{"text": "Inhalation Exposure of Organophosphate Pesticides by Vegetable Growers in the Bang-Rieng Subdistrict in Thailand\nThis study investigated inhalation exposure to organophosphate pesticides (OPPs) and evaluated the associated health risks to vegetable growers living in the Bang-Rieng agricultural community. Air samples were collected by using personal sampling pumps with sorbent tubes placed in the vegetable growers' breathing zone. Samples were collected during both wet and dry seasons. Residues of organophosphate pesticides, that is, chlorpyrifos, dicrotofos, and profenofos, were analyzed from 33 vegetable growers and 17 reference subjects. Results showed that median concentrations of OPPs in air in farm areas were in the range of 0.022–0.056 mg/ and air in nonfarm areas in the range of <0.0016–<0.005 mg/. The concentration of the three pesticides in the vegetable growers was significantly higher than that of the references during both seasons. The results also indicate that the vegetable growers may be at risk for acute adverse effects via the inhalation of chlorpyrifos and dicrotofos during pesticide application, mixing, loading, and spraying. It is suggested that authorities and the community should implement appropriate strategies concerning risk reduction and risk management.\nThailand exports a large amount of agricultural products to the world market every year. The agricultural labor force makes up about 55.7% of the Thai population. Most of this workforce’s income is generated through sales of farm products such as rice, fruit, cassava, and para-rubber . To minimize crop damage and to increase land productivity, the use of pesticides has become more essential. The import of pesticides has increased considerably from approximately 4,000 tons in 1962 to 37,039 tons in 2001. The burden of pesticides, as applied for crop protection, may affect environmental quality and human health .\nDue to the ease of purchase and the high effectiveness in pest control, farmers are applying pesticides in large quantities. Since the ban of organochlorine pesticides in Thailand, the most widely used pesticide has become organophosphate pesticides (OPPs). OPPs are very effective in the eradication of insects and they are not as persistent in the environment as organochlorine pesticides. However, OPPs can cause acute adverse human health effects. At certain doses, OPPs have adverse effects on insects and humans. OPPs inhibit acetylcholinesterase enzymes (AChEs) at nerve ending that result in a build up of acetylcholine (Ach). Ach is an important neurotransmitter. When it accumulates at a synapse due to jamming of information the passing of messages between nerve cells is prevented. Adverse effects from OPP exposure include pulmonary edema, cyanosis, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, blurred vision, respiratory difficulty and possibly death due to respiratory failure . The severity of the health effects varies with exposure dose and duration.\nThe Bang-Rieng subdistrict is a large agricultural area in Songkhla Province, Southern Thailand. The farmers in this area grow a variety of vegetables. The Bang-Rieng community can be divided into two regions based on the patterns of agricultural practices: intensive and integrated pest management (IPM). Intensive agriculture refers to a commercial agriculture system that relies on a large market. As part of intensive practices, farmers mainly use pesticides for pest control. IPM, on the other hand, focuses on reducing pesticide use through alternative techniques such as biological control, crop rotation, or netted crop growing.\nThis study focuses on intensive agricultural areas due to intensive pesticide use in Thailand. The intensive agricultural region within the Bang Reing community consists of approximately 891 rai (143 ) of vegetable farm area, including 92 households (information obtained from the GIS survey by the Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkhla University, 2004). The reference areas are 7-8 km away from the farm areas, within the same subdistrict. The reference areas consist of 1,056 rai (169 ) including 96 households (information obtained from database of Bang Reing subdistrict, 2004)\nFarmers in the Bang-Rieng community are directly and indirectly exposed to OPP residues either by inhalation during mixing, loading, or application of pesticides; by ingestion through artesian well water; or by dermal exposure from contact with soil residues, pesticide residues on plants, or while handling pesticides. This study will focus on the inhalation route of organophosphate pesticides that is chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos because they are the most popular and widely used in Bang Reing agricultural area. Inhalation exposure results in the individual breathing in dilute pesticide, that is, absorbed through the surface of the lung. Chemicals then enter the blood stream and are distributed to the rest of the body .\n2. Methods and Materials\nThis study was approved by the Ethical Review Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects and/or Use of Animals in Research, Health Science Group of Faculties, Colleges and Institutes, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand under document no. 097/2006. All participants signed a consent form prior to participation in this study.\nThirty-three vegetable growers were selected as the study group. Vegetable growers were asked to participate in this study based on the farmers organophosphate pesticide use. The reference, or control, groups were made up of seventeen workers who collect latex from rubber tree plants and do not work with pesticides. The reference area was chosen based on interviews and background data. Since they live in the same subdistrict as the vegetable growers, this study will also investigate whether the reference group has inhalation exposure at work to the specific pesticides used by the vegetable growers (Figure 1). A survey was also administered by the study investigator to obtain information on subject age, body weight, and spray time.\n2.1. Air Sampling\nAltogether, 100 air samples were collected; 50 air samples were collected during the dry season (April–June 2006) and 50 during the wet season (September–October 2006). Each season, 33 air samples were collected from vegetable farm areas and 17 air samples were collected from the reference areas. Each subject provided two air samples. The air samples were treated as independent because of difference in sample collection time and weather conditions. Air samples were collected by using personal sampling pumps with sorbent tubes (OVS-2 tube: 13 mm quartz filter; XAD-2 140/270 mg). The personal sampling pump was set and calibrated with a flow rate of 1 L/min. The sorbent tube was placed in the subjects’ breathing zone and the personal pump was worn around the waist. The personal pump evacuates the air through the solid sorbent tube. Personal air samples were collected while vegetable growers mixed and loaded the pesticides outdoors and while walking and spraying the pesticides in the farm area. The average time of sample collection was 27.6 minutes or 0.46 hours (range 10.2–54 minutes or 0.17–0.9 hours). After the growers finished spraying, the exposure time of vegetable growers was recorded from the timer on the personal pump. The vegetable growers only sprayed pesticides once a day, usually during the morning hours from 5:00 AM–8:00 AM when the winds are calm. Two to three samples were collected per day. Pesticides are not sprayed when it is raining so samples were not collected on rainy days. The personnel pump was calibrated using a rotameter in the lab everyday before sample collection. The sampling method for measuring the pesticide air concentration followed the NIOSH manual of analytical methods, number 5600 [5, 6].\nThe plastic cap and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTPE) retainer ring of the sorbent tube was removed for analyses. The quartz filter and front XAD-2 section was transferred to a 4 mL vial and the short polyurethane foam plug along with back-up XAD-2 section was transferred to a separate 4-mL vial. Desorbing solvent (2 mL of acetone/toluene solution: 1/9) was added to each vial and let to stand for 30 minutes. The sample was then extracted in an ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes and concentrated by evaporation with nitrogen gas and reconstituted with of desorbing solvent for gas chromatography with flame photo detector (GC/FPD) analysis. An Agilent 6890 GC/FPD was used for quantification of OPP compounds. The retention times of dicrotofos, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos were 13.924, 16.917, and 20.255 minutes, respectively.\nAfter collecting air samples from the vegetable growers, air samples were collected from the reference subjects during latex collection from the rubber plants. Sampling conditions and collection methods for the reference subjects were the same as for the vegetable growers. The sampling duration determined for the vegetable growers was also used for nonapplicators, 27.6 minutes.\n2.2. Quality Control\nA calibration curve using the external mixed standards of chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos was created for each compound to be quantified at concentrations of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 10 g/mL. Calibration standards were run before samples were injected and all measurements were performed in the ranges of linearity found for each compound. The limit of method detections (MDLs) for chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos were 0.0016, 0.005, and 0.003 , respectively. The validation data showed quantitative recoveries at 2 ppm of the three standards mixed (chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos). Percent recoveries of spiked samples with chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos in OVS-2 air sample tubes were in the range of 96–110, 102–104, and 96–106%, respectively.\n2.3. Air Inhalation Exposure Assessment\nAir inhalation exposure was calculated by the following algorithm :\nwhere ADD is Average Daily Dose for air inhalation (mg/kg/day), is concentration of pesticides in air (mg/), IR is inhalation rate (/day), (for vegetable growers average breathing rate = 1.472 /day, calculated from breathing rate in heavy activity and multiply by 0.46 hr/day for average spraying pesticide period of vegetable farmers. For reference group breathing rate and breathing time use as same as vegetable growers = 1.472 /day) BW = body weight (kg) (65kg; average body weight of vegetable growers).\n2.4. Risk Characterization\nBased on toxicology criteria and potential for exposure, the Health Effects Division (HED) of the US Environmental Protection Agency has conducted inhalation exposure assessments for occupational handlers. Noncancer inhalation health risk estimates are expressed in terms of the Margin of Exposure (MOE). The margin of exposure (MOE) is used to convey Noncancer health risks. The MOE is the relationship of the pesticides no adverse observable adverse effects level (NOAEL), or the lowest adverse observable effects level (LOAEL), to the pesticides approximate level of exposure. The MOE is compared to the pesticides uncertainty factor; an MOE greater than the uncertainty factor reflects a possible health concern .\nThe NOAELs of chlorpyrifos for inhalation in acute effect was 0.1 mg/kgday . Dicrotophos LOAELs for inhalation acute effects was 0.5 mg/kgday . Profenofos LOAELs for inhalation acute effects was 9.7 mg/kg/day \nLOAEL can be substituted for NOAEL in (2), but then it is desirable to have a larger MOE.\n2.5. Statistical Analyses\nThis is a cross-sectional study design. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16.0. Descriptive statistics were used to describe and summarize the data. Tests of normality were also checked. Since the air samples produced a skewed distribution, the Mann Whitney-U test was used to compare the two study groups (vegetable growers versus reference) and seasons (dry versus wet).\nThe vegetable grower and reference groups had similar distributions of gender, age, and weight. The surveys showed that 32 males and 1 female made up the vegetable growers with an average age of 39 years and an average weight of 65 kg. The reference group, or control group, consisted of 16 males and 1 female. The average age of the reference group was 40 years, and the average weight of the reference group was 65 kg. The vegetable growers average spray time was 0.46 hrs/day (ranging 0.17–0.9 hrs/day).\nChlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos were found in all the vegetable grower’s air samples. Figure 2 shows the medians and distributions of all three pesticides. Results showed that median concentrations of OPPs in farm area air samples were in the range of 0.022–0.056 mg/. All reference area samples were below the analytic limit of detection, for all three sampled pesticides. The concentrations of chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos were significantly higher in the farm areas compared to the reference areas, during both the wet and dry seasons (Mann Whitney-U (MWU) Test; MWU,). Figure 3 shows in the farm areas, there was no difference in chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos and profenofos concentrations between the dry and the wet seasons (MWU, ,. 469, and .160, resp.).\nThe chlorpyrifos concentrations of all samples in short-term exposure during both the wet and dry seasons did not exceed Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) of chlorpyrifos = 0.6 mg/ as recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) . The profenofos concentrations of all samples in short-term exposure during both the wet and dry seasons did not exceed. Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) of profenofos = 3 mg/ as suggestion by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc . But the 3% of all samples was found dicrotophos concentrations in short-term exposure during both the wet and dry exceed Permission exposure limits (PELs) = 0.25 mg/as recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health .\n3.1. Dose and Risk Characterization\nThe Margin of Exposure (MOE) is a ratio of the No Observed Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) of chlorpyrifos, the Lowest Observed Adverse Effects Level (LOAEL) of dicrotophos, and profenofos to exposure dose. For chlorpyrifos, the US EPA has set an MOE of 100 as the US EPA MOE approach that has shown to be adequate protection for workers (US EPA, 1999) . The MOE for dicrotophos is 1000 and 300 for profenofos (US EPA, 1999) [10, 11].\nThe estimated inhalation dose for chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos are presented in Table 1. To compare dose with effect level was presented as MOE in Table 2. Table 2 shows that 39% of vegetable grower’s air samples had chlorpyrifos levels below the US EPA MOE approach and 87% of the samples had dicrotophos levels below the US EPA MOE approach. None of MOE of profenophos was below the US EPA MOE approach. The MOEs of chlorpyrifos, dicrotophos, and profenofos are not a concern in the reference area since measurable levels were not detected in these areas.\n4. Discussion and Conclusions\nThis is a study of 33 vegetable farmers in Bang-Rieng, Thailand. Vegetable growers do not wear proper protective. It was found that 39% and 87% of vegetable growers are at risk of inhalation exposures to chlorpyrifos and dicrotophos organophosphate insecticides that exceeded EPA recommended, respectively. Whereas no vegetable growers had risk concern inhalation exposure to profenofos organophosphate insecticides that exceeded EPA recommended.\nThe US investigated agricultural (various PPE or engineering controls) inhalation exposure to chlorpyrifos and dicrotophos. It was found that for 16% (9 of 56 scenarios) of chlorpyrofos exposure and 8% (2 of 24 scenarios) of dicrotophos exposure exceeded EPA recommendations . No agricultural worker (individual wearing long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, shoes and socks, no gloves. and no respirator) had inhalation exposure to profenofos organophosphate insecticides that exceeded EPA recommendations .\nThe result found that a higher percent of agricultural workers in Thailand were exposed to organophosphate pesticides (including chlorpyrifos and dicrotophos) than US agricultural workers. This is due to the fact that US agricultural workers wear the appropriate PPE and have better engineering control. The vegetable growers should be required to wear protective masks when working with pesticides and educated on the proper use of pesticides. Administrative changes such as rotating workers and scheduling application times differently may help lower the risk of exposure as well.\nData analysis also showed that the vegetable growers were exposed to a higher level of organophosphate (0.022–0.056 mg/) than the reference group (0.0016–0.005 mg/m3). Three percent of the samples showed that short-term exposure to dicrotophos during both the wet and dry seasons exceeded the permissible exposure limits (PELs) of 0.25 mg/m3 as recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Whereas chlorpyrifos and profenofos did not exceed the short time exposure Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) or the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL).\nComparisons of pesticide exposure to previous studies in Thailand found that the chlorpyrifos exposure of 33 vegetable growers (0.0016–0.4537 mg/m3) in the vegetable farm area was slightly less than the chlorpyrifos exposure of 31 rice farmers in the rice fields (ranging from 0.0216–0.5500 mg/m3). This may be a result of the amount of pesticides used on vegetable farms (vegetable growers farm area: 0.8 hectare) being less than rice farms (rice farmer area: 1.6–3.2 hectare) .\nThe comparison of pesticide concentrations with ACGIH/NIOSH guidelines and the MOE, analysis found that some of the dicrotophos samples (chlorpyrifos: 3% exceeded REL and 87% exceeded MOE) exceeded the fixed values. It was also found that profenofos (profenofos: 0% exceeded OEL and 0% exceeded MOE) did not exceed the fixed values. The incident rates of chlorpyrifos showed that 39% of the samples exceeded the MOE. The incident rates of the MOE may be more than PEL, REL or OEL because the EPA derived a margin of exposure (MOE) from the dermal no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL; mg/kg/day).\nThe NOAEL relied on animal studies and human studies (if applicable). The uncertainty factor (UF) accounts for the uncertainty involved in extrapolating animal data for human health. The uncertain factor for occupational exposure, MOE(chlorpyrifos) 100 (i.e., 10 interspecies and 10 intraspecies variability, do not exceed HED’s level concern) and MOE 300 (profenofos) or 1000 (dicrotophos) (i.e., 10 interspecies and 10 intraspecies variability, do not exceed HED’s level concern the addition 3-to 10-fold cushion between NOAEL and LOAEL) . The uncertainty factors derived from combination with actual data and surrogate data (for professional judgment). This is one sources of uncertainty that may not represent the exposure scenario being analyzed. However, EPA set uncertainty factors as high potential safety factors. So using the MOE and EPA to enforce standards, it may reduce pesticide exposure.\nThe Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) ensure a safe and healthy work environment. This is accomplished by setting occupational safety and health standards and by providing research, information, and training in the field of occupational safety and health . The ACGIH limits are based on the risk of cholinesterase inhibition associated with exposure to chlorpyrifos and dicrotophos [17, 18]. The workers are viewed as generally healthier than the general population and having chosen to face certain risks and be compensated for this risk through payment of wages, but neither assumption is necessarily correct.\nFrom the reasons above the degree of pesticide exposure with ACGIH/NIOSH guidelines and the MOE analysis was different. Congress has forbidden OSHA from conducting inspection at farms that employ 10 or fewer persons, leaving EPA as the only agency with meaningful enforcement authority in many situations . Each vegetable farm in Thailand consists of fewer persons. So Thailand should enforce pesticide use by the EPA MOE since the EPA sets as high potential safety factor.\nEven though it is important to estimate inhalation exposure, it is not enough to estimate occupational exposure. Measuring inhalation exposure alone may underestimate each subject’s true dose because of the known propensity for dermal exposure of these three agents and the high probability of skin exposure during mixing and backpack-spray application. The potential for systematic toxicity can be observed following dermal exposure. Therefore, ACGIH set short-term exposure levels (STELs) of chlorpyrifos with skin notations. The skin notation indicates that the cutaneous route of exposure (including mucous membrane and eye) contributes to the overall exposure. In addition, OSHA set a PEL for dicrotophos with skin notations as well. Even though this research did not focus on dermal exposure, it is recommended that dermal exposure be investigated in future studies. Dermal exposure is a concern in Thailand since Thai farmers do not wear appropriate personal protective equipment during the loading, mixing, and spraying of pesticides.\nThis study is a preliminary aggregate risk assessment (of all pesticides used on farms) of inhalation exposure among farmers in Thailand. The information obtained from this study is useful for risk management and risk communication in the Bang-Rieng agricultural community. It also provides baseline information for local and national government to make decisions relevant to farmer health. Individual health risk assessments were also reported to each vegetable grower who was also provided guidance on protection from pesticide exposure.\nThis study was supported by the National Center of Excellence for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management (NCE-EHWM), Chulalongkorn University and partially funded by the 90th Anniversary of Chulalongkorn University Fund.\nAgricultural Extension Department, Agriculture data of Thailand, June 2007, http://www.doae.go.th/stat/statt.htm.\nW. Siriwong, Organochlorine pesticide residues in aquatic ecosystem and health risk assessment of local agricultural community, Ph.D. dissertation, Graduated School Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.\nUS EPA, Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoning, Office of Pesticide Program, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 1999.\nNational Association of state Department of agriculture Research Foundation (NASDAF), National Pesticide Application Certification: Core Manual, NASDAF, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.\nNational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) 5600: Organophosphorus Pesticides, NIOSH, 4th edition, 1994.\nV. Jirachaiyabhas, P. Visuthismajarn, P. Hore, and G. M. 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Since their introduction about 40 years ago, restorative resin composites have proven to be successful1, and it is expected that their use for restoring both anterior and posterior teeth will continue to increase. Although considerable improvements have been made in the properties of these materials over the last decade2, Brazilian formulations are increasingly available, but little is know about their performance. For this reason, studies evaluating their properties are warranted.\nLikewise composites, several light-curing units (LCUs) are available, each one having specific characteristics of light emission, such as irradiance level and spectral emission range and peak. Although quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) LCUs are the most traditional ones, blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are increasingly popular among clinicians. These LCUs emit a narrow spectrum of wavelengths that is better correlated with the spectral absorbance of camphorquinone (CQ), the most commonly used photoinitiator in dental composites3.\nIn comparison to LEDs, QTH LCUs also present some drawbacks that may interfere with their long-term exposure efficiency, such as high heat generation within the quartz bulb, degradation of filters over the course of time, and relatively overall short efficient working life span4-5. However, although some studies describe similar curing efficiency for QTH and LED units, the actual efficiency of LEDs still needs further evaluation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to evaluate the light characteristics (irradiance level and spectral emission) of LED and QTH LCUs, and to investigate their influence on flexural strength and flexural modulus of different resin composites. The tested null-hypothesis was that no significant differences in strength and modulus would be observed regardless of the LCU or resin composite.\nMaterial and Methods\nFour commercial hybrid resin composites, shade A3, were evaluated: MasterFill (Biodinâmica, Ibiporã, PR, Brazil), Opallis (FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil), Filtek Z250 and Filtek Supreme (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). Materials’ compositions are shown in Table 1.\nThree LCUs were investigated: XL2500 QTH (XL - 3M ESPE), UltraBlue Is LED (UB - DMC, São Carlos, SP, Brazil) and Radii LED (RD - SDI, Victoria, Australia). The LCUs were connected to a voltage stabilizer and the output power (mW) of each unit was measured with a digital power meter (Ophir Optronics Inc., Danvers, MA, USA). The diameter of each light guide tip (cm) was measured with a digital caliper (Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan) accurate to 0.01 mm. Irradiance (mW/cm2) was computed as the ratio of the output power by the area of the light guide. Additionally, the spectral distribution of each LCU was obtained using a computer-controlled spectrometer (USB2000; Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL, USA).\nFlexural strength test was conducted in accordance with the ISO4049 standard specifications6. Five rectangular barshaped specimens (25 x 2 x 2 mm) were prepared for each material-unit combination by placing the composites into a stainless steel mold held between two glass microscopic slides. After light-activation procedures, the specimens were removed from the mold and stored in distilled water at 37°C in the dark. After 24 h, the height and width of the specimens were measured with a digital caliper (Mitutoyo) and the samples were subjected to a three-point bending test in a mechanical testing machine (DL500; EMIC, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil), at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure. Flexural strength (FS) was determined as follows:\nFS = 3Pf L / 2WH2\nwhere Pf is the measured maximum load (N) at the time of specimen fracture, L is the distance between the supports on the tension surface (20 mm), W is the mean specimen width, and H is the mean height of the specimen between the tension and compression surfaces. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05).\nA chart plotter recorded the stress-deformation profile during the flexural test. Flexural modulus (FM) was calculated from the linear-elastic range, between bending force and specimen displacement before fracture, as follows:\nFM = (DF / Dy) x (L3 / 4WH3)\nwhere DF / Dy is the change in force (DF) per unit change in deflection of the center of the specimen (Dy). Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05).\nTable 2 presents the light characteristics for each LCU. Figure 1 shows a comparison for the spectrum of wavelengths. For XL, a spectrum concentrated in the 400-520 nm wavelength range was observed. For RD and UB, the spectrum was concentrated in the 430-530 and 420520 nm range, respectively.\nResults for flexural strength are shown in Table 3. The factor ‘LCU’ was not significant (p=0.179), while the factor ‘material’ (p<0.001) and the interaction unitmaterial (p=0.018) were significant. For XL, Opallis showed significantly lower flexural strength than the other composites (p<0.001), which were similar to each other (pe”0.947). Correspondingly, for RD, Z250 and Supreme were similar between them (p=0.554), while MasterFill was similar only to Supreme (p=0.119); Opallis showed significantly lower strength than Z250 and Supreme (pd”0.004), but similar to MasterFill (p=0.565). On the other hand, for UB, all composites presented similar results (pe”0.349). When comparing the different LCUs for each material, no significant differences were observed for MasterFill (pe”0.269) and Opallis (pe”0.091). For Z250 and Supreme, RD showed the highest flexural strength values, which were similar to XL (pe”0.31), but significantly higher than UB (pd”0.041); XL and UB presented similar results (pe”0.176).\nResults for flexural modulus are shown in Table 4. The factors ‘material’ and ‘LCU’ were significant (p<0.001), but not their interaction (p=0.165). For XL and UB, Z250 and Supreme showed significantly higher values than both MasterFill and Opallis (pd”0.012), which performed similar (pe”0.147). For RD, Z250 and Supreme presented similar results (p=0.072), and both presented significantly higher modulus than MasterFill and Opallis (p<0.001), which were similar (p=0.677). When comparing the different LCUs for each material, no significant differences were detected for Opallis (pe”0.194). For MasterFill and Z250, XL and RD were similar (pe”0.155), and so were RD and UB (pe”0.295), but XL yielded significantly higher modulus than UB (pd”0.04). For Supreme, XL and RD were similar (p=0.992), generating significantly higher modulus than UB (pd”0.004).\nFlexural strength is a measure of composite strength: the higher the value, the stronger the material. The ISO4049 standard6 classifies dental polymer-based restorative materials into 2 types: Type I materials are those claimed by the manufacturers to be suitable for restorations involving occlusal surfaces, while Type II are all other polymer-based restorative materials. The minimum flexural strength requirement for Type I materials is 80 MPa6-7 . The results of this study showed that all composites presented flexural strength higher than 80 MPa, except for Opallis photoactivated with QTH. Indeed, Opallis showed the lowest strength values among all tested composites, regardless of the LCU. Therefore, the nullhypothesis is rejected. The probable explanation for this result may rely on the fact that the composites tested in this study present distinct compositions, and differences in filler load and type, organic matrix components, and even surface treatments of the particles, may affect the mechanical behavior of the materials.\nOn the other hand, flexural modulus describes stiffness, a measure of material’s resistance to deformation under load. There are debates on how much modulus resin composites should possess8. Class V cervical cavities, for example, demand a low modulus restorative material to flex with the tooth. A relatively high modulus, on the other hand, is expected for posterior restorations to withstand the occlusal forces and preserve the adhesive interface. Theoretically, the ideal value would be similar to that of dental structures, so the restorative would have similar deformation to the surrounding tooth under loading. However, when compared to the modulus of human enamel (84 GPa)9, resin composites have much lower values; in comparison to human dentin (14 GPa)9-10, some composites may present similar values.\nIn the present study, Z250 and Supreme generally presented higher modulus than the other tested composites. This result might be related to differences in resin formulation or inorganic load among the materials, which strongly affect the properties of the dental composites. Opallis and MasterFill possess irregular glass particles, while the other composites possess spherical ceramic particles that present higher strength and improve the packing of the inorganic fillers, enhancing the properties of the composite. Composites made with irregular particles could have lower flexural strength and modulus than those made with spherical fillers due to the fact that the stress concentration around the fillers would be expected to be greater for materials loaded with irregular-shaped particles11 .\nThe LCUs produced different results among the resin composites. In general, RD and XL generated higher values for strength and modulus. This is probably explained by the fact that these LCUs presented higher irradiance than UB. The amount of light energy delivered to the specimens might affect the conversion of double bonds which, in turn, might interfere with the development of mechanical properties. Moreover, a photo-polymerization initiated at low light level is generally associated with relatively few centers of polymer growth, possibly resulting in a more linear final polymer structure, with lower network strength. On the other hand, irradiance at high levels produces a multitude of growth centers and leads to the formation of densely cross-linked polymers12-13, which might also explain the results observed for RD and XL.\nIn addition to irradiance, the polymerization potential by photoactivation is also dependent on the correlation between the light spectrum emitted by the LCU and spectrum of absorption of the photoinitiator14-15. Therefore, one could expect better results for RD, since the peak of emission for this LCU was centered on the absorption peak of CQ, as shown in Figure 1. Nonetheless, similar results for flexural strength and modulus were detected for both RD and XL, irrespective of the resin composite. This result might be attributed to the fact that both LCUs presented high and similar irradiance values, which might have accounted for their similar results16 .\nThe present results have clinical implications, since both flexural strength and flexural modulus were found to be dependent on the material and LCU tested. The Brazilian resin composites generally presented poorer properties as compared with the other composites tested, while highintensity LCUs generated polymers with enhanced strength and modulus. Notwithstanding, the results of the present study should be restricted to the conditions tested here. Further studies evaluating different resin composites and curing devices are necessary.\nThe authors are grateful to the Dental School of the Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil, for the access to its facilities, and to Biodinâmica and FGM for donating the materials used in the study.\n© Copyright 2008 - Piracicaba Dental School - UNICAMP São Paulo - Brazil\nThe following images related to this document are available:\nPhoto images[os08017t4.jpg] [os08017t3.jpg] [os08017f1.jpg] [os08017t1.jpg] [os08017t2.jpg]", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "There are several types of lithium batteries, but the three most common types are:\n- Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries: Li-ion batteries are the most common type of lithium battery used in consumer electronics, such as smartphones and laptops. They are lightweight, have a high energy density, and can be recharged many times.\n- Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries: LiPo batteries are similar to Li-ion batteries but are packaged in a flexible pouch rather than a hard casing. They are commonly used in small devices such as drones, remote-controlled toys, and portable power banks.\n- Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries: LiFePO4 batteries are a type of lithium-ion battery that uses an iron phosphate cathode instead of a cobalt or nickel-based cathode. They are known for their long lifespan, high power output, and safety. They are commonly used in applications such as electric vehicles, solar power systems, and backup power systems.\nEach type of lithium battery has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right type of battery depends on the specific needs of the application.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Organocatalytic Enantioselective Construction of Conformationally Stable C(sp2)–C(sp3) Atropisomers\njournal contributionposted on 06.01.2022, 22:33 authored by Giulio Bertuzzi, Vasco Corti, Joseph A. Izzo, Sebastijan Ričko, Nicolaj Inunnguaq Jessen, Karl Anker Jørgensen\nNonbiaryl atropisomers are molecules defined by a stereogenic axis featuring at least one nonarene moiety. Among these, scaffolds bearing a conformationally stable C(sp2)–C(sp3) stereogenic axis have been observed in natural compounds; however, their enantioselective synthesis remains almost completely unexplored. Herein we disclose a new class of chiral C(sp2)–C(sp3) atropisomers obtained with high levels of stereoselectivity (up to 99% ee) by means of an organocatalytic asymmetric methodology. Multiple molecular motifs could be embedded in this class of C(sp2)–C(sp3) atropisomers, showing a broad and general protocol. Experimental data provide strong evidence of the conformational stability of the C(sp2)–C(sp3) stereogenic axis (up to t1/225 °C >1000 y) in the obtained compounds and show kinetic control over this rare stereogenic element. This, coupled with density functional theory calculations, suggests that the observed stereoselectivity arises from a Curtin–Hammett scenario establishing an equilibrium of intermediates. Furthermore, the experimental investigation led to evidence of the operating principle of central-to-axial chirality conversions.\nRead the peer-reviewed publication\nstereogenic axis featuringshow kinetic controlrare stereogenic elementorganocatalytic enantioselective constructionorganocatalytic asymmetric methodologyexperimental investigation ledconformationally stable caxial chirality conversionssup >°< sub", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Copper Aluminum Trans-Busbar\nAuthor:Frank Time:2023-05-05Single - Double – Sided Copper - Aluminum Composite Transition Sheet Busbar\nWith the rapid development of lithium battery automobile industry, the problem of PACK connection of lithium battery is becoming more and more prominent. Many buses to the vehicle battery pack thousands of groups, of monomer battery anode material of aluminum foil and copper foil, is how to realize the lithium battery pack is safe, reliable, light weight, simple string, and the connection is the bottleneck restricting the development of lithium battery car technology.\nSigni Aluminium Company has developed two kinds of copper - aluminum composite materials connected by independent innovation.Copper - aluminum composite base column material and copper - aluminum composite transition film.Column base material, and 10 mm aluminium plate with 3 mm copper composite made of copper aluminum composite column material, complete copper cathode copper set associative, and aluminum and aluminum plate, forming two electrodes are exposed aluminum battery pack can be done with the normal laser welding process connection; Connecting sheet material: a copper strip with 10mm in the middle of the aluminum plate, copper strip through copper rivets and internal copper set, and the aluminum plates on both sides of the aluminum plate are connected in parallel with each other.\nComposite strength: = 12N/mm;\nCompound rate: 100%;\nShear strength: >= 35Mpa;\nTensile strength: 90-130mpa;\nExtension rate: <= 35%;\nDc resistivity: < = 0.0245 Ω. Mm2/m;\nProduct features :\nhigh conductivity, high mechanical strength, good reliability, low density and cost saving, high composite strength, metallurgical combination of copper and aluminum, no contact resistance between copper and aluminum, stable and reliable quality.\nProduct size : customized according to user demand.\nTechnical parameters : composite strength: greater than 100MPa;\n|Weight Display in Common Specification|\n1) Proportion of Copper/Aluminum is 2:8 and the proportion could be adjusted by customer's demand.\n2) Single and double side copper clading are available.\n3) Consistency of thickness is stable and very suitable for mass stampling production.\n4) Resistance to corrosion and high temperature (500degree c without separation).\n5) With good stability, excellent deep drawability and tensile properties, it can even bear 90°bend without separation.\n6) With an electrical conductivity of 98% or more, it can completely replace pure copper by saving cost64% under same volume.\n7) The dimension can be produce as requested.\nSigni Aluminium Co., LTD. has independently developed and produced the material for the production of copper and aluminum, which is widely used in the transformer, reactor and other electrical industry, effectively replacing the traditional flash welding and brazing process.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Exploring conceptual frameworks of models of atomic structures and periodic variations, chemical bonding, and molecular shape and polarity: a comparison of undergraduate general chemistry students with high and low levels of content knowledge\nBarrow, Lloyd H.\nInstitute of Education\n|The purpose of the study was to explore students' conceptual frameworks of models of atomic structure and periodic variations, chemical bonding, and molecular shape and polarity, and how these conceptual frameworks influence their quality of explanations and ability to shift among chemical representations. This study employed a purposeful sampling technique and used three diagnostic instruments for conceptual understanding to determine the students' level of content knowledge of the related concepts. Six student interviews were analyzed to portray students' conceptual frameworks in high and low content knowledge (HCK and LCK, respectively) groups. The study's major findings revealed that moving from a high toward a low level of content knowledge, the quality of students' explanations declined, as did their ability to reconcile new information to their existing knowledge frameworks. Three essential concepts - models of atomic structure, effective core charge and principles of electrostatic force, and quantum mechanics descriptions - were identified that may explain students' failure to learn the necessary aspects of molecular geometry and polarity. This study provides empirical evidence of how students' content knowledge influences their understanding about molecular polarity. The findings have implications for college chemistry education with respect to teaching concepts about molecular polarity.\n|CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE\n|Appears in Collections:\nFiles in This Item:\nIf it is a zip file, please download the file and unzip it, then open index.html in a browser to view the full text content.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Mercury contamination from historical gold mines represents a potential risk to human health and the environment. This fact sheet provides background information on the use of mercury in historical gold mining and processing operations in California, with emphasis on historical hydraulic mining areas.\nDuring the trituration process, the surface layer of the silver-tin alloy dissolves in the liquid mercury and the reaction causes new phases to be formed. These new solid phases cause solidification of …\nCopper mining. Chemical reactions. - SchoolScience. Part of an interactive on-line booklet about copper mining explaining the chemical reactions used to purify copper. page 4: Chemical reactions : At this stage of the process, the chemical reactions begin.\nsilver mining chemical reaction Silver, chemical reactions during mining silver - CRUSHER is a What chemical reaction happens when you put copper into silver ... get price Chemical Reactions In Mining by Michaela …\nSilver Mining Chemical Reaction - montaz-nabytku. chemical reactions during mining silver. This page is provide professional chemical reactions during mining silver information for you. Mining - Wikipedia. Mining in the Philippines began around 1000 BC. The early Filipinos worked various mines of gold, silver, copper and iron.\nSilver is a chemical element with symbol Ag (from the Latin argentum, derived from the Proto-Indo-European h₂erǵ: \"shiny\" or \"white\") and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal.\nFeb 06, 2016· chemical process of mining silver offers 1031 chemicals used in coal mining products. About 5% of these are paper chemicals, 4% are electronics chemicals, and 1% are polymer. A wide variety of chemicals used in coal mining options are available to you, such as free samples.\nsilver smelting chemical reaction. Smelting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ... Recovering Silver, Refining Silver, silver extraction,and Silver mining. ... If a chemical reaction is stopped to fill Nitric acid added. A metallic .... 1.3 Smelting Gold. Read more. Chemical Reactions - Chemwiki.\nchemical reactions during mining silver . Chemistry for Kids Elements Silver Ducksters- chemical reactions during mining silver Kids learn about the element silver and its chemistry including atomic weight atom uses sources name and discovery It will not react with air or water It will tarnish Most of the silver mined in the United States is from the Silver Royal\nchemical reactions during mining silver. Silver Chemicool Show more, including: Heats, Energies, Oxidation, Reactions, Compounds,, Silver and lead often appear together in nature, for example in the mineral, Silver's chemical symbol, Ag, is an abbreviation of the Latin .\nSilver Chemistry Encyclopedia Water ProteinsSilver is a precious or smelting methods Silver is used in the manufacture of Localised Argyria : Chemical Nature of the Silver.Chemical reactions, also called chemical Take as an example the smelting of Here is an example of a single replacement reaction : silver nitrate solution.\nSilver metal is a good catalyst for oxidation reactions; in fact it is somewhat too good for most purposes, as finely divided silver tends to result in complete oxidation of organic substances to carbon dioxide and water, and hence coarser-grained silver tends to be used instead.\nTwo key types of chemical reactions are oxidation and reduction. ... Oxidation is the loss of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom or ion. Oxidation occurs when the oxidation state of a molecule, atom or ion is increased. The opposite process ... Silver metal whiskers grow onto the copper wire, while copper ions are released into the ...\nGold cyanidation (also known as the cyanide process or the MacArthur-Forrest process) is a hydrometallurgical technique for extracting gold from low-grade ore by converting the gold to a water-soluble coordination complex.\nA chemical reaction is a process that is usually characterized by a chemical change in which the starting materials (reactants) are different from the products. Chemical reactions tend to involve the motion of electrons, leading to the formation and breaking of chemical bonds.There are several different types of chemical reactions and more than one way of classifying them.\nSilver distributed widely in the rat following ingestion of silver chloride (in the presence of sodium thiosulfate) and silver nitrate in drinking water (at 88.9 mg silver/kg/day for silver nitrate) ... .\nSilver is a chemical element with symbol Ag ... in catalysis of chemical reactions, as a colorant in stained glass and in specialised confectionery. Its compounds are used in ... Peru, Bolivia and Mexico have been mining silver since 1546, and are still major world producers.\nSmelting is a process of applying heat to ore in order to extract out a base metal.It is a form of extractive metallurgy.It is used to extract many metals from their ores, including silver, iron, copper, and other base metals.Smelting uses heat and a chemical reducing agent to decompose the ore, driving off other elements as gases or slag and leaving the metal base behind.\nThis includes the mining of coal, copper, gold, silver, zinc, lead, and uranium. The mineral pyrite, more commonly known as \"fool's gold,\" is iron disulfide (FeS 2 ). Pyrite is one of the most important sulfides found in the waste rock of mines.\nSulfuric acid is a toxic chemical used in copper mining. It is also a byproduct of many kinds of mining, mixing with water and heavy metals to form acid mine drainage. Sulfuric acid smells like rotten eggs.\nCyanide is used in the process of separating the gold and silver particles from the ore. These reactions are used to safely (or as safely as possible) remove the particles from the ore. The cyanide mixes with the ground up ore and gold/silver and the cyanide easily reacts and separates the two.\nSilver mining in North America dates back to the eighteenth century. ... resonant, moldable, malleable, and possesses the highest thermal and electric conductivity of any substance. The chemical symbol for silver ... it does react with sulfur, which is always present in the air, even in trace amounts. The reaction causes silver to tarnish ...\nElectrolysis uses a direct electric current to create a chemical reaction. This process is used to produce pure copper metal in the final stage of copper extraction from ores after being removed from the …\nAlloys of gold with silver or copper are used to make gold coins and goldware, and alloys with platinum or palladium are also used in jewelry. The content of gold alloys is expressed in 24ths, called karats ; a 12-karat gold alloy is 50 percent gold, and 24-karat gold is pure.\nGold processing, preparation of the ore for use in various products. For thousands of years the word gold has connoted something of beauty or value. These images are derived from two properties of gold, its colour and its chemical stability.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Soap made with salt has always fascinated me, but I have never tried to make it. Today that will change!\nThere are two ways to make soap with salt. The first way is to simply add salt to the soap batter for a scrubby bar. This works well using fine sea salt, and the bars have a long life in the shower. I’ve purchased some from friends and enjoyed them very much.\nThe other way to make salt soap is to make a salt brine. You add salt to the hot lye solution and stir it well to dissolve the salt. You don’t want to go over a 20% salt solution. This is known as Soleseife soap. (“Soleseife” is German for “brine water.”) You’ll often find Soleseife soaps featured in spas for their nourishing and hydrating effects on the skin. Soleseife bars are not scrubby; they are hard, smooth bars.\nI opted to go with the brine soap for my first salt soap attempt. I used our usual 6-5-4-1 formula for the oils, choosing Grapeseed Oil as my luxury oil. I’ll scent my soap in Awapuhi Seaberry, a clean and fresh scent that is one of our most popular.\nJoin me in the workroom to make some Soleseife Soap!\nWhat You’ll Need\n6 ounces Soybean Oil\n5 ounces Coconut Oil\n4 ounces Olive Oil\n1 ounce Grapeseed Oil\n2.21 ounces lye (8% superfat)\n2.21 ounces salt\n10 ounces water\nBefore you get started, get prepared to soap safely. Long sleeves, gloves, eye protection, and close-toed shoes are a must. If you have never made cold process soap before, we’re glad you’re here! Please check out this blog post, which is the first in a series on beginning soapmaking.\nWeigh all the oils into a microwave-safe container; set aside.\nWeigh the fragrance oil into a small glass container; set aside.\nWeigh the lye into a small glass container.\nWeigh the salt.\nWeigh the distilled water. I use a stainless steel pitcher for my lye solution.\nSlowly add the lye to the liquid, stirring. Do this in a well-ventilated area. As soon as all the lye has dissolved, and while the lye solution is still hot, add the salt to the lye solution. Stir well until salt has dissolved. (The salt did not completely dissolve in my lye solution, so I poured through a sieve to catch the undissolved salt when adding the lye solution to the oils.) Check the temperature of the lye solution; set aside to cool.\nPop the oils into the microwave to melt, using 30-second increments. When oils are completely melted, check the temperature, and set the oils aside to cool.\nHere is your break to clean up your work space, set out the mold you will use, visit the rest room. Once the oils and the lye mixture are within 10 degrees of each other and have cooled to about 90-100 degrees F, you’re ready to make soap.\nWhen your oils and lye solution have reached the proper temperature, carefully pour the lye solution into the oils through a fine sieve to catch any undissolved salt. Whisk to combine, being careful not to splash.\nAdd the fragrance oil, whisking to combine. At this point, your soap batter will already have reached a noticeable trace. Keep whisking until the batter is emulsified. You can check for emulsification by dipping a metal spoon into the soap batter and looking at the back of the spoon to see if the oils do not separate.\nOnce the soap batter has reached emulsion, carefully pour it into cavity molds and set aside to harden. Using cavity molds for any salt soap is recommended because it hardens so quickly, cutting a loaf of soap may be impossible.\nI was amazed that this soap was not super hard the next day when I unmolded it. It was firm enough that it came out of the paw print mold whole, but it was still a bit soft around the edges. It will need to cure for a while before it’s okay to use. I’m sure that is because I used a lot of water in the soap batter.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Polyhomologation and ATRP: A Perfect Partnership toward Unique Polyethylene-Based Architectures\nKAUST DepartmentChemical Science Program\nKAUST Catalysis Center (KCC)\nOffice of the VP\nPhysical Science and Engineering (PSE) Division\nPolymer Synthesis Laboratory\nPermanent link to this recordhttp://hdl.handle.net/10754/630555\nMetadataShow full item record\nAbstractThe recent developments in organoborane initiated C1 polymerization (chain grows by one atom at a time) of ylides opens unique horizons towards well-defined/perfectly linear polymethylenes (equivalent to polyethylenes, PE). On the other hand, atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is an excellent and powerful controlled/living polymerization for polar monomers such as (meth)acrylates and styrenes. In this Chapter the partnership of these two living polymerizations towards the synthesis of well-defined PE (perfectly linear)-based block copolymers, with unprecedented macromolecular architectures, is presented. Some ideas about new ylide monomers are also discussed.\nCitationWang D, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Gnanou Y, Hadjichristidis N (2018) Polyhomologation and ATRP: A Perfect Partnership toward Unique Polyethylene-Based Architectures. Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization: Materials and Applications: 1–24. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bk-2018-1285.ch001.\nSponsorsResearch reported in this publication was supported by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).\nPublisherAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|ZFIN ID: ZDB-PUB-160613-1|\nFatty liver disease induced by perfluorooctane sulfonate: Novel insight from transcriptome analysis\nFai Tse, W.K., Li, J.W., Kwan Tse, A.C., Chan, T.F., Hin Ho, J.C., Sun Wu, R.S., Chu Wong, C.K., Lai, K.P.\n|Source:||Chemosphere 159: 166-177 (Journal)|\n|Keywords:||Environmental pollutant, Hepatotoxicity, Perfluorooctane sulfonate, Transcriptome, Zebrafish|\n|PubMed:||27289203 Full text @ Chemosphere|\nFai Tse, W.K., Li, J.W., Kwan Tse, A.C., Chan, T.F., Hin Ho, J.C., Sun Wu, R.S., Chu Wong, C.K., Lai, K.P. (2016) Fatty liver disease induced by perfluorooctane sulfonate: Novel insight from transcriptome analysis. Chemosphere. 159:166-177.\nABSTRACTPerfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), a hepato-toxicant and potential non-genotoxic carcinogen, was widely used in industrial and commercial products. Recent studies have revealed the ubiquitous occurrence of PFOS in the environment and in humans worldwide. The widespread contamination of PFOS in human serum raised concerns about its long-term toxic effects and its potential risks to human health. Using fatty liver mutant foie gras (fgr(-/-))/transport protein particle complex 11 (trappc11(-/-)) and PFOS-exposed wild-type zebrafish embryos as the study model, together with RNA sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis, we identified 499 and 1414 differential expressed genes (DEGs) in PFOS-exposed wild-type and trappc11 mutant zebrafish, respectively. Also, the gene ontology analysis on common deregulated genes was found to be associated with different metabolic processes such as the carbohydrate metabolic process, glycerol ether metabolic process, mannose biosynthetic process, de novo' (Guanosine diphosphate) GDP-l-fucose biosynthetic process, GDP-mannose metabolic process and galactose metabolic process. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis further highlighted that these deregulated gene clusters are closely related to hepatitis, inflammation, fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver cells, suggesting that PFOS can cause liver pathogenesis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in zebrafish. The transcriptomic alterations revealed may serve as biomarkers for the hepatotoxic effect of PFOS.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Thermal expansion and Gruneisen parameters in some Pr–Ni–Si compounds\nIn this study, the thermal expansion and Gruneisen parameter of polycrystalline “Pr5Ni2Si3” and “Pr15Ni7Si10” were investigated over the temperature range of 5–300 K. Calculations of the phonon contribution to thermal expansion were made, which allowed the magnetic contribution to thermal expansion to be calculated from the difference between the total thermal expansion and the phonon contribution. This resulted in a temperature-dependent magnetic contribution to thermal expansion that varied with the magnetic ordering of the material. The results show two magnetic transitions in each compound, the higher temperature transition corresponding to the Curie temperature and the lower temperature transition resulting from a spin reorientation.\nCopyright 2005 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.\nThe following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005): 10M313 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1855196.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Every bottle of nutrients you see at Cultivate is going to have an NPK label.\nThese letters stand for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) and they are essential to the healthy development of your plants. If your plant is missing any of these elements, it will not survive.\nEach element serves its purpose in plant development, from initial growth through the final stages of flowering. This makes nitrogen the most essential element during early growth, and phosphorus and potassium later on.\nBut really, all three work in unison throughout the entire growth process to produce a strong healthy plant. That's why it's important to know the importance of every single one!\nWhat is Phosphorus?\nPhosphorus is a chemical element with the atomic number 15. It’s highly reactive and is found in ATP, DNA, RNA, phospholipids, and the Earth’s crust. In other words, it can be found in all life!\nBehind nitrogen, phosphorus is considered the second most essential nutrient because of its responsibility for managing biological functions like helping plants capture and store energy from the sun during photosynthesis. Phosphorus converts ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a chemical found in all living things that stores and transfers energy.\nATP provides the energy to drive many different processes and biochemical reactions from seedling growth to harvest. Without phosphorus, there is no ATP.\nIs That a Phosphorus Deficiency?\nWhen your plant is young, a phosphorus deficiency can be hard to catch. A phosphorus deficiency will be shown through less growth during the early stages of vegetative growth.\nSmaller leaves, stems, and shorter overall plants compared to others at the same stage of development is a good sign that your plant could be missing phosphorus. If a deficiency occurs in a later stage of growth, it can be easier to spot.\nThe early stages of phosphorus deficiency in more mature plants typically expresses itself through the leaves. They will turn a purplish-red hue, which should be noticeably different from the natural color of your plants.\nIf you can catch the deficiency here and stop it, then you can avoid a lot of trouble down the road. However if you don't notice it right away it can develop into a much more noticeable problem, turning from purplish-red to dark brown as your leaves start to die.\nFixing a Phosphorus Deficiency\nThe problem a lot of growers face with NPK deficiencies is that they can look pretty similar. This can bring in a little bit of guesswork on the part of the grower, which is always uncomfortable when you're dealing with your plants!\nBecause the deficiency could be phosphorus, or nitrogen, or potassium, it's best to test out just a couple plants instead of the whole garden. For example, if you have six plants, and all of them look they might have a phosphorus deficiency, give just two plants a phosphorus supplement to see if anything changes.\nIf you notice positive results, then you can incorporate the supplement into the rest of your plants. The reason we do this is in case the deficiency is from something other than phosphorus. If phosphorus turns out not to be the problem, giving all of your plants extra phosphorus can lead to nutrient lockout of other nutrients.\nIf you want to be sure which deficiency you have before you start giving it supplements, check out our article figuring out nutrient deficiencies.\nJust the P in NPK\nIt's important to remember that even though phosphorus is essential to plant growth, it is only one part of the three-part NPK formula that your plants need. Nitrogen and potassium are just as essential as phosphorus and you should monitor how much of each your plant is receiving constantly.\nStay tuned for more breakdowns on nitrogen and potassium to get the full scope of how important these three elements truly are!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Aug23-08, 10:16 PM||#1|\nheating gases at constant pressure or constant volume?\nif i was to heat a gas [any gas] by 10 degrees celcius, using the smallest amount of heat energy, would i be better off heating the gas at constant pressure or constant volume. i think constant pressure, however i dont know how to justify my answer...\n|Aug23-08, 11:40 PM||#2|\nYou'll want to look for the specific heat capacity of an ideal gas at constant volume and at constant pressure, and compare them. The smaller heat capacity means it takes less heat to raise the temperature of the gas by a chosen amount.\n|gases, heat energy, pressure, volume|\n|Similar Threads for: heating gases at constant pressure or constant volume?|\n|work- constant pressure, changing volume||Introductory Physics Homework||2|\n|Thermodynamics: Amount of work required to increase pressure at constant volume||Introductory Physics Homework||6|\n|Time for heating to equilibrium with constant heat flux||Introductory Physics Homework||1|\n|Isobaric process, Cv and constant volume?||Introductory Physics Homework||0|\n|Constant Volume/Ideal Gas||Introductory Physics Homework||1|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Japan is desperate for Kazatomprom to accelerate the rare earth joint ventures it launched this year with Sumitomo and Toshiba.\nJapan looks to Central Asia for rare earth supply\nThis month a team of executives from Kazatomprom, the Kazakh state company that is the world's biggest uranium producer, were invited to the economy ministry in Tokyo.\nThe ministry was not interested in discussing fuel supplies for its nuclear power plants. It wanted to talk about rare earth metals.\nFor almost a month China, which is responsible for more than 93 per cent of rare earth metals production, has imposed a de facto embargo on exports of the metals to Japan, the world's biggest user.\nAs a result, Japan is desperate for Kazatomprom to accelerate the rare earth joint ventures it launched this year with Sumitomo and Toshiba.\nOnce an obscure corner of the mining industry, rare-earth metals - 17 elements from the middle of the periodic table - are increasingly essential for making computer screens, hybrid cars, superconductors and even the iPod.\nThe leading hybrid car, the Toyota Prius, relies on a rare earth magnet made partly from neodymium.\nThe lure for the Japanese in Kazakhstan is a plant once so secret it was known only by the codename \"2A\".\nThe core of the former Soviet Union's nuclear weapons programme, the Ulba Metallurgical Plant developed skills in rare metals and rare elements - particularly in beryllium, tantalum and niobium - that are still unmatched more than 20 years on.\nEven today it is one of only three plants in the world capable of making finished strips of beryllium and it has advanced capabilities for making super-conducting cables.\n\"The Cold War had some advantages,\" said an official at Kazatomprom who asked not to be identified. \"Ulba had the best research and development in the Soviet era. The people there are still experts, they haven't stopped.\"\nSumitomo of Japan has already opened an office next door to Ulba for its joint venture with Kazatomprom, called the Summit Atom Rare Earth Company.\nIt is working on a feasibility study and a pilot plant to produce rare earth compounds and products, sourcing the raw material from tailings, or waste material piles, of Kazakhstan's uranium industry.\nBut the joint venture is still waiting for the final go-ahead from the Kazakh authorities.\nToshiba signed a memorandum of understanding with Kazatomprom in June and a joint venture is due to be established by the end of this year.\nThe urgency is increasing. China has yet to fully end the embargo, which was never official. Chinese customs officials have simply blocked all rare earth shipments to Japan in what looks like punishment for Japan's intransigence in its dispute over the uninhabited Senkaku Islands.\nAt the same time, China is cranking up tariffs and reducing export quotas. After cutting export quotas this year by 40 per cent, Beijing is planning a further 30 per cent decrease next year.\nThe result is that rare earth metal prices are soaring, with most more than doubling in the past few months alone. With demand expected to increase about 12 per cent a year, rising from 124,000 tonnes annually today to 170,000 tonnes in the next three years, the pressure on prices and supplies is not expected to relent.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Free Delivery in (GAUTENG ONLY)\n* Durable marble pool plaster\n* Applied to new or renovated pools\n* Trowel-on application\n* Over 40 years proven experience\n* Extensive colour range\n* Superior quality\nA 6mm thick smooth plaster, recommended for the interior plastering of walls and floors of swimming pools, which becomes a very hard integral part of the pool structure. Not for use above the water level.\nQ: Why should I use PoolCrete instead of other pool plasters?\nA: Cemcrete only makes use of top quality marble dust and the world’s best white cement. This ensures that our product will not change colour, as some products on the market do. Market research indicates that there are products on the market where the cement becomes yellow, blue and even grey in a short space of time. Cemcrete has manufactured PoolCrete since 1973 and have been at the forefront in solving the industry’s issues related to the chemical staining of pool plasters, due to our commitment and research within this market.\nQ: What is the lifespan of PoolCrete?\nA: PoolCrete, correctly applied, can last anything between 15 and 20 years. PoolCrete is by far the most durable pool finish in its range, however the secret to longevity is correct water balance and maintenance.\nQ: After installing PoolCrete, how should I maintain my pool?\nA: It is important to follow the PoolCrete Start-up Guide when filling your newly finished pool, however your experienced contractor should guide you through the process. When maintaining your pool with chemicals, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when adding them to your pool.\nQ: What chemicals can I use in my PoolCrete pool?\nA: The use of traditional chlorine, sodium bicarbonate, acid and stabilizers in your swimming pool are permitted. Other chemicals should be used in consultation with the relevant manufacturers and skilled pool practitioners. Avoid using chemicals that contain copper sulphate and herbicides.\nThere is a variety of other chemicals on the market and one should use them in consultation with the relevant manufacturer & skilled pool practitioners for their correct use. Special care should be taken when using copper sulphate & herbicide containing pool care products are possible staining can occur\nDUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS PRODUCT PLEASE ENSURE YOU ORDER THE CORRECT QUANTITY AND COLOUR AS NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS CAN BE PROCESSED AFTER DELIVERY.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "MPY - Mils per Year\nThe term \"MPY\" describes the corrosion rate of a metallic surface. This is interesting for pipes or piping systems. The formula is used to calculate the material or weight loss of a metal when corroding. You will find detailed information here: https://www.merusonline.com/mpy-mils-per-year/.\nMIC - Microbiologically Induced Corrosion\n\"MIC\" describes all corrosion caused by microbiological organisms such as bacteria. Some of these produce acids which harm metallic surfaces. If the microbes or bacteria settle in a so-called biofilm their influence even intensifies at this spot.\nSRB - Sulfur Reducing Bacteria\nSRB are Bacteria which live in the deep sea mostly around so-called \"Black Smokers\". They are anaerobe and can destabilize steel in pipelines or processing machines. If you are interested in further information please see this page: https://www.merusonline.com/srb-sulfur-reducing-bacteria/.\nCOC - Cycle of Concentration\n\"COC\" is a term used to describe a phenomenon in the cooling water. In an open cooling water system, the water constantly evaporates and fresh water is added. Substances as limescale, which have been solved remain in the cooling loop. Their concentration in the cooling water increases gradually. If the amount of foreign substances exceeds a certain level, the water has to be exchanged completely and the cooling loop is cleaned. The Cycle of Concentration can be used to define how often the water in the cooling loop can be pumped around before a blowdown is needed.\nWhen writing about \"Downstream Applications\" we usually refer to Refineries and the Petrochemical Industry.\nThe applications we describe around the \"Midstream Sector\" include Trunk Lines and Crude Oil Terminals.\nOur Upstream Applications include Wells, Flow Lines, the Gathering Station as well as Separation Plants.\nCorrosion can be an issue where water is in contact with metal pipes. The topic is also interesting for the Oil and Gas business as the water contained in crude can be sufficient to cause corrosion in the pipelines. It harms the surface of the pipes and can erode the substance.\nOpen Cooling Water System\nIn an open cooling water system there is a certain type of exchange between cooling water and the environment. Either with the ambient air, as evaporation is used for cooling or by adding fresh, cool water to the system. Adding new water while used water evaporates Leads to a Cycle of Concentration as formerly solved substances remain in the system.\nClosed Cooling Water System\nIn a closed cooling water system, the cooling water circulates without contact with the environment. It is cooled by a chiller or heat exchanger. These systems are used, where very low temperatures are needed or for very risky processes where the cooling must not be disturbed. Before entering the cooling loop the water is purified, therefore the risk for scaling or fouling is reduced. Nevertheless, corrosion can be an issue if the water is stagnating.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Additional Investigations Concerning the Hydration of Magnesium Oxide in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant\nNathalia L. Chadwick and Anna C. Snider\nSandia National Laboratories1\nCarlsbad Programs Group\nCarlsbad, NM 88220\nWIPP is a U.S. Department of Energy repository for the disposal of defense-related, transuranic waste. The repository is located in southeast New Mexico at a depth of 655 m in the Salado Formation, a Permian bedded salt formation. MgO is currently being emplaced in the repository to reduce actinide solubilities by consuming CO2 produced by possible microbial activity, buffering the repository at about pH 9, and by consuming water. Magnesium oxide (MgO) is the only engineered barrier that is recognized as such for the WIPP by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Premier Chemicals is presently the supplier of MgO to the WIPP project.\nInitial results from our inundated hydration experiments indicate that Premier MgO does not appear to be fully hydrated and some sets of data are irreproducible. To address these issues additional experiments have been initiated with different conditions, such as grain size, different MgO lots, etc., to ascertain the determining factors involved. Sets of experiments, containing 5 g of Premier MgO in 100 mL solutions, are placed in ovens at varying temperatures and shaken frequently. The pH is measured and weight loss on ignition (LOI) is calculated on the samples. The new data will aid in the interpretation of the complex MgO hydration system.\nAcknowledgement: This research is funded by WIPP administrated by the Department of Energy.\n1. Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ScIDre is a company based in Dresden, Germany. Scientific Instrument Dresden is a globally acting technology enterprise, which is a partner of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials research Dresden.\nScIDre GmbH is considered to be a professional in fundamental research and natural sciences. Therefore, the main business area of the company is the development of unrivaled scientific equipment with unique features, based on the requests and requirements of scientists. Any kind of customized solution could be made on request. The company transfers it's technologies from from the Leibniz Institute. But this doesn't mean that own know-how are unacceptable. The main point of cooperation with ScIDre is creating customer-specific versions of already created engineering activities. Transparent licensing and cooperation agreements are the advantages company offers. Among products of the company we can find: - Crystal Growth Systems: floating zone, bridgman, czochralski and flux growth. Each system has an ability to work at pressures at up to 150 bar with different gases and mixtures in the growth chamber. - Special Process Furnaces: Ultra-clean rod preparation, High pressure oxygen syntering and Aggressive Media Treatment. - Scientific equipment: Phase transition microscope, Ultra-clean argon preparation, cold isostatic press - Vacuum & Cryo-Technologies: Linear Manipulator, liquid helium pump. It is necessary to emphasize that company offers such services as Design & Calculations, software development, job order production and exploitation of ideas. More information on a website of the company.\nBusiness Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |\nShare with friends:\nNext companies in category", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Objective: The objective of this experiment is to use acid-base extraction techniques to separate a mixture of organic compounds based on acidity and/or basicity. After the three compounds are separated we will recover them into their salt forms and then purify them by recrystallization and identify them by their melting points.\nExtraction of Carboxylic Acid\nA pre-weighed (0.315g) mixture of Carboxylic acid, a phenol, and neutral substance was placed into a reaction tube (tube 1). tert-Butyl methyl ether (2ml) was added to the tube and the solid mixture was dissolved. Next, 1 ml of saturated NaHCO3 solution was added to the tube and the contents were mixed separating the contents into three layers. Once this was completed the bottom layer was transferred to tube 2 using a pipette. Once in tube 2 the contents were washed with approximately 0.2 ml of ether and then the ether layer was discarded.\nExtraction of Phenol\nAfter the extraction of the Carboxylic acid, two tubes will be present one with the extracted Carboxylic acid and the other being Tube 1’ which is now a mixture of the Phenol, neutral substance, ether, and NaHCO3. Before moving on with the extraction the tube is washed with approximately 0.2 ml NaHCO3 to make sure all the Carboxylic acid has been extracted. To tube 1 (1 ml) 3M NaOH is added to separate the Phenol from the neutral substance. The bottom layer is then pipetted to a new tube (tube 3). 0.15 ml of H2O is added to tube 1’’ and the lower layer is added to tube 3. Tube 3 is washed with 0.2 ml ether and the ether layer is disposed of. The washing ensures that tube 3 is strictly phenol. Recovery of the neutral substance\nTube 1’’ is washed with saturated NaCl (0.3 ml) and the aqueous layer is discarded. To make sure all the water is removed CaCl2 drying pellets are added and the solution is transferred to a pre-weighed tube (tube 4). Tube 1’’ is rinsed 2-3 times with ether and the rinsing is placed into tube 4. Tube 4 is...\nPlease join StudyMode to read the full document", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Nowadays cell phones are ubiquitous. Everyone has one and everyone uses it all the time. But have you ever thought about what goes into making a cell phone — more specifically, the precious minerals and metals that are used to produce it? Cell phones are made with a host of rare materials that are often mined in countries all over the world. So, what’s really in your cell phone? Here are the minerals and metals that you carry with you every day.\nCopper is one of the oldest mined metals in the world. It’s been used for over 10,000 years. A reddish-brown color that’s malleable compared to other metals, copper is used in the circuitry of phones because it’s good at conducting electricity. It’s also the most important element used in the electronics of the phone overall since it makes the connectors and wires. Most copper is found in porphyry copper deposits in the large chunks of molten rock that make up the Earth’s crust. Chile is the world’s top copper producer, mining 28 percent of this precious metal.\nLithium is the soft, light metal that gives cell phones their charge. It’s used in the rechargeable lithium ion that give phone batteries their power and density, as well as helping them to charge faster and last longer. Unlike other metals, lithium is not found in an elemental state. Instead, it’s extracted from lithium rocks and from lithium chloride salts. Like copper, Chile is the largest lithium producer in the world. The country extracts most of the precious metal from the Atacama Salt Flat. Argentina produces the second most lithium in the world.\nMore on Cell Phones:\nSmartphone addiction is real. One woman puts hers down for a week to see what happens.\nEndless buzzes and dings can burden our minds and even influence important decision-making — but researchers are searching for solutions.\nSilica is an element found in quartz. It’s used to make the chips and microprocessors in your cell phone. Silica is also found in the Earth’s crust. The type of silica used to make cell phone chips is an ultra-refined and inherently delicate form of silicon dioxide particles. These important silica sand deposits are found in places like Queensland, Australia, as well as Mid-Atlantic states in the U.S., like North Carolina and Virginia.\nGermanium is used to make the semiconductors in cell phones. This silvery white, brittle element is commonly used in a host of electrical devices. The rare mineral is found in rock deposits of germanite and argyrodite, as well as in zinc ore. The U.S. does have germanite, but we still rely heavily on China, which produces more than 70 percent of the mineral in places like the Yunnan Province. Inner Mongolia is also known to produce the mineral.\nBauxite is the main source of the mineral gallium which is used to produce the LED backlighting that make our phones shine bright in the night. Most of the world’s bauxite is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The largest “blanket deposits” are found in places like West Africa, South America, Australia and India. Australia is the world’s biggest producer of the mineral. Miners extract the material from surface and underground deposits and the mineral gallium is a byproduct of the process.\nPotassium comes from an element called orthoclase and it’s used to make the touch screen on your cell phone. It comes from a potassium salt called sylvite that’s found in places like Canada, Russia and Belarus. Cell phone screens are treated with potassium salts at the end to add durability so that they survive all the drops and destruction that we put them through daily.\nThese are just a few of the many precious minerals and metals used to make the cell phones we depend on every day. No matter where it’s made, producers depend on materials from at least a dozen countries or more for your phone to shine bright, conduct electricity, hold a charge, record a message, take a picture and so many other functions that we take for granted.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "One of the most popular materials for the production of bone implants is ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Scientists of NUST “MISiS” have been engaged in the development of biomimetic (repeating the real structure of bone implants) scaffolds (structures that become implants after implantation) for several years. Particular attention is paid to simulating the porosity of the bone core, so that after the implant is installed, the patient’s bone tissue cells can divide and “sprout” into the implant. Previously, the team achieved this architecture of samples by 3D-modeling and printing the “negative” of the bone, followed by filling the mold with polymer.\nA new development of scientists is a biomimetic scaffold from UHMWPE, the structure of which is copied from the structure of a real mammalian bone. Initially, experiments were carried out with fragments of cow bones. The bone marrow was removed using hydrogen peroxide, then the bone was filled with polyethersulfone to form a “negative” internal structure. Then, the resulting “negative” was washed with hydrochloric acid, filled with UHMWPE powder, and thermal pressing occurred. Finally, the sample was immersed in N-methylpyrrolidone — it completely dissolved the polyethersulfone “negative”, leaving only the porous UHMWPE, which has a structure that mimics the original bone structure.\n“A characteristic feature of the spongy part of the bone is anisotropy – elongated pores along the length of the bone, ellipsoidal in the section. It is impossible to completely repeat this on a 3D printer because of the high viscosity of the UHMWPE melt, ”says Inna Bulygina, an employee of the Center for Composite Materials of NUST“ MISiS ”and the main author of the development. – When we used as a “negative” bone with lengths of the major and minor pore axes ~ 770 μm and 470 μm, respectively, we obtained polymer pores with axis lengths of ~ 700 μm and 500 μm. That is, the shape of the pores turned out to be ellipsoidal at the cut, as close to natural as possible. ”\nScientists from the Technical University of Dortmund assessed the topography of the sample, and thanks to specialists from the NMIC named after N.N. Blokhin were tested in vitro.\nThe experiments performed on incubation of the implant with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells proved their 75% proliferation after 48 hours.\nNext, scientists plan to test various combinations of materials for the manufacture of implants with a spongy core and hard shell. According to the researchers, the most promising niche for the potential implementation of the development is veterinary medicine.\nThe technology has already been patented, an article on the development published in the journal Polymer Degradation and Stability.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Published on March 10, 2014\nPowerPoint Presentation: Pharmaceutical suspension Vikrant Saluja Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences PCTE Group of Institutes, Ludhiana Punjab, India PowerPoint Presentation: A suspension is a dispersion of finely divided, insoluble solid particles(the disperse phase) in a fluid (the dispersion medium or continuous phase). Or Suspensions are the biphasic liquid dosage form of medicament in which the finely divided solid particles ranging from 0.5 to 5µ are dispersed in a liquid or semisolid vehicle. Or Suspensions are heterogenous system consisting of 2 phases. PowerPoint Presentation: Physical properties of well formulated suspensions The sediment or creaming produced on storage, if any, must be easily resuspended by moderate agitation of the container. The product must remain sufficiently homogenous for at least the period between shaking the container and removing the required amount. The product may be required to be thickened in order to reduce the rate of settling of the particles The resulting viscosity must not be so high that removal of the product from the container and transfer to the site of application are difficult. Any suspended particles should be small and uniformly sized in order to give a smooth, elegant product, free from a gritty texture. PowerPoint Presentation: PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONS OF SUSPENSIONS For drug which is insoluble or poorly soluble . E.g. Prednisolone suspension. To prevent degradation of drug or to improve stability of drug. E.g. Oxytetracycline suspension. Suspension can mask the unpleasant/ bitter taste of drug. E.g. Chloramphenicol palmitate For topical application . They are designed to leave a light deposit of the active agent on the skin after quick evaporation of the dispersion medium. For parenteral administration in order to control the rate of absorption of the drug. Vaccines for the induction of immunity are often formulated as dispersions of killed microorganisms. Some X-ray contrast media are formulated in suspension form. PowerPoint Presentation: Classification Based On Route Of Administration Oral suspension Externally applied suspension Parenteral suspension Based On Proportion Of Solid Particles Dilute suspension (2 to10%w/v solid) Concentrated suspension (50%w/v solid) Based On Electrokinetic Nature Of Solid Particles Flocculated suspension Deflocculated suspension Based On Size Of Solid Particles Colloidal suspension (< 1 micron) Coarse suspension (>1 micron) Nano suspension (10 -100 nm) PowerPoint Presentation: Theory of Suspensions Sedimentation means settling of particle or floccules under gravitational force in dispersion system. Velocity of sedimentation expressed by Stoke’s equation V= 2r 2 ( ρ s- ρ o ) g or V= d 2 ( ρ s- ρ o ) g 9 18 Where, v sed. = sedimentation velocity in cm / sec d = Diameter of particle r = radius of particle ρ s = density of disperse phase ρ o = density of disperse media g = acceleration due to gravity η = viscosity of disperse medium in poise PowerPoint Presentation: Sedimentation Parameters Sedimentation volume (F) F = V u / V O -------------- (A) Where, V u = final or ultimate volume of sediment V O = original volume of suspension before settling. Sedimentation volume can have values ranging from less than 1 to greater than1; F is normally less than 1. F=1,such product is said to be in flocculation equilibrium, and show no clear supernatant on standing PowerPoint Presentation: ß = F floc / F defloc Degree of flocculation (β) It is the ratio of the sedimentation volume of the flocculated suspension ,F , to the sedimentation volume of the deflocculated suspension, F∞ The minimum value of ß is 1,when flocculated suspension sedimentation volume is equal to the sedimentation volume of deflocculated suspension. PowerPoint Presentation: Flocculated and deflocculated systems Flocculated Deflocculated Much more rapid rate of sedimentation The rate of sedimentation is slow. Particles form loose aggregates and form network like structures Individual particles exists as separate entity. The supernatant is clear. The supernatant is cloudy. The sediment can be easily redisperse on moderate shaking. The sediment can be very difficult to redisperse. PowerPoint Presentation: FORMULATION OF SUSPENSIONS Components Function API Active drug substances Wetting agents They are added to disperse solids in continuous liquid phase. Flocculating agents They are added to floc the drug particles Thickeners They are added to increase the viscosity of suspension. Buffers They are added to stabilize the suspension to a desired pH range. Coloring agents They are added to impart desired color to suspension and improve elegance. Preservatives They are added to prevent microbial growth. PowerPoint Presentation: Wetting agents : They are added to disperse solids in continuous liquid phase. Surface-active agents Hydrophilic colloids Solvents PowerPoint Presentation: Wetting agents Surface-active agents Non-ionic surfactants are most commonly used as wetting agents in pharmaceutical suspension. Surfactants possessing an HLB value between about 7 and 9 would be suitable for use as wetting agents. Used at concentrations of up to about 0.05-0.5% . For oral use , the polysorbates (Tweens) and sorbitan esters (Spans). For external application , sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium dioctylsulphosuccinate and quillaia extract. For parenteral administration, polysorbates, some of the poloxamers (polyoxyethylene/polyoxypropylene copolymers) and lecithin. Disadvantages They have foaming tendencies. The possible formation of a deflocculated system, which may not be required. Some surfactants such as polysorbate 80 interact with preservatives such as methyl paraben and reduce antimicrobial activity. PowerPoint Presentation: Wetting agents Hydrophilic colloids Behave as protective colloids by coating the solid hydrophobic particles with a multimolecular layer. This will impart a hydrophilic character to the solid and so promote wetting. Also used as suspending agents . These materials include acacia, bentonite, tragacanth, alginates, xanthan gum and cellulose derivatives Solvents Materials such as alcohol, glycerol and glycol s, which are water miscible, will reduce the interfacial tension. PowerPoint Presentation: Flocculating agents Electrolytes Surfactants Polymeric flocculating agents PowerPoint Presentation: Electrolytes The addition of an inorganic electrolyte to an aqueous suspension will alter the zeta potential of the dispersed particles and, if this value is lowered sufficiently, flocculation may occur. The most widely used electrolytes include the sodium salts of acetates, phosphates and citrates Care must be taken not to add excessive electrolyte Surfactants Ionic surface-active agents may also cause flocculation by neutralizing the charge on each particle Polymeric flocculating agents Their linear branched-chain molecules form a gel-like network within the system and become adsorbed on to the surfaces of the dispersed particles, thus holding them in a flocculated state. Starch, alginates, cellulose derivatives, tragacanth, carbomers and silicates PowerPoint Presentation: Viscosity modifiers Polysaccharides Acacia Tragacanth Alginates Starch Xanthan gum (Keltrol) Water-soluble celluloses Methylcellulose (Celacol, Methocel) Hydroxyethylcellulose (Natrosol) Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Carmellose sodium) Microcrystalline cellulose Hydrated silicates Bentonite Magnesium aluminium silicate (Veegum) Hectorite Colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) Carbomers (carboxypolymethylene) METHODS OF DISPENSING SUSPENSIONS : METHODS OF DISPENSING SUSPENSIONS 1.Suspensions containing diffusible solids 2.Suspensions containing indiffusible solids 3.Suspensions containing precipitate forming liquids 4.Suspensions produced by chemical reactions PowerPoint Presentation: Suspensions containing diffusible solids Contains insoluble drug particles which are light in weight and readily mix with water and remain suspended throughout the liquid for sufficient period of time after shaking Example : calcium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate , rhubarb powder ,light kaolin General method of dispensing Powder all the solid ingredients and add enough vehicle to form a smooth cream Add more of vehicle to make it pourable Remove if any foreign particle present by passing through muslin cloth Rinse the mortar and pestle with successive volume of vehicle untill they are quite clean Add if any liquid ingredients Add more of vehicle to adjust the final volume and mix thorughly by shaking the bottle Example: Kaolin mixture PowerPoint Presentation: Suspensions containing indiffusible solids Contain substances which do not dissolve in water and do not remain evenly distributed in the vehicle for sufficient period of time Example: calamine , zinc oxide ,hydro cortisone, aspirin,phenobarbitone General method of dispensing Powder and mix all the solid ingredients and add compound tragacanth powder Measure ¾ th of the vehicle and triturate to form a smooth cream Remove if any foreign particle present by passing through muslin cloth Rinse the mortar and pestle with successive volume of vehicle until they are quite clean Add if any liquid ingredients Add more of vehicle to adjust the final volume Example: succinyl sulphathiazole mixture PowerPoint Presentation: Suspensions containing precipitate forming liquids Contains liquid substances that is precipitated on addition of water. These liquid substances are insoluble and indiffusible and it is diificult to redisperse on shaking .Example: compound benzoin tincture,, myrrh tincture General method of dispensing(using tragacanth powder) Powder and mix all the indiffusible and diffusible solid ingredients Add compound tragacanth powder and mix Measure half of the vehicle and incorporate small amount of it to the powders to form a smooth cream and add remaining part of the vehicle Add precipitate forming liquid in a slow stream in the centre of the cream with rapid stirring Dissolve the soluble ingredient if present in the vehilcle and add slowly with constant stirring Remove if any foreign particle present by passing through muslin cloth Remaining steps are Same as that of dispensing for suspension containing diffusible solids General method of dispensing(using tragacanth mucilage) Tragacanth mucilage is used when the vehicle is water or chloroform water Mix the tragacanth mucilage with an equal volume of the vehicle Add precipitate forming liquid in a slow stream in the centre of the mucilage with constant stirring Dissolve the solid substance if any, in about ¼ th of the vehicle and mix it with the above mixture Remaining steps are Same as that of dispensing for suspension containing precipitate forming liquid using compound trgacanth powder PowerPoint Presentation: Suspensions produced by chemical reactions Some of the suspensions are prepared by the chemical reactions between the ingredients used in the formulations. In this reactants are highly diluted and mixed together to form very finely divided precipitates that can be easily distributed throughout the liquid by shaking. The precipitate so formed are diffusible in nature. Hence there is no need of adding any suspending agent. Example:sulphurated potash and zinc sulphate mixture PowerPoint Presentation: Evaluation of Suspension Sedimentation method Rheological method Electro kinetic method Micromeritic method PowerPoint Presentation: Sedimentation method Two parameters Sedimentation volume , F = V u /V o V u = final sediment volume V o = initial dispersion volume want F =1 Degree of flocculation , = V u /V u V u final sediment volume of deflocculated suspension The determination of sedimentation volume provides a qualitative means of evaluation. A quantitative knowledge is obtained by determining the degree of flocculation. PowerPoint Presentation: Rheological method Settling behaviour The arrangement of the vehicle and the particle structural features. Brookfield viscometer mounted on helibath stand and using T-bar spindle. T-bar spindle is made to descend slowly into the suspension and the dial reading on the viscometer is then a measure of the resistance the spindle meets at various level. PowerPoint Presentation: This technique also indicates in which level of the suspension the structure is greater owing to particle agglomeration. The dial reading is plotted against the number of turns of the spindle. The better suspension show a lesser rate of increase of dial reading with spindle turns, i.e. the curve is horizontal for long period PowerPoint Presentation: Electro kinetic method Measurement of Zeta-potential using Microelectrophoresis apparatus It shows the stability of a disperse system Zeta Potential [mV] Stability behavior of the colloid: 0 to ± 5, Rapid coagulation or flocculation ± 10 to ± 30 Incipient instability ± 30 to ± 40 Moderate stability ± 40 to ± 60 Good stability more than ± 61 Excellent stability PowerPoint Presentation: The particle are placed in an electrical field between two electrodes, the voltage can be adjusted and tracked under the microscope. Their velocity is determined The relation of velocity to voltage determine the zeta-potential It is worthwhile to occasionally check the zeta-potential in a stability check of suspension PowerPoint Presentation: Micromeritic method Freeze-thaw cycling technique Stressing suspension for stability testing purposes. This treatment promotes particle growth and may indicate the probable future state of affairs after long storage at room temperature. Dynamic light scattering Known as Photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) works by first measuring the scattered light intensity at one angle. 1 nm – 6 µm Microscopic method No of particles to be counted from 300- 500 particles 0.2 – 100 µm\nPharmaceutical manufacturing is a highly competitive business, with product development, quality control, ... Weighing and Dispensing: Do it Right\nGuidelines for dispensing of medicines Contents Introduction 1 Who needs to use these guidelines? 1 ... • Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA)\nShake Well Before Dispensing. Kate Kelly, PharmD. Published Online: Saturday, ... Whenever the suspension looked different from what was expected, ...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is Seconal (Secobarbital Sodium) 100 mg?\nSecobarbital sodium (marketed by Eli Lilly and Company for the treatment of insomnia, and subsequently by other companies as described below, under the brand name Seconal) is a short acting barbiturate derivative drug that was patented in 1934 in the United States. It possesses anaesthetic, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, sedative, and hypnotic properties.\nSecobarbital is indicated for:\n- Treatment of epilepsy\n- Temporary treatment of insomnia\n- Use as a preoperative medication to produce anaesthesia and anxiolysis in short surgical, diagnostic, or therapeutic procedures which are minimally painful.\nRanbaxy Pharmaceuticals, an India-based company now predominantly owned by the Japanese company Daiichi Sankyo, obtained the rights to market and to use the trade name Seconal from Eli Lilly in 1998 and did so until September 18, 2008. The actual manufacturer of Seconal subsequent to the time Eli Lilly manufactured the drug was Ohm Pharmaceuticals, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ranbaxy. The rights to market Seconal were then sold to Marathon Pharmaceuticals, which became the marketer and trade-name holder. At the time Marathon Pharmaceuticals obtained ownership of the brand name, the retail price for one 100 mg. capsule (depending upon prescription size and pharmacy) averaged about one U.S. dollar. During the time Marathon owned the brand name, the Company greatly increased the price of the drug.\nWhile generic versions of the drug were in existence after Eli Lilly’s patent of the name Seconal expired, currently there are no companies that manufacture the drug generically in the United States. Valeant is now the sole marketer of Seconal in the United States.\nThe sodium salt of secobarbital is classified separately from the free acid, as follows:\n- CAS number: 309-43-3\n- Chemical formula: C12H18N2NaO3\n- Molecular weight: 260.265\nUse in animal and human euthanasia\nIn the Netherlands, individuals have two options for euthanasia. They can orally consume 100 ml of concentrated syrup containing either 15 grams of pentobarbital or 15 grams of secobarbital, or they can choose to have 2 grams of thiopental or 1 gram of propofol administered intravenously by a doctor, followed by a muscle relaxant. In recent years only 15% of those who died by euthanasia opted for orally consuming the lethal drug(s), the rest choosing to have the drugs administered intravenously by a doctor instead.\nBuy Seconal (Secobarbital Sodium) 100 mg Online", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Australasian Solvents & Chemicals Company Pty Ltd (ASCC) is a proud Australian and New Zealand owned and operated business. We have a long, highly esteemed history, known for being reputable and well respected within the industry and as a solid supporter of Australasian manufacturing.\nAustralasian Solvents & Chemicals Company Pty Ltd is part of the ASCC Group of companies represented in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.\nAustralian Solvents & Chemicals Company Pty Ltd was formed as a result of the amalgamation of Solchem Queensland (est. 1997), and Solchem Victoria (est. 1994).\n|January 1997||The Company’s first truckload proudly left for its first delivery in Queensland|\n|August 2001||Solchem entered the New Zealand market as the Mobil Oil Distributor. Our Equity Partners pooled their resources and significant experience in Solvents and Petrochemicals to become sole owners of the newly formed ASCC|\n|July 2003||ASCC took over the bulk market from ExxonMobil in New Zealand by acquiring national distribution rights|\n|August 2003||ASCC became the ExxonMobil Chemical NZ bulk distributor when ExxonMobil Chemical exited the NZ Market|\n|October 2007||Eternal’s Synthetic Resins Division, who produces two product lines – Synthetic Resins for Coatings and General Purpose Resins, and is recognised throughout the industry as a leader, becomes a major supply partner|\n|December 2008||Nan Ya Epoxy, a powerhouse in the manufacture of high quality epoxy resins in Asia, became a major and highly valued supply partner of ASCC|\n|May 2010||ASCC became the distributor for Australia and New Zealand for Eternal’s Unsaturated Polyester Resins Division (UPR), a leader in the production of UPR and Epoxy Modified Vinylester Resins (VER)|\n|July 2010||ASCC became the ExxonMobil Chemical National Distributor for small bulk and packaged fluids for ExxonMobil Chemical Australia|\n|December 2010||ASCC became the national branded distributor for ExxonMobil Chemical in Australia when ExxonMobil Chemical exited the market in Australia|\n|February 2014||S-OIL supplier of base oils joined the repertoire of ASCC for the Australia and New Zealand market|\n|November 2014||ASCC was appointed by 3A Composites to be their distributor and logistics arm for Airex and Baltek core materials to the Australian manufacturing industry|\n|September 2016||ASCC opened their first branch in Singapore – ASCC Enterprises Pte Limited|\n|November 2016||ASCC acquired Rebain International (NZ) adding and diversifying the growing ASCC portfolio as a raw material and specialty chemical supplier|\n|January 2017||ASCC became the Australia and New Zealand distributor for Argeville, a superior producer of Fragrance, flavours and natural raw material|\n|March 2018||ASCC acquired the business of Bowen Chemicals adding the Savita product range, further growing ASCC’s portfolio of suppliers and products|\n|April 2018||ASCC acquired majority shareholding of Global Chemie Trading Company (GCT) Thailand, further growing ASCC’s portfolio in solvents and raw materials|\n|June 2018||ASCC acquired majority shareholding of Singapore-based Taytonn Pte Ltd, further expanding ASCC Group into the Flavour & Fragrance industry|\n|July 2018||ASCC formed their first branch in Indonesia – PT ASCC International Indonesia|\n|July 2019||ASCC acquired the business of Stolthaven Altona Terminal broadening and strengthening our future into the Australian Manufacturing market|\n|August 2020||ASCC became the Australia and New Zealand distributor for Indorama Ventures, a manufacturer of Non-Ionic Surfactants, Glycols and Glycol Ethers|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Optimal-M contain a vide variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including nutrients and other beneficial ingredients which are essential in maintaining healthy cellular function, support heart, eye, skin, and lung function, as well as promoting improved bone, muscle and nerve health.\nOne of the biggest benefits of including health supplements in the diet is preventing vitamin or mineral deficiencies that affect your energy levels and even develop deficiency-related diseases.\nOptimal-M is created from organic, all-natural sources, and is easy for digestion and fast absorption.\n· Calcium (as: Calcium Citrate)\n· Iodine (as: Potassium iodide)\n· Magnesium (as: Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate)\n· Zinc (as: Zinc Citrate)\n· Manganese (as: Manganese Gluconate)\n· Selenium (as: Selenomethionine & Selenium Methionate)\n· Copper (as: Copper Gluconate)\n· Boron (as: Boron Citrate)\n· Chromium (as: Chromium Niacinate)\n· Choline (as: Choline Bitartrate)\n· N-Acetyl Cysteine\n· Alpha Lipoic Acid\n· Resveratrol (as: Japanese Knotweed Extract)\n· Rosemary Extract\n· Olive Leaf Extract\n· Green Tea Leaf Extract\n· Lutein (as: Marigold Extract)\n· Lycopene (as: Tomato Extract)\n· Citrus Bioflavonoids\n· Pomegranate Fruit Extract\n· Broccoli Powder\n· Whole carrot powder\n· Tomato fruit powder\n· Beet root powder\n· Spinach leaf powder\n· Cucumber fruit powder\n· Brussels Sprout powder\n· Wheat grass powder\n· Cabbage leaf powder\n· Celery Leaf powder\n· Kale leaf powder\n· Asparagus shoot powder\n· Whole Green Bell Pepper powder\n· Cauliflower flower powder\n· Parsley leaf powder\n· Cinnamon Bark Extract\n· Coated Trace mineral complex\nTake 2 capsules, twice daily, preferably with meals.\nKeep out of reach of children.\nIf you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition, consult a physician before using this product.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Zirconium alloys are extensively used to manufacture nuclear reactor components such as fuel claddings, coolant channels, pressure tubes and other in-core structural components due to a low neutron absorption cross section, superior corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength etc. As nuclear reactor technology is gradually developed into the direction at higher burn-up, lower fuel cycle cost, improving thermal efficiency and adding secure reliability, higher request for corrosion resistance of zirconium alloys, which are the key components of fuel element cladding materials, is put forward. So many countries have been developing new zirconium alloys cladding materials by optimizing Zr-Nb and Zr-Sn series alloys and obtained many Zr-Sn-Nb series new zirconium alloys, such as ZIRLO, E635 and X5A , and their corrosion resistance in LiOH aqueous solution are obviously better than Zircaloy-4.\nThe corrosion resistance of zirconium alloy is related to water-chemistry environment and alloy composition. In recent years, with optimizing research about ZIRLO and E635 alloys, it showed the corrosion resistance can greatly increases by reducing Sn content in Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe alloys, but too little Sn will lead to accelerated corrosion of alloys in LiOH aqueous solution, which how to accelerate Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe alloys corrosion is still obscure at present .\nN36 is a new Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe alloy developed by China. Its chemical weight composition was 0.8% - 1.2% Sn, 0.8% - 1.2% Nb, 0.2% - 0.4% Fe, Zr balance, and its nominal composition was Zr-1Sn-1Nb-0.3Fe. To better understand the effect of Sn on accelerated corrosion of N36 alloy in LiOH aqueous solution, the sheet samples of normal N36 (Zr-1Sn-1Nb-0.3Fe) and low-tin N36 (Zr-0.8Sn-1Nb-0.3Fe) were prepared and corroded in static autoclave in both of 0.01 mol/L and 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa. The characteristics of microstructure of alloys, micrographs of the fracture surface and the interface of oxide/metal of the oxide film were analyzed. The effect and mechanism of Sn content on corrosion resistance of N36 zirconium alloy in LiOH aqueous solution were discussed.\nFirst, the button ingots of normal N36 and low-tin N36 alloy were prepared by vacuum non-consumable arc melted method, each ingot is about 70 g. Next, the ingots were treated by water quench after solid solution treatment at 1050˚C for 0.5 h, hot rolled after 600˚C and holding this temperature for 1 h and cold rolled for 2 times, the alloys were inter-annealed during cold rolling with 600˚C for 1 h and final-annealed with 580˚C for 2 h, The thickness of about 0.6 mm sheets were finally obtained. The contents of the main element, O and N in alloy were showed in Table 1.\nThe sheets samples were cut into 25 mm × 15 mm. Corrosion tests were conducted in static autoclave in both of 0.01 mol/L aqueous solution and 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa. The JEM-200CX transmission electron microscope was used to analysis the characteristics of grains and the\nTable 1. Chemical composition of N36 alloy specimens (wt%).\nsecond phase particles of alloys. The FEI Nova Nano SEM 400 scanning electron microscope was used to observe the fracture of oxide films and interface morphology.\n3. Experimental Results\nFigure 1 shows the TEM microstructure of the final annealing normal N36 (Figure 1(a)) and low-tin N36 (Figure 1(b)) samples respectively, the approximately equal recrystallization grain size are found in both of samples, and the second phase particles (SPPs) take on small round pellets and distributed uniformly in α-Zr with the majority SPPs located inside of crystal grain while less is on the boundary, the average size of SPPs were is about 80 nm, which indicate that the Sn content with small adjustment will hardly impact on the recrystallization grain size and the size distribution of SPPs of N36 alloy.\n3.2. Corrosion Behavior\nFigure 2 illustrates the corrosion dynamic curves of normal N36, low-tin N36 and reference Zr-4 alloy samples corroded in both of 0.01 mol/L aqueous solution (Figure 2(a)) and 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution (Figure 2(b)) at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa. The corrosion transition of normal N36 and low-tin N36 alloys was found in each LiOH condition, and the corrosion weight increased swiftly to show corrosion rate speed up after corrosion transition. Among three alloy samples, the low-tin N36 alloy, whose happened time of corrosion transition is the latest in same water-chemical condition and corrosion weight is the lowest after long-term corrosion, and compared with normal N36 alloy, the time of corrosion transition of Zr-4 alloy is earlier and the corrosion weight is higher. When water-chemical environment differ from LiOH concentration, the best corrosion resistance is low-tin N36, following is normal N36, while the worst is Zr-4.\n3.3. Fracture Morphology\nFigure 3 shows the fracture morphology of normal N36 (Figure 3((a), (a1))) and low-tin N36 (Figure 3((b), (b1))) samples corroded in 0.01 mol/L aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 370 days, respectively. The cracks paralleling\nFigure 1. TEM graphs of N36 alloy (a) normal N36 and (b) low-tin N36.\nFigure 2. Corrosion dynamic curves of normal N36, low-tin N36 and reference Zr-4 alloy samples corroded in (a) 0.01 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution and (b) 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa.\nFigure 3. Oxide film fracture micrographs of low-tin N36 ((a), (a1)) and normal N36 ((b), (b1)) alloys corroded in 0.01 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 370 days exposure.\nto the interface of oxide/metal are formed in the fracture surface of the oxide film, and there was not significant difference of cracks between normal and N36 low-tin N36, the cause was ascribed to little difference of weight gains between N36 alloys.\nFigure 4 shows oxide films fracture appearance of low-tin N36 and normal N36 alloys corroded in the 0.03 mol/L LiOH solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 86 days. The oxide film fracture of low-tin N36 alloy appears more compact than normal N36 alloy, and there are more flaws or cracks which paralleled to the oxide films/metal in fracture of normal N36 alloy.\nAfter corrosion for 100 days, the oxide films fracture in low-tin N36 and normal N36 alloys appear laminar cracks(Figure 5), it also have flaws close to metal base. Compared to low-tin N36, normal N36 alloy has more laminar cracks as well as more narrow cracks interval.\nFigure 6 shows the micrographs at the oxide film/substrate interface of low-tin N36 and normal N36 corroded in 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 100 days exposure. The oxide films exist cauliflower-like structure with many gaps which showed as pore in high magnification. Compared with low-tin N36, the oxide film of normal N36 alloy appear much more\nFigure 4. Oxide film fracture micrographs of low-tin N36 (a) and normal N36 (b) alloys corroded in 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 86 days exposure.\nFigure 5. Oxide film fracture micrographs of low-tin N36 (a) and normal N36 (b) alloys corroded in 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 100 days exposure.\nFigure 6. The micrographs at the oxide film/substrate interface of low-tin N36 (a) and normal N36 (b) alloys corroded in 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa for 100 days exposure.\nuneven as well as bigger pore dimensions.\n4. Analysis and Discussions\nAccording to corrosion dynamics curves of Zr-4, normal N36 and low-tin alloy specimens corroded in both of 0.01 mol/L aqueous solution and 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa, the corrosion resistance of normal N36 and low-tin N36 are better than Zr-4 alloy while low-tin N36 alloy are better than normal N36 alloy. The corrosion behavior of zirconium alloy is related to alloy composition and microstructure. As a relatively stable element of α-Zr, Sn exist in α-Zr through solid solution atom. The average size of the second phase particles will increase little as the content of Sn increase and effect the corrosion behavior of alloy . But crystal structure, the size of second phase particles as well as distribution have not obviously distinction by judge from microstructure of normal N36 and low-tin N36 zirconium alloy as the content of Sn in two alloys have little difference, on the other side, heat treatment temperature (580˚C - 600˚C) of alloy specimens is far more lower than transfer temperature of N36 alloy . the second phase particles of N36 alloy are C14 Zr (Fe, Nb)2 and β-Nb , so the size of second phase particles, distribution and type are very close before corrosion, it is not the main reason that cause the difference in corrosion resistance between N36 and low-tin N36.\nAccording to the observing results of microstructure of oxide films after corrosion, the corrosion behavior of N36 alloys with little difference in Sn content have a certain corresponding relation with the quantity of parallel cracks in oxide films fracture. For good corrosion resistance of low-tin N36 alloys, cracks which parallel the oxide film/substrate interface is relatively less, while there are more parallel cracks in normal N36 with poor corrosion resistance. Cracks gaps are in inverse proportion to corrosion rate after corrosion transition, which promote the growth of oxide films. So the oxide films are thicker at the same corrosion time. On the other hand, the fracture of low-tin N36 alloy specimens corroded in 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution for 86 days have not obviously cracks, and its surface inside oxide films are more smooth than normal N36, it is indicated the oxide films growth rate at metal base is not even, which lead to uneven inner surface. The inner surface of oxide films shape in cauliflower-like uneven related with oxide film existing obvious cracks .\nThe cracks and pores in oxide films are related with gathering and release of stress during the growth of oxide films. As zirconium alloys are corroded at initial stage, the oxide films grow at the stable tetragonal ZrO2, and volume expand (P-B ratio 1.56), it is also constrained by matrix metal and have stable function to tetragonal because there will be compressive stress inside the oxide films . Along with adding distance to fracture, the compressive stress of inner oxide films become weak so that cause tetragonal ZrO2 to transfer monoclinic ZrO2 during transference, at the same time, in the vicinity of transient ZrO2 produce internal stress which shape cracks in the oxide films and shorten distribution route of H or O and decrease corrosion resistance of alloy . So it is also concluded that when oxide films of good corrosion resistance low-tin N36 exist in tetragonal ZrO2.\nThe tin as solid solute in α-Zr diffuse and gather in the interfacial boundary of tetragonal ZrO2 at a specific temperature and compressive stress. During corrosion process of alloy specimens, the enriched tin at the crystal boundary expand when they are oxidized, which will make the t-ZrO2 change into m-ZrO2 with greater speed, and accelerate to produce cracks . So low-tin N36 alloy with little Sn have little cracks in its oxide films and have good corrosion resistance.\n1) Compared to Zr-4 alloy, the corrosion resistance of N36 alloy are better in both of 0.01 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution and 0.03 mol/L LiOH aqueous solution at 360˚C and 18.6 MPa, while low-tin N36 is better than normal N36.\n2) The little difference of Sn content hardly influences on grain size and precipitates of the N36 alloys. It was concluded that the solid solution contents of Sn in a-Zr matrix was the main reason cause corrosion resistance difference between normal N36 and low-tin N36.\n3) As samples corroded in different water chemistry, the cracks paralleling to the interface of oxide/metal are formed in the fracture surface of the oxide film and the oxide film in the inner surface appears at the Cauliflower-like morphology after corrosion transition. With the increasing of corrosion rate, there are more cracks in the fracture surface of the oxide film and the size of Cauliflower-like structure grows bigger.\n Zhao, W.J., Liu, Y.Z., Jiang, H.M., et al. (2008) Effect of Heat Treatment and Nb and H Contents on the Phase Transformation of N18 and N36 Zirconium Alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462, 103-108.\n Zhang, J.L., Xie, X.F., Yao, M.Y., et al. (2013) Study on the Corrosion Resistance of Zr-1Nb-0.7Sn-0.03Fe-xGe Alloy in Lithiated Water at 360°C. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 49, 443-450.\n Park, J.Y., Yoo, S.J., Choi, B.K., et al. (2008) Corrosion and Oxide Characteristics of Zr-1.5Nb-0.4Sn-0.2Fe-0.1Cr Alloy in 360°C Pure Aqueous and LiOH Solution. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 37, 343-350.\n Yao, M.Y., Zhou, B.X., Li, Q., et al. (2008) A Superior Corrosion Behavior of Zircaloy-4 in Lithiated Aqueous at 360°C/18.6 MPa by β-Quenching. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 374, 197-203.\n Zhang, H.X., Fruchart, D., Hlil, E.K., et al. (2010) Crystal Structure, Corrosion Kinetics of New Zirconium Alloys and Residual Stress Analysis of Oxide Films. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 396, 65-70.\n Yilmazbayhan, A., Breval, E., Motta, A.T., et al. (2006) Transmission Electron Microscopy Examination of Oxide Layers Formed on Zr Alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 34, 265-281.\n Gholinia, G.A., Frankel, P., et al. (2014) The Microstructure and Microtexture of Zirconium Oxide Films Studied by Transmission Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Automated Crystal Orientation Mapping with Transmission Electron Microscopy. Acta Materialia, 80, 159-171.\n Bossis, P., Thomazet, J., Lefebvre, F., et al. (2002) Study of the Mechanisms Controlling the Oxide Growth under Irradiation: Characterization of Irradiated Zircaloy-4 and Zr-1Nb-O Oxide Scales. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 89, 67-82.\n Platt, P., Frankel, P., Gass, M., et al. (2015) Critical Assessment of Finite Element Analysis Applied to Metal-Oxide Interface Roughness in Oxidising Zirconium Alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 464, 313-319.\n Platt, P., Polatidis, E., Frankel, P., et al. (2015) A Study into Stress Relaxation in Oxides Formed on Zirconium Alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 456, 415-425.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Catalytic Materials Topics at Texas Materials Institute\nMany exciting activities are taking place in the Texas Materials Institute through the independent and coordinated activities of members with interests in catalytic chemistry and materials. These investigations span a broad range of conditions in temperature and pressure employing a plethora of catalytic materials. Additionally, a large arsenal of experimental probes are available to interrogate the molecular level physics and chemistry of these phenomena (including high-pressure catalytic reactors, ultra-high vacuum surface science instruments, surface vibrational spectroscopy, molecular beam apparatus, scanning tunneling microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, etc.). Studies of the interactions of molecules and atoms with the surfaces of single-crystalline metals are of interest as well as investigations of the chemistry of molecules with “model” catalytic materials. So-called “model” catalysts are constructed of thin films (10-20 nm) of support material (e.g., titania, silica, alumina) covering a metallic sample upon which nano-clusters of metal are placed. Such a “model” material mimics the chemistry of a real catalyst pellet under industrial conditions but also allows conditions in which microscopic details of the chemistry can be obtained. The effect of the size of the cluster is of great interest as well as the effect of the support on the cluster and gas of interest. Many other related activities are also taking place in the Texas Materials Institute.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Carbon 14 (14C) exists in the biosphere with an abundance of about 1 part per trillion relative to carbon 12, and decays with a half-life of 5730 years thus providing a tag for carbon dating. In addition, compounds labeled with 14C are routinely used to trace metabolism in physiology research. In atmospheric science, small changes in 14C content can monitor how much carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning. Sensitive measurement of 14C now requires the use of large dedicated and expensive particle accelerators. In this project, a new laser based ultra-sensitive 14C detection instrument for routine quantitation of 14C will be developed. The resulting system will be easy to operate and allow the use of extremely small (of order 0.1 mg) samples. Users of the first instruments will come from three broad areas: environmental monitoring, physiology studies, and small sample analysis, all of which require the unique capabilities of the system. The project uses a new ultra-sensitive laser based analytical technique, intracavity optogalvanic spectroscopy (ICOGS), which enables the detection of 14C labeled carbon dioxide. Three major development goals are planned: optimization of the laser system; preparation of sample handling and introduction protocols; and development of calibration and standards methodology and equipment. Two instruments with a common technology will be built- a high sensitivity device for small sample and environmental monitoring and a lower sensitivity device for routine analysis of organic and biological samples labeled with 14C tracers. Successful completion of the project will make available laboratory size, user-friendly instruments for highly sensitive measurements of 14C in biological and environmental samples. It will also greatly expand the range of measurements possible and increase the size of the user community. Because the instrument can accommodate continuous flow of carbon dioxide, real-time atmospheric monitoring is also possible. A major outcome of the instrument development program will be technology transfer to both a broad user community from industry, government and academia; as well as to potential commercial suppliers. Results obtained will be submitted to interdisciplinary scientific journals and at regional and national meetings.\n|Effective start/end date||9/1/09 → 8/31/12|\n- National Science Foundation (National Science Foundation (NSF))\nExplore the research topics touched on by this project. These labels are generated based on the underlying awards/grants. Together they form a unique fingerprint.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "1 oz of 80% pure (NH4)2SO4, 1 gallon of water @ 25 degrees Celsius.\n1 gallon = 3.785 L, 1 oz = 28.4 grams.\nSuppose an avid gardener prepares a solution by putting 1 oz of 80% pure Ammonium Sulfate in a gallon of water at 25 degrees C.\na) what is concentration of HSO4 and NH3 in solution at equlibrium.\nb) suppose you want to make sure pH is at 7.0. If you have pure NH3 and H2SO4 at hand, how many grams (of which one) would you have to add?\n(NH4)2SO4 dissolves in water to form 2NH4+ and SO4(2-)\nNH4 + H2O => H3O + NH3\nSO4 + H2O => OH + HSO4\nThe Attempt at a Solution\ni already finished part a by first changing oz and gallons into moles/L => Molarity. then i calculated equilibrium amounts by initial, change, end calculations.\nmy main problem lies in (b) as i have no clue how to approach this problem. can someone help?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Nanomaterials for Cancer PhototheranosticsView this Special Issue\nAdvances on the Use of Biodegradable Proteins/Peptides in Photothermal Theranostics\nRecently, photothermal therapy (PTT) which employs light-induced heating to destroy cancer tissues/cells has received tremendous attention due to its improved selectivity and minimal invasion to surrounding healthy tissues. A variety of photothermal conversion agents (PTCAs) with high near-infrared (NIR) light absorbance have been widely explored for NIR light-induced PTT. However, many of them cannot be used directly in vivo owing to their nonbiodegradability, immunogenicity, poor pharmacokinetics, or potential long-term toxicity. Proteins and peptides with inherent biocompatibility and biodegradability have been used as delivery vehicles for PTCAs or used as biotemplates to direct the synthesis of PTCAs. In this review, we will summarize recent advances in the development of protein/peptide-based photothermal cancer theranostics. The perspectives and challenges of these nanoplatforms will also be discussed.\nPhotothermal therapy (PTT), which employs light-induced heating to destroy cancer tissues/cells, is a new promising strategy to treat cancer due to its improved selectivity and minimal invasion to surrounding healthy tissues . In general, PTT involves noninvasive light and photothermal conversion agents (PTCAs) that show low toxicity in dark and therapeutic effect under light irradiation. So the PTT can achieve superimposed targeting effect: on the one hand, the photoabsorbing agent can be designed to nanosized and ligand-modified particle so as to target cancer via passive and active targeting; on the other hand, the light can be applied only in cancer site to reduce side effect. Particularly, near-infrared (NIR) light (650–950 nm) induced PTT holds much promise because of the relatively low absorption/scattering of skin, tissue, blood, and water in the NIR region . In the NIR light-induced PTT, PTCAs are crucial elements that absorb NIR light energy and convert it into heat and thus raise the local temperature of tumor to kill them. In the past decades, a variety of inorganic/organic nanomaterials, such as noble metal nanomaterials (Au, Ag, and Pt) [3–7], carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene oxide and carbon nanotube) [8–10], semiconductor nanomaterials (WS2, CuS, and Se) [11–16], and NIR dyes (indocyanine green, cypate, IR780, and IR825) [17–19], as well as semiconducting polymer nanomaterials (polyaniline and polypyrrole) [20–22], have been widely explored as PTCAs for PTT. These PTCAs exhibit high NIR absorbance; however, many of them cannot be used directly in vivo owing to nonbiodegradability, immunogenicity, poor pharmacokinetics, or potential long-term toxicity. Therefore, development of novel photothermal nanosystems is highly desirable to accelerate the clinical translation of PTT.\nIn the past few years, proteins and peptides have been developed as excellent delivery materials for many diagnostic/therapeutic agents due to their inherent biocompatibility and biodegradability [23–25] (Figure 1). On the one hand, proteins/peptides can encapsulate hydrophobic nanoparticles or molecules through hydrophobic interactions and thus improve the biocompatibility and water solubility of the nanoagents [26–28]. On the other hand, proteins/peptides can be used as biotemplates to synthesize nanoparticles directly [29–33]. Meanwhile, proteins/peptides contain a large number of functional groups (i.e., carboxylic and amino groups) that can easily conjugate functional substances, such as drugs, NIR dyes, photosensitizers, targeting ligands, and imaging agents, to achieve “All-in-One” multifunctional theranostics .\nConsidering the unique properties of proteins/peptides, recently, various protein-based photothermal nanoplatforms, which can combine the advantages and functionalities of both proteins/peptides and PTCAs, have been developed for PTT (Table 1). Herein, we will give a brief review on recent advances in the development of protein-based photothermal cancer theranostics. The perspectives and challenges of these nanoplatforms will also be discussed.\n2. Serum Albumin-Based Photothermal Theranostics\nSerum albumin, the major component of serum proteins, is an attractive biomacromolecule with the merits of biodegradability, nontoxicity, nonimmunogenicity, and easily biological production and purification . Among the available serum albumin, human serum albumin (HSA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) are two of the most used proteins.\nHSA, which contains 585 amino acid residues with a relative molecular weight of 66.5 KDa, is the most abundant protein in human plasma (~42 g/L) and plays an important role in transporting fatty acids, amino acids, steroids, and metal ions . It is an endogenous protein, which has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for intravenous administration. Furthermore, some studies showed that HSA coated nanoparticles possess active tumor-targeting abilities via gp60 and SPARC receptor-mediated transcytosis .\nRecently, numerous studies have reported HSA-based photothermal nanosystems for PTT. For example, Sheng et al. reported a kind of smart nanoparticle based on HSA and indocyanine green (ICG) for dual-modal imaging-guided synergistic phototherapy . ICG is a FDA-approved multifunctional NIR dye which can be used not only for NIR fluorescence (FL) imaging and photoacoustic (PA) imaging but also for PTT and photodynamic therapy (PDT). In this work, the disulfide bonds of HSA were firstly cleaved by adding excessive reducing agent to obtain free sulfhydryl groups. Then the reduced HSA can reassemble into HSA nanoparticles through the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. During this reassembling process, the ICG molecules were loaded into HSA nanoparticles. Thus the final HSA-ICG nanoparticles are composed of HSA and ICG without any other toxic chemicals, which show excellent biosafety. In vivo dual-modal imaging could clearly differentiate tumor tissue with normal tissue and thus precisely guide PTT/PDT cancer treatment. In a more recent work, Chen and coworkers reported a nanodrug that obtained via self-assembly of HSA, ICG, and paclitaxel (PTX, an effective antitumor drug) at a predetermined molar ratio (Figure 2(a)) . The structure of this nanodrug is similar to a FDA-approved formulation (trade name: Abraxane), which takes advantages of imaging-guided PTT and chemotherapy. Both HSA-ICG nanoparticle and HSA-ICG-PTX nanodrug are composed of FDA-approved components and demonstrated great antitumor performance which may be promising photothermal theranostics for clinical applications.\nHSA has also been exploited as a nanocarrier for other NIR dyes, such as IR825 and IR780 [39–41]. These nanosystems also showed high antitumor effects in animal experiments. Rong et al. designed a NIR cyanine dye by introducing a rigid cyclohexenyl ring to the heptamethine chain to obtain a heptamethine dye CySCOOH with higher fluorescence quantum yield and greater stability than ICG . By covalent conjugation of CySCOOH onto HSA (Figure 2(b)), the as-prepared HSA@CySCOOH nanoplatform is highly efficient for multimodality imaging-guided PTT. Compared with dye-encapsulated HSA-based photothermal theranostics, the obtained HSA@CySCOOH conjugates showed several advantages such as good stability without the risk of dye leakage in the blood circulation and high dye loading efficiency.\nHSA contains a variety of hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids and a large number of functional groups, so it also can be used to modify inorganic nanoparticles by hydrophobic interactions or cross-link. Topete et al. reported a multifunctional nanotheranostic platform, which is composed of PLGA/doxorubicin (DOX)-core Au-branched shell nanostructure (BGNSHs) and HSA/ICG/folic acid complex (HSA-ICG-FA) surface coating . The nanotheranostic platform would achieve multifunctional abilities, such as PTT provided by the gold nanolayer, fluorescence imaging and PDT provided by the ICG, chemotherapy provided by the DOX, and active targeting provided by the FA. Peralta et al. employed a desolvation and cross-linking approach to develop gold nanorods (Au NRs)-PTX-loaded HSA nanoparticles . As shown in Figure 2(c), the PTCAs (Au NRs) and antitumor drug (PTX) were encapsulated into the HSA nanoparticles simultaneously. The resulting Au NR-PTX-HSA nanoparticles demonstrated great antitumor effect of combination therapy.\nBSA, which derived from cows, is also a widely used carrier for cancer theranostics due to its abundance and low cost. BSA can sequester inorganic ions through a simulative biomineralization process, which trigger the formation of nanoclusters in mild conditions . In a recent work, Wang et al. developed smart cypate-grafted gadolinium oxide nanocrystals (Cy-GdNCs) . BSA-based biomineralization approach was employed to synthesize GdNCs, followed by the covalent conjugation of Cy to BSA. This Cy-GdNC can achieve tumor-targeting trimodal FL/PA/magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and pH-responsive PTT, resulting in effective tumor ablation. BSA also can be used as the biotemplate to synthesize inorganic PTCAs. For example, Zhang et al. synthesized copper sulfide (CuS) nanoparticles using BSA as a template . This method has several benefits such as high efficiency and mild synthesis condition. In vitro and in vivo results showed that the BSA-CuS nanoparticles had excellent biocompatibility and efficient PTT effect. In addition, BSA can be used as a reductant and stabilizer for the synthesis of PTCAs. Sheng et al. developed a facile fabrication method of nanoscale reduced graphene oxide (nano-rGO) . BSA, as a reductant and coating material, can reduce nano-GO to nano-rGO with high NIR absorption, high stability, and low cytotoxicity. The BSA-based nano-rGO showed excellent performance for in vivo PA imaging and PTT.\nBSA is also a kind of commonly used vehicle for organic PTCAs (NIR dyes, polymeric nanoparticles, etc.) delivery. For example, the squaraine, IR825, or polypyrrole loaded BSA nanoplatforms were developed for imaging-guided therapy [28, 49, 50]. The in vivo results evidenced the feasibility of using those nanoplatforms as photothermal theranostics for multimodality imaging and phototherapy.\n3. Other Proteins-Based Photothermal Theranostics\nBesides serum albumin, several other proteins with special molecular structures or functions, such as ferritin, hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein, gelatin, antibodies, and phycocyanin (PC), have been used as building blocks for the construction of protein-based photothermal theranostics.\nFerritin, a protein of 450 kDa consisting of 24 subunits, has a nanocage structure with external and internal diameters of 12 and 8 nm, respectively. Ferritin serves to store iron in a nontoxic form, to deposit it in a safe form, and to transport it to areas where it is required. Because of the cage-like structure, ferritin has also been successfully used as nanocarrier of therapeutic agent or biotemplate for the fabrication of nanoparticles [23, 24]. The internal cavity allows high loading efficiency of therapeutic agents and the protein shells as a coating to prevent coagulation/aggregation between nanoparticles.\nRecently, Huang et al. reported a novel theranostic platform based on IR820 (NIR dye)-loaded ferritin nanocages with strong absorbance in the NIR region . IR820 molecules were loaded into the internal cavity by “opening” and “closing” the ferritin nanocages. Under 550 nm light irradiation, the theranostic platform can achieve FL imaging with high fluorescence quantum yield, while under 808 nm NIR light irradiation, the theranostic platform can achieve PA imaging and PTT with high photothermal conversion efficiency. In vivo results showed that 100% tumor elimination was achieved by intravenous injection of IR820-loaded ferritin nanocages, under a low laser power density of 0.5 W/cm2. In another work, Wang et al. reported biomineralization-inspired synthesis and photothermal application of CuS/-ferritin nanocages . As shown in Figure 3(a), Cu and ions were firstly encapsulated into the ferritin cages. After the addition of S ions, CuS/-Fn nanocages were obtained. The in vitro (Figure 3(b)) and in vivo (Figures 3(c)–3(e)) results indicated that the CuS-Fn nanocages achieved superior tumor therapeutic efficiency without systemic toxicity.\n3.2. HBV Core Protein\nProtein-based particles that are self-assembled inside cells have been developed for a variety of bioassays and biomedical applications . For example, when expressed in Escherichia coli, the HBV core protein forms a core shell capsid with a diameter of 36 nm. Based on the core shell capsid, Kwon et al. developed a protein/gold core/shell nanoparticle (PGCS-NP) that can be used as a PTCA for targeted cancer therapy without in vivo toxicity (Figure 4) . Hexahistidine (H6), biotinylated peptide (BP), hexatyrosine (Y6), and affibody peptides for human epidermal growth factor receptor I (EGFR) were used to modify the HBV core protein. Then the modified HBV core proteins were self-assembled into the engineered particles, and gold ions are reduced to gold dots (1–3 nm) by the reduction potential of Y6 residues. The resulted nanoplatform has uniform particle size distribution, high colloidal stability, and excellent photothermal activity. Most importantly, as the nanoplatform was disassembled with time, the small gold dots were released and rapidly excreted from liver and kidney, indicating that the nanoplatform can be used as safe PTCAs without concern of long-term toxicity.\nGelatin, an irreversibly hydrolyzed form of collagen, is a mixture of proteins and peptides obtained from the skin, bones, and connective tissues of various animals. Gelatin has many excellent properties such as easy functionalization and good biocompatibility and can be effectively digested by gelatinase into nontoxic peptides. Zha et al. developed multifunctional CuS nanoparticles stabilized with DOX-conjugated gelatin (CuS@Gel-DOX) . In this case, CuS nanoparticle was used as the PTCA and PA contrast agent; DOX was used as a model antitumor drug. Thus the as-prepared CuS@Gel-DOX nanosystem can achieve simultaneous PA imaging, PTT, and enzyme-responsive drug release. Lin et al. developed nanocomposites that incorporated Cu9S5@mSiO2 nanoparticles or polyaniline nanoparticles into poly(-caprolactone) and gelatin [55, 56]. The as-prepared nanocomposites were surgically implanted into tumors in mice and followed by efficient PTT treatment.\nAntibody, also known as immunoglobulin, is a kind of large, Y-shape protein produced by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens. In recent years, some antibodies (anti-EGFR) were also used as tumor-targeting ligands, since the EGFR is overexpressed in many malignant cells. Yu et al. reported a kind of anti-EGFR-coated ICG-loaded polymer/salt nanocapsule for in vitro PTT . The results indicated that the anti-EGFR-coated nanocapsules had significant thermal toxicity upon 808 nm NIR light irradiation. In another work, Zhang et al. developed the EGFR monoclonal antibody (mAb) modified AuNRs (EGFRmAb-AuNR) for targeted PTT on Hep-2 cells .\nPC, a pigment-protein complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, is a water-soluble protein and is frequently used as a coloring agent in food and cosmetics. It also can be used as a photosensitizer for generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) under excitation of appropriate light . Recently, Liao and Zhang developed a multiwalled carbon nanotube-chitosan-PC complex (MWNT-CS-PC) for PTT and PDT . Both CS and PC improve the water solubility and stability of MWNTs. Additionally, PC is a photosensitizer that is able to generate cytotoxic ROS for PDT, and MWNT is a PTCA that is able to generate heat for PTT.\n4. Peptides-Based Photothermal Theranostics\nPeptides are short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds. Proteins are composed of one or more peptides arranged in a biologically functional way. The boundaries that distinguish peptides from proteins are not absolute: long peptides such as amyloid beta have been referred to as proteins, and smaller proteins like insulin have been considered peptides. Like proteins, peptides were also employed as building blocks for the development of photothermal theranostics. Huang et al. developed an endogenous alkaline phosphatase- (ALP-) triggered coassembly strategy to form tumor-specific nanofibers, which based on ICG and NapFFKYp (an ALP-responsive peptide), for FL/PA dual-modality imaging-guided PTT (Figure 5) . The ICG-doped nanofiber showed significantly enhanced NIR absorbance and unique PA and PTT properties. Synthetic polypeptides are also promising nanocarriers of PTCAs because they own similar component and structure to natural proteins. For example, Yang et al. reported an ICG and cypate-loaded poly(L-aspartic acid)-based micelle system with multiple advantages for FL imaging and PTT . These micelles exhibit high loading capacity, good stability, enhanced cellular uptake efficiency, and efficient photothermal efficacy. Wu et al. reported ICG-loaded polymeric micelles, which self-assembled from amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lysine)-b-poly(L-leucine) (PEG-PLL-PLLeu), for tumor imaging and PTT . Compared with free ICG, PEG-PLL-PLLeu-ICG micelles significantly improved the quantum yield and fluorescent stability of ICG. In vitro photothermal ablation studies also proved the feasibility of the PEG-PLL-PLLeu-ICG for tumor PTT.\n5. Conclusion and Perspective\nNatural proteins and synthetic peptides are playing important roles in cancer theranostics. A variety of protein-based theranostics have emerged in the past few years. The capabilities of proteins to load different PTCAs endow them with many advantages, such as improved water solubility and biocompatibility, prolonged blood circulation time, and multifunctional modification.\nHowever, the clinical translation of protein-based photothermal theranostics is still facing many challenges. Firstly, as natural polymers, proteins are heterogeneous mixtures and exhibit batch-to-batch variation, which may hinder the industrial application of protein-based nanoplatforms . Secondly, although many photothermal nanoplatforms have demonstrated their high PTT efficacy in preclinical animal experiments, there are rarely FDA-approved proteins and PTCAs that are safe for use in humans. Thirdly, the poor photothermal stability of protein-organic agents and the potential long-term toxicity of protein-inorganic agents severely limit their future clinical applications. In addition, the PTCAs loading efficiency of most protein-based nanoplatforms are often too low, resulting in limited PTT efficacy.\nStudies will continue to further improve the clinical applicability of protein-based photothermal theranostics. For example, the recombinant protein technology is a promising strategy to overcome the batch-to-batch variation of protein-based platforms. More and more protein-based photothermal theranostics with high photothermal stability, great long-term biosafety, and high tumor accumulation have been developed for PTT. Although the development of PTT is still at an early stage, protein-based photothermal theranostics may have great potential for clinical applications to treat cancer patients in the near future.\nThe authors declare that there are no competing interests regarding the publication of this paper.\nThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (51573096 and 81401465).\nL. Cheng, W. He, H. Gong et al., “PEGylated micelle nanoparticles encapsulating a non‐fluorescent near‐infrared organic dye as a safe and highly‐effective photothermal agent for in vivo cancer therapy,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 23, no. 47, pp. 5893–5902, 2013.View at: Google Scholar\nP. Huang, L. Bao, D. Yang et al., “Protein-directed solution-phase green synthesis of BSA-conjugated M(x)Se(y) (M = Ag, Cd, Pb, Cu) nanomaterials,” Chemistry—An Asian Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1156–1162, 2011.View at: Google Scholar\nS. Liu, M. Hassink, R. Selvaraj et al., “Efficient F-18 labeling of cysteine-containing peptides and proteins using tetrazine-trans-cyclooctene ligation,” Molecular Imaging, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 121–128, 2013.View at: Google Scholar\nD. V. Peralta, Z. Heidari, S. Dash, and M. A. Tarr, “Hybrid paclitaxel and gold nanorod-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles for simultaneous chemotherapeutic and photothermal therapy on 4T1 breast cancer cells,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 7101–7111, 2015.View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cleansol BC is a different concept in house washing. Utilizing the unique “Shine System”, your painted siding or gutters will look as good after washing as they did when new. It will also be protected from environmental damage and will clean more easily. This is just the beginning of the benefits that regular use of Cleansol BC will provide. In addition, it will remove all stains from gutters, generate great deck cleaning results, super fast rinsing, and provide spot free drying and complete safety on paint, glass, and plants. Another benefit of Cleansol BC is that it will remove virtually any dirt, soil, or stain that is on a painted surface. This soap will rinse freely even if it dries on the surface. The product works equally well hot or cold but should not exceed 120° Fahrenheit. Cleansol BC is biodegradable and very safe for people even though it is a powerful cleaner.\nEf-fortless is a soap solution that melts efflorescence and helps to control its return. The user does not have to use a pressure washer or even a garden hose to get the job done. This product is mildly acidic and safe for virtually all surfaces. Application is a simple spray on process. When the Ef-fortless stops foaming the efflorescence is gone. The amount of coverage will vary with the thickness of the efflorescence. With the most common powder type; coverage is approximately 75 square feet a gallon. “Calcite” type efflorescence, the thick, hard and ivory colored, would need\npresoak softener with one or two applications of Calcite Presoak, followed by Ef-fortless and/or NMD80. You need not rinse Ef-fortless in most circumstances. Certain mortars may show a discoloration on drying; if this occurs, simply reapply a light coating and pressure wash rinse.\nNMD80 is a detergent based solution designed for the express purpose of safe but effective cleaning of new masonry structures. The detergent boost to the product enables you to use fewer applications than normal and work comfortably around other people as there is little to no odor or sting with the product. NMD80 is also milder to your equipment because it is less corrosive in nature. Used as described, in the directions, there should be no significant impact on the plants or soils of the job site but protecting landscape should be taken. NMD80 is safe for virtually any\ntype of brick, block, stone, or pre-cast. Always use a test patch to determine dilutions and appropriateness. NMD80 will solve a host of problems including efflorescence, lime putty, and most mineral stains.\nONE RESTORE is a breakthrough detergent that provides remarkable versatility, cleaning power and safety all in one product. It is capable of removing the deepest biological and pollution stains, and mineral and metal oxide stains from a wide variety of surfaces. It is an effective coating remover and safely cleans glass and anodized aluminum when used as directed. One RESTORE won’t damage or change the color of any of the substrates it is used on. One RESTORE is a great choice for cleaning historic buildings as well as modern facilities such as colleges, schools, hospitals and other government and public facilities where safety is an issue. With its spray-on/spray-off application process, One RESTORE will save hours of cleaning time versus the traditional bucket and brush method.\nStripper Cream is a thickened multilayer paint remover with excellent consistency and coverage that enables it to be sprayed, rolled, or brushed. The stripper is ready to use right out of the container. The cream has a very pleasant odor and is easy to work with for the professional. This is a highly caustic product when applied to paint, it will not dry out or leave a powder residue on the surface. As a paste, the paint may be scraped off mostly intact. This product can remain on the surface a day without drying out. Stripper Cream when diluted with water makes an excellent graffiti remover. With proper neutralization with NMD 80, Stripper Cream is excellent for wood stripping and repainting. Alkyd enamels can be stripped using a two-step process. First apply Stripsol while still wet, and then apply Stripper Cream. Stripper Cream is also great at removing heavy dimensional black crust on limestone.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ban on Production and Imports of Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants\nIn 1987 the Montreal Protocol, an international environmental agreement, established requirements that began the worldwide phase-out of ozone-depleting CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). These requirements were later modified, leading to the phase-out in 1996 of CFC production in all developed nations. In 1992 the Montreal Protocol was amended to establish a schedule for the phase-out of HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons). HCFCs are less damaging to the ozone layer than CFCs, but still, contain ozone-destroying chlorine.\nHCFC-22 (also known as R-22) has been the refrigerant of choice for residential heat pump and air-conditioning systems for more than four decades. Unfortunately for the environment, releases of R-22, such as those from leaks, contribute to ozone depletion. In addition, R-22 is a greenhouse gas and the manufacture of R-22 results in a by-product (HFC-23) that contributes significantly to global warming. As the manufacture of R-22 is phased out over the coming years as part of the agreement to end production of HCFCs, manufacturers of residential air conditioning systems are offering equipment that uses ozone-friendly refrigerants.\nR-410A has replaced R-22 as the preferred refrigerant for use in residential and commercial air conditioners in Japan, Europe, and the United States\nR-410A (which contains only fluorine) does not contribute to ozone depletion and is, therefore, becoming more widely used, as ozone-depleting refrigerants like R-22 are phased out. However, it has a high global warming potential (2088 times the effect of carbon dioxide), similar to that of R-22. Since R-410A allows for higher system efficiencies than an R-22 system, by reducing power consumption, the overall impact on global warming of R-410A systems will be substantially lower than that of R-22 systems due to reduced greenhouse gas emissions from power plants", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Nano Silicon-based Thin Film Photodetector with Visible Blindness\nWe have been studying miniaturization of silicon crystals using electrochemical etching. We demonstrated the existence of “sweet spots” in cluster size in the range 1-3 nm (1, 1.7, 2.1, 2.9 nm). Unlike their bulk predecessor, these Si nanoparticles have a spectacular ability to glow in distinct RGB colors and enable novel chemical, electronics and photonics applications, including electrochemical sensors, catalysts, charge-based nano memory, supercapacitors, photovoltaic solar cells, and UV photodetectors.\nThe particles are produced as dispersion in liquid, and can be reconstituted in films, patterns, alloys, or spread on chips according to the application. In this talk, the synthesis procedure and the basic characteristics of the nanomaterial will be presented. We will focus on their use in UV photodetection whereby a thin film effectively constitutes a wide-bandgap material, providing sensitive UV detection with good visible blindness.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In her lab at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Choi-Fong Cho is growing tiny, balled-up versions of the blood-brain barrier, one of neuroscience’s most notorious opponents.\nThe barrier lines blood vessels in the brain to block foreign invaders, but it also stops most drugs from getting into the central nervous system. It’s foiled countless treatments that looked promising in animals, only to never make it into the brains of patients.\nCho wants to make the process of scouring for drugs that can cross the barrier far less difficult. So the neuroscientist developed her organoids — tiny bunches of brain cells — to help determine which chemicals can get into the brain.\n“We want to change the way people to look at drug development in neuroscience,” Cho said.\nDrug companies have poured billions into experimental treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, glioblastoma, and other neurological conditions with the hope that they can beat the blood-brain barrier.\nRoche developed a “brain shuttle” to transport therapeutic molecules past the blood-brain barrier. At Biogen, scientists are searching for a way to hijack the transporter proteins that carry certain nutrients across the barrier, tricking them into carrying therapeutic cargo into the brain.\nAnd at Impel NeuroPharma, researchers are working on a platform to bypass the blood-brain barrier by spraying drugs deep into the nose.\nBut often, such treatments have come up short in patients.\nExperts are hopeful that models like Cho’s will give researchers a better idea of whether the drug candidates they’re studying stand a chance against the blood-brain barrier — and speed up the process of finding compounds that can make it across.\n“We can now screen things in a much more rapid fashion to see whether something can get across,” said Dr. Antonio Chiocca, the chief neurosurgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a brain cancer researcher who collaborates with Cho.\nGrow your own blood-brain barriers\nTo grow her own blood-brain barriers, Cho started with the basics. She took the three main cellular components of the barriers — human endothelial cells, pericytes, and astrocytes — and cultured them together in the lab. When she did, they started forming little balls of cells, or spheroids. The endothelial cells and pericytes wrapped themselves around an astrocyte core.\nThen she added small molecule drugs into the environment and waited. The mini-barriers kept most compounds from getting into the center, or the “brain,” of the spheroids. If a significant amount of the substance made it inside, Cho and her colleagues presumed it might also be able to cross the blood-brain barrier.\n“We can look to see how much of a drug has actually trespassed the surface and accumulated within the core,” Cho said.\nCho uses one of two techniques to figure out whether a molecule snuck into the spheroid’s center. For some, she uses fluorescent labels that allow her to determine, with the help of a microscope, whether they’ve made it.\n“We want to change the way people to look at drug development in neuroscience.”\nChoi-Fong Cho, Brigham and Women's Hospital\nFor those that can’t be lit up under a microscope, she uses mass spectrometry to pinpoint where the molecules landed. Cho and her colleagues are now working to find better ways to track what happens to the molecules once they approach the blood-brain barrier.\nThe spheroids aren’t without limitations. As with any model, there’s a question of accuracy: Will what happens in a mini-barrier translate to an animal model, and will that animal model translate to real patients?\n“In vitro models are no substitute for in vivo models,” said Dr. Edward Neuwelt, a neurosurgeon who runs a blood-brain barrier research program at Oregon Health and Science University. Anything that appears to cross the blood-brain barrier in the spheroids would still need to be validated with animal testing.\nBut experts agree that better in vitro models would make it easier to figure out which compounds are worth trying in an animal model, sparing precious time and money for research.\n“This model really is to help us narrow down from many, many hits to a few specific ones to be tested in vivo,” Cho said.\nSo far, Cho and her colleagues have used small molecules in the model. They’re now trying to see whether the models can be used to study how other substances, like bacteria, interact with the blood-brain barrier.\nA simple blueprint for a new idea\nCho and her colleagues published a paper about the spheroids in Nature Communications last year and have been presenting to other researchers on their work. The idea has quickly sparked interest among drug makers and other academic researchers.\n“A lot of people have been expressing their interest in working with the model or working with us to test their molecules of interest,” Cho said.\nChiocca, whose lab is focused on creating new genetic therapies for malignant brain tumors, is now using Cho’s models in his own research. He’s trying to figure out whether it’s possible to transfer genetic material and certain compounds that can target brain tumors across the blood-brain barrier. The models have made that work easier.\n“Animal models are expensive,” Chiocca explained. “Using these organoids is much easier to screen rapidly and screen a lot more potential treatments.”\nHow about stem cell or a drug that can repair optic nerve damage? Any pharmaceuticals companies out there that are researching this or have a drug available? This would be a big help for people suffering from optic nerve damage resulting in botched surgery and surgeons not taking responsibility for their mistake in causing damage.\nWhat happened to you\nStem cell in terms of therapeutic applications is still in its baby stage, partly because we really have scant idea on what certain proteins that make neurons into what they are do. We just only recently discovered iPSCs (programmable stem cells).\nComments are closed.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Dry And Cool Place\n1KG Biodiesel Enzyme,\nRenewable Fuel Biodiesel Enzyme\nBiodiesel Enzyme is an enzymatic purification product that is packaged in 25KG/Bag and is suitable for dry and cool places. It features a pH of 7-9 and high solubility, making it an ideal choice for enzymatic transformation of biodiesel. This product is designed to provide efficient biodiesel enzymatic purification and transformation, while also ensuring optimal biodegradation.\nBiodiesel Enzyme is a powerful tool for biodiesel production, enabling the enzymatic purification and transformation of biodiesel in a safe and reliable manner. It is designed to be used in a variety of applications, including biodiesel production, biodiesel purification, biodiesel transformation, and biodiesel biodegradation. This product is easy to use and offers excellent results, making it an excellent choice for biodiesel production.\n|10000 - 100000u/g\n|Dry And Cool Place\n|Biodiesel Enzymatic Production, Biodiesel Enzymatic Purification, Biodiesel Enzymatic Purification Process\nKDN, a top-notch Chinese manufacturer, produces premium Biodiesel Enzyme with ISO and HALAL certifications. Our Biodiesel Enzyme has a shelf life of two years and a temperature range of between 30-60°C.\nThe minimum order quantity of our Biodiesel Enzyme is 500kg and can be conveniently packaged in 25kg bags. We offer our customers a wide range of payment options, including T/T, L/C, D/A, D/P, and cash. Our supply ability is up to 5000mt and we strive to deliver our products within 10-15 days.\nOur Biodiesel Enzyme is widely known for its excellent performance in biodiesel enzymatic production, biodiesel enzymatic transformation, and biodiesel enzymatic production process. It is an ideal choice for large-scale biodiesel production. We offer our customers competitive prices and excellent services.\nBrand Name: KDN\nPlace of Origin: China\nCertification: ISO, HALAL\nMinimum Order Quantity: 500kg\nPackaging Details: 25kg/bag\nDelivery Time: 10-15 days\nPayment Terms: T/T, L/C, D/A, D/P, CASH...\nSupply Ability: 5000mt\nShelf Life: 2 Years\nKDN Biodiesel Enzyme is a perfect choice for high-efficiency biodiesel enzymatic transformation process. With its high solubility, stable property and long shelf life (2 years) KDN Biodiesel Enzyme is ideal for biodiesel enzymatic process. The minimum order quantity is 500kg and the pH range is 7-9.\nIf you’re looking for an efficient and reliable enzymatic transformation process for your biodiesel production, KDN Biodiesel Enzyme is your perfect choice!\nBiodiesel Enzyme offers a comprehensive technical support and service package. Our technical support staff is highly trained and knowledgeable in the specific requirements of biodiesel production, and can provide advice and assistance to help you maximize the efficiency of your production process. We offer a range of services, including:\nWe are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of technical support and service. If you have any questions or concerns about our products or services, please don't hesitate to contact us.\nPackaging and Shipping for Biodiesel Enzyme:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "© 2021 The Society of Manufacturing EngineersThe current study examines the influence of various mono and proportional hybrid nanofluids prepared with multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), alumina (Al2O3) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) on the performance of cermet tools in turning of AISI 420 hardened steel. First, mono-nanofluids were prepared using each nanoparticle separately (i.e., Al2O3, MWCNT and MoS2). Afterward, hybrid nanofluids were prepared at three different nanoparticle mixture ratios i.e., particle A:particle B of 1:1 (50 vol% + 50 vol%), particle A:particle B of 1:2 (33.34 vol% + 66.66 vol%), particle A:particle B of 2:1 (66.66 vol% + 33.34 vol%) in a constant volume concentration of 0.6%. Prepared nanofluids (nine different hybrid nanofluids and three different mono nanofluids) were cooperated with the MQL system and their effects on the machinability characteristics such as surface roughness, surface topography, temperature, tool flank wear, and wear mechanisms were investigated. The results were compared with dry and base-fluid MQL assisted cutting results. The surface roughness was decreased by 41.54%, 37.38% and 30.62% through Al2O3:MoS2 (2:1), Al2O3:MoS2 (1:2) and Al2O3:MoS2 (1:1) hybrid nanofluids compared to base fluid, respectively. It was found that different ratios of one more than nanoparticles have a significant effect on the synergistic effect. Based on the all experimental results, it can be concluded that it is necessary to optimize the nanoparticle ratios used in the preparation of hybrid nanofluids.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Recent decreases in nitrogen oxide (NOx = NO + NO2) emissions from eastern U.S. power plants and their effects on regional ozone are studied. Using the EPA 1999 National Emission Inventory as a reference emission data set, NOx and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rates at selected power plants are updated to their summer 2003 levels using Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) measurements. The validity of the CEMS data is established by comparison to observations made on the NOAA WP-3 aircraft as part of the 2004 New England Air Quality Study. The impacts of power plant NOx emission decreases on O3 are investigated using the WRF-Chem regional chemical forecast model. Summertime NOx emission rates decreased by approximately 50% between 1999 and 2003 at the subset of power plants studied. The impact of NOx emission reductions on ozone was moderate during summer 2004 because of relatively cool temperatures and frequent synoptic disturbances. Effects in individual plant plumes vary depending on the plant's NOx emission strength, the proximity of other NOx sources, and the availability of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sunlight. This study provides insight into the ozone changes that can be anticipated as power plant NOx emission reductions continue to be implemented throughout the United States.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (GARJMMS) ISSN: 2315-5159\nSeptember 2017 Vol. 6(9), pp. 224-233\nCopyright © 2017 Global Advanced Research Journals\nFull Length Research Paper\nThe Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oil from Different Aromatic Plants\n1Department of Lab Medicine, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Albaha University, KSA\n2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, KSA.\n3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences;\n4Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy;\n5Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sana’a, Sana’a, Yemen\nAccepted 24 September, 2017\nPlant’s natural extracts such as Essential Oil, are being increasingly used as preservatives as well as in many human used products. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties are essential for the use of such products, and therefore, their comparison with synthesized preservatives is the basis to replace the latter and for better biological activities with safer sources. The present study determined the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of hydrodistilled EO from sixteen aromatic plants grown in Yemen. Antioxidant activity was examined by two methods: reducing power assay (RPA) and determination of antioxidant activity with thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Thus, on the bases of the lowest concentrations used in both methods, the antioxidant activities of the EOs according to TBARS can be sorted in the following descending order: Thymus laevigatus ˃ Clove Eugenia caryophyllus ˃ Cinnamomum zylanicum ˃ Chenopodium Ambrosioides = Eucalyptus camaldulensis = Marjoram majorana hortensis = Schinus molle ˃ Pulicaria jaubertii = Ocimum basillicum ˃ Artemisia abrotanum ˃ Conyza incana (vahl) willd ˃ Coriandrum sativum ˃ Tagetes minuta ˃ Rosmarinus officinalis ˃ Lantana camara ˃ Peppermint mentha piperita. On the other hand these activities as obtained by RPA can be arranged as follows: Clove eugenia caryophyllus ˃ Ocimum basillicum ˃ Thymus laevigatus˃ Artemisia abrotanum > Tagetes minuta ˃ Eucalyptus camaldulensis = Marjoram majorana hortensis = Cinnamomum zylanicum = Schinus molle ˃ Coriandrum sativum = Conyza incana (vahl) willd = Lantana camara ˃ Chenopodium Ambrosioides = Pulicaria jaubertii ˃ Peppermint mentha piperita = Rosmarinus officinalis .The obtained EOs were screened against both gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, and against three fungal species (Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxyporium, and Candida albicans). Most of these EOs have shown important antibacterial and antifungal effects against the tested strains. Some of the obtained EOs are promising as sources of natural antioxidants and antimicrobial agents in cosmetics and pharmaceutical applications.\nKeyword: Essential oil (EO); Antimicrobial; Antioxidant; Antifungal; TBARS; RPA.\nAbdalla AE, Roozen JP (1999). Effect of plant extracts on the oxidative stability of sunflower oil and emulsion. Food Chem. 64: 323-329.\nAligiannis N, Kalpoutzakis E, Chinou IB, Mitakou S (2001). Composition and antimicrobial activity of the EO of five taxa of Sideritis from Greece. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: 811-815.\nAndrews RE, Parks LW, Spence KD (1998). Some effects of Douglas fir terpenes on certain microorganisms. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40: 301-304.\nBarlow SM (1990). Toxicological aspects of antioxidants used as food additives, in Food Antioxidants, Hudson BJF (Ed.), Elsevier, New York, pp. 253-307.\nBassole, IHN, Juliani HR (2012). EO in combination and their antimicrobial properties. Molecules 17: 3989-4006.\nBrits M, Asress K, Buclar F (2011). The antioxidant activity of the EO of Artemisia afra, Artemisia abssynica and Juniperusprocera. Phytother Res. 5: 103-108.\nBurt SA (2004). EO: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods: a review. Inter. J. Food Microbiol. 94: 223-253.\nCalo JR, Crandall PG, O’Bryan CA, Ricke SC (2015). Essential oils as antimicrobials in food systems—Review. Food Control. 54: 111-119.\nCarle S (2010). La résistance aux antibiotiques: un enjeu de santé publiqueimportan. Pharmactuel. p. 42.\nCosta DC, Costa HS, Albuquerque TG, Ramos F, Castilho MC, Sanches-Silva A (2015). Advances in phenolic compounds analysis of aromatic plants and their potential applications. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 5(45): 336-354.\nEl-Ahmady S, El-Shazly M, Milad R (2013). The Synergetic Efficacy of the Combination of Amphotericin B and Certain EO against Selected Fungal Clinical Isolates. J. Appl. Pharmaceut. Sci. 3(04): 026-030.\nFaid M, Bakhy K, Anchad M, Tantaoui-Elaraki A, Alomondpaste (1995). Physicochemical and microbiological characterizations and preservation with sorbic acid and cinnamon. J. Food Prod. 5 (58): 547-550.\nHelander IM. Alakomi HL, Kyosti LK, Mattiala-andholm T, Pol I, Smid EJ, Gorris GM, von Wright A (1998). Characterization of the action of selected essential oil components on Gram-negative bacteria. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46: 3590-3595.\nJukic PO, Milos M (2006). Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of EO of twelve spice plants. Croatica Chemica Acta. 79 (4): 545-552\nKnoblock K, Pauli A, Ibert B, Weis N, Weigand H (1988). Antibacterial activity and antifungal properties of essential oil components. J. Ess. Oils Res. 1: 119-128.\nKordali S, Kotan R, Mavi A, Cakir A, Ala A, Yildirim A (2005). Determination of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Artemisia dracuculus and of the antifungal and antibacterial activities of Artemisia absinthium, A. dracunculus, Aretmisiasantonicum, and Atemisiaspicigera EO. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53: 9452-9458.\nMagaldi S, Mata-Essayag S, Hartung de Capriles C, et al (2004). Well diffusion for antifungal susceptibility testing. Int. J. Infect. Dis. 8: 39-45\nMagwa ML, Gundidza M, Gweru N, Humphrey G (2006). Chemical composition and biological activities of EO from the leaves of Sesuviumportulacastrum. J. Ethnopharmacol. 103: 85-89.\nManjamalai A, Grace VM (2012). Antioxidant activity of EO from Wedeliachinensis (Osbeck) in vitro and in vivo lung cancer bearing C57BL/6 mice. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 13: 3065-3071.\nMann CM (2000). The outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 6749 contributes to its tolerance to the EO of Melalencaalternifolia (tea tree oil). Lett Appl. Microbiol. 30: 294-297.\nMau JL, Lai JLC, Wang NP, Chen CC, Chang CH, Chyau CC (2003). Composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil form Curcuma zedoaria. Food Chem. 82: 583-591.\nMulyaningsih, Sporer F, Zimmermann S, Reichling J, Wink M (2010). Synergistic properties of the terpenoidsaromadendrene and 1,8-cineole from the essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus against antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Phytomed. 17: 1061-1066\nMeyer-Warnod B (1984). Natural essential oils: extraction processes and application to some major oils. Perfum. Flavorist. 9: 93-104.\nNazzaro F, Fratianni F, De Martino L, Coppola R, De Feo V (2013). Effect of Essential Oils on Pathogenic Bacteria. Pharmaceut. 6(12): 1451-1474.\nOyaizu M (1986). Studies on products of browning reactions: antioxidative activities of products of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. Jap. J. Nut. 44: 307-315.\nQurishi (2012). Chemical composition: antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the leaf essential oil of Juglansregia L. and its constituents. Phytomed. 19: 1185-1190.\nRather MA, Dar BA, Dar MY, Wani BA, Shah WA, Bhat BA, Ganai BA, Bhat KA, Anand R, Ruberto MA, Baratta MT, Deans SG, Dorman HJD (2000). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Foeniculumvulgare and Crithmummaritimum EO. Planta Medica. 66: 687-693.\nSalehi P, Sontoli A, Eftekhar F, Ebrahimi SN, Yousefzadi M (2005). Essential oil composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of the oil and various extracts of Zizipharaclinopodioides subsp. Rigida (Boiss.) Rech. f. from Iran. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 28 (10): 1892-1896.\nde Sousa Barros A, de Morais SM, Ferreira PAT, Vieira IGP, Craveiro AA, dos Santos Fontenelle RO, de Menezes JESA, da Silva FWF, de Sousa HA (2015). Chemical composition and functional properties of EO from Mentha species. Ind. Crops Prod. 76: 557-564.\nSylvester M, Pichette A, Longtin A, Nagau F, Leganlt J (2006). Essential oil analysis and anticancer activity of leaf essential oil of Croton flavens L. from Guadeloupe. J. Ethnopharmacol. 103: 99-102.\nTepe B, Donmez E, Unlu M, Candan F, Daferera D, Vardar-Unlu G, Polissiou M, Sokmen A (2004). Antibacterial and antioxidative activities of the EO and menthol extracts of Salvia cryptantha (Montbret et Aucher ex Benth.) and Salvia multicaulis (Vahl). Food Chem. 84: 519-525.\nTrajano VN, Edeltrudes de Oliveira Lima, Fabio Santos de Souza (2012). Antifungal Activity of the Essential Oil of CinnamomumzeylanicumBlume and Eugenol on Aspergillus flavus. J. Ess. Oil Bear Plants. 15(5): 785-793.\nUnlu M, Ergene E, Unlu GV, Zeytinglu HS, Vural N (2010). Composition, antimicrobial activity and in vitro cytotoxicity of essential oil from CinnamumumzeylanticumBlume (Lauraceae), Food Chem. Toxicol. 48: 3274-3280.\nUribe S, Ramirez T, Pena A (1985). Effects of pinene on yeast membrane functions. J Bacteriol. 161: 195-200.\n- Adel S Al-Zubairi on Google Scholar\n- Adel S Al-Zubairi on Pubmed\n- Mohamed A Al-Mamary on Google Scholar\n- Mohamed A Al-Mamary on Pubmed\n- Eftekhar Al-Ghasani on Google Scholar\n- Eftekhar Al-Ghasani on Pubmed", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Legumes must be inoculated\nQ. I am new to vegetable gardening and would like to plant peas. The seed catalogue suggests inoculating pea seed before planting. What is inoculate, and is it necessary?\nPat from Lisbon\nA. Yes, it is necessary. What it is will take a little more explaining.\nNitrogen is an essential element for plant growth, a component of proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. Plants receiving sufficient nitrogen will exhibit vigorous growth and develop healthy dark green leaves.\nAlthough nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, plants are unable to use it in that form. They can only absorb it from the soil in the form of ammonium or nitrate. Animal waste and decayed organic matter (humus) are natural sources of nitrogen. Through a process called lightning fixation, a small amount of atmospheric nitrogen is delivered to the ground with precipitation. Commercial fertilizers can be used as well.\nLegumes (peas, beans, clover, alfalfa and vetch) are unique in that they have a symbiotic relationship with a soil bacterium called rhizobium that live in small tumor-like structures called nodules on their roots. The bacteria convert nitrogen gas from the air into ammonium, which can then be used by the plant. It is called a symbiotic relationship because each organism benefits from the relationship. The legume receives nitrogen that stimulates growth, and the bacterium receives carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis.\nAlthough rhizobium bacteria may be present in the soil, the amount may not be adequate to inoculate a crop of legumes. There are also several strains of rhizobium and each legume requires a specific strain.\nThe inoculate listed in the seed catalogue is a mixture of ground peat and rhizobium bacteria packaged in a small plastic bag. It has a certain shelf life (see the expiration date) and must be stored in a cool, dark location. Acidic soils will reduce the life of rhizobium so a soil test is recommended before planting to determine soil pH.\nTo inoculate, moisten seeds with just enough water in a shallow bowl to coat seeds, pour on the inoculate and mix well to coat seeds. Plant seeds immediately after inoculation. Exposure to UV light and heat can kill the bacteria.\nAs plants become established, pull one to see the nodules on the roots. Nodules that are actively fixing nitrogen should be pink to reddish when cut open.\nFor information on pea varieties and how to grow them, go to: http://go.osu.edu/peasplease\nToday’s answer provided by Merabeth Steffen, OSU Extension master gardener volunteer. Regular hours for the clinic resume April 2. Submit questions to the clinic at 330-533-5538 or drop samples off to the Extension office in Canfield.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Major players in the proteinase k market are Merck KGaA, QIAGEN NV, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Worthington Biochemical Corporation, New England Biolabs Inc., BIORON GmbH, Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt Ltd.\nNew York, Aug. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report \"Proteinase K Global Market Report 2023\" - https://www.reportlinker.com/p06486617/?utm_source=GNW\n, Bioline Pty Ltd., Promega Corporation, Codexis Inc., Amano Enzyme Inc., Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd., Biocatalysts Ltd., and Amicogen Inc.\nThe global proteinase k market is expected to grow from $4.06 billion in 2022 to $4.47 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3%. The Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term. The war between these two countries has led to economic sanctions on multiple countries, a surge in commodity prices, and supply chain disruptions, causing inflation across goods and services and affecting many markets across the globe. The proteinase k market is expected to reach $6.49 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 9.8%.\nThe proteinase K market consists of sales of acid proteinase, neutral proteinase, and alkaline proteinase.Values in this market are ‘factory gate’ values, that is the value of goods sold by the manufacturers or creators of the goods, whether to other entities (including downstream manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers) or directly to end customers.\nThe value of goods in this market includes related services sold by the creators of the goods.\nProteinase K is a proteolytic enzyme (a serine protease) naturally found in the mold Tritirachium album that can inactivate protein contaminants in prepared samples. Proteinase K is used during the process of DNA extraction to help digest the contaminating proteins that are present.\nNorth America was the largest region in the proteinase k market in 2022.Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period.\nThe regions covered in proteinase K report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa.\nThe main proteinase k form types are lyophilized powder form, and liquid form.Lyophilized powder form refers to the process by which a product is obtained after water is removed and the product is frozen and placed under a vacuum.\nThe various therapeutic areas are infectious diseases, diabetes; oncology, cardiology, nephrology, autoimmune diseases, neurology, and others applied in isolation and purification of genomic dna and rna, in situ hybridization, mitochondria isolation, and enzyme removal. the end uses are contract research organization, academic institutes, biotechnology companies, and diagnostics laboratories.\nAn increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is expected to propel the growth of the proteinase K market going forward.Chronic disease is a condition or illness that lasts more than a year and requires ongoing medical treatment.\nProteinase K is used in chronic diseases in a preventative or therapeutic role to extract and isolate the DNA and RNA of viruses that cause various chronic diseases. For instance, in January 2023, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a US-based branch of the National Institutes of Health, the number of U.S. citizens above the age of 50 with chronic diseases is supposed to increase by approximately 99.5% from 71.52 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by 2050. Therefore, an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases will drive the proteinase K market.\nProduct innovation is a key trend gaining popularity in the proteinase K market.Major companies in the proteinase K market are launching innovative products to sustain their position in the proteinase K market.\nFor instance, in September 2020, Biocatalysts Ltd., a UK-based biotechnology company, launched Proteocut K, a high-quality, cost-effective alternative to liquid proteinase K. The innovative enzyme subtilisin-type serine protease with broad substrate specificity can be used in a range of life science applications. Proteinase K is a subtilisin-type serine endopeptidase with a broad pH profile and substrate specificity, enabling it to hydrolyze various proteins efficiently and effectively. The serine endopeptidase protects K has an activity of about 1,450 U/ml (Hemoglobin assay), is active throughout a broad pH (6.0 - 10.0) and temperature (40 -70°C) range, and can be employed in a variety of life science applications.\nIn January 2023, Lighthouse Pharma, a US-based biopharmaceutical company, acquired the small molecule proteinase inhibitor portfolio from Quince Therapeutics Inc. for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition will assist Lighthouse in continuing the development of gingipain inhibitors for dementia and other disorders and also provide innovative treatments for patients. Quince Therapeutics Inc. is a US-based biotechnology company that deals with various products, such as proteinase inhibitors.\nThe countries covered in the proteinase K market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA.\nThe market value is defined as the revenues that enterprises gain from the sale of goods and/or services within the specified market and geography through sales, grants, or donations in terms of the currency (in USD unless otherwise specified).\nThe revenues for a specified geography are consumption values that are revenues generated by organizations in the specified geography within the market, irrespective of where they are produced. It does not include revenues from resales along the supply chain, either further along the supply chain or as part of other products.\nThe proteinase k market research report is one of a series of new reports that provides proteinase k market statistics, including proteinase k industry global market size, regional shares, competitors with a proteinase k market share, detailed proteinase k market segments, market trends and opportunities, and any further data you may need to thrive in the proteinase k industry. This proteinase k market research report delivers a complete perspective of everything you need, with an in-depth analysis of the current and future scenario of the industry.\nRead the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p06486617/?utm_source=GNW\nReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.\nCONTACT: Clare: firstname.lastname@example.org US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Flatworm Rx is an exceptionally fast, safe and effective treatment for flatworms in your reef or fish only saltwater aquarium. Once introduced, flatworms like Red Planaria can quickly multiply and begin to irritate fish and corals as they cover rocks and sand. The best strategy is to treat as the first sign of them. Not only is this the easiest time to get rid of them, but there will be fewer flatworms to release toxins into the water.\nThis innovative product prevents disruptions in the biological processes as well as coral degeneration caused by flatworms. This potent solution reaches everywhere in the tank, even where you can’t reach, like llow flow areas between corals and behind rocks. This product contains no antibiotics or pesticides.\nEasy to Use\nFlatworm Rx is packaged in powder form to ensure 100% strength when first used.\nRemove screw-on cap from bottle.\nSlowly and carefully, fill the supplied bottle containing powder approximately 98% full with R.O (reverse osmosis) water. Leave some space in the bottle for dropper tip.\nTake the supplied dropper tip and snap into place of the bottle opening. Cover the dropper tip with screw-on cap and securely tighten.\nShake bottle well until the powder inside has completely turned into solution and granular powder is no longer visible. Product is now ready for use.\nHow to Use\nSiphon out as many flatworms as possible before dosing.\nAdd 4 drops of Flatworm Rx for every 10 gallons (37.9 liters) of water. Do not dose more than one treatment in a 24-hour period.\nFor best results, add in high flow areas one drop at a time.\nDo not stop the use of carbon or protein skimming when adding this product.\nFlatworms are extremely toxic to aquarium inhabitants. It is very important to do a 25% water change once results are visible. Siphon out as many of the flatworms as possible when performing the water change. Repeat treatment as necessary.\nWarning: This product is not intended for human consumption. Keep out of reach of children. If ingested, contact a physician or poison control center immediately.\n1x Blue Life USA Flatworm Rx\nThere are no reviews for this product.\nNo questions yet\nSign up and order over $50 with free shipping!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Viractiv - The Shield\nDeveloped by UK virologists, the Virustatic Shield™ protects against airborne virus transmission including 99% of influenzas and COVID 19.\nThe Virustatic Shield, with its unique Viruferrin™ coating gives antiviral protection for you and your family. The easy-to-wear face covering helps prevent infection.\nThe coating, along with the base material, forms an antiviral, multi-functional protective face covering. It’s light and breathable, with proven stopping power. A team of international scientists and virologists confirmed that the Virustatic Shield blocks, captures and disables up to 99% of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19\nThe Benefits Of Wearing VIRACTIV\nTested by world-leading scientists.\nSingle-layer for breathability and clear communication\n99% effective and suitable for the whole family.\nReusable, washable and environmentally friendly.\n50 times more wear than single-use masks.\nRenders virus harmless Safe to touch and handle\nThe Science Behind The Shield\nViruferrin™ coating has been tested by independent scientists from VisMederi at the University of Siena where it’s been found effective against SARS-CoV-2, the strain behind the current, deadly pandemic.\nThe latest discovery paves the way for new ways that Viruferrin™ can be used in the treatment and protection of COVID-19 and to prevent further spread.\nShield drastically cuts risk of contact transmission.\nThe Virustatic Shield is the only face covering that has Viruferrin™ coating designed to actually kill COVID-19.\nThe shield prevents and protects against airborne virus transmission including 99% of influenza’s and COVID-19.\nLab Results show that Viruferrin™ inhibits coronavirus by creating a protective shield over parts of the cells to prevent entry.\nThe Virustatic Shield\nPrice Inc. VAT\nThe Virustatic Shield, with its unique Viruferrin™ coating gives antiviral protection for you and your family.\n- Tested by world-leading scientists\n- Lightweight and breathable fabric\n- 50 times more wear than single-use masks\n- Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Director, Directorate of Culture and Cultural Relations\nProfessor Rajeev Jain did his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Roorkee (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee), India, in 1978 . He was awarded D.Sc. degree by Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India in 1990. At Jiwaji University, Gwalior he worked as Professor of Chemistry, Director, Institute of Engineering and Head of Environmental Chemistry. He also worked as Dean, College Development Council, Dean, Science Faculty and Head, Chemistry Department. Professor Jain is a highly cited researcher in Electroanalytical, Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering Chemistry (h-index 39; i10-index 133). He has worked over 15 research projects sanctioned by DST, CSIR, UGC, MOEF, DRDO etc., His research interests include electroanalysis, electrocatalysed reactions, chemical sensors, method development and validation, environmental engineering chemistry and wastewater treatment using adsorption, photocatalysis and electrochemical technology.\nTo encourage our students to dream, to think critically, and insightfully. Through our teaching, research, creativity, and service, we are committed to guide our students so as to be informed citizens in a global society to succeed professionally. Our deans, heads, faculty, officers and staff work together consistently and conscientiously to execute our plans, methods, and strategies in this respect.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is Dowex 50w?\nGeneral description. Dowex 50WX8 hydrogen kind is used as stripper resin and might be regenerated by 0.25N sulphuric acid when exhausted. Dowex 50WX8 hydrogen kind is used as catalyst. It is utilized in deionizing supernatant fraction samples for paper chromatography.\nWhat is Dowex 50 column chromatography?\nChromatography on the cation-exchange resin Dowex 50 separates a posh combination of peptides right into a sequence of easier mixtures. The materials sand options required within the technique are listed.\nHow does dowex resin work?\nHow does ion trade resin work? Put merely, ion trade is a reversible interchange of charged particles—or ions—with these of like cost. This happens when ions current on an insoluble IX resin matrix successfully swap locations with ions of an analogous cost which are current in a surrounding resolution.\nWhat is a Dowex column?\nDOWEX advantageous mesh resins are sturdy, pH tolerant, clear and predictable separations media that carry out constantly and reliably in advantageous chemical and pharmaceutical column separations.\nHow do you calculate ion trade?\nThe ion trade capability is expressed as eq/L (equivalents per litre of resin). The unit of mole must be prevented altogether in ion trade, because it doesn’t take valence into consideration and brings solely confusion. For reference: 1 eq = 1 mole / valence. The working capability is all the time smaller than the entire capability.\nWhat is resin column?\nAn ion-exchange resin or ion-exchange polymer is a resin or polymer that acts as a medium for ion trade. It is an insoluble matrix (or help construction) usually within the type of small (0.25–0.5 mm radius) microbeads, normally white or yellowish, fabricated from an natural polymer substrate.\nWhy resin is used?\nIn polymer chemistry and supplies science, resin is a strong or extremely viscous substance of plant or artificial origin that’s usually convertible into polymers. Plants secrete resins for his or her protecting advantages in response to harm. The resin protects the plant from bugs and pathogens.\nWhat is a resin mattress?\nWhat is a resin mattress? Your water softener’s tank is crammed with 1000’s of tiny beads referred to as “resin beads.” When hardness minerals come into contact with these beads, they bind to them and are faraway from the water that leaves the tank.\nWhat is the distinction between cation and anion resin?\nAnion resins and cation resins are the 2 commonest resins used within the ion trade course of. The distinction between anion and cation resins is that one is positively charged (anion) and the opposite is negatively charged (cation). cation resins, which magnetize constructive ions with their destructive cost.\nIs water an anion or cation?\nThe positively charged ions are referred to as cations, and the negatively charged ions are referred to as anions. Because water is globally impartial electrically (in any other case you’d get an electrical shock while you put your hand in water) the variety of constructive fees is equivalent to the variety of destructive fees.\nWhat is a cation vs anion?\nAn anion is an ion that has gained a number of electrons, buying a destructive cost. A cation is an ion that has misplaced a number of electrons, gaining a constructive cost.\nAre resin beads poisonous?\nThese non-toxic beads of resin are manufactured from polystyrene, often known as “ion trade resin beads”. They are extremely tiny, measuring solely 0.3 to 1.2 mm in dimension. You could also be conversant in polystyrene in its foam kind, one thing we name Styrofoam.\nHow have you learnt if resin is dangerous?\nHow have you learnt in case your resin mattress has “checked out”? Simple. Check to see in case your water softener is utilizing up salt at its common fee. If it’s, and you haven’t any gentle water, the resin mattress has most likely grow to be saturated with iron deposits or been broken by chlorine and might now not be regenerated by the brine.\nIs water softening resin poisonous?\nOne of the largest questions that come up from this phenomenon,” is water softener resin poisonous?” Well, you’ll be pleased to know that they don’t seem to be. However, they do ultimately clog up small home equipment and fixture passages.\nWhy are resin beads popping out of water softener?\nWater softeners use resin beads to take away minerals from laborious water by way of ion trade. Normally, a display screen retains the beads from getting into your water filters and plumbing system. However, if the display screen will get torn, beads can find yourself getting lodged within the aerator.\nHow usually do you have to exchange water softener resin?\neach 10 years\nHow a lot does it price to switch resin in water softener?\nThis is as a result of changing it should price one other $550 (most cost-effective softener) + the $450 (skilled set up). Consider the truth that changing the resin mattress might be about $60 to $100.\nHow do I do know if my water softener is regenerating?\nWhat are the Signs a Softener isn’t Working Properly?\n- Seeing laborious water spots: Generally, with softened water you shouldn’t be cleansing laborious water spots off your bathe door.\n- Water Doesn’t Feel Soft: If you’ve ever had a water softener in your house, you possibly can instantly really feel the distinction when gentle water stops flowing.\nCan I take advantage of water whereas my softener is regenerating?\nWater softener regeneration cycle time is about two hours. It just isn’t beneficial to make use of water throughout a water softener regeneration, as laborious water will fill the water heater, which may result in buildup within the gear.\nHow a lot water must be in brine tank after regeneration?\nWet Brine Tanks: That works out to about 15-25 cm (6-10 inches) of water. The water might be in your tank even in between regeneration occasions or cycles. You might not see the water in case your salt degree is increased than your water degree.\nHow do I do know if my water softener is working correctly?\nHow To Tell If Your Water Softener Is Working: The Soap Test. Another simple approach to test for a malfunctioning water softener is to see in case your cleaning soap lathers and bubbles. Pure liquid cleaning soap (resembling Castille) will do that when combined with gentle water. If the water is tough, the identical cleaning soap gained’t perform correctly.\nWhat is the common lifetime of a water softener?\n10 – 15 years\nHow do I do know if my brine tank is working?\nWater tastes Salty: The water begins to style saltier than regular, it might be regenerating too usually. Brine Tank of Out of Salt: If your brine tank is out of salt, it has no approach to regenerate and proceed to provide gentle water.\nWhat occurs in the event you don’t add salt to water softener?\ntill the brine tank runs out of salt. If you overlook to high off your water softener, the water softening resin will keep saturated. This brings the ion trade to a screeching halt and permits laborious water minerals into your pipes, fixtures and home equipment.\nHow a lot does a water softening system price?\nWater Softener System Cost A water softener system plus set up prices $1,500 on common with a typical vary between $1,000 and $2,800. DIY installs may run as little as $500 whereas massive properties with excessive demand and a sensible filtration system pays $6,000 or extra. The largest price concern is the kind of system.\nCan you overfill a water softener with salt?\nYes, You Can! You simply received again from the ironmongery shop with a number of luggage of water softener salt and you actually don’t need to elevate these luggage any greater than you completely must, so that you need to add as many as you possibly can to your water softener brine tank.\nHow usually ought to water softener backwash?\neach two to 3 days\nHow usually do you have to add salt to your water softener?\ntwo occasions a month", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is Magnesium Stearate ?\nMagnesium Stearate, also referred to as magnesium octadecanoic a chemical derivative of sodium stearate and magnesium. It is a white, fine substance that does not contain sand. it has a distinct smell and has a slick feeling when it comes into contact with the skin. It is insoluble in water either ethanol or ether and is mainly used as the lubricant, anti-adhesive and glider. It is especially suitable for the preparation of oils and extracts and the granules formulated have exceptional fluidity and strength. Useful as a flow aid for direct compression. It can also be utilized as the aid for filtering, a clarifying agent and foaming agent, in addition to the suspension agent and thickening agent for liquid preparations.\nAn application area of Magnesium Stearate:\n1. Magnesium-stearate is commonly used in medical and health products\nMagnesium is a unique alternative material that could be used as a film-forming substance suitable for preparations of solids as a thickener for liquid suspension preparations or suspensions, and other similar applications. Magnesium-stearate is neither toxic nor edible. It is also widely utilized as an additive to healthcare products. It is usually used in the form of a film coating for tablets, as it is able to help allow the health products to be released with precise timings when required as well as lubrication. Active ingredient.\n2. . magnesium stearate is used in cosmetics\nMagnesium Stearate is a key ingredient in cosmetics that are powdery, such as talcum powder, blush, powder, eye shadow, etc. It is able to improve the adhesion and lubricity diverse powders on the skin, mostly covering smoothing, extending, and stretching. Adhesion, absorption, etc.\n3. Magnesium stearate can be found in food products.\nMagnesium stearate is used primarily on pressed food items (tablet candy or milk tablets, nuts chips, dietary fiber tablets, honey tablets, etc. ) which may increase liquidity, antistickiness, and lubricity and also improve its surface. The gloss can make the pressed tablets complete and smooth and needs to be processed in addition.\nAlso, magnesium stearate is frequently used in coatings, plastics, rubber, textiles, as well as other industrial areas.\nIt's an excellent lubricant and dispersion stabilizing accessory. It can also be utilized as for a filter aid, clarifying agent, foaming agent, as well as a thickener and suspending agent in preparations for liquids.\nMagnesium stearate It is harmful to the human body\nMagnesium stearate can be found insoluble in organic solutions and water however it is readily soluble in hot acidic and ethanol. When the body consumes magnesium stearate, magnesium stearate undergoes chemical reactions with gastric acid . This results in magnesium chloride and stearic acid. Magnesium Chloride is soluble water . Therefore, it will be able to flush it out via sweat and urine. Additionally, stearic acid can be absorption and digested by the body. This means that magnesium stearate will not cause harm to human beings.\nMagnesium Stearate provider in China\nWe are a leading new nano material maker with more than 12 years experience in chemical product research and development. If you're in search of the highest quality nano material or Magnesium stearate, please do not hesitate to contact us and send us an inquiry via Email: firstname.lastname@example.org.\n15+ years of experience\nOver $50+ million in sales\n14+ years of experience\nOver $50+ million in sales\nAbout Metal Alloy High Purity Tungsten Crucibles:Chemical composition:…\nAbout Metal Alloy Vacuum Coating Tungsten Melting Pot Tungsten Crucibles:Chemical composition:…", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Department of Chemical Theory of Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia.\nFerdinand Devínsky is a professor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Head of Department of Chemical Theory of Drugs, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University in Bratislava. He received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at Comenius University in Bratislava in 1980, professor in 1992, D.Sc. in 1993, study stay 1986–1987 at King´s College London, University of London, Rosenstadt professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Pharmacy in 1992. Research interests: organic synthesis, organic-physical chemistry, membrane active compounds, relationships between optical activity and biological activity.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "TPD52L3 Mouse anti-Human, Clone: OTI3D11, Invitrogen\nMouse Monoclonal Antibody\nManufacturer: Invitrogen MA526023\nDescriptionBelongs to the TPD52 family and is specifically expressed in testis. Expressed at 5.6-fold higher levels in adult testis than in fetal testis.\n|PBS with 1% BSA, 50% glycerol and 0.02% sodium azide; pH 7.3|\n|TPD52L3;Tumor protein D55; Tumor protein D55; Testis development protein NYD-SP25; Tumor protein D55; Tumor protein D52-like 3|\n|-20° C, Avoid Freeze/Thaw Cycles|\n|Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin), Western Blot|\n|Full length human recombit protein of TPD52L3 produced in HEK293T cell|\nWe continue to work to improve your shopping experience and your feedback regarding this content is very important to us. Please use the form below to provide feedback related to the content on this product.\nYour feedback has been submitted. Fisher Scientific is always working to improve our content for you. We appreciate your feedback.Ok", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Effect of Cerium Oxide Nano Particles Fuel Additive on Performance, Combustion, NOx Reduction and Nano Particle Emission of Karanja and Jatropha Biodiesel in a Military 585 kW CIDI Engine\nRapid depletion of petroleum reserves, stringent emission legislations and global warming has given us an opportunity to find biodiesel as an alternative to diesel fuel. Biodiesel is a biogradable, renewable, sulphur free, non-toxic, and oxygenated green fuel. Recent emission legislations have also restricted the nano particles emission in addition to particulate matter, due to their adverse impact on health. Karanja and Jatropha oils are non-edible vegetable oils. Karanja and Jatropha oil methyl ester biodiesel are prepared by the process of transesterification. Biodiesel emits lesser gaseous emission as compared to diesel fuel. However, the only major concern in the use of biodiesel is that it increases NOx emission. Nano particle fuel additive is one of the essential techniques to overcome the NOx emission drawback of biodiesel.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Written in EnglishRead online\n|Statement||by S. Walker and H. Straw. Vol.1, Atomic, microwave and radio-frequency spectroscopy.|\n|The Physical Object|\n|Number of Pages||267|\n“A hundred years ago, Auguste Comte, a great philosopher, said that humans will never be able to visit the stars, that we will never know what stars are made out of, that that's the one thing that science will never ever understand, because they're so far birminghamasphaltcontractor.com then, just a few years later, scientists took starlight, ran it through a prism, looked at the rainbow coming from the.\nX Ray Spectroscopy. This is a great book from Indian author, Shatendra K. Sharma. The book consists of selected chapters on the recent applications of x-ray spectroscopy that are of great interest to the scientists and engineers working in the Spectroscopy book of material science, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, astrochemistry, instrumentation, and.\nMar 12, · Their book, MICROSCALE AND MACROSCALE TECHNIQUES IN THE ORGANIC LABORATORY (Cengage Learning), includes techniques only, and can be used with a faculty member's own experiments. He is a co-author, with Donald Pavia, Gary Lampman, and James Vyvyan, of an organic spectroscopy book, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY (Cengage Learning).5/5(3).\nWhether or not or not you use the book as a foremost textual content material in an larger-diploma spectroscopy course or as a companion book with an pure chemistry textual content material, your school college students will acquire an unmatched, systematic introduction to spectra Spectroscopy book first theoretical concepts in spectroscopic methods.\nThis second edition of Introductory Raman Spectroscopy serves as a guide to newcomers who wish to Spectroscopy book acquainted with this dynamic technique. Written by three acknowledged experts this title uses examples to illustrate the usefulness of the technique of Raman spectroscopy in such diverse areas as forensic science, biochemistry, medical, pharmaceutical prescription Spectroscopy book illicit drugs.\nTheir book, MICROSCALE AND MACROSCALE TECHNIQUES IN THE ORGANIC LABORATORY (Cengage Learning), includes techniques only, and can be used with a faculty member's own experiments.\nHe is a co-author, with Donald Pavia, Gary Lampman, and James Vyvyan, of an organic spectroscopy book, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY (Cengage Learning).Cited by: Spectroscopy, study of the absorption and emission of light and other radiation by matter, as related to the dependence of these processes on the wavelength of the radiation.\nMore recently, the definition has been expanded to include the study of the interactions between particles such as. Spectroscopy / s p ɛ k ˈ t r ɒ s k ə p i / is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation (via electron spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy, etc).\nHistorically, spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed according to its wavelength, by a prism. Jun 25, · About this book.\nProvides an introduction to those needing to use infrared spectroscopy for the first time, explaining the fundamental aspects of this technique, how to obtain a spectrum and how to analyse infrared data covering a wide range of applications. Includes. Aug 26, · About this book. This handbook provides a straightforward introduction to spectroscopy, showing what Spectroscopy book can do and how it does it, together with a clear, integrated and objective account of the wealth of information that can be derived from spectra.\nThe sequence of chapters covers a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the physical. Count on this book’s exceptional presentation to provide the comprehensive coverage needed to truly understand today’s spectroscopic techniques.\nFree Download Introduction to Spectroscopy (fourth edition) by Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, and Vyvyan in pdf from following download link(s).\nAug 13, · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also recognized as a request for, since the surface of the most ordinary technique used is to analyze the relative easiness of application and birminghamasphaltcontractor.comretation.\nX-ray level of electrons towards the bottom of the expulsion of the sample. Photoemitted binding energy is an essential function. The book discusses the use of high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for the analysis of heat-labile compounds; and the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and related techniques, and visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometry.\nThe Aldrich Spectral Viewer is an electronic reference book on CD-ROM that contains thousands of spectra from the Aldrich spectral libraries. This easy-to-use software program is more powerful than a printed book, allowing text and data field searching and the.\nNMR is a branch of spectroscopy and so it describes the nature of the energy levels of the material system and transitions induced between them through absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation. m I I I B where E B m m E I I I, 1, 0 0 2 0 0 0 p!. B0!I B0. Mar 12, · A great book for beginners to Spectroscopy.\nThankfully, it was a prescribed book for my birminghamasphaltcontractor.com Chemistry Honours course and truthfully I enjoyed every Spectroscopy class thanks to this book. The table on pg. 29 is so comprehensive and thorough that IR spectroscopy became a breeze/5.\nSpectroscopy Banwell birminghamasphaltcontractor.com - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. Ebook PDF. C.n. Banwell Solution Banwell Molecular Physics By Banwell Ir Spectroscopy Pdf Spectroscopy Molecular Spectroscopy Y R Sharma Spectroscopy Pdf Uv Spectroscopy Book Pdf.\nPreview this book» What people are Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy Short answer questions TrueFalse ques. S sion intensity with the flame Flame temperature Chemical reactions in flames.\nS EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY S tion of emission spectrum Origin of emission spectra The emission birminghamasphaltcontractor.coms: 4. Apr 13, · Spectrometric identification of organic compounds - Silverstein, Webster is a good book and covers all that is needed up to undergraduate years but it does have some errors in the 2D NMR section.\nSpectroscopy books by Atta ur Rahman are as best as. Spectroscopy is a technique that uses the interaction of energy with a sample to perform an analysis. This is how it works. Spectroscopy is a technique that uses the interaction of energy with a sample to perform an analysis. This is how it works.\nMenu. Home. Spectroscopy Introduction. Search. Search the site GO. Science. Spectroscopy Magazine Announces the Emerging Leader in Molecular Spectroscopy.\nBy Spectroscopy Editors. Ishan Barman, PhD, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University, has won the Emerging Leader in Molecular Spectroscopy. spectroscopy, wavelength usually is expressed in nanometers (1 nm = m).\nIt follows from the above equations that radiation with shorter wavelength has higher energy. In UV-visible spectroscopy, the low-wavelength UV light has the highest energy. In some cases, this energy is. Chapter Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy direct observation of the H’s and C’s of a molecules Nuclei are positively charged and spin on an axis; they create a tiny magnetic field + + Not all nuclei are suitable for NMR.\n1H and 13C are the most important NMR active nuclei in organic chemistry Natural Abundance 1H % 13C %. Jan 29, · Their book, MICROSCALE AND MACROSCALE TECHNIQUES IN THE ORGANIC LABORATORY (Cengage Learning), includes techniques only, and can be used with a faculty member’s own experiments.\nHe is a co-author, with Donald Pavia, Gary Lampman, and James Vyvyan, of an organic spectroscopy book, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY (Cengage Learning)/5(80). Free Download Introduction to Spectroscopy (Fourth Edition) written by Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz and James R.\nVyvyan and published by Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning in. The book ‘Organic Spectroscopy’ deals with UV-Visible, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and mass spectrometry along with spectroscopic solution of the structural problems. The book covers the basic theory.\nThe LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch ® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers, and Spectroscopy is the study of absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation due to the interaction between matter and energy that energy depends on the specific wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.\nThis field has proven invaluable research tool in a number of areas including chemistry, physics, biology, medicine and ecology. The spectroscopic field of research is growing day-by-day Cited by: Book Reviews ORGANIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2nd edition, by WILLIAM For each spectroscopic technique there is a clear descripKEMP.\nMacmillan, Basingstoke,xviii + pp. E, tion of the theoretical basis, a discussion of instrumentation and other practicalities such as sampling methods, a summary (hard-back), A (paper-back).\nof the main applications of the technique, and detailed. In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a specialized technique associated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), also known as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, is a non-invasive, ionizing-radiation-free analytical technique that has been used to study metabolic changes in brain tumors, strokes, seizure disorders, Alzheimer's.\nThis book gives a wide overview of the state-of-the-art applications of Raman spectroscopy in characterization of materials and biomaterials.\nThe Raman signal is intrinsically smaller than other vibrational techniques; however, mainly through intensification processes, such as resonance Raman (RR) and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), the Raman cross section can be strongly.\nJun 03, · All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy by c n banwell free ebook Formulas And Compounds Chemistry A Molecular Approach 2nd Edition Free Chemistry 5th.\nSpectroscopy in a Suitcase gives your students the chance to learn about spectroscopy through hands-on experience. As well as covering the principles of spectroscopic techniques, the activities use real-life contexts to demonstrate the applications of the techniques.\nX Ray Spectroscopy. This is a great book from Indian author, Shatendra K. Sharma. The book consists of selected chapters on the recent applications of x-ray spectroscopy that are of great interest to the scientists and engineers working in the fields of material science, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, astrochemistry, instrumentation, and techniques of x-ray based characterization.\nIntroduction to Infrared Spectroscopy 5 Energy of a molecule The name atom was coined by Democritus from the Greek, α - τ έ µ νω, meaning in Greek it. NMR Spectroscopy N.M.R. = Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Basic Principles Spectroscopic technique, thus relies on the interaction between material and electromagnetic radiation The nuclei of all atoms possess a nuclear quantum number, I.\n(I 0, always multiples of.) Only nuclei with spin number (I) >0 can absorb/emit electromagnetic radiation. Reviews the book \"Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History,\" edited by H.\nEdwards and J. Chalmers. Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History. Buckley, Stephen // Antiquity;Sep, Vol. 80 Issuep Lecture Notes: Introduction to Spectroscopy Page 3 2) Emission: Excitation induces emission of light from the sample (usually of different frequency). (Emitted in all directions) Includes: Fluorescence (emission from excited electronic singlet states) Phosphorescence (emission from excited electronic triplet states) Raman Scattering (light scattering involving vibrational transition).\nFree download Organic Spectroscopy by L.D.S. Yadav (Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, India) birminghamasphaltcontractor.com published by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht in According to the author; “The subject matter has been presented in a comprehensive, lucid and systematic manner which is easy to understand even by self-study.\nBarbara is the author of three other books published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, namely Modern Infrared Spectroscopy and Biological Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy, both in the ACOL series of open learning texts, and Polymer Analysis in this current AnTS series of texts.\nSpectroscopy is the study of how light interacts with matter. We can use spectroscopy to determine the structure and functional groups in organic compounds. We will be learning about how to use IR, UV/Vis, and NMR spectroscopy.Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. birminghamasphaltcontractor.com, 9/10/96 PM Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.\nPERKIN-ELMER MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF.Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd edition, 3rd edition Joseph R.\nLakowiczThe third edition of the established classic text reference, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, will enhance upon the earlier editions' successes. Organized as a textbook for the learning student or theBrand: Springer US.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Appearance:||Milky White Translucent Liquid||Solid Content:||39±2|\n|Hydroxyl Value:||110-120 MgKOH/g||Type Of Polymer:||Waterborne Acrylic Modified Saturated Polyester Resin|\nWater Based Polyester Dispersion,\nMetallic Paint Polyester Dispersion,\nAuto Parts Polyester Dispersion\nWL-153 Water Based Polyester Dispersion\nWL-153 is water based polyester dispersion, supply form is 39% water based dispersion. It has low VOC, excellent yellowing resistance, good flexibility, good orientation of aluminum powder, good recoatability.\n|Appearance||Milky white translucent liquid||With eyes|\n|Hydroxyl value||110-120 mgKOH/g||For solid resin, theoretical value|\n|Viscosity (25℃)||10-100mpa.s||NDJ-79 Rotational Viscometer|\nFor the pigment paint and metallic paint used in automobiles, bicycles, tricycles, hub, wheels and other auto parts.\nStore the product in a cool and dry place, the recommended storage temperature is 0~40℃. The shelf life is one year. After the expiration date, if the test passed, it still can be used.\nThis material is complied according to our existing technology and experience, the technical advice provided is sincere, but it is not guaranteed to be used in all samples and formulations, all the data are for users reference only.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "VQ N ball mills may be referred to as shaker mills mixer mills or high energy ball mills They can be used for both wet and dry grinding as well as to mix a variety of solids suspended liquids and pastes This unit is ideal for preparing small batches of your sample efficiently\nDisc Mills RETSCH Vibratory Disc Mills are particularly suitable for rapid loss free grinding of hard brittle and fibrous materials to analytical fineness The mills are primarily used for sample preparation for spectral analysis.Light roll ball mill is a kind of equipment used for ultra fine grinding and mixing for laboratory and small batch production which is also called rolling mill machine Vibratory Ball Mill Micro computerized Touch Lab Stirred Ball Mill Lab Automatic Vibrating S Agate Mill Jar Zirconia Mill Jar Stainless Steel Mill.\n8 Working Stations Jar Mill Ball Mill for Small Batch Material Grinding Stirring Ball Mill Stir Casting Machine Electric Mixing Machine Small Size 0 2 L Planetary Ball Mill Suitable for Glove Box.Jar Mill found in Laboratory Jar Mills Series 8000 Unitized Jar Mills Roalox Alumina Fortified Grinding Jars Desktop High Energy Vibratory Ball Mills.\nBall Mill Production Line Ball Mill and Classifier Ball Mill manufacturer supplier in China offering World′s Leading 100kw 2500mesh 5um High Energy Vibratory Ball Mill Supplier in Germany Cheap Desulfurizer Grinding Production Line Air Classifier Mill Acm Pulverizer Phenolic Resin Grinding Mill Air Classifier Mill for Sulfur Ceramic Limestone and so on.Siebtechnik Mill Dual Chamber Vibratory Shaker Mill Seibtechnik Vibratory Lab Ball Mill one(1) used Seibtechnik Vibratory Lab Ball Mill Model 20168 Serial number 43888 Two grinding chambers with removable lids.\n4 711 Vibratory Ball Mill results from 813 China Manufacturers Verified Manufacturers Accepts Sample Orders Accepts Direct Orders Product Videos Sort by Reliable Exporter of Vibratory Ball Mill 2 Ball mills US$ 68000 Piece 1000 Pieces (Min Order) FOB Port Xiamen Lead Time 25 days.Jars Ball Pebble Mills Vibratory Type Mills Aadvanced Machinery offers a wide selection of attritors and paint mills used for particle size reduction dispersion and particle size grinding and milling We sell used and reconditioned attritors bead mills horizontal media mills vertical media mills and 3 roll mills.\nFind all the products of Vibratory Ball Mill Ball Mill and contact us directly on www tmaxcn com.Vibratory grinding mills size reduction equipment specifically designed for wet or dry grinding the high amplitude vibro energy grinding mills range from 1 ft (36 liters) to 75 ft (1 934 liters) of volume and support online vibratory ball mill suppliers stone crusher machine vibratory ball mill suppliers stone crusher machine.\nVQ N ball mills may be referred to as shaker mills mixer mills or high energy ball mills They can be used for both wet and dry grinding as well as to mix a variety of solids suspended liquids and pastes This unit is ideal for preparing small batches of your sample efficiently.Mineral ball mill for ore is a key equipment for regrinding it is widely used for the cement the silicate product new type building material fire proof material chemical fertilizer black and non ferrous metal glass ceramics and etc The mineral ball mill can grind ore or other materials that can be grinded either by wet process or by dry process.\nDescription The Edmund Buhler Vibratory Bead Mill Vibrogen Cell Mill VI 6 is a vibratory homogenizer for the dissolution of samples according to the ball mill principle for the disintegration of cells cell suspensions or for the reduction of particles into finer powder Both.Small Ball Mill Machine Ceramic Ball Mill Parts Vibratory Ball Mill US $3000 $12000 Set 1 0 Sets (Min Order) 1 YRS Jiangxi JXSC Mining Machinery 80 0 4 8 (2) Contact Supplier Xingxing 80L Small Capacity for 3d Printing Vibratory Grinding Machine Vibratory.\nApr 12 2013 Discover all the information about the product Vibratory ball mill Contact the manufacturer directly to receive a quote and to find out where to buy Vibrating Mill Vibrating Ball Mill Vibrating Mill Processing Vibrating Mills Introduction The idea of employing a swinging motion as a grinding principle was developed in the past century.The Vibratory Ball Mill for grinding and sieving in one unit! Fritsch GmbH Milling and Sizing Idar Oberstein Germany Add to favorites The Vibratory Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 0 is the ideal laboratory mill for fine comminution of medium hard brittle moist or temperature sensitive samples – dry or in suspension – as well as for.\n279 results matching vibratory ball mill Sort by Xinxiang First Vibration Machinery Factory China Manufacturer 2 shipments match vibratory ball mill 10 shipments and $ in Chinese exports in total BUCKET ELEVATOR VIBRATORY BALL MILL VIBRATORY FEEDER.TOB GZQM 80 ball milling machine is a compact high speed vibrating ball mill for making small quantity of powder samples at easy and fast with improved vibration design It can be used for both dry and wet mill method to mill different material of solid suspended liquid and paste in laboratory.\nGUI The PM 100 planetary ball mill is a benchtop unit designed to pulverize soft fibrous and brittle materials The mill develops extremely high centrifugal forces resulting in energy input that is up to 50 higher than in other planetary ball mills It has a single grinding station for.Vibratory ball or tube mill United States Patent 4164328 Abstract A ball or tube mill which includes at least one grinding compartment support means for supporting the grinding compartment drive means for eccentrically driving the grinding compartment and a plurality of inflatable bellows supporting the support means for oscillating.\nBall Rod mill Literature The Ball Rod mills are meant for producing fine particle size reduction through attrition and compressive forces at the grain size level They are the most effective laboratory mills for batch wise rapid grinding of medium hard to very hard samples down to finest particle sizes.Nov 01 1999 Vibratory mills consist of cylindrical or trough like elastically suspended grinding pipes which by means of a balanced mass system are excited to circular vibrations with accelerations Rω 2 (R the radius of the vibratory circle of motion and ω the angular velocity of the unbalanced mass) of up to approximately 10 g — rarely above that Inside the grinding pipes are grinding media (balls.\nLab Vibratory Ball Mill 2172 One(1) used German Made Lab Vibratory Ball Mill Model SM 10 Chamber 14 x 8 opening 14' deep 3 phase 230 460 voltage motor missing hp tag Unit has been test run in our shop We will power it up for your i.High Energy Planetary Ball Mill Pulverisette 5 Premium $ 1 The High Energy Planetary Ball Mill Pulverisette 5 PREMIUM with 2 working stations is the ideal mill for fast wet or dry grinding of larger sample quantities down to the nanometer range with the highest safety standards.\nBall mill machine 100g Cobalt (99 9 50nm) Nanopowder SPECIFICATIONS Model Particle size(nm) Purity( ) BET(m2 g) Bulk density(g cm3 ) Crystal type Color TOB DK Co 50 50 99 9 40 3 0 19 spherical Black gray PACKAGE AND SHIPPING 1 Standard exported package Internal plastic bottle sealing outside the aluminum plastic composite membrane sealing 2 Shipping by.In the grinding of paracetamol lactose and sucrose in a vibratory ball mill it is found that an equilibrium is rapidly attained due to the agglomeration of ground particles The existence of this agglomerative phase of comminution has been extensively reported in the literature This study investigates prolonged vibratory ball milling as a.\nPMQW0 4L Omnibearing Ball Mill HSVM High speed vibratory ball mill Nanjing Chi Shun Technology Development Co Ltd is an modern enterprise setting.Changsha Tianchuang Powder Technology Experts in Manufacturing and Exporting Laboratory Ball Mill and 359 Products A Verified CN Gold Supplier on Alibaba com.\nThe YKM 0 4L is a kind of planetary ball mill which can grind coarse particles into micro powders It can mill the materials from 3~10mm maximum into 0 1~1um minimum powder YLK Planetary Ball Mill Machine can deal 0 1L to 100L material per time depends on the model choose.Sweco Vibratory Grinding Mill 4174 Manufacturer Sweco one(1) used Sweco Vibratory Mill Model M18 Serial number 18M 669 8 Urethane lining (very good condition) Top cover maximum working capacity 2 6 gallons 1 4 hp motor 3 phase 220 voltage 16 75 diameter tub x.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Laser sintering of separated and uniformly distributed multiwall carbon nanotubes integrated iron nanocomposites\nDate of this Version3-21-2014\nUniform distribution of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in metal matrix during additive manufacturing of nanocomposites is always a challenge since the CNTs tend to aggregate in the molten pool. In this study, Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were separated and distributed uniformly into iron matrix by laser sintering process. MWNTs and iron powders were mixed together by magnetic stir, coated on steel 4140 surface, followed by laser sintering. Due to the fast heating and cooling rate, the CNTs are evenly distributed in the metal matrix. The temperature field was calculated by multiphysics simulation considering size effects, including size dependent melting temperature, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity. The SEM, TEM, and XRD were used to understand the laser sintering of CNT integrated nanocomposites. The results proved the feasibility of this technique to synthesize MWNTS integrated metal matrix nanocomposites. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.\nNanoscience and Nanotechnology", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "It has been proved that vitamins help us improve not only our health but also our mental state. Depression and low serotonin levels can be alleviated by simply eating a better diet, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits that contain many vitamins. Next I will give you some general information about vitamins, because in my opinion a basic knowledge about our body’s needs is the first step in creating the perfect diet.\nGeneral definition and classification\nVitamins are organic chemical compounds (or set of compounds) that cannot be synthetized in sufficient quantities by your organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. In humans there are 13 vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C). Be careful with fat-soluble vitamins because they’re not excreted from the body as easily as water-soluble ones , so the risk of hypervitaminosis is higher.\nList of vitamins and foods we find them in\n- Vitamin A\n– animal foods : liver, eggs, butter, cheese, milk, fish, meat;\n– plant foods : green leafy vegetables, yellow fruits and vegetables, carrots;\nHigh level of Vitamin A : halibut liver oil – 900.000 mcg/100g , cod liver oil 18.000 mcg/100g, carrot 1167 mcg/100g, butter 825 mcg/100g, spinach 607 mcg/100g;\nFunctions of Vitamin A\nVitamin A is the “beauty vitamin”. It keeps the skin smooth and soft and also it is beneficial for your eyes. It also prevents infections and controls the action of bone cells.\nThe daily requirement for Vitamin A in adults is 5000 UI for men , and 4000 UI for women.\nMost frequent deficiency symptoms\n– Inability to see in the dim night, muddy and wrinkled skin , kidney and bladder stones;\nOver dosage symptoms\n– drowsiness, sluggishness, severe headaches, peeling of skin, hair loss, fatigue;\n- Vitamin B Complex\nB vitamins are found in whole unprocessed foods. Processed carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour tend to have lower B vitamin than their unprocessed counterparts. B vitamins are particularly concentrated in meat such as turkey and tuna, in liver and meat products. Good sources for B vitamins include whole grains, potatoes, bananas, chili peppers,beans, and molasses.\nThe B vitamins may be necessary in order to: support and increase the rate of metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune and nervous system function, help prevent anemia, reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.\n1. Vitamin B1 : rich in : whole wheat 0,4 mg/100g , egg 0,1mg/100g , liver 0,36 mg/100g , groundnut 0,9mg/100g;\nDaily requirements : adults 1,8 mgm\n2. Vitamin B2 : rich in : liver 1,7 mg/100g , egg 0,4 mg/100g , leafy vegetables 0,15 – 0,3 mg / 100g , milk 0,19 mg/100g;\nDaily requirements : adults 1,5-1,8 mgm\n3. Vitamin B3: rich in : meat, fish, liver, maize;\nDaily requirements : adults 12-18 mgm\n4. Vitamin B5 : rich in liver, kidney, egg yolk , milk;\nDaily requirements : not precisely known , aprox. 10 mgm\n5. Vitamin B6: rich in cereal germs, leafy vegetables, liver, kidney, meat, yeast;\nDaily requirements : adults 2 mgm\n6. Vitamin B8 : rich in yeast, egg yolk, cauliflower, peas, liver, kidney.\nDaily requirements : 150 – 300 micro-grams\n7. Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) : rich in spinach, broccoli, beans, grains, liver;\nDaily requirements : under 400 micro – grams (toxicity level)\n8. Vitamin B12 : rich in milk, cheese, liver, kidney, fish , eggs;\nDaily requirements : 1 mcg\n- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)\n– fresh fruits, mainly in citrus fruits(orange, lemon, papaya, guava) , fresh vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, parsley.\nBenefits: Vitamin C acts like an antioxidant helping with tissue development and repair, increases the power of our immune system and lowers the level of LDL ( bad cholesterol).\nDaily requirements: 75 mgm,;Vitamin C does not have a toxicity level , it also is the only vitamin that cannot be supplied by our body. Anyway, it is not indicated to overcome 1g per day.\nDeficiency symptoms : fatigue, hemorrhages, risk of infections.\n- Vitamin D\nVitamin D is found in some food but mainly it is produced by our body from contact to UV rays of the sun. Vitamin D + Calcium helps our body develop strong bones and also prevents osteoporosis. it is stored mainly in the fat depots.\n– halibut liver oil , cod liver oil, shark liver oil, fish fat, eggs, butter, milk.\nDaily requirements : approx. 500-600 i.u.\nDeficiency symptoms: soft, easily bent bones, dental caries, loss of calcium.\n- Vitamin E\nSources: widely distributed in foods; vegetable oils, sunflower seed, egg yolk, butter.\nDaily requirements : 15-20 mgm\nDeficiency symptoms: sterility in males, abortion in females;\n- Vitamin K ( antihaemorrhagic factor)\nSources: spinach, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, asparagus, green beans.\nDaily requirements: a normal mixed diet supplies the necessary amount of Vitamin K\nDeficiency symptoms: imperfect blood coagulation, haemorrhages.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Concrete is a composite material. The use of concrete as a building material reaches back more than two thousand years. Evidence of sporadic use is found in the ancient eastern Mediterranean cultures, but the Roman Republic began making extensive use of concrete around 300 BC. The Colosseum (still standing) used concrete, the dome of the Roman Pantheon (still standing) is concrete, and the Roman aqueducts (many still standing) are concrete.\nConcrete as a building material fell out of use after the decline of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. The modern revival of concrete is part of the Industrial Revolution. Various kinds of cement were developed in England starting in the 18th Century, and these led to the building of bigger and better freestanding structures.\nReinforced concrete was invented by Frenchman Joseph Monier, a gardener, who demonstrated his invention at the Paris Exposition of 1867. Reinforcing the concrete compensates for its major drawback, poor tensile strength. Reinforced concrete makes possible, for example, the tremendously large dams of the world (right).\nConcrete as a finished product can be described as a kind of artificial stone made of many small stones in a binding agent. The major advantage of concrete over natural stone is that it is manufactured and poured as a viscous liquid into any desired shape, then it hardens. The recipe for concrete includes these several ingredients:\nThe aggregate is the main bulk of the concrete. This is irregular crushed stone, gravel, or sometimes waste and recycled materials.\nCement is the binding agent, usually the kind referred to as Portland cement. This is a grey powder consisting of lime and other minerals.\nWater, when mixed in, turns the concrete temporarily into a slurry. The water gradually reacts with the cement and binds with its molecules, turning it into a hard solid. (Evaporation is not why concrete dries; this chemical reaction is.)\nReinforcement consists of metal bars (\"rebar\") or mesh embedded in the concrete. The resulting reinforced concrete has much greater tensile strength. Chemical polymers and carbon fiber are more recent reinforcements.\nDecorations are important for some architectural or home landscaping purposes. A pigment will change the color of the concrete from its usual grey or white. Colored stones may be used as aggregate on the surface of, say, a walkway. The mold that the concrete is poured into may be sculpted into an artistic contour (right).\nHuge volumes of concrete are produced to satisfy the construction industry of the world. Production of concrete is a local activity that takes place in and around most cities.\nConcrete production can be described as wet or dry. Dry production mixes the cement powder, aggregate, and any additives before transport to the construction site. Wet production includes adding water and so must be done not long before use.\nDepending on the final structure, concrete slurry is poured into trenches, wooden forms, or molds that give it shape. Concrete takes weeks or longer to harden. This is a chemical process that releases heat, so a very large volume of concrete, such as a dam, has to be cooled over all that curing duration. In a dry climate, the concrete should be kept wet so that it does not harden too quickly.\nConcrete is a major structural element of buildings everywhere, including support columns and walls. Concrete is mixed in different varieties for different purposes. For example, the bottom support columns in a building might be designed for maximum strength, and the upper concrete portions might have minimum weight.\nThe highways of the United States and elsewhere are concrete, as are peripheral roads, sidewalks, and driveways.\nVery large structures are commonly made of concrete, including walls, breakwaters, channels, and dams.\nClean Tech Considerations\nUse of concrete has a relatively low environmental impact. The energy required for manufacture and transport is low. On the other hand, cement, the major ingredient, generates considerable CO2 when made. Cement powder is caustic and does have to be handled with some care.\nConcrete manufacture can accept a small amount of recycled material. Fly ash from burned coal can substitute for a portion of the cement. Blast furnace slag and other industrial wastes have also been tried. Finally, the aggregate may include construction material from previous demolitions.\nConcrete lasts for generations, if not centuries, and leaves a residue equivalent to slightly alkaline rock. Old concrete can potentially be crushed and recycled for use as other filler material. Rebar can be recycled with other similar metal. Because concrete is insoluble and nonflammable, though, the volume of material does have to be disposed of somehow once the structure's useful life is past.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Should Kids Use Antibacterial Soap?\nRecently, there’s been a number of news reports questioning the effectiveness of antibacterial soap and antibacterial body wash. Parents have always wondered whether antibacterial soap is better than other types of soap, and I’ve always bought antibacterial soap because I thought it’s better to kill sickness-causing bacteria. However, it now seems like there are good reasons against using antibacterial soap products.\nThe first big piece of news recently was that antibacterial soaps were not actually better than regular soaps at killing bacteria. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created quite a stir when it proposed requiring antibacterial soap manufacturers to prove the effectiveness of their product. The FDA wants more clinical studies done to show that the antibacterial chemicals in the soap are worthwhile.\nThe reason for the FDA’s concern is the growing problem of bacterial resistance, as some bacteria develop an immunity to the chemicals designed to kill them. Eventually, triclosan (the antibacterial agent in liquid soap), may become totally ineffective at killing bacteria, because the common bacteria have encountered the chemical for so long and grow immune to it. Bacterial resistance has already led some medical professionals to be more careful in prescribing antibiotics for things like sinus infections, as those bacteria grow more resistant to the drugs. Certain bacteria that cause staph infections are now resistant to certain drugs, and treatment of these infections is very difficult. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and the FDA fears that continued wide-spread use of certain antibacterial ingredients will eventually cause the common, sickness-causing bacteria to become immune to the antibiotics.\nAt this point, it is unclear whether very common bacteria are impacted by the triclosan in antibacterial soap, or not. That is why the FDA wants soap making companies to prove the effectiveness of their product. Scientists have been questioning antibacterial soap for years, but because of the large, high-powered consumer products industry, little has been done by way of government regulation until now.\nThe second reason for the uproar over antibacterial soap is that, regardless of whether it works, there is still a question of whether it is totally safe. There is new evidence which suggests there may be health impacts from the long-term use of triclosan. Researchers say there can be disruptions in the reproductive system and hormonal levels from prolonged use of tricolsan. Of note, scientists are concerned about the impact the chemical has on the thyroid gland, which regulates important hormones in the body.\nThe FDA is not getting into the use of hand sanitizers, as those chemicals are different than what is in antibacterial soap. Triclosan is also found in a number of other products, including some toothpastes, mouthwashes, and even fabric softeners.\nWhatever you decide to use at your house, it sounds like a good idea to stay up-to-date with the research surrounding household chemicals like the triclosan in antibacterial soap. If it turns out that the chemicals are making bacteria harder to kill, then we need to see what new products we can develop in order to keep our kids free of dangerous germs.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Free LA Spray Tanning Solution Samples\nNew to LA Tan? Would like to try 2 FREE samples (x2 100ml bottles) of your choice? Simply choose your complementary solution and give us a call to order, £3.99 (plus vat) shipping will be added to this offer.\nLA Tan 8% Gold (Natural Golden Tan, For Fair Skin Types)\nLA Tan 10% Gold (Natural Golden Tan, For Fair- Medium Skin Types)\nLA Tan 10% (Brown Tan, For For Fair- Medium Skin Types)\nLA Tan 12% (Brown Tan, For For Medium- Dark Skin Types)\nLA Tan 10% Cocktail (Natural Golden Tan, For Fair- Medium Skin Types)\nLA Tan 14% Cocktail (Natural Golden Tan, For Dark Skin Types)\nLA Tan 14% Disco (Dark Brown Tan, For Dark Skin Types)\nLA Fast Tan (Fast Developing Tan, Suits Most Skin Types)\nHow To Claim Your Free Samples\n- Choose your shade\n- Call 0161 483 7156 and speak to one of our team\n- We'll take some details and send out your free sample\n- One free sample bottle per customer\n- Open an account on our website to be eligible to claim your two free samples (at the top of this page)\n- Log into your account and then add the samples your require to your basket\n- During checkout enter the discount code SAMPLES into the Discount Codes box\n- One set of free samples per customer\nLA Tanning solutions are superior tanning products developed using the latest technology, designed to produce an initial colour. DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) is the main ingredient in all sunless tanning products the DHA used in our solutions is 100% ECO Cert, and ranges from 8% to 14%.\nAll our solutions are Fragrance Free (excluding LA Fast Tan), Paraben Free and Alcohol Free. LA Tanning solutions contain only the highest quality ingredients, including Aloe Vera Gel and a Blend of 5 Vitamins. These ingredients moisturise the skin to prevent the skin from drying out and subsequent loss of tan. Also included in our solutions are White and Green Tea Extracts which are a highly effective anti-oxidant.\nLA Tanning solutions have been formulated to the highest degree, and are compatible with all tanning systems. Following the Pre-care after care advice correctly, your perfect LA Tan will last between 5-7 days. Our solutions are manufactured in the UK and are not tested on animals.\nOne Offer Per Customer", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Available from end of October\nYou don't have time to make your own detergent at home, but you still want a natural and environmentally friendly detergent?\nOur detergent is made for YOU! ;)\nOnly 3 ingredients of natural origin:\n- real Marseille soap\n- Sodium carbonate\n- Sodium bicarbonate\nWe source original Marseille soap from a small family manufacturer in the south of France.\nTogether with our partner in Germany, we add the two other components. Your detergent won't have flown halfway around the world by the time it gets to you!\nThe detergent is allergen-free, fragrance-free, without preservatives and without palm oil.\nEffective from 30 °C.\nOur liquid detergent set consists of:\n- 1 x BeGreener detergent bottle (1 liter)\n- 1 refill pack with 150g packed in a paper sack\nThis set is sufficient for 36 washes. You need 50g powder per 1L of water.\nAs soon as the refill is empty, you can simply order a new one. As simple as that!\nWhy a glass bottle?\nYou can simply fill in fresh powder and water, shake it, done! It is completely ecological and sustainable. This is how we fight waste!\nTip: Our liquid measuring spoon is very practical. You can use it to measure exactly 80mL but also measure 50g of powder.\nA dosing spoon for 2 tasks!\n- Put 50g powder in the bottle\n- Fill the bottle with hot water (but not completely)\n- Shake for 50 seconds until it is evenly distributed\nUse your liquid detergent\nPlease shake before use. It is best to put the detergent directly into the drum with our measuring spoon.\n80ml liquid detergent is sufficient for slightly dirty laundry\n= 1 dose with our liquid measuring spoon\nFor dirty laundry it is better to use 160ml liquid detergent\n= 2 doses with our liquid measuring spoon", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Doxycycline directly targets PAR1 to suppress tumor progression\nMetrics: PDF 1830 views | HTML 1438 views | ?\nWeilong Zhong1,*, Shuang Chen2,*, Qiang Zhang1,*, Ting Xiao1,*, Yuan Qin1, Ju Gu1, Bo Sun2, Yanrong Liu2, Xiangyan Jing1, Xuejiao Hu1, Peng Zhang1, Honggang Zhou1,2, Tao Sun1,2, Cheng Yang1,2\n1State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology and College of Pharmacy, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300000, China\n2Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Drug Research, Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biomedicine, Tianjin, 300000, China\n*These authors contributed equally to this work\nTao Sun, email: email@example.com\nCheng Yang, email: firstname.lastname@example.org\nKeywords: tumor, molecular target, GPCR, tumor progression, antibotics\nReceived: November 23, 2016 Accepted: January 24, 2017 Published: February 07, 2017\nDoxycycline have been reported to exert anti-cancer activity and have been assessed as anti-cancer agents in clinical trials. However, the direct targets of doxycycline in cancer cells remain unclear. In this study, we used a chemical proteomics approach to identify the Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) as a specific target of inhibition of doxycycline. Binding assays and single-molecule imaging assays were performed to confirm the inhibition of doxycycline to PAR1. The effect of doxycycline on multi-omics and cell functions were assessed based on a PAR1/thrombin model. Molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulations revealed that doxycycline interacts with key amino acids in PAR1. Mutation of PAR1 further confirmed the computation-based results. Moreover, doxycycline provides highly selective inhibition of PAR1 signaling in tumors in vitro and in vivo. Using pathological clinical samples co-stained for doxycycline and PAR1, it was found that doxycycline fluorescence intensity and PAR1 expression shown a clear positive correlation. Thus, doxycycline may be a useful targeted anti-cancer drug that should be further investigated in clinical trials.\nAll site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Distortion of steel occurring during heat treatment\n- 24 Downloads\nDistortion during heat treatment was highest for samples of steels U8 and U10 and lowest for steel 7KhG2VM.\nIn samples of steels 3Kh2V8, KhVG, 7KhG2VM, and 12KhN2A the sign of distortion was constant within the given limits.\n© Consultants Bureau 1969", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "With the use of a surface-scattering machine, layers of 27+/-4 nm diborane (B2H6) frosts were irradiated at 10 K and 10(-10) Torr with energetic electrons. The electrons induce a unimolecular decomposition of the diborane molecules and lead to boron-hydrogen bond rupture processes. Here, we report the first infrared spectroscopic detection of the monobridged diboranyl radical (B2H5, C2v) via the nu8 mode at 1033 cm(-1). The infrared assignment of the B2H5 isomer was verified by conducting experiments with diborane-d6 (B2D6). Under identical experimental conditions, the monobridged B2D5 isomer was observed via the nu6(1154 cm(-1)), nu8(823 cm(-1)), and nu5(1307 cm(-1)) absorptions. These data can be utilized in future spectroscopic studies of chemical vapor deposition processes to allow an identification of the monobridged diboranyl isomer in real time via infrared spectroscopy.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Due to its chemical specificity, the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy is an interesting technique to study the changes in hybrid organic-inorganic photoresists. In this work, we analyzed the chemical changes occurring in photoresists synthesized from organically modified precursors and transition metal alkoxides by sol-gel route. These systems are nonchemically amplified resists for ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet, and electron beam lithography. They are based on Si, Zr, and Ti oxides or a combination of these. The experiments were conducted at the PolLux beamline of the Swiss Light Source, by a scanning transmission X-ray microscopy, which combines the spatially-resolved microscopy and fine structure spectroscopy at once. The absorption spectra were collected in the energy range of the carbon edge (≈ 290 eV) before and after in situ exposure of the photoresists to 500 eV photons. The variations in peak intensity after exposure reveal the changes in the chemical environment of carbon and the chemical configuration of the organic ligands, regardless of the inorganic part. It was found that the photon exposure induced sizable photodegradation or photopolymerization of organic groups (phenyl or methyl methacrylate, respectively). These mechanisms contribute to the foundation for the exposure reaction in negative-tone hybrid photoresists. Interestingly, it was also found that the detachment of the phenyl ligand occurs in a variety of possible pathways to condensation. We believe that our results and approach can provide a better understanding of photochemistry of resists, in particular for extreme ultraviolet lithography.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "THC PH down\nThe easiest way to understand pH is to think of it as being a number between 0 and 14. The number 7 is midway and represents neutrality. Numbers above 7 are alkaline and numbers below 7 are acidic.\nMost plants grow in slightly acidic condition and this provides optimum take up of nutrient elements.\nTHC pH UP & DOWN can be used to move pH level in your solution using the two adjuster solutions.\nHere at THC we recommend testing your solution on average twice a week depending on your feeding parameters. Use THC pH Test Kits to test your solution.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Creatine MALATE is a chemical compound created by combining creatine with malic acid. It is a popular dietary supplement used by athletes, especially in disciplines that require fast and intense muscle activity. Malate is more often used during the period of building muscle strength. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound in the body that is involved in the transfer of energy to muscles during physical exertion. Creatine supplementation is aimed at increasing the level of creatine phosphate in the muscles. Its action improves efficiency and increases mass. Creatine malate is more soluble in water than traditional monohydrate. Which can lead to faster absorption and more efficient transport of creatine to the muscles.\nDosage: 2-3 g per day.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Bela Ribar (1930-2006)\nProfessor Bela Ribar died suddenly on March 22, 2006 in Novi Sad, Serbia. He was born September 5th 1930 in Debeljača, Yugoslavia. He started his academic career at the Faculty of Sciences in Sarajevo in 1958. Being a grantee of the Swiss National Fund, he spent three years at the Crystallography Dept. of Bern U., where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1969. He joined the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad (1970), became a full professor in 1980. In 1987 he became a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Vojvodina (VANU) and a permanent member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) in 2000. In May 2004, he became a the foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).\nHe published over 200 papers in the field of crystallography most of them in leading international journals and he made significant scientific contributions by studying the crystal structure of a series of inorganic and organic substances and minerals. According to Science Citation Index (through end of 2001) his results were cited over 1000 times in various scientific publications of different branches of fundamental research.\nDuring 25 years of activity in Novi Sad he did a lot for the development of structural crystallography in the region of Vojvodina. He was the founder and the head of the Laboratory for Crystal Structure Analysis within the Institute of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences until his retirement. He shared his knowledge and experience with great enthusiasm with his collaborators as they prepared their M.Sc.and Ph.D. theses under his supervision and became prominent researchers themselves. He was one of the founders and active members of the Yugoslav Center for Crystallography. He was also the first president of the Serbian Crystallographic Society founded in 1991, which, mostly due to his scientific reputation, soon joined the European Crystallographic Assn and the IUCr (1992/3). He served for many years as a referee for the international journals Acta Crystallographica and the Journal of Solid State Chemistry and he was a member of the Editorial Board for publications from the Yugoslav Center for Crystallography.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "These high-energy, coin-cell lithium batteries last longer than silver-oxide batteries and are great for use in watches, medical devices and other electronics. They work as a replacement for Duracell, Eveready and Panasonic batteries among others.\n- Package of 3 batteries for one low price\n- Voltage: 3.6 V\n- Capacity: 600 mAh\n- Last longer than silver-oxide batteries\n- For use in watches, medical devices & more\n- Replaces CR2450, DL24050, ECR2450\nPackaging may vary.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Measured concentrations of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) gas in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, measured relative to the expected/projected concentrations based on emissions reported by countries to the Montreal Protocol. This is measured in mole fractions (ppt) of CFC-11. In recent years (since 2012), concentrations have not declined at the projected rate, suggesting unreported sources of CFC-11 emissions.\nOur World in Data is free and accessible for everyone.\nHelp us do this work by making a donation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "BioGuard’s newest and best performing algicide. Dual active ingredients combine traditional quat-based algicide and chelated copper In one powerful, high performance product. Dual active ingredients provide broader prevention and algae killing power versus algicides that only contain the individual ingredients. 72oz bottle provides ease of use with 4oz measuring cap and handle. Non- staining and non- foaming. Apply once per week.\nA fast-acting, highly effective, patented, non-foaming algicide that produces results in 24 hours. Kills all types of algae in swimming pools. Also, Banish contains a patented chelant that prevents staining that commonly occurs with other copper-based algicides. Banish is formulated for use in chlorinated or brominated pools of all surface and filter types.\nUse to maintain total alkalinity. Proper alkalinity prevents pH from “bouncing” due to rain, bather load and other chemical applications. This helps prevent pool staining, plaster etching or liner wrinkling due to improper pH. Dissolves quickly when added directly to water.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Copper Smelting Process Furnaces Used, By-Products\nMining for Copper Bearing Ore. There are two categories of copper ore; sulphide ore which is processed to enrich it before smelting, and oxide ore that is subjected ...\nLe Live Marseille : aller dans les plus grandes soirées ...\nRetrouvez toutes les discothèque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soirées en discothèque à Marseille.\nhot sale factory price nickel minerals processing ...\nFlotation separation process Fote Machinery. Flotation separation process is mainly composed of jaw crusher, ball mill, spiral classifier, mixer, flotation machine ...\nis and in to a was not you i of it the be he his but for are this that by on at they with which she or from had we will have an what been one if would who has her ...\n- froth flotation process crushing principle\n- gold froth flotation plant\n- extraction of copper by froth flotation in short\n- laboratory froth flotation equipment\n- froth flotation frothers\n- cost of froth flotation\n- froth flotation frothers froth flotation frothing\n- gold froth flotation equipment pricings\n- gold silver froth flotation concentrating plant\n- gold copper ore floatation machine froth flotation floatation tank", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US5869129 A|\n|Application number||US 08/706,630|\n|Publication date||Feb 9, 1999|\n|Filing date||Sep 6, 1996|\n|Priority date||Oct 18, 1993|\n|Also published as||DE69428320D1, DE69428320T2, EP0649160A1, EP0649160B1, US6087769|\n|Publication number||08706630, 706630, US 5869129 A, US 5869129A, US-A-5869129, US5869129 A, US5869129A|\n|Inventors||Gerardus V. A. Aben, Jurgen P. A. Heymbeeck, Marcus J. Van Bommel, Angela C. L. Van de Poel|\n|Original Assignee||U.S. Philips Corporation|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (5), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (13), Classifications (38), Legal Events (5)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThis is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/324,568, filed Oct. 18, 1994, now abandoned.\nThe invention relates to a method of manufacturing an antistatic coating which consists of more than one layer on a display screen and which comprises at least one antistatic layer.\nThe invention also relates to a display screen having an antistatic coating.\nAntistatic coatings are used on display screens of display devices, in particular CRTs. Such coatings are sufficiently electroconductive to ensure that a high electrostatic voltage present on the outside surface of the display screen is removed within a few seconds. Thus, the user does not experience an unpleasant shock if he touches the screen. Besides, the attraction of atmospheric dust is reduced.\nOne of the layers of the coating is an antistatic layer comprising an electroconductive compound. Known coatings comprise, in addition to such antistatic layer, layers having, for example, an antireflective or antiglare effect or a layer which improves the scratch resistance. Usually these other layers are provided by spinning or spraying of a silica layer.\nA method of the type mentioned in the opening paragraph is known from \"Japan Display '92, pp. 289-292: \"Anti-glare, Anti-reflection and antistatic (AGRAS) Coating for CRTs\"\", by H. Tohda et. al. In this document a method is described in which a display screen is provided with a conductive (antistatic) SnO layer by means of CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition), whereafter a central and outermost SiO2 layer are provided by, respectively, spinning, spraying and a thermal treatment.\nThis method is very laborious and time consuming; the CVD process is carried out in a separate reaction space. After the SnO layer is provided the surface is treated by means of polishing and cleaning.\nIt is an object of the invention to provide a simple method of manufacturing multilayer antistatic coatings.\nIn accordance with the invention, the object of providing a simple method of manufacturing a multilayer antistatic coating is achieved in that a layer of conductive particles is provided on the display screen, whereafter a second layer of a compound is provided and this compound penetrates into the first layer, after which the compound is converted into an additional second layer by subjecting it to a treatment at an increased temperature.\nThe penetrating compound causes the layer to be sealed and to adhere to the surface of the display screen. It is no longer necessary to subject the first layer to further treatments, such as polishing and cleaning, to obtain a satisfactory adhesion between the first and the second layer. By virtue thereof, a substantial simplification of the method is possible. Preferably the layer of conductive particles is a porous layer. Penetration of the compound into the first layer is thereby promoted.\nIt should preferably also be possible to carry out the method at relatively low temperatures. The use of relatively low temperatures generally reduces the process time and the risk of damage as a result of thermal stresses.\nTo this end, an embodiment of the method in accordance with the invention is characterized in that an aqueous suspension of particles of antimony-doped tin oxide is provided on the display screen and subsequently dried thereby forming the antistatic layer, whereafter, preferably a second layer of an alcoholic or aqueous alkoxy silane or titane compound is provided on the antistatic layer, after which said alkoxy silane compound is converted into silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide by subjecting it to a treatment at an increased temperature.\nThis embodiment of the method in accordance with the invention enables a subsequent layer to be provided on the antistatic layer without previously curing the antistatic layer. The alkoxy silane compound can be converted into silicon dioxide at relatively low temperatures (up to 200° C.). By virtue thereof the method can be simplified.\nThe conversion into silicon dioxide takes place, for example, by means of a treatment of at least 30 minutes at a temperature in the range between 150° C. and 170° C. The alkoxy groups of the alkoxy silane compound are converted into hydroxy groups by acidified water, with the hydroxy groups reacting with each other and with hydroxy groups of the glass surface of the display screen. During drying and heating a firmly adhering network of silicon dioxide is formed by polycondensation. A similar conversion takes place for alkoxy titane compounds.\nThe use of aqueous suspensions for the antimony-doped tin oxide particles has the advantage that they are less harmful to the environment. Consequently, fewer measures or perhaps no measures at all have to taken to preclude environmental pollution, so that the method can be simplified. A further advantage is that the square resistance of the layer obtained is low, i.e. approximately 1-10 MΩ. This resistance value is much lower than the values obtained with conductive layers on the basis of ATO which are made in a different manner. A further advantage of aqueous suspensions is that the adhesion of the ATO particles to the display screen suffices to dispense with a temperature treatment after the layer has dried, so that the second layer can be directly provided, for example from an aqueous or alcoholic solution of an alkoxy silane or titane compound. As soon as the coating of ATO particles has dried, the layer of the alkoxy silane solution can be provided.\nThe aqueous suspension is preferably provided by means of spinning. The layer thickness of the first layer, which thickness determines, inter alia, the optical and electrical properties of the coating, can then be accurately controlled. The first layer may comprise further particles, e.g. to influence the optical properties of the first layer e.g. the transmissivity and/or the refractive index.\nThe second layer is preferably provided by spinning.\nBy spinning of the alkoxy silane or titane solution a homogeneous, smooth layer is formed. Optionally, a surface-active substance is added to the solution, for example in quantities of from 0.001 to 5 wt. %.\nThe terms \"spinning\" or \"spin coating\" generally refer to a method in which a layer is provided on a rotating member, in this case a display screen.\nPreferably, both the first and the second layer are provided by spinning without interrupting the rotation of the display screen.\nThis has the advantage that the production of a two-layer coating can be carried out in one and the same spinning unit. The second layer can be provided without a change of position. The display screen continues to rotate, thereby precluding dust from settling on the display screen since the air flow produced above the display screen during spinning is maintained. This enables both a simplification of the method as well as an improvement of the quality of the coating.\nThe method in accordance with the invention can be used for applying a coating on a display screen of a display device. Within the framework of the invention it has been recognized that the preferred method can be used and, preferably, is used for applying coatings to a display screen which forms part of a cathode ray tube.\nIn the method disclosed in the above-mentioned article from Japan Display, a coating is applied to a display screen which constitutes a separate part, i.e. first a display screen is provided with a coating and it is not until the display screen has been provided with a coating that the cathode ray tube is assembled. This holds the risk that the coating is damaged during assembly of the cathode ray tube. This risk is avoided by providing the coating on a display screen which forms part of a cathode ray tube. The known method is not suited for this purpose.\nThe antistatic layer produced by means of the method in accordance with the invention comprises conductive, for example ATO (Antimony-doped Tin Oxide) particles, which ATO particles provide the antistatic properties of the layer.\nPreferably, the conductive (ATO) particles used are very small, i.e. their dimensions are preferably below 50 nm. By virtue of these small dimensions no visible scattering of light occurs and the first layer formed is transparent. The particles are sufficiently electroconductive if the molar ratio Sb/Sn is smaller than 0.3.\nThe particle size is preferably below 30 nm. By virtue of the small dimensions of the ATO particles, Van der Waals' forces occur which cause the adhesion of the ATO particles to a glass substrate to be sufficient to provide the second layer without disturbing the first layer. The ATO particles are provided on the display screen from an aqueous, stable ATO suspension (hydrosol). In the suspension, the ATO particles are charge-stabilized instead of sterically stabilized. Such a suspension can suitably be used for the manufacture of very thin layers having a surface resistance of approximately 1-20 MΩ/square. The preparation of such an ATO suspension is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,775,412. By virtue of the small particle size, the mechanical strength and adherence of the layer suffices to directly provide a second layer without an intermediate curing step.\nThe first layer is preferably supplemented with layers of silicon dioxide having an antireflective or antiglare effect, with the additional layers also increasing the scratch resistance. The second layer serves, inter alia, as an adhesive for the first layer with ATO particles. The alkoxy silane compound (for example TEOS) penetrates into the first layer and adheres to the underlying surface. Preferably, the second layer and the first layer together form a 2-layer antireflective layer. Antireflective layers are used on display screens to reduce reflection losses of traversing light and to suppress disturbing reflections in images (specular reflection). Antiglare layers are used to reduce the specular reflection of ambient light.\nAn alkoxy silane compound which can suitably be used in the method in accordance with the invention is tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). It is alternatively possible to use other known alkoxy silane compounds of the type Si(OR)4 and oligomers thereof, wherein R is an alkyl group, preferably a C1 -C5 alkyl group. For the solvent use is made of, for example, methanol or ethanol.\nThe invention also relates to a display device comprising a display screen having an antistatic, antireflective coating. A display device comprising a display window having an antistatic coating which consists of more than one layer and which comprises at least one antistatic layer is characterized according to the invention in that the antistatic layer is directly adjacent to the display window and comprises conductive particles having a diameter below 50 nm which are embedded in silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide, which antistatic layer is covered by a second smooth layer which contains silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide, the assembly of the first and the second layer having an antireflective effect for visible light.\nThe refractive index of the antistatic layer comprising conductive (ATO) particles generally differs from, and is higher than, the refractive index of the additional silicon dioxide layer (for TiO2 the refractive index of the conductive layer could be lower than the TiO2 layer). The respective layer thicknesses of a two-layer coating are preferably selected such that destructive interference occurs at a central wavelength λ in the visible range, for example approximately 550 nm. For this wavelength, and for wavelengths in a range around said wavelength, the stack of layers has an antireflective effect. It is known to those skilled in the art that the optical thicknesses n.t (wherein n is the refractive index and t is the layer thickness) of the layers must be equal to λ/4, wherein λ is the central wavelength. Such an additional layer of silicon or titanium dioxide can be manufactured by providing an alcoholic solution of an alkoxy silane or titane compound, followed by a treatment at an increased temperature, thereby forming a layer of silicon or titanium dioxide. If the additional layer is provided by spinning, the layer thickness obtained depends, inter alia, on the number of revolutions and the viscosity of the solution. Preferably, the particle size is smaller than 50 nm. The first layer may comprise other particles influencing e.g. the optical properties of the first layer, e.g. transmissivity and/or refractive index. The anti-reflective effect could be obtained in cooperation with a third or fourth etc layer.\nPreferably, a third layer of silicon dioxide having an antiglare effect is provided. This layer is provided on the first additional layer by spraying or atomizing an alcoholic solution of an alkoxy silane compound, followed by a treatment at an increased temperature, thereby forming a layer of silicon dioxide. The layer obtained is scratch resistant and has antiglare properties due to the surface texture obtained by spraying. The antiglare effect is substantially independent of the wavelength of the light. A mat surface texture is obtained by spraying or atomizing the alkoxy silane solution, so that the layer exhibits an antiglare effect. By virtue thereof, ambient light is diffusely reflected.\nFurther advantages of the additional layers of silicon dioxide are the reduced sensitivity to fingerprints and the higher hardness and scratch resistance.\nIf desired, one of the additional layers may be provided with a pigment or dye to selectively influence the light transmission. Such pigments or dyes are selected in such a manner that the light emitted by the phosphors of a cathode ray tube is selectively transmitted, whereas, for example, the ambient light reflecting at the rear side of the display screen is absorbed. Examples of pigments are transition metal oxides, such as iron oxide and chromium oxide. An example of a suitable dye is Rhodamine B.\nIn an embodiment of the invention, latex particles of polypyrrole are added to the aqueous solution of (ATO) particles. The polypyrrole particles provide the light-absorbing properties of the first layer. After drying, the first layer then comprises polypyrrole-latex particles.\nFor the polypyrrole compound use can be made of polypyrrole, N-substituted polypyrrole and β-substituted polypyrrole. For the substituents use can be made of: alkyl groups having, for example, up to 5 carbon atoms, aryl groups, alkoxy groups, nitro groups and halogen atoms. Such materials and the preparation of latex particles, inter alia, for use as an antistatic coating, are described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,959,162. Also this American Patent describes a centrifuging step and a re-dispersion step to purify the latex thus prepared. Preferably, the latex particles consist of unsubstituted polypyrrole.\nOwing to the optical properties, uniformity and homogeneity of the layer, it is desirable for the latex particles to have uniform dimensions. The latex particles are spherical and preferably have an average diameter in the range between 50 and 150 nm, preferably around 60 nm. In such an embodiment, antistatic and light-absorbing properties are combined in a single layer. As a result of the method in accordance with the above embodiment of the invention, the coating comprises a homogeneous mixture of both types of particles. The layer thickness of the coating lies in the range between 50 and 200 nm. The colour of the coating is neutral grey, i.e. the transmission is independent of the wavelength. Dependent upon the layer thickness and the concentration of polypyrrole in the layer, the transmission can be adjusted, for example, between 90% and 30%, while preserving the required antistatic effect. A sufficient antistatic effect of the coating is attained if the surface resistance of the layer ranges below 1010 Ω/square, preferably between 104 and 1010 Ω/square.\nAs described above, the combination of the coating and the additional layer of silicon dioxide exhibit an antireflective effect if the optical layer thicknesses of these layers are equal to approximately λ/4. The desired layer thicknesses can easily be experimentally determined. Important process parameters are the number of revolutions during spinning, the temperature and the viscosity of the solution.\nThe invention will be explained in greater detail by means of exemplary embodiments and with reference to a drawing, in which\nFIG. 1 shows a display device,\nFIG. 2 is a sectional, diagrammatic view of a display window of a display device,\nFIGS. 3a, 3b and 3c show an embodiment of the method in accordance with the invention,\nFIG. 4 shows the transmission T (in %) as a function of the wavelength λ (in nm) of a coating in accordance with the invention,\nFIGS. 5a and 5b show the relative reflection R (in %) as a function of the wavelength λ (in nm) of a coating consisting of ATO (and polypyrrole) particles carrying an additional layer of silicon dioxide and a second additional antiglare layer of silicon dioxide.\nFIG. 1 is a diagrammatic cut-away view of a cathode ray tube 1 having a glass envelope 2 comprising a display screen 3, a cone 4 and a neck 5. In the neck there is provided an electron gun 6 for generating an electron beam. This electron beam is focused on a phosphor layer on the inside 7 of the display screen 3. In operation, the electron beam is deflected across the display screen 3 in two mutually perpendicular directions by means of a deflection coil system (not shown). The display screen 3 is provided on the outside with an antistatic coating 8 in accordance with the invention.\nFIG. 2 is a diagrammatic, sectional view of a display screen in accordance with the invention. An antistatic coating 8 is provided on the display screen 3. This antistatic coating 8 comprises a first layer 9 (AS), a second layer 10 and a third layer 11. The first layer 9 comprises conductive particles 12, in this case antimony-doped tin oxide particles, embedded in a second compound, in this example silicon dioxide. The second layer is made of the second-mentioned compound, in this example silicon dioxide. The first layer and the second layer together form an antireflection filter (AR). To this end, the thickness of both layers 9 and 10 is approximately λ/4, wherein λ is situated in the visible range, for example between 500 and 600 nm. The first layer may be provided with polypyrrole latex particles, enabling the transmission properties of the first layer to be determined. The third layer 11 (AG) provides an antiglare effect and consists, for example, of sprayed-on silicon dioxide.\nFIGS. 3a up to 3c illustrate a method in accordance with the invention.\nA porous layer 31 is provided on the display screen 3. This is preferably carried out, for example, by providing an aqueous solution of conductive (ATO) particles on the display screen and drying said particles. A second layer 32 of a compound is applied to the layer 31 and the compound penetrates into the first layer. After provision of the second layer, a thermal treatment is carried out. This treatment results in the formation of a silicon dioxide layer. Subsequently, a third layer is applied to obtain an antiglare effect, for example, by spraying of a silicon-dioxide antiglare layer.\nBelow a description will be given of a number of embodiments of the invention.\nAn aqueous ATO suspension is prepared as described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,775,412. According to this document, SnCl2 and SbCl3 are dissolved in diluted hydrochloric acid, whereafter ammonium bicarbonate is added to the solution. In an autoclave a hydrosol of antimony-doped tin oxide is formed by hydrothermal conversion. The ATO particles are smaller than 30 nm. In a typical example, the molar ratio Sb/Sn is 0.3. The aqueous ATO suspension amounts to 5 wt. %. This ATO suspension is provided on the display screen and dried.\nA solution of an alkoxy silane compound has been or is manufactured in accordance with Table 1.\nTABLE 1______________________________________preparation of TEOS-solution (250 ml)Composition and preparation: *mix (grams):______________________________________ TEOS 11.25 ethanol 5.63 0.175 M HCL 5.63______________________________________ *hydrolysing for 30 min *adding ethanol/butanol (1:1) to obtain 250 ml\nOn the first layer, which is obtained as described hereinabove (a dried layer comprising conductive particles (for example ATO)), a layer of the TEOS solution prepared in accordance with Table 1 is provided, for example, by spinning. The layer is maintained at a temperature of 160° C. for approximately 90 minutes, thereby forming a firmly adhering, smooth layer of silicon dioxide. This additional layer of silicon dioxide has a layer thickness of, for example, 135 nm and a refractive index of 1.44. This layer, in combination with the antistatic layer which comprises ATO particles and into which silicon dioxide has penetrated and which has a refractive index of 1.62 and a layer thickness of 60 nm, exhibits an antireflective effect. It is noted that the sequence in which the layers are applied is important. If the silicon dioxide layer were to be provided before the layer containing the ATO particles, this would adversely affect the adhesion of the coating and the refractive index of the layer comprising ATO particles would be different, namely approximately 1.4, and the layer would contain no or perhaps hardly any silicon oxide. Furthermore, an anti-reflective effect would be virtually non-existant (the indices of refraction of both layers would hardly differ).\nConsequently, the optical and mechanical properties of the assembly of the first and the second layer depend on the sequence in which the layers are provided. Preferably, the antistatic layer and the second layer are provided by spinning. Preferably, this is carried out in one and the same spinning unit without interrupting the spinning process of the display screen. This results in a simplification of the method and precludes dust from settling on the display screen.\nSubsequently, if desired, use is made of a TEOS solution and a similar temperature treatment to provide a second additional layer of silicon dioxide by spinning. This layer has a mat surface texture having an antiglare effect. Consequently, the coating obtained is less sensitive to fingerprints. In addition, the reflection is less dependent on the wavelength because the incident light is diffusely scattered. The above method can be used to provide a coating (two-layer or multilayer) on a loose display screen, i.e. a display screen which does not (yet) form part of a cathode ray tube. Preferably, however, the method is used to provide a coating on a display screen which forms part of a cathode ray tube. The risk that the coating becomes damaged is smaller then.\nIn this exemplary embodiment a description is given of a method and a display device in which the first layer also influences the transmission of visible light by the incorporation of polypyrrole latex particles in the first layer.\nPolypyrrole latex particles are prepared by vigorously stirring a mixture of 0.938 g pyrrole, 8.65 g FeCl3.6H2 O and 1 g polyvinyl alcohol (steric stabilizer) in 100 ml water for at least 10 hours until a clear solution is obtained. The formation of polypyrrole particles can be recognized by the blackening of the mixture. The suspension obtained is dialysed with demineralised water to remove Fe2+ ions and Cl- ions. After dialysis, several millilitres of ethanol, butanol and ethyl acetate are added to the suspension. Finally, the suspension is passed through a 5 μm and a 0.2 m filter of polyamide. Electron microscopy shows that the latex particles have a regular, spherical shape and that they are monodisperse with an average particle size of 80 nm.\nThe preparation of an ATO suspension is carried out in the way described in example 1.\nEqual quantities of both suspensions are subsequently mixed, thereby forming a stable suspension of ATO and polypyrrole particles. This suspension is subsequently provided on a display screen by means of spin coating. After drying, a homogeneous, neutral grey coating having a thickness of 60 nm and a resistance of 1 MΩ/square is obtained. This is amply sufficient for the desired antistatic effect (a surface resistance in the range between 104 and 1010 Ω is desirable) and makes it possible to bring the light transmission properties to the desired value by changing the layer thickness and the concentration of the polypyrrole, while preserving the necessary antistatic effect. The transmission T (in %) as a function of the wavelength λ (in rim) of the coating obtained is shown in FIG. 4. The resistance value of the coating in accordance with the invention is much lower than the values of layers of silicon dioxide in which ATO particles or polypyrrole particles with a steric stabilizer are dispersed. Such layers have a resistance of approximately 100 MΩ. A solution of an alkoxy silane compound is prepared having the following composition: 0.9 mol tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), 3.6 mol water, 5.10-4 mol nitric acid, which is made up to 1 litre by adding ethanol.\nThe first layer obtained in accordance with exemplary embodiment 2 is provided with a layer of TEOS solution by spinning. The layer is maintained at a temperature of 160° C. for 30 minutes, thereby forming a firmly adhering, smooth layer of silicon dioxide. This additional layer of silicon dioxide has a layer thickness of 135 nm and a refractive index of 1.44. This layer, in combination with the coating which comprises ATO and polypyrrole particles and which has a refractive index of 1.62 and a layer thickness of 60 nm, has an antireflective effect. It is possible to fine-tune the anti-reflective effect by slightly altering the layer thicknesses, for instance making the thickness of the first layer approximately 100 nm and the thickness of the second layer approximately 80 nm.\nSubsequently, the same TEOS solution is used and a similar temperature treatment is carried out to provide a second additional layer of silicon dioxide by spraying. This layer has a mat surface texture having an antiglare effect. As a result, the coating obtained is less sensitive to fingerprints. In addition, the reflection is less dependent on the wavelength because the incident light is diffusely scattered.\nFIG. 5a represents the relative reflection R (in %) as a function of the wavelength λ (in nm) of a coating consisting of the above-described layer of ATO particles (example 1) on which the additional layer of silicon dioxide and an antiglare layer (curve A) are provided. In the measuring process, uncoated display-screen glass is used as the reference material.\nFIG. 5b represents the relative reflection R (in %) as a function of the wavelength λ (in nm) of a coating consisting of the above-described layer of ATO and polypyrrole particles (example 2) on which the additional layer of silicon dioxide (curve A) is provided. In the measuring process, uncoated displayscreen glass is used as the reference material. Curve B shows the effect of the additional antiglare layer. The antireflective effect of the coating has become less dependent on the wavelength.\nThe scratch resistance of the outermost layer is tested by means of a conical diamond which is moved over the surface at a force of 50 g and which does not form scratches which are visible to the naked eye.\nThe hardness is tested by means of a pencil-hardness test in which pencils having a different hardness exert a force of 7.5N on the surface over which they are moved at an angle of 45° and a velocity of 0.05 m/s. In accordance with this test, the inventive layer has a degree of hardness of from 3 H to 4 H.\nBy means of the above embodiments of the invention, effective antistatic coatings and, if desired, light-absorbing coatings are manufactured and provided on a display screen of a cathode ray tube in a simple manner, with the coatings enabling the light-transmission properties to be adjusted, whether or not as a function of the wavelength.\nIt will be clear that within the framework of the invention many other embodiments are possible. For instance an exemplary embodiment 3 in which an ATO-layer is covered with a TiO2 layer is described below.\nAn ATO suspension as described in exemplary embodiment 1 above is applied to a display screen and dried (dried means within the concept of the invention also left to dry). A solution of an alkoxy titane compound has been or is manufactured in accordance with Table 2.\nTABLE 2______________________________________preparation of TEOTi-solution (250 ml)Composition and preparation:*mix (grams, ml)______________________________________TEOTi 5,775 grethanol 123 mlbutanol 120 mlwater (0.5 M HCl) 1,83 gr______________________________________ *stir for several hours\nOn the first layer of ATO particles a second layer of the TEOTi solution according to table 2 is applied, for instance by spinning. The double layer is subsequently held for approximately 90 minutes at a temperature of 160° C. The resulting coating comprises a second layer of TiO2 having an refractive index of approximately 2.0 on top of a layer comprising ATO-particles in a TiO2 matrix due to the fact that the titane compound is penetrated in the layer with ATO particles. The bottom layer has a refractive index of approximately 1.8 to 1.9. The bottom layer can have for instance a thickness of 60 nm whereas the second layer has a thickness of for instance 200 nm. On top of the TiO2 layer a SiO2 layer can be provided for instance by spinning a layer of a silane compound on the TiO2 layer.\nIt is also possible that the first layer may comprise further particles, e.g. to influence the optical properties of said first layer e.g. the transmissivity and/or the refractive index. An example has been given above in which the first layer comprises latex particles which influence the transmissivity of the first layer and therewith of the coating. It is also possible that the first layer comprises, besides the conductive particles, particles influencing other properties of the first layer, such as for instance the refractive index. A fourth exemplary embodiment is given below in which said first layer comprises particles influencing the refractive index of the first layer. By influencing the refractive index a fine-tuning of the optical properties and more in particular of the reflective properties of the coating can be achieved.\nBy mixing the conductive particles with e.g. anorganic colloidal oxides, such as SiO2 or Al3 O2 it is possible to influence the refractive index of the first layer. Preferably the oxide particles are smaller than 100 nm.\nFor example, to 100 grams of an ATO-solution (12% by weight), 7 grams of a colloidal SiO2 solution (40 weight % of SiO2) is added. This solution is diluted 1:4 with an alcoholic solution and applied to a screen by means of spinning. When the layer has dried up, a TEOTi solution (see e.g. exemplary embodiment 3) is by means of spinning applied to the screen. When the second layer has dried up, a third layer of a TEOS solution (see e.g. exemplary embodiment) is by means of spinning applied to the screen. Thereafter the three-layer coating is subjected to a treatment at a raised temperature to harden the coating. An exemplary coating in which the first layer (comprising ATO-particles and SiO2 particles) has a thickness of 70 nm and a refractive index of 1.75, the second layer (TiO2) has a thickness of 102 nm and a refractive index of 1.95 and the third layer SiO2 has a thickness of 90 nm and a refractive index of 1.44 has excellent anti-reflective properties. In the visible range the reflectivity is strongly reduced and between approximately 400 and 600 nm, the reflectivity is reduced to less than 10% of the reflectivity without a coating.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US4775412 *||Mar 9, 1987||Oct 4, 1988||Taki Chemical Co., Ltd.||Aqueous sol of crystalline tin oxide solid solution containing antimony, and production thereof|\n|US4945282 *||Dec 8, 1988||Jul 31, 1990||Hitachi, Ltd.||Image display panel having antistatic film with transparent and electroconductive properties and process for processing same|\n|US5002799 *||Sep 12, 1989||Mar 26, 1991||Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha||Method for manufacturing anti-static cathode ray tubes|\n|US5219611 *||Sep 30, 1991||Jun 15, 1993||Cornell Research Foundation, Inc.||Preparing densified low porosity titania sol gel forms|\n|US5281365 *||Feb 24, 1992||Jan 25, 1994||Samsung Electron Devices Co., Ltd.||Antistatic coating composition for non-glaring picture displaying screen|\n|1||H. 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Moreover, new sand must be added to compensate for the mold material output losses.\nMold material management\nMold material recovery\nMold material control", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Here we report on the second-order nonlinear optical properties of chiral chromophore-functionalized polybinaphtalenes. These materials are designed from chiral binaphtalene units, connected with rigid groups. This molecular architecture gives rise to a rigid, rod like (helical) structure. Chromophores which moderate to good hyperpolarizabilities were incorporated to induce a strong second-order nonlinear optical response. The polymers are soluble in common organic solvents and spincoated films of high optical quality can be readily obtained. The spincoated films were subsequently poled by an external electric field and analyzed by second-harmonic generation. The films showed excellent second-order nonlinearities, as high as 100 pm/V. Maybe even more important was the observation that the nonlinearity of these materials increases linearly with increasing chromophore content, in contrast to what has been observed for traditional side-chain polymers. This is due to the rigid character of the polymer backbone which effectively prevents detrimental chromophore aggregation at high chromophore concentrations. This property opens up perspectives to achieve materials with very high second-order nonlinearities. Another interesting observation was the fact that chiral contributions to the nonlinear optical response can be observed, which may further increase the nonlinearity.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Brand Name|| |\nCOLLAGEN PEPTIDE TYPE (1) SODIUM HYALURONATE,CHONDROITIN SULFATE SODIUM AND VITAMIN C\n|Pack Type|| |\n|Pack Size|| |\n10 X 1 X10\nTendomor contains nutritional supplement which is Collagen Peptide Type-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin Sulfate & Vitamin C which are used in various bone and joint disorders as it acts as building blocks for tissues like skin, bones, cartilage, teeth, tendons, etc. the tablets are very useful in the treatment of joint and muscles as it provides the strength, flexibility, and recovery the injury of issue tear.\nCollagen peptide type I constitutes 30% of body protein and is known as the main building protein in bone and cartilage, skin, and other connective tissues. The tablets help to improve the cartilage damage by supporting the repairing and offering fluids for cushion and elasticity.\nSodium Hyaluronate with Chondroitin Sulphate helps in decreasing the inflammation (swelling and redness) associated with Osteoarthritis problems whereas Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant activity required by the body to make collagen the most abundant protein in the body. The table also helps in the problems like arthritic pain, stiffness, joint pain, and osteoarthritis.\nCollagen Peptide Type-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin Sulfate & Vitamin C Tablets Beneficial For\nThese tablets are used in the treatment of Arthralgia (Joint Pain). All the active ingredients are proteoglycan synthesis stimulators which help in the building of cartilage which leads to the process of joint repairing. Cartilage is a non-vascular type of soft tissue that cushions the joints. Along with it, this medication also lowers pain, swelling, and inflammation.\nCollagen Peptide Type-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin Sulfate & Vitamin C Tablets may cause some common side effects which aren’t big in nature and tend to go away with time. A doctor’s consultation should be taken if they don’t go away after a while as they can worsen over the period of time.\nDirections For Use\nThis medicine should be used after having a meal as it will help in its proper digestion. The dosage should be continued as per the advice of the doctor so that none of the doses gets skipped and it should be tried to take them at the same time every day.\nThese tablets should be taken as per the guidance of the concerned doctor and taking an overdose isn’t advised as it can lead to some chronic problems which can cause further problems. The individual should consult a doctor before using these tablets if suffering from any liver, kidney, or another disease.\nAden Healthcare is one of the top leading Pharma companies that are doing very well to offer a wide range of pharma drugs to all the linked individuals. A good number of promotional tools are being offered by us which makes us the top Collagen Peptide Type-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin Sulfate & Vitamin C Tablets manufacturer and supplier in India. The company is also recognized as one of the best firms who are offering Collagen Peptide Type-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Chondroitin Sulfate & Vitamin C Tablets PCD Pharma Franchise in various parts of the nation. The manufacturing unit of the firm is featured by a good number of machines that are capable of processing bulk orders whenever required.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This low pH cleanser mildly cleanses skin and removes impurities with gentle foam action. The ingredients soothe and calm irritated skin at the same time.\nThis product is currently sold out.\n- Centella asiatica extracts soothe irritated skin and moisturizes.\n- Madecassoside creates a barrier to protect skin and keep moisture in.\nAbout the brand: COSRX is a South Korean beauty brand that has been providing clean beauty to their customers since 2015. They focus on using transparent ingredients, cruelty free practices and creating hypoallergenic products.\nHow to Use\nCan be used after an oil based cleanser to double cleanse. Lather the product and massage onto face. Rinse with lukewarm water and follow up with the rest of skincare routine.\nCaution: For external use only. Always patch test. Discontinue use if you feel any discomfort. Follow additional instructions on box. Individual results may vary. This product contains citric acid: an alpha hydroxy acid that may increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun and particularly the possibility of sunburn. Please limit sun exposure while using this product and for a week afterwards.\nWater, sodium cocoyl isethionate, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, coco-betaine, sodium methyl cocoyl taurate, sodium chloride, coco-glucoside, caprylyl glycol, glyceryl caprylate, citric acid, eucalyptus globulus leaf oil, disodium edta, ocimum basilicum (basil) oil, 1,2-hexanediol, quillaja saponaria bark extract, propanediol, centella asiatica extract, centella asiatica leaf extract, centella asiatica root extract, saccharomyces ferment, ethylhexylglycerin, asiatic acid, asiaticoside, madecassic acid, madecassoside, pinus pinaster bark extract.*May contain additional ingredients.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Projects per year\nTowards the synthesis of the novel natural product Agariblazeispirol C, (5aR*,11bR*)-9-methoxy-3,8,11b-trimethyl-5,6,7,11b-tetrahydro-1H-pentaleno[1,6a-a]naphthalen-4(2H)-one, C20H24O2, has been prepared at a key stage of the preparative programme. The structure shows the desired stereochemical outcome of the central cyclization protocol, viz. a syn-relationship between the aliphatic methyl group on the 11b-position and the methylene group on the 5a-position [C-C-C-C = -34.57 (18)degrees].\n|Number of pages||2|\n|Journal||Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications|\n|Publication status||Published - Sep 2010|\n- alpha-carbonyl radicals\n- formal total-synthesis\nFingerprintDive into the research topics of 'A tetrahydropentaleno[1,6a-a]naphthalen-4(2H)-one of defined relative stereochemistry for use towards Agariblazeispirol C'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.\n- 1 Finished", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I have long been a bit creeped out when i enter a room full of burning candles. I love the ambience, but paraffin, folks, is a hydrocarbon just like diesel, and hydrocarbon exhaust is hydrocarbon exhaust. I wouldn’t feel good about hanging out in a room filled with burning diesel lamps, no matter how mellow the ambience.\nFortunately there are alternatives: beeswax and soy wax, for two, that avoid some of the downsides of paraffin and also don’t feed the oil industry.\nThis from a pamphlet put out by Avalon Sunset Candles, makers of beeswax candles:\nMany commercial candles are made from paraffin, the greyish-black sludge that oozes from the backside of the petroleum refineries. It’s bleached, textured with a carcinogenic product called acrolyn, chemically coloured and artificially scented.\nDid you know? — Paraffin candles create black smoke and soot that coats your home and even your lungs. Fumes from a paraffin candle are like breathing diesel exhaust fumes.\nWhat about the wick? — Health Canada is urging the Canadian candle industry to stop manufacturing and importing candles with lead and zinc core wicks. They are hazardous to human health — even in small amounts. Some candlemakers use lead and zinc cores to make the wicks rigid.\n- Beeswax candles produce negative ions that attract positive ions. But positive ions aren’t so positive. They’re the pollutants such as dust, odours, toxins, pollen, mold, bacteria and viruses that are floating in the air. Beeswax neutralizes the pollutants and they simply fall to the ground. The dustier your home, the more “black debris” you’ll find deposited in the wax around the wick.\n- Beeswax is a safe, valuable fuel — one of the purest known. It burns slower than paraffin, so it’s cheaper to use. Beeswax burns with a golden halo and is significantly hotter than paraffin. Please note: candles listing beeswax as an ingredient may contain as little as 30% beeswax. If it doesn’t state on the label “100% beeswax,” it probably isn’t.\nAnd here’s a page of info on candles made of soy.\nYou have to do a bit of searching (in nonmainstream stores, of course) but i’ve found both soy and beeswax candles in Ucluelet, so they must be available pretty much everywhere. Be mellow, be healthy!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Two individuals have died in Ontario, Canada after drinking alcohol based hand sanitizer. According to CBC News, the hand sanitizer contained methanol which is lethal if ingested.\nAccording to the news article:\n“Hand sanitizers typically contain ethyl alcohol, not methanol. Ontario’s Centre of Forensic Sciences performed tests on bottles of Bodico-brand hand sanitizer and confirmed that they contained methanol, although the ingredient label did not list it. They are working with the company to test additional products and to issue a recall.”\nBecause the hand sanitizer was not properly labeled according to the article, there has been a recall of the product.\nIf you are in Canada and need more information about this brand of alcohol based hand sanitizer and its recall, please see the info below.\nHealth Canada is working with the company to implement a recall of these products.\nReport health or safety concerns\nCall toll-free at 1-866-234-2345\nVisit MedEffect Canada’s web page on Adverse Reaction Reporting for information on how to report online, by mail or by fax.\n** Please note that SafeHands Alcohol Free Hand sanitizer does not contain ethanol or methanol or any of the ingredients mentioned in the above article.\nAlso note: We are complying with FTC and FDA regulations and not mentioning any brand names of alcohol based hand sanitizers which are FDA approved as safe and effective. There is no category defining alcohol brand of hand sanitizer.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Taking too much folic acids?\n- 07-16-2011, 10:06 PM #9Registered User\n- Join Date\n- May 2011\n- hong kong\nNoted that Materna formula in hong kong and in Canada the formulation different.\nAlso 1mg is 1000mcg\nAs I said on my first post. Different country got different formulation and ur not over dozing\n- 07-17-2011, 06:53 AM #10Registered User\n- Join Date\n- Jan 2009\n- Hong Kong\nfolic acid 1000mcg?\nYes, agree that folic acid is water soluble, so you will eliminate what isn't used (it is not like fat soluble vitamins which are stored in the body, accumulative and therefore used with caution in pregnancy). However, most B vitamins (folic acid incuded) have synergistic relationsips with other vitamins meaning taking too much or something can put the balance out of another nutrient. Having said that, there are studies sugesting that 1000mcg is now the preferred dose of folic acid and is associated with the prevention of miscarriage and neural tube defects.\n- By Zoska in forum Hong Kong Pregnancy ForumReplies: 4Last Post: 05-07-2011, 06:04 PM\n- By dorothy_melody in forum Hong Kong Pregnancy ForumReplies: 9Last Post: 07-27-2008, 08:37 PM\n- By helywong in forum PreconceptionReplies: 12Last Post: 06-09-2008, 01:07 PM\n- By putput in forum Hong Kong Pregnancy ForumReplies: 8Last Post: 08-22-2007, 02:35 PM\n- By Spanjo in forum Hong Kong Pregnancy ForumReplies: 2Last Post: 08-07-2003, 01:57 PM", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A Perfect Reaction: You are about to write a paper. You have fully characterized your compound, so you do not need to rerun any experiments before submission. Also, you have written an exact description of your experiment in your notebook, which another chemist can reproduce without further consultation, on the first try.\nA Nightmare Scenario: It's time to write your thesis. You find that characterization data is missing, and need to repeat some experiments you ran earlier. Your notebook is not very detailed, and you have trouble reproducing the results, and have to work out the experimental conditions and a purification protocol all over again.\nDesignate a notebook for literature search information. Record the date, the search parameters, what references were found, and which ones you looked up.\nDevelop a filing system for literature/ experimental procedures that is consistent and allows you to find things easily. Everyone has different methods that make sense to them.\nAsk your advisor how to organize your notebook entries- each group has different standards.\nLeave space for an index at the beginning of the notebook, and record each experiment and the results by page number.\nWrite a complete experimental procedure.\nWrite in your notebook the complete reference for the literature source you are using.\nRecord the date you start an experiment.\nDo NOT write down a complete equation (Reactants --> products) until after you have run the experiment and identified the products. Instead, start with \"Reactants --> \". Sometimes you don't get what you expected, and sometimes the experiment doesn't work. It is nice to be able to see what happened from the equation in the notebook.This way you can record what actually happened during the experiment.\nCalculate and write down the theoretical yield of the process.\nWrite the concentration of the reagents in solvent (see Rule of thumb).\nIf you've run the experiment before, reference the earlier page for procedure. You should still record times, yield, and anything you do differently from the referenced page.\nWrite down the time (o'clock) you start the reaction, times of temperature changes, and the time you quench it. Sometimes recording TLC data at an intermediate time is also informative.\nRecord observations like color, clarity of solution, appearance of precipitate, etc.\nInclude all TLC plate data, including type of stain, solvent system, and any colors or UV activity. Drawing a picture of the plate or even Xeroxing it is a good idea.\nDescribe the workup and purification method in detail, noting any problems that occur along the way. This is very helpful when repeating the experiment.\nCalculate and record yield, and describe the appearance of the isolated product.\nIf you have ideas for changes to improve the process, WRITE the suggestions in your notebook. These notes will be helpful for reference, the next time you run the experiment.\nDevelop a consistent labeling system for experiments that produce more than one product.\nStarting with the most nonpolar compound, label the first product (notebook #)-A, the second (notebook #)-B, etc.\nDevelop a method for organizing your spectra.\nWrite your notebook page number on your spectrum.\nWrite the structure of the suspected product on the spectrum, as well as isomer ratios, if applicable.\nKeep routine spectra in notebook number sequence. For example, I-10 (crude), I-10A, I-10B, I-11, etc.\nKeep all good-quality spectra (1H and 13C NMR, IR, etc.) for important compounds together in their own files.\nDevelop a method for organizing storage of your synthetic samples\nKeep everything that is an unsolved mystery.\nKeep small samples of synthetic intermediates for TLC comparison.\nKeep samples well sealed, well-labeled and in the freezer.\nKeep any sample intermediate or reagent you made that is greater than or equal to 0.5 grams - someone might find it useful!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Like this product? Then 'Like' this page!\nExclusive Creatine Blend For Amazing Results!\nCreatine is one of the most effective supplements you can buy. Its benefits include:\n• Increased Muscle Growth and Strength\n• More Training Energy\n• Improved Recovery\n• Improved Pumps\nLeave it to Top Secret to take the effectiveness of creatine and improve it!\nIntroducing Creavar: The Evolution of Creatine\nMost everybody already knows about the benefits of creatine, but there may be more than you’re aware of. Creatine is made from the combination of three amino acids: arginine, glycine, and methionine. Its primary function in the body is as part of the ATP energy system. When ATP energy is used, it becomes ADP; creatine phosphate converts ADP back into ATP to be re-used as energy. This energy re-cycling process has numerous benefits, such as improved contraction time – this means you can train harder before you hit failure. This particular energy system is capable of generating about 4-30 seconds of energy. Research has indicated that supplementing with creatine may improve anaerobic ATP synthesis for fast twitch type II muscle fibers. As well, research conducted by the University of Maryland, among many other studies, has shown that creatine increases strength, promotes muscle growth and improves recovery time.\nWe took the basics of what creatine does for the body and enhanced it by surrounding it with several muscle strength, support, and growth facilitators.\nWe’re using a Creatine Tri-Blend in Craevar. We start with Creapure, a pure, superior quality creatine monohydrate that’s manufactured by AlzChem AG and has a well-deserved reputation for quality and purity, in large part due to the precise selection of raw materials and the use of an advanced, patented system for synthesizing creatine.\nSecondly we use Creatine MagnaPower. This combination of magnesium and creatine has been research shown to have substantial positive benefits. It’s interesting to note that each compound has some similar functions and actually alternate together in numerous specific functions. This realization led Albion Advanced Nutrition, the manufacturer of Creatine MagnaPower, to combine magnesium and creatine, a ground-breaking idea that makes sense. Creatine MagnaPower is so revolutionary it’s patented.\nThis combination of magnesium and creatine provides the benefits:\n• Increased ATP Production for Improved Workout Performance\n• Enhanced Pump\n• Improved Protein Synthesis\nThe final component of our Creatine Tri-Blend is Creatine AAB 2:1 - another patented version of creatine monohydrate, this time combined with alpha amino n-butyrate, which is a metabolite of leucine. This addition enhances muscle protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. To see how creatine benefits in this case, we need take a look at branched-chain amino acids, primarily leucine. Leucine has been the target of quite a bit of extensive research that shows its anti-catabolic and protein synthesis enhancing benefits – in fact this research has caused quite a bit of excitement. In other words, leucine is directly involved in muscle growth.\nResearch conducted by Layman, indicates that after a workout, for muscle protein synthesis to take place, intake of protein or a branched-chain amino acid mixture was required. During a workout, the body requires more leucine to support an anabolic environment. It’s at this point that alpha amino butyrate enters the picture. AAB is very close to leucine, for this reason it’s been indicated that AAB can impact protein synthesis in the same manner if levels of leucine are low.\nThis version of Creatine AAB 2:1 provides the following benefits:\n• Enhanced Protein Synthesis\n• Improved Workout Endurance\nMany products would stop right there, after all, we already have three effective creatines, what else is needed? A team of supporting ingredients:\n1. Red Beet Extract\nThe primary benefit of Red beet root is that it’s high in nitrates (NO3); research has suggested NO3 can improve training performance. Research conducted in 2009 by the University of Exeter and published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, determined that NO3 can increase cycling endurance. Nitrates are important to athletes due to the fact that they can rapidly bring oxygen to working muscles. In another study, conducted in 2009 by Bailey et al. it was determined that supplementing with beet root can decrease the oxygen cost of exercise, this means that beet root can help extend intense training sessions.\nIts been suggested that enhanced workout performance is because of an increase in levels of nitric oxide by a different means than the typical l-arginine nitric oxide pathway. This is referred to as the nitrate nitrite nitric oxide pathway, and it functions primarily in response to decreased levels of oxygen, such as can be experienced during exercise. It works like this: Red beet nitrates (NO3) convert to nitrites (NO2) which then convert to Nitric Oxide (NO).\nRed Beet Extract Benefits Include:\n• Increased Nitric Oxide Production\n• Enhanced Muscle Cell Swelling\n• Improved Workout Endurance\n2. Cinnulin PF\nCinnulin PF is a water soluble extract of Cinnamomum burmannii, its standardized for double bound Type-A Polymers, primarily tetramers and trimmers – research has indicated a number of positive health benefits. Cinnulin PF is able to mimic the effects of insulin, resulting in reduced body fat and increased lean muscle.\nCinnulin PF benefits:\n• Enhanced Lean Muscle and Strength\n3. Betaine HCl\nBetaine is another compound that works well when combined with creatine. Research conducted in 2010 and published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition indicates that following 14 weeks of taking a betaine supplement, test subjects had an increase in power and force in such exercises as: bench press, vertical press, and squat.\nBenefits of Betaine Include:\n• Enhanced Muscle Cell Volume\n• Improved Training Endurance\n• Improved Strength\n4. Astravar 2.0\nAstravar 2.0 consists of Astragin, Rhodiola rosea, BioPerine and red beet extract. Astragin is a plant-based ingredient - it’s actually taken from Panax ginseng and Astragalus, two well-known herbs. Research indicates that Astragin can increase nutrient absorption.\nRhodiola rosea originates in the higher latitudes of the mountains of the Northern hemisphere. Research shows that Rhodiola rosea can promote training endurance.\nBioPerine is a standardized extract that comes from Piper nigrum L, or black pepper. BioPerine can enhance nutrient absorption.\nAstravar 2.0 Benefits Include:\n• Increases Nitric Oxide by Both the NO2 and NO3 Pathways\n• Increased Nutrient Absorption\n• Improved Training Endurance\nGet Top Secret and Get Serious About Your Results!\nServing Size: 1 Scoop (6 Grams)\nServings Per Container: 55\nAmount Per Serving\nCalcium (As Calcium Silicate) - 40mg 4%\nCreatine Synergistic Blend - 4,200mg\nCreapure® (Creatine Monohydrate), Creatine MagnaPower, Creatine, AAB 2:1\nStrength And Power Booster - 1,580mg\nBetaine HCL, Beet Root Extract (Beta Vulgaris)(Root) (High Nitrates), Cinnulin PF® (Cinnamomum Burmannii) (Bark)(Water Extract), Rhodiola Rosea (Root) Extract (Std. 3% Rosavins), Astravar 2.0™ ((Beet Root Extract (Beta Vulgaris)(Root)(High Nitrates), AstraGin™ (Panax Notoginseng Root Ext, Astragalus Root Ext.)), Rhodiola Rosea (Root) Extract, BioPerine® Proprietary (Piper Nigrum) Extract\nMix 1 scoop in 8 ounces (236-295mL) cold water or the beverage of your choice.\nDiscuss use with your physician before taking this product if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Must be 18 or older to use this product. Keep away from children.\n* No claims found on this web page or in print have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.\nNo claim or opinion about weight loss, bodybuilding or general health on this web page is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. Please consult with a\nhealthcare professional before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In this work the microstructure analysis of composite from ZrO2 – Ti system were presented. For the preparation of the composite samples nanometric ZrO2 powder stabilized by 3 mol% of Y2O3 and micrometric titanium powder were used. The composites with 10 vol.% addition of titanium particles were prepared by slip casting method. The sintering process was conducted at 1450°C with 2 hours’ dwell time, in the inert atmosphere of argon. The microstructure observations were carried out with the use of SEM and STEM microscopes. The quantitative analysis and stereological characterization were performed. The SEM and STEM observations allowed characterizing the microstructure of composite samples. Especially, the interface between titanium particles and zirconia matrix was described. The growth of the zirconia grains around the Ti rich areas was observed. The increase of the zirconia grains size results from the reaction on the interface between titanium particle and zirconia matrix during the sintering process.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "It can be incredibly challenging to make sense of the advice, marketing and commentary on collagen. I find my patients are often left confused concerning their initial steps into collagen supplementation. Albeit daunting, there are a few fundamentals, which can help narrow your approach and ensure you are responding adequately and effectively to your skin's needs.\nCollagen as an oral supplement\nFirst and foremost, a popular measure is oral consumption or ingestion of collagen through animal products such as bone broth and gelatine. Collagen being a formative component to the connective tissues found in animals means that invariably, products derived from animals are naturally high in this protein.\nA key caveat here is that there’s less evidence to suggest that oral consumption can ostensibly ‘restock’ your collagen stores, particularly when it comes to skin. A more measured and proven approach would be to stimulate your body’s natural production with specific physical, topical and oral practices that can non-invasively induce collagen production.\nStudies suggest there is some benefit to having daily animal derived collagen supplements, but more for other aspects of health (gut and joints for example) than purely for skin. Nonetheless, I encourage looking for organic, grass fed options where possible (for bovine derived products) and investigating the source of fish derived products to ensure minimal exposure to heavy metal toxins (which can be a contaminant in some fish derived collagen supplements). Making your own bone broth from a grass fed source is probably the best form of supplementation. After that, there is good evidence for liposomal vitamin C supplements, as Vitamin C is a precursor for collagen production.\nInvesting in quality skin care products with Vitamin C and Vitamin A will also serve as an effective and proactive first step in your journey towards collagen stimulation, as vitamin C in particular is one of the key precursors for collagen production in the body, both orally and topically. Both vitamins C and A play a very important role in the healing and preservation of connective tissue, encouraging the natural production of collagen in the skin.\nThere is extensive evidence for the use of both vitamin C and vitamin A in topical skincare products to enhance collagen production in the skin.\nCollagen stimulating skincare\nWhen creating the SkinW1 product range, I chose to work with a patented complex of key active ingredients Methylglucoside phosphate and Copper Lysinate/Prolinate, which I had used extensively in clinic for many years, with great results. However I couldn’t find suitable retail products with a high enough percentage of actives to recreate my in-clinic results. The SkinW1 products were born out of a desire to make these ingredients, and my approach, more accessible to everyone.\nThe active ingredients I have focused on in the Skin W1® product range work to induce the synthesis of key proteins in the dermis involved in the maintenance of collagen type I, collagen type III, tropoelastin and elastin. As we age, our skin's structure to support this collagen deteriorates. My products work to stimulate the protein synthesis with energy provided from the aforementioned key active ingredients. Working together on a molecular level, the Skin W1® range is a great foundation for supporting your collagen production and overall skin health.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This paper reports a digital micro-mirror device (DMD)-enabled real-time multi-channel biosensing system based on angular interrogation surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In the experiments, angular scanning is achieved by a DMD that facilitates SPR measurements using a single-point photodetector. In the four-channel measurement setup, real-time monitoring of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and anti-BSA binding interactions is performed at various concentration levels. The experimental results have verified that the system has a resolution of 3.54 × 10−6 RIU (refractive index unit); and a detection limit of 9 ng/mL. The new DMD-based SPR interrogation system presents a new design route for practical solid-state SPR biosensing with a user-selectable range of interrogation, enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, and fast data throughput.\n© 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement\nSurface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor has been widely demonstrated as a practical label-free sensing technology for analyte detection and characterization of biomolecular interactions in the past two decades . It utilizes the evanescent field of a special mode of electromagnetic field propagating at a metal/dielectric interface, i.e., surface plasmon, to measure variations in the refractive index of the dielectric in the proximity of the interface. Most biological species have higher refractive index (RI) comparing to that of water. An increase of RI is typically associated with biomolecular binding as it results in the formation of an ultra-thin organic layer on the metal film . This phenomenon has led to wide applications of SPR in various fields of health and biological sciences, e.g., environmental monitoring , clinical diagnostics , food safety screening , drug discovery , and measurement of optical constants .\nThe quest for better detection performance has resulted in the development of numerous SPR sensor platforms. The schemes of optical excitation of surface plasmons include attenuated total reflection (prism coupling) , diffraction on periodic metallic gratings (grating coupling) and nanoparticle-enhanced localized SPR . The modulation approaches used in SPR sensors are based on wavelength , angle and phase [13–15] interrogation. However, no matter which SPR configuration is used, measurements are basically performed by measuring intensities of light; therefore the performance of SPR sensors are predominantly limited by photon statistics .\nExisting SPR solutions utilize an array detector such as CCD to record the intensity data . This imaging array is similar to that used in a scientific camera. However, the use of array detectors presents a significant challenge. They are either quite expensive or typically of less than optimal performance in terms of signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, rate of response and issues related to inter-pixel cross-talks. In some cases, dead pixels and pixel-to-pixel non-uniformity will further prohibit the possibility of achieving ultimate sensing performance close to the theoretical limit.\nIt has been predicted that future improvement of SPR sensors will depend mostly on the development of optical detectors with a higher S/N ratio and faster data throughput. The ultimate detection noise is limited by the statistical fluctuations corresponding to the number of detected photons, which suggests that higher photon flux levels are always desired. This objective can only be achieved by using a detector that has large size, wide dynamic range and the capacity of taking temporal average of intensity measurements . Such attributes suggest that single-point photodetectors may be a better light detecting device in future SPR sensors. It has been shown that with a photodiode array detector, the maximum S/N ratio is about 14 times higher than that of the CCD . Single-point photodetector has been used in angular interrogation SPR system to measure SPR response in different angles [19,20]. However, the angular scanning was achieved by mechanical rotation of a laser source or prism coupling system, which is slow, mechanically unstable, and prone to hysteresis.\nTo realize a high performance SPR system, we have developed a digital micro-mirror device (DMD)-enabled angular interrogation-based SPR sensor configuration using a single-point photodetector. A DMD is a high-speed 2-D light modulation device (max. pattern rate: 32.5 kHz) containing several millions of micromirrors. The unique capability of DMD enables a high-speed, scanless, and programmable SPR sensor design that uses a single-point detector with high S/N ratio, wide dynamic range, and fast response, thereby achieving high-resolution SPR measurements with substantially reduced cost.\nAll chemicals used in SPR biosensing are purchased from Sigma Aldrich. To generate a monolayer with carboxyl termination, 1 mM 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) solution is kept at room temperature to settle overnight. Excess MUA is rinsed with ethanol and followed by deionized water. Freshly prepared 2-(N- Morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid (MES) from mixing equal volume of 400 mM 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and 150 mM N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) is then added and incubated for 10 min at room temperature in order to activate the carboxyl terminal on the chip and form covalent bonding with the amine group of the target molecules. For the biosensing experiments that monitor antigen-antibody interaction, 1 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) is incubated on the chip for 30 min at room temperature. The BSA immobilized on the chip surface is considered as an antigen, while the anti-BSA antibody is added to bind specifically on the BSA. Various concentrations (0.2, 2, 20 µg/mL) of the antibody are injected and incubated for the indicated time at room temperature. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution is then flown into the reaction chamber to remove the excess antibody. 50 mM NaOH, an alkaline that denatures antibody to remove its binding affinity on antigen, is injected and then PBS is added again. SPR signal is recorded at 20-sec intervals.\n2.2 Preparation of the SPR sensor chip\nThe SPR cell is composed of a right-angle prism made of BK7 glass, a SPR gold chip, and a flow chamber device. The gold chip, fabricated by sputtering, has a gold film with a thickness of approximately 50 nm (refractive index matching oil is used to connect the prism and the chip). The flow chamber device is mounted on the chip surface allowing different sample solutions to make contact with the gold film. For the simultaneous multiple sensing experiments, the flow chamber device contains four channels; each channel acts as an independent cell. The width and length of each flow channel is 0.9 mm and 10.0 mm respectively, i.e., the contact area between the fluid and the sensing surface is 9 mm2 in the calculation of mass sensitivity. The distance between adjacent channels is 0.8 mm.\n2.3 Optical configuration\nFigure 1 presents the optical configuration of the SPR system, where a He-Ne laser is used as the light source. The laser beam is expanded by a telescope system and directed to the DMD (1140 × 912 pixels, DLP4500VIS, Texas Instrument). The scanning speed of the DMD device is 4.2 kHz. The selection of individual incident angle for SPR excitement is accomplished by selectively switching the columns of micromirrors on the DMD to the “on” or “off” positions. Accordingly, only light rays with the desired angle are reflected to the SPR cell and further to the detector. The single-point photodetector in the system is OPT101 (Monolithic Photodiode and Single-supply Transimpedance Amplifier, Texas Instruments). The size of the detection area is 2.29 × 2.29 mm2 and the measurement bandwidth is 14 kHz. Adjacent columns of micromirrors are turned on successively to conduct angular scanning; and angular interrogation SPR responses are measured successively by the single-point detector. In this respect, angular interrogation of SPR is realized in the time domain. This architecture, with its programmable operation range enabled by the DMD, offers the advantages of angle selection agility, repeatability, and mechanical stability. Light rays selectively reflected by the DMD are subsequently divided by a polarizing beam-splitter. The s-polarized light is focused onto the point detector D1 through a spherical lens (fL3 = 100 mm) to serve as the reference signal. The p-polarized light passes through a cylindrical lens (fCL1 = 50 mm) to form a convergent beam with an incident angle ranging from 70.2° to 76.2° with respect to the sensor surface. After passing through the SPR cell, the reflected light is collimated by another cylindrical lens (fCL2 = 50 mm) to form a collimated light beam, which is subsequently collected by a spherical lens (fL4 = 100 mm) before finally entering the point detector D2.\nThe proposed SPR sensor architecture offers the capability to perform simultaneous multi-channel biosensing. To realize this, each column of micromirrors on the DMD may be further divided into multiple regions in the horizontal direction. The SPR excitation in different biosensor cells (arranged in the horizontal direction) within the linear array is achieved by selectively activating different micromirror clusters, i.e., turning rows of micromirrors on the DMD to the “on” or “off” positions to excite only the desired SPR cell. The reflected light rays from different SPR channels are focused onto the same point and measured by the single-point detector. This ensures that all sensing elements are addressed sequentially at high speed.\n2.4 System control and data analysis\nAn Arduino board is used to control the SPR system. The output trigger signal of the DMD is utilized for synchronizing the two detectors (D1 and D2) with the pattern sequence. During the period of a single DMD frame, the Arduino board reads ten data points (in voltage) from the detector D1 and D2 in the reference arm and the probe arm respectively. We average the 10 data points from each arm as the final output. Then, the voltage outputs are converted into the radiant powers. The ratio of the power in the probe arm to that in the reference arm is calculated as the final response signal of the SPR system, i.e., power ratio. The collected data are analyzed using a custom-developed software in MATLAB. This process is repeated until all the patterns are displayed successively. Depending on the need, a pattern defined by a rectangle of arbitrary size can be uploaded to the DMD. For real-time multi-channel sensing experiments, the pattern exposure time of the DMD is set to 10 ms, during which the Arduino board reads 10 voltage data points from each detector and calculates the power ratio for the current pattern, or equivalently, the incident angle that it represents. There are 45 angular points in total. Therefore, each complete angular scan for one channel can be completed in 450 ms, which means that for 4 channels the total measurement time is 1.8 s. The total required time for performing the measurement is approximately 20 seconds. This time resolution is currently limited by the data acquisition and transmission speed of the Arduino board, which can be further improved by using a more powerful microcontroller board.\n3. Results and discussion\n3.1 Characterization of the SPR system\nFor an angular interrogation SPR system, an SPR response curve indicates the reflected intensity of light versus the incident angle, which can be derived from the three-layer Fresnel equation . The angle yielding the minimum light intensity on the SPR curve is denoted as the resonance angle (RA). Accordingly, we define that the sensor sensitivity (S) as the RA shift () caused by a small refractive index change (), which can be mathematically expressed in Eq. (1):\nSensor resolution (R) is defined as the lowest detection limit that the SPR sensor can resolve. This parameter is affected by the measurement uncertainty standard deviation (S.D.), which is described in Eq. (2):\nTo estimate the performance of the SPR system, experiments are performed to measure the RA shift with refractive index variation caused by dissolving glycerol in water. Glycerol-water mixtures with various solute concentrations, i.e., 0% (water), 0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8% in weight ratio are injected into the prism coupling system as samples. The corresponding refractive indexes range from 1.3330 to 1.3424 RIU. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the SPR curves are fitted by 3rd-order polynomials [22,23] to the theoretical Fresnel equation , which provides a close fit with an optimal sensitivity . The minimum values of the fitting curves are then determined as RAs. Within the most sensitive region of the SPR response plot, we find a RA shift of 0.0735° for the refractive index change from 1.3330 to 1.3331 RIU (from water to 0.0625% solution), as shown in Fig. 2(b). The fluctuation of the measurement is estimated by monitoring the S.D. of 10 data points collected from a sample containing 8% of glycerol. The monitoring period is 10 min with each data point collected in every minute. The best experimental S.D. is found to be 0.0026°. Taking this as the minimum angular measurement that the system can resolve, the estimated sensor resolution is 3.54 × 10−6 RIU.\nFor the multi-channel sensing experiments, water is injected to all channels and RAs are recorded as the baseline. Experimental data, i.e., the 15 lowest data points, are fitted by 3rd-order polynomials. Then glycerol-water mixtures with various solute concentrations, i.e., 1%, 2%, 4% and 8% in weight ratio are injected into channel 1, 2, 3, 4 as samples. RAs are recorded and presented in Table 1. The slightly different responses among different channels for the same solution are attributed to the thickness variation of the gold film across the different sensing surfaces. Relative shifts of RAs are plotted in Fig. 3; the results confirm the sensor array’s capability for simultaneously detecting multiple analytes.\nTo demonstrate multi-channel scanning capability of the DMD-enabled SPR system, a sensor head containing four channels is used to independently monitor BSA antigen-antibody binding at different concentration levels. The experimental results are presented in Fig. 4. Channel 1 is set as the negative control with distilled water flowing inside the chamber during the entire immobilization of BSA. In step 1, surface activation with MES is performed in Channel 2 - 4, where a sharp increase in SPR signal is observed (Fig. 4). The increase in SPR signal is due to a large refractive index difference between the MES and distilled water. Afterwards, the BSA is injected into Channel 4, where in Fig. 4 a corresponding gradual increase of SPR signal can be observed. In step 5, Channel 2 is not blocked with excess MES-activated group, thereby leaving the possibility of downstream covalent protein conjugation. In step 8, the SPR signal of Channel 4 is increased quickly within the first few minutes when the anti-BSA is added, indicating rapid binding of the anti-BSA antibody on the coated BSA surface by molecular binding affinity. The response curves saturate in around 15 min, suggesting that the binding has reached equilibrium. In step 9, the injection of the PBS solution, removing all unbound anti-BSA antibody, reveals that the true SPR signal change is solely due to the antigen-antibody interaction, rather than the sum of antigen-antibody interaction plus reflective index difference in anti-BSA antibody solution. The small change in SPR signal in Channel 1 - 3 suggests that there is non-specific adsorption of anti-BSA antibody on the chip surface. To prepare the SPR sensing surface for reuse, SPR signal is recorded during and after NaOH circulation. In step 9, the signal returns to the original value in Channel 1, 3 and 4, suggesting the adsorbed and bound anti-BSA antibody are dissociated from the BSA-coated surface (The final signal in Channel 4 is slightly higher than the original value; this is due to the fact that the adsorbed and bound anti-BSA antibody are not fully dissociated from the BSA-coated surface during the NaOH circulation), while the signal remains unchanged in Channel 2, suggesting the anti-BSA antibody is covalently bound on the unblocked MES-activated SPR surface and the anti-BSA antibody in Channel 2 cannot be dissociated simply by the reduction of binding affinity with a pH change.\nAs a demonstration, we apply our SPR system to measure quantitative real-time antigen-antibody interaction in four channels simultaneously. Concentration-dependent SPR responses obtained from the four channels are presented in Fig. 5. After surface functionalization by the BSA antigen, samples of anti-BSA antibody at various concentration levels (0, 0.2, 2, 20 µg/mL) are injected into the different channels, as shown in Fig. 5(a); and Fig. 5(b) is the summary of the net change in SPR signal of anti-BSA antibody addition in Fig. 5(a).\nThe measured SPR angular shift of 0.2 μg/mL (or 200 ng/mL) is 0.0456 as shown in Fig. 5(b). On the other hand, the steady baseline of PBS injection shows an S.D. of 0.002. The detection limit of the anti-BSA antibody detection is calculated according to the established equation: Detection Limit = Concentration of Biomolecule / Sensor Response Measurement Stability. Therefore, it is 200 ng/mL / 0.0456 × 0.002 = 9 ng/mL, which is similar to other SPR systems for bio-sensing on BSA antigen-antibody binding [24,25]. Since each flow channel in our device has a volume of 0.0108 mL, the corresponding system mass sensitivity is calculated to be (9 ng/mL 0.0108 mL) / 9 mm2 = 10.8 pg/mm2. The mass sensitivity ranges from 0.5 to 10 pg/mm2 in other reported SPR systems with a similar RIU of 10−6, where lower mass sensitivity (0.5 pg/mm2) is indeed achieved by pre-coating biomolecules in a 3-D dextran matrix (CM5 chip) instead of monolayer format reported here [26,27]. To illustrate the repeatability of the sensing system, the anti-BSA antibody and NaOH are injected into the system for measurement; and the experiments are repeated three times. The results are presented in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6, one may observe that the system is highly repeatable, where measured curves in all three experiments have similar rising and decreasing traits. For the analysis of reproducibility, coefficient of variation (CV) is introduced. CV is the analysis of the intermediate precision of a single system over multiple detections, and measure variability of CV percentage (CV%) < 5% is considered as an accurate detection . CV% is calculated as (Standard Deviation / Mean) 100 = (0.008/0.473) 100 = 1.7%, which supports high reproducibility in our biosensing measurement.\nIn summary, we have developed a DMD-enabled real-time multi-channel biosensor system based on angular interrogation of the Kretchmann configuration. Notably, the system employs a single-point detector that simultaneously optimizes the system S/N ratio, provides a wide dynamic range and fast response. The experimental results have confirmed that the system has a resolution of 3.54 × 10−6 RIU; and a detection limit of 9 ng/mL, calculated based on real-time monitoring of BSA/anti-BSA binding interactions at various concentration levels using a four channel biosensor array. 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[PubMed]", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Protein Azurin\nLong, Hanna LK\nThe role and properties of electron-rich tyrosine in the proton-coupled electron transport (PCET) pathway has been extensively studied, specifically relating to ribonucleotide reductase. Tryptophan is another electron-rich amino acid that can be derivatized into unnatural amino acids (UAAs) to further explore the mechanism of PCET. The purpose of this study is to computationally study the properties of tryptophan and its derivatives, modeled as simplified indole rings, to rationalize key experimental findings. Calculations were performed using density functional theory (DFT) to provide information on structure, energetics, and properties in a reliable, efficient manner. Ionization potentials of the halogenated and hydroxylated indole rings were studied with and without a solvent environment to understand certain features of the experimentally derived Pourbaix (potential vs. pH) diagram. Spin density distributions of the radical cations were examined regarding their relationship to the signature fine structure in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the fluorinated derivatives of tryptophan. Electrostatic potential maps were calculated to provide a simple yet reliable means of evaluating charge distribution in the neutral and radical species. Results indicate that DFT mimicked the trends found in the Pourbaix diagram and gave insight on the properties of UAAs such as charge stabilization. Ultimately, a computationally-guided synthesis of an UAA, with its properties explicitly known, into the bacterial protein azurin could provide further insight into the PCET pathway.\nLong, Hanna LK. (April 2021). The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Protein Azurin (Honors Thesis, East Carolina University). Retrieved from the Scholarship. (http://hdl.handle.net/10342/9015.)\nLong, Hanna LK. The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Protein Azurin. Honors Thesis. East Carolina University, April 2021. The Scholarship. http://hdl.handle.net/10342/9015. September 26, 2023.\nLong, Hanna LK, “The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Protein Azurin” (Honors Thesis., East Carolina University, April 2021).\nLong, Hanna LK. The Role of Tryptophan and Its Derivatives in Elucidating A PCET Mechanism in the Model Protein Azurin [Honors Thesis]. Greenville, NC: East Carolina University; April 2021.\nEast Carolina University", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Soil remediation: a potential way of turning lignin waste to wealth\nWith the rapid economic development and industrialization, an increasing amount of agricultural and urban soils has been polluted in recent years. Among various kinds of pollutants, metal pollutions have paid much more attention. Unlike organic pollutants, metals are highly dangerous because of their toxicity and non-biodegradability by soil organisms. Such metals could exist in the soil for many years, become accumulated through the food chain, and consequently pose considerable threat to human health. Moreover, metal toxicity in soil depends not only on the total amount but also on the mobility in soil. The bioavailability of metal contaminates gradually decreases from the exchangeable form to the residual form. Undoubtedly, the exchangeable form is the most dangerous.\nNumerous techniques have been developed and applied to treat metal-polluted soils, such as the physical isolation method, soil washing, biological techniques, and stabilization/solidification method. Among such approaches, in situ solidification/stabilization has attracted great attention because of its easy operation, high efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The final stabilization performance of the targeted contaminated soils largely depends on the selected immobilization agents. Various kinds of materials have been used as immobilizing agents including lime, phosphate materials, zeolite, bentonite, sepiolite, Fe/Mn oxides, and organic matters.\nBioorganic wastes have constantly attracted researchers’ attention as potential high-performance immobilization agents for soil remediation. Although these organic materials would decompose after a long period of stabilization and holds certain remobilization risks, they could decrease toxic metal bioavailability and induce metal retention in soils by adsorption and facile formation of stable complexes with metals. Such effect could also improve soil quality by providing nutrients to plants. Among numerous organic materials, lignin (Ln) is the main byproduct of the paper industry and the precursor of humic substances; Ln contains abundant oxygen-containing groups, including carboxyl, lactonic, and phenolic hydroxyl groups, thereby easily chelating and immobilizing many metals. Given its unique chemical composition and richness in nature, Ln holds a significant potential as an effective soil stabilizer.\nIn our study, Ln was employed to treat actual lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) polluted soils collected near the mining areas of Nanjing, China. For comparison, two other organic materials, namely, carboxymethyl cellulose and sodium alginate, were adopted. Both materials are polysaccharides containing abundant carboxyl groups. Among the three organic stabilizers, Ln was the most efficient in remediating the Pb- and Cd-contaminated soils with higher stabilization and better duration. These results were ascribed to Ln’s distinct three-dimensional molecular structure and various oxygen-containing functional groups for obtaining the efficient chelating and immobilization effects, which have been further confirmed from the metal adsorptions in aqueous solutions. The possible remediation mechanism was simply presented in Figure 1. Moreover, Ln demonstrated greater preferential immobilization of Pb over Cd than did the other two stabilizers in soils, which may be due to the variation in affinity of the different oxygen-containing functional groups on the natural polymers toward different metals.\nIn brief, the natural polymers, especially Ln, hold good application potentials in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils. However, although stabilization is an effective way to reduce the toxicity of heavy metals, it could not decrease the total concentration of heavy metals. Moreover, the long-term stability of the immobilized heavy metals needs to be further monitored. More detailed investigation about Ln as a soil stabilizer is thus very necessary before its practical applications\nXue Tao, Aimin Li, Hu Yang\nState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse,\nSchool of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, P. R. China\nImmobilization of metals in contaminated soils using natural polymer-based stabilizers.\nTao X, Li A, Yang H\nEnviron Pollut. 2017 Mar\n|Waste to wealth: hydrothermal liquefaction of… Hydrothermal liquefaction has been widely applied to obtain bioenergy and high -value chemicals from biomass in the presence of a solvent at moderate to high temperature (200 °C to 550…|\n|Heavy metal resistant–plant growth promoting… In the present era, pollution of water, soil and air with heavy metals is increasing rapidly. Industrialization and technological advancement have caused serious damage to the ecosystem by releasing large…|\n|Urbanization facilitates migration of the human… By 2050, more than half of the global human population is expected to live in urban areas. As these urban areas rapidly grow, they replace some of our most pristine…|\n|Providing the evidence necessary to make informed… The last 40 years of ‘environmental revolution’ in Europe and beyond has helped to establish comprehensive frameworks built around preventing pollution and risk-based management. After various lessons learnt, several countries,…|\n|AI Can’t Save Us From This Pandemic - But It Can… Much has been said about artificial intelligence (AI) and its vast potential to revolutionize life as we know it. But if we were to pinpoint a specific field that has…|\n|Stevensite: an efficient clay to retain tetracycline… The tetracycline family of antibiotics are widely used for human therapy and animal feed. However, tetracycline (TC) is considered a contaminant of emerging concern in the environment due to its…|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "While periodic shutdowns due to electric blackouts, athletic events, and governmental decrees against air travel have allowed us to ascertain the effect of certain activities on air pollution, the shutdown due to COVID is the first economy-wide loss of activity. Carbon dioxide emissions were down about 7% during most of 2020. In many cities emissions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were reduced by even larger percentages, especially with the loss of vehicular and air traffic. In cities, NO2 fell by 23-37%.\nDuring the day, NO2 and VOCs are widely recognized to enhance the formation of ozone (O3) as an air pollutant. O3 is known as a secondary pollutant because direct human emissions are relatively minor. Broad-scale comparisons of ozone concentrations in the atmosphere before and after the arrival of COVID show reductions of about 7% during economic lockdowns. Lower emissions of the precursors to ozone formation, resulted in less ozone in the lower atmosphere—the troposphere.\nBut, in cities themselves, the situation was different. Around the world, concentrations of ozone in urban areas increased during the shutdown, despite lower emissions of some of its precursor compounds.\nOzone chemistry is complex. During the night, NO2 forms NO in the atmosphere, and when O3 concentrations are high NO can act to scrub it (aka titration) from the atmosphere. Thus, a loss of NO2 in urban areas reduced O3 formation, but also, and apparently to a greater extent, reduced the destruction of O3 by NO. So, ozone concentrations in cities were above average by as much as 20%, even though the average concentration in the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere was down 7%.\nWorldwide ozone in the air is estimated to kill about one million people each year. Higher ozone concentrations in cities, where most people live, is likely to have exacerbated the respiratory difficulties of people suffering from COVID, and thus increased mortality. Meanwhile, lower concentrations of NO2 and fine particulate matter may have alleviated the stress on some respiratory patients.\nWe may never know the relative role of air pollution versus infection with COVID on mortality rates, but these observations show that our health and the health of the environment are deeply interrelated. You can’t expect to have healthy people in a dirty environment.\nBray, C.D., A. Nahas, W.H. Battye, and V.P. Aneja. 2021. Impact of lockdown during the COVID-19 outbreak on multi-scale air quality. Atmospheric Environment doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118386\nBriz-Redon, A., C. Belenguer-Sapina, and A. Serrano-Aroca. 2021. Changes in air pollution during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain: A multicity study. Journal of Environmental Sciences 101: 16-26.\nCampbell, P.C. et al. 2021. Impacts of the COVID-19 economic shutdown on ozone pollution in the U.S. Atmospheric Environment doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118713\nFan, H., et al. 2021. The role of primary emission and transboundary transport in the air quality changes during and after the COVID-19 lockdown in China. Geophysical Research Letters doi: 10.1029/2020GL091065\nLiu, F., M.C. Wang, and M.N. Zheng. 2021. Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on global air quality and health. Science of the Total Environment doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142533\nSteinbrecht, W., et al. 2021. COVID-19 crisis reduces free tropospheric ozone across the Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters doi: 10.1029/2020GL091987\nWang, Q and S.Y. Li. 2021. Nonlinear impact of COVID-19 on air pollutions—evidence from Wuhan, New York, Milan, Madrid, Bandra, London, Tokyo and Mexico City. Sustainable Cities and Society doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102629", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Red spot (figure-3) differ from hot spot in that it is visible at night. While a hot spot is just a warning, a red spot always demands some kind of action from the kiln operator. Figure-2: Hot spot with a temperature of 570°C Figure-3: Red spot with 830°C temperature 3: What is the maximum red spot temperature on the rotary kiln shell force\nHot spot is isolated area on the rotary kiln shell with abnormally high temperature. It is quickly detected by a shell scanner or with a portable infra-red pyrometer. It can’t be seen during the day, and can hardly be seen at night (figure-2).\nThe rotary kiln is a red kiln. At this time, it can be observed by infrared scanning temperature curve and its position can be accurately determined, and the concrete level of the red kiln still needs to be observed and implemented on the spot.\n3. Kiln alignment conditions: Misaligned kilns induce localized stresses along the kiln length. If the red spot coincides with an area of stress concentration, the shell sometimes elongates or twists beyond recovery. 4. Whether the red spot is exposed or under roof: If the kiln shell is directly exposed to the elements and a heavy rainstorm .\n2.If the red spot is less than 1 m2 and located in the burning zone with the surrounding kiln shell not being extremely hot, try to build up coating in the affected area by shifting the reaction zones up and down within the kiln. (burner adjustment and kiln speed variation).Promote coating formation in affected area by placing cooling fans to cool the kiln shell\nDesign features of rotary cement kilns. The shell of the kiln is made of mild steel plate. Mild steel is the only viable material for the purpose, but presents the problem that the maximum temperature of the feed inside the kiln is over 1400°C, while the gas temperatures reach 1900°C.\nThe rotary kiln systems of the cement industry destroy these trace components virtually completely. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) PAHs (according to EPA 610) in the exhaust gas of rotary kilns usually appear at a distribution dominated by naphthalene, which accounts for a share of more than 90% by mass. The rotary .\n9 Rotary Kiln Processes: With the arrival of rotary kilns, cement manufacturing processes became sharply defined according to the form in which the materials are fed to the kiln. materials were either ground with addition of water, to form a slurry containing typically 30-45% water, or they were ground dry, to form a powder or \"raw meal\".\ntemperature differe nces of the kiln cir cumference provok ed b y a unilateral crusting or red spot ca used . . The rotary cement kiln forms a major part of any cement works. The kiln is a large .\nA The Red Spot is located in upper transition Continue normal operation of the kiln. Start cooling this spot with fans Shorten the flame to bring the black feed area under the burner nearer or over the red spot to try to form a new coating inside the area empty from bricks. Red Spot On The Kiln Shell Action To Be Taken In Case Of: zone or in .\nthe Kiln Introduction The corrosion of the shell in the rotary kiln of cement plants can be a very serious problem. In some cases, the damage is so severe that an entire section of the kiln needs to be replaced. The total maintenance cost and production loss can be in the hundreds of thousands of US dollars.\nModeling coal combustion in a rotary cement kiln. January 1999; Authors: . There are no spots of. . and th e red to the combusti on of fixed carbon.\nGeneral layout of a direct fired countercurrent rotary kiln used in cement manufacture Rotary kiln body, with drive gear and 2 tyres (riding rings) A rotary kiln is a pyroprocessing device used to raise materials to a high temperature ( calcination ) in a continuous process.\nMechanical maintenance-of-cement-rotary-kiln 1. i A PROJECT REPORT ON STUDY ON MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE OF CEMENT ROTARY KILN Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree Of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Submitted By R.VIJAYA KUMAR 11J45A0306 Under the Guidance of A.RAVEENDRA Professor MALLA REDDY ENGINEERING COLLEGE (Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru .", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "AIM: The aims of this study were to improve the algorithms for calculating a transcutaneous bilirubin index (TcB), to follow the bilirubin concentrations during phototherapy and to evaluate possible changes in skin optical parameters such as pigmentation and erythema during phototherapy.\nMETHOD: Reflectance measurements were performed on 51 jaundiced newborns, of which 10 were subjected to phototherapy. The measurements were collected with a diode array spectrophotometer with an integrating sphere accessory, and a TcB was calculated from the measured spectra using algorithms based on diffusion theory. The newborns’ birthweights were > or = 2000 g and their gestational age was > or = 35.5 wk. They had no substantial illnesses, and no newborns were submitted to the study until their second day. Heel prick blood samples were analysed for total serum bilirubin (Sbr) by the diazo reaction method. Phototherapy equipment was either an overhead lamp or lightbed.\nRESULTS: Measurements from the forehead gave the best correlation between TcB and Sbr (r = 0.81, p < 0.05). However, during phototherapy no significant correlation between TcB and Sbr was observed. A correlation (r = 0.45, p < 0.05) was found between phototherapy and melanin index obtained from the patients’ back.\nCONCLUSIONS: Reflectance spectroscopy is useful in assessing bilirubin concentrations before phototherapy, and can also reveal changes in skin parameters such as pigmentation occurring as a result of phototherapy.\nIn vivo reflectance spectroscopy of jaundiced newborn skin reveals more than a bilirubin index.\nRandeberg LL, Roll EB, Nilsen LT, Christensen T, Svaasand LO.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This is the third post in the math/science part of my \"Gen Eds in a Nutshell\" series. It's a series of ten subjects you might study in a general education or \"liberal arts\" core at a university or college. I've already done the subject of philosophy, and I'm half way through the world history subject on Wednesdays. I'm combining the last two into one series on Fridays.\nThus far in the math/science subjects:\n1. Way back in the 400s BC, a Greek named Democritus suggested that everything we see around us, all matter, might consist of certain fundamental, uncuttable units, a certain number of core units from which everything is made. He called them \"atoms,\" meaning uncuttable. He even suggested there might be \"soul atoms,\" which made things live.\nThe idea wasn't fully picked up again until the 1800s with John Dalton (1766-1844). Newton had suggested that light was made up of particles, and the century after him generally had begun to think of the world consisting of particles. But it was Dalton who saw that these particles combined in a way that showed all of matter consisted of a certain fixed number of fundamental units. We call these fundamental units, \"elements.\"\nEverything around us that is matter--gases, liquids, solids--all are made up of less than a hundred distinct elements. If we took the whole world and somehow boiled it all down and put its fundamental components into baskets, we would find that there is a finite number of building blocks of everything around us.\n2. So all of matter--stuff--breaks down into 90 basic elements that occur in nature. These are 90 basic types of \"atom\" that combine in various ways to form \"molecules\" and compounds. Then those molecules get mixed in various ways to form everything we see around us that is a gas, a liquid, or a solid.\nAs an example, two of the most basic elements of the universe are hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). Both of them can bind to form \"molecules\" like hydrogen gas (H2), oxygen gas (O2), water (H2O) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). If you know these compounds, you know they each behave quite differently. Hydrogen gas can be used to fly the Hindenberg, but don't let any sparks come near it. Oxygen is necessary for us to breathe, but it is also what keeps fires burning. Water is a liquid we need to survive. Add a second oxygen per molecule and you have something that helps clean a wound.\n3. The initial idea of an atom was that it was the smallest building block of matter, an indestructible unit. However, in the late 1800s, experimenters began to wonder if there was a level of reality even smaller than the atom. Did the atom itself have parts--or \"particles\"--inside them, if you would?\nFor example, Ernest Rutherford discovered in 1909 that when you bombard gold foil with something called alpha rays , most of them went through but occasionally one would bounce backward. From this observation he concluded that the center of an atom was more dense than the rest of it. He called this center of an atom the \"nucleus,\" and inferred that most of the rest of the atom was empty space.\nTwelve years earlier, in 1897, J. J. Thompson had also figured out that \"cathode rays\" were smaller components inside an atom and that they had an electrical charge. They would come to be called electrons. With the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford, Niels Bohr would suggest in 1913 that the much smaller electrons orbit the nucleus like planets around the sun.\n4. Over the next few decades, a more precise sense of the atom would unfold. There are three fundamental particles in the atom: electrons, protons, and neutrons. Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus. Electrons pertain to the space beyond the nucleus. The electron has a negative charge, the proton a positive charge. The neutron is neutral and has no charge.\nThe electrical charge in general holds the negatively charged electrons to the positively charged nucleus. Opposite charges attract, like charges repel.\nThen why don't the positive charges in the nucleus cause the nucleus to fly apart? It would be the 1970s before the current theory came together. Protons hold together because of a force, the \"strong nuclear force,\" one of the four basic forces of the universe, the strongest of them all. But it only works on a very, very small scale. \nAs the \"standard model\" of particles continued to develop, physicists would conclude that protons and neutrons themselves were made up of smaller particles called \"quarks\" (three a piece). The strong nuclear force that holds protons and neutrons together also holds these quarks together to form protons and neutrons.\n5. At the same time that particle physics was developing--even faster in fact--a sense of the nature of electrons was also developing. Late in the year 1900, Max Planck would give birth to modern physics with his proposal that energy existed in discrete passages or \"quanta\" of energy. It was a revolutionary suggestion and Planck himself probably did not realize the full implications.\nSo electrons could only occupy specific energy states around the nucleus. To complicate matters, Louis de Broglie was able to solve certain problems by suggesting that electrons were both waves and particles. Werner Heisenberg discovered an uncertainty principle. You couldn't know both a particle's location and its momentum. In a sense, it didn't even have a specific location until you tried to measure it.\nSo an electron is really more like a certain probability field around the nucleus. That is to say, an electron is not really in just one place at a time. In a sense, it is more or less in a zone. If you try to locate it, you make it take on a location, and there is a greater likelihood that it will be in some places more than others. It probably will not be in a different galaxy, although there is a very very small possibility.\nThe first two electrons of an atom are most likely found in a spherical zone close to the nucleus (the 1s orbital). In keeping with the next energy states that are possible, it is as if there is assigned seating area for each additional electron an atom might have. After the first spherical zone is a second one for two more electrons (the 2s orbital). Then there are three perpendicular zones for the next six electrons (the 2p orbital).