senbu, and so on for each month. The latter six months repeat the patterns of the first six, so the 1st of the 7th is senshō, the 1st of the 12th is shakkō and the moon-viewing day on the 15th of the 8th is always butsumetsu.\nThis system did not become popular in Japan until the end of the Edo period.\nThe first day of April has broad significance in Japan. It marks the beginning of the government's fiscal year. Many corporations follow suit. In addition, corporations often form or merge on that date. In recent years, municipalities have preferred it for mergers. On this date, many new employees begin their jobs, and it is the start of many real-estate leases. The school year begins on April 1.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Investing During Uncertainty\nEvery day it seems like the world is getting smaller. If you watch any financial television station or read the newspaper, you are most likely aware of how events in one country seem to have an ever-increasing effect on other countries around the world. We are more interconnected now than at any other time in history. It goes without mention that globalization definitely has its positives, but when threats of financial crisis, war, global recession, trade imbalances, etc, do occur it often leads to talk of moving money to safer investments and increasing government deficits. This rising uncertainty can confuse even the well-informed investor.\nAny time you put money at risk for the chance of profit there is an inherent level of uncertainty. When new threats such as war or recession arise, the level of uncertainty increases significantly as companies can no longer accurately predict their future earnings. As a result,institutional investors will reduce their holdings in stocks considered unsafe and move the funds to other sources like precious metals, government bonds and money-market instruments. This selloff, which occurs as large portfolios reposition themselves, can cause the stock market to depreciate.\nEffects of Uncertainty\nUncertainty is the inability to forecast future events; people cant predict the extent of a possible recession, when its going to start/end, how much it will cost, or what companies will be able to make it through unscathed. Most companies normally predict sales and production trends for theinvesting public to follow assuming normal market conditions, but increasing levels of uncertainty can make these numbers significantly inaccurate.\nUncertainty itself can affect the economy on both the micro and macro level; a description of uncertainty on a micro level focuses on the effect on individual companies within an economy faced with the threat of war or recession, whereas the view of uncertainty on a macro level looks at the economy as a whole (To learn more, see Economics Basics.):\n• From a company-specific point of view, uncertainty provides a major concern for those that produce consumer goods every day. For example, consumption may fall on the threat of a recession as individuals refrain from purchasing new cars, computers and other non-essentials. This uncertainty may force the companies in certain sectors to lay off some of their employees to combat the impacts of lower sales. The level of uncertainty that surrounds a companys sales also extends into the stock market. Consequently, stock prices of companies that produce non-essential goods sometimes experience a selloff when levels of uncertainty rise. (For more, see The Impact Of Recession On Businesses.)\n• On a macro level, uncertainty is magnified if the countries at war are major suppliers or consumers of goods. A good example is a country that supplies a large portion of the worlds oil. Should this country go to war, uncertainty regarding the level of the worlds oil reserves would grow. Because the demand for oil would be high and the supply uncertain, a country unable to produce enough oil within its own borders would be required to ensure that enough oil was stored to cover operations. As a result, the price of oil would increase.\n• Another macro-level event that affects companies and investors is the flight of capital and devaluation of exchange rates. When a country faces the threat of war or recession, its economy is considered uncertain. Investors attempt to move their currency away from unstable sources to stable ones; the currency of a country under a threat of war is sold and the currencies from countries without the threat are bought. The average investor probably would not do this, but the large institutional investors and currency futures traders would. These actions translate into a devaluation of exchange rates.\nWhats an Investor to Do?\nWhen situations of heightened uncertainty arise, the best defense is to be as well informed as possible. Keep updated by reading the newspaper and researching individual companies. Analyze which sectors have more to gain and lose in a crises and decide on a long-term plan. Times of heightened uncertainty can lead to great opportunities for investors who position themselves to take advantage of it. Some investors might decide to be offensive and search for companies that provide goods or services that will lead to great returns when things turn around. It is difficult to commit capital during uncertain times, but it can often reap huge rewards in the long run. Those who want to mitigate uncertainty and risk might be content leaving their money where it is or perhaps moving it to safer securities.\nRegardless of which strategy you decide to take (if any), you cant go wrong over the long term by keeping yourself well informed and getting into a position so that you can take advantage of prices when the things reverse.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Children under the age of 12 with sexual behavior problems have been given increasing attention in professional literature. It is difficult to determine whether greater numbers of these cases are due to an actual increase in problematic sexual behaviors in children, or an increased awareness and identification of these behaviors when they occur. Children with sexual behavior problems should not be considered “sex offenders” similar to adolescents and adults who engage in some of the same victimizing behaviors. They are different in a number of ways.\n- Normal children engage in a wide variety of sexual exploratory behaviors\nChildren with sexual behavior problems represent a diverse group\n- The range of behaviors can include children who react to victimization or trauma with compulsive, self-stimulating activity; children who engage in extensive mutual sexual interaction with other children; and sexually aggressive children who are intrusive and coercive. Behaviors categorized in the latter group are at the extreme end of a continuum of sexual behaviors. These behaviors have an aggressive quality involving use of force, coercion that may be social or physical, a pattern of inappropriate sexual acts and secrecy.\n- Studies of very young children with sexual behavior problems suggest that 49% to 80% have been sexually victimized. Sexual behavior problems in preschool children are usually found in conjunction with other behavior problems. Whereas some research suggests that the younger the child, the more likely sexual behaviors are related to a history of sexual abuse, other evidence shows a relatively low (38%) substantiation rate for preschool-aged children with severe sexual behavior problems. It is unknown whether this low substantiation rate is due to difficulties investigating sexual abuse for children in this age range, the dynamic of secrecy in this type of case, lack of physical evidence in most cases, controversy regarding memory and testimony in younger ages, or the complex process of disclosures for very young children.\nWhereas sexual behavior is the most common behavioral indicator of child sexual abuse, the presence of sexual behavior problems should be viewed with caution as a sole indicator of sexual abuse.\n- Although the link between identified sexual abuse and sexual behavior problems has been well established, other precursors to this behavior exist but are less understood. It appears that a child’s exposure to family sexuality, nudity and sexual behavior in the media, domestic violence, physical abuse, and neglect are also related to problematic sexual behavior in children.\nSignificant differences have been found between young children with sexual behavior problems (ages 6 to 9) and older children (ages 10 to 12).\n- Preschool children with sexual behavior problems may show more frequent sexual behaviors than school-age children. Higher rates of child maltreatment, exposure to family violence, and general behavior problems have also been noted in preschool children with sexual behavior problems. This younger group of children is also less likely to live with their biological parents than school-aged children exhibiting sexual behavior problems.\nPlacement for children with sexual behavior problems is often related to their history of maltreatment.\n- Stigmatization due to sexual behavior problems, related problems in social development due to aggressive and impulsive behaviors, poor boundaries and indiscriminate friendliness make these children more vulnerable to victimization. These problems also create stress for the caregiver in caring for these children and can lead to problematic parent-child interaction. Behavior problems, including sexual behavior problems, are the primary reasons why foster parents request that children be removed, and placed in another home, putting these children at risk for further behavior problems, as well as creating attachment difficulties.\nSocial and developmental factors must be considered when comparing children with sexual behavior problems to adult or adolescent sexual offenders.\n- Children have limited cognitive development, thus they have a limited repertoire of coping strategies. Masturbation as a self-soothing strategy may occur more often in small children during times of stress. When compared to adult sex offenders, children with sexual behavior problems are more likely to engage in impulsive sexual activity rather than well-planned or rationalized acts. The failure of young children to empathize may not be pathological, but merely a product of development. Another difference between children and adolescents or adults is that the vast majority of adult and adolescent sexual offenders are male. In contrast, most preschool children with sexual behavior problems are females (65%).\nVarious criteria for levels of intervention have been proposed regarding children with sexual behavior problems.\n- Research suggests support for both cognitive behavioral and play therapy interventions. Therapists should use caution in adapting techniques developed for adults or adolescents because the same dynamics may not apply. Effective treatment should address the child within the context of family relationships and should involve the children’s caregivers.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "What is SEO & How Does it Work?\nAugust 15, 2022\nSearch Engine Optimisation, or “SEO” for short, is the practice of optimising a website to rank higher in search engine results. The goal is to improve visibility and organic traffic by improving the site’s ranking for relevant keywords.\nThere are a number of factors that contribute to a website’s SEO, including on-page content, off-page factors like link building and social signals, and technical aspects like site structure and crawlability.\nIn general, SEO works by helping search engines understand what a website is about and match it with relevant user queries. By optimising the site for relevant keywords and providing users with a positive experience, SEO can help improve visibility and organic traffic over time.\nWhile there is no guarantee of success, following best practices for SEO can increase the chances of success. And, as always, the best way to learn SEO is to experiment and see what works best for your particular website.\nWhat is SEO For A beginner?\nIf you’re new to SEO, the process of optimising a website for search engine ranking can seem daunting. However, with a little understanding of how search engines work and some best practices for SEO, you can get started on the path to improving your site’s visibility and driving more traffic.\nOne important thing to keep in mind is that SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. In order to maintain and improve your ranking, you’ll need to continuously monitor your site and make sure that your content is relevant and up-to-date. You’ll also need to keep an eye on your competition and adjust your strategies as necessary.\nHowever, by following some basic principles of SEO and keeping up with the latest trends, you can ensure that your site is well-positioned to attract new visitors and convert them into customers.\nCan You Do SEO By Yourself\nMany business owners ask themselves whether they can handle their company’s SEO on their own. The answer is that it depends on a number of factors.\nFirst, you need to have a basic understanding of how SEO works. This includes understanding keyword research, content optimisation, link building, and other essential strategies.\nIf you feel confident that you can manage these tasks, then you may be able to do your own SEO. However, if you’re not sure or don’t have the time to devote to SEO, then it may be worth hiring an expert.\nAn experienced SEO professional can provide valuable insights and help you develop an effective strategy for improving your search engine ranking. Ultimately, the decision of whether to do your own SEO or hire an expert depends on your needs and resources.\nAlthough there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are a few key ways to learn SEO for free. First, consider enrolling in an online course or certification program.\nMany reputable providers offer free or low-cost courses that can give you a solid foundation in the basics of SEO. Additionally, there are a number of helpful blogs and guides that can provide valuable insights on the latest trends and best practices in the industry.\nFinally, don’t forget to take advantage of the wealth of free resources that are available from leading search engines and other online marketing platforms. By following these tips, you can get started learning SEO without breaking the bank.\nWhat Are SEO tools?\nAnyone who has ever worked in digital marketing knows that SEO is an essential part of any successful online campaign. But what exactly are SEO tools, and how can they be used to improve your website’s performance?\nSimply put, SEO tools are any software or applications that help you optimise your website for search engines.\nThis can include keyword research tools, which allow you to identify the best keywords to target for your campaign, as well as analysis tools that help you to track your progress and identify areas where you need to make improvements.\nAdditionally, there are a number of tools that can help you to automate certain tasks, such as link building and social media management.\nWhile there are a number of different SEO tools available, not all of them are created equal. It’s important to choose the right tools for your specific needs, and to use them in conjunction with other digital marketing strategies. used correctly, SEO can be a powerful weapon in your digital marketing arsenal.\nDoes SEO Work?\nSEO can be a complex and time-intensive process, but it can be incredibly effective. In fact, a recent study found that SEO is one of the most effective marketing strategies, outperforming even paid advertising.\nThe study also found that SEO generates leads at a lower cost-per-lead than any other marketing channel. That makes it an extremely important tool for businesses of all sizes.\nIf you’re looking to drive more traffic to your website, SEO should be at the top of your list. It’s an effective and affordable way to reach your target audience.\nSo there you have it – a high-level overview of SEO and how it works. It can be a complex and ever-evolving field, but our team at Hosthelp is up to the challenge.\nIf you’re looking for help getting your website ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), contact us today.\nWe offer comprehensive SEO services that will get your website seen by more people, driving traffic and conversions. Thanks for reading! For More Detail Visit Now: HostHelp.net/seostudio", "label": "No"} +{"text": "1The principle of transparency requires that any information addressed to the public or to the data subject be concise, easily accessible and easy to understand, and that clear and plain language and, additionally, where appropriate, visualisation be used. 2Such information could be provided in electronic form, for example, when addressed to the public, through a website. 3This is of particular relevance in situations where the proliferation of actors and the technological complexity of practice make it difficult for the data subject to know and understand whether, by whom and for what purpose personal data relating to him or her are being collected, such as in the case of online advertising. 4Given that children merit specific protection, any information and communication, where processing is addressed to a child, should be in such a clear and plain language that the child can easily understand.\n* This title is an unofficial description.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A new study suggests single-sex schools, despite having above-average exam results, don't help students learn. Worse, they may make students more prone to sexism. The report, published in Science, finds that previous research that found sex-segregated education improved academic performance were poorly designed and didn't account for the different socio-economic backgrounds of students at same-sex and mixed schools. Moreover, boys who spend more time in each other's company are more likely to become aggressive, the study says, while isolating girls can lead them to accept gender stereotypes. \"There is no well-designed research showing that single-sex education improves students' academic performance, but there is evidence that sex segregation increases gender stereotyping and legitimises institutional sexism,\" said the report.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "There are many different types of eczema. One type of eczema that many people suffer from during the fall and winter months is Xerotic Eczema. This type of eczema occurs when the skin becomes abnormally dry and itchy. During the winter months, it is harder to maintain the moisture in the skin due to the colder temperatures. Xerotic Eczema can affect anyone, but is more common in the elderly and is most common on the lower leg area.\nSigns and Symptoms of Xerotic Eczema\nThe most common sign of xerotic eczema is dry, itchy and irritated skin. The dryness and itchiness may also be associated with red bumps, which may resemble a small pimple. Shaving can irritate the skin even more if the symptoms are on areas of the body which are shaved regularly. It may even affect the feet of those who suffer from diabetes. If it is not treated in diabetes patients, it can lead to more severe problems such as ulcers, infection and fissures on the feet.\nCauses of Xerotic Eczema\nThe main cause of xerotic eczema is the change in the weather. During the fall and winter months, the humidity in the air decreases which can dry out the skin. This can cause the skin to become dry, itchy, and cause it to crack. Applying moisturizers can help to relieve the symptoms of dry skin. Another cause of xerotic eczema is excessive bathing, showering and even swimming. By showering or bathing too much, you can remover the skins natural oil layer. If the body does not have time to replenish the oil layer, then the skin will become dry, thus causing eczema.\nWater dries out the skin, as well as soap and chlorine. During winter when its cold, many people try to warm up by taking a nice hot bath or shower and this then makes the skin dry. Swimming in chlorinated water or sitting in hot tubs will do the same thing. The chlorine that is kept in pools and hot tubs for sanitation can have the same drying effect on the skin as water and soaps.\nIf you do use hot tubs or swimming pools on a regular basis, make sure to shower afterward to get all of the chlorine off of the skin. Washing with a gentle body wash or moisturizing soap may also help. Making sure to take the proper precautions when you use the hot tub or swimming pools can help you to avoid the excessive drying they can cause.