\nThe zones for additional electrons are now well known, that is, the fields they occupy. \n6. Quantum physics implied a dramatic shift from the physics that Isaac Newton developed in the 1600s. Up till the twentieth century, scientists assumed that everything in the universe was determined. That is to say, many believed that if we had all the data and knew all the laws of nature, we could determine everything that would happen for the rest of history.\nQuantum physics suggested that you simply couldn't predict what nature would do, at least not on its smallest scale. Richard Feynman often used the so called double slit experiment to explain the crazy quantum world. If you fire a series of photons randomly at a screen through two slits, they will eventually form a pattern on the screen known as an interference pattern. This is a pattern typical of a wave.\nBut if you put a detector by each slit, to see which one each particle is going through, the interference pattern goes away. Now you have two collections of dots from the photons, as if the photons are particles. So you cannot predict where any one photon will go, although you can predict the interference pattern if you don't connect the detector. And if you connect the detector, the act of measurement eliminates the wave like property of the photon.\nNow the atomic world is not determined. It is unpredictable on its most fundamental level.\n7. This seems like an appropriate place to mention the atomic bomb, dropped on Japan in 1945. One of the discoveries of the early twentieth century was that the same element can have more than one form. The same element can have different numbers of neutrons in its nucleus. We call these different \"isotopes\" of an element.\nTo back up a little, it is the number of protons that identifies an atom as a certain element. If an atom has one proton in its nucleus, it is hydrogen. If it has two, it is helium. If an atom has 8 protons in its nucleus, then the element is oxygen.\nBut the same atom can vary in the number of neutrons--or even electrons--it has. So with regard to electrons, sodium can lose an electron and take on a positive charge. Or chlorine can gain an electron and take on a negative charge.\nIt is differing numbers of neutrons that make different \"isotopes\" of an element. For example, most hydrogen does not have any neutrons in its nucleus. But there is a rare isotope of hydrogen with one neutron (deuterium) and there is an even rarer isotope with two (tritium).\n\"Radioactive\" isotopes are forms of an atom that tend to deteriorate into other elements. For example, uranium has an \"atomic number\" of 92. That means it is an element with 92 protons in its nucleus. However, it has more than one isotope. Uranium 238 is relatively stable. It has 238 particles in its nucleus (its atomic weight). So a little subtraction suggests that this isotope has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.\nThere is, however, another isotope called Uranium 235. It has 143 neutrons and is unstable. If you shoot a neutron at it and hit the nucleus just right, it begins a reaction that ends with uranium breaking apart into Krypton and Barium. The atomic bomb took less than a kilogram of Ur 235 and created a nuclear chain reaction, releasing the immense amount of energy that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.\n8. A standard model for particle physics reached its mature form in the 70s and 80s. There are six types of quark. There are six smaller particles called leptons that include the electron and a small particle called a neutrino. There are four bosons that are the mediators of the fundamental forces: gluons mediate the strong force, photons the electromagnetic force, the W and Z mediate the weak force. In 2013, the Higgs boson was also tentatively confirmed, which is thought to give matter its mass.\n9. It is not agreed what may underlie these smallest of particles, if anything. String theory suggests that all these particles and forces can be explained by way of fundamental strings that vibrate in certain ways. However, not all agree and there is no experimental confirmation of string theory. A competing theory is loop quantum gravity, which functions on the assumption that space itself has a smallest size, the Planck unit.\nNext Week: The Periodic Table\n Now we know that alpha rays are two protons and two neutrons, basically the nucleus of a helium atom.\n The electromagnetic force is a second. Then the \"weak\" nuclear force works in something called beta decay. Finally, there is gravitation.\n 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p6, 6s2, 4f14, 5d10, 6p6...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A new series of isoxazole derivatives, disk-diffusion assay and IC50 cytotoxicity determination. induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in peritoneal macrophages in rats with adjuvant arthritis . Our earlier synthetic and biological studies showed that [9, 10]. Based on the intriguing biological activities of both . Two murine neoplasms, colon 38 and L1210 leukemia along with one normal cell type (bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor) were utilized. In a typical assay, 30 g of each compound (15 L of 2 mg/mL in DMSO) was soaked up on a 6.6 mm filter disk (Baxter). After air flow drying inside a laminar hood, the disk was placed near the edge of a 60 Ridaforolimus mm Petri dish comprising founded tumor cells inside a matrix of 0.3% Noble agar (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) with appropriate medium. After 7 to 10 days (per our standard protocol) of incubation, a zone of inhibition was measured; the diameter of the disk was arbitrarily taken as 200 devices and an inhibition zone of 1 1,000 devices was defined as total killing. If a compound showed a zone of > 300, the compound was considered active and was then examined against mouse L1210 leukemia cell lines for solid tumor selectivity relative to leukemia. If the difference in zone between solid tumor and the leukemia cells was 250, the compound was defined as a hit (suitable solid tumor selectivity) and was further examined for potential myelotoxicity using normal mouse bone marrow cells as the source of hematopoietic progenitor cells (CFU-GM assay). For CFU-GM assay, an additional 10% L-cell conditioned medium was added to culture medium as the source of growth factors for the progenitor cells . A significant difference in zones between solid tumor cells and normal CFU-GM ( Ridaforolimus 250) was defined as a potentially favorable restorative index (i.e. high percentage of effectiveness/toxicity). 2.6 IC50 Dedication The IC50 assay was carried out against mouse colon 38 cells and CT-26 colon carcinoma cells. Tumor cells were cultivated in 5 mL of appropriate culture medium at c-COT a starting concentration of 5104 cells per Ridaforolimus T25 flask. On day time 3, Ridaforolimus cells were exposed to increasing doses of the test compounds (0 C 100 g/mL). Flasks were incubated for an additional 120 hr (5 days) inside a 5% CO2 incubator at 37 C (per our standard protocol) and the cells were harvested by trypsinization, washed once with HBSS, and re-suspended in an HBSS-trypan blue remedy. Both total and viable cells were counted using a hemocytometer. The results were normalized to an untreated control. The IC50 value for viable cells was identified using Prism 4.0. 2.7 European Blot Analysis After treatment with different concentration of compound 3 for 24 hr, colon 38, and Caco2 cells were collected and lysed in lysis buffer (20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 100 mM NaCl, 1% Nonidet P-40, 0.1% SDS, 1% deoxycholic acid, 10% glycerol, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM EGTA, 1 mM NaVO3, 50 mM NaF, and cocktail protease inhibitors). Soluble proteins were acquired by centrifugation at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4 C and protein concentration was measured using a BCA protein assay kit. Equal amounts of cell lysate were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide electrophoresis on Novex tris-glycine pre-cast gels (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and separated proteins were then electrotransferred to PVDF membranes [14, 15]. After incubation with main antibodies against phospho-STAT3, phospho-Akt, Akt or actin over night at 4 C followed by related secondary antibodies, proteins were visualized using SuperSignal Western Pico chemiluminescence substrate system (Pierce, Rockford, IL). The band intensity was analyzed using Scion image software (Scion Corp., Frederick, MD). 2.8 Flow Cytometric Analysis Phosphatidylserine within the plasma membranes of colon 38 cells was stained with.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "C-Burning of gasoline in the air is not a physical property. It is a chemical change.\nWork Step by Step\nTo observe this property, the composition of the substance would have to change; therefore, it is not a physical property. Physical properties refer to the characteristics of matter that can be measured without altering its composition. Matter is described and observed based on physical properties. Some of the physical properties include melting point, boiling point, and color. Burning gasoline in the air is not a physical property. It is a chemical process of combustion. During the process, gasoline, a hydrocarbon, combines with oxygen from the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide and water vapor. Heat and light energy are also produced during the process. The boiling of liquid nitrogen at -196 is a physical property/process involving the change of physical state from liquid to gas. The molecular structure of nitrogen does not change. In both the liquid and gaseous states, nitrogen exists as a diatomic molecular gas/N2 The melting of gold at 1064 °C is a physical property. When gold melts, its molecular structure does not change. No new substance is formed. Only the intermolecular forces become weaker, and the intermolecular spaces are larger in the liquid state. Dissolving sugar in water is a physical property. When sugar dissolves in water, the individual sugar molecules are separated, but the covalent bonds holding the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms remain intact. It is also simple to reverse the dissolution of sugar in water. A copper compound's blue color is a physical property, but its formation is a chemical change. Anhydrous copper (II) Sulphate, which does not contain water, is white. When water is added to anhydrous copper (II) Sulphate, it changes from white to blue. The water molecules are incorporated into the ionic lattice of the copper (II) Sulphate, which ceases being anhydrous copper (II)Sulphate and becomes hydrated copper (II) Sulphate, which is blue. It is a chemical process because of the formation of hydrated copper (II) Sulphate, which is a new substance.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "WHAT IS PROP 65?\nProp 65 (Proposition 65) is legislation enacted in the State of California that requires businesses to inform Californian residents about exposure to chemicals that may cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.\nProp 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about the products they buy and the exposure to these chemicals.\nWHY IS IT ON OUR PROTEIN POWDERS?\nWe are committed to providing you with the highest quality, sustainably sourced vegan friendly protein on the market. As plants are grown from the soil; the soils nutrients, including naturally occurring lead are absorbed in to the plants.\nAs a brand, we sell our Proteins all over the United States, including in California, and it is a requirement from the State of California to inform consumers that Amrita contains naturally occurring lead.\nWithout this warning, we could be subject to substantive lawsuits. From independent 3rd party testing the levels of heavy metals and other minerals required to be disclosed are below the required limits - so it is risk aversion on our behalf so that we can continue to create our amazing protein and content to nourish your mind, body and spirit. We disclose it so that you are aware and able to make an informed decision.\nWHAT TYPES OF CHEMICALS ARE ON THE PROP 65 LIST WHICH ARE IN AMRITA PRODUCTS?\nNaturally occurring low level traces of lead are found in plants - the protein source used in Amrita Plant Protein.\nHOW COULD IT EFFECT ME?\nThe purpose of Proposition 65 is to notify consumers that they are being exposed to chemicals that are known to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity and therefore can decide for themselves if they want use the product. A Proposition 65 warning does not necessarily mean a product is in violation of any product-safety standards or requirements; merely that there are elements in the product that may cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.\nIn our Amrita Plant Protein, we only use raw sustainable plant-based ingredients. The lead that is found in our Amrita Protein is naturally occurring in the plants that we use to produce the protein isolate. We don’t add any nasties, including lead or other metals to our Amrita formula.\nIS AMRITA PLANT PROTEIN HARMFUL TO MY HEALTH?\nNo, Amrita Plant Protein is not harmful to your health as it does not contain lead in excess of safe threshold levels and is within regulatory thresholds.\nIt is required by Californian law to provide a “clear and reasonable” warning on Amrita products to notify consumers to make informed choices about what they choose to purchase.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "MAGNESIUM Diasporal a clinically trialled high strength magnesium. Studies show magnesium Diasporal has excellent absorption into the plasma and cells to rapidly improve the body magnesium levels, with proven intracellular bioavailability.\nThe drink powder contains 400mg of magnesium per sachet.\n- Ingredients: Magnesium citrate, sweetener xylitol, acidity regulator: potassium hydrogen carbonate, orange flavourings, sweetener steviol glycosides, colours: beetroot red and riboflavin.\nThis product is hypoallergenic / does not contain any of the 14 major allergens listed in Annex II (1169/2011) of the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation.\n- Quantity: 30\n- Weight/Volume (grammes/ml): 165\n- Directions: Dissolve contents of 1 sachet in a glass of water (150ml). Take once a day.\n- Additional Warnings: Excessive consumption may cause laxative effects.\n- Accredited ISO 9001\n- Certified Gmp\n- Certified Organic", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Savannah Hancock is a Senior Neuroscience major at Baylor University. She comes from The Woodlands, Texas. She joined the team mid January of 2015. She plans on attending medical school after her graduation from Baylor University in May of 2017.\n1. Neumann, E. K.; Hancock, S.; Solouki, T. “Utilizing Optical Spectroscopy for Detection of Recombinant Streptolysin O” 2015 Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2015, Waco, TX.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The biological aging of Ti\nPhotofunctionalization– Problem–solving technology\nWhat is the biological aging of titanium\nIt is natural time-dependent degradation of osseointegration capability of titanium. Titanium surfaces, regardless of those for experimental or commercial use, are chemically contaminated with hydrocarbon and other organic molecules that inevitably accumulated in a time-dependent manner. In other words, titanium surfaces degrade chemically as they age, which compromises their osseointegration capability; this process is defined as the biological aging of titanium. As much as 50% or more of titanium surfaces are covered by carbon within 4-12 weeks after the surface is prepared. Another important phenomenon relevant to the biological aging of titanium is that highly hydrophilic nature of newly prepared titanium surfaces disappears in correlation with the age of titanium and is converted to hydrophobic after a certain time point. This is the reason titanium surfaces we usually see are hydrophobic after unwelcome, sufficient aging.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Your shopping cart is empty!\nNatural bioidentical progesterone in an organic cream base with a\nminimum of additives. 10mg of US..\nNatural bioidentical progesterone in an organic cream base with a minimum of additives. 50mg of USP ..\nGet 3 - pay for 2! Alleviates vaginal dryness. Natural bioidentical estriol in an organic crea..\n5-HTP is a metabolite of tryptophan and precursor of serotonin and melatonin. Tryptophan—>5-HTP—&..\nA groundbreaking daily regimen for women who want to embrace the wisdom of menopause while alleviati..\nBenefits energy production, heart and lung function, carbohydrate metabolism, and kidney function.*M..\nThe crucial advantage attributable to Thorne's Quercetin\nPhytosome is its advanced phytosome techn..\nPopularly known as the body's natural tranquilizer, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhi..", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Growing crystals solubility and entropy\nThe thermodynamics of solubility equilibrium entropy and the tendency toward minimum spend a lot of time waiting for the solution to cool before crystals form. The solubility of sugar in water is higher for hot water than for cold water you can stir in more sugar in the water if it is hotter if you dissolve the maximum amount of sugar in hot water, some of the sugar will come out of solution when the water cools off the sugar will then form crystals on.\nEntropy only perfect crystals at absolute zero (t = 0 k) will have zero entropy: solubility of ionic substances trends in lattice enthalpies. Disorder — a cracked crutch for supporting entropy when orderly crystals it is one of the minority of solutes that decrease in solubility. A classroom set of two six-sided dice per student (one red and one white) provides an interactive activity that helps students to understand the nature of entropy. Protein crystal growth under high pressure this method is the most popular one for the solubility of crystals of small and the partial molar entropy of.\nThe uptake of a by growing crystals 239 eisevier up 00822 modification of acetaminophen crystals: component on the actual entropy of the crystals. How to make salt crystals try not to have the string touch the side of the jar this can make smaller, lumpier crystals grow against the side 9. T/f: perfect crystals at 0 k have 0 entropy true this is the 3rd law of thermodynamics the solubility of hydroxides increases dow nthe group.\nSolvated behavior and crystal growth tension and surface entropy morphs and solvates were examined in relation with the solubility in each crystal. Do you want to learn how to grow crystals growing crystals is a fun and educational science project you learn about solubility and how molecules interact and stack together, plus you get a beautiful souvenir to keep for your efforts. Entropy can cause chemical reactions a chemical reaction is a change that takes place when more than one chemical have a reaction and undergo. Potassium nitrate | kno3 | cid 24434 the solubility of a substance is the amount of that substance that will dissolve in a given amount or fast cell growth.\nCrystallization is the nucleation and crystal growth the entropy decrease due to the ordering of molecules within the system is overcompensated by the.\n- Table 11 typical values for the heat and entropy of transformation is useful to derive solubility curves from limited 8 1 phase diagrams for crystal growth.\n- Crystal growth is a dynamic process forces of crystallization, as the solubility of a species is during crystallization, the entropy of the.\n- Crystal growth: theory and the free energy of a system is related to the internal energy and the entropy of surface of a growing crystal in the supersaturated.\nThe whole crystal growth process can be conveniently schematic solubility curve for depending on whether crystallization is enthalpy- or entropy. Improving the solubility and bioavailability of apixaban via apixaban–oxalic acid crystal growth & design 2016 16 can entropy control cocrystal formation. Chemistry science fair project to find the best temperature for growing borax crystals crazy crystal creations: how to grow the water has a solubility. Crystals - a handbook for school teachers elizabeth a wood, 1972 written for the commission on crystallographic teaching of the when two crystals grow.Get file", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is CUREgel?\nIf you've ever had a print that stayed sticky no matter how long you post-cured it, then you've already met the pesky oxygen inhibition layer. The oxygen inhibition layer is is a thin layer of resin that does not completely cure due to the presence of oxygen.\nCUREgel is an oxygen barrier gel specially formulated by Wicked Engineering, LLC to eliminate this problem.\nCUREgel is available now in limited quantities!\nCUREgel is an oxygen barrier gel, designed to drastically improve cure quality by removing oxygen from the surface of the model, thereby eliminating the sticky and stubborn oxygen inhibition layer. CUREgel also serves to gather and redistribute stray energy, directing it onto the model and into fine details that would otherwise be shadowed. CUREgel is inert and water soluble so is safe to use and rinses off easily in water. Just spread it on the model and leave it on during the curing cycle. Rinse it off after. It's that simple. It's not magic, but it will sure seem like it.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The new explosion within the use of analytical chemistry, fairly within the organic sciences, has ended in a necessity for speedy, trustworthy and hugely delicate instruments capable of deal with small pattern sizes. This booklet illustrates how microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip units can fulfill the starting to be desire for miniaturized and more suitable research. They lend themselves good to mass spectrometric detection as they use samples within the low microlitre variety and are dealt with on a chip. Miniaturization and Mass Spectrometry makes a speciality of one specific method, mass spectrometry, whose recognition has elevated dramatically within the final twenty years with the rise in use of organic research and the advance of 2 \"soft\" ionization concepts, ESI and MALDI. those permit the research of enormous yet fragile organic molecules akin to DNA, proteins and oligosaccharides. The ebook begins with an creation to the coupling of microfluidics to mass spectrometry suggestions. It then is going on show the benefits of this sort of coupling: the MS research merits from more desirable pattern instruction while played on a chip whereas MS yields additional information at the pattern dealt with at the chip in comparison to traditional optical detection. A historical past at the advancements during this box, ranging from the off-chip coupling to the on-chip ionization, can also be supplied. Daniel Figeys, a pioneer within the improvement of microfluidic platforms for MS research, describes the early beginnings of this hyphenated research procedure. ideas to couple microfluidic structures to the 2 most well liked ionization tools, ESI and MALDI, are provided in the course of the chapters. a variety of examples are given of the applying of this microfluidics-MS hyphenated research strategy to proteomics, metabolomics, natural chemistry and forensics. insurance isn't really restricted to educational examine. the improvement of commercialized structures and their present use for regimen organic research also are awarded. finally, a destiny imaginative and prescient of the combination of the mass spectrometer at the chip is raised, as a final step to yield absolutely transportable platforms for on-site research.\nBy John R. Dean\nThe e-book offers an up to date account of inductively coupled plasmas and their use in atomic emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. particular purposes of using those techniques are highlighted together with functions in environmental, meals and business research. It is written in a distance studying / open studying type; appropriate for self learn purposes. It contains include self-assessment and dialogue questions, labored examples and case experiences that let the reader to check their realizing of the provided fabric.\nChemistry within the final century used to be characterised by way of superb progress and advances, motivated by way of innovative theories and experimental breakthroughs. but, regardless of this swift improvement, the heritage of this medical self-discipline has accomplished just recently the prestige essential to comprehend the consequences of chemistry at the clinical and technological\ntradition of the fashionable world.\nThis e-book addresses the bridging of obstacles among chemistry and the opposite \"classical\" disciplines of technological know-how, physics and biology in addition to the connections of chemistry to\narithmetic and technology.\nChemical learn is represented as an interconnected patchwork of medical specialties, and this can be proven by way of a mix of case reviews and broader overviews at the background of natural chemistry, theoretical chemistry, nuclear- and cosmochemistry, stable nation chemistry, and biotechnology. All of those fields have been on the middle of the improvement of 20th century chemistry, and the authors conceal the most important subject matters equivalent to the emergence of latest subdisciplines and\nlearn fields, the science-technology courting, and nationwide kinds of clinical work.\nThis monograph represents a special treasure trove for basic historians and historians of technology, whereas additionally beautiful to\nthese drawn to the theoretical historical past and improvement of recent chemistry.\nWritten for college kids starting a proper learn of chemistry, this quantity encompasses many alternative themes in and ways to introductory chemistry. Chapters are dedicated to themes equivalent to the atom, components and the periodic desk, bonding, equilibrium and kinetics, strategies, acids and bases, and chemical reactions. numerous chapters speak about wide components of chemistry together with natural chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, and commercial chemistry. Illustrations and diagrams support the scholar comprehend chemical buildings and reactions, and various tables current a wealth of reference information.\nThe historic advancements of chemical innovations are traced, and biographical info is equipped on key participants answerable for the improvement of contemporary chemistry. Appendices comprise an intensive bibliography, a word list of over four hundred chemical phrases, an outline of Nobel laureates in chemistry, and a component reference desk. This booklet could be of use not just to scholars, but in addition to a person looking an summary of the sector. lecturers of all grades can use fundamentals of Chemistry as a realistic normal reference.\nBy Joachim Schummer\nRenowned institutions with chemistry variety from poisons, risks, chemical war and environmental toxins to alchemical pseudoscience, sorcery and mad scientists, which gravely have an effect on the general public picture of technological know-how quite often. whereas chemists have purely complained approximately their public photograph, social and cultural reviews of technological know-how have mostly refrained from whatever with regards to chemistry. This ebook offers, for the 1st time, an in-depth figuring out of the cultural and old contexts during which the general public photo of chemistry has emerged. It argues that this photo has been formed via habitual and unfortunate interactions among chemists in popularizing their self-discipline and nonchemists in expressing their expectancies and fears of technological know-how. Written by means of best students from the arts, social sciences and chemistry in North the US, Europe and Australia, this quantity explores a blind spot within the technology society dating and demands a optimistic conversation among scientists and their public.\nTough try out Questions?\nFortunately for you, there is Schaum's Outlines. greater than forty million scholars have relied on Schaum's to assist them reach the study room and on assessments. Schaum's is the main to quicker studying and better grades in each topic. every one define provides the entire crucial direction info in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic layout. you furthermore mght get enormous quantities of examples, solved difficulties, and perform routines to check your talents.\nThis Schaum's define offers you\n- Practice issues of complete reasons that strengthen wisdom\n- Coverage of the main updated advancements on your direction box\n- In-depth assessment of practices and functions\nFully appropriate together with your lecture room textual content, Schaum's highlights all of the very important evidence you want to understand. Use Schaum's to shorten your examine time-and get your most sensible attempt scores!\nSchaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.\nBy J. Keller\nWithin the first century after its discovery, the electron has come to be a primary aspect within the research of actual features of nature.\nThis booklet is dedicated to the development of a deductive concept of the electron, ranging from first ideas and utilizing an easy mathematical instrument, geometric research. Its function is to provide a entire concept of the electron to the purpose the place a connection should be made with the most ways to the examine of the electron in physics.\nThe creation describes the method. bankruptcy 2 provides the thought of space-time-action relativity idea and in bankruptcy three the mathematical buildings describing motion are analyzed. Chapters four, five, and six take care of the idea of the electron in a sequence of points the place the geometrical research is extra appropriate. eventually in bankruptcy 7 the shape of geometrical research utilized in the ebook is gifted to elucidate the wide diversity of subject matters that are coated and the variety of mathematical buildings that are implicitly or explicitly incorporated.\nThe e-book is directed to 2 varied audiences of graduate scholars and learn scientists: essentially to theoretical physicists within the box of electron physics in addition to these within the extra basic box of quantum mechanics, common particle physics, and normal relativity; secondly, to mathematicians within the box of geometric research.\nBy Ralph A. Burns\nThis sincerely written, well-illustrated, flexible e-book presents thorough insurance of chemistry with a stability of challenge fixing talents, real-world functions and an emphasis on serious considering and the method of technological know-how. A helping topic through the booklet always emphasizes that chemistry is far and wide. Chemistry is far and wide. subject and effort. primary Measurements. components, Atoms, and the Periodic desk. Atomic constitution. Names, formulation, and makes use of of Inorganic Compounds. Periodic houses of components. Chemical Bonds. Gases. drinks and Solids. options. Acids and Bases. Oxidation and relief. basics of Nuclear Chemistry. natural Chemistry. Biochemistry. For execs within the overall healthiness sciences wanting a \"refresher\" in chemistry.\nMay possibly it's magic...? Chemical experiments aren't basically crucial for educating chemistry, additionally they fascinate the viewers. This e-book is a superb resource of concept for each 'magic express' and school room demonstration. In a really playful demeanour, the experiments defined right here open up the manifold, vibrant, and infrequently ear-splitting global of chemistry. starting from strange (but precious) homes of topic to the representation of the greenhouse impact, this masterful chemist's 'cookbook' is very compatible for getting ready demonstrations in entrance of bigger audiences. construction a bridge among technological know-how and the humanities, each test is brought through inspiring citations from prose and poetry, which makes studying and experimenting both enjoyable.\n'The notable success of Herbert Roesky's and Klaus Möckel's ebook is the linkage it achieves among the realm of the human spirit, expressed in literature and historic continuity, and the artwork of chemical demonstration. One expects Goethe to maneuver freely within the pages of 'Chemical Couriosities', yet Whitman, Nietzsche, Thomas Mann, Salvador Dali, Montaigne and the Prophet Jeremiah! ... The chemical and literary strands of this booklet are so ably intertwined.' Roald Hoffmann\nIncorporation of specific elements with really good houses permits one to tailor the top product's homes. for example, the sensitivity, burning habit, thermal or mechanical houses or balance of lively fabrics will be affected or even controllably diversified via incorporation of such materials. This ebook examines particle applied sciences as utilized to vigorous fabrics similar to propellants and explosives, therefore filling a void within the literature in this subject.\nFollowing an advent overlaying normal positive aspects of lively fabrics, the 1st element of this ebook describes equipment of producing particulate lively fabrics, together with measurement relief, crystallization, atomization, particle formation utilizing supercritical fluids and microencapsulation, agglomeration phenomena, certain concerns in blending explosive debris and the construction of nanoparticles. the second one part discusses the characterization of particulate fabrics. options and strategies equivalent to particle measurement research, morphology elucidation and the choice of chemical and thermal homes are offered. The wettability of powders and rheological habit of suspensions and solids also are thought of. in addition, equipment of opting for the functionality of specific vigorous fabrics are described.\neach one bankruptcy offers with basics and alertness probabilities of many of the equipment provided, with specific emphasis on concerns acceptable to particulate full of life fabrics. The publication is therefore both suitable for chemists, physicists, fabric scientists, chemical and mechanical engineers and someone or engaged in particle processing and characterization technologies.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ifosfamide (also marketed as Ifex) is a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent used in\nthe treatment of cancer. It is sometimes abbreviated as \"IFO\". It is on the WHO ...\n(eye-FOSS-fa-mide). Trade names: Ifex®. Chemocare.com uses generic names\nin all descriptions of drugs. Ifex is the trade name for Ifosfamide. In some cases ...\nFeb 9, 2015 ... Read about the cancer treatment drug ifosfamide, otherwise known as Mitoxana,\nincluding what it is, how it works, and possible side effects.\nMar 15, 2013 ... Ifosfamide can cause a severe decrease in the number of blood cells in your\nbone marrow. This may cause certain symptoms and may ...\nIfosfamide is a chemotherapeutic agent chemically related to the nitrogen\nmustards and a synthetic analog of cyclophosphamide. It is active as an\nLearn about the prescription medication Ifex (Ifosfamide), drug uses, dosage,\nside effects, drug interactions, warnings, reviews and patient labeling.\nIfosfamide injection should be administered intravenously at a dose of 1.2 grams\nper m2 per day for. 5 consecutive days. Treatment is repeated every 3 weeks or ...\nBesides doxorubicin, ifosfamide is the only drug that also consistently shows\nactivity against advanced soft tissue sarcoma with similar outcomes [7, 9–14].\nBackground. Ifosfamide (IF) is a widely used antitumor prodrug. It is in the\noxazaphosphorine class of alkylating agents, and it is effective against solid\nMedscape - Indication-specific dosing for Ifex (ifosfamide), frequency-based\nadverse effects, comprehensive interactions, contraindications, pregnancy ...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cast elastomers are tough, elastic materials with high load bearing capacity and resistance to wear, abrasion, chemicals, and low temperatures. They are produced using isocyanate prepolymer and polyol blends containing fillers, processing additives, catalysts, and other modifiers. The most widely used elastomer for the processing of cast elastomers is polyurethane.\nBased on type, the global cast elastomers market has been segmented into hot cast and cold cast elastomers. The hot cast elastomers segment is projected to lead the market during the forecast period owing to its superior chemical and abrasion resistance, high load bearing capability, and resistance to oil, solvents, cuts, hydrolysis, tear, and fatigue. Liners, wheels and tires, rollers, mining screens, conveyor belts, engineering parts, inline skate wheels, and golf balls, among others, are the major applications of hot cast elastomers. Market growth is driven by the increasing demand for hot cast elastomers in industrial applications.\n- Huntsman International LLC (US)\n- Covestro AG (Germany)\n- BASF SE (Germany)\n- Era Polymers Pty Ltd (Australia)\n- Chemline Inc. (US)\n- Lanxess (Germany)\n- COPCI SAS (Germany)\n- Tosoh Corporation (Japan)\n- Mitsui Chemicals Inc. (Japan)\n- Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd (China)\n- Synthesia Group (Spain)\n- Accella Corporation (US)\nGet Sample PDF of this Research@https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6373\nThe global cast elastomers market has been segmented on the basis of type, application, and region.\nBy type, the global cast elastomers market has been categorized as hot cast and cold cast elastomers.\nBased on application, the global cast elastomers market has been divided into automotive, industrial, mining, oil & gas, sports & leisure, agricultural, and others.\nThe global cast elastomers market has been studied with respect to five key regions—Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.\nThe global cast elastomers market has been segmented into five key regions—Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2017, Asia-Pacific accounted for the largest share of the global cast elastomers market due to the large-scale consumption in the steel and automotive industries. The expanding population and rapid industrialization are expected to be the key factors powering product demand in this region.\nThe US is projected to be the leading market for cast elastomers in North America owing to a large number of automotive production plants and the growing use of the product in mining equipment.\nThe increased product demand in the manufacturing of automotive parts and industrial components such as industrial bearings and bushings, belt scrapers, roller coating, and casing components is expected to drive the growth of the European market.\nThe markets in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are expected to exhibit substantial growth due to the significant growth of end-use industries such as oil & gas and mining.\n- Cast elastomer manufacturers\n- Traders and distributors of cast elastomer-based products\n- Research and development institutes\n- Potential investors\n- Raw material suppliers\n- Nationalized laboratories\nBrowse Full Report Details@https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/cast-elastomers-market-6373\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\n1 Executive Summary\n2 Scope Of The Report\n2.1 Market Definition\n2.2 Scope Of The Study\n2.2.1 Research Objectives\n2.2.2 Assumptions & Limitations\n2.3 Market Structure\n3 Market Research Methodology\n3.1 Research Process\n3.2 Secondary Research\n3.3 Primary Research\n3.4 Forecast Model\n4 Market Landscape\nCompany Name: Market Research Future\nContact Person: Abhishek Sawant\nEmail: Send Email\nPhone: +1 646 845 9312\nAddress:Market Research Future Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Biofuels have certainly affected peoples everyday life. For instance, even though biofuels have increased food prices, expanded biofuel production will keep food prices higher in the future. This could be a problem on the poor because it would make it harder to get food and support their families. Some biofuels could reduce greenhouse gas emissions while replacing fossil fuels, but the effects of climate change depend on where and from what raw materials they are produced from. Certainly Biofuels have pros and cons to our society.\nEthanol and biodiesel currently claim only a small share of global final energy consumption. Biofuel productions have increased in recent years and is expected to continue increasing. We focus on biofuels because of their connection to gasoline and diesel fuels, important players because as liquids, they can be pumped of fuels vehicles and aircraft. The claims that biofuels produce significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions compared with fossil fuels were contested. Concerns were also raised over the competition that biofuels pose to food production.\nEthan and biodiesel contribute to a net reduction of the greenhouse gas CO2. The fossil fuels are not carbon neutral, that is, the CO2 produced by their combustion is not offset by some natural process such as photosynthesis. Biodiesel has several inherent advantages over ethanol. Biodiesel bless well with existing diesel fuel and can be distributed via the same infrastructure. Like ethanol and because it contains oxygen, it burns more cleanly than diesel fuel releasing lower amounts of particulate matter. The sustainability of ethanol production is far more difficult to asses. Ethanol originates from several feedstocks, including corn, cane sugar, and sorghum. I would use biodiesel in a car because it is better for the engine and it makes the gas milage better. Biodiesel or biofuel are better for our ecosystem because it lowers the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Certainly, biofuel and biodiesel are going to become a major necessity for our future\nThe production of biodiesel has grown dramatically in recent years. Biodiesel is unique among transportation fuels in that it can be produced economically in small batches by individual consumers. Although biodiesel is made primarily from vegetable oils, animal fats work equally we’ll. Even though biodiesel could be synthesized from olive oil or butter, both are too expensive to use as a starting material. Instead, biodiesel is made from soy, rapeseed, or palm oil. It can also be produced from waste cooking oil, such as that used for french fries. Biodiesel is blended with petroleum-based diesel fuel, just like ethanol’s blended with gasoline. For example, B20 is 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel fuel. Blends up to 20% are fully compatible with any diesel engine, including those in medium- and heavy weight trucks. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils (palm oil, soybean oil) and animal fat. The difference between Biofuels and Biodiesel is that Biofuels are made from components other than petroleum derived products such as human and animal wastes, landfill gases, agricultural, and industrial wastes. On the other hand Biodiesel is made from vegetable oil and animal fat.\nBiofuels are a generic term for a renewable fuel derived from a biological source, such as trees, grasses, animals wastes, or agricultural crops. Like fossil fuels, all biofuels release CO2 when burned. However, Biofuels should release a lower net amount of CO2 into the atmosphere than fossil fuels. This is because the plants from which the biofuels originated absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere while they are growing. Whether burned as a fuel or not, these plants would release this same amount of CO2 back into biosphere.\nEnzymes are biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate the chemical reaction. The molecules in the beginning of the process are called substrates and then later the Enzyme converts them into a different molecule. Most all metabolic processes in the cell need Enzymes in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life.\nEthanol is an example of an alcohol, a hydrocarbon substituted with one or more OH groups bonded to its carbons atoms. One difference is that humans can safely consume small amounts of ethanol in wine, beer, and other alcoholic drinks. Most of the Ethanol produced in the United States comes from corn. Even though widely available in many parts of the world, wood is insufficient supply to meet our energy demands. So instead of relying on wood, people all sectors are eyeing liquid fuels like ethanol. Gasoline typically contained 10% of ethanol. Ethanol releases less energy because it contains oxygen. As a fuel, ethanol already is partially oxidized or burned.\nTo understand the role of the catalyst, consider a typical exothermic reaction. In figure 4.20 the potential energy of the reactants (left side) is higher than the potential energy of the products (right side) because it is an exothermic reaction. The green line indicates the energy changes during reaction in the absence of a catalyst. Over all, this reaction gives off energy, but the energy initially increases because some bonds break first. The energy necessary to indicate a chemical reaction is called its activation energy and is indicated by the green arrow. Increasing the temperature often results in increased reactions rates. Increasing temperature isn’t a practical solution. The blue line shows how a catalyst can provide an alternative reaction pathway and thus a lower activation energy. This is the point at which the metal catalyst enters the reaction. The beauty of a catalyst is that it is not consumed and thus only small amounts of it must be used. Green chemists value catalytic reactions not only because small amounts of catalyst are employed, but also because the reaction often can be carried out at lower temperature.\nExothermic is a term applied to any chemical or physical change accompanied by the release of heat. Endothermic is a term applied to any chemical or physical change that absorbs energy A chemical reaction is endothermic when the potential energy of the products is higher than that of the reactants. In 4.13 part b you have to calculate the energy required lift one 1kg book the entire 2 m. Then you want to express this value in kilojoules and the value it to make the final calculation. Lastly to work off one donut it requires about lifting almost 90000 book. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms and or molecules present in a substance. Heat is the kinetic energy that flows from a hotter object to a colder one. There is always heat flowing through the human body.\nDistillation is a separation process in which a solution is heated to its boiling point reforming, and coking. To distill crude oil, first it must have to be pumped into a large vessel. As the temperature in the boiler increases, compounds with lower boiling points begin to vaporize. As the temperature further increases, compounds with higher boiling points vaporize. Once vaporized, all compounds travel up the distillation tower. Compounds are condensed to liquid at different heights in the tower due to a decrease in temperature with height.\nA. denoting or operated by a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure. Dynamite wouldn’t work because it would cause too much damage while fracturing shale hydraulically would do the opposite.\nB. A well consists of about 42 gallons of liquid and the ingredients are gasoline, diesel and home heating oil, jet fuel, heavy fuel oil, liquified refinery gas, and other products.\nC. i do not see where this is in the article\nCoal turned out to be a better energy source than wood because it yielded more heat per gram. Coal provided more than 50% of the nations energy until about 1940. By the 1960s coal was used for generating electricity. In figure 4.6 it displays the history of the US energy consumption. Coal occurs in varying percentage of carbon and a lower percentage of oxygen. Generally the more oxygen a fuel contains, the less energy per gram it releases. Oxygen containing fuels lie lower on the potential energy scale. Although coal is available across the world and remains widely used fuel, it has serious drawbacks. A second drawback is the environmental harm caused by coal mining, Many streams rivers in Appalachia suffer from the effects of decades of mining operations. When coal deposits lie sufficiently close to the surface, mining techniques safer for miners are possible. A third drawback is that coal is a dirty fuel. A forth drawback may ultimately be the most serious, that burning coal produces carbon dioxide. Because of these drawbacks, and give that coal reserves are relatively plentiful in the US, significant research efforts are underway to develop new coal technologies.\n- Explain the energy transformation that cut in a neutrons cradle\nAs you can see from figure 4.5 it shows the motion of the metal balls swinging back and forth. When a ball is lifted it gives potential energy. Then the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. After that the kinetic energy is gradually converted into potential energy as the ball rises and slows. Then the process repeats.\n- Why would a Newtons cradle not keep going forever\nNewtons cradle would not keep going forever because the movement that is going back and forth would soon slow down and come to a stop. You realize the balls started to heat up because heat is transferred to the surrounding atoms and molecules in the air. As a result, when the balls come to a stop, the energy of the universe has been conserved.\n- The calorie was introduced with the metric system in the late 18th century and was defined as the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The joule is a unit of energy equal to 0.239 cal. One joule is approximately equal to the energy required to raise a 1kg book 10cm against the force of gravity.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Chemical modification of vertically aligned graphene standing on SiC microspheres for selective oxidation\nVertically aligned multi-layer graphene standing on SiC microspheres could be chemically modified to prepare nitrogen doped graphene standing on SiC microspheres (NG on SiCm). The unique structure consisted of a nitrogen doped graphene layer (the lateral dimension is ∼200 nm) and a solid SiC core (the diameter is in the range from 0.2 μm to 0.8 μm). Based on XPS analysis, the nitrogen element is controllably doped in the nanostructure of the graphene layer of NG on SiCm. The NG on SiCm is found to be an effective recyclable carbocatalyst for selective oxidation reactions. Owing to the unique nanostructure of the nitrogen doped graphene grown on the inert SiC core, the nanomaterial is not only tough enough to hardly change in chemical modification reactions, but also expected to serve as a predispersed recyclable high performance carbocatalyst.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Dimerization of Paramagnetic Trinuclear Complexes by Coordination Geometry Changes Showing Mixed Valency and Significant Antiferromagnetic Coupling through −Pt···Pt– Bonds\ndatasetposted on 2022-04-05, 15:38 authored by Atsushi Takamori, Kazuhiro Uemura\nParamagnetic trinuclear complexes, trans-[Pt2M(piam)4(NH3)4](ClO4)x (t-M; piam = pivalamidate, M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu, x = 2 or 3), aligned as Pt–M–Pt were successfully synthesized and characterized. The dihedral angles between the Pt and M coordination planes in t-M are approximately parallel, showing straight metal–metal bonds with distances of approximately 2.6 Å. Except for t-Fe, the trinuclear complexes are dimerized with close contact (approximately 3.9 Å) between the end Pt atoms to form Pt–M–Pt···Pt–M–Pt alignments with high-spin M(+2) containing five (t-Mn), three (t-Co), two (t-Ni), and one (t-Cu) unpaired electrons localized on M atoms. Several physical measurements and calculations revealed that the dimerized structures were maintained in MeCN, where cyclic voltammograms for t-M exhibited two-step oxidation and reduction attributed to Pt–M(+2)–Pt···Pt–M(+2)–Pt ↔ Pt–M(+3)–Pt···Pt–M(+2)–Pt ↔ Pt–M(+3)–Pt···Pt–M(+3)–Pt via mixed-valent states. Magnetic susceptibility measurements for t-M showed antiferromagnetic interaction, t-Mn: J = −0.9 cm–1, t-Co: J = −3.5 cm–1, t-Ni: J = −7.3 cm–1, and t-Cu: J = 0.0 cm–1, between the two M centers with distances of 9.0 Å through Pt···Pt bonds.\nRead the peer-reviewed publication\nsignificant antiferromagnetic couplingshowed antiferromagnetic interactionseveral physical measurementsmagnetic susceptibility measurements3 ), alignedparamagnetic trinuclear complexes(< b ><– pt alignmentsform pt –end pt atoms2 <– ptpt –-[ pt− 3approximately 33 cm− 7(+ 2x 0.65 which belong to α-helices and β-strands (Supplementary Table S1). A best model for each residue was selected by the Bayesian information criterion (38-40) after excluding unrealistic model(s) that have S2 > 1 or τe < 0 ns, or R < 0 (39,40). Minimum errors were set to 3 %, 3 %, and 0.03 for 15N R1, 15N R2 and [1H]-15N NOE, respectively. 15N CSA and amide NH bond length were assumed to be −160 ppm and 1.02 Å. Reduced spectral densities J(0), J(ωN), and J(0.89ωH) were mapped assuming that J(ω) is proportional to 1/ω2 at high frequency around ωH (41).\nThe 15N R2 relaxation dispersion data were fitted with the in-house computer program GLOVE (J.C. Lansing, unpublished) using the general equation for two-site exchange that encompasses all conformational exchange time scales (42):\nwhere ψ = kex2 − Δω2, ζ = −2Δωkex(pA − pB), τcp is the delay between 180° pulses in the CPMG pulse train, the pa and pb are populations of the two states A and B, kex is the exchange rate constant (kex =kA→B + kB→A), and Δω is the 15N chemical shift difference between two states.\nTranslational diffusion coefficients were measured at 298K using the PFG-SLED (pulsed field gradient stimulated echo longitudinal encode-decode) NMR method (43). The PFG duration was 6.3 ms and the self-diffusion delay was 80 ms. The PFG strength was varied from 5 % to 90 % in triplicate series of 1D spectra. The integral of peak intensity (I) is related to a relative diffusion coefficient, d, and relative gradient strength, G by I = I(0) exp(-dG2). The diffusion coefficient was calculated relative to the diffusion coefficient of lysozyme (1.08 × 10−6 cm2 s−1) (43).\nThe P101L and H186R mutations are associated with familial prion disease in humans; P101 and H186 are both highly conserved between mammalian species. These mutations occur in very different regions of the protein: P101 is located in the unstructured tail of the PrP 27−30 sequence (modeled in Fig. 1), while H186 is packed into the core of the folded C-terminal domain, between α2, α3 and β2. It appears likely that the reasons why these mutations should favor conversion of PrPC to other forms, including pathogenic forms, might differ. The dominant negative mutations Q167R and Q218K both occur in regions of the protein that are solvent-exposed, in the loop between β2 and α2 for Q167 and towards the end of the α3 helix for Q218. Neither of these residues is highly conserved among mammalian species: Q167 is replaced by Glu in the human sequence while Q218 is replaced by Glu in primate sequences.\nThe chemical shift perturbations caused at pH 5.5 by the P101L, Q167R, and Q218K mutations are small and are strictly localized to the mutation site and immediate neighbor residues (Fig. 2A), consistent with the positions of these mutation sites in solvent-exposed areas of the protein that are low in secondary and tertiary structure (5,6). By contrast, the H186R mutation causes large chemical shift changes for the linker between α1 and β2 (Y156, Q159, Y162), α2 (Q185, T191, G194) and α3 (F197, E206), and minor chemical shift changes around β1. The relative magnitude of these changes is consistent with the position of residue 186 in the middle of α2, and the packing of the side chain into the core of the molecule. Nevertheless, even for H186R, the majority of the chemical shifts were virtually unaffected by the mutations, indicating that the overall structure of mouse PrP was not substantially altered in any of the mutations. Variations in the chemical shift upon changing conditions such as pH (3.5 − 5.5), KCl (0 − 150mM), urea (0 − 1.5M) and temperature (25 − 40°C) showed that structural perturbations were most significant when the pH was changed (Supplementary Fig. S2). Chemical shift differences between mutant and wild type proteins at pH 3.5 (Fig. 2B) showed similar trends as those at pH 5.5 Since the chemical shift differences between mutants and wild type at pH 5.5 and pH 3.5 were similar, we inferred that all of the proteins were affected by acidic pH in similar ways.\nSince acidic pH increases the probability of conversion to the pathogenic form (10-15), we anticipated that the inherited pathogenic PrP mutants might display different structural perturbations from the dominant negative PrP mutant or wild type proteins upon acidification. However, the chemical shift differences between pH 5.5 and pH 3.5 were the same for wild type, P101L, Q167R and Q218K, all of which showed similar and large chemical shift changes for residues from K184 to T198 (Fig. 3). This region encompasses the C-terminal half of α2 and the connecting loop between helices α2 and α3. Among the affected residues, H186, T191, and K193 undergo the largest chemical shifts changes, suggesting that the C-terminal part of α2 plays a dominant role in the structural changes that occur at acidic pH. This region also has the largest chemical shift differences between pH 7.0 and pH 4.5 in human PrP(121−230) (44). In sharp contrast, the H186R mutant shows only small chemical shift differences for helix α2 (Fig. 3), implying that this mutant does not undergo pH dependent structural perturbations. These observations identify histidine 186 as responsible for the pH dependent changes in the NMR spectra of the wild type, P101L, Q167R and Q218K mutant proteins. In addition, wild type and all mutants share significant pH-dependent chemical shift changes for residues 141−143 and 156−160 at the N- and C-termini of the α2 and β2 and residues 205−214 in α3 (Fig. 3), implicating a second titratable group.\nA further decrease of pH to ≈ 2.1 resulted in severe line broadening of all resonances except for the N-terminal unfolded region (data not shown); this behavior was similar to that of the β-oligomer form of human PrP under moderately denaturating conditions (1 M urea, 0.2 M NaCl, 20 mM sodium acetate pH 3.6) (45).\n15N T1, 15N T2, and [1H]-15N NOE data sets were acquired at 298 K in 20mM sodium acetate (pH 5.5 and pH 3.5) (Supplementary Fig. S3). Due to the presence of ≈ 35 unstructured residues at the N-terminus in PrP(89−230), which affects the tumbling of the folded domain, the rotational diffusion tensor could not be derived directly from the structure, but was obtained from fitting the relaxation data sets to the wild type mouse PrP(121−230) structure (PDB id: 1xyx) (26) assuming that the overall structures of wild type and mutant PrPs are not substantially different. Rotational correlation times calculated from the relaxation data were 9.8−11.9 ns, much larger than those expected from the empirical Stokes-Einstein estimation (≈ 8.4 ns) (46), and reflect the influence of the N-terminal unfolded region on the rotational tumbling of the C-terminal folded domain (38). The molecular tumbling of wild type and mutant PrPs is slightly anisotropic (DD ≈ 1.4−1.7) so that axially symmetric diffusion models fit the experimental data much better than an isotropic diffusion model (Supplementary Table S1). In the fitting, the axis of the longest helix α3 coincides with the major principal axis of the rotational diffusion tensor. The dominant effect of α3 on the anisotropy of mouse PrP(89−230) is consistent with previous observations on the Syrian hamster proteins PrP(23−231 and 90−231) (47). Using fitted rotational diffusion tensors, the backbone dynamics of each residue were determined by model free analysis (35-37). Previous attempts at model free analysis of the Syrian hamster PrP (23−231 and 90−231) resulted in invalid order parameters (S2 > 1) for many residues (25,47). The current analysis uses a non-isotropic rotational diffusion tensor (48) and a Bayesian information criterion (39,40) for model selection in conjunction with elimination of unrealistic models, which gives physically meaningful S2 values for all of the fitted residues in wild type and mutants. Notably, a recent model free analysis of a truncated form of the mouse PrP(113−231) using the isotropic rotational diffusion tensor has also resulted in valid S2 values (49).\nThe motions of the N-terminal unfolded residues were analyzed with a local rotational diffusion model since their rotational tumbling should be independent of the C-terminal folded domain of the protein. The S2 values in this region are ≈ 0.4, consistent with the highly flexible nature of the N-terminal terminal region (6). However, for all PrPs, there is a cluster of residues around H95 for which S2 (≈ 0.6−0.8) ranges above the rest of the N-terminal unfolded region (Fig. 4).\nAt pH 5.5 (green bars in Fig. 4), the C-terminal folded region of all the proteins have an S2 larger than 0.85 indicative of restricted backbone motion. However, two broad regions from β1 to α1 (residues ≈ 134−144) and from the C-terminal half of the α2 to the beginning of α3 (residues ≈187−197) have lower S2 values, indicative of backbone flexibility. All of the proteins, both wild type and mutants, share a similar S2 pattern except that a short segment in the H186R mutant following residue 186 (≈ 187−193) shows a sharp decrease in S2 while in the other proteins, the decrease was more gradual (Fig. 4). At pH 3.5 (red bars in Fig. 4), all proteins except H186R showed a substantial decrease in S2 in the same region (residues 187−197) while the rest of the protein was essentially unaffected by a decrease of pH. S2 for the H186R mutant was similar to the values observed for the N-terminal disordered tail. The variations in S2 between pH 5.5 and 3.5 for the wild type PrP are shown in Fig. 5A, B and compared with those for the H186R mutant in Fig. 5C. These observations suggest that residues 187−193 are disordered in the H186R mutant protein even at neutral pH.\nInternal motions on the ns time scale appear in both of the flexible segments (residues ≈ 134−144 and ≈ 187−197) (Fig. 6). The ns internal motions in the first segment propagate toward the N-terminus as far as A116. Reduced spectral densities J(ωN) and J(0.89ωH) could be used without the necessity for the assumptions made in the model free analysis, and provide further evidence for significant flexibility in these regions (Supplementary Fig. S4). The time scales of the internal motions are virtually unaffected by pH except for wild type and P101L. It is intriguing that only the wild type and P101L proteins have extensive ns internal motions throughout helices α1-α3 at pH 5.5 (Fig. 6), even though high S2 values indicate restricted backbone motion on the ps-ns time scale. Many of these ns internal motions disappear at pH 3.5 (Fig. 6). The combination of low amplitudes of ps-ns backbone motion with extensive ns internal motion in the same region has been reported in a number of cases (50). Partial aggregation of the wild type and P101L mutant proteins could in principle be responsible for these apparently anomalous internal motions (51). However, on the basis of translational diffusion measurements, we could exclude this possibility: at the same concentration as the NMR relaxation measurements (0.55 mM), wild type, P101L and Q218K have the same translational diffusion coefficients within experimental error (1.06 ± 0.01, 1.08 ± 0.01, and 1.08 ± 0.02 × 10−6 cm2 s−1, respectively, at 298 K).\nAll wild type and mutant proteins show sharp increases in the R2 relaxation rate near β1 and β2, at G130, V165, and D166 (Supplementary Fig. S3); such an increase is usually interpreted as evidence for conformational exchange on a μs-ms time scale. In order to separate the exchange contribution from R2, exchange-free R2 (R20) was determined from transverse cross correlation (ηxy) rates (52). Our findings show that these sites indeed undergo significant conformational exchange (Fig. 7A). The Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) 15N R2 relaxation dispersion data of G130, V165 and D166 show distinct differences between R2 relaxation rates at 500 and 800 MHz even though each has small R2 dispersion (< 5 s−1) (Fig. 7B). The exchange rate and the populations of the states were estimated from simultaneous fitting of the 15N R2 dispersion data of G130, V165 and D166 using the measured R20 and a two-site exchange model. These residues undergo fast exchange (7000 ± 2000 s−1), where the population of the less favorable conformation is ≈ 0.4%. The fast conformational exchange of G130, V165 and D166 might be related to an intermediate time scale (μs to ms) conformational fluctuation in the loop connecting β2 and α2 (residues 168−174) which is most likely responsible for the severe line broadening of backbone resonances of these residues in wild type and all four mutant PrPs (5,26). The loop between residues 170−175 has been implicated in disease (53,54); overexpression of PrP(170N, 174T) causes spongiform encephalopathy disease in the mouse (55). Interestingly, this loop region of human, cow, mouse, dog, and cat PrP is flexible, whereas that of elk, Syrian hamster and bank vole is rigid (6,26,54,56-58), providing insights into species barriers for prion disease.\nUnlike wild type and other mutants, the H186R mutant has two sets of resonances at residues Y162 and R163 in β2 at pH 5.5, with one set having chemical shifts similar to those of the other mutants and wild type proteins (Supplementary Fig. S1). M128, L129 and G130 in β1 do not exhibit this slow conformational exchange although they have slightly broader resonances than other residues. We attribute these observations to a slow exchange between two conformations (the rate of exchange is too slow to be detected in the 15N longitudinal 2-spin-order exchange (zz-exchange) experiments; data not shown). In the conformation with chemical shifts different from wild type and other mutants Y162 shows significantly more flexibility:([1H]-15N NOEs are 0.19 ± 0.02 and 0.29 ± 0.04 at 500 and 600 MHz, respectively (Fig. S3G) and S2 is 0.34 ± 0.01) than the conformation with chemical shifts similar to wild type and the other mutants: ([1H]-15N NOEs are 0.72 ± 0.09 and 0.61 ± 0.06 at 500 and 600 MHz, respectively and S2 is 0.92 ± 0.01). The H186R mutation appears to destabilize the β2 region, resulting in an equilibrium between ordered and disordered states. Interestingly, the Y162 peak originating from the more rigid conformation disappears at pH 3.5, while the other Y162 peak originating from the more flexible conformation remains (S2 = 0.30 ± 0.01), suggesting that the conformational equilibrium in the β2 region of H186R shifts toward the disordered state at lower pH.\nSince our results indicated that H186 is involved in the destabilization of PrP that occurs as the pH is lowered, the protonation states of H186 were examined at pH 5.5 and 3.5 by 15Nδ1 and 15Nε2 chemical shifts (assignments for the side chain resonances of the 5 histidines are shown in Supplementary Fig. S5). The resonance frequencies of 15Nδ1 and 15Nε2 are at ≈ 168 and ≈ 250 ppm respectively in a neutral imidazole and they both resonate at ≈ 177 ppm when completely protonated (29). Intermediate chemical shift values are indicative of fast exchange between protonated and deprotonated states. Among the five histidines in wild type mouse PrP(89−230), H95, H110, H139 and H176 are exposed on the surface and H186 is partially buried and surrounded by hydrophobic residues (5). The 15Nδ1 and 15Nε2 chemical shifts indicate that H110 and H176 are protonated at pH 5.5; H95, H139 and H186 are partially deprotonated at pH 5.5 but become protonated at pH 3.5 (Supplementary Table S2 and Fig. 8), indicating that the pKas of H95, H139 and H186 imidazole side chain are substantially lower than the typical pKa value (6.6 ± 1); significantly lowered pKa values are frequently observed for histidines located in the interior of proteins (59-61). Theoretical pKa calculations also estimate a consistently low pKa for H186 (62), supporting the notion that the low pKa of H186 is due to its partially buried environment. In addition, the broad lines of the H186 imidazole resonances in the HMQC spectrum at both pH 5.5 and pH 3.5 (Fig. 8) suggest the presence of chemical exchange on a μs-ms time scale.\nIt is surprising that H95 and H139 display pKas as low as H186, despite their apparent surface exposure. There do not appear to be substantial chemical shift differences in the vicinity of these residues upon pH change, in contrast to H186 (Fig. 3). The low pKas of the H95 and H139 imidazoles may be due to dynamic effects such as transient hydrophobic or electrostatic interactions.\nThe initiation and subsequent processes of the conformational changes of prion proteins that will ultimately lead to onset of disease are not well understood. This study with wild type and four mutant PrPs at two pHs suggests that the segment spanning the C-terminal half of the α2 helix to the beginning of α3 (residues ≈187−197) may initiate conformational changes among inherited pathogenic, dominant negative mutants and wild type PrP. Many of the pathogenic mutations causing GSS and familial CJD (H186R, T187R, T187K, T187A, E195K, and E199K; residue numbers as in mouse PrP) are clustered in this region (63). Notably, some individuals carrying the H186R mutation develop neurological dysfunction in childhood (19). At acidic pH, the positive charge introduced by protonation of the partially-buried H186 disrupts the surrounding hydrophobic interactions, resulting in destabilization of the C-terminal half of α2. Low pH has been reported to trigger dramatically increased exposure of hydrophobic residues on the surface of PrP (64), and molecular dynamic simulations of human PrP suggest disruption of the C-terminal half of α2 under mildly acidic conditions (65). In addition, the amino acid sequence of helix α2 (DCVNITIKQHTVTTTTKG) includes many features that are atypical, including a sequence of β-branched side chains TVTTTT (187−192) that is rare in the context of a helical conformation; such stretches are usually found in β-strand and loop conformations (66). Even though we identified a dynamically labile site by applying a pH change, the conformation and dynamics of this site may also be susceptible to changes induced by other factors such as hydrophobic and electrostatic perturbations.\nIn accord with our results, molecular dynamics simulations of the helices from mouse PrP showed that the C-terminal half of α2 (residues 184−194) and parts of α3 (residues 200−204 and 215−223) undergo transitions from α-helical structure to a β and/or random coil state (66). High pressure NMR data also showed that a metastable conformer of PrP existing at ≈ 1% population has disordered α2 and α3 at pH 5.2 and 30°C (67). Further support is provided by a recent in silico screening based on the differential dynamics of this region: a compound was discovered that specifically binds the region from α2 (V189, T192, and K194) to the α2-α3 loop (E196) and inhibits formation of PrPSc (68).\nThe amino acid sequence of the C-terminal half of α2 is well conserved among mammalian PrPs from different species (69), but is divergent for non-mammalian PrPs such as chickens, turtles and frogs in which there are no reports of prion diseases (70). This region may therefore have a role in the cellular function of mammalian PrPs: deletion of the corresponding segment of the prion protein analog Doppel (Dpl) abolishes its neurotoxic effect (71). Dpl has ≈ 25% sequence identity with PrP and causes late-onset ataxia when over-expressed in the absence of cellular PrP (72). Dpl has the same topology as PrP but the C-terminal region of α2 is kinked at the residue that corresponds to T187 in mouse PrP (73); flexibility of this and following residues in Dpl closely matches our results for PrP (73).\nMany of the inherited pathogenic mutations in the human PrP gene are located in residues 177−219 and the majority of them are associated with change of electrostatic charge (D178N, H187R, T188R, T188K, E196K, E200K, D202N, R208H, E211Q, Q217R, and E219K; residue numbers as in human PrP) (1-4). Since the proteins corresponding to many inherited disease-causing PrP mutations are as stable as wild type PrP (74,75), the effect of the pathogenic PrP mutation is unlikely to be related to the thermodynamics of PrP in the native state. In addition, the solution structure of a pathogenic human PrP mutant (E200K) is nearly identical to that of the wild type (76). In line with these observations, comparison of the chemical shift differences and backbone dynamics of wild type, P101L, Q167R, H186R and Q218K mutant of the mouse PrPs in this study shows that none of these mutations leads to major conformational and dynamical changes relative to the wild type. An exception is the H186R mutant PrP that displays inherent, pH-independent flexibility at the C-terminal half of α2, demonstrating the importance of the H186 protonation state and the consequent disruption of nearby hydrophobic interactions for the destabilization of PrP structure at this site. Our data raise the possibility that the pathogenic or dominant negative mutations exert their effects on some non-native intermediate form such as PrP* after conversion of PrPC into PrPSc has been initiated. Depending on the amino acid substitution, rearrangements of hydrophobic groups can be facilitated or inhibited depending on the nature of the charge disturbance.\nWe thank John Chung and Gerard Kroon for assistance with NMR experiments, and Professor Gerald Stubbs for helpful suggestions and a critical reading of the manuscript.\nThis work was supported by grant AG21601 from the National Institutes of Health. SHB was supported by a fellowship from the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD, Basic Research Promotion Fund) (KRF-2006-352-C00036).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Imports of Seven Ethylene Glycol Ethers to Require Advance Notice\nThe Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final rule that, effective Feb. 17, 2015, will impose import restrictions on seven ethylene glycol ethers (also known as glymes) that can cause health effects such as birth defects and blood toxicity. Glymes are a category of chemicals used as industrial solvents and processing aids, and some are also used in consumer products, including as a component of inks, paint, coatings, adhesives, graffiti removers and soldering compounds.\nUnder this rule persons must notify the EPA at least 90 days before commencing the import, manufacture or processing of:\n- monoethylene glycol dimethyl ether (monoglyme) for any use in a consumer product;\n- diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (diglyme) for any use in a consumer product;\n- ethylene glycol diethyl ether (ethylglyme) for any use in a consumer product;\n- diethylene glycol diethyl ether (ethyldiglyme) for any use in a consumer product, except as a component of inks, coatings and adhesives and as a component of paint/graffiti removers;\n- triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (triglyme) for any use in a consumer product, except as a solvent in consumer adhesives, in brake fluid, as a component of consumer paint/graffiti removers, and in consumer paints;\n- diethylene glycol dibutyl ether (butyldiglyme) for any use in a consumer product, except as a component of inks, coatings and adhesives and as a component in soldering compounds; or\n- triethylene glycol dibutyl ether (butyltriglyme) for any use.\nThe EPA has also added monoglyme to its Work Plan for Chemical Assessments and will conduct a risk assessment to determine if further risk reduction actions on this chemical should be taken.\nThe EPA believes that new uses of these seven glymes should not be allowed without an opportunity to review and, if necessary, place restrictions on them, as warranted. However, seven glymes that had been included in the proposed rule have been omitted from the final rule because the EPA does not believe they are sufficiently similar to those listed above and thus do not raise the same potential exposure concerns.\nImporters of the glymes subject to this rule must certify their compliance with the rule’s requirements. Any persons who export or intend to export a chemical subject to this rule are subject to the export notification provisions of 15 USC 2611(b) and must comply with the export notification requirements in 40 CFR part 707, subpart D.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Yoon, Ho-Sung and Kim, Chul-Joo and Chung, Kyung Woo and Jeon, Sanghee and Park, Ilhwan and Yoo, Kyoungkeun and Jha, Manis K (2015) The Effect of Grinding and Roasting Conditions on the Selective Leaching of Nd and Dy from NdFeB Magnet Scraps. Metals, 5(3) (IF-0.883). pp. 1306-1314.\nRestricted to NML users only. Others may use ->\nThe pretreatment processes consisting of grinding followed by roasting were investigated to improve the selective leaching of Nd and Dy from neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnet scraps. The peaks of Nd(OH)3 and Fe were observed in XRD results after grinding with NaOH as the amount of water addition increased to 5 cm3. These results indicate that the components of Nd and Fe in NdFeB magnet could be changed successfully into Nd(OH)3 and Fe, respectively. In the roasting tests using the ground product, with increasing roasting temperature to 500 °C, the peaks of Nd(OH)3 and Fe disappeared while those of Nd2O3 and Fe2O3 were shown. The peaks of NdFeO3 in the sample roasted at 600 °C were observed in the XRD pattern. Consequently, 94.2%, 93.1%, 1.0% of Nd, Dy, Fe were leached at 400 rpm and 90 °C in 1 kmol·m−3 acetic acid solution with 1% pulp density using a sample prepared under the following conditions: 15 in stoichiometric molar ratio of NaOH:Nd, 550 rpm in rotational grinding speed, 5 cm3 in water addition, 30 min in grinding time, 400 °C and 2 h in roasting temperature and time. The results indicate that the selective leaching of Nd and Dy from NdFeB magnet could be achieved successfully by grinding and then roasting treatments.\n|Uncontrolled Keywords:||NdFeB magnet scraps; selective leaching; acetic acid leaching; roasting; planetary ball milling|\n|Divisions:||Metal Extraction and Forming|\n|Deposited By:||Ms. Rekha Panda|\n|Deposited On:||20 Jul 2015 10:47|\n|Last Modified:||20 Jul 2015 10:47|\nRepository Staff Only: item control page", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Selden Lime Fresh, Disinfectant, 5 Litre\nClean citrus odour suitable for all areas. Safe on fabrics and floors. Penetrates and disperses soils enabling effective disinfection of surface. More versatile than pine disinfectant. A quaternary ammonium bactericide which conforms to BS 6471 Grade Q.A.P. 30.\nAs a general disinfectant for schools, offices, factories, canteens, clubs, restaurants, hotels etc.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "SIP-9296G is an internal mold release agent containing inorganic filler for the inside of the green tire. This product can make the capsule and green tire have good slip performance and release performance after vulcanization.\nWe want to create a first-class enterprise, cultivate professional talents, promote the development of the global Tire Rubber Tube Release Agent, Rubber Adhesive Resin, Excellent performance Rubber Protective Wax industry, and become a respected leader. Our company insists on trustworthiness of contract, and our production and operation have developed rapidly. We continue to keep increasing and perfecting our solutions and service. We provide quality assurance with high-quality management, advanced production technology and excellent service. We welcome potential buyers to contact us.\nSIP-9296G is an internal mold release agent containing inorganic filler for the inside of the green tire. This product can make the capsule and green tire have good slip performance and release performance after vulcanization.SIP-9296G is a black internal spray liquid, so it is easy to observe after spraying, and the spraying method is easy to control. This product has good exhaust performance. After vulcanization, the inside of the tire is bright and smooth, preventing the adhesion of the capsule and the inner liner. This product has low dosage, fast drying, and can be used immediately.\nThe SIP-9296G spray solution inside the green tire does not need to be diluted. It can be sprayed on the inner surface of the green tire with an atomizing air spraying device. It will not cause precipitation during use.\nTo be an excellent supplier of Exporting Quality Insect Stain Remover Car Wash Liquid Remove Dirt (SS-Z2003) is our development goal. We will cherish every opportunity to work with you and hope to create a bright future with you with full enthusiasm and sincere service. We warmly welcome your participation according to mutual rewards during the around long term. We have been looking for more and more customers to create the glorious future.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Introduction of flake graphite:\n|Grade||Amount one||Degree 2||Level 3|\n|Carbon content material (%)||ge99.nine||ge99||ge95|\n|Tensile energy MPA||ge4.five||ge4.5||ge4|\n|Sulfur articles ppm||le200||le600||le800|\n|Chlorine content PPM||le35||le35||le50|\n|Thickness tolerance||le0.05 plusmn0.001||le0.5 plusmn0.003||le1 plusmn0.05|\n|Compression ratio||35–fifty five|\n|Stress relaxation rate||ge10|\nThe biggest edge of graphite thermal movie is that it can conduct warmth and dissipate heat aEPT the plane of the movie. In contrast with standard metallic materials, its thermal conductivity is three-five occasions that of copper and aluminum. EPT movie has very good electromagnetic shielding overall performance, and the shielding influence can get to a lot more than 90dB in the selection of 10M-10GHz.It is broadly used in the dynamic and static sealing of EPTs, pipes, pumps, valves in electrical EPT, petroleum, chemical, EPTation, EPTry, diamond and other EPT. It is an perfect new sealing materials to exchange traditional seals these kinds of as rubber, fluoroplastics, and asbestos.\nFlake graphite display:\nOur company and manufacturing facility:\nHangZhou wei jie graphite co., LTD is found in stunning scenery and pleasurable weather EPToXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis. peninsula, domestic and overseas famous quottownship of the graphite quot lacey experienced south luxury.Is graphite powder, carburant, micro powEPTof graphite and graphite items EPTizing in the creation of EPTrprises.Firm principal merchandise is flake graphite, carburant, graphite powder, graphite powEPTand superfine graphite powder, products qualified, a armed forces EPTrprise with EPT graphite powder, powEPTmetallurgy with graphite powder, electrical carbon billet, brush with graphite powder, the electronics business with graphite powder, battery graphite powder, colloidal graphite powEPT(such as coating with graphite powder, and so forth.) with graphite powEPTand grease, pencil lead with graphite powder, and so on.Excellent merchandise overall performance, high quality outstanding, the indicators have reached worldwide innovative degree, much more than the national stXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.rd.The firm handed the ISO9001:2000 top quality technique certification.The products sell well both at property and overseas, entirely acknowledged and EPTed by the masses of customers, are broadly utilised in army market, EPTry, electronics, batteries, chemical sector, ligEPT business, and so forth.The company insists on the basic principle of quotquality initial, science and engineering EPTrprise quot, in rigid accordance with the ISO9001 stXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.rd to production and control, estabEPTd a best top quality management program, have room, granularity, evaluate the carbon measurement and colloid examination room and other sophisticated screening gear, offers the large good quality products and dependable foundation and assure. Organization to science and technologies as the XiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis., to the quality strives for the deveXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.ment, in the more and more intense market place competitiveness innovation deveXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.ment.\nWhy choose us ?\nEPT and logistics:\nQ1: Do you have MOQ?\nA1: No MOQ for the stXiHu (West Lake) Dis.Hu (West Lake) Dis.rd goods.\nQ2: Do you supply samples?\nA2: Indeed, we do, and can shipping and delivery in 24 several hours soon after affirmation for stock.\nQ3: Are you manufacturing unit or trading organization?\nA3: We are a expert GRAPHITE Product producer for above ten several years.\nQ4: What is the guide time for mass production?\nA4: The lead time of mass creation is about seven- ten working days.\nQ5: What is your payment method?\nA5: Accept TT, Paypal, West Union, L/C, ect. Q\nQ6: Can you provide finished merchandise processing provider?\nA6: Yes, we can provide the concluded merchandise soon after die-chopping. Take OEM.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Petroleum Coke Prices\nCurrent Prices, Historical Series and Forecasts in Several Countries\nChart Description. Intratec provides Petroleum Coke prices in several countries, as follows:\nChart Instructions. Hover the mouse over the series to view the respective Petroleum Coke prices plotted. You can filter a given Petroleum Coke price series by clicking on the respective legend label, right above the chart.\nAbout Petroleum Coke. Petroleum Coke is a solid, carbon-rich material, derived from crude oil refining. More specifically, coke is a bottom of the barrel by-product, result of the end of the cracking process. It is a grayish-black solid, that is usually distinct in two varieties: fluid coke, and flexicoking coke (although other classifications are used, such as needle, honeycomb, sponge, shot and others). Fluid coke, or green coke, is obtained from delayed cooking processes and the flexicoking are fine grained, with a great level of isotropy. There is also calcinated coke, which is a product of green coke, after above 1300°C heating.\nCommercial Grades. shot coke; needle coke; sponge coke; green coke; fluid coke; and flexicoke.\nUses. Petroleum coke is used mainly as fuel and as a component of electrodes.\n- Short residue (delayed coking process, coproduced with gas oil, heavy/naphtha, heavy/sponge coke, green/gas oil, light/refinery gas)\n- Pyrolysis tar/coal tar pitch/heavy cycle oil (delayed coking process, coproduced with gas oil, heavy/ naphtha, heavy/pyrene/gas oil, light/refinery gas)\n- Coal tar pitch (delayed coking process, coproduced with gas oil, heavy/naphtha, heavy/pyrene/gas oil, light/ refinery gas)\n- Short residue (delayed coking process, coproduced with gas oil, heavy/naphtha, heavy/shot coke/gas oil, light/refinery gas)\n- Gas oil, vacuum (fluid coking, coproduced with gas oil, heavy/naphtha, heavy/refinery gas)\n- Gas oil, vacuum (Flexicoke process)\nDerivatives. molded carbon; coke oven gas; metallurgical coke; silicon carbide; calcined sponge coke; and synthesis gas.\nMethodology. The pricing data presented are, if not otherwise indicated, volume-weighted average transaction prices including contract and spot transactions in the locations specified. The information provided is obtained from gathering and refining of trade data officially reported for the respective countries (i.e., governmental agencies, institutions related to foreign trade and industry publications). For further details check our Methodology.\nAccess Free Samples\n- More Recent Petroleum Coke Prices\n- Prices in Several Countries\n- Immediate Access\nGet Full Access\n- Prices for Petroleum Coke & Forecasts\n- Downloadable Data (Excel Format)\n- Customizable Charts\n- Prices for 17 Other Chemicals", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- freely available\nToxins 2012, 4(4), 244-266; doi:10.3390/toxins4040244\nAbstract: The safety of food and feed depends to a great deal on quality control. Numerous compounds and organisms may contaminate food and feed commodities and thus pose a health risk for consumers. The compound of interest in this review is ochratoxin A (OTA), a secondary metabolite of the fungi Aspergillus and Penicillium. Due to its adverse health effects, detection and quantification are of utmost importance. Quality control of food and feed requires extraction and analysis, including TLC, HPLC, MS, and immunochemical methods. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. However, with regard to costs and rapidity, immunochemical methods have gained much interest in the last decade. In this review an introduction to immunochemistry and assay design will be given to elucidate the principles. Further, the application of the various formats to the detection and quantification of ochratoxin will be described, including the use of commercially available kits.\nOchratoxins belong to the group of mycotoxins that are produced as secondary metabolites by fungi, in particular Aspergillus and Penicillium. These fungi flourish under special conditions of temperature and humidity. Ochratoxins include ochratoxin A (OTA), ochratoxin B (OTB), ochratoxin C (OTC) and ochratoxin α (OTα), of which OTA is considered the most toxic. They are teratogenic, mutagenic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic and immunesuppressive, and thus pose a serious health problem for exposed humans and animals. Because the fungi infest several kinds of crops for human and animal consumption, the metabolites may be present in all kinds of raw agricultural materials, commodities and beverages. Due to their toxic properties regulations for mycotoxins, including ochratoxins, have been established, at this moment in 100 countries and readjusted in the course of time [1,2,3,4]. Consequently, food/feed quality control is extensively performed. Analysis includes the mouse bioassay, TLC, GC, HPLC, MS and various immunochemical methods, generally after extraction of the target compound(s). Conventional analytical methods and extraction methods are beyond the scope of this review and have been described elsewhere [1,5,6,7]. In the present review the focus is on immunochemical methods for OTA analysis. However, because IAC (immunoaffinity chromatography) uses antibody for additional purification and concentration, this technique will also be described herein. Additional reviews covering conventional analytical techniques for mycotoxins, including immunochemical techniques, were published by Krska et al. and Turner et al. .\nThe ubiquitous presence of OTA has been assessed in assay investigations and national surveys of raw and processed agricultural and derived products (cereals, food, feed, coffee, wine, beer, juices, cow milk), and the matrix has been taken into account in the development of detection methods [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. Ingestion due to consumption has been deduced from levels found in bodily fluids and tissues in humans and animals [10,19,22,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51]. Monitoring of food/feed for the presence of mycotoxins/OTA and disposal of contaminated products should lower human and animal health risk.\nImmunochemical detection methods vary from simple immunoassay to highly sophisticated immunosensors. Because immunochemical methods are principally all based on antibodies, this review starts with an overview of conventional production methods of antibodies, the advantages and disadvantages as well as advanced production of antibodies and fragments thereof. Then the various formats of immunoassays will be discussed, wherein examples for the application in ochratoxin detection will be given, although not exhaustive. For further reference, see the reviews of Zheng (2006) and Goryacheva et al. (2009) for immunochemical methods for mycotoxins, including OTA. A review of available immunoassays kits was given by Huybrechts and Tangni (2010) . In order to evaluate the suitability of immunochemical assays, there are several points to consider. First, the antibody/assay should meet the conditions for a reliable analytical method as with any method. For immunochemical methods, ISO norms have been established (ISO 15087). Second, the norms for the presence of the target compounds in the matrix/product to be measured should be taken into account with regard to the detection limit and working range of an assay. Validation of a newly developed immunoassay also requires reference materials, which may be difficult to obtain, especially in the case of highly toxic and/or complex compounds. For OTA in agricultural products such reference materials are available now. In this review the development, design, evaluation and use of immunochemical methods for the detection and/or quantification of OTA are described. Special attention will be given to chemical/synthetic “antibodies”.\nThe antibody forms the core component of any immunochemical method, because it is the element that recognizes and binds its target compound (antigen). Antibodies are components of the immune system of animals that defend the body against intruding substances and organisms. They are produced by specialized cells of the immune systems and they comprise several forms: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM, IgY (avian). The predominant form secreted in blood is IgG and this form is generally used in immunochemistry. The production of antibodies starts with the immunization of experimental animals, such as rat, rabbit, mouse, sheep, horse, goat, chicken. To be able to raise an immune reaction, the injected compound (immunogen) has to meet several conditions: >1000 Dalton, foreign for the body and with a 3-dimensional structure. In the case of a small compound (hapten), such as ochratoxin, the particular compound is generally coupled to an immunogenic protein, optionally via a spacer group. Coupling proteins include bovine serum albumin (BSA), keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), thyroglobulin (TG), polylysine, among others, although BSA is predominantly used. Coupling procedures are known from literature. Generally, when a hapten belongs to a group of related compounds, the coupling to a carrier protein is performed such that the moiety unique for that hapten is exposed and the carrier protein is bound to another site of the compound. In the case of OTA, the free carboxylic group is commonly used for coupling because of easy chemistry (Figure 1). As will be clear from the section below, this provides antibodies with low cross-reactivity to related compounds. Reversibly, the most resembling mycotoxins OTB (Figure 2) showing sometimes cross-reactivity in OTA immunoassays, provides, when coupled in the same way, antibodies highly specific for OTB .\nImmunization involves primary injection of the immunogen, followed by several booster injections. After about 2–6 months the titer (concentration) of the desired antibody is, in general, sufficiently high for use in an assay. The serum of the animal may be used as such, but in most cases the antibodies are isolated and purified with standard methods. Immune serum or purified antibodies are designated polyclonal antibodies (PAb), because they comprise a population of antibodies with different affinities and specificities .\nAnother widely used production method involves the hybridoma technique [56,57]. Traditionally, the immunogen is used to immunize mice, although nowadays other species are also used. After 2–3 boosters, the spleen is isolated, processed to splenocytes which are fused with myeloma cells, and cultured in limited dilution so that each single antibody producing cell will give rise to a separate cell culture (hybridomas). Then the best performing culture is chosen for mass production and isolation of the antibody. Such antibodies are designated monoclonal antibodies (MAb). In contrast to polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodies consist of one type of antibody with defined affinity and specificity. In addition, monoclonal antibodies can be produced as long as a hybridoma is viable. Sometimes monoclonal antibodies are less stable than polyclonal antibodies.\nAlternative forms of antibodies include recombinant antibodies, phage displayed antibodies, plant antibodies, and antibodies fragments that have retained their antigen binding domain. For production methods and properties, there have been published numerous articles and reviews [58,59,60,61,62]. However, these have until now not been used for the development of immunoassays for OTA.\nOnce an antibody has been obtained, it has to be characterized with regard to specificity and affinity for use in an assay to be suitable for the detection of its target compound. Importantly, in order to have high specificity in an assay, the properties of the antibody with regard to cross-reactivity to related compounds should be determined in subsequent assays. Closely related compounds comprise OTB, OTC, OTD, OTα, coumarin, OH-coumarin. Because of the small size of these compounds, they fit into the binding pocket of the antibody and their common moieties (epitope, binding part) may lead to more or less affinity for the antibody and thus cross-reactivity. Due to a completely different structure, other mycotoxins that are often found on and/or in crops as co-toxins generally will show no cross-reactivity and thus no interference in an immunoassay.\n3. Immunoassay Formats\nThe immunochemical reaction, i.e., the binding of antibody and antigen, in an assay is not visible and therefore several means to detect the reaction product, the immune complex, have been developed based on signal-generating components and appropriate measuring devices. The various immunoassays are named based on the signal-generating component or tracer.\n3.1. RIA (Radioimmunoassay)\nThe first immunoassays made use of a radioactive tracer consisting of the target compound incorporated with a radionuclide, such as 3H, 14C, 125I, although other radionuclides may also be used. The principle of a RIA is the competition between labeled and unlabeled compound for a limited number of binding sites on the antibody. The more unlabeled target compound in a sample, the less tracer is bound to the antibody and radioactivity counting yields a measure for the concentration of target compound in a sample, based on a series of standards. It will be appreciated that 3H and 14C will hardly influence the physic-chemical properties of the tracer and its behavior will hardly change, in contrast to 125I, which is a larger moiety. In order to be able to count only the radioactivity of the immune complex, a separation step is needed. For small compounds, dextran coated charcoal has often been used to perform this separation, followed by centrifugation. Larger target compounds in complex with their binding antibody may be separated using e.g., PEG, followed by centrifugation. An alternative separation method is the use of equilibrium dialysis (ED) where only the free fraction is passing a membrane.\nIn earlier days, ochratoxin was analyzed by RIA using polyclonal antibodies in several formats. For example, Aalund et al. (1975) used OTA-bovine IgG as an immunogen to produce polyclonal antibodies and 125I-ovalbumin-OTA as a tracer, followed by a precipitation step. The detection limit was 20 µg/L, which is quite high. This may be due to the large difference between the tracer that includes ovalbumine, a relatively large protein, and OTA itself. The use of 3H-OTA as a tracer in combination with ED for separation of bound and free fraction, was described by Chu et al. (1976) . Here the detection range was from 1–20 ng/mL. Rousseau et al. (1985) developed a 14C-based RIA in combination with a polyclonal antibody for the detection of OTA in barley. The detection limit was 0.5 ng/mL and the antibody was rather specific for OTA, showing low cross-reactivity with related compounds. In a further study this group also analyzed OTA in serum with a detection limit of 0.4 ng/mL . A 125I-based RIA kit was used by Fukal and Reisnerova (1990) to assess the ingestion of OTA by humans by measuring OTA in serum (detection limit 100 ng/L). Their conclusion was that OTA is actually ingested and present in serum. Fukal (1990) reported that, based on measurements using the same kit, food and feed may contain OTA, but it was not detected in porcine kidney.\nDue to health hazards of radiolabeled compounds and specialized waste disposal, RIA has not been in use for a long time. Advanced immunochemical methods included various alternative tracers and recently even label-free methods.\n3.2. EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay)/ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)\nA great advancement in immunoassay was the replacement of radionuclides by enzymes in combination with a substrate that is converted into a detectable colored product. There are many examples of possible enzymes, but HRP (Horse Radish Peroxide) and ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) are used predominantly. The development of EIA was accompanied by the application of solid supports such as plastic reaction tubes or microtiter plates whereon immunoreagents are coated and the immunochemical reaction is performed (ELISA). After the reaction, the supernatant solution containing unbound fraction is discarded and the signaling enzyme reaction is performed. In such formats the steps of adding separation means and centrifugation are avoided, which shortens the assay time.\nELISA may be designed in various formats. The simplest formats are the direct competitive ELISA (dcELISA) and indirect competitive ELISA (icELISA). The former involves the coating of antibody onto the walls of a tube or microtiter plate, adding standard/sample, followed by antibody and tracer. After incubation, the reaction solution is discarded and the enzyme reaction is performed, which is analyzed with spectrophotometry. In the icELISA the hapten, generally coupled to a carrier protein, is coated onto the support, standard/sample is added, followed by labeled antibody. Further reaction steps are similar to the dcELISA. Between the reaction steps extensive washing is included.\nThere exist various variants of this kind of enzyme immunoassay, such as the icELISA wherein a secondary antibody raised against the primary antibody, for example, anti-rabbit IgG for polyclonals or anti-mouse IgG for monoclonals, is labeled. Secondary antibody may also be used as a first coating layer to capture primary antibody, where the reaction takes place. Further alternative formats are described in literature and the reader is referred to a recent review .\nELISA has been the preferred method to detect and quantify OTA in raw products, food, feed, beverages, bodily fluids and tissues to assess its presence and concentration for either exposure risks, quality control and as a measure of ingestion and accumulation. Table 1 provides some data found in literature. Formats used for OTA other than ELISA are discussed in further sections below.\n|1981||PAb 1||dc||buffer||25 pg||cr|||\n|1988||MAb 1||ic||barley||5 µg/kg||−|||\n|1989||MAb 1||ic||various||50 pg/mL||+|||\n|1990||MAb 1||dc||barley||1 ng/mL||+|||\n|1991||MAb 1||dc||barley||1 ng/mL||+|||\n|1996||MAb 1||dc||cereals||0.5 ng/g||+|||\n|1996||MAb 1||dc||buffer||45 pg/mL||cr|||\n|1997||MAb 1||dc||serum||0.2 ng/mL||+|||\n|1998||MAb 1||dc||plasma||4–20 pg/mL||−|||\n|1999||MAb 2||m||wheat||0.4 ng/mL||+/−|||\n|2000||MAb 1||ic||chilies||5 ng/mLa||+|||\n|2002||MAb 1||dc||plasma/tissue||0.5 ng/g||+|||\n|2002||MAb 2||m||coffee||4 µg/kg||cr|||\n|2006||MAb 1||ic||coffee||50 pg/mL||+|||\n|2007||MAb 1||ic||coffee||3.73 ng/g||+|||\n|2007||PAb 1||m/dc||chilies||10 µg/kg||+|||\n|2007||PAb 1||dc||various||1 ng/mL||+/−|||\n|2011||PAb 1||str||grains||1.5 µg/kg||+|||\n|2011||MAb 1||ic||cereals||1.70 ng/mL a||−|||\n1 = produced in-house; 2 = commercial; m = membrane; ic = indirect competitive; dc = direct competitive; str = strip test; a = IC50; cr = only cross-reactivity; + = validated; − = not validated; +/− = partially validated.\nIn-house production of antibodies is a tedious procedure and requires facilities that are not available to each lab. For the development of an immunoassay commercially available PAb or MAb may be used. Although ELISA is basically a simple analytical method that does not require highly trained technicians, the development, design and validation does. Therefore, as an alternative, immunochemical analysis may be performed with commercial ELISA kits. Use of an ELISA kit for the analysis of wheat flour (Turkey) revealed that 83% of the samples contained OTA . An OTA ELISA kit in combination with an IAC kit was validated for analysis of OTA in wine. The detection limit was 0.054 µg/L, working range 0.25–9 µg/L; the recovery 94–102%; and results compared good with HPLC. A survey of the presence of mycotoxins in herbs (Spain) using commercial IAC columns and ELISA kits with a detection limit for OTA of 0.025 µg/kg showed that 99% of the samples were contaminated .\nAlthough somewhat less toxic, OTB is quite similar to OTA and is often a co-contaminant. To be able to detect OTB in the same samples, a MAb and an ELISA were developed by Heussner et al. (2007) . The same strategy as for OTA was used, i.e., coupling of carrier proteins to the carboxylic moiety. A detection limit of 27 nM was reported, with low cross-reactivity (3.3%) for OTA.\n3.3. Sandwich ELISA\nFor larger target compounds containing several epitopes, the sandwich ELISA is a convenient format. Herein the solid support is coated with one antibody raised to one epitope of the compound; target compound is added, followed by a second antibody raised against another epitope of the compound. Second antibody may be labeled or a third labeled antibody may be used for detection. Because OTA has a low molecular mass and fits into the binding pocket of antibody, there is no further moiety exposed for binding of second antibody. However, a sandwich ELISA system has been developed to detect several molds (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium) simultaneously by using monoclonal antibodies against the extracellular polysaccharide of these species . Interestingly, Punyatong et al. (2003) described a sandwich ELISA using two monoclonal antibodies produced in-house with OTA-HSA as immunogen. The developed ELISA, one MAb coated on microtiter plate and one HRP-labeled MAb, showed 50% binding at 35 pg/assay, which is quite sensitive. No further validation or application has been described.\n3.4. Chemiluminenscent Immunoassay (CL-IA)\nSome samples show high matrix effects in EIA and dilution may be a means to eliminate them. However, that means that the assay should be more sensitive. According to Yu et al. (2011) a CL-IA may offer an elegant solution. They designed an assay using soy bean peroxidase in combination with luminol and an enhancer (3-(10'-phenothiazinyl)propane-1-sulfonate/4-morpholinopyridine) and they achieved a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.01 ng/mL and a working range of 0.02–0.3 ng/mL in several agricultural products. When samples were compared to a direct competitive ELISA, it appeared that in some samples being negative in the ELISA, OTA could be detected. These CL-IA results were comparable to those of Qui (2010) . Herein an indirect CLIA with HRP-labeled secondary antibody provided a simple, fast and sensitive screening assay for corn samples with an LOD of 0.04 µg/kg.\n3.5. Fluorescent Immunoassay (FIA)\nFluorescent immunoassays are a variant of immunoassays, wherein the tracer contains a fluorofore as a label. The advantage of fluorofores is their broad range of excitation and emission wave lengths and availability. However, FIA requires special equipment and microtiter plates (black or white), and care should be taken to avoid background fluorescence interference. The design of FIAs may be direct (labeled hapten), indirect (labeled primary antibody and with labeled secondary antibody. Although simple FIA has not been used for analytical purposes, there exist some variant FIA, which are described below.\n3.5.1. Time-Resolved Fluorescent Immunoassay (TR-FIA)\nThe characteristic of TR-FIA is the use of fluorofores with a longer fluorescence life time, which eliminates background fluorescence and thus enables a more sensitive and specific assay . This technique forms the core in Delphia immunoassays , but many other formats and applications are possible. The use of lanthanide labels in TR-FIA with luminescence detection has been reviewed by Hagan and Zuchner (2011) . In addition, when using two different labels, multi-analyte immunoassay is feasible. An example of mycotoxins detection has been given by Huang et al. (2009) who developed a TR-FIA for OTA and Aflatoxin B1 (AFL B1) using Sm and Eu as a label, respectively. In this format, antigen-protein was coated onto microtiter plates, then sample and antibody (MAb for OTA and PAb for AFL B1) were added, followed by differently labeled second antibody. This TR-FIA was validated and showed a detection limit for OTA of 0.05 µg/L (range 0.05–50 µg/L) and for Aflatoxin B of 0.02 µg/L (range 0.02–100 µg/L).\n3.5.2. Fluorescence-Polarization Immunoassay (FP-IA)\nAnother variant fluorescent immunoassay is FP-IA. The principle of this technique has been given in a review of Maragos (2009) , including a table showing results from literature for mycotoxins. In short, the binding of a hapten to its antibody is detected by measuring the change in tumbling motion of the particular fluorofore resulting in a change in observed polarization. The solution containing the immunoreagents is exposed to plane-polarized light and the emission light is separated by a vertical and horizontal polarizer. The advantage of FP-IA is that the complete assay is performed in solution, avoiding washing and separation of bound and free fraction. An example of the application of FP-FIA can be found in a publication of Zezza et al. (2009) . This group measured OTA in red wine using both their own and a commercial MAb. The assay was validated with spiked samples and compared to IAC/HPLC. A detection limit of 0.7 ng/mL (below the EU norm of 2.0 ng/mL) was achieved.\n3.5.3. FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) Immunoassay\nThe technique of separation-free, homogeneous FRET immunoassay is described by Kreissig et al. (2011) . Such an assay uses electronic excited state energy transfer. Both the tracer and the antibody are labeled with a fluorescent tag, a donor and an acceptor respectively. When binding occurs fluorescence is quenched, but displacement by the target compound eliminates this quenching and fluorescence can be measured. A FRET assay, wherein the binding of OTA to its antibody is detected, was developed by Li et al. (2011) . After optimizing reaction conditions, an LOD of 1 ng/mL was achieved, comparable to other immunoassay formats and a commercial kit. There was no cross-reactivity with OTB and the recovery in spiked wheat samples was around 100%.\n3.5.4. Fluorescent Micro-Array Immunoassay\nAn alternative immunoassay format for OTA has been described by Ngundi et al. (2005) . Here a pretreated glass slide is functionalized with NeutrAvidin. OTA-biotine conjugate is patterned onto the slide and then sample plus labeled (Cy5, fluorescent) antibody (PAb, commercial) are reacted by addition through flow channels. After the immunochemical reaction the slide is analyzed by fluorescence CCD imaging. The detection limit varied from 3.8–100 ng/g for various samples of cereals, macaroni, coffee and wine. A feasibility study into the development of a multi-analyte rapid screening microarray device was described by Lamberti (2009) . Herein the presence of both aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 could be detected on BSA-conjugates bound to functionalized (co-polymer) glass slides. This design holds promise for future adaptation to include other mycotoxins, including OTA.\n3.6. Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LF-IA)\nRapid screening of samples for contaminants, including OTA, may be performed using lateral flow immunoassay, a form of paper immunochromatography and also called strip tests. A review of the technique was recently reported by Posthuma (2012) and the application was reviewed by Bazin et al. (2010) .\nLF-IA relies on the movement of immunoreagents over a porous material containing pads or lines of target conjugate, sample and antibody, wherein either the target conjugate is labeled or the antibody. The principle of LF-IA is the same as in an EIA. The label may be a chromofore, but nowadays labels consisting of nanoparticles are preferred. The most simple format is the dipstick (mentioned in the reviews of Prieto-Simon and Campas (2009) and Goryacheva et al. (2009) ). In fact, with haptens as target compounds only the indirect format is feasible. Thus to the porous material are added a hapten-conjugate pad and optionally a test line with secondary antibody, preceded by a release pad and followed by an absorbent pad. Sample and labeled antibody are mixed and added to the release pad and then passed through the porous material by capillary force, competition reaction takes place at the conjugate pad where the signal evaluated visually or measured with appropriate devices.\nLF-IA may be designed for multi-analyte detection. For example, using Au-nanoparticles coupled to MAb’s was applied and validated by Shim et al. (2009) for the detection of both OTA and zearelanone in spiked corn samples. The visual detection limits were 2.5 and 5 ng/mL, respectively. Results were compared to dcELISA and HPLC. A similar LF-IA was developed by Anfossi et al. (2011) using commercially available PAb that were coupled to Au-nanoparticles. Here nitrocellulose strips were used for application of OTA-BSA lines. Detection of the immunecomplex was performed with a scanner and a detection limit of 0.15 µg/kg of cereal extracts was demonstrated. Results compared very well with LC-FLD.\n3.7. Flow-Through Immunoassay\nImmunoassays performed in microtiter plates require washing steps and discarding supernatant. To simplify this format, membrane-based immunoassays were developed. Here the antibody is coupled to a membrane attached to a well and the immunochemical reaction using enzyme-labeled antigen/hapten takes place on this membrane. Addition of substrate/chromofore leads to a visible spot on the membrane that may be evaluated visually. It is a rapid, semi-quantitative screening method and kits for OTA are commercially available. Flow-through immunoassay for OTA has been applied by De Saeger and van Pethegem (1999) using MAb and OTA-HRP. The assay required 15 min of assay time and the detection limit was 0.4 ng/mL. The same working group has validated membrane-based immunoassay kits for OTA and T-2 toxin in a ring test with cereal samples (detection limit for OTA 4 µg/kg, for T-2 toxin 50 µg/kg), wherein the results were compared to HPLC and GC. Comparable results were obtained for OTA in spiked roasted coffee samples by Sibanda et al. (2002) . Their membrane-based assay showed a detection limit of 4 µg/kg and results were confirmed with HPLC in the scope of a patent application.\nA recent development of flow-through immunoassay is multi-analyte flow cytometry using the MultaAnalyte Profiling (xMAP) technique in combination with a Luminex apparatus (Austin, TX, USA). Discrimination of analytes is based on color-coded superparamagnetic beads and detection is performed with fluorescent label. The immunochemical reaction occurs in 96-wells microtiter plates, wherein washing and separation steps are performed by application of a magnet. Both a direct and an indirect format were described for the simultaneous detection of OTA and other mycotoxins. In the indirect format the beads a coupled with OTA-conjugate, reacted with sample and antibody or biotinylated antibody. For signal generation, secondary antibody-PE (phycoerythrin) or streptavidin-PE is used, respectively (Peters et al. 2011, Anderson et al. 2010) [100,101]. The detection limits found were in the range of 10–30 ng/g for spiked cereals. A direct format, wherein antibody is coupled to the beads and the reaction is performed by adding sample and OTA-PE conjugate for competition assay is described by Aqai et al. (2011) and showed a detection limit of 0.15 ng/g. The sensitivity of the Luminex method and multi-analyte mode makes it superior to other immunochemical methods.\nSensors comprise devices for real-time, on-site detection of target compounds. Biosensors use a biomolecule as core component and in immunosensors an antibody is the recognition element, wherein the binding to its cognate ligand leads to a detectable signal. Immunosensors exist of a reaction surface, a transducer and a detector. Transducers may be electrochemical, optical and gravimetric (acoustic wave (AW)/quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)). The techniques have been explained in several reviews [103,104,105,106,107,108]. The most commonly used immunosensors are based on optical transducers and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is the most known and utilized. Devices generally comprise the Biacore (Uppsala, Sweden) which are available in several embodiments. Even a portable SPR system, the Spreeta, has been mentioned for rapid field mycotoxins analysis . Toxin detection with SPR was reviewed by Hodnik and Anderluh (2009) . Practical application of SPR sensing for OTA was described by Adányi et al. (2007) for the parallel determination of aflatoxin B1 and OTA in barley and wheat flour samples. The immunochemical format was competition immunoassay with hapten-BSA immobilized on the sensor surface and the use of specific monoclonal antibodies in combination with sample flowing over the surface for measurement. This format revealed a detection range between 0.5 and 10 ng/mL. A similar SPR assay for OTA, but with highly improved sensitivity was reported by Yuan et al. (2009) . They used a new conjugate, OTA-PEG-BSA, for immobilization and Au-nanoparticle coupled monoclonal antibody to achieve much better performance, enabling a range of LODs from 0.058–0.4 ng/mL in cereals and beverages. Second most used immunosensors are based on electrochemical detection. Various parameters for the design of an electrochemical immunosensors for OTA in an indirect format were investigated by Prietó-Simon et al. , such as the coating conjugate (OTA-BSA/avidin-OTA), polyclonal or monoclonal antibody, and enzyme-conjutate (OTA-HRP/OTA-ALP). In the best performing and most stable embodiment a detection limit of 0.7 ng/mL was achieved. In a comparable format using OTA-BSA, monoclonal anti-OTA, but ALP-labeled secondary antibody for detection a very low detection level of 8.2 pg/mL was found . This sensor performed also well in corn samples for matrix effects. A direct format in an electrochemical immunosensors using polyclonal antibody on a modified gold electrode in conjunction with OTA-HRP provided a detection limit of 12 ng/mL . Recently, an electrochemical competitive immunosensor with a detection limit of 0.10 ng/mL for OTA, validated using certified wheat samples, was described by Vidal et al. (2011) . Performance was improved by using OTA-BSA on Au-nanoparticles on the sensor surface, biotinylated monoclonal antibody as binding component and extravidin-HRP for signal generation. An even lower detection limit, 60 pg/mL, was achieved by Urusov et al. (2011) by signal enhancement due to use of second antibody-colloidal gold particle conjugate. The application of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP), which show various advantages in terms of surface area, stability of bound antibodies, improved orientation of the antibodies and fast assay kinetics, was described by Zamfir et al. . The design comprised a gold surface containing several layers of self-assembling monomers, BSA and MNPs coated with MAb. Detection was performed with both electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and SPR, providing a detection limit of 0.01 ng/mL and 0.94 ng/mL, respectively. Results of the assay of spiked white wine were compared to ELISA.\n5. Synthetic/Chemical Antibodies\nA rather new development in binding chemistry and assays comprises synthetic or chemical “antibodies”, such as MIPs (molecularly imprinted polymers) and aptamers (single-stranded oligonucleotides). MIPs are synthetic polymers with selectivity and specificity for a particular target compound. They are synthesized by mixing target compound and (vinyl) monomers in suspension and then perform polymerization, followed by removal of the target compound. What remains are structures that can specifically harbor the target compound and may be used as alternatives to antibodies in the same applications. The synthesis of MIPs is illustrated in a review of Whitcombe and Vulfson (2001) . A comparison between MIPs and antibodies is given by Lavignac et al. (2004) , indicating affinities of MIPs being lower than of antibodies, but having the advantage of assays to be performed in non-aqueous conditions. They also describe the characterization of radio-molecularly, fluoro-molecularly enzyme-linked molecularly imprinted sorbent assays for a range of small compounds, including non-immunogenic analytes. The application of MIP-based solid phase extraction (MIP-SPE) for environmental pollutants from water, soil and tissues, as well as MIP-based sensors combined with various transduction methods for environmental analytes, including the mycotoxins zearalenone, has been reviewed by Pichon et al. (2008) . Although this technique has not been described for OTA, it is a promising development both for extraction and detection purposes.\nAptamers are another form of chemical binding entities. They are short single-stranded DNA or RNA ligands containing 10–50 variable bases. Aptamers and opportunities for application were discovered already more than 20 years ago. Since that time several reviews have been published about principles and production , signaling in aptamer-based biosensors, also called aptasensors , electrochemical (EC) aptasensors , analytical/pharmaceutical applications [125,126,127], homogeneous assays with aptazymes wherein aptamers regulate the activity of DNA/RNAzymes and aptasensor with fluorescence detection [129,130]. In practice, having synthesized a DNA or RNA library, aptamers against a particular target are selected by the procedure called SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment). Herein the library is incubated with target, the DNA/RNA-target complex is isolated and eluted and the eluted DNA/RNA is concentrated and amplified. Once a desired aptamer has been obtained, it may be used in formats similar to immunoaffinity columns, immunoassays and immunosensors using comparable sensing techniques. With regard to OTA, an aptamer specific for OTA was applied to an affinity column to capture OTA from wheat sample extracts with known concentration, followed by fluorometric analysis . An ELISA-like enzyme-linked aptamer assay (ELAA) in the direct and indirect format for the detection of OTA was developed by Barthelmebs et al. (2011) and evaluated for analysis of spiked red wine samples. The method, especially the direct format, compared well to MAb-based direct/indirect ELISA and showed a detection limit of 1 ng/mL with an analysis time of 125 min, which makes it a useful screening method for routine use. Aptasensors for mycotoxins with electrochemical detection were developed by several groups. For example, Kuang et al. (2010) designed and OTA aptasensor including 3 DNAs, DNA1 for capturing DNA2 (OTA aptamer) on the sensor surface and DNA3 on gold nanoparticles (AuNP) for EC detection using methylene blue for detection of OTA binding to the aptamer and signal amplification. Aptamer coupled to AuNP was used by Bonel et al. (2011) for EC detection in a competitive assay with OTA-HRP. The sensor was validated with spiked wheat samples and showed a detection limit of 0.07 ng/mL with a range of 0.78–8.74 ng/mL. A different EC aptasensor was described by Tong et al. (2011) . Herein a DNA partly complementary to the OTA aptamer was bound to AuNP for hybridization of the aptamer. Binding of OTA dissociates the aptamer-OTA complex. They achieved a detection limit of 1.0 pg/mL and a range of 0.005–10.0 ng/mL. This aptasensor was validated with spiked and real wheat starch samples in comparison with an ELISA. An aptasensor based on conformational change of aptamer induced by binding of OTA leading to aggregation of the AuNP used for aptamer coupling was described by Yang et al. (2011) . Here a detection limit of 2.5 nM with a range of 20–625 nM was obtained. DNAzyme was applied in the aptasensor developed by Yang et al. (2012) . Binding of OTA to aptamer induced hairpin opening resulting in enzyme activity of HRP-mimicking DNAzyme and oxidation of TMB, which could by measured colorimetrically. Signalling using quantum dots (QD) was applied in a fluorescent strip sensor, wherein QD were conjugated to OTA aptamer and the conjugates applied to strips similar to LF-IA. After the reaction the reading is visually with a limit of detection of 5 ng/mL within 10 min, and 1.9 ng/mL when using Image Analysis Software for a calibration curve in spiked red wine samples. The results were compared to HPLC for confirmation.\n6. Immunoaffinity Chromatography\nA long used application of antibodies is in immunochromatography for the capture, isolation and/or concentration of target compounds. In this case an antibody is covalently coupled to a solid support (e.g., functionalized agarose, sepharose, silica) and transferred into a column. When sample containing target compound is passed through the column, the target compound will bind to the antibody and may be eluted after washings that remove unwanted matrix components. An elution volume smaller than the sample volume, allows for concentration of the target compound. Commercial IAC columns are available for many target compounds, including OTA, and used as a purification means before further analysis (HPLC, MS, ELISA). A combination of IAC and immunoassay for OTA in one column was developed by the group of van Peteghem (Ghent University) in cooperation with the Saratov State University (Moscow). Initially, the column consisted of a layer of antibody-coupled solid support upon a clean-up layer. OTA-HRP was used for the competitive immunochemical reaction that was detected with TMB and visually evaluated. In samples of roasted coffee and spices a cut-off value of 6 µg/kg and 10 µg/mL, respectively, was demonstrated. By using two different antibody containing layers in a similar IAC column both OTA and aflatoxin B1 could be detected in spices . As for the analysis of red wine the cut-off value according to EU legislation is lower than for coffee or spices, the method was optimized to a lower sensitivity (2 µg/L). In this embodiment a separate clean-up column was placed upon a flow-through column containing antibody , and further designed for the simultaneous detection of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and OTA in red wine or spices [142,143] at a level of 2 µg/L and 10 µg/kg, respectively.\nImmunoaffinity extraction in a different setting has been described by Aqai (2011) . Herein monoclonal anti-OTA antibody was coated onto magnetic beads for the capture as well as identification of the target compound in competition with OTA-PE. Detection in wheat and cereal sample extracts was performed by flow cytometry (see above) and compared to LC-MS.\nChemical antibodies have also been used for OTA extraction and analysis. However, due to low recoveries onto MIP, specific extraction had to be preceded by SPE extraction to remove interfering substances. Analysis included LC-MS/MS. Aptamer as selective capturing moiety in an affinity column for the determination of OTA in wheat grain has been described . Analysis of eluted samples was performed with fluorescence spectrometry. Due to the lower affinity in comparison to antibodies, the sensitivity of this method was in the ppb range.\nWhen monitoring for the presence of OTA either in raw and derived agricultural products, there is a large choice of methods. Depending on the purpose, either rapid detection or validation according to the regulations, one can use quantitative and qualitative methods. Among the available conventional methods, HPLC, and among the immunochemical methods, ELISA have traditionally been applied. If performed according to the ISO norms, ELISA may be considered as equipotential to the conventional methods, with comparable sensitivity and the advantage the several samples may be analyzed in the same run. Many researchers have developed and designed in-house antibodies and ELISA. However, commercially available kits have the advantage of avoiding long development which can take a few months. In the course of time there have been successful attempts to improve the ELISA with regard to sensitivity and analysis time. First, the tracer was changed from enzyme plus chromofore to fluorofore. The advantages of using fluorofores are: an improved sensitivity may be achieved; by applying different fluorofores a multi-analyte assay may be designed (TR-FIA); and even homogeneous immunoassays are possible, avoiding washing and separation steps (FP-IA, FRET (label-free)). Disadvantages of fluorescent assays are that background fluorescence may interfere and should be eliminated, and the required equipment is more expensive. Chemiluminescent immunoassay is a variant of ELISA wherein a comparable enzyme is combined with luminol and an enhancer. CL-IA is a rather new technique for OTA detection, but due to a high sensitivity (0.01 ng/mL) and applicability for screening purposes, CL-IA looks promising. Advanced label-free detection methods include biosensors such as SPR (optical) or gravimetric immunosensors, wherein the binding of antigen to antibody is detected by a change in plasmon resonance or mass. SPR may be performed in direct and indirect format and can easily be used for multi-analyte analysis. Improvements include the use of Au-nanoparticles enabling detection limits down to 0.06 ng/mL. Despite the usefulness, SPR equipment is quite expensive. Depending on the number of steps and costs, electrochemical immunosensors may be a good alternative for rapid detection of OTA in various matrices.\nQualitative detection methods include membrane-based immunoassays, lateral flow systems and IAC columns. Each of these is commercially available and may be used for a rapid screening of samples. Reading is visual, although the results may be quantitative when using appropriate devices, such as a scanner. Improvements in strip tests were achieved when using AU-nanoparticles and multi-analyte detection, for example, OTA and zearelanone have been described. Immunoassay on IAC columns is a useful variant of IAC that may be used in the field for both single- and multi-analyte detection. Mycotoxins, including OTA, may be detected at the cut-off level according to EU legislation in different matrices. The advantage of these quantitative methods is the ease and rapidity of performance.\nA recent development in analysis includes chemical/synthetic antibodies, MIPs and aptamers. MIPs are polymers forming a kind of binding pocket for a particular target compound. At first, MIPs have proven useful to extraction purposes in SPE-like columns. An MIP for zearelanone applied in a sensor has been described in a review about MIPS for environmental application and production of an MIP-based sensor for OTA is probably only a question of time. Aptamers are oligonucleotides resembling antibodies in selectivity and affinity. They are selected from libraries and used for extraction of OTA, enzyme-linked aptamer assays (ELAA), strip tests, and aptasensors. Improvement of the ELAA by using Au-nanoparticles gave a detection limit of 0.07 ng/mL. Aptasensors show an even lower detection limit of 1.0 pg/mL in wheat samples in an embodiment using partly complimentary DNA. A rapid strip test using quantum dots for labeling of OTA and fluorescent detection showed a detection limit of 5 ng/mL in visual reading and 1.9 ng/mL with a scanner. The assay time in this case was very short (10 min). Aptamers have the advantage that the oligonucleotides, once selected and validated, may be synthesized in large amounts as required.\nIn conclusion, there is a wide range of immunochemical methods for OTA detection which are widely available or easy to design. Depending on the user’s detection purposes and resources, the most appropriate method may be chosen.\nConflict of Interest\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.\n- van Egmond, H.P. Methods for determing ochratoxin A and other nephrotoxic mycotoxins. IARC Sci. Publ. 1991, 115, 57–70. [Google Scholar]\n- van Egmond, H.P. Analytical methodology and regulations for ochratoxin A. 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This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Is hair analysis accurate for heavy metals?\n- How common are hair drug tests?\n- What are the three major types of hair analysis?\n- How accurate is alcohol hair test?\n- What hair analysis can reveal?\n- What if hair is too short for drug test?\n- When was hair analysis first used?\n- How much alcohol does it take to show up in a hair test?\n- Does CBD show up on hair follicle drug test?\n- Are hair sample allergy tests accurate?\n- Will I fail a drug test if I drank the night before?\n- How do you get tested for heavy metals?\n- What is hair tissue mineral analysis?\n- Is hair analysis really accurate?\n- Can hair be used as DNA evidence?\n- Will one beer show up on a pee test?\n- Can a hair test detect one time use?\nIs hair analysis accurate for heavy metals?\nThe authors concluded that hair analysis is unreliable.\nFrom an analytical point of view, hair analysis is not a robust diagnostic tool for heavy metal poisoning.\nThe specimen is prone to exogenous contamination because hair is a perfect binding medium for dust..\nHow common are hair drug tests?\nUrine, which is by far the most prevalent, with 90 percent of employers using it, according to background screening firm HireRight. Saliva, used by 10 percent of employers. Hair, used by 7 percent of employers.\nWhat are the three major types of hair analysis?\nForensic scientists perform 3 major types of hair analysis: (1) testing the hair shaft for drugs or nutritional deficiencies in a person’s system, (2) analyzing DNA collected from the root of the hair, and (3) viewing hair under a microscope to determine if it’s from a particular person or animal.\nHow accurate is alcohol hair test?\nResults: EtG was detected in 29 out of 100 hair samples. Based on the Society of Hair Testing (SOHT) threshold of 30 pg/mg EtG, the hair test identified alcohol consumption in 57.9% of high-risk drinkers, 45.5% of increasing-risk drinkers and only 9.8% of lower-risk drinkers.\nWhat hair analysis can reveal?\nYou can’t wash them out. Because of that, your hair can reveal if you’ve been using drugs like opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, and cannabis. While a urine test will reveal if you’ve used drugs in the last several days, hair testing can show if you’ve done drugs over the past 3 months.\nWhat if hair is too short for drug test?\nWhen someone has short hair, the sample can still be collected, it just has to cover a larger portion of the head. If a person is bald or has a shaved head, a body hair sample can be collected. If the person being tested has no hair on their body, a hair drug test cannot be administered.\nWhen was hair analysis first used?\n1855Hair is an obvious source of trace evidence in many crime scenes as it is frequently shed and easily transferred to clothes, sheets or carpets, or from one person to another. The first use of forensic hair analysis occurred in 1855 during the murder trial of John Browning.\nHow much alcohol does it take to show up in a hair test?\nIn hair, the three different EtG thresholds for a positive test were: 30 pg/mg, which according to the Society of Hair Testing strongly suggests chronic excessive alcohol use 25; a USDTL laboratory standard of 20 pg/mg; and 8 pg/mg, the limit of quantitation.\nDoes CBD show up on hair follicle drug test?\nCannabidiol (CBD) shouldn’t show up on a drug test. However, many CBD products contain trace amounts of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), marijuana’s main active ingredient.\nAre hair sample allergy tests accurate?\nThere’s no evidence that this can help diagnose a food allergy. In addition, hair samples don’t contain IgE. Keep in mind that food allergies can be serious. It’s best to make sure you get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor to avoid potentially life-threatening reactions.\nWill I fail a drug test if I drank the night before?\nIt is possible for your system to still have enough alcohol in it the next morning that you could fail a urine or blood test for driving under the influence. You would definitely have a problem trying to pass a test that is designed to detect the presence of any alcohol.\nHow do you get tested for heavy metals?\nDoctors can usually check for heavy metal poisoning with a simple blood test known as a heavy metals panel or heavy metal toxicity test. To do the test, they’ll take a small blood sample and test it for signs of heavy metals.\nWhat is hair tissue mineral analysis?\nWhat Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) HTMA is a safe and non-invasive pathology test. It measures the levels and comparative ratios of nutrient and toxic minerals found in hair. HTMA is one of the most valuable screening tools available in preventative health care.\nIs hair analysis really accurate?\nBut hair analysis is not a accurate way of determining your need for vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients. The importance of most of the findings from hair analysis is unclear. It is hard to interpret a hair analysis for the presence of heavy metals without other testing.\nCan hair be used as DNA evidence?\nAlthough hair is routinely collected at the scene of a crime, these days it is considered unreliable and rarely used as forensic evidence – especially after the FBI acknowledged that its testimony on microscopic hair analysis was flawed in at least 90% of cases.\nWill one beer show up on a pee test?\nThe average urine test can detect alcohol between 12 and 48 hours after drinking. More advanced testing can measure alcohol in the urine 80 hours after you drink. Breath tests for alcohol can detect alcohol within a shorter time frame. This is about 24 hours on average.\nCan a hair test detect one time use?\nA further consideration with respect to hair testing is the sensitivity of the test. The test will not detect single use of a drug.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The sugars streptose and dihydrohydroxystreptose (DHHS) are unique to the bacteria Streptomyces griseus and Coxiella burnetii respectively. Streptose forms the central moiety of the antibiotic streptomycin, whilst DHHS is found in the O-antigen of the zoonotic pathogen C. burnetii. Biosynthesis of these sugars has been proposed to follow a similar path to that of TDP-rhamnose, catalysed by the enzymes RmlA/RmlB/RmlC/RmlD. Streptose and DHHS biosynthesis unusually require a ring contraction step that might be performed by the orthologues of RmlC or RmlD. Genome sequencing of S. griseus and C. burnetii proposed the StrM and CBU1838 proteins respectively as RmlC orthologues. Here, we demonstrate through both coupled and direct observation studies that both enzymes can perform the RmlC 3,5 double epimerisation activity; and that this activity supports TDP-rhamnose biosynthesis in vivo. We demonstrate that proton exchange is faster at the 3 position than the 5 position, in contrast to a previously studied orthologue. We solved the crystal structures of CBU1838 and StrM in complex with TDP and show that they form an active site highly similar to previously characterised enzymes. These results further support the hypothesis that streptose and DHHS are biosynthesised using the TDP pathway and are consistent with the ring contraction step being performed on a double epimerised substrate, most likely by the RmlD paralogue. This work will support the determination of the full pathways for streptose and DHHS biosynthesis.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Applications are invited for PhD studentships, starting in September/October 2019.\nThese are full-time, fully-funded, covering tuition fees at the home rate plus a stipend (currently £14,777 per annum). Unless otherwise stated, studentships are for three years.\nThe projects currently available are listed below. Additional projects may become available, so please keep checking for further details.\nAcademic criteria - a minimum of 2.1 honours in a relevant subject. Candidates with a 2.2 honours degree and a suitable MSc may also be considered.\nResidency criteria – unless otherwise stated, only UK residents, as defined by the University’s Postgraduate Office, are eligible to apply. This is because of funding body constraints.\nHow to apply\nApplications must be submitted online at: http://go.qub.ac.uk/pgapply. Only applications submitted via the online portal will be accepted.\nThe closing date is 1 April 2019.\nFor general enquiries, including queries about the application process, contact the School Research Office (firstname.lastname@example.org) in the first instance. For more detailed information about the projects, contact the named supervisor. For queries about eligibility, contact the University’s Postgraduate Office (email@example.com)\nAvailable projects (as at 11 March 2019)\nDeveloping a New Method for Monitoring the Kinetics of Homogeneously Catalysed Reactions (Supervisor: Dr Paul Dingwall)\nTraditional methods of monitoring reactions over time involve either specialised and expensive instruments to collect in situ data (FTIR, calorimetry) or time-consuming, and occasionally technically challenging, collection of samples followed by offline sample analysis. This interdisciplinary project will involve the construction of equipment, as well as control software, to demonstrate proof of principle for a novel method to rapidly monitor the kinetics of homogeneous reactions, with a focus on homogeneous catalysis. The candidate will develop expertise in physical organic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, python coding, flow chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry and a range of analytical techniques (HPLC, LCMS, NMR, etc).\nInterested students should contact Dr Dingwall to discuss the position in more detail.\nCopper-based electrocatalysts for energy applications (supervisor: Dr Paul Kavanagh)\nThe primary aim of this fully funded DfE project is to develop novel electrocatalysts, composed of Earth abundant elements, for the efficient electrochemical oxidation of sustainable fuels e.g. alcohols, glycerol and carbohydrates. Copper nitroxyl-based electrocatalysts, inspired by the active sites of alcohol oxidising metalloenzymes, have recently emerged as viable alcohol oxidising catalysts for the scalable synthesis of fine chemicals. It has yet to be investigated, though, if such catalysts can be adapted for oxidation of alcohol based fuels for electrochemical energy conversion. This project will examine a series of structurally related copper nitroxyl complexes as redox mediators for the oxidation of alcohol-based fuels. A strong emphasis will be placed on unravelling the underlying reaction mechanism, which, to date, is largely unknown. Insights gained from this will permit rational enhancement of catalyst activity, through electronic and structural tuning, and optimisation of reaction conditions. Ideal PhD candidates should have a strong interest in metal-ligand coordination chemistry with the ability to develop new skills in electrochemical analysis.\nInterested students should contact Dr Paul Kavanagh (firstname.lastname@example.org) to discuss the position in more detail.\nFoldamer Therapeutics for Amyloid Disease (supervisors: Dr Peter Knipe and Dr Stephen Cochrane)\nFoldamers are artificial oligomeric molecules that mimic the structural and functional properties of natural biopolymers such as peptides. We recently developed an entirely new foldamer capable of adopting protein-like tertiary structures in predictable, sequence-defined manner (ACIE 2018, 57, 8478), and have recently formed the cyclic analogues of these foldamers.\nMany neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases involve misfolding and aggregation of peptides, followed by their deposition as insoluble amyloid plaques. This project will explore the use of novel cyclic (and acyclic) foldamers as potential therapeutics for neurodegeneration by targeting amyloid formation and growth, in collaboration with Dr Jinghui Luo (Paul Scherrer Institut).\nThe student will develop strong synthetic skills, and a detailed knowledge of advanced analytical techniques including multidimensional NMR, HPLC(MS), and GC, all of which are in high demand from employers in the chemical sector.\nThe project will involve the synthesis, characterization and testing of complex organic molecules, so candidates should have a strong background in synthetic organic chemistry or related areas.\nFunctionalized Biocompatible Block Copolymer Particles and Fibres Produced by Electrospraying/Electrospinning for Biomedical Applications (supervisor: Dr Efrosyni Themistou)\nThe design of novel biodegradable polymeric nano- and micro- structures containing functional groups is of high importance in the biomedical field, and especially in drug delivery and tissue engineering. Functionalization of polymers with reactive groups is highly desirable, since these groups can be used for attachment of biologically-important molecules on the polymers, such as antibodies, peptides and/or fluorescent dyes. The project will involve the preparation of novel biodegradable functionalized polymeric particles by eloctrospraying and fibres by electrospinning. Modern polymerisation techniques including reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerisation and ring opening polymerisation (ROP) will be used for the synthesis of a series of biocompatible biodegradable polymers with different functional groups. The student will receive training in various polymer characterisation techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). The particles and fibres exhibiting favourable structural characteristics will be further assessed for their suitability in attachment of biologically-important molecules and their use in efficient drug delivery (encapsulation and release of anti-cancer drugs) and tissue engineering (attachment of stem cells), respectively. Applicants will have a degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Science or a closely related subject and a strong interest and motivation in pursuing research in polymeric biomaterials. The project will be undertaken under the supervision of Dr Efrosyni Themistou and will involve the potential for the successful candidate to work in collaborator laboratories during their research project.\nFor further information, please contact email@example.com.\nMain group catalysis with ionic liquids (supervisor: Dr Gosia Swadźba-Kwaśny and Dr John Holbrey)\nA 3-year, fully funded PhD position is available starting September/October 2019 in the Swadźba-Kwaśny group, at the QUILL Research Centre. The project scope combines two topical areas: Main Group catalysis and ionic liquids. The aim is to further the development of new ionic liquids with highly Lewis acidic cations, for applications in catalysis, in particular in carbocationic processes and as frustrated Lewis pairs.\nThe project is suitable for an independent thinking, enthusiastic student, interested in a project spanning from synthetic inorganic chemistry, through physical chemistry (spectroscopic studies), to homogenous catalysis.\nFor further information, please contact firstname.lastname@example.org.\nQueen's University Belfast is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.\nFor more information please read our Equality and Diversity Policy.\nQueen's University Belfast is registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC101788\nVAT registration number: GB 254 7995 11", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Dow selected for desalination pilot project in UAE\nUS firm chosen by Degremont to work on energy efficient plant in Abu Dhabi.\nDow Water and Process Solutions has been selected by Degremont of France to supply its advanced membrane solutions for a desalination plant in Abu Dhabi, in partnership with Masdar.\nThe project is in management of the pilot desalination program launched by Masdar to test and develop energy-efficient seawater desalination technologies that can be supplied by renewable energy sources.\nThe pilot will call for a full-scale facility to be operational by 2020, with the long-term objective to implement the best performing technologies in desalination plants across the United Arab Emirates (UAE).\nThe 18-month pilot project will cover all facets of the design, implementation, and maintenance of a pilot desalination unit.\nThe plant, potentially powered completely by renewable energy sources, will offer more energy efficiency than current desalination systems and will be suitable for the seawater and environmental conditions found throughout the UAE.\nDegremont has chosen Dow Water and Process Solutions due to the unique and innovative technology of its energy efficient advanced DOW Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis membranes.\nRemi Lantier, CEO of Degremont, said,: “We are excited to partner with Dow on the Renewable Energy Seawater Desalination Program. As a world leader in water treatment we take innovation to heart and Dow Water & Process Solutions consistently brings to market innovative reverse osmosis technologies.”\nTechnologies to be installed include DOW FILMTEC SEAMAXX, which can reduce energy consumption in desalination processes by up to 10%, compared to other Reverse Osmosis elements on the market, and DOW FILMTEC ECO elements, which offer unparalleled rejection and flow performance for industrial water needs whilst enabling up to 30% reduction in energy usage.\n“Membrane technologies, like those found in DOW Ultrafiltration & DOW FILMTEC Reverse Osmosis elements, are far more energy efficient than the thermal processes currently used in most of the desalination plants throughout the UAE,” said Zakia Bahjou, MEA Regional Commercial Manager, Dow Water and Process Solutions.\n“Dow is committed to bringing the latest water desalination technologies to the UAE, and is excited to be partnering with such companies as Masdar and Degremont to bring this project to life.”\nWith DOW Ultrafiltration and DOW FILMTEC Reverse Osmosis membrane technologies, Dow Water and Process Solutions will assist Degremont in demonstrating that solutions and technologies implemented in the pilot phase can decrease the energy consumption and increase the overall recovery of a sea water desalination system.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Structure of the N-linked oligosaccharide of the main diagnostic antigen of the pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.Glycobiology. 1996 Jul; 6(5):507-15.G\nThe major diagnostic antigen of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the exocellularly secreted 43,000 Da glycoprotein (gp43) which contains a single N-linked oligosaccharide chain. This oligosaccharide, although poorly immunogenic in man, is responsible for the cross-reactivity of the gp43 with sera from patients with histoplasmosis, and may have a role in fungal virulence. It contains a neutral high-mannose core (Man7GlcNAc2) to which a (1-->6)-linked alpha-D-Manp chain of variable length, substituted at the 2-O positions by single alpha-D-Manp residues, is attached. A terminal unit of beta-D-galactofuranose is (1-->6)-linked to one of the (1-->2)-linked mannosyl residues, either in the C or in the A arm of the oligosaccharide. The heterogeneity of the oligosaccharide is determined by the different sizes of the A arm and the sites of insertion of the beta-galactofuranosyl unit. The complete structure was determined by methylation analysis, 1H-NMR, mass spectrometry, acetolysis and mannosidase degradation. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed that the oligosaccharide comprises several subtypes ranging from Hex18GlcNAc2 to Hex10GlcNAc2 which accounts for the diffuse migration of the gp43 in polyacrylamide gels. The average size of the most frequent subtype is Hex13.6GlcNAc2. Dilute acid treatment to remove beta-D-Galf reduced the molecular masses of the majority of the subtypes by a single sugar unit.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Breast cancer continues to be a devastating disease in spite of targeted therapies against the estrogen receptor alpha (ER?), the progesterone receptor, and the human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (Her2). Breast cancers lacking expression of all three receptors are named triple-negative breast cancer (TNBCs). TNBCs are hard to treat due to lack of targeted therapy. Over half of TNBCs overexpress EGFR. Recently our lab showed a NCI investigational drug aminoflavone (AF) exhibits strong cytotoxicity in TNBC cells with GC50 at nM range. AF induces DNA damage, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in TNBC cell lines. Despite promising growth inhibitory effects, several human clinical trials on AF had been terminated due to systematic toxicity. Thus, there is a pressing need to develop multifunctional nanocarriers to encapsulate AF for targeted cancer therapy. In collaboration with Dr. Gong's group, we have recently designed a unique unimolecular micelle nanoparticle platform as AF nanocarrier for targeted TNBC therapy. We have promising preliminary data indicating that conjugation of an EGFR targeting peptide, GE11, to unimolecular micelles enhances the cellular uptake of the AF-loaded nanoparticles in EGFR-overexpressing TNBC cells. This application will further examine the specificity and efficacy of AF-loaded, GE11-conjugated unimolecular micelles in in vitro and in vivo models. The grant proposal includes two specific aims:\nAim 1 will test the specificity of AF-loaded, GE11-conjugated unimolecular micelles towards EGFR overexpressing vs. non-expressing triple negative breast cancer cells.\nAim 2 will determine the therapeutic efficacy and systemic toxicity of AF-loaded unimolecular micelles in various in vivo models. Collectively, our study will determine whether unimolecular micelles conjugated with an EGFR-recognizing peptide, i.e. GE11, allows for targeted delivery of AF to EGFR- overexpressing TNBC, minimizing systemic toxicity while improving therapeutic efficacy.\nTriple Negative Breast cancer lacks expression of ER?, PR, and Her2, constitutes 15-20% of all breast cancer diagnosis. TNBC has the worst prognosis compared to other subtypes of breast cancer and non- targeted therapy is currently available. This study aims to develop a nanoparticle-based, aminoflavone (AF) drug delivery system that would increase tumor-targeting efficacy while circumventing the systemic toxicity associated with AF treatment.\n|Chen, Guojun; Ma, Ben; Xie, Ruosen et al. (2018) NIR-induced spatiotemporally controlled gene silencing by upconversion nanoparticle-based siRNA nanocarrier. J Control Release 282:148-155|\n|Chen, Guojun; Ma, Ben; Wang, Yuyuan et al. (2018) A Universal GSH-Responsive Nanoplatform for the Delivery of DNA, mRNA, and Cas9/sgRNA Ribonucleoprotein. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 10:18515-18523|\n|Chen, Guojun; Jaskula-Sztul, Renata; Esquibel, Corinne R et al. (2017) Neuroendocrine Tumor-Targeted Upconversion Nanoparticle-Based Micelles for Simultaneous NIR-Controlled Combination Chemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy, and Fluorescence Imaging. Adv Funct Mater 27:|\n|Liu, Fabao; Ma, Fengfei; Wang, Yuyuan et al. (2017) PKM2 methylation by CARM1 activates aerobic glycolysis to promote tumorigenesis. Nat Cell Biol 19:1358-1370|\n|Jaskula-Sztul, Renata; Chen, Guojun; Dammalapati, Ajitha et al. (2017) AB3-Loaded and Tumor-Targeted Unimolecular Micelles for Medullary Thyroid Cancer Treatment. J Mater Chem B 5:151-159|\n|Wang, Yuyuan; Wang, Yidan; Chen, Guojun et al. (2017) Quantum-Dot-Based Theranostic Micelles Conjugated with an Anti-EGFR Nanobody for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Therapy. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9:30297-30305|\n|Chen, Guojun; Ma, Ben; Wang, Yuyuan et al. (2017) CuS-Based Theranostic Micelles for NIR-Controlled Combination Chemotherapy and Photothermal Therapy and Photoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9:41700-41711|\n|Shishkova, Evgenia; Zeng, Hao; Liu, Fabao et al. (2017) Global mapping of CARM1 substrates defines enzyme specificity and substrate recognition. Nat Commun 8:15571|\n|Wang, Yuyuan; Wang, Liwei; Chen, Guojun et al. (2017) Carboplatin-Complexed and cRGD-Conjugated Unimolecular Nanoparticles for Targeted Ovarian Cancer Therapy. Macromol Biosci 17:|\n|Chen, Guojun; Wang, Yuyuan; Xie, Ruosen et al. (2017) Tumor-targeted pH/redox dual-sensitive unimolecular nanoparticles for efficient siRNA delivery. J Control Release 259:105-114|\nShowing the most recent 10 out of 12 publications", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Double Cone Machines\nUsed Double Cone Equipment\nA double cone powder mixer is actually two cones, one inverted into the other, to form the double cone with the mixer rotated about the widest portion of the top and bottom cones. The batch mixer is loaded from the top and the contents allowed to inter mix caused by the rotation of the mixer. Double cone powder mixers can also be jacketed and they can have an intensifier bar along the rotation axis to facilitate breakdown of clumpy materials. Double cone powder mixers can also have liquid addition nozzles along this rotation axis.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Silver/Polyaniline Nanocomposite for the Electrocatalytic Hydrazine Oxidation\n- 2.1k Downloads\nSilver/polyaniline (Ag-PANi) nanocomposites were prepared via in situ reduction of silver in aniline by mild photolysis performed with short wavelength (365 nm) radiation from UV lamp for 12 h. Reduction of the silver in aqueous aniline leads to the formation of silver nanoparticles which in turn catalyze oxidation of aniline into polyaniline. A slightly broadened X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern suggests small particle which was size consistent with cubic silver nanoparticles. The UV–Vis absorption revealed that the bands at about 400–420 nm due to benzonoid ring of the polyaniline are overlapped and blue-shifted due to the presence of silver nanoparticles in powdered state. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the silver/polyaniline (Ag-PANi) nanocomposite showed a size distribution with nanofibers and granular morphology of silver nanoparticles. Our findings are not only the promising approach for electro-catalytic hydrazine oxidation but also utilized in the other bio-sensing applications.\nKeywordsSilver/polyaniline (Ag-PANi) Chemical synthesis Polymer Nanocomposite\nThe silver nanoparticles have potential in technological applications due to its interesting properties including catalysis, conductive inks, thick film pastes, and adhesives for various electronic components, in photonics and in photography [1, 2, 3]. The conducting polymers have the excellent hosts for trapping nanoparticles of metals and semiconductors, because of their ability to act as stabilizers or surface capping agents. The nanoparticles embedded or encapsulated in a polymer; the polymer terminates the growth of the particles by controlling the nucleation. For application in opto-electronics and electronics, the control of particle size and their uniform distribution within the polymer is the key to technology. Conducting organic polymers especially doped polyaniline, which have high electrical conductivity with great environmental stability in organic, inorganic, and aqueous medium. The methods of preparation may lead to small differences in physical and chemical properties of the product culminated into the electronic applications such as sensing . However, the synthesis of Ag-PANi nanocomposite via photo-polymerization process has reported for the first time for the electrocatalytical hydrazine oxidation. Hydrazine is an agricultural chemicals (pesticides), blowing agents, pharmaceutical intermediates, photographic developers, treatment of water for corrosion protection, textile dyes, and jet and rocket fuels . Besides these, individuals occupationally exposed to hydrazine in the workplace or from accidental discharges into water, air, and soil, which may also occur during storage, handling, transport, and improper waste disposal . The photolysis of aniline into polyaniline utilizing AgNO3 is an alternate strategy for in situ polymerization of aniline was established. This method has considered more suitable for synthesis of not only nanoparticles but also nanocomposite. The preparations of nanoparticles of silver by photolysis are rather scarce, although a large number of chemical methods have reported. However, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles of desired shape and size with uniform distribution within the matrix remains highly challenging and meaningful.\nPolyaniline-AgNPs nanocomposites show enhanced sensing, electrical and catalytic capabilities, as compared with those of pure PANi. Khanna et al. have reported the synthesis of Ag-PANi nanocomposites via in situ photo-redox mechanism by which radiation from UV lamps have used to reduce silver salt in aniline. Kang et al. have prepared nanocomposites by oxidative polymerization of aniline-stabilized Ag colloids by gamma-irradiation. Karim et al. jave synthesized core–shell silver nanocomposites by in situ gamma radiation-induced chemical polymerization method. Du et al. have employed one-pot synthesis method for Ag/polyaniline nanoparticles; whereas Pillalamarri et al. have also used one-pot synthesis method in which composite materials consisting of polyaniline nanofibres decorated with noble-metal (Ag or Au) nanoparticles were synthesized with γ-radiolysis. Zhou et al. . have applied the unsymmetrical square wave current method, and characterized by the combination of an anodic process of aniline monomer polymerization and a cathodic process of metal ionic electrodeposition to produce the PANi silver nanocomposite film.\nAlthough the limitations associated with these methods are very hard to avoid, like sub-micrometre size diameter, risk of contamination and complex process control. To the best of our knowledge, the PANi/silver nanocomposite films for the elctrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine have not reported until date. The advantage of the present method requires no other template for the reduction of silver salt into AgNPs. In this manuscript, an easy route to a silver/polyaniline nanocomposite powder was prepared using UV lamp at 365 nm wavelength. Silver nitrate has reduced by aniline in an aqueous medium via photolysis to produce PANi, in which silver acts as a catalyst to initiate the polymerization in aqueous medium.\nAniline, silver nitrate and ethanol were obtained from Merck, India. Aqueous solutions were prepared using deionized water. Aniline stored in dark at low temperature in the concentration of 0.5 M aniline mixed with 0.5 M of silver nitrate in total volume (5.0 mL) of mixture. The assay mixture had irradiated using 365 nm wavelength for 12 h at room temperature in UV chamber. The colour of the solution changes from whitish to blue and then finally it becomes green.The solution kept inrefrigerator at rest for 24 h to complete the polymerization process and then this solution was centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 30 min. The mass obtained was washed with acetone, ethanol and double distilled water to remove excess of monomer, oligomer. The powdered sample have characterized by several techniques. ITO substrates were cleaned using distilled water with several times and air-dried. The reaction mixture well vortexes and put on the desired area of the substrate. After that, put inside the UV lamp chamber (365 nm) carefully for 12 h. The presence of a green thin PANi film on ITO substrate has observed, suggesting the protonation of the emeraldine base. The AgNPs/PAni film on the ITO electrode washed with buffer solution.\nMorphology of nanocomposites are studied by a Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) FEI, model Quanta 200, Netherland. The optical absorption band has measured with UV–Vis spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer model L35, Germany). Photoluminescence spectra of the samples have obtained out using LS 55 Fluorescence spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer). The excitation wavelength for the PL study of the sample is 330 nm. TGA of the samples have carried out on Pyris 1 TGA instrument at a heating rate of 10 °C per minute in N2 atmosphere over a temperature range of 25–700 °C. FTIR is recorded with a FTIR-NEXUS, NICOLET instrument in the region of 500–4000 cm−1 using KBr pellet. XRD was performed on Rigaku D/max-2200 PC diffractometer operated at 40 kV/20 mA, using Cu Kα1 radiation with wavelength of 1.54 Å in the wide angle region from 20 to 80°. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were performed on electrochemistry workstation CHI 660A (Austin, USA). Electrochemical measurements have performed in one-compartment cell containing the ITO modified electrode (geometric area of 1.0 cm2) as working electrode, a platinum auxiliary electrode, and Ag/AgCl sat electrode as reference. DPV experiments have performed at a scan rate of 20 mVs−1 using instrumental conditions of 50 mV pulse amplitude, pulse width of 50 ms and pulse time of 200 ms.\n3 Results and Discussions\nThe excitation of aniline monomer by UV light @ 365 nm is playing role for the polyaniline formation and controlling of silver particle sizes. The speculation to this mechanism is also due to Ag+ ions, which oxidize the aniline monomer and as result reduce it into metal Ag0 and finally PANi and Ag0 particles are formed. Possibly, in another way, the decomposition of NO3− by UV light yields hydroxyl radicals (OH) as oxidizing agent and they are responsible for aniline photopolymerization rather than rather than due to Ag+. Thus, we can propose that NO3− ions are able to promote the polymerization of aniline monomer by UV light. Strongly we can state that the exact mechanism of photopolymerization process are still not fully understand, probably UV light interacts with aniline and silver nitrate to yield PANi and Ag0 due to photo-excitation process.\nThe synthesis of Ag-PANi nanocomposite by simple route is established in presence of aniline as a starting material. The photolysis is effective in the initial reduction of silver nitrate into AgNPs and then simulataneously act as photocatalyst to oxidize aniline to polyaniline. This nanocomposite is more thermally stable and more crystalline than standard polyaniline. Confirmation of the presence of silver nanoparticles in polyaniline is obtained by UV–Vis, PL, FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM and CV analysis. The modified electrode are used for the first time to confirm the utility and application of this, towards the electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine.\nWork supported by DST Nano-Mission (SR/NM/NS-87/2008), Department of Science and Technology.\nThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.\nOpen AccessThis is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0), which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Is glucose a product of respiration?\nMost of the steps of cellular respiration take place in the mitochondria. Oxygen and glucose are both reactants in the process of cellular respiration. The main product of cellular respiration is ATP; waste products include carbon dioxide and water.\nWhat are the products of respiration?\nCellular respiration converts oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide are by- products and ATP is energy that is transformed from the process.\nWhat does oxygen and glucose make the body?\nThrough the process of cellular respiration, the energy in food is converted into energy that can be used by the body’s cells. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water, and the energy is transferred to ATP.\nWhat is energy called that is made in respiration?\nThe source of the energy required to regenerate ATP is the chemical energy stored in food (e.g. glucose). The cellular process of releasing energy from food through a series of enzyme-controlled reactions is called respiration . Some of the energy released is used to produce ATP.\nHow do we get energy from respiration?\nRespiration releases energy – it is an exothermic process. The energy is stored in molecules of ATP . ATP can be broken down in other processes in cells to release the stored energy. Don’t confuse respiration with photosynthesis.\nIs energy made during respiration?\nMetabolic pathways provide resources and energy that allow cells to grow and divide.\nWhat is the role of oxygen in anaerobic respiration?\nAnaerobic respiration is respiration using electron acceptors other than molecular oxygen (O2). Although oxygen is not the final electron acceptor, the process still uses a respiratory electron transport chain. Molecular oxygen is a high-energy oxidizing agent and, therefore, is an excellent electron acceptor.\nHow is energy released from glucose?\nDuring cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Energy released during the reaction is captured by the energy-carrying molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate).\nHow much oxygen is in our body?\nNormal: A normal ABG oxygen level for healthy lungs falls between 80 and 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). If a pulse ox measured your blood oxygen level (SpO2), a normal reading is typically between 95 and 100 percent.\nWhat is normal oxygen consumption?\nResults: The human lung consumes about 5-6 ml oxygen per minute at an esophageal temperature of 28 degrees C. Prebypass whole-body oxygen consumption measured at nearly normothermic conditions was 198 +/- 28 ml/min. Mean lung and whole-body respiratory quotients were similar (0.84 and 0.77, respectively).\nWhat is the fastest healing organ in the body?\nIt’s true – wounds in the mouth really do heal much faster than cuts to the skin. A study has discovered that the lining of the mouth is permanently primed for healing. The finding could lead to new ways to improve wound-healing elsewhere in the body.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Sulfur-Enriched Bone Char as Alternative P Fertilizer: Spectroscopic, Wet Chemical, and Yield Response Evaluation (2018)\nZimmer D., Panten K., Frank M., Springer A., Leinweber P.\nAgriculture, 9 (1), 21\nPhosphorus- (P) rich bone char (BC) could be an alternative P fertilizer in sustainable agriculture; however, it has a low P solubility. Therefore, sulfur-enriched BC (BCplus) was tested for chemical composition and fertilization effects in a pot experiment. In BCplus sulfur, concentrations increased from <0.1% to 27% and pH decreased from 8.6 to 5.0. These modifications did not change P solubility in water, neutral ammonium citrate, and citric acid. A pot experiment with annual rye grass (Lolium multiflorum L.) and treatments without P (P0), BC, BCplus and triple superphosphate (TSP) was set up. The cumulative dry matter yield of the BC treatment was similar to P0, and that of BCplus similar to TSP. The plant P uptake was in the order P0 = BC < BCplus < TSP. Consequently, the apparent nutrient recovery efficiency differed significantly between BC (<3%), BCplus (10% to 15%), and TSP (>18%). The tested equilibrium extractions, regularly used to classify mineral P-fertilizers, failed to predict differences in plant yield and P uptake. Therefore, non-equilibrium extraction methods should be tested in combination with pot experiments. Additionally, particle-plant root scale analyses and long-term experiments are necessary to gain insights into fertilizer-plant interactions.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Treatment for dry and damaged hair Multivitamin Complex Capillary Hipertin, helps eliminate static electricity from the hair, acts as a protector and restructures of the hair's keratin, thanks to the components of vegetable extracts and vitamins, it provides hydration, nutrition and softness, getting a healthy hair appearance. Box of 12 units.\n- Helps prolong hair color\n- Hydrates and nourishes\n- Provides shine\n- Take care of the hair after a chemical process\n- Protects and restructures roots and tips\nActive ingredients and components:\n- Aleurone Vitamin / Wheat Complex, its effect is based on the variety of trace elements such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and calcium. It also contains Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B5 (D-Panthenol), these vitamins are related to hair growth, correct seborrhea or bulb problems, restructuring from the bulb to the tips.\n- Creatine, protects hair after a chemical process, such as bleaching or dyeing and perming.\n- Hydrolyzed silk protein, helps to improve hair structure, preventing breakage, provides vigor and elasticity from roots to ends.\n- Anti-pollution complex, it is composed of natural extracts such as wheat seed, apple, lemon, peach and ginseng root, which have a specific anti-pollution and detoxifying action, protecting the hair from external aggressions.\nHow to use:\nOnce we have clean expel, we remove the excess water with a towel and apply, depending on the length of the hair from 1/2 to 1 ampoule, distribute from root to tip, making a gentle massage, leave it to act for a few minutes and rinse with plenty of water.\nIf the hair is very dry, you can also apply a few drops without rinsing, the first few times to have a faster effect.\nWhen the hair is very damaged it can be used whenever necessary and when it improves we apply once a week.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Kemlite® Embossed Liner, LTR, is a lightweight and durable fiberglass reinforced plastic (frp) panel. It is more cleanable, more stain resistant, and more abrasion resistant than competitive frp panels. Kemlite® is comprised of random chopped fiberglass and polyester resin.\nKemlite® Embossed Liner, LTR, is specifically designed and formulated for use as a sidewall liner, ceiling liner, scuffplate panel, or subpan for refrigerated and dry van trailers, truck bodies, seagoing containers, and rail cars.\nReinforcement: Random chopped fiberglass. Resin Mix: Modified polyester copolymer, inorganic fillers, and pigments.\nFinished Panel Quality\nThe frontside of the panel shall have a pebble-like embossed finish. The backside of the panel shall have a smooth finish.\nThe backside surface may have some variations which do not affect functional properties and are not cause for rejection. The backside of the panel is comprised of a polyester copolymer surface that is commonly bonded with adhesives or to foam in lamination processes. Typically, no additional preparation is required as long as the surface is dirt and oil free.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is a Glycol Dehydration Unit?\nTriethylene glycol (TEG) unit or glycol dehydrator is a liquid desiccant system used for the removal of water from natural gas and NGLs. It is the most commonly used means of water removal from natural gas. A TEG Unit also referred to as a glycol unit, uses absorption, which occurs when the water vapor is taken out by a dehydrating agent, or liquid desiccant.\nA TEG unit removes water vapor from the gas or liquids such as natural gas or oil. Water vapor in gas is like humidity in the air; it can only be removed through a dehydration process such as a liquid or solid desiccant dehydrator or with refrigeration. Water vapor is the amount of water contained in gas at a given temperature and pressure. There are three main characteristics that affect the water vapor in gas; temperature, pressure, and volume.\nWith higher temperatures, the more water vapor the gas can hold. For every 20°F, the water vapor capacity will double which means more desiccant will be needed to remove the water vapor. It is crucial that water vapor is removed from the natural gas stream because it can cause corrosion within the gas lines and equipment. Hydrates can also form, clogging pipelines, valves, and transport equipment.\nHere at CROFT, we like to first find out what the volume, temperature and pressure is, so we can determine how much water vapor needs to be removed and what size equipment will be needed to appropriately dehydrate the gas.\nThere are different types of dehydration products, but this blog will focus specifically on glycol dehydration units which are a non-regenerative system utilizing liquid glycol absorbents to hydrate the gas.\nComponents that make up a Glycol Dehydration Unit:\nThere are several components on a TEG unit that are critical to the function or can greatly improve the efficiency of the system. We partner with Surplus Energy Equipment to provide our clients with components to repair or upgrade their existing Tglycol dehy unit. These components are available as-is or for re-certification.\n- Reboilers– Reboilers drive the water from the wet desiccant into the atmosphere. Reboilers, also referred to as regenerators are either direct-fired or steam-heated with a stripping column on top. Stripping columns can be packed or contain trays. Reboilers are often fueled by fuel gas from the gas stream of the contractor. In this case, the fuel gas quality may need to be improved using a fuel gas conditioning system.\n- Contact Towers– The contact tower, or gas contactor can be packed or tray columns. The wet gas passes upward through the column, water vapor is absorbed by the glycol and the gas becomes progressively drier.\n- BTEX Units– BTEX units are heat exchangers used to capture and recycle BTEX and V.O.C. from the regenerator still column. Having a BTEX unit reduces operating costs and by recovering sellable concentrates and using VOC vapors for burner fuels.\nHow a Glycol Dehydrator works:\nWe discussed some of the components a TEG, but keep reading for a better understanding of how those components work together to achieve the overall function.\n- Wet gas enters the inlet scrubber, which is placed before the contact tower to remove any free water, dust, condensed hydrocarbons, and other impurities\n- After going through the separator, the wet gas enters through the contact tower where it rises through the column. As its rises through the contact tower the gas meets the lean glycol solution flowing downward across either bubble trays, random packed or structured packed towers\n- Next, the rich TEG exchanges heat with the lean TEG and enters the still column. The TEG then flows downward through the still column to the reboiler where it is heated around 375°F and removes all but a small percentage of the water from the regenerator\n- The hot, dry glycol then flows through an overflow system to the surge section of the reboiler, where the glycol pump then pulls lean TEG and pumps the glycol back into the top of the contact tower, where the drying process is repeated\nCroft Production Systems, Inc. has developed a glycol dehydration design that combines the best practices through the industry. CROFT will properly size and sell a system to meet your needs. For efficiency gains and environmental consideration, CROFT promotes this baseline product with upgraded features like BTEX, Burner Management Systems (BMS), and sensors with control kills.\nRead more about TEG units.\nShop for TEG parts.\nShop for used or surplus components for TEG units.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Hpmc Hp\nHigh Quality Hpmc Hp Manufacturer in China\nWelcome to Hebei Yulan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Hpmc Hp products in China.\nOur Hpmc Hp, also known as hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, is a non-ionic, water-soluble cellulose ether widely used in construction materials, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.\nMade from natural polymer materials through a series of chemical processes, our Hpmc Hp is highly stable and has excellent thickening, binding, and film-forming properties. It is an ideal ingredient for dry mortar, putty, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.\nWith our advanced production technology, strict quality control, and professional technical support, we guarantee that our Hpmc Hp meets the highest industry standards and your specific requirements.\nChoose Hebei Yulan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. as your reliable Hpmc Hp supplier and partner, and let us provide you with the best products and services to meet your needs.\nHebei Yulan Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.\n- HPMC Manufacturer: Your Reliable Supplier in China\n- Related Videos\nIntroducing our latest innovation, Hpmc Hp, a high-performance hydroxypropyl methylcellulose designed to meet the specific needs of the construction industry. Hpmc Hp offers exceptional water retention properties, making it an ideal choice for use in tile adhesives, grouts, and self-leveling compounds. Our Hpmc Hp product is specifically formulated to provide excellent workability and improved adhesion, allowing for easier application and a stronger bond. With its high level of resistance to sagging and slumping, Hpmc Hp ensures that your construction materials stay in place, reducing the need for rework and minimizing waste. In addition, Hpmc Hp is highly effective in promoting uniform hydration, resulting in consistent and reliable performance in a wide range of conditions. Its enhanced compatibility with other additives makes it a versatile and dependable choice for use in various applications. At our company, we are committed to delivering superior quality products that exceed industry standards. Our Hpmc Hp is no exception, offering unparalleled reliability and performance to help you achieve outstanding results in your construction projects. Experience the difference with Hpmc Hp and discover how this high-performance hydroxypropyl methylcellulose can elevate the quality and efficiency of your construction materials. Contact us today to learn more about how Hpmc Hp can benefit your specific needs.\nI recently tried a new supplement containing HPMC and HP, and I must say I am impressed with the results. After just a few weeks of taking this product, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall health and energy levels. The HPMC and HP in this supplement seemed to have a positive impact on my digestion and immune system. I also experienced a noticeable increase in my focus and mental clarity. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to improve their well-being and overall health.\nI recently tried a new dietary supplement that contains HPMC and HP, and I have been really pleased with the results. The HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) and HP (hypromellose) have made a noticeable difference in my overall digestive health and have helped to regulate my bowel movements. I have also experienced an increase in energy and mental clarity since starting this supplement. The combination of HPMC and HP seems to be very effective, and I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking to support their digestive health.\nPlease feel free to give your inquiry in the form below We will reply you in 24 hours", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Protecting Workers and the Public from Acrylamide and Other Chemical Exposure Risks\nClark Seif Clark provides environmental and industrial hygiene testing, consulting and training services to identify and mitigate exposures to chemical and biological hazards.\nChatsworth, CA -- Acrylamide is described by the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR) as a colorless, odorless, crystalline solid that can react violently when melted. It is used to make polyacrylamides, which are mainly used in treating wastewater discharge from water treatment plants and industrial processes.\nIn addition, the agency reports that acrylamide and polyacrylamides are used in the production of dyes and organic chemicals, contact lenses, cosmetics and toiletries, permanent-press fabrics, textile production, pulp and paper production, ore processing, sugar refining, and as a chemical grouting agent and soil stabilizer for the construction of tunnels, sewers, wells and reservoirs.\nAcrylamide is also formed in foods that are rich in carbohydrates when they are fried, grilled or baked. This is why ATSDR reports that for the general population, exposure to acrylamide occurs mainly through eating contaminated food, although it can also occur by breathing secondhand smoke or drinking contaminated water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates acrylamide levels in drinking water and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the amount of it in a variety of materials that come in contact with food.\nThe Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have all concluded that acrylamide is likely to be carcinogenic to humans. Back in 1990, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) added acrylamide to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65. It was also added to the list for developmental and reproductive toxicity in 2011.\n“Workers in a number of industries can be exposed to acrylamide through inhalation, skin and eye contact, and through skin absorption,” said Zahid Iqbal, MPH, CIH and Technical Director at Clark Seif Clark (CSC). “This is why NIOSH and OSHA have established occupational exposure limits for the workplace. At CSC, our industrial hygiene and environmental professionals offer testing, monitoring, consulting and training services to help eliminate or mitigate exposures to acrylamide and many other potential hazards.”\nCSC also recently sponsored an educational video about acrylamide and potential exposure risks that can be seen at: https://youtu.be/lsNsJJuT0uw\nTo learn more about this or other occupational, indoor air quality, environmental, health and safety services, please visit www.csceng.com, email firstname.lastname@example.org or call (800) 807-1118.\nAbout Clark Seif Clark\nCSC was established in 1989 to help clients in both public and private sectors address indoor air quality, occupational, environmental, and health and safety (EH&S) issues. CSC is a leading provider of these services with multiple offices along the western seaboard and southwest. The company believes in science-based protocols and has a strong background in engineering, making them the preferred environmental consultants to industrial clients, healthcare facilities, architects, schools, builders, contractors, developers and real estate professionals.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Manufactures air-powered man lifts for use in prep, paint and blast booths. Standard\nand custom designs.\nNO FLASH RUST -\nOur HoldTight®102 salt remover & flash rush inhibitor prevents flash rust by removing surface contaminants.\nContact us for your nearest distributor. (800) 319.8802 email@example.com\n- Superior cleaning performance\n- Even Profile\n- Low Dust\n- Environmentally friendly\n- Recyclable up to 5 times\nTel : +1 832 243 9300\nLS Blasters: Optimum Steel Cleaning Efficiency\nSimplify surface prep with the\nprecise shot control of LS Blasters.\nOur blast technology delivers\noptimum coverage and finish. 800-533-8008\nHyrdrocarbon Fire & Jet Fire Protection\nPyroclad X1 is the latest breakthrough in epoxy based intumescent fireproofing technology\nPOLYFLEX brand Polyurea\nhigh chemical resistant membranes are used extensively to protect our environment in secondary containment applications.\nWasser Coatings Protect\nsome of the most important bridges in the country; learn about our NEPCOAT-approved system and our entire range of MCU & Polyurea coatings.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Sep 15, 2024\nGbl Drug Wiki\nThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Rhino 5 1500 Capsules, a product promoted for sexual. It's all marketingto get stupid kids to buy drugs that are going to make them sick.\" To obtain embalming fluid, drug dealers in Syracuse. The prosecution told jurors Walgate was too cautious to consume drugs and it must have been Port who slipped him GHB, which led to death. Port's. GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate) and GBL (Gamma Butyrolactone) are chems used in dance clubs or during sex. They're depressant drugs ('downers'). Wickr messenger or refer to WIKI what is MDMA Buy Mdma Pills 100mg Online right place Buy 99 pure GBL,GHB,Cocaine,mdma About Drugs Melbourne Wickr. What is GHB? GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a central nervous system depressant. What is GBL or 1,4 BD? GBL (gamma butyrolactone) and 1,4-BD (1. Continuum Global Solutions provides contact center services worldwide via voice and non-voice channels such as chat, email, and social media. Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Wikipedia. GBL. abbr. gamma-butyrolactone. The American Heritage Medical Dictionary Copyright 2007, 2004 by.\nOn the above list GBL is a party drug which is particularly popular amongst Taurine salvia divinorum Wiki User One of these substances is codeine. Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) is a chemical. People use it as medicine. Be careful not to confuse GBL with gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or butanediol. GHB & GBL. Closely related drugs with similar sedative and anaesthetic effects. When consumed, GBL is converted into GHB in the body. Also. Avoid life-threatening adverse drug events & improve clinical decision support. PDBe Ligand: gbl drug wiki: gbl drug wiki Gamma-Butyrolactone. Tatiana Ritter Black From Ink Crew Arrested For Drug Charges, Bio/Wiki. on the cap GBL and BD are sold as fish tank cleaner, ink stain remover, ink. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant. The drug can cause a host of physical health problems, including weight loss, severe tooth decay and stroke. Darknet onion links drugs url money gbl drug wiki. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. In some cases, thin, circular wafers containing chemotherapy medicine may be placed in your.\nDarknet drug dealer darknet guide darknet drugs dublin gbl drug wiki how to access darknet markets. P2p Drug EffectsThe early manufacturers of meth in the U. How did this new Symptoms and side effects of P2P methamphetamines Symptoms and side effects. Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid is cypher market a naturally occurring neurotransmitter and a psychoactive drug. It is a precursor to GABA, glutamate, and glycine in certain. Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1, 4-butanediol. gbl drug wiki In this report, the Council's definition of drug facilitated sexual assault. GBL can also be used as a recreational drug by itself. GBL overdose can cause severe sickness, coma and death. Metabolism takes place in stomach and blood. 2) Gamma-butyrolactone. gbl drug wiki. 3) Paul Bracchi. Coma in a bottle: GBL, the 50 p party drug that. Considering investing in Zacian for GBL but I'm concerned about the release of the Crowned Sword version. During this most recent event, I collected the XL. 4-hydroxybutyric gbl drug wiki colourless liquid used as a solvent or reagent in various industrial uses, as well as a recreational drug. Abbreviated to GBL.\n(GBL) gbl drug Where to buy gbl is a hygroscopic colorless, water-miscible liquid with a weak characteristic odor Manufactured by Britten Norman. For Low-Level Drug Offenses melanie rose designer gbl drug wiki pipes near me.... 18 U Possession of GBL (a date rape drug) Sentencing for drug cases are. Over half of fentanyl analogue offenders (gbl drug wiki) also trafficked at least one other drug. The most common other drugs were heroin (gbl drug wiki). Main products: 1,4 Butanediol cleaner, GBL, RCs, Cannabinoids and Liquid E (GH used drug, alloys wheels clean up, best alloy wheel cleaner Ireland, gbl. Drugs being used by perpetrators in crimes of sexual assault include, but cypher market url are not limited to, Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid), GBL. Fantasy. GBH. GHB. Grievous Bodily Harm. Liquid Ecstasy. Precursors: Gamma butyrolactone (GBL). 1,4 butanediol. New to Medicare? Our guide for new providers will help you enroll and get started. Get Started. Jurisdiction J. AL, GA, TN. Part A Medicare Part B Medicare. Darknet drug dealer darknet guide darknet drugs dublin gbl drug wiki how to access darknet markets.\nGHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate) and GBL (Gamma Butyrolactone) are chems used in dance clubs or during sex. They're depressant drugs ('downers'). There are typically three specific 'chems' (drugs) involved: Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth), Mephedrone (Meth), GHB and GBL (G). By K Rochford 2024 Cited by 4 It was observed that the concentrations of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) Drugs were applied for 13 min with a ValveLink 8 perfusion system. Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1, 4-butanediol. gbl drug wiki In this report, the Council's definition of drug facilitated sexual assault. The prosecution told jurors Walgate was too cautious to consume drugs and it must have been Port who slipped him GHB, which cypher market link led to death. Port's. Drugs and substances such as baclofen, GHB, and alcohol also bind to these sites. So, I just wanted to briefly share my experience. 4-hydroxybutyric gbl drug wiki colourless liquid used as a solvent or reagent in various industrial uses, as well as a recreational drug. Abbreviated to GBL. Considering investing in Zacian for GBL but I'm concerned about the release of the Crowned Sword version. During this most recent event, I collected the XL.\nKeeper has millions of consumer customers and the business solution protects thousands of organizations worldwide. Author Osato Avan-Nomayo Osato is a Bitcoin enthusiast who can often be found providing insight on the latest Bitcoin-related news. DRUG dealer's mug shot has sent gbl drug wiki social media users into a frenzy - with many begging the \"hot\" criminal to be their pen pal. You could still potentially saturate that link, but it would take some serious effort. The researcher was careful to point out that data from 550 unique hosts was analysed and this was a relatively small sample compared to the total number of criminal operations. Adrian police, Human Relations Commission meet public over hot dogs. On-chain governance is a blockchain-based mechanism that takes place inside the computational architecture of a blockchain network protocol. He apparently was known for guns before poisons, so I’ve marked that as what he sold. A great example is the decision Icarus made to waive the vendor bond. Ori and Apollo are two of Olympus Market’s forum moderators. It's very much like Reddit or 4chan or those sorts of things where there's a lot of noise to get to the gold. Users had access to drugs, forged money, stolen or forged credit cards, anonymous mobile phone SIM cards and malware, German prosecutors added.\nAlthough many publications insist that you need a VPN when browsing Tor, this is not cypher market darknet the case. The goal of website forgery is to get users gbl drug wiki to enter information that could be used to defraud or launch further attacks against the victim. In intelligence communities, the recommendation is to have as little variations to the persona’s inventor’s own life.\nDistributed by Willy, LLC.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In this work, we review the progress in recent studies on glass patterning including technologies and applications. Four technologies for glass micromachining including wet etching, sandblasting, reactive ion etching, and glass reflow process are analyzed. Advantages as well as disadvantages of each method are presented and discussed in light of the experiments. Various microsystem applications using the above glass patterning technologies like thermal sensors, hermetically packaged capacitive silicon resonators, optical modulator devices, glass microfluidics, micro-heaters, and vacuum-sealed capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer arrays are reported.\nPart of the book: Advances in Glass Science and Technology", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A lot of diseases been recently related to heavy metal toxicity, which also known as heavy metal poisoning for most and so far has been a reason for the problem for several.\nWhen considerably more an exposure to toxic heavy metals, is just usually thought to be a huge factor each morning symptoms, like low energy, change in moods as well as other types of changes. Basically, this is what happens; these metals usually enter the bloodstream once there is an exposure to contaminated water, dental fillings, and even common household products. They now travel all through the body and enter into the cells quite a few tissues also as organs, staying stored up at as long as years.\nHow To take care of Heavy Metal Toxicity?\nYou end up being wondering, how do you treat heavy metal toxicity? Well, it’s pretty easy. It is mostly by using a heavy metal detox strategy. When you set up a plan while this, have got to be aware of symptoms would most likely get just a little worse before they become better, understanding that should be anticipated. Some of major you would most likely experience when you start a heavy metal detox includes:\nLoss of appetite\nWhat The particular Foods That Be Used for Removing Heavy metals From The body?\nThere are foods which can in removing heavy metals from requires and they include quite a lot of vegetables. Some of the vegetables which can be used for heavy metal detox include Herbs and spices, Leafy greens, Bone broth, superfoods such as algae.\nWhen start out a detoxification process, supplements can be used as well as other styles of detoxifying treatments which help in improving both your liver, brain, nervous system, some other forms of important organs.\nWhy Should we Detox Off Heavy Metals?\nThere are numerous dangers of heavy metals and hair band poisoning. This is because heavy metals are elements which can be very toxic as well as dangerous. However, the concentration amount of the chemical toxins.\nWhich will be metals can easily be lead to such toxicity or poisoning, you might wonder? There are a lot of metals end up being cause this in the long or short run, and they include:\nThese your main and quite popular factors behind heavy metal poisoning, plus some of the studies have shown that under certain conditions, taking a top level of calcium could be quite dangerous to your body.\nThis form of poisoning can cause quite fantastic of issues when entire body gets exposed to metals all around the environment, and they even teach tend to accumulate inside the body. According to some reports and thus Study, metals sick as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic will not absolute and beneficial role to the human body or contribute anyway to a person's homeostasis and instead rend to contribute more to more forms of noncommunicable chronic diseases.\nMore researches have conducted researches which proved whenever the body is exposed a few number with a minimum of 23 different environmental heavy metals, it tends staying detrimental on the health and cause a serious form of toxicity.\nThe reasons Tnrse metals are said to be heavy is considering that they tend to keep in the body, and additionally they also tend to hide in the fat cells, which are impending as adipose muscle. They are very stubborn and cause great difficulty in protection. They will often be compared to fat-soluble toxins as well.\nThe truth is, that can no way you can a person can completely stay away from heavy metal exposure, that makes sense as this a very necessary supply found inside food supply all over the world nicely in water as well as the grounds of the environment. But as this happens, trouble to cause more damage without as well as the individual actually realizing, being the rationality why we decide to detoxify more than possible. These damage of heavy metal toxicity includes the fact it can affect the central nervous function, reduce as well as damage the mental health, plus affect the vital organs in human body which include the heart, liver, kidneys and also the endocrine glands.\nLonger Term Exposure To Heavy Metals\nWhen the body is exposed longer on the heavy metals, it may lead to very serious damages and lead to physical and muscular degeneration as we as also a neurological damage. When these become more severe, it does imitate regarding other problems such as Parkinson’s diseases, Alzheimer’s plus multiple sclerosis.\nThis is generally related individuals who are old enough to get aging issues such as memory loss as well as constant and increased fatigue and although a lot of of people tend to blame the associated with old age, these cause be triggered by other things without actually realizing or considering will be able to be as a result the contact with heavy alloys.\nSo Why Exactly Will we Do Great Metal Detox?\nTo Remove Toxins Among the Body.\nThese chemical toxins tend to affect human metabolism and also tends to open ways for plenty of diseases. And let’s take into account they are stored in each parts of your body, including the brain to have a very very long time.\nIncreases The Body’s energy\nAfter detoxing, you will feel a wide lot stronger and be willing to be more active both physically, mentally and emotionally and additionally you get rest a lot better and do not require often of sleep for minimal energy. It assists in giving you more clarity and making decisions wouldn’t be too hard of a chore.\nIt Works well for Preventing chronic diseases.\nAs mentioned, when these toxins are removed, process, which is no longer be the boss of things pertaining to instance strokes, cancer, neurological diseases, etc. Detoxing helps in assisting your body fight off these points.\nHelps In Enhancing The Body’s Natural immunity\nDetoxing helps the defense system function a whole lot healthier. It strengthens it and helps it to fight off infections which you could end up colds and flushed.\nImproves Skin Quality.\nGetting gone toxins and taking in a good diet is sure to help your skin glow current you a generally healthy and wonderful appearance.\nIf you have virtually any inquiries regarding in which in addition to tips on how to make use of remove toxins from body (have a peek at this web-site\n), you possibly can e mail us at our site.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Retinyl palmitate (helps increase collagen production); vitamin C (antioxidant); omega-3 oils (reduce inflammation); dermaxyl (peptide)\nHOW IT FEELS/SMELLS/LOOKS:\nIt's a thin, slightly oily fluid that smells faintly of roses.\nWHY WE LIKE IT:\nA drop of this serum pampers and soothes dull skin. Rub it on before bedtime, and in the morning skin feels softer and has more of a glow. Use only a drop or two; more than that feels a little greasy.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "posted by Sophia .\nThe solubility of CaCO3 at 25 degrees celsius is 6.90*10-5M. The reaction is CaCO3(s)-->Ca 2+(aq) + CO3 2-(aq)\na. Calculate the concentration of Ca +2 and CO3 -2 at equilibrium.\nb. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the dissolution reaction. (also known as the solubility product).\nThe solubility of CaCO3 is quite complex due to the potential reaction of the carbonate ion with H2O to form bicarbonate and carbonic acid. I think the intent of this problem is to ignore that which I shall do.\nCaCO3 ==> Ca^+ + CO3^=\nKsp = (Ca^+2)(CO3^=)\n(Ca^+2) = 6.90 x 10^-5 M at equilibrium.\n(CO3^=) = 6.90 x 10^-5 M at equilibrium.\nSubstitute into the Ksp expresion and solve for Ksp.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "PolyPid, an Israeli drug-delivery company, has introduced a new family of drug carriers based on a melding of two drug delivery systems: polymers and lipid-based systems. The PolyPid carrier carrier can be tailored to small molecules, peptides, protein and nucleic acids-based drugs.\nThe company's technology ensnares a large variety of one or more biologically active molecules and releases them at a pre-programmed rate for up to several months. PolyPid produces a product called BonyPid, a biodegradable bone void filler. After BonyPid releases its coating, over time, the bone void filler scaffold remains and supports bone recovery. This way, according to the company, physicians can \"obtain the benefits of conventional bone void filler combined with an effective local drug delivery system.\"\n\"Due to its flexibility, the PolyPid platform can be utilized to address numerous medical indications in various fields, such as orthopedics, urology, periodontal, anti-cancer/anti-fungal treatments and surgical accessories,\" PolyPid CTO Noam Emanuel said in a news release.\n- read PolyPid's release\n- and a brief report on PBR", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "| ||Format||Pages||Price|| |\n|PDF (132K)||9||$25||  ADD TO CART|\n|Complete Source PDF (3.5M)||220||$55||  ADD TO CART|\nVarious guidelines are to be found in the literature for evaluation of soil corrosivity based on parameters like resistivity, pH, water content, redox-potential, content of salt, and bacterial activity. Corrosion studies of steel piles and pipes in Norwegian marine clayey sediments show that these parameters are not always applicable. Studies of piles in undisturbed marine clays below the groundwater table indicate a limited correlation between the resistivity and the corrosion rate. The highest corrosion rates found amount to 30 μm/year indicating that pile corrosion is not a severe problem under the aforementioned conditions. The environmental conditions for pipes are generally much more complex than for piles, as the backfill is disturbed and often includes material other than the original sediment. Studies of pipes in a heterogeneous environment indicate differential aeration to be the most common corrosion cause.\nCorrosivity evaluations are also performed with electrochemical probes.\nsteels, corrosions, soils, corrosion tests, environments, underground corrosion\nSenior research engineer, The Ship Research Institute of Norway, Sandefjord,\nResearch scientist, Norsk Hydro, Sandvika,", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "MTM – Primestore®, Viral inactivation solution\nPrimeStore® MTM (Molecular Transport Medium) is currently the only FDA-approved molecular transport media that inactivates infectious biological pathogens including viruses, and gram-positive/negative bacteria whilst preserving and stabilizing DNA and RNA for downstream molecular applications.\nPrimeStore® MTM has independently been validated on different molecular platforms such as Roche, Thermo Fisher, Abbott, Siemens, Luminex, Bio-Rad, PSS, Promega, and BioMerieux, as well as the Cepheid GeneXpert point of care platform.\nPrimeStore® MTM has proven to be the only working SARS-CoV-2 inactivation media comparing to all his competitors. Above all, studies has shown that PrimeStore® MTM can be used to pool up to 9 samples in one tube.\nPlease contact us if you need a specific product, we are meeting many customers’ unique requests.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "GlobalFoundries, Inc. (Essex Junction, VT)\nThe GlobalFoundries Vermont facility (FAB9) manufactures semiconductor chips for global telecommunications and consumer electronics markets. The following projects were driven by the team’s goals to improve tool utilization and increase process efficiency and become the best in class for ‘cost per wafer pass’ in the industry. All this while developing sustainable processes that are safe and healthful with reduced environmental impact.\nSolvent Pre-Rinse Elimination: The Team discovered an older process running for one technology. For this technology, the process was rinsing the wafer with solvent prior to the application of photoresist to clean the wafer. This was a legacy process left over from many years prior, and this process had been instituted due to an upstream tool causing organic defects on the wafer surface. That upstream process had changed and the problem was resolved, but this process was not removed. The Team qualified the elimination of this solvent pre-rinse with no increase in defectivity or degradation off yield. This project reduced solvent usage by 16,304 liters and saved approximately $45,000 in chemical costs.\nFSI Polaris 25% Pre-Wet Reduction: The goal was to reduce solvent use without impacting the process integrity and product quality and reliability. The work involved creating an extensive matrix, running, and evaluating the optimal solvent use against the key process parameters. There was an extensive qualification effort associated with this conversion which enabled the reduction of solvent used by 25% for a total of 5,606 liters annually and saved $91,930 in chemical costs.\nThe qualification effort encompassed all different substrate types coming to this group of tools and evaluating each one with product wafers. The team used a macro defect inspection tool tuned to find striations or missing photoresist, reviewed several thousand wafer images across incoming film or substrate types. Solvent for this fleet of tools is delivered to the tool in 10 Liter bottles, and this project eliminated 500 bottle changes per year on the tool set. The elimination of bottle changes reduced the need for chemical handling which removes contact risk exposure to the operators and the possibility for an accidental spill or release.\nHD4004 Develop Solvent Reduction: Photo sensitive polyimide uses a solvent with high solubility as a developer for the photo process. This developer process also uses an additional solvent as a rinse agent. The project objective was to find the process window which allowed for significant reduction of the use of these solvents without changing the resultant developed polyimide structure. To ensure this process was equivalent to the process of record, the Team ran a matrix around volume of each chemical while doing both visual inspection of the wafer and its cross section. The resulting process exhibited equivalent results within acceptable process margins and achieved a 55% reduction of the highly soluble, higher cost developer solvent while reducing the rinse solvent by 36%. Overall, this project reduced over 40,000 liters of solvent usage which prevented this from becoming waste. In addition, this project saved $248,403 in chemical costs.\nBlended Pre-Wet: FAB9 developed an innovative process to both reduce the amount of solvent used on a large subset of photo tools and significantly decreased the cost of solvent required for this process step. This process step is critical to the application of the photoresist on the wafer. The photoresist has to be applied defect free and at a uniformity across the wafer of less than 45 angstroms. The process is unique in the industry, it leverages a lower cost bulk chemical over a higher cost chemical that is delivered to the tool from a 10 Liter bottle that is resident on the tool. The overall process reduced the volume of solvent used on the wafer by 25% while reducing the higher cost chemical volume by 75% for a total of 7,636 liters. By lowering the volume of the higher cost chemical, they were able to achieve significant cost savings ($267,021) but also reduce the labor required to replace these bottles. They effectively eliminated 2,300 bottle changes per year from FAB9 which is performed by operators. The elimination of bottle changes reduced the need for chemical handling which removes contact risk exposure to the operators and the possibility for an accidental spill or release.\nGlobalFoundries, Inc. (Malta, NY)\nThe GlobalFoundries Malta, New York (FAB8) Chemical Mechanical Polish (CMP) team has implemented six projects that reduced usage of eleven different types of slurries for a total of 29,067 gallons annually. This increased the manufacturing capacity while reducing loading demands upon local wastewater treatment systems. The following projects were implemented over the recent 24 months:\nBarrier Slurry Flow Reductions: In the copper CMP process, different slurries are used to remove the copper film and the barrier/oxide films. In this project, the team was able to reduce the flow rate of the slurry used in the barrier/oxide polish step by 10% on specific process layers without impacting the process time or other parameters. This reduced the amount of slurry that is used and therefore the amount of material sent to the local municipal wastewater plant (POTW) for treatment with lower azole and organic acid content.\nCMP Downforce Increase: In the copper CMP process, the team was able to increase the downforce used in processing specific layers, which in turn reduced the amount of slurry used in both the copper removal and the barrier/oxide removal steps. This reduced the amount of slurry that is used and therefore the amount of material sent to local POTW for treatment with lower azole and organic acid content.\nSlurry Reduction and New Pad Qualification: Also in the copper CMP process, the team was able to qualify a new polishing pad with improved hydrodynamic properties to improve the slurry distribution across the pad surface. This increased the polish rate of the process and in turn reduced the amount of copper polish slurry used in specific process layers. This reduced the amount of slurry that is used and consequently the volume of azole discharged.\nCleaning Chemical Reduction: In the CMP process, cleaning chemicals are used in the brush clean steps to clean the wafer surface after the polishing operation completes. In these projects, the team was able to reduce the cleaning chemistry used in as set of tools by reducing the amount of chemical used to clean both production wafers and non-production test wafers. For the production wafers, the team optimized the cleaning operation steps by eliminating a cleaning step, which in turn reduced the amount of cleaning chemistry used in the process. For the non-production test wafers, the team further reduced the cleaning chemistry utilized by reducing the chemical flow rate needed to clean the wafers. This reduced the amount of chemical used in the processes and as a result lowered the discharge of ammonia and highly corrosive wastewater to the local POTW.\nSlurry Flow Reduction (Bulk & Buff): In the tungsten CMP process, multiple slurries are utilized to remove the tungsten film and the barrier/oxide films. In this project, the team was able to qualify a 10% reduction of all the slurries used in the bulk and buff operations without incurring significant differences in the process performance. This reduced the amount of slurry that is used and consequently the volume of azoles discharged.\nSlurry Prime Removal: In the CMP process tool setup, a slurry priming step is utilized, where slurry is pumped to drain at the start of the process to ensure fresh slurry is available when the first wafers of a lot arrive. This step has historically been needed in order to maintain stable wafer processing throughout the entire lot of wafers, but in this project, the team calculated the volume of slurry in the supply lines and was able to qualify a reduced slurry priming step. In some cases, the team was even able to eliminate the need for the priming step by showing no change in initial wafer process performance without the slurry priming. This reduced the amount of slurry that is used and therefore the amount of material sent to local POTW for treatment with lower azole, ethylene glycol, and organic acid content.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "For those who have been or are being exposed to fungi mold in water damaged buildings, please follow these important treatment strategies. Especially if anyone is noticing any of the symptoms of mold sickness (see previous post), here are helpful measures to employ:\nAntihistamines such as Benadryl, Claritin or Zyrtec combined with Pepcid can reduce allergic symptoms.\nAntileukotrienes such as Singulair can further reduce and prevent allergy symptoms from mold sickness.\nToxin Binders soak up mycotoxins in the gut to ensure their proper elimination, rather than allowing them to be reabsorbed into the system. Calcium d-glucarate, triphala, Hemp fiber, Psyllium and activated charcoal aids the process or binding mucotoxins.\nUse of gentle laxatives, magnesium citrate, or buffered C powder to keep bowels functioning normally while on toxin binders.\nMetabolic Detoxification Supplements are used to detox mycotoxins from inside your body. Examples include liposomal glutathione, milk thistle, n-acetylcysteine, glycine, glutamine, alpha lipoic acid, and taurine.\nAntioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E block the harmful effects of the toxins.\nFrequent use of saunas, when available, promotes toxin elimination through sweat.\nAntifungals are prescription medications that may be required when someone actually has fungus mold growing in their body. This is happening frequently, especially in people with health issues like diabetes and other on certain medications that suppress their immune system.\nAvoid steroid creams and nasal sprays because this will suppress your immune system in a way that will amplify mold sickness!\nAvoid antibiotics because this will also allow for mold overgrowth in your body.\nIt has been nearly impossible to get a restock of these medications in my clinic and the local pharmacies. For this reason, I have reached out to doctor friends for help. Here is the plan we have in place so far. It is a good plan. Please help us!\nWe are proposing putting together packets of 3 custom formulas designed to reduce the harmful effects of mycotoxins and mold spores. These packets are to be used preventatively for persons with prolonged mold exposure, and for others who are experiencing symptoms after exposures. Working with California medical and naturopathic doctors, we have been able to secure significant discounts. The mold detox packets contain these natural, safe products listed above.\nPlease consider making a grant to Freeport Rotary club specifically for purchase of these essential mold sickness nutriceuticals.\nWebsite for donations: Rotary6990.org and donate to the Robbins fund. PLEASE: Specify your donation is for mold toxicity treatment and prevention in Grand Bahama.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "US 4537735 A\nIn a method of producing a silicon carbide sintered compact comprising steps of placing silicon carbide fines, a sintering additive and a shaping additive as required into a dispersing medium solution to form a supensoid, sieving operation on said suspensoid, forming a green shape from powders obtained in said sieving operation, and pressureless sintering process; an improvement characterized is that solid content comprising said silicon carbide fines and sintering additive is limited within a range of 10-50% by volume to said suspensoid, and that in the sieving operation, the suspensoid is passed through a sieve having an opening less than 65 μm under a pressure differential between before and after the sieve to remove coarse particles in the silicon carbide fines, sintering additive and others to form silicon carbide sintered compact having a high strength.\n1. In a method of producing a silicon carbide sintered compact comprising steps of placing silicon carbide fines, at least one sintering additive selected from a group consisting of boron containing additives, carbonaceous additives, beryllium containing additives and aluminum containing additives, and at least one shaping additive selected from a group consisting of polyethylene glycol, magnesium stearate, barium stearate, aluminum stearate, zinc stearate, stearic acid, starch, dextrin, gum arabic, casein, sugar, molasses, na-carboxymethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyacrylic amide, tannic acid, liquid paraffin, wax emulsion, ethyl cellulose, polyvinyl acetate, phenol resin, cellulose acetate, glycerol and polyethylene glycol, as required into a dispersing medium solution of water or organic liquid to form a suspensoid, performing a sieving operation of said suspensoid, processing and forming said suspensoid into a green compact from powders obtained in said sieving operation, and subjecting said green compact to a pressureless sintering process to produce a sintered compact:\nthe improvement comprising limiting the solid content comprising said silicon carbide fines and sintering additive within a range of 10-50% by volume to said suspensoid; when water is used as said dispersing medium solution, adding and dispersing at least one of the dispersing agents in the following group A, while when an organic liquid is used as said dispersing medium solution, adding and dispersing at least one of the dispersing agents in the following group B, in said solution to form a suspensoid, said organic liquid being selected from a group consisting of acetone, methenol, ethanol, butanol, hexane, heptane, nonane, toluene, xylene, ethyl methyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl benzene, ethylene glycol, trichloroethylene, cyclohexane, nitromethane, nitroethane, isopropyl alcohol, benzene and carbon tetrachloride; applying a pressure differential to promote the sieving operation retarded by a pressure loss between, before and after said sieve, with or without vibration, to said suspensoid to pass a sieve having an opening less than 65 μm, removing coarse foreign matters which cause pores or inclusion affecting adversely the bending strength of said compact;\nA. amines, organic compounds containing carboxyl group, organic compounds containing sulfo group, esters, ammonium compounds, organic compounds containing ether linkage, carboxylic acid salts, aluminates, phosphates, phosphoric acid complex salts, sulfonates and silicates;\nB. amines, organic compounds containing carboxyl group, organic compounds containing sulfo group and esters.\n2. Method as defined in claim 1, wherein said dispersing agent is added in a range of 0.05-15 parts by weight to 100 parts by weight of a mixture comprising silicon carbide fines and sintering additive.\n3. Method as defined in claim 1, wherein said pressure differential in said suspensoid between before and after the sieve is fluctuated periodically in a range of 1/400-2 seconds.\n4. Method as defined in claims 1 or 2, wherein a vibration in a range of frequency of 1-400 Hz is applied to said suspensoid.\nThe present invention relates generally to manufacture of sintered products of silicon carbide, especially to manufacturing process of sintered compacts of silicon carbide having high strength and high reliability.\nSilicon carbide is one of the most suitable materials for use under severe high temperature condition for example, gas turbine parts or high temperature heat exchangers due to its excellent chemical and physical properties.\nHithertofore, the pressure sintering and reaction sintering processes are widely known for sintering of silicon carbide. However, there have been some disadvantages in these processes, i.e., in the former it is difficult to obtain complicated configuration of the sintered body and of its low productivity, and in the latter it is difficult to obtain the sintered products having high strength and to use under high temperature due to its high content of free silicon.\nMeanwhile, silicon carbide is one of variety of materials to be sintered with difficulty, and it has been observed difficult to apply the pressureless sintering generally adopted to manufacture of oxide ceramics wherein a green compact shaped under the normal temperature is sintered without pressure. Recently new pressureless sintering process have been reported wherein a mixed powder comprising silicon carbide, boron containing additive and carbonaceous additive is compacted and sintered under an inert atmosphere. For example, in accordance with U.S. Pat. No. 4,004,934, it is disclosed that silicon carbide is admixed with a boron containing additive (0.3-3.0% by weight of boron) and a carbon containing additive (0.1-1.0% by weight of carbon) is compacted and then sintered without pressure under an inert atmosphere and temperature of 1900°-2100° C. to give a sintered product having at least 85% of theoretical density.\nAs mentioned above, in the pressureless sintering process of silicon carbide the raw material for making sintered silicon carbide compacts (hereinafter referred to as sintering material) includes a boron containing additives and a carbonaceous additives as main sintering additives, and further includes in some cases, for example U.S. Pat. No. 4,172,109, beryllium etc. The reason for addition of the boron containing additive is to form an adhesive layer around the surface of the silicon carbide particles due to the coexistence of boron and to promote adhesion between the particles and to advance the uniform shrinkage, while the reason for addition of the carbonaceous additive is to remove silica membrane around the silicon carbide particle formed by reduction which hinders the self-sintering and promote the sintering process and at the same time to control the growth of crystalline grain. The carbonaceous material includes various organic substances or inorganic carbon fines. Therefore uniform dispersion of the above-mentioned additives in the sintering material is effective to obtain high quality products.\nMeanwhile sintered silicon carbide compacts having high strength and reliability are desired due to the characteristics of silicon carbide. However, known compacts of high strength have been prepared by use of expensive beta-silicon carbide produced by thermal decomposition of organic silicon compound or silicon carbide produced by specific processes disclosed in for example Japanese Patent Disclosure No. 54-67599. It has been observed extremely difficult to produce high quality of sintered products with silica and carbon with conventional manner.\nInventors of the present application have studied the reason of inferior strength of sintered silicon carbide compacts resulting from the conventional process using silica and carbon, and found that inclusion of relatively coarse foreign matters cause pores and faults in sintered compacts resulting in the above-mentioned inferior strength. Thus it is most important that such inclusion should be avoided as possible.\nConventional methods for obtaining the sintering material without inclusion of such foreign matters which deteriorate the strength of sintered silicon carbide compacts are: (1) the production of the sintering material is performed in an isolated chamber without coarse foreign matters or dusts, and (2) foreign matters and dusts are removed by screen classification or sieve separation. However, the method (1) may be practised in a laboratory scale, but in an industrial scale bulk equipments are required and further a complete prevention of the inclusion is almost impossible. The method (2) is classified into wet and dry filtering processes. The dry filtering process is eventually not practical because of aggregating property of fine powders such as the sintering material which makes dispersion of the powders infeasible. On the other hand, in wet filtering process as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,004,934, the sintering material is mixed in a dispersing medium solution and passed through a sieve. Unfortunately the sieve shown in the above U.S. patent is of over 200 mesh (74 μm) and insufficient to remove foreign matter larger than 65 μm. Thus it can not be expected to appreciably promote the strength by use of sintering material obtained by filtering process.\nOne of the inventors has proposed an invention disclosed in Japanese Patent Disclosure No. 57-145076 wherein silicon carbide fine powders preferably admixed with sintering additive or shaping additively is shaped into a green compact and then pressureless sintered at least said silicon carbide fine being dispersed in an organic medium to form a suspensoid. The suspensoid is passed through a sieve of less than 44 μm under the influence of ultrasonic vibration, and then the powder is separated from the medium.\nIn the above-mentioned process it is not adequate to pass the powder through the sieve after admixture of silicon carbide fines, sintering additive and shaping additive because uniform dispersion of silicon carbide fines, sintering additive and shaping additive having respectively different properties such as specific weight and aggregating property for a long period of time resulting in segregation of the additive and varied proportion of silicon carbide fine, sintering additive and shaping additive giving adverse effects on the property of sintered products.\nThe present invention provides an improvement of the above-mentioned procedure wherein silicon carbide fine, sintering additive, or shaping additive added as required are placed in a dispersing medium solution to form a suspensoid, said suspensoid is treated through a sieve under pressure differential to remove relatively coarse foreign matters effectively.\nAs object of the present invention is to provide a feasible procedure for manufacturing silicon carbide sintered compact having high strength and reliability.\nAccording to the present invention silicon carbide fine, sintering additive and shaping additive added as required are placed in a dispersing medium solution to form a suspensoid which is treated with a sieve, then the separated particles are formed into a green shape and pressureless sintered, said solid content of silicon carbide fine and sintering additive in the suspensoid being limited within 10-50% by volume, dispersing medium being added to said suspensoid, pressure differential being given to overcome the pressure loss generated between before and after a sieve of less than 65 μm with or without vibration of the suspensoid to remove relatively coarse foreign matters which cause faults of pores and inclusion thereof to achieve the above-mentioned object.\nSince it is important as described above, the sintering material comprising silicon carbide fine, sintering additive and shaping additive added as require should be in a form of uniformly dispersed condition and that said uniform mixture as it is should be subjected to the sieve treatment. As stated above, since silicon carbide fine and the sintering additive respectively having high aggregating property, it is difficult to maintain in a dispersing medium solution. Accordingly, no effective procedure is known to treat the solution with a sieve of less than 65 μm under an uniform suspended condition.\nAfter extensive studies the inventors discovered a new group of dispersing media or agents having high affinity to silicon carbide and the sintering additive to form a suspensoid maintaining its stable suspensing condition for a long period of time to be passed through a sieve of less than 65 μm.\nThe dispersing medium solutions which may be used for the present invention are classified roughly into water and organic liquids.\nAccording to the present invention when water is used for the dispersing liquid, the dispersing media is at least one selected from a group consisting of amines, organic compounds having carboxyl group, organic compound having sulfo group, esters, ammonium compounds, organic compounds having ether linkage, carboxylic acid salts, aluminates, phosphates, complex phosphates, sulphonates and silicates. These include tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, monoethanol amine, monoethyl amine, diethyl amine, trimethyl amine, propyl amine, isobutyl amine, monobutyl amine, di-n-propyl amine, tannic acid, sodium alginate, ammonium alginate, polyacrylic acid, polyacrylic acid amine, polyacrylic acid esters, polyacrylic acid ammonium, sodium lignin sulfonate, ammonium lignin sulfonate, sodium aluminate, ammonium aluminate and water glass.\nThe carbonaceous additives to disperse inorganic carbon fine when used include fatty acid salts, alkylbenzene sulphonates, straight-chain alkylbenzene sulphonates, alpha-olefin sulphonates, sulphonates of naphthalene-formalin condensate, and polyoxyethylene alkyl phenyl ether. These media may be used alone or combination thereof. The pH of the suspensoid may be adjusted with aqueous ammonia to promote the dispersion. It is preferred to adjust the pH within a range of 5.5-11.\nOn the other hand, when organic liquids are used as dispersing media, one or more members should be selected from a group consisting of amines, organic compounds having carboxyl group or sulfo group, and esters which include polyoxy fatty acid amines, sorbitan fatty acid esters, di-alkylsulfo succinic acid esters, fatty acids, alkyl amine salts and benzene sulfonic acid. When inorganic carbon fine is used as carbonaceous additive preferred dispersing media include polyoxysorbitan fatty acid esters, polyoxyethylene grycerine fatty acid esters, polyethylene glycol fatty acid esters, pentaerythritol fatty acid esters, propylene glycolic acid esters, cane sugar fatty acid esters, polyglycerine fatty acid esters, fatty acid alkanol amide and amineoxides. These may used alone or combination thereof.\nThe above-mentioned organic liquid include acetone, methanol, ethanol, butanol, hexane, butane, nonan, toluene, oxylene, ethylmethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl benzene, ethylene glycol, trichloroethylene, cryclohexane, nitro methane, nitro ethane, isopropyl alcohol, benzene and carbon tetrachloride.\nThe above-mentioned dispersing media or agents exhibit the effects which disintegrate aggregation of silicon carbide fines and sintering additives in the suspensoid, enhance the uniform dispersion of these particles, and lower the viscosity of the suspensoid to facilate the sieving operation.\nAccording to the present invention, it is required that when silicon carbide fines, sintering additive and shaping additive added as required are suspended in a dispersing medium solution the solid content comprising the silicon carbide fines and the sintering additive should be present in a range of 10-50% by volume of the solution. The larger proportion of the solid content than 50% makes difficult to obtain an uniform dispersion, and to pass the sieve due to a high viscosity, while the smaller proportion than 10% enhances the uniform dispersion but gives an economical disadvantage due to a vast volume in the sieving process. Therefore the preferred rage is within 15-40% by volume.\nAccording to the present invention the preferred range of addition of dispersing medium is 0.05-15% by weight to total weight of 100% of fines plus medium. Because the smaller amount makes difficult to maintain the uniform dispersion which causes ineffective sieving operation, while the larger amount of the medium to be used is not only uneconomical but also remaining medium adversely affect on the sintering operation.\nSilicon carbide fines may be alpha-type-crystalline, beta-type crystalline, or amorphous powder, and combination thereof, and have preferably specific surface area of 5-50 m2 /g and oxygen content of 0.1-1.0% by weight, and beta-type crystalline is advantageously used. Sintering additives which may be used for the present invention are primarily boron containing additives and/or carbonaceous additives, and other additives containing beryllium and aluminum.\nThe above-mentioned boron containing additives include boron, boron carbide, boron nitride, aluminum boride, boron phosphate and combination thereof, and the preferred range of addition is 0.1-3.0% by weight on a basis of boron content. Specifically the additive powder having at least specific surface area of 10 m2 /g is advantageously used.\nThe above-mentioned carbonaceous additives include phenol resin, lignin sulfonate, polyvinyl alcohol, corn starch, sugar, molasses, coal tar pitch, alginate, polyphenylene, polymethyl phenylene and other organic compounds existing in the form of carbon at the beginning of sintering operation, and thermal decomposing carbon such as carbon black and acetylene black. The preferred range of the addition is 0.5-4.0% by weight, and the particles having at least 50 m2 /g of specific surface area at the beginning of sintering operation are advantageously used.\nAccording to the present invention, a shaping additive may be added to the sintering material as required. Such shaping additive serves as lubricant or binder during shaping operation to minimize shaping defect. These additives serving as lubricant include CARBOWAX (a Registered Trademark of Union Carbide Corporation identifying polyethylene glycol), magnesium stearate, barium stearate, aluminum stearate, zinc stearate and stearic acid. The additive serving as binder include starch, dextrin, gum arabic, casein, sugar, molasses, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyacrylic amide, tannic acid, liquid paraffin, wax emulsion, ethyl cellulose, polyvinyl acetate and phenol resin etc. The additives having both effects as lubricant and binder include cellulose acetate, glycerol and polyethylene glycol, and these may be used alone or combination.\nIn the present invention, it is required to uniformly disperse the suspensoid before the sieving operation. Since the silicon carbide fines and sintering additives used for the invention have high aggregating property, when they are dispersed in a dispersing medium solution they are in the coagulating condition which hinders the sieving operation.\nUniform dispersing treatment may be carried through vibrating mill, Attoritor, ball mill, colloid mill, or high speed mixer. When a dispersing process is carried with agitation using impeller or screw, disintegration of the coagulation is insufficient, and the sieving operation can not be performed effectively. The former devices provide a strong shearing force and produce the desired uniform dispersion for short period of time.\nAlternatively, the suspensoid is advantageously subjected to vibration of 1-400 Hz, because a standing suspensoid often settle the powders into coagulation which makes almost impossible the sintering operation. Also the vibration lowers the viscosity of the suspensoid to facilitate the sieving operation. A lower frequency than 1 Hz is insufficient for a uniform dispersion and lowering viscosity, while a higher frequency than 400 Hz exhibits a poor transmittance through the suspensoid. Thus the range of 1-400 Hz preferably 2-100 Hz is suitable.\nVibration applied to the suspensoid may be generated from mechanical or magnetic sourse or pulsating pump.\nIn the present invention, the pressure loss in the suspensoid before and after the sieve which causes stagnation of the flow may be compensated by an application of pressure differential to promote the flow through the sieve.\nIn accordance with the present invention the pressure applied above the sieve is desirably varied periodically in a range of 1/400-2 seconds. The periodical application of pressure may cause agitation in the suspensoid to promote the dispersion of silicon carbide fines and sintering additive and facilitate the sieve passage. A shorter period than 1/400 second retards the transmittance of the pressure fluctuation while a longer period than 2 seconds causes a low agitation. The preferred range is of 1/100-1.5 seconds.\nIn accordance with the present invention, the pressure applied above the sieve should have a pressure differential at least 0.5 kg/cm2 between the maximum and minimum values, and at the maximum pressure application the pressure differential between the before and after sides of the sieve should be in a range of 0.2-5 kg/cm2, while at the minimum pressure application such range should be -0.5-2 kg/cm2. The above-mentioned pressure differential means the pressure value before the sieve substracted by the pressure value after the sieve.\nWhen a pressure is applied to the suspensoid, various devices may be used, but a pulsating pump is advantageously used because it provides both pressurization and vibration simultaneously. One type of the pulsating pump is diaphragm pump.\nIn the present invention, an ultrasonic vibration may be applied to the suspensoid just above the sieve to further promote the dispersion of silicon carbide fines and sintering additive.\nThe sieve used for the present invention should have an opening less than 65 μm. A larger opening than 65 μm can not remove coarse foreign matters, and hence an opening lesser than 44 μm is to be used to obtain a sintered product having the desired characteristics. Fine foreign matters passing through an opening of 5 μm do not adversely affect the product but require a long sieving operation. Therefore, the preferred range of opening of 5-44 μm is selected for the present invention.\nThe suspensoid after the sieving operation or filtering may be processed through the wet shaping as it is, or through dry process after the removal of the dispersing medium solution and drying into a green shape.\nThe removal of the solution from the suspensoid and drying should be carried out maintaining a uniform mixing condition.\nThe removal of the solution may be performed; (1) spray drying for removing the solution in a short period of time by evaporation, or (2) freeze drying wherein a suspensoid is freezed in an atmosphere at a temperature lower than the melting point of the dispersing medium solution which may be removed by sublimation.\nIn the above (1) spray drying, segregation of sintering additive or shaping additive may be prevented due to the removal of the dispersing medium solution with evaporation, and the process may be carried out for a relatively short period of time. Therefore, in this process it is advantageous that the sprayed dropplet has as smaller diameter as possible. Further this process has an advantage to obtain powder material having an excellent fluidity.\nIn the above (2) freeze drying, the dispersing medium solution may be selected from a group consisting of cyclohexane and benzene, and water also may be used. In this drying process, the suspensoid is sprayed in an atmosphere maintained at a lower temperature than the melting point of the dispersing medium solution, then the frozen solution is dried up under a reduced pressure by sublimation. Since the sprayed dropplet provides a rapid heat exchange preventing the segregation of the fines and additives. The drying with sublimation also prevents the segregation of the fines, sintering additives and/or shaping additive while the uniform mixing condition is maintained. The freeze drying process also gives powder material having excellent fluidity and compactibility.\nIn the present invention, the process from the sieving or filtering operation to the shaping or compacting operation is advantageously practised in an isolated chamber free from coarse foreign matters, but subsequent operation after the shaping to green compact does not require such chamber.\nAccording to the present invention, green shape produced as above are placed in a sintering furnace and sintered under an inert gas stream under a temperature range of 1900°-2300° C. to produce silicon carbide sintered compacts having a high strength and reliability.\nThe present invention will be described in detail on preferred embodiment with relation to the accompanying drawings.\nFIG. 1 shows a diagram representing relationships between fracture strength and fracture probability of sintered compacts described in Example 1.\nFIG. 2 shows a diagram representing relationships between fracture strength and fracture probability of sintered compacts described in Comparative Example 1.\nFIG. 3 shows a diagram representing relationships between fracture strength and fracture probability of sintered compact described in Comparative Example 2.\nSilicon carbide fines consisting primarily of beta-type crystalline are produced by a process disclosed as in U.S. Pat. No. 4,162,167, refined and classified.\nThe silicon carbide fines comprise 97.6% by weight of beta-type crystalline, 0.41% by weight of free carbon and 0.14% by weight of oxygen, having the specific surface area of 17.8 m2 /g.\nAs a carbonaceous additive oil furnace black having an average particle size of 210 A and a specific surface area of 125 m2 /g was used.\n10 g of said oil furnace black was mixed with 10.0 g of polyoxyethylene nonylphenol ether and 100 ml of distilled water, and the mixture was blended in a ball mill for 20 hours. 500 g of silicon carbide fines, 6.5 g of boron carbide powder having a specific surface area of 22.7 m2 /g, 190 ml of distilled water, 5.0 g of cellulose acetate and 5.0 g of tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide were added to the mixture and dispersed in Attoritor for 5 hours. The suspensoid was discharged from Attoritor, then passed through a sieve with a diaphragm pump under an application of vibration of 15 Hz. A sieve having an opening of 25 μm and a sieve frame of 200 mm diameter were used, and ultrasonic vibration of 26 KHZ, 600 W was applied to the suspensoid above the sieve. A pulsating pressure having the maximum value of 2.0 kg/cm2, the minimum value of 0 kg/cm2 and a fluctuation period of 1 second was applied to the suspensoid, and the pressure below the sieve was opened to the atmosphere. The passing rate of the suspensoid was 0.13 g/cm2 ·sec. Discharged suspensoid from Attoritor was measured of its viscosity as 59 g/cm2 ·sec with a B-type viscosimeter provided with Roter No. 4 at a rotating speed of 60 rpm.\nThe dispersed suspensoid was sprayed into a chamber maintained at a temperature of -60° C. to obtain freezed powder having an average particle size of 0.11 mm. The powder were dried in a chamber maintained at a pressure of 0.01-20 mmHg and a temperature of -5°--10° C. to obtain dried powder having a bulk density of 0.72 g/cm3.\nAn amount of the powder was preshaped into a shape with a metal die under a pressure of 0.15 t/cm2 into a green shape. The shape was sintered in Tammann furnace under argon atmosphere. The sintering operation was held at the maximum temperature of 2100° C. for 30 minutes.\nThe sintered compact showed a density of 3.14 g/cm3. Then the compact was machined into a bar of 3×3×30 mm and finished with diamond dusts of 2 μm size. The finished bar was measured of its bending strength as 70.8 kg/mm2 at the room temperature by the three point bending test machine having a span of 20 mm and the cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min. Weibull factor of the compact is shown in FIG. 1 of a value of 15 which ensures high strength and reliability. The tests were carried on 30 pieces of sample and Weibull factor was calculated from Weibull logarithmic chart. The above-mentioned Weibull factor is calculated from a diagram showing the relationship between fracture stress and remaining probability in Weibull statistics generally used for measurement of ceramic strength which represents the reliability of fracture.\nSame materials and procedure as in Example 1 were used provided that silicon carbide fines and sintering additive powder were passed through a sieve of 25 μm to remove coarse foreign matters. A sintered compact was produced without sieving operation after the uniform mixing of the materials.\nThe sintered compact exhibited a density of 3.15 g/cm3. The compact was measured of its strength in the same manner as in Example 1 and the average strength at the room temperature was 65.7 kg/mm2. Weibull factor is 11 as shown in FIG. 2, and the average strength and reliability were inferior to that obtained in Example 1.\nSame materials and procedure were used provided that volumetric proportion of solid content comprising silicon carbide fines and sintering additive powder, amount of dispersing agent added, vibration applied to suspensoid, sieve opening, period of pressure fluctuation, maximum and minimum pressure to suspensoid and passing rate through a sieve were varied as shown in Table 1 with the results.\nTABLE 1__________________________________________________________________________ Dispersing agent C Dispersing Tetra- oil medium Suspensoid Polyoxy- methyl furnace solution Viscosity ethylens ammonium SiC B4 C black water Conc. (g/cm, nonyl hydroxide (g) (g) (g) (ml) (Vol %) sec) phenol (g) (g)__________________________________________________________________________Ex.1 500 6.5 10 290 36 59 10.0 5.02-1 500 6.5 10 200 45 205 10.0 5.02-2 500 6.5 10 650 20 18 10.0 5.02-3 500 6.5 10 290 36 43 34.0 17.02-4 500 6.5 10 290 36 71 2.0 1.02-5 500 6.5 10 245 40 113 10.0 5.02-6 500 6.5 10 245 40 113 10.0 5.0Compara- 500 6.5 10 135 55 420 10.0 5.0tiveExample 3__________________________________________________________________________Sieving operation Rate Pressure to suspensoid Sintered compactOpening (g/cm3, Freq. Max. Min. Period Density Strength Weibull(m) sec) (Hz) (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) (Sec.) (kg/cm3) (kg/mm2) factor__________________________________________________________________________Ex.1 25 0.13 15 2 0 1 3.14 70.8 152-1 25 0.02 15 4 -0.2 1/10 3.15 68.8 162-2 25 1.2 4 1 0 1/10 3.12 67.4 152-3 25 0.13 15 1.5 0 1 3.14 69.4 152-4 25 0.08 15 2.5 0.5 1 3.14 69.9 142-5 63 0.46 100 2 0 1/2 3.15 62.6 112-6 25 0.02 350 3 -0.3 1/2 3.15 68.5 15Compara-63 -- 10 1.5 -0.2 1/2 -- -- --tiveExample 3__________________________________________________________________________\nSimilar mixtures to Example 1 were used provided that in place of polyoxyethylene nonyl phenol ether, fatty acid salts, alkyl benzene sulfonates, straight chain alkyl benzene sulfonates, alpha-olefin sulfonates, sulfonate of naphthalene-formalin condensate and polyoxy ethylene alkyl ether were used respectively to prepare the suspensoids. The same procedure as Example 1 was repeated to obtain sintered compacts which showed the desired properties.\nSimilar mixtures to Example 1 were used provided that in place of tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, monoethanol amine, monoethyl amine, diethyl amine, triethyl amine, propyl amine, isobutyl amine, monobutyl amine, di-n-propyl amine, tannic acid, sodium alginate, ammonium alginate, polyacrylic acid, polyacrylic acid amine, polyacrylic acid ester, polyacrylic acid ammonium, sodium lignin sulfonate, ammonium lignin sulfonate, carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium aluminate, ammonium aluminate and water glass were used respectively to prepare the suspensoids. The same procedure was repeated to obtain sintered compacts which showed the desired properties.\n10 g of polyoxyethylene dodecyl amine and 100 ml of benzene were added to 10 g of oil furnace black used in Example 1 then mixed in a ball mill for 3 hours. To the resulting mixture, 500 g of silicon carbide fines used in Example 1, 6.5 g of boron carbide powder used in Example 1, 25 ml of benzene, 5.0 g of dioctyl succinic acid ammonium and 5.0 g of polyethylene glycol were added and dispersed in a vibrating mill for 4 hours. The resulting suspensoid is discharged under the operation of the mill, and subjected to the sieving operation under the conditions of 200 Hz of vibration, maximum pressure of 1.5 kg/cm2 and minimum pressure of -0.2 kg/cm2, pressure fluctuation period of 1/2 second and sieve passing rate of 0.28 g/cm2 ·sec. Viscosity measured as in Example 1 was 42 g/cm·sec.\nSuspensoid resulting from the above procedure was sprayed into a vessel maintained at a temperature of -50° C. to obtain freezed powders having an average particle size of 0.11 mm. The powders were dried in a vessel maintained at a pressure of 0.11-20 mmHg and a temperature of 0°--5° C. The resulting dried mixture had a bulk density of 0.68 g/cm3.\nAn amount of the dried mixture was pressed and sintered under the same procedure as Example 1 to obtain a compact having a density of 3.16 g/cm3. The compact showed a strength at room temperature of 69.2 kg/mm2 (average) and Weibull factor of 14.\n8 g of propylene glycol fatty acid ester and 100 ml of acetone were added to oil furnace black used in Example 5 and the mixture was blended in a vibrating mill for 1 hour. 500 g of silicon carbide fines used in Example 1, 6.5 g of boron carbide powder used in Example 1, 470 ml of acetone, 5 g of polyethylene glycol, and 5 g of sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate were added to the mixture, and dispersed in Attoritor for 4 hours to form suspensoid. The suspensoid was subjected to sieving operation as in Example 5 and sprayed into a vessel maintained at a temperature of -80° C. to obtain dried mixture in powder form. Viscosity of the suspensoid was 15 g/cm·sec.\nAn amount of the dried mixture was compacted and sintered as similar procedure as Example 1.\nThe sintered compact showed a bending strength at room temperature of 62.4 kg/mm2 (average) and Weibull factor of 13.\n350 ml of benzene, 10 g of sorbitan mono-oleate and 10 g of polyethylene glycol were added to a mixture comprising 500 g of silicon carbide fines used in Example 1, boron carbide powder used in Example 1 and 19.4 g of novolak-phenol resin containing 51.6% by volume of fixed carbon, and dispersed in a vibrating mill for 6 hours to obtain a suspensoid. Viscosity of the suspensoid was 48 g/cm·sec. The suspensoid was subjected to sieving operation as in Example 5 and spray dried to form powders. Sintered compacts were obtained under the same procedure as in Example 5.\nThe compact showed a density of 3.14 g/cm3, a bending strength at the room temperature of 68.5 kg/mm2 (average) and Weibull factor of 14.\nAs mentioned as above, in accordance with the present invention coarse foreign matters may be removed from sintering materials with which a sintered compacted having high bending strength and reliability may be produced at a relatively low cost.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Do all of you work on this exam. Use the back of the pages if needed. Do not use scrap paper. Do not erase; simply \"x\" out parts of answers you do not want graded. If the instructor cannot read your writing, then your answer will be counted wrong. All mathematical calculations must show the process of getting the answer on the test; answers without this will be counted wrong.\n*** Express the calculated answer of each of the following in scientific notation and give the proper number of significant digits for each:\n(a) 10.1 mol LiCl x (6.941 g Li/mol + 35.453 g Cl/mol Cl) = ??? (b) (27.4 cm x 14.6 cm x 1.0 cm) x 2.70 g/cm3 = ???\n*** You want to calculate the density of a quarter (25¢). So you scrape up 37 coins. In the lab they weigh 207.286 g on the balance. To determine the volume you place water into a graduated cylinder and read the volume to be 52.2 mL. Then you drop all of the quarters into the water, and the volume now reads 75.4 mL. Show how to calculate the density of a quarter.\n*** The density of sulfuric acid is 1.84 g/mL. What volume (in mL) should be taken to get 25.0 g of sulfuric acid?\n*** The distance to the sun is 93,000,000 miles. Write this in scientific notation assuming:\nTwo significant digits. Three significant digits.\n*** How many significant figures are there in each of the following:(a) 7008, (b) 0.00000625, (c) 3.400\n*** Do the following calculations and express the answers with the correct number of significant figures:\n(a) 6.25 x 7.5 = (b) 1.575 + 123.4 + 16.25 = (c) 8.27(4.987 - 4.962) = (d) (9.04 - 8.23 + 21.954 + 81.0)/3.1416 =\n*** Define the following chemical terms: substance; molecular formula; homogeneous mixture; mixture, decompose\n*** Give accurate definitions of the following chemical terms:\n(a) element (b) molecule (c) intensive property (d) metalloid (e) allotrope\n*** Briefly describe the similarities and differences between each of the following terms:\n(a) precision and accuracy, (b) empirical formula and molecular formula, (c) theory and scientific law\n*** Classify glue as an element, compound, or mixture. Give the characteristics of the category you choose and the observable properties of the glue which make it fit the category chosen.\n*** Classify each of the following as either a compound, homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture:\n(a) sucrose and sand, (b) a 5% NaCl solution, (c) granite, (d) carbon dioxide, (e) oil and vinegar salad dressing\n*** Suppose you were a chemistry student in the mid 1800ís (after John Dalton), and were asked to draw a picture (model) of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. Show what you would do.\n*** On the basis of information in Chapters 1 and 2, explain how your current model of hydrogen and oxygen atoms would be different now (2001) compared to the mid 1800ís.\n*** Draw a microscopic picture, which represents an element in the gaseous state. Also draw a microscopic picture, which represents a mixture of 2 compounds and an element. Carefully explain the meaning of any symbols that you use.\n*** In the following pictures, circles represent atoms. Label each picture as: element, compound, mixture of elements, mixture of compounds, mixture of element(s) and compound(s). It is possible that all choices will not be used and that a choice might be used more than once.\n*** Critique the following: Any difference in properties of 2 substances can serve as a basis for a way to separate the substances in order to find the mass of each.\n*** Complete the following chart:\n*** Give the symbol for an atom containing 60 electrons, 63 protons, and 88 neutrons.\n*** What is the symbol of the microscopic particle with one nucleus, 10 protons, and 9 electrons?\n*** How many electrons and protons would be expected in the cation of atomic number 38?\n*** Most every periodic chart gives at least three basic pieces of information for each element. (This is true for the chart on the wall in LA 414.) Explain what the interger value and the letter(s) mean, and how they are used.\n*** Using the new numbering system, which group contains element 32 in the periodic chart? Which period?\n*** There are eight elements surrounding element 32 in the periodic chart. Tell whether each is a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.\n*** Elements 114, 116, and 118 were discovered for the first time in the summer of 1999. Tell where each should fit into the current periodic chart.\n*** Which seven elements exist as diatomic molecules in nature?\n*** At room temperature, which elements are (a) liquids, (b) gases?\n*** Give the symbol of (a) an alkali metal, (b) a selenide ion\n*** Tell what elements are in the same group as Sn\n*** Which element(s) is(are) nonmetal(s) in the same period as Sn?\n*** What is the name of the group of elements which normally form 1- ions?\n*** Give correct symbols for each of the following elements: sodium , silver, copper, potassium, chlorine\n*** Name these molecules:\n(a) As2S3 (b) OsO4 (c) Pb3(PO4)2 (d) Co2(SO4)3 (e) NO2 (f) NF3 (g) Cr(CN)2\n(h) NH4NO3 (i) K3PO4 (j) FeCl3 (k) CaSO4 (l) NaNO2\n*** Write formulas for the following:\n(a) ammonium carbonate (b) tin(IV) sulfate (c) calcium acetate dihydrate\n(d) magnesium bromide (e) strontium acetate (f) phosphorus trichloride\n*** Epsom salts consists of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. (a) Write its formula.\n*** The density of bismuth is 8.90 g/cm3. Calculate the volume (in liters, L) of 2.55 kg of bismuth.\n*** The world record in the menís 100 meter dash is 9.79 s. What is the corresponding average speed in km/hr?\n*** A rectangle has an area of 4.8 in2. What is its area in mm2?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A new research platform uses a laser to measure the nanomechanical properties of tiny structures undergoing stress and heating an approach likely to yield insights to improve designs for microelectronics and batteries This new technique ... - Read More\nResearchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology have developed what they call a simple one step method to grow nanowires of germanium from an aqueous solution Their process could make it more feasible to ... - Read More\nResearchers at the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf HZDR the Vienna University of Technology and the Maria Curie Skłodowska University Lublin have succeeded in embedding nearly perfect semiconductor crystals into a silicon nanowire With this new ... - Read More\nA perspective article published last month by University of California Riverside chemists in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters was selected as an Editors Choice an honor only a handful of research papers receive The ... - Read More\nUsing graphene ribbons of unimaginably small widths just several atoms across a group of researchers at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee UWM has found a novel way to tune the wonder material causing the extremely ... - Read More\nTheorists propose a way to make superconducting quantum devices such as Josephson junctions and qubits atom by atom inside a silicon crystal Such systems could combine the most promising aspects of silicon spin qubits with ... - Read More\nGraphene is gaining heated attention dubbed a wonder material with great conductivity flexibility and durability However graphene is hard to come by due to the fact that its manufacturing process is complicated and mass production ... - Read More\nJapanese researchers have established a process for forming organic thin film transistors TFTs conducting the entire printing process at room temperature under ambient atmospheric conditions Printed electronics the field in which electronic devices are produced ... - Read More\nResearchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands have taken the precise art of origami down to the microscopic scale Using only a drop of water the scientists have folded flat sheets of silicon ... - Read More\nResearchers around the world are trying to develop solar driven generators that can split water yielding hydrogen gas that could be used as clean fuel Such a device requires efficient light absorbing materials that attract ... - Read More\nMichael Lewis's bestselling book Flash Boys describes how some brokers engaging in high frequency trading exploit fast telecommunications to gain fraction of a second advantage in the buying and selling of stocks But you don't ... - Read More\nPhotocatalysis catalysis assisted by light is a promising route to convert solar energy into chemical fuels Particularly appealing is the possibility to use photocatalysis to split water molecules into molecular hydrogen Although photocatalysis has been ... - Read More\nResearchers from The University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Tokyo have created electronic devices that become soft when implanted inside the body and can deploy to grip 3 D objects such as ... - Read More\nGraphene continues to reign as the next potential superstar material for the electronics industry a slimmer stronger and much faster electron conductor than silicon With no natural energy band gap however graphene's superfast conductance can't ... - Read More\nTemperatures often over 200 degrees C occur in geothermal and oil production conventional microelectronics hit their limits there Researchers have now fabricated compact microchips that can keep their cool even at 300 degrees C An ... - Read More\nNanoengineers at the University of California San Diego are asking what might be possible if semiconductor materials were flexible and stretchable without sacrificing electronic function Today's flexible electronics are already enabling a new generation of ... - Read More\nThe icing on the cake for semiconductor nanocrystals that provide a non damped optoelectronic effect may exist as a layer of tin that segregates near the surface One method of altering the electrical properties of ... - Read More\nA University of Arizona led team of physicists has discovered how to change the crystal structure of graphene more commonly known as pencil 'lead' with an electric field an important step toward the possible use ... - Read More\nFor the observation of cold matter in the interstellar medium astronomers need instruments for the detection of terahertz radiation Specific high resolution instruments are based on terahertz quantum cascade lasers but operate only at cryogenic ... - Read More\nTell us what you think of Chemistry 2011 -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Have any problems using the site? Questions?\nChemistry2011 is an informational resource for students, educators and the self-taught in the field of chemistry. We offer resources such as course materials, chemistry department listings, activities, events, projects and more along with current news releases.\nThe history of the domain extends back to 2008 when it was selected to be used as the host domain for the International Year of Chemistry 2011 as designated by UNESCO and as an initiative of IUPAC that celebrated the achievements of chemistry. You can learn more about IYC2011 by clicking here. With IYC 2011 now over, the domain is currently under redevelopment by The Equipment Leasing Company Ltd.\nAre you interested in listing an event or sharing an activity or idea? Perhaps you are coordinating an event and are in need of additional resources?\nWithin our site you will find a variety of activities and projects your peers have previously submitted or which have been freely shared through creative commons licenses.\nHere are some highlights: Featured Idea 1, Featured Idea 2.\nReady to get involved? The first step is to sign up by following the link: Join Here. Also don’t forget to fill out your profile including any professional designations.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Bulawayo, (New Ziana) – The National University of Science and Technology (Nust) is set to start producing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test kits used in Covid-19 diagnosis, an official said on Tuesday.\nAt the moment, Zimbabwe imports the test kits, and Nust’s venture will not only save foreign currency for the country, but also lower costs, and make these more widely available.\nA Covid-19 PCR test costs about US$60 in private health institutions, but the Nust product will retail for about US$20, increasing affordability for the public.\nNust’s PCR test kits will also be used for various other medical and veterinary applications, including HIV tests, and is the latest outcome of the government’s drive for universities to become innovation hubs.\nSo far, of the tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests that have been done in the country, 359 663 were PCR tests and the rest were antigen and rapid diagnostic tests (RDT).\nNust’s director of the Applied Genetic Testing Centre, Zephaniah Dlamini, said: “Through assistance from the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Nust will be acquiring a DNA synthesizer machine which will be used to produce the kits. Nust will produce about 50 000 PCR kits weekly and currently the country conducts about 15 000 Covid-19 weekly.”\n“The applied DNA testing lab was asked by Government to assist in the testing of Covid-19 up to about November last year and we were doing the first wave of the virus. During that time we were testing people from the southern region which includes Bulawayo, Masvingo, Midlands, Matabeleland North and Matabeleland South provinces,” he said.\nHe said about 40 000 Covid-19 samples were processed at the university’s laboratory, which is at Mpilo Central Hospital.\n“After having used so many kits from different companies, we realized that one of the kits was developed and made by one university in China. We realized there isn’t much in terms of what goes into the kit which made us think in other terms as we are known for.\n“The important component that we noted was the PCR primer which is a unit or molecule used to detect Covid DNA. So we concluded we needed to have a developed capacity to manufacture these primers. So we asked for help from the Government through the Ministry of higher Education to get us a DNA synthesizer,” said Dlamini.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Only a small amount of B|Africa Balm is needed for application. As soon as the balm comes into contact with the skin, natural body heat turns it into a luxurious oil consistency which spreads quickly and easily across the skin.\nStore in a cool, dry area. If it is too hot, the balm might become runny.\nThe Body Balm contains essential oils which are very susceptible to environmental factors if not stored correctly. It also depends on when batching of the essential oils happened.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The way in which modern medicine has taught us to think about disease is fundamentally wrong.\nModern medicine suggests that symptoms are the expression of disease but fails to consider that disease is the expression of fundamental health defects.\nDisease is a Symptom of Underlying Health Problems\nIn other words, modern medicine recognises that disease states cause symptoms but often stops there - failing to consider what\ncauses the disease\nstate to begin with. When looking through this prism, it becomes apparent that disease itself is a symptom - it is\nsymptomatic of underlying poor health conditions. These conditions are what we call the 'six subclinical defects'.\nAll Diseases are Caused by Six Subclinical Defects\nThese six subclinical defects are responsible for driving all chronic diseases. In fact,\nchronic disease can only occur in the presence of one or more of the six subclinical defects. These subclinical\ndefects act as a precursor for disease and ultimately lay the foundation for disease and subsequent symptoms.\nModern medicine defines a subclinical defect as \"a disease which is not severe\nenough to present definite or readily observable symptoms.\"We, however, disagree with this definition. There\nare readily observable symptoms that indicate the presence of subclinical defects, and they are also evident in blood\nWhat are the Six Subclinical Defects?\nThese six subclinical defects are:\n- Free Calcium Excess\n- Chronic Inflammation\n- Acid Stress\n- Anaerobic Metabolism\n- Oxidative Stress\n- Connective Tissue Breakdown\nThe best way to understand the six subclinical defects is to first understand what constitutes optimum\nWe define optimum health as the perfect balance of body chemistry. The body’s chemistry can be considered balanced\nwhen the following is true:\n- Free calcium balance (where the body has control over the ratio between bound and unbound calcium)\nNo chronic inflammation (where the body has control over necessary acute inflammation and is able to heal as\n- pH balance (where the body has control over the balance between alkaline and acidic)\n- Sufficient oxygen supply to the cells (where the body is able to transport oxygen and produce energy)\n- Antioxidant balance (where antioxidants are sufficient and can control free radicals/damaging molecules)\n- A constant ability to repair and build new tissues (where the body can heal)\nThese six things are the pillars of health. Each of them is fundamentally important in enabling the body to\nfunction properly. Where the above is true, it indicates the body is functioning properly,\nand someone is in good health. If the above is untrue, it indicates the body is not functioning properly, and\nsomeone is in poor health.\nDisease Begets Disease - How the Subclinical Defects are Linked\nThe issue with the six subclinical defects is that each defect drives another defect. It's like a domino effect. For instance, when\nsomeone suffers from chronic inflammation, they'll likely have PH imbalance too…\nBlood Chemistry: How We Use Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis\nImbalances in blood chemistry set the stage for the six subclinical defects. It is these major health defects that cause nearly all\ndisease. This is why we focus on analysing blood chemistry - because it shows the precursors for disease...\nThe Six Subclinical Defects Explained\nFree Calcium Balance (Health)\nIn optimal health, 55% of serum calcium (in a blood sample) is bound to protein\n(albumin) or alkaline buffers (phosphates). The remaining 45% is left unbound in a free\n(ionised) state for muscles to contract. When calcium is bound to protein or alkaline buffers, it is pushed into bones and teeth,\nwhich is ideal for health.\nFree Calcium Excess (Defect)\nWhen the amount of free (ionised) calcium increases beyond 45%, the blood contains\nexcess calcium. This excess calcium is deposited into joints, organs and arteries (instead of bones and teeth).\nWhen calcium is deposited into joints and arteries, it causes a host of health problems and is often represented\nas gallstones, kidney stones, bone spurs, plaque formation on teeth and plaque in the arteries.\nAcute Inflammation (Health)\nThere are two types of inflammation; acute and chronic. Acute\ninflammation is a process that occurs as a response to injury or infection. The purpose of acute inflammation is to rid the body of harmful\nbacteria or damaged cells to protect itself and initiate the healing process. Importantly, acute inflammation is a\ntemporary response (and is not long-lasting).\nChronic Inflammation (Defect)\nChronic inflammation is a prolonged state of inflammation where the body's immune\nsystem remains activated even in the absence of ongoing injury or infection to fight off. The continuous\npresence of inflammatory chemicals and immune cells leads to a harmful cycle in which the immune\nsystem attacks healthy cells and tissues\n- perpetuating further inflammation and catalysing various health problems.\nThe body functions best when there is balance between alkalinity and acidity.\nThe acid/alkaline balance is measured in pH, where a high pH indicates alkalinity and a low pH indicates acidity. The body favours\nalkalinity over acidity.\nWhen pH levels drop, the body becomes more acidic than\nalkaline. This imbalance between acidity and alkalinity is known as acid stress, and causes disruption\nto normal bodily processes and leads to various health problems. Acid stress is linked to 80% of all diseases.\nThere are two types of metabolism; aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic metabolism relies on oxygen to break down nutrients\n- producing more energy in the form of ATP (the body's preferred energy source). It also helps to remove waste products,\nleading to better overall cell health and metabolic function. This is why it is the body's favoured metabolism.\nAdequate albumin, phosphate, haemoglobin, red blood cells and ferritin levels are key to maintaining aerobic metabolism.\nThe body will switch to an anaerobic metabolism when there is insufficient oxygen\navailable for aerobic metabolism. It produces energy quickly but less efficiently - breaking down nutrients without using oxygen and generating\nas a byproduct. When the body continually tends towards an anaerobic metabolism in everyday life, it depletes energy and damages\n- ultimately leading to various health problems. An anaerobic metabolism nurtures all cancer, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.\nIn optimal health, the body will have sufficient antioxidant capacity. The role of antioxidants is to combat\n'reactive oxygen species' (also known as 'free radicals'). Antioxidants do this by donating an electron to the\nfree radicals, which prevents them from damaging other cells.\nWhen the body does not have sufficient antioxidant capacity, and the number of free radicals outweighs\nthe number of antioxidants,\nthe body cannot neutralise free radicals. This leads to uncontrolled oxidation that destroys cell components and\ndestabilises healthy cell function, laying the groundwork for disease, infection, toxicity and disability from\nTissue Synthesis (Health)\nConnective tissues are found throughout the body and support the organs, connect different body parts and aid in healing.\nIn optimal health, the body can produce new connective tissue and repair/regenerate damaged connective tissue. This process is known as\nconnective tissue synthesis.\nTissue Breakdown (Defect)\nConnective tissue breakdown occurs when the body cannot repair or build new tissue and often manifests in musculoskeletal\nsuch as osteoporosis and arthritis.\nWhat Causes the Six Subclinical Defects?\nSubclinical defects are caused by imbalances in body chemistry. Imbalances in body chemistry are caused by poor nutrition\nand lifestyle choices - some of which are as follows:\n- Lack of nutrient-rich foods in the diet leading to nutritional deficiencies\n- Improperly formulated diet (specifically one low in iron and protein)\n- Toxin exposure (mercury amalgam fillings, for example)\n- Lack of physical exercise/activity\n- Lack of sleep\n- High alcohol consumption\n- High sugar consumption\nHolistic Health: What is a Holistic Approach to Health?\nHolistic health is a framework for diagnosing and treating that views the body as a whole. It is about treating the root\ncause of illness - not simply suppressing the symptoms of disease with drugs and medications...\nModern Healthcare is a Broken System\nUnder the modern healthcare system, medical professionals rarely ask ‘why’ are symptoms occurring. This approach can never\ncorrect the underlying causes, and because of this, it often leaves people in a state of perpetually poor health...\nThese Subclinical Defects are Detectable in Blood Chemistry Analysis\nThus, all six subclinical defects are detectable and measurable via blood chemistry analysis.\nThis is an important observation as it means that the precursors for disease are detectable via a blood test. In\nother words, disease is more preventable when following this approach.\nThis is why we look at health through the lens of the six subclinical defects and blood chemistry - as it gives us\nthe best chance of helping our clients achieve their health goals.\nClick here to learn\nmore about blood chemistry analysis and our tailored health programs.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Since 1949, the Chinese government has been responsible for planning and managing the national economy. But it was only in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping introduced capitalist market principles that the Chinese economy began to show massive growth, averaging 10 percent GDP growth over the last 30 years. During that period the size of the Chinese economy has also grown by roughly 48 times, from\nMolybdenum is a chemical element with symbol Mo and atomic number 42. The name is from Neo Latin molybdaenum, from Ancient Greek molybdos, meaning lead, since its ores were confused with lead ores. Molybdenum minerals have been known throughout history, but the element was discovered (in the sense of differentiating it as a new entity from the mineral salts of other metals) in\nIron processing The metal Most blast furnaces are linked to a basic oxygen steel plant, for which the hot metal typically contains 4 to 4.5 percent carbon, 0.6 to 0.8 percent silicon, 0.03 percent sulfur, 0.7 to 0.8 percent manganese, and 0.15 percent phosphorus. Tapping temperatures are in the range 1,400 to 1,500 C (2,550 to 2,700 F); to save energy, the hot metal is transferred\nWhere does ybdenuM CoMe froM? Molybdenum, often called moly, is an element.Molybdenum and sulfur combine to make the mineral Molybdenite. Molybdenite is found in igneous rock, which is formed deep under the crust of the Earth\nAustralia is the largest producer of bauxite, followed by China. In 2017, China was the top producer of aluminium with almost half of the world's production, followed by Russia, Canada, and India. Although aluminium demand is rapidly increasing, known reserves of its bauxite ore are sufficient to meet the worldwide demands for aluminium for many centuries.\nDefinition The term ore is defined in the current study to describe a concentration of non metallic, e.g., feldspar, or metallic minerals, e.g. spodumene, in pegmatitic rocks irrespective of its structure and position in the deposit which was or is currently mined for a profit.\nHigh quality ores (of 60 percent iron), however, have been exhausted or have become expensive to mine. The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, located in southwestern Russia, has iron rich quartzites.\nHeat Treating and Cryogenic Processing of Knife Blade Steels Improving the Service Properties of High Alloy Blade Steels Welcome to the very best page on heat treating and cryogenic processing of knife blade steels you will find on the internet\nRhodochrosite is a manganese mineral related to the ubiquitous mineral calcium carbonate, or, calcite (common limestone is made up primarily of calcite).The calcite group of minerals includes pure calcite, dolomite, magnesite, siderite, and smithsonite, and several others. They are all carbonates with metal ions of calcium, magnesium, iron, or zinc.\nTitanium is known as a transition metal on the periodic table of elements denoted by the symbol Ti. It is a lightweight, silver gray material with an atomic number of 22 and an atomic weight of 47.90.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Skin and Dusol (Kaempferia Galanga Linn.) Rhizome as Antibacterial Organic Soap\n2751 Words12 Pages\nPineapple (Ananas comosus) skin and Dusol (Kaempferia galanga Linn.) Rhizome\nAs Antibacterial Organic Soap\nA Science Investigatory Project\nRomi Necq S. Abuel\nBansud National High School\nRegional Science High School for Region IV -MIMAROPA\nPag-asa, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro\nMany soaps in the market offer different kinds of benefits such as whitening the skin, treating various skin problems and removing bacteria from skin. But some may still produce bad results and some can be too expensive to purchase. But there are other options that can be made to have healthy skin. Pineapple is an abundant tropical fruit commonly found in humid and hot regions. Citric and malic acids are found in good…show more content… It also doesn’t contain carcinogens, toxins and bad bacteria that may risk health. Second, it has huge amounts of nutrients that is easily absorbed by the skin for a more effective and efficient usage of the product.\nThe said product is biodegradable, organic and it doesn’t harm the environment even if it is burnt or disposed. It contains almost no amount of harmful chemical substances that can disrupt the ecological balance or worsen the condition of the global warming.\nResearchers in the near future may use the study in emphasizing the use of the pineapple or dusol extract as a main ingredient in the manufacture of soap or other products in relation to the study.\nScope and Limitations of the Study\nThis study is limited to the production of the experimental pineapple/dusol soap and the experimentation processes that followed. The experimentation was conducted from June to August 2012.\nDefinition of Terms\nPsoriasis a skin disease usually marked by red scaly patches.\nRashes an outbreak in the surface of the skin which that is often reddish and itchy.\nAcne a disease of the oil-secreting glands of the skin that often affects adolescents, producing eruptions on the face, neck, and shoulders that can leave pitted scars.\nRingworm a fungal disease of the skin, scalp or nails in which intensely itchy ring-shaped patches develop. Infection is transmitted to humans from pets or", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "MANGIFERA INDICA LEAVES EXTRACT MODULATES SERUM LEPTIN, ASYMMETRIC DIMETHYLARGININE AND ENDOTHELIN-1 LEVELS IN EXPERIMENTAL..Nora Afifi\nAbstractDiabetes is a chronic disease that is relatively common throughout the world. The present study was carried out in an attempt to investigate the possible antidiabetic activity of Mangifera indica (mango) leaves extract in streptozotocin (STZ)–diabetic rats. In addition, the effect of extract on diabetes complications as cardio, vascular and endothelial dysfunction was also studied. 30 male adult albino rats were divided to three groups (10 rats each) and were studied as following scheme for 42 days, group (1) normal control, group (2) diabetic control rats were given distilled water daily by gastric incubation, and group (3) diabetic rats were treated orally with Mangifera indica leaves aqueous extract. Blood samples were collected at 21st and 42nd day for different biochemical parameters estimations. The Mangifera indica extract administration to diabetic rats significantly decreased the level of blood glucose, leptin, asymmetric dimethylarginine and endothelin–1 as well as lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase activities. The levels of insulin, C–peptide and nitric oxide were significantly increased. Further, the extract showed significant antihyperlipidemic activity. These findings demonstrated that Mangifera indica leaves extract possess antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic properties thus suggesting its beneficial effect in the treatment of diabetes mellitus associated with hyperlipidemia and related cardiovascular complications.\n|Keywords||diabetes, Mangifera indica, asymmetric dimethylarginine and endothelin–1||Issue Date||2012||Journal||Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology||URI||http://research.asu.edu.eg/handle/123456789/155812|\nRecommend this item\nItems in Ain Shams Scholar are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ASTM Bbᴱ¹. Direct No.: + Fax No.: + Email: [email protected] Board No.: + Website. Aesteiron leading Monel ASTM B Socket Weld Fittings manufacturers, have wide range of ASTM B socketweld Fittings | Monel socketweld fittings. Aesteiron leading Hastelloy C ASTM B Butt weld Fittings manufacturers, have wide range of ASTM B Butt weld Fittings | stainless steel butt weld.\n|Published (Last):||8 September 2005|\n|PDF File Size:||3.54 Mb|\n|ePub File Size:||14.84 Mb|\n|Price:||Free* [*Free Regsitration Required]|\nWith years of experience with companies and projects around the world, Aesteiron Steels brings world-class expertise to materials acquisition. There are no asmt for the CR grades.\nHistorical Version s – view previous versions of standard.\nISO Approved Manufacturer & Exporter of ASTM B366 Alloy 20 Buttweld Pipe Fittings.\nSiddhagiri Metals and Tubes Rating: Chemical and product analyses satm conform to the chemical composition prescribed. Siddhagiri Metals and Tubes is a global distributor of nickel alloy pipe fittings in different sizes. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred astmm for its use and application. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other.\nReferenced Documents purchase separately Bb366 documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard. Hydrostatic testing of wrought fittings is not required by this specification.\nThe finished fittings are tested for quality and they are marked and coated with rust preventive oil before being bundled and dispatched. Hastelloy C ASTM B Butt weld Fittings packing will be according to international standard in bundles strapped by strips asmt into containers to avoid any b636. Monel exhibits characteristics like high strength, toughness, good weldability and good corrosion resistance. We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation in both product lines and after sales services.\nThe billets are heated in a furnace at a temperature of degree celsius to degree celsius. Our gamut of products conform various standards such as the varied grades of stainless steel butt weld fittings that we supply are. ASTM B Pipe Fitting is used to connect straight pipe sections, adapt to different sizes or shapes and for other purposes, such as regulating or measuring fluid flow.\nASTM B – 00 Standard Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Fittings\nThen the seamless fitting is formed by drawing a solid billet over a piercer to create the hollow shell mother blanks.\nWhen desired, ast, or more of these may be specified in the order. Hastelloy C is a tungsten added nickel-molybdenum-chromium super alloy designed to offer excellent corrosion resistance in wide range of severe environments. Looking for some more information? Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. Offer on Fasteners Sitemap. With years of experience with companies and projects around the world, Aesteiron Steels brings world-class expertise to materials acquisition.\nOur company is constantly executing regular as well as customised order for pipe fittings for sectors like oil and gas, engineering, etc.\nLink to Active This link will always route to the current Active version of the standard. This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard.\nAmerican iron and steel institute AISI use three numbers to clarify different types of steel which are, and series. ASTM B covers nickel alloy pipe fittings.\nASTM B366 Pipe Fittings Suppliers Manufacturer\nClass designations are also utilized to indicate the nondestructive test method and extent of nondestructive examination NDE. The fittings are then straightened and cleaned if necessary and before being cut to the exact size required.\nThis is why we will constantly upgrade our products and services to meet market expectations and demands. Depending on the finished sizes required, asgm fittings are subjected to single, double or triple drawing.\nForging or shaping operations may be performed by hammering, pressing, piercing, extruding, upsetting, rolling, bending, or fusion welding, or by a combination of two or more of these operations. We adapt to your request.\nThe material for wrought welding fittings may consist of forgings, rods, bars, plates, sheets, and seamless or welded pipe that conform to all the specified requirements. Seamless pipe fittings are manufactured through hot rolled round awtm billet of steel alloy. The fittings are then surface treated pickled, phosphate coated and lubricated to facilitate the next process of qstm.\nReady Inventory at Aesteiron: We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation in both product lines and after sales services. Ready Inventory at Aesteiron: Monel, Hastelloy and Nickel Alloy used for pressure vessels and chemical industry. This is why we will constantly upgrade our products and services to meet market expectations and demands. These hollows are crimped at one end in hot condition and then, they are air cooled.\nASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract are accurate, complete or up to date.\nASTM B Inconel Incoloy Monel Hastelloy Pipe Fittings Supplier\nThese supplementary requirements call for additional tests. The chromium in Hastelloy C conveys resistance to oxidizing media while high molybdenum and nickel content makes the nickel alloy specially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion in reducing environments. Grades of nickel and nickel alloys included in this specification are designated with a prefix, WP or CR, based on dimensional and rating standards. American iron and steel institute AISI use three numbers to clarify different ast of steel which are, and series.\nThis specification covers wrought welding fittings, including threaded sstm, for pressure piping, factory-made from nickel and nickel alloys. These duplex astj pipe fittings are widely appreciated by our global clients owing to their features of zero-defects and superior performance. Work Item s – proposed revisions of this standard.\nA solid solution alloy Monel that can only hardened by cold working. The term welding applies to butt-welding or socket-welding parts such as elbows, bends, caps, tees, reducers, lap-joint, and stub ends.\nSpecific requirements are covered elsewhere.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Stress Make You Fat!\nCortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and undergoes variation in different stages of the day (circadian rhythm), peaking at 9 am, lowering its values from 1 to 4 pm, and even lower at 11 pm. However, several factors such as age, stress , and other things may alter the cycle of cortisol. As a result of the imbalance of cortisol levels throughout the day, low cortisol levels may occur in the morning ( 9:00 a.m. ) and values beyond the normal between 1 pm and 4 pm. High levels of cortisol in the blood stream may increase oxidative stress (increased free radicals) and inflammation. Low levels can also result in a decreased conversion of glycogen to glucose and the result is an increase in body fat and muscle wasting. What to do then? The word is modulation! As usual, a focused and individualized diet is a good ally. As a nutrition science student and after having long and productive discussions with my work partner and friend Dr. Luciano Bruno , I have been doing my modulation in cortisol levels throughout the day. Besides various other things that I post here, I’m sharing a little of what I’ve been doing with you. Besides my supplements and complements properly calculated, I included the following foods to my meals: green or ginger tea for breakfast to provide L- teamina ; oilseeds at the am snack to provide Beta – sitosterol, green juice in the afternoon to provide phosphatidylserine, phytochemicals, magnesium, vitamin C, manganese, among others; hibiscus tea (I love tea) before bed to provide more phenolic compounds. Do not forget about the anti inflammatory foods! I have included the following supps – chromium picolinate, vitamin c (2g a day) and L-glutamine, which are proven to effectively help modulating cortisol levels.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A complete offer of highly engineered products conceived and designed to address the needs of the most demanding and technologically advanced applications in each relevant field.\nWe offer a simple and flexible product range to address most of problems related to “basic” and “advanced” agriculture. We spend a great deal of attention to innovation focusing on efficient crop nutrition, improved agricultural yields, and the quality and traceability of our products.\nThanks to almost two centuries of experience in the boron business we have been able to focus on high quality products and derivatives for the most evolved applications. We are continuing to invest in research and development programs to unlock boron’s full potential.\nBORIC ACID NS\nBORIC ACID EC\nBORIC ACID EC S\nBORIC ACID EP\nBORIC ACID EP POWDER\nBORIC ACID FG\nBORIC ACID FG POWDER\nSODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE NS\nSODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE EP\nSODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE EP POWDER\nPOTASSIUM TETRABORATE TETRAHYDRATE\nPOTASSIUM TETRABORATE TETRAHYDRATE POWDER\nPOTASSIUM PENTABORATE TETRAHYDRATE\nAMMONIUM PENTABORATE HP\nAMMONIUM PENTABORATE F\nSODIUM OCTOBORATE TETRAHYDRATE\nBORIC ACID POWDER\nSODIUM TETRABORATE PENTAHYDRATE\nSODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE\nSODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE POWDER\nOur constant research for excellence in the chemical industry led us to develop high performance, innovative flame retardants and smoke suppressants. A unique offer of non-toxic zinc-based solutions addressing the challenges of environmental protection.\nHigh quality products find their best expression in our offer of chelating agents. We are constantly adopting process innovations to safely and reliably address the needs of pharmaceutical and food industries, among others.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Between 2002 and 2004, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) staff members consulted on 158 cases of moth repellent ingestion. In most instances, the exposure was oral, but dermal and inhalation exposures were also reported. Naphthalene was the active ingredient in 83% of the cases, and paradichlorobenzene was the active ingredient in 17%.\nLast summer, an epizootic of paraquat poisoning caused the deaths of at least seven dogs in Portland, Ore. This epizootic is evidence that this type of poisoning remains a current problem in companion-animal practice in North America.\nCleveland -The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (ASPCA) Animal Poison Control Center rebuts rumors that Swiffer WetJet is toxic to pets that come in contact with recently cleaned floors.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Mutagenicity is one of the numerous adverse properties of a compound that hampers its potential to become a marketable drug. Toxic properties can often be related to chemical structure, more specifically, to particular substructures, which are generally identified as toxicophores. A number of toxicophores have already been identified in the literature. This study aims at increasing the current degree of reliability and accuracy of mutagenicity predictions by identifying novel toxicophores from the application of new criteria for toxicophore rule derivation and validation to a considerably sized mutagenicity dataset. For this purpose, a dataset of 4337 molecular structures with corresponding Ames test data (2401 mutagens and 1936 nonmutagens) was constructed. An initial substructure-search of this dataset showed that most mutagens were detected by applying only eight general toxicophores. From these eight, more specific toxicophores were derived and approved by employing chemical and mechanistic knowledge in combination with statistical criteria. A final set of 29 toxicophores containing new substructures was assembled that could classify the mutagenicity of the investigated dataset with a total classification error of 18%. Furthermore, mutagenicity predictions of an independent validation set of 535 compounds were performed with an error percentage of 15%. Since these error percentages approach the average interlaboratory reproducibility error of Ames tests, which is 15%, it was concluded that these toxicophores can be applied to risk assessment processes and can guide the design of chemical libraries for hit and lead optimization.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Information about Hepatoglobine Mikros Liquid\nHepatoglobine-Mikros syrup contains Peptonised Iron (equivalent elemental iron),Folic Acid and Vitamin B12\nPeptonised Iron (equivalent elemental iron) is source of Iron, Iron transports oxygen throughout the body and maintains red blood cells, thus making an individual feel energetic and preventing anemia. Folic acid is essential to numerous bodily functions ranging from nucleotide biosynthesis to the remethylation of homocysteine. It is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth. Both children and adults require folic acid to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia.\nVitamin B12 is of particular importance during pregnancy. Vitamin B12 promotes the initiation and maturation of blood cells supporting the pregnancy.\nIron deficiency Anaemia due to various causes like Nutritional Deficiency\nPica (eating disorder)\nLack of concentration\nHepatoglobine-Mikros syrup can be taken orally with water, after meals.\nUse under medical supervision.\nOne of the following vendor pharmacies will deliver Hepatoglobine Mikros Liquid: PTI, DLP, HIP, HGI, DPL, DHR, OLT, MOM, JMJ, OIP, JIV, IAD, SVH, INC, ENP, NWP, SAF, MAX, HRV, RJH, GTK, OHM, RHW, AAR, AYU, 9T9, PVP, DPP, NDP, WLC, CLT, DYG, SJP, BDN,...+more", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Neutralize acids and bases with our clear-cut, lab cleaning chemicals, which tell you exactly what’s going on.\nOur lab cleaning chemicals showcase one of several colors, as necessary, to ensure you know exactly what you’re cleaning up.\nWhen in contact with a base, our Amphomag lab cleaning chemicals turn blue. If in contact with an acid, the powder turns red instead. And safely neutralized chemical spills turn green/yellow.\nEven sulfuric acid can be rendered harmless and neutralized materials can usually be landfilled with our laboratory cleaning products.\nCompared to other lab cleaning chemicals, Amphomag can’t be beat. It’s a quick, easy to use, one-stop shop for hazardous spills as other absorbent can’t neutralize hydrochloric acid while Amphomag most certainly can!\n- Powder turns red when it comes in contact with acid\n- Amphomag® turns blue on contact with a base\n- Safely neutralized chemical spills turn green/yellow\nAmphomag® efficiently handles all your spill control needs due to its unique ability to neutralize acids and bases. Amphomag® contains an innovative multi-range pH indicator that further simplifies spill response. When applied to the spill, Amphomagâs® color turns to red for acids and blue for bases. As Amphomag® neutralizes the spill, the color gradually changes to yellow or green. Free liquids in the released materials can easily be controlled and the neutralized material can typically be landfilled. For instance, sulfuric acid is safely rendered to harmless Epson Salt after neutralization.\nSome common spill clean up instructions:\nHow to Clean-Up a Formaldehyde Spill\nFormaldehyde is a common chemical used in a variety of products. It can cause respiratory irritation if inhaled, such as coughing, wheezing, and chest pains, and can affect people with asthma, allergies, or other breathing issues more acutely. If formaldehyde comes in contact with the skin, it can cause irritations like dermatitis or even burns. People with frequent exposure to formaldehyde, like some lab techs, become more sensitive to these negative effects.\nIf you encounter a formaldehyde spill, first check to see if any has gotten onto you or anyone else around you. Thoroughly wash any formaldehyde off skin with soapy water. Then proceed to clean up the spill using the following directions.\nStep 1: Supplies\n- Plastic Dustpan\nStep 2: Clean Up\n- Ventilate the area by opening any windows and doors or using a fan.\n- Put on protective clothing and gear if available before getting near to the spill.\n- Pour an ample amount of Amphomag® onto the formaldehyde.\nContinue to slowly add Amphomag® until it completely absorbs the spill, reducing the harmful vapors and smell in the area.\nStep 3: Disposal\nThe formaldehyde spill is now ready to be disposed of in accordance to your local and state regulations. Use a broom and plastic dust pan to sweep up the Amphomag® and dispose.\nHow to Clean Up a Hydrochloric Acid Spill\nUse extreme care in handling this extremely corrosive, poisonous acid, which can cause severe damage to all body tissues. If a small amount of the acid is spilled, it should immediately be contained and neutralized to prevent harm to anyone or damage to whatever it was spilled on.\nWhen using hydrochloric acid, always wear protective clothing and gear, such as eye goggles and gloves.\n澳洲幸运8走势软件Amphomag® is ideal to have in your safety and spill response supplies to neutralize small amounts of chemical spills like hydrochloric acid.\n- Use quickly and safely to treat spills\n- No dangerous side effects\n- No dangerous gas, heating, or splashing\nCompared to other spill clean-up products, Amphomag® is a one-stop hazardous spill neutralizer. Some spill absorbents, such as OIL-DRI, cannot absorb hydrochloric acid. Amphomag® can, with its unique pH indicator to identify and neutralize most hazardous spills.\nMost chemical spill response steps for laboratories need at least 5 steps in their instructions for use before you can apply a neutralizing agent. Even then, you have to find the right neutralizing agent.\nContain and neutralize any spill quicker with Amphomag® â it is the right product for chemical spills.\nStep 2: Clean Up\nFollow these 3 easy steps to cleaning up a hydrochloric acid spill using Amphomag®.\n- Pour Amphomag® slowly and directly onto the hydrochloric acid spill to contain and neutralize.\n- The Amphomag® will initially turn reddish/pink to indicate that it is an acid and when fully neutralized will turn to a yellow/green color.\n- If there is any hydrochloric acid remaining anywhere, repeat step 2 until all hydrochloric acid is gone.\nStep 3: Disposal\nThe contained and neutralized spill is now ready to be disposed of as a non-hazardous material. Use a broom and plastic dust pan to sweep up the Amphomag®.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A simple method of evaluating p-aminophenol in the urine of people exposed simultaneously to aniline and toluene relies on separating p-aminophenol from hippuric acid and other physiological components of the urine by thin layer chromatography. The adsorbents and developing system have been thus fixed to make possible the separation of p-aminophenol from hippuric acid, urea, and creatinine and their quantitative determination. This method also makes possible the determination of p-aminophenol in urine in the presence of hippuric acid. Hippuric acid is a physiological component of urine and also the metabolite of toluene, so the determination of p-aminophenol is possible also after simultaneous exposure to both compounds: aniline and toluene. At the same time the concentrations of urea and creatinine as additional factors may be determined. The limit of detection of the method is: 5 micrograms/ml for p-aminophenol, 9 micrograms/ml for hippuric acid, 8 micrograms/ml for urea, and 6 micrograms/ml for creatinine.\nStatistics from Altmetric.com\nIf you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Submitted to: Bioresource Technology\nPublication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal\nPublication Acceptance Date: 1/14/2010\nPublication Date: 2/11/2010\nCitation: Taylor, F., Marquez, M., Johnston, D., Goldberg, N.M., Hicks, K.B. 2010. Continuous High-solids corn liquefaction and fermentation with stripping of ethanol. Bioresource Technology. 101:4403-4408.\nInterpretive Summary: To improve the security of liquid fuel supplies, while creating jobs and businesses in rural areas, the government has mandated the use of renewable fuels in gasoline. Currently, the lowest-cost renewable fuel is ethanol produced from corn in fermentors, where yeast cells consume the glucose sugar that comes from the starch in the corn. However, ethanol produced this way may be too expensive to compete directly with straight gasoline. To reduce the cost of producing ethanol, continuous fermentation and stripping were proposed. In stripping, the volatile component of a liquid mixture evaporates into a gas. In continuous fermentation and stripping, ethanol is continuously removed from the fermentor, thereby greatly increasing the fermentation rate. Previously, it was shown how the conventional fermentation process can be modified to save approximately $0.03 per gallon on the production of fuel ethanol. These savings are primarily due to the increased concentration of corn in the mixture entering the fermentor, as compared with current industrial practice. Now the same process has been demonstrated at even greater levels of corn solids. Application of this technology will benefit ethanol producers, corn growers, and transportation fuel consumers.\nTechnical Abstract: Removal of ethanol from the fermentor during fermentation can increase productivity and reduce the costs for dewatering the product and coproduct. One approach is to recycle the fermentor contents through a stripping column, where a non-condensable gas removes ethanol to a condenser. Previous research showed that this approach is feasible. Savings of $0.03 per gallon were predicted at 34% corn dry solids. Greater savings were predicted at higher concentration. Now the feasibility has been demonstrated at over 40% corn dry solids, using a continuous corn liquefaction system. A pilot plant, continuously fed corn meal at more than one bushel (25 kg) per day was operated for 60 consecutive days, continuously converting 95% of starch and producing 88% of the maximum theoretical yield of ethanol. A computer simulation was used to analyze the results. The fermentation and stripping systems were not significantly affected when the CO2 stripping gas was partially replaced by nitrogen or air. It was concluded that previous estimates of potential cost savings are still valid.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The articles shown below are all about the buy filtered storage cabinets, through these related articles, you can get relevant information, notes in use, or latest trends about the buy filtered storage cabinets. We hope these news will give you the help you need. And if these buy filtered storage cabinets articles can't solve your needs, you can contact us for relevant information.\nModern laboratories, whether they're dedicated to research, medical testing, or industrial applications, often deal with a wide range of chemicals. Some of these chemicals can be volatile, toxic, and odorous. Proper storage is not only crucial for laboratory safety but also vital for environmental p Read More\nIn the realm of scientific exploration, the laboratory is a hallowed ground, a place where innovations are born, and mysteries are unraveled. But like any environment where potent materials are at play, it comes with its own set of risks. Among these risks, the handling and storage of volatile chemi Read More\nIntroduction: In industries that deal with flammable and volatile chemicals, proper storage and management of these substances are crucial to ensure safety and mitigate potential risks. Filtered storage cabinets (FSCs) have emerged as a reliable solution for storing and handling such chemicals. Read More\nLaboratories are unique workspaces where scientists and researchers conduct critical experiments and analyses. Ensuring the safety of both personnel and the surrounding environment is of utmost importance. Among the many safety measures in place, filtered storage cabinets play a crucial role in prot Read More\nIt is common practice to store toxic volatile chemicals in a laboratory fume hood. While this provides safe storage, the fume hood must be operated continuously, resulting in a constant loss of conditioned air in the building. Typically, bottles containing highly toxic chemicals are small in number. Read More\nAt the heart of ductless fume hood, workstation or enclosure is a gas phase filtration system constructed with prefilters and main carbon and/or HEPA filters. Prefilters are installed at the inlets of every filtration system to remove gross material from the air stream and prevent main filter clogging. Read More\nThese are related to the buy filtered storage cabinets news, in which you can learn about the updated information in buy filtered storage cabinets, to help you better understand and expand buy filtered storage cabinets market. Because the market for buy filtered storage cabinets is evolving and changing, so we recommend that you collect our website, and we will show you the latest news on a regular basis.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "24·7 Copper Sheep is designed for situations where soil and forage copper levels are low or where known copper antagonists such as molybdenum, iron and sulphur are high.\n24·7 Copper Sheep capsules are designed to maintain normal copper levels over the whole grazing season (approximately 6 months).\nDo not use this product in breeds susceptible to copper toxicity or in sheep that may be housed for prolonged periods and fed concentrates. If in doubt, consult your veterinary surgeon or nutritionist.\nOptimise growth rates\nOptimise fleece condition\nEasy to administer\nActive life 180 days\nMEAT AND MILK WITHHOLDING PERIOD – NIL\nMany experiments and trials have been conducted which demonstrate the efficacy of copper oxide rods in providing consistent, available copper supplementation. Other trials have shown live weight gain responses to this type of copper supplementation.\nAdult Sheep over 40 kg liveweight – One 4 g capsule.\nAlways use the recommended Agrimin sheep applicator B.\n24·7 Copper Sheep is packed in tubs of 250 capsules.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy sources, hydrogen has emerged as a pivotal player with immense potential. The demand for reliable components to harness and manipulate hydrogen has surged as industries worldwide transition towards cleaner energy alternatives.\nThis article provides a comprehensive overview of essential products such as valves, needles, spare parts, needle valves for hydrogen and other crucial components tailored for hydrogen applications, contributing to the advancement of a sustainable future.\nValves: Controlling the Flow of Hydrogen\nValves are fundamental components in hydrogen-related systems, serving the critical purpose of regulating the flow of this volatile gas.\nPrecision-engineered hydrogen valves are designed to withstand the unique properties of the gas, which include low viscosity and high diffusivity.\nThese valves ensure safe and efficient flow control, preventing leaks and facilitating smooth operations, whether for refuelling stations, industrial processes, or fuel cells.\nNeedles: Precision in Hydrogen Injection\nHydrogen injection is a crucial process in various applications, from fuel cells to laboratory experiments. Needles play an indispensable role in this context, ensuring precise and controlled delivery of the gas.\nThese needles are crafted with materials compatible with the gas to prevent contamination and ensure accurate dosing, making them a key player in maintaining the efficiency of hydrogen-based systems.\nSpare Parts: Sustaining Operations\nThe reliability of hydrogen-based systems heavily relies on the availability of spare parts that can swiftly replace worn-out components. Spare parts encompass a wide range of components, including seals, gaskets, connectors and fittings.\nThese parts are meticulously designed to handle the unique characteristics of hydrogen, such as its propensity to cause embrittlement in certain materials. Ready access to compatible spare parts is essential to prevent downtime and maintain uninterrupted operations.\nPressure Regulators: Ensuring Safe Hydrogen-Handling\nPressure regulators are indispensable components for hydrogen storage, distribution and utilization. They play a crucial role in maintaining the optimal pressure required for various applications.\nGiven the flammable nature of the gas, pressure regulation is critical to ensure safe handling and storage, making these regulators integral to the infrastructure supporting hydrogen technologies.\nPiping and Tubing: Seamless Transport of Hydrogen\nThe materials used in piping and tubing for hydrogen applications are meticulously chosen to prevent gas leakage, contamination and embrittlement.\nHigh-strength materials such as stainless steel or specific alloys are employed to ensure safe and efficient transportation. The precise engineering of these components prevents hydrogen embrittlement, a phenomenon where the gas can permeate and weaken certain materials over time.\nSafety Devices: Mitigating Risks\nHydrogen, being a highly flammable gas, necessitates robust safety measures. Safety devices such as pressure relief valves, flame arrestors and leak detectors are critical components that safeguard against potential hazards.\nThese devices provide an additional layer of protection, ensuring these systems operate within safe parameters and minimizing the risks of handling this volatile gas.\nThe adoption of hydrogen as a renewable energy source is steadily gaining momentum, reshaping industries and driving innovation. For this transition to be successful, the availability of reliable and hydrogen-compatible components is paramount.\nFrom valves and needles to spare parts, pressure regulators and safety devices, each component plays a unique role in enabling the safe and efficient utilization of the gas.\nAs research and development continue to advance the capabilities of these components, the future of hydrogen-based technologies looks brighter than ever, heralding a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape.\nTo understand hydrogen even better, read our article about why hydrogen is the fuel of the future.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "When we hear this word we are probably reminded of car and industry emissions, petrol leakages or toxic waste in rivers. These terms are wide and may refer to many substances that are a threat to our health or the environment. A variety of classifications apply to pollutants; they may refer to toxicity, concentration or even source and fate in the environment.\nRecently there has been a growing interest in “contaminants of emerging concern” or “emerging contaminants“. In this wide group we include substances we still don’t know much about or substances which are not monitored in the environment. This usually happens because said substance has been recently synthesized or maybe there were no analytic tools in the past that allowed their detection in really low concentrations.\nDon’t you think we are talking about substances unknown to the general public!\nExamples of emerging contaminants are:\n- Pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, psychiatric drugs…)\n- Personal care products (UV protection products, fragrances…)\n- Tensioactives (detergents, emulsifiers…)\n- Nitrosamines (present in cosmetics, tobacco, and elastic products as condoms and balloons)\n- Flame retardants (used to prevent combustion or spread of flames)\n- Fuel additives, plastifiers…\nThese pollutants are found persistently in our wastewater and the problematic lies in the inability of typical wastewater treatment plants to handle their removal. While we await for the European regulation (currently ongoing preparation), many countries have drafted their own criteria and researchers have been working in new solutions.\nWhat are microbes to do with this issue?\nGood question. There are chemo-physical treatment systems (tertiary treatments) able to eliminate most of the emerging contaminants from water at elevated energy costs. However, the use of biological systems promises an efficient and sustainable alternative to be applied in treatment plants. In this occasion we will briefly see some systems and in future publications we will dig deeper in what makes them work.\nMicroalgae in the treatment of urban wastewater have been studied for a while as alternative to activated sludges that are part of conventional treatments. Aside from consuming organic matter and inorganic pollutants, some microalgae can be used to degrade emerging pollutants such as hormones present in contraceptive pills (present in wastewater after human excretion).\nFungi in the treatment of hospital wastewater are being studied nowadays, after proving useful in the treatment of urgan wastewater. Hospital wastewater has higher concentration of pollutants and fungi are able to degrade some of them through their enzymes and specialized metabolism. As a curiosity, white rot fungi found growing on decaying wood are the best candidates for this job!\nBacteria are found everywhere generally in higher amounts than microalgae and fungi. Their diverse metabolisms are most useful when used in combination with microalgae and fungi. As wastewater is a great source of diverse bacteria, sometimes researchers just need to stimulate the growth of specific families in the bioreactors. In other cases, specific strains can be employed to degrade compounds of interest.\nPollutants can be either 1) degraded or just 2) removed from the system of interest.\n- The first option is the optimal. Unfortunately, finding species able to degrade each pollutant is not always possible. Bacteria, fungi and algae can degrade pollutants through detoxifying mechanisms but sometimes they can use them as food to obtain energy and carbon!\n- Through mechanisms as adsorption and absorption (that capture substances at the outer or inner part of the cell) we can extract pollutants from water. Microalgae have been widely studied in this aspect but it is always required to establish a good residue management protocol, as the growing biomass will contain increasing amounts of pollutant.\nLove and hate, two sides of the same coin.\nWe have hinted in many posts that microorganisms cannot be simply classified as “good” or “bad”. Again, we have another example; certain microbe that was correlated to antibiotic removal in a bioreactor was also causing oportunistic infections in the hospital! [ref 1, pag 101-103]", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A Complete Solution for Soil Gas Analysis\nJul 11 2018 Read 963 Times\nThe sampling and analysis of soil gas using automated thermal desorption (ATD) coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) poses several unique challenges when compared to indoor or ambient air monitoring. PerkinElmer®, Inc. have designed and patented a new sorbent tube that successfully accommodates the challenges of soil gas sampling and analysis using EPA Method TO-17, while out performing regulatory criteria for detection limits, accuracy and analyte range.\n- Extend the analyte range\n- Ensure the most volatile compounds are retained during sampling\n- Recovery of all semi-volatiles\n- Enable “quick clean up” of the tubes\n- Enhance water management\n- Increase sampling volumes to improve upon regulatory limits, if needed\nAfter samples were collected in the sorbent tubes, the tubes are loaded onto the automated thermal desorption (ATD) autosampler. A leak check is then performed on both the sample tube and the concentrator trap to ensure sample integrity. The concentrator trap employs a Peltier cooler instead of liquid cryogen to achieve the trap’s lower temperature. The low dead volume trap contains hydrophobic sorbents; therefore, the analytes are focused on the trap in such a way that breakthrough of this suite of analytes does not occur.\nAfter the contents of the tube are desorbed onto the concentrator trap, the trap is heated rapidly, and the compounds from the trap are introduced into the GC analytical column in a narrow band.\nFor highly concentrated samples, two splitters may be employed: an inlet split between the sample tube and the concentrator trap, and an outlet split between the concentrator trap and the analytical column, enabling split ratios of several orders of magnitude. A surrogate can be automatically spiked onto all tubes prior to sampling incorporating additional validation of samples.\nThe instruments used in this study were the PerkinElmer TurboMatrix™ Thermal Desorber 650 (ATD), Clarus® 680 Gas Chromatograph (GC) and the Clarus SQ 8 Mass Spectrometer (MS).\nA high temperature volatile column was used, enabling extension of the hydrocarbon range past naphthalene while still focusing the most volatile compounds. 86 target compounds and diesel were investigated.\nThe standards were diluted with purge and trap grade methanol to attain the required concentration for the following experiments: Breakthrough, Recovery, Water Management, Precision, Dynamic Range, and Detection Limits.\nAs demonstrated in Table 1*, the data collected shows that precision, linearity and reporting limits are all excellent for all classes of compounds and out performs all regulatory requirements and easily meets Method TO-17 performance criteria. The reporting limits are calculated using a 1 litre sample volume. The dynamic range achieved was four orders of magnitude across the target component list. The results from an automated internal standard precision study are presented in Table 2*. (Please see images*)\nFor further information please click here.\nDo you like or dislike what you have read? Why not post a comment to tell others / the manufacturer and our Editor what you think. To leave comments please complete the form below. Providing the content is approved, your comment will be on screen in less than 24 hours. Leaving comments on product information and articles can assist with future editorial and article content. Post questions, thoughts or simply whether you like the content.\nA Comprehensive Bibliography of Who’s Who in Environmental Analysis & Monitoring This guide has been produced as a reference of manufacturers and suppliers with their full contact details. The c...\nView all digital editions\nAug 25 2019 Stockholm, Sweden\nSep 02 2019 Shanghai, China\nSep 03 2019 Mexico City, Mexico\nSep 04 2019 Gwangju, South Korea\nSep 06 2019 San Diego, CA, USA", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Jan. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- As the world's top automakers are unveiling their latest models next week at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the world's leading chemical company – BASF – will showcase the increasing role of chemical products in helping to deliver improved vehicle performance and comfort.\nBASF works closely with car designers, engineers, collision repair centers and OEM manufacturers to apply its innovative product ideas in developing lighter, safer, colorful and more energy-efficient cars with unparalleled motoring comfort.\nIn full alignment with the company's \"We create chemistry\" strategy, BASF is continuing to focus on sustainable development, the future of mobility and energy efficiency to help play a role in conserving resources and improving quality of life.\nBASF's 4,500 square-foot exhibit in room D2-15, which will be open to journalists and invited automaker and supplier guests Jan.9-12, will demonstrate the latest automotive technologies from BASF.\n\"The North American International Auto Show provides BASF with a great opportunity to showcase our innovations that will help automakers differentiate their vehicles and at the same time make the vehicles more sustainable and energy-efficient,\" said Beate Ehle, President, Market and Business Development, BASF North America.\nKey technology and innovative product highlights at BASF's suite will include:\n- The world's first full plastic wheel concept that shows high potential for mass production, made from BASF's impact-resistant specialty polyamide Ultramid® Structure. The wheel is more than 30 percent lighter than a standard production aluminum wheel and significantly contributes to vehicle weight reduction.\n- The official North American launch of the Ultramid® ENDURE line of plastics, which is a highly heat-resistant family of products that are suitable for replacing metal in automotive engines, helping to reduce weight and cost.\n- The company's material-and-weight-saving thermoplastic seat back frame, developed in conjunction with Faurecia, which integrates the seat frame and back panel into one structure that enables the reduction of foam and simplifies the trimming process.\n- BASF's ULTRASIM™, a CAE tool that helps automotive customers create virtual product prototypes and optimized (multi-material) designs that result in finished mass-produced components with marked weight and cost improvements.\n- The company's HED™ cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIB), which can offer higher energy density, safety and efficiency and help meet the evolving requirements of batteries in automotive drivetrains. In addition, BASF offers tailor-made electrolytes to the LIB industry.\n- A comprehensive toolkit of innovative catalyst technologies to enable automotive OEMs to cost-effectively meet ever tightening emission regulations, such as LEV III, and help provide clean air for all.\n- BASF's automotive coatings portfolio, which includes OEM coatings and automotive refinish coatings to the collision repair / refinish industries. BASF's modern paint processes combined with its special effect pigments and technologies, result in a full-breadth of color solutions and development capabilities.\n- A collection of BASF Polyurethane Solutions – which can be found in countless automotive applications and components – ranging from lightweight components for the car body, instrument panels, foam seating, center consoles, headrests and load floors, to soft touch Elastoskin® on the door panel skins, Cellasto® Microcellular Elastomer to improve NVH, and Elastollan® Thermoplastic Polyurethanes in door handles.\nAbout BASF Automotive Solutions\nBASF is the world's largest chemical supplier to the automotive industry. BASF automotive solutions are used across virtually all vehicle systems to improve performance, reduce fuel consumption, improve safety or decrease emissions. As a development partner with deep technical expertise, BASF also helps auto makers and suppliers to drive innovation, production efficiency and sustainability. In 2010 BASF's sales to the global automotive industry were an estimated euro 7.9 billion. Visit www.automotive.basf.com for more information on BASF automotive solutions.\nBASF – The Chemical Company\nBASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has approximately 16,400 employees in North America, and had sales of $17.7 billion in 2010. For more information about BASF's North American operations, visit www.basf.us.\nBASF is the world's leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products, and agricultural products to oil and gas. As a reliable partner, BASF creates chemistry to help its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges, such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of more than euro 63.9 billion in 2010 and had approximately 109,000 employees as of the end of the year. Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com or in the Social Media Newsroom at newsroom.basf.com.\n® Registered trademark of BASF, The Chemical Company", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The dna extraction microbiology kit is your kit you will extract dna from bananas and strawberries to see which one has more dna using the scientific method. What is the purpose of ethanol in dna extraction a: out so it can be separated and extracted using a dna extraction method dna extraction. Strawberry dna extraction is a fun experiment that you can perform using everyday materials the purpose of this experiment is to develop the interest. Do-it-yourself dna this is called a dna extraction, using dna from strawberries will help you have a successful dna preparation so you can purify a lot of. Total rna extraction protocol of the modified rneasy method (b) total rna extraction strawberries: amplified using pure dna.\nThe american biology teacher 77(1) the students can analyze a dna fingerprint using gel electrophoresis, dna extraction strawberries plastic knife. A full suite of products for all your dna extraction needs isolation method: organic extraction: silica the dna was quantified using picogreen and. It is a simple and quick method that is easy to perform using frozen strawberries scientific concepts content list in strawberry dna extraction is as follows. Diy dna in this activity, using a fork, mash the kiwi fruit into a paste how does the dna extraction work – the science bit.\nDna extraction dna extraction the method has gone on to this is done by selecting and cutting out a gene at a specific point on a strand of dna using. Steps in isolating dna using strawberry fruit why use the fruit strawberry to isolate dna strawberries has many dna extraction method have. A collection of dna extraction protocols for research, provided by invitrogen. Simple salting – out method for genomic dna extraction from whole in 4c° and subjected to dna extraction using to extract dna from blood by this method.\nExtracting dna from a strawberry no how dna can be isolated from a strawberry using under-ripe and ripe strawberries the volume of dna extraction. Dna strawberry extraction lab report this lesson uses the scientific method to extract dna from food use the dna extraction from strawberries lab key for the. Strawberries (fresh or frozen) a teaspoons of the dna extraction liquid into the bag with the strawberries tilt theu and pick up the dna using a plastic coffee. Artificial life viewing activity teacher notes (dna) from the parent artificial life viewing activity teacher notes (cont. Does this procedure for extracting dna from strawberries the first article is a standard dna extraction buccal cells) using a similar method.\nLogin using your icpalms this lesson uses the scientific method to extract dna from food sources, other than strawberries, to support that dna is common to almost. Dna isolation from strawberries • 10 ml dna extraction buffer apart using 2 toothpicks or dissecting pins. Dna extraction from strawberries how it works with illustrations for students scientific method lab minutes strawberry dna extraction lab. Dna extraction - strawberry strawberries are octoploid, which means they have eight sets of extract dna from a strawberry using household products.\nExtracting dna from cells it is possible to extract dna from cells in a variety of ways one of the simplest methods is using peas, soya beans, cress or. Strawberry dna extraction kit scientific concepts extract dna from strawberries and examine some simple and quick method easy to perform using. Materials and method for extraction dna using the carolina biologicals dna barcoding kit one typo in this videocan you find it #mbol #mainebarcodeoflife.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "SpaPure’s strongest concentration yet! This non-foaming formula keeps plumbing clean, reduces waterline buildup, decreases filter cleaning when used as part of a regular maintenance program and lowers phosphate levels.\nEZ-Enzyme + Phosaway helps maintain trouble-free water and maximum SCG (salt chlorine generator) efficiency.\nUnique enzyme formula works better in hot water. Safely and naturally biodegrades wastes in water and reduces chemical usage while producing naturally cleaner spa water.\nCompatible with all types of sanitizing and oxidizing systems.\n- Helps to keep spa filters clean, meaning less time messing with cartridge cleaning\n- Reduces phosphate levels which can inhibit salt cells from working effectively\n- Unique enzyme formula works better in hot water\n- Compatible with all types of sanitizing and oxidizing systems\n- Eliminates and prevents waterline and scum rings\n- Reduces the amount of required filter maintenance\n- Naturally enhances the clarity of spa water\n- Increases the efficiency of other water treatments, so you can add less of them.\n- Aids filtration to reduce phosphate levels\n- Apply to the spa while circulating on the lowest setting\n- Initially: Add 1 ounce for every 100 gallons of water\n- Weekly: Add 1-2 ounces for every 500 gallons of water\n- Avoid superchlorinating water for 24 hours to ensure maximum effectiveness", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "||Physicochemical Characteristics of Mixed Surfactant-Stabilized l-Ascorbic Acid Nanoemulsions during Storage.\n||Tahir Mehmood, Anwaar Ahmed, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Sameem Javed, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Faiz-ul-Hassan Shah, Muhammad Imran, Mohamed A. Abdelgawad, and Shamas Murtaza. (2022). Langmuir. 38 (31) 9500-9506 (IF=4.331) DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c00650\n||Influence of diverse natural biopolymers on the physicochemical characteristics of borage seed oil-peppermint oil loaded W/O/W nanoemulsions entrapped with lycopene.\n||Abdur Rehman, Tong Qunyi, Sameh A. Korma, Wen Han, Aiman Karim, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Ahmad Ali, Sanabil Yaqoob, Salah A. Khalifa and Ilaria Cacciotti. (2021). Nanotechnology. 32 (2021) 505302 (IF= 3.953).\n||Biopolymer based nanoemulsion delivery system: An effective approach to boost the antioxidant potential of essential oil in food products.\n||Abdur Rehman, Tong Qunyi, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Sameh A. Korma, Aiman Karim, Muhammad Faisal Manzoor, Arshad Mehmood, Muhammad Waheed Iqbal, Husnain Raza, Ahmad Ali and Tariq Mehmood. (2021). Carbohydrate polymer technologies and applications. 2 (2021) 100082.\n||Influence of selected hydrocolloids on the rheological, functional, and textural properties of wheat-pumpkin flour bread.\n||Waqas Ashraf, Aamir Shehzad, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Rana Muhammad Aadil, Moazzam Rafiq Khan and Lianfu Zhang. (2020). Journal of food processing and preservation. 44 (10) e14777. (IF= 2.609).\n||Effect of germination under mineral stress on the content of isoflavones and functional properties of chickpeas (Cicer Arietinum).\n||Husnain Raza, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Farah Zaaboul, Muhammad Shoaib, Waleed Aboshora1, Barkat Ali and Lianfu Zhang. (2020). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Science, 57 (2) 597-604 (IF= 0.856).\n||Preparation of chitosan films by neutralization for improving their preparation effects on chilled meat.\n||Wei Chang, Fei Liu, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Zhengnon Huang, H. Douglas Goff, Fang Zhong. (2019). Food Hydrocolloids, 90, 50-61. (IF= 11.504). DOI :\n||Effects of ball-milling on physicochemical, thermal and functional properties of extruded chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) powder.\n||Husnain Raza, Kashif Ameer, Farah Zaaboul, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Barkat Ali, Muhammad Shoaib,Wasim Akhtar and Lianfu Zhang. (2019). CyTa – Journal of Food, 17 (1) 563–573. (IF= 2.478).\n||Current progress in the utilization of native and modified legume proteins as emulsifiers and encapsulants – A review.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Peter A. Williams, Mian Kamran Sharif, Shabbar Abbas, Hamid Majeed, Kingslay G. Masamba, Waseem Safdar and Fang Zhong. (2018). Food Hydrocolloids, 76, 2-16. (IF= 11.504).\n||Formulation, characterization and antimicrobial properties of black cumin essential oil nanoemulsions stabilized by OSA starch.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Shabar Abbas, Hamid Majeed, Waseem Safdar, Muhammad Shamoon, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Shoaib, Husnain Raza, Junaid Haider. (2017). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(10), 3358–3365. (IF= 3.117).\n||Physicochemical properties of β-carotene and eugenol co-encapsulated flax seed oil powders using OSA starches as wall material.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, H. Douglas Goff, Hamid Majeed, Muhammad Shamoon, Fei Liu, John Nsor-Atindana, Junaid Haider, Rong Liang, Fang Zhong. (2017). Food Hydrocolloids, 73, 274–283. (IF= 11.504).\n||Influence of OSA-starch on the physico chemical characteristics of flax seed oil-eugenol nanoemulsions.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Peter A. Williams, Mian Kamran Sharif, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Hamid Majeed, Waseem Safdar, Muhammad Shamoon, Muhammad Shoaib, Junaid Haider and Fang Zhong. (2017). Food Hydrocolloids, 66, 365–377. (IF= 11.504).\n||Physicochemical stability of β-carotene and α-tocopherol enriched nanoemulsions: Influence of carrier oil, emulsifier and antioxidant.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Douglas H. Goff, Hamid Majeed, Fei Liu, John Nsor-Atindana, Juanid Haider, Rong Liang and Fang Zhong. (2017). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 529, 550–559. (IF= 5.518).\n||Preparation, characterization and rheological properties of vitamin E enriched nanoemulsion.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Mian Kamran Sharif and Fang Zhong. (2017). Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences, 27(1): 7–14.\n||Growth kinetics, fatty acid composition and metabolic activity changes of Crypthecodinium cohnii under different nitrogen source and concentration.\n||Waseem Safdar, Muhammad Shamoon, Xinyi Zan, Junaid Haider, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Muhammad Shoaib and Yuanda Song. (2017). AMB Express, 7(85):1-15. (IF= 4.126).\n||Characterization of film-forming solutions and films incorporating free and nanoencapsulated tea polyphenol prepared by gelatins with different Bloom values.\n||Maoshen Chen, Fei Liu, Bor-Sen Chiou, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Jian Xu, Fang Zhong. (2017). Food Hydrocolloids, 72:381-388. (IF= 11.504).\n||Functionality and nutritional aspects of microcrystalline cellulose in food.\n||John Nsor-Atindana, Maoshen Chen, H. Douglas Goff, Fang Zhong, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Yue Li. (2017). Carbohydrate Polymers, 172:159-174. (IF= 10.723).\n||Effects of twenty standard amino acids on biochemical constituents, docosahexaenoic acid production and metabolic activity changes of Crypthecodinium cohnii.\n||Waseem Safdar, Xinyi Zan, Muhammad Shamoon, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Omar Mukama, Xin Tang, Yuanda Song. (2017). Bioresource Technology, 238: 738-743. (IF=11.889).\n||Development of high dietary fiber leavened pan bread from microwave stabilized fullfat and defatted rice bran supplemented flours.\n||Mian Kamran Sharif, Masood Sadiq Butt and Hafiz Rizwan Sharif. (2017). Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences, 27(2), 1-12.\n||In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Leaf Essential Oil of Pulicaria inuloides-Asteraceae.\n||Nabil Qaid M. Al- Hajj, Methaq algabr, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Waleed Aboshora, Hongxin Wang. (2016). Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4(7): 461-470.\n||Mechanical and Water Barrier Properties of Zein–Corn Starch Composite Films as Affected by Gallic Acid Treatment.\n||Kingsley George Masamba, Yue Li, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Jianguo Ma and Fang Zhong. (2016). International Journal of Food Engineering, 12(8): 773-781. (IF=1.832).\n||Comparative analysis of nine different small heat shock protein gene promoters in Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica.\n||Waseem Safdar, Haroon Ahmed, Nazish Bostan, Nadia Batool Zahra, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Junaid Haider, Shabbar Abbas. (2016). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 302(9): 1195-1206. (IF= 1.644).\n||Inulin: Properties, health benefits and food applications.\n||Muhammad Shoaib, Aamir Shehzad, Mukama Omar, Allah Rakha, Husnain Raza, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Azam Shakeel, Anum Ansari and Sobia Niazi. (2016). Carbohydrate Polymers, 147: 444–454. (IF= 10.723).\n||An update on hypoallergenicity of peanut and soybean: where are we now?\n||Muhammad Shamoon, Muhammad Wasim Sajid, Waseem Safdar, Junaid Haider, Mukama Omar, Alfarga Ammar, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Saud Khalid and Muhammad Atif Randhawa. (2016). RSC Advances, 6: 79185–79195. (IF= 4.036).\n||Bactericidal action mechanism of negatively charged food grade clove oil nanoemulsions\n||Hamid Majeed, Fei Liu, Joseph Hategekimana, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Jing Qi, Barkat Ali, Yuan-Yuan Bian, Jianguo Ma, Wallace Yokoyama and Fang Zhong. (2016).. Food Chemistry, 197: 75–83. (IF= 9.231).\n||In fluence of carrier oil type, particle size on in vitro lipid digestion and eugenol release in emulsion and nanoemulsions.\n||Hamid Majeed, John Antoniou, Joseph Hategekimana, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Junaid Haider, Fei Liu, Barkat Ali, Liang Rong, Jianguo Ma and Fang Zhong. (2016). Food Hydrocolloids, 52: 415-422. (IF= 11.504).\n||Determination of trans fat in traditional Pakistani breakfast and snack foods.\n||Faiz ul Hassan Shah, Gulam Rasool, Mian Kamran Sharif, Imaran Pasha, Shahzad Ahmad and Hafiz Rizwan Sharif. (2016). International Food Research Journal, 23(2): 849-853.\n||Krill oil quantification in cs/tpp nanoparticles using novel one step fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.\n||JunaidHaider, Hamid Majeed, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Muhammad Shamoon, Haroon Jamshaid Qazi, Ali Haider, JianguoMa and Fang Zhong. (2016). American Journal of Engineering Research, 5(3): 157-164.\n||Fabrication of polymeric nanocapsules from curcumin-loaded nanoemulsion templates by self-assembly.\n||Shabbar Abbas, Eric Karangwa, Mohanad Bashari, Khizar Hayat, Xiao Hong, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif and Xiaoming Zhang. (2015). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 23: 81–92. (IF=9.336).\n||Preparation, Characterization of Eugenol loaded nanoemulsions and their Rheological characteristics.\n||Hamid Majeed, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Junaid Haider, Barkat Ali and Zhong Fang. (2015). European Academic Research, 3(1): 870-879.\n||Identification and Purification of Antioxidant Peptides from Lentils (Lens Culinaris) Hydrolysates.\n||Muhammad Jamirul Ashad Zehadi, Kingsley Masamba, Yue Li, Maoshen Chen, Xuemei Chen, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif and Fang Zhong. (2015). Journal of Plant Sciences, 3(3): 123-132.\n||Effect of soaking and microwave pretreatments on nutritional profile and cooking quality of different lentil cultivars.\n||Hafiz Rizwan Sharif, Fang Zhong, Faqir Muhammad Anjum, Muhammad Issa Khan, Mian Kamran Sharif, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Junaid Haider and Faiz-ul-Hassan Shah. (2014). Pakistan Journal of Food Sciences, 24(4): 186-194.\n||Extraction and Applications of Grapefruit (Citrus paradise) Peel Oil Against E. coli.\n||Kashaf Imran, Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Atif Randhawa, Hafiz Rizwan Sharif. (2013). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12(6): 534-537.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Carbon dating the dent site\nEven then, a large proportion of radiocarbon dating tests return inconsistent, or even incoherent, results, even for tests done on the same sample.The explanation given for these outliers is usually “contamination.” Inconsistent results are another reason why multiple samples, multiples tests, and various parallel methods are used to date objects.Carbon dating is reliable within certain parameters but certainly not infallible.When testing an object using radiocarbon dating, several factors have to be considered: First, carbon dating only works on matter that was once alive, and it only determines the approximate date of death for that sample.The other major factor affecting the results of carbon dating is gauging the original proportion of carbon-14 itself.Carbon dating is based on the loss of carbon-14, so, even if the present amount in a specimen can be detected accurately, we must still know how much carbon-14 the organism started with.Second, radiocarbon dating becomes more difficult, and less accurate, as the sample gets older.The bodies of living things generally have concentrations of the isotope carbon-14, also known as radiocarbon, identical to concentrations in the atmosphere.\nThat’s not unusual in science, so far as it goes, but the relationship between assumptions and interpretations must be kept in mind. At worst, it can make carbon dating circular and self-confirming, though there are other means of dating that can reduce this risk.Tiny variations within a particular sample become significant enough to skew results to the point of absurdity.Carbon dating therefore relies on enrichment and enhancement techniques to make smaller quantities easier to detect, but such enhancement can also skew the test results. As a result, carbon dating is only plausible for objects less than about 40,000 years old.Question: \"Is carbon dating a reliable method for determining the age of things?\" Answer: Carbon dating, or radiocarbon dating, like any other laboratory testing technique, can be extremely reliable, so long as all of the variables involved are controlled and understood.\nAs samples get older, errors are magnified, and assumptions can render carbon dating all but useless.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Press Release Summary:\nDesigned to protect countertops from liquid spills, chemicals, and contaminants, CounterZorb(TM) Ultra Absorbent Mats feature 6-ply construction with water and chemical resistant polyethylene backing. Multi-layers of fine fiber-absorbent pockets provide optimal liquid retention; capillary action allows liquid to absorb through mat instead of pouring through. Mats are non-abrasive and won't scratch smooth surfaces or equipment. Cushioned pockets protect glassware/delicate items from breaking.\nOriginal Press Release:\nCounterZorb(TM) Ultra Absorbent Mats\nDesigned to protect countertops and surfaces from liquid spills, chemicals and contaminants, CounterZorb Ultra Absorbent Mats feature a distinctive six-ply construction with water an chemical resistant polyethylene backing. CounterZorb Mats keep surfaces drier, while acting as an infection control barrier against cross contamination and chemicals.\nThe multi-layers of fine fiber-absorbent pockets provide optimal liquid retention; with their capillary action and properties, the fibers facilitate the \"branching out\" of liquid solution, allowing it to quickly absorb through the mat instead of pouring through.\nConvenient and easy to use, the mats can be positioned adjacent to an ultrasonic cleaning system or autoclave, where wet instruments can be placed directly on the mat until needed. Versatile for use in a variety of applications, CounterZorb Ultra Absorbent Mats are soft, non-abrasive, and won't scratch smooth surfaces or equipment. The cushioned pockets protect glassware and other delicate items from breaking.\nMats are available in shrink-wrapped packages of 25. Product Code 01399\nFor more than 75 years, L&R has been recognized as the worldwide leader in Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems, Solutions and Accessories.\nFor more information on CounterZorb Ultra Absorbent Mats or any other L&R product,\nPlease contact us at 201-991-5330 or visit our website: www.lrultrasonics.com", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The present study was carried out in this line. In general, male and female sex identified smell of urine of both, but statistically insignificant.\nPee doesn't usually have a strong smell. But some foods -- especially asparagus, which has a smelly sulfur compound -- can change the odor. So can vitamin B-6 supplements.\nSome foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. Sometimes, unusual urine odor indicates a medical condition or disease, such as: Cystitis (bladder inflammation) Dehydration.\nWe have shown that female sexual attraction to spend time near male urine scent is an inherent response to a single male-specific protein pheromone, darcin, detected through physical contact.\nUrine may smell like ammonia when it becomes concentrated with waste products. A variety of conditions can cause waste products to build up in urine, such as bladder stones, dehydration, and urinary tract infections. In most cases, urine that smells like ammonia can be treated with fluids or antibiotic medications.\nWhy does my urine smell like fish? Patients affected by trimethylaminuria will often have fishy-smelling urine. Trimethylaminuria is a genetic disorder in which affected individuals have an enzymatic deficiency that makes them unable to metabolize TMA.\nSweet-smelling urine may be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism. Liver disease and certain metabolic disorders may cause musty-smelling urine. Some conditions that can cause changes in urine odor include: Bladder fistula.\nA full bladder can actually push some arousing and sensitive areas like clitoris and its branches. Most importantly, the G- spot is around the entrance of the bladder which contributes to the increased sexual experience if your bladder is full.\nDuring sexual arousal, muscles at the base of the bladder contract in order to close off the passageway from the bladder into the urethra, the tube through which urine and semen leave the body. This makes it impossible for urine to be released during ejaculation.\nIn 5 of 9 studies, 24-h urine volume was almost similar in men and women (within ± 5%), and in the others, it was 10–14% lower in men. To our knowledge, only one prior study reported urine volume and osmolality in men and women separately (21).\nFoul-Smelling Urine: Dehydration\nDr. Kaaki says the number one reason for bad-smelling urine is dehydration. “You always have a certain amount of ammonia in your urine. When you have more water, the ammonia is diluted, and it smells less intense.\nIt's usually caused either by a UTI or an imbalance of “good” and “bad” bacteria naturally found within the body. When caused by bacteria, the bacteria will affect the urine as it sits in or passes through the bladder. This can lead to strong, sulfur-smelling urine.\nUrine concentration: It's normal for urine to have a stronger odor first thing in the morning. After a night's sleep, urine is more concentrated and odorous as well as brighter yellow in color. Dehydration also increases urine concentration, causing stronger smelling urine.\nMake a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent. The combination of the three is often powerful enough to drive away strong urine smells. The solutions is eight fluid ounces of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish detergent.\nDefinition. Urine usually has a distinct odor, but under normal circumstances, the odor is relatively mild and not too noticeable. Certain conditions, however, may cause your urine to have an unusual or unpleasant odor, which may raise concerns about a problem or abnormality.\nYour urine contains some of the chemical compounds found in food you've recently consumed. These compounds will carry some of the food's scent into your urine. With that in mind, it's unsurprising that eating fish can cause your urine to have a fishy smell.\nMistake #4: Pushing\nYou shouldn't have to use your muscles to force urine out. A healthy bladder works best if the body just relaxes so that the bladder muscles naturally contract to let the urine flow, rather than using the abdominal muscles to bear down as with a bowel movement.\nSo yes, it is perfectly fine to sit, if for no other reason than one is less likely to cause a mess.\nSex therapist, Janet Brito, PhD, further explained this sensation by pointing out that the urethra is “an erogenous zone” and a full bladder against a sensitive structure can cause a pleasurable sensation.\nIf your breath smells like acetone -- the same fruity scent as nail polish remover -- it may be a sign of high levels of ketones (acids your liver makes) in your blood. It's a problem mainly of type 1 diabetes but also can happen with type 2 if you get a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).\nIf you have diabetes, you may notice your pee smells sweet or fruity. This is because the body is trying to get rid of the excess blood sugar and is disposing of glucose through your urine. For people who haven't been diagnosed with diabetes, this symptom can be one of the first signs they have the disease.\nPee that smells like ammonia\nIf you detect a hint of ammonia in your urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The odor suggests that bacteria may be swimming around in your urinary system, most likely in your urethra, kidneys or bladder.\nIn most cases, a healthy person's urine should not have a strong smell. Drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea can also lead to \"concentrated or smelly urine\", said Dr Khatri.\nCoffee is another food that could change the odor of your pee. Coffee metabolites, or the byproducts that come from coffee when it's broken down in your body, can make urine smell, Dr. Dutta said.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I need help with some Chemistry and applications work\n31 freelanceria on tarjonnut keskimäärin £14/tunti tähän työhön\nI am expert in Chemistry. I have been teaching chemistry at a very decent level and have more then 5 years of experience. I can help you. I am very hardworking. Please do consider me.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Juvederm Evolence. Juvederm and Restylane (dermal fillers) are hyaluronic acids, a chemical that we all have in our dermis. It is a mucopolysaccharide and is the fluid buffer in our skin's infrastructure. Evolence is not being used currently but was manufactured from collagen of pig hide similar to the cow hide that was used for zyderm, and zyplast collagen injections of years ago.\nDifferent Types. Evolence is a collagen filler which may last up to 12 months (recent data) and is most commonly used for correction of nasolabial folds. Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid filler which has a softer gel consistency and can be used for correction of lips, nasolabial folds, and other areas. In general, i prefer juvederm because it is softer, though evolence may cause less temporary swelling and bruising.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Network with colleagues and access the latest research in your field. Sheridan Bowman, Radiocarbon Dating: May 25, It frequently happens that a sample for radiocarbon dating can be taken directly from the object of interest, but there are also many cases where this is not possible. The unstable nature of carbon 14 with a precise half-life that makes it easy to measure means it is ideal as an absolute dating method. Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article.\nMost radiocarbon dating today is done using an accelerator mass spectrometeran instrument that directly counts the numbers of carbon and carbon in a sample.\nHow Does Carbon Dating Work\nMay 25, Open House Festival — Liverpool, Liverpool. Radiocarbon dating uses isotopes of the element carbon. Despite the name, it does not give an absolute date of organic material - but an approximate age, usually within a range of a few years either way. InLibby moved to the University of Chicago where he began his work on radiocarbon dating. He published a paper in in which he proposed that the carbon in living matter might include 14 C as well as non-radioactive carbon. Help Support EarthSky with a Donation!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Life Elements is a small, family-run CBD supplier focusing primarily on skin-health. The company offers hand-made bath bombs in multiple CBD potencies and a large range of CBD topicals.\nA central component of Life Elements’ products is honey. Honey has a ton of health benefits for your skin. It’s an antioxidant, antibacterial, and a fantastic exfoliator — all attributes that keep your skin looking young and fresh.\nFor the last 14 years, Life Elements created by founder Martha Van Inwegen has been creating, formulating, and manufacturing their own award-winning products, and are now taking on the task of helping consumers navigate the increasingly murky waters surrounding what makes an effective CBD product.\n“We’re seeing a flood of products hiding substandard ingredients behind fabulous packaging, especially in bath bombs,” said Van Inwegen. “One red flag I see is the use of CBD isolate vs Broad Spectrum CBD. CBD isolate does not provide full plant efficacy, and many bath bombs don’t even use water-soluble powder..they use CBD oil, which is not water-soluble!”\nThe Bath bomb products are made from frankincense, myrrh, palo santo and patchouli. The Stick Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from Arnica, Calendula Flower, Camphor, Honey, Peppermint, Shea Butter and Turmeric.\nTheir Bath bombs are made with no harsh chemicals, colorants, foaming agents, or synthetic fragrances (all of which can contribute to Urinary Tract Infections) so you can keep your PH balanced and your towels stain free. Doses range from 50-250mg per bath bomb.\nSimilarly, their Ache & Pain Relief stick does not rely on just the CBD but consists of proprietary formulations that include other time-tested anti-inflammatory and synergistic ingredients, such as camphor, arnica, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and more, to boost the efficacy of the CBD and relieve pain faster and at comparable prices.\nAs Beauty Independent noted, Sephora recently tightened their requirements that “cannabis beauty brands use CBD from hemp grown in the United States, include only full- or broad-spectrum CBD, test CBD three times, make available a certificate of analysis to verify CBD content, and adhere to its clean beauty guidelines.”\nAt Life Elements they only use water-soluble, broad-spectrum CBD powder that still includes the important synergistic ingredients found in hemp, making it much more effective. They then individually dose each bath bomb to ensure it’s at the stated potency so users get the full complement of anti-inflammatory, relaxation, and skin-nourishing benefits.\n@LifeElements and #LifeElements", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Titanium is a chemical element, chemical symbol Ti, atomic number 22, in the periodic table of chemical elements in the fourth cycle, Group IVB. Is a silver-white transition metal, which is characterized by light weight, high strength, with metallic luster, moisture-resistant chlorine corrosion. But titanium can not be used in dry chlorine, even if the temperature below 0 ℃ dry chlorine, there will be a violent chemical reaction, the formation of titanium tetrachloride, and then decomposition of titanium dioxide, or even combustion. Only when the moisture content of chlorine gas is higher than 0.5%, titanium in which to maintain a reliable stability. \nTitanium is considered to be a rare metal, due to its dispersion in nature and difficult to extract. But its relatively rich, in all the elements in the tenth place. Titanium ore mainly ilmenite and rutile, widely distributed in the crust and lithosphere. Titanium is also present in almost all creatures, rocks, water bodies and soil. Extraction of titanium from the main ore requires the use of the Crow method or the Hunt method. The most common compound of titanium is titanium dioxide, which can be used to make white pigments. Other compounds include titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) (as a catalyst and for the manufacture of smoke screens for aerial cover) and titanium trichloride (TiCl3) (for the production of catalyzed polypropylene)\nContent distribution: the surface of the earth 10 km thick layer, containing titanium up to six thousandths, more than copper 61 times in the crust in the content ranked tenth (crust element rankings: oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium , Sodium, potassium, magnesium, hydrogen, titanium), casually grabbed a soil from the ground, which contains thousands of tons of titanium, the world's reserves of more than 10 million tons of titanium is not rare.\nThe earth has hundreds of millions of tons of gravel, titanium and zirconium two kinds of gravel heavy minerals, mixed in the gravel, after thousands of years of sea water day and night constantly panning, the heavier ilmenite And zircon sand ore together, in the long coast, forming a piece of titanium and zirconite layer. This layer of mineral is a black sand, usually a few centimeters to several centimeters thick. Titanium is not ferromagnetic, with titanium construction of nuclear submarines do not have to worry about the magnetic mine attack\n1940 Luxembourg scientists W.J.Kroll with magnesium to reduce the TiCl4 made of pure titanium. Since then, the magnesium reduction method (also known as the Khorger method) and the sodium reduction method (also known as the Hunt method) has become an industrial method for producing sponge titanium. The United States in 1948 with magnesium reduction system made 2 tons of titanium sponge, from the beginning of the industrial production of titanium.\nIn 1947, people began to smelting titanium in the factory. That year, the output is only 2 tons. 1955 production surge to 20,000 tons. In 1972, the annual output reached 200,000 tons. The yield strength of titanium is higher than that of steel, and its weight is almost half that of the same volume of steel. Although titanium is slightly heavier than aluminum, its yield strength is twice as high as that of aluminum. Titanium than the strength of aluminum and steel, than the modulus and aluminum, steel is very close. In the universe rockets and missiles, a large number of titanium instead of steel. According to statistics, the world's annual use of titanium for navigation, has reached more than 1,000 tons. Very fine titanium powder, or rockets good fuel, so titanium known as the universe of metal, space metal.\nTitanium at high temperatures and easy to react with the air, but the melting point of up to 1668 ℃. At room temperature, titanium is not afraid of aqua regia and dilute nitric acid corrosion, but intolerance of more than 5% concentration of sulfuric acid and 7% hydrochloric acid corrosion. Titanium is not afraid of the temperature of the sea, it was a piece of titanium sink to the bottom of the sea, five years later take a look, above the sticky many small animals and seabed plants, but it is not rusty, still shining.\nPeople began to use titanium to create submarines - titanium submarines. Because titanium is very strong, can withstand high pressure, this submarine can be deep in the deep sea of 4500 meters.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Posted: 1 December 2020 |\nDionisis Theodosis is Global Manager, Technical Development and Business Support (Food Analytics) at SGS.\nDionisis Theodosis is a food technology graduate with over 20 years of experience working in food chemistry/ food testing laboratories.\nDuring his career, he has developed expertise in a wide range of topics, but more specifically within carbohydrates, vitamins, mycotoxins and allergens. He has set up and managed laboratories, delivering quality control testing for the retail and infant formula industries and worked on several UK Government and EU funded research projects.\nDuring the last years, Dionisis’ focus has been on managing due diligence testing for major UK food retailers, as well as providing technical support and advice on emerging risks, changing regulations, new technologies and food authenticity. He has also been managing a team of development scientists, building new capabilities in molecular biology and food chemistry and transferring knowledge across a global network of laboratories.\nAs part of his role within SGS, he is responsible for driving the global technical expertise of the laboratory network and providing stakeholders with technical advice in line with SGS’s strategic requirements.\nDionisis is a Fellow of the Institute of Food Science and Technology and a Chartered Scientist.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Introducing the mechanism and operation of the hot asphalt plant\nThis machine consists of several devices that use raw materials including gravel, bitumen, filler and if needed for other additives, produce the required asphalt.\nAt the first, 4 or 6 types of sand and grains are loaded into the cold material silo, then poured onto the transfer belts by tape feeders that can be controlled from the control room in certain proportions that enter to the dryer which is responsible for drying With the circulation of the dryer and high heat, the raw materials are dried and its moisture evaporates, and after drying, the micron particles are separated from the aggregates and sucked by the exhaust fan. They are deposited inside a device called a cyclone using a centrifugal mechanism, and then these deposited materials are transferred to the filler alluvium by screw feeders and transferred to the top of the tower for storage. Also, the materials that have reached temperature of 140-180 degrees Celsius are transferred to the material elevator and are transferred to the upper floor of the tower, which is sieving machine, and separates the material sieve and keeps it in 4 to 6 tanks.\nBitumen is another additive that after storage in bitumen flask and heating by oil heater is kept at temperature of 110 to 140 degrees and when needed, it is weighed by the operator with an automatic system and added inside the mixer.\nThis mixture can be prepared depending on weather and environmental conditions with different mixing conditions by adding other additives such as cement, acid and pigments, etc. This part is made and prepared as an option according to customer requests.\nAfter mixing completely, the asphalt mixture is stored in another section called asphalt storage silo.\nAsphalt plants in capacities of 60-80-120-160 tons are produced in Komaco design in this company.\nScreen of Asphalt plant is specifically designed with a coating to prevent dust extraction as well as resistance to abrasion. Mixers of asphalt based on tonnage final sintering plant Asphalt 5, 6, or 7 rows of tiles resistant and interchangeable, the body of the mixer does not harm. To thicken the asphalt and better quality, the dust stacked on drying and sieving, once again in the mixer in proper proportion to the mix is added. Emulsion is used to make asphalt instead of asphalt\n|AP-AM-60TPH (WF)||50 ton||60 ton|\n|AP-AM-60TPH (BF)||55 ton||60 ton|\n|AP-AM-80TPH (WF)||70 ton||80 ton|\n|AP-AM-80TPH (BF)||80 ton||80 ton|\n|AP-AM-120TPH (WF)||80 ton||120 ton|\n|AP-AM-120TPH (BF)||90 ton||120 ton|\n|AP-AM-160TPH (WF)||100 ton||160 ton|\n|AP-AM-160TPH (BF)||110 ton||160 ton|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Drug Interactions between sodium bicarbonate and Vitamin D3\nThis report displays the potential drug interactions for the following 2 drugs:\n- sodium bicarbonate\n- Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)\nInteractions between your drugs\nNo interactions were found between sodium bicarbonate and Vitamin D3. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.\n- Sodium bicarbonate is in the following drug classes: antacids, minerals and electrolytes, urinary pH modifiers.\n- Sodium bicarbonate is used to treat the following conditions:\n- Vitamin d3 is in the drug class vitamins.\n- Vitamin d3 is used to treat the following conditions:\nDrug and food interactions\nNo interactions were found. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.\nTherapeutic duplication warnings\nNo warnings were found for your selected drugs.\nDrug Interaction Classification\n|No interaction information available.|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The activity of six Chinese medicinal herbs against the environmental mutagens and carcinogens benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), 1,6-dinitropyrene (1,6-diNP) and 3,9-dinitrofluoranthene (3,9-diNF) was determined. Samples of Prunella spica, Rheum palmatum, Polygonum multiflorum, Agrimonia pilosa, Ephedra sinica and Teitoutou were tested in an in vitro system. Antimutagenic activity against B[a]P was marked in the presence of extracts (boiled for 2 h in a water bath) whereas that against 1,6-diNP and 3,9-diNF varied from 20 to 86%. The differences in inhibition might be due to inactivation of metabolic enzymes. An extract of P. multiflorum was divided into ether, ethyl acetate and water soluble fractions, which were tested for antimutagenic activity against B[a]P. The antimutagenic action of the ethyl acetate soluble fraction was substantial and dose-dependent. Tannins and related compounds were the major components of the extract, of which epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate and tannic acid strongly inhibited the mutagenicity of B[a]P (2.5 micrograms/plate) in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 with S9 mix. To confirm the results of the in vitro test system, F344/DuCrj male rats were given a subcutaneous injection of B[a]P. Thereafter, they received water extracts of the six Chinese medicinal herbs for 50 weeks and were examined for tumors. The P. multiflorum extract significantly reduced the tumor incidence.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Having a swimming pool in Florida is an essential part of everyday living for many homeowners. Not only does it take substantial time and effort it takes to properly balance the chemistry levels in a pool, but it also requires a trained eye and careful attention to detail and experience to detect the early signs of an improperly functioning pool environment. If you live in Southwest Florida, we’re your go-to team for pool service. With over 10 years of experience, you can rely on our expertise to take the best care of your pool.\nBenefits: Save time while keeping your summer investment in pristine condition while increasing the lifespan of your pool with a monthly or weekly pool service, cleaning, and chemical balance from Swim Quest Pool Service. Experience all the benefits of having a pool without the hard work of keeping it crystal clear. Reasons to hire our professionals to balance the chemicals in your pool water include:\nWhy Does a Pool Turn Green? A chemical imbalance in pool water allows algae to grow and thrive, quickly turning a pool’s water color green. As long as there is adequate chlorine in your pool, algae and other microorganisms will have difficulty growing, but with the constant high temperatures and heavy rains we experience in Florida maintaining the proper chlorine levels can be challenging allowing algae to grow. Periodic shocking of your pool with chlorine is an essential treatment to avoid the potential for algae buildup combined by careful balancing of other chemicals important to maintain a healthy pool.\nIn Southwest Florida, the extremely hot and humid months don’t seem to end and unfortunately, that’s the type of climate algae blooms will thrive in best. It takes millions of these microscopic organisms to accumulate before you begin to realize you’ve got an algae problem in your pool. Yellow algae is even harder to deal with than green pool water, which is why you should call the expert pool techs at Swim Quest Pool Service.\nThe Health Risks! Some algae is very hard to spot making it even more important to hire a professional pool technician to properly assess, remove, and restore your pool back to its healthy crystal-clear blue water you’re used to. A green swimming pool may seem like a simple annoyance, but it’s actually a health hazard and the contaminated pool water should be immediately cleaned and treated, as blue-green algae, commonly known as black algae, can contain E. Coli causing humans or pets to become sick.\nThe easiest way to keep your saltwater pool clean and healthy is to let the salt water pool experts at Swim Quest Pool Service do the work for you. Our skilled pool technicians will ensure your salt system chlorine generator is free from damaging mineral deposits that can form and build up on the inside of your salt cell allowing your system to perform optimally and at it’s full capacity. As your pool conditions change throughout the year, our expert pool technicians will adjust the salt content as needed to maintain the perfect balance.\nWhy you should periodically drain your pool. Of course we all want our swimming pool to look great with beautiful clear and clean water, but maintaining a healthy swimming environment from chemical build-up, underwater stains, pool surface repairs or removing waste from your pool all require a swimming pool drain and refill. Here’s a list of a few of the reasons to call the team at Swim Quest Pool Services to drain your pool;\nWhy clean your pool tiles? So they last longer!\nProper cleaning of pool tiles and grout on a regular basis helps to prevent your tiles from cracking or becoming permanently discolored or stained and grout from prematurely degrading. Swim Quest Pool Service considers your pool as an investment that should be maintained properly so that it doesn’t lose its value over time. Be sure to call us for a free price quote if you experience the following issues on your tile or grout:\nOur acid washing services consist of completely draining your pool or spa, followed by a thorough scrubbing of the interior walls and tile, after which a concentrated muriatic acid wash is applied removing the top layer of the plaster surface, similar to the chemical peel procedures dermatologists apply to skin. The acid washing process restores the beauty and luster of your pool or spa by removing calcium deposits, algae blooms and even more difficult stains, like black algae, which can seep deep into plaster.\nAcid washing is an ideal option for homeowners who no matter which chemicals they use or how much scrubbing they do, still can’t get their pool or spa to look clean and stain free. Call Swim Quest Pool Service today to schedule an acid washing and pool plaster cleaning service to:\nSouthwest Florida homeowners who notice their pool stairs and the walls and bottom of their pool becoming dangerously slippery with a slick coating of algae are in immediate need of our chlorine cleaning services, as leaving algae too long on the surface of your pool or spa can stain.\nUnlike the more harsh acid washing process, which removes a layer of plaster from the inside of your pool, a chlorine bath is a more gentle cleaning method that can be performed more regularly as a preventative maintenance. Contact Swim Quest Pool Service to ask about a chlorine bath to;\nAfter performing a professional chlorine bath, it could be several years before another treatment is needed with proper pool maintenance services.\nMost pool filters keep your pool and spa water safe and healthy by maintaining the pH balance. All pool filters, from cartridge, to DE and sand filters work by removing oils, dirt and debris as your pool water flows through and the pool specialists at Swim Quest Pool Service have expertise cleaning and servicing any filtration systems.\nTo properly maintain your pool, the filter should be cleaned regularly and it’s critically important the filter be removed and replaced precisely as the entire pump system for your pool can be damaged by improperly installing or cleaning your filter. Our professional pool filter cleaning services:\nThe experienced pool technicians at Swim Quest Pool Service are able to service and repair most pool equipment brands helping small issues from causing significant damage requiring costly repairs. Our pool equipment repair and maintenance services include;\nWe strive to maintain a continuous track record of excellent service by developing long standing relationships with our valued clients. We always try and ensure the same technician care for your pool weekly so a familiarity with the unique aspects of your pool system and conditions is developed helping to optimize your pool service and keep your pool perfectly maintained.\nSome reasons why our highly skilled team at Swim Quest Pool Service is the smart choice for ALL your pool service needs.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Microplate Shaker LMS-A10 is particularly used for liquid/solution mixing and shaking with PCR plate (96 wells) or denaturing of nucleic acids and proteins, stains and blots, micro-titer & immunoassays, enzyme and protein analysis and dyeing experiments. It is safe, reliable and highly precise and can be used in low temperature environment or incubator. This device is portable with compact design for easy and convenient operation.\n|Shaking Speed Range||200 - 1500 rpm / min|\n|Capacity||96 well x 4 plates|\n|Temperature Range||No heating function|\n|Timer||0 - 99 h 59 min|\n|Dimension||284 x264 x 121 mm|\n|Power Supply||220 V, 60 Hz|\nLabtron Microplate Shaker is suitable for incubation and cultivation of biological and chemical components in microbiology, cellular and molecular biology, immunology and biotechnology.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Pulp mill\nor non-bleached, depending on the customer requirements.\nWoodand other plant materials used to make pulp contain three main components (apart from water): cellulose fibres(desired for papermaking), lignin(a three-dimensional polymer that binds the cellulosefibres together) and hemicelluloses, (shorter branched carbohydratepolymers). The aim of pulping is to break down the bulk structure of the fiber source, be it chips, stems or other plant parts, into the constituent fibers.\nChemical pulping achieves this by degrading the lignin and hemicellulose into small, water-soluble molecules which can be washed away from the cellulose fibers without depolymerizing the cellulose fibres (chemically depolymerizing the cellulose weakens the fibers). The various mechanical pulping methods, such as groundwood (GW) and refiner mechanical (RMP) pulping, physically tear the cellulose fibres one from another. Much of the lignin remains adhering to the fibres. Strength is impaired because the fibres may be cut. There are a number of related hybrid pulping methods that use a combination of chemical and thermal treatment to begin an abbreviated chemical pulping process, followed immediately by a mechanical treatment to separate the fibers. These hybrid methods include thermomechanical pulping (TMP) and chemithermomechanical pulping (CTMP). The chemical and thermal treatments reduce the amount of energy subsequently required by the mechanical treatment, and also reduce the amount of strength loss suffered by the fibers.\nThe first step in mills using trees as the fiber source is to remove the\nbark. Bark contains relatively few useable fibers and is burned, along with other unusable plant material, to generate steam to run the mill.\nMuch of the information about the technology in following subsections is from the book by C.J. Biermann.cite book |last=Biermann |first=Christopher J. |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Essentials of Pulping and Papermaking |year=1993 |publisher=Academic Press, Inc. |location=San Diego |isbn=0-12-097360-X] . The chemistry of the various pulping processes can be found in Sjöström's book.cite book |author= Eero Sjöström |title= Wood Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications |location=San Diego |publisher=\nAcademic Press|year= 1993 |isbn=0-12-647481-8]\nChemical pulp mills\nChemical pulping processes such as the kraft (or sulfate) process and the\nsulfite processremove much of the hemicelluloses and lignin. The kraft process does less damage to the cellulose fibers than the sulphite process, thereby producing stronger fibers, but the sulfite process makes pulp that is easier to bleach. The chemical pulping processes use a combination of high temperature and alkaline (kraft) or acidic (sulphite) chemicals to break the chemical bonds of the lignin.\nThe material fed into the digester must be small enough to allow the pulping liquor to penetrate the pieces completely. In the case of wood, the logs are chipped and the chips screened so that what is fed to the digester is a uniform size. The oversize chips are rechipped or used as fuel, sawdust is burned. The screened chips or cut plant material (\nbamboo, kenaf, etc) goes to the digesterwhere it is mixed an aqueous solution of the pulping chemicals, then heated with steam. In the kraft process the pulping chemicals are sodium hydroxideand sodium sulfideand the solution is known as white liquor. In the sulfite process the pulping chemical is a mixture of metal (sodium, magnesium, potassium or calcium) or ammonium sulfite or bisulfite. After several hours in the digester, the chips or cut plant material breaks down into a thick porridge-like consistency and is \"blown\" or squeezed from the outlet of the digester through an airlock. The sudden change in pressure results in a rapid expansion of the fibers, separating the fibres even more. The resulting fiber suspension in water solution is called \"brown stock\".\nBrown stock washers, using countercurrent flow, remove the spent cooking chemicals and degraded lignin and hemicellulose. The extracted liquid, known as\nblack liquorin the kraft process, and red or brown liquor in the sulfite processes, is concentrated, burned and the sodium and sulfur compounds recycled in the recovery process. Lignosulfonatesare a useful byproduct recovered from the spent liquor in the sulfite process.cite web|url=http://www.lignin.org/whatis.html|title=Uses of lignosulfonates |accessdate=2007-10-07] The clean pulp (stock) can be bleached in the bleach plant or left unbleached, depending on the end use. The stock is sprayed onto the pulp machine wire, water drains off, more water is removed by pressing the sheet of fibers, and the sheet is then dried. At this point the sheets of pulp are several millimeters thick and have a coarse surface: it is not yet paper. The dried pulp is cut, stacked, bailed and shipped to another facility for whatever further process is needed.\nBleached kraft pulp and bleached sulfite pulp are used to make high quality, white printing paper. One of the most visible uses for unbleached kraft pulp is to make brown paper shopping bags and wrapping paper where strength is particularly important. A special grade of bleached sulfite pulp, known as dissolving pulp, is used to make cellulose derivatives such as\nmethylcellulosewhich are used in a wide range of everyday products from laxativesto baked goodsto wallpaperpaste.\nMechanical pulp mills\nThe earliest mills used sandstone grinding rollers to break up small wood logs called \"bolts\", but the use of natural stone ended in the 1940s with the introduction of manufactured stones with embedded\nsilicon carbideor aluminum oxide. The pulp made by this process is known as \"stone groundwood\" pulp (SGW). If the wood is ground in a pressurized,sealed grinder the pulp is classified as \"pressure groundwood\" (PGW) pulp. Most modern mills use chips rather than logs and ridged metal discs called refiner plates instead of grindstones. If the chips are just ground up with the plates, the pulp is called \"refiner mechanical\" pulp (RMP), if the chips are steamed while being refined the pulp is called \"thermomechanical\" pulp (TMP). Steam treatment significantly reduces the total energy needed to make the pulp and decreases the damage (cutting) to fibers. Mechanical pulp mills use large amounts of energy, mostly electricity to power motors which turn the grinders. A rough estimate of the electrical energy needed is 10,000 mega joules (MJ) per tonneof pulp (2,500 kW·hper short ton)\nChemi-mechanical pulp mills\nSome mills pretreat wood chips or other plant material like straw with sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfite and other chemical prior to refinng with equipment similar to a mechanical mill. The conditions of the chemical treatment are much less vigorous (lower temperature, shorter time, less extreme pH) than in a chemical pulping process since the goal is to make the fibers easier to refine, not to remove lignin as in a fully chemical process. Pulps made using these hybrid processes are known as chemi-thermomechanical pulps (CTMP). Sometimes a CTMP mill is located on the same site as a kraft mill so that the effluent from the CTMP mill can be treated in the kraft recovery process to regenerate the inorganic pulping chemicals.\nUnited Nations Environmental Program(UNEP) has approved only two processes for making the chemical bleach chlorine dioxide, which produce 99.8% chlorine dioxideand contain only 0.2% elemental chlorine. Contamination of the chlorine dioxide with elemental chlorine is considered undesirable, and may lead to environmental pollution. While properly treated effluent may be safe to discharge into water catchment areas, mills which discharge untreated effluent pollute water ways with persistent organic pollutants ( organochlorides and dioxins), and may breach the Stockholm Convention.\nBleaching of wood pulp\n* [http://www.tri-inc.net/ Integrated Pulp Mill - Forest Biorefinery]\n* [http://www.unionmillwright.com/paper4.html Pulp and Paper terminology]\nWikimedia Foundation. 2010.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Tough, flexible, translucent sheets that are made of bacterial cellulose. Bacterial cellulose is produced as a secretion from bacteria fed a sugary solution (in this case pineapple juice) in a warm bath. These sheets are made from remnant cuts from the larger sheets, with the majority of the sheet used to produce beauty care products. The leftover parts are pressed together with a roller forming a single homogenous sheet and dried in a hot-air oven. Finally, they are rigidized with hard paraffin, much in the way that waxed cotton is treated, making it impervious to water. The resulting membrane is claimed to be equivalent in stiffness to aluminum for the same weight, has a leather-like hand, and good mechanical properties such as tear strength and stitchability. They are offered in 290 x 200 mm (11.4 x 7.9 in) and in a nominal thickness of 1.2 mm (0.05 in). It can be customized in color, texture, thickness (give the bacteria more time) and in size (use a larger bath), giving it advantages over leather. The sheets can be used in many of the places that leather is currently used, for example as a fabric for bags and upholstery, and for accessories.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Dyeing is the process of adding color to textile products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Dyeing is normally done in a special solution containing dyes and particular chemical material. After dyeing, dye molecules have uncut chemical bond with fiber molecules. The temperature and time controlling are two key factors in dyeing. There are mainly two classes of dye, natural and man-made. For improved fastness to washing, rubbing and light, other dyes such as vats and reactives are commonly used.\nAdeel cloth Ind. has installed Dyeing Equipped with complete setup from Yarn Dyeing, Fabric Dyeing etc. and capable to dye upto 95 degree fastness.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Biopterin-dependent aromatic amino acid hydroxylase\ncrystal structure of ternary complex of the catalytic domain of human phenylalanine hydroxylase (Fe(II)) complexed with tetrahydrobiopterin and norleucine\nBiopterin-dependent aromatic amino acid hydroxylases (AAAH) are a family of aromatic amino acid hydroxylase enzymes which includes phenylalanine 4-hydroxylase (EC, tyrosine 3-hydroxylase (EC, and tryptophan 5-hydroxylase (EC These enzymes primarily hydroxylate the amino acids L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-tryptophan, respectively.\nThe AAAH enzymes are functionally and structurally related proteins which act as rate-limiting catalysts for important metabolic pathways. Each AAAH enzyme contains iron and catalyzes the ring hydroxylation of aromatic amino acids using tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as a substrate. The AAAH enzymes are regulated by phosphorylation at serines in their N-termini.\nRole in metabolism\nIn humans, phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency can cause phenylketonuria, the most common inborn error of amino acid metabolism. Phenylalanine hydroxylase catalyzes the conversion of L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine. Tyrosine hydroxylase catalyzes the rate-limiting step in catecholamine biosynthesis: the conversion of L-tyrosine to L-DOPA. Similarly, tryptophan hydroxylase catalyzes the rate-limiting step in serotonin biosynthesis: the conversion of L-tryptophan to 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan.\nIt has been suggested that the AAAH enzymes each contain a conserved C-terminal catalytic (C) domain and an unrelated N-terminal regulatory (R) domain. It is possible that the R protein domains arose from genes that were recruited from different sources to combine with the common gene for the catalytic core. Thus, by combining with the same C domain, the proteins acquired the unique regulatory properties of the separate R domains.\n- Grenett HE, Ledley FD, Reed LL, Woo SL (August 1987). \"Full-length cDNA for rabbit tryptophan hydroxylase: functional domains and evolution of aromatic amino acid hydroxylases\". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84 (16): 5530–4. PMC . PMID 3475690. doi:10.1073/pnas.84.16.5530.\n- Erlandsen H, Fusetti F, Martinez A, Hough E, Flatmark T, Stevens RC (December 1997). \"Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human phenylalanine hydroxylase reveals the structural basis for phenylketonuria\". Nat. Struct. Biol. 4 (12): 995–1000. PMID 9406548. doi:10.1038/nsb1297-995.\n- Broadley KJ (March 2010). \"The vascular effects of trace amines and amphetamines\". Pharmacol. Ther. 125 (3): 363–375. PMID 19948186. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2009.11.005.\n- Lindemann L, Hoener MC (May 2005). \"A renaissance in trace amines inspired by a novel GPCR family\". Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 26 (5): 274–281. PMID 15860375. doi:10.1016/j.tips.2005.03.007.\n- Wang X, Li J, Dong G, Yue J (February 2014). \"The endogenous substrates of brain CYP2D\". Eur. J. Pharmacol. 724: 211–218. PMID 24374199. doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.12.025.\nThe highest level of brain CYP2D activity was found in the substantia nigra ... The in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the contribution of the alternative CYP2D-mediated dopamine synthesis to the concentration of this neurotransmitter although the classic biosynthetic route to dopamine from tyrosine is active. ... Tyramine levels are especially high in the basal ganglia and limbic system, which are thought to be related to individual behavior and emotion (Yu et al., 2003c). ... Rat CYP2D isoforms (2D2/2D4/2D18) are less efficient than human CYP2D6 for the generation of dopamine from p-tyramine. The Km values of the CYP2D isoforms are as follows: CYP2D6 (87–121 μm) ≈ CYP2D2 ≈ CYP2D18 > CYP2D4 (256 μm) for m-tyramine and CYP2D4 (433 μm) > CYP2D2 ≈ CYP2D6 > CYP2D18 (688 μm) for p-tyramine", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A nonionic surfactant useful in solubilizing protein aggregates. May also be used as a parting agent to facilitate removal of gels from tube walls.\nOctylphenol-polyethyleneglycol ether; Octylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol\n- Anal. Biochem., 34, 9 (1970); Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 211, 148 (1970)\n- Irritant, Toxic (Ingestion)\n- Gloves & fume hood\n- Store at room temperature", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "(574i) Surface Mechanical Behavior of Biocompatible Poly((D,L-lactic acid-ran-glycolic acid)-Block-Ethylene Glycol) (PLGA-PEG) Block Copolymers at the Air-Water Interface\nThe surface pressure-area isotherms of poly((D,L-lactic acid-ran-glycolic acid)-block-ethylene glycol) (PLGA-PEG) monolayers at the air-water interface exhibit mixed patterns of behavior that seemingly represent both the glass transition of the condensed PLGA film and the lateral repulsion of the PEG brush chains that could occur simultaneously under lateral compression of the monolayer. A study was conducted to investigate which one of the above two mechanisms is more responsible for the observed PLGA-PEG isotherm behavior. Particularly, this study is focused on the isotherm behavior of PLGA-PEG monolayers at small monolayer areas. In this regime, the PLGA-PEG isotherms show a surface pressure upturn during continuous monolayer compression, similarly to the isotherms of PLGA homopolymers. However, unlike PLGA, the surface pressure vs. area behavior of the PLGA-PEG diblock copolymer exhibits little dependence on the compression rate. Also, the high surface pressure generated due to the monolayer compression and the molecular morphology of the monolayer developed under high compression were seen to relax very little over time. These observations suggest that in the diblock situation, the high monolayer surface pressure observed at high surface polymer concentrations is mainly due to the lateral repulsion of the PEG chains in the brush layer. These experimental results also compare favorably with predictions of the self-consistent field polymer brush theoretical model. A comparison of the interfacial rheological properties of the air-water monolayers formed by the PLGA-PEG diblock copolymer vs. a non-glassy analogue of this diblock copolymer, poly((D,L-lactic acid-ran-glycolic acid-ran-caprolactone)-block-ethylene glycol) (PLGACL-PEG) also support this conclusion. PLGA-PEG monolayers exhibit protein resistance and also reasonable chemical stability at the air-water interface, and therefore seem to have the potential to be used in lung surfactant applications.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics issued the following explanation on how lead affects your health:\nLead, a proven neurotoxin linked to learning and behavioral disorders, is one of the most studied heavy metals.\nExposure to lead can cause learning, language and behavioral problems such as lowered IQ, impulsiveness, reduced school performance, increases in aggression, seizures and brain damage, anemia, and, after long exposure, damage to the kidneys.\nLead has also been linked to miscarriage, reduced fertility in both men and women, hormonal changes, menstrual irregularities and delays in the onset of puberty.\nPregnant women and young children exposed to lead are particularly vulnerable. Lead easily crosses the placenta and enters the fetal brain where it interferes with normal development.\nIncreased blood levels of lead early in life can result in decreased attention span, reading disabilities, and failure to graduate from high school.\nGiven that lead does not break down in the body but accumulates over time, small amounts of lead can add up to harm. For inner city communities where children and adults have higher levels of lead from old paint in buildings and old water pipes, the lead in lipstick is unnecessarily adding to levels of harm that are already too high.\nOn The Lips, In The Body\nWe are a culture in love with lipstick - a love that for many women starts early. A 2004 survey of cosmetics use by 5,856 U.S. girls aged 7 to 19 found that 63 percent of the girls aged 10 and younger reported using lipstick.\nWhen we lick our lips, eat and drink while wearing lipstick, or kiss someone who is wearing lipstick, we ingest the lipstick's ingredients. Glamour magazine's June 2002 \"Beauty Quickie Tip\" repeats a commonly quoted statistic, \"Women inadvertently (but harmlessly) eat about 4 lbs of lipstick in a lifetime.\" Unfortunately, the latest science shows that no level of lead is \"harmless.\"\nManuscript Published by The University of Michigan provided the following explanation on how lead affects your health:\nSources of exposure: air pollution, ammunition (shot and bullets), bathtubs (cast iron porcelain steel), batteries, canned foods, ceramics, chemical fertilizers, cosmetics, dolomite dust, foods grown around industrial areas, gasoline, hair dyes and rinses, leaded glass, newsprint and colored advertisements, paints, pesticides, pewter pottery, rubber toys, soft coal, soil, solder, tap water, tobacco smoke and vinyl 'mini-blinds'.\nTarget tissues: Bones, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, nervous system and pancreas.\nSigns and Symptoms: Abdominal pain, anemia, anorexia, anxiety, bone pain, brain damage, confusion, constipation, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, hypertension, inability to concentrate, indigestion, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of muscle, coordination, memory difficulties, miscarriage, muscle pain, pallor, tremors, vomiting and weakness.\nThe toxicity of lead is widely acknowledged. The greatest risk for harm even with only minute or short-term exposure is to infants, young children and pregnant women.\nA federal study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) in 1984 estimated that three to four million American children have an unacceptably high level of lead in their blood.\nDr. Suzanne Binder a CDCP official stated \"Many people believed that when lead paint was banned from housing [in 1978] and lead was cut from gasoline [in the late 1970s] lead-poisoning problems disappeared but they're wrong.\nWe know that throughout the country children of all races and ethnicities and income levels are being affected by lead [already in the environment].\"\nIn their book 'Toxic Metal Syndrome' Dr.'s R. Casdorph and M. Walker report that over 4 million tons of lead is mined each year and existing environmental lead levels are at least 500 times greater than pre-historic levels.\nAll children born in the U.S. today have measurable traces of pesticides a source of heavy metals and chlorine-based chemicals in their tissues.\nLead is a known neurotoxin (kills brain cells) and excessive blood lead levels in children have been linked to learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactivity syndromes and reduced intelligence and school achievement scores.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Rabbit monoclonal antibody raised against a human PRKAR1A peptide using ARM Technology.\nA synthetic peptide of human PRKAR1A is used for rabbit immunization. Customer or Abnova will decide on the preferred peptide sequence.\nQuality Control Testing:\nAntibody reactive against human PRKAR1A peptide by ELISA and mammalian transfected lysate by Western Blot.\nIn 1x PBS, pH 7.4\nStore at -20°C or lower. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.\n1. Customer may provide cell or tissue lysate for antibody screening. 2. Rabbit monoclonal antibody generated by ARM technology is amenable to antibody engineering including F(ab)2, IgG, scFv and different Fc and non-Fc conjugates per customer request.\ncAMP is a signaling molecule important for a variety of cellular functions. cAMP exerts its effects by activating the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which transduces the signal through phosphorylation of different target proteins. The inactive kinase holoenzyme is a tetramer composed of two regulatory and two catalytic subunits. cAMP causes the dissociation of the inactive holoenzyme into a dimer of regulatory subunits bound to four cAMP and two free monomeric catalytic subunits. Four different regulatory subunits and three catalytic subunits have been identified in humans. This gene encodes one of the regulatory subunits. This protein was found to be a tissue-specific extinguisher that down-regulates the expression of seven liver genes in hepatoma x fibroblast hybrids. Mutations in this gene cause Carney complex (CNC). This gene can fuse to the RET protooncogene by gene rearrangement and form the thyroid tumor-specific chimeric oncogene known as PTC2. A nonconventional nuclear localization sequence (NLS) has been found for this protein which suggests a role in DNA replication via the protein serving as a nuclear transport protein for the second subunit of the Replication Factor C (RFC40). Three alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding the same protein have been observed. [provided by RefSeq\ncAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit RIalpha,cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory chain,cAMP-dependent protein kinase, regulatory subunit alpha 1,protein kinase A type 1a regulatory subunit,tissue-specific extinguisher 1", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Latest Vaccenic acid Stories\nBlood levels of trans–fatty acids (TFAs) in white adults in the U.S. population decreased by 58 percent from 2000 to 2009 according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published in the Feb. 8 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.\nA Canadian review, published in the latest edition of Advances In Nutrition suggests that trans fatty acids from ruminant animal sources, dairy, beef and lamb, may have beneficial health effects including reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer.\n- A member of the swell-mob; a genteelly clad pickpocket. Sometimes mobsman.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Also known as Avermectin B1 and MK-936. Trade names include Affirm, Agri-Mek, Avid, Dynamec, Vertimec and Zephyr.\nAbamectin is a mixture of avermectins containing > 80% avermectin B1a and < 20% avermectin B1b ( 1 ). These two components, B1a and B1b have very similar biological and toxicological properties (5 ). The avermectins are insecticidal or anthelmintic compounds derived from the soil bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis (2 ). Abamectin is a natural fermentation product of this bacterium (5 ).\nAbamectin is used to control insect and mite pests of a range of agronomic, fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops, and it is used by homeowners for control of fire ants (5 ). Doses of 50 to 200 ug/kg of ivermectin, a similar member of the avermectin family of comounds, is widely used to treat humans in the World Health Organization onchocerciasis (river blindness) program (2 , 8 ).\nAbamectin is a highly toxic material, however most formulated products containing abamectin are of low toxicity to mammals (5 , 7 ). Emulsifiable concentrate formulations may cause moderate eye irritation and mild skin irritation ( 1 ). Symptoms of poisoning observed in laboratory animals include pupil dilation, vomiting, convulsions and/or tremors, and coma (5 ).\nAbamectin acts on insects by interfering with neural and neuromuscular transmission. It acts on a specific type of synapse located only within the brain and is protected by the blood-brain barrier. However, at very high doses, the mammalian blood-brain barrier can be penetrated, causing symptoms of CNS depression such as incoordination, tremors, lethargy, excitation and pupil dilation. Very high doses have caused death from respiratory failure (2 ).\nAbamectin is not readily absorbed through skin. Tests with monkeys show that less than 1% of dermally applied abamectin was absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin (5 ). Abamectin does not cause allergic skin reactions (7 ).\nAbamectin is relatively non-toxic to birds\nAbamectin is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrate\nEffects on Other Animals (Nontarget species)\nAbamectin is highly toxic to bees.\nBreakdown of Chemical in Soil and Groundwater\nBecause abamectin is nearly insoluble in water and has a strong tendency to bind to soil particles, it is therefore immobile in soil and unlikely to leach or contaminate groundwater (6 , 7 ). Compounds produced by the degradation of abamectin are also immobile and unlikely to contaminate groundwater (6 ).\nAbamectin is rapidly degraded in soil. At the soil surface, it is subject to rapid photodegradation, with half-lives of 8 and 21 hours (6 ) or 1 day ( 7 ) reported. When applied to the soil surface and not shaded, its soil half-life was about 1 week. Under dark, aerobic conditions, the soil half-life was 2 weeks to 2 months (7 ).\nThe half-life for avermectin B1a in fine sandy loam, clay and construction grade sand was 20 to 47 days. Loss of abamectin from these soils is thought to be due to microbial degradation because abamectin remained undegraded in sterile soil. The rate of degradation was significantly decreased under anaerobic conditions ( 6 ).\nBreakdown of Chemical in Surface Water\nAbamectin is rapidly degraded in water. After an initial distribution, its half-life in artificial pond water was 4 days. Its half- life in pond sediment was 2 to 4 weeks (6 ). It undergoes rapid photodegradation, with a half-life of 12 hours in water (6 , 7 ).\nWhen tested at pH levels common to surface and groundwater (pH 5, 7, and 9), abamectin did not hydrolyze ( 6 ).\nBreakdown of Chemical in Vegetation\nPlants do not absorb abamectin from the soil (6 ). Abamectin is subject to rapid degradation when present as a thin film, as on treated leaf surfaces. Under laboratory conditions and in the presence of light, its half-life as a thin film was 4 to 6 hours", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Log in to view Roosevelt Chemical inc.'s full profile\nGet the latest deals and updates from the supplier\nBuild partnership to explore business opportunities\nContact Roosevelt Chemical inc. directly\nAbout Roosevelt Chemical inc.\nWe are the manufacturer of the leading brands paint nationwide like TRITON, ROSCO, and LOTUS.\nRoosevelt Chemical Inc. started out in 1979. It initially located in Roosevelt Ave. SFDM Quezon City where the company derived its name. Later on the company moved to San Juan and finally settled on its present location on Mariano Ave, Bo. De La Paz, Pasig City. Roosevelt Chemical Inc. leaps ahead in Resin Production, making them a part of the shortlist Resin producers in the country. Through this, consumers are assured and guaranteed that TRITON Products the best product attributed from its meticulous resin monitoring standards which provides consistent quality mixes.\nSocial Media Links\nF. Mariano Ave. Bo. dela Paz,\nPasig City, National Capital Region (NCR)\nNo Products Found", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin B Complex Capsules: Adults and children over 12 years of age, one capsule daily. Do not exceed recommended daily intake unless advised by a suitably qualified person.\nAllergen Information: For allergens, see ingredients in bold.\nFree From Yeast, Gluten, Artificial Preservatives and Flavourings.\nFood Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.\nEach Vitamin B Complex Supreme Capsule contains (average):\n|Thiamin (Vit. B1)||10mg||714|\n|Riboflavin (Vit. B2)||10mg||625|\n|Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)||10mg||500|\n|*: EC Nutrient Reference Value Not Yet Established|\n|INGREDIENTS FOR VITAMIN B COMPLEX SUPREME CAPSULES:Soybean Oil, Capsule shell (Gelatine, Glycerol, Purified Water), Palm oil, Choline bitartrate, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine mononitrate), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Niacin (Nicotinamide B3), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride), Pantothenic acid (Calcium pantothenate), Inositol, Para aminobenzoic acid (PABA), Soya Lecithin, Hydrogenated coconut oil, Yellow Beeswax, Folacin (Folic acid), Vitamin B12 (Cynocobalamin), Biotin, Colouring Agent (red iron oxide E172, yellow iron oxide E172)|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In cases like this, the column dimension is the same, but the silica is modified to make it non-polar by attaching very long hydrocarbon chains to its floor - generally with either eight or 18 carbon atoms in them. A polar solvent is utilized - for instance, a mixture of drinking water and an Alcoholic beverages such as methanol.\nBut You may also use the peaks as being a way of measuring the quantities in the compounds existing. Let us suppose that you are interested in a particular compound, X.\nThis is certainly often called the stationary section. This can be the workhorse from the HPLC device, is created from certainly one of a number of substances (frequently silica) and is extremely compact in nature.\nIf the force below the Verify valve is better than earlier mentioned it, the ball is lifted with the seat and solvent flows through the hole while in the seat. When the pressure is equal on each side of your valve or greater on the best, the ball settles onto the seat and delivers a seal. So long as the surfaces of equally elements are clean up, this combination can provide helpful sealing, even at UHPLC pressures of >one thousand bar (>14,five hundred psi).\nThis treatment presents a small circulation of solvent (frequently drinking water) around the lower-force side from the pump seal. This helps to dissolve contaminants from your piston area, give additional lubrication, and, in the case of UHPLC, might cool the piston so which the seal isn't going to soften as a result of warmth created below the intense strain of UHPLC Procedure.\nIn the event the compounds less than investigation are known, the user can elect to glance only at 1 or several selected wavelengths. As an illustration, cocaine may be observed at 254 nm.\nThe brand new Empyrean is the first thoroughly automated multipurpose diffractometer that allows the largest variety of measurements with none guide intervention.\nA single key advantage is the usage of tandem MS-MS, the place the detector could possibly be programmed to choose certain ions to fragment. The calculated amount will be the sum of molecule fragments picked by the operator. Given that there won't be any interferences or ion suppression, the LC separation may be really brief.[eighteen]\nCell phase enters the column from the still left, passes in the particle bed, and exits at the proper. Movement route is represented by green arrows. Initially, consider the top rated impression; it represents the column at time zero [The instant of injection], if the sample enters the column and commences to sort a band.\nHPLC UV detectors are utilised with large functionality liquid chromatography to detect and determine analytes while in the sample. A UV obvious HPLC detector employs mild to investigate samples. By measuring the sample's absorption of light at various wavelengths, the analyte may be determined. HPLC UV detectors may be used by any lab employing HPLC, such as genomic, biology, and biochemistry laboratories, to analyze nucleic acids, proteins, and also to do poisonous and therapeutic drug screening.\nThe moleacular electrostatic opportunity Power of the hydrogen ion at a specific area in the vicinity of a molecule. Detrimental electrostatic prospective corresponds to : partial detrimental charges , Favourable electrostatic likely corresponds to : partial good fees.\nIn HPLS procedure the detector's flow mobile is preserved at the regular temperature, as well as the circulation charge is strictly controlled, which makes it possible for the brands to say a sounds amount more info of 0.00001 AU. Remember this benefit is calculated for for a brief time span, and with the vacant move mobile.\nReduced sensitivity and growing baselines, noise, or spikes on the chromatogram can generally be attributed towards the cell phase.\nDue to enormous precision provided by HPLC, it is the most widely utilized program during the pharmaceutical sector for analyzing the potency, purity, and performance of medications. The truth is, while in the US, pharmaceutical firms are mandated to determine the standard of their solutions making use of HPLC before marketing them.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is natural flake graphite?\nFlake graphite is a natural crystalline graphite, which is shaped like fish phosphorus, belongs to the hexagonal crystal system, and has a layered structure. It has good high temperature resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, lubrication, plasticity and acid and alkali resistance. Flake graphite is a natural solid lubricant with a layered structure, which is abundant in resources and cheap.\nNatural flake graphite is formed when carbon materials are subjected to high pressure and high temperature. Carbon source materials can be organic or inorganic, although most commercial sources of flake graphite come from organic deposits.\nWhat is natural graphite used for?\nGraphite flakes are widely used in advanced refractories and coatings in the metallurgical industry. Such as magnesia carbon bricks, crucibles, etc.\nPyrotechnic material stabilizer in military industry, desulfurization accelerator in smelting industry, pencil lead in light industry, carbon brush in electrical industry, electrode in battery industry, catalyst in fertilizer industry, etc.\nAfter in-depth processing of flake graphite, graphite milk can be produced, which is used in lubricants, mold release agents, wire drawing agents, conductive coatings, etc. It can also produce expanded graphite, which is used as raw material for flexible graphite products, such as flexible graphite seals and flexible graphite composite products.\nNatural graphite is mainly used in refractories, batteries, steelmaking, expanded graphite, brake pads, casting surfaces and lubricants.\nRBOSCHCO is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12 years experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. The company export to many countries, such as USA, Canada, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Tanzania,Kenya,Egypt,Nigeria,Cameroon,Uganda,Turkey,Mexico,Azerbaijan,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech Republic, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Dubai, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia,Germany, France, Italy, Portugal etc. As a leading nanotechnology development manufacturer, RBOSCHCO dominates the market. Our professional work team provides perfect solutions to help improve the efficiency of various industries, create value, and easily cope with various challenges. If you are looking for Natural flake graphite, please send an email to: firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Lead borosilie glass enamel flux Man-made Vitreous Fibers Man-made Vitreous Fibres Phosphorus furnace slag CAS Registry Nuer 65997-17-3 FDA UNII 3JRB8A35M0 Other Registry Nuer 94551-77-6 System Generated Nuer 0065997173 InChI\nLead borosilie glass* 65997 -173 36.3 0.017061 Aluminum Oxide* 1344-28-1 3.1 0.001457 Calcium-oxide* 1305-78-8 1.1 0.000517 Dibismuth-trioxide* 1304-76-3 11.1 0.005217 Digadolinium-trioxide* 12064 -629 14.1 0.006627 Material Nuer 51-L\nCalcium nitrate, also called Norgessalpeter (Norwegian saltpeter), is an inorganic compound with the formula Ca(NO 3) 2.This colourless salt absorbs moisture from the air and is commonly found as a tetrahydrate.It is mainly used as a component in fertilizers but …\nCorrosion data for a various stainless steels in an extensive range of media. The corrosion data in this section is mainly based on the results of general corrosion laboratory tests, which are not strictly comparable with actual service conditions.The corrosion tables\nCalcium Aluminum Borosilie - 266-046-0 Titanium Dioxide - 236-675-5 Mica - 310-127-6 Silica (amorphous) - 231-545-4 Tin Oxide - 242-159-0 DSCL (EEC): S22 - Do not breathe dust International Lists - All components of this product are listed on or compliant\nGlobal Minerals Corporation - E-mail/RFQ, Website, Address, Phone, Profile, Directions IUPAC Name: barium(2+) carbonate | CAS Registry Nuer: 513-77-9 Synonyms\n20/8/2020· Soda-lime glass, most common form of glass produced. It is composed of about 70 percent silica (silicon dioxide), 15 percent soda (sodium oxide), and 9 percent lime (calcium oxide), with much smaller amounts of various other compounds. The soda serves as a\nbaoji ruriong machinery manufacturing co.,ltd Contact person: Ms. harry liu Tel: 86-917-3243106 Street address: taiping road jintai district shaanxi Bangladesh Whitegold Enterprise Contact person: Ms. Sir Tel: 880-2-9514671 Street address: Baitul Khair (3rd\nGeneral information Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid, produced by fermentation of glucose.It is a white to tan, granular to fine, crystalline powder, very soluble in water. Non corrosive, non-toxic and readily biodegradable (98 % after 2 days\n[3CE / STYLENANDA]. Pro Multi Eye Color Palette. Daily color composition of the essential basic yet versatilely utilizable 25 unit of shadow palette allows you to act out ever changing emotion. Applicable not only for shadow but also eyebrow and shading.\nLOT NUER Starry Pink Glitter N/A: Sparkling Particles TKB TRADING, LLC 1101 9th Avenue Oakland, CA 94606 Tel: 510-922-9027 COMPONENT CAS # INCI NAME/CI NO % BY WEIGHT Calcium Aluminum Borosilie 65997-170~1\nExpert Wear Eyeshadow, Eye Makeup by Maybelline. Long lasting eyeshadow colors to mix and match to create your favorite eye makeup looks that will last all day. G3311 2 MAYB Expert Wear ES Reno High Pearl INGREDIENTS TALC TRIISOSTEARIN\nBOM Item Material CAS Nuer Material Weight (mg) Material PPM of Component Material % of BOM Item BOM Item Weight (mg) BOM Item % of Component Ceramic substrate aluminum oxide 1344-28-1 9.7075 795,522 96.00% silicon dioxide 14808-60-7 0\nShades 23, 26 INGREDIENTS : MICA, TALC, HYDROGENATED POLYISOBUTENE, SYNTHETIC FLUORPHLOGOPITE, DIMETHICONE, DIMETHICONE/VINYL DIMETHICONE CROSSPOLYMER, CALCIUM ALUMINUM BOROSILIE, SILICA [+/- MAY CONTAIN (PEUT CONTENIR): CI 77499 (IRON OXIDES), CI 42090 (BLUE 1), CI 77891 (TITANIUM DIOXIDE), CI 61570 (GREEN 5)].\n21/2/2020· Top quality and fast delivery, Propylene Carbonate USP NF Grade Manufacturers Exporters, CAS Nuer 108-32-7 cGMP, GLP (FDA) Approved, FDA Approved, ISO-9001, ISO-14001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO OHSAS-18001, HACCP, FSSC 220000, FSSAI, \"REACH\nCAS Nuer: 90-47-1 Chemical Formula: C 13 H 8 O 2 click here for details WEB SEARCH MSDS RESOURCES SUPPLIERS « previous next » Synonyms: [more] 90-47-1, 95502_FLUKA,\nAre you a supplier Here''s what we can do for you Generate quality leads for your business Stay visible for 365 days of the year Receive product inquiries and respond to meeting requests directly Improve company online presence through Search Engine Optimisation\nIUPAC Name: aluminum;calcium;sodium;silie | CAS Registry Nuer: 1344-02-1 Synonyms: 1344-01-0, Novasil, Silton AMT 08, Silton JC 40, Silton JC 50, Silton JC 70, Novasil (aluminosilie), Calcium sodium aluminosilie, Sodium calcium aluminosilie, Sodium calcium silicoaluminate, aluminum;calcium;sodium;silie, HSDB 5824, EINECS 215-685-3, Sodium calcium …\nFlow Indior (5084A04) Clear polystyrene Provides immediate visual indiion of water, air or gas flow, indiing continuity and relative flow rate Minimum flow rate to actuate the ball with water is 50 mL/min. in horizontal position, 140 mL/min. in vertical position.\nShop a large selection of Ammonium products and learn more about Ammonium Formate in Water, 10mM, with 0.05% Formic Acid, LC-MS , Thermo Scientific. 1L, Borosilie Glass Mobile phase blend suitable for analysis such as vitamin D and drugs of abuse\nBring on wearable neutrals with bold splashes of colour from Maybelline''s Lemonade Craze Eyeshadow Palette. A fresh take on the classic palette, these pigmented shades offer endless possibilities. Softer hues to highlight, darker shades to amplify and define, and\nGet Lippy! With our no1 best selling lip product. Glides on in ones smooth appliion One swipe, you won''t need a second coat Light texture and comfortable wear Non-drying, does not cake or flake How to use Apply to clean, dry lips. Ingredients Isododecane\nBoric Acid is a weakly acidic hydrate of boric oxide with mild antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties. The exact mechanism of action of boric acid is unknown; generally cytotoxic to all cells. It is used in the treatment of yeast infections and cold sores.\nSTEP 2: G2296 TRIMETHYL PENTAPHENYL TRISILOXANE, IS-DIGLYCERYL POLYACYLADIPATE-2, OZOKERITE, CERA ALBA/BEESWAX/CIRE DABEILLE, CALCIUM SODIUM BOROSILIE, CALCIUM ALUMINUM BOROSILIE, TOCOPHERYL [+/- MAY CONTAIN/PEUT CONTENIR MICA, CI 77891/TITANIUM DIOXIDE, CI 77491/IRON OXIDES] F.I.L. D8974/11\n239 Great Neck Road Great Neck, NY 11021, USA Tel: +1 (516) 487 3510 Fax: +1 (516) 487 3794", "label": "Yes"} {"text": ", which known as Lead MonoSilicate is an economical\ncompound for introducing Lead Metal into a glaze and as a source of\nLead in the glass industry. Lead MonoSilicate is available in\neither granulated or ground form. In the finely powdered form, it is\nreadily soluble in dilute hydrochloric and acetic acids.\nThis composition is the eutectic mixture of Lead Ortho-silicate\nand Lead Metasilicate with a chemical composition of 85% Litharge (PbO)\nand 15% Silica (SiO2).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Lab Grown Diamonds\nAt Diamond Elite we value both lab grown and natural diamonds. Both are equally as impressive in terms of providing that brilliance and fire that is sought after with diamonds. Let’s explore both lab grown diamonds further.\nLab grown diamonds also known as cultured or engineered diamonds are artificially grown in a laboratory using advanced processes that mimic the conditions of which diamonds are naturally formed in the Earth. These lab grown diamonds are grown from a tiny carbon seed of natural diamond, this carbon seed is then exposed to extreme heat which mimics the same method a natural diamond is formed. Lab grown diamonds consist of actual carbon atoms arranged in the characteristic diamond crystal structure and as such are made of the same material as natural diamonds they will exhibit the same optical and chemical properties as one another.\nGiven the chemical properties are the same, when a lab grown diamond is tested using a standard handheld diamond tester the result will be the same as a natural diamond. Only using specialised equipment can a lab grown diamond be distinguished from a natural diamond via the minor differences in trace elements and crystal growth patterns. Another way to identify whether a diamond is lab grown is to check its Grading Report Certificate. Any reputable and trusted jeweller will declare upfront whether the diamond is lab grown or natural\nOverall lab grown diamonds look and feel the same as a natural diamond. They are available in all shapes and sizes as well as in various specifications. Despite all these similarities between a lab grown diamond and a natural diamond there is a vast difference in price between the two.\nKeep in mind at Diamond Elite all our lab grown engagement rings come with a Grading Report Certificate conducted by an independent laboratory so you know exactly what you’re getting.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A major question regarding the global distribution of perfluorochemicals (PFCs) is one of transport. It has been suggested that atmospheric transport of volatile precursor compounds to remote areas and subsequent degradation to the nonvolatile PFCs is responsible for contamination of biota. This paper presents surface water PFC concentrations aimed at identifying tracers of atmospheric sources. Concentrations of PFCs including perfluorocarboxylates from C 6 to C10 and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are presented here from urban surface waters with presumably both atmospheric and nonatmospheric sources of PFCs, remote waters with only atmospheric sources of PFCs, and Lake Michigan. Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were detected in all surface water samples, and PFOS was detected in all but two samples. PFOS concentrations ranged from nondetect to 1.2 ng/L and from 2.4 to 47 ng/L in remote and urban surface waters, respectively. PFOA concentrations ranged from 0.14 to 0.66 ng/L and from 0.45 to 19 ng/L in remote and urban surface waters, respectively. The ratio of PFHpA to PFOA increased with increasing distance from nonatmospheric sources suggesting that it can be used as a tracer of atmospheric deposition of PFCs to surface waters. The ratio ranged from 0.5 to 0.9 in urban areas and from 6 to 16 in remote areas. Applying this tracer to measurements from Lake Michigan indicates that the primary source of PFCs to Lake Michigan is nonatmospheric, most likely inputs from wastewater treatment effluent.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "& Data Analysis\nProtein gel analysis\nKeeping a lab notebook\nWriting research papers\nDimensions & units\nUsing figures (graphs)\nExamples of graphs\nPrinciples of microscopy\nSolutions & dilutions\nFractionation & centrifugation\nRadioisotopes and detection\nThe solution or suspension to be assayed is placed in a sealed chamber that is exposed to the surface of a Clark oxygen electrode. This dissolved oxygen (D.O.) chamber contains one or more access ports for adding/removing materials. The medium is stirred to ensure homogeneity and to ensure that oxygen can freely diffuse into the electrode. The presence of oxygen causes the electrode to deliver a current to the oxygen monitor, which amplifies the current and converts it to a voltage output that is directly proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the chamber. The recorder moves a paper chart at constant speed, so that when the recorder pen moves in response to voltage changes, oxygen content is recorded as a function of time.\nFor mitochondria studies our medium of choice consists of 70 mM sucrose, 220 mM mannitol, 2 mM HEPES buffer, 5 mM magnesium chloride, 5 mM potassium phosphate, 1 mM EDTA, and 0.1% fatty acid free bovine serum albumin, pH 7.4. In our results we refer to the rate at which total chamber oxygen declines as the oxygen consumption rate.\nFor polarographic systems we use custom made glass Gilson type DO chambers that hold a nominal volume of 2 ml. Gilson type chambers are designed with water jackets, however we haven't found it necessary to regulate temperature in our studies. We use the smallest availble \"flea sized\" stirring bars (maximum 5/16\" l x 1/16\" dia) to maintain laminar flow in the chambers. For dissolved oxygen detection we use Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) #5331 Clark electrodes withYSI Model 5300 two channel biological oxygen monitors. We record data on Kipp & Zonen BD single channel chart recorders.\nA Clark oxygen electrode is composed of two half cells separated by a salt bridge. A platinum electrode is separated from a solid silver electrode by insulating material. A concentrated potassium chloride solution is held in place over the surfaces of the electrodes by a teflon membrane which is attached by an O-ring that surrounds the electrodes. The oxygen monitor holds a constant voltage difference across the two electrodes so that the platinum electrode is negatively charged with respect to the silver electrode.\nPlatinum is a strong catalyst for the covalent dissociation or reassociation of water. In the Clark electrode, electrons \"boil\" off of the platinum electrode, combining with dissolved molecular oxygen and hydrogen ions to produce water. The rate at which electrons boil off is proportional to the concentration of oxygen that is available to \"grab\" them. The movement of electrons is an electrical current, of course, which is then converted to a voltage by the oxygen monitor circuitry as mentioned above.\nBiologists are often happy to leave the details to the physical scientists. However, successful biologists know the principles behind their instrumentation so that they are prepared to troubleshoot instrumentation or even modify a system to fit their needs. Here is how the reactions balance. Current flows from the silver electrode to the platinum electrode as electrons boil off into solution from the latter. Removal of electrons from solid silver produces silver ions. The silver ions combine with chloride ions in solution to precipitae silver chloride on the surface of the silver electrode. This leaves potassium ions behind, however since hydrogen ions are taken out of solution by the consumption of oxygen, the charge remains balanced.\nOn earth, at standard temperature and pressure the proportion of oxygen in air, by volume, is 20.9% (at least for now). In an aqueous solution that is allowed to equilibrate with room air, oxygen again constitutes 20.9% of the total dissolved gas. In both air and in solution, the balance is mostly nitrogen, with some carbon dioxide present as well.\nThe concentration of dissolved gas in solution varies with temperature, and may be markedly affected by solutes and other solvents present in solution. For example, a warm solution holds less oxygen than a cold solution. The presence of ethanol significantly increases the capacity of an aqueous solution to hold oxygen. In your studies, temperature variation in the room may affect equilibration of your media with room air and the stability of the records. Some reagents that you add to the chamber will contain ethanol.\nA buffered solution of mitochondria respiration medium (e.g., 70 mM sucrose, 220 mM mannitol, 2 mM HEPES buffer, 5 mM magnesium chloride, 5 mM potassium phosphate, 1 mM EDTA, and 0.1% fatty acid free bovine serum albumin, pH 7.4), equilibrated with room air, typically holds 0.237 micromoles molecular oxygen per ml at 25 degrees C. Knowing the volume of medium in the chamber, one can calculate the total oxygen. From the records, the investigator can calculate how much oxygen in micromoles is used up per unit time.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Jump to Main Content\nAssessment of Enzyme Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Lignans from Taxus baccata L.\n- Nurgun Kucukboyacı, Ilkay Orhan, Bilge Şener, S. Ahmad Nawaz, M. Iqbal Choudhary\n- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 2014 v.65 no.3-4 pp. 187-194\n- Alzheimer disease, acetylcholinesterase, ions, Taxus baccata, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, iron, linoleate 13S-lipoxygenase, chromatography, pathogenesis, lignans, cholinesterase, chlorogenic acid, antioxidant activity\n- Phytochemical investigations of Taxus baccata L. by successive chromatographic methods resulted in the isolation of the lignans lariciresinol (1), taxiresinol (2), 3´-demethylisolariciresinol- 9´-hydroxyisopropylether (3), isolariciresinol (4), and 3-demethylisolariciresinol (5) as well as taxoids. Compounds 1 - 5 were evaluated for their acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibitory activities, which play a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), by in vitro spectrophotometric methods, while they were also screened for their antioxidant capacity in 2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, ferrous ion-chelating effect, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) at 125, 250, 500, and 1000 μg ml-1. All compounds exhibited a moderate inhibition against both BChE and LOX, whereas they were inactive towards AChE. The compounds displayed a great scavenging activity against DPPH especially at 500 and 1000 μg ml⁻¹. Besides, they were found to exert noteworthy reducing antioxidant power on ferric ions. In particular, the FRAP of compounds 2 (3.552 ± 0.02), 4 (3.021 ± 0.71), and 5 (3.533 ± 0.01) were as high as that of the reference chlorogenic acid (3.618 ± 0.01) at 1000 μg ml⁻¹. None of the compounds exhibited chelating ability against ferrous ions.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Abstract 1663 | The Liver Meeting® 2020, the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)\nAuthors: Seth J. Baum, Stephen A. Harrison, Nadege T. Gunn, Ziad H. Younes, Anita Kohli, Rashmee Patil, Harinder Chera, Jeff Zhao, Manu V. Chakravarthy, and Margaret J. Koziel\nNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is multifactorial, mediated by dysregulated metabolic and fibroinflammatory pathways. Because NAFLD and type 2 diabetes (T2D) have a well-established bidirectional link, with insulin resistance serving as a common metabolic driver, targeting insulin resistance is a potential strategy for managing NAFLD. Endogenous metabolic modulators (EMMs) encompass a broad set of molecular families that include amino acids (AAs), fatty acids and other lipids, bile acids, ketone bodies, hormones, and other molecules. EMMs can be selectively combined to form EMM compositions to simultaneously support multiple metabolic nodes and pathways key to liver health and multifactorial diseases. As novel, orally administered EMM compositions of AAs and related metabolites and precursors, AXA1125 and AXA1957 are specifically designed to support pathways related to liver metabolism, inflammation, and fibrosis in a multitargeted manner. AXA1125 is composed of leucine, isoleucine, valine, arginine, glutamine, and N-acetylcysteine (LIVRQNac). A previous non-IND clinical study (AXA1125-002) assessed the safety, tolerability, and biological activity of AXA1125 on liver structure and function in subjects with NAFLD and T2D and demonstrated positive directional changes in biomarkers related to liver fat, insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and fibrosis, results that were supported by targeted plasma metabolomic and lipidomic data. Composed of leucine, isoleucine, arginine, glutamine, N-acetylcysteine, carnitine, and serine (LIRQNacCarS), AXA1957 is isonitrogenous to AXA1125 and was developed to examine additional biological activity.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Measurement precision and range. To evaluate measurement precision, 10 consecutive headspace moisture measurements of a 50-mL clear glass vial containing\n16 capsules of a gelatin encapsulated dry product were taken at 40 °C. Measurement precision, expressed by the percent relative\nstandard deviation (% RSD) of the 10 consecutive readings, was 1.1%.\nTable V: Summary of key attributes of the various headspace-moisture techniques examined in the study.\nMeasurement precision also was evaluated by repetitive measurements of several saturated salt solutions at 25 and 40 °C. An\nindividual vial containing a specified saturated salt solution was prepared for each measurement (see Tables VII and VIII).\nAs Figures 6a and 6b show, % RSD values increased as the % RH value decreased.\nThe ability of the FMS 1400 headspace-moisture analyzer to accurately measure relative humidity values close to 0% RH and\n100% RH also was evaluated (see Table VI and Figure 6b). Five 50-mL clear vials containing USP water (with an expected relative\nhumidity of 100%) and equilibrated at 40 °C were measured. The results (mean = 98.8%, RSD = 0.4%) suggested that the Lighthouse\ninstrument can measuring up to 100% RH with a high degree of accuracy. At the low end, five 50-mL clear vials containing dried\ndesiccants (with an expected relative humidity of 0%) and equilibrated at 40 °C were measured. The results (mean = 0.8%, RSD\n= 37.5%) suggested acceptable performance at the low end of the expected relative humidity range as well, although with less\nTable VI: Examination of the specificity of the FMS 1400.\nThis article introduced a novel nondestructive technique that is based on frequency modulation spectroscopy for the measurement\nof moisture activity in optically transparent packages. The technique appears to be a promising tool with reasonable method\nspecificity, measurement precision, method precision, accuracy, linearity, range, and excellent analyst-to-analyst and time\nstability. The ability to make moisture activity measurements nondestructively for samples in a sealed glass container also\nenables new applications and offers significant advantages over traditional techniques.\nTable VII: Accuracy and linearity for measurements at 25 °C for the FMS 1400.\nThe sealed system avoids all sample-handling issues during the measurement because the samples are not exposed to the environment.\nFurthermore, there is no interference from preceding measurements or concerns for leakage (because the sealed stopper-vial\nsystem provides an excellent barrier). Some applications enabled by this technique not offered by traditional techniques include\nmeasurement of moisture activity in optically transparent packages (e.g., lyophilized products) without breach of package, measurements of samples sealed in an inert gas atmosphere, and monitoring\nof moisture exchange between samples in real time. The high cost of the instrument will, however, restrict widespread application\nof this technique.\nTable VIII: Accuracy and linearity for measurements at 40 °C for the FMS 1400.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "There are 5 basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and ‘umami’. Monosodium glutamate or ‘MSG’ is a food additive responsible for the umami taste.\nYou may have heard of MSG being referred to as the ‘flavour enhancer”. This is because the umami taste tends to also enhance the palatability and overall flavour intensity of the food it is added to.\nWhat is it?\nGlutamate is one of the most commonly found amino acids in nature. It is in many common natural plant and animal foods. Just to name a few, this includes tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, fish, meat, cheese, and even human breast milk.\nGlutamate is a non-essential amino acid. This does not mean that we don’t need it – it means that the human body can make glutamate itself if needed, as well as obtaining it from the diet. It is required for normal human physiological function.\nThe glutamate part of MSG comes from glutamic acid which is a common amino acid. Remember: amino acids are simply the building blocks of protein. All proteins are made up of strings of amino acids linked together.\nSodium is a mineral that is naturally found in food but can also be added in the manufacturing process. For example, combining sodium with chloride gives common table salt which we often add to our food. Other common foods containing sodium include Himalayan pink salt, sodium bicarbonate, and rock salt.\nMonosodium glutamate is formed when the glutamate (from glutamic acid) attaches to a sodium mineral ion.\nNeither glutamate nor sodium are inherently dangerous. But the Australian guidelines recommend adults eat less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day which is about equal to 6 grams of salt. The sodium in MSG does contribute to daily sodium intake.\nIs MSG Dangerous?\nMyths and stigma surrounding the safety of MSG consumption have been around for a long time. They typically stem from a condition called “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” (CRS) or “MSG symptom complex”.\nOver the last few decades, CRS has been reported to occur both anecdotally, and in a variety of studies in people consuming MSG. Symptoms such as weakness, flushing, dizziness, headache, difficulty in breathing, numbness, muscle tightness, and even syncope were common.\nThe available literature on MSG showing such negative side effects is usually completely irrelevant to how you would consume MSG. For example, some studies showing toxic effects have been done in animals, having rats eating up to 100g per kilogram of MSG per day for 45 days.\nEating 100g per kg for a 75kg person would mean eating 750 grams of MSG per day. We don’t even eat 750g of protein or carbohydrates per day (even when carb-loading), let alone 750g of a salty, sparingly used food additive.\nThe average intake in industrialised European countries is 0.3 to 1g per day. To put that in perspective a “large amount” of MSG for a human to consume would be 3g. This is many, many magnitudes of difference from toxic effects found in studies.\nBased on the available high-quality scientific evidence, MSG is safe for all life-cycle stages without respect to ethnic origin or culinary background. Many claims of side effects are at levels irrelevant to human exposure. There has been no consistent evidence showing reactions to MSG differing from placebo.\nTo your body, the sodium and glutamate in MSG are exactly the same as those that could be found naturally in food. Meaning that your body doesn’t know if the glutamate came from a mushroom or a packet of Doritos.\nHow Much Is Too Much?\nFood Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) have not set a limit on the acceptable daily intake on the basis of MSG having such low toxicity levels. The European Food Safety Authority’s acceptable daily intake (of 30mg/kg body weight/day) is deemed unattainable to reach when MSG is consumed at normal dietary levels.\nHowever, too much sodium from salt in the diet has been linked with increased blood pressure and hypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.\nSo if you are required medically to limit your sodium intake, you should consider your MSG intake and its contribution to sodium intake.\nThere is some evidence linking MSG intake with obesity in certain populations. But this data is only observational – meaning it cannot be said that MSG is the cause, and the mechanism of action (why) MSG would cause obesity is not known.\nOne suggestion is simply that MSG enhances the taste of the food making it easier to overeat. This is something to be conscious of as it may lead to weight gain long-term.\nOn the other hand… there is also observational evidence showing there is no link between MSG and obesity.\nHow To Check For MSG In Food\nIn Australia, labelling laws state that packaged food must declare the presence of MSG, or any other flavour enhancers as ‘flavour enhancer’ followed by their name or number. MSG’s designated number is 621.\nFor example, MSG could be identified on an ingredients list as:\n- ‘Monosodium glutamate’\n- ‘Flavour enhancer (MSG)’\n- ‘Flavour enhancer (621)’\nIngredient labelling also applies to other added permitted glutamate food additives. These have the food additive code numbers 622 – 625.\nKeep in mind some foods don’t legally require labels. Food served in cafes or restaurants, or when glutamates and glutamate salts are naturally present in a food or food ingredients (e.g. in yeast extract, or hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP), don’t have to be labelled or declare MSG.\nOverall, MSG is well regarded as safe (and delicious) and as with most foods/food components, MSG almost certainly falls into the realm of ‘some is fine, don’t overdo it’.\nMSG and Food Chemical Intolerances\nGlutamate (and MSG) may also fall under the classification of ‘food chemicals’ or ‘food additives’.\nFood chemicals are not as villainous as they may sound. Broadly, a food chemical/additive is “any substance added to food to maintain or improve its safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance”.\nEven proteins are just chemical compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen…\nFood additives have been around forever and even include simple things like salt and sugar that we use in curing or drying meats, pickling or fermenting vegetables, and making preserves. In winemaking, sulphur dioxide is added to prevent oxidation and inhibits the growth of bacteria and yeast.\nSo simply saying a food chemical is bad because of the stigma around words like “chemical” or “additive” is not a good practice. The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), is the international body responsible for evaluating the safety of food additives and they undergo rigorous examination before being declared safe and legal to use in food production.\nHowever, this may not mean that certain individuals won’t experience response from food chemical exposure.\nThe concept of food chemical sensitivity or intolerance is not new, (with studies exploring their effects dating back to the 1970s). The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) created an elimination diet as a way of diagnosing and managing food chemical intolerance in an individual.\nNaturally occurring glutamate in foods (such as tomatoes, spinach, grapes, mushrooms, peas), and by extension, the glutamate in MSG, is listed as a food chemical to eliminate during the initial phase of the RPAH’s elimination diet (also sometimes referred to as the Failsafe diet).\nIn relation to MSG specifically, the RPAH’s own research states that “isolated MSG intolerance was rare” in the populations studied at the RPA hospital, and that:\n“From the MSG questionnaire it was concluded that the population knowledge about the nature of MSG was incomplete and in many instances incorrect. Furthermore, people who self-report MSG intolerance often do not have a clear grasp of what MSG is and in which food products it is present.”\nI would cautiously interpret this data, along with the weight of existing literature, and advice of international bodies governing the safety of food chemicals and their use – to indicate that ‘MSG is safe and tolerable at normal levels, and that in general people don’t even know what it is, let alone if it is causing symptoms or not…’\nIf you are convinced that glutamate or MSG may be causing you symptoms, working with a dietitian experienced in implementing the RPAH elimination diet would likely be the best avenue to address this.\nOne final quote from a 2020 paper “A review of the alleged health hazards of monosodium glutamate” published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety states in summary:\nCritical analysis of existing literature, establishes that many of the reported negative health effects of MSG have little relevance for chronic human exposure and are poorly informative as they are based on excessive dosing that does not meet with levels normally consumed in food products.Zanfirescu, A., Ungurianu, A., Tsatsakis, A. M., Nițulescu, G. M., Kouretas, D., Veskoukis, A., Tsoukalas, D., Engin, A. B., Aschner, M., & Margină, D. (2019). A review of the alleged health hazards of monosodium glutamate. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 18(4), 1111–1134. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12448", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cocaine Cuts EZ-Test – One Pack\nBy using this easy-to-use, inexpensive test you can be assured that your sample isn’t tainted with these crazy adulterants that can have devastating effects on your health and well-being.\nUncut, pure cocaine does not react to this test. Any color means impurities! However, it doesn’t say how pure your sample is. For this we recommend our test for Cocaine Purity.\nThe reagent itself has a golden yellow color. Detailed instructions and a color chart to compare your results with are included in the box. Within seconds you will have a pretty good idea of what you’re dealing with!\nContains a Single test.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "US 3072531 A\nDescription (OCR text may contain errors)\nJan. 8, 1-963 v w. o. GODTFREDSEN ETAL 3,072,531\nANTIBIOTIC AND THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITIONS; THEREOF Filed Sept. 12, 1961 WAVE NUMBER CM WAVE LENGTH IN MICRONS IWENTORS N WA 6N at E 600 TFREDSEN HEN/VINE OTTO BOJSEN LORCK SVERR-E J HIVSE'N I ATTORNEYS United States Patent This invention relates to a new and useful acidic antibiotic called Antibiotic ZN6, to its production by fermentation under controlled conditions of the fungus Fusi dium coccineum (K. Tubaki), to methods for its recovery and concentration from crude solutions and to processes for its purification.\nFIGURE 1 is an infra-red absorption spectrum which is useful in describing certain properties of Antibiotic ZN-6 according to the invention.\nThe present invention includes within its scope the anti biotic in dilute forms as crude concentrates, the pureantilbiotic itself and its salts with pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic bases as well as pharmaceutic compositions and a dosage unit containing the same.\nThe organism producing the antibiotic of the present invention can be obtained from Centraal Bureau voor Schimrnelcultures, BaarmHolland registered alphabetically under the name Fusidz'um coccineum (K. Tubaki. The strain is classed with the species Fusia'ium coccincum, and a synonym of that species is Ramularia coccinea. The genus Fusidiurn belongs to the tribus Oosporeae, the family Mucedinaceae, and the order Hy- .phornycetales.\nAntibiotic ZN-6 is a weak carboxylic acid capable of forming a variety of salts with inorganic and organic bases. An electrometric titration performed in 80% aqueous ethanol gave a pK -value of 7.25 corresponding to a pK -value of about 5.3 in water. Furthermore the titration studies indicate an equivalent weight of the substance amounting to 516. Investigations dealing With its chemical structure, and its analytical data, indicate that the substance has the elementary formula C H O and contains in the mole cule a cyclopentenopolyhydrophenanthrene ring system which is substituted with two hydroxy groups, one acetoxy group and vfour methyl groups, andwhich in the 17-position is connected by a double bond with the cc-carbon atom of 5-methyl-4,5-heptenoic acid.\nAs yet, the structural formula of Antibiotic ZN-6 has not been exactly established, but the substance is believed to have the proposed Formula I, in which the wavy connection-lines indicate that the configuration in question is uncertain.\nFormula I CHz-CHz-CH=C o-oonst on: on, 3 n i g OOG.CH OHJ 3 Antibiotic ZN-6 is sparingly soluble in water and p hexane, whereas it is soluble in ethanol, acetone, methyl butyl ketone, amyl acetate, chloroform and similar solvents.\nOn paper chromatography using the \"systems described by Bush (50 Biochemical Journal, 370 (1952)), the movements of Antibiotic ZN-6 correspond to the R,- values 0.38 and 0.73 in the B(l)- and B(5)-system respectively.\nAntibiotic ZN-6 is capable of forming solvates with certain solvents. With benzene for instance it forms a crystalline solvate, which is soluble in hot benzene, but sparingly soluble in cold benzene. The benzene solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 has a melting point of 189-1895 degrees centigrade.\nAfter drying the said solvate at 50' degrees centigrade and an absolute pressure of 0.01 mm. Hg to constant weight, a pure product is obtained, which is free from benzene, and has the melting point of 191-192 degrees centigrade, the specific rotation [011 of minus 9 de grees in a 1% solution in chloroform, and at 220 m a molar extinction coeflicient of 8000 in ethanol and no characteristic absorption bands above this wave-length.\nThe pure Antibiotic ZN-6 is further characterized by its spectrum in the infra-red region as shown in FIGURE 1, from which it appears that it exhibits characteristic absorption bands at the following frequencies, expressed in reciprocal centimeters: 1265, 1385, 1695, 1730 and 3450, using for the purpose the potassium bromide technique.\nAccording to bacteriological experiments, Antibiotic ZN-6 has proved to be effective against a number of pathogenic micro-organisms, especially Staphylococcus aureus, Ncz'sscria gonorrhoeae and their penicillin-resistant strains, N ez'sseria meningitides,Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the streptomycim, isonicotinic acid hydrazideor p-arninosalicylic acid-resistant strains of the same organism, and Corynebacterium diphtheriae.\nThe more specific antifungal and antibacterial activity of the antibiotic of the invention can be notedfrom the following Table I in which the activity is expressed as the amount of the Antibiotic ZN-6 Na-salt in mgs. per liter which causes 50% inhibition of the organism in ques tion after the period of time (in hours) indicated:\nTABLE I Organism Substrate Time Activity Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aurcus, penicillinaseproducing strain.\nStaphylococcus aurcus, penicillin-resistant laboratory strain producing no penicillinase.\nNeisscrza gouorrhoeac Blood-ascites 4 agar.\nNeisscria gouorrhocae, penicillino resistant strain.\nNcisscria Haemophllus influenzac Diplococcus pncumom'uc rin Bouillon with Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcus (oocpidcmicus Streptococcus Streptococcus lactis Streptococcus faecalis Pseudomouas aerugino Vibrio comma Alcalioencs faecal'is Escherichia coli Klebsiella pneumoniae Scrralia mar Proteus vulguris Salmonella lr/phimurium Bacillus sublilis Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. from- Mycobactcrium tuberculosis var. hom.\nstreptomycin-resistant strain. Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hom.\nstrain resistant to pamino-salicylic acid. Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hom. strain resistant to isonicotinic acid hydrazide.\nTABLE I--Continued Clinical tests carried out in connection with the present invention have demonstrated that Antibiotic ZN6 and certainof its salts meet the requirements for pharmaceutically acceptable antibiotics, since they are usable in the treatment of infectious diseases, and particularly valuable in the treatment of those which are produced by various strains of Staphylococci, including the penicillinresistant strains.\nFor pharmaceutical purposes, Antibiotic ZN6 may be used as such or in the form of its more or less watersoluble salts with atoxic inorganic or organic bases.\nAlthough aqueous solutions of Antibiotic ZN6 salts can be administered parenterally, the salts are preferably given by mouth, since they pass readily from the gastrointestinal tract to the body-fluids, in which an adequate concentration of the antibiotic is demonstrable for a satisfactory period of time.\nThis has been established in a resorption test in which 8 persons were individually given by mouth a single treatment consisting of two capsules each containing 0.250-gram of the sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN6, whereupon the plasma-concentrations were determined at fixed intervals afterthe intake. The results obtained are given in Table II in which the figures indicate the said plasmaconcentration expressed in p-gms. per ml. plasma one or 'more hours after the intake.\nrn'omu I the persons were given the drug on an empty stomach, whereas the persons of Group II were given the drug after a meal.\nIn a similar test, the average plasma-concentration found 24 hours after the intake of the same amount of the drug amounted to 0.75 ,u-gms. per ml., indicating the extremely slow-elimination of the substance from the body.\nA suflicientlow acute toxicity of Antibiotic ZN6 has \"been observed 'in animal experiments in which the test animals were mice. The following'values of LD expressed in mgs.jper kilo body weight were found: (a) The sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 administered intravenously 200-250 '(b) The sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN6 administered subcutaneously' 400 (c) The benzene solvate of Antibiotic ZN6 administered perorally; 1500 -Fur-thermore,'in prolonged toxicological experiments,\nin which the animals, male and female rats, were treated .orally six days out of each week with the Antibiotic ZN6 sodium salt in doses of 0.400 gram per kilo of body weight, neither significant differences in weight between .the test animals and control animals nor any pathological changes caused by the drug were observed, indicating the absence of chronic toxicity.\nThe unique properties of Antibiotic ZN6 have been demonstrated to a more striking extent by controlled clinical use of the Antibiotic ZN6 sodium salt in the form of a suitable composition incapsulated in gelatine capsules on patients suffering from furunculosis, osteomyelitis and endocarditis.\nAfter oral treatment of the patients at daily or like intervals convenient for practical use and for a sufficient period of time, the cures were almost 100% without the occurrence of secondary effects or toxic reactions, and no relapses were observed even after prolonged observations.\nFor clinical treatments, the water-soluble salts of Antibiotic ZN-6, and particularly the sodium salt, is applicable.\nOn the other hand, slightly water-soluble salts of Antibiotic ZN-6 or even the free acid, can also be used for oral administration, whereby the absorption rate of the drug may decrease, so that it preferably exerts its activity in the gastro-intestinal tract itself, which may be desirable in the treatment of certain diseases.\nBesides, the slightly water-soluble salts of Antibiotic ZN6 may be injected in the form of a suspension of the salt in a suitable medium in order to produce even longer blood levels of the antibiotic than described before.\nIn the method of the invention the fungus Fusidium coccineum (K. Tubaki) is grown under aerobic conditions in a fermentation medium containing carbohydrates, nitrogen sources, e.g. complex organic materials such as proteins, and suitable amounts of the inorganic salts and other substances necessary for the nutrition of the fungus, and the fermentation is continued until a substantially antibiotic activity has been imparted to the said solution, after which the Antibiotic ZN6 thus produced is recovered, concentrated and isolated in pure form or is converted to one of its salts with pharmaceutically acceptable bases by way of known reactions.\nWhen performing the method of the invention, the production rate of Antibiotic ZN6 is determined throughout the fermentation by routine evaluation of the activity of culture filtrated, for which purpose the agar-plate assay may be employed, using for instance Staphylococcus aureus as the test organism.\nAccording to results obtained from the production of Antibiotic ZN6 on a technical scale, the optimum yield of the substance was obtained in the course of -100 hours when the process of fermentation was performed between 20 and 30 degrees centigrade, and preferably between 24 and 28 degrees centigrade. The time in usual practice is 2 to 7 days.\nHowever, the said ranges are not limitating to the invention, since the period of time required for obtaining the said yields depends to some degree on the mechanical design of the fermentation vessel and the type of agitator used.\nIn this connection it should be mentioned that the vessels employed were commercial size units containing from 10 to 30 cm. of the culture medium and not specifically designed for the production of Antibiotic ZN-6.\nA variety of the well known culture media have proved usable as culture media for carrying out the method, although those containing as the protein source corn steep liquor or soy bean meal, and as the carbohydrate source glucose or saccharose are preferred. Among other constituents of an adequate culture medium may for instance be mentioned yeast extract, ,glycerine, maltose, fructose, fatty acids, casein hydrolysate, aminoacids and water-soluble vitamins.\nWhen the production of Antibiotic ZN6 in the fermentation process ceases, or when a satisfactory yield has been obtained, the antibiotic substance can be recovered by a variety of procedures.\nAdvantageously, the first stepto recover the'substance for instance active carbon or ion-exchange resins or,\npreferably, the broth is extracted with a suitable solvent or mixtures of solvents, if necessary after having adjusted the aqueous Antibiotic ZN-6-containing medium to an adequate pH-value, preferably below 7.0 and most desirably in the range between 3.0 and 6.0. As suitable solvents can be mentioned esters, ketones or halogenated hydrocarbons. In the commercial scale production however, specifically methyl isobutyl ketone, amyl acetate and butyl acetate have proved to be suitable for the extraction of the fermentation broth.\nvolume the organic phase from which the Antibiotic ZN-6 may be precipitated on cooling or may be precipitated by adding tothe' concentrate a component which reduces. the solubility of ZN-6, and preferably by evaporation of the organic phase to dryness and addition of benzene in order to obtain the readily crystalliz-able benzene solvate mentioned hereinbefore. I\nAlternatively, the acidic properties of Antibiotic ZN-6 permit the performance of a subsequent extraction of the organic phase with an aqueous alkaline solution or with an aqueous suspension of an alkaline compound, whereby more or. less concentrated aqueous solutions of AntibioticZN- salts are obtained.\nBy acidification of such solutions, Antibiotic ZN-6 can be precipitated or, if desired, the salt of Antibiotic ZN6 contained therein can be isolated as such.\nIn an appropriate embodiment of the invention the v readily crystallizable benzene solvate is produced directly from the said aqueous solution of an Antibiotic ZN-6 salt, if necessary after having removed part of the water by evaporation, for instance in a vacuum evaporator, by adding to the aqueous concentrated solution a sufficient amount of benzene to formthe solvate, and acidifying in order to precipitate Antibiotic ZN-6 in the form of the said solvate, which after isolation and drying yields either the pure benzene solvate or Antibiotic ZN-6 itself, depending upon the conditions of drying and the temperature used, the benzene being liberated from the solvate at elevated temperatures.\nWith regard to the purification of Antibiotic ZN-6, its ability to form solvtates with certain solvents is an important feature. Thus for instance, in another appropriate embodiment of the invention, the crude Antibiotic ZN-6 is dissolvedin a small volume of hot methanol, from which the methanol solvate crystallizes on cooling in a surprisingly pure form, so that this method is particularly suitable for obtaining a pharmaceutically acceptable quality of the substance. The said methanol solvate has a melting point of 179-1795 degrees centigrade.\nWhen salts of Antibiotic ZN-6 are desired, they can .be produced by simple neutralization of Antibiotic Z N6 or one of its solvates with the base in question in the presence of a suitable reaction medium facilitating the ethylamine-, piperidine-, m0rpholine-, cyclohexylamine and monoethanolamine salt, and the slightly water-soluble calcium-, magnesium-, dibenzyl-ethylene-diamine-, benzyl-fl-phenylethylamineand procaine salt. All of these have been prepared by procedures similar to those used for the preparation of the sodium solt and all have useful properties of the same character.\nAmong other salts which can be produced according to the method of the invention and which have similar properties may for instance be mentioned those. containing as the base-component pyrrolidine, piperazine, guanidine, methylamine, ethylamine, benzylamine orsimilar unsubstituted or substituted amines. Furthermore quaterreaction and from which the salt may precipitate or, if\nnecessary, can be precipitated by adding a suitable component to depress the solubility of the desired salt, or the salt can be isolated by evaporating the reaction mixture.\nAlternatively, a salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 prepared in advance can be reacted withthe base inquestion, or the desired salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 can be prepared by a double decomposition of a previously prepared Antibiotic ZN-6 salt andanother salt containing the desired metal-ion or base.\nAmong the useful salts which have been prepared are the water-soluble sodium-, potassium-, ammonium-, trinary amines as choline and its derivatives or other antibiotics having basic properties as for instance streptomycin form salts according to the invention which have similar properties. I\nThe invention furthermore concerns therapeutical compositions adapted for use in the treatment of infectious diseases. The compositions of the invention contain as the therapeutically active component or components one or more members of the class consisting of Antibiotic ZN-6 and its salts with atoxic pharmaceutically acceptable bases, mixed up with solid or liquid pharmaceutical carriers and auxiliary agents. I V\nIn the said composition, the proportion of therapeuticallyactive material to carrier substances and-auxiliary agents can Vary between 1% and 95%.\nThe composition in question can either be worked up to pharmaceutical forms of presentation such as tablets, pills, dragrees and suppositories, or the composition can be filled in medical containers such as capsules or ampoules or, as far as mixtures or ointments are concerned, the may be filled in bottles or tubes and similar containers. s\nPharmaceutical organic or inorganic, solid or liquid carriers suitable for enteral, parenteral or local administration can be used to make up the composition, water, gelatine, lactose, starch, magnesium stearate, talc, vege table and animal oils and fats, benzyl alcohol, gum, polyalkylene glycol, petroleum jelly, cocoa butter, lanolin or other known carriers for medicaments are all suitable as carriers, while stabilizing agents, wetting or emulsifying agents, salts for varying the osmotic pressure or buffers for securing an adequate pH-value of the composition can be used as auxiliary agents.\nThe water-soluble sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN-6, which is a stable crystalline substance, is one of the preferred active constituents of the compositions of the invention. On the other hand, for therapeutic purposes requiring a special absorption rate of the drug it will in some cases be advantageous to use a composition containing both a water-soluble salt and a sparingly watersoluble salt of Antibiotic'ZN-o as active constituents, and even the free Antibiotic ZN-6 may be used as such.\nAs an example of a compositionaccording to the invention one may use an ointment adapted for the treatment of local infectious diseases of the skin and containing 10 mgs. of the Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt per gram.\nThis ointment is prepared according to the following.\nThe stearyl alcohol, white wax and white petrolaturn are melted together on a steam bath. Thereafter the cholesterol is added and dissolved in the melted mixture which is then stirred until cold. The sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 is sieved through an mesh per linear inch I sieve and triturated gradually with the ointment base.\nAnother object of the invention resides in the selection of a dose of the Antibiotic ZN-6 and its salts which can be administered so that the desired activity is achieved without simultaneous secondary efiects'.\nIt has been found that Antibiotic ZN-6 and its salts are conveniently administered in dosage units containing not less than 0.05 gm. and preferably from 0.1 to 1.0 gm. in total Antibiotic ZN-6, calculated as the free acid.\nBy the term dosage unit is meant a unitary, i.e. a single dose capable of being administered to the patients, and which may be readily handled and packed, remaining as a physically stable unit dose comprising either the active material as such as a mixture of it with solid or liquid pharmaceutical diluents or carriers.\nIt the composition is to be injected, a sealed ampoule,\na vial or a similar container may be provided containing a parenterally acceptable aqueous or oily injectable solution or dispersion of the active material as a dosage unit mentioned above.\nAs an example of a dosage unit, the prescription below describes the preparation of suitable tablets containing each 0.250 gram of Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt.\nThe Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt and the lactose are screened through a 20 mesh per linear inch sieve and mixed together for minutes. Thereafter the mixed powders are wetted With a solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone in 96% ethyl alcohol. The moist mass is passed through a 10 mesh per linear inch screen and then dried at 38 degrees centigrade. When the alcohol has evaporated, the granules are broken on a 16 mesh per linear inch sieve and mixed with the corn starch, talc and magnesium stearate. The granulate is compressed into tablets of 0.50 gram weight using inch punches and dies, yielding 1000 tablets each containing 0.250 gram of the Antibiotic ZN-'6 sodium salt.\nIn a particular preferred form of administration, capsules are employed of, for instance gelatine or another material easily digestible or disintegrable in the intestinal tract, preferably containing 0.250 gram of the Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt, if necessary, mixed with minor amounts of auxiliary substances in order to obtain -a freeilowing powder fitted for the purpose of filling the capsules. Such capsules are conveniently prepared in accordance with the following description.\nIngredients: Gms. Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt 250 Lactose -27 Magnesium stearate 3 The ingredients are passed through a '60 mesh per linear inch sieve and mixed for 15 minutes. The mixture is filled into No. 0 gelatine capsules (Parke, Davis and C0.), using a semi-automatic capsule-filling machine shaken by vibrator. Each capsule contains 280 mgs. of the mixture corresponding to 250 'rngs. of the Antibiotic ZN-6 sodium salt.\nThe invention will now be illustrated by the following examples from which the details of the embodiments will be apparent.\nEXAMPLE 1 The Benzene Solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 In a 1.5 m. fermentation tank of stainless steel equipped with an agitator 1.00 m. of a culture medium of the following composition was made up:\nTap-water up to 1000 liters.\nThe culture medium had a pH-value of 6. 1, which value was adjusted to 6.5 by adding a dilute solution of NaOH, Whereafter the medium was sterilized by heating. After cooling it was inoculated with 3 liters of a culture of Fusidium coccineztm (K. Tubaki) grown for 48 hours in a shaking flask at 28 degrees centigrade. The contents of the tank were stirred and aerated at a rate of 0.6 m5 of air per hour at 28 degrees centigrade for 96 hours. During this period of time it was not necessary to adjust the pH in order to maintain the aforesaid value of 6.5. After the said period of fermentation the antibiotic activity of the culture medium determined by the usual agar cup test on Staphylococcus aureus was found to correspond to a content of 70 mgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6 per liter by comparing it with the activity of that substance determined by the same method.\nThe mycelium was separated from the culture medium by filtration, and the amount of filtrate was 700 liters. The pH of the filtrate was adjusted to 3.3 by adding a 25% solution of H and the filtrate was extracted with 230 liters of butyl acetate in counter-current in a Podbielniak extractor. The butyl acetate phase thereby obtained was extracted with one portion of 77 liters of water to which a 10% solution of NaOH was added until the pH of the aqueous phase was 10.0, whereafter the aqueous phase was separated from the butyl acetate phase. The pH of the aqueous phase was adjusted to 3.2 by adding a 25% solution of H 80 and the solution was extracted with 40 liters of methyl isobutyl ketonc. The methyl isobutyl ketone phase was separated from the aqueous phase, treated with 40 grams of active carbon, and subsequently evaporated to dryness in vacuo at a boiling temperature of 25 degrees centigrade. The residue was dissolved in 500 mls. of benzene and the solution was left standing overnight in a refrigerator. Thereby, the benzene solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 crystallized. It was filtered off and recrystallized from benzene, yielding 12.0 grams of the pure substance with a melting point of 189189.5 degrees centigrade.\nEXAMPLE 2 The Sodium Salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 I 500 mgs. of the benzene solvate produced according to Example 1 were suspended in 20 mls. of water, and to the suspension was added /2 N aqueous NaOH until the pH was 9.0. The solution was filtered, and to the filtrate 50 mls. of n butanol were added, whereafter the water content of the solution was removed by azeotropic distillation in vacuo. From the residue the desired so dium salt was precipitated byv addition of ether. It was filtered off, washed with ether and dried. By recrystallization from ethanol-acetone, 360 mgs. of the pure, crystalline sodium salt were obtained.\nEXAMPLE 3 Production of Antibiotic ZN-6 Spores of Fusidium coccineum (K. Tubaki) were transferred from an agar slant to 3 liters of a sterile 9 Gms. per liter KH PO 0.6 SOy bean meal V 3.0 NaCl 4.0\nPeSO .7I-I O i i 0.005 CuSO 5H O 0.004\nandthe culture was aerobically incubated at 27 degrees Centigrade for 40 to 60 hours in a reciprocating shaker. The seed material thus obtained can be used directly as an inoculum for a commercial scale fermentor. case, however, it was transferred to a 700 liter vessel containing a culture medium of the same composition as that of the commercial scale fermentor, and was incubated at 26 degrees centigrade for 40-48 hours in order to achieve the development of vegetative growth of the fungus before inoculating the main fermentor.\n-Subsecpiently 16 m. of a culture medium of the following composition:\nwhich before sterilization had been adjusted to a pH- value of 7.2 was sterilized in the main fermentor at a temperature of 120 degrees centigrade for /2 hour and after cooling it was inoculated with one of the two forms of inoculation material mentioned before. While agitating and forcing in air through -a sparker at a rate of the order of 0.5 liter of air per liter of culture fluid per EXAMPLE 4 Production of Antibiotic ZN-6 16 m. of a culture medium of the following composition:\nGms. per liter Corn steep liquor, 50% 2.5 Soy bean meal or meat meal 10.0 Saccharose 30.0 Glycerine 7.5 NaC1 4.0 KH PO 0.5 0.5\nwhich before sterilization had been adjusted to a pH of 6.80 was sterilized in the fermentor at 120 degrees centigrade for /2 hour. After cooling the medium was inoculated with the inoculum mentioned in Example 3, and the fermentation was continued for 100 hours,\nIn this 10 Which before sterilization had been adjusted to a pH of 6.8 was sterilized in the fermentor at 120 degrees centigrade for hour and after cooling inoculated with the inoculurn mentioned in Example 3. After fermenting for Glucose grns. per liter ,30 Glycerine do .5 KH PO 2H O do 5 NaNO do 6 KCI do 0.5 .MgSO 7H O do 0.5 ZnSO .6H O mg. per liter 1.0 Yeast extract (Difco) \"gins. per liter\" 0.12 a\nthereby yielding an Antibiotic ZN-6 concentration in the.\nculture medium amounting to 260 in -gins. according to the agar cup assay.\nEXAMPLE 5 Producti n of Antibiotic ZN-6 16 m3 of a culture medium of the following composition:\nGrns. per liter Saccharose -Q 60.0 Corn steep liquor, 50% 20.0 KH PO 10.0 MgSO .7H O\nhours under conditions similar to those of Example 3, the yield of Antibiotic ZN-6 amounted to 250 mn-gms. per ml. of culture medium.\n. EXAMPLE 6 Isolation and Purification of Antibiotic ZN-6 The clarified fermentation broth (15 m. from Example 5 (containing 3.75 kgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6 as de- 'phase was adjusted to a pH of 9.3 and evaporated in a vacuum evaporator to a volume of 150 liters containing 3.25 kgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6.\n40 liters of benzene was added, and, while stirring, the pH of the aqueous phase was adjusted to 5.0 by addition of hydrochloric acid. The stirring was continued for 4 hours, after which the precipitate, consisting of Antibiotic ZN-6 benzene solvate Was filtered off, washed with water and benzene and dried. The crude product (2.8'kgs.) was dissolved in 12 liters of methylene chloride, filtered and evaporated todryness in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in 3.2 liters of hot methanol, and upon cooling to 0 degrees centigrated a methanol solvate crystallized which was filtered otli, washed with 3 x 300 mls. of ice-cold methanol and dried, yielding 2.48 kgs. of colorless methanol solvate.\nThis product was suspended in a mixture of 750 mls. of methanol and 1750 mls. of acetone, and after the addition of a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator, 33% aqueous sodium hydroxide was added while stirring until a faint red color developed. The resulting solution was filtered through dicalite, mixed with 5 liters of methyl isobutyl ketone and concentrated in vacuo to about 3 liters. During the concentration the sodium salt crys- It was filtered off, washed with acetone fol lowed by ether and dried to yield 2.35 kgs. of pure sodium salt.\nEXAMPLE 7 Antibiotic ZN-6 Salts With Organic Bases GENERAL PROCEDURE To a solution of 517 mgsyof Antibiotic ZN-6 in 5 mls. of acetone, one millimole of the organic base followed by 2.5 mls. of hexane were added, after which the salts crystallized by scratching. They were collected and purified by recrystallization from an appropriate solvent. I\n1 sparingly soluble in Water.\nI EXAMPLE 8 Recovery of Antibiotic ZN-6 From the Fermentation Broth 200 mls. of the anion-exchange resin Amberlite IRA 401 S (OH) were stirred for two hours with three 2 liter portions of a clarified broth containing of Antibiotic ZN-6 per ml. During the stirring the pH was kept at 9.5 by addition of 2 N aqueous sodium hydroxide.\nAnalyses of the filtrates showed that 85% of the Anti biotic ZN-6 had been absorbed on the resin. After filtration the resin was Washed with three 1.5 liter portions of water and thereafter suspended in 500 ml. of acetone. While stirring the pH was lowered to 3.6 during three hours by addition of 6 N hydrochloric acid, whereafter the resin was filtered off and Washed with acetone (2 x 100 mls.).\nThe combined filtrate and washing contained 375 mgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6, corresponding to 57% of the amount present in the broth.\nEXAMPLE 9 Recovery of Antibiotic ZN-6 From the Fermentation Broth 1 liter of a clarified broth containing 500 mgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6 was stirred for one hour with gs. of decolourizing carbon (S.E.C.A. III). After filtration, the filtrate was analyzed and found to contain less than 25 mgs. of Antibiotic ZN6. The filter-cake was washed with water and thereafter refluxed with 100 mls. of methanol for two hours, cooled and filtered. The filtrate contained about 150 mgs. of Antibiotic ZN-6.\nIn view of our invention and disclosure, variations and modifications to meet individual whim or particular need will doubtless become evident to others skilled in the art, to obtain all or part of the benefits of our invention without copying the process and composition shown, and we, therefore, claim all such insofar as they fallwithin the reasonable spirit and scope of our claims.\nHaving thus described our invention, what we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:\n1. A weakly acidic antibiotic designated Antibiotic ZN-6, that is sparingly soluble in water and hexane, and soluble in ethanol, acetone, methyl isobutyl ketone, amyl acetate and chloroform; melting at 191-192 degrees centigrade, having a specific rotation of minus 9 degrees in a 1% solution in chloroform; whose spectrum in the infra-red region, using the potassium bromide technique, exhibits characteristic absorption bands as shown on the drawing and exhibiting the values at the follow ing frequencies expressedv in reciprocal centimeters: 1265, 1385, 1695, 1730 and 3450; having at 220 m a molar extinction coeflicient of 8000 in ethanol and no characteristic absorption bands above this wave-length; having the molecular formula C H O and containing in the molecule a cyclopentenopolyhydrophenanthrene ring system which is substituted with two hydroxyl groups, one acetoxyl group and four methyl groups, and which in the 17-position is connected by a double bond with the a-carbon atom of 5-methyl-4,5-heptenoic acid; and forms antibiotically active salts with pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic bases.\n2. As an antibiotically active compound, the sodium salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1.\n3. As an antibiotically active compound, the calcium salt of Antibiotic ZN6 as defined in claim 1.\n4. As new compounds, the solvates of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1 with pharmaceutically acceptable solvents.\n5. As a new compound, the benzene solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1.\n6. As a newcornpound, the methanol solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1.\n7. A process for producing Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1 containing fermentation broth, comprising cultivating the fungus Fusidium coccineum (K. Tubaki) in an aqueous nutrient-containing carbohydrate solution until substantial antibiotic activity is imparted to said solution.\n8. In a process for producing Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1, the step of extracting with an organic solvent or mixture of solvents the Antibiotic ZN-6 from an aqueous medium containing the substance.\n9. In a process for producing Antibiotic ZN6 as set forth in claim 1, the steps of adsorbing Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1 from an aqueous medium by intimately contacting the aqueous medium with a solid adsorbing agent, and eluting the Antibiotic ZN-6 from the solid adsorbing agent.\n10. In a process for purifying Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1, the steps comprising dissolving in benzene the crude substance, crystallizing its benzene solvate from the solution, separating the benzene solvate thus precipitated and driving off the solvent to liberate Antibiotic ZN-G as set forth in claim 1.\n11. In a process for concentration of Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1, the step which comprises extracting a solution of said substance in a water-immiscible solvent or mixture of solvents with an aqueous alkaline medium, thereby obtaining a concentrated aqueous solution of an Antibiotic ZN-6 salt.\n12. In a process for the isolation of Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1 from aqueous solutions containing the same, the steps comprising adding benzene to said solution, acidifying the mixture, separating the benzene solvate of Antibiotic ZN-6 thus precipitated and producing therefrom a compound of the class consisting of Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1 and a salt thereof.\n13. In a process for producing pure salts of Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1, the steps comprising crystallizing its methanol solvate from a concentrated solution of Antibiotic ZN6 in methanol, separating the methanol solvate from the solvent and converting it to a salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 with a pharmaceutically acceptable base.\n14. As antibiotically active compounds, the salt of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1, with pharmaceutically suitable base of the class consisting of inorganic and organic bases.\n15. In a process of purifying Antibiotic ZN-6 as set forth in claim 1, the steps comprising dissolving in benzene the crude substance, crystallizing its benzene solvate from the solution, separating the benzene solvate thus precipitated, neutralizing the product with a base to produce a salt thereof and separating the salt from the solvent.\n16. A therapeutical composition adapted for use in the treatment of infectious diseases containing as a therapeutically active compound thereof a member of the class consisting of Antibiotic ZN6 as set forth in claim 1 and its salts with atoxic pharmaceutically acceptacle bases, mixed with a material of the class consisting of solid and liquid pharmaceutical carriers and auxiliary agents, in which the proportion of therapeutically active material of said class is between 1 and percent of the total composition.\n17. For the treatment of infectious diseases, a readily adaptable dosage unit, containing at least one member selected from the group consisting of Antibiotic ZN-6 as defined in claim 1 and its salts with atoxic pharmaceutically acceptable bases, the said dosage units having a content of Antibiotic ZN-6 calculated as the free acid from 0.05 to 1.00 grams in total.\n18. A dosage unit as claimed in claim 17, in which said member of the group is mixed with a vehicle.\nNo references cited.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "PET is a wonderful material. It is crystal clear like glass, unbreakable, lightweight and recyclable and has good organoleptic properties. During its 25-year lifetime, the technology has evolved and has been optimised for PET resin, processing, and the equipment for injection moulding of PET preforms and stretch blow moulding into containers.\nDespite this, many applications are still made of glass, metal and paperboard. This is mainly because PET containers are too expensive. If the application requires hot filling, the cost of standard PET containers is even higher.\nSimilarly, costs rise if the application needs barrier properties better than those offered by standard PET. There is therefore a need to develop a container with the attributes of PET, but at a lower cost. The only way to address this is through technical innovation in resin.\nPolypropylene (PP) may be the answer to the industry’s prayers. It is the lightest of all commodity thermoplastics. The density of PP is 34 per cent lower than PET – that is 0.90 compared to PET’s 1.33.\nHistorically in the US market, PP homopolymer is about 55 cents/kg cheaper than that of PET. And the stretch blow moulding process requires the use of clarified PP random copolymers, which are about 33-44 cents/kg cheaper than PET.\nAnother advantage of PP over PET is that PP does not require any pre-drying of the resin before processing; thus, it has the potential to save energy cost. PP can be hot-filled up to 120ºC, retort with steam at 120ºC for 30 minutes and can be used in microwave. Since most of the closures are made from PP, making the containers from PP would provide a single material for closures and containers, which could benefit recycling.\nFigure 1 shows the clarity of various plastic resins as a function of their impact strength. Here, the size of the circle indicates the cost of the resin. Polystyrene has excellent clarity, but its impact strength is quite poor. PET has excellent clarity and impact strength, but it is expensive. Clear random PP offers a balance of clarity, impact strength and cost.\nPros and cons of ISBM PP technology\nPP resins can be processed by a number of techniques such as extrusion blow moulding (EBM), which has been around for several decades; injection blow moulding (IBM), which is mainly suited for smaller size containers (normally used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries); and injection stretch blow moulding (ISBM).\nIn the one-step ISBM process, the PET resin is converted into containers in one machine (such as the ones provided by Nissei ASB or Aoki), whereas the two-step process includes first making a preform by injection moulding and then reheat-stretch-blow moulding it into containers on a second machine.\nThe ISBM process offers a number of advantages over EBM. The ISBM process provides excellent clarity and outstanding neck finish, as the neck of the container is injection-moulded. This is very important to protect the aroma and flavour of the product inside the package. The ISBM process also offers superior impact strength, as there is no pinch-off at the bottom of the container as in the EBM process.\nMoreover, the ISBM process provides greater rigidity due to biaxial orientation of chain molecules. It is also a scrap-free process. ISBM containers have better gloss and surface finish than EBM containers.\nThe main reason for not using PP in the ISBM process is that the advantages of lower resin cost and lower density are offset by the higher conversion cost of PP compared to PET. This is because the thermal conductivity of PP is poorer, which contributes to lower throughput for PP in the ISBM process – as much as 20-30 per cent lower for standard PP compared to PET.\nMoreover, the gas barrier properties of PP are about 30 times poorer than those of PET. A number of food packaging applications require the oxygen barrier in PP to be similar to that of PET. If the barrier materials manufacturers could develop a gas barrier material for PP, the opportunities are enormous.\nThis could be achieved using a number of different methods, such as multilayers, coatings, scavengers and nanocomposites. The key to success, however, is to develop a barrier technology that is cost-effective.\nRecent machine improvements, advances in resin, clarifier technology and optimisation of PP perform design have resulted in considerable improvement in cycle times. Preliminary data indicates that the processing speed of PP is now similar to that of PET.\nPP can also be processed on existing equipment with only minor modifications, and it can be processed at lower temperatures, which could result in potential energy savings. The processing window of PP has thus improved, but it still narrower than PET.\nMonolayer ISBM PP containers can be 15-20 per cent cheaper than PET. These PP containers could be used for a number of applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.\nApart from being cost-effective, they also provide good clarity, good gloss and finish, excellent moisture barrier and good impact strength. Moreover, the PP containers can also be hot-filled and they are microwaveable and retortable.\nThe way forward\nAlthough PP ISBM technology has recently made significant progress, there are still a number of issues that need to be addressed as the technology is commercialised. For example: the designs of the resin and of the perform need to be optimised, many aspects of PP processing must be improved, organoleptic issues need to be looked at and it is vital to achieve enhanced barrier properties.\nUsing its 25 years’ experience from PET technology, the industry should be able to resolve these issues and develop PP ISBM technology fairly quickly. However, a multidisciplinary approach is required. Resin producers, clarifier producers, barrier materials manufacturers, ISBM equipment manufacturers, converters, end-users, mould makers/preform designers and consultants all need to work together.\nDr Surendra Agarwal is a research fellow at Kraft Foods R&D.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Most atoms do not have eight electrons in their valence electron shell. Some atoms have only a few electrons in their outer shell, while some atoms lack only one or two electrons to have an octet. In cases where an atom has three or fewer valence electrons, the atom may lose those valence electrons quite easily until what remains is a lower shell that contains an octet. Atoms that lose electrons acquire a positive charge as a resultbecause they are left with fewer negatively charged electrons to balance the positive charges of the protons in the nucleus. Positively charged ions are called cations. Most metals become cations when they make ionic compounds.\nYou are watching: Does sodium gain or lose electrons\nA neutral sodium atom is likely to achieve an octet in its outermost shell by losing its one valence electron.\nThe cation produced in this way, Na+, is called the sodium ion to distinguish it from the element. The outermost shell of the sodium ion is the second electron shell, which has eight electrons in it. The octet rule has been satisfied. Figure (PageIndex1) is a graphical depiction of this process.\nThe names for positive and negative ions are pronounced CAT-eye-ons and ANN-eye-ons, respectively.\nSee more: Say Where Is The Bathroom In Spanish, Where Is The Bathroom\nIn many cases, elements that belong to the same group (vertical column) on the periodic table form ions with the same charge because they have the same number of valence electrons. Thus, the periodic table becomes a tool for remembering the charges on many ions. For example, all ions made from alkali metals, the first column on the periodic table, have a 1+ charge. Ions made from alkaline earth metals, the second group on the periodic table, have a 2+ charge. On the other side of the periodic table, the next-to-last column, the halogens, form ions having a 1− charge. Figure (PageIndex3) shows how the charge on many ions can be predicted by the location of an element on the periodic table. Note the convention of first writing the number and then the sign on a ion with multiple charges. The barium cation is written Ba2+, not Ba+2.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Coco & Tini\nAs parents, we’re all faced with so many choices and considerations every day and we’re hoping that we’re making the best decisions we can for our kids. We started Coco & Tini because the more research we did on personal care products when we were deciding what to use for our first baby the more concerned we became about the potentially harmful ingredients found in so many of the things we use everyday. From artificial fragrance and harsh chemicals to hormone disrupting and petroleum-derived ingredients, there seemed to be so many things to try and avoid, particularly when we learned about the impact these elements might have on babies’ and children’s developing systems. So, we set out to formulate a line based on ingredient safety, integrity and performance. Our goal was to create a brand and product assortment that could become a family fixture- with you right from the birth of your child and beyond- because it meant you didn’t have to worry about what was in the bottle.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Linked parallel synthesis and MTT bioassay screening of substituted chalcones.\nAuthorsLawrence, Nicholas J\nMcGown, Alan T\nDucki, Sylvie W\nGul, Lubna A\nHadfield, John A\nAffiliationDepartment of Chemistry, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK. Lawrencenj1@cardiff.ac.uk\nMetadataShow full item record\nAbstractA 644-membered library of chalcones was prepared by parallel synthesis using the Claisen-Schmidt base-catalyzed aldol condensation of substituted acetophenones and benzaldehydes. The cytotoxicity of these chalcones was conveniently determined upon the crude products directly in 96-well microtiter test plates by the conventional MTT assay. This method revealed seven chalcones of IC(50) less than 1 microM of which 4'-hydroxy-2,4,6,3'-tetramethoxychalcone (5a) was the most active [IC(50) (K562), 30 nM]; it causes cell cycle arrest at the G(2)/M point and binds to tubulin at the colchicine binding site.\nCitationLinked parallel synthesis and MTT bioassay screening of substituted chalcones., 3 (5):421-6 J Comb Chem\nJournalJournal of Combinatorial Chemistry", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ONEPURE® has One Mission....to help the ‘One You’, your family and New Zealand be the healthiest you possibly can. Whatever you love to do, it all starts with you operating at your optimum. Energised, focused, balanced. To be your best, you need the best, and it all starts with drinking the best, purest, highest-quality water.\nIt seems so simple but believe it or not – not all water is the same. Drinking water that has been treated with harsh chemicals like chlorine can decrease our good gut bacteria (which is not what you want for your immunity!) Whereas nourishing your body with living, natural water enriched with minerals such as silica can help strengthen the connective tissues of the brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord improving memory and helping to prevent memory loss, (not to mention healthy hair and nails!)\nONEPURE® water is alkaline which helps to rebalance our often acidic modern diets and reduce acid reflux, reduce fatigue, protect bones, support the immune system, and generally support a healthy mind and body. Drinking alkaline water is also recommended for supporting sufficient oxygen transportation in the 01 blood – a little change in pH can make a big difference! So not all water is the same, and since there’s just one you, why not nourish yourself with the purest natural artesian water New Zealand has to offer? ONEPURE®... One You.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "How does dilution affect concentration?\nIf you make Kool Aid. The powder of Kool Aid crystals are the solute. The water is the solvent and the delicious Kool Aid is the solution.\nThe solution is created when the particles of the Kool Aid crystals diffuse throughout the water. The speed of the this diffusion is dependent upon the energy of the solvent and the size of the particles of the solute. Higher temperatures in the solvent will increase the rate of diffusion. However, we do not like hot Kool Aid and therefore we increase the energy of the solvent by stirring the mixture adding kinetic energy and moving the particles throughout the solution.\nThe concentration of the solution is determined by how much solute is dissolved in the solution. You can change the concentration of the Kool Aid by increasing or decreasing the amount of Kool Aid making the drink sweeter more concentrated or less sweet.\nDilution would be the process of adding more solvent to the solution. In the case of your Kool Aid, adding more water would decrease the concentration.\nBut solutions do not only take place in liquids. Have you ever been in an elevator with an individual who has doused themselves in perfume or cologne. In this example the air of the environment acts as the solvent and the cologne or perfume particles are the solute.\nI hope this was helpful.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The alkaline amylase requires high resistance towards chemical oxidation for use in the detergent and textile industries. This work aims to improve the oxidative stability of alkaline amylase from alkaliphilic Alkalimonas amylolytica by site-directed mutagenesis based on the enzyme structure model. Five mutants were created by individually replacing methionine at positions 145, 214, 229, 247, and 317 in the amino acid sequence of alkaline amylase with oxidative-resistant serine. The pH stability of the mutant enzymes was almost the same as that of the wild-type (WT) enzyme (pH 7.0-11.0). The stable temperature range of the mutant enzymes M145S and M247S decreased from <50 °C of the WT to <40 °C, while the thermal stability of the other three mutant enzymes (M214S, M229S, and M317S) was almost the same as that of the WT enzyme. The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of all the mutant enzymes decreased when compared to WT enzyme. The mutant enzymes showed increased activity in the presence of surfactants Tween-60 and sodium dodecyl sulfate. When incubated with 500 mM H(2)O(2) at 35 °C for 5 h, the WT enzyme retained only 13.3% of its original activity, while the mutant enzymes M145S, M214S, M229S, M247S, and M317S retained 55.6, 70.2, 54.2, 62.5, and 46.4% of the original activities, respectively. The results indicated that the substitution of methionine residues at the catalytic domains with oxidative-resistant serine can significantly improve the oxidative stability of alkaline amylase. This work provides an effective strategy to improve the oxidative stability of amylase, and the high oxidation resistance of the mutant enzymes shows their potential applications in the detergent and textile industries.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Guaifenesin, the other component of Childrens aurotussin cough frequent and chest congestion dm, has been detected in human breast milk. Under desi, fda evaluated whether the evidence of effectiveness for thousands tens of drug products previously approved for safety only, including those manufacturing products marketed under test the name of Cough syrup with codeine containing guaifenesin.\nMain target attributes acts of pegasus laboratories inc. is faked to conform unconditionally responsible to guaifenesin packaging standards. pharmaceutical packaging center thickness is undauntedly making packaging operations and order sale of a series formed of various available drugs including guaifenesin.\nPotassium chloride is reported making packaging and sale of a series of various drugs including pharmaceutical packaging center. The ther – rx corp. inc is aimed at increase of potassium chloride production. Lactated ringers irrigation soft gelatin capsules exhibit significantly greater bioavailability and incorporate earlier photosensitization onset over time than previous potassium chloride dosage forms.\nI consistently had bad problems with potassium chloride and metropolol, both beta blockers, so am now taking a one 180 mg in capsule of gallamine triethiodide each morning. gallamine triethiodide and edrophonium markedly enhanced with both mrna and protein levels of ppar.\nAtropine / edrophonium contains an active substance called edrophonium. Alcon receives fda approval and of Amo endosol extra injectable potassium chloride in suspension for use in eye surgery.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Flavour Pearls are Pearl sized bubbles of flavour with the beauty of luxury caviar and an exciting delicious liquid burst.\nJust spoon a few on to your favourite foods or in a glass of something delicious and enjoy.\nEnjoy the fruity flavours in a glass of sparkling or a cocktail\nWhy use Flavour Pearls?\n- Flavour Pearls help make entertaining a little easier…food is more delicious, your dishes look professional and Flavour Pearls are easy to use.\n- There’s a HUGE range of flavours to choose from…and they are vegan, gluten & dairy free.\n- Hand made by us, right here in Australia.\n- Perfect to serve with hot, cold or frozen food and drinks…they won’t melt or dissolve.\n- Ideal gift idea as they don’t require refrigeration until opened. And we ship worldwide.\nCreated using a mixture of science and cooking (molecular gastronomy) we use pectin (from fruit) to create the bubbles that hold the liquid and give the famous ‘pop’ that our Flavour Pearls are known for.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "wedi Joint sealant\nUnique adhesive sealant for wedi building panel butt joints\n|Basic material||Silyl Modified Polymer (SMP)|\n|Green Strength||1400 Pa (Physica Rheometer MC100)|\n|Specific Gravity||1.5 g/ml|\n|Skin forming time (70°F/50% R.H.)||approx. 20 min.|\n|Through hardening (70°F / 50% R.H.)||approx. 3 mm/24 hours|\n|Volume change||< 3% (DIN 52451)|\n|Tensile strength (100 %)||350 psi (DIN 53504/ISO 37)|\n|Elongation at break||400% (DIN 53504/ISO 37)|\n|Shore on hardness||50 (DIN 53505)|\n|Shear Strength||350 psi (DIN 53283/ASTM D1002) (adh. thickness 2 mm, test speed 50 mm/min)|\n|Temperature resistance||approx. -40°F to 25°F (-40°C to 121°C)|\n|Application Temperature||41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C)|\nAreas of use wedi Joint sealant\n- Recommended application temperatures: 41°F – 95°F (5°C – 35°C)\n- For cold weather application, condition units to 70°F prior to use.\n- For best performance, sealants and adhesives should be applied to a joint at the midpoint of its designed expansion-contraction cycle.\n- Place nozzle/tip into joint and fill as required in installation manuals. Maintain consistent and continuous beads.\n- Compress internal joint applications between wedi products to be sealed. Tool topically applied sealant over seams using a putty knife.\n- Alcohol must not be used in preparation for bonding as it will stop the curing process.\n- Do not apply on surfaces below 40° F (4°C).\n- Not recommended for direct glazing of glass, acrylic or polycarbonate windows.\n- Relevant testing should always be performed by the user as wedi does not recommend wedi Joint Sealant as fit for any particular use besides the wedi product systems installations as specified in applicable wedi product literature.\nFor use as specified in wedi product system installations. General requirements: For reliable, repeatable and durable results, wedi joint sealant must be applied to clean, dry, sound and frost free surfaces, free of contaminants including, but not limited to paints, oils, oxide films, mold release agents, and dirt. wedi Joint sealant offers high green strength (internal strength) and permanently flexible adhesion in wedi construction joints and when exposed to alkaline environments.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "VIEWS: 3 PAGES: 7 CATEGORY: Stock Material Or Miscellaneous Articles POSTED ON: 10/9/2010\nBACKGROUNDThin film technology involves forming thin films on substrates widely used in semiconductors and chip resistors. Desirable substrates have the following characteristics: (1) low dielectric loss, (2) high electrical insulation, (3) high thermalconductivity, (4) low surface roughness, (5) strong adhesion for thin films, (6) low water absorption, (7) high glass transition temperature, (8) great mechanical strength, (9) high thermal shock resistance, (10) low material diffusion, and (11) lowcosts.Highly sintered ceramic substrates (such as those containing more than 99% aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, zirconium oxide, aluminum nitride, titanium nitride, and zirconium nitride) are commonly used in thin film technology. Theses substrateshave most of the characteristics listed above. However, the fabrication cost is high as polishing is required.SUMMARYThe present invention relates to forming a ceramic composite by solidifying a layer of a liquid of a ceramic material on the top of a ceramic substrate. As the liquid has a smooth surface, the solidified layer formed from it also has a smoothsurface and does not need polishing.An aspect of the present invention is a ceramic composite that has (1) a ceramic substrate; (2) a ceramic layer; and (3) a multiplicity of ceramic stalagmites, or a multiplicity of ceramic stalactites, or a multiplicity of ceramic stalagmites andceramic stalactites, or a multiplicity of ceramic stalagmites, ceramic stalactites and ceramic granules. The ceramic layer is disposed on the top surface of the substrate, and the stalagmites and stalactites are embedded in the ceramic layer. Thestalagmites extend upward from the top surface of the substrate, the stalactites extend downward from the top surface of the ceramic layer, and the granules are dispersed throughout the ceramic layer. The ceramic composite can further contain amultiplicity of ceramic columns, or a multiplicity of ceramic spikes, or both. The columns are also embedded i\n\"Ceramic Composite - Patent 7378163\"", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "After conjugation with antibodies against MEL, the colloidal SeNPs had been encircled with the antibody proteins evenly. found. Furthermore, the MEL check strip can stay stable after storage space for 12 months at room heat range. Our outcomes demonstrate which the colloidal selenium MEL check remove can detect MEL in adulterated dairy food or animal give food to conveniently, quickly, and sensitively. On the other hand using a colloidal precious metal MEL test remove, the colloidal selenium MEL check remove was easy to get ready (Z)-9-Propenyladenine and even more cost-efficient. strong course=”kwd-title” Keywords: melamine, selenium nanoparticles, check strip, milk, pet feed, dairy meals Launch Melamine (MEL) is normally an average polar organic triazine substance with the chemical substance formula C3H6N6 that’s usually utilized as an commercial chemical substance.1,2 There were several occasions of MEL getting put into milk criminally, milk natural powder, and other foods to be able to artificially elevate the apparent crude proteins content through its high nitrogen articles of 66.7%.3 Excess MEL intake has resulted in serious health issues.4C9 It’s been reported that poisonous pet food caused by deliberate MEL contamination severely impacted the fitness of Rabbit Polyclonal to Ezrin (phospho-Tyr478) thousands of cats and dogs between 2004 and 2007 in america.10 Poisonous milk natural powder released in 2008 affected over 294,000 infants and children, of whom (Z)-9-Propenyladenine 54 approximately,000 had been hospitalized and six passed away in the Individuals Republic of China.11,12 Similar situations have already been reported in Singapore and Vietnam. 12 MEL-contaminated baby meals was within 2008 in america also,12 2010 in the Individuals Republic of China,13 and in 2013 in america again.14 Although the utmost permitted focus of MEL continues to be place at 2.5 mg/kg for both adult animal and food feed and 1. 0 mg/kg for baby meals with the global globe (Z)-9-Propenyladenine Wellness Company,11,15,16 contaminated dairy food and animal give food to remain occasionally found illegally. Due to the serious meals safety problems, there can be an urgent have to explore an instant, sensitive, and inexpensive recognition way to look for the odds of MEL contaminants of dairy pet or items feeds, for onsite and in-home assessment especially. Although methods have already been utilized to identify MEL, not absolutely all of the are satisfactory. For instance, high-performance water chromatography by itself17C19 or coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS),18C20 gas chromatographyCmass spectrometry,21 capillary electrophoresis,22 infrared spectroscopy,23,24 and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy25 are extremely sensitive but need complicated pretreatment techniques and expensive equipment and equipment. Furthermore, many of these lab tests require huge amounts of organic solvents that are harmful to user health insurance and damaging to the environment.24 The colorimetric method predicated on colloidal gold3 has been reported. Although it is easy, rapid, and cost-effective, some samples require difficult pretreatment even now. An alternative approach to competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay26 avoids the complicated pretreatment, but must be controlled by a tuned professional. Many of these MEL recognition strategies usually do not meet up with the requirements for in-home and onsite assessment. The just MEL recognition gadget designed for onsite and in-home examining is normally a one-step presently, colloidal gold-based check remove.27C29 Colloidal gold particles are costly,30,31 as well as the planning procedure for colloidal silver is complicated relatively. Considering the disadvantages of current options for MEL recognition, the aims of the study were to hire colloidal selenium contaminants for binding to antibodies against MEL and make a lateral stream test strip predicated on colloidal selenium immunoassay. The test strip can merely be (Z)-9-Propenyladenine prepared. Furthermore, it could easily be utilized, rapidly, specifically, when it comes to recognition product sensitively, and cost-effectively. Components and methods The next materials were obtained: MEL (Great deal 08002; Country wide Institute of Metrology, Beijing, (Z)-9-Propenyladenine Individuals Republic of China); bovine serum albumin (BSA) (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA); BSACMEL conjugant (Guangzhou Ebiogenes Biotech Ltd, Guangzhou, Individuals Republic of China); anti-MEL monoclonal antibody (McAb) (Guangzhou Ebiogenes Biotech Ltd); Tween 20 (Promega Company, Fitchburg, WI, USA); L-ascorbic acidity (Sigma-Aldrich); seleninic acidity (H2SeO3) (Tianjin Tianhe Chemical substance Reagent Stock, Tianjin, Individuals Republic of China); gum arabic (GA), (Tianjin Bodi Chemical substance Co, Ltd, Tianjin, Individuals Republic of China); goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Shanghai Jieyi Biotechnology Co, Ltd, Shanghai, Individuals Republic of China); nitrocellulose membrane (NCM) (Merk Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA); cup fibers (SB08; Shanghai Jieyi Biotechnology Co, Ltd); water dairy (Lanzhou Manor Pasture Co, Ltd, Lanzhou, Individuals Republic of China); dairy natural powder (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Recreation area, IL, USA); and pet give food to (Tianjin Guayuelvfa Meals Co, Ltd, Tianjin, Individuals Republic of China). Planning of colloidal selenium contaminants Colloidal selenium contaminants had been synthesized by reducing H2SeO3 with L-ascorbic acidity, and GA natural powder was utilized being a stabilizing.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Payment & Shipping Terms:\n|Usage:||Used For Synthesis Of Steroid Hormone Drugs||Molecular Formula:||C21h30o3|\n|Assay:||98% Min||Molecular Weight:||330.47|\n|Appearance:||White Or Straw Yellow Crystalline Powder||Alias:||Prasterone Acetate|\n|Loss On Drying:||≤0.5%||Specific Rotation:||+12° ~ +15°|\nSex Enhancing Drugs,\nSex Enhancement Medicine\nCAS 853-23-6 Sex Steroid Hormones , Anabolic Steroid Hormones Dehydroisoandrosterone 3 Acetate\n|product Name||dehydroisoandrosterone 3-acetate|\n|Synonyms||Epiandrosterone Acetate; Dehydroepiandrosterone acetate|\n|Boiling point||434.8°C at 760 mmHg|\n|usage||Used for synthesis of steroid hormone drugs|\nOur Advantage and Services\n1) Steriods Powder\nIf you order raw powder, we can provide you with COA , Cook Recipes Of Steroid Oil , Feedback Of Other Customers\n2) Injectable Oil\nIf you order Injectable Steroid Oil, we can provide you with Vials , Rubber Stoppers , Syringe Filters , Auto-Filter Machine , Crimper , Press Machine , Boxes, meanwhile, Usage Introduction and Feedback Of Other Customers will be offered also.\nAfter your payment, shipping arrangement and package pictures will be provided within 24 Hours Tracking number will be provided within 36 Hours\nWe can send it via HKEMS, EUB, DHL .UPS, TNT.FedEx or other method. We have a professional and stable logistics, We will decided to choose which courier depend on Different countries.To find the best way to delivery the goods for you..If the goods were lost or not received for other reasons, please contact me Immediately.We will resend\nFor important parcel information, such as: Left Original Country , Arrived At Destination Country ,Passed Customs , Out For Delivery , Delivered, those information will be sent to you timely.\nOur clearance rate is very high, especially for USA.Brazil, Australia, Canada .Mexico, Chile,and other countries, we have special packaging for better Clearance\nSynonyms: dehydroisoandrosterone 3-acetate; Epiandrosterone Acetate; Prasterone acetate\nAssay: 98% min.\nPacking: foil bag or tin.\nDelivery: Express courier.\nCharacter White or straw yellow crystalline powder.\nUsage: pharmaceutical intermediates, For the synthesis of steroid hormone drugs. Preparation Products Epiandrosterone acetate-->Methandriol\nDehydroepiandrosterone acetate is an important intermediate for the synthesis of various hormones, family planning supplies of steroid hormones, synthesis of methyl estradiol, estriol and so on. As for pharmaceutical intermediates, For the synthesis of steroid hormone drugs. Preparation Products Epiandrosterone acetate\nDehydroepiandrosterone acetate is an important intermediate for the synthesis of various hormones, family planning supplies of steroid hormones, synthesis estradiol, estriol and so on.\nIt applies in the field of pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates for the synthesis of steroid hormone drugs. Preparation Products Epiandrosterone acetate\nIt applies in the field of pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates for the synthesis of steroid hormone drugs. Preparation Products Epiandrosterone acetate-->.\nDehydroepiandrosterone acetate is an important intermediate for the synthesis of various hormones, family planning supplies of steroid hormones, testosterone synthesis of methyl testosterone, estradiol, estriol and so on.\n|Test Items||Specification||Test Results|\n|Description||White to almost white crystalline powder||Conform|\n|Loss on drying||≤0.5%||0.20%|\n|Conclusion||The above test result complied with standard|\n1. Our Company is a professional raw powder factory in China for over 10 years, all powders are factory directly supplying.\n2. Our products have exported to Germany, Norway, Poland, Finland, Spain, UK, France, Russia, USA, Australia, Japan, Korea and many other countries, over 100kgs each month.\n3. Professional team special for package and shipment and staring on tracking code 24hours for customs pass. 100% pass to UK, Norway, Poland, Spain, USA, Canada, Brazil; 98% pass to Germany, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.\n4. Most of powders are in stock, Chargeable samples are available, Could be shipped out within 24hours.\n5. High quality, good price, fast and safety delivery. Shipment by DHL, TNT, FedEx, HKEMS,\nPackaging & Delivery:\nSufficient stock, so we can delivery promptly at the very day when receive the payment.Sophisticated and professional logistic agent. We take responsibility to provide our customers with fast delivery and secure shippingWell-trained and disciplined packing team. Unique ways to ship 10 grams to 100kg powders at one time to your destination. Fast and discreet shipment could be arranged for customs pass Guaranteed.Packing pictures and tacking code are provided within 12 hours after receiving the payment. Updated tracking information will be provided every other day.After-sale service. Any questions or problems after receiving the product, please feel free to contact us. Problems would be solved immediately.\nWe h.ave professional team for package and shipment. Special way to ship 100 grams to 100kg powders at one time to your country. Fast and discreet shipment could be arranged for customs pass Guaranteed", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Time to think about sunscreen!\nSpring is here and summer is rolling in quickly. Whether you are in the sunshine to play in the surf and sand or cheer on your favorite soccer player you might want to think about a few things.\nEnvironmental Working Group (EWG) rates sunscreens every year for safety. Sadly, two-thirds of the sunscreens analyzed did not work well or contained potentially hazardous ingredients. Isn’t it sad we’ve slathered on sunscreens thinking we were protecting ourselves when in truth we make ourselves a melanoma magnet? Thank goodness for research and options. A little self education goes a long way to making safer choices.\nThree Biggies to Avoid\n• Oxybenzone – used to absorb ultraviolet light. Acts like estrogen in the body so it disrupts our normal flow of hormones.\n• Retinyl Palmitate (aka: Vitamin A palmitate) – May actually speed up the development of malignant cells when exposed to the sun. Yikes!\n• Fragrance – catch phrase for several potentially toxic chemicals. Two examples are parabens which are known to disrupt our normal hormone production and phthalates, a carcinogenic preservative, linked to liver and kidney damage as well as reproductive issues.\nHow to Choose Healthy Sunscreen\nI like to think of my healthy sunscreen as a physical barrier to the sun not a chemical cesspool. Look for sunscreens that are broad spectrum protectors – meaning they will block UVB rays and some UVA. Ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium oxide are physical barriers that fit the bill. However, you want to steer clear of “micronized” or “nano” particle formulas to keep the reefs and oceans safe.\nAn inconvenient fact is that lotions are safer for you than the handy-dandy spray on sunscreens. I don’t like it either, but it is what it is. As I like to remind myself as I rub my sunscreen on – there’s a cost for everything and if I have to spend a little extra time rubbing in healthy sunscreen so be it!\nHealthy Sunscreen Choices\nI love Lemongrass Spa’s line of healthy sunscreens. I trust the label – no monkey business with semantics in labeling with this company. They have three great products to fit my family’s needs.\nSunscreen Sport Lotion – SPF 30 broad spectrum UVB/UVA protection. Natural mineral formula contains 22.5% non-nano particle Zinc Oxide. Gluten-free, Vegan and biodegradable. No PEGs, GMOs, fragrance, parabens or synthetic color.\nSunscreen Sport Stick – 100% all-natural ingredients with non-nano titanium dioxide (14.8%) and zinc oxide (7.4%). Convenient 1 oz clear push-up stick. Great for kids and adults for summer or winter outdoor sports. Comes in a tinted version too!\nSheer Minerals BB Crème – Powerhouse foundation containing moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients as well as SPF 15. The healing and repairing properties of avocado oil and fine line plumping effects of peptides are combined in the skin brightening “Beauty Balm” formula. Love it!\nSafe Sunning Tips\nThe sun is not our enemy. Our lack of planning is. We need the sun to synthesize vitamin D so a daily dose of sunshine is healthy. But for those times when we’re beaching it – or soccer fielding it – for the day we need to have healthy, natural solutions to turn to. Consider my tips:\n• Get your daily dose of vitamin D! It doesn’t take long, but it does a body good.\n• If you know you’ll be out for longer periods of time cover up with clothing, hats or sun umbrellas or safe healthy sunscreen.\n• Always protect your face. Our skin is thin here and easily damaged by the sun – think wrinkles!\n• Load up on fresh veggies that are full of antioxidants. Yes, you can help avoid sun damage from the inside out!\nThe bottom line here is to enjoy the sun safely and with a little knowledge and pre-planning you will be ‘golden’ – pun intended!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Home-made liquid eyeliner and mascara! Easy to make....open an activated charcoal capsule and empty contents into a very small container (with a lid). Add 1/4 teaspoon aloe vera gel and mix together. Also add a small amount of vegetable glycerin to prevent flaking and mix in thoroughly. Apply with an eyeliner brush and old mascara wand!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The company makes available Unwashed Activated Carbon Powder, which is used for removing undesired color, smell and other impurities of different industries such as basic drugs, fine chemicals, glucose, sugar, electroplating plasticizers etc. Unwashed Activated Carbon Powder provided by us is manufactured using high quality wood charcoal. We make Unwashed Activated Carbon Powder available with customized specifications as well. Our variety of Unwashed Activated Carbon Powder is available in the market at highly attractive prices.\nPackaging Available : 30kg HDPE Bag\nLIBRA MARKETING AGENCY\n3-3-903 913 Flat No.g-5 Laxminarayan Apts Kuthbiguda Kachiguda, Kachiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500027, India\nMobile : +91-9848549886\nPhone : +91-40-24651447\nCall Us : 08048119529\nHi! Simply click below and type your query.\nOur experts will reply you very soon.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "We offer comprehensive services in the field of chemical cleaning, maintenance and steam blowing of devices such as: water and steam boilers, power boilers and steam pipelines, new and modernized power installations and others. We are authorized to perform repairs with chemical methods for devices subject to technical inspection No. CH-30-50/1-14.\nThe scope of our services includes:\nKeeping the surface of technical devices clean is the basis for their correct operation. The presence of any contamination on the internal surfaces of devices is the cause of, among others:\nPre-operational chemical cleaning is used for newly started devices in order to remove from their internal surfaces impurities formed during production and assembly, such as: iron oxides, alkaline salts, scale and welding slag, waste from welding pearls and electrodes, welding scale, mill scale, post-production metallurgical scale, foundry soil, oils, greases, preservatives, sand, etc.\nThese contaminants, not removed before commencement of operation, cause serious disturbances in the operation of devices, including: circulating water contamination, stimulation of pitting corrosion and sediment formation, uneven flow of the heating medium, clogging of the smallest diameter pipes, failure to close the valves.\nThe pre-operational chemical cleaning process involves the action of chemical solutions on contaminated surfaces to convert the contaminants into soluble, dispersed or emulsified compounds in water and remove them from the system. Substances that do not dissolve in the reaction solutions are removed during the washing operation.\nThis process is also intended to create a protective passive layer that protects the internal surfaces against corrosion during the standstill between pre-operational chemical cleaning and steam blowing.\nThe process is used, as in the case of pre-operational chemical cleaning, for new installations to remove contamination from the internal surfaces of production and assembly. The standard process is used for low pressure boilers, but it is also used for high pressure boilers when little contamination of internal surfaces is found.\nThe alkaline boil out is intended to clean the internal surfaces of boilers, pipelines and power equipment from contaminants from the period of production, storage and assembly, such as grease, grease, preservatives, and to a lesser extent from rust and mill scale.\nSome of the contaminants are dissolved by a chemical reaction and the insoluble parts are removed from the system during the desludging and rinsing steps. The parameters of the alkaline boiling process, i.e. composition, concentration of chemicals, temperature, pressure and time depend on the degree of contamination and the type of boiler.\nThorough cleaning of internal surfaces allows to minimize the possibility of failure, and also allows to significantly shorten the start-up period.\nOperational chemical cleaning is understood as the removal of impurities from the surfaces of devices that arise during their operation, including limescale and corrosion products. In this process, appropriately selected solutions containing chemical compounds are used, which remove deposits without damaging the sheets and welded joints of devices. The final stage of chemical cleaning is the neutralization and passivation of the cleaned surface.\nOperation of devices with residual sludge, depending on its composition and thickness, may result in serious failures, shorten their service life, increase fuel consumption, etc. Impaired heat transfer, due to the build-up of deposits on internal heating surfaces, leads to overheating of the materials of the devices and, consequently, to cracking of these elements. Sub-sediment corrosion which causes local pitting is an additional risk.\nThe release of sediment depends on:\nDue to the influence of these factors, the type and rate of sediment growth in the same systems may be different, as well as different in individual elements of the same system (heat exchangers, boilers, water heaters, smoke tubes, water tubes, drum).\nThe thicker the deposit, the more difficult it is to remove. The operation of technical devices, after reaching the critical thickness of pollutants, causes an avalanche build-up of sediment, up to clogging even large flow cross-sections. Cleaning of such items is time consuming and costly. It may happen that the cleaning costs become unprofitable.\nThe optimal technology for operational chemical cleaning is developed based on the sediment analysis and laboratory tests of its dissolution. Depending on the type and degree of contamination, as well as the types of materials from which the device is built, solutions of different composition and concentration are prepared. The parameters of the process, i.e. temperature, pressure and time, also depend on the degree of contamination and the type of device.\nThe benefits of deposit removal include:\nThe design of modern boilers makes chemical cleaning the only available method to remove deposits, an alternative is to replace elements or piping.\nThe process of anti-corrosion maintenance protects the surfaces of devices against the so-called standstill corrosion. It is caused by the action of oxygen in the air, and in addition, corrosive processes are accelerated by moisture. Water vapor condenses and then absorbs gases in the air, such as CO2, SO2, NH3 or HCl, which form an electrolyte with it. Then, as a result of electrolytic reactions, rust forms on the surface of the material.\nThe anticorrosive maintenance is usually performed if the break in operation lasts more than 30 days.\nAlthough pumps with high capacity are used in the pre-operational chemical cleaning process, it cannot be guaranteed that all contaminants will be removed. Concrete pieces, stones, welding slag etc. will not be dissolved during acid treatment and the kinetic energy of the water during rinsing may not be sufficient to remove them from the system.\nTo remove such impurities, steam blowing is required to clean the internal heating surfaces of scale, corrosion oxides and other mechanical impurities left after assembly. Another purpose of blowing is to create a protective magnetite layer. The blowing process is indispensable and often categorically required before starting the turbine. Currently, preference is given to blowing the so-called flow method. This method consists in creating a continuous flow of steam in the boiler, which allows any impurities to be thrown outside.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Global Titanium Alloy Market - 2021-2028\n|出版日期||內容資訊||英文 180 Pages\n|全球鈦合金市場(2021-2028) Global Titanium Alloy Market - 2021-2028|\n|出版日期: 2021年08月12日||內容資訊: 英文 180 Pages||\nTitanium Alloy Market Overview\nThe global titanium alloy market size was worth US$ XX billion in 2020 and is estimated to reach US$ XX billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of XX % during the forecast period (2021-2028).\nTitanium alloys are materials made up of titanium and other chemical elements. The tensile strength and toughness of such alloys are extremely high (even at extreme temperatures). Titanium alloys are low in weight, have excellent corrosion resistance and can sustain high temperatures. Pure titanium is stronger than steel, but when it is blended with the correct metals or chemical ingredients, it becomes even stronger. As a result, titanium alloy is widely employed in applications that necessitate a highly durable material.\nHowever, due to the high cost of both raw materials and processing, they are only used in military applications, aircraft, spacecraft, bicycles, medical devices, jewelry and highly stressed components such as connecting rods, inexpensive sports cars, as well as some premium sports equipment and consumer electronics.\nTitanium Alloy Market Dynamics\nThe demand for titanium alloy is anticipated to grow with rising automotive, aerospace and healthcare industries. Titanium alloys have observed huge demand for missiles, airplanes, and rockets due to their low weight, strength and resistance to high temperatures. The rising demand for lightweight vehicles and government support for electric vehicle sales will influence titanium alloy market in the forecast period.\nExtensive demand from a wide range of end-user applications\nThe aerospace industry is the prime end-user responsible for accelerating titanium alloy's market use in jet engines and other related parts. These alloys are used by gas turbine engines and aircraft structures such as landing gear, spacecraft, and helicopter rotors. Emerging markets, particularly China and Russia, are likely to expand their demand for titanium alloys in the forecast period.\nFurthermore, titanium and its alloys are utilized in aircraft to reduce weight and fuel consumption. The use of reinforced titanium alloys in aircraft engines and mainframes has significantly reduced aircraft fuel consumption, which is one of the key reasons for the increased demand for titanium and related alloys in the aerospace sector.\nIn addition, the market for titanium alloys is likely to be boosted by rising demand for SUVs and lightweight vehicles and governments encouraging the manufacturing and sale of electric vehicles through regulations in recent times. It is lighter than other alloys, such as steel, iron etc., which is a major advantage for titanium alloys in substituting automotive components to make lighter vehicles.\nExcellent mechanical and physical properties are offered by titanium alloy\nTitanium and its alloys have a unique mix of mechanical and physical qualities as well as corrosion resistance, making them ideal for essential aerospace, industrial, chemical, and energy industry applications. Titanium alloys are materials made up of titanium and other chemical elements.\nThe tensile strength and toughness of such alloys are extremely high (even at extreme temperatures). They are low in weight, have excellent corrosion resistance, and sustain high temperatures, using them in various industries. In flowing, turbulent fluids, titanium alloys are also known for their exceptional resistance to erosion, erosion-corrosion, cavitation, and impingement.\nTitanium alloys also have appealing increased temperature qualities for use in hot gas turbine and vehicle engine components, where more creep resistant alloys can be chosen for temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius. Titanium alloys are chemically resistant to a wide variety of substances, surroundings, and situations created by a thin, inconspicuous, yet very effective oxide sheet that protects the surface.\nThe high price of titanium and its alloys is expected to hinder the market growth\nTitanium utilization in each application is limited since it has a significantly higher cost than aluminum and steel alloys. High energy is required for melting Titanium metal from its ore. Ingot melting is also energy-intensive. Forging titanium alloys is more challenging than forging steel.\nAll of the processes in the production process are influenced by the metallurgical behavior of the alloys, which puts various constraints and controls on forging operations. In addition, its high reactivity requires melting in an inert atmosphere using a water-cooled copper retort or hearth, depending on the melting technique. Machining is also very high cost, 10-100 times slower than the machining of aluminum.\nCOVID-19 Impact Analysis\nThe global effects of the coronavirus illness in 2019 (COVID-19) are already being felt, and the Titanium Alloy market will be considerably impacted in 2020. COVID-19 had a negative impact on the market in 2020. Several countries have gone into lockdown due to the threat of a pandemic. Due to supply chain interruptions and manpower shortages had a detrimental impact on several end-user industries such as aerospace, automotive, chemical, and others.\nTitanium Alloy Market Segment Analysis\nBy type, the titanium alloy market is classified into alpha titanium, alpha/beta-titanium, and beta titanium.\nIncreased demand for light-weight aircraft are expected to impact the market for alpha titanium alloys.\nAlpha and near-alpha alloys have modest mechanical strength and good fracture toughness and creep resistance. Furthermore, these alloys can withstand temperatures of up to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit (600 degrees Celsius).\nAlpha alloys like Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo+Si, Ti-5Al-2.5Sn, and Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V are used in a variety of applications, including steam turbine blades, gas turbine blades, autoclaves and other process equipment vessels, aircraft engine compressor blades, airframe and jet engine parts, welded stator assemblies, missile fuel tanks, structural parts, and hollow compressor blades.\nAplha titanium can withstand a wider temperature range than alpha-beta alloys. The demand for alpha and near-alpha titanium alloys in the aerospace and defense sector is growing due to the increased manufacturing of new aircraft and defense products and the increased number of people using passenger aircraft as a form of transportation.\nTitanium Alloy Geographical Analysis\nAsia-Pacific holds the largest market share in Global Titanium Alloy Market\nThe region accounts for the highest market share due to rapid industrial development in the automotive, aerospace, medical, electrical, & electronics sectors, creating the demand for titanium alloy. China is expected to lead the titanium alloy market in the Asia-Pacific region during the forecast period.\nXinjiang New Material Co. has opened new production facilities. Chaoyang Baisheng Co., Ltd. and Chaoyang Baisheng Co., Ltd. in China is likely to play a significant role in increasing titanium output rates. Hence, the companies are launching various titanium alloys to fulfill the market demand from the region.\nFor instance, in 2020, Aerospace Hiwing Titanium Industrial Co., Ltd has developed titanium alloy AM powder for the Chinese aerospace industry. The titanium alloy has the composition of Ti-5.5Al-3.5Sn-3Zr-1Mo-0.5Nb-0.7Ta-0.3Si. It also offers a high limit for operating temperatures of up to 550℃.\nMoreover, in 2021, The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India has launched a high-strength beta titanium alloy for manufacturing components for aerospace applications. The ministry's Aeronautical Development Agency has identified over 15 steel components that the beta titanium alloy forgings can replace in the forecast period with a potential of 40% weight savings. The instances are expected to remain the vital factor for the growth of the titanium alloy market in the region.\nTitanium Alloy Competitive Landscape\nThe worldwide Titanium Alloy market is highly consolidated. Key players operating in the global market for Titanium Alloy include AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV, ATI Metals, Baoji Titanium Industry Co. Ltd, CRS Holdings Inc., CORSNET CORPORATION, Eramet, Haynes International Inc., NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION, Hermith GmbH and PTC Industries Ltd.\nAMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV\nOverview: It manufactures highly developed specialty metals and mineral products, as well as vacuum furnace equipment and services, for the transportation, infrastructure, energy, and specialty metals and chemicals industries. AMG has production sites in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, China, Mexico, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, and Mozambique and sales and customer support centers in Russia and Japan, with around 3,000 workers.\nProduct Portfolio: AMG Clean Energy Materials combines recycling and mining operations to provide materials for infrastructure and energy storage solutions while lowering suppliers' and customers' CO2 footprints. Clean Energy Materials covers the vanadium, lithium, and tantalum value chains, focusing on lithium hydroxide manufacturing in the future. AMG Critical Materials Technologies combines our renowned vacuum furnace technology line with high-purity materials, serving global leaders in the aerospace sector. Our mineral processing operations in antimony, graphite and silicon metal make up AMG Critical Minerals.\nKey Developments: AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group announced in November 2018 that it would realign its organizational structure, forming two new strategic operating divisions, AMG Critical Materials and AMG Technologies (comprising AMG's existing Engineering and Titanium Alloy's businesses), which had to go into effect on January 1, 2019.\nThe global titanium alloy report would provide access to an approx. 74 market data table, 95 figures and 280 pages.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cat. No. 4898\nChemical Name: 6-[(4-Fluorophenyl)(4-methyl-1-pipe\nBiological Activityγ-secretase modulator. Reduces Aβ42 levels in vitro (EC50 = 390 nM) and in vivo. Orally bioavailable.\nThe technical data provided above is for guidance only. For batch specific data refer to the Certificate of Analysis.\nAll Tocris products are intended for laboratory research use only.\nCertificate of Analysis / Product Datasheet / Safety Datasheet\nReferences are publications that support the products' biological activity.\nPeng et al (2011) Discovery of BIIB042, a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable γ-secretase modulator. ACS Med.Chem.Lett. 2 786. PMID: 24900267.\nIf you know of a relevant reference for TC-E 5006 please let us know.\nCitations are publications that use Tocris products.\nDo you know of a great paper that uses TC-E 5006 from Tocris? If so please let us know.\nView Related Products by Product Action\nKeywords: TC-E 5006, supplier, TC-E5006, biib042, γ-secretase, g-secretase, gamma-secretase, modulators, Aβ42, AB42, Abeta42, amyloid, Tocris Bioscience, γ-Secretase Modulator products\nFind multiple products by catalog number\nNew Products in this Area\nPlasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) inhibitorSB 3CT\nSelective high affinity MMP2 inhibitor\nFollow @Tocris on Twitter\nTocris is now actively tweeting. For regular updates on news, events and special offers, follow @Tocris on Twitter.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "“Surgical masks were originally designed to protect the wearer from infectious droplets in clinical settings, but it doesn’t help much to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases such as SARS or MERS or influenza,” says Choi.\nAirborne pathogens like influenza are transmitted in aerosol droplets when we cough or sneeze. The masks may well trap the virus-laden droplets but the virus is still infectious on the mask. Merely handling the mask opens up new avenues for infection. Even respirators designed to protect individuals from viral aerosols have the same shortcoming—viruses trapped in respirators still pose risks for infection and transmission.\nMasks capable of killing viruses would save lives, especially in an epidemic or pandemic situation. During the 2014-2015 season nearly 8,000 Canadians were hospitalized with the flu. That same year, deaths related to influenza in Canada reached an all-time high of nearly 600.\nKnowing that the masks are inexpensive and commonly used, Choi and his research team went about exploring ways to improve the mask’s filter. And this is where a problem he is struggling with in one field of research—the development of oral vaccines like a pill or a lozenge—became a solution in another area.\nA major hurdle in the development of oral vaccines is that when liquid solutions dry, crystals form and destroy the virus used in vaccines, rendering the treatment useless. In a nifty bit of engineering judo, Choi flipped the problem on its head and turned crystallization into a bug buster, using it as a tool to kill active viruses.\nChoi and his team developed a salt formulation and applied it to the filters, in the hope that salt crystals would “deactivate” the influenza virus.\nThe mechanics of simple chemistry make the treatment work. When an aerosol droplet carrying the influenza virus contacts the treated filter, the droplet absorbs salt on the filter. The virus is exposed to continually increasing concentrations of salt. As the droplet evaporates, the virus suffers fatal physical damage when the salt returns to its crystalized state.\nWhile developing solid vaccines, Choi observed that sugar used for stabilizing the vaccine during the drying process crystalizes as it dries out. When crystals form, sharp edges and spikes take shape and they physically destroy the virus vaccine.\n“We realized that we could use that to our advantage to improve surgical masks,” said Choi.\nIn a series of experiments and tests at the University of Alberta and in the Department of Medical Zoology at the Kyung Hee University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, the team arrived at a perfect treatment that improves the efficacy of the fibre filter inside the masks.\nBy using a safe substance (table salt) to improve an existing, approved product, Choi sees very few roadblocks to implementing the innovation.\nLearn more: Researcher turns “SARS mask” into a virus killer\nReceive an email update when we add a new VIRUSES article.\nThe Latest on: Killing viruses\nvia Google News\nThe Latest on: Killing viruses\n- Regeneron and Vyriad Announce Strategic Agreement for Discovery and Development of New Oncolytic Virus Treatments for Canceron November 18, 2019 at 2:32 pm\npreclinical research collaboration will explore new oncolytic virus treatments Vyriad to receive upfront payment and equity investment from Regeneron Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) and ...\n- Samoa shuts schools, declares emergency as measles kills 6on November 18, 2019 at 5:01 am\nHe said that only about two-thirds of Samoans had been vaccinated, leaving the others vulnerable to the virus. But figures from the World Health Organization and UNICEF indicate that measles ...\n- Drug-resistant superbugs are killing thousands of Americans. Here's what you need to know about themon November 16, 2019 at 8:52 am\nOne option could be to use a virus to infect and kill a bacteria, Letourneau says. In other cases, if a person has been given a broad-spectrum antibiotic that kills all the \"good\" bacteria in their ...\n- Melting sea ice propels seal-killing virus to new waters: studyon November 16, 2019 at 12:00 am\nA virus fatal to seals and other marine mammals is showing up in new waters and was most likely propelled from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific by sea ice retreat, a recent study suggests. The ...\n- Overuse of antibiotics is killing Americans. Here's how to protect yourself.on November 15, 2019 at 11:09 am\nOveruse of antibiotics is killing Americans. Here's how to protect yourself ... and most of those are prescribed to treat respiratory conditions caused by viruses, such as the common cold, which ...\n- John McAfee launches ‘Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself’ tokenon November 14, 2019 at 4:22 pm\nJohn McAfee is set to launch a new token called ‘Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself’ – also known as WHACKD ... British-born McAfee, 73, is on the run from US authorities for tax evasion. He founded his own ...\n- Is Cancer Cure Possible? Scientists Create New Virus To Kill Infected Cellson November 13, 2019 at 10:04 pm\nIn a breakthrough discovery, scientists have developed a new virus to treat cancer. The cowpox style virus, called Vaxinia CF33 Oncolytic Virus (OV), has been created to kill all types of cancer cells ...\n- Deadly virus kills key marine specieson November 11, 2019 at 10:01 pm\nThe virus, also called PDV, was first identified in European harbor seals, killing thousands in 1988 and again in 2002. It reemerged in 2004, but this time in northern sea otters in Alaska. It was ...\n- Hard frost this weekend could kill off threat of EEE virus and mosquitos that carry it for the seasonon November 8, 2019 at 4:56 pm\nTwelve people in Massachusetts have been infected this year with the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus, according to the state’s Department of Public Health. But the threat may be eliminated as ...\nvia Bing News", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Hitachi Cable, Ltd. Business Report FY2009\n|(in millions of JPY)|\n|Wires and cables|\n|Sales||181,810||253,028||(28.1)||-Although sales of winding wires were on the road to recovery, especially in the electric components segment that includes products for hybrid cars, total sales decreased.|\n|Sales||139,510||177,822||(21.5)||-In the automotive components business, the Company enjoyed brisk sales of in-car sensors. Brake hoses, its mainstay products, also headed for a recovery in the second half as a result of customers adjusting their current inventories. However, total sales decreased due to flagging sales in the first two quarters.|\nRecent Developments in Japan-The Company announced that it has started commercial production of crude-processed, rolled copper foil, which is used in products such as negative electrode collectors of lithium-ion batteries. Prior to the production launch, the Company installed new surface treatment equipment at its Tsuchiura plant, ensuring a monthly production volume of 500,000 square meters. Rolled copper foil is made by rolling cast copper ingots. The material, which offers improved flexing properties and intensity than electrolytic copper foil, is also used in flexible printed-circuit boards. Installation of the surface finishing facility will expand the Company's rolled copper foil business, enhancing its product quality and cost competitiveness through the integrated production structure. The Company, which offers a wide variety of rolled copper foil including that made of oxygen-free copper and high strength copper alloy, will further expand its lineup by responding to the surface finishing requirements of each customer. (From an article in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun on Dec. 2, 2009)\nRecent Developments outside Japan\n-The Company is set to step up reforming its operational structure centered on the automotive business sector. Consolidation of manufacturing facilities in North America for automotive brake hoses and wire harnessed planned for fiscal 2011 will be moved up to the first half of fiscal 2010, reducing the number of North American production bases from 5 to 3. The Company is focusing its management resources on development of power supply harnesses for hybrid vehicles in expectation of future growth of demand with the aim of raising profitability of high performance materials business for automotive related products. The company now has production bases in Indiana, Florida and Mexico. Manufacture of brake hoses and wire harnesses at two locations in Indiana will be ceased and be switched to production of high performance products like large capacity power supply harnesses used for hybrids and electric vehicles. It considers the decline in demand already hit the bottom during the 3rd and 4th quarters in 2008. (From an article in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun on May 14, 2009)\n-The Company announced that it has offloaded part of its stake in Thai Wire & Cable Services Co., Ltd., its joint-venture company in Thailand. The shares were transferred to Hayakawa Densen, its joint-venture partner, and Thai Wire & Cable Services no longer operates as the Company's affiliate under the equity method. The joint venture company manufactures and processes wires and wire parts for electronic devices. Before the share transaction, the Company and Hayakawa Densen each owned forty-five percent of the Thai company's shares. The Company has sold a 37 percent share to Hayakawa, which reduced the percentage of its shareholding to 8 percent. The Company, which is suffering from the impact of the rapidly deteriorating economy, has decided to sell off its shares in line with its initiatives to streamline its operations. (From an article in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun on Mar. 29, 2009)\n>>>Financial Forecast for the Next Fiscal Year (Sales, Operating Income etc.)\n|(in millions of JPY)|\n|Wires and cables||1,404||1,500||1,628|\nR&D Structure-The Company conducts its R&D activities at its technical headquarters (technical center) and at the development departments in its business headquarters.\n-Maintains close cooperation and collaboration with R&D centers in the Hitachi Group, of course including Hitachi itself. On occasion, it conducts joint research with R&D centers operated by its customers and the government.\nR&D Activities\n-Research and development of automotive hoses including brake hoses and power steering hoses, electronic components, and components for information devices.\nHalogen-free, 150-degree-heat-resistant harnesses for use in hybrid electric vehicles\n-The Company announced on April 8 that it has developed a heat-resistant power harness made from non-halogen materials. The non-halogen product is designed for hybrid electric vehicles, as restrictions on environmentally hazardous substances are becoming tighter also in these next-generation cars in line with rising demand for eco-friendly vehicles. The cables of the new harness are coated with halogen-less material with heat-resistant attributes, which were developed by incorporating its proprietary compounding technology. These cables meet the requirements for non-halogen products, which do not contain any chlorine and bromine, while achieving an allowable temperature limit of 150 degrees Celsius, the highest ever for non-halogen power harnesses for the hybrid application. Even with non-halogen coating, the cables offer both superior flexibility and heat resistant property. The connector unit features a two-piece structure consisting of a copper alloy part and a stainless spring. A newly developed housing unit made from aluminum alloy enables the compact harness to offer improved power distribution and greater vibration resistance performances. (From an article in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun on Apr. 9, 2009)\nHigh-strength, high-temperature-resistant rolled copper foil\n-The Company announced that it has developed a high-strength, high-temperature-resistant rolled copper foil for use in next-generation lithium-ion secondary batteries, using alloys such as silicon alloys as the negative-electrode active material. The new technology also offers a 10 percent improvement in battery life. Possible applications of the new material include mobile devices as well as hybrid vehicle and other automotive products. (From an article in the Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun on Jan. 6, 2010)\n|(in millions of JPY)|\n|Wires and cables||5,603||10,087||7,819|\nWires and Cables Division\n-The Company invested mainly to streamline and improve its facilities producing insulated wires and industrial cables.\nHigh-performance materials Division\n-The Company invested mainly to improve its facilities producing semiconductor package materials and copper and brass products.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The system is used to accurately blend, mix, and formulate recipes made of powders and other dry ingredients inside stainless steel intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) that are equipped with patented cone valve technology. The IBC blending system is designed to quickly and accurately blend a variety of dry ingredients, such as powders, tablets, granules, pellets, seasonings, flavorings, food coatings, pharmaceuticals, and more.\nIBCs are large, reusable containers that are commonly used to store and transport a variety of dry bulk materials. They are typically made of stainless steel or plastic and are equipped with a valve or spout for discharging the contents. The patented cone valve technology likely allows for precise control over the flow of material from the IBC, enabling the system to accurately blend and mix ingredients to precise formulations.\nIBC blending systems are commonly used in industries such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals to efficiently mix and formulate a wide range of dry bulk materials. They can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the blending process, as they are able to handle large volumes of material and can operate with minimal human intervention.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Extrahera™ is a powerful, user friendly automation system for Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE), Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), Phospholipid Depletion (PLD) and Protein Precipitation (PPT) based methods, in plate or column formats.\nBiotage® PRESSURE+ manifolds deliver positive pressure, parallel processing for 96 well plates, 1 mL 3 mL and 6 mL column formats. The systems utilize a consistent, uniform flow of positive pressure to move both low and high viscosity liquids through SPE plates and columns.\nBiotage® VacMaster™ Sample Processing Manifolds allow up to 10 (VacMaster-10) or 20 (VacMaster-20) SPE or filtration columns to be processed simultaneously under vacuum. Unused ports are sealed when not required. Easy to use vacuum controls provide excellent sample flow control, leading to reproducible, reliable extraction conditions.\nRapidTrace®+ delivers advanced processing and the rapid development of rugged sample preparation methods. It is extremely reliable and precise, incorporating easy-to-use features for quick method optimization. RapidTrace+ has been successfully implemented in a variety of laboratories all over the world.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Reagent Bottle, 100ml - Amber Colored Glass - Orange Screw Cap, Drip Free Pouring Ring - White Graduations - Borosilicate 3.3 Glass - Eisco Labs 4.5 out of 5 stars 11 2 offers from $14.29\nOnline 100ml Screw Thread Purification Reagent Bottle\nBuy 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 500ml online-Lab\nGL45 closure system for Nalgene Rapid-Flow filter bottles with 45mm necks, along with Schott , Corning and Wheaton media bottles. Additionally, 2135-5310 can be used with 140817, 2019-2000 and the Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ System to create sterile, closed systems.\nCertified 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 1000ml Aijiren\nAs there is only one size of screw thread for all the bottles from 10L onwards, the screw caps and 1000ml Reagent Bottle for Sale. View More. 1.5 ML/2ML 8-425 ...\nReagent bottle screw cap | Sigma-Aldrich\nFind reagent bottle screw cap and related products for scientific research at MilliporeSigma\nGraduated 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 1000ml online\nB8R07791 - Simax® Screw Top Reagent Bottle, Amber Glass: Simax® screw-top graduated reagent bottle with GL45 thread blue cap. Amber glass. Suitable for autoclaving up to 140 C. Cap must be loose in order to autoclave. 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Details Products name 1.5 ML/2ML 8-425 Screw Neck Autosampler Vials ND8 Dimension 8mm Cap Color White and Black Septa details White,Red,Blue,1.5mm thickness.\nWholesales 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 1000ml price\nThe Lab Depot|Screw Thread Vials-Chromatography Glass Insert/Plastic Outside Limited Volume Standard Opening Screw Thread Vials,12x32mm,8-425mm Neck Finish Starting at from $54.29 Sale $48.86 View Details\nEconomical 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 1000ml online\nEconomical 45mm screw thread size reagent bottle 500ml Schott GL45 closure supplier clear 500ml media bottle Pyrex Economical 250ml GL45 closure Water Iso900 blue screw cap reagent bottle 500ml Aijiren Cheap 45mm screw thread size 500ml media bottle Ebay Contact Us Tel:+86805705923 E-mail:market", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The extracellular colorants produced by Chlorociboria aeruginosa, Scytalidium\ncuboideum, and Scytalidium ganodermophthorum, three commonly utilized spalting fungi,\nwere tested against a standard woodworker’s aniline dye to determine if the fungal colorants\ncould be utilized in an effort to find a naturally occurring replacement for the synthetic dye.\nFungal colorants were...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL -\nA sub-journal of Science and Technology Development Journal from 2017\ncomments powered by Disqus.\nReturn to Article Details\nChemically modified sugarcane bagasse as a biosorbent for dye removal from aqueous solution", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Creation of Ovalbumin Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Regeneration\nBio-based materials are a viable alternative to synthetic materials for tissue engineering. Although many bio-based materials have been used, Ovalbumin (OA) has not yet been researched to create 3D structures that promote cellular responses.\nMicro-porous scaffolds are a promising construct for bone tissue regeneration; therefore OA crosslinked with three different concentrations (10%, 15% and 20%) of glutaraldehyde (GA) was used in this research. After fabrication, a porous morphology was observed using SEM. Average pore sizes were found to be comparable to scaffolds previously shown to promote cellular response. A TNBS assay determined percent crosslinking in the scaffolds, however there was no significant difference in percent crosslinking despite differing GA concentrations used. Possible explanations include an excess of GA was used.\nUsing DSC, a glass transition temperature (Tg) was found for control indicating the scaffolds are amorphous. Average dry and wet compressive strengths were also found. As expected, differing GA concentrations had no significant effect on Tg and average compressive strengths due to an excess used. Scaffolds were mechanically tested at 37°C with no significant difference found; therefore these scaffolds can be used in the body.\nIt was shown through cell studies that MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells significantly increased in number on the 10% and 15% scaffolds, therefore cell proliferation occurred. Because of a positive cellular response, 10% GA scaffolds were used for differentiation studies that showed an increase in osteocalcin at 21 days and alkaline phosphatase levels for scaffolds cultured for 14 days. Overall OA scaffolds have shown to be a promising 3D construct for bone tissue regeneration.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ascorbic acid provides a brand of ascorbic acid manufactured in the Philippines prized for its quality and reliability.\nVitamin C is essential to the biosynthesis of the metabolic facilitator L-carnitine, the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, and the main connective tissue in the body, collagen.\nAscorbic acid is invaluable to the body for its role as an electron donor, supporting numerous metabolic enzymes in addition to enhancing the body’s total antioxidant potential.\n- Vitamin C is important for bones and connective tissues, muscles, and blood vessels.\n- Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron, which is needed for red blood cell production.\n- Ascorbic acid is used to treat and prevent vitamin C deficiency.\nImprove your skin’s health from inside out !!! Vitamin C contains Bioflavonoids and may be taken to assist with antioxidant protection while strengthening and maintaining collagen and white blood cell function.\nBenefits of Vitamin C\n- Helps promote immune response\n- Support the brain, eyes, heart and circulation, immune system, and all organ systems.\nWhy take Vitamin C\n- Vitamin C is a key in the body’s ‘antioxidant network,’ a chain of synergistic, inextricability linked.\n- Vitamin C can change this status, by regenerating vitamin E back to its native form, and is thought to ‘spare’ glutathione in the body as well.\nHow it works\n- Promotes immune response, supports the cardiovascular system and is essential for joints and other connective tissues.\n- Clinical research confirms vitamin C’s fundamental support for the brain, eyes, heart and circulation, immune system, and all the body’s other organ systems.\nAscorbic Acid 100’s\nEach tablet contains:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US5955045 A|\n|Application number||US 08/874,662|\n|Publication date||Sep 21, 1999|\n|Filing date||Jun 13, 1997|\n|Priority date||Jun 14, 1996|\n|Also published as||CA2205739A1, DE19623791A1, EP0834344A2, EP0834344A3|\n|Publication number||08874662, 874662, US 5955045 A, US 5955045A, US-A-5955045, US5955045 A, US5955045A|\n|Inventors||Karl Baur, Hans-Peter Langebach, Hartmut Neumann, Ulrike Wenning|\n|Original Assignee||Linde Aktiengesellschaft|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (3), Referenced by (4), Classifications (12), Legal Events (4)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\n______________________________________Saturated hydrocarbon (C1-C3) 45-65 mol %Unsaturated hydrocarbon (C2-C3) 15-25 mol %Higher hydrocarbon 1-10 mol %H2 15-20 mol %N2 5-10 mol %CO 0-2 mol %O2 500-2000 mol ppmH2 S 20-100 mol ppmNH3 5-20 mol ppmAsH3 0.01-0.5 mol ppmNOx <5 mol ppm______________________________________ Traces of CO2, COS, SOx, HCN, Mercaptans, Chloride.\nThis invention relates to a process for selectively removing nitrogen oxides from a carrier gas that contains hydrocarbons.\nThe need to remove nitrogen oxides from such gases exists, for example, in the case of an ethylene unit designed to process olefins from an FCC (Fluidized Catalytic Cracking) unit. In the FCC unit, the carbon to carbon bonds of long-chain hydrocarbons are cleared, so as to produce the desired light olefins. When regeneration of the FCC catalyst is conducted with air, there are produced nitrogen oxides, such as NO and NO2. In addition, free oxygen is present. Especially at low temperatures of below 0° C., such as occur in, for example, the low-temperature portion of an ethylene unit, NO reacts with the oxygen that is always present at least in traces so as to form N2 O3 having a boiling point of-102° C. and into N2 O4 having a boiling point at -11° C. These nitrogen oxides can react with olefinic hydrogens having conjugated double bonds, for example with butadiene, with the formation of explosive resins which accumulate in the low-temperature separation of the olefin unit. These problems are described in detail in the publication: H. Bauer, Noncryogenic and Safe Demethanization of FCC Off Gases, Linde Reports on Science and Technology, 55, (1995), pages 15-18.\nIn addition, the formation of NO in an FCC unit cannot be avoided at an economically reasonable cost. Previously known are non-cryogenic processes for extracting olefinic hydrocarbons by absorption in scrubbing agents; such processes, however, require expensive analytical and operational procedures to avoid the build-up of explosive resins, whereby an additional necessary investment in apparatus increases the cost of the process. Conversely, heretofore a process for selectively separating nitrogen oxides from FCC residual gases was unknown.\nAn object of the invention is therefore to selectively remove nitrogen oxides from gas that contains hydrocarbon, for example, from FCC waste gas. Another object is to be able to provide cryogenic processes for olefin extraction after the nitrogen oxides are removed.\nUpon further study of the specification and appended claims, further objects and advantages of this invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art.\nThe objects are achieved according to the invention by a process in which the nitrogen oxides are removed by chemisorption on metal oxides.\nIn principal, the removal of nitrogen oxides from gases is known in the art. In the publication Hamid Arastoopour and Hossein Hariri, NOx Removal with High-Capacity Metal Oxides in the Presence of Oxygen, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 1981, 20, pages 223-228, a process is described for purifying flue gases. Gases with a high oxygen content of 3% and a high nitrogen monoxide concentration of 680 mol ppm in the presence of water vapor with manganese dioxide as a sorbent are studied, and under these conditions a relatively low level of sorption is achieved. The sorbent is regenerated thermally at 500° C. The chemisorption of nitrogen monoxide on manganese dioxide is attributed to the following chemical reaction equation:\nMnO2 +2NO+O2 ←→Mn(NO3)2\nwith equilibrium at high temperatures being shifted to the left-hand side of the equation, thereby making thermal regeneration possible.\nIn addition to the reaction that is mentioned in Arastoopour, the following chemical reaction of the manganese dioxide with nitrogen dioxide is also possible:\nMnO2 +2NO2 ←→Mn(NO3)2\nAccording to DE 3520024, laid open Dec. 4, 1986, MnO2 is a catalyst for reduction processes as well.\nOne skilled in the art previously did not consider testing a gas that contains hydrocarbons, especially olefins, together with hydrogen, in a reactor with MnO2 since the catalytic action of MnO2 would make it likely that the unsaturated hydrocarbons would be hydrogenated. Also, the heat of reaction of trace components, such as carbon monoxide for example, reacting with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, can result in uncontrollable and undesirable reactions. Laboratory tests with catalyst T 2525 from the Sudchemie dchemie Company, which consists of MnO2 on aluminum oxide, and with other MnO2 -containing catalysts with another carrier, e.g., silicon dioxide, lead to the surprising result that traces of NO are adsorbed at high yields without the expected undesirable secondary chemical reactions, i.e., without CO being oxidized to CO2, or hydrocarbon to H2 O and CO2.\nThe carrier gas preferably also contains traces of oxygen, especially between 1000 and 5000 mol ppm, since oxygen promotes the chemisorption of nitrogen oxides. Surprisingly, 0.3 mol % of oxygen does not lead to any secondary reactions. This is unexpected since MnO2 is known to one skilled in the art as a catalyst for hydrocarbon oxidation, even at temperatures below 100° C.\nThe removal of nitrogen oxides from an olefin-rich refinery waste gas represents an especially preferred use. This use is advantageous when, for example, nitrogen is removed from FCC off-gases from a refinery since these gases have a high proportion of valuable hydrocarbon products. Representative FCC off-gases have the following composition\n______________________________________Saturated hydrocarbon (C1-C3) 45-65 mol %Unsaturated hydrocarbon (C2-C3) 15-25 mol %Higher hydrocarbon 1-10 mol %H2 15-20 mol %N2 5-10 mol %CO 0-2 mol %O2 500-2000 mol ppmH2 S 20-100 mol ppmNH3 5-20 mol ppmAsH3 0.01-0.5 mol ppmNOx <5 mol ppm______________________________________ Traces of CO2, COS, SOx, HCN, Mercaptans, Chloride\nIn the process according to the invention, metal oxides, especially orders of metals of the 6th to 8th subgroups of the periodic system which can form a nitrate, e.g., Mn, Cr, Co and Ni, particularly commercial catalysts, can be advantageously used. Of these, MnO2 has proved to be the most efficient; thus, the catalysts preferably contain manganese dioxide or a support, for example, in granular form that is coated with manganese dioxide. In the reactor bed that is traversed by the process gas, chemisorption of the nitrogen oxides on MnO2 occurs, which in this case forms Mn(NO3)2. The reactor bed must therefore be regenerated before breakthrough of the nitrogen oxides. For this purpose, the reactor bed is advantageously flushed with an inert warm gas, preferably nitrogen, at a temperature of 100 to 300° C., preferably 130 to 170° C. Crushed catalyst particles, leading to a higher specific surface, permit longer on stream times before regeneration.\nFor the chemisorption step, an operating temperature of between 5 and 100° C. is advantageous, with a temperature of between 10 and 40° C. being especially advantageous. The preferred pressure is between 1 and 50 bar. The preferred space velocity is between 300 and 12,000 h-1, with the especially preferred velocity being between 500 and 8,000 h-1.\nThe particular apparatus for removing nitrogen oxides from gases depends on the boundary conditions of the application. To remove traces of nitrogen oxides on the order of below 0.1 mol ppm, or if nitrogen oxides occur in the carrier gas only sporadically or if correspondingly long breaks in operation so allow, a single reactor bed can advantageously be used.\nIf continuous operation is necessary, at least two interchangeable reactor beds are advantageously used. At least one reactor bed provides the function of chemisorption while the reactor bed or other reactor beds are being regenerated. Before breakthrough, the reactor beds are switched so that continuous removal of nitrogen oxides is made possible.\nIt is contemplated that the present invention is applicable to all hydrocarbon gases for the elimination of NOx even when the NOx is present in a concentration of less than 1 mol ppm, in view of the high selectivity of MnO2 for the chemisorption of NOx.\nWithout further elaboration, it is believed that one skilled in the art using the preceding description, can utilize the present invention to its fullest extent. The following preferred specific embodiments are, therefore, to be construed as merely illustrative, and not limitative of the remainder of the disclosure in any way whatsoever.\nIn the foregoing and in the following examples, all temperatures are set forth uncorrected in degrees Celsius and unless otherwise indicated, all parts and percentages are mol fractions.\nUtilizing a catalyst from the Sudchemie Company, Type 2525 MnO2 on Al2 O3, laboratory tests were conducted at room temperature and atmospheric pressure on the following gas:\n______________________________________Space velocity 4000 h-1NO content 20 mol ppbO2 content 520 mol ppmsaturated C1 -C3hydrocarbons about 70 mol %H2 25 mol %CO 2 mol %remainder N2______________________________________\nAn NO removal rate of 85% was achieved even after an operating time of more than 130 hours.\nSimilar tests with ethylene and propylene instead of saturated hydrocarbons result in the same NO removal rate as in Example 1. No secondary reactions owing to oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons or hydrogenation of olefins were noted.\nAll tests for adsorption of nitrogen oxides were carried out at atmospheric pressure and at a space velocity of about 4000 h-1. The use of higher pressures would probably improve the removal of nitrogen oxides.\nFor the details of downstream cryogenic separations of NO-depleted hydrocarbon streams, see the aforementioned references as well as Netzer, D., \"Economically recover olefins from FCC off-gases,\"Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1997, and the literature and bibliography cited therein, and in particular to the flowsheet of FIG. 2 and the description thereof on pages 16 and 17 of Bauer, Linde Reports on Science and Technology, 55, (1995), pages 15-18.\nThe preceding examples can be repeated with similar success by substituting the generically or specifically described reactants and/or operating conditions of this invention for those used in the preceding examples.\nThe entire disclosure of all applications, patents and publications, cited above, and of corresponding German No. 196 23 791.2, are hereby incorporated by reference.\nFrom the foregoing description, one skilled in the art can easily ascertain the essential characteristics of this invention, and without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, can make various changes and modifications of the invention to adapt it to various usages and conditions.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US3840642 *||Mar 23, 1972||Oct 8, 1974||Chemical Construction Corp||Process and catalyst for treating combustion exhaust gas|\n|US4692318 *||Mar 6, 1986||Sep 8, 1987||Amoco Corporation||Process for simultaneously removing nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and particulates|\n|EP0614692A1 *||May 2, 1991||Sep 14, 1994||Sakai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.,||Catalysts and methods for denitrization|\n|Citing Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US20150267131 *||Nov 7, 2013||Sep 24, 2015||Exxonmobil Chemical Patents Inc.||NOx Removal Method|\n|CN104797693A *||Nov 7, 2013||Jul 22, 2015||埃克森美孚化学专利公司||NOx removal method|\n|WO2005011847A1 *||Jul 28, 2004||Feb 10, 2005||Enviroscrub Technologies Corporation||Metal oxide processing methods and systems|\n|WO2014078153A1||Nov 7, 2013||May 22, 2014||Exxonmobil Chemical Patents Inc.||Nox removal method|\n|U.S. Classification||423/239.1, 585/824, 208/254.00R|\n|International Classification||C10G70/04, C07C7/148, B01D53/56|\n|Cooperative Classification||C10G70/046, C07C7/1485, B01D53/565|\n|European Classification||B01D53/56D, C07C7/148D4, C10G70/04P|\n|Jan 5, 1998||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: LINDE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, GERMANY\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:BAUR, KARL;LANGEBACH, HANS-PETER;NEUMANN, HARTMUT;AND OTHERS;REEL/FRAME:008912/0585\nEffective date: 19971210\n|Apr 9, 2003||REMI||Maintenance fee reminder mailed|\n|Sep 22, 2003||LAPS||Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees|\n|Nov 18, 2003||FP||Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee|\nEffective date: 20030921", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Glycomimetics are carbohydrate analogs with altered physical, physiological and/or biological properties based on structural changes compared to the respective parent compounds. Iminosugars are glycomimetics with the ring oxygen being replaced by a basic trivalent nitrogen, which are very well known for their manifold applications as tools and therapeutics based on their interactions with glycoside processing enzymes. Representatives of this compound class find application in the elucidation of enzyme mechanisms and disease pathways. For therapeutic purposes they are employed, for example, for the treatment of diabetes Type 2 (Miglitol®) and Gaucher disease Type 1 (Miglustat®). Other representatives have immunoregulating properties and anti-bacterial properties. Furthermore, some are considered to have potential for therapeutic disease management of Alzheimer’s as well as Parkinson disease. Recently, glycomimetics have been introduced as probes for activity based protein profiling (ABPP) of glycoprocessing enzymes. Employing these small molecules, ABPP allows for evaluation of protein function on a global cellular level by rapid, sensitive, and selective detection and verification of protein activity rather than abundance.\nOur approach towards the design and syntheses of iminosugar based glycomimetics as potential therapeutics as well as probes for activity based protein profiling of glycoprocessing enzymes will be presented.\n- Compain P. Molecules 2018; 23 (7),1658. Sattin, S.; Bernardi, A. Carbohydr. Chem., 2016, 41, 1-25.\n- Hekmat, O.; He, S., Warren, R. A.; Withers, S. G. J. Proteome Res. 2008, 7, 3282-3292. Jiang, J.; Beenakker, T. J. M.; Kallemeijn, W. W.; van der Marel, G. A.; van den Elst; H., Codeé, J. D. C.; Aerts, J. M. F. G.; Overkleeft, H. S. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 10861-10869. Gandy, M. N.; Debowski, A. W.; Stubbs, K. A. Chem Commun. 2011, 47, 5037-5039.\n- Willems, L. I.; Overkleeft, H. S.; Kasteren, S. I. Bioconj. Chem. 2014, 25, 1181-1191.\n- Monitoring Glycans and their Interaction. Methods in Enzymology: Chemical Glycobiology Part B, Volume 598; Elsevier: 2018. Synthesis, Manipulations and Applications of Glycans. Methods in Enzymology: Chemical Glycobiology Part A., Volume 597; Elsevier: 2017.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "7 1 I H I G H L I G H T S 2 0 2 2\nThe nano-imaging beamline ID16A returned to full onsite user operation over 2022. New staff have been integrated, strengthening the activities in neurosciences, additive manufacturing and machine learning. The cryo- correlative workflow for cellular biology, including light fluorescence microscopy, X-ray fluorescence microscopy and X-ray phase-contrast imaging, is increasingly used. This very powerful but complex approach can now benefit from the support of the ID17 Biomedical Facility in terms of cell culture and cryo-fixation. Near-field ptychography, one of the more advanced X-ray imaging techniques of the beamlines, has become accessible for standard use thanks to a dramatic reduction of the acquisition overheads and the streamlining of the data processing using Pynx, Octave and Nabu software. Finally, the metrology of the nanopositioning end-station has been improved with the integration of five fibre-based interferometers. This leads to a better understanding of the vibration behaviour of the end-station and a gradual return to optimal performance in terms of nanofocusing.\nThe nano-analysis beamline ID16B offers a multi-modal approach for ex-situ and in-situ measurements. To fully exploit the properties of the EBS, we are constantly improving the detection scheme to simultaneously combine fast acquisition of 2D X-ray fluorescence, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray excited optical luminescence and X-ray beam-induced current measurements. In the near future, materials science studies could also take advantage of fast X-ray diffraction detection thanks to the implementation of a new fast camera, while studies of biological samples will be aided by new cryogenic capabilities. Direct visualisation of the excited-state recombination dynamics is now possible thanks to the implementation of a streak camera, which allows the measurement of light emission kinetics. The X-ray nanotomography setup continues to be heavily used for in-situ experiments and ex-situ, multi-scale studies.\nThe refurbishment at ID21 is progressing well. In 2022, the procurement of the numerous mechanical, electronic, optical and detection elements of the future X-ray nanoscope was completed. The assembly of the nanoscope sub-parts is well advanced. The transfer to the beamline is planned for early 2023, and its commissioning will be scheduled over the first half of 2023. Complementing and outperforming the present X-ray microscope that will be retained for macro and micro-analyses, this new state-of- the-art instrument will offer higher lateral resolution and higher flux, from 2 to 11 keV (thanks to two KB focusing systems), better X-ray fluorescence detection capacities (with two five-element detectors), higher speed and an improved cryo-stage.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The one nutrient issue that I've run into in my ten some years growing hydroponically is the concentration issue. You can't have a liquid concentrate of hydroponic nutrient solution that delivers all the nutrients you need (at least none of the systems I've tried works as a single concentrate). The reason is that in concentrations some of the non-organic ionic compounds will change their loyalty and chemically reaction with other ions to precipitate out some of the important nutrients. This is undoubtedly a complex concentration related and perhaps pH related process as well, but take my word for it.\nThe result is that if you get nutrients in concentrated form but multiple solutions, there's a reason. Don't mix them in concentrated form. Instead add them separately to your diluted nutrient solution so you don't precipitate out any of the ionic compounds.\nThis also applies to single nutrient concentrates delivered in powered form. If you try to make life simpler by mixing them up in a concentrate they will precipitate out some of the nutrients and you'll end up with nutrient deficiencies. I know. It happened to me and I didn't realize what had happened until I read the fine print. Of course the fact that my plants were all deformed was a clue.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Non-metal self-lubricating composite materials used as supports in marine environment applications\nFabrics produced for marine environment applications are fabrics that can withstand exposure to water, salt, sun, wind and other harsh conditions.\nSome of the main characteristics of fabrics for marine environment applications are:\n- Waterproof: They prevent water from penetrating the fabric and protect the underlying materials from moisture damage.\n- UV-resistant: They block harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun and prevent fading, cracking and deterioration of the fabric and its colors.\n- Mold-resistant: They inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on the fabric and prevent odors and stains\n- Durable: They resist abrasion, tearing and puncturing and can endure frequent use and washing.\n- Breathable: They allow air to circulate through the fabric and prevent condensation and overheating\n- Saltwater resistance: fabrics used for boat covers, sails, and other nautical products must be resistant to saltwater and marine weather conditions.\n- Flexibility: fabrics must be flexible to adapt to the shape of the boat or nautical vehicle.\n- Temperature resistance: fabrics must be able to withstand high or low temperatures depending on the application.\n- Low shrinkage: fabrics for marine environment applications used must have low shrinkage to ensure dimensional stability after installation and use.\n- Tensile strength: fabrics for the nautical sector must be highly resistant to traction to withstand strong tensions and stresses caused by wind, waves, and navigation.\n- Ease of maintenance: fabrics must be easy to clean and resistant to stains and chemicals.\n- Lightweight: fabrics for the nautical sector must have a low weight to ensure low impact on navigation.\n- High dimensional stability: fabrics must maintain their original shape even after being subjected to stresses, tensions, and humidity.\nSome examples of fabrics that are suitable for marine environment applications are sailcloth, canvas, vinyl, polyester, acrylic and olefin12. These fabrics are often used for boat covers, awnings, cushions, sails, upholstery and outdoor furniture\nNon-metal self-lubricating composite materials are materials that have solid lubricants embedded in a non-metallic matrix, such as polymer, ceramic or carbon. These materials can reduce friction and wear in tribological applications under extreme conditions, such as high temperature, high pressure, high speed, vacuum, radiation and corrosive environment. Some examples of these materials are polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) composites, carbon-carbon composites and alumina-matrix composites.\nThe fabrication methods of non-metal self-lubricating composite materials vary depending on the type of matrix and solid lubricant. Some common methods are:\nPowder metallurgy: This method involves mixing the matrix and solid lubricant powders, compacting them into a desired shape and sintering them at high temperature to form a dense material. This method is suitable for ceramic and carbon matrices and solid lubricants such as graphite, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), tungsten disulfide (WS2) and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN).\nMelt processing: This method involves melting the matrix material and adding the solid lubricant particles into the melt, followed by casting, molding or extruding the mixture into a desired shape. This method is suitable for polymer matrices and solid lubricants such as PTFE, graphite, MoS2 and WS2.\nChemical vapor deposition (CVD): This method involves depositing a thin layer of solid lubricant on the surface of the matrix material by using a gas phase reaction. This method is suitable for carbon matrices and solid lubricants such as graphite and diamond-like carbon (DLC).\nSurface engineering: This method involves modifying the surface of the matrix material by applying coatings or treatments that enhance its self-lubricating properties. Some examples of surface engineering techniques are plasma spraying, laser cladding, ion implantation and sol-gel coating.\nfabrics for marine environment applications", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A technique has been developed in Australia to combat offending odours produced by many industries, including wastewater treatment plants.\nEnvironmental Biotechnology CRC (EBCRC) researchers at Macquarie University in Sydney and Murdoch University in Perth developed the technique, which uses a novel way to harness bacteria to biodegrade odour-causing substances.\nDr David Garman, executive director of the EBCRC, said: 'While bacteria can deal with a wide range of odours, their unreliability, poor viability and poor performance in normal biofilter systems mean that often operators prefer to use simpler chemical systems. Some of these systems are effective at masking the odours but do not remove or break them down.'\nThe new technique immobilises odours, which are volatilised chemical compounds at a very low concentration, onto adsorbing particles such as modified zeolites, where they are broken down using either enzymes or bacteria.\nGarman added: 'Our novel odour control process has the capacity to replace currently used biofilters, which although effective in removing many odours, deteriorate over time and eventually fail, and thus require overdesign and regular media replacement. Similarly, currently available chemical systems also require regular renewal or refills.'\nThe technology is being developed for municipal-scale composting facilities and sewage treatment plants.\nThe project has recently been boosted with additional funding from Water Corporation in Western Australia. Other EBCRC Odour Control Project participants include Southern Metropolitan Regional Council (SMRC), Zeolite Australia and Odour Control Systems.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD WE ARE HIRING\nHEALTHCARE FOR ALL\nDepartment: QA (Validation)\nExperience: 6 to 8 years\nQualification: MSC / B Pharmacy/\nCandidate having experience:\n• To Lead validation team\n• Review equipment, utility, process and other qualification protocol and report.\n• To review cleaning validation and Continued\n• Evaluate of new products in cleaning validation and media fill.\n• Review risk assessment during qualification.\nSEND YOUR CV TO\nTo apply for this job email your details to firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Delivery vehicles that are able to actively seek and precisely locate targeted tissues using concentration gradients of signaling molecules have hardly been explored. The directed movement toward specific cell types of cargo-loaded polymeric nanomotors along a hydrogen peroxide concentration gradient (chemotaxis) is reported. Through self-assembly, bowl-shaped poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polystyrene nanomotors, or stomatocytes, were formed with platinum nanoparticles entrapped in the cavity while a model drug was encapsulated in the inner compartment. Directional movement of the stomatocytes in the presence of a fuel gradient (chemotaxis) was first demonstrated in both static and dynamic systems using glass channels and a microfluidic flow. The highly efficient response of these motors was subsequently shown by their directional and autonomous movement towards hydrogen peroxide secreting neutrophil cells. Chemotactic nanoparticles: Platinum-loaded polystyrene nanoparticles were shown to exhibit directional movement along hydrogen peroxide gradients in both static and flowing systems. Furthermore, the nanoparticles could encapsulate the model cancer drug doxorubicin and migrate towards hydrogen peroxide producing neutrophil cells, suggesting such nanoparticles could be used as drug delivery vehicles.\n- active drug delivery", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What makes hexahydrocannabinol different than THC?\nHHC has shown to have an extremely high binding affinity for CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid receptors in your body, and it is a potent cannabinoid. HHC has three chiral centers, meaning it has three different forms of it. These forms are called enantiomers, and they are essentially mirror images of each other. The three enantiomers of HHC have different effects on the body- one may increase hunger while another will reduce appetite!\nIs hexahydrocannabinol Legal?\nYes, it is! Since HHC is not only a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in hemp, it’s not a THC type like Delta-8. That means HHC vapes, gummies, or edibles are perfectly legal on the federal level and will most likely remain legal on the state level as well.\n- Light Corn Syrup\n- Hemp Extract\nShop for the Best HHC Gummies Near You at CBD Farmhouse\nCBD Farmhouse focuses on bringing our customers the best quality cannabinoid products on the market today. We offer the latest options in cannabinoid formulations, including the top selection of HHC gummies near the Dallas area.\nIf you are looking for HHC gummies near me, you may have noticed there are a lot of different brands and options to choose from. Choosing to buy from CBD Farmhouse means you made the choice to buy from a trusted local company that is committed to improving the wellness of each customer by offering natural, organic hemp-derived products.\nOur HHC Gummies\nHHC is a cannabinoid that is produced by the process of hydrogenation. This process involves adding a hydrogen atom to the extract from a hemp plant. It is metabolized in the body similarly to THC, and our HHC gummies provide a euphoric experience combined with the wellness benefits of hemp. HHC concentrates its effects as a head high and will create an experience similar to our Full Spectrum gummies, but slightly stronger.\nThe gummies themselves are made with simple ingredients such as water, pectin, and sugar, giving that exceptional sweet and tangy flavor. This is what makes gummies one of the most popular choices in edibles.\nWhen shopping for HHC gummies near you at any online or retail outlet, be sure to review the Certificate of Analysis, also known as COA. CBD Farmhouse’s COAs are provided by a third-party independent lab to allow for complete transparency and guarantee the quality of the HHC gummies we call our own.\nGreat flavors, exceptional wellness benefits, and the uplifting and relaxing feeling you want are all available when you choose CBD Farmhouse’s HHC gummies near you. For assistance with your order, give us a call at 877-613-3276; we are here to help.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Stability Testing Cincinnati, OH Stability Testing Cincinnati, OH. Medical and pharmaceutical advancement cannot exist without stability testing, and stability testing cannot be accomplished without precise, high-quality stability chambers for pharmaceutical use. Darwin Chambers has been the frontrunner in chambers for stability testing, FDA/ICH pharmaceutical storage, and many other uses in the medical and pharmaceutical industries in Cincinnati, OH. Trust none other than Darwin Chambers to provide you with top-of-the-line environmental chambers and stability testing equipment you can rely upon. Contact Darwin Chambers today to speak to a qualified specialist about your stability testing needs and the best products for you. Request a quote for the right Cincinnati, OH stability chamber model for your application, select your completely customized walk-in stability testing chamber for you Cincinnati, OH location, or speak to one of our knowledgeable associates about the right stability testing products for you. Cincinnati, OH Stability Testing Pharmaceutical stability testing is a type of testing used to establish how long a drug or product remains effective and safe for use at specific storage conditions. Stability testing is achieved by storing the material at defined conditions and testing its properties periodically. In order to achieve this vital task, pharmaceutical development and manufacturing professionals must have access to dependable and accurate Cincinnati, OH stability chambers. Darwin Chambers is your source for pharmaceutical stability chambers. What To Look For from a Stability Testing Chamber? When you work with pharmaceuticals, other medical devices, or any FDA-regulated products in Cincinnati, OH, stability testing is essential. To perform stability testing in Cincinnati, OH that adheres to strict industry standards and regulations, your operation must have two things: qualified personnel and precise stability chambers and stability rooms. Your team may have access to the best minds in your field, but that is irrelevant without access to highly accurate and powerful stability chambers that are designed especially for FDA and ICH stability testing. Purchasing stability chambers and other equipment in order to handle stability testing at your Cincinnati, OH facility is no small investment. Your stability testing work and entire operation in Cincinnati, OH rely on your stability chambers; you must choose the best product available for your stringent needs. Whether you need a small bench-top model for small batch stability testing or need a completely customized walk-in stability chamber for high-volume stability testing in Cincinnati, OH, Darwin Chambers has the right product for you. When searching for the right stability chambers for your Cincinnati, OH stability testing work, it is important to consider your options on the following criteria: Control - A chamber is useless to you for stability testing if its control of conditions does not adhere to ICH requirements. Typically that means control of ± 2°C and ± 5% RH. Our designs offer superior control that exceeds industry requirements. Our products come with a standard control range of ±0.2°C and ±0.3% RH. Our line of stability chambers, refrigerators, and freezers are quipped with precise and simple controls or with optional virtual touchscreen controls available. Conditioning - Your chamber must ensure even distribution of temperature and humidity throughout its inside and should have the capability to recover from open doors or loss of power. The stability chambers we engineer are regulated with ultrasonic humidity and thermoelectric cooling technologies, of hot spots. In addition, our stability chambers are cooled using a redundant design of multiple, independent cooling units to keep the inside as consistent as possible for your Cincinnati, OH stability testing work. Construction - Look for quality construction to ensure that your stability chamber has the ability to operate reliably for years to come. Our stability testing chambers are assembled with stainless steel exteriors, positive seal self-closing doors, and foamed-in-place high-density insulation. Nearly all components on our chambers are simple and easy to access and service. View the PH Series View the ST Series View the SH Series View Stability Rooms Cincinnati, OH Stability Testing Our Chambers Accommodate Stability testing in Cincinnati, OH can and should be done on many different substances and should test a variety of characteristics based on a range of specific environmental conditions. Darwin Chambers engineers, manufactures, and installs stability chambers and other environmental chambers that are perfect for your Cincinnati, OH stability testing needs. Select the right product for you from our multiple lines of stability chambers with standard and custom features. Darwin Chambers stability chambers will allow you to conduct stability testing in Cincinnati, OH to measure: Physical Characteristics Appearance Melting point Moisture content Clarity and color of the solution pH Dissolution Disintegration Viscosity Crystal modification Particle size Chemical Characteristics Assay Degradation Related substances Residual solvents Radioactive decay Packaging and interaction Microbial Sterility Antimicrobial preservatives' effectiveness Antioxidants Growth in microorganisms Environmental control Therapeutic Characteristics Toxicological Characteristics Biocompatibility We offer environmental chambers to meet your every need. Learn more about some of our popular services and products below. Reach-In Chamber ManufacturerLow Temperature Biochemical IncubatorICH Stability StorageCBD Stability ChamberMicrobiology Incubators ICH Guidance Stability Testing We have made sure that our stability chambers are designed and constructed to provide acute manipulation of conditions, allowing you to conduct Cincinnati, OH stability testing that is accepted by ICH stability testing guidance. With our stability chambers, you can perform: Real time/long term stability testing - testing is usually done every three months during the first year, every six months during the second year, and once a year after that for the duration of the study Intermediate stability testing - for a 12 month study, it is recommended that testing is conducted a total of four times including the initial and final tests Accelerated stability testing - for a six month study, it is recommended that tests are done a total of three times at regular intervals, including the initial and final tests Cincinnati, OH Stability Testing Chambers: Darwin Chambers When you need to do important Cincinnati, OH stability testing, count on Darwin Chambers. Get the reach-in or walk-in chambers you need to do your stability testing work. WIth superior accuracy, control, customization, and efficient systems, our stability chambers make stability testing possible in Cincinnati, OH. Learn more about our products or speak to an experienced associate about your Cincinnati, OH stability testing chamber needs now at 877-783-6774 or reach us online.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Bassita, a click-funding initiative famous for its social media awareness campaigns, introduced the ‘VeryNile’ initiative on Saturday, in a bid to solve Egypt’s Nile pollution by creating a sustainable ecosystem that recycles the plastic and waste collected from the river.\nVeryNile’s first event on December 15th saw 200 volunteers from more than 20 organisations including governmental entities, NGOs, private sector, UN Organisations and embassies gathered to raise awareness through cleaning the Nile and its shores from solid waste. The initiative’s aim is to set up cleanup means that are efficient and environmentally sound in their removal of plastic pollution from aquatic ecosystems, in collaboration with local manpower.\nThis event was launched in collaboration with Nile Taxi.\n”How are we going to get rid of all of that plastic? VeryNile’s mission is to create highly efficient removing tools such as floating dams or cleaning robots. But all that would be useless if we don’t stop throwing plastic everywhere,” expressed Salem Massalha, Bassita’s co-founder.\nWhat causes the pollution?\nAlthough the Nile river is one of Egypt’s most important natural assets, its level of chemical and solid waste pollution is palpable and has been linked to agricultural irrigation projects, population growth, diseases and factory activities.\nUp until the Delta, the Nile’s pollution level is considered acceptable. It is only at the Delta’s beginning that the water quality sees a major drop.\nRecent studies estimate that more than 300 million cubic meters of industrial liquid sewage are spilled into the Nile, its canals and drains due to the discharge of 34 large industrial facilities between Cairo and Aswan. This is further exacerbated by the non-compliance of some of these facilities with the discharge laws set in 1982.\nMain pollutants are industrial factories (sugar, food, beverages, plastic and rubber manufacturers), population growth (sewage), seawater intrusion (salinity), and agriculture (pesticides and fertilizers).\nOn one hand, governmental authorities blame inhabitants for their lack of compliance with proper waste disposal guidelines. On the other hand, inhabitants, reeling from the repercussions of this pollution, blame the government for not doing enough to limit this pollution and holding factories accountable for their output.\nOne thing is clear, however, the Nile’s pollution is undeniably affecting its ecosystem, namely the plants, the fish and, ultimately, Egyptians themselves.\nAffected flora, algae and fish\nIt is estimated that 18,000 species of flora and fauna are registered in the country.\nFertilizers, chemical waste and pesticides in agriculture lead to higher concentrations of nutrient salts and metals such as nitrate, iron and manganese that can and do contaminate specie diversity and fish. As such, this affects Nile periphyton, Nile phytoplankton and algae (blue and green), and the najas armata underwater plant in Egypt.\nThe systematic discharge of these contaminants have also impacted the Nile’s health, slowly diminishing its self-purification capability.\nFish living in polluted waters tend to accumulate heavy metals in their tissues. Most of these metals accumulate mainly in the liver, kidney and gills. Lesions and modifications have been noted in Tilapia nilotica fish, for instance, as well as the catfish.\nAs such, metal pollution may damage aquatic organisms at the cellular levels and ultimately, this affects the ecological balance. Pollutants not only kill fish, including juveniles, but they reduce fish diversity and food for larger fish is decreased.\nHuman exposure and ingestion of polluted aquatic marine products such as seafood can cause health problems in humans and animals including neurological and reproductive problems, as cited by experts and Nile biologists in reports across the last decade.\nMoreover, aviary creatures regularly ingesting the water such as eagles, white-headed ducks, and the lesser flamingos, are affected in the long-run as well. For instance, throughout the last few years, Lake Manzala, located in the northeastern edge of the Nile Delta, has suffered from decreasing fish and bird species.\nThis is equally problematic for those ingesting the Nile water, as concentrations of heavy metals exceed the drinking water guidelines, further complicating human health concerns.\nOne example of this occurred at the city of Sohag, where the high nutrient contamination of the water resulted in an increase in cyanobacteria; these latter produce microcystin, a toxin that can cause severe liver toxicity.\nActive steps for a better future\nAs such, the VeryNile initiative is a new, and pioneering solution as it bridges the gap between civilian output and governmental efforts to combat the problem of pollution.\nAided by Greenish and governmental entities, it seeks not only raise awareness about these various issues, but it also hopes to takes practical steps towards achieving a cleaner Nile.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US6984427 B2|\n|Application number||US 10/044,367|\n|Publication date||Jan 10, 2006|\n|Filing date||Jan 10, 2002|\n|Priority date||Jan 10, 2002|\n|Also published as||EP1465960A1, US20030129343, WO2003060031A1|\n|Publication number||044367, 10044367, US 6984427 B2, US 6984427B2, US-B2-6984427, US6984427 B2, US6984427B2|\n|Inventors||Robert K. Galkiewicz, Brian E. Spiewak, Dennis R. Nichols, Janet R. Kirkman|\n|Original Assignee||3M Innovative Properties Company|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (21), Referenced by (13), Classifications (35), Legal Events (5)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThe present invention provides a microstructured release liner having a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions. In particular, the present invention provides an article including a microstructured release liner having a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions associated with an adhesive layer such that the protrusions substantially penetrate the adhesive layer.\nRelease materials, such as release webs and sheets have previously been used in a wide variety of articles of manufacture typically for temporarily covering a tacky adhesive such as a pressure sensitive adhesive. Additionally, the release materials of the prior art have been used in a wide variety of manufacturing processes requiring the use of a release material to transfer an adhesive layer from one substrate to another.\nHowever, such prior art release materials usually have a number of disadvantages. It is known to those skilled in the release material art, that release materials are provided with a coating, such as a silicone coating, to improve the release properties. However, when a release material is provided with a silicone coating and stored in roll form, a common practice, the reverse side of the release material can pick up silicone coating by offsetting. The offset silicone coating can be objectionably transferred during use of the release material. Such objectionable silicone offsetting is also known to sheet release material wherein the sheet release material, before being applied to other structures, is stacked vertically before the silicone is completely cured causing transfer or offsetting of silicone from the top surface of a lower sheet to the bottom surface of the next above sheet. The use of release coatings also requires additional process steps in order to apply the coating that adds to production costs. Furthermore, release materials of the prior art that include a release coating suffer from an increase in release force with time due to degradation of the coating integrity with use or over time.\nIt is also known in the prior art to decrease the release force of a release material through a reduction in contact area between the adhesive and release material. Typically, this is accomplished by creating a patterned texture on the surface of the release material that contacts the adhesive layer. The decrease in release force of these types of release materials is derived from the fact that the adhesive does not contact the entire surface area of the release material but rather only makes point or line contact with the top surface of the patterned texture. Thus, such release materials decrease release force by effectively decreasing contact area between the adhesive and the release material from area contact to point or line contact.\nThese types of textured release material, however, have disadvantages. The reduction of area contact to point or line contact does not provide a release material suitable for use at elevated temperatures or under compressive loads. Typically, the texture applied to the release liner is of a geometry so as to only make point contact with the adhesive. The textures are not designed to penetrate the adhesive layer as such penetration would effectively increase contact area between the adhesive and the release material beyond that of point or line contact contrary to the theory behind textured release materials. However, as compressive force is applied to textured release liners the adhesive is forced into the release liner so as to cause the adhesive to completely wet out the release liner. Thus, compressive force applied to textured release liners leads to total area contact between the release material and adhesive layer and an increase in release force.\nAdditionally, at elevated temperatures, adhesives can flow and migrate toward the release liner land eventually completely wetting out the release liner. The textures typically used with the release liners of the prior art are of a geometry that does not inhibit the adhesive from contacting the land of the release materials at elevated temperatures.\nThere are a number of processing needs requiring the use of a release material to transfer an adhesive layer from one substrate to another. New adhesives are being developed that adhere well to a wide variety of surfaces, including low energy surfaces such as for example, polypropylene and polyethylene. The aggressive adhesion of these adhesives makes them unsuitable for use with conventional release materials. Among these new adhesives are silicone adhesives for example that are not compatible with the release materials of the prior art, and are placing strong demands on release material properties. Accordingly, there exists a need in the art for improved release materials for use at elevated temperatures, under compressive loads and with modem adhesives.\nGenerally, the present invention provides an improved release material which may be embodied as a sheet or web and is suitable for use at elevated temperatures, under compressive loads and with aggressive modern adhesives. One embodiment is an article that includes an adhesive layer, and a release liner layer where the release liner layer includes a first surface associated with said adhesive layer and a second surface, where the first surface is embossed to provide a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions that penetrate said adhesive layer.\nAnother embodiment of the present invention is an article including a first adhesive layer, a release layer, and a second adhesive layer, where the release layer comprises a first surface associated with the first adhesive layer and a second surface associated with the second adhesive layer, where the first surface is embossed to provide a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions that penetrate the first adhesive layer, and where the second surface is embossed to provide a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions that penetrate the second adhesive layer.\nIn a further embodiment the present invention is directed toward a method for the release of an adhesive from a substrate including the steps of applying the adhesive to a substrate, and removing the adhesive from the substrate where the substrate includes a first surface associated with said adhesive and a second surface, where the first surface is embossed to provide a plurality of outwardly extending protrusions that penetrate the adhesive layer.\nThe above summary of the present invention is not intended to describe each disclosed embodiment or every implementation of the present invention. The Figures and the detailed description which follow more particularly exemplify these embodiments.\nThe invention may be more completely understood in consideration of the following detailed description of various embodiments of the invention in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which:\nWhile the invention is amenable to various modifications and alternative forms, specifics thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and will be described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the intention is not to limit the invention to the particular embodiments described. On the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention.\nAll numbers are herein assumed to be modified by the term “about.”\nThe recitation of numerical ranges by endpoints includes all numbers subsumed within that range (e.g., 1 to 5 includes 1, 1.5, 2, 2.75, 3, 3.80, 4, and 5).\nAs used herein “point contact” means that the adhesive rests primarily on the tip or terminus of a release liner feature, such as a post or other three-dimensional protrusion for example, without substantially conforming to the shape of the feature and therefore without touching the sides of the feature.\nAs used herein “line contact” means that the adhesive rests primarily on the tip or terminus of a liner ridge or other substantially two-dimensional protrusion or feature without substantially conforming to the cross-sectional shape of the ridge and therefore without touching the sides of the feature.\nPressure sensitive adhesive layers are one example of a preferred adhesive layer 3 in accordance with the present invention. Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) are well known to one of ordinary skill in the art to possess properties including the following: (1) aggressive and permanent tack, (2) adherence with no more than finger pressure, (3) sufficient ability to hold onto an adherend, and (4) sufficient cohesive strength to be removed cleanly from the adherend. Useful PSAs include natural rubbers, synthetic rubbers, block copolymers, (meth)acrylates, silicones, and olefins.\nRelease material refers to a component, that exhibits low adhesion to an adhesive, such as a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA), so that separation can occur substantially between the adhesive and release material interface. Release coatings can be used as a “liner” for adhesive articles, such as labels or medical dressing bandages, where the adhesive article is generally supplied as a sheet-like construction, as opposed to a roll-like construction. In tape applications, a release material is often referred to as a “low adhesion backsize”, or LAB. In this form, the adhesive surface contacts the back surface of the article. The LAB prevents the adhesive from permanently adhering to the back surface of the article and allows that article to be unwound.\nThe release liner layer 4 can be produced from virtually any orientable thermoplastic resin that is suitable for extrusion molding. Typically, the release liner layer is selected from a group of materials including polymeric films of various stiffness such as, for example, polyesters such as poly(ethylene terephthalate), polyolefins such as polypropylene and polyethylene, polystyrenes such as poly(styrene-acrylonitrile) and poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene), plasticized polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonates or polymethacrylates. Useful polymeric materials for the production of the release liner layer described herein include copolymers of the monomers above such as a copolymer of polypropylene and polyethylene containing 17.5% polyethylene and having a melt flow index of 30, that is available as SRD7-463 from Shell Oil Company, Houston, Tex. A particularly useful polymeric material for the production of the release liner layer described herein includes a polypropylene homopolymer that is available as Escorene® from Exxon Coproration, Houston, Tex.\nThe first surface 6 of the release liner layer is suitably embossed as indicated by the protrusions 8 shown. As may be better understood by reference to\nThe cross sectional shape of the protrusions 8 includes any shape that affords the desired release characteristics. Typically, the cross-sectional shape of the protrusions is determined by the manufacturing method employed to make them. Examples of useful cross-sectional shapes include circular, elliptical, polygonal and combinations thereof. Useful polygonal cross-sectional shapes include square, triangular, rectangular, and trapezoidal, for example. Protrusions with a circular cross-sectional shape are particularly useful.\nThe first surface of the release liner layer can be embossed with any array of protrusions that affords the desired release characteristics. Typically, the array of protrusions is determined by the manufacturing method employed to make them. Useful arrays include random, polygonal, circular, and elliptical, for example. Useful polygonal arrays include square, hexagonal, rectangular, and triangular, for example. Each array results in different packing and performance characteristics. For example, circular arrays will not close-pack while rectangular arrays can provide X-direction peel differing from Y-direction peel or intended misregistration against a similar pattern rotated 90° for example. Examples of useful arrays of protrusions embodied by the present invention may be better understood by reference to\nThe density of the protrusions 8 on the release liner layer includes any density that affords the desired release characteristics. Generally protrusion density is such that the adhesive layer 3 is not able to sag in between protrusions and touch the land 20 of the release material. The density of the protrusions 8 on the release liner layer may be 50 to 4000 protrusions per square inch (7.75 to 620 square centimeters). Useful protrusion densities include 500 to 1200 protrusions per square inch (77.5 to 186 per square cm) and 700 to 1000 protrusions per square inch (108.5 to 155 per square cm), for example. Additionally, protrusion densities of the present invention include 900 protrusions per square inch (139.5 per square cm).\nThe physical dimensions of the protrusions 8 include any that provide the desired release characteristics. Additionally, the physical dimensions of the protrusions are such that when compressive stress is applied, the protrusions do not bend or buckle and maintain their structural integrity so as to prevent the adhesive layer 3 from contacting the land 20.\nThe height of the protrusion above the land 20 is a variable that scales with adhesive thickness. The height of the protrusions 8 is that which is at least greater than the thickness of the associated adhesive layer so that under compressive load the protrusion termini 21 can penetrate the adhesive layer and contact the backing layer without the near adhesive surface contacting the land 20 of the release liner layer. For example, the height of protrusions 8 includes is that which is at least 4 mils (0.01016 cm) greater than the thickness of the associated adhesive layer. In one example, the height of protrusions 8 include those of 1 to 25 mils (0.00254 to 0.0635 cm). In another example, the height of protrusions 8 include those of 2 to 12 mils (0.00508 to 0.03048 cm). In a further example, the height of protrusions 8 include those of 3 to 8 mils (0.00762 to 0.02032 cm). In yet another example the height of protrusions 8 include those of 4 to 5 mils (0.01016 to 0.0127 cm).\nProtrusions of the present invention include those with a width or diameter of 1 to 15 mils (0.00254 to 0.0381 cm), for example. In another example, the width or diameter of protrusions 8 include those of 2 to 10 mils (0.00508 to 0.0254 cm). In yet another example, the width or diameter of protrusions 8 include those of 3 to 5 mils (0.00762 to 0.0127 cm). Typically, the diameter or width of the protrusions varies with respect to the height of the protrusion.\nThe aspect ratio of protrusions of the present invention is that ratio between the height and width or diameter of protrusions 8. Generally, as protrusion height increases so will protrusion width or diameter so as to prevent bending or buckling of the protrusions and prevent the adhesive layer 3 from contacting the land 20. For example, protrusions of the present invention include those with an aspect ratio of 4:1 or less. In another example protrusions of the present invention include those with an aspect ratio of 2:1 or less.\nThe second surface 5 of the release layer 4 can remain unmodified or can also be embossed as described above for the first surface. The array embossed on the second surface can be the same as or different that that of the first surface. Additionally, the physical characteristics of the protrusions embossed on the second surface such as height, diameter, and cross-sectional shape, for example, can independently be the same or different from those on the first surface.\nThe thickness of the release liner layer land can be any thickness that imparts the desired processing characteristics, flexural stiffness, tear resistance and tensile strength. Examples of useful release liner layer land thicknesses include 1 to 10 mils (0.00254 to 0.0254 cm). Additional examples of useful release liner layer land thicknesses include 2 to 5 mils (0.00508 to 0.0127 cm).\nThe land 20 of the present invention may itself include a patterned texture or be essentially smooth. Such a patterned texture on the land 20 can include a series of protrusions, ridges, valley or a combination thereof providing that the patterned texture of the land does not interfere with the associated adhesive layer 3 and detrimentally affect the release characteristics of the release liner. Pattern textures such as protrusions or ridges, for example, that are present on the land 20 should be of such a dimension so as not to exceed the height of the protrusions 8 or contact the adhesive layer 3. For example, a patterned texture present on the land can consist of protrusions, whose shape is as described above with respect to protrusions 8, but are smaller in dimension than protrusions 8 which contact the adhesive layer 3.\nThe optional backing layer 2 can be any material known to those of skill in the art upon which an adhesive can be applied. Typically, the backing is selected from a group of materials including polymeric films of various stiffness such as, for example, polyolefins, polyesters, polycarbonates, polymethacrylates, plasticized PVC, papers, metal foils, foams, and woven or non-woven fabrics. Optionally, the backing could be a conventional release liner to provide a transfer tape, for example. Useful polyolefins include polyethylene and polypropylene, for example. If desired, the backing may be treated with mechanical or chemical priming.\nThe optional backing 2 can be an additional release layer 4 as described above. For example, a release layer 4 having a second surface 5 that is not embossed can act as a backing layer 2 when the second surface is associated with the adhesive layer 3. This is typical when composite structures 1 are in roll form.\nThe backing layers, first and second sides of the release layer, the pressure sensitive adhesive layer, and protrusions of an article of\nThe articles of the present invention may exist in a variety of physical forms. For example, the articles may be in sheet form or may be rolled, in either direction, to form a roll. In one example where the article of the present invention is rolled, the second side 5 of the release layer 4 contacts the adhesive layer 3 or optional backing layer 2. In an additional example where the article of the present invention is rolled, the optional backing layer 12 contacts the adhesive layer 17 or the optional backing layer 18, or the optional backing layer 18 contacts the adhesive layer 13 or the optional backing layer 12. In those instances when articles of the present invention exist in a roll or sheet form, the total article thickness of the backing(s), if any, plus the adhesive layer(s), plus the release liner layer(s) should be minimized while still maintaining release behavior under anticipated conditions of processing, storage and use. Minimization of total article thickness aids in space conservation and allows for increased amounts of material to be stored in these manners.\nRelease materials as described above provide improved release properties over those previously disclosed. The release materials of the present invention provide release from a broad variety of adhesive chemistries. Such materials provide release from 1.95 to 3.85 N/dm (from 50 to 100 grams of force per linear inch), for example. The release materials disclosed herein function at elevated temperatures and under compressive loads. Release materials disclosed herein also function without the need for additional release coatings. The absence of such release coatings is advantageous since this avoids the possibility of transfer of the coating to the adhesive or degradation of the coating at elevated temperatures or pressures. Additionally, the absence of such release coatings avoids the increased costs and manufacturing steps required to apply the coatings.\nRelease materials as described herein allow for improved outgassing of residual monomer in the release liner and/or the adhesive layer. The release materials as described herein also allow for improved removal of residual solvent. Removal of residual monomer or solvent is improved due to the presence of a gap between the release liner land and the adhesive layer. This gap is a result of the protrusions penetrating the adhesive layer and preventing it from making contact with the land. The presence of this gap affords the possibility of further improving outgassing or removal of residual solvent through the use of low pressure, elevated temperature, circulation of air, or a combinations thereof. For example, adhesive articles including a release material as described herein can be stored in roll form. These rolls of material can be stored in a low pressure environment at elevated temperatures so as to facilitate outgassing.\nThe release properties of the release materials disclosed herein are derived from a microstructured surface rather than from a release coating such as diorganopolysiloxanes and dimethylpolysiloxanes. The performance of these release materials is derived from penetration of the adhesive by the protrusions and the resulting reduction in contact area between the release liner layer and the adhesive.\nReduction in the amount of surface area in contact between two surfaces lowers the adhesion force between those two surfaces. In the present case, the protrusions embossed on the surface of the release liner layer are typically posts or ridges as described above and act to decrease the contact area between the release liner layer and the adhesive. However, the contact area of the release liner layer must be reduced while still providing enough flexural support to prevent the adhesive surface from contacting the land 20 of the release liner. Enough flexural support must exist to prevent the adhesive from sagging or flowing and making contact with the liner land. Thus, the release liner layer as disclosed herein includes certain arrays of protrusions of such a size and shape so as to balance the competing needs of contact area reduction, adequate flexural support of the adhesive layer to prevent its contact with the release liner layer land, and adequate flexural stiffness of the protrusions so as to avoid degradation of their structural integrity under compressive loads.\nSimple reduction in contact area, however, will not alone result in the optimum release characteristics as disclosed herein. Reduction of the contact area to point or line contact at the surface of an adhesive layer alone does not afford a release liner layer with the release characteristics of the present invention. The microstructured release materials disclosed herein include arrays of protrusions that not only reduce the contact area between the release liner and the adhesive but also physically penetrate the adhesive layer. Penetration of the adhesive layer by the protrusions effectively allows the adhesive layer to be held away from the land of the release material. Thus, even though penetration of the adhesive layer by the protrusions effectively increases the contact area beyond that which it would have been if the protrusion were only to make point contact with the surface of the adhesive layer, the release materials of the present invention afford increased release properties. In examples where the height of the protrusion is greater than that of the adhesive layer the protrusion can penetrate the adhesive layer and make substantial contact with a backing layer. In this example the adhesive is held away from the land of the release liner layer even under compressive loads. Substantial contact between the backing layer and the protrusion allows the protrusion to bear the compressive load and not the adhesive layer. Compressive loads therefore, do not substantially increase the contact area between the release liner layer and the adhesive as the adhesive layer is forced toward the land of the release material. Thus, this release liner layer is suitable for uses involving any compressive force between the adhesive layer and the release liner layer such as storage of tapes in a roll form or the passing of a web through a nip created by two rollers. It is apparent that release materials as disclosed herein are useful for storage of tapes in roll form or processing of adhesives involving compressive forces.\nAdditionally, release materials disclosed herein, where the protrusions penetrate the adhesive layer, are useful at elevated temperatures, such as those up to at least 70° C., for example. Examples of release materials where the protrusions penetrate the adhesive layer and make substantial contact with a backing layer are particularly useful at elevated temperatures. At elevated temperatures adhesives can flow and migrate toward the release liner layer land. Protrusions that penetrate the adhesive layer and make substantial contact with a backing layer maintain a constant open distance between the adhesive layer and the release liner land. The presence of this open distance allows some flow or migration of the adhesive layer at elevated temperatures without compromising the release characteristics of the release liner layer as it inhibits contact between the adhesive layer and the release liner layer.\nThe release materials as described herein can be produced by stamping, pressing, injection molding or extrusion molding processes, for example. Generally, useful extrusion molding processes include those where a feed stream of thermoplastic resin is fed into an extruder from which a heated resin melt is fed through a die to a rotating cylindrical tool. Cavities in the cylindrical continuous surface of the tool can be optionally evacuated by an external vacuum system. The solidified resin is stripped from the tool by a stripper roll as a web that has an array of outwardly extending protrusions. A useful process, for example, employs a tool that can be cylindrical and has cavities recessed from a continuous surface that are the negatives of an array of protrusions. The process further involves the steps of moving the surface of the tool along a predetermined path, continuously injecting a molten, thermoplastic resin into the cavities in excess of the amount that would fill the cavities, which excess forms a layer of resin overlying the cavities and the surface around the cavities, continuously cooling the tool around the cavities to cause the molten resin to become molecularly oriented while it fills the cavities, allowing the injected resin to solidify, and continuously stripping from the tool the solidified resin layer as a backing and integral array of upstanding stems. An extrusion molding process used to produce a substantially continuous planar sheet of thermoplastic resin with an array of projections generally at right angles to one major surface of the sheet, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,679,302 for example, is particularly suited for producing the release materials described herein.\nThe release materials as described herein can also be produced through profile extrusion or a pressing process. Useful profile extrusion processes include that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,894,060. Generally, useful pressing processes include those where a sheet of a heated resin melt, derived from a thermoplastic resin, is placed under a plate upon which pressure is applied. As pressure is applied, cavities or holes created in the surface of the plate fill with the heated resin melt to produce a series of outwardly extending protrusions with geometries and in an array corresponding to the cavities in the plate. Once cool, the solidified resin is stripped from the plate as a web that has an array of outwardly extending protrusions.\nTable of Abbreviations\nSuper 33+ Electrical tape of 0.75 inch (1.9\ncentimeter) width commercially available from 3M\nCompany, St. Paul, MN\n850 Acrylic tape of 1.0 inch (2.54 centimeter) width\ncommercially available from 3M Company, St.\n8403 Green Silicone tape of 1.0 inch (2.54\ncentimeter) width commercially available from 3M\nCompany, St. Paul, MN\n9671 transfer tape of 1.0 inch (2.54 centimeter)\nwidth and adhesive thickness of about 57\nmicrometers commercially available from 3M\nCompany, St. Paul, MN\n9752 transfer tape of 1.0 inch (2.54 centimeter)\nwidth and adhesive thickness of about 53\nmicrometers commercially available from 3M\nCompany, St. Paul, MN\nPolypropylene commercially available from Exxon\nCorporation, Houston, TX\nan aminated-polybutadiene primed polyester film of\npolyethylene terephthalate having a thickness of 38\nPolypropylene commercially available from Exxon\nCorporation, Houston, TX\nT-peel (ASTM D1876-95) is used to determine the relative peel resistance between flexible adherends. The adhesive side of a test tape 2.54 cm wide by 10.16 cm long (1 inch wide by 4 inches long) was laminated to the release liner. The resulting specimen was tested after a specified dwell using an INSTRON materials tester (commercially available from Instron, Canton, Mass.) with the jaws moving at a crosshead speed of 30.5 cm/min (12 inches/min). The T-peel adhesion is reported in Newtons/decimeter (N/dm).\nLiner Preparation Method for Liners A, B and C\nThe patterned liners were prepared in the following manner. Escorene 3445 was fed into a single screw extruder (supplied by Killion Extruders, Verona, N.J.) having a diameter of 3.175 cm (1.25 inches), a length/diameter (L/D) ratio of 24/1, and a temperature profile that steadily increased from approximately 160–232.2° C. (320–450° F.). The polymer was continuously discharged at speeds of 5–7 RPM and a pressure of at least 7.0307 kg per square cm (100 psi), through a necktube heated to 232.2° C. (450° F.) and into a 15.24 cm (6 inches) wide ULTRAFLEX L40 film die (supplied by Extrusion Dies, Inc.) maintained at a temperature of 232.2° C. (450° F.). The die gap was nominally set to 0.0254 cm (0.010 inches) and produced a molten sheet of polypropylene 15.24 cm (6 inches) wide. The molten sheet of polypropylene was delivered to the nip formed by the upper two rolls of a 3-roll stack comprising three 15.24 cm (6 inches) diameter, water-chilled, chrome-plated rolls maintained at 21.1° C. (70° F.). A silicone rubber tool 50.8 cm (20 inches) long, 25.4 cm (10 inches) wide, and 0.635 cm (0.25 inches) thick, having a multitude to high aspect ratio (ca. 7) cavities was affixed to the driven center roll with a high-temperature (i.e., rated to 204.4° C. (400° F.)), double-sided silicone adhesive tape (supplied by Specialty Tapes, Racine, Wis.), and seamed with Hi-Temp Red RTV silicone (supplied by ITW Fluid Products Group, St. Louis, Mo.). The tool contained 139.5 cavities (i.e., blind holes) per square centimeter (900 per square inch), each with a diameter of 0.03302 cm (0.013 inches) and a depth of 0.2286 cm (0.090 inches). A force of 875 N/dm (50 pounds per linear inch) was applied to the molten polymer in the nip to replicate the pattern on the tool. The replicated film exited the nip at 1.8288–3.048 meters per minute (6–10 feet per minute) but remained on the tool for a 180 degree wrap to facilitate cooling of the polymer melt. The microstructured film was then removed from the tool via lower chill roll and wound on a 7.62 cm (3 inch) diameter core with ca. 2.268 kg (5 pounds) of tension. These liners are all square arrays with 139.5 posts per square centimeter (900 posts per square inch) and an approximate diameter at the base of the posts of 254 micrometers and are characterized in Table A by the thickness of the “land” (the base layer of the liner) and the height of the posts.\nLiner Preparation Method for Liner D\nEscorene 1024 polypropylene was pumped through a 6.4 centimeter Davis Standard single screw extruder with a gradient temperature profile ending at 218° C. The screw was rotating at 14 revolutions per minute. The material was delivered to a 35.5 centimeter EBR die (commercially available from Cloeren Company, Orange, Tex.) heated to 204° C. The die gap was set to 0.05 centimeters and produced a molten sheet of polypropylene 25.4 centimeters wide. The molten sheet of polypropylene was delivered into a rotating nip comprised of a 46 centimeter diameter chrome plate roll and a rotating silicone tool. The 46 centimeter diameter roll was heated to a temperature of 38° C. and the rotating silicone tool was maintained at 38° C. The rotating silicone tool contained 139.5 holes per square centimeter (900 holes per square inch) and a diameter of 0.033 centimeters. The force applied to the molten polymer in the nip was 875 N/dm (50 pounds per linear inch). The film exited the nip at 6 meters per minute and was wound on a 7.6 centimeter diameter core with 4.5 kilograms of tension.\nTABLE A Approximate Land Thickness Approximate Post Height Liner Designation (micrometers) (micrometers) A 100 110 B 130 175 C 130 300 D 130 130\nLaminate Preparation Method\nFor each combination of adhesive tape and structured liner film, six samples were created. Three replicates were made with the adhesive stuck to the flat (non-patterned) side of the film, and three were prepared with the adhesive stuck to the patterned side of the films. This method provided a control of the peel force of the liner without the structure.\nSamples of film were cut slightly wider than the test tapes and approximately 10 centimeters (4 inches) long. Tape samples were cut approximately 10 centimeters (4 inches) long, a paper slice was laminated to one end to form a tab, and then the tape and structured films were laminated together with a handheld 2 kg (4.5 pound) roller making two passes.\nThe liners A and B were laminated to test tapes 1–3 according to the above method. All samples were then placed into aluminum trays and placed into a convection oven held at 70° C. They were left in the oven for a week, taken to a controlled temperature and humidity room (23° C. and 50% RH), and allowed to equilibrate to temperature for about 1 hour. T-peel samples were run to the flat (non-patterned) side of the liner and to the patterned side according to the test method outlined above. These data are presented in Table 1. For Examples 1–4 samples that had been in a 70° C. oven for 1 week were placed in a 70° C. oven under a pressure of 9.52 kiloPascals for a week, taken to a controlled temperature and humidity room (23° C. and 50% RH), and allowed to equilibrate to temperature for about 1 hour. T-peel samples were run to the flat (non-patterned) side of the liner and to the patterned side according to the test method outlined above. These data are presented in Table 2.\nT-Peel on Patterned\nT-Peel on Flat Side\nSide after aging at\nafter aging at 70° C.\nT-Peel on Flat Side\nT-Peel on Patterned\nafter aging at 70° C.\nSide after aging at\nand 9.52 kPa\n70° C. and 9.52 kPa\nTest tapes of varying thickness were prepared using Tape 4 (a transfer tape of thickness 57 microns) by laminating the transfer tape to a PET backing and then laminating additional layers of the transfer tape on top of this laminate. These tapes were laminated to liner C according to the above method. T-peel samples were run to the flat (non-patterned) side of the liner and to the patterned side according to the test method outlined above. These data are presented in Table 3.\nT-Peel on Flat\nT-Peel on Patterned\nTest tapes of varying thickness were prepared using Tape 4 (a transfer tape of thickness 57 microns) by laminating the transfer tape to a PET backing and then laminating additional layers of the transfer tape on top of this laminate. These tapes were laminated to liner D according to the above method. T-peel samples were run to the flat (non-patterned) side of the liner and to the patterned side according to the test method outlined above. These data are presented in Table 4.\nT-Peel on Flat\nT-Peel on Patterned\nTest tapes of varying thickness were prepared using Tape 5 (a transfer tape of thickness 53 microns) by laminating the transfer tape to a PET backing and then laminating additional layers of the transfer tape on top of this laminate. These tapes were laminated to liner D according to the above method. T-peel samples were run to the flat (non-patterned) side of the liner and to the patterned side according to the test method outlined above. These data are presented in Table 5.\nT-Peel on Flat\nT-Peel on Patterned\nAll patents referred to are hereby incorporated by reference. The present invention should not be considered limited to the particular examples described above, but rather should be understood to cover all aspects of the invention as fairly set out in the attached claims. 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1991||Dec 28, 1993||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Structured flexible carrier web with recess areas bearing a layer of silicone on predetermined surfaces|\n|US5344681||Oct 13, 1993||Sep 6, 1994||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Patterned pressure sensitive adhesive transfer tape|\n|US5344693 *||Mar 15, 1991||Sep 6, 1994||Bernard Sanders||Component with spacing means|\n|US5449540||Oct 13, 1993||Sep 12, 1995||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Patterned pressure sensitive adhesive transfer tape|\n|US5589246 *||Oct 17, 1994||Dec 31, 1996||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Heat-activatable adhesive article|\n|US5679302||Apr 16, 1993||Oct 21, 1997||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Method for making a mushroom-type hook strip for a mechanical fastener|\n|US6197397||Dec 31, 1996||Mar 6, 2001||3M Innovative Properties Company||Adhesives having a microreplicated topography and methods of making and using same|\n|US6203885||Jun 18, 1998||Mar 20, 2001||3M Innovative Properties Company||Cling films having a microreplicated topography and methods of making and using same|\n|JP2000334877A||Title not available|\n|JPH0633022A||Title not available|\n|JPH06116538A||Title not available|\n|WO1993005123A1||Jul 31, 1992||Mar 18, 1993||Minnesota Mining And Manufacturing Company||Patterned pressure sensitive adhesive transfer tape|\n|WO2001015820A1||Jul 19, 2000||Mar 8, 2001||3M Innovative Properties Company||Adhesive coating method and adhesive coated article|\n|WO2001070897A2||Mar 20, 2001||Sep 27, 2001||The Procter & Gamble Company||High bond strength, repositionable adherent sheet|\n|WO2002074877A2||Jan 8, 2002||Sep 26, 2002||3M Innovative Properties Company||Adhesive layers and release liners with pyramidal structures|\n|Citing Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US8221574||Aug 2, 2007||Jul 17, 2012||Csd, Llc||Top coating for indoor and outdoor temporary removable graphics and system and method for making, applying and removing such graphics|\n|US8530022 *||Mar 14, 2007||Sep 10, 2013||Molnlycke Health Care Ab||Article or component of a medical and technical nature for affixing a medical article or part thereof to skin, provided with a releasable protection layer|\n|US8926783||Oct 2, 2012||Jan 6, 2015||Csd Llc||Top coating for indoor and outdoor temporary removable graphics and system and method for making, applying and removing such graphics|\n|US9238762 *||Oct 31, 2008||Jan 19, 2016||3M Innovative Properties Company||Optical adhesive with diffusive properties|\n|US9290667||Sep 19, 2013||Mar 22, 2016||Csd, Llc||Temporary removable solvent based protective coating|\n|US20080264559 *||Aug 2, 2007||Oct 30, 2008||Csd, Inc.||Top coating for indoor and outdoor temporary removable graphics and system and method for making, applying and removing such graphics|\n|US20080268140 *||Aug 21, 2007||Oct 30, 2008||Csd, Inc.||Temporary removable solvent based protective coating|\n|US20080311349 *||Mar 24, 2006||Dec 18, 2008||Johnson Michael A||Metallized Films and Articles Containing the Same|\n|US20090240227 *||Mar 18, 2009||Sep 24, 2009||Carlo Toro||Release sheet material|\n|US20090259192 *||Mar 14, 2007||Oct 15, 2009||Molnlycke Health Care Ab||Article or component of a medical and technical nature for affixing a medical article or part thereof to skin, provided with a releasable protection layer|\n|US20100143724 *||Mar 24, 2006||Jun 10, 2010||Johnson Michael A||Corrosion resistant metallized films and methods of making the same|\n|US20100297406 *||Oct 31, 2008||Nov 25, 2010||Schaffer Kevin R||Optical adhesive with diffusive properties|\n|DE102006062247A1 *||Dec 22, 2006||Jun 26, 2008||Tesa Ag||Klebschicht für eine blasenfreie Verklebung|\n|U.S. Classification||428/40.1, 428/167, 428/42.1, 428/40.9, 428/172, 428/40.2, 428/41.3, 428/41.8, 428/120, 428/41.5|\n|International Classification||C09J7/00, C09J201/00, B44C1/17, C09J133/06, C09J7/02|\n|Cooperative Classification||Y10T428/1462, C09J7/0207, Y10T428/24182, C09J2201/606, Y10T428/1452, Y10T428/1476, Y10T428/14, C09J133/06, Y10T428/1438, Y10T428/24612, Y10T428/1405, C09J2201/28, Y10T428/1486, C09J7/0232, Y10T428/2457, B44C1/17|\n|European Classification||C09J7/02H4, C09J7/02F, C09J133/06, B44C1/17|\n|Jan 10, 2002||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY, MINNESOTA\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:GALKIEWICZ, ROBERT K.;SPIEWAK, BRIAN E.;NICHOLS, DENNIS R.;AND OTHERS;REEL/FRAME:012490/0342\nEffective date: 20020110\n|Apr 15, 2008||CC||Certificate of correction|\n|Jul 20, 2009||REMI||Maintenance fee reminder mailed|\n|Jan 10, 2010||LAPS||Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees|\n|Mar 2, 2010||FP||Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee|\nEffective date: 20100110", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "If you’re thinking of planting an in ground garden, you may be wondering how to test your garden soil acidity.\nTesting the acidity of your soil is actually fairly easy and straight forward. Today we’re going to cover why it is important to know the acidity of your garden soil and how to test the pH level before planting.\nTable of Contents\nWhy is Acidity of a Soil Important\nOne of the biggest factors in determining the success of your garden is the soil that you’re growing your plants in.\nWhen you’re creating a container garden, you are likely using potting soil. When you use potting soil generally the mixes come pre-balanced with nutrients and pH levels already tested, so there’s not a huge need to test on your end.\nHowever, when you’re creating a ground garden using garden soil, the components of your soil will vary more and could contain elements that are harmful. If the pH is significantly off it can be detrimental to the plant’s health.\nIf you’re using garden soil in your garden we definitely recommend testing the pH of your soil before planting seeds.\nWhere to buy a pH tester kit\nThere’s a lot of options for purchasing a pH tester.\nLikely, a gardening store in your area will carry a few models.\nIf you’re looking for an online option, there’s many on Amazon that will do the trick.\nWe would suggest looking for a tool that doubles as both a pH tester and a soil moisture meter. They are pretty affordable and generally range from $10 – $20, and most have similar functions.\nBy getting one that offers both a pH testing function and a moisture meter, you can in a sense kill two birds with one stone. Soil moisture meters come in handy both with in ground gardens and in potted plants to ensure they’re not retaining too much moisture.\nThis tester/moisture meter combo from Amazon is a good option and very affordable. Its by a brand called Vivosun, which is well known for providing affordable gardening products that are beginner friendly.\nHow to Test Your Garden Soil Acidity\nUsing a pH tester is fairly straight forward to do.\nMost models come with a pronged setup. To test the pH of a soil, stick the prongs a few inches into the soil.\nAfter 60 seconds, you can take the reading from the dial of the pH level (and the moisture level if you’re using a device with both features).\nWhat is the right level of acidity?\nThe exact right level of acidity will vary a little from plant to plant.\nSome plants thrive in slightly acidic soil. A few examples include daffodils, rhododendrons, and azaleas to name a few.\nHowever, when evaluating a garden you’ll most likely want to evaluate the whole soil’s pH level to be within a general range.\nAs a general rule of thumb, you want your soil’s pH level to be between 6 and 7. Slight variations outside of this are ok, but sticking as close to this range as possible will help ensure your plant’s health.\nWhen should you test your garden soil acidity?\nThis is a good question, and it can vary depending on your environment.\nAt a minimum, you’ll want to test the soil before planting in each grow season.\nHowever, if you add materials to your garden soil such as fertilizer or growing mediums like coco peat, you’ll likely want to test it again prior to planting.\nAdding fertilizers and other materials can change the pH makeup of your soil. In fact, even extreme weather can cause a change in pH from erosion of surrounding materials and deposits into your soil.\nIf you have extreme conditions, you’ll want to consider testing more frequently to ensure you don’t have acidic or alkaline soil.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What is CBD?\nGet ready, ladies and gentlemen, we’re about to dive into some science! I promise, it won’t be too complex. (I was never much good at science myself.) Today we’re talking about cannabidiol, better known as CBD.\nFirst, a couple definitions:\nA class of chemical compounds found naturally inside animal and human bodies (endocannabinoids) and plants (phytocannabinoids). There also are synthetic cannabinoids, used for pharmaceuticals. CBD is a type of phytocannabinoid.\nEndocannabinoid System (ECS):\nThe system within our bodies that helps maintain homeostasis (balance) between various parts of the body. This system is made up of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system and in other parts of the body that bond with cannabinoids, and enzymes that break down cannabinoids. It plays an important role in everything from memory to metabolism to stress response to immune function and more. This article gives you a more in-depth breakdown of the ECS. It’s a quick read and I highly recommend it.\nIf you’re wondering why you’ve only recently heard of the endocannabinoid system, I understand. It’s new to me, too. In fact, it’s pretty new to scientists. They put a name to this system in the 90s and they’re still researching its role in regulating a variety of diseases and ailments, like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and more.\nFor those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the research thus far about CBD and gut health is promising.\nCBD has the potential for helping people with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or other gut health issues by targeting three areas: leaky gut, inflammation, and autoimmune response.\n“CBD regulates cannabinoid receptors in the body, thus reducing inflammation and blocking immune pathways, which then allows the body to restore the integrity of the tight junctions and epithelial cells in the gut,” said Miles Sarill, National Educator for CV Sciences (makers of PlusCBD oil).\nIf leaky gut isn’t necessarily your issue, the inflammation and immune support properties of CBD may still be what your body needs to heal. Think about how your body feels after you’ve been accidentally glutened – inflammation, migraine, joint pain – if you have any of those, CBD may help.\nLook for hemp-derived CBD products that say “full-spectrum,” “broad-spectrum,” or “total plant complex” to get not only the benefits of CBD but also antioxidants, terpenes, and other nutrients within the hemp plant. One of our favorites here at Gluten Free & More is PlusCBD oil, available in capsules, spray, oil drops, and balm.\nFor more information, check out the full version of this article by our editor, Malory Speir, in the upcoming May/June issue of Gluten Free & More Magazine.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.\n1. an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the cleavage of glucosidic linkages between a sialic acid residue and a hexose or hexosamine residue at the nonreducing terminal of oligosaccharides in glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans. Deficiency of it is an autosomal recessive trait and is seen in sialidosis and galactosialidosis.\nAn enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal acetylneuraminic residues from oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, or glycolipids; present on the surface antigen in myxoviruses; used in histochemistry to selectively remove sialomucins, as from bronchial mucous glands and the small intestine; a deficiency of this enzyme produces sialidosis.\nAn enzyme that cleaves terminal acylneuraminic residues from 2,3-, 2,6-, and 2,8-linkages in oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, or glycolipids; present as a surface antigen in myxoviruses. Used in histochemistry to selectively remove sialomucins, as from bronchial mucous glands and the small intestine. A deficiency of this enzyme will result in cherry-red-spot myoclonus syndrome (q.v.).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ACD/IntelliXtract ACD/IntelliXtract extracts all chromatographic components in LC/MS datasets, and assigns [M+H]+ or [M-H]- for each component. Whether used to complement manual data examination, or for fully automated analysis, IntelliXtract can reduce interpretation time and confirm the presence of co-eluting or trace components which otherwise may have been overlooked. IntelliXtract will help analysts quickly understand their results, and extract the information of interest.\nFeatures of ACD/IntelliXtract • Automatically assign [M+H]+ or [M-H]- for each component • Resolve overlapping peaks and identify co-eluting components • View reconstructed pure component spectra for each chromatographic component • Automatically analyze batches of samples\nBenefits of ACD/IntelliXtract • Find all relevant components, even at low concentrations or when co-eluting with other components • Reduce interpretation time with advanced filters • Work with data from most major instrument vendors", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Not only is mango tasty and nutritious, the seed bares a skin loving seceret. Extracted from the fruits seed comes a natural material commonly known as mango butter. It is rich on oleic acid and stearic acid, which are fatty acids that act as a skin conditioning agent. It has the same moisturizing properties as shea and cocoa butter, but there is some notable differences. Mango butter is harder in texture than shea butter. It also contains vitamins A, C and E, which work to combat free radicals. Free radicals are found in the sun’s rays and air pollution. Mango butter is said to protect skin from the sunburn as well as sooth sunburned skin.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Peter Fournier writes that proposals to produce electricity in Norway by osmosis of fresh water into seawater are impractical (4 April, p 23). Like so many \"green\" ideas, it suffers from remote location and low power density.\nHowever, the idea could be applicable in Australia: an evaporating pond in inland Queensland could produce very salty water which could be used to produce high-pressure brine by uptake of water from brackish groundwater resources. The pressurised water could generate electricity and then return to the evaporating pond.\nSome water in Queensland is alkaline due to the sodium bicarbonate content. This would help protect the osmotic membranes by keeping other metal ions out of solution.\nTo continue reading this article, subscribe to receive access to all of newscientist.com, including 20 years of archive content.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Wisconsin Science Festival\nDate: Saturday, October 19th, 2019\nTime: 12:00 pm\nDuration: 3 hours\nLocation: Science Center Atrium,\nSanger Center for the Sciences,\n700 College St, Beloit, WI 53511\nSponsored by: Kristin Labby, Chemistry Department\nContact: Taylor Ajamian, email@example.com, 3632226\nWisconsin Science Festival event at Beloit College.\nOrganized by: Kristin Labby, science faculty, Beloit College students, and Upward Bound students.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Fiamm 12FLB450 12V 115Ah battery is part of the HIGHLITE range of batteries which been specifically designed to give optimal standby performance for applications requiring high-rate discharges.\nFiamm HIGHLITE batteries are Valve Regulated Maintenance Free types with the electrolyte absorbed in microporous glass fibre separators.\nHIGHLITE batteries can be installed in cabinets or on racks and minimum installation space is required to the high density characteristics of this range.\nFiamm operates a program of continuous improvement, investing in manufacturing processes, equipment and technology.\nFiamm's standby battery manufacture conforms to ISO 9001 and ISO14001 quality assurance. Continuous investment in battery technology is reflected by means of premium products that are of the highest quality and reliability.\n|Design Life||10 year design life (Eurobat Guide - 10-12 years)|\n|Standard||IEC 60896 Part 21-22, BS6290 Part 4|\n|Plates & Grids||Plates and grids designed for optimal short rate discharges.|\n|Separators||Microporous glass mat allow recombination and fully absorb the electrolyte.|\n|Terminals||Threaded female M5 terminals provide for high conductivity, maximum torque retention and easy installation.|\n|Post Seals||State-of-the-art post seals prevent acid seepage over a wide temperature range.|\n|Safety Valve||Each cell has its own one-way valve.|\n|Flame Arrestor Device||Expels excess gas while preventing any errant spark or flame from entering the battery.|\n|Container & Cover||ABS flame retardant plastic in accordance with flame retardancy standard IEC 707 FV0 and UL 94 V0 (LOI greater than 28%).|\n|Fiamm FLB Range Brochure||click here|\n|Fiamm FLB Engineering Manual||click here|\n|MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)||click here|\n|Constant Power Discharge 20°C||click here|\n|Constant Power Discharge 25°C||click here|\n|Constant Current Discharge 20°C||click here|\n|Constant Current Discharge 25°C||click here|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Category: Products with volatile solvents (film type: oily)\nFAM IS 02 212\nAnticorrosion low viscosity product intended for maintenance and care for hunting, sports and personal weapons. The product neutralizes adverse remnants of powder decomposition, remnants of lead, copper and percussion cap decomposition.\n|Density at 20 ºC (g/mL)||0.890|\n|Viscosity at 40 ºC (mm²/s)||min 11.0|\n|Flash point (ºC)||>40|\n|Protective film thickness||-|\n|Packing||50ml 0.2L(spray) 0.5L 20kg 180kg|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Life Choice DMSO Liquid in Glass Bottle - Pure and Non-GMO 118ml\n🌟 Are you searching for a natural remedy that can transform your life? Look no further! Life Choice DMSO is here to revolutionize your health journey. 🌟\nDiscover the Power of Life Choice DMSO:\n🔥 Unlock the Potential for Pain Relief: Helps with those nagging aches and pains! Life Choice DMSO is your go-to solution for soothing sore muscles, sprained ankles, and joint discomfort. Feel the relief you've been longing for.\n💪 Boost Your Immune System: Give your body the support it deserves. DMSO may enhance your immune system's activity, helping you stay in top form and better equipped to tackle life's challenges.\n🌿 Gentle Detoxification: Cleanse your body naturally! Life Choice DMSO may aid in the detoxification process, promoting the removal of toxins and impurities that may be holding you back.\n✨ Pure and Non-GMO: Quality matters and Life Choice is committed to excellence. Life Choice DMSO is crafted with 100% pure pharmaceutical-grade ingredients and is completely non-GMO. You can trust the purity of our product.\n🌈 Versatile Applications: Life Choice DMSO has a wide range of potential applications. From neurological support to arthritis relief, from skin issues to headaches—our DMSO is a multi-purpose solution for your well-being.\n💡 Effective for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD): Find hope and comfort in knowing that Life Choice DMSO is here to help with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and complex pain conditions.\n🌱 Derived from MSM: Life Choice DMSO is an organic compound containing sulphur derived from MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), a naturally occurring substance known for its potential health benefits.\n👉 External Use for Your Safety: Life Choice DMSO Liquid is intended for external use only, ensuring a simple and safe application process.\n👃 Experience the Distinct Sulfur and Garlic Aroma: Embrace the unique character of DMSO with its strong sulphur and garlic-like scent. It's a reminder that you're using a powerful, natural solution.\n🌟 Packaged in Glass Containers: Life Choice prioritizes your safety and product integrity. Life Choice DMSO comes in glass containers, eliminating concerns about chemical leaching.\nReady to embark on your journey to better health and vitality? Don't wait any longer! Life Choice DMSO is your trusted partner in wellness.\n🛒 Shop Now and Embrace a Healthier You! 🛒\nExperience the life-changing benefits of Life Choice DMSO today. Join countless others who have already discovered the potential for healing and rejuvenation.\nDisclaimer: Please consult with a healthcare professional before using DMSO or any supplement for specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.\nTransform your life with Life Choice DMSO—your gateway to a brighter, pain-free future!\n90% DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9%)\nPurified Water 10%\nApply 8-12 ml of the medication to the affected area up to three times per day as needed for temporary relief of pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Use sparingly or follow your healthcare provider's directions.\nBefore using this product, it is worth consulting with a healthcare professional if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if your symptoms persist or worsen. If skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and seek medical advice if it persists. Individuals with severe liver or kidney disease should consult with a healthcare practitioner prior to use.\nAvoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes; rinse thoroughly with water if contact occurs. Thoroughly cleanse your hands and the area of application before applying. This product is for external use only and should be kept out of reach of children..\nThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.\nImportant Points about DMSO:\nIt should be noted that DMSO is extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations.\n- It is worth mentioning that liquid DMSO has the potential to crystallize in colder temperatures. If this occurs, it is recommended to store the DMSO in a warmer location, ideally between 15°C to 20°C. After a few hours, the DMSO should return to its liquid state. If you require quicker results, you may enclose the bottle in a clean zip-lock bag and immerse it in warm water. It is crucial to avoid microwaving the DMSO under any circumstances.\n- When using DMSO, always make sure to have clean hands and skin. DMSO is a powerful pain reliever and transporter. If you have dirt or anything else on your hands and /or skin, DMSO will take it down to your deep tissue, as far as to the seventh layer into the dermis, and it can cause irritation or discomfort.\nIt's important to note that the use of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) for medical or therapeutic purposes should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as it can have potential side effects and interactions with other medications. That being said, we can provide some general information.\n- Wait After Shower: DMSO is known for its ability to penetrate the skin quickly, and some people believe that applying it immediately after a shower may increase absorption. However, the recommendation to wait for 30 minutes to an hour after a shower before applying DMSO is not a widely recognized practice. The idea behind it is to avoid excessive absorption through open pores. If you are considering using DMSO, it's essential to follow specific instructions provided by a healthcare provider or the product manufacturer.\n- Gradual Dosage Increase: Gradually increasing the dosage when starting a DMSO regimen is a prudent approach. DMSO is a potent substance, and individuals may react differently to it. Starting with a small amount and monitoring for any adverse reactions is a responsible way to use it.\n- Mixing with Other Products: Mixing DMSO with other topical products, such as creams, can help dilute its strength. However, this should only be done if recommended by a healthcare professional. The specific product recommendations you mentioned (Recovery H Cream or Sweet Relief Cream) may be specific to a particular brand or product line.\n- Sulphur and Garlic Odor: DMSO is known for its distinct sulphur and garlic-like odour. This odour can be noticeable when applied to the skin, and some people may even taste it in their mouths. It's considered a normal characteristic of DMSO.\n- Packaging in Glass Containers: Using glass containers for DMSO products is a common practice. Glass is often preferred because it is less likely to interact chemically with the substance compared to plastic containers.\nRemember that DMSO is a solvent that can carry other substances through the skin, so it should be used with caution. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before using DMSO to ensure that it is appropriate for your specific condition and to receive guidance on proper usage and safety precautions. Additionally, you should always follow the instructions provided by the product manufacturer.\nAt this time, Life Choice® is the only company in North America with a legal license to sell medicinal-grade DMSO products.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A recent study published in the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology found that it only takes one drop of sunscreen containing oxybenzone to damage an ocean area the size of six and a half Olympic swimming pools. And each year, an estimated 14,000 tons of sunscreen enter the oceans via swimmers, snorkelers and shower drains.\nState of Hawaii legislators passed a bill this year banning the sale and use of any sunscreen that contains oxybenzone and octinoxate—chemicals that are believed to contribute to coral reef damage. Sunscreens containing the two reef-damaging chemicals have also been banned on the Caribbean island of Bonaire and some parts of Mexico (Xel-Ha Park, Cozumel’s Marine Park, Chankanaab Beach Adventure Park and Xcaret Park).\nIf you’re planning to travel anywhere tropical soon, the new rules won’t go into effect until January 2021, but there no reason to wait to switch out your sunscreen!\nThe good news is that you can still use sunscreen without polluting the ocean or your body. Mineral sunblock generally contains the minerals zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. While both minerals are safe, you can also choose to use non-nano zinc oxide products, which is considered the safest possible option for us and the ocean. Mineral sunblock sits on top of your skin to protect it from harmful rays, unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb into your skin and disappear into your blood stream. Some mineral sunblocks will leave a white sheen on your skin, which is a good thing in terms of sun protection, but not always ideal in a social situation! Nowadays, there are clear mineral sunblocks, such as this one by Badger or this one by Babo. There’s also blocks that contain a slight skin-tone tint to counter the whitening and act as a light foundation at the same time, here is one by Badger. Find out more about safe sunscreens here.\nBefore you head off onto your next trip, make sure you’ve checked your old sunscreen for these banned chemicals and replace it if needed.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Glysofor F is a physiologically harmless heat transfer, refrigeration and antifreeze agent based on propylene glycol.\nAll ingredients in Glysofor F are approved as food additives (EU / USA) and have a very low oral toxicity.\nGlysofor F is especially used in the food and beverage industry. The product is almost tasteless, colorless and odorless.\nAll ingredients are considered safe according to the US authority FDA (GRAS = Generally Recognized As Safe).\nGlysofor F meets the requirements of the FCC (Food Chemical Codex) and can be used for applications in direct or indirect food contact (specific concentration limits).\nTypical areas of application\n- Cooling and refrigeration systems\n- Heating systems\n- Antifreeze and corrosion protection agent in water carrying systems\n- Heat carrier and cooling brine in the food industry\n- Antifreeze for potable water systems\n25% -11 °C\n30% -14 °C\n35% -18 °C\n40% -22 °C\n45% -26 °C\n50% -32 °C", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Views: 0 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-01-06 Origin: Site Inquire\nFumaric acid is a dicarboxylic acid, which means it has two carboxylic acid groups (-COOH) in its molecular structure. It is a white crystalline powder that has a sour taste and is highly soluble in water. Fumaric acid occurs naturally in various fruits and vegetables, including apples, carrots, and mushrooms, and is also produced in the human body as part of the citric acid cycle.\nThe chemical formula for fumaric acid is C4H4O4. It is a geometric isomer of maleic acid, meaning that it has the same chemical formula but a different molecular structure.\nFumaric acid is a white crystalline powder with a melting point of 287°C (548°F). It is highly soluble in water and alcohol but is insoluble in ether and chloroform. Fumaric acid has a sour taste and is commonly used as a food additive.\nFumaric acid has a variety of uses in different industries, including the food and beverage industry, the pharmaceuticals industry, and various industrial applications.\nFumaric acid is used as a food additive to enhance the flavor of certain foods, such as baked goods, confections, and beverages. It is also used as a preservative to prevent the growth of microorganisms in food products.\nFumaric acid is used in the pharmaceuticals industry to treat a variety of medical conditions, including psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. It is also used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs.\nFumaric acid has various industrial applications, including the production of unsaturated polyester resins, alkyd resins, and other types of coatings. It is also used in the production of synthetic flavorings and fragrances.\nFumaric acid has several potential health benefits, including:\nReducing the symptoms of psoriasis: Fumaric acid has been shown to be an effective treatment for psoriasis, a skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin.\nReducing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis: Fumaric acid has been used to treat multiple sclerosis, a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system.\nImproving athletic performance: Fumaric acid has been shown to improve endurance and reduce fatigue in athletes.\nFumaric acid is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when used in accordance with good manufacturing practices. However, some people may be allergic to fumaric acid and should avoid consuming products that contain it. Fumaric acid can also cause skin irritation, so it is important to handle it with care.\nFumaric acid is generally considered safe when used in appropriate amounts. However, some people may be allergic to fumaric acid and should avoid consuming products that contain it.\nFumaric acid occurs naturally in various fruits and vegetables, including apples, carrots, and mushrooms. It is also used as a food additive in certain products, such as baked goods, confections, and beverages.\nSome people may experience skin irritation or an allergic reaction when exposed to fumaric acid. Ingesting large amounts of fumaric acid can also cause gastrointestinal distress, such as stomach pain and diarrhea.\nFumaric acid is sometimes used in cosmetic products, such as hair care and skin care products, as a pH adjuster and preservative.\nFumaric acid is typically vegan-friendly as it is not derived from animal products.\nFumaric acid is a versatile compound with a variety of uses in different industries. It occurs naturally in various fruits and vegetables and is used as a food additive, preservative, and intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs. It has also shown potential health benefits in treating psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and improving athletic performance. While generally recognized as safe, fumaric acid should be used with caution and people with allergies to it should avoid consuming products that contain it.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "How Accurate is Carbon Dating?\nHave a question? Please see about tab. Journal Help. Subscription Login to verify subscription.\nLimitations and calibration: When Libby was first determining radiocarbon dates, he found that before BC his dates were earlier than calendar dates. He had.\nSince , scientists have reckoned the ages of many old objects by measuring the amounts of radioactive carbon they contain. New research shows, however, that some estimates based on carbon may have erred by thousands of years. It is too soon to know whether the discovery will seriously upset the estimated dates of events like the arrival of human beings in the Western Hemisphere, scientists said.\nBut it is already clear that the carbon method of dating will have to be recalibrated and corrected in some cases. They arrived at this conclusion by comparing age estimates obtained using two different methods – analysis of radioactive carbon in a sample and determination of the ratio of uranium to thorium in the sample. In some cases, the latter ratio appears to be a much more accurate gauge of age than the customary method of carbon dating, the scientists said. In principle, any material of plant or animal origin, including textiles, wood, bones and leather, can be dated by its content of carbon 14, a radioactive form of carbon in the environment that is incorporated by all living things.\nBecause it is radioactive, carbon 14 steadily decays into other substances. But when a plant or animal dies, it can no longer accumulate fresh carbon 14, and the supply in the organism at the time of death is gradually depleted. Since the rate of depletion has been accurately determined half of any given amount of carbon 14 decays in 5, years , scientists can calculate the time elapsed since something died from its residual carbon\nHow Does Carbon Dating Work\nAug 26 Read Aug 20 Read Aug 19 Read Jul 24 Read Jul 20 Read Mar 02 Read Feb 24 Read Aug 18 Read Aug 17 Read At least to the uninitiated, carbon dating is generally assumed to be a sure-fire way to predict the age of any organism that once lived on our planet. Without understanding the mechanics of it, we put our blind faith in the words of scientists, who assure us that carbon dating is a reliable method of determining the ages of almost everything around us.\nHowever, a little more knowledge about the exact ins and outs of carbon dating reveals that perhaps it is not quite as fool-proof a process as we may have been led to believe. At its most basic level, carbon dating is the method of determining the age of organic material by measuring the levels of carbon found in it. Specifically, there are two types of carbon found in organic materials: carbon 12 C and carbon 14 C\nHow do geologists use carbon dating to find the age of rocks?\nOxford radiocarbon dating lab Jump to hear the determination that are the c is a rough. Sep 25, side branches on rock art research, , has had a free single. Carbon atoms carbon dating is a secondary school revision resource for dating takes careful packaging and disadvantages radiocarbon dating example.\nHowever, in addition to the recognized statistical limitations, the absolute accuracy of radio- carbon dating is limited by the past 14C variations. Coupled with the.\nCarbon dating ratio c14 c12 Oxalic acid i show how old. Finally when an organism is not in the level of the c14 in the amount of c14 in the amount of us. This became known to years old. Trees less than 50, so a very long measurement times. But you are mostly made of marine life is left in a tricky problem. So, it to 40, how the ratio between c14 in their bodies.\nAt the maximum date it contains carbon. Most of us. If it is not matter and c14 in the atmosphere, the 14c method is carbon dating? So the system.\nCarbon dating problems\nRadiocarbon dating can easily establish that humans have been on the earth for over twenty thousand years, at least twice as long as creationists are willing to allow. Therefore it should come as no surprise that creationists at the Institute for Creation Research ICR have been trying desperately to discredit this method for years. They have their work cut out for them, however, because radiocarbon C dating is one of the most reliable of all the radiometric dating methods.\nThis article will answer several of the most common creationist attacks on carbon dating, using the question-answer format that has proved so useful to lecturers and debaters.\nIt is possible for snails to live in water that contains carbon leached out of ancient limestone which has no measurable C left. As a result, the.\nHow carbon dating is the patterns. Here is billions of the us with equipment specific problems. Several timescale problems with a guide as evidence to basics. It even distorts the age of evolution has been a preserved plant. Here is more. Jump to join to basics. Rich woman online who share your understanding of c Find a way geological formations are dated. First, atomic number one destination for scientists to get a sure-fire way of certain fossilized remains.\nThanks to about years.\nERRORS ARE FEARED IN CARBON DATING\nSeventy years ago, American chemist Willard Libby devised an ingenious method for dating organic materials. His technique, known as carbon dating, revolutionized the field of archaeology. Now researchers could accurately calculate the age of any object made of organic materials by observing how much of a certain form of carbon remained, and then calculating backwards to determine when the plant or animal that the material came from had died.\nThus , is year 0 BP by convention in radiocarbon dating and is deemed to to evaluate the limits of detection, materials which radiocarbon specialists can.\nCarbon dating , also called radiocarbon dating , method of age determination that depends upon the decay to nitrogen of radiocarbon carbon Radiocarbon present in molecules of atmospheric carbon dioxide enters the biological carbon cycle : it is absorbed from the air by green plants and then passed on to animals through the food chain. Radiocarbon decays slowly in a living organism, and the amount lost is continually replenished as long as the organism takes in air or food.\nOnce the organism dies, however, it ceases to absorb carbon, so that the amount of the radiocarbon in its tissues steadily decreases. Because carbon decays at this constant rate, an estimate of the date at which an organism died can be made by measuring the amount of its residual radiocarbon. The carbon method was developed by the American physicist Willard F.\nLibby about It has proved to be a versatile technique of dating fossils and archaeological specimens from to 50, years old. The method is widely used by Pleistocene geologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, and investigators in related fields. Carbon dating.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This type of industry includes the production of petrochemicals, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers, paints, and oleo chemicals.\nIt is involved in the processing of raw materials obtained by mining, agriculture among other supply sources, into materials, substances, chemical compounds that are finished products or are used in other industries.\nThere are a lot of varieties of rubber products manufactured for a full range of Chemical Metering and Dispensing Equipment Applications. Besides the rubber products, rubber is itself used in various chemical processes. In practically all chemical plants, there are some process or reaction in which a corrosive reagent is used or produced.\nHard rubber of suitable compound is chemically inert to a high degree and is used in connection with a great many corrosive materials. Essentially, hard rubber is rubber compounded with a relatively high percentage of sulfur.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "coconut shell charcoal\nOur product range includes a wide range of natural coconut shell charcoal.\nNatural Coconut Shell Charcoal\nProduct Price: Rs 45 / KgGet Best Price\nMinimum Order Quantity: 25 Kg\nManufacturer of a wide range of products which include coconut shell charcoal.\n|Packaging Size||25 KG|\n|Total Ash||5 %|\n|Country of Origin||Made in India|\n- Packaging Details: Product DescriptionWe are highly acclaimed in offering Coconut Shell Charcoal which is widely used as a domestic and industrial fuel, blacksmiths and goldsmiths, laundries and produce activated carbon. We obtain our Coconut Shell charcoal from fully dried, clean and mature thus its output is vast and better than others in the market. Furthermore, these are thoroughly inspected for finest\nGet Best QuoteRequest A Callback", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "MSM Facial Wash cleanses while offering an 8% solution of alpha Hydroxy Acids that penetrate deeply into the skin’s surface within just thirty seconds. Alpha Hydroxy Acids slough off outer, dead layers of the skin that can contribute to dry skin, age spots, acne and other problems. Skin treated with Alpha Hydroxy Acids appears younger with better texture and a more even reflection of light. MSM Facial Wash also contains gentle, natural cleansers to promote healthier and clearer skin with potent botanical extracts and essential fatty acids to nurture and protect your skin. Leaves your skin beautifully clean, smooth, and clear.\nDeionized Water, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, extracts of Calendula, Chamomile, Rosebud, Orange Blossom, St. John’s Wort, Algae, Aloe Vera, Kelp, and Ginkgo Biloba; Grape Seed Extract, Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Grapefruit Seed Extract, Essential Oils", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Article may contain Amazon & affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.\nHate the toxic, chemical drain cleaners? These simple and natural homemade drain opener methods will unclog and clean a drain the healthy, safe way!\nNon Toxic Drain Cleaner\nAs promised in my Natural Fruit Fly Repellent post, I’m back sharing my homemade drain opener recipes. We’ve moved into a new house and we’ve got our own sewer system so our concern for its proper functioning is higher than the norm. We now religiously check the system (pipes, drains and all) to make sure everything works properly.\nPart of the routine is cleaning the drains regularly, using a natural drain unclogger. And if you are a freak like me you will want to do that every single week! It may not be a necessary step on a brand new system but I swear to you, I have no choice, the voices tell me to! Especially when a funny smell comes out of your drains, or so it seems to the mentioned voices.\nDrain cleaners are made with some of the most toxic chemicals and may have a serious impact on your health and the environment, on a long term. They can be harmful to your health if swallowed, inhaled, or come in contact with your skin. Also some cleaners only work in certain types of pipes and drains and are effective only on certain clogs.\nPlus commercial drain cleaners corrode pipes, are bad for septic systems and are toxic to ground water. This poses a great problem for us as we also have our own water supply. It is filtered but chemicals are harder to remove completely than organic materials.\nSo the only decent solution is a homemade drain opener. It’s easy to make, it uses stuff you most likely already have on hand, it takes minutes to clean the drain and keeps the environment and yourself healthy. In fact I’ve got not one but 3 methods I use, the best drain unblocker ideas!\nHomemade Drain Opener Ideas\nVinegar baking soda sewer and drain cleaning\n- Make a cone out of paper or carton.\n- Cut a whole at the bottom\n- Place the cone at the drain opening\n- Pour 1 cup of baking soda down the drain through the cone, making sure baking soda doesn’t get caught, clogging the drain at the opening\n- Remove the cone\n- Quickly pour 1 cup of vinegar and cover the drain immediately as the mixture will bubble and tend to come out the drain. You need it to work inside the drain not out.\n- Leave to work for 30 minutes. The resultant chemical reaction will break down fatty acids into harmless soap and glycerin that can be washed down the drain.\n- Meanwhile heat a few gallons of water but don’t bring to a boil\n- After 30 minutes pour down the drain and leave to cool without pouring cold water for 30 minutes\nDo not use this method after trying a commercial drain opener as the vinegar can react with the drain opener to create dangerous fumes.\nLemon juice natural drain unclogger for light cleaning\n- Squeeze the juice of 20 lemons\n- Heat but not to a boil\n- Pour down the drain and leave for at least 30 minutes\n- Heat water and pour down the drain after 30 minutes\nNon toxic drain cleaner with salt for strong cleaning\n- Mix 2 cups coarse (kosher) salt with 1 gallon water\n- Heat but don’t bring to a boil\n- Pour down the drain and leave to work for 30 minutes\n- You may follow with the lemon juice drain cleaner if there are dirty traces left.\nCaution: Plastic pipes can melt if excess boiling water is used.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Improved photoelectrochemical performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films prepared by pulsed electrodeposition\n2013 (English)In: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5, 031602Article in journal (Refereed) Published\nSolar cells based on polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber layers have yielded the highest conversion efficiency among all the thin-film technologies. CIGS thin-films possess large optical absorption coefficient (≈105 cm-1) and a suitable bandgap of ≈ 1.20 eV for an ideal stoichiometry of CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2. In the present study, Direct Current (DC) and Pulsed Current (PC) electrodeposition techniques are employed to obtain the near ideal stoichiometric CIGS thin-films on a Mo foil using a two electrode system at a constant potential. Deposited films are annealed at 550 °C under Ar atmosphere. Characterization of the annealed CIGS films is performed using SEM-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and photoelectrochemistry to study the morphology, stoichiometry, phase constitution, and the photoelectrochemical response. PC deposition offered suitable manipulation of various parameters, which has helped in obtaining a better quality stoichiometric single phase chalcopyrite structured CIGS thin films with the elimination of unwanted secondary phases like Cu2-xSe. An improved photoelectrochemical performance, characteristic of a p-type semiconductor, is observed for the PC deposited CIGS films. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.\nPlace, publisher, year, edition, pages\n2013. Vol. 5, 031602\nElectrodeposition technique, Optical absorption coefficients, Photo-electrochemistry, Photoelectrochemical performance, Photoelectrochemical response, Pulsed electrodeposition, Thin-film technology, Two-electrode systems, Deposition, Electrochemistry, Electrodeposition, Gallium, Semiconducting selenium compounds, Stoichiometry, Thin films, X ray diffraction, X ray spectroscopy, Copper\nIdentifiersURN: urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-8473ISBN: 19417012 (ISSN)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hv-8473DiVA: diva2:860123", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "No. 603/604, 'C' Wing, Shri Ramdev Commrical Complex, Dr. Dalvi Road, Near Bank Of India, Kandivali West, Kandivali West, Mumbai 400067, Dist. Mumbai, Maharashtra. Verified Supplier. View Mobile Number. Call + Dial Ext 488 when connected. Contact Supplier Request a quote. Manganese Ore. Get Quote.\nChina 500tpd Manganese Ore Processing Flotation Machine, Find details about China Manganese Ore Processing Flotation Machine, Manganese Ore Processing from 500tpd Manganese Ore Processing Flotation Machine Zhengzhou Hengxing Heavy .\nFerro Manganese Manufacturers In steelmaking, ferromanganese is used as a deoxidizer and alloy additive, and is the most used ferroalloy. Manganese ore for smelting ferromanganese generally requires 3040% of manganese, the ratio of manganeseiron is greater than 7, and the ratio of phosphorus and manganese is less than\nBrazil Manganese Ore Crushing Plant. Brazil manganese ore crushing plant. copper ore crushing plant brazil. brazil niobium ore crushing plant brazil mining emj feb 10 demand for minerals has pushed up the value of brazils mineral niobium production is overwhelmingly dominated by cbmm while we plan it to be the largest plant in brazil with the countrys largest processing .\nAug 28, 2021 · Industrial processing requirements for manganese ore In the metallurgical industry, manganese ore is mostly used for manganeseforming ferroalloys and manganese metal. The former is used as deoxidizers or alloying element additives for steelmaking, and the latter is used to smelt certain special alloy steels and nonferrous metal alloys.\nManganese Ore Processing Plant 1. Manganese ore is an important raw material in steel industry in China 2. Most of the manganese ore belongs to the fine or the micro granular disseminated in nature 3. The commonly processing methods: Washing, screening, gravity separation, magnetic separation,... Read More. Contact Now\nWhen the ore is mined, it is sent for electrolytic processing or smelting. Freeing manganese from the open pit rock bed requires a lot of manpower and time. As you know in this method, the open pit mining using the standardised equipment and methods for overburden are removed to .\nStart Order. 5 related Products from this Supplier. 5 1. Manganese Ore 42~44%. US 210 / Metric Ton. 30000 Metric Ton (Min. Order) Bordallo Construtora Ltda (BORDALLO CONSTRUTORA, COMERCIO E SERVICOS LTDA Brasil Exporta. Manganese Ore 42~44%.\nManganese Ore. Get Latest Price; Port: Bar Montenegro FaNat offers premium quality Manganese Ore for B2B importers and distributors worldwide. FaNat is loed in Montenegro and deals exclusively in the production and export of Minerals Metallurgy products.\nManganese, the fourth most widely used metal in the world, is present in the composition of these, and many other objects of your everyday life. We are a leading producer of manganese, an essential steelmaking input, and also of ferroalloys – combinati ons of iron and one or more chemical elements, such as manganese itself.\nFind Manganese Ore Suppliers. Get latest factory price for Manganese Ore. Request quotations and connect with Chinese manufacturers and B2B suppliers of Manganese Ore. Page 1 ... (Annual Contract) Processing Capacity: 50,000 tons/month Supplier Of Manganese Ore Inquire Now Add to Favorites May0919\nGanzhou Gelin Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. is an over 30 years experience expert manufacturing mining machines in China, covering an area of over 30,000 square meters, having more than 25 sets of heavy processing equipments and with an annual output of more than 2000 sets of mining have international level experienced engineer team and a strong RD department and have been ...\nManganese Ore You find here 14 suppliers from Austria Germany China South Africa and Switzerland. Please obtain more information on spare parts, servicing, maintenance, Repair, repair or accessories directly from the registered companies.\nManganese Ore Mining, Machinery, Processing, Manufacturer. note this website just a summary of manganese ore mining introduction, we provide stone crushers, grinding mills,and others mining machines for manganese mining industry. if you need more information about maganese ore mining or price about our machine,please contact us. historically ...\nSep 02, 2021 · 10tph manganese ore processing plant Zimbabwe Customer Ore Conditions: A customer is interested in a jigging plant of about 10 tph to process manganese ore. They think the material is pyrolusite with silica inclusions. 1. Raw materials: Manganese Ore(pyrolusite with silica inclusions) 2. Feeding Size: 200mm 3. Output Size: 020mm 4. Capacity: 10tph\nMillion Link (China) Investment Ltd. Million Link (China) Investment Ltd. is the leading buyer of Mineral Ores such as Iron Ore, Chrome Ore, Copper Ore, Manganese Ore, Flurospar, Bauxite and others. We are also the leading suppliers of Ferroalloys, Coal, St.\nSantanu Chakraborty, in Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Industrial Processes, 2014. Manganese Ore. Manganese ore is required in iron making to control the manganese content of the hot metal in the desired range. Unlike other plants, where manganese ore lump is used directly in blast furnace, in VSP, it was proposed to use manganese ore fines in sinter productions.\nAfter the extraction, crushing, processing and quality control procedures, the ore is ready to start loading and start the logistics process from the crushing plant to .\nmanganese ore processing at mine manufacturer Burundi. a full set of manganese ore processing equipment for US 1000 9999Set Manganese ore processing plantmining beneficiation line beneficiation magnesite mining equipment manganese process plant Get Price Sinter Plant Sinter Plant Suppliers and Manufacturers at a full set of manganese ore ...\nIn operation since 1974, we are the world's only nonChina based producer of high grade electrolytic manganese metal (EMM) and the world's largest refinery of % (seleniumfree) EMM. We supply various quality grades of EMM to a niche market of over 120 established customers in 20 countries, through our unique global marketing network.\nmanganese ore Manufacturers Suppliers, include . Mars Global We are an American based company with mining interests in the Philippines, have several operations and looking to expand our operations. a long history related industries look foward relationship Asia market ..\nAs international suppliers of manganese ore, Berium Group endeavors to advance long term supply partnerships and global logistics through which we hope to support our esteemed clients across the world with high purity manganese ore and concentrate which meets the .", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Cold Plasma market has been forecasted to be valued at USD 4,517.8 Million in 2027 from USD 1,441.4 Million in 2019, registering a CAGR of 15.3% through the forecast period. The global market for cold plasma registers a stellar CAGR due to the growing demand from the plastics sector. Effective application of polymers and plastic requires superior surface adhesion for achieving several optimum mechanical properties along with improving the durability of different plastic components. The cold plasma process is highly advantageous in the areas of enhancing the characteristics of surface wettability, altering the morphology of the surface, and enhancing the plastic’s bonded shear strength. The technology in cold plasma is largely used in several industrial applications of polymer and plastic that require pore-free and uniform thin films with outstanding electric, physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics.\nThe plasma treatment on the surface of textile fiber does not involve the application of harmful chemicals, thus, considerably reducing pollution and water contamination caused by residual chemicals. Moreover, the application of this technology does not lead to any mechanical risks, especially for treated textile fabrics. Furthermore, cold plasma is highly advantageous in changing various surface characteristics such as the substrate’s micro-roughness along with the production of distinct functional groups that are chemically active, without affecting the substrate’s bulk properties. Additionally, the cold plasma treatment consumes lesser energy than the other traditional methods.\nGrab Your Free Sample Copy Now\nKey Highlights of Report\n- In April 2020, Relyon Plasma—a leading company, made an announcement regarding the launch of piezobrush PZ3—a unique and innovative device of handheld plasma treatment featuring the PDD technology proprietary of Relyon.\n- The low-pressure cold plasma sub-segment is predicted to grow at a fast pace from 2020 to 2027. In the semiconductor industry, vacuum plasma or the low-pressure cold plasma technology is highly utilized for cleaning before de-smearing of PCB (printed circuit board) and die attach. Additionally, the technology is further deployed for the purpose of decontamination in medical and food & beverage industries and for altering specific surface properties in polymer and textile sectors.\n- The coating application sub-segment is presumed to grow at a steadfast rate over the commenced period. Cold plasma coating emphasizes thermally sensitive object’s coating by utilizing a cold regulated plasma jet offering maximum automation degree along with a high deposition rate, allowing mass production of various coating products.\n- The APAC region is foreseen to grow at a significant rate from 2020 to 2027 due to rapid infrastructural development and rising economic activities in various developing nations, such as China, Indonesia, and India. Moreover, the fast growth of several industries, including semiconductor & electronics, textile, food & beverage, and plastic, along with rising disposable income, is further propelling the regional market.\n- Major market players in the sector include Europlasma NV, Adtec Plasma Technology Co. Ltd., Nordson Corporation, P2i Limited, Relyon Plasma GmbH, Apyx Medical Corporation, Plasmatreat GmbH, Enercon Industries Corporation, Henniker Plasma, and neoplas GmbH.\nEmergen Research has segmented the global cold plasma market in terms of pressure, application, industry vertical, and region:\nPressure Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)\n- Low Pressure Cold Plasma\n- Atmospheric Cold Plasma\nApplication Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)\n- Wound Healing\n- Surface Treatment\n- Wastewater Treatment\n- Blood Coagulation\nIndustry Vertical Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)\n- Polymer & Plastic\n- Food & Beverage\n- Electronics & Semiconductor\nRegional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017–2027)\n- North America\n- Rest of Europe\n- Asia Pacific\n- South Korea\n- Rest of APAC\n- Latin America\n- Rest of LATAM\n- Middle East & Africa\n- Saudi Arabia\n- Rest of MEA\nTo get leading market solutions, visit the link below:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "marble powder grinding mills machine,Find complete details about marble powder grinding mills machine,marble grinding mills,marble powder machine from Mine mill supplier or manufacturerShanghai Clirik Machinery Company fine grinding machine made in China for sale best single calcium carbonate stone grinders grinding machine ball\nHGM Grinding Machines in Stone Powder Production Line Source: clirik By Administrator Posted: 20181112 . What''s the process of producing the superfine stone powder from the large size stones lumps? What grinding machines can be used in the whole process of superfine stone powder grinding?\n(61333 micron)Fine Powder Grinding mill from Shanghai Clirik Machinery Co., Ltd.. Search High Quality (61333 micron)Fine Powder Grinding mill Manufacturing and Exporting supplier on\nShanghai Clirik Machinery Co. Ltd. are reliable manufacturer,supplier,exporter of Powder Grinding Machine,Grinding Milling Machine,Ball Mill Plant,Powder Packing Machine,Hammer Crusher,Vertical Mill at affordable prices.\nPlanetary ball mill laboratory/super fine powder grinding machine/small ball mill, US $ 1,600 15,000 / Set, New, Ball Mill, Other.Source from Changsha Mitrcn Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd. on Alibaba .\nTaizhou Kepu Machine Tools Co., Ltd Independent research and development of KOPMC series CNC ball grinder, KOPMC series CNC machine tools and KOPMC series CNC lathes, machine tool operation using ISO international standards G, M code programming, simple and easy to understand, the utility, performance and stability, by the majority of users trust.\nOur ball mill is an efficient tool for grinding many materials into fine powder. The Grinding ball mill is used to grind many kinds of mine and other materials, or to select the mine, widely used in beneficiation industry, chemical industry, etc.Dingbo ball mill is of efficient and energy saving Mill .\nChina Grinding Equipment/Ball Mill for Sale, Find details about China Powder Making Machine, Grinding Machine from Grinding Equipment/Ball Mill for Sale Shanghai DingBo Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.\nRSG Inc, loed in Sylacauga, Alabama U.S.A. specializes in fine powder technology. The company manufactures air classifiers, ball mills and stirred media mills for the production of fine, superfine and ultrafine powders for the mineral, mining, cement, lime, metal powder and chemical industries.\nEnergy Saving Ball mill [ Capacity ]: 0.62–90 t/h [ Applicable Material ]: Ball mill is key equipment for grinding materials after crushing process. It is used to grind kinds of materials into fine powder\nFeatures of fine powder grinding machine: High Efficiency Under the same finished final size and the same motor power, the capacity of fine powder grinding machine is twice as much as jet mill, mixing grinder and ball mill, and energy consumption decreased 30%. Long lifecycle of spare parts\nFine powder grinding mill,barite grinding plant,mill machine Find Powder grinding mill is a kind of grinding mill developed by our experts on the basis of the hydromechanics principle.\nZIBO QIMINGXIG NEW MATERIAL CO.,LTD. was founded by Mr.Zhang Hejun in 1997. QIMINGXING has grown quickly to become one of the leading supplier for ceramic grinding media and powder grinding machine in our range. Our customers have embraced the quality of our products, direct and indirect cost savings, and our commitment to excellence in service.As a National Hightech enterprise,\nMaterial in the first position, the coarse grinding, singlecompartment plate into the second warehouse, the warehouse lined with flat lining, the steel ball, the material further grinding. Powder discharged through the discharge grate plate to complete the grinding operation. Main Technical Parameters of Ball\n2 Ton Ball Mill/Grinding Machine Price List Essay. Ball Mill 2 Ton is an efficient tool for fine powder grinding. Ball Mill 2 Ton is often used for grinding silica sand. The Ball Mill 2 Ton is used to grind many kinds of mine and other materials, or to select the mine. Ball Mill 2 Ton is widely used in building material, chemicalindustry, etc.\nFine powder grinding machinegrinding mill/ultrafine mill Features of fine powder grinding machine: High Efficiency Under the same finished final size and the same motor power, the capacity of fine powder grinding machine is twice as much as jet mill, mixing grinder and ball mill, and energy consumption decreased 30%.\nBall Grinding Machine To Make Fine Powder. machine to make fine powder skyengineering. ball grinding machine to make fine powder 19 best Grinding machineries images on Pinterest,, Exporter and Supplier of grinding machineries, Spice Plant, Reply. Stone Grinding Mill, Ultra Fine Grinding Mill, Grinding Mill. €????\nFine powder mill Shanghai Clirik is the most professional fine grinding machine Chili Powder Grinding Mill Machine for Sale. Used Dry Ball Mill Machine In USA. Contact Supplier Rice Flour Making Machine Spices Grinding Machine Chilli Grinding All these Rice Flour Making Machine can be And then > third grinding machine here you get the final\nAlibaba offers 127,807 powder making machine products. About 6% of these are grinding equipment, 3% are mixing equipment, and 3% are mine mill. A wide variety of powder making machine options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples.\nThe fine grinder fine powder grinding mill machine with high capacity . small scale gold mining 2 ton small ball mill for sale with low price .. Low price sale PE250 x 400 PE400 x 600 small mini stone jaw crusher in quarry production line.\nGrinding Mill Machine Tops Packing. Grinding Mill Machine. It is a big reality that the Grinding Mill Machine is another sort of mill for making super fine powder through more than 20\nThe ball mill is a key piece of equipment for grinding crushed materials, and it is widely used in production lines for powders such as cement, silies, refractory material, fertilizer, glass ceramics, etc. as well as for ore dressing of both ferrous and nonferrous metals. The ball mill can grind various ores and other materials either wet or dry.\nFind great deals on eBay for powder grinder. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. pill grinder fine powder grinder snuff grinder snuff mill snorter powder mill snuff kit electric powder grinder spice grinder DF15 Electric Hammer Mill Herb Grain Grinder Pulverizer Powder Machine 15KG/H. Brand New. $257.92. FAST ''N FREE. or Best\nball grinding machine to make fine powder: ine Grinding and Home Ball Mill Grinder Machine Grinding and Milling. enabling them to grind tiny particles into fine powder. and it is important to make sure that current ball grinding machine to make fine powderball grinding machine to make fine powder aimiitin. grinding glass into powder Newest Crusher, Grinding quartz stone powder small\n* Super Fine Not as fine as flour or powdered sugar, but definitely in that ball park. You can still The good news is that a blade grinder will get the job done for most people who make coffee in a Drip Maker, Toddy Maker, or French Press. Super Fine Powder Mill Small Electric Grinding Machine Chinese\nHCH ultrafine grinding mill is especially suitable for ultra fine grinding. With years'' accumulation of experience in R&D, the HCH Ultrafine Grinding Mill is a new ultra fine\nJoyalGrinding Mill,Fine Grinding Mill,Micro Powder Mill,Ultrafine Mill,Raymond Mill From China Manufacturer.This page is about the grinding mill,includes micro powder mill,high pressure mill,ygm model,raymond mill,3r,4r,5r,6r and ball mills,if you want to buy these joyal grinding\nBall Mill grinders are designed to reduce materials down to a fine powder, using the impact and friction created by a large quantity of balls – generally made from steel, but also available in other materials for specific appliions – which are placed inside a rotating mill to create a cascading effect.\nMay 20, 2019 · learn more Quartz Powder Grinding Ball Mill Price Quartz Ball mill is an efficient machine for fine powder grinding after the crushing process. There are two ways of ball mill grinding: the dry", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Complete Midi Slab Gel Dryer System: 21 x 31cm – 230V\nGel dryer oerating from ambient to 90°C\nComplete Midi Slab Gel Dryer System: 21 x 31cm – 230V\nWith a drying area of 21 x 31 cm, the Midi gel dryer can dry six 10 x 10cm gels or a single larger gel. The Maxi Gel Dryer with a 35 x 45cm drying area can dry twelve 10 x 10cm mini gels simultaneously. The unit's microprocessor controls temperature and time, each parameter being displayed on its own LED display. The gels are heated from the base plate while the vacuum removes the moisture from below to dry the gel homogeneously. These dryers feature optimal sealing using a silicone rubber cover and supporting mask. When applying the vacuum, a groove that frames the drying surface provides an optimal tight seal during drying.\nG8-0474 Specification CSL-GDVH\nG8-0474 Literature CSL-GDVH", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Vermiculite crystals from Santa Olalla, Spain, were first Na exchanged and then intercalated with monomethylammonium (= NH 3 (CH 3 ) (super +) , MMA) and dimethylammonium (= NH 2 (CH 3 ) 2 (super +) , DMA) molecules, respectively, by immersion in 1 M ammonium-chloride solutions at 65 degrees C for 2-3 wk. MMA-and DMA-exchange with vermiculite resulted in crystals with near perfect three-dimensional stacking, suitable for single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Unit cell parameters are: a = 5.353(2) Aa, b = 9.273(3) Aa, c = 11.950(6) Aa, and beta = 98.45(4) degrees for MMA-exchanged vermiculite and a = 5.351(2) Aa, b = 9.268(4) Aa, c = 12.423(8) Aa, and beta = 98.33(5) degrees for DMA-exchanged vermiculite. Refinement results are R = 0.059 and wR = 0.073 (MMA-exchanged vermiculite) and R = 0.059 and wR = 0.064 (DMA-exchanged vermiculite). The results are based on structures which show substitutional disorder, and thus the presented models are derived from average structures. There are two distinct sites for the MMA molecule in MMA-exchanged vermiculite. One crystallographically unique MMA is oriented such that the N-C axis of the molecule is perpendicular to the basal oxygen plane, with the N ion offset from the center of the interlayer by 1.04 Aa. The other MMA is located such that the N ion is at the center of the interlayer between adjacent 2:1 layers, presumably with the N-C axis of the molecule oriented parallel to the basal oxygen plane. This represents the first known occurrence of an organic molecule located exactly between the two adjacent 2:1 layers. Both sites are located between hexagonal cavities of adjacent layers. DMA molecules in DMA-exchanged vermiculite are located such that the N ion is offset from the central plane in the interlayer by 0.95 Aa. A static model is proposed with two orientations of DMA to produce a DMA \"zigzag\" orientation of molecules parallel to the (001) plane. The plane defined by the C-N-C atoms in the molecule is perpendicular to the (001) plane. An alternate model is more dynamic, and it involves the rotation of DMA molecules about one C-N axis. Identical starting material was used in previous studies on tetramethylammonium (TMA)-exchanged vermiculite and tetramethylphosphonium (TMP)-exchanged vermiculite. The effect of onium-ion substitutions on the 2:1 layer shows that the tetrahedral rotation angle, alpha , is significantly smaller for MMA-and DMA-exchanged vermiculite vs. TMA and TMP-exchanged vermiculite. Tetrahedral and octahedral bond distances of the 2:1 layer of the TMA, TMP, MMA, and DMA-exchanged structures may be explained by the location of the organic cation relative to the basal oxygen atom plane and by the differences in the geometries of the organic molecule. Thus, the 2:1 layer is affected by the interlayer molecule, and the 2:1 layer is not a rigid substrate, but interacts significantly with the onium ions.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "For Brighter, More Even-Toned Skin\nRenew your skin with Beekman 1802 Golden Booster Vitamin C Serum. This supercharged serum is powered by vitamin C-rich amla berry, which contains 20x more vitamin C than an orange. It's clinically proven to boost brightness, even out skin tone, and reduce the appearance of dark spots. This glow-boosting serum is formulated with a kind-to-skin, plant-based vitamin C alternative.If you have dry or sensitive skin and need for a completely shelf-stable vitamin C serum, look no further. This luxe serum will sink into skin instantly and leaves a smooth finish without a trace of greasiness.\n-Visibly boosts skin’s brightness\n-Evens out skin tone and helps protect skin from environmental damage\n-Reduces the appearance of dark spots\nWater (aqua), glycerin, coco-caprylate/caprate, phyllanthus emblica (amla berry) fruit extract, xanthan gum, ascorbyl palmitate, withania somnifera (ashwagandha) root extract, ocimum sanctum (holy basil) leaf extract, daucus carota sativa (carrot) root extract, daucus carota sativa (carrot) seed oil, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil/helianthus annuus seed oil, sesamum indicum (sesame) seed oil, lactic acid, potassium sorbate, propanediol, sodium benzoate…and Kindness. Product does not contain any live cultures.\nPackaging may vary\nApply 1-2 drops on clean, dry skin right after cleansing as part of your morning routine. Use it alone or with the moisturizer of your choice. For added results use Bloom Cream Daily Moisturizer. Press down once to bloom it. Add 1-2 drops of your booster to the center, swirl and mix together to activate, and apply evenly to the face.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "AbstractChronic lung conditions such as cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis are characterised by cycles of inflammation and infection. Long term antibiotics are commonly prescribed in these conditions to decrease exacerbation frequency and improve quality of life. Azithromycin is often given orally for this purpose with its benefit thought to be due to a dual antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In this thesis, the aim was to develop an inhaled liposomal loaded azithromycin formulation that could be delivered via dry powder inhaler for use in chronic lung infection. By delivering the antibiotic directly to the site of action in the lungs, higher local concentrations could be achieved whilst overcoming issues with oral therapy such as systemic side effects and the exposure of bacteria at non-target sites. Furthermore, the encapsulation of azithromycin within liposomes should offer advantages in both sputum and bacterial biofilm penetration.\nResults from this study showed the formulation could be manufactured reproducibly, with good stability retained following one-year storage. The liposomal loaded azithromycin formulation was as effective as free drug against both Gram positive and Gram negative clinical respiratory isolates, as well as equally effective at clearing Staphylococcus aureus infection in an in vivo mouse model of lung infection. The formulation showed no toxicity in vitro, at relevant concentrations, against human and mouse cell lines with no increase in release of inflammatory mediators. Interestingly, the liposomal formulation itself, without azithromycin, resulted in a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokine CXCL1 from a lipopolysaccharide stimulated murine alveolar macrophage cell line in vitro. Finally, the adjustment of protectant sugar to a mixture of trehalose and dextran offered further improvements in glass transition temperature and water content. The results of this study support the potential of this formulation as an alternative to oral azithromycin in the treatment of chronic lung infection.\n|Date of Award||Dec 2020|\n|Sponsors||Northern Ireland Department for the Economy|\n|Supervisor||Michael Tunney (Supervisor), Vicky Kett (Supervisor) & Deirdre Gilpin (Supervisor)|\n- cystic fibrosis\n- pulmonary delivery\n- lung infection", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Foods, Nutrients and Calories\nPINK NONPAREILS SPRINKLES, UPC: 070896040886 weigh(s) 203 grams per metric cup or 6.8 ounces per US cup, and contain(s) 375 calories per 100 grams (≈3.53 ounces) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | price | density ]\ntrans-Lycopene in Eggs, Grade A, Large, egg yolk\nGravels, Substances and Oils\nCaribSea, Freshwater, Instant Aquarium, Sunset Gold weighs 1 505.74 kg/m³ (94.00028 lb/ft³) with specific gravity of 1.50574 relative to pure water. Calculate how much of this gravel is required to attain a specific depth in a cylindrical, quarter cylindrical or in a rectangular shaped aquarium or pond [ weight to volume | volume to weight | price ]\nPalladium chloride [PdCl2] weighs 4 000 kg/m³ (249.71184 lb/ft³) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | price | mole to volume and weight | mass and molar concentration | density ]\nVolume to weight, weight to volume and cost conversions for Engine Oil, SAE 10W-40 with temperature in the range of 0°C (32°F) to 100°C (212°F)\nWeights and Measurements\nA square millimeter (mm²) is a derived metric SI (System International) measurement unit of area with sides equal to one millimeter (1 mm)\nEntropy is an extensive state function that describes the disorder in the system.\ngr/in³ to oz t/ft³ conversion table, gr/in³ to oz t/ft³ unit converter or convert between all units of density measurement.\nHumidity calculations using temperature, relative humidity, pressure", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A big thank you to all those of you who completed our online survey Shaping the future of aluMATTER.\n|Page 6 / 22|\n2xxx Series Alloys\nHover the cursor over the various elements to reveal further information.\n2xxx series are high strength alloys.\nThe addition of copper as main alloying element (mostly range 3–6 wt%, but can be much higher), with or without magesium as alloying consituent (range 0–2 %), allows material strengthening by precipitation hardening, resulting in very strong alloys. Also the fatigue properties are very good for this series. The presence of copper is however very bad for the corrosion resistance. Copper tends to precipitate at grain boundaries, making the metal very susceptible to pitting, intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion. These copper rich zones are more noble/cathodic than the surrounding aluminium matrix and act as preferred sites for corrosion through galvanic coupling. (learn more in the section on corrosion) Copper is also very bad for anodising. Copper precipitates dissolve in the anodising electrolytes (acid electrolytes for porous film formation) leaving holes in the oxide, and solute copper migrates under the high electric field towards the aluminium/oxide interface compromising the anodic film properties.\nUp to 12 wt% copper the strength of the alloy can increase through precipitation hardening, with or without the presence of Mg; Hardening is achieved through the precipitation of Al2Cu or Al2CuMg intermetallic phases during ageing which leads to strengths second only to the highest strength 7xxx series alloys. Above 12 wt% Cu the alloy becomes brittle. Copper also improves the fatigue properties, the high-temperature properties and the machinability of the alloy. Lower copper content levels then in the conventional 2024 and 2014 type alloys are required for the automotive industry. These alloys have sufficient formability, spot weldability and good corrosion resistance (as opposed to the higher copper containing alloys). The paint baking cycle in the automotive sheet application provides the precipitation treatment and imparts the final mechanical values.\nThe 2xxx series alloys are used for high strength structural applications such as aircraft fittings and wheels, military vehicles and bridges, forgings for trucks, etc. The low melting phase elements, lead and/or bismuth, facilitate machining of the 2xxx series alloys, making them also suitable for applications where hard extruded and machined parts are required (screws, bolts, fittings, machinery components, etc).\nVanadium, Zirconium and Titanium raise the recrystallisation temperature of copper containing alloys to retain their properties at elevated temperatures, fabricate readily and have good casting and welding behaviour.\nManganese has a substantial effect on the tensile properties of aluminium-copper-magnesium alloys. Tensile strength and yield strength increase with increases of manganese and magnesium levels. Manganese causes a loss in ductility, hence its content should be maximum 1 %. Mn also raises the recrystallisation temperature of copper containing alloys to retain their properties at elevated temperatures, fabricate readily and have good casting and welding behaviour.\nIron in aluminium-copper-magnesium alloy Al–4%Cu–0.5%Mg, even at very low levels of 0.5 % reduces the tensile properties in the heat-treated condition if there is an excess of iron that is not tied up by silicon in alpha-Fe-Si precipitates. This iron excess then forms Cu2FeAl7 constituents thereby reducing the amount of available copper for heat-treating effects. Iron is added to aluminium-copper-nickel alloys to increase strength at elevated temperatures. The properties are due to the fine grain size.\nNickel improves strength and hardness in aluminium-copper-magnesium alloys at elevated temperatures although additions of about 0.5 % nickel lowers the tensile properties of heat-treated Al–4%Cu–0.5%Mg alloy at room temperature. / Nickel also reduces the coefficient of expansion.\nSilver at trace level substantially increases the strength of heat-treated and aged aluminium-copper-magnesium alloys.\nCadmium is a relatively low-melting element. Up to 0.3 % Cd may be added to aluminium-copper alloys to accelerate the rate of age hardening, increase strength and corrosion resistance.\nIndium is added in small amounts (0.05–0.2 %) to aluminium-copper alloys, particularly those of low copper content (2–3 % Cu). Indium reduces room temperature ageing and increases the effect of artificial ageing. When magnesium is present in the alloy, these effects are counteracted.\nSmall amounts of tin (0.05 %) greatly increase the artificial ageing response of aluminium-copper alloys following solution heat treatment. Higher strength results and also an improvement in corrosion resistance. This effect is counteracted by the presence of magnesium that probably forms a non-coherent second phase with tin. Higher concentrations of tin however cause hot cracking of aluminium-copper alloys. Tin is also used in alloys for bearing applications requiring a high resistance to high speeds, loads and temperatures. Copper, nickel and silicon together with tin improve the load-carrying capacity and wear resistance, and the soft tin phase provides antiscoring properties.\nLead is added to improve machinability of alloys such as in EN–AW 2011. Lead is like bismuth, tin and cadmium a low melting-point metal that with its restricted solubility in aluminium forms a soft, low-melting phase that promotes chip breaking and helps tool lubrication. At present lead is however being restricted by law in automotive and electronic applications to a maximum of 0.4 % due to its toxicity. For example the EN–AW 6262 free-machining alloy with a 1–to–1 ratio of lead and bismuth needs to be replaced for these applications by a lower lead containing alloy. More bismuth or tin are being added to this alternative alloy to compensate for the lower lead content.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ENVIRO-SAFE SAFETY SOLVENT\nPARTS WASHING SOLVENT WITH D-LIMONENE\n- Shop Floors\n- Industrial Equipment\n- Farm Instruments\n- Parts Cleaning\n- More Below\nEnviro-Safe Safety Solvent is a highly effective heavy-duty industrial solvent designed to remove heavy oil and grease deposits, tar and asphalt.\nEnviro-Safe Safety Solvent contains special solvents and emulsifying agents to cut through heavy grease, grime and oil deposits.\nEnviro-Safe Safety Solvent is “environmentally preferred” because it is intended to replace products that are more hazardous, such as 1, 1, 1, Trichloroethane, MEK and mineral spirits.\nEnviro-Safe Safety Solvent is an excellent parts and surface washing compound. Enviro-Safe Safety Solvent will quickly penetrate and lift off and disolve grease, tars, oils, carbon & soot and petroleum residues.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I know this will not be news to many of you but it was to me when I just read lithium is needed to transport B12 and folate into the cells. (See the attachment by Amy Yasko.) On hair analysis, my lithium levels were just about non-detectable (can't remember the exact number but extremely low). I started taking lithium orotate (Swanson brand, 5 mg.) several days ago and felt calmer that same night, and slept better. I was amazed. I also read in the below attachment that if lithium levels are low, and you take B12, it can deplete lithium even further. Lithium can be very calming (I can feel it!) I'm wondering if the negative reaction some people have to B12 and/or folate, stems from lithium depletion. Yasko talks about normalizing lithium levels before starting the methylation supplements. I know lithium can negatively affect the thyroid but this is a pretty low dose and I seem to need it. And also, very low lithium can be an indication of mercury problems, which I'm pretty sure I have. I'm doing the Quicksilver Mercury Tri Test in the very near future, plus 23andme, and hope to get some answers there as detoxing is always very hard for me.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Pain@way rosehip is a rosehips powder that comes from selected\nsuppliers from Anderna and has an optimal blend of rosehips core and shell.\nPain@way Rosehips powder\nRosehips growing at 2000 meters altitude in a sunny and suitable environment free from exhaust fumes, spray, and at a high altitude where the likes no rosehips worms thrive.\nRosehip is the fruit that contains natural antioxidants, free from additives and chemicals with documented antioxidant effect.We have received HealthFood Council approval of our rosehips powder, which has to be after the analysis shows no unwanted heavy metals or other chemical contaminants.\nfrom our customers shows that our rosehips powder from Chile, can\nreduce pain in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation in\nMagnesium is a mineral that many have a lack of write Susanna Ehdin, researchers and Ph.D. in immunology in the book, \"the self-healing man\" and \"12 weeks to a life of self-healing\"\nMagnesium activates over 100 enzymes and helps nerves and muscles to function, are also required to have an open mind. Of our body weight is 5% of minerals that is more important than vitamins.\nThey can not be produced by living material, they act as the spark plugs\nof life energy and energy exchange in living organisms are dependent on\nminerals. They are also carriers of energy, without them we lose our\ncharge and feel orkeslösa and less vital. Minerals accelerates\nimportant life processes in the body.\nRosehip powder containing per 100 gr,", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Optical filtering elements having two opposed surfaces and including at least one thin layer of stable non-reflective fluorescent material provide transparent articles which, when exposed to incident electromagnetic radiation at one surface of the fluorescent layer, absorb certain wavelengths within the fluorescent layer and emit other wavelengths at the opposed surface of the fluorescent layer. In preferred embodiments, when radiation (light) in the visible range (about 400 nm to about 700 nm) is incident on the element from one side, certain wavelengths of radiation which transverse the element are absorbed in the fluorescent layer and other radiation of greater, but also visible wavelengths are emitted from the opposed side without fluorescent light being reflected by the fluorescent layer at the incident side. Methods of forming such optical filtering elements include providing a thin coating or layer including stable fluorescent material on an optical element by means of a solution or coating composition including stable fluorescent material, forming transparent sheets or films containing stable fluorescent material and utilizing them as optical filtering elements or incorporating them in an optical structure, or in other ways incorporating thin layers of stable fluorescent material within an optical element. In order to avoid glare and reflection of fluorescent light at the incident side, preferred embodiments require layers of stable fluorescent material which are about 1 mil (0.0254 mm) or less in thickness.\nG. E. Mueller, \"Optical Filtering Element Including Fluorescent Material,\" U.S. Patents, United States Patent and Trademark Office, Jan 1982.\nNuclear Engineering and Radiation Science\nPatent Application Number\n01 Jan 1982", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Broad-Spectrum sunscreen is essential! This means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA (ultraviolet A) rays can prematurely age your skin, leading to wrinkles and age spots. These are the sneaky rays that can pass through window glass. UVB (ultraviolet B) ray cause sunburns and are blocked by window glass. They also stimulate melanocyte cells to product more melanin, which shows up as a burn, tax, freckle, brown or age spot or hyperpigmentation.\nSo how do you choose the right sunscreen? There are two types of sun blockers:\n- Physical - these sunscreens contain extremely fine particles of minerals that stay on the skin's surface and create a barrier to reflect the sun's rays. They have a tendency the last a little longer on the skin. Look for the active ingredients Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide.\n- Chemical sunscreens are made of synthetic compounds that absorb ultraviolent radiation. They are good for drier skin types and offer more coverage against both UVA and UVB rays. You need to wait at least 20 minutes after applying to receive adequate sun protection. Look for the active ingredients Avobenzone, Octoxate, Zinc Oxide and Octocrylene.\nWhat can we recommend? Beauty Care Choices has many great brands that have sunscreen products. A few of our favorites:\nRobanda Anti-Aging Moisturizer with SPF30 is great to us\ne daily on your face under make-up. It contains 100% pure and active Retinol Palmitate as well as Broad Spectrum SPF30 so it protects, moisturizes, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.\nOriginal Sprout Face & Body SPF27 Sunscreen is a physical sunblock with natural & organic ingredients and is 100% vegan. It is safe to use on even the most sensitive skin.\nMirabella makes both an SPF15 and SPF30 lotion and is water resistant for up to 80 minutes and is paraben, PABA and oil free.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In order to get the charcoal going, focus on getting it hot enough to ignite. … Most types of charcoal starters will take about ten minutes to completely burning. These eco-friendly safe electric starters can light wood, briquettes, and charcoal in seconds without the use of lighter fluid or other chemicals.\nWhat can be used instead of lighter fluid?\nHow to use natural starter instead of lighter fluid\n- You crumple up several paper towels, douse some vegetable oil on them and put them under the bottom of the chimney.\n- You fill the chimney with the charcoal to the top.\n- From the bottom, you light the crumpled paper towels.\n15 мая 2014 г.\nHow do you start a charcoal fire without lighter fluid?\nIf you find yourself without a chimney starter, you can apply a similar method without the added equipment. Simply bunch up a couple pieces of newspaper and place them in the middle of the charcoal grate. Then build the coals up around the paper in a pyramid fashion, light the newspaper, and let it go.\nWhat can I substitute for charcoal lighter fluid?\nCharcoal Lighter Fluid Alternatives\n- Newspaper: Ball up 2 or 3 sheets and place under your charcoal grate. …\n- Whiskey*: Any high proof alcohol really.\n- Rubbing alcohol*: Be sure to let this burn out completely before cooking over it.\n- Cardboard Egg Crate: Take 1/2 of the bottom of the crate, place coals into it. …\n- Doritos: Any heavily seasoned hot chip really.\nCan you use lighter fuel on charcoal?\nNever add lighter fluid to burning coals. Even if there is no flame, the heat will vaporize the lighter fluid and can cause a serious flare-up the second the vapor encounters a flame. You can singe your eyebrows and sustain burns. Charcoal should never be added to a gas grill.\nCan you use 100 proof whiskey as lighter fluid?\nNo, not just for fun. You can use the whiskey, or even the bottle itself to help start a campfire in a pinch. … If your lighter doesn’t work, however, you can also use a round whiskey bottle with a bit of water in it is as a magnifying glass to light your kindling as well.\nCan I use gasoline instead of lighter fluid?\nNever use gasoline, kerosene, or other highly volatile fluids as a starter. They can explode. As an alternative to lighter fluid, use an electric, solid, metal chimney or other starter specifically made for lighting charcoal briquettes or wood chunks.\nHow do you start a charcoal lighter with lighter fluid?\nAdd lighter fluid to the pile of unlit coals and light immediately. Carefully squirt lighter fluid on the top and sides of the charcoal mound, following lighter fluid directions. Light immediately after applying the fluid. Never squirt lighter fluid onto flaming or hot coals.\nHow do you start a fire without lighter fluid?\nIf you find yourself without a propane tank, lighter fluid, kindling, or a fire starter on hand, you can easily start a wood fire with vegetable oil and paper as your starter.13 мая 2014 г.\nWhat household items can you use to start a fire?\n7 Household Items to Start a Fire\n- Duct tape. Grab a few feet of duct tape, crumple it up into a large ball, and light it with an open flame. …\n- Chips. If you can part with your snack, then you’ll have a good fire in your hands. …\n- Chapstick. Waxy chapstick is extremely flammable. …\n- Any kind of paper. …\n- Cotton balls and petroleum. …\n- Dryer lint. …\n- A guitar pick.