\nTreatment for Xerotic Eczema\nThe best way to treat eczema is with a good moisturizing lotion and soaps. The best ones may cost more than regular lotions and probably do not contain any fragrance to them since fragrances can cause more irritation to the skin. Your doctor can give you the best advice on which moisturizing creams and lotions to use. If you suffer from dry, irritated skin, talk to your doctor; he can help determine the cause and the right treatment.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "What Cannot be Controlled (out of the hands of people in Guatemala, just like it is, or would be, out of the hands of people in the U.S.) –\n- Corrupt government. Power attracts corruption like moths to a bright light. Ew. No matter how gross this is, it’s a reality and overall it exacerbates problems for the “folks” lower on the power ladder. The economy and jobs is one example.\n- Underdeveloped economy. An underdeveloped economy makes it extremely challenging to find a formal job. Having a formal job means that you can plan a month or a year ahead instead of just working to live through today or tomorrow. Formal jobs require the right environment. They reduce poverty and increase opportunity.\nWhat Can be Controlled (within in reach of families in Guatemala, similar to families in the U.S.) –\n- Food choices. The problem is not food supply, but food choice! The choices that are being made within the family are unfortunately helping to sustain high chronic child malnutrition rates. People in Guatemala eat processed foods because it is “a sign of being in a developed country”. This perspective needs to change and slowly is under the Pacto Hambre Cero/La Ventana de los Mil Días.\n- Family planning. A nutritionist told us that it is basically impossible to adequately implement the 10 interventions of La Ventana de los Mil Días because many young mothers living in poor, rural communities do not know when they are pregnant. Nor is it common that they share their pregnancy with healthcare providers. Woah! This unawareness and absenteeism greatly shortens the “window of opportunity” that can make all the difference in a child’s life.\nConnect with Us! Tweet to @PFExplorers", "label": "No"} +{"text": "During this lesson I focused on icons and mosaics of the Byzantine era. I presented this lesson two different times with a different story and slightly different project each time. I will explain both.\nHere is a brief explanation of Byzantine Art and a timeline to give you some background info.\nFor the story portion I read a children's version of the story of St. Catherine of Alexandria from the book Christina's Favorite Saints by Maria Khoury. You could read any children's version of the life of St. Catherine or read a little about her yourself and retell the story in terms a child can understand. I showed the children an icon of St. Catherine from the book. You could show an icon from the internet if you do not have one on hand. I chose St. Catherine for this lesson because I wanted to focus on mosaics and show children many of the beautiful Byzantine era mosaics from the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mt. Sinai. St. Catherine was martyred in the early 4th century under the Emperor Maximinus who was carrying out a persecution of Christians. According to tradition, St. Catherine's body was carried to Mount Sinai by angels where a monastery and church were later built by order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. The site where Catherine's body was found is also believed to be the site of the burning bush seen by Moses. You can read more about St. Catherine here. Explain to the children that Justinian was an Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He had many churches and monasteries built during his reign. He also attempted to restore the Roman Empire to its ancient boundaries and was able to reconquer much of that land including Italy.\nAlternative Story: Another time I presented this lesson I read a story of St. Constantine and his mother St. Helen from A Child's Paradise of Saints. There is also a story of Sts. Constantine and Helen in Christina's Favorite Saints. You can read any children's story of St. Constantine and St. Helen or retell the story for the children focusing on Constantine's conversion to Christianity and St. Helen's finding of the Cross of Christ and the importance of the Cross to the Church.\nEXAMPLES OF ART:\nI showed the children many photos of the Monastery of St. Catherine from the book The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai: The Church and Fortress of Justinian. I showed them a few photos of the monastery grounds themselves and of the precious art work that is preserved there. I focused mainly on the mosaics. You may be able to request this book on inter-library loan or simply show photos of the monastery and mosaics from sources online. I explained a bit about icons and that they are a sacred and spiritual form of art that include many symbols to convey a deeper spiritual meaning. They are paintings or mosaics of the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary the Mother of God, of Angels and Saints. Read here and here for a further explanation of icons. The book Pictures of God: A Child's Guide to Understanding Icons is also helpful in explaining icons to children.\n(See bottom of this post for more info on Byzantine Icons)\nI explained that a mosaic is a picture or pattern made by arranging together small colored pieces of stone, tile, or glass. Some of the tiles in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna were set at a slight angle to reflect light and cause special color effects. Mosaics were sometimes used in churches instead of fresco paintings because they were not as susceptible to humidity.\nYou can show the children mosaics of Emperor Justinian and his wife the Empress Theodora from Ravenna, Italy. Khan Academy has a helpful video with photos of the interior of the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna.\nFor the project I had the children create a mosaic picture with squares of colored paper. I cut the paper out ahead of time and placed it by color in bowls. I included some special shimmery gold colored paper since Byzantine mosaics and other types of Byzantine art often included gold tiles or gold leaf. I purchased the special paper at Hobby Lobby where you can buy paper by the sheet. I used construction paper and other colored paper that I had on hand for the other pieces. I let the kids trim their pieces if they wanted to make their picture more precise. They glued their paper pieces onto poster board with glue sticks. I cut the poster board small enough that it would fit in their notebooks. You can use any size, but I've found that most kids are intimidated by a larger piece of paper when trying to fill it with small mosaic pieces.\nAlternative materials: When doing this project previously I used dried beans for the mosaics instead of paper. I used black beans, white beans, red beans, kidney beans and green split peas to give the kids a variety of colors. We glued the beans onto a piece of poster board using tacky glue. That was the lesson during which I read the story of Sts. Constantine and Helen. We had focused quite a bit on the cross and I had showed them different forms of the cross used in art so many of the children included a cross in their mosaics.\nHANDOUTS: I gave the children a list of terms related to Byzantine Art. I used this handout for two lessons. The second lesson focused on Byzantine Architecture. I will post that lesson next.\nI also gave the children a map of the Byzantine Empire around 565 AD at the death of Emperor Justinian. I had them color in the area that was included in the Byzantine Empire at that time. I used the map from this website. I copied the image and pasted it into a blank document so I could enlarge it a bit.\nLIST OF SUGGESTED BOOKS AND LINKS:\nChristina's Favorite Saints\nA Child's Paradise of Saints\nThe Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai: The Church and Fortress of Justinian\nPictures of God: A Child's Guide to Understanding Icons\nLarousse Encyclopedia of Byzantine and Medieval Art\nArt History, Vol. 1\nByzantine Art Vocabulary Handout\nByzantine Art Timeline - http://www.huntfor.com/arthistory/medieval/byzantine.htm\nSt. Catherine of Alexandria - http://orthodoxwiki.org/Catherine_of_Alexandria\nByzantine Art images - http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/cardshowall.php?title=chapter-4-byzantine-art-before-iconoclasm\nExplanation of Icons - http://www.iconsexplained.com/iec/byz_about_byzantine_icons.htm\nVideo about Byzantine Art (San Vitale Mosaics) - http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/byzantine-justinian.html\nAdditional Info on Icons:\nWhen teaching kids about icons I like to show them a few examples of icons (I have quite a few on hand, but you can print off copies from the internet) and I explain some of the symbolic details of these icons. Children really like looking for these details. Some examples are the color of clothing used. The Theotokos (Greek for God-Bearer) wears red outer garments and blue inner garments. The red is the color of humanity. Blue is the color of divinity so her inner garments are blue since she carried God (Jesus who was fully God) inside of her. Jesus appears inicons wearing blue outer garments and red inner garments - the opposite of Mary, the Theotokos. The divine person of Jesus put on or took on our humanity. Another symbol used is a cloth draped across the background objects. This signifies that the scene is taking place indoors. You will see this often in the Annunication icon. Also in the Annunication, Mary is usually depicted holding some yarn. This signifies that Jesus is already being knit in her womb. In some icons Saints are often shown with objects that are associated with them such as St. Katherine and a wheel that was supposed to be used to torture her, but which broke apart when she touched it. There are lots of interesting symbols to point out to children in icons. I usually talk about icons in a lesson with Byzantine mosaics and show the children some painted icons, but also mosaic icons in famous churches- then we do the mosaic project. Children could also color in a line drawing of an icon of Jesus or Mary and be instructed to pretend to be an iconagrapher and color it in very carefully and reverently using the correct symbolic colors. You could talk a little about iconographers and how they need to have a good relationship with God, attend church regularly and pray often and before they begin an icon. The artist also adheres to very strict criteria when creating the icon. The facial features are often enlongated, everything looks very 2-dimensional, etc. This is to give the icon a feeling of something spiritual with a deeper meaning instead of depicting the objects and people more realistically and earthly. I like to use the children's book Pictures of God by John Kosmas Skinas as a guide when teaching children about icons.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "|e. The Fed’s Control of the Money Supply\nThe Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Congress of the United States. The Fed Reserve was created after the realization that money should be controlled by the government and that it should be a public matter rather than a private one. The sole purpose for this central bank is to provide some type of control over the money supply. The Federal Reserve acts like a central bank in the United States. It creates and controls the country’s monetary policy, it provides the supervision and regulation of banks, it grants financial support for many institutions but most importantly, it has the task of making sure the economy is stable.\nThe government issued the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 in order to give the Federal Reserve the task of creating policies to monitor and control the money supply. The Federal Reserve has since then created three major policies to control money: 1) Open Market Operations and the Federal Funds Rate 2) The Discount Rate 3) Reserve Requirements\ne. i. Open Market Operations and the Federal Funds Rate\nThe Open Market Operations (OMO) is currently used on a day-to-day basis and sometimes even hourly. The policy has a direct effect on the money supply and an indirect effect on the interest rates. In an open market operation, the government sells or buys bonds in order to change the money supply in the economy.\nThe Federal Open Market Committee closely examines the money supply and determines if it needs to be expanded or contracted. If the money supply needs to increase, the Fed buys more bonds. The Federal Reserve purchases the government bonds in the open market with currency. As a result, commercial banks now have more currency and thus more money in their reserves. The bank now has an excess of reserve that they are able to use in order to increase their loans. The excess reserve also increases the bank’s deposit. The interest rate in this situation drops as the Fed buys more bonds and as the bond prices increase.\nExpansionary: Fed buys bonds Money Supply MS Price of bonds interest i\nAn example of a situation in which the money supply needs to increase is when there are long holiday weekends coming up. Before holidays like labor day weekend or memorial day weekend, people go to their banks and withdraw a lot of money from their accounts (for the upcoming vacation, etc) and as a result, the bank’s reserve will drop. The Federal Reserve anticipates these withdraws and buys bonds in order to increase the banks reserves and the money supply.\nThe Fed Reserve may also sell bonds in situations where they need to decrease the money supply.\nContractionary: Fed sells bonds Money Supply MS Price of bonds interest i\nThe federal funds rate is the interest rate paid when a bank borrows from another member bank that has an excess of reserves. The rate is not fixed and is determined by the market. However, the Federal Reserve monitors the federal funds rate and makes sure it doesn’t get too high or low. The Fed makes sure that federal funds rate does not differ too much from their target federal funds rates.\ne. ii) The Discount window and discount rate\nThe discount rate is the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges for member banks to borrow reserves. Member banks borrow reserves from the Fed when their own reserve is low and barely (or doesn’t) meet the reserve requirement. The discount rate is a set rate and changed only by the Fed. This policy instrument is used every couple of months or whenever necessary. The discount rate directly affects the interest rate and indirectly affects the money supply. When the discount rates are low, banks are more willing to borrow at that cheaper rate from the Fed. The discount rate is important because it sets the basis for all interest rates and sets the lowest rate in the market.\nThe discount window is the Federal Reserve’s facility that lends out the money to member banks. There are three discount window programs with their own interest rate: primary credit, secondary credit and seasonal credit.\nThe primary credit program is available for a short-term period, usually just overnight. The banks that generally use this program are well-established and financially secure. They often use this program as their “back up” funding because the interest rate is set above the federal funds rate and thus it is more expensive to borrow through the primary credit.\nIf a bank is not eligible to receive the primary credit program, they often apply for the secondary program. This program offers a rate above the primary credit rate.\nThe seasonal credit program is for small banks that experience fluctuations in their loans and deposits. These banks have high volumes or low volumes of activity during certain seasons. Only banks that have a clear recurring pattern of fluctuations may obtain the program. These banks are usually in tourist areas (i.e. a seasonal resort) or agricultural communities. The interest rate for the seasonal program varies depending on the market rate.\ne. iii. Reserve Requirements\nA reserve requirement is the minimum reserve-deposit ratio that banks must have in its reserves. Banks are required to set aside a certain amount of deposits in their reserves and can not use this reserve for loans or investment. The reserve is set aside as the “back up” for deposits. This is the oldest policy instrument of the Fed and rarely changes. It is mostly used in developing countries.\nIf the Federal Reserve increases the reserve requirement than banks will have to keep more of their money in reserves and will have less money available for loans or investment. If the reserve requirement is lowered, banks will have more money to lend out and invest.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Fascia as the Organ of Innerness - An Holistic Approach based upon a Phenomenological Embryology and Morphology, in: Fascia in the Osteopathy by T.Liem et al., 2016, HandspringAbstract\nUsually the fascia is described in typically anatomical terminology of spatial discrimination of structures. Fascia however is (besides of blood) one of the main appearances of the quality of ‘meso’, which is one of the three basic germ layers of the human organism. Actually the usual term ‘Mesoderm’ is not correct, because it does not value the functional architecture of ‘meso’ as ‘inner tissue’ and being a different quality than the ectoderm and endoderm which function as body limiting dimensions (body walls). Actually it are not the viscera that represent the ‘Inner’ of our body organization but that is done by the ‘meso’ with ‘fascia’ and blood as major representatives. Such a (phenomenological) approach demands to understand the architecture ‘of the connective tissue in the body as a whole, the analytic approach of the anatomical mind is not fitting for that. Moreover there is the quote by AT Still mentioning the fascia as the domain \"where soul is dwelling\". What do soul and fascia actually have to do (and have not to do) with anatomy and topography?\nFrom the phenomenological stance one may discern everywhere in the body and in various ways two main functional tendencies in the connective tissue. Body cavities and joints e.g. represent the ‘dis-connecting’ and ‘shaping space’ quality of the meso which enables mobility; the ‘connecting’ quality on the other hand creates anatomical and mechanical connections between organs and body parts. In the so-called musculoskeletal system those two aspects of the connective tissue are clearly discernible. An architectural description of meso respectively connective tissue is therefore necessary, because the anatomical mind neglects the continuity of the connective tissue as integrating matrix of the body.\nAlso the usual distinction between so-called joint receptors and muscle receptors appears in this way to be an artificial one. Mechanoreceptors (also the muscle spindles) are arranged in the context of force transmission circumstances i.e. of the architecture of muscle and connective tissue rather than organized along the ‘classical anatomical units’ like muscles, capsules and ligaments. The proprioception of ourselves as bodies with an ‘inner’ (‘body sense’) is not simply synonymous with the mechanical proprioception active in the locomotor system. The latter represents the sensing mechanism essential for the steering and the handling of forces and leads to statesthesia and kinesthesia (the sense of posture and motion). Psychological proprioception (‘body sense’) is a different category and may be linked with the ‘meso’-dimension of our body and is therefore not topographically localized, It happens (or \"dwells\") in the meso. Why not extend the concept of fascia to the ‘intermediate man’ of ‘meso’?\nTo read more open the link below", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Girder clamps (also called beam clamps) are used to attach hanger rods to structures and objects without the need for drilling or welding.\nThey have adjustment pins with single or multiple threads to feed the rods (wires, cords, cables) through the clamps.\nThese clamps are robust and corrosion-resistant. They are made from materials such as carbon or stainless steel and coated with electrostatic finishes.\nGirder threaded rods are used as anchor points for lifting or pulling heavy loads onto trusses and beams. Some of these rods have permanent shackles attached to provide for safer fixing mechanisms.\nThey are found in the construction industry where bulky items and equipment need to be attached to I-beams, channels and flange girders. They are typically used during bar hoist construction under the roof of a structure.\nThey are also used in scaffolding to attach the scaffolding to structural objects like beams or columns.\nGirder clamps are categorised by weight-bearing capacities, a number of threads (openings) and hole diameters.