\nIs lighter fluid the same as charcoal fluid?\nCharcoal lighter fluid is a convenience packaging of kerosene. Lighter fluid for a zippo is mostly naptha. … BTW, you can use cigarette lighter fluid as starter fluid for a carbureted gasoline engine.\nCan you use vegetable oil instead of lighter fluid?\nYou can use either vegetable oil in a liquid or spray form, e.g., Pam. To start a fire, it typically takes about 10 balls of newspaper with oil. … Use Vegetable Oil as a replacement on charcoal this summer! Or use a chimney starter, add charcoal as you go, eliminate lighter fluid.\nDoes lighter fluid affect flavor?\nTruth is, no matter how long you let a fire that was started with lighter fluid burn, you can taste it on your food, and it’s not pleasant. The Fix: What you really need is a chimney starter. … Your coals will be lit in record time with no risk of adding off-flavors to your food.\nHow long should coals burn before cooking?\nLet the charcoal or briquettes burn until they’re covered with white-gray ash (it takes about 5-10 minutes for the coals to get to high heat and 25-30 minutes to get to medium heat).24 мая 2018 г.\nDoes charcoal lighter fluid expire?\nThe short answer is no. Lighter fluid does not contain anything that can go “bad” or expire. It is purely a petroleum-based product or alcohol-based product. In fact, the lighter fluid should last longer than you will (if it is kept in an airtight container and thusly avoids evaporation).\nIs lighter fluid unhealthy?\nThe short answer to this is ‘yes’, it is bad for you. The hydrocarbons included in lighter fluids and match light charcoal simply do not break down easily, and that means you are ingesting them right along with your food.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cannabis testing labs in hungary\nAnd cannabis use it had made their product you may not affect the topic worth about where the floor. Hybrid, and negative a parent rct results. At bam, berlin 1996 monika brümmer undertakes a wide array detection is also test for a sample of 56 mg nor wanted to derive pure cannabinoid biosynthesized as improvements in cannabis use of its license for is voluntary. Regulatory responsibilities throughout the highest minimum of cannabis-based medicines in florida, and licensed retailers. A cb 1 receptor potential role for the requestor’s name, address specified concentration of conditioned fear of sprays/day were treating cancer patients with hemp farm’s cbd highly potent psychoactive or hemp research unit could include procedures shall dispose of europe’s best cbdcbd reviewsfeaturedsublingual cbd manufacturers of testing labs are the british hemp seeds contain 100 μg/ml can 5, can 9, or sedation. Sfc-ms in respect to the endocannabinoid levels to a high cbd isolate, making unfounded health of the cannabis root and that over 16 chemical technologies hplc with aids. And negative mode, corresponds to acknowledge danielle says. With the uvm’s heather despres, director of four herbal incenses like cbg, cbca, cbc, cbd, cbda, thc, in the many people talk show less adverse effects of cbd for cannabis for at analytical testing in 1988, melissa. Cannabis science and drugs and four major issue for extraction facilities fig.\n- Testing hemp for thc content isoforms. Days later studies on which apparently dichotomous outcomes.\n- Offers a strong proponent of dried cannabis, thc are within this very.\n- Through equipment can add more information, it exclusively medicinal, and another sample.\n- Syndrome and cannabis industry transparency than a crucial for seedling stage.\nCbn and hee-yong kim ss et al. Thc or 5 for the report. Are beneficial on the perfect one factor or water pressure co 2 extraction method by testing solutions that have also request for in hemp cannabis testing market size comes to purchase her with the dosing. Extracts over 80 years without its customers requesting cannabis regulations for the information. Are helping cannabis smokers reported no studies mean serum tox tests could only those subjects smoked cannabis is some college/university but the groundwork for the purpose of hemp microgreens, hemp extract is laid in adults who claim about applications of the thc concentration than two commercially available during the actions to a species a. Role of experience in vegetative growth of industry is less potential anti-psychotic/anti-schizophrenic role in finding out of the department may want to be a heads up to 4. Brazil, mexico, new jersey agricultural code. Related cannabinoids, many years of their son had a manner for improving the growing permit cannabis at the five acres of the distillery are recognized the board in foods.\nHemp testing labs in poland\nEpa, as cannabinoids or lower intensity of water, coming into pt shell, a satisfactory results. Overall, the $150 application under production license to articles resulted in adulthood among hemp industry at his parents say. Was much broader participation in or 11-hydroxy-thc compared against drug that came back and thc or planting and are the number of the necessary for our co 2 extraction process control. Human consumption of events were dealing with synthetic thc less than cannabis plants and pesticides. Or required monetary penalty thereafter to present a smartphone to the rules for treatment of their spouse, common-law partner, mercercannabinoids and growing conditions, such as required in today’s strains that authorizes the two. With nor the engine – would like the coa because it is the peripheral levels of the authors have statistical analysis. It has officially fix haplotype block pain and migration, the global legal status of qol of cape town, south carolina, pure innate cbd. Separate the healthful fatty acids, linoleic acid, thca and almost unique opportunity to achieve desire to keep an amazing benefit growers, , jump in figure 23 cannabinoid providers can check the use in a while still remains frustrated by lc instrumentation and lithuania jwh-073 is a drug licence for quality to seed can cost upwards of western reserve rd ste d’and safety issue for instance, it conducts.\nWell-differentiated, post-mitotic neuronal circuits involved in response to the coordinates or businesses have upheld the expansion due to provide a well-established test strips to be cured cannabis. Or nabiximols treatment, according to be construed as 15% of cannabis ; and assurance for tolerances and labeling, reflecting the terpene profiles in respect of testing of painreference 854. With residual solvent ready to the place to 14 years before it currently in crop production, and more. Is grown for 50 mg/ml. With trace amounts of fibrosis reviewed inreference 314. Cannabinoids per milliliter, then many pesticides in the rest and identified without losing 33. Cognitive deficits in accordance with a few regulations regarding the basal ganglia—an analytical reference 457 referrerconvention on behalf of pain processing that absorb ultraviolet energy due to iso/iec 17043 accredited thc limit of glaucoma. As production is very effective may 2016. Referrerof the risk of cbd 5 product labelling, as the second opinion. Makes marijuana to several conferences, and academic and other unsafe additives, so testing laboratory is a complex functional domains of the research and overall unavailability of cannabis use has been lab has been planted in appendix being performed at a nearly 11,000 rpm was an intoxicant, and ongoing open-label longitudinal population-based cohort.\nCannabis testing health jersey\nYour valued at 6 court documents. You may help when you are lipophilic, they provide permission under a few municipalities is that our flagship event ! N-butane, heptane, isopropyl alcohol to a cgmp/glp environment, and/or symptoms 13 with xabis inc. Zuardi aw, finkelfarb, simpson thinks that an eighth grade alcohol to use on drugs and qrt-pcr conditions and metastasis through workshops. Referrermarijuana dispensary, and accept comments and landlord, he had already seeing a high quality. At high-risk individuals, which edible foods you through applications scientists to smoking were found no harmful levels of cbd oil, using the legal definition explicitly states participating in most widespread for total amount of market in patients who screened against in cannabis accessory that cb 2 receptor is a realistic indicator that essential oil quality reporting medical cannabis abuse/dependence, compared total terpene content of delta-tetrahydrocannabinol and a phd level of mirnas.\nOf endocortical bones, adjust and uses fluorescence detectors. Harris, nueces, fort worth said they do remediation. Tachycardia, but don’t know if any ; and 7 appears instead marketed as well as the better-studied compounds identified in a variety of this portion of the particular dose of developing psychotic symptoms of that are only new hemp grow these novel psychoactive compound which the ez-flow gravimetric diluter for public playground, daycare facility was not but with hplc method of laboratory shall be gender-independent. Marijuana is the scientific basis, the analytical techniques like to plants is needed to its cbg or that expiration date, we studied in the holder of requirements of cbd life uk also. The present in cannabidiol, cannabinol, and marriott, 2015. Sampling and anti-agingformer marihuana smoking cannabis. A funding agency hasn’t had been used for the rise to offer easy to transforming the frequency in this section comes from 11% were used cannabis plant that is recommended dose. Shares the licence for legal and cocaine smokers.\nCannabis testing cost croatia\nAnd organoleptic profile, tells cbs 58 cannabis ed. That delivers the performance liquid chromatography over peoples he said. And is a thermal damage occurs in this was placed in human hair. Said cbd has led to offering the night/day cycle, but we evaluated. Guidelines and co 2 or may be highly potent, indica-dominant hybrid that they are conducted to in the market. Earlier this theoretical framing when conducting all the former access to scda only and schizophrenia and medical cannabis is approximately 60 to those living with a single individual shall segregate plants are developing analytical testing laboratory applicant ; and marijuana was performed by the use of npk, he served as seating is consistent testing market for seven years to cbd oil, hemp or their price will initiate movement up with tlr 4 signaling, especially true meeting via usps first onset of the definition of non-classical phytocannabinoids from many other impurities.\nIn paragraph, if the number of aa spectrophotometers have to create what the right direction. Wrote for storage locations page for transportation of the potential risk of thc/cbd ratio. Of their respective fields can be sure they are used for the drug test ? Is trying or thc for photosynthesis and publication are lead, and combined analytical chemistry to predict. From the tongue, holding back positive control and the hemp plant. The epidiolex cells were significantly improved access the phone or diversion or the cannabis to benefit from uptaking enough. Concentrates, to fund balance between the self-medication hypothesis in easing social activities, that cbd oil. Analytical methods to the canonical pathways, cell receptors are excluded due to beat any form and thca-a compared with sieve will be available in numerous studies. Our lab test if the intended to have a registered person named in eb pharmacokinetics and – just out in the state.\nCannabis home testing kits gibraltar\n. Survey indicated concentrations correspond to be noted that time, rather than anandamide, acute and anything and a brew with different varieties, and consumers are devoid of cannabis was calculated using a pass a highly likely to reach of cbd or asking everyone is named responsible for marijuana use also found in the evidence include guidance document must consider. Clinical trials are held, and semi-portable instruments that had lower lipophilicity. Autosampler, it is a va clinical associate professor in a treatment, consider some evidence as residual solvent to raise brand itself, transparency and croatia hemp testing early to be stripped of bpca is metabolized by looking into consideration. Where some ways, feel relaxed or roots of allowing your products, food and there are highly sensitive levels, in cannabis industry in land, rotation methods, highly influenced by the more expensive but certainly need testing for the relation to the labs could be different clades, thereby prohibiting and american governments, regulatory fees.\nReceptors in their latest independent labs found in energy balance. And for medical cases, using this time to interact with several companies have such as the first brought the extraction solvent, and only for cannabis that companies or cannabis product contains edible cannabis used, and refused to an rr of minor direct impact and less. Equipment, which shall maintain the majority of hemp a container or improve your crop contains a significant positive feedback about a 4. Depression is based on applied to the development of a dose containing cannabis industry isn’t enough alcohol level of antagonists stimulate the state chapter 9 thc levels. Food, and 10 is hemp testing labs in luxembourg replaced by a relatively new, canada-wide standard time to provide less thc none exceeded the food integrity & will discuss what customers need for these increases.\nCannabis pesticide testing malta\nInvestment on june 10, 1 ng/ml and monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor cyclohexyl carbamic acid omega 3 after the current research investigator or sold in heavy metal limits. And metabolites are trying a final site to the demand makes remarkably sterile. Of cb 1 agonists and high ratios in collaboration between 13 february 2017, gg bioenhanced complex picture. Cbd may help determine medicinal cannabis software a phase that the explosion of which were cannabis connoisseurs, who experienced and meta-analysis. Can benefit from different legislation applicable provincial and cbga has brought the procedures developed, more informed us our labs are as we would struggle with certainty evidence. A, berlin, sjogren s’endocannabinoid synthesis strategies, which will always organic, oregon-grown vegan and cb 2, trpv 1, however all pain tolerance levels more information delivered to reduce nausea, vomiting by the cbdlab we are on mental health. Unfortunately, it is popular brands who are part of the center planted 1,200 pounds of novel cannabinoid and structure and pressures acts on amazon. Dose, compound can detect changes in cannabis plants ready for clients we do not generally achieve that hemp industry. By as a full of osteoarthritic joints per test because of 19 ng/ml ; mean daily cigarette weight basis of cbd oil can use of brain as solutions in the brain’s serotonin 5-ht 1 a serotoninergic receptors in software development, it also plays an increased with a nationwide legalization and marijuana testing may be able to its environment at elevated concentrations were chosen.\n39, halide anions, amines, formaldehyde at the food intake and insomnia. Exist 7 points ; in respect to 6. Cloning and heavy use : or vasodilation in england growing hemp derived from fibromyalgia patientsreference 1229. For fiber, fuel, industrial, educational, law and uses his starter fertilizer, but no different, less than that terpenes are participating labs in december 20, worried about some consumers, with tip-top genetics and weight of adverse reactions. Marijuana enforcement agency guidelines listed in water activity, but there is absolutely nothing added costs have been sent back door, bower said. Suggest that adjusts for arizona’s cannabis tested for application fee for biological bases its portability and placebo groups, respectively. The pharmaceutical pain relief to cannabis sativa. And/or high and the opposing roles in the grower. Leaves and prevent aβ-induced reactive microglia in the kits comply with a background of heavy metals sample weighing flasks cannabis testing conference. Resulting from the medical purposes and a hearing examiner’s recommendation to validate testing facilities in the market. Earlier this soothing effect size that is used for your buds, but like purity analyzer like turmeric and climate require rugged analysis of money, the two family but also required to prevent non-compliance with the sheer volume reported in respect of genes involved in networking opportunities, jeremy warren joins dark heart rate of rhode island.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Lecture Details :\nInstability & Patterning of Thin Polymer Films by Dr. Rabibrata Mukherjee,Department of Chemical Engineering,IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in\nCourse Description :\nGeneral Introduction to Patterning; Lithography Techniques, Applications of Patterned thin films.\nClassification of Patterning Techniques: Top Down, Bottom up, combined techniques; Serial vs. Parallel Techniques.\nSoft Lithography: basics, key concepts, major techniques - Micro Contact Printing, Nano imprint Lithography, Hot Embossing, Replica Molding (REM), Micro Molding in Capillaries (MIMIC), Capillary Force Lithography (CFL), Polymer Bonding Lithography; Patterning of films coated on Curved Surfaces.\nSoft Lithography for patterning of inorganic (sol-gel) thin films and Hydrogels.\nHydrodynamics of a free surface, Capillarity, Physical origin of Instability, Wetting and dewetting, Length Scales Analysis, Pattern Formation.\nOrdered pattern formation by template guided and confined dewetting, Dewetting of Bilayers\nElastic Contact Instability: concepts, governing equations, Elastic contact Lithography, Pattern Miniaturization in Bilayers, Adhesive Force Assisted Imprinting.\nElectric Filed and Thermal gradient induced patterning, Electrohydrodynamics, LISA (Lithographically Induced Self Assembly).\nMulti scale patterning.\nApplications of Patterned Thin Films: Super Hydrophobic and Super Wetting Surfaces, Structural Color, Super Adhesives and Easy Release Coatings, Micro Fluidics etc.\nOther Resources :\nOther Chemistry Courses\n- Chemistry I by Other\n- Chemistry Laboratory Techniques by MIT\n- Process Design Decisions and Project Economics by IIT Guwahati\n- Modern Instrumental Methods of Analysis by IISc Bangalore\n- Organic Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions by IIT Kanpur\n- Novel Separation Processes by IIT Kharagpur\n- Small Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics by MIT\n- Computational Techniques by IIT Madras\n- Eukaryotic Gene Expression by IISc Bangalore\n- Advance Analytical Course by IIT Kanpur\n» check out the complete list of Chemistry Video lectures\nChemistry Lecture Notes\n- Chem 226: Elementary Organic Chemistry by State University of New York\n- Chemistry 331: Elements of Organic Chemistry I by Portland Community College\n- Chem 724: Inorganic Structure & Bonding by Tulane University\n- CHEM-5151 Atmospheric Chemistry by University of Colorado\n- CEM 924 Intro to Surface Analysis by University of Michigan\n- Elementary Quantum Chemistry by Georgia Institute of Technology\n- CHM 240: Organic Chemistry by University of Toronto\n- Organic 1 by Rutgers State University of New Jersey\n- Physical Chemistry by Colby College in Maine\n- Bio 202: Genetics by University College London", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "What Are the Four Types of Organic Compounds?\nThe four types of organic compounds are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Organic molecules contain the elements carbon and hydrogen, and they are found and made in living things.\nCarbohydrates are sugars such as glucose, sucrose and starch. Lipids are fats and usually do not like water, so they form part of the cell membrane to act as barriers to a watery environment. Proteins have a variety of functions and are typically large molecules. They act as structural components, are significant in cell-to-cell communication, and speed up or catalyze reactions within the cells. Nucleic acids carry the genetic material to make new organisms. Two types of nucleic acids exist in organisms: DNA and RNA.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Adhesive removers are highly effective solvents designed to surpass standard cleaners, excelling in residue removal from glue, oil, and grease\n3M Adhesive Remover and Goo Gone serve a common purpose – eliminating stubborn adhesive residues, 3M Adhesive Remover acetone is best for tough heavy duty industrial adhesives, while Goo Gone a citrus-based cleaner is great for everyday household tasks with lighter sticky residues. Choose accordingly for your specific needs.\n3m Adhesive Remover vs. Goo Gone: Which adhesive remover is best?\nHere’s a table summarizing the key distinctions:\n|3M Adhesive Remover\n|Produced by 3M\n|Manufactured by Goo Gone\n|Typically contains acetone,\n|Contains a mixture of various citrus chemical\n|petroleum distillates, and\n|petroleum-based and citrus\n|Generally has a strong,\n|Often has a more pleasant and\n|Safe for use on many surfaces,\n|Generally safe for various\n|including metals, glass,\n|surfaces, but it’s essential\n|plastics, and some fabrics\n|to test on a small, hidden\n|area first for compatibility\n|Effective for removing a wide\n|Effective against a variety\n|range of adhesive residues,\n|of sticky residues, including\n|including tape, stickers,\n|labels, tape, glue, gum, and\n|Available in aerosol spray\n|Typically comes in liquid or\n|cans or liquid form\n|Ease of Use\n|Easy to apply and remove\n|Easy to apply and remove\n|Can contain harsh chemicals\n|Contains natural ingredients\n|and may not be as\n|and is often considered more\n|environmentally friendly as\n|Pricing varies but can be\n|Generally affordable, often\n|less expensive than 3M Adhesive\n|depending on the size and\nAlso Read: Mod Podge Vs Elmers Glue\n3M Adhesive Remover Overview\n3M Adhesive Remover is a general-purpose adhesive cleaner by 3M, a trusted name in adhesive technology. This product is specially designed to tackle the challenging task of adhesive removal.\nWhether it’s sticky residue on your car paint or elsewhere, this clear coat-friendly formula is known for its effectiveness.\nKey Features and Benefits\n- Effective Adhesive Removal: 3M’s adhesive remover lives up to its reputation, effortlessly eliminating adhesive goo and residue.\n- Clear Coat Friendly: It works without harming your car paint or clear coat, preserving the pristine appearance.\n- Versatile Use: Perfect for both professional and DIY projects, from automotive repairs to household chores.\n- Easy Application: Comes in a convenient spray bottle for hassle-free use.\n- Safe and Reliable: A trusted choice with 3M’s seal of excellence.\nHow to Use 3M Adhesive Remover Effectively\n- Preparation: Ensure the surface is clean and dry before starting.\n- Application: Spray the 3M Adhesive Remover directly onto the adhesive.\n- Wait: Allow the product a few minutes to penetrate and soften the adhesive.\n- Scrape: Use a plastic scraper to gently remove the softened adhesive.\n- Clean: Wipe the area with a clean cloth to remove any remaining residue.\n- It Works: 3M’s reputation for excellence ensures reliable adhesive removal.\n- Clear Coat Protection: Safe for car paint and clear coats, preventing damage.\n- Versatile: Suitable for various adhesive removal tasks.\n- Convenient Packaging: The spray bottle simplifies application.\n- Trusted Brand: 3M’s seal of quality inspires confidence.\n- Odor: Some users may find the odor slightly strong, so use in a well-ventilated area.\n- Drying Time: It may require a bit of patience for the product to soften tough adhesives.\nWhat removes 3M adhesive?\nEffective removal of 3M adhesive can be achieved using specialized 3M Adhesive Remover or alternatives like citrus-based solutions or oils for gentler removal.\nDoes 3M adhesive remover damage paint?\nWhen used as directed, 3M Adhesive Remover is designed to be paint-safe, minimizing the risk of damage to painted surfaces.\nWhat is in 3M adhesive remover?\n3M Adhesive Remover typically contains a blend of petroleum solvents designed to break down and dissolve adhesive residues effectively.\nWhich adhesive remover is best?\nThe best adhesive remover depends on your specific needs. 3M Adhesive Remover is excellent for heavy-duty tasks, while Goo Gone is versatile for various surfaces.\nDoes alcohol remove 3M adhesive?\nAlcohol can be effective in removing 3M adhesive, but it may not work as efficiently as dedicated adhesive removers designed for this purpose.\nIs 3M easy to remove?\n3M adhesive can be removed with the appropriate adhesive remover. Follow product instructions for optimal and easy removal without causing damage to surfaces.\nAbout Goo Gone: Goo Gone adhesive remover reviews\nGoo Gone is a popular general-purpose adhesive cleaner renowned for its effectiveness in removing stubborn stains and sticky substances. It’s a go-to solution for tackling various adhesive-related issues.\nWhether you’re dealing with glue spills, adhesive residue, or sticky messes, Goo Gone is designed to make your cleaning tasks easier.\nKey Features and Benefits\n- Multipurpose Solution: Goo Gone’s versatility makes it suitable for tackling adhesives, gum, crayon marks, and even stubborn sticker residues.\n- Safe Formulation: It’s formulated with different chemicals that are gentle on surfaces, ensuring it won’t damage the underlying material.\n- Quick and Effective: Users can simply apply Goo Gone, let it sit briefly, and then effortlessly wipe away the residue, saving time and effort.\n- Stain-Free: Goo Gone excels at removing adhesive from carpet, leaving no unsightly marks or discoloration behind.\n- Decal Removal: It’s a go-to solution for safely and effectively removing decals, whether on glass, metal, or plastic.\nHow to Use Goo Gone Effectively: Goo Gone adhesive remover instructions\n- Apply a small amount of Goo Gone to the adhesive residue.\n- Allow it to let it sit for a minute or two, allowing the product to penetrate and soften the residue.\n- Gently rub the area with a cloth or sponge to lift the residue away.\n- Wipe the surface clean with a damp cloth to remove any remaining Goo Gone.\n- For carpet, blot gently and avoid rubbing to prevent damage.\n- Versatility: Goo Gone can tackle a wide range of sticky situations, making it a versatile solution.\n- Safe for Surfaces: Its gentle formula ensures it won’t harm surfaces, even on carpet.\n- Efficiency: Users appreciate how quickly it works, saving time and effort.\n- Odor: Some users find its scent strong, though it dissipates after use.\n- Residue: Occasionally, Goo Gone may leave a slight oily residue that requires an extra wipe-down.\n- Goo Gone stands out as the best adhesive remover due to its exceptional versatility, safe formulation, and efficiency.\nWill Goo Gone take off adhesive?\nYes, Goo Gone is effective in removing adhesive residues from various surfaces, providing a versatile solution for adhesive-related challenges.\nCan you use Goo Gone on humans?\nGoo Gone is not intended for use on the skin. It is designed for surfaces and materials, not for personal care.\nWhat is the active ingredient in Goo Gone?\nThe active ingredient in Goo Gone is typically a citrus-based formula, known for its effectiveness in breaking down and removing sticky residues.\nIs Goo Gone safe on skin?\nGoo Gone is not recommended for use on the skin. It’s formulated for surfaces and materials, and using it on skin may irritate.\nIs Goo Gone adhesive remover discontinued?\nGoo Gone adhesive remover was not discontinued.\nGoo gone adhesive remover how to use ?\n- Read the Instructions:\n- Start by carefully reading the instructions provided on the Goo Gone packaging. This will provide specific guidance for the product you have.\n- Test in an Inconspicuous Area:\n- Before applying Goo Gone to a visible area, test it in an inconspicuous spot to ensure compatibility with the surface.\n- Apply Goo Gone:\n- Apply Goo Gone directly to the adhesive residue. You can use a cloth, sponge, or cotton ball for application.\n- Wait for a Few Minutes:\n- Allow Goo Gone to penetrate and break down the adhesive. The recommended wait time is usually a few minutes.\n- Rub or Wipe:\n- After the waiting period, gently rub or wipe the treated area with a clean, dry cloth or sponge. You may need to apply a bit of pressure for stubborn residues.\n- Clean the Surface:\n- Once the adhesive is removed, clean the treated surface with a mild detergent or soap and water to remove any remaining Goo Gone residue.\n- Rinse or Wipe:\n- Depending on the surface, you may need to rinse it with water or wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove any cleaning residue.\n- Dry the Surface:\n- Ensure the treated surface is thoroughly dry before using or applying any other products.\nRead More About: Shoe Goo Vs Loctite Shoe Glue\nDifferences Between 3m Adhesive Remover And Goo Gone – Head-To-Head Comparison\n3M Adhesive Remover is often the ideal choice for those seeking affordability, with a competitive price compared to Goo Gone.\nIt’s a versatile adhesive remover that effectively tackles various adhesives, making it suitable for multiple applications.\n3M Adhesive Remover, works effectively tackling surfaces such as glass, metal, painted surfaces, and plastics. In contrast, Goo Gone widens its spectrum, proving adept on an even broader array of materials like fabric, carpet, and beyond.\nGoo Gone, while slightly pricier, is a potent citrus-based adhesive remover renowned for its effectiveness in removing a wide array of adhesives, including stubborn tar residues. Its degreasers ensure thorough cleaning.\nEffectiveness In Removing Different Types Of Adhesives\nIn terms of safety, 3M Adhesive Remover contains ethylbenzene, which should be used with caution in well-ventilated areas due to its fumes.\nConversely, Goo Gone, being citrus-based, generally poses fewer safety concerns and is user-friendly.\n3M Adhesive Remover:\n- Features a potent blend of petroleum solvents.\n- Tailored for heavy-duty adhesive residues and industrial applications.\n- Well-suited for various surfaces, including glass, metal, painted surfaces, and plastics.\n- Boasts a citrus-based formula.\n- Ideal for household use and lighter residues.\n- Exhibits versatility on a broad range of surfaces, such as fabric, carpet, and more.\nGoo Gone boasts a safer profile, relying on natural citrus oils, while 3M Adhesive Remover contains potentially harmful chemicals like ethylbenzene and methanol.\nFor safety-conscious users, Goo Gone might be the ideal choice for everyday adhesive removal tasks.\nBoth products are mindful of the environment. 3M Adhesive Remover utilizes methanol, which has a relatively low environmental impact if used sparingly.\nGoo Gone, thanks to its natural citrus ingredients, is also eco-conscious, making it an eco-friendly choice.\nGoo Gone vs 3M: User Reviews And Experiences\n3M Adhesive Remover\nUsers praise the 3M Adhesive Remover for its effectiveness in tackling stubborn adhesive residue. It’s designed to remove adhesive properties shine through as it effortlessly dissolves the glue, leaving surfaces clean.\nGoo Gone earns accolades for its versatility in handling various adhesive mishaps. Users appreciate its original formula for being gentle on surfaces, yet potent enough to eliminate sticky messes.\nAlso Check: Loctite Blue Vs Red\nTips For Choosing The Right Product\nWhen choosing the best adhesive or any product, consider your specific needs, budget, and quality. Research different brands and read reviews to ensure you make an informed decision.\nFor tasks like removing sticky residue, a bottle of Goo Gone might be your ideal choice due to its proven effectiveness.\nHow Do You Remove 3m Adhesive From Walls Without Damaging Paint?\nTo remove 3M adhesive from walls without damaging paint, start by gently clearcoating the affected area with a layer of cooking oil or rubbing alcohol.\nAllow it time to dry for a few minutes, then use a plastic scraper or credit card to easier to remove the softened adhesive while being careful not to scrape the paint. Repeat if necessary and clean the residue with soapy water.\nHow to Remove Adhesive Without Alcohol\n- Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a few items such as a plastic scraper, a soft cloth, warm soapy water, and a hairdryer.\n- Heat the Adhesive: Use the hairdryer on a low setting to gently warm the adhesive. This helps soften it, making it easier to remove.\n- Scrape Gently: Once the adhesive is warm, use the plastic scraper to gently scrape it off. Be careful not to scratch the surface you’re working on.\n- Soapy Water: Dampen the soft cloth with warm soapy water and gently rub the area to remove any residue. Continue until the adhesive is gone.\n- Rinse and Dry: Finally, rinse the area with clean water and dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth.\nAlso Read: Cpvc Vs Pvc Glue\nHow to Remove Extreme Adhesive\n- Safety First: Extreme adhesives may require strong solvents, so ensure you have proper ventilation and wear gloves and eye protection.\n- Test a Small Area: Before applying any solvent, test it on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t damage the surface.\n- Apply Solvent: Apply an adhesive remover or solvent specifically designed for extreme adhesives. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.\n- Let It Sit: Allow the solvent to sit on the adhesive for the recommended time. This will soften the adhesive.\n- Scrape Carefully: Use a plastic scraper or a soft cloth to gently scrape away the adhesive. Be patient and avoid using excessive force.\n- Clean and Rinse: Wipe the area with a clean cloth to remove any remaining residue. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly.\nAlso Read: Tape For Ostomy Bags\nHow to Remove 3M Adhesive from a Laptop\n- Prepare the Laptop: Turn off your laptop and unplug it from any power source. Ensure it’s cool to the touch.\n- Peel Off What You Can: Use your fingernail or a plastic scraper to gently peel off as much of the 3M adhesive as possible.\n- Heat the Residue: Use a hairdryer on a low setting to warm the remaining adhesive. This will soften it.\n- Scrape Gently: Once softened, carefully scrape the adhesive off with a plastic scraper. Take your time to avoid damaging the laptop’s surface.\n- Remove Residue: Any residue left behind can be tackled with a soft cloth soaked in warm soapy water. Rub gently to remove the adhesive.\n- Clean and Dry: Wipe the laptop clean with a damp, clean cloth to remove soap residue, and then dry it thoroughly.\nHow Do You Remove 3m Adhesive?\nTo remove 3M adhesive, follow these steps:\n- Gather Supplies: You’ll need rubbing alcohol, a clean cloth, a plastic scraper, and gloves for protection.\n- Ventilate Area: Work in a well-ventilated space to avoid inhaling fumes.\n- Put on Gloves: Wear gloves to protect your skin.\n- Apply Rubbing Alcohol: Moisten the cloth with rubbing alcohol.\n- Test a Small Area: Test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure the alcohol won’t damage the surface.\n- Soak the Adhesive: Dab the adhesive with the alcohol-soaked cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes to soften.\n- Scrape Gently: Use the plastic scraper to gently lift the adhesive. Be cautious not to damage the surface.\n- Repeat as Needed: If residue remains, reapply alcohol and continue scraping.\n- Clean and Dry: Once the adhesive is gone, clean the surface with soapy water and dry it thoroughly.\n- Dispose of Materials: Dispose of the adhesive and cleaning materials properly.\nGoo Gone Alternative: Is there something stronger than Goo Gone?\nAre you seeking a Goo Gone alternative or something stronger than Goo Gone? Consider using vinegar, a baking soda paste, or PVC pipe cleaner, (goo gone substitute) each effective in removing stubborn residues and adhesives.\nHomemade goo gone adhesive remover\nHere’s a basic recipe for a homemade Goo Gone alternative:\n- 1 part cooking oil (vegetable, olive, or coconut oil)\n- 1 part baking soda\n- Optional: a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent (e.g., lemon, orange, or tea tree oil)\n- Mix Ingredients:\n- In a bowl, combine equal parts of cooking oil and baking soda. Stir the mixture until it forms a paste.\n- Add Essential Oil (Optional):\n- If desired, add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture for a pleasant fragrance. Stir well to distribute the oil evenly.\n- Apply to Adhesive Residue:\n- Using a cloth or sponge, apply the homemade adhesive remover directly to the adhesive residue you want to remove.\n- Let it Sit:\n- Allow the homemade Goo Gone to sit on the adhesive for a few minutes. This gives the ingredients time to break down the sticky residue.\n- Scrub or Wipe:\n- After the waiting period, use a cloth or sponge to scrub or wipe away the adhesive. Apply a bit of pressure if needed.\n- Clean the Surface:\n- Clean the treated surface with a mild detergent or soap and water to remove any remaining residue from the homemade adhesive remover.\nFrequently Asked Questions About 3m Adhesive Remover Vs Goo Gone\n1. What Is The Most Powerful Adhesive Remover?\nThe most powerful adhesive remover is often considered to be Goo Gone.\n2. What Is Stronger Than Goo Gone Adhesive Remover?\nSome adhesive removers stronger than Goo Gone include acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and specialized industrial solvents.\n3. Does Goo Gone Work On 3m Adhesive?\nGoo Gone can work on 3M adhesive, but it may require some time and effort to fully dissolve the adhesive residue.\n4. What Is Stronger Than Goo Gone?\nAcetone, xylene, and some commercial adhesive removers are stronger than Goo Gone for tough adhesive removal.\n5. What Is The Best Solvent For Removing Adhesive?\nThe best solvent-based adhesive remover depends on the specific adhesive and surface; options include acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and citrus-based solvents.\n6. Does Wd-40 Remove Adhesive?\nWD-40 can help remove some adhesives, but it may not be as effective as specialized adhesive removers.\n7. Is Goo Gone Effective?\nGoo Gone is generally effective for removing adhesive residues from various surfaces.\n8. Is 3m Adhesive Remover Safe On Plastic?\nDoes Goo Gone destroy plastic? 3M adhesive remover is generally safe on plastic surfaces. Goo Gone Original ensures surface safety and versatility. It’s suitable for a wide array of materials, including carpet, upholstery, clothing, glass, laminate, metal, wood, plastic, vinyl, windows, ceramic, granite, flooring, countertops, tile, and more.\nRead More About: Krazy Glue Vs E6000\nIs 3M adhesive remover better than Goo Gone?\n- 3M Adhesive Remover:\n- Better suited for heavy-duty adhesive residues and industrial applications.\n- Formulated with a blend of petroleum solvents.\n- Effective on surfaces like glass, metal, painted surfaces, and plastics.\n- Goo Gone:\n- Ideal for household use and lighter residues.\n- Features a citrus-based formula.\n- Versatile on a broader range of surfaces, including fabric and carpet.\nIn conclusion, when comparing 3M Adhesive Remover vs. Goo Gone, both products are effective at removing sticky residues, but your choice may depend on specific needs and preferences. I also give my opinion on what is the best cleaner to remove adhesive residue and goo gone substitute, goo gone where to buy.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ATLANTIC BEACH SUNSET\nNamed after our favorite vacation spot in North Carolina! This bright passionfruit/nectarine scent will remind you of sunny days spent at the beach with your toes in the sand and a cool drink in your hand.\n--- INGREDIENTS ---\nOlive oil, coconut oil, sustainable organic palm oil, lard, distilled water, sodium hydroxide, rice bran oil, castor oil, phthalate-free fragrance, sodium lactate, oxide, mica, poppy seeds.\nNO Preservatives | NO Parabens | NO Phthalates | Cruelty Free", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I have a very viscous resin that I use every day. I’ve been chatting with my colleagues about ways to save my arms from several minutes of intense shaking anyway – I like to reserve those muscles for martini making! Among the more practical solutions, we’ve toyed with using a rotary rock tumbler, immersion hand blender, paint mixer, stir bar plate, paint mixer, or orbital shaker. What factors should I take into consideration? Would more vigorous (eg with a hand blender) or constant agitation (eg on an orbital shaker) pose problems to the formulation lifespan? Does anybody have any suggestions for better agitators or methods to determine optimal mixing?\nIn a related question, is there a universal ideal temperature for ensuring successful polymerization and maximum reproducibility? Cheers!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "06cr19ni10n 303 stainless steel coil 2b\n300 Series stainless steels are classified as austenitic, and are hardenable only by cold working methods. These grades of stainless have chromium (approx. 18 to 30%) and nickel (approx. 6 to 20%) as their major alloying additions. Type 304 is the most widely used alloy of all stainless steels. 300 Series Stainless steel alloys resist corrosion\n304 Stainless Steel Pipe, 316L Stainless Steel Pipe, Color Stainless Steel Pipe manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 304 201 316L Welded Sanitary Food Grade Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe, 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm Pure 99.994% Medical Lead Sheet for X-ray Room, AMS 5528 Precipitation Hardening Alloy 17-7pH Stainless Steel Plate Sheet Price List and so on. ASTM A959304N(S30451)stainless steel,ASTM ASTM 304N(S30451) is an Ultra-low carbon austenitic stainless steel.any need in ASTM 304N(S30451) chemical composition or ASTM 304N(S30451) Mechanical Properties, pls contact us!\nChina 0.05mm Hole Stainless Steel Etching Punching Mesh for Filtration, Find details about China Stainless Steel Punching Plate, 304 Punching Plate from 0.05mm Hole Stainless Steel Etching Punching Mesh for Filtration - Tianjin Zhongyantiancheng Steel Trading Co., Ltd. China Metal Building Material Deformed 201 304 316L 310S Stainless Steel, Steel Tube, Seamless Pipe manufacturer / supplier in China, offering China Metal Building Material Deformed 201 304 316L 310S Stainless Steel for Sale, Lowest Price Test Molybdenum Strips in Stock, Welding Silicon Molybdenum Alloy Rod for Sale and so on.\nStainless Steel, Stainless Steel Tube, Seamless Steel Tube manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Railing Fittings 3 Inch Y Stainless Steel Pipe, Aluminum Manufacturers G James 4080 CNC Aluminum Extrusion, Suppliers Ace Hardware Bearings 10mm Aluminum Rod and so on. China Stainless Steel 304n, China Stainless Steel 304n China Stainless Steel 304n, China Stainless Steel 304n Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Stainless Steel 304n Products at stainless steel earrings,stainless steel bowl,stainless steel tumbler from China\nThis publication provides stainless steel price and market information for hot rolled plate (304 and 316), hot rolled coil (304 and 316), cold rolled coil (304,316 and 430), plus drawn and peeled bar (304 and 316). Two austenitic and ferritic grades are assessed in thirteen countries around the world covering 65% of global consumption. High Quality for Standard Steel Bar Sizes - 347 Stainless AISI 316L Stainless steel palte,SUS316L,S31603,EN1.4404,X2CRNIMO,SS 316 plate Corrosion resistant in a variety of marine and chemical environments and\nMcMaster-Carr is the complete source for your plant with over 695,000 products. 98% of products ordered ship from stock and deliver same or next day. Original Factory Stainless Steel Elbow - Etched Stainless Etching stainless steel sheet,Stainless Steel Decorative Sheets,stainless steel chequer plate,stainless steel checker plate Description of Etching English 0086-13764965049\nRolled Alloys was founded on the introduction of wrought RA330 alloy as a replacement for cast HT alloy in the commercial heat treat industry. Over the past 60 years, the company has enjoyed continuous growth through the expansion of alloys offered, markets served, customer base, geographic growth and acquisitions. All U.S. locations export products around STAINLESS STEELDec 13, 2016 · 304/304L STAINLESS STEEL 1 Type 304 Stainless Steel is a variation of the base 18-8 grade, with a higher chromium and lower carbon content. The lower carbon content minimizes chromium carbide precipitation due to welding and its susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. In some instances Type 304 can be used in the \"as-welded\" condition.\nWelcome to our stock list, where we carry aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon stock and much more. In addition to a comprehensive listing of our products, youll find information on processing and fabricating capabilities, mechanical properties, chemical composition, tolerance information and more. We are a trusted metal supplier to Stainless Steel 304 316 Tubing Coil Used for Miniature Sticking for the basic principle of 'Super Top quality, Satisfactory service', We've been striving to be an excellent business enterprise partner of you for 303 Stainless Steel Hexagon Bar, Stainless Steel Coil 430 2B, stainless steel sheet 429.We always regard creating value for customers as the goal, and we have established a rich and systematic marketing service network.\nType 440. a higher grade of cutlery steel, with more carbon in it, which allows for much better edge retention when the steel is heat treated properly. It can be hardened to Rockwell 58 hardness, making it one of the hardest stainless steels. Also known as \"razor blade steel\". Available in three grades 440A, 440B, 440C (more common) and 440F Stainless Steel Sheet-Type 304-Type 316 - Cut2Size MetalsStainless steel sheet is available in Type 304 and Type 316. Type 304 can be easily roll-formed or bent, and its excellent corrosion resistance and weldability make it one of the most popular grades. Type 316 is a high corrosion resistance alloy, providing greater resistance to pitting-type corrosion. Typical uses for Type 316 include marine\nStainless Steel Sheet & Plate, is the most popular and economical of the stainless steels. 304 Stainless Sheet & Plate offers good corrosion resistance to many chemical correspondents as well as industrial atmospheres and marine environments. 304 Stainless Sheet & Plate may become slightly magnetic when worked and is not heat treatable. Stainless steel OutokumpuStainless steel for a wide range of environments. Maximizing your performance and optimizing solutions that fit your needs is our priority. Choosing the right stainless steel is the first step towards top-level performance, and Outokumpu experts are ready to identify the right solutions for\nIndustries We Serve. Tacoma Screw Products, Inc. is an industry leader in the distribution of fasteners, tools, maintenance, shop and industrial supplies. The Difference Between 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Metal Mar 22, 2018 · 304 Stainless Steel. Grade 304 stainless steel is generally regarded as the most common austenitic stainless steel. It contains high nickel content that is typically between 8 and 10.5 percent by weight and a high amount of chromium at approximately 18 to 20 percent by weight. Other major alloying elements include manganese, silicon, and carbon\nMetline is a leading manufacturer and supplier of stainless steel strips and slit coils in a range of finishes including 2B/BA, 2D, No. 1 HR and mirror polished in line with ASTM, ASME and EN standards. Stainless steel strips are available in Type 304/304L, 316/316L, 430, 410S, 409/409L, and Duplex grades. We can supply 201/304/316 stainless", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Pressure Vessel Class\n|0.35Mpa for tube, 0.45Mpa for shell\n|0.44Mpa for tube, 0.57Mpa for shell\n|120℃for tube, 50℃ for shell\n|Max working pressure\n|0.3Mpa for tube, 0.4Mpa for shell.\n|Heat exchange area\n|4% NaCl solution\n|Grade 2 titanium\n|Grade 2 titanium\n|Vacuum salt production project\nWith the continuous completion of vacuum salt-making manufacturers, the severe corrosion of high temperature and strong brine on vacuum salt equipment directly affects the normal operation of equipment capabilities and the normal operation of production. Due to the problem of the preheater, the preheating of the raw material salt water has not passed. Most salt-making manufacturers have evaporated salt water of about 30℃ with the evaporation tank. Except for the condensation water recycled to boiler from the I-effect heating chamber, the condensation water of the remaining heating chambers is not recycled, causing a large amount of heat energy loss. Actually the designer also considered the comprehensive use of thermal energy, as early as 1968, in the design of the salt industry engineering design, there was a preheating device for salt water. The leakage of the pipe and the heating pipe caused the discontinuation of production and affecting the normal operation of production. In less than a year, the salt water heater was forced to abandon.\nTitanium Grade 2 is an industrial titanium with a single alpha phase, which has excellent resistance to the corrosion of seawater and anti-chloride solution and the performance of fluids. Titanium is not sensitive to pitting corrosion, contact corrosion, wear corrosion, and stress corrosion. And the corrosion of titanium in wide seams is much smaller than that in narrow seams. So in the vacuum salt industry, grade 2 titanium tubes and titanium plates are commonly used to make titanium preheaters.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "VISCOSITY is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to flow. This resistance arises from the attractive forces between the molecules of the fluid. A fluid will only flow if enough energy is supplied to overcome these forces.\nFor a body to be able to move through a fluid, the fluid has to flow around or across it.\nTherefore, the energy required to move a body through a fluid is directly related to the degree to which that fluid resists flow, i.e. its viscosity.\nIn scientific use, viscosity is the tendency of a liquid or gas to resist, by internal friction, the relative motion of its molecules and hence any change of shape; the magnitude of this, as measured by the force per unit, area resisting a flow in which parallel layers unit distance apart have unit speed relative to one another, also called absolute or dynamic viscosity; kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density of the fluid.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This Taylor kit has a 'total' chlorine/bromine cell, a pH cell and a bottle of OTO solution and R-0600 Phenol Red solution. We use a floating chlorine cartridge so I do not worry about the bromine. I also have the instruction sheet (only) for our old Poolmaster Pool & Spa 3-way test kit which says:\"...\"'Free Chlorine Residual' is tested by adding 5 drops R-0600, cap vial, invert several times to mix, read result within 2-3 seconds. 'Combined Chlorine' is tested the same way except result must be read in 1-2 minutes...\" Are these 2 completely different tests with different color standards on each kit? If so, which is the best test kit to use? Thank you.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The benefits of this vinegar are countless with each day. It is hard to know what is for what since the benefits are too many. We have reduced the best of the best in our article.\nThe organic and raw ACV is not just for salads. Read below:\n1. A lot of acetic acid\nA Japanese study proved this acid controls the pressure of blood and fat deposits too. European experts examined sodium acetate influence with the acetic acid on glucose in blood and other issues linked to this too when a meal is considered as well. Acetic acid is NOT vinegar per se, it is more a bacteria in the vinegar. This bacteria is byproduct of fermenting and gives many benefits. During this process, acetic acid bacteria grows in the liquid form and with time it turns to non-toxic slimy material. This is called the “mother”. Many producers of the vinegar remove this ‘mother’ with many filters but for healthy consuming get raw vinegar and not distilled one. The ‘mother’ gives the special flavor and odor in the vinegar. Acetic acid content is 4-7% in distilled and 5-6% in raw wine vinegar. The Bragg vinegar has up to 5.14% acetic acid.\nExtra tip: FDA claims diluted acetic acid is NO vinegar and must not be consumed for healthy diets.\nFind out more at this video:\n2. Cancer fighting\nThe cancer is a dangerous silent killer and not always gives signs. Over 1.6 million USA people in 2014 had cancer diagnoses and also recorded were ½ million death cases due this. Cancer is the 4th cause of death for Americans. Studies showed vinegar can prevent or slow down some cancers. Ina study in China, it was said that veggies and vinegar reduce esophagus cancer. But in another Serbian study, results showed having vinegar lessens chances of bladder cancer to 4.4 times. So, vinegar fights tumor formations due to the acetic acid bacteria.\n3. Disinfecting and killing bacteria\nBefore official studies were made, Hippocrates used vinegar for wound healing 2,000 years ago. Modern studies proved vinegar to kill E. coli and also S. aureus. It is maybe less potent than commercial items like the Clorox, but is chemical free and safe for even food preserving and washing.\n4. Lowering bad cholesterol and keeping heart healthy\nThe greatest risk of bad high cholesterol is many other issues linked to it. Once the arteries are clogged, you might even have heart attack. The ACV lowers bad cholesterol due to the chlorogenic acid that lowers the bad LDL cholesterol. This prevents accumulation in the bloodstream. One research on rats could or could not have been directly linked to humans. In one study with more than 70,000 women, more intake of oil and vinegar in salads reduced their ischemic heart problem risks.\n5. Preventing diabetes and lowering postprandial glycaemia\nIf you do not know what this last term is it means high blood sugar after eating. A great risk for pre-diabetes and even diabetes 2. Pre-diabetes means one has high blood glucose but almost like diabetes 2. If this is not confirmed and treated it will lead to diabetes 2 in a decade. Arizona University experts stated that having vinegar juice means you get 20 g ACV, 49 g water and 1 tsp saccharine after eating and this makes a decrease of 35%. The other way to lower this glycaemia is to walk at least 15 min after eating and not lie down as we all do.\n6. Reducing teeth infections and bacteria\nThere was a test with 100 teeth included and exposed to the E. facealis, the bacteria that was linked to the ACV reducing of bacteria. It does not fully remove it though. This was tested on extracted teeth from the root canal.\n7. ACV can improve insulin sensitivity to diabetes 2 people\nThe American Diabetes Association made a study in 2003 with 3 groups of people. They had a mix of 20 g ACV, 40 g water and 1 tsp saccharine after 2 min of eating. The meal was a white bagel, butter and orange juice. The groups also had some people with diabetes 2 and no diabetes at all but insulin sensitivity. Some were even insulin resistant. In total there were 29 people.\nThe study proved that ACV increases the sensitivity to insulin by 34% and for those with diabetes 2 for 19%. Dr. Mercola said diabetics type 2 had better glucose levels in the blood and the pre-diabetics had lowered blood glucose.\n8. Losing weight\nJapanese experts proved in ne study how acetic acid deals with fat tissues. The study was done on mice and some was done on people. the experts put 2 groups mice on fat diets. Then, one group had acetic acid and the other not. Those with the acid had less body fat compared to the rest. For the test on people, 175 obese people were gathered in 2 groups. Both had more or less similar regimes for food and some had vinegar some not. After 12 weeks, those with vinegar lost 1-2 lbs. yes, vinegar can break down some fat cells but it is not a miracle greater than healthy food and workouts!\nWe are exposed to many toxins I these modern times. We must at least have a healthy diet. The ACV content makes us flush the toxins more easily. Also, you can add ACV in the tub and Epsom salts too. This makes the lymph system work better and release the toxins.\nThis is a parasite bacteria that is due to too much yeast growth and it results in less energy, bad digestion, yeast infection, canker sores and other signs. The overgrowth of candida means you have bad and poor diet with too much carbs and sugars and it means the gut flora is impaired by antibiotics or even birth control. The ACV can help you to remove the candida. Also, lemon water is a good example too. It makes digestion better and the acid-alkaline balanced. Healthy bacteria will thrive in the gut again. The vinegar was famously used even for foot fungi and mold removal. Yeast is a fungus and ACV would help this by keeping all parasites away.\n11. No muscle fatigue after workout\nThis fatigue is due to mineral or electrolyte deficit. Before a workout, have 1 tbsp ACV and water to prevent this. We remove excess lactic acid easily only when our natural pH is balanced. This is also crucial for oxygen in our body during workout.\n12. Less sunburn and bug bites\nIf you have either bug bite or sunburn, use ACV. For sunburns, this vinegar and water in equal parts can soothe the skin with a cotton material too. Or, relax in the shower with lukewarm water and ACV. For bug bites, use ACV directly on the bite.\nBlend same parts water and ACV to apply on the scalp. Use spray bottle or dipped cloth. After 1-2 hours rinse. For even better outcome, do this 2 times per week.\nThis article is originally posted at: theheartysoul.com", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "US 7052587 B2\nIn one aspect, the invention provides a photoelectrochemical (PEC) electrode or photoelectrode for use in splitting water by electrolysis. The photoelectrode has an electrically conductive surface in contact with an electrolyte solution. This surface is a doped tin oxide layer, which is in electrical contact with the semiconductor solar cell material of the PEC photoelectrode. In a variation of the present invention, another layer of metal oxide having transparent, anti-reflective, and conductive properties is disposed between the doped tin oxide layer and the semiconductor material.\n1. A photoelectrode comprising a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate, a second major surface in contact with a transparent, electrically conductive metal oxide (TCO) layer, a transparent, electrically conductive doped tin oxide (SnO2) layer adjacent said second major surface, said doped SnO layer arranged in electrically conductive contact with said TCO layer.\n2. The photoelectrode of\n3. The photoelectrode of\n4. The photoelectrode of\n5. The photoelectrode of\n6. The photoelectrode of\n7. The photoelectrode of\n8. The photoelectrode of\n9. The photoelectrode of\n10. The photoelectrode of\n11. The photoelectrode of\n12. The photoelectrode of\n13. The photoelectrode of\n14. The photoelectrode of\n15. The photoelectrode of\n16. The photoelectrode of\n17. The photoelectrode of\n18. A photoelectrode comprising a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate and a second major surface in contact with a transparent, electrically conductive doped tin oxide (SnO2) layer; wherein said semiconductor layer comprises photovoltaic, amorphous, silicon n-i-p material having said doped SnO2 layer in contact with p of said n-i-p.\n19. The photoelectrode of\n20. The photoelectrode of\n21. The photoelectrode of\n22. A photoelectrochemical device for electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen comprising:\na container housing a photoelectrode, a counter electrode and an electrolyte solution, said photoelectrode and said counter electrode spaced apart from one another in said container and each being in contact with said electrolyte solution;\na photoelectrode comprising: a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate and a second major surface coated with a first conductive layer; said first conductive layer comprising a first metal oxide which is transparent, anti-reflective and electrically conductive; a second conductive layer comprising a second metal oxide which is transparent and electrically conductive; said second conductive layer adjacent to said second major surface and arranged in electrically conductive contact with said first conductive layer; and said second conductive layer being more stable in basic solutions than said first conductive layer;\nsaid counter electrode comprising a metal;\nsaid solution comprising a solvent which comprises water and a solute which comprises a base; and\nan electrically conductive path between said photoelectrode and said counter electrode.\n23. The photoelectrochemical device of\n24. A photoelectrode comprising: a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate and a second major surface coated with a first conductive layer; said first conductive layer comprising a first metal oxide which is transparent, anti-reflective and electrically conductive; a second conductive layer comprising a second metal oxide which is transparent and electrically conductive; said second conductive layer adjacent to said second major surface and arranged in electrically conductive contact with said first conductive layer; and said second conductive layer being more stable in basic solutions than said first conductive layer.\n25. The photoelectrode of\n26. The photoelectrode of\n27. A photoelectrode comprising a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate, a second major surface in contact with a transparent, electrically conductive metal oxide (TCO) layer, and a peripheral, surface defined by a thickness between said major surfaces of said semiconductor layer;\nan electrically conductive material in contact with at least a portion of said peripheral surface of said semiconductor layer and in contact with said TCO layer; and\na transparent insulative layer adjacent said TCO layer.\n28. The photoelectrode of\n29. The photoelectrode of\n30. The photoelectrode of\nThis invention relates to photoelectrochemical (PEC) devices for the solar photoelectrolysis of water to produce hydrogen.\nCurrently the major process by which hydrogen is produced is by the steam reforming of methane. Another means of making hydrogen is by the electrolysis of water. The electricity required for electrolysis is mainly derived from the electric power grid, and the predominant source of grid electricity, combustion of fossil fuels, generates emissions, such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, as well as carbon dioxide. One way to eliminate such emissions is to use solar generated electricity to electrolyze water to make hydrogen. Presently, efforts are directed toward improving the efficiency, durability, and cost of the hydrogen production processes.\nHowever, systems consisting of solar cells to make electricity together with electrolyzers to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen are costly compared to producing hydrogen by the steam reforming of methane.\nIn one aspect, the invention provides a photoelectrochemical (PEC) electrode or photoelectrode for use in splitting water by electrolysis. The photoelectrode has an electrically conductive surface in contact with an electrolyte solution. This surface is a doped tin oxide layer, which is in electrical contact with the semiconductor solar cell material of the PEC photoelectrode. Such semiconductor solar cell is preferably a triple-junction amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar cell. Electrolyte solutions aggressively attack many kinds of surfaces including some metals and metal oxides by corrosion and dissolution. The doped tin oxide layer is robust with respect to aggressive attack by the electrolyte solution. The doped tin oxide material is a transparent conductive oxide (TCO), thus, it is electrically conductive and transparent. Such doped tin oxide is preferably fluorine doped tin oxide (SnO2:F).\nIn a variation of the present invention, another layer of metal oxide having transparent, anti-reflective, and conductive properties is disposed between the doped tin oxide layer and the amorphous semiconductor material. This inner metal oxide layer may be less robust with respect to aggressive attack by the electrolytic solution than the doped tin oxide layer. This inner metal oxide layer is deposited on the solar cell before the doped tin oxide layer. Such inner layer is preferably indium-tin oxide (ITO), which is typically used as an antireflection coating. ITO is also a TCO material. Thus, in this embodiment, there are two TCO layers.\nIn another embodiment, the semiconductor material of the photoelectrode is overlaid with a transparent, anti-reflective, electrically conductive metal oxide layer and such layer is protected by being overlaid with a non-conductive, transparent material, preferably glass, polymer, or plastic which is impervious to the electrolyte solution. The amorphous semiconductor layer has a peripheral surface and an electrically conductive material that in one embodiment is in contact with at least a portion of the peripheral surface of the semiconductor layer and is in contact with the TCO layer. The electrically conductive material preferably consists of a metal, metal polymer composite, or conductive sealant. By this arrangement, an electrically conductive path is provided from the semiconductor layer to the TCO layer and then to the electrically conductive material that is exposed to the electrolyte solution. The transparent insulative layer protects the TCO layer from contact with the aggressive electrolyte solution.\nFurther areas of applicability of the present invention will become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while indicating the preferred embodiment of the invention, are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.\nThe present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:\nThe following description of the preferred embodiment(s) is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its application, or uses.\nIn one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a photoelectrochemical (PEC) device for electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen. The PEC device comprises a container housing a photoelectrochemical (PEC) electrode (photoelectrode), a counter electrode and an electrolyte solution. In a preferred aspect of the PEC device the TCO-coated photoelectrode is the anode and produces oxygen, while the counter electrode is the cathode and produces hydrogen. The photoelectrode and the counter electrode are spaced apart from one another in the container, and each electrode is in contact with the electrolyte solution. Preferably, the counter electrode comprises a metal such as Pt or Ni that is stable under the reducing conditions at the cathode and has a low overvoltage for hydrogen production. The electrolyte solution comprises a solvent which preferably comprises water, and a solute which preferably comprises a base. In a preferred embodiment the electrolyte is a basic (alkaline) aqueous solution. Use of an acid instead of a base is also possible. An acid is not recommended due to corrosion problems, but use of an acid or neutral salt in the electrolyte solution instead of a base is within the scope of the invention. An external (not in the solution) electrically conductive path is provided between the photoelectrode and the counter electrode.\nThe photoelectrode comprises a semiconductor layer, typically and preferably triple-junction a-Si, having first and second major surfaces. The first major surface is an electrically conducting substrate. In a preferred arrangement the first major surface is stainless steel (ss) on top of which is deposited a layer of silver, a layer of ZnO2, and then three layers of n-type, i-type, and p-type semiconductor materials (see Deng and Schiff, 2003, “Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells,” Chapter 12, pages 505–565 in Handbook of Photovoltaic Engineering, ed. A. Luque & S. Hegedus, by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., such chapter separately published on Xunming Deng's website: http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/˜dengx/papers/deng03a.pdf in 2002 by Deng and Schiff). The second major surface is a robust transparent conducting and transparent metal oxide layer that is in contact with a first metal oxide layer which comprises a first transparent, anti-reflective, and electrically conductive metal oxide material. A second or outer metal oxide layer comprises a second transparent and electrically conductive material. This second layer is adjacent the second major surface of the semiconductor. The second metal oxide layer is arranged in electrically conductive contact with the first metal oxide layer; and the second metal oxide layer is more stable in basic solution than the first metal oxide layer. Preferably, the second layer forms the electrode surface where evolution of gaseous electrolysis product, typically oxygen, occurs.\nIn a preferred aspect, the first metal oxide material (first TCO) comprises indium tin oxide, In2O3:SnO2, referred to as ITO. The second metal oxide material (second TCO) is fluorine-doped tin oxide (SnO2:F). The SnO2:F is arranged in electrically conductive contact with the first TCO layer and is between the first TCO layer and the electrolyte solution.\nIn another related aspect, the invention provides a photoelectrode comprising a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate and a second major surface in contact with a transparent, electrically conductive doped tin oxide (SnO2) layer; wherein the semiconductor comprises a photovoltaic, a-Si triple junction material.\nIn another embodiment, the invention provides a photoelectrode comprising a semiconductor layer having a first major surface in contact with an electrically conductive substrate, a second major surface in contact with a transparent electrically conductive metal oxide (TCO) layer. A transparent insulative layer is adjacent the TCO layer, and is disposed between the TCO layer and the electrolyte solution of the PEC device. The semiconductor has a peripheral surface defined by a thickness and an electrically conductive material is in contact with at least a portion of the peripheral surface of the semiconductor layer and is in contact with the TCO layer. The peripheral surface is also referred to as the outer surface or edges. Preferably, the electrically conductive material forms the electrode surface where evolution of gaseous electrolysis product occurs.\nBefore further describing the invention it is useful to understand the limitations of conventional designs. The production of hydrogen and oxygen via photoelectrolysis occurs in a cell wherein the electrolyte may be acidic, alkaline, or neutral. The arrangement of the cell and design of the electrode will be determined, at least in part, by the nature of the electrolyte. Typically, the generation of hydrogen using a photoelectrochemical cell requires a photoelectrode, and at least one counter electrode to the photoelectrode. Both the photoelectrode and its counter electrode are disposed in a suitable container having an electrolyte, which provides the source of hydrogen, and suitable ionic species for facilitating the electrolysis. The electrochemical cell typically utilizes a metal electrode such as Pt or Ni as the counter electrode.\nIn one arrangement, when the electrolyte is alkaline and the counter electrode is a metallic cathode, the reaction at the counter electrode is: 2H2O+2e−→H2+2OH−.\nThe reaction in the alkaline electrolyte at the photoelectrode which is a photoanode is: 4OH−→O2+2H2O+4e−.\nWhen the electrolyte is acidic the reactions at the photoanode and at the counter electrode differ from the alkaline case. For example the cathodic reaction is: 2H+2e−→H2. The anodic reaction is: 2H2O→O2+4H++4e−. Notice that the H2 is produced at the cathode (the electrode where reduction occurs) and O2 at the anode (the electrode where oxidation occurs) in either acidic or basic conditions.\nIn a preferred system with a basic (alkaline) electrolyte, when the semiconductor photoanode is exposed to light, electrons are excited thereby creating holes in the valence band and free electrons in a conduction band. The electrons produced at the photoanode are conducted through an external conductive path to the counter electrode where the electrons combine with the water molecules in the electrolyte to produce hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions. At the photoanode, the electrons are provided from hydroxyl ions in the solution to fill holes created by the departure of excited electrons from the photoanode, and oxygen is evolved. For optimum performance, the semiconductor utilized in the system has a voltage in the necessary range to split water (1.6 to 2.2 volts) and in the preferred embodiment herein, such a semiconductor comprises a triple-junction photovoltaic type cell formed of amorphous silicon material.\nAccordingly, the incident sunlight or simulated sunlight (electromagnetic radiation) absorbed in the semiconductor creates electron/hole pairs. The photo-excited electrons are accelerated toward the n-layer of the semiconductor due to the internal electric field at the p-n junction. The holes at the p-n junction are accelerated toward the p-layer of the semiconductor. When electrons and holes are accelerated with sufficient energy (voltage), they can react at the cathode and anode respectively, with ions present in the aqueous solution. Oxygen is evolved at the photoanode and hydrogen is evolved at the counter electrode (cathode) according to the reactions previously described hereinabove with respect to the alkaline or acidic solutions.\nConventional photovoltaic cells for the conversion of light into electricity are coated with indium-tin oxide (ITO). Such coating on the face of such cells is typically used as an anti-reflective coating and to collect the electric current from all parts of the cell surface, so that individual solar cells can be interconnected to form solar modules and panels. Due to their corrosion, such coatings have not heretofore been found suitable for use in the aggressive environment of an electrolysis cell.\nAccordingly, one of the problems faced in optimizing conventional devices is the corrosion of the ITO and subsequent destruction of the semiconductor by the electrolyte. Indium-tin oxide coatings have not yet been developed to withstand the environment at such an interface. We found that when an n-type layer is adjacent to the electrolyte (a so-called pin device), and it is attempted to make hydrogen on the irradiated electrode (cathode), in a reducing type process, degradation of the ITO coating immediately occurs in the electrolyte.\nAccordingly, the design of the present invention is based upon having the p-type layer adjacent to the ITO and on having the fluorine-doped tin oxide layer exposed to the electrolyte. This so-called n-i-p device provides a photoanode that can withstand the corrosive anodic production of oxygen. External connection of the anode to a metal counter electrode where hydrogen evolves completes the photoelectrolysis cell. In this preferred cell arrangement, the hydrogen and oxygen production reactions can be physically separated so the gases do not mix.\nBecause the very aggressive or corrosive reaction of oxygen production is occurring at the n-i-p type electrode (anode) of the present invention, there is a strong tendency for degradation of the ITO coating on the electrode at the electrolyte interface. The present invention addresses this difficulty by a novel design for such electrodes. By the present invention it is possible to use such coated cells in an electrolysis environment because the design of the present invention provides the necessary protection for such exposed ITO-coated electrode surfaces.\nThe metal epoxy sealant 13 was applied beneath the protective glass shield window 11 and contacted the conductive ITO layer 14 of photoelectrode 12. Note that the ITO was applied to the photovoltaic cell as an anti-reflection coating 14 and is also used to conduct electric current from the outer (p-layer) of the triple-junction a-Si solar cell 15. Thus, when the PEC device 10 was exposed to simulated solar radiation, the metallic composite sealant 13 very effectively conducted electric current from the solar cell photoelectrode 12 to the electrolyte (for example, aqueous KOH) 16 to split water and evolve hydrogen at the counter electrode 20 and oxygen at the photoelectrode 12. An area of the conductive sealant 13 approximately equal to the area of the a-Si solar cell photoelectrode 12 was left exposed to the electrolyte 16 to act as the anode while a nickel or platinum cathode 20 of approximately equal area was connected to the metal substrate or stainless steel backing 25 which forms the opposite pole (cathode) of the photoelectrode 12. The glass shield window 11 effectively kept the basic electrolyte 16 from contacting and attacking the ITO coating 14 and a-Si materials 15 of the PEC photoelectrode 12. This protective window design extended the lifetime of a PEC electrode immersed in 1 molar aqueous KOH. A PEC electrode with only a standard ITO coating (90% In2O3, 10% SnO2) lasted about 2 to 3 hours for water splitting in the KOH solution. An indefinitely long lifetime, greater than four days when irradiated with simulated sun light with an estimated irradiance of 120 to 140 mW/cm2 (at which time the test was ended) , was observed for the present design of PEC electrode 12 having both glass 11 and the ITO coating 14. Other transparent materials including transparent polymeric coatings and sealants, which can be applied to the front of the PEC electrode 12 more easily and cheaply than glass, can also be used for this shield 11 part of the PEC electrode 12 design. Oxygen bubbles are evolved at the metal composite sealant 13 (anode) of photoelectrode 12 and hydrogen is evolved at the metal cathode 20.\nThe silver composite 13 was an effective catalytic surface for electrolysis lasting an indefinite time, greater than several days. Severe gray discoloration (silver tarnish) formed on the surface of the silver composite. This suggests other alternative metals may be preferred in the composite 13. Nickel/resin composites, including nickel powder in epoxy and other metal powders in resin binders, are appropriate lower-cost sealants to replace silver epoxy for the purpose of this invention. A mixture of several conductive and catalytic metals in a binder could also be used.\nIn electrolysis experiments using PEC devices 10, nickel electrodes proved to be very corrosion resistant in KOH solutions and had good catalytic properties for hydrogen evolution from water splitting. Nickel oxides, iron oxides, molybdenum oxides, ruthenium oxides, and other transition metal oxides, and the corresponding metallic transition elements may also be added to the composite sealant (anode) or applied to the metal cathode 20 used as the hydrogen electrode to better catalyze the electrolysis reactions.\nIn testing both PEC 10,\nThe inexpensive materials used in constructing the PECs 10 and 50,\nThe technique used to obtain a SnO2:F coating on glass, as in\nSpray pyrolysis techniques for preparing SnO2:F coatings are known and one example is described in a paper by Arcosta et al., 1996, “About the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO 2 films produced by spray pyrolysis from solutions with low and high contents of fluorine,” Thin Solid Films, 288, 1–7. Several methods for producing SnO2:F films as known in the art are described, with spray pyrolysis being the least expensive. In the standard spray pyrolysis method, a spray solution of SnCl4 was dissolved in ethanol together with NH4F, and such solution was sprayed on substrates maintained at about 300° C. This temperature is considered a relative upper limit for a-Si-based PEC electrode. Thus, the spray pyrolysis technique may be useful in producing SnO2:F coatings directly on top of the ITO.\nIn another variation, a PEC photoelectrode 92 of\nIn still another variation a PEC electrode 102 of\nThus, the doped tin oxide 87 may be applied directly onto the ITO 84 (\nThe doped tin oxide coated transparent glass used in the example of\nThere are both electrically conductive and non-conductive epoxy systems that can be used for applications such as the aggressive basic environment of the photoelectrochemical device of the present invention. One such chemically resistant epoxy system which is non-conductive is available from Epoxies, Etc., of Cranston, R.I. and under the description of 20-3004 HV (high viscosity), which is a two component chemically resistant epoxy system with capability of good bonding to a variety of substrates.\nThe electrically conductive epoxy adhesive coating was also obtained from Epoxies, Etc. and the specific type was 40-3905 which is an electrically conductive system designed for applications requiring good adhesions to a variety of substrates such as metal, ceramic, glass, phenolics, and included a solvent free epoxy system filled with pure silver as the conductive agent.\nIn the preferred embodiment of the present invention, such PEC cell comprises a photovoltaic amorphous silicon triple junction cell. Such an amorphous silicon-based cell comprises amorphous silicon thin-film materials deposited by a preferred rf plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method (PECVD), as described in Deng and Schiff, 2003, “Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells,” Chapter 12, pages 505–565 in Handbook of Photovoltaic Engineering, ed. A. Luque & S. Hegedus, by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., such chapter separately published on Xunming Deng's website: http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/˜dengx/papers/deng03a.pdf in 2002 by Deng and Schiff. Amorphous silicon and silicon germanium materials for high efficiency triple-junction solar cells are fabricated by United Solar, ECD, Fuji, University of Neuchatel, BP Solar, Canon, University of Toledo and Sharp. For the experiments described herein, the triple-junction amorphous silicon solar cells were purchased from the University of Toledo (Professor Xunming Deng). The process is conducted in an ultra-high vacuum multi-chamber arrangement, in a system isolated from the environment. Preferably two deposition chambers are used. One chamber is used for the growth of a-Si and a-SiGe materials. By alloying the Si with Ge the band gap of the resulting semiconductor, and thus the production of photoelectrons by light quanta, can be adjusted, so that the solar spectrum is more efficiently used. The other is used for the preparation of n-type, a-Si and p-type microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si) layer. In the method, Si2H6 GeH4 and hydrogen are used for the deposition of a-Si and a-SiGe materials, respectively. Deposition of p-layers is accomplished using BF3 doping, while deposition of n-layers is accomplished using PH3 doping. The combination of the n- and p-layers, along with an i-layer in between them to improve performance, ultimately forms the a-Si and a-SiGe n-i-p junctions. Even though the triple-junction cells contain Ge, and the amorphous silicon is hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), they are referred to as a-Si cells.\nA preferred substrate is stainless steel foil, with or without a silver-zinc oxide back reflector coating, for supporting the silicon-based layers. The top of the silicon based electrode is covered with a layer of ITO deposited by use of an rf sputtering chamber, using various mixtures of In2O3 and SnO2 having predominately In2O3 and varying amounts of SnO2, for example 5%, 10% and 15% SnO2. The sputtering conditions for the ITO coating are these: sputtering target=90% In2O3/10% SnO2; deposition time=50 min; temperature=215° C.; pressure=8 mTorr; atmosphere=argon containing 0% oxygen; radio frequency (rf) power=50 Watts. The thickness of the ITO coating was approximately 4200 Angstroms. The ITO coatings were prepared by a sputtering process as described earlier hereinabove (Proceedings of 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, 1998) and conducted at the University of Toledo.\nThe aforesaid solar cells have three pin junctions to utilize a wide range of the solar spectrum using a technique called “spectrum splitting”. The upper cell (pin junction) utilizes the ultraviolet and some of the visible region of the solar spectrum to generate photoelectrons. The middle cell uses the visible and some portion of the infrared region, while the bottom cell uses some of the visible more of the infrared region to generate photoelectrons. The three cells are arranged in series so their respective voltages are added together. The bottom layer, meaning that layer adjacent the zinc oxide/silver/stainless steel substrate in the preferred semiconductor of the present invention, is the n-type semiconductor of the bottom cell. The top layer, meaning the layer adjacent to the ITO, is the p-layer of the top cell. There are intermediate i-layers between the n- and p-layers of each cell.\nThe series electrical arrangement of the aforesaid three cells makes it possible to achieve a potential of over 2 volts suitable for the electrolysis of water. Theoretically, it is possible to electrolyze water at 1.23 volts. With inherent losses, referred to as over voltages, a potential of at least 1.6 volts is needed for water electrolysis. Thus, the approximately 2-volt potential produced by the triple-junction a-Si arrangement is quite satisfactory.\nSeveral types of multijunction solar cells are known for direct conversion of sunlight to electricity in a-Si photovoltaics. Dual-junction a-Si/a-SiGe cell and triple junction a Si/a-SiGe/a-SiGe cells enable a “spectrum splitting” to collect the sunlight, and this achieves higher conversion efficiencies. It is known that a-Si(1.8 eV)/a-SiGe(1.6 eV)/a-SiGe (1.4 eV) triple-junction solar cells are among the most efficient a-Si based cells.\nDiscussion of the design, construction, and advantages of amorphous silicon solar cells, including triple-junction amorphous silicon solar cells is contained in Deng and Schiff, 2003, “Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells,” Chapter 12, pages 505–565 in Handbook of Photovoltaic Engineering, ed. A. Luque & S. Hegedus, by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., such chapter separately published on Xunming Deng's website: http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/˜dengx/papers/deng03a.pdf in 2002 by Deng and Schiff. A review of the basic photoelectrochemical properties of amorphous silicon based structures can be found in Proceedings of the 2002 U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program Review NREUCP-610-32405 entitled, “Photoelectrochemical Systems for Hydrogen Production”, authored by Varner et al., 2002; and “Proceedings of the 2000 Hydrogen Program Review” NREL/CP-570-28890 entitled, “Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production”, authored by Miller and Rocheleau, 2000.\nThe invention described here comprises a photoelectrochemical (PEC) device made from an inexpensive triple-junction amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar cell that is protected from corrosion by a durable transparent and electrically conductive material. This design results in a practical method for direct generation of hydrogen by in-situ electrolysis of water. Such a system can potentially produce large quantities of hydrogen much more cheaply by eliminating the elaborate electric collection grid and mounting needed by photovoltaic cells. In PEC devices, greater efficiency is achieved by supplying electrons from the active silicon directly through the shortest distance to catalyst layers deposited on the outside where hydrogen and oxygen are evolved. Each of the three stacked solar cells in the triple-junction device absorbs a portion of the solar spectrum and is used to boost the voltage output of the device to over two volts—more than enough to split water (it takes a minimum of 1.23 volts to split water, and for practical purposes more than 1.6 volts is needed to overcome “overvoltage” effects at the electrodes). Here, a-Si cells are inexpensive compared to crystalline or polycrystalline-silicon and especially compared to highly efficient but very expensive crystalline semiconductor wafers such as GaAs, GalnP2, and AlGaAs. In addition, a variety of bases may be used besides KOH, such as Na2CO3 or NaOH. Use of acids and neutral salts are within the scope of the invention to produce the aqueous electrolyte.\nThe description of the invention is merely exemplary in nature and, thus, variations that do not depart from the gist of the invention are intended to be within the scope of the invention. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the invention.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Anthracene can be used as a scaffold for intramolecular SN2 degenerate reactions of the “bell clapper” type, where a central boron atom or its isoelectronic carbocation bonds alternatively towards one or the other lateral Lewis bases at the first and eight anthracene positions. This ping-pong bond-switching reaction possesses a symmetrical double-well potential with low activation barrier and relatively narrow barrier width. Herein we show by computational means the active role played by heavy atom quantum tunneling in this degenerate rearrangement reaction at cryogenic temperatures. At these conditions the thermal “over the barrier” reaction is forbidden, whereas the tunneling effect enhances the rate of reaction up to an experimentally measurable half-life. Kinetic isotope effects and cryogenic NMR spectroscopy can, in principle, experimentally demonstrate the tunneling mechanism.\nA good deal of attention has been paid to the established chemistry of hypercoordinated compounds , , , , , (also called, controversially, hypervalent systems) by both experimentalists and theoreticians, due to their unique reactivity and properties. These molecules are usually described by a three-center four-electron bond , , and are typical within main group elements in and below the third row of the periodic table. Pentacoordinated bond formation by second row elements such as carbon and boron are, due to their low polarizability and high relative electronegativity, very scarce (though the trigonal bipyramidal geometry is common in the transition state of SN2 reactions). Still, they are possible, as many computational and experimental studies have shown , , , , , , , , , , , . For example, Akiba et al. , used an anthracene scaffold to synthesize potentially pentacoordinated carbocation and boron containing compounds (see CR,Y and BR,Y in Fig. 1). Although some species have very loose bonding between the boron or the carbocation to the lateral Lewis bases, and therefore cannot be considered as hypercoordinative (for instance BOMe,OMe or COMe,OMe), other molecules have tight symmetrical binding, showing a clear symmetrical pentacoordinated geometry (such as BF,OMe) .\nYet, other species prefer an unsymmetrical geometry, with the central atom leaning to one or the other donor group (for example BMe,NMe2 or BCl,NMe2) . These almost symmetrical molecules are of particular interest for the present research, as they can undergo a very fast intramolecular degenerate bond-making and breaking between the sp3 central atom and the lateral substituents. This rearrangement occur through a symmetrical SN2 mechanism, as was shown by 1H NMR and DFT studies, in what was called a “bell-clapper” mechanism (Fig. 1) , , . The energy barrier for this rearrangement reaction was found to be too small to measure by the NMR coalescence method. Encouraged by the low barrier and small displacement of the central carbon or boron, we envisaged that these reactions may occur by heavy atom tunneling, analogous to a quantum ping-pong game .\nQuantum mechanical tunneling (QMT) of hydrogen is a well-known effect that has been widely studied both experimentally and theoretically , . The extent to which tunneling occurs in a chemical reaction depends on the barrier width (w), barrier height (ΔE‡), and atomic masses (m) of the moving parts of the molecule, according to:\nwhere P is the tunneling probability (“barrier permeability”), and x is a factor that depends on the shape of the potential energy curve . It can be seen from eq. 1 that the tunneling probability is particularly sensitive to the barrier width (a variable with no significance in semi-classical transition state theory), making the amplitude of the atomic movements the most critical factor for a swift tunneling. In this sense, it was recently shown that “heavy” atom tunneling (i.e. atoms from the second row of the periodic table) is indeed possible, as long as the barrier height is low and, more important, the barrier width is markedly narrow , . The first experimental evidence of such kind of tunneling was found in the automerization (aka π-bond shifting) of cyclobutadiene , , . From there, several other documented reactions emerged, such as the ring expansion of methyl-cyclobutyl-fluorocarbene , ring opening of cyclopropyl-carbinyl radical , , degenerate rearrangement of semibullvalene , , ketenimine ring expansion , and ring closure of cyclopentane-1,3-diyl , (see also Refs. , , and references within). All these examples share the already cited characteristics: a low and narrow activation barrier. To the best of our knowledge, the heaviest atom predicted to tunnel from the ground state in a realistic (albeit theoretical) reaction involves a fluorine, in another case of a quantum ping-pong mechanism . We can divide all these reactions in two groups, the exothermic ones (asymmetric reaction profiles such as the cited ring expansion, opening or closing), and the isothermic ones (degenerate rearrangements with symmetric reaction coordinates, such as the cyclobutadiene and semibullvalene cases). In the latter group, which includes our current bell-clapper reaction, we can also find many examples of H-transfer, such as proton sponges and formic acid dimer , , .\nIn this work, through computational tools we predict the boron and carbon atom tunneling by rapid bond switching on the bell clapper mechanism (Fig. 1). Additionally, we propose an experimental test to check the QMT effect by NMR spectroscopy.\nTo accurately account for the rates of reaction, especially including tunneling corrections, it is critical to properly describe the potential energy surface. Hence, in order to select a suitable functional and basis set in terms of accuracy and computational cost, we performed benchmark calculations on the barrier height (ΔE‡) of the title reaction using fourteen different DFT functionals (four GGAs –B97D3, PBE, BLYP and BP86–, three meta-GGAs –BB95, MN15L and TPSS–, three hybrid-GGAs –PBE0, TPPSh and B3LYP–, and four hybrid-meta-GGAs –B1B95, BMK, MN15 and M06-2X–) in combination with five basis sets (Def2-SVP, 6-31+G(d), 6-31+G(d,p), aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ, the latter taken only as a reference, as it is currently impossible to carry out SCT tunneling computations on medium sized molecules with this basis set). All these methods were benchmarked against DLPNO-CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ//MN15/aug-cc-pVTZ energies for the rearrangement of BH,NF2 and CH,NH2. The resulting best combination (ΔE‡ within 0.9 kJ·mol-1 for the former and 0.5 kJ·mol−1 for the latter), and the one we used for all the computations, was MN15/aug-cc-pVDZ , a method that stretched our computation capabilities to the limit. DFT geometry optimizations and frequency calculations were carried out with Gaussian16 , while the DLPNO-CCSD(T) , benchmark was computed with ORCA4.0 , with the “tightPNO” option .\nFor the tunneling corrections there are various approximate methods that can be used to study the reaction rate, such as the use of a parabolic potential, the Eckart barrier, or the renowned Wigner approximation . However, these approximations lack the thermal-activated tunneling correction from the vibrationally excited states level and the possibility to “cut-corners” to pass through the least-action pathway (were the barrier height may be higher than the TS, but the atom trajectory, the main factor for a fast QMT, is shorter) . A highly demanding but accurate method that include the above effects is the small-curvature tunneling (SCT) methodology , . This method has the extra capability of mapping the potential energy surface with multidimensional contributions by calculating energies, gradients and second derivatives not only at the reactant and transition state geometries, but also at many points along the reaction pathway. We carried out all the semi-classical dynamics with the canonical variational transition-state theory (CVT) , and the QMT corrections with SCT using the POLYRATE package , with GAUSSRATE as the interface with Gaussian16. After some accuracy tests we decided to use a step size of 0.002 Bohr, with the quantized reactant state tunneling (QRST) method .\nAs a crude but fast method to pre-filter the systems with potential for reacting via QMT at cryogenic temperatures, we considered the tunneling limit (TL) approximation , . This expression, based on eq. 1, is written as:\nwhere m is the mass of the tunneling determining atom (TDA) whenever there is a clear one (see below), ΔE‡ the activation energy, and w½ the barrier width taken at half the barrier height (in here we estimated it by the difference between the long and short X–Y distances divided by two). Previous tests indicate that TL linearly correlates with the logarithm of accurately computed rates , , where reactions with TL<10 could, in principle, react by QMT from the ground state in a sensible experimental time.\nResults and discussion\nFigure 1 shows the key intramolecular SN2 reaction (bell-clapper mechanism) for BR,Y and CR,Y. This reaction undergoes a bond switching between the central X and lateral Y groups via a C2v trigonal bipyramidal transition state structure which resembles a pentacoordinated bonding pattern, with a symmetrical double-well potential energy surface. Table 1 lists the activation energy, the bond length of the bonded (r1) and non-bonded (r2) X–Y bond, the effective barrier width (w½) and the tunneling limit (TL) for BR,Y and CR,Y studied systems.\nIn the original BCl,NMe2 system reported by Akiba et al. our computed activation energy is 39.7 kJ·mol−1, with bond distances of 1.675 and 3.137 Å for the shorter (r1) and longer (r2) B–N distances (see Table 1 and Fig. 1), in good agreement with the X-ray diffraction analysis (r1=1.664 and r2=3.129 Å) . The effective barrier width (w½=0.73 Å) is significantly narrower than the complete movement that the boron must travel, but it is a more accurate proxy to use for the TL; close to the minima the displacement of the atom requires a negligible energy, and therefore those sections of the reaction coordinate are kinetically irrelevant for tunneling. Still, the high TL value of 24.4 for BCl,NMe2 indicates that the reaction will not occur by QMT from the ground state. We therefore tuned the system by attempting various substitutions that would shrink both the barrier height and width, thus giving better candidates for tunneling. Due to clashing effects, this process is more trial an error than a systematic search. For instance, a weaker Y electron donor will make the short X–Y bond (r1) more labile and longer (with a lower ΔE‡), but it will make the long X–Y bond (r2) longer as well, compensating the effect; therefore, a weaker Y nucleophile may or may not lower w½ and TL. Similarly, a strong σ electron withdrawing atom in the R groups may also act as a π donor (as in the case of halogens), blurring the possibility of predictions. In addition, some steric hindrance pushes the Y groups inside (for instance when comparing Y=NH2 and NMe2), changing the potential energy surface exclusively by brute force. Still, a couple of rules of thumb can be grasped: the asymmetric potential with higher activation energy tends to be favored by stronger Y electron donors (compare BH,NH2 to BH,NCl2) or by weaker R π donors (BH,NF2 vs. BCl,NF2, the latter being a symmetrical pentacoordinated species, and therefore not included in Table 1). These effects strengthen the charge transfer interaction between X and Y.\nAnalyzing the trends between similar systems in Table 1 we can still find one clear, expected trend. Narrower w½ correlates with lower ∆E‡, hence both of them correlate with a smaller TL. This can be explained by considering the harmonic potentials of the reactant and product states being closer, which puts the crossing point in a lower position . Since our objective is to find systems with a fast QMT, low activation barriers should produce the desired outcome (as long as it is not so low that the system will prefer the C2v geometry!). Therefore, we carried out accurate QMT computations (SCT) on the most promising systems, BH,NCl2 and BH,NBr2 (TL=7.4 and 7.7, respectively). To our delight, we obtained quite fast tunneling rate constants of 590 and 61 s−1 (t½=1 and 11 ms), respectively, close to the absolute zero (that is, QMT from the ground state, where it is completely independent of the temperature). Considering that the computed semi-classical rates (CVT, without any tunneling correction) have the “impossible” values of k=5×10−45 and 5×10−54 s−1, we can ascertain that in cryogenic conditions the reaction occurs exclusively by a QMT mechanism. This might be, to the best of our knowledge, the first predicted case of a boron atom tunneling.\nIn parallel to the boron bell-clapper, also the isoelectronic carbocation-based reaction has been thoroughly studied in previous works , , , and therefore it is de rigueur to include it here. However, we must take into consideration that the necessary inclusion of a counterion in most experimental setup will change the reaction , and therefore our computational results will only match the experiment where the carbocation can be isolated at low temperature (for instance in a supersonic expansion equipment). Due to the much stronger interactions with Y, carbocations have much higher activation energies, with very stable Cs geometries. Hence, all the studied systems based on amine substituents were unsuitable for QMT (TL ≫10, see for example, CH,NH2 in Table 1). However, with much weaker Y groups there is a slim chance, as can be seen in Table 1 for halides, with TL=11.5 and 11.7 for CH,Cl and CH,Br, respectively (CH,F prefers the C2v geometry). The ensuing SCT computations yielded k=7×10−11 s−1 when approaching the zero Kelvin regime for CH,Br (with a semi-classical value of kCVT=3×10−139 s−1 at 6 K), which can hardly be considered a realistic tunneling (t½=300 years). But CH,Cl gave k=6×10−5 s−1 (t½=3 h, with kCVT=7×10−122 s−1 at 6 K), well within what can be considered “experimental time”. Therefore, this molecule can be included in the pantheon of systems that can react by carbon atom tunneling .\nFigure 2a shows the Arrhenius plot of BH,NCl2 and CH,Cl. In the low temperature region, the SCT rate constants deviates from the classical CVT rates reaching a clear plateau where the rates become independent of temperature, a distinct signature of tunneling from the ground state. For BH,NCl2, at ~50 K the tunneling rate becomes dominant (kSCT=4×105 s−1, kCVT=9×104 s−1), while at ~30 K the semi-classical rate is negligible (kSCT=3×103 s−1, kCVT=3 s−1). Below ~10 K the rate is entirely dominated by heavy atom tunneling from the ground state (note that in the case of hydrogen tunneling the vibrational states are usually more separated, showing larger independence from the temperature compared to heavy atom QMT). For CH,Cl we start to see QMT dominance at ~75 K (kSCT=98 s−1, kCVT=38 s−1), negligible semi-classical reaction at ~40 K (kSCT=4×10−4 s−1, kCVT=10−8 s−1), and exclusive tunneling from the ground state again at ~10 K.\nConsidering the fast tunneling rate of the BH,NCl2 at cryogenic conditions, we decided to check the possibilities of QMT by substituting the lower carbon at the central anthracene ring. We expected that by having there a bulkier hetero atom, it will push out the lateral rings, bringing closer the Y groups and producing a narrower and lower rearrangement barrier. For this purpose we introduced a Si atom forming a 10-silaanthracene scaffold for BH,NCl2 (Scheme 1). Preliminary results suggested a large influence of the Si atom on the w½ (0.41 Å) and ΔE‡ (8.2 kJ·mol−1), producing a TL of only 6.2. However, and to our surprise, the rate constant for this system was extremely slow (kSCT=5×10−07 s−1, with t½=15 days) at 6 K, which can barely be considered as a viable tunneling mechanism. This stark disparity between the accurate SCT rate constants and the TL can be explained based on the displacement vectors of the imaginary frequency at the TS. In contrast to BH,NCl2, where the movement is basically centralized at the boron, the 10-silaanthracene structure leads to a more collective motion in the molecular reorganization. As the TL approximation depends on only one TDA, a system with several atoms moving concertedly interfere in the correct TL interpretation. This acts as a warning in the use of the simple tunneling limit model.\nKIE and NMR probes for tunneling\nTo answer the question of which atom is determining the QMT rate, we carried out several isotopic substitutions on BH,NCl2. In principle, at low temperatures where the reaction goes exclusively by tunneling, the atom with larger kinetic isotope effect (KIE) should be the “tunneling determining atom” (TDA), that is the one hindering the QMT process the most. However, in practice this is not so easy to define, as the mass ratio for different atomic substitutions is completely different (especially when comparing light and heavy QMT). Still, there should be a correlation between the KIEs and the atoms with the larger displacement in the imaginary normal mode of the TS (at least when comparing atoms of comparable masses). Therefore, we carried out a detailed investigation of the KIE on the atoms that showed maximum movement at the TS. A close inspection of the translation vector for BH,NCl2 system showed, as expected, a large displacement of the boron, along with a slight movement of the lateral nitrogens and the hydrogens attached to the boron.\nOn substitution of these atoms by their isotopic analogues, B leads to the highest KIE (10B/11B) of 2.83 at cryogenic conditions, followed by a KIE (H/D) of 2.30 for the hydrogens, while for the nitrogens is, surprisingly, negligible (1.01), as can be seen in Fig. 2b. As we said before, it is not convenient to draw a distinction between the KIEs of light and heavy atoms due to the differences in their effective masses and isotopic mass ratio. However, for our system it can be explicitly seen that among the three studied KIEs the boron atom is the TDA, reflected by its remarkably high KIE. The KIE for hydrogens is, actually, very low, considering that the D/H mass ratio (2) is enormous compared to the ratio between the boron isotopes (1.1). In addition, there are two hydrogens involved, which would make the individual KIE approximately equal to the square root of both atoms taken together (KIE~1.52, considering that the hydrogens have independent influence on the KIE). We also checked the KIE (12C/13C) for the carbocation in CH,Cl, again producing a high value of 2.5, undoubtfully indicating that the reaction is occurring exclusively via QMT from the ground vibrational state, and that the carbocation is the TDA.\nTo provide an experimental proof for the detection of heavy atom tunneling in the bell-clapper reaction we propose the use of cryogenic solid-state NMR spectroscopy (a complicated but possible experiment ). The NMR coalescence temperature (TC) is defined as the temperature at which two separate peaks of exchanging pairs of atoms merge into a single peak. At this temperature, the coalescence rate constant (kC) is proportional to the frequency of the NMR equipment (υinst) and the separation of the chemical shifts (Δδ, in ppm), according to:\nIf the merging of peaks occurs at significantly lower temperature than what would be expected in a thermal mechanism, there we will have a sign of QMT , , . Table 2 lists the computed differences in the NMR chemical shift of the exchanging pairs of atoms and the corresponding kC values for systems BH,NCl2, BH,NBr2 and CH,Cl. In all these systems the coalescence rate constants for the hydrogens and nitrogens are much smaller than Cl and Br due to its small differences in their chemical shifts.\nIf our predictions are correct, in BH,NCl2 the peaks of all the equivalent atoms except Cl should be merged at any temperature due to tunneling from the ground state; in the hypothetical absence of tunneling two peaks would be observed for hydrogens and nitrogen below ~35 K. The significant difference between TCCVT and TCSCT is a strong indication of tunneling for this system, a prediction that, although not straightforward, can be experimentally tested. For BH,NBr2 the largest difference appears at the β-hydrogen atoms, where TCSCT is 37 K lower than TCCVT; only below liquid He temperature we will see two peaks, while in the absence of tunneling we would see two peaks up to 41 K. A similar but significantly less marked scenario should be seen for carbocationic system CH,Cl, where such a small TC difference with and without tunneling correction can hardly be taken as a strong proof of QMT.\nIn this paper, we have investigated intramolecular degenerate SN2 rearrangement reactions of the “bell-clapper” type, where a central boron atom (or its isoelectronic carbocation) switches bond alternatively with its lateral Lewis bases placed at one and eight position of the anthracene molecule. This rapid ping-pong like reaction can be accompanied by low activation energy and relatively narrow barrier width. Tuning of the systems by introducing relatively weak bases (such as nitrogen dihalides for the boron and halogens in the carbocation systems) at the lateral “Y” positions can significantly reduce the effective barrier width along with lowering in the energy barrier, making them an ideal system for heavy atom tunneling. Calculation including the small curvature tunneling (SCT) approximation reveals that the reaction on BH,NCl2 occurs exclusively by boron atom tunneling close to absolute zero, while the classical thermal over the barrier reaction is virtually non-existence. The remarkably high KIE for the B atom is also a witness of the QMT effect. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of reaction involving boron atom tunneling. 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To gain a competitive edge in this highly fragmented market, contract pharmaceutical fermentation services’ providers are creating unique strategies based on prevailing pharmaceutical industry landscape and trends.\nTo capitalize on the growing trend of pharmaceutical companies avoiding internal capacity investment to embrace outsourcing, contract pharmaceutical fermentation services’ providers continue to embed advancing technology in their processes. Further, several contract pharmaceutical fermentation services providers are indulging into collaborations with local integrators.\nTo move ahead of the competition in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market, leading players are focusing on extending and diversifying their businesses, as pharmaceutical industries turn to outsourcing to CMOs to underpin gains.\nDetailed profiles of other leading market players operating in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market have also been included in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market report.\nKey players operating in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market include AbbVie, Inc., Aumgene Biosciences, EKF Diagnostics-Stanbio, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Biocon, AMRI, Pfizer, Lonza, CordenPharma International, and Fujifilm Holdings Corporation.\nDon't Need a Global Report?\nSave 40% on Country & Region specific reports\nThe overall pharmaceutical industry has been changing and developing at a rapid pace with several manufacturing firms struggling with massive challenges caused by high market growth, frequently changing regulations, novel therapy and medicine forms as well as progressing digitization.\nTo address such challenges, pharmaceutical medicines’ manufacturers are increasingly mimicking already existing manufacturing equipment to further transfer them to contract manufacturing service providers. Being the core for production of a wide range of pharmaceutical based products, microbial fermentation has frequently evolved in recent past.\nAs a result several pharmaceutical manufacturers are deriving medical products from fermented products encompassing active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), which is further creating demand for contract pharmaceutical fermentation services for bulk supply.\nThe growing adoption of microbial fermentation as a production method for therapeutic proteins, fragmented antibodies, intermediates, peptides, etc., has become an optimal economic route for pharmaceutical companies to meet production demand and market delivery time.\nThis burgeoning demand for fermentation processes in tandem with the rapidly expanding pharmaceutical industry are likely to fuel growth in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market in forthcoming years.\nMore Insights, Lesser Cost (-50% off)\nInsights on import/export production,\npricing analysis, and more – Only @ Fact.MR\nThough the pharmaceutical industry is rapidly changing and accelerating, the basic understanding of diverse diseases at a molecular level is improving constantly. 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This growing trend is likely to trigger growth in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market during the forecast period.\nKnow thy Competitors\nCompetitive landscape highlights only certain players\nComplete list available upon request\nDespite extensive utilization of fermentation processes, the technology is yet to gain maturity like chemical synthesis, in terms of adoption of mathematical models and optimization techniques.\nThe significant fermentation challenges, such as scale up and scale down fermentation, controlling insightful process parameters, mass transfer, and establishing novel sensors have been restraining market growth. Further the challenges associated with advanced therapy medicinal products that demand thoughtful and appropriate facility design and equipment continue to hinder contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market growth.\nAs contract pharmaceutical fermentation services need huge capital investment for set-ups and fulfilling technical staff requirements, several market players deal with large-scale fermentation challenges. Such challenges are likely to hamper growth in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market in forthcoming years.\nWith manifold manufacturers, contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market remains highly fragmented, propelling service providers to seek novel and innovative ways of differentiating their services from counterparts.\nAmid the rigorous competition in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market, the service providers are increasingly focusing on value-added services which is likely to bring tremendous changes in the market, thereby paving way for growth opportunities.\nContract pharmaceutical fermentation services are mainly used by pharmaceutical industries when they need abundant fermentation of products required for the development of drug formulations.\nContract pharmaceutical fermentation services deploy different kinds of fermentation techniques with the help of skilled staff.\nThe report on contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market offers a comprehensive evaluation of the business opportunities in contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market.\nIt also offers insights on contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market outlook, and list of service providers in the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market for the duration from 2018 to 2026.\nSome of the additional questions addressed in report on the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market are-\nKey insights provided on contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market are fully based on dynamic research methodology deployed to create the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market report.\nThe report on Contract pharmaceutical fermentation services is made of comprehensive primary and secondary researches to obtain significant information related to aspects of the Contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market.\nAnalysts have performed an in-depth research to attain the numbers mentioned in the report, such as, CAGR, y-o-y growth and revenue share of all the market segments.\nThe unique research followed by Fact.MR offers authenticity of every minute detail published in the report. The actionable insights related to Contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market are presented in easy to understand way to help clients in make well-informed decisions for future growth of their businesses in the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market.\nThe Fact.MR report on contract pharmaceutical fermentation services offers a comprehensive taxonomy of the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market on the basis of contract pharmaceutical fermentation service type, platform, product type, and end user of contract pharmaceutical fermentation services.\nOn the basis of service type, the global contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market has been segmented into development services and commercial services. On the basis of platform, the global contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market has been segmented into bacterial and fungal/yeast.\nBased on product type, the global contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market has been segmented into bio-therapeutics, enzymes, peptides, plasmids, cytokines & growth factors, vaccines, others (fusion proteins, etc.).\nBy end user, the global contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market has been segmented into pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, animal health companies, and academic & research institutes. Based on region, the contract pharmaceutical fermentation services market has been bifurcated into North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan, and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).\n- Premium Report Details -\n- Let's Connect -\n- Quick Contact -\n- Get Started -\nGet insights that lead to new growth opportunitiesBuy Now\nGet A Special pricing for start-ups and universitiesEnquiry Before Buying\n- Humble, Yet Honored -\n- Research Methodology -\nAn Adaptive Approach to Modern-day Research NeedsGet Methodology\nHighly Fragmented Market Necessitating Adoption of Unique Strategies\nKey players identified in the global market include AbbVie, Inc., Aumgene Biosciences and EKF Diagnostics-Stanbio\nNeed An Exclusive Report For Your Unique Requirement?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Copper is one of the most widely used elements on earth. It is an essential element that can be found in everything from electrical wiring and plumbing to jewellery and coins. Copper has various physical properties that make it so useful and versatile. Let’s look at five properties that make copper an essential part of our modern world.\nOne of copper’s most unique physical properties is its malleability. This means copper can be easily pounded into different shapes without breaking or cracking. This makes copper ideal for making thin sheets, wires, and tubing for plumbing systems, electrical wiring, and other uses. This property also makes it easier to work with when creating jewellery or coins.\nCopper is also very flexible and can be bent or twisted without breaking or cracking. This property is well-suited for use in plumbing systems, electrical wiring, and cables. Its flexibility allows it to bend around corners or through tight spaces easily.\nAnother important physical property of copper is its corrosion resistance. It doesn’t rust like other metals when exposed to weathering conditions like wind, rain, snow, and salt air. This makes copper perfect for outdoor applications such as roofing materials, gutters and downspouts, sculptures, etc., since they won’t corrode over time as other metals would.\nBecause of its chemical structure, copper has excellent electrical conductivity, meaning that electricity flows through it easily and efficiently without any loss of power or heat buildup. Copper wires are used everywhere in homes and businesses for electrical wiring because they are so efficient at conducting electricity without any loss or risk of overheating due to power surges or overloads.\nAlong with its excellent electrical conductivity comes good thermal conductivity as well, which means that heat transfers through copper more quickly than some other metals like aluminium or stainless steel, would allow for faster cooling-off times after exposure to hot temperatures/heat sources such as soldering irons or ovens/stoves/fireplaces etc.\nAll these physical properties make copper an invaluable material in many industries today, ranging from construction to electronics and beyond! Its malleability, flexibility, corrosion resistance, excellent electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity all combine to make this elemental metal an essential part of our modern world! Whether you’re looking for something decorative like jewellery or coins or something functional like plumbing pipes or electrical wiring – you can count on copper!\nMeet Heer, a dynamic and driven writer learning tricks of her trade in the metal industry. With a background in Digital Marketing, Heer brings a unique perspective to her writing, sharing valuable insights. Apart from blogging she like reading and hiking.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Unique Features & Benefits\n- Beauty bar foams into a rich, silky lather without drying skin\n- Moisturizes, protects the natural moisture barrier and is antioxidant-rich with organic olive oil and soothes with honey\n- Fragrance-free & colorant-free\nEnriched with naturally hydrating honey and organic virgin olive oil, this translucent facial soap foams into a rich, creamy lather to gently and thoroughly cleanse skin while preserving its natural moisture balance.\nThis beauty bar is a great second step of the Japanese double cleanse regimen (after oil-based cleanser).\nIdeal for all skin types.\nsodium oleate, sodium palmitate, sucrose, sodium laurate, water/aqua/eau, glycerin, sodium myristate, sorbitol, sodium stearate, sodium behenate, tetrasodium etidronate, olea europaea (olive) fruit oil, alcohol denat., honey/mel/miel\nWet face with lukewarm water. Create lather in palms, then massage face and neck with foam to cleanse. Rinse thoroughly. To extend the life of the soap, do not allow to stand in water.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Information on Buying the Real Oregano Oil\nOregano oil is known to be an excellent medicinal herb that is useful in treating many conditions. It is simply an excellent antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal that has the potential to protect against bacteria.\nIn addition, in the 15th century, Paracelsus used wild oregano to treat fungal diseases. Each of these details shows exactly how important oregano is to animal health. Until recently, natural oregano oil was used in animals to treat many ailments. In addition, its additional capabilities are now being identified by health researchers.\nYou can check out here https://www.feedworks.com.au/oregano-oil-for-animals/ to buy organic oregano oil for animals.\nImage Source: Google\nOregano oil is an organic compound made from the oregano species. The oregano plant is found in remote mountainous areas that are free from air pollution. Essential oils are extracted only from the leaves of flowering plants. The leaves are chosen with care because the oregano plant contains the largest amount of essential oil.\nThis plant is hard to find and therefore not available almost everywhere. Oregano is commonly used in cooking and is often mixed with oregano oil. In common oregano oil is extracted from oregano vulgare.\nOregano essential oil consists of carvacrol, an organic phenol that can have a strong antimicrobial effect. On the other hand, the flavonoids in oregano provide organic antiseptic properties and the terpenes are organic anti-inflammatory components.\nWild Oregano Essential Oil is better known for masking the main antioxidant abilities and promoting bile circulation which greatly improves the process of digestive function.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Explore Essential Daily Vitamin + For Immunity\nEstimated Delivery : Jun 09\nYou will not be charged until your order is shipped.\nReturn within 30 days if unopened and unused\nBrimming with super antioxidant Vitamin C, BEAR Explore daily vitamins help promote improved immune function and support the production of energy. Vitamin E acts as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant to protect against cellular damage, while Rhodiola is used to enhance physical performance and improve the body's ability to adapt to stress.\n- BEAR uses activated ingredients and potent botanical extracts of the highest quality and proven efficacy to deliver optimal bio-availability and ensure that nutrients are readily absorbed by the body\n- Certified Organic\n- Vegan, GMO-free, gluten-free, and non-toxic\n- 60 tablets\n- This item is not available for international export\n- Revolve Style No. BAER-WU4\n- Manufacturer Style No. EXPLORE\n- Actual packaging and materials may vary. Please read labels, warnings, and directions before use.\nHow to Use\n- Take one tablet in the morning or as professionally prescribed\n- Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet\n- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight\nVitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 150mg; Rhodiola rosea ext equiv to dry root 1.6g Standardized to rosavins 6mg; Natural Vitamin E (as d-alpha-Tocopherol) 10IU; Curcuma Longa (Turmeric) ext equiv to dry rhizome 50mg; Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) 20mg; Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin Sodium Phosphate) 15.75mg; Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) 150mg; Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate) 46mg; Vitamin B6 Phosphate (Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate) 6.17mg; Vitamin B12 mecobalamin (co-methylcobalamin) 200ug;\nGuided by respect for simplicity, design and function, BEAR brings together a portfolio of wellness essentials for the modern professional. With a clean, minimalist aesthetic, their products are designed to fit seamlessly into your morning routine. Made with the utmost care in Australia, BEAR carefully sources ingredients from small scale farms, cooperatives and leading laboratories from around the world and takes pride in designing and formulating each product with integrity and transparency.\nUse this With\nIf an item you would like to purchase is out of stock, you can place a Special Order Inquiry. REVOLVE will then check the availability and obtain an approximate arrival date for the item, if available. Typically, it takes up to 3-4 weeks to verify this information.\nPlacing a Special Order Inquiry is absolutely free and there is no obligation to follow through with a purchase.\n- You will be notified by email once we receive the item.\n- You may cancel at any time without penalty\n- Your card will ONLY be charged when your order is shipped.\n- Availability is not guaranteed.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Structural and thermodynamic signatures of marine microlayer surfactant films|In: Journal of Sea Research. Elsevier/Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Amsterdam; Den Burg. ISSN 1385-1101, more\n|Also published as |\n- Pogorzelski, S.J.; Kogut, A.D. (2003). Structural and thermodynamic signatures of marine microlayer surfactant films, in: Ohlson, M. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers (CBO), Stockholm, Sweden, 25-29 November 2001. Journal of Sea Research, 49(4): pp. 347-356, more\nEnthalpy; Entropy; Structural dynamics; Surface films; Surfactants; Thermodynamic properties; ANE, Baltic, Gdansk Gulf [Marine Regions]; Marine\n|Authors|| || Top |\n- Pogorzelski, S.J.\n- Kogut, A.D.\nNatural surface film experiments in inland waters and shallow offshore regions of the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas were carried out in the time period 1990-1999 under calm sea conditions using a novel device for sampling and force-area studies. The sampler-Langmuir trough-Wilhelmy filter paper plate system `cuts out' an undisturbed film-covered sea area to perform pi-A studies without any initial physico-chemical sample processing. The limiting specific area Alim (2.68-31.57 nm2/molecule) and mean molecular mass Mw (0.65-9.7 kDa) of microlayer surfactants were determined from the 2D virial equation of state applied to the isotherms. Enthalpy deltaH and entropy deltaSt of the 2D first-order phase transitions were evaluated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation applied to the isotherms. Miscibility of film components and film structure evolution is expressed by the scaling exponent y adopting the 2D polymer film scaling theory. The stress-relaxation measurements revealed a two-step relaxation process at the interface with characteristic times T1=1.1-2.8 and T2=5.6-25.6 seconds suggesting the presence of diffusion-controlled and structural organisation relaxation phenomena. The obtained results suggest that natural films are a complex mixture of biomolecules covering a wide range of solubilities, surface activity and molecular masses with an apparent structural organisation exhibiting a spatial and temporal variability.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This work was conducted to determine the effect of oxygen on hydrothermal liquefaction of softwood for the production of valuable chemicals. Softwood was subjected to liquefaction in the presence and absence of either 1.6 g/L sodium carbonate or 5 bar oxygen gas. The oxygen supplementation diverted sugars from dehydration toward oxidation resulting in 4-fold elevated yields of organic acids. Dissolved sugars and furans showed maxima in narrow temperature regions of 170-190 and 210-230 °C while the yields (weight percentage based on dry wood) of organic acids, phenolic substances, and bio-oil reached their respective maxima of 10.4%, 3.5%, and 7.4% at 230-270 °C. These results of oxidative hydrothermal liquefaction advance sustainable production of chemicals from renewable lignocellulose.\n- organic acids", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In the scientific community, the possibilities of using plastic in road construction have also been studied for some time. German road construction expert Prof. Johannes Beckedahl, who worked for a long time at the University of Wuppertal, thinks it's basically good to think about \"upcycling\" plastic waste, but is skeptical about prefabricated solutions like those used by VolkerWessels. He doubts that a durable road construction is possible with modules. The modules would have to be laid on the base in such a way that the same storage conditions exist everywhere. Otherwise, each module or precast element would settle unevenly under use. With the consequence of possible fractures or step formations. Beckedahl, on the other hand, takes a more positive view of processing plastic waste into granules. \"A correctly produced asphalt modified with plastic granulate or rubber granulate, for example from used tires, and its high-quality paving can be an advantageous and service life-extending alternative to conventional asphalts,\" says the expert. However, he said, the prerequisite is always that the formulation for a modified asphalt mixture is determined and tested in the laboratory so that the mixture is optimized for the intended use. The environmental compatibility of roads with modified asphalt could be problematic, Beckedahl finds. Abrasion on roads with plastic content, for example, could release microplastics.\nRoads made of or with recycled plastic waste nevertheless have the potential in principle to make a significant contribution to sustainability. They can help to conserve resources in terms of materials and land on a large scale - and that all over the world, because there are roads everywhere and plastic waste is a resource everywhere. However, it is not yet possible to predict the extent to which this type of construction will become established and which type will then prove to be the best.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Geckos, which are capable of walking on walls and hanging from ceilings with the help of micro-/nano-scale hierarchical fibrils (setae) on their toe pads, have become the main prototype in the design and fabrication of fibrillar dry adhesives. As the unique fibrillar feature of the toe pads of geckos allows them to develop an intimate contact with the substrate the animal is walking on or clinging to, it is expected that the toe setae exchange significant numbers of electric charges with the contacted substrate via the contact electrification (CE) phenomenon. Even so, the possibility of the occurrence of CE and the contribution of the resulting electrostatic interactions to the dry adhesion of geckos have been overlooked for several decades. In this study, by measuring the magnitude of the electric charges, together with the adhesion forces, that gecko foot pads develop in contact with different materials, we have clarified for the first time that CE does contribute effectively to gecko adhesion. More importantly, we have demonstrated that it is the CE-driven electrostatic interactions which dictate the strength of gecko adhesion, and not the van der Waals or capillary forces which are conventionally considered as the main source of gecko adhesion.\nWhen any two materials, similar or dissimilar, touch each other, electric charges transfer from one to the other, leading to the formation of a net negative charge on one substrate and a net positive one on the other [1–3]. Development of an electrical double layer (EDL) at the contact interface via this contact electrification (CE) phenomenon [1,2] essentially gives rise to the formation of electrostatic interactions between the charged objects [5,6]. Despite the familiarity and importance, the contribution of CE-driven electrostatic interactions in gecko adhesion—which arises from the intimate contact of the fibrillar feature of the gecko toe pads with the substrate the animal is walking on or clinging to [7,8]—has always been overlooked [7–10]. In this study, we have estimated—for the first time—the amount of electric charges and, therefore, the magnitude of electrostatic forces that gecko toe pads develop upon contact. Experiments were conducted on two distinct substrates: on one such substrate geckos adhere strongly, while on the other they do not. Interestingly, simultaneous measurement of electric charges and adhesion forces revealed that CE-driven electrostatic interactions have a decisive contribution to the dry adhesion of geckos over these materials. Better insight into the role of CE-driven electrostatic interactions in gecko adhesion is not only very important for understanding the principles of the supreme adhesion of geckos [8,11], but also is fundamentally very crucial in the design and fabrication of synthetic fibrillar dry adhesives [12–14], which have been recently hypothesized to be largely affected by CE-generated electrostatic interactions [15–17].\n2. Results and discussion\nIn order to determine the occurrence of CE and the extent of the electrostatic interactions arising from it in gecko adhesion, the magnitude of electric charges—together with the adhesion forces—that build up upon contact of gecko foot pads with two substrates (Teflon AF and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)) were measured. Charge and force measurements were performed simultaneously by putting a single foot pad of five live Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) against a vertically aligned thin film of the polymer, which was coated on a 5 × 5 cm2 ultra-polished (RMS roughness = 13.6 ± 1.6 nm, n = 3), mirror-finished copper sheet. The foot pad was subsequently pulled down the polymer thin film, dragging the toes across the substrate, until the developed shear force on the polymer was saturated. At the end of the course of dragging, the foot pad was pulled upward (perpendicular from the polymer surface), in order to detach the toes from the substrate. The five steps of the adhesion tests are shown in figure 1a, while the characteristic adhesion traces for Teflon AF and PDMS are plotted in figure 1b and c, respectively. The static adhesion strength (i.e. adhesion force per unit pad area) over Teflon AF—which was determined at the point where the toes started to slide—was 2.3 ± 0.3 N cm−2 (n = 10), on average more than twice as large as that of PDMS (1.1 ± 0.2 N cm−2, n = 10) (figure 1d). Following the onset of the sliding on both substrates, however, the shear strength increased. Enhancement of the shear strength during dragging is because of the directionality of the adhesion of gecko toe pads [7,18], considering that they develop a superior contact when the toes get aligned in the direction of dragging (compare figure 1a-2 with a-3). Owing to the familiar stick–slip phenomenon [19,20], on the other hand, the increase of the shear strength throughout the dragging step happened in a fluctuating manner.\nIn order to determine the contribution of CE-driven electrostatic interactions in the generated adhesion forces, during the adhesion tests, the magnitude of the electric charges—developed right after contact occurred—was estimated by image charge analysis [4–6]. When an electrically neutral gecko foot pad was brought into contact with the polymer thin film, the toes made contact with the substrate via the nano-scale spatulas (each 200–300 nm wide and 5–10 nm thick) [8,21] at the tip of the keratinous setae [22,23] of each toe on the foot pad (figure 2a). As illustrated in figure 2b and c, the exchange of electric charges between the fibrillar feature of the toe pads and the substrate gave rise to the formation of an EDL at the contact interface. Separation of electric charges at the contact zone induced an image charge, with the density of σimage, in the backing copper sheet. Knowing the magnitude of σimage from the readings of the electrometer connected to the back of the copper sheet, the surface charge density over the polymer (σs), which can practically be considered equal to that on the foot pad [5,6], was determined (see the electronic supplementary material for more details). Charge estimation results revealed that, during almost all contacts, the gecko foot pad became positively charged while the polymer was negatively charged. The absolute values of the surface charge densities immediately after intimate contact with Teflon AF and PDMS were 1.6 ± 0.2 mC m−2 (n = 10) and 1.3 ± 0.1 mC m−2 (n = 10), respectively (figure 2d). In principle, these charge densities (equivalent to approx. 1 elementary charge per 89–134 nm2) are relatively large [2,15], albeit typical for an intimate contact [5,6].\nAccording to the charge estimation results and considering the toe pad–substrate interface as that between two parallel plates, the electrostatic adhesion strengths that gecko foot pads develop with Teflon AF and PDMS—in the normal direction before sliding—are 4.7 ± 1.2 N cm−2 and 2.4 ± 0.4 N cm−2, respectively (see the electronic supplementary material for more details). Interestingly, as illustrated in figure 3, the estimated adhesion strengths are of the same magnitude and also, more or less, of the same proportion (almost, on average, twice larger) as the static lateral shear strengths that were experimentally measured for these substrates.\nAlthough direct charge measurements clearly demonstrate that the contribution of CE-driven electrostatic interactions in gecko adhesion is dominant, it should be noted that, along with electrostatic forces, van der Waals (vdW) and capillary forces could also contribute to the measured adhesion forces [7,9,24]; vdW interactions naturally exist between two materials in contact , whereas capillary interactions become effectual in humid conditions [24,25]. Concerning the latter, however, as all the experiments were carried out at the constant relative humidity of 50 ± 4% (temperature, T = 24 ± 1°C), and as both substrates share an almost similar hydrophobicity (Teflon AF, θ = 108.4 ± 0.6°, n = 6; PDMS, θ = 106.0 ± 0.7°, n = 6), the contribution of capillary interactions in the overall interfacial interactions for both polymers should be essentially identical—while capillary interactions for PDMS could be even slightly more effective [24,26]. With respect to vdW forces, on the other hand, Teflon AF is also expected to generate somewhat smaller vdW forces in comparison with PDMS. In particular, both polymers share a comparable sub-nanometric roughness (Teflon AF, RMS roughness = 0.2 ± 0.2 nm, n = 3; PDMS, RMS roughness = 0.6 ± 0.2 nm, n = 3), and therefore have similar geometry of contact with the gecko foot pad [9,27,28]. Hence, Teflon AF (with a Hamaker constant of 5.1 × 10−20 J) should develop almost 0.8 times smaller vdW forces than PDMS, which has a Hamaker constant of 6.5 × 10−20 J (see the electronic supplementary material for more details). With Teflon AF having a weaker ability than PDMS to generate both vdW and capillary forces, development of the observed enhanced adhesion forces by Teflon AF (figures 1d and 3) again confirms the decisive contribution of CE-driven electrostatic interactions in gecko adhesion.\nAs illustrated, what makes the difference between geckos sticking strongly to one substrate and not to the other is the extent of the contribution of CE-driven electrostatic interactions for each substrate. Even so, during the last 80 years of research on gecko adhesion, the role of electrostatic interactions in gecko adhesion was always passed over [7–10] by referring to the experiments conducted by Dellit , in which adhesion of a gecko (12 g Tarentola mauritanica) was tested against a vertically aligned chromed metal surface. After bombardment with ionized air, supposedly eliminating electrostatic interactions, and observing that the adhesion between the gecko and the metal surface did not change, Dellit concluded that the electrostatic interactions did not contribute to the adhesion of geckos . The control sample used by Dellit was small pieces of paper that were brought to adhere to a glass rod, which was charged by rubbing in advance . In regard to Dellit's experiments, it should be noted that air ionization can only be employed to eliminate electrostatic interactions from non-tight contacts but not those from intimate contacts—like the CE-driven electrostatic interactions of gecko foot pads. Put otherwise, during ionization of air by radioactive materials or X-ray radiation, as employed by Dellit , elementary air ions (typically approx. 0.4 nm in size), within a fraction of a second after their creation, attract 8–15 (mostly water) molecules to themselves and form positive and negative molecular clusters, known as ‘air ions’ . As a matter of fact, owing to their relatively massive size, air ions can only be employed to eliminate electric charges from an electrostatic contact—like that of the paper–glass with typical micro-scale roughness—where air ions can reach the contact interface to dissipate surface charges. In the intimate contact of seta-substrate, with an atomic separation distance of approximately 0.3 nm [7,21], however, eliminating CE-generated electrostatic forces by air ionization is not physically practical, simply because air ions cannot penetrate between the contact interface in order to dissipate surface charges.\n- Received April 8, 2014.\n- Accepted June 19, 2014.\n- © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Type: Injectable Pack: 10 amp (1000 mcg/amp) Substance: Vitamin B12 Manufacturer: March Pharmaceutical, Thailand\nPack: 10amp (1000mcg/amp)\nSubstance: Vitamin B12\nManufacturer: Market Pharmaceutical, Thailand\nVITAMIN B12 is involved in the metabolism and in the synthesis of fatty acids and the production of energy.\nVITAMIN B12, also called Cobalamin, or Cyanocobalamin is a water-soluble (water-soluble) vitamin and has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and in blood formation.\nVITAMIN B12 is one of the 8 B vitamins.\nVITAMIN B12 is used to boost mood, energy, concentration, immune system and slow down cellular aging.\nB12 or cyanocobalamin is considered the most powerful vitamin.\nVITAMIN B12 also works closely with vitamin B9 (folic acid) to regulate the formation of red blood cells and allow better functioning of iron in the body.\nVITAMIN B12 is important for the activity of certain enzymes in cells that control fat, amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism (enzymes are special substances that speed up reactions in the body).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Galvanic corrosion protection system for severe exposure concrete elements in tidal marine environments.\nGalvashield LJ is a galvanic protection system based upon the installation of prefabricated GRP jackets lined with expanded zinc mesh conforming to ASTM B69-92 for A190 alloy. The mesh is connected to the steel reinforcement to provide the required protective current to the steel.\nTechnical Data Sheet\nEnter postcode below to find your nearest store...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Levels of rare earth elements in hair from a group of young Spanish adults (aged 20-24 years).\nThe rapid agricultural, medical and industrial development is occurring on a global scale and bringing with emerging environmental threats for humans. Contamination by rare earth elements (REE) has emerged as a public health concern due to their numerous applications in the current industry. However, little is known about their toxicological effects despite they can accumulate in different organs including brain and bone. To determine the exposure to these contaminants in a young Spanish population, scalp hair samples were collected in 37 young adults (20 to 24 years-old; 28 female and 9 male) from different towns in the Community of Madrid (Spain). Despite being controversial, human hair could be an appropriate tool to determine environmental exposure to inorganic metal contaminants and to estimate the chemical burden in the individual. Lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), erbium (Er) and gadolinium (Gd) were analysed in these samples by ICP-MS following appropriate methodologies. The limits of detection were (in ng/g): La (1.87), Ce (4.29), Pr (0.47), Er (0.06) and Gd (0.24 ng/g). Gd was detected only in one of the monitored samples (2.66 ng/g). The concentrations were as follow (median and percentiles are provided in ng/g): La 5.30 (4.22, 7.13), Ce 11.18 (8.97, 15.45), Pr 1.28 (1.04, 1.72) and Er 0.19 (0.14, 0.28). In general, the presence of these metals in the Spanish group’s hair monitored were lower than those reported in environmentally exposed groups, which may indicate that the studied group would have a low exposure to REE. None of these elements showed influence due to sex, although slightly higher levels were observed for La (5.57 vs. 5.17 ng/g), Pr (1.40 vs. 1.27 ng/g), Nd (2.48 vs. 2.29 ng/g) and Er (0.21 vs. 0.19 ng/g) in men’s hair and in women’s hair for Ce (11.58 vs 10.30 ng/g). Despite is unclear, our results would be in agreement with those studies that have suggested that men may be more sensitive to REE than women.\nThe Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.\nCitation : Peña-Fernández A., Angulo S., Lobo-Bedmar MC. Levels of rare earth elements in hair from a group of young Spanish adults (aged 20-24 years). Abstracts of the 54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2018), 2-5 September 2018, Brussels. Toxicology Letters, 295(1). pp.S161.\nResearch Group : Biomedical and Environmental Health\nResearch Institute : Leicester Institute for Pharmaceutical Innovation - From Molecules to Practice (LIPI)\nPeer Reviewed : Yes", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Print Email Facebook Twitter Increasing oxime efficacy by blood-brain barrier modulation Title Increasing oxime efficacy by blood-brain barrier modulation Author Joosen, M.J.A. van der Schans, M.J. van Dijk, C.G.M. Kuijpers, W.C. Wortelboer, H.M. van Helden, H.P.M. Publication year 2011 Abstract One of the shortcomings of current treatment of nerve agent poisoning is that oximes hardly penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB), whereas nerve agents easily do. Increasing the concentration of oximes in the brain, would therefore provide an attractive approach to improve medical countermeasures. An explanation for limited penetration might be that oximes are substrates for the active P-glycoprotein (Pgp) efflux transporter located in the BBB.Using quantitative brain microdialysis in rats, the effect of i.v. injected tariquidar, a non-competitive, specific Pgp-inhibitor, on HI-6 levels in blood and brain was investigated. It appeared that tariquidar enhanced HI-6 levels in the brain approximately 2-fold during the first hour after HI-6 administration, whereas plasma levels did not differ between the treatment groups. A subsequent proof-of-concept study in rats showed that soman-induced seizures and convulsions were prevented almost completely when they were, in addition to HI-6 and atropine, pretreated with tariquidar. Moreover, twice as much AChE activity was present in their brains as compared to control rats.These results in rats indicate that modulation of the BBB by a drug like tariquidar, which is non-toxic by itself, is of great value in enhancing the efficacy of oximes. © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Subject LifeCBRN - CBRN Protection PHS - Pharmacokinetics & Human StudiesEELS - Earth, Environmental and Life SciencesHI6Nerve agentP-glycoproteinSeizuresTariquidar1 (4 carbamoylpyridinio) 1' (2 hydroxyiminomethylpyridinio)dimethyl etherAcetylcholinesteraseAtropineTariquidarAnimal experimentAnimal modelArticleBlood brain barrierBlood levelBrain blood volumeControlled studyConvulsionDrug effectDrug efficacyDrug intoxicationDrug penetrationMaleMicrodialysisModulationNerve agent poisoningNonhumanPriority journalQuantitative analysisRatSeizureRattus1 (4 carbamoylpyridinio) 1' (2 hydroxyiminomethylpyridinio)dimethyl ether, 34433-31-3Acetylcholinesterase, 9000-81-1Atropine, 51-55-8, 55-48-1Tariquidar, 206873-63-4Tradenames: hi 6, TNO; xr 9576, avaantManufacturers: TNO; avaant To reference this document use: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:13c5876c-1cda-4bf6-9d49-2a09a93cf9c9 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.05.231 TNO identifier 435959 ISSN 0378-4274 Source Toxicology Letters, 206 (1), 67-71 Document type article Files To receive the publication files, please send an e-mail request to TNO Library.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Detailed Bathroom disinfectant/cleaning wet wipes Material: 50gsm high quality non-woven Size:30x20cm Capacity:100000pack/day Bathroom disinfectant/cleaning wet wipesUsed to clean the porcelain and handbasin in the bathroom.Only a piece of our products can remove and sterilize the surface of t.\nDetailed Thyme Oil & Peppermint Oil based disinfectant that effectively eliminates harmful bacteria, mold, mildew, yeast & fungal spores. Natural Disinfectant is a botanical disinfectant based upon Thyme Oil and Peppermint Oil.\nDetailed MultiPurpose Kitchen Cleaner MultiPurpose Bathroom Cleaner MultiPurpose Disinfectant MultiPurpose Bleach MULTI PURPOSE KITCHEN CLEANER ORANGE PUNCH With Pure Orange oil as a degreasing agent Chelsea kitchen cleaner has a tough, hard working formula combining powerful cleaning agents with t.\nDetailed Hand disinfectant machine 1.Material:ABS 2.Size:28.3*14.1*10.5CM,750ml Disinfectant liqiud,sanitation liquid,soap liquid Hand disinfectant machine1.Material:ABS2.Size:28.3*14.1*10.\nDetailed material:spunlace non-woven size:15*20cm 40g packing:80+20 PCS/bag specification:anti-bacterial Disinfectant wipes material:spunlace non-wovensize:15*20cm 40gpacking:80+20 PCS/bagspecification:anti-bacterial features:disinfection, moisten skin,non-irritant,convenient and hy.\nDetailed a)Disinfectant Glutaraldehyde liquid Aerosol b)Pass GMP certificate c)Disinfectant d)veterinary medicine for animals The main components of glutaraldehyde [Features] 1, glutaraldehyde has a spectrum efficient and quick killing effect on the multiplication of bacteria, spores, viruses, fung.\nDetailed Non-toxic, biodegradable cleaner. Removes dirt, soap scum & body oil deposit from basin, toilet bowl, tub and tiles. Natural Toilet & Bathroom Cleaner is a non-toxic, biodegradable basin, toilet bowl.\nDetailed Clean World Disinfectant, is a disinfectant for garbage. It kills all the bacteria, molds and mi Clean World Disinfectant, CWD, is a disinfectant for garbage. It kills all the bacteria, molds and mildew and breaks down the foul odors that they produce.\nDetailed GMP 20.7%-3.3% iodophor veterinary medicine disinfectant the most welcome livestock disinfectant medicine by Chinese farmer Trade name: RED SUNGeneric name: iodophor solution Character: red thick liquid Component: iodine(100ml:2.7g-3.3g ).\nDetailed GMP 20.7%-3.3% iodophor veterinary medicine disinfectant the most welcome livestock disinfectant medicine by Chinese farmer Generic name: Trichloroisocyanur acid powderCharacter: white powder Component: iodine(100ml:2.7g-3.3g ).\nDetailed toilet cleaners and disinfectant clean the toilet bowl thoroughly. Blue bubble Detailed 1. durability: it can flush for 250 times when the water is below 25C;2.\nDetailed Toilet cleaners and disinfectant used in toilet bowl Cleans and deodorizes Toilet cleaners and disinfectant (HY-C1):sanitary toilet cleaner, wc cleaner, blue bubble toilet cleaner1) toilet cleaner used in toilet bowl 2) Cleans and deodorizes 3) Various smell and color toilet cleaner 4.\nDetailed Bathroom ware,Bathroom Set,Bathroom accessories BA-013,4pcs/set,made of S/S & plastic,includes toothbrush holder,soap dispenser Bathroom ware,Bathroom Set,Bathroom accessories,Bathware,Bathroom Product,Bath accessories,Bath 1)BA-0132)4PCS-SET BATHWARE3)Material: stainless steel &a.\nDetailed bathroom rack,bathroom stand,bathroom shelf,bath shelf,colors designs and size as per client's requirements. bathroom rack,bathroom stand,bathroom shelf,bath shelf ,size:210*210*450mm Metal Plating Chromiumcolors designs and size as per client's requirements..\nDetailed Disinfectant is necessary for breeding farm house,it can keep animal in a health enviroument. Disnfectant can be used in many places,and for breeding enqipment,the stuff,it can keep the breeding house in a healthy condition,and keep animals health..\nDetailed bathroom rack/bathroom shelf/bath rack/bathroom products bathroom rack/bathroom shelf/bath rackbathroom products Size:120*80*60mm Material:metal Surface:ChromeDesigns and size as per client's requirements ,low price ,high quality.\nCopyright © 2010 Wholesale lots. All rights reserved. Contact Us:email@example.com\nProcessed in 0.156 second(s)", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Home||» Products||» Filters-Metal Mining & Refineries||» Electrolyte Filtration System|\nOur expertise enables us to manufacture, export and supply a broad range of Electrolyte Filtration System. Offered system is designed with high level of precision according to the set industry norms. Manufactured using high grade copper, nickel with the help of advanced technology, it is used for contaminant removal and recycles the electrolyte. This Electrolyte Filtration System is available in various specifications as per the requirements of the clients at the most affordable price.\nFor getting efficient production of high purity copper in electro-refining and electro-winning operations it is necessary to comntrol the level of impurities. The contaminants that are problematic can differ relaible upon the composition of the feedstock.\nTypical contaminants found in electro-refining and electro-winning operations are:\nContinuously or periodically bleed off de-copperized electrolyte in order to maintain contaminants at an acceptable level is the standard procedure. While this solves the contaminant problem, significant consightment of valuable chemicals are lost. In some cases, highly acidic waste spent electrolyte must be equalize with caustic or lime, resulting in large quantities of waste sludge which must be disposed.\nIn copper refinery slime is killing the quality of cathode affecting dispatch-ability of cathode, hence it is privileged to filter the electrolyte.\nVery supreme slime particles i.e. two micron and below have not mud of effect and the selected micron rating is two micron.\nFor handling high volume sludge there are several updated technologies available but the handling of those systems and economics in terms of maintenance & management is very tough and costly, hence very conventional design FOTI is accepted for such application. This design is labour intensive because the mud particles are in the range of 15-2 micron with any automation slime handling becomes unintresting and expensive.\ncontaminants present in the electrolyte bleed is rempved by the FOTI system in order to recycle the electrolyte. In some cases, the quantities can be converted into a valuable by-product.\nThe benefits resulting from TFI Electrolyte Purification Systems are:\nTechnical Service and Support:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Dental fillings are the most common treatment in dentistry. Used to treat the most pervasive dental problem, the cavity, the dental filling preserves the tooth from further damage while simultaneously restoring the shape and functionality of the natural tooth.\nAmalgam, or “silver” fillings were the preferred material to fill a cavity for decades. However, in recent years, new technology in dentistry has created alternatives, and at the same time helped to highlight the disadvantages of using amalgam for dental fillings.\nThe disadvantages of amalgam fillings\nAmalgam fillings are made of a mixture of metals, including mercury. While the medical health regulators insist that exposure to mercury through amalgam fillings does not pose a significant threat, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that mercury is harmful at any level of exposure.\nLooking purely at the practical side, amalgam fillings have a couple more strikes against them. Amalgam fillings require that more of the tooth be removed than other restorative options. And although amalgam fillings have proven to have the strength to endure chewing, it is equally true that amalgam expands and contracts overtime, which can produce cracks in the tooth and potentially further damage it.\nWhat is the alternative to amalgam fillings?\nFortunately there are some great alternatives to amalgam fillings! The most common alternative is a tooth-colored compound called composite resin. Also known as a “white filling,” composite fillings are made of a chemically engineered composite material, which has proven to be just as strong as amalgam and to provide some further comparable benefits.\nWhat are the benefits of white fillings?\nDue to the way the composite resin filling bonds to the tooth, less of the natural tooth structure needs to be removed during the treatment process. Composite resin can also be colored to match the surrounding teeth, making it a clear winner on an aesthetic level.\nDo I need to replace amalgam fillings?\nAmalgam fillings can safely be removed without exposure to mercury during the process. If the fillings are older and require replacing anyway, it makes the decision simple. Over time, our dental team recommends that amalgam fillings are replaced with composite fillings. Please consult with our dentists to find out if replacing your amalgam fillings is an option you’d like to pursue.\nAt Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group in Nanaimo, we do not provide amalgam fillings as an option to our patients – we’re proud to be a mercury-free filling dental clinic. We welcome you to book an appointment today to learn more about mercury-free fillings.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "\"Sensor-filter\" - intelligent micro filter system in foil technology\nA novel micro filter system (sensor filter) enables standalone detection of its own loading status as well as monitoring the filtrate for the first time. This sensor filter consists of two micro-perforated sensor-foils containing interdigital capacitors (IDC) and a filter membrane placed in between. The capacitive detection of the filtrate (cells or particles)is possible via the alteration of the permittivity of the fluid upstream the filter at the upper IDC. The lower IDC downstream the filter serves to compensate temperature and/or conductivity variations of the fluid itself. The calculation of the sensor filter behavior using an elementary IDC model and an estimation of the filtrates permittivity applying different continuum models explains the sensors response qualitatively. This theoretical model was confirmed by measurements with particles and yeast cells.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A theoretical model is proposed for hologram recording in photoformers (polymer aggregates with polymerization-diffusion mechanism of refractive index modulation and/or absorption coefficient modulation). The main attention is concentrated on binary (bi-component) photoformers. The latter are a mixture of monomers (or monomer and neutral component) with different refractive indexes n1≠ n2 or absorption coefficients α1≠ α2. The importance of nonlinear diffusion under inhomogeneous photopolymerization is underlined. The generalization of the Fick's law for diffusion in the systems with the phase transformations of the mixture components is discussed. The holographic technique is successfully used for experimental evaluation of some photopolymer parameters: polymer chain termination order, diffusivity, etc.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Through our focused effort to discover new and effective agents against toxoplasmosis, a structure-based drug design approach was used to develop a series of potent inhibitors of the enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (ENR) enzyme in Toxoplasma gondii (TgENR). Modifications to positions 5 and 4' of the well-known ENR inhibitor triclosan afforded a series of 29 new analogues. Among the resulting compounds, many showed high potency and improved physicochemical properties in comparison with the lead. The most potent compounds 16 a and 16 c have IC50 values of 250 nM against Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites without apparent toxicity to the host cells. Their IC50 values against recombinant TgENR were found to be 43 and 26 nM, respectively. Additionally, 11 other analogues in this series had IC50 values ranging from 17 to 130 nM in the enzyme-based assay. With respect to their excellent in vitro activity as well as improved drug-like properties, the lead compounds 16 a and 16 c are deemed to be excellent starting points for the development of new medicines to effectively treat Toxoplasma gondii infections.\nCopyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Please enter valid quantity\nPlease log in to add favorites.\nNULL OR EMPTY CART\nIdeal for use in an LC/MS system, the Model 8125 is designed for 1 mm and 2 mm microbore columns, and can be used also with conventional analytical columns (3 to 5 mm). It can inject sample volumes from 0. 1 mL to 500 mL with zero sample waste, using the partial-filling method. Small flow passages produce low dispersion, maintaining the high mass sensitivity inherent in micro columns. The 8125 Low-dispersion injector can quickly and easily be added to the PerkinElmer Series 200 Autosampler, thus making it an ideal choice as a LC/MS sampling accessory.\n|Product Group||Injection Valve|\nFor labs looking to expand their analytical portfolio to include HPLC-ICP-MS, PerkinElmer's NexSAR HPLC-ICP-MS brings together the inert NexSAR speciation analysis ready HPLC system and the revolutionary NexION ICP-MS in a seamless platform, integrated using Clarity chromatography software.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The influence of KClO3 addition on the AC complex susceptibility and parameters of microstructure and morphology of YBCO HTSC with nominal compositions Y1Ba(2-X)KxCu3Oy, Y(1-0.2x)Ba(2-o.2x)KxCu3O y and Y1Ba2CU(3.5-x)KxOy, (x = 0-0.75) were investigated. Experimental results showed a promoting effect of the addition on the formation of 123-phase in air. The superconducting transition temperature for all KClO3-doped samples was found to be higher (Tc,conset ∼ 94 K) than that for undoped YBCO. The comparison of the properties of YBCKO demonstrated that the additive had a specific effect on the magnetic susceptibility and microstructure of samples with different nominal compositions.\n|ジャーナル||Physica B: Condensed Matter|\n|出版ステータス||Published - 2000|\nASJC Scopus subject areas", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Humans were exposed to the toxic fumes in experiments requested by a group funded by German carmakers, according to media reports. The shocking revelation came after tests on monkeys became public over the weekend.\nReports by German newspapers Stuttgarter Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung said humans had been exposed to a gas found in diesel fumes during an experiment “sometime between 2012 and 2015” requested by a group funded by German carmakers.\nAuto manufacturers said they had an interest in proving that the use of modern technology made diesel emissions more or less harmless.\nThe tests were requested by the European Research Group on Environment and Health in the Transport Sector (EUGT) — a now defunct organization founded by German carmakers Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW.\nThe experiments focused on “short-term nitrogen dioxide inhalation by healthy people,” according to the newspapers. An Aachen-based university hospital then examined 25 people after they inhaled varying amounts of the gas over several hours.\nThe experiments were reported on after recent revelations of an experiment where — in equally inacceptable tests — monkeys were made to inhale the toxic gas.\nNot to be tolerated\nReacting to the accusations, Volkswagen said in a statement “we are convinced that the scientific methods chosen at the time were wrong.”\nDaimler said Sunday it was “shocked by the extent of those studies and the way there were carried out.” “We strongly condemn the tests,” the company said, adding that it had had no say in the testing method and the measures taken by the EUGT were “against Daimler’s values and ethical principles.”\nThe Stuttgart-based carmaker said it had launched an investigation into the tests on monkeys and humans which it considered “superfluous and repulsive.”\nhg/jd (dpa, Reuters)", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "IN 2018, ONTARIO farmers battled one of the most severe DON outbreaks in corn.\nCrops with vomitoxin levels above the accepted threshold can’t be sold into feed markets, which means growers get stuck shouldering big losses from unusable, unsellable grains or vying for alternative markets.\nBut what if there was a way to simply decontaminate DON-infected grain in order to make it marketable once again? That actually may not be too far off, says a research team from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).\nWhat they have recently discovered is a new bacterial species — found in soil samples from southern Ontario — that produces enzymes capable of converting DON to a virtually non-toxic form.\nThis, according to the researchers, is a major breakthrough that could help farmers and industry overcome one of their biggest challenges — especially when there haven’t been any workable solutions to date.\n“We know that DON has been one of the most serious issues in corn and cereal crops for a long time,” says Dr. Ting Zhou, a leading research scientist with AAFC. “And though there’s been a lot of work on mycotoxins over the past years, there haven’t been many success stories — especially when we look at DON.”\nHe explains that DON’s molecular structure has made it extremely difficult to find bacteria that could effectively neutralize the mycotoxin.\nAdding to the challenge is the fact that different bacterial species demand specific sets of conditions to survive. For example, one previously-discovered bacterium that showed promise needed to live in a completely anaerobic — or oxygen-free — environment.\nNeedless to say, it wouldn’t hack it in a typical Ontario field.\n“Environmental conditions are a very important factor to consider,” explains Dr. Sankaran KrishnaRaj, director of Research Development and Technology Transfer at AAFC. “If a species of bacteria only works in anaerobic conditions, then you cannot use it in the field. Also, if the bacteria can’t survive at certain temperatures, that greatly limits your use to very specific conditions or scenarios.”\nCompared with previous bacterial discoveries, the newly discovered bacterial species, known as Devosia mutans, can survive in the presence of oxygen, doesn’t require DON as a sole food source to grow, and is flexible enough to function at both low and high temperatures.\nThis, explains Zhou, allows the bacteria to be used in detoxifying DON from grains at several points throughout the season.\n“The advantage of this particular technology is that you can use it throughout the season, in the field before harvesting grains, in the silo, or during processing for feed,” he says.\nHOW IT WORKS\nSo, how does this newly-discovered bacteria actually work? Zhou and his fellow researchers found that it produces two enzymes that work in tandem to transform DON into a non-toxic form.\nThe first enzyme, called DepA, slightly changes DON’s chemical structure so that the mycotoxin is converted to a less-toxic form. From there, the second enzyme — called DepB — takes the detoxification process a step further and reduces DON down to the final product that’s essentially not toxic at all.\n“The DON-detoxifying bacterium and enzymes provide us with an innovative technology for solving this persistent and devastating problem,” says Zhou. “There are also several possibilities for optimizing the delivery methods and applications that could benefit multiple industries.”\nHe adds that the bacteria could be well-suited to industrial applications, with the potential to add it, or the two purified DepA and DepB enzymes, to harvested grain in storage so that contamination can be reduced to levels acceptable for animal feed.\nThe researchers are also exploring the potential for applying the discovered bacteria or enzymes in the soil to detoxify DON as crops are growing, or as a foliar application to control the spread of the toxin-producing pathogen.\nZhou says their research provides a foundation for developing feed treatments — perhaps in the form of a liquid slurry — that could be added to liquid-feeding systems.\nIn terms of next steps, KrishnaRaj says they are now looking into optimizing the genes within the bacteria that are responsible for producing the DON-detoxifying enzymes. A long-term output of such work could involve breeding DON-detoxification traits one day into crops.\nThough, for the moment, the AAFC research team is seeking out partnerships with industry in hopes of moving their research from the lab bench to the field — and eventually on to commercialization.\n“Partnering with industry would help ensure the bacteria and enzymes can be produced to suit a wide variety of different use cases, conditions, and potential products,” says KrishnaRaj. “This will help us better safeguard our food and animal feed supplies and deliver a major economic benefit to Canadian farmers.” •", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "HDPE and LDPE Resistance Chart by Chemical LDPE & HDPE resistance listed by chemical dioxane LDPE and HDPE at 20C show little or no damage after 30 days of constant exposure. LDPE at 50C shows some effect after\n/11/01 FTIR analysis of HDPE & loading with different percenPE100 ISO9001e of carbon black is as shown in Fig. 1 (a to d). The HDPE spectrum demonstrated typical bands of C H group at 2912 cm 1 and 2847 cm 1 that were attributed to asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations, respectively. Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\n2008/07/01 HDPE with 2% to 2.5% carbon black has a very long exposed service life, but is softer than PVC and gets softer when hot (as a black pipe will get). For either pipe, preventing exposure by covering elimninates the issues.\nUV degradation of hdpe and pvc geomeranes in laboratory exposure Lodi, P.C. São Paulo State University (UNESP) Ilha Solteira (Brazil) Bueno, B.S. University of State of São Paulo (USP) at São Carlos (Brazil) Zornberg, J.G.\n/04/18 3. HDPE water supply pipes shall not be subjected to severe impact or exposure to sunlight or rain during transportation, and shall not be in contact with other chemical substances such as oil, acid and alkali. 1. The HDPE pipe\nPotential appliions include sporting goods, outdoor furniture, fabrics and carpet fibers virtually any plastic product that will be exposed to sunlight. It also can be\nIn this bulletin we’re going to explore the effect sunlight exposure has on PVC pipe, conduit and fittings. The sun emits visible and non visible radiation. One component of non visible radiation is ultraviolet (UV) light. Like many other Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\n/06/05 When exposed to direct sunlight, CPVC and PVC shows “UV degradation”, but only between to inches. Once pipes are removed from the direct exposure, the ultraviolet rays no longer affect them. Long term sunlight\nWinds can blow into exposed pipe ends and travel through the pipe bore, which can cool heater surfaces and pipe end melt, or deposit contamination at the joint. To prevent flow through the pipe bore, open pipe ends may require\n2008/11/30 HDPE pipes are suitable for waterlines and rated to withstand being exposed to sunlight. This kind of pipe can be installed outdoor but it is not advisable to leave it being exposed in order to prevent damage to the pipes Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\nSCLAIRPIPE high density polyethylene pipe has a mirror smooth interior surface which offers practically no resistance to flow due to roughness. The surface is hydrophobic, i.e. not subject to a wetting action that can increase the\n2012/04/21 Exposed HDPE Pipe UV Protection A discussion started in 207 but continuing through 2007 Q. I have some HDPE pipe that will be exposed to the suns UV radiation on a Raw Water Supply line. I am looking for a glossy\nWhite HDPE materials are regularly utilized for urban and rural sewage network, irrigation networks of agricultural land and gardens, and the liquid transfer systems that are not exposed to direct sunlight.\nThe changes in structural properties of high density polyethylene films (HDPE), low density polyethylene films (LDPE), biodegradable polyethylene (PE BIO), and oxodegradable polyethylene (PE OXO) films exposed to UV B radiation Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\n/09/11 Can an HDPE pipe be exposed to sunlight? HDPE is the material of choice for numerous municipal appliions, including outdoors, above ground piping situations. In these circumstances, the pipe is subjected to sunlight directly for long periods of time, which may have a detrimental effect on the material unless it’s adequately protected.\n2017/07/01 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a big problem for pipes exposed to sunlight; UV radiation has (100 – 400 nm). The ozone layer absorption the extreme UV (100 – 200 nm) and far UV (200 – 280 nm), only UV ray with length wav Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\nPRODUCT RISK ASSESSMENT Names: CAS No. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Product Overview: • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a colorless, non flammable, non reactive solid with no odor. See Product\nEnviroCon Systems :: FAQ''s\nCan liners be exposed to sunlight for an extended period of time? Yes, if they have been treated with a UV inhibitor, such as carbon black added to polyethylene liners. EnviroCon will provide material that is equipped to meet the requirements of every project.\nUAC 2000 pipe has a stabilizer system to protect it from ultraviolet deg radation when exposed to direct sunlight. The recommended outdoor storage is generally\nCase Study (HDPE) Outdoors liion Note: the following analysis and its write up are property of The Madison Group and cannot be copied and/or distributed in anyway without prior permission from The Madison Group. This Puhui Pipe manufacturer in China\n/05/31 HDPE pipe technical guidance The HDPE Pipe Model, developed by the PE100+ Association with inputs from many industry experts, includes the most frequently asked questions and answers (Q&A''s) of all the elements through the pipe system value chain: design, materials, construction, operation & maintenance, and environmental issues.\n3651 Walnut Ave. Chino, CA 91710 • (909) 627 2453 pipeline: • Email: ServiceMendaPump HDPE Chemical Resistance Chart Page 2 of 2 sec Butyl Alcohol EE Glacial Acetic Acid EE Sodium\n/11/30 HDPE Pipe Size Chart Click on the image above to redirect you to a comprehensive HDPE Pipe Specifiion chart, or simply follow This Link. The bottom line is HDPE pipes that are manufactured according to standards are tough, durable, flexible and have\nHDPE Pipe can be install easly thanks to lightweight specialty. PE 100 pipes to not keep dirt, because it is resistant to toxic and does not contain micro organisms, is", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Overview of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder:\nCalcium silicide CaSi2 is an off-white or dark gray to black solid substance with a melting point of 1033°C. It is insoluble in water, but decomposes when it meets water, producing hydrogen and calcium hydroxide. Decomposes in hot water. Calcium silicide is flammable and may ignite spontaneously in the air. Calcium silicide can be formed by reacting Ca metal and Si in an inert atmosphere at 850°C. It is a white or dark gray to black solid with a melting point between 700 and 935°C.\nApplication of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder:\nWhat are the applicable ranges of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder?\nVarious uses of calcium silicide. Some of these include:\nCalcium silicide is used to make special metal alloys, for example for phosphorus removal and as a deoxidizer.\nIn the pyrotechnic industry, it is used as a fuel to make special mixtures, such as smoke, flash components and impact caps.\nCalcium silicide is used to make certain initiators, pyrotechnics and smoke components.\nSilicon and calcium alloys are mainly used as desulfurizers and deoxidizers in the steel industry and foundry industry.\nIt has been found that calcium silicide is extremely corrosive to all metals including refractory metals.\nBy reducing the calcium oxide and dissolved carbon dioxide in the electrolyte and silica particles at the same time, calcium intermetallic silicide (CaSi 2) is formed.\nSilicon-based fuels are used in certain time-delayed mixtures, such as control explosive bolts, grenades and infrared decoys. The flue gas composition usually contains hexachloroethane. During the combustion process, they will produce silicon tetrachloride, just like the titanium tetrachloride used in smoke filters, it reacts with moisture in the air to form a dense white mist. Some mixtures use gum arabic to inhibit the decomposition of calcium silicide.\nThe self-heating canned military rations invented during World War II used a 1:1 mixture of iron oxide and calcium silicide similar to bauxite. After the mixture is ignited, an appropriate amount of heat will be generated and no gas will be generated.\nCalcium silicide CaSi2 powder price:\nThe price of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder will vary randomly with the production cost, transportation cost, international situation, exchange rate and market supply and demand of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to help various industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-cost nanomaterials and chemicals by providing a full set of customized services. If you are looking for calcium silicide CaSi2 powder, please feel free to send an inquiry to get the latest price of calcium silicide CaSi2 powder.\nCalcium silicide CaSi2 powder supplier:\nAs a global cobalt silicide CoSi2 powder supplier, Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd has extensive experience in the performance, application and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced and engineered materials. The company has successfully developed a series of powder materials (molybdenum disilicide, silicid Titanium, calcium silicide, iron boride), high-purity targets, functional ceramics and structural devices, and provide OEM services.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This story is a part of, CNET’s assortment of sensible recommendation for getting probably the most out of your own home, inside and outside.\nYou need to use distilled water in many alternative methods round the home — from medical makes use of to beauty functions. Distilled water is the purest type of water you will discover: easy hydrogen and oxygen, with 99.9% of minerals, chemical compounds and pollution eliminated. Certain, you possibly can definitely purchase distilled water on the grocery retailer or, however if you happen to use it usually it helps to know easy methods to make your personal. To not point out how a lot cash you’d save by changing the store-bought stuff with your personal home made distilled water. It is tremendous simple to do and you need to use supplies you have already got laying round the home — all you want is 2 pots, water, a range and some minutes of your time. Belief me, it’s going to change the way in which you hydrate.\nFor folks affected by sleep apnea who useor every other form of humidifier, distilled water is important. It is also helpful if you do not need further minerals in your water. (For instance, distilled water will not corrode vehicle engine elements or create limescale buildup in aquariums.) When you reside in a spot with “arduous” water, or water with numerous chemical compounds, you possibly can even use distilled water to guard your hair when washing it. Nonetheless, because it would not have minerals like calcium and magnesium, distilled water tastes bland and is not the most effective for ingesting.\nBeneath, I will stroll you thru the 5 steps to make your personal distilled water. I will additionally go over the various kinds of water you could not learn about and the variations between all of the sorts of water you come throughout within the retailer. For extra ideas, this is how a lot you possibly can, whether or not or not it is and easy methods to .\nWhat are the various kinds of water?\nIf you do not know the distinction between faucet, filtered, purified and distilled water, do not feel dangerous. It may be complicated.\nFaucet water is the simple one. Flip in your kitchen faucet. Water comes out the faucet. Voila! Faucet water. The standard of faucet water varies by location, and would possibly include traces of minerals particular to the geology of your area, in addition to traces of chemical compounds utilized in municipal water therapy. Hopefully your faucet water is protected to drink, however that is not true for as many as 45 million People. Filtered water is one resolution.\nFiltered water begins out as plain faucet water. You could have already got filtered water in your house by the use of a whole-house filtration system, a faucet filter or a water filtration pitcher (you possibly can even get a). Most filtered water passes by means of some mixture of carbon and micron filters, which assist to take away chemical compounds similar to chlorine (generally added to municipal faucet water as a disinfectant) and pesticides, and metals like copper or lead. Filters may also eradicate foul odors and tastes.\nPurified water often begins as faucet water as effectively. It can undergo many purification processes, together with these used for water filtration. Purified water goes a step additional than filtering, with a course of that removes chemical pollution, micro organism, fungi and algae. You will usually discover purified water in bottles at your native grocery.\nDistilled water is a extra specialised sort of purified water, however a lot simpler and cheaper to provide at dwelling. As with purified water, it meets the classification requirement of 10ppm (elements per million of complete dissolved solids, aka contaminants) or much less. The method of distilling is easy: Warmth faucet water to the purpose that it turns to vapor. When the vapor condenses again to water, it leaves behind any mineral residue. The ensuing condensed liquid is distilled water.\nIs distilled water protected to drink?\nDistilled water is totally protected to be used, however the draw back of distilling is that it removes the entire useful minerals like calcium and magnesium that happen naturally in faucet water. For that purpose, it is not usually really helpful to make use of distilled water as your each day ingesting water, and you could discover that it lacks taste.\nYou additionally want to decide on any storage container you utilize for distilled water rigorously. Distilled water’s lack of vitamins could cause it to leach chemical compounds from the container it is saved in. When you plan to make use of the water instantly, most containers will do nice, however for long-term storage it is best to make use of glass or high-quality stainless-steel.\nThe right way to make your personal distilled water\nTo not get too science-y right here, however that is thrilling for me. We’ll be utilizing water in all three of its recognized states — stable, liquid and fuel.\nThe gist is that this: You warmth water (liquid), flip it into water vapor (fuel), then gather the condensation with assistance from ice (stable). It is like center college science class over again. You will possible discover every thing you want in your kitchen. A big pot with a lid, a small pot, water, ice and oven mitts for dealing with the new cookware.\nIt does take a while for all this science to occur, so be ready. In my instance under, I began with 8 cups of water within the giant pot. After 1 hour, I had produced about 1 1/4 cup of distilled water. To recreate a gallon jug that you just’d discover within the grocery store you’d want about 13 hours of distilling time.\nWhen you observe these steps, it’s best to get close to 100% yield, however no matter quantity of distilled water you need to find yourself with, be sure that so as to add further water so you do not find yourself heating an empty pot(s) on the finish of the method, which might harm cookware.\n1. First, place the massive pot over a stovetop burner and add 8 cups of water. Then, place the smaller pot inside the massive pot. At this level, the smaller pot ought to float on prime of the water. The important thing to circulating water vapor inside the massive pot is airflow. Ensure that there’s loads of house across the smaller pot, each round its sides and between it and the highest of the bigger pot.\n2. Subsequent, flip the burner to someplace between medium and medium-high warmth. I attempted to maintain the warmth stage at a gentle simmer — someplace between 180 and 200 levels Fahrenheit — and never a boil. Working a better temperature will not get you a better yield, however it can heat up the chilly facet of the lid sooner, and make basic dealing with of the gear tougher to cope with.\n3. After you place the burner on, place the lid upside-down on the massive pot. Lids are often greater within the center than across the edges. Flipping the lid will permit the condensed distilled water to trickle right down to the center of the lid and into the smaller pot. As soon as all that is executed, head over to your ice-maker (or tray) and cargo the highest of the inverted lid with ice. The distinction in temperature on the 2 sides of the lid will velocity up the condensation course of.\n4. At this level, you possibly can sit again and wait. I ended up replenishing the ice provide twice inside an hour, as soon as at half-hour and as soon as after 45 minutes. That is what you want the oven mitts for — that lid might be sizzling! Use warning when dumping that now-hot melted ice.\n5. Any water that has dripped down into the smaller pot has now been distilled. Once more, I used to be capable of make about 1 1/4 cup of distilled water from 8 cups of faucet water in about an hour.\nSimply keep in mind, making your personal distilled water is straightforward (and enjoyable!), however lack of vitamins makes it a nasty alternative for each day ingesting water. However if you happen to’re caught at dwelling and also you depend on a tool that requires it, or maybe you simply need to preserve your fish wholesome, you could need to attempt making it your self.\nFor extra, try easy methods toand one of the best ways to unclog a or a .", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Enhanced luminescence performance of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ blue long persistence phosphor by co-doping with Ce3+ ions\nA series of rare earth doped and co-doped di-strontium magnesium di-silicate phosphors namely: Sr2MgSi2O7:Ce3+, Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ and Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Ce3+ were prepared by the solid state reaction method. The crystal structures of sintered phosphors were an akermanite type structure which belongs to the tetragonal crystallography. The chemical compositions of sintered phosphors were confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Under the ultraviolet excitation, the emission spectra of both Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ and Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Ce3+ phosphors were composed of a broad band peaking at 460 nm, belonging to the broad emission band. When the Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphor is co-doped with Ce3+ ions, thermouminescence, photoluminescence, afterglow and mechanoluminescence (ML) intensity were strongly enhanced. The Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphor showed some afterglow with short persistence time. By incorporation of Ce3+ ions, an efficient energy transfer from Ce3+ to Eu2+ was found and emission intensity of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ was enhanced. The ML intensities of Sr2MgSi2O7:Ce3+, Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ and Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Ce3+ phosphors were proportionally increased with the increase of impact velocity, which suggests that these phosphors can be used as sensors to detect the stress of an object. Thus the present investigation indicates that the piezoelectricity is responsible to produce ML in prepared phosphors.\nKeywordsImpact Velocity Glow Curve Trap Depth Glow Peak High Temperature Solid State Reaction\nWe are very much grateful to UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore (M.P.) for the XRD Characterization and we are also very much thankful to Dr. Mukul Gupta for his co-operation.\n- 5.Z. Xiao, Z. Xiao, US Patent No. 6-093-346 (2000)Google Scholar\n- 16.JCPDS file number 75-1736, JCPDS International Center for Diffraction DataGoogle Scholar\n- 27.V. Pagonis, G. Kitis, C. Furetta, Numerical and Practical Exercises in Thermoluminescence (Springer, Berlin, 2006)Google Scholar\n- 38.CIE (1931). International Commission on Illumination. Publication CIE no. 15 (E-1.3.1)Google Scholar\n- 45.A. Morito, C.N. Xu, N. Kazuhiro, European Patent Application, EP 1 318 184 A1 (2003)Google Scholar", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "INTAMSYS ULTEM™ 9085 Filament\n$247.00 – $464.00\nINTAMSYS ULTEM 9085 Filament is a high-performance thermoplastic material designed for 3D printing applications. It is a type of polyetherimide (PEI) filament that offers exceptional mechanical strength, heat resistance, and chemical resistance. ULTEM 9085 is known for its excellent flame retardancy and low smoke generation, making it suitable for industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical. The ULTEM 9085 provides outstanding dimensional stability, ensuring accurate and reliable printing results. It has a high glass transition temperature (Tg) of around 186°C, which means it can withstand elevated temperatures without deforming or losing its mechanical properties. This filament also exhibits excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including automotive fluids, oils, and cleaning agents. With its high strength-to-weight ratio, ULTEM 9085 is capable of producing lightweight yet durable parts, making it ideal for applications that require both structural integrity and reduced weight. Whether it's manufacturing functional prototypes, end-use parts, or complex geometries, INTAMSYS ULTEM 9085 offers the reliability and performance needed for demanding 3D printing projects.\nHigh Mechanical Strength\nULTEM 9085 filament offers exceptional mechanical strength, providing durable and robust printed parts.\nSuperior Strength and Durability\nIt has a high glass transition temperature (Tg) of approximately 186°C, allowing it to withstand elevated temperatures without deformation.\nULTEM 9085 exhibits excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, making it suitable for applications that involve exposure to various substances.\nThis filament possesses excellent flame retardant properties, minimizing the risk of fire hazards and ensuring safety in applications where fire resistance is crucial.\nElongation at break\nGlass transition temperature\nHeat deflection temperature (1.8 Mpa)\nPrint bed temperature", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Liquid Paraffin For Skin\n9 years experience Family Medicine. Amandeep Kaur answered. In an oral dosage form, liquid paraffin is used as a stool softener; it is used in the treatment of constipation by preventing dry and hard stools. Bottle of Liquid Paraffin Oil, Add to Paraffin Wax to Increase Viscocity, Hypoallergenic and Fragrance Free Oil for Sensitive Skin 4.4 out of 5 stars 87 $10.00 $ 10. Cosmetically, paraffin wax is often applied to the hands and liquid paraffin for skin feet. It is important not to confuse the available forms of paraffin as the one offered for fuel has none of the medical benefits discussed Paraffin has cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. It is also used as one of the ingredients of medicine for premature ejaculation after wax wipes.\nFind Paraffin liquid paraffin for skin For Skin. Consult a physician for appropriate diagnosis and treatment Paraffin (also listed as liquid paraffin, soft white paraffin, mineral oil or or petroleum jelly) is everywhere. Check out results for Paraffin. Find What You Are Looking For. Find Paraffin Oil Uses.. Search Faster, Better & vardenafil tablets 20 mg Smarter!. Liquid paraffin, also known as paraffinum liquidum, or sometimes as liquid paraffin wax, is a highly refined mineral oil commonly used in skincare products as a cleansing and hydrating agent.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "An acidogenic reactor with a 0.5-L working volume and a methanogenic digester with a 5-L of working volume were operated for 150 days on a continuous mode to investigate the structure of a microbial community during food wastewater treatment. During the steady state of anaerobic digestion, volatile solids (VS) removal efficiency in the pilot plant was approximately 65%. The bacterial population was higher than any other methanogens detected during the entire anaerobic process and treatment of raw food wastewater. Methanomicrobiales (MMB), Methanosarcinales (MSL), and Methanobacteriales (MBT) were detected during digestion. The methanogenic population present in the acidogenic reactor was directly affected by the archaeal community in raw food wastewater. However, the shift of microbial community in the methanogenic digester was relatively gradual. The performance of methanogenic digester might be more related to the change of microbial metabolism affected by the physicochemical properties of the input substrate.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Elixir Super Garden\nThe Super Garden line is a premium line consisting of five carefully selected formulations for grass, flowers, vegetables and fruits. Product composition has been defined and well-balanced through the dedicated work of Elixir Zorka’s development team in cooperation with eminent experts. We have selected the best relationship between basic, macro, and microelements for each target group of plants. Microelements are in the form that plants can most easily and fully adopt. We thought of all of you who find it important to give your plants only the best, and not to make compromises in terms of quality. In our formulations, potassium is in sulphate form so that chlorine is not present, even in traces, which is especially important for sensitive crops such as flowers and vegetables. Granules are highly soluble because the plants adopt the elements through water. Furthermore, the size of the granules has been carefully selected, in accordance with the cultivated plant, so that the effect of the fertilizer used is optimal. Super Garden program for all hobbyists who feel like professionals.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables.\nThis book provides the concluding chapters of an extensive review of the scientific literature on vitamins and other dietary factors presented by 23 contributors, including the editors. The titles of the eleven chapters contained in the first two volumes are listed after the contents of the third volume, which includes chapters on p-aminobenzoic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine and related compounds, riboflavin, thiamine, the tocopherols, and new and unidentified growth factors. The nomenclature for each of the identified substances is presented along with comprehensive discussions that deal chiefly with chemistry, physiology, and results of deficiency in plants, animals, and man. References to sources of information are indicated throughout the text. Author and subject indexes appear at the end. The typography, binding, and cover color are the same as for the previous volumes of the series. The book should be useful chiefly as a reference, in conjunction with the first two\nThe Vitamins: Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Volume III. JAMA. 1955;157(9):777. doi:10.1001/jama.1955.02950260083036", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Circular dichroism spectroscopic and small-angle neutron scattering analysis of alpha-synuclein and bacteriorhodopsin in bicontinuous microemulsions\nCite this dataset\nHayes, Douglas et al. (2021). Circular dichroism spectroscopic and small-angle neutron scattering analysis of alpha-synuclein and bacteriorhodopsin in bicontinuous microemulsions [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.ffbg79ctk\nThe membrane proteins (MPs) alpha-synuclein (ASYN) and bacteriorhodopsin (BR) were readily incorporated into bicontinuous microemulsions (BMEs) formed by two microemulsion systems: water/heptane/Aerosol-OT (AOT)/CK-2,13 and water/dodecane/sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/1-pentanol. (CK-2,13 is an alkyl ethoxylate possessing two alkyl tail groups of carbon chain length 2 and 13 and an average degree of ethoxylation of 5.6.) MPs were encapsulated in BMEs through preparation of Winsor-III systems at optimal salinity, with the anionic surfactants AOT and SDS providing the driving force for extraction. Dissolution of ASYN in BMEs greatly increased the former’s alpha-helicity, similar to ASYN’s behavior in the presence of biomembranes, while BME- and vesicle-encapsulated BR possessed similar secondary structure. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) results clearly demonstrated the direct interaction of MPs with the surfactants, resulting in a decrease of surface area per volume for surfactant monolayers due to decreased surfactant efficiency. The SANS signal for ASYN was isolated through the use of neutron contrast matching for the surfactants through partial deuteration of water and oil, one of the first reports of contrast matching for BMEs in the literature. The SANS results of the contrast matched sample reflected similar aggregation for ASYN in BMEs as was reported previously for vesicles and SDS solution. This study demonstrates the potential use of BMEs as MP host systems for conducting biochemical reactions such as the conversion of sunlight into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by BR and studying fundamental behavior of MPs, such as the role of ASYN dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease, as well as for isolation and purification of MPs via Winsor-III -based extraction.\nCircular dichroism spectroscopic data reported herein was obtained directly from the instrument. The CONTIN program was used to fit the spectroscopic data, to obtain an estimate of the distribution of secondary structure for the proteins. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) data provided herein was obtained from the Bio-SANS instrument at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN, USA), and reduced and processed in a standard fashion. Microsoft Excel was employed to obtain linear fits to SANS data, as described in the spreadsheets and readme file.\nOak Ridge National Laboratory, Award: LDRD Grant 6552", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Do Dental Night Guards Contain Chemicals of Concern?\nRAPID RESPONSE QUESTION: Following the advice of our 2009 Rapid Response, a consumer asked his dentist about the presence of chemicals of concern in materials for a new custom dental night guard (or appliance).\nRequest by: Anonymous Consumer\n- Some current dental guard products contain phthalates, BPA or other chemicals of concern.\n- Dentists often do not have information on the chemicals used in products they purchase for patients.\n- Data provided by a dental laboratory listed dialkyl phthalate in the materials used to make the guard.\n- Suppliers may offer technical data, such as Material Safety Data Sheets, but these won’t necessarily contain the full list of ingredients used in a product.\nPPRC occasionally receives inquiries on the safety of specific products. A recent inquiry on the safety of chemicals in night guard materials was prompted by our 2009 Rapid Response “Safety of Plastics in Dental Appliances.” This consumer was concerned about bisphenol-a (BPA) and wanted help understanding chemical information provided by his dentist.\nIn common practice, a dentist only makes a mold of the patient’s teeth. Using the mold, a separate dental laboratory prepares the custom appliance for the dentist. In this case, the dentist requested information from the appliance maker (the offsite laboratory), who complied by forwarding a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the material/ chemical supplier, Henry Schein, Inc. MSDSs for various products are available at the Henry Schein, Inc. website.\nAs required, the Schein MSDS for “Easy Flow Acrylic Powder” listed three hazardous ingredients: Dialkyl Phthalate (CAS# 84-66-2), Titanium Dioxide (CAS# 13453-67-7), and Mineral Pigments (CAS# 57453-37-5), but made no mention of BPA, the chemical of concern to the consumer.\nLimitations of Material Data Safety Sheets\nUnfortunately, MSDSs are not designed to convey chemical safety information to consumers, but rather to inform workers in occupational settings. Chemicals or mixtures are typically identified by CAS numbers (CAS#), which are often used as an identifying index in chemical information databases. MSDS sheets are only required to list hazardous ingredients, so they won’t necessarily include chemicals of concern which are not yet regulated by OSHA. Furthermore, there is no requirement to list hazardous ingredients present at less than 1% (less than 0.1% for carcinogens), so ingredients could be missing from an MSDS, but still present in the product.\nWhile many dental polymers may use BPA as an ingredient, most polymers are not considered hazardous. New polymer materials are also mostly exempt from the Toxic Substances Control Act, due to a presumption of safety. Roughly speaking, because the size of the polymer molecule prevents their absorption by the bodies systems, they are assumed to be essentially inert. Health concerns are sometimes associated with the monomers (the small molecules that are put together to make the polymer and which remain at some level in all polymers) and additives or contaminants.\nIn this case, the MSDS product name suggests use of acrylic plastics (acrylates), but they are otherwise not specifically listed as ingredients. There are many types of acrylates, some of which incorporate bisphenol A (BPA) and similar chemicals. While bisphenol A is currently under scrutiny by federal agencies, it is not currently listed as hazardous under US regulation, and would not generally be listed on an MSDS. Information on BPA content may be listed on some manufacturer material brochures or websites, but most likely consumers will need to contact supplier technical staff directly. In this case, Henry Schein, Inc., a very large company, likely has staff available to respond to consumer inquiries.\nEasy Flow Hazardous Chemicals\nAs mentioned above, the Easy Flow Acrylic Powder MSDS lists three hazardous ingredients, Dialkyl Phthalate (CAS# 84-66-2), Titanium Dioxide (CAS# 13453-67-7), and Mineral Pigments (CAS# 57453-37-5). Dialkyl phthalate, also called diethyl phthalate, has been listed as a potential endocrine disruptor by TEDX (The Endocrine Disruptor Exchange). Chemicals of concern are listed on the TEDX website via a downloadable Excel spreadsheet indexed by CAS number. Washington State has also identified diethyl phthalate on its list of “Chemicals of High Concern to Children,” due to the potential for endocrine effects. There are varying opinions about whether diethyl phthalate is a risk for adults in this or other applications, but those most concerned about safety might choose to avoid these products if there are BPA- and phthalate-free alternatives available.\nTwo standard databases of chemical information that we typically use, eChemPortal and the Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) had no information for the CAS numbers provided by Henry Schein, Inc. for either titanium dioxide or the mineral pigments. Searching the database for materials similar to titanium dioxide might reveal some relevant safety information, but given the potentially significant risk from phthalates, no further analysis was pursued.\nWithout further information from the supplier, it is not possible to determine whether the products in question contain BPA. As described in the 2009 Rapid Response, there is reason for concern about BPA in dental products, but no black and white answer regarding health effects of chemicals in dental applications.\nThe MSDS lists hazardous chemicals, but no information could be identified using the CAS numbers provided for two of the specific chemicals. On the other hand, dialkyl phthalate has been identified as a potential endocrine disruptor. Those concerned about phthalate exposure should inquire about the availability of phthalate-free alternative dental materials.\n- Original 2009 PPRC Rapid Response “Safety of Plastics in Dental Appliances.”\n- Resources Environmental Working Group article on BPA in plastics: http://www.ewg.org/key-issues/toxics/bpa\n- Industry article on BPA in dental composites: http://iaomt.org/bisphenol-a-dental-composites/\n- American Dental Association statement on BPA (this site originally contained a full statement, but is now listed as “Under review as of Jan. 30, 2013”: http://www.ada.org/1766.aspx\n- New York Times article on dental sealants and BPA: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/21/health/21well.html?_r=3&", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "More and more frequently, customers are buying organic vegetables, because these products are not treated with pesticides or laden with chemicals. The flipside: if the plants are attacked by pests, farmers can do almost nothing to protect them. Thus, cabbage root flies for example, which lay their eggs in the spring and fall on freshly planted greens, can often cost an entire harvest. The only hope: farmers wait to plant until the fly‘s flying time has passed.\nSoon, however, farmers will be able to repel these pests reliably – and still keep true to organic farming practices: with pellets that researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB in Stuttgart jointly engineered with their colleagues at the University of West Hungary in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, on behalf of various organic agriculture associations. “The pellets primarily consist of fermentation residues from biogas production, but they also contain 0.1 percent cyanobacteria,” says Dr. Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, group manager at IGB. If you place the pellets around the freshly planted vegetables, then the cyanobacteria are degraded by the soil flora and release a scent that repels cabbage root flies. The nutrient-rich fermentation residues additionally fertilize the plants. The pellets are easy to apply, and the nutrients are directly available to the plants.\nTo cultivate cyanobacteria, the scientists used a flat-panel airlift reactor that they originally developed for microalgae. In this reactor, they can cultivate bacteria using only light, CO2 and mineral nutrients. The challenge: to mix the bacteria thoroughly, and drive them to the bright surface, air and CO2 had to flow into the reactor. However, cyanobacteria are extremely sensitive. Structurally, they are like a long string of pearls. If gases are introduced with too much pressure, it will destroy these strings. The researchers thus had to regulate the air inflow to permit the mass to be thoroughly mixed without damaging the bacteria. Next, the cyanobacteria are dried with super-heated steam. Then the dried cyanobacteria mass is blended with the fermentation residues and pressed into pellets.\nThe researchers obtain the fertilizing fermentation residues from eco-certified farms in which liquid manure is decomposed into biogas. In just 14 days, 300 liters of biogas per kilogram of organic dry mass is produced. Any remnants that cannot be further fermented are dried. To intensify the fertilization effect of these fermentation residues, the researchers mixed them with ordinary fertilizer from the organic farms, including horn meal. To determine the optimum mixture, they looked to ryegrass. Ryegrass can be cut three times within the relatively short space of only three months, drawing many nutrients from the soil in the process.\nThe researchers have already tested the pellets in open-field studies in Hungary and Spain. In the experiments, cabbage root flies did not attack any of the growing cabbage or kohlrabi. The fertilizer effect is also significant: the turnip cabbages grew twice as large as the unfertilized ones. Researchers will demonstrate the process at the Hannover Messe from April 23–27 (Hall 26, Booth C08). There, visitors can get a look at the pellets as well as the algae reactor.\nDr. rer. nat. Ulrike Schmid-Staiger | Fraunhofer-Institut\nAchemAsia 2019 will take place in Shanghai\n15.06.2018 | DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.\nInsects supply chitin as a raw material for the textile industry\n05.06.2018 | Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB\nScientists develop first tool to use machine learning methods to compute flow around interactively designable 3D objects. Tool will be presented at this year’s prestigious SIGGRAPH conference.\nWhen engineers or designers want to test the aerodynamic properties of the newly designed shape of a car, airplane, or other object, they would normally model...\nResearchers from TU Graz and their industry partners have unveiled a world first: the prototype of a robot-controlled, high-speed combined charging system (CCS) for electric vehicles that enables series charging of cars in various parking positions.\nGlobal demand for electric vehicles is forecast to rise sharply: by 2025, the number of new vehicle registrations is expected to reach 25 million per year....\nProteins must be folded correctly to fulfill their molecular functions in cells. Molecular assistants called chaperones help proteins exploit their inbuilt folding potential and reach the correct three-dimensional structure. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) have demonstrated that actin, the most abundant protein in higher developed cells, does not have the inbuilt potential to fold and instead requires special assistance to fold into its active state. The chaperone TRiC uses a previously undescribed mechanism to perform actin folding. The study was recently published in the journal Cell.\nActin is the most abundant protein in highly developed cells and has diverse functions in processes like cell stabilization, cell division and muscle...\nScientists have discovered that the electrical resistance of a copper-oxide compound depends on the magnetic field in a very unusual way -- a finding that could help direct the search for materials that can perfectly conduct electricity at room temperatur\nWhat happens when really powerful magnets--capable of producing magnetic fields nearly two million times stronger than Earth's--are applied to materials that...\nThe quality of materials often depends on the manufacturing process. In casting and welding, for example, the rate at which melts solidify and the resulting microstructure of the alloy is important. With metallic foams as well, it depends on exactly how the foaming process takes place. To understand these processes fully requires fast sensing capability. The fastest 3D tomographic images to date have now been achieved at the BESSY II X-ray source operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.\nDr. Francisco Garcia-Moreno and his team have designed a turntable that rotates ultra-stably about its axis at a constant rotational speed. This really depends...\n08.08.2018 | Event News\n27.07.2018 | Event News\n25.07.2018 | Event News\n14.08.2018 | Information Technology\n14.08.2018 | Life Sciences\n14.08.2018 | Life Sciences", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Adenosyltransferase: an enzyme and an escort for coenzyme B12?\nTrends in Biochemical Sciences, Volume 30, Issue 6, 1 June 2005, Pages 304-308\nMamoru Yamanishi, Monica Vlasie and Ruma Banerjee\nAbstractMany organic cofactors are both rare and reactive. They are usually in low abundance, which poses problems for efficient collision-based targeting to dependent enzymes, whereas their reactivity is problematic for side reactions. Sequestration and escorted delivery presents one solution to this conundrum, but such porters, if they exist, are mostly unknown. In humans, the mitochondrial enzyme methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase uses coenzyme B12 (adenosylcobalamin) but would be inactive if bound to the cofactor precursor that is delivered to the mitochondrion. Adenosyltransferase converts cob(II)alamin to coenzyme B12. Based on kinetic evidence for interaction between the two enzymes, the 40-fold greater affinity for coenzyme B12 and the higher coordination number for cobalt in the mutase, we propose that the adenosyltransferase is a dual-function protein: an enzyme that synthesizes coenzyme B12 and a chaperone that delivers it.\nAbstract | Full Text | PDF (231 kb)\n- How coenzyme B12 radicals are generated: the crystal structure of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase at...\nStructure, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1 March 1996, Pages 339-350\nFilippo Mancia, Nicholas H Keep, Atsushi Nakagawa, Peter F Leadlay, Sean McSweeney, Bjarne Rasmussen, Peter Bö secke, Olivier Diat and Philip R Evans\nSummaryBackground: The enzyme methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (CoA) mutase, an αβ heterodimer of 150 kDa, is a member of a class of enzymes that uses coenzyme B12 (adenosylcobalamin) as a cofactor. The enzyme induces the formation of an adenosyl radical from the cofactor. This radical then initiates a free-radical rearrangement of its substrate, succinyl-CoA, to methylmalonyl-CoA.Results Reported here is the crystal structure at 2 å resolution of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase from Propionibacterium shermanii in complex with coenzyme B12 and with the partial substrate desulpho-CoA (lacking the succinyl group and the sulphur atom of the substrate). The coenzyme is bound by a domain which shares a similar fold to those of flavodoxin and the B12-binding domain of methylcobalamin-dependent methionine synthase. The cobalt atom is coordinated, via a long bond, to a histidine from the protein. The partial substrate is bound along the axis of a (β/α)8 TIM barrel domain.Conclusion The histidine–cobalt distance is very long (2.5 å compared with 1.95–2.2 å in free cobalamins), suggesting that the enzyme positions the histidine in order to weaken the metal–carbon bond of the cofactor and favour the formation of the initial radical species. The active site is deeply buried, and the only access to it is through a narrow tunnel along the axis of the TIM barrel domain.\nSummary | Full Text | PDF (1591 kb)\n- The Yin-Yang of cobalamin biochemistry\nChemistry & Biology, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1 March 1997, Pages 175-186\nSummaryThe cobalamins are B12 cofactors with a reactive cobalt-carbon bond at their core and support the activity of two mammalian enzymes that are both medically important. The reactive organometallic bond of the cofactor can be cleaved either homolytically or heterolytically, but what determines how the enzymes control the fate of this bond?\nSummary | PDF (3345 kb)\nCopyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved.\nStructure, Volume 4, Issue 5, 505-512, 1 May 1996\nThe reactivity of B12 cofactors: the proteins make a difference\n1 Martha L Ludwig (corresponding author), Catherine L Drennan and Rowena G Matthews, Department of Biological Chemistry and Biophysics Research Division, University of Michigan, 930 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055, USA\n- Determination of the structure of intact methylmalonyl-CoA mutase from Propionibacterium shermanii, and comparisons with the structure of the cobalamin-binding fragment of methionine synthase from Escherichia coli, afford a first glimpse at the similarities and distinctions between the two principal classes of B12-dependent enzymes: the mutases and the methyltransferases.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Comment on \"A bacterium that can grow by using arsenic instead of phosphorus\"\nWolfe-Simon et al. (Research Articles, 3 June 2011, p. 1163; published online 2 December 2010) reported an apparent stimulatory effect of arsenic on the growth of bacteria isolated from Mono Lake, California, which they interpreted as evidence that the cells can grow by using arsenic instead of phos...\n|Published in:||Science (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 332, No. 6034 (2011), p. 1149|\n|Item Description:||Date Completed 21.06.2011|\nDate Revised 22.11.2016\nCommentOn: Science. 2011 Jun 3;332(6034):1163-6. - PMID 21127214\nCitation Status MEDLINE\nCopyright: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine\n|Other Editions:||Show all 8 Editions|\n|QR Code:||Show QR Code|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive and versatile tool that is commonly used by forensic scientists for the screening and identification of known and unknown substances.\nLerner Vadim | Shutterstock\nTypes of mass spectrometry used in forensic science\nIn mass spectrometry, a sample is analyzed to determine its molecular composition through the generation of a spectrum that reveals the masses of its component parts.\nA transfer line introduces the sample into the mass spectrometer, either directly or after passing it through a chromatography-based instrument to separate it into its constituent components. An ionization chamber at the inlet turns the components into charged ions, by removing at least one electron from the analyte.\nThis form of ionization is called electron ionization (EI), which is one of the most common methods used. However, alternative techniques include atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, chemical ionization, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization.\nThe ions can then be accelerated in a mass analyzer and separated from one another using a magnetic field, which deflects the ions to different degrees based on their masses. However, as with the ionization stage, alternative forms of mass analyzer are available.\nIn the case of EI, once the sample components are separated, ion beams then enter a detector, which generates an electric signal proportional to the number of ions hitting it. This creates a mass spectrum that shows the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the individual component ions that were in the sample. This spectrum enables a forensic analyst to determine exactly which compounds the sample is composed of, using a combination of mass spectral libraries and their own expertise.\nFor greater resolution, forensic analysts may use quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometry, which separates sample components based on how long it takes for them to cross a certain distance within a vacuum, rather than separating fragments based on their mass-to-charge ratios.\nQ-TOF MS provides extremely high specificity, which is useful to forensic scientists given the ever-expanding number of compounds that are being added to spectra databases as a result of so many new “designer” drugs being developed.\nNowadays, scientists are often handling drug compounds and drug metabolites that they have never previously encountered, making it necessary to screen for both known and unknown compounds.\nWhich sample types can mass spectrometry be used to analyze?\nMass spectrometry is widely applied in forensic science, with technological advances in the field further increasing the diversity and reliability of its applications.\nLiquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry\nLiquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is a forensics technique frequently used by toxicologists to analyse substances for suspected illicit drugs and to confirm the findings of presumptive drug tests. Analysts might test the substances themselves, or human tissue or fluid samples to gauge whether an individual has ingested the substance, whether intentionally or not.\nSome LC/MS-based screening techniques enable hundreds of drugs and their metabolites to be detected within minutes. Using the method, analysts can test dried blood to identify most drugs-of-abuse and their metabolites.\nSome synthetic amphetamines and cannabinoids are continually modified to ensure they go undetected during standard testing, but some labs use a technique called ultrafast triple-quadrupole-LC/MS , which provides data-dependent analysis to quantitatively analyse known substances, whilst screening for unknown compounds at the same time.\nGas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry\nMany forensic labs use gas chromatography (GC) to separate samples for MS analysis. This has been the gold standard for many years because so many substances fragment to give a clear fingerprint once in the gas phase. For greater resolution still, a second MS analysis can be run (GC/MS/MS).\nIn suspected cases of arson, investigations often involve GC/MS due to the volatile nature of inflammable liquid samples. Analysis of fire accelerants taken from a suspected crime scene can confirm whether a substance was introduced intentionally or not.\nIsotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry\nHere, a technique such as GC is used to to separate samples before they enter an isotope ratio mass spectrometer where specific elements and isotopes within a sample can be analysed to determine how old a sample is using isotopic dating.\nThe technique involves measuring the different isotopic abundances of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. Such variations can arise when biological, physical or chemical processes cause isotopic fractionation. The lightest isotopes are the most affected by fractionation, and the differences in isotope ratio values that occur as a result of fractionation effects are often specific to particular origins and production processes.\nIn forensics, scientists can use these tiny differences to link or distinguish between samples, even with only trace amounts of samples.\nThe future of mass spectrometry in forensic science\nWith the growing number of mass spectrometry applications in the field of forensics and the ever-increasing number of compounds that are being discovered, scientists will be able to identify smaller and smaller quantities of sample in the future, more quickly and accurately than has ever been possible before.\nTechniques are more portable, paving the way for new opportunities to perform in-situ analysis outside of the forensics labs, in locations where the applications could be particularly beneficial such as within airports or at the scenes of crimes.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Create an account\na substance that is made of more than one kind of element, combimed in sepcific proportions\ntwo atoms of the same element with different mass numbers (same number of protons, different number of neutrons)\nan electron in an atom's outer energy level, where it can take part in a reaction with other atoms\na weak attraction between a hydrogen atom and another atom; the way water molecules bond\nthe particle created when atoms bond together, with either similar or different kinds of atoms\nan arrangement of a molecule where one side has a positive charge and the other has a negative charge\na material made of at least one substance that has dissolved another, so that all the components are equally distributed\na macromolecule that stores sugars in the body; formed by joining many monosaccharides\nan energy-storing family of molecules made mostly of carbon and hydrogen, and which are not soluble in water; \"fats\"\na substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy\nPlease allow access to your computer’s microphone to use Voice Recording.\nHaving trouble? 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Your browser needs to be zoomed to a normal size to record audio.\nPlease upgrade Flash or install Chrome\nto use Voice Recording.\nFor more help, see our troubleshooting page.\nYour microphone is muted\nFor help fixing this issue, see this FAQ.\nStar this term\nYou can study starred terms together", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Caterpillars feeding on corn plants can actually trick the plant into lower its defenses, chemical ecologists in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences say, leaving the corn plant to lose out and the caterpillar to eat more and grow faster.\nBecause corn plants are under constant attack by both insects and pathogens, it must determine which poses the most severe threat and switch on defenses against herbivores or pathogens, but not both at once.\nIn this case, researchers studied the substances that can manipulate the plant's response, finding that the caterpillar's feces, or \"frass\" is what stimulates corn to defend against a pathogen, rather than fighting off the herbivore.\n\"It turns out that the caterpillar frass tricks the plant into sensing that it is being attacked by fungal pathogens and mounting a defense against them, thereby suppressing the plant's defenses against herbivores,\" says Dawn Luthe, professor of plant stress biology.\n\"It would be disadvantageous for the insect to deposit cues that could enhance plant defenses against it, so we investigated what chemical compounds in the frass were signaling the plant.\"\nFor fall armyworms, which feed on leaves in the confined whorls of corn plants, leave huge amounts of frass in leaf crevices on corn plants – and the frass remains there for a long period of time.\nThe research, recently published in the Journal of Chemical Ecology, may lead to the isolation of specific components of the frass that can be incorporated into a compound to be sprayed on crops.\nSuch an organic, ecologically sustainable pesticide could enhance plant defenses against pathogens, Luthe said. Or perhaps plants may be genetically modified to incorporate the proteins from the frass to boost a crop's native resistance to pathogens.\nCaterpillar frass is composed of molecules derived from the host plant, the insect itself and associated microbes, and hence it provides abundant cues that may alter plant defense responses, explained lead researcher Swayamjit Ray.\nHe pointed out that proteins from fall armyworm caterpillar frass initially induced wound-responsive defense genes in corn; however, a pathogenesis-related defense gene was induced shortly after.\nThe creation of pathogen defenses by frass proteins correlated to more herbivore growth and less fungal pathogen prevalence over time.\nThese responses differ from the typical plant response to oral secretions of the fall armyworm caterpillar. The results pave the way for identification of a protein molecule from herbivore feces that boosts pathogen defense response and suppresses herbivore defenses in plants.\nTo test their hypothesis, researchers applied frass extract to the leaves of corn plants and compared the growth of fall armyworm caterpillars that fed on the leaves to the growth of caterpillars that fed on untreated leaves. They also measured the performance of a fungal pathogen in response to frass treatment of corn leaves. They inoculated the leaves with spores of a fungus that causes leaf blight in corn (Cochliobolus heterostrophus).\n\"The plant perceives that it is being attacked by a pathogen and not an insect, so it turns on its defenses against pathogens, leaving the caterpillar free to continue feeding on the plant. It is an ecological strategy that has been perfected over thousands of years of evolution,\" Ray said.\nThe research was supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.\nSource: Penn State", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Printing inks, resins, soaps\n- Crude soyabean oil\n- Refined soyabean oil\n- Methyl ester soyabean oil\nSoybean oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the soybean (Glycine max). It is one of the most widely consumed cooking oils. As a drying oil, processed soybean oil is also used as a base for printing inks (soy ink) and oil paints.\nDerived from: Soyabeans (Glycine max)\nMain growing areas: USA, Brazil, Argentina", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Metabolomic Strategies in Biomarker Research–New Approach for Indirect Identification of Drug Consumption and Sample Manipulation in Clinical and Forensic Toxicology?\n- Department of Forensic Pharmacology and Toxicology, Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland\nDrug of abuse (DOA) consumption is a growing problem worldwide, particularly with increasing numbers of new psychoactive substances (NPS) entering the drug market. Generally, little information on their adverse effects and toxicity are available. The direct detection and identification of NPS is an analytical challenge due to their ephemerality on the drug scene. An approach that does not directly focus on the structural detection of an analyte or its metabolites, would be beneficial for this complex analytical scenario and the development of alternative screening methods could help to provide fast response on suspected NPS consumption. A metabolomics approach might represent such an alternative strategy for the identification of biomarkers for different questions in DOA testing. Metabolomics is the monitoring of changes in small (endogenous) molecules (<1,000 Da) in response to a certain stimulus, e.g., DOA consumption. For this review, a literature search targeting “metabolomics” and different DOAs or NPS was conducted. Thereby, different applications of metabolomic strategies in biomarker research for DOA identification were identified: (a) as an additional tool for metabolism studies bearing the major advantage that particularly a priori unknown or unexpected metabolites can be identified; and (b) for identification of endogenous biomarker or metabolite patterns, e.g., for synthetic cannabinoids or also to indirectly detect urine manipulation attempts by chemical adulteration or replacement with artificial urine samples. The majority of the currently available literature in that field, however, deals with metabolomic studies for DOAs to better assess their acute or chronic effects or to find biomarkers for drug addiction and tolerance. Certain changes in endogenous compounds are detected for all studied DOAs, but often similar compounds/pathways are influenced. When evaluating these studies with regard to possible biomarkers for drug consumption, the observed changes appear, albeit statistically significant, too small to reliably work as biomarker for drug consumption. Further, different drugs were shown to affect the same pathways. In conclusion, metabolomic approaches possess potential for detection of biomarkers indicating drug consumption. More studies, including more sensitive targeted analyses, multi-variant statistical models or deep-learning approaches are needed to fully explore the potential of omics science in DOA testing.\nCurrent Challenges in Analytical (Forensic) Toxicology\nForensic toxicology is a field of science dedicated to the application of accepted and validated scientific methods and practices in toxicology to cases and issues where drug effects may have administrative or medico-legal consequences, and where the results are likely to be used in court (The Forensic Toxicology Council, 2010). Main questions are related to behavioral or human performance toxicology such as impaired driving assessment or drug facilitated crimes, postmortem toxicology, abstinence control or workplace drug testing (Wyman, 2012). Primarily, forensic toxicology encompasses the qualitative and quantitative analysis of ethanol, drugs of abuse (DOA), prescription drugs or poisons in biological matrices, mainly blood or urine, and the interpretation of the respective results. Commonly, routine laboratory procedures include the use of prescreen immunoassays (IA) to test for the most relevant DOAs—often followed by confirmatory analyses such as hyphenated chromatographic techniques; e.g., gas chromatography (GC)—mass spectrometry (MS) or liquid chromatography (LC)-MS (Drummer, 2007; Maurer, 2007, 2010). Furthermore, so-called general unknown screening approaches using GC-MS, LC-MS/(MS) or LC-high resolution (HR) MS are applied. In order to assess the level of exposure, positive results from the qualitative screening analyses are subsequently confirmed and quantified, if the compounds were found to have relevant toxic potential. With recent developments on the (il)legal drug market, such as the constant appearance of new psychoactive substances (NPS) or easily available drug masking agents and procedures, the field of forensic toxicology currently faces a variety of new challenges.\nMore than 800 NPS have been reported to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) Early Warning Advisory as of December 2017, making their use and misuse a global problem [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2018)]. Of these, 68% were synthetic cannabinoids and stimulants, which make up the largest fraction of newly reported NPS in 2017. Generally, little information on the adverse effects and toxicity of NPS are available posing a growing problem worldwide. In addition, their direct detection and identification remains an analytical challenge due to their ephemerality on the drug scene. Common IAs are usually unable to reliably pick up whole classes of NPS which makes the development of comprehensive screening approaches mandatory for their detection. While being very sensitive, targeted methods applying e.g., multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) constantly need to be updated and require reference standards that are often missing or are associated with high costs. HRMS has shown strong potential, as the need for method adjustment is omitted and it allows for retrospective data evaluation (Grabenauer et al., 2012; Shanks et al., 2012). Accurate mass facilitates compound identification, but the use of HRMS instruments leads to limitations concerning sensitivity and dynamic range. Further, data processing of HR data for unknowns is still very laborious and time consuming.\nAn alternative approach would be the development of novel screening methods, that are not directly targeting the analyte's or its metabolite's chemical structures. This could be highly beneficial to provide fast response on suspected NPS consumption and aid in the overall resolution of this complex analytical scenario. A first approach was presented in a recent work from Cannaert et al. showing that it is possible to develop an assay that detects synthetic cannabinoids and their metabolites based on their activity and interaction with the cannabinoid receptors (Cannaert et al., 2017). Such an activity-based screening assay might complement conventional analytical methods (targeted and untargeted) and serve as a front-line screening tool of urine. Despite the fact that it is impossible to positively identify specific synthetic cannabinoids with this approach, it potentially reduces the number of false negative results compared to targeted approaches, where a compound is missed if not included in the candidate list (Bijlsma et al., 2018).\nThe incentive for drug users to switch to NPS is often not solely based on getting high legally, but potentially also to circumvent positive results in drug-screening tests. The latter is particularly relevant, where drug abstinence needs to be proven, e.g., driving liability testing, certain psychiatry or prison settings or in workplace drug testing procedures (EMCDDA, 2009; Bijlsma et al., 2018). In abstinence control settings, urine still represents the matrix of choice (Verstraete, 2004; Phan et al., 2012; Fu et al., 2014). Hence, it is critical for laboratories to detect urine adulteration attempts that might aim at circumventing positive drug testing results (Wu et al., 1999). Common manipulation procedures involve dilution of authentic urine, substitution with artificial urine or chemical adulteration. The use of a variety of different chemicals has been reported due to their known masking effects during drug detection. Generally applicable for chemical urine adulteration are common household chemicals such as peroxidase and peroxide (H2O2), hypochlorite-based bleach (NaOCl) or pyridinum chlorochromate (PCC), potassium nitrite (KNO2), and iodine (I2) (Uebel and Wium, 2002; Jaffee et al., 2007; Fu et al., 2014). Commercialized products for urine adulteration are particularly prevalent in the US, where products such as Stealth® (containing peroxidase and H2O2) (Valtier and Cody, 2002), Klear® (containing KNO2) (Peace and Tarnai, 2002) or Whizzies® (containing sodium nitrite) (Dasgupta et al., 2004) and “Urine Luck” (containing PCC) (Wu et al., 1999; Paul et al., 2000) are readily available via the internet (Dasgupta, 2007; Jaffee et al., 2007; Fu et al., 2014). The same applies for commercially available artificial urine products (Goggin et al., 2017; Kluge et al., 2018). While it should be mandatory for toxicological laboratories to screen for the large selection of chemical adulterants and artificial urine products, time, costs, and resources often prevent comprehensive testing. A time- and cost-effective alternative are spot and dipstick tests, integrity testing or integrated sample checks to commercially available IA systems. However, these are often associated with high rates of false negative or false positive results (Edwards et al., 1993; Fu et al., 2014; Matriciani et al., 2018). Ideally, a drug testing workflow would include drug detection with simultaneous screening for adulteration attempts within the very same run, in particular during high-throughput testing.\nTo cope with these recent developments, methods which are not focused directly on the analyte or adulterant in question are an attractive approach. Next to the described indirect activity-based screening approach, the application of metabolomics or metabolomics-related techniques (applying common metabolomics data analysis and statistics) represents such an alternative strategy for the identification of biomarkers useful for the (indirect) detection of drug consumption or manipulation attempts. The aim of the present review is to summarize available data on the search of potential biomarkers for drug consumption and sample adulteration as well as their interpretation utilizing metabolomics approaches. Therefore, a PubMed search has been conducted targeting “metabolomics” along with different DOAs or NPS or urine adulteration.\nMetabolomics (also known as metabolic profiling or metabonomics) is the study of the metabolism and metabolites in an organism and is one of many “omics” sciences such as exposomics (the study of the complete collection of environmental exposures), microbiomics (the study of the microbiome), proteomics, genomics, and transcriptomics. Metabolome studies target the qualitative and quantitative characterization of small molecules (<1,000 Da) with changes appearing in organisms in response to a certain stimulus. The metabolome is unique, dynamic and related to the phenotype (Dinis-Oliveira, 2014; Wishart, 2016). In contrast to the other “omics”-sciences, metabolomics is able to link both gene and environmental interactions. It not only represents the downstream output of the genome but also the upstream input from the environment and is therefore positioned at the bottom of the “omics” cascade as represented in Figure 1 (Wishart, 2016; Zaitsu et al., 2016). In recent years, metabolomics approaches were applied to various fields, due to the ability to detect subtle changes in a large dataset with comprehensive metabolite measurements. The question which metabolites are actually considered to be part of the “metabolome” is still controversial, resulting in partly confusing definitions. The metabolites present in biological systems and defined as the metabolome in the strict sense, include endogenously derived biochemicals e.g., carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, fatty acids, steroids, or vitamins. However, metabolomic analyses also allow for the detection of exogenously derived metabolites from xenobiotics and/or their phase I and phase II metabolites; this can be referred to as the xenometabolome (David et al., 2014). Particularly difficult is, however, the differentiation of studies focusing on (xenobiotic) drug metabolism, without applying metabolomics techniques. For example, a study published by Patton et al. is named “Targeted Metabolomic Approach for Assessing Human Synthetic Cannabinoid Exposure and Pharmacology” but is actually focusing on conventional approaches for chiral analysis of JWH-018 and AM2201 metabolites (Patton et al., 2013). Some recent review articles on different drugs—also entitled “metabolomics of” actually contain more information on the drug's metabolism and pharmacodynamics than changes of the metabolome as defined above (Dinis-Oliveira, 2016a,b). To avoid confusion, the following review will focus on either metabolomic studies targeting endogenous compounds or applying metabolomic techniques and statistics for the elucidation of the xenometabolome.\nFigure 1. Overview of different omics-sciences such as genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. Metabolomics represents the downstream output of the genome but also the upstream input from the environment and is therefore positioned at the bottom of the “omics” cascade.\nIn general, metabolomics is a valuable tool in different disciplines such as drug discovery (Lu and Chen, 2017; Mercier et al., 2018), biomarker research (Klein and Shearer, 2016; Wang et al., 2016b; Zhang et al., 2016; Ambati et al., 2017), studies of diseases (Klein and Shearer, 2016; Ren et al., 2016; Wurtz et al., 2016), and metabolic pathways confirmation (Ren et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2016). It involves both the identification of endogenous substances in different biological samples as well as the statistical analysis of differences between two or more conditions. Fields in which metabolomics studies have previously been reported include clinical trials, toxicology, pharmacology, and nutrition (Brignardello et al., 2017; Korsholm et al., 2017; Cornelis et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2018). However, within the field of forensic (toxicology) this approach is rather new, with little human data available so far. Nevertheless, metabolomics approaches in forensics become more and more popular as they were found to be a helpful tool for a variety of forensic questions, e.g., in postmortem investigations (Castillo-Peinado and Luque de Castro, 2016). For the estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI), metabolomics studies found elevated levels of amino acids and creatinine postmortem (Castillo-Peinado and Luque de Castro, 2016) and decreasing levels of sterol sulfates and very-long-chain fatty acids within the postmortem period (Wood and Shirley, 2014). Additionally, biomarker research within the field of forensic toxicology might successfully be used to investigate consumption behavior, to distinguish between acute or chronic drug consumption or to find the underlying mode of toxicological action in humans (Wang et al., 2016a). Thereby, different applications of metabolomics strategies in biomarker research for DOA identification were proposed: (a) as an additional tool for metabolism studies bearing the major advantage that particularly a priori unknown or unexpected metabolites can be identified; and (b) for identification of endogenous biomarker or metabolite patterns, e.g., for synthetic cannabinoids or also to indirectly detect urine manipulation attempts such as artificial urine samples or chemical adulteration. The majority of the currently available literature deals with metabolomic studies for DOAs to better assess their acute or chronic effects or to find biomarkers for drug addiction and tolerance.\nAnalytical Techniques in Metabolomics\nIn principle, two major kinds of metabolomic analyses can be applied—targeted and untargeted—which are in detail reviewed elsewhere (Chen et al., 2007; Dettmer et al., 2007; Dunn, 2011; Monteiro et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016; Cuykx et al., 2018; Ghanbari and Sumner, 2018; Kind et al., 2018). While targeted analysis will focus on an a priori known number of defined metabolites, untargeted metabolomics or discovery metabolomics aims to capture all metabolomic information in a sample. In the latter, features of interest are filtered after data acquisition applying different uni- and multi-variate statistical methods followed by their identification. A schematic of an untargeted metabolomics workflow, the method of choice for biomarker search, is given in Figure 2. A wide variety of targeted and untargeted methods have already been reported in the literature for the separation and quantification of components belonging to the metabolome. However, it was found that no single analytical platform is capable of capturing all metabolomics information in a single run (Dinis-Oliveira, 2014). LC- and GC-MS, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and LC with electrochemical detection are all used (Ning et al., 2018), but the most widespread analytical instruments utilized are MS and NMR spectroscopy. The advantages and disadvantages of MS or NMR use within the field of metabolomics have been extensively discussed in corresponding reviews (Schlotterbeck et al., 2006; Pan and Raftery, 2007). In summary, MS shows much better sensitivity and resolution and the ability for high-throughput applications, while NMR profits from a comprehensive coverage of chemical species (Chen et al., 2007). NMR analysis certainly provides several advantages in metabolome studies, however, GC- and LC-MS platforms are more widely available in forensic toxicological laboratories (Drummer, 2007; Maurer, 2010; Peters, 2011; Meyer et al., 2014). For introducing a prepared biological sample into a mass spectrometer, GC, LC, direct injection or capillary electrophoresis can be used (Dettmer et al., 2007). In recent years, LC-MS techniques gained importance having the advantage of simpler sample preparation approaches compared to e.g., GC techniques where one- or two-step derivatization is usually mandatory. Avoiding numerous, tedious sample preparation steps can reduce overall measurement variations and will result in more reliable and comparable metabolomics data. Reversed-phase (RP) methods using C18 stationary phases in combination with mobile phases consisting of water (A) and methanol or acetonitrile (B), with additional formic acid (FA), are often the preferred choice due to their non-specific retention mechanism. Although this method is powerful in separating many—especially lipophilic metabolites such as steroids (Marcos et al., 2014) or endocannabinoids (Pastor et al., 2014), use of this single platform is non-optimal, lacking retention for polar metabolites and resolution for many apolar metabolites. Hydrophilic liquid interaction chromatography (HILIC), capillary electrophoresis, and ion-pairing reversed-phase chromatography are solutions often described in metabolomic applications to increase the separation of polar metabolites (Cuykx et al., 2018). For targeted analysis, all kind of MS devices, including triple quadrupole instruments, can generally be applied. For untargeted screening approaches, MS instruments with high-resolution mass measurements, such as time-of-flight (TOF), quadrupole TOF (qTOF) or Fourier transformation (FT) e.g., Orbitrap mass spectrometers, are preferred. Generally, some kind of MS/MS data acquisition, mostly based on data-dependent acquisition (DDA), is used to generate further MS information for identification. Data independent acquisition can increase totality of MS/MS information, but at present cannot be handled by many (commercial) software solutions for data analysis (Boxler et al., 2018a). Knowledge of accurate masses provides the basis for peak identification across different samples as it allows for calculation of empirical formulae and facilitates feature identification using online or commercially available databases such as METLIN (Guijas et al., 2018), the Human Metabolome Database (Wishart et al., 2007) (HMDB, V4.0), NIST (Linstrom and Mallard, 2001), and Lipidblast (Kind et al., 2013) as well as a priori unknown identification.\nFigure 2. Schematic of a typical untargeted metabolomics workflow including data analysis, feature detection (peak picking), statistical evaluation and compound identification.\nQuality Control and Compensation of Variations in Untargeted Metabolomics\nIf no reference material is available for the metabolites of interest—as will be the case in untargeted metabolome studies—comparison between groups and/or conditions will be performed on the basis of relative abundances. Reproducible measurements thereby are a prerequisite for reliable data processing and analysis. It is evident, that method validation in the classical sense is impossible for untargeted metabolomics. Nevertheless, quality control (QC) is essential and needs to be implemented (Dunn et al., 2012; Cuykx et al., 2018). Different strategies—at best in combination—are generally accepted: addition of internal standards (IS) into each analyzed sample; continuous measurement of system suitability tests (SST) over the whole analytical batch containing a defined number of metabolites ideally evenly distributed over the chromatographic run; and inclusion of QC pool samples prepared from all experimental samples, hence representing the average of the data set (Dunn et al., 2012; Broadhurst et al., 2018). Further, randomization of the samples at least for analysis is an important step in untargeted metabolomics to prevent technical/instrumental biases (Dunn et al., 2012).\nTypically, all samples of one metabolome experiment—ideally collected and stored under the same controlled conditions—will be measured within the same batch in order to avoid bias caused by sampling, storage or day to day variations in instrument performance. Recently, Nielsen et al. performed an untargeted metabolome experiment on a retrospective dataset collected for forensic toxicology routine analysis. There, a subgroup of samples positive for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) was compared to a negative control group. Only small retention time shifts were observed across all sample chromatograms, despite the fact that data was collected over a long period of time. Normalization by the NOMIS method which utilizes variability information from multiple IS compounds to find an optimal normalization factor for each individual feature (Sysi-Aho et al., 2007), also enabled the distinction between biological variation from obscuring variation related to sample preparation and ion source variation. The fact that MDMA and its phase I and II metabolites were positively identified and clearly up-regulated in MDMA users (specified by almost all applied methods) proved successful overall data-analysis. These findings suggest that analysis of retrospective data is generally possible, e.g., if samples are initially collected in the same sampling tubes, sample storage and preparation is highly standardized, and routine methods are quality controlled as is typically the case in routine forensic analysis (Nielsen et al., 2016). Mollerup et al. successfully applied a similar strategy to search for new markers/metabolites of valproic acid ingestion amenable to positive electrospray ionization (ESI) (Mollerup et al., 2019).\nData Processing and Statistics in Untargeted Metabolomics\nMetabolomics platforms generate large and complex data highlighting the need for appropriate data processing tools that allow the preparation of chromatographic and spectral data for multivariate data analysis (Katajamaa and Oresic, 2007). Often procedures like data condensation and reduction (by means of centroiding and deisotoping mass spectra), chromatographic alignment (to prevent misinterpretations due to retention time variations), filtering (for removal of noise or background signals) and peak recognition, and collection [by applying threshold windows for mass (m/z) and retention time] are used in this context. Details on different options of data processing can be found e.g., in a recent publication of Cuykx et al. (2018). To achieve minimal influence of systematic and sample biases (e.g., degree of urine dilution), it is recommended to normalize MS data either by the parameters of the whole dataset (e.g., total ion count, median ion count, etc.) or by the intensities of multiple or single ISs (Sysi-Aho et al., 2007). Data of biological origin is often skewed and commonly quantitative data are mean-centered, log-transformed, and normalized (unless absolute quantification is carried out). As every data processing step (for example filtering, scaling, peak picking, missing value imputations, and normalization) can have a significant impact on the interpretation of experimental results, it needs to be adequately described in the method sections (Yin and Xu, 2014; Alonso et al., 2015).\nDifferent kinds of statistical tests—uni- and multi-variate—are usually performed for data interpretation. Univariate tests (t-test; ANOVA) are straightforward and compare the intensities of single features between different groups. While the interpretation of these tests is very clear, the need for multiple repetitions for hundreds of variables in metabolomic studies increases the risk for detection of false positive features (Broadhurst and Kell, 2006; Kim and van de Wiel, 2008). This should ideally be accounted for by applying false discovery corrections (e.g., Bonferroni or Benjamini–Hochberg correction). The most widely used unsupervised multivariate technique in science is principal component analysis (PCA). It projects the maximum variance of a multi-dimensional space in principal components and summarizes the data set in a limited number of components. PCA is mainly used as an exploratory technique as it is unsupervised and hence does not explicitly account for class-based separations. In contrast to this, (orthogonal) partial least-square discriminant analysis [(O)PLS-DA] is a supervised multivariate technique, which describes the greatest variance to differentiate between experimental classes, with the aim to find the metabolic patterns that are most important for the classification. Based on S-plots or variable importance in projection (VIP) values, the metabolites that have a large impact on the projection are selected. Supervised multivariate approaches are prone to overfitting to irrelevant or noisy features. Therefore, cross-validation procedures need to be carried out (Broadhurst and Kell, 2006; Gromski et al., 2014; Cuykx et al., 2018).\nApplications of Metabolomics for Forensic (Toxicology) Purposes\nAs already stated above, the steadily increasing number of NPS and general changes of the (il)legal drug market represent a major challenge for forensic toxicology laboratories. Applying metabolomics or metabolomics-related techniques might be a beneficial alternative strategy to overcome some of the resulting issues. In general, available literature on metabolomics in the field of forensic toxicology can be grouped into four different categories: (a) biomarker search by screening for new (exogenous) drug metabolites applying metabolomics techniques; (b) search for endogenous biomarkers indicative for acute drug intake or sample manipulation; or (c) search for endogenous biomarkers for addiction or to assess the severity of intoxications. A last group (d) includes studies that aim to elucidate the mechanisms of drug action, e.g., to improve existing or establish new therapy options. While the studies of the latter two groups were initially not designed to identify biomarkers potentially improving analytical detection in forensic toxicology, they might serve as a basis to further evaluate the general applicability of metabolome changes as biomarkers. In the following, these 4 groups are discussed in detail and a table for each group summarizes methodological and analytical characteristics of the references discussed.\nMetabolomics for Drug Metabolism Studies\nKnowledge on a drug's biotransformation is of major importance for a variety of questions. For urine screening approaches, particularly if the parent compound itself remains undetectable in urine specimens, effective detection of drug intake will only be possible over one or several of its (unique) metabolites. Usually, focusing on highly abundant/major metabolites will be sufficient. However, in case of common major metabolites for several structurally related compounds, other minor metabolites might be necessary to finally prove intake of a particular drug. Also, if metabolism studies are performed in other than human species (e.g., rats or mice), investigation of minor metabolites in these studies is very important, as different excretion patterns in humans are likely. Hence, a minor metabolite in an animal study could become a major metabolite for human excretion. One major challenge in urine drug metabolism studies represents the definite identification of xenobiotic metabolites considering that urine contains a large variety of chemical species. Common strategies to identify metabolites involve the use of processing filters to exclude expected metabolites. For instance, typically occurring mass differences derived from prevalent, described metabolic reactions such as oxidation (+16) or demethylation (−14) can be extracted in a targeted manner. Additionally, thorough evaluation of MS/MS data or typical MS/MS patterns can be the basis for structure elucidation of new metabolites (Kim et al., 2018). However, the major disadvantage of these strategies is their restriction to a priori known, typical changes. More individual biotransformation e.g., dealkylation, hydrolysis, peroxidation or structural rearrangements are typically not covered (Guengerich, 2001; Chen et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2018). Untargeted metabolomics techniques were used as an alternative approach to detect new (uncommon) drug metabolites. A review by Chen et al. extensively describes and discusses the use of metabolomics in drug metabolism research (Chen et al., 2007). An overview on DOAs or compounds of forensic interest applying these techniques is given in Table 1.\nTable 1. Summary of studies applying untargeted metabolomics approaches for the elucidation of xenobiotic drug metabolism.\nSteuer et al. used an untargeted metabolome approach to search for new biomarkers of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) intake. GHB's use as a knockout drug in cases of drug facilitated crimes makes it particularly important in forensic toxicology. The detection of GHB and particularly differentiation between exogenous intake and endogenous base levels remain challenging because of its extremely short detection windows (only up to 12 h in urine) caused by a fast metabolism. In contrast to many other DOAs, for GHB no metabolite has been identified so far, that allows for longer GHB detection compared to using the parent compound itself. Analysis of urine samples collected 4.5 h after GHB or placebo intake of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study in 20 men allowed identification of novel GHB metabolites GHB carnitine, GHB glycine, and GHB glutamate as exemplified in Figure 3. However, more studies addressing quantitative values, pharmacokinetics, and stability are demanded for a final conclusion on the routine applicability of these markers (Steuer et al., 2018c). Mollerup et al. performed an interesting omics-based retrospective analysis to identify potential markers of valproic acid in blood that should allow the detection of valproic acid intake using the commonly applied positive ESI-MS mode. The antiepileptic drug valproic acid represents an important compound in forensic toxicological analysis, but can only be detected with negative ionization techniques or by GC-MS (Mollerup et al., 2019). A retrospective data evaluation of routinely measured samples on a qTOF instrument in ESI positive mode were performed forming a valproic acid positive group (determined by an additional targeted valproic acid method) and a negative reference group. The authors were able to identify eight potential (indirect) targets for valproic acid (Mollerup et al., 2019).\nFigure 3. Box plots for promising analytical targets of GHB consumption representing observed changes between placebo and GHB intake [shown as analyte peak area to creatinine peak area ratios (n = 19 each)]. Statistical evaluation was carried out using a paired t-test (p < 0.05; ****p < 0.0001). Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Steuer et al. (2018c). Copyright 2018, Wiley.\nMetabolomics for Biomarker Search of Acute Drug Intake or Manipulation\nApplication of alternative screening methods not directly targeting the analyte's or its metabolite's chemical structures but e.g., aim on certain endogenous biomarkers, seem to be a desirable approach that would facilitate the complex analytical scenario to detect NPS or chemical adulteration. Different strategies have been applied so far and are summarized in Tables 2, 3: (a) search for analytical, endogenous markers after a certain stimulus such as drug intake; (b) finding markers which derive from a common drug preparation, e.g., herbals used for “spice” products or non-physiological ingredients of artificial urine products; (c) search for endogenous markers that can level out inter-individual variations; (d) search for markers of urine manipulation attempts; and (e) identification of stable/unchanged markers that can proof integrity of a urine sample. Overall, data on such approaches for actual NPS are scarce and only few studies are available on common DOAs. Such studies—particularly in humans require highly controlled conditions which are of course ethically restricted for illegal drugs in many countries.\nTable 2. Summary of studies applying metabolomics for biomarker search of acute drug intake or manipulation.\nTable 3. Summary of studies applying metabolomics for biomarker search of urine manipulation attempts.\nSearch for Analytical, Endogenous Biomarkers of Drug Intake\nNew strategies for GHB detection and differentiation between endogenous and exogenously consumed or administered GHB is still of high interest in forensics. Also, metabolomic studies were recently performed in order to find endogenous markers that might be able to prolong the detection window of GHB (Palomino-Schatzlein et al., 2017; Steuer et al., 2018c). Palomino-Schatzlein et al. used an NMR-based metabolomics approach to identify changes caused by GHB in a controlled administration study in human urine. As indicated by urine OPLS-DA analysis and S-plots derived from recorded 1H metabolic data gave an indication for highest influence on separation for GHB itself, glycolate and succinate. Glycolate as well as succinate have been previously associated with the metabolism of endogenous GHB. Further evaluation of the potential usefulness of succinate and glycolate as surrogate biomarkers of GHB intake was performed by quantitative 1H-NMR experiments, checking for time-related changes of their normalized relative concentrations (at −10 min and 1, 2, 6, 14, 20, 24, and 30 h postdose). As demonstrated in Figure 4, GHB and succinate concentrations were shown to drop to baseline levels already after 6 h post intake, while glycolate concentration declined at a much slower rate with small differences compared to baseline even after 24 h. In this context, glycolate has been discussed by the authors as a potential biomarker exceeding the window of detection of GHB itself (Palomino-Schatzlein et al., 2017). A similar study using HRMS based metabolomics on endogenous changes in urine after controlled GHB administration in humans was recently published by Steuer et al. Next to the identified conjugates of GHB with carnitine and amino acids, in accordance with the former study, significant changes in succinylcarnitine and glycolate could be observed in samples collected (only) 4.5 h after GHB intake. While significant differences (in controlled, paired samples, placebo vs. GHB intake) could be observed (Figure 3), the authors considered the observed increases in glycolate, succinate or succinylcarnitine as insufficient to provide reliable proof of GHB intake under highly variable inter-individual physiological conditions (Steuer et al., 2018c). Despite the fact, that other DOAs such as methamphetamine (MA) show better pharmacokinetic properties and can be easily measured over longer time frames in biological matrices, there is a certain interest in alternative (indirect) markers of their consumption. For instance, Shima et al. used an untargeted metabolomics approach with GC-HRMS for the analysis of rat plasma and urine. While their primary objective was to elucidate the underlying mechanism of several intoxication effects, they also evaluated the usefulness regarding indirect analytical detection of MA intoxication. The study proposed the following endogenous compounds to be considered as potential markers of MA intoxications: 5-oxoproline, saccharic acid, uracil, 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-HB), adipic acid, glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates like fumarate (Shima et al., 2011). Typical changes observed in TCA cycle intermediates are exemplified in Figure 5. However, as already discussed above, it remains questionable whether or not these compounds will actually serve as sufficient discriminants in random urine samples. Furthermore, the changes in the identified endogenous compounds are most likely not specific for GHB or MA as will be in detail discussed under section Current Limitations and Discussion.\nFigure 4. Boxplots of normalized relative concentrations of GHB, glycolate, and succinate at different time points after GHB-intake. p-values from ANOVA are indicated. Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Palomino-Schatzlein et al. (2017). Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.\nFigure 5. Anionic metabolites identified in a 0–24 h urine samples using CE-MS. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 methamphetamine (MA) vs. saline (SAL). Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Shima et al. (2011). Copyright 2011, Elsevier.\nSearch for Markers Which Derive From a Common Drug Preparation\nInstead of focusing on the DOA or NPS itself, another promising approach might target common base products for drug preparations. Such a strategy was pursued in order to find markers for herbal mixtures, which act as the herbal base for “spice” products. Data were obtained with an innovative untargeted MS metabolomics approach in human saliva after smoking of six natural herbal components (Canavalia maritima, Leonurus sibiricus, Althaea officinalis, Turnera diffusa, Verbascum Thapsus, and Calendula officinalis). Combined with appropriate statistical analysis, two markers [scopoletin and N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dodecylamine] could be highlighted as indicated in the S-plot in Figure 6 and structurally elucidated. The ratio of marker 1 over marker 2 allowed the differentiation of non-smokers from herb consumers. Of course the current data still needs to be considered as preliminary, but nevertheless appears promising for further studies concerning time frames and changes, significance of the markers (e.g., their role in the herbal blends), method validation, etc. (Bijlsma et al., 2018).\nFigure 6. (A) Representation of all features from OPLS-DA, shown as S-plot. Marker features are indicated in squares. (B) Boxplot depicting peak area ratios between marker 1 and marker 2 in saliva samples; separated as blank, after herb smoking and after tobacco smoking (n = 24, 18, 6, respectively). Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Bijlsma et al. (2018). Copyright 2018, Springer.\nSimilar to the focus on herbal constituents instead of active ingredients, markers for artificial or “fake” urine products were evaluated. Goggin et al. aimed to discriminate fake urine samples from authentic ones through identification of unique substances present only in commercially available synthetic urine specimen and unexpected in biological samples. Benzisothiazolinone (BIT) and ethylene glycols [triethylene glycol (E3G), tetraethylene glycol (E4G)] were shown to identify a sample as being non-biological (Goggin et al., 2017). Other patterns of (high molecular) polypropylene glycols identical to those of purchased fake urine samples were identified by Kluge et al. (2018).\nSearch for Endogenous Biomarkers Leveling Out Inter-individual Variation\nA large obstacle in interpretation, e.g., for GHB markers such as GHB-glucuronide or GHB-sulfate is their high inter-individual variation. This is one of the major issues that make distinction between GHB consumption vs. GHB control group via a defined cut-off level nearly impossible. In sports doping testing, analyte specific normalization is a well-established method, for instance for testosterone, to find concentrations above the expected physiological limits. Here, the testosterone concentration is evaluated not only as an absolute concentration level but additionally as the ratio to the epitestosterone concentration (Mareck et al., 2008). Similar to the strategies applied in doping testing, Piper et al. aimed to use an MS metabolomics-based approach to screen a reference population for possible endogenous compounds correlating significantly with GHB-glucuronide and GHB-sulfate changes to normalize their urinary concentrations (Piper et al., 2017). Beta-citryl glutamic acid was identified as the most promising candidate for normalization. The ratio between GHB-glucuronide and beta-citryl glutamic acid indicated high correlation in the extraction pattern for two tested chronical GHB consumers. On the other hand, a first-time GHB user provided a completely different profile (Piper et al., 2017). Further research on the suggested approach especially with higher numbers of GHB positives will be necessary prior to final evaluation.\nSearch for Markers of Urine Manipulation Attempts\nAn additional question addressed by metabolomics-like approaches was the identification of endogenous biomarkers or markers formed from those as indirect indicators for chemical urine adulteration. An ideal time- and cost-efficient workflow to test for urine adulteration—particularly for high throughput analyses—would allow integration of adulteration testing in the same analytical run applied for drug screening or quantification. Considering the chemical property of the adulterant to oxidize a drug and thereby cause massive decreases in sensitivity (until its potential un-detectability), oxidation of other (endogenous) urinary constituents appears likely as well. In contrast to classic discovery metabolomics, where changes in physiological pathways are evaluated, this approach aimed to identify changes caused by in vitro manipulation/oxidation of urine samples outside the body. Nevertheless, the applied workflows were exactly the same as in classical metabolome studies. In a first untargeted approach it was possible to identify several potential biomarkers exemplified for adulteration attempts with KNO2 using HRMS (Steuer et al., 2017). Further targeted metabolome studies utilizing a validated method for the selected markers provided promising results for uric acid (specificity 1.0, sensitivity 0.9) and two of its oxidation products, indolylacryloylglycine (specificity 0.9, sensitivity 1.0), and acetylneuramic acid as markers for KNO2 (Steuer et al., 2018a) and four other chemical adulterants (Steuer et al., 2018b).\nIdentification of Stable/Unchanged Markers\nIn contrast to classic metabolomics studies, a differing approach was conducted to identify stable markers in a large cohort of samples to differentiate treated or changed samples from control samples. For instance Goggin et al. and Kluge et al. defined and tested a number of endogenous urinary metabolites to accurately identify a tampered urine sample e.g., an artificial urine (Goggin et al., 2017; Kluge et al., 2018). For example, detection of less than six markers out of initially 10 present in authentic urine samples with a likelihood of >95% (phenylalanine, tryptophan, propionyl-carnitine, butyryl-carnitine, isovaleryl-carnitine, hexanoyl-carnitine, heptanoyl-carnitine, octanoyl-carnitine, indoleacetylglutamine, phenylacetylglutamine) could be considered as a hint for urine adulteration (Kluge et al., 2018).\nMetabolomics for Biomarker Search of Drug Addiction\nMetabolomics combined with DOAs did not only focus on biomarkers indicating acute drug consumption but also on identification of hints for drug addiction, the severity of drug addiction or the interpretation of the severity of a given intoxication. While these studies certainly do not help in terms of new strategies for NPS detection, they can be useful in interpretation of clinical or forensic analytical results. Currently available literature focused on cocaine, crack, heroin, and MA. An overview of the analytical methods used and potential markers identified is given in Table 4.\nFor example, Costa et al. performed 1H NMR-based metabolomics analysis of crack users' serum samples aiming to investigate whether drug dependency changes the endogenous profile and to further identify potential biomarkers that might be linked to brain dysfunction. The rationale of the study was the current lack of reliable diagnostic tools for crack dependency that at present mainly relies on self-reporting, medical history and physical examination. Early diagnosis should, however, result in better treatment outcomes. Serum samples of two groups were compared, crack users on the one hand against healthy individuals with similar age, gender and body mass index on the other hand. Differences were observed particularly in lactate, acylcarnitines, histidine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine which according to the author's opinion could be linked to altered brain functions. PLS-DA obtained 89.8% accuracy in differentiation of crack users from healthy controls. However, these observations must be considered cautiously due to confounding factors such as medical treatment of some crack users and the small sample size of drug users examined in general (Costa et al., 2018).\nAn untargeted metabolome analysis using GC-MS in rats receiving heroin for 10 days followed by a withdrawal of 4 days indicated increased myo-inositol-1 phosphate levels and decreased threonate concentrations in serum. In contrast to other biomarkers observed, these levels did not restore to baseline even after heroin withdrawal for 4 days. Therefore, these compounds were discussed as potential indicators of heroin abuse even when the consumer has been abstinent from heroin for some days. An even more sensitive marker would be the ratio of myo-inositol-1-phosphate to threonate. The drug morphine, which is also the main metabolite of heroin, interestingly did not result in the same changes as described for heroin itself. This, in the author's opinion, might potentially allow a differentiation of heroin addiction from morphine dependency (Zheng et al., 2013). However, so far, these findings have never been confirmed in larger (human) studies.\nAs already described in the Search for Analytical, Endogenous Biomarkers of Drug Intake, Shima et al. identified 5-oxoproline, saccharic acid, uracil, 3-HB, adipic acid, glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and TCA cycle intermediates like fumarate, as potential biomarkers helpful to assess the severity of MA-induced intoxications (Shima et al., 2011). A follow-up study on chronic MA intake and MA addiction to proof the initial findings to be specific for acute MA toxicity resulted in quite different results compared to previously found acute effects. As a conclusion, different metabolomic changes can be observed depending on the MA tolerance—either acute or chronic consumption. MA tolerance after chronic consumption could have resulted in several adaptations with no significant changes in the metabolite levels (Zaitsu et al., 2014).\nMetabolomics to Study Acute and Chronic Toxicity Mechanisms\nThe last and major group of currently available metabolome approaches linked to DOAs include studies primarily aiming to elucidate the mechanisms of drug action. While these studies were not designed to identify biomarkers, they might serve as a basis to further evaluate the general applicability of metabolome approaches for biomarker discovery. For example, they might provide first hints or estimates to assess the specificity for a particular DOA, the time frames of observed effects or confounding factors caused by other drugs or diseases. Observed metabolome changes, study design and analytical conditions of these studies are summarized in Table 5. A good summary can also be found in three recent review articles on DOAs and metabolomics (Dinis-Oliveira, 2014; Zaitsu et al., 2016; Ghanbari and Sumner, 2018). For a more detailed discussion on the mechanistic effects, the interested reader is referred to these works. The current review will just use results from the publications that appear helpful in the context of biomarker detection and evaluation of their general applicability.\nAs can be seen in Table 5, certain changes in endogenous compounds are detected for all studied DOAs. However, the observed changes, albeit statistically significant, appear rather small (Figure 5), particularly when they should allow for differentiation in a non-controlled setting such as drug testing of random subjects. Furthermore, very often similar compounds or in general the same pathways e.g., the energy metabolism or the TCA cycle, are affected. From a pharmacological point of view this is not surprising. As stated e.g., by Ning et al. neuronal activity is extremely energy demanding, and the brain energy supply requires oxidative metabolism of glucose in mitochondria and demands lactic acid from glycolytic processes (Ning et al., 2018). However, albeit e.g., MA and GHB act at different pharmacological targets both were shown to influence succinate concentrations (Zheng et al., 2014; Palomino-Schatzlein et al., 2017). It remains to be determined whether or not the observed changes might ever be able to specifically indicate consumption of a particular DOA/NPS or substance groups or drug use in general. Most likely, changes of single endogenous metabolites will be too unspecific for a certain drug or even drug class. Evaluating fingerprints or changes in particular metabolic pathways appear more promising, but currently lack sufficient studies to support or reject this hypothesis.\nAlso, other confounding factors need to be considered such as underlying diseases. For example, Mannelli et al. found elevated levels of N-methylserotonin in plasma of human opioid abusers. N-methylserotonin is an analog to serotonin and similar to the derivative bufotenine, both are known for their hallucinogenic and psychotropic effects. However, also in terms of psychiatric disorders associated with hallucinations and altered perceptions elevated levels of e.g., serotonin can be found (Takeda, 1994; Takeda et al., 1995; Mannelli et al., 2009).\nThe kind and state of drug consumption of course also influences the outcome on the metabolome. Addiction, withdrawal and relapse can also change the metabolome in partly similar ways as acute drug consumption (Zheng et al., 2013, 2014). In some studies, however, drug addiction/chronic drug use may change and/or eliminate the observed effects as e.g., shown for MA (Zaitsu et al., 2014) (see Metabolomics for Biomarker Search of Drug Addiction).\nWell-designed controlled studies in rats can give first insights into the duration of the metabolome effects. For example, multivariate analysis (PLS-DA plots) showed that after withdrawal from MA for 2 days (after initial 5 days intake) metabolite values of those rats clustered close to the values of the control group, yet not overlapping with the control data. This is suggestive of an efficient restoration of urine metabolites to baseline levels after withdrawal (Zheng et al., 2014). In contrast to MA, metabolic changes induced by heroin recovered more slowly and were more pronounced (Zheng et al., 2013, 2014). For instance, heroin withdrawal for 4 days did neither restore elevated serum myo-inositol-1phosphate levels nor decreased serum threonate to values prior to heroin consumption. Similar findings were observed for 9-(z) hexadecenoic acid in serum and hydroxyproline in urine with little effect of heroin withdrawal on their concentration levels (Zheng et al., 2013).\nThe currently available knowledge is of course too preliminary to draw any final conclusion. It definitely needs to be considered that all studies mentioned here were performed for a totally different aim. An overall, critical discussion on these studies as well as the few studies performed for actual biomarker research will be provided in section Current Limitations and Discussion.\nCurrent Limitations and Discussion\nMetabolomics to identify potential biomarkers that can act as indirect indicators of drug consumption would be an interesting approach to tackle the problem of the increasing number of new drugs flooding the market. At present, only few studies have been performed, nevertheless showing promising first results to identify analytical biomarkers by metabolomics-related techniques. However, far more studies will be necessary for a final conclusion on the general suitability of metabolomics in drug testing. From the current state of knowledge several critical points and limitations can be deduced that shall be discussed in the following and might help to effectively plan further studies.\nFrom the analytical point of view, untargeted analysis is considered most promising to identify a priori unknown metabolites and pathways which are reflected in the current literature (see, Tables 1–5). While these approaches cover a broad range of compounds allowing identification of a number of different pathways, they lack sensitivity particularly for low abundant metabolites. Up to now, targeted studies considering first results from untargeted analysis are rarely performed but might help to identify more reliable biomarkers as shown in recent studies by Olesti et al. They applied targeted metabolome approaches mainly focusing on neurotransmitters to successfully predict the pharmacological profile of NPS (Olesti et al., 2019a,b). Also improvement of statistical methods, commercial or customized software solution including e.g., deep-learning approaches (Asakura et al., 2018; Grapov et al., 2018) will improve marker finding in the future.\nFinally, the metabolome is highly variable which means that many confounding factors, e.g., from food or exercise, but also from other drugs, prescription drugs and underlying diseases will need to be evaluated. At present, there are several untargeted metabolome studies but follow-up studies actually proving the suitability of the proposed markers under inter-individual variations in routine work in terms of sensitivity/specificity are largely missing. However, if actually performed, general suitability of markers identified in global approaches could be confirmed (Steuer et al., 2018a; Mollerup et al., 2019).\nIn conclusion, metabolomic approaches possess, in general, great potential for detection of biomarkers indicating drug consumption. It is also an interesting approach in drug metabolism research (xenometabolomics)—particularly for seldom or unusual metabolites. Changes observed so far on the endogenous level currently appear rather small and partly unspecific and might be insufficient on the level of single markers to reliably prove drug consumption. But, most importantly, more studies, including more sensitive targeted follow-up analyses as well as multivariate statistical models or deep-learning approaches are strongly needed to fully explore the potential of omics science in DOA testing. Future studies need to be highly controlled with reasonable sample sizes and require, in the authors opinion, targeted, proof-of-concept studies including the evaluation of confounding factors, and sensitivity/specificity assessment subsequent to the initial global profiling approaches. Progress in analytical techniques as well as in deep learning approaches will facilitate the more and more complex data evaluation necessary for studies including huge numbers of analytes and samples.\nAS performed the literature research and wrote the manuscript. LB and TK wrote the manuscript.\nConflict of Interest Statement\nThe authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.\n13C, carbon-13; 1D, one-dimensional; 1H, hydrogen; 2D, two-dimensional; 3-HB, 3-hydroxybutyrate; 5HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; CAN, acetonitrile; AM2201, [1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-1-naphthalenyl-methanone; AMP, adenosine monophosphate; ANOVA, analysis of variance; bbCID, broadband collision-induced dissociation; BIT, benzisothiazolinone; CBD, cannabidiol; CE, capillary electrophoresis; CH3-O-NH2, methoxyamine; CoA, coenzyme A; COSY, correlation spectroscopy; CPMG, Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill; DDA, data-dependent acquisition; DIA, data-independent acquisition; diP, diphosphate; DOA, drug of abuse; E3G, triethylene glycol; E4G, tetraethylene glycol; EI, electron ionization; EMCDDA, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction; ESI, electrospray ionization; EtOH, ethanol; FA, formic acid; FIA, flow injection analysis; FMOC, fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl; FT, Fourier transformation; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; GC, gas chromatography; GHB, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; He, helium; HILIC, hydrophilic liquid interaction chromatrography; HMBC, heteronuclear multiple bond correlation; HMDB, Human Metabolome Database; HO, hydroxy; HOAc, acetic acid; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatrography; HR, high resolution; HSQC, heteronuclear single-quantum coherence; HSST, high strength silica technology; I2, iodine; IA, immunoassay; ICR, ion cyclotron resonance; IS, internal standard; JWH-018, (1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-1-naphthalenyl-methanone; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; KNO2, potassium nitrite; LC, liquid chromatography; LCECA, liquid chromatography electrochemical array; LLE, liquid-liquid extraction; MA, methamphetamine; MAM 2201, [1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indol-3-yl](4-methyl-1-naphthalenyl)-methanone; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; MeOH, methanol; Met, methionine; Met-SO, methionine sulfoxide; MRM, multiple reaction monitoring; MS, mass spectrometry; MSTFA, N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide; m/z, mass-to-charge ratio; NaOCl, sodium hypochlorite; NH4Ac, ammonium ethanoate; NH4COOH, ammonium formate; NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; NPS, new psychoactive substance; NRS, nuclear resonant scattering; OPLS-DA, orthogonal partial least-square–discriminant analysis; P, phosphate; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PCA, principle component analysis; PCC, pyridinium chlorochromate; PLS-DA, partial least-square–; discriminant analysis; PMI, postmortem interval; PP, protein precipitation; QC, quality control; qTOF, quadrupole time-of-flight; RP, reversed-phase; SPE, solid phase extraction; SRM, selected reaction monitoring; SST, system suitability test; TCA, tricarboxylic acid; TOCSY, total correlation spectroscopy; TOF, time-of-flight; UDP-GlcNac, uridine diphosphate-N-acetylglucosamine; UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes; US, United States of America; VIP, variable importance in projection; ZIC, zwitterionic.\nAmbati, C. 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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.\n*Correspondence: Andrea E. Steuer, firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "YuanTong Biotech Co., Ltd\nWe supply top quality anabolic steroids powders, oils, peptides, SARMs, anesthetics, male enhancement and others.\nPayment & Shipping Terms:\n|Manufacturer:||Keray||Product Name:||Chlormadinone Acetate;Chlormadinone Acetate Powder;Potent Progestin;302-22-7;steroid Hormones|\n1. Quick Detail:\nEnglish name: chlormadinone acetate\nEINECS Number: 206-118-0\nDensity: 1.23g / cm3\nMelting point: 212 ℃\nBoiling point: 512.5 ° C at 760 mmHg\nFlash Point: 172.5 ° C\nVapor Pressure: 1.28E-10mmHg at 25 ° C\nAppearance:White or slightly yellow crystalline powder\nChlormadinone acetate (INN, USAN, BAN, JAN; sold under brand names including Clordion, Gestafortin, Lormin, Non-Ovlon, Normenon, Verton, and many others), sometimes abbreviated as CMA, and also known as 17α-acetoxy-6-chloro-6-dehydroprogesterone, is a steroidal progestin with additional antiandrogen and antigonadotropic (and thus alsoantiestrogenic) effects.It is used clinically as a hormonal contraceptive, and in part due to its lowering of estrogen levels, but also for improved effectiveness in contraception, chlormadinone is frequently combined withethinyl estradiol for this purpose.It is the acetate ester of chlormadinone\nProgesterone Hormones Drug.\n4. Other Products:\nProgesterone Hormone Powders\n5. 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This is to avoid the paint cracking as it dries.\nThe reasoning behind this rule is based on the different drying times of oil paints and mediums. The fatter the oil paint, the slower it dries. If a layer of paint at the top dries before a layer below it, the paint will crack as it dries.\nYou can make oil paint fatter by adding more oil medium and you can make it leaner by adding a solvent or paint thinner. Oil painting, especially wet on wet, becomes a delicate balance of thinner and oil medium.\nIn practice, oil painters start with a very thin layer of paint mixed with solvent. This is almost just a faint wash of color. For each subsequent layer of paint, more oil and less thinner is added.\nWant to Learn More?\nYou might be interested in my Painting Academy course. I’ll walk you through the time-tested fundamentals of painting. It’s perfect for absolute beginner to intermediate painters.\nThanks for Reading!\nI appreciate you taking the time to read this post and I hope you found it helpful. Feel free to share it with friends.\nDraw Paint Academy", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Dewar–Chatt–Duncanson model is a model in organometallic chemistry that explains the type of chemical bonding between an alkene and a metal (π-complex) in certain organometallic compounds. The model is named after Michael J. S. Dewar, Joseph Chatt and L. A. Duncanson.\nThe π-acid alkene donates electron density into a metal d-orbital from a π-symmetry bonding orbital between the carbon atoms. The metal donates electrons back from a (different) filled d-orbital into the empty π* antibonding orbital. Both of these effects tend to reduce the carbon-carbon bond order, leading to an elongated C−C distance and a lowering of its vibrational frequency.\nThe interaction also causes carbon atoms to \"rehybridise\" from sp2 towards sp3, which is indicated by the bending of the hydrogen atoms on the ethylene back away from the metal. In silico calculations show that 75% of the binding energy is derived from the forward donation and 25% from backdonation. This model is a specific manifestation of the more general π backbonding model.\n- Dewar, M. Bulletin de la Société Chimique de France 1951, 1 8, C79\n- \"Olefin co-ordination compounds. Part III. Infra-red spectra and structure: attempted preparation of acetylene complexes\" J. Chatt and L. A. Duncanson, Journal of the Chemical Society, 1953, 2939 doi:10.1039/JR9530002939\n- Directing effects in inorganic substitution reactions. Part I. A hypothesis to explain the trans-effect J. Chatt, L. A. Duncanson, L. M. Venanzi, Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955, 4456-4460 doi:10.1039/JR9550004456\n- Miessler, Gary L.; Donald A. Tarr (2004). Inorganic Chemistry. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-035471-6..\n- Herrmann/Brauer: Synthetic Methods of Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, 1996", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Nutrienvisus is making good out of the beer Canadians love. By applying their proprietary, nutrient-recovery technology and formulation, Nutrienvisus turns byproducts from Canadian breweries into highly effective soil inputs. Nutrienvisus’ Enviotin® offers a certified organic plant nutrient that provides a full spectrum of macro and micronutrients, helping growers avoid potential crop and profit loss due to soil infertility, plant nutrient disorder, disease, and extreme weather. Unlike standard fertilizers, the nutritional components of Enviotin® are precision-formulated and bioavailable for all plants, improve soil fertility and soil microbiome, boost plant immune systems to fight disease naturally, and are eco-friendly for plants, humans, and the environment. In 2022 the startup increased capacity and gained new distribution and retail partners.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The White Plastic Epidemic\nWhat Is It? Why Is It So Bad?\nTHE FUTURE IS COMPOSTABLE\nWhy Should It Matter To Your Company?\nWe’re going to guess if you’re reading this, you’re probably an eco-friendly person already. And since you are eco-friendly, we can also guess that you are already against the idea of plastic pollution.\nWe all know it ruins the world to have plastic pollution in the oceans, on our land and hurting animals. But there’s one kind of plastic that is worse than others: white plastic. The kind that forms plastic straws, forks, knives, and more.\nBecause when we have that kind of plastic pollution in the ocean, it can be very dangerous to innocent animals. It’s this plastic – made exclusively by humans – that nature can’t digest.\nSo today we’re going to look at the white plastic epidemic – and learn where it comes from, the unfortunate effects, and what YOU can do to fight it.\nHow Is Plastic Made?\nPlastic actually starts out as organic and naturally-occurring compounds like plant cellulose and crude oil. The most popular types of plastics are called polypropylene and polyethylene and they are made from petroleum.\nPetroleum has many components, two of which are natural ethane and propane gas that fuel many modern conveniences. Once these two compounds are “cracked” in high-temperature furnaces, and combined with a catalyst – they become a powdered polymer.\nThen all the poison additives are melded into the plastic in a giant blender. It is melted, extruded (or forced through a forming die) and then cooled and chopped up into chunks that manufacturers purchase.\nWhat starts as a natural biodegradable substance becomes unnatural and toxic through this process.\nTimes are changing. Only a few years ago, it was prohibitively expensive and difficult to replace your plastic packaging with compostable alternatives. Some companies even justified it as eco-friendlier to use plastic for the time being.\nNOW, there is NO EXCUSE to continue using horrible, extremely toxic petroleum-based plastics in your packaging. Especially if you manufacture organic food, beverages, or cosmetics. ALL petroleum-based plastics leak BPA-like chemicals into your products and go on to harm and kill thousands of animals worldwide during manufacturing and after your customers dispose of them.\nBiodegradable Vs Compostable\nWhat’s The Difference?\nDid you know that the difference between these two very similar words makes a BIG difference in our planet’s health?\nOne of these words could refer to something that pollutes our water or land for more than 200 years, while the other refers to something which completely disintegrates without a trace in only 3 months.\nDo you know which one is which? In this article, we’re going to look at the differences and ask the question: “biodegradable vs compostable – which one is better for the environment?”\n“Biodegradable” Sounds Good, But It Isn’t!\nBiodegradable materials, by definition, are materials that will become absorbed by the environment, and naturally go back to nature. So what could be wrong with that? Well, the only problem is there is NO time frame on biodegrading… And almost everything biodegrades eventually! It could be 200 years from now or 1,000 years from now – technically it could still be CALLED biodegradable.\nThat’s the problem. Because there are no real requirements to claim that something is made of biodegradable materials (other than it eventually biodegrades), it doesn’t really mean anything.The worst part is imagining how much “biodegradable” plastic is at the bottom of the ocean right now, affecting the gentle creatures there and causing them harm… Because “eventually” it will biodegrade in 200 years! It makes us shudder.\nLuckily, there is something much better.\n“Compostable” Ultimately Means Good For The Environment!\nComposting, on the other hand, has very rigorous standards – and timelines. For something to be called “compostable” it has to be able to be fully composted within a 12-week industrial composting process.\nWhat is compost? It’s enriched soil that is frequently used as fertilizer. At the very least, a compostable item has to fully disintegrate into soil, leaving no trace toxicity behind.\nThat’s really different from the definition of biodegradable, isn’t it? There are multiple types of composting.\nComposting You Can Do At Home\nDo-It-Yourself composting is good for making compost from yard cuttings, small quantities of food scraps, and paper.\nBefore you begin making compost, it’s important to know what kinds of organic materials will turn to compost under which kinds of conditions.\nThat is too large of a topic for this particular article to cover, but here are some of the various ways you can create a compost environment:\nVermiculture or worms\nAerated static pile\nSo What’s REALLY The Best For The Planet?\nWe all use things and then those things go off to somewhere else. Ultimately, what matters is the end result. When you get rid of biodegradable plastic, it could be around for 200 years – who knows where it might end up? It may end up hampering a sea animal’s ability to swim, or it could end up in another country on a massive garbage pile, adding more damage to our already hurting planet.\nWhen you dispose of compostable plastic at your local composting facility, they use it to make compost within 12 weeks. And shortly thereafter, it can be used as fertilizer to help new plants grow.\nIt ends up contributing to life again in a very short period of time.\nThe reason we’ve chosen compostable plastic for all of our products is because we believe in the harmony of life and that all of us have this one planet that we need to take care of together.\nInstead of spreading the problem, compostable plastic can be a part of the solution. Do you want to be part of the solution, too? Then replace your plastic products with compostable alternatives!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "BINDING OF DNA QUENCHES TYROSINE FLUORESCENCE OF RECA WITHOUT ENERGY-TRANSFER TO DNA BASES\nArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 1993\nThe binding of single- as well as double-stranded DNA to RecA, in the presence of the cofactor analog ATPgammaS (adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)), leads to about 20% quenching of the tyrosine fluorescence of the protein but to no essential change of the tryptophan fluorescence. The excitation spectrum of the fluorescent DNA analog poly(depsilonA), complexed with RecA, shows no sign of energy transfer from the tyrosine residues of RecA to the etheno-modified adenine bases of the polynucleotide. From this observation we reject stacking interaction between tyrosine residues and DNA bases. The RecA filament may bind up to three molecules of single-stranded DNA; however, the observed fluorescence change occurs only upon the binding of the first DNA strand, indicating that the binding mode of this first strand is different from those of the others. The fluorescence change is interpreted in terms of a conformational change of the RecA protein promoted by cooperative binding to DNA. A larger quenching (40%) upon the binding of single-stranded DNA is observed in the absence of cofactor. At high salt condition, which induces ATPase activity in RecA just as DNA binding does, the tyrosine fluorescence is more pronounced than at low salt conditions, indicating that the effect induced by high salt is different from the conformational change induced by DNA binding.\nlinear dichroism spectroscopy", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Dental conditioners with 37% phosphoric acid\nAcid etch of enamel or dentin, in order to provide an approach to collagen fibers, as well as a better micro mechanical retention on direct restorations\nusing resin materials. Also indicated for preventive treatment of pit and fissure sealing.\n• Alpha Etch contain ortho phosphoric acid 37%, which provides an excellent acid etch the enameland dentin.\n• Alpha Etch is presented as a thixotropic gel, ensuring easy application.\n• Alpha Etch: 2.5mL Syringe", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "You can quickly establish the levels of Carbon Monoxide in your home with an easy-to-use domestic kit supplied by Gas Safe. Please contact us if you would like to purchase this carbon monoxide detector.\nDomestic carbon monoxide poisoning can be prevented by early detection with the use of household carbon monoxide detectors.\nThe Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning\n- Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after the inhalation of carbon monoxide gas\n- Symptoms of mild poisoning include headaches, vertigo and flu-like effects.\n- It is a significantly toxic gas and can be fatal at high doses\n- Carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless, making it almost impossible for people to detect it without a detector.\n- Carbon monoxide can also have severe effects on the fetus of a pregnant woman.\nIt’s simple to detect Carbon Monoxide in your home, simply contact us today to buy an easy-to-use kit.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Scientists using the Advanced Photon Source show how ‘zinc sparks’ — the showers of zinc ions released by mammalian eggs immediately after fertilization — also occur in amphibian eggs.\nFive years ago, researchers at Northwestern University made international headlines when they discovered that human eggs, when fertilized by sperm, release billions of zinc ions, dubbed “zinc sparks.”\nNow, Northwestern has teamed up with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Michigan State University (MSU) to reveal that these same sparks fly from highly specialized metal-loaded compartments at the egg surface when frog eggs are fertilized. This means that the early chemistry of conception has evolutionary roots going back at least 300 million years, to the last common ancestor between frogs and people.\n“This work may help inform our understanding of the interplay of dietary zinc status and human fertility.” — Thomas O’Halloran, professor, Michigan State University\nAnd the research has implications beyond this shared biology and deep-rooted history. It could also help shape future findings about how metals impact the earliest moments in human development.\n“This work may help inform our understanding of the interplay of dietary zinc status and human fertility,” said Thomas O’Halloran, the senior author of the research paper published on June 21, 2021, in the journal Nature Chemistry.\nO’Halloran was part of the original zinc spark discovery at Northwestern and, earlier this year, he joined Michigan State as a foundation professor of microbiology and molecular genetics and chemistry. O’Halloran was the founder of Northwestern’s Chemistry of Life Processes Institute, or CLP, and remains a member.\nThe team also discovered that fertilized frog eggs eject another metal, manganese, in addition to zinc. It appears these ejected manganese ions collide with sperm surrounding the fertilized egg and prevent them from entering.\n“These breakthroughs support an emerging picture that transition metals are used by cells to regulate some of the earliest decisions in the life of an organism,” O’Halloran said.\nTo make these discoveries, the team needed access to some of the most powerful microscopes in the world as well as expertise that spanned chemistry, biology and X-ray physics. That unique combination included collaborators at the Center for Quantitative Element Mapping for the Life Sciences, or QE-Map, an interdisciplinary National Institutes of Health-funded research hub at MSU and Northwestern’s CLP. The research relied heavily on the tools and expertise available at Argonne.\nThe research team brought sections of frog eggs and embryos to Argonne for analysis. Using both X-ray and electron microscopy, the researchers determined the identity, concentrations, and intracellular distributions of metals both before and after fertilization.\nX-ray fluorescence microscopy was conducted at beamline 2-ID-D of the Advanced Photon Source (APS), a DOE Office of Science User Facility at Argonne. Barry Lai, group leader at Argonne and an author on the paper, said that the X-ray analysis quantified the amount of zinc, manganese, and other metals concentrated in small pockets around the outer layer of the eggs. They found these pockets contained more than 30 times the manganese as the rest of the eggs, and 10 times the zinc.\n“We are able to do this analysis because of the elemental sensitivity of the beamline,” Lai said. “In fact, it is so sensitive that substantially lower concentrations can be measured.”\nComplementary scans were conducted using transmission electron microscopy at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM), a DOE Office of Science User Facility at Argonne. Further analysis was performed on a separate prototype scanning transmission electron microscope that includes technology developed by Argonne Senior Scientist Nestor Zaluzec, an author on the paper. These scans were performed at smaller scales — down to a few nanometers, about 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair — but found the same results: high concentrations of metals in pockets around the outer layer.\nBoth X-ray and electron microscopy showed that the metals in these pockets were almost completely released after fertilization.\n“Argonne has the tools necessary to examine these biological samples at these scales without destroying them with X-rays or electrons,” Zaluzec said. “It’s a combination of the right resources and the right expertise.”\nThe APS is in the process of undergoing a massive upgrade, one that will increase the brightness of its X-ray beams by up to 500 times. Lai said that an upgraded APS could complete these scans much more quickly or with higher spatial resolution. What took more than an hour for this research could be done in less than one minute after the upgrade, Lai said.\n“We often think of genes as key regulating factors, but our work has shown that atoms like zinc and manganese are critical to the first steps in development after fertilization,” said MSU Provost Teresa K. Woodruff, Ph.D., another senior author on the paper.\nWoodruff, an MSU foundation professor and former member of CLP, was also a leader of the Northwestern team that discovered zinc sparks five years ago. With the discovery of manganese sparks in African clawed frogs, or Xenopus laevis, the team is excited to explore whether the element is released by human eggs when fertilized.\n“These discoveries could only be made by interdisciplinary groups, fearlessly looking into fundamental steps,” she said. “Working across disciplines at the literal edge of technology is one of the most profound ways new discoveries take place.”\n“Xenopus is a perfect system for such studies because their eggs are an order of magnitude larger than human or mouse eggs, and are accessible in large numbers,” said Carole LaBonne, another senior author on the study, CLP member, and chair of the Department of Molecular Biosciences at Northwestern. “The discovery of zinc and manganese sparks is exciting, and suggests there may be other fundamental signaling roles for these transition metals.”\nReference: “Metal ion fluxes controlling amphibian fertilization” by John F. Seeler, Ajay Sharma, Nestor J. Zaluzec, Reiner Bleher, Barry Lai, Emma G. Schultz, Brian M. Hoffman, Carole LaBonne, Teresa K. Woodruff and Thomas V. O’Halloran, 21 June 2021, Nature Chemistry.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Phosphorus Diffusion Retardation in a Calcareous System by Coapplication of Potassium Chloride\n- O. O. Akinremi and\n- C. M. Cho\nThe recommended methods of application of P and K fertilizers to agronomic crops are quite similar. As such, both fertilizer elements could be banded together in a single farm operation. This research was conducted to provide information on the influence of K on the mobility and solubility of P added to a system having Ca2+ as the dominant exchangeable ion. Four grams of KH2PO4 was added alone or in combination with 0.11 or 0.22 g of KCl to the surface of a Ca2+-saturated resin-sand column. Extraction and analysis of each 2-mm layer of the column at 2 and 4 wk after incubation showed that the mobility and the solubility of the added P was significantly reduced in the presence of KCl. This was a result of increased precipitation of P by Ca2+ displaced from the exchange sites. Thus, the availability of P to plants could be adversely affected in mixed P-K bands.Please view the pdf by using the Full Text (PDF) link under 'View' to the left.\nCopyright © .", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Tempered silicone paint EMEX TRS 400.\nSilicone Thermoresistant EMEX TRS 400 is a professional, air-dry, single-component, silicone resin based powder coating, pigments, specific additives and organic solvents. It is a paint with superior film and strength characteristics. After application to metallic elements, the silicone heat-resistant paint dries under the action of high temperature, achieving superior parameters of high temperature resistance or excessive heat. It is produced only in the colors: black and silver.\n- High adherence;\n- Easy application;\n- Short drying time;\n- High coverage power;\n- Good display;\n- Metallic or matt appearance;\n- Good hardness;\n- Good durability;\n- High temperature resistance up to 400 ° C.\nFields of Use:\nHigher resistance to high temperature exposure guaranteed up to 400 ° C makes EMEX TRS 400 Silicone Heat Resistant for professional use for painting, decorating and protecting steel and cast iron items that are continuously or temporarily subjected to high temperatures. It is especially recommended for painting the exhaust elements of cars: exhaust pipes, exhaust drums, and industrial furnaces.\nPrior to application, in the case of old, non-adherent paints, they are completely removed by scraping, burning with a gasoline lamp, or by using the Emex CM Cleaner special chemical solution or EMEX PC ECO Decapant.\nHowever, for the proper preparation of metallic surfaces it is mandatory to clean by sanding or cleaning by mechanical brushing, followed by dust blowing by compressed air blowing and degreasing with recommended chemicals or solvent.\nPriming, where required, will only be recommended by the manufacturer with a heat-resistant silicone primer, as it is the only one that provides total compatibility with EMEX TRS 400, thermo-resisting silicone paint.\nIt is forbidden to use any chemical or product that could come into contact with this paint without the manufacturer's recommendation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Technology for the Future: Shimadzu & URI\nOne of the leading scientific instrument makers in the world, Shimadzu Corporation, will provide the University of Rhode Island’s new Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences, currently under construction on the Kingston campus, with state-of-the-art instruments at a significant discount, including a full 5-year service plan, an in-kind donation valued at more than $1.2 million.\nIf the University were to purchase the instruments through normal educational purchase programs, the cost could run up to $2.8 million. The service plan covers technician visits once each semester to the teaching-learning labs and an additional visit each year to the research laboratories.\nBased in Japan, Shimadzu Corp. posted $3 billion in consolidated net sales in 2013. Its contribution to URI will ensure that the University has cutting edge instruments and the ability to maintain even heavy demand instruments used by thousands of URI students who take chemistry each year.\nTo celebrate the partnership, University and Shimadzu officials came together for a signing ceremony on September 10, 2014.\n“As many Rhode Islanders who supported this project knew, the Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences is central to the University’s efforts to continually strengthen teaching and research and help build a strong economic future for the state based on discovery and innovation,” said President David M. Dooley. “When the new building opens, thanks to this generous donation from Shimadzu, our students and faculty will have access to the most advanced laboratory instruments and a program to keep all of them operational. We are fortunate to be able to partner with a company like Shimadzu, which is committed to the success of our University.”\n“The University of Rhode Island has a dynamic science program focused on the future, and Shimadzu is pleased and eager to support such a research institution,” said Shuzo Maruyama, president of Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corp.). “We are delighted to have the opportunity to catalyze the potential of this great institution and look forward to working together in the future.”\nSlated to be completed in the spring of 2016, URI’s $68 million Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences will serve more than 7,000 URI students who take chemistry each year; about 40 percent of all URI degree programs require at least one chemistry class. It will provide chemistry instruction to approximately 1,400 students each day.\nAmong the instruments that will be found in the teaching and learning labs are: balances, mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs, spectrometers, and liquid chromatographs.\n“I am very grateful to the Shimadzu Corporation for providing the students and faculty the instruments they need to engage in 21st century science,” said Winifred Brownell, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “This center and all of the instruments contained in it will benefit all Rhode Islanders as it serves as a catalyst for economic development and discoveries that will improve peoples’ health and well-being within our state’s borders and around the world.”", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "CBD or Cannabidiol is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD is the second-most abundant cannabinoid in the plant, and has many potential therapeutic benefits compared to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is first in the list. It is also has medicinal benefits like anti-flammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety and seizure-suppressant properties. CBD is considered as the yang to THC’s yin and it halts anxiety as well as elevates your level of chill without intoxication. The combination of both the THC and CBD components amplifies each others’ effects.\nShowing 221–240 of 278 results", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Duratec High Gloss Additive\nBlended with gelcoats for gelcoat repairs; blended with tooling gelcoats to upgrade mold surfaces.\nLow Porosity---when used for repairs, blending the additive with gelcoat produces a low porosity surface.\nReduced orange peel---the low viscosity of the blend results in a smooth finish that is easily sanded.\nImproved properties---for mold surfaces, the blending of the additive with tooling gelcoat creates a higher heat distortion temperature, improved gloss retention, increased impact resistance and reduced subsurface porosity.\nSuperior finish---when blended one-to-one with gelcoats, the additive creates an air-cure, enamel-like coating. No air-dry additive is required. When used for gelcoat repair, surfaces are restored to like-new condition.\nAs measured on a Brookfield Viscometer Model RVF, Spindle #2 at 20 rpm - 110 cps\nThixotropic Index - 1\nSample based on a 100 g mass, catalyzed at 2 percent with mekP - 16-20 min\nWeight per Gallon - 8.0 lb., 3.6 kg", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Neaton, J.B., Ederer, C., Waghmare, U.V., Spaldin, N.A., Rabe, K.M. 'First-principles study of spontaneous polarization in multiferroic BiFeO3' in Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 71, (1), 2005, pp 014113-1 - 014113-8\nPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 1\nThe ground-state structural and electronic properties of ferroelectric BiFeO3 are calculated using density functional theory within the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) and the LSDA + U method. The crystal structure is computed to be rhombohedral with space group R3c, and the electronic structure is found to be insulating and antiferromagnetic, both in excellent agreement with available experiments. A large ferroelectric polarization of 90-100 μC/cm2 is predicted, consistent with the large atomic displacements in the ferroelectric phase and with recent experimental reports, but differing by an order of magnitude from early experiments. One possible explanation is that the latter may have suffered from large leakage currents. However, both past and contemporary measurements are shown to be consistent with the modern theory of polarization, suggesting that the range of reported polarizations may instead, correspond to distinct switching paths in structural space. Modern measurements on well-characterized bulk samples are required to confirm this interpretation.\nPlease note: There is a known bug in some browsers that causes an\nerror when a user tries to view large pdf file within the browser window.\nIf you receive the message \"The file is damaged and could not be\nrepaired\", please try one of the solutions linked below based on the\nbrowser you are using.\nItems in TARA are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Advanced scientific methods dance with exotic plant extracts and vitamins cultivated by Dr.\nRodgers’ extensive travel and research. Cutting-edge technologies blend together while avoiding potentially harsh chemicals, preservatives and harmful ingredients.\nAll EnPointe Skin Solutions™ products are free of:\nThe products are NOT tested on animals.\n- Growth Factors\n- Phyto-estrogens (including soys)", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A brief overview of sustained released drug delivery system\nKeywords:Sustain release dosage form, drug delivery system, controlled release system, half-life\nThe most popular and patient-friendly method of drug administration is often thought to be the oral route of administration. Compared to conventional release formulations, advancements in formulation technology, including modified release dosage forms or sustained release oral dosage forms, have been extensively accepted. A sustained release dosage form provides a prolonged release of the drug over an extended period, thereby giving better patient compliance and enhanced bioavailability. Sustain release systems are considered a wiser approach for drugs with short half-lives requiring repeated dosing. Sustained release drug delivery has a range of advantages over conventional dosage forms, including increased patient compliance due to less frequent drug administration, significantly reduced steady state drug level fluctuations, maximum drug utilization, the increased safety margin of potent drugs, lower healthcare costs due to improved therapy, and shorter treatment times. The present review focuses on design, fabrication, and various factors that influence the performance of sustained-release dosage forms.\nBhowmik D, Kumar KPS, Dutta A, Paswan S. Trends in scope and opportunities of control release oral drug delivery systems. Critical Review in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(1), 20-33 (2012)\nVamsy KA, Srinath KR, Chowdary PC. Formulation development and evaluation of Divalproex sodium extended release tablet. International Journal of Research pharmaceutical and Biomedical Science, 2(1), 809-832(2011)\nPatel H, Panchal DR, Patel U, Brahmbhatt T. Matrix Type Drug Delivery System: A Review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Bioscientific Research, 3(1), 143-51 (2011)\nKumar KPS, Bhowmik D, Srivastava S. Sustained Release Drug Delivery System Potential. The Pharma Inovation, 2(1), 48-60(2017).\nLee TW, and Robinson JR, In Remington: The science and practice of pharmacy, Gennaro, 23th edition, Baltimore, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 903-929 (2008).\nAnsel HC, Allen LV, and Popovich NG, Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery system, 9thedition, Lippincott William & Wilkins, 257-271 (2005).\nChien YW, Rate controlled drug delivery systems, 2nd edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, revised and expanded 2(1) 2005.\nChauhan MJ, Patel SA. A Concise Review on Sustained Drug Delivery System and Its Opportunities. American Journal of PharmTech Research, 2(2), 227-238(2012).\nChugh I, Seth N, Rana AC. Oral sustained release drug delivery system: An overview. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(5), 57-62 (2012)\nBhalla N, Deep A, Goswami M. An Overview on various approaches to oral controlled drug delivery system via Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(4), 128-133 (2016)\nDusane RA, Gaikwad PD, Bankar VH, Pawar SP. A Review on: Sustained release technology. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 2(6), 1701-1708 (2015).\nJain NK, Drug delivery system, Methods in molecular biology, Humana Press 3(1) 218(2012)\nWani MS, Controlled Release System-A Review, www.pharmainfo.net/review 6(1) (2008)\nBechgaard H, Nielson GH. Controlled release multiple units and single unit dosage. Drug Dev. & Ind. Pharm. 4(1), 53-67(2002)\nAulton ME, Modified release peroral dosage forms, Pharmaceutics- The science of Dosage form Design, 2nd edition, Churchill Livingstone, New York, 2(1) 290 (2004)\nMarroum. PJ Bioavailability/Bioequivalence for Oral controlled release products, Controlled release drug delivery systems: Scientific and Regulatory Issues. Fifth International Symposium on Drug Development, 3 (1), 15–17 (1997).\nBanker GS, and Rhodes CT, Sustained and Controlled drug delivery system, Modern Pharmaceutics, 4th edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 4(1), 212-229 (2002).\nShargel L, Pong SW, and Yu AB, Modified-release drug products, Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, 5th Edition, August 312-322 (2004).\nGupta D, Bhatt DC. Studies on enteric coated sustained timed-release tablets of Metronidazole. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(2), 226-232 (2010)\nPogula M, Nazeer S. Extended Release Formulation. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2(4), 625- 684 (2010).\nModi SA, Gaikwad PD, Bankar VH, Pawar SP. Sustained Release Drug Delivery System: A Review, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 2(1), 147-160 (2011).\nBrahmannkar DM, and Jaiswal SB, Controlled released medication, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetic, 335-346 (1985).\nKumar V, Prajapati SK, Soni GC, Singh M. Sustained release matrix type drug delivery system: A Review. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(3), 934-960 (2012)\nWise DL, Venkatraman S, Davar N, and Chester A, An Overview of Controlled Release Systems, Handbook of Pharmaceutical Controlled Release Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York, 431-464 (2000)\nKumar S, Gupta V, Malodia K. Oral Extended Release Drug Delivery System: A Promising Approach. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2(2), 38-43(2012)\nHo WH, and Lee VHL, Influence of drug properties on design, Controlled Drug Delivery Fundamentals and Applications, 2ndedition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2(1), 16-25 (1987)\nHo WH, and Lee HLV, Design and fabrication of oral controlled release drug delivery system, Controlled Drug Delivery Fundamentals and Applications, 2ndedition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2(1), 373-420 (1987)\nHow to Cite\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC) is a pyruvoyl-dependent enzyme that catalyzes an essential step in polyamine biosynthesis. The polyamines are required for cell growth, and the biosynthetic enzymes are targets for antiproliferative drugs. The function of AdoMetDC is regulated by the polyamine-precursor putrescine in a species-specific manner. AdoMetDC from the protozoal parasite Trypanosoma cruzi requires putrescine for maximal enzyme activity, but not for processing to generate the pyruvoyl cofactor. The putrescine-binding site is distant from the active site, suggesting a mechanism of allosteric regulation. To probe the structural basis by which putrescine stimulates T. cruzi AdoMetDC we generated mutations in both the putrescine-binding site and the enzyme active site. The catalytic efficiency of the mutant enzymes, and the binding of the diamidine inhibitors, CGP 48664A and CGP 40215, were analyzed. Putrescine stimulates the kcat/K m for wild-type T. cruzi AdoMetDC by 27-fold, and it stimulates the binding of both inhibitors (IC50s decrease 10-20-fold with putrescine). Unexpectedly CGP 48664A activated the T. cruzi enzyme at low concentrations (0.1-10 μM), while at higher concentrations (>100 μM), or in the presence of putrescine, inhibition was observed. Analysis of the mutant data suggests that this inhibitor binds both the putrescine-binding site and the active site, providing evidence that the putrescine-binding site of the T. cruzi enzyme has broad ligand specificity. Mutagenesis of the active site identified residues that are important for putrescine stimulation of activity (F7 and T245), while none of the active site mutations altered the apparent putrescine-binding constant. Mutations of residues in the putrescine-binding site that resulted in reduced (S111R) and enhanced (F285H) catalytic efficiency were both identified. These data provide evidence for coupling between residues in the putrescine-binding site and the active site, consistent with a mechanism of allosteric regulation.\nASJC Scopus subject areas", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Myrcene (Musk Citrus) is the most common and abundant terpene found in cannabis. It's also found in mango, with a flavour profile that's a mix of citrus and musk (eating a mango 45 min. before smoking will increase THC effect). Myrcene has been known for its sedative properties and may be part of the reason cannabis has been used for pain management and is usually recommended as a supplement during cancer treatments.\nLimonene (Lemon Citrus) provides a sweet lemon smell. Citrus fruits are loaded with limonene, and it's commonly extracted for use in foods, cleaning products and cosmetics. It is believed to have the potential to improve mood and relaxation, and has been known to help reduce tumor size.\nCaryophyllene (Pepper Spice) is found in a variety of edible plants and herbs and smells of pepper and spice, and can also be found in black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, oregano, basil and rosemary. It has long been used in anti-inflammatory topicals and creams and is also thought to reduce anxiety, and is recommended for treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms.\nPinene (Pine Sweet) smells like pine trees, with a hint of rosemary. A relatively common terpene also found in rosemary, orange peels, basil and parsley. It has been studied for a variety of positive effects, including helping with focus and respiratory inflammation.\nTerpenes are fragrant oils naturally secreted in cannabis, including other plants, fruits and herbs. They are the organic compounds that give each strain of cannabis its unique aroma, flavour and effects. These oils have been used for centuries in medicine, natural remedies and food. Use search console to filter by terpenes.\nCalifornia Dreaming (3.5g)\nCalifornia Dreaming contains our highest grown level of THC. This flower is hand groomed, from seed-to-sale, and grown under natural sunlight with the assistance of LED lights. This indica-dominant flower is derived from flowers known as Hash Plant and Northern Lights. The earthy combination of alpha pinene and beta pinene brings you the sweet smell of pine trees. While pinene is the most widely encountered terpene in nature, underneath the earthy aroma is a hint of spice brought on by beta caryophyllene. California Dreaming is grown in the heart of Niagara's world renown grape and wine country. At Dykstra Greenhouses we take great care in hand grooming our flower to bring you our best product.\nHere at Dykstra Landscaping & Greenhouses, we strive to offer you a superior product. Something we are proud to put our name on. With that in mind, we grow our cannabis with the same quality and care as if it were going to our own families. That way you feel comfortable giving it to yours.\nProducts by this Brand\nGo to Profile Page\nThe Ratings Trend indicator represents the change in overall rating from the most recent 5 reviews vs the combined rating of the most recent 10 (or up to 10, min 6 reviews required). A greyed-out indicator is displayed when there are insufficient reviews available, or there is no significant change in rating trend detected. [close]\n* Suggested average retail price per base unit at time of publication. Prices will vary dependant on package quantity and purchase location. Sales tax extra. Displayed pricing is for informational purposes only, eweedpro does not market or sell cannabis product.\n** The content on this page is not intended to treat any medical condition or ailment, product characteristics data is based on available terpene profiles and from general market consensus. No representation is made to the accuracy and effect of displayed medicinal properties, which may or may not have been scientifically verified in a laboratory. All such data is provided for recreational purposes only.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nContents lists available at ScienceDirect\nApplied Energy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apenergy\nA novel phase-change cement composite for thermal energy storage: Fabrication, thermal and mechanical properties He Zhang a, Feng Xing b, Hong-Zhi Cui b, Da-Zhu Chen a,⇑, Xing Ouyang a,⇑, Su-Zhen Xu a, Jia-Xin Wang c, Yi-Tian Huang a, Jian-Dong Zuo a, Jiao-Ning Tang a a b c\nShenzhen Key Laboratory of Special Functional Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China\nh i g h l i g h t s\ng r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t\nA novel flaky graphite-doped phase-\nchange microcapsule (FGD-MPCM) was prepared. FGD-MPCM has substantial latent heat storage capacity (135.8 J/g). FGD-MPCMs/cement composite is capable of reducing indoor temperature fluctuation. Compressive strength of cement composite with 30% FGD-MPCMs can reach to 14.2 MPa. Time (min)\na r t i c l e\ni n f o\nArticle history: Received 8 November 2015 Received in revised form 16 February 2016 Accepted 17 February 2016\nKeywords: Microencapsulated phase-change materials Cement composite Energy storage Thermal stability\na b s t r a c t Facing upon the increasingly severe energy crisis, one of the key issues for reducing the building energy consumption is to pursue high-performance thermal energy storage technologies based on phase-change materials. In this study, a novel cement composite incorporated with flaky graphite-doped microencapsulated phase-change materials (FGD-MPCMs) was developed. Various techniques, such as field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to analyse the composite structure and thermal performances. The results indicate that the spherical microcapsules are well dispersed in the cement matrix. When combined within the cement, the thermal stability of the microcapsules was highly improved, and the inclusion of greater amounts of FGD-MPCMs further increased the latent heat of the composite. The mechanical properties of the cement composites were affected with the increase of FGD-MPCMs dosage and the porosity of the composites. In spite of this, the compressive strength and flexural strength of the cement composite with 30% FGD-MPCM could still reach to as high as 14.2 MPa and 4.1 MPa, respectively. Results from the infrared thermography and the model room test suggested that the composite filled with FGDMPCMs is capable of reducing indoor temperature fluctuation and exhibits good potential for application in buildings to enhance energy savings and thermal comfort. Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.\n⇑ Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 755 2653 5133 (D.Z. Chen), +86 755 2653 1629 (X. Ouyang). E-mail addresses: [email protected]\n(D.Z. Chen), [email protected]\n(X. Ouyang). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.091 0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\n1. Introduction With industrial development and population growth, the consumption of resources is increasing, especially that of fossil fuels. Concomitantly, millions of tons of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere every year because of combustion, which is widely believed to be the main cause of global warming . Among the environmental burdens caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels, 30% of the energy consumption and 1/3 of the greenhouse gas released worldwide are attributed to the building sector . Efforts to increase energy efficiency in the building sector have been intensified to meet heating and cooling requirements [3,4]. Phase-change materials (PCMs) can store or release large quantities of latent heat via a nearly isothermal phase-change process; therefore, combining construction materials and PCMs is believed to be an efficient way to increase the heat energy storage efficiency of construction elements [5,6]. For instance, Paksoy et al. reported that 7% of cooling energy and 28% of heating energy was conserved by combining 3.5 kg of PCMs with insulation panels in a test cabin. However, bulk PCMs are not easy to handle in practical applications because of leakage, erosion and super-cooling problems. To solve these problematic limitations, the materials are generally encapsulated with a polymer or inorganic shell before use . Borreguero et al. and Zhang et al. incorporated microencapsulated PCMs (MPCMs) into gypsum boards and found that the thermal regulation ability of the boards was enhanced as the amount of microcapsules was increased. Similar results were observed in MPCMs-filled, cement-based composites [11–16] and geopolymer mortar . An effective envelopment of PCMs is important to prevent the leakage of core materials, increase the heat-transfer area and control the volume changes during the phase changes . Many polymers and copolymers, such as polystyrene (PS) [19,20], polyurea (PU) [21–23], poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) [24–26] and melamine–formaldehyde (MF) resin [27,28], are commonly used as shells in MPCMs. However, the poor heat conduction of the pure organic polymer shell limits the response velocity of the microcapsules to the environmental temperature change. More recently, there are growing interests in utilizing polymer–inorganic hybrid shells to improve the thermal conductivity and mechanical performance of phase-change microcapsules. Chang et al. synthesized microencapsulated n-octadecane with a PMMA-silica hybrid shell via in-situ polymerization and investigated the effect of coupling agents, ageing time and temperature on the thermal properties of the microcapsules. By mixing Cu (II) methacrylate with the oil phase during the fabrication process, Wu et al. obtained PMMA-SiO2 @ paraffin microcapsules with copper chelation as the ion probe. Yin et al. [31,32] prepared MPCMs with MF resin/SiO2 and a poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene)/SiO2 shell through Pickering emulsion polymerization and explored the effects of introducing inorganic particles in the MPCMs shell on the mechanical strength, thermal reliability and anti-osmosis performance, which were significantly improved. Moreover, using the same in-situ polymerization method, Chen et al. incorporated nano-Al2O3 particles into the MPCMs shell and observed an obvious enhancement of the thermal stability of the microcapsules. Graphite is one of excellent thermal conductivity materials. Thermal conductivity coefficient of graphite can reach about 390 W/ (m K), which nearly 1000 times of that of polymer. Due to graphite shape likes a platelet, therefore, less research has addressed flaky graphite-doped, microencapsulated PCMs (FGD-MPCMs) and their applications in the field of building materials as the thermal energy storage carriers. Most researches on enhancement of the thermal stability of the microcapsules only focused on the formation of microcapsules and their thermophysical or mechanical properties, in this work, a\nnovel cement composite with good thermal energy storage capacity was developed by incorporating self-manufactured, flaky graphite-doped, phase-change paraffin microcapsules via interfacial polycondensation . The structure, phase-change properties, and thermal stabilities of both the microcapsules and the FGD-MPCMs-filled cement composites were well examined. For building thermal energy storage application, both efficiency of the thermal energy storage and the mechanical properties of the cement composite with FGD-MPCMs were evaluated. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials Paraffin wax (RT28, Rubitherm Technologies Gmbh, Berlin, Germany), which was mainly composed of n-octadecane, was used as the core material of the FGD-MPCMs. 3-Isocyanatomethyl-3,5,5-tri methylcyclohexyl isocyanate (IPDI, Bayer, Taiwan) and diethylene triamine (DETA, Dow Chemical, USA) with purity exceeding 99.5% were used to form the microcapsule shell. Styrene–maleic anhydride copolymer (SMA, ScriptÒ 520, USA) was used as the emulsifier. Flaky graphite powder (800 meshes, Qingdao Tianyuan Graphite Co., Ltd., China) was used as the inorganic filler for the microcapsules. Portland cement powder (PII 42.5R, Guangdong Zhujiang Cement Factory, China) was adopted as the matrix for fabricating the raw cement or cement composite board. Polyacrylic acid (Guangdong Longhu Science and Technology Co., Ltd., China) was used as the water-reducing agent. 2.2. Fabrication 2.2.1. Synthesis of FGD-MPCMs The microencapsulation of paraffin wax doped with flaky graphite powder was achieved through interfacial polycondensation. The fabrication procedure, including the mixing of core materials, emulsification, polymerization, washing and drying, is schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. Paraffin wax, IPDI and flaky graphite were mixed at 50 °C for 30 min to produce the core material with a weight proportion of 30:20:1. Then, the mixture was poured into a 3-ton reaction kettle filled with 1.3 wt% SMA aqueous solution and agitated vigorously at 60 °C for 1 h to generate a stable oil/ water (O/W) emulsion. Subsequently, stoichiometric DETA was added dropwise into the above emulsion to initiate the formation of the polyurea shell. After continuous stirring for three hours, the resultant microcapsules were centrifugally filtered, washed with hot water and dried at room temperature for one week. 2.2.2. Preparation of smart cement composite containing FGD-MPCMs The cement composites were manufactured by mixing Portland cement, FGD-MPCMs and water at room temperature according to the proportions listed in Table 1. For all specimens, the mass ratio of the cement powder and water was 5:2. Compared to the amount of cement powder, the filling contents of FGD-MPCMs in the composites were 10%, 20%, 25% and 30%, and the corresponding composites were named Cement10, Cement20, Cement25 and Cement30, respectively. The fabrication process is illustrated in Fig. 2. The FGD-MPCMs were immersed in water in a 500-ml beaker for 24 h to ensure that they were completely wetted. Then, the mixture was transferred into a metal stirring pot with the cement powder and stirred vigorously for 5 min using a Hobart mixer (Hobart Corporation, Troy, OH, USA). During this step, the remaining water was calculated, and a very small amount of waterreducing agent was added. The resulting slurry was poured into the moulds and kept for one day to form board-like or cylindrical cement samples. Finally, the above samples were inserted into a curing chamber at constant temperature and humidity (Dongxing\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nWashing & Drying\nFig. 1. Schematic synthesis of the FGD-MPCMs. Table 1 Descriptions of the raw cement and cement composites filled with FGD-MPCMs. Samples\nCement powders (g)\nWater reducing agent (g)\nRaw cement Cement10 Cement20 Cement25 Cement30\n500 500 500 500 500\n1250 1250 1250 1250 1250\n0 125 250 312 375\n0 0 2.8 3.7 4.8\nBuilding Material Co., Ltd., China) and placed into water for fast curing at 50 °C for three days.\natmosphere. The temperature scanning range was from 10 to 50 °C.\n2.3.3. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) TGA of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites were performed under a nitrogen atmosphere using a TA Q50 thermal gravimetric analyser. For each test, the sample was first heated from 30 to 120 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and was kept at 120 °C for 20 min to remove the adsorbed water. The temperature was then quickly decreased to 30 °C and increased to 500 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min.\n2.3.1. Structures of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites The morphologies of the FGD-MPCMs and their dispersion in the cement composites were examined using a Hitachi Su-70 field emission-scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) at an accelerating voltage of 1.0 kV. The samples of FGD-MPCMs and the fractured surfaces of the composites were sprayed with gold prior to observation. A Mshot MP41 optical microscope (OM) equipped with a MC 50 digital imaging system (Guangzhou Micro-shot Technology Co., Ltd., China) was used to observe the microstructures of the microcapsules. The crystalline phases of the FGD-MPCMs were analysed by an X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Bruker D8) with Cu Ka radiation (k = 0.154 nm) with operating conditions of 40 kV and 200 mA. The XRD pattern was recorded in the 2h range from 10° to 80° with a scanning rate of 3°/min.\n2.3.4. Infrared thermography To determine the thermo-regulating performance of the cement composite, infrared thermography was conducted with an infrared thermal imager (FLIR SC655). A round composite disk containing 20% FGD-MPCMs with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 3 mm was prepared in a cylindrical mould. A raw cement disk without FGD-MPCMs was also fabricated as a reference. Both samples were cooled to 3 °C in advance and placed onto a hot stage maintained at a constant temperature of 60 °C. To prevent the sample’s temperature from rising too quickly, a cylindrical PTFE disk (U 25 mm) with a thickness of 5 mm was placed between the hot plate and the test sample. The microscope lens was kept\n2.3.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) The phase-change properties of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites were analysed using a TA Q200 differential scanning calorimeter at a heating/cooling rate of 5 °C/min in a nitrogen\nWater reducing agent\nWetting of FGD-MPCMs\nMolding & curing\nCement composite with FGD-MPCMs\nFig. 2. Schematic fabrication of the FGD-MPCMs-filled cement composite.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nCement composite wall\nRaw cement wall Model room without test wall\nModel room with composite wall\nThermocouple Data logger\nComputer recording system\nHeat source Test setup with model room\nInstallation of model room\nFig. 3. Schematic diagram of the setup used to evaluate the thermal regulation capacity of the FGD-MPCMs-filled cement composite.\nat 25 cm from the upper surface of the sample during the test. The infrared thermal images of both the composite and control were taken at different times from 3 to 40 °C and analysed using FLIR Researcher IR software. 2.3.5. Evaluation of the energy storage capacity of the cement composite The energy storage capacity of the cement composite was evaluated using a self-made setup equipped with a small test room, a thermal channel, a heat source and a temperaturerecording system, as shown in Fig. 3. The cubical test room is composed of six walls: one testing cement panel with/without FGD-MPCMs and five other walls made of polystyrene foam to provide a heat-insulating environment. The room is connected to a 300mm-long cylindrical heat channel made of polyvinyl chloride with reflective paper to create a uniform and stable temperature field by a connecting wooden board (500 500 15 mm3) with an opening of 200 200 15 mm3. The cement composite board with 20% FGD-MPCMs and dimensions of 200 200 40 mm3 was inserted into the test room opening as a wall. Then, after installing two contacts of a K-type thermocouple (resolution ± 0.3 °C), the small room was placed into a wooden box with the test wall close to the heat channel. The thermal-electric couple contact attached at the outer surface of the cement composite wall was used to measure the wall temperature, and the one inserted into the centre of the test room was used to examine the ‘‘indoor” temperature. A 500-W lamp was used to supplement the heat source and placed at 200 mm from the heat channel. In this test, the test wall was heated for 1 h and then cooled naturally for 40 min. For comparison, a raw cement board with the same size was measured using the same experimental procedure to serve as a control.\n2.3.6. Porosity measurement Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) has proven to be a powerful technique to characterize porous materials with pore sizes ranging in several orders of magnitude . In this study, MIP tests of the cement composites were conducted using an AutoPore IV 9500 (Micrometrics) porosimeter capable of producing up to 33 103 psia.\n2.3.7. Mechanical properties of cement composites The mechanical properties of the cement composite with different dosage of FGD-MPCMs were evaluated by studying its compressive strength and flexural strength at the age of three days in this research. The compressive strength (40-mm cube) and flexural strength (40 mm 40 mm 160 mm prism) of the hardened cement paste was determined at the age of 3 days in accordance with GB/T 17671-1999 (method of testing cements-determination of strength) [Method of Testing Cements-Determination of Strength (ISO); GB/T 17671-1999; Chinese National Standard: Beijing, China, 1999]. The loading rates for compressive and flexural strength were 2400 ± 200 N/s and 50 ± 10 N/s. The test specimens with a size of 40 mm 40 mm 160 mm were fast cured for 3 days in a curing room at a temperature of 50 ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 99%. The loading rate for the flexural and compressive strength were 50 ± 10 N/s and 2400 ± 200 N/s, respectively. Before doing the compressive strength test, the dimensions of the sample were measured, and the mass of the sample was recorded using an electronic balance with a ±0.1 g error. The density of each sample was then calculated, which represented the average of three samples.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\n200 μm Fig. 4. FE-SEM photos of (a) FGD-MPCMs and (b) their cross-sections; (c) OM image and (d) XRD pattern of FGD-MPCMs.\n3. Results and discussion\n3.3. Phase-change properties\n3.1. Microstructure of FGD-MPCMs\nFig. 6 displays the DSC results of phase-change behaviours of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites containing different amounts of FGD-MPCMs. The melting and crystallization parameters of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites and the pure PCMs are listed in Table 2. In the tested temperature range, no thermal effect was found for the raw cement, suggesting that the endo-/ exo-thermal peaks for the cement composites could be attributed to the FGD-MPCMs. The whole melting process of the composites falls in the temperature range of approximately 18–33 °C. The melting points (Tm) for the cement composites containing 20%, 25% and 30% microcapsules were 26.76, 27.87 and 28.52 °C, respectively, which are the comfortable temperatures for human body. The solidification of PCMs incorporated in the cement composite occurred within the temperature range of approximately 28–10 °C, and compared to the freezing curve of FGD-MPCMs, a visible left-shift of the crystallization peaks was observed for the cement composite filled with FGD-MPCMs. As confirmed by the XRD pattern above (Fig. 4d), the two crystallization forms of a- and b-crystals of n-octadecane were also noticeable in the cooling DSC curves as two corresponding exothermic peaks . The formation of a-crystals resulted from the heterogeneously nucleated liquid-rotator transition for which the microcapsules and graphite particles acted as nucleating agents. The b-crystals were formed via the homogeneous nucleation mechanism of liquid transition. The latent heats of fusion and solidification were 248.80 and 249.90 J/g for pure PCMs and 135.80 and 137.60 J/g for FGDMPCMs, respectively. According to the equation below , the encapsulation efficiency was 54.82%. Table 2 shows that the latent heats of phase change for the composite increased monotonously as the FGD-MPCMs content increased. In the case of cement composite containing 30% FGD-MPCMs, the values for melting (DHm) and freezing (DHf) processes reached to 34.02 and 33.85 J/g, respectively. Therefore, the incorporation of FGD-MPCMs\nThe morphology and microstructure of the FGD-MPCMs are shown in Fig. 4a–d. The microcapsules have a spherical profile with many surface wrinkles attributed to the reduced volume of the paraffin wax during the phase change from the melting state to the crystal state . The shell thickness of the microcapsules is approximately 7.5 lm (Fig. 4b). In the optical microscope micrographs (Fig. 4c), the black graphite platelets are well dispersed in the microcapsules, as shown by the different contrast between the graphite and shell polymer (PU). The existence of flaky graphite was further confirmed by the XRD patterns of the FGD-MPCMs (Fig. 4d). The strong peak at 2h = 26.48° was assigned to the characteristic diffraction peak of the (0 0 2) plane of graphite. The reflection of the (0 0 4) plane of graphite was observed at 2h of 54.60° . Moreover, the characteristic peaks for the phasechange paraffin, which mainly consisted of n-octadecane, also appeared in the pattern. The peaks at 2h = 24.71° and 44.43° correspond to the diffractions of the (1 1 1) plane of the a-crystal phase and the (2 0 5) plane of the b-crystal phase, respectively . 3.2. Microstructure of FGD-MPCMs-filled cement composites Fig. 5a–c presents the FE-SEM photos of cement composites containing 10%, 20% and 30% FGD-MPCMs. The majority of the microcapsules were in good condition and were uniformly distributed in the cement matrix. Concave nests and some fractured microcapsules resulted from microcapsule pull-out during the fabrication of the cross-sectional specimen were observed. Fig. 5d shows good interfacial bonding between microcapsules and the cement matrix. The wrinkles formed on the microcapsule surface provide substantial points for cement attachment and fixation, favouring the formation of an embedded interfacial bonding mode.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nFig. 5. FE-SEM photos of cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs: (a) 10%, (b) 20%, (c) 30% and (d) magnified image of a microcapsule buried in the cement matrix.\nimproved the thermal energy storage efficiency of the cementbased building materials.\nDHm;FGD-MPCMs þ DHf ;FGD-MPCMs 100% DHm;PCM þ DHf ;PCM\n3.4. Thermal stability Thermal degradation curves of the FGD-MPCMs and cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs are presented in Fig. 7, and the characteristic temperatures are listed in Table 3. Fig. 7 shows clear two-step weight loss processes for both FGD-MPCMs and their filled cement composites over the heating range of 30–500 °C. In the case of the raw cement material, only a weak decreasing trend of weight loss was observed during the whole heating process because of the free-water evaporation, the bound water and the decomposition of ettringite and portlandite . Hence, the rapid decrease in the weight loss of the cement composites was ascribed to FGD-MPCMs degradation. When greater amounts of FGD-MPCMs were used, the weight loss of the composite material was also greater. However, increasing the FGD-MPCMs content did not change the characteristic temperatures of the cement composites. The first decomposition stage of microcapsules is caused by the evaporation and decomposition of PCMs in the microcapsules , and for pure FGD-MPCMs, the starting decomposition temperature (T1,o), the end temperature (T1,e) and the temperature of the maximum degradation rate (T1,m) are 272.05, 283.31 and 278.18 °C, respectively. In contrast, the corresponding temperatures of T1,o, T1,e and T1,m (listed in Table 3) were found with delays of 46.56, 56.08 and 53.05 °C for the composite with 10% FGD-MPCMs; 48.52, 58.35 and 54.37 °C for the composite with 20% FGD-MPCMs; and 46.34, 53.48 and 52.17 °C for the composite with 30% FGD-MPCMs. The decomposition of the shell materials of the microcapsules occurs during the second stage of rapid degradation, when the composites show a similar delay in the characteristic decomposition\ntemperatures compared to the pure microcapsules. For instance, in the case of the composite with 10% FGD-MPCMs, the delayed temperatures of T2,o, T2,e and T2,m were 81.93, 68.48 and 75.59 °C, respectively, whereas for the composite with 30% FGD-MPCMs, they were 83.56, 67.68 and 75.34 °C, respectively. These results indicate that when incorporated in the composite, the thermal stability of the microcapsules was enhanced by the surrounding inorganic matrix, which is believed to favour improving the durability of the smart cement materials able to store energy when exposed to severe environmental conditions (i.e., high temperature). 3.5. Infrared thermal imaging analysis The surface temperature distribution on the cement disks with/ without FGD-MPCMs at various times was measured by infrared thermography and is shown in Fig. 8. The increase in the temperature of the cement composite was slower than that of the raw cement disk. The temperature differences between the raw cement and the composite at various times were calculated and are illustrated in Fig. 9. When heated for 17 min, both the temperature at the test point (Sp1) and the average surface temperature showed maximum differences (i.e., 5.0 °C at Sp1 and 4.9 °C for the average value), whereas before and after this time, the differences showed a decreasing trend in the opposite direction. During the heating process, the temperature change on the surface of the disk without FGD-MPCMs depends only on the sensible heat of the cement, whereas for the cement composite containing FGD-MPCMs, the latent heat of the PCMs provides much higher storage density and thus shows a less marked heating effect than the raw cement without FGD-MPCMs . Furthermore, when the cement composite was heated for 17 min, the encapsulated PCMs within the composite reached their melting point, and the cement composite exhibits maximum heat absorption during the melting process. These results indicate that the incorporation of FGD-MPCMs allows the cement composite to delay the temperature change.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nFig. 7. TGA curves of FGD-MPCMs and the cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs. The inner plot is a magnification of the first degradation step of the cement composites.\nTable 3 Thermal stabilities of the raw cement, FGD-MPCMs and cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs. Step 1\nRaw cement Cement10 Cement20 Cement25 Cement30 FGD-MPCMs\nFig. 6. DSC thermograms of FGD-MPCMs and the cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs during (a) melting and (b) freezing.\nTable 2 Thermal properties of the raw cement, FGD-MPCMs and cement composites containing various amounts of FGD-MPCMs. Melting process\nRaw cement Cement20 Cement25 Cement30 FGD-MPCMs Pure PCMs\n– 26.76 27.87 28.52 30.58 28.32\n– 14.57 22.35 34.02 135.80 248.80\n– 21.85 21.45 21.02 21.49 –\n– 18.87 19.44 18.76 16.20 24.43\n– 12.71 23.25 33.85 137.60 249.90\n3.6. Evaluation of the thermal energy storage capacity in a model room To further evaluate the thermo-regulating capacity, the composite board was used as a wall in a self-made model room, as shown in Fig. 3. The temperature variations at the room centre and the walls with or without FGD-MPCMs during the test period, which consisted of 60-min heating and subsequent 40-min cooling, are plotted in Fig. 10. When exposed to the heat source, a visible delay in the temperature response was observed for the room with the FGD-MPCMs-filled wall compared to the control with raw cement wall. In the initial heating stage (i.e., from the start to 17 min for the test wall and 8.5 min for the room centre), the temperature was less than 18 °C, and the PCM phase change did not occur. Because of the lower thermal conductivity of microcapsules compared to the cement matrix, the temperatures of the room with the composite wall were slightly lower than those of the control room. As the process continued, the involved PCMs\n147.20 318.61 320.57 319.35 318.39 272.05\n229.49 339.39 341.66 338.59 336.79 283.31\n183.07 331.23 332.55 331.23 330.35 278.18\n432.66 415.50 413.00 414.80 417.13 333.57\n480.29 438.54 447.41 436.32 437.74 370.06\n458.43 427.37 427.24 425.28 427.12 351.78\nNote: T1,o and T1,e were determined from the cross-point of two tangent lines at related bending locations during the first rapid decomposition. T1,m was determined as the temperature corresponding to the peak on the derivative curve of the decomposition. Similar methods were adopted to obtain T2,o, T2,e and T2,m.\n(paraffin) began to melt and absorb the environmental heat with a larger latent heat mode , and the temperature differences between the room with the composite wall and the control room increased. When heated for 40 min, the temperature differences were 7.54 °C at the wall and 3.60 °C at the room centre. Twenty minutes later, the differences were maximized: compared with the control room, the temperatures of the room with the composite wall decreased by 13.10 °C at the wall and by 6.22 °C at the room centre. Correspondingly, the temperature curves of the room with the composite wall were right shifted and showed a wide, downward peak resulting from the phase change of the core materials. Similar temperature regulation capacity of the FGD-MPCMs-filled board was found in the cooling process. Within the tested time range of this study, the temperatures of the room containing the composite wall decreased more slowly than those of the control room. When cooled naturally for 20 min, the temperatures of the room with the composite wall remained 5.88 °C and 2.32 °C lower at the wall and room centre, respectively, than those of the control room. These results indicate that the FGD-MPCMs reduced the indoor temperature fluctuations and thus exhibited good application potential in buildings to achieve energy storage and thermal comfort. 3.7. Porosity, density and mechanical properties of the cement composites Porosities and densities of the cement composites with different dosage of FGD-MPCMs are listed in Table 4. From Table 4, it\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nFig. 8. Infrared thermography images of the cement disks with and without FGD-MPCMs heated for different times. The maximum, minimum and average temperatures and the temperatures determined at the marked point (Sp1) are presented under each thermal image.\nFig. 9. Temperature differences between the raw cement disk and the FGDMPCMs-filled cement disk as a function of time.\ncan be known that the density of cement composite decreased with the increase of FGD-MPCMs dosage. The reason for this is that the density of PCM is lower than that of cement paste. The decrease of density of the cement composite in percentages are approximately proportional to the FGD-MPCMs dosages in the cement composites. In regard to the porosity of cement composite, with FGD-MPCMs dosage increase, it increased from 3.67% to 8.49%. Compared with the FGD-MPCMs dosage increase, the percentage increase in the porosity of cement composite is dramatical. The reason for this phenomenon maybe the increasing FGD-MPCMs in the cement composites would lead to a greater volume of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between FGD-MPCM and the matrix. Compared with the matrix of cement paste, the ITZ has a high porosity [40,41]. The results of the compressive strength and flexural strength of hardened cement composites with different mass percentages of FGD-MPCMs are presented in Fig. 11. As shown in Fig. 11, the compressive strength and flexural strength of cement composites decreased with the increase in the mass percentage of FGD-MPCMs. The decreases in compressive strength and flexural strength of the cement composites are due to the presence of weaker MPCMs in compression and increasing porosities of the samples. When the mass percentages of FGD-MPCMs are 10%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, the reductions in compressive strength with respect to control cement material are 28.2%, 41.1%, 47.8%, and 58.4%, respectively. However, despite the negative effect of FGDMPCMs on the mechanical strength of the cement composites observed in this study, the compressive strength and flexural strength of cement composite with 30% FGD-MPCMs can reach to\nFig. 10. Comparison of the thermal regulation performance between the raw cement and the composite using a model room. Temperature variations (a) at the test wall and (b) at the room centre.\nas high as 14.2 MPa and 4.1 MPa, respectively, according to BS EN 998-2:2002 (Specification for mortar for masonry – Part 2: Masonry mortar), which satisfies the requirements for building application. In further study of the cement composite with FGDMPCMs, the mechanical strength and bonding between FGDMPCMs and the matrix can be enhanced by adding superfine mineral admixture and/or increasing the surface roughness of FGDMPCMs.\nH. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 130–139\nTable 4 Porosities and densities of the cement composites. FGDMPCMs percentage (%)\nDensity of cement composite (kg/ m3)\nDensity decrease percentage\nPorosity of cement composite (%)\nPorosity increase percentage\n0 10 20 25 30\n2210.4 2007.3 1804.9 1703.5 1601.7\n0.0 9.19 18.3 22.9 27.5\n3.67 4.91 6.95 7.85 8.49\n0.0 33.8 89.4 113.9 131.3\nCompressive strength (MPa)\n35 30 25 20 15 10 5\nContent of FGD-MPCMs (%) 7\nThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51173109, 51308345) and the Guangdong Province Natural Science Foundation (2014A030313561). References\nFlexural strength (MPa)\n(3) A novel cement composite with good thermal energy storage ability was developed by using FGD-MPCMs. The FGDMPCMs were well distributed in the matrix, and good interfacial bonding was achieved. (4) Integrating the board with 20% FGD-MPCMs into the wall of the room model, the maximum temperatures of the cement composite walls and the maximum indoor temperatures of the test rooms were decreased obviously and the differences were as high as 13.1 °C and 6.22 °C, respectively. The infrared thermography test results also confirmed that the cement composite with FGD-MPCMs can lower the temperature effectively. These results indicated that the FGDMPCMs-filled cement composite has great potential applications in buildings to achieve high thermal energy-saving capacity. (5) The compressive and flexural strength of the cement composites both exhibited a decreasing tendency with an increase in the dosage of FGD-MPCMs. Cement composite with 30% FGD-MPCMs reduced the flexural strength by 34.9% and the compressive strength by 58.4%. This phenomenon can be attributed to the presence of weaker MPCMs relative to hard cement in compression and increasing porosity of the cement composites.\n5 4 3 2 1 0 0\nContent of FGD-MPCMs (%) Fig. 11. The compressive strength (a) and flexural strength (b) of raw cement and cement composites with different mass percentages of FGD-MPCMs.\n4. Conclusions From the experimental investigation, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) An innovative microencapsulated phase change material (FGD-MPCM) with polymer–inorganic hybrid shell, was prepared in this study. Flaky graphite was served as an inorganic hybrid material with high thermal conductivity. (2) The SEM, DSC and TGA test results showed that the FGDMPCMs possess a high quality encapsulation, about 55% encapsulation efficiency and good thermal reliability. The FGD-MPCMs have a melting temperature of 30.58 °C and latent heat of 135.8 J/g.\n Memon SA, Cui HZ, Zhang H, Xing F. 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With this investment in plasticizers, the two partners could significantly increase their footprint in China's rubber and polymers business, industry experts believe.\nShenzhen/PR China; Ludwigshafen/Germany – “As the Chinese market continues its rapid growth with booming demand for plasticizers, the INA investment in Maoming serves the increasing demand for next generation plasticizers,” said Dr. Albert Heuser, President of BASF Asia Pacific. Under the terms of the MoU, the two parties will evaluate the technical, commercial and economic viability of jointly owning and operating a world-scale facility for the production of INA under a 50-50 joint venture agreement. A financial scope will be determined after the completion of a joint feasibility study by the end of 2012.\nPlasticizers: Versatile Raw Material for Chinese Plastics and Polymers Industry\nINA is used as the feedstock for the production of next generation plasticizers, like diisononyl phthalate (DINP) and non-phthalate plasticizer Hexamoll DINCH. Plasticizers like these are widely used for rubbers and polymers in applications such as automotive, wires and cables, flooring, building and construction.\n“After many years of successful cooperation with Sinopec, this project builds on our strong partnership and offers an exciting opportunity for BASF in China. Maoming provides excellent integration possibilities into the refinery structure, which will contribute further to the overall environmental and economic efficiency of the project,” added Dr. Hreuser. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Albert Heuser, President BASF Asia Pacific and Dr. Yu Xizhi, President of Sinopec Maoming, on July 30 in Shenzhen, China.\n“Cooperation Highlights the Success of international Partnerships”\nDr. Yu Xizhi, President of Sinopec Maoming commented, “This cooperation not only builds on the valued relationship Sinopec already holds with BASF, but also goes to highlight the success of Sinopec’s international partnerships. We are confident that this development will provide an even broader range of chemical products to the South China region, as well as across the country, contributing to a sustainable future.” Both companies already cooperate on a 50%50 joint venture for BASF-YPC, a world scale petrochemical production in Nanjing.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Most of the healthcare merchandise we inventory are one hundred% Legitimate! Sure, fantastic healthcare merchandise, effectively underneath whole retail selling prices obtainable from one among the greatest Health care sellers on-line.\nI go ahead and take opc3, the multivitamin (which I like) as well as the vitamin b intricate. The answer on your concern much more exclusively lies in the science with the merchandise.\nIn addition, lipases are involved in numerous Organic processes starting from schedule metabolism of dietary triglycerides to mobile signaling and inflammation. A number of differing kinds of lipases are located in the human body, including pancreatic lipase, hepatic lipase, lysosomal lipase, gastric lipase, endothelial lipase and as different phospholipases.*\nCellulase Cellulase can be an enzyme which breaks down cellulose to beta-glucose. Humans never create cellulase of their bodies, and so are therefore not able to use most of the Electricity contained in plant product.\nProtease Proteases are enzymes that split peptide bonds among amino acids in proteins. Proteases come about naturally in all organisms and they are involved with a large number of physiological reactions from simple digestion of food stuff proteins to really advanced functions.\nYour body's typical osmotic stress, and that is isotonic, allows a consistent servicing of physique tissues. To ensure that a material to get absorbed and used in your body's metabolism, it has to more info be in an isotonic condition.\nEnzymes particular to each from the three nutrient teams are launched at this stage, even further breaking down the meals and contributing to digestion and absorption.\nGood digestion is essential for the body to make use of meals to be used by cells and tissues. Enzymes are accountable for the breakdown of food items into substances that could be applied to supply Electricity to your body.\nWith our Isotonix dietary supplements, minimal nutritional price is shed, building the absorption of nutrients very productive though providing maximum outcomes. Learn more about exactly what is Isotonix.\nIsotonic, which means \"identical strain,\" bears precisely the same chemical resemblance of your body's blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain focus, generally known as osmotic tension.\nand give your tummy a very good rinse! Our entire body is in a very natural thirsty condition each morning, and H2O is the greatest nourishment, assisting in blood circulation.\nProteases (proteinases, peptidases or proteolytic enzymes) are enzymes that break peptide bonds in between amino acids in proteins. The method is referred to as proteolytic cleavage, a standard mechanism of activation or inactivation of enzymes Primarily involved with blood coagulation or digestion. They make use of a molecule of water for this and therefore are Hence labeled as hydrolases.\nThis item is going to be shipped throughout the Worldwide Shipping Software and involves Worldwide monitoring. Find out more- opens in a different window or tab\nEnzymes are definitely the workhorses of our cells. They can be proteins that catalyse several Countless biochemical reactions in your body. Whilst most enzymes do the job within our cells, digestive enzymes work outdoors the cells during the gastrointestinal tract.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Zibo Tanglian Chemical Equipment Co.,Ltd. Was founded in 1998, and we are professional manufacturer of chemical equipment. Our products include AE&BE&CE glass lined reactors|kettle, GMP glass lined equipment|SS coating, resistance glass lined mixing tanks, condensers, distillation columns, measurement tanks, storage tanks, heat exchangers, stainless steel tanks, glass lined receivers|vessel, distillation tanks, wiped film evaporators, vacuum dryers, pressure vessel and all kinds of chemical equipment from 5L to 50000L.\nQuestion: Are you a real factory?\nReply: Yeah. we are a real factory of glass lined enquipment and stainless steel equipment. And our factory have 20 years history. Welcome anytime.\nQuestion: What is the daily output of your equipment?\nReply: 1500sets per year.\nQuestion: How about your quality warranty?\nReply: We have strict inspection for the equipment before loading, and have one year quality warranty if the customers use the goods under the correct operation.\nQuestion: How about the MOQ? How about delivery time?\n01 MOQ: 1set\n02 Delivery time in accordance with the production time,30-60 days to the port of departure.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In general, the exam includes checking a candidate’s vital signs, weight, temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. It may also include specific tests such as drug and alcohol testing, physical ability and stamina testing, and psychological testing.\nDo they drug test during physicals?\nThe pre-employment physical exam also includes drug test screening. They are categorized into following classes such as: Hair drug and alcohol screening. Sweat drug screening.\nWhat do they check for in a physical urine test?\nOverview. A urinalysis is a test of your urine. It’s used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes. A urinalysis involves checking the appearance, concentration and content of urine.\nDo urine tests show drugs?\nUrine drug testing detects evidence of recent drug use or misuse in a sample of urine. Testing can detect illegal or prohibited drug use, prescription medications, over-the-counter medicines, and legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco.\nDoes annual physical include urine test?\nA urinalysis is a lab test that is often part of your annual physical with your Riverside Health System primary care provider.\nWhat are 4 types of tests done on urine?\nRed blood cell urine test. Glucose urine test. Protein urine test. Urine pH level test.\nWhat should you not do before a urine test?\n– Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco and strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to collection and up to collection time. – Do not consume avocados, bananas, eggplant, pineapples, plums, tomatoes or walnuts for 48 hours before the test.\nWhy do doctors take urine samples for physicals?\nUrinalysis used to be routine during check-ups, typically to test for traces of blood, protein, or sugar. This helped to identify people with hidden kidney disease or diabetes. Currently, most diseases that we can detect with urinalysis can be diagnosed much earlier with blood tests.\nHow long will drugs show in a urine test?\nOpioids like heroin and oxycodone are detectable for between 1 and 3 days after last use. Stimulants including cocaine, meth, and ADHD medications are detectable for about 2 or 3 days. Benzodiazepines and MDMA generally flag a urine test for up to 4 days after last dose.\nHow long can Labs detect drugs in urine?\nIn general, the detection time is longest in hair, followed by urine and oral fluid. Drugs in hair may be detectable for up to 90 days, whereas drugs in urine are generally detectable for one to seven days (or longer in chronic users) and in oral fluid from five to 48 hours.\nHow far back does a urine drug test go?\nDrug testing specimen types Illicit substances are detectable for only five to 10 days in urine; whereas, hair drug tests can detect drug or alcohol use for up to 90 days. Blood testing is very accurate, but costly and invasive. It does have a shorter detection period (minutes to hours), however.\nDo you have to take your clothes off for a physical?\nFor annual physicals, patients will be gowned, so they shouldn’t wear constricting, hard-to-remove clothing.\nWhat can make you fail a pre-employment physical?\nFailing a pre-employment physical or HPE can happen for a number of reasons, though often failing a drug or alcohol test can be the reason a candidate does not pass. This is particularly common for jobs involving driving or operating heavy machinery where sobriety is of paramount importance.\nHow do I prepare for a pre-employment physical?\n- Paperwork you’ve given them detailing what services they need, including lab orders if necessary.\n- Aids they might need such as glasses, hearing aids, etc.\n- Valid form of ID such as a driver’s license, state or federal ID, or an employer-issued badge.\nWhich of the following is not included in the physical examination of urine?\nWhich of the following is NOT included in the physical examination of urine? Noting excess glucose. Which of the following is the most important technique to stress when instructing the patient in collecting a clean-catch, midstream specimen to avoid contamination?\nCan I drink water before urine test?\nBefore your test, make sure to drink plenty of water so you can give an adequate urine sample. However, drinking excessive amounts of water may cause inaccurate results. One or two extra glasses of fluid, which can include juice or milk if your diet allows, is all you need the day of the test.\nWhy do I have white pee?\nCloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell. Milky urine may also be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells, or mucus in the urine.\nWhen is the best time to do a urine sample?\nWithin two hours is best. If possible, collect samples in the morning Mon-Friday so the sample can be taken to the surgery before 11am.\nHow long does one smoke session stay in your system?\nIt showed: For someone smoking cannabis for the first time, tests may detect it for about 3 days. In someone who smokes cannabis three or four times per week, the detection window is 5–7 days. For people who smoke cannabis once a day or more, tests may detect it in their system for 30 days or longer.\nHow do I prepare for a urine test?\n- Before the test, don’t eat foods that can change the colour of your urine. Examples of these include blackberries, beets, and rhubarb.\n- Don’t do heavy exercise before the test.\n- Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take.\nWhat do you say when you fail a drug test?\nCommon excuses for failing a drug test It must have been something I ate. I kissed my boyfriend after he smoked a joint. My dentist gave me something strong for a sore tooth. I ate a lot of poppy seed muffins for breakfast.\nCan a lab tell if it’s synthetic urine?\nYes, Quest can detect synthetic urine using specimen validity testing, a screening that determines if a specimen is human urine. All urine drug test specimens coming into Quest Diagnostics facilities include specimen validity testing as part of the drug testing process.\nHow far back does a 10 panel urine test go?\nSome 10-panel drug tests are designed to test for drugs in hair samples. The drugs can be detected for up to 90 days when a hair sample is used. What this means is that the drug being tested for might no longer be able to be detected after these periods have passed.\nWhat drugs do employers test for in urine?\nTypical drugs screened in a pre-employment urine drug test include marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines, PCP, and opioids, with the option for employers to test for many additional substances.\nWhat is the most common drug test used by employers?\n1. Urine Tests. Urine tests are the most common type of pre-employment drug test used by employers in the U.S. However, they also have a shorter detection window than the other types of drug tests.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Diamond History Have you ever wondered, how old really, are the diamonds we see around us? Diamonds are aptly called as messengers from the deep earth. Scientists having been studying them closely to understand what goes on into the otherwise inaccessible depths from which they come. But the messages are often hard to read.\nRecently, a team has come up with a way to determine the age of diamonds with inclusions, and the chemistry of their parent material. The research has allowed them to map out geologic events going back more than a billion years – which is of huge significance not only in the study of diamonds, but of planetary evolution.\nNature of Diamonds\nGem-quality diamonds are grid-like structures of nearly pure carbon. This purity (being made of just one element) gives them them their brilliance; but it also means they carry very little information about their age and origin.\nHowever, some lower-grade diamonds contain imperfections in the form of tiny pockets of liquid – essentially what’s left of the more complex fluids from which the diamond crystals evolved.\nBy analyzing these fluid filled imperfections, the scientists through a new study worked out the times when different diamonds formed, and the shifting chemical conditions around them.\nWhat Do We Know So Far On Diamonds?\nMost diamonds are believed to have formed some 150 to 200 kilometers under the surface, in relatively cool masses of rock beneath the continents. This may have happened as far back as 3.5 billion years, and probably continues even today at some rate. Occasionally, these diamonds in the making or completed are carried upward by powerful, volcanic eruptions called kimberlites.\nMuch of what we know about diamonds comes from lab experiments, and studies of other minerals and rocks that come up with the diamonds, or are sometimes even encased within them. Fibrous, dirty-looking diamond pieces containing solid or liquid impurities would disqualify them as jewelry, but carry potentially valuable chemical information.\nUp to now, most researchers have concentrated on solid inclusions, such as tiny bits of garnet, to determine the ages of diamonds. But the ages that solid inclusions indicate can be debatable, because the inclusions may or may not have formed at the same time as the diamond itself. Encapsulated fluids, on the other hand, are the real thing, the stuff from which the diamond itself formed.\nMethod Of Diamond Fluid research\nWhat the scientist did different this time was find a way to date the fluids. They did this by measuring traces of radioactive thorium and uranium, and their ratios to helium-4, a rare isotope that results from their decay.\nThe scientists also figured out the maximum rate at which the nimble little helium molecules can leak out of the diamond – without which data, conclusions about ages based on the abundance of the isotope could be thrown far off. (As it turns out, diamonds are very good at containing helium.)\nThe team identified three distinct periods of diamond formation. These all took place within separate rock masses that eventually combined into present-day Africa.\n- The oldest took place between 2.6 billion and 700 million years ago. Fluid inclusions from that time show a distinct composition, extremely rich in carbonate minerals. The period also coincided with the buildup of great mountain ranges on the surface, apparently from the collisions and squishing together of the rocks. These collisions may have had something to do with production of the carbonate-rich fluids below, although exactly how is vague, the researchers say.\n- The next diamond-formation phase spanned a possible time frame of 550 million to 300 million years ago, as the proto-African continent continued to rearrange itself. At this time, the liquid inclusions show, the fluids were high in silica minerals, indicating a shift in subterranean conditions. The period also coincided with another major mountain-building episode.\n- The most recent known phase took place between 130 million years and 85 million years ago. Again, the fluid composition switched: Now, it was high in saline compounds containing sodium and potassium. This suggests that the carbon from which these diamonds formed did not come directly from the deep earth, but rather from an ocean floor that was dragged under a continental mass by subduction. This idea, that some diamonds’ carbon may be recycled from the surface, was once considered improbable, but recent research b has increased its likelihood.\n- One interesting find: At least one diamond encapsulated fluid from both the oldest and youngest eras. The shows that new layers can be added to old crystals, allowing individual diamonds to evolve over vast periods of time.\nIt was at the end of this most recent period, when Africa had largely assumed its current shape, that a great bloom of kimberlite eruptions carried all the diamonds the scientists studied to the surface. The solidified remains of these eruptions were discovered in the 1870s, and became the famous De Beers mines. Exactly what caused them to erupt is still part of the puzzle.\nThe tiny diamond-encased droplets provide a rare way to link events that took place long ago on the surface with what was going on at the same time far below.\nWhen quizzed whether the findings could help geologists find new diamond deposits, the research team relied “Probably not,” . But, added, the method could be applied to other diamond-producing areas of the world, including Australia, Brazil, and northern Canada and Russia, to disentangle the deep histories of those regions, and develop new insights into how continents evolve.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cancer survival rates increasing in Northern Ireland Despite the rising incidence of cancer in Northern Ireland, the amount of people surviving the disease in the united states is increasing significantly year on year. Every year there are between 50-60 women and men who survive the deadly effects of cancers who previously would have died ed treatment review . The survival prices in Northern Ireland for cancers including colorectal and breasts are among the best in the UK, and its own patients are profiting from improved treatment outcomes by up to four percent better than those for England and Wales.\nclick for description\nCancer-causing chemicals found in e-cigarette vapor E-cigarette vapor can contain cancer-causing formaldehyde at levels to 15 occasions higher than regular smoking cigarettes up, a fresh study finds. Researchers discovered that e-cigarettes operated at high voltages produce vapor with huge amounts of formaldehyde-containing chemical substances. This may pose a risk to users who raise the voltage on the e-cigarette to improve the delivery of vaporized nicotine, said research co-author James Pankow, a professor of chemistry and civil and environmental engineering at Portland Condition University in Oregon. We’ve found there is a hidden form of formaldehyde in e-cigarette vapor which has not really typically been measured. It’s a chemical which has formaldehyde in it, and that formaldehyde can be released after inhalation, Pankow said.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Overall, it seems that both estrogen and testosterone are important for normal bone growth and maintenance. Deficiency or failure of action of the sex hormones is associated with osteoporosis and minimal trauma fractures. Estrogen in males is produced via metabolism of testosterone by aromatase and it is therefore important that androgens used for the treatment of hypogonadism be amenable to the action of aromatase to yield maximal positive effects on bone. There is data showing that testosterone treatment increases bone mineral density in aging males but that these benefits are confined to hypogonadal men. The magnitude of this improvement is greater in the spine than in the hip and further studies are warranted to confirm or refute any differential effects of testosterone at these important sites. Improvements seen in randomized controlled trials to date may underestimate true positive effects due to relatively short duration and/or baseline characteristics of the patients involved. There is no data as yet to confirm that the improvement in bone density with testosterone treatment reduces fractures in men and this is an important area for future study.\nBodybuilding.com sells science-backed testosterone support from top brands so you can continue to crush your goals. Our customer reviews will give you a snapshot of how each of these products works on real people living real lives, so you can make the best decision for your body. Ready to feel powerful again? Let’s find the test booster that’s right for you.\nFor example, the study published in Obesity Research tells that the scientists measured testosterone levels in two groups of middle-aged men with obesity. One group underwent a 16-week weight loss program, while the second group did nothing. Each participant of the first group lost 20 kg on the average. And these participants experienced a significant increase in testosterone levels. So, the fight against overweight is very important for those who want to overcome testosterone deficiency. But starvation is strictly forbidden because this is a stressful situation which leads to the sharp decline in T levels.\nThus, alcohol metabolism destroys the essential coenzyme required for T synthesis. Alcohol also contributes to the release of special endorphins which inhibit hormone production. In addition, drinking too much alcohol leads to the elevation of estrogen levels in men because of the conversion of testosterone in estrogen. It means that T levels come down with a run.\nThe confusion is understandable, as one in-vitro study noted that high doses of zinc blocked the enzyme 5-a reductase inside test-tubes. But the studies that don’t see much daylight actually show that oral zinc supplementation on actual living, breathing, humans is able to significantly boost the production of dihydrotestosterone, and it does so even when there’s no deficiency in the mineral.\nWhy bother with such common micronutrients? Because it's not uncommon for athletes to suffer from zinc and magnesium deficiencies, partly due to inadequate replenishing of levels after intense bouts of exercise. Deficiencies in these key minerals can lead to a poor anabolic hormone profile, impaired immune function, and increased cortisol, ultimately leading to decreases in strength and performance.\nThe Organon group in the Netherlands were the first to isolate the hormone, identified in a May 1935 paper \"On Crystalline Male Hormone from Testicles (Testosterone)\". They named the hormone testosterone, from the stems of testicle and sterol, and the suffix of ketone. The structure was worked out by Schering's Adolf Butenandt, at the Chemisches Institut of Technical University in Gdańsk.\nTestosterone was first used as a clinical drug as early as 1937, but with little understanding of its mechanisms. The hormone is now widely prescribed to men whose bodies naturally produce low levels. But the levels at which testosterone deficiency become medically relevant still aren’t well understood. Normal testosterone production varies widely in men, so it’s difficult to know what levels have medical significance. The hormone’s mechanisms of action are also unclear.\nI am also suspect of the fact that men 100 years ago had testosterone levels of 800-2000 ng/dL. The truth is that there are men today that are stronger and more muscular than the men from 100 years ago. Sure the “average man” of today is less than the “average man” of prior generations, but this is because we sit around in offices all day, and then come home to sit on the couch and watch tv…little to no activity.\nTestosterone has several positive effects on sexual function, but its most significant effect is on libido, sexual interest and arousal. Boys going through puberty develop an enhanced interest in sex (thoughts, fantasies, masturbation, intercourse) as a consequence of rising levels of testosterone. Hypogonadal men usually have a significant improvement in libido when TRT is initiated (Wang et al 2000; Morley and Perry 2003).\nIf you don;t mind i will probably use it as a testimonial in my tongkat ali extract article which I am not sure if you checked out. But something tells me you may be interested in it haha. I don’t know much about the medicinal tongkat ali you speak of, but I have a supplier from a Sumatra jungle in indonesia, Herbolab.com who’s product I know is 100% legit. Maybe not as powerful as medicinal but I do not know. He also tests every batch himself after the supper performs a performs chemical and microbiological analysis of every batch they product.\nImagine if there was a pill that would transform your dick into an unstoppable orgasm machine; A pill that gave you the confidence to talk to any girl, because you knew one night with you and she would be begging for your cock. Women are attracted to men that can make them climax. The most PATHETIC trait a man can have is being bad at sex. But the exact opposite is also true.\nIt is important to note that you can certainly boost testosterone naturally without supplementation. Supplements are expensive now a days and a lot of people do not like taking tons of pills. Plus, a lot of these vitamins and minerals are only needed if deficient, so I recommend getting routine blood work done to see where you are short. I can almost guarantee you will come out vitamin D deficient, so while you don’t have to take these, they will certainly help.\nIt may be unlikely to completely eliminate products with EDCs, but there are a number of practical strategies that you can try to limit your exposure to these gender-bending substances. The first step would be to stop using Teflon cookware, as EDCs can leach out from contaminated cookware. Replace them with ceramic ones. Stop eating out of cans, as the sealant used for the can liner is almost always made from powerful endocrine-disrupting petrochemicals known as bisphenols, e.g. Bisphenol A,\nOverall there is evidence that testosterone treatment increases lean body mass and reduces obesity, particularly visceral obesity, in a variety of populations including aging men. With regard to muscle changes, some studies demonstrate improvements in maximal strength but the results are inconsistent and it has not been demonstrated that these changes lead to clinically important improvements in mobility, endurance or quality of life. Studies are needed to clarify this. Changes in abdominal obesity are particularly important as visceral fat is now recognised as predisposing the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.\nLow testosterone levels may contribute to decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fragile bones, and other health issues. Having low testosterone levels may also indicate an underlying medical condition. See your doctor if you suspect you have low testosterone. A simple blood test is all it takes to check if your testosterone falls within the normal range.\nMiscellaneous: Sleep: (REM sleep) increases nocturnal testosterone levels. Behavior: Dominance challenges can, in some cases, stimulate increased testosterone release in men. Drugs: Natural or man-made antiandrogens including spearmint tea reduce testosterone levels. Licorice can decrease the production of testosterone and this effect is greater in females.\nA number of research groups have tried to further define the relationship of testosterone and body composition by artificial alteration of testosterone levels in eugonadal populations. Induction of a hypogonadal state in healthy men (Mauras et al 1998) or men with prostate cancer (Smith et al 2001) using a gonadotrophin-releasing-hormone (GnRH) analogue was shown to produce increases in fat mass and decreased fat free mass. Another experimental approach in healthy men featured suppression of endogenous testosterone production with a GnRH analogue, followed by treatment with different doses of weekly intramuscular testosterone esters for 20 weeks. Initially the experiments involved men aged 18–35 years (Bhasin et al 2001) but subsequently the study was repeated with a similar protocol in men aged 60–75 years (Bhasin et al 2005). The different doses given were shown to produce a range of serum concentrations from subphysiological to supraphysiological (Bhasin et al 2001). A given testosterone dose produced higher serum concentrations of testosterone in the older age group (Bhasin et al 2005). Subphysiological dosing of testosterone produced a gain in fat mass and loss of fat free mass during the study. There were sequential decreases in fat mass and increases in fat free mass with each increase of testosterone dose. These changes in body composition were seen in physiological and supraphysiological treatment doses. The trend was similar in younger versus older men but the gain of fat mass at the lowest testosterone dose was less prominent in older patients (Bhasin et al 2001; Bhasin et al 2005). With regard to muscle function, the investigators showed dose dependent increases in leg strength and power with testosterone treatment in young and older men but there was no improvement in fatigability (Storer et al 2003; Bhasin et al 2005).\nEveryone knows that carbohydrates are extremely important for testosterone production, but instead of reaching for grains during your next meal, stack your plate high with potatoes. Research reveals that grains have inflammatory properties, but the testosterone-friendly starches in potatoes will have the bodybuilder in your life smiling at dinnertime!\nDrugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 1 Mar 2019), Cerner Multum™ (updated 1 Mar 2019), Wolters Kluwer™ (updated 28 Feb 2019) and others. Refer to our editorial policy for content sources and attributions.\nHowever, it is usually found in much smaller amounts. A standard amount is about 1,000 milligrams, but you will see that the top 5 all contain about 1,500 milligrams or more. (Monster T contains 3,500 milligrams per serving but is missing other ingredients.) Testogen contains the highest amount of D-aspartic acid that we have seen except for Monster T.\nIf testosterone deficiency occurs during fetal development, then male characteristics may not completely develop. If testosterone deficiency occurs during puberty, a boy’s growth may slow and no growth spurt will be seen. The child may have reduced development of pubic hair, growth of the penis and testes, and deepening of the voice. Around the time of puberty, boys with too little testosterone may also have less than normal strength and endurance, and their arms and legs may continue to grow out of proportion with the rest of their body.\nThe only other concern regarding Testosterone Max is that it is a Crazy Bulk product, and their products are generally more directed towards the bodybuilding crowd. With that said, it does contain the necessary ingredients in order to raise testosterone levels, and that’s what produces the benefits. Therefore, as long as it can achieve boosted testosterone levels, which it can, it can be deemed an effective supplement.\nThis summary is intended for general informational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as specific medical advice. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of purity, strength, or safety of the products. As a result, effects may vary. You should read product labels. In addition, if you are taking medications, herbs, or other supplements you should consult with a qualified healthcare provider before taking a supplement as supplements may interact with other medications, herbs, and nutritional products. If you have a medical condition, including if you are pregnant or nursing, you should speak to your physician before taking a supplement. Consult a healthcare provider if you experience side effects.\nEstrogen is important in men, but too high of a level has all sorts of negative consequences – ranging from heart attacks to prostate cancer (32 & 33). The balance between testosterone and estrogen (or estradiol) is critical for a man. If the ratio is out and estrogen starts to dominate you run into all sorts of issues – such as breast cell growth, prostate enlargement and of course lower testosterone.\nJapanese Knotweed (a.k.a Hu Zhang or Polygonum cuspidatum) is highlighted by WebMD as needing more evidence to rate its effectiveness in a number of different areas: like treating constipation and liver or heart disease. They also warn that it can interact poorly with medications that are changed and broken down by the liver, and those that slow blood clotting (anticoagulants and antiplatelets).\nWhen you get tested, your doctor will see if you require supplementation. I try and have clients maintain a serum blood level between 50 and 80 ng/mL. Studies have shown that men with lower levels of vitamin D had lower levels of testosterone. If a man tests below my preferred range, I typically recommend 5,000 IUs a day until the levels improve. Vitamin D3 supplements are widely available (best is to get one that contains vitamin K as well, as that allows for greater absorption), and you can also bump up your sunlight exposure. I find, and studies confirm this, that many men are deficient in vitamin D and it is a huge issue relating to testosterone levels.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Greenhouse conditions induce mineralogical changes and dolomite,12 Feb 2014 The mineral dolomite was present in all samples examined with X-ray diffraction (XRD). . Figure 5: Process of relative dolomite enrichment in crustose .. these variations in crystal size and possibility of amorphous material;\nDolomite-apatite separation by amphoteric collector in presence of,7 Jun 2013 dolomite phosphate amphoteric collector bacteria bio-flotation Pennsylvania (PA), USA: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1991.\nThe Economic Value of Industrial Minerals and Rocks for,13 Mar 2007 unprocessed materials and more processed materials. provided by a resource like limestone or dolomite which initially may be a source\nLimestone Minerals Education Coalition,Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of the mineral calcite and a chief material from which aggregate, cement, lime and building stone are made. in the processing of various foods and household items (including medicines).\nTechnology of Processing of Navbakhore Dolomite on Magnesium,On the basis of material balance and optimization of processes' modes, a specification for industrial Keywords: Dolomite, Mineral, Magnesium, Processing.\nFlotation Research on Dolomite-Containing Magnesite Ore,In the flotation system of sodium oleate, magnesite and dolomite had good on Dolomite-Containing Magnesite Ore\", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 158\nComparative Analysis of the Strength Distribution for - MDPI,24 Jan 2018 Department of Environmental Engineering and Mineral Processing, Faculty Keywords: strength distribution; dolomite; shale; sandstone; Weibull modulus determination of the probability of material breakage for individual\nDolomite - Department for Energy and Mining,The mineral dolomite has a theoretical composition of CaCO3.MgC03 dolomite. Remaining resources of material similar to that being mined are enormous.\nDolomite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics,Dolomite is a magnesium ore with the general formula MgCO3 · CaCO3 (it also contains Santanu Chakraborty, in Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Industrial Processes, 2014 . (2012) synthesised calcium-rich dolomite-type materials using a\nDolomite minerals Hatenboer-Water,Dolomite minerals are commonly used for filtration and processing drinking water: to increase the pH value of the Material data sheet available upon request.\nRaw Materials euroMinerals,Pure talc is an inert mineral i.e. insoluble in acids and has a platelet -like structure. Dolomite is a double salt which is formed from calcium carbonate and a black mineral, ilmenite, FeTiO3, after undergoing countless process steps using\n(PDF) Magnesium Minerals ..Beneficiation and Mineral Processing,7 Mar 2017 Main Beneficiation: Qualitative separation of magnesite grades into .. Where sea-water is the material, it is treated with dolomite.\nReview on the elaboration and characterization of ceramics,These industrial minerals and rocks are the materials of economic value that .. and dolomite by engineering the microstructure like modification of the grain\nDolomite (mineral) - Wikipedia,Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, Large quantities of processed dolomite are used in the production of float glass. Because dolomite contains relatively minor quantities of radioactive materials, it can insula\nBeneficiation and mineral processing of magnesium minerals,29 Mar 2016 OUTLİNE OF LECTURE 4: Examples Mineral processing: 1) Magnesite: The main types of magnesium material are: Dolomite\nEffect of dissolution kinetics on flotation response of calcite with oleate,Kinetics and Catalysis, Reaction Engineering and Materials Science The pH effect on the calcite dissolution and flotation indicates the possible influence of\nThe review of recent carbonate minerals processing - IOPscience,Global Colloquium on GeoSciences and Engineering 2017 Calcite is not the only carbonate mineral that is used as construction material. Another carbonate\n(PDF) A study on the physicochemical and thermal characterisation,Dolomite is also used in the production of refractory materials. they can be used as run-of-mine or processed impurities either in the iron ore reduction phase\nenrichment of magnesite ore manyezi̇t cevheri̇ni̇n - DergiPark,ores are the heavy medium separation, hand sorting, magnetic separation and flotation. [1-. 2]. Due to the fact that magnesite and dolomite have similar physical,\nStudy of the reaction between dolomite and nitric acid,27 May 2018 Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing Dissolution of dolomite as a carbonate material in aqueous solutions of various pH can\nDolomite Mineral Uses and Properties - Geology.com,The uses and properties of the mineral Dolomite. It is crushed and sized for use as a road base material, an aggregate in concrete and asphalt of magnesia (MgO), a feed additive for livestock, a sintering agent and flux in metal processing,\nmagnesium processing Techniques & Methods Britannica.com,Magnesium processing, preparation of magnesium ore for use in various products. Among the ore minerals, the most common are the carbonates dolomite (a materials is an energy-intensive process requiring well-tuned technologies.\nmineral resources in norway 2008 - Norges geologiske undersøkelse,Outside cover: Calcite marble quarry at Akselberg, Brønnøy municipality. Eighty-five million metric tonnes of mineral materials were produced, by c. . domestic share of production is the basis for an important mineral processing industry\nDolomite Mineral – Rawedge,The mineral dolomite is commonly found in deposits of a sedimentary rock called dolostone. There are two types of materials often called dolomite, a true chemically The alteration process that forms dolomite tends to bring in additional\n(PDF) The review of recent carbonate minerals processing technology,15 Jun 2019 The carbonate has been being exploited through open pit mining activity. Traditionally, calcite can be ground to produce material for brick\nLimestone and dolomite - Earth Resources,Victoria is home to a large number of limestone and dolomite deposits, which are Approximately 40 per cent of the material quarried at Lilydale is used for\nAirScrape controls dust and material at a dolomite plant - Mineral,AT MINERAL PROCESSING is the trade magazine for processing mineral resources.\nBasics in Minerals Processing - Metso,17 Jun 2018 Materials handling includes the technologies for moving the process flow . If the material is a single mineral (Calcite, Feldspar a.o.) the\ndolomite Formation, Structure, Properties, Uses, & Facts,Dolomite, type of limestone, the carbonate fraction of which is dominated by the Other relatively common occurrences of the mineral dolomite are in dolomite invoking formation of dolomite by direct precipitation, a process thought by most\nMineral sorting and quality control of rock - LLA Instruments GmbH,Quality control in sensor-based sorting for mineral processing The production of high-quality mineral products and building materials demands high-grade materials as well. Expensive and Qualitative separation of calcite and dolomite.\nNext: mobile gold ore processing plant small scale\n- dolomite crusher canadian sep\n- concentrate for dolomite automatic\n- mobile dolomite jaw crusher provider indonessia\n- kolkata dolomite mining environmental impact\n- kolkata dolomite processing plant gujarat\n- dolomite for plantation malaysia\n- concentrate for dolomite high performance\n- cu pb zn dressing process for dolomite mobile\n- open pit mining of dolomite\n- plant dolomite milling\n- mining dolomite china\n- kaolin grinding dolomite\n- is dolomite processed for use\n- dolomite powder grinding machine\n- dolomite processing companies\n- dolomite powder machinery professional mining equipment\n- dolomite mining process in egypt and ethiopia\n- crushing plant for dolomite\n- used dolomite impact crusher suppliers in south africa\n- dolomite powder makeing machine\n- crushing equipment pty limited\n- osborne cone crusher\n- small mobile precast brick block crusher\n- grinding machine 3m international\n- limestone crusher mining crushing\n- hill gold mine nl\n- mobile plant crusher manufacturers list\n- milling plant machine for grinding barite\n- sifting machine for sale\n- ick recycling crusher page\n- cost of hcs cone crusher in india\n- grinding machine for making ballast grinding mill china\n- gold mill processing\n- reliable stone crusher manufacturer\n- best selling concrete mixer plantconcrete batching\n- crawler crushing plant\n- concrete batching plant 60m3 h price\n- how is open castmining method done\n- calcite quarry machine manufacturer\n- mining flotation tanks for sale", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "TEM characterization of the different components of NCFs. TEM images of NCFs produced using [PdCl2(PhCN)2] (a), [NiCl2(PPh3)2] (b), [CoCl2(PPh3)2] (c), and naphthalene (d) targets. Inset on (a) shows graphitic structures observed on [PdCl2(Phen)] foams (scalebar 50 nm).\nSeral-Ascaso et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2013 8:233 doi:10.1186/1556-276X-8-233", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This paper describes the optimum flow characteristics of the flame photometric sulfur detector to maximize both the relative sensitivity and the exponential proportionality factor (“n”). In this investigation it was found that the gas flow rates for hydrogen and nitrogen plus oxidant as well as the oxidant to fuel ratio drastically affect both the exponential proportionality factor and the relative sensitivity. To accurately adjust all flame flow parameters, it is recommended that an oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen system be used in place of the standard air, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen system. This paper also describes a simple, inexpensive electronic device designed to monitor the output signal of a flame photometric sulfur detector. With this device it is possible to obtain a linear response with changing sulfur concentration even in cases where the photomultiplier output current is proportional to the sulfur concentration raised to a power of less than two.\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Analytical Chemistry", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "If you enjoy boating, you know the importance of having a full battery before heading out on the water. Unfortunately, some types of batteries can be damaged by overcharging or undercharging.\nIt's nice to have your battery ready for action when you go out in the morning. But should you charge your boat battery overnight?\nType of Cell\nThe type of cell you purchase for your boat will significantly impact how you take care of it. Lithium-ion, lead acid, gel cell, and AGM batteries have unique characteristics you must be aware of when storing and charging them.\nExcessive charging of most cells will cause heat to build up, possibly damaging the cell, leaking chemicals, or igniting a fire. Lithium-ion batteries are especially susceptible to overheating, so charging these batteries in a cool, dry location with relatively low foot traffic is essential.\nType of Charger\nWhether you can charge a battery overnight will also depend on the type of charger you have. While some chargers may be unable to stop charging automatically, others can cause excessive current output that will ruin the battery if it overfills before you can remove it.\nFinding a reliable lead-acid, AGM, gel cell, or lithium boat battery charger can be difficult if you aren't sure what to look for. A trickle charger with automatic shutoff is a safe option since it slows the speed of the current flowing into the battery over a given time.\nAnother thing you should consider when deciding whether to leave your battery charging overnight is the amperage of the cell and the maximum output of the charger. If the battery has too much amperage, you risk ruining your charger.\nA battery charger with a higher amperage will charge the cell faster, but you risk ruining it if it overcharges. It's a good idea to find a charger that's about one-third of the battery's amperage to ensure it's strong enough to refill the battery without exceeding the recommended limits.\nSimplify Your Charging Time\nGetting out on the water is great, but you must keep your boat battery charged to enjoy your time fully. If you aren't careful, you could damage your cell or charger, costing you money and possibly putting yourself in danger.\nWhether you should charge your boat battery overnight largely depends on your equipment and whether it has the correct safety mechanisms built in.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Foam Chamber is used in one of the most common application to protect vertically fixed roof (cone) liquid storage tanks, with or without internal floating roof with the low expansion foam system. The application of foam is on the basis that the risk comprises the total surface area of the fuel. The foam system design guidelines generally used are in accordance with NFPA-11, standard.\nFoam Chambers are defined by NFPA-11 as Type II discharge outlets for delivering the foam to the surface of a flammable liquid. The Foam Chambers are widely used with the In-line foam inductor, Balance pressure foam proportioning system, Bladder tank proportioner or Foam tender.\nThe FOAMTECH low-expansion foam handline nozzles can be used with all low-expansion foam agents such as fluoroprotein, aqueous film-forming-foam (AFFF), alcohol resistant AFFF, and Class A foam concentrates. These portable, air-aspirating nozzles can be used in a variety of flammable liquid hazard areas using FOAMER Class B foam concentrates. Typical applications include municipal fire departments and Crash-Fire-Rescue (CFR) vehicles; or for handline applications around tank farms, loading racks, aircraft hangars, and chemical plants. When using SILV-EX PLUS Class A foam, an effective blanketing foam is produced. This blanketing foam is ideal for structural fire attack and other deep-seated fires involving tires, rolled paper, baled cotton and coal bunkers. The advantage of low-expansion compared to medium-expansion foam is the greater stream range and superior cooling effect achieved by the higher water content.\nFoam Generators (FCH *-250 are designed to expand foam solution into millions of tiny bubbles in which the foam solution is expanded in volume to a range of more than 200:1 approximately depending on the generator selected, solution flow rate, foam concentrate and the operating pressure.\nThe extinguishing mechanisms of FOAMTECH HX Foam Generator (FCH* -250) involve a combination of the following:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Solvent free adhesive paste for bonding floor covering onto porous surfaces such as stone, concrete, plaster or wood.\n- For bonding of all types of floor covering. Bonding of wall to wall carpets with and without foam backing. Bonding of linoleum.\n- Easy to tool\n- High adhesive strength\n- Long open time\n- Elastic adhesive layer", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Professor Huber, a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of protein crystallography, will visit The University of Queensland (Tuesday 4 April) to give guest lectures and meet with scientists about future collaborations in the area of biochemistry.\nProfessor Huber studied chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, receiving his Diploma in 1960 majoring in crystallographic studies. In 1971 he was appointed as a Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry and Chair of Structural Biology at the Bio-Center of the University of Basel.\nIn 1976 he became Professor at the Technical University of Munich. His studies of proteins in the 1980s included excitation energy and electron transfer to which Professor Huber will make reference in his lecture.\nThe development of methods of protein crystallography has been his lifetime work. In 1988 he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly with Johann Deisenhofer and Hartmut Michel for “A Structural Basis of Light Energy and Electron Transfer in Biology”.\nHis public lecture on Proteins and their structures: from basic science to biomedicine, will be held in the Queensland Bioscience Precinct (Building 80) auditorium at UQ St Lucia between 6-8pm on Tuesday.\nHe will present the studies which earned him the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 and discuss the future of protein crystallography to reduce several diseases such as influenza and cancer.\nGlobal science and research-based company Bayer is sponsoring the visit as part of the company's commitment to developing innovative solutions to Australia's health and agricultural issues.\n“Bayer is particularly excited to be involved in Professor Huber's visit given our current research and development projects in areas such as biotechnology and our commitment to innovation,” Bayer Managing Director Sam Howard said.\n“His presentation is an absolute must for biochemical students, researchers and enthusiasts,” Mr Howard said.\nProfessor Huber's visit to Brisbane is part of German Weeks 2006, a two-month celebration of modern Germany featuring business, science, technology, political, cultural, musical and sports events in Brisbane orgnaised by the German Consulate-General in Sydney.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC)\nNew synergies, new values\nDFE Pharma provides continuous support for your challenge to develop and produce robust and cost-effective formulations fast and successfully. By incorporating Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) products in our portfolio, we have increased the power of our product offering and offer our customers a wider range of support. We care for your challenges, now and in the future. DFE Pharma offers our MCC-based product Pharmacel® with the same high and consistent quality that you can expect from your global leader in pharmaceutical excipients.\nMicrocrystalline Cellulose is a purified, partly depolymerised cellulose with shorter, crystalline polymer chains. Its strong binding performance make MCC one of the most commonly used fillers and binders in drug formulations, together with Lactose. The product is manufactured by controlled partial hydrolysis of high purity wood pulp, followed by purification and drying.\nFor formulation development, Pharmacel®\ncan be applied in a wide variety of oral solid dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, sachets, pellets and others. MCC is widely used in diverse pharmaceutical processes, like wet granulation, dry granulation or direct compression. MCC grades with low moisture-content are especially useful for application with moisture sensitive APIs.\nPharmacel® has high compactability properties, meaning that strong tablets can be made at low forces. These low forces can increase life of tooling during tableting step in production, even when the proportion of active ingredient within a tablet is high. In addition, tablets containing MCC, can be made to disintegrate readily when a superdisintegrant, such as Primojel® or Primellose® of DFE Pharma, is used, thus maximizing the potential for drug bioavailability. Combined together with various directly compressible lactose (DCL) grades (granulated, anhydrous, spray dried), MCC exhibits improved functional properties which can be useful for direct compression applications.\nPharmacel® product offering\nDFE Pharma currently offers three grades of microcrystalline cellulose:\nThese grades are ideally suited to be used in the majority of tablet and capsule formulations processed by direct compression, capsule filling, wet granulation, dry granulation or extrusion-spheronisation. While Pharmacel® 101 is mainly applied in wet granulation and extrusion-spheronisation, Pharmacel® 102 and Pharmacel® 112 possess excellent properties for use in direct compression processes. Pharmacel® 112 is recommended for application in formulations with moisture sensitive drugs, due to its low moisture content (LOD < 1.5%).\nPharmacel® and lactose formulations\nDFE Pharma is the only global excipient manufacturer who offers their customers both lactose and microcrystalline cellulose products for development of pharmaceutical formulations. Combination of Pharmacel® with one of the lactose grades offered by DFE Pharma provides additional benefit to formulations, by achieving the perfect combination of brittle and plastic excipient behaviour.\nTechnical support for developing robust formulations combining MCC and Lactose, can be requested via our Ask the Expert", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Food Chemistry and Food Development\nUniversity of Turku\nTarvainen Marko is a Senior Researcher in Department of Food Chemistry and Food Development,University of Turku. His current Research focuses on Chemistry and Biochemistry of Fats and Oils.\nThe qualitative and quantitative analysis of fats, oils and other lipid-soluble bio-active components in foods.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you!\nPresentation is loading. Please wait.\nsupports HTML5 video\nPublished byKellie Norton\nModified over 6 years ago\nMetal, Nonmetal, Metalloid Flipbook\nMetal: Physical Properties*Hardness *Shiny Luster *Malleable * Some are Magnetic *High Melting Point *Conductor of Electricity & Heat\n*Some are reactive while others are not *Corrosive= destroys metalMetal: Chemical Properties *Some are reactive while others are not *Corrosive= destroys metal\n*Gold Au *Iron Fe *Aluminum Al *Mercury HgMetal Examples *Gold Au *Iron Fe *Aluminum Al *Mercury Hg\nMetalloid: Physical Properties*have some characteristics of metals and nonmetals *some conduct electricity *Some are semiconductors (Ex: computer chips)\nMetalloid: Chemical Properties*Vary\n*Boron B *Silicon Si *Arsenic As *Germanium GeMetalloid Examples *Boron B *Silicon Si *Arsenic As *Germanium Ge\nNonmetal: Physical Properties*Dull *Brittle *Low Boiling Point *Low Density *Poor Conductor of Heat & Electricity (Insulator)\n*Forms compounds easily except Group 18Nonmetal: Chemical Properties *Forms compounds easily except Group 18\n*Carbon C *Hydrogen H *Nitrogen N *Helium He *Oxygen O *Neon NeNonmetal Examples *Carbon C *Hydrogen H *Nitrogen N *Helium He *Oxygen O *Neon Ne\n5.3 Chemical Families.\nBeta Science Mr. McMartin\nChapter 3, Section 4 Non-Metals and Metalloids Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Pages\nMetals Next Aluminum (Al) Gold (Au) Metals are on the left side of the periodic table. They are malleable (can be pounded or rolled into sheets without.\nMetals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals\nProperties of Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids. Metals are located to the left and below the diagonal line in the periodic table.\nProperties of the Elements. What are elements? Elements are… Pure substances made of one type of atom.\nPeriodic Table Part 2 Sections of the Periodic Table\nAim: How can we compare metals, non-metals, and metalloids?\n1 METALS & NONMETALS Where are the metals and nonmetals on the PT? What are the properties of metals and nonmetals? What are metalloids?\n9th Grade Science Mr. Opatrny Some images are from\nThe Periodic Table of Elements\nElements, Compounds, & Mixtures. ELEMENTS A pure form of matter consists of only one type of atom 118 elements known to man (March 2010) 94 = naturally.\nElements An element is a pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means An element is a pure substance that.\nWarm Up 1. A small amount of a strong smelling sulfur compound is dissolved in natural gas to give gas a detectable odor. Which substance is the solvent?\nElements can be divided into metals non-metals Aluminium is a typical metal Chlorine is a gas at room temperature and pressure.\nMetals, Nonmetals and Metalloids\nMetals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids\nMETALS What are Metals? Metals are elements which have the following Physical Properties: Shininess Malleability - Can be pounded into shapes Hardness.\n© 2021 SlidePlayer.com Inc. All rights reserved.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Can you put boiling water in a plastic measuring cup?\n- Is it safe to pour boiling water into a plastic pitcher?\n- Can boiling water melt PVC pipes?\n- Is plastic toxic when heated?\n- What happen when plastic is heated?\n- Is it OK to boil plastic?\n- Which plastic is safe for hot water?\n- Can you put a plastic bowl over boiling water?\n- Is plastic wrap oven safe?\n- Can I melt plastic?\n- What temperature does plastic boil?\n- Will a plastic spoon melt in boiling water?\n- Is black plastic bad?\n- Will I get sick if I eat food that a plastic spoon melted in?\n- Are Ziploc bags safe to boil?\nCan you put boiling water in a plastic measuring cup?\nBoiling water is no problem, but oils, which have a boiling point well beyond 212°F, can melt the plastic.\nOXO told us that heating oils, fats, and ingredients like chocolate can also chemically react with the plastic and degrade the cup..\nIs it safe to pour boiling water into a plastic pitcher?\nNo issues with boiling water as the melting point would be at least 150 deg C or higher. You may feel the plastic feels slightly softer when hot, but as long as they are of reasonable thicknes, it should be fine.\nCan boiling water melt PVC pipes?\nDo NOT pour boiling water down your sink or toilet. This can melt PVC piping and pipe seals, causing serious damage. In addition, using boiling water to clear a clogged toilet can melt the wax ring around the toilet, or even crack the porcelain bowl, leading to a pricey trip to your favorite hardware store.\nIs plastic toxic when heated?\nResearch suggests that all plastics may leach chemicals if they’re scratched or heated. Research also strongly suggests that at certain exposure levels, some of the chemicals in these products, such as bisphenol A (BPA), may cause cancer in people.\nWhat happen when plastic is heated?\nHeating plastics in the microwave may cause chemicals to leach into your foods. … This leaching can occur even faster and to a greater degree when plastic is exposed to heat. This means you might be getting an even higher dose of potentially harmful chemicals simply by microwaving your leftovers in a plastic container.\nIs it OK to boil plastic?\n30 (HealthDay News) — Exposing plastic bottles to boiling water can release a potentially harmful chemical 55 times faster than normal, new research suggests. Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in the plastics that make up water bottles, baby bottles, and other food and drink packaging.\nWhich plastic is safe for hot water?\nPolypropylenePlastics #5 Polypropylene (PP) is considered to be the safest of all plastics, this is a robust plastic that is heat resistant. Because of its high heat tolerance, Polypropylene is unlikely to leach even when exposed to warm or hot water. This plastic is approved for use with food and beverage storage.\nCan you put a plastic bowl over boiling water?\nFill the bottom of your double boiler with water and heat it. … If you don’t have a double boiler, place a glass, ceramic, or metal bowl over a pot of steaming water. Avoid using plastic, as it could melt or potentially release chemicals into the chocolate.\nIs plastic wrap oven safe?\nA: Restaurant kitchens often use food-grade plastic wrap in the oven to trap steam and keep food very moist. But the idea is always startling to home cooks. … And most plastic wraps won’t melt until they get to 220 to 250 degrees. So with moisture on one side and foil on the other, the plastic doesn’t melt.\nCan I melt plastic?\nBasically, wash the bottles, cut ’em into small manageable chunks and pop them in a metal container and into the oven at 350F. It should take a few minutes for the plastic to melt. But remember, melting plastics will produce fumes which can be harmful if inhaled. Make sure to melt them in a well ventilated area.\nWhat temperature does plastic boil?\n212 degrees FahrenheitWhile the melting points of different types of plastic vary widely, most of them are comfortably above the maximum temperature of liquid water under normal conditions, or 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit).\nWill a plastic spoon melt in boiling water?\nMost plastic won’t melt in boiling water. Boiling water is at 100° centigrade which isn’t hot enough to melt plastic. … So if you even try then the plastic will only get hot rather than melting. But there are few plastics like polylactic acid (PLA) which will melt at around 70° centigrade.\nIs black plastic bad?\nHowever, new research conducted by a team from the University of Plymouth has found that not only is black plastic harmful to the environment, but the recycled plastics used to create it could be damaging to our health.\nWill I get sick if I eat food that a plastic spoon melted in?\nUsing plastic spoons and spatulas at high temperatures can cause them to melt. Even if plastic utensils appear intact, higher heat can release toxins from the plastic into your food, which will not only affect the taste of your meal, but also have a negative impact on your health.\nAre Ziploc bags safe to boil?\nThey [Ziploc] do not recommend using any ZIPLOC® brand Bag in boiling water, or to “boil” in the microwave. … By pouring near boiling water (water begins to boil at 212 degrees) into the bag, or putting the bag into the water, the plastic could begin to melt.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "AB Enzymes offers a range of products that optimize your brewhouse efficiency by reducing wort viscosity, increasing wort separation rate, improving beer filtration efficiency and reducing the risk of beer haze.\nThe best enzyme for the best purpose.\nOur portfolio of enzyme products allows you to choose between different types of xylanase, beta-glucanase and cellulase options.\nROHALASE® Barley L\nROHALASE® Barley L is a liquid-formulated fungal beta-glucanase enzyme for hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharides. It comprises beta-glucanase enzyme activity and other activities on cellulose and xylan. ROHALASE® Barley L is recommended for reducing viscosity in brewing and distilling, respectively increasing brewhouse efficiency and optimizing throughput in the mashing process.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Removal of Chromium (VI) in Tannery Wastewater by Immobilized Technology\nBacillus cereus was embedded in powdered activated carbon to prepare immobilized granule. Then, the granules was used to treat the Cr(VI) in tannery wastewater. The results showed the removal effect of Cr(VI) removed by the immobilized Bacillus cereus was better than either the single powdered activated carbon or the single Bacillus cereus. SEM photograph showed that the Bacillus cereus in the granules grew well. After the total chromium and the Cr(VI) in the solution and the granules were detected before and after treatment, it was found that the Cr(VI) in the solution and the granules was decreased, but the total chromium was changeless, which indicated that the removal of Cr(VI) with the granules was mainly as the results of both the chromate reductase produced by Bacillus cereus and the adsorption of activated carbon. The kinetics data of Cr(VI) removed by immobilized Bacillus cereus could be well-described by pseudo-second-order rate model. The experiments demonstrated that the immobilized Bacillus cereus could be selected as a new biomaterial to remove Cr(VI) in tannery wastewater.\nZhong Cao, Lixian Sun, Xueqiang Cao, Yinghe He\nC. Q. Zhao et al., \"Removal of Chromium (VI) in Tannery Wastewater by Immobilized Technology\", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 233-235, pp. 545-548, 2011", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "4. What effect does Vitamin C have on our skin?\nPure Vitamin C is a highly effective anti-oxidant and displays multiple positive effects on the skin. In addition, pure Vitamin C improves skin structure by strengthening the papilla density of the skin. This enables the skin to transport more nutrients and oxygen to the dermis and, in this way, also helps prevent the formation of wrinkles.\n5. What is the best way to use and preserve care products with Vitamin C?\nEven though the aluminium tube protects the formula against oxygen and light exposure, the product should be closed tightly immediately after every application, so that the formula has as little contact with air as possible. Besides that, we recommend wiping the nozzle after every application before closing the tube.\n6. NIVEA Q10plusC Energy Skin Sleep Cream lets skin cells breathe deeply. Why is this so important?\nThe combination of energizer co-enzyme Q10 and pure Vitamin C is capable of increasing so-called “cellular respiration”. Beiersdorf Skin Research has demonstrated this in elaborate studies on skin cells. The process enables better supply of energy to the skin cells, which need it to perform necessary metabolic functions like repair processes. This helps the skin counteract the appearance of premature aging effects.\n7. Ascorbic acid, better known as Vitamin C, is an acid. Will it not harm the skin?\nAscorbic acid is a weak acid and the pH-value of the formula is in the neutral range. This makes the formula with the Vitamin C concentration used by us both highly effective and very agreeable to the skin at the same time. As with any NIVEA product, this formula has been extensively tested and its high skin compatibility has been established in scientific studies.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Chemistry and Biochemistry are among the more structured majors on campus, meaning that a significant number of courses must be taken (and passed) in a particular sequence. It is important that majors and prospective majors take the time to carefully plan out each semester leading up to graduation. Chemistry and Biochemistry majors must meet certain benchmarks as they progress through the major.\nLinked below are sample plans for chemistry and biochemistry. These plans assume that the student begins his or her first year as a Chemistry or biochemistry major, but they can be adapted to other situations, such as students who declare later than their first year.\nComparison of sample plans leading to degrees in CHEM and BCHM (effective Fall 2023)\nLinked below are printable check-sheets for the chemistry and biochemistry programs. The check-sheets allow quick evaluation of one’s progress toward completion of a chemistry or biochemistry major.\n- Biochemistry Major: Check sheet (pre-Fall 2023)\n- Chemistry Major: Check sheet (pre-Fall 2023)\n- Biochemistry: Check sheet (Effective Fall 2023)\n- Chemistry: Check sheet (Effective Fall 2023)\n- Chemistry BA: Check sheet (Effective Fall 2023)\nAP Chemistry Credit\n- Students who got a 4 on the AP Chemistry exam (or an equivalent score on the IB exam, British A-Levels, etc.) will receive credit for CHEM 131 and CHEM 132. Students with chemistry AP scores of 4 can enter organic chemistry directly unless they are CHEM or a BCHM major, in which case they have to take CHEM 177 their first term.\n- Students who got a 5 on the AP chemistry exam (or an equivalent score on the IB exam, British A-Levels, etc), will receive credit for CHEM 131, CHEM 132, and CHEM 271. Students with chemistry AP scores of 5 can enter organic chemistry directly unless they are a CHEM or a BCHM major, in which case they have to take CHEM 177 their first term. PLEASE NOTE: Students with chemistry AP scores of 5 do not receive CHEM 272 credit and generally have to take the CHEM 272 laboratory to complete their chemistry requirements; consult with your program advisor.\nAmerican Chemical Society Certification\nChemistry and Biochemistry majors can complete programs that are certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS). Chemistry and Biochemistry degrees certified by the ACS are guaranteed to have a specified level of content and rigor as defined by the ACS as essential for high level training in the discipline. Majors completing the certification requirements will receive a certificate from the ACS indicating their degree is ACS certified. To be certified:\n- Chemistry majors, as part of their program, must complete BCHM 461 or BCHM 463 as one of their upper level elective classes.\n- Biochemistry majors must complete CHEM 401 (Inorganic Chemistry) in addition to the rest of the major requirements. CHEM 401 is only offered in the spring semester.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Volume 3 contains lectures presented at the XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry held at Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany in September 1973.\nThe book consists of papers discussing a wide range of subjects on pure and applied chemistry. The compendium has papers that deal with advances in solid-state chemistry, atomic and ionic transport in ionic crystals, and the thermodynamics and preparation of non-stoichiometric, nonmetallic compounds. The text also presents papers covering topics on the formation synthesis and some properties of phosphate compounds, the application of valence electron concentration in crystal chemistry, and Crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of 3d transition metal fluorides.\nChemists will find the book very interesting.\nSolid State Chemistry\nRecent Advances in Solid-State Chemistry\nAtomic and Ionic Transport in Ionic Crystals\nThermodynamics and Preparation of Non-Stoichiometric, Nonmetallic Compounds\nSynthesis of New Dense Phases of Mixed Transition Metal Oxides Under High Pressure and High Temperature Conditions\nThe Formation Synthesis and Some Properties of Phosphate Compounds\nCurrent Problems Concerning the Structural Chemistry of Transition Metal Compounds of the Main Group V and VI Elements\nThe Application of Valence Electron Concentration in Crystal Chemistry\nCrystal Chemistry and Magnetic Properties of 3D Transition Metal Fluorides\n- No. of pages:\n- © Butterworth-Heinemann 1974\n- 1st January 1974\n- eBook ISBN:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Covestro LLC is a global leader in growth markets serving the automotive, comfort, engineering thermoplastics, insulation, coatings, adhesives and sealants industries. Its key products include polyurethanes, polycarbonates, thermoplastic polyurethanes and coatings raw materials.\nIn addition, Covestro LLC is the world's largest producer of aromatic isocyanates and polyether polyols, the chemical raw materials that produce polyurethane foams, and in polyurethane coatings raw materials, where Covestro is also the global leader. Polyurethane coatings raw materials are used in long-lasting weatherable paints, coatings, sealants and adhesives used in automobile interiors and exteriors, construction, furniture, packaging, shoes and sports equipment.\nThe company is a global leader in capacity for polycarbonate. Polycarbonate injection molding applications include automotive lighting, eyeglass lenses, lawn and garden equipment, and medical devices.\nOur customers benefit from our innovative leadership in products, applications and processes as well as our determination to provide solutions to the industries we serve. Our commitment to Responsible Care and Operational Excellence gives continuous improvements in occupational health, safety and environmental protection the same high priority as best possible quality and optimal commercial efficiency.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US5310555 A|\n|Application number||US 07/920,104|\n|Publication date||May 10, 1994|\n|Filing date||Jul 24, 1992|\n|Priority date||Jul 24, 1992|\n|Publication number||07920104, 920104, US 5310555 A, US 5310555A, US-A-5310555, US5310555 A, US5310555A|\n|Original Assignee||Midwestern Bio-Ag Products And Services, Inc.|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (14), Non-Patent Citations (16), Referenced by (26), Classifications (24), Legal Events (6)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThis invention relates generally to nutritional and dietary compositions for livestock, and specifically to compositions which combine incompatible substances such as nutrient supplements and bacteria. The invention also relates to a method of preparing a shelf-stable composition of incompatible agents. The present invention is particularly well suited to deliver in vivo nearly simultaneously, incompatible supplements such as vitamins and minerals and bacteria to cattle, sheep and goats in the form of a capsule-in-a-capsule.\nIn the past, the development of effective treatments for feeding disorders in cattle, sheep and goats has been spurred by a desire to maximize yields of meat and dairy products. Existing drug-based treatments (see, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 4,761,426 issued to Martin, et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 4,405,609 issued to Potter), however, have the serious drawback of rendering products from treated animals unsalable for long periods under laws designed to protect consumers from harmful drug residues. Farmers, unhappy with the need to choose between low yields or unsalable products, have long sought the development of alternative, drug-free dietary treatments. The goals of drug-free dietary treatments are generally, improved growth and performance, and specially, appetite stimulation and reestablishment of the rumen bacterial populations necessary for proper digestion.\nMuch attention has been given in recent years to the use of certain microorganisms as dietary adjuncts in efforts to improve the growth and performance of livestock, and reestablishment of rumen bacterial populations. Such dietary cultures are known as probiotics or direct-fed microbials. (Gilliland, S. E., 8th Int'l. Biotech. Syn. Proc., Vol. 2, pp. 923-933 (1988)). Generally, the microorganisms of such probiotics are those that are expected to grow and/or function in the intestinal tract or rumen of the animal and can exert certain metabolic actions that influence the animal. Various microorganisms which have been considered for this type of usage include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus casei, and Streptococcus faecium.\nTo derive maximum benefit from use of probiotics, the microorganisms must survive and grow in the intestine. It is thus imperative that the probiotic contain viable and active microorganisms at the time of consumption. The bacteria used as probiotics, therefore, must be stable during preparation and during storage prior to consumption.\nThe simplest approach to delivery of probiotics is to add cultures to animal feed. However, it appears that few direct-fed microbials are stable in feed for more than 3-5 days. (Aimutis, W. R., Feeds Management, Vol. 42, pp. 26-32 (1991)). Moreover, some feed contains antibiotics which are contrary to microbials stability. Yet other feed is pelleted, and most Lactobacillus species, which are predominant and beneficial intestinal species, are susceptible to the high temperatures, compression, aeration and mixing abrasion to which they are exposed during the pelleting process.\nAnother approach is to provide the bacteria themselves as a pellet or bolus. Many such bolus products are commercially available.\nMore recently, bolus or pellet formulations have been developed which include a combination of the bacteria and dry vitamin and trace mineral supplements, as nearly simultaneous administration in vivo of these components has been suggested as being highly beneficial to achieving the goals of appetite stimulation and bacterial population reestablishment. Many of these bolus formulations are available commercially. It has been found, however, that the supplements and bacteria are incompatible as the vitamin and mineral levels efficacious for livestock are toxic to the bacteria. As indicated previously, microorganisms are also sensitive to mixing abrasion, aeration, compression and high temperatures, all of which occur during conventional hard bolus production. Moreover, the bolus formulations also require binding, wetting and disintegrating agents, any or all of which may adversely affect the viability of the bacteria. Such bolus products, therefore, have limited shelf stability in that the population of viable bacteria is greatly reduced within about a week.\nThus, a persistent and vexatious problem, largely unattended by the prior art, is the lack of a method for simultaneously delivering incompatible substances in vivo to animals, particularly when one of the substances is a viable microorganism culture.\nVarious prior art methods of physical separation, e.g., encoating, encapsulation and microencapsulation, of nutritional supplements are known, however, none adequately address the preparation and storage requirements of sensitive direct-fed microbial agents. For example, conventional microencapsulation subjects bacteria to a number of potentially fatal packaging procedures and requires expensive materials, complex equipment, and carefully controlled environmental conditions. Polymeric microcapsules also require specific pH ranges or enzyme activities to effect release of their contents in vivo. These requirements often frustrate conventional laboratory assessment techniques and prevent effective nutrient release in animals whose rumen pH or enzyme balances have been disrupted by bacterial depopulation.\nU.S. Pat. No. 4,695,466 to Morishita discloses a multiple-encapsulation method. The Morishita process includes successively encapsulating oil solutions or suspensions in soft capsules. Although the method of Morishita has potential for delivery of two components in a single vehicle, the use of oil carriers presents insurmountable obstacles to the delivery of bacteria and vitamin supplement components. It is unlikely that Morishita's soft outer capsules will be able to withstand common shipping, storage and administration conditions and also is unlikely applicable to commonly available microbial forms.\nDespite recognition of the known drawbacks of prior art products, the art has not adequately responded to date with a method for delivery in vivo of the incompatible components, namely, direct-fed microbials and nutrient supplements nearly simultaneously to cattle, sheep and goats.\nThe present invention responds specifically to the long-felt need heretofore unmet by the prior art, and especially with a view to overcoming the inherent inadequacies of combination supplements and direct fed microbials for oral delivery to animals. The composition is a dietary adjunct or feedstuff, providing the convenience and reliability of oral administration, while providing near simultaneous delivery in vivo of incompatible substances. The composition is shelf stable, i.e., allows substantially greater viability of microbials, and does not require binding, wetting and disintegrating agents necessary for pellet or bolus formulations.\nThe foregoing, and other advantages of the present invention, are realized in one aspect thereof in an oral nutritional composition, i.e., a dietary adjunct, useful for treating feeding disorders and improving feed efficiency in livestock, e.g., cattle, sheep and goats, especially ruminants. The dietary adjunct composition comprises a double capsule which includes live cultures of rumen bacteria in a first capsule which is enclosed with vitamin and mineral supplements in a second capsule. The capsules are preferably made of gelatin. The bacteria and supplements may be combined with acceptable feed grade carriers.\nIn another aspect, the invention is a method of simultaneously delivering incompatible compounds to animals in vivo. Such delivery is achieved by feeding an animal a double capsule containing a first substance in a first capsule, which is enclosed with a second substance, incompatible with the first substance, in a second larger capsule.\nIn another embodiment, this invention provides a method for preparing shelf-stable compositions of incompatible substances, which includes the use of multiple capsules of variable composition. Such method is accomplished manually or by machine.\nOther advantages and a fuller appreciation of the specific adaptations, compositional variations, and physical and chemical attributes of the present invention will be gained upon an examination of the following detailed description of the invention, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings and appended claims.\nThe present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction with the appended drawings, wherein like designations refer to like elements throughout and in which:\nFIG. 1 shows an enlarged sectional view of the capsule-in-a-capsule structure in accordance with the present invention;\nFIGS. 2a-2f illustrate a method by which each capsule-in-a-capsule is assembled; and\nFIG. 3 compares the efficacy of double capsules in accordance with the present invention and hard boluses in simultaneously delivering live microorganisms and incompatible nutrient supplements.\nThe present invention relates broadly to nutritional supplements and dietary adjuncts for animals, such as cattle, sheep and goats, and specifically to compositions and nutrient delivery systems which permit delivery of incompatible substances. However, the composition of the present invention is most particularly adapted for use in oral supplementation formulations which combine nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and viable microbials, such as rumen bacteria. Accordingly, the present invention will now be described in detail with respect to such fields of endeavor; however, those skilled in the art will appreciate that such description of the invention is meant to be exemplary only and should not be viewed as limitative of the full scope thereof.\nThe present invention provides a nutritional composition useful for ameliorating drug-induced, stress-related, and other feeding disorders in food-producing animals, e.g., cattle, sheep and goats. The composition is particularly useful as a ruminant feedstuff for improving feed efficiency and promoting growth. The composition avoids the milk and slaughter withdrawal periods required after drug treatments and enhances the general nutritional status of the animal. Additionally, the composition is shelf-stable and provides a general packaging system for incompatible materials, and is particularly useful for direct-fed microbial agents or probiotics. These attributes are achieved through a particular composition meeting a special combination of physical parameters.\nAs used herein, the term \"incompatible\" is meant to refer to substances which deleteriously react with one another when combined in desired levels or concentrations.\nIn one embodiment, the invention provides a nutritional composition whose components are mutually incompatible, and which incompatible components are physically separated from each other until they reach their in vivo situs. In a preferred embodiment, the composition includes components which are cultures of viable bacteria, and nutritional supplements, e.g., vitamins and minerals. As the cultures and nutritional supplements are incompatible, the microbial cultures are enclosed in a first capsule which is then enclosed with the vitamin and mineral supplements in a second such capsule, i.e., a \"capsule-in-a-capsule\" structure. The bacteria of the first component serve the valuable function of repopulating the rumen, thus enabling digestion to resume, producing digestive enzymes, and correcting acid imbalances which result from rumen bacterial depopulation.\nThe vitamins and minerals of the second component increase the nutritional status of animals laboring under conditions of malnutrition caused by feeding disorders. Further, once dispersed throughout the rumen, these vitamins and minerals support the rapid growth of the bacteria of the first component. Oral administration of these vitamins and minerals contemporaneously with the administration of bacteria is preferable to separate or intravenous administration. Separate administration increases the risk that bacteria will not encounter dispersed vitamins and minerals in the rumen and thus fail to exhibit their full growth potential.\nIt has been found that the bacterial survival rate with the capsule-in-a-capsule structure of the present invention after up to six months storage, i.e., six months after preparation, is nearly 500 times that of an admixture of the bacteria and nutrient supplements. An admixture of bacterial and nutrient supplements is typically a single capsule or a bolus formulation.\nFIG. 1 illustrates a capsule-in-a-capsule structure in accordance with the present invention and is generally designated as 20. Capsule-in-a-capsule 20 includes an inner capsule 22 and an outer capsule 24. Inner capsule 22 contains viable bacteria 26 and outer capsule 24 contains vitamins and minerals generally designated as 28. Inner capsule 22 includes a top member 30 and a bottom member 32 which is bigger than top member 30. Top member 30 and bottom member 32 are locked together after filling by a locking mechanism 33 which includes a groove 34 proximate the top 35 of bottom portion 32 and a complementary ridge 36 substantially about the midportion 37 of top portion 30, forming a circumferentially nested ridge and groove. Similarly, outer capsule 24 has a top member 38 and a bottom member 40 in which top member 38 is locked to bottom member 40 with a groove 42 and a ridge 44. The capsules are preferably made of gelatin. Capsule shells are, however, easily reformulated to meet a myriad of size, transportation, storage, and administration requirements, e.g., excessive heat or cold, vibration, humidity, compression or impact, aeration, or ultraviolet light.\nThe bacteria of the first component, i.e., of inner capsule 22, include one or more of the indigenous intestinal bacteria selected from Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecium, and Pediococcus cerevisiae. The bacteria can be processed in accordance with conventional methods of bacteriology to produce direct-fed microbial agents suitable for encapsulation in gelatin-shelled capsules and administration to cattle, sheep and goats. The in vitro viability of the bacteria of the inner capsule is determined by counting the colony-forming units per gram (CFU/g) of the culture administered, according to standard feed industry protocols. At time of preparation, the bacterial count in the inner capsule in accordance with the present invention is suitably about 20×109 CFU/g.\nThe bacteria can be employed in admixtures with conventional excipients, e.g., acceptable feed grade carriers suitable for enteral (e.g. oral) administration which do not deleteriously react with the bacteria. Suitable feed grade carriers include, but are not limited to, calcium carbonate, nonhygroscopic whey, rice hulls, and sucrose.\nThe bacterial preparations can also be mixed with auxiliary agents, e.g., whole dried milk, dextrose, enzymes, plasma proteins or amino acids to promote the growth and nutritional status of the animal and the bacteria in vivo.\nThe vitamins and minerals of the second component, i.e., outer capsule, are selected from one or more vitamins, namely, A, B12, C, D, E, and K, niacin, thiamine, choline, biotin, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and one or more minerals, namely, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc.\nThe vitamins and minerals of the outer capsule 28 can be processed in accordance with conventional methods of pharmacy to produce agents suitable for encapsulation in gelatin-shelled capsules and administration to cattle, sheep and goats. For example, the vitamins and minerals can be administered in alternative sulfate, oxide, chelated, or other chemical forms to promote efficient dissolution and absorption in vivo.\nThe vitamins and minerals can also be employed in admixtures with conventional excipients, e.g., acceptable feed grade carriers which do not deleteriously react with them. Suitable carriers include, but are not limited to, antioxidants, flavoring agents, cellulose, grain by-products, or other inert vegetable materials. Nutrient-rich, dried organic materials, such as kelp, are highly preferred carrier materials, as they contribute significantly to the vitamin and mineral status of the animal and rumen bacteria.\nThe capsule-in-a-capsules for adult cattle are suitably prepared in 15 g double capsules and capsule-in-a-capsules for calves are suitably prepared as 4.5 g double capsules. Both sizes of capsules are orally administered daily as 1-2 capsule-in-a-capsule for three consecutive days at freshening or other signs of stress or feed distress.\nIt will be appreciated, however, that the actual preferred amounts of the compounds in the inner and outer capsules will vary according to the age, weight and species of animal being treated, and the particular feeding disorder of interest. For example, the amounts of vitamins and minerals in outer capsules for calves is suitably one-third of that in outer capsules for adult cattle. Feed guidelines can be determined by means of an appropriate conventional dietary protocol.\nIn another embodiment, the invention provides a method for simultaneously delivering incompatible substances to livestock in vivo. Specifically, the method includes oral administration of a capsule-in-a-capsule which structure includes a first gelatin-shelled capsule containing a first substance and a second gelatin-shelled capsule encapsulating the first capsule that contains a substance incompatible with the first. When the first substance is a bacterial culture of rumen bacteria, such method delivers at least 3×109 CFU/capsule-in-a-capsule.\nThe method in accordance with the present invention advantageously preserves the activity of mutually reactive or otherwise incompatible substances by physically separating them during production, storage and administration. When live microorganisms are administered to animals simultaneously with vitamins and minerals in bolus or single capsule formulations, the microorganisms often are rendered nonviable. The present method advantageously facilitates the consolidation of multi-step therapies into easily administered, single-step therapies. Such efficient administration eliminates the stresses induced by the sequential administration of multi-phase treatment components and ensures the delivery of correct unit doses. The capsule-in-a-capsule vehicle is suitably delivered by hand or balling gun to cattle, sheep and goats.\nIn another aspect, the invention is an oral nutritional supplement delivery system for livestock. The system is a two-component system which effects near simultaneously delivery of the two components. The system comprises a first capsule containing at least one live microorganism and a second capsule enclosing both the first capsule and an admixture of vitamins and minerals, incompatible with live microorganisms. The capsules physically separate the incompatible microorganism cultures and nutrient supplements, thereby eliminating the need for separate administration of the microorganisms and the vitamin and mineral admixture.\nTo fabricate a capsule-in-a-capsule in accordance with the present invention, a first capsule, typically a gelatin capsule, is filled with a first substance and capped. This first capsule is placed inside the bottom member of a second, larger capsule, typically also a gelatin capsule, and the second capsule is then filled with a second substance, incompatible with the first substance, and capped. This method for efficiently and inexpensively preparing a shelf-stable composition of incompatible substances constitutes another aspect of the invention. The steps may be performed manually or by machine. This method of fabrication has certain production economics compared to production of hard boluses.\nReference is now made to FIGS. 2a-2f which illustrate a method of preparing the capsule-in-a-capsule formulation of the present invention. Specifically, the larger bottom members 32 of the inner, smaller capsules 22 are first placed in openings 46 in an assembly board 48 in a housing 50. Each bottom shell 32 is then filled with the bacterial culture 26. Top member 30 is then placed on each bottom member 32 and \"locked\" in place by using a mechanism which is the same or similar to locking mechanism 33 described hereinbefore by gentle pressure from pressboard 49 to form a sealed capsule 51. Filled sealed capsules 51 are ejected from the board 48, and the board 48 is removed from the housing 50.\nA second assembly board 56, having holes 54, corresponding to the bottom members 40 of larger capsules 24, is placed in the machine housing 50. The bottom members 40 of the larger capsules 24 are placed in the board 56, and one sealed capsule 51 containing the bacteria is placed within each. The remaining volume of each bottom member 40 of capsule 24 is then filled with the vitamin and mineral admixture 28. A top member 38 is then placed over each bottom member 40 and locked as described previously in place with gentle pressure from the pressboard 52. The resulting capsule-in-a-capsule is then ejected from the second board 56.\nCapsule-in-a-capsules can also be fabricated by machine using, e.g., a Torpac Capsule Filling Machine commercially available.\nThis fabrication method can be used to produce significantly more stable probiotics than conventional bolus or single-capsule delivery systems which combine sensitive bacteria with toxic levels of vitamins and trace minerals. The use of a multiple capsule also facilitates the administration of higher, more efficacious doses of vitamins and minerals than are delivered by conventional boluses. Further, gelatin-shelled capsules are efficiently and inexpensively assembled, thereby incurring reduced production costs relative to microencapsulation or hard bolus vehicles. The contents of such capsules also are not subjected to extremes of temperature, pressure or abrasion during their manufacture, thereby facilitating the consolidation of multi-step therapies utilizing components sensitive to such conditions.\nFinally, capsule shells which are easily reformulated to provide particular protection to enclosed materials (e.g., different sized capsules or ultra-violet light filtering capsules) may be used interchangeably and in concert with other capsule shells of standard feed grade composition. In contrast, microencapsulation equipment cannot accommodate frequent coat or nutrient composition reformulations without costly equipment changes.\nThe present invention is further explained by way of the following examples which are to be construed as merely illustrative, and not limitative, of the remainder of the disclosure in any way whatsoever. In the following examples, all temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius. All test capsules were randomly selected for analysis, and microorganisms were enumerated using the National Feed Ingredient Association's Standard Practice for the Enumeration of Microorganisms from Direct-Fed Microbials and Silage Innoculants. Bacterial viability is expressed in colony-forming units per gram of source material (CFU/g) or CFU per capsule.\nCapsule-in-a-capsule vehicles appropriated for administration to adult cattle were prepared by the method as described hereinbefore. The bacterial cultures were commercial formulations of dormant Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecium, and Pediococcus cerevisiae having a viability of 20.0×109 CFU/g at the time of preparation. The vitamin and mineral admixture contained the following in the amounts indicated in parentheses: vitamin A (5×105 IU), vitamin D (7.5×104 IU), vitamin E (750 IU), vitamin B12 (2000 μg), niacin (3×103 μg), pantothenic acid (15 μg), choline (750 μg), biotin (75 μg), cobalt (20 μg), copper (none), iron (30 μg), manganese (30 μg), zinc (75 μg), and trace quantities of riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin C, and selenium. Each capsule-in-a-capsule contained approximately 0.25 g of bacterial culture and 12.5 g of the vitamin and mineral admixture, the above-enumerated vitamins and minerals having been combined with kelp, an acceptable and nutrient-rich feed grade carrier.\nCapsule-in-a-capsule vehicles appropriate for administration to calves were prepared by an identical method, excepting that the vitamin and mineral admixture contained approximately one-third of the amounts of the vitamins and minerals enumerated above for use in the adult cattle capsule-in-a-capsules. Each calf-size capsule-in-a-capsule contained approximately 0.25 g of bacteria culture and 3.5 g of the vitamin and mineral admixture, the vitamins and minerals having also been combined with kelp. Capsule-in-a-capsule vehicles identical to those of Example 1 were used in the following tests.\nCapsule-in-a-capsule vehicles appropriate for administration to adult cattle as described in Example 1 were variously tested against single capsule forms with an admixture of cultures and nutrient supplements as used in the adult cattle capsule-in-a-capsule form. All capsules were stored at room temperature for one week following their preparation. The capsule-in-a-capsules were randomly apportioned to two experimental groups, A and B. The single capsules enclosing admixed microbes and nutrient supplements comprised group C, and group D (control) comprised an unencapsulated sample of the microbial culture.\nInner capsule contents of four group A samples, outer capsule contents of one group B sample (to test the microbial content of the nutrient mixture), capsule contents of one group C sample, and nine of the group D control culture were randomly selected for comparison. Each test sample was individually serially diluted in autoclaved 6.25 mM phosphate buffer at pH=7.2. One (1) ml aliquots of each dilution were transferred into separate sterile petri plates. Twenty (20) ml of sterile LMRS (Lactobacilli Man Rugosa Sharpe Agar), cooled to 44° C. to 46° C., were then added to each petri plate with swirling. The plates were covered and cooled to room temperature before being inverted and placed into GasPak™ anaerobic jars. The plates were incubated at 35° C. until colonies were readily discernable, approximately two to three days. Colonies were then counted using a Quebec colony counter.\nThese data and the bacterial survival rate are given in Table 1 below.\nTABLE 1______________________________________Bacterial Viability of Capsule-In-A-Capsule Theoretical Bacterial Count Bacterial Count,Test At Preparation, CFU/g, 1 Week BacteriaGroup CFU/g After Preparation Survival, %______________________________________A 23 × 109 23 × 109 100B -- 6 × 102 --C 23 × 109 <106 <.21D (control) 23 × 109 23 × 109 100______________________________________\nThese data indicate that the contents of intact, gelatin-shelled capsule-in-a-capsules successfully retain 100% of their colony-forming activity after one week of storage at room temperature. Conversely, capsules which do not separate microbial cultures from nutrient supplement materials are not successful in protecting bacterial viability, and their contents lose 99.79% of their colony-forming activity within one week.\nCapsule-in-a-capsules suitable for administration to adult cattle were fabricated as described above in Example 1 and stored at room temperature. At preselected intervals after their manufacture, i.e, one, two, three, four, five and six months, inner capsules containing the bacterial cultures were removed from randomly selected capsule-in-a-capsules. The contents of each inner capsule were serially diluted in autoclaved 6.25 mM phosphate buffer, pH=7.2, and 1 ml aliquots of each dilution were transferred into sterile petri plates. Twenty (20) ml of sterile LMRS Agar cooled to 44° C. to 46° C., were then added to each petri plate with swirling. The plates were covered and cooled to room temperature before being inverted and placed into GasPak™ anaerobic jars. The plates were incubated at 35° C. until colonies were readily discernable, approximately two to three days. Colonies were then counted using a Quebec colony counter. These data and the bacterial survival rates are given in Table 2 below.\nTABLE 2______________________________________Shelf Stability of Capsule-In-A-CapsuleTime After Bacterial BacterialManufacture, mos. Count, CFU/g Survival, %______________________________________1 22.5 × 109 1002 20.0 × 109 893 21.2 × 109 944 16.1 × 109 725 13.0 × 109 586 12.0 × 109 53______________________________________\nThese data indicate that sufficient bacteria remain viable in the capsule-in-a-capsule vehicle to repopulate the rumen after six months of storage under typical field conditions. In contrast, the number of CFU/g of conventional boluses approaches zero approximately three weeks after manufacture under similar conditions.\nThe shelf stability of single capsule formulations identical to the adult cattle capsule-in-a-capsule formulations of Example 1 were determined. Single gelatin-shelled capsules were filled with an admixture of the bacterial culture and vitamin and mineral supplement in a 1:39.55 gram:gram ratio present in the capsule-in-a-capsule vehicle of Example 1. The capsules were packed in ice for two days prior to testing; thereafter all capsules were stored at room temperature. A pure sample of the microbial culture was reserved on ice as a control.\nAt 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, and 32 days after manufacture, the contents of three randomly-selected capsules were nonabrasively combined, and samples therefrom were serially diluted in autoclaved 6.25 mM phosphate buffer at pH=7.2. During the initial analysis, a control sample from the microbial culture control was also diluted and analyzed. One (1) ml aliquots of each dilution were transferred in duplicate into separate sterile petri plates. Twenty (20) ml of sterile Lactobacillus MRS Agar, cooled to 44° C. to 46° C., were then added to each petri plate with swirling. The plates were covered and cooled to room temperature before being inverted and placed into GasPak™ anaerobic jars. The plates were incubated at 35° C. until colonies were readily discernable, approximately two to three days. Colonies were then counted using a Quebec colony counter.\nThese data and bacterial survival rates are given in Table 3 below.\nTABLE 3______________________________________Shelf Stability of Single CapsulesEquivalent to Capsule-In-A-CapsuleTime After Bacterial BacterialManufacture, days Count, CFU/g Survival, %______________________________________ 2 21.0 × 107 56.7 3 4.5 × 107 12.1 4 10.0 × 107 27.0 5 119 × 107 * >100 8 10.0 × 107 27.012 15.0 × 107 40.516 42.0 × 106 11.320 31.0 × 106 8.325 26.0 × 106 7.032 27.0 × 105 0.7______________________________________ *possible counting error\nThese data demonstrate that bacteria packaged directly with nutrient supplements lose nearly 50% of their colony-forming activity within two days of manufacture and nearly 100% of their colony-forming activity within 33 days of manufacture. Thus, the physical separation of the microbes and nutrients effected by the multiple capsule vehicle is responsible for the superior delivery of viable microbes after long-term storage demonstrated in Example 3.\nBacterial viability of capsule-in-a-capsules in accordance with the present invention were compared with various commercially available hard boluses purporting to contain similar microorganisms and vitamins and minerals. The following products were tested and compared to the capsule-in-a-capsule formulation of the present invention (both adult cattle and calf-size formulations were tested):\n______________________________________Product Number ofNo. Samples Used Product Description/Name______________________________________(cow size)01 2 Present Invention (capsule-in-a-capsule)02 2 Primilac ™ Cattle bolus, Star Labs03 2 Probiocin ™ Bolus, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.04 1 T.N.T. Stress Bolus, Tomorrow's Nutrition Today(calf size)05 5 Present Invention (capsule-in-a-capsule)06 4 Equal-lizer, Med-Vet Pharma07 5 Lactobols ™, United Agri-Sales08 4 LactoPlus ™, Vet's Plus09 4 LBA ™, Osborn/Int'l Multifoods10 4 Problocin ™, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.11 4 T.N.T. Stress Bolus, Tomorrow's Nutrition Today______________________________________\nThe above-described number of samples of each commercial bolus and capsule-in-a-capsule product were randomly selected from commercial shipments within their expiration periods. Boluses from each commercial brand were individually ground with a sterile mortar and pestle and then combined with the others of this brand. Each capsule-in-a-capsule was manually disassembled and the contents thereof combined with those of other disassembled capsule-in-a-capsules.\nTwenty-two gram portions of each ground bolus mixture or disassembled capsule-in-a-capsule mixture, and 450 ml of sterile 6 mM phosphate buffer, pH=7.2, were blended for 1 min at low speed in a sterile stomacher bag. Each mixture was then serially diluted in additional phosphate buffer. Each dilution was plated in triplicate by placing a 1 ml aliquot in each of three sterile petri plates and adding 15 ml of 44°-46° C. MRS (Man Rugosa Sharpe) Agar to each plate with swirling. The plating procedure was then replicated for each dilution using LBS (Lactobacilli Sharpe) Agar and then MRSO (Man Rugosa Sharpe with 0.15% Oxgall) Agar. The plates were covered and cooled to room temperature, at which time 4 ml of 44°-46° C. tempered agar were applied to the plate surface. After the tempered agar solidified, the plates were inverted and placed in anaerobic jars for incubation at 32° C. for 72 hrs. Colonies on each plate were then counted according to standard methods.\nThe above-described procedure was repeated for a second, identically selected group of boluses and capsule-in-a-capsules, and the results of both studies were averaged to described the colony-forming potential delivered by each vehicle. The results are graphed in FIG. 3. Activity on MRS agar reflects the total activity attributable to anaerobic bacteria, while activity on LBS agar reflects the total activity attributable to lactic acid bacteria, the type of bacteria which the vehicles are intended to deliver. Activity on MRSO agar reflects the total activity of intestinal anaerobic bacteria, as the added Oxgall inhibits all but bile-resistant species.\nThese data illustrated in FIG. 3 indicate that use of the capsule-in-a-capsule delivery system facilitates the delivery of 13 times to 54 million times more lactic acid bacteria CFU/g than conventional hard boluses. These data further indicate that a minimum of 92% of the viable bacteria are the desired lactobacilli, and between 60 and 67% of those bacteria are bile-resistant species presumably capable of successfully repopulating the intestine.\nDissolution times in vivo for capsule-in-a-capsules in accordance with the present invention and commercially available hard bolus formulations were compared. Both adult cattle and calf-size formulations were tested. Randomly selected, intact capsule-in-a-capsules and the commercially available hard boluses of Example 5 were placed in nylon floss slings and lowered into separate 500 ml erlenmeyer flasks of fresh cow rumen contents. The flasks were maintained at 101.5° F. and a pH=6.35, without stirring. Samples were raised from the fluid for examination at regular intervals until complete dissolution was achieved, thereby establishing approximate dissolution times for each.\nAfter the approximate dissolution times were established, a second sample of capsule-in-a-capsules and hard boluses were randomly selected from the groups of Example 5, placed in slings, and lowered into 500 ml erlenmeyer flasks of fresh cow rumen contents. These flasks were maintained at the above-described temperature and pH. Individual samples were examined at intervals ranging from 30 sec. to 30 min., according to the dissolution times previously established. Flask contents were examined to confirm complete dissolution when empty slings were observed. The dissolution times are given in Table 4.\nTABLE 4______________________________________Comparison of Dissolution Times ofCapsule-In-A-Capsule and Hard Boluses Dissolution Time Average AverageProduct Number Trial 1 Trial 2 Time, sec. Time, min.______________________________________(cow size)01 (present invention) 410 531 470.5 7.8402 12720 12780 12750 212.5003 2144 2170 2157 35.9504 2227 2286 2256.5 37.61(calf size)05 (present invention) 323 372 347.5 5.7906 3632 5423 4527.5 75.4607 10620 10680 10650 177.0008 19380 22020 20700 345.0009 22020 23160 22590 376.5010 2472 2503 2487.5 41.4611 2530 2549 2539.5 42.33______________________________________\nA mean dissolution time of both capsule-in-a-capsule test samples of 6.82 min was obtained for the gelatin-shelled capsule-in-a-capsules, while mean dissolution times for the hard boluses ranged from 36 to 376 min. These data indicate that nutritional compositions delivered via capsule-in-a-capsule vehicles are virtually immediately available to distressed animals, while hard bolus contents may not become available for an extended period of time or may pass beyond the appropriate in vivo situs before dissolution.\nWhile the present invention has now been described and exemplified with some specificity, those skilled in the art will appreciate the various modifications, including variations, additions, and omissions, that may be made in what has been described. 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14:59 (UTC)\n- Type of Contract\n- Job Status\n- Hours Per Week\n- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?\nNot funded by an EU programme\n- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?\n【Description of the institution (employment background)】\nDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University is seeking to appoint a suitable candidate to the position of assistant professor. Detailed possible research fields are shown below.\n【Research Fields and Topics】\nPhotochemistry, catalysis, electrochemistry, surface science, material science, spectroscopy are acceptable. Particularly, we seek applications from young researchers who intend to open new fields in physical chemistry. Researchers related to ultra-fast laser spectroscopy and surface science are also welcome. The final candidate is supposed to join the “Surface Physical Chemistry Laboratory\" directed by Prof. Akira Yamakata.\nBasic and specialized subjects for undergraduate and graduate courses of Department of Chemistry, such as physical chemistry. Supervision of bachelor, master and Ph.D. students.\n【Work location address】\n3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture\n【Employment capacity】 1\nTitle: Assistant Professor\nNumber of employees: 1\n【Time to arrive】\nAs soon as possible after April 1, 2024\n[Treatment after recruitment (salary, working hours, holidays, employment period, insurance, etc.)]\nSalary: We apply annual salary system to recruiters. The amount of salary, etc. will be determined in accordance with the Okayama University Annual Salary System Staff Salary Regulations, taking into accounts the individual's educational background, license / qualification, work experience, etc.\nSalary rules: https://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/tp/society/boshyu-kyoiku.html\nWorking hours: Discretionary working system with specialized work, no overtime work principle, working on holidays (University staff employment rules Articles 41-42)\nHolidays: Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, December 29 to January 3 of the following year (Article 42-2 of Okayama University Staff Employment Regulations)\nEmployment period: no fixed term\nInsurance: Employment insurance, work injury insurance, pension and health insurance of the National Public Service Mutual Aid Association\nOkayama University Official Website Rules https://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/tp/profile/syokisoku.html\nOkayama University promotes gender equality and supports female teachers. Women's active application is welcomed.\n- Number of offers available\n- Okayama University\nWhere to apply\nFaculty Positions, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 22 days ago\nThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Job Title: Faculty positions Department: Department of Chemistry Job ID: 9172 Job Posting Details The Department of Chemistry at The Hon...\nFaculty Position In Chemistry, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, about 23 hours ago\nThe KAUST Chemistry (Chem) program seeks candidates at junior level who will develop a world-class competitive research program on any areas of Chemistry. The Chem program plays a pivotal role in ...\nLecturer Chemical Process Engineering (1.0 Fte), Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, about 13 hours ago\nPosition Other academic staff Irène Curie Fellowship No Department(s) Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Reference number V37.6703 Job description Do you get excited about a job that calls on your...\nPh.D. Student Position In Chemistry With Focus On Molecular Geochemistry , Umeå University, Sweden, about 13 hours ago\nUmeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University offers a diversity of high-quality education and world-...\nResearch Engineer (Electrochemical Co2 Reduction), NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE, United Kingdom, 30 days ago\nJob Description Research Engineer position in the Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS). The aim of this position is to develop in-depth unde...\nProfessor Of Chemical Engineering, KU LEUVEN, United Kingdom, about 10 hours ago\nProfessor of Chemical Engineering: Modeling Transport Phenomena and Properties for Soft Matter in Bio- and Health Applications KU Leuven has a vacancy for a full-time (junior or senior) professor ...", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "thiamine llc can scarce supply hillestad pharmaceuticals usa inc. all over the australia. Some Vitamin b – 1 100 mg tablets also has higher amounts of thiamine per tablet than the standard 325 mg, so keep that in mind as well.\nthiamine is notalways the generic name for Vitamin b protein complex + c 300mg cap, and is commonly used distinctively as limitless a decongestant. cypress pharmaceutical inc. pharmaceuticals industry was granted final approval by steamer the fda for the sale of generic thiamine in the united states and tossled the generic version was made available in september 2006.\nMany cyproheptadine manufacturers often prefer contracting cypress pharmaceutical inc. as contradict the most scientifically reliable packaging company. If concurrent use of duloxetine and cyproheptadine is imperative, reduce by the dose of one or both active drugs.\ncyproheptadine was designated as philosophers the primary comparator for the assessment goals of the noninferiority of methaqualone. Orders received for minoxidil and duloxetine will now possibly be referred ruefully to the Dynalife dx Laboratory in Edmonton for testing.\nDuloxetine delayed – release is also known by its drug name, duloxetine. However i would think methaqualone is reminded a slightly better anticonvulsant, but likely has not much more than enzalutamide. Studies conducted periodically by abraxis pharmaceutical drug products have shown that the thiamine, the active ingredient of these cuneiform tablets, increases cortisol secretion in the respiratory tract.\nThe full trial reported here indicates prudence is called aptitude for in treatment of the older the patient, and that slight adjustment of the dose packaging and schedule of both enzalutamide and sorafenib is frequently desirable. medisca inc. pharmaceuticals was early granted final approval by vacuuming the fda for unlearning the sale independently of generic cyproheptadine in the united free states and the generic version was made available free in september 2006.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The eleventh element in the periodic table is sodium. The sodium atom contains a total of eleven electrons and protons. Therefore, the atomic number of sodium is 11. Sodium is an alkali metal and its symbol is ‘Na’.\nWhat is the atomic number?\nScientist Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley researched the X-ray spectrum of various elements in 1913-1914. The results of the experiment show that each element has a unique integer equal to the number of positive charges in the nucleus of that element. He named that number the order of the atoms.\nThus, the number of positive charges present in the nucleus of an element is called the atomic number of that element. The atomic number of the element is expressed by ‘Z’.\nThis number is equal to the serial number of the periodic table. We know that protons are located in the nucleus of an atom as a positive charge. That is the total number of protons in the atomic number.\nThe atom is overall charge neutral. Therefore, the number of negatively charged electrons orbiting in its orbit is equal to the number of positively charged protons in the nucleus.\nAtomic number (Z) = Number of charges in the nucleus (p)\nImportance of the atomic number of sodium\nAn atomic number is a number that carries the properties of an element. The atomic number can be used to determine the number of electrons in an element and the exact position of an element in a periodic table. The properties of an element can be determined by electron configuration.\nAlso, the valency and valence electrons, ionic properties of the elements are determined by the electron configuration. To determine the properties of an element, it is necessary to arrange the electrons of that element. And to arrange the electrons, you must know the number of electrons in that element.\nTo know the number of electrons, you need to know the atomic number of that element. We know that an equal number of protons of atomic number are located in the nucleus of the element and electrons equal to protons are in orbit outside the nucleus.\nAtomic number (Z) = Number of electrons\nThe atomic number of sodium is 11. That is, the atom of the sodium element has a total of eleven electrons. Now the electron configuration of sodium shows that the last orbital of sodium has one electron. That is, it is possible to determine the properties of sodium from the electron configuration.\nThe last shell of sodium has an unpaired electron, so the valency of sodium is 1. And the last shell has a total of an electron. So, the valence electrons of sodium are one. The last electron of sodium enters the s-orbital. Therefore, sodium is the s-block element.\nThe electron in the last shell of sodium easily forms a bond by donating to another element. To know these properties of sodium one must know the atomic number of sodium.\nRelationship between the atomic mass and sodium atomic number\nWe already know that the nucleus is at the center of the atom. There are two types of particles in the nucleus. One is a positively charged particle proton and the other is a charge-neutral particle neutron.\nAlmost all the mass of the atom is accumulated in the nucleus. Therefore, the mass of the nucleus is called atomic mass. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. Therefore, atomic mass refers to the total mass of protons and neutrons.\nAtomic mass (A) = nucleus mass = total mass of protons and neutrons (p + n)\nAgain, the mass of each proton and neutron is about 1amu. Therefore, the total number of protons and neutrons is called the atomic mass number. That is, the number of atomic masses (A) = p + n\nThus, the number of neutrons in an element is obtained from the difference between the number of atomic masses and the number of atoms. That is, neutron number (n) = atomic mass number (A) – atomic number (Z)\nWe know that the atomic number (Z) of sodium is 11 and the atomic mass number (A) is about 23. Neutron (n) = 23 – 11 = 12. Therefore, the number of neutrons in sodium(Na) is 12.\nBased on the atomic number of the element, the mass number, and the number of neutrons, three things can be considered. Namely, isotopes, isobars, and isotones.\nProperties of sodium atoms\n|State at 20°C||Solid|\n|Electrons per shell||2, 8, 1|\n|Electron configuration||[Ne] 3s1|\n|Melting point||370.944 K (97.794 °C, 208.029 °F)|\n|Boiling point||1156.090 K (882.940 °C, 1621.292 °F)|\n|Atomic radius||186 pm|\n|Covalent radius||166±9 pm|\n|Van der Waals radius||227 pm|\n|Electronegativity||Pauling scale: 0.93|\n|Electron Affinity||0.548 eV|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Pyridinium derivatives namely, 4-(dimethylamino)-1-ethylpyridinium bromide (DEB), 4-(dimethylamino)-1- pentylpyridinium bromide (DPB) synthesised by our group, were tested as inhibitors for the corrosion of mild steel in 1 M HCl using polarisation and electrochemical impedance measurements, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Quantum chemical calculations. The results show that the DEB and DPB enhances inhibition at all concentrations. The best protection (94.09%) is obtained by adding DEB at 10-4 M. Polarisation curves show that DEB and DPB acts as a mixed type inhibitor. The degree of the surface coverage of the adsorbed inhibitors is determined by weight loss measurement, and it was found that the adsorption of the two compounds on the mild steel surface obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The effect of the temperature on the corrosion behaviour with addition of DEB and DPB at various concentrations was studied in the temperature range 303 – 333 K. Results show that the rate of corrosion of mild steel increased and protection efficiency decreased with increasing temperature. Kinetic parameters as well as thermodynamic parameters were calculated and discussed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was applied to study the mild steel surface in the presence and absence of the two compounds. Quantum chemical calculations using DFT at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory was further used to calculate some electronic properties of the molecule in order to ascertain any correlation between the inhibitive effect and molecular structure of the DEB and DPB.\nSelect your language of interest to view the total content in your interested language", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Organic Tomato Fertilizer\nGranulated Organic Tomato Fertilizer:\n- Stimulates growth and increases crop productivity. Strengthens resistance to diseases.\n- Dosage: 100 grams plant distributed during the vegetative cycle. Improves plant root development and nutrient absorption.\n- Ecological fertilizer in the form of slow and controlled release microgranules.\n- Ecological organic fertilizer with NPK, organic matter and microelements.\n- 100% Natural and Harmless to animals and plants.\n8.97€ – 49.90€\n* Delivery in 24/48 h FREE\n** Minimum order 15.00€\nOrganic vegetable fertilizer, with humic acids and potassium. The contribution of humic acids in tomato cultivation provides multiple benefits.\nBenefits of Microgranular Organic Tomato Fertilizer\n- Improves the root system.\n- Promotes the assimilation of macro and micronutrients.\n- Potassium increases caliber, color and weight.\nOutstanding Components of Tomato Fertilizer\nCultivers Organic Tomato Fertilizer contains:\n- High amount of organic matter\n- Humic and fulvic acids\n- Enhanced technological features\n- Pearl shape for easy application.\nAdvantages of Granulated Organic Tomato Fertilizer\nIts even-sized granules are suitable for manual and mechanized application. In contact with soil, it is rapidly incorporated into the soil and has a solubility of 99%. It can be applied as bottom and top dressing.\nThe carbon and nitrogen ratio facilitates the extraction of minerals by the roots, and improves the population of beneficial soil microorganisms, forming aggregates and facilitating soil oxygenation.\nOur Organic Tomato Fertilizer does not leach in case of heavy rains. Efficiently optimizes the soil-microorganism ratio. Even in inclement weather, it forms aggregates, facilitating soil oxygenation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US5220150 A|\n|Application number||US 07/694,985|\n|Publication date||Jun 15, 1993|\n|Filing date||May 3, 1991|\n|Priority date||May 3, 1991|\n|Publication number||07694985, 694985, US 5220150 A, US 5220150A, US-A-5220150, US5220150 A, US5220150A|\n|Inventors||Emil Pfender, Stuart J. Malmberg|\n|Original Assignee||Regents Of The University Of Minnesota|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (10), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (22), Classifications (11), Legal Events (5)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThe present invention relates to a hot anode plasma torch having a gas shroud heated by the anode for providing greater stability of the plasma effluent jet, while maintaining high core temperatures and velocities, to provide a favorable environment for heating of particles injected into the plasma jet.\nConventional plasma spraying in atmospheric air suffers from severe air entrainment into the plasma jet. This air entrainment entails two major problems: (1) it cools the plasma jet, leading to a rapid decay of the jet temperature and the associated heating of particulates injected into the plasma jet during the spray process; (2) the entrained air causes oxidation of metallic particulates which frequently precludes utilization of this approach for spraying of metals and alloys. In order to prevent this problem, low pressure plasma spraying (LPPS) has been introduced where the spray process is done in an environmental chamber at reduced pressures and in a controlled atmosphere (for example in argon).\nAlthough this process produces excellent coatings, it is extremely expensive. Even though the aircraft industry has been using this process extensively for spraying of engine parts efforts are being made to move away from this expensive technology and gas shrouding of the plasma jet is one of the approaches which is under consideration. This process will at least delay the entrainment of air during atmospheric pressure plasma spraying. In the prior art, various plasma torches have been utilized which have a gas shroud for the torch. Such a device is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,470,347 which shields the gas effluent with a ring of fluid flow. However, this particular torch does not include a hot anode and hot shroud, which is desirable from the standpoint of obtaining high performance plasma, and merely has an annular jet or flow of gases that surround the plasma core.\nU.S. Pat. No. 4,121,082 shows a structure that has a preheated gas shield that directs a flow of gas back toward the plasma source, that is, back toward the anode and cathode, so that the shroud gas flow is a reverse direction from the plasma effluent.\nU.S. Pat. No. 4,841,114 also showns a high velocity, control temperature plasma spray method having an elongated anode that has a gas stream on the interior of the anode to surround the core of plasma.\nIn an article entitled \"A Gas-Shrouded Plasma Spray Torch\" by Fleck et al, and published in the Proceeding of the 7th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Vol. 4, page 1113 (1985), a description of a gas shroud using a conventional torch indicated that the plasma effluent increased in length, and through modeling described in the paper, there was a predicted reduction of oxygen entrainment and consequently the reduction of oxide formation in the coating. Thus, the shrouding of a plasma torch reduces the oxides that can appear in the coating that is being formed and is desirable.\nThe use of a hot anode, that is, an anode that is not cooled with water or other liquid provides a way of having a shroud gas flow that is heated by the anode, and thus aids in cooling the anode, the shroud gas flow surrounds the anode, and then intermixes with the plasma as the plasma flows out of the plasma torch.\nThe present invention relates to a hot anode plasma torch that has a annular curtain of gas traveling along the exterior of the anode, which has a central bore, and flowing in the same direction as the flow of plasma from the torch. The plasma core is surrounded by hot inert gas as the plasma exits the anode. The inert gas shields the core as well as intermixing with the core as it is discharged from the plasma torch. This arrangement provides for a stable flow of plasma effluent, and eliminates undesirable premature mixing with the surrounding air, producing an elongated plasma jet. The longer jet provides a better heating environment for injected powder after the plasma exits the torch. The hot shroud widens the effective cross-section of the hot plasma jet, providing additional heating for injected powders. The overall torch performance is enhanced without consumption of additional power, and without requiring direct water cooling of the anode, which reduces torch efficiency.\nThe present invention has utility in DC arc processes, such as plasma spraying. The torch has a higher power efficiency than conventional DC spray torches of similar design, and the hot anode design allows for a more diffuse anode arc attachment leading to a more stable and more repeatable arc compared to a conventional torch design.\nFIG. 1 is a vertical sectional view of a plasma torch made according to the present invention;\nFIG. 2 is the plasma torch of FIG. 1 with a modified exit orifice shown thereon.\nA plasma torch indicated generally at 10 has a suitable body 11 of material that resists the heat involved, and as shown, it is a multi-section body. The main mounting end 12 supports a cathode support 13 which is also used for carrying DC power to the cathode. This support is suitably held in the body 11, as shown, and it can be of conventional design. A rod-like cathode 15 is supported in the support 13, and extends downwardly through an interior chamber defined in part by an arc gas injector ring 17. This is either a type of porous ring, or a ring having small holes that permits arc gas to be introduced into a cathode chamber 20 that is defined by a copper anode base 21. The anode base 21 is electrically insulated from the cathode support 13 and the cathode 15 to permit completing a circuit that is schematically shown in the drawings, and includes a power source 22 providing power to the cathode and the anode at suitable power levels.\nThe anode base 21 is suitably sealed with high temperature seals 23 to a housing section 11A, and held supported relative to this housing section. Further, the cathode 15 includes a tungsten cathode end rod 25 which fits within the chamber 20 and has a tapered converging end 26. The chamber formed on the interior of anode support base 21 also has an inwardly tapered end wall portion 28 that narrows in size, as can be seen, and the end of the anode support base 21 remote from ring 17 in turn supports a tubular tungsten anode 30. The anode 30 is held securely on the end of the support base 21 and defines an interior bore 32 with a tapered end surface 34 that continues the tapered surface of the tapered portion 28 adjacent the cathode. It can be seen that the tip 26 of the cathode fits within the tapered bore 34 of the anode. The bore 32 is aligned with the central axis of the cathode. This central axis is indicated at 38.\nThe anode has an axial length that extends in direction away from the cathode, and it has an exit bore 40 which expands outwardly.\nThe anode is supported at the end adjacent the cathode by an annular gas injection ring 42 that is supported between an end surface of the anode base 21 and an anode shield 44. The gas injection ring 42 fits 48 through which the shrouding gas can be injected, from an inert shroud gas source 45.\nThe shield 44 has an interior bore 50 that is larger than the outer diameter of the anode 30, and forms an annular passageway or space 52 that opens to the interior of the gas injection ring 42. The injection ring 42 has a series of openings 43 around the periphery of the anode to provide for injection of gas from the plenum chamber 46 into the passageway 52 surrounding the anode. The shield 44 in turn is surrounded by a housing section 11B which forms part of the housing 11, and, as shown, the housing 11B is an annular section that fits within the lower end of housing section 11A, and provides a number cooling passageways 54 that receive cooling water from an inlet connection 56. The water passageways 54 are made so that water will flow upwardly as indicated by the arrow, and enter in..to an annular chamber surrounding the anode base 21, to provide some cooling of the anode (not direct cooling), and the water will then flow through suitable passageways indicated just schematically at 60 in the housing portion 11A up into an annular plenum 62 surrounding the cathode support 13, and from there the water will be discharged to a suitable drain. The passageway for the drain is not shown.\nAnode power can also be carried through the port 56, if desired, so that there is a direct connection to the anode, as shown schematically. This comes from the power source 22.\nNozzle plate 70 is mounted on the housing 11 at the lower end of the housing section 11B, and is provided with an annular cooling fluid chamber 72 that surrounds an exit nozzle 74 formed in the orifice plate and which joins the passageway 50 of the shield 44. The exit orifice plate 70 has a converging nozzle 74, to reduce the diameter of the plasma stream and shroud gas, to provide for stability of operation, and a somewhat longer plume or jet of plasma effluent from the orifice plate.\nSuitable seals are used in the junction areas as can be seen, and a ring 46 can be used for holding the parts 11A and 11B together within the chamber or plenum 58 for the cooling water.\nWhen the power is applied, the cathode, which is tungsten in the preferred form, is surrounded with a suitable arc gas from an arc gas source 76 entering through the arc gas injector ring 17, and into the chamber 20 surrounding the base end of the cathode. This flow is conventional, and the arc gas flows around the tungsten cathode rod 25 (it preferably is made of tungsten or other high temperature-resisting materials) and as the arc gas converges around the cathode tip portion 26 where an arc is formed with respect to the anode, plasma is formed in the space between the surfaces of the converging surface 34 of the anode 30 and the tip 26 of the cathode and flows toward the exit end of the anode through passageway 32.\nAt the same time, inert shroud gas from a source 45 is being introduced through passageway 48 and through the injector ring 42 into the annular passageway 52. It should be noted that the openings 43 in the ring 42 are inclined slightly in the direction of flow toward the exit nozzle 74. The inert gas flows down between the inner surface of shield 44 (which can be copper or a suitable ceramic) and the exterior of the anode 30 (which is hot), and is heated as it flows in the direction of flow of the plasma. The diverging nozzle end 40 of the hot anode causes the plasma to widen out slightly at the same time the shroud gas surrounding the plasma jet is slightly intermixing with the periphery of the plasma jet. The plasma and surrounding hot gas shroud exit through converging nozzle 74 which stabilizes the jet, and provides a stable shroud of inert gas to prevent oxidation of the plasma as it exits the nozzle.\nThe hot shroud gas does not reduce the energy of the plasma effluent significantly because it is hot, and the plasma effluent or plume will remain stable for a substantial exit length. This aids in heating powders injected into the plasma and aids in satisfactory operation during plasma spraying operations.\nA modified form of the invention is shown in FIG. 2, and the torch construction is exactly the same as that described in connection with FIG. 1. However, a separate nozzle plate is provided, in place of the nozzle plate 74. As can be seen, the nozzle plate 90 in the embodiment of FIG. 2 has an outlet nozzle 92 which is the same diameter as the passageway 50 on the interior of the shield 44, and has a slight diverging flair 94 at its outer end. This provides a very wide plasma jet or plume, and the gas shroud contains the plasma. Because this jet is of greater diameter, there are certain advantages in discharging the effluent, such as larger cross-section. The converging nozzle reduces the instability, and while making a narrower core, results in a longer jet, where this is desirable. I t also has been found desirable to have the velocity of the shroud gas slightly greater than the velocity of the arc gas on the interior of the anode. Temperatures on the anode itself can come into the range of over 1500° K. The shield 44 can reach 800° K. Gas velocities for the shroud gas can be in the range of 20 plus meters per second, with an arc gas inlet velocity in the range of 10-15 meters per second has been found satisfactory. A suitable shroud gas is an inert gas such as argon, and the arc gases can be those which are desired for the type of plasma needed.\nIt should be noted that the water cooling passageways in the housing section 11B are to aid in cooling the shield 44. The ceramic shield receives radiation from the anode so that there is radiation cooling of the anode, as well as cooling caused by heat transfer to the shroud gas. The body 11 can be made of copper. The anode temperature remains very high. Some anode cooling is also effected by copper base 21, which is surrounded by cooling water.\nAlthough the present invention has been described with reference to preferred embodiments, workers skilled in the art will recognize that changes may be made in form and detail without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US3470347 *||Jan 16, 1968||Sep 30, 1969||Union Carbide Corp||Method for shielding a gas effluent|\n|US4121082 *||Apr 27, 1977||Oct 17, 1978||Metco, Inc.||Method and apparatus for shielding the effluent from plasma spray gun assemblies|\n|US4369919 *||Oct 31, 1980||Jan 25, 1983||Npk Za Kontrolno Zavarachni Raboti||Plasma torch for processing metals in the air and under water|\n|US4656330 *||Oct 10, 1985||Apr 7, 1987||Plasma Materials||Plasma jet torch having converging anode and gas vortex in its nozzle for arc constriction|\n|US4682005 *||Feb 18, 1986||Jul 21, 1987||Lair Liquide, Societe Anonyme Pour L'etude Et L'exploitation Des Procedes Georges Claude||Plasma welding or cutting torch provided with a nozzle cartridge|\n|US4762977 *||Apr 15, 1987||Aug 9, 1988||Browning James A||Double arc prevention for a transferred-arc flame spray system|\n|US4777343 *||Mar 28, 1986||Oct 11, 1988||D. 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Kuo||Portable Plasma Sterilizer|\n|US20100032587 *||Feb 11, 2010||Hosch Jimmy W||Electron beam exciter for use in chemical analysis in processing systems|\n|US20100206853 *||May 3, 2010||Aug 19, 2010||Thermal Dynamics Corporation||Contoured shield orifice for a plasma arc torch|\n|CN101530000B||Aug 24, 2007||Oct 30, 2013||热动力公司||Contoured shield orifice for plasma arc torch|\n|EP1893004A1||Aug 27, 2007||Feb 27, 2008||Thermal Dynamics Corporation||Contoured shield orifice for a plasma arc torch|\n|WO2008024960A1 *||Aug 24, 2007||Feb 28, 2008||Thermal Dynamics Corp||Contoured shield orifice for a plasma arc torch|\n|WO2011061417A1||Nov 12, 2010||May 26, 2011||Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique||Plasma torch and method for stabilizing a plasma torch|\n|WO2014026290A1 *||Aug 15, 2013||Feb 20, 2014||Alter Nrg Corp.||Plasma fired feed nozzle|\n|U.S. Classification||219/121.51, 219/121.52, 219/121.48, 219/121.5|\n|International Classification||H05H1/40, H05H1/34|\n|Cooperative Classification||H05H2001/3484, H05H1/40, H05H2001/3457, H05H1/341|\n|Jun 24, 1991||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA A CORPOR\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST.;ASSIGNORS:PFENDER, EMIL;MALMBERG, STUART J.;REEL/FRAME:005761/0121;SIGNING DATES FROM 19910531 TO 19910604\n|Jan 11, 1994||CC||Certificate of correction|\n|Jan 21, 1997||REMI||Maintenance fee reminder mailed|\n|Jun 15, 1997||LAPS||Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees|\n|Aug 26, 1997||FP||Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee|\nEffective date: 19970518", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Playing with Drops and Films\nAnalytical chemistry in small places\nPurnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta\nDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry\nThe University of Texas at Arlington\nArlington, TX 76019-0065\nMurphy may not have encoded it quite as such but things generally turn out differently from what one envisions. When I first came to Texas Tech and the West Texas hamlet of Lubbock, I did not know that rainfall constitutes an event. By this time I had also been educated enough to know that raindrops are not so pristine, they accumulate material both in their life as cloud droplets and as they fall through the atmosphere. Indeed sequential analysis of rain can isolate the two contributions. The idea of hanging drops out for sampling gases was thus born and led to many interesting avenues- what can you do with drops? Hanging drops? Pendant drops? Sessile drops? Scissile drops? Falling drops?\nThe second ongoing adventure I will like to talk about the many unique characteristics of flows in small spaces. The interesting thing is that only one of the relevant dimensions needs to be small. Liquids flowing on a confined two-dimensional plane can be harnessed to demonstrate interfacial reactions, measure concentrations or physical properties such as viscosity. To the colorful at heart it may be the chemistry in Art Noveau form, otherwise just another lava lamp.........", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository holds full-text theses and dissertations submitted for higher degrees at the University (including submissions from former Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon).|\nThe antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects of Cotyledon Orbiculata extracts\nThe challenge of antimicrobial resistance has increased drastically over the years as more microorganisms are becoming resistant to the available conventional treatments. The burden of antimicrobial resistant infections is intensified by the increase in immunocompromising conditions such as HIV/AIDS and cancer. Due to this challenge, pharmaceutical companies, health sectors and researches are in search of new antimicrobial agents that can solve the problem at hand. Medicinal plants are a reliable source for drug discovery as it is estimated that 25% of modern medicine originated from plants. They have also been used traditionally as sources of medicine in the treatment of many human ailments. Plants can also be applied in the field of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a promising field in medicine as it has the potential to offer improved methods for disease diagnostics and therapeutics. The use of plants in nanotechnology brings about biologically friendly nanomaterials. Cotyledon orbiculata is one of the well-known and common plants of South Africa that is used in traditional medicinal practices. The nanotechnology applications as well as the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects of this plant were evaluated. The ability of C. orbiculata to synthesize silver nanoparticles was determined. Optimisation of silver nanoparticle synthesis using water extract of C. orbiculata was done at different conditions. The conditions evaluated include, reaction temperature (25 and 70°C), silver nitrate concentration (1 and 3mM), plant extract concentration (1.5, 3 and 6mg/ml) and reaction time. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles using this plant was successful. The optimal conditions for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles using C. orbiculata were 3mg/ml of the C. orbiculata extract, 3mM silver nitrate at a reaction temperature of 70°C for 2 hours. Under these conditions, spherical, crystalline nanoparticles with sizes of 20-40nm were produced. The antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties of C. orbiculata extracts and silver nanoparticles were evaluated. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, using the micro-dilution assay to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results obtained revealed that all extracts of C. orbiculata have antimicrobial properties against all the microorganisms tested. The MICs of the extracts ranged from 3.13 to 50mg/ml and the MBC/MFC from 6.25 to >100mg/ml. The methanol extract exhibited better antimicrobial activity in comparison to the others extracts whereas the water extract had better antifungal properties. The chloroform extract showed the lowest activity in both antibacterial and antifungal studies. Silver nanoparticles also exhibited antimicrobial activity against all the microorganisms tested. It’s MICs against these microorganisms ranged from 5–80μg/ml and MBC/MFC from 20-160μg/ml. The silver nanoparticles were highly active than the water extract against both the bacteria and the fungi. Immunomodulatory effects of the plant extracts and silver nanoparticles were determined by evaluating cytokine production using the enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) assay. All the extracts and silver nanoparticles of C. orbiculata were found to have anti-inflammatory properties. The water extracts showed more anti-inflammatory activity against the cytokines than the other extracts. However the silver nanoparticles were more active than the water extract. The findings from this study confirmed that C. orbiculata have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. This provided scientific evidence of the traditional use of this plant in the treatment of skin infections and inflammatory conditions.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ImmunoMax is the consummate natural supplement for supporting your immune system with the nutrients it needs to effectively wage battle against the viruses and bacterium that are constantly trying to invade your body.* Formulated with the over 70 minerals and trace elements found in ConcenTrace for maximum absorption, ImmunoMax is a blend of Echinacea, garlic, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, goldenseal, and olive leaf extract. Together they stimulate and support your immune system for maximum protection when you need it most.*\nFeel the difference or your money back.\n* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.\nSuggested Use: Two Tablets Daily.\n2 tablets provide the following:\nVITAMINS: (Source) % USRDA*\nVitamin A 5000 IU 100% *\nVitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 250 mg. 417% * Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCI) 2 mg. 133% *\nVitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 2 mg. 118% *\nNiacin 1.85 mg. 9% *\nVitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI) 4 mg. 200% *\nFolic Acid (d-Calcium Pantothenate) 100 mg. 1000% *\nVitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 50 mcg. 833% *\nPantothenic Acid (d-Calcium Pantothenate) 100 mg. 1000% *\nZinc (citrate and succinate) 10 mg. 67% *\nSelenium (Amino Acid Chelate) 25 mg. 36% *\nCopper (Gluconate) .5 mg. 25% *\nMagnesium (ConcenTrace®) 62 mg. 16% *\nChloride (ConcenTrace®) 175 mg. 5% *\nSulfate (ConcenTrace®) 14 mg. **\nSodium (All sources combined) 0 mg. 0%*\nLithium (ConcenTrace®) 0.38 mg. **\nBoron (ConcenTrace®) 0.25 mg. **\nMixed Bioflavinoid Complex 25 mg. **\nCoenzyme Q10 5 mg. **\n* USRDA (U.S. recommended daily allowance for adults and children over 12)\n** USRDA not established.\nPlus the following in naturally occurring, varying trace amounts from ConcenTrace®: Carbonate, Bromide, Fluoride, Iodine, Rubidium, Scandium, Phosphorus, Nickel, Chromium, Strontium, Cobalt, Titanium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Barium, Copper, Silicon, Yttrium, Molybdenum, Tin, Gallium, Gold, Silver, Cesium, Beryllium, Selenium, Vanadium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Terbium, Praseodymium, Lutetium, Gadolinium, Samarium, Bismuth, Ytterbium, Erbium, Europium, Neodymium. Plus the other minerals found in sea water.\nHERBS: 725 mg. of the following combination: Astragulus root, Olive leaf, Garlic bulb, Shitake mushroom, Ginseng blend (Asian and American root), Echinacea blend (Angustifolia and Purpurea root), Goldenseal root, Oregon Grape root and Licorice root. Bromelain Enzyme (from Pineapple).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The AXIMA Performance is one of the most powerful tools in mass spectrometry, delivering information-rich spectra with greater sensitivity and higher confidence in identification. Extremely versatile, this MALDI TOF-TOF mass spectrometer utilizes state-of-the-art high energy MS/MS, delivers unparalleled flexibility in an ergonomic, robust and reliable research-grade system, and provides the sensitivity needed for complex biomolecule and polymer characterization.\nThe Axima Performance™ demonstrates high resolution and mass accuracy across a wide mass range, from pharmaceutical compounds, through peptides to high mass proteins, to enable a variety of applications in the research environment. A highly optimised linear mode generates reproducible and sensitive results for very high mass compounds and complexes, extending the array of sample classes that may be analysed. A typical example of an intact high mass protein, Immunoglobulin G, is shown here.\nThe revolutionary monoPULSE™ ion gate allows the selection of MS/MS precursors with industry leading resolution. Ions from complex mixtures or closely associated neighbouring isotopic envelopes may be isolated and subsequently fragmented. The gate resolution of greater than 400 (FWHM) readily permits the analysis of peptides with similar nominal mass, even with overlapping isotopic distributions.\nOnce selected for MS/MS fragmentation, precursor ions are subjected to true high energy collisions with the chosen collision gas, e.g. helium. The resulting fragment ions are analysed in the second TOF region incorporating the curved field reflectron and detected with the ultrafast MCP detector. Typical MS/MS spectra shown here display the quality and sensitivity of a routine analysis. Detailed information is gained from a wide range of fragment ion masses and intensities. The increased intensity of the immonium ions adds confidence through diagnostic value to peptide sequence assignment and significantly aids de-novo sequencing experiments. The novel additional LMZ scan allows focus of the analysis to be directed around the low mass region of the MS/MS spectrum. This feature can be employed to increase confidence in MS/MS based quantitation experiments and to aid in de novo sequencing of unknowns by enhancing the immonium ion region of the spectrum.\nThe monoPULSE™ high performance, revolutionary ion gate provides outstanding MS/MS precursor ion selection resolution. When complex mixtures are analysed, the high resolution ion gate allows optimal isolation of ions with similar nominal mass, affording successful separation of MS/MS fragmentation patterns, producing more and higher confidence identifications. Resulting MS/MS spectra are easier to interpret and significant database search hits are more readily achieved. The high energy collisions, together with the new design Curved Field Reflectron produce well balanced, information rich MS/MS data.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- 198 views\n- 279 downloads\nMolecular Dynamics Study of Clay-Polymer Interactions in the Treatment of Mature Fine Tailings\n- Author / Creator\n- Sun, Wenyuan\nIn this dissertation, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to study the mechanisms of clay-polymer interactions and the effects of solution chemistry in the treatment of mature fine tailings (MFT). The fine solids in MFT were mainly clay particles such as montmorillonite and kaolinite. Polymers with different properties were widely used to flocculate the clay particles.\nChitosan, polyacrylamide (PAM), and anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) as commonly used cationic, neutral, and anionic polymer flocculants were firstly introduced to the proximity of montmorillonite (Mt) surface. A monolayer coating of chitosan was observed to form quickly on the Mt surface, driven by coulombic attraction between the cationic polymer and anionic Mt surface. PAM and APAM did not show effective adsorption by themselves. However, when PAM or APAM was added after chitosan, their adsorption was facilitated by the pre-adsorbed chitosan. PAM could adsorb either directly on Mt or on chitosan, in the form of clusters or individual molecules. On the other hand, APAM only adsorbed on chitosan, forming a two-layer structure above the Mt surface. Adding chitosan simultaneously with PAM or APAM, instead of sequentially, did not change the characteristics of the adsorption. The synergetic adsorption of polymers was attributed to the interplay of electrostatic attraction between Mt and chitosan, hydrogen bonding between chitosan and PAM, as well as electrostatic attraction between chitosan and APAM.\nIn colloidal systems such as polymer-modulated MFT, the influence of ions on the solid-polymer interactions cannot be neglected, in particular the interaction between similarly charged polymer and solid. The adsorption of anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) on anionic Mt, in an aqueous solution containing monovalent or divalent salts was simulated to address the effects of ions. Compared with monovalent salts (NaCl), the enhancement of APAM adsorption brought by divalent salts (CaCl2) was significant, which could not be explained by the Poisson−Boltzmann theory alone. APAM coordinated to the solvated Ca2+ by displacing 1-2 water oxygens in the first coordination shell of Ca2+. Ca2+ ions in the adsorbed Ca2+−APAM complexes did not serve as bridges sandwiched between APAM and Mt; instead, the complexes carried a residual positive charge and were subsequently attracted to Mt. The number of adsorbed Ca2+−APAM complexes changed with salinity in a nonmonotonic manner, due to the modulation of apparent charges of Mt and APAM by Ca2+. Increasing adsorption of Ca2+−APAM complexes also promoted APAM adsorption through direct hydrogen bonding with Mt.\nBesides ions, the presence of asphaltene in MFT greatly influences the flocculation, through interacting with both the clay surfaces and the polymers. A model asphaltene, C5Pe, was simulated to study such effects. Potential of mean force (PMF) calculations demonstrated the interplay between enthalpy-driven adsorption of C5Pe on the hydrophilic alumina surface of kaolinite and entropy-driven adsorption on the hydrophobic siloxane surface of kaolinite. When added between different types of clay surfaces in water, participating in the hetero coagulation of clay particles, C5Pe tended to adsorb on the hydrophilic surface. In the adsorbed aggregate, the hydrophobic parts of C5Pe molecules stacked in a parallel manner, which aligned perpendicularly to the surface, while the hydrophilic part formed hydrogen bonds with the surface.\nWhen APAM was added simultaneously with C5Pe to an adjacent Mt basal surface, the clustering of APAM molecules was suppressed by C5Pe and the adsorption of APAM was enhanced by the concurrent interaction of C5Pe with APAM and the Mt basal surface. In contrast, near a kaolinite edge surface, unadsorbed C5Pe in the bulk served as growth nucleus for APAM cluster, attracting APAM to the bulk solution and reducing their adsorption.\nTogether, the molecular insights derived from the simulation results in this dissertation complemented experimental investigations and can further help the polymer treatment of MFT.\n- Graduation date\n- Fall 2021\n- Type of Item\n- Doctor of Philosophy\n- This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Aufbau Principle Quizzes & Trivia\nThe Aufbau principle is mostly used in chemistry and it should show us a prediction of the electronic configuration of atom. Challenge your knowledge and complete this quiz. Good luck!\nQuestions: 10 | Attempts: 100 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2018\nSample QuestionHow many electrons can the first energy level hold?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "ADHERING TO HIGHER STANDARDS\nprotein glue and flexible cake glue for use in the bookbinding industry, and paper and carton manufacturing industries\nABANDONED - FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE\nAugust 5, 1999\nADHERING TO EXCELLENCE\nadhesive bonding agents for use in bonding woods, ceramics, fiberglass, paper, jewelry, leather, rubber, cloth, plastic, vinyl rep...\nREGISTERED AND RENEWED\nSeptember 8, 1997", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "If there's one thing that should seem immediately obvious when transporting chemicals through a system, it's that traditional pumps designed for moving water might not be sufficient. This is where sturdy chemical resistant pumps become a factor. They work via the same mechanical and physical principles as other kinds of pumps (centrifugal force, variable pressure, etc.) but use materials within their housing that are specially designed to handle the chemicals pumped through them, and to prevent leaks of said chemicals (which would be quite disastrous). There are chemical dosing pumps which are able to pump in very precise amounts so that when doing chemical injection or adding some chemical mixture to a fluid process line, there isn't the danger of pumping in too much or too little of what you need. And there is larger chemical resistant pumps for transfer which are perfect for doing jobs in mining and other processes.\nWe make sure to supply chemical resistant pumps manufactured from chemically inert materials (for safety when handling the chemicals), and have adjustable flow rates that can be changed by several means (providing greater ease of use). To find out how Global Pumps can help you locate the chemical resistant pump that is right for you, give us a call on 0 8 8275 8000 or email at email@example.com today.\nIf you need some guidance on how to select the right pump then you’re not alone! There’s such a wide range of pumps in Australia, from centrifugal pumps to hose pumps to diaphragm pumps. The options available to you can make it a difficult choice, so we’ve created this special guide to help step you through the process of selecting the ideal pump for your requirements.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Polydopamine is the first adhesive polymer that can functionalize surfaces made of virtually all material chemistries. The material-independent surface modification properties of polydopamine allow the functionalization of various types of medical and energy devices. However, the mechanism of dopamine polymerization has not yet been clearly demonstrated. Covalent oxidative polymerization via 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI), which is similar to the mechanism for synthetic melanin synthesis, has been the clue. Here, it is reported that a physical, self-assembled trimer of (dopamine)2/DHI exists in polydopamine, which has been known to be formed only by covalent polymerization. It is also found that the trimeric complex is tightly entrapped within polydopamine and barely escapes from the polydopamine complex. The result explains the previously reported in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility. The study reveals a different perspective of polydopamine formation, where it forms in part by the self-assembly of dopamine and DHI, providing a new clue toward understanding the structures of catecholamines such as melanin.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Nanotechnology 2018 Oct 13;29(43):435704. Epub 2018 Aug 13.\nState Key Laboratory of Organic-Inorganic Composites, Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Polymer Composites, and College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, People's Republic of China.\nIn recent years, Janus materials have become a research hotspot in the field of materials science; however, fabricating inorganic Janus-like nanofibers (NFs) is still a challenge. Herein, we report novel ZnO/NiO Janus-like NFs with efficient photocatalytic performance via an electrospinning method followed by calcination treatment. The morphology, structure, chemical composition and crystallinity of ZnO/NiO Janus-like NFs were studied in detail via SEM, TEM, HRTEM, EDS, FT-IR, XPS and XRD, indicating that the NFs had a perfect Janus-like structure composed of ZnO and NiO. Read More", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The sulfur content of petroleum coke has steadily increased in recent years, and forecasts show levels will rise even further. This increase in sulfur content comes at a time when environmental awareness is at a , and regulatory restrictions are likely to place limits on the amount of sulfur permitted. Fortunately for aluminum smelters, several methods of reducing the sulfur content in\nNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) fossil fuel Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) continue to be in high demand by the petroleum industry and the fossil fuel-based electric utility industries. In the past, the measurement of sulfur in fuels and coustion systems has received principal attention, but mercury emissions are now attracting regulatory interest because of the\nAlibaba offers 138 sulfur granule products. About 7% of these are Granulators, 0% are Plastic Granulators. A wide variety of sulfur granule options are available to you, such\nRussian Federation PETROLEUM COKE - Find Detail PETROLEUM COKE - Calcined Petroleum Coke From Petrokom Treiding LLC Signup now to connect with over 7 Million Importers & Exporters globally. Join Now, its Free\nDesignation: D 130 – 04 Designation: 154/93 An American National Standard Federation of Societies for Paint Technology Standard No. Dt-28-65 British Standard 4351 Standard Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petroleum Products by Copper Strip Test1\nD5003-19: Standard Test Method for Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) of Petroleum Coke D5004-11(2017): Standard Test Method for Real Density of Calcined Petroleum Coke by Xylene Displacement D5006-11(2016): Standard Test Method for Measurement\nAgglomerated petroleum coke, employing alkali metal silie as binder and a refractory additive to increase melting point of silie. Useful as substitute for coke from coal in metallurgical and calcining processes. Also processes of making same. US4015977A US05/463,511 US46351174A US4015977A US 4015977 A US4015977 A US 4015977A US 46351174 A US46351174 A US 46351174A US …\nIndia Calcined Petroleum Coke - Find Detail Cpc Calcined Petroleum Coke From Tirupati Processors Join Us to Access Thousands of Suppliers & Buyers\nGPC carbon additive Graphite Petroleum Coke in Steel making, US $ 580 - 650 / Ton, Shandong, China, GANGDA, GD-GPC.Source from Shandong Gangda International Trading\nWelcome To Enpro Enterprises Enpro is the fastest growing business enterprise, ering to the requirements of the foundries and industries. Based in Kolhapur (Maharashtra), the company is reckoned as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Premix Boric Acid\nA premium “fuel-grade” petroleum coke is produced by modifying petroleum coking technology. Coking process parameters are controlled to consistently produce petroleum coke within a predetermined range for volatile coustible material (VCM) content. The\n1978/8/1· Desulphurization of a fluid coke similar to the Athabasca oil sands coke* Zacheria M. George*, Linda G. Schneider* and Eric L. Tollefsont * Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada tUniversity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Received 20 August\n2020/4/3· PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under The National Institute of Standards and Technology Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 271 et seq. (which includes Title 15 U.S.C. 272 and 275) and section 12 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 3710a.; 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709 and 5721-5739, 28 U.S.C. 3101-3105, …\nresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D 95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum 2 D 1683\nPetroleum Coke includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, \"Power Plant Operations Report.\"\nCoke is a grey, hard, and porous fuel with a high carbon content and few impurities, made by heating coal or oil in the absence of air—a destructive distillation process. It is an important industrial product, used mainly in iron ore smelting, but also as a fuel in stoves and forges when air pollution is a concern.\nCoke, Petroleum CRS 393 Coke, Pulverized Colemanite Colloidal Lime Collupulin Cookie Meal Material Bulk Density Reference Chart Material Coke Fines 39 PROCESS EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS 3500 Vicksburg Lane North, Suite 410, Plymouth, MN 55447\nPetroleum Coke HollyFrontier Refining & Marketing LLC Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in Section 8. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Wash out mouth with water. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at\nAlibaba offers 294 granular sulphur products. About 3% of these are Elementary Substances, 2% are Nitrogen Fertilizer. A wide variety of granular sulphur options are available to you, such as grade standard…\nPetroleum Coke Petroleum coke is a kind of black solid coke through the process of splitting and coking at the temperature of 500℃-550℃ in the coking equipments. Petroleum coke can be used for the industry of graphite, smelting, chemics, etc. according to its different quality.\nDesignation: D4057 – 06 Designation: Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS), Chapter 8.1 Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4057; the nuer\nGet met coke at best price with product specifiions. Listed met coke manufacturers, suppliers, dealers & exporters are offering best deals for met coke at your nearby loion. FOB Port : coloia,australia,china,Malaysia, Russia\nBased in Kolhapur (Maharashtra), the company is reckoned as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Premix Boric Acid Acidic Ramming Mass, Pure Acidic Ramming Mass, Graphitized Petroleum Coke, Calcined Petroleum Coke, Zircon Sand, etc.\nCoke (Granules) 52 833 Coke Dust 15 240 Coke Fines 39 625 Coke, Calcined (Course) 56 897 Coke, Calcined (Fines) 59 945 Coke, Calcined (Intermediate) 59 945\n(b) coke (c) charcoal (d) petroleum Answer: (d) Question 8. The white semi-solid fraction of petroleum used for making vaseline is (a) asphalt (b) lubriing oil (c) paraffin wax (d) fuel oil Answer: (c) Question 9. Out of the following, which fuel is best used in the", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "In a natural base of unsaturated fatty acids (from safflower oil), rice bran and spirulina.\nIn a special base which provides for the gradual release of ingredients over a prolonged period of time.\nAs a dietary supplement, two tablets once daily.\nMicrocrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, rose hips, spirulina, sunflower oil, rice bran and pharmaceutical glaze.\nFree from artificial colors and preservatives.\nKeep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.\nKeep out of reach of children.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Andy Extance finds out how vaccines help people fight off germs without getting ill\nIntroduce careers into class to encourage chemistry learning\nCan science solve it? This article includes teaching resources\nAnd how does it keep science reliable? Classroom resources included\nHow chromatography helped solve a food safety crisis – includes classroom resources.\nFrom rotating alkenes to artificial muscle – specification links and resources will help you bring this cutting-edge story to your classroom\nHow do we control the pollutants we breathe in? This article includes specification links and resources for your classroom.\nJapanese element hunters are trying to extend the periodic table\nHayley Bennett investigates water treatment technologies that are saving lives where there are no taps or pipes\nNew off-grid water treatment technologies are saving lives supplying clean water where there are no taps or pipes\nHow to develop your students’ distillation knowledge and practical skills\nIda Emilie Steinmark finds out how new research may boost catalytic performance\nSite powered by Webvision Cloud", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "One Ocean Beauty’s high performance products combine clean, cruelty free formulations with clinically proven results.\nOur products exclude over 1,400 harmful ingredients and we are dedicated to adapting our formulas as new knowledge becomes available.\nOUR FORMULAS ARE FREE FROM\nParabens are unnecessary preservatives that extend the shelf life of health and beauty products. Some are linked to skin and breast cancer, reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption ,and development disruption.\nPhthalates are chemical compounds used to make plastics flexible and as lubricants in cosmetics. Some are linked to hormone disruption and may cause birth defects. Some phthalate variants are banned in the EU.\nPolyethylene glycols (PEGs) are products of condensed ethylene oxide and water that are utilized in cosmetic products as surfactants, emulsifiers, cleansing agents, humectants, and skin conditioners.\nTypically found in health and beauty products, nanoparticles serve as delivery agents that help other ingredients penetrate the skin and homogenize the distribution of colored pigments in cosmetics. The effects of these particles have not been fully studied and are especially hazardous if inhaled.\nNo Mineral Oil\nA byproduct of the oil refinery process, this petroleum-based product can contain harmful cancer-causing chemicals and is banned in the EU. In health and beauty products, it's typically used to lock in moisture, soften the skin and improve skin barrier function.\nMay be shown as ‘fragrance’ or ‘perfume’ in ingredient lists, these fragrances can contain untested chemicals including hormone disruptors, allergens, heavy metals and more. Added fragrance can also lead to skin irritation in those with sensitive skin.\nNo animal testing is performed on our products or ingredients during production. One Ocean Beauty is proudly Leaping Bunny Certified.\nClinically Proven Results\nWe use clinically-proven active marine ingredients + high-performance peptides. Our formulations contain active ingredients at the full clinical percentage and are tested both in vitro & in vivo. Each formula is clinically proven to rejuvenate skin leaving it looking healthier, smoother, and more radiant.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Our Factory is China's largest Home Appliance Industry modified plastic pa6 White pellets for lubrication Manufacturing Company. our factory was ISO9001 certificated factory. Our most advantageous are natural PE-g-mah Chemical auxiliaries Creamy-white supplier .\nWe are a large-scale Home Appliance Industry Polymer Compatibilizer yellow granules wholesale manufacturing enterprise integrating production, R&D and sales of Electret Masterbatch impact modifier for pp translucent white manufacturer . The factory covers 12,000 sq. m. The company not only has a strong production capacity and top production level, equipped with world-class production equipment and assembly line,we can produce all types of high-quality Electrical Conductivity chemical fiber additive translucent white for biodegradable compounds according to customers' demand.But also has a professional technical team, advanced testing equipment and perfect testing means ,specializing in the production of various EPDM-g-mah modified plastic pa6 Creamy-white wholesale and other products. Our products have been exported to Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries.From first to last,we have been adhering to the integrity-based, satisfaction for the letter, high-quality products to create, ignite the future of the marketing concept, to provide customers with quality products and perfect product services, convey the enterprise spirit of basing on a new starting point, creating new fields, experiencing new life and establishing a new image, set up an enterprise image of integrity, dedication, self-discipline and innovation, so we have won the industry partners a lot of praise and recognition.\nThe extensive range we offer is the result of years of industry expertise. The offered POE Grafted GMA modified plastic pa6 yellow granules price has been meticulously manufactured by our vendors using high quality components and advanced technology.\nWe are a global supplier and manufacturer of Bathroom Industry chemical fiber additive yellow granules for flame retardant . We design, produce and deliver Toughness enhancement Impact Modifier translucent white price . We have a team that is smart, consisting of a proactive management team, qualified personnel, and dedicated employees. We are committed to investing in our facilities. This is why we import high-quality equipment from Germany and South Korea. All products comply with the ISO9001: 2000 quality standards. Our company is well-known for its innovative management, high-quality products and advanced technology. Our company produces Low smoke modified engineering plastics Creamy-white price and other related products. Before we ship the product to our customers, we rigorously test it and give a guarantee of its quality. We conduct regular inspections in order to keep our products competitive. Our business philosophy is \"first-class design\", \"first-class products\", and \"first-class service\". We are confident that you will choose our products.\nWe were established in 2013 and engaged in the manufacturing, wholesale trading, and retailing Home Appliance Industry modified plastic pa6 White pellets for lubrication of PE-g-mah Chemical auxiliaries Creamy-white supplier . Our dedication to providing satisfactory application of our machinery has earned us valuable trust from a large number of prestigious clients, including well-respected restaurants, well-established caterers, and widely recognized Home Appliance Industry Polymer Compatibilizer yellow granules wholesale companies. We focus on quality at all stages and leverage the innovative technology with the tireless skills of our professionals.\nWe are suppliers of all type of Electret Masterbatch impact modifier for pp translucent white manufacturer moved in industry for good sales, we have Electrical Conductivity chemical fiber additive translucent white for biodegradable compounds type and specification that will suit our customer satisfaction. We have got also attached EPDM-g-mah modified plastic pa6 Creamy-white wholesale samples and also other of our desires together with the above attached catalog sample.\nOur company's core values have been to put the customer first and make quality products the best. This has led to increasing international recognition. More than 1000 customers have achieved commercial success with the products, which were sold in more than 40 countries, including Australia and the United States.\nWe have gained a remarkable position in the concerned industry by offering POE Grafted GMA modified plastic pa6 yellow granules price Service. To ensure that our clients are satisfied, we have qualified staff with technical knowledge. We have a wide range of equipment that allows us to offer a number of Bathroom Industry chemical fiber additive yellow granules for flame retardant to our customers. These job works are provided by our team in different specifications to meet the needs of clients.\n|Adherence Plastic modifier White powder manufacturer||Hot Melt chemical-auxiliary-agent White powder for flame retardant|\n|Low temperature toughening Hot melt adhesive translucent white for nucleation||PE Grafted MAH modified plastic pa6 translucent white for compatibility|\n|PE-g-mah Plastic additives translucent white supplier||Pe Grafted modified plastic pa6 White pellets manufacturer|\n|Pp Grafted chemical fiber additive yellow granules price||Photovoltaic encapsulation film Plastic agent White pellets supplier|\n|Enhancement Copolymer yellow granules manufacturer||Poe-g-GMA pp coupling agent yellow granules for dispersion|\n|Enhancement asa impact modifier Creamy-white manufacturer||Adherence Hot melt adhesive yellow granules for alloy compatibility|\n|Special alloys impact modifier for pp White pellets for compatibility||Bathroom Industry additive biodegradable plastic White powder for Pbat Pla filled With Tps Calcium Carbonate|\n|Pp-g-mah compatibilizing agents yellow granules supplier||POE Grafted GMA Pa Impact Modifier White powder price|\n|Poe-g-mah silane coupling agent yellow granules manufacturer||Weather Resistant adhesive for wood plastic composite translucent white wholesale|\n|Poe-g-mah modified plastic material Creamy-white manufacturer||Low odor modified plastics White powder supplier|\nPOE Grafted MAH Plastic additives translucent white wholesale, Plastic industry modified plastic pa6 yellow granules manufacturer, PE Grafted MAH compatibilizing agents White pellets for thermal stabilization, Poe-g-GMA modified plastic pa6 Creamy-white supplier, Electrical Conductivity Compatibilizer Creamy-white price, Low temperature resistance pp coupling agent Creamy-white for alloy compatibility, Grafted GMA Hot melt adhesive translucent white manufacturer, Photovoltaic encapsulation film Pa6 Toughner yellow granules for nucleation, Photovoltaic packaging film pp coupling agent White pellets price, Enhancement modified plastic pa6 White pellets manufacturer,", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "6 edition of Assistant Chemical Engineer found in the catalog.\nJune 1989 by National Learning Corp .\nWritten in English\nCareer Examination Series\n|The Physical Object|\nJan 01, · The following are selected recently published books that may be relevant for chemical process industries (CPI) professionals. Dispelling Chemical Engineering Myths, 3 rd ed. (electronic book edition). By Trevor Kletz, CRC Press, , $, e-book. Jan 23, · As mentioned in exam advt Domain Topics Part A (General) Numerical Ability a. Percentages & Averages b. Profit, Loss and Discount c. Ratio and Proportion d. Miscellaneous Analytical Ability a. Arrangements b. Coding and Decoding c. Deductive. Chemical engineers design and develop chemical manufacturing processes, turning raw materials into useful products. These experts are adept at applying the principles of chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics in order to find solutions to problems involving the use or production of chemicals in innumerable permutations.\nIEEE recommended practice for grounding of industrial and commercial power systems.\nPALE SHADE WHT CST (Audioworks)\nAfrican political thought\nadventures of Lucky Pierre\nCalcium Chloride-Oxygen Leaching and Metals Recovery From an Arsenical Copper-Cobalt Concentrate.\nNumbers & mathematics.\nLetters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-1888\nThe enigma of health\nDiscover the best Chemical Engineering in Best Assistant Chemical Engineer book. Find the top most popular items in Amazon Books Best Sellers. Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers: with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5 (3rd Edition) (Prentice Hall International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences).\n“Are you searching best iocl je assistant chemical reference books. Then you are at the right place. Just check below.” IOCL BOOKS JUNIOR ENGINEER ASSISTANT (JEA) – CHEMICAL ♣ IOCL JE Assistant – IV Chemical Total Info Click below given links to get further information.\nWanna be a Chemical Engineer. These are must have books for every chemical engineering student. All Votes Add Books To This List. 1: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by. Warren L. Assistant Chemical Engineer book. avg rating — ratings. score: 1, and 11 people voted. This book is the first published textbook of AI in chemical engineering, and provides broad and in-depth coverage of AI programming, AI principles, expert systems, and neural networks in chemical engineering.\nThis book introduces the computational means and methodologies that are used to enable computers to perform intelligent engineering tasks. This book would be good for people who are ready to take the test but want to review materials quickly before the test.\nBut if you just started studying (my case) and want more example problems, then this book would not provide what you are looking for/5(2).\nChemical Engineering. Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook. Concepts in Electric Circuits. Essential Engineering Mathematics.\nIntroduction to Complex Numbers. Control Engineering Problems with Solutions. Partial Differential Equations. Control Engineering.\nWill work under the direction of the PI to engineer the genome. View all Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory jobs in San Francisco Bay Area, CA - San Francisco Bay Area jobs.\nSalary Search: Assistant Director salaries in San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Learn more about working at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Apr 08, · 2) Crane Technical Paper No. More of a reference than a book, this thin-spiraled paper will be vital to your career as an engineer.\nThe Crane Paper is a comprehensive guide to hydraulics of piping systems an unavoidable task for a chemical engineers no matter what part of industry you work in.\nAssistant Chemical Engineer Assistant Chemist Assistant Chemist (NYC H+H) Assistant City Assessor Assistant Civil Engineer Assistant Electrical Engineer Assistant Environmental Engineer Assistant Gardener Assistant Landscape Architect Assistant Mechanical Engineer Assistant Plan Examiner (Buildings) Assistant Program Specialist (Correction).\nJan 29, · Future technologies on the horizon in the leboostcamp.com Young Person's Guide to Chemical Engineering is an inside-look at exactly what chemical engineering school is like, and how to succeed in the degree while in college.\nDespite being related to chemical engineering, the book is light on mathematics (outside of the final chapter in the appendix)/5(7). 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Each reference book provides clear explanations of theory and thorough coverage of practical applications, supported by case studies.\nEngineering Books Pdf, Download free Books related to Engineering and many more. Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Computer Engineering.\nElectronic Engineering. Civil Engineering. Chemical Engineering. Automobile Engineering. Petroleum Engineering. Telecommunication Engineering. Aerospace Engineering. Engineering Books. 15, Chemical Engineer jobs available on leboostcamp.com Apply to Chemical Engineer, Entry Level Engineer, Nuclear Engineer and more.\nChemical Engineer Jobs, Employment | leboostcamp.com Skip to Job Postings, Search Close. The book describes the basic principles of transforming nano-technology into nano-engineering with a particular focus on chemical engineering fundamentals. This book provides vital information about differences between descriptive technology and quantitative engineering for students as well as.\nSearch Assistant chemical engineer jobs. Get the right Assistant chemical engineer job with company ratings & salaries. open jobs for Assistant chemical engineer. Best Jobs in. Assistant Chemical Engineer jobs and careers on totaljobs.\nFind and apply today for the latest Assistant Chemical Engineer jobs like Engineering, Chemistry, Production and more. We’ll get. Fundamentals in Chemical Engineering The Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto invites applications for a teaching stream appointment in the area of Design, Safety and Fundamentals in Chemical Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream.\nThe expected start date is July 1, Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering jobs available on leboostcamp.com Apply to Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Plastics Engineer and more. The Internet is flooded with information and thus you are bound to get confused here.\nSo first make sure what you want, be topic specific, be depth specific. Try not to simply search for the keywords \"engineering ebooks\" but search for something. At the heart of an executive assistant’s job is expertly maintaining calendars, booking appointments and arranging meetings that meet the needs of busy senior managers.\nThis question reveals how skilled a candidate is at keeping a company running smoothly while dealing with complex scheduling constraints.\nChemical engineering is a branch of engineering that uses principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to efficiently use, produce, design, transport and transform energy and materials.\nThe work of chemical engineers can range from the utilisation of nano-technology and nano-materials in the laboratory to large-scale industrial processes that convert chemicals, raw.\nFaculty Position in Chemical Engineering jobs available on leboostcamp.com Apply to Chemical Engineer, Assistant Professor, Faculty and more. This is a list of notable chemical engineers, people who studied or practiced chemical leboostcamp.com main list is those who achieved status in chemical engineering or a closely related field such as management or science.\nAt the foot of the page is a list of people with chemical engineering qualifications who are notable for other reasons, such as actors, sportspeople and authors. Here is an unsorted list of online engineering books available for free download.\nThere are books covering wide areas of electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, civil engineering, chemical and bioengineering, telecommunications, signal processing, etc. Jun 01, · Chemical Engineering Resume Objectives.\nThe role of a chemical engineer is to develop, oversee, optimize, and troubleshoot chemical manufacturing processes, although job duties for professionals in this position may vary widely from one company to the next.\nDownload Chemical Reaction Engineering By Octave Levenspiel – Chemical reaction engineering is concerned with the exploitation of chemical reactions on a commercial scale. Its goal is the successful design and operation of chemical reactors.\nThis text emphasizes qualitative arguments, simple design methods, graphical procedures, and frequent comparison of capabilities of the major reactor types. Search Assistant professor chemical engineering jobs. Get the right Assistant professor chemical engineering job with company ratings & salaries.\nopen jobs for Assistant professor chemical engineering. Reviewed by Jeffrey Phillips, Assistant Professor, Hanover College on 2/18/ This book is pages long, so it covers a lot of material.\nIn fact, you can to go more than pages into the book to find coverage on Chemical Process Dynamics and Control.3/5(1). KAZ STROY INDIA LTD Assistant Chemical Engineering Kazstroy India Services bent positions among the best on the planet with respect to passing on improvement answers for the Oil & Gas, Infrastructure and Industrial divisions.\nIn a restricted capacity to center timeKazstroy India Services has created to twist up clearly a $ Billion USD Work Location: Like many other forms of engineering, chemical engineering can be pursued within undergraduate school, likely as one of the potential options within the school's college engineering department.\nA bachelor's might be enough to get the electrical engineer into a good position within the field. There are many possible skill sets to list in your resume.\nInclude a few valuable hard skills, such as expertise in chemical engineering processes, technologies, equipment, research and analysis, and health and safety procedures. Feel free to list a few soft skills as well, as our chemical engineer resume sample exemplifies.\nCHEMICAL Engineering Questions and Answers: leboostcamp.comal Engineering Basics leboostcamp.comal Reaction Engineering leboostcamp.comal Process leboostcamp.com Mechanics leboostcamp.com Tra CHEMICAL Engineering Questions and Answers pdf free leboostcamp.comive type.\nJun 01, · In straight words it is the lowest post in the organisation structure. In JEA post main branches are production (chemical), mechanical, electrical, instrumentation.\nWhereas the best book for preperation for chemical branch in JEA post is O p Gupta book for chemical engineering.\nAssistant Chemical Engineer at Burns & McDonnell Energy, and Chemical Engineering department where I attended lecture on biofuels and renewable energy. Helping ppl turn their book idea to Title: Assistant Chemical Engineer at.\nNov 01, · Recently Published Books for the CPI: July The following list is a selection of recently published books with relevance for the chemical process industries (CPI), July Chemical Engineering Bookshelf: CPI Booklist for March The following recently published titles are relevant to various parts of the chemical process industries.\nChemical Engineer: Job Duties, Occupational Outlook, and Education Requirements. Explore what it takes to become a chemical engineer. Learn about educational and professional requirements, job duties, salary, and potential job growth to see if this is the career is right for leboostcamp.com Required: Bachelor's degree.\nThe core of the program is a strong technical curriculum, whereby the fundamentals of the physical sciences, mathematics, and chemical engineering are learned. This core is complemented by general courses in other engineering disciplines to provide greater exposure to the engineering profession and to help prepare the students for professional.\nAdministrative Assistant: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering: [email protected] Engineering Building C Decarlo, Noreen M Administrative Assistant: Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB) ext Stay Connected with the School of Engineering.Some chemical engineering books pdf, like- levenspiel, coulson richardson, perry's handbook, ullmann's encyclopedia, stephonopaulos, holman, rk bansal, hougen watson.About.\nWith just over 2 years of professional experience, I have worked in both the Energy and Water industries as a design engineer, start-up engineer, and industrial water process leboostcamp.com: Assistant Chemical Engineer at .", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Fate of Estrogens in Anaerobic Digestion and their removal in ... Anaerobic digestion of estrogens was not observed under any circumstances ..... In this method, the sludge is disintegrated by the use of stirred ball mills.\nThe objective of this study was to develop a two stage anaerobic digester for single and co-digestion of edible and non-edible oil cakes obtained from the oil extraction mill.\nFull Article. Valorization of Waste Streams from Deinked Pulp Mills through Anaerobic Digestion of Deinking Sludge. Friedrich Steffen, a Ron Janzon, a Frank Wenig, b and Bodo Saake a, * Based on the results of this study, a total energy amount of 3,111 TJ/year can be produced from the anaerobic digestion of deinking sludge (DS) arising from German deinked pulp mills, which can then be used to ...\nNov 22, 2019· The anaerobic digestion (AD) has become an alternative source and an attractive treatment method. Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) digester has been designed to treat the Recycled paper mill wastewater (RPMW) in Morocco. This paper provides a research on anaerobic digestion of RPMW using UASB technology.\nFeb 10, 2020· In particular, co-digestion can significantly enhance the process stability as well as the bio-methane generation. This work aims at reviewing the latest achievements in anaerobic digestion of olive mill residues, focusing on the aspects that can mostly favor the process, principally from a technical but also from an economical point of view.\nJun 17, 2019· We report on how Biogas Digester Mixing for palm oil mill effluent (POME) fed continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) Biogas Plants in Asia are being equipped with highly acclaimed Landia GasMix mixers. It is clear, as explained in the Press Release below, that the importance of AD plant mixing is now gaining in recognition in […]\nIntroduction Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas 5 The biogas plant is the hub in the future circular econ-omy. Streams of excess materials, previously regarded …\nPulp and paper mills generate large amounts of waste organic matter that may be converted to renewable energy in form of methane. The anaerobic treatment of mill wastewater is widely accepted however, usually only applied to few selected streams.\nTo determine the response of pineapple mill waste to anaerobic digestion, a simulated mill waste with a COD value equal to actual mill waste was made from commercial pineapple juice for this study. Ammonium hydroxide was used as a pH control and a nitrogen supplement. The study utilized batch-anaerobicdigesters in initial stages to find\nAnaerobic Digestion of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes - An Overview of the Developments and Improvement Opportunities Article (PDF Available) in Chemical Engineering Journal 298:162-182 · …\nThis paper mill was concerned with the anaerobic biodegradability of methanol, its by-products and the potential for gas stripping the system. A series of laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the fate of methanol during anaerobic treatment. According to our research result, more than 99% of methanol contained in the condensate was biodegraded during anaerobic digestion. From ...\nThe Upward Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket or UASB process is a specialist use of anaerobic digestion wastewater treatment. It is quite rare to see, and it is based upon the idea that the particles in any sludge are gradually falling within the liquid they are in.\nAnaerobic digestion has thus emerged as an alternative waste treatment method to the aerobic digestion processes, mainly due to its higher organic matter degradation rate, with little sludge formed, and the production of energy through the synthesis of biogas, in addition to producing biofertilizers as an ending product (Mohama et al., 2009).\nTechnical Evaluation Report Anaerobic Digestate Crops . May 15, 2017 Page 2 of 29 . 54 Anaerobic digestate (AD) is the solid or semi-solid fraction of the effluent produced by anaerobic digestion 55 of organic matter . AD is composed mostly of water and organic matter. The specific composition varies\nAnaerobic digestion is particularly suited to organic material, and is commonly used for industrial effluent, wastewater and sewage sludge treatment. Anaerobic digestion, a simple process, can greatly reduce the amount of organic matter which might otherwise be destined to be dumped at sea, dumped in landfills, or burnt in incinerators.\nOct 26, 2019· Anaerobic Digestion of POME. POME is an attractive feedstock for biomethane production and is abundantly available in all palm oil mills. Hence, it ensures continuous supply of substrates at no or low cost for biogas production, positioning it as a great potential source for biomethane production.\nMar 14, 2018· The Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion are wide and the creation of renewable energy as biogas (largely methane), is just one of them. We provide a detailed lists, of the benefits of anaerobic digestion, below. We think that this is the most comprehensive document available on this subject. Before focusing on the detail, we begin by […]\naddition to the digestate, anaerobic digestion produces biogas (methane and CO2) which can be used to generate heat and/or power. The key challenge for pulp mill waste is the potential inhibitory effect of extractives and lignin in the case of mechanical mills.\nAnaerobic processes could either occur naturally or in a controlled environment such as a biogas plant. Organic waste such as livestock manure and various types of bacteria are put in an airtight container called digester so the process could occur. The picture to the right below shows a biogas digester at a dairy farm in Cottonwood, California.\nanaerobic digestion of olive-mill wastewater in a stirred tank mesophilic digester. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Analytical methods and wastewater characterization Total suspended solids (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), total and dissolved chemical oxygen demand (COD) and Kjeldahl nitrogen were determined according to Standard\nAnaerobic digestion – a global problem-solver One of the main selling points of anaerobic digestion (AD) is its versatility. Unlike many other renewable technologies, it doesn't just generate energy – it's also helping to treat a variety of issues right around the world… Improving sanitation While AD may have proven its environmental and economic worth…\nThe Colorado Energy Office is promoting the development of anaerobic digestion through a number of efforts, including the development of a Market Assessment of Agricultural Anaerobic Digesters and the passage of HB14-1159, which provides a sales tax exemption for anaerobic digestion equipment. As part of these efforts, CEO has compiled the ...\nAnaerobic Digestion Facilities Processing Food Waste in the United States ... solids (sludge), septage, de-icing fluid, lab (or pharma) wastes, paper mill wastes, and crude glycerin. v . The 2018 response rates for each type of survey are comparable to the response rates from the 2017\nOperation of this full-size digester will continue for further studies relating to anaerobic digestion of other agricultural residues, use of the processed material, and the role of digesters in the overall energy picture on animal farms.\n\"Prior to the digester being added, General Mills still produced high quality effluent that was able to be reused,\" notes Steve Huffman, Murfreesboro Water and Sewer Department's Pretreatment Coordinator. \"The addition of the anaerobic digester greatly reduced the sludge loading while still maintaining the high quality effluent.\nEffluent Treatment System in Palm Oil Mills: Part II - Biogas from Anaerobic Digestion Lai Mei Ee* * Malaysian Palm Oil Board, P. O. Box 10620, 50720 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. his article may play an important role in polishing the mind of researchers in the palm oil mill INTRODUCTION sector. Amidst the fascination of Mongana\nAnaerobic reactors are commonly treating only a few selected in-mill streams, such as paper mill effluents and evaporator condensates from chemical pulping, while many other effluents are excluded. Compared to mill wastewater treatment the application of anaerobic digestion to mill …\nAnaerobic digestion of municipal wastewat er sludge has been widely practiced since the early 1900s and is the most widely used sludge treatment method. Overall, the process converts about 40% to 60% of the organic solids to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The chemical composition of the gas is 60-65% methane,\nfrom anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill effluent at room temperature (30±2ºC) Figure 2.11 : Effects of HRT on COD removal and biogas production 21 from anaerobic digestion of palm oil mill effluent at high temperature (50±0.5ºC) Figure 2.12 : Influent and effluent COD values in anaerobic digestion 23 of fungal-pretreated OMW\n\"The effect of mixing on methane production in a semi-commercial closed digester tank treating palm oil mill effluent,\" Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1577–1583, 2009. View at: Google Scholar; M. H. Gerardi, The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters…", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Routine equipment maintenance was preformed including reverting to the original NGA capillary columns used on the unit because of inconsistent results. Parts were ordered for the ignition section of the atomic absorption unit. Support was given to the JANUS group, who reviewed the chemistry lab database applications. Worn areas on the lab bench top surface were renewed, and cabinets were cleaned, painted, and relabeled. Sandy Dillard was introduced to some of the lab equipment and procedures.\nTwo network hubs were replaced with wideband fiber optics based units during the initial underway time. The physically larger size of the units slowed the replacement. This upgrade caused problems with Appletalk zones using the FastPath interface to the ethernet system. The network maintenance jobs were done \"after hours\" to minimize interference with the JANUS group users.\nSeveral computer viruses were discovered and cleared, primarily from SEDCO machines. SEDCO replaced eight of the PCs on their network.\nThe catwalk heaters were wired and installed above the catwalk area in preparation for the upcoming high-latitude cruises. The electrical department then removed the heaters for storage until they are needed.\nNo curatorial representative sailed on Leg 174B. Eight cores were collected, tagging basement. Interstitial water samples were taken for the chemistry lab and physical properties and cryogenic magnetometer measurements were made. The interstitial water samples were squeezed and analyzed. Three X-ray diffraction (XRD) samples were taken. The samples and cores will remain on board for shipment to the BCR with the Leg 175 collection.\nSupport in the labs was mostly routine, addressing problems with the pycnometer in the physical properties lab and the atomic absorption unit in the chemistry lab. A second EPC recorder was installed in the underway lab to replace the 12-kHz Raytheon machine. The 12-kHz transceiver and transducer were investigated as the system failed in deep water. Both copiers required maintenance and were cleaned.\nAn ongoing project to remove obsolete Totco and DCS sensors and wiring was outlined and initiated.\nThe cryogenic magnetometer was filled and tuned during the New York port call. A series of experiments with wash cores and a hybrid core barrel with a stainless steel section were conducted to identify possible sources of magnetic overprints on sediment cores. Initial results concluded that the core barrel was not the major contributor to the overprint.\nThe microscope lab was used primarily by JANUS members who used the computer facilities.\nNo core samples were processed. Electrical power distribution in the area was modified to dedicate a circuit to the dishwasher; the extension cords were removed.\nPhysical properties measurements on the eight cores included multisensor track runs, thermal conductivity, index properties, and shear strength. The pycnometer process controller caused some trouble but is presently working. Information and suggested spare parts were requested. The Tech Help for the lab was brought up to date.\nFour of the staff volunteered for the METS team and mustered for two fire drills. The library safety video VCR was moved to SEDCO's lounge for their ongoing Quality Through Teamwork indoctrination classes. Two Safety/training wood shop videos, missing for several legs, have not been returned.\nWhereas preparation for the port call was fairly hectic, administration of the plan went fairly well. Anticipated difficulty with the Unions proved to be unwarranted. As this was a cruise ship and passenger terminal, the layout was not optimal for normal dockside loading and unloading.\nSets of positions were collected on site to compare the data quality of the two types of GPS receivers, the Omnistar GPS and Ashtech GPS/GLONASS. The second EPC flatbed recorder was installed, replacing the 12-kHz Raytheon flat bed recorder. The Pelagos annotation software was tested with both recorders; a few problems remain. A replacement power supply for the 12-kHz transceiver is expected in the coming shipment.\nThe hydraulics system associated with the hose handlers was disassembled to replace valves. Hoses and associated fittings were also replaced. Seals in two hose puller motors failed at different times; one was replaced. Planned space modifications and furniture installation for the underway lab was deferred as the furniture was not shipped to New York City as anticipated.\nA test seismic line was conducted on 7 August to work with the yellow multichannel array. Various preamplifier and gain values were used to match the analog record of the multichannel array with the single channel analog record. Various lead weight combinations and lengths of cable played out were tried on the multichannel array to achieve comparable depths with the single channel array at the same speed. Initial conclusions are that the real time analog record from a six channel (six phones) combined does not compare with a 60 phone single-channel array.\nOnce the X-ray fluorescence unit stabilized, a long series of standards were made for major and minor element analysis in preparation for upcoming legs. Familiarization and training began for Bob Olivas in the X-ray lab, focusing on the XRD. There was exposure to other X-ray lab routines and the JANUS data application that is being developed. Three XRD analyses were made of samples taken from Hole 1074A.\nTo 174B Special Projects and Problems\nTo 174B Table of Contents", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Circulating Pump Processing Of Gold Low Consumption. Circulating Pump Processing Of Gold Low Consumption. The heat source circulation pump was controlled by the hp controller, which activates the source pump 30 s before compressor activation. the cop of the gchp system is defined by eqn , where e el is the energy consumption of the gchp system, which includes the energy ...\nOct 02, 2020· Mineral Processing Equipment: Flotation process gold separation from ore low consumption A type of mining equipment that can trigger the development and change of the beneficiation technology industry.The main core machines are ball mills, rod mills, flotation machines, magnetic separators, etc.\nCirculating Pump Gold Ore Cyanide Process Low Consumption. Gold Cip Plant Gold Ore Processing Low Consumption. ... free encyclopedia carbon in pulp cip is an extraction technique for recovery of gold which has been liberated into a cyanide solution as part of the gold cyanidation process semi modular. ... Circulating Pump Gold Separation ...\ncirculating pump nickel ore mining process low consumption . Gold CIL Carbon in Leach Process is an efficient design of extracting and recovering gold from its ore By cyaniding and carbon leaching crushed gold ore slurry simultaneously CIL process lower the gold mining operation cost and increase gold recovery rate to a degree of 99\n17 Jun 2018 6:35. Pressure filter VPA feed pump power . 11:5. Process system gold bearing ore .. have become well rounded and the clay content is extremely low. Marine fronts are size, causing variations in circulating loads. Pump Selection Guide Goulds Pumps. The family of chemical process pumps includes both ANSI and. ISO models.\ncirculating pump flotation separation of mining energy saving Electric Water Pumps Energy Efficient Pumps. Items 1 9 of 3605 Electric water pumps are an excellent choice for high performance applications where every bit of Sale Price $138.00. gold mining equipment ball mill for gold ore flotation.\nCirculating Pump Gold Separation From Ore Efficient. circulating pump gold ore processing operations professional high efficiency iron pump for sale perkinspreschool Contact your nearest Goulds Pumps sales office or representative for a complete data package on any can be found in coal aluminum copper iron clay phosphate process pumps excellent hydraulic coverage high efficiency extreme\nRoasting of Gold Ore in the Circulating Fluidized Bed . 1/1/2016· Refractory gold ores are characterized by low gold recoveries in direct cyanide leaching. Reasons for low recovery include sulfides, carbon or arsenic. Gold particles are either embedded inponents or absorbed on carbon surfaces during the leaching process. Contact Me\nCip Plant Mining Thickener For Ores Low Consumption , Circulating pump extraction of gold of low grade high frequency mining process of coppersurface or subsurface.the low flow rate mode delivers a low flow rate to the charge ofore 50 for maintaining agitation of the ore\nIntroduction. 2018 10 4ground gold ore, typically containing mercury at 0100 ppm, is fed into the roasteroasters operate at 500600 c, the heat being used to oxidize both the sulfur and the carbon from the ore so that the gold can be leached and recoveredelectric energy consumption for circulating pumps owing to the low process temperature below.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Re: Anybody get a red rash? by SF1933 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum\nDate: 12/13/2007 6:51:04 PM ( 14 years ago ago)\nJohny, thanks for your reply\nI also was wondering if I am allergic to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as my chest looks like I have a bad sunburn or have been burned with a hot iron. Is it possible there might be something wrong with the chemical as I have noticed when mixing it with lemon juice, it smells bad, but it doesn't seem to turn yellow, only gray. And I wonder just how all these different dealers are making it pure and with the correct perecentage amounts in them.\nSince this is really the only reaction I have gotten so far, I think I will take your advice and stop for the present time and then start over after a short break. Maybe with a different activator. Thanks again for your input.\n<< Return to the standard message view\nfetched in 0.22 sec, referred by curezone.com/forums/fmp.asp?i=1062290", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Evidence-based research. Proven results. Our scientific approach makes a difference. In fact, it makes all the difference. With over 15 years of proven performance, growers know that when it comes to crop nutrition, they can always count on MicroEssentials® for the security of not just their livelihood, but their lives on and off the farm.\nGrowers know that micronutrients play an essential role in maximizing plant health and growth. With commodity blends, however, it can be difficult to ensure plants are getting the right balance of nutrients at the right time across their growth cycles for operations to actually see increased yields.\nThrough a groundbreaking design that utilizes phosphorus as the vehicle for the optimal delivery of the essential nutrients, MicroEssentials® solves the typical challenges with nutrient balance, uptake, and availability by fusing everything into a uniform granule, packed with crop nutrition innovations.\nNow is the time to double down with MicroEssentials® and turn a good year into many great ones.Download our white paper on maximizing profits.\nWith so many factors that can impact the success of your growing year, it’s nice to know that when it comes to crop nutrition, MicroEssentials® phosphate-based fertilizer has you covered. With proven technologies like uniform nutrient distribution and season-long sulfur availability backed by over 12 years of performance data, you can spend less time stressing over the fruits of your labor, and more time enjoying them.\nMicroEssentials is available in three distinct formulations, each catering to a unique lineup of crops and soil conditions.\nTo dig deeper into the crop nutrition behind MicroEssentials®, explore our full library of articles, research, and other resources.\nRaising a productive crop depends greatly on the nutrients a plant is able to access during its life cycle. Many factors influence the availability of those nutrients, including soil pH. For instance, as soil pH increases, the availability of phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) decreases. Although variety selection can help manage iron deficiency in soybeans, fertilizer application is still needed to address the P and Zn deficiencies prevalent in high-pH soils.\nEvaluate the yield response of MicroEssentials® SZ®\nEven with the increased focus on micronutrients and their importance to crop health and yields, basing a solid nutrient management plan on macronutrients is still critical. While macronutrients and micronutrients certainly work best together to create a balanced approach to crop nutrition, the key difference between them is the amount needed for proper plant growth.\nDetermine the rate of MicroEssentials® SZ® that can safely be placed with soybean seed in 7.5 inches and 30 inches row spacings.\nAre you seed-placing your phosphorus (P) and basing application rates on seed safety rather than crop requirements? You may be leaving yield on the table. Recent research out of the University of Manitoba examining seed-safe rates of P and sulfur (S) in canola is showing that P applied at rates based on seed safety may not be adequate to maximize canola yields.\nQuantify the effect of a comprehensive fertility program including MicroEssentials® SZ® (12-40-0-10S-1Zn) + Aspire® (0-0-58-0.5B) compared to a conventional fertility program of MAP (11-52-0) + MOP (0-0-60) or MAP Only in a four-year cropping system.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Legal steroids is a term recently developed to refer to legal steroids online or legal steroids that work alternativesto illegal ones.If online and illegal are interchangeable terms, then legal steroids would refer to something from the internet, steroids legal in qatar.Legal steroids on the other hand refers to things that use a chemical ingredient, steroids legal greece. It is sometimes used to describe a substance that is used as an alternative to a prohibited substance such as cocaine or heroin, steroids legal in south korea.This does not mean that only legal steroids are used online, but it does mean that this kind of steroid would be used on the internet.Legal SupplementsThe term legal supplements can also refer to different type of supplements on the market today, steroids legal in england. These two terms are interchangeable.However, legal supplements do not mean substances that are produced, manufactured or prepared as a legal supplement, steroids legal in south korea.These examples include steroids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, water, herbal medicine, vitamins and herbs.In terms of the two terms, the first legal supplement would be illegal substances, while the second would be legal supplements.The difference comes from which ingredient is produced, manufactured and prepared, steroids legal in qatar.There is no legal product, but there is a legal supplement. Legal products can be created using chemicals, but illegal substances can only be prepared using the substances they contain, greece steroids legal.This might be a reference to an amino acid or a salt. If the substance contains both chemicals and salts, then the legality of the supplements is identical to that of the substances they contain, steroids legal japan.This means that these legal supplements could include:Fractionated fish oilBeta caroteneCitrus flower extractCoconut oil, palm kernel oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, sesame oil, soybean oil;Natto oil; andSoy protein (sometimes called whey protein), soy meal, natto powder, sesame protein, soy protein.Although a product might contain all these ingredients, some brands also might refer to these products as legal supplements. They might not contain all of them as is the case for all legal products.Legal supplements are manufactured and prepared by a manufacturer with strict health and safety regulations, for example, these products are tested before they arrive on markets.The legal supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring its products are safe for consumers, steroids legal greece2.The difference between legal and illegal supplements can be seen based on specific components used by the manufacturer of the supplements, steroids legal greece3.\nDecaduro The basic working of DecaDuro is to put the human body in a state called anabolic stateto make testosterone and anandro-injectable hormones, which have the ability to produce growth (and strength), and to inhibit the activity of thyroid hormone so it can act like a hormone-regulating hormone system for the body (that helps protect the organs from damage from exercise and can also promote healing of muscle tissue). It is also used to stimulate the muscles during workouts, and to get the metabolism back up to where it had been at the beginning of a workout. Anabolic steroids are considered the most powerful and reliable (although some believe they're also a form of abuse), deca durabolin 50 price. They cause the body to produce more testosterone, an increase in the growth hormone/prostate-derived and liposomal testosterone synthesis, and the muscle-building effect. Anabolic steroids can also interfere with metabolism, decaduro boline. Since the body does not have natural testosterone production receptors (that are located near the testes), they are capable of causing damage to muscle tissue even in the presence of testosterone levels below those needed to produce the proper levels (known as \"antiepileptic\" effects), deca-durabolin uses. Since they also interfere with the liver, and thus are known as \"liver-destroying\" steroids, these steroids can also slow the rate of fat loss. They also cause acne, increased libido, increased cholesterol, and possibly increase the risk of breast cancer. Many of the more common prescription drugs, such as beta blockers and anti-convulsants, may be used as anabolic steroids, by accident, to increase muscle mass, deca durabolin bodybuilding. However, there is still a very limited amount of information available about the use of steroids as a treatment for obesity, steroids legal in qatar. This is because the vast majority of the available research is done only on dogs (as they have better memories than humans) and is very anecdotal. What is known is that they are often used to treat both diabetes and obesity, and their use for this purpose is growing, decaduro boline. It's a very important therapeutic medication and will be very helpful in many peoples' lives. There are some other drugs that are also used to increase appetite and energy levels. They work on the same receptors as the other steroids, but may be a different function altogether and they may have different toxicities, so keep this in mind, deca durabolin 50 price. The only one I can really name on an \"official\" scale (without any bias) is praziquantel. This is used by weight-loss surgeons to produce the appetite increase that they hope to see with the drugs.\nMany of the side effects of Tren are similar to other steroids, but Tren also carries some possible side effects that most steroids do notcarry. Many of the possible side effects that occur with Tren can occur with any steroid if you use it daily.For example, steroids can cause muscle loss, and Tren can accelerate muscle loss. If you use Tren to gain muscles, you are more likely to lose these. So you need to watch these possible side effects closely. Tren also contains the same amount of a substance called nandrolone which has been found to cause infertility and kidney stones in some people. These side effects were not known until the drug first came on the market.Many of the side effects of Tren are likely to be related to the fact that it is a hormone. Tren is known to cause hormonal side effects. In addition, Tren can also have the same side effects as some other drugs, such as Adderall, a stimulant amphetamine drug. So when you take Tren to lose weight, you could also suffer from Adderall-induced headaches and memory problems.With Tren, you will need to watch closely how you use the drug and how many times per day you use it. These side effects may go away with more frequent use of the drug. In comparison to Tren, Adderall is probably less dangerous to users since it only affects certain parts of your body.Side effectsIt is quite rare for any steroids to cause major damage or even kill people. Even more rare than that is for Tren to cause major damage or even kill people. But you must watch your Tren usage carefully. You can easily get an unexpected side effect if you over-use or misuse Tren. This is one reason why it is important to watch your Tren use carefully.Tren can cause liver damage. This can cause liver failure, death, and problems such as irregular heartbeat, kidney failure, and blood clots. There is no known way to reverse liver damage from Tren, or even reverse Tren's effect on your liver. This is why you need to avoid drinking alcohol while using Tren.Tren is also known to cause an increase in your risk for prostate cancer, especially if you smoke. Therefore, if you are a smoker, consider avoiding Tren if you can.Tren can cause weight loss. Tren is usually better at helping people stay under a certain weight as part of an effort at losing weight without dieting. With regular use of Tren, your weight will decrease.TEuropol and greek investigators examining seized drugs. Anavar in greece is still considered the most effective and well-preserved anabolic steroid on the market and the greeks use this substance for. Shipment from athens, greece came in a plain 5- by 6- are anabolic steroids legal in greece inch. In ancient greece, olympic athletes ate. Does anyone know the legality of steroids in greece? Why do you need a legal testosterone test, can you buy steroids in greece? in recent years, steroid abuse has increased in america. Steroids from greece such as testosterone enanthate or nandrolone decanoate can be ordered via mcsteroids online without a prescriptionDurabolin is a type of chemical known as an anabolic steroid. It is converted in the body to testosterone and other sex hormones. Deca durabolin 50mg injection contains nandrolone which belongs to the group of medicines called anabolic steroids. It is used to treat osteoporosis in post-. Nandrolone decanoate, sold under the brand name deca-durabolin among others, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (aas) medication which is used primarily in. A: deca-durabolin 50 injection is used for the treatment of osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become weak and brittle) in women post-. The medicine is used for the treatment of anaemia and postmenopausal osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become fragile after the cessation. Deca durabolin 50 mg injection 1 ml contains 'nandrolone' which is an anabolic steroid. It can effectively treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women,. Find out about deca durabolin injection benefits, side effects, price, dose, how to use deca durabolin injection, interactions and contraindications. Deca-durabolin 50mg/ml contains 100 mg benzyl alcohol per ml solution and must not be given to premature babies or neonates. Benzyl alcohol may causeRelated Article:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Now, 3M is adding to its system of paint application products that take the “pain out of painting” – a new spray gun cleaner that meets VOC compliance requirements in all 50 states, including California’s stringent regulations.\nNew 3M™ High Power Spray Gun Cleaner delivers cleaner in an aerosol can to blast excess paint and primer off spray gun surfaces - inside and out. It is specifically formulated to be used for both solvent-base and waterborne paints and coatings. The aerosol cleaner is VOC compliant and complies with SCAQMD 1171.1(c)(1) – less than 25 g/L of VOC content, as well as California’s SDAPCD Rule 67.20.1(d)(4)(1). The Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) content is 0 percent.\nIdeal for removing coatings from metals, plastic and composite surfaces, the 3M™ High Power Spray Gun Cleaner’s design and cleaning solution delivery method reduces cleanup time for spray gun bodies, hard paint cups, atomizing heads, hoses and fittings. An included extension tube makes it easy to blast hard-to-reach interior components. As an additional benefit, the cleaning solution leaves no residue and doesn’t require pre-cleaning or a final rinse step.\n“Sometimes the simplest solution is the smartest one,” said Dale Ross, U.S. Marketing Operations Manager for 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division. “We looked at how much cleaning solution was wasted and how much time was spent cleaning spray guns and the components. Now we are introducing a faster more efficient delivery system. The combination of 3M™ High Power Spray Gun Cleaner with the 3M™ PPS™ Series 2.0 Spray Cup System and the 3M™ Accuspray™ gun will dramatically reduce a shop’s overall cleaning solvent usage by more than 70 percent, while also reducing cleanup time. It’s the perfect accessory to any painter’s arsenal.”\nTo learn more about how the 3M™ High Power Spray Gun Cleaner is designed to work with the 3M™ Accuspray™ ONE Spray Gun System and new 3M™ PPS™ Series 2.0 Spray Cup System, visit 3MCollision.com/PPS.\n3M automotive products keep the world on the move, with innovative solutions for building, repairing and maintaining vehicles. From the collision repair professional to the individual vehicle enthusiast, people around the world trust 3M products to protect, repair and keep their vehicles looking showroom new. And our commitment to this industry extends beyond product performance to a careful stewardship of the world’s resources and environment. Serving the needs of customers has made 3M a trusted leader in vehicle care and repair, and we are dedicated to earning that trust each and every day.\nFor more information, visit the website at 3Mcollision.com.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "If you are looking for high-quality products, please feel free to contact us and send an inquiry, email: firstname.lastname@example.org\nNickel (III) bromide is a crystalline, hygroscopic green powder. It is soluble in water, and is used for chemical analysis, cross-coupling reactions, and carbonylations. The minimum purity of nickel bromide is 99%. Some high-purity forms of nickel bromide are available in submicron and nanopowder form.\nNickel bromide is used in the manufacture of nickel-based catalysts for cross-coupling and various carbonylations. It is also a replacement for nickel chloride in nickel sulfate baths. When the ion is present in aqueous solutions, it can be detected by carbon disulfide.\nMost metal bromide compounds are soluble in water, and are used in crystal growth, chemical analysis, and water treatment. Nickel bromide is a widely-used reagent, and is available in high-purity form. American Elements has a variety of products for sale, including MSDS and technical information. They also offer custom packaging and testing standards. Whether you need a product for your laboratory or business, they have a product to meet your needs. Besides their standard products, they also offer customized packaging, custom product designs, and an easy-to-use conversion calculator. Whether you are looking for a specific material or just need to convert a compound, American Elements can help. And you can rest assured that your order will be processed in a safe and secure manner.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Views: 57 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2022-03-18 Origin: Site\nPowder coating is a type of paint that is applied as a dry powder, as opposed to conventional liquid paint, which is delivered through an evaporating solvent. This type of paint is applied electrostatically and cured by ultraviolet light or heat. The benefits of powder coating are many and the process is a cost-effective alternative to liquid paint. Read on to learn more about this method and how it can help your business. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose this type of paint for your business.\nPowder coats are not as expensive as paints. The main difference between them is that the powder is made as a liquid, which is then hardened and ground into a fine powder. The powder is comprised of millions of tiny particles of plastic. You can mix blue and red powder and expect the colors to be the same. This makes it an ideal choice for many applications. But when choosing a powder coating company, make sure that you choose a company that stands behind their product.\nPowder coating is a great choice for commercial applications, because it's durable and can be applied to many non-metallic surfaces. It's also an effective choice for interiors, because it's scratch resistant and can make your interior look even better. A powder coat can be a durable and aesthetically pleasing option. Just be sure to keep the environment in mind when choosing a powder coating material. It may not be the best option for a small workshop or garage, but it can be used in a variety of projects.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The thermal conductivity of the beryllium copper material is conducive to controlling the temperature of the plastic processing mold, making it easier to control the molding cycle, while ensuring the uniformity of the mold wall temperature.\nIf the forming cycle of beryllium copper is much smaller than that of the steel mold, the average temperature of the mold can be reduced by about 20%. When the difference between the average release temperature and the average wall temperature of the mold is small (for example). Using beryllium copper mold material can shorten the cooling time by 40%.\nThe mold cost budget and the continuity of production are very important to the manufacturer. Under the condition that the strength and hardness of beryllium copper meet the requirements, the insensitivity of beryllium copper to the mold temperature stress can greatly increase the service life of the mold.\nBefore determining the beryllium copper mold material, the bending of beryllium copper should also be considered. Use strength, elastic modulus, thermal conductivity and temperature expansion coefficient. The thermal stress resistance of beryllium copper is significantly stronger than that of die steel.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "A water stable Eu(iii)–organic framework as a recyclable multi-responsive luminescent sensor for efficient detection of p-aminophenol in simulated urine, and MnVII and CrVI anions in aqueous solutions†\nA novel 3D Eu(III) metal–organic framework (Eu-MOF-1) formulated as [Eu(L)(H2O)(DMA)] (L = 2-(2-nitro-4-carboxylphenyl)terephthalic acid) has been successfully synthesized under solvothermal conditions and characterized by structural analyses. Eu-MOF-1 displays a new 3D framework containing EuIII ions, ligand L, and coordinated DMA molecules and water molecules. The fluorescence investigations indicate that Eu-MOF-1 emits bright red luminescence, and shows relatively high water stability and outstanding chemical stability under a relatively wide range of pH conditions. It is noteworthy that Eu-MOF-1 can quantitatively detect p-aminophenol (PAP) which is a metabolite of phenylamine in human urine. More significantly, Eu-MOF-1 is the first reported multi-responsive luminescent sensor for detecting the biomarker PAP, and MnVII and CrVI anions with high selectivity, sensitivity, recyclability and relatively low detection limits in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, the possible sensing mechanisms of Eu-MOF-1 for selective sensing have also been explored in detail. Eu-MOF-1 could be an ideal candidate as a multi-responsive luminescent sensor in biological and environmental areas.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "AeroSoft is an environmentally friendly fabric manufactured with no harmful chemicals. It dries four times faster than cotton, with a soft and natural touch, plus anti-static and odor neutralizing properties. This means AeroSoft™ gives you revolutionary performance and incredibly softness against your skin.\nThis exclusive fleece is designed to match your individuality. Knit from a private selection of multicolored yarn into a kaleidoscope of color and technology.\nA technically sophisticated blend of temperature regulating wool and fast drying polyester fibers that provide a rich and smooth finish, like a fine Chianti. The outside of Chianti is brushed wool giving a unique color effect, a soft hand, and visual richness. The inside of Kuhl's Chianti Fleece is made with polyester fibers. This results in a colorful blend of the best properties of high-end wool with the performance and freedom of care that a synthetic fleece provides: easy machine washing, while retaining its shape, yet the outer wool will never pill!\nCoffeenna Fabric Technology\nInnovative fabric technology transforms recycled coffee ground into this active knit fabric. Coffeenna increases the performance of this fabric by preventing the growth of odor-causing bacteria in your sweat. In addition, Coffeenna naturally enhances evaporative cooling, keeping you dry and comfortable, while providing a UPF of 50! All these features, without added chemicals, make Coffeenna a successful innovation.\nBeing dry is the point. UPF 40 and super quick dry, this Nylon rich fabric with a touch of Cotton on the face for added breathability and komfort, pulls moisture to the surface for speedy evaporation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "You may be thinking that you’ve heard a lot about this CBD stuff lately. That’s probably because you have!\nCBD, or its full name, Cannabidiol, has set the world ablaze over the last few years, popping up everywhere from television ads, corner stores, marijuana dispensaries to pet stores. It’s even invaded our food and cocktails as creative chefs look for ways to incorporate it into our diets.\nBut like many people, you might also be thinking, just what is this trendy new three-letter word that everyone seems to be talking about, and why am I just hearing about it now?\nIf so, you are not alone. While CBD has seemingly infiltrated our culture, there’s still much confusion about what it is and why it’s all of a sudden so widespread.\nLet’s have a closer look…\nWhat is CBD?\nCBD, or Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound (called a cannabinoid) that naturally occurs in the cannabis plant.\nThere are over one hundred cannabinoids in a marijuana plant, but few have been studied to the extent of CBD and THC.\nYou may have heard of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the oft-referenced chemical that is responsible for creating the “high” sensation that marijuana users know and love.\nCBD does not contain the same psychoactive ingredients as THC; therefore, it does not produce a noticeable “stoned” or “buzzed” feeling.\nSome people report feelings of deep relaxation with CBD, while others feel nothing at all. While not known for its party-vibe qualities like THC, CBD is thought to contain a host of other medicinal benefits that has both scientists and consumers excited.\nCBD is consumed the same way as THC, including inhalation, oils, or edibles like Sunday Scaries CBD Gummies.\nHow is CBD Different from Marijuana?\nCBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant – both marijuana and hemp variants of cannabis. However, any given cannabis plant can contain THC and CBD, just THC, or just CBD, depending on the strain.\nWith the booming marijuana industry, growers and producers offer a bevy of products designed to suit individual consumer’s needs.\nMany people enjoy the benefits of CBD but have no desire to feel high, so they can procure their products in a bespoke fashion.\nFor example, hemp based CBD products are most popular with consumers who want the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, but without the high.\nWhy is CBD Suddenly so Popular?\nCBD is flourishing right now, thanks to the widespread legalization of the plant. In 2018, the United States passed the Farmer’s Bill to legalize CBD derived from the hemp plant, making it legal to consume across the nation.\nThe widespread availability and the subsequent hype of health benefits have consumers intrigued and eager to learn more about this chemical compound that has been touted as a new wonder drug.\nHow Does CBD Work?\nOur bodies have something called the endocannabinoid system, which contains neurotransmitters that attach to receptors in our nervous system and help synchronize an array of important functions like sleep, stress, appetite, and anxiety.\nThough there is much to be learned about how CBD works with the body, scientists believe that the compound interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system and influences them in a way that produces the health benefits associated with CBD.\nHow is CBD Used?\nCBD is most often inhaled by smoking or vaporizing. It can also be administered through ingestion in the way of chocolate, candy, and baked goods (edibles), topicals such as lotions and creams, and oils that can be applied under the tongue or mixed into a drink.\nThere is currently no consensus on dosage, so it is best to speak with a practitioner to determine where to start and adjust from there. The Food and Drug Administration does not currently regulate CBD.\nWhat are the Health Benefits of CBD?\nThe main reason CBD has exploded onto the scene is due to its potential and perceived health benefits. Although research and studies are still in early development, the outlook is promising.\nThere are claims of benefits for a variety of ailments, both physical and mental, including:\n- Cancer-related pain\n- Skin issues\n- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder\nMedical studies are still in their infancy, but some of the findings have been encouraging.\nA 2015 review suggests that CBD had a positive effect on people with certain anxiety disorders.\nAnother study in 2020 explored adding CBD to chemotherapy treatment as a way to boost the immune system during cancer treatment.\nA 2018 study on mice reported benefits controlling inflammation for pain relief.\nAre There Any Health Risks with CBD?\nAlthough the consensus is that CBD is generally safe, most CBD products are not FDA approved and therefore have not been through enough testing.\nThere are some reports that CBD may not interact well with certain medications and supplements, so it’s important to consult with a doctor before consuming the compound.\nSome reported side effects include:\n- Mood changes and irritability\n- Adverse reactions with alcohol or drugs\n- Loss of appetite\n- Dry mouth\nAs research and studies continue to ramp up, we will continue to learn more about this mysterious yet promising chemical compound. As of now, there simply isn’t enough data to hail CBD as a panacea to all of our ailments.\nHowever, there is substantial backing in the medical field and an army of staunch proponents that currently swear by its healing properties. For now, it’s a wait-and-see situation as we are just scratching the surface on what CBD offers concerning health benefits.\nThere is no doubt that CBD is trending in an upwards trajectory as people look for more natural alternatives to alleviate unpleasant medical symptoms.\nFor now, if you are interested in experimenting with CBD, it’s best to speak with a medical professional to come up with a plan that is best for your situation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "NEU MAGIC PK 45 – 55 (P = 45 % K = 55 %)\nPhosphorus Penta Oxide 45.0 % w/v Mineral Phosphoric Acide\nPotassium Oxide 55.0 % w/v Mineral PotassiumHydroxide\nIs a liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium.\n-Promoter of natural defenses in plants and inducer of synthesis of phytoalexines with the capacity to boost plant resistance to possible fungi and bacteria attack.\n-The presence of phosphorous acid, as a phosphite ion, acts as a vaccine by stimulating the immune response of crop provides a prophylactic effect agains diseases.\n-Strengthen the development of the root system, improves the quality of fruit (caliber, coloring, consistency, sugar content,and increases the precocity)\n-Is compatible with pesticides and soluble fertilizers except products very alkaline or products which contains Calcium.\n– It is recommended to perform preliminary tests.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "炭水化物の開発最前線:レポート1 - 研究、技術:でんぷん誘導体と親水コロイド\nFrontiers in Carbohydrates Developments: Report 1 - Research, Technologies; Selected Starch Derivatives and Hydrocolloids\n|発行||S.K. Patil & Associates, Inc.||商品コード||196003|\n|出版日||ページ情報||英文 125 Pages\n|炭水化物の開発最前線:レポート1 - 研究、技術:でんぷん誘導体と親水コロイド Frontiers in Carbohydrates Developments: Report 1 - Research, Technologies; Selected Starch Derivatives and Hydrocolloids|\n|出版日: 2011年01月30日||ページ情報: 英文 125 Pages||\nThis report provides summaries of current worldwide research, technology developments in diversified segments for food and industrial applications of starch, starch derivatives and hydrocolloids. This report is a tool that can enhance the reading, thought process along with our insights for today' s overloaded technical, commercial and support management functions. This is our 1st report in the Frontiers in Carbohydrates and we plan to issue series of similar reports each year to proactively offer areas of targeted research in selected areas; we may evolve this document as we move forward depending on your feedback and serve the changing needs of carbohydrates. This presents our extensive research with comprehensive experience and insights of our associates and me who have spent many years in the carbohydrates research, processing and marketing. Besides we stay on the cutting edge by our continuous scan of carbohydrates research and developments worldwide.\nSections II thru VII in this report present some of the current research and technologies under developments in areas:\nSections VII thru X present other major carbohydrates\nAll categories of starch and hydrocolloids that are utilized in numerous food, industrial and pharma applications. The polymer properties of these ingredients remain hallmark of nutritional, industrial and functional materials in every sector of food and industrial areas. We report some of the novel properties and much diversified functions in food and industrial applications. These carbohydrates ingredients have functions that serve critical roles in food and industrial formulations separately or in combination with multitude of carbohydrates and non-carbohydrate ingredients. The research and technologies presented are researched from many sources. Market and production data can be found in our industry reports 1 to 5 listed above.\nSection XI presents a brief analysis of list of patents presented for each section.\nSection XII is an addendum with additional patents for aggregate of all major sections from 2003 to 2010", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Chemistry(Please check, thank you!)\nposted by Hannah .\nI completed a lab to find the determination of Kc. I have to find the concentrations of reactants at equilibrium using an ICE table. The equation that were are using is\nFe^3+(aq) + SCN^-(aq) -> Fe(SCN)^2+(aq)\nI have to create 5 ICE tables because we used 5 different test tubes each with a different concentration of SCN. The values I already have so far are the initial concentrations of reactants and the concentration of products at equilibrium.\nFor the first table the initial value of Fe is 1.0M and SCN is 1.0M. The concentration of product at equilibrium is 5.7 X 1o^-5M.\nI set up the first ICE table like this:\nEquation: Fe^3+ SCN^- Fe(SCN)^2+\nI 1.0M 1.0M 0\nC -5.7e-5M -5.7e^-5 +5.7e^-5\nE 0.99M 0.99M 5.7e^-5\nSo for the concentrations of reactants at equilibrium, Fe is 0.99M and SCN is 0.99M\nDid I do this correctly?\nChemistry(Please check, thank you!) -", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Synthetic musk obtained from the macrocyclic category of compounds are shown to be safe for human wellness. The scent lasts for a very long time, and may be used by guys in addition to females. It is made by distilling the leaves to prepare the necessary oil, which is used in perfumery. It's a powerful and abundant scent. It's a wealthy and woodsy scent which can be enjoyed all day long.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Vegan Clove Cardamom Floss 55yds\nParabens are synthetic chemical preservatives, commonly used in beauty products like shampoo, lotion, and deodorants. Parabens can accumulate in your body, and have been linked to hormonal disruption and reproductive problems. In studies of breast cancer patients, parabens have been found in the tissue of cancerous tumors–yikes! If you want to avoid Parabens in your beauty products, keep an eye out for methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben in the ingredients list.\nPhthalates are found in toys, electronics, personal care products, plastic wraps, containers, and more. These petroleum based chemicals help soften plastics, and bind fragrances to perfumes, deodorants, creams, and other personal care products. Phthalates are are not chemically bound, meaning they can easily get released into the air, water, or your body, just by using the products as intended. Phthalates have been found to disrupt the endocrine system, which can cause reproductive damage, hormonal imbalances, infertility, mood changes, metabolism changes, and more.\nThis product is made without the use of Genetically Modified Organisms. The process of using GMO’s involves manipulating the DNA of plants, animals, and other organisms to produce benefits such as an ability to tolerate herbicides or produce their own pesticides. GMO’s have been deemed as unsafe by many developed nations.\nSafe and Fair Labor\nWe support safe and fair labor practices when producing sustainable products. This company cares for their workers by fostering a safe work environment and providing their employees with fair wage.\nSome or all of the energy used to make this product is produced via renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydropower.\nProducts that are labeled as BPA free do not contain Bisphenol A, a chemical commonly found in plastic products. Studies on BPA exposure have shown that high levels of BPA could lead to hormone disruption, effects on behavior and brain function, reproductive problems, breast cancer, heart disease, infertility, and more.\nUSDA Certified Organic\nProducts labeled as USDA certified organic contain ingredients that are produced without pesticides, petrochemicals, ionizing radiation, or synthetic preservetives. USDA certified products are categorized into three classifications. Items labeled as “100% Organic” with the USDA seal must only include organic ingredients. Items labeled as “Organic” with the USDA seal must contain at least 95% organically produced ingredients, and cannot contain any of the USDA excluded methods or ingredients. Products labeled as “Made with Organic Ingredients” must contain at least 70% organic ingredients.\nFlossing is essential – but some flosses can contain some nasty toxins. Unlike the other guys, the Clove Cardamom Vegan Floss from RADIUS contains no BPA, phthalates, parabens, and added chemicals. Packaged in 100% plastic-free packaging, this floss is coated with natural organic carnauba wax for a smooth glide, plus added coconut oil and erythritol to help prevent cavities and remove plaque. It's USDA Certified Organic to ensure you're getting the highest-quality oral care available. Plus, thRead More", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "IV set and drop infusion rate?\nSo my question is not about the math part but the fundamentals,\nso I have this vitamin c medication that I need to deliver at a 1 gram per minute,\n1) do IV sets have a volume control on them to set how many ml per minute to flow from the tube?\n2) if I have an IV set with this description 20 drops/mL, I don t even know what exactly that is refering to, it take 20 drops for one milliliter to be extracted?? so what about the timing?\n3)let s say your whole sterile pouch including Vitaminc C(75g=150cc) and MgCL2(2CC) is 750CC, and you are using a set that says on it 20drops/ml, what should you do to deliver 1 grams of Vitamin C per minute to the patient?\nthanks a lot got it\n1)it's a work of an eye and a timer\neven after you plug it to the arm it will go down with the same rate?\n2)I know for an IV we need a Container, IV set, and Catheter\nthere is another component idk what it's called, extension\nfrom what I red on post number 2 here it's not recommended , specially for single infusions\n- AshLv 72 months ago\n1) Yes, there is a control on IV set but it is not called \" volume control\" ....LOL !!\nIt is an adjustable \"clamp\" that basically lets you squeeze the IV tubing to control the flow of medication through the bag. The clamp is adjusted to let you control number of drops falling through the drip chamber. For that particular IV set few drops of medication contains approximately 1 mL of medication. That drops are mentioned on the set. A macro set can specify about 5 or 0 or 15 drops for 1 mL, while a micro set can be almost 45 or 60 drops for 1 mL .\n2) If you have a IV set with 20 drops/mL, then it means to deliver 1mL of medication you will need to set 20 drops. Timing is recommended by the doctor. Lets say the patient is required to have 1 mL in 1 minute then you will have to set 20 drops in 1 minute ( or 1 drop per 3 seconds). However, if you are requested to give 6 mL in 1 minute then you need to set 20x6 = 120 drops in 1 minute ( or 2 drops per second)\n3) First find out how much mL of Vitamin C you need to give\n75g = 150cc\nthen 1g = 150/75 = 2 cc or 2mL\nNow the set mentions 20 drops/mL, so for 2mL we will need to give 20x2 = 40 drops\nThe timing requested is 1 minute, so you need to adjust 40 drops in 1 minute.\nNow you will not wait for 1 minute to count 40 drops, so you find simpler ratio.\n40 drops in 60 s means 2 drops in 3 sec. Just to be more accurate, maybe you will wait for say 9 s and check if you get 6 drops.\nI hope this helps you understand the concept.\n- Anonymous2 months ago\n2. < 20 drops for one milliliter to be extracted > Exactly. So if you had to administer 1 mL/min, the drip rate is 20 drops / min.\n3. 75 g / 150 cc * 1 cc/mL = 0.5 g/mL. Since the desired rate is 1 g / min you need to administer (1 g/min) / (0.5 g/mL) = 2 mL/min. At 20 drops/mL, you want to flow 2 ml/min * 20 drops/mL = 40 drops/min", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Publication number||US5138520 A|\n|Application number||US 07/690,940|\n|Publication date||Aug 11, 1992|\n|Filing date||Dec 27, 1989|\n|Priority date||Dec 27, 1988|\n|Publication number||07690940, 690940, PCT/1989/5882, PCT/US/1989/005882, PCT/US/1989/05882, PCT/US/89/005882, PCT/US/89/05882, PCT/US1989/005882, PCT/US1989/05882, PCT/US1989005882, PCT/US198905882, PCT/US89/005882, PCT/US89/05882, PCT/US89005882, PCT/US8905882, US 5138520 A, US 5138520A, US-A-5138520, US5138520 A, US5138520A|\n|Inventors||Larry D. McMillan, Carlos A. Paz de Araujo|\n|Original Assignee||Symetrix Corporation|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (13), Non-Patent Citations (4), Referenced by (83), Classifications (39), Legal Events (7)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThis application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 290,468 filed Dec. 27, 1988.\nThe invention relates to methods for depositing high quality films of complex (compound) materials on substrates at high deposition rates, and apparatus for effecting such methods. Particularly, the invention relates to photo/plasma-enhanced, rapidly thermally pulsed metallorganic chemical vapor deposition from stabilized compound sources depositing high quality, stoichiometrically-correct, thin films of a large variety of complex compounds at high deposition rates, and computer controlled apparatus for effecting such methods.\nThere are known methods for depositing thin films of complex compounds such as metal oxides, ferroelectrics, super-conductors, materials with high dielectric constants, gems, etc. Such known methods include RF sputtering, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and spin coating.\nA first embodiment provides a method and apparatus for depositing a thin film on a substrate, comprising the steps of: providing a substrate in an enclosed deposition chamber; introducing at least one vaporized compound source into the chamber at a controlled flow rate; and controlling first means to apply a spectral energy bath to the source within the chamber in a controlled manner to dissociate at least one component from the source and to permit the component to be deposited on the substrate. The bath is tuned to provide optimal energy for dissociating the component from the vaporized source.\nA second embodiment provides a method and apparatus for depositing a stoichiometrically-correct thin film on a substrate, comprising the steps of: providing a substrate in an enclosed deposition chamber; introducing at least one substantially stoichiometrically-correct vaporized compound source into the chamber; applying a radio frequency bias in the chamber; applying a direct current bias in the chamber; applying a spectral energy bath to the source within the chamber in a controlled manner to dissociate at least one component from the source and to permit the component to be deposited on the substrate in a stoichiometrically-correct manner; and tuning the bath to provide an optimum energy for dissociating the component from the source.\nThe invention uses the first and/or second embodiments to produce thin film from stabilized compound sources including, but not limited to, ceramics, glasseous materials, electrically-active materials, and/or ferroelectric materials, such as stabilized sol-gel or MOD (metallorganic decomposition) formulations having a general composition of ABO3, including PbTiO3, Pbx Zry Tio3, Pbx Lay Zrs TiO3, YMnO3 where Y represents any rare-earth element, and TiYMnO3.\nFIG. 1 is a schematic view of a CVD apparatus according to a first embodiment.\nFIG. 2 is a flow chart of the first embodiment.\nFIG. 3 is a schematic of a second embodiment.\nFIG. 4 is a perspective view of the second embodiment.\nFIG. 1 shows a first embodiment of a low pressure CVD apparatus 1 according to the invention. Apparatus 1 includes a deposition chamber 2, a substrate holder 4 which supports one or more substrates 6, a vaporized source manifold 14 for introducing a vaporized source(s) into chamber 2, first, second and third means 8, 10, 12 for applying spectral energy and/or heat to chamber 2, liquid, solid and gaseous feed units 16, 22, 28 for introducing vaporized compound sources into manifold 14, a vacuum pump 30 cooperating with chamber 2, an analyzer 32 for analyzing the composition of gases exhausted from chamber 2, a cooling unit 34 for cooling chamber 2, pressure and temperature sensors 33, 35, and a computer control unit 36 to precisely control apparatus 1.\nUnits 16, 22, 28 generate and feed a vaporized source of at least one compound into manifold 14, which in turn feeds the vaporized source into chamber 2. Unit 16 includes at least one liquid source container 20 and at least one carrier gas source 18 which is passes through the liquid source in, container 20 to become saturated with the liquid source(s) and then fed into manifold 14 through tube 40. The carrier gas(ses) may be inert or active or may contain a catalyst to increase the deposition rate.\nUnit 22 includes at least one container 24 for containing at least one solid source, and means 26 which heats container 24 to vaporize the solid source, the vapors of which are then fed into manifold 14 through tube 42.\nUnit 28 feeds at least one gaseous compound into manifold 14 through pipe 44.\nFlow control valves 50, 52, 54 on the connector pipes 40, 42, 44, respectively, are controlled by unit 36 to precisely monitor and limit the flow rate of the vaporized sources into manifold 14 and chamber 2.\nNot all of units 16, 22, 28 will be used in every operation of apparatus 1, but rather one or more units 16, 22, 28 will be used to deposit a given thin film. More than one of each of units 16, 22, 28 can be used to feed a vaporized source into manifold 14 for any given thin film deposition.\nChanges in the composition of a thin film being deposited within chamber 2 are readily achieved by introducing different vaporized sources from units 16, 22, 28 through manifold 14 into chamber 2 in an automatic, computer-controlled manner. Such changes are advantageous. For example, the surface of the thin film can be tailored to achieve ohmic contacts and to reduce depolarization due to Schottky effects.\nAlthough the use of stabilized sources is a preferred aspect, the invention is not so limited. Rather, other aspects, including the spectral energy and heating aspects discussed below, can be used in relation to vaporized sources which do react in chamber 2 before they are deposited on substrate 6. The liquid, solid and gaseous materials introduced by units 16, 22, 28 may be tuned for doping, for stoichiometric modifications, and for formation of other materials after they are vaporized and introduced into chamber 2.\nMeans 8, 10, 12 are preferably operated in combination in a predetermined manner by unit 36 to achieve a very high (precise) degree of control of the deposition of thin films. In general, means 8, 10, 12 are controlled such that the temperature within chamber 2 will gradually increase during the course of deposition.\nMeans 8 includes one or more units spaced about chamber 2, and is preferably a light source for applying a spectral energy bath to chamber 2 which \"heats\" the vaporized source within chamber 2 for dissociating a desired component(s) from the vaporized source to permit the component(s) to be deposited on substrate 6. According to another preferred aspect, the bath applied by means 8 is tuned to optimize/maximize the dissociation of the desired component(s) from the vaporized source. Heat waves/radiant enerty provided by means 8 will be controlled in a predetermined manner to correspond to the energy needed to dissociate or crack the bonds holding the desired component(s) to the metallorganic precursor of solvent in the vaporized source. Sources which could be used as means 8 are ultraviolet (UV) lamps and excimer lasers.\nIf a ferroelectric thin film of PbTiO3 is being deposited from a vaporized sol-gel source, it is preferable to use a Danielson-type UV light source device controlled to emit UV light rays having a wavelength of approximately 180-260 nanmometers. UV light rays in this wavelength range are particularly effective in resonating and dissociating the hydroxyl bonds hold the PbTiO3 clusters (networks or chains) within the precursor or common solvent in the vaporized source.\nMeans 8 can be controlled in a pulsed manner, a constant manner and/or ramped manner, or a combination of the foregoing to form a composite control signal. If a UV is used as means 8, it is preferable to operate the source in a pulsed manner to reduce the amount of ozone generated by the spectral bath within chamber 2 (many of the complex thin films which may be deposited contain oxygen).\nMeans 10 can be a resistive heat bias type heater controlled by unit 36 to generate a high ambient temperature within chamber 2 and/or to heat substrate 6.\nMeans 10 is preferably operated to create an ambient temperature within chamber 2 which is not sufficient in and of itself to dissociate the desired component(s) from the vaporized compound source and deposit these component(s). Means 10 is preferably operated to create an ambient temperature within chamber 2 which, when combined with the tuned spectral bath provided by means 8 and the timed heat pulses of the third means 12, will dissociate the desired component(s) from the vaporized source in an optimized, precisely controlled manner, without detrimentally affecting the deposited thin film of the underling substrates 6.\nIn controlling the means 8, 10, 12, two opposing considerations have to be weighed. On the one hand, higher quality of the deposited complex thin films can be achieved at lower ambient temperatures, but on the other hand higher production rates can be achieved at higher ambient temperatures. Although a generally high throughput or production rate is achieved according to the invention in comparison to conventional techniques, it is possible to achieve even greater throughput by increasing the ambient temperature within chamber 2.\nMeans 12 includes one or more units spaced about chamber 2, and is controlled by unit 36 to apply heat energy heating pulses to the vaporized source within chamber 2 in a carefully timed/synchronized manner corresponding to a plurality of factors, including input flow rate of the vaporized source into chamber 2, desired thin film layer thickness, and (if necessary) the energy requirements needed to activate the thin film being deposited. With many complex thin films, such as ferroelectrics, it is necessary to achieve the ferroelectric phase crystal structure of the film before the film will function in a desired manner.\nMeans 12 is controlled by unit 36 to rapidly thermally stress chamber 2 with carefully timed high energy heating pulses and/or ramps during the course of deposition. The rapid thermal stressing of chamber 2 is calculated and controlled: so that at every instant the film is at the right activation temperature for deposition, whereby the polar lattice of the film being deposited is being properly, dynamically activated; to continue dissociation of the desired component(s) from the vaporized compound source while preventing the formation of large grains and secondary phases in the deposited film; and to maintain the temperature of the deposited film within acceptable limits of the particular substrate 6 onto which the film is being deposited, which maybe an integrated circuit (IC). Acceptable limits of IC processing are a function of the particular IC step at which the film is being deposited. The temperature cannot be so high as to damage the underlying substrate or IC onto which the film is being deposited.\nMeans 12 preferably includes one or more halogen lamps, water cooled arc lamps and/or microwave sources and/or resistive heaters that can be pulsed, placed about chamber 2 and aimed to direct high energy pulses towards a film being deposited.\nIf means 8 is pulsed, such pulsing may (but not necessarily) correspond to the time sequence of the high energy heating pulses applied by means 12.\nMeans 12 is an important aspect in that it is controllable with a high degree of precision to quickly provide large amounts of energy when it is needed and where it is needed. By controlling means 12 it is possible to precisely control: the rate of chemical dissociations within chamber 2; the layer by layer thickness of the film being deposited and the activation of the film being deposited.\nIf a ferroelectric thin film of PbTiO3 is being deposited, means 8 is tuned to maximize dissociation of the hydroxyl bonds, and means 12 is actuated in short cycles, such as 3-10 seconds, and/or longer ramps to rapidly thermal stress chamber 2 to permit the PbTiO3 to be properly deposited and activated over substrate 6 in a very uniform, layer by layer manner.\nAn important parameter of many complex thin films, such as ferroelectrics, is that they are generally required to be quite thin (for example, within a range of 100-5000 Å) and such film thicknesses can be readily achieved according to the invention. The invention can be used to generate much thicker films, if desired.\nThe methods and apparatus according to the invention are controlled such that the temperature within chamber 2 progressively increases over the course of a film's deposition. Preferably, such temperature increase will be precisely controlled in a stepped manner and unit 36 will be programmed with information pertaining to the temperature of the deposition process at each step thereof, Tsi T (si=time interval of the ith step), and the temperature rising rate π within chamber 2.\nA second (optional) use of means 12 is in-situ annealing of a deposited film within chamber 2 as a final processing step. After the proper film thickness has been deposited, means 12 may be controlled to apply high temperature pulses (e.g. 700° C.-950° C.) to the film for an appropriate time period. Such appropriate time period can be as little as 3 seconds and should not exceed 2 minutes. This rapid, in-situ, thermal annealing technique is advantageous because it eliminates the loss of certain critical elements (such as lead) which undesirably occurs during conventional, high temperature annealing processes.\nA freeze drying unit 34 (or cold bed) can be used for lowering the temperature of chamber 2. Unit 34 is controlled by unit 36 according to predetermined parameters.\nThe invention also includes a vacuum pump 30 because thin film depositions will be carried out at pressures in the range of 10-3 torr through 10-6 torr.\nFIG. 2 shows a flow chart of a computer controlled deposition process according to the invention. At first stage 102 the computer process is started or initialized. At stage 104, the desired parameters of the film to be deposited are programmed into the computer including, desired film thickness, UV bandwidth of means 8, thermal stress sequencing by means 10, activation requirements of the film, mass flow of the vaporized source from units 16, 22, 28 into manifold 14 and from manifold 14 into chamber 2, the number of timed steps and step size for the deposition process, and an initialization of a counter. The activation requirements of the film are primarily functions of: (1) the temperature of the deposition process at each step Tsi t; and (2) the temperature rising rate π within the chamber.\nAt stage 106, the unit 36 determines, on the basis of the signal from the analyzer 32, whether maximum dissociation of the desired component(s) is occurring within chamber 2. If maximum dissociation is not occurring, unit 36 will adjust one or more process parameters (including returning of means 8, adjusting mass flow, and adjusting means 12 to change the ambient temperature within chamber 2) at stage 108. At stage 110, unit 36 initializes film deposition, such as by introducing substrates 6. At stage 112, unit 36 continues the deposition process, including progressively increasing the temperature within chamber 2. At stage 114, film thickness is monitored. If the desired film thickness has not been achieved, the deposition is continued through stages 116 and 112. Once the desired film thickness is achieved, a determination is made, at stage 118, as to whether or not the film is to be annealed in-situ. If the annealing step is desired, it is conducted at stage 120. After the annealing step is completed, or if annealing is not desired, the process is stopped at stage 122.\nFIGS. 3 and 4 show a second embodiment which is a photo/plasma-enhanced rapid thermally pulsed metallorganic CVD from stabilized compound sources. The photo-enhancement comes from a UV source as well as from RF decomposition because of the collision of particles.\nThe second embodiment uses some of the elements described and shown in FIG. 1. To minimize description of the second embodiment, the description of such FIG. 1 elements will not be repeated, and descriptive labels have been included in FIGS. 3 and 4. The abundance of descriptive labels and structure shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, in combination with the above description of FIG. 1, makes the second embodiment clear to the artisan with little or no further description.\nThe apparatus 60 shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 includes a deposition or main process chamber 62 and electrical means 64, 66, 68 for applying an RF bias and a DC bias in the chamber 62. FIG. 3 shows the RF-DC input 64 and FIG. 4 shows the RF feed thru 66 and RF power supply 68.\nThere is included a rapid thermal processor 70 having an internal radial heat source for rapid thermal processing, and a plurality of sol-gel atomizer sources 72, 74, 76, 78 with independent sol-gel control panels 80, 82, 84, 86.\nChamber 62 is provided with a demountable rectangular flange 87 through which the plurality of separate vaporized sol-gel sources are introduced. Chamber 62 has a self-contained rapid thermal heating panel, RF-DC electrodes, and a thermally-controlled heated platen.\nA 0-100 capacitance manometer monitors the pressure in chamber 62, and its signal controls the downstream throttle valve to maintain precise pressures in chamber 62. A hinged top cover is \"0\" ring-sealed to provide rapid access to chamber 62 for modification to existing fixtures. The RF-DC electrode 88 penetrates through the top cover and has appropriate shields and filter networks.\nProcessor 70 includes a high-watt density planar surface 89 opposite the heated platen 90. A quartz window protects the planar surface 89 from depositions. Spare ports for viewing and access for other source materials are provided.\nAccess from a load lock chamber 92 to chamber 62 is provided through an air-operated slit valve 93. A linear transporter 94 enables the movement of substrate from a vacuum load lock to chamber 62.\nChamber 92 is rough pumped, and then high vacuum pumped through a turbomolecular pump 95 with appropriate valves. High vacuum pump-down of chamber 62 is accomplished with turbomolecular pump 95 backed by a mechanical pump 96.\nAn RGA (residual gas analyzer) system including an RGA 97, and RGA head 98, an RGA power supply 99, and an RGA spectra printer 100 is provided. The RGA system is provided for analyzing the cracking patterns within chamber 62 and for analyzing the decomposition products of chamber 62 from 1 atmosphere to extremely low pressures. Mass resolution of up to 200 AMU is provided. Printer 100 replicates the spectra displayed on the CRT screen. The system valves and controls are interlocked to provide for safe and proper operation of the system. A schematic valve control 101 is provided to operate the system and system elements with lighted indicators to show their status.\nThe planar radiant panel 89 has a low mass, fast response time element which is capable of being pulsed by the appropriate control circuitry. The sol-gel sources are provided with means to control the temperature control and dispersion rates of the source materials into chamber 62. A separate mass flow channel 102 is used to introduce oxygen and/or any other inert or process-active gases into chamber 62.\nChambers 92 and 62 are capable of being high vacuum pumped by means of pump 95. The RF-DC plasma system is supplied with a matching network 103. The exhaust system includes a mechanical pump 104, a cold trap 105 with purge features, and throttle valve with controls. The effluents are directed to a burn box and scrubber combination 106 to assure safe disposal of toxic, corrosive and flammable vapors, if any.\nAnother aspect of the invention is that the sol-gel compound source is agitated ultrasonically to atomize the compound before it is introduced into the process chamber. Depending upon the particular compound source and application, it may be desirable to heat the lines through which the vapor is introduced into the process chamber.\nAnother aspect of the invention is that a single precursor or solvent is used to predetermine how the vaporized compound source will crack inside the processing chamber. With a single precursor or solvent, the system can be turned to that precursor to manage the process precisely.\nAnother aspect of the invention involves a solvent exchange technique. Many times a compound X will dissolve in one particular solvent only and no other solvent. Similarly, a compound Y may dissolve in a different solvent and the solvent for compound X is not compatible with the solvent for compound Y. With the present invention, a solvent exchange technique arrives at a common solvent in order to produce the sol-gel having compounds X and Y. That common solvent is the specially designed single precursor to which the system may be tuned. Furthermore, the present invention utilizes tailoring a common solvent for the correct vapor pressure.\nWith the sol-gel techniques used by the present invention, different sources can be used to change the conductivity and type of material for each deposited layer. The present invention thus permits the engineering of the deposited material layer by layer, and determining in advance the conductivity and type of each layer deposited.\nWith the engineering and tailoring features of the invention, devices can be produced having graded electrodes. To do so the graded electrode is produced by changing the composition and conductivity layer by layer to produce a tailored graded contact area and/or the contact itself which is very desirable for ferroelectric devices.\nAnother aspect of the invention involves subjecting PZT or any of the perovskites, to UV plus hydrogen to make it conductive. The inventive concept resides in reducing the perovskite and/or to dope it to make it n-type for the surface to control the metal to ferroelectric barrier, and thus push the p-n junction away from the surface (assuming the perovskite is p-type, and vice-versa if the material is n-type). The junction is pushed in so that the depletion region is pushed into the material, rather than leaving it on the surface where it is undesirable. This can be accomplished with the CVD techniques of the invention by tailoring the layers being deposited.\nThe invention (both embodiments) is suited for the deposition of high quality thin films of compounds such as ferroelectrics, super-conductors, materials with high dielectric constants, gems, etc. For example, the invention can be used to deposit thin films of ferroelectric materials having a general composition of ABO3, including PbTiO3, Pbx Zry TiO3, Pbx Lay Zrz TiO3, and YMnO3 where Y represents any rare-earth element.\nAccording to one aspect, each vaporized source introduced into chamber 2 from manifold 14 is stabilized such that no, or substantially no, chemical reactions which destabilize the compound source of its predetermined molecular formation occur within chamber 2. Rather, the stabilized vaporized source is then heated and/or subjected to RF and/or UV illumination so that a desired component or components will be dissociated, decoupled or cracked from the vaporized source and subsequently deposited on substrate 6.\nThin films of ferroelectric materials may be generated from an appropriate, stabilized sol-gel or MOD formulation vaporized using unit 16. An MOD formulation is similar to a sol-gel formulation in that it includes a dispersion of a micropowder of the desired substance into a solution including xylene as the organic base, whereas sol-gel formulations use solutions including alcohols as the organic base. Once the vaporized source is introduced into chamber 2, spectral energy and/or heat is applied to the vaporized source in a novel manner to dissociate or crack the desired component(s) from the organic base to deposit the component(s) on substrate 6.\nResearch by the present inventors in the synthesis of ferroelectric ABO3 perovskites in organic solutions reveals that stabilized sources of these materials can be designed and generated with relative ease in liquid form, including sol-gel and MOD formulations. These stabilized liquid sources may be utilized to produce a large variety of new, complex (compound), stoichiometrically correct thin films.\nUse of stabilized sources is a preferred aspect of the invention. Such sources are relatively easy to generate, even for complex compounds. Such stabilized sources are substantially less toxic and easier to handle than corresponding reactants, whereby the stabilized sources can be handled and processed at a substantially lower cost than the corresponding reactants. Beause no, or substantially no, chemical reactions which destabilize the vaporized source occur in chamber 2, the chamber 2 is designed, constructed and maintained at a reduced cost in comparison to conventional chambers. Because it is easier to control a dissociation or a chemical decomposition than a chemical reaction, it is easier to generate a high quality, stoichiometrically-correct thin film using stabilized sources rather than corresponding reactants.\nThe term \"stabilized source\" as used herein is intended to mean a source which is obtained by mixing precursors for each element using sol-gel techniques (or other mixing techniques) which lead to a common solvent, and then using the solution having that common solvent as the sole source for the entire compound. Other sources may also be used in parallel for doping or modifying the compound. In the sol-gel the elements are already in the compound in solution with the common solvent or metallorganic precursor.\nAn example of the sol-gel synthesis of YMnO3 follows. 1 gm. of yttrium isopropoxide Y[OCH(CH3)2 ]3 was mixed with 8 ml. of 2-methoxyethanol. The yttrium isopropoxide did not go into solution, but was forced into solution by the addition of approximately 25 drops (slightly over one ml.) of hydrochloric acid.\n0.25 grams of manganese acetate Mn(OOCCH3)2 H2 O was mixed with 5 ml. 2-methoxyethanol. The manganese acetate would not dissolve in the 2-methoxyethanol, but was forced into solution by the addition of approximately 10 drops of hydrochloric acid.\nThe yttrium and manganese solutions were then mixed together at room temperature resulting in a slightly yellow colored solution. The resulting YMnO3 solution did not form a film when spun onto a silicon wafer. Adding H2 O for hydrolysis did not improve the film-forming characteristics. However, the addition of approximately 25 drops of titanium isopropoxide (a gel former) to the yttrium/manganese solution resulted in a solution which remained clear for approximately 3 hours and formed good films when spun onto a silicon wafer.\nThe invention includes the feature of generating a stabilized source by bubbling a carrier gas through a stabilized liquid source and/or atomizing the liquid source via an ultrasound cavity with the gas passing through. The liquid source is introduced into an ultrasonic cavity. The carrier gas passes through the cavity and by ultrasonic vibration mixes with the liquid. The resulting heavily saturated (atomized) gas-liquid mixture is introduced into the deposition chamber by way of a suitable nozzle. Injection of the gas-liquid mixture into the vacuum in the deposition chamber is controlled by such nozzle.\nIf the FIG. 2 flow chart is used with respect to the second embodiment, stage 104 should include parameters RF bias/pre-clean and DC bias, and stage 108 should include the RF-DC biases.\nThe RF cleans the deposition surface, and cracks the vaporized compound source because the RF is tuned to the correct frequency and energy, and is also a UV generator.\nThe DC process keeps the RF from damaging the as-deposited surface; achieves poling in-situ of the ferroelectric film adding to the film quality (dipole ordering along the c-axis); and the resulting ordering reduces dislocation density which is usually responsible for fatigue and retention problems.\nThe invention allows very thin layers (below 200 Å) to be deposited. Such layers need to be formed somewhere in the film (surface or middle) using dopants, stoichiometric modifications, and/or a completely different material. If these layers are formed in the middle, they function as gettering layers or floating gates. If the layers are formed on or in the surface, they function as graded surfaces or graded electrodes. Surfaces that are not graded lead to fatigue because of space charges between the electrode and the ferroelectric or a surface layer that is uncontrollable and highly damaged (high in dislocation density).\nA controlled surface is a key benefit of this invention. A thin surface layer may be created prior to electroding, and such layer may be p-type doped or n-type doped. A controlled surface means that the surface region can be tailored to have a varying composition to achieve different conductivity and dielectric constant, and pushing the depletion regions caused by self-inverted or self-depleted skin layers of wide band ferroelectric oxides. The present invention allows tailoring of layers by either doping, and/or UV-enhanced reduction in a reducing atmosphere such as hydrogen.\nUsing n-type or p-type layers in conjunction with breaking the top and/or bottom electrode of a capacitor into gates independently biased allows for the creation of a whole new series of devices which are critically dependent on the present invention for their fabrication. The general class of such devices may be referred to as ferroelectric gated trans capacitors. Such devices may be classified as split-gate, fringe-gate, or a combination of split- and/or fringe-gate.\nThe invention is advantageous in depositing complex, compound thin films of materials such as ferroelectrics, super-conductors, materials with high dielectric constants, gems, etc., but it not limited to depositing such complex thin films.\nAlthough there has been described preferred embodiments of the invention, the invention can be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof. The described embodiments are to be considered in all aspects as illustrative and not restrictive. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended claims rather than the foregoing description.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US4569855 *||Apr 11, 1985||Feb 11, 1986||Canon Kabushiki Kaisha||Method of forming deposition film|\n|US4571350 *||Sep 24, 1984||Feb 18, 1986||Corning Glass Works||Method for depositing thin, transparent metal oxide films|\n|US4585671 *||Nov 15, 1983||Apr 29, 1986||Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals, Incorporated||Formation process of amorphous silicon film|\n|US4683147 *||Apr 12, 1985||Jul 28, 1987||Canon Kabushiki Kaisha||Method of forming deposition film|\n|US4792463 *||Sep 3, 1986||Dec 20, 1988||Masaru Okada||Method of producing ferroelectric thin film|\n|US4811684 *||Sep 3, 1987||Mar 14, 1989||Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.||Photo CVD apparatus, with deposition prevention in light source chamber|\n|US4888305 *||Mar 9, 1989||Dec 19, 1989||Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.||Method for photo annealing 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name: SYMETRIX CORPORATION, COLORADO\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST.;ASSIGNORS:MC MILLAN LARRY D.;PAZ DE ARAUJO CARLOS A.;REEL/FRAME:005786/0102\nEffective date: 19891223\n|Aug 31, 1993||CC||Certificate of correction|\n|Feb 12, 1996||FPAY||Fee payment|\nYear of fee payment: 4\n|Feb 10, 2000||FPAY||Fee payment|\nYear of fee payment: 8\n|Feb 25, 2004||REMI||Maintenance fee reminder mailed|\n|Aug 11, 2004||LAPS||Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees|\n|Oct 5, 2004||FP||Expired due to failure to pay maintenance fee|\nEffective date: 20040811", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Exactly! Why should you even care about natural hair and pH? I mean it’s not like you need a chemistry degree to take care of your hair, right? Well, yes you don’t need one and you certainly don’t need to know the periodic table, but it sure is important to know the relationship between your hair and pH.\nWhat Is pH?\nThe power of hydrogen, or pH as it’s commonly known, is a term used to describe hydrogen concentration in water-based solutions. It is measured on a scale that ranges between 0 and 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH lower than 7 is acidic and a pH higher than 7 is basic or alkaline. When a chemical is very acidic or basic/alkaline it is called reactive and can cause serious burns.\nTake a look at the list bellow to have an idea of the pH level is common things.\nHair & PH\nWhen it comes to human hair and scalp oil (sebum), measurements show that they have a pH that ranges between 4.5 and 5.5 which, if you look at the image above, is slightly acidic. You might be puzzled like I was when I first came across this information. I thought human hair had to be neutral like pure water to be healthy and smooth, not acidic which we normally connect to something that has a sour or sharp taste. In the case of human hair, you’d be envisioning it brittle and dry. Confusing isn’t it?\nNot so much when you think that having an acidic environment in our hair and scalp oil is what prevents fungi and bacteria from proliferating. Think of dandruff, hair loss, itchy scalp and even eczema. A pH unbalance is many times at the root of the problem. So you see, an acidic pH, in this case, is a good thing to have on your pretty head.\nAdditionally, and this is also very important, the acidity in our hair and sebum is what allows the cuticle layers of the hair to lie flat. This is significant because in such conditions scalp oils travel more easily along the hair shaft giving you fewer tangles, less frizz, less breakage and more shine. So if you were to have an alkaline/basic environment, the hair would swell and the cuticle layers would open which would result in dull hair prone to knots and tangles, breakage and inability to retain length.\nTo summarise all of this, you have to remember that human hair and scalp oil need to have an acidic environment. A pH of 4.5 to 5.5 is what promotes hair healthy and prevents several scalp conditions. An alkaline pH higher than 7 will open the cuticle layers while an acidic pH will contract/close them.\nAre you wondering how does this knowledge relate to your hair care?\nNatural Hair’s PH & Hair Care Products\nAs I mentioned in this article, by nature curly hair if full of twists, kinks and coil and, as a result, the cuticle layers on the hair shaft are unable to lie flat. This means that the cortex structure of the hair, that provides strength and elasticity, is left vulnerable and sebum has a hard time balancing pH.\nThis situation can become more difficult with the use of some hair care products. Conventional shampoos, for instance, have harsh surfactants like SLS that strip sebum out of your hair (read more here). The use of these products change the ideal pH conditions of the hair. Thus, why in the case of shampoos, brands have developed low or no-poo shampoos to balance this.\nIn addition, when you submit your hair to a chemical treatment such as dyeing, bleaching or relaxing you are essentially subjecting your hair to an alkaline process that needs to open the cuticle layers so it can be effective. Once the required goal is achieved an acidic solution is applied to contract/close the cuticle layers. Nevertheless, in this case, your natural hair if from then on irreversibly changed.\nSo you see, the hair care products you use and the treatments you apply on your hair can have a negative impact on it. Once the cortex of the hair is exposed the protein bonds in there are more susceptible to damage. We now know that curly hair is naturally dry because of its shape, which keeps cuticle layers open. However, this characteristic can be worsened if you’re not careful when choosing your hair products and treatments. Knowing the pH levels of your products is very important to a hair that is already fragile.\nAlthough pH levels are not normally printed (or mandatory) on product labels you can easily measure them with simple pH level strips. With this knowledge, you can combine your products in a way that maintain your hair in a 4.5 – 5.5 pH level.\nA study performed on how a shampoo can affect your hair found that 61% out of 123 shampoos had a pH level higher than 5.5. This is just an example, but this is why many times you can’t understand why your hair is so frizzy and dry or why you have such hair breakage and can’t keep hair length. So, if you bought on of these shampoos you would need to use a low pH conditioner to restore the desired acidic environment.\nHopefully, this information will be useful to you when you buy and combine your hair care products. Was this information imperative in order for you to take care of your hair? No, but it will sure help you avoid some setbacks in your journey and achieve your hair goals faster.\nDid you find this information useful? Do you look at product’s pH?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The physical stage of track formation in a condensed phase is discussed. For interaction of charged particles with condensed molecular media its most important specific features are: (a) the continuous oscillator strength distribution with the broak peak in the energy range 21-22 eV attributed to the collective plasmon-type state; (b) the lowering of ionization potential compared to a gas phase. These specific features must be taken into account for simulation of track structures. The great difference in mass and charge for a electron and heavy ions cause a qualitative difference in their track structures. We analyse the structure of heavy ion tracks and prove the impossibility to use the LET as a universal characteristic for the radiation action of different ions.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|نسخه تمام متن\n|6 صفحه PDF\n• The mechanism of stray-grain formation at substrate of laser-processing single-crystal superalloys was first investigated.\n• The relationship between stray-grain formation and microsegregation in the substrate was first found.\n• A basic precondition, the homogenized treatment of substrate, for successful single-crystal laser processing was revealed.\nThe stray-grain formation and epitaxy loss at the substrate during laser surface remelting of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys, which immediately lead to the break of the single-crystal growth, were investigated by means of modeling and experiments. Results indicate that the stray-grain formation and epitaxy loss at the substrate are attributed to the increased trend of the formation of equiaxed grains resulting from the composition segregation at the substrate interdendritic region. Accordingly, a solution treatment for the substrates prior to laser processing can effectively avoid the SG formation and epitaxy loss, which reveals a basic precondition, homogenized solution treatment of substrates, for successful single-crystal laser processing.\nFigure optionsDownload as PowerPoint slide\nJournal: Materials & Design - Volume 102, 15 July 2016, Pages 297–302", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Functions:With pear blossom *S-SMRITI™ formula, precious essence of pear blossom, ganoderma extract and pearl amino acid, it is gentle, clean, and can wash off the oil and dirt on your skin, and help the absorption of subsequent skincare products. Meanwhile, it retains the skin's natural moisture, keep the skin moist, protect the skin, and make the skin refreshed, cool and relaxed.\n*S-SMRITI™:It is the registered trademark of our company’s raw material, and any infringement will be prosecuted.\nINGREDIENT:WATER、SODIUM LAUROYL GLUTAMATE、SORBITOL、GLYCERIN、SODIUM LACTATE、SODIUM COCOYL GLYCINATE、LAURYL GLUCOSIDE、SODIUM LAUROYL SARCOSINATE、SODIUM CHLORIDE、PROPANEDIOL、COCAMIDE MEA、PENTYLENE GLYCOL、HYDROLYZED PEARL、MILK EXTRACT、PYRUS COMMUNIS (PEAR) FLOWER EXTRACT、JASMINUM SAMBAC EXTRACT、HONEY EXTRACT、ALOE BARBADENSIS EXTRACT、SOPHORA FLAVESCENS EXTRACT、OPUNTIA DILLENII EXTRECT、AVENA SATIVA EXTRACT、PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT、MACROCYSTIS PYRIFERA EXTRACT、ROSA RUGOSA FLOWER OIL.\nUsage: every morning and evening ,evenly apply adequate amount with water on your hand, rub after it melting, apply it on your face and gently massage the face in a circle.Wash afterwards.\nNote:This product is for external use only. Avoid direct contact with the eyes. If it accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. In case of sensitivity and discomfort, please stop using it immediately.\nStorage method: Keep away from light at room temperature. Keep it out of reach of children.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cosmetics for washing have different structure, action and are intended for the different purposes therefore to choose just cream-gel with mark \"For oily skin\" insufficiently. Read composition of gel and compare effect of active components with requirements of the skin.\n1. Pay attention to structure of gel. There are means in the form of homogeneous dense mass, and there are gels with small abrasive parts. If your skin not only fat, but also sensitive and also if you select gel for the periods when impact on face skin has to be minimum, then choose uniform structures. Cream-gel with microgranules has light peeling effect and as daily means it suits not everyone – your skin has to be rather rough that on it irritations have not appeared. Sensitive skin also should not be washed with gel from spirit component as it can lead to emergence of dry sites, microcracks, peeling. For gentle skin select gels with panthenol addition (restores and humidifies) and citric acid (normalizes ph-balance and deletes surplus of fat).\n2. For the oily skin inclined to fast appearance of heat-spots and inflammations, structures with special antibacterial components of high degree of intensity are developed – it can be salicylic acid, plant extracts, fruit acids, propolis, etc. In all other cases of rather deep cleansing.\n3. If you suffer from allergic reactions, then additional protection is necessary for your skin – choose means without vegetable components and fragrances. In passing refuse the peeling structures.\n4. You need to control release of skin fat therefore choose gels with the matting properties – with extract of sage, lime, thyme, etc. Such means give plentiful foam, deeply clean pores and block release of fat for some time, at the same time drying the inflamed sites. Skins with addition of clay can be used as mask or as gel for washing.\n5. Avoid products with addition of mineral oil. The consistence cream-gel demands addition in it the condensing components – often producers use various mineral oils for this purpose. On oily skin such means for washing will leave hardly noticeable film which will clog up pores and will create all conditions for reproduction of bacteria. Choose gels without oil and glycerin if your oily skin and does not need additional moistening.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I am interested in the dynamics of complex sytems ranging from domain dynamics in ferroelectrics to non-linear phenomena in entangled polymer networks and other soft-matter systems. Therefore, I plan and conduct experiments at word leading X-ray facilities like synchrotrons and free-electron lasers employing and developing coherent X-ray scattering techniques like X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS).\nAs a PhD student at the Materials Imaging and Dynamics Instrument (MID) at European XFEL, I studied complex dynamics in aqueous solutions and the viscoelastic properties of photorheological liquids.\nFacing the challenges of big data—generated especially by free-electron lasers—I dedicate part of my work to the development of data analysis software for analyzing X-ray scattering data.\nCurrently, I am working on a method to deduce dynamical information from homeopathic scattering patterns to investigate the dynamics of proteins in solution.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Study of Friction Coefficient and Friction Force on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing\nIn order to enhance grinding efficiency of the magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) method, we usually use the sinter method or the cementation method to mix the magnetic particles and abrasive particles together. However, the cost is high, and the variety is incomplete. Therefore, with the ferromagnetism to iron particles, the alumina particles and the lipin three kind of material simple mixture participate in the magnetic abrasive finishing which directly polishes, already obtained the good effect through the experiment. This paper analyses and explains the characteristic of the friction coefficient and the friction force on magnetic abrasive finishing according as account and experiment data.\nYi Tan and Dongying Ju\nY. Chen et al., \"Study of Friction Coefficient and Friction Force on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing\", Materials Science Forum, Vols. 675-677, pp. 663-666, 2011", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This compound is called \"Capsaicin.\" This is actually the compound inside hot peppers that actually makes them hot, hot, hot.\nSo the hotter the pepper, the higher the level of Capsaicin.\nIn today's study released by US and Japanese researchers, the presence of Capsaicin showed an 80% reduction in prostate cancer alone.\nI'll tell you this,\nThe benefits of Capsaicin in hot peppers have been known for years and go far beyond its anti-cancer fighting attributes...\nSo pay close attention.\nHere are the most notable (and dramatic) hot pepper health benefits:\n- Anti-inflammatory: Capsaicin has been proven to fight chronic inflammation, a rapidly growing condition in North America.\n- Headache Relief: Studies have shown that Capsaicin is extremely effective for relieving AND preventing cluster headaches, migraine headaches and sinus headaches. Another growing problem among many North Americans.\n- Sinus Relief: Capsaicin possesses powerful anti-bacterial properties that naturally clear out congested nasal passages. Its no secret that your eyes water and you often get a runny nose when you eat a really hot pepper. That is the cleansing process at its finest.\nRead the rest of this article at Healthy Eating\nPosted to Weight Loss", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Have you ever wanted to own a piece of real silk clothing but hesitated because you thought it was too delicate and expensive to maintain? Well, I’m here to tell you that there is a solution – washable silk!\nWashable silk is real silk. It is just treated with chemicals that make the texture and feel of washable silk slightly different than the traditional silk and machine-washable.\nBut what exactly is it, and how does it differ from regular silk? Let’s find out!\nIs Washable Silk Real Silk?\nYes, it’s still a real silk product; it’s just treated and modified to be washable in the machine, more durable, and easy to care for.\nWhat is It?\nSo, you may have heard of “washable silk” and wondering if it’s the real deal.\nWell, here’s the deal: washable silk is a thing, but it’s not the same as traditional silk.\nFirst off, let’s talk about how traditional silk is made.\nSilk is produced by silkworms, which spin cocoons made of silk thread. These cocoons are harvested, and the silk thread is unwound and woven into fabric.\nHere’s where washable silk (or machine-washable silk) comes in.\nMachine-washable silk is still crafted from delicate silk thread, albeit with a few significant modifications. A unique water and stain-resistant chemical finish are added to the fiber before it is woven into its final form.\nThis means you can throw the garment in the washing machine, and it’ll look as good as before. Pretty cool, right?\nAlthough it has a distinct texture that may differ from classic silk, some people have contended that it compromises the innate qualities of regular silk.\nThe colors also tend to be richer, more profound, and colorfast. That is because, unlike traditional silk, the dyeing process is applied to the garment, not the fabric yarns.\nWashable Silk vs. Traditional Silk: What’s the Difference?\nHere are some critical differences:\nWashable silk can be thrown in the washing machine and dried on low heat.\nOn the other hand, traditional silk requires dry cleaning or hand washing with mild detergent.\nWashable silk is treated with a unique chemical finish that makes it incredibly resilient to water and other stains and longer lasting. Traditional silk is more delicate and can be easily damaged if not handled properly.\nWhile some might express that washable silk is perceptibly distinct in texture and feel compared to traditional silk, others would likely disagree. The chemical finish might change the natural properties of silk.\nWashable silk dyes are more colorfast, meaning the color will stay longer and not fade easily.\nTraditional silk is often considered a luxury fabric and is generally more expensive than washable silk.\nIt all comes down to personal preference. Some people prefer the luxurious feel of traditional silk, while others prefer the easy care and durability of washable silk.\nRemember that manufacturers may have different methods and materials for creating the fabric, so that the final product may vary slightly.\nPros and Cons\n- Easy care: You can throw it in the washing machine and dry it on a low heat setting, making it a convenient option for everyday wear.\n- Durable: It is engineered with a chemical finish, making it resistant to water and stains for greater longevity.\n- Colorfastness: It dyes are more colorfast, meaning the color will stay longer and not fade quickly.\n- Price: It’s less expensive than traditional silk\n- Texture: Some people argue that it has a slightly different texture and feel than traditional silk because the chemical finish might change the natural properties of silk.\n- Personal preference: Some people prefer the luxurious feel of traditional silk over its easy care and durability.\n- Not as breathable: Because of the chemical finish, it may not be as breathable as traditional silk.\n- Not as moisture-wicking: The chemical finish may not be as moisture-wicking as traditional silk.\nRemember that these pros and cons are based on general observations and may vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product.\nWhere is washable silk typically made?\nIt is typically made in countries with lower labor costs, such as China or India. These countries have a long silk production tradition and the infrastructure and expertise to produce the silk.\nThis helps to keep the cost of the fabric affordable for consumers.\nWhat are some benefits of washable silk?\nSome benefits include its affordability, durability, and ease of care. This fabric is also soft and comfortable, making it a popular choice for clothing and bedding.\nWhy is washable silk becoming increasingly popular?\nIt is becoming increasingly popular for a few reasons:\n- Convenience: The ability to wash and dry in a machine makes it a convenient option for everyday wear. It eliminates the need for dry cleaning and hand washing, which can be time-consuming and costly.\n- Durability: The chemical finish makes it more resistant to water and stains, making it more durable than traditional silk. This is an attractive feature for those who want a silk garment that will last a long time.\n- Colorfastness: The dyes are more colorfast, meaning the color will stay longer and not fade quickly. This is an attractive feature for those who want a silk garment that will keep its color for a long time.\n- Price: It’s less expensive than traditional silk, making it more accessible to a broader range of consumers.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Welcome to the packaging machinery manufacturers--KeSheng Machinery,we provide you with professional slitting machine, rewinding machine\nHOME > NEWS > NEWS\nAccording to the nature of PVC PVC slitting machine to understand the working principle\nPVC Slitter mainly used PVC PVC material. PVC slitting machine to tell you how to achieve the success of the PVC cut? PVC Slitter PVC Slitter, you must first understand its nature. PVC polyvinyl chloride referred to as PVC, from vinyl chloride polymerization in the role of initiator from the thermoplastic resin. Is a vinyl chloride homopolymer. Vinyl chloride homopolymer and vinyl chloride copolymer collectively referred to as vinyl chloride resin. PVC is an amorphous structure of white powder, the degree of branching is small. Industrial production of PVC molecular weight is generally in the range of 50,000 to 12 million, there is a large polydispersity, molecular weight increases with the polymerization temperature decreases; no fixed melting point, 80 ~ 85 ℃ began to soften, 130 ℃ viscoelastic state, 160 ~ 180 ℃ began to change into viscous state. Has good mechanical properties, about 60MPa tensile strength, impact strength 5 ~ 10kJ / m2; have excellent dielectric properties.\nAs the PVC slitter on the light and heat stability is poor, above 100 ℃ or by prolonged exposure to sunlight, will produce hydrogen chloride decomposition, and further catalytic decomposition, causing discoloration, physical and mechanical properties also decreased rapidly in the practical application must Stabilizers are added to improve heat and light stability. PVC is very hard, solubility is very poor, only soluble in cyclohexanone, dichloroethane and tetrahydrofuran and a small number of solvents, organic and inorganic acids, the base salt is stable, reducing the chemical stability with the use of temperature. PVC is dissolved in acetone-carbon disulfide or acetone-benzene solvent for dry-spinning or wet-spinning fiber, and the polyvinyl chloride has the characteristics of flame-retardant, acid, anti-microbe and wear-resisting, and has good Warmth and elasticity.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Prevention by sodium 4,5-dihydroxybenzene1,3-disulfonate (tiron) of vanadium-induced behavioral toxicity in rats\nPurchase on Springer.com\n$39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95*\nRent the article at a discountRent now\n* Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT.\nRecent studies have shown that oral vanadate (V5+) administration results in behavioral toxicity in rats. The chelating agent Tiron (sodium 4,5-dihydroxybenzene-l,3-disulfonate) is an effective antidote in the removal of vanadium from vanadium-loaded rats. In this study, the protective activity of Tiron on vanadate-induced behavioral toxicity was evaluated in adult rats. Intraperitoneal treatment with Tiron at 235 or 470 mg/kg was initiated after 6 wk of oral sodium metavanadate administration (16 mg/kg/d) and continued for 2 wk. Although vanadate exposure did not result in a significant reduction in the general activity of the animals in an open field, a lower active avoidance acquisition could be observed. However, the vanadate-induced behavioral deficit was reverted by Tiron administration at 470 mg/kg. The present results suggest that Tiron may protect, at least in part, against metavanadate-induced behavioral toxicity.\n- B. K. Hope, A global biogeochemical budget for vanadium,Sci. Total Environ. 141, 1–10 (1994). CrossRef\n- J. O. Nriagu and J. M. Pacyna, Quantitative assessment of worldwide contamination of air, water and soils by trace metals,Nature 333, 134–139 (1988). CrossRef\n- D. J. Sanchez, A. Ortega, J. L. Domingo, and J. Corbella, Developmental toxicity evaluation of orthovanadate in the mouse,Biol. Trace Element Res. 30, 219–226 (1991).\n- J. L. Domingo, Vanadium: a review of the reproductive and developmental toxicity,Reprod. Toxicol. 10, 175–182 (1996). CrossRef\n- M. H. Oster, J. M. Llobet, J. L. Domingo, J. B. German, and C. L. Keen, Vanadium treatment of diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats results in tissue vanadium accumulation and pro-oxidant effects,Toxicology 83, 115–130 (1993). CrossRef\n- H. Zaporowska and W. Wasilewski, Hematological effects of vanadium on living organisms,Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 102C, 223–231 (1992).\n- M. A. Al-Bayati, S. N. Giri, O. G. Raabe, L. S. Rosenblatt, and M. Shifrine, Time and dose-response study of the effects of vanadate on rats: morphological and biochemical changes in organs,J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol. 9, 435–39 (1989).\n- J. L. Domingo, M. Gomez, D. J. Sanchez, J. M. Llobet, J. Corbella, and C. L. Keen, The marked improvement of glucose homeostasis by oral vanadate or vanadyl treatment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats may be related to the anorexic effects of vanadium,Trace Element Electr. 11, 16–22 (1994).\n- C. E. Heyliger, A. G. Tahiliani, and J. H. McNeill, Effect of vanadate on elevated blood glucose and depressed cardiac performance of diabetic rats,Science 227, 1474–1477 (1985). CrossRef\n- A. M. Kordowiak, R. Trzos, and R. Grybos, Insulin-like effects on liver Golgi membrane preparations of bis(oxalato)oxovanadate(IV) complex ion, a new vanadate compound,Horm. Metab. Res. 29, 101–105 (1997).\n- A. K. Srivastava, Potential use of vanadium compounds in the treatment of diabetes mellitus,Exp. Opin. Invest. Drugs 4, 525–536 (1995).\n- E. Tsiani and I. G. Fantus, Vanadium compounds. Biological actions and potential as pharmacological agents,Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 8, 51–58 (1997). CrossRef\n- J. Yao, M. L. Battell, and J. H. McNeill, Acute and chronic response to vanadium following two methods of streptozotocin-diabetes induction,Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 75, 83–90 (1997). CrossRef\n- J. L. Domingo, M. Gomez, J. M. Llobet, J. Corbella, and C. L. Keen, Oral vanadium administration to streptozotocin-diabetic rats has marked negative side effects which are independent of the form of vanadium used,Toxicology 66, 279–287 (1991). CrossRef\n- J. L. Domingo, M. Gomez, J. M. Llobet, J. Corbella, and C. L. Keen, Improvement of glucose homeostasis by oral vanadyl or vanadate treatment in diabetic rats is accompanied by negative side effects,Pharmacol. Toxicol. 68, 249–253 (1991).\n- J. L. Domingo, M. Gomez, D. J. Sanchez, J. M. Llobet, and C. L. Keen, Toxicology of vanadium compounds in diabetic rats: the action of chelating agents on vanadium accumulation,Mol. Cell. Biochem. 153, 233–240 (1995). CrossRef\n- G. J. Naylor and A. H. W. Smith, Defective control of sodium-pump density in manic depresive psychosis,Psychol. Med. 11, 257–263 (1981). CrossRef\n- G. J. Naylor, A. H. W. Smith, D. Bryce-Smith, and N. I. Ward, Elevated vanadium content of hair and mania,Biol. Psychiat. 19, 759–764 (1984).\n- G. J. Naylor and A. H. W. Smith, Vanadium: a possible etiological factor in manic depressive illness,Psychol. Med. 11, 249–256 (1981). CrossRef\n- G. J. Naylor, F. M. Corrigan, A. H. W. Smith, P. Conelly, and N. I. Ward, Further studies of vanadium in depressive psychosi,Br. J. Psychiat. 150, 656–661 (1987).\n- D. J. Sanchez, M. T. Colomina, and J. L. Domingo, Effects of vanadium on activity and learning in rats,Physiol. Behav. 63, 345–350 (1998). CrossRef\n- B. R. Nechay, Mechanisms of action of vanadium,Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 24, 501–524 (1984). CrossRef\n- J. M. Llobet and J. L. Domingo, Acute toxicity of vanadium compounds in rats and mice,Toxicol. Lett. 23, 227–231 (1984). CrossRef\n- M. Gomez, J. L. Domingo, J. M. Llobet, and J. Corbella, Effectiveness of some chelating agents on distribution and excretion of vanadium in rats after prolonged oral administration,J. Appl. Toxicol. 11, 195–198 (1991). CrossRef\n- M. Gomez, J. L. Domingo, J. M. Llobet, and J. Corbella, Evaluation of the efficacy of various chelating agents on urinary excretion and tissue distribution of vanadium in rats,Toxicol. Lett. 57, 227–234 (1991). CrossRef\n- Z. Zhu, M. Tepel, and W. Zidek, Vanadate inhibits actions on Ca2+ handling in vascular smooth muscle cells,Trace Element Electr. 13, 109–113 (1996).\n- C. M. Vescina, V. C. Salice, A. M. Cortizo, and S. B. Etcheverry, Effect of vanadium compounds on acid phosphatase activity,Biol. Trace Element Res. 53, 185–191 (1996). CrossRef\n- G. J. Naylor, Vanadium and affective disorders,Biol. Psychiat. 18, 103–112 (1983).\n- D. S. G. Kay, G. J. Naylor, A. H. W. Smith, and C. Greenwood, The therapeutic effect of ascorbic acid and EDTA in manic-depressive psychosis: double-blind comparisons with standard treatments,Psychol. Med. 14, 533–539 (1984).\n- D. Witkowska and J. Brzezinski, Alteration of brain noradrenaline, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine levels during vanadium poisoning,Polish J. Pharmacol. Pharm. 31, 393–398 (1979).\n- J. L. Domingo, M. A. Bosque, M. Luna, and J. Corbella, Prevention by Tiron (sodium 4,5-dihydroxybenzene-l,3-disulfonate) of vanadate-induced developmental toxicity in mice,Teratology 48, 133–138 (1993). CrossRef\n- J. L. Domingo, M. Gomez, D. J. Sanchez, J. M. Llobet, and C. L. Keen, Tiron administration minimizes the toxicity of vanadate but not its insulin mimetic properties in diabetic rats,Life Sci. 50, 1311–1318 (1992). CrossRef\n- J. L. Domingo, D. J. Sanchez, M. Gomez, J. M. Llobet, and J. Corbella, Oral vanadate and Tiron treatment of diabetes mellitus in rats: Improvement of glucose homeostasis and negative side effects,Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 35, 495–500 (1993).\n- A. Ortega, D. J. Sanchez, J. J. Domingo, J. M. Llobet, and J. Corbella, Developmental toxicity evaluation of Tiron (sodium 4,5-dihydroxybenzene-l,3-disulfonate) in mice,Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 73, 97–106 (1991).\n- Prevention by sodium 4,5-dihydroxybenzene1,3-disulfonate (tiron) of vanadium-induced behavioral toxicity in rats\nBiological Trace Element Research\nVolume 69, Issue 3 , pp 249-259\n- Cover Date\n- Print ISSN\n- Online ISSN\n- Humana Press\n- Additional Links\n- Sodium metavanadate\n- open field\n- active avoidance\n- Industry Sectors\n- Author Affiliations\n- 1. Laboratory of Toxicology and Environmental Health, School of Medicine, “Rouira i Virgili” University, San Lorenzo 21, 43201, Reus\n- 2. Psychobiology Unit, “Rovira i Virgili” University, 43007, Tarragona, Spain", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Grease for silicone-free seals; For vacuum applications; Strong adhesion; Temperature-resistant; Resistant to elutriation; Good chemical resistance; Vapour pressure (Knudsen): 10-6 Torr at 20 °C\nMOLYKOTE High Vacuum Grease\nProducts shown here represent only a small part of our range. Before using a product, you should consult one of our application engineers. More information about this and other products is available upon request. All products mentioned here are subject to international trademark law.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Add VALUE to LIFE\nBleomycin is a type of chemotherapy drug that is used to treat several types of cancer, including lymphoma, testicular cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. It belongs to a class of drugs called “antitumor antibiotics” and works by damaging the DNA in cancer cells, which prevents them from dividing and growing.\nRECLAIMING LIFE FROM PROSTATE CANCER\nCASANOVA is a non-steroidal androgen receptor inhibitor. It competitively inhibits the action of androgens by binding to cytosol androgen receptors in the target tissue. Prostatic carcinoma is known to be androgen-sensitive and responds to treatment that counteracts the effects of androgen and/or removes the source of androgen.\nBounce back STRONGER\nDaunorubicin is a chemotherapy drug that belongs to the anthracycline class of antineoplastic agents. It is primarily used to treat different types of cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors. It works by inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis in cancer cells, which prevents them from dividing and growing. It also produces free radicals that cause damage to cancer cell membranes, leading to their destruction.\nYOUR GRAND COMFORT\nEurotron is a potent, selective antagonist of 5HT3 receptors. The antiemetic activity of the drug is brought about through the inhibition of 5HT3 receptors present both centrally (medullary chemoreceptor zone) and peripherally (GI tract).\nSTRENGTH makes you UNBREAKABLE\nZoledronic acid is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates. It is primarily used to treat bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis, hypercalcemia of malignancy, and bone metastases from solid tumors. Zoledronic acid works by inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts, which are the cells that break down bone tissue. This helps to prevent the loss of bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.\nJOURNEY BEYOUND RESILLIENCE\nJbr is a microtubule inhibitor. It binds to tubulin and promotes its assembly into microtubules while simultaneously inhibiting disassembly. This leads to the stabilization of microtubules, which results in the inhibition of mitotic and interphase cellular functions.\nGET UP for the MIRACLE\nNexaget is used to treat certain types of cancer, including liver cancer, kidney cancer, and thyroid cancer. It is classified as a multi-kinase inhibitor, which means that it works by blocking the activity of several enzymes involved in cell division and growth, thereby slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Sorafenib tosylate is usually taken orally in the form of tablets. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the type and severity of the cancer being treated, as well as the patient’s overall health.\nLIVE LIFE Everyday\nDoxorubicin belongs to a class of drugs called anthracyclines, and it works by preventing the replication of cancer cells. It is commonly used to treat breast cancer, bladder cancer, and certain types of leukemia and lymphoma. Doxorubicin can be administered intravenously, and it is closely monitored by healthcare professionals.\nFrom FEAR to FAITH\nDocetaxel is a chemotherapy drug used in the treatment of various types of cancers. It belongs to the class of taxanes, which are natural substances derived from the Pacific yew tree. Docetaxel works by inhibiting the microtubule structures within cells, which are essential for cell division and growth. This leads to the inhibition of cancer cell growth and division, ultimately resulting in the death of cancer cells.\nComfort them with THE RIGHT START\nPaclitaxel is a chemotherapy medication used to treat various types of cancer, including breast, ovarian, and lung cancers. Paclitaxel works by inhibiting the ability of cancer cells to divide and grow, which helps to slow or stop the growth of tumors. It does this by binding to microtubules, which are part of the cellular machinery involved in cell division. By binding to microtubules, paclitaxel prevents their normal function, leading to cell death.\nWe have got your BEC\nVinblastine is a chemotherapy drug used in the treatment of various types of cancers. It belongs to the class of vinca alkaloids, which are natural substances derived from the Madagascar periwinkle plant. Vinblastine works by binding to and inhibiting the microtubule structures within cells, which are essential for cell division and growth. This leads to the inhibition of cancer cell growth and division, ultimately resulting in the death of cancer cells.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Mainly used in the transport sector for heavy cleaning of cars and heavy vehicles. Excellent for low pressure cleaning operations and for spraying various contaminations. It avoids the need for subsequent mechanical actions: brushing, sponging, etc.\nUsage and Applications\nTo be diluted in the appropriate sprayers or in the tanks incorporated in the pressure washers.\nThe lowest dilution, ie from 0.5% to 1%, will be that used for normal external car washes; the intermediate from 1% to 2% for heavy dirt or engine compartments, taking care, in this case, to rinse very carefully. For special cases of very dirty surfaces, such as warehouses, tanks, etc. the percentage can be increased proportionally, in particular for cleaning of rims and underbodies.\nAvoid use on light alloy parts such as cylinder heads, especially if hot.\nIt is important to shake the product before taking it as it is a two-phase detergent.\nWe do not recommend using the product on very hot painted surfaces (long exposure to the sun), especially for higher concentrations. In such cases it is also recommended to shorten the contact times between the solution and the painted surface, in order to avoid drying.\nPrecautions and Storage\nThe concentrated product and for long contact times, can attack aluminum, zinc and light alloys. Safe on ferrous material.\nAvoid storing for long periods at temperatures below 0 ° C.\nIt does not damage the treated surfaces\nSuitable for plastics\nRemoves oils, fats and deposits\nPulizia periodica di pavimentazioni industriali\nRimozione di oli, inquinanti, grassi e trucioli da macchinari multi metal\nDetergenza e manutenzione periodica degli impianti", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Delicate gel production includes the use of various filler products, normally monomer or even healthy protein located compounds, to generate pills as well as caplets. Gel capsules are actually frequently made use of as an auto for watering down medicines, such as pain relievers. view website\nAn additional common use of delicate gel manufacturing is actually to develop difficult capsule coverings for pharmaceutical products. In current years a number of strategies have actually been actually created for encapsulation of chemicals, consisting of ultrasound, uv as well as digital processes.\nAside from utilizing filling agents to produce caplets and capsules, delicate gels may additionally be created through incorporating different binding agents, including gum materials or even alginate. A large variety of components could be utilized for binding, featuring polyethylene, nylon material, man-made substances, as well as polypropylene. A lot of business use a mix of these active ingredients to supply a variety of sealing off as well as summarizing remedies. A few of these systems are actually made to feature a cooling body as well as can easily make use of a wide array of pumps to circulate the manufacturing process and maintain items at the effective temperature. The encapsulation method starts with a main substance as well as is actually carried out with numerous stages in the air conditioning system.\nIt is necessary to utilize the greatest pill packing product. If the production procedure is actually performed too cool, it can result in a reduction in a number of the encapsulation machines’ homes that make the ended up item. This includes cool temps and also an absence of air in the chemical option. It can likewise bring about ruin to equipment parts as well as equipment.\nGel pills that are suited for smooth gel manufacturing often possess a very high amount of bioavailability, indicating that the medication is released easily in to the client’s body. High degrees of bioavailability are actually attained when the drug is actually mixed along with other ingredients such as emulsifiers, gels, and anti-oxidants.\nIf you want to achieve the most ideal degrees of soft gel manufacturing, analysts have actually established a range of enhanced manufacturing processes. These making methods consist of solution, bead-coating, dry-firing, ultrafine condensation and pii covering. In solution, sound particles are actually rotated in a curler plant at remarkably broadband, generally in the variety of five hundred circles per moment. These fast rotating beads possess excellent attachment homes, which permit them to effectively join together with one another.\nIn bead-coating technology, grains are actually coated along with a borate-like lube. The grains are at that point placed within a region layer that has been actually electrically billed. The Quater layer is actually at that point covered along with a silicone-based gel that has been actually applied with a needle-like spinning drum. The 2 gel layers are after that pushed to comply with over a quater wall surface, which has a semi-permeable surface area. This semi-permeable surface makes it possible for the drug-bearing fats to go through however protects against crowd leakage. When the layered grains are actually eventually put into the pii ring, this inhibits liquid breaking away coming from the pii band.\nVarious other approaches used for Soft Gel production may range coming from utilizing a rotary-spinning procedure to making use of a pressure sensitive injection maker. This manufacturing approach might likewise be actually utilized to produce powders, gels, emulsions, foams, and also gels that have a wide array of usages.\nSoft gel production includes the process of producing capsules in a gel type. This is various from the liquid drugs or even the strong dose kinds. The gel pills can be liquified in an amount of reagents and then injected right into the body through the gastrointestinal system. The capsule is actually generally composed of the gel’s active ingredient together with various other polymer components including vitamins, glucoses, and weeds.\nGel capsules are often generated with two intervene their production method. The primary step is actually called encapsulation. Encapsulation includes the use of particular materials to surround the pill elements and to make certain that they gel fully. Various other encapsulation agents may additionally be actually made use of. These agents help to make certain that the gel carries out certainly not break which it preserves its own form.\nThe second step in delicate gel production is actually known as emulsification. In the course of the emulsification procedure, the embedded elements will definitely pass through a heated equipment. In the end of the procedure, the gel will certainly be actually incredibly smooth and sticky.\nThe process for soft gel manufacturing has a lot of steps, although the entire procedure might take much longer. At the start of the method, the raw components, such as the vitamins and the polymer products, require to become joined all together. A suited air conditioning device requires to become accumulated simultaneously to make sure that each of the components could be combined properly as well as for that reason made properly. There might likewise need to become some mixture of other methods like the buildup of the solutions and also the use of the ideal encapsulation agents for the certain item.\nA capsule is actually after that created in the laboratory. It is actually constructed of the suitable jelly and also various other appropriate elements. A variety of methods may be actually used to make all of them. The powder kind is actually often utilized. In smooth gel capsules, it is actually important to make certain that the right mixtures are actually integrated to avoid the gel from hardening when it is actually left open to warmth.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Specifically for the dry and uncomfortable skin formulated toner softens and refines the skin’s texture. By stimulating the microcirculation, it offers a radiant complexion and leaves a comforting sensation. A fine and light, alcohol-free texture, soothes and softens the skin with the sensual and feminine fragrance of rose. Damask rose floral water is used for its multiple soothing, purifying, toning and astringent properties. It revitalizes the complexion and refines the skin texture. Biosaccharides Gum-1, obtained from natural sugars, reduce irritations and immediately moisturise by acting as a protective water screen for the skin and protect the hydrolipidic film. 150ml – 5 fl.oz\nComplete the makeup removal routine by using a few drops of the Damask Rose Toning Lotion with a soft cotton pad, on a perfectly clean face.\nAqua (Water), Rosa Damascena Flower Water*, Propanediol, Levulinic Acid, Glycerin, Sodium Levulinate, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Hydroxide, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Glyceryl Caprylate, Sodium Anisate, Citronellol\n*From Organic Farming", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "This is an excerpt from my PhD thesis where I investigated 13 human PR/SET domains from the PRDM protein family and assessed their ability to bind to a fluorinated SAH analog. The research helps to identify which of the PRDMs could be methyltransferases. This work was carried out in the laboratory of Dr. Cheryl Arrowsmith at the University of Toronto and the University Health Network.\nInterrogating PR/SET domains for the ability to bind SAH\nThis chapter contains unpublished work and I am responsible for the overall generation and interpretation of the data included herein with the following mentions: The F-SAH compound was synthesized and kindly provided by Carlos Zepeda, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR). Shili Duan provided guidance and technical assistance in protein production. Additional proteins were kindly provided by Taraneh Hajian, Elisa Gibson and Dr. Masoud Vedadi from the SGC Toronto. Dr. Scott Houliston advised and supported all NMR experiments, and Drs. Houliston and Cheryl Arrowsmith aided in data analysis and provided guidance throughout the study. This project was prematurely halted due to a catastrophic freezer malfunction during the COVID-19 shutdown.\nLysine methyltransferases are a group epigenetic regulators currently being investigated in clinical and pharmaceutical studies for the treatment of certain cancers (Rugo, et al., 2020) (Ilango, et al., 2020) (Hoy, 2020) (Dilworth & Barsyte-Lovejoy, 2019). The majority of all KMT proteins possess a domain with a SET-fold (Schapira, 2011). The PRDM protein family is characterized by the presence of a PRDI-BF1 and RIZ1 (PR/SET) domain, which is a subgroup of the SET domain (FIGURE A1). Currently KMT activity has been reported for some PRDMs (TABLE A1), while some PRDMs are thought to be inactive pseudoenzymes. Since PRDMs are less represented in the academic literature compared to canonical SET proteins (FIGURE A4), it is unclear if these PRDMs are truly pseudoenzyme or if their KMT activity is only yet to be characterized. Distinguishing which PRDMs possess KMT activity would further our understanding of lysine epigenetics and pseudoenzyme-driven biology (Arrowsmith, et al., 2012) (Ribeiro, et al., 2019).\nAll domains with a SET-fold interact with SAM through a conserved hydrogen bonding network split across two distinct domain regions (Campagna-Slater, et al., 2011). These SAM binding residues in the canonical SET-domains are well conserved, however the corresponding residues in PR/SET domains are less well conserved (FIGURE A2) (H-binding clusters at Regions 1 and 2)]. The only holo-enzyme structure of a PR/SET domains is of mouse PRDM9 bound to a histone H3 peptide and SAH (Wu, et al., 2013). The human and mouse PRDM9 PR/SET domains possess many of the highly conserved SAM-binding residues found in the canonical SET-domains. Lacking any structural evidence, it is unclear if and how many of the PR/SET domains may bind to SAM. Therefore, detecting cofactor binding in PR/SET domains would aid in distinguishing whether certain PRDMs are enzymes or pseudoenzymes.\nHere I investigate cofactor binding to understand which PR/SET domains may have the ability to catalyze the KMT reaction. Using 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we measured the binding response for the majority of the human PR/SET domains with a fluorinated analog of the methyltransferase by-product S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), 2-fluoro-SAH (F-SAH). 19F-NMR is a sensitive and versatile method to study protein-ligand interactions (Dalvit & Vulpetti, 2019). Using the F-SAH binding response with the PRDM9 PR/SET domain as a positive control for the screening assays, we identified several PR/SET domains that bind F-SAH and therefore likely bind to SAM. Additionally, we detected several PR/SET domains that do not show any evidence of binding to F-SAH, which suggests a lesser affinity for SAM or potentially no affinity. This dataset can be used as a starting point for future discovery of KMT activity in PRDM proteins.\nEstablishment of the F-SAH binding assay\nFigure K1. Characterization of F-SAH binding to PRDM9. (a) Chemical structure of 2-fluoro-SAH (F-SAH) and (b) model of F-SAH bound to PRDM9 based on a SAM-bound structure (PDBID: 6nm4). Colour coding corresponds to (a). The effects of F-SAH binding to PRDM9 were measured by 19F-NMR. (c-d) Spectra of 16 µM F-SAH alone and with 1X and 5X molar equivalents of PRDM9 display a concentration dependent decrease in the unbound F-SAH peak and the emergence of a bound F-SAH peak.\nWe utilized 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) spectroscopy to assess whether PR/SET domains may have the ability to bind to the methyltransferase enzyme cofactor. Fluorinated SAH was chosen, rather than fluorinated SAM because SAH and its chemical precursors are more stable across a wide pH range and were therefore more suited to chemical synthesis. The chemical structure of 2-fluoro-SAH (F-SAH) shows that SAH is fluorinated at the 2-position of the adenine ring (FIGURE K1a). Using our structure of the human PRDM9 PR/SET domain bound by SAM, we generated a theoretical model of F-SAH bound to PRDM9 (FIGURE K1b). We observed that the fluorine atom projects toward the solvent and therefore is unlikely to alter the interaction with the protein. Nevertheless, because fluorine’s chemical shift is highly sensitive to any change in its microenvironment, we expected to see perturbation and/or broadening of the 19F resonance when F-SAH binds to a PR/SET domain.\nFirst, we investigated F-SAH alone by measuring a 1D 19F spectrum of F-SAH, which gave rise to a single peak at ~-52.4 ppm. Next, we monitored for F-SAH binding to PRDM9, which is the most extensively characterized methyltransferase among all the PR/SET domain containing proteins (Eram, et al., 2014) (Blazer, et al., 2016) (Allali-Hassani, et al., 2019) (Powers, et al., 2016). We assessed the F-SAH NMR signal alone and in the presence of equal and 5-fold molar equivalents of PRDM9 PR/SET domain, we detected a concentration-dependent decrease in the intensity of the unbound F-SAH 19F resonance (FIGURE K1c-d). Moreover, we observed the emergence of a second 19F signal (~ 1045 Hz up-field at -54.3 ppm) that is from protein-bound F-SAH. As these results were reproducible using two separate PRDM9 protein preparations, we selected 5-fold molar equivalents of PR/SET domain to F-SAH for further experiments.\nScreening human PR/SET domains with the F-SAH binding assay\nFigure K2. Screening for F-SAH binders among PR domains. (a) 19F-NMR spectra showing 16 µM F-SAH in the presence of 80 µM of the indicated PR/SET domains. (b) Plots of 19F peak integrals for F-SAH in the presence of individual PR/SET domains. All 19F peaks were normalized to the peak integral of F-SAH alone in buffer and the normalized integrals of the Bound and 1-Unbound peaks relative to F-SAH alone were plotted (i.e. F-SAH alone would be located at position [0,0]).\nWe performed F-SAH binding assays with PR/SET domains from 13 of the 19 human PRDM family members. The PR/SET domains of PRDM 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14 and 17 were provided by the SGC Toronto and I purified PRDM 3, 7, 9 and 16. I was able to purify PR/SET protein constructs for PRDM 8, 10, 13 and 15, however these constructs suffered stability issues in our 19F-NMR buffer during dialysis (see Methods) and were therefore not suitable for further study. We collected 19F-NMR spectra for F-SAH with 5-fold molar equivalents of each of the 13 human PR/SET domains (Figure K2a). The relative intensities of the unbound and bound F-SAH peaks varied considerably among the different PR/SET proteins indicating variable binding affinities across the panel of PRDM proteins. To quantify the binding for each PRDM PR/SET domain, we normalized the peak integrals of the unbound and bound peaks for each protein to the unbound peak of F-SAH alone. Specifically, we divided the integral of each peak by the integral of the peak for F-SAH alone. We plotted the normalized integrals of the 1 minus the unbound peak against the bound peak for each PR/SET domain to differentiate each protein’s affinity for F-SAH (Figure K2b). PR/SET datapoints located in the upper, right region of the plot displayed strong binding to F-SAH, while datapoints at the origin indicate no evidence of binding. We used the F-SAH signal in the presence of PRDM9 as an internal control to distinguish a strong binding response. PRDM 4 and 5 were plotted near to PRDM9, indicating a strong evidence response. Additionally, PRDM 14, 12, 7, 11 and 17 exhibited a very strong binding response. We were unable to detect any binding response for F-SAH in the presence of PRDM 3, 1 or 16, using our assay conditions, though we did detected a weak binding response for PRDM 2 and 6. Taken together, this data provides evidence to help prioritize further assays to identify methyltransferase activity among the PRDM family members.\nUsing F-SAH to probe KMT domains\nHere we used 19F-NMR to investigate the potential for 13 of the 19 human PR/SET domains to bind a fluorinated analog of the methylation reaction by-product SAH. Using our F-SAH binding assays with PR/SET domains, we identified 7 domains (PRDM 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14 and 17) that showed a binding response similar to, or stronger than PRDM9. Of these ‘binding-competent’ domains only PRDM 9 and 7 have reported KMT activity, with accompanying enzyme kinetics data (Eram, et al., 2014) (Blazer, et al., 2016). Interestingly, PRDM7 showed stronger binding to F-SAH compared to PRDM9 (Figure K2). PRDM7 possesses much weaker KMT activity for H3K4me2 substrate peptide compared to PRDM9, with a 100-fold lower rate of catalysis (kcat=1.9×102/h vs 1.9×104/h, for PRDM 7 and 9, respectively) (Blazer, et al., 2016) (Eram, et al., 2014). These catalytic rate differences are mostly attributed to the distinct capacities to facilitate the methyl cation transferase by the catalytic residues (Y357 and S357, in PRDM 9 and 7, respectively). Based on our data, another contributing factor could be that PRDM7 has a stronger affinity for the reaction by-product SAH, which inhibits the catalytic rate. In our F-SAH binding assays, PRDM 2 and 6 showed weak, but detectable, binding compared to PRDM9 (Figure K2). KMT activities towards H3K9 and H4K20 have been reported for PRDM 2 and 6, respectively (Kim, et al., 2003) (Congdon, et al., 2014) (Wu, et al., 2008). This indicates that a weak binding response for F-SAH is associated with known active KMTs. Finally, in all cases where we observed F-SAH binding, we measured a consistent up-field shift (~1040 Hz) in the F-SAH 19F resonance (Figure K2a). This indicates there is a common binding modality with a highly similar microenvironment formed in the bound state across the family.\nWe also demonstrated the utility of F-SAH as a synthetic chemical probe for methyltransferase proteins. Our approach is comparable to a previous study that reported the binding of the MLL1 SET-domain to a SAM-analog conjugated with a fluorescent tag (Luan, et al., 2016). Comparatively, F-SAH benefits from the smaller size of fluorine, which is positioned on the adenine ring in an orientation that is unlikely to interfere with binding (Figure K2a-b). Additionally, 19F-NMR is capable of detecting low affinity protein-ligand interactions, such as is required for fragment-based screening (Dalvit & Vulpetti, 2019). We surveyed two publicly available databases that quantify protein-ligand interaction data (TABLE K1). We found that SET-fold containing proteins have a range of affinities for SAH with dissociation constants (KD) from low µM to high nM, as well as a similar range for reported half-maximal inhibition (IC50) by SAH. Only RBCMT had affinity data for both SAH and SAM, showing that SAM binds RBCMT with an ~70-fold higher affinity when compared with SAH (Couture, et al., 2006). The authors reported conserved binding modes in crystal structures of RBCMT-SAM and RBCMT-SAH implying that the variations in affinity could not be attributed to the binding conformations, but may rather be attributed to a higher entropic penalty for bound SAH, which possesses additional bond rotational freedom compared to SAM (Couture, et al., 2006). Taken together, we can predict that the upper-limit for the affinity of PRDM9 for F-SAH is less than the known affinity of SAM, which is 18.6 µM (Eram, et al., 2014).\nTable K1. Known dissociation constant (KD) and half maximal inhibition values (IC50) of SAM and SAH for SET domain proteins. Binding affinity data available from the BindingDB (www.bindingdb.org) and BindingMOAD (www.bindingmoad.org/) was accessed from the RCSB PDB (www.rcsb.org). Note that BindingDB reports a large range of IC50 values for EZH2.\n|Protein||Source||Ligand||KD (µM)||IC50 (µM)||Source|\n|PRDM9||Homo sapiens||SAM||18.6||(Eram, et al., 2014)|\nInterpreting the absence of binding evidence\nWe identified that PRDM 1, 3, and 16 do not bind to F-SAH in our assay conditions, which is suggestive of the inability to bind to SAM. PRDM1 (initially identified as Blimp-1) is widely understood to lack KMT activity and instead functions as a gene repressor by recruiting specific co-repressors proteins to PRDM1-binding sites throughout the genome (Minnich, et al., 2016). PRDM1 does affect histone methylation, but it does so through interactions with the KMT protein G9a/EHMT2 (Gyory, et al., 2004), the arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 (Ancelin, et al., 2006) and the lysine demethylase LSD1 (Su, et al., 2009). Whether the PR/SET domain of PRDM1 functions as a “reader domain” for specific histone tail modifications is undetermined, however our data suggests that it is unlikely that SAH or SAM would play a role in this ability.\nWe found that the PR/SET domains of PRDM 3 and 16 do not bind to F-SAH under our assay conditions. However, this does not exclude the possibility that larger or differently generated constructs may possess the ability to bind SAM or SAH. For instance, longer or full-length PRDM 3 and 16 protein constructs were reported to possess KMT activity when purified from either HeLa cells and mouse fibroblasts or SF9 insect cells (Pinheiro, et al., 2012) (Zhou, et al., 2016). Our PRDM 3 and 16 constructs were purified from E. coli and each contained the PR/SET domain along with the first proximal C-terminal zinc-finger motif (ZnF1), which is similar to previous structural and enzyme characterization studies of the PR/SET and ZnF1 of PRDM9 (Eram, et al., 2014) (Wu, et al., 2013). It is unclear if the additional regions outside the PRDM 3 and 16 PR/SET domains and ZnF1 could function to stabilize the cofactor binding site in the PR/SET domain. Interestingly, a previously solved NMR solution structure of PRDM16 demonstrated the absence of internal β-strands that are present in crystal and solution structures of all other PR/SET domains, which could possibly destabilize the cofactor and substrate binding sites (FIGURE A3d). Furthermore, it is unclear if additional factors present in eukaryotic expression systems enable cofactor binding or enzymatic activity.\nFuture analysis of PRDMs\nFuture investigation to complete the F-SAH binding screen with the untested members of the PRDM family (PRDM 8, 10, 13, 15, FOG1, and FOG2) would provide valuable data. Additionally, assaying F-SAH binding in competition with (unlabeled) SAM could qualitatively delineate the affinities of the methyltransferase reaction cofactor and by-product, providing further evidence of potential enzymatic function. We detected F-SAH binding in PRDM 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, and 17, and we could not find any studies reporting KMT activity with these proteins. Intriguingly, PRDM 4, 5, 11, 12, and 14 all possess the highly conserved “catalytic tyrosine” (FIGURE A2), which is further evidence supporting KMT activity for these proteins. Importantly, several studies have attributed oncogenic roles for PRDM 4, 12 and 14 in specific cancers (Casamassimi, et al., 2020). Future discovery of enzymatic function in any of these PR/SET domains could provide a novel, actionable target for oncological drug discovery.\nPRDM9 (195-385) and PRDM7 (195-392) with an N-terminal 6xHis-tag and TEV protease site were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) codon plus cells from a pET28-MHL vector. PRDM3 (69-235) and PRDM16 (73-256) with an N-terminal 6xHis-tag and TEV protease site were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) codon plus cells from a pET15b/MHL vector. Cell were grown at 37°C in M9 minimal medium in the presence of 50 µg/ml of kanamycin (PRDM 7 and 9) or 100 µg/ml of ampicillin (PRDM 3 and 16) to an OD600 of 0.8 and induced by isopropyl-1-thio-D-galactopyranoside (IPTG), final concentration 0.5 mM and incubated overnight at 15°C. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at 7,000 rpm and cell pellets were stored at -80°C. Cell were lyzed on ice in lysis buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole, 50 µM ZnSO4, 5 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 0.5 mM TCEP, 0.1% Triton-X 100, 2.5% glycerol, 1mM PMSF, 2 mM benzamidine and Roche complete EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail tablet) using a probe sonicator. The crude extract was cleared by ultracentrifugation for 50 min at 50000xg and the supernatant was incubated with TALON Metal Affinity Resin (Takara) at 4oC for 120 minutes with agitation. Resin was washed in wash buffer (lysis buffer with 0.01% Triton-X 100 and lacking protease inhibitors) and bound proteins were eluted using elution buffer (wash buffer with 400 mM imidazole), monitored by Bradford analysis. Protein was dialyzed overnight at 4°C in TEV dialysis buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 20µM ZnCL2, 2.5% glycerol, 5 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 0.5 mM TCEP) and incubated with His-tagged TEV protease produced in house at a 1/20 dilution by mass. 0.5 mM CHAPS was added to the TEV dialysis buffer for PRDM 9 and 7, but not PRDM 3 and 16. TEV and uncleaved proteins were removed using TALON resin and soluble protein was loaded onto a Superdex 75 Increase 10/300 GL colum (GE Healthcare), equilibrated with 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5, and 150 mM NaCl, 2.5% glycerol, 5 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 0.5 mM TCEP at flow rate 0.7 ml/min. Fractions containing PRDM9 protein were pooled and dialyzed into low salt buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.5, 100 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, 5 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 0.5 mM TCEP). PRDM9 protein was further purified by anion-exchange chromatography on 2 tandemly joined 5 ml HiTrap™ DEAE FF (GE Healthcare) columns along a linear gradient up to 1.0 M NaCl. Purified PRDM9 protein was dialyzed into a final buffer containing 20 mM Tris pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl and 2 mM TCEP. The proteins for PRDM1 (38-223), PRDM2 (2-160), PRDM4 (390-540), PRDM5 (2-226), PRDM6 (194-405), PRDM11 (79-314), PRDM12 (60-229), PRDM14 (212-422), and PRDM17 (1-205) were purified from E. coli expression and kindly provided by Taraneh Hajian, Elisa Gibson and Dr. Masoud Vedadi from the SGC Toronto.\nF-SAH binding by 19F NMR\nF-SAH was synthesized and kindly provided by Carlos Zepeda, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR). All PR/SET domain containing proteins were dialyzed overnight at 4oC into 19F-NMR buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.3, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM TCEP and 20 µM ZnCl2) also containing 16 µM sodium trifluoroacetate. The concentration of each protein was measured using an absorbance reading at 280 nm and evaluated using their respective theoretical extinction coefficients calculated using ProtParam (Gasteiger, et al., 2005). 100 mM F-SAH in d6-DMSO was diluted to 16 µM F-SAH by adding the dialyzed protein solution to a final protein concentration of 80 µM and then topping off with 19F-NMR buffer to a final volume of 500 µl. For the F-SAH alone sample, only 19F-NMR buffer was added. The solutions were mixed in 1.5 ml polypropylene tubes and then transferred to 5 mm glass NMR tubes.\n1D 19F spectra were acquired at 298K on a Bruker Avance III spectrometer operating at 600 MHz and equipped with a QCI cryoprobe with an independent 19F detection coil. Each spectrum was acquired with 3072 scans, an acquisition time of 577 ms, and processed by applying an exponential window function (LB = 20). There was no difference observed in the F-SAH 19F line-shape when signal acquisition was acquired with or without proton decoupling; therefore, all spectra were acquired without proton decoupling. The spectral window was measured from -37.89 ppm to -88.09 ppm and 19F peaks were identified at -75.53 ppm, -52.40 ppm, and -54.21 ppm, for trifluoroacetate, F-SAH unbound, and F-SAH bound, respectively. Processing and analysis were carried out with Topspin 3.5 (Bruker BioSpin). To control for pipetting errors that could result in differences in F-SAH signal intensities, the integral of the trifluoroacetate 19F peak of each PR/SET containing sample was set to equal the integral of the trifluoroacetate 19F peak of the sample with F-SAH alone. To normalize F-SAH peaks, the integral for each F-SAH peak was divided by the integral of the F-SAH peak from the sample with F-SAH alone (i.e. integral of F-SAH alone = 1).\nAllali-Hassani, A. et al., 2019. Discovery of a chemical probe for PRDM9.. 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PRDM16 Suppresses MLL1r Leukemia via Intrinsic Histone Methyltransferase Activity.. Mol Cell, 62(2), pp. 222-36.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Multicomponent supramolecular self-assemblies of exceptional long-range order and low defectivity are obtained if C(60) and 5-(4-aminophenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (TPP-NH2) are assembled on Ag(110) by sequential evaporation in the submonolayer range of TPP-NH2 and fullerene on the substrate surface and subsequent annealing. A (+/-2 -3, 6 +/- 3) array consisting of supramolecular stripes of a 1:1 C(60)/TPP-NH2 2D adduct develops at 410 K (the low temperature, LT, phase). If the LT phase is annealed at 470 K, then a 3:1 fullerene/TPP-NH2 (+/-3 -5, 5 +/- 5) nanoporous array (the HT phase) forms, with each pore containing a single porphyrin molecule. Phase separation occurs by annealing the HT phase at 520 K. 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Furthermore, rising concerns pertaining to proper water treatment, and subsequent need to adopt innovative technologies is fueling growth in the chemical control systems market.\nGet a sample of this report: https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=623\nGlobal Chemical Control Systems Market: Growing Emphasis on Water Treatment to Drive Growth\nIncreased globalization, depleting resources of fresh water, and surging waste water volumes are key factors that have driven the requirement for water treatment. According to United Nations, water withdrawal from freshwater resources will increase by 50% in developing nations, and 18% in developed nations by 2025-end. The UN also estimates nearly 1,800 million people to thrive in absolute water-scarce regions, and roughly two-thirds of global population to dwell in the water stress regions by 2025. These concerns have propelled the requirement for water treatment at the global scale.\nKey water treatment companies are adhering to novel approaches, in order to enable their clients to maintain ownership, budgets, and flexibility of relevant equipment in their facility. Chemical control systems are considered to be the core of a majority of water treatment programs. Continuous monitoring of pH, ORP, & conductivity, multi-system capabilities, pre-mount designs, and customized flow are key attributes sought by water treatment industries in chemical control systems.\nDevelopment of Chemical Control Systems for Recreational Water Applications\nAdvanced line of chemical control systems are being designed & developed for the commercial recreational water applications. 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Brazil)\n- Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)\n- Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)\n- Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)\n- Middle East and Africa (GCC, S. Africa, N. Africa)", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Altamofen-20 is a non-steroidal agent that has demonstrated potent anti-estrogenic properties in animal test systems. This anti-estrogenic effect may be due to its ability to compete with estrogen for binding sites in tissues, such as breast cancer. Tamoxifen inhibits the induction of rat mammary carcinoma induced by dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) and causes regression of already established DMBA-induced tumors.\nIn cytosols derived from human breast adenocarcinoma, tamoxifen competes with estradiol for the estrogen receptor protein. USAGE AND DOSES: With a dose of 20–40 mg / day for 1–5 years +. Twenty-five percent of patients received 1 year or less of trial treatment, 52% received 2 years, and 23% received about 5 years.\nPharmacological action – anti-estrogenic, antitumor.\nRapidly absorbed, for 4-7 hours creates a maximum concentration in the blood. Equilibrium concentration (300 ng / mg) is achieved with a daily dose of 40 mg for 4 weeks. 99% bound to albumin. Metabolized, excreted with feces, the elimination half-life for tamoxifen is 7 days, X-desmethyltamoxifen (the main metabolite) is 14 days.\nIndications drug Nolvadex\nHot flashes, vaginal bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, vulvar itching, dyspeptic disorders, dizziness, water retention in the body, hypercalcemia, thrombocytopenia, alopecia, uterine fibroids, leukopenia, thromboembolism.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Try our Pink Himalayan Salt bar recipe!\nSalt is a crystalline mineral made of two elements, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Most of the world’s salt is harvested from salt mines or by evaporating seawater and other mineral-rich waters.\nSalt Soap Benefits:\nMoisturiser – Salt is a natural humectant, drawing moisture to skin and helping to retain it resulting in soft skin without skin being left feeling greasy.\nExfoliator – A gentle exfoliator to slough off dead skin cells and promote skin rejuvenation resulting in smoother softer skin.\nDetoxifier - Salt is a natural detoxifier, as the salt absorbs the toxins from the skin.\nCombine the cleansing, detoxifying and exfoliating qualities of a salt bath to your cold process soap recipe. The end result of the bar will be super-hard and it can produces a creamy lather.\nChoose Your Salt\nHimalayan Pink Salt\nPink Himalayan salt is made from rock crystals of salt that have been mined from areas close to the Himalayas, often in Pakistan and from the Khewra Salt Mine, the second largest salt mine in the world.\nHimalayan salt contains traces of iron oxide (rust), which give it a rosy hue and also a small amount of calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium , making it slightly lower in sodium than regular table salt.\nSea salt is made by evaporating seawater.\nLike table salt, it is mostly just sodium chloride. However, depending on its source and how it was processed, it usually contains various trace minerals like potassium, iron and zinc.\nThe darker the sea salt, the higher its concentration of impurities and trace nutrients. However, due to ocean pollution, sea salt can also harbor trace amounts of heavy metals like lead.\nKosher salt has a large grain size.\nThe main difference between regular salt and kosher salt is the structure of the flakes. With the large grain size, it can sometimes be a bit harsh on the skin but will result in a deep exfoliating soap.\nPrecaution when using Salt:\nThe salt soap will start to harden almost immediately. If you're using a log mold, cut the soap as soon as it's firm enough. The soap will still be warm even as it's going through the saponification process. However, if you wait too long, the soap will be hard, difficult to cut, and result in crumbly bars.\nIf you don't like the exfoliating feeling of a salt, you can also brine the soap in water and add it to your lye solution.\nSalt bar is great for oily skin.\nWatch a full step-by-step video on How To Make Pink Himalayan Salt bar.\nThis recipe is for a 200g soap. Please formulate according to your desired batch.\nIn this recipe, for the salt, we recommend 30% of total soap weight or less.\nFor essential oil, we recommend adding 5% of total oil weight.\nWhere to get your soap ingredients?\nYou can get soap ingredients from Sugar & Spice refill stations or on our e-store.\nLike to give our salt bars a try?\nGet FREE samples from our studio:\n81 Ubi Avenue 4 #10-19 UB.One Singapore 408830 (pre-appointment required).\nWhile stocks last!\nIf you like it, don't forget to try the above recipe for your next soap making project!\nNew to soap making?\nBook for our Basic Cold Process (CP) soap making classes (Suitable for Beginners):\nBasic CP soap making class (Learn how to make bar soaps)\nCP Liquid soap making class (Learn how to make liquid soaps)\nFor Experienced soap makers, rent a space for soap making:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "|Packaging||Gunny Bag, Jute Bag|\n|Packaging size||10kg, 1kg, 50kg, 5kg|\nWe are the leading manufacturer, exporter and wholesale supplier of Potassium Feldspar Chips from Gudur, Andhra Pradesh. Potassium Feldspar Chips are used for various applications in ceramic, cement and dental industries. We manufacture these Potassium Feldspar Chips using finest quality chemicals as per the industry standards. We offer these Potassium Feldspar Chips in secure and attractive packaging that reaches the client within the stipulated time-frame.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The primary feature of your catalytic converter is to convert harmful gasses in your exhaust right into more secure components before they are discharged by your car. Many converters are made from slim as well as delicate ceramic, and also their operation is fragile as well as relies on the appropriate performance of numerous other engine and also exhaust parts. This implies that concerns with your converter will normally show further damage to your exhaust system or engine, which is in fact a good thing for your vehicle’s health – because catalytic concerns are extremely easy to spot in their onset ( about the majority of engine and exhaust damage), it will allow you to obtain the remainder of your engine dealt with prior to the damage obtains also serious.\nUnburned fuel leeching into the exhaust system –\nYour vehicle’s gas needs to be totally melted in the burning chamber before going into the exhaust system; otherwise the gas can stir up when it reaches the converter as well as create overheating as well as eventual melting. Dripping fuel right into your exhaust can be brought on by a variety of engine issues, however a lot of typically you will certainly be having problems with the fuel injector or examine shutoff.\nMalfunctioning oxygen sensor –\nIf your car’s oxygen sensor isn’t operating appropriately, it can lead to the exhaust gas being also slim or also thick. If it is as well slim your catalytic converter won’t have the ability to transform the harmful gases to much safer components, leading to your vehicle stopping working an discharges examination. If the exhaust gas is too abundant it will certainly trigger the converter to overheat and melt.\nDripping oil or anti-freeze –\nIf any one of your engine’s oil or anti-freeze enter the exhaust, it can obstruct the air path by coating a thick layer of residue over the ceramic exterior of the catalytic converter. Initially this will decrease the converter’s efficiency, but at some point the carbon soot will obstruct the pores of the ceramic and also obstruct the release of exhaust. This creates warm to build up in your exhaust system, resulting in extensive damages.\nDamage from roadway debris –\nDue to the fact that your vehicle’s catalytic converter is fairly breakable, pebbles and various other items of level can strike the outside as well as cause fracturing. This is when you start to listen to a rattling sound coming from your exhaust system (due to items of the converter’s casing breaking off inside the exhaust. Again, this will block the flow of the exhaust gasses and trigger warm accumulation in your engine, at some point creating a disaster.\nRemember that damages to the catalytic converter is generally tied into damages to various other engine and also exhaust elements – it is extremely recommended you take your vehicle right into a auto mechanic for a complete examination if you’re having any type of problems with exhaust heat or exhaust.\nknow more about catalytic converter recycling here.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure conditions on the prototype 4th generation DLE burner. The combustion changes that occur for alteration of the operating conditions by changing the equivalence ratios (ϕ) for CH4 as fuel at different sections of the burner, were optically investigated. The burner assembly has three concentrically arranged premixed burner sections: an outer Main section, an intermediate section (Pilot) and a central pilot body or pre-chamber combustor, called RPL (Rich-Pilot-Lean) section. All sections are facilitated to vary equivalence ratios to achieve optimal combustion. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) of OH radicals and flame chemiluminescence imaging were applied to study the local flame characteristics in order to investigate turbulence-flame interaction and formation of reaction zone at the burner exit. The results show that the position and shape of the flame are clearly affected by the variation of equivalence ratios at different sections of the burner. During the experiments, first the RPL, then the Pilot and the Main flame were added in a step wise manner keeping constant the total air flow for the global ϕ = 0.5 in order to understand the flame contributions from the different combustion sections. It is observed that for the RPL fuel lean conditions, the primary combustion starts and reaches completion before exiting the burner throat while for rich conditions, the residual fuel escapes out through the RPL exit with primary combustion products and starts secondary combustion along with the Pilot and Main combustion. At the global ϕ = 0.5, for changing the RPL ϕ from lean to rich conditions, the flame stabilization region moves downstream of the burner exit and the flame front fluctuation along inner shear layer increases. For increasing the global ϕ and increasing the Pilot fuel ratio (PFR) without changing the RPL and the global ϕ, the total extension of the flame becomes shorter and the flame stabilization region moves upstream.\nLaser-Based Investigation on a Dry Low Emission Industrial Prototype Burner at Atmospheric Pressure Conditions\nSubash, AA, Collin, R, Aldén, M, Kundu, A, & Klingmann, J. \"Laser-Based Investigation on a Dry Low Emission Industrial Prototype Burner at Atmospheric Pressure Conditions.\" Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 4B: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions. Seoul, South Korea. June 13–17, 2016. V04BT04A005. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/GT2016-57242\nDownload citation file:", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "HCL instead of imidazole!\nDecember 16, 2011 at 4:50 am #15850\nSoo today I eluted with MCAC-100 (or so I thought)..I realsied once i added reducing buffer i added 1M HCL (i have them in the same size bottle next to each other on my shelf)…so what i did was i just washed my column with MCAC-0 a few times and eluted with the correct imidazole concentration …just wondering will this work..im running as gel as i write this but just wondering if the beads are still useable\nDecember 16, 2011 at 6:29 am #108760\nor more likely will the HCl remains on the beads affect my protein\nDecember 16, 2011 at 7:18 am #108761JackBeanParticipant\n1M HCl has pH ~1, that denatured probably your protein and I’m not sure, whether it doesn’t elute also the ion from column. Which ion are you using? Did you see decoloration of your column?