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Ranulf de Glanville\nFREE Catholic Classes\nChief Justiciar of England ; b. at Stratford, Suffolk, England, date unknown; d. before Acre, Palestine, 1190. He was of a baronial house which got its name from Glanville, in Normandy, and which in England held property in Norfolk and Suffolk. His father was William de Glanville, of whom he was a younger son, though eventually, on the death of an elder brother, he inherited the family estates and honours. Both before and after his appointments to the judicial bench, he held the shrievalty of various counties, which seems to betoken employment in the Exchequer; in particular he was Sheriff of the great County of York from 1163 till the death of King Henry II, save a short break, and in 1173 he became Sheriff of Lancashire. In the latter year, in concert with William the Lion, King of Scots, and the French king, there broke out the great rebellion of King Henry's sons against their father, and in the following year the Scottish king entered England with a mighty host, King Henry being then in Poitou. However, in July, Robert Stuteville, Sheriff of Yorkshire, and Glanville, the latter doubtless at the head of the men of Lancashire, encountered the invaders near Alnwick and utterly routed them, King William himself becoming Glanville's prisoner.\nIn 1176 we find Glanville a justice itinerant, and in 1180 he became Chief Justiciar of England. He had now reached the zenith of royal favour, which position he kept throughout the remainder of Henry's reign, being on occasion employed on various embassies, negotiations, and warlike expeditions, and in 1182 was appointed an executor of the king's will. In 1189 Henry II died. At the coronation of his successor, Richard I, the same year, Chief Justiciar Glanville was present, and when that prince took the cross, Glanville joined him, contributing a large sum towards the crusade. In the autumn of 1190 he died at the siege of Acre, a victim to the unwholesomeness of the climate. By his wife, Bertha, a daughter of a neighbouring Suffolk landowner, Theobald de Valognes, he left three daughters. Glanville is the reputed author of a celebrated work entitled \"Tractatus de Legibus et de Consuetudinibus Regni Angliae\", the oldest known treatise on English jurisprudence, more likely written by his illustrious nephew and secretary, Hubert Walter. Furthermore, he founded two abbeys, both in Suffolk, viz., Butley, for Black Canons, in 1171, and Leiston, for White Canons, in 1183; also a leper hospital at Somerton, in Norfolk.\nFREE Catholic Classes Pick a class, you can learn anything\nCopyright 2020 Catholic Online. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited.\nCatholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Adding concrete content to a catchy acronym has become a pressing challenge for BRICS, which brings Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa together. BRICS presents itself meretriciously as a powerful grouping. After all, its member-states together represent more than a quarter of the Earth’s landmass, 42 percent of the global population, almost 25 percent of the world’s gross domestic product, and nearly half of the global foreign exchange and gold reserves.\nHowever, as the October BRICS summit in Goa highlighted, there is little in common among its member-states. Although these five emerging economies pride themselves on forming the first important non-Western global initiative, the grouping is still searching to define a common identity and build institutionalized cooperation.\nSix years after it expanded from a four-member BRIC to the five-nation BRICS by adding South Africa, it has yet to unveil a common action plan to help bring about fundamental changes in the architecture of global finance and governance or to accelerate the decline of the era of Atlantic dominance.\nBRICS lacks the shared political and economic values that bind together the Group of Seven members, who are also tied by security arrangements with the United States. In BRICS, differences outweigh commonalities. As the Goa summit highlighted, China, which is milking BRICS for tangible benefits, represents the biggest challenge to the grouping’s future. Just as China dominates the other new institutions of which it is a founding member — from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) — it is using BRICS to assertively push its own interests.\nChina also dominates the first tangible challenge to the Bretton Woods system, as symbolized by the BRICS-created New Development Bank (NDB) and China’s own initiative, the AIIB.\nBRICS has fashioned two instruments — the New Development Bank, which has been given $50 billion in initial capital, and the $100-billion Contingent Reserve Arrangement, or CRA, meant to provide additional liquidity protection to member countries during balance-of-payments problems. Both these instruments have come under China’s sway.\nFor example, China outmaneuvered India to host the NDB at Shanghai, offering New Delhi a consolation prize — an Indian as the bank’s first president. The CRA — unlike the pool of initial capital to the BRICS bank, with each of the five signatories contributing $10 billion — is being funded 41 percent by China, 18 percent from Brazil, India, and Russia, and 5 percent from South Africa.\nToday, China is in the happy situation of overseeing the NDB and the AIIB, not to mention the CRA. Leading two new multilateral banks fits well with Beijing’s strategy to create an “economic hub-and-spoke system” via energy pipelines, strategic highways and ports, and railroad networks. In this scheme, China, as the hub, seeks to draw in raw materials and other natural resources from the spokes, while exporting industrial and consumer goods to them.\nChina’s “economic hub-and-spoke system” is to parallel America’s military hub-and-spoke system. But it is an “economic hub-and-spoke system” with a strategic mission. China’s infrastructure development in other states is driven, as during the European colonial era, by a specific interest — to advance its own interests while saddling local communities and governments with heavy debt and human and environmental costs.\nAgainst this background, it is not a surprise that China is a revisionist power with respect to the global financial architecture, but a status quo power in regard to the United Nations system. In other words, China supports international institutional reforms that give it a greater say but blocks measures that will dilute its existing status.\nSo it is an obstacle to restructuring and democratizing the Security Council. It wants to remain Asia’s sole permanent member of the Security Council. And as underscored by its 2016 presidency of the Group of 20, China values the G-20 as a vehicle to enlarge its role in global economic governance while seeking to retain those elements of the present trade and financial architecture that have facilitated its dramatic economic rise.\nMeanwhile, it is using BRICS to expand the international role of its currency as part of its quest to build the yuan as a global currency that could one day rival the dollar or euro. So it is lending and trading in yuan with the other BRICS members.\nChina’s hidden export subsidies, for their part, are steadily undermining manufacturing in the other BRICS states, even as its adept use of tariff and non-tariff barriers shuts out, from its own market, goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. For example, China’s trade surplus with India has doubled since 2014 alone to nearly $60 billion, threatening India’s domestic manufacturing base. An article last month in China’s state-run Global Times mockingly said: “Let the Indian authorities bark about the growing trade deficit with China. The fact of the matter is they cannot do anything about it.”\nAt the Goa summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping flexed his muscles to keep the South China Sea issue out of the Goa Declaration and to shield Pakistan from its sponsorship of terrorism, with the declaration citing U.N.-designated terrorist groups in the Middle East but not the ones based in Pakistan.\nChina’s “core leader” in Goa called for “political solutions” to “regional hotspots” even as his government adds fuel to regional fires through a relentless territorial creep in the South China Sea and by embarking on a $46 billion corridor to the Indian Ocean through Pakistan-held Jammu and Kashmir, a U.N.-recognized disputed region. How can BRICS create rules-based cooperation among its members if international norms of conduct are flouted in such a manner?\nThe Goa summit indeed was a reminder of China’s lengthening shadow over BRICS. As China uses the grouping to push its own agenda, BRICS has been left carrying the can. The risk is real that the grouping could collapse under the weight of the BRICS wall of China that is being erected.\nBrahma Chellaney is a geostrategist and author and a long-standing contributor to The Japan Times.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Postprint version. Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 98, Issue 24, November 20, 2001, pages 13490-13495. Copyright © 2001 National Academy of Sciences. The original publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.241387898.\nNanocrystals of magnetite (Fe3O4) in a meteorite from Mars provide the strongest, albeit controversial, evidence for the former presence of extraterrestrial life. The morphological and size resemblance of the crystals from meteorite ALH84001 to crystals formed by certain terrestrial bacteria has been used in support of the biological origin of the extraterrestrial minerals. By using tomographic and holographic methods in a transmission electron microscope, we show that the three-dimensional shapes of such nanocrystals can be defined, that the detailed morphologies of individual crystals from three bacterial strains differ, and that none uniquely match those reported from the Martian meteorite. In contrast to previous accounts, we argue that the existing crystallographic and morphological evidence is inadequate to support the inference of former life on Mars.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Crack sealing is your first defense against pavement deterioration because it offers several important benefits. Effective crack sealing keeps water from entering and weakening the base or subbase. It also helps preserve the pavement adjacent to the cracks; prevents sand, stone, and dirt from making its way into open cracks causing compressive stresses; and extends pavement life by minimizing crack growth.\nBy paying proper attention to cracks, you can prevent problems from spreading and double the life of the pavement. Pavement repair in the early stages of deterioration will pay big dividends later by delaying costly resurfacing.\nTypes of cracking includes:\nAlligator cracking is a load associated structural failure. The failure can be due to weakness in the surface, base or sub grade; a surface or base that is too thin; poor drainage, or the combination of all three. It often starts in the wheel path as longitudinal cracking and ends up as alligator cracking after severe distress.\nBlock cracks look like roughly large interconnected rectangles. This type of cracking is generally caused by shrinkage of the asphalt pavement due to an inability of asphalt binder to expand and contract with temperature cycles. A common cause of block cracking is lack of traffic because steady traffic constantly kneads the pavement, keeping it flexible. Other causes include excessive air voids, low-penetration asphalt, or an overly high plant mix temperature, poor choice of asphalt binder in the mix design; or aging dried out asphalt.\nLongitudinal (Linear) Cracking\nLongitudinal cracking consists of cracks that are parallel to the pavements centerline or laydown direction. These can be a result of both pavement fatigue, reflective cracking, and/or poor joint construction. Joints are generally the least dense areas of a pavement.\nTransverse cracks are single cracks perpendicular to the pavement’s centerline or laydown direction. Transverse cracks can be caused by reflective cracks from an underlying layer, daily temperature cycles, and poor construction due to improper operation of the paver.\nEdge Cracks travel along the inside edge of a pavement surface within one or two feet. The most common cause for this type of crack is poor drainage conditions and lack of support at the pavement edge. As a result underlying base materials settle and become weakened. Heavy vegetation along the pavement edge and heavy traffic can also be the instigator of edge cracking.\nJoint Reflection Cracks\nJoint reflection cracks are cracks in a flexible pavement overlay of a rigid pavement (i.e., asphalt over concrete). They occur directly over the underlying rigid pavement joints. Joint reflection cracking does not include reflection cracks that occur away from an underlying joint or from any other type of base (e.g., cement or lime stabilized).\nOften referred to as “bird baths,” depressions are localized pavement surface areas with slightly lower elevations than the surrounding pavement. Depressions are noticeable after a rain when they fill with water.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Pentastomida (pĕnˈtəstōˌmə) [key], tongue worms, small phylum of fewer than 100 species of parasites living in the upper respiratory passages of reptiles, and occasionally of birds and mammals. They are closely related to arthropods, but zoologists disagree as to their exact placement in that phylum. Recent evidence indicates a possible origin from parasitic crustaceans. The tapering wormlike body, varying in length from 1/2 in. to 5 in. (1.3–13 cm), is unsegmented. The front of the body bears five short appendages; one bears the mouth, the other four attach to host tissues. Internal organs are much reduced, except the reproductive organs, which occupy most of the internal space. Eggs are released by the mature pentastomids and hatch when eaten by a suitable intermediate host. When the intermediate host, in turn, is eaten, the larvae migrate to the respiratory passages of the final host, where they take up permanent residence and mature.\nThe Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "A solid-state drive (SSD) is a media that uses flash modules in order to store info. The solid-state drives remain relatively new and more expensive compared to standard hard disk drives (HDD), but they're faster, so they are often used for Operating Systems and applications on both desktops and servers. An SSD is recommended because it doesn't have spinning disks which limit its speed and could cause overheating as it may happen with an HDD. Many companies use SSDs for caching purposes, so all the content which is accessed more frequently will be located on this type of drives, while all the other content will be stored on conventional HDDs. The reason to use such a configuration is to balance the cost and performance of their hosting platform and to decrease the load on the HDDs resulting from countless reading and writing processes.\nSSD with Data Caching in Cloud Website Hosting\nIf you host your websites in a cloud website hosting\naccount with us, you will notice their exceptional performance. This is because our cloud platform uses solely SSD drives for all files, email addresses and databases and we do not use HDDs for any part of the web hosting service. In addition to the innovative ZFS file system, this setup will boost the speed of your websites considerably. For load-balancing, we also use a number of SSDs for caching purposes only. All the content which generates increased traffic or causes a lot of reading/writing processes is copied on them automatically, so the load on the primary drives will be reduced, thus the overall performance of all Internet sites hosted with us will be better. The aforementioned subsequently prolongs the life of the primary drives and decreases the chance of a disk failure, that is an additional warranty for the integrity of any content that you upload to your account.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If I were a forecaster of economic trends and had access to only one piece of data, it would probably be demographics. The forecasting power of demographic trends is underappreciated even though cycles of booms and busts have historically mirrored the age characteristics of the population.\nIt's no secret that different age groups have different spending patterns. Younger people are a drag on economic growth since they consume a great deal but don't produce. In other words, they exacerbate inflation since they increase demand and reduce supply for goods. On the other hand, middle aged people are high earners, producers, and spenders. They tend to moderate inflation and prop up asset prices. Peak spending occurs on average at age 48. Spending patterns resemble a bell curve, so beyond this age, spending tapers as people save for retirement.\nNow, let's extrapolate these spending characteristics on to the most important generation in America: the Baby Boomers (1946-1960). The stagflationary period of the 1970's, characterized by low productivity and high inflation, coincided with the youth of baby boomers, which makes sense considering the producing and spending characteristics of the young. The Baby Boomers entered their mid 40's of peak spending in the early 90's up until 2007. It's no surprise then that a boom in America occurred in this time frame.\nThe following chart courtesy of Harry Dent demonstrates the powerful relationship between population and the stock market. As noted earlier, the 48-year-old demographic earns and consumes the most, and therefore drives economic growth. Notice how for this reason the early 90's spike in the Dow (in black) closely tracks births from 48 years prior - when the baby boomers were first born.\nDemographic trends in the U.S. moving forward portend a decade-long depression. In a country highly dependent on consumption, there just aren't enough high-earning consumers to drive growth. This is because the 15 years following the baby boom generation saw births decrease by about 25%. These are the people who are now entering their peak earnings and spending years who must replace the productivity of boomers now entering retirement.\nAll is not lost as there are a couple of potential factors that could mitigate these trends. One is increased immigration to our country. However, early indications suggest that there will be growing protectionism in this area, much like the Great Depression when immigration came to a halt. For example, banks that received TARP funds are contrained by law in terms of the foreigners they can hire. These are often highly educated and productive foreign workers who pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.\nThe other potential mitigating factor is technological progress. Unfortunately, technological advances are cyclical and largley driven by demographics as well. Generally young people drive technological innovation. The same baby boomers who discovered nascent technologies in the 70's and 80's are now more focused on retirement. Most of the cutting-edge technologies they created, such as the internet, have already achieved maturity- meaning they have reached over 90% of households. Therefore, technology will likely not provide the productivity boost it did in the 80's and 90's.\nThe government extended promises when demographics were favorable, such as Medicare and Social Security, that they will not be able to keep. Higher taxes, whether explicit or implicit (through inflation), that result from the demographic storm will further dampen economic growth. According to former Treasury Department economist Bruce Bartlett, tax rates will have to increase 81% right now to compensate for our shortfall in promised benefits. Because of quickly collapsing tax receipts and massive unfunded liabilities, taxes are about to increase significantly.\nWe have been able to delay the day of reckoning because demographic trends were strong for so long. However, the tide has already started to reverse, and our country is bound to experience significant economic strife in the future. The very nature of spending and productivity patterns with age suggests a significant retrenchment in output is coming, which is the very definition of a Depression. While demographics are significant in catching long-term trends, an economy can operate only with a functioning currency. Part 4 of my series will explore the destruction of the dollar and its potential effects on economic growth.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "We loved today’s Washington Post blog post on raising calorie consciousness! Would you think twice about what you eat if you knew exactly how much exercise it would take to burn off those calories?\nRoberto Ferdman specifically discusses the idea relating to soda, saying “Nothing makes Americans stop drinking soda quite like understanding how much exercise they’ll need to burn it off.” He notes that in general straight calorie counts tend to be ignored, but seeing the consequences in terms of exercise can make a difference. His article cites a few different studies on the idea, and also discusses the mixed result of NYC’s new regulation forcing food chains to post calorie counts on menus in an effort to encourage more responsible consumption. He concludes that the idea “might be a worthwhile consideration for future calorie labeling legislation aimed at curbing the amount of unhealthy foods Americans buy.”\nNPR also took on the topic in the “All Things Considered” October 16 story Reality Check: To Burn Off A Soda, You’ll Have To Run 50 Minutes. This piece focuses on the details of the Johns Hopkins study which looked at how low-income tweens and teenagers would react to exercise equivalent postings vs. calorie postings. The findings are published in the American Journal of Public Health. In the end, the results do seem to point to this type of data helping people put the calorie counts in context.\nAuthors Catherine Jones and Elaine Trujillo had a similar idea with The Calories In, Calories Out Cookbook. Their goal isn’t necessarily to stop people from eating what they enjoy, but to make them aware of the balance it will take to work off the calories they take in. Each of their delicious recipes includes data for calories in (nutritional data and calorie count, including diabetic exchange) and calories out (the exercise it takes to burn those calories off) so that you can make informed choices in your diet in order to find and maintain that balance.\nCheck out the recipe for Perfect Pumpkin Bread for a tasty fall example!", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Mish Moved to MishTalk.Com Click to Visit.\nThis is a guest post courtesy of Richard Berman at the Capital Research Center, under the title A Bad Day for Bad Teachers.\nSummary: In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the landmark decision Brown v. Board of Education, which struck down racially segregated schools because, the court said, they were inherently unequal and they unjustly harmed poor and minority children. Last month, a California court cited Brown v. Board as it struck down multiple state laws, passed at the behest of teachers’ unions, which the court said unjustly protected incompetent teachers and unconscionably harmed children, especially the least fortunate.\nIn a landmark decision that sent shock waves through the educational establishment, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu ruled last month that California’s teacher tenure laws unconstitutionally deprive students of their guarantee to an education and to equal rights. “The evidence is compelling,” Judge Treu wrote. “Indeed, it shocks the conscience.”\nIn Vergara v. California, nine students sued the State of California, claiming that ineffective teachers were disproportionately placed in schools with large numbers of “minority” and low-income students. Judge Treu agreed and quoted the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision that education “is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.”\nNine young people and their families filed suit against California’s laws on teacher retention and dismissal, which, they say, protect bad teachers and deprive students of a high-quality education.\nThe Vergara decision came down less than one month after the 60th anniversary of the Brown decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state and federal laws establishing separate public schools for students classified by the government as “white” and “black.”\n(In Brown, the Court consolidated cases from Kansas, Virginia, South Carolina, and Delaware, as well as the federal jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.) The Supreme Court found that the practice of segregation violated the provision in the U.S. Constitution that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”\nThe argument in the current case, Vergara, is that, by forcing schools to favor incompetent teachers with seniority over more capable junior teachers, the rules deprive students of the education that the state constitution guarantees them. Further, because these rules funnel bad teachers to districts with large numbers of poor and “minority” students, those students are denied the equal treatment of the law.\nThe Vergara lawsuit was backed by Students Matter, a nonprofit educational policy advocacy group funded by Silicon Valley entrepreneur David Welch. “The state has a responsibility of delivering an education for the betterment of the child,” said Welch. “The state needs to understand that [its] responsibility is to teach children, and teach all of them.” Welch’s organization recruited the nine students, from several school districts, to serve as the public face of the case.\nAstonishingly, the teachers’ union response to the ruling was that it was actually an attack on children. “This decision today is an attack on teachers, which is a socially acceptable way to attack children,” said Alex Caputo-Pearl, the president-elect of the Los Angeles teachers union. Instead of providing for smaller classes or more counselors, the reformers “attack teacher and student rights.”\nWelch answered that claim in an op-ed for the San Jose Mercury News in which he described the harm students suffer from bad teachers:\nAccording to the testimony of Harvard economist Dr. Thomas Kane, a student assigned to the classroom of a grossly ineffective math teacher in Los Angeles loses almost an entire year of learning compared to a student assigned to a teacher of even average effectiveness. Students assigned to more than one grossly ineffective teacher are unlikely ever to catch up to their peers.\nAnd far from wanting to attack all teachers, Welch in the same article pleaded with his fellow Californians to reward good teachers:\n“Let’s offer teachers opportunities for promotions, such as to master teacher, teacher mentor, or department chair, where the skills of a truly excellent, creative educator can reach more children—as well as better pay with incentives for excellence and taking on extra responsibilities or difficult positions.”\nNo less a union friend than Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), whose largest campaign support comes from unions, has bluntly admitted, “Vergara will help refocus our education system on the needs of students.” No wonder the teachers’ unions made five separate legal efforts to have the lawsuit dismissed on grounds other than the merits of the case.\nCalifornia teacher union members number some 445,000. Both the California Teachers Association (CTA, an affiliate of the National Educational Association) and the California Federation of Teachers (CFT, an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers) plan to appeal the court’s decision. Jim Finberg, a lawyer for the two teachers’ unions, said that Judge Treu’s decision “ignores overwhelming evidence the current laws are working.”\nActually, less than 0.002% of teachers in California are dismissed in any given year. Judge Treu noted that, when an effort is made to fire a teacher, “it could take anywhere from two to almost ten years and cost $50,000 to $450,000 or more to bring these cases to conclusion under the Dismissal Statute, and that given these facts, grossly ineffective teachers are being left in the classroom.”\nJudge Treu concluded that “distilled to its basics,” the unions’ position requires them to defend the proposition that the state has a compelling interest in the de facto separation of students from competent teachers, and a like interest in the de facto retention of incompetent ones. The logic of this position is unfathomable and therefore constitutionally insupportable.\nSeniority vs. Merit\nThe Vergara decision overturned a LIFO (last-in/first-out) law requiring that teacher layoffs be based on seniority, rather than individual merit. California’s Permanent Employment Law required that a teacher be tenured after two years at a school (which, because of an early notice requirement, worked out in practice to 18 months or less). California is one of only five states in which tenure may be received after such a short period. As noted by the blog Voices of San Diego:\nRegardless of what we call it, here’s how it looks in San Diego Unified. Once they’re hired, rookie teachers have to make it through a two-year probationary period, during which they can be dismissed for pretty much any reason.\nBut because the district has to tell teachers by mid-March whether they’ll be invited back for the next school year, the trial period is actually shorter than two years. In the past, the district hasn’t been particularly aggressive in the number of probationary teachers it sends away—only about 1 percent wasn’t given tenure.\n“With such little time, you don’t even have enough information to actually consider whether they’re an effective teacher,” said Nancy Waymack, a managing director for the reform-advocacy group National Council on Teacher Quality.\nCompared to other states, California has some of the strongest laws in place to protect teacher employment. The effect of this case may spur action throughout the nation. “Without a doubt, this could happen in other states,” said Terry Mazany, who served as interim CEO of Chicago’s public schools in 2010-2011. A lawyer for Students Matter said they are already hoping to “engage with policymakers in New York and nationally,” and donor David Welch said the group would consider suits in other states (New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Oregon were mentioned as possible sites).\nThe term “due process” refers to a legal or quasi-legal system that protects the rights of an individual, such as by requiring a trial before a person can be executed. Unions defend the complicated procedures for firing teachers by claiming they amount to “due process” that protects those teachers from arbitrary, unfair treatment. As the Pew publication Stateline reports, “The unions argue that the rules protecting teachers are needed for school districts to attract and retain good teachers and to ensure that employees are not fired for arbitrary or unfair reasons.”\nBut the judge ruled in Vergara that the process has become so cumbersome—that it’s become so difficult to get rid of bad teachers—that it deprives students of their rights. He ridiculed the process as “über due process,” and observed that California state laws already provide a great deal of protection for government and private-sector employees facing dismissal. “Why,” he pleaded, “the need for the current tortuous process” that is mandated only for teachers, a process so unjust, he added, that it was even decried by witnesses called by the teachers’ unions?\nJames Taranto of the Wall Street Journal noted an irony at the center of the ruling: “The California Supreme Court had applied the same legal premises to hold unconstitutional funding disparities among districts and one district’s decision to end the school year six weeks early owing to a budgetary shortfall. Vergara doesn’t break new legal ground so much as apply precedent in a way that threatens the education establishment. It’s a case of judicial activism coming back to bite the left.”\nA permanent job\nAs noted in Waiting for ‘Superman,’ a documentary promoting educational reform, one out of every 57 doctors loses his or her license to practice medicine, and one of every 97 lawyers loses his or her license to practice law. Yet, in many major cities, only one out of 1,000 teachers is fired for performance-related offenses. The reason is tenure, or as the unions call it, “permanent status.”\nTenure is the practice of guaranteeing a teacher his or her job. Originally, this was a due process guarantee, something intended to work as a check against administrators capriciously firing teachers and replacing them with friends or family members. It was also designed to protect teachers who took political stands the community might disagree with. Tenure as we understand it today was first seen at the university level, where, ideally, professors would work for years and publish many pieces of inspired academic work before being awarded what amounted to a job for life.\nAt the elementary and high school level, tenure has evolved from the original understanding of “due process” to the university-style “job for life.” In most states, teachers are awarded tenure after only a few years, after which time they become almost impossible to fire. The main function of these laws is to help bad teachers keep their jobs.\n►One Los Angeles union representative has said: “If I’m representing them, it’s impossible to get them out. It’s impossible. Unless they commit a lewd act.” Unfortunately for the students who have to learn from these educators, virtually every teacher who works for the Los Angeles Unified School District receives tenure. In a study of its own, the Los Angeles Times reported that fewer than two percent of teachers are denied tenure during the probationary period after being hired. And once they have tenure, there’s no getting rid of them. Between 1995 and 2005, only 112 Los Angeles tenured teachers faced termination—eleven per year—out of 43,000. And that’s in a school district where the high school graduation rate in 2003 was a pathetic 51 percent.\n►One New Jersey union representative was even blunter about what his union does to keep bad teachers in the classroom: “I’ve gone in and defended teachers who shouldn’t even be pumping gas.”\nIn 10 years, only about 47 out of 100,000 teachers were terminated from New Jersey’s schools. Original research conducted by the Center for Union Facts (CUF) has confirmed that almost no teacher is ever fired in Newark, which is New Jersey’s largest school district, no matter how bad a job the teacher does. Over one four-year period, CUF discovered, Newark’s school district successfully fired about one out of every 3,000 tenured teachers annually. This is a city where roughly two-thirds of students never graduate from high school.\n►In New York City, the New York Daily News reported that “just 88 out of some 80,000 city schoolteachers have lost their jobs for poor performance” over 2007-2010.\nThen there were the so-called “rubber rooms” of New York City, which operated until 2010. Teachers who couldn’t be relieved of duty would report to these “rubber rooms,” where they would be paid to do nothing for weeks, months, even years. According to the New York Daily News, at any given time an average of 700 teachers were being paid not to teach while the district jumped through the hoops, imposed by the union contract and the law, to pursue discipline or termination. (A city teacher in New York who ended up being fired spent an average of 19 months in the disciplinary process.) The Daily News reported that the New York City school district spent more than $65 million annually just to pay the teachers who were accused of wrongdoing. Millions more tax dollars were spent to hire substitutes.\nAfter the embarrassing Daily News story and an exposé in the New Yorker, the union agreed to end the practice of rubber rooms but refused to expedite the dismissal process. Instead of whiling the days away doing nothing, the teachers were assigned to do clerical work and perform other semi-useful tasks.\nThe problem isn’t limited to teachers accused of wrongdoing. The city spends more than $100 million every year paying teachers who have been excessed (i.e., whose positions have been eliminated) but have yet to find jobs.\nAccording to the Wall Street Journal, the ironclad union contract requires that any teacher with tenure be paid full salary and benefits if he or she is sent to the “Absent Teacher Reserve pool.” The average pay of a teacher in that pool is over $80,000 a year, and some teachers have stayed in the pool for years. The Journal reports that the majority of teachers in the pool had “neither applied for another job in the system nor attended any recruitment fairs in recent months.”\n►Things are no better in New York as a whole. The Albany Times Union looked at what was going on statewide outside New York City and discovered some shocking data: Of 132,000 teachers, only 32 were fired for any reason between 2006 and 2011.\n►In Chicago, a school system that has by any measure failed its students—only 28.5 percent of 11th graders met or exceeded expectations on that state’s standardized tests—Newsweek reported that only 0.1 percent of teachers were dismissed for performance-related reasons between 2005 and 2008. When barely one in four students nearing graduation can read and do math, how is it possible that only one in one thousand teachers is worthy of dismissal? It may well be that most of the city’s teachers are good teachers, but can 99.9% of them be good?\nEffects of tenure and related teacher “protections”\nModeled after labor arrangements in factories, the typical teachers’ union contract is loaded with provisions that do not promote education. These provisions drive away good teachers, protect bad teachers, raise costs, and tie principals’ hands.\n● The Dance of the Lemons\nOne of the more shocking scenes in the documentary Waiting for ‘Superman’ is an animated illustration of “The Dance of the Lemons.” This is no waltz or foxtrot. Rather, it’s the systematic shuffling of incompetent teachers from school to school. These teachers can’t be fired because union contracts require that “excessed” educators, no longer needed at their original school, must be given first crack at new job openings when slots open up elsewhere in the district. Administrators at other schools don’t want to hire these bad teachers, but districts are unable to fire them.\nWhat happens? LA Weekly documented just how this process plays out in Los Angeles in a massive 2010 investigation. “The far larger problem in L.A. is one of ‘performance cases’—the teachers who cannot teach, yet cannot be fired. Their ranks are believed to be sizable—perhaps 1,000 teachers, responsible for 30,000 children. … The Weekly has found, in a five-month investigation, that principals and school district leaders have all but given up dismissing such teachers. In the past decade, LAUSD officials spent $3.5 million trying to fire just seven of the district’s 33,000 teachers for poor classroom performance—and only four were fired, during legal struggles that wore on, on average, for five years each. Two of the three others were paid large settlements, and one was reinstated. The average cost of each battle is $500,000.”\nUnintended Consequences, a study by The New Teacher Project (TNTP), documented the damage done by this union-imposed staffing policy. In an extensive survey of five major metropolitan school districts, TNTP found that “40 percent of school-level vacancies, on average, were filled by voluntary transfers or excessed teachers over whom schools had either no choice at all or limited choice.” One principal decried the process as “not about the best-qualified [teacher] but rather satisfying union rules.”\n● Thinning the talent pool\nOne problem related to the destructive transfer system is a hiring process that takes too long and/or starts too late, thanks in part to union contracts. Would-be teachers typically cannot be hired until senior teachers have had their pick of the vacancies, and the transfer process makes principals reluctant to post vacancies at all for fear of having a bad teacher fill it instead of a promising new hire.\nIn the study Missed Opportunities, The New Teacher Project found that these staffing hurdles help push urban districts’ hiring timelines later to the point that “anywhere from 31 percent to almost 60 percent of applicants withdrew from the hiring process, often to accept jobs with districts that made offers earlier.”\n“Of those who withdrew,” the TNTP report continues, “the majority (50 percent to 70 percent) cited the late hiring timeline as a major reason they took other jobs.” It’s the better applicants who are driven away: “Applicants who withdrew from the hiring process had significantly higher undergraduate GPAs, were 40 percent more likely to have a degree in their teaching field, and were significantly more likely to have completed educational coursework” than the teachers who ended up staying around to finally receive job offers.\n● Keeping experienced teachers away from poor children\nAnother common problem with the union contract is a “bumping” policy that fills schools which are more needy (but less desirable to teach in) with greater numbers of inexperienced teachers. In its report Teaching Inequality, the Education Trust noted: “Children in the highest-poverty schools are assigned to novice teachers almost twice as often as children in low-poverty schools. Similarly, students in high-minority schools are assigned to novice teachers at twice the rate as students in schools without many minority students.”\n● Bad apples stay\nA study conducted by Public Agenda polled 1,345 schoolteachers on a variety of education issues, including the role that tenure played in their schools. When asked “does tenure mean that a teacher has worked hard and proved themselves to be very good at what they do?” 58 percent of the teachers polled answered that no, tenure “does not necessarily” mean that. In a related question, 78 percent said a few (or more) teachers in their schools “fail to do a good job and are simply going through the motions.”\nWhen Terry Moe, the author of Special Interest: Teachers Unions and America’s Public Schools, asked teachers what they thought of tenure, they admitted that the byzantine process of firing bad apples was too time-consuming: 55 percent of teachers, and 47 percent of union members, answered yes when asked “Do you think tenure and teacher organizations make it too difficult to weed out mediocre and incompetent teachers?”\n● The union tax on firing bad teachers\nSo why don’t districts try to terminate more of their poor performers? The sad answer is that their chance of prevailing is vanishingly small. Teachers unions have ensured that even with a victory, the process is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. In the 2006-2007 school year, for example, New York City fired only 10 of its 55,000 tenured teachers, or 0.018%. The cost to eliminate those employees averages out to $163,142, according to Education Week. The Albany Times Union reports that the average process for firing a teacher in New York state outside of New York City proper lasts 502 days and costs more than $216,000. In Illinois, Scott Reeder of the Small Newspaper Group found it costs an average of $219,504 in legal fees alone to move a termination case past all the union-supported hurdles. In Columbus, Ohio, the teachers’ union president admitted to the Associated Press that firing a tenured teacher can cost as much as $50,000. A spokesman for Idaho school administrators told local press that districts have been known to spend “$100,000 or $200,000” in litigation costs to toss out a bad teacher.\nIt’s difficult even to entice the unions to give up tenure for more money. In Washington, D.C., school chancellor Michelle Rhee proposed a voluntary two-tier track for teachers. On one tier, teachers could simply do nothing: Maintain their regularly scheduled raises and keep their tenure. On the other track, teachers could give up tenure and be paid according to how well they and their students performed, with the potential to earn as much as $140,000 per year. The union wouldn’t even let that proposal come up for a vote among its members, and stubbornly blocked efforts to ratify a new contract for more than three years. When the contract finally did come up for ratification by the rank and file, the two-tier plan wasn’t even an option.\n● Taking money from good teachers to give to bad teachers\nDuring the expansion of teacher collective bargaining in the mid-twentieth century, economists from Harvard and the Australian National University found, the average, inflation-adjusted salary for U.S. teachers rose modestly—while “the range of the [pay] scale narrowed sharply.” Measuring aptitude by the quality of the college a teacher attended, the researchers found that the advent of the collectively bargained union contract for teachers meant that on average, more talented teachers were receiving less, while less talented teachers were receiving more.\nThe earnings of teachers in the lowest aptitude group (those from the bottom-tier colleges) rose dramatically relative to the average wage, so that teachers who in 1963 earned 73 percent of the average salary for teachers could expect to earn exactly the average by 2000. Meanwhile, the ratio of the earnings of teachers in the highest-aptitude group to earnings of average teachers fell dramatically. In states where the highest-aptitude teachers began with an earnings ratio of 157 percent, they ended with a ratio of 98 percent.\nData from the National Center for Education Statistics, as reported by Education Week, add further evidence to the compressed-pay claim. The Center’s stats indicate that the average maximum teacher pay nationwide is only 1.85 times greater than the nationwide average salary for new teachers.\n● Locking up education dollars\nMuch of the money commanded by teachers’ union contracts is not being used well, at least from the perspective of parents or reformers. Several provisions commonly found in union contracts that cost serious money have been shown to do little to improve education quality. A report from the nonprofit Education Sector found that nearly 19 percent of all public education spending in America goes towards things like seniority-based pay increases and outsized benefits—things that don’t go unappreciated by teachers, but don’t do much to improve the quality of teaching children receive. If these provisions were done away with, the report found, $77 billion in education money would be freed up for initiatives that could actually improve learning, like paying high-performing teachers more money.\n● Putting kids at risk\nTeachers unions push for contracts that effectively cripple school districts’ ability to monitor teachers for dangerous behavior. In one case, school administrators in Seattle received at least 30 warnings that a fifth grade teacher was a danger to his students. However, thanks to a union contract that forces schools to destroy most personnel records after each school year, he managed to evade punishment for nearly 20 years, until he was finally sent to prison in 2005 for having molested as many as 13 girls. As an attorney for one of the victims put it, according to the Seattle Times, “You could basically have a pedophile in your midst and not know it. How are you going to get rid of somebody if you don’t know what they did in the past?”\nThe Bottom Line\nToo many schools are failing too many children. Americans should not remain complacent about how districts staff, assign, and compensate teachers. And too many teachers’ union contracts preserve archaic employment rules that have nothing to do with serving children.\nEven Al Shanker, the legendary former president of the American Federation of Teachers, admitted, “a lot of people who have been hired as teachers are basically not competent.”\nThis is what the union wants: To keep teachers on the payroll regardless of whether or not they are doing any work or are needed by the school district. Why? As long as they are on the payroll, they keep paying union dues. The union doesn’t care about the children who will be hurt by this misallocation of tax dollars. All union leaders care about is protecting their members and, by extension, their own coffers.\nMost teachers absolutely deserve to keep their jobs, and some have begun to speak out about the absurdity of teacher tenure, but it’s impossible to pretend that the number of firings actually reflects the number of bad teachers protected by tenure. As long as union leaders possess the legal ability to drag out termination proceedings for months or even years—during which time districts must continue paying teachers, and substitute teachers to replace them, and lawyers to arbitrate the proceedings—the situation for students will not improve.\nThe Vergara case offers hope, but supporters of better education cannot rely on judges to fix America’s schools. Parents and teachers must join together to eliminate teacher tenure systems that protect bad teachers and that divert our best teachers away from many of the students who could benefit most from their skills and experience.\nMike \"Mish\" Shedlock", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Health - Food - Science - Community\nFrequent consumption of isoflavone-rich foods, such as soy foods, may cut down the risk of allergic rhinitis in pregnant women.\nEating more soy and isoflavone-containing foods regularly may confer an individual with significant protection against periodontal disease.\nSoy foods may help protect individuals against stroke, cardiovascular ailments, and coronary heart disease.\nHigh consumption of soy and other isoflavone-rich foods may be beneficial in the prevention of ovarian cancer.\nHigh dietary intake of isoflavones from legumes and soy foods may help to fend off endometrial cancer.\nA high-soy diet may boost a woman's chances of avoiding coronary heart disease (CHD).\nHigh dietary ingestion of soy foods, especially among non smokers, may help keep lung cancer at bay.\nAdequate intake of soy foods is associated with a healthy cholesterol number in men and in younger women.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Chapter Two: Explanation\n- だいじょうぶ です か? daijoubu desu ka? - [Are you ok?]\nAs we discussed in Chapter 1, adding a か ka\nto the end of a sentence makes it a question. Without the\nka this would mean, \"(I) am fine.\"\ndaijoubu can mean \"fine,ok, good, safe...\"\n- いいえ、だいじょうぶ じゃ ない。 iie, daijoubu janai - [No, I am not\nfine.] Lit. \"No, fine not.\" First comes the\n\"No\" which is iie. And lastly comes\nthe negating factor which negates daijoubu. You\ncan play tricks, by saying \"daijoubu... [wait\na few seconds] ja nai!\" This is kind of\nsimilar to the movie \"Wayne's World\" where the\ncharacter is always making his sentences negative by adding\n\"NOT!\" at the end. Only this is normal\n- なまえ は なん です か? namae wa nan desu ka? - [What is\nnamae - name\nwa - particle\nwhich is after the main topic of the sentence; note it is\npronounced as wa, not ha, when used as a particle\nnan - what\ndesu - is\nka - question\n\"nan desu ka\" [What is it?] is a very\nuseful question. You can just point to an object and say,\n\"nan desu ka\" or you can start with\n\"... wa nan desu ka?\" [What is ...] as\nin the example\n- わたし の なまえ は おばあさん です。 watashi no namae wa obaasan desu -\n[My name is \"Obaasan.\"]\nwatashi no - [my]\nremember this as a one-word word. Remember the no is a\npossessive particle which shows relation between two\nthings. So whenever you have watashi + no\nit always equals \"my.\"\nThis phrase is also very useful for introducing yourself.\n\"watashi no namae wa ...[your name] desu.\"\n- あなた は フランクさん です ね。 anata wa furanku san desu ne - [You\nare Mr. Frank, aren't you?]\nThe ne here asks for confirmation--aren't you?\n- はい。 わたし は フランク です。 hai. watashi wa furanku desu. - [Yes,\nI am Frank.] An important point: When speaking of\noneself, one never uses san\n- なにか のみます か? nanika nomimasu ka? - [Would you\nlike something to drink] [lit. something to drink?]\nWould you like something to eat is \"nanika\nWould you like to see something (tv or movies) is \"nanika\n- はい。 のみます。 hai. nomimasu - [Yes, I will drink]\nThis is a good example of how in Japanese repeated\ninformation is usually not repeated. We\nknow the topic (something to drink) and we know the\nsubject (I) so we don't have to say them again. In fact\nit is clumsy to do so.\n- はい、どぞ。 hai, dozo - [Here you are] Remember\nthese words together. The hai is 'yes' but in\nthis case with dozo it means, \"Here you are.\"\n- なん です", "label": "No"} +{"text": "- Research article\n- Open Access\nThe injury mortality burden in Guinea\nBMC Public Health volume 12, Article number: 733 (2012)\nThe injury mortality burden of Guinea has been rarely addressed. The paper aimed to report patterns of injury mortality burden in Guinea.\nWe retrieved the mortality data from the Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report 2007. The information about underlying cause of deaths was collected based on Guinean hospital discharge data, Hospital Mortuary and City Council Mortuary data. The causes of death are coded in the 9th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). Multivariate Poisson regression was used to test the impacts of sex and age on mortality rates. The statistical analyses were performed using Statatm 10.0.\nIn 2007, 7066 persons were reported dying of injuries in Guinea (mortality: 72.8 per 100,000 population). Transportation, fire/burn, falls, homicide and drowning were the five leading causes of fatal injuries for the whole population, accounting for 37%, 22%, 12%, 10% and 6% of total deaths, respectively. In general, age-specific injury causes displayed similar patterns of the whole population except that poisoning replaced falls as a leading cause among children under five years old. Males were at 30-50% more risk of dying from six commonest causes than females and old age groups had higher injury mortality rates than younger age groups.\nTransportation, fire/burn, falls, homicide, and drowning accounted for the majority of total injury mortality burden in Guinea. Males and old adults were high-risk population of fatal injuries and should be targeted by injury prevention. Lots of work is needed to improve weak capacities for injury control in order to reduce the injury mortality burden.\nViolence and injuries are a major global public health issue, accounting for more than 5 million deaths every year -- as many deaths as from HIV, malaria and tuberculosis combined . In Guinea, injury was the fifth leading cause of morbidity burden in 2008 . Despite the huge loss due to injuries, injury control receives little attention of policy-makers and researchers in this country. As well as in most developing countries, research on injury control has been severely under-funded compared with infectious diseases in Guinea . Consequently, few peer-reviewed publications addressed the injury problem in Guinea.\nThe only accessible information source about Guinea’s injury burden is the country-specific disease burden estimate from The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update. The global burden of disease study used the cause-of-death model (a formalized simple spreadsheet program) to estimate the disease burden of Guinea based on the data from South African death registration data 2004, Zimbabwe National Burden of Disease Study 1997, INDEPTH verbal autopsy data from 7 sites in Africa 1999–2002, Antananarivo Madagascar 1976–1995, and Mozambique Maputo Central Hospital Mortuary 1993–2004 . In fact, the injury burden varies greatly across countries. Peltzer observed large variations in the prevalence of serious injury between six African countries and suggested that each country document its epidemiology of serious injuries . The estimates of injury burden based on other countries’ data may not reflect the reality in Guinea.\nThe Ministry of Public Health of Guinea releases the Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report annually, which is based on the Guinean Hospital Discharge Registry, Hospital Mortuary and City Council Mortuary data . Unfortunately, the Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report has rarely been used for injury control and research purposes because of the technical and language limitations. This present study aimed to report the latest injury mortality burden of Guinea based on the Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report 2007, thus increasing the knowledge of injury epidemiology in Africa.\nMortality data were obtained from the Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report 2007. The Ministry of Public Health of Guinea makes this report accessible to the public and a hard or electronic copy could be requested by contacting the assigned officials (http://www.stat-guinee.org/nada/index.php/catalog/1/accesspolicy/). The data were collected based on Guinean Hospital Discharge Register, Hospital Mortuary and City Council Mortuary data. In Guinea, the national health system is a pyramid of facilities, comprising two national hospitals (teaching hospitals), seven regional hospitals, 26 prefectural hospitals, 8 communal medical centers, 390 health centers, and 628 health posts . Guinea adopts standard clinical and laboratory methods to diagnose the cause of diseases under the support from World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners of development . The causes of death are coded using the 9th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). The national public health laboratory of Guinea regularly inspects all the laboratories and holds up-to-date training to laboratory assistants at local levels .\nThe Guinean Hospital Discharge Register collects the data of patients who die at hospital ward based on discharge records. The Guinean Hospital Discharge Register is a compilation of discharge records of all hospitals which are collected at regional level and then are reported to the Ministry of Public Health by local health administrative authorities .\nFor patients who die on arrival, the bodies of patients are temporarily kept in hospital mortuary, where doctors and trained nurses record the information on demographics, date and mechanism of deaths of patients through the interview with the accompanying persons. Hospital mortuary data are collected locally at each hospital by the physicians and then reported to the Board of Health where an intensive review will be conducted to check the data .\nCity Council Mortuary keeps the records of persons who die out of hospital including the information on demographics, date of death, last known address of victim and the detail autopsy findings . The Ministry of Health directly collects post-mortem reports from City Council Mortuary.\nThe Ministry of Health merged three kinds of data sources above and removed duplicates to produce official health statistics. With the assistance from WHO, the proportion of death reporting reached 99.7% at local health departments and 100% in hospitals .\nGuinea’s population was estimated to be 9710144 inhabitants in 2007, on the basis of estimates of the 1996 census .\nMortality rates were used to measure the burden of fatal injury, calculated as the number of deaths divided by the population size × 100,000. The age was divided into five groups: 0–4 years, 5–14 years, 15–24 years, 25–64 years and 65 years and over. The causes of injuries included five unintentional categories (drowning, fire/burn, transportation, falls, and poisoning), two intentional categories (homicide and suicide), and others (the rest of causes).\nThe relative contributions of seven commonest external causes were displayed using percentage bar chart by age group. Multivariate Poisson regression was used to test the significance of differences from sex and age group. We used mortality rate ratio (MRR) to quantify sex-specific and age-specific differences. The statistical analyses were carried out using Statatm 10.0, and a p value <0.05 was selected as the statistical significance level.\nIn total, 7,066 persons suffered fatal injuries in Guinea in 2007 (mortality: 72.8 per 100,000 population) (Table 1). In comparison to females, males had 1.3 times risk dying of injuries (83.6 vs. 62.4 per 100,000 population). Notably, the injury mortality rate increased significantly as people got older. Children under five years old had the lowest rate (7.9 per 100,000 population) while adults ages 65 years and older had the highest rate (137.6 per 100,000 population).\nFor the whole population, transportation, fire/burn, falls, homicide and drowning were the five leading causes of injury-induced deaths, accounting for 37%, 22%, 12%, 10% and 6% of total injury-related deaths, respectively (Table 1). Relative to the 7.0 per 100,000 population for homicide rate, the suicide rate was extremely low -- 0.1 per 100,000 population.\nIn general, persons aged five years and older displayed similar injury cause patterns for both sexes as the whole population; whereas among children under five years old, poisoning replaced falls as a common cause (Figure 1). Compared with females, males showed a similar injury-cause pattern except that drowning contributed a little more in males than in females for the latter four age groups (age ≥5 years old) (Figure 1).\nMales were at 30-50% more risk of dying from fire/burn, transportation, falls, poisoning and homicide than females (Table 2). The male/female difference was 1.8 times for drowning mortality. After adjusting for sex, older age groups had higher mortality rates than children under-five years old for drowning, fire/burn, transportation, falls, and positioning. The homicide mortality significantly increased over age among persons aged 5 years and older.\nMore than 7,000 persons died of injuries in Guinea in 2007. Males were 30% more likely to experience a fatal injury than females. The overall injury risk increased as people got older. Transportation, fire/burn, falls, homicide, and drowning were the five leading causes of injuries for all ages combined, accounting for 87% of all fatal injuries. An exception was the poisoning as the fourth leading cause of death for children less than five years old.\nCompared to the estimates from the Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update for Guinea (86.9 per 100,000 population) , the rate based on Guinea’s official statistics (72.8 per 100,000 population) is lower. More importantly, the death cause patterns of injuries obviously differ between two data sources (Figure 2). For example, the percentages of fire/burn, falls, homicide, and suicide were 7.9%, 3.2%, 19.9%, 5.8%, respectively, based on the estimates of GBD 2004 update; while according to Guinea’s official statistics, they were 21.5%, 11.7%, 9.6%, and 0.2%. The observed discrepancy indicates large variations in the injury death patterns across countries in Africa, stressing that the policy-making for injury control should be based on own data for each country.\nAs well as in most countries, transportation was the most important cause of injury-induced deaths in Guinea. The large transportation-related deaths may be due to increasing motorization, inadequate adoption and enforcement of traffic laws, high traffic law violation, poor traffic control, and lack of adult supervision of children [7–9]. Six recommendations proposed by the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, have the potential to be used to improve the transportation safety in Guinea, including 1) identify a lead agency in government to guide the national road traffic safety effort; 2) assess the problem, policies and institutional settings relating to road traffic injury and the capacity for road traffic injury prevention; 3) prepare a national road safety strategy and plan of action; 4) allocate financial and human resources to address the problem; 5) implement specific actions to prevent road traffic crashes, minimize injuries and their consequences and evaluate the impact of these actions; and 6) support the development of national capacity and international cooperation.\nFire/burn constituted more than 20% of total injury-induced deaths in Guinea, which differed from in other African countries . The high prevalence of fire/burn-induced deaths could be ascribed to unsafe power sources for cooking, lighting, and heating, crowding and flammable house [11–14]. In Guinea, a typical house is a one-room with two doors but without windows . The room is made of mud walls and a roof of bamboo and leaves . One hut is usually crammed with four or more persons to sleep . These factors make house fire a significant contributor to fire-related deaths in Guinea. Improvement in the housing system and introduction of safe cooking, lighting and heating, may have the potential to decrease unnecessary fire-induced fatalities.\nIt is not unique for Guinea that males and old adults are high-risk population for fatal falls. However, there is a lack of scientific data in support of development of fall prevention programs because little is known about the mechanism of falls for Guineans, like personal behaviors, environmental factors, engineering factors. Clearly, further studies are needed in Guinea to identify protective and risk factors of falls, to develop and evaluate fall prevention programs. In general, a multidisciplinary approach is needed but environmental modifications should be emphasized . In the last several decades, many prevention programs have been developed to decrease fall-induced injuries in older population in the developed countries . Guinea could benefit from successful interventions from other countries but needs to consider necessary modifications when introducing them because of huge cultural differences between Guinea and these countries.\nViolence, particularly homicides, has become a major public concern for Guinean society. The result may be due to primarily social instability from frequently alternated government and lack of enforcement of laws [18–20]. Although the awareness campaigns against violence have been launched by the government, international organizations and other partners recently , more actions are needed. Especially, strictly-designed studies should be conducted to develop cost-effective interventions to prevent violence.\nThe extremely low suicide rate may be partially due to the impact of religious belief of Muslim. According to the official statistics, approximately 85% of Guineans (7.8 million) are Muslim . The doctrines of Muslim regard suicide as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. A verse in the Quran instructs, ‘And do not kill yourselves, surely God is most merciful to you.’ On the other hand, however, the low suicide rate may also be caused by potential under-reporting in terms of poor data quality of many developing countries and social stigma associated with suicide .\nPoisoning caused a significant proportion of child fatal injuries in Guinea. As the World Report on Child Injury Prevention summarizes, the greatest obstacle for world child poisoning control is the lack of reliable data . Currently, there are few poisoning data collection systems but almost all of them are located in the developed countries . Although measures like poison control centers, hotline, child-resistant packaging, and education (including training of parents and caregivers) combined with home visitations, have been found somewhat effective, few measures have been tested in the developing countries . It is important for Guinea to develop a separate data collection system for poisoning control, or to include poisoning data needed in the existing data system. Furthermore, rigorous studies are needed to test the effectiveness of successful prevention interventions from developed countries in the local communities.\nThis study is primarily limited by the data quality of Guinea’s official statistics. The real injury mortality may be underestimated to some degree because some deaths that occurred out of hospital and the corpses were not sent to the mortuary might have not been counted by the official statistics. Additionally, injuries might have been misclassified as other diseases or conditions in the remote areas considering poor condition of medical care centers, lack of experienced health care providers [27, 28].\nTransportation, fire/burn, falls, violence are the most important causes of injury-induced deaths in Guinea. Males and old age groups are at high risk of dying of injuries. The huge burden of fatal injuries in Guinea calls for a multidisciplinary and multi-sectors approach in raising awareness of and in developing cost-effective programs to prevent those devastating injuries.\nHospital discharge register\n9th International Classification of Diseases\nWorld Health Organization.\nWorld Health Organization: 10 facts on injury and violence. 2011, http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/injuries/en/index.html,\nMamady K, Hu G: A step forward for understanding the morbidity burden in Guinea: a national descriptive study. BMC Publ Health. 2011, 11: 436-10.1186/1471-2458-11-436.\nDepartment of National Health Information: Ministry of Public Health of Guinea. Guinean Annual Health Statistics Report 2007. 2008, Conakry: The Ministry of Public Health of Guinea\nWorld Health Organization: The global burden of disease: 2004 update. 2008, Geneva: World Health Organization\nPeltzer K: Injury and social determinants among in-school adolescents in six African countries. 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Project evaluation Report. 2010, http://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/Project-and-Operations/Guin%C3%A9e%20-%20RE%20-%20Projet%20d'%C3%A9lectrification%20rurale%20_Final_.pdf,\nGlickman LT, Camara AO, Glickman NW, McCabe GP: Nematode intestinal parasites of children in rural Guinea, Africa: prevalence and relationship to geophagia. Int J Epidemiol. 1999, 28: 169-174. 10.1093/ije/28.1.169.\nDoll LS, Bonzo SE, Mercy JA, Sleet D: Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention. 2006, New York, NY: Springer\nStevens JA: A CDC Compendium of Effective Fall Interventions: What Works for Community-Dwelling Older Adults. 2010, Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2\nMedecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) Doctor Without Boarders: MSF in Guinea. 2012, http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news/country.cfm?id=2321,\nSillah A: Guinea anger over dead strikers. BBC News. 2012, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6275853.stm,\nReuters News A: Guinea police clash with strikers. BBC News. 2012, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6286653.stm\nThe Ministry of Social Affairs: Promotion of Women and Children. A survey on the violence against children by the Child Protection Division of the United Nations. 2004, Conakry: The Government of Guinea\nWikipedia contributors: Islam in Guinea. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Islam_in_Guinea&oldid=422753812,\nWikipedia contributors: Religious views on suicide. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Religious_views_on_suicide&oldid=475377500,\nBaker R, Sullivan E, Camosso-Stefinovic J, Rashid A, Farooqi A, Blackledge H, Allen J: Making use of mortality data to improve quality and safety in general practice: a review of current approaches. 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Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet. 1989, 84: 419-422.\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/733/prepub\nThis study was supported by the 2009 New Central Scholar Support Grant of Ministry of Education of China (NCET-10-0782). We thank Mr. Toure from the Ministry of Public Health of Guinea, who helped us access the official statistics.\nWe declare we have no competing interests.\nKeita Mamady and Guoqing Hu designed the study, completed data analysis and drafted the paper, Hongyan Yao, Xujun Zhang, Huiyun Xiang, and Hongzhuan Tan helped interpret the results and improve the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.\nAbout this article\nCite this article\nMamady, K., Yao, H., Zhang, X. et al. The injury mortality burden in Guinea. BMC Public Health 12, 733 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-733\n- Cause of death", "label": "No"} +{"text": "If you’re like me, your child has so many medical appointments it may be hard to keep up with routine or preventive care. But family caregivers need to know how essential dental care is for their children. Parents may think, oh it’s just teeth, and have so many more urgent things to do. But oral health is just as important as other physical health.\nWhat family caregivers need to know about dental care\nOral health can affect physical health. Once a problem sets in, it’s not “just teeth.” There can be complications like infection etc. Sadly, one young boy died from lack of access to dental care. (see http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Dental/story?id=2925584.) 12-year-old Deamonte Driver of Maryland had an abscess in his tooth which spread to his brain. ABC news reported that after 6 weeks, two neural surgeries, and $250,000 in hospital bills later he was dead. “An $80 tooth extraction could have saved his life.”\nThink it can’t happen to your family? The ABC report noted that “By the age of 11, approximately half of children have decay. When a cavity goes untreated…, the decay eats into the center of the tooth, and eventually enters the nerves and blood vessels. From there, bacteria get into the blood stream and can travel virtually anywhere.” That’s what happened to Deamonte. It’s that simple.\nPhoto courtesy of PBS Frontline\nWhere families can find dental coverage for their children\nMany family caregivers do not know that the Affordable Care Act Marketplace has dental benefits. Qualified Health Plans may include dental coverage so it’s important for families to look for that when they enroll. Also in the Marketplace are “stand-alone” dental plans. Remember that many families will also qualify for help to pay for coverage and the Marketplace will automatically calculate that. The deadline for open enrollment is 3/31/14. Family caregivers need to check if dental benefits are included in their medical plan at https://www.healthcare.gov/find-premium-estimates/. Families can also find information on available stand-alone dental plans at https://www.healthcare.gov/dental-plan-information/\nIf your child is also eligible for Medicaid (children with special needs can have both private and public plans), dental coverage is included. The private plan would pay first; Medicaid pays what’s left over. Even if your child ONLY has Medicaid, he or she can get dental care. It is important to make sure that your dentist participates in either the private plan and/or Medicaid.\nIf your child is uninsured, Donated Dental Services may be able to provide free care. To find the program in your state, see http://dentallifeline.org/our-state-programs/. In addition, many states are holding free events on February 7-8 nationwide.\nOther things family caregivers can do\nOur child has been in and out of the hospital over a dozen times, sometimes for months at a time, over the past 2 years. We make sure that we catch up on medical appointments such as immunizations, vision, and oral care as soon as we get home. We do everything we can to keep dental care going while she’s hospitalized. We brought retainers to the hospital every time, because she now can’t have dental implants due to her kidney transplant. Instead of having her wear them during the night as usual, we had her wear them during the day when we were there and can keep track of them. We decided this after they were almost once accidently discarded on a meal tray! The only time she didn’t wear her retainers, besides for medical procedures, was when she was in ICU on a ventilator for week. The dentist couldn’t believe her teeth were still straight after everything she’d been through!\nWe also bring all of her dental hygiene items such as plaque remover, toothpaste, floss (those dinosaur shaped ones work great for kids), and mouthwash. Due to her autism, our daughter needs help so we brush first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime when we leave. Once her bottom retainer wore out in the hospital, so the dentist kindly made a mold of her teeth in case we needed a replacement again while hospitalized, and made a second retainer just in case and only charged half price.\nFamilies need to be aware of serious symptoms related to dental disease. Warning signs according to various articles on Deamonte’s death, include headache and face swelling, in addition to pain. Some hospital ERs even have dental centers, but hopefully it won’t come to that.\nFamily caregivers need to get the best dental care for their children with special needs, along with other medical care. There are now ACA plans available, and Medicaid always covered dental care but families may not know this. By keeping your child’s teeth healthy, it will keep him or her healthier too!\nResources for Family Caregivers of Children with Special Needs:\nBright Futures in Practice: Oral Health—Pocket Guide – Georgetown University AUCD DC\nDental Tool Kit – Autism Speaks\nOral Health (Salud Bucal) - American Academy of Pediatrics information for families\nOral Health - Maternal/Child Health Knowledge Path –U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal/Child Health Bureau\nOral Health Tips - Vanderbilt Kennedy Center AUCD Tennessee\nLauren Agoratus is a parent/advocate who works for the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network and serves as the NJ Coordinator for Family Voices (www.spanadvocacy.org), a national network that works to “keep families at the center of children’s healthcare” at www.familyvoices.org or FB www.facebook.com/pages/Family-Voices-Inc-National/137783182902269. She also serves as NJ representative supporting caregivers across the lifespan for the Caregiver Action Network (formerly National Family Caregivers Association) in a volunteer capacity at http://caregiveraction.org/ or FB www.facebook.com/CaregiverActionNetwork", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Creating A Detailed Law Dissertation Presentation Quickly\nA dissertation is a writing method where a student is supposed to present his research and findings in order to get a professional qualification or a degree. One of the most important things that you should bear in mind when writing a law dissertation is that you should make it well organized, well sourced and well referenced.\nRemember that the dissertation will act as your union card and will help you to get entry into law school. Unfortunately, it can seem overwhelming to write a dissertation on law. You can imagine writing work that consist of over 200 pages before submitting it to some distinguished scholar who will give an opinion on your level of intelligence based on your dissertation. Here are a few steps that will make it easy for you to create a detailed law dissertation presentation quickly.\nChoose a topic\nYour choice of a topic is one of the most significant factors that will affect the quality of your law dissertation. This is because your dissertation will be as good as your topic. If you choose a topic that you love, you are likely to do well in your dissertation. Ensure that your topic of choice is also doable. Avoid topics that are excessively ambitious or overly broad.\nStructure of the dissertation\nOnce you already have your topic in mind, you will need to consider the structure of your dissertation. Here are the key elements of any dissertation.\n- Title page. The title page should include the dissertation topic and the author’s name\n- Abstract. The goal of the abstract is to summarize the entire dissertation\n- Table of content. This shouldn’t include the title or even the contents page\n- Introduction. The introduction should consist of a short summary of 100 to 200 words describing your objectives or what you intend to write about\n- Methodology. This should give an overview of what you intend to do and how you intend to do it\n- Literature review. This should consist of a review of the relevant theories as well as information that has been published in the recent past on the work.\n- Evidence. This should talk of what you have discovered and concluded from your research\n- Conclusion. You should have a conclusion which should give a summary of your dissertation.\nWhen you follow these guidelines, it is possible to create a detailed law dissertation quickly.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Reciprocity - Both infant and mother respond to eachother-s signals and each elicits a response from one another.\nInteractional synchrony - Mother and infant reflect both the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a co-ordinated way.\nThe majority of babies first form attachments to the mother adn then form secondary attachments to other family members.\nFathers role in attachment is more to do with play and stimulation rather than nurturing.\nThe key to the attachment relationship is the level of responsiveness not the gender of the parent.\nSchaffer and Emerson: Glasgow babies\nObserving 60 babies in glasgow. The babies were visited by a researcher where questions were asked to the mother about the babies attitudes towards seperation in everyday situations.\nThey found that between 25 and 52 weeks, 50% of the babies showed signs of seperation anxiety. By 40 weeks 80% of the babies had a specific attachment and 30% had multiple attachments.\nStages of attachment\n1. Asocial stage\nBabies show some preference for familiar adults.\n2. Indiscriminate attachment\nFrom 2-7 months babies display more observable behaviour, showing preference and recognising familiar adults. They accept comfort from any adult.\n3. Specific attachment\nAround 7 months babies show stranger anxiety and seperation anxiety, attachments to the primary caregiver are made.\n4. Multiple attachments\nBabies show attachment behaviour to other regular caregivers. By 1 year the majority of babies have made secondary attachments.\nAnimal Studies: Lorenz and Harlow\nLorenz hatched a batch of goose eggs, 1/2 with himself as the first thing they saw and the other 1/2 with the mother. He found that the incubator group followed him around.\nHe names this process imprinting whereby bird species attach themselves to the first moving object they see. He also identified a critical period where imprinting needs to take place if it is to happen at all.\nHarlow reared 16 monkeys on either a wire mother or a clothed mother. When exposed to frightening conditions, despite which mother the monkey was fed and reared by, they prioritised contact comfort over food by seeking comfort from the clothed mother.\nHe also found that the monkeys that were rearede with the wire mothers suffered sever developmental defects…", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Technology of welding sheet metal. Technology of welding sheet metal has direct impact on the design of the seam and the risk of damaging the sheet metal. Welding thin sheets i.e. to about 3 mm (cold rolled) to 4 mm (warm rolled) is among the most common, but also the most difficult sheet processing methods.sp.info arc welding sheet metal, arc welding sheet metal ...4000W Cod Welding Machine (Casting parts/ metal sheet welding, Metal mould / Shaft/Gear repair welding) Working principle: Using capacitor energy storage, the electrical energy stored in the capacitor is instantly released between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece in the form of a pulsed arc. The arc is discharged in a high-frequency manner.sp.info Welding Information - Rolled Alloys, Inc.Shielded Metal Arc Welding [SMAW] is commonly called “stick welding”, Manual Arc Welding, or welding with covered electrodes. SAW [Submerged Arc Weld] SAW is an automatic process using spooled wire like GMAW/MIG, except the wire is larger diameter. 3/32” diameter is common for nickel alloys, but 1/16” and 1/8” diameter wires are also ...sp.info 10 Technological Process of Sheet Metal Fabrication ...Dec 26, 2020 · The sheet metal technological process may vary, but not more than the following stated 10 processes. ... CO2 gas shielded welding, argon arc welding, spot welding, robot welding, etc. ... The electroplated colorful zinc is generally used for cold rolled sheet surface treatment.Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins\nArgon arc welding machine. Mainly for welding stainless steel, galvanized sheet, thin iron sheet, aluminum sheet; Carbon dioxide shielded welding. Mainly for some thick iron plates, and welding of large chassis; Inverter argon arc welding machine. Currently mainly for aluminum plate welding; Butt welding machine. Cold welded plate to plate ...sp.info When to use covered electrodes in arc welding?In any case, when arc or oxyacetylene welding is used the area adjacent to the weld will lose the protective zinc coating which must be repaired. When using covered electrodes, the electrode selection should be based on the thickness of metal and the position that will be used when welding galvanized steel.See all results for this questionsp.info What kind of coating is needed for arc welding?This can be done by using a bronze deposit such as a copper-zinc alloy, or a stainless steel electrode. In any case, when arc or oxyacetylene welding is used the area adjacent to the weld will lose the protective zinc coating which must be repaired.See all results for this questionsp.info Which is better arc welding or resistance welding?When galvanized sheet is resistance welded, the welding heat causes less disturbance of the zinc coating than the arc processes. Resistance welding of galvanized steel is, however, more of a problem than arc welding. There are many types of coated steels and some of them are welded.See all results for this question\nWhen galvanized steel is arc welded the heat of the welding arc vaporizes the zinc coating in the weld area. This is because the boiling point of zinc (1600°F, 871°C) is below the melting point of steel (2800°F, 1538°C).See all results for this questionsp.info 7 Steps To Complete The Production Of Sheet Metal … Blanking. The blanking methods of sheet metal include punching, laser cutting, shearing machine, …Forming. Sheet metal forming is mainly sheet metal bending, stretching. (1) Sheet metal bending. …Welding. In the design of sheet metal welding structure, the welds and solder joints should be …Sheet metal connection methods. Here we mainly introduce the connection methods of sheet …Surface treatment. The surface treatment of sheet metal can play the role of anti-corrosion …See full list on machinemfg.comsp.info Steel Pipe Roll Forming Machine - COSASTEELThe working principle of the steel pipe roll forming machine: The strip steel is introduced into the pipe welding machine through the feeding machine, and the strip material is extruded through the roller, and then the argon arc welding mixed gas is used to protect the welding and rounding process, cut by the cutter mechanism, and then the steel pipe of the required length is output.sp.info Sheet Metal Processing - Equipments & Product Display ...Sheet-metal processing is a comprehensive cold processing process for metal sheets (usually below 6mm), including shearing, punching/cutting, folding, welding, riveting, splicing (such as cabinets), forming (such as car bodies), etc. Its notable feature is the uniform thickness of the same part. Generally speaking, the basic equipments include ...\nFor certain applications, the argon-oxygen mixture is used. The amount of spatter produced when welding galvanized steel is slightly greater than when welding bare steel. The flux-cored arc welding process can be used as easily as gas metal arc welding for galvanized steel. It is recommended for the heavy gauges and on hot-dipped galvanized parts.sp.info BesCutter 1KW Handheld FO Laser Welder Single Phase …Welding in thin stainless sheet, iron sheet, galvanized sheet and other metal materials can perfectly replace the traditional argon arc welding, electric welding and other processes. Widely used in cabinet kitchen, staircase elevator, rack, oven, stainless steel door and window guardrail, distribution box, stainless steel household, metal sheet ...sp.info Taiyan Metal News | Custom,Toilet Roll HolderOct 18, 2019 · Oct 25, 2019. Application of Tungsten Arc Welding in the Welding of Stainless Steel Sheet Welding principle TIG welding is a kind of open arc welding. The arc is stable and the heat is concentrated. Under the maintenance of inert gas (argon), the welding pool is pure and the weld quality is good. However, when welding stainless steel ...sp.info Guidelines for Welding - PCIShielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded metal arc welding (SMA W) is a manual welding process in which flux covered electrodes of 10 to 18 in. (254 to 457 mm) in length and 111 6 to 1h in. (1.6 to 12.7 mm) in diameter are used. This is the most common of all arc welding processes. The SMA W process is shown in Fig. 3. .1'1 Oir~ction\nnew design 304 stainless steel plate Argon arc welding 304 Stainless Steel Pipe Welding_Process, Methods ...The socket type argon arc welding method makes the pipeline dissolved into one body, and it is a \"no joint connection\" connection mode. 3.1 Specific Construction Steps 3.1.1 Aftsp.info Metal Products - Jaway SteelJaway Steel is a professional stainless steel manufacturer and supplier in china. 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Laser Power: 1000W-2000W Cooling Mode: Water cooling Perfect replacement of traditional argon arc welding Suitable for welding thin stainless steel plate, iron plate, aluminum plate and other metal materials Nice welding seam, fast welding speed, no consumables, no welding marks, no discolorationsp.info OEM China Metal Welding Products Professional High …2. Specialized in manufacture metal products, the factory equipped with Cutting machines, punch machines with 10T-60T, plate cutting machines, pipe bending machines, roll bending machine, drilling machine, milling machine, lathe, grander machine, Co2 and argon-arc welding machines, etc.sp.info Stainless Steel Coil & Strip - Jaway SteelJaway Steel is a fully based on stainless steel metal products suppliers. 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We stocks a wide range of stainless steel plate in 304/304L, 304 straight grade, 316/316L and 321 plate,such as stainless steel hot rolled plate,stainless steel perforated sheet,stainless steel circle and more.sp.info 0.8 4.2mm ER308L Stainless Steel Wire Argon Arc Welding WireStainless Steel MIG Welding Wire in Delhi | Get Latest . The series of stainless Steel welding wires for argon arc welding and for inert gas shielding welding made by us have excellent welding performance such as stable arc, small & little splash, good welding seam and high depositing efficiency, and are suitable for all-position welding work.sp.info Exhibition - Foshan Keenhai Metal Products Co.,LimitedJun 14, 2017 · Electrode arc welding can be used for welding of aluminum alloy castings. Inert Gas shielded arc welding (TIG or MIG) method is the most widely used aluminum and aluminum alloy welding method. 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Argon arc welding is continuous heating, the heat accumulation is too high, the material will be deformed and discolored, and the pulse function is ...sp.info Other Stainless Steel - Jaway SteelJaway Steel offers the various types of other stainless steel,such as stainless steel chain,duplex stainless steel,stainless steel ball,stainless steel tape and more with best price and high quality.sp.info Customized Sheet Metal Enclosure Fabricaiton …Custom Enclosure by ISO 9001 Factory OEM/ODM Sheet Metal fabricaiton for Electrical industry. Lemo focus on Custom Enclosure by ISO 9001 Factory OEM/ODM Sheet Metal fabricaiton for Electrical industry,from brackets to complex chassis & enclosures .Our capabilty are laser cutting, bending, shearing, punching, welding and finishing service.\nargon for weldingargon welding machineusing argon for mig weldingargon welding safetyargon gas for tig weldingargon welding bottle\nYou may also leave contact information, we will contact you as soon as possible!\nTel: 0086-371-8615 1827\nE-Mail: [email protected]\nAddress: Development Zone, Zhengzhou, China", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Every fall is the time of year for you and your little one to get your flu shot! As a mom, watching Madi be uncomfortable or cry while she gets her shot can be extremely stressful, but I take her every year because as a physician – I know that the benefits of getting the flu shot often out-weigh the costs. Because the flu virus changes yearly, everyone needs a yearly flu shot to build up their immunity.\nThe most common questions I get asked from parents is:\n1. When is my child old enough to get the flu shot\n2. Is it safe?\nThe Canadian Paediatric Society recommends:\n- All children over 6 months of age get the flu shot yearly.\n- The flu shot is very safe. The most common side effects are soreness in the area of injection, or a mild fever for 1-2 days afterwards. All children over 6 months of age should get the flu vaccine unless they have had a serious life threatening reaction to the flu vaccine previously. Vaccinations have no link to autism, and therefore are safe for children, including those with autism, to receive.\nLearn more on topics from Dr. Mom", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Zulu is one of the official languages of South Africa and is a member of the Bantu/Nguni family of languages. It is spoken by about 9 million people mainly in Zululand and northern Natal in South Africa and also in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland.\nDuring the early 19th century Christian missionaries, including J W Colenso, S B Stone, H Callaway and Lewis Grant devised a way to write Zulu. The first Zulu Christian booklet Incwadi Yokuqala Yabafundayo was written by Newton Adams, George Newton and Aldin Grout between 1837-8 and explained the spelling of Zulu words and the history of the Old Testament. The first Zulu version of the bible was produced between 1845-1883 and in 1859 L. Grout published the first Zulu grammar book.\nCorrections to Zulu pronunciation by Michael Peter Füstumum\nBonke abantu bazalwa bekhululekile belingana ngesithunzi nangamalungelo. Bahlanganiswe wumcabango nangunembeza futhi kufanele baphathane ngomoya wobunye.\nAll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They\nare endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another\nin a spirit of brotherhood.\n(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)\nInformation about the Zulu language\nRecordings of Zulu sounds\nBemba, Chichewa, Comorian, Duala, Ewondo, Ganda/Luganda, Herero, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kongo, Lingala, Loma, Lozi, Mandekan, Maore, Mende, Northern Ndebele (South Africa), Northern Ndebele (Zimbabwe), Ndebele (Southern), Northern Sotho, OshiWambo, Ronga, Shona, Soga, Southern Sotho, Swahili, Swati, Tofa, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Umbundu, Venda, Xhosa, Yao, Zulu", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Meet Our Researchers\nAleks Goeva is a statistician specializing in machine-learning models for understanding the human brain.\nThe human brain is one of the most complex structures in the living world. For centuries, scientists have struggled to understand it. Only in the past few years have state of the art tools like single-cell technologies and 3D cellular models offered hope of gaining insight into the workings of the brain—not to mention mystifying disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, and Alzheimer’s. But they’re also generating unprecedented amounts of data that labs are currently ill-equipped to handle. For her project, Aleks is experimenting with a novel data-analysis method to tackle this growing mountain of data.\nThanks to tools like single-cell technologies, we are generating gargantuan amounts of data about brain cells. For example, one experiment conducted by my lab examined 690,000 cells from nine regions of the adult mouse brain, identified 565 distinct groups of cells, and then compared and contrasted all the cell types across regions of the brain. As you might imagine, this took quite a while! It made me wonder: Could we develop a computational technique that would allow us to analyze brain cell data more rapidly?\nBorrowing from the world of pure mathematics, my colleagues and I will use our BroadIgnite award to develop a new data-analysis model that can streamline our efforts to uncover biologically significant representations of brain cell data. This model, which we call a nonlinear dimensionality approach, will employ machine learning. If it works, it could become the basis of a software tool that labs all over the world could use to gain insights into the roles brain cells play in schizophrenia, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "Last Updated on :\nBrethren In Christ\nAll images on these pages can be viewed at a readable size by clicking on the corresponding link.\n2. \"THEY WENT EVERYWHERE\nPREACHING THE WORD\"\nHow did it come about that within a time less than a grown man's life span, from 1525 to the century's end, the various groups of Brethren, their faith, writings, and manner of life had spread or grown so widely over the face of Europe?\nThere were two main reasons.\nTake Bernardino Ochino ('Little Bernard'), for instance (see INSET). While an exile in London we have notice of him in:\nand also in:\nWhile in London, Mary the Catholic came to the throne and Ochino and his family had to move. He went to Zurich, but the place proved too hot. He became embroiled in the controversy which was then tearing all Switzerland apart over pre-destination and freewill.\nWith the typically simple theology and reasonable approach that became so characteristic of the Brethren in Christ, he added his part:\nOne of Ochino's works published in Poland illustrates the international character of the movement we are tracing and the consequences of having so many wandering exiles seeking some temporary haven of refuge. As Roland Bainton of Yale pointed out: \"The book was written by an Italian, had previously appeared in English, was now translated by a Pole, subsidized by a German, printed by a Bohemian, and dedicated to a Lithuanian\". 27\nWe have referred to Bernardino Ochino as but one example: the travels -- on foot, beast or primitive wagon -- of many like him were largely involuntary. They moved when they had to, to places which seemed safe for a while. There was, however, another factor, perhaps even more powerful, which helped to sweep the Bible-based message of the Brethren in Christ so speedily and, for a time, effectively, across Europe.\nThis was their conviction of the nearness of the second coming of\nthe Lord Jesus Christ. They expected that within a short time he would come to overthrow the dominions of men, crush the papal Antichrist and establish his worldwide kingdom.\nIt is easy to understand their anticipations of Jesus' return, premature though they may have been. There is no question that they \"loved his appearing\" (2 Timothy 4:8). How could they do else, when they had to give up all for the truth of it? In Europe, political and religious turmoil convulsed the continent, Feudal society was being torn apart, and nothing permanent was yet appearing in its place. Emperor and Pope were in unholy alliance to crush believers in the Bible. The witnesses were being slain. Driven out of western Europe, some Jews, many of them famous scholars and professionals, were being allowed by the Turks to settle in Palestine.\nIt was in such circumstances, pressed in spirit by their conviction that time was short and Jesus would soon come again, that a special conference of the Brethren was held in the German city of Augsburg. It had to be small because it had to be secret. They met on August 24th, 1527, in the private home of Mathias Finder, a butcher. Those present decided that they should inaugurate immediately a Bible Mission to witness widely, and they selected a number of able brethren to be missionaries, or leaders of the campaign. Considering that every aspect of the message to be proclaimed was considered heretical by the authorities, baptism was a capital crime and membership of the group illegal, to call the decision a courageous one hardly does it justice. It was an act of faith which can only rank with David's crossing of the brook of Elah to face Goliath, and that of the apostles before the Jewish Sanhedrin (Acts 5:29). Suffice it to state that within two years eleven of those sent out had been executed and five years later only two were still alive. But in a very real sense it was as a result of that meeting in the butcher's house that the message was carried in an organised way through southern Germany, Austria and Italy, and thence by various modes and routes to Moravia, Bohemia, Poland, Romania, Russia and elsewhere.228 (Map 2).\nThis campaign can be illustrated by its effects on one small village in Austria. It just happens that records survive in the Austrian National Library which describe what took place there.\nRattenberg (not to be confused with Rottenburg in Germany where Michael Sattler met his death) is a picturesque small town thirty miles east of Innsbruck; its quaint streets still hug the banks of the Inn river,\nseemingly little changed since the 16th century. Already by 1527 there was a small congregation of believers there. That year, there came, by different routes, two of the missionary brethren, Leonhard Schiemer and Hans Schlaffer. Schiemer had met Hubmaier while in Mikulov, and had attended meetings there, but he had been baptised in Vienna. Arriving in Rattenberg on a missionary tour, along with his wife Barbara to whom he was passionately devoted, he was arrested during his very first night in town.\nHe languished in jail for several months before his death, but not before he had smuggled out his Ordnung der Gemein, a sort of ecclesial guide. This he hoped would help the young, inexperienced brotherhood through the evil days ahead. His last message to his wife and the members was a simple one: \"The Lord is my comfort and my confidence: He forsakes none who trust Him truly\".102 On January 14th, 1528 he was executed.\nBut not without protest. Like a Joseph of Arimathea, there was a prominent town councilor by the name of Pilgram Marpeck (see INSET) who had \"not consented to the counsel and deed of them\" (Luke 23:51). He had to leave his home town for Augsburg where he was baptized and became a quiet but sincere worker for the Faith. He wrote several books, 180-184 one of which contains over 800 pages; 182 of another, only two known copies survive;184 from yet another comes a passage which forms a good choice for our first selection (see PILGRAM MARPECK ON THE WORD AS SPIRIT). Marpeck is here refuting the notion that for us today illumination and conversion can come either through the Word of God or directly and independently by Holy Spirit inspiration, or both. Rather, he stresses, to believe and obey the Word of God is to receive God's Spirit and be transformed. Dealing with the old, but ever new, question \"How can\nPAGE 25 Inset: PILGRAM MARPECK ON THE WORD AS SPIRIT\nPAGE 26 Inset: EITELHANS LANGENMANTEL 1470-1528\nPAGES 27-28 Inset: EITELHANS LANGENMANTEL ON A CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY\nyou be so sure you have the Truth when so many other sincere people believe differently?\" he responds:\nUnfortunately -- for Pilgram Marpeck really deserves more of us -- space demands that we turn attention back to Rattenberg. With Marpeck out of the way, the Austrian authorities could get on with their heresy hunt. They caught Hans Schlaffer in the city of Schwaz, eight miles away, busily engaged in teaching his brethren and sisters the importance of prayer. One writer described him as \"a master of praying\", and it is by a prayer that we shall remember him at this time (see HANS SCHLAFFER'S FAREWELL PRAYER). It was written during the night before his execution in Schwaz on February 4th, 1528.\nThe events at Rattenberg were repeated in some form or another all\nthrough Austria in 1528. The Tyrol in particular was hard hit, and whole congregations were systematically wiped out almost as soon as they had formed. Georg Ca' Jacob, nicknamed Blaurock ('Bluecoat' -- see INSET), one of the founding members of the Swiss Brethren,\" felt a great anxiety to help the struggling ecclesias in that Austrian province, and he arrived there in May, 1529. One writer described what happened next:\nMeanwhile, the Innsbruck authorities had done their best to seize Blaurock. They threatened to dismiss the sheriff of Guffidaun unless he immediately put an end to the 'mischief'. He therefore redoubled his efforts to capture the leaders. On August 14th, 1529 he was able to report that he had succeeded in capturing 'two real leaders and re-baptizers, Georg von Chur and Hans Langegger' and imprisoning them in the Guffidaun castle\". 186\nThe prisoners were tortured (to reveal names, of course) and then publicly burnt in the woodmarket in Chiusa (Klausen). If Hans Schlaffer has left us a prayer, Blaurock has left us a hymn written similarly the night before his death. Written down in the quaintly spelled Schweizerdeutsch of the 16th century, it comes over into English after this manner (in the metre of the hymn 'The King Of Love' -- see THE LAST hymn OF GEORG 'BLAUROCK').167\nThe bitter experiences of the Brethren in Christ inevitably led them to identify Rome as the biblical Antichrist. Their understanding of Bible prophecy, and particularly of the Apocalypse, was not new to them. Earlier Bible students such as the Vaudois, and much earlier\nPAGE 33 Inset: GEORG CA' JACOB 1492-1529\n'post-apostolic fathers', had bequeathed to them the basic framework for appreciating prophecy and the grand design of the redemptive purpose of God with the earth and mankind. In the 16th century the need to place their own trials and labours in the context of the divine plan led the Brethren to meditate deeply and prayerfully over the details. The interpretation -- both in generality and detail -- that emerged was that with which Christadelphians have been familiar since the writings of John Thomas. The famous William Tyndale - almost certainly he secretly became a member of the Brethren in Germany - would definitely have repudiated as unscriptural the publications of the Press that bears his name today. A historian has stated of him that he:\nOne of the most powerful influences upon the development of this prophetic understanding came from works written in the 1490's by a noteable Jew, Don Isaac ben Judah Abravanel of Lisbon. One of these, entitled Wells of Salvation was a detailed exposition of the prophecies of Daniel. It is all very familiar to us -- except that of course he did not consider Jesus as Messiah! Many of the Brethren were hebraists and read Jewish works such as this in the original. The influence of Jewish expositors upon the Brethren was considerable and will be noted later when 16th century publications are considered.\nAll Books/Booklets, Editorials, and Articles are FREE and can be downloaded without permission.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "It is very important to understand the process of capitalist penetration of African economies. The process is easily confused with its effects. For instance, it can be confused with economic domination.\nAfrican economies were and are dominated, but the domination is the effect of the particular manner in which they have been integrated into the Western capitalist system. Much the same thing might be said of dependence. The dependence of African economies is the effect of the integration of African economies into the world capitalist system and not the essence of this process of integration. The salient feature of the process under review is that it ‘joined’ African economies to the Western capitalist economies in what was essentially an organic relationship. This process was brought about by colonialism, but that is not to say that it is a necessary effect of colonialism, it was just the effect of the particular mode of articulation of colonialism in Africa. What was this particular mode of articulation of colonialism and how did it bring about the process of integration? This question will be considered fewer than three headings: the monetization of African economies, the imperialism of colonial trade, and metropolitan investment and infrastructure development.\nA non-monetized economy cannot really be integrated into a capitalist economy. The monetization of a pre-capitalist economy is necessary for its integration into a capitalist one. As has been shown earlier, the essence of the capitalist mode of production is that it penetrates and takes over the production process. To say that capital has taken over production means that production is geared to the output of commodities or, what is the same thing that production occurs for the purpose of exchange. This process, which may be called pervasive commodification, requires a universal medium of exchange – money.\nThe inadequacies of these pre-colonial currencies had become very serious by the nineteenth century and they began to decline rapidly, not only because of their inherent weaknesses but also because of other developments. It was now much cheaper, because of technical advances and the availability of new sources of supply, to produce and deliver them. The tendency to over-issue was reinforced by competition among European firms for the African trade. The result was a serious depreciation of the value of these currencies, and inevitably confidence in them was lost. At the same time European currencies, particularly British and French were coming increasingly into use. This greatly accelerated the decline of the pre-colonial African currencies. That the European currencies accelerated the decline was not in the least surprising because they were much more convenient.\nHow then did colonialism monetize African economies? First economies were monetized by annihilating the pre-colonial currencies which had represented a rudimentary monetization, but which were as limited as currencies that they would have been a serious obstacle to fundamental monetization. They were annihilated by depreciation and displacement so that the way was paved for the development of a modern monetary system. With pre-colonial currencies displaced, and the European currencies firmly installed in their place, the real task of monetization began, and this was mainly the task of making the new medium of exchange thoroughly pervasive in the economy. First, they encouraged wage labour often by force – for instance, by appropriating arable land from Africans and thus reducing them first to squatters and arable land from Africans and thus reducing them first to squatters and eventually to wage labourers on their land. The expansion of wage labour not only had the advantage of monetizing the economy but also of facilitating the control of the economy and a more reliable supply of labour. Second, African economies were monetized by imposing taxes and insisting on payment of taxes with the European currency.\nTHE IMPERIALISM OF TRADE\nTrade between the colony and the colonizing power was a critical mechanism for the integration of African economies into the European capitalist system. How trade played this role is quite easy to understand. To begin with, trade was, in the early years of colonization, the vehicle for extending capitalism into the colony. It helped to create consumerist orientations; it stimulated the growth of a money market and capitalist financial institutions, extending the scope of the money economy. Most importantly trade stimulated primary production. To appreciate this point one has to distinguish between the impact of trade on the colonies before and after colonization. There was trade before colonization but its impact on the transformation of the economy of the overseas territory was rather limited. Trading activity centred mainly in the metro pole. The Europeans were relatively indifferent to what went on in the interior. They were content to leave the production and the delivery of whatever products they wanted to local entrepreneurs and middlemen. But with colonization, the situation changed.\nTHE IMPACT OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT\nThe pattern of foreign investment in the colonial African economies reinforced the complementarities between these economies and the Western economies, and the structural dependence of the former on the latter. But before going into the question of complementarities and dependence, it is useful to mention that foreign investment increased the integration of the African economies into the Western capitalist system by promoting the spread of the capitalist mode of production. As Western capital flowed into the colony, capitalism spread. And as capitalism and capitalist-related institutions took root, the economies of the colony became more compatible with Western economies and this aided integration. Foreign investment created linkages between the metropolitan and colonial economies. For instance, while stimulating primary production in the colonies it directed its forward linkages outwards to the metropole. The spread of capitalism in the colony was integrative in more small class of indigenous capitalists who had common interest with foreign capital.\nThe history of man stems from less developed kinds of society to qualitatively new and even higher types surpassing the former ones in all the major economic, social, political, cultural and moral criteria. Marxism designates these qualitative distinct types of society, which primarily differ from each other in economic structure, in the mode of material production, as socio-economic formations. Marx asserted that the socio-economic formations consist of economic structure and consequently the two main super-structures of the state, law and ideology which determine the mode of production. It should be noted that all socio-economic formation arises on a material foundation and every new formation begins with the emergence and development of a new economic basis which necessarily gives rise to corresponding politic-juridical relations and ideological forms. The fundamental basis of any socio-economic formations, its chief structural elements the mode of production is characterized by the type of property in the means of production prevailing under that formation. When the prevailing relations of production run into contradiction with the productive forces and impede their development, the given formation inevitably begins to decline and finally collapses. So the development of a socio-economic formation, its rise and falls are forces decided in the sphere of the economic basis.\nThe Primitive Communal Stage\nAt the beginning of human existence, social organization took the form of the horde or band of hunters who killed animals and fruit gatherers. Division and specialization of labour were possible along the sex lines, age, brute strength and skills.\nIn the slave society, the means of production are almost the same with that of communal society, the sharp differences are that human beings are now included in the forces of production, and production has risen to a level where surpluses are produced. The relation of production is private and the dominant mode of production is slavery.\nThe emergence of feudal stage became necessary as a result of the failure of the slave system. So during the third century, the slave holding society was faced with a lot of problems as a result of feudal relations of production emerge. In the pursuit of economic benefit, some slave owners broke up their latifundia into smaller units gave these of liberated slaves who were to remain attached to the soil and to pay cash rent. As time goes on the cash rent payment was replaced with payment through selling their labour to their masters.\nThe capitalist social formation is dominated by a mode of production in which the factory is the dominant means of production and in which the bulk of productive forces are privately own.\nMarxism attached more value to the role of capitalism in industrial development and civilizations sue to its production facilities.\nCapitalism has helped in the advancement of science and technology, more so in the way it has helped the emergence and the development of capitalism. Capitalist society, during its early stage, has helped to create great cultural values in art, literature and every other sphere of spiritual and creative endeavour. Capitalism is more important compared with slavery and feudalism in social progress not only in the economy but also in social and political sphere of life. Though, despite its inconsistencies, bourgeois democracy was undoubtedly a marked extension of individual civil rights as can be compared to feudal state system.\nContrary to what is obtained in the capitalist socio-economic formations the socialist socio-economic formations has no resemblance with the bourgeois society. The growing character under capitalism the shaping and the awakening of the consciousness of the peasant and working class, its communist vanguard and the emergence of a strong alliance between the lumen proletariat and other oppressed social sections of the capitalist society provide the most important conditions for transition to socialism. The socialist revolution the Karl Marx led the vanguard first in Russia put an end to the domination of the capitalist.\nUnder socialism there is social property in the means of production, thereby putting an end to exploitation of man by man. The contradictions in the capitalist mode of production with attendant crisis that characterized capitalism i.e. economic recession, inflation, economic stagnation etc., have no room in the socialist system, this is because all the means of production are under the control of the state, which affects the planned and development of all the sectors in the economy. Under socialism, planning is done in such a way that there will be no room for unemployment and the workers fear of the future which is a curse to working class under capitalism. Under this system, the values which are created by the workers are distributed among the producers based on the quality and the quantity of their labour.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "For this week’s winter theme, I planned a storytime around Jim Aylesworth’s 2009 adaptation of the folktale “The Mitten”. I love that a version of this popular story was created that is suitable to read aloud to preschoolers. The children in my storytimes are always captivated by the story and art of this book.\nI also included Paul Galdone’s”Three Little Kittens”, and “Who’s Been Here? A Tale in Tracks” by Fran Hodgkins. A similar, quality story about animals in the snow is “In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?” by Lindsay Barrett George. “The Mitten Tree” by Candace Christiansen is another good story about mittens.\n“Who’s Been Here? A Tale in Tracks” by Fran Hodgkins\n“In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?” by Lindsay Barrett George\n“Three Little Kittens” by Paul Galdone\n“The Mitten Tree” by Candace Christiansen\nArt project: I had the children create a mitten sewing card to practice fine motor skills. Then they colored and cut out all of the story’s animals from a sheet I provided, and placed them inside their finished mitten. The kids seemed to think this was a fun way to re-enact the story. Here are examples of the materials used to assemble this project:", "label": "No"} +{"text": "The Financial Times defines business acumen as the “keenness and speed in understanding and deciding on a business situation.” Managers with good business acumen are respected within their organizations because their decisions generate appropriate results and produce additional contributions to the overall company culture and performance.\nTo create an effective business plan that tells a story about the current state of the business and forecasts the future state with realistic expectations, leaders need to have the right business analysis tools and acumen. This front line leader course identifies a number of business analysis tools and techniques used by different organizations that leaders can use to dissect, comprehend and make decisions about a business situation. Learn how to use frameworks to assess the current state of the business, evaluate the risks impacting the business, consider options, and determine the course of actions or solutions that can be implemented to address business needs.\nBy completion of this course, successful students will be able to:\n- Identify business analysis tools and techniques used by different organizations.\n- Explore frameworks to assess options, define a course of action and/or create solutions that can be implemented to address business needs.\n- Examine strategies to communicate the current state and justify the business decision to key stakeholders within the organization.\n- Analyze techniques that will help assess the current state and evaluate the risks impacting the business.\n- Develop a method to facilitate research, analyze, and map the organization’s abilities to achieve the envisioned future state.", "label": "No"} +{"text": "ISIS has an air force, and it's made up of consumer drones. Video from AlMawsleya TV in Mosul shows an ISIS drone that Iraqi Security Services downed. ISIS has used drones since 2014. Initially, they were for surveillance and making propaganda videos. They were also used to direct mortar or rocket attacks.\nEventually, ISIS started using drones as a sort of do-it-yourself air force. They became especially prominent in Mosul, Iraq, as ISIS lost more and more of the city. When they weren't dropping homemade explosives from the drones, they used them to direct suicide bombers to targets in the urban terrain.\nDamien Spleeters, head of regional operations in Iraq and Syria for Conflict Armament Research, says his organization has seen mostly rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs.\n\"For tactical reasons, because it's easier, you don't have to account for inertia too much for this kind of platform when you drop an ordinance,\" he says. \"But also because it's commercial and off the shelf, so it's easier to obtain. You know, ISIS had a program in place since 2015. From those documents, you could see that there were different purposes for drones, like bombing, spying, training — things like this, so, they used them in forms to their advantage.\"\nDrones are only one part of a larger set of homebrew ISIS weaponry. Among other things, the group makes its own rocket launchers, rifle grenades, improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. While making explosives is nothing new for terror groups, the scale that ISIS does it, is.\n\"It really resembled to me, an industrial revolution of terrorism so to speak, you know?\" Spleeters says. \"For us, there are two factors that are really at the basis for why the Islamic State group is having a very strong military production program. The first reason is they like to develop their own brand. They are a state, and they are self-sufficient. ... It's their politics, it's their ideology. And the second reason is to supplement their current arsenal with things that they might be lacking.\"\nDespite that ISIS continues to lose territory, including some of it's largest urban areas, Spleeters says ISIS is still alive and kicking in terms of innovation. And that it may even spread outside of Iraq and Syria.\n\"As long as their chain of supply remains in place, it will survive,\" he says. \"If not, it will stay dormant until there is material to use.\"\nConflict Armament Research has written a host of reports on ISIS weapons in Iraq and Syria. Damien Spleeters and his team have conducted more than 30 missions in the region over more than 500 days and have documented more than 40,000 items. See CAR's work here.\nMore useful information on ISIS weapon innovation, specifically on drones, can be found in this report from West Point's Combating Terrorism Center. Bellingcat, an open-source journalism collective, gathered visual evidence of more than 100 drone attacks in Iraq and Syria and analyzed them by munition type and target here.", "label": "No"}