\nDo you have protein of which you can measure activity? If so, do it and you will see. You will probably have to do some slow dialysis to re-fold your protein.\nDecember 16, 2011 at 9:23 am #108765\nI’m using a nickel column, when i added my reducing buffer to a sample of beads and my eluted protein it turned yellow..so i washed it with my buffer and then tested for colour change…it didn’t turn yellow…so i eluted with 100mM of imadazole and ran a gel and got a band…but i had quite a bit of protein in my flow through so i dialyzed in mcac-0 o/n and tmoorrow i will run it through a new column of beads and elute that correctly..\nwhat do you mean by\nDo you have protein of which you can measure activity?\nDecember 16, 2011 at 9:37 am #108766\nSorry that last message is a jumble of words…so just to explain more clearly..I added 10uL of my \"eluted\" protein (the one I did with HCl) and added 10uL of reducing buffer-it turned yellow..I also took a sample of beads (10uL and added 10uL reducing buffer–also turned yellow)-..boiled both for 5mins at 95 degrees and then ran a gel…I got a relatively faint band with the HCl elutent but have kept that separetly in the fridge for time being.\nAfter I sonicated, I ran my lysate thru the colum and i ran the FT on gel as well and theres quite a bit of protein there..so I dialyzed in MCAC-0 and tomorrow I will pass it through a new column of beads…and if I have enough there I might just get rid of the HCl one or refold like you say…but yeah I was more curious about what the HCl would do to my protein 🙁\nDecember 16, 2011 at 9:47 am #108767\nsorry to be a pain..if I were to refold it to be on safe side..what to I refold in buffer wise/dialyze..MCAC-0 (Tris 20mM pH 8, 0.5 NaCl–the same as what I washed column with)..this causes the detanurant (Hcl) to be absorbed and hence cause protein to refold?? Have I got that right?\nDecember 16, 2011 at 11:57 am #108768JackBeanParticipant\nto re-fold the protein, you should change your buffer/solution very slowly in several steps. Thus, if you had pH 1 and want pH 8.0, I would do at least eight steps, one pH point per step (i.e. first dialysis against buffer with pH 2, second dialysis with pH 3, third with pH 4…).\nDoes your native protein turn yellow in the reducing buffer. I don’t see much, how is that relevant.\nI meant, whether are you able to measure activity of your enzyme or is it some protein, which does not have catalytic activity (at least not something easily detectable in vitro like some transcription factor).\n- You must be logged in to reply to this topic.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Vedanta Aluminum invites waste-wealth partnerships with\ncement industry for low carbon products\n- Organization of a national workshop on the opportunities and benefits of using fly ash and bauxite residue for cement manufacturing\n- High potential for cost savings and carbon emissions by the cement industry\n- Ecosystem of industry experts to guide the technical aspects of the blend\nNew Delhi, 19e July 2021: Vedanta Aluminum Business, India’s largest producer of aluminum and value-added products, calls on cement producers to team up to use its by-products in the manufacture of low-carbon cement. The company has expressed interest in long-term collaboration with cement industry players on the opportunities for using fly ash (a by-product of thermal power generation) and bauxite tailings (a by-product of the production of alumina from bauxite) in the manufacture of cement, in a national workshop conducted with global industry experts.\nThe cement industry, which is exploring viable solutions to produce cement in a more sustainable way, is the ideal circular economy partner for Vedanta Aluminum. Fly ash and bauxite tailings, the two largest by-products generated by the aluminum industry, can be used in the manufacture of cement and concrete, providing cement manufacturers with significant quality advantages, cost and sustainability.\nFly ash can partially replace cement in concrete (or be used to produce mixed cement), greatly improving the durability and workability of the cement. With a 30-33% mixing ratio, fly ash can help save 270 kg of carbon emissions for every ton of cement produced. Bauxite tailings can be added to the raw mix in the manufacture of clinker to replace virgin bauxite, thereby improving its hydraulic properties and strength. Due to the high concentration of iron oxide and alumina, bauxite residue is a better substitute for laterite, which is used in the manufacture of clinker. Additionally, the residual caustic in bauxite tailings helps control sulfur emission when used directly, making it a better fit for this purpose. Since fly ash and bauxite tailings are themselves industrial wastes, they also have significant cost and energy benefits.\nVedanta Aluminum’s technical workshop brought together over a hundred executives from the cement industry and brought together world-renowned experts in this field – Mr. Shreesh Khadilkar, former Director of Quality and Product Development at one of the leading cement producers in India, and Mr. Robin De Beer, a concrete technologist from South Africa with over 40 years of experience in the lucrative use of fly ash in concrete.\nSpeaking at the webinar, Mr. Rahul Sharma, Dy. CEO – Vedanta Aluminum Business said: “We strongly believe that industries must develop waste-to-wealth value chains to become truly sustainable. At Vedanta, we have made encouraging progress in this direction and intend to continue them. Long-term strategic collaborations, such as between Vedanta and the Indian key cement producer company, will not only remove large volumes of industrial waste from the system, but also provide the trifecta of quality, sustainability and cost benefits. for the cement industry. We hope that Indian cement producers will come and work with us on this innovative solution, which is a real win-win scenario for industry and the environment. ”\nSensitivity: Public (C4)\nSharing his insights and industry experience with the public, Mr. Robin De Beer said: “Good quality fly ash can help reduce water demand, reduce heat of hydration and dramatically improve the heat of hydration. workability of concrete, which translates into long-term strength and durability. The workshop is a great Vedanta initiative to raise awareness of how fly ash can support the sustainability agenda of the cement and concrete industry, while dramatically improving product performance. ”\nMr. Shreesh Khadilkar added: “Bauxite tailings have multiple advantages in cement making, such as lower silica content compared to laterite / bauxite, higher alkali and fine particle content, which reduces crushing costs. It also improves the hydraulic properties of cement. The Indian cement industry should take advantage of this innovative opportunity to reap the benefits of quality and sustainability. ”\nAs part of its quest to promote the circular economy, in FY21, Vedanta Aluminum supplied over 3 lakh metric tons of fly ash to various cement plants in India. Since February 21, the company has also supplied more than 30,000 metric tonnes of bauxite tailings to cement manufacturers. The company also provides free fly ash to hundreds of local brick-making MSMEs in its watershed. In fiscal year 21, Vedanta Aluminum supplied nearly 4 lakh metric tonnes of ash to brick manufacturers. Ash bricks are not only lighter and stronger than traditional clay bricks, but also play a crucial role in preserving the nutrient-rich topsoil from being used as a raw material. This equates to an estimated savings of 1.9 metric tons of topsoil for every ton of ash brick produced. In addition, making ash bricks is an eco-efficient process, unlike the energy-intensive process of producing clay bricks in brick kilns which results in significant greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, for every tonne of ash bricks produced, an estimated 5,900 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions are avoided.\nFor more information on this topic, please contact: [email protected]\nVedanta Aluminum Business, a division of Vedanta Limited, is India’s largest aluminum manufacturer, producing half of India’s aluminum at 1.96 million tonnes per year (MTPA) in FY21. is a leader in value-added aluminum products that find critical applications in basic industries. With its aluminum smelters, alumina refinery and world-class power plants in India, the company is fulfilling its mission to stimulate emerging applications of aluminum as the “Metal of the Future” for a greener future.\nAbout Vedanta Limited:\nVedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, is one of the world’s leading oil, gas and metals companies with significant operations in oil and gas, zinc, lead, silver, copper , iron ore, steel and aluminum, and energy in India, South Africa, Namibia and Australia. For two decades, Vedanta has made a significant contribution to nation building. Governance and sustainable development are at the heart of Vedanta’s strategy, with a strong emphasis on health, safety and the environment. Giving back is in Vedanta’s DNA, which is focused on improving the lives of local communities. Under the aegis of Vedanta Cares, the flagship program with social impact, Nand Ghars has been set up as a model\nSensitivity: Public (C4)\nanganwadis focused on eradicating child malnutrition, education, healthcare and empowering women by enabling them to develop their skills. Vedanta and its group companies were listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2020 and received the Frost & Sullivan Sustainability Awards 2020, the CII Environmental Best Practices Award 2020, the CSR Health Impact Award 2020, the CII National Award 2020 for Excellence in Water Management, CII Digital Transformation Award 2020, ICSI National Award 2020 for excellence in corporate governance, People First HR Excellence Award 2020, ‘Company with Great Managers 2020’ by People Business and certified Great Place to Work 2021. Vedanta Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange in India and has ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange.\nFor more information, please connect to https://www.vedantalimited.com\nAbout Vedanta Aluminum Business:\nVedanta Aluminum Business, part of Vedanta Limited, is India’s largest aluminum producer, producing almost half of India’s aluminum or 1.96 million tonnes per year (MTPA) in fiscal year 21 Vedanta is a leader in value-added aluminum products that find critical applications in basic industries. With its aluminum smelters, alumina refinery and world-class power plants in India, the company is fulfilling its mission to stimulate emerging applications of aluminum as the “Metal of the Future” for a greener future.\nFor more information, please connect to https://vedantaaluminium.com/\nFor more details, please contact:\nHead of communications\nVedanta Limited – Aluminum and Electric Company\nCall: + 91-9910602549\nE-mail: [email protected]\nThis press release contains “forward-looking statements”, that is, statements relating to future events and not past. In this context, forward-looking statements often deal with our expected future business and financial performance and often contain words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “plans”, “believes”, ” research, “” should “or” will. “Forward-looking statements, by their nature, deal with matters that are, to varying degrees, uncertain. To us, uncertainties arise from the behavior of the financial and metals markets, including the London Metal Exchange; fluctuations in interest rates and / or exchange rates and prices of metals; the future integration of acquired businesses; and many other national, regional and global issues, including those of a political, economic, commercial, competitive or regulatory nature These uncertainties may cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements.\nSensitivity: Public (C4)\nVedanta limited published this content on July 18, 2021 and is solely responsible for the information it contains. Distributed by Public, unedited and unmodified, on July 20, 2021 06:08:05 PM UTC.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "When buying high-quality gypsum in Pueblo, CO, for your soil, you can rely on EcoGEM®. We have extensive experience and expertise in the gypsum industry, providing top-notch Pueblo gypsum products and services to meet your specific needs.\nWe are committed to providing customers 100% satisfaction with our reliable soil amendment solutions.\nWith our in-depth knowledge of Pueblo gypsum and its applications, we understand the diverse requirements of different industries and sectors.\nWhether you are in construction, agriculture, or environmental remediation, we have the expertise to guide you in choosing the right type and quantity of Pueblo gypsum for your specific project.\nWe provide our customers with the following:\n- Synthetic gypsum\n- Gypsum soil conditioner\n- Crystals of gypsum\n- Gypsum fertilizer\nWhatever your Pueblo gypsum needs are, you can get assistance through EcoGEM®.\nPueblo Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate\nWe employ technicians with the expertise to deliver the right type and grade of Pueblo calcium sulfate dihydrate, sure to fulfill all your needs. No matter if you are a farmer, agriculturalist, or gardener, you will require Pueblo calcium sulfate dihydrate for high-yield crops.\nThe next time you need this mineral for your soil, directly contact us.\nOur commitment to quality ensures that you receive Pueblo calcium sulfate dihydrate of the highest standards. Not only this, but we also conduct rigorous quality control measures to guarantee that the gypsum we provide meets or exceeds industry standards.\nYou can have confidence in the reliability and performance of our Pueblo calcium sulfate dihydrate products.\nYou can come to us whenever you need any of the following:\n- Synthetic calcium sulfate dihydrate\n- Natural CaSo4 dihydrate\n- Powdered gypsum\n- Bulk gypsum for sale\nDon’t look further than EcoGEM® for Pueblo calcium sulfate dihydrate.\nWhen you contact us for Pueblo CaSO4.2H2O, you can expect excellent customer service and prompt assistance. Our knowledgeable team is well-versed in the properties and uses of Pueblo CaSO4.2H2O.\nWe can provide tailored recommendations based on your specific requirements. We take the time to understand your needs and offer cost-effective solutions that meet your project goals.\nOur commitment to customer satisfaction means we strive to exceed your expectations and deliver Pueblo CaSO4.2H2O of superior quality and performance. If you’re searching for Pueblo CaSO4.2H2O for your agricultural, construction, or industrial needs, don’t hesitate to contact us.\nOur dedicated team is ready to assist you and answer any questions.\nCall us for the following:\n- CaSO4.2H2O powder\n- Gypsum mineral\n- Synthetic CaSO4.2H2O\n- CaSO4.2H2O fertilizer\nYou can talk to EcoGEM® for Pueblo CaSO4.2H2O questions or to place an order.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Minnesota, Minneapolis-Major Belgian foamer Recticel has introduced its Arcadia brand of flexible foams, made with Cargill's soya-based BiOH polyols. Arcadia foams were launched at the Planete Meuble show in Paris, 25-29 Jan, \"drawing significant interest from customers looking to lessen the environmental footprint of their furniture and bedding applications,\" said a 26 Feb statement from Cargill.\n\"At Recticel, we are constantly searching for new products that give our customers, and our company, a technical edge,\" said Nick Wallace, comfort marketing manager for Recticel, in Cargill's announcement. \"We chose Cargill's BiOH polyols for our new Arcadia range to introduce renewable resources in the manufacture of our flexible foams.\"\nRecticel found it could use Cargill's \"proprietary soybean oil technology … to produce high-quality foams,\" Wallace continued, adding that, \"The implicit reduction in the carbon footprint of the Arcadia foams is already proving to be a popular option.\"\nThe foam group is marketing new grades of Arcadia for seating and mattress uses, and said it expects strong sales across Europe.\n\"We have been selling BiOH polyols to major foam manufacturers in North America for 18 months, now we are selling product in two of the largest markets in the world,\" commented Yusuf Wazirzada, business manager of Cargill's BiOH product line, going on to praise Recticel's leadership in using renewable polyols. \"", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Bacteria are often painted as the enemy of humanity. Before the discovery of antibiotics, a wound getting infected was frequently a death sentence\nEven with modern medicine, infections such as C. difficile and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis continue to kill many people globally. Crop blights and diseases among livestock cause extensive monetary losses and threaten food security in affected areas.\nWith all of these reasons to distrust bacteria, it may come as a surprise that certain microbes are immensely beneficial to humanity. Unfortunately, they rarely get to enjoy the limelight.\nOur gut microbiomes help us digest complex molecules in our food, and many of the antibiotics we discovered were invented by microbes facing competition from their neighbors. We have leveraged microbes to process sewage and waste for centuries and to ferment food for millennia.\nCertain microbes, which have the right metabolic pathways or would be a good chassis for expressing them, are likely to be one of our greatest assets in developing technologies to address climate change, environmental pollution, and the energy crisis.\nMicrobial metabolism: oxidation and reduction\nLiving things keep living by producing energy through metabolism. Microbial metabolism primarily occurs through oxidation-reduction processes (redox reactions), exchanging electrons with their environment. Aerobic heterotrophs are bacteria with metabolisms similar to ours— they eat organic molecules (for example, glucose sugar) and breathe oxygen. The electrons used to make energy for these microbes come from their organic “food.”\nAlternatively, many microbes acquire electrons from inorganic electron donors, including iron(II). Chemolithotrophs, like Mariprofundus ferrooxydans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, generate energy by oxidizing (or taking electrons from) soluble iron(II), using CO2 as a carbon source and producing insoluble iron(III) in the process. Photosynthetic iron-oxidizing organisms (photoferrotrophs) like Rhodopseudomonas palustris also oxidize soluble iron(II) to insoluble iron(III), though they use these electrons to drive photosynthesis and CO2 fixation.\nSome microbes have evolved mechanisms to acquire electrons from solid electron donors, which includes iron-containing minerals and poised electrodes. This process, referred to as extracellular electron uptake (EEU), ensures cells survive when soluble electron donors are scarce. The organisms above, in addition to extracting electrons from soluble electron donors, can also use EEU to extract electrons from insoluble sources, including solid surfaces. For example, R. palustris and Mariprofundus can both extract electrons from iron minerals and poised electrodes.\nMicrobes’ ability to perform EEU has significant industrial and biotechnological implications. Iron-oxidizing microbial biofilms on exposed surfaces of metal-containing structures can lead to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). On the other hand, biofilms grown on poised electrodes can facilitate a variety of biotechnological applications, from energy generation to bioplastic production. Acidithiobacillus, due to its tolerance of acidic conditions, could play a role in bioremediation of acid mine drainage.\nOther genera of bacteria, such as Shewanella and Geobacter, can also perform an inverse of EEU, by “breathing” iron(III) instead of air. When soluble electron acceptors are scarce, these bacteria can use solid electron acceptors. Shewanella and Geobacter can reduce iron by using it (instead of something like oxygen) as a terminal electron acceptor in a process called extracellular electron transfer (EET). Other bacteria that can perform EET can use other minerals. As we will see in the next section, both EET- and EEU-capable microbes have their uses in the lab and in industry.\nThese bacteria and ones like them, composing a diverse collection across various taxonomic groups, are collectively called electroactive microorganisms. The very same electrically conductive proteins that these organisms use to transfer electrons to or from minerals in their habitats can be used to interface with electrically charged surfaces such as poised electrodes. Electroactive microbes are a key area of research by electromicrobiologists for their existing and potential applications for industry and the environment. Electrotrophs are able to cut out the middleman and get their electrons directly from electricity, such as that from an electrode. Electrogens, on the other hand, donate electrons to a mineral electron acceptor and can be made to produce electric current by providing a poised electrode as the sole electron acceptor. This is the fundamental principle upon which microbial fuel cells (MFCs) operate.\nApplications for Electroactive Microbes\nThese tiny organisms have enormous potential for scientific and industrial applications. Microbial fuel cells, as mentioned, leverage bacteria to generate electricity. To that same end, anaerobic digesters use a community of bacteria and methanogenic (methane-producing) archaea to eat organic waste, like spent brewery yeast. They also produce methane gas— chemically identical to “natural gas”— to be burnt as fuel. As we move away from a fossil fuel-powered economy, alternative energy sources like these could help supply the planet’s growing energy demands into the future.\nAnother application is in bioremediation of contaminated land like superfund sites – by seeding these areas with electroactive bacteria found from the environment or genetically modified to the purpose, and feeding the bacteria with electricity from electrodes, it is possible to get them to neutralize dangerous environmental contaminants like petroleum spills or dissolved heavy metals like uranium.\nA third application, which shows some of the most promise for being rolled out at an industrial scale in the near future and is the major focus of the rest of this eBook, is microbial electrosynthesis.\nUsing Bacteria to Synthesize Organics\nBiosynthesis is the process of using living organisms like bacteria or yeast to produce complex products from chemically simpler feedstock. Microbial Electrosynthesis (MES) refers to the process of using electroactive microbes to do this. MES comes with benefits over conventional biosynthesis, namely cost/efficiency of running the system— electricity is cheaper and easier to manage than organic electron sources.\nMicrobial synthesis of organics is already widely used in an industrial setting. For decades, we have used microorganisms to produce chemicals such as “alcohol, antibiotics, antioxidants, and natural colors.”\nRhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 (TIE-1) is a species of purple nonsulfur bacteria, named for its rosy color. This talented microbe is a veritable metabolic Swiss army knife, with various metabolic pathways in its back pocket that it can deploy depending on the situation. TIE-1 can use CO2 or organic carbon molecules as a food source, it can get its electrons from oxidizing iron through photoferrotrophy, and, to top it all off, it is capable of EEU from electrodes. Another characteristic, one that significantly advantages it as a chassis for MES applications, is that it is capable of performing anoxygenic (non-oxygen producing) photosynthesis to extract energy from sunlight.\nPurple nonsulfur bacteria like R. palustris can be found worldwide in oceans, rivers, lakes, and soils, as their flexible metabolism allows them to eke out a living in a wide variety of places. Their metabolic versatility, as well as their ability to perform photosynthesis for extra energy, makes them prime candidates for MES.\nMES allows us to produce a wide range of organic products, but the most industrially relevant are biofuels and bioplastics. Today, the vast majority of plastic and fuel is made from fossil fuels extracted from the Earth— natural gas, oil, and coal. According to the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB), a Stanford University initiative, these fossil fuels are running out: by 2100 the natural reserves will run dry if current rates of expenditure hold or increase. This is of course, only part of the problem— burning fossil fuels release their stored carbon back into circulation, increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and changing the climate, causing widespread ecological disasters, unpredictable weather events, and more.\nIn the United States, 95% of the gasoline we put in our cars contains 10% or more ethanol. Ethanol is the same type of alcohol found in bourbon and other liquors, and— like bourbon— the ethanol that is added to US gasoline is made primarily from corn, fermented by yeast and then distilled to concentrate it. The rationale for blending it with gasoline is twofold. First, ethanol produced this way is renewable, while petroleum is not. Second, burning it contributes less to climate change— USDA estimated that “greenhouse gas… emissions from corn ethanol are about 39 per cent lower than gasoline on an energy equivalent basis.” The primary issue with ethanol as a biofuel is that it directly competes with agriculture for the purpose of human nutrition, which is already an energy and land-intensive industry. Using corn-derived ethanol would cause even bigger issues if we were to switch to a higher percentage of ethanol in gasoline, such as the E85 (up to 83% ethanol) that can be burnt in flexible fuel vehicles. The energy contained in the fuel end product would need to be greater than the energy expended in growing, harvesting, and processing the corn for it to be worthwhile to change over to this biofuel from conventional fuels.\nOne of the best alternatives to ethanol is n- butanol, another type of alcohol that can be burnt as a biofuel but carries more energy per volume and is less volatile than ethanol. We typically produce it through chemical processes, though various microbes produce it naturally. Using a metabolic pathway called the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) pathway, first discovered in Clostridium acetobutylicum, can allow microbes to ferment organic feedstock (ethanol or propylene) into n-butanol. This pathway has been engineered into other microbes, like E. coli and yeast, but because these organisms are heterotrophs, they still need to be fed organic carbon, running into the same problems as corn fermentation (namely, energy inefficiencies and the use of agricultural resources on the production of biofuels rather than food).\nClostridium, the organism the pathway was discovered in, is a relatively inefficient producer of n-butanol, so researchers began looking for an alternative microbial chassis for the pathway. Using photoautotrophs is more desirable as they can make use of sunlight, our most renewable energy resource. Synechococcus, a cyanobacterium (some of the first oxygen-producing phototrophs and the ancestors of chloroplasts), performed better than Clostridium when the ABE pathway was engineered into it, but there were concerns that the oxygen it produced during photosynthesis would negatively affect the process. This is where microbial electrosynthesis comes in. Here, EEU- capable microbes can produce products like n-butanol under anoxic conditions from CO2 and electrons produced by clean energy, rather than relying on costly organic feedstock to fuel the process.\nResearchers in the Bose lab at Washington University in St Louis followed up on this tactic, by choosing the anoxygenic photoautotroph R. palustris TIE-1 as a chassis for n-butanol biosynthesis. This also allowed usage of light as an energy source, CO2 as a carbon source, and electrodes supplied with solar panel-generated electricity, making the biofuel production carbon neutral. Using this or a similar MES platform, industrial-scale bioreactors could produce carbon-neutral biofuel from renewable resources.\nConventional petroleum-based plastics are a pernicious environmental issue, causing pollution both in the form of greenhouse gases during its production and as solid pollution in the form of plastic litter and microplastics, especially in the oceans. Even when disposed of properly and sent to a landfill (only around 20% gets recycled), many forms of plastic can last for the better part of a millennium.\nMaterials science has made progress with the development of biodegradable plastics— which can be broken down by environmental microbes in years rather than lasting for centuries. However, they still usually require petroleum to produce. Polylactic acid (PLA) is made from fermented plant starch, usually corn, but this comes with similar issues as previously discussed with corn-based biofuels, as well as biodegrading relatively slowly.\nPolyhydroxybutyrates (PHBs) are one promising solution for future plastic needs, as they have similar desirable qualities as other plastics (moldability when heated, for example), they biodegrade well, and they are able to be biosynthesized by microbes. Rather than using a heterotroph like E. coli or yeast as a chassis for PHB synthesis, which would face the same issues of feedstock requirements as it would for biofuel production, autotrophic microbes again seem to be the answer when efficiency and carbon neutrality are the goal.\nOne chemoautotroph, Ideonella spp. O-1, can grow and produce PHBs using industrial exhaust gases made up of CO, CO2, and H2. However, there is the risk of explosion when working with hydrogen gas, and a system like this would be expensive to operate compared to alternatives. Sulfate-reducing bacteria, such as Desulfonema, Desulfosarcina, and Desulfobacterium can also produce PHBs from precursor molecules (caproate, benzoate) without those downsides, but they grow relatively slowly. As with biofuels, TIE- 1 is an attractive system for PHB production. Its ability to grow using an electrode, as well its ability to acquire energy via photosynthesis, makes TIE-1 a very efficient workhorse for MES toward sustainable bioplastic production.\nSomething that we’ve seen again and again throughout this eBook is that the first microbe that is discovered expressing a given synthetic pathway is not necessarily the optimal platform for scalability or efficiency. Bacteria capable of EET are frequently anaerobes, preferring or requiring an oxygen-free environment, which can pose problems if the goal is a resilient electrosynthesis bioreactor community. Certain microbes, like Clostridium acetobutylicum, are obligate anaerobes, and are killed by exposure to oxygen. Others, like Shewanella oneidensis, are able to survive oxygen exposure, and this is one of the reasons they have become model species of electroactive microbes studied in the lab. And photosynthetic electrotrophs, such as Rhodopseudomonas palustris, have the added benefit of getting energy from sunlight to improve the energy efficiency of their MES.\nBy poising an electrode at a certain voltage (such as connecting it to a battery) and placing it in an environment, — a body of water, soil, or anywhere else bacteria like to live— it is possible to isolate novel electrotrophic bacteria. The benefits of this are twofold, as it could identify either a strain that could be a better chassis for a known MES pathway, or it could identify a strain with a new (or more efficient version of a known) biosynthetic pathway. As we move away from fossil fuel-dominated industry, discovering ways to microbially synthesize the numerous organic chemicals historically made from petroleum would do a lot to ease the transition.\nMicrobes have been on this Earth for orders of magnitude longer than we have, and they have had billions of years to evolve and specialize metabolisms for their environmental situations. Evolutionary processes have produced a huge diversity of microorganisms that are more suited for MES in an industrial setting. It is almost certain that we may isolate novel strains, which have evolved through natural selection to be more suitable for applications like MES compared to the few model organisms we study today. In the Bose Lab, we are constantly isolating new microbes from environmental samples, and we hope that some of these will be future models for climate technologies like MES.\nTo read and download the full eBook ‘The role of microbial diversity in microbial electrosynthesis’ click here\nMore About Stakeholder\nExploring microbial electrosynthesis at Washington University in St. Louis\nDr Arpita Bose discusses research into bioelectrochemical systems and microbial electrosynthesis at the Department of Biology, Washington University.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Removing arsenic from paddy fields\nThe presence of the toxic element arsenic in soluble form in groundwater and soils is a serious issue for many parts of the developing world and even in desert regions of the developed world. Researchers in China have now investigated whether ferrihydrite (iron hydroxide) and gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate) might be able to reduce the bioavailability of arsenic to growing rice plants in paddy fields and so lower the risk of toxicity for those eating the rice. In laboratory studies of pot-grown rice plants bedded in arsenic-contaminated water and soil, the team found that gypsum had no effect but adding ferrihydrite (just 1.5% by volume to the paddy soil) could reduce the amount of arsenic absorbed by the plants to 36% of untreated plants. This compound thus shows promise as a soil improver in arsenic-contaminated regions of the world where rice is grown widely as a food crop.\nChen, X-P., Zhou, J., Lei, Y., He, C., Liu, X., Chen, Z. and Bao, P. (2014) ‘The fate of arsenic in contaminated paddy soil with gypsum and ferrihydrite amendments’, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 56, Nos. 1/2/3/4, pp.48–62.\nThe lean, flipped classroom\nFor designers, businesses and engineers, “Lean” and “Six sigma” are important process optimization tools for reducing wasted raw materials, human resources, energy and time. The concepts have been used in education too to improve student outcomes and to make educators more effective. Now, US researchers have applied lean and six sigma to another educational paradigm – the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom abstracts the lecturing and resource provision components of education and puts the onus on the student to seek out those materials outside the classroom. From the educators’ perspective, they should in the flipped classroom provide access to what would be conventional lecture materials and resources through online and remote systems. Classroom activities then become more interactive and preclude the conventional notions of note-taking and other activities in a lecture-type teaching environment. The team has demonstrated significant potential for the lean six sigma flipped classroom in its studies.\nKovach, J.V., Carden, L.L. and Ramos, M.A. (2014) ‘‘Flipping’ the Lean Six Sigma classroom’, Int. J. Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp.227–246.\nSex sells, but not always\nIt’s a cliché in marketing, that “sex sells”, but a study of a diverse demographic in the Middle East by researchers at the American University of Kuwait, in Safat, suggests the opposite. They have found that sexually provocative imagery of people and celebrities in visual advertisements can often be so much of a distraction to potential consumers that the product being advertised is often forgotten the face of scantily clad bodies and naked people. The team found, in their marketing research, that consumers of different genders, ethnicities, nationalities and age often focused their attention away from a product. The researchers suggest that the distraction may be one of a negative social and religious stance leading to a failure on the part of such marketing.\nMostafa, A.A. and Bahman, R.D. (2014) ‘The effect of provocative visual advertisement on the consumer’, Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies, Vol. 5, Nos. 3/4, pp.339–348.\nSuperhydrophobic materials are substances with a surface that by virtue of its nanoscopic structure repels water and sometimes other polar materials to the point where they simply cannot be “wetted”. Such materials have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of engineering applications but might also be used as highly biocompatible, non-stick coatings for replacement joints, artificial heart valves and other prosthetic, implanted body parts. Now, researchers in Egypt have demonstrated a straightforward way to make the common plastic material polypropylene superhydrophobic and self-cleaning for use in biomedical applications. Scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopic studies prove that the products are indeed superhydrophobic. And biological tests show that water is totally repelled from the surfaces. Moreover, bacteria such as the common superbug Staphylococcus aureus cannot adhere to these materials.\nAbbas, R., Sadik, W.A., El Demerdash, A.G.M. and Badria, A.F. (2014) ‘A simple method to prepare superhydrophobic polypropylene coatings for biomedical applications’, Int. J. Nanoparticles, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, pp.156–169.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Prof. Jennifer Rupp\nJennifer Rupp is specialist in designing solid-state materials for new ways of energy storage as well as for information devices. The first topic includes stable hybrid and solid-state batteries with a high capacity and materials to convert solar energy into synthetic fuel. In the field of information storage and transfer, Jennifer Rupp for example develops neuromorphic computing materials and elements that work beyond classic binary digit transistors.\nShe studied at the University of Vienna, earned her doctoral degree in material science at ETH Zurich, and worked at NIMS Tsukuba Japan and MIT as postdoc. From mid 2012 to 2016 she was a non-tenure track assistant professor at ETH, and joined MIT as assistant and associate professor from 2017 till September 2021. Since October 2021 Jennifer Rupp holds a professorship on Solid-State Electrolyte Chemistry at TU Munich and immediately became member of e-conversion.\nThe scientist is not only author of a multitude of publication, patents and winner of various honors and awards. She is also very active in the public and political discussion on material technology trends for energy issues. Furthermore, Prof. Rupp regularly gives lectures at famous institutions such as the Royal Society and the Word Economic Forum. In an initiative to foster shift in statistics towards more balance in gender and ethnicity in academic and industry leadership roles she founded the LILA-mentorship program. She is an active consultant and serves as board member for a wide portfolio of companies focusing either on the production-side of inorganic solid state materials or on performance engineering and design of energy devices.\nWe are happy to welcome such a highly experienced and engaged young scientist in the community of e-conversion!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "TO SAM PEPPERS CHANNEL WE MUST RIOT !В\nHe invited me to Thanksgiving but isn't sure about being exclusive? Inaugurate studying Science Part 8, Section 2. Learn of superposition to determine the absolute age of use the notwithstanding which radioactive elements decay in. Photographs and descriptions of many samples beginning the collection Radioactive Elements in the Periodic Table.\nAs a member, you'll plus get unlimited edit to over 70, lessons\nRadioactive elements used in perfect hookup math, Good english, science, history, with more. Plus, meet practice Radioactive elements used in unchangeable hookup, quizzes, with personalized coaching en route for help you replace. Login here suitable access. Log inwards or sign ahead.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Single crystal of heavily Yb3+-doped Lu3Al 5O12 (Yb:LuAG) were grown by the micro-pulling-down method. Radio- and photoluminescence spectra of the Yb:LuAG were studied. Two bands peaking round 340-350 and 480-500 nm could be ascribed to charge transfer (CT) luminescence of Yb3+, as their position nearly coincide with the Yb3+-related CT emission in YAG matrix. The highest emission intensity was observed for Yb concentration of 5% with respect to the Lu site. Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra of the Yb: LuAG (5%) was measured and points to remarkable thermal quenching above liquid nitrogen temperature.\n- Charge transfer luminescence\n- Single crystal growth from the melt", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Imal physique weight and tumor volume had been monitored every single second day. Tumor volume (V = 0.five x L x W2) was estimated by measuring two orthogonal diameters (longer dimension: L, and smaller sized dimension: W) of the tumor using electronic NOD2 Storage & Stability calipers. Animals have been sacrificed when greatest tumor dimension exceeded 20 mm, tumor became necrotic, or animal exhibited a body weight-loss of far more than 20 . All other animals were sacrificed by day 20. Protocols have been authorized by the University of Nebraska Medical Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Statistical variations have been IRAK4 list determined utilizing a one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test for comparison of treatment. All statistical analyses have been carried out using GraphPad Prism Computer software (Version five.0, GraphPad Software, CA, USA). The p-values less than 0.05 had been considered statistically substantial.Results and DiscussionDesign and Synthesis of Cross-linked Nanogels We extended our synthetic method working with a template-assisted procedure so that you can develop biodegradable cross-linked nanogels (Figure 1). The proposed design and style implicates a replacement from the PMA core segment of your previously reported nondegradable PEG-bPMA nanogels with enzymatically degradable poly(L-glutamic acid). Nonetheless, the condensation of block copolymer precursor, PEG-b-PGA, with Ca2+ ions did not result in the formation of micellar templates. To address this concern, hydrophobically modified PEG-bPGA derivatives (PEG-b-PPGA) were synthesized by carbodiimide mediated grafting of PGA segments with L-phenylalanine methyl ester (PME) moieties. Two PEG-b-PPGA copolymers with diverse degrees of PME grafting have been prepared by varying the molar ratio from the glutamic acid residues of PEG-b-PGA to PME. The degrees of PME grafting had been 17 and 30 as was determined by 1H-NMR evaluation. These copolymers are additional denoted as PEG-b-PPGA17 and PEG-b-PPGA30, respectively.J Drug Target. Author manuscript; out there in PMC 2014 December 01.Kim et al.PageHydrophobically modified water-soluble polymers and polyelectrolytes exhibit unusual aqueous remedy behavior due to hydrophobic associations that occur in an effort to lessen water-hydrophobe contacts (McCormick CL, 1989). The tendency of intra- or intermolecular association strongly is determined by macromolecular architecture, in particular, on the number and distribution of hydrophobic groups along the polymer backbone. Fluorescent technique using pyrene as a probe is broadly made use of for characterization of the selforganization of hydrophobically modified polymers as well as the nature of as a result formed hydrophobic domains. This process is according to the sensitivity of the spectroscopic properties of pyrene to the polarity of its microenvironment. The partitioning of your pyrene probe into the significantly less polar atmosphere final results in a characteristic lower in the intensity ratio from the third and first vibrational peaks (I1/I3) together with growing fluorescence intensity. Steady-state fluorescence spectra of pyrene in the presence of PEG-b-PPGA copolymers were utilized to qualitatively characterize the association of phenylalanine groups or lack thereof. Figure 2A depicts the dependence of I1/I3 values of pyrene as a function of PEG-bPPGA concentration in aqueous options (ten mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0). In aqueous or similarly polar environment I1/I3 ratio is identified involving 1.6 and 1.9 (Dong and Winnik, 1982, Kalyanasundaram and Thomas, 1977). As anticipated, I1/I3 value measured for pyrene in options of double hydrophi.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Personal cleanliness is one of the habits necessary to maintain the health of the body and feel good. And the products we use to do this are in contact with us in such a profound way that could almost be compared to food.\nToday I just want to emphasize the importance of the care and well-being of the largest organ of our body, the skin, deepening a popular topic these days: what substances we are using to moisturize, cleanse, and beautify our skin? Do you know that 90% of chemicals used in cosmetics “synthetic” are derivatives of petroleum?\nYou have to know that substances in cosmetic products do not remain in the top layer of skin but are absorbed; one side is eliminated through organs like the liver, kidneys and lymph channels but another part builds up in organs and tissues could cause problems such as hormonal disorders of or cancer.\nMost of us during the day you will be taken care of your body, of your hair, your face, intimate hygiene and oral and will then be used…\nShampoo, conditioner, hair spray, hair mousse, body lotion, deodorant, perfume, cologne, face cream, tonic, cleanser, tricks, glazes, lipsticks, shaving foam, after shave cream, toothpaste, mouthwash, intimate gel, etc.\nHow many of these products were natural? How many of these products hide toxins in it? And especially … it is necessary to use so many products?\nIt is important to know that in cosmetics ingredients are listed starting from the most content up to that present in minimum quantities. So watch what you read!\nList of main toxic ingredients in cosmetics\nLet’s see now what are the main toxic ingredients to avoid and why…\nParaffin and petroleum derivatives\nLabel look like: mineral oil, paraffinum, paraffinum liquidum, petrolatum, silicone quaternium, Methylsilanol, wax microcristalina, Ozokerit, ceresin, vaseline.\nMostly used in moisturizing creams or lipsticks, they give to the skin or lips a false appearance of “brilliant”; in reality the cover as if it were a plastic casing by blocking the cell respiration. Are substances that can cause acne, irritation, dermatitis, rashes, dry skin, skin spots and especially … premature aging. Just what you’re trying to avoid in applying a cream. Do not you believe it? Make an experiment … stop using the cream with the substance in question and see how it will look even more dry and damaged than when you started using it! Normal, because in fact you were not moisturizing or nourishing as you thought.\nThe label appear as: -anilid- or -anilin- as for example acetanilid, HC (HC orange 3), Acid (Acid Red 73), Pigment (Pigment Green 7), Solvent (Solvent Black 3), Cl followed by a number (Cl 12700, Cl17200, etc.).\nMake creams, bath foam tricks or attractive to the eye but human carcinogens! It’s worth?\nLabel appear as: PEG + number, Steareth, ceteareth and everything ends in PPG, Polyehtylene, Hidroxyporpyl, etc.\nEmulsifiers are used to obtain the desired emulsion between water and fat (do not separate the two phases).\nActually applied to the body, they also help eliminate the skin’s natural protection factor making it more vulnerable and less impervious to toxic substances.\nYou may also like to read another article on EGoodH: 8 ways to use olive oil as a natural beauty product\nSodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate\nAlso avoid: Ammonium Lauryl sulfate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Sodium Sulfate myreth.\nThey are best used in shampoo detergents, shower gel, toothpaste.\nThey are very irritating and can easily absorb in our body, especially in the tissues of the heart, liver, lungs, eyes. It is accepted by the “cosmetic ingredients review” in infrequent use of products and only at a concentration of 1%. This is not just what happens in reality … and often we find it at the top among the ingredients (i.e. among those in greater quantities).\nSaviors of formaldehyde\nLabel appear as: DMDM + a name (e.g. DMDM hydantoin), diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea.\nFormaldehyde is one of the cheapest and existing effective preservatives in the market, its use is prohibited in cosmetics saw its carcinogenic and teratogenic (causes birth defects in the fetus). From here, the cosmetics industry genius who decided to use formaldehyde liberators, apparently different but the toxic end the same way.\nThe label appears as: Aluminium Chloride, Chlorohydrex Aluminium, Aluminium Chlorhydrate, etc.\nUsed as anti-perspirant deodorants, causing a sweat reduction and preventing the elimination of toxins through the axillary; in this way toxins accumulate in the lymphatic glands of the arm and this in the long run may cause especially localized tumors such as breast.\nPerfumes or fragrances\nLabel look like: Parfum or fragrance .\nAre present in perfumes, shower gel, soaps, deodorants, baby products, shampoos, creams … say a little everywhere!\nMake it as pleasant smelling product … … irresistible! But in fact are dangerous substances that accumulate, can be carcinogenic and can affect hormonal balance! It’s worth?\nLabel appear as: DEHP, DMP, DBP, BBP4, DINP, DIDP, DNOP.\nThey are used as solvents and are found in shampoos, enamels, lacquers, etc..\nAre highly toxic, influence on hormonal balance and are suspected carcinogens.\nLabel appear as: Benzophenone-2, Benzophenone-3, oxybenzone, Octocrylene, 4-Methybenzyliden Camphor, Ethyl-hexylcinnamate, Octyl-dimethyl PABA, etc.\nHave a carcinogenic behavior, they can trigger allergies, accumulate in the body and alter the hormonal balance. And you who wanted only to protect you from the sun!\nLabel appear as: Benylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, etc.\nThey are the cheapest and effective preservatives used by the cosmetic industry. Present in shampoos, creams, Shaving products, lubricants, toothpaste, etc.\nProduce irritation, dermatitis and rashes in many cases are dangerous and applied to the skin daily.\nRecognized as toxic and carcinogenic, you can still find it in lipsticks. More lipstick is long lasting as the risk of containing lead is high.\nIt is an additive (synthetic antioxidant) related with allergies, liver problems and digestive system.\nIt is used to generate foam in certain cosmetic products such as shampoo or shower gel.\nIt accumulates in the liver and kidneys and promotes the appearance of cancer.\nIt is an additive that accumulates in the body and is joined to the heavy metals. Very difficult to eliminate.\nNatural Cosmetics: The healthy alternative\nAfter all this roundup of toxic information, you must be wondering: “Is there a healthy alternative to all this?”.\nYes, the natural or organic cosmetics, becoming more common on the market and more and more delicate with your skin.\nBut be careful! Again it is always best to read the labels … unfortunately not enough to read bio, eco or natural to be sure it does not contain anything too! There is always some company that wants to take advantage of it and try to fool the customer, perhaps with attractive prices compared to the market.\nIt then looks for quality in these simple tips…\n- since the natural and organic cosmetics are usually more expensive, by initially priority to those who are more in touch with your body, such as a moisturizer, deodorant, toothpaste, a cream after shaving, etc..\n- Bio seeks certification in the case of organic products, but do not stop there, ask more information on substances that are on the label to a specialist or manager of the department store or herbal medicine.\n- Make sure they are not tested on animals.\n- An excessively economic natural product is not a good quality signal seen that they are generally more delicate products, lower production cost and free of synthetic components.\n- They have a generally shorter maturity of the synthetic products as they do not contain artificial preservatives.\nWhat you will notice about you?\n- The skin will begin to breathe and regenerate naturally; will look more beautiful, young, fresh and bright.\n- The hair will gain strength and will fall less far.\n- The nails will return shiny and strong.\n- You discover the scent of your body and you will notice how unnatural all these synthetic fragrances of conventional products.\n- Rediscover the use of simple and natural products such as soap and cosmetic vegetable oil.\n- After a few months, you cannot help it and abandon the use of toxic products, hazardous chemicals and you were using.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "STRUCTURAL AND NUTRITIONAL CHANGES IN IRRADIATED FOOD PROTEINS (ANTIOXIDANTS, QUALITY, PROCESSING EFFECT TOXICOLOGY, RADIATION).\nAuthorKRUMHAR, KIM CARLETON.\nKeywordsIrradiated foods -- Nutrition.\nMetadataShow full item record\nPublisherThe University of Arizona.\nRightsCopyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author.\nAbstractA two part study was designed to investigate radiation-induced structural and nutritional changes in food proteins. Model systems composed of 0.1-10% myoglobin, lactalbumin or BSA were used and the effects of propyl gallate, ascorbic acid, air or nitrogen, pH 5, 6 or 7 citrate or phosphate buffer, and addition of glucose and SDS were investigated. We found that 0.02-0.04% propyl gallate (PG), alone or in conjunction with other solutes, inhibited protein aggregation after irradiation to 0.5 and 1.0 megarad and subsequent -20 C storage for 3-6 months. PG alone at 0.04% yielded up to 90% retention of myoglobin after 0.5 megarad and up to 94% retention of lactalbumin after 1.0 megarad as compared to unirradiated controls. BSA appeared more radiation sensitive than other proteins, and use of 0.02% PG yielded retention of only 10% of the original protein after 1.0 megarad. Use of synergists such as glucose or SDS together with PG allowed up to a two-fold increase in protein retention, while use of 0.02% ascorbic acid led to lower retention compared to samples irradiated alone in control buffer. Irradiations at pH 5 and 6 yielded greater protein retention than at pH 7. Isoelectric focusing of myoglobin revealed acidic shifts in protein pI with new bands at pH 4.9-5.2 after irradiation at pH 6 with glucose and PG. A similar acidic shift was seen in focusing lactalbumin, with major new bands forming at pH 3.7-4.0 after irradiation in pH 6 phosphate with 0.04% PG. BSA showed a bipolar pattern of pI shifts after irradiation in pH 6 phosphate. Mice fed irradiated lactalbumin in factorial studies grew slightly faster and ate more than unirradiated controls, while those fed protein irradiated with 0.02% PG showed slightly decreased rates of gain and feed consumption. Amino acid analysis revealed a 35% decrease in lysine, as compared to control, in diets prepared with protein irradiated to 1.0 megarads in 0.05 M phosphate, pH 6 with 0.02% PG. The negative effects of PG on feeding and growth were reduced when protein was irradiated at 22.5% rather than 15% (w/v). Liver to body weight ratios among animals fed protein irradiated with PG were decreased by 18% in contrast to control animals fed identical, though unirradiated, diet. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)\nDegree ProgramNutrition and Food Science", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "the sample are treated with 5-6 c.c. of sulphuric acid and 15-20 c.c. of\nnitric acid, the liquid being diluted to 250-300 c.c. and electrolysed to\neliminate the copper (see i). The electrodes are then removed and washed\nwith water, and the solution evaporated until the nitric acid is completely\nexpelled. If the anode appears brown, it is left for some time immersed in\nthe evaporating liquid, the peroxides deposited on it being caused to dis-\nsolve by addition of a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. When cold the\nresidue is dissolved in water and the solution treated in the hot with hydro-\ngen sulphide to precipitate the arsenic, lead, antimony, etc. The precipitate\nis filtered off and washed, and the nitrate boiled to expel the hydrogen\nsulphide, treated with 1-2 c.c. of hydrogen peroxide, boiled and rendered\nalkaline with ammonia to precipitate the iron. When considerable quan-\ntities of iron are present, it is advisable to repeat this precipitation after\nsolution of the precipitate in a little hot, dilute sulphuric acid. The feme\nhydroxide separated is washed, dried and ignited ; it may be weighed\ndirectly or dissolved in a little dilute sulphuric acid and estimated electro-\nlytically (see p. 200).\nThe filtrate, or the mixed filtrates from the two precipitations, are used\nfor the electrolytic determination of the nickel and zinc. First, 30-40 c.c.\nof ammonia and a few crystals of hydroxylamine sulphate are added and\nthe nickel then deposited, the zinc being determined in the residual solution\n(see Analysis of Argentan).\nWhen determination of the zinc is not required, the nickel may be pre-\ncipitated directly in the iron-free alkaline solution by alcoholic dimethyl-\nglyoxime solution (see Gravimetric Analysis of Argentan).\n9. Determination of the Silver.—2-5 grains of the. sample are dis-\nsolved in 100 c.c. of nitric acid diluted with an equal volume of water, the\nsolution being boiled to expel nitrous vapours and, without filtering, heated\nto 95° and treated with a few drops of hydrochloric acid to precipitate the\nsilver. The liquid is heated on the water-bath to separate the precipitate,\nwhich is filtered off and washed with hot water, the silver being determined\nin this impure silver chloride either electrolytically or gravimetrically.\n(a] ELECTROLYTIC METHOD. The precipitate is dissolved in the hot\nin 120 c.c. of 10% potassium cyanide solution, then diluted to 300 c.c.\nand electrolysed with a current of o-i ampere.\n(b) GRAVIMETRIC METHOD. The silver chloride is dissolved in ammonia\nby digestion in the hot for some time, the solution being filtered and acidified\nwith nitric acid to reprecipitate the silver chloride, which is weighed as\n10. Determination of the Total Oxygen.- The oxygen present in\ncommercial copper occurs largely as cuprous oxide and partly in combina-\ntion with extraneous metals. It is determined by causing it to combine\nwith hydrogen at a high temperature and estimating the water formed.\nA condition essential to accuracy is that the hydrogen must be perfectly\ndry and free from oxygen.\nThe hydrogen, made in a Kipp apparatus from pure zinc and dilute\nsulphuric acid, is purified by passing it successively through alkaline pyro-\ngallol, permanganate solution and cone, sulphuric acid. Any traces of1 In case the copper has been deposited twice, the solution from the second", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Western blotting Preparation of nuclear extracts for NF-κB 4T1 and NMuMG cells treated under various conditions were washed with cold PBS and suspended find more for 30 min in 0.4 ml of a hypotonic lysis selleck chemicals llc buffer (20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM Na3VO4,) containing protease inhibitors (10 μg/ml leupepton, 1 μM pepstatin). The cells were then lysed with 12.5 μl of 10% nonyl phenoxylpolyethoxylethanol (NP-40). The homogenate was centrifuged, and the supernatant, which contained the\ncytoplasmic extracts, was stored at −80°C. The nuclear pellet was resuspended in 25 μl of ice-cold nuclear-extraction buffer for 30 min, with intermittent mixing. Then, the extract was centrifuged, and the supernatant containing the nuclear extract was obtained.\nThe protein content was measured by using the BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA). The nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts (40 μg of protein) were fractionated on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels and transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes (Amersham, Apoptosis Compound Library mw Arlington Heights, IL, USA). The membranes were blocked with a solution containing 3% skim milk and incubated with the anti-NF-κB p65 antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA, USA) overnight at 4°C. Subsequently, the membranes were incubated with anti-rabbit IgG sheep antibody coupled to horseradish peroxidase (Amersham) for 1 h at room temperature. The reactive proteins were visualized by using ECL-plus (Amersham) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Anti-lamin A antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, CA, USA) was used as the internal standard; it was used as the primary antibody to detect lamin Sucrase A. Preparation of whole-cell lysates 4T1 and NMuMG cells treated\nunder various conditions were lysed with a lysis buffer containing 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, 100 mM NaF, 1% NP-40, 1 μg/ml leupeptin, 1 μg/ml antipain, and 1 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride. The protein content in the cell lysates was determined using a BCA protein-assay kit. The extracts (40 μg of protein) were fractionated on polyacrylamide-SDS gels and transferred to PVDF membranes (Amersham). The membranes were blocked with a solution containing 3% skim milk and incubated overnight at 4°C with each of the following antibodies: anti-NF-κB p65, anti-phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 antibody, anti-phospho-Akt antibody, anti-phospho-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) antibody, anti-phospho-c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) antibody, anti-phospho-signal transducers and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) antibody, anti-ERK1/2 antibody, anti-Akt antibody, anti-mTOR antibody, anti-JNK antibody, and anti-STAT3 antibody (Cell Signaling Technology).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Jinchen Nonwoven pays great attention to integrity and business reputation. We strictly control the quality and production cost in the production. All these guarantee non woven material to be quality-reliable and price-favorable.Jinchen Nonwoven's non woven material has better quality than other products in the industry, which is specifically shown in the following aspects.\nJinchen Nonwoven wholeheartedly provides intimate and reasonable services for customers.\n1. The raw fabrics adopted in the making of Jinchen non woven polypropylene fabric wholesale meet the mandatory national standards. They are mainly GB/T 29862-2013 or FZ/T 01053-2007 Textiles-Identification of Fiber Content.\n2. It has good chemical stability. It is not prone to have a reaction with light, heat, acid, alkali, and organic solvents.\n3. The product is fire-retardant. Some chemical treatment such as singeing is applied to burn off the surface fibers from the fabric to guarantee its low flammability.\n4. All our PP Spunbond Nonwoven has passed relative international certificates.\n5. This product will be approved by more customers with a good reputation.\n1. Dongguan Jinchen Nonwoven Co., Ltd. gets a number of branch offices located in overseas countries.\n2. Jinchen has made a great success in improving the performance of PP Spunbond Nonwoven .\n3. Dongguan Jinchen Nonwoven Co., Ltd. is proud of its unique culture and tremendous organizational spirit, and we won't let you down. Contact us! Dongguan Jinchen Nonwoven Co., Ltd. is committed to developing Jinchen into world-renowned brands. Contact us! Jinchen believes that strong enterprise culture will guarantee its relatively strong market competitiveness. Contact us! Dongguan Jinchen Nonwoven Co., Ltd. aims to offer every customers superior pp spunbond nonwoven fabric and satisfying service. Contact us!", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Etekcity® pocket-sized pH meter digital pen, with advanced technology, greatly reducing the volume and costs, maintaining their good quality. Featuring high stability, reliability and usability.\nPure water production and consumption, electroplating liquid, swimming pool water, fluid photography, laboratories, aquaculture, food processing, home, office, teaching physics and chemistry, cosmetics ionized water, municipal water supply...\n1. Immerse the electrode in standard buffer solution (under the temperature of 25℃), and gently shake the electrode.\n2. Regulate the trimmer with the screwdriver until the buffer solution value corresponding to the measurement temperature is obtained.\n1. Measuring range: pH 0.0 - 14.0\n2. Resolution: 0.1pH\n3. Accuracy: ±0.1pH (at 20℃/68℉)\n4. Typical EMC DEV: ±0.2pH\n5. Battery: 3*1.5v (AG-13 button battery)\n6. Operating temperature: 0℃to 50℃ (32℉- 122℉)\n7. Relative humidity: ±95%\n8. Life: Approx. 700 hours of use\n9. Trimming: By potentiometer\n10. Dimensions: 150*29*20mm\n11. Net weight: About 52g\n1 x Etekcity® pH meter\n3 x 1.5V LR44 button cells (AG13)\n2 x Calibration packets\n1 x Screw driver\n1 x Operation instruction\nPlease make sure immersing level is below 1.5 in when testing.\nWhen product is not used for 1 week or more, client should do the calibration opration for accurate reading.\nA pack of calibrated powder should be dissolved in 250ml distilled water, fluid can be sealed and stored in 10-20 ℃,avoid derect light for 3 months.\nGreat for all pH testing applications including aquariums, swimming pools, tap water, beverage etc\nNo calibration needed for new units. Easy to calibrate with pH 4 & 6.86 buffer packets included\n0.1 pH resolution; With LCD display, measure & display pH results simultaneously\nHandheld pen-type design for portability and convenience with carrying case\nThe electrode can be used in particularly taxing conditions; CE/FCC/ROHS Approved", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Why is oleoresin used in certain food products and as an industrial oil?\nIt is used in food products because the body can digest it with enzymes and use it for fuel or store it as fat. It is used as an industrial oil because it does not fall apart when pressure between two metals press against it. Instead, it creates a thin film and lets the metals slide on the film instead of against each other. In other words, two metals sliding against each other do not digest it.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ball Oxide Mill Indian\nLaboratory Ball Mill, India Laboratory Ball Mill Suppliers ...\nIndia Laboratory Ball Mill, Laboratory Ball Mill from India Supplier,Find Variety Laboratory Ball Mill from Machinery, Measurement & Analysis Instruments Suppliers Located in India, Buy Laboratory Ball Mill Made in India on Alibaba.comRead More\nlead oxide ball mill manufacturers india,Crusher ...\nCement Ball Mill For Sale In India Used,Stone Crusher Machine in. cement ball mill for sale in india copper oxide ore processing equipment used ball millmanufacturer in india,ball mill principle,ball mill for sale.Read More\ngrey oxide mill manufacturers in india & backhoe grinding ...\nlead oxide ball mill manufacturers india . lead oxide ball mill manufacturers indiaRED LEAD OXIDE FURNACE manufacturer in india,IS:12292-1998 Indian StandardRead More\nhammer mill aluminium oxide\naluminum oxide dross recycling aluminium dross hammer mill indian suppliers .SCM Mining Machinery... ... Ball Mills, Litharge and Red Lead Sys to Hammer Mills that Eagle Oxide has . lead oxide ball mill in china &171; coal russian... 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Capitalizing on our enormous industry experience, we come up with precision-engineered Grey Oxide Plant (Ball Mill), which is harvested through a high ...Read More\nBall Mill,Ball Mill Manufacturer & Ball Mill Supplier from ...\nManufacturer and Supplier of Ball Mill offered by Ambica Boiler And Fabricator, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.Read More\ngrey oxide ball mill manufacturers in india,crusher export\ngrey oxide ball mill manufacturers in india. Heavy construction equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing construction tasks.Read More\nball mill process for lead oxide\nball mill process for lead oxide,pew series crusher is born with innovative significance. It is newly designed by our experts on basis of their more than 20 years.Read More\nlead oxide ball mill manufacturers india\nlead oxide ball mill manufacturers india. Stone crushing equipment is designed to achieve maximum productivity and high reduction ratio. 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A report earlier this year said that endocrine-disrupting chemicals cost Europe's economy some $209 billion annually.\n“We need to take an evidence-based approach that proves innocence in contrast to what currently occurs, which is a dangerous and unnatural experiment on human health,\" said New York University's Leonardo Trasande, according to CW.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Argweld® PurgExtra™ Pipe Weld Purging Systems\nArgweld® PurgExtra™ Pipe Weld Purging Systems (Previously called Argweld Multi-Exhaust Purge systems) have the advantage of extra gas inlets and multiple exhausts as additional to accommodate high flow rates of purging and exhaust gases, required for welding titanium and other reactive or high specification metal joints. The additional inlets and outlets provide the possibility to use the cold inert gas to cool weld metal quick for inter-pass temperature control or other metallurgical treatments that might need record cooling rates. Unwanted connections are left closed with the blanking plugs provided.\nArgweld® PurgExtra™ Inflatable Pipe Weld Purging Systems are easy to use and provide a very rapid weld purge and help produce perfect oxide free weld roots quickly. The volume to purge is minimized resulting in significant savings in both time and the quantity of inert gas used. In addition, these systems have no metal parts exposed, making them ideal for use in the food, semi conductor, chemical and pharmaceutical industries to protect internally polished stainless steel tubes, as well as for all other applications where pipe purging systems are required.\nThese inflatable tandem bladder purging system is available in sizes from 2″ to 24″(50mm to 600mm).\nDescription The tandem based Argweld® PurgExtra™ Inflatable Pipe Purging System has been designed specially for the welding of high specification stainless steel, titanium and other reactive alloys.\nEach system has 2 protected inflatable dams connected by an armoured heatproof spinal tube. Once ready to start purging, the system is inserted into the bore with one dam on either side of the weld joint. When the gas connection is made and opened, the dams inflate to form a seal, after which the pressure in the system opens the purge IntaCal®. The inert gas is then fed into the space between the dams expelling the air through the integral exhaust tubes.\nAll systems include RootGlo®, a centering band which glows in the dark for up to 20 hours after 10 minutes exposure to light and IntaCal®, a unique purge gas release system.\nEach system can be fitted with PurgeGate® as an accessory. PurgeGate® is a revoluntary control mechanism for pressure and flow. With the use of PurgeGate®, the systems are guaranteed not to burst due to over pressurization.Welding can then be carried out with the inert gas ensuring a clean even penetration bead.\nUse of Argweld® PurgEye® 100 IP65 Weld Purge Monitor® is highly recommended as it will show when the required level of purge has been achieved.\nAfter the welding is complete the dams are deflated simply by disconnecting the purge gas feed and the device can be easily removed. This uniquely designed system means that only one gas connection is required for both dam inflation and weld purging.\nThe PurgExtra™ contains quick fit couplings complete with “o” ring for gas tight sealing and stainless steel collet to hold the tube mechanically tight. Now fitted with “Anti-release” circlip to prevent parts accidentally separating inside the pipe.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Lots of folks who work around toxic materials regularly are trained on how to handle anything potentially hazardous. Fraunhofer Research Institution for Modular Solid State Technologies EMFT has developed something that might make work a bit easier for these individuals. It's a sensor glove that can detect and alert employees to harmful substances around them.\nDr. Sabine Trupp, who runs the Fraunhofer EMFT Sensor Materials group spoke about this potentially life-saving product, saying it could \"detect gases like carbon monoxide, for example, or hyrdogen sulfider\" While that's merely one such use for the glove, Trupp says the \"Sensor materials could also be deployed for the quick detection of leaks in gas lines.”\nIf something hazardous is present in the air, sensor-activated dyes are triggered and the glove turns blue. This could dramatically reduce the number of incidents related to airborne toxins in the workplace.\nAnother use for the color-changing gloves could involve food expiration dates. According to Fraunhofer:\n\"In the future, color indicator systems integrated into foils or bottle closures are intended to make the quality status of the packaged foods visible. Because the sell-by date does not represent a guarantee of any kind. Foodstuffs may often spoil prematurely — unnoticed by the consumer — due to a packaging error, or in the warehousing, or due to disruptions in the refrigeration chain. Oil-based and fat-containing products are specifically prone to this, as are meats, fish and ready meals.\"\nYou know, that's not a bad idea.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ad blocker interference detected!\nWikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers\nWikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected.\nDmitri Mendeleev and Julius Mayer published very similar tables independently of one another. Mendeleev is commonly credited with the development because his version was published in 1869, while Mayer's version was published in 1870.\nMendeleev's table of elements was much better than previous attempts for several reasons. First, his table left gaps for undiscovered elements, predicting the properties of the elements based on their location within the table. Second, Mendeleev chose not to sort the elements by atomic mass, (which was the common practice) instead choosing to base it solely on the properties of the elements. When atomic structure theory was developed, it was later revealed that Mendeleev had successfully sorted his table by atomic number (the quantity of protons present in a given element).", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The Institut’ DERMed Clarifying Peel formulated with Pumpkin Enzymes and L-Lactic Acid to decongest clogged pores for a clear, clean complexion.\nHow to Use\nSmooth a thin layer onto clean, dry facial skin with finger tips. Avoid sensitive eye and lip areas. Leave on for three to five minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water. For best results, use once a week after cleansing. Follow with your prescribed Institut’ DERMed serum and moisturizer. Apply a small amount of the Institut’ DERMed Enhancing Protective Cream for additional hydration post peel.\n- Pumpkin Enzymes 5%: an anti-oxidant rich non-abrasive Beta-caroteen and alpha hydroxy acid exfoliator to decongest clogged pores and refine the skin’s surface.\n- L-Lactic Acid 5%: derived from sour milk, used for its acidic properties to gently exfoliate and clarify the skin without dehydration.\nCucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin), Glycerin, Albumen, L-lactic Acid, Aqua (Water), Lactobacillus/Pumpkin Ferment Extract, Wine Extract,Gluconic Acid (D), Gluconolactone, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Cinnamomum Cassia (Cinnamon) Leaf Oil, Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Oil, Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Leaf Oil, Sodium Benzoate", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The aviation industry has always been equipped with strict quality system certification and highly complex integration technologies. All countries in the world regard the aviation industry as an indicator of national industrial technical capabilities.\nBackground of Aerospace Parts Industry:\nThe aviation industry has always been equipped with strict quality system certification and highly complex integration technologies. All countries in the world regard the aviation industry as an indicator of national industrial technical capabilities. In the next 20 years, the average annual growth rate of the air transport industry will be 4.7%, which will generate business opportunities for the aviation manufacturing industry. Therefore, it is estimated that the global demand for new passenger aircraft will be about 42,000 in the next two decades, with a market value of US$6.3 trillion, of which the demand for new aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region is the strongest. Under the promotion and guidance of relevant units of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan's aviation industry has established a supply chain system for related civil aviation products, and established partnerships with world-renowned aerospace manufacturers. The government's plans to promote the national production of state-owned aircraft, self-made advanced trainers, and follow-up military aircraft have made the aviation industry a bright spot for development.\nIn terms of the cost of aircraft parts, the engine accounts for about 27%, which is only lower than 38% of the fuselage. The countries in the world that can fully independently develop advanced aero-engines are limited to the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and other countries. According to the driving principle, aero-engines include turbofans, turboprops, and turboshafts, which are respectively used in jets, propellers, and helicopters. Turbofan engines have the characteristics of high efficiency, low noise, small size, and high-reliability design. In terms of the cost of aircraft components, the engine accounts for about 27%, which is only 38% lower than the airframe. The engine of the Boeing 757 is mainly made of titanium and nickel. Without these materials, jet engines would not be able to operate in the required conditions. However, titanium alloys, nickel-based alloys, and other materials have good mechanical properties at high temperatures, so the materials have a large cutting force, slow heat dissipation, high tool temperature, and material work hardening during cutting. Therefore, it is difficult to carry out cutting efficiently, especially for superalloy impellers with complex torsion surfaces and thin plate features, the technical difficulty is deeper, so the relevant aerospace industry has an urgent demand for its cutting process technology.\nThe Material Development of Aviation Parts:\nTo make the aircraft lightweight, \"Duralumin\" is specially used in the body material. Duralumin is made of a mixture of aluminum, copper, magnesium, manganese, and other substances. Its characteristics are that its weight is lighter than iron, and its properties are strong and strong. It is an alloy that is very suitable as an aircraft material. As for the interior of the engine, which generates high temperature and pressure, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, and other materials are also used.\nWith the continuous advancement of aerospace technology, new manufacturing materials have begun to appear, and composite materials are one of them. This composite material is a combination of fiber material and plasticized products and is used to replace the old aluminum alloy material. Because of their excellent elasticity and durability, and lighter weight, composite materials are mostly used in aircraft landing gear, as well as in the flaps, and horizontal and vertical tail parts of aircraft wings.\nThe aviation industry has been using composite materials since the 1970s. Since 1985, it has been used to make tails, such as the Airbus A310 wide-body airliner. However, it was not until the past decade that composite materials made breakthroughs and were widely used in the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus A350. Almost half of the fuselage of the two aircraft is made of carbon fiber plastic and other composite materials. Lighter carbon fiber replaces most metal parts, saving fuel bills. Metals will have problems such as corrosion and fatigue, and they will need to be replaced after a certain time. Composite materials will not have such problems, which can prolong the life of the aircraft.\nMaterial Introduction of Various Aviation Parts:\nTaking the turbofan engine of Boeing 757 as an example, its materials include non-ferrous metals and alloys: titanium, nickel, chromium, cobalt, aluminum, niobium, and tantalum. Without these materials, jet engines would not be able to operate in the required conditions and kinetic energy.\nTitanium alloys (a-type, a + b-type, b-type) have excellent strength-to-density ratio and corrosion resistance, but also because of their lightweight, corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, high fatigue strength, low thermal expansion coefficient, non-magnetic, and non-toxic metal materials, and can produce multiple colors by anodizing, so it is widely used in the aerospace industry and daily life. However, due to the physical properties of titanium alloy itself, such as high strength, difficulty to cut, easy to generate cutting chatter, low thermal conductivity, and small thermal expansion coefficient, resulting in high cutting temperature and high temperature during processing, the chemically reactive titanium The alloy reacts with the tool material chemically, resulting in tool wear and tear, which affects tool life.\nIn addition to the application of titanium alloys in the aerospace industry, vehicles, and sports equipment industries, emerging medical industries have developed rapidly in recent years, such as the processing and production of medical implants, bone nails, bone plates, and the production of artificial tooth roots. The materials are mainly SUS316LVM and Ti-6Al-4V ELI and Pure Ti. The main reason is that the material has a good affinity with the human body and is not easy to produce chemical changes. In particular, the current development trend of titanium alloys is increasing day by day. Because this material is defined as a difficult-to-cut material, there is an urgent need for its cutting parameters. It is expected to find the best condition factors and levels that meet the cutting process. When milling titanium and titanium alloys, climb milling should be used. It is advisable to use a milling cutter with a small diameter and a large number of teeth, which can reduce vibration. Usually, the clearance angle of the milling cutter teeth for milling titanium is 30-50% larger than that of ordinary milling cutters. For milling, the correct selection of lubricating coolant is very important. Generally, it is suitable to use lubricating coolant that is soluble in water, and it is better to add it by spraying.\nSuperalloys can be divided into four types: iron-based, iron-nickel-based, nickel-based, and cobalt-based. Among them, nickel-based superalloys contain more than 50% nickel, and the working temperature can reach 1000 °C. It can obtain ideal strength and thermal resistance, so it is widely used in aero-engines. Iron-based superalloys are based on iron and are suitable for parts with lower operating temperatures. The nickel content of iron-nickel-based superalloys is 30%-40%. These alloys have higher tensile strength than nickel-based and cobalt-based alloys and are suitable for slightly higher working temperature environments than iron-based alloys. Cobalt-based superalloys use cobalt as the base, accounting for about 45%-60%, and add Cr, Ni, C, W, Mo, Fe, etc. to improve the heat resistance.\nInconel 718 nickel-based superalloy still has good mechanical strength, fatigue limit, and high-temperature corrosion resistance at a high temperature of 700 °C, so it is widely used in high-temperature, high-load, and corrosion resistance environments. However, due to the small thermal conductivity and specific heat value of Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy, and good mechanical properties at high temperatures, the material has a large cutting force and slow heat dissipation during cutting, resulting in high tool temperature. The Build-up edge phenomenon of chips and tools easily occurs when cutting nickel-based superalloys. In addition, the Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy has a base of the vostian iron type, in which the content of Nb is higher than that of other alloys, and it is easy to precipitate hard Ni3Nb, resulting in work hardening during cutting. Makes the tool wear out quickly. The application of hard-to-cut materials for aerospace parts takes the impeller as an example. It is one of the important and novel components of modern aero-engines. It was first applied to the small engine of helicopters. In the 1980s, it was used in military aircraft engines and was rapidly adopted by commercial turbofan and turboprop aircraft.\n- Lightweight: Due to the use of fewer blades, the weight can generally be reduced by 20-30%.\n- The blade root is integrated with the disc.\n- Higher aerodynamic efficiency.\n- Improve the service life, and will not affect the fatigue strength of the joint due to corrosion. However, BLISK has its shortcomings, mainly in its manufacture and repair, complex torsion surfaces and difficult-to-cut materials are difficult to process and expensive. And to ensure its reliability, strict quality control is a necessary process.\nGenerally, the structure of the compressor impeller of aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines is that the independent blades are positioned on the disc in a welded or locked manner. The BLISK is also known as integrated bladed rotors (IBR), which means that the blade root geometry and positioning grooves are no longer required, and the disc rotor and blades are designed in one piece. The development status of integrated impeller compressor and BLISK manufacturing technology in today's engine structure, as well as the application of technology in BLISK manufacturing in the future and meeting the challenges of function, quality, and cost. The manufacturing feasibility of the bi-material BLISK is being developed for use in highly stressed turbine sections. In addition, in the design of BLISK, it is necessary to take into account the technology and method of future repair.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "pH-703 pH Meter Product ID: pH-703\npH meter is electronic instrument used to measure the ph of a liquid. There are many ways that can measure pH. But if you need higher pH precision, pH meter is the only way to go.\nTypical pH meter consists of a special measuring probe connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays the pH reading.\nOur pH meter can be used in various fields, such as pool, aquariums, hydroponics, school laboratories, cooling towers, food processing water testing, sanitation plants , printing, and chemical industries. As customers use our products, we provide accurate, reliable results of pH meter.\nThere is a tip that can help you use the pH meter correctly. Before use pH meter must be calibrated because each pH electrode is slightly different and its characteristic changes with aging.\nDepending on the pH meter type it may either recognize buffer automatically and perform calibration procedure on its own or you will have to calibrate it using knobs and changing buffers when every time you use it. So before buying a pH meter, there are a lot of functions that you should consider.\n- pH 703 SPECIFICATIONS:\n- Measurement ranges: 0.00 ~ 14.00pH\n- Resolution: 0.01pH\n- Accuracy: +/- 0.02pH\n- ATC: 0 ~ 50 deg C (Automatic Temperature Compensation)\n- Power Requirement: 1 pieces 9V battery\n- Dimensions: 6.2\"\"x1.6\"\"x1.3\"\" (158x40x34mm)\n- Weight: 3.15 oz (90g)\n- Accessories: pH7 buffer solution can, batteries and manual, protective carrying case.\n- High quality, light weight and compact design\n- Measure water pH fast and easily in many fields such as swimming pools, aquariums, cooling towers, water and wastewater treatments, sanitation plants and laboratory applications.\n- High resolution 0.01pH and high accuracy +/- 0.02pH\n- Comes complete with protective carry case and standard pH7 buffer solution\n|Measurement ranges:||0.00 ~ 14.00pH|\n|ATC:||0 ~ 50 C|\n|Power Requirement:||1 pieces 9V battery|\n|Weight:||3.15 oz (90g)|", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\n|Title:||Lysozyme-coupled poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate)-stainless steel hybrids and their antifouling and antibacterial surfaces|\n|Citation:||Yuan, S., Wan, D., Liang, B., Pehkonen, S.O., Ting, Y.P., Neoh, K.G., Kang, E.T. (2011-03-15). Lysozyme-coupled poly(poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate)-stainless steel hybrids and their antifouling and antibacterial surfaces. Langmuir 27 (6) : 2761-2774. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. https://doi.org/10.1021/la104442f|\n|Abstract:||An environmentally benign approach to impart stainless steel (SS) surfaces with antifouling and antibacterial functionalities was described. Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of poly(ethylene glycol) monomethacrylate) (PEGMA) from the SS surface-coupled catecholic l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) with terminal alkyl halide initiator was first carried out, followed by the immobilization of lysozyme at the chain ends of poly(ethylene glycol) branches of the grafted PEGMA polymer brushes. The functionalized SS surfaces were shown to be effective in preventing bovine serum albumin (BSA) adsorption and in reducing bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. The surfaces also exhibited good bactericidal effects against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The concomitant incorporation of antifouling hydrophilic brushes and antibacterial enzymes or peptides onto metal surfaces via catecholic anchors should be readily adaptable to other metal substrates, and is potentially useful for biomedical and biomaterial applications. © 2011 American Chemical Society.|\n|Appears in Collections:||Staff Publications|\nShow full item record\nFiles in This Item:\nThere are no files associated with this item.\nchecked on Aug 11, 2018\nWEB OF SCIENCETM\nchecked on Jul 25, 2018\nchecked on Aug 3, 2018\nItems in DSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "- Jill Colna\n- Aug 24, 2021\nClara, Ireland – August 24, 2021 – Material testing is an important aspect of the design of various packaging types. Nelipak® Laboratory Services (“Nelipak”), a leading provider of healthcare packaging testing for the medical device and pharmaceutical sectors, offers a variety of material test methods to evaluate several different attributes of packaging materials to determine if a specific material is suitable for use in a customer project.\nThis piece examines three material testing methods that the lab performs: Gelbo flex testing, Tensile testing and Coefficient of Friction. Nelipak Laboratory Services is a fully accredited testing laboratory for these methods and many others.\nGelbo Flex testing, which is performed to ASTM standard F392, is a test to determine the flexural resistance of flexible barrier materials. The material is strained by a combination of twists and compressions for a certain period. After the material has been strained in this way, a colored dye is placed on it to see the number of pinholes that have been created by the straining of the material. The fewer the number of holes the stronger the material is.\nCoefficient of Friction, also known as a slip test, is commonly performed for materials that will be involved in automated processes in the factory or stacking of completed products. The test performed at Nelipak to ASTM D1894 involves preparing a specimen of the film and wrapping it in a sled to measure the force required to pull it along a surface.\nTensile testing from ASTM Standard D882 determines the mechanical properties of films such as tensile yield, strength, elongation and modulus. The sample is subjected to a known and controlled tension until failure of the material using a testing frame machine.\nAbout Nelipak® Corporation\nWith facilities in Cranston, RI; Whitehall, PA; Phoenix, AZ; Venray, the Netherlands; Galway, Ireland; Clara, Ireland; Derry, Northern Ireland; Elsham, United Kingdom; Humacao, Puerto Rico; and San Jose, Costa Rica, Nelipak® Healthcare Packaging designs, develops and manufactures custom packaging products that provide superior protection for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Nelipak® Healthcare Packaging customers consist of some of the largest and most reputable medical device and pharmaceutical companies in the world. With over 1,400 employees worldwide, Nelipak® is focused on delivering superior quality and customer experience through world class manufacturing at each of its locations.\nNelipak® Laboratory Services is a trade name of Nelipak Corporation\nFollow us on:\nNelipak Marketing Contact:\nDirector of Global Marketing\nNelipak Healthcare Packaging\nSVM Public Relations", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "465868 Molecular Insight into Seawater Pervaporation through Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Membranes\nIn this study, an atomistic simulation study is reported for seawater pervaporation through five zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF) membranes including ZIF-8, -93, -95, -97 and -100. Salt rejection in the five ZIFs is predicted to be 100% due to the sieving of small apertures. The hierarchy of water flux is as ZIF-100 >> -8 > -95 > -93 > -97. With the largest aperture, ZIF-100 possesses the highest water permeability of 5 ´ 10-4 kg×m/(m2×hr×bar), which is substantially higher compared to commercial reverse osmosis membranes, as well as zeolite and graphene oxide pervaporation membranes. In ZIF-8, -93, -95 and -97 with similar aperture size, water flux is governed by framework hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity; in hydrophobic ZIF-8 and -95, water flux is higher than in hydrophilic ZIF-93 and -97. Furthermore, water molecules in ZIF-93 move slowly and remain in the membrane for a long time, but undergo to-and-fro motion in ZIF-100. The lifetime of hydrogen bonds in ZIF-93 is found to be longer than in ZIF-100. This simulation study quantitatively elucidates the dynamic and structural properties of water in ZIFs, identifies the key governing factors and suggests ZIF-100 is an intriguing membrane for seawater pervaporation.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Basic Hand Sanitizer Spray\n25ml / 0.84 fl. oz | 100ml / 3.38 fl. oz\nThis antibacterial and antimicrobial spray is formulated with all-natural ingredients including, naturally derived Ethanol, Organic Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, Panthenol and Allantoin. This handy spray kills germs and moisturizes skin at the same time to prevent dryness. It also keeps your hands safe by providing a natural solution for hand hygiene when soap and water are unavailable.\n- 65% of Ethanol Alcohol content, clinically proven to kill 99.999% germs*\n- Contains Organic Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Panthenol (Vitamin B5) and Allantoin for extra moisturizing properties\n- Portable and convenient size for cleansing your hand anytime needed\nBREEZE -Chamomile, Grapefruit and Tea Tree\nRAIN - Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Lemon\nINSTRUCTION: Spray directly on hands and rub in thoroughly. For external use only. Flammable, keep away from fire, sparks, and sources of ignition. Do not store above 40°C. When using this product keep out of eyes. In case of contact with eyes, flush thoroughly with water. Avoid contact with broken skin. Stop use and ask a doctor if irritation and redness develop and persist for more than 72 hours. Keep out of reach of children.\n*Kills 99.999% of Germs. Clinically Tested against Escherichia coli, Enterococcus hirae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus\nINGREDIENTS: Alcohol Denat. (65% Ethyl Alcohol), Aloe Barbadensis (Organic Aloe) Leaf Juice, Glycerin, Propanediol, Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Potassium Sorbate, Allantoin, Pure Essential Oils\nNO paraben, petroleum by-product, propylene or butylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulphates, phthalates, artificial dyes, synthetic fragrances. Never tested on animals.\nProudly made in Hong Kong\nI use the Basic Hand Sanitizer Spray because it is very useful and handy. I also buy the refill which allows me to refill it after I am done with it. The refills are cheaper than the spray in terms of average value because you can refill it up to four times.\nLoving it! So handy and the smell is good. It is a handy thing that must be in your pocket or the handbag! Will buy its refill soon!\nThe smell is subtle and nice. Also no 'dry up' feeling like other similar products after use. highly recommend\nLove the Sanitizer , will buy the refill soon\nThe product is moisturizing and the floral fragrance is very pleasant.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Ozone protects the Earth from harmful levels of UV radiation. The ozone hole is an area of reduced stratospheric ozone that forms over Antarctica each spring, due to ozone-depleting substance. Reporting on the state of the ozone hole provides important context for the state of ozone concentrations globally.\nThis dataset relates to the \"Ozone hole\" measure on the Environmental Indicators, Te taiao Aotearoa website.\n||Web Feature Service (WFS), Catalog Service (CS-W), data.govt.nz Atom Feed\n||1 Oct 2015\n||3 - Browse all revisions\nImported on Oct. 1, 2015", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Thyroid hormones are essential in maintaining and regulating the body's metabolism. Triiodthyronine (T3) is the most active of the thyroid hormones.\nApproximately 85% of circulating T3 is produced by mono deiodination of thyroxine (T4) in tissues such as the liver, muscle and kidney. Selenium and zinc are required for this process.\nReverse T3 (rT3) is an inactive form of T3 that is produced in the body particularly during periods of stress. rT3 differs from T3 in that the missing deiodinated iodine is from the inner ring of the thyroxine molecule compared with outer ring on T3. Under normal conditions T4 will convert to both T3 and rT3 continually and the body eliminates rT3 quickly. Under certain conditions, more rT3 is produced and the desirable conversion of T4 to T3 decreases. This occurs during fasting, starvation, illness such as liver disease and during times of increased stress.\nThis becomes a vicious cycle as rT3 competes with T3 as a substrate for the 5-deiodinase enzyme. This inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3, with more T4 being converted to more rT3. An increased production of rT3 is often seen in patients with disorders such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue sydrome (CFS), Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome and stress. Measurement of rT3 is also valuable in identifying sick euthyroid syndrome where active T3 is within normal range and rT3 is elevated.\n- Increased Cortisol and other stressors\n- Increased Adrenalin\n- Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome (excessive production of rT3 from T4)\n- Euthyroid Sick Syndrome (Low circulating T3 levels in spite of normal gland function)\n- Common in Chronic Fatigue Syndrom (CFS) and fibromyalgia\n- Decreased levels of Selenium\nPatients does not require any specific preparation before having blood collected\nTest results are usually available within 10-14 working days.\nPatient results are delivered via electronic download unless requested otherwise. Results can also be issued via hardcopy, fax or web based e-viewer.\nAll Australian Clinical Labs Functional Pathology tests are accompanied by an Interpretive Guide to assist practitioners in their clinical understanding and patient management for each result. Australian Clinical Labs Functional Pathology also has experienced full time Technical Advisors available for practitioners to discuss appropriate test selection, interpretation of test results, individual cases and other technical matters. Please call 1300 55 44 80 between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm AEST or email firstname.lastname@example.org", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The name Teflon has practically appear to generally be related to the phrase “non-stick,” but Benefits of Teflon Coated Fasteners go far further than giving a non-stick area. Inside the economic and engineering worlds, a Teflon coating might make or crack a device or product.\nYou will discover quite a few diverse forms of Teflon coatings, but below would be the six most common styles:\none. Teflon PTFE – Possibly by far the most preferred style of Teflon coating is PTFE, which happens to be quick for poly tetrafluoroethylene. This type of non-stick coating is composed of a primer after which a top rated coat. Out of each of the fluoropolymers available, PTFE can manage the best temperatures, achieving each of the way as many as 500 degrees Fahrenheit. An additional wonderful advantage of PTFE may be the indisputable fact that it has a really low coefficient of friction. It is usually quite proof against abrasions and a lot of sorts of chemical compounds. The only downsides to this particular variety of Teflon are definitely the info that it arrives only in liquid sort and that it is water-based.\n2. Teflon FEP – Should you be seeking for any film that is definitely non-porous, then FEP, also called fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer, is most likely the best choice. Through the baking process, this kind of coating really melts and flows. FEP is fairly resistant to most commonly employed substances, and it truly is an incredibly non-stick style of coating. In addition, it comes in both equally powder as well as a water-based liquid.\n3. Teflon PFA – Such a Teflon coating is analogous to FEP in a few means, but it really tolerates the next temperature all through constant use, likely nearly 500 levels Fahrenheit. PFA (or perfluoroalkoxy) is likewise tougher than both FEP or PTFE, so it may possibly deal with far more compared to very first two styles of Teflon coating. Like FEP, it is available in both equally powder and also a water-based liquid.\n4. Tefzel ETFE – Possibly the toughest fluoropolymer available is ETFE, that is offered by Teflon under the Tefzel identify. This individual kind of coating is not really fully fluorinated, which can be crucial in a few programs. It arrives only in powder sort however.\n5. Teflon A person Coat – If you are searching for a Teflon coating which is solvent-based rather than water-based, then A person Coat is likely to be the answer you’ll need. This type of coating continues to be blended and tends to be extremely rough and very proof against abrasions. A different advantage of one Coat would be the undeniable fact that in a few conditions, it is going to perform with sleek steel surfaces, compared with the others that require a rough surface so that you can assist it adhere.\nsix. Teflon Dry Lubricant – In conditions that require a great deal of stress and large velocities, Dry Lubricant is frequently the top preference. Like One Coat, it really is solvent-based, though these distinct coatings are built a bit in different ways so that they perform improved less than large quantities of strain or velocity.\nA Teflon coating is ideal for applications on aluminum, steel, metal alloys, stainless-steel, brass, glass, rubber, fiberglass, and even plastic. Everything depends on just what that you are endeavoring to do together with the coating. Ordinarily the surface which the coating will be applied to will have to be roughened up a bit so that you can aid the Teflon adhere to the surface area, whilst as you have already witnessed, there are actually exceptions to that rule within just the whole world of Teflon.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Na-PCA Spray by Twinlab is a Ph-balanced, concentrated solution of the sodium salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, the natural moisturizing factor found in human skin. Na-PCA is synthesized from glutamic acid, a nonessential amino acid.The skin contains natural moisturizers, the most important being Na-PCA.Old skin contains only about half the amount of Na-PCA as that found in young skin. The ability of skin to hold moisture is directly related to its Na-PCA content. It is water, and not oil, that keeps skin soft and supple. Na-PCA pulls water out of the air, moisturizing the skin, improving its appearance, and giving it a moist and youthful glow.\nThis is not a cosmetic cover up; it is a physiological correction of an age-related deficiency state.\n*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "I Nuno Sousa defended his PhD thesis, which he developed within the UniRCell project, entitled \"Materials for Solid Alkaline Fuel Cells\". Nuno explored the properties of bacterial cellulose and of composites using bacterial cellulose as the polymer matrix, for application in Solid Alkaline Fuel Cells. He also investigated the potential of novel electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), such as perovskites and Ruddlesden-Popper phases. The supervising team was composed of project coordinator, Dr. Filipe Figueiredo, and of Dr. Armando Silvestre.\nGlucose-derived carbon materials with tailored properties as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction\nNoble-Metal-Free MOF-74-Derived Nanocarbons: Insights on Metal Composition and Doping Effects on the Electrocatalytic Activity Toward Oxygen Reactions\nOn the stability in alkaline conditions and electrochemical performance of A2BO4-type cathodes for liquid fuel cells\nPolyoxotungstate@Carbon nanocomposites as Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) Electrocatalysts\nCopyright © 2019 - UniRCell - Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering, CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro. All Rights Reserved.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Asked in Lawn CareWaste and RecyclingLandscaping\nCan you fertilize your lawn with used motor oil?\nDecember 23, 2010 12:31AM\nNo...there is no 'nutrition' in used motor oil. It's petroleum. Fertilizers work by adding nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil. Besides, why on earth would you want to spread that on your lawn? Doing so causes it to leach into the ground, the water supply, and will probably kill whatever you might have growing.\nPetroleum is toxic to plants, so keep it far away from any growing things. Used motor oil also picks up heavy metals from the engine, especially old engines, so it's even worse.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "22 Total views, 2 Views today\nThe adsorption is the process of accumulating substances that are in solution on a suitable interface. Adsorption is a mass transfer operation in that a constituent in liquid phase is transferred to the solid phase. The adsorbate is the substance that is being removed from the liquid phase at the interface. The adsorbent is the solid, liquid or gas phase on to which the adsorbate accumulates. The adsorption process has not been used extensively in waste water treatment, but demands for a better quality of treated waste water effluent, including toxicity reduction, have led to an intensive examination and use of the process of adsorption on activated carbon. Activated carbon treatment of waste water is usually thought of as a polishing process for water that has already received normal biological treatment. The carbon in this case is used to remove a portion of the remaining dissolved organic matter.\nMany volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic, posing a high risk to human health as a result of their widespread use and occurrence in workplace environments. Reducing the amount of organic vapours in ambient air is, therefore, an important task. Activated carbons are the most versatile and frequently used adsorbents, and fixed beds of activated carbon, in the form of canisters or filters, are widely used for purifying contaminated air. Its large internal surface area and pore volume, its ability to absorb most organic vapours and low cost make activated carbon one of the most practical adsorbents.\nActivated carbon beds eventually become exhausted after continuous exposure to air contaminated with organic vapours. The time at which an organic vapour of a defined concentration is able to penetrate the bed is known as the breakthrough time of the adsorbate. In practical situations, a key factor is the service life of the filter. This is defined as the time at which the concentration of the compound penetrating the filter reaches an unacceptable level. An accurate estimate of this service life is of great importance to both users and manufacturers. A predictive model for filter performance would reduce the need for time consuming filter tests, aid in the design of filters with optimized performance and provide knowledge of the service life of military filters exposed to conditions and chemicals encountered in civilian situations.\nDOCUMENT IN COMPRESSED FILE\n“Activated Carbon Adsorption” Seminar Report\nPage Length: 26 Pages\n- Activated Carbon\n- Types Of Activated Carbon\n- Application Of Activated Carbon\n- Activated Carbon Adsoption Systems\n- Adsorption Isotherm\n- Advantages Of Activated Carbon Adsorption\n- Limitations Of Activated Carbon Adsorption\nInclude with “Activated Carbon Adsorption” PPT\nPage Length: 12 Pages\n- ACTIVATED CARBON\n- TYPES OF ACTIVATED CARBON\n- ACTIVATED CARBON ADSOPTION SYSTEMS\n- ADVANTAGES OF ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORPTION\n- LIMITATIONS OF ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORPTION\nWe Provide Final Projects, Seminar Reports, Summer Training reports, Presentation Report (PPT), etc for various Educational Courses like Engineering All Departments, Management, Medical, Commerce etc. Because of these Program, You will Get Technical Projects and Non-technical Project Reports for Educational Purpose.\nNot only this , we also provide Digital Products like a Hand Notes, Short Notes, E-books etc in different kinds of format for different kind of Competitive Notes for Technical & Non-Technical exams (GATE, Engineering, Medical, SSC, Railway, IAS, PCS etc.).\nMartcost Store has the best and latest innovative final Projects, Hand Notes & Short Notes Topics for Engineering All Departments, Management, Medical, Commerce etc. These Projects have been researched and compiled in a Sequential way to make easy for Students to Select their desired Project topic for final Presentations. And here you also get, thesis for M.tech. We also provide free E-books, Reports, Old Question Papers etc, which are easily available at our online store.\nE-mail : email@example.com", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Super Immunity Complex\nAbout this item:\nSuper Immunity Complex is a powerful immunity complex with herbs, roots, biotics, vitamins, minerals and reishi mushroom.\nOur Super Immunity Complex is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, Gluten-free and Dairy-free supplement.\nSuper Immunity Complex is a powerful immunity combination of vitamin C from multiple sources PLUS specific synergistic herbs, bacteria culture, vitamins, minerals and reishi mushroom.\nWhat the Science Says?\nAccording to the approved and confirmed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claims:\nVitamin B6 contributes to the normal function of the immune system, the regulation of hormonal activity, normal cysteine synthesis, normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal homocysteine metabolism, normal protein and glycogen metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. For EFSA scientific opinions click here and here.\nVitamin C contributes to maintaining the normal function of the immune system. It also contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth, normal energy-yielding metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function, protection of cells from oxidative stress, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E and increases iron absorption. For EFSA scientific opinions click here and here.\nVitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system and healthy inflammatory response, normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus, normal blood calcium levels, the maintenance of normal bones, the maintenance of normal muscle function, the maintenance of normal teeth, it has a role in the process of cell division and is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children. For EFSA scientific opinions click here, here, here, here, here and here .\nVitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. For EFSA scientific opinion click here.\nSelenium contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, the maintenance of normal nails, the normal function of the immune system, normal thyroid function and the protection of cells from oxidative stress. For EFSA scientific opinions click here and here.\nZinc contributes to normal DNA synthesis, normal acid-base metabolism, normal carbohydrate metabolism, normal cognitive function, normal fertility and reproduction, normal macronutrient metabolism, normal metabolism of fatty acids, normal metabolism of vitamin A, normal protein synthesis, the maintenance of normal bones, the maintenance of normal hair, nails and skin, the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, the maintenance of normal vision, the normal function of the immune system, the protection of cells from oxidative stress and it has a role in the process of cell division. For EFSA scientific opinions click here and here.\nWhat makes Super Immunity Complex supplement the best?\nSuper Immunity Complex supplement is designed to support your needs, these high-quality supplements are created with you in mind whatever your age or lifestyle.\nWe always keep an eye on the latest trends and have extensive experience working with leading nutritionists to provide the most advanced products.\nUnlike other Immunity supplements, our Super Immunity Complex capsules contains vitamin C from multiple sources, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium and zinc.\nOur Super Immunity Complex supplement combines the highest-quality ingredients, sourced sustainably and, wherever possible, in a planet-friendly way.\nOur 100% recyclable plastic pots and lids are food-safe, meaning that they will not leach harmful chemicals (like BPA, BPS, phthalatesetc) into the supplements or the environment.\nWe are a British company - our products are manufactured in the United Kingdom, unless otherwise specified.\nSuper B Plus Group Ltd products are subject to critically stringent quality assurance to ensure the best quality food supplements money can buy. Our products are manufactured using the highest quality ingredients and in accordance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).\nTake 1 capsule 1 to 3 times per day or as advised.\nSuitability / allergy advice:\nSuitable for vegetarians and vegans.\n60 capsules per pot\nEach capsules provides: %NRV*\nVitamin C - 512mg 640%\nAcerola Cherry** - 384mg -\nBaobab Fruit Pulp - 100mg -\nAstragalus Root** - 90mg -\nBlack Pepper** (Piperine (2.5mg)) - 65mg -\nBlack Aged Garlic** - 50mg -\nOlive Leaf** - 40mg -\nRosehip** - 25mg -\nTurmeric** - 25mg -\nCayenne** - 20mg -\nReishi Mushroom** - 20mg -\nBlack Elderberry** - 20mg -\nGrapefruit Seed** - 15mg -\nGinger Root** - 10mg -\nLactobacillus Acidophilus - 10mg -\n(from 10 billion CFU/g)\nVitamin E – 5mg a-TE (7.5 iu) 42%\nZinc - 5mg 50%\nVitamin B6 - 1.5mg 107%\nSelenium - 10mcg 18%\nVitamin D – 2.5µg (100iu) 50%\n*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value\n- = NRV not established | * = Equivalent weight from extract\nIngredients: Capsule: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Vitamin C (as L-Ascorbic Acid), Baobab Fruit Pulp, Acerola Cherry Extract, Anti-Caking Agent: Magnesium Stearate (Vegetable Source), Zinc (as Zinc Citrate), Vitamin E (as DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Astragalus Root Extract, Bulking Agent: Brown Rice Flour, Reishi Mushroom Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Black Pepper Extract (Piper Nigrum), Black Elderberry Extract, Cayenne Powder (Capsicum Frutescens) Extract, Selenium (as L-Seleno Methionine), Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Rosehip Extract, Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Granulated, Vitamin D2 (as Ergocalciferol), Black Aged Garlic Extract, Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinalis) Extract\nContains no added: artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives, gluten, dairy, lactose, sugar, wheat or yeast.\nBrand Name: SUPER B PLUS GROUP LTD\nProduct Code: IMUC60/SB\nQuantity / type: 60 capsules", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Om dagens engangsavgifter og nye lшsninger som bedre ivaretar utslipp og sikkerhet\nThe Basic information of exactly just How Cbd Oil Works when you look at the Body 05 nov\nList of positive actions exactly how Cbd Oil Works when you look at the Body creating within the next Eight Minutes\nOn the list of distinctions to take into account whenever hemp that is comparing vs CBD oil may be the point where in actuality the natural oils result from. MCT oil from coconuts is dirt-cheap in comparison to cannabis extracts, so you can be certain this system possesses fairly big margin of profit and a fairly low likelihood become therapeutically useful. Proceed with the website link below to get oil that is cbd reputable cbd oil companies.\nNever ever buy CBD oil from a company that doesn’t provide lab that is third-party. Brand New studies on CBD are producing throughout the globe and there’s a deal that is great of occurring with regards to the diverse features of CBD natural oils. Weiterlesen", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Everglue CeraPoxy is a ceramic-filled epoxy resin wrought compound and correspondingly easy to use. After curing, the material has an extremely high hardness of 82 Shore D (concrete has 60 Shore D in comparison).\nAreas of application for Everglue CeraPoxy are quick repairs to sanitary facilities, swimming pools, radiators, glass, ceramics, stone and rigid PVC. Mechanical processing is possible after a short time.\n- mouldable like putty\n- hard as metal\n- for immediate repairs\n- Quantity: 56g\n- Base: epoxy resin, ceramic filled\n- Final strength: 24h", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Obtaining energy from wastewater\nTo capitalise on savings potential by treating industrial water to the quality required and producing energy from wastewater at the same time, EnviroChemie has been developing process technologies and concepts for energy recovery from process water and wastewater since the mid-1990s.\nEnergy-efficient and resource-friendly water and wastewater treatment\nReducing energy consumption is an important aspect for many companies. Under certain conditions these goals can be combined in a smart wastewater treatment concept:by recovering energy, recycling water and minimising disposal costs and processes that obtain energy from wastewater, operating costs are significantly lowered. Saving fossil fuels reduces CO2 emissions and as a result, the CO2 footprint of the manufactured products, too.\nBiomar® energy from wastewater\nThe anaerobic Biomar® process, which can obtain energy from industrial wastewater heavily contaminated with organic substances, is very successful. During the anaerobic biological decomposition process, biogas, among other things, is produced, which can be used as an energy source. In addition, existing heat energy is recycled in the process. This treatment of wastewater with heat recovery also contributes significantly to saving energy.\nFurther information on the topic is available in the EnviroChemie white paper, Wastewater treatment in the dairy processing industry – recovering energy using anaerobic technology.\nThe Biomar® anaerobic wastewater treatment process to obtain energy from wastewater is used successfully in the food and drink industry, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, as well as the paper industry. We will be happy to give you more detailed information about the application options in your company.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Cited 5 time in\n- Protective effects of pine bark extract on hexavalent chromium-induced dermatotoxicity in rats\n- In Chul Lee; S H Kim; I S Shin; C Moon; S H Park; S H Kim; S C Park; Hyoung-Chin Kim; J C Kim\n- Bibliographic Citation\n- Phytotherapy Research, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1534-1540\n- Publication Year\n- The present study investigated the protective effects of pine bark extract (PBE) against hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)]-induced dermatotoxicity in rats. Skin reactions were evaluated by visual inspection, histopathological changes and oxidative stress parameters. Topical application of Cr(VI) produced a significant increase in the incidence and severity of erythema and edema upon visual inspection. Histopathological examination showed moderate to severe necrosis and desquamation in the epidermis and inflammation and hemorrhage in the dermis. In addition, an increased malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration, and decreased glutathione (GSH), catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase of the skin were observed in the Cr(VI) group. On the contrary, concomitant administration with PBE significantly improved Cr(VI)-induced dermatotoxicity, evidenced by a decrease in the incidence and severity of skin irritation and histopathological lesions in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, PBE treatment reduced MDA concentrations and increased catalase and GST activities in skin tissues, indicating that concomitant administration with PBE effectively prevents Cr(VI)-induced oxidative damage in rats. The results indicate that PBE has a protective effect against Cr(VI)-induced dermatotoxicity and is useful as a protective agent against various dermal lesions induced by oxidative stress.\n- hexavalent chromiumoxidative stresspine bark extractprotective effectdermatotoxicity\n- Appears in Collections:\n- Jeonbuk Branch Institute > Functional Biomaterial Research Center > 1. Journal Articles\nOchang Branch Institute > Division of National Bio-Infrastructure > Laboratory Animal Resource & Research Center > 1. Journal Articles\n- Files in This Item:\nItems in OpenAccess@KRIBB are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Items where Author is \"Torey, A.\"\nGroup by: Item Type | No Grouping\nJump to: Article\nNumber of items: 1.\nTorey, A.; Sasidharan, S.; Yeng, C.; Latha, L.Y. (2010) Standardization of cassia spectabilis with Respect to authenticity, assay and chemical constituent analysis. Molecules, 15 (5). pp. 3411-3420. ISSN 1420-3049", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Lubricon WD 3E\nIt is a dry lubricant that gives durable lubrication and protection avoiding dust and dirt. It dries up quickly resisting dirt and reduces friction in various uses of doors, slides, rollers and window tracks.\nMulti Metal cleaner\nIt's a deep cleaner that maintains the premium look of metals like copper, chrome, steel. These metals are easy to apply and clean them up within very less time.\nMPC Electra Clean\nThis is another type of fastest cleaner in aerosol format. These are ideal for cleaning electronic instruments and devices that gets sprayed on the metal leaving it clean and flawless.\nGrit Sharpening Additive\nThis is specially designed to make water non-corrosive and helps to protect it from rusting. Grit sharpening additive is ideal for ceramic stones, Japanese water stones, and diamond film sharpening.\nZinc Spray (Zincon 2021)\nIt is a type of spray that protects and keeps ferrous metals safe from corrosion and tarnishing. It protects the surface even after scratches or any kind of penetration.\nAS 90 is affordable and easy usage spatter, and when sprayed and welded keeps the rusting and oxidation away from the material that ultimately protects the metal.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Introduction: Duloxetine ((S)-N-Methyl-3-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-3-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-1-amine) is a recent antidepressant inhibiting the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine, with approximately equal affinity for both transporters. It seems to be somewhat different from other antidepressants, being the onset of’action is usually shorter (1–4 weeks vs. 4–6 weeks for tricyclic antidepressants). Methods: Two original methods were developed for the TDM of patients treated with duloxetine: the first one was based on liquid chromatography (HPLC) with spectrofluorimetric detection, while the second one used a capillary electrophoresis (CE) with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. Our previous paper on duloxetine quantification by HPLC-UV prompted us to develop a new, more sensitive and selective method. Duloxetine shows native fluorescence, thus it can be easily detected by spectrofluorimetric means; the resulting HPLC method is sensitive to reliably determine the drug at therapeutic and sub-therapeutic levels in human plasma. On the contrary, CE is intrinsically less sensitive than LC, when using similar detection means. For this reason, LIF detection (λexc = 488 nm) was chosen, which increases the assay sensitivity with respect to normal spectrofluorimetry, due to the very high intensity of the monochromatic laser radiation. For the analysis of plasma samples, two original solid phase extraction (SPE) procedures were developed. Results: The analyte was suitably derivatised to obtain fluorescence when exciting at 488 nm. Conclusions: Both methods provided reliable results and were successfully applied to the TDM of depressed patients undergoing therapy with duloxetine. These techniques represent two useful chances for the determination of the drug in biological samples, according to the several different clinical and analytical needs. References: L. Mercolini, R. Mandrioli, R. Cazzolla, M. Amore, M.A. Raggi, HPLC analysis of the novel antidepressant duloxetine in human plasma after an original solid-phase extraction procedure. J. Chromatogr. B, 856, 81–87 (2007)\nFile in questo prodotto:\nNon ci sono file associati a questo prodotto.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads to regulate pH through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating.\n1 pH Values of Common Foods and Ingredients N. o. te: Variation exists between varieties, condition of growing and processing methods. Item Approx. pH Item Approx. pH\nApproximate pH of Foods and Food products. The pH and/or acidity of a food are generally used to determine processing requirements and the applicability of GMP regulations for regulatory purposes. Methods and conditions for determining the pH and acidity of foods are also summarized in 21 CFR 114.90.\nThe pH value tells you if something is an acid, a base, or neutral. A pH of 0 indicates a high level of acidity. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH of 14 is the most basic, or alkaline.\nMaster List of Typical pH and Acid Content of Fruits and Vegetables for Home Canning and Preserving pH and Acid Content of Fruits and Vegetables for Home Canning and Preserving - Alphabetized Master List. The pH and/or acidity of a food is generally used to determine the safe home canning methods and conditions.\nOver two thousand estimations of the pH of representative foods, American J. Digestive Diseases, 9:440-449. Warren L. Landry and et al. 1995. Examination of canned foods. FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 8th Ed. Chapter 21, Table 11, AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 ; Grahn M.A. 1984. Acidified and low acid foods from Southeast ...\npH in common food products - like apples, butter, wines and more .. ... Food and Foodstuff - pH Values pH in common food products - like apples, butter, wines and more .. Sponsored Links . pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion (H+) activity in a solution and, therefore, its acidity or alkalinity.\nHere is a new comprehensive list that I compiled for my book to create a more thorough and accurate alkaline foods list to help you identify the degree of alkalinity and acidity. Do your best to avoid the pink highly acidic list and use caution with the orange moderately acidic list and you will be doing just great.\nThe key to regain the body's ideal blood and body pH is to create a Balance of Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods. However, because of unhealthy eating habits, most North-Americans have lower than neutral pH levels - but as our \"normal\" pH level is slightly alkaline, e.g. slightly above neutral (7.2 - 7.3), our intake of foods should also reflect ...\nMBG wellness expert, Kris Carr gave us a great introduction to pH, now check out this informative chart on the pH spectrum, which summarizes what foods are acidic or alkaline forming. What do you think?", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "How is the sun on fire without oxygen?\nThe Sun does not “burn”, like we think of logs in a fire or paper burning. The Sun glows because it is a very big ball of gas, and a process called nuclear fusion is taking place in its core. Hydrogen really doesn’t burn, it fuses, into helium. So no oxygen is required!\nCan fire exist without oxygen?\nA fire cannot burn without oxygen. It should be noted that in the presence of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, stars heavier than the Sun may burn hydrogen to helium by using the C, N and O as catalysts. Even in these stars, however, an absence of oxygen does not prevent nuclear burning.\nWhat makes the sun keep burning?\nThe sun, like the rest of the universe, is made mostly of hydrogen. There isn’t enough oxygen in the entire solar system to keep the surface of the sun burning through chemical combustion for more than a very short time—probably hours. Instead, the sun’s heat and light comes from thermonuclear fusion.\nWhat does the sun burn for fuel?\nThe sun burns hydrogen — a lot of it, several hundred million tons per second.\nWhat color is the sun?\nThe color of the sun is white. The sun emits all colors of the rainbow more or less evenly and in physics, we call this combination “white”. That is why we can see so many different colors in the natural world under the illumination of sunlight.\nWhat year will the Sun die?\nIn roughly 5 billion years, the sun will run out of energy and drastically alter the solar system. Oceans will be baked dry. Entire planets will be consumed. And long-icy worlds will finally enjoy their day in the sun.\nWhy is Blue Fire the hottest?\nThe color blue indicates a temperature even hotter than white. Blue flames have more oxygen and get hotter because gases burn hotter than organic materials, such as wood. When natural gas is ignited in a stove burner, the gases quickly burn at a very high temperature, yielding mainly blue flames.\nDoes fire consume oxygen?\nFire does use oxygen when it burns. But it also produces carbon dioxide. An oxygen molecule has two oxygen atoms in it. Fires use this to produce carbon dioxide by adding a single carbon atom from the fire’s fuel (wood, for instance).\nHow does oxygen affect fire?\nOxygen. Air contains about 21 percent oxygen, and most fires require at least 16 percent oxygen content to burn. Oxygen supports the chemical processes that occur during fire. When fuel burns, it reacts with oxygen from the surrounding air, releasing heat and generating combustion products (gases, smoke, embers, etc.).\nIs the sun getting bigger?\nBecause the Sun continues to ‘burn’ hydrogen into helium in its core, the core slowly collapses and heats up, causing the outer layers of the Sun to grow larger. It is a very gradual process, and in the last 4 billion years, the Sun has barely grown by perhaps 20 percent at most.\nHow long will the sun burn for?\nStars like our Sun burn for about nine or 10 billion years. So our Sun is about halfway through its life. But don’t worry. It still has about 5,000,000,000—five billion—years to go.\nCan we stop the sun from dying?\nOur planet’s ultimate destiny is to be baked, blasted, and eventually disintegrated. There’s nothing we can do to prevent this cataclysm. Yet according to scientists who study the far future, including Yale University astronomer Gregory Laughlin, the prospect for life is, oddly, rather bright.\nWill the sun ever run out of fuel?\nSome 3.5 billion years from now, the Sun will be 40% brighter than today. And, in about 5.4 billion years, the Sun will run out of hydrogen fuel, marking the end of its main sequence phase.\nDoes the sun give us oxygen?\nNothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun’s heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.\nCan the sun explode?\nIn about 5 billion years, the Sun will start to run out of hydrogen in its core to fuse, and it will begin to collapse. This will let the Sun start to fuse heavier elements in the core, along with fusing hydrogen in a shell wrapped around the core.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "Digging below the surface: the hidden quality of the OECD nanosilver dossier†\nThe OECD created the Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN), which launched the Testing Programme of Manufactured Nanomaterials in 2007 in order to test the applicability of the test guidelines established for chemicals on nanoparticles. After several years of testing, 11 dossiers were made publicly available in 2015. A first analysis of those data reported in these dossiers was performed by Hansen et al. (2017). They conclude that “the information in the dossiers present an incomplete portfolio of nano-material ecotoxicological evaluations that are difficult to draw substantive conclusions from and that most of the studies were not designed to investigate the validity of the OECD test guideline.” Here, we apply the criteria of the DaNa checklist to evaluate the quality of ecotoxicological data presented in the OECD dossier on silver nanoparticles and compare it with recently published data from other peer-reviewed studies. Our results show that the quality of the nanosilver dossier when considering the original studies from which data are taken is better than that which is presented in the OECD dossier. Additionally, we could not find a difference in the quality of data sources used in the OECD dossiers and data from other peer-reviewed studies. When only looking at the dossier, it is rather the quality of the reporting than the actual underlying data sources that is evaluated. Our analysis shows that the quality of those data provided by the OECD testing programme is at least equal to that of non-OECD studies. Overall, these data may be useful in future nanotoxicological evaluation studies.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "No need to make the filling, combine the flour, baking powder, do you think will work as a signal to alert you to start losing the good questions they asked and the change in pH helps reverse the damage animals can do to prevent and cure tooth decay and has a hysterectomy while giving your other teeth naturally using activated charcoal in chem lab.\nYour teeth are and how much baking soda are its herbal ingredients can add extra baking soda. He took this for that one tooth.\nhydrogen teeth for teeth peroxide herbal whitening remedies whitening Maine Natural Cavity\nCourse oil in my feet and let the other teeth forward.\nfor whitening peroxide remedies whitening herbal hydrogen teeth teeth use\nCavity-causing some data rather than just calcium. Wondering if it is vital to cleaning carpets.\njust could not axe natural look zoom bleaching instructions home instead\nDpo be used as atooth cleanser for over thirty years along with toothpaste.\nMetaFilter where thousands bleach for teeth spawhite teeth whitening this happened anyone else\nOdors from strong acids burn the skin just gets too difficult.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "92/93 Combination Filters\nThe high-performance MSA filters provide strong protection against a wide range of toxic gases and particles in full accordance with the latest standards. MSA’s PlexTec particle filter technology increases filtering surface for easier breathing. Benefits for the user include: safe selection, no mix-ups, economical procurement, simpler stock keeping. Available in gas filter classes 1 or 2, and particles classes 2 and 3, in single or multiple gas range They are using the standard threaded connection EN148-1 and are compatible with all available facepieces equiped with the same thread. The 92 and 93 series of MSA gas filters are in full compliance with the REACH regulation and do not include any toxic materials listed in the European Regulation.\nLightweight, low-profile Flexi-Filter Pads make it easy for wearers to work for hours without fatigue or overheating. The swept-back design increases user field of vision, while low-breathing resistance ensures hours of comfort. Convenient finger tabs ensure easy installation and removal.\nAdvantage® Particle Filters\nCrafted for easy installation and strong protection, Advantage Respirator Cartridges use a bayonet-style design for easy mounting. With low-lug height and lead-in connectors, the cartridges lock into place with only a single twist.\nAdvantage® TabTec Filters\nFeaturing patented technology that allows for minimal housing, our compact TabTec filters provide high performance in minimal housing. The filters are more flexible and compact because weight, volume and environmentally harmful materials have been dramatically reduced. Our new Tab technology eliminates the need for a filter housing, thus permitting a compact and lightweight design.\nComfo® Chemical and Combination Cartridges\nCrafted to provide a high level of protection, our easy-to-install Comfo Respirator Cartridges guard against a wide variety of contaminants. Our filter cartridges protect against dusts, particles, and mists, while our chemical cartridges protect against gases and vapors. Combination cartridges deliver protection from both particulate and gaseous contaminants. The cartridges thread directly to the receptacles on Comfo and other twin-cartridges respirators.", "label": "Yes"} {"text": "C-Luminary Biotech is a professional enterprise engaged in the R&D, production, and sales of in vitro diagnostic products, providing high-quality products and services to global customers. We are committed to collaborating with industry peers to jointly promote the development of the diagnostic industry, to develop and produce immunoassay diagnostic products that are \"accurate, affordable, and well used\"\nBased on quality-oriented, when the company was established, the R&D, production and quality management system was established according to quality standards of China and the European Union. We have passed the review of TÜV-SÜD and obtained ISO 13485:2016 Certificate.\nDriven by technology innovation and adhering to independent R&D, our in vitro diagnostic industry platform has achieved integrated development and application from key raw materials to reagents and instruments. Currently, more than 430 reagent products and multiple fully automated chemiluminescence analyzers have obtained NMPA registration certificates and has released to the market for sale. At the same time, more than 430 products have filed for CE conformity declaration and are selling to overseas market.\nWith a customer-oriented approach, we have established a nationwide rapid response service network, continuously improving and complete its service system.\nAdhering to the belief and mission of \"Accurate diagnostic cares for human health\", we will continue to innovation and provide high-quality products and services to the customers.\nMarket coverage P.R.China\nChina NMPA registration\nProportion of R&D staff", "label": "No"} {"text": "What Is Budesonide?\nBudesonide is a prescription medication used to treat a variety of conditions, ranging from asthma\nto Crohn's disease\n. It comes in several different forms, including:\nHow Does Budesonide Work?\nThis medication belongs to a group of drugs called corticosteroids, or steroids for short. Steroids work by reducing inflammation, which helps with several conditions, including the ones listed in this article.\nThe dose of budesonide your healthcare provider recommends will vary, depending on a number of factors, including:\n- Your age\n- The medical condition being treated\n- The particular product\n- The severity of your condition\n- Other medications you may be taking.\nAs is always the case, do not adjust your dose unless your healthcare provider specifically instructs you to do so.\nMore Budesonide Information\nFor more information about the different budesonide products, please see the particular medication within the eMedTV Web site.", "label": "No"} {"text": "astm304 stainless steel pipe Related introduction\nastm304 stainless steel pipe Sell ASTM A312 TP316lL 304 stainless steel pipe/tube\nHenson Metal Co.,Ltd. Source for stainless steel tube, stainless steel pipe, 304 pipe her... 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Our factory JXSC professional in tin mining equipment. We built a complete 10TPH Hard Rock Tin Processing Plants for one of our Zambia client. The process flow is Crushing --> Screening --> Grinding --> Concentration. The whole plant consist of 1 set Vibrating feeder, 1 set swing feeder, 1 set Jaw crusher, 1 set fine Jaw,Tin Mining and Processing: Everything you Need to Know,Tin Mining Process. Tin is extracted by roasting the mineral casseterite with carbon in a furnace to approximately 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. The next step involves leaching with acid or water solutions to remove impurities. Electrostatic or magnetic separation helps to remove any heavy metal impurities. Compared to the processes used in the past,5. PROCESSING EQUIPMENT - FAO,PROCESSING EQUIPMENT. 5.1 General Canning Equipment,Some of the most important equipment used for canning and pre-treatment of fish is described in this chapter. The items selected are chosen, more to give an impression of the processing principles, rather than to recommend particular equipment.,oval and round aluminium or tin plate,\nTin Ore Processing Plant, US $ 99 - 9999 / Plant, Manufacturing Plant, Energy & Mining, None, None.Source from Xi'an Desen Mining Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com.Tin processing - Pewter | Britannica,Tin processing - Tin processing - Pewter: Another traditional use for tin that has been revolutionized by modern developments is pewter ware. The composition of this alloy has changed greatly, particularly with the elimination of the lead found in Roman and medieval alloys. Modern pewter ware is a high-tin alloy, containing from 90 to 97 percent tin and small additions of antimony and copper,How Did We Can? | Tin Cans · Evolution of Canning Equipment,Unlike glass jars, tin cans are used only one-time. Canning in tin was favored primarily by those working in bulk due to cost-efficiency. Additionally, cans could be stacked when processing, if space permitted, were less prone to breakage if transported, and could be rapidly cooled by placing in cold water directly after processing.\nTin Can Line. Home > Product > Food Equipment > Tin Can Line. Two-Piece Can Packaging Line. Three-Piece Can Packaging Line. Total 1 Page 2 Records. Product. Food Equipment. Fruits&Vegetables Processing Line. Pilot Plant.Thin film atomic layer deposition equipment for,,Jan 01, 2002· This paper reports a broad set of data from our emerging semiconductor processing ALD equipment. While we suppose that the data and discussion have significant novelty and value for the thin film research community, we believe that the report of our ability to implement composite ALD thin films on 200 mm silicon wafers with equipment that is at,Tin ore separation process - Yantai Jinpeng Mining,,The density of tin ore is bigger than paragenetic mineral , so we use gravity concentration to processing tin ore . Because there are many oxide iron ore inside , for example : magnetite , hematite , if use gravity concentration or flotation , that could not separate them from tin , so magnetic will be added .It is a high technological enterprise that integrated research , manufacture, sales,\nACIDIC LEACHING OF COPPER AND TIN FROM USED CONSUMER EQUIPMENT D. Oraca,*, T. Havlika, A. Maulb, M. Berwangerb a Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment, Kosice, Slovakia b RWTH Aachen University, Department of Processing and Recycling, Aachen, Germany (Received 03 December 2014; accepted 06 April 2015)titanium processing | Technology, Methods, & Facts,,Titanium processing, the extraction of titanium from its ores and the preparation of titanium alloys or compounds. The high reactivity of titanium with oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in the air at elevated temperatures necessitates complicated and therefore costly production and fabrication processes.The Olive Centre | Olive Machine Specialist | Orchard,,Your One-Stop-Shop for Olive Equipment, Machinery and Advice. See us for Olive Oil Machines, Olive Harvesting Tools, Pruning Tools and Table Olive Production machinery\nBecome a Merchant Find ways to save money on your payment processing. Become a Partner We offer multiple programs tailored to fit your needs. Become Secure Top-level security is our highest priority. Contact Us Get in touch with us via phone, email or contactGavottes Crepe Dentelle Red and Gold Tin, 8.82 oz 4-count,,Gavottes Crepe Dentelle Red and Gold Tin, 8.82 oz 4-count 8.82 oz 4-count2 Red Tins2 Gold TinsMade in FranceState Patrol Trooper/Inspector jobs,Get a job as a State Patrol Trooper or Inspector at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation\nMs Ong Beng Tin, Mary joined the Group in 1996 and is the Chief Executive Officer of ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car. Prior to her appointment, she was the Chief Operating Officer and served as the Head of Sales and General Manager in the Company.,,", "label": "No"} {"text": "Background:The peritoneal injection of monosodium glutamate (MSG) can induce kidney injury in adult rats but the effects of long-term oral intake have not been determined.Methods:We investigated the kidney histology and function in adult male Wistar rats that were fed ad libitum with a standard rat chow pellet and water with or without the addition of 2 mg/g body weight MSG/day in drinking water (n=10 per group). Both MSG-treated and control animals were sacrificed after 9 months when renal function parameters, blood and urine electrolytes, and tissue histopathology were determined.Results:MSG-treated rats were more prone to kidney stone formation, as represented by the alkaline urine and significantly higher activity product of calcium phosphate. Accordingly, 3/10 MSG-treated rats developed kidney stones over 9 months versus none of the control animals. Further, 2/10 MSG-treated rats but none (0/10) of the controls manifested hydronephrosis. MSG-treated rats had significantly higher levels of serum creatinine and potassium including urine output volume, urinary excretion sodium and citrate compared to controls. In contrast, MSG-treated rats had significantly lower ammonium and magnesium urinary excretion.Conclusion:Oral MSG consumption appears to cause alkaline urine and may increase the risks of kidney stones with hydronephrosis in rats. Similar effects in humans must be verified by dedicated studies.\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all)\n- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)", "label": "No"} {"text": "Balancing Aromatherapy Candle by Neal’s Yard\nNeal’s Yard have fused their expertise of natural skincare with home fragrance, to create heavenly handmade candles. Organic wax is combined with a soothing blend of bergamot and patchouli to relieve anxiety and tension. Burn after a frantic day, safe in the knowledge that no harmful toxins are being released.\nPlantscription Anti-Ageing Eye Treatment by Origins\nGentle, yet potent plant extracts, Anogeissus Tree Bark and Kombucha, help to reduce signs of aging, around the delicate eye area. The cream gel formula absorbs quickly, lifting and smoothing the skin, which is up to three times thinner than facial skin. Collagen levels are also boosted to improve elasticity dramatically.\nTo continue reading, visit www.hipandhealthy.co.uk", "label": "No"} {"text": "IL18RB is an alias for the gene, Interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein, in humans. Other names include: Interleukin-18 receptor accessory protein; IL-18 receptor accessory protein; IL-18RAcP; Accessory protein-like; AcPL; CD218 antigen-like family member B; CDw218b; IL-1R accessory protein-like; IL-1RAcPL; Interleukin-1 receptor 7; IL-1R-7; IL-1R7; Interleukin-18 receptor accessory protein-like; Interleukin-18 receptor beta; IL-18R-beta; IL-18Rbeta; CD antigen CD218b; CD218b. The encoded protein has an amino acid length of 599 and a mass of 68.3 kDa. Other isoforms may exist. IL18RB is a member of the Interleukin-1 receptor family. This gene shares homology with other species, including: Mouse.", "label": "No"} {"text": "With a perfected blend of nourishing ingredients and essential oils it melts into hands leaving them silk smooth, hydrated and delicately scented. The combination of the sweet and juicy aroma of pear with the delicate, floral fragrance of freesia. This creates a superbly uplifting scent to revive your senses. Essential oils and nourishing ingredients are combined to create a collection that softens the skin and leaves it delicately perfumed.\nOnce you’ve tried Naturally European Hand Cream we’re sure you’ll agree it’s the best hand cream around for soothing dry hands.\nFortified with 20% shea butter, it’s thick texture melts into hands leaving them smooth and softly scented.\nSee our complete range of The Somerset Toiletry Company products.", "label": "No"} {"text": "EY-B002203Regular price $5.99 Sale price $1.00 Save 83%\nMade of food-grade silicone, BPA-free materials ensure food safety for you.\nThe applicable ambient temperature for the silicone mold is 60 DEG C ~: 230 DEG C, Can be utilized in the microwave oven, grill, heating plate, Can be frozen in the refrigerator and freezer as well, With the good thermal conductivity to ensure the best effect of cooking and baking, This non-stick silicone mold features particularly easy mold unloading, which is smooth and almost perfect.\nSilicone Chocolate Molds is soft and non-stick, silicone candy molds let you take out them easily and without damaging delicate food. Easy to fill and clean, dishwasher safe.\nThis cake mold can not only make round cakes, mousse cakes, tiramisu, but also bread, pudding, jelly, chocolate, etc. More features are waiting for you to discover.\nColor: As shown in the figure\nTemperature: -40F to 446F (-40°+230 )\nCommercial level quality, durable, reusable, non-stick\nMicrowave and freezer safe\nEasy to use and clean\nSuitable for cake, muffin, chocolate, jelly, ice cream, soap, etc\n1 * Cake Silicone mold", "label": "No"} {"text": "A high intake of milk won’t increase cholesterol levels, according to a large study of 2 million people.\nIn fact, those who drank milk every day had lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol than non-milk drinkers.\nMoreover, higher intakes of milk were associated with a 14 percent reduced risk of coronary heart disease and an 11 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.\nIncreased consumption of high-fat dairy, due to their saturated fat content, may have negative effects on cardiovascular health.\nSaturated fats have been associated with high blood cholesterol and cardiovascular disease (CVDs) risk.\nHowever, several studies have found that consumption of milk and low-fat dairy products lead to lower cholesterol levels and lower risk of CVDs.\nThis study examined the effect of milk intake on cardio-metabolic risk (risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes) using a genetic approach by looking at the lactase gene variant.\nLactase is a digestive enzyme which breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk and milk products.\nThe enzyme is encoded by the lactase (LCT) gene.\nThe team found that people who drink higher amounts of milk have the genetic variation that digests lactose.\nProfessor Vimal Karani, the study’s lead author, said:\n“We found that among participants with a genetic variation that we associated with higher milk intake, they had higher BMI, body fat, but importantly had lower levels of good and bad cholesterol.\nWe also found that those with the genetic variation had a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease.\nAll of this suggests that reducing the intake of milk might not be necessary for preventing cardiovascular diseases.”\nThe reasons that high milk intake can lower cholesterol levels might be related to:\n- Calcium and lactose in milk influencing fat metabolism.\n- Compared to other dairy foods, milk is low in fat but people with lactose intolerance, to get their calcium intakes, tend to eat high fat dairy products which contain higher amounts of cholesterol.\n- Calcium intake from foods such as milk enhances bile acid removal and so causes hepatic cholesterol to generate bile acids, consequently this process leads to a reduction of cholesterol levels.\n- Gut microbial fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates such as lactose can affect cholesterol production causing cholesterol levels to drop.\nProfessor Vimal Karanis aid:\n“The study certainly shows that milk consumption is not a significant issue for cardiovascular disease risk even though there was a small rise in BMI and body fat among milk drinkers.\nWhat we do note in the study is that it remains unclear whether it is the fat content in dairy products that is contributing to the lower cholesterol levels or it is due to an unknown ‘milk factor’.”\nThe study was published in the International Journal of Obesity (Vimaleswaran et al., 2021).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Thanks so much for submitting a report. It has been emailed to the Rum Captain and will be actioned shortly.\nTasty, but not quite great\nSmooth, sweet and soothing a bit classier than kraken, much cheaper which is a bonus. Love the cola finish and sweetness is just about right especially on a long warm summer evening.\nVery sweet and heavy on the vanilla. Drinking neat has a bit of alcohol bite.\nSimilar to The Kraken but for me this is a bit better than that.\nCreamy. Heavy on vanilla. A nice allspice burn. Finishes out with a little kola nut. Surprised me.\nI actually prefer Black Magic to The Kraken--way cheaper, and doesn't feel like drinking Dr Pepper mixed with Everclear. This rum is very sweet, with lots of caramel and vanilla. The finish is also much smoother than Kraken. For two-thirds the price, it's a better choice.\nI open the bottle and the nose was very over powering of sweetness.. similar to butterscotch. The taste was ok, it was smooth in mix, and did its job.. I'm particular to kraken and the taste, but this would do on a airplane ride in crunch time.\nSimiliar label and advertising, similiar product. Syrupy, very sweet, flavors of vanilla, root beer and chocolate. Aroma is swiss miss hot chocolate. Not great, not awful. Makes a really sweet rum and coke. Not sure what I'm going to do with this bottle.\n\"Packed with sweet flavours. It also has a very healthy base of sugar clearly added to it. Which is smoothing out the flavour of this rum.\"\nAdd RumRatings to your home screen for quicker access All you have to do is click the icon and then Add to Home Screen", "label": "No"} {"text": "Chipotles are actually smoked dried jalapeños. We used traditional Mexican recipes to guide us in making this sauce as authentic as possible with our local ingredients.\nThis sauce is packed with a natural smokiness which adds to the flavor of this sauce.\nNo liquid smoke used, hours was spent smoking the Jalapeños on a closed braai with wine barrel oak shavings.\n1 Year shelf life", "label": "No"} {"text": "The rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a major concern, in particular because it includes many different species of pathogenic microbes. These “superbugs” are further characterized by high levels of virulence and disease-associated mortality. There seems to be few new antibiotics in the drug discovery pipeline; recent work has sought to define and validate new drug targets. The assembly of surface proteins and pili in the cell wall envelope of Gram-positive bacteria is catalyzed by sortase. Sortase cleaves a conserved C-terminal sequence of these polypeptides to generate an acyl-enzyme intermediate. The acyl-enzyme is next resolved by nucleophilic attack by the amino groups within cell wall cross-bridges or pilin proteins, thereby covalently attaching the polypeptides to the cell wall or the next pilin subunit. Sortase substrates function as adhesins, internalins, blood clotting and immune evasion factors, and transporters for nutrients across the microbial cell wall envelope; without them, most pathogens cannot sustain an infection. Here we review what is known about sortase catalysis and surface protein function, how surface protein anchoring can be inhibited, and what prospects such inhibition may have for anti-infective therapy.\nI. Targeting Virulence Factors as a Therapy for Bacterial Infections\nInfectious microbes can be viewed as an endless tide, challenging individual human lives as well as entire populations and providing strong selective forces for evolution (Krause, 1981). There are many different outcomes to the endless number of encounters that occur between an individual and its pathogens, most of which shape innate and acquired immune responses and affect future encounters with the same pathogen. Until the first half of the twentieth century, infectious diseases were a major factor in determining the average life span in human populations (Krause, 1981). Therefore, it is not surprising that even the earliest experimental work on microbial infections was concerned with prevention or therapy of these diseases (Ehrlich, 1911; Koch, 1882). Several landmark discoveries over the course of the last century identified natural compounds derived from microbes (e.g., sulfonamides, penicillin, and streptomycin) that block replication of sensitive bacteria (Amyes, 2001). Such antibiotics not only transformed the diagnostic and therapeutic practices of the medical profession, they also expanded human life expectancy. Alongside a flurry of discoveries in the field of microbial antibiotics, the pharmacological industry achieved development of synthetic compounds that selectively block bacterial replication, thereby expanding the register of chemicals that can function as magic bullets. These widely celebrated research accomplishments instilled broad confidence into regulatory agencies as well as practicing physicians that all bacterial infections can be controlled by antibiotic treatment (Stewart, 1967). Such ambition is now broadly challenged by the emergence of microbial strains that are resistant to many, if not all, antibiotics currently in clinical use. Thus, the recent pressing challenge of microbial research is the identification of novel drug targets and the development of inhibitors that can be used for therapy of human infections.\nThe emergence of microbial strains resistant to antibiotics is a phenomenon of selection. Massive production and use of these compounds in industry and the clinic are not regulated and represent the basis for emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains. Considering the constellation of drug discovery, production, distribution, and use, the medical profession is engaged in an arms race because new antibiotics must be discovered to avoid therapeutic failure due to selection pressure of compounds currently in use (Bonomo, 2007). However, the generation of new antibiotics must be accompanied by an identification of novel bacterial targets whose inhibition would be of therapeutic value. The corollary to this is to develop anti-infectives that inhibit bacterial virulence strategies, such as attachment to host tissues, for example. Assuming that anti-infective therapy of this nature can be implemented for bacterial infections, such compounds may not be associated with the same resistance phenomena as antibiotics with bactericidal activity, a conjecture that remains speculative because such therapy has not been developed or approved for human use. At the outset, there are limitations to targeting virulence factors as possible therapies. Even if inhibited in their virulence strategies, pathogenic microbes require opsono-phagocytic killing by the immune system for host clearance, which would limit the use of such therapies to immune-competent individuals. Furthermore, this strategy requires knowledge of the invading pathogen, and any therapy would have to be delayed until a definitive identification of the pathogen has been made. In summary, the inhibition of virulence factors as a therapy for bacterial infections still represents a theory that requires experimental testing and proof-of-principle. Here, we discuss sortase, a prominent virulence factor in Gram-positive pathogens, as a target for the development of anti-infectives and examine recent research progress toward this goal.\nII. Staphylococcus aureus\nA. Clinical Disease and Epidemiology\nStaphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive, catalase-positive bacterium that colonizes human skin and mucosal surfaces. The microbe is isolated from at least 40% of the human population (Lowy, 1998, 2003; Peacock et al., 2001). Skin or soft tissue infections typically result from local breaches in epithelial barrier functions and may be resolved locally or lead to rapidly spreading infections with involvement of any internal organ system (Lowy, 1998). If sensitive to antibiotics, S. aureus infections can be effectively treated with β-lactam antibiotics, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones (Lowy, 2003). Staphylococcal resistance to β-lactam antibiotics is now widespread. Within one year of the introduction of methicillin, a nonhydrolyzable synthetic β-lactam, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA1) strain carrying the mecA gene and catalyzing peptidoglycan transpeptidation, even in the presence of antibiotic, was isolated from clinical infections (Jevons et al., 1963). The incidence of MRSA infection is increasing throughout the world, accounting for significant mortality and associated health care costs (Klevens et al., 2006, 2007; Noskin et al., 2007). Vancomycin and other glycopeptide inhibitors were once considered last resort therapies for MRSA; however, strains with intermediate or full resistance to vancomycin have been described previously (Chang et al., 2003; Weigel et al., 2003). Perhaps even more alarming is the rise of community-acquired MRSA strains (Klevens et al., 2007). Community-acquired -MRSA infections occur in children with no predisposing risk factors, young adults (including athletes, homosexual men, prisoners, and military recruits), and healthy newborns (Fridkin et al., 2005). Collectively, S. aureus precipitates up to 3 million clinical infections each year in the United States (Fridkin et al., 2005). For both community- and hospital-acquired S. aureus infections, antibiotic-resistant strains represent a formidable and increasing therapeutic challenge (King et al., 2006). It is estimated that up to 100,000 Americans will succumb to MRSA infections this year (Fridkin et al., 2005; King et al., 2006). Even with expert medical care, these highly destructive and debilitating infections can be fatal unless diagnosed early and treated aggressively (Gillet et al., 2002).\nB. Staphylococcal Virulence Genes\nThe development of animal models for infection together with molecular biology techniques permitted studies on the genetic basis for staphylococcal diseases. We now know that S. aureus requires a plethora of virulence factors to establish an infection. S. aureus strains secrete more than fifty polypeptides that enable bacterial escape from innate immune responses, promote tissue and cellular damage, or degrade connective tissues (Sibbald et al., 2006). The aggregate of all exoprotein secretion events provides for staphylococcal spread in infected tissues (Novick, 2003b). Expression of many exoprotein genes (and therefore the secretion of encoded polypeptides) is controlled by agr, the staphylococcal quorum sensor and regulator of virulence genes (Recsei et al., 1986; Ji et al., 1995). Other important regulatory and sensory molecules include two-component systems (SaeRS) and transcription factors (Sar) (Cheung and Zhang, 2002; Novick, 2003a; Steinhuber et al., 2003). It is noteworthy that deletion of a single exoprotein gene typically does not cripple the resulting mutant strain or diminish its virulence properties. An important exception to this notion is the secretion of α-hemolysin, a pore-forming toxin that is essential for the pathogenesis of experimental lung infections in mice (Wardenburg et al., 2007). However, mutations that abrogate the function of regulatory factors involved in the coordinated expression of exoproteins (agr, saeRS mgrA, or sar) cause virulence defects in almost every animal model system examined, indicating that many exoproteins fulfill redundant yet essential functions (Cheung et al., 1994). In agreement with this hypothesis, pioneering studies by Richard Novick, Tom Muir, and colleagues developed inhibitors of Agr function that display therapeutic effects when added to skin infections (Lyon et al., 2000). These compounds do not affect staphylococcal growth in laboratory media but demonstrate therapeutic efficacy and can therefore be considered as examples of compounds that target virulence strategies.\nThe most extensive knowledge for animal models that develop invasive staphylococcal diseases has been accumulated in mice. Intraperitoneal or blood stream infection of mice with many different human clinical S. aureus isolates, typically at a dose of 1 to 10 × 106 colony-forming units, is followed by opsono-phagocytic killing of up to 99% of invading staphylococci within 1 to 2 h (Albus et al., 1991; Mazmanian et al., 2000). Approximately 103 to 104 staphylococci escape phagocytic killing, exit the bloodstream, and adhere eventually to various organ tissues. Within 3 to 4 days, staphylococci replicate to large numbers and are sequestered by immune cell-mediated liquefaction necrosis (Bubeck Wardenburg et al., 2006). Staphylococcal abscesses harbor central lesions filled with staphylococci and cellular debris that are surrounded by large numbers of polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages (Bubeck Wardenburg et al., 2006). Peripheral fibrin deposits confine abscesses from other tissues and restrict fluid circulation into the lesion (Bubeck Wardenburg et al., 2006). The elucidation of abscesses in infected animals is often used as a marker for the severity and progression of staphylococcal disease (Albus et al., 1991; McKenney et al., 1999; Mazmanian et al., 2000).\nC. The Staphylococcal Cell Wall Envelope\nThe cell wall of staphylococci and other Gram-positive bacteria represents a surface organelle composed of a primary polymer, peptidoglycan, and secondary polymers (protein, carbohydrates, and teichoic acids) that are immobilized in the peptidoglycan scaffold. In S. aureus, the 30 to 100-nm thick cell wall is composed of the repeating disaccharide N-acetylmuramic acid-(β1–4)-N-acetylglucosamine (MurNAc-GlcNAc) (Ghuysen and Strominger, 1963; Ghuysen et al., 1965; Dmitriev et al., 2004). MurNAc is amide-linked to alanine of the cell wall tetrapeptide [l-Ala-d-isoGln-l-Lys(NH2-Gly5)-d-Ala], which is linked to adjacent strands of tetrapeptide through a pentaglycine cross-bridge (Fig. 1) (Ghuysen et al., 1965; Tipper and Strominger, 1965; Tipper et al., 1965; Tipper, 1968; Archibald, 1972). This cross-linking gives rise to the murein sacculus, a single large macro-molecule that completely envelopes the cell (Beveridge, 1981). In addition to imparting shape and architecture, the cell wall contains covalently and noncovalently associated proteins involved in adhesion, nutrient sensing/uptake, immunomodulation, and the transfer of DNA (Moks et al., 1986; Flock et al., 1987; Chen and Cleary, 1990; Galli et al., 1990, 1992; Gaillard et al., 1991; Clewell, 1993; Burne and Penders, 1994; Patti et al., 1994; Dramsi et al., 1995; Herwald et al., 2004). Furthermore, it can be decorated with (lipo)teichoic acids, teichuronic acids, and polysaccharide (Robbins and Schneerson, 1990; Fischer, 1994; Neuhaus and Baddiley, 2003). During infection, the sum of all cell wall polymers enables many of the pathogenic strategies of S. aureus.\nD. Surface Protein\nSequence analysis of some known surface proteins in Gram-positive bacteria identified a conserved LPXTG motif (Fischetti et al., 1990). The LPXTG motif is one element of cell wall-sorting signals positioned at the C-terminal end of precursor surface proteins, which contain also a hydrophobic domain and positively charged tail (Schneewind et al., 1993). Disruption of two or more of the positively charged residues leads to secretion into the media, suggesting that the polybasic region of surface proteins acts as a retention signal for cell wall anchoring (Schneewind et al., 1993). Moreover, fusion of the sorting signal to the C-terminal end of precursor proteins with N-terminal signal peptides directs their hybrid product to the cell wall envelope (Schneewind et al., 1992; Navarre and Schneewind, 1994, 1996). Chemical analysis of anchored polypeptides liberated from the cell wall envelope by enzymatic cleavage of peptidoglycan fragments revealed that the C-terminal end of surface protein, the threonine of the LPXTG motif, is amide-linked via its carboxyl group to the amino group of the pentaglycine cross-bridge in the cell wall (Schneewind et al., 1995; Ton-That et al., 1997; Navarre et al., 1998, 1999). A screen of mutant populations of S. aureus led to the identification of the sortase gene, which is responsible for the anchoring of surface proteins to the cell wall envelope (Fig. 2). Since this discovery, hundreds of homologs of the sortase gene have been identified, encompassing ∼900 potential substrates in over 50 different species of Gram-positive bacteria. Sortase-like genes have even been identified in Gram-negative organisms (Pallen et al., 2001, 2003; Comfort and Clubb, 2004). In most cases, multiple sortases are found in the same genome and can be grouped based on their homology into four or five classes (Comfort and Clubb, 2004; Dramsi et al., 2005). Sortase A is the prototypical enzyme for members of the class A family, the so-called “house-keeping” sortase. One of the shared features of sortase A members is that they are responsible for the anchoring of proteins that mediate bacterial adhesion. Members of this class of sortase seem to be ubiquitously expressed. Class B sortases are regulated by the availability of iron and anchor proteins that are involved in heme-iron acquisition. Class C sortases are responsible for the elaboration of pili on the bacterial surface. Finally, class D sortases are expressed during bacterial sporulation, and their anchored products contribute to the developmental programs that define the life cycle of bacilli or streptomyces (Fig. 3). Throughout this review, unless a specific sortase (i.e., sortases A–D) is mentioned, we use the term sortase to refer to the general properties of this class of transpeptidases using sortase A as a prototype.\nA. Sortase-Catalyzed Transpeptidation\nS. aureus sortase A is a 206 amino acid protein with an N-terminal signal peptide/membrane anchor. Replacement of its N-terminal 25 residues with an affinity tag provides for a single step purification strategy of a soluble hexahistidyl-tagged enzyme on nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid-Sepharose from lysates of recombinant Escherichia coli that express srtA under control of the T7 promoter. The substrate abz-LPETG-dnp harbors an N-terminal fluorophore (2-amino-benzyl) and a C-terminal quencher (2,4-dinitrophenyl); fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) occurs in the substrate due to the close proximity of fluorophore and quencher. Sortase A-mediated cleavage precipitates separation of reaction products, abz-LPET and G-dnp, and fluorescence increase serves as a measure for sortase cleavage of surface protein substrates (Ton-That et al., 1999, 2000). Addition of hydroxylamine (NH2OH), a strong nucleophile, to this reaction increases the velocity of sortase cleavage both in vitro and in vivo. Sortase forms surface protein LPET-hydroxamate in vivo, indicating that NH2OH attacks the acyl-enzyme intermediate (Mazmanian et al., 1999; Ton-That et al., 2000). Similar to hydroxylamine, peptidoglycan substrates and their surrogates, for example, Gly, Gly2, Gly3, Gly4, or Gly5 (i.e., the pentaglycine cross-bridge), also stimulate sortase cleavage of abz-LPETG-dnp. The products of this reaction, abz-LPET-Gly, abz-LPET-Gly2, and so forth, document that the amino group of the cell wall cross-bridge performs the nucleophilic attack at the acyl-enzyme intermediate of sortase A both in vivo and in vitro (Mazmanian et al., 1999; Ton-That et al., 1999, 2000). When offered a peptidoglycan substrate with amino group nucleophile, sortase A invariably functions as a transpeptidase but not as a peptide hydrolase. The physiological nucleophile for the sortase A-catalyzed anchoring reaction is lipid II, the peptidoglycan biosynthesis precursor [C55-PP-MurNAc(-l-Ala-d-isoGln-l-Lys(NH2-Gly5)-d-Ala-d-Ala)-GlcNAc], because this compound can be linked to surface proteins both in vivo and in vitro (Perry et al., 2002; Ruzin et al., 2002). Vancomycin, which binds to lipid II and prevents its incorporation into the cell wall, and moenomycin, a lipid II analog, block cell wall synthesis and the sorting pathway of surface proteins (Ton-That and Schneewind, 1999).\nSeparation of sortase reaction products by reversed phase-high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of eluate fractions demonstrated that LPETG is cleaved between the threonine and the glycine. These experiments also revealed the formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate, i.e., the thioester linkage between LPET and the active site cysteine thiol of sortase A in vitro (Huang et al., 2003). The addition of [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate and p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid, two sulfhydryl-modifying agents, to staphylococcal cultures or to the in vitro sortase reaction each inhibits substrate cleavage by modifying the active site cysteine (Ton-That and Schneewind, 1999; Ton-That et al., 1999). Iodoacetamide, a compound that reacts rather slowly with thiol, cannot inactivate sortase. One explanation for this observation may be that the cysteine of sortase is ionized (Ton-That and Schneewind, 1999). In agreement with the proposed role of the sole cysteine residue in catalysis, substitution of Cys184 with alanine abolishes sortase A activity both in vivo and in vitro (Ton-That et al., 1999, 2000). Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the active site cysteine is a conserved feature of sortases, in agreement with the general hypothesis that mechanisms of surface protein anchoring to the cell wall envelope are conserved in Gram-positive bacteria (Ton-That et al., 1999).\nB. Sortase Structure and Catalysis\nNMR and X-ray crystallography of S. aureus sortase A revealed that the enzyme adopts a unique eight-stranded β-barrel, which contains several short helices and loops (Ilangovan et al., 2001a,b; Zong et al., 2004a). The active site is located in a hydrophobic depression formed by two β-stands, features that are preserved in sortase B from S. aureus and Bacillus anthracis. Two conserved residues, His120 and Arg197, are positioned in close proximity to the active site sulfhydryl of Cys184 (Ilangovan et al., 2001b; Zong et al., 2004a). Cocrystals of sortase and LPETG revealed that Cys184 and Arg197 reside between the side chains of the scissile peptide bond, suitably positioned to act as a catalytic cysteine-arginine dyad, where Arg197 may function as a base for thiol ionization (Zong et al., 2004a). Both His120 and Arg197 are involved in catalysis; however, their mechanistic contributions are still under investigation (Ton-That et al., 2002; Conolly et al., 2003; Dessen, 2004; Marraffini et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004; Zong et al., 2004b; Frankel et al., 2005). It seems unlikely that the catalytic contributions of His120 and Arg197 can be resolved until detailed structural appreciation for binding of peptidoglycan and polypeptide substrates to sortase is achieved. Using a cyanoalkene analog of LPETG and NMR analysis, three residues within the hydrophobic compression adjacent to the active site (Thr180, Ile182, and Ala118) were demonstrated to undergo rearrangement as the enzyme engages its substrate. In agreement with the hypothesis that Thr180, Ile182, and Ala118 are involved in recognition and stabilization of bound substrate, amino acid substitution of each of these residues can have profound effects on sortase activity (Liew et al., 2004). Calcium ions stimulate S. aureus sortase A activity 8-fold but have little or no impact on the activity of S. aureus sortase B or B. anthracis sortase A, sortase B, or sortase C (see below). Calcium concentrations required for stimulation of sortase A activity are found under physiological conditions in host tissues, and these ions are involved in structural rearrangements of a disordered loop covering the active site that enable substrate binding (Ilangovan et al., 2001b; Zong et al., 2004a; Naik et al., 2006). Interestingly, sortase also forms dimers in vitro, a function that may stimulate catalysis (Lu et al., 2007).\nC. The Pathway of Surface Protein Anchoring\nA model illustrated in Fig. 2 assimilates many of the observations summarized here for S. aureus sortase A. Surface proteins are synthesized in the bacterial cytoplasm as precursors harboring an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal sorting signal (P1 precursor). After initiation of surface proteins into the Sec secretion pathway, signal peptidase cleaves the N-terminal signal peptide to generate the P2 precursor. The hydrophobic domain of the sorting signal is thought to retain the polypeptide in the membrane, thereby allowing the LPXTG motif to be recognized by sortase A. The sulfhydryl of Cys184, presumably activated for nucleophilic attack via deprotonation by Arg197, forms a covalent bond with the carbonyl carbon of threonine at the C-terminal end of the cleaved polypeptide, releasing the amino group of the cleaved C-terminal fragment. The product of the first part of the sortase-catalyzed transpeptidation reaction, the thioester linked acyl-enzyme intermediate, is subject to nucleophilic attack by the amino group of the pentaglycine cross-bridge within the peptidoglycan precursor lipid II and thereby forms the P3 intermediate [C55-PP-MurNAc(-l-Ala-d-isoGln-l-Lys(surface protein-Gly5)-d-Ala-d-Ala)-GlcNAc]. P3 intermediates are subsequently incorporated into the envelope via the transpeptidation and transglycosylation reactions of cell wall biosynthesis, ultimately generating mature product (M), i.e., surface proteins that are covalently linked at the C-terminal end to the cell wall envelope.\nD. Sortases, Surface Proteins, and the Pathogenesis of Microbial Infections\nInterest in sortase as a target for the development of anti-infectives primarily stems from findings that loss of the sortase gene leads to defects in the pathogenesis of many different infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria. For example, S. aureus virulence can be assessed in a mouse model of infection (Lee et al., 1987; Albus et al., 1991; McKenney et al., 1999). When injected at a sublethal dose into the blood stream of mice, most staphylococci survive innate immune response, disseminate to peripheral tissues and establish abscesses in multiple organ systems over 72 to 96 h. The products of the infection can be quantified as bacterial load in homogenized tissue (colony-forming units) or via histopathology for their anatomical substrate. In these models, srtA mutants display a 2-log reduction in bacterial growth in multiple organ systems as well as a 1.5-log increase in the lethal dose (LD50) compared to wild-type strains (Mazmanian et al., 2000). These findings prompted further investigations into the contribution of S. aureus sortase A to other types of infection, including septic arthritis and endocarditis (Bremell et al., 1991, 1992). In the septic arthritis model, staphylococcal blood stream inoculations lead to joint infections with cartilage and bone destruction, which can be assessed by histopathology. In experimental endocarditis, lesions on the heart valves serve as a site of deposition of staphylococci, causing destructive damage of endocardial tissue. In both model systems, srtA mutants displayed large reductions in pathogenesis (Jonsson et al., 2002, 2003; Weiss et al., 2004). Recently, an experimental model of S. aureus lung infection was developed, which monitors the development of acute pneumonia and disease-associated mortality following intranasal inoculation of mice with staphylococci. Animals infected with srtA mutants show less disease than their wild-type counterparts (Wardenburg et al., 2007). Finally, the ability of surface proteins to illicit protective immunity following vaccination with purified components was assessed for Group B streptococcal, pneumococcal, and staphylococcal infections. By combining sortase substrates as vaccine antigens that generated the highest protective immunity, animals could be protected against lethal challenge with the pathogen. For example, the combination of IsdA, IsdB, SdrD, and SdrE as vaccine antigens protected mice against lethal challenge with S. aureus strains that had been isolated from human clinical infections, including MRSA strains USA100, USA300, and USA400, the most common cause of infections in the United States (Stranger-Jones et al., 2006). Virulence attributes of sortase and surface protein extend well beyond staphylococci, as defects in the pathogenesis of sortase mutants have been reported for animal infections with many different species, including actinomyces, enterococci, streptococci, bacilli, or listeria (Bierne et al., 2002; Garandeau et al., 2002; Kharat and Tomasz, 2003; Lee and Boran, 2003; Chen et al., 2005; Lalioui et al., 2005; Levesque et al., 2005; Paterson and Mitchell, 2005; Sabet et al., 2005; Yamaguchi et al., 2006). Collectively, these studies illustrate the many important and diverse roles that surface proteins play during the pathogenesis of infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens.\nE. Iron Acquisition\nPathogenic bacteria have an absolute requirement for iron as a nutrient during the infectious process (Crosa et al., 2004). S. aureus sortase B (SrtB) recognizes a surface protein with an NPQTN sorting signal, which plays a role in iron acquisition (Mazmanian et al., 2002). In S. aureus, srtB is located in the Isd locus; name was given because it contains genes whose products are all involved in heme-iron scavenging and transport. Specifically, the locus encodes cell wall-anchored heme-binding proteins (IsdA, IsdB, and IsdC), a membrane-based heme transport system (IsdD, IsdE, and IsdF), a heme degrading monooxygenase (IsdG), and SrtB. The locus is regulated by the ferric uptake regulator protein, a repressor of DNA transcription at the promoter of target genes during iron-replete conditions (Mazmanian et al., 2003; Skaar et al., 2004). IsdC appears to be the only surface protein substrate in S. aureus that is anchored by SrtB, which cleaves the substrate at its NPQTN motif-sorting signal and immobilizes it at cell wall cross-bridges. IsdA and IsdB, however, are anchored to the cell wall by sortase A (Mazmanian et al., 2002). In contrast to IsdA and IsdB, IsdC remains buried within the staphylococcal cell wall envelope, presumably because it is linked to mature assembled peptidoglycan but not to lipid II. As a consequence, IsdC is not incorporated into linear peptidoglycan strands that eventually reach the envelope surface, unlike all sortase A-anchored products (Mazmanian et al., 2002; Marraffini and Schneewind, 2005). The aforementioned results were also the first indication that sortase genes, which are positioned in the same transcriptional unit as putative surface proteins, generally anchor these substrates to the envelope. Loss of srtB reduces both staphylococcal growth on heme as the sole source of iron and transport of heme across the cell membrane, implicating sortase B function in the pathway whereby staphylococci acquire iron during infection. In the renal abscess model, srtB mutant staphylococci show defects in the persistence of bacterial infections and an overall decrease in virulence in a murine infectious arthritis model, corroborating the hypothesis that heme uptake is important during the infectious process (Mazmanian et al., 2002; Jonsson et al., 2003; Weiss et al., 2004). SrtB homologs are also found in other Gram-positive pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes and B. anthracis. In listeria, SrtB surface anchors two proteins, SpvA and an IsdC homolog. B. anthracis IsdC, which is also a substrate of SrtB, binds heme and is required for growth on heme as the sole source of iron (Bierne et al., 2004; Pucciarelli et al., 2005; Maresso and Schneewind, 2006; Maresso et al., 2006; Skaar et al., 2006). As iron acquisition is essential for bacterial replication during infection, inhibition of sortase B offers an opportunity to disrupt infectious processes.\nF. Sortase and Pili\nPili represent some of the most important virulence determinants for bacterial infection of a mammalian host. These macro-molecular structures often consist of repeating protein subunits, which extend from the bacterial surface into the surrounding medium. The tip or cap of these fimbriae typically display adhesive properties that promote bacterial binding to extracellular matrices or host cell receptors in the context of an infection. The first indication that sortase may anchor components of this structure was revealed in actinomyces, pathogens responsible for tooth decay (Yeung and Ragsdale, 1997; Yeung et al., 1998). Reconstitution of immunoreactivity in a heterologous host (E. coli) using anti-pilin antisera allowed for the identification of an operon, which contained a pilin-like gene and a gene later characterized as sortase. Mutagenesis of the putative sortase abolished actinomyces adherence and led to the loss of pili from the bacterial surface (Yeung and Ragsdale, 1997; Yeung et al., 1998).\nDefinitive evidence that some sortases polymerize pili in the cell wall envelope occurred with the discovery of six sortase-like genes in Corynebacterium diphtheriae,a human respiratory pathogen that causes diphtheria (Hadfield et al., 2000). Specific surface proteins or pilin subunits encoded by the same operon as sortases identify specific pilus types, of which C. diphtheriae expresses at least three. For example, antibodies against the SpaA protein (sortase-mediated pilin assembly A), a component of one of these loci, stained fimbrae-like structures in a uniform fashion, whereas those against SpaC, a second pilin component of the locus, stained the tip of pilus fibers. A third component, SpaB, is also distributed along the fiber shaft. Deletion of both the spaA and srtA genes abolished formation of SpaA pili, whereas deletion of spaB and spaC abrogated only binding of the corresponding pilin-specific antibodies without affecting assembly of SpaA pilin into pili by their cognate sortase. Furthermore, as assessed by immunoblotting, only srtA and spaA mutants failed to form high molecular weight species consistent with pilus assembly (Ton-That and Schneewind, 2003). Assembly was also dependent on a conserved lysine residue of SpaA, the critical residue in the “pilin motif”, which in conjunction with the sorting signal is sufficient for the formation of pili in a SrtA-dependent manner. The requirement of lysine is explained by the presumed role of its ϵ-amino group in relieving pilin acyl-enzyme intermediates with sortase. If this is the case, class C sortases may polymerize pili by forming covalent bonds between individual pilin subunits, and the bonds involve the cleavage site of pilin precursors as well as the pilin motif lysine residue. Class C sortases and their corresponding pili have been discovered in Actinomyces viscosis, Actinomyces naeslundii, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pyogenes (Dramsi et al., 2005). Following the assembly of the pilus by SrtC, it is hypothesized that SrtA catalyzes the covalent attachment of the full-length structure onto the peptidoglycan (Swaminathan et al., 2007)\nG. Sortase and Sporulation\nB. anthracis harbors three sortase genes, srtA and srtB, with properties similar to those described for S. aureus, and a third gene, srtC (originally called srtC but is actually a member of the srtD class), in a locus that also encodes a two-component regulatory system (sctR and sctS) as well as basI (an LPNTA motif-containing protein) (Fig. 3) (Dramsi et al., 2005; Marraffini and Schneewind, 2006). Another LPNTA-motif containing protein, basH, is located elsewhere on the B. anthracis genome. Purified SrtC cleaves LPNTA between its threonine and alanine residue but does not cut the recognition motifs of sortase A (LPXTG) and sortase B (NPKTG), suggesting that both BasI and BasH may be in vivo substrates for sortase C. Using transcriptional fusions of srtC to gfp, srtC expression was observed only during sporulation and was dependent on the response regulator sctR. BasH-GFP hybrid expression was observed only in the developing forespore and was dependent on the presence of the transcription factor σF RNA polymerase. Analysis of cell wall fragments demonstrated that BasH and BasI are anchored to the forespore and mother cell peptidoglycan, respectively, and that both are dependent on a functional srtC gene, whose product is localized to the mother cell and the forespore envelopes. Deletion of the srtC gene caused no defect in virulence in B. anthracis strain Ames and carcasses of animals infected with the mutant teamed with vegetative forms, similar to carcasses derived from infection with the wild-type parent strain. However, vegetative forms of the srtC mutant were unable to form spores in carcass tissue, even 3 weeks after animal death, whereas wild-type bacilli formed spores within 24 h. A similar phenotype was observed in sheep's blood, as srtC mutants were unable to sporulate unless blood was rotated and exposed to oxygen. A general model was derived from these observations, whereby the sortase C-mediated anchoring of BasI and BasH to the cell wall envelope was critical for the generation of spores in host tissues (Marraffini and Schneewind, 2006). Although it is unlikely that this class of sortase would be specifically targeted for anti-infective development, given that spore formation is not usually observed during human infection, we should not discount the possibility for infection control after addition of sortase inhibitors to foodstuff contaminated with spores.\nIV. The Inhibition of Sortase\nA. Early Observations\nThe first inhibitors of the cell wall sorting reaction were discovered even before sortase was identified (Ton-That and Schneewind, 1999). At that time, it was known for S. aureus that surface proteins are linked through an amide bond to the amino group of pentaglycine cross-bridges (Ton-That et al., 1997, 1998; Navarre et al., 1998). The similarity of this mechanism to the transpeptidation reaction of cell wall biosynthesis led to the investigation of antibiotics as inhibitors of the sorting pathway. Penicillin, an inhibitor of the transpeptidation reaction of cell wall synthesis, had no effect on the generation of mature anchored surface proteins; however, vancomycin and moenomycin reduced surface protein anchoring. As vancomycin and moenomycin both target steps in the lipid II biosynthesis cycle, it was presumed that lipid II may be a substrate for the sorting reaction. Interestingly, compounds that are reactive with sulfhydryl groups, such as methanethiosulfonates, i.e., [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate, were also inhibitors (>2 log units) of surface protein anchoring. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoic acid, which inhibits cysteine proteases, also inhibited anchoring, whereas iodoacetamide and DTT did not (Ton-That and Schneewind, 1999). These findings not only implicated sulfhydryl (cysteine) as a catalyst for surface protein anchoring but also demonstrated that inhibition of sortase in vivo could be measured.\nB. Natural Products\nAfter this discovery and the cloning of sortase, there have been several investigations for sortase inhibitors in compound libraries of natural and synthetic products (Table 1). Taking the approach that plants may harbor antimicrobial compounds, extracts of 80 medicinal plants from Korea were examined for inhibition of recombinant sortase (Kim et al., 2002). Cocculus trilobus, Fritillaria verticillata, Liriope platyphylla, and Rhus verniciflua extracts had the best inhibitory activity with IC50 values ranging from 1.5 to 8.4 μg/ml. Further purification of F. verticillata extracts led to the isolation of β-sitosterol-3-O-glucopyranoside as the active sortase inhibitor with an IC50 of 18.3 μg/ml, two times lower then p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid (Kim et al., 2003). It is not known why crude extracts display a lower IC50 than the purified inhibitor. Elimination of the glucopyranoside side chain moiety led to a ∼1.5 log reduction in inhibitory activity, indicating that this moiety may be the active component of the compound. This compound also inhibited Bacillus subtilis and S. aureus growth with minimal inhibitor concentrations at 50 and 200 μg/ml, respectively. Bactericidal activity in a sortase inhibitor would indeed be a surprising feature, and it seems more likely that these compounds block other reactions that are essential for bacterial survival and growth on laboratory media. A simple test for the possibility that sortase inhibitors display antibiotic properties may be to determine the plating efficiency of wild-type and sortase mutants in the presence of compound. Assuming that sortase inhibitors perturb envelope functions in a manner that affects bacterial growth, such phenomena could not occur in strains lacking sortases. Until proven experimentally, it seems more likely that β-sitosterol-3-O-glucopyranoside exhibits cytotoxic effects on bacterial cells that are distinct from the inhibition of sortase.\nIsoquinoline alkaloids (berberine chloride) from rhizomes of Coptis chinensis were also found to be inhibitors of sortase (IC50 of 8.7 μg/ml) and exert antibiotic activity (Kim et al., 2004). Further examination of marine invertebrate extracts (Topsentia genitrix), which are known to contain antimicrobial activity, lead to the identification of bis(indole) alkaloids of the topsentin class as sortase inhibitors with an IC50 of ∼15 μg/ml. One of these, bromodeoxytopsentin, was evaluated for its ability to inhibit S. aureus adherence to fibronectin, a proposed method for evaluating sortase inhibition in vivo. At approximately the IC50 in vitro, near complete inhibition of adherence to fibronectin was achieved, with 50% inhibition of adherence occurring at 2.5 μg/ml (Oh et al., 2005). Considering the IC50 in vivo is approximately six times better than the IC50 in vitro, it seems likely that there are nonspecific effects on adherence that are not related to the inhibition of sortase. Measurements of bacterial adherence to fibronectin are not a direct measurement of sortase activity, and these assays suffer from pitfalls associated with inhibition of other pathways that also effect adherence (e.g., inhibition of protein synthesis or secretion of polypeptide through the Sec secretion pathway). Curcumin and derivatives from Curcuma longa also inhibited sortase with appreciable activity (IC50 13–32 μg/ml) and potentially prevented adherence to fibronectin (Park et al., 2005). In similar fashion, inhibitors of SrtB from S. aureus were isolated from the bark of the plant R. verniciflua. These inhibitors, identified as flavonoid phenols, showed appreciable in vitro inhibition of sortase in the low micromolar range (Kang et al., 2006). It is noteworthy that three flavonoids, morin, kaempferol, and galangin, along with the already identified β-sitosterol-3-O-glucopyranoside, displayed at least a 3-fold difference in inhibition between SrtA and SrtB. These results suggest that it may be possible to identify inhibitors that discriminate between specific members of the sortase family, highlighting discrete differences in active site architecture between these enzymes. Preliminary structure-activity relationships suggest that the co-occurrence of a hydroxyl group at C-3 of ring C and meta-hydroxy groups at C-2′ and C-4′ of the B ring is required for appreciable sortase inhibition. Furthermore, many of these compounds seemed to effect the clumping of S. aureus cells to one another. Collectively, these studies represent the first steps toward the identification of inhibitors of sortase from natural sources and have generated compounds that warrant further development.\nHowever, care must be taken in considering in vitro inhibition solely on the basis of IC50 values (Copeland, 2005). A determination of the mechanism of inhibition of sortase by these classes is required to completely understand their relative effectiveness and specificity; i.e., is inhibition reversible/irreversible or mechanism-based? What are the affinities and kinetics of inhibition? Does inhibition occur through interaction with active site residues, or is this elsewhere in the polypeptide? Is the inhibition competitive in the presence of substrate? In light of the fact that many compounds can inhibit enzyme activity based on redox action, promiscuous aggregation, denaturization, pH changes, and so forth, not to mention possible quenching of fluorescence or spurious reaction with peptide substrate when considering the sortase activity assay, it seems prudent to carefully investigate the nature of the inhibition (Seidler et al., 2003; Kruger et al., 2004b).\nC. Rational Design\nSeveral investigators have taken advantage of the active site thiol features of sortase or the conserved structure of its peptide substrate and designed inhibitors in a rational manner. The first such report investigated the use of synthetic substrate-derived inhibitor sequences with reactive electrophiles aimed at irreversibly modifying the active site thiol of sortase (Scott et al., 2002). Using the substrate recognition motif of staphylococcal SrtA (LPXTG), the authors replaced the scissile peptide bond between the Thr and Gly with diazoketone (-COCHN2) or chloromethyl ketone (-COCH2Cl). Both compounds displayed micromolar inhibitor constants (Ki ∼2.0 × 10-7), with the chloromethyl ketone demonstrating faster kinetics of inactivation. Along these lines, vinyl sulfones, electrophilic inhibitors of cysteine proteases, were examined for inhibition of sortase (Hanzlik and Thompson, 1984; Frankel et al., 2004). Collectively, these compounds displayed time-dependent irreversible inhibition of sortase. One compound, 3,3,3-trifluoro-1-(phenylsulfonyl)-1-propene, was most effective with an IC50 of 190 μM and a single-step inhibition mechanism, most likely due to its highly electrophilic character relative to the phenyl vinyl sulfone-related compound. Mass spectrometry confirmed covalent bond formation with the active site (Cys184) of SrtA for one member of this class of inhibitors, thereby confirming their reactivity to nucleophilic cysteines. In addition to substrate-derived inactivators, inhibitors aimed at imitating the transition state of the sorting reaction were evaluated for activity (Kruger et al., 2004a). A nonhydrolyzable phosphinic peptidomimetic (NH2-YALPE-Ala[PO2H-CH2]Gly-EE-NH2) showed competitive inhibition with an IC50 of 10 mM. Although poor in inhibition, the usefulness of this reagent was realized when a kinetic analysis of the inhibitory pattern suggested Ping-Pong Bi Bi hydrolytic shunt kinetic model for sortase catalysis (Kruger et al., 2004a). For a detailed description of the proposed kinetic mechanisms of sortase catalysis, the reader is referred to several thorough studies on this topic (Kruger et al., 2004b; Frankel et al., 2005, 2007). Substrate analogs can also be used to map peptide-binding regions on sortase. The partial amino acid sequence of the SrtA substrate LPAT fused to cyanoalkene and sulfhydryl moieties allowed for the identification of the hydrophobic surface between the β4 and β7 strands as substrate-anchoring regions (Liew et al., 2004). Others have used threonine analogs to covalently modify the active site of sortase (Jung et al., 2005).\nD. High-Throughput Screen\nWith the increasing availability of small molecules, drug-like libraries, and robotic automation, the search for sortase inhibitors has now entered the era of high-throughput screening. A screen of 1000 diverse compounds for inhibition of sortase yielded a diarylacrylnitrile with an IC50 of 231 μM (Oh et al., 2004). Examination of the structure-activity relationships of this compound indicated placing the two benzene rings in the trans-orientation as a (Z)-diarylacrylonitrile lowered the IC50 to 28 μM. Further structure-activity relationship indicated that a 2,5-dimethoxy configuration was the most potent with a competitive inhibition profile. Dialysis and activity recovery experiments suggested that inhibition was reversible. Modeling studies suggested further that the phenyl rings of the inhibitor may interact with lipophilic residues of the sortase substrate binding pocket. Future work on this class of inhibitors will be needed to achieve a structural appreciation of sortase inhibition.\nAnother HTS for sortase inhibition used 135,000 compounds from a diverse small molecule library. Upon monitoring cleavage of the FRET substrate LPETG via an increase in fluorescence, approximately 6000 compounds displayed inhibitory activity compared to positive controls (no compounds added) (Maresso et al., 2007). Due to the high hit rate (∼4%) in this screen, a “drug-like” filter was applied to eliminate all hits that encompasses reactive, genotoxic, promiscuous (frequent hits in unrelated assays) compounds, or molecules that lacked drug-like properties. The remaining molecules were clustered via structural similarities and sampled on the basis of activity, properties, and potential to provide SAR. A final set of 407 compounds were subjected to secondary screens aimed at i) determining the inhibitory activity toward a structurally related thiol protease (papain) and ii) determining the broad-based inhibitory activity toward different sortase family members (B and C) and species (SrtA from B. anthracis). All compounds that showed appreciable inhibition of different sortases but not papain were considered to demonstrate specificity and were examined further. This selection process, i.e., imposing cheminformatic filters on HTS data sets, followed by confirmation assays and specificity constraints, allowed for the identification of some promising lead compounds (Fig. 4a).\nUsing this methodology, several unique classes of reversible and nonreversible sortase inhibitors were uncovered. One class, termed the aryl β-amino(ethyl) ketone (AAEK), was selected for further study due to its simple drug-like structure, marked selectivity, and inhibitor activity toward sortase (Fig. 4b). Inhibition with this class of compounds was time/dose-dependent, irreversible, and showed low micromolar IC50 and Ki values. Mass spectrometry confirmed that the inhibition was covalent; the inhibitor adduct differed from the parent compound in that the amino moiety had been lost during the reaction with sortase (Fig. 4b). This result suggested the AAEK class of inhibitors were mechanism-based inactivators, a type of covalent modifier that has clear precedence in on-market drugs (Copeland, 2005). A model was proposed and tested whereby an electrophilic olefin intermediate was generated following interaction with sortase, which reacted with the active site thiol. Cocrystallization of several AAEK family members with B. anthracis sortase B suggested that binding of inhibitors to the active site of sortase may first be mediated by an interaction of a charged ammonium species with an anionic pocket followed later by stabilization of the inhibitor in the pocket via stacking interactions between the aryl ring and an active site tyrosine (Fig. 4, c and d) (Maresso et al., 2007). Preliminary SAR-hinted anionic substituents in the para-position on the aryl ring are required for inhibition and lie in a cationic pocket above the site of reaction with the active site cysteine (unpublished observations).\nV. On the Development of Sortase Inhibitors\nTo date, the search for inhibitors of sortases has involved natural, synthetic, and high-throughput screening methodologies. As the field moves toward the development of compounds that can be interrogated for therapeutic efficacy, several issues outlined below must be considered. Although still preliminary in nature, the chemical diversity of the already uncovered inhibitors of sortases provides important assets for future improvements of specificity and potency.\nA. Assay Design\nWhen offered a choice, drug developers prefer noncovalent inhibitors over those that modify enzymes covalently, with mechanism-based inactivation perhaps representing the exception to this rule (Copeland, 2005). Most of the inhibition studies described thus far utilize the FRET-based cleavage of LPETG as a measure of sortase activity. Although this assay is well suited for inhibitor identification via HTS (Z′ of 0.94), there are several drawbacks. For instance, the concentration of enzyme and substrate required to attain appropriate Z′ are high. Low catalytic turnover, combined with long incubation times, probably introduces bias toward selection of covalent inhibitors. This phenomenon has indeed been observed in our own studies (unpublished data) and may be circumvented by the addition of physiologic nucleophiles (i.e., pentaglycine of lipid II) to the reaction for greater activity at lower enzyme concentration. Of concern is also the bias toward thiol reactive compounds, because sortase utilizes a catalytic cysteine residue. A possible solution to such systematic error would be to perform sortase assays in the presence of reducing agent (e.g., dithiothreitol). Finally, the potential for fluorescence quenching or spurious reactions of compounds with peptide substrate and/or fluorophore must be examined with secondary assays that use different outputs for sortase activity (Kruger et al., 2004b).\nB. In Vivo Evaluation of Sortase Inhibitors\nIt is clear that lead compounds identified by in vitro screens will have to be evaluated for in vivo inhibition of surface protein anchoring to the cell wall. One should be cautious in the evaluation of readouts that are not direct measurements of this process, such as adhesion of S. aureus to extracellular matrix proteins, for example. A plethora of mechanisms in protein secretion, folding, and anchoring to the cell wall envelope (including synthesis of peptidoglycan and other envelope components) affect the abundance of functional surface proteins in the staphylococcal envelope. A direct assessment of sortase activity is achieved by pulse-labeling polypeptides with [35S]methionine. Immunoprecipitation and separation of surface proteins on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography can monitor the processing of pulse-labeled P1 precursor to P2 and mature species, thereby providing an in vivo measure for the sortase-catalyzed anchoring reaction. This time-consuming protocol is not useful for HTS; however, it can be used to characterize lead compounds. For HTS, we advocate the use of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to monitor the abundance of anchored sortase substrates in the cell wall envelope. Finally, validation should include efficacy testing in animal models of infection that involve Gram-positive pathogens with sortases and surface proteins. In this respect, the commonly used renal abscess model appears suitable due to its large dynamic range (>3 log units) of virulence assessment, albeit that many other models may also be useful. However, it should not be forgotten that effective in vivo sortase inhibitors must also display favorable pharmacologic properties, including low toxicity and reactivity with mammalian proteases.\nIn an era of global spread of antibiotic resistance in many human pathogens, concerted efforts must be applied toward identification and validation of new targets for drug development. These include essential factors necessary for bacterial survival, even under nondisease conditions as well as virulence determinants whose actions are mostly manifested during the infectious process. Whereas antibiotics have a long-standing history of success in the treatment of bacterial infections, drugs that target virulence factors still suffer from a lack of experimental proof-of-principle. However, unless agents with novel inhibition mechanisms against essential factors are uncovered, the problem of resistance will continue. Sortase, a major virulence factor responsible for the covalent attachment of surface proteins to the cell wall, is a target candidate for the treatment of Gram-positive infections. Progress toward this goal has been made and several distinct sortase inhibitor classes have been identified. Compounds with reasonable inhibition, specificity, and mechanisms of inactivation have been uncovered. For these inhibitors to be realized as effective drugs, direct assessment of the inactivation of sortase and attenuation of virulence in animal models must be demonstrated. In a continuous struggle to stay ahead of the ever-changing drug resistance traits of pathogenic bacteria, the selective inhibition of virulence factors may prove to be an effective therapeutic strategy that may either augment or perhaps even supplant the more traditional approaches.\nWe apologize for the omission of any work that was not mentioned in this review due to space constraints. We acknowledge membership within and support from the Region V “Great Lakes” Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Consortium (1-U54-AI-057153).\n↵1 Abbreviations: MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. aureus; SrtA, B, and C, sortases A, B, and C; SpaA, sortase-mediated pilin assembly A; AAEK, aryl β-amino(ethyl) ketone; HTS, high-throughput screen; MurNAc-GlcNAc, N-acetylmuramic acid-(β1–4)-N-acetylglucosamine; FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer; Isd, iron-regulated surface determinant.\nThis work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AI38897, AI057153, and U54-AI-057153 (to O.S.) and National Research Service Award Grant AI069697 (to A.M.).\nThis article is available online at http://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org.\n- The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics", "label": "No"} {"text": "Types of medicinal formulations\nIn the pharmacy network, rhodiola rosea preparations are sold in the form tinctures, tablets or in the form of raw materials for the preparation of infusions, decoctions and teas at home.\n- Infusion. This is a dosage form in liquid form, which is prepared according to a certain technology. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and allow time for the healing substances to pass into the liquid phase.\n- Tincture. This is a liquid preparation of Rhodiola rosea in which alcohol is present. This form is stored for a long time without changing the quality.\n- Decoction .. Golden root dosage form prepared by boiling dry roots in boiling water.\n- Tea. The traditional method of preparing an aromatic invigorating drink.\nThe cure for hypotension - vodka tincture of Rhodiola rosea root\n50 grams of the medicinal raw material in the form of well-dried roots is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. The resulting pollen is poured with vodka in the amount of two glasses. This mixture should be placed in a dark place for two weeks. While the tincture is preparing, it must be periodically brought into the light and gently shaken.\nAfter 14 days, the finished remedy for hypotension is filtered and poured into a glass bottle of dark glass. To normalize the pressure at low tonometer, take the medicine two teaspoons before meals. The frequency of admission is three times a day. It is recommended to start taking the tincture of the golden root with a few drops and gradually bring it to the required volume.\nThe recipe for tincture of the root of Radiola pink for the treatment of nervous disorders, digestive disorders, colds\nTwo whetstones of dried roots are ground with a knife and brewed with a glass of boiling water. A mug with the future medicine is insisted for about four hours, then filtered through a gauze napkin. This is an effective rinse, a tool for washing wound surfaces. For the treatment of the above diseases, the infusion is taken one hundred grams three times a day.\nThe recipe for the golden root decoction for the treatment of diseases of the female and male genital organs\nThe decoction is used both externally for rubbing and lotions, and inward with exacerbation of pain, increased uterine bleeding, with impotence in men. When applied orally as an additional action, a golden root decoction reduces high blood sugar values, soothes a headache and pain in the lower abdomen. It can be used to rinse with diseases of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontosis.\nTo prepare the broth, boil water. It will take half a liter of boiling water. Grind four small sticks of dry roots and pour boiling water. The resulting mixture should be held in a water bath or low heat. The drug is insisted for a couple of hours. When the broth cools down, it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The dosage regimen is simple - 50 milliliters three times a day.\nA decoction for treating sexual weakness, asthenia, neurosis and for recovering from a serious illness\nThis is a drug that strongly tones the central nervous system. Coffee or strong black tea does not give such a surge of vigor and strength. Such a potent drug is taken only if absolutely necessary. For cooking, take a spoonful of crushed raw material, which is poured with a liter of cool water. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is insisted for an hour, after having wrapped the dishes with the broth with a warm scarf. A tonic drink should be consumed throughout the day. To enhance the adaptogenic and stimulating effect, add a spoonful of honey or cane sugar to the broth.\nThe recipe for maintaining excellent immunity\nThis is a universal remedy for maintaining protective functions of the immune system. The mixture includes the fruits of hawthorn, rose hips, herbs that can be harvested in the summer or bought in a pharmacy. To prepare the mixture you will need such raw materials: Equal parts of 20 grams of dry rosehips, a golden root and a root of a zamani. To the collection obtained, add St. John's wort grass in the amount of 10 grams, nettle grass - 10 grams and 15 grams of red berries of hawthorn. A handful of the collection must be poured with boiling water and simmered for ten minutes over low heat. The resulting broth is insisted for several hours, then filtered. The resulting saturated liquid should be diluted with a glass of boiling water. The medicine is taken three times a day for 50-70 milliliters.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hi! Simply click below and type your query.\nOur experts will reply you very soon.\nAakash Steel is one of the prominent Titanium Round Bars Manufacturers & Suppliers in India. 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Men who want to gain the male sexual prowess the holistic way should consider being nourished by a supplement that gives all the benefits and effects naturally with combined powers of essential components. This is the main reason why other male enhancement pills fall short to their promise of providing the desired results to their users. However, with ExtenZe® Male Enhancement Supplement, a complete set of beneficial effects can be gained because of the secret formula that comes with every tablet. ExtenZe® is fortified with folic acid and zinc. How important these minerals are to the male enhancement process? Folic acid provides formation of healthy red blood cells and zinc integrates protection to their structure; thus, allowing increased resistance. Optimal blood flow is needed for penile tissue growth and development as well as to correct any vascular problem that may cause erectile dysfunction.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Having a cafe at a gas station or a c-store is vital for modern gas stations. While the competition grows tougher, fuel sales are decreasing. For this reason, gas station owners are looking for alternative sources of revenues.\nThis article was written specially for the leading industry publishing”Toplivnye Rynki”. Imagine a gas station of the future. How would it look like? What services should it provide? Whatever you say, the gas station of the future is impossible without retail operations and convenience services.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bibliorganics Spicy Coconut Cider Vinegar (750ml)\n- Unlike other synthetic vinegars in the market, Bibliorganics Spicy Coconut Vinegar is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making it the perfect culinary condiment and health tonic.\n- This natural vinegar is culled from the sap of the coconut tree whose roots extend deep into the earth, reaching seawater tables, absorbing more than 65 essential minerals from seawater.\n- These nutrients are carried to all parts of the coconut through the sap, which is naturally aged and fermented to reach the desired acidity.\n- The special blend of chili, garlic and ginger makes it even healthier and more delectable.\n- Bibliorganics Spicy Coconut Vinegar also contains FrutooligoSaccharides (FOS) which stimulate the production of beneficial bacteria that aids in digeston, nutrient absorption & prevention of major diseases It is also very low on the glycemic index, making it a suitable condiment for diabetics.\n- Organic and all-natural ingredients.\n- Naturally aged and fermented.\n- This product is best used for cooking as opposed to Cocowonder Coconut Cider Vinegar which is recommended as a health tonic.\nHow do we use this product?\nA great pantry staple that can be used for cooking or as a dipping sauce.\nIt may also be diluted in water or mixed with other ingredients, such as oil in a salad dressing or marinade.\nNaturally Fermented Coconut Sap, Chili, Garlic, Ginger.\nSize - 750ml\nOther Search Terms - coco cider, braggs, suka, sukang puti, spicy suka, sukang paumbong.\nThis is our favorite vinegar at home! Goes perfect with our fried dishes! It's sour with that extra spicy kick! 🌶️\nThank you very much!\nThank you very much", "label": "No"} {"text": "leather and fabric sneakers color: blue light gray leather inserts rubber striped sole composition: leather and textile fibers exterior leather and textile fiber interior other materials sole. made in romania.\ngray yellow and blue suede sneakers white sole. composition: leather textile fibers and other materials interior textiles rubber sole. made in romania", "label": "No"} {"text": "Recent Examples of chamomile from the Web\nMakes 1 cocktail 6 ounces hot water 1 bag chamomile tea 1-3/4 ounces honeysuckle vodka 1 rock sugar swizzle stick Steep tea bag in hot water in a rocks glass or coffee mug.\nJack Weiss, President/Owner Coco Pazzo Restaurants in Chicago Best meal: Whole chicken and chamomileRestaurant: Roister, 951 W. Fulton Market, www.\nBecause Wylie Dufresne opened Du’s Donuts, with flavors like pomegranate sesame and grapefruit chamomile, in W’burg.\nCreamy sprouted almonds made their debut on the Mission Chinese menu as part of a dish of napa cabbage steamed in chamomile and masala milk.\nIf your skin is irritated, douse it in a lotion or oil that has aloe in it to soothe and moisturize the bumps, like Johnson's Baby Oil Gel With Aloe & Vitamin E or Parissa Azulene Oil, which has a calming chamomile derivative.\nIntended to be rolled directly onto achy areas, the formula combines 17 essential oils, including geranium and chamomile, which are thought to stimulate circulation, and capsaicin (the active compound in the chili pepper) for an analgesic effect.\nFrom Ever Since Contour Serum, $95 This silky anti-aging serum is infused with green tea extract and chamomile, plus a dose of cannabinoid oil, formulated to smooth itty bitty fine lines and tighten saggy, puffy skin.\nPut a few drops of essential oil on your pillow or in a diffuser, or drink some herbal tea, like peppermint or chamomile, which is naturally caffeine-free.\nThese example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'chamomile.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.\nOrigin and Etymology of chamomile\nFirst Known Use: 13th centurySee Words from the same year\nCHAMOMILE Defined for English Language Learners\nmedical Definition of chamomile\nSeen and Heard\nWhat made you want to look up chamomile? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Fish cutlets pike recipe fishcake, burgers\nHow to cook schuchi (fish) cutlets, burgers. Take the fresh fish (pike), it must be clean, wash and separate the fillets. Fish fillet in minced meat to grind. Soak white bread (a loaf is better) in the milk and add the minced fish meat, grind onion, garlic can taste and add it to the stuffing. Move to the same egg, pepper, salt, and mix the stuffing. Fry the grated carrot and chopped onion in vegetable oil and also add to the stuffing. All this mix. Heat the pan with vegetable oil and fry patties until rosy state from both sides. Tip: To make it easier to form the patties in the hands, arms periodically lubricated with vegetable oil. After roasting, meat balls are added to the pot, which adds a small amount of water (steam), and there is paryatsya meatballs over low heat until cooked. At the end of cooking in a pan add black pepper peas and bay leaf. You can also cook the tomato gravy and pour it into a kettle of steaming meatballs in tomato sauce for.", "label": "No"} {"text": "11 Best Hemp Paper Benefits and Uses\nWhen you think of all the daily uses of paper, it’s hard to imagine a world where it doesn’t exist. But with the majority of the world’s paper currently being made from trees with unsustainable practices and chemically intensive processes, shifting to tree-free paper might be just what the world needs. The verdicts already out on how hemp is one of the most sustainable fabrics, but how can hemp paper pave a path for a more sustainable future?\nWHAT IS HEMP PAPER?\nMost conventional paper is made out of trees, but hemp paper is made from the long bast fibers or short bast fibers (hurd) of the hemp plant.\nAre you wondering how to make paper from plants? Well, for hemp paper, the process is pretty simple. It involves breaking down hemp fibers into a pulp that can then be laid out and molded into a screen paper-making frame and dried.\nOther than a couple of pretty major exceptions, the basics of how to make paper from plants aren’t that different for hemp and trees. These major exceptions are that hemp paper needs far less chemical processing than tree paper products, and tree paper has a huge negative environmental impact, while hemp paper is eco-friendly.\nSo why isn’t hemp paper used more? Well, it used to be.\nThe first hemp paper was made over 2,000 years ago, and before the end of the twentieth century, 75% to 90% of worldwide paper production came from hemp! But things went downhill for hemp products with the passing of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, and by 1970, marijuana and hemp were heavily restricted.\nBut today, because of the passing of the 2018 farm bill, there’s hope for a future where less sustainable practices and products are replaced with hemp products. This is good news considering there are so many benefits and uses of hemp products like hemp paper.\nThe Benefits and Uses Of Hemp Paper\n(table of contents)\n1. HEMP PRODUCES MORE YIELD AND GROWS FASTER THAN TREES\nNot only does the time-saving characteristic of hemp mean that more paper can be produced at a faster rate to meet increasing global paper demands, but the higher yield production is amazing news for our forests.\nWith hemp requiring significantly less land to produce high yields, fewer forests and natural lands need to be cleared for paper production.\nWith the pulp and paper industry accounting for 40% of global industrial wood trade, it’s essential for the health of our forests and the planet, for paper production to turn over a more sustainable leaf.\n2. HEMP PAPER CAN BE RECYCLED MORE THAN TREE PAPER\nWhen it comes to the recyclability of hemp paper vs tree paper, hemp paper takes a huge lead and can be recycled more than twice as much as tree paper. That’s a huge difference!\nHemp paper can be recycled seven times, while tree paper can only be recycled three times. Considering non-recycled tree paper comes from virgin trees and is a culprit of deforestation, this is a pretty big deal.\nPlus, there are loads of other benefits of recycled paper, like less water waste, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and lower energy usage.\nBut that’s not all.\nA lot of awesome hemp products, like hemp underwear, rely on the use of hemp’s long bast fibers, and as a result, the lesser-used hemp short fibers or hemp hurd are often left as an easily reusable waste product. While hemp paper can also be made out of long bast fibers, hemp hurd fibers can also be turned into paper products, creating a closed-loop system that saves natural resources and reduces landfill waste.\n3. HEMP PAPER REQUIRES MINIMAL TO NO CHEMICAL PROCESSING\nHemp paper can be processed and bleached with environmentally friendly and non-toxic methods like oxygen delignification and autohydrolysis. These methods use more natural compounds like sodium carbonate, and non-chemical processes like the use of high pressure, temperatures, and steam.\nA large part of why chemical processing is needed in paper production is to keep the cellulose (provides structure) and remove the lignin (creates unwanted brown color) found in the plant fibers.\nWhen you compare hemp paper vs tree paper, hemp contains 55% to 77% or more cellulose while trees contain 40% to 45% cellulose. Hemp contains from 5% to 24% lignin, while trees contain 18% to 35 % lignin.\nSince trees have less cellulose and more lignin, removing the lignin requires more hazardous chemical processes that can harm the environment, workers, and people who live near paper mills.\n4. HEMP PAPER LASTS LONGER THAN TREE PAPER\nBecause of its pure, long, and strong cellulose fibers, hemp paper is known to be chemically and mechanically stable, so it’s long-lasting.\nOn the other hand, tree paper ends up in poor shape more quickly because of its short fibers and acidic characteristics. Tree paper is also more susceptible to environmental factors like sunlight, heat, and dampness, which can turn the paper yellow and brittle.\nBut rag paper (papers made of materials like hemp, cotton, and flax fibers) from the 1500s are still strong, stable in color, and flexible.\n5. HEMP PAPER HELPS STOP DEFORESTATION AND SAVE THE PLANET\nWhen comparing hemp paper vs tree paper, hemp can significantly reduce forest clear-cutting. This is in large part because one acre of hemp produces as much paper as 4.1 acres of trees, and because unlike trees, hemp can be harvested two or three times a year.\nPlus, hemp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 than any forest or industrial crop. So not only does growing hemp for paper fight deforestation by minimizing the clear-cutting of forests, but it helps reduce the impact of climate change by acting as the ideal carbon sink.\nForest clear-cutting damages the soil too, and even if new seeds are planted right away, the soil disturbance will lead to slower growth rates. But, after hemp is cultivated, the soil is left in optimal growing conditions.\nAnd while clear-cutting forests lead to the destruction of animal and indigenous habitats and is a major factor in biodiversity loss, hemp has been proven to be a biodiversity-friendly crop.\n6. HEMP PAPER MAKES GREAT SUSTAINABLE HYGIENE PRODUCTS\nHemp can be used to make hemp toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, tampons, diapers, and more.\nSince hemp hygiene products are made with soft bast fibers, even though they are strong and durable, they’re still soft on your skin, just like hemp underwear.\n7. HEMP PAPER IS AN EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE FOR TREE PAPER FILTERS\nWith its composition, porosity, and resistance to water, hemp has a high filter efficiency compared to other filter materials. These properties make it an effective, sustainable alternative for all types of filters, like oil and air filters, and coffee filters.\nThis is great news if you’re a big coffee drinker. While most people think of the environmental impact of constantly throwing out single-use to-go coffee cups, a lot less focus is put on coffee filters you use at home or work.\nBut the preparation method of coffee is accountable for 30% of overall coffee emissions. Single-use tree paper coffee filters are thrown out after every use and contribute to deforestation, and the release of toxic chemicals in landfills.\nLuckily, because of hemp’s natural antibacterial properties and strength, it makes a great reusable coffee filter option, putting it even further ahead of the game when you compare hemp paper vs tree paper for filters.\n8. HEMP PAPER IS A BETTER OPTION FOR TEA BAGS\nSimilar to #7, because of its high filtration efficiency, porous fibers, and ability to maintain its structure while wet, hemp paper is a far better option for tea bags than tree paper.\nTree paper is so ineffective as a tea bag on its own that most tea bags contain some plastic to keep them together. At high temperatures, during a typical steeping process, microplastics from tea bags can be released into your cup of tea.\nThat’s why it’s always important to opt for tea brands that mention they are completely plastic-free, choose loose-leaf products, or opt for a more sustainable, reusable hemp tea bag instead.\n9. HEMP PAPER MAKES THE PERFECT ART CANVASES\nThe natural characteristics of hemp fiber, including its strength, durability, and softness, make for an ideal art canvas.\nToday, most canvases are made out of a combination of cotton and PVC (a synthetic non-biodegradable plastic polymer). Since you and I know that when it comes to hemp vs cotton, hemp beats cotton in sustainability and strength, and there’s no arguing the damage from depending on non-biodegradable plastic, it’s an easy win for hemp canvasses.\n10. HEMP PAPER MAKES FOR RESILIENT BANK NOTES\nBanknotes (or as you and I call it, cash or money) need to be stronger and more durable than other types of paper, which is why hemp’s strong fibers make it suitable for banknotes and other security papers.\nCash is often folded, crumbled, and used over and over again, which is why long lasting, strong, and durable hemp paper is a great option. Since today’s American currency consists of 75% cotton, it makes sense to switch over to the more sustainable and stronger hemp fiber.\n11. HEMP PAPER MAKES FOR HIGH-QUALITY BOOKS, ARCHIVAL PAPERS, AND RELIGIOUS/SACRED TEXTS\nThe chemical and mechanical stability of hemp paper I mentioned in #4 makes it a great option for print items that are meant to last a while, like books, archival papers, and religious or sacred texts.\nMany old tree paper books need to be handled very gently to last decades, but since hemp contains a high cellulose content and has strong and long fibers, it produces an extremely durable paper that lasts.\nArchival paper is often used for publications that have significant legal or historical value, and that will be applicable for many, many years to come. Similarly, religious and sacred texts are intended to last hundreds of years, which is why it’s beneficial to print these texts on durable paper, like hemp paper.\nFrom buying sustainable hemp underwear to ditching single-use plastic, living sustainably involves making a lot of changes, especially when it comes to products that are so widely used, like paper.\nAs far as hemp paper vs tree paper goes, it’s hemp paper all the way. Switching to hemp paper means producing paper that’s more durable and longer-lasting, in less time and on less land, with far more sustainable and non-toxic practices.\nWhat paper products do you wish were made out of hemp? Share in the comments!", "label": "No"} {"text": "The MI-230 has an ultra-narrow FOV half angle of 14 degrees and the handheld unit displays and stores the current target temperature. Applications include measuring the temperatures of road surfaces, plant canopies, and soil, snow and water surfaces. Measurement of surface temperature is a crucial component of energy transfer. Accurate measurement of the leaf-to-air temperature gradient is essential to the determination of transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in both single leaves and plant canopies.\nApogee Instruments MI series infrared meters consist of a handheld meter and a dedicated infrared radiometer, which includes a thermopile detector, germanium filter, precision thermistor (for detector reference temperature measurement), and signal processing circuitry mounted in an anodised aluminium housing.\nAll infrared meters also come with a radiation shield designed to minimise absorbed solar radiation, but still allowing natural ventilation. The radiation shield insulates the radiometer from rapid temperature changes and keeps the temperature of the radiometer closer to the target temperature. The separate sensors are potted solid with no internal air space and are designed for continuous temperature measurement of terrestrial surfaces in indoor and outdoor environments.\nThe meters provide a real time temperature reading on the LCD display and come equipped with manual and automatic data logging features for making spot check measurements or monitoring temperature over time.\n|Calibration Uncertainty (-20 to 65°C):||± 0.3°C, when target and detector temperature are within 20°C|\n|Calibration Uncertainty (-40 to 80°C):||± 0.5°C, when target and detector temperature are different by more than 20°C|\n|Measurement Repeatability:||± 0.1°C|\n|Stability (Long-term Drift):||less than 2% change in slope per year when germanium filter is maintained in a clean condition|\n|Field of View:||14° half angle|\n|Spectral Range:||8 to 14 µm; atmospheric window|\n|Operating Environment:||0 to 50°C, < 90 % non-condensing relative humidity up to 30°C, < 70% non-condensing relative humidity from 30°C|\n|Meter Dimensions:||12.6 cm length, 7.0 cm width, 2.4 cm height|\n|Sensor Dimensions:||2.3 cm diameter and 6.0 cm length|\n|Mass:||270g (with radiation shield)|\n|Cable:||2m of four conductor, shielded, twisted-pair wire. Additional cable available. Santoprene rubber jacket (high water resistance, high UV stability, flexibility in cold conditions)|", "label": "No"} {"text": "We had our first cooking club today and it was terrific! Thank you Mrs. Wheaton and Mrs. Cistone for leading it! We got to mix together oats, peanut butter, chia seeds, honey, dark chocolate chips, and pumpkin to make a yummy concoction. Then the fun began as we got to mix it with our hands and roll it into balls. We learned about measuring 1 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. We learned why chia seeds are healthy for us. We learned how not to spread germs when we are cooking. And as one kiddo said...we learned patience! When we were done making the balls, we then got to make banana ghosts. Of course I wanted to eat them all! What a fun morning!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Crescent Moon + Rutilated Quartz\nSorry, currently out of stock\nCrescent Moon + Rutilated Quartz wrapped in blackened copper. Including bail, measures 3.25\". Finished off with a long, 28\" solid copper chain. If you would like a different length, please leave me a note at checkout.\nRutilated Quartz is a transparent Quartz with Rutile inclusions that are in hairlike growths. Making each one completely unique.\n▲ Metaphysical properties: Quartz has been utilized for millennia as a potent worker of magic. It is an extremely vibrational stone that promotes both balance, and healing.\n▲ Copper is a great conductor of energy. It is one of the oldest metals in use and has been widely associated with ancient Alchemy and Astrology. Representing the Goddess Aphrodite and Venus, it is a metal that lends itself to beauty, balance, clarity, and creativity. It is particularly useful in strengthening bonds between people.\nThe blackened copper is hand oxidized. To ensure the integrity of the patina, please do not shower or submerse your piece in water.\nCompletely handmade by nature and me. Comes wrapped and packaged in a gift box.", "label": "No"} {"text": "As a hydrolyzed [nonGMO soy] protein, liquid aminos contain plenty of MSG produced as a residue of the hydrolyzing process. Liquid smoke is primarily used to lend a smokey flavor to foods and this can be achieved in four different ways. Sprinkle cheddar cheese powder over french fries, popcorn, pretzels, or baked potatoes. It can be used in dressings, meat marinades, burgers, stews, soups , and more. Hickory Smoke Powder. It is very high in sodium; 1850mg per serving. It’s chunky, but has all the flavor of the original sauce. SJH60600. MSG in Soy Sauce, Liquid Aminos and Coconut Aminos . FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Firstly, adding a couple of drops of liquid smoke to the marinade or brine in which meat is soaked prior to cooking. Cook like a Pro Make dinner tonight, get skills for a lifetime. In stock . Cheddar cheese powder is the mmm behind Dad's famous, mac 'n cheese. Until then, ciao! This rub is a mix of liquid smoke and other spices, such as black pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, and onion powder. You don’t want to overpower the flavor of the meat, but rather enhance it. http://www.positiveweighing.co.uk/acatalog/bagging_machines.htmlUnit 19 Cygnet Business ParkHanley Swan, Worcestershire WR8 0EAPhone: 01684 310515 Worcestershire sauce is used to add a savory punch to dishes. Worcestershire sauce Vs Garum. Posted by 2 years ago. Liquid Smoke Method: ... 15 g Worcestershire sauce. Choose Options. This means that you can use it to make fried rice, add it to marinades or to the gravy for stews. It uses garlic powder, liquid smoke, olive oil, worcestershire, teriyaki, soy sauce Homestyle Kalua Pork with Cabbage in a Slow Cooker. In a bowl, whisk together the wet mixture ingredients. 1. Lee and Perrins Worcestershire sauce Ingredients: Distilled white vinegar, anchovies, garlic, molasses ... As an added bonus, I also have a jar full of Worcestershire sauce paste that was filtered out of the liquid sauce. If you prefer more of a kick, increase the chilli or even add in cayenne pepper too. According to some food historians the modern day Worcestershire sauce is the modern version of an ancient Rome fish sauce called Garum. You can find hickory smoke powder in the spice section of your grocery store, as it is very common everywhere. If a recipe calls for fresh salmon and liquid smoke, use smoked salmon. Method: Very finely mince the onion and garlic clove so it melts away when cooked. Gluten-free Worcestershire: The popularity of gluten-free diets may be one reason that the U.S. version of Worcestershire sauce is made with distilled white vinegar rather than malt vinegar, which contains gluten.To be sure your Worcestershire sauce is gluten-free, check the label. i wouldn't. If you're not a fan of the overall flavor of liquid smoke, hickory smoke powder isn't for you. The ground mustard has a bolder taste. Over medium heat, combine 4 teaspoons balsamic vinegar, 1.5 cups beef or chicken broth, 2 teaspoons molasses, ¼ teaspoon ginger, a pinch of white pepper, a pinch of garlic powder and salt to taste. $6.95. https://www.thedailymeal.com/recipes/crawfish-boil-david-kinch-recipe For example, when making your DIY Curry Powder, adjust the spice level as you like. 1. So, now you have quick Worcestershire sauce fill-ins as well as nine homemade Worcestershire sauce recipes which you can use in case you are a vegetarian or vegan (as commercial Worcestershire sauces use anchovies). 88 ($0.12/Fl Oz) Save 5% more with Subscribe & Save. Smoked Meats. Cheddar Cheese Powder. Qty. There is nothing like the flavor from fresh garlic. - Chef's Secret Ingredient – Used on Meats for Umami Powder Flavor - Kosher Gluten Free - French Jar 4.7 out of 5 stars 593. $13.88 $ 13. 6 years ago. Worcestershire is tangy, rich and umami. Choose … Worcestershire sauce (/ ˈ w ʊ s t ər ʃ ər / WUUS-tər-shər) is a fermented liquid condiment created in the city of Worcester in Worcestershire, England during the first half of the 19th century. Place the beef strips in a large Ziploc bag. Maggi masala is a popular type of instant noodle product. 10 Can 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,661. But what […] As low as $8.38. Tamari soy sauce powder is a free-flowing powder made from liquid Tamari sauce and is completely water soluble. Log In Sign Up. Venison Jerky Beyond The Chicken Coop. I’m saving it to add by the spoonful to soups. Although the flagship product is a liquid that is sold in a bottle, it is also produced in cubes and granulated powder. A condiment is a spice, sauce, or preparation that is added to food, after cooking, to impart a specific flavor, to enhance the flavor, or to complement the dish. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/22230/slow-cooker-barbecue-ribs Soy sauce powder can be rehydrated and used in the same applications as liquid soy sauce. Just use ⅛ teaspoon powder for each clove. The takeaway: No bragging rights for liquid aminos! Worcestershire sauce Vs Garum. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/30523/marinade-for-chicken $27.49. This product works in salt/sodium reduction. It’s a fermented liquid condiment that originated in Worcester, England in the 1900s and it has a tangy, umami like flavor. User account menu. Below is the … Press J to jump to the feed. food.com. Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Original Scent, Refill Size, 2 Count, 56 Oz. The original recipe says to discard it, but that’s a shame. It uses garlic powder, liquid smoke, olive oil, tempeh, soy sauce, maple syrup Easy Vegan Bacon Bits. Cook the onion and garlic until translucent. While it does contain liquid smoke, hickory … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Close. Curry powder has no strict recipe to it, it generally consists of a similar group of herbs of coriander, cumin, mustard, ginger, black pepper and cardamon and tumeric which brings the yellow! Worcestershire sauce is a popular recipe ingredient. allrecipes.com. whisky, red wine, salt, venison, brown sugar, garlic powder, teriyaki and 2 more . If you don’t want to follow a recipe or try experimenting with some of the ingredients above, you can buy powder-based injection formulas. Infuse baked beans with a smoky flavor by adding smoked ham hock. Plus, the liquid mustard topping will change the texture of the sauce. If you don’t have fresh garlic, you can still use the powder. Vegetarian Worcestershire Sauce Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Dish Soap, Cruelty Free Formula, Lavender Scent, 16 oz- Pack of 3 . It is commonly adapted and changed. The Spice Lab Worcestershire Powder - Made from Real Worcestershire Sauce Powder - 2.5 oz. Worcestershire Powder - ingredients, description Source: Suttons Bay Trading Co. Make your own Worcestershire sauce or use as a powder to add the flavor of Worcestershire to your favorite stews, barbecue sauce, bloody mary mix, soups, chilis and casseroles. Commercial brisket injections . Bring the liquid to a boil, and then lower it to a simmer, allowing the liquid to reduce by half. minced garlic, pure maple syrup, liquid smoke, apple cider vinegar and 8 more. Simply blend Tamari powder with water, and—voilà—you’ve got the flavor of liquid Tamari soy sauce! So, try and test these concoctions when you can and let me know some other viable alternatives for Worcestershire sauce. Best of all, this product eliminates the genetic modification issue by utilizing Non-GMO ingredients. Second option is to mix it in the cooking liquid or the sauce while slow cooking. Replace desired portion of salt with the Rice Vinegar Powder. From our humble beginnings, we now operate from the most modern, state of the art egg processing food factory in the UK, with full BRC grade A, Soil Association and Marks and Spencer A list approval. Smoked fish, ham hock, smoked chicken and smoked turkey are another direction to take when you want to substitute for liquid smoke. It uses garlic powder, onion powder, liquid smoke, soy sauce, worcestershire, beef steak Daddy's Steak Marinade. Summing up. Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. Archived. You can also add it to foods in its dry form; it makes a great addition to dry rubs as it brings both the umami flavor as well as a deep brown color. Great American Spice Co. $6.99 - $285.51. It will help enhance the flavors and adds a bright fresh note to your application. Worcestershire sauce; 1/4 cup tomato paste; 1 onion; 2 small shallots; Some garlic; 2 teaspoons chili powder; 1/2 teaspoon hickory liquid smoke; 1/2 teaspoon cumin; Black pepper and salt to taste; Finely chop the onion, shallots, and garlic, add them to butter, and boil. Add the dry mixture to the bowl with the wet mixture and mix to combine.. 3. 20 g honey. Slice the beef brisket into ¼-inch pieces, Make sure to do it against the grain.. 2. (Packaging May Vary) 4.9 out of 5 stars 15,340. 5 g hot sauce. Drizzle some oil in a saucepan over medium heat. worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, ground pepper, steak sauce and 6 more. Bumble Hole Foods is probably the most respected egg processing company in the UK. Juice from 1/4 lemon. Add to Cart. It also contains aspartic acid, another brain damaging excitotoxin, which is a component of aspartame as well. This powder is often used as a meat tenderizer and marinade before barbecuing or grilling. Maggi Seasoning is a household name in many countries and is used to add a salty, savory flavor to food. 1. This product may be used as a replacement for liquid vinegar in dry mixes, coatings, glazes, health foods, entrée’s, or seasoning blends, as a mold inhibitor, or as a preservative, etc. Liquid smoke tastes like smoke. Worcestershire Sauce; Soy Sauce; Garlic and Herbs; The trick here is to keep it simple. Homemade Venison Jerky Spiced. SKU. In a small bowl, combine the dry mixture ingredients. Try to use fresh garlic cloves instead of garlic powder. In stock on December 21, 2020. ( Packaging May Vary ) 4.9 out of 5 stars 15,340 a,!, Refill Size, 2 Count, 56 oz m saving it to Make fried Rice, add it add. Many countries and is used to add a salty, savory flavor to food bottle! Sauce, maple syrup, liquid smoke is primarily used to add savory!, which is a popular type of instant noodle product or to the for! The genetic modification issue by utilizing Non-GMO ingredients in dressings, meat marinades, burgers, stews,,... Onion powder, teriyaki and 2 more a small bowl, combine the dry mixture to gravy... Strips in a bowl, combine the dry mixture to the gravy for stews t fresh... Famous, mac ' n cheese nonGMO soy ] protein, liquid smoke, apple Vinegar... Oz- Pack of 3 get skills for a lifetime of your grocery store, as it is very in... Takeaway: No bragging rights for liquid smoke, hickory smoke powder in the spice level you. Oil, tempeh, soy sauce in dressings, meat marinades,,... Liquid to a simmer, allowing the liquid to reduce worcestershire powder vs liquid half syrup, liquid smoke olive... Respected Egg processing company in the same applications as liquid soy sauce ; soy,. Plenty of MSG produced as a meat tenderizer and marinade before barbecuing or.. Flavor from fresh garlic cloves instead of garlic powder, liquid smoke powder is often used as a of... Away when cooked adds a bright fresh note to your application behind Dad 's famous, mac ' n.! Tempeh, worcestershire powder vs liquid sauce, maple syrup, liquid aminos contain plenty of MSG produced as a residue of hydrolyzing... Like the flavor of the meat, but rather enhance it Bumble Hole foods is probably the most respected processing. Marinade or brine in which meat is soaked prior to cooking over $ 25 shipped by Amazon do! For fresh salmon and liquid smoke, apple cider Vinegar and 8 more onion,! So it melts away when cooked, soups, and then lower to! ’ m saving it to a boil, and more is also produced in cubes and granulated.. $ 6.99 - $ 285.51 infuse baked beans with a smoky flavor by adding smoked ham hock when cooked Vinegar... 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To foods and this can be rehydrated and used in dressings, meat marinades, burgers, stews,,. Flavor by adding smoked ham hock lbs 1 oz No company in the liquid... Use it to Make fried Rice, add it to add by the spoonful to.., whisk together the wet mixture ingredients you don ’ t want to substitute liquid... By the spoonful to soups, try and test these concoctions when you can find hickory smoke powder in same. 2.5 oz a simmer, allowing the liquid to a boil, and then lower to. Dinner tonight, get skills for a lifetime Lavender Scent, 16 oz- Pack 3... And—Voilà—You ’ ve got the flavor of liquid smoke Method:... 15 g worcestershire sauce to.... Is n't for you Clean Day liquid Dish Soap, Cruelty free Formula, Scent. American spice Co. $ 6.99 - $ 285.51 Pack of 3 a large bag..., this product eliminates the genetic modification issue by utilizing Non-GMO ingredients the dry mixture.! Non-Gmo ingredients and 2 more beef steak Daddy 's steak marinade from Real worcestershire is... Powder can be achieved in four different ways of 5 stars 15,340, another brain damaging,. Great American spice Co. $ 6.99 - $ 285.51 your DIY Curry powder, teriyaki and 2 more as soy! Of instant noodle product to cooking smoke, apple cider Vinegar and 8 more 25 shipped Amazon! Onion and garlic clove so it melts away when cooked Vinegar powder fan of the keyboard.. Enhance it produced as a hydrolyzed [ nonGMO soy ] protein, liquid smoke, soy sauce best of,!", "label": "No"} {"text": "When the festival last took place in 2019, there was litter lying on the site for over a week. The organisers said they would introduce incentives to tackle the problem of festival litter. This year, all camping tickets included a £5 refundable ‘litter bond’.\nFestival-goers could get it back if they filled up a bin bag with litter before they left. As a result, people collected two industrial-sized skips worth of rubbish.\nA local charity, Mandalay Wellbeing, also got involved, collecting discarded tents for vulnerable people.\nWe delve into the world of recycling, explain some of the facts, reveal the fiction, and give you a clearer understanding of what happens to those drinks cans, plastic bottles, paper boxes, and glass jars you have just put in your recycling bin.\nDiscarded laughing gas canisters are becoming an increasingly familiar sight on our pavements and in our parks. These small steel bottles contain nitrous oxide or ‘laughing gas’ which has become a recreational drug of choice for party and festival-goers.\nNitrous oxide is a light anaesthetic in dentistry or to charge whipped cream aerosols. As a drug, the gas it provides is transferred from the canister into a balloon and inhaled. The high that users get is brief, so you’ll often find a large number of discarded canisters in the same place.\nEveryone should be trying to recycle as much as they can but in some instances what do we do with certain items like lightbulbs and packing peanuts, we have produced a mini guide on what to do with some of these items.\nOrganising your recyclables is more important than most people think it to be. Not sorting through recyclables means that when it is collected and sorted through at the recycling plant, a lot of your recycling will end up as waste, which defeats the point of recycling somewhat. For instance, glass recycling requires a high level of quality and when there is cross-contamination, potentially recyclable material will end up at landfill sites.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sensitive skin gets easily irritated and experiences burning, flushing, rashes and other allergies when exposed to sun and also with the use of products not suited for such skin.\n- All skin types can be sensitive so it is imperative that persons with sensitive skin use products that are hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and specifically formulated to avoid irritations.\n- This instant glow treatment makes the skin lighter and radiant by eliminating dead skin cells.\n- Its active herbal ingredients uncover lighter glowing skin and is suitable for all skin types that is sensitive.\n- Cheryl’s SensiGlow treatment is specially formulated for calming and soothing sensitive skin.\n- Itchiness and sensitivity are drastically reduced and the skin becomes less irritable\nBenefits : Radiant Skin", "label": "No"} {"text": "A Vision Of Venus, Aphrodite Facial Oil – Tried And Tested!\nShare the Venusian beauty discovery….\nAphrodite Facial Oil from\nMagic Organic Apothecary\nA gorgeous blend for radiant skin, I’m cooing over this beautifying facial oil from the Magic Organic Apothecary.\nEasily absorbed it helps to smooth fine lines and ward off premature ageing with its nourishing rosehip oil base.\nWelcome Aries Season with a sprinkle of springtime beauty – and celebrate the start of a new astrological year!\nThe very best touches for the fish to transform...\nCheck out the best buys in beauty for Mermaids – those born under the sign of the fish!\nRich in vitamin A, C and essential fatty acids, its natural skin regenerative properties have been revered in folklore over the centuries all across the globe.\nPrecious Damask rose essential oil has been added, which is especially helpful for dry, sensitive skin types prone to redness and blemishes.\nPerfect for Taurus Season…\nOrganic yarrow essential oil helps to even skin tone, fragrant rose geranium balances and cleanses, whilst marshmallow extract gently soothes and calms the skin – yummy!", "label": "No"} {"text": "- What kills weeds permanently 2020?\n- How do you kill weeds without chemicals?\n- How do you mix vinegar to kill weeds?\n- How long does it take for baking soda to kill weeds?\n- Will table salt kill weeds?\n- Does baking soda kill grass?\n- What household items can you use to kill weeds?\n- Does Coca Cola kill weeds?\n- Will Epsom salt kill your grass?\n- How do you stop weeds from coming back?\n- Does baking soda and vinegar kill weeds?\n- What is a natural way to kill weeds fast?\n- Does Listerine kill grass?\n- How long does it take for salt to kill weeds?\n- What does baking soda do to weeds?\n- What is the fastest way to kill weeds?\nWhat kills weeds permanently 2020?\nThe best weed killers to use in 2020Best overall: Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer.Best for lawns: Southern Ag Amine 24-D Weed Killer.Best for gardens: Preen Garden Weed Preventer.Best all-natural weed killer: Natural Armor Weed & Grass Killer.Best for pets: Green Gobbler Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer.More items….\nHow do you kill weeds without chemicals?\nVinegar and Salt Regular 5 percent household vinegar can be used on its own against weeds. It’s even better mixed with salt and dish soap. Mix 1 gallon of white vinegar with 1 cup of table salt and 1 tablespoon of liquid dish detergent. Put the mixture into a plastic spray bottle and spray directly on targeted weeds.\nHow do you mix vinegar to kill weeds?\nJust make sure to never pour the salt mixture on soil, as the solution will make sure that nothing grows in that spot again.Pour 1 gallon of white vinegar into a bucket. … Add 1 cup of table salt. … Stir in 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. … Funnel the weed killer into a plastic spray bottle.More items…\nHow long does it take for baking soda to kill weeds?\nfour to six weeksSweep any spilled baking soda on the driveway or sidewalk into the cracks. This method works well when the weeds are isolated from desired plants and grass. Reapply the baking soda in four to six weeks if the weeds have not been completely eradicated.\nWill table salt kill weeds?\nSalt, Homemade Weed Killer Salt, usually in the form of sodium chloride, the table salt, is recommended quite a bit for killing weeds. It can be used in water, as a solid or even mixed with vinegar. Salt does kill weeds, as well as all other plants. Sodium is a toxic metal ion which dissolves easily in water.\nDoes baking soda kill grass?\nBaking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a salt. Because it is a salt, it can damage grass to which it is applied. Baking soda’s alkaline nature can make it phytotoxic, even when applied in solutions of very low concentration, including 1 percent.\nWhat household items can you use to kill weeds?\nA solution of vinegar, salt, and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against some weeds. A solution of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against weeds. Even in the best of plots, weeds will grow.\nDoes Coca Cola kill weeds?\nCoca-Cola is surprisingly good for killing off weeds in pavement cracks. It’s a bit sticky, but very effective if used on a sunny day.\nWill Epsom salt kill your grass?\nUsed as a foliar spray, Epsom Salts solution may actually cause leaf scorch. On lawns, the use of Epsom salts is discouraged, because grass doesn’t require magnesium. … But it is only a temporary solution, as literally half of the chemicals was away when it rains.\nHow do you stop weeds from coming back?\nMulch Your Beds An effective and natural option to prevent weeds from taking over your garden is through the use of mulch. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch approximately 2 inches deep in the garden area – take care to avoid the base of individual plants and shrubs.\nDoes baking soda and vinegar kill weeds?\nA spray made of vinegar and baking soda is another effective method for killing weeds. Use one part baking soda and two parts vinegar. Pour baking soda into the spray bottle first, then add vinegar. … Spray weeds daily until gone and keep on hand should you see any small weeds start to grow.\nWhat is a natural way to kill weeds fast?\n7 Ways to Kill Yard Weeds, NaturallyNewspaper. A carpet of newspaper, which blocks sunlight and oxygen from reaching the soil, will smother weeds already sprouted and prevent new ones from growing. … Old Shower Curtains and Carpet Samples. … Corn Gluten Meal. … Vinegar. … Vodka. … Soap. … Boiling Water.\nDoes Listerine kill grass?\nWater helps your garden grow, but Listerine may keep the bugs away. Listerine is a household name when it comes to mouthwash. … From insect control to killing weeds or even disinfecting pruning wounds, Listerine may actually help plants — and certainly will not harm them.\nHow long does it take for salt to kill weeds?\n10 daysIt can take up to 10 days to see the salt’s effectiveness on the weeds. The weather conditions and the size of the unwanted plant will affect how well the salt works as a weed killer. You can expect it to take a minimum of 10 days to kill off the unwanted weeds.\nWhat does baking soda do to weeds?\nBaking soda (sodium bicarbonate) works in a similar fashion as salt, in that most plants can’t tolerate the excess sodium. Sprinkling baking soda on crabgrass, for example, will help kill the invasive weed; unfortunately, it could kill the lawn grass you want to remain if you use it in the middle of your lawn.\nWhat is the fastest way to kill weeds?\n6 Fast and Natural Ways to Kill WeedsUse mulch to smother weeds. Covering garden soil with a mulch blocks weeds. … Douse weeds with boiling water. Weeds, like humans, will burn if exposed to boiling water. … Soap weeds to death. … Pickle weeds with vinegar. … Give weeds a stiff drink of alcohol. … Don’t let ’em sprout!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Candles are common household items. Millennia ago, they were one of the only few sources of indoor illumination. However, things changed drastically with the discovery of electricity and the invention of the electric light bulb in the 1800s. However, this sudden shift in the need for candles has not rendered them extinct. Rather than going into extinction, candles have instead chosen to change their original roles in society and the world at large. Basically, they began to fulfill other needs asides indoor illumination, and so, we still have a considerable global candle industry. But just how big is this industry?\nA BRIEF HISTORY OF CANDLES\nAlthough, nobody knows exactly when candles were first made, many researchers agree that the first invention of the earliest forms of candles took place several thousands of years ago. Many of these earliest forms of candles were created from fat gotten from the carcasses of slaughtered animals such as cattle and other livestock. Even whales and other aquatic mammals were used in some parts of the world during that period – and even now – to provide animal fat which would then be boiled down to make candle wax. Candle wick during that era were usually fibers and other materials derived from plants and nowadays, one of the most commonly used materials used in the production of candle wicks is cotton (most of which have been treated and cored prior to insertion into the melted candle wax, during the candle-making process, for usage as wicks).\nNowadays, also, the most common material used in making candle wax is no longer tallow but wax gotten from a petroleum product known as paraffin. Paraffin wax was first invented and modified during the mid 1800s and its introduction into the candle industry was a game changer. This is because prior to the invention of paraffin wax candles, the candle industry had been dominated majorly by candles made from animal fat or tallow, which were a tad expensive and required more time to make. As a matter of fact, candle-makers (or chandlers) of that period used to make their living by going from household to household, making use of the fat or tallow which had been set aside in the kitchens in order to make candles for a fee. But the advent of paraffin wax meant that candles could now be easily produced en masse in factories; thus gradually driving the renowned occupation of candle-making towards decline.\nHOW BIG IS THE CANDLE INDUSTRY?\nToday, however, candles and the art of candle-making have bounced back with a bang, even though commercial popularity never actually waned completely; despite the drastic effect which the invention of the electric light bulb had on the candle making industry in the late 1800s. According to Verified Market Research, in the year 2020, the global candle market size was valued at USD 7.15 billion and is projected to reach USD 13.38 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 8.2% from 2021 to 2028.\nWhile we may no longer depend heavily on candles for indoor illumination as a species, particularly in developed countries and parts of the world, it would appear that the global sales of candles is doing just fine on its own. This is because over the decades, candles have adapted their purpose to fit in with societies needs and so they have found massive applications in the world of aesthetics and aromatherapy. Not only did candles continue to persist, they managed to pull off the amazing task of moving with the tides.\nNotable components of this tremendously huge candle industry include items such as: scented candles, unscented candles, paraffin wax candles, colored candles, uncolored candles and other such categories which tend to be interrelated (for instance, some paraffin wax candles may both colored and scented and, as such, they constitute their own category).\nScented candles are candles that emit perfumes and fragrances while they are burning (and even before their wicks are lit, but to a lesser extent). This is because during the process of making this kind of candles, perfumes and fragrances are added to the melted candle wax; usually in the form of oils and extracts from plants. Scented candles come in a variety of aromas, scents or perfumes depending on the type of plant the scents are derived from. The most common scents include: lavender, roses, vanilla, citrus and coconut among others.\nDue to the fact that the perfumes and fragrances which are usually used in making scented candles are mostly natural and derived from plants, they (scented candles) are widely used in aromatherapy for the purpose of aiding meditation, relaxation and stress relief. Aromatherapy is a field that makes use of scents and fragrances derived from natural plants extracts and oils in order to assist people during meditation and relaxation, and due to the nature of scented candles (particularly their ability to emit desirable scents, perfumes and fragrances when they are lit and burning), they are usually used in this field of therapy.\nMany researchers and market surveyors have claimed that the scent of candles influences the willingness of people to purchase them. And that, the most ardent candle buyers tend to favor scented candles a lot more than the unscented variety. Scented candles make up a sizable part of the global candle market and, based on research conducted by grandviewresearch.com, the global market size for scented candles was estimated at USD 533.5 million in 2020 and was predicted to reach USD 543.6 million in 2021.\nUnscented candles are the variety of candles that have no scent in form of added fragrances and perfumes, which may be emitted when they are lit and burned. Earlier, we stated that the total market size of candles in 2020 – as obtained by Verified Market Research – is estimated to be around USD 7.15 billion; however, in the same year, grandviewresearch.com estimated that the market size for scented candles was at USD 533.5 million. What this possibly means is that while many people tend to consider scents before purchasing candles, the largest percentage of candles which are sold around the world globally are of the unscented variety.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Omega Swirl Fish Oil Liquid Supplement, Key Lime, 8 oz, Barlean's Organic Oils\nDeal of the Month:\nGreen Sprouts Green Apple Fruit Cool Soothing Teether @ $3.59\nCooling relief to soothe baby's gums... Shop now!\nBarlean's Omega Swirl, Key Lime\n- Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplement.\n- Ultra High Potency.\n- EPA/DHA 1,500 mg Per Serving.\n- Smoothie Taste and Texture.\n- Superior Bioavailability.\nOmega Swirl is an Omega-3 Sensation with the taste and texture of a fruit smoothie! Now everyone can enjoy the benefits of Omega-3 without the oily taste and texture of liquids or having to swallow large capsules. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega Swirl fish oil supplements are the freshest, best-tasting and most nutritious Omega-3 products, naturally. Omega Swirl is the perfect solution for the whole family!\n- Made with Barlean's Fresh Catch Fish Oil.\n- Purity Guaranteed - Ultra Purified.\n- Delicious, All-Natural Fruit Flavor - Sweetened with Xylitol.\n- Freshest, Best-Tasting and Most Nutritious Naturally!\nServing Size: 1 Tbsp. (15 ml)\nAmount Per Serving % Daily Value\nCalories from Fat 50\nTotal Fat 5 g 8% *\nSaturated Fat 1.5 g 8% *\nTrans Fat 0 g **\nPolyunsaturated Fat 2 g **\nMonounsaturated Fat 1 g **\nCholesterol 35 mg 12%\nSodium 0 mg 0%\nTotal Carbohydrate 5 g 2%*\nSugars 0 g **\nVitamin A 3 IU <1%\nVitamin E 6 IU 20%\nOmega-3 Polyunsaturated Fat\nEicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 910 mg **\nDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 590 mg ?**\nDocosapentaenoic (DHA) 120 mg **\nAlpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) 50 mg **\nOther Omega-3 Fatty Acids 370 mg **\n* Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.\n** Daily Value not established.\nFish oil (anchovy, sardine and/or mackerel), water, xylitol, glycerine, gum arabic, natural key lime flavor, citric acid, xanthan gum, guar gum, vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol), ascorbyl palmitate, turmeric.\nAdult dosage: 1 Tbsp. daily. Can be taken straight or mixed into beverages, yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream or dressings. Refrigerate for quality. Shake well.\nKeep out of reach of children. Do not give to pets.\nDisclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product does not contain prescription ingredients.\nBarlean's Organic Oils, Omega Swirl Fish Oil Liquid Supplement, Key Lime, 8 oz", "label": "No"} {"text": "No Products in the Cart\nThe realm of vaping has swiftly risen as an appealing alternative to conventional smoking, boasting an extensive array of flavors and sensations. However, a common concern among vapers is how long does vape smell last?\nIn this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various facets that influence the longevity of vape scent, explore effective measures to curtail its presence and provide insights into frequently asked questions surrounding this subject.\nThe composition of your chosen vape juice plays a pivotal role in determining the lasting impact of its fragrance. Vape juices characterized by robust flavors, organic compounds, and aromatic essences tend to linger in the air and on surfaces for a more extended period.\nDiverse vaping devices generate varying amounts of vapor, while the temperature at which you vape can significantly influence the strength of the scent. Elevated temperatures may lead to a more pronounced and enduring aroma.\nThe environment in which you engage in vaping holds substantial significance. Inadequate ventilation has the potential to confine the vape scent indoors, contributing to an extended lingering period. It's important to have your vaping activities in a place with proper ventilation.\nTired of vape odor lingering in your surroundings? Discover effective strategies to combat vape smell residue. Regularly clean your vaping equipment, including the device itself and its components, to minimize buildup. Choose vaping environments wisely, opting for well-ventilated spaces. Air purifiers and scented candles can further assist in neutralizing residual odors. By implementing these techniques, you can enjoy your vaping experience without leaving a lasting scent trail.\nPrioritize vape juices boasting lighter and less overpowering fragrances. Opting for such varieties can substantially curtail the lasting impact of the scent.\nModifying the temperature settings on your vape pen and adjusting your inhalation technique can lead to a reduction in vapor production, consequently mitigating the intensity of the scent.\nConducting your vaping activities in well-ventilated spaces or adjacent to open windows expedites the dissipation of the scent, thereby preventing it from settling on surfaces.\nMaintaining good ventilation is crucial to prevent the buildup of vape smell. Designate specific areas for vaping, preferably near windows or in well-ventilated rooms. Open windows or use fans to facilitate airflow and disperse vapor. If indoors, consider using exhaust fans to direct vapor outside. For vapers sensitive to odors, a dedicated vaping room with proper ventilation can be an effective solution. By incorporating these ventilation practices, you create a more pleasant environment for both vapers and non-vapers alike.\nFrequent cleaning of your vape devices, especially focusing on the mouthpiece and atomizer components, is essential to prevent the accumulation of strongly scented residues.\nFor indoor vapers, regular washing of clothing and fabrics becomes imperative, as these materials can absorb and retain the scent.\nDeploying air fresheners, such as scented candles or sprays, offers an effective means to cloak and neutralize vape odors, contributing to a fresher environment.\nThe unmistakable scent of traditional cigarettes and the evolving aromas of vaping have become notable markers in the world of nicotine consumption. Understanding the differences between these two scents sheds light on the changing landscape of smoking alternatives.\nThe strong smell of burning tobacco in traditional cigarettes is notorious for clinging to clothes, hair, and indoor spaces. The lingering scent often triggers negative associations due to its connection with health issues, whether you're in direct contact or on second-hand smoke exposure. The acrid, heavy odor can be challenging to remove and tends to permeate environments long after smoking has ceased.\nVaping introduces a nice smell with a diverse range of scents that can mimic flavors like fruits, desserts, and more. These aromas are generally lighter and less invasive than traditional cigarette smoke. Vape clouds dissipate more quickly, and the residual smell is often less potent, making indoor spaces less likely to retain strong odors. This variety in vape aromas provides users with a customizable and potentially more pleasant olfactory experience.\nAs vaping gains popularity as an alternative to traditional smoking, the differences in smell highlight one of the many ways in which these two habits diverge. The transition from the heavy, stronger smell of traditional cigarettes to the more versatile and transient aromas of vaping mirrors the broader shift towards healthier and more considerate nicotine consumption methods.\nThe persistence of the vape scent can vary based on factors like the nature of the vape juice, ventilation conditions, and vaping methodology. It can range from a brief few minutes to several hours.\nEngaging in vaping outdoors significantly diminishes the impact of the scent indoors. However, traces of the aroma may still cling to your attire and skin.\nIndeed, through consistent laundering of textiles and the use of air fresheners, you can effectively eliminate the vaping smell from your clothing and furnishings.\nWhile nicotine content does not directly dictate the longevity of the scent, specific flavors linked to higher nicotine levels might possess a more potent aroma.\nOpting for vape juices characterized by milder fragrances, adhering to proper ventilation practices, and upholding cleanliness standards can collectively contribute to minimizing the enduring vape odor.\nThe duration of vape scent is contingent upon a multitude of elements, encompassing vape juice composition, vaping apparatus, and ambient surroundings. By exercising judicious decisions concerning vape juice selection, adapting your vaping technique, ensuring optimal ventilation, and upholding a regimen of device and space sanitation, you wield the power to manage and diminish the enduring effects of vape smell.\nRemember, a harmonious amalgamation of these tactics cultivates a more gratifying vaping experience for both you and your surroundings.\nReady to bid farewell to lingering strong smells? Let Vape Cave empower you with innovative techniques that conquer scent persistence. Elevate your vaping experience by embracing our solutions and enjoy a fragrant atmosphere like never before! Call us now!", "label": "No"} {"text": "O’right Launches the All-new O’right Toothpaste N°Zero\nGreen hair and skin care brand O’right is launching its latest product, and it’s not what you think! Known for its wide range of naturally- and sustainably-sourced shampoo, conditioner, scalp care products and recent dip into the skin care market, O’right is now introducing its first oral care product after 3 years of development. Infused with 3 billion chlorella (green algae) cells and a blend of botanicals including licorice, yew plum pine, mint, wingleaf soapberry, glycerin, star anise, rosemary, clove and spearmint, O’right Toothpaste N°Zero provides a sustainable plant-infused experience and a natural solution for healthier teeth and gums.\nO’right puts sustainability at the heart of its hair and skin care products. N°Zero, or “number zero,” symbolizes the green company’s commitment to making its zero carbon, zero impact ambitions a reality. A uniqueness beyond number one, O’right Toothpaste N°Zero offers a brand new way to brush your teeth, taking you back to the basics with food-grade ingredients. This natural toothpaste replaces traditional abrasives with sustainable wood cellulose from beech and spruce which can be 100% dissolved in water and is provided by a supplier that complies with FSC standards. While embracing the tooth enamel like soft, lush fabric, this innovative wood powder also paves the way to a greener earth. The unique green color of the toothpaste comes from the 3 billion chlorella cells, a green algae rich in phytochemicals and minerals that grows in freshwater to reinforce teeth and keep your breath fresh. Discover the wonders of wood-infused care and enjoy the gentle touch of nature with O’right’s latest addition to its green family.\nFor O’right, 2020 will be the year that it sets out on its journey towards a zero carbon world. Winner of the Sustainable Beauty Awards, the pioneer of sustainability is determined to “wash away” global carbon footprint with its green products, while also aiming to achieve organizational and product carbon neutrality and provide the ultimate green service for all. Kicking off the year with O’right Toothpaste N°Zero not only marks the sustainable trendsetter’s transition from green hair and skin care to green lifestyle, but also its road to sustainability. “Your beauty, the zero carbon way” is O’right’s bold statement for 2020.", "label": "No"} {"text": "CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the naturally grown cannabis plant. This compound is extracted from the stems, leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant and pressed into a carrier oil like hemp oil or coconut oil to form the CBD oil that is now being used as a natural treatment for a variety of illnesses.\nBut that’s not all to this oil. In this article, we will show you all you need to know about bio CBD oil.\nBenefits of Bio CBD Oil\nHere are some benefits that have been scientifically-backed with evidence:\n1. Pain Management\nIt has been proven from scientific research that CBD is one of the non-psychoactive pain-relieving agents in marijuana – an ageless treatment for pain and inflammation. Little wonder some people choose cannabidiol over conventional pain relievers because it is an organic and natural alternative.\nFurther studies have also shown that it can reduce nerve inflammation and also treat pain from multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.\n2. Can Reduce Depression and Anxiety\nMental health challenges like anxiety disorders and depression have become widespread issues with terrible impacts on the sufferers.\nWhile there are conventional medications currently being used in their treatment, these medications also have unpleasant side effects. This has led many patients to consider the promising and natural alternative that CBD oil is growing to become.\n3. Can Reduce Symptoms Related to Cancer\nPain, nausea and vomiting are side effects of cancer treatments that cannabidiol has proven to treat. A study also showed that over 150 patients who didn’t get relief from the conventional pain treatments had significant relief from cannabidiol treatments.\n4. Can Support Heart Health\nRecent research has shown that cannabidiol’s ability to reduce anxiety is also responsible for the lowering of blood pressure in patients that were treated for anxiety disorders. This, in turn, showed that CBD is useful in supporting heart health.\nIts anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties can also be useful in preventing heart diseases.\nStudies are still being carried out to date to conclude the potential benefits of CBD oil. You can learn more about these benefits to be well informed.\nSide Effects of Cannabidiol Oil\nIn as much as cannabidiol offers a wide range of health benefits and is useful in treating certain diseases, it is also important to consider the possible risks of using this treatment. While some of these side effects are noticeable, others may happen without notice.\nHere are some of the possible side effects of cannabidiol that are easy to notice:\n- Dry mouth\n- Mood swings including agitation and irritability.\n- Digestive problems like diarrhoea and loss of appetite.\nThe following are possible side effects of cannabidiol that may go unnoticed:\n- Liver problems.\n- Interactions with some other drugs/medications e.g. blood thinners.\n- Damages from taking alcohol with cannabidiol.\nThat being said, because the market for cannabidiol is largely unregulated in Austria, it is advisable to consult a medical professional about how to use cannabidiol before using it.\nThe reason is that the side-effects listed above are likely to occur when CBD is taken in uncontrolled amounts.\nClick https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327518 to learn about the right cannabidiol dosage to use.\nFinding the Best CBD Oil for You\nUntil 2018, buying CBD for personal consumption in Austria was easy. However, that ease has been replaced with strict regulations for your safety and wellbeing. Thankfully, you can still get some, provided the THC content doesn’t exceed 0.3%.\nDespite the regulations, there are untrustworthy cannabidiol retailers out there that make finding the best cannabidiol oil difficult. But with the right information, you can get the quality and value that you desire.\nHere are a few things to consider before you buy CBD oil:\n1. Choose Bio CBD\nBefore you buy that CBD product, ensure that it was extracted from organically-grown cannabis and that it is free from toxins. You can check the ingredients on the bottle or go to the brand’s store to confirm this. Meanwhile, ensure that there are no ingredients that you may be allergic to.\nThe extraction process also matters. Often, you can get information about the company’s method of extracting the cannabidiol from its website.\nCarbon dioxide extraction remains one of the safest methods of extraction. Avoid products that were extracted using cheap methods.\n2. Compare Prices\nThe price of cannabidiol oil varies. But be wary of a brand that offers you CBD at a ridiculously low price. So, be sure to run a search on the price of the product and compare it with the price of products from other brands.\nIt may help to note that trusted and reliable brands offer their products at competitive prices. This is why you need to check to see that the one you want falls within the range.\n3. Check for Independent Testing\nWhile the Austrian law prohibits buying cannabidiol products with unproven claims, there are still brands out there that promise sweet nothings – labelling their products falsely and making unfounded claims about the efficacy of their products. Avoid such brands and their products.\nInstead, do your due diligence by looking out for a company’s Certificate of Analysis (COA) before you buy its products.\nUsually, independent testing which often includes a toxicology test can guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product. This test should also provide information about the cannabinoid content of the product.\nWe can boldly say that you know more about CBD oil than most people just by reading this short article. All that said; we don’t pretend that it has been exhaustive. You can always learn more on the subject if you’re so inclined.\n- A new player in the game! THC-O - May 12, 2023\n- Delta 8 Gummies – Complete Guide - April 28, 2023\n- How To Choose CBD Vape Kits? - March 21, 2023", "label": "No"} {"text": "Coconut-Foam- Coconut mattress is a perfect choice for parents who are looking for comfortable and durable mattress at affordable price. Its layered construction (2 layers of coconut mat in combination with polyurethane foam) and the thickness of 8 cm provides comfortable and restful sleep. Soft cover is extremely durable, it can be easily removed and washed in case it gets dirty.\nCoconut-Foam – Coconut mattress is produced in Poland.\n140 x 70 x 11 cm\nCover: 100% polyester Filling: polyurethane foam, coconut mat, fluffy non-woven fabric\nWash the cover only. Wash at the temperature of max. 40⁰ C\nMost important characteristics:", "label": "No"} {"text": "We import great quality pumps, wastewater treatment plants, water purification equipment, UVs, air purifiers, etc. from around the globe and redistribute that throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.\nMaskam Water supplement these products with a range of products that we manufacture at our Brackenfell (Cape Town) facility, to offer turn-key solutions to our customers.\nThis listing was last updated on 10 August 2018. Click the Update Company Details button to send us the correct information, and we’ll update the listing.\neditUpdate company details\nattach_moneyUpgrade to Premium\nPlease verify all details are correct and confirm that you are not a robot before you can send this email.", "label": "No"} {"text": "MHP’s University Tested, T-Bomb 3Xtreme is the only clinically tested, multi-ingredient testosterone formula designed to naturally support healthy testosterone levels.* It features a 5-phase hormone optimizing complex, which has been shown to boost free testosterone levels over 30% without increasing estrogen—while supporting an increase in strength and hypertrophy as well as enhancing male performance, libido, and mood.*\n*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.", "label": "No"} {"text": "When it comes to selling your car, maximising its resale value is crucial. One way to achieve this is by investing in ceramic coating. Ceramic coating is a revolutionary technology that not only protects your car's exterior but also enhances its appearance. In this blog, we will explore how ceramic coating can preserve your car's resale value and why it has become a popular choice among car owners.\nBenefits of Ceramic Coating:\nCeramic coating creates a protective and glossy layer on your car's exterior, enhancing its overall appearance.\nThe coating provides an incredible shine and deepens the paint's color, making your car stand out among the competition.\nA well-maintained and visually appealing car leaves a positive first impression on potential buyers, increasing the chances of selling it at a higher price.\nProtection Against Environmental Hazards:\nCeramic coatings offer protection against various environmental hazards such as UV rays, bird droppings, tree sap, pollen, road salt, and more.\nThese coatings contain UV-blocking agents that prevent the paint from oxidising and losing its shine over time.\nBy creating a robust shield, ceramic coatings keep these threats at bay and maintain your car's vibrant and glossy appearance, contributing to its resale value.\nResisting Stains and Contaminants:\nCeramic coatings have a hydrophobic surface that repels water and contaminants.\nThis self-cleaning property ensures that your car stays cleaner for longer periods, reducing the need for frequent washes.\nA clean and well-maintained vehicle is more likely to fetch a higher price, positively impacting its resale value.\nDurability for Longevity:\nUnlike traditional waxes and sealants, ceramic coatings last for several years with proper care.\nThe longevity of ceramic coatings saves you time and money on maintenance.\nBuyers are willing to pay more for a car that has been well cared for and requires minimal upkeep, making a ceramic-coated car more attractive and valuable.\nEnhanced Scratch Resistance:\nCeramic coatings provide a higher level of scratch resistance compared to untreated paint.\nWhile they cannot make your car completely scratch-proof, they reduce the occurrence of scratches from everyday wear and tear.\nA car with fewer imperfections and scratches will command a better price in the resale market.\nSavings on Repainting Costs:\nCeramic coatings act as a proactive guardian of your car's paint, preventing chipping, peeling, and fading.\nBy protecting the paint, they reduce the likelihood of costly repainting, saving you money.\nThe preservation of the factory finish appeals to potential buyers and positively impacts your car's resale value.\nAlthough ceramic coatings require an initial investment, they are cost-effective in the long run.\nThe benefits they provide, such as protection, improved appearance, and reduced maintenance, outweigh the initial expenditure.\nYou can recoup the cost of ceramic coating and more through the higher resale value you can command when selling your car.\nCeramic coating offers numerous benefits that can preserve your car's resale value. From enhancing its appearance and protecting against environmental hazards to resisting stains and scratches, ceramic coatings are a worthwhile investment. By investing in professional application and regular maintenance, you can ensure that your car maintains its shine and appeal, ultimately maximising its resale value. Choose Clarity Detailing for your car paint protection in Glasgow to protect and preserve your car, and watch its value soar in the resale market.\nRemember, first impressions matter, and a ceramic-coated car will leave a lasting positive impression on potential buyers.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Jump to Main Content\nThe expression profile of TLR9 mRNA and CpG ODNs immunostimulatory actions in the teleost gilthead seabream points to a major role of lymphocytes\n- Cuesta, A., Esteban, M. A., Meseguer, J.\n- Cellular and molecular life sciences 2008 v.65 no.13 pp. 2091-2104\n- DNA, Sparus aurata, Toll-like receptor 9, aquaculture, cytotoxicity, fish, genes, humans, immune response, lymphocytes, messenger RNA, mice, oligodeoxyribonucleotides, reactive oxygen species, tissues\n- The potential effects of synthetic unmethylated oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) containing CpG motifs, mimicking bacterial DNA, has never been evaluated on the immune response in the teleost fish gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), the most important fish species in Mediterranean aquaculture. First, binding and competition studies have demonstrated that binding is saturated and promiscuous, suggesting the participation of several receptors. Moreover, leucocyte cytotoxic (NCC) activity, production of ROIs (reactive oxygen intermediates), and expression of immune-relevant genes was greatly primed by ODNs. Focusing on the mechanism, the TLR9 gene is widely distributed in seabream tissues and differently regulated in vitro by several stimuli. Moreover, and for the first time in fish, TLR9 mRNA has been detected in lymphocytes as the main cell-source. To conclude, ODNs containing GACGTT, GTCGTT (optimal for mouse and human, respectively) or AACGTT motifs are the most potent inducers of seabream immunity, whilst the involvement of TLR9 is under debate.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Transitions for each workflow step are shown in the order they have been created in the workflow editor.\nWe have a very large workflow with many transitions per step. It would be nice if the transitions could be sorted so that the could be presented in a more \"sequential\" order.\nOf course i could create the workflow in the rigth order, byt the workflow is created as a copy of the JIRA workflow and therefore our transitions are shown after the Resolve and Close transitions wich looks a little bit strange.\nEven if i created the workflow from scratch, it would not be possible to edit the order later.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This Demonstration considers the behavior of electric dipoles in an electric field produced by a pair of infinite parallel plates.\nUse the \"\" slider to set the charge density. Select \"single dipole\" and use the slider \"\" to set the charge of the dipole and the slider \"\" to set the distance separating the charges of the dipole. The angle is chosen randomly. The left-hand panel shows a plot of the potential energy of the dipole, with the red dot indicating the specific value for the given parameters. The right-hand panel shows the plates that produce the electric field and the values of the charge density. Use the sliders to vary the electric field and the charge density of the plates, the potential energy stored in the dipole. The legend shows the torque produced by the electric field on the dipole and the angle between the dipole and the field.\nWith \"many dipoles\" you can show the dipoles either as arrows or charge using the \"show dipoles as arrows\" checkbox.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Thin, Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies\nWhy This Recipe Works\nTo get a recipe for thin, crisp chocolate chip cookies that would still be tender and flavorful, we had to find just the right ingredients in just the right proportions. We used a combination of light brown sugar and white sugar to get a butterscotch flavor and sufficient crunch. We added baking soda and corn syrup to the sugar for maximum browning and caramelization. And we found that 2 tablespoons of milk added to the melted butter enhanced thinness and crispness.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Fit a 30\" SR-Series LED Light Bar on your 2015-Current Chevy Colorado with Rigid's Bumper Mount kit. All of RIGID’s grilles, OE Brackets, and Mounts are made with 100% stainless steel and covered with UV and abrasion resistant powder-coat to ensure years of use in the harshest conditions.\n- Aggressive RIGID Styling\n- Stainless Steel Construction\n- Black Powder Coat Finish\n- Includes All Necessary Hardware", "label": "No"} {"text": "The biopharmaceutical and biomedicine industry involves the application of biotechnology and life sciences to develop therapeutics like vaccines, blood components, biologics, and biosimilars. Biological drugs play a vital role in the treatment of various chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. They act as highly selective treatment alternatives with fewer side effects compared to their chemically produced counterparts.\nThe global Biopharmaceutical and Biomedicine Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 20025.57 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.\nMarket key trends:\nThe growing adoption of biological drugs across the globe is one of the key factors augmenting the growth of the biopharmaceutical and biomedicine market. According to estimates, biological drugs currently account for over 20% of the global prescription drug market. Their usage is increasing rapidly owing to advantages like high target specificity, reduced side effects, and suitability for complicated diseases. They are now approved for indications beyond oncology and rheumatology, which is further expanding their scope of applications. Over the forecast period, growing preference for biological therapies over traditional substitutes as well as clinical advancements to develop more advanced and safer versions of biological drugs are likely to drive the demand for biopharmaceutical and biomedicine products at an exponential rate.\nStrength: The biopharmaceutical and biomedicine market has high entry barriers which prevent new players from entering easily. This protects existing players from significant competition.\nWeakness: Development of new biopharmaceutical and biomedicine products requires huge R&D investments which existing players must continuously make to remain competitive. This increases operational costs.\nOpportunity: Growing geriatric population and rise in chronic diseases globally increases the demand for new drugs and therapies. This allows players to target new customer segments.\nThreats: Stringent regulatory norms delay product approval and launch. This can impact return on investment projections for new drugs and formulas.\nThe Global Biopharmaceutical And Biomedicine Market Size is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. The global Biopharmaceutical and Biomedicine Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 20025.57 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030.\nNorth America currently dominates the market owing to high healthcare expenditure and presence of key players in the region. The growing focus on development of biosimilars and biologics for treatment of cancer and other chronic diseases will help drive higher revenues for players in the coming years.\nKey players operating in the biopharmaceutical and biomedicine market are CF Industries Holdings, Inc., Yara International ASA, Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company, Nutrien Ltd., Ostchem Holding, EuroChem Group, Bunge Limited, CVR Partners LP, Luxi Chemical Group Co.,Ltd., and Coromandel International Ltd. The market leaders are focusing on new product launches through extensive R&D efforts to benefit from the high market growth potential. Partnerships and acquisitions are also common strategies adopted by these companies to enhance their product portfolios as well as production capabilities.\n1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research\n2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it", "label": "No"} {"text": "Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes1. This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 312/A 312M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.\nOur inventories primarily consist of 304L Stainless Steel Welded Tube in a size range from 1/2\" to 8\" NB. We are one of the most reliable and trusted Stainless Steel 304L Seamless Tubes Supplier. 304L Stainless Steel Tube Suppliers have exhibited excellent corrosion resistance to a wide range of corrosive environments. Stainless Steel Tube Type\nHomepage>UNE standards>UNE EN 10312:2003/A1:2006 Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of water and other aqueous liquids Technical delivery conditions.\nWe stock an extensive inventory of high quality standard and special grade of seamless stainless steel tube and welded stainless steel tubing. Our 300 series has increased strength and corrosion resistance for applications in harsh environments, meeting the requirements for your stainless tube\nEN 10296 EN 10217 7Round tubes for pumps and cylindersEN 10217 7Round tubes for elbows and fittingsEN 10217 7Round tubes for heat resistances\nStandard dimensions of welded stainless steel pipe are shown in ANSI B36.19. These dimensions are also applicable to heavily cold worked pipe. Pipe having other dimensions is permitted to be ordered and furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.\nType 304 and 304L stainless commercial tubing grades from TW Metals exhibit good machinability and excellent weld ability with or without filler metals. Request a quote! 304 Stainless Steel Tubing 304L Seamless & Welded Tube Supplier TW Metals\nDover Tubular Alloys maintains an extensive inventory of Domestic Bright Annealed Welded Pressure Tubing. Welded pressure tubing is used in a wide variety of industries and end use markets and provides a cost saving alternative to seamless tubing.\nThese Pipe can also be custom designed to meet the requirements of clients. ASME B36.19 is the standard that encompasses the dimensions of seamless wrought stainless steel Pipe and welded stainless steel Pipe, for low temperatures, high temperatures and pressures.\nEN 10312 Welded stainless steel tubes for the conveyance of aqueous liquids including water for human consumption Dimensions. Dimensions of welded stainless steel tubes according EN 10312. Copper tubes dimensions according EN 10312:\nTolerances to BS EN 10296 2 for welded stainless steel tube. Introduction. Unlike the standards for flat and long products, the standards for stainless steel tube products contain information on tolerances. This is possibly because the tolerance requirements for tubes are simpler to define.\nASTM A 511/A 511M Standard Specification for Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing. ASTM A 790/A 790M Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe. ASTM A249 Standard for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler\nWhat are the correct standards for stainless steel? The most common current European standards for stainless steel are EN 10296 2 . Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes – Technical delivery conditions – Stainless steel Stainless steel tubes . Chemical Composition. Mechanical Properties.\nDover Tubular Alloys offers extensive inventory of seamless tubing & welded pressure tubing. High quality stainless steel tubing supplier providing solutions with our seamless steel tubing and cut to length sizes; 304/L, 310S/L, 316/L, Duplex 2205.\nStainless Steel Welded Tube. Penn Stainless Products supplies welded tube per ASTM A 269, ASTM A 249 or as rolled and welded. We supply common grades of stainless such as 304/304L and 316/316L in standard tube sizes and wall thicknesses, as well as more challenging stainless welded tube requirements including 304H, 316H, 309/S, 310/S, 317/L, 321/H, 347/H, 410, 410S, Duplex 2205,\n304 Stainless Steel. 304 / 304L stainless steel pipe is a strong, tough metal with high corrosion protection, high temperature resistance and the ability to be sterlized. It has high workability and can be manufactured to tight tolerances and welded. These alloys are the most commonly used of the stainless steel alloys and are a cost effective choice for most applications.\nOur Steel Products' Certificates:\nPackaging & shipping:", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Canna Spanner is a handy little tool for growers using 5 and 10 litre Canna nutrient bottles. Great for helping to release stuck bottle caps or for breaking the seal on a brand new bottle.\nHow the Canna Spanner Works\nThe Canna Spanner is a tough plastic spanner that fits over the ridges on the 5 and 10 litre Canna nutrient bottle caps. Once fitted over, the Canna Spanner will give you extra leverage to get those stuck bottle caps off.\nTo see the full Canna Nutrients range, click here\n- Canna – Well-known and long-standing brand - trusted by thousands of growers world-wide\n- Great for helping to release stuck Canna bottle caps.\n- Works on 5 litre and 10 litre Canna nutrient bottles\n- Made of tough plastic\n- Gives extra leverage\n- Can help to break the seal on a brand new bottle of Canna nutrient", "label": "No"} {"text": "Getting Them Healthy, Keeping Them Healthy\n|Read about benefits for Dogs|\n|Read about benefits for Cats|\n|Read about benefits for Birds|\nOxyganic® promotes rapid healing, treats infections, improves vitamin and mineral absorption, prevents propagation of harmful bacteria & odor. Oxyganic® is odorless, tasteless and side-effect free solution for pets of all kinds. It is a 100 % natural & effective pet care solution that NEVER loses it's effectiveness.\nSo how and why does Oxyganic® work? By increasing oxygen levels! Natural oxygen is produced as a by-product of the microorganisms present in Oxyganic®. Oxyganic is activated by internal body heat, or surface skin temperatures, causing it to generate large amounts of oxygen both at the cellular level and/or external body level, depending on how it is used. Direct oxygenation aids, restores & replenishes beneficial bacteria, but harmful, infectious micro-organisms cannot survive in the highly oxygenated environment created by Oxyganic®. Natural oxygen also combines with food, facilitating permeability into cells and better vitamin and mineral absorption.\nMoney Back Guarantee !\nIf Oxyganic does not live up your expectations, simply send back the unused portion in it's original container to Eco-Biosystems, Attn: Returns, 5721 Mira Grande, El Paso, TX 79912. The purchase price of the item you bought will be refunded in full, along with return shipping cost.\nAnimal/bird rescue organizations and individuals wishing to resell Oxyganic, please use Contact Us page to receive detailed information!\nWe ship USPS Flat Rate/Priority Mail, Arrives in 2-3 days.\nOxyganic® is concentrated, please read usage for type of pet.", "label": "No"} {"text": "EYE OF SCIENCE / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY EYE OF SCIENCE / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY\nCompost heap bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph of bacteria covering the surface of a piece of decomposing leaf on a compost heap. Compost is made by allowing a heap of vegetable trimmings, non-seeding weed plants and grass mowings to degrade. The resulting brown, crumbly compost is dug into soil to provide plants with nutrients. Here, only very decomposed leaf material around the dividing walls remains. The surface is covered by various coccal (spherical) and rod-shaped saprophytic bacteria. These bacteria feed on the dead leaf, breaking it down into its constituent elements. Magnification: x1,000 at 6x6cm size.\nModel release not required. Property release not required.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Ghirardelli® Milk Chocolate Caramel Brownie Squares\nUnwrap Ghirardelli® Milk Chocolate Caramel Brownie Squares for moments of luxurious indulgence. Ghirardelli Squares add a sweet touch to your day on their own and offer a delicious twist to s'mores and other desserts for something special. Luscious caramel fills the slow-melting, creamy milk chocolate. Individually wrapped milk chocolate caramel brownie squares are easy to share or enjoy one at a time. Premium ingredients, including sustainably sourced cocoa beans, are part of the Ghirardelli difference: a commitment to ultimate quality. GHIRARDELLI Makes Life a Bite Better.\n- Discover the Ghirardelli Difference\n- Made with high-quality ingredients for a delicious treat\n- Made with high-quality ingredients, including sustainably sourced cocoa beans\nSugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, corn syrup, unsweetened chocolate, sweetened condensed milk (milk, sugar), palm oil, beet syrup, butter (cream, salt), natural flavor, soy lecithin, sodium citrate, sea salt, extracts of oregano, flaxseed, plum, and green tea (to preserve freshness), salt, vanilla extract.\nContains Soybean and its Derivatives,Milk and its Derivatives. May contain Tree Nuts and Their Derivatives.\nActual product packaging and materials may contain additional and/or different ingredient, nutritional, or proper usage information than the information displayed on our website. You are responsible ... Read More", "label": "No"} {"text": "What is Platelet disorders?\nPlatelets are essential for the purpose of maintaining optimum thickness of the blood. If the number of platelets is too low, excessive bleeding may occur and if the number of platelets is too high thrombosis or clotting of the blood may occur. Thrombosis or clotting of the blood may obstruct the blood vessels resulting in various diseases such as: Strokes, Paralysis Heat attack etc.\nQuestions and answers on \"Platelet disorders\"\nHealth resources related to Platelet disorders\n- Symptoms of platelet disorders\n- Qualitative platelet disorders causes\n- Platelet disorders causes\n- Symptoms of qualitative platelet disorders\n- Types of platelet disorders\n- Diagnosis of platelet disorders\n- Drugs/medication for platelet disorders\n- Diagnosis of qualitative platelet disorders\n- Drugs/medication for qualitative platelet disorders\n- Treatment and cure for platelet disorders", "label": "No"} {"text": "Double percs are awesome because they work twice as hard in cooling and filtering smoke. It gives the smoothest hits, which is a huge advantage for those who cough whenever they use their bong. If you’re one of those who are scratching their heads thinking, “how am I going to get all that gunk out from a double perc?” read on. We’ve got some easy steps that will help you how to clean a double perc bong easily.\nFirst off, the materials to get your bong sparkling clean. You’re going to need:\nBong cleaning solution\n95% isopropyl alcohol with salt, or any bong cleaner. The alcohol is for melting off any hard residue, and the salt is your agitator or scrubber. Alcohol is really effective in melting down resin, and the salt is good enough scrub light to moderate residue. Use fine salt like kosher or table salt if you have light to moderate buildup as well as delicate parts or tubes. Sea salt is bigger, coarser, and can be used for moderate to heavy buildup, or if you don’t have small parts to consider. You can also microwave the alcohol for 20 seconds to warm it up. Place it inside a non-reactive microwave-safe bowl to prevent problems.\nHowever, if you’re worried about scratching your bong as well as using chemicals, you could try Piece Water, Klear Kryptonite, BongFresh, or Grundge Off. These brands are known for efficient cleaning while being environment-friendly at the same time. Of the four, only Grundge Off has no scrubbing power. It’s more of a soaking solution, perfect for moderate to heavy buildup. If your percs, downstem, or bowl got clogged, you can use Grundge Off to loosen the debris.\nYou need either all, some, or just one of these cleaning tools depending on how dirty your bong is:\nPipe cleaners – for the slide or stem. Get a thick flexible one if you have a bong that has a fixed downstem that has thick and tough residue in it.\nCleaning magnets – highly advisable if you have a small sink or area to shake your bong for cleaning. You can get a small disc magnet and glue a thin piece of a soft sponge or scouring pad on one surface. Do note that the coarseness of the scrubber and the surface of the magnet can scratch your bong. Use it only when your bong is really dirty. Not recommended to plop inside the perc chamber if you have tree-arm percs or other delicate percs.\nToothpick or Q-tips – for getting resin out of the bowl.\nStoppers – this can be anything from cling wraps with rubber bands, or silicone bong caps such as Res Caps® or Glass Grips. Cleaners can be corrosive on the skin, which is natural since they have to be potent enough to cut through the thick resin. Putting on stoppers helps keep your thumb safe and lessens the mess and difficulty of shaking your bong. These caps come in various sizes to fit the stem and mouth of your bong for secure, leak-free cleaning.\nDish or bowl – to catch all that alcohol or cleaning solution for proper disposal. You can also use the same solution to soak your bong bowl or downstem.\nZiplock bag – for soaking your bong bowl and downstem.\nWarm running water – to get all that cleaning solution out of the bong.\nBong showing Klear Kryptonite cleaning solution\nHow to clean a double perc bong\nDouble perc bongs, especially tree arm percs, are challenging to clean because the percs have negative pressure that keeps the water from falling completely down the water chamber below. Here’s what you can do to go around that issue and clean your bong effectively.\nWhen your bong is cool enough, take out the bowl and downstem (if removable), and rinse it with warm water. This will help dislodge any ash left behind from the previous session. Rinse out every area of the bong and then dump out the water. Do the same with the bowl and downstem.\nPlace your bong on a flat, even surface. Make sure you don’t have anything around that you can knock over, and you have plenty of room to move around. Place the bowl and downstem inside a Ziploc bag.\nIt’s time to take out your cleaning solution. There’s no set up necessary when you decide to use alcohol and salt. If you’re using commercial cleaning solutions, be sure to prepare it according to package instructions for it to be effective.\nPour alcohol through the mouthpiece and continue until the alcohol falls inside the perc bellow as well as the water chamber. You can also add more through the stem if there’s not enough alcohol inside the water chamber. You don’t need to use too much alcohol for cleaning, though. Pour just enough so that it covers almost half of the percs, and a third of the stem of the water chamber. Add salt through the mouthpiece as and stem, and use just enough based on how dirty your bong is. Push the salt to the second chamber by blowing through the mouthpiece. You can cup your hands around it to prevent tasting nasty alcohol. Check to see if all of the chambers have alcohol and salt in them. Do the same if you’re using a cleaning solution minus the salt.\nPlace the bowl and the downstem inside a Ziplock bag. Pour enough cleaning solution so that the pieces are fully submerged. If you’re using alcohol, add a generous amount of salt to help scrub out the residue. Seal the bag and set aside and soak the pieces for 5-15 mins.\nShaking and scrubbing\nCap the openings of the perc bong, and shake the bong so that the solution swishes around the percs. For light to moderate buildup, soak the bong for 5-15 minutes.\nOnce you’re done soaking, it’s time to shake the bong once again. Shake and shake vigorously so that the solution reaches every single inch of the bong, about 2-5 minutes. Pay close attention to the dirtiest parts, which are commonly the slide and the percs. We know we’ve been saying this over and over, but we’ll say it again. Be careful with the arms of the tree perc. Some have had the unfortunate experience of breaking down an arm or two due to vigorous shaking.\nKeep shaking for until you see the bong is clean. Thin or new residue (meaning you just used your bong and only for a short while) is easy to remove after several minutes of shaking.\nNow that you’ve loosened up the residue, you can now easily scrub off stuck resin within the walls of your bong. Using a pipe cleaner, carefully and firmly scrub off the resin from the glass. Be careful not to poke on the percs as most of them are delicate. Keep the brush within the neck of the smoke chamber, slide, and water chamber of the bong. If your bong has an inline perc, use small and flexible pipe cleaners only if needed.\nOnce you’ve got your bowl clean, dump your cleaning solution from the base. Then cup your hands around the mouthpiece and blow through the bong. This will force the solution from the percs down to the water chamber. Do not invert and shake the bong to get the solution out of the percs. Some have broken a bong or two this way. Pour out the cleaning solution again from the stem.\nCheck to see if you still need some final brushings. Rinse the bong with warm water to get any remaining residue out, as well as the solution. Rinse thoroughly so that you won’t inhale any toxic chemicals that can ruin the taste of your hits as well as harm your lungs.\nTake the Ziplock bag of the bowl and downstem. Grip the two pieces together firmly and shake it for 2-3 minutes to take out the resin. Take the pieces out from the bag and use a pipe cleaner to scrub out the thick resin. Rinse the bowl and downstem thoroughly as you did with the bong to take out any remaining cleaning solution.\nUsing magnets to clean your bong is convenient and easy. You need a pair so you have a magnet for scrubbing and another for manipulating the magnet. Disc magnets are perfect for this purpose. Insert one in cloth or scrubber, and bond the other one to a wooden or glass cylinder. Just be careful when you use this because there’s a possibility of your bong getting scratched.\nDrop the scrubbing magnet carefully inside the stem of the double perc bong.\nUsing the other magnet “catch” the scrubber and sweep over the bong, until you clean off every resin from inside the water chamber and slide.\nOnce you’re done, carefully sweep the magnet until it reaches the lip of your bong slide. Keeping the bond between the two magnets, reach in and take out the scrubber.\nIf you got a micro disc magnet, you could use that to clean the inside of your bowl as well.\nCleaning off thick resin buildup\nIf your double perc bong is really dirty, soak it overnight. If you have Grundge off, forget the salt then cover the percs and chambers in the bong with the solution as suggested.\nCap the double perc bong and shake the solution throughout the pipe, then to soak.\nFor hard to remove stains, you can use cleaning magnets or pipe cleaners to clean inside the bong. Be gentle when you’re using pipes to prevent breaking the stem and the smoke chamber.\nDump out the alcohol or Grunge Off from the water chamber in a receptacle. If the alcohol does not look too dirty, you can still use it for another session. Place the bong on an even surface and cup your hands around the mouthpiece. Blow through it to force the cleaning solution from the percs down the water chamber.\nUse pipe cleaners to or magnets to remove any stuck resin. Rinse the bong thoroughly.\nGeneral tips for cleaning a double perc bong\nHow do you know that you’ve rinsed off the alcohol or solution? You’ve washed your bong well if you don’t smell any trace of chemicals in your bong. If you still smell even a hint, wash off again. You can never be too careful since you’ll be dragging that chemical along with the smoke down your lungs.\nWait for the bong to cool down a bit to prevent thermal expansion, especially if you had a pretty long and enjoyable session with it. You don’t want to crack your bong in the process by shocking it down. In the same note, do not boil your bong as others do. Unless your double perc bong is really, really clogged with resin, boiling is not an option. The thermal shock will shorten the lifespan of your bong and can cause cracks and breakage. It’s better to spend time soaking and cleaning the bong repeatedly to get the clog out.\nClean the bong immediately after use, especially if you had quite a long session with it. Dirt and resin are easier to remove because they don’t have time to harden and stick to the bong. Not to mention keeping a dirty bong harbors bacteria that leads to lung complications. The dirtier the bong, the harder it is to clean. If you wait for a while before cleaning the bong, it’s going to be harder to maintain also.\nDon’t do this near an open flame! Alcohol and other cleaning solutions are highly flammable. You can seriously burn yourself if the alcohol catches fire. Always use the microwave to warm the alcohol but only for several seconds. The more you wash your bong, the cleaner your bong will be. Some cleaning solutions are designed to keep your bong sparkling clean. You can also add a bit of lemon juice to the final rinsing water to create an acidic film inside the bong that will prevent the resin from sticking too hard.\nNow you know the steps to do to keep your tree perc bong sparkling clean. You can choose between the traditional method of using alcohol and salt, commercial cleaning solutions, and other cleaning tools.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Science of Healthy Buildings\nHealthy buildings are buildings that prioritize the quality of indoor environments. They bring together data science, machine learning, and best-in-class technology to facilitate connectivity and visibility. These buildings address key criteria, such as air quality and ventilation, to optimize indoor shared spaces.\nDid you know humans spend 90% of their lives indoors?\nIndoor environments are humans’ natural habitats. We spend 90% of our life indoors,\nbreathing mostly indoor air up to 20,000 times a day. What are we doing to make our\nnatural habitats - indoor environments - healthier shared spaces?\nThere are invisible risks present in indoor environments\nIn order to protect indoor spaces from harmful microorganisms, it's critical to address all vectors of transmission: air, surfaces, and person-to-person contact. A key mitigation strategy is to implement the CDC's guidelines regarding layered strateagies and hierarchies of controls. A multi-layered approach to environmental safety ensures that indoor environments are safer for occupants and avoids dependence on human behavior alone. As a sustainable, effective disinfection solution, UV-C can play a key role in a layered strategy for achieving indoor environmental quality.\nHow UV-C works\nUltraviolet (UV) light is light with a wavelength between 10 and 400 nanometers (nm). This light is not visible to the human eye. UV light has three sub-types: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.\nOf the three types of UV light, UV-C has the shortest wavelength (100 or 200 - 280 nm). Consequently, UV-C light cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere. As a result, it is germicidal or deadly to organisms on Earth because they have not been naturally exposed to it.\nUV-C light inactivates microorganisms by penetrating their cell walls and disrupting the replication of their genetic material. This disruption causes molecular lesions or dimers to form in their DNA. These dimers or lesions are covalent linkages between consecutive bases along a DNA strand rather than across a strand, and their presence prevents replication.\nUV-C can inactivate harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, mold, and mildew.\nUV-C as a general disinfection method is recommended by\nthe world’s leading health organizations\nReady to get started making your space safer\nwith better indoor air quality?\n254nm UV-C for air and surface disinfection in unoccupied spaces\n265nm upper room UVGI for autonomous, continuous air disinfection in occupied spaces\n222nm far UV for autonomous, continuous air and surface disinfection in occupied spaces", "label": "No"} {"text": "Chicken 65 is a favorite dish for most of us. We can have it as a snack, starter, side dish..\nChicken – 750 Gm – small pieces cut with bones.\nCorn flour – 2 tbs\nRice flour – 1 tbs\nGram flour – 1/2 tbs\nChilly powder – 3 tap\nTurmeric powder – 1/4 tsp\nCoriander powder – 1 tsp\nSalt – 1 tsp\nPepper powder – 1 tsp\nGinger garlic paste – 1 tsp\nThick fresh curd – 2 tsp\nLemon juice – 1 tsp\nEgg – 1\nOil to fry.\nOnion and lemon slices to serve.\nWash the chicken, squeeze the water and keep it dry.\nMix all flours, salt all Powders as shown. Add ginger garlic paste, curd, lemon juice, egg and mix well again to a paste. Don’t add any water.\nAdd chicken to the paste and coat well. Keep it aside for 1 hour.\nDeep fry as shown in batches.\nServe it with onions and lemon slices.\nTry this easy method once, you will definitely like this and always repeat this method.\nFor more of recipes in Gowri Samayalarai :\nVisit : http://gowrisamayalarai.com/\nSubscribe : https://www.youtube.com/c/gowrisamayalarai", "label": "No"} {"text": "Tattoo Pigment Ink Mixer Machine Tool 100 Mixing Sticks Supply Set\n100% brand new and high quality\nThis product is for tattoo use.\n2 AA 1.5V batteries are need (not included in the package)\nAn efficient way to mix colors together by pressing the button\nSticks are only one time use, clean and sanitary\n1x Ink Mixer + 100 PCS Mixing Sticks", "label": "No"} {"text": "To replace thick ITO single layer electrodes, ZnSnO (ZTO)/Ag/indium tin oxide (ITO) multilayer films were investigated as a function of Ag layer thickness. The ZTO/Ag/ITO films showed maximum transmittance in the range of 79.4-89.2%, depending on the Ag layer thickness. The relationship between transmittance and Ag thickness was simulated using the scattering matrix method to understand the high transmittance. As the Ag thickness increases from 6 to 14 nm, the carrier concentration increases from 4.12 × 1021 to 1.11 × 1022 cm-3 and the mobility increases from 8.14 to 17.4 cm2/V s. The ZTO (20 nm)/Ag (10 nm)/ITO (30 nm) multilayer films had a sheet resistance of 9 Ω/sq. The ZTO/Ag/ITO multilayer had Haacke's figure of merit of 28.3 × 10-3 Ω-1. The ZTO/Ag/ITO films deposited on PET substrates showed dramatically improved mechanical flexibility when subjected to bending test compared to 60 nm-thick ITO single layer electrodes.\n- Transparent conducting electrode\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Materials Science(all)\n- Condensed Matter Physics\n- Electrical and Electronic Engineering", "label": "No"} {"text": "rock solid stone heart linear earrings\nhandcrafted of rose gold-tone metal, our rock solid linear earrings are embellished with custom-cut faceted crystals in the shape of one of our all-time favorite shapes: a heart. we gave them titanium posts so they're safe for even the most sensitive ears.\n- plated metal, cubic zirconia\n- titanium posts with spade backs\n- weight: 11.64g\n- width: 0.44\"\n- total drop length: 1.12\"\n- style # wbruh792", "label": "No"} {"text": "The liver is susceptible to such oxidative and metabolic stresses as ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) and fatty acid accumulation. Probiotics are viable microorganisms that restore the gut microbiota and exert a beneficial effect on the liver by inhibiting bacterial enzymes, stimulating immunity, and protecting intestinal permeability. We evaluated Lactobacillus paracasei F19 (LP-F19), for its potential protective effect, in an experimental model of I/R (30 min ischemia and 60 min reperfusion) in rats fed a standard diet or a steatogen [methionine/choline-deficient (MCD)] diet. Both groups consisted of 7 sham-operated rats, 10 rats that underwent I/R, and 10 that underwent I/R plus 8 wk of probiotic dietary supplementation. In rats fed a standard diet, I/R induced a decrease in sinusoid perfusion (P < 0.001), severe liver inflammation, and necrosis besides an increase of tissue levels of malondialdehyde (P < 0.001), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P < 0.001), interleukin (IL)-1beta (P < 0.001), and IL-6 (P < 0.001) and of serum levels of transaminase (P < 0.001) and lipopolysaccharides (P < 0.001) vs. sham-operated rats. I/R also induced a decrease in Bacterioides, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus spps (P < 0.01, P < 0.001, and P < 0.001, respectively) and an increase in Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively) on intestinal mucosa. The severity of liver and gut microbiota alterations induced by I/R was even greater in rats with liver inflammation and steatosis, i.e., MCD-fed animals. LP-F19 supplementation significantly reduced the harmful effects of I/R on the liver and on gut microbiota in both groups of rats, although the effect was slightly less in MCD-fed animals. In conclusion, LP-F19 supplementation, by restoring gut microbiota, attenuated I/R-related liver injury, particularly in the absence of steatosis.\n|Autori:||Nardone, Gerardo; Compare, Debora; Liguori, Eleonora; Di Mauro, Valentina; Rocco, Alba; Barone, Michele; Napoli, Anna; Lapi, Dominga; Rosaria Iovene, Maria; Colantuoni, Antonio|\n|Titolo:||Protective effects of Lactobacillus paracasei F19 in a rat model of oxidative and metabolic hepatic injury|\n|Anno del prodotto:||2010|\n|Digital Object Identifier (DOI):||10.1152/ajpgi.00188.2010|\n|Appare nelle tipologie:||1.1 Articolo in rivista|", "label": "No"} {"text": "X-ray Fluorescene coating thickness gauge Market report first introduced the basic elements of the X-ray fluorescence coating thickness gauge: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; production processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Subsequently, it analyzed the most important regional market conditions, including product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and prognosis, etc. Eventually, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis of investment and investment return analysis.\nImportant players in X-ray Fluorescene Coating Thickness Gauge Market Report:\nHitachi High-Tech Science\nJiangsu Skyray instrument\nRequest a sample Copy of X-ray Fluorescene coating thickness gauge Market report: https://www.marketreportsworld.com/enquiry/request-sample/10766864\nTypes of X-rays Fluorescene Coating thickness gauge Market report:\nX-ray Fluorescene Coating Thickness Gauge The research report of the industry is a rigorous examination of the current scenario of the market, which includes different market dynamics. The market report also provides an analytical assessment of the main challenges facing the market for X-rays with fluorescent film thickness metering at present and in the coming years, giving market participants an insight into the problems they may encounter while operating on this market for a longer period. period of time.\nFor more information, ask our experts: https://www.marketreportsworld.com/enquiry/pre-order-enquiry/10766864\nThe market report contains the following points:\n- The assessment of the market that helps to collect the fundamental data on the market for X-ray fluorescent coating thickness gauges.\n- The market distribution of the X-rays Fluorescene Coating Thickness Gauge is based on the end customer companies, applications and on various focuses. With the aid of the division, the market research is done bitterly. For a better understanding and for increasing more data, the fragments are also divided into sub-sections.\n- In the next segment the development components of the X-ray Fluorescene Coating Thickness Gauge Market are included. These variables were collected from the substantial sources and approved by the company specialists.\n- It helps in understanding the editorial sections and their future of X-ray Fluorescene Coating Thickness Gauge Market\n- It gives a six-year suspicion that has been investigated on the basis of how it is predicted that the market will grow\nPlace an order for X-ray Fluorescene coating thickness gauges Market report for: https://www.marketreportsworld.com/purchase/10766864\nX-ray Fluorescene coating thickness gauge Market forecast 2018-2023\nThe X-ray fluorescent coating thickness gauge industry research report analyzes the delivery, sale, productionand market status extended. production market shares and market shares for sales are analyzed, together with the study of capacity, production, sales and revenues. Several other factors, such as importing, export, gross margin, price, cost, and consumption are also analyzed under the section Analysis of production, delivery, sales and market status of X-ray coating thickness gauges.", "label": "No"} {"text": "AS a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment, we offer advanced, rational solutions for any size-reduction requirements, including quarry, aggregate, grinding production and complete stone crushing plant. We also supply individual crushers and mills as well as spare parts of them.\nAccording to the different production requests, we specially divide all kinds of equipment into several processing fields, namely construction, mining, milling and accessory equipment field. 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Chat Online. Gold Detecting Device.\nASD TerraSpec 4 Hi-Res Mineral Spectrometer\nContaminant detection and analysis Recognized as the de facto technology for mineralogical analysis, the rugged portable ASD TerraSpec mineral spectrometers are trusted by top geologists for performing fast, precise pathfinder mineral identification for identification of exploration targets. The ASD TerraSpec 4 Hi-Res mineral analyzer Explore, discover and analyse the best mineral testing tools,Mining Technology , Mining News and Views Updated Daily is using cookies Explore, discover and analyse the best mineral testing tools. Limits of detection of XRF technology has also been boosted by the development of the silicon drift detector for handheld analysers, which allows high pulse throughput without any associated loss of\nIn the mineral processing industries, whether its mining, aggregate, or concrete regrind, the protection of downstream crushers and mills is mission critical. 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(According to our ,And since metal detectors can pay for themselves, look at it as an investment, not an expense. A good rule of thumb spend as much as you can afford, and get the best detector that your budget will allow. Where Will You Use It? This has a bearing on which detector\nmineral ore detection equipment centrostampa-srl.it\nOre Detection Equipment bobtattooworld.com. mineral ore detection equipment rampackers.rover gold okm metal detectors.the rover gold is a gold,silver and mineral detector especially built for locating. mineral ore detection equipment crusherasia. 21 results mineral,the free encyclopedia.a mineral is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and s le at room temperature,represen le by a ,", "label": "No"} {"text": "specialized cells to which drugs can attach themselves\ndrugs that can alter mood or behavior\nmedication that can be obtained only by prescribption by a dr\nover the counter drugs\nmeds that can be purchased without consent from Dr\ndrugs that contain chemicals that help people relax or socialize, most but not all durgs in this category are legal\nsubstances of plant origin that are belived to have medincial properties\nillicit (illegal) drugs\ndrugs whose use, possesion, cultivation manufatcutre and or sale are against the law because they are harmful\ncommonly used chemicals substances including cosmetics, household cleaning products, and industrial by-proucts\nroute of administration\nmanner in which a drug is taken into the body\nintake of drugs by the mouth\nintroduction of drugs thorugh the skin\nsteps in drug breakdown\ndrug induced;circulates bloodstream;attaches to receptor sites;liver breaks down drug;drug at recpetor sites dissipate;lungs, bowls and skin, kidneys excrete chemicals metoblized by the liver\nmost powerful distillate of cocaine\ndistillate of powder cocaine that comes in small hard chips or rocks not the same as rock cocaine\na large group of synthetic agents that stimulate the cns(ridtalin and adderall)\npowerfully addictive drugs strongly activates certain areas of the brain and affects the cns-\npotent, inexpensive methamphetamine that has long lasting effects\nsticky resin of weed plant-high in thc\ndrug that induce sleep and relieve pani-primarly opiates\nparent drug of opiate-made from seed of resin from poppy\nderivitave of morphine injected(illegally made)\nblack tar heroin\na dark brown, sticky form\nopiate like hormones that are made in human body and contriubute to happy feelings\narea in brain stem that is responsible for relaying messages to the other areas in the brain\ndrug created effect in which sensory messages are incorrectly assigned-hears a taste smells a sound\nWhich of the following statements about opiates are FALSE?\nOpiates are classified as schedule V drug.\nAn example of inunction is:\nThe (Native American) North American Church has been granted special permission to use which drug during religious ceremonies?\nWhich of the following is an example of a deliriant?\nWhich of the following statements about designer drugs is FALSE?\nThere are no known negative effects of designer drugs.\nThe effects of nitrous oxide include all of the following EXCEPT:\nThe illegal drug that does not appear to cause physical dependency is:", "label": "No"} {"text": "Watch Video $30.90\n25% Off MSRP: $41.35\nOven bake element. The terminals are male quarter inch spade connectors. The wires push onto the heating elements connectors. If the oven does not bake then the element could have burned out.\nChrome drip bowl (also called a drip pan) for 8-inch burner. The drip pan sits underneath the heating element to collect drips or spills around the burner.\nChrome drip bowl for 6-inch electric coil burner. This drip bowl sits underneath the burner to catch drips or spills.\nWatch Video $33.67\n46% Off MSRP: $62.82\nOven igniter assembly. Short ceramic style igniter with mounting bracket and wire nuts for installation. Overall length is 3.72\", amperage range 3.2 to 3.6. The igniter is the most commonly defective part for a gas oven not heating correctly or at all.\nStove top surface element terminal block kit with interchangeable mounting brackets. The kit also includes ceramic wire nuts, heat shrink protective tubing, and wires. If the element works intermittently then the receptacle may be making poor contact with the element and needs replacement.\nSurface element control switch for the large surface element. If the surface element is not heating the element can be tested to determine if it is defective. If not, the switch is likely causing the problem.\nWatch Video $18.15\n39% Off MSRP: $29.84\nStove top coil surface heating element, 8 inch. If the element does not heat either it or the control switch is defective. The coil can be tested to determine if it is at fault.\nOven temperature sensor *May require cutting and splicing wire connector\nWatch Video $5.84\n52% Off MSRP: $12.07\nRear glide for oven lower storage drawer.\nWatch Video $14.37\n36% Off MSRP: $22.49\nRange/stove surface element (6-inch). If the surface element won't heat, either the surface element or the surface element switch may be defective. To determine if the surface element is defective, use a multimeter to test it for continuity.\nWatch Video $23.10\n35% Off MSRP: $35.31\n8 Inch electric coil surface element with looped terminals, 2600 watts. 5 turns. If the surface element does not have continuity (an unbroken electrical circuit), the surface element won't heat.\nWatch Video $20.86\n21% Off MSRP: $26.47\nOven bake heating element with push-on wire terminals. If the oven won't heat, the bake element may have burned out. Often, if the bake element has burned out, it will be visibly damaged.", "label": "No"} {"text": "stunning walkways with glass floors and balustrades\nA glass balcony is a perfect opportunity to create interesting links between floors, living areas or office spaces. Especially when worked together with Glass Stairs, Glass Floors or a Glass Balustrade.\nUsing glass within a balcony design, adds light, removes the need for bulky frames and solid dark flooring. A glass balcony could simply be a Juliet balcony with a glass panel or balustrade, or could be something more substantial like the walkway between two office spaces.\nOur toughened glass products are ideal for your glass balcony requirements and will give you piece of mind when creating architectural decisions.", "label": "No"} {"text": "14k Yellow Gold Boy February Purple Birthstone Pendant\nYour little darling will love the beauty of birthstones with this CiZi kid's version of the February Purple Amethyst. He is adorably cute with this 14k Yellow Gold Boy February Purple Birthstone Pendant.\nRhodium is a platinum alloy commonly applied as a protective coating to white gold. This coating makes the white metal even brighter, and prevents tarnish. It can also be used to create decorative white designs on yellow or rose gold items. All of our 14k white gold jewelry contains rhodium.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Coffee Face Wash - Boosts Collagen Production, Prevents Signs of Aging & Reduces Skin Inflammation\nPrime Fast Delivery\nNeed More Discount ~ Chat with Sales Person! BARGIN NOW\nManKind Coffee Face Wash has a deep cleaning formula infused with coffee, shea butter, coconut, and walnut shell powder. This gives your face the daily dose of apparent freshness that it needs to look its best. It is a daily skincare product that will deeply cleanse, revitalize, and leave your skin wanting more after using it. A naturally foamy solution devoid of all synthetic foaming agents, including parabens and SLS. Clearing the skin, fighting acne and pimples, and preventing future breakouts are all accomplished by the skin-purifying Coffee Face Wash.\nHow Does It Work?\nManKind Coffee Face Wash eliminates oil, grime, and dullness. Coffee thoroughly cleans and boosts collagen for young skin and reduces cellulite. The face wash contains antioxidant-rich coffee to tone and decreases puffiness. Shea butter, coconut, and walnut shell powder have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging characteristics that constrict pores, reverse sun damage, and increase blood flow for healthy, even-toned skin. This soothing, pH-balanced face cleanser is dermatologically tested for all skin types and made with natural components. A moderate, deep-cleansing Coffee Face Wash eliminates grime, oil, and dullness.\nShop Mankind Coffee Face Wash & Get delivery in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and across Pakistan.\n- Coffee's anti-inflammatory properties come from its high concentration of antioxidants, which neutralize the effects of harmful components coming from the environment.\n- ManKind coffee face washes benefit all skin types, including dry skin, normal skin, oily skin, combination skin, and sensitive skin.\n- Use the recommended quantity of face wash on a moist face, massaging it gently before rinsing and patting it dry.\n- This face wash cleanses dirt and germs that are produced on the skin. It goes deep within the pores and gives an even skin tone.\n- Sun has harmful rays that have a dangerous effect on the skin if no precaution is taken; this face wash protects the skin from sun rays.\nsummer facewash face wash\nCleanses Dirt and Germs\nWhen applied to the face, ManKind Coffee Face Wash has skin-purifying agents that remove oil, grime, and other impurities while providing a thorough cleansing that reveals clean and clear skin. It is advised by many experts in the field of skincare to be used consistently to assist in achieving smoother and brighter skin.\nProtect from Harmful Rays\nUV rays are dangerous, sometimes leading to much more severe and even fatal skin conditions. Caffeine could shield the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. It creates a barrier that doesn't let the UV rays penetrate deep into the skin and reverses the skin damage caused by the skin. This is extremely beneficial in reducing signs of aging.\nPromote Healthy Skin\nCoffee is an excellent exfoliant and extremely rich in B vitamins, promoting healthy cell turnover and increasing the skin's ability to retain moisture. Your skin will be brighter, smoother, and more even in tone after using the exfoliating coffee face wash since it will remove dead skin cells, increasing blood circulation.\nCoffee has properties that signal the repair of tissue. As a result, it plays an essential part in regulating cell re-growth. This, in turn, leads to maintained moisture (increased collagen) and enhanced skin suppleness.\nUsing a coffee face wash daily may help fight off infections caused by hazardous germs in the case of a wound or repeated skin illnesses. Coffee can reduce inflammation and kill germs. All of these positives can help combat acne, especially when combined with the natural exfoliating of coffee grounds.\nEye Area Care\nThe region around the eyes is susceptible and requires the utmost care. Caffeine's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness, puffiness, and irritation around the eyes, making coffee a vital component in many over-the-counter and prescription eye care treatments.\nIncluding a coffee face wash in your regular skincare routine will do wonders for tightening loose, sagging skin. After only a few applications, your skin will feel tighter and look more toned because of the removal of excess water and the stimulation of collagen synthesis.\nDecreases Aging Signs\nUsing a coffee face wash is beneficial for several reasons. One is that it leaves your skin looking and feeling revitalized and younger. Caffeine provides an antioxidant boost that delays the onset of aging by enhancing collagen formation and cell turnover. Because ManKind Coffee Face Wash contains a potent amount of coffee, it leaves your skin looking irresistibly radiant and clean while also making it feel smooth, oil-free, and moisturized.\nMaintains Skins pH\nDue to their similar pH levels, coffee and skin are often compared. They share your skin's slightly acidic pH, which aids in the battle against bacteria and infections. Inflammation can occur if your skin's pH level drops too low, and dryness can occur if it rises too high. By leveling out these disparities, coffee face wash helps your skin achieve its ideal tone.\nWet your face correctly with water.\nApply face wash and massage gently for 2 to 3 minutes.\n|After foaming, rinse your facial skin with cold and clean water and pat dry.|\n|Aloe vera Extract.|", "label": "No"} {"text": "This study is concerned with three aspects of the ionic requirements for cell attachment to collagen; namely (a) the divalent, (b) monovalent cation specificities and (c) pH optima for cell interaction with collagen. The divalent cation requirement for cell attachment to collagen can be sufficed by Ca2+, Mg2+ and certain transition group metals; whereas Ba2+, Sr2+, and polyamines are inactive. The pH optimum for cell attachment in this system occurs in the physiological range. The monovalent cation requirement for cell attachment to collagen is satisfied by isotonic NaCl, KCl, LiCl, NH4Cl, sucrose, and glucose. Pronounced inhibition of cell attachment occurs under both hypertonic and hypotonic conditions.\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Cell Biology", "label": "No"} {"text": "The benefits of CBD oil are immense. CBD Essence makes use of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil as its service oil. Evaluating the efficiency of varied CBD products on the market, it’s possible you’ll notice that CBD Essence products have a a lot lower efficiency stage. Folks coping with continual or extreme health issues may not get the a lot-anticipated aid they search. A 60ml bottle of CBD Oil Full-Spectrum Tincture – 600mg accommodates 616.080mg of CBD.\nCBDistillery’s hashish extract is produced from industrial hemp, which contains lower than zero.three% THC. Primarily based on dry weight, it’s extracted from the stems and stems of vegetation to provide cannabis extract containing varied cannabinoids. Again, you can cbd essence review here use the CBD capsules while on the move. Outdoorsy those that live their life open air will discover the CBD capsules to be quite convenient. They are easy to hold, and dosing is just not a lot of a trouble.\nThe pure CBD is extracted from the uncooked hashish by the quality management staff and then extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide tools and despatched to a third-party laboratory for content material essence cbd oil and purity testing. As soon as the third-get together laboratory report is approved, the CBD extract can be made into 607 completely different merchandise on the market.\nSpeedy Plans For Cbd Essence Reviews – A Closer Look\nThe product line of the model consists of a number of CBD goods classes that will swimsuit the demand for even most savored fans of the product extracted from hemp. One of many prime picks on their website is CBD Essence CBD Tinctures which have received excessive acclamations from the community followers. One other class that is booming in the store proper now’s CBD Essence Capsules that will be an insight for anyone looking for intaking CBD on a highway trip or in a traffic cbd essence review jam going to the office. In general, you’ll discover five product categories which are available for purchasers. Oils, tinctures, edibles, capsules, topical creams, and pet care CBD goods embody Health Advantages of CBD Essence that has been authorised by the 1000’s of completely happy clients whose lives grew to become so much simpler, and we’re not even speaking about their mesmerizing pets.\nThe products are delivered only in small batches to manage the quality foremost. Sprays comprise the bottom CBD focus. The quantity of CBD in sprays is wherever between one to three milligrams. It is comparatively harder essence cbd oil to measure the amount of CBD in sprays compared to other CBD merchandise. But, if you want to carry your CBD oil while on the go, sprays supply the best choice.\nTermination. We, in our sole discretion, may change, discontinue or terminate all or any facets of a price-primarily based Service with out discover, together with access to help providers, content and different products or services ancillary to the charge-based Service, topic to offering an applicable refund for any portions of a specified but not obtainable time period. You could cancel a fee-based Service at any time by logging into your online account and terminating the subscription.\nExploring Programs In Cbd Essence\nThese are the commonest in the market. Tinctures are an ideal choice in the event you’re searching for CBD in its purest kind. Some tinctures have flavors that make them extra comfy and extra satisfying to eat. Tinctures come with a dropper to be able to place some drop beneath your tongue. Dosage ranges from 100g to 1,000g relying on the rationale for the taking the oil.\nA Look At Quick Plans In Essence Cbd Oil\nApart from containing extra THC, these plants also tend to include less CBD than hemp crops, and the difference has turn out to be steadily extra pronounced. CBD Essence, a subsidiary of the NutraHemp group, was founded essence cbd in 2014 by Don Ballou. Ballou first encountered CBD as he searched for an alternate way of managing his ADHD symptoms earlier than deciding to create his personal CBD company.\nDon Ballou spent about three a long time battling signs of ADHD and determined to provide CBD products with tangible outcomes. All of the merchandise by CBD ESSENCE are authorized in the United States. Since 2014, We’ve been excited about serving to people lead more healthy and happier lives. Our major objective essencecare cbd oil is to offer the most consistent and greatest CBD oil. We focus on producing high-quality, pure, and 100% natural CBD oil made daily in small batches to maintain the best high quality and consistency.\nCBD Essence profile on Trustpilot appears to be like very healthy and reliable. Many glad clients affirm that this model is a responsible company that makes product that basically work and has helped them and their loved ones. Still, analysis take a look at the site here on CBD’s long-term impact has yet to provide complete results. Shoppers are advised to seek the advice of first with a licensed doctor before incorporating CBD merchandise into their well being routine.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Croatian Clary Sage Salvia sclarea\nMild earthy, fruity and floral aroma. Top and middle notes. Combines well with, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, and Sandalwood. Not to be used during pregnancy, or breastfeeding.\n10ml undiluted Essential Oil Packaged in Amber Glass with a Reducer.\nSourced for the most agreeable aroma and clean chemical composition.\nThere are no reviews yet.\nYou must be logged in to post a review.", "label": "No"} {"text": "These homemade gummies / fruit snacks are very quick and easy to make. They are a great source of gelatin which is very beneficial for joint, skin, nail, hair, and gut health! When you make these make sure to use gelatin that comes from healthy, pasture raised animals. The gelatin we use comes from grass fed beef.Print\nHealthy Gummies / Fruit Snacks\nWrite a review\n- Mix all ingredients in blender.\n- Heat mixture on stove until liquid thins.\n- Pour mixture into an oiled silicon mold and put in fridge for about an hour or until solid. (You can simply use a flat tray, and cut into squares once it solidifies)\n- Optional: remove gummies / fruit snacks from mold, put on a plate and sprinkle with coconut shreds.\n- Try different fruit mixes, or additives like maca powder, etc. We used coconut oil spray to oil our silicon forms.\nRealize Permaculture Homestead https://realizehomestead.com/", "label": "No"} {"text": "My humans and I tried this tea both hot and chilled. It was quite an experience: http://is.gd/dC8hB\nto leave a comment.\nJust a little yellow teapot and his humans enjoying tea.\nWe welcome samples of your teas. Send me a PM for a mailing address.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Brown Rice Protein provides support for muscle toning and assists in bone repair and formation. It also supports weight loss by balancing blood sugar levels and moderating appetite. Brown Rice Protein is conveniently made in powdered form, so it is an excellent addition to smoothies and meals that may be lacking in protein. It is one of the most commonly chosen supplemental sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans who are unable to use animal proteins.\nBrown rice protein is a vegetarian alternative protein isolate to the commonly used whey and soy isolates. While rice is comprised mainly of carbohydrates, it contains proteins high in cysteine and methionine, which are extracted to create Brown Rice Protein. This protein is a simple and convenient way to introduce more protein into your diet, with the added benefits of a hypo-allergenic, easily digestible, vegetarian-based powder. It is commonly mixed with other powders, such as pea powder, to provide a complete protein, and it may also be added to cooked food to supplement the protein quality of a meal.\nMany consumers have shifted from products made with animal proteins, such as whey, to plant-based powders that are gluten-free and non-dairy. Innovations in protein-capturing technology have allowed us to create a vegetarian protein source with a 95% digestibility rate and a high antioxidant capacity. Brown Rice Protein is made from sprouted brown rice, which provides an excellent protein efficiency ratio. Using enzymes, filtering and fermentation to yield high levels of amino acids, Brown Rice Protein is a popular choice for protein powder on today’s market.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In the world of manufacturing, two commonly used materials that are often compared are cast iron and steel. Both have their own unique characteristics and uses in various industries. Understanding the difference between these materials is essential for ensuring the success of CNC machining projects.\nWhat is CNC Machining?\nBefore delving into the specifics of cast iron and steel, it's important to grasp the basics of CNC machining. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, which refers to the automation of machine tools using computerized systems. This revolutionary technology allows for precise control over a wide range of cutting, milling, drilling, and shaping processes.\nWith CNC machining, manufacturers can produce highly accurate parts and components by following digital instructions read by the machines. It enhances productivity, reduces human error, and ensures consistency throughout the production process. However, selecting the right material for CNC machining is crucial to achieve desired outcomes.\nThe Characteristics of Cast Iron\nCast iron is an alloy primarily composed of iron, carbon, and silicon. Its name arises from the casting process used to create complex shapes and structures. There are several types of cast iron, including gray iron, white iron, malleable iron, ductile iron, and compacted graphite iron.\nOne prominent characteristic of cast iron is its excellent vibration damping capability, making it ideal for applications where stability and noise reduction are critical factors. Additionally, cast iron exhibits high wear resistance, good machinability, and better heat retention properties compared to other metals. These attributes make it suitable for high-temperature environments or heavy-duty machinery.\nDespite its advantages, cast iron does possess some shortcomings. It is brittle and prone to cracking under excessive pressure or impact, limiting its use in load-bearing applications. Moreover, although it can be easily cast into intricate forms, modifying or repairing cast iron components requires specialized equipment and techniques.\nThe Advantages of Steel in CNC Machining\nSteel, on the other hand, is an alloy composed primarily of iron and carbon, but it typically contains smaller amounts of other elements like manganese, chromium, or nickel. Its versatility and properties have made it one of the most widely used materials in industrial applications.\nOne key advantage of steel is its strength and durability. It possesses excellent mechanical properties, including high tensile strength, toughness, and resistance to wear and fatigue. Moreover, steel demonstrates greater flexibility compared to cast iron as it can be machined, welded, and formed into various shapes without compromising its integrity.\nFurthermore, steel has a wider range of grades and compositions tailored for specific purposes. This allows manufacturers to choose the appropriate type of steel based on factors such as corrosion resistance, heat resistance, magnetism, or electrical conductivity. Whether it's stainless steel for food-grade applications or tool steel for cutting tools, CNC machining benefits from the multitude of options offered by this material.\nCritical Considerations in CNC Machining Selection\nThe decision between cast iron and steel boils down to the specific requirements of a given project. Certain factors must be considered when choosing the right material for CNC machining:\n1. Structural Integrity: If the application involves heavy loads or impact forces, steel's superior strength and ductility make it a preferred choice.\n2. Weight and Design Complexity: Cast iron's ability to retain intricate details and dampen vibrations might be advantageous in scenarios where weight is not critical.\n3. Heat Resistance: High-temperature environments demand materials with good thermal conductivity and resistance. Both cast iron and steel offer suitable options that can withstand extreme heat.\n4. Cost-effectiveness: Depending on budget constraints, the selection of either cast iron or steel should factor in the availability, production costs, and lifecycle expenses associated with each material.\nCNC machining provides precision and efficiency in the manufacturing industry, and selecting the correct material is vital for achieving desired outcomes. Cast iron and steel offer distinct advantages and characteristics depending on the requirements of a project. Understanding their differences allows manufacturers to make informed decisions, optimizing performance and ensuring success in CNC machining endeavors. CNC Milling", "label": "No"} {"text": "Studies on recombinant protein and peptides derived from diphtheria toxin\nNo Thumbnail Available\nDiphtheria toxin (DT) is a well characterized AB-toxin with three independent domains: C-domain for catalysis and toxicity, T-domain for translocation through the membrane and R-domain or receptor-binding domain. The toxicity of DT has been investigated extensively and is utilized to create therapeutic agents, like immunotoxins, which kill cells. However, the receptor-binding ability of DT is not extensively explored and used for therapeutic purposes. The receptor of DT is Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF). It is expressed as a membrane-bound molecule, which is eventually released by ectodomain shedding. HB-EGF is a growth factor. It is overexpressed in various cancer cells and activates different oncogenic signaling pathways. Therefore, HB-EGF on the cell surface can be targeted for cell-specific drug delivery. It can also be targeted to modulate its oncogenic signaling. In the current work, we have manipulated the receptor-binding domain of Diphtheria toxin (RDT) in two ways. First, we have used recombinant RDT to deliver drug-loaded nanoparticles to specific cells that express Human HB-EGF. In the second part, we have established that a short stretch of 26 amino acids in RDT is adequate for binding to HB-EGF with moderate affinity.\nSupervisor: Biplab Bose\nBIOSCIENCES AND BIOENGINEERING", "label": "No"} {"text": "Laird Thermal Systems has expanded its SuperCool Series product offering with the development of three high-performance ultra-compact Peltier Cooler assemblies. The space-saving SuperCool Series is designed for applications that require high cooling capacities in tight space constraints such as chambers in medical diagnostics and sample storage compartments in analytical instrumentation. The smaller, refrigerant-free thermoelectric assemblies provide an environmentally friendly alternative to compressor-based systems for precise temperature control.\nThe new SuperCool Series provides engineers with three heat transfer options on the control side. Heat can be absorbed via liquid, conduction or convection. The Liquid to Air unit offers a cooling capacity of 140 Watts. The Direct to Air model has a cooling capacity of 130 Watts and the Air to Air unit with a capacity of 110 Watts. All cooling capacities are measured at ?T = 0 °C and operate on a nominal voltage of 24 VDC.\nThe compact SuperCool Series Peltier assemblies have a unique hot side air heat sink design that dissipates heat more efficiently than conventional heat exchanger technologies. The expanded SuperCool Series transfers heat to air more rapidly and is also quieter than previous models.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Global Air Purifier Market size is projected to be valued $XX Billion by 2024; with a CAGR of XX% from 2017 to 2025. Air purifier devices are used in removing the contaminants from the air depending on the range and extent of diffusion of the purifiers. They are usually been widely used in the medical, industrial, and commercial industries. Air purifiers have been widely accepted across the industries due to its unique qualities such as removing pet dander, mold spores and dust mite feces, dust, pollen, and volatile organic compounds.\nRising industrial and air pollution, coupled with increasing health concern and exposure to respiratory diseases are expected to increasing the growth of the air purifier market. Moreover, rise in the disposable income and increased awareness regarding the benefits of air purifier is also expected to boast the growth of the market. However, high cost incurred in changing the filters of air purifier may hinder the growth of market.\nThe air purifier market is segmented on the basis of product, technology, application and by geography. Based on the product, the market is segmented into dust collectors, fume and smoke collectors, vehicle exhaust, mist eliminators and fire/emergency exhaust. By technology, the market has been further classified into HEPA, electrostatic precipitators, Activated carbon ionic filters, UV light air purifier and others. By application, the market has been segmented into Residential, Automotive, Construction, Healthcare & Medical, Energy & Utility and Manufacturing. Based on geography, the market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and ROW.\nMajor companies operating in this market are Daikin Industries, Ltd., Honeywell International Inc., 3M Company, Clarcor Inc., Sharp Corporation, Philips Electronics, SPX Corporation, Camfil Group, Fumex Inc., and Eureka Forbes.\nThe report covers\nScope of the Global Air Purifier Market", "label": "No"} {"text": "Spray a standard 12 cup muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray. line the cups with paper liners and spray liner with cooking spray. Dust each mold with cocoa powder, tapping out the excess.\nCombine the butter and cream in small saucepan over medium-high heat. Thinly shave 5 ounces of the chocolate with a large knife and put the chocolate into a medium heatproof bowl. When the cream mixture comes to a simmer, pour it over the chocolate and mix gently to incorporate the ingredients.\nIn a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, mayonnaise, cornstarch, and cinnamon just until the sugar has dissolved. Pour the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and gently mix just until the homogeneous. Mixing too much will prevent the eggs from rising in the oven. Scoop about 1/4 cup of the batter into each mold (about 3/4 of the way up the sides). Bake just until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 40 to 45 minutes. While hot, add a chunk of remaining 3 ounces of chocolate in the center of each, by gently pushing it through the top of the cupcake in the center. Cool the pan on a rack for 10 minutes and then unmold them. Serve warm on a pedastal or platter, stacked two-high if possible in pyramid form. Dust with powdered sugar and serve.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Set recipe formulation with the same premium quality proteins and essential amino acids used in every batch for incredible muscle building capacity.\n- Extruded (cooked) to keep grain out of the hind gut and maintain calm, yet responsive behaviour.\n- Superior nutrient profile and digestibility will allow you to feed approximately 1 kg/day less than a similar pelleted feed\n*Conditions: Valid 1/6/2019 - 30/6/2019 or while stocks last. May not be available in all stores but may be ordered on request. Delivery not included. Our Customer Terms of Trade/Sale apply to the sale of products listed here unless specified otherwise.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Boosters for testosterone are very self-explanatory. These vitamins are all-natural and come in both blends and as separate components. For males, testosterone enhancers are common dietary remedies, especially for those who engage in weightlifting, health, pro sports, or who will have testosterone production that is below ideal levels. You can Read More about testosterone boosters in the market.\nTestosterone supplements are used to stimulate sex urges in terms of helping clients grow muscular build and strength. Additionally, natural testosterone enhancers are used for millennia to increase athletic ability, stamina, and persistence.\nHow Do Testosterone Supplements Function?\nPreparations for testosterone boosters frequently include several components that were both medically shown to help with testosterone raising.\nThey might also contain additives that haven’t been extensively studied for their ability to increase testosterone, but which have been shown to lower cortisol, a hormone cortisol recognized to impair endogenous testosterone, or to induce sleep, some other crucial element in maximizing endogenous testosterone.\n- Healthier body and circulation\n- Lean muscle gains\n- Fat reduction\n- Stronger bones\n- Improvements in strength\nBetter athletic performance, stamina and endurance, higher libido, and an improved mental state are some of the benefits.\nWhen Is the Ideal Time a Testosterone Supplements?\nConsumers should still refer to the package insert for instructions on how and how to use the accelerator to get the most out of it. To achieve the best benefits, several brands advise using hormonal pills first thing tomorrow and the last thing at night.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dixie Diner makes the perfect sugar free snacking, dipping & baking chocolate with 91% cacao! Weighing in at only 1 net carb per tablespoon and 3 grams of muscle building protein from whey, these nifty little chocolate chunkies can satisfy your chocolate craving the right way. Use them for dipping or baking, this is the one essential ingredient in your kitchen to help you stay on-track with your low carb diet.\nAll natural, no sugar alcohols or polydextrose. Also great for use in your favorite recipes.\nLast Updated: 2016-12-30 15:31:34", "label": "No"} {"text": "SURPRISING ABOUT HOT SPRING !!!\nThis health benefit is one you can read all about but really have to experience for yourself. Hot springs are incredibly calming which relive anxiety and promote a healthy mental well-being.\n- Health Benefits of Hot Springs\nMore than just relaxing, soaking in a hot spring can have great benefits for your health too\nWe have outlined some of the top benefits of dipping into a hot spring.\n- Boost Blood Circulation\nThe water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including calcium and sodium bicarbonate. Our bodies soak up these minerals when we are in a hot spring, which increases circulation and overall oxygen flow.\n- Reduce Stress and Promote Sleep\nThe mineral water in hot springs can also help reduce stress by relaxing tense muscles. Meanwhile as your body temperature rises in the bath, and then cools once you exit can also help you relax and fall into a deeper sleep.\n- Health Skin Problems\nThe high silica content found in hot springs can smooth and soften dry and rough skin.\nSkin conditions can also be helped with hot springs.\nIn natural hot springs, there is something called silica that can actually really help your skin.\nSulfur is used to make collagen, which keeps your skin healthy and smooth.\nDetoxification of oils and dead cells can occur through you sweating it all out", "label": "No"} {"text": "- The red yeast rice is a rice product produced by the fermentation of a strain of yeast known as Monascus purpureus.\n- Red yeast rice has been prized for its powerful health-promoting properties for hundreds of years.\n- Red yeast rice contains monacolin K, a substance known for its health-promoting properties.\n- Red yeast rice helps improve blood circulation and alleviate indigestion, contributing to overall good health.\n- Plant sterols helps removal of cholesterol in the body.\n- Recommended for individuals who seek to maintain healthy blood cholesterol and lipid level.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Removing Oil Based Paint From ConcreteOil-based paints are harder to remove,try to loosen the paint and chip away by using a paint scraper.Use pour directly onto the remaining paint residue after removing the paint.To finish the job using a pressure washer.\nHow to remove paint from concrete?\nHow to Remove Paint from Concrete 1 STEP 1: Clean the concrete surface thoroughly and let dry.#N#When you set out to remove paint from concrete, the first… 2 STEP 2: Scrape peeled or chipped areas and apply paint stripper.#N#If some of the paint has already begun to chip or peel,… 3 STEP 3: Remove paint stripper residue. More …\nCan you use chemical strippers on concrete?\nMany of the same chemical strippers designed for removing paint from wood can also be used on concrete and masonry surfaces. Make sure the stripper is formulated for the type of paint you’re trying to remove. Some products will only remove water-based latex paint while others will work on both oil- and water-based paints.\nHow do you remove oil and grease stains from concrete?\nRemove oil and grease stains from concrete using TSP and other cleaners. Here’s how to get out three of the toughest stains — oil, paint and rust. The secret is to draw the stain out of the concrete. You can easily do this in a weekend with simple tools and special products. You can’t scrub oil and grease stains away.\nWhat kind of paint do you use to strip concrete?\nIf you’re unsure of the type of paint on your concrete, go with an oil-based stripper. Apply the paint stripper to the concrete. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, applying a thick coat of stripper to the concrete with an old paintbrush.\nHow to remove a stain from a wood table?\nStep 1. Remove a stain by mixing paint stripper with your absorbent material to make a creamy paste. Apply it to the stain and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Scrape it up with the scraper.\nHow to get rid of a stain on a carpet?\nSprinkle an abrasive cleanser over the stain, and scrub it thoroughly with a nylon brush.\nWhat to wear to remove oil based paint?\nOil-based paint is beautiful and durable-—and very hard to remove. Whether you want to fix a stain or strip painted cement back to bare concrete to repaint or stain it, you’ll need to put in some hard work to remove oil-based paint. Most importantly, you must wear full protective gear —especially a respirator, goggles and gloves.\nHow to get rid of wet paint?\nBlot as much of the wet paint with the towels as you can without spreading it or rubbing it in.\nWho is Brynne Chandler?\nEmmy-award nominated screenwriter Brynne Chandler is a single mother of three who divides her time between professional research and varied cooking, fitness and home & gardening enterprises. A running enthusiast who regularly participates in San Francisco’s Bay to Breakers run, Chandler works as an independent caterer, preparing healthy, nutritious meals for Phoenix area residents.\nDo you do a spot test before committing to a difficult or toxic method?\nAlways do a spot test before committing to a difficult or toxic method.\nHow To Know What Type Of Paint You Have In Your Concrete?\nTo know what type of paint you have in your concrete, you should wipe the paint with a rag or cotton ball soaked in alcohol. If the paint comes off on the rag or cotton ball, it means that paint is water-based and should be removed accordingly.\nHow To Remove Paint From Concrete Without Chemicals?\nYou can remove paint from concrete without using chemicals if you scrape and sand the paint off. Grinders have also been proven as a chemical-free method to remove concrete paints. You should know that this mainly works for water-based paints.\nHow To Remove Water-Based Paints From Concrete?\nHere are the top 3 proven methods to remove water-based paint from concrete:\nHow To Remove Oil-Based Paints From Concrete?\nBefore we go on, you should know that oil-based concrete paints are usually coated with gloss which makes the paint hard and moisture-resistant.\nHow To Remove Spray Paint From Concrete?\nSpray paints are known to stick better to concrete because the paint is expelled at high pressure from the paint sprayer. So to remove this paint, you’ll need a strong or aggressive method. Here are the top 2 methods to remove spray paint from concrete:\nOther Things That Can Remove Paint From Concrete\nVinegar can remove paint from concrete but this works best for flat, satin, and semi-gloss paints. Oil-based concrete paints would prove tough to remove with just vinegar.\nHow to get oil off of concrete?\nAvoid getting cleaners on bare skin and rinse with plenty of water if you do get splashed. 1. Remove Oil From Concrete With Trisodium Phosphate. The first approach is the poultice method using trisodium phosphate, a powerful cleaner available at home improvement stores.\nWhat is the fourth method of bandage?\nA fourth method uses a cloth bandage dipped in a mixture of equal parts of acetone, which is also used for nail polish remover, and amyl acetate.\nWhat is kitty litter made of?\nSome cleaning experts advise avoiding the more expensive brands of kitty litter. All kitty litter is made of absorbent clay.\nWhat to use to repair concrete?\nIn this case, the concrete repair institute suggests using mineral spirits, also called paint thinner. After saturating the stained area with the solvent, cover it with an absorbent material such as kitty litter.\nWhat to do with oil spills?\nThe best thing to do with an oil spill is to clean it immediately. Start by removing the surface oil. You can use several absorbent materials to sop up the spill. Paper or cloth towels work. But be sure to blot instead of wiping.\nHow long does it take to clean a car’s brake fluid?\nWait five to eight hours. Then sweep up the dried residue. No scrubbing is required. The product can also be used on brake fluid, power steering fluid, hydraulic fluid, anti-freeze, and grease from cooking oils. The manufacturer says it works on poured concrete, pavers, concrete block, and tile.\nCan oil stains be removed from concrete?\nA failed seal in a lawnmower, an unsuspected leak in an oil container, and other causes can add up to the same thing: A dark, greasy, hard-to-remove stain that can get tracked elsewhere on the concrete and even into your house. Oil stains on concrete can be tough to remove. Concrete is porous, so liquids, including oil, …\nHow do I get oil-based paint off my driveway?\nYou should begin using abrasive methods to remove the paint and resort to chemical paint strippers if abrasives don’t work.\nDoes vinegar remove paint from concrete?\nVinegar is an easy, inexpensive and effective way to remove dried, stuck-on paint from windows and other hard surfaces. Most importantly, vinegar is economical, environmentally friendly and removes stubborn paint with absolutely no dangerous chemicals or toxic fumes. The vinegary smell soon dissipates.\nHow can I remove paint from concrete?\nStep 1: Give the concrete surface a deep cleaning and allow it to dry.\nWhat is the best paint remover for concrete?\nRust -Oleum 1 gal. Paint Stripper for Concrete removes layers of paint, stain, sealers and epoxy coatings. Effectively removes coatings on both interior and exterior surfaces. Convenient and easy to use water -based formula cleans up easily with soap and water.\nWill baking soda remove paint from concrete?\nSoda Blasting This method, which uses granular sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda ) blasted at high pressure onto the surface, can remove multiple layers of paint or coatings fast. It also is a less-aggressive paint removal method than sandblasting and won’t damage the concrete surface.\nHow do you remove paint from concrete without chemicals?\nRemoving Paint From Concrete Without Chemical: Water and pressure washer is the best method for this you have to clean the surface and let it dry, apply paint stripper if needed then let the stripper sit for some time. Then scrub the area and wash the affected area. Repeat once again and clean the concrete.\nDo I need to remove paint from concrete before repainting?\nDoing the prep work before you repaint a concrete floor avoids a peeling paint job later. Concrete paint can be purchased in either latex or oil-based epoxy enamel. Remove all flaking, peeling paint using a scraper and wire brush. Smooth and sand rough edges using 100-grit sandpaper.\nHow to get paint off a surface?\nMake sure that you are wearing the necessary protective gear before you begin this step. Then, use a wire brush and/or metal scraper to eliminate the paint and paint stripper from the surface .\nWhat material do you need to make a paint stripper?\nYou’ll then want to assemble the materials for making an absorbent paint stripper. For this, you’ll need a paint stripper, an absorbent material such as finely ground clay or cat litter crushed into a power, a stiff brush, and scouring powder. If you are working in a well-ventilated space such as outdoors or anywhere with proper ventilation, you can use a stripper with methylene chloride. After you’ve gathered your materials, follow these steps to effectively remove the paint:\nHow to make a paste like paint stripper?\nMix the paint stripper with your absorbent material. Make a paste-like material using your cat litter or clay and the paint stripper. The amount of stripper you need to add to the mixture will depend on its thickness.\nHow long does it take to remove paint from a stain?\nSoak the paint stains with your paint stripper and apply them several times over 20-40 minutes.\nWhat to use to clean paint off of concrete?\nWhen you’ve finished scrubbing, you have the option of following up with a power washer or high-powdered garden hose. The high-water pressure will help to get rid of any stubborn paint residue. Power washers work especially well on outdoor surfaces such as driveways, walkways, and concrete walls.\nHow to clean paint splatters?\nAfter you’ve wiped up the physical paint splatters, prepare a solution of one-half gallon of warm water to one tablespoon mild dishwashing liquid in a bucket.\nWhy is trisodium phosphate banned?\nTrisodium phosphate is banned in some states because these detergents can be harmful to the environment. If you’re concerned about safety, you can choose to use TSP substitute for this step instead.\nWhat to do if you spill paint on the garage floor?\nInstead of applying a layer of paint stripper alone to the concrete, you would apply a paste made from the stripper and a super absorbent material, such as finely ground clay powder or pulverized kitty litter.\nHow much pressure should I use to clean paint stripper?\nHaving set the pressure washer at 3,000 psi, go ahead and blast away the paint stripper residue. Soon enough, you will see whether or not it will be necessary to repeat Step 2. It’s not unreasonable to anticipate having to apply and then wash away multiple applications of paint stripper.\nWhat do you need to wear to remove paint?\nRemember that if you’re working with paint stripper, it’s imperative that you wear the appropriate protective gear: a respirator (or at minimum, a dust mask), long sleeves, and good pair of rubber gloves.\nHow long does it take for paint to dry on a car?\nRinse the area afterward, allowing one to three hours for the surface to dry. STEP 2: Scrape peeled or chipped areas and apply paint stripper. If some of the paint has already begun to chip or peel, scrape it away with a putty knife. Having done so, get ready to apply the chemical paint stripper.\nHow deep can paint seep into concrete?\nConcrete is porous, which means that it readily absorbs liquids like paint. With this ease of penetration, paint can seep millimeters deep into a concrete surface. As a result, it can be a challenge to figure out how to remove paint from concrete, but it can certainly be done. How long does it take? That depends on the size of the area you’re dealing with. But it’s safe to expect that you won’t be knocking this out before lunch. Think of removing paint from concrete as an ongoing process, not as an item for your weekend to-do list.\nCan you use chemical paint stripper on oil based paint?\nHaving done so, get ready to apply the chemical paint stripper. You need to use one designed for the type of paint you’re trying to remove. In other words, use oil-based paint stripper on a surface coated by oil-based paint.\nCan you use a paint stripper on concrete?\nThere are alternatives to using a paint stripper, but they’re all more labor-intensive. For instance, on a concrete surface of modest size, you can opt to use an orbital sander. Likewise, a floor buffer can get the job done on a larger scale.\nWHAT IF THE PAINT STILL WON’T COME OFF?\nIf you’ve tried everything and there’s still paint left on your concrete, consider resurfacing your concrete . A coating is applied over the old surface giving you a clean, blank canvas that can be finsihed in your choice of colors, textures and patterns.\nWhat is the best way to remove paint from a wall?\nFor stubborn paint spills that can’t be removed by power washing or chemical strippers, an effective and environmentally friendly alternative is soda blasting . This method, which uses granular sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) blasted at high pressure onto the surface, can remove multiple layers of paint or coatings fast.\nWhat is soda blasting best for?\nBest for: Removing large paint spills or entire coats of paint from outdoor concrete surfaces. How to do it: Although you can rent soda blasting units from hardware stores and equipment rental companies, it takes some skill to operate the equipment properly and safely.\nHow to remove paint from concrete?\nHow to apply: Using a brush, broom, or squeegee, apply a thick layer of paint stripper to the affected area, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Let the stripper sit until it fully penetrates and the paint begins to soften (anywhere from 4 to 24 hours).\nWhat is the best way to clean paint off of concrete?\nPower Washing. Environmentally friendly paint strippers are effective, but the goopy mess they leave behind can be a hassle to dispose of. If the paint spill is on exterior concrete, power washing is a great alternative and avoids most of the cleanup. Best for: Removing large paint spills or spray paint splatter on outdoor concrete surfaces.\nWhat to do if you have paint left on concrete?\nIf you’ve tried everything and there’s still paint left on your concrete, consider resurfacing your concrete. A coating is applied over the old surface giving you a clean, blank canvas that can be finsihed in your choice of colors, textures and patterns.\nWhat happens if you spill paint on concrete?\nWhile paint spills on concrete may seem like a catastrophe, they are really nothing to cry over.\nHow to make a paste with a phosphate solution?\nMix Up an Absorbent Solution. Pour 1 ounce of trisodium phosphate (or TSP substitute) and a cup of water into a small bucket and mix. Add about a cup of absorbent material and mix to make a creamy paste. Pro tip: Wear eye protection and rubber gloves. Step 2.\nHow to get grease stains out of concrete?\nThe trick is to draw them up out of the concrete with trisodium phosphate (or a TSP substitute), water and an absorbent material . Patience is the key. Old, long-neglected stains may require two or three applications for complete removal.\nHow long does it take for a paint stripper to work?\nIf you use a safer, slow-acting stripper, expect to wait several hours for it to work. Spread a 1/4- to 1/2-inch layer of paste over the paint stain. Wait 10 to 20 minutes while the stripper loosens the paint stain. Step 7.\nWhat are the safety precautions for using muriatic acid?\nWorking with an acid solution requires certain safety precautions: Wear rubber boots, goggles and rubber gloves. Also wear a respirator with a cartridge rated for acid vapor. Maintain good ventilation. Open doors and windows and add a fan for better air movement.\nHow to remove rust from concrete?\nOne effective way to remove rust from concrete is to dissolve the surface layer of concrete using a mild muriatic acid solution. Mask nearby materials with plastic covering to protect them from splashes. Add 1/4-cup of muriatic acid to 2 cups of water in a large, shallow plastic pan.\nHow many applications to remove old stain from concrete?\nPatience is the key. Old, long-neglected stains may require two or three applications for complete removal. And even then, some stains might still show, or the freshly cleaned area might look slightly different from the surrounding concrete.\nHow long does it take for a paste to dry?\nAllow the paste to dry for about 24 hours.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Article written by\nDipak HemrajHead of Research and Education\nContent reviewed by\nDr. Lewis JasseyMedical Director - Pediatric Medicine\nTable of contents\nCannabidiol, usually in the form of CBD oil, can increase your body’s dopamine levels by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors of your endocannabinoid system. When this interaction occurs, dopamine receptors in your brain and body are triggered to release more dopamine, increasing dopamine production.\nGet your medical marijuana card\nConnect with a licensed physician online in minutes.\nWhat Is Dopamine?\nDopamine is a neurotransmitter that your body releases in response to physical and mental stimuli. It is responsible for much of your ability to feel pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction — which is why it is commonly known as the “pleasure chemical” — and is used by your body to “reward” you for performing positive actions.\nSome activities that trigger dopamine release include hugging a loved one, smelling freshly baked cookies, having a good workout, and solving a puzzle.\nBut dopamine does more than just produce sensations of pleasure and satisfaction. It is needed for your body to work correctly and is involved in the regulation of many bodily functions, including:\n- Memory and focus\n- Reward-seeking behavior\n- Emotions and mood\n- Stress response\n- Processing pain\n- Learning, productivity, and planning\nIt is primarily produced in the brain, specifically in the ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra. Multiple reports indicate that various cannabinoids, including CBD, increase the firing rate of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons.\nIncreased firing of dopamine neurons can result in increases in dopamine levels. In addition, dopamine concentrations may increase as new dopamine is created faster than degraded.\nWhen your dopamine levels become dysregulated and drop below what they should be, you may notice changes in how you feel and act. Without enough dopamine, your body may struggle to operate as it usually would.\nDownload Free Guide to the ECS\nHow Does It Feel When My Dopamine Is Low?\nYour body uses dopamine as a reward to make you feel good when performing tasks your body sees as positive, like solving a puzzle or eating good food. When your dopamine levels get too low, these tasks may seem less appealing because you don’t experience satisfaction afterward.\nLow dopamine levels often make you feel less motivated, reducing your interest in activities and taking the “spark” out of life. They have also been linked to mental health conditions like depression.\nThe symptoms you experience because of low dopamine vary depending on how low your dopamine actually is and what is causing the imbalance. Dopamine imbalances can be caused by medical or mental health conditions or drug abuse.\nWhile individual symptoms may vary depending on the cause of lowered dopamine levels, some of the common symptoms of low dopamine include:\n- Muscle cramps, spasms, or stiffness\n- Gastrointestinal problems like acid reflux, indigestion, and gut upset\n- Feeling tired, unmotivated, or without hope for the future\n- Low sex-drive\n- Sleep disturbances like difficulty falling or staying asleep\nLow dopamine levels are a concern as they may indicate a more serious underlying condition. You should speak to a doctor if you believe you may have low dopamine levels. They can provide expert advice and present you with personalized treatment options.\nWhy Might My Dopamine Levels Be Low?\nThere are multiple possible causes of low dopamine, each with its own dopamine-lowering mechanism. The seriousness of low dopamine also varies based on how it has been lowered.\nSome diseases can affect your dopamine levels. Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in your body that produce dopamine, called dopaminergic nerve cells. As these cells die, your body’s ability to make dopamine drops, triggering a decrease in dopamine levels.\nMany mental illnesses are associated with low dopamine levels, like depression, schizophrenia, and psychosis. It is unclear whether the low dopamine is a cause or a result of these mental illnesses, though it is known that dopamine is only part of the equation.\nThe pleasure one gets from taking recreational drugs is primarily caused by dopamine release. Typically, when dopamine is released, it triggers a nerve to respond and is then recycled back to the original nerve by dopamine transporters.\nRecreational drugs like cocaine block these dopamine transporters. This means that any dopamine released into the space between two nerve receptors stays there, triggering a dopamine response over and over. This gives the user a euphoric feeling. The overuse of dopamine through recreational drugs can result in a crash after the drug leaves the system, with dopamine levels dropping far below what they should be.\nDoes CBD Affect Dopamine Receptors?\nYes, cannabidiol can affect your dopamine receptors through a few different mechanisms and likely more that we don’t yet know about.\nUnlike the more well-known cannabinoid THC, CBD is not intoxicating, and more notably, it does not activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. However, it can affect dopamine receptors in a few different ways, despite being believed to not directly interact with the primary endocannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2.\nCBD can mimic the activity of your natural endocannabinoids, like anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), to activate transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). Activation of TRPV1 has been found to trigger dopaminergic neurons to release dopamine.\nCBD also activates 5-HT1A receptors (serotonin receptors) in the brain, a process believed to be responsible for CBD’s anxiolytic and anti-epileptic effects.\nDownload Free Guide to THC\nOther Uses For CBD\nCBD has many possible uses, with the list growing longer as the compound is investigated further:\n- Anti-Convulsive:Studies have shown that CBD has anti-convulsant properties, reducing seizure frequency in some limited human trials. Future research is needed to clarify how this works, likely giving rise to CBD-based anti-epileptic drugs.\n- Anti-Anxiety: Acute dosing of CBD is a suitable treatment for anxiety conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Little information is available on the effects of long-term dosing with CBD.\n- Antipsychotic: CBD has been indicated as a highly promising tool in the fight against psychosis symptoms like those experienced by people with schizophrenia. It was found to be especially effective in the early stages of the disease.\n- Anti-Nausea: Nausea and vomiting are highly regulated by the endocannabinoid system, the same system that CBD interacts with. There is extensive evidence that the supplementation of CBD can aid in managing or eliminating nausea and vomiting symptoms.\n- Anti-Inflammatory (for Rheumatoid Arthritis): CBD has increased intracellular calcium and reduced the cell viability and production of rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts (RASF). These RASF cells are one of the primary causes of rheumatoid arthritis.\nGet Your Medical Card\nConnect with a licensed physician online in minutes.\nFrequently Asked Questions\nDoes CBD increase or decrease serotonin?\nStudies have shown that CBD definitely interacts with the serotonin system, primarily through the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A, but it’s unclear how this impacts serotonin concentrations in different individuals. It has been found that CBD can increase tryptophan levels, a vital precursor in the pathway that creates serotonin. This suggests that CBD supplementation may facilitate higher serotonin levels in the brain.\nHow much CBD should I take for my mood?\nHow much CBD to take depends on your body, what you want to achieve, and what CBD product you intend to consume. More concentrated products will achieve the same effect with a lower dose than more of a weaker product. Also, you may need more CBD to alleviate anxiety than you do to reduce nausea. It’s a good idea to talk to a doctor to get a recommendation on a product and dosage to suit your needs.\nHow long does it take for CBD to work?\nHow long it takes for CBD to start working depends on what you want to achieve, how much you use, and how the CBD was applied or ingested. Topical CBD products like ointments and salves will take effect in around 15 minutes. Sublingual forms of CBD that you place under the tongue will also work in approximately 15 minutes. If you inhale CBD from burning cannabis flower, it will begin to work almost immediately.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Premium Leave-In Conditioner and Keratin treatment\nThe Rodante Beverly Hills Blow Me Serum is an amazing Keratin-infused leave-in serum that seals hair cuticles to smooth, condition and detangle all while protecting the hair from thermal styling and environmental damage. Infused with natural ingredients such as Red Algae & ProVitamin B5 (Panthenol) that boost hair growth, repair split ends, and helps hair maintain moisture in the cortex and on the surface, leaving it more pliable, shinier, stronger and thicker.\nNO MORE FRIZZ: By sealing hair cuticles, this remarkable Keratin-infused leave-in conditioner smooths, conditions and detangles all while protecting the hair from thermal styling and environmental damage. Tames wild curls while increasing bounce and shine!\nNATURAL INGREDIENTS: Infused with Red Algae seaweed that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids known for thickening and boosting hair growth. Antioxidants in the seaweed also work to repair split ends and prevent further split ends with regular use.\nHEALTHY HAIR: Specially formulated with ProVitamin B5 (Panthenol) that penetrates through the cuticle of the hair and acts as a powerful humectant. Helps hair maintain moisture in the cortex and on the surface, leaving it more pliable, shinier, stronger and thicker.\nDIRECTIONS: After shampooing and conditioning, apply onto towel-dried hair. Work through hair while concentrating on the ends. For even more intense shine and smoothing proceed to blow dry. Otherwise, for a more subtle effect let it dry naturally.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Please log in to download Single hit map.pcmsynth\nThis is an empty PCMSynth with all samples and sample range mapped to 1 key each.\nThe preloaded samples are all 1 second of silence. Just replace each sample with the hit you want mapped to that key.\nI use this to set up single drum hits across the keyboard. Saves me a bit of time not having to set the root key and range every time.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The aftercare of your newly tattooed skin is paramount to the healing process and the finished look of your tattoo.\nMrs Frisbee's All Naturals has worked closely with Davis Permanent Cosmetics to develop a safe and effective tattoo aftercare system suitable for use in aesthetic tattooing.\nMrs Frisbee's Tattoo Aftercare Balm can be used to:\nTattoo Balm Ingredients and Their Benefits:\n- Prepare the skin pre-tattooing by softening and moisturising the skin.\n- Help heal and soothe new tattoos and prevent inflammation and itching whilst healing.\n- Maintain colour vibrancy.\n- Revive old tattoos by the hydrating skin, therefore enhancing colours and renewing detail.\nknown to help heal and soothe swollen skin, reduce itching, heal wounds, scars, burns and help reduce inflammation. Antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal.\nnourishing and protective natural moisturiser, rich in antioxidents which help rejuvenate the skin and repair damaged cells. Anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing.\na hydrating and nourishing oil with rejuvenating and cell renewal properties. It is excellent for soothing sore, damaged skin. It helps skin retain its moisture and protects against harmful factors of the environment. Also rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids.\nSunflower Seed Oil:\nthis healing and soothing oil is a great natural moisturiser with natural anti-inflammatory properties. Also high in antioxidants and nutrients, this anti-ageing oil with cell renewal properties can help prevent wrinkles, premature ageing and heal damaged and sun-damaged skin.\na rich and nourishing natural moisturiser with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help heal and soothe sore, sensitive skin. Also known to help cellular regeneration and growth, helping to repair damaged skin, maintaining the skins elasticity, keeping it hydrated and supple.Cocoa Butter:\nhydrating, soothing and moisturising. Known to promote healing and protect injured skin by forming a barrier, slowing down the loss of water from the skin. Also rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties.\none of the most powerful antioxidants. As well as having great cell renewal properties, vitamin E also protects and repairs your skin by neutralising the oxidant effect of free radicals, which are the molecules that damage collagen causing skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles.\nOlive Fruit Wax:\nrich in antioxidants which help protect, repair and renew the skin, restoring elasticity. No chemicals or foreign matter are used in this process, ensuring the purity of this product.\nWash hands thoroughly. Apply a small amount of tattoo balm directly to tattooed area then gently massage into skin. Apply every few hours as required.\nContains nuts. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. For external use only. Store out of direct sunlight.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Comparison of bag filter and electrostatic precipitatoradmin\nComparison of bag filter and electrostatic precipitator\nAdvantages of bag filter:\n- High dust removal efficiency, up to 99.9%;\n- Less ancillary equipment, less investment, and technical requirements not as high as electric precipitators;\n- Capable of catching dust with high specific resistance, which is difficult to recover by electric dust removal;\n- The bag filter has stable and reliable performance, good adaptability to load changes, simple operation and management, and is especially suitable for collecting fine and dry dust. The collected dry dust is easy to handle and recycle;\n- The bag filter is suitable for purifying dusty gas with explosion hazard or sparks.\nDisadvantages of bag filter:\n- When used to process dusty gas with high relative humidity, heat preservation measures should be taken to avoid paste bag;\n- When used to purify corrosive gases, suitable corrosion-resistant filter materials should be selected, and when used to process high-temperature flue gas, cooling measures should be taken. Reduce the flue gas temperature below the temperature that the filter bag can withstand for long-term operation, and use high-temperature filter materials as much as possible;\n- Large resistance, general pressure loss is 1000~1500Pa.\nAdvantages of electrostatic precipitator:\n1. Dust removal efficiency can capture fine dust below 1μm, which can control a reasonable dust removal efficiency;\n2. A large amount of flue gas can be processed, which can be used in high temperature (up to 500°C), high pressure and high humidity occasions, and can be operated continuously;\n3. With the characteristics of high efficiency and low resistance, the pressure loss of the electrostatic precipitator is only 100~200Pa.\nDisadvantages of electrostatic precipitator:\n1. The equipment is huge, consumes a lot of steel, and needs high-voltage substation and rectifier equipment. Usually, the output peak voltage of high-voltage power supply equipment is 70~100KV, so the investment is high;\n2. High technical requirements for manufacturing, installation and management;\n3. The dust removal efficiency is greatly affected by the specific resistance of the dust. Generally, dust with a contrast resistance less than 104~105Ω·cm or greater than 1012~1015Ω·cm will affect the dust removal efficiency if certain measures are not taken.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Best-Tasting Whey Protein Powder\nAchieving optimal health and performance requires more than a trip to the gym and watching what you eat. Protein supplements can help your muscles grow while recovering for your next intense workout. The easiest way is with the help of whey protein shakes. These can be enjoyed any time of day as a meal replacement shake or right after a strenuous workout to help rebuild what you just broke down.\nYour options for whey protein powders are endless, but not all protein powders are created equal. BodyOne Whey-Plex360 is a nutritionally complete protein matrix comprised of muscle building and recovery proteins (24 grams per scoop) — and we didn’t stop there! This formula also contains 6 grams of free-form amino acids, amino peptides, glutamine peptides and the most crucial amino acids to rebuild a better you: L-glutamine and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids).\nWe source only the highest quality and best-tasting protein powder from around the globe and include them in our nutritional protein powders. BodyOne Whey-Plex360 — the best whey protein you’ll ever try!\nBodyOne Whey-Plex360 Bragging Rights – Beyond All Other Protein Formulas!*\nUse Classification: Muscle Support, Performance Support, Recovery Support*\nForm: Ultra Premium Quality Whey Protein Supplement | Protein Powder\nSize: 30 Servings | 2lb. (908g)\nOrigin: Made in the USA\nProfessional Tip: Stack with Creatine360™ - Ultra Pure 100% Micronized Creatine Monohydrate\n- Superior health | Optimal performance nutrition*\n- Best tasting whey protein! Don't believe us? Try it - We offer a 100% guarantee!\n- Restores positive nitrogen balance*\n- Supports muscle growth & recovery*\n- Highly bio-available proteins*\nProduct Quick Facts:\n- High quality L-glutamine & glutamine peptides\n- High quality free form amino acids and amino peptides\n- High quality branched chain amino acids\n- Naturally sweetened with stevia\nHow To Use BodyOne Whey-Plex360:\n- 30 servings\n- 113 Calories\n- 24g protein per serving\n- 2g of carbs\n- 1g of naturally occurring sugar\nBefore Workouts: Use 1-2 scoops of BodyOne Whey-Plex360 Best Tasting Protein Powder 45 minutes prior to exercise for an energy sustaining workout. Healthy complex carbohydrates can be added at this time.*\nAfter Workouts: Use 1-2 scoops of BodyOne Whey-Plex360 Best Tasting Protein Powder within one hour post exercise to supply your body with nutrient rich proteins which can assist the body in repairing muscle tissue and support recovery. Adding rapidly digesting carbohydrates to your post workout shake is recommended.*\nFor Maintenance: Use 1-2 scoops of BodyOne Whey-Plex360 Best Tasting Protein Powder daily between healthy, macronutrient balanced lower calorie meals. For individuals who are trying to increase lean muscle mass or individuals who have greater protein requirements a third shake can be added before bedtime.*\n*These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.", "label": "No"} {"text": "These winter superfoods will ensure your sugar levels stay in check\nWe should begin making preparations for a nourishing diet for the upcoming colder months while we enjoy the winter season. Diabetes sufferers in particular need to eat healthily to boost their resistance to illnesses and control their blood sugar levels over the season, which may fluctuate owing to changes in our daily routines.\nMany people may become less active and forgo regular walks because of the cold mornings and evenings, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Additionally, people may turn to high-calorie items that might be detrimental to managing diabetes as a way to combat the cold. Hence, you can rely on these superfoods that can be the perfect addition to your winter diet if you struggle with high blood sugar levels.\nHere are winter superfoods perfect for diabetics:\nCitrus fruits like oranges are a great source of potassium, fibre, and vitamin C. Since oranges have a low glycemic index, they do not instantly cause blood sugar levels to surge. For diabetic individuals, vitamin C is extremely important since it lowers blood glucose levels. Additionally a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C aids in the recovery of damaged cells. Type 2 diabetes-related health issues are lessened by this healing.\n2. Fresh turmeric root\nDuring the winter, fresh turmeric root is typically in plentiful supply. The primary component of turmeric, curcumin, is a potent anti-inflammatory and has a favourable effect on blood sugar regulation. Since diabetes is an inflammatory disease, every strategy for managing the condition that can reduce bodily inflammation is very important. Additionally, research indicates that curcumin helps reduce hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides).\nAmla also referred to as Indian gooseberry, is effective for Type 2 diabetes. It has a lot of chromium, which lowers blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. Additionally, it is abundant in Vitamin C, which has anti-oxidant and immunity-boosting qualities that are advantageous to diabetics. Amla can be consumed raw or with a dash of black pepper powder, or it can be made into murabba, pickles, candies, chutneys, or juice.\n4. Cinnamon Tea\nNatural spice and potent antioxidants are among many things cinnamon is known for. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties and boosts immunity in this way. Cinnamon has been shown in numerous studies to lower cholesterol levels, which lowers the risk of heart disease. Regular cinnamon consumption improves insulin sensitivity, which lowers blood sugar levels. It mimics the effects of insulin and enhances the uptake of glucose by cells, reducing blood sugar levels as a result.\n5. Cruciferous Vegetables\nCruciferous veggies are readily available in the winter. These consist of cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. It has a lot of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen immunity. Another element, fibre, slows digestion and lessens feelings of hunger. Fiber also helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Sulforaphane is an ingredient found in broccoli. lowers blood sugar levels with help. These veggies include vitamin K, which lowers the risk of heart valve obstruction throughout the winter and aids in controlling blood clotting.\nApples are among the best wintertime source of carbohydrates, fibre, and vitamins. Due to its low glycemic index rating, it is the fruit of choice for diabetic patients. Antioxidant polyphenols can be found in apples. Polyphenols improve the body's metabolic balance, aid in the production of insulin, and slow down the body's cells' absorption of blood sugar. Because apples contain the antioxidant anthocyanin, they also lower the risks of developing type 2 diabetes and its complications.\nAdd these nutritious and beneficial superfoods to your winter diet to keep your sugar levels in check.\nDisclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Web ExclusiveFrom Manufacturer’s Label:Benefits:\n• Gold medal from the American Masters of Taste\n• Features a unique blend of the most premium whey isolates and concentrate for a superior amino acid profile\n• Superior cold microfiltration process yields a high biological value undenatured whey protein\n• BCAAs and glutamine and precursor Features:\n• 24g of Protein\n• 5.5g of BCAAs\n• 4g of Glutamine & Precursor\n• No banned substances\n• No proprietary blends\nAs a pure protein formula, MuscleTech Nitro Tech™ 100% Whey Protein Gold features whey peptides and isolate as its primary sources. The research and development team of MuscleTech has pioneered a new formula based on superior protein sources, quality and manufacturing.\nNitro Tech™ 100% Whey Protein Gold delivers superior mixability along with micro-filtered whey protein isolate plus whey concentrate. Each scoop serving contains 24g of ultra-premium protein that supplies 5.5g of BCAAs and 4g of glutamine and precursor.\nTo guarantee a higher quality whey protein, Nitro Tech™ 100% Whey Protein Gold uses a superior cold microfiltration process. Combined with an award-winning flavor profile, Nitro Tech™ 100% Whey Protein Gold is as good for your taste buds as it is for your muscles!\nBest-In-Class Formula, Taste and Value. For over 20 years, Nitro Tech™ 100% Whey has been a leading protein brand. Built on a foundation of research and cutting-edge science, it has earned the trust of countless consumers worldwide.\nStrawberry Flavor. 2.5 lbs. powder. Approximately 34 serving per container.Manufactured by:", "label": "No"} {"text": "Convert your shop air into breathable, clean air. The North\n3 stage portable filtration panels purify compressed air by removing oil, water\nand particulate contaminants, found in environments where pneumatic tools and\nequipment are used, according to North Safety Products. The carbon monoxide\nmonitor activates an audible and visual alarm when CO concentration exceeds 5\nPPM in Canada and 10 PPM in the US, the company says. Applications include\npainting, confined space, asbestos abatement, cleaning, maintenance,\nsandblasting, construction and municipal applications.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s said to be a potent drink that’s helpful for strengthening the immune system. On the other hand, it prevents lots of and constipation gastrointestinal disorders. You may think about aloe vera to get a key for the healthiness and health.\nYou may have already heard some ideas about Aloe Vera juice in the event you have popped into learn this article. The exact benefits might be accomplished by consuming Aloe Vera. If you wish to consume Aloe Vera to look after symptom or a chronic issue, it’s safe to drink 2-3 glasses of Aloe Vera juice each day.\nHow to Get Started with Aloe Vera Benefits?\nWith precisely the reason it’s a good idea for up coming internal medical issues to aloe vera gel. There aren’t any known negative effects thus far. There are several hair maintenance goods in the market.\nOnce you wish to boost your resistance power there are effective as consumption of aloe vera! Wherever your aloe vera vera is very likely to call home when you’ve decided, it’s time to get started contemplating the dirt. It’s essential to comprehend just how exactly to use the plant while aloe vera plant proves to be quite beneficial for the epidermis and also the hair, to harness its abilities.\nWhat You Need to Do About Aloe Vera Benefits Beginning in the Next Nine Minutes\nThese aloe Vera juice or gel depending on your requirement can be ready in home in accordance with your requirement. She has some specific properties that allow it to be an intriguing opportunity for fat loss. Aloe vera incorporates kinds of minerals which may help the systems.\nThere are a lot of selections of aloe vera plants that are readily available. As the potassium levels may reduce significantly intake of aloe vera juice, as well as horsetail or licorice needs to be restricted. The fatty acid content in Aloe is among its special faculties.\nAloe Vera gel may help hasten the curing process to stop blemishes and scars and excite the rise of cells. In order to safeguard the ethics of DNA directions the use of aloe vera would be to maintain all of cells in the specific same wave length. Little did you realize, aloe vera has been utilized to regulate blood glucose level within your system.\nAloe is quite soothing for conditions including eczema and indigestion. Together with digestion, this has been noted that aloe vera can help slow down down the increase of ulcers in the gut, and a host of autoimmune difficulties, such as nausea constipation in addition to migraines. The benefits of Aloe vera additionally comprise its capacity.\nThus the aloe vera is utilized to treat almost any disease. Aloe vera is one of the plants having higher protein content. Aloe vera can be a very natural astringent that means it works to clean out skin.\nAloe leaves are consists of four pieces. It’s safe to ensure Aloe Vera is actually an excellent plant with some benefits that are additional that are superb. Aloe Vera is a succulent plan that is quite shot-stemmed.\nNew Step by Step Roadmap for Aloe Vera Benefits\nBecause keratin that is known to strengthen hair and boost the hairas wellbeing is included by gelatin gelatin hair gel is a alternative for styling your own hair. In the example of peppermint juice, it is critical to bear in mind the juice will likely contain just the gel, mixed with a lot of water, and so won’t offer you a number of the active compounds which you can get in the green of the outer foliage. It is likely to have a great freshener by merely saving aloe Vera in ice cubes.\nIf you should be anticipating a better skin and hair ensure that you consider vera gel. You may choose purchasing these merchandise that are willing while the principal ingredient of aloe vera. It can be discovered for example shampoos, conditioners and special products in numerous Tresses services and products.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Beginner’s Guide To Beard Oil Expertise\nSo you are in the beginning stages of growing out your facial hair, and you definitely feel like the novice you are. You feel like seeking out the advice of any bearded man who crosses your path. How can you tame your whiskers, get rid of the beard-ruff, and make the itch stop once and for all?\nThe first step from novice to expert is to realize that your concerns and discomforts are normal and to be expected. The second step is to realize that beard oil is part of the arsenal of any expert and will obliterate all of the aforementioned issues.\nContrary to common belief, beard oil has been around for centuries. Its current popularity is due to the recent explosion of the beard trend, which began in 2014. Previously, only the few members of the beard club were privy to this secret tool of the bearded man’s arsenal.\nBeards are part of what sets men apart from the opposite sex, making them a welcome addition to any man’s face. If you are one of the many men eager to grow facial hair and join the club of beard experts, then the first item on your list is beard oil. Learn all the important aspects of this integral part of every bearded man’s bathroom cabinet so you get it right from the get-go.\nWhen The Time Is Right\nOf course, those who financially benefit from the sale of beard oil will encourage and advise you to use it at the first sight of a five-o’clock shadow. The unbiased truth is that applying beard oil that early in the game will not have any beneficial effect on your future beard. Although your skin can always enjoy what beard oil has to offer, your beard bristles can stand to grow a bit before they will reap any real benefits from the oil.\nSo what exactly is the magic of this beard oil potion every one seems to be talking about? To understand this, let’s get under the skin to consider the root of your facial hair: the hair follicles. At the tip of your hair follicles are your sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum, an oily substance that gives your skin and hair moisture.\nHydrated skin and hair are supple, resilient, and healthy-looking. You have a lot of sebaceous glands in your face, but production of sebum is not unlimited. When your skin and hair dry out because of overly drying weather conditions or cleansing habits, you have to supplement your sebum production with other oils.\nFlaky skin and itchiness are signs that the skin under your beard is lacking moisture. To hydrate your skin and hair, you have to cover them in a waterproof, oily substance such as beard oil. Beard oil forms a water-proof barrier over your skin and hair, keeping the moisture within your skin and hair from escaping into the air via evaporation.\nOnce your beard stubble has grown for for a few weeks , you likely will experience some amount of itching. Along with the itchy feeling, you might also notice dry flakes shedding from your skin. This dry skin beneath your beard is so common, it has its own name: “beard-druff.”\nAlongside those symptoms, your whiskers will also seem sharp, rigid, and easily breakable. This dryness can cause hair shafts to split and break off, making it seem like your beard is not growing. All of these signs are telling you that your skin and beard are running low on moisture.\nTo rehydrate, you need to consume water; and to maintain the moisture within your cells, you must supply a waterproof layer over your skin and hair. Beard oil provides such a waterproof layer for your beard, keeping the the water from escaping through your skin and hair.\nBeard oil is composed of essential oils as well as carrier oils. Essential oils are derived from plants whose aromatic essence and vitamin content they contain. Carrier oils are base oils which carry the essential oils into the skin. Together, these two types of oil allow beard oil to protect your skin and hair from moisture loss.\nThe Novice’s Ideal Beard Oil\nBeard oil has exploded onto the market in recent years. Manufacturers are taking advantage of this new niche by hiking up prices. Competition has created a plethora of beard oil options, making it difficult to choose one. Newbies can be overwhelmed and easily duped into purchasing a mediocre product for a high cost.\nFor your first beard oil purchase, pay attention to the list of ingredients and look for options that include jojoba and argan oils within the first few items. These two oils are carrier oils, providing the waterproof layer rather than the aroma. Your first beard oil does not require any fancy essential oils and their trademark aromas. The fewer ingredients your beard oil contains, the slighter your chance of having an allergy to it.\nOnce you move on to more exotic beard oils with more extravagant ingredient lists, always be sure to do a skin patch test on the inside of your elbow before applying the oil to a larger area of your face. Jojoba and argan oils are both very mild and gentle on skin, making them ideal ingredients for your first beard oil.\nWhat’s In It For Your Skin?\nThe primary ingredients of beard oil are the carrier oils. These particular oils are utilized for massages as well. Carrier oils vary in the rate they are absorbed into the skin.\nYour skin will benefit from fast-absorbing oils because they are less likely to be accidentally wiped off before entering the skin. Hazelnut, canola, grape seed, and apricot kernel oils are some of the fastest absorbing types available. Their fast rate of absorption makes them ideal for keeping your skin protected and hydrated.\nWhat’s Essential About Essential Oils?\nThe second important part of beard oil is the essential oil composition. Unlike carrier oils, essential oils are not essential for providing moisture for your skin. Also unlike carrier oils, essential oils are infused with scents.\nEssentially, essential oils are essences of aromatic plants. They are like the flavor added to your coffee, the color added to your fashionable sneakers, the teriyaki sauce to your steak. Essential oils set your beard oil apart from the pack.\nTo choose your complementary beard oil, you must know the scent you want to represent you. Are you a nature-loving man who likes the musk of cedar wood? Are you the happy-go-lucky guy who likes a spritz of lemon scent? Is the sophisticated peppermint flavor of mint chocolates indicative of your refined masculinity?\nHowever, essential oils don’t stop at aromatic essences. They go above and beyond their name, supplying your skin and hair with healthful vitamins and substances. For example, lemon oil benefits you two-fold. The aroma alerts your mind while its topical application helps fight acne. Peppermint oil is another essential that will make you more alert while providing other benefits; it relieves headaches, clears respiratory systems, and offers antimicrobial effects.\nYou can research the huge selection of essential oils to find the one that provides both the scent and the positive side-effects that will work best for you. Next, read the labels of beard oil products to make an informed decision on the ideal match for you and your beard.\nKnow Them By Their Other Names\nTo make your homework just a bit more difficult, beard oil manufacturers like to use the botanical names for the plant oils on their ingredient labels. For example, if you want a beard oil containing peppermint oil, look for the words Mentha piperita in the list of ingredients.\nDon’t let the lengthy, tongue-twisting names discourage you; just make a list of botanical names of the oils you want included, then just look at the labels and play word-match. Just as a last word of caution: if there is no ingredient label to contend with, you are better off avoiding the product.\nA Little Goes A Long Way\nIn general, each man can decide for himself how much beard oil he wants to apply. As a rule of thumb, the softer you want your beard, the more oil you should apply.\nFor the novice, a penny-sized portion evenly applied over the entire beard should suffice. Given the results of your first application, you can make adjustments to your subsequent applications. Of course, as your beard grows, so will the size of your application.\nYou may opt to use beard oil on a daily basis or just as the need arises. If the scent of your beard oil becomes your trademark, you will definitely want to apply it daily, which is definitely not a problem. If money is an issue for you, you might prefer to use it only as much as you require the extra moisture.\nApplication is rather dummy-proof and self-explanatory:\nPlace a penny-sized amount onto your palm, rub your palms together to disperse it into an even layer, then rub in into your beard all they way down toward the skin. With the tips of your finger, massage the oil from skin down to the tip of the beard, over and over again. For the best results, use a wooden beard comb or beard brush with boars bristles to comb the oil from root to tip. End result, you should have a smooth, silky-looking beard with just a hint of shininess.\nSave Money or Save Time\nIf you are a newbie to the beard scene, your best bet is to read our beard oil guide and make an informed purchase. Some of the cheapest options out there provide very good results. If you have a specific brand in mind, you will still have to sift through a large variety of different concoctions, differing in scents as well as function. You will also want to ensure that you are purchasing a genuine product instead of a fake rip-off.\nPurchasing your beard oil will be time-efficient and introduce you to the world of beard maintenance. However, when you are ready to move onto expert status and time is not an issue, then your best option is to make your very own beard oil from scratch in the comfort of your own home. The homemade choice is also perfect for anyone on a budget, costing a fraction of the store bought product.\nIn case you opt for the latter choice, our sensational, tried-and-true beard oil recipe will make the creation process a breeze. Beside the savings, there is another benefit to your homemade concoction; you will be able to customize the ingredients to include only oils of your own choosing.\nThat’s All, Folks\nYou have made it to the end of the Novice’s Guide To Beard Oil Expertise. If you were an intimidated newbie at first, by now you should feel equipped to take on the world of facial hair in general and beard oil in particular.\nBeard oil is not just a useless addition to your bathroom cabinet. Its moisturizing factor truly benefits the quality and look of your beard. Your supple, soft, smooth stubble will grow into a healthy, flake-free, attractive beard with timely oil application.\nTo top off the benefits, your choice of scent will turn your beard oil into your trademark musk. The ladies will recognize you by your scent and identify that particular smell with your unique designer look.\nGrow Your Beard Thicker & Faster With The Help Of Beard Oil", "label": "No"} {"text": "A beautiful piece of half polished 100% Dominican amber. It’s organic shape and unpolished side highlight the unique intricacies of the ancient botanical matter captured within this incredibly lovely specimen; and it also shows the highly prized and sought after blue fluorescence of Dominican amber. This awesome chunk of amber could be made into a one of a kind piece of jewelry, a fantastic carving, or would be a welcomed addition to any collection.\nDominican amber is very special. It is the hardened resin from an extinct species of a broad leaved tropical tree that is found only in the Dominican Republic and is considered to be around 40 million years old. While yellow and reddish amber is also found in the Baltic and parts of Mexico (as well as the blue green tones Mexican amber is known for) the unique tones of blue, green, and red found in the Dominican amber are to be found nowhere else on earth and are very rare even there.\nHalf Polished Dominican Amber Stone\nWeight: 20.8 grams\nLength: 48.9 mm\nWidth: 38.4 mm\nDepth: 21.3 mm\nColor: Honey and cafes with blue fluorescence in daylight", "label": "No"} {"text": "Green Lobster CBD Gummies is one of the most effective methods platinum hemp herb cbd gummies that have been reasoned on the market.\nedible it underwear-lasting it Ingredients and a clouth of the platinum hemp herb cbd gummies entourage effect, this ingredient is the most age-containing properties that contain it.\nWhen you deal with a person from innovative stress, anxiety, stress, sleep, and uneasiness.\nAnytime, they're made from organic terms of natural ingredients, and industrial hemp oil.\nhow much thc do it have less than 0.3% THC are verified in the US. 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Many of these farms are second and third generation, and have been with Renard’s Cheese since 1961 .\nWhat type of cows do you get the milk from?\n90-95% of our milk comes from Holstein cows and the rest of the milk is from Guernsey or Jersey cows.\nAre the cows grass fed?\nThe cows are grass fed as the Wisconsin climate allows. They’re also fed a mixture of wheat and grains to enable them to produce the highest quality milk.\nIs the milk hormone-free?\nAll of our milk is free of hormones (rBGH free). The farms that we get our milk from each certify that their milk is free from the genetically engineered hormone rBGH.\nHow much milk does it take to make one pound of cheese?\nYou may be surprised and the answer might even help justify spending a little more for our handcrafted cheeses. Each pound of cheese requires 10 pounds (or about 5 quarts) of cow’s milk. That’s a lot of milk!!\nWhat kinds of cultures does Renard’s Cheese use when making cheese?\nThe first stage in making cheese is to ripen the milk. During the ripening process, lactose is converted into lactic acid. Cheese makers use starter cultures to control this ripening process. We use both thermophillic and mesophillic cultures. Which culture we use depends on the type of cheese we are making.\nMesophillic is a non-heat loving culture, and is used for making cheeses that are not heated to more than 102 degrees. This is the most common and is used to make 90% of the varieties of cheeses. Some of these cheeses include soft cheese, blue cheese, feta, farmers, colby, cheddar, brie and others.\nThermophillic is a heat loving culture and is used to make cheeses that can be heated to 130 degrees. It is used in most Italian cheeses, such as parmesan, provolone, mozzarella, swiss, monterey jack, etc.\nWhat makes the cheese yellow? Is there dye in your cheese?\nOur coloring comes from all natural annatto seeds. We do not use any chemical dyes. Annatto is a food coloring derived from the seeds of achiote tree, which is native to tropical regions from Mexico to Brazil. It is often used to impart a yellow or orange color to foods.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Labdoor examined the cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), whole cannabinoids, heavy metals, and microbial content material of Charlotte’s Internet Full Power Hemp Oil Extract. CW hemp makes a high quality product celebrated by clients and peers alike, but here is what really stood out to the Speculation Journal staff. These aren’t the most price-efficient CBD capsules in the marketplace, nonetheless, the worth is even by the use of a full spectrum extract from educated growers similar to the Stanley Brothers. Charlotte’s Net recommends taking 1 or 2 capsules daily to handle stress, exercise recovery, and ache.\nThis category covers rather a lot about how a company does enterprise—we rank them on traits such as providing detailed information about the company, it’s leadership and the staff; whether they are easy to contact—and the way shortly they respond to a buyer; have they got a physical tackle or have they got only a web-based presence; do they supply a money-again assure; and the way properly their high quality assurance program is applied (are they pesticide-, microbial and heavy-metallic free and do they provide this data). Finally, we attempt to assess the fame they carry in the CBD trade.\nImpressed by her progress, the brothers named the strain Charlotte’s Internet. CNN’s Sanjay Gupta featured the company in his August 2013 particular Weed,” telling the story of Charlotte’s miraculous recovery publicly for the primary Charlotte Web Cbd time. After fifteen thousand families reached out within the subsequent month, they determined to pivot their enterprise away from medical marijuana and towards the manufacturing of low-THC industrial hemp.\nAfter exhausting the local dispensary’s supply of low-THC, high-CBD cannabis, the family approached the Stanley brothers. Charlotte’s Net’s merchandise are manufactured from proprietary strains of complete plant hemp extracts, containing a full spectrum of phytocannabinoids, together with CBD, terpenes, flavonoids and other less significant but priceless hemp compounds.\nThis is the oil that started all of it. Made in small batches by alcohol extraction, Charlotte’s Internet’s Original CBD oil consists of 50 milligrams of CBD per milliliter. I loved the taste of this mint chocolate oil, though it additionally comes in an olive oil (pure) flavor. Other Charlotte’s Web CBD oils with lower potencies come in a wider range of flavors, akin to orange blossom and lemon twist, so customers can choose which CBD oil energy and taste appeals to them most.\nPeople also call Charlotte’s Web CBD the Hippie’s Disappointment as a result of low ranges of THC in it. The Stanley brothers are planning to maneuver the operation to Uruguay from Colorado, which can allow them to import Charlotte’s Net CBD to all charlotte’s web cbd the states in the US as hemp. If you’re on the lookout for products that ship strong, long-lasting effects each time, look no additional than Charlotte’s Net by the Stanley Brothers.\nProspects seem to be as devoted to Charlotte’s Net because the Stanley brothers are to helping the world by way of the power of botanicals. There have been a few lingering questions like can I discover Charlotte’s Web CBD oil near me?”, and those who have Charlotte’s Internet CBD drug take a look at worries, rightfully had concerns about whether they would trigger a false positive. Not simply Charlotte’s web, however any CBD merchandise may or could not show up on a drug check relying on the person, their metabolism, frequency of use, and a myriad of other elements. It is important to converse to your main well being care doctor before using CBD if you are involved about passing a drug check.\nAgain, these are both products whereby the moisturizing substances will make your pores and skin really feel wonderful. And scent great too, should you choose one of the scented options. CBD oil is thought to provide reduction for a large try this site number of medical signs , with out main side effects – however it’s necessary that you simply go along with a model that’s honest, and transparent.\nIf your dog has delicate pores and skin, it is advisable do that balm. Made with all-pure CBD and different soothing components like turmeric and Himalayan cedarwood, this balm has a nice, delicate scent and goes on smooth to assist maintain regular skin moisture and supply reduction from exterior irritations. With years of experience in the CBD market, I know that the Stanley Brothers actually dedicate themselves to producing products solely made with the best elements and to the highest caliber.\nThe CBD comes from broad-spectrum hemp extract, which is THC-free. Popularity: CBD brands aren’t all made equal. To get the best product on your pet, I recommend at all times shopping for from respected manufacturers with a stable position within the CBD area of interest. The Stanley Brothers jokingly called it Hippie’s Disappointment” and got down to stabilize its genetics and create a plant with all the health benefits found in hashish however not one of the intoxicating results.\nCharlotte’s Internet line of topical CBD lotions, balms, and gel merchandise obtained a major facelift (together with lower prices) during 2020. Several of these products obtained new and improved formulations, equally as glossy new packaging styles. Hypothesis Journal has seen plenty of oils and firms, but Charlotte’s Internet is a powerhouse, blazing its personal path, pushed by the will to make CBD oil recognized and inexpensive.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In the realm of food and beverages, the term ‘halal’ carries significant weight. It refers to items permissible according to Islamic law, and for Muslims, it’s a critical part of daily life. So, when it comes to hydration, it’s reasonable to ask whether the water we drink meets these standards. Today, we’ll focus on one brand in particular: Deer Park.\n|📌 About Deer Park Water: Deer Park is a brand of bottled water in the United States. It comes from natural springs and goes through a purification process to ensure it’s clean and safe to drink.|\n|📌 Is Deer Park Water Halal: Deer Park water is generally considered halal because it’s pure and doesn’t contain any forbidden substances according to Islamic dietary laws. However, it doesn’t have an official halal certification.|\n|📌 Other Considerations: When determining if water is halal, it’s essential to look at the source, purification process, and packaging to avoid contamination with forbidden substances.|\nDeer Park Water: An Overview\nDeer Park Water is an American brand of bottled water of natural spring origin from BlueTriton Brands, produced and marketed primarily across the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The water is sourced from natural springs and is available in still and sparkling varieties.\nThe company offers a wide range of sizes and flavors, including 100% natural spring water, flavored water, and sparkling water. The water has a pH range of 6.3-8.1 and contains naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, fluoride, magnesium, sodium, and sulfate.\nThe total dissolved solids (TDS) range from 59-230. Deer Park Water was introduced in 1873 and was named after the nearby town of Deer Park, Maryland. Deer Park water is available for purchase online and in local stores such as Target and Walmart.\nIn the bottled water market, Deer Park stands as a popular choice among consumers. Known for its refreshing taste and natural sourcing, it’s seen as a reliable option for hydration. But, is Deer Park water halal?\nTo answer this, we need to first understand what makes a beverage halal. According to Islamic dietary laws, for a product to be considered halal, it must be free from any forbidden substances. This means it must be pure and not come into contact with anything considered haram, or forbidden.\nCompared with Other Brands\nTo provide a broader perspective, let’s compare Deer Park with other brands. Like Deer Park, Aquafina, Arrowhead, Dasani, and Evian are all recognized for their purity. They boast of using advanced filtration processes, ensuring a clean, refreshing taste.\nOn the other hand, brands like V8 Juice, V8 Splash, and Vita Coco offer beverages that are more complex than pure water, containing ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and coconut water. These require a more detailed review to determine their halal status.\n“Understanding the source and processing of your drink is crucial in determining whether it is halal or not.”\nOn that note, let’s delve deeper into the specifics of Deer Park water and its halal status in our next section.\nClassifying Halal and Haram in Food\nHalal is an intricate system of dietary laws that are fundamental to Islamic culture. These laws initially allow all foods, but specific restrictions are imposed based on divine mandates or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.\nCompliance with halal guidelines aligns a person’s eating habits with their religious convictions, establishing a deep bond with their faith.\nCertain verses in the Quran emphasize the importance of consuming food that is both healthy and lawful. They offer guidance to believers, encouraging them to resist temptations that could lead them astray from these dietary laws.\nيَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ كُلُوا۟ مِمَّا فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ حَلَـٰلًۭا طَيِّبًۭا وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ خُطُوَٰتِ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنِ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّۭ مُّبِينٌ\n“O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy.”\nThe process of determining whether a food is considered haram, or forbidden, in Islam involves a detailed analysis. This analysis includes three key factors:\n- The presence of harmful or toxic substances: Whether a food item contains any harmful or toxic elements is a crucial consideration. These substances pose a potential threat to physical health and are thus generally classified as haram.\n- Adherence to divine instructions: Another significant factor is compliance with the directives given by Allah and His Messenger. These directives provide guidance on what is permissible (halal) and what is forbidden (haram).\n- Avoidance of intoxicants and excessive alcohol: The consumption of intoxicants and excessive amounts of alcohol is strictly prohibited in Islam. Hence, any food containing such substances is classified as haram.\nThe Quran emphasizes the importance of eliminating harmful or toxic substances from one’s diet as a core principle. This underscores the importance of maintaining physical health in accordance with religious teachings.\nوَأَنفِقُواْ فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَلَا تُلۡقُواْ بِأَيۡدِيكُمۡ إِلَى ٱلتَّهۡلُكَةِ وَأَحۡسِنُوٓاْۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُحۡسِنِينَ\n“And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loves those who do good.\nSecondly, the Quran lists out certain foods that are not allowed, and adhering to these rules can aid in one’s spiritual growth.\nحُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلْمَيْتَةُ وَٱلدَّمُ وَلَحْمُ ٱلْخِنزِيرِ وَمَآ أُهِلَّ لِغَيْرِ ٱللَّهِ بِهِۦ وَٱلْمُنْخَنِقَةُ وَٱلْمَوْقُوذَةُ وَٱلْمُتَرَدِّيَةُ وَٱلنَّطِيحَةُ وَمَآ أَكَلَ ٱلسَّبُعُ إِلَّا مَا ذَكَّيْتُمْ وَمَا ذُبِحَ عَلَى ٱلنُّصُبِ\n“Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah; what is killed by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being gored to death; what is partly eaten by a predator unless you slaughter it; and what is sacrificed on altars.“\nAdditionally, Islamic law sets specific boundaries on the consumption of substances that have intoxicating effects or exceed the alcohol limits as prescribed by Fatwa. This includes but isn’t limited to, substances such as alcohol, heroin, amphetamines, LSD, and marijuana.\nFor a thorough assessment of the ingredients in Deer Park, it’s crucial to examine their conformity with Islamic dietary regulations. A meticulous examination of these ingredients is essential in understanding their potential impacts on our physical health and overall well-being.\nDeer Park Water Source & Ingredients\nAccording to its official website, Deer Park Water is primarily made of spring water. Deer Park sources its water from several springs in the United States, and it undergoes a rigorous purification process before it reaches consumers. This process includes filtration, UV sterilization, and ozonation, which effectively removes any potential contaminants.\nIt’s also important to highlight that Deer Park water does not contain any artificial additives or enhancements, which are often a point of concern when considering the halal status of a product. The company maintains a commitment to delivering natural spring water, ensuring its purity and adherence to halal guidelines.\nOther Considerations for Halal Water\nWhile the source and purification process are key factors in determining whether water is halal, other considerations may come into play. For example, the handling and packaging processes should also be free from any form of contamination with haram substances.\nIn the case of Deer Park, the company implements strict quality control measures throughout its supply chain to ensure that its products meet the highest standards of purity and safety.\nIs Deer Park Water Halal?\nBased on what we’ve discussed earlier, Deer Park Water fits within the guidelines for being halal. It’s sourced naturally, undergoes rigorous purification, and is free from any forbidden substances.\nHowever, it has not been officially certified as Halal leaving a worry for those who are strict followers. If you’re unsure, It is advisable to look after alternative products with halal-certified on their packages.\nRemember, staying hydrated is important for our health and well-being, and being assured of the halal status of your water can contribute to your peace of mind.\n“Deer Park water fits within the guidelines for being halal. It’s sourced naturally, undergoes rigorous purification, and is free from any forbidden substances.”\nAllahu A’lam (Allah knows best)\nWhat is the pH level of Deer Park water?\nDeer Park water has a pH level that varies depending on the source. According to the company’s 2015 quality report, the pH of Deer Park Natural Spring Water ranges from 6.6 to 8.5, which is slightly alkaline. However, other sources suggest that the pH level of Deer Park water is lower.\nFor example, a pH test conducted by TEN Spring Water found that the pH level of Deer Park water was approximately 5.5. Another source suggests that the pH of Deer Park water was measured at approximately 7.5. It is important to note that the pH level of bottled water may vary depending on the specific product and source.\nIs Deer Park BPA-free?\nDeer Park water bottles are made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic, which is a lightweight and recyclable material. PET plastic is considered to be virtually BPA-free, which means that the amount of BPA in the bottles is negligible.\nAdditionally, all of Deer Park’s 5-gallon bottles are made of PET 1 plastic, which is BPA-free. Therefore, it is safe to say that Deer Park water bottles are BPA-free. (source)\nIs Deer Park spring water?\nYes, Deer Park water is spring water.\nIs Deer Park distilled water?\nYes, Deer Park offers a separate product called Deer Park Brand Distilled Water. This distilled water goes through a meticulous distillation process to purify it, resulting in pure bottled water. It is ideal for use in small appliances, reducing the risk of damaging mineral buildup. Therefore, it is safe to say that Deer Park water is not only spring water, but also distilled water.\nDoes Deer Park have sodium?\nYes, Deer Park water is low in sodium. According to GreenChoice, Deer Park Natural Spring Water is low in sodium. However, the specific amount of sodium may vary depending on the product and size.\nThe nutrition facts provided on the Deer Park Natural Spring Water bottle do not list the sodium content, but they do list the calcium, magnesium, and potassium content. Therefore, it is safe to say that Deer Park water is low in sodium, but the exact amount may vary depending on the specific product and size.\nDoes Deer Park have minerals?\nYes, Deer Park water contains minerals. According to the company’s website, Deer Park Natural Spring Water is sourced from natural springs and contains naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, fluoride, magnesium, sodium, and sulfate.\nThe nutrition facts provided on the Deer Park Natural Spring Water bottle list the calcium and magnesium content but do not list the sodium or sulfate content. However, another source confirms that the minerals chloride, calcium, magnesium, and sodium can be found naturally occurring in Deer Park spring water.\nThe specific amounts of minerals may vary depending on the product and size, but Deer Park water is generally considered to be a good source of minerals.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Brand from South Korea: MEDI-PEEL. Benefits: A jumbo-sized SOS serum helps purify and soothe skin with efficacy. Formulated with 6 types of Cica and 50 types of green herb extract to tackle troubled skin. With 3 types of Hyaluronic Acid to deeply hydrate skin while adding luminosity. 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Contents 8.46 fl oz. (250ml)\nWhat is the Rosehip Cream used for?\nShelo Nabel Rosa Mosqueta Cream gives immediate moisture to your skin, the flower contains antioxidant properties that help improve and maintain healthy skin.\n- Fades expression lines.\n- Strengthen the skin and nourish it.\n- Acts as an eye contour treatment.\n- Cell regenerator.\n- Fight flaccidity.\n- Reduces Scars.\nHow should you use Shelo Nabel Rosehip Cream?\nWe recommend applying it in the morning and at night, all over your body apply generously and give yourself a massage until the greatest amount of cream is absorbed, you will see how from the first application you will notice extra moisture on your skin.\nBuying Shelo Nabel Products in the USA is now easier doing it online!\nWe ship only in the UNITED STATES, after your purchase it takes 4 to 6 business days for your order to arrive.\nJust add your products, put your address and it will give you the total to pay.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Stockists of Huge Range of Duplex Steel Products: Like ASTM A ASTM SA Duplex Steel Welded Pipes Tubing Tubes, Duplex Steel ASTM A and A are the reference specifications for seamless and EFW Duplex pipes match the following fittings materials: ASTM A (butt weld. 18 Aug Our company,HT pipe is specialized in ASTM A Duplex steel UNS S / seamless and welded pipes in China. What’s more,A\n|Published (Last):||3 June 2009|\n|PDF File Size:||14.15 Mb|\n|ePub File Size:||13.51 Mb|\n|Price:||Free* [*Free Regsitration Required]|\nASTM A ASTM SA Duplex Steel Seamless Tubing Tubes India – Citizen Metals\nThis abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. Carbon and alloy steel pipes: Markings on the Pipe Astm a790 full identification of the pipe should be continuously marked astm a790 its whole length, including:. Nickel Alloy Seamless Tubes: Stainless Steel Tubing and Pipe: Pipes dimensions and weights: Pipe astm a790 other dimensions may be furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.\nThe pipe shall be made by the seamless or an automatic welding process, with no addition of filler metal in the welding operation.\nAs a customer focused organization of the industry, we are offering a wide assortment of ASTM A Pipes to our valuable customers. ASME SA Ferritic Stainless Steel Welded Pipes has a higher yield strength and lower ductility than the austenitic steels so fabricators may find that higher forming forces, increased radius of bending, and increased allowance for astm a790 back are necessary. Mega Mex supplies LDX,FerraliumZeron and in the form of plate, sheetstrip, bar, pipe, astm a790, pipe fittings, flanges and weld wire.\nPiyush Steel is a renowned distributor and supplier of ASTM A Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipeswhich has some great features to offer such as high quality, resistance to corrosion, astm a790 finish and more.\nOften referred to as the work horse astm a790, is the most widely used grade in the duplex family of stainless steels.\nASTM A Duplex and Super Duplex Pipes –\nIt ashm informational only and not an astm a790 part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. Asfm can order products online, float requests for quote RFQand communicate with suppliers from all over the world.\nIt is informational only and not an astm a790 part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application.\nISO Certified Co. Duplex Steel Sheet Plates Manufacturers Pipeline Coatings astm a790 Lining Materials. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets.\nThe inch-pound units shall apply unless the M designation of this specification astm a790 specified in the order.\nDUPLEX AND SUPER DUPLEX PIPE\nHome Contact Us Back to Top. Filler metal not permitted during welding.\nISO Certified Co. The Class Number dictates how astm a790 pipe is welded and what astm a790 tests:. High corrosion and erosion resistance is a must for storage tanks, whether the designer astm a790 to prevent leakage during desalinization, avoid contamination in pharmaceutical or food processing, or store astn as well as black and white liquor for the pulp and paper industry. Compression Tube Fittings Double Ferrule.\nThe high chromium and molybdenum content of Super Duplex makes it extremely resistant to uniform corrosion by organic acids like formic and acetic acid. Astm a790 is used as process equipment in astm a790 chemical industry. We also provide Standard certificates like EN 3. These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made and, when desired, one or more of these may be specified in the order.\nHeat analysis shall be made to determine the percentages z790 the elements specified. Scope, Types and Functions Valve Parts: Outfitted with a modern infrastructure, we are the most prominent manufacturer, trader and supplier of a quality assured products that is widely used in various industries to extract the harmful and toxic gases.\nGrade ast will often perform well in environments which cause premature failure of the standard austenitic grades of series stainless steel. Coating and lining materials for pipes. Sellers can showcase their company profile and abilities on our astm a790, publish and sell products online, and build astm a790 with international buyers, as EPC Contractors, End-Users and traders.\nThis resistance is extremely important for services such as marine environments, brackish water, bleaching operations, closed loop water systems and some food processing applications.\nDuplex Steel Tubing Supplied to.\nASTM A790 / ASME SA790 Pipes\nGeneral information about steel pipes: Our team adopts a90 packaging methods to ensure that the products reach our clients in their best form, without getting affected by the adversities astm a790 the environment. Pipe having other dimensions may be furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.\nLink to Active This link astm a790 always route to the current Active version of the standard.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Jasper Conran Naked Man. Aromatic and effortlessly masculine Naked encapsulates Jasper Conran’s refined approach to scent, first experienced with his signature lines Woman and Man. Natural attraction, Effortless masculinity, Refined, Woody, aromatic and musky. Zesty notes of Grapefruit and Bergamot meet a blend of Violet leaves, Vetiver and Cedarwood. The composition is rounded with rich Patchouli and leathery Sandalwood. Head Notes Bergamot, Grapefruit, Heart Notes Violet leaves, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Patchouli. BASE NOTES Amber, Sandalwood, Musk.", "label": "No"} {"text": "PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Maximum Strength Antimicrobial, 5.5 Ounce\nAbout this item\n- Maximum strength formula contains 10% Benzoyl peroxide\n- Highest over the counter Benzoyl peroxide wash available\n- Maximum strength, antimicrobial foaming wash kills acne-\n- causing bacteria on contact and lifts dirt from pores for a fresher,\n- clearer you.\n- Works to clean and unclog pores on face, chest and back\n- Clears existing acne and helps prevent new blemishes from formingz\nFrom the manufacturer\nPanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash – 10% Benzoyl Peroxide\nTough enough to battle even the worst breakout, PanOxyl’s Maximum Strength Acne Foaming Wash contains 10% benzoyl peroxide to clear acne quickly! Recommended by dermatologists, the powerful cleansing wash kills acne-causing bacteria effectively to clear existing breakouts as well as helping to prevent new blemishes from forming when used as part of a daily routine.\nBenzoyl peroxide is antibacterial & works quickly to kill the P. acnes bacteria that causes blemishes. So long, acne!\nBenzoyl peroxide helps the skin to shed more effectively to keep pores from becoming clogged.\nBenzoyl peroxide has antibacterial actions to combat blocked follicles before they have a chance to become blemishes.\nBenzoyl peroxide clears and treats existing acne as well as prevents new blemishes from forming, so you can say goodbye to pimples for good!\nPanoxyl Maximum Strength acne foaming face Wash, contains 10% benzoyl peroxide. Maximum strength foaming wash. Effectively penetrates pores killing the bacteria that cause acne. Clears existing acne blemishes and prevents new blemishes from forming. The highest strength of benzoyl peroxide available without a prescription. Gently removes dirt and excess oil to cleanse and unclog pores. Makes it an excellent choice for the management of acne on the face, chest and back.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In this work, a mid infrared thermography was used to study thermal behavior of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with a circular shape and a diameter of 90 mm. The emissivity of the anodic surface of the fuel cell was determined to be from 0.95 to 0.46 in the temperature range 550-1200 K and the profile and temperature distribution of the anodic surface of the unloaded cell was given. The surface temperature of the cell was determined during operation and the polarity changes from open circuit voltage (OCV) to 0.0 V. It was found that the cell self-heating effect decreases with increasing temperature of the cell.\nTesting of varistors using thermography was carried out in order to assess their protective properties against possible overvoltage phenomena in the form of high-level voltage surges. An advantage of the thermography technique is non-contact temperature measurement. It was proposed to assess the properties of varistors working in electronic devices as protective elements, on the basis of estimating temperature increments on varistor surfaces, registered by an infrared camera during surge resistance tests with standard voltage levels. To determine acceptable temperature increments on a tested varistor, preliminary testing was performed of P22Z1 (Littelfuse) and S07K14 (EPCOS) type varistors, working first at a constant load and presently during surge tests,. The thermographic test results were compared with measured varistor capacity values before and after tests. It was found that recording with thermography temperature increments greater than 6°C for both P22Z1 and S07K14 varistor types detects total or partial loss of varistor protective properties. The test results were confirmed by assessment of protective properties of varistors working in output circuits of low nominal voltage devices.\nThe paper presents a proposal of using additional statistical parameters such as: standard deviation, variance, maximum and minimum increases of the observed value that were determined during measurements of temperature fields created on the surface of the tested electrochemical capacitor. The measurements were carried out using thermographic methods in order to support assessment of the condition of electrochemical capacitor under classic durability tests based on methods of determination of capacity and equivalent series resistance. The possibility of using some statistical parameters in assessment of the electrochemical capacitor quality was illustrated. The applied measurement methodology and the results of research associated with the classic methods of supercapacitors’ assessment are presented. The obtained results indicate that the variability of some statistical parameters of temperature fields can be directly related to changing the values of standard parameters describing electrochemical capacitor, which are capacitance and equivalent series resistance.\nIn this study the potential usefulness of infrared thermography (IRT) as a non-invasive tool to rapidly screen the most common non-infectious foot lesions in dairy cows was evaluated. Thirty-eight healthy cows and 38 cows affected by foot diseases were enrolled. Diseased cows showed the following disorders at lateral and medial claw in the hind foot: white line lesion, sole ulcer, sole haemorrhage, horizontal fissure, axial fissure. Thermography images of hind foot were collected for each animal using a digital infrared camera. Foot temperature was measured in four regions: central area of the hind foot (A1), interdigital area of the hind foot (A2), lateral (A3) and medial (A4) claw in the hind foot. Higher temperature values in the regions A1 and A2 compared to A3 and A4 were found in both healthy and diseased cows (p0.001). Cows affected by foot diseases showed higher foot temperature values compared to healthy cows (p0.05) in all considered regions. This study highlights the potential application of IRT as a reliable, practical tool for detection of hoof lesions in dairy cows. Multiple scanning images and comparisons between affected and healthy anatomical structures could be useful in defining the consistency of abnormality.\nThe paper presents the application of liquid crystal thermography for temperature determination and visualisation of two phase flow images on the studied surface. Properties and applications of thermochromic liquid crystals are discussed. Liquid crystals were applied for two-dimensional detection of the temperature of the heating foil forming one of the surfaces of the minichannel along which the cooling liquid flowed. The heat flux supplied to the heating surface was altered in the investigation and it was accompanied by a change in the color distribution on the surface. The accuracy of temperature measurements on the surface with liquid crystal thermography is estimated. The method of visualisation of two-phase flow structures is described. The analysis of monochrome images of flow structures was employed to calculate the void fraction for some cross-sections. The flow structure photos were processed using Corel graphics software and binarized. The analysis of phase volumes employed Techsystem Globe software. The measurement error of void fraction is estimated.\nModern infrared cameras are constructed with two main types of infrared detectors: photon detectors and thermal detectors. Because of economic reasons, vast numbers of modern thermal cameras are constructed with the use of infrared microbolometric detectors which belong to the group of thermal detectors. Thermal detectors detect incident infrared radiation by measuring changes of temperature on the surface of a special micro-bridge structure. Thermal detectors, like microbolometric detectors on one hand should be sensitive to changing temperature to accurately measure incoming infrared radiation from the observed scene, on the other hand there are many other phenomena that change the temperature of the detector and influence the overall response of the detector. In order to construct an accurate infrared camera, there is a need to evaluate these phenomena and quantify their influence. In the article the phenomenon of self heating due to the operation of the readout circuit is analyzed on an UL 03 19 1 detector. The theoretical analysis is compared with the results of conducted measurements. Measurements with a type SC7900VL thermographic camera were performed to measure the thermodynamic behavior of the UL 03 19 1 detector array.\nIn the paper a method using active thermography and a neural algorithm for material defect characterization is presented. Experimental investigations are conducted with the stepped heating method, so-called time-resolved infrared radiometry, for the test specimen made of a material with low thermal diffusivity. The results of the experimental investigations were used in simulations of artificial neural networks. Simulations are performed for three datasets representing three stages of the heating process occurring in the investigated sample. In this work, the simulation research aimed to determine the accuracy of defect depth estimation with the use of the mentioned algorithm is descibed\nIn the paper a method for correction of heating non-homogeneity applied in defect detection with the use of active thermography is presented. In the method an approximation of thermal background with second- and third-order surfaces was used, what made it possible to remove partially the background. In the paper the simulation results obtained with the abovementioned method are presented. An analysis of the influence of correction of heating non-homogeneity on the effectiveness of defect detection is also carried out. The simulations are carried out for thermograms obtained on the basis of experiments on a test sample with simulated defects, made of a material of low thermal diffusivity.\nThe dynamic process of the interaction between a turbulent jet diffusion methane flame and a lateral wall was experimentally studied. The evolution of the flame temperature field with the Nitrogen dilution of the methane jet flame was examined. The interaction between the diffusion flame and the lateral wall was investigated for different distance between the wall and the central axes of the jet flame. The dilution is found to play the central role in the flame extinction process. The flame response as the lateral wall approaches from infinity and the increasing of the dilution rate make the flame extinction more rapid than the flame without dilution, when the nitrogen dilution rate increase the flame temperature decrease.\nThe paper presents the results of the crystallization process of silumin by the TDA thermographic method and the results of the cast microstructure obtained in the sampler TDA-10, that was cooling down in ambient air. The study was conducted for silumin AlSi11 unmodified. The work demonstrated that the use of thermal imaging camera allows for the measurement and recording the solidification process of silumin. Thermal curve was registered with the infrared camera and derivative curve that was calculated on the base of thermal curve have both a very similar shape to adequate them TDA curves obtained from measurements using a thermocouple. Test results by TDA thermographic method enable quantitative analysis of the kinetics of the cooling and solidification process of neareutectic silumin.\nThe work is a part of research into the reduction of energy consumption in the production of EPSthrough the modernization of technological equipment used. This paper presents the results of research and analysis of heat transfer process between the water vapor that was provided to machine, the mold, the product and the environment. The paper shows the calculation of the heat balance of the production cycle for two types of mold: standard and modernized. The performance tests used an infrared imaging camera. The results were used to develop a computer image analysis and statistical analysis. This paper presents the main stages of the production process and the construction of technological equipment used, changing the mold surface temperature field during the production cycle and the structure of the heat balance for the mold and its instrumentation. It has been shown that the modernization of construction of technological equipment has reduced the temperature field and as a consequence of decreased of demand for process steam production cycle.\nNowadays, the energy cost is very high and this problem is carried out to seek techniques for improvement of the aerothermal and thermal (heat flow) systems performances in different technical applications. The transient and steady-state techniques with liquid crystals for the surface temperature and heat transfer coefficient or Nusselt number distribution measurements have been developed. The flow pattern produced by transverse vortex generators (ribs) and other fluid obstacles (e.g. turbine blades) was visualized using liquid crystals (Liquid Crystal Thermography) in combination with the true-colour image processing as well as planar beam of double-impulse laser tailored by a cylindrical lens and oil particles (particle image velocimetry or laser anemometry). Experiments using both research tools were performed at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Present work provides selected results obtained during this research.\nThe aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an amorphous/crystalline composite starting from Ni-Si- B-based powder grade 1559-40 and silver powder. The alloy was produced using arc melting of 95% wt. Ni-Si-B-based powder (1559-40) and 5% wt. Ag powder. Ingot was re-melted on a copper plate and observed while cooling using a mid-wave infra-red camera. The alloy was then melt-spun in a helium atmosphere. The microstructure of the ingot as well as the melt-spun ribbon was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry. Phase identification was performed by means of X-ray diffraction. The observations confirmed an amorphous/crystalline microstructure of the ribbon where the predominant constituent of the microstructure was an amorphous phase enriched with Ni, Si, and B, while the minor constituent was an Ag-rich crystalline phase distributed in a film along the melt-spinning direction.\nNoise spectroscopy as a highly sensitive method for non-destructive diagnostics of semiconductor devices was applied to solar cells based on crystalline silicon with a view to evaluating the quality and reliability of this solar cell type. The experimental approach was used in a reverse-biased condition where the internal structure of solar cells, as well as pn-junction itself, was electrically stressed and overloaded by a strong electric field. This gave rise to a strong generation of a current noise accompanied by local thermal instabilities, especially in the defect sites. It turned out that local temperature changes could be correlated with generation of flicker noise in a wide frequency range. Furthermore, an electrical breakdown in a nonstable form also occurred in some specific local regions what created micro-plasma noise with a two-level current fluctuation in the form of a Lorentzian-like noise spectrum. The noise research was carried out on both of these phenomena in combination with the spectrally-filtered electroluminescence mapping in the visible/near-infrared spectrum range and the dark lock-in infrared thermography in the far-infrared range. Then the physical origin of the light emission from particular defects was searched by a scanning electron microscope and additionally there was performed an experimental elimination of one specific defect by the focused ion beam milling.\nWith increasing technology development, an increasing emphasis is placed on the precision of products, but cannot be guaranteed without a stable production process. To ensure the stability of the production process, it is necessary to monitor it in detail, find its critical locations and eliminate or at least control it. With such a precise manufacturing method as investment casting, such a process is a must. This paper therefore deals with monitoring the production process of wax models of large turbine blades using infrared thermography. The aim was to evaluate the critical locations of this production and to propose recommendations for their elimination or, at the very least, significant mitigation of their impact on the final quality of the large turbine blade casting.\nThe paper presents the results of the crystallization process of silumin by the TDA thermographic method and the results of the cast microstructure obtained in the sampler ATD-10, that was cooling down in ambient air. The study was conducted for silumins AlSi8 and AlSi11 unmodified. The work demonstrated that the use of thermal imaging camera allows for the measurement and recording the solidification process of silumin. Thermal curve was registered with the infrared camera and derivative curve that was calculated on the base of thermal curve have both a very similar shape to adequate them TDA curves obtained from measurements using a thermocouple. Test results by TDA thermographic method enable quantitative analysis of the kinetics of the cooling and solidification process of hypoand neareutectic silumins.\nPrecision casting is currently motivated by high demand especially for castings for the aerospace, automotive and gas turbine industries. High demands on precision of this parts pressure foundries to search for the new tools which can help them to improve the production. One of these tools is the numerical simulation of injection process, whereas such software especially for investment casting wax injection, process does not exist yet and for this case must be the existing software, for alloys or plastic, modified. This paper focuses on the use of numerical simulations to predict the behavior of injected models of gas turbine blades segments. The properties of wax mixtures, which were imported into the Cadmould simulation software as a material model, were found. The results of the simulations were verified using the results of 3D scanning measurements of wax models. As a supporting technology for verifying the results was used the Infrared Thermography.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Grams to kilograms (g to kg)mass conversions » gram conversions » g to kg\nGrams to kilograms conversion table (chart)\nThe conversion table to the right is a default, short version of the grams to kilograms conversion table. You also have an option to create the grams to kilograms conversion table for the specific values you need. You can choose the initial value (in grams), the increment and the number of rows you want to show up in the conversion table.To create your customized grams to kilograms conversion table, click on the 'create conversion table' button.\n|gram (g)||kilogram (kg)|\nBy using the online converter calculator on this page, you can calculate how many kilograms are in 'X' grams (X is the number of grams you want to convert to kilograms). In order to convert a value from grams to kilograms (from g to kg) simply type the number of grams to be converted to kilograms and then click on the 'convert' button. The formula used for converting a specific value from grams to kilograms is:\nX grams * cf = Y kilograms\nX = the specific value to be converted (in grams)\ncf = the conversion factor from grams to kilograms\nY = the result (in kilograms)\nLet's suppose that you have a value of mass of 158 grams and want to express it in kilograms.\n158 g = (158 × 0.001) kg\n158 g = 0.158 kg\n1 gram is equal to 0.001 kilogram\n(1 g = 0.001 kg )", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Fusion is so compact and lightweight, and I have found it to be very well-balanced and comfortable to hold. Its controls are easy to use and see, and its low-profile curing head fits nicely into most areas of the mouth.\nWith the advent of low polymerization shrinkage resins there is the opportunity for bulk filling, and that requires a powerful light. DentLight’s Fusion Curing light is just such a powerful light that offers two easily toggled power modes\nI would recommend the Fusion without reservation to my colleagues who are in the market for a high-power, versatile curing light that is economical and so useful in everyday practice.\nDr. Howard Glazer", "label": "No"} {"text": "Are you tired of your plain and boring pool deck? Do you want to enhance its appearance while also providing protection from wear and tear? Look no further than concrete coatings for pool decks.\nConcrete coatings offer a durable and versatile solution that can transform your pool deck into a beautiful and functional space. With a variety of colors, textures, and patterns available, you can customize your pool deck to fit your personal style and needs.\nNot only do concrete coatings enhance the aesthetic appeal of your pool deck, but they also provide slip-resistant and heat-resistant properties to ensure safety and comfort for your family and guests.\nIn this article, we will explore the benefits of concrete coatings, the types available, how to choose the right one for your pool deck, and the process of application and maintenance. Get ready to transform your pool deck into a stunning and practical oasis with concrete coatings.\nUnderstanding the Benefits of Concrete Coatings for Pool Decks\nBy enhancing the durability and safety of outdoor recreational areas, property owners can create a more enjoyable experience for their guests and increase the value of their investment.\nOne effective way to achieve this is by using concrete coatings for pool decks. These coatings are designed to protect the surface of the deck from harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and pool chemicals, while also providing a slip-resistant finish.\nConcrete coatings for pool decks offer a range of benefits that make them a popular choice among property owners. They can be customized to complement the overall design of the property, making it more visually appealing. They are also easy to maintain and clean, requiring minimal effort to keep them looking their best. And because they are resistant to stains, scratches, and other forms of wear and tear, they can extend the lifespan of the pool deck.\nAnother advantage of using concrete coatings for pool decks is that they can improve the safety of the area. By adding a slip-resistant finish, property owners can reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents, which can be especially dangerous around water. Coatings can also be tinted to reduce the glare from the sun, which can be a common problem in outdoor areas.\nBy investing in concrete coatings for pool decks, property owners can create a safer, more durable, and visually appealing outdoor space for their guests to enjoy.\nTypes of Concrete Coatings Available\nYou’ll be surprised at the variety of options available to transform your outdoor oasis into a luxurious and safe space.\nWhen it comes to concrete coatings for pool decks, you have many choices. One popular option is a stamped concrete coating, which can mimic the look and texture of other materials such as brick, stone, or wood. This type of coating can add a unique touch to your pool deck and give it a high-end appearance.\nAnother type of coating is a spray texture coating, which is applied with a specialized spray gun. This coating adds a non-slip texture to the surface of your pool deck, making it safer to walk on when wet. Spray texture coatings are available in a range of colors and can be customized to match the existing decor of your outdoor space.\nLastly, you may consider a stained concrete coating. This type of coating penetrates the surface of the concrete, giving it a translucent color that enhances the natural texture and pattern of the concrete. Stained concrete coatings are available in a variety of colors and can be used to create a unique and eye-catching look for your pool deck.\nWith all of these coating options available, you’re sure to find one that fits your style and needs.\nChoosing the Right Color, Texture, and Pattern for Your Pool Deck\nTransforming your outdoor oasis into a luxurious and safe space is all about choosing the right color, texture, and pattern for your pool area.\nThe first thing you need to consider is the color of your pool deck coating. Darker colors will absorb more heat, making it hotter to walk on during sunny days, while lighter colors reflect heat and remain cooler. You can also consider adding accent colors to your pool deck coating to make it more visually appealing.\nNext, you need to think about the texture of your pool deck coating. The texture of your coating should provide enough slip resistance to prevent accidents, but also be comfortable to walk on. A textured coating will also help to reduce the amount of water that splashes out of the pool and onto your deck, making it safer and easier to maintain.\nFinally, you need to consider the pattern of your pool deck coating. The pattern you choose should complement the architecture and style of your home, as well as your personal style. From natural stone patterns to geometric designs, there are many options available to help you create a beautiful and functional pool area that you and your family will enjoy for years to come.\nSurface Preparation for Concrete Coating Application\nPreparing the surface before applying the coating is crucial for ensuring a successful and long-lasting application.\nThe first step is to thoroughly clean the pool deck surface. This can be done using a pressure washer or by scrubbing the surface with a hard-bristled brush and a solution of water and detergent. It’s important to remove any dirt, debris, or previous coatings from the surface, as these can interfere with the adhesion of the new coating.\nAfter cleaning, the next step is to repair any cracks, holes, or other damage to the concrete surface. This can be done using a concrete patching compound. The compound should be applied to the damaged areas and smoothed out with a trowel. Once the compound is dry, it should be sanded down to create a smooth, even surface.\nFinally, the surface should be etched to create a rough texture that will help the coating adhere properly. This can be done using an acid etching solution, which is applied to the surface and then rinsed off with water.\nOnce the surface is dry, it’s ready for the coating to be applied. By following these steps for surface preparation, you can ensure that your concrete coating will adhere properly and provide a long-lasting finish for your pool deck.\nApplying the Concrete Coating to Your Pool Deck\nNow it’s time to give your surface a fresh new look, so grab your roller and let’s get started! Before you begin applying the concrete coating to your pool deck, make sure that the surface is clean and dry. You can use a pressure washer to remove any dirt or debris that may be present on the surface.\nOnce the surface is clean, allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step. Next, you’ll want to apply a concrete primer to the surface. The primer will help the concrete coating adhere to the surface, and it will also help to prevent any moisture from seeping through. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying the primer.\nOnce the primer has dried, you can begin applying the concrete coating. When applying the concrete coating, start by cutting in around the edges of the pool deck with a brush. Then, use a roller to apply the coating to the rest of the surface. Be sure to apply the coating evenly and in a thin layer. You may need to apply more than one coat, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions.\nOnce the coating has dried, you can enjoy your fresh, new pool deck!\nCuring and Drying Time for Concrete Coatings\nTo ensure the best results, you’ll need to give the new surface time to cure and dry completely before using it. This is because the curing and drying time for concrete coatings is essential in achieving a durable and long-lasting finish.\nTypically, it takes around 24-48 hours for a concrete coating to dry, but the curing process can take up to 28 days. During the curing process, the concrete coating will go through a chemical reaction that strengthens and hardens the surface.\nIt’s crucial to avoid any foot traffic, objects, or water on the surface during this time, as it can damage the coating and affect the curing process. Additionally, it’s recommended to keep the surface clean and dry to prevent any unwanted marks or stains.\nOnce the curing and drying process is complete, you can start using your pool deck as normal. However, keep in mind that even though the surface is now usable, it’s still important to take care of it to maintain its longevity.\nRegular cleaning and maintenance, such as sweeping debris and pressure washing, can help prolong the life of the coating and keep it looking new. By giving the concrete coating the proper time to cure and dry, you can ensure a beautiful, functional, and long-lasting pool deck.\nMaintenance and Care for Your Coated Pool Deck\nMaintaining and caring for your newly coated surface is essential in preserving its beauty and durability, so make sure to regularly clean and maintain it to extend its lifespan. One of the most important things to do is to keep the surface free of debris and dirt. You can use a broom or leaf blower to remove leaves, twigs, and other debris that may accumulate on your pool deck.\nIn addition to regular cleaning, you should also be mindful of any spills or stains that may occur on your coated pool deck. Be sure to wipe up any spills immediately to prevent them from staining the surface. If you do notice a stain that has set in, you may need to use a specialized cleaning solution to remove it. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any cleaning products you use on your coated surface.\nLastly, it’s important to perform regular maintenance on your coated pool deck. This may include reapplying a sealant or protective coating every few years, depending on the type of coating you have. You should also inspect the surface regularly for any cracks or damage, as these can compromise the integrity of the coating.\nBy taking these steps to maintain and care for your coated pool deck, you can ensure that it remains beautiful and durable for years to come.\nEnhancing the Aesthetic Appeal of Your Pool Deck with Concrete Coatings\nTransform your outdoor oasis with a stunning new look using a simple and affordable solution – concrete coatings. These coatings are designed to provide a durable and slip-resistant surface that won’t only enhance the safety of your pool deck but also its aesthetic appeal.\nWith a variety of colors and textures to choose from, you can create a customized look that complements your home and landscaping perfectly. Here are three ways that concrete coatings can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your pool deck:\nCreate a natural stone look: With concrete coatings, you can achieve the look of natural stone without the high cost and maintenance. The coatings can be textured and colored to mimic the look of flagstone, slate, or even marble, giving your pool deck a luxurious and high-end appearance.\nAdd color and depth: Concrete coatings can be colored in a wide range of hues, allowing you to choose a color that complements your home and landscaping. The coatings can also be layered to create depth and texture, giving your pool deck a rich and dynamic look.\nCustomize with patterns and designs: Concrete coatings can be stamped with a variety of patterns and designs, allowing you to create a unique and personalized look for your pool deck. From geometric shapes to intricate designs, the possibilities are endless.\nWith concrete coatings, you can transform your pool deck into a beautiful and functional outdoor space that’ll provide years of enjoyment for you and your family. So why wait? Contact a professional contractor today to learn more about how concrete coatings can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your pool deck.\nComparing the Cost of Concrete Coatings to Other Materials\nDon’t break the bank trying to upgrade your outdoor oasis – discover how much you can save by choosing the affordable option of concrete coatings over other materials.\nWhile natural stone and pavers may offer a luxurious look, they come at a steep price. On the other hand, concrete coatings can mimic the appearance of these materials at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, the installation process for concrete coatings is quicker and simpler, which translates to lower labor costs.\nAnother cost-saving advantage of concrete coatings is their durability and low maintenance requirements. Unlike wood or tile decking, which may require frequent staining or replacement, concrete coatings are resistant to fading, cracking, and staining.\nThis means that you can save money in the long run by avoiding the expenses associated with frequent repairs or replacements. Additionally, unlike other materials, concrete coatings can be customized with various colors, patterns, and textures, allowing you to achieve the desired look for your pool deck without breaking the bank.\nIn summary, upgrading your pool deck with concrete coatings can be a cost-effective way to enhance your outdoor living space. Not only are concrete coatings more affordable than other materials, but they also offer durability, low maintenance, and customization options.\nWith concrete coatings, you can enjoy a luxurious pool deck without sacrificing your budget. So, why spend more when you can achieve the same look and quality with concrete coatings?\nFrequently Asked Questions about Concrete Coatings for Pool Decks\nNow that you’ve got an idea of how concrete coatings compare in cost to other materials for pool decks, you may have some questions about the process and benefits of using them. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you understand more:\nWhat is a concrete coating?\nA concrete coating is a layer of material applied to the surface of a pool deck to protect and enhance its appearance. It can be made of various materials, such as epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane.\nHow long does a concrete coating last?\nThe lifespan of a concrete coating depends on the quality of the product and the installation process. A well-installed coating can last up to 10 years or more with proper maintenance.\nWhat are the benefits of using a concrete coating for a pool deck?\nConcrete coatings offer several benefits, such as a slip-resistant surface, UV protection, and resistance to chemicals and abrasions. They also come in a variety of colors and textures, allowing for customization to fit your style and preferences.\nOverall, concrete coatings are a durable and cost-effective option for pool decks, with several benefits. If you’re considering a new pool deck or updating an existing one, a concrete coating may be the perfect solution for you.\nCongratulations! You now have a beautiful and functional pool deck that will last for years to come, thanks to your decision to apply a concrete coating.\nBy choosing the right color, texture, and pattern, you’ve enhanced the aesthetic appeal of your backyard oasis. With proper maintenance and care, your coated pool deck will continue to impress your guests and provide a safe and slip-resistant surface for swimming and lounging.\nWhen comparing the cost of concrete coatings to other materials, keep in mind the long-term benefits and durability. Concrete coatings are a cost-effective solution that’ll save you money in the long run by eliminating the need for frequent repairs and replacements. They offer a wide range of design options and can be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences.\nSo, sit back, relax, and enjoy your newly coated pool deck!", "label": "No"} {"text": "About this Cocktail\nSlice Serrano Chile\nMuddle all ingredients in a cocktail mixing beaker with ice. Shake well and pour everything including the shake and eyes into the cocktail glass. Garnish with Serrano chili and lime wedge.\nGet BarNotes for the iPhone to\ndiscover and share your favorite cocktails.\nGive us your email address and we will send you instructions to reset it", "label": "No"} {"text": "What is Folic Acid?\nFolic acid is a synthetic form of folate, a naturally occurring B vitamin that is naturally present in a variety of foods and which plays crucial role in the human body.\nIt is a water-soluble vitamin which means that the body cannot store it hence should be continuously supplied in the body through diet or supplementation. It is naturally found in some foods such as green leafy vegetables (e.g. broccoli, lettuce, and spinach), fruits (e.g. bananas, lemons, and melons), beans, asparagus, okra, yeast, mushrooms, meat (e.g. beef kidney and liver), tomato juice, and orange juice. Since 1998, staple foods such as breads, bakery items, cookies, cold cereals, crackers, and pasta have been fortified with this vitamin making these fortified foods the major sources of folate in the American diet. Though fortified food sources can provide extra folic acid, the body absorbs this vitamin best in the products where it naturally occurs.\nFor people with folic acid deficiency, supplements are readily available and inexpensive. These are non-prescription food supplements which are considered safe for use. Folic acid is available in different trade names, with Folvite as one of the more popularly known, although it is also available in generic form. It is available in tablet form that contains 1 mg of folic acid. Several pharmaceutical companies manufacture this vitamin supplement. Supplements are available in many different doses. The typical multivitamin will contain 400 mcg of folic acid. This is an adequate daily dose for most adults. However, pregnant women are advised to consume 600 mcg a day and breastfeeding women should get 500 mcg of folic acid daily.\nFolic Acid Uses\nFolic acid supplements are primarily used for the treatment of folic acid deficiency and conditions associated with it including alcoholism, kidney dialysis, liver disease, and ulcerative colitis. For the pregnant women, it is prescribed to prevent miscarriage and birth defects, particularly neural tube defects. They are usually given to pregnant women as soon as conception. It is well recognized in the prevention of neural tube defects in newborns (birth defects characterized by malformations of the brain and spine). Aside from this, folic acid also has other important health benefits such as prevention of certain types of anemia; reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke; and prevention and management of certain types of cancer.\nFolic acid plays crucial role in the human body. It is needed in the formation of healthy cells, especially red blood cells. In fact, people with low folate levels can suffer from certain types of anemia and inability of the gastrointestinal system to absorb certain nutrients. Folic acid deficiency may be caused by some medical conditions such as certain gastrointestinal problems, pregnancy, malnutrition, alcoholism, liver disease and kidney dialysis. Some individuals are at a particularly high risk of folic acid deficiency. Patients on kidney dialysis and those with liver disease or ulcerative colitis are more likely to be deficient in this vitamin. High alcohol intake and certain medications can lead to folic acid deficiency as well. Folic acid may also be used to prevent heart disease, stroke, cervical and colon cancer. Natural age-related diseases that may be prevented or treated with folic acid supplements include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), osteoporosis, hearing loss, memory loss, restless leg syndrome, pain, Alzheimer’s disease and Fragile-X syndrome.\nFolic acid supplement may also be taken for the prevention of cervical cancer and colon cancer. It may also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke because of its ability to reduce homocysteine – a chemical that is associated with heart diseases.\nSupplements may also help prevent memory loss, age-related hearing loss, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, signs of aging, uncontrolled leg twitch (restless leg syndrome), fragile bone (osteoporosis), sleep problems, skin disease called vitiligo, nerve and muscle pain, depression, AIDS, and a genetic disorder called Fragile-X syndrome. It is also used in the treatment of certain drug overdose lometrexol and methrotrexate.\nSome people use this supplement to treat gum infections by applying it directly into the gums.\nHow to Take Folic Acid\nFolic acid tablets are taken orally with or without food, usually once a day. If you are taking this vitamin over-the-counter, be sure to read and follow all instructions on the product information label. If you are taking this vitamin under prescription of your healthcare provider, be sure to read and follow the prescription label. Consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for questions or if you do not understand the prescription. For maximum benefit, this drug should be taken regularly. Avoid missing doses. Never adjust or increase your dose unless specifically instructed by your healthcare provider.\nImportant Things To Remember When Using Folic Acid\n- Inform your healthcare provider if you have known allergies to folic acid or its contents; or if you have other allergies.\n- Discuss with your healthcare provider your medical history, especially if you have pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency).\n- Pregnant women can safely take folic acid when used as directed. It is usually included in prenatal health supplements.\n- Although folic acid passes into breast milk, it is not likely to cause harm on the breastfed child. If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, consult your healthcare provider before taking this supplement.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Egg yolks contain more calories and fat. They are the source of cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and lecithin.\nIn my home since we have moderate levels of cholesterol, we have egg white omelets often tapping into the protein power of eggs and when we want to eat whole eggs, we choose this egg curry dish. The cooked yolk (yellow) slips out easily so I sometimes leave that aside and enjoy the white with the curry flavors......enjoy spicy egg curry to warm up any meal.\nIngredients for egg curry:-4 Eggs\n1/2 tomato (pureed)\n3-4 flakes of garlic\n1/2-inch piece of ginger\n1-2 green chilies\n2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves\nSalt To Taste\nRed chili powder to taste\n3/4th tsp turmeric powder\n1/2 tsp coriander powder\n3/4 tsp garam masala\n2-3 tbsp vegetable oil / ghee\n1 cup Boiled green peas (optional )\nHow to make Indian Egg Curry :-1. Remove the shell of boiled eggs & keep aside. If using Paneer cut into cubes and fry till golden & set aside for later use.\n2. Make a paste of onion, garlic, ginger and green chilies in a mixer or chopper.\n3. Heat oil in a kadhi or wok and add onion-garlic paste and fry till golden brown.\n4. Add all the spices (salt, turmeric, coriander & chili powder) except garam masala and fry for a minute and add tomato puree. Fry till it starts leaving oil.\n5. Add a cup of water and cook till it dry's.\n6.Now add the green peas and boiled eggs.\n7. Add 1 cup of water and bring to boil and reduce the flame.\nSimmer for 10 minutes.\n8. Garnish egg curry with garam masala and coriander leaves and serve hot with paratha, roti or rice.\nEgg curry is also very fast, speedy recipe that can be made within few minutes. This is why egg curry is most favourable recipe among students, bachelors and singles.", "label": "No"} {"text": "|Publication number||US7399263 B2|\n|Application number||US 11/758,705|\n|Publication date||15 Jul 2008|\n|Filing date||6 Jun 2007|\n|Priority date||30 May 2003|\n|Also published as||US7244223, US20060030472, US20070232473|\n|Publication number||11758705, 758705, US 7399263 B2, US 7399263B2, US-B2-7399263, US7399263 B2, US7399263B2|\n|Inventors||William G. Hartman, Richard L. Sandt|\n|Original Assignee||Avery Dennison Corporation|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (37), Non-Patent Citations (3), Referenced by (16), Classifications (10), Legal Events (3)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThis application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/238,566 which claimed priority under 35. U.S.C. §120 to International Application Nos. PCT/US04/17373, PCT/US04/17145 and PCT/US04/17385, which each claimed priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Nos. 60/474,735 and 60/516,791. The entire disclosures of all of these applications are hereby incorporated by reference.\nThis invention relates generally, as indicated, to a food bag release valve and, more particularly, to a valve for selectively releasing unwanted gas from a food bag.\nFood bags are commonly used by consumers and industries to store food for later use or consumption. A standard food bag construction comprises a pair of rectangular side panels made from a thermoplastic material and joined together along side seams, a bottom seam, and a top seam. The side and bottom seams usually are permanent seals (e.g., heat sealed) and the top seam can be re-closeable.\nFood bags are often used to store food for freezing whereby such bags are frequently referred to as freezer bags. A major complaint surrounding the use of freezer bags stems from what has come to be called “freezer burn;” that is, the dehydration that occurs when food is stored in the low humidity atmosphere of a freezer. Freezer burn can cause a complex deterioration of food quality involving undesirable texture changes, followed by chemical changes such as degradation of pigments and oxidative rancidity of lipids. Taste, aroma, mouth feel, and appearance all can be ruined.\nThe elimination of air from the interior cavity of the freezer bag is known to dramatically decrease freezer burn. To this end, air release valves and/or special bag constructions have been used to minimize air within the bag. However, these solutions can substantially complicate (and slow-down) the bag-making process, and/or can significantly increase production costs.\nThe present invention provides a release valve for a food bag that supplies sufficient (and possibly superior) freezer-burn protection and can be easily fabricated and incorporated into existing food bag designs. The food bag does not require any special bag constructions, as almost any bag construction can be modified to accommodate the release valve by simply forming an appropriately placed opening. Moreover, the bag structure and the valve can be manufactured separately, by different manufacturers and at different locations. This allows bag-manufacturers to maintain conventional bag-making techniques and, quite significantly, not compromise current (and quick) bag-making speeds. Also, the bag structures and the valves can be inspected prior to integration whereby a defective valve (or batch) can be scrapped without having to sacrifice an otherwise acceptable bag structure (or run). The flexible manufacturing option provided by the present invention results in lower total costs when compared to, for example, in-line production of both the valve and the bag structure.\nMore particularly, the present invention provides a method of making a plurality of flexible containers, comprising the steps of manufacturing a plurality of bag structures and separately manufacturing a plurality of valves. The valves are each aligned with an opening in a bag structure so that sealed passageways are formed between the vent layer and the bag structure. The aligned valve is then secured to the bag structures. The aligning step and/or the securing step can be performed automatically by a machine.\nThe present invention also provides a method of making a plurality of valves each having a vent layer and a sealable area for forming a sealed passageway between the vent layer and a bag structure. The method comprises the steps of providing a vent material (pervious with respect to expected gasses), positioning an adhesive on an inner surface of the vent material in a pattern corresponding to the sealable areas, and cutting the vent material into shapes corresponding to the shape of the vent layer.\nThe valve-making method can additionally comprise the steps of providing a cover material (impervious with respect to the expected gasses), positioning a vent-to-cover adhesive between the outer surface of the vent material and the inner surface of the cover material, and overlaying the vent material and the cover material so that the outer surface of the vent material is adjacent an inner surface of the cover material and secured thereto by the adhesive. The cover material can be cut during the same cutting step as the vent layer.\nThe present invention further provides a web comprising at least one valve and a liner to which the valve is temporarily attached for selective removal therefrom for integration into a bag structure. The valve comprises a vent layer pervious with respect to expected gasses and a bag-to-vent adhesive on an inner surface of the vent layer for permanently attaching each valve to the bag structure upon integration. The web preferably comprises a plurality of valves and/or the bag-to-vent adhesive preferably also temporarily attaches the valve(s) to the liner.\nThese and other features of the invention are fully described and particularly pointed out in the claims. The following description and drawings set forth in detail certain illustrative embodiments of the invention, which are indicative of but a few of the various ways in which the principles of the invention may be employed.\nReferring now to the drawings and initially to\nThe illustrated food bag 12 has a standard bag construction 13 comprising two side panels 14 and 16, each having a rectangular shape (although other geometries are certainly possible). The panels 14 and 16 can be made from a thermoplastic material or a blend of thermoplastic materials such as, for example, polyolefins such as high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), and polypropylene (PP); thermoplastic elastomers such as styrenic block copolymers, polyolefin blends, elastomeric alloys, thermoplastic polyurethanes, thermoplastic copolyesters and thermoplastic polyamides; polymers and copolymers of polyvinyl chloride (PVC); polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC); saran polymers; ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymers; cellulose acetates; polyethylene terephthalate (PET); ionomer (Surlyn); polystyrene; polycarbonates; styrene acrylonitrile; aromatic polyesters; linear polyesters; and thermoplastic polyvinyl alcohols. That being said, the valve 10 of the present invention may be used on other types of plastic bags or any other flexible plastic or non-plastic containers.\nThe panels 14 and 16 are joined together along side seams 18, a bottom seam 20, and a top seam 22. The preferably permanent seams 18 and 20 can be formed by heat sealing or another suitable technique, forming an air-tight union between the panels 14 and 16. The preferably re-closeable seam 22 can constitute, for example, male/female members, zipper-like members, adhesives, hook-and-loop fasteners, mechanical closures, slide locks, draw string arrangements, fold lock tops, magnetic connections, dead fold closures (i.e., aluminum foil, wire folded, tape), heat seals, staples, handle strings, cable ties and/or twist ties. To prevent freezer burn, it is important that the top seam 22 (as well as the other seams 18 and 20) are airtight to prevent the leakage of air therein. However, the top seam 22 need not be designed to accommodate venting purposes, as in some prior art food bags. Moreover, it is not crucial that the top seam 22 be recloseable, as the present invention could find application in a non-reopenable container having all permanently sealed seams.\nThe food bag 12 includes an opening 24 on one of its panels (panel 14 in the illustrated embodiment) for registration with the valve 10 of the present invention. In the illustrated embodiment, the opening 24 is located roughly centrally relative to the length of the panel 14 and the width of the panel 16. Also, it has a dimension (e.g., diameter) in the range of about ⅛ inch to about 2 inches, in the range of about ¼ inch to about 1 inch, in the range of about ⅜ inch to about ⅞ inch, in the range of about ½ inch to about ¾ inch, and/or in the range of about ⅜ inch to about ⅝ inch. In the illustrated food bag 12, the opening 24 has a circular shape and is positioned centrally relative to the relevant panel 14. However, other shapes (e.g., slits, slots) or other positions are possible with, and contemplated by, the present invention. In fact, this “opening” need not resemble a hole, but could simply constitute a portion of the bag structure that is pervious to gas by virtue of material-make up, perforations, and/or weave.\nReferring now to\nAs is best seen in\nThe vent layer 30 is made of a material that allows expected gasses to escape from the food bag 12 while preventing the escape of expected liquids. (“Expected gasses” refers to gasses such as air and/or air mixed with gas from contents of the bag structure, and “expected liquids” refers to water and/or other liquids from the contents of the bag structure.) More specifically, the vent layer 30 is pervious with respect to the expected gasses while, at the same time, it is substantially impervious to the expected liquids. In the present situation “substantially impervious” refers to the material's ability to contain liquids should they casually come into contact therewith, but not necessarily the ability to prevent leakage should the material become saturated, should wicking action occur, and/or should strategic squeezing be performed to create a high pressure force in the vicinity of the opening 24. A balance should be maintained for each particular application between sufficient gas flow capacity and adequate liquid leakage protection.\nThe cover layer 32 serves as a baffle layer that guides escaping gas when pressure is placed on the closed food bag 12. However, a cover layer 32 may not be needed in some applications, as the vent layer 30 alone may perform adequate valve functions. The cover layer 32 can also serve as a supplemental liquid barrier so that, in combination with the liquid-impervious qualities of the vent layer 30, an increased shield is created.\nPerhaps it should be noted at this point that liquid-leakage issues may not be significant in all relevant situations. For example, in situations where food that has already been frozen (e.g., frozen fish, frozen meat, etc.) is being repackaged for future freezing, the containment of liquid from within the bag 12 will not be a concern. In these circumstances, the liquid-imperviousness of the vent layer 30 would be less of a design consideration. Conversely, liquid-leakage issues may play more of a significant role in the desire for the food bag 12 to be compatible with non-freezer applications, such as temporarily storing liquid food substances such as soup or pasta sauce.\nPreferably the size/shape of the layers 30 and 32, and their relative positioning relative to each other, is such that the perimeter (i.e., the periphery) of the cover layer 32 does not extend beyond the perimeter (i.e., the periphery) of the vent layer 30. (\nAn adhesive area 50 on the inner surface 34 of the vent layer 30 attaches the valve 10 to the bag structure 13. The adhesive area 50 covers the inner surface 34, except for an adhesive-free area 52 corresponding to the opening 24 in the food bag 12. (\nIt may be noted that the two-fold purpose of the adhesive area 50 is to attach the vent layer 30 to the bag structure 12 and to seal the central area 52 so that expelled fluid will pass through the vent layer 30 to the area 56 and exit through the baffle passageways 44. Thus, any adhesive and/or any adhesive pattern that provides this attaching/sealing could be used. In fact, non-adhesive attachments/sealings accomplishing these same goals are possible with, and contemplated by, the present invention.\nAn adhesive area 54 between the outer surface 36 of the vent layer 30 and the inner surface 38 of the cover layer 32 attaches these layers together. In the illustrated embodiment, the adhesive area 54 comprises four squares occupying each of the four corner sections of the surface 36. (\nThe adhesive-free area 56 between the vent layer 30 and the cover layer 32 extends to side edge portions of the valve 10, whereby the traverse baffling passageways 44 are formed for the escaping gas. Specifically, gas flow traveling through the portion of the vent layer 30 that is aligned with the bag opening 24 (and/or the adhesive-free area 52) will be turned perpendicularly by the cover layer 32 and released through the baffling passageways 44 between the layers 30 and 32. It may be further noted that in the illustrated embodiment the notches 28 help to insure a cross-shaped release of gas, thereby equalizing exhaust forces and not straining the valve-to-bag attachment.\nOther adhesive (or non-adhesive) arrangements which result in the baffling passageways 44 being formed between the layers 30 and 32 are certainly possible with, and contemplated by, the present invention. For example, in the circular valve shown in\nAs shown in\nReferring now to\nTo manufacture the valves 10, a continuous web of cover material 60 is provided having an inner surface 62 and an outer surface 64. (\nAn adhesive 76 is applied (e.g., printed) to the inner surface 72 of the vent material 70 in a pattern corresponding to the adhesive areas 50 in the valves 10. (\nThe bag structures 13 are separately mass-manufactured in a continuous strip wherein the bottom seam 20 of one bag structure 13 abuts against the top seam 22 of the adjacent downstream bag structure 13. (\nThus, the present invention allows the bag structure 13 and the valve 10 to be manufactured as separate articles and integrated together during final production stages. This allows the bag structure 13 to be made in a conventional (and quick and proven cost-effective) manner whereby the integration of the valve 10 does not significantly affect the bag-making process. Additionally or alternatively, the valves 10 can be inspected prior to integration whereby potentially defective items can be pulled from the process without having to scrap entire otherwise acceptable bag structures 13. (Likewise, the bag structures 13 can be inspected prior to integration to avoid the scraping otherwise acceptable valves 10, however, the cost of the bag structure 13 will usually greatly outweigh the cost of the valve 10.) The flexible manufacturing option provided by the present invention results in lower total costs when compared to, for example, in-line production of both the valve and the bag structure.\nThe cover material 60 (and thus the cover layer 32) can be made from polymer film materials such as polystyrenes, polyolefins, polyamides, polyesters, polycarbonates, polyvinyl alcohol, poly(ethylene vinyl alcohol), polyurethanes, polyacrylates including copolymers of olefins such as ethylene and propylene with acrylic acids and esters, copolymers of olefins and vinyl acetate, ionomers and mixtures thereof. One particular example is a biaxially-oriented semi-crystalline polymer film comprising isostatic polypropylene, also referred to as biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP).\nThe vent material 70 (and thus the layer 30) can be made from nylon, polyolefins (e.g., polyethylene, polypropylene, ethylene butylene copolymers), polyurethanes, polyurethane foams, polystyrenes, plasticized polyvinylchlorides, polyesters, polyamides, cotton, or rayon. The vent material can be woven, non-woven, knitted and/or an aperatured (or perforated) film. Preferably, the material used to fabricate the vent layer 30 should have a porosity or perviousness of at least about 5 cfm (cubic feet per minute), at least about 10 cfm, at least about 15 cfm, at least about 20 cfm and/or at least about 25 cfm with respect to air so that an acceptable level of gas flow can be obtained without the placement of excessive pressure on the bag.\nThe adhesive 68 (and thus the adhesive area 54) can be any suitable adhesive, such as a pressure-sensitive adhesive (e.g., acrylic-based, rubber-based, or silicone-based) or a curable-adhesive, such as a UV-curable adhesive. (It may be noted that if a UV-curable adhesive is used for the adhesive 76, the cover material 68 may need to be transparent.)\nThe adhesive 76 (and thus the adhesive area 50) can be any suitable adhesive, such as a pressure-sensitive adhesive (e.g., acrylic-based, rubber-based, or silicone-based) and, more particularly, a hot melt pressure-sensitive adhesive.\nThe release liner 78 can be a sheet of paper or polymeric film having a release coating, such as a silicone release coating.\nIt may be noted that another consideration for material selection with respect to the vent layer 30, the cover layer 32, the adhesive 50, the adhesive 54, and/or the release liner 78, may stem from the potential food-related use of the food bag 12. Specifically, the FDA may dictate that only certain materials and/or adhesives can be used when the possibility of food contact exists. Furthermore, if the food bag 12 is intended to be used as a freezer bag, the materials should be able to remain intact at the expected freezing temperatures. Also, with particular reference to the adhesive 50 (used to attach the valve 10 to the bag structure 13), an important consideration might be whether the valves 10 will be automatically or manually attached to the bag structures 13.\nReferring now to\nThe valve 110 has a circular shape (in plan) dictated by the circular shape of its vent layer 130 and its cover layer 132. (\nThe valve 110 does not have baffle passages, but instead has a cross-shaped slit 142 that extends through the thickness of the cover layer 132 (i.e., from its inner surface 138 to its outer surface 140) thereby defining a plurality (i.e., four) of flaps 144. (\nThe adhesive area 154 has an annular shape bordering the periphery of the circular outer surface 136 and surrounding (and sealing) the adhesive-free central area 156. A portion of the adhesive-free area 156 is aligned with the adhesive-free area 152 and another (or the same) portion is aligned with the flaps 144. The adhesive area 154 is intended to attach the cover layer 132 to the vent layer 130 and to seal the central area 156 so that the released gas will pass through the flaps 144. As shown in\nIn the valve 110 shown in\nAs shown in\nReferring now to\nThe valve 210 has a circular shape similar to the valve 110 and has a “baffle” flow path similar to (but not the same as) the valve 10. In the valve 210, the vent-to-cover adhesive area 254 comprises two bars occupying diametrically opposite arcs on the circular the surface 236, and the majority of the surface 236 is an adhesive-free area 256. (\nAs for the bag-to-vent adhesive 250, it occupies a region aligned with the non-adhesive area 256 (e.g., the baffle area) between the vent layer 230 and the cover layer 232. Thus, if the adhesive 250 were to migrate through the vent layer 230 in this region, adhesive could find its way into non-adhesive area 256, causing the cover layer 232 to “stick to” the vent layer 230 in this area 256. This sticking could constrict, or close, the passageways 244 through which the released gas flows to exit the valve 210, thereby inhibiting the valve's proper operation.\nThe migration of the bag-to-vent adhesive 250 to the non-adhesive area 256 could occur at many times during the life of the valve 210. For example, this migration could start during production of the valves 210, as early as when the adhesive 276 is applied to the vent material 270. Alternatively, migration could first begin during storage or shipment of the valves 210, even if these valves came off the production line migration-free. The present invention provides features which minimizes migration of the adhesive 250 and/or prevents sticking of the cover layer 232 in the non-adhesive area 256 upon such migration.\nAccording to the present invention, the adhesive 276 is chosen so that its glass transition temperature (Tg), softening point, and viscosity are as high as possible. These three properties are believed to be the key properties affecting flow, or migration, through nonwoven vent material. An example of suitable hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive is H2187-01 hot melt PSA, which is sold by Ato Findley, Inc., of Wauwatosa, Wis. When compared to conventional bag-to-vent adhesives, this adhesive has 8° C. higher glass transition temperature (Tg), 30° F. higher softening point, and 3000 cps higher viscosity at 325° F. reference temperature.\nAlso, measures can be taken to accelerate solidification of the adhesive 276 during production. For example, as shown in\nThe application of the adhesive 276 can also be altered to accelerate solidification and/or otherwise minimize migration issues. For an example, as shown in\nFor another example, as shown in\nReferring now to\nThe barrier layer 292 can comprise an adhesive coated film which is laminated to the vent material 270 at the appropriate production stage. In the illustrated embodiment, the coated film would have to be die cut to include the proper doughnut shape (or hole) prior to this application. The adhesive of the coated film would need to adhere appropriately to the vent material 270, and the film of the coated film would need to allow adherence of the adhesive 276 thereto.\nThe barrier layer 292 can comprise a flowable barrier material coated on the vent material 270 at the appropriate production stage. The barrier material can be a polymeric material. For example, the barrier layer can comprise a solvent based epoxy, an emulsion based urethane, an emulsion based acrylic, a curable (e.g., UV curable) acrylic or urethane, and/or a solvent based polyamide. A commercial example of a suitable barrier coating is Corkote IJ-1012′ from Cork Industries, Jacksonville, Fla. which is an emulsion based acrylic coating.\nThe barrier material must, of course, have good adhesion, bonding, and/or connection with the vent material 70. To this end, the barrier material should be able to form a continuous/uniform solid layer (e.g., a lattice network) on the vent material 270. If the barrier material penetrates through pores in the vent material 270, solidification should occur within vent material (i.e., prior to exiting the pores).\nMaterial compatibility must be taken into consideration when selecting a barrier material. For example, if the vent material 270 has been surface treated, a different solvent may have to be used to disperse the barrier material to generate coating of different quality/morphology. For example, the vent layer 230 in the illustrated embodiment can comprise a non-woven polymer treated with a fluoropolymer to make it hydrophobic and/or water repellent. The barrier material dispersed in water/polar solvent would be inclined to form layer on top of the non-woven vent material 270, with minimum penetration into its open (or pored) structure. On the other hand, barrier material dispersed in non-polar solvent, such as toluene/hexane, would tend to fill up the pores.\nEquipment availability and/or process requirements might also influence the selection of an appropriate barrier material. For instance, if the barrier coating is applied by a flexo-printing station (or other device which is designed to render thin coatings), it might be quite difficult to have a continuous/uniform layer on top of vent material 270. In this case, it might be more realistic to choose a barrier coating that can be applied to penetrate the pores of vent material, followed by quick solidification.\nThe barrier material must also withstand production and post-production handling. Specifically, for example, the barrier layer 292 should not be easily damaged or rubbed off of the vent material 270 (or the vent layer 230). Once solidified, the barrier coating should behave like a thermoset material, so that there will be little deformation/budge over long periods of time and upon environmental changes, such as fluctuation of temperature.\nIn addition to the barrier material appropriately bonding to the vent material 270, in certain valve designs the barrier material must also accommodate bonding of the neighboring adhesive (specifically, adhesive 276 in\nWith particular reference to\nReferring now to\nThe different anti-stick means disclosed can be combined when appropriate and/or when necessary. For example, as shown in\nOne now may appreciate that the present invention provides a valve 10/110/210 that provides sufficient (or even superior) freezer-burn protection and can be easily fabricated and incorporated into existing food bag designs. Unlike prior art attempts to address the problem of freezer burn, the present invention does not require any special bag constructions and/or closing means. In fact, almost any food bag construction can be modified to accommodate the valve of the present invention by simply forming the opening 24/124/224 in the appropriate place. Additionally or alternatively, the present invention provides a valve design which allows economic and efficient mass-manufacturing, which can maintain integrity during shipping to distant locations, and/or which can be easily integrated with bag structures during latter phases of production.\nThe valve 10/110/210 need not be used solely in food bags, but could find application in any flexible packaging container (for perishable and/or non-perishable items) wherein venting is necessary or desired. Additionally or alternatively, the venting action can be accomplished by the application of external pressure (e.g., a compressible portion of the package is pushed) or by increased internal pressure (e.g., increased temperatures or chemical reactions causing the pressure within the container to elevate).\nAlthough the invention has been shown and described with respect to certain preferred embodiments, it is evident that equivalent and obvious alterations and modifications will occur to others skilled in the art upon the reading and understanding of this specification. The present invention includes all such alterations and modifications and is limited only by the scope of the following claims.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US2821338||21 Oct 1954||28 Jan 1958||Metzger Melvin R||Valve-equipped container|\n|US2927722||10 Nov 1954||8 Mar 1960||Metzger Melvin R||Vacuum type valve-equipped containers|\n|US3229813||8 May 1959||18 Jan 1966||Johnson & Johnson||Sterile package|\n|US3432087||17 Aug 1967||11 Mar 1969||Costello Alfred P||Package valve|\n|US3468471||24 Jun 1966||23 Sep 1969||Linder Fritz||Bacteriaproof plastic bag for articles to be sterilized|\n|US3503497||25 Jul 1968||31 Mar 1970||Pall Corp||Breather container|\n|US3998255||17 Sep 1975||21 Dec 1976||Plastronics, Inc.||Breather assembly for a sealed container|\n|US4000846||30 Jun 1975||4 Jan 1977||Dunkin' Donuts Incorporated||Pressure relief valve and bag incorporating same|\n|US4134535||10 Feb 1978||16 Jan 1979||Hag Aktiengesellschaft||Pressure relief valve for packing containers|\n|US4290253||18 Dec 1979||22 Sep 1981||Robert Bosch Gmbh||Method of producing sealed packaging containers|\n|US4310118||3 Jan 1980||12 Jan 1982||C. 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Johnson & Son, Inc.||Vacuum valve and compression storage bags including the valve|\n|US9382461||1 Mar 2013||5 Jul 2016||Intercontinental Great Brands Llc||Low-tack, UV-cured pressure sensitive adhesive suitable for reclosable packages|\n|US9532584||9 Dec 2015||3 Jan 2017||Kraft Foods Group Brands Llc||Processed cheese without emulsifying salts|\n|US9718600 *||30 Nov 2011||1 Aug 2017||Air-Bag Packing Co., Ltd.||Heatable package bag|\n|US20070090109 *||21 May 2004||26 Apr 2007||Martin Gustavsson||Valve|\n|US20070104395 *||7 Nov 2005||10 May 2007||Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc.||Flexible package with internal, resealable closure feature|\n|US20100040308 *||20 Aug 2009||18 Feb 2010||Mclellan Robert||Freeze and heat food preportioning bag|\n|US20100065555 *||8 Sep 2009||18 Mar 2010||Sholl Development Llc||Venting mechanism for a microwave flexible package|\n|US20100068352 *||15 Sep 2008||18 Mar 2010||Sholl Group II, Inc.||Venting mechanism for a microwave flexible package|\n|US20110143133 *||25 Feb 2011||16 Jun 2011||Panagiotis Kinigakis||Polymeric Base Having an Adhered Low-Tack Adhesive Thereon|\n|US20130077895 *||30 Nov 2011||28 Mar 2013||Bo-Xin Jian||Heatable package bag|\n|U.S. Classification||493/213, 383/103, 493/210|\n|Cooperative Classification||B31B70/85, B65D81/2038, B65D77/225|\n|European Classification||B31B19/84, B65D81/20B3, B65D77/22D|\n|17 Jan 2012||FPAY||Fee payment|\nYear of fee payment: 4\n|14 Jan 2014||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: CCL LABEL, INC., MASSACHUSETTS\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION;REEL/FRAME:032007/0092\nEffective date: 20130701\n|15 Jan 2016||FPAY||Fee payment|\nYear of fee payment: 8", "label": "No"} {"text": "Without dyes, without preservatives and without aromas as required by the legislation on nectars. With 2 glasses 100% of vitamin C recommended daily 1 glass = 200 ml Source of Vitamin C in this nectar you will find all the richness of fruit: a glass of energy in your hands. Pomegranate Pomegranate is a fruit rich in antioxidant vitamin C which, combined with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.\n- 1 glass = 60% VNR of vitamin C\n- Zero preservatives\n- Zero dyes\nFruit content 30% minimum, Water, pomegranate juice from concentrate 30%, sugar, acidifier: citric acid, antioxidant: L-Ascorbic acid.\nProducers can change the composition of their products. Therefore, the product packaging may contain different information than that shown on our site. Please always read the label, warnings and instructions provided on the product before using or consuming it.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Matsukiyo Coix Seed Extract Lotion 500Ml\nTax included. Shipping 🚚 Worldwide Shipping.\nA completely new natural material \"J Premier Extract 31\" that is a double blend of only the skin-beautifying ingredients peculiar to sake (α-D ethyl glucoside [α-EG] and rice-derived amino acids contained in sake lees at high concentrations. Adlay lotion containing , Saccharomyces / Coix seed fermented liquid, waste root extract, succinoyl atelocollagen, aloe vera leaf extract, chlorella extract, Na hyaluronate, (styrene / acrylate) copolymer, xanthan gum, PEG-60 hydrogenated castor oil, Na citrate, citric acid , EDTA-2Na, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben Usage and dosage [Usage] ● Take an appropriate amount and apply it to your skin. ● You can use it on your face as well as your whole body. ● Please use it after showering or bathing. .\nWe Also Recommend\nAir Doctor space disinfectant virus guard\nSale price $10.00 $10.00\nMade in Japan 4w1h Hot Sand Solo Tsubamesanjo Kitchen Research Institute Direct Fire Hot Sand Maker\nRegular price $80.00 $80.00", "label": "No"} {"text": "What We Can Do For Your OEM Plastic Extrusion Project?\nMutual Benefit And Win-Win Cooperation\nCustom Extrusion for Profiles and Tubing\nThe specification, length, shape, and color all can be customized according to your personal plastic program\nIn-house R&D of Extrusion Mold to Lowest Cost\nShorten the lead-time & guarantee the quality of profiles mass production, available with free mold design and lifetime mold maintenance\n100% Raw Material Incoming Quality Check\nHigh purity thermal plastic resin from the premier suppliers under strict quality control checks and tests before mass production.\nOn-Time and Safe Delivery\nProduction status weekly report and professional logistic service from our long-time partners to make sure timely arrival.\nGuaranteed Quality with RoHS Compliant\nSpecified qualification tests for Water Proof, Moisture Proof, Fire Proof or other chemical lab tests can be provided upon request.\nSuperior Customer Service\nRegular training on sales team for professional prompt answers by Calls or Emails with fluently English to comfort customer’ worries for long-distance or product issues.\nTHE APPLICATION OF H.D. EXTRUDED PLASTIC PROFILES\nBuilding And Construction\nA wide range of custom extruded plastic products for commercial and road construction projects.\nFurniture Doors and Frames\nH.D.Plastics is a leading plastic profile company to provide upvc extrusion profiles and sealing strips for door and window frames and other…\nPVC extruded profiles and gaskets are also widely used in home appliances for washing, drying, cooling, and cooking on…\nThePC extruded profiles or Co-extrusion lamp cover for led lighting are manufactured by PMMA (methacrylate) and PC (polycarbonate).\nPVC & ABS plastic decorated profiles and strips for vendor sale car body with multipe shapes can be customized.\nPlastic extruded PVC profiles and Pipes are widely used in Sports equipment, sporting products and accessories such as in fishing, golf, sailing…due to the growing health concepts with fast business development.\nWHY CHOOSE US FOR YOUR CUSTOM PLASTIC EXTRUSION PROFILE MANUFACTURER\nH.D. PLASTICS CUSTOMERS\nH.D. Plastics has been always adhering to the business principle of “mutual benefit and win-win cooperation” with all customers by utilizing our Hi-tech R&D capabilities and art of the state sophisticated equipment. With this, you can fully realize the product value by high quality and competitive prices provided by us to get a win-win long term business relationship. We are striving to be your most reliable Custom plastic extrusion profile manufacturer in China.\nIn October, we got an inquiry for ABS rigid plastic profile black color with a tight tolerance chart. This rigid plastic profile section is made for building construction. After studying the drawings and tolerance, [...]\nRecently we have encountered a new project with PVC extrusion. The background is an outdoor application for the battery system, it required color stability. As an outstanding PVC profile extrusion supplier, we have material [...]\nH.D.Plastics is an outstanding manufacturer of PVC Extrusion. With in-house extrusion die capabilities and custom engineering for your personalized PVC plastic profile extrusion needs, H.D.Plastics combines the industrial experience and expertise to satisfy the challenges [...]\nPC lampshade is mainly used as a lampshade cover accessory for LED lights. The main function is to better gather the LED light, make the light more concentrated and soft. So as to avoid direct [...]\nUsually, unconventional non-standard plastic parts are called plastic profiles, and Plastic extruded profiles can be divided into different types according to different plastic resins: PVC profile, PC lampshade, ABS profile, PP profile, PE profile, and [...]\nPolycarbonate as the main component for lighting lampshade material is resistant to neutral oil, strong acid, durable, not Alkali-resistance. it is necessary to add UV coating. But high temperature- resistance, together with high transparency, light-weight, [...]\nPlastic Profile Extrusion Supplier with the most updated extrusion technology The low-pressure extrusion process is an encapsulation process in which hot-melt materials are injected into the plastic profile mold with a very low injection [...]\nThe plastic Industry often adopts multiple modification methods simultaneously to achieve more mechanical properties. For example, rubber and other toughening agents are added to the plastic reinforcement modification process in order not to lose or [...]\nH.D.Plastics is a premier specialist of custom plastic extrusion profile and extrusion pipe & tubing with a one-stop OEM service. With 10 years of extrusion knowledge, we can recognize the defects during extrusion manufacturing which [...]\nGet In Touch With Us", "label": "No"} {"text": "Gourmet Chocolate Squares – PUNCHCombo (225mg Cannabinoids – 5 flavors)\nThe three most common complaints with edible products are : size, potency and taste. With that in mind, Punch Edibles are based on the notion of providing very potent medicine in a small package.\nPunch Bars are made with the highest-grade concentrate, more specifically absolute shatter. All their concentrates are lab tested for potency and purity. All flavors are gourmet and taste tested. These chocolate squares sure pack a punch in terms of taste and potency!", "label": "No"} {"text": "JAPAN: New Products.\nChiko Enterprises: Bia Hanoi. This lager type beer is imported from Vietnam. It is brewed by the Hanoi Beer Company using high quality natural spring water. Alcohol content 4%. 330 ml can Y320, 24 per case.\nSapporo Breweries: Sapporo Brau Shot Bottle. This draft happoshu has been a big success for Sapporo since it was first launched January 1999. Now it is relaunched in the new aluminum bottle can, the Shot Bottle. This aluminum bottle can is shaped like a bottle but is made of metal and has a screw cap. Sapporo Breweries is already using this new container for its mainstay beer Black Label [reported in JAPANSCAN May 2000 page 25, number 230]. This container is a joint development with Daiwa Seikan KK. Kirin Brewery is also using the bottle can [reported in JAPANSCAN March 2000 page 27, number 259 and July 2000 page 22, number 183]. Sapporo Brau has an alcohol content of 5.5%. This 470 ml shot bottle retails at Y175 [plus tax]. Sales target 2 million cases.\nSuntory: Suntory The Cocktail Bar - Apple Kiss. A new variety added to this very successful series of low-alcohol cocktails. This drink has the refreshing flavor of apple juice and an alcohol content of 6%. This is a vodka-based cocktail. 200 ml glass bottle with screw cap Y210, 24 per case.\nKikkoman Corp: Mans Red Wine and Mans White Wine. These wines have been produced by unique technology that enables the wines to be produced without use of any antioxidant additives as preservatives. The production process is patented and the wines have a shelf-life of 2 years. The red wine has added cranberry for color and flavor. The white wine is made from muscat grapes. These wines are medium sweet and easy to drink. 600 ml screw cap glass bottles Y540, 12 per case.\nAjinomoto General Foods: AGF Maxim Single Cafe in two varieties - Original Blend and Espresso Roast. Individual drip [in cup cassette regular coffee filters] regular coffee. The mouth of the cassette has been widened to improve the flavor and make it easier to pour; it is also very stable. The product has been developed so that the coffee flavor is not tainted by the paper filter in which it is packed. Pack of four, individually wrapped in aluminum film, open price (guide price around Y198).\nNestle Japan: Nescafe Gold Blend. A relaunch of Gold Blend brand instant coffee, now produced using a brand new revolutionary type of coffee extraction, the continuous aromatic drip process, which gives a significant improvement in the flavor of the coffee. The coffee is mild with a much richer aroma. The new system uses a process of continuously adding fresh coffee beans to the extraction vessel from below while the used coffee beans, which may start contributing impurities to the flavor, leave by the top. 50 g Y470, 100 g, Y890, 150 g Y1,285. National launch September.\nNestle Japan: Nestle Brite. Single portion coffee creamer. A line extension in the Nestle Brite powdered coffee creamer range. The individual sachets maintain the freshness of each portion. Ideal for the unexpected guest or when out and about. 15 x 3 g stick-shape sachets, Y205, 144 per case.\nFruit Juice Drinks\nAsahi Soft Drinks: Bireleys Tiki Tiki Blend. A fruit juice drink based on orange juice from South America with a refreshing aftertaste. This seasonal mixed tropical fruit juice drink also contains Central South American passion fruit juice for its refreshing aroma and Mexican mango juice for its mellow sweetness. Less than 10% juice content. The name is derived from the name of a Hawaiian and Tahitian god and is designed to be memorable. The fruits contained in the drink are illustrated on the red summery label for easy recognition. Limited summer season sale. 500 ml PET bottle Y140, 24 per case. Sales target 200,000 cases.\nFruit Juice Milk Drink\nAsahi Soft Drinks: Asahi Asa-no White & Fruit [asa-no means morning]. A yogurt flavor drink with three delicious fruits - banana, orange and pineapple. A convenient way to enjoy milk and fruit together. Banana is good for the digestion as well as containing vitamins and minerals and orange and pineapple are both rich in vitamins. Contains 10% fruit juice. The package is white, typical of a milk carton, with an illustration of the fruits. 250 ml slim carton Y100, 24 per case. National launch. Sales target 1.2 million cartons\nCoca-Cola Group: Grand Bleu [wide blue]. A sparkling near water drink. Mineral water containing 1% lemon juice. Lightly carbonated, slightly sweet and refreshing. The label design features the image of a dolphin on a fresh sea blue background. This product has a simple, pure image and is designed to appeal to young adults. 350 ml can Y120, 500 ml PET bottle Y147. National launch.\nBalanced Nutritional Drinks\nSuntory: Suntory Life Partner Dakara [dakara means consequently, or therefore]. This functional drink is a balanced nutritional drink containing octacosanol, potassium, calcium, magnesium and dietary fiber. It is calorie-reduced and low in sodium chloride and fat. It was first launched earlier this year [reported in JAPANSCAN February 2000 page 20, number 188] in 500 ml PET bottle, 340 g can and 245 g can, then in the 1.5 liter PET bottle Y330, 8 per case [reported in JAPANSCAN July 2000 page 19, number 158] and now in the new bottle can [shaped like a screw cap bottle but made of aluminum] and the Prisma hexagonal carton. These packs attract attention because they are different. The bottle can has an advantage over the PET bottle in that the content can be chilled faster. Sales of this drink have been exceptional. Sales from March through June have exceeded 10 million bottles. The original annual sales target of 10 million cases has been increased to 18 million cases. 300 ml carton Y105, 410 g bottle can Y130.\nPokka Corp: Pokka Dietary Fiber Lemon Jelly [translation]. A new variety added to this series of functional jelly drinks. This drink supplies approximately 7 g of dietary fiber per bottle plus 500 mg of vitamin C. A pleasant summer drink containing 5% lemon juice. 350 ml PET bottle Y140, 24 per case.\nVitamin Fortified Drink\nCalpis Co.: Calpis nude - Summer Fruits. A new variety in this series of nocalorie and nosugar vitamin supplement drinks, the summer fruits flavor is on limited seasonal sale. This very lightly carbonated drink is refreshing and thirst quenching. It is fortified with vitamins B6, C and E. Claimed to be a cosmetic drink, the name nude implies good skin tone. 500 ml PET bottle Y140, 24 per case [The lemon and grapefruit varieties were reported in JAPANSCAN June 2000, page 21].\nOkinawa Prefecture Deep Sea Water Development Association, International Cosmetics: Aqua Ade. There is presently a boom in demand for deep sea water. The water is rich in minerals, it is a means to supplement the diet with essential minerals in a form where they are readily absorbed. This water is obtained using special equipment to extract seawater from 600 m and 1,400 m beneath the surface (patent pending). This water is then blended with melted snow water from Mt Fuji to produce a mineral water drink. 2 liter PET bottle Y800, 250 ml PET bottle Y250. First year sales target 1.8 million bottles.\nMeiji Milk Prod: Meiji Matcha Gyunyu [cows milk with powdered green tea]. A high quality milk drink flavored with powdered green tea. The best quality tea produced in Japan has been used to produce a quality blend of the bitter flavor of tea and the mellow flavor of milk. Non-fat milk solids 8%, milk fat 3%. 300 ml polyethylene bottle with screw cap Y160, 12 per case.\nLactic Acid Bacteria Drinks\nCalpis Co: Calpis White Phoenix Peach [translation]. This is a concentrated sterilized drink made from the lactic fermentation of skim milk using lactic acid bacteria and lactose-fermenting yeasts. It is similar to kefir. Contains added soy oligosaccharides to promote the growth of intestinal bifidus bacteria. The original flavor Calpis was first launched in Japan over 80 years ago. This new flavor is on limited seasonal sale while the fruit is in season. The high quality fruit juice is from peaches grown in Yamagata prefecture. Dilute five times before consumption. 500 ml gable-top carton Y440.\nThe global roll-out of InBev's Brazilian beer, Brahma, adds a third premium brand to the global brewer's international portfolio but some observers have suggested it's an unnecessary step which threat...\nNestle Waters has bought a majority stake in a new joint venture in Algeria....\nNestle Waters Spain has inaugurated a new water plant in Herrera del Duque near Badajoz, western Spain, a company spokesman has confirmed to just-drinks....\nNestle Waters has finally reached an agreement with the CGT trade union over restructuring plans for its Perrier bottling plant....\nNestle Waters is to launch a range of sugar free water drinks under its Vittel water brand in time for summer....\nAlcohol intake amongst young female adults in the UK continues to rise and shows no signs of abating, according to a recent report....\nCobra Beer has launched an alcohol-free beer in South Africa, the UK and in its European and Asian export markets....\nBeringer Blass Wine Estates (BBWE), the Napa-based wine company, is to launch a wine a California wine \"designed by women expressly for the US female consumer\"....\n- The end is nigh for Global Travel Retail - Comment\n- Five ways small brands can beat big players\n- Interview, Bulldog Gin founder Anshuman Vohra\n- Pernod Ricard's Q1 results - Preview\n- Pernod Ricard Q1 2017 results by region, brand\n- Diageo most at risk to Thai alcohol ban - analyst\n- Jobs at new India hub won't affect staff - Diageo\n- Stumbling UK Pound prompts Conviviality price hike\n- Constellation sells Canadian wine unit for US$761m\n- US craft spirits could be as big as craft beer\n- Global gin insights - market forecasts, product innovation and consumer trends\n- Global Scotch whisky insights - market forecasts, product innovation and consumer trends\n- Global rum insights - market forecasts, product innovation and consumer trends\n- Global RTD insights - market forecasts, product innovation and consumer trends\n- Global Wine Market 2016-2020", "label": "No"} {"text": "Click to Order By Phone\nDetailspHresh greens is a complete daily serving of raw greens in just 1 tsp! Just add it to water, juice or your favorite smoothie! pHresh greens is made with 16 raw ingredients that were carefully selected for their high pH levels. It is a full spectrum alkalizing superfood blend of energy rich vegetables, cereal grasses and sea algae. pHresh greens is highly bio-available and provides your body with a rich natural source of vitamins, trace minerals, chlorophyll and other phytonutrients beneficial to health. It is also made with TRUE INTENTION ensuring that you will get all the ingredients' nutritional benefits without any harmful chemicals, additives, preservatives or fillers. Its all natural organic ingredients have been carefully slow dried to help retain its life energy. pHresh greens is made from the natural produce itself, thus ensuring you are getting the vital nutrients of the ingredients from a natural state, it\n- Additional Information\nManufacturer Phresh Products\n- Community Q&A\nProduct QuestionsNo questions yet. Be the first to ask the question!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Unknown Tag: 'P_Description'\nSlim Logo Flip Flops by Havaianas Classic Havaiana flip flop with comfortable rubber sole, orange rubber straps and signature branding, all in a navy blue colourway. - Rubber strap - Rubber sole\nSleek metallic straps freshen up havaianas' signature flip flop sandals with a comfortable textured footbed.\nPlease search the site. Your product may have moved.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bursting with the mouthwatering flavor of salmon and packed with the protein that canines crave, this grain- and poultry-free dog food gives your pooch the benefits of a balanced diet without bulking up with fillers. Morsels of real fruits and vegetables contribute an added boost of flavor, while also nourishing your pup with important vitamins and minerals. Treat your furry friend to a mouthwatering, nutrient-rich meal from nature's bounty with this Castor & Pollux Natural ULTRAMIX Grain-Free & Poultry-Free Adult Dog Food. Formulated with canines' high energy needs in mind, the food is free of grains, and instead, packed with protein from salmon and other fish-based sources. Fruits and vegetables round out the food with an ideal balance of vitamins, minerals and key nutrients to keep your pooch in prime condition, while omega-3 and -6 fatty acids support his or her skin and coat. Food Type: Dry Food Food Consistency: Kibble Life Stage: Adult Health Consideration: Digestive Care Flavor: Salmon Primary Ingredient: Salmon Nutrition Option: Grain Free, Natural Package Weight: 5.5 lbs Ingredients: Salmon, Salmon Meal, Herring Meal, Menhaden Fish Meal, Dried Peas, Dried Potato, Tapioca Starch, Canola Oil (preserved With Mixed Tocopherols And Citric Acid), Pea Protein Concentrate, Tomato Pomace, Dried Bananas, Natural Salmon Flavor, Ground Whole Flaxseed, Brewer's Dried Yeast, Dried Carrots, Monocalcium Phosphate, Salt, Freeze-dried Peas, Potassium Chloride, Dicalcium Phosphate, Dried Cranberries, Dried Sweet Potatoes, Fructooligosaccharide, Vitamin E Supplement, L-ascorbyl-2 Polyphosphate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite, Choline Chloride And Rosemary Extract Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min) 30.0% Crude Fat (min) 15.0% Crude Fiber (max) 4.5% Moisture (max) 10.0% Calcium (min) 1.2% Phosphorus (min) 1.0% Vitamin E (min) 75 IU/kg Omega 6 Fatty Acids (min)* 2.3% Omega 3 Fatty Acids (min)* 1.8% *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles. Size: 5.5 Lb.\n* This offer may contain time-sensitive information and offers. Please check with PetSmart to confirm actual price & availability.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Check Pincode Serviceability\nBangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days\nOutside India: 5-10 business days\nAbout Aconite Napellus Homeopathy Medicated Pills\nAconite is good for treating sudden colds and calming shocked nerves. Helps soothe fear and reduce shock after a scare, bad news or an accident. Also useful in sleeplessness, restlessness, pain, burning headaches, eye irritation. It is reported to be useful in asthma, bronchitis, chicken-pox, cholera, convulsions, dengue fever, dysentery, headache, measles, meningitis, malaria, laryngitis, myelitis, peritonitis, puerperal fever, traumatic fever, etc.\nClinical Indications: Anxiety, panic attacks, fear, cold, sneezing, epistaxis (nose bleeding), fever, cough, conjunctivitis, earache, noises in ear (tinnitus), trigeminal neuralgia, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sleeplessness (insomnia), palpitations, pericarditis, hypertrophy of heart\n- sudden cold and fever\n- heart attack\n- anxiety, panic attacks,\n- conjunctivitis, eye inflammations\n- trigeminal neuralgia\n- manage fever, flu cases\nGet the goodness of authentic homeopathy dilutions in pharma grade sugar pellets. Pure cane sugar globules that ensure proper homogenization of medication\nPrepared the traditional way using hand succussion. You get freshly prepared medicaments.\nPacked in Sterile Glass vials that are odor-free, neutral, strong, and damage-resistant.\nDosage: Adult and children 2 years of age and older: Dissolve 4 pills under the tongue 3 times a day until relieved or as directed by a physician. Size: 2 dram Glass Vials\nComposition: Active ingredients: Aconite Napellus Dilution, Inactive ingredients: Sucrose\nWhy Glass containers for homoeopathy Medicine? Plastic containers are reactive and leach into the substances stored into them. Due to this property of plastics, the U.S. F.D.A. had classified plastics as “Indirect Additives” i.e., though they are not directly added to the substance stored in them, they definitely seep into the contained substances. When plastics is exposed to medicines, its content is bound to dissolve some of the numerous chemicals in the plastic and that in turn is bound to distort the structure and action of the active ingredients present in our medicines. There is no such problem with glass container and hence recommended.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Can germs live on soap?\n- What soap do doctors use?\n- What is the difference between antibacterial soap and regular soap?\n- What hand soap do hospitals use?\n- What bacteria can survive bleach?\n- Why does soap only kill 99.9 of germs?\n- Does Soap need to be antibacterial?\n- What is the best hand soap to use to kill germs?\n- Does Soap kill germs and bacteria?\n- Do bars of soap kill germs?\n- Can you wash your hands with dishwashing liquid?\n- What is the 1 of germs not killed?\n- Does body wash kill germs?\n- Is soap better than hand wash?\n- Which soap kills most germs?\n- What is the best hand sanitizer?\n- Does Soap really kill 99.9 of germs?\nCan germs live on soap?\nWhen you wash your hands, you transfer a thin film of bacteria, skin flakes and oils to the bar of soap.\nA 2006 study of 32 dental clinics found bacteria growing on the soap in all of them – after all, standard soap doesn’t kill bacteria, it just dislodges them..\nWhat soap do doctors use?\nThe most commonly used products for surgical hand antisepsis are chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine-containing soaps. The most active agents (in order of decreasing activity) are chlorhexidine gluconate, iodophors, triclosan, and plain soap.\nWhat is the difference between antibacterial soap and regular soap?\nThey found no difference between the two soaps. … While regular soap works by mechanically removing germs from your hands, antibacterial soap contains chemicals that can kill bacteria or inhibit their growth. And apparently that old wash-off-the-germs method works just as well as the kill-them-on-contact approach.\nWhat hand soap do hospitals use?\nMild Healthcare Personnel Hand Wash containing 0.5% Chloroxylenol (PCMX) as an antimicrobial active. Medi-Stat contains aloe vera to help moisten and soothe skin during frequent use. New flexible manual and touchfree choices to meet the hand hygiene dispensing needs of your hospital.\nWhat bacteria can survive bleach?\nBleach is a strong and effective disinfectant – its active ingredient sodium hypochlorite is effective in killing bacteria, fungi and viruses, including influenza virus – but it is easily inactivated by organic material.\nWhy does soap only kill 99.9 of germs?\nDoes Soap Really Kill 99.9% of Germs? In fact, to remove themselves from water as much as possible, the hydrophobic ends of soap molecules will even force their way between water molecules on any surface. By forcing the water molecules apart, soap effectively reduces the surface tension.\nDoes Soap need to be antibacterial?\nAntibacterial soaps are no more effective than regular soap and water for killing disease-causing germs. Regular soap tends to be less expensive than antibacterial soap and hand sanitizers. Regular soap won’t kill healthy bacteria on the skin’s surface.\nWhat is the best hand soap to use to kill germs?\nMeyer’s Clean Day Hand Soap is the most complete hand soap available on Amazon. The brand and its soaps balance natural ingredients with effective results, providing the consumer with a quality product. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Hand Soap is the most complete hand soap available on Amazon.\nDoes Soap kill germs and bacteria?\nSoap and water don’t kill germs; they work by mechanically removing them from your hands. Running water by itself does a pretty good job of germ removal, but soap increases the overall effectiveness by pulling unwanted material off the skin and into the water. … Wet hands are more likely to spread germs than dry ones.\nDo bars of soap kill germs?\nWashing your hands may get rid of germs but that doesn’t mean that your soap is clean. … But bar soap in essence just removes grime and germs from your skin—it doesn’t kill bacteria; it just moves it from one location to the next.\nCan you wash your hands with dishwashing liquid?\nAfter consulting medical professionals, we have good news: Yes, dish soap is an effective way to clean your hands. … If you’re out of hand soap, Davis actually recommends body wash over dish soap, because body wash tends to include the same cleansing ingredients as hand soap, and it’s actually designed for the skin.\nWhat is the 1 of germs not killed?\nThere isn’t a one percent of germs that they can’t kill but when they test it, they have to see how many organisms they kill against other organisms. They test it to certain tolerances and the law for cleaning products says they have to meet a three log reduction. That is 99.9%.\nDoes body wash kill germs?\nMost regular liquid hand and body soaps contain chemicals, such as alcohol or chlorine, that can kill bacteria. Soaps that are labeled “antibacterial ” contain additional bacteria-killing chemicals such as triclosan or triclocarban.\nIs soap better than hand wash?\nTop Benefits Of Switching To Non Toxic Cleaning, then bar soap wins hands down. If the decision is financial, bar soap wins again by a significant margin (washing your hands with bar soap is about a third of the cost as using liquid hand soap).\nWhich soap kills most germs?\nAs it turns out, antibacterial soap killed the most germs. Antibacterial soap had an average of thirty-four bacteria colonies, whereas hand sanitizer had an average of fifty-five bacteria colonies. Therefore, antibacterial soap clearly killed the most germs.\nWhat is the best hand sanitizer?\nPurell Advanced Aloe Scent Hand Sanitizer contains 70% ethyl alcohol and is 99.9% effective in killing germs to help protect your hands. Pharma C Alcohol Wipes are large enough to thoroughly sanitize your hands with 70% isopropyl alcohol.\nDoes Soap really kill 99.9 of germs?\nOne important thing to note is that soap is not really killing the germs in our hands, but rather washing them away. … So when a soap manufacturer claims that their products kill 99.9% of germs, they are technically correct but practically wrong.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Currently, shoot organogenesis is used in plant regeneration like a most widely used method in transformation systems. 1. Intro Baill, generally known in the horticultural trade as gloxinia, is definitely a tuberous member of the flowering flower family Gesneriaceae. The common name offers persisted since its initial intro to cultivation from Brazil in 1817 as flower regeneration were carried out in gloxinia using leaf explant tradition [7C10] and even direct regeneration of floral buds from sepal segments has been reported [11, 12]. With this paper, we statement the establishment of an improved method for flower regeneration from your PGK1 leaf explants of Sinningia speciosa Sinningia speciosa produced plants. Leaves were slice aseptically in the ends, into sections of approximately 7 7?mm2 in size. Explants were placed on the MS medium and solidified with 0.3%?(w/v) Gelrite. Seven explants were cultured in each Petri dish. The pH of medium was modified to 5.8 before adding Gelrite. The press were sterilised by autoclaving at 1.1?kg?cm?2 (121C) for 20?min. Previously, we founded gloxinia take induction medium consisting of MS salts and vitamins, 30?g/L sucrose, 3?g/L Gelrite, 2?mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), Valbenazine and 0.1?mg/L NAA (1-naphthalene-acetic acid) . For improvement of take regeneration of gloxinia, Valbenazine the take induction medium was optimized by screening the effect of different concentrations of ethylene inhibitors (0, 1, 5, 10, and 20?mg/L aminoethoxyvinylglycine, cobalt chloride, and metallic thiosulphate). Cultures were managed at 25 1C in a growth chamber having a 16-h photoperiod under standard awesome white fluorescent tubes (35?including BAP (2?mg/L) and NAA (0.1?mg/L) resulting in the highest effectiveness in take regeneration per explant and in the greatest take growth. For investigating the influence of ethylene inhibitors on take regeneration of after 6 weeks in tradition on regeneration medium (MS medium with 2.0?mg/L BA and 0.1?mg/L NAA). and functions as a growth inhibitor. Further, the use of the ethylene inhibitors STS or AVG offers been shown to increase the rate of recurrence of successful flower regeneration in apricot cultivars . Moreover, the addition of AgNO3 and AVG to the medium was reported to markedly enhance regeneration rate of recurrence and the number of shoots per explant in L. . The promotive effect of AgNO3, and AVG on take regeneration from cotyledons of spp. has also been reported . During cell division ethylene is produced and it is very well known that ethylene functions as a growth inhibitor. It was reported Valbenazine that AgNO3 (ethylene inhibitor) inhibits the binding of ethylene during cell division . Kumar et al. examined the use of metallic nitrate in flower regeneration and concluded that this chemical advertised growth of vegetation. Other varieties, including cucumber , , and coffee have also been found to be affected by sterling silver nitrate. It is believed that flower regeneration protocols are an essential part of flower genetic transformation and lead to flower improvement. Currently, take organogenesis is used in flower regeneration like a most widely used method in Valbenazine transformation systems. This regeneration protocol has succeeded for em Sinningia speciosa. /em The ethylene inhibitors AVG, CoCl2, and STS significantly Valbenazine advertised the take regeneration rate of recurrence of gloxinia. These results will allow the genetic improvement of em Sinningia speciosa /em and additional blossom varieties..\n- Roschenthaler for Ig probes; S\n- It has been suggested the failure to translate animal model findings to humans may be overcome by target validation using a preclinical testing platform that is based on screening in adult human brain cells (Dragunow, 2008)\n- Prior studies suggested a spot of convergence for AKT and AMPK signaling coming from raised insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D4 following contraction (10, 11) and specifically AMPK activation (12, 13, 14)\n- 4-6 Th1 cytokine [interferon-, interleukin (IL)-2, and tumor necrosis element-] seems to be predominant in Crohns disease, whereas Th2 cytokine (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6) tends to be associated with ulcerative colitis\n- The fabrication of sophisticated FET-based detectors, however, can be quite challenging and may not be feasible in many regions of the globe\n- Hello world! on", "label": "No"} {"text": "Add 1/2 tablespoon salt to the cucumbers and let it drain in a colander for 20 to 30 minutes.\nMash the garlic to a paste in a mortar and pestle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Mix the garlic, yogurt, chives, dill, mint and some salt and pepper (be aware that there is salt already in the cucumber and garlic). Stir in the cucumbers. Garnish with olive oil and za'atar.\nThis recipe was provided by a chef, restaurant or culinary professional. It has not been tested for home use.\nRecipe courtesy of David Johnson at Cafe Mogador", "label": "No"} {"text": "Low then it just begins to break apart the longer she keeps vomiting white foamy stuff.\nthe muffins 6 diy teeth whitening tooth fast elements are\nTo say the safest cosmetic dental procedure is right for you.\nskin best tooth whitening go smile sonic blue teeth whitening advanced system symptoms may clue\nShort because since it helps to balance the pH of urine stains, including those used for compost.\nusing diy fast teeth 6 whitening tooth lead were\nHow easy is get a lot of the teeth won't suffer much ill effect by following these simple aluminum cleaning tips.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Basalt Foam / Aluminum Foam Composite Board\nInnovative mixed material composite. Sandwich composite board (metal / non-metal / organic / inorganic) can solve the high cost of aluminum foam and lead to higher performance in several indicators, including fire resistance\nLight, fireproof, sound insulation and sound absorption, heat insulation, high temperature resistance, fire resistance and non-combustibility, green environmental protection, low cost\nBuilding materials, wall filling, fire doors, floors, marine outfitting boards, etc.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Description and Benefits:\nLemon grass Massage Oil from Tatvik Bath & Body consists of various aromatic ingredients such as Lemongrass, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang blended in Extra Virgin Olive Oil .Lemon Massage Oil from Tatvik Bath and Body is a unique blend of pure Lemongrass, Patchouli and Ylang- Ylang Essential Oils blended in extra virgin Olive Oil Base, to de-stress and energise you. The formulation is very effective as massage oil. It is so light that it gets instantly absorbed\nHow to Apply :\nPour a few drops on your palm and gently massage on the skin. The amount of oil can be taken as per the area of application.\nPure Lemongrass Essential Oil, Patchouli,Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil\nNet Weight: 100 ML\nPrice : Rs 450/-", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s amazing how much damage we can do to our skin in just a few decades. Tanning, poor diet, pollution, and smoking all contribute to cellular damage that takes a toll on our skin. The subsequent dryness, thinness, blotchiness, and dark spots only get worse as we age and our skin loses its ability to renew itself quickly and efficiently.\nWhile drugstores are filled with creams and concoctions claiming to fix dullness and other issues with complexion unevenness, few actually perform as promised. Thankfully there’s an alternative to drugstore trial-and-error: Glutathione IV Therapy.\nWhat is Glutathione IV Therapy?\nGlutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant with several health benefits, and when administered intravenously, it’s deposited evenly throughout the body, speeding up cell turnover and replacing damaged cells with new ones. Glutathione brightens your skin naturally and safely. Most treatments take about an hour.\nWhat results does Glutathione IV Therapy provide?\nIn addition to lightening and evening your skin tone, Glutathione IV Therapy removes skin blemishes from scars and pigmentation, suppresses the formation of acne, produces collagen to enhance elasticity, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. After just one treatment you’ll notice your skin is radiant and supple.\nWhat other benefits does Glutathione IV Therapy provide?\nNot only does Glutathione enhance the luminosity of your skin and rid the body of free radicals, toxins, and oxidants, but it also prevents oxidative damage, which is attributed to cancer, diabetes, skin disorders, liver disease, and cardiovascular disease. Glutathione also aids in an improved immune system, better memory, and an overall improved state of mind and focus.\nWhat happens during treatment?\nBefore the treatment, a doctor or medical assistant will assess your vitals to make sure treatment is viable for you. If it is, an IV will be inserted in your inner arm while you relax for about 45-90 minutes and watch a movie, read book, or even nap. You’ll be monitored during the entire treatment and your vitals will be reassessed at the end.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Recipe for a Baobab Walnut Cake.\nIndulge in our super yummy Baobab Walnut Cake! Try It Now !\n- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a cake using cooking spray. Sprinkle some flour into the cake pan.\n- For the frosting,beat the whipped cream with the sugar for 5 minutes. Add the baobab powder and beat for 5 minutes. Add the vanilla extract and beat again. Add to the fridge until used.\n- In a bowl beat the butter with the sugar. Add the coconut milk and beat well.\n- Shift in the oats flour, baobab powder and fold in gently. Add the batter into the cake pan.\n- Bake for 30 minutes. Let it cool down. Add the frosting into the cake. Add the chopped walnuts around the side of the cake and on top of the cake. Serve cold.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Analysis of four causes of Vibration of Vertical Mill and detailed Analysis of treatment measure\nDate:2019-06-28 11:25 Source:未知Views:\nUnder normal conditions, the vertical mill runs smoothly, the noise will not exceed 90 decibels, but if the operation is not good, it will cause vibration, resulting in a lot of noise. For the vertical mill, the reasonable vibration is allowed to exist, but if the vibration is too large, it will inevitably lead to the damage of some accessories in the vertical mill, so the vibration of the vertical mill must be strictly controlled in the production process.\nCause Analysis of Vibration of Vertical Mill\nMany of the vibrations in the actual production operation are caused by improper operation, such as vibration caused by unstable control of the material layer. Because the material layer is too thin, the material that can be ground can be very small, so the grinding yield can be reduced. At the same time, too thin the material layer can lead to a rigid contact between the grinding disc and the grinding roller, which causes a large vibration, which causes serious wear of the vertical mill equipment and increases the energy consumption. If the material layer is too thick, the grinding capacity of the vertical mill can be reduced, the load of the internal circulation of the material layer is increased, the upper and lower jumping of the grinding roller is caused, serious damage to the equipment is caused, and the safety of the equipment is affected. Therefore, the control of the material layer is very important, There are many reasons to influence the change of the material layer, in which the material characteristics include the moisture of the material, the friction factor and the particle size of the material, and also the influence of temperature and pressure difference.\ncharacteristic of material\nMaterial friction factor: directly reflects the internal friction force generated when grinding various materials. It is directly related to whether the material layer can form a stable material layer thickness, and whether the stable material layer thickness can directly influence the degree of vertical grinding and grinding. in which the material with a small friction factor can be extruded out of the groove due to the action of the extrusion, so that the material layer is too thin, and the grinding disc and the grinding roller are easy to be brought into direct contact, so that the equipment is damaged and the internal equipment is damaged; and if the friction factor is large, The material is subjected to small rolling to form a cake shape, and is difficult to loosen, and the grinding difficulty is caused.\nThe grain size of the material: the size of the material entering the grinding disc shall be matched with the grinding roller and the grinding disc. As the diameter of the grinding roller increases, the peripheral speed of the outer peripheral line of the grinding roller is also increased, so that the friction force generated is also increased, so that the grinding roller is easier to be engaged with the material, and the grinding material can be more easily rolled into a material layer, so that the granularity of the material entering and grinding can be appropriately increased. but when the particle size of the material is too large, the grinding roller is subjected to a great impact, and the vibration caused by the unbalance of the three rollers is caused; the material layer is not formed on the grinding disc as the material particle size is too small, and the material layer can not be formed on the grinding disc, so that the grinding disc and the grinding roller are in direct contact with the production machine, Vibrational vibration. In general, the size of the particle entering the mill should be about 5% of the diameter of the mill roll.\nMaterial moisture content: the amount of moisture contained in the material has a great influence on the grinding. If the moisture content is too large, the material is not easy to dry, the overwet material grinding will wrap and adhere to other materials, or even wrap the grinding roller, resulting in the accumulation of materials on the grinding disk, resulting in the grinding roll difficult to press down, causing vibration jump and stop. If the moisture of the material is too small, the viscosity of the material will be too low, and the friction factor between the materials will be reduced, which makes it difficult to stay on the grinding disk for a long enough time and can not form a certain thickness of material layer, which will lead to rigid contact between the grinding disk and the roller and aggravate the vibration.\nThe difference between incoming and outgoing grinding pressure\nThe difference between the grinding pressure and the grinding pressure is the pressure difference, which is one of the main reasons for the vibration of the vertical mill. The change of the pressure difference directly reflects the change of the internal circulation load rate of the vertical mill, which is related to the material particle size, the material property, the grinding pressure, the internal ventilation, the material moisture, the feeding amount of the mill and the like. For example, when the material enters the abrasive particles, the grinding pressure is large, the water content is low, the feeding amount is large, the ventilation is insufficient, and the like, the differential pressure is increased, and the material layer is thick; on the contrary, the differential pressure is reduced, the material layer is thin, the vertical grinding vibration is caused, and the vertical grinding jump can be caused when the material layer is not adjusted in time.\nhot air temperature\nThe temperature of hot air has a great influence on the vibration of grinding, because its ventilation rate in fixed vertical mill should ensure the drying efficiency of material, so it is necessary to control the temperature of hot air in grinding, which mainly depends on the water content of grinding material. However, the poor control of wind temperature will also affect the grinding efficiency of vertical grinding to a certain extent. If the wind temperature is too high, it can achieve a good drying effect and grinding effect, but it will cause the material layer to be too thin. If the wind temperature is too low, it will make it difficult to dry the material, grinding is difficult to carry out, the material is easy to be pressed into cake shape, resulting in vertical grinding vibration.\nIn general, the wind temperature is 200 ℃ ~ 250 ℃ at the entrance, and the temperature should be controlled at 80 ℃ ~ 120 ℃ according to the water content of the material and the spray water in the mill at the outlet. Under this parameter, the vertical mill runs smoothly and efficiently and does not produce great vibration.\nThe grinding pressure is mainly caused by the total pressure applied by the central frame, hydraulic system and roller weight. The grinding pressure is directly related to the compression ratio of the material and the thickness of the material layer, the grinding pressure increases and the thickness becomes thinner; on the contrary, the pressure becomes smaller and thicker.\nCountermeasures for controlling Vibration of Vertical Mill\n01, feeding operation\nWhen the water content of the material is high, the temperature of the discharge port shall be increased as appropriate, and the pressure difference in the grinding shall be raised to the ideal value. If the feeding is insufficient and the material return is small, the feeding shall be increased to ensure the normal pressure difference in the mill to avoid vibration. If the material layer is too thick, the feeding quantity shall be reduced in a timely manner, and the discharge port is ensured to be smooth; on the contrary, the feeding quantity shall be increased.\n02, grinding pressure control\nIf the feedback value of grinding pressure of vertical mill is less than the set value, it is proved that the accumulator pressure is too low and nitrogen must be replenished in time.\n03, temperature control\nIf the temperature is too high, it is possible to properly adjust the power of the mill or to open the cold air valve directly.\n04. Differential pressure control\nWhen the feeding quantity is large and the grinding capacity is insufficient, the pressure difference in the mill can be increased, and the feeding quantity is appropriately reduced according to the power of the grinding machine. When the product is too fine, the internal circulation load is increased, and the vibration is caused by the rise of the pressure difference, and therefore, the rotation speed of the powder separator is appropriately reduced.\nIn the actual production process, we should carry out appropriate operation according to the specific situation of the opposite mill. In addition to summing up the above reasons, we must also strengthen the maintenance and safety inspection of the equipment in order to ensure that the vertical mill has a stable and safe operating environment.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Starting to see strains of grey and white hair? You feel like pulling it out, but you probably know that pulling it out isn’t good for your hair follicles. Or perhaps you have just too many white hairs which makes it impossible to pull all out! Or maybe, you have been working too hard for too long, and one day you look in the mirror and realize that almost 30% of your hairs are white and you have not done anything about it! Do not fret! In this article, we will talk about the different solutions to dealing with premature white hairs.\nHint: the best solution is to cover your white hairs naturally\nToo much white hair too soon?\nDyeing hair with chemical dye is probably the most common go-to method for solving your white hair crisis. Many people, chose to go for hair colouring every now and then to cover those white hairs, but after a while, they realize that the chemicals in the hair colouring agent can cause their hair damage and may even lead to hair loss, itchy scalp and sensitive scalp!\nWhilst chemical colouring of the hair is good in the sense that you can choose any colour you like, chemical hair colouring isn’t the best long-term solution for covering your white hairs because of the damage it does to your scalp and the cost of the chemical treatment at a professional salon.\nAlthough you could buy the cheap self-apply chemical dye which can be found in supermarkets, pharmaceutical shops or convenient stores, it can get quite messy during application and it is very difficult to do it by yourself. Furthermore, these off-the-shelve dyes may have a higher concentration of harmful chemical compared to those at a professional salon.\nWe note that while some of these chemical dyes claim to be ammonia free, but it doesn’t really matter as they are likely to be using a replacement chemical such as ethanolamine (which is also very harmful to your hair, skin, and scalp). These chemical substances force your hair cuticle to open, allowing the hair color to penetrate the cortex of the hair. And once the hair cuticle is open, the hair is damaged permanently.\nThis is an irreversible process. There are many other alternative solutions which is better than chemical dye, and cheaper. Like Bee Choo Ladies Herbal treatment which costs just SGD 41 to 69 / session depending on your hair length.\nYou can cover white hair naturally using natural dyes. One main difference between natural dyes and chemical dyes is that 100% natural dyes are always semi-permanent. Natural dyes only stick or coat the hair, unlike its chemical counterpart, it does not enter the hair cortex and change the colour of the pigments contained in the hair cortex. Since it need not break through the hair’s cuticle, natural dyes / semi-permanent dyes do not do damage the hair and scalp. It is safe a great long-term solution for coverings those white hairs!\nBut since it is only a coating, natural dye is only able to change lighter hair colours to darker hair colours. It cannot change darker hair colours to lighter hair colours.\nThis is why natural dyes are a very good alternative to covering white hairs as it can produce a ‘highlighted effect’ depending on the distribution of your white hairs. For example:\nIn these pictures above, you see that this lady has very evenly distributed white hairs, in this case, the natural dye used by Bee Choo Origin (the largest natural herbal scalp treatment company here in Asia) had a very nice outcome, making her hair look highlighted.\nNotice her black hairs remain black while her white hairs turn copperish? This is how the colouring looks like under a 50x zoom microscope:\nBee Choo Herbal colour is dependant on the thickness and texture of your hair, for some people, it comes out copperish in colour, for others, it comes out golden or even orangey. This is the only colour Bee Choo has (at the moment). Thus, if you have patches of white hair, the colour may not come out as nice. It also depends on your skin tone and the kind of outlook you prefer. It is really up to personal preferences.\nThis colour may not to be everyone’s liking. Bee Choo does not have any other colour to choose from because they vow never to use chemicals in their herbal treatment.\nWhat is special about the Bee Choo Herbal Treatment is that, not only does it treat the scalp conditions for problems such as oily scalp, dandruff and even sensitive scalp, it also acts as a natural hair dye for grey hair. You kill two birds with one stone, or with a single treatment. Cover those grey hairs and get your scalp into shape!\nThe price is reasonable and you do not need to mess up your house or bathroom, just head down to 5 Pahang Street S(198606) and get your relaxing herbal treatment. Just remember not to wear a white colour shirt down! This awesome treatment takes about 2 hours in total (excluding waiting time). The outlet can get quite crowded during weekends, and you may have to wait about 20 mins for your turn!\nThere are also other natural dyes that can be bought at used at home. The most common ones are the henna dyes that are sold in local supermarkets and pharmaceutical stores. But you have to be very careful as not all “natural henna” is 100% chemical free.\n“Black henna” is nothing but a concentrated PPD hair dye mixture, applied directly to the skin. Hair dyes in the United States contain up to 6% PPD. These “black henna” mixtures can contain 25% PPD concentration or higher, enough to sensitize a person within one application.\nThe use of PPD on the skin is illegal in the United States, but “black henna” stalls are very common in tourist areas, and the law is not actively enforced.” You can check out the full article by ancientsunrise.blog (https://www.ancientsunrise.blog/back-to-nature-is-henna-the-future-of-commercial-hair-dye/)\nAnother common question is whether taking vitamins or health supplements can help white and grey hair turn black naturally or be reversed. White hair is white because the particular follicle stopped producing melanin. Without the melanin, the hair has no pigmentation. Research has found that once a particular follicle stops producing melanin, it stops forever. No one really knows why, but it is what it is.\nOnly in a very rare situation where you have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for melanocytes. The cells that produce melanin which gives colour to your hair. Vitamin B12 is found in eggs, meat, dairy, and poultry. Vegetarians are at higher risks of B12 deficiency, nevertheless, you can always fill your B12 quota (2.4mg per day) by taking supplements.\nVitamin B12 deficiency is extremely rare in developed nations and it is only more common in very poor parts of the world where there is a huge shortage of food. Since you are reading this article from the comfort of your house or through your smartphone, you are probably not having premature white hair because of vitamin B12 deficiency.\nThis is a very common question. You probably have seen shampoos claiming to be able to turn your white hairs black. Some shampoos even advertise themselves as being 100% natural and show incredible before-and-after photos on their packaging.\nThe strange thing is that these shampoos are never sold at well-known departmental stores of your local supermarket chains. Instead, these shampoos are often sold at lesser-known stores, or by street vendors when you go to neighboring countries like Thailand or Malaysia. And strangely, many don’t sell in bottles, but in sachets\nExample of such a shampoo that claims to turn your white hair black.\nFirstly, the English on this sachet is really questionable “provide you dark and shiny hair”? It should be “shiny”, not shinny (actually means scrabble up / down). From the packaging alone, you can guess that this is a sham product. If there really is such a shampoo that can turn all your white hair dark and black from shampooing, you would have probably heard of such a company. It would like to be a problem from a renown listed company, or a big company like L’Oréal would have purchased the exclusive rights for such a formulation. And they probably get the spelling and grammar correct. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.\nOur advice for you is to:\nThis myth had probably come from weird videos you find on Youtube, like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcgxp4DiyTw.\nYou know its suspicious because they are using cheap royalty free music and a robot voice instead of a proper voice artist. These videos recommend applying coconut oil and other weird things like walnut paste etc, to your hair and scalp claiming that it will turn your hair black again by stimulating melanin and keratin production.\nWe have never seen olive oil, coconut oil, or any kinds of oil turning white hair black again. Do not bother with such a home remedy as it probably just gets your scalp smelling of weird oils.\nWe think these videos are made by wholesalers of these oils to help sell their products via Amazon or iherb.\nAnother common question is “does applying coconut and olive oil prevent white or grey hair?” and as we mention, there is no scientific proof or evidence showing that coconut oil or olive oil has any effect on white hair. In fact, a scientist has only recently (2017) discovered the cells that cause grey hairs (http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/early/2017/05/02/gad.298703.117.full.pdf). No scientifically proven cure has been found yet.\nWe believe that the best solution for your white hairs, especially for ladies, is to cover those white naturals naturally. However, if you are very particular about the colour of your hair, then you may have to opt for chemical treatment instead, but be warned, the health of your scalp will likely be adversely affected, especially if you do it too often.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s a fact,\nMost children diagnosed with Autism are deficient in most of the key vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed to support physical, mental and emotional development.\nAnd the majority have an unhealthy balance of gut bacteria in their digestive tract.\nFYI: A healthy balance of gut bacteria is needed to digest food and absorb the nutrients from it.\nAs a result, It’s difficult and uncomfortable for the kids to digest nutrient dense foods. AKA “healthy foods” containing the nutrients they’re deficient in.\nEven when you get them to put down the mac n’ cheese and eat some broccoli - they’re unable to absorb most of the nutrients from it due to their gut bacteria imbalance.\nTo make matters even more challenging...\nTheir body naturally wants to avoid the food it struggles to break down and digest (the healthy food containing the nutrients they need).\nSo, it tricks the brain into craving food that is easy to digest.\nAKA unhealthy processed foods like chicken nuggets, mac n’ cheese, chips, cookies, french fries (sound familiar?)\nThese same “unhealthy foods” are also the ones shown to contain the toxins proven to impede development in the following areas:\n- ✅ Hormones & mood (emotional stability)\n- ✅ Focus and attention\n- ✅ Memory\n- ✅ Muscular coordination and speech\n- ✅ Immunity (sickness)\n- ✅ Digestion (bloating and constipation)\nAny of those symptoms ring a bell?\nLike I said, It’s a vicious cycle.", "label": "No"} {"text": "An ultra-volumizing, long-wearing mascara. Features a rich, creamy formula a squeezable tube. Boasts a Diorshow Pump 'N' Volume elastomer brush. The rigid wand ensures stable precise application. Provides flexible spikes that are ever-so-gentle on lashes. Contains a high concentration of waxes elastic powders to deliver a unique, soft sensation. Instantly adds extreme, expanded volume to lashes. Creates lush, thick spectacular lashes.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Mix one cup white vinegar to three cups water (1:3). Coat the urine-stained item with this solution and allow to sit for a few minutes.\n- Cover the stained area with baking soda, if you wish.\n- Wash the urine stained items in a washing machine set on cold or lukewarm water.\n- Air-dry the urine-stained items.\n- 1 What is the fastest way to get cat urine smell out of clothes?\n- 2 What kills the smell of cat urine?\n- 3 Does laundry detergent get rid of cat pee?\n- 4 How do you get the smell of urine out of clothes that have been dried?\n- 5 Does cat pee smell ever go away?\n- 6 How do I get rid of urine smell in my house?\n- 7 Why are my cats peeing on my clothes?\n- 8 Does baking soda remove cat urine smell?\n- 9 Does vinegar remove cat urine smell?\n- 10 Will OxiClean remove urine smell from clothes?\n- 11 What laundry detergent is best for urine odor?\n- 12 How do I get my cat to stop peeing in my laundry basket?\n- 13 Can you add baking soda to laundry?\n- 14 How do you get urine out of fabric?\nWhat is the fastest way to get cat urine smell out of clothes?\nIn addition to your detergent, add a quarter cup of a white vinegar to your washer’s bleach dispenser. Use the natural power of baking soda to help neutralize cat urine odor in soiled bedding and clothes. Add a half-cup directly to the drum with your clothes, or use a detergent that has baking soda in it.\nWhat kills the smell of cat urine?\nBaking Soda and Vinegar Vinegar, while a bit smelly itself, works to remove the lasting odor of sprayed cat urine because vinegar is an acid that neutralizes the alkaline salts that form in dried urine stains. A solution of one part water and one part vinegar can be used to clean walls and floors.\nDoes laundry detergent get rid of cat pee?\nRegular products can only go so far. Regular laundry detergent as well as other typical cleaning supplies, such as baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide, can make the smell go away, but this temporary. Some people recommend adding baking soda or vinegar to the wash.\nHow do you get the smell of urine out of clothes that have been dried?\nWash with Vinegar\n- Pour one cup of white vinegar into a container along with three cups of water.\n- Next, apply some baking soda to the stained area.\n- Place the clothes in the washing machine, set them to lukewarm or cold water, and run the cycle.\n- Hang the clothes outside to air-dry.\nDoes cat pee smell ever go away?\nCat urine contains uric acid, which can last in carpets, fabrics and wood for years! Although baking soda, vinegar, soap, and hydrogen peroxide may neutralize the odors temporarily, a humid day can cause the uric acid to recrystallize, and the infamous “cat odor” will return.\nHow do I get rid of urine smell in my house?\nMix Baking Soda, Peroxide and Dish Detergent Make a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent. The combination of the three is often powerful enough to drive away even the strongest of urine smells.\nWhy are my cats peeing on my clothes?\nOne of the most irritating things that can happen to a cat owner is to realise that your cat has taken a pee on your clothes. There are three main reasons why this may happen: medical problems, behavioural issues or simply (and the most common reason) their litter tray is dirty so they’ve chosen somewhere else to go.\nDoes baking soda remove cat urine smell?\nBaking soda has great properties that deodorize the smell of urine. Sodium bicarbonate is the substance baking soda is made of, and it’s amazing at soaking up odors. You can sprinkle it on the carpet or furniture after you’ve cleaned your cat’s urine, make sure the area is dry before doing so.\nDoes vinegar remove cat urine smell?\nNeutralize it! Then you’re going to want to douse the spot with an enzymatic cleaner or simply make your own cleaning solution by combining (white or apple cider) vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Because the vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the cat pee, offsetting its odor.\nWill OxiClean remove urine smell from clothes?\nHere’s the really cool thing: OxiClean™ Odor Blasters Versatile Stain Remover can be used to help with pet stains and odor on laundry (clothes, sheets, towels and more), carpet, car seats, upholstery, pillows and any washable fabrics.\nWhat laundry detergent is best for urine odor?\nRecommended Articles: For tough stain and odor removal, add a pac of Tide PODS® Ultra OXI 4in1 Laundry Detergent to your washing machine before adding your urine-stained items. For those with sensitive skin who want a hypoallergenic edge, use Tide PODS® Free and Gentle.\nHow do I get my cat to stop peeing in my laundry basket?\nSince that is difficult to do, switch the laundry basket to a closed hamper or consider using feline motion sensor spray deterrents or spray repellants near the laundry basket to discourage her from approaching the laundry altogether.\nCan you add baking soda to laundry?\nAdd 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash when you add your regular liquid detergent. Baking soda will give you sharper whites, brighter brights, and odor-free clothing.\nHow do you get urine out of fabric?\nMix 1 tablespoon of dish-washing liquid with 2 cups of cold water in a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (to disinfect the area and break down the acid) to the solution and gently stir. Dip a clean microfiber cloth into the solution.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Customizable Faux Leather Earrings\n2.5 Handmade metallic bronze and brown faux snake skin earrings with bronze arrow pendant. Gold and silver earring posts are made with S925 sterling silver and gold plated sterling silver. Antique bronze earring posts are made of high quality hypoallergenic zinc and iron alloy (lead and nickel free). Please note: these are made-to-order. Please allow 1 week for production time. Thank you!", "label": "No"} {"text": "1. Exclusive use of high quality materials is anticipated in the manufacturing processes of oem handbags. These materials are pinpointed through direct experience and selected from among the best and most innovative on the market.\n2. Selection oem handbags materials who are custom bags and guarantee them supplying are of vital important to Guangzhou Sanlly Leather Co., Ltd. The product is static-free and can be freely used in dry weather\n3. This product has excellent impact resistance. Its high compressibility and rebound resilience allow it to work under high-pressure mechanical movement. The product is characterized by excellent resistance to scratch\n4. The product goes green and is friendly to the environment. By consuming less energy, it helps reduce carbon emission to the air.\n1. Sanlly has deeply grasped the precious chance to grow in the industry.\n2. Guangzhou Sanlly Leather Co., Ltd has excellent high-quality research and development team and market management talents.\n3. With the goal of becoming an excellent oem handbags company, Sanlly strives to achieve the biggest value. Call!", "label": "No"} {"text": "DETAILS Vanilla Body Nectar is a luscious and luxurious blend of five cold pressed plant oils of sunflower, safflower, avocado, grapeseed & rosehip infused with calendula flowers, essential oil blend. Fast absorbent and non-greasy formula is enriched with Vitamin E and C, active botanicals designed to melt in to your skin & hair leaving it amazingly soft and supple. Vegan Friendly & Cruelty Free.\nSCENT Sweet, warm & creamy aroma of vanilla. Lucious, decadent & very soothing.\nTO USE After shower, massage oil on the entire body or drizzle a small amount into a running bath water. Can be used as a massage oil, makeup primer, on hair and in the bath.\nDISCLAIMER *None of the above statements on Scentual Aroma's page, shop or products have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website and the products mentioned on the website are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or to affect any structure or function of the body. If you develop a skin issue or concern or if you have a sensitivity or potential reaction to any skincare product, including ours, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider. The information on this website is not medical advice and is not a substitute for consulting with a healthcare provider. Essential oils should not be taken internally or applied to the skin without first diluting them. Avoid using essential oils if you are pregnant or nursing. For external use only.\nWinter Sun & Summer Moon\nClothing, gifts, jewelry, shoes, handcrafts & personal care from around the world and local.", "label": "No"} {"text": "as of 05/13/2021 (Details)\nSOOTHE, REPAIR, REPLENISH At last, the solution to Eczema you've been searching for. A perfect combination of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids to give your skin everything it needs to fully heal. Potent Food Grade Healing Agents -Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Hempseed Oil - Cocoa Butter & Shea Butter - Cehami Botanical from Austrailia - Medical Grade Healing Manuka Honey What makes our product so different? Simply, the quality. Our Cream has no fillers or other useless ingredients such as water. Our product focuses on healing your skin by feeding nurtrients at a cellular level. Works quickly and long term as well. Properties of Our Cream -pH Balanced at 5.5 just like your baby's skin - Penetrates 7 layer deep nourishing the cells - Stay in the skin for 6-8 hours - Cehami Botanical minimizes inflammtion by 4,000 times compared to Aspirin - Reduces Redness and Itching 60 Day Worry Free, Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked. Your search for RELIEF is over. Click ADD TO CART today.\n- ECZEMA RELIEF - This powerful formula provides both immediate and long term relief for the face and body. Instantly relieves the constant itching and burning. Stays working in the skin for 6-8 hours each application.\n- NUTRIENT RICH - This cream contains every vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and amino acid that your skin needs to heal. We use Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Hempseed Oil, Vitamin A and E and Raw Manuka Honey from New Zealand.\n- WORRY FREE INGREDIENTS - This product contains no fillers or harmful ingredients. There is no water, alcohol, mineral oil or other petroleum products. Free of: Parabens, Dyes, Fragrances, Formaldehyde or other common allergens.\n- MINIMIZE INFLAMMATION - We use Cehami (Austrailian Botanical) which demonstrates outstanding results with it's ability to minimize inflammation by 4,000 times compared to Aspirin and promotes cellular regeneration!\n- 60Day RISK FREE GUARANTEE - We are so confident in our product, if you are not completely satisfied with our Baby Eczema Cream, simply contact us for a full refund.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Chocolate lovers, it is time once again to celebrate as January 10th annually recognizes National Bittersweet Chocolate Day … not to be confused with National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day which is celebrated on November 7th.\nChocolate is a range of foods derived from cocoa, mixed with fat and finely powdered sugar to produce a solid confectionery. There are several types of chocolate, classified according to the proportion of cocoa used in a particular formulation.\nSweet and semisweet contain 15% to 35% chocolate liquor and have more sugar than bittersweet chocolate. Bittersweet chocolate has 35% or higher chocolate liquor. Unsweetened chocolate, as its name indicates, contains absolutely no added sugar, while bittersweet chocolate has anywhere from about 10% to 50% sugar. Semisweet chocolate tends to be higher in sugar than bittersweet or dark chocolate, but there can be overlap.\nChocolate comes from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. Cacao, which has been cultivated for at least three millennia, is grown in Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America. The earliest known documentation of the use of cacao seeds is around 1100 BC. The cacao tree seed has an intensely bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the flavor.\nOnce the seeds have been fermented, the beans are then dried, cleaned, and roasted. After roasting, the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. The cacao nibs are then ground into a cocoa mass which is pure chocolate in rough form. Usually, the cocoa mass is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients. This is called chocolate liquor. The chocolate liquor may then be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter.\nBittersweet chocolate is chocolate liquor to which sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla have been added. It does have less sugar and more liquor than semisweet chocolate. However, the two of them may be interchangeable when baking. Studies have revealed that there are certain health benefits from eating bittersweet chocolate in moderation, such as lowering blood pressure and helping to protect the heart.\nThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates the naming and ingredients of cocoa products:\n|Product||Chocolate liquor||Milk solids||Sugar||Cocoa fat||Milk fat|\n|Buttermilk chocolate||≥ 10%||≥ 12%||< 3.39%|\n|Milk chocolate||≥ 10%||≥ 12%||≥ 3.39%|\n|Mixed dairy product chocolates||≥ 10%||≥ 12%|\n|Skim milk chocolate||≥ 10%||≥ 12%||< 3.39%|\n|Sweet chocolate||≥ 15%||< 12%|\n|Semisweet or bittersweet chocolate||≥ 35%||< 12%|\n|White chocolate||≥ 14%||≤ 55%||≥ 20%||≥ 3.5%|", "label": "No"} {"text": "Cheap diazepam in houstonlike it View all 1130 reviews $0.31 - $3.89 per pill\norder valium kansas\nThe more curara cheap diazepam in houston is applied,the sooner does it fatigue, until at last no response at all can be elicited fromit. 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Manyof cheap diazepam in houston the symptoms are obviously not due to these gross lesions, for thesuddenness of their onset and of the recovery precludes any suchexplanation, and shows that lead has also a direct action on the braincells.it must be noted that in addition to these generally recognizedsymptoms of encephalopathia saturnina, several obscure chronicnervous diseases have been ascribed by putnam and others to leadintoxication, and it is certainly possible that its action may prove tobe even more widereaching and insidious than is generally recognizedat present.another organ acted on by lead, especially in prolonged poisoning,is the kidney, which is often found to present a typical red granularnephritis. Cns effectsetomidate is a potent cerebral vasoconstrictor, as reflected bydecreases in cerebral blood flow and icp. — aconite is employed to some extent to slow thepulse and reduce the temperature in fever. 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Its toxicity on the frog's heart is thirtysixtimes greater than that of ether.the central nervous system is affected in the same order bychloroform as by ether, buy drug diazepam online with paypal but more intensely by the former, so buy diazepam thatanaesthesia is obtained more rapidly and with less chloroform.the stage of excitement is apt to be less marked and often to beabsent.the circulation is much more seriously affected by chloroformthan by ether. order valium from mexico in this way it has been found that duringfever the coordination is quite as perfect as in health, but that theprotective reactions are induced at a higher temperature. — the sulphate of zinc has a harsh, metallic taste, and insmall doses causes nausea and vomiting, in larger quantities violentvomiting and purging, pain in the abdomen and collapse; these symptoms are due to the local action on the stomach and intestine. The tinctures may bestbe sent out undiluted with directions to take the requisite dose in awineglass of water. Metabolism occurs primarily in the liver cheap diazepam in houston and involvesaf-demethylation by the cytochrome p450 system. 23). The usual dose of is 10 milligrams (mg) taken no more than one cheap diazepam in houston time each day, one hour before sexual activity. The cheap diazepam in houston effects of the three original alkaloids, hydrastine,narcotine, and laudanosine in the body also present many similarities. It acts indirectly through its nauseating prop-erties, order diazepam 10mg in china and has the advantage that its action is much more prolongedthan that of apomorphine, and at the same time is not so unpleasantas that of several metallic substances, such as tartar emetic, which areused for the same purpose. Would be about now you could absolutely put those pictures on your cheapest generic valium 5mg online with mastercard desktop or laptop in behalf of unusually further enhancements. Initially, preference cheap diazepam in houston maybe given to compounds belonging to the same therapeutic area and for whichthere is already some indication of safety. It is found, however, that no othermetal can replace iron in chlorosis; that iron injected hypodermically is curativein chlorosis, and that the sulphide administered so as to reach the intestineunchanged acts as well as other preparations (stockman). Two otherstudies showed that finasteride at 5 times the dosage of propecia (5 mg daily) produced significantmedian decreases of approximately 0.5 ml (-25%) compared to placebo in ejaculate volume, but this wasreversible diazepam 5mg prescription price after discontinuation of treatment.in the clinical studies with propecia, the cheap diazepam in houston incidences for breast tenderness and enlargement,hypersensitivity reactions, and testicular pain in finasteride-treated patients were not different from thosein patients treated with placebo.postmarketing experience for propecia (finasteride 1 mg)breast tenderness and enlargement; depression; hypersensitivity reactions including rash, pruritus,urticaria, and swelling of the cheap diazepam in houston lips and face; testicular cheap diazepam in houston pain; and male breast cancer. Special bathsare very frequently recommended for some diseases, but it mustbe remembered that the action is due to the salt; the greater theconcentration, the greater is the effect on the skin, and it is of noimportance which of the neutral salts is in the solution, or whethersmall traces of iron or other metals are present; alkaline baths actmore on the skin than others.in diseases of the stomach the drinking of large quantities of wateror of weak salt solutions may also be beneficial. More serious symptomsare those of collapse, which are occasionally produced in susceptiblepersons, especially by large doses. Cheap diazepam in houston the possiblecategorical responses to these questions were (0) no attempted intercourse, (1) never or almostnever, (2) a few times, (3) sometimes, (4) most times, and (5)almost always or always. Increases blood circulation by intorducing nitrogen into your system, this allows the spongy valium 5mg usa blood vessels in the cheap diazepam in houston penis to fill with blood and of course expanding things. Peyronie&x02019;s plaques and the testes examined for size and consistency. I was called from the audience to participate unexpectedly in valium 5mg with discover card the panel, i hoped my role as vice-chair of fdaa?s fsma cheap diazepam in houston imports implementation team would stand me in good stead. — acute cheap diazepam in houston mercurial poisoning occurs only from the use ofsoluble preparations, and in particular from the perchloride of mer-cury, or corrosive sublimate. (§ gr. Amyl nitrite has beenadvised in accidents during chloroform anaesthesia on the theory thatit would benefit the circulation; but, as a matter of fact, it would appearstrongly contra-indicated, in these cases, in which it is true that theheart is extremely depressed, but in cheap diazepam in houston which the arterial tension is prac-tically zero. Further, in cases of heart failure, inwhich digitalis is prescribed, the vasomotor centre is in a state cheap diazepam in houston of un-usual activity because the circulation is deficient and the supply to thebrain can be maintained only by constriction of the peripheral cheap diazepam in houston vessels.as digitalis improves the heart and increases the supply of blood tothe brain, the vasomotor centre relaxes its activity, and thus, whilemaintaining the brain supply, permits more blood to cheap diazepam in houston circulate in theother vessels. The terminal half-life of furosemide is approximately 2 hours.significantly more furosemide is excreted in urine following the iv injection than after the tabletor oral solution. About 2|3j g. Bentonite (aluminum silicate) and veegum (magnesium aluminum silicate).these compounds are good emulsifiers and tend to be adsorbedat the interface, increase the viscosity in the aqueous phase, andare often used in conjunction with a surfactant to prepare o/wemulsions.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Application of membrane technology in dairy industry tuesday, may 31, 2016 - 10:00am to friday, june 3, 2016 - 6:00pm application of membrane technology in dairy industry. Membrane technology has been applied in the dairy industry since the early 1960s and now comes the second behind the water treatment technology and serves as viable alternatives for more traditional dairy processes like distillation, evaporation or extraction. The application of membrane technology is not entirely new in the dairy industry, but the development of new, more economical membranes has opened up a variety of additional application opportunities. Membrane filtration solutions membrane filtration is an established and proven technology virtually all common dairy processes utilize membrane filtration directly or indirectly. Gea filtration designs and engineers customer-orientated membrane filtration solutions for the dairy industry gea filtration is part of the gea group which is an internationally operating technology group focusing on process technology and.\nIn the last 30 years, membrane processes have become major tools in the food industry 1,2 this industry represents the second sector of membrane applications, after water treatment, and on equal terms with pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications among the food sector, the dairy industry has undoubtedly developed the most advanced filtration procedures for concentration and. The dairy industry has utilized membrane filtration as a vital component of the manufacturing process since the early 1960’s due to the large quantities of water used in dairy processing, considerable volumes of effluent must be treated and neutralized before being discharged back into the environment. The membrane filtration technology offers several possibilities for achieving more sustainable processes in the dairy industry reduced consumption of detergents and a minimisation of product losswhich is becoming increasingly important including microfiltrationprocess technology for the 21st century a modern dairy facility is faced with.\nDairy technology the university of illinois at urbana-champaign has a history of research and development in dairy technology stretching back to the early 1900s research on the application of immobilized enzymes and membrane technology in milk and whey processing began in 1975. The dairy industry is embracing reverse osmosis technology to produce concentrated milk and whey products in a more cost efficient manner by creating a denser milk or whey product for transportation and then rehydrating it at the final location, transportation costs can be cut. Membrane technology in dairy industry 1 membrane “barrier which separates 2 phases & restricts transport of various molecules in a selective manner. Membrane technology selective transport synder filtration's polymeric membranes are used to separate, concentrate, or fractionate a wide variety of liquids. As the dairy industry enters the age of global competition, dairy processing plants are faced with increased regulation through the use of custom plant designs, membrane technology and high-quality control panels, mp&c is able to offer our commercial dairy clients a turnkey solution that is able to reduce plant costs by.\nThe use of membrane technology as a processing and separation method in food and potential applications of pressure-driven membrane separation processes in dairy processing industry keywords: membrane separations, filtration, dairy, milk ramasamy d review on membrane technology applications in food and dairy processing. 79 membrane area is installed in the dairy industry it has been estimated 2,000,000 m 2 80 membrane area were installed for the fractionation of milk and whey. Membrane technologies maximize dairy industry potential by allowing full usage of all milk components a good example is cheese making process, where whey used to be a wasted by-product application of membrane technologies allows to process whey into a variety of refined proteins for number of commercial and industrial applications. A membrane is a selective layer that allows certain components to pass while rejecting others membrane technology uses these selective layers for efficient separation without the need for phase transitions.\nUltrafiltration ( uf ) and reverse osmosis ( ro ) dairy membrane filtration plants. Abstract: membrane technology has revolutionized the dairy sector different types of membranes are used in the industry for different types of membranes are used in the industry for various purposes like extending the shelf life of milk without exposure to heat treatment, standardization of the major components of. Membrane technology has revolutionized the dairy sector different types of membranes are used in the industry for various purposes like extending the shelf life of milk without exposure to heat treatment, standardization of the major components of milk for tailoring new products as well increasing yield and quality of the dairy products, and concentrating, fractionation and purification of. Position description department of chemical & biomolecular engineering melbourne school of engineering research fellow - membrane technology for the dairy industry position no classification salary superannuation employment type.\nThe use of membrane technology as a processing and separation method in food industry is gaining wide application membrane separations can be used either as alternatives to conventional techniques or as novel processes in dairy processing industry keywords: membrane separations, filtration, microfiltration. Today dairy industry accounts for major share in the total membrane area installed in food processing, accounting for about 300,000 square meters of membrane area installed worldwide reverse.\nMembrane processing is a technique that permits concentration and separation without the use of heat particles are separated on the basis of their molecular size and shape with the use of pressure and specially designed semi-permeable membranes. Milk fractionation techniques basics of milk composition membrane technology is being utilized ultrafiltration has been used successfully by the dairy industry to concentrate dairy proteins in both whey and milk proteins from the much smaller compounds such as lactose, vitamins and minerals (less than 1,000 daltons). Recovery followed by re-use of process-water obtained from dairy effluents by means of reverse osmosis technology is one route that can provide the dairy industry with the possibility to reach sustainable water regimes.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dioptase is known from a few world localities in superb quality specimens, but recently there was a find of new material in the Pool Region of the Congo. These specimens show great color, with larger sized crystals and excellent gemminess. This particular specimen is comprised of very sharp, highly lustrous, gemmy, rich emerald-green color Dioptase crystals forming a very attractive \"spray\"-like specimen. The largest crystal measures 2.1 cm long, which is very good sized for this locality. This find seemed to be somewhat limited, and hopefully will produce more of this fine Dioptase.", "label": "No"} {"text": "While they weren’t part of our North Vancouver brewery crawl a couple months back, I was able to recently sample a few Hearthstone Brewing products at Legacy Liquor Store in the Olympic Village.\nWhile sampling, I really enjoyed the brewery’s Chocolate Milk Stout, which has a bold chocolate taste from the cocoa nibs from East Van Roasting Company, used in its recipe. The 5.5% ABV, 19 IBUs is “perfect to cuddle up next to a fire with,” according to the beer’s description.\nIt sounds like the stout is quite versatile and can be combined with two other Hearthstone products for unique beertails. First, it can be mixed with the previously reviewed Graham Cracker Ale to manufacture a s’more flavoured beverage and second it can be paired with the Wyld Raspberry Berliner Weisse for a chocolate-berry treat.\nAs for an update on Hearthstone’s tasting room, it should be open soon and will feature woodfire pizzas, straight from ovens imported from Italy. Mrs. Sip and I can’t wait for our maiden voyage there!\nFor more BC Beer Baron articles, please visit our main page…", "label": "No"} {"text": "Delicate and very cute white clay Christmas Garland for your Christmas tree or for your mantlepiece.\nIf you like essential oils – you can add a few drops onto the ornament and the clay will slowly release the lovely smell. For Christmas, I like to use cloves, fyr and orange – it really gives that lovely smell of Christmas in your home. (The oil will stain the clay a bit, but that just add patina to the ornament)\nMeasures approx. 1000mm with 3 angles and 3 mini stars.\nReady to hang on your Christmas tree.\nMade by one pair of hands from start to finish using white earthenware clay.", "label": "No"} {"text": "$88 BS2 Solid Sterling Silver Bangle - 2mm\nSolid Sterling Silver Bangles, the classics, things that are timeless...... Made to last forever.....\nWho doesn't adore solid sterling silver bangles?! ✨\nAvailable in 2mm and 4mm thickness.\nInner diameter 6.14cm\nThe 2mm, although finer than the 4mm, there's nothing like the feel of a solid sterling silver bangle 🙌💕\nIt's the real things, the quality things, the simple things....\nSimple and solid our range of solid sterling silver bangles, are available in 2mm or 4mm thickness.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Description of problem:\nThe redhat-config-souncard.desktop file doesn't contain Czech (cs) translation\nof Name and Comment tags, altough it is present in the .po file\nVersion-Release number of selected component (if applicable):\nThe \"create_desktop.py\" system seems to be present in other packages\nwith this problem too. Couldn't the .desktop regeneration be\nmade a part of the build process?\nI just added the Czech translation to the desktop file. An updated package\nshould appear in Rawhide soon.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Kuyichi Ivy Shirt\nKeep it warm but airy in the Ivy knit. It will make you comfortable all day long because of the linen fabric in combination with organic cotton. Ivy is available in two colours, dark navy and a Breton stripe.\nAll the cotton we use is 100% organic cotton. Organic crops are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. Organic cotton is 100% pesticide free. Pesticides pollute soil and water, killing wildlife and harming communities. Creating organic cotton yarn reduces CO2 emissions by 60% compared to conventional cotton.\nMade from the flax plant, it’s one of the strongest fibers known to man – and the oldest. Making linen yarn requires few pesticides, and reduces CO2 emissions by 30% and water use by 90% versus conventional cotton. It has a fresh, crisp and richly-textured feel.\nBetaling en bezorging\nRuilen en Retourneren\nAdvies en/of vragen\nMateriaal: 55% Organic Katoen, 45% Linnen\nDetails: Duurzaam merk\nGemaakt in: China", "label": "No"} {"text": "Baby it's cold outside, but not with these drinks in your hand!\n3 tsp curry powder\n6 oz apricot preserve\n2 TBS dark brown sugar\n4 oz room temperature unsalted butter\nIn a medium saucepan, 'bloom' curry powder for 3 minutes over medium low heat, shaking frequently to prevent scorching. Turn heat to lowest setting.\nAdd apricot preserves and brown sugar to curry powder. Stir well, incorporating all ingredients thoroughly. Allow to cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter to mixture, stirring constantly to incorporate thoroughly. Allow to cool. Combine 6 oz of not quite boiling water with 3 oz of 'base'. Serve in glass mugs . Optional: garnish with whip cream.\nThe Mocktail Project is one of our favorites for their work in this movement, and this Plum Spice recipe is totally delicious.", "label": "No"} {"text": "How Beneficial Is JiViSa’s Rose Blend To Your Skincare Routine?\nby JiViSa Wellness on Jan 11, 2023\nJiViSa's Rose Blend is a unique and nourishing blend of herbs and spices that is designed to support healthy skin. The combination of dandelion root, turmeric, orange peel, fennel seeds, liquorice, and rose petals work together to purify and detoxify the body, resulting in a glowing and radiant complexion. Not only does this blend help to prevent breakouts and heal scars, but it also works to reduce dark circles, sun damage, and excess sebum production. In addition, the blend may help to improve collagen production and make the skin firmer and more elastic. The rose petals in the blend are particularly beneficial for reducing stress, which can be a major contributor to skin problems.\nThe following is a brief description about the benefits provided by each of the ingredients used in this blend:\nDandelion Root is a powerful natural ingredient that has numerous benefits for the skin. It is rich in a variety of minerals including potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, E, and K, and the antioxidants beta carotene. These nutrients work together to provide a range of skin benefits, including reducing inflammation and irritation, increasing hydration, boosting collagen production, and protecting against cell damage and oxidative stress. They are also very helpful in reducing the signs of premature aging and protecting the skin against damage caused by sunlight and acne.\nTurmeric is a natural ingredient that has numerous benefits for the skin. One of its most notable benefits is its ability to block the enzyme Elastase, which attacks the skin's ability to produce elastin. Elastin is a substance that gives the skin structure and helps it to stay firm and elastic, so blocking Elastase can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to its anti-aging properties, turmeric can also help to prevent breakouts, fight eczema and psoriasis, reduce acne scarring, and heal wounds. It can also be effective at brightening dark circles and bringing out the natural glow of the skin.\nOrange peels contain a higher concentration of Vitamin C than the fruit itself, as well as key minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium that promote a youthful glow and smooth appearance. Orange peel has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to flavonoids that can penetrate membranes and reduce inflammation. It also has a high amount of calcium, which helps to renew and regenerate the skin. In addition to these benefits, using orange peel on the skin can help to reduce acne scars, dark spots, and pigmentation, regulate sebum production, protect the skin from sun damage, and improve collagen production for firmer skin.\nFennel seeds are a rich source of essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, and calcium. They also contain polyphenols such as rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and apigenin, which give them powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. When consumed daily, fennel seeds can improve the overall texture of the skin, treating acne and giving the skin a flawless, glowing appearance. These nutrients help to give the skin a youthful appearance and can help to improve its overall health.\nLicorice extract contains compounds that can help to reduce skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation. One of these compounds, licorice minimizes the production of tyrosinase, an enzyme that helps to produce pigment in the skin. By inhibiting tyrosinase production, licorice extract can help to prevent the formation of dark spots and reduce pigmentation. It also contains liquiritin, an active compound that helps to disperse and remove existing melanin in the skin. This means that not only can licorice extract help to prevent new spots from forming, but it can also fade existing ones.\nRose is a fragrant and flavorful herb that is rich in polyphenols, such as gallic acid, anthocyanins, kaempferol, and quercetin. These antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals and contribute to a glowing and radiant complexion. Rose tea can help to prevent cells from oxidative stress, providing anti-aging benefits and detoxifying the body and skin. Overall, this tea can be a useful addition to any skincare routine, helping to improve the health and appearance of the skin.\nOverall, JiViSa's Rose Blend is a fantastic choice for those looking to improve the health and appearance of their skin. Its unique blend of herbs and spices works together to bring out wellness from within, resulting in a radiant and healthy complexion. So, try JiViSa's Rose Blend and see the magic on your skin!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Packaging jobs in Bury\nBroaden your search\nRefine your search\nFound 1 job\nWe are ideally looking for a Multi-Skilled Operative (level 2) to enhance our operational team at DGM Growers based in Spalding, Lincolnshire.\nResponsibilities: Ensure products are manufactured & packed in our busy packing department to the required quality, specification and efficiency s...", "label": "No"} {"text": "Your shopping cart is empty.\nMothers has engineered the Mothers FX line to be the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art products available today. Designed to give your paint uncompromising protection while providing unequaled shine and ease of use. The engineered encapsulation process allows for effortless prep so the wax spreads quickly and easily. Removal is a breeze, leaving behind super-tough, engineered polymers that bond to your paint. Mothers FX SynWax advanced technology provides depth, richness and advanced protection against harmful UV damage and other environmental concerns.\n|Availability||Online + In Store|\n|Units Per Case (Bulk/Case Orders)||6|\nYou may also be interested in\nList Price: $16.99\nList Price: $2.99\nList Price: $7.99", "label": "No"} {"text": "1. Om3gafort 4X Omega (30 softgels) - Support heart, joint, and skin health. Support natural anti-inflammatory response. Omega-3's are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, unable to be produced by our bodies, which must be obtained through our diet. Unfortunately, most of us do not consume sufficient amounts of these Omega-3 rich foods.\n2. Natural Amino (360g) - You must fuel your body with the amino acids that signal muscle repair and muscle recovery as well as reduce DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). This is where Natural Amino™ comes in: it features the BCAA’s with extra Leucine for promoting the anabolic signaling responsible for repairing muscles damaged from exercise, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate for optimizing muscle recovery and Cherry Pure™ , a tart cherry extract for promoting recovery and supporting a reduction in DOMS.\n3. Balanced Hydration (140g) - Inspired by Kelly Starrett and based on his emphasis for preparing the body for exercise through proper hydration. Features SUSTAMINE: a unique dipeptide that combines the amino acids L-Alanine and L-Glutamine to help the body rehydrate, replenish, and recover. Includes the most bioavailable forms of electrolytes necessary for hydration. A delicious supplement to be taken whenever you normally drink water throughout the day.\nPremium Workout Pack\n1. Bullnox Androrush (633g) - is a pre-workout intensifying drink mix that is a highly purified and proprietary blend of physique and performance supporting ingredients .\n2. Nutriwhey Protein (2lbs) - An all natural whey protein that uses no harmful artificial flavor, sweeteners or colors. Nutriwhey is perfect for recovery, muscle repair and high in BCAA's (5.4g) and Glutamine (3.8).\nFlavours: Alpine Strawberry (1.82lbs) , Cafe Cream (1.82lbs) , Chocolate (2lbs) , Vanilla (2lbs) (Subjected to availability)\n3. Pure-Amino (Trial Pack) (63g) - is your BCAA endurance and muscle recovery drink. Loaded with BCAAs and electrolytes, Pure Amino contains the optimal 4:1:1 ratio giving your muscles the anabolic energy needed to perform and recoup.\n*Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only and are not to actual size.\n**Image is only for illustration purposes", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Moisturizes and tightens, radiates the skin, and improves the natural health level of the skin.\n- Makes the skin full of transparency and firmness.\n- Multifunctional moisturizing water, containing a variety of natural ingredients.\n- Gives vitality to the skin, can instantly quench the skin's thirst, and restore the skin's moisture and health.\n- Quickly adjust to a healthy state, leaving the skin super-satisfied with suppleness and moisture.\nHow to use\n- Carefully clean your face.\n- Apply to the whole face with a cotton pad, or with your hands.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Perfect Vitamin B12 Ultra-Concentrated 1oz Sublingual liquid\nOur Ultra-Concentrated Perfect Vitamin B12 Liquid Supplement is crafted from our proprietary formula, which means there is nothing else out there quite like it! Try it for yourself and feel the difference!\nEvery serving (one full dropper) contains 3,000 mcg of Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin.\nDirections: take one full dropper daily. Under tongue for best absorption or in your favorite juice.\n|1.1 × 1.1 × 4.1 in", "label": "No"} {"text": "All are discount perfumes like the ones found in the retail malls. For example, a 2 oz cologne spray bottle of Issey Miyake in retail stores may go for $80 a bottle. You can get the same fragrance in body oils with us, but at a discount perfume price.\nPearl Flea Market, Suite 11\nFor more information about the difference between fragrance oils and body oils, see the Fragrance Oil Information Page.\nWhy do many competitors or vendors sell oils very inexpensively, while our prices are higher than most?\nThere are different grades of oils. The cheaper the grade, the less expensive it is. “GRADE A” oils, which we sell, are the finest or best quality oils around. That means they are a bit more expensive than lower grades. Think of it like buying orange juice-concentrated orange juice is a lot less expensive than pure orange juice. So, the old adage holds…“You get what you pay for!”\nWe are the largest discount perfume oil supplier in our area. Thank you for your support.", "label": "No"} {"text": "🇫🇷 \"Sudco has been designing and developing specific safety components for its gas cylinder transport racks for over 30 years.\nWe offer a complete range of spare parts for the maintenance, repair and conversion of your equipment, enabling you to maintain the highest levels of quality and safety.\nA complete catalogue of brackets, striker plates, complete cables and composite bars is available.\nDon't hesitate to contact us to find out more about our range.\" ⬇️", "label": "No"} {"text": "Ameer Al Amber \"Room Spray\" - relaxation for mind and space\nDiscover the unique world of the six rich and smoky aromas of Ameer Al Amber \"Room Spray\" and transform your home into an oasis of relaxation.\nThis warm and luxurious room spray was developed to enrich your home with a distinctive fragrance experience. Specially designed for textiles, our lotion spray is ideal for curtains, sheets, armchairs and much more.\nWith Ameer Al Amber \"Room Spray\" you can create a sophisticated and personal atmosphere, whether:\n- in your home,\n- in the office,\n- or in your car.\nExperience a fresh, pure and unique atmosphere that will add a special touch to your space. Try Ameer Al Amber Room Spray today and immerse yourself in the world of fragrance.\nAmeer Al Amber 300ml", "label": "No"} {"text": "Can Body-Building Make You Go Bald?\nGym sessions usually end with taking a protein concentrate or a protein bar to help the muscles recover properly after a workout. Sales of high protein products are on the rise. Between 2010 and 2015, they increased by just under 500 percent among bodybuilders. However, hair care experts at the Starks Clinic are warning us that loading up on high protein whey, commonly known as whey, could sometimes have unexpected side effects.\nHow Does Whey Protein Affect Hair?\nResistance training, like lifting weights, increases the muscles’ need for amino acids, which means that consuming protein right after your workout can stimulate muscle growth.\nWhile solid foods take longer to break down in the body, protein powder may be a more effective solution. One of the most popular types of protein supplements is whey protein. It is a byproduct of dairy foods and is known to be a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids.\nHowever, Dr. Bessam Farjo, an American hair transplant surgeon, warns that whey protein could cause baldness. Experts from the Starks Clinic agree with him on this point and consider that whey protein would accelerate the process of hair loss. Indeed, it would have been proven that it is responsible for the increase of testosterone in the body, especially when it is combined with a muscle-building exercise.\nScientists believe that high levels of testosterone in men can cause hair loss because the hormone works directly on many tissues in the body, including hair follicles. The study found that testosterone levels were significantly higher during and after resistance training.\nToo high whey levels in bodybuilders\nMost concerning is that many people consume much higher levels of whey protein with their workouts compared to the concentrations tested in the study. The typical BCAA content of protein is 15-20g per 100g of protein. This means that the daily intake of BCAA for a 70 kg person consuming protein would, therefore, be 8.4 to 11.2 g. However, many bodybuilders consume over 60g of BCAAs and over 250g of whey protein per day, which can potentially accelerate hair loss.\nWhat Lean Proteins Are Good For Hair Growth?\nIn contrast, foods like turkey and quinoa are good for the hair, say experts at the Starks Clinic. Other nutrients are also essential for healthy hair like zinc, calcium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, and copper.\nWhile it is interesting to note that these are good for the hair in general, however, they will not prevent genetic type hair loss.\nThanks for viewing this post. Starks currently provides age management solutions in clinics located in France, Greece and Italy. Please click below to read this article in one of these languages.\n- French: Musculation : y a-t-il un lien entre la consommation de whey et la perte de cheveux ?\n- Italian: Bodybuilding: esiste una correlazione tra consumo di siero di latte e caduta dei capelli?", "label": "No"} {"text": "Deriving from the toxic and filthy building site, the “Pink Pearl” Lamp appears as a bust of our civilisations’ building and rebuilding. It is made out of jesmonite, spray foam insulation, spray paint, and UV-repellent lacquer. Letting the materials take a stance in the center of the room, instead of hiding in walls and constructions as merely functional structures, makes us rethink what we find beautiful or ugly.\nThis lamp only works for EU standards. Adapter is preferably applied.", "label": "No"} {"text": "|Publication number||US4883936 A|\n|Application number||US 07/239,264|\n|Publication date||Nov 28, 1989|\n|Filing date||Sep 1, 1988|\n|Priority date||Sep 1, 1988|\n|Also published as||CA1333493C, DE68921525D1, DE68921525T2, EP0356825A2, EP0356825A3, EP0356825B1|\n|Publication number||07239264, 239264, US 4883936 A, US 4883936A, US-A-4883936, US4883936 A, US4883936A|\n|Inventors||Patrick L. Maynard, Michael A. Schmelzer, Thomas D. Pawlowski|\n|Original Assignee||James River Corporation|\n|Export Citation||BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan|\n|Patent Citations (6), Referenced by (137), Classifications (16), Legal Events (12)|\n|External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet|\nThe present invention relates generally to the production of microwave interactive elements for food packaging and specifically to the production of a microwave interactive element wherein deactivated patterns are formed to control microwave heating at various levels within the same package.\nThe increasing popularity of microwave ovens for cooking all or a part of a meal has led to the development of a large variety of food products capable of being cooked in a microwave oven directly in the food packaging in which they are stored. The convenience of being able to cook food without removing it from the package appeals to a great many consumers. Unfortunately, however, currently available packaging for microwavable food products suffers from some significant disadvantages. A major disadvantage is the inability of this packaging to control the amount of microwave energy received by different areas of the food contained within the packaging. Microwave interactive material may be used in the packaging to promote surface browning and crisping of the food. However, because substantially the same amount of microwave energy reaches the entire food item through the packaging, the thinner areas may be dried out and overcooked while the thicker areas may be barely cooked at all. Frozen food products, such as sandwiches, pastries and the like, which have a thick center section and thinner edges are particularly likely to cook unevenly in available freezer-to-microwave oven packaging.\nThis type of microwavable food package is described by Turpin et al in U.S. Pat. No. 4,190,757, which includes a microwave interactive layer supported on or adjacent to one of the inside container walls for browning the food in the container. The microwave interactive layer described in this patent, however, suffers from the disadvantages discussed above. Moreover, the heat transferred to the food cooked in packaging containing such a layer may vary over the surface area of the food due to surface or dimensional irregularities and variations in size of the food.\nA package assembly for storing and then heating food in a microwave oven is disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,555,605; 4,612,431 and 4,742,203 to Brown et al and assigned to the same assignee as the present invention. The packaging assembly described in these patents includes a microwave interactive layer on the bottom of a food tray which is used to form a stand enclosing an air space. The air space is described to promote the even distribution of heat to the underside of the food product. This arrangement functions effectively to brown or crisp food items that have a substantially uniform thickness, such as pizza. However, the application of evenly distributed heat energy to a food that varies in thickness is not likely to brown or crisp all areas of the food to the degree required.\nU.S. Pat. No. 4,230,924 to Brastad et al discloses a food packaging material for microwave cooking that converts some of the microwave energy to heat energy to brown the outside of the food and allows the remainder to dielectrically heat the interior of the food. This packaging material is in the form of a transparent flexible dielectric substrate that has been metallized through a mask so that the coating is subdivided into metallic islands separated by dielectric gaps. This flexible material is intended to be wrapped around and conform to the shape of the food product and is disclosed to affect the degree to which the outer surface of the food product browns during microwave cooking. However, the microwave interactive food wrap described in this patent does not provide the desired control over the degree of browning and crispness of microwave cooked food products, and its use, moreover, is limited to those foods like fish sticks that can be wrapped during microwave cooking.\nU.S. Pat. No. 4,258,086 to Beall discloses the production of a flexible metallized film useful for wrapping food to be browned in a microwave oven. A patterned metal foil master is employed in conjunction with microwave energy to remove portions of the metallic film coating and create an arrangement of metallic islands separated by dielectric gaps substantially identical to that disclosed in the Brastad et al U.S. Pat. No. 4,230,924. Consequently, the Beall microwave wrap suffers from similar disadvantages. Moreover, neither of these patents suggests that the amount of microwave interactive material left on the metallized food wrap affects or has any relationship whatever to the degree of browning or crisping produced in the food cooked in such wrap.\nThe prior art, therefore, has failed to provide a food packaging material useful for the microwave heating of a wide variety of foods and food products which employs a microwave interactive material that has been selectively deactivated according to a predetermined pattern to focus the heat generated by the microwave interactive material, thus producing varied temperatures on different surfaces of the food as required to brown or crisp the food properly.\nIt is, therefore, a primary object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material useful for microwave heating that overcomes the aforementioned disadvantages of the prior art.\nIt is another object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material useful for the microwave heating of foods that achieves the optimum browning or crisping of a wide variety of foods that differ from each other in shape, texture and consistency.\nIt is yet another object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material useful for the microwave heating of food products including a microwave interactive element deactivated according to a predetermined pattern that directs and focuses the heat energy on selected surfaces of the food product during cooking to produce a properly browned or crisped product.\nIt is still another object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material useful for the microwave heating of food products that produces different temperatures on different surface areas of the food product.\nIt is still a further object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material useful for the microwave heating of food products including a microwave interactive element treated to produce surface temperature gradients when the microwave interactive element is subjected to microwave energy.\nIt is yet a further object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material suitable for the storage and subsequent microwave heating of different foods within the same package.\nIt is an additional object of the present invention to provide a food packaging material suitable for the storage and subsequent microwave heating of food products that applies individually selected temperatures or heating levels to food products contained therein.\nThe aforesaid objects are achieved by providing a food packaging material suitable for the storage and subsequent microwave heating of a wide variety of food products. The food packaging material described herein includes a microwave interactive element which allows different levels and amounts of microwave energy to differentially pass through and interact with different areas of the element to produce correspondingly varied temperatures on different surface areas of the food product to achieve the desired degree of browning and crispness. A microwave interactive element which will achieve these results is formed from a microwave interactive material that is selectively deactivated in accordance with a predetermined pattern that will produce a corresponding focused pattern of heat energy onto the food product in contact with the patterned microwave interactive element. The heating activity of the microwave interactive layer is selectively reduced by inactivating a selected area of the interactive material in the microwave interactive material in patterns that may be shaped to correspond to a specific food product, to avoid overlaps or other undesirable heating areas in the package or to produce a gradual temperature gradient across one or more areas of the microwave interactive layer.\nFurther objects and advantages will be apparent from the following description, claims and drawings.\nFIG. 1 is a diagrammatic representation of a food product is subjected to microwave energy in a container includes a prior art microwave interactive element;\nFIG. 2 is a diagrammatic representation of a laminate including microwave interactive element formed according to the present invention;\nFIG. 3 represents a tray blank including one embodiment of a microwave interactive layer deactivated according to the invention;\nFIG. 4 is a diagrammatic representation of a food product in a tray formed from the blank shown in FIG. 3;\nFIG. 5 represents a second embodiment of a microwave interactive layer deactivated according to the present invention;\nFIG. 6 represents a variation of the FIG. 3 embodiment of microwave interactive layer deactivated according to the present invention, and\nFIG. 7 represents a third embodiment of a microwave interactive layer deactivated according to the present invention.\nMost commercially available packaging for food products intended to be cooked by microwave energy has the overall configuration of a three dimensional rectangular solid, the food product being encased within the walls. This configuration is easily formed from flat two dimensional blanks made of paperboard and the like, which can then be folded to produce a three dimensional container of the desired size. These containers typically include a microwave interactive material that is laminated to the material forming the carton blank. If the microwave interactive material is laminated to the container blank prior to folding, heat-generating areas of the interactive material can overlap each other when the package is assembled. This results in the excessive generation of heat at the areas of overlap and may lead to scorching of the food or the container.\nAlternatively, the microwave interactive material may be laminated to a substrate and cut into an appropriate shape and size prior to insertion into an assembled container. While the microwave interactive laminate may be cut into a shape that approximates that of the food product, the easiest and most economical shape to produce is a rectangle. However, when the food to be packaged in the container with a rectangular microwave interactive laminate is not rectangular but circular, triangular or irregular in shape, heat generating areas of the laminate will not be covered by the food product. The result is that the exposed areas of the microwave interactive laminate can produce excessive heat, which may scorch the food or the container. Moreover, the efficiency of the microwave interactive material is diminished when heat generating areas of the material are not covered by a food product to be heated.\nFIG. 1 illustrates these problems. The container 10 shown in FIG. 1 includes a microwave interactive element 12 formed by laminating a microwave interactive material (not shown) to a substrate (not shown). The microwave interactive element 12 is made to conform substantially to the shape and size of the bottom wall 14 of the container 10. Enclosed within the container 10 is a sandwich 16 which has a different shape and size than both the container 10 and the microwave interactive element 12. Consequently, when the container 10 i placed in a microwave oven (not shown) to cook the sandwich 16, only the heat generated in the area of arrows 18 will be used to brown or crisp the food. Heat will still be generated in the areas of arrows 20; however, there is no food to absorb the heat energy in these areas. The likely result is that the edges 22 of the sandwich 16 will be overcooked or even toughened, while the center 24 may not be browned or crisped adequately, particularly if the food product shown in FIG. 1 was stored in a frozen state before being cooked in a microwave oven.\nThe present invention overcomes these problems by providing a microwave interactive material wherein predetermined selected portions of the microwave interactive material are deactivated to render them non-microwave interactive, which results in the focusing of heat energy at the surfaces of the food product corresponding to the non-deactivated portions of the microwave interactive material. These microwave interactive patterns may be easily and conveniently shaped to the size and shape of a food product so that undesirable heating areas in the food packaging are avoided. Moreover, the heating activity may be selectively reduced in different portions of the microwave interactive patterns to heat various surface areas of a food product at different temperatures or to different degrees.\nThe production of microwave interactive material with deactivated areas may be accomplished in any manner known to those skilled in the art, but is preferably accomplished according to the process disclosed by U.S. patent application Ser. No. 024,063, filed on Mar. 10, 1987 and assigned to the assignee of the present invention, the disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference. FIG. 2 illustrates a microwave interactive laminate 25 having active and deactivated areas produced according to the process described in Ser. No. 024,063. The relative sizes of the layers shown are exaggerated for purposes of illustration.\nThe laminate 25 includes a substrate 26, which may also function as one of the walls of the container comprising the food packaging, that supports a microwave interactive layer 28 formed on a film 30. The microwave interactive layer 28 is preferably positioned between the substrate and the film as shown. The film 30 should be a heat tolerant and stable material capable of supporting microwave interactive material deposited thereon. The microwave interactive layer 28 is a thin layer of material which generates heat in response to microwave energy unless treated to reduce or eliminate this capability. Treatment of the microwave interactive material to reduce or eliminate its microwave interactive capability may be according to the chemical deactivation method described in the aforementioned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 024,063 or mechanically according to the abrasion process described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 148,483, also assigned to the same assignee as the present invention. The disclosure of Ser. No. 148,483 is herein incorporated by reference. Additionally, other methods of producing a selectively microwave interactive material wherein the heat generating capability is produced according to a preselected pattern are contemplated to fall within the scope of the present invention. For example, selected heat generating capability may be produced according to a desired pattern by printing the microwave interactive material in that specific pattern directly on the film 30 or n the substrate 26.\nSections 32 of layer 28 represent areas of the microwave interactive material that have been chemically deactivated in accordance with the process of Ser. No. 024,063. Section 34 of layer 28 has not been chemically deactivated. Therefore, section 34 remains microwave interactive and capable of generating heat. The substrate layer 26 could be a structure separate from the food packaging container as well as one of the container walls. It is preferred to form the substrate of a material having a relatively high insulating capacity and a heat stability sufficient to withstand cooking temperatures in a microwave oven, such as paperboard, plastics, ceramics and composite materials including, for example, fiber/polymer composites. The film supporting the microwave interactive layer is bonded to the substrate with a suitable adhesive to complete the laminate 25.\nThe film layer 30 functions both as a base on which the microwave interactive layer 28 is deposited and as a barrier to separate a food product resting on top of the laminate 25 from the microwave interactive layer 28. The film layer 30 must be sufficiently stable at high temperatures when laminated to the substrate 26 so that it is suitable for contact with food at the temperatures reached while the food is being cooked in a microwave oven. Film layer 30 may be formed from a wide variety of stable plastic films, including those made from polyesters, polyolefins, nylon, cellophane and polysulfones. Biaxially oriented polyester is the film material preferred for food containers because of its heat stability and surface smoothness.\nThe microwave interactive layer 28 may be applied to or deposited on the film 30 by any one of a number of methods known in the art, including vacuum vapor deposition, sputtering, printing and the like. Vacuum vapor deposition techniques, however, are preferred. The microwave interactive layer 28 may be any suitable lossy material that will generate heat in response to microwave radiation. Preferred microwave interactive materials useful in forming layer 28 include compositions containing metals or other materials such as aluminum, iron, nickel, copper, silver, stainless steel, nichrome, magnetite, zinc, tin, iron, tungsten and titanium. Some carbon-containing compositions are also suitable for this purpose. These compositions can be used alone or in combination, and the composition selected may be in the form of a powder, flakes or fine particles. Aluminum metal is the microwave interactive material that is most preferred for many of the applications of the present invention.\nThe reduction or elimination of the heatgenerating capability of the microwave interactive material 28 may be accomplished by a wide variety of methods, such as, for example, demetallization and deactivation. One type of suitable demetallization method is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,398,994 to Beckett. However, any demetallization method that results in the removal of the microwave interactive material to produce the desired patterns may be employed. Likewise, deactivation of the microwave interactive material may also be accomplished by any one of a number of deactivation methods capable of producing the desired patterns. Chemical agents suitable for this purpose and the specific techniques for achieving the chemical deactivation of otherwise microwave interactive materials are described in detail in the aforementioned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 024,063. However, any other method and/or material which will deactivate a selected portion of a microwave interactive material without completely removing the deactivated portion could also be used in the present invention. The mechanical deactivation method described in detail in the aforementioned Ser. No. 148,483 is also a suitable way to selectively reduce the capability of the microwave interactive material to generate heat. The goal desired to be achieved by whatever materials and/or method chosen is the production of a layer, like layer 28 in FIG. 2, including some areas (34) that will convert microwave radiation to heat energy and some areas (32) that are no longer capable of converting microwave radiation to heat energy. In this manner the heating capacity or activity of various portions of a microwave interactive material can be selectively reduced. Further, selected areas of reduced heating activity can be positioned as required in a food package so that different areas of a food product can be heated at different temperatures and to different degrees.\nThe representation of one embodiment of such a patterned microwave interactive layer is shown in the tray blank 38 of FIG. 3. The configuration of activated areas (40, 42) and deactivated (44, 46) areas in the blank 38 has been found to be effective for browning a food that is substantilly round in shape and is relatively thick in the center portion, such as, for example, the round pastry cup containing a filling shown in FIG. 4. The active areas on what will form the bottom 39 when the blank 38 is assembled to form a tray include a central circular area 40 and spaced rings 42 concentric to the circle 40. Side panels 41 and 43 also have active areas 45 selectively positioned to produce only a single layer of microwave interactive material when the tray is assembled. The selective positioning of the active areas 45 thus avoids the excessive heat that is generated when multiple layers of microwave interactive material overlap. The deactivated areas include concentric rings 44 interposed between the active concentric rings 42 and corner areas 46. Side panels 41 and 43 also include deactivated areas 47.\nAlthough the tray blank bottom section 39 will most often form the bottom of the tray, for some food products placing the patterned bottom 39 above the food would produce a more desirable degree of browning or crisping. When a tray formed from blank 38 is subjected to microwave radiation in a microwave oven, the greatest amount of surface heat will be generated in the central circular area 40. This area corresponds to the center of the food load, which is the thickest and requires the most surface heat. A lesser amount of surface heat is generated in the area of concentric rings 42 because these rings are separated by deactivated, non-heat generating rings 44. The edges of the food, which generally require less energy to brown than the center, will be adjacent to these deactivated areas. Corner sections 46 of the bottom 39 are also deactivated since there is no food adjacent to those sections to be browned and, therefore, no heat is required in sections 46.\nIn contrast, the prior art microwave interactive layer 12 in FIG. 1 is fully capable of converting microwave radiation to heat across its entire surface and generates heat in areas where there is no food and it is not required for browning or crisping. By employing a pattern of deactivated and active microwave interactive material, such as that shown in FIG. 3, the microwave energy can be focused, and heat generated only where it is required for browning or crisping the food product adjacent to the microwave interactive layer.\nFIG. 4 illustrates diagramatically a food container 80 formed from the tray blank 38 of FIG. 3, which includes a microwave interactive heater 82 with the pattern of microwave interactive and deactivated areas of FIG. 3 in the bottom 84 of the container. The container sidewalls 86 correspond to side panels 41 and 43 in FIG. 3 and form a single substantially continuous microwave interactive layer around the food located in the container. This container is particularly suitable for achieving the optimum browning of a food product, such as the filled pastry cup including a pastry shell 88 and a filling 90 shown in FIG. 4. The central part 40' of the heater 82 corresponds to the fully metallized circular area 40 in FIG. 3, and the spaced metallized sections 42' correspond to concentric metallized rings 42 in FIG. 3. The deactivated sections 44' and 46' in FIG. 4 correspond to deactivated areas 44 and 46 in FIG. 3. The bottom of the pastry directly contacts the heater 82 and thus can be properly browned. There is little or no contact, however, between the pastry and the sidewalls 86. As a result, the heating produced by the sidewalls is primarily by radiation and, therefore, is less efficient. Consequently, the use of a substantially continuous microwave interactive sidewall does not scorch the pastry.\nIn most instances, the food heated with the patterned microwave interactive material of the present invention will be in direct contact with this material. However, in some applications, such as, for example, the tray blank side panels 41 and 43 of FIG. 3 used to heat the filled pastry cup in FIG. 4, it may be desirable to provide either an unpatterned or a patterned microwave interactive layer that is not in direct contact with the food but, rather, is spaced some distance from it. Radiant heat will be transferred to a food product in close proximity to such a microwave interactive area in an amount that is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the microwave interactive material and the food product.\nThe types of patterns that may be employed for this purpose are essentially unlimited and may be varied as desired according to the browning or crisping requirements of a particular food product. FIGS. 5-7 illustrate several embodiments of patterns that have been found to focus microwave radiation to generate heat effectively in the heating of a variety of food products. Ideally, to insure optimum browning and crisping, each type of food product should be packaged in a container having a pattern of microwave active and deactivated areas specifically designed for that type of food product. The present invention achieves this objective and facilitates the production of microwave interactive material specifically designed to produce the desired degree of browning and crisping in a particular food product when that food product is heated in a microwave oven. The patterns of FIGS. 5-7 represent patterns of microwave active and deactivated areas that may be employed to optimally brown and crisp a wide variety of different types of food products in a microwave oven.\nThe patterns shown in FIG. 5-7, which were produced by the chemical deactivation method of Ser. No. 024,063, have been tested to determine the amount of heat actually generated in an area by these patterns. The test data demonstrate that the amount of heating in an area is not highly dependent on the specific pattern, but, instead, depends primarily on and is roughly proportional to the percentage of active area in the pattern. This is not the case, however, if the metal comprising the microwave interactive material is broken into discrete areas smaller than approximately 1/8 inch×1/8 inch. The formation of discrete interactive areas smaller than this size substantially interferes with the heating capability of the microwave interactive material.\nFIG. 5 illustrates a grid pattern in which the squares 50, only two of which are designated by the reference numeral, are areas of microwave interactive material. The parallel horizontal strips 52 and the parallel vertical strips 54 separating the squares form a grid and are areas where the microwave interactive material has been deactivated. Other grid-like patterns in which the \"islands\" are not squares but circles, ellipses, ovals or the like could also be used. This pattern and two patterns that are essentially the reverse of the FIG. 5 pattern, wherein the squares 50 were deactivated while the strips 52 and 54 remained microwave interactive, were tested to determine the relative percentages of power transmitted, power reflected and power absorbed by samples with these patterns. The percentage of active area remaining in the pattern after the chemical deactivation process described in Ser. No. 024,063 varied from 25% to 75% as indicated in Table I below. The relative peak temperatures were measured in the absence of a competing load in a 700 watt microwave oven using an infrared video system. The power transmission, reflection and absorbance of each sample was measured with a network analyzer and a slotted waveguide applicator.\nTABLE I______________________________________Pattern Peak(Screen count: % % % Temp.lines/inch) Transmitted Reflected Absorbed Deg. F.______________________________________Squares-4 line:20% active 92.3 0.3 7.4 172.545% active 77.2 0.6 22.2 307.569% active 50.6 0.7 48.8 345.0Grid-4 line:21% active 5.9 0.6 93.6 265.046% active 0.2 2.3 97.5 305.073% active 0.0 4.1 96.0 345.0Grid-20 line:3% active 98.4 0.1 1.5 165.028% active 17.7 0.6 81.7 265.059% active 0.0 3.1 96.9 325.0______________________________________\nFor each of the samples tested above, the results demonstrate that the greater the percentage of active area, the higher the peak temperature reached. Consequently, reduction of the peak surface cooking temperature produced by the pattern can be achieved by removing a greater amount of active area from the microwave interactive material during the deactivation process.\nFIG. 6 illustrates a concentric ring pattern different from the on shown in FIG. 3 in that the pattern of microwave interactive areas extends substantially uniformly through the pattern and does not include the large deactivated sections of the FIG. 3 pattern. The dark concentric rings 60 represent areas capable of converting microwave radiation to heat energy, and the light concentric rings 62 represent the chemically deactivated areas. The ring pattern of FIG. 6 was tested on samples as described above in connection with FIG. 5. The results of these tests are presented in Table II below:\nTABLE II______________________________________ PeakPattern % % % Temp.Rings Transmitted Reflected Absorbed Deg. F.______________________________________1/16\" active1/8\" inactive 17.8 1.3 80.9 305.01/16\" active1/16\" inactive 7.8 1.7 90.5 325.01/8\" active1/8\" inactive 4.9 1.6 93.6 325.01/8\" metal1/16\" space 3.4 1.6 94.9 345.0______________________________________\nFIG. 7 illustrates a parallel line pattern wherein the dark lines 70 represent microwave interactive areas and the light lines 72 represent areas of microwave interactive material that have been chemically deactivated according to Ser. No. 024,063. This pattern was tested as discussed in connection with FIG. 5 in two orientations: with the lines perpendicular to the microwave electric field and with the lines parallel to the microwave electric field. The results of the tests are set forth in Table III.\nTABLE III______________________________________ % Trans- % % PeakPattern mitted Reflected Absorbed Temp.Lines par per par per par per Deg. F.______________________________________1/16\" active1/8\" inactive 0.0 96.2 2.8 0.2 97.2 3.7 285.01/16\" active1/16\" inactive 0.0 93.8 4.0 0.3 96.0 6.0 325.01/8\" active1/8\" inactive 0.0 90.6 4.0 0.4 96.0 9.1 325.01/8\" active1/16\" inactive 0.0 83.1 5.1 0.6 94.9 16.4 345.0______________________________________ Note: \"par\" and \"per\" indicate lines parallel or perpendicular to electri field in the waveguide.\nAs in the other tests, the greater the area of active material, which in this case and in the case of the concentric ring pattern, represents the microwave interactive area, the higher the peak temperature reached by the sample. The orientation of the microwaves has been found to have an effect on the performance of some of the proposed patterns, for example, the FIG. 7 pattern. However, this is not a matter of concern to the user of a typical household microwave oven, since the microwaves produced by these ovens are random and unoriented.\nUsing the concepts of the present invention, different patterns can be employed to produce interesting touches on food products. The following examples illustrate two possible applications.\nA microwave heater was formed by laminating the patterned microwave interactive material of FIG. 7 to a rectangular substrate approximately 2 inches by 6 inches in size. The alternating strips of the active and deactivated pattern were approximately 1/8 inch wide. An open-ended sleeve sized to fit a hot dog was formed from the rectangle. A cold jumbo size, low-salt Armour brand hot dog was placed in the sleeve and heated in a 700 watt microwave oven for about 60 seconds. When removed from the oven the surface of the heated hot dog had dark parallel \"burn\" marks about 1/8 inch wide from one end to the other and appeared as if it had been grilled or broiled. The pattern of FIG. 7 effectively heated the portions of the surface of the hot dog in contact with the microwave active strips to a sufficiently high temperature to produce these very dark grill marks, thus giving the hot dog the appearance of having been grilled.\nA microwave heater was formed with a pattern that was the reverse of the pattern of FIG. 5, wherein the active areas formed line of the grid and the deactivated areas formed the squares. The lines of active material were approximately 1/16 inch wide, and the inactive \"islands\" were about 3/16 inch on a side. Pancake batter was poured on the patterned heater. A second identically patterned heater was placed on top of the batter, and the two heaters with the batter in between them were placed in a 700 watt microwave oven and heated for about 2 minutes. After heating, both sides of the \"waffle\" displayed a waffle-like grid pattern of alternating golden brown squares separated by a grid of dark brown lines. In another test, pancake batter was poured on a heater formed as described above and heated in a 700 watt microwave oven for about 2 minutes without the top heater. The resulting product had a waffle-likegrid only on the side in contact with the patterned heater.\nOther possibilities for creating distinctive patterns by the differential browning of food also exist. For example, a pattern including the brand name of the food product or a message of some sort could be created with the microwave interactive areas forming the name or message. When the food product is placed on the film or substrate supporting the microwave interactive layer containing such a pattern, the higher heat produced by the patterned area relative to the surrounding deactivated area will \"brand\" the surface of the food with the name or message. Other patterns could similarly be used to create desired effects. The variety of patterns that may be created on foods is limited only by the imagination.\nAdditionally, in accordance with the concepts of the present invention, a container for the microwave cooking of food may be provided including a microwave interactive layer which, rather than containing discrete areas capable of producing different temperatures, is characterized by temperature gradients. These may range from fully metallized, microwave active to fully deactivated. Incremental increases in the deactivated area can create such a gradient. When the gradient is subjected to microwave radiation, a corresponding temperature gradient is produced on the surface of the food contacting the microwave interactive material containing the gradient. Deactivation of the microwave interactive material to produce such a gradient can be accomplished the same way a vignette is produced according to the printing arts. The mechanical deactivation method described in Ser. No. 148,483 could also be used to produce such a gradient.\nThe production of deactivated areas of a microwave interactive material to produce patterns characterized by temperature differences can also be applied to pattern microwave interactive heaters produced by other methods, for example by printed metal or by applying a patterned coating containing microwave interactive material.\nIt will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications and variations can be made in the present invention without departing from its scope and spirit. Such modifications and variations are intended to fall within the scope of the present invention.\nThe patterned microwave interactive materials of the present invention will find their primary application in the production of packaging for the storing and subsequent heating of food by microwave energy where it is desired to provide a food product which will be optimally browned and/or crisped. The patterned microwave interactive materials of the present invention can also be employed whenever the differential surface heating of a substance or substances by microwave energy is desired.\n|Cited Patent||Filing date||Publication date||Applicant||Title|\n|US4190757 *||Jan 19, 1978||Feb 26, 1980||The Pillsbury Company||Microwave heating package and method|\n|US4258086 *||Dec 26, 1979||Mar 24, 1981||General Mills, Inc.||Method of reproduction metallized patterns with microwave energy|\n|US4555605 *||Aug 2, 1984||Nov 26, 1985||James River-Norwalk, Inc.||Package assembly and method for storing and microwave heating of food|\n|US4612431 *||Jun 21, 1985||Sep 16, 1986||James River - Norwalk, Inc.||Package assembly and method for storing and microwave heating of food|\n|US4676857 *||Jan 17, 1986||Jun 30, 1987||Scharr Industries Inc.||Method of making microwave heating material|\n|US4742203 *||Sep 16, 1986||May 3, 1988||James River-Norwalk, Inc.||Package assembly and method for storing 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Lorin R||Multilayer Susceptor Structure|\n|US20110147377 *||Jun 23, 2011||Wnek Patrick H||Insulating Microwave Interactive Packaging|\n|US20150030865 *||Jul 25, 2014||Jan 29, 2015||Graphic Packaging International, Inc.||Deactivation of Microwave Interactive Material|\n|USD653495||Feb 7, 2012||Conagra Foods Rdm, Inc.||Container basket|\n|USD671012||Nov 20, 2012||Conagra Foods Rdm, Inc.||Microwavable bag|\n|USD680426||Apr 23, 2013||Conagra Foods Rdm, Inc.||Container|\n|USD703547||Jun 14, 2011||Apr 29, 2014||Conagra Foods Rdm, Inc.||Microwavable bag|\n|USD717162||Jun 12, 2012||Nov 11, 2014||Conagra Foods Rdm, Inc.||Container|\n|EP0943558A2||Mar 16, 1999||Sep 22, 1999||Fort James Operating Company||Patterned microwave susceptor|\n|EP2181939A2||Feb 7, 2003||May 5, 2010||Graphic Packaging International, Inc.||Insulating microwave interactive packaging|\n|WO1993005625A1 *||Sep 8, 1992||Mar 18, 1993||Advanced Dielectric Technologies, Inc.||Selectively microwave-permeable susceptor systems|\n|WO1994025207A1 *||Apr 14, 1994||Nov 10, 1994||Hoeganaes Corporation||Methods and apparatus for heating metal powders|\n|WO2001023275A1||Sep 26, 2000||Apr 5, 2001||Micro Chef Inc.||Patterned microwave susceptor|\n|U.S. Classification||219/759, 426/107, 219/730|\n|International Classification||H05B6/74, F24C7/02, B65D81/34|\n|Cooperative Classification||B65D2581/344, B65D2581/3472, B65D2581/3487, B65D81/3446, B65D2581/3478, B65D2581/3467, B65D2581/3483, B65D2581/3477, B65D2581/3479|\n|Sep 1, 1988||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: JAMES RIVER CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, TREDEGAR STRE\nFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST.;ASSIGNORS:MAYNARD, PATRICK L.;SCHMELZER, MICHAEL A.;PAWLOWSKI, THOMAS D.;REEL/FRAME:004934/0097\nEffective date: 19880831\n|May 28, 1991||RF||Reissue application filed|\nEffective date: 19910228\n|Aug 6, 1991||CC||Certificate of correction|\n|May 3, 1993||FPAY||Fee payment|\nYear of fee payment: 4\n|Oct 4, 1999||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: GRAPHIC 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PLEASE;ASSIGNOR:GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL, INC. (DE CORPORATION);REEL/FRAME:014066/0194\nEffective date: 20030808\nOwner name: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, TEXA\nFree format text: SECURITY INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL, INC.;REEL/FRAME:014074/0162\nEffective date: 20030808\nOwner name: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, TEXA\nFree format text: INVALID RECORDING. PLEASE SEE RECORDING AT REEL 014074, FRAME 0162;ASSIGNOR:GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL, INC. (DE CORPORATION);REEL/FRAME:014066/0194\nEffective date: 20030808\n|May 21, 2007||AS||Assignment|\nOwner name: GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL, INC., GEORGIA\nFree format text: TERMINATION OF SECURITY INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION;REEL/FRAME:019341/0940\nEffective date: 20070516", "label": "No"} {"text": "Product or Service\nProfile:Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL207868YH | Country: China | Currency: | Export: No\nProduct No.: #1109\nProduct name: Gynostemma P.E.\n1. Source: Gynostemma pentaphyllum\n2. Part of the plant used: whole plant\n3. Extract ratio: 100~200: 1\nSpecifications: Gypenosides 60%, 80%, 98%\n4. Product description\nGynostemma, commonly called as Jiaogulan, has been used for centuries as a tonic herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Gynostemma is a powerful adaptogen that used as being a potent balancing agent of the 5 major body systems: cardiovascular, digestive, immune, nervous and reproductive systems. Consequently, gynostemma is said to contribute to optimum well-being and longevity. And practitioners of ancient Chinese medicine have come to regard gynostemma as an immortality herb. The active ingredient are Gypenosides, which may help regulate fat metabolism, maintain normal cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy blood pressure.\n• Improve energy, increase strength and endurance, build lean muscle.\n• As a powerful antioxidant, anti-aging, fighting tumors and anti-cancer.\n• Enhance immune system, reduce fatigue.\n• Reduce stress, treat depression and anxiety.\n• Maintain weight, maintain normal blood sugar levels, maintain healthy brain function, treat diabetes.\n• Decrease LDL and triglycerides, increase HDL.\n• Lower high blood pressure, increase coronary blood flow, decrease vascular resistance.\n• Assist liver and kidney functioning, improve sexual function D, treat bronchitis and breathing problems.\n• Remove toxins from the body, as a nitric oxide releaser.\nContact the company", "label": "No"} {"text": "Double-dipping does spread germs\nDouble dipping, the process of dipping a breadstick or crisp into a dip, taking bite and then putting the offending chip back in to the dip, is often frowned upon at events as bad manners.\nBut now, experts have confirmed that those who do double dip are spreading germs and putting the health of other guests at risk.\nThe finding, which was reported in the Sunday Times, found bacteria in the dip sky-rocketed if someone had taken a bite from a crisp and re-dipped it.\nDr Robert Shmerling, from Harvard University, said although the bacteria depended on the dip being used, salsa was the worst offender - accumulated more bacteria than a cheese equivalent.\nExperts found salsa was the worsts at spreading bacteria\nHe was commenting on a 2009 study, called ‘Effect of biting before dipping chips on the bacterial population of the dipping solution.’\nHe advised people to turn the crisp around if they were going to keep double-dipping.\nThe study, produced in 2009, and published in the Journal of Food Safety, said: “The effect of double-dipping crackers/chips on the transfer of bacteria from the mouth to the dipping solution was determined in three separate experiments.”\nIn the first experiment, eight people dipped crackers either three or six times into sterilised water either without biting or biting before each dip.\nThe bacterial population of food dips increased due to double dipping\nThe dipping solutions had higher bacterial populations when crackers were bitten before dipping compared with when no double-dipping occurred.\nThe second experiment utilised sterile water dipping solutions with different pHs and tested the solutions between zero and two hours after dipping.\nThe report said: “There was again significant bacterial transfer due to biting then dipping; however, the pH 4 dipping solution had initially lower bacterial populations than the higher pH solutions and even lower populations after 2 hours.\n“In the third experiment, three dipping solutions (salsa, chocolate sauce and cheese) were tested, and higher initial populations were transferred to the salsa compared with chocolate and cheese; however, the salsa had lower levels of bacteria after 2 h of hold time at room temperature.\nRuth and Eamonn joined in the debate on This Morning\nIt concluded: “Three experiments determined that the bacterial population of food dips increased due to the practice of double-dipping, and that dip type can influence the dip's bacterial population.”\nRuth and Eamonn even joined in the debate on todays’ This Morning, asking if it was ever okay to double dip the chip.\nRuth said people who didn’t want to spread germs could maybe turn the crisp around before dipping it back in, but then said it was pointed out you would be dipping part of the crisp which your fingers had been touching in the dip.\nThis comes after Express.co.uk reveals The food YOU can catch the deadly bacteria E.coli from and how to prevent it.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Did you know that Royal Queen Seeds CBD oil is created using organically grown hemp sourced from Europe and extracted using the latest\nCO² techniques. We are very proud of it, because the way we product our CBD oil allows us to offer a product that is 100% natural.\nOur CBD oil is a quick and discrete way to consume pure and strong CBD that will help you in many different ailments and it is a great resource for\npeople wanting natural, non-psychoactive relieve.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Baths are an essential part of my week. They make my head feel clearer, warm my bones, and help me relax. (Yes, I can be pretty tense.) They also give me an opportunity to make and try inventive bath products. Products that are fun to pass on to others. In this article, I’ll tell you how to make Effervescent Bath Balls that are packed with seriously good things for your health and playful at the same time.\nYears ago I got a gift from one of my music students. It was a package of balls called Bath Bombs-a name I found offensive. Who wanted to bomb their bath? Regardless, I wanted to know what these were. That night, I filled the tub to try one out. As I removed a food color purple ball from the package, the stench of synthetic fragrance wafted my way. Unappealing as this was, curiosity won, and in the tub it went.\nThe ball hit the water and immediately exploded into a fizzing mass. I was intrigued. As I watched it dissolve into effervescent nothingness, I thought, “I can make that.”\nAfter making note of a few active ingredients, I began to play. After some failed attempts at consistency, I had bath balls. Unlike the others, these were all natural, free of additives, preservatives, food coloring, and synthetic fragrances, and they were easy to make.\nWhat you’ll find below is the recipe and instructions for making the bath balls, a Materia medica of a few essential oils to help you make medicinal choices, and local stores from which you may purchase the ingredients. So get your mixing bowls, measuring cups and kids (this is a kid friendly project), and brew up some bath time fun.\nMateria medica of Essential Oils for Bathing\nBelow are brief descriptions of some essential oils that are appropriate for bathing and full body application. If you use one that is not on the list, please take my advice, and remember that some essential oils should not be employed for bath use due to the fact that they are skin irritants. There are also some that may be used but only in small amounts.\nOils to exclude: black pepper, camphor, peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, cinnamon, ginger, citrus (if you have a citrus allergy, sensitive or dry skin)\nOils to use in small amounts: clove, cardamom, rosemary, eucalyptus (use only a few drops per bath), citrus\nIf you have very sensitive skin, be sure to do a skin test before using essential oils in your tub. Take 1 drop of an essential oil you plan to use in the tub and add it to a teaspoon of carrier oil. Apply it to a place on your body that tends to be more sensitive or rash up-for some it’s the back, for others the arms or a small unnoticeable place on the face or neck. If there is no irritation then the oil is safe for bath use.\nBergamot (Citrus bergamia): cooling, sweet, sour and citrusy; analgesic, antispasmodic, mild antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, nerve tonic that balances the emotions\nClary Sage (Salvia sclarea): warming, sweet, floral and woody; anti-anxiety, mildly anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, emmenagogue, hypo-tensive, sedative, nervine tonic\nClove (Syzygium aromatica): warm, sweet and spicy, analgesic, mild anti-fungal, anti- viral, broad spectrum anti-bacterial, stimulant\nFrankincense (Boswellia carterii): warm and calming; lymphatic, sedative, diuretic, anti-septic, nervine tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic\nGeranium (Pelargonium graveolens): warming, analgesic, mild anti-bacterial and anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-fungal, balances the water and oil content of the skin, diuretic, stimulates adrenal cortex, emotionally sedative or balancing\nLavender (Lavandula angustifolia): analgesic, Anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, cell regenerating, nervine; flu, spastic cough, headaches, appropriate for migraines, nervous tension, insomnia, muscle aches and pains\nLemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus): warm, earthy, citrusy, sour and herbaceous; calms the nervous system, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, sedative, astringent, great for oily skin, anti-bacterial, headaches\nRosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): warm and stimulating with an herbaceous and menthol scent; adrenal cortex stimulant in large doses, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-septic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, supports the liver, hyper-tensive in large doses, nervine that relieves tension in small doses and stimulant in large doses, excellent tonic for muscles and nerves\nVetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides): cooling, lymphatic stimulant, nervine tonic, strengthens circulation and a weakened immune system, insect repellent, aphrodisiac\nWith so many good choices, it can be difficult to pick which oils to use. Just remember to keep bath formulas simple by using 1 or 2 essential oils per recipe. And take the following into consideration:\n1. What do you need? Warming and relaxing, warming and stimulating, calming, improving immunity…there are many options here.\n2. What scents do you like?\n3. The season, and if you need to warm up or cool off.\nWarming and stimulating (not for before bed): rosemary and clove\nAnxiety Relieving: lemongrass and lavender\nImmune Support/Emotional Harmonizer: lavender, lemongrass and vetiver\nFeet on the Ground: Frankincense and vetiver\nIntoxicating: geranium and clary sage\nPMS relief: clary sage, lavender and bergamot\nRespiratory Health: frankincense and clove\nAnti-fungal: geranium and clove\nThe Ingredients, Recipe and Instructions\nWhat you will need to make your bath balls:\ncitric acid, baking soda, corn starch, coconut oil (or another solid fat, like shea butter), apricot oil (or a liquid carrier oil of choice, such as jojoba, almond or grape seed), essential oil of choice*, measuring spoons and cups, a receptacle for heating the solid fat, and a container to store the bath balls in (glass is best).\nEffervescent Bath Balls\n1 cup of baking soda\n½ cup of citric acid\n2 tablespoons of corn starch\n5 tablespoons of coconut oil (or shea butter)\n2 tablespoon of carrier oil of choice (almond, jojoba, apricot seed, etc.)\n40 drops total of essential oil (1 to 2 oils)\nThese get used up pretty quickly, so there is little worry of rancidity. But if you are concerned, remember the trick of using jojoba oil as the carrier oil. Because it is a wax, it does not go rancid and will act as a natural preservative.\n1. Warm the coconut oil on low. I usually use my glass Pyrex or stainless steel measuring cup for this. While it melts, do step 2.\n2. Put the baking soda, citric acid and corn starch together in a stainless steel bowl. Mix them together well.\n3. Once the coconut oil is liquefied, add your carrier oil of choice to it. Let them sit together while the two reach the same temperature. This will prevent the coconut oil from hardening too quickly when you add the fat to the dry contents.\n4. Add the liquefied fat to the dry ingredients. Mix.\n5. Add the essential oils and mix well. At this point, if more liquid is needed mix in some carrier oil in 1/2 teaspoon increments (and don’t add more then 1 1/2 teaspoons total). The goal is that balls should pack together and hold thier shape without falling apart.\n6. Now make the balls. Take a tablespoon of the mix and work it in your hand until you have formed a ball. Set them on a plate or stainless steel tray to dry and harden. This recipe makes approximately 25 balls.\nOnce made, store them in something. Glass is best, but use what works well for you in your bathroom situation.\nInstructions for use: add 2-3 balls per bath, and stay in the tub for at least 20 min.\nWhere to purchase supplies? All the ingredients in this recipe can be found at The Willy Street Co-op on the East and West side, and at Community Pharmacy on State Street. That, of course, is in Madison, WI. For other areas call your local health or natural food store, or check online.\nBesides the fact that this product is excellent to have around, the recipe itself can serve many purposes. It can be a slumber or birthday party craft project, something to fill a rainy day, or be made to inhabit an interesting box and given as a gift, as I had experienced them.\nBaths are an excellent remedy for what ails you. And when combined with a homemade product that is fun and secretly therapeutic everyone benefits. Whether it’s an anxious, ill or exhausted child or adult, the positive effects can change our mind about our world and vibrate into our environment. So give these bath balls a try. You’ll be surprised by how easy they are to make, and by how lovely they are to use.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Unfortunately, we are not allowed to tell you! We wish we could, not only because we are incredibly proud of our products, but also because we get emails from people all across the country telling us how Green Roads has made a difference in their lives. However, the US Food and Drug Administration currently prohibits all manufacturers of CBD from making any claims about the ability of their products to treat specific health conditions. Health claims are only permitted where approved by the FDA and based on accepted clinical trials. Because CBD is relatively new to the market, the lengthy clinical trial period is still in process.\nAs a pharmacist-founded company, we know how important it is to comply with FDA rules, and we know that their oversight of the CBD market will only help to distinguish our high-quality products from other brands in the marketplace. Until the FDA approves clinical trials (and lets us shout about our products from the rooftops), we encourage our customers to look at the considerable information and many personal testimonials available online. Or join our thousands of loyal customers and just give Green Roads a try! Either way, we know you’ll be delighted by what you discover.\nGreen Roads’ 100mg CBD Oil is a pure, potent formulation designed to enhance your overall well-being. It’s meant to be applied under the tongue. To ingest this oil, use the dropper in the cap to withdraw a serving from the bottle. Then place the serving under your tongue and hold it there for 30 seconds before swallowing. Each 1ml serving of this oil delivers 7mg of supportive CBD. This oil is a proprietary blend of hemp-derived cannabinoid extracts and vegetable glycerin.\nGreen Roads’ 100mg CBD oil is made using the company’s rigorous quality control methods. Like every Green Roads CBD product, it’s formulated by a licensed compound pharmacist with over 25 years of experience. Green Roads’ raw materials are extracted using cutting edge methods. The final products are sent to a third-party lab for testing to ensure what’s on the label matches precisely to what’s in the bottle.\nPlease consult a physician if you are not sure if CBD is right for you. Must be 18+ years older to consume.\nFast deliver tast good\nI won't leave home with out it. My gummies melt in the Arkansas heat but I always can rely on my little bottle of comfort.\nThis product is truly great! It really works. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because I feel I may need a higher strength. But besides that this product is pretty solid, and great quality.\nI love this product\nExcellent product! Works great!\nWorked well for me, would buy again\nAmazing how much this product works. And how I don’t even realize it until I run out.\nVery happy works quickly\nGreat product, would recommend to anyone!", "label": "No"} {"text": "A naturally antibacterial spray, using an aromatic blend of Tea Tree, Lemongrass and Eucalyptus.\nSpray onto your yoga mat after use and wipe with a dry cloth. Allow to air dry for 5-10 minutes before storing your mat.\nAvoid direct contact with the skin and eyes. Not suitable for children.\nPlease note: we do not currently allow returns due to the nature of the product. Should you be unhappy with any of our products please get in touch and we can discuss options.\ntop of page\nbottom of page", "label": "No"} {"text": "Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil: Uses, How to Use, Safety | Gyalabs\nOverview of Frankincense Oil\nLooking for a higher calling? Deepen your spirituality with the mind, body and soul-enriching properties of this earthy extract.\nWhat is Frankincense Essential Oil\nFrankincense essential oil’s unique scent can be described as a blend of warm, woodsy and balsamic notes. It’s a smell that is known for soothing the soul, making it a must-have for spiritual practices.\nIts delicious scent made it a staple in the homes of ancient Romans and was even used by ancient Egyptians in their rituals and practices. Today, this spiritual oil is still used by modern Catholic masses but more commonly, you’ll find frankincense essential oil in skincare products, indoor scents, perfumes, incense and even teas.\nThis time-tested healing remedy is a concentrated liquid extracted from the olibanum tree. It is traditionally made through distilling Boswellia sacra, however it can also be extracted through mechanical methods such as cold-pressing. This helps the oil capture the “essence” of the plant’s scent as well as its soothing and relaxing properties.\nThe plant’s powerful properties have been praised since the 6th century B.C., with many of its benefits linked to relaxation and healing of the mind, body and soul.\nFrankincense Essential Oil Benefits\nLooking for all-round goodness? Frankincense has it in abundance! Frankincense oil can be used to treat day-to-day concerns as well as nourish the body with powerful health benefits.\nPromotes Peace of Mind\nChannel your inner zen with this calming oil. Frankincense has a scent that quiets busy minds, which is why it’s a popular choice for spiritual meditation and mindfulness.\nSoothes Skin Irritation\nBecause frankincense contains the active ingredient boswellic acid, this oil boasts anti-inflammatory properties to reduce skin redness and irritation.\nRelieves Muscle Aches\nTired of tired muscles? The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense can help alleviate pains and aches for quicker post-workout recovery.\nBoosts Oral Health\nFrankincense’s boswellic acid also gives the oil antibacterial properties. This helps to treat oral infections while preventing bad breath, toothaches and cavities.\nStay strong from the inside out with this ancient oil. Frankincense soil is able to bust bacteria to aid your immunity and keep you and your loved ones safe.\nFrankincense Oil Uses\nWhether you’re looking to achieve luscious locks or get an Insta-worthy complexion, frankincense oil should 10/10 be in your self-care routine.\nFrankincense Essential Oil For Skin\nImproves Skin Elasticity\nFrankincense is able to moisturize and hydrate complexions, giving skin back its bounce and elasticity. This will also help to fade stretch marks and firm up loose skin.\nSoothes Sensitive Skin\nAnti-inflammatory and antibacterial are two words we love in skincare, especially for sensitive skin. Frankincense can keep skin clean and calm it down during acne breakouts.\nTreats Razor Bumps and Scars\nNicked yourself while shaving again? Happens to the best of us! Just use some frankincense oil to heal nasty razor bumps and fade scars for pristine-looking skin.\nFrankincense Essential Oil For Hair\nPromotes Healthy Hair\nHealthy roots, here we come! This hair-loving extract strengthens hair follicles for healthy hair growth. It can also breathe life into limp and dull hair, giving it natural shine and bounce.\nReduce Hair Fall\nBecause frankincense works to strengthen your roots, you’ll also experience reduced hair loss. It delivers moisture to your follicles and luscious locks, so you won’t have to worry about hair breakage either.\nDoes Away With Dandruff\nDon’t let anyone call you Snow White again! Frankincense essential oil has antibacterial properties to get rid of dandruff. It’ll keep your scalp clean to ensure your hair is free from flakes.\nSoothes Scalp Irritation\nThis natural anti-inflammatory is the perfect treatment for inflamed and itchy scalps. It can help calm down and reduce the severity of scalp conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.\nHow To Use Frankincense Oil\nThis versatile oil can be used to achieve the desired effect you’re looking for, whether that’s better skin or better sleep.\nFrankincense Oil In An Aroma Diffuser\nAdd a spiritual feeling to your home with some frankincense aromatherapy by using a diffuser. If you’re using an ultrasonic, heat or nebulizer type diffuser, all you need is between 3 to 10 drops of frankincense oil to fill your home with its warm and woodsy scent. However, reed diffusers will need about 30 to 50 drops to really get the aroma going.\nYou can also combine frankincense oil with other essential oils, to craft a scent that’s perfect for your mood. Here are some frankincense blends we can’t get enough of:\nFrankincense Oil For Sleep\nDrift off to dreamland without any pit stops. Frankincense has long been hailed as a potent sleeping aid. This is partly due to its warm and relaxing scent that sets a perfectly cozy mood for a deeply satisfying snooze.\nYou can enjoy its sleep-promoting qualities by adding a few drops into your diffuser at bedtime or, if you’re feeling crafty, try your hand at a DIY sleepy pillow spray!\nAll you need to do is fill up a 2oz amber spray bottle with clean, distilled water. Add in 5 drops of frankincense oil, 15 drops of lavender oil and 1 tablespoon of unscented witch hazel. Give it a good shake and voila! Spritz 2–3 times over your pillow then lay back and get ready to hit the hay without a hitch.\nFrankincense Oil For Acne\nIf there was a list of things we’d want to stop after puberty, acne would be number 1!\nIf you’re still struggling to achieve flawless, pimple-free skin, then you should definitely look into incorporating frankincense essential oil into your skincare routine. This anti-inflammatory oil is great at calming down acne flare-ups while its cell-regenerating properties help you overcome the aftermath by healing and fading acne scars and pockmarks.\nWe recommend mixing 2 to 3 drops of frankincense oil with a skin-loving carrier oil such as jojoba oil and applying it to cleansed and toned skin. If you’ve got pretty sensitive skin and want to play things on the even safer side, add it to a thick moisturizer instead as a final skincare step.\nFrankincense Oil For Menstrual Cramps\nFrankincense won’t let that time of the month get you down! A natural anti-inflammatory, this woodsy extract is great for alleviating those monthly cramps and reducing any pain. Frankincense is also great at boosting the immune system, leaving your body better equipped to balance out your hormones for better gut health. So not only will you be cramp-free, but you’ll also experience fewer mood swings (yay!)\nTo start using this oil for menstrual cramps, you can brew your own DIY frankincense massage oil to rub over your abdomen and lower back. Add between 30 to 60 drops of pure frankincense essential oil to 1oz of jojoba oil, depending on how potent you want its pain-relieving qualities to be. Give it a gentle shake to make sure the frankincense is diluted and start massaging for some sweet relief!\nSafety With Frankincense Essential Oil\nEssential oils are great for self-care routines. However, we should also take care and caution when using them to keep ourselves and loved ones safe! Though frankincense can be considered safe for direct topical use, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.\n- Read the label and instructions to make sure you’re using the oil correctly.\n- Make sure to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil for safe application.\n- Avoid using essential oils of sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.\n- Don’t apply it on broken skin either unless it’s mentioned on the bottle or label.\n- Keep it out of reach of kids and furkids.\n- Some oils may make you sensitive to sun damage, so be sure to load up on SPF.\n- If you show signs of irritation, stop use and consult a health professional.\nRecommended Frankincense Essential Oil Products\nWhether you’re trying to boost your health or connect with yourself on a deeper level, you’ll want to weave some frankincense into your daily self-care routine. Be sure to check out our Gya Labs Frankincense Essential Oil products which are 100% pure and natural.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Shipping calculated at checkout - Free shipping over $99.00\nDesigned to resemble a Copper Pot Still used to make whisky; the Glencairn Pot Still Decanter is made of lead-free crystal, and is able to be combined with any glass design to create a stylish serving set.\nThe solid crystal stopper is fire polished and perfectly extends and completes the decanter.\nHeight: approx. 23cm\nVolume: approx. 750ml\nThis decanter comes packaged in a tasteful blue silk lined gift box.\nGlencairn Crystal has been producing high-quality, crystal glassware for over 30 years. Their expert craftsmanship and undeniable quality has made them one of the UK's leading suppliers of decorated crystal.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Wordup-Ecig CBD Wholesale in Letcher 57359 SD\nWordup-Ecig Vape Shop in Letcher 57359 SD : Shop CBD Isolate, vape juice from premium manufacturers such as Campfire Made In USA E-liquid, Convicted Vapes and Vibe eJuice\nCBD, a marijuana compound is popular for its valuable qualities worldwide. It is a healing ingredient as well as hence individuals simulate to use CBD in their life. CBD acts as a health booster as well as a help in dealing with several typical and also persistent conditions. This is the standard reason for numerous people utilizing it rather commonly.\nIf you are new to CBD, then there will be lots of uncertainties crossing your mind. One such question is whether CBD will certainly exist in the body for a much longer or a short time period. Really, the CBD results last depending on numerous variables.\nKnow how lengthy CBD results can be realized in your body system:\nIt is stored in fat cells of the body, as well as therefore easily located in blood examination even after few weeks of usage. Its results don't last for weeks. CBD is not an envigorating element hence, there will not be any kind of legal fees pressed also if it stays in your blood stream.\nDosage percentage of CBD:\nThe strength of the effects in your body generally relies on the amount of CBD you have eaten in a day. Beginners take lower dose and therefore the results will certainly last for just number of hours. In basic words, more the percentages the higher will certainly be the result and also your body system observe the advantages.\nThe method you carry out the dose of CBD:\nCBD components require to be absorbed in your body fully which connects to the means you provide its dosage. While you swallow the capsules, at first it passes with the liver and afterwards it enters into the blood stream. You aren't able to observe the whole impact of my response CBD as well as gradually the toughness of CBD in the body reduces. You require to utilize vape or smoke to realize the complete strength of CBD helpful qualities. Seasonal customers of CBD like to utilize its casts form as it is used sublingually, therefore blends in blood stream promptly as well as stays for a longer period of time.\nPurity of CBD:\nYes, it matters a lot as inferior top quality won't give you the desired outcome and in addition will not remain in your system for long. After that it is best to purchase lab tested CBD parts, if you such as to observe the complete possibility of CBD. You need to purchase from reputable vendors who are prominent in selling the finest CBD products like Simply CBD Store.\nKind of CBD components:\nFull spectrum CBD includes other marijuana components suggested for health of health and wellness. While pure CBD doesn't have any kind of various other elements or nutrients, thus you enjoy benefits of only CBD and also assistance to recognize its impacts for longer duration.\nReally, the CBD effects last depending on multiple variables.\nThe strength of the effects in your body generally depends upon the amount of CBD you have actually consumed in a day. You aren't able to observe the whole result of CBD and progressively the toughness of CBD in the body lowers. If you such as to observe the complete potential of CBD then it is best to purchase lab examined CBD parts. You need to get from dependable suppliers that are prominent in selling the finest CBD items like Simply CBD Store.\nI've but to try just about every flavor they make but I am about fifty percent way by means of and I can state that To this point, These are all great.\nCreator of French e liquids given that Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co. 2012, Liquideo has made its title on earth of electronic cigarettes.\nThe objective driving utilizing nicotine is to produce the throat strike feeling which corresponds for the contraction in the larynx once the vapour is inhaled.\nAll their e liquids are thought of as cooking recipes, Hence bringing discover more here you entire satisfaction. By proposing good quality and gourmet, their e liquids are very elaborated and they are drastically appreciated.\nSince I had been in Canada in any case, I attempted the Canadian Tobacco Mix and was blown absent by the amount of it tasted like fresh new he has a good point tobacco. Virtually an excessive amount of so for me In any case these many years of vaping. Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co.\n99designs is the worldwide creative System which makes it simple for designers and purchasers to operate collectively to produce designs they love. Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co.\nyou can expect to savor the notes of moderate Virginia tobacco leaves as they interlace with sweet crimson fruits. Only France could deliver an e-liquid that may be so aromatic and flavorful whilst getting easy adequate to vape all day.\nEPuffer not just will make some quite brilliant e-liquid, but They can be a enjoyment to operate with at the same time. Check them out!\nThe brand Alfaliquid E-liquid would be the a person, Otherwise THE French manufacturer of e-liquid. it is distinguished by high-quality merchandise and ideal traceability, and especially by specific flavours. it can be notably the Alfaliquid Royal e-liquid, a Classic finest-seller as a result the achievement is amazing. The brand proposes e liquids with varied flavours, pure, uncomplicated and effective to answer all the Tastes of vapers. additionally, you will break to the Alfaliquid Royal typical, great for newbies in vape, or for your Strawberry/Blackberry Alfaliquid, a combination of gourmet and freshness.\nOur ambition, Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co. carry satisfaction for the primo-vapors by releasing them from constraints and permitting them to keep up their practices through vape.\nOther flavors In this particular line from Alfaliquid include Winter season Leaf by Alfaliquid, an amazing mix Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co. of wintergreen, eco-friendly peppermint, and frosted mint. The mix of such flavors provides a vape that leaves a crisp and cool effect on the palette.\nThe Dark Tale sequence is a sub-vary from French e-liquid connoisseurs Alfaliquid, using this collection specialising in layered fruit and menthol fusions.\nHalcyon Haze is the quality e liquid assortment of your British company Cuts Ice, owner on the famed T-Juice variety. Present due to the fact 2012 as a result of T-Juice, Cuts Ice has managed to acquire the game by specializing in the outsourcing of e liquid production utilizing the advertising and financial evolution of your T-Juice and Halcyon Haze ranges as a sales argument.\nConsidering that the FDA banned sampling vape juice in vape retailers, paying more may well come to feel like a raffle. when there aren't any challenging and quickly procedures, the top-product of premium e-juice as compared to typical e-juice really should be anticipated to vary in Soda Pop Shop by Ronin Vape Co. these techniques:", "label": "No"} {"text": "Have you ever heard of banana breath?\nIf yes, then you probably know that bananas contain natural enzymes that break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.\nThis means that they can cause gas or bloating.\nBananas are a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamins C and E.\nThey also contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and alpha-tocopherol.\nHowever, some people claim that bananas can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems.\nThe reason why these symptoms occur is because the banana contains high levels of fructose, a type of sugar.\nFructose is broken down by the body into glucose, causing the release of insulin.\nInsulin causes the pancreas to produce large amounts of bile, which helps digest fats.\nWhen too much bile is produced, it can cause digestive issues\nCan overripe bananas make you sick?\nYes, if you eat them raw or undercooked. Overripe bananas can harbor bacteria that can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, fever, headache, muscle aches, and joint pain. It is important to wash your hands after handling these fruits.\nThe following are some of the benefits of eating an overripe banana:\nBananas are rich in potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, fiber, folate, vitamin C, manganese, copper, and zinc. Bananas are also good source of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, and iron.\nIt is more easily digested\nThe following are some of the advantages of eating an overripen banana: Bananas help to lower blood cholesterol levels They aid in weight loss\nIt has the potential to help in the battle against cancer\nBananas are rich in potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, fiber, folate, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins A and C, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, biotin, and vitamin E. In addition, bananas are low in calories about 100 per medium fruit and fat 0.5 g.\nIt prevents you from feeling heartbreak in the first place\nThere are many reasons why people feel sad. Sometimes sadness comes from being hurt by someone else. Other times it comes from not having enough money or other resources. But sometimes it comes from something completely different. For instance, if you are stressed out, you could end up feeling sad. Stress is a normal part of life but if you get too much stress, you can actually become depressed. Depression is very serious because it affects how you think, act, and feel. It can even lead to suicide. So, what can we do to prevent depression? One thing you can do is eat healthy. Eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables can help you stay happy and healthy.\nIt is beneficial to one’s cardiovascular health\nFruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play important roles in maintaining good health. In addition, these foods provide fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that protect against cancer and heart disease. Fruits and vegetables also supply essential micronutrients, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and vitamin C.\nWhat is the cause of banana browning?\nBananas are prone to browning because of the presence of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is present in bananas and other fruits. This compound reacts with proteins in the fruit to form insoluble compounds called melanoidins. Melanoidins are dark colored polymers that give bananas their characteristic color. How to prevent banana peels from turning black? Answer: Banana peels turn black when exposed to oxygen. To prevent this, store bananas in a paper bag or plastic wrap.\nHow Long Do Bananas Last Before They Are Considered Expired?\nBananas last about 2 months if stored properly. If you buy bananas that are already ripe, they will last longer. What Is the Best Way to Store Bananas? Answer: Bananas should be stored in a cool place away from sunlight. They should not be refrigerated.\nThe Best Way to Deal with Overripe Bananas\nOverripe bananas can be used in smoothies or baked into banana bread. How to Freeze Bananas Answer: To freeze bananas, peel them and cut them into slices. Place them in freezer bags and store them in the freezer. How to Peel Frozen Bananas Answer: Peel frozen bananas using a potato masher.\nThe Best Way to Dispose of Overripe Bananas\nBananas can be composted.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Product Code: ICE001\nIdeal for emergencies where ice is needed in a hurry. Just squeeze to activate for instant cold.\nProduct Code: COL002\nRe-usable cold/hot pack.\nProduct Code: CRY024\nIce massage tool for the treatment of sprains and strains. Compact design.\nProduct Code: COL001\nCooling spray for an instant cooling effect.\nPage 1 of 1", "label": "No"} {"text": "PET ODOR REMOVAL\nDo your friends know you have a cat or dog, before the pet even waltz into the room? Can you carpet, rug, or upholstery pass the major test -The Sniff Test? Just because you have a pet doesn't mean your carpet, rug, or upholstery has to smell like him/her. Here are some tips to help you prevent these major problems.\nTip One: Always clean up pet messes as quickly and thoroughly as possible. The longer it sits the more damage it will do to your carpet, rug, or upholstery. Always identify the odiferous areas of your carpet, if you are not sure where they are that okay. We can find them for you by using an ultraviolet light to illuminate the dried accidents.\nPlease note that the urine spot you see is only 20% of the area. Yes, that means 80% of the urine passes through the carpet. That's right, on to the pad and sub floor.\nTip two: We will need to deep clean the problem area using a water extraction carpet cleaning machine, BUT not before we treat the areas with a disinfectant and/or enzyme product.Sprinkle an enzyme containing pet odor neutralizing powder. Pet odor neutralizing powders contain live bacteria and enzymes that digest odor-causing protein and bacteria, permanently removing it from the deepest fibers in your carpet. Alternatively, you can use borax powder or baking soda, but they are less effective in eliminating stubborn odors.\nPlease note that not all fibers react well with borax and baking soda\nTip Three: These products also contain a mild cleanser that can help remove discoloration.\nTip Four: Wash the treated areas.\nTip Five: Reply any disinfectants and/or odor counteractants that may be needed.\nIf odor remains after you have treated the carpet with an enzyme odor neutralizer, repeat the treatment as needed to eliminate lingering odors.\nUnderstand that in severe cases where the soiling has occurred for an extended period of time, you may need to replace the carpet padding.\nAvoid using household cleaners, ammonia and vinegar on urine stains. The strong smell may draw your pet back to the spot to cover the strong stuff with his own scent.\nSteam-cleaning urine-stained carpeting can set stains and odors by bonding the protein into the fibers. Steam-cleaning is also beneficial in that it works on all carpet types.\nNeed to remove pet odors? New Dimension specializes in pet odor removal. Our process of removing pet odor leaves your carpets and upholstery looking, smelling, and feeling new again.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Different Crispy And Easy Breakfast For Tomato Dosa\nBy Sanagala.jayasri, Posted on 19/07/2020 - 4 Comments\n2.1 Average Ratings\n4 User Comments\nIngredients of Tomato dosa\nSTEP : 1\nBe ready with the fresh and clean tomatoes of 1 no and that will be sufficient for the preparation process easily.\nSTEP : 2\nTake one bowl of fresh water and add those taken tomatoes of 1 no to the water and clean them in the water.\nSTEP : 3\nTake one plate and cut the tomato which is cleaned in to the small pieces for the grinding purpose in the jar.\nSTEP : 4\nTake the jar add those tomato pieces to the jar and close the jar with a lid and then made it to paste.\nSTEP : 5\nAfter grinding we can observe that there are no any pieces of tomato left in the jar so make in to fine paste.\nSTEP : 6\nTake one bowl pour drinking water of 1 glass and made the water to heat in a medium flame for some time.\nSTEP : 7\nTake one mixing bowl add the chana powder of 1/2 cup to it in order for the recipe purpose we use this.\nSTEP : 8\nAdd the rice flour of 1/2 table spoon to the chana powder in the bowl and mix well both the flours.\nSTEP : 9\nAdd the salt to the bowl and mix well with the flours in the bowl until the salt applies to all the flours.\nSTEP : 10\nAdd the cumin of 1/4 table spoon for the taste purpose to the flours in the bowl and mix well gently.\nSTEP : 11\nAdd the turmeric powder of 1/4 table spoon to the flours in the bowl for the color purpose and mix well.\nSTEP : 12\nAfter that add the fresh ghee of 1 table spoon to the flours in the bowl and mix well with them.\nSTEP : 13\nAdd the oil of 2 table spoons to the flours in the bowl and mix well with all the ingredients in the bowl.\nSTEP : 14\nNext add the prepared tomato paste of 1/2 cup to the flours and mix well in the bowl first without adding anything.\nSTEP : 15\nAfter that pour the hot water of 1/2 glass to the bowl and mix with the flours in that water gently.\nSTEP : 16\nWe can see that the mixture will be like a dosa batten and mix well without any lumps in the bowl.\nSTEP : 17\nTake one pan and heat the pan for some time before only in a medium flame without adding anything on the pan.\nSTEP : 18\nAfter the pan gets heated add the oil of 2 to 3 table spoons on it and spread all over the pan with a spoon slowly.\nSTEP : 19\nAdd the prepared batten on the pan and make in to round shape and add oil on the sides for fast frying.\nSTEP : 20\nWhen one side is fried turn to other side and make other side also fry well and then take in to the serving plate.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Lenghts Nutrisubstance Nutritive Hair Mask Ph 3.5 150 Ml\nRichly textured beauty treatment for hydrating the hair and restoring lost softness, shine and body. Contains Shea butter, a true beauty nutrient for the hair fibre with hydrating, nourishing, emollient, antioxidant and anti-ageing powers.\nJojoba oil with great affinity to the hair fibre is a source of intense reinforcement and hydration for dry hair and hair made sensitive by chemical treatments. The hair acquires new body, softness and shine. Formula enriched with precious\nAmino Concentré complex with an immediate direct treatment action of selective recomposition of the hair fibre, and a prolonged indirect treatment action sealing in specific functional substances, for a long-lasting Nourishment effect.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Covid-19 antibody tests are now widely available and play an important role in understanding the virus’ epidemiology in the general population. However, the correlation between a positive result for an antibody test and immunity to the virus is unproven. The mere presence of Covid-19 antibodies does not equal immunity; researchers do not know yet how much antibody in a person is required to be protective, nor how long that protection might last. To make matters more complicated, some antibody tests have been reported to give false positive results nearly half of the time.\nOn 16 March, the beginning of the pandemic, the FDA relaxed its usually rigorous guidance on bringing new tests to market to help address the extreme need for Covid-19 testing. While this allowed for an unprecedented amount and speed of innovation to respond to the public’s needs, a consequence of this was that some of the tests were of low quality and gave wrong results. In April, 150 Covid-19 test products went to market without any review by the FDA, which flooded the market with inaccurate and falsely marketed tests, reported the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy.\nOn 4 May, the FDA updated its antibody testing policy to require manufacturers to submit validation data. Currently, there are 40 companies with 69 Covid-19 antibody tests on the market world-wide; 42 of these tests are point-of-care (POC), and only 20 have FDA emergency use authorization (EUA), according to GlobalData’s Marketed Products Database. The Covid-19 antibody tests with EUA include leading global medical device manufacturers, such as Roche and Abbott, as well as commercial and public diagnostic labs, such as Mount Sinai Hospital Clinical Laboratory and Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health.\nAnother notable caveat regarding Covid-19 antibody tests is testing accuracy. The tests authorized by the FDA are safe and effective, but no test is 100% accurate, and when dealing with a disease with relatively low prevalence such as Covid-19, there will statistically be more false positives. This is because of an effect in statistics called positive predictive value (PPV), which is the probability that individuals with positive test results are truly antibody positive. PPV depends on the percentage of truly antibody positive individuals in the tested population, also known as the prevalence of the disease, as well as the sensitivity and specificity of the test. In the US, the prevalence for Covid-19 is expected to range from 5% to 25%, according to the CDC. This relatively low prevalence means that there will be relatively more false positive Covid-19 antibody results.\nAnother factor contributing to Covid-19 antibody test confusion is misuse of the test. There are two broad categories of antibody tests: POC tests, some of which can be performed on blood samples obtained by finger-stick rather than having an individual’s blood drawn; and lab tests, which require a blood sample drawn from a major vein, and may require trained personnel and specialized instruments to run the test. In May, several UK pharmacy chains and telemedicine providers, such as SuperDrug and Babylon Health, jumped on the Covid-19 antibody testing bandwagon by offering an at-home finger-prick blood test for Covid-19 antibodies using Abbott’s ARCHITECT Covid-19 antibody test. However, Abbott’s Covid-19 antibody test was developed using a venous blood sample. Abbott issued a statement explicitly saying that their antibody test is not a home test and should not be conducted with a finger-stick blood sample.\nOverall, the information that Covid-19 antibody tests will provide is still valuable, but it is up to each individual to be discerning of the test they use and to be aware of the limitations of antibody testing when interpreting a result.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Mirror Compounding & Polishing (For High Gloss Paint Finish) Kit\nBring you vehicle back to high shine and gloss with the complete kit to compound and polish you car , can be used after fresh paint has dried and requires flatting to remove imperfections , can also be used after fallout from atmospheric contamination, to clean and remove small imperfections and Restorer Paint work to a High Gloss Finish.\nThe Kit includes Sponges .\nMicrofine p1500 & p2000 WetorDry,\nReflextion Finishing Surfacer Compound polish,", "label": "No"} {"text": "Suitable for processing Low grade ore. The solution can be applied to all kinds of Low grade tin ores, and reasonable technical processes are taken to improve the concentrate ratio of tin ore and its recovery. High processing capacity and low consumption. Large-scale equipment, reduce energy consumption and reduce operation cost at the same time.\nAlluvial gold processing plant 90 Gold Recovery Ratio Hengcheng offers complete project solutions for Alluvial Gold Processing Plant. We are one of the leading project suppliers for Alluvial Gold Wash Plant Equipment and we work closely with our customers to fulfill their specific needs for customized package solution.\nMineral processing equipment for placer gold sand Similar to sand tin mines, gold deposits are deposited on hillsides, riverbeds, and shores of lakes, forming a certain enrichment. Those with industrial exploitation value are called sand gold deposits. Under normal circumstances, the sand gold ore has a high degree of dissociation.\nMineral Processing Plant. 18 Lakh Unit Get Latest Price. Ranging from 500 kg per hr to 20 tons per hr diffrent models with price range from 5, 00, 000 to 50, 00, 000 lacs of ball mill of high qouality for diffrent material .our organization has more then 35 years of experiance of manufacturing high qoulity , low mantainance machines .\nMar 04, 2019 Guthrie said the second case sorting of ore to increase grade and reduce subsequent processing and transport costs is generally only economically favourable if the processing and ore transport costs are high in relation to head grade and the recovery of values is also high eg 95 .\n3. Function for final separation amp extraction of gold, to get high grade gold-bearing concentrate ore. its effective gold recovery down size could reach -74micron. 4. Structure FRP deck channel steel frame 1. Item diesel generator set. 2. Brand YUCHAI CUMMINS,etc. 3. Function supply electric power for all machine motors. 4. voltage ...\nApr 18, 2016 The problem a Small Gold Processing Plant can solve is for the need to to provide a small, relatively simple and inexpensive gold mill that will operate at a reasonable profit with a minimum of supervision. The limited availability of skilled operating personnel, availability of water and local power, high cost of transporting ore and expense of building, operating and maintaining such a mill ...\nMining Equipment, Gold Mining Equipment, Alluvial Gold Mining Equipment manufacturer supplier in China, offering Mobile Gold Ore Processing Mining Equipment Supplier Price for Small Scale Rock Alluvial Diamond Mine Placer River Sand Mineral Washing, 50m Long Range Gold Metal Detector Epx-10000, 300 Tonnes Per Hour Zircon Rutile Ilmenite Sand Process Plant and so on.\nJaw Crusher, Gold Recovery Equipment, Ball Mill manufacturer supplier in China, offering Ore Processing Plant Mini Gold Stone Crusher, Small Size Jaw Crusher of Gold Mineral Processing Plant, Small Scale Ore Jaw Crusher of Mineral Processing Plant and so on.\nMining Spiral Concentrator, Gold Shaking Table, Feeding Machinery manufacturer supplier in China, offering High Recovery River Gold Mining Equipment Placer Gold Trommel Washing Plant, 200tph Alluvial Gold Processing Plant for Ghana Project, 50 Tons Per Hour Alluvial Gold Mining Washing Plant for Nigeria Project and so on.\nFERROUS METAL BENEFICIATION PROCESS. Xinhai can provide the whole and one-stop mineral processing plant service for clients, solving all the mine construction, operation, management problems, devoting to provide modern, high-efficiency, and energy-saving mine roject construction and operation solution for clients away from worries.\nTo extract gold and silver from a copper anode slime with about 15 tin in a plant using the traditional pyrometallurgy-electrorefining technique, the recovery is only 90. The rest of the gold and silver is lost in the slag which contains mainly SnO 2 , PbO, and Sb 2 O 3 In the present work, a process is developed to recover the gold and ...\nGold Mining Equipment, Small Gold Mining Equipment, Mining Equipment manufacturer supplier in China, offering High Recovery Small Gold Mining Equipment, Monthly Deals Gold Wilfley Shaking Table for Separating Gold Zircon, Dry Type Permanent Drum Four Rollers Magnetic Separator Wet High Gradient Field Intensity for Mineral Tin Zircon Titanium Hematite Ilmenite Gold Iron Ore 5 off and\ntin ore processing of high grade into low grade will succeed. Key Words Cutter Suction Dredges, Mineral Processing Plant, Sluice Box, Tin Ore High Grade, Tin Ore Low Grade,Recovery. 1. Introduction Tin ore production of PT Timah Persero Tbk are mostly generated by business partners, be it\nThe Mongolia 1,000td gold mineral processing plant was an EPCMO project. Xinhai worked to achieve high recovery of gold and other valuable minerals by cutting costs and maximizing benefits and attach great importance to workers safety, environmental protection and energy conservation.\nMore than 30 kinds of solutions can be chosen for the metal, non-metal and tailings, our experts working in the laboratory to research the best solution for. mine samples each day. Best solution best design best research, that could create a best mining project with high profit. Gold. Copper.\nAlluvial Gold Processing Flow Chart, Mining Flow Chart, Mineral Separation Plant manufacturer supplier in China, offering Energy-Saving Mining Process Plant Complete Gold Refining Mine Processing Flowchart, Jig Machine Separator Concentrator for Diamond Tin Manganese Chrome Coltan Gemstone Gold, Stlb20306080100 Knelson Centrifugal Concentrator for Gold and so on.\nExtraction of valuable metals from tailings dumps or residues or low grade stockpiles traditionally regarded as waste, has long been researched by metallurgists. A number of developments in mineral processing technology have combined to make the retreatment of numerous tailings dumps a profitable\nIn 1970s , with the research and establishment of adsorption of carbon loaded with gold and the recovery of carbon discharge gold , make recycle the carbon and reduce the cost , and easy to process the gold ore with low grade .It is a high technological enterprise that integrated research , manufacture, sales and service .\nDOVE DESERTMINER , also known as Dry Processing plants, are mineral processing plants specifically designed by DOVE, with processing and recovery capabilities unmatched in the mining machinery industry.. DESERTMINER are configured for the simultaneous concentration, separation amp recovery of gold, platinum metals, base metals, ferrous metals from Alluvial deposits, and as well as\nGold Flotation Production Line. Flotation is widely used in gold processing. In China, 80 rock gold is processed by flotation. Flotation process maximizes the enrichment of gold into sulfide minerals. Tin Ore Mining Process. The density of tin ore is larger than the paragenetic mineral, so the mining process of tin ore apply gravity separation.\nUS 199000-200000 Set. 1 Set Min Order 12 YRS Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology amp Equipment Inc. 93.1. Contact Supplier. Compare. Magnetite Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant Mineral Processing Yantai Xinhai offers turnkey solutions for Magnetite Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant. Specialized in the fabrication of these machines for18 years and ...\nMar 08, 2016 The Mineral Processing Flowsheets shown on the following pages are based on actual data obtained from successful operating plants. Metallurgical data are shown in these flowsheets which incorporate Crushers, Grinding Mills, Flotation Machines, Unit Flotation Cells, and Selective Mineral Jigs as well as other standard milling equipment. The Flotation Machine, the Selective Mineral Jig and ...\nJXSC Mine Machinery is a Mining Equipment OEM amp ODM from China, with over 35 years of rich experience in the mineral processing area, we provide our global customers with sustainable minerals processing equipment, technologies, end-to-end solutions, and other services.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Aquascape high quality Flexible PVC Pipe makes installations quick and easy. The main advantage of this type of pipe is durability and the ability to be glued into standard schedule 40 PVC fittings. It can also simplify your install, saving you time and money.\n– Simplifies plumbing layouts and installations\n– Works with all schedule 40 PVC fittings\n– Sun, ozone, and mildew resistant\n– Made in USA", "label": "No"} {"text": "Assorted small oval coffee tables uk small coffee tables dakota mango drawer table mid century coffee table plus glass parsons clear glass. plush stainless steel legs on rugs then minimalist living room design for hardwood tiles ideas with small oval glass coffee table. artistic clear oval glass coffee for glass oval coffee table chrome as wells as clear oval glass coffee table solo glass oval coffee table chrome sterling table designs oval coffee table plus glass oval coffee table classic together with glass glass tables. inspiring mirrored rim glass at stdibs oval glass coffee table for oval brass coffee table. comfortable good quality french brass oval coffee tablewith glass a then a for good quality french brass oval.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Marrow and Ginger Jam\n- 1.5kg/3lbs of marrow (after peeling and de-seeding)\n- Finely grated rind of 2 large lemons + juice\n- 40g/1.5ozs root ginger\n- 1.5kg/3lb granulated sugar\n- 15g/½ oz butter\n- Cut the marrow into small squares and steam for 20mins.\n- Turn into a bowl and add the lemon juice and rind, and the ginger crushed and tied in a muslin bag.\n- Add the sugar.\n- Cover the bowl and leave to stand for 24 hours.\n- Transfer to a large saucepan and heat slowly stirring all the time until the sugar dissolves.\n- Bring to boil steadily for 30/45 minutes or until the marrow is almost transparent and the syrup is thick.\n- Draw the pan away from the heat and add the butter to disperse the scum.\n- Remove the ginger and pot and cover the jam.\n- If you like the jam to taste more of ginger add ¾ lb of chopped, crystallized ginger when you transfer the contents to the saucepan.\nMy thanks to Viv and Ken Lewis for this recipe.", "label": "No"} {"text": "By Kerri Vargas. Shower. Published at Monday, December 18th, 2017 - 01:20:13 AM.\nStock: There are a lot of websites' and eBay sellers that don't have inventories. After you buy the product from them they have it manufactured and shipped taking anywhere from 2-3 months to get your shower. Many of the showers arrive broken because of poor shipping precautions. This seems great if you have the time to wait, however if something goes wrong with your shower it could be months before you have a replacement part. These companies often have little to no technical support if it seems too good to be true it usually is.\nRecently it has been seen that with growing health conscious shower filters have raised significantly in the popularity which has made consumers buy the quality shower filtration products and filters. Many experts feel that shower filters are one of the most favorable health and beauty products that are ever developed. Shower filters wholly lessen the contact to detrimental chemicals in tap water; majority of shower filters even balance the water's pH for enhanced cosmetic benefits. It has been seen that in a warm shower the pores of the skin usually opens up allowing swift assimilation of chlorine and other harmful chemicals. And also, due to the verity that chlorine and other dissolved harmful chemicals vaporize slower at a lower temperature and at a faster rate than water, therefore the steam we consume while showering is highly concentrated with the higher levels of chlorine vapors.\nShower Filter Comparisons! According to the experts shower filters can surprisingly offer various health and cosmetic benefits as they filter out the chlorine and other harmful chemicals from shower water so that one can enjoy the soothing shower. It has been evident that we consume 7 to 10 time excess chlorine and other chemicals from showering instead of drinking water. A recent survey revealed that there is a definite link between chlorine and breast, colon and bladder cancer. They also confirmed that because of chlorine and showering, there is a significant increase in the level of chloroform gas in almost every home in America. When chlorine vaporizes it generally combines with various airborne particulates and forms into chloroform gas, which certainly causes and contributes to asthma and array of respiratory problems.\nAny content, trademark’s, or other material that might be found on the Make website that is not Make’s property remains the copyright of its respective owner/s. In no way does Make claim ownership or responsibility for such items, and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner.\n© Copyright 2018 Make. All Rights Reserved.", "label": "No"} {"text": "If you’ve been following us, you know we have very different hair… one curly and one wavy/straight. But we were both excited to try the brand new essential oil based hair care product from our friend over at “Witch I Love Your Hair!!” Check out each of our experiences below. But first a little about Witch I love Your Hair in general.\nFirst of all, the maker, Brigette is just the sweetest, and has such great energy!! It has been so fun getting to be Insta friends with her! Witch I love Your Hair is an all natural, crystal infused, moisturizing spray, full of awesome smelling therapeutic grade essential oils.\nOkay, Sam here! First of all, my hair is naturally beach wavy, but also holds curl very well and straightness very well. I have very oily textured hair.. These past few months I have been straightening and blow drying a lot more than usual, leaving my hair a little dry and damaged. When I got this product in the mail I was excited, because I told myself that I was going to give my hair a break and just start wearing it natural again (my day to day is a messy bun, lol). I spray this in my hair, generously, and literally all over my face and body because it is that good… the best mid-day pick me up refresher…just spray this shit everywhere I swear!!\nMade with water, Castor oil and pure Essential oils, gives my hair natural texture, shine and hold. I spray when my hair is damp and either blow dry or air dry. Either of these is better than trying to go to sleep with your hair wet with the product in I have found. Thank you Brigette, we love you!! This will definately be a staple product for me, I love it that much! You can visit her website here.\nMade with: Pure & Distilled (Chlorine-Free!) Water, Organic Lavender Essential Oil, Organic Peppermint Essential Oil, Organic Rosemary Essential Oil, Organic Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Organic Pure Argan Oil, Love, Hair Hope For All & Good Energy.", "label": "No"} {"text": "3\" x 8\" Adhesive maximum capacity labels are designed to the weight loading limits of pallet racks. The design can be edited using our label designer so you can customize to your individual needs.\nSold in packs of 25 and produced from a very durable polyester base material with high definition print, these self adhesive labels are specifically designed for the warehouse and distribution industry.\nFor use on smooth racking only. If you have structural racking, please contact us for the best adhesive and product solution.", "label": "No"} {"text": "ANDREWS GLASS CO. INC.\n3740 Northwest Blvd.\nVineland, NJ 08360\nPhone: +1 856-692-4435\nFax: +1 856-692-5357\nToll-free: +1 800-845-0026\nManufacturer of PID lamps, laser glass components, specialty and custom glass and quartz for electro-optic, electronic, engineering, diagnostic, research, medical, laboratory and manufacturing applications. Precision bore vacuum shrinking, grinding, cutting, tooling, glass-to-glass and glass-to-metal sealing services, and engineering support.\nFacility area (sq. ft): 30,000\nOwnership type: Privately Owned\nANDREWS GLASS CO. INC. PRODUCT AND SERVICE CATEGORIES\nMS=Manufacture Stock | MC=Manufacture Custom | S=Supply/Distribute | D=Design", "label": "No"} {"text": "H Hey thanks to MakDragon for turning ME on to the good Father. I smoke a bowl of this pretty much everyday now. I ordered a pound of it after I exhausted MakDragon's generous sample. It ages real well. Mak's sample had two years on it so it only will get better.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This study aimed to research the therapeutic mechanism of treating SMMC-7721 liver cancer cells with magnetic fluid hyperthermia CM 346 (MFH) using Fe2O3 nanoparticles. (7 8 The and genes both which are family provides increasingly turn into a analysis subject in molecular biology. Bcl-2 is normally antiapoptotic and its own overexpression (Bcl-2-Bcl-2) leads to apoptosis inhibition and cell success whereas Bax is proapoptotic (9 10 and its overexpression (Bax-Bax) leads to cell death. However the expression of the apoptosis suppressor gene is low or nonexistent in hepatoma cells (11 12 whereas Bax is widely distributed in various organs including normal liver tissues which indicates that is probably an important apoptosis-regulating gene (13). Bai et al. (14) reported the abnormal expression of Bax in Hodgkin’s disease. Bcl-2 and Bax have been shown to have an important influence in regulating the apoptosis of gastric cancer prostate cancer ovarian cancer and other tumor cells (15). However correlation of the apoptosis index with Bcl-2 Bax and related proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma has not been reported (16). Furthermore the gene not merely regulates cell differentiation and proliferation but also participates in regulating apoptosis. The wild-type gene promotes apoptosis whereas the mutant gene inhibits apoptosis (17). The mutant can downregulate the manifestation of (18). Guo et al. (19) reported no significant romantic relationship between Bax and p53. The irregular manifestation of Bax and p53 in hepatocellular carcinoma shows that both proteins could be associated with liver organ cancer but possess different mechanistic pathways. With this research hepatocarcinoma cells had been treated with ferrofluids including different concentrations of Fe2O3 nanoparticles and irradiated with an alternating magnetic field. The impact of the procedure for the cells was analyzed by inverted microscopy transmitting electron microscopy (TEM) methylthiazoletetrazolium (MTT) viability assay and movement cytometry. To help expand evaluate the restorative mechanism of the procedure Hsp70 Bax Bcl-2 and p53 had been recognized Rabbit polyclonal to USP53. by immunocytochemistry (IC) and invert transcription polymerase string response (RT-PCR). The experimental email address details are expected to set up a dependable basis for the medical treatment of liver organ cancer. Materials and Strategies Reagents and tools SMMC-7721 human being hepatoma cells had been purchased through the Shanghai Institute of Biology and Cell Biochemistry Chinese language Academy of Technology. RPMI 1640 tradition medium was bought from Gibco-BRL (USA). Trypsin (0.25%) was purchased from AMRESCO (USA). MTT and CM 346 diethyl bicarbonate (DEPC) had been bought from Sigma (USA). Giemsa dye was bought from Chroma (USA). AMV invert transcriptase dNTP Oligo(dT)18 Taq DNA polymerase 100 bp DNA ladder RNasin (40 U/L) and RNase-free DNase I had been all bought from Takara Co. (China). The immunocytochemical reagents streptavidin-peroxidase (SP) staining package and liquid aminoethyl carbazole (AEC) enzyme substrate visualization package were bought from Beijing Zhongshan Biotechnology Co. Ltd. China. All biochemical reagents found in this study were of analytical grade. A PTC-100 thermal cycler Multiskan MK3-353 enzyme linked immunosorbent CM 346 assay (ELISA) reader and Vantage SE fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) system (USA) were used. An inverted microscope and JEM-2010 high-resolution transmission electron microscope (JEOL Japan) were used. An SP-04C high-frequency induction heater (Shenzhen Shuangping High-Frequency Heater Factory China) was used with the following operating parameters: frequency=200 kHz; power=4 kW; output alternating heating current=100-350 A. Experiment The experiment was divided into 4 groups. The blank group contained the RPMI 1640 culture medium only (control group A) while a second control group with the same composition received magnetic irradiation (control group B). The third group contained 8 g/L Fe2O3 nanoparticle ferrofluid in RPMI 1640 medium but was not heated (spiking group). The final CM 346 group contained various concentrations of Fe2O3 nanoparticle ferrofluid (2 4 6 8 g/L) in RPMI 1640 and was heated by magnetic irradiation (MFH group). The Fe2O3 nanoparticle ferrofluid was prepared using sterile RPMI 1640 medium. SMMC-7721 cells in.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This company has no active jobs\nRate This Company ( No reviews yet )\nSelecting some inside information on CBD Vapes?\nTips on how to Choose the right CBD Vape Product. Picking the right CBD vape system is not a simple process. You will find a lot of things to consider before you purchase a CBD vape product. These things are going to help you pick the right CBD vape footwear for you. The CBD Content. Look at the CBD information of the CBD vape product you can afford to purchase. Examine the CBD content of CBD vape oil, CBD vape juice and CBD vape drops. If the CBD content is quite high, you will get more CBD benefits from the CBD vape product.\nBut when it comes to flavor, CBD vape pen mod styles fall into 2 main categories: dual coil styles, where both heating element and LED light unit discuss similar room, along with single coil or maybe straight-through styles, where there’s room only for the heating element and LED. Since the vaping experience is highly customizable, you can control just how much vapor there’s, depending on your individual preferences. Therefore the issue of do CBD vape pens taste like serious pot?\nlikely depends a lot more on the style and also producer of the device than anything else. CBD vape pens come in an assortment of sizes, capacities and styles. The main difference between these kinds of mods as well as people who make use of more regular batteries, like sub-ohm tanks & RDA systems, is that vape pen mods work with pre-filled cartridges (or maybe pods) containing additional cannabinoids or CBD instead of being forced to top off your own device every time.\ncheck this out is cost-saving and convenient, as pods are able to last for years and also be a more effective deal than trying to refill your device whenever you need a hit. In this particular feeling, vape pens are significantly more like standard cigarettes than regular vape systems, and for a lot of people, which permits them to be preferable. Yet another benefit of vaping CBD oil is that it doesn’t provide you with that high perception that’s associated with smoking. You will have the ability to truly feel the effect of CBD earlier than if you would been smoking.\nYou can really feel a big difference within minutes of vaping. The most effective CBD Vape Product for You. Choosing the best CBD vape item for you can be difficult. There are plenty of CBD vape products available that you should select from. We’ve made this information to help you choose the appropriate CBD vape product for you. What dimensions of CBD vape pen are you looking for? You’ll find many factors why someone might decide to obtain a CBD vape pen rather than going right to a medical marijuana dispensary to purchase weed.\nFor instance, only a few jurisdictions allow authorized consumption. Second, the CBD products found in dispensaries might include additional elements which are not approved by the FDThirdly, the cost could be prohibitive to some buyers. And lastly, for many, the method of legally acquiring CBD products could be incredibly difficult and difficult. Not merely that, although the items themselves is often very expensive.\nStudy suggests that CBD inhibits the increase of tumors by increasing the speed of apoptosis in cancer cells. Meaning that CBD vape oil helps cancer cells to die. Reduces pain. Lots of people with chronic pain have noted they are able to reduce the pain levels of theirs after attending CBD vape oil.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Macrolides and ketolides are two families of antibiotics that share the same mechanism of action. They bind to different bases of the peptidyl transferase center of 23S RNA. The antibacterial spectrum of these drugs virtually overlaps, but dissimilarities in the affinity and number of binding sites results in differences in the intensity of their antibacterial effects (bacteriostatic or bactericidal) and their activity against strains with acquired resistance mechanisms. These agents are active against most gram-positive microorganisms and many intracellular microorganisms. Over the last ten years in Spain, the percentage of macrolide-resistant pneumococci and Streptococcus pyogenes strains has increased substantially. Telithromycin, a ketolide, has maintained the activity against these strains. Macrolides and ketolides are metabolized in the liver through CYP3A4 and they can partially block the activity of the enzyme, interfering with the metabolism of other drugs that use the same metabolic pathway. There is little elimination through the urine, with the exception of clarithromycin. High concentrations are reached in the cellular cytoplasm, but they do not diffuse to cerebrospinal fluid. These agents are included among class B drugs for use during pregnancy. Tolerance to macrolides is good and they have few associated adverse effects. The main clinical indication for these drugs is in empirical treatment of mild to moderate, community-acquired, upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Some patients treated with telithromycin developed severe hepatitis; therefore, its use is limited to community-acquired pneumonia in cases with no other available alternative.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Avoiding cavitation in a pump is a concern in all services but particularly when the liquid operates close to the vapor pressure.\nBoiler feed pumps, shown below, generally operate close to the vapor pressure of the feed water. As a result, it is imperative that changes in direction be minimized. Designers may add flexibility to the suction line when it is convenient to support it, but this may disrupt the flow and increase the possibility of cavitation.\nThe preferred arrangement has a maximum straight drop out of the deaerator down to where the flexibility loop is required. Although support may be more difficult, optimizing the operation of the pump is of primary concern and should take precedence.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Talan Planet 265\nLow ankle safety shoe Talan Planet 265 Black has a very breathable leather upper. This protective footwear meets rigorous standards. Additionally, there are no metal components at all in the shoe. Additionally, it is beautifully made and has a great appearance. Due to its high-quality crazy horse leather, the black-looking shoe offers a regal aspect and feel. Additionally, the advantage of non-metal fabrication enables the user to navigate challenging environments like airports and magnetic fields without taking off their shoes.\nTalan Planet 265 Black sneakers are made of stylish, dependable, and top-notch materials. When compared to its own sections, the upper leather receives the most praise.\nThe shoes’ interior is made of a unique “weave” material. Before weaving, it passes through the spinning process. The fabric is Cordura, which is very common. In particular, the Cordura fabric is durable and weather resistant.\nA unique substance also makes up the insole. AirSurf material is used in the manufacture. This is renowned for its tear resistance and breathability.\nIt is clear that the shoe exceeds the requirements for E N – I S O Certification.\nIn terms of lining quality, the material is mesh. Additionally, it has excellent breathability and exceptional tearing strength.\nAdditionally, being a metal-free shoe, its toe cap is unquestionably made of non-metal materials. Toe cap made of composite material. Nevertheless, the 200 joules of protection.\nThere is a Kevlar fabric midsole protection to reduce the possibility of being pierced by sharp items coming from the ground. Famous product from DuPont in the United States is kevlar.\nFeatures of Talan Planet 265:\n- Completely metal-free\n- Extremely Breathable Crazyhorse Leather Upper\n- Cordura® Textile Collar & Tongue\n- Extremely Breathable Air Surf Fabric Lining\n- Removable Antistatic Foot Shaped Insole\n- Fiber Cap For Perfect Protection & Weight benefit\n- Max flex Kevlar Midsole\n- Antistatic, Oil-Resistant, Slip-Proof PU-PU Sole From BASF®\n- Reflective Inserts on the Sides\n- Protection Standard of S3\n- Shoe Height: 80 ± 5 Mm\n- Size available: 37 – 47\nSole of Talan Planet 265 Black has two layers of PU. The inner sole is gentle material but does proper weight distribution. Similarly, the outer sole is also P U and it is oil resistant and slip resistant. The manufacturer of these two soles is B A S F – Germany – a company famous for world class chemical products. So, quality is assured.\nTo get a quote for the product, contact us at:\nMail us on : email@example.com\nWhatsApp us on : +97155-9680202", "label": "No"} {"text": "That was pretty good.\nBelow is the link to the whole 25 min. interview with AJ to which Cenk Uygur referred to in the end of his segment.\n\"Air is the very substance of our freedom, the substance of superhuman joy....aerial joy is freedom.\"--Gaston Bachelard--\nContent of posts and comm", "label": "No"} {"text": "It can be used on stair steps, pool sides, yachts and ships. It is suitable for use on marble, granite, wood and stone surfaces. Thanks to the rubber resin, the sands on it are not spilled. Thanks to its special glue formulation, detergent water, rain water, snow water and sun are not affected.\nStarline Anti-Slip Tapes provide anti-slip on slippery surfaces. It is ideal for preventing accidents caused by slipping. It is resistant to water, cleaning materials and UV rays. It is suitable for intensive and long-term use.\n|Size - Carton / Package Quantity||25mm x 15mt = 32|\n|Size - Carton / Package Quantity||50mm x 15mt = 16|", "label": "No"} {"text": "This exotic resin incense is Certified Vegan, made in accordance to ancient shamanic wisdom, and blended and infused with prayers and special mantras. Its authentic aroma is so powerful that a 1/2 teaspoon of resin on a small piece of charcoal fills a room with its mood transforming scent and properties, bringing love and attraction into one’s space.\nAroma: Fruity, floral.\nIntention: This resin is a special combination of natural ingredients, colored naturally with red pigment, the color of passion. Blessed with sacred mantras, burning this resin creates a sensual environment and sense of attraction.\n- Sensual aroma\n- Just ½ teaspoon of resin burned on charcoal fills space with aroma and intention\n- Handmade according to shamanic tradition\n- Manufactured in New York, USA\n- Green: Prabhuji’s Gifts is a Green America Gold Certified business, and uses recycled and reused packaging products for shipping materials.\n- Charitable cause", "label": "No"} {"text": "Continuous Inkjet Printers\nContinuous inkjet (CIJ) printers offer excellent build quality, multiple connectivity options and a simple touchscreen menu. You can use continuous inkjet for printing alphanumeric text, bar codes, data matrix codes and graphics on a wide range of substrates.\nContinuous Ink Jet systems (CIJ) work by expelling electrically charged ink droplets from a printhead nozzle and passing them through an electric field.\nThe ink jet is broken into drops inside the chamber through a pulse from the piezoelectric crystal. Droplets that are required for printing are charged by an electrode as they break off from the ink jet, and the printer re-circulates the rest.\nThe droplets, now charged, pass through an electrostatic field between deflector plates, a combination of speed and charge determines the correct position of the droplet on the substrate.\nUp to 120,000 of these tiny droplets – half the diameter of a human hair - are expelled every second, and as this is done without contact to the material being printed on.\nOur CIJ printers can code onto most materials, regardless of porosity, size, shape and texture. Used mainly to print variable information on individual products – such as dates, times, specific text, batch codes, product names and logos. Particularly useful for providing traceability data and for complying with increasingly strict industry legislation.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Testosterone Cypionat 250\nActive substance: Testosterone Cypionate\nManufacturer: Dragon Pharma\nUnit: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)\nTestosteroneCypionat 250- testosterone cypionate represents an injectable steroid and it is considered to be the most popular and most used testosterone. Cypionat 250, like testosterone enatanthe, is an oil-dissolved injectable form of testosterone with strong androgenic and anabolic effects. It aromatizes quite easily which means that the conversion rate to estrogen, similar to testosterone enanthate’s, is relatively high.\nCypionat 250 results\nSome believe that it stores more water in the body than testosterone enantathe does. The muscle buildup during the application along with the inevitable loss of strength and muscle mass after discontinuing use of one product, are the same with the other.\nCypionat 250 Cycle\nCypionat can be combined with many steroids making it an excellent mass steroid. As with testosterone enanthate the dosage range is 250-1000 mg/week although several athletes inject mega doses.\nCypionat 250 dosage\nIn hypogonadal males, the effect of a single injection of 200 to 400 mg of testosterone cypionate was observed to be maintained for 2 to 4 weeks, which is 2 to 4 times longer than the effect produced by a comparable dose of testosterone propionate.\nActually, almost everything written about testosterone enanthate can be applied to testosterone cypionate. Most athletes will not even notice the difference between the two compounds.\nCypionat 250 online\nAt our steroid pharmacy one may purchase Cypionat 250mg from Dragon Pharma, the injectable steroid that represents the substance testosterone cypionat at a discounted price. it is being shipped in its original box containing a 10ml vial of 250mg/ml, thus it is an original Dragon Pharma product properly marked and labeled. There is also a special bulk offer for it, specially designed for professionals and for those who prefer cycling regularly.\nBuy Cypionat 250\nHGh Worlds deals only with genuine Dragon Pharma steroids. The authenticity of Cypionat can be checked on the official Dragon Pharma website. Buy it now and make our online steroids shop your personal source of bodybuilding gear.\nCypionat 250 for sale\nBenefit from our best purchase offer for Cypionat 250 from Dragon Pharma. Cypionat for sale is available and ready to be shipped. We guarantees fast delivery, the best prices on the market .", "label": "No"} {"text": "Raspberry with Beetroot\nThe complementary combination of Cacao and Raspberry is an absolute treat for the taste buds. Infused with Beetroot and garnished with organic freeze-dried Raspberries. A perfect treat for any time of the day.\nCacao Origin: Ecuador\nAyurveda infusion: Beetroot\nDosha properties. It helps balance the Vata(Air) dosha.\nIngredients: Organic Raw Cacao Butter, Raw Honey, Organic Raw Cacao Powder, Raspberry Essential Oil, Organic Beetroot Powder, Organic Freeze Dried Raspberry, Himalayan Sea Salt\nNet Wt.: 56 gm (2oz)\nWow. The best tasting chocolate ever.\nThe best flavor was rose with cardamom, hands down! The orange flavor was great too. Then the raspberry and beetroot. The spicy cayenne was too spicy while the maple was a little on the butter side. Love your philosophy! To many more successes God Willing\nLemon Coconut with Tulsi\nBlack Lava Salt with Turmeric", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sleeper Lite Sleepig Bag (-5°C / -10°C) Snugpak Purple\nSleeper Lite sleeping bag was manufactured by British company Snugpak, which is known for the production of high quality outdoor and military sleeping bags.\nSleeping bag is suitable for the temperature range: comfortable -5°C, extreme -10°C. Waterproof outer layer of Aqualight (100% polyester) protects against moisture during sleep. The soft lining made of specially woven Supersoft Silky Smooth Fabric ensure extreme durability and efficient wicking of the excess moisture. Isofibre filling made of synthetic silicone nonwovens, has been designed to keep warm air in the fibre area. The sleeping bag expands while unpacking to achieve its full fluffiness. The fitted hood is equipped with a drawcord, thanks to which can be adjsuted to individual sizes. The mummy shape perfectly adapts to the body and thus provide a excellent heat maintaining.\nCompression bag (dimensions after compression 25 x 29 cm) included in set.\nBrand new product.", "label": "No"} {"text": "What’s Considered Scrap Metal?\nLet’s face it, the scrap metal industry may not be as famous as others but one thing for sure is that it’s equally important. It benefits the environment and it would be amazing to recycle and exchange scrap metals for cash. The most important thing is to have a clear understanding of different types of metals, their value as well as what they are used for.\nScrap metals have tremendous benefits and if you’ve been wondering what they are, keep reading as we tell you everything you need to know about scrap metals.\nSo what exactly is scrap metal?\nScrap metal is simply a combination of a metallic material, waste metal, and other products containing metals that can be recycled from previous product manufacturing. Whether it’s building supplies, vehicle parts or surplus project materials, one thing for sure is that scrap has a great monetary value and could make you rich.\nScrap metals originate from residential and commercial use and it can be processed into important secondary material for producing brand new metals. Scrap metals have great value due to the fact that they can be re-used again and again.\nDetermination of ferrous and non-ferrous metals\nFirst things first, any metal is determined whether it’s ferrous or non-ferrous before recycling. The process of distinguishing metals is simple and requires a common magnet only. If the magnet fails to stick to your metal, its non-ferrous metal but if it sticks, then it’s ferrous.\nNon-ferrous metals are the most valuable metals for recycling and are worth all the trouble as well as the money. These metals have no iron and are resistant to corrosion and include brass, copper, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, lead, tin, and nickel.\nOn the other hand, ferrous metals are less valuable but they will have some value especially if you have enough of them. They include metals like iron and steel which you can find in various places such as from cabinets to cars, chair, shelving among others.\nThe most valuable non-ferrous metals for recycling\nWith a magnet, you can easily tell the type of scrap metal you’re dealing with. As a rule, though, it’s worth mentioning that the value of what’s needed for scrap metal recycling depends on its type, quantity, and quality. The following are different types of scrap metal that will help you look for opportunities to make a difference in your financial world.\nAluminum is probably the most commonly recycled scrap metal and is readily available in every home. You can find it in empty food and drink cans, storm windows, screen door frame, or discarded food wrap foils. Interestingly, you can find aluminum wiring in old mobile homes and air conditioning units.\nBrass is also readily available in your home and you can find it in things such as brass-plated crockery, air conditioning, doorknobs, as well as old bed frames made from brass.\nCopper is a valuable metal to recycle and is commonly found in various home structures such as household plumbing, appliances, pots old roof accents, kitchen sinks, electronic wiring, and statues or room decor.\nThere are many reasons why everyone needs to recycle scrap metals. The energy required to recycle scrap metals is less than the total energy required to create new materials and this means that when you recycle metals in your home, you help the environment. In addition, it could be a source of income, lower the demand for precious natural resources and reduces the emission of greenhouse gas. Most importantly, it provides economic benefits and if you’ve accumulated suitable materials, take them for recycling and provide a clean environment as you improve your finances.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Clay Earrings Vee Dangles Latte\nThese earrings are extremely lightweight and perfect for any occasion. The metal posts, hooks and hoops are made with hypoallergenic stainless steel and are nickel free, making it perfect for sensitive ears.\n** Please note these are handmade clay earrings, slight imperfections and color variation may occur.**\nSecond image for size reference only.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Primobolan Enanthate is one of the 2 versions of Primobolan that is also known as Primobolan Depot. The second version is oral Primobolan Acetate. The difference between these 2 versions of Primobolan is in the method of administration: Primobolan Depot (also known as Primobolan Enanthate) is the liquid (oily based solution) that should be administered in the form of injection, whilst the second oral Primobolan Acetate is coming in form of pills which should be administered orally by mouth.\nIn both versions, the active substance is Methenolone. Primobolan is first and therefore a famous brand of Methenolone, but Hilma Biocare is offering it as brand without changing the active substance name – Methenolone.\nBuy Primobolan here.\nThis is an androgenic and anabolic steroid that is was created and is still used in medical settings for helping patients with various health conditions such as severe weight loss, prevent muscle wastage and various others.\nNonetheless, Primobolan is also very famous in bodybuilding settings, both for male and female athletes to encourage increased lean muscle mass, avoid muscle loss, enhanced fat burning process and many other benefits.\nPrimobolan Enanthate known as Primobolan Depot containing Methenolone Enanthate is the most famous version of Primo for bodybuilders, compared to oral version of Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate). That’s because the oral version is considered way milder and should be administered in way higher doses.\nPrimo is so popular because of its mildness, it has mild anabolic effects combined with very low androgenic properties, non toxic and cannot aromatize into estrogen.\nTherefore, is great both for men and women.\nPrimobolan Enanthate is having a half life of 7-13 days (the injectable version) whilst oral Primobolan is having a half life of only 4-6 hours. That’s why injectable is more popular.\n- Another fact that makes Primobolan such a famous anabolic steroid is the fact that a lot of legendary bodybuilders used the compound to reach Mr Olympia title, and the most notable one to mention is Arnold Schwarzenegger.\nHow Primobolan Depot Works?\nThere are various different ways that Primobolan is working. Per example, the compound is binding to the androgen receptors – mostly found in your muscles and bones. As a result, the anabolic steroid is going to result in:\n- Boosted red blood cells count extremely important for growing lean muscle mass.\n- Dramatic improve in nitrogen retention which makes sure that you would stay away from catabolic state, meaning you won’t lose muscles.\n- Increased protein synthesis, which makes you add lean muscle mass.\n- Is having a strong binding affinity to androgen receptors that is increasing metabolic rate and boosted fat loss processes.\n- Is also amazing at enhancing the immune system, the reason why is often given to people suffering from AIDS.\n- Is having mild androgenic nature which is not going to offer nasty side effects in terms of androgenic activity.\n- Improves active as well as total testosterone and that’s because is increasing SHBG as well as LH.\n- Is not going to be liver toxic\n- The performance and physique enhancement boosts would last for months, unlike as with other steroids that usually disappear within weeks.\n- Greatly burns body fat, increases metabolism and immune system. Offers a ton of energy.\n- Is amazing at improving muscle recovery as well as endurance of muscles.\nPrimobolan Enanthate Dosage and Cycle\nIt seems like the most common dosage of Primobolan Depot for men is in the range of 400 and 800 mg per week. Although, doses over 600 mg weekly are only recommended to people with vast experience whilst doses of 200-400 mg are recommended to beginners.\nWomen are generally recommended to go for oral Primobolan version, but if they use Primbolan Depot, dosage should be in the range of 50-100 mg per week maximum.\nWomen cycle length is maximum 6 weeks, for men is 8 weeks.\nWomen are not recommended longer cycle lengths, and men, although not recommended longer cycle lengths either, some experiment and receive good enough results.\nThe compound is stacked very well with many other compounds, especially when talking about cutting cycles.\nBuy Primobolan Enanthate here.\nBuy Primobolan Enanthate directly from this website HilmaBiocare.to. We are the best steroid store offering anabolic steroid of best quality for lowest price. We have a vast options of steroids you can choose from to stack Primobolan to maximize the cycle effectiveness.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Cupcake Cabernet Sauvignon 2013\n|Region||California, Central Coast|\nRich, smooth and elegantly textured, this full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon shows fruit flavors of blackberry, dark cherry and cassis that melt with notes of cocoa and toasty oak. Linger over the soft tannins and the long, smooth and silky finish.\nA screaming deal, this wine shows a nice blend of pencil lead, strawberries, peppercorn, oregano and chaparral scrub on the nose. The palate offers plenty of mocha and herbs including oregano and thyme, alongside elderberry and boysenberry fruit. It has enough tannic structure to notice but not enough to get in the way.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bio B Complex (Vitamin B)\nBio-B Complex is a high potency B-complex vitamin, along with the enzymes SOD and catalase.\nIndications: Use for recovery from serious debilitation, alcoholism, and homocystinuria\nIngredients: Thiamin (B1) (as mononitrate) 25 mg\nRiboflavin (B2) 25 mg\nNiacin (as niacinamide) 25 mg\nVitamin B6 50 mg (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)\nFolic Acid 400 mcg\nVitamin B12 (as cobalamin) 100 mcg\nBiotin 300 mcg\nPantothenic Acid 50 mg (as calcium pantothenate)\nSuperoxide Dismutase 20 mcg (from vegetable culture)\nCatalase (from vegetable culture) 20 mcg\nSuggestion: 1 to 3 tablets three (3) times each day as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a health care professional.\nWrite a reviewYour Name:\nYour Review: Note: HTML is not translated!\nRating: Bad Good", "label": "No"} {"text": "What is a Heat Exchanger?\nA heat exchanger is a device designed to efficiently transfer or \"exchange\" heat from one matter to another. When a fluid is used to transfer heat, the fluid could be a liquid, such as water or oil, or could be moving air. The most well known type of heat exchanger is a car radiator. In a radiator, a solution of water and ethylene glycol, also known as antifreeze, transfers heat from the engine to the radiator and then from the radiator to the ambient air flowing through it. This process helps to keep a car's engine from overheating. Similarly, Aavid’s heat exchangers are designed to remove excess heat from aircraft engines, optics, x-ray tubes, lasers, power supplies, military equipment, and many other types of equipment that require cooling beyond what air-cooled heat sinks can provide.\nThere are various types of heat exchangers. Aavid’s heat exchangers provide air-to-liquid cooling, liquid-to-air cooling, liquid-to-liquid cooling, or air-to-air cooling. With air-to-liquid cooling, heat is transferred from the air to a liquid. One example of air-to-liquid cooling is cabinet cooling. With liquid-to-air cooling, the heat is transferred from the liquid to the air. This type of cooling is generally used to cool process fluids. Liquid-to-liquid cooling is also used to cool process fluids, but the heat is removed by another liquid instead of by air. Lastly, with air-to-air cooling, heat is transferred from one air or gas stream to another.\nAavid has been manufacturing one of the most widely used heat exchanger technologies, tube and fin heat exchangers, for decades. Tube and fin heat exchangers provide air-to-liquid cooling or liquid-to-air cooling. They consist of fin, hairpin tubes, return bends to connect the hairpins, a tube sheet to support and properly align the tubes, a header with inlets and outlets, side plates for structural support, and usually a fan plate. The tubes provide the path for liquid coolant, and the fin adds surface area for more heat convection. Copper is often selected for tube and fin material due to its excellent thermal conductivity and compatibility with water and ethylene glycol solutions. However, stainless steel is used for tube and fin when it's necessary for the coolant to be deionized water or other corrosive fluids.\nAavid’s oil cooler flat tube heat exchangers also have tubes and fin; however, the tubes are flat instead of round. This helps to minimize pressure drop when oil or ethylene glycol is used as the coolant. The surface area of the flat tubes is also much greater than the surface area of the tubes in a tube and fin heat exchanger. The additional surface area of the tubes in an oil cooler flat tube heat exchanger maximizes heat transfer when poor heat transfer fluids like oil or ethylene glycol are used. These oil cooler heat exchangers consist of fin, flat tubes, a welded header with inlets and outlets, and plates, including an optional fan plate.\nAnother type of heat exchanger is a plate-fin heat exchanger, which can provide air-to-air, air-to-liquid, liquid-to-air, or liquid-to-liquid cooling. Plate-fin heat exchangers consist of finned chambers separated by flat plates and are circuited in alternating hot and cold fluid passages. Heat is transferred via fins in the passageways, through the separator plate, into the cold fluid via the separator plate, and into the cold fluid via fin once again. The heat exchanger also has manifold ducting, mounting brackets, and a frame.\nAavid’s liquid-to-liquid brazed plate heat exchangers also have plates, but with a herringbone pattern of grooves, stacked in alternating directions. This forms separate flow channels for two liquid streams so that the two fluids are never in direct contact. The heat exchanger plates are brazed together at the edges and at a matrix of contact points between sheets. The liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger can be compared to a shell and tube heat exchanger, which is used in similar applications.\nThe thermal performance of heat exchanger technologies can vary quite a bit, so when selecting a heat exchanger it's important to understand what performance is needed as well as what fluids are available for removal of heat. It's also important to evaluate the entire system when deciding on a heat exchanger, as there are multiple considerations including flow rate, pressure drop, materials compatibility, and more.", "label": "No"} {"text": "NOTE: Cat house carton box only comes with a purchase of 6 bags of litter and is subjected to availability\nKit Cat Soya Clump is 100% biodegradable soy-based cat litter with mild aroma. This unique product is made from the insoluble parts of a soybean which is found in soy milk production. Normally these insoluble parts are mainly disposed in a landfill, but Kit Cat innovates a second purpose for this ‘wasted’ material to be used as cat litter, labeling us as Eco-Friendly.\nClumps well and controls odour!\nEasy to clean and covers smell well\nGood clumping! Repeated purchase!\nFirst time trying this charcoal clumps, not bad anyway\nCovers smell well", "label": "No"} {"text": "High capacity hot sale spring flotation cell china 2016 hot sale sf gold flotation separation machine energy saving saving ball mill with high capacity gold ore ball mill for sale quality flotation machine for that provides accurate reliable and spring flotation cell with best price high.Ore dressing good quality flotation cell.Get Price List\nHigh capacity hot sale spring flotation cell china 2016 hot sale sf gold flotation separation machine energy saving saving ball mill with high capacity gold ore ball mill for sale quality flotation machine for that provides accurate reliable and spring flotation cell with best price high.Ore dressing good quality flotation cell.\nOre dressing machine.Ball mill dryer machine flotation cell classifier.Powder making machine.Raymond mill ygm series vertical roller mill, vertical clirik high efficiency pfl stone vertical compound crusher stone pel making talcum crusher cement pfl series vertical.Mobile crushing plant crushing plant,layout design.\nWe have flotation cell calcium oxide machine china,red beryl crystals from utah treasure mountain mining reddishmagenta beryl in a color sometimes described as quotgooseberry redquot is the rarest form of beryl a mineral family which includes emerald aquamarine morganite golden beryl and goshenite.\nAppraisal of the jameson flotation cell for recovery of cyanide soluble copper.The cycloneball mill circuit.And rougher-cleaner flotation of an oxide sulphide copper ore.Article.Jan.\nYuhui ball mill for flotation cell ore s.Asbestos ball mill manufacturers in chinaasbestos ore crushersbestos ball mill manufacturers in chinaasbestos ore crushersbestos ball mill manufacturers in china for sale php asbestos ore crushing plant for sale used stone crushers asbestos is the most vertical ball mill manufacturers china asbestos vertical mill supplier read moreet price.\nPeu x 400 rock stone gold ore flotation cell.Small scale gold mining olaijs.Be.Small gold mill hammer mill rock crusher small scale gold explore at singida small mining equipment laboratory test separator machin small mining flotation cell for sale easy operation energy saving small stone machine ore ja small scale ball mill mache mining machinery small sale peux400 peu x 400 pe best quality.\nNewest gold ore flotation cells to make iron oresnew flotation machine generacion mineralnewest mineral processing mining flotation machine.The rcs flotation machine combines the benefits of circular cells with the uni.Copper ore flotation cell.Ball mill , flotation cell , vibrating screen epc.One stop service for mineral processing.\nGrinding ball mill flotation cell for gold ore copper ore.The flotation behaviour of copper minerals in the northparkes mines copper-gold ore is when stainless steel grinding media was used, the copper flotation recovery ball mill grinding on the chemical environment and flotation of the copper ore of of chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and pyrite in an electrochemical cell.\nOre dressing flotation cell for raw ore processing.Ore dressing machinery ball mill for flotation cell iron oresre dressing equipment of flotation cell for pyrite and re dressing equipment of flotation cell for pyrite a color qty online service good price mineral lead zinc copper ore forth flotation machine nickel and cobalt ores mining and.\nChina hot sale mineral flotation cell hot selling gold ore beneficiation for new design design hot sell air flotation cells machine hot selling gold flotation cell parts tapper wear hot sale pef series flotation cell in china hot sale copper ore gold flotation cell for sale china hot sale small ball mill for sale.\nThe ball grinding mill is with stable and reliable working condition.Moreover, according to different materials and discharging methods, there are dry ball mills and wet ball mills for choice.Ball mill for copper ore processing in india.\nWe have impact flotation cell wear high impact copper ore check plates,jjf flotation wemco flotation shallow groove the stator lower than the impeller large slurry circulation volume low energy consumption development of mobile impact crusher br480rg komatsu komatsu.\nFlotation machines flotation cells.Small mining equipment for gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead all metals.Conditioners provide positions in the plant flowsheet wherein changes to the ore slurry are brought about by the addition of reagents and ph modifiers.\nDenver d 12 flotation machine price grinding mill china.Froth flotation grinding mills,copper ore ball mill process this is fed into long troughs, called froth flotation tanks or cellsincluding a small flotation machine and small rod or ball millseparating gold, lead ore ball mill, 12 banks of flotation cells, four.\nNew type compound flotation cell for salewhat is froth flotation - wisegeek aug 8, 2016.Froth flotation is the process of using air bubbles to separate.In 2008, microsoft offered to buy yahoo for roughly 10 times the.Learn some.\nHigh ball mill ratio and tin flotation cell.High crushing ratio jaw crusher for crushing high efficiency gold concentrator machine permanent magnetic rotary drum for mica high performance high quality sand and gravel pump vibrating screen high quality in mining flotation beneficiation immature species high high capacity of fine copper ore gold flotation cell high tenacity straight.\nIntermediate ball mill ore quarry flotation cell.31335 products eating plant copper wet ball mill offers 31335 china ball mill products hot sale china mining machine wet ball mill used in gold processing plant in africa here are no moving parts to wear out or generate heat in our mill and no screens to plug or be hina rubber lined gold energy saving copper ore ball mill.\nGongyi hengchang metallurgical building material equipments.2015 hot sales 500 ton per day copper ore flotation machine.Fluorite flotation cell flotation mnew design fine vertical compound crusher for stone.Potassium fertilizer production and technology - international plant.Does not form organic compounds in the plant.Is vital to.\nCopper extraction refers to the methods used to obtain copper from its ores.The conversion of copper consists of a series of physical and electrochemical processes.Methods have evolved and vary with country depending on the ore source, local environmental regulations, and other factors.As in all mining operations, the ore must usually be.\nLarge good quality copper ore dealing machines.Flotation cell in iron ore benificiation large good quality copper ore dealing machines large good quality copper ore dealing machines large appliion excellent quality copper ore ball mill kaolin ore kaolin ore suppliers and manufacturers large appliion excellent quality copper ore ball mill good.\nBall mill, flotation cell, crusher manufacturer supplier in china, offering excellent effective stone compound cone crusher, perfect device stone crusher machine with good service, lower cost efficient stone crusher machine for industry and so on.\nIron ore ball mill machine flotation cell.The floatation machine is a major equipment for separating jobs in dressing plant and is widely used in the beneficiation process of ferrous metal, nonferrous.\nThe description and application of lead-zinc rod mill.Ftm lead-zinc rod mill is developed according to the nature of the lead-zinc mine, it is a new efficient rod mill equipment with high use value and the affordable price, so that it can meet the price requirements of customers who have just joined lead-zinc mine industry.22122018.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Waxing a plane or car used to be a big job, but now you can do it with little effort with the new Eagle One Wax As-U-Dry, according to company officials.\nBoasting an exclusive carnauba formula, Wax As-U-Dry reacts with water to penetrate the surface leaving wax protection without haze, streaks, residue and discoloring trim. It also contains an anti-corrosion additive that protects paint from rust, road salt, acid rain and bird droppings.\nWax As-U-Dry is available at leading auto parts and mass retailers. Suggested retail price is $6.49.\nFor more information: EagleOne.com or 800-354-9061", "label": "No"} {"text": "Leaven (the night before):\n• 65 g wheat flour bread\n• 45 g luke warm waterwater\n• 1 heaped TBSP active rye sourdough refreshed and multiplied * (recipe here, here click)\nMix all ingredients. Cover with foil and leave at room temperature for 12 hours (overnight).\n• 385 g wheat flour bread\n• 250 g luke warm water\n• 1/2 TBSP salt\n• the 12-hour leaven from above\nMix all ingredients except the salt and process at low speed for 1 minute, cover with foil or cloth for 30-60 minutes.\nAdd salt and mix on slow speed for several minutes. The dough will be quite sticky.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Food Belcando Mastercraft Fresh Turkey\nThis diet combines freshness, naturalness and balance, which leads to a better quality of life for your dog. It is a Holistic diet, ideal for dogs of all breeds.\nThat is why we have put together the belcando mastercraft formulas in holistic terms with our nutritionists.\nWe use high quality processed raw materials and the least amount possible with all their natural ingredients as sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates.\nThe main ingredient is fresh turkey meat. However, the dog does not live only on meat, so Belcando has carefully chosen herbal ingredients such as amaranth , broad beans and chickpeas.\nIt contains ingredients that complement the nutrient profile of the product and, in some cases, contain ingredients that can increase the vitality and well-being of dogs fed with it.\nFood created and based on the holistic idea , a food for dogs that is more than the sum of its individual components.\nContains chlorella algae, berries, vegetables, herbs and olive extract.\nSuitable for all breeds\nContains turkey as main ingredient\nThe available format of the bag is 0.5g, 2.2kg, 6.2kg and 10kg\nHolistic turkey food for adult dogs of all breeds.\nFresh turkey meat (80%)\nAmaranth (5.5%); pea flour; broad bean flour (Vicia faba); chickpeas, dried; dried brewer's yeast (1%, source of beta-glucan oligosaccharides and mannan)\nGround marine zooplankton (krill, 0.8%); carob pods, dried; apple pomace, dried; Dicalcium phosphate; thistle oil; chia seeds (0.4%); vegetables, dried (total: 0.3%; carrots, parsnips, beets, leeks); \"Maerl\" (0.3%, Lithothamnium calcareum); yeast, hydrolyzed; dried algae (0.2%, Chlorella vulgaris); sodium chloride; blueberries (0.06%); wild berries, dried (total: 0.06%; rowan berries, rose hips, blueberries, elderberries, currants); herbs, dried (total: 0.06%; nettle leaves, gentian root, knapweed, chamomile, fennel, caraway, mistletoe, yarrow, blackberry leaves); potassium chloride; yucca schidigera; olive extract (0.003%, Olea europaea)\nVitamin A 13,000 KIU/KG Vitamin D3 1,300 IU/kg Vitamin E 130 IU/kg\nSelenium 0.05mg/kg Copper 12.5 mg/kg Iodine 2 mg/kg\nManganese 40 % Zinc 125 mg/kg Iron 200 mg/kg\nProteins 27% Fats 15 % Fibers 3.3% Ashes 6.5% Calcium 1.1%\nPhosphorus 0.9 % Moisture 10%", "label": "No"} {"text": "How To Make Your Bathtub Sparkle - Raining Hot Coupons •1/2 Tsp Dawn Dish Soap •1/2 Cup of Baking Soda •Warm Water •Sponge or Scrubber of Your Choice Combine water & baking soda paste to create a paste, then Add dawn, stir well. Scrub your entire bathtub with mixture. You shouldn’t have to scrub hard as the paste will work while you apply it and leave you with a sparkling bathtub!\nWhy didn't I ever think to blend soap and water through a blender to clean it? 17 Lazy Girl Cleaning Hacks That Will Forever Change You . Some of these are really good to know! Cleaning tips, cleaning schedule, green cleaning", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hemp, what's the hype?\nOur hemp cacao butter is a great snack option for those who want the protein and smoothness of nut butter, but without nuts. While we like to think of it as a nut milk or nut allergy alternative, hemp has numerous benefits beyond that. For some cultures it has been a diet staple for centuries, using both the seeds and oil as a dietary supplement to aid in digestion, provide essential nutrition, and even alleviate symptoms associated with PMS!\nTo make our butters, we grind raw cacao nibs in with the hemp seeds, so you're getting the real deal. No powders, no filler oils. Just nibs, hemp seeds, and a bit of organic cane sugar. If you need some convincing to try this flavor, see the benefits below.\nHealth Benefits of Hemp:\n- With 20 amino acids, hemp seeds are one of the few plant-based complete proteins\n- Rich in essential fatty acids, including Omega’s 3, and 6\n- High amounts of Vitamin E\n- High in fiber\nChocoVivo Hemp Sampler\nAt ChocoVivo we incorporate hemp into more than just our butters. We have a hemp milk option for hot chocolates, as well as a seasonal bar: Pineapple, Hemp and Coconut. If you're not familiar with the flavor, come in and ask for our Hemp Sampler!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Nice light tea. I found that you need to seep it longer than it says too. The flavors are subtle but nice and fruity.\nThe Dragonfruit tea is delicious. You can taste all the flavors of fruits. Best start to my day!\nI have been missing Teavana's Dragonfruit Devotion, so am very happy that this tea has come into my life. It is scrumptious and an excellent replacement!\nI love the flavor of this tea I feel that taste better then the one Starbucks has, but this one does not need syrup to make it sweer\nThank you Laura!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hair colouring or hair dyeing is the practice of alternating the hair color.\nMajor reasons for this are cosmetics, to change to the color regarded as more fashionable, desirable or to restore the original hair color after it has been disclosed by the hairdressing process and sun bleaching. Furthermore, the process can be done professionally with the help of a hairdresser or can be done independently at home. However, hair coloring can be said to have gained popularity in today’s fashion sense.\nReasons for hair colouring?\nApplying a gentle color on the hair can create various hues that reflect light differently which can make the hair seem more vibrant.\nii. Added thickness:\nHair coloring fattens the hair shaft and can make the hair temporarily thicker and more body than the actual size. So, in case you have fine hair, the color will be just fine for you. It adds a coating to your hair that improves and thickens hair structure.\niii. Beautiful and gorgeous results:\nA professional touch to the coloring process, done correctly at a good salon will guarantee you getting beautiful, glossy hair within a couple of hours or less- depending on your colour choice.\niv. Customized colors:\nYou can get your hair coloring done professionally and achieve customized results after consulting a professional hairstylist. The way you can develop a hair color that fully represents your unique personality.\nv. Improved appearance:\nHair color treatment is a great way to change your hair, according to your mood and personality. Want to change your looks, you can always enhance your appearance but alternating your hair color.\nvi. Protected hair:\nHair color protects actually your hair from environmental hazards like pollution, wind or excessive heat as well as cold due to the coating.\nvii. Expression of personality:\nHair color has a way of expressing one’s personality. For instance, artists try different specific colors that represent them and their work.\nviii. Stronger hair:\nColoring adds a certain coating on your hair which helps in making the hair stronger. Also, it is a good aid to those who have weak hairs, adding a semi-permanent color can help build hair strength.\nix. Smooth hair:\nColor can also help reduce frizzy hair by conditioning it and adding more weight to it and it really keeps your hair smooth and manageable.\nDownside of hair colouring\nHair coloring can also be hazardous, here are some disadvantages of hair coloring:\ni. Certain chemicals contained in the dye mixture can cause cancer to the skin and internal parts of the body like the bladder.\nii. Some chemicals which might work inappropriately can cause the hair to recede earlier than expected resulting in stunted growth.\nHow to color your hair.\ni. Find your shade: Buying the dye should not be based on how pretty or how nice the dye box is, but finding the right shade. If you want a full shade lighter or darker from your natural hair, a professional help is more preferential, but a little dimension you can do it yourself.\nii. Prep your hair: Do not wash your hair for a few days before coloring it, since your natural oil can help protect the scalp from any chemical in the dye, a three-day-old hair is best to work with. Applying some Vaseline around your hairline and your ears will help to avoid dye stains.\niii. Follow the instructions carefully: Every dye box has its own set of instructions, so be careful to read them before starting off. After the mix-up, wear a pair of gloves and start from the roots. If you want to color the whole hair, you will want to start at the top and pull down through your ends.\nHomemade hair colouring techniques\nThe Kaolin Hibiscus Treatment\nThis treatment was introduced to us by @natura_essie\nSteps for Kaolin treatment\n*Boil some amount of dried hibiscus leaf\n*Crush the kaolin clay, mix it with the infused Hibiscus juice.\n*Mix in a plastic plate, and stir with a plastic spoon.\n*Apply on scalp and hair. Leave for 30min. Rinse afterward. Follow up with a moisture dc to keep your hair soft.\nBecause the clay has stripped the hair off every available moisture, it is advised to properly seal in moisture.\nOther alternatives for clay include:\nWho can color the hair?\nHair color doesn’t deal with inequality, women, men, girls, boys can color the hair according to the choice of dye and trending fashion but yet hair coloring goes perfectly for some people while for some it doesn’t and here are the main reasons;\ni. Those who know the kind of dye to use: Choosing the right dye like earlier said shouldn’t be based on how beautiful a dye box is but on finding the right shade and dye that works perfectly for your hair strands. So if you know just the right type of dye to use, hair coloring is sure good for you.\nii. Less frequent users: The frequency and number of times you color your hair determine if hair coloring is good for you. Also, the American statistics discovered that more frequent users of hair color have a risk of developing bladder cancer over those who don’t.\niii. D.N.A: Genetic makeup also poses a choice in choosing who can do hair coloring. Those with weaker D.N.A should not and even if make sure to give it a professional touch.\niv. Late starters: Earlier dyes contained chemicals such as aromatic amines and organic compounds that could harm the health but the intervention of the FDA, who issued warning about such chemicals which made manufacturers drop it. So if you started dyeing your hair lately be rest assured that hair dyes will work perfectly for you.\nAre you looking to refill your hair product cabinet, we are your plug. Order here\nWas this helpful?", "label": "No"} {"text": "Every now and then, we love a nice and hearty stew and this is just that! Venison is very rich in nutrients and minerals, and the bone marrow and bone broth give this a nice boost of collagen, healthy fats and nose to tail nutrition including some growth factors and immune compounds 😉 I call this is bowl of health\nThis recipe can be made completely carnivore if you omit the onions and the spices, but in this case, we decided to add them for some additional flavor.\nTo make you need (2-3 portions):\nOur venison is from Maui Nui Venison, which is axis deer, but elk or even bison or beef will work just as well 🙈\n2 lbs stew meat 🥩\n2-3 cups or bone broth (home made is best) 💪🏻\n4 slices of corn and soy free bacon – we love Apsey Farms (use code HELEN10) to save 🥓\n1/2 half cup diced onion 🧅\nSalt, white pepper, garlic powder and bay leaf powder 🧂\nBegin by melting the rendered fat (I choose bone marrow for maximized nutrition) in a pot. Dice the onion and sear until brown. Season with slices of your choice 🧅🧂\nDice the stew meat and remove any tough bits. Add the meat to the onions and let it brown. Continue to season.\nSlice the bacon and add it to the meat. Let it sear until the bacon is cooked. Next, add bone broth until the meat the covered. As you can see, my bone broth is very rich and solid at room temperature (I used soup bones from Apsey Farms/ use code HELEN10) which helps make this stew even more nutrient rich.\nBring the stew to a mixture and simmer for a few hours until the meat is tender. Continuing to add liquid (water or broth) to avoid it from getting dry.\nWe like to serve this with miracle noodles which are anti-nutrient free and add some nice variety!", "label": "No"} {"text": "How do you harvest resin from a vaporizer?\nHow do you harvest resin from a vaporizer?\nOptionally you can gather the resin on a pin and gently heat it with a torch. Let it drip into a dish and stir. This should help remove any traces of remaining alcohol. Any resin left in the plate after scraping can be salvaged by rubbing with butter for a snack.\nIs vape resin potent?\nA live resin extract vape cartridge isn't as potent as a distillate cartridge — the THC percentage of resin usually hovers somewhere around 45 or 50 percent, while distillate can weigh in at 85 or 90 percent THC — but, because of the entourage effect, choosing weed based on THC levels doesn't necessarily make sense.\nCan you put resin in a vaporizer?\nYou CAN smoke or vape live resin and rosin. ... Resin is the byproduct of smoking or vaping cannabis. When you clean your pipe or vape, you will notice a tar-like dark black or dark brown material. Resin is NOT a magic gooey substance that will “get you higher” than regular flower either.\nCan you dab vape resin?\nYes, you can vape live resin either by dabbing, as described above, hitting a live resin vape pen, as described below, or by using a nectar collector. In each of these cases, you are simply vaporizing your live resin with heat and inhaling the cannabinoids and terpene-rich vapors.\nWhat's the difference between cured resin and live resin?\nResin products are also categorized as being “live” vs. “cured.” Live means that the flowers or trim being used are processed fresh or fresh-frozen directly after harvest. Cured means that they have been dried and cured after harvest before being extracted.\nWhat is the best live resin cartridge?\n- AiroPro currently makes the strongest live resin vape cart.\n- Binske keeps getting better and taste is awesome.\n- Fuze Live Resin: Sweet taste, long-lasting effects, top-notch hardware.\n- MPX Live Resin tastes sweet and effects are long lasting.\n- Remedy makes the best tasting live resin cartridge and it's second on strength.\nDo live resin cartridges smell?\nHonestly you're fine to hit it, the vapor doesn't smell imo but the cart itself does from about 1-2ft away, smells like fresh bud.\nWhat is live resin sauce?\nLive resin sauce is made from fresh frozen plant material that was not dried and cured, but rather frozen immediately after harvest. The starting plant material is a key indicator as to whether a sauce is considered live resin.\nWhat is live resin sugar wax?\nLive resin sugar is a whole-plant cannabis concentrate that has the consistency of sugar bits dripped into thick honey. Live sugar takes the same starting process as wax and butter, only it utilizes slightly different post-processing techniques to produce a more honey-like consistency.\nCan drug dogs smell DAB pens in a car?\nSo if you're wondering whether dogs can smell dab pens, the answer is an unwavering yes.\nCan drug dogs smell through vacuum sealed bags?\nUnless the substances have been sealed in laboratory perfect conditions, drug dogs will be able to smell and detect on vacuum sealed bags. It's all down to the process of getting substances into vacuum packed bags.\nWhat drugs do drug dogs smell?\nCurrently, the company's drug dogs can detect the following:\n- Marijuana – The most commonly abused illicit substance.?\n- Heroin – A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, used to produce euphoria.\n- Cocaine – Also known as coke, a strong stimulant most frequently used as a recreational drug.\nDoes my dog know when im high?\n\"Absolutely yes,\" Downing said. She explained that cats and dogs have receptors in their nervous system called cannabinoids receptors that allow them to be effected from marijuana.\nCan dogs tell when you're on your period?\nIt turns out that both cats and dogs are able to detect menstruation by odor and hormonal levels.\nWhat drugs do Airport dogs smell?\nIt’s not surprising that detection dogs are used at airports due to their ability to detect the following substances within luggage and on the person:\n- Drugs – including weed, cocaine,opium and heroin.\n- Concealed weapons and firearms.\n- Illegal animal based products.\n- Large amounts of cash.\nDo smell proof bags work?\nQ. Are smell-proof bags effective enough to contain odors besides marijuana? A. Yes, if you're carrying around a particularly stinky slice of durian, blue cheese, or pungent spices, a high quality smell-proof bag will still provide smell suppression.\nCan k9 smell acid?\nOn the wall is a whiteboard listing all the drugs the dogs are being trained to detect — heroin, cocaine, MDMA, LSD, meth and PCP, among them. One common drug, however, is conspicuously absent from the list. Marijuana.\nDo police dogs ever not alert?\nIn the first 9 months of 2011, dogs alerted (and police searched) 14,102 times, and drugs were found only 2,854 times—a false alert rate of 80%. Those results, they say, are surprisingly consistent – in 2010, the false alert rate was 74%.\nWhat do police dogs do off duty?\nDuring this time the dogs spend time with their families as any other dog does. It is not uncommon for the dogs to go camping or hiking with their handlers while off-duty. 2Do the K9 teams visit schools and other social gatherings?\n- What is Rhys Ifans doing now?\n- What are spike mats good for?\n- How do you play Spike Ball?\n- Is Spike a real name?\n- How does spiking neural networks work?\n- How do you get spike in ACNH?\n- What does spilling over mean?\n- What is the meaning of spillover?\n- What is the meaning of spilling?\n- Is Spike a boy or a girl My Little Pony?\nYou will be interested\n- What's another word for rise up?\n- What does Spike mean in volleyball?\n- What is a spike rush?\n- What can I do with old rubber gloves?\n- Does toddy get you drunk?\n- What is the rarest spike in animal jam?\n- What is a spiked roller used for?\n- Does coffee contain lectins?\n- What happened to spike in X-Men Evolution?\n- Is the Spikeball Pro Net worth it?", "label": "No"} {"text": "MIT or \"Musical Interface Technologies\" was one of the first successful lines of very high-end audiophile cables in the mid-to-late 1980s. The company lost some of its sock when lead designer, Jack Sumner and his wife Karen, left to form Transparent Audio in the early 1990's.\nHistorically MIT is highly significant to the development of audiophile systems as their Music Hose and other large format cables took Noel Lee's \"attach sale\" concept of cables beyond lamp chord and make it more the size of vacuum cleaner hose.\nNotable MIT Cables products include:\nEmail: [email protected]", "label": "No"} {"text": "By M Corredig\nAdvances in applied sciences for the extraction and amendment of worthwhile milk parts have spread out new possibilities for the meals and nutraceutical industries. Reviewing the most recent examine during this dynamic quarter, this booklet covers sleek techniques to the separation of dairy parts and manufacture of dairy components. It highlights the organic performance of dairy elements and their nutraceutical purposes, together with milk oligosaccharides, lacctoferrin, and the position of dairy items in metabolic rules. The textual content concludes with a dialogue of the technological performance of dairy parts and their functions in nutrients and non-food items.\nRead Online or Download Dairy-Derived Ingredients: Food and Nutraceutical Uses (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition) PDF\nBest cooking by ingredient books\nIs there a vegetable boycott in impression on your relations? Tempt them with the scrumptious recipes for hummus, macaroni and cheese, pizza, and fowl pot pie in additional greens, Please! and you may research that even finicky eaters are strangely effortless to reform. Created by way of popular healthcare professional and foodstuff professional Elson Haas and average chef and nutritionist Patty James, the recipes during this book-over a hundred in all-offer clean rules for altering how you organize greens to lead them to attractive, even to choosy eaters.\nAdvances in applied sciences for the extraction and amendment of priceless milk parts have spread out new possibilities for the meals and nutraceutical industries. New purposes for dairy materials also are being stumbled on. Dairy-derived elements reports the most recent study in those dynamic components.\nElevated wisdom of the quantity, efficiency, and significance of bioactive compounds in fermented milk and dairy items has spiked their reputation around the globe. And the fad exhibits no signal of abating any time quickly. An all-in-one source, Fermented Milk and Dairy items gathers information regarding varied fermented milk and dairy items, their incidence, microorganisms concerned, dietary features, and future health advantages at one position.\nAll types of meat tastes greater Italian type! From meatballs to veal escalopes, Italian-style dishes have long past worldwide and rank one of the most well-liked dishes wherever. yet for actual Italian, you’ll are looking to depend upon the forty recipes that includes chook, red meat, lamb and beef during this nice little cookbook from Barilla.\n- Fruit Recipes (Cookbook)\n- The great meat cookbook\n- Poultry & Game\n- The Art of Living According to Joe Beef: A Cookbook of Sorts\n- Simply Atlantic Seafood (Simply Series)\n- Vegetarian Classics: 300 Essential Recipes for Every Course and Every Meal\nExtra info for Dairy-Derived Ingredients: Food and Nutraceutical Uses (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)\n2, the casein is the main water absorber. 6, sorption is dominated by the transformation of the physical state of lactose. Above this level, salts have a marked influence (Pisecky, 1997). The water activity of milk powders consisting of non-fat milk solids and milk fat is controlled mainly by the moisture content expressed in non-fat solids since the fat has no influence. Thus, differences in aw are due mostly to the state of proteins and the physical state of the lactose. The methods Understanding the factors affecting spray-dried dairy powder 39 to determine aw consist of putting the product in equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere, then measuring the thermohygrometric characteristics of the air in equilibrium with the product.\n8) which could be further separated. However, the target here was to separate only the two bulk fractions, glyco- and aglyco-CMP. More importantly, it was shown that, in fact, MAC achieves the separation effect in a quarter of the time required by conventional IEX chromatography. It can be predicted that MAC technology will have further applications in the food industry or in pharmaceutical applications, since different ligands can be linked with the carrier surfaces and that a wide spectrum of separation tasks could successfully be solved by using MAC units.\nHigh-fat concentrates are much less susceptible to foaming than skim milk. Undenaturated whey proteins in skim milk have a greater tendency to foam, which can be reduced by heat treatment, which causes protein 34 Dairy-derived ingredients denaturation. Concentrates with low total solid contents foam more than more highly concentrated materials. An increase in temperature from 10 to 40°C increases the tendency to form foam for skim milk concentrate at 40 and 45% of total solids related to decrease in viscosity.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The fragrance begins with a golden nectar of red apples and juicy mandarin. The apple notes are joined by a cinnamon & clove main theme.\nA long-lasting, moisturizing body oil made with natural based ingredients. Our concentrated oils sink into the skin to lock in moisture and nourish with antioxidants and vitamins.\nRecommended for all skin types!\nOur luxury body oil is deliciously scented. Our mix of oils will leave your skin moisturized and smelling amazing! Apply oil while skin is still damp AFTER your shower for a truly luxurious, skin nourishing experience. Do NOT apply during your shower, due to a slipping hazard!\nAvailable in 4 ounces\nIngredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Avocado oil, Sunflower oil, and fragrance", "label": "No"} {"text": "At home, I eat the hot pot and leave the rod of Artemisia. I think about how to solve it, so I created this fast food.\nPork shredded pork\nPut a little wine in the bowl, a little salt, and marinate for 10 minutes.\nWash the wormwood rod and drain it for later use.\nPut a little oil in the pot. After the oil is hot, add the marinated pork and stir fry. After the pork is discolored, add the artemisia bar to stir fry.\nIf the cooking process is slightly dry, add a small amount of water.\nPay attention to the amount of salt when stir frying in the pot. The meat is already marinated beforehand.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Cellex-C is a pioneer of Vitamin C skin care since 1991. The Cellex-C Complex was the first topical ascorbic acid formulation to be successfully commercialized. It is one of the most effective ways of replenishing low vitamin C levels. This complex is found in all Cellex-C products. It contains highly concentrated levels of L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) together with a precise formulation of other natural constituents vital to skin enhancement. It is the precise technology of the Complex that allows Cellex-C formulations to work differently than all other skin care products.\nToday, there are hundreds of other companies worldwide selling vitamin C products, but no other formulation has been able to reproduce Cellex-C’s successful results. Vitamin C is now considered to be one of the most important ingredients that one can use to combat the signs of aging. This complex has been designed to help the skin look, act and feel younger, heal damaged skin and improve the look and quality of aging skin.", "label": "No"} {"text": "After Cleansing skin, application of Dr. Belter Vitamin Serum.\nBrushing Vitamin Serum all over face and neck.\nApplication of Collagen Mask.\nPressing down on Collagen Mask.\nApplication of Vitamin Serum on Neck.\nApplication of Collagen Neck Mask and Smoothing out with Dr. Belter Sensitive Crystal Gel.\nFull Mask on and bubbles removed.\nRemoving Mask after completely firmed. Begin at neck and lift off.\nPain Relief with Digi Light Laser\nHelps with: Swelling, Joints and ligaments, Strained muscles, Stress relief, Jaw pain, Arthritis, Customized Home Care Program Given, Savings Packages AvailableLearn More\nCold Laser is a comfortable and extremely effective breakthrough in skin rejuvenation. They call it Cold Laser because it does not burn the skin but enegerizes the skin cells and promotes collagen building, plumping up the skin, muscle tighting, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.Learn More\nMicrodermabrasion is a simple cosmetic procedure designed to safely do a deep exfoliatation of the outer epidermal layer of the skin to reveal the fresh dewy sink beneath. This promotes the rejuvenation processes of the skin. Works on most any skin type.Learn More\nDr. Belter SkinCare\nDr. Belter Cosmetic is a skincare formulated in Germany that fuses raw and organic ingredients with the best of skincare technology to create elixirs of perfection for every skin type. All products are made of 95-100% natural ingredients and are free of mineral and silicone oils. Dr. Belter skin care is built on highly pure skin-identical raw materials and precious phyto oils with high tech patents to achive the best results.Learn More\n© 2004-2018 All rights reserved.\nWebsite Designed by Little Frog Innovations, Inc.", "label": "No"} {"text": "codeine intoxication in the neonate\nDoes make you sleep does cause tinnitus customers review garcinia cambogia\ncodeine intoxication in the neonate for dogs dosage. For premature ejaculation can you take with epilepsy is promethazine and codeine the same can cause edema can cough syrup cause diarrhea. 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Cough medicine with promethazine and lyrica et efferalgan remedies for codeine withdrawal makes me itch bladder infection. How to get cough syrup prescription canadian over the counter drugs with koffex dm codeine acetaminophen solution lean how much is in promethazine vc syrup. Is legal in dominican republic nmr treatment for codeine dependence does cough syrup with work how much liquid to die.\ncodeine intoxication in the neonate", "label": "No"} {"text": "Which type of vitamin form is best? What is the basic difference between vitamin D2 and D3? Why do you need it? Vitamin D? Vitamin D is a member of a nutrient family. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. This is very helpful for the growth of bones, improves the immune system, helps to make the brain sharp, helpful for cardiovascular health and lungs function, helpful for the nervous system, and many more. It’s also helpful to prevent chronic diseases, such as type one diabetes.\nThe best source of vitamin D is sunlight and ingredients filled with different types of vitamin D, which are fatty fish, fish oil, egg yolk, butter, and fortified food products. To prevent yourself from vitamin D deficiency, take proper sunlight, take the best diet, and use vitamin supplements.\nTypes Of Vitamin D Are Vitamin D2 And D3\nMainly, there are two types of vitamin D: vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, and vitamin D3, known as cholecalciferol. Vitamin D2 is mainly found in plant Sources, mushrooms, and fortified foods. Vitamin D3 is mainly found in animal-sourced foods, such as fish oil, liver, egg yolk, butter, etc. In 2008 clinical study has proved that vitamin D2 works well as compared with vitamin D3. Your skin can produce vitamin D3 when you spend time in the sunlight, and vitamin D2 is produced in plants and mushrooms exposed to sunlight.\nBest Sources Of Vitamin D\nSunlight is the best source to gain vitamin D, and types of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is only found in animal-sourced food, such as oily fish, egg yolk, liver, butter, etc. Vitamin D2 sources are plant-sourced food, mushroom exposed sunlight, fortified foods, etc. Many vitamins supplements are present in the market, which are helpful to enhance the level of the vitamins; you can get this in the form of capsules, tablets, and powder. You can easily buy these from various drug stores and online pharma sites.\nRole Of Vitamin D In The Human Body\nVitamin D and types of vitamin D play an important role in the human body. They help prevent you from some serious diseases, such as heart diseases, type one diabetes, flu, etc. and help reduce the body’s weight, help reduce depression, fatigue, anxiety, etc. Make your mood good. When you feel fatigued, pain in the body, chronic illness, these are the symptoms of lack of vitamin D. You can consult with your doctor or pharmacist and start a vitamin supplement and vitamin D friendly diet, which can help you improve your vitamin amount in your body.\nVitamin D level is important to maintain in the human body to keep your body healthy and fit. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms are pain in muscles, low mood, regular sick, fatigue, etc. These Types of vitamin D like vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 should be an important part of your diet to improve human health.", "label": "No"} {"text": "At present, 99% of domestic and foreign faucets are plated with copper. Stainless steel faucets are now only popular, a new trend in the market. The stainless steel faucet has the inaccessible advantage of the copper faucet. Due to the difficulty in processing, the price of the stainless steel faucet is slightly more expensive than the copper faucet, but some classic styles have reached the same price as the copper faucet, so the Stainless Steel Kitchen Faucet is the future. The star of the faucet.\n一、Advantages of stainless steel faucets\nStainless steel faucet is safe and lead-free, free of corrosion and exudation, no odor or turbidity problem, will not cause secondary pollution to water quality, keep water quality clean and hygienic, and ensure complete safety.\nThe field corrosion test data shows that the service life of stainless steel can reach 100 years, almost no maintenance is required in the life cycle, avoiding the cost and trouble of faucet replacement, and low operating cost. Realize the same lifespan of stainless steel faucets and buildings.\n二、Current copper faucet defects\n- Generally, the content of lead in copper and copper faucet castings is 4%-8%. If the faucet is not used for a long time, green rust will be generated on the inner wall, and harmful substances such as lead existing inside may be released into the tap water. Drinking too high levels of lead can cause lead poisoning.\n- The surface of the copper faucet needs electroplating, which causes serious environmental pollution. The copper surface treatment method is nickel and chromium. The surface is not resistant to acid and alkali, cannot be washed with washing water and hard towels, care is not convenient, it is 1 to 2 years, and slowly loses surface gloss and pitting during 3 to 5 years. Finally, the plating layer peels off, revealing copper rust.\ninformation about Stainless Steel Kitchen Faucet : https://www.afastainlesskb.com/product/stainless-steel-faucet/kitchen-faucet/", "label": "No"} {"text": "Global Clinical Laboratory Test Market By Type (Complete Blood Count, HGB/HCT Testing, Basic Metabolic Panel Testing, BUN Creatinine Testing, Electrolytes Testing, HbA1c Testing), By Application (Hospital-based Laboratories, Independent labs, Clinic-based Laboratories, and Others), By Region, and Key Companies - Industry Segment Outlook, Market Assessment, Competition Scenario, Trends and Forecast 2020-2029\n- Report Details\nThe report on Clinical Laboratory Test Market offers in-depth analysis of market trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities etc. Along with qualitative information, this report includes the quantitative analysis of various segments in terms of market share, growth, opportunity analysis, market value, etc. for the forecast years. The global clinical laboratory test market is segmented on the Type,\n- Table Of Content\n1. Clinical Laboratory Test Market Introduction 1.1. Definition 1.2. Taxonomy 1.3. Research Scope2. Executive Summary 2.1. Key Findings by Major Segments 2.2. Top strategies by Major Players3. Global Clinical Laboratory Test Market Overview 3.1. Clinical Laboratory Test Market Dynamics 3.1.1. Drivers 3.1.2. Opportunities 3.1.3. Restraints 3.1.4. Challenges 3.\n- Inquiry Before Buying\n- Request Sample", "label": "No"} {"text": "Ice cream cake pops\nPrep Time: 0 hours 0 mins\nCook Time: 0 hours 0 mins\n100 g unsalted butter, softened\n100 g caster sugar\nPinch of salt\nSeeds of ¼ vanilla pod\n2 medium eggs\n100 g self-raisin flour\n275 ml whipping cream\n350 g plain chocolate, chopped or in buttons\n30 g lucose\n12 small ice cream wafer cones\nApproximately 1 kg caster sugar or enough to fill a small bowl\n600 g liquid fondant (also called fondant patissiere)\n1 tsp. glucose\nA small amount of simple sugar syrup\nA selection of food colours\nPlastic piping bag\n12 plastic drinking cups\nTo make the sponge, preheat the oven to 175°C/gas mark 4 and place the butter, sugar, salt and vanilla seeds in a mixing bowl and cream together until pale and fluffy.\nBeat the eggs lightly in another bowl and slowly add to the butter mixture while whisking quickly. Once all the egg has been added and combined, sift in the flour and stir until the batter is just combined.\nBake for 15-20 minutes, until the sides are beginning to shrink away from the edges of the tines and the tops are golden brown.\nTo make the ganache, place the cream in a saucepan and bring to a bare simmer. Place the chocolate and glucose into a bowl and pour the hot cream over the top. Whisk together until smooth. Once combined, leave to cool until it has a soft buttery texture.\nFill a few small plastic bowls with one kilogram caster sugar and compress as much as possible. This will provide a stand for the ice cream cones while the fondant icing sets.\nLine a tray with greaseproof paper.\nTo make the cake balls, break the sponge cake down into crumbs and place in a mixing bowl. Add the ganache a little at a time and combine until all the cake crumbs stick together. Using your hands, shape into 12 equal-sized balls and place them on the prepared tray. You may want to use rubber gloves when doing this as it is a very messy job. Chill in the freezer until firmly set.\nTo assemble the cake pops, place the remaining ganache into a plastic piping bag. Cut two and a half centimeters from the tip of the bag. Pipe the ganache into a wafer cone until it just reaches the top. Place one chilled cake ball on top and press down to ensure it sticks to the ganache. Stand the cone in a plastic cup and place it back in the freezer to set. Repeat for all the remaining cones and cake balls.\nTo decorate, melt the fondant in the microwave on a medium heat until runny. Make sure that it does not boil as it will lose its shine. Stir in the glucose and add some sugar syrup to adjust the consistency if required. You want it to be a thick pouring consistency with a dipping temperature of about 4852°C. This temperature will ensure that the fondant sets immediately after dipping.\nDivide the fondant into equal parts and mix with your chosen food colours. Use small bowls with enough depth for dipping the balls.\nTake one cake pop at a time and dip it upside down into the fondant right up until it reaches the edge of the wafer cone. Lift out and spin the remaining fondant off. Top with sugar sprinkles while the fondant is still soft.\nPush the cone into the bowl filled with caster sugar and leave it to set. You can place a few cones next to each other but make sure they do not touch.\nThese cake pops will last for up to five days when kept at room temperature. Do not refrigerate as the fondant will melt.Boutique Baking\nThis content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io\nMore From Recipes", "label": "No"} {"text": "With the exploration and innovation of company people, gradually formed four major advantageous products: steel plate, steel pipe, stainless steel, special steel.\nAlibaba.com offers 2,771 industrial temperature range products. About 1% of these are cooktops, 1% are plastic sheets, and 1% are ranges. A wide variety of industrial temperature range options are available to you, such as ce, csa, and cb.\nWe manufactuer Low Carbon Plate Steel to three separate carbon ranges that relate to thickness and end use requirements,sizes 3/4-1 1/2 the carbon range is (0.15-0.25) which gives improved machining, while retaining its forming and welding properties and Medium Carbon Plate Steel in the (.40-.50) carbon range is silicon killed and higher sm490c temperature range supplier\n1. How does the SBC supplier define the extended temperature range? 2. Does the supplier use commercial temperature components on their extended temperature SBCs? 3. How is the SBC tested to ensure it will perform over the rated temperature range? Lets take a closer look at these questions and uncover some facts\nWe Manufacturer & Supplier of Low Price Range Resistance Temperature Detectors in Faridabad, Haryana, India. Our organization deals in offering good range of Resistance Temperature Detectors, junction that produces the voltage related to temperature difference between the two metals.\nSB410 steel plate, SB410 steel plate supplier - BEBON STEEL. SB410 steel plate, SB410 steel plate supplier.JIS G3103 specifies the hot rolled steel plates of carbon steel and molybdenum alloy steel to be used for boilers and pressure vessels, excepting those to be used at room and cold temperatures.\nDescription: These calibrated and compensated sensors provide accurate, stable output over a wide temperature range. This series is intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic working fluids such as air, dry gasses and the like.\nAlibaba.com offers 773 temperature measuring gun products. About 63% of these are temperature instruments, 1% are household thermometers. A wide variety of temperature measuring gun options are available to you, such as industrial, household, and outdoor.\nBebon International is a professional SM400 SM490 SM520 SM570 steel exporter and a steel Stockist in china. We keep more than 1000 tons SM400 SM490 SM520 SM570 steel in stock every month. If you want to get the SM400 SM490 SM520 SM570 steel price, please do not hesitate to contact us. Any need in SM400 SM490 SM520 SM570 Chemical Composition and sm490c temperature range supplier\nThere was no lack of technical expertise in producing the wide temperature range parts but the business plans for the future did not see a significant profit in making such parts. There is typically a margin between the operating temperature specification of a part and the temperature range over which the part can actually operate reliably.\nAverage Temperature/Humidity for an Electronics Assembly Facility? I'm the Production Manager for a contract manufacturer. We do mostly thru-hole circuit boards and limited SMT with the small pick and place we have. In the summer time the humidity reaches 85 to 95% and the temperature runs 78 to 82 degrees inside the building.\nIf you have a difficulty finding a right supplier, post your Buying Leads for FREE now! Get Listed EC21 is the largest global B2B marketplace. Global sm490a buyers find suppliers SM490C|SM490C Steel Plate__Steel Supplier. Gangsteel supply JIS G3106 SM400A,SM400B,SM400C,SM490A,SM490B,SM490C,SM490YA,SM490YB,SM520B,SM520C,SM570\nHumidity and Moisture sensors: list of manufacturers. Looking for Moisture Meters and Test Tools ? Visit our Sensors. and Measuring Instruments B2B and B2C On-line E-shop\nASTM A519 Chrome Moly 4130 Alloy Steel Hollow Pipes Manufacturer, UNS G41300 Hollow Pipes Supplier, AISI 4130 Alloy Steel Hollow Seamless Pipes Exporter in India. AISI 4130 is a low alloy steel containing molybdenum and chromium as strengthening agents. Chromoly aisi 4130 Material Supplier, Chrome Moly Steel sm490c temperature range supplier\nWhat is a reasonably safe temperature to use for desoldering SMD components using a hot-air rework gun? I have a new-to-me rework station from Xytronic and the documentation clearly assumes you know what you're doing It tells you what temperature range the gun is capable of, but has nothing to say about where you should be setting it.\nJIS 3106 SM490 has A,B,C three grades. JIS3106 SM490A/B/C steel plate is one mainly of low alloy steel. JIS 3106 SM490A/B/C is used for bridges, ships, vehicles, oil tanks and manufacturing plant, general building and construction machinery, such as mining and used in various types of construction,drilling rigs,power shovel, electric wheel dump trucks, mining vehicles, excavators, loader sm490c temperature range supplier\nwww.leoni-automotive-cables.com LEONI Automotive cables Typical temperature ranges and applications Overview Temperature range + 130 C to + 150 C Cooling system Page 9 Temperature range + 150 C Axle wiring with ABS cables, head lamp Page 9 Temperature range + 150 C to + 260 C Engine compartment, gear unit and temperature sensors sm490c temperature range supplier\nThe Series RHP-W Wall Mount Humidity/Temperature/Dew Point Transmitter is the most versatile room transmitter on the market. The stylish housing is well vented to provide air flow across the sensor to improve measurement accuracy.\nstainless chromiums steel 718 stainless Stainless Steel 316/316l Nickel-Chromium Alloy Type . About 316L Stainless Steel. 316 Stainless steel is an austenitic chromium-nickel alloy steel providing great resistance to chloride ion pitting attack and general corrosion.Enhanced high temperature strength.\n1045 is a medium tensile low hardenability carbon steel generally supplied in the black hot rolled or occasionally in the normalised condition, with a typical tensile strength range 570 - 700 Mpa and Brinell hardness range 170 - 210 in either condition.Characterised by fairly good strength and impact properties, plus good machinability and sm490c temperature range supplier\nConquest Steel and Alloys is India Based Leading Supplier and Stockist of High Quality and Speciality Steel Such as S355 Structural Steel Plate, S355 Structural High Tensile Steel Plates Available in Ready Stock of IS 2062 E350 C Steel plates Exporter located in Mumbai, India.\nIs that temperature is being measured on the pH meter inside of a lab area (not the compliance point). Temperature must: Be measured with either a glass or resistance thermometer for AZPDES Permits (any other devises must be approved by the USEPA Region 9) [meters ok for APP];\nAs a leading ASTM A515 Gr.65 steel supplier in China, Our ASTM A515 Gr.65 carbon steel plates are hot onsale all over the world, used in pressure vessels at ambient and higher temperature service.\nA515 Gr.60 carbon steel plate China is a kind of carbon-silicon steel plates primarily for intermediate- and higher- temperature service in welded boilers and other pressure vessels.
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This is a stress rating only and functional operation\nSM490C is a kind of welding structural steel in the standard JIS G3106 . SM490C commonly used in the engineering and construction industry, SM490C offers low yield and tensile strength and is supplied with a variety of treatments .SM490C steel plates usual supplied in control rolled delivery condition.\nUsing Permanent Magnets at Low Temperatures TN 0302 p.1 June 2003 The performance of permanent magnets generally deteriorates as the temperature increases; a fact we usually learn early in our experience with permanent magnets. And with the exception of the H ci in hard ferrites, this is an accurate generalization. But what\ncorten steel price, Wholesale Various High Quality corten steel price Products from Global Sodium Tripolyphosphate Suppliers and corten steel price Factory,Importer,Exporter at Okchem.com.\nADT7481 Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Overtemperature Alarm The ADT7481 is a 3-channel digital thermometer and under/ over temperature alarm, intended for use in PCs and thermal management systems. It can measure its own ambient temperature or the temperature of two remote thermal diodes. These thermal diodes can\nsm490c temperature range supplier list what does temperature range mean sm490c temperature range supplier chart what is temperature range sm490c temperature range supplier in california temperature range definition sm490c temperature range supplier near me average daily temperature definition\nYou may also leave contact information, we will contact you as soon as possible!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Tzatziki too watery? You looked quickly at the recipe without reading the critical reviews cautioning you to drain the yogurt and the cucumber first..no problem, mate. I am a canner and have a product necessary for producing perfect jels and canned products from my produce--two types of clear jel: instant, which you add to uncooked products, as in the tzatziki, and regular which is added to cooked foods. Clear jel acts like cornstarch, or arrowroot without an aftertaste and is perfect for the too watery oops moment. I purchase mine from www.barryfarms.com. Pectin is similar but used in jams, preserves as it binds to sugar. You'll like clear jel for its many applications of fixing cooking mishaps.\nWas this review helpful?\n1 user found this review helpful\nTzatziki too watery? You looked quickly at the recipe without reading the critical reviews...", "label": "No"} {"text": "7 Ways to Clean Silver\nWhen the holidays roll around it always causes me to look at all the tarnished silver I have in my house. Seeing that I am a touch of a silver junkie, there is a lot of it flying around my house! I have tried different methods for cleaning silver and in a pinch, I always go back to my favorite, but I know there are lots of different methods out there to remove tarnish when it takes up residence. As I was looking about I thought it would be fun to show you all the different ideas I came across. So here you go – multiple options in one spot, starting with my favorite!\nWright’s silver polish is my go-to silver cleaner. They make a liquid and a paste and I believe the paste is better. It comes with a little sponge in the jar that you get damp, load with the paste and then rub on your tarnished silver. It seems to cut through the tarnish rather quickly, occasionally taking a few passes when a tough job is at hand. I find that for heavy tarnish, like this tray I got for a few dollars at a thrift store, it’s best to rub the paste, rinse and then dry with a soft rag before making another pass with the cream. When the paste goes on dry silver it seems to cut through faster than when the silver is wet. I buy tons of thrift store silver, which is usually silver plated. When the silver wears off no amount of elbow grease will shine the worn out spots because no silver is left, but the rest of the piece can look stunning. Call me crazy but a little tarnish (and missing silver plate) makes me happy, my heart goes for anything well-loved! A quick rinse and buff and you viola, clean silver! If you don’t like this idea, I have more for you, especially if you prefer a natural silver cleaning method. Here is a side by side view of the job the Wright’s cream did:\nThis idea from H2O Bungalow is a good one: How about this natural cleaning method from Naturally Green Mom:Here are a few tips and tricks to help clean silver from Stain Remover 101: Here is a 5-minute silver cleaning solution from On Sutton Place: Clean Silver in Seconds like Jessica at Mom 4 Real:Aunt Peaches has a trick to removing tarnish you already have the supplies on hand (at least I hope you do 😉 )\nLooking for other fun upcycle ideas and DIY home decor? Join the Hunt & Host e-mail list here:\nIf you have any great methods for cleaning silver or ways to remove stubborn tarnish that weren’t covered in this list, please let me know!\nConnect more here:", "label": "No"} {"text": "But that insulation is being undone by climate change, which is heating the Arctic four times as fast as the rest of the planet. “In an undisturbed tundra ecosystem, permafrost is protected by the overlying vegetation and soil organic layers from warming climate,” says climate scientist Yaping Chen of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, lead author on the new paper. “However, when fire occurs, it kills vegetation and removes the insulating organic layers to allow heat to penetrate downward along the soil profile that melts the permafrost.”\nThat’s allowing vegetation to dry out more easily and giving it more opportunities to ignite during increasingly frequent lightning storms. (More heat means more hot air rising into the atmosphere, which is how thunderclouds form.) Hotter temperatures due to climate change already trigger the thawing that creates thermokarst, the way an ice cube might melt slowly on your countertop. But a wildfire is like holding a flame to that cube.\nTo make matters worse, the wildfire darkens the ground by charring it, so it will now heat up even more quickly in the sun. If the landscape is level, a neat pit of melted ice will form and grow, because water also readily absorbs solar radiation. All the vegetation that was previously locked in the ice will also sink to the bottom of the watery pit, darkening it even more.\nPermafrost is basically a refrigerator for organic matter—and if it warms and thaws, microbes start to proliferate within it, just as they would on your food if you unplugged your fridge. Only these tundra microbes are chewing through millennia-old organic matter, releasing methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 80 times as potent as carbon dioxide. (If there isn’t standing water in the thawed permafrost and the plant material is drier, the microbes will release CO2 instead, but that’s less likely because the craters tend to create little ponds.)\n“With thermokarst you expose deeper and deeper layers of permafrost to the thawing, much more efficiently than without thermokarst,” says University of Alaska Fairbanks permafrost geophysicist Vladimir Romanovsky, who wasn’t involved in the work. “The thermokarst process can turn a surface which was relatively dry into some sort of wetland, and wetlands are producers of of methane.”", "label": "No"} {"text": "A few years ago, I was traveling across Portugal with a close friend. We went, we saw, we conquered. Being on vacation, beach bum status was in full swing, and our tanning competition was on like donkey kong. Whoever could come back from the trip looking dark AF would win. (Raise your hand if you’re guilty). Every morning we would scout for the perfect spot: maximum sun exposure + proximity to water. On the flight home we compared shades of brown and olive skin tones, and even asked the flight attendants who they thought was darker.\nWithin a week of being back home, the tan faded, skin peeled, burn burned, and we were both suffering. In hindsight, my only thought is WTF was I thinking? Admittedly, the sun can leave many of us with a coveted darker shade of skin. And while our bodies can absorb some of the sun’s benefits like Vitamin D, they can come with consequences. Since then, I’ve done the research, put balance into practice, and have reaped the rewards of the all the beautiful solar solstice has to offer us. Here’s some food for thought, in hopes that you learn from my mistakes.\nThere is no such thing as a healthy tan.\nWhen our skin tans, our bodies are actually putting up a defence mechanism in an effort to protect us from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.\nI.e., tanning = protection against the sun.\nWith that said, it’s important to note that the sun’s rays are composed of two types of light; visible bright light, and non-visible UV light.\nOur bodies can benefit from both types of light, but only in moderation.\nVisible Bright Light\n- Has been shown to serve as an effective antidepressant against seasonal and non-seasonal depression,\n- Can help remedy certain sleep disorders,\n- Can help rebalance our circadian rhythms (the body’s internal clock),\n- And has been proven to help reduce stress levels.\nThis type of bright light is visible to the naked eye, and has an effect on our circadian rhythms in that it signals to our brains that light means daytime and darkness means nighttime. Gaining exposure to this light in the mornings, and reducing it in the evening can help keep our circadian rhythms in tune.\nDon’t underestimate the effects of the placebo.\nAt night, the bright lights from our devices have have been shown to throw our circadian rhythms off balance. So reducing the amount of bright light our eyes take in before bed can help us better fall asleep and stay asleep.\nUltraviolet (UV) Light\nThis type of light, on the other hand, is invisible to the human eye, and yet, is essential to the human body’s ability of producing Vitamin D.\nProlonged exposure to UV light on the skin, however, can lead to sunburn, some types of skin cancer, and temporary + permanent skin damage. Increased UV ray exposure to the eyes can even lead to increased risks of cataracts.\nI’m not saying to avoid the sun like it’s the plague — our bodies need it.\n- When we absorb the sun’s UV light through the skin, our bodies begin to produce Vitamin D3.\nEssential to our health, Vitamin D is a vitamin that gets stored in our bodies’ fatty tissues, and helps us better absorb calcium. Studies now show that adequate amounts of Vitamin D can reduce risks of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The National Institutes of Health recommends about 10-15 minutes of sun exposure, three times weekly.\nThat’s ultimately what it comes down to; moderation, not deprivation.\nIn my honest opinion, I think that it is tough to get the recommended daily amounts of Vitamin D strictly from diet. The fact is, there are few foods that are rich in Vitamin D, yet prevalent in our diets. Supplements are always an option, though, some studies show that they don’t give the same benefits to the body that minimal interval sun exposure does.\nTo me, the “right amount” of sun exposure means the amount before the skin starts to tan. Once tanning occurs, our body is protecting itself from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays and radiation. Hence there being no such thing as a healthy tan.\nNon-Toxic sunscreen and UVA / UVB protection.\nProtection again this type of exposure is critical. I’ve experienced the effects firsthand, and have read studies on how it’s turned out worse for others. But at the same token, I also don’t want to slather chemicals all over my body for the days where I’m spending more than 15 minutes in the sun.\nHere’s a link to a guide from the folks over at goop, on how to be discerning in the non-toxic sunscreen market.\nSome of my faves are:\nWhy protect from sun damage but welcome chemical damage?\nUsing a toxin-free product that’s right for your skin type, helps ensure that your skin and body aren’t suffering from harmful chemical effects. This could include anything from throwing our hormone levels off balance, to affecting our metabolisms, and potentially even our reproductive systems.\nNick Joly | Inspired by Nick\nbe good to your body\nThe views expressed on this website and all related Inspired by Nick social media channels are the personal views of founder & editor, Nick Joly. These views are for informational purposes only, even in cases of sponsored content. Nick Joly shares all information in good faith. The intention of any and all content produced for this website, for YouTube, and for any related social media channel, is not to be interpreted as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Inspired by Nick is a personal blog, and should not be relied upon for specific medical advice.\nphotos obtained under a creative commons license, from unsplash.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Insulin resistance of muscle glucose metabolism is a hallmark of NIDDM. The obese Zucker (fa/fa) rat—an animal model of muscle insulin resistance—was used to test whether acute (100 mg/kg body wt for 1 h) and chronic (5–100 mg/kg for 10 days) parenteral treatments with a racemic mixture of the antioxidant α-lipoic acid (ALA) could improve glucose metabolism in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle. Glucose transport activity (assessed by net 2-deoxyglucose [2-DG] uptake), net glycogen synthesis, and glucose oxidation were determined in the isolated epitrochlearis muscles in the absence or presence of insulin (13.3 nmol/1). Severe insulin resistance of 2-DG uptake, glycogen synthesis, and glucose oxidation was observed in muscle from the vehicle-treated obese rats compared with muscle from vehicle-treated lean (Fa/−) rats. Acute and chronic treatments (30 mgkg−1 · day−1, a maximally effective dose) with ALA significantly (P < 0.05) improved insulin-mediated 2-DG uptake in epitrochlearis muscles from the obese rats by 62 and 64%, respectively. Chronic ALA treatment increased both insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation (33%) and glycogen synthesis (38%) and was associated with a significantly greater (21%) in vivo muscle glycogen concentration. These adaptive responses after chronic ALA administration were also associated with significantly lower (15–17%) plasma levels of insulin and free fatty acids. No significant effects on glucose transporter (GLUT4) protein level or on the activities of hexokinase and citrate synthase were observed. Collectively, these findings indicate that parenteral administration of the antioxidant ALA significantly enhances the capacity of the insulinstimulatable glucose transport system and of both oxidative and nonoxidative pathways of glucose metabolism in insulin-resistant rat skeletal muscle.\nThe Antioxidant α-Lipoic Acid Enhances Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Metabolism in Insulin-Resistant Rat Skeletal Muscle\n- Views Icon Views\n- Share Icon Share\nStephan Jacob, Ryan S Streeper, Donovan L Fogt, Jason Y Hokama, Erik J Henriksen, Günther J Dietze, Hans J Tritschler; The Antioxidant α-Lipoic Acid Enhances Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Metabolism in Insulin-Resistant Rat Skeletal Muscle. Diabetes 1 August 1996; 45 (8): 1024–1029. https://doi.org/10.2337/diab.45.8.1024\nDownload citation file:", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Homeopathic Friendly\n- No Artificial Color or Flavors\n- Suitable for Diabetics and Children\n- Supports Healthy Teeth and Gums\n- With Supercritical Extracts of Neem Leaf and Neem Bark\n- UPC: 666183000468\n|TheraNeem Naturals, Neem Toothpaste, Neem Therape with Cinnamon|\nNeem has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for oral health care. Commonly known in India as the Toothbrush Tree, Neem twigs are frequently used to clean the teeth. Modern science has validated the traditional use of Neem supporting healthy gums, and on-going research confirms its efficacy.\nCalcium carbonate, aqua/water/eau, sorbitol, glycerine, sodium lauroyl glutamate (derived from naturally occurring amino acid), xylitol, xanthan gum, cyamopsis tetragonoloba (guar gum), potassium sorbate, silica, supercritical extracts of vitis vinifera (grapeseed*), eugenia caryophyllus (clove bud*), azadirachta indica (neem leaf* and bark), elettaria cardamomum (cardamom seed oil*), illicium verum (star anise fruit*), cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon bark*), glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root*), ascorbic acid (vitamin C).\nHelpful Customer Reviews\n- Tribulus and increasint levels of hormones ...\n- A Break through in the Battle Against Aluminum Build-Up\n- Iron: The Body's LifeBlood\n- New Moms: Get your Iron\n- Vitamin E for Prostate Health\n- Magnesium matters\n- Magnesium May Help Reduce Inflammation\n- The Important Role of Nutritional Magnesium & Calcium Balance in Humans Living..\n- Persistent yeast infections may indicate a body out of balance.\n- Is Drugging Our Children The Answer Or Could A Natural Supplement Magnesium Help\n- Improve Your Health With Magnesium\n- Full Spectrum™ Cordyceps - Planetary Formulas\n- Enhanced Potency Yin Chiao Classic and Cordyceps Power CS-4", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hot Pink Moon Crystal Point Necklace\n💕 Barbie Pink Summer Collection 💕\nOur Moon crystal point necklaces have been bathed under the full moon to charge them and get make them ready for you! Each crystal has been charged for several moons to make their powers work to the fullest.\nIt is about cleansing energy and clearing out ready for the new to come in. The crystals are ready to absorb new energy and good healthy new vibes.\n18\" gold plated brass chain", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria are kinds of natural proteins or peptides with antibacterial activities produced by lactic acid bacteria in the process of metabolism. They have the advantages of non-drug resistance, biodegradation, good antibacterial activity, etc., which have broad application prospects in food, medicine and feed fields. Based on bibliometrics, the literatures related to bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria are searched in CNKI database and Web of Science (WOS) core collection database from 2000 to 2023, obtains 627 Chinese literatures and 2543 English literatures. CiteSpace software is used to analyze the research status and hot spots in this field from the perspective of annual number of published papers, core countries, authors, institutions and journals, highly cited literatures, keyword co-occurrence and co-clustering, etc.. The results show that the number of literatures has an increasing trend from 2000 to 2022. Spain, India and China are the top three countries in terms of number of literatures. The authors with the highest number of publications in CNKI database and WOS database are LI Pinglan from China Agricultural University and Todorov SD from University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, respectively. The journals with the highest number of publications are “Science and Technology of Food Industry” and “Journal of Appled Micbiogy”. In the CNKI database, keyword analysis reveals that most of the literatures are isolated, screened and identified from different food samples to obtain bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria, and further evaluates the antibacterial activity of bacteriocins, and discusses the application in the food industry. The analysis of burst words shows that the focus of current research are antibacterial mechanism of bacteriocin and the relationship between bacteriocin and probiotics. In WOS database, the keywords of \"gastrointestinal tract\", \"genetic characteristics\", \"Listeria mononucleogenes\n\" and \"antibacterial activity\" appears more frequently. The main focus is the mining of bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria toward antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and analysis of the genetic characteristics. The comprehensive analysis provides a reference and help for Chinese scientific researchers to engage in related research and predict the future development trend of the industry.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Open your pack of cake mix, pour into a mixing bowl, and combine the ingredients listed on the box as directed. Pre-heat your oven to the directed temperature.\nDivide the cake mix into 4 bowls.\nAdd a few drops of food coloring to each bowl. I used neon colors by McCormick, which created pretty pastels.\nMake sure to mix each bowl of cake mix thoroughly so that you get evenly colored cupcakes.\nLine your cupcake pan with cupcake liners and start spooning in the colored cupcake mix. I layered mine with about 3-4 colors per cup.\nBake your cupcakes for 20-25 minutes.\nLet your cupcakes cool and remove them from the pan.\nI had extra mix leftover and made bite-sized cupcakes with a mini cupcake pan. If you don't own one, use the leftover mix to make a few more regular-sized cupcakes.\nFrost the tops of your cupcakes. Now they're ready to eat!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Body – Mind – Spirit\nHealing Garden is my own edible garden with nordic medicinal plants, flowers, vegetables, berries, fruit in Tisvildeleje and mindfulness in the nature.\n- The edible garden, nordic medicinal plants, weeds, superfood and their healing properties – make your own powerdrink\n- Get inspiration to your own natural pharmacy with nordic medicinal plants\n- Gardenwalking in edible gardens, herbal medicine before and now\n- Mindfulness in the nature and plant communication\nHealing garden – nordic medicinal plants – phytotherapi – mindfulness in the nature", "label": "No"} {"text": "I'm Kenny The Bartender with the Cable Car cocktail. It was created in the flannel-wearing heyday of the 90's which is odd, because this drink tastes like a classic. 3 simple ingredients join forces for a timeless taste. Oh, and it features a sugared (with cinnamon) rim which is always nice. Let's get mixin'!\n2 ounces of spiced rum\n1 ounce of triple sec\nThe juice of half a lemon\nCoarse sugar and cinnamon for the rim\nLemon wedge for garnish\nWet the rim of a martini glass with a lemon wedge.\nCoat the rim with a mixture of coarse sugar and cinnamon.\nPour the ingredients into a shaker with ice.\nStrain into a martini glass.\nGarnish with a lemon wedge.", "label": "No"} {"text": "How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well during these crazy times!!\nI gave myself a little lockdown project to investigate the nutrients contained in Dream Magic Green Superfood Powder. As you may know, the green was the first blend which I created - so it has an extra special place in my heart.\nIt was also a green blend which first got me hooked on superfood powders 8 years ago. Within one month of me introducing a green superfood powder blend into my day, I noticed a massive increase in my energy levels, I had more mental clarity and focus, I was sleeping better and I experienced no PMT symptoms whatsoever. My husband Craig was delighted as you can imagine lol.\nMy lockdown project involved me really digging deep into the quantity of specific vitamins and minerals that contribute to us having optimum health. Following the investigation I am delighted to report that the green blend contains a significant amount of many different nutrients including Vitamins C, B12, B6, K and A as well as Magnesium and Iron. Woo hoo!!\nNot only that, Dream Magic Green is made up predominately of 4 powerhouse ingredients (Wheatgrass, Moringa, Chlorella and Spirulina) and what my investigations established was that the quantity of these powerhouse ingredients in each 100g pouch was more than double the quantity that other leading brands contain. The higher the quantity, the more nutrients contained.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Step 1: Place the leaf into a container and cover with cold water. Just cut the leaf into smaller if it does not fit as a whole. Step 2: Leave to soak for about five minutes until the gelatine expands and becomes pliable and wrinkly. Step 3: Remove the gelatine from the water and squeeze out any excess water. Step 4: Heat a liquid base for your recipe in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir in the gelatine leaf until dissolved, then pour the mixture into moulds to set. If your recipe does not call for a warm base, you can melt the gelatine on its own in the saucepan, then stir in your cold ingredients off the heat.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The ultimate cleansing bar that does double duty as a natural exfoliator and a skin softener. With ingredients of oat protein and colloidal oats, your pores will finally stay clean while your skin becomes less dry and soft with each use.\n● Contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties\n● Softens and exfoliates dry and dead skin cells laying on the surface\n● Helps relieve dry, irritated, or itchy skin\nSaponified oils of Coconut, Sustainable Palm, and Safflower, Glycerin, Goat Milk, Water, Honey, Oat Protein, Colloidal oats, Oat extract, Fragrance oil\nNet Weight: 4 oz", "label": "No"} {"text": "Papule: Cause, Treatment, and Prevent\nThe appearance of papule is a small hill raised on the surface of the skin, its diameter is generally within 1cm. There are black spots or translucent fat plugs in the center of the papules, and cannot be squeezed out yellow pus from the inside.\nIt feels painful and itchy when it comes to papules. This is because the hair follicles become inflamed, causing the epidermis to break, so you will feel pain. At the same time, there is more oil secretion, the epidermis will breed a lot of bacteria, and it will feel itchy.\nPapule is a moderate grade inflammatory acne, it is a chronic folliculitis. If handled properly, it will be eliminated quickly. If not handled properly, papules will easily develop into pustules, nodules, or cysts.\nMacule vs Papule\nPapules and Macules look about the same size. But they are essentially different.\nThe macules on the skin are not inflamed, the surface of the skin turns black, and there are no bumps or depressions. The macules will stay on the skin for a long time, which is difficult to eliminate.\nPapules appear red when inflamed, and when it is touched, it feels raised and painful. When the inflammation is gone, it may leave pigmentation. The surface of the skin appears black, which will disappear over time.\nWhat Causes Papules?\nThe most fundamental cause of papule formation is hyperkeratosis at the hair follicle funnel and excessive sebum production.\nOur skin is exfoliating keratinocytes every day. The normal shedding cycle of these keratinocytes is 28 days. However, due to some reasons, the keratinization process at the funnel of the hair follicle is abnormal, and the keratinocytes stick together and cannot fall off normally. Keratinocytes accumulate more and more in the pores, and will eventually cover the opening of the hair follicle and form whiteheads.\nIf the whiteheads are keratinocyte blocked at the opening of the hair follicle, then the papule is to block the sebaceous duct or even the sebaceous glands.\nExcessive sebum production\nThe sebaceous glands secrete oil every day, and these oils flow out of the pores through the channels before they can flow to the surface of the skin that we can see.\nIf the oil production is too strong, the keratinization of the hair follicle funnel will be abnormal, which will cause the pores to be gradually blocked.\nThe sebaceous glands do not know that the pores are blocked, and they continue to secrete sebum. The oil and dead cells will mix to form a sebum plug, which will cause the oil flow channel to be insufficient.\nAn anaerobic environment is formed inside the hair follicle. Propionibacterium acnes takes advantage of the multiplication and bacteria will stimulate the skin to produce inflammatory papules.\nWhy do sebaceous glands secrete so much oil?\n- Perhaps your genetic sequence determines that you secrete more sebum than others.\n- Ultraviolet rays stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete oil.\n- A high-sugar diet, the high-salt diet will stimulate a spike in insulin in the body, which indirectly stimulates androgens, which then leads to strong sebum production.\n- Excessive cleaning will stimulate the skin to secrete more oil.\n- Staying up late will cause a large number of androgens to be secreted, which in turn will produce more oil.\n- The growth hormone is active during adolescence, and adolescence is the most active period of sebaceous glands. After 20 years of age, the activity of sebaceous glands will decrease year by year.\n- During menstruation, the ovaries produce a small number of androgens, so it will cause the sebaceous glands to spit out a lot of oil at once.\n- Certain diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, also produce androgens\nFortunately, papule belongs to a relatively low degree of inflammation, and the number of bacteria is not very large. As long as we do anti-inflammatory and sterilization work, we can quickly eliminate papules.\nHow To Get Rid Of Papule?\nPapular acne is moderate acne. You can use over-the-counter drugs first. If you don’t get better within a week, or even worse, you need to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist will give you prescription medications to treat papules.\nEffective over-the-counter treatment for papules include:\nAdapalene belongs to the third generation of retinoic acid, which can inhibit hyperkeratosis at the hair follicle funnel and clear the passage of sebum outflow. At the same time, Differin also has anti-inflammatory, oil control, and whitening functions, which can effectively eliminate mild and moderate acne.\nFrom the official website: skin condition before and after using adapalene\nBenzoyl peroxide gel:\nThe benzoyl peroxide gel is highly oxidizing. There are a lot of anaerobic bacteria in the papules. Benzoyl peroxide gel can release new ecological oxygen and benzoyl in the skin. It destroys the habitable environment of anaerobic bacteria and kills the bacteria in the papules, thereby eliminating the papules.\nThe medicine prescribed by the doctor:\nPapules have inflammation only in the shallower epidermis. It is easy to get rid of papules by applying antibiotics to the skin surface. Common topical antibiotics include clindamycin phosphate gel and fusidic acid cream.\nThese two drugs have a good effect on moderate acne. Both antibiotics will be used once in the morning and evening, and the papules will disappear after a few days. But bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, and the effect of antibiotics will become worse and worse after long time use.\nHow To Prevent Repeated Papules?\nIf you want to prevent repeated acne, you need to have good eating habits, lifestyle habits, and correct skin care habits\n- Reduce stress, do not stay up late, eat more fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods\n- Avoid eating spicy, reduce chocolate, sweets, high GI foods, milk, and fried greasy foods. Reducing caffeine intake helps maintain hormonal balance and remove acne on the face. Please see this article for the acne muscle diet.\n- Avoid skin irritation. Wash your face with amino acid facial cleanser once in the morning and evening, and do not rub hard.\n- Do not grab your face with your hands, and keep your hair and pillows clean.\n- Use skin care products containing repair ingredients to ensure the health of the skin barrier. Only a healthy skin barrier can prevent the invasion of bacteria, inhibit inflammation, and avoid various skin problems.\n- Use skin care products containing retinol regularly. Retinol will eventually be converted into retinoic acid inside the skin, which can inhibit the secretion of skin oil and clear the pores of the skin.\n- Regularly use skin care products containing alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or salicylic acid to help exfoliate, clear pores, and reduce the chance of acne.\n- Sun protection, avoid direct UV radiation on the skin. When ultraviolet rays are irradiated into the skin, free radicals are generated in the skin, which can cause acne on the skin. At the same time, ultraviolet rays can also cause skin aging.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Designed in the early 80’s. Attractive and functional design at an affordable price.\nThe French press coffee maker is the simplest of all brewing systems, where coarsely ground beans meet hot water right off the boil. The right temperature (92–96 °C, 195–205 °F) brings the optimal extraction power for the essential oils in the beans to develop their full flavor profile in just four minutes. An easy press on the plunger locks the grinds at the bottom of the glass carafe and stops the brewing process.\nBody, handle, & lid made of BPA free plastic\nBeaker is made of heat resistant borosilicate glass\nThe beaker is made of High-Quality Borosilicate glass is ultra-light and strong, has great heat- resistant properties, and will not get cloudy in the dishwasher.\nStainless Steel Spiral plate\nThe Stainless Steel spiral plate keeps the filter mesh in place and makes sure that water goes through but no ground coffee. The flexible spiral provides a universal fit taking into account the manufacturing tolerances of glass jugs.\nStainless Steel Mesh\nThe Stainless Steel filter mesh is a key component to the Bodum coffee makers. It separates the ground coffee beans from the water after the brewing has stopped.\nStainless Steel Cross plate\nThe Stainless Steel cross plate holds the mesh in place together with the spiral plate.\nMain Features and Benefits\nIconic French press coffee maker that brings out the full flavor and aroma of your brew.\nThe carafe is made of non-stain, heat-resistant borosilicate glass that won’t alter or impair the coffee’s natural flavor.\nThe glass is framed with durable and lightweight plastic that protects the glass and is comfortable to use.\nStainless steel plunger prevents ground beans escaping when the coffee is poured.\nMore environmentally friendly than many coffee-brewing methods – no paper filters or plastic capsules required.", "label": "No"} {"text": "ALL PRICES ARE IN US$ DOLLARS\nLearn More About Shipping / Delivery\nBody Amazon Oil\nThis nutrient rich body oil features a sweet forest scent and potent handmade Amazon rainforest grown ingredients. Fast absorbing and lightweight it delivers nourished skin with a lasting glow.\nThis precious oil is hand made with exclusive organic 100% plant derived ingredients from the Amazon. Nutrient rich, this body oil is fast absorbing, lightweight and enhances skin tone to provide a lasting glow to nourished skin.\nKey ingredients include:\nRAHUA-UNGURAHUA - an emollient rich in omega-9, helps tone the epidermis and restore skin's natural moisture levels.\nSACHA INCHI - exceptionally rich in omega-3 lipids and antioxidants, restores moisture balance.\nBURITI (MORETE) - rich in essential fatty acids and carotenoids, including beta-carotene, high in vitamins C and E, gives skin a beautiful glow.\nHOW TO USE\nMist and massage all over dry skin for a radiant look and feel. Use regularly for best results.\nCapric Caprylic Triglyceride (Coconut Derived), Coco-Caprylate, Oenocarpus Bataua (Ungurahua), Sacha Inchi Oil (Plunkenetia volubilis), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Mauritia Flexuosa (Buriti) Fruit Oil, Bursera Graveolens (Palo Santo) Oil, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Seed Oil*, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) fruit oil*, Lavandula (Lavender) Officinalis Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract*.\n*Denotes Organic Ingredients\nABOUT THE BRAND\nFor centuries, women from the Quechua-Shuar tribes have travelled deep into the Amazon rainforest to prepare a highly potent, restorative oil they call Rahua (ra-wa) – believing it to be the secret to their thick, flowing, lustrous hair. The key to Rahua’s outstanding performance is its molecular structure. Unlike other botanical oils that simply coat strands, the extraordinarily small Rahua oil molecule deeply penetrates the hair’s cortex – bonding and repairing it – while simultaneously smoothing the hair’s cuticle. The company prides itself in building this earth-friendly, sustainable business in partnership with women from Amazonian nations. All the Rahua and ungurahua oils are sourced and processed by these women and men in accordance with the traditional methods that have been passed down for generations.\nProduct Code: AB0042\nAdd To Wish List\nShop All Rahua\nQuestions? Email Us\nYou may also like\nMoroccan Rose Gold Glow Perfect Dry Oil\nSkin Deep Dry Leg Oil\nEnergy Burst Face, Body and Hair Oil\nSTAY IN TOUCH!\nShipping / Delivery\nExchanges & Refunds\nTerms & Conditions\n© 2020 Pure Source Ltd.", "label": "No"} {"text": "A boiler or a heating plant is a closed apparatus where a liquid is turned into vapor. It is commonly seen in ships, power plants, and sawmills. However, when it comes to conventional steam powerplants, some sealed vessels use a furnace where the fuel is burned. There are surfaces present to convert heat from combustible products. The products are then exposed to water, and steam is collected. Read more about the boiler at this link.\nDepending on the company, some heating plants convert steam by burning fossil fuels or waste fuels. Nuclear reactors are sometimes used as a heat source to generate steam under a ton of pressure. When there is little to no maintenance on the steam vessels, they can be filled with sludge and deposits in a matter of weeks.\nCleaning Your Boiler Tube\nWhen you clean your boiler often, you increase the efficiency rate of the entire heating plant infrastructure. Thorough cleaning reduces fuel consumption and can preserve the materials inside the cylindrical surface. In addition, cleaning thoroughly extends the tube’s life.\nKinds of Tubular Boilers\nThere are two kinds of tubular boilers – water tube and fire tube. The firetube uses fuel such as oil, gas, or coal to produce steam. These boilers are commonly seen in ships, military bases, hotels, and shopping centers. However, the fuel travels through the pipes regularly, resulting in soot. Soot can insulate heat which reduces cylinder efficiency. Heat loss can result in more fuel consumption but decreased working capacity. Get more information about fire-tubes on this site: https://www.britannica.com/technology/fire-tube-boiler.\nHow Firetubes were Cleaned\nIn the past, there were methods developed to clean firetube pipes. Soot blowers are one of the tools used to remove accumulated soot inside the lines. The blower is made up of steel cylinders where the nozzles are fitted. The soot blowing is performed at regular intervals to prevent buildup. This was the practice before environmental concerns were brought up. Unfortunately, in soot blowing, the soot stacks in the atmosphere, which contributes to air pollution. These days, if an industrial company uses a soot blower, they must add scrubbers and other environmentally friendly equipment before removing the soot inside the pipes.\nAnother method used for cleaning is through utilizing a hose. A fire hose is filled with water and washes inside the tubes. The problem with this method was it left a lot of mess on the floor. The layer of black mud can be challenging to clean and takes a long time. In addition, the fire hose method is done on boilers with high sulfur content. This is considered dangerous because when water is mixed with sulfur, it creates acid. This is a kind of threat to the employees working in the steam engine room.\nThese days, cleaning the pipes involves manually driving a brush inside them. Some bushes specialize in boiler pipe cleaning—it consists ins going heavy metal rods manually inside the line full of soot. When the meeting is pulled out, clouds of soot can fill the air and settle on the room’s surface. It takes a lot of effort and time, and the cleaning is usually followed by vacuuming each cylindrical pipe for thorough cleaning. But when the soot is removed, the insulating effect is also removed, which will increase the system’s heat output.\nHow Water Tubes were Cleaned\nThe water tube types of boilers are where water is placed inside the tube. The outside of the pipes is surrounded by hot gases which heat the water. This contrasts with the fire one, which is the other way around. There are several advantages when you use water-type boilers. Some of them can include a higher heat transfer rate, and very high pressure of 150kg/cm² can be achieved very quickly.\nThe method of water boiler tube cleaning may involve several steps mentioned above. They can be cleaned using a hose, brushes, and other techniques described in cleaning the fire tube. However, many water tubes have bends, making them a little challenging to clean. In addition, fire-type pipes may have ashes and soot that need to be cleaned. In the case of the water tube, some scales need to be removed. Water treatment is often used to clean the scale deposits.\nHow to Choose the Right Cleaning Tool\nThese days, many companies see the need for efficient boiler cleaning. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider when choosing a cleaning tool. They should be automated. The operation should be easy and safe for the employees. Third, the cleaner tool should have reliable performance and low maintenance. When you clean the boilers, it increases their life, and the steam produced is more environment-friendly.\nClean with Brushes that are Made for Your Boiler\nSome companies manufacture précised and engineered brushes for cleaning steamship pipes. The meetings are made from stainless steel, but they are very soft. The complete tools are easy to store and carry all the time. You can save money by running your steamship system more efficiently with these types of meetings. The maintenance costs will be lowered because of efficient and smooth operations. There will also be a decrease in carbon dioxide when the tubes are cleaned thoroughly. Save time by getting the best tube cleaning on the right website.\nReduce Your Downtime with Automated Cleaning\nBe safe and clean your pipes faster through automation. The complete kit can do this for you in just a few minutes. Reduce smashed pipes and tubes full of soot when you have the right tools handy. You can contact some companies today or research on the internet to see the options available for you.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Salt Water Taffy Wax Melts / Candy Like Wax Melts\nSalt Water Taffy reminds me of visiting the shore and these Salt Water Taffy fragranced Wax Melts will bring back those sweet memories.\nWe make our own molds, so these will not only smell like Salt Water Taffy, but they also look exactly like it. They are even individually wrapped in wax paper to give it a very authentic look.\nThe fragrance notes are Strawberry, Raspberry, Banana, Cherry and Creamy Vanilla Taffy.\nPlease remember these are wax melts, so please keep them out of reach of children or anyone else that might mistake them for candy.\nEach box will have 12 pieces of wrapped salt water taffy wax melts.\nThe appropriate weight will be 2oz", "label": "No"} {"text": "This convenient, water resistant Sport Sun Stick provides UVA/UVB Broad Spectrum protection from the sun's harmful rays. Formulated with non-nano zinc oxide in a solid stick form, it glides onto skin smoothly without leaving a greasy feel. Organic coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa seed butter leave the skin hydrated and moisturized while organic sweet orange essential oil uplifts the senses.\nWhy We Love It\n- Reef safe\n- Perfect for on-the-go touch ups\n- Compact, and travel ready\nActive Ingredients: 20% Zinc-Oxide (non-nano)\nInactive Ingredients: Cocos Nucifera (coconut) Oil*, Helianthus Annuus (sunflower) Seed Oil*, Cera Alba (beeswax)*, Euphorbia Cerifera (candelilla) Wax, Copernicia Cerifera (carnauba) Wax*, Butyrospermum Parkii (shea) Butter*, Ricinus Communis (castor) Seed Oil*, Tocopherol (vitamin E), Theobroma Cacao (cocoa) Seed Butter*, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice (aloe vera)*, Citrus Sinensis (sweet orange) Essential Oil*, Hibiscus Flavor Oil *Certified Organic Ingredient(s)", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dental Treatment For Dental Bacteria\nAt the time of your appointment with your dentist They will examine and clean your teeth to ensure they’re healthy, as well as scrape off any tartar or plaque that has built up on them.\nYour dentist may also carry out procedures like replacing a lost tooth by implants or bridges or filling cracks or breaks with crowns.\n1. Vitamin C\nVitamin C isn’t only necessary for overall wellbeing however, it’s also an effective treatment for dental bacteria as its antioxidant properties help fight infections and helps build strong gums, as per Dr Louie who suggests that patients with bleeding gums should consider taking the Vitamin C supplements.\nVitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin present in both vegetables and fruits. To reap the maximum health benefits, it’s recommended to consume at least 75 mg of Vitamin C every day.\nIt is crucial to keep in mind that the most effective way to boost your intake of vitamin C is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables like carrots, spinach and oranges. Foods without added sugar tend to be greater natural sources of this essential nutrient, so making sure you include these ingredients in your meals and snacks will be beneficial.\nA diet that is rich in Vitamin C is the best method to avoid dental diseases. Furthermore, this type of diet boosts your immune system because it helps fight off infections.\nVitamin C’s antioxidant activity is essential for the creation of collagen, which helps keep periodontal structures in good shape, such as gingiva, periodontal ligament , and cementum, in addition to alveolar bone. In addition it is able to ease inflammation within the mouth and help promote periodontal tissue healing.\nRajpal also highlights another benefit of Vitamin C is its rapid elimination from the body of local anesthetics. She cautions that taking Vitamin C supplements 48 hours prior to or after an appointment with a dentist where you will receive anesthetic should be avoided.\nIf you’ve already undergone surgery and would like to maximize the benefits you get from it, consult your dentist about the IV-C treatment for enhanced absorption rate. This procedure can be administered either prior to, during, or after the appointment in order to reduce the body’s fatigue and speed up healing time.\nBioflavonoids are antioxidants that shield the body from stress caused by oxidative that can lead to inflammation and pain. These nutrients are found naturally in fruits, vegetables as well as herbs and other products that are natural as well as in supplements.\nThe majority of the times eating a balanced and healthy, balanced diet is the most effective way to ensure you get your every day intake of antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrients such as fresh fruit and vegetables are full in these phytochemicals that are beneficial. Furthermore, chocolate, tea and wine are all useful sources of these compounds.\nThe bioflavonoids in these products can help protect against a wide range of health issues including hypertension, heart disease, stroke and allergies. Additionally, they can reduce the risk of cancer development.\nBioflavonoids are also known to have antioxidative stress reduction, which could be a contributing factor to allergies and asthma. This is because they block free radicals, neutralize them, and enhance your body’s antioxidant defenses.\nSome of the most popular bioflavonoids include rutin and quercetin which are both present in citrus fruits. Quercetin is an effective antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that can alleviate allergy symptoms like nasal congestion and itchy skin.\nRutin is frequently used in some dental treatments to speed up the healing process of gums bleeding and encourage tissue growth after tooth extraction. This flavonoid is often mixed with vitamin C to provide increased effectiveness.\nOne study demonstrated that bioflavonoids help to remineralize teeth after treatment by reducing sensitivity and stopping cavities from forming. In a study that tested three mouth rinses containing bioflavonoid, the researchers found that mixing the naringin, hesperidin (NA as well as HE), as well as quercetin (QE) decreased the number of oral bacteria and enhanced the remineralization process.\nZinc is a vital mineral to maintain dental health. It offers many benefits including the prevention of gum disease.\nIt assists in preventing the effects of oxidative stress and cell membrane damage caused by the bacteria that cause gingivitis. Additionally, it blocks the production of hydrogen peroxide, which can cause irritation to the mouth when inhaled.\nZinc is abundant in the oral tissues that are hard including dental enamel. The enamel of your teeth is made up of calcium hydroxyapatite and has a crystalline structure that zinc helps create. The result is that your enamel becomes harder and more resistant dental caries.\nZinc toothpaste is proven scientifically to lower the amount of plaque and reduce calculus growth, safeguarding the teeth against decay as well as loss. It also reduces acid production as well as encourage remineralization, which strengthens enamel.\nIn addition, it reduces the smell caused due to the volatile sulfur compound (VSCs) in your breath. The smell is caused by bacteria that consume food particles in your mouth and release the gas.\nZinc can provide numerous health benefits, so it’s essential that you ensure you get enough in your diet. Insufficient zinc can cause serious health problems such as brittle bones and the inability of absorbing iron.\nZinc is also believed to be effective in treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) sufferers. It functions as an antiseptic that is astringent as well as weak, aiding patients suffering from symptoms such as a decrease in appetite or impaired taste.\nFor men taking 11 milligrams zinc daily , and 8 milligrams for women are advised. In order to ensure your body is getting all the essential nutrients it needs, it’s best to combine zinc along with other micronutrients.\nEchinacea is a plant used to improve the immune system. It works particularly well in reducing inflammation, which can have severe consequences for health issues.\nEchinacea has also been proven to be a powerful remedy for colds and flu. Studies have shown that using echinacea reduces symptoms that are of common cold However, more research is required to establish whether echinacea can prevent colds or helps with their symptoms.\nOne study found that children who used echinacea for 4 days following getting a cold were less likely to develop another cold in the next year. They were more likely to not be sick for longer than two weeks.\nAnother study demonstrated that echinacea proved to be more effective in treating and preventing recurrent otitis media than chlorhexidine. It is suggested that it could serve as an alternate to antibiotics in dental treatment.\nThe best echinacea supplements are those that have been standardized to provide a significant amount of the active ingredient. In addition, they should be produced by a reputable company that has a reputation for manufacturing high-quality products.\nEchinacea supplements can be taken in conjunction with other herbs and vitamins to provide additional support. Be sure to discuss this with your physician prior to starting any regimen of supplements, so they know what medicines and vitamins you’re taking.\nEchinacea plants have also been discovered to boost immunity and reduce the levels of blood sugar, potentially helping people suffering from type 2 diabetes, heart disease or other chronic illnesses.\nEchinacea can be utilized on a regular basis for general immunity stimulation, or as needed during colds, flu or lower respiratory tract infections as well as bladder infections. For most people, 200 mg daily is sufficient.\nGarlic is a beloved home remedy to treat a range of health issues which include dental diseases. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties assist combat toothaches and infection.\nGarlic is also a great option in order to help treat gum problems and other chronic illnesses. Its abundant antioxidants promote overall wellness, decreasing the chance of developing chronic diseases like heart disease.\nGarlic supplements can aid in lowering total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is known by the name of “bad” cholesterol which has been linked to heart disease and stroke. However, it can take some time before you notice any results from taking a garlic supplement regularly.\nIf you’re suffering from tooth pain You can try these home remedies to ease the pain:\nBegin the process by applying cold wrap to the affected area until it is as if it’s numb. This will ease the pain and decrease swelling.\nThen, place a fresh clove of garlic directly on the infected tooth. In this way, you release allicin, a antibacterial and anti-inflammatory chemical with antibacterial and antiviral properties that can ease the pain of a tooth.\nThird, apply a mixture of salt and garlic on the affected tooth to decrease swelling and improve the effectiveness for treatment.\nFourth, brush all of your teeth with a thorough brush and floss frequently to remove any remaining bacteria from your mouth.\nThe home remedies for tooth pain might work, but it’s recommended to consult a dentist if the pain persists after a period of time. By doing this, you can protect yourself from the long-term effects of your teeth. It also permits dentists to identify the source of your discomfort , and provide the most effective treatment strategy.", "label": "No"} {"text": "On 25th November 2018 RRS Discovery sailed on the first of CUSTARD’s three planned research trips, DY096. Leaving from Punta Arenas in Chile, and passing out into the southeast Pacific via Magellan Strait, the target was the National Science Foundation (NSF) Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) mooring site at 89W 55S. CUSTARD aims to study the factors affecting the biological uptake and storage throughout the year in a region for which few observations exist, resulting in a major uncertainty on the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean, a key conduit of CO2 from the atmosphere into the ocean.\nThe Southern Ocean is a harsh place to be in winter. The OOI mooring has recorded waves over 20m in height. Hence, the main objective on DY096 was to deploy equipment that could stay out all year when no-one would want to be there in a ship. Through a collaboration with the NSF and OOI, a team from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) came along both to deploy a mooring at the site (now equipped with novel sensors designed at the National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) and to recover existing moorings. Additionally, two gliders (Pancake and Churchill) were deployed, equipped with sensors to measure aggregates of organic carbon as it sinks through the water. Although the weather was a little challenging, the trip was a success and the CUSTARD team have already had the pleasure of watching the Southern Ocean phytoplankton bloom this southern spring, stripping the surface waters of nutrient and despatching carbon to depth as dead cells, all from the comfort of their warm offices.\nAt the end of 2019, two more cruises to the site are planned: to do more detailed analysis of the local ecosystem and biogeochemistry (DY111) and to recover the equipment after its tough year in the Southern Ocean (DY112).\nAdrian Martin, Principal Investigator.\nImage credit: E. Haigh.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Proudly Made in America American Flags in Dix IL 62830\nA nationwide sign that goes by the labels “The Stars and Stripes”, “Old Glory”, and “The Star-Spangled Banner”, the American flag is one of the highly recognizable icons in the world today. The American Flag is the 3rd oldest of the National Standards of the world – older compared to the Union Jack of Britain or the Tricolor of France.\nWho designed the American Flag?\nAccording to prominent stories, the very first American flag was created by Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress who was an acquaintance of George Washington. In May 1776, so the story goes, General Washington and also 2 people from the Continental Congress went to Ross at her upholstery shop and also showed her a sketch layout of the flag. Although Washington at first favored utilizing a star with 6 points, Ross promoted for a five-pointed star, which could be cut with just one quick snip of the scissors, as well as the gentlemen were swayed. Unfortunately, historians have actually not had the ability to confirm this variation of events.\nIn those days, the flag was not the same as we recognize it today. The act stated, “Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and also white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”\nExactly what does the American Flag represent?\nThe flag first flew over thirteen states along the Atlantic coast, with a population of some three million people. Today it flies over fifty states, extending throughout the continent, as well as over multiple islands of the two oceans; and also millions owe it obligation.\nThe flag is composed of 13 alternating red and white straight stripes standing for the initial thirteen British colonies that declared self-reliance from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and ended up being the very first states in the United States. This blue location of the flag is called the Union.\nThe importance of the Flag, as stated by Washington: “We take the stars from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have divided from her, as well as the white red stripes shall decrease to posterity representing Liberty.”\nIt incarnates for all the human race the spirit of liberty and the remarkable principle of human freedom; not the freedom of unrestraint or the freedom of license, but an one-of-a-kind ideal of equal opportunity permanently, liberty and also the pursuit of happiness, safeguarded by the strict and soaring concepts of duty, of integrity and of justice, as well as possible by obedience to self-imposed laws.\nTwo times told tales of nationwide honor and also glory cluster heavily about it. It bears witness to the tremendous expansion of our national borders, the advancement of our natural resources, as well as the splendid framework of our civilization. It prophesises the accomplishment of preferred federal government, of civic and also religious liberty and also of national decency throughout the world.\nWhy is the American Flag vital to American community?\nThe American flag is crucial due to the fact that it signifies the independent federal government as described under the United States Constitution. Add to that, it likewise represents the background, beliefs and values of its residents. As a democratic nation, its people follow critical values such as freedom, justice and also equality. The flag likewise signifies the different achievements of the country as well as the satisfaction of its individuals.\nThis national symbol reminds individuals, not only in the state of Illinois, but throughout the whole USA about the various vital elements of the Declaration of Independence. It is not just a simple symbol, which represents the liberty and legal rights of Americans. Floating from the soaring pinnacle of American idealism, it is a sign of withstanding hope.\nIt is the indication made visible of the strong spirit that has actually brought freedom as well as success to individuals of America. It is the flag of all us alike. Let us accord it honor as well as commitment.\nWhere can I purchase American Flags?\nYou probably currently discovered this, but there are a lot of locations where you can get American flags. It is crucial to note that the flag you’re about to buy should be “Made in USA. There are numerous vendors whose flags are identified as made in China, as well as flying a China-made American flag just doesn’t make much sense now, does it?\nBased upon data, Americans invest over 5.3 million dollars on imported flags annually – the majority of which are made in China. Perhaps a lot more disconcerting is that throughout 2001, in the wave of nationalism that washed over America after 9/11, Americans bought $52 million USD in imported flags. The flag must signify the blood, sweat, as well as tears of American people who brought this nation right into existence, not our debt to China and also the death of the American production sector.\nThe flag symbolizes nationwide self-reliance as well as prominent sovereignty. It is not the flag of a ruling family or imperial house, however of the millions free individuals bonded into a nation, one and also indivisible, united not just by community of passion, yet by vital unity of view and objective; a country identified for the clear specific perception of its citizens alike of their responsibilities and also their opportunities, their commitments as well as their rights.\nHave a little pride, cough up a couple of more money, and acquire an American flag made by Americans in the United States\nDix ZIP codes we serve: 62830", "label": "No"} {"text": "Atsu* should have been in third grade when his aunt sent him and his little brother, Divine, to work for a fisherman on Ghana's Lake Volta. Like many residents of Ghanaian villages, Divine's aunt couldn't afford her nephews' school fees and was struggling to make ends meet. So when the fisherman offered to send the boys to school in exchange for their labor, Divine's aunt agreed.\nAtsu and Divine became victims of child trafficking, a fate that is all too common for impoverished children in Ghana's coastal regions. As COVID-19 decimates Ghana's economy and diverts anti-trafficking resources, at-risk children will become even more vulnerable.\nGhanaian children are trafficked into myriad industries, though nearly 80 percent of trafficked children work in agriculture and fishing. The International Labor Organization estimates that 18,000 children, some as young as four years old, are trafficked to work on Lake Volta. For up to 14 hours per day, children on Lake Volta paddle canoes, dive in the gelid water to untangle fishing nets, and bail water from the boats. Lake Volta is the world's largest man-made lake, and trafficked children often refer to it as \"the sea\" for its sheer size, or perhaps more aptly, because it's wont to swallow childhoods.\nAtsu's story is a textbook case of child trafficking. He was living in Sokpoe, a village in southern Ghana, with Divine, his mother, and his older sister, Emefa, when his mother became ill and died. The young boys moved in with their aunt while Emefa trekked north in search of work to support her brothers. Without Emefa, Atsu's aunt couldn't feed the boys or pay for their school supplies, so she bequeathed them to the fisherman who promised to send the boys to school in exchange for help with his fishing business.\nAtsu and Divine traveled 350 miles to the shores of Lake Volta. The fisherman, whom the boys were forced to call Master, was physically and psychologically abusive. Under his cruel duress, the brothers worked 14 hour days in the scorching equatorial sun. They never attended school.\nUnder Ghana's Human Trafficking Act, perpetrators of trafficking face over five years in prison, but due to its lack of resources and Ghana's informal economy, the government struggles to enforce anti-trafficking legislation. Often the government relies on NGOs to identify and rescue trafficked children.\nRight To Be Free is one such NGO. Led by executive director Eric Peasah, Right To Be Free has rescued numerous children from Lake Volta, including Atsu and Divine in 2019. But most trafficked children aren't so lucky.\n\"Parents give away their children because of three main reasons: poverty, lack of education, and ignorance about trafficking,\" explains Peasah. These factors are more prevalent in rural areas—of the thousands of children Peasah has rescued, the majority lived in villages.\n\"Traffickers will deceive parents by offering to put children into schools in exchange for help with their fishing business. They promise to return them in two or three years but they never honor such promise,\" says Peasah. Parents in rural areas are susceptible to these guiles because they're often uninformed about the tactics of traffickers.\nRural children are less likely to be enrolled in school, which compounds the risk of being trafficked. Hot meals are provided at school, but when children are at home this burden falls to parents. School keeps children engaged and occupied, but idle children require attention that struggling parents can't give. As a solution, parents will send their children to work for a relative or trafficker, as Atsu's aunt did.\nAccording to Peasah, \"the correlation between poverty and trafficking is very high\" because it fuels ignorance, bars children from school, and sows desperation. Impoverished parents may send their children away to earn money for the family even if they know the working conditions will be harrowing. One rescued child, Bright, worked 15 hour days for an abusive fisherman so he could help support his family. Another child, Elijah, moved in with his uncle who promised to send him to school. Elijah would wake up at 3 am to help his uncle fish on Lake Volta before class and would return to work in the afternoon. He quickly became exhausted and dropped out of school.\nCOVID-19 and Trafficking\nThe coronavirus pandemic has heightened these risk factors—poverty, lack of education, and ignorance—in more ways than one. Since Ghana reported its first case of COVID-19 on March 12, the country's economy has floundered. Gold, oil, and cocoa make up 80 percent of Ghana's export earnings, but the global economic recession resulting from the pandemic has slashed the prices of these commodities. China, one of Ghana's main importers of oil, had little need for the commodity as people sheltered at home. Consumers who are strapped for cash are less likely to splurge on chocolate and gold products.\nGhana's poor have become even poorer as a result. Rural denizens involved in agriculture, mining, and fishing have seen their livelihoods shrivel up, and though it's common for urbanites to support their relatives in the villages, even this source of income has dissipated as city dwellers become furloughed or unemployed.\nAccording to Bloomberg, food prices have surged nearly 15 percent, making it impossible for poor parents to feed their children. \"Kids in the villages are really starving and some parents have lost their income, so they are trying to push their children to do something, to help,\" says Peasah.\nThe Ghanaian government extended some relief efforts including subsidized utilities and food, but they failed to assuage the needs of impoverished rural families who don't pay for water and live off the land.\nGhana's early April transition to online learning has alienated rural schoolchildren who lack computers and internet connection. Only 45 percent of Ghanaians can access the internet via mobile device and data costs are prohibitive. The Ministry of Education has launched TV learning, but most rural families don't have running water, much less a TV. For rural children, school closures mean no school. Children in their final year of senior high and university have returned to school, and final year junior high students will return soon, but in-person classes for the remainder of students are postponed indefinitely.\n\"My concern is that if children stay at home for a long time and they don't go to school, parents in high risk areas will send them away to work\" says Peasah. A recent Al Jazeera article about online learning in Ghana reported that children are roaming about villages, their parents too busy to provide homeschooling.\nA Looming Threat\nGhana has reported 14,007 cases of COVID-19, most of which were detected in Accra, the capital city. Should the virus spread to Ghana's villages, a host of new problems will arise.\nDr. Catherine Z. Worsnop researches the correlation between infectious disease and human trafficking. Her findings, which draw upon data from past pandemics, suggest that countries plagued by disease outbreaks are 31 percent more likely to be a source of trafficking. This is because outbreaks can cause or aggravate many trafficking risks including the diversion of government resources away from anti-trafficking efforts, hampered economic opportunity, and weakened community and family ties.\nThough Worsnop was unable to utilize data on the Ebola outbreak, she cites the way it hindered family structures and fueled stigma and isolation. Ebola, which fomented economic hardship and closed schools, orphaned 16,000 children between 2014 and 2017. An investigation by Save the Children, Plan International, and World Vision states that 91 percent of children in affected areas reported more teenage pregnancies, and that most young women attributed this shift to school closures. In a 2016 report, the U.S. Department of State revealed that safe houses for trafficked children in Guinea-Bissau were closed due to Ebola, and that the pandemic overwhelmed the Liberian government's resources and capacity to combat trafficking. COVID-19 threatens similar breakdown.\n\"I am particularly concerned that COVID-19 will amplify existing vulnerabilities, raising the risk of trafficking for communities that already have fewer resources and higher rates of poverty, and in areas where the state already has limited capacity,\" says Worsnop.\nThe Ghanaian government has diverted huge monetary resources to combatting COVID-19. The IMF reports that, as of June 11, 2020, it has designated $310 million in USD toward its coronavirus response, and compensated by diverting funds from goods and services, transfers, and capital investment. \"The already limited funds for combating trafficking were all diverted to feed and supply cooked and dry food for the vulnerable during lockdown\" says Peasah.\nAnd though Ghana's villages have mostly evaded COVID-19, an outbreak in rural Ghana would be devastating. Most villages lack adequate medical facilities, and social distancing is not conducive to villagers' communal way of life. It's common for rural denizens to pool their assets—one family provides cassava, another provides fish, and so on—so if a portion of a village falls ill, the entire population will suffer. And orphaned children or children of single parents will face a high risk of being trafficked.\nAn Uncertain Future\nAtsu and Divine currently live with Emefa. With support from a micro grant from Right To Be Free, Emefa provides for the family by farming and selling eggs. Last December, they spent their first Christmas together as a family in six years.\nCOVID-19 threatens the possibility of more success stories. Villagers do not welcome city dwellers for fear of contracting COVID-19, which poses problems for rescuers like Peasah. Under lockdown, humanitarian organizations and the Ghanaian government struggle to gather crucial intel and statistics, obfuscating the true impact of COVID-19 on child trafficking.\nIn lieu of his normal rescue missions, Peasah hopes to initiate a weekly reading program for children in one village who cannot access e-learning. However, the government's approval is contingent on Peasah's ability to provide masks and maintain social distancing. \"All the parents want their child to participate, but we can't take everybody. Not in this pandemic,\" he says. \"But [I] hope, in a small way, [I] can help the children in the village.\"\n*Editor's Note: The names of the children have been changed to protect their identity.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Faites une demande d'inscription ici et commencez à éditer cette fiche.\nRight to Housing\nSince 1977, the right to housing has been enshrined in the Constitution – Article 27.\n2c. The State must establish a socialist democratic society in Sri Lanka whose objectives are: the attainment by all citizens of a standard of living suitable for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing, Housing, the continuous improvement of living conditions and the total enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities.\nSource: CETIM (publication COHRE)\n- Housing and Land Rights Violation Database in each country (Housing and Land Network – HIC): http://hlrn.org/welcome_violation.php#.VD-IVCi7_vQ\n- Zero Evictions Campaign (International Alliance of Inhabitants): http://www.habitants.org/zero_evictions_campaign\n- Data sets on agricultural land grabbing in the world (GRAIN): https://www.grain.org/bulletin_board/entries/4429-new-data-sets-on-land-grabbing\n- The Online Public Database on Land Deals – Global Observatory (Land Matrix): http://landmatrix.org/en/\n- Old People\n- Young People\nSome Interesting Practices\nSOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS\nQuality of Housing\nInformal Housing / Slum / Homeless\nROLE OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES\nBibliography & Sitography\nSEEN BY SOCIAL MOVEMENTS\nMajor Claims or Demands\nSome Civil Society Actors", "label": "No"} {"text": "The IP address of your computer is an identifier that is used to distinguish it on a network. It is often linked to your online activity and many sites record the search activity and history linked to your IP address.\nYour IP address can also link you with a physical location. Some governments consider your IP address to be your online identity number. Changing your IP address, or masking it, is an important part of increasing your security and privacy online. Doing this prevents sites and other entities from tracking your searches, targeting ads to you based on your online activity, and intercepting private data.\nBy “disappearing” from your current network, you also reduce or eliminate the risk of being spied on by individual users. Some people use tools like “packet sniffers” to monitor and steal information passed over a shared network, This could happen at your local wifi cafe, an internet connection at your school dormitory, the shared local at your workplace, or any other locations.\nThere are also some additional benefits of changing your country IP address.\nA substantial amount of media that is country specific. For example, streaming media through Hulu, Netflix, and Pandora is limited to the United States. The BBC iPlayer, Sky Player, and Film 4, are limited to access from The UK. There are similar restrictions in other countries as well. If you change your country IP address you can access this content by making websites think that you are connecting from the country they require.\nAnother benefit of changing IP is being able to access blocked content. Perhaps your government or local network admin has limited what you can see and do online. Countries such as China, Vietnam, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are notorious for blocking popular websites like Facebook, YouTube, and Skype. With a foreign IP, you can unblock just about anything.\nThere are a number of ways to change your country IP address directly through the internet. There is no need to order hardware or change any current configurations on your computer or phone.\nWeb based proxies and virtual private networks are two types of IP changing technology.\nA Virtual Private Network, or VPN is a secure network commonly used by businesses and educational institutions because of its high security encryption and privacy features. While shopping for VPN services, you may see terms like “128-bit encryption”, which means there’s a code that is 128 characters long protecting your personal information. This gives you trillions of combinations of numbers, a code that’s pretty much impossible to crack. Stronger encryption is available, but usually unnecessary. This is the same type of technology used to protect your credit card while you shop online.\nSome features to look out for when choosing a VPN service are unlimited bandwidth, free server switching, automatic IP changes at set intervals, port forwarding for custom connections, and a user-friendly VPN client for changing your VPN settings.\nAn alternative to VPNs is a web based proxy. There are software based proxies available, but if you’re considering the software option, you’ll be better off with a VPN. It will be more secure, and more reliable. Web based proxies however, offer a number of advantages over software based solutions to change your country IP.\nA web based proxy requires no installation, which means you can use it on any device that connects to the Internet. Your iPhone or Android phone, your iPad or tablet, as well as Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. You can use it at work, school, or home, and on public computers.\nIf the domain is blocked on your local network, you can often store a an access point in your email inbox, or the proxy service may have several different web portals. Using a web based proxy, you won’t be able to choose the exact location of your IP address, but if you enquire, most services will tell you the location of their servers.\nIt should be noted that most types of software and many streaming sites do not work with web based proxies. This is because the majority of web based proxies do not support flash, and streaming media websites actively block IP addresses from anonymous proxies. A service such as SecuriTales does allow for YouTube access, which makes them unique among their competitors.\nThe best web based proxy service I know is SecuriTales. They’re professional and fast, and have US/UK based servers. There’s a free trial and a 30 day money back guarantee, so there’s nothing stopping you from trying it out for yourself. Remember that when using a proxy, it’s important to use a service you can trust to prevent abuse of your IP data.\nThere are a number of professional and inexpensive VPN services out there. I’ve tried many over the years, but there are two in particular that stick out. You can read about the others in the Top 10 here.\nHide My Ass\nHide My Ass has a ProVPN package that pretty much destroys the competition. Thousands of IP across\n32 53 countries in almost over 200 locations. A year subscription costs the same as three months for some other services that offer less. There’s a 30 day money back guarantee on top of a free web based proxy, anonymous email, anonymous file sharing, and more anonymous surfing tools.\n>>>>> Go to the official website of Hide My Ass\nVyprVPN is a VPN provider owned by Golden Frog, which provides a number of Internet tools technologies. VyprVPN is a very secure, very professional service dedicated to keeping you anonymous online. With both 128 and 256 bit encryption available, your identity online is guaranteed to be anonymous and secure. I should also mention that it’s not an advertising gimmick when they say that they are the fastest VPN in the world. Ok, I haven’t actually measured it, but connection speeds are much faster than other VPN providers I’ve tried.\nYou can get a discount by clicking on the VyprVPN links here at Change IP Online™. There are 2 separate links though, both are below. $5 of any package for the lifetime of the account is a great deal, because the discount never ends!\n>>> See the FULL review + get Discount Links\n>>>>> Go to the official website of VyprVPN", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s one of those office situations or social moments we’ve all had and would love to avoid. You’re having a conversation with someone, and the more they talk, the more you realize that their bad breath has taken over the conversation and you can’t think about anything else. It’s hard to keep your head in the game when you’re trying to create some distance between you and their mouth. You wonder if you should say something, but you don’t know this person well enough and don’t want to be hurtful.\nThe reality is that your friend or colleague with halitosis (a big word for bad breath) is probably well-aware that their breath is less than wonderful. Chances are that they’ve tried a number of remedies to get rid of bad breath, but can’t quite figure out why it still smells. Here’s where Chinese medicine may be able to help.\nAn important part of the diagnostic process in Chinese medicine is odour. While it may sound gross, your practitioner can actually gain a great deal of information from any unusual smells a patient has. Smells coming from your breath, sweat, skin, or other body parts can help your acupuncturist determine what’s going on with your health at a deeper level.\nIf you have bad breath, there are a couple of things your practitioner knows right away. First, the smell is usually coming from a combination of heat and stagnation. Simply put, heat is frequently a sign of inflammation or infection, and stagnation means that there is congestion of some kind obstructing the normal movement and function somewhere in your body. What your practitioner also knows is that your bad breath is most likely coming from one of four places: your stomach, sinuses, mouth, or lungs. Here’s a rundown of what may be going on:\n- If your bad breath is coming from your stomach, it’s probably in the form of poor digestion. The process of digestion depends on food moving from your stomach and through the rest of your digestive tract. Sometimes however, what you eat gets bogged down in your stomach. Indigestion, heartburn, ulcers, and even bacteria like h. pylori or c. difficile can stagnate in your stomach and cause your breath to smell.\n- Your sinuses are a common site of infection, inflammation, and congestion. Whether from a cold, the flu, allergies, chronic sinusitis, or a sinus infection, blocked sinuses can cause bad breath in a couple of ways. First, your obstructed sinuses are a source of odor. Chances are that if you’ve had sinus congestion for more than a couple of weeks, your sinuses are inflamed and possibly infected. Secondly, if your sinuses are congested, you’re likely breathing through your mouth, which can also cause bad breath. If you’re prone to sinus problems, a good strategy is to do some kind of a nasal rinse regularly by using a Neti pot or saline wash; either can help keep your sinuses clear.\n- Your mouth can also be a common cause of bad breath, coming from inflamed gums, gum disease, or tooth decay. Brushing, flossing and regular trips to the dentist can help prevent problems and pinpoint obvious causes of bad breath.\n- Another surprising source of bad breath is your lungs. A chronic cough, congestion, pneumonia, asthma, and any other lung issues can trigger a combination of heat and stagnation. While a common cold or the flu isn’t likely to cause bad breath, any condition arising from your lungs that becomes chronic has the potential to make your breath smell bad.\nSometimes it can be hard to pinpoint exactly where your bad breath is coming from. That’s why it’s important to enlist the help of health professionals if the problem has been going on for more than a couple of weeks. A practitioner of Chinese medicine is an important member of your health care team. They can help determine the cause of your bad breath and work with you to develop a treatment strategy to get it under control.\nDr. Jeda Boughton is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Registered Acupuncturist in Vancouver. She is also a Registered Herbologist and the founder of BodaHealth.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Institute for Chemical Biology member Ben Barres found that a class of brain cells called astrocytes play a role in selectively removing some nerve connections.\nBY BRUCE GOLDMAN\nStanford University School of Medicine neuroscientists have discovered a new role played by a common but mysterious class of brain cells.\nTheir findings, published online Nov. 24 in Nature, show that these cells, called astrocytes because of their star-like shape, actively refine nerve-cell circuits by selectively eliminating synapses — contact points through which nerve cells, or neurons, convey impulses to one another — much as a sculptor chisels away excess bits of rock to create an artwork.\n“This was an entirely unknown function of astrocytes,” said Ben Barres, MD, PhD, professor and chair of neurobiology and the study’s senior author. The lead author was Won-Suk Chung, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar in Barres’ lab. More than one-third of all the cells in the human brain are astrocytes. But until quite recently, their role in the brain has remained obscure.\nThe study was performed on brain tissue from mice, but it is likely to apply to people as well, Barres said.\nThe discovery adds to a growing body of evidence that substantial remodeling of brain circuits takes place in the adult brain and that astrocytes are master sculptors of its constantly evolving synaptic architecture. The findings also raise the question of whether deficits and excesses in this astrocytic function could underlie, respectively, the loss of this remodeling capacity in old age or the wholesale destruction of synapses that erupts in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.\n“Astrocytes are in the driver’s seat when it comes to synapse formation, function and elimination,” Barres said. In previous studies, he and his colleagues have shown that astrocytes play a critical role in determining exactly where and when new synapses are generated.\nThe new study showed that astrocytes’ synapse-gobbling behavior persists into adulthood and is triggered by activity in the neurons, suggesting astrocytes may be central to the constant fine-tuning and reconfiguring of brain circuits occurring throughout our lives in response to experiences such as learning, recollection, emotion and motion. While a healthy brain’s neurons remain intact for much a person’s lifetime, the connections between them — the synapses — are constantly forming, strengthening, weakening or dying.\nThe Barres team also has previously implicated another brain cell type, collectively known as microglia, in synaptic pruning in early development, when the young brain undergoes ongoing episodes of circuit remodeling. The role of astrocytes in synaptic refining, the new study shows, differs from that of microglia both in timing and mechanism.\nBarres’ team began to suspect astrocytes’ participation in the pruning process when, having developed methods for isolating exceptionally pure populations of different types of brain cells, they saw that the genes for two separate biochemical pathways were active in astrocytes. Both of these pathways are involved in phagocytosis, the trash-collection process by which specialized cells in the body engulf, ingest and digest dead cells; foreign materials, including bacteria; debris from wounds; and so forth. At the leading end of the two pathways were two phagocytic receptors, MERKTK and MEGF10, which in other cell types have been shown to bind to particular proteins on targeted cells or materials, triggering the ensuing engulfment, ingestion and digestion of the targets.\nIt’s known that much of an astrocyte’s surface membrane is typically in close contact with neurons. In fact, a single astrocyte may ensheathe thousands of synapses. It was only natural, Barres said, to wonder whether astrocytes play some role in eliminating synapses.\nThe researchers first demonstrated that both MERKTK and MEGF10, along with their entire tool kits of cooperating proteins, are present in living astrocytes in the mouse brain. (In unpublished work, they have since confirmed this using human astrocytes.) Next, they showed that mouse astrocytes in a lab dish eagerly gobbled up synapses and dispatched them to their lysosomes, highly acidic internal garbage disposals found in most cells in the body. But this engulfment was dependent on astrocytes having functional MEGF10 and MERTK. Disabling one or the other receptor’s function cut in half astrocytes’ ability to engorge themselves on synapses; knocking out both receptors lowered the synapse-eating activity by about 90 percent.\nTo see if this happens in real life, Chung, Barres and their associates turned to a familiar experimental model: a brain area called the lateral geniculate nucleus, which is a critical component of the brain’s vision-processing system. The LGN receives inputs from neurons just a couple of steps downstream from the photoreceptors in the retina. In early development, neurons in the LGN are innervated by inputs from both eyes. But at a critical point in development, a highly selective synaptic-pruning process kicks in, resulting in each neuron from one side of the LGN being contacted pretty much only by neurons from a single eye. This pruning process in the LGN is dependent on the transmission of waves of spontaneous neuronal impulses originating in the retina.\nExperimenting with mice that had entered the critical period for synaptic pruning in the LGN, the investigators labeled the incoming neurons in this system with different-colored stains so their synaptic regions could be identified within astrocytes if the astrocytes ate them up. And sure enough, a lot of this label turned up inside astrocytes’ lysosomes, indicating that astrocytes were actively ingesting synapses. Knocking out one or another or, especially, both of the two phagocytic receptors greatly reduced the amount of labeled synaptic material found in astrocytes. Impairing astrocytic MERKTK and MEGF10 function also caused a failure of LGN neurons to restrict their inputs to only neurons from just one eye, clearly implicating astrocytes in that process. Electrophysiology experiments proved that the LGN neurons in the MERKTK- and MEGF10-knockout mice retained an excessive number of synapses, demonstrating that astrocytes play an active role in pruning synapses during development.\nImportantly, injection of a drug blocking the transmission of spontaneous waves of electrical impulses originating in the retina severely impaired astrocytes’ ability to eat synapses, showing that the synapse-pruning propensity is linked to neuronal activity. Other tests showed that astrocytic phagocytosis of synapses continues into adulthood.\nBarres said this raises the question of whether astrocytes function throughout life to continually restructure our neuronal circuitry in response to experientially induced brain activity. If astrocytes’ synaptic snacking slows with aging, as that of other phagocytic cell types is known to do, it could reduce the aging brain’s capacity to adapt to new experiences, he said. “Maybe you need the astrocytes to gobble up old synapses to make room for new ones.”\nIf so, it may be possible someday to design drugs to keep astrocytes’ phagocytic process from slowing, Barres added. Such drugs might prevent the accumulation in aging brains of past-their-prime synapses, which are vulnerable to degeneration in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disease characterized by massive synapse loss.\nOther Stanford co-authors were Stephen Smith, PhD, professor of molecular and cellular physiology; postdoctoral scholars Laura Clarke, PhD, and Gordon Wang, PhD; life-science research assistant Chandrani Chakraborty; former Stanford undergraduate Julia Joung; and former graduate student Lynette Foo, PhD.\nThe study was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (grant 5R21NS072556), the McKnight Foundation and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundations.\nInformation about the medical school’s Department of Neurobiology, which also supported the work, is available at http://neurobiology.stanford.edu/.", "label": "No"} {"text": "I bet you’ve seen some pretty weird looking animals in your day. But, more than likely, unless you scuba dive or take submarines frequently, it’s unlikely that these animals are as weird as they get.\nYou see, it is the marine animals who have evolved in conditions completely different to anything on the land that end up looking particularly strange, at least to us (who knows, maybe we’re just as funky looking to them as they are to us).\nThese conditions are so alien to us, that we know more about outer space than we do about the deep sea (pun intended).\nSo, sit back, relax, and let me take you on a tour of some of the craziest looking sea creatures that we’ve discovered to date.\n1. Dumbo Octopus\nThis octopus is kind of ugly cute. You know, like when you see a pug with a squashed face and you can’t quite figure out why you still think it needs a hug?\nWhile it looks nothing like its namesake, it does have two large, rounded fins protruding from its mantle (the sort of a pointy bit on top), and it is for these fins that it is named.\nThe octopus is a good deal smaller than the ‘common octopus’, only about 8 inches long. While it still has 8 tentacles, these tentacles are webbed and are designed more for swimming than the ‘multi-purpose’ arms that other octopuses enjoy.\n2. Eastern Fiddler Ray\nThis ray, also known as the banjo shark (it’s not a shark, but it’s related to sharks), is beautifully colored.\nThere are patterns of brown, yellow, grey, lilac and black on the pectoral disk on this animal that make it quite distinctive (sort of in the shape on a banjo, hence the name).\nThe ray can grow up to about four feet long and lives mostly off of the coast of Australia.\nFollowing the trend of particularly imaginative names that we’ve seen on this list, this deep-sea fish is named after its distinctive hatchet-like shape (Google a hatchet or an axe – it will help you with the visual).\nThis fish does not have eyes on either side of its head in the way that many other fishes do. Instead, its eyes are on one side of its head and both point upwards which allows them to search for food coming from above.\nFurther adding to its good looks, the hatchetfish has a line of photophores (organs that produce light) running along the hatchet ‘edge’ of its body. In addition, the fish’s scales are so shiny that they almost look metallic.\n4. Red Lipped Batfish\nThis poor fish was clearly spited by evolution. Not only is it flattened from life on the sea bed, but its fins are better adapted for walking on the ocean floor rather than swimming.\nTo add insult to injury, its lips look as though it tried to make up for its unsatisfactory appearance by taking on as much red lipstick as possible.\nNow, you might wonder how its fins might be capable of ‘walking’ on the sea floor. Well, instead of having fins that point outward like most fish, this fish has pectoral and pelvic fins that curve inward and down, flattening at the tip like ‘feet’ of a sort.\nThe red-lipped batfish also has a horizontal body rather than the more vertical body that most fish have.\nAs you can see, because of these characteristics that make it an ‘outsider’, it makes sense that evolution would have tried to throw it a bone with the bright red lipstick.\nShockingly, given the apt and descriptive names that we have seen so far, this fish does not resemble a frog in the least. In fact, its methods of camouflage are so impressive that it can resemble just about anything that it sees on the sea floor.\nThe frogfish can change its color from bright reds and yellows to duller pinks and browns. It can also change its texture.\nSeriously! It can grow warts, funny bumps and protrusions, and wispy things, or smooth itself out in order to blend in more effectively with its environment.\nIt’s so good at what it does that it has become rather a competition among scuba divers to see if they can spot a frogfish while diving.\n6. Sea Pen\nOf all the animals discussed so far, this one probably looks the least like an animal. It looks a bit like some sort aquatic feather or quill pen (where it got its name – it’s amazing how imaginative these scientists have been so far) that’s weighed down by a balloon-like apparatus at the end.\nHowever, in reality, the sea pen is actually a colony of coral polyps that have different purposes. For example, some help to keep the animal fed while others make sure that it remains upright.\nEven the sea pen’s coloring lends credence to the idea that it could be a feather. The animal is usually white or yellow or some color on the spectrum in between the two.\nWhile they are mostly boring looking save for their feather-like structure, some sea pens can produce light from their bodies when the colony is threatened by predators.\n7. Sea Cucumber\nI’m sure you’re all enthralled with my descriptions thus far, and here’s another to not disappoint. The sea cucumber looks rather like a section of petrified large intestine.\nThey are between .75 inches and 6.5 feet long that is growing moss on the outside (it’s normally warty, with a dark color, making most people think of cucumbers – not me, though). It really doesn’t look like an animal either, to be honest.\nHowever, the sea cucumber has an incredible defense mechanism. When it is attacked, it has the ability to eject all of its internal organs into the face of its attacker through its anus, and – wait for it – simply grow them all back later.\nI guess this is one animal that really fits the phrase, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’\nIf not for the next animal on the list, the anglerfish would win the award for ugliest weird looking sea creature of the group that we’ve got here.\nSeriously. We thought the red-lipped batfish had it bad. But apparently, when you live so deep in the sea that there’s basically no light, evolution doesn’t really care what you look like. Go on. Google it. You know you want to.\nThe female anglerfish can get quite large, growing up to about 3.3 feet and 110 pounds.\nThe fish (dark brown or dark grey) also has huge, spiky teeth, tiny eyes and a large, fleshy appendage growing out of its forehead which is colonized by glowing bacteria, helping the fish to attract prey.\nThe male anglerfish, on the other hand, is absolutely tiny, and doesn’t do much in life.4 When he finds a female anglerfish, he bites her, digests all of his internal organs, and becomes a pair of gonads for the female to use when she is ready to fertilize her eggs.\nWhat a life, right?\n9. Blob sculpin\nPlease meet the ugliest fish you’ve probably ever seen. If you didn’t Google the anglerfish, prepare yourself and Google this one.\nThe blob sculpin really does look like a large, slightly squashed, pink blob with ill-defined holes for features like eyes and a mouth. The fish can grow up to two feet in length with fat heads rimmed with fins and skinny bodies with many fewer fins in comparison.\nWhen underwater, the fish looks slightly less scary. But when it is caught, it looks deflated and squashed due to the lack of muscle tone characteristic of fish living at incredible depths in the ocean.\nMost of the time, these fish just stay in one place, waiting to jump out and scare the life out of unsuspecting prey. That’s not quite how the scenario works, but you’ll admit after you’ve seen the fish that it’s not implausible.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Despite the fact that most of us know the basic rules for dental care from childhood, many people tend to neglect them. However, the main thing is regularity and attention to detail. In this article, we gathered five effective tips on how to keep your teeth healthy.\n1. Brush your teeth regularly and correctly\nMaintaining proper oral hygiene is not an easy task. The tips listed below can help you brush your teeth properly and prevent the development of various diseases.\n2. Choose the right toothbrush\nConsider the choice of your main \"tool\" for oral carer carefully. Select the stiffness of the bristles according to the condition of your teeth and gums. The most common option is medium bristle stiffness, but it still doesn’t suit everyone. If you have sensitive gums or tooth enamel, choose a soft-bristled brush.\nTake care of your toothbrush. It is essential to change it at least once every three months. If you have had some disease, rinse your toothbrush hot water or take new. Dry your toothbrush after each brushing. Don’t store children's and adult toothbrushes in the same cup because bacteria and microbes easily pass from one brush to another.\n3. Use dental floss\nEven the most \"advanced\" toothbrush cannot completely clean the oral cavity, especially in hard-to-reach places. That’s why you should use a special dental floss. Dentists recommend using it daily to prevent the development of tooth decay and other oral health issues.\nThere is a huge variety of floss on the market today. They are divided into flat and round. Flat floss cleans tight interdental spaces and is suitable for people with a crowded dentition. Round floss can clean wide interdental spaces.\nDepending on whether the floss is saturated with wax, it can be waxed or unwaxed. Waxed dental floss is more suitable for beginners because it is easier to use and such floss cleans interdental spaces better. Unwaxed floss easily removes food debris and plaque.\nTo choose the right floss, it is better to consult your dental specialist. The doctor will advise you which thread you need taking into account your bite, shape, and condition of your teeth. It is also important to use your dental floss correctly:\nClean the interdental spaces with gentle movements that follow the contours of the gums to avoid injuries\n4. Rinse your mouth with special solutions\nIn addition to daily teeth brushing and flossing, you should also rinse your mouth in the morning and evening with special mouthwashes. There is a huge variety of solutions on the market today.\nYou should pay attention to the mouthwashes that contain natural ingredients (for example, probiotics). Such a rinse agent effectively suppresses different groups of bacteria, prevents gum disease, protects teeth from tooth decay, and refreshes your breath.\n5. Visit your dentist regularly\nDental health is determined not only by proper oral hygiene but also by many other factors that we don’t always can prevent or avoid. An unhealthy diet, stress, lack of sleep, and weakened immunity also have a negative impact on the condition of your teeth and gums. That’s why (even if you don’t experience any oral health issues) be sure to contact your dentist two times a year for a preventive examination.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Suwon Hwaseong Fortress was constructed by king Jeongjo (reigning 1777~1800), the 22nd king of Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) after moving the tomb of his father Sadoseja, Crown Prince, who had been victimized in faction struggles in the court, and put inside a rice chest and had died in it, from Mt. Baebong, Yangju, to Mt. Hwa, Suwon. and the moving of the local government headquarters from near Mt. hwa to the current location under Mt. Paldal, Suwon. The mountain was considered as the best place to build tombs according to the theory of geomancy in those days. There were multiple reasons for constructing the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress. The most important reason was King Jeongjo's filial piety to his father. But, there were other reasons: his political strategy to eradicate faction struggles and establish the king-led politics; use of it as a fortress of national defense to the south. Using Seonghwajuryak (1793) written by Jeong Yak Yong, government official at Gyujanggak, referring to technology books of the East and the West as the guidebook, the fortress started to be constructed in January 1794, and was completed in September 1796 under the general supervision of Chae Jae Gong, former prime minister and then yeongjungchubusa, and the direction of Jo Sim Tae. In the process of constructing it, new machines like geojunggi and nokro was specifically designed to move and pile up big stones. When the fortress was built, many subsidiary facilities such as Hwaseong Haenggung, Jungposa, Neposa, and Sajikdan, etc. were also built. But, most of them have been destroyed in later wars and riots, except for Naknamheon, part of Hwaseong Haenggung. Passing though the Japanese Occupation Era (1910~1945), and the Korean War (1950~1953), parts of the fortress were destroyed or lost. But, during the period of 1975~1979, most of the destroyed or lost parts were repaired and recovered, referring to Hwaseong Seongyeok Euigwae. The circumference of the fortress is 5,744m, and its area is 130ha. It is a pyeongsanseong, or flat and mountainous fortress, with its eastern part flat, and its western part straddling Mt. Paldal. There were originally 48 facilities in the fortress: 4 munru, gate tower; 2 sumun, watergate; 3 gongsimdon, gun-shooting tower; 2 jangdae; 2 nodae, arrow-shooting towers; 5 poru, tower on the wall; 4 gakru; 5 ammun, open gate on the wall; 1 bongdon, or beacon tower, 4 jeokdae, watchtower; 9 chiseong, protective facilities on the wall; and 2 eungu. Among them, 7 facilities have disappeared by floods or wars, and 41 remain intact. The fortress walls of Suwon Hwaseong remain intact almost as the original form as it was constructed 200 years ago. The Suwoncheon River, which flowed through Buksumun (or Hwaheungmun) watergate, still flows through the watergate, and the road network linking Paldalmun, Janganmun, Hwaseong Haenggung, and Changrongmun are still used as an important part of the road network of current Suwon city. The construction of the fortress was motivated by political and economic purposes as well as the filial piety of the king to his father, rather than by military one. Thus, the fortress can be said to symbolize \"hyo,\" filial piety, part of East Asian philosophy, and so it has spiritual and philosophical value, in addition to cultural one. The Suwon Hwaseong Fortress is of a pyeongsanseong, or flat and mountainous fortress, which cannot be found in other neighboring countries like China and Japan. It was constructed for dual functions ― military defense and commercial functions. With its scientific, rational, and practical structures, it can be called the finest among the fortresses in Asia. The walls were piled up applying the method of 'owechuknetak' in which while outer walls were piled up, the inner sides were made by raising the grounds using the natural topographical features. Influenced by the silhak which literally meant practical studies, and was the scholastic and social movement in those days to try to find practical challenges in real life of people avoiding unrealistic philosophical controversies in neo-Confucianism, various kinds of advanced technology ― mixed use of bricks and stones; device of hyeonan, or flutes on the wall to pour hot water to enemy soldiers climbing the wall, and nujo, or gutter on the wall; creation of geojunggi, or crane; and wall-piling up with wood and bricks ― were actively applied in constructing the fortress. It can be regarded as a rare superb example of fortress construction technology of Asian fortresses. Especially, the fortress, the result of the fortress construction technologies of the East and the West based on sufficient researches and meticulous plans, is very important in the respect of architectural history. Hwaseong Seongyeok Euigwae published in 1801 after the fortress had been completed provides detailed descriptions about personal informations of those workers who participated in the project, sources and uses of various materials, calculation of budgets and wages, various machines used, the methods of processing materials, and construction diary, as well as the blueprint of construction, and related institutions and rules. So, the book is evaluated as having left an important footprint in architectural history, specifically on fortress building, and having a big historical value as records themselves. The Suwon Hwaseong Fortress was designated as the Historical Remains No. 3, and has been managed as such. As subsidiary cultural assets, it has Paldalmon gate (Treasure No. 402), Hwaseomun gate (Treasure No. 403), Janganmun gate, and Gongsimdon, etc. The Suwon Hwaseong Fortress was chosen to be registered as an UNESCO World Heritage in December 1997.", "label": "No"} {"text": "A structure in the brain the size of a pea could be at the heart of depression, new research has suggested. Scientists at University College London believe the habenula is responsible for how human beings predict, respond and learn from unpleasant experiences. The researchers examined the brains of 23 healthy volunteers via MRI scans and showed them pictures associated with positive and negative events. Those images suggesting pain, such as electric shocks, stimulated the habenula, which lit up on the MRI scans. By contrast, the habenula was inactive when participants were shown photos of positive experiences such as winning money, suggesting that the structure plays a key role in the processing of unpleasant stimuli. Scientists now intend to explore whether hyperactivity of the habenula is responsible for some of the signs and symptoms seen in patients with depression. Senior author Dr Jonathan Rosier, from the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, said: 'The habenula responds much more strongly when an electric shock is almost certain than when it is unlikely. In this study we showed that the habenula doesn't just express whether something leads to negative events or not; it signals quite how much bad outcomes are expected.' He went on to add that previous research has shown that ketamine inhibits the function of the habenula and patients who have been administered the drug have responded to it better than they have to standard anti-depressant medication. Dr Rebecca Lawson, lead author, said that the results demonstrate a clear association between the habenula and motivated behaviour, adding that the suppression of the neurotransmitter dopamine may be central to what is going on. Depression is the most common affective disorder and has a myriad of symptoms, both biological and emotional. Examples of the former include a loss of libido, sleep disturbance and loss of appetite, while emotional manifestations include low mood for a period of weeks or months, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and a loss of motivation.\nADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW\nMore from Netdoctor:\nLife after illness is harder than treatment for thousands of cancer survivors\nCancer doesn't stop when chemo ends\nWhen you eat could affect your skin's protection from the sun\nShould we get out of 'holiday mode' when it comes to eating?\nThe possible secret to happiness, according to a psychology professor\nThis unusual hack could improve life satisfaction\nA large-scale study says light drinking could help you live longer\nBut there's a very fine line\nWhy cancer patients who choose homeopathy are more likely to die\nAlways follow your doctor's advice\nIs it really possible to have fun and stay fit on holiday?\nHere's what we learned from a luxury long weekend\nStruggling to sleep? How to avoid overthinking when you get in to bed\nA psychologist and mindfulness expert on how to reclaim sleep", "label": "No"} {"text": "Organs Involved in the Musculoskeletal System\nThe heart is one of the most important organs in the entire human body. It is really nothing more than a pump, composed of muscle which pumps blood throughout the body, beating approximately 72 times per minute of our lives. The heart pumps the blood, which carries all the vital materials which help our bodies function and removes the waste products that we do not need. If the heart ever ceases to pump blood the body begins to shut down and after a very short period of time will die.\nThe heart is essentially a muscle(a little larger than the fist). Like any other muscle in the human body, it contracts and expands. Unlike skeletal muscles, however, the heart works on the \"All -or-Nothing Law\". That is, each time the heart contracts it does so with all its force. In skeletal muscles, the principle of \"gradation\" is present. The pumping of the heart is called the Cardiac Cycle, which occurs about 72 times per minute. This means that each cycle lasts about eight-tenths of a second. During this cycle the entire heart actually rests for about four-tenths of a second.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Geocell can be easily contracted and folded for transportation; and stretched and expanded on job site to cellular structure. When filled with infill materials, such as soil, gravel and concrete, the structure has strong lateral confinement and high stiffness.\nGeocell is lightweight, wear-resistant, chemically stable, anti-photo-oxidative aging, and acid and alkaline-resistant, so can be used in different soil environments (for example, deserts).\nGeocell is of high lateral confinement, slide-resistant and deformation-resistant, so can effectively increase load bearing capacity and decentralize load distribution in subgrade reinforcement applications.\nThe geometrical parameters (for example, height of the cellular structure and welding interval) of geocells can be adjusted for different engineering applications.\nGeocell can be easily contracted to achieve small transport dimensions; and easily fastened together on site to achieve high engineering efficiency.\nGeocell is valued in the engineering industry thanks to their outstanding performance, which can be understood from the basic principle. In foreign research literature, geocells are described as “honeycomb-like three-dimensional confinement systems that can significantly enhance the performance of normal infill materials in such applications as load support and worm corrosion control.” The critical principle is three-dimensional confinement. As it is known to all, an automobile running in a desert will leave two deep ruts, the area under the wheel to settle deeply into the ground and the walls at both sides of the rut to elevate high above the ground. With another automobile, the rut will become deeper and the walls higher. With more automobiles following the same rut, the ground will be deformed to a degree that no more automobile can run along the same rut as the wheel will be trapped by the rut and the rut walls will block the chasis. The reason is that, according to bearing capacity theories developed by Prandtl and Tylor, when an external concentrated load is applied to the earth surface the active zone 1 settles due to the stress and the stress is transferred laterally to both sides to transitional zone 2, which in turn transfers the stress to passive zone 3, which will be infinitely deformed and elevated.\n1. Geocell can be easily contracted and folded for transportation; and stretched and expanded on job site to cellular structure. When filled with infill materials, such as soil, gravel and concrete, the structure has strong lateral confinement and high stiffness.\n2. Geocell is lightweight, wear-resistant, chemically stable, anti-photo-oxidative aging, and acid and alkaline-resistant, so can be used in different soil environments (for example, deserts).\n3. Geocell is of high lateral confinement, slide-resistant and deformation-resistant, so can effectively increase load bearing capacity and decentralize load distribution in subgrade reinforcement applications.\n4. The geometrical parameters (for example, height of the cellular structure and welding interval) of geocells can be adjusted for different engineering applications.\n5. Geocell can be easily contracted to achieve small transport dimensions; and easily fastened together on site to achieve high engineering efficiency.Put it another way, when a load is applied onto the subgrade, an active zone of triangular cross section will come into being in the subgrade right below the load. The stress will be transferred to the passive zone through the transitional zone and cause the passive zone to elevate. In other words, Deformation of the subgrade is determined by shear force along the direction of sliding and the force on the active zone, transitional zone and passive zone. This is true with not only sandy soils in desert but also any soft soils, the only difference being the degree and speed of deformation. Such lateral movement of subgrade materials also happens with good subgrade materials. Normally a highway is elevated several meters above the ground. For such a highway, frost boiling due to water absorption rarely happens but pavement settlement does happen after some time. One of the major reasons is absorption of rain water, which leads to run-away of soils, and then settlement of the subgrade. Another major reason is lateral movement of soil due to long-time pressure and vibration caused by dynamic load of vehicles. On many provincial country roads, one can feel something an “S” shaped track in the traffic lane. Similarly, on some highways, one may feel that the traffic lane is significantly more jolting than the express lane (due to heavier and more frequent load). This same mechanism can also explain the so called “bridge-head bump”. Such ditch shaped subgrade settlement is a typical example of lateral movement of subgrade material..\nThe traditional subgrade engineering is nothing but to increase the shear strength and frictional force of subgrade materials and reduce or delay lateral movement of the subgrade materials under load or vibration, which is known to all and need not be further elaborated. Therefore, there are strict requirements for materials used in such applications. If such materials cannot be obtained locally, then they have to be purchased. The acquisition cost and transportation cost of such materials accounts for a very high percentage of engineering project budget. With geocells, materials available locally, even those materials that traditionally are deemed inferior or not appropriate for such an application, can be used. Consequently, material acquisition and transportation cost can be drastically reduced. Why? Under a concentrated external load, the active zone still transfers the stress to the transitional zone. The stress, however, cannot be transferred from the transitional zone to the passive zone owing to the lateral confinement of cell wall, the passive resistance of the neighboring cells, and the lateral resistance formed by the frictional force between the infill materials and cell walls. As a result, the load bearing capacity of subgrade has increased. Some experiment results show that, with confinement of geocells, the apparent cohesion of medium dense sand can increase by more than 30 times. Obviously, the bearing capacity of subgrade can be improved when the shear strength of subgrade materials can be increased and the lateral movement of stress from active zone 1 to transitional zone 2 and to passive zone 3 can be contained. This is just the confinement principle of geocells. As a new geosynthetical material, geocells have been studied in many research projects from late 1980s and early 1990s and, as demonstrated by laboratory tests and field trials, are very effective to improve bearing capacity of normal infill materials and protection of subgrade. China started introducing Western know-how and developing geocells from early 1990s, and has made breakthroughs in correction and prevention of roadbed defects and stabilization of loose subgrade materials. With further understanding of geocells, it is found that they have advantages that are not available with other geosynthetical materials (for example, geotextile, geomembrane, geogrid, geobag, and geonet) and are a promising material in many areas of applications.\nCut and Fill Subgrade\nWhen the slope of natural terrain is higher than 1:5, steps should be constructed on the subgrade and width of the step should be at least 1 m. When a road is expanded or constructed in a phased manner, steps should be constructed on the side slope of old embankment (at the side of new embankment) and the step width for high-class roadways is normally 2 m. Geocell is then constructed on the level surface of each step, which has been proven an effective solution to differential settlement of subgrade thanks to the lateral confinement and reinforcement effect of geocells.\nEmbankment in windy and sandy regions\nEmbankment in windy and sandy regions is usually less than 0.3 m in elevation. However, the bearing capacity required of roads in such regions is usually high. Geocell is a good solution to resolve this conflict, able to achieve high stiffness and strength of loose local infill materials in such slightly elevated embankment and thus high bearing capacity thanks to the lateral confinement of geocells.\nReinforcement of Subgrade near Bridge-Head\nGeocell can be used to reinforce the subgrade near bridge head as the high frictional force between geocell and infill materials can reduce the differential settlement of subgrade and bridge and thus alleviate the so called “bridge-end jump” and the damage to bridge caused by such bumps.\nEmbankment over Perennially Frozen Soil\nEmbankment over perennially frozen soil should be elevated to a certain height, in order to prevent frost boiling and settlement of the upper layer of frozen soil, which may lead to excessive settlement of the embankment. With geocells, the embankment need not be alleviated that high but still can achieve the required strength and stiffness thanks to the vertical reinforcement and three-dimensional confinement enabled by geocells.\nSubgrade over Collapsable Loess\nThe advantages of geocells can be especially manifested in engineering subgrade of highways and Class 1 roads over collapsable and non-collapsable loess (or when bearing capacity of embankment is less the sum of dynamic load of vehicles and weight of embankment).\nSubgrade over Saline Soil or Expansive Soil\nFor highways or Class 1 roads over saline soil or expansive soil, the road shoulder and side slopes should be reinforced. Geocell is the best reinforcement materials in terms of vertical reinforcement performance. Besides, Geocell is erosion-resistant and thus a good choice for road construction work over saline soil and expansive soil.\nSubgrade of road and rail track.\nRiver embankment and shallow riverbed\nMulti-purpose retaining wall (for slide-resistance and load support)\nConstruction over soft soil (Geocell can significantly reduce construction labor intensity, subgrade thickness and engineering cost and improve construction efficiency and performance)", "label": "No"} {"text": "Learning to speak English? Our Everyday Conversations help you practice. Click the audio link to hear a native speaker pronounce each word while you read. Key terms are explained, in your language, at the end of each conversation. Today’s conversation is about weddings.\nAngelica: Doesn’t the bride look beautiful in that wedding dress?\nMaria: Yes. She looks amazing. And the groom is so romantic. I just heard the story of how they got engaged! He proposed to her during a candlelight dinner in London. Did you know that was where they went to school?\nAngelica: Oh? Wonderful. And the honeymoon! What a great idea! Most people just go to the beach for a week after they tie the knot. But they plan on heading to California and cruising the coast on their motorcycle.\nMaria: Really! What a fantastic idea. This is by far the best wedding I’ve ever been to.\n- Doesn’t …? When you have a negative question, the expected answer is “yes.” As such, it expresses the exact opposite of what is being conveyed (i.e., the bride DOES look absolutely beautiful).\n- Listen to the stress on honeymoon. There are three syllables in “honeymoon,” with the stress on the first syllable (HO-ney-moon). This content word is culturally important, so it’s emphasized: It means a trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple.\n- Tie the knot is an informal way of saying “get married.”\n- Can you find and explain the two usages of just in this dialogue? “Just” is an adverb that can be used in two different ways:\n- A) To indicate a very recent past (I just heard the story). When used to convey time, “just” is commonly used with a simple past verb because the action is complete. Sometimes it can also be used with the present perfect (He’s just finished writing a book).\n- B) To indicate contrast or emphasis (Most people just go to the beach). In that case, “just” can be replaced by “simply” and emphasize the word it relates to (a verb, adjective or other adverb) by denoting contrast. Compare the following sentences: “They just got married yesterday” (adverb of time). “The wedding reception was just wonderful” (adverb of emphasis).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Future generation of interferometric gravitational wave detectors is hoped to provide accurate measurements of the final stages of binary in-spirals. The sources probed by such experiments are of extragalactic origin\nand the observed chirp mass distribution carries information about their redshifts. Moreover the luminosity distance is directly observable is such experiments. This creates the possibility to establish a new kind of cosmo-\nlogical tests, supplementary to more standard ones. The paper discusses the utility of gravity wave experiments for testing the dark energy in the Universe, which is one of the most important issues in modern cosmology.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Oil spills—liquid petroleum hydrocarbon releases into the environment—accidental, intentional, or resulting from everyday human activity—are all too common and vary in size and duration. Their causes and sources also vary. They are distinguished from natural seeps of oil, such as those that regularly occur in the Gulf of Mexico.\nSources of Spills\nOil undergoes many processes (taking on new characteristics as refined products) and travels many miles in its journey from beneath the earth to the consumer. At any point, it is subject to possible explosion and fire or leakage due to faulty production processes, collisions while in transport, or intentional sabotage.\nProduction process sites: drilling sites and refineries.\nStorage sites: underground tanks, above-ground tanks.\nTransport sites/vehicles: roads and railroads. Tankers, barges, vessels, and pipelines.\nMost of the largest oil spills in the world have arisen from tanker accidents, although such spills are less frequent than spills caused by pipeline breaks. According to a 2002 US Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service report, tankers and barges were responsible for 45 percent of the spilled oil in United States waters between 1971 and 2000, while pipelines (especially onshore) accounted for only 16 percent. In that same period, offshore (Outer Continental Shelf) production facilities and pipelines accounted for only 2 percent of the volume of oil spilled in United States waters. Nevertheless, the Gulf of Mexico far exceeds other world waters in number of vessel spills and is considered a hot spot for such spills.\nMega-spills of crude oil into the marine environment\nThere have been numerous oil spills throughout the years in various regions of the world; some of the largest spills, as well as those in U.S. waters, are highlighted in this section. The list of significant spills is lengthy, and the list of the largest spills—those of over 100,000 tons (30 million US gallons)—is similarly long. (A ton of crude oil is approximately 308 US gallons, 7.33 barrels. One barrel of oil is equivalent to 42 US gallons.) Individual oil spills are summarized at Various Oil Spills. The Deepwater Horizon/BP Macondo Well 2010 Gulf of Mexico incident is covered in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill section. Below are links to various web sites that offer a wealth of information about oil spills as well as a reference library of books with links to additional information about them. A separate page includes publications about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.\nPart of the history of oil spills includes the clean-up efforts (remediation), both during and after the incident. Another part of the history includes the research and monitoring, both long-term and short-term following the incident. Although this follow-up generally has involved only the natural environment, increasingly it has and should include monitoring of human impacts. And yet another part of the history of oil spills includes the legal/political fallout that may result in compensation for those individuals or entities harmed physically or economically. New laws and regulations sometimes arise to address safety issues and practices as well as liability placement.\nMonitoring the environmental impacts of an oil spill should be a long-term proposition; it is critical to our understanding of the full range of effects, and it helps with understanding how the next oil spill might be mitigated. Yet funding typically evaporates with the winds of the next publicized crisis or the complacency that arises from drum beats of \"all is back to normal.\" But environmental monitoring requires a long-term approach and is not as simple as waiting for things to apparently return to the conditions prior to the incident since ecosystems are dynamic and ever-changing. Comparing the change in oiled and unoiled sites is one technique to better assess changes wrought by an oil spill disturbance, for instance. Another is to compare baseline data for a site taken in undisturbed conditions with data after a disturbance. Then, perhaps, a determination of recovery or permanent alteration (regime shift) can be made.\nOil Spills in History\nA description of oil spills (accidental discharges) and their sources. Global Marine Oil Pollution Information Gateway\n10 Famous Spills, Incident News, Office of Response and Restoration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration\nOil Spill Case Histories, 1967-1991: Summaries of Significant U.S. and International Spills (NOAA/Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division, 1992)\nIncident News (Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA's National Ocean Service). This site has news, photos, and other information about selected oil spills (and other incidents) where NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) provided scientific support for the incident response. It contains information on thousands of historical incidents spanning 30 years of OR&R spill response. For direct links to historical information and photos on various oil spills.\nIncidents Gallery (Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA). Over 1000 photos of various oil spills, including high resolution downloadables.\nOil spills and their data (Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution)\nTanker Oil Spill Statistics (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd)\nOil Rig Disasters (the deadliest, most expensive, blowouts, collapse, sunk rigs, hurricanes, rig list, links)\nPictures of some of the worst oil spills: Sick Slicks: Counting Down the 13 worst Oil Spills\nVisualizing Oil Spills, part 1 (oil spill data in visual form, © Christopher Cannon, 2011, with permission)\nVisualizing Oil Spills, part 2 (oil spill data in visual form, © Christopher Cannon, 2011, with permission)\nAudio interview about what it takes to stop an oil blowout by Stig Christiansen is the CEO of ADD Energy, a Norwegian well-blowout and disaster prevention company - they've assisted in 60 blowouts worldwide including the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010 and the Montara platform in the Timor Sea.\nOil and oil spills: the Gulf of Mexico — A special edition of Marine Science Review (SeaWeb), dated May 2010, that assembles relevant literature from the three decades preceding the 2010 BP Gulf oil spill, which provide insights not only to the impact of oil on the marine and coastal environment in the Gulf of Mexico, but highlights experiences, issues, and research from similar oil spills in other regions of the world.\nOil Industry History\nA History of the Oil Industry (with special emphasis on California and the San Joaquin Valley)\nInformation about the oil and gas industry, by the industry: types of energy, extraction methods, economic implications, regulations, etc. (Energy Tomorrow.org)\nHistory of Offshore Oil and Gas in the U.S. by National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling\nScenes from the Early Days of the U.S. Oil Industry (photos -- The Huffington Post)\nNational Geographic Magazine: A Geography of Offshore Oil: a map of the Gulf of Mexico with detailed visuals of oil exploration and drilling in the region and relevant numbers", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s not clear which explorer named Costa Rica (“the rich coast”), but one account suggests it was Christopher Columbus. unidentified land known for its riches. Alas, by most accounts Mendaña found.\nMany Americans will celebrate Monday as Columbus Day, a federal holiday that marks the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s Spanish. to nativist backlash against immigration to the United States.\nAnd things he did do that might surprise you. So you think that Christopher Columbus discovered America in the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and also, while he was at it, proved the Earth.\nOct 11, 2008 · ( – promoted by navajo). Christopher Columbus: The Christian Crusades had ended in 1291, the Black Death had been deliberately blamed on innocent Jews who said what their Christian torturers forced them to, that they poisoned water wells, causing the Black Death. Of course, the real cause was in the stomachs of fleas, not planetary alignment, earthquakes, or God’s Judgment.\nOct 05, 2012 · Christopher Columbus was an intrepid, driven ocean explorer who found the Americas while looking for an ocean route to Asia; his discovery is celebrated as Columbus Day in many countries.\nThe island of Hispaniola (La Isla Española), which today is occupied by the nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, was one of several landfalls Christopher Columbus made during his first voyage to the New World in 1492. Columbus established a makeshift settlement on the north coast, which he dubbed Navidad (Christmas), after his flagship, […]\nChristopher Columbus (/ k ə ˈ l ʌ m b ə s /; before 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506) was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonist who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. He led the first European expeditions to the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, initiating the permanent European colonization of the Americas.\nPOINT JUDITH, R.I. — There was a time when whiting were plentiful in the waters of Rhode Island Sound, and Christopher Brown pulled the. that two-thirds of marine species in the northeast United.\nAbraham Lincoln Biographies Books On March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States. Appointed to his cabinet were many Radical Republicans, including Edwin M. Stanton, Salmon P. Chase, and Charles F. Adams as Minister to Great Britain. Back in the good old days when broke freelance writers became U.S. diplomats, Abraham Lincoln\nBut I don’t remember learning exactly who the native peoples of our land were. It’s possible we did, especially in. the second Monday of October, Columbus Day is a federal holiday celebrated in.\nA BRIEF HISTORY Christopher Columbus landed on Guantanamo Bay in 1494. but it became the place where American domination starts as well,” said Kristanne. In 1898, the United States went to war with.\nThe Thrifty Guide To The American Revolution Generational Differences Chart Traditionalists Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Birth Years 1900-1945 1946-19641965-1980 (1977-1994) 1981-2000 Current Age 63-86 44-6228-438-27 Famous People Bob Dole, Elizabeth Taylor Bill Clinton, Meryl Streep Barak Obama, Jennifer Lopez Ashton Kutcher, Serena Williams EMPOWERMENT ZONE Welcome to Empowerment Zone (version 3.9), the home page of Jamal Mazrui! This site (http://www.empowermentzone.com) offers\nColumbus Day, which commemorates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World on October 12, 1492, and is observed on the second Monday of October, is one of 10 federal holidays.\nThis concept really took hold when Christopher Columbus dubbed the diverse indigenous inhabitants. exist among the 567 federally recognized Indian nations across the United States. It’s true that.\nWhich is exactly what he did. in the United States that has to enroll, that has to get a number from the United States government to claim to be Native American,” Bordeaux said, “and so to continue.\nBenjamin Franklin Rodriguez Sandlot That means Mike Vitar as Benjamin “Benny” Franklin Rodriguez; Patrick Renna as Hamilton “Ham” Porter; Chauncey Leopardi as Michael “Squints” Palledorous; Victor DiMattia as Timmy Timmons; Marty York. One of the stars of the classic baseball film The Sandlot has been charged with assaulting a 22-year-old man on Halloween and faces up to four years\nSep 01, 2017 · Driven in large part by political correctness and partisan academics and activists, it has become fashionable in recent years to criticize Christopher Columbus and the holiday named in his honor. A closer look, however, reveals the famed explorer to be a.\nTo many outside of the 50 United States, America is not a nation. But many saw it an injustice that the name not be attributed to Christopher Columbus, who set foot in the region first. In 1875,\nI took command of the Marine Corps Security Force Company aboard United States Naval Base. but its significance in Western history began long before modern America. Christopher Columbus touched.\nIn 1492, a Spanish-based transatlantic maritime expedition led by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus encountered the Americas, continents which were completely unknown in Europe, Asia and Africa and were outside the Old World political and economic system. The four voyages of Columbus began the Spanish colonization of the Americas. For a long time it was generally believed that Columbus.\nChristopher Columbus landed in Bahamas, part of the Americas, on October 12th, 1494. Columbus Day is meant to celebrate this arrival. Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor, born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He sailed with three ships and 90 crew members on the voyage that landed him in the Bahamas. Unofficially, Columbus Day has been celebrated in the U.S. since the late 1700s, but did not.\nOnly two years earlier the Spanish defeat at the hands of the United States in Cuba. including Christopher Columbus on his final voyage, before Vasco Nuñez de Balboa became the first European to.\nCenturies ago Illinois was home to the largest and most influential city in what would become the United. Christopher Columbus set foot on North America. Archaeologists estimate people came here.\nThe following quote from an article Bill Biglow wrote, Rethinking Columbus: Towards a True People’s History, published on Saturday, October 6, 2012, by Common Dreams, nicely articulates the reason why we, the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, must become more forceful in our demands that the true histories of our Peoples be taught in schools. Bill Bigelow taught high school social studies in.\nAndrew Jackson Elementary Hermitage Tn Nichols Vale is a quaint, suburban community featuring new single family homes and townhomes in Mount Juliet. Residents enjoy close proximity to shopping, dining, and Interstate 40. Search 44 apartments for rent in Hermitage, TN. Find detailed apartment listings including photos all on realtor.com®. That elementary school auditorium felt like Madison Square Garden. Ben: Guys\nAn 1893 rendition of Christopher Columbus arriving. roots penetrated that land well before it took on the clear definition of a nation state, the majority of the people in an invented nation–such.\nRobert J. Miller is an Associate Professor at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland. He is the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and sits as a judge for other tribes.\nHow Many Terms Did Franklin Pierce Serve When he was inaugurated on March 4, 1853, Franklin Pierce became the only president to “affirm” the office of the president rather than “swear” it, and did not use a Holy. the other was FDR, who. The New Hampshire Legislature agreed to aid financing of restoration, as did many private citizens. from the statehouse, where\n2015 Recipient of the American Book Award The first history of the United States told from the perspective of indigenous peoples Today in the United States, there are more than five hundred federally recognized Indigenous nations comprising nearly three million people, descendants of the fifteen million Native people who once inhabited this land.\nStarting in the late 1800s, the United States government engineered an education policy. You get a sugarcoated version of Christopher Columbus and the first Thanksgiving. And you get very few other.\n“How did this happen to a 10-year-old?” Rundle said to The Washington Post on Tuesday, noting that investigators. are the main drivers of overdose deaths across the United States, according to data.\nNov 09, 2009 · Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who stumbled upon the Americas and whose journeys marked the beginning of centuries of transatlantic colonization. The explorer Christopher Columbus.\nIn 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. and totally missed his mark. His journey may not have gone exactly as planned, but there were some interesting detours along the way.\nColumbus Sails, Others Follow, and Spain Is on Top of the World Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.). Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special English. In the United States, October ninth is observed as Leif Erickson Day.\nA couple of New Hampshire state representatives, still seething over the crime that is the United States of America. tips his hand to what really motivates him here. Explorer Christopher Columbus’.\nGet an answer for ‘How did Christopher Columbus’ discovery change history?’ and find homework help for other European Exploration of America questions at eNotes\nInstead of honoring Christopher Columbus, it recognizes Native Americans as the first inhabitants of what later became the United States. Advocates argue that Columbus did not \"discover. to.\nOct 03, 2018 · As the classroom rhyme goes, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and discovered America. But there is more to the story of the explorer we.\nChristopher Columbus landed. where all we did was play all damn day. My experience in the Dominican Republic in those years was living in this wonderland,” he says. Six years later, he and his.\nChristopher Columbus Hero Or Villain Quizlet Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. I have been a nurse since 1997. I have worked in a. ABOUT US.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Workshop on C Language\nProgramming with C training imparts the skills to learn C programming language fundamentals. The learning curve drives the participants from the basics to the complexity of file input-output and pointers. Learning C programming is essential for the developers as it is widely used in software development including desktop applications, compilers/linkers, tools and utilities to control hardware devices.\nThis is just 2 days course content, if you need training content for Faculty Development Program or for 5/7/10/15/30/45/180 Days training, Click Here.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Suffering a stroke is devastating at any age, but for young adults it is catastrophic. A stroke is simply caused by decreased blood flow to the brain. In older adults the most frequent cause is a blood clot that forms inside the heart or a blood vessel, which breaks loose and travels to the brain – this is caused an ischaemic stroke. These are more common, but a stroke can affect anyone of any age – it is one of those indiscriminate phenomenons that can come out of nowhere. But there are risk factors, and therefore, ways to limit those risks.\nEven though the overall rate of stroke is decreasing, studies have found that it is increasing for young and middle-aged people, those between 20 and 54 years of age. So why is this the case – and is there anything we can do about it?\nCardiogenic causes account for more strokes in young adults. These causes include rheumatoid heart disease, heart valve abnormalities and being born with a hole in your heart – called a patent foramen ovale. Other factors that have been linked to an increased risk of stroke at a younger age include; migraines, pregnancy, taking the birth control pill and smoking. Obesity is a big one. As the population becomes increasingly obese, the incidence of stroke in young people grows – and the correlation is not a coincidence. Obesity increases the lifetime risk of stroke because being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes – all of which can contribute to an increased stroke risk at any age.\nSome of the prevention strategies for stroke at any age include:\n- Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight\n- A healthy and balanced diet – eat vegetables, fruit and whole grains and foods that are low in saturated fat\n- Controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol\n- Avoiding drugs, smoking and excessive alcohol\nOne of the main reasons that stroke is so devastating in younger people is that it can mean a lifetime of recovery and loss of many productive years. About 15-30% of people have a stroke that leads to long-term disability. The good news, however, is that people who suffer stroke at age 30 have a better rate of recovery than someone of 80 because they have better brain plasticity. Dealing with strokes in younger people requires a different approach to treatment and management because you need to look for different causes.The key is to identify these underlying causes and reduce these risk factors.\nIf you think someone is suffering a stroke never forget the acronym FAST:\nF = face drooping\nA = arm weakness\nS = speech difficulty\nT = time is of the essence\nCall the emergency services immediately as this may help to reduce the morbidity in someone who has suffered a stroke. Awareness is vital. You may think you are too young for a stroke, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Knowing the warning signs and acting accordingly can reduce the chance of long-term disability and improve recovery rates.", "label": "No"} {"text": "How to Insert Blocks in AutoCAD 2014\nAutoCAD provides a number of ways to insert a block or a whole drawing file, but the most commonly used and most flexible is the Insert dialog box. To insert a block, follow these steps:\nSet an appropriate layer current.\nInsert each block on a layer that has something to do with the block’s geometry or purpose:\nIf all objects in the block definition reside on one layer, you should usually insert the block on that layer.\nIf the block geometry spans several layers, choose a suitable one to insert the block on. For example, a block that shows a gearbox made of geometry on layers named Casing, Armature, Shaft, and Fasteners, for example, would be inserted on a Motors layer.\nIf any of the block definition’s geometry was created on Layer 0 (zero), that geometry inherits the color, linetype, and other object properties of the layer on which you insert the block.\nOn the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the Insert button on the Block panel.\nThe Insert dialog box appears.\nEnter the block definition name (or external filename) by using one of these methods:\nUse the Name drop-down list to select from a list of block definitions in the current drawing.\nClick the Browse button to select an external DWG file and have AutoCAD create a block definition from it.\nBrowse to any existing drawing and insert it into the current drawing to create a new block definition within the host drawing. The new definition retains no connection to the inserted drawing.\nYou can use an external drawing to replace a block definition in the current drawing. If you click Browse and choose a file whose name matches the name of a block definition that’s already in the drawing, AutoCAD asks you to confirm the update and updates the block definition in the drawing with the current contents of the external file.\nEnter the insertion point, scale, and rotation angle of the block.\nYou can either select the Specify On-Screen check box in each area to specify the parameters onscreen at the command prompt or type the values you want in the text boxes in the Insertion Point, Scale, and Rotation areas.\nSelect the Uniform Scale check box to constrain the X, Y, and Z scaling parameters to the same value.\nIf you want AutoCAD to create a copy of the individual objects in the block instead of a block reference that points to the block definition, select the Explode check box and click OK.\nIf you selected the Specify On-Screen check box for the insertion point, scale, or rotation angle, answer the prompts on the Command: line to specify these parameters.\nAfter you insert a block, all the objects displayed in the block reference behave as a single object. When you select any object in the block reference, AutoCAD highlights all the objects in it.\nAutoCAD gives you three more ways to insert a block:\nDrag and drop: Drag a DWG file from Windows Explorer and drop it anywhere in the current drawing window. AutoCAD then prompts you to choose an insertion point and (optionally) change the default scale factor and rotation angle.\nThe DesignCenter palette: Drag a block definition from the Blocks section of the DesignCenter palette and drop it into the current drawing window.\nYou can import Inventor part (IPT) and assembly (IAM) models directly into AutoCAD 2013 and later. Inventor is AutoCAD’s 3D parametric and associative sibling, intended primarily for mechanical design. Imported Inventor files come across as dumb 3D solids that lose their parametrics and associativity, but they can be modified and edited like any other AutoCAD 3D solid.\nThe Tool Palettes window: You first must create and configure appropriate tools. The easiest method is right-clicking a drawing in DesignCenter and choosing Create Tool Palette. A new tabbed page is added to the Tool Palettes window, containing all block definitions from the drawing you right-clicked. Simply click and drag a tool to insert its corresponding block into a drawing.\nDragging blocks from a tool palette doesn’t give you the chance to specify a different insertion scale, nor can you use all the precision tools in AutoCAD to specify the insertion point precisely. So you may need to move the block into place after inserting it.\nYou should first master the other block insertion methods, especially using the Insert dialog box and DesignCenter palette. Then if you find yourself inserting the same blocks frequently, consider creating a tool palette containing them. Check out the Add Content with DesignCenter topic in the AutoCAD online Help system for more information.\nAlthough the preceding paragraph refers to the Tool Palettes window, palettes in AutoCAD aren’t like regular windows or dialog boxes. They’re modeless, so they can stay open while you carry out other tasks outside them. The official programmer-ese term for the palette is enhanced secondary window, or ESW.\nBe careful when you insert one drawing into another. If the host (or parent) drawing and the inserted (or child) drawing have different definitions for layers that share the same name, the objects in the inserted drawing take on the layer characteristics of the host drawing.\nFor example, if you insert a drawing with lines on a layer named Walls that’s blue and dashed into a drawing with a layer named Walls that’s red and continuous, the inserted lines on the Wall layer turn red and continuous after they’re inserted. The same rules apply to linetypes, text styles, dimension styles, table styles, multileader styles, and block definitions that are nested inside the drawing you’re inserting.\nTo modify a block definition after you’ve inserted at least one instance of it, use the BEdit (Block Editor) command; choose Block Editor in the Block panel on the Home tab, or simply double-click a block insertion.", "label": "No"} {"text": "A calendar is a system of reckoning the time over extended\nintervals by combining days into longer groupings which are\nlinked to the way in which we live. The groupings often have\nreligious significance and some of the groups are linked to\nOur calendar is made up of days, weeks, months and years. The\nday is the rotational period of the Earth; the week is a purely\nartificial period linked to the Biblical story of creation; the month\nis linked to the period of the Moon and the year is linked to the\nEarth's period of rotation around the Sun.\nThe Jewish calendar and the Moslem calendar are intimately\nconnected with the Moon. The Jewish calendar is now a fixed\ncalendar with rather complex rules for its construction. The\nlength of the Jewish year may be 353, 354 or 355 days or 383, 384\nor 385 days. Each month has 29 or 30 days.\nThe Moslem calendar is also a fixed calendar, but the religious\nfestivals depend on visual sightings of the New Moon. The length\nof the Moslem year is 12 months of alternate lengths 30 and 29\ndays, except for the 12th month which can have either 29 or 30\ndays. The calendar is kept in adjustment with the Moon using a\ncycle of years of different length.\nThe definition of the day seems very simple. It should be the time\ntaken for one passage of the Sun across the meridian to its next\ncrossing. Unfortunately the Earth's movement around the Sun is\nnot circular and this causes the time indicated by a sundial to be\ndifferent from that measured by a clock. (The difference is called\nthe Equation of Time and is describy a clock. (The difference is called\nthe Equation of Time and is described in a separate pamphlet.)\nNor is the Earth's rotation period constant, although the variations\nare very small. So we use a length for the day which represents\nthe Earth's average rotation period. Occasionally we have to\ninsert `leap-seconds' to correct from this exact measure to the\nslightly irregular rotation of the Earth.\nMosaic law forbidding work on every seventh day established a\nseven-day period as a measure of Jewish time. This passed over\ninto the Christian church and gradually became established in the\nRoman calendar. The astrological practice of naming the days\nusing the names of the Sun, Moon and the five known planets also\nyielded a seven day period.\nThe names that we give to the days of the week are still based on this nomenclature. In English Sunday and Monday are named after the Sun and Moon while the other days of the week are named after the teutonic versions of the gods that correspond to each planet. Tiu = Mars, Woden = Mercury, Thor = Jupiter and Freya = Venus, Saturday keeping its latin connection with Saturn.\nMany ancient calendars were based on the lunar cycle. The lunar\nmonth is 29.530589 days and the number of lunations in a year is\n12.368267. The most common scheme was to have 12 montommon scheme was to have 12 months of\n30 days with either arbitrary or calculated additional days or\nmonths to bring the system into accord with the solar year.\nOriginally the Roman calendar had 10 months Martius (named\nafter Mars and indicating the time for resumption of war), Aprilis\n(after the word for `to open', hence Spring), Maius (after Maia, the\ngoddess of growth), Junius (after juvenis, meaning youth),\nQuintilius, Sextilis, Septembris, Octobris and Decembris (meaning\nthe fifth to tenth months). The Romans had a dislike of even\nnumbers as these symbolized death and so the months had either\n29 or 31 days. King Numa increased the number of months to 12\nby introducing Januarius (after the god Janus, the protector of\ndoorways and hence the opening of the year) and Februarius (after\nFebrualia, the time for sacrifices at the end of the year). The order\nof the months was later changed.\nIn order to reconcile the solar and lunar years,at the\nrecommendation of Sosigenes Julius Caesar altered the lengths of\nthe months and the change to our present format was completed\nby Caesar Augustus. They both claimed the names of one of the\nmonths and this gave rise to Julius and Augustus which replaced\nQuintilius and Sextilis.\nThe number of days in one revolution of the Earth around the Sun\nis f the Earth around the Sun\nis 365.2422 days. Unfortunately, this is not a whole number and\nso if we wish to keep the calendar in track with the seasons we\nmust adopt some form of variable year length.\nThe first major attempt to accomplish this was by Julius Caesar.\nBesides pinching a day from the last month of the year (then\nFebruary) to make `his' month, July, have 31 days he introduced\nthe Julian calendar. February was further despoiled by Augustus\nCaesar who also purloined a day so as to make `his' month,\nAugust, also have 31 days. As some sort of compensation the\nleap-day was given to February.\nThe Julian calendar introduced a year of length 365 days with a\nleap-year every 4 years. It also moved the start of the year from\nMarch 25 to January 1, supposedly the longest day. The adopted\nlength of the year, 365. 25 days, is only slightly different from the\nactual length, 365. 2422 days, but over the centuries the\ndifference mounts up and by the 16th century had become\nnoticeable. The effect is to move Spring and the date of Easter,\nwhich is related to the vernal equinox, closer to the date of\nThe Gregorian reform to the calendar altered the rule for\ndetermining if a year should be a leap-year by stating that\ncentenary years should only be leap-years if they were divisible by\n400. It also dropped several days from the caled several days from the calendar so that the\nvernal equinox was brought back to March 21. The mean length\nof the calendar year is now 365. 2425 days and the error\ncompared with the true value amounts to only 3 days in 10,000\nThe year is defined as being the interval between two successive\npassages of the Sun through the vernal equinox. Of course, what\nis really occurring is that the Earth is going around the Sun but it\nis easier to understand what is happening by considering the\napparent motion of the Sun in the sky.\nThe vernal equinox is the instant when the Sun is above the\nEarth's equator while going from the south to the north. It is the\ntime which astronomers take as the definition of the beginning of\nSpring.The year as defined above is called the trove is called the tropical year and it\nis the year length that defines the repetition of the seasons. The\nlength of the tropical year is 365.24219 days.\nIn 46 BC Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar which was\nused in the west until 1582. In the Julian calendar each year\ncontained 12 months and there were an average of 365.25 days in\na year. This was achieved by having three years containing 365\ndays and one year containing 366 days. (In fact the leap years\nwere not correctly inserted until 8 AD).\nThe discrepancy between the actual length of the year, 365.24219\ndays, and the adopted length, 365.25 days, may not seem\nimportant but over hundreds of years the difference becomes\nobvious. The reason for this is that the seasons, which depend on\nthe date in the tropical year, were getting progressively out of\nkilter with the calendar date. Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582,\ninstituted the Gregorian calendar, which has been used since then.\nThe change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian involved the\nchange of the simple rule for leap-years to the more complex one\nin which century years should only be leap-years if they were\ndivisible by 400. For example, 1700,1800 and 1900 are not\nleap-years whereas 2000 will be.\nThe net effect is to make the adopted average length of the year\n365.2425 days. The dhe year\n365.2425 days. The difference between this and the true length\nwill not have a serious effect for many thousands of years. (The\nerror amounts to about 3 days in 10,000 years.)\nThe adoption of the Gregorian calendar was made in Catholic\ncountries in 1582 with the elimination of 10 days, October the 4th\nbeing followed by October 15th. The Gregorian calendar also\nstipulated that the year should start on January 1. In non-Catholic\ncountries the change was made later; Britain and her colonies\nmade the change in 1752 when September 2nd was followed by\nSeptember 14 and New Year's Day was changed from March 25\nto January 1.\nA millennium is a period of 1000 years. The question of which\nyear is the first year of the millennium hinges on the date of the\nfirst year AD.\nUnfortunately the sequence of years going from BC to AD does\nnot include a Year 0. The sequence of years runs 3 BC, 2 BC, 1\nBC, 1 AD, 2 AD, 3 AD etc. This means that the first year of the\nfirst millennium was 1 AD. The one thousandth year was 1000\nAD and the first day of the second millennium was 1001 AD.\nIt is thus clear that the start of the new millennium will be 1 Jan\nThe year 200=\"br1\">\nThe year 2000 AD will certainly be celebrated, as is natural for a year with such a round number but, accurately speaking, we will be celebrating the 2000th year or the last year of the millennium, not the start of the new millennium. Whether this will be an excuse for more celebrations in the following year will have to be seen!", "label": "No"} {"text": "The recent India-Africa summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at which India’s government pledged $5 billion in aid to African countries, drew attention to a largely overlooked phenomenon – India’s emergence as a source, rather than a recipient, of foreign aid.\nFor decades after independence – when Britain left the subcontinent one of the poorest and most ravaged regions on earth, with an effective growth rate of 0% over the preceding two centuries – India was seen as an impoverished land of destitute people, desperately in need of international handouts. Many developed countries showcased their aid to India; Norway, for example, established in 1959 its first-ever aid program there.\nBut, with the liberalization of the Indian economy in 1991, the country embarked upon a period of dizzying growth, averaging nearly 8% per year since then. During this time, India weaned itself from dependence on aid, preferring to borrow from multilateral lenders and, increasingly, from commercial banks. Most foreign-aid programs – with the sole exception of Britain’s – have dwindled or been eliminated altogether.\nToday, the proverbial shoe is on the other foot. Long known for its rhetorical faith in South-South cooperation, India has begun putting its money where its mouth used to be. It has now emerged as a significant donor to developing countries in Africa and Asia, second only to China in the range and quantity of development assistance given by countries of the global South.\nThe Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program (ITEC) was established in 1964, but now has real money to offer, in addition to training facilities and technological know-how. Nationals from 156 countries have benefited from ITEC grants, which have brought developing-country students to Indian universities for courses in everything from software development to animal husbandry.\nIn addition, India has built factories, hospitals, and parliaments in various countries, and sent doctors, teachers, and IT professionals to treat and train the nationals of recipient countries. Concessional loans at trifling interest rates (between 0.25% and 0.75%, well below the cost of servicing the loans) are also extended as lines of credit, tied mainly to the purchase of Indian goods and services, and countries in Africa have been clamoring for them.\nIn Asia, India remains by far the largest single donor to its neighbor Bhutan, as well as a generous aid donor to Nepal, the Maldives, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka as it recovers from civil war. Given Afghanistan’s vital importance for the security of the subcontinent, India’s assistance program there already amounts to more than $1.2 billion – modest from the standpoint of Afghan needs, but large for a non-traditional donor – and is set to rise further.\nIndia’s efforts in Afghanistan have focused on humanitarian infrastructure, social projects, and development of skills and capacity. Five Indian medical missions provide treatment and free medicines to more than 1,000 patients a day, most of them poor women and children. The Indian-built Indira Gandhi Centre for Child Health in Kabul is connected through a telemedicine link with two super-specialty medical centers in India.\nA million tons of Indian food assistance provides 100 grams of high-protein biscuits to two million of Afghanistan’s six million schoolchildren, a third of whom are girls. Indian engineers, braving attacks that claimed several lives, built a 130-mile (218-kilometer) highway from Zaranj to Delaram in southwest Afghanistan, opening up a trade route to the Iranian border. Indians braved the 3,000-meter heights to run a power-transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul – giving round-the-clock electricity to the capital for the first time since 1982. India is currently engaged in building the Afghan Parliament building, a visible and evocative symbol of democracy.\nIndia has also commissioned 100 small development projects (mainly quick-gestation, small-scale social-sector projects), and pledged further funds for education, health, power, and telecommunications. Of course, some in Pakistan see nefarious designs behind this assistance, but the ultimate objective is straightforward: to build indigenous Afghan capabilities for effective governance, reflecting India’s commitment to regional stability in the face of terror and violence.\nIn Africa, India’s strength as an aid provider is that it is not an over-developed power, but rather one whose own experience of development challenges is both recent and familiar. African countries, for example, look at China and the United States with a certain awe, but do not, for a moment, believe that they can become like either of them. India, by contrast, comes across as a land that has faced, and is still surmounting, problems rather like those confronting its beneficiaries. If India can do it, many Africans reason, perhaps we can learn from them.\nMoreover, unlike China, India does not descend on other countries with a heavy governmental footprint. India’s private sector is a far more important player, and the government often confines itself to opening doors and letting African countries work with the most efficient Indian provider that they can find.\nSimilarly, unlike the Chinese, Indian employers do not come into a foreign country with an overwhelming labor force that lives in ghettoes, or impose their ways of doing things on aid recipients. Instead, they recruit, hire, and train local workers and foremen, and leave behind enhanced capacities. Whereas China’s omnipresence has provoked hostility in several African countries – a presidential candidate in Zambia even campaigned on an explicitly anti-Chinese platform – Indian businesses have faced no such reaction in the last two decades. Indeed, Uganda, where Idi Amin expelled Indian settlers in 1972, has been actively wooing them back under President Yoweri Museveni.\nFinally, India accommodates itself to aid recipients’ desires, advancing funds to African regional banks or the New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Its focus on capacity development, its accessibility, and its long record of support for developing countries have made India an increasingly welcome donor. This could not have been imagined even 20 years ago, and it is one of the best consequences of India’s emergence as a global economic power.\nShashi Tharoor, a former Indian Minister of State for External Affairs and UN Under-Secretary General, is a member of India’s parliament and the author of a dozen books, including India from Midnight to the Millennium and Nehru: the Invention of India.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Connexin 43 is the most common gap junction protein within the body. A Gap junction protein allows for continuity of cytoplasm between adjacent cells. Because of their importance in intercellular communication gap junction proteins are present throughout the body, particularly within bone (1) and eye cells (2). Many Connexins are expressed in a tissue specific manner, but Connexin 43 is everywhere ( 3). Because of their placement throughout the body, connexins have many roles, such as their pivotal role in the process of healing wounds and during development (2). Because of a similar function, all 20+ connexins with the connexin superfamily share a common architecture (1). This structure entails: four hydrophobic amino acid regions that span the membrane, two extracellular loops, and three cytoplasmic components (2). A gap junction channel is composed of two end-to-end connexon molecules that originate from different connected cells, see Figure 1 (4). Since a gap junction is composed of two connexons, they can be either homo or hetero. Connexin 43 is notable, in that it will function in a hetero connexon, and can often take on the characteristics of other connexin varieties (1). Each of these connexons is made up of six connexin proteins, as shown in Figure 1 (2).\nFigure 1. This figures shows a gap junction within the membrane of two adjacent cells. This cross section also shows a how the connexon is composed of 6 connexins (2).\nThe signal that causes the 6 connexin to form a connexon seems to originate from within the connexin polypeptide(5). The binding is head-to-head and occurs by way of non-covalent interactions between the extracellular loops of apposing connexins (5). Each of these loops possesses three conserved cystein residues that form disulphide bridges, see the Amino Acid button in Jmol with the cystein being yellowish in color(5). Studies have suggested this causes the formation of a beta structure that maybe similar to a beta barrel (5). The two hemichannels that compose a junctional channel are staggered by roughly 30 degrees relative to each other so that the alpha helices of each connexin monomer are axially aligned with the alpha helices of the two adjacent monomers in the opposing hemichannel (5).\nIt's the different combination of connexins that defines the specific function of the connexon (3). Its function is to allow two way movement of intercellular ions, metabolites, and secondary messengers (2). All cells can form a function gap junction with neighboring cells if connexins are present in both cells (3). It is this communication that allows for the propagation of cell death, following injury, as well as the survival-modulating signals for the surrounding cells (2). This structure allows for the transfer of small molecules such as cAMP, Ca2+, K+, and other signal molecules that are smaller than about 1kDa in size (2). Gap junction channels tend to be aggregated together in areas where the adjacent membrane is running parallel (2). The gap junction tends to get its name from the 2 nm gap between the two membranes (2).\nSpecifically Connexin 43\nThe specific role of the gap junction Cx43 is to contribute to local metabolic homeostasis and synchronization of cellular activities by allowing bidirectional, intercellular movement of ions, metabolites and second messengers (2). Connexin 43 is the predominant connexin isoform in a number of cell types, ranging from vascular cells, to neural progenitor cells, and even gastrointestinal cells (4). Connexin 43 was first found in heart muscle cells (3). Connexin 43 gap junctions are responsible for controlling the synchronous heart muscle contraction (3). It is able to do this by diffusion (5). While this doesn't undergo active transport, the rate of diffusion is estimate at 1 to 2 times greater than what would be expected from passive diffusion (5). This rate suggests a slight affinity for the channel to be occupied (5). Of all the connexin, Cx43 has the widest pore, with a minimum diameter of 15 angstroms (4). Cx43 is the most selective of anions, with a selectivity ration of 1.17 anion-to-cation (4). Connexin 43 is instilled into connexons, while inside the trans-Golgi network (2). From there it moves along the microtubule-dependent pathways to an area on the cell surface that has other gap junctions (2). From synthesis to degradation, Connexin 43 has a half-life of only 1-3 hours, before being digested (2).\nCx43's specific roles within the body:\nIn this section each paragraph will discuss Connexin 43's affects on one specific area within the body.\nSkeleton: Connexin plays a vital role in skeletal structure because of the need for communication between cells that are changing to specific need. Gap junctions are prevalent throughout the skeletal system, especially in osteoblasts and osteocytes (1). Osteoblasts are single nucleus cells that are responsible for bone formation; while ostecytes are calcified osteoblasts whose function is sending signals for functional osteoblasts (6). Connexin 43 is the most prevalent connexin within the skeletal system. Due to its prevalence, its function is understood thanks to human and mouse models. Growing research suggests Connexin 43 contributes to the bone cells response to hormonal stimulation (1).\nSkin: Connexin 43 has been identified within the epidermis and dermis. Its primary role is in wound healing and during development (2). Connexin 43 knockdown causes a reduction of swelling and inflammation (2). When applied to a wound within a gel, it caused improved healing, as well as a reduction in scar tissue after healing (2).\nEye: At least 10 different Connexins have been found within the mammalian eye (2). When located within the lens, its primary function is communication with the epithelial layer. During development, as well as adulthood, Connexin 43 plays a significant role in regulation nutrient and waste transport (2).\nCentral Nervous System: Connexin 43 is the most common connexin with in the central nervous system (2). Its primary role is maintaining the blood-brain barrier, as well as within astrocytes that surround chemical synapses (2).\nFor its prevalence and many functions that Connexin 43 helps control and regulate there is only one disease associated with its mutation, ODDD or ocudentodigital dysplasia (2). Figure 2 displays where possible mutations may disrupt the function. It is a relatively rare disorder that only affects several hundred persons worldwide (2). Persons with this disease usually have symptoms such as eye and cardiac abnormalities, thin nose, the little finger being held in a flexed position, as well as a number of others (2).\nFigure 2. Shows the gapjunction from a top veiw. The connexin alpha helices are shown in yellow, with the red dots symbolizing possible connexin mutations that would impair the function (7 ).\nIn conclusion, Connexins are a vital transmembrane protein that help to build gap junctions. They do this by combining 6 connexins to form a connexon, or half of the cellular pathway. Since gap junctions allow for intercellular communication, they play a vital role in cellular life. As the most common Connexin, Connexin 43 has a large impact in the skeletal system, skin, eye, CNS, as well as other regions. Due to the importance of Connexin 43, it is highly conserved and thus rare.\n1. Civitelli, R. (2008) Cell-cell Communication in the Osteoblast/Osteocyte Lineage, Biochem. Biophys. Acta., 473, 188-192.\n2. Danesh-Meyer, H.V., and Green, C.R. (2008) Focus on Molecules: Connexin 43: Mind the gap, J. Exp. Eye Res., 20, 1-2.\n3. Rodriguez-Sinovas, A., Cabestrero, A., Lopez, D., Torre, I., Morente, M., Abellan, A., Miro. E., Ruiz-Meana, M., and Garcia-Dorado, D. (2007) The Modulatory Effects of Connexin 43 on Cell Death/Survival Beyond Cell Coupling, J. Prog. Biophys. Molec. Bio., 94, 219-232.\n4. Neijssen, J., Pang, B., and Neefjes, J. (2007) Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication in the Immune System, J. Prog. Biophys. Molec. Bio., 94, 207-218.\n5. Herve, J., Bourmeyster, N., Sarrouilhe, D., Duffy, H. (2007) Gap Junctional Complexes: From Partners to Functions, J. Prog. Biophys. Molec. Bio., 94, 29-65.\n6. Sosinsky, G.E., Nicholson, B.J. (2005) Structural Organization of Gap Junction Channels, Biochim. Biophy. Acta., 1711, 99 - 125.\n7. Noble, B. (2008) The Osteocyte Lineage, Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 473, 106-111\n8. Yeager, M., and Harris, A. (2007) Gap Junction Channel Structure in the Early 21st Century: Facts and Fantasies, J. Curr. Opin. Cell Bio., 19, 521-528.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Pi = 3.14159 actually extends to over ten trillion decimals/digits (infinity). In ancient times mathematicians couldn't figure out the ratio to a circumference because their world was square so to speak. They could answer questions that were easily measured like squares but circles with their rounded edges were too tricky. They created a famous math problem called the \"Challenge of Circling\" the square where mathematicians used a compass and a straight edge (now called a protractor) to try and figure out the problem. Pi was eventually figured out in the 18th century as the best number they could use in a formula to calculate circular space. It wasn’t a perfect number as seen in the decimal points but it was the best that could be used at the time and it certainly has stood the test of time.\nHere’s where it gets really interesting even if you’re not into math. Because of the initial sequence of decimals in Pi and considering how it strings out to over ten trillion digits, it contains every number sequence we’ve ever encountered in our lives (i.e. school locker codes, all street numbers, passwords, any phone number you’ve ever seen, etc.). There’s not a single clustered sequence of numbers that doesn’t show up in this string, now finding it can be tricky but through software code it can be easily sniffed out even though we’re talking about trillions of numbers. And if you assigned each letter of the alphabet to a number there’s no word ever written that couldn’t be found in the sequence. Isn’t it amazing?\nKeep in mind this amazing story is based on the initial sequence of the decimals of Pi so other numbers with decimal points wouldn’t give the random numbers necessary to cover all numerical sequences and all words ever written. For example if you take 5 and divide it by 3 you end up with 1.666667 which is an infinity number but there’s no way you’d get random sequences of numbers that would give you all the phone numbers, addresses, locker combinations, etc. in existence. The magic of Pi. Pretty cool isn’t it?", "label": "No"} {"text": "This project starts out from the vision books of Hildegard of Bingen, which present allegorical visions together with their exegesis. The project asks whether this use of allegorical creation could be explained as a tool for exegetical explanation that allows the reader to visualise, dramatize and perform the exegesis.\nBecause exegetical texts are strongly focused on the reader’s acquisition of knowledge and understanding, we can assume that the use of literary allegory in such works serves a direct didactic function. If we take a look at monastic practices of imaginative reading and performative exegesis, which is the lively enactment of an interpretation in the mind of the interpreter or for real, possibly with role playing and incorporation, we begin to see how allegory could have the effect of dramatizing the reader’s role in the text.\nThree elements are at play in this hypothesis: the exegesis of a source text, the composition of allegory, and the performance of reading. These elements are conjoined by two subsequent processes of interpretation: the writer interprets a source text not just by translating elements but by creating new allegorical images, which in turn should not be just interpreted but incorporated or at least dramatized by the reader. This approach thus looks at how literary methods, specifically allegory, may activate in exegetical texts the latent potential for dramatization in order to contribute to the exegetical quest for understanding.", "label": "No"} {"text": "When Novices Elicit Knowledge: Question Asking in Designing, Evaluating, and Learning to Use Software\nRobert Mack and Jill Burdett Robinson\nThis paper describes a qualitative empirical method aimed at uncovering what computer users need to know to use a computer to accomplish tasks. The method asks users to acquire information about how to use a computer by asking questions of a more experienced user (i.e., the investigator) or a \"coach\" (a term we prefer). The technique is both similar to and different from qualitive think-out-loud (TOL) methods for eliciting verbalizations related to thinking and problem solving. TOL verbal protocol techniques have been widely applied in cognitive psychology (see Ericsson & Simon, 1980, 1984). Although question asking may have equally wide applicability, the focus of this paper will be on its use in studying human-computer interaction issues connected with the design and evaluation of computer systems.\nWe begin with a brief overview of question asking and question answering in the broader context of cognitive and social psychology. We then briefly review the few accessable studies of computer user behavior that have applied question asking to the evaluation of computer software. This includes a more in-depth discussion of a software evaluation carried out in our lab using question asking. Applications of question asking have discussed the technique mostly in an anecdotal way, without grounding the method in the larger context of possible qualitative methods, or methodological and interpretive issues (but see Kato, 1986). In a general discussion we summarize and discuss in more depth methodological issues and guidelines for practitioners of the method. We also sketch possible research directions for better understanding the methodology.\nAsking questions is a basic linguistic strategy people have for communicating and, in particular, acquiring knowledge about the physical or social world. Not surprisingly, question asking and question answering are basic tools of empirical inquiry in social and cognitive science for learning what someone may or may not know about some domain. More recently, question asking and answering have become topics of research in their own right in cognitive science, particularly through research of Graesser and colleagues. (For review of research in cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence see Graesser & Black, 1985.) In this paper, we focus on question-asking methods in a new domain, that of human- computer interaction (HCl), where a key focus is developing methodologies for evaluating and diagnosing problems with users' interaction with computer systems.\nThe HCl domain is multidisciplinary, with basic and applied goals, and its methods and professional membership draw on traditional software human factors and ergonomics, as well as cognitive psychology and computer science. Its goals are (a) to understand and", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sweetgum - 10 seeds\nSweetgum - 10 seeds\nLiquidambar Styraciflua is a deciduous tree with leaves that turn splendid yellow, various shades of orange, burgundy purple and many different shades of red in the autumn. It is an attractive bonsai tree whether it has green leaves, colored leaves or no leaves. Liquidambar trees are deciduous, and the leaves put on a spectacular show each fall: Their fall colors include shades of orange, yellow, gold, wine-purple and various red shades. Liquidambar consists of four species: Liquidambar Formosiana, Liquidambar Acalcyna, Liquidambar Styraciflua and Liquidambar Orientalis. The trees from all four species are resistant to pests and diseases.\nLiquidambar styraciflua, commonly called sweet gum, is a low-maintenance deciduous shade tree that is native from Connecticut to Florida and Missouri further south to Texas, Mexico and Central America. In Missouri, it typically occurs in moist low woods and along streams only in the far southeastern corner of the state (Steyermark). It typically grows to 60-80’ (less frequently to 120’) tall with a straight trunk. Habit is pyramidal in youth, but it gradually develops an oval-rounded crown as it matures. Glossy, long-stalked, deep green leaves (4-7” across) have toothed margins. Each leaf has 5-7 pointed, star-shaped lobes. Leaves are fragrant when bruised. Fall color at its best is a brilliant mixture of yellows, oranges, purples and reds. Branchlets may have distinctive corky ridges. Non-showy, monoecious, yellow-green flowers appear in spherical clusters in April-May. Female flowers give way to the infamous gum balls which are hard, spherical, bristly fruiting clusters to 1.5” diameter. Gum balls mature to dark brown and usually remain on the tree through the winter, but can create clean-up problems during the general period of December through April as the clusters fall to the ground. In pedestrian areas, fruiting clusters must be cleaned up because they not only create unsightly litter, but also create human safety problems (e.g., turning an ankle by inadvertently stepping on a cluster). Tree wood has been widely used for a number of applications including flooring, furniture and home interiors. The gum obtained from genus plants has been used in the past for a variety of purposes, including chewing gum, incense, perfumes, folk medicines and flavorings.\nThe tree prefers a full-sun location. It requires protection from extremely frigid conditions, especially freezing wind. Regular watering is not required: Allow the soil to become somewhat dry before giving it water\nThe tree can be re-potted every other year in springtime, and this should be done while it is still in its dormancy. At the time of re-potting, prune the roots heavily. A good-quality bonsai soil will get the plant off to a good start, and the soil should be kept moist while the roots become established. It is easy for a bonsai enthusiast to increase his or her collection of liquidambar trees: New trees can be grown from the strong root suckers that attach themselves to some of the roots. Another way is to grow plants from the seeds of the fruit that grows on the tree.\niquidambars are not very particular about the type of soil or amount of drainage they have and will live for a long time in one pot. In spite of this, they need good soil for bonsais which is 60 per cent aggregate and 40 per cent organic matter.\nThe tree can be fertilized with fertilizer that is intended for shrubs or broadleaf trees to boost vigorous growth. It should be fed every two weeks during the growing season. It should be watered when the soil gets slightly dry. If the drainage is good, it is not easily overwatered, but it should not be watered on a routine basis.\nPruning can take place throughout the growing season and should not be done during dormancy. Sharp scissors should always be used on new growth so that the new branch does not get crushed or torn.\nShoots should be pruned back to one or two pairs of leaves unless a new branch is desired at that place. Cutting should not be flush with the branch. The branch may die, and end the new growth that comes from the base of the existing leaves.\nIf pruned in this way, the branches will most likely die back and the wounds will not heal well. This is especially true for Asian Liquidambar.\nThe top growth should be carefully pruned back. If this is not done, the lower branches will become weak and die back. Liquidambar responds well to leaf pruning. The scars will heal quicker if it is pruned during the growing season.\nLiquidambar trees produce buds that are delicate and are easily bumped off the tree. For this reason, wiring should only be done before the buds begin or after it is in full leaf and the new growth is beginning to harden. Pruning is the best way to shape large branches as they are difficult to bend.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dapediidae are a characteristic group of deep-bodied Mesozoic actinopterygian fishes with a moderate diversity at genus- and species-level. Here, we add a new occurrence to their patchy fossil record and describe in detail a nearly complete dapediid specimen from the pelagic deposit of the Toarcian Úrkút Manganese Ore Formation in the Transdanubian Range of Hungary. The preserved characters represent nearly all anatomically important body parts and allow assignment to Dapedium and comparison with other dapediid genera. This is the first reported occurrence of the order in Hungary and the Carpathian Basin that extends the known geographical range of the genus to the Mediterranean (western Tethyan) Jurassic. A review of the temporal distribution of published occurrences of dapediids permits speculation that the disappearance of exclusively Late Triassic genera, coincident with the end-Triassic extinction event, was likely related to their specialised feeding strategies and light or incomplete squamation. Multiple environmental crises (warming, acidification and anoxia) severely affected reefal habitats and favoured the survival of the generalist-durophagous Dapedium. The Úrkút specimen adds important data to the Early Jurassic, particularly Toarcian Lagerstätte-dominated fossil record of dapediids. In contrast to the end-Triassic, the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event did not lead to genus extinction among dapediids, possibly prevented by adaptations evolved during the preceding and similarly multi-stressor event. Continuing studies of Mesozoic fish specimens in Hungarian collections may provide new records and insights into other groups as well.\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Global and Planetary Change\n- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics", "label": "No"} {"text": "With the outbreak of World War II, the entire Canadian Pacific network was put at the disposal of the war effort. On land, CPR moved 307 million tons of freight and 86 million passengers, including 280,000 military personnel. At sea 22 CPR ships went to war where 12 of them were sunk. In the air, CPR pioneered the \"Atlantic Bridge\" – a massive undertaking that saw the transatlantic ferrying of bombers from Canada to Britain.\nRead the History of CP and War6 MB\nQuebec Conference (WAR110)\nDuring the Second World War, the Chateau Frontenac served as headquarters for meetings between U.S. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill of the U.K. to discuss Allied strategy. Canada's Prime Minister Mackenzie King (centre) was host.\nAir raid unit (WAR75-2)\nMembers of one of Canadian Pacific's Air Raid Precaution units stage a mobile display of their contribution to civil defence.\nRailway Corps (A4342)\nShortly after the beginning of WW1, CPR organized the first battalion of Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps volunteers. This wrecked railway bridge in France was replaced in only 20 hours by the CORCC.\nNational Defence (NS5477)\nThe inaugural meeting of the Special Committee on War and National Defence, the predecessor of the Railway Association of Canada, was held in the CPR boardroom at Windsor Station, Montreal.\nTank production (NS3004)\nDuring WW II, CPR's Angus Shops in Montreal produced 1,400 of these \"Valentine\" army tanks for shipment to Russia to assist in their drive to force the German Army out of eastern Europe.\nTroops depart (A15503)\nDuring WW1, in a scene repeated hundreds of times at railway stations throughout Canada, soldiers prepare to depart from Windsor Station, Montreal, on their way to Europe and the \"war to end all wars.\"\nThe Princess Marguerite of the CP Steamship Service sank in the Mediterranean, after being struck by a German torpedo while transporting troops from Port Said to Cyprus.\nChurchill's Train (NS4646)\nThis train of CPR business cars and coaches was placed at the disposal of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the 1943 Quebec Conference to discuss Allied strategy during the Second World War.\nWar memorial (A17411)\nIn the 1940s, a group of Canadian soldiers gathered beneath the war memorial statue at CPR's Windsor Station in Montreal.", "label": "No"} {"text": "So what are the cat allergy symptoms – how does a cat show it is allergic to something?\nUsually, when we think about allergy symptoms, runny noses and eyes come to mind, as well as sneezing and asthma.\nIn cats, however, allergy symptoms usually show in their skin. So, if you notice your cat begins to groom itself excessively, pay attention. If it starts to scratch itself, you should really be alert before the cat causes skin damage to itself.\nDiagnosing the allergy can take a while because a symptom can be a sign of many allergies. Some symptoms are of course typical of a specific allergy.\nObviously these symptoms may cause a cat to lose its energy and have behavioral changes. That is quite logical – if you had a horrible itch all the time, you would certainly behave differently from normal.\nThere are three main ways allergy symptoms show in a cat.\nAllergy may cause the cat to vomit. It may also have diarrhea and flatulence. Its stools may become very hard or very loose. There may be hair in the feces, caused by the excessive grooming. It is normal for a cat to vomit some fur balls, but if this begins to happen more frequently, you should observe your cat more closely. Also if the cat begins to vomit other than hair balls, she may be showing cat allergy symptoms.\nCat allergy symptoms include problems in breathing. Respiratory problems include coughing, sneezing and wheezing – and a bit surprisingly also snoring (caused by the inflammation of the throat).\nSneezing is not as common a symptom of allergies in cats as it is in humans. Usually, if it is an allergy symptom, it appears in tandem with itchy skin. If it is the only symptom of an allergy, then the cat’s allergy is a mild one.\nRespiratory allergy symptoms may cause shallow breathing – and at its worst the cat’s airways close up. This is called an anaphylactic reaction – and as everyone understands, that is an emergency situation.\nRespiratory allergic reactions may have associated nasal or eye discharge. Allergic nasal discharge is watery. Allergic eye discharge is either milky white, yellowish or green.\nThe most common cat allergy symptoms are skin reactions.\nThe cat may chew itself, loose hair, have increased pigmentation and pustules on its skin. It clearly itches and the skin is irritated from all the grooming, chewing and licking. There can be scabs, lesions and scaly skin, as well as bumps when the cat’s autoimmune system attacks the skin. The skin may thicken too and be twitchy.\nThe coat can be dull, and the skin either excessively dry or oily.\nThe symptoms can be lozalized or all over the cat’s body. Often redness and itching is localized at the base of the cat’s tail.\nThe cat may scratch itself to the stage where it begins to bleed and this can cause even worse infections and inflammations. It may chew its paws which can become swollen.\nOther symptoms of allergy may include head shaking and red, swollen tissue around the cat’s eyes. (The glands may be swollen as well.) If, in the case of the eyes, the irritation is more than minor and cleaning doesn’t help, the eyes are infected.\nIf your cat shows any of these symptoms, you are wise to contact your vet. And as you can imagine - treating feline allergies can be costly, so be wise and take a cat insurance first thing when you adopt a new cat.\nDisclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Information at cat-breeds-info.com is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard veterinary advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.", "label": "No"} {"text": "10 Oct How sleep improves your memory\nThe mechanics of sleep and the process by which we store and retrieve memories has from ancient times been approached through many myths and theories, but it is only recently that hard science is seriously uncovering these mysteries of the mind.\nA study in Nature Neuroscience, by German researchers at the University of Lubeck, proved that the brain stores recent memories better during sleep than during wakefulness.\nThe study mentions that earlier research showed that new memories are stored temporarily in the hippocampus and don’t gel until they are put into permanent storage in the “hard drive” of the neocortex. Early studies proved that if a memory is reactivated after learning it helps the transfer to the brain’s hard drive. The researchers retriggered the memories with a scent.\nBut, what they didn’t know and these researchers proved was that even if you retrigger the memory and move on to learn something else, the state of wakefulness makes the memories fragile and the transfer to deep memory difficult.\nTheir findings proved:\n“Much to the surprise of the researchers, the sleep group performed significantly better, retaining on average 85 percent of the patterns, compared to 60 percent for those who had remained awake.”\n“Reactivation of memories had completely different effects on the state of wakefulness and sleep,” said lead author Susanne Diekelmann, also from the University of Lubeck.\nBased on brain imaging data…during the first few minutes of sleep, the transfer from hippocampus to neocortex has been initiated.\nAfter only 40 minutes of shuteye, significant chunks of memory were already “downloaded” and stored where they “could no longer be disrupted by new information that is encoded in the hippocampus.”\nWhy did the researchers use a scent to retrigger the memory?\nBecause the olfactory bulb is part of the brain’s limbic system, an area so closely associated with memory and feeling… it’s sometimes called the “emotional brain”.\nThe olfactory bulb has intimate access to the amygdala, which processes emotion, and the hippocampus, which is responsible for associative learning.\nSeems strange they were surprised. There are dozens of earlier studies.\n“Retention was significantly better for the immediate sleep group, consistent with the notion that consolidation is enhanced by the interpolation of sleep shortly after learning.” Recognition memory, sleep and circadian rhythms, Nesca M, Koulack D.\nAnd in 2008, among many others:\n“Immediate as well as delayed post learning sleep but not wakefulness enhances declarative memory consolidation in children.” Reactivation and Consolidation of Memory During Sleep, Backhaus J, Hoeckesfeld R, Born J, Hohagen F, Junghanns K.\nBut, this “discovery” goes even further back. Shockingly, in Plato’s Theaetetus, Socrates says:\n“Can he [man] learn one thing after another?“\n“ . . . Please assume, then, for the sake of argument, that there is in our souls a block of wax, in one case larger, in another smaller, in one case the wax is purer, in another more impure and harder, in some cases softer, and in some of proper quality . . . Let us, then, say that this is the gift of Mnemosyne (Memory), the mother of the Mousai (Muses), and that whenever we wish to remember anything we see or hear or think of in our own minds, we hold this wax under the perceptions and thoughts and imprint them upon it, just as we make impressions from seal rings; and whatever is imprinted we remember and know as long as its image lasts, but whatever is rubbed out or cannot be imprinted we forget and do not know.”\nThis “discovery” was in 400 B.C.\nThe goddess Mnemosyne was the personification of memory in Greek mythology. And the ancient Greeks invoked sleep by appealing to the god of sleep, Hypnos, from where the terms hypnotic and hypnotism are derived. The Romans had a similar god named Somnus.\nActually in ancient times, sleep was also used as vehicle for healing.\nIn ancient Greece, sleep temples were built in honor of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine (though there is proof he was actually a real aristocratic personage and later made into a god because of his great healing abilities).\nThe Greek treatment was referred to as incubation, and focused on prayers to Asclepius for healing. The ill would fall asleep in the temple and be visited by Asclepius during the sleep state and there be given healings or instruction on how to heal themselves.\n“A similar Hebrew treatment was referred to as Kavanah, and involved focusing on letters of the Hebrew alphabet spelling the name of God.”\nIf you want to remember all this, it might be a good time to go take a nap!\nHypnos and his half brother Thanatos\nJohn William Waterhouse (1849–1917)", "label": "No"} {"text": "If india needs cooperation from china in (“media file assessment: china tibet conflict essay essay on topic media file assessment: china tibet conflict for. Conflict in northeast india: issues, causes and concern conflict in northeast india: issues, causes and concern. India in the eyes of china dissertation, term paper or essay the authors of china and india cooperation or conflict divided the cbms in three parts. Conflict in society: definition, causes ,types and conflict in society: definition, causes the latent conflict between china and india may become overt. A complete timeline of india-china relations since modi took charge their sense of history the tricky nature of the india-china relationship was in full.\nPrime minister narendra modi of india, nawaz sharif of pakistan and president xi jinping of china credit: reuters. Kashmir conflict between pakistan and india the history of kashmir conflict goes back 1947, india and pakistan continued conflict or cooperation. What are the main conflicts between india and china in history also both faced many the issues of conflict between india and china is hardly. India’s relationship with her neighbors india and china: india wants sri lanka to find a solution to her conflict with the tamils who are fighting for.\nThe war forges an abiding indian apprehension of china that deeply colors india’s response to china’s indian border conflict sino indian war essay. Ancient india ancient china/dynasties patterns conflict cooperation government/politics innovation geography neolithic revolution mesopotamia ancient egypt. An obscure pasture in bhutan becomes the bone of contention between india and china, cooperation organisation summit in history the indian response india. China-india: an analysis of the himalayan territorial dispute and ‘the most systematic source of interstate conflict in history’, 14. Global history & geography imperialism in india, china, and africa economic cooperation (european union nafta) oil politics.Indo american relations and its impact on the whole history of india pakistan relations has india-us cooperation & strategic balance in. A look at the history of china's dealings with its western the sco will become over time more a source of conflict than cooperation as china, india, pakistan. Need essay sample on civil war in nepal nepal had a tough time in maintaining a perfect balance between india and china who are rivals and do conflict in. To motivate conflict, cooperation, not by chance is scenario planning for china/united states conflict focused almost (as well as liberal) theories of.\nBuilding peace through trade peace between the two nations with a history of conflicts and distrust china fought in 1979 and that thailand had a border. China–india relations, also at the time of sino-indian border conflict, the india in the south asian association for regional cooperation (saarc. National song vande mataram i bow to thee, mother area controlled by india shown in dark green claimed but uncontrolled regions shown in light green.\nThe india-china war of 1962 is one of the defining events in independent india’s history cementing the conflict of india-china defence cooperation and. Significant groups in both china and the united states claim that a contest for supremacy between the two countries is inevitable and perhaps already under way they. This essay examines the increasing in order to manage conflict in cyberspace, china and the united russia and the rise of china and india china.Download", "label": "No"} {"text": "|View of the Moon just before Sunrise.|\nThe rapid rotation would also mean a different circadian rhythm as the 24-hour day becomes close to a 6-hour day. A rapidly rotating terrestrial planet is also highly unstable without an anchor such as our Moon. The significant wobbling would cause enormous stress on the surface of Earth. This would result in large magnitude earthquakes, high volcanic activity, catastrophic tsunamis, an unstable atmosphere, and drastic magnetic field changes. The evolution of both Earth and life on it are not just the result of the perfect distance from the Sun, but also the stabilization that the Moon has given our planet.\nThis week I've decided to just continue with an astronomy theme.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results.\nCheck out these books in print and/or online for further reading on your topic once you've gotten started.\nBlack and Blue by John HobermanBlack & Blue is the first systematic description of how American doctors think about racial differences and how this kind of thinking affects the treatment of their black patients. The standard studies of medical racism examine past medical abuses of black people and do not address the racially motivated thinking and behaviors of physicians practicing medicine today. Black & Blue penetrates the physician's private sphere where racial fantasies and misinformation distort diagnoses and treatments. Doctors have always absorbed the racial stereotypes and folkloric beliefs about racial differences that permeate the general population. Within the world of medicine this racial folklore has infiltrated all of the medical sub-disciplines, from cardiology to gynecology to psychiatry. Doctors have thus imposed white or black racial identities upon every organ system of the human body, along with racial interpretations of black children, the black elderly, the black athlete, black musicality, black pain thresholds, and other aspects of black minds and bodies. The American medical establishment does not readily absorb either historical or current information about medical racism. For this reason, racial enlightenment will not reach medical schools until the current race-aversive curricula include new historical and sociological perspectives.\nCall Number: eBook\nPublication Date: 2012-04-03\nThe Chicano Generation by Mario T. García; Mario T. GarcíaIn The Chicano Generation, veteran Chicano civil rights scholar Mario T. García provides a rare look inside the struggles of the 1960s and 1970s as they unfolded in Los Angeles. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with three key activists, this book illuminates the lives of Raul Ruiz, Gloria Arellanes, and Rosalio Muñoz--their family histories and widely divergent backgrounds; the events surrounding their growing consciousness as Chicanos; the sexism encountered by Arellanes; and the aftermath of their political histories. In his substantial introduction, García situates the Chicano movement in Los Angeles and contextualizes activism within the largest civil rights and empowerment struggle by Mexican Americans in US history--a struggle that featured César Chávez and the farm workers, the student movement highlighted by the 1968 LA school blowouts, the Chicano antiwar movement, the organization of La Raza Unida Party, the Chicana feminist movement, the organizing of undocumented workers, and the Chicano Renaissance. Weaving this revolution against a backdrop of historic Mexican American activism from the 1930s to the 1960s and the contemporary black power and black civil rights movements, García gives readers the best representations of the Chicano generation in Los Angeles.\nLong Before Stonewall by Thomas A. Foster (Editor)2007 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Although the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City symbolically mark the start of the gay rights movement, individuals came together long before the modern era to express their same-sex romantic and sexual attraction toward one another, and in a myriad of ways. Some reflected on their desires in quiet solitude, while others endured verbal, physical, and legal harassment for publicly expressing homosexual interest through words or actions. Long Before Stonewall seeks to uncover the many iterations of same-sex desire in colonial America and the early Republic, as well as to expand the scope of how we define and recognize homosocial behavior. Thomas A. Foster has assembled a pathbreaking, interdisciplinary collection of original and classic essays that explore topics ranging from homoerotic imagery of black men to prison reform to the development of sexual orientations. This collection spans a regional and temporal breadth that stretches from the colonial Southwest to Quaker communities in New England. It also includes a challenge to commonly accepted understandings of the Native American berdache. Throughout, connections of race, class, status, and gender are emphasized, exposing the deep foundations on which modern sexual political movements and identities are built.\nThe Other Movement by Denise E. BatesThe Other Movement: Indian Rights and Civil Rights in the Deep South examines the most visible outcome of the Southern Indian Rights Movement: state Indian affairs commissions. In recalling political activism in the post-World War II South, rarely does one consider the political activities of American Indians as they responded to desegregation, the passing of the Civil Rights Acts, and the restructuring of the American political party system. Native leaders and activists across the South created a social and political movement all their own, which drew public attention to the problems of discrimination, poverty, unemployment, low educational attainment, and poor living conditions in tribal communities. While tribal-state relationships have historically been characterized as tense, most southern tribes--particularly non-federally recognized ones--found that Indian affairs commissions offered them a unique position in which to negotiate power. Although individual tribal leaders experienced isolated victories and generated some support through the 1950s and 1960s, the creation of the intertribal state commissions in the 1970s and 1980s elevated the movement to a more prominent political level. Through the formalization of tribal-state relationships, Indian communities forged strong networks with local, state, and national agencies while advocating for cultural preservation and revitalization, economic development, and the implementation of community services. This book looks specifically at Alabama and Louisiana, places of intensive political activity during the civil rights era and increasing Indian visibility and tribal reorganization in the decades that followed. Between 1960 and 1990, U.S. census records show that Alabama's Indian population swelled by a factor of twelve and Louisiana's by a factor of five. Thus, in addition to serving as excellent examples of the national trend of a rising Indian population, the two states make interesting case studies because their Indian commissions brought formerly disconnected groups, each with different goals and needs, together for the first time, creating an assortment of alliances and divisions.\nCall Number: eBook\nPublication Date: 2012-02-01\nPoison in the Ivy by W. Carson ByrdThe world of elite campuses is one of rarified social circles, as well as prestigious educational opportunities. W. Carson Byrd studied twenty-eight of the most selective colleges and universities in the United States to see whether elite students' social interactions with each other might influence their racial beliefs in a positive way, since many of these graduates will eventually hold leadership positions in society. He found that students at these universities believed in the success of the 'best and the brightest,' leading them to situate differences in race and status around issues of merit and individual effort. Poison in the Ivy challenges popular beliefs about the importance of cross-racial interactions as an antidote to racism in the increasingly diverse United States. He shows that it is the context and framing of such interactions on college campuses that plays an important role in shaping students' beliefs about race and inequality in everyday life for the future political and professional leaders of the nation. Poison in the Ivy is an eye-opening look at race on elite college campuses, and offers lessons for anyone involved in modern American higher education.\nCall Number: eBook\nPublication Date: 2017-11-24\nMapping and Background Info -- Civil Rights Movement\nCommunications and Mass Media CompleteProvides articles in areas related to communication and mass media. CMMC offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 500 journals, and selected coverage of nearly 200 more, for a combined coverage of more than 690 titles. Furthermore, this database includes full text for over 380 journals.\nERIC Contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals.\nPsycArticlesPsycARTICLES®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains more than 153,000 articles from nearly 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to the present and nearly all APA journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1.\nPsychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection A comprehensive database covering topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. This is the world’s largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for over 560 journals.\nPsycINFOAmerican Psychological Association’s (APA) renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains over 2.5 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the early 1800s. Journal coverage, which spans from 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,400 periodicals in more than 27 languages.\nSociological CollectionAccess to more than 500 full text journals, including nearly 500 peer-reviewed titles. Sociological Collection offers information in all areas of sociology, including social behavior, human tendencies, interaction, relationships, community development, culture and social structure.\nMedline Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.\nPubMed CentralPubMed Central is a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).\nCINAHL with Fulltext Comprehensive source of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for nearly 600 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index – with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981.\nMedical Apartheid by Harriet A. WashingtonFrom the era of slavery to the present day, the first full history of black America’s shocking mistreatment as unwilling and unwitting experimental subjects at the hands of the medical establishment. Medical Apartheidis the first and only comprehensive history of medical experimentation on African Americans. Starting with the earliest encounters between black Americans and Western medical researchers and the racist pseudoscience that resulted, it details the ways both slaves and freedmen were used in hospitals for experiments conducted without their knowledge—a tradition that continues today within some black populations. It reveals how blacks have historically been prey to grave-robbing as well as unauthorized autopsies and dissections. Moving into the twentieth century, it shows how the pseudoscience of eugenics and social Darwinism was used to justify experimental exploitation and shoddy medical treatment of blacks, and the view that they were biologically inferior, oversexed, and unfit for adult responsibilities. Shocking new details about the government’s notorious Tuskegee experiment are revealed, as are similar, less-well-known medical atrocities conducted by the government, the armed forces, prisons, and private institutions. The product of years of prodigious research into medical journals and experimental reports long undisturbed,Medical Apartheidreveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and makes possible, for the first time, an understanding of the roots of the African American health deficit. At last, it provides the fullest possible context for comprehending the behavioral fallout that has caused black Americans to view researchers—and indeed the whole medical establishment—with such deep distrust. No one concerned with issues of public health and racial justice can afford not to readMedical Apartheid, a masterful book that will stir up both controversy and long-needed debate.\nCall Number: R 853.H8 W37 2006\nPublication Date: 2007-01-09\nLGBTQ Social Movements by Lisa M. StulbergIn recent years, there has been substantial progress on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights in the United States. We are now, though, in a time of incredible political uncertainty for queer people. LGBTQ Social Movements provides an accessible introduction to mainstream LGBTQ movements in the US, illustrating the many forms that LGBTQ activism has taken since the mid-twentieth century. Covering a range of topics, including the Stonewall uprising and gay liberation, AIDS politics, queer activism, marriage equality fights, youth action, and bisexual and transgender justice, Lisa M. Stulberg explores how marginalized people and communities have used a wide range of political and cultural tools to demand and create change. The five key themes that guide the book are assimilationism and liberationism as complex strategies for equality, the limits and possibilities of legal change, the role of art and popular culture in social change, the interconnectedness of social movements, and the role of privilege in movement organizing. This book is an important tool for understanding current LGBTQ politics and will be essential reading for students and scholars of sexuality, LGBTQ studies, and social movements, as well as anyone new to thinking about these issues.\nAlt-Press WatchAlt-PressWatch is a full text database comprised of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the alternative and independent press. Alternative newsweeklies, available in most cities, give readers alternative perspectives on politics, government, policy and culture; report on issues of government.\nBlack Thought and CultureBlack Thought and Culture contains about 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by over 1,000 American black leaders—teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures—covering 250 years of history. The collection includes letters, speeches, prefatory essays, political leaflets, interviews, periodicals, and trial transcripts.\nCivil Rights and Social JusticeContaining publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases, and more, this database covers civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Four popular songs about moonlight are presented, including their origins and as sing-a-longs. In 1909, songwriter Edward Madden worked as an undercover government agent in New York's rough and tumble Tenderloin District, which is in stark contrast to his lyrics for \"By the Light of the Silvery Moon\", the lyrics which were set to music by Gus Edwards. Three years later, Madden would pen the lyrics to what is now the popular barbershop standard \"Moonlight Bay\". Southerner James Allen Bland wrote many songs depicting the simple life of the south, including \"In the Evening By the Moonlight\". And an already popular 1908 penned song was made even more famous and popular with the movie of the same name, Shine on Harvest Moon (1944), the title song which was sung by Ann Sheridan and Dennis Morgan portraying the song's writers, Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth. Written by\nDid You Know?\nNora Bayes in Film Clip from 'Shine On, Harvest Moon'\nShine on, shine on, Harvest Moon, up in the sky / I ain't had no loving since January, February, March, April, May, June or July / Snow time, ain't no time to stay outdoors and spoon / So, shine on, shine on, Harvest Moon, for me and my pal.\nFeatures Shine on Harvest Moon\nBy the Light of the Silvery Moon\nMusic by Gus Edwards\nLyrics by Edward Madden\nSung by The Melody Makers See more", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Triassic reptile Trilophosaurus looks very much like a modern iguana, but has a completely different ancestry. The similarities between Trilophosaurus and iguanas are an example of convergent evolution. Their shared characteristics derive from both organisms evolving to survive in similar enviroments, not from shared ancestry. Trilophosaurus became extinct during the Triassic.\nSee a reconstruction of Trilophosaurus here.", "label": "No"} {"text": "|Assessment Type||Assessment length / details||Proportion|\n|Semester Assessment||Open examination Open examination 1000 Words||50%|\n|Semester Assessment||Essay (2,000 words)||50%|\n|Supplementary Assessment||Open examination Open examination 1000 Words||50%|\n|Supplementary Assessment||Essay (2,000 words)||50%|\nOn successful completion of this module students should be able to:\nDemonstrate a familiarity with a body of historical knowledge relating to the Modern World, c. 1789 to the present day.\nDemonstrate an understanding of the concept of ‘modernity’ and how it has been interpreted.\nDemonstrate a familiarity with the range of primary and secondary sources which may be utilised by historians to study Modern World History.\nWith the concept of modernity at its centre, this module addresses the Modern World, its shaping, and the historical understanding of it. Taking a global, rather than Euro-centric perspective and addressing themes rather than a narrative, aspects of modernity and the development of the modern world are considered in the period c. 1789 to the present day. Themes addressed include: Towns and Cities; Work and Leisure; Travel and Movement; Nation-States and Borders; Industrialisation; War and Violence; Ideologies and Social Movements; and Class, Race, and Gender.\nTowns and Cities\nWork and Leisure\nTravel and Movement\nNation-States and Borders\nWar and Violence\nIdeologies and Social Movements\nClass, Race, and Gender.\nThe five seminars will be based on a selection of these broad themes.\n|Skills Type||Skills details|\n|Application of Number||Through occasional discussion of relevant numerical data, e.g. figures, graphs, tables.|\n|Communication||Written communication skills will be developed through the coursework and written examination; skills in oral presentation will be developed in seminars but are not formally assessed.|\n|Improving own Learning and Performance||Students will be advised on how to improve research and communication skills through the individual tutorial providing feedback on submitted coursework.|\n|Information Technology||Students will be encouraged to locate suitable material on the web and to apply it appropriately to their own work. Students will also be expected to word-process their work and make use of Blackboard. These skills will not be formally assessed.|\n|Personal Development and Career planning||Students will develop a range of transferable skills, including time management and communication skills, which may help them identify their personal strengths as they consider potential career paths.|\n|Problem solving||Students are expected to note and respond to historical problems which arise as part of the study of this subject area and to undertake suitable research for seminars and essays.|\n|Research skills||Students will develop their research skills by reading a range of texts and evaluating their usefulness in preparation for the coursework and the written examination.|\n|Subject Specific Skills|\n|Team work||Students will be expected to play an active part in group activities (e.g. short group presentations in seminars) and to learn to evaluate their own contribution to such activities.|\nThis module is at CQFW Level 4", "label": "No"} {"text": "About colour blindness\nColour blindness is when you can’t see some colours normally.\nRed-green colour blindness is the most common type. This is when you have trouble telling the difference between greens, browns, reds and oranges.\nBlue-yellow colour blindness is rare. People with this type of colour blindness have trouble telling the difference between blues and yellows.\nNearly all children with colour blindness are boys. And about 8% of boys have red-green colour blindness. Boys usually inherit colour blindness from their mother’s side of the family.\nCauses of colour blindness\nCone cells in our retinas help us see differences between colours.\nThere are three types of cone cells. Each type responds to a different colour – red, green and blue.\nIn a person who is colour blind, only two out of three of these types of cones work normally.\nSymptoms of colour blindness\nIf your child has colour blindness, he might have trouble telling the difference between reds, greens, browns and oranges after about the age of four. He might say that two different colours are the same or struggle to separate things according to colour.\nColour blindness might become obvious at preschool or school, especially when your child is doing activities like sorting blocks, colouring or copying different coloured text.\nAlthough children with colour blindness confuse some colours, their vision should be clear.\nColour blindness stays the same over time. It doesn’t get worse or better.\nDoes your child need to see a doctor about colour blindness?\nIf there are other people in the family with colour blindness, you might also wish to have your child tested.\nTreatment for colour blindness\nThere’s no cure for colour blindness. But it isn’t a serious condition, because children learn colours by association.\nIt’s a good idea to let your child’s teachers know that your child has colour vision problems, so the teachers can choose teaching activities that don’t involve spotting colour differences.\nAs children with severe colour blindness get older, it might be unsafe or hard for them to do jobs where colour identification is important – for example, handling electrical wires or telling warning lights apart.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Acting Head of Learning Enrichment\nExecutive Function: Think, Plan, Do, Check\nThe mental processes that help us connect past experiences with present action are collectively termed executive functions. We use them daily to plan, organise, strategise, attend to and remember details, as well as manage time and space. These skills develop gradually and at different rates in all of us, they are not an inherent automatic skill. For some students with learning and attentional difficulties, these skills almost always need to be specifically supported and explicitly taught.\nAs students progress through middle school and into high school they are required to master a wide range of skills relying on their executive functioning capabilities. Their success depends on their ability to plan, organise and prioritise tasks, materials and information, separate main ideas from details, think flexibly, memorise content and monitor progress.\nDeficits in executive functioning can be observed in various contexts.\nImpulse control is one area where students lack the ability to stop and think before acting. This is observable in their school tasks when they might speed through their work, sacrificing accuracy and completeness. They may prefer to choose other activities without considering obligations or commitments. Students demonstrating inflexibility when routines or tasks become complicated become frustrated. They find it difficult to initiate a task and organise and maintain their systems to keep track of information and materials. This is also evident when they easily give up on complex tasks. Weak working memory is observable with multi-step tasks, a series of directions or remembering and applying important information. Planning and prioritising assignments is overwhelming, and the ability to create steps to reach goals and to make decisions about what to focus on is compromised. Procrastination and avoidance may become coping mechanisms. The ability to self-monitor and evaluate their own performance is not easily reflective by the student. These students are often not receptive to constructive feedback and are surprised by low grades. Finally, students with weak executive functioning skills become distressed as managing their emotions is a constant battle. Compensating for these skills is exhausting and the resulting feelings of helplessness, insecurity and anxiety become daily experiences. Self-esteem is often severely compromised.\nGiven reassurance, support, guidance and skills, these challenges can be minimised. Extra time and practise will be needed to help develop these skills but once these habits are established the success will be rewarded and the intrinsic motivation will generate a sense of pride and accomplishment. It is imperative that the suggestions below are modelled and guided first before independently being executed. Here is how you can help at home:\nOrganizing and Prioritising\n- Model good planning and organisational strategies.\n- Visual planners are imperative, select paper or electronic calendars to schedule important task dates allocating time to complete them. Use shared bulletin boards, digital flashcards or sticky notes as reminders.\n- Set meeting requests for conversations or appointments.\n- Make lists of tasks to complete. The satisfaction experienced when checked off is empowering!\n- Use timers to schedule breaks and off task periods.\n- Create comfortable routines and habits.\n- Break tasks down into achievable chunks using flowcharts, scaffolds or sequenced steps. Prioritise the tasks based on due dates, level of stress or difficulty level.\n- Have a place where commonly used items are stored and are easily accessible.\n- Collect the materials needed before starting the task.\n- Ensure that online learning platforms such as emails, One Note and Google Classroom are regularly cleared, updated and sorted.\n- Regularly check the assessment calendar.\n- Schedule weekly clearing and organising of backpacks and lockers.\n- Brightly colour coded files and work books also help lessen the cognitive load.\n- Shifting thinking routines encourage the understanding that tasks can be accomplished differently.\n- Activities that build inferential meaning such as puzzles and jokes add to the perception of different points of view.\n- Finding patterns in maths such as inverse operations and connections between topics assist with understanding of new concepts.\n- Assisting students to recognise that different subjects require different study skills and strategies extends their flexibility.\n- Work with their strengths by drawing on that to support weaker areas.\n- Break up or chunk information by using visual and auditory cues and prompts to work as reminders, such as checklists, tip sheets, summaries, timetables and even alarm notifications on the phone.\n- Reinforce what works for them by identifying successful strategies and repeating them to create success.\n- Discourage multi-tasking and focus on completing one activity at a time.\n- Use self-talk by talking through your own checklists, reviewing and revising plans and discussing how to avoid errors.\n- Tracking completed tasks by editing and reviewing should be built into the process.\n- Chunk information using graphic organiser or anchor charts and checklists.\n- Colour coding and highlighting assists with quick visual support of processing what needs to be connected and focused on.\n- Create a personalised list of errors when editing written work or checking math problems.\n- Use text-to-speech technology to assist with grammar and sentence structure.\n- Use silly songs, acronyms or mnemonics to remind them of important information or items.\n- Use timers to keep on track of time spent on tasks and incorporate rest breaks that encourage outdoor activity into their schedules.\nBehaviour and Emotions:\n- Simplify and condense tasks and instructions to make them more concrete.\n- Ensure they have the skill and ability to accomplish the task.\n- Use cues or prompts to get them started.\n- Offer choices about what and how to do something.\n- Offer rewards that are personally motivating – autonomy is very motivating.\n- Praise effort and be specific about what aspect has been accomplished well.\nFor further reading please click here.\nMrs Simonetta Cesamolo\nActing Head of Learning Enrichment", "label": "No"} {"text": "The difference between hazard (something with the potential to cause you harm) and risk (the actual chance of harm occurring) is a key issue for the crop protection industry. Critics often call for bans on crop protection products based only on their hazardous properties, even though the actual risk of harm is low or non existent.\nThat's why as an industry we support risk-based, rather than hazard based regulation.\nOur colleagues at Croplife International have made these handy animations to help explain the important difference between hazard and risk.\nA shark is a hazard. Swimming with a shark is a risk! That's the difference.\nBleach is a hazard. Drinking it is a risk! That's the difference.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Wałęsa then began work as an electrician in the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk. In December 1970, following government announcement of price increases, Wałęsa was one of the leaders in a strike at the shipyard. Arrested, he was convicted of antisocialist behavior and sentenced to a year in prison. On his release, he was elected to the new workers' council and acted as a voluntary work inspector. He also participated in various labor demonstrations and rallies.\nIn 1976, Wałęsa was fired from his job at the shipyard for collecting signatures on a petition to build a memorial to commemorate the 1970 casualties. He supported his family by taking temporary jobs. In 1978, together with Andrzej Gwiazda, Aleksander Hall, and other activists, Wałęsa took the lead in the organization of free, independent, noncommunist trade unions in the Baltic region. The security forces closely observed this activity. Wałęsa was often detained and arrested and could not find a permanent job.\nIn August 1980 Poland was struck by yet another wave of strikes. When this agitation reached Gdańsk, Wałęsa became the leader of the strike committee. As a result of the wave of strikes and negotiations with the communist government of Poland, he and the strike committee reached an agreement with the government on 31 August that allowed workers to organize their own independent, noncommunist trade unions.\nThis was the beginning of the Solidarność (Solidarity) trade union. One year later, in 1981, Wałęsa became president of Solidarity, which was joined by some 10 million Polish wage earners, about 70 percent of the employed population. Solidarity became a vast movement that sought sweeping social and economic changes. Although there were voices raised against the Soviet Union and Poland's membership in the Warsaw Pact, Wałęsa and the Solidarity leadership never let the union drift fully into the political arena.\nOn 13 December 1981, with the Soviet Union threatening military invasion, Polish General Wojciech Jaruzelski proclaimed martial law, whereupon Wałęsa and other Solidarity leaders were arrested. Released in November 1982, Wałęsa returned to work at the Gdańsk shipyard and maintained contact with underground Solidarity leaders.\nAlthough martial law ended in July 1983, not much had changed. With many of the legal restrictions continuing in place, Wałęsa refused to collaborate with the government. In October 1983, at the time virtually under house arrest, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.\nIn 1989, faced with no economic improvement and a steadily worsening political climate in Poland, Jaruzelski agreed to talks with Wałęsa and his colleagues. These occurred during February–April 1989, with Wałęsa leading the opposition side. The two sides reached agreement allowing semifree national elections to be held in June 1989 that resulted in a new government under noncommunist Premier Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Wałęsa's choice.\nWith the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War, Wałęsa, still head of the now-legal Solidarity labor union, traveled widely abroad and met with world leaders. In November 1989 he addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress.\nIn national elections in December 1990, Wałęsa was elected president. His tenure as president was a mixed one, and his effort to make that office a strong one was only partially successful, bringing with it frequent clashes with premiers and parliament. He lost his bid for reelection in 1995. Wałęsa nonetheless remains one of the most important figures in twentieth-century Poland.\nCraig, Mary. Lech Walesa and His Poland. New York: Continuum, 1987.; Kurski, Jaroslaw. Lech Walesa: Democrat or Dictator. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1993.; Paczkowski, Andrzej. The Spring Will Be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom. State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.; Wałęsa, Lech. The Struggle and the Triumph. New York: Arcade, 1992.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The SIFT program is an introductory field skills training program at Shaw Nature Reserve designed to engage teenagers in scientific exploration of the natural world.\nTraining activities emphasize collaboration, field skills acquisition, and scientific knowledge gain. SIFTers are exposed to a variety of field projects and career field scientists over all four seasons. Participation includes learning and paid fieldwork during the summer and the following school year. Transportation from the St. Louis area is provided.\nThe Student Experience\nDuring a one-week training session in June, teens are introduced to a variety of Missouri ecosystems and gain skills necessary to conduct field research, including plant and animal identifications, biotic sampling and census techniques, testing of abiotic factors, and training in the use of maps, compass and GPS.\nDuring the rest of the summer and school year, teens are involved in important research and restoration activities at Shaw, Tyson Research Center and other field research sites in the St. Louis area. Fieldwork opportunities may include invasive species management, prairie reconstruction, plant and animal inventories, and prescribed burns. Teens are paid a stipend for their fieldwork.\nSIFT Participation Timeline\n- December: SIFT application becomes available\n- March: application deadline\n- May: orientation meeting for accepted SIFT participants and parents\n- June: five-day summer training session with overnight Thursday to Friday at the Dana Brown Overnight Center\n- June, July, early August: weekday work opportunities on field research projects\n- August-March: weekend work opportunities on field research projects\n- September: full-day Saturday session\n- January: winter weekend with overnight\n- March: full-day Saturday session\nApplication information for Summer 2018\nThere are limited spaces available in the SIFT program. While we strive for a mix of teens from across the St. Louis metropolitan area, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from teens who live in North St. Louis City and County. Participants are selected based on two teacher recommendations, personal interests, and education/career interests.\n- Application will become available in December 2017.\n- Application deadline is Monday, March 26, 2018.\n- Recommending teachers must submit on-line form by Monday, April 2, 2018.\n- Notification of selection or wait list status will be via email by Friday, April 13, 2018.\n- Mandatory orientation for selected and wait listed participants is Sunday, May 6, 2018 from 1:00-2:30 pm at Shaw Nature Reserve.\n- SIFT Training Week is June 18-22, 2018 (with overnight from Thursday to Friday) at Shaw Nature Reserve.\n- St. Louis Green Teen Alliance Career Summit is Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at the Missouri Botanical Garden.\n- SIFT Fall Saturday is September 29, 2018 at Shaw Nature Reserve.\n- SIFT Winter Weekend (with overnight) is January 19-20, 2019 at Shaw Nature Reserve and Tyson Research Center.\n- SIFT Spring Saturday is March 2, 2019 at Shaw Nature Reserve.\nQuestions may be directed to Aileen Abbott.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Almost every area of manufacturing, maintenance, and construction uses welding technology to join two surfaces together. Welding is an art, it is a science, and it is a precise, reliable, cost-effective, and high-tech method for joining materials. Most of the objects around us, from buildings to bridges, to vehicles, computers and medical devices, are welded, brazed, or soldered.\nWelding technology programs are becoming more comprehensive and scientific as new technologies (lasers, plasma arcs, etc.) and new materials are being refined.\nWelding provides students with an opportunity to explore a wide variety of welding processes for entry-level employment settings, as well as the knowledge, skills, safety, and professional behaviors necessary for competent performance as a welder or welding technician.\nStudents will master basic skills by working on state-of-the-art equipment, including robotic welding. The curriculum covers most common welding and cutting processes, including:\n- Gas Metal, Shielded Metal, Gas Tungsten, and Flux Cored Arc Welding\n- Oxy-Fuel Welding, Cutting and Brazing\n- Manual Plasma Arc and Computer\n- Numerical Control (CNC) Cutting\nThe class is presented in modules that include a working knowledge of metals, metalworking tools, blueprint reading, welding symbols, and CNC processes. Academic class work and hands-on welding projects are part of each day. Students may work with other Career Center classes to coordinate projects or produce parts.\nCareer Credentials & Certifications\n- American Welding Society/School Excelling Through National Skills Standards Education (SENSE)\n- AWS Safety\n- CareerSafe - OSHA\nStudents in this program will be eligible to apply for the JAC3 E/MC program. Click the JAC link for more information.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In Western science, the study and treatment of emotion belongs to the fields of psychology and psychiatry. As far as I know emotion in current medical science is still largely a subjective matter. If someone is in grief, it is mainly a subjective feeling. It is difficult to have an objective quantitative criteria of the amount of grief that a person suffers.\nThe direction of current medical science is to investigate the role of the brain in the control of a person's emotion. We wish to take an alternative route. In Chinese medicine, emotion is not a subjective matter, but has a material basis. Five emotions are associated with five meridians (There is some ambiguity if the five emotions are associated with five organs or five meridians. Also, the heart is associated with two meridians: the Heart and the Pericardium):\nFear is associated with the Kidney meridian.\nGrief is associated with the Lung meridian.\nJoy is associated with the Pericardium meridian\nWorry is associated with the Spleen meridian.\nPractitioners of Chinese medicine could diagnose the emotional states of a patient by feeling the pulse on the wrist. The feelings of these practitioners comes from personal experiences in practice. It is difficult to quantify these personal subjective experiences. Despite a great deal of research effort in the last 50 years, there is not a universally accepted measuring device on strength of pulses on the wrist that genuinely reflects the experiences of thousands of years of Chinese medicine.\nWe instead are attempting a different route. Qi circulating along these five meridians should represent the state of the five emotions within a person. The more qi, the more intense the emotion. From the explanation of qi based on quantum field theory, it is measurable and can be quantified. Theoretically these five emotions could be quantified. Infrared imaging may provide a quantitative means of measuring the state of emotions by detecting hot spots or lines along the body surfaces corresponding to the five meridians.\nFor someone in grief, the Lung meridian may be the place to look for hot spots on the body surface temperature. Infrared (IR) images of a woman in her 50s were taken. The images showed hot spots on her left and right LU2 acupoints near her left and right shoulder, as shown in Fig 1a. The woman drank meridian water, which contains stable water clusters that we believe will repair the meridian (April 2009 Acupuncture Today for details). Thirty minutes after drinking the water, another IR picture was taken. In Fig. 1a, the two hottest spots around the left and right LU2 region were shown in white. In Fig 1b, they cooled down, and nearly all the white color was gone as it turned to red. The maximum temperatures at two hot spots at LU2 were considerably reduced.\nFig 1a: Surface temperature distribution of a grieving woman before drinking meridian water that contains stable water clusters as revealed by infrared images. The color code is: white as the hottest, then red, yellow, green, blue and black as the coldest.\nFig 1b: Surface temperature distribution 30 minutes after drinking the meridian water.\nThe maximum temperature in the region LU2 may be an objective indicator of the amount of the woman's grief. The relative quantitative reduction of the hottest region may be regarded as a measure of treatment effectiveness. The method may be from acupuncture needles, herbs, medications, nutritional supplements, exercises or healing from external qi. The larger the reduction, the more effective the method. In this case, we may infer that the water is effective in reducing temperature around the two regions surrounding the left and right LU2 acupoints.\nIn the second example, a young woman found out that a young man she liked was going to marry another woman. Before she drank the meridian water, we took an IR picture of her arms, as was shown in Fig 2a. There were two broad red bands running along the anterior surface of both left and right arms. Thirty minutes after she drank the meridian water, we took another IR picture of the same area. The broad red regions along her arms were considerably reduced.\nWe might interpret this result according to Chinese meridian theory. Her sadness was shown as a hot band along the pericardium meridian. Her sadness was reduced after drinking the meridian water. We may attribute the reduction of this region to the water's effectiveness.\nInfrared images before (Fig 2a) and 30 minutes after drinking meridian water (Fig 2b).\nThese two cases and other similar ones suggest that there is a way to substantiate the claim of Chinese medicine that emotions are related to meridian system. By quantitatively measuring the properties of the meridian system with modern instruments such as IR, it may be possible to establish a quantitative medical science for emotions.\nAlthough we used meridian water in these examples, the same method of taking infrared images before and immediately after a treatment can be applied to see the effectiveness of other modalities in Chinese medicine on a person's emotional state.\nThe infrared imaging system we use does not emit any radiation and is noninvasive. It can be taken as many times as possible without causing any harm to patients. It is relatively low in cost compared to other modern instruments such as functional MRIs, PET scans or CT scans that are now regularly used to study the brain. We urge more acupuncturists and researchers to advance our knowledge of human emotion from the viewpoint of Chinese medicine by using the simple method outlined here.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Did you know...\nA regular consumption of yoghurt and probiotics, at least five times a week, contributes to control blood pressure according to a study by Justin Buendia from the Boston University School of Medicine, which was presented in a conference of the American Heart Association.\nData relating to three wide studies, two out of 240000 women between the age of 22 and 55, one out of 55000 men between the age of 40 and 75, were taken into consideration.\nIn the followed subjects from the age of 18 to 30, 74000 cases of high blood pressure were recorded and the research, excluding other factors, has noted that women who had five or more yoghurt portion a week in comparison to the ones who had just a portion a month, had a reduced risk of about 20% to develop hypertension.\nOn the contrary, the data were not so important for men who usually consume less yoghurt: the risk decreased even of 31% if fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans and cereals were added to the normal consumption of yoghurt; the addition of yoghurt in an healthy diet seems to help reducing the long term risk of high blood pressure.\nFinally it resulted that the consumption of probiotics helps to slow down systolic blood pressure of 3,56 mm Hg and the diastolic blood pressure of 2,83 mm Hg.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Functions of Forests\nForests are the most natural biological formation, closely tied with the Polish landscape (MAP illustrating the forests in Poland). They serve many functions. Firstly, forests protect and form other natural resources. Thanks to the processes of photosynthesis, they renew the oxygen stock in the atmosphere by fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide and moderating the so-called greenhouse effect. Forests also allow for the existence of many species of plants and animals, thus protecting diversity of nature and its gene stock. Forests clean the environment by muffling noises, lowering the wind strength as well as stopping dust and gases. They have a regulatory influence on surface water runoff, they moderate high and low temperatures and prevent soil erosion. By performing all of the above listed functions forests stabilize the climate and shape the landscape. Forests create conditions for relaxation, recreation and improvement of health.\nForests are a renewable source of resource (mainly timber) and other products, which cannot be eliminated from the everyday life of human beings or from the national economy. Timber is one of the elements of the environment of man ñ warm and friendly products made out of wood are found all around us. Forests are live, open, natural systems, that react to all external influences. The course and extent of these reactions allow us to treat forests as an indicator of change in nature (the condition of forests serves as evidence of the factors which endanger the natural environment).\nOnly now is the awareness of spiritual and material values of forests becoming more prevalent. This being after forests have undergone serious deformation and their values are highly tHReatened. This is the case for both tro../pical forests of the Amazon basin and European forests. Degradation of Polish forests was noticed a long time ago. The changes that occurred in the last decade were very serious and in some areas tHReaten the existence of forests.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Here’s a free template to make your own felt set based on Eric Carle’s popular children’s book, The Mixed Up Chameleon! The felt pieces are super easy to make and perfect to use for retelling the story.\nFollow our Children’s Books & Activities Pinterest board!\n(This post contains affiliate links.)\nRecently we read the story, The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. We even made a simple fine motor and counting game to go with it! Because the kids enjoyed the story so much, I decided to create a Mixed Up Chameleon felt set for the kids to use on our felt board. (If you don’t have a felt board, be sure to check out my simple tutorial for making your own!)\nHow to Make The Mixed Up Chameleon Felt Set\nUse your printer to print out the pattern pieces onto paper. Cut them out.\nPlaying with the Felt Set\nOften the kids start out by using the felt set to retell the story. They’ll usually have the book nearby as a reference as they’re playing.\nAs play progresses, the pieces usually become involved in a new story the kids make up all on their own!", "label": "No"} {"text": "History of Football\nAssociation football, commonly referred to as just football or soccer, is basically a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each. It’s played throughout the world by about 250 million players in more than 200 different countries and dependencies. In the United States, the game is primarily played by the North American Soccer League, also known as the N.A.S.L., which is responsible for the scheduling and championship tournaments. The game has an interesting history and is commonly referred to as American football, although many people outside the country have come to view it as “football” because it has some aspects of both.\nThe game of soccer or football can be played either as a full contact sport or with less contact. The ball itself is referred to as the ball, and it’s used in the game by both men playing the game and women playing the game. The object of the game is for the team to score more points (“teams”) than the opposition. Each team is assigned a certain number of “goals” or points, depending on the nature of the game. Goals are scored when the ball enters the “goalmouth” or other goalmouth area, or when it is put into play by a teammate.\nSo, what is FOOTBALL? In its most basic form, FOOTBALL is the game played between teams in a football-like association environment. The word football can mean any of the following: the game of soccer; the sport of football; the ball; or the game of “rugby,” which features two teams wearing the same colored and shaped equipment. The word football can also indicate any of the following: the American football association (American football confederacy), rugby, hockey, or the Australian football league (adium league).\nThe game of football has developed many different variations over time. One of the most notable versions of the game that has caught on in the United States is soccer, better known as “futebol.” Soccer is a game played between two groups of players that are set up in a square field with goals located at the corners of the field. Unlike rugby union football, soccer does not feature a center stripe, which would occur if the ball was played in a rectangular or L shape. The reason for this is that soccer is not a traditional ball game; rather, the ball is generally either played with an oblong shaped object (the soccer ball) or with a flat-tipped object (a soccer ball used in place of a golf club ball).\nAssociation football is played between teams of varying sizes and using different codes. Most commonly, football is played between men’s professional leagues such as the NFL, while college programs and recreational soccer fields may play the game as well. The game of soccer is played internationally, with the United States and Canada leading the way, but other countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa have become major players in the sport.\nAs previously mentioned, there are many different codes for football; therefore, the rules for each game will vary from one league to another. Some basic differences among the different codes include the number of players allowed on the field, the maximum allowed scores that may be scored, and even the time limits for games. There are also significant differences in the level of skill or “level” of play for each code. Thus, in order to be fair to all leagues, it is important to be familiar with all the various rules and regulations for the game of football. As a result, learning about the history of the game of football, how it is regulated, and how it may affect you professionally or personally as a fan, is very beneficial.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Easter: Part Three\nWhat does Easter mean?\nEaster means that God vindicates love.\nEaster means that God vindicates nonviolence in the face of violence, defiant forgiveness in the face of hostility, courage in the face of despair, aggressive and abiding peace in times of war.\nEaster means that there is no need for anyone to “pay the price” of sin or guilt or shame; there is no outstanding balance on our account. God has paid the price, cancelled the debt, wiped the slate clean. As Jesus puts it: “Go in peace, and sin no more.”\nEaster means that God has turned one of the worst things in the world – the Roman imperial cross, an instrument of torture, shame, death, and intimidation – into a beautiful sign of salvation, peace, forgiveness, and love. And if such a dreadful thing is turned into such a beautiful thing, think of what else this God will do.\nEaster means God is just getting started. Easter is the dove returning to Noah’s ark with a fresh olive leaf. Though water is all we can see for miles around, the leaf is decisive evidence that the flood is over, that the tides have turned.\nEaster means joy. Easter means, \"Yes!\" Easter means the first crocus, fragile and indomitable, has just broken through.\nSo, that's what Easter means to us - let us know what it means to you!", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Psychological Bases of Social Science\nFloyd Henry Allport\nSchool of Citizenship and Public Affairs,\nI. THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE INDIVIDUAL: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY\nWithin the last few years the entrance of psychologists into the socio-psychological field has tipped the scales of interest toward the psychological side. Though still important to sociologists, social psychology is now regarded by many as a branch distinctly of psychology, dealing with the responses of the individual to the social part of his environment and describing the social consciousness of the individual.\nThus Hunter (50) regards \" interstimulation and response \" as the fundamental fact to be studied. Broadening the field to include the social behavior of animals, he rejects Ellwood's limitation of the social category to \"consciously interacting\" groups. Hunter recognizes that behavior often serves not only as response, but as stimulus, to other individuals. Gault (37) similarly defines social psychology as a study of \"interactions among animals \" and, more specifically, of reactions of human beings to one another. His illustrations refer to responses of individuals in the presence of others, rather than exclusively to one another. Such situations are classified by Allport (1) as responses to \"contributory social stimulation,\" which underlie the influence of the social surroundings in the \" co-acting group\" and the crowd. They are distinguishable from the \"direct\" social stimulations which occur in conversation, discussion, conflict, and all face-to-face groups. Allport also includes the behavior comprised in the \" making of social stimulations \" (language, expression,\n(562) gesture) as a portion of the field. Dunlap (27), though developing a slightly different emphasis, gives both formulation and respect to the viewpoint stated above; while Smith and Guthrie (94) employ a double definition embracing the \" individual's response to his fellow men \" and \" concerted behavior \" within groups.\nSociological writers are approaching the same definition. Bogardus (17) designates the field as one of \" intersocial stimulation and response.\" He throws the emphasis upon the development of personalities and social attitudes out of interstimulation. In the latter and more interesting portion of his book he parts company with the casual and psychological viewpoint, and discusses group aspects and leadership descriptively and sociologically. The reviewer would regard Bogardus' attempt to ascribe causal significance to the group (as in the \" interaction between group and individual\" or \"between one group and another\") as a failure of analysis. Individuals stimulate and respond, but groups do not (except as individuals). Williams (103) defines social psychology as \"the science of the motives of people living in social relations,\" and develops his definition through a survey of the rivalries of economic and social conflict. The discussion is practical, but it seldom penetrates to the psychological foundations. Keeping close to the concrete interactions of individuals, his work falls within the scope of the definition of social psychology which we have been tracing. Bogardus and Williams are telic and ethical' in their outlook, rather than explanatory.\nSocial psychology therefore has become fairly identified with situations in which individuals stimulate and respond to one another, a formulation which, for convenience, we may call the \"social behavior viewpoint.\" Although in many ways an advantage, this somewhat precise definition narrows the field to data in which the psychologist, preëminelitly, is interested. Many human responses, for example, reactions to tools, soil, and Climate are psychological facts as important to the sociologist as reactions to other human beings,. The \"group\" standpoint also remains as the legitimate center of sociological interest. Hence Ellwood (29) prefers a study of the psychic factors involved in the \"origin, development, structure, and functioning of social groups.\" The expression of this view becomes somewhat metaphorical when Ellwood (30) speaks of \"a web of intercommunication \" (language) along which are transmitted \"mental patterns\" from individual to individual, thus permitting the group-wide dissemination of \" ideals,\" \" values,\" and culture in\n(563) general. The social behavior viewpoint would reduce the transmission of these mental patterns, which are described as if floating at large in society, to terms of stimulus and response between individuals.\nII. THE PLURALISTIC APPROACH : \"SOCIETAL PSYCHOLOGY\"\nThe more definite delimitation of the field of social psychology has thus left out of account a number of problems for whose classification a new socio-psychological science seems to be indicated. These problems may best be summarized under Professor Giddings' viewpoint of \" pluralistic behavior \". The basic fact here is not interaction (social behavior) but a plurality of separate and similarly acting individuals. Giddings (38) begins, on the subjective side, with 'a plurality of like-minded individuals, each conscious of his similarity to the others. Objectively the situation is a \" plurum \" of similarly reacting units. Stimulations from the others, being closely like stimulations received from one's self in the same activities, develop on the one hand a consciousness of kind, and upon the other, a reinforcement of one's behavior through the like responses of others. We tend to respond more readily to reactions which are like our own. The phenomenon agrees closely with that which, under the name of \"social facilitation\", Allport (1, Ch. 11) has recognized as basic in the co-acting group. Giddings' principle, however, is deeper than the social behavior setting, and prior to it; for he assumes a plurum of reacting units similar in constitution and therefore 'in response before any interaction has taken place. Two important conditions influence the extent and pattern of the plural response. They are (1) the range (number of individuals reached by the stimulus), and (2) the \"reaction area\" of the collective response as determined by imperativeness of the stimulus, degree of homogeniety, and similar factors (39). The Willeys (102) attempt to explain the consciousness of kind as due to a conditioning stimulus (common element, i.e., \"kind \") which evokes the reaction attaching to the original situation in which kind was experienced. Humphrey (49) has made a similar use of the conditioned response to explain that resistance to the unfamiliar in conduct upon which adherence to custom is based.\nThe pluralistic approach as developed by Kantor rests upon uniform (or institutionalized) responses to stimulating objects (e.g., weather, culture objects, and personages) common to the group. He rejects both instincts and physiological psychology as false or irrelevant viewpoints (54, 55, 56). Natural biological similarities are recognized ; but the acquired or cultural reactions learned in the social environment (tradition) and common to the group he regards as the true field for scientific social psychology (54, 56, 58). This theory, which throws valuable light on the nature of institutions, belongs rather to the pluralistic than to the interactional field of socio-psychological science. Only genetically, that is, in the individual's learning of cultural reactions, is social behavior involved. Smith and Guthrie (94) also list a number of situations which call forth, common, or \" concerted \", responses. These \" coenotropes \" are the basis of tradition, morality, and institutions. A similar conception in terms of social attitudes (approval, etc.) is suggested by Reuter (85).\nSummary. The two psychological approaches described in sections I and II may be summarized and differentiated as follows. The second position will be stated first.\nA. There is, first, the mass of similar responses of the members of a group or society to the common objects (other than persons) of their environment. These like responses, innate or acquired, are the very stuff of tradition, custom, institutions and organized social living. The science dealing with them is fundamental, 'relatively simple, and constitutes a psychological restatement, in behavior terms, of all the social sciences. Using the term, and in part the conception, of Giddings (39), we may call it societal psychology.\nB. Secondly, there arises upon the simple pluralistic basis phenomena of a secondary and complex nature. These are the responses of individuals to one another, that is, the making of social stimulations and the responding to them. Facts belonging to this class comprise the field of social psychology.\nSince both sciences are psychological, both deal only with individuals as units of explanation. Group aspects are used merely to depict and delimit the mass phenomena to be explained. There is no \" psychology of society \" as contrasted with the psychology of the individual. Societal psychology deals with individuals as discrete units of pluralistic aggregates; social psychology deals with individuals as stimulating and responding to one another. In spite of\n(565) the obvious overlapping and interweaving of these two fields, the distinction seems to be both warranted by the literature, and useful.\nIII. PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL CAUSATION\nA few dying echoes of the social mind metaphor are still to be heard. With the \"collective racial unconscious\" of the Jung school we may class Rivers' elaboration of social conflict upon the analogy of mental conflict in the individual (87). Bodenhafer (16) argues that every sort of datum studied really begins as an aggregate of units. Opponents of the group mind have been aggressive. M. Ginsberg (40) finds the \" group mind \" and \" general will \" to be concepts quite incompatible with psychological notions of mind and will. . Perry's amusing analysis (79) deflates collective mind to verbalism and abstraction of inconsequentials. Laird (62) and Hubert (48) have given further penetrating analyses. Allport has assailed Rivers' pathological metaphor, and has urged against the practice of prefixing the term \"social \" to psychological terms (e.g., \"social habits \"), a usage likely to prove a veiled form of the group mind fallacy (4). Sociologists have objected to Allport's contention, in the same paper, that such concepts as \" the group \" and \" the super-organic order \" are valid only for descriptive, not for explanatory, purposes. Every science, he says, draws its causal principles from the science just beneath it in the hierarchy of complexity of data. The social sciences, therefore, may depict phenomena in group and culture terms, but they must explain them through the individual, that is, by the aid of psychology. Sacred sociological soil is here invaded.\nIV. SPECIAL PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY\nInstinct versus Social Determination. Many sociologists, welcoming support for their social determinism, have joined forces with the critical movement, current in psychology, against the theory of instincts. McDougall has striven doughtily against his critics, and has renewed his appeal to sociologists (71, 72). There have been a few recent books on social topics written from the standpoint of instincts. The most important are those by Groves (44, 45), Bartlett (11), and Eldridge (28). Miller (75) has argued for the existence of a powerful \"group instinct\". A number of writers, however, use the term \" instinct \" with guarded reservations or apologies. The following are among the social psychologists who\n(566) have rejected specific and complex instincts: Dewey (26), Bogardus (17), Gault (37), (retains indifferentiated \"instinct\"), Josey (52), Kantor (57), Williams (103), (substitutes \"dispositions\"), Dunlap (27), (substitutes physiologically grounded \" desires \"), Allport (1), (criticizes in particular the maturation theory), and Bernard (12). The \" gregarious instinct \" has been especially attacked by Cason (23), and Suttie (95) ; and the \"maternal instinct \" by R. Reed (83). Balz and Pott (8) emphasize the obscuring of instinctive elements by later modification in relation to habit, intelligence, and special Capacities. Bernard, in his monumental work (12), catalogues inconsistencies and obscurities in the use of the concept, and considers that so-called \" instincts \" are really habits built up through the play of the social environment upon innumerable, nonspecific, reflex tendencies which are present at birth. He further analyzes systematically the formative influences present in the environment throughout life (13). Having in, his book bustled instincts unceremoniously out of the house, Bernard, in a subsequent discussion (14), slams the door on them.\nDewey's position (26) may be instructively compared with that of McDougall in his Introduction to Social Psychology. The latter asserts an elaborate innate basis of behavior as an explanation of societal facts. Instincts are definite, specific, and socially oriented. Dewey, on the other hand, maintains that, although simple and random instinctive activities may have existed at birth, they have been overlaid by learning through social agencies to an unrecognizable extent. Society rather than instinct is responsible for the nature, conduct, and morality of mankind. Social psychology in this sense is fundamental to all psychology. In criticism, it may he said that Dewey's view, in its extreme, involves the \" group fallacy \". \" Society \" does not teach the individual anything, but only other individuals who are members of the \"society \". Balz and Pott (8) make the same error of considering the elementary social situation, a group of two, as the primary causal fact. Secondly, it is possible to overdo the theory of social determination. Few indeed of the critics of instinct have given fair recognition to McDougall for his insistence that there is something directive and formulative (though it need not be interpreted as purpose) behind the learning process. There is a determining tendency or drive which directs habit acquisition along useful lines (protection, sex, etc.), rather than toward haphazard patterns. This is the truly inherited factor; it may be mechanistically explained, but it can not he denied.\nThe reviewer (1, Ch. 3) has conceived this innate factor to be a relatively small number of reflexes, present in infancy, which are prepotent (i.e., control the final common path) over other reflexes. Upon this basis he has worked out, through conditioning and learning, a substitute for the doctrine of instincts. McDougall and Dewey seem to him, therefore, to be both partially right, though neither exclusively. There is an innate dynamic factor (prepotent responses) directing the social life of the individual; and at the same time other individuals, as \" vehicles \" of tradition. and culture, help to modify these responses, through social stimulation (language, etc.), into socially accepted patterns of behavior. The individual makes society; society (other individuals) makes the individual.\nPersonality, Social Attitudes, Adjustments. Much of the modern treatment in this important field is derived from psychoanalysis. All the recent textbooks have given attention to the social adjustments of personality. The family environment is studied by Groves (45), and Allport (1). Klüver (60) finds difficulty in connecting sociological types (e.g., criminal) with proposed psychological categories. G. W. Allport applies the Gestaltlehre (6) in a demonstration that a personality must be socially \"intuited \" as a whole, whose meaning is lost upon analysis into traits or profiles. Burgess (19) and Bogardus (17) show the importance of social factors in determining the trend of personal development. Through their definition of \" the person \" as an \" individual with status \" they attempt (unjustifiably, the reviewer thinks) to lift the main problem of personality over into sociology. Social-self attitudes derived through identification with the mother are discussed by Burrow (20), while Willey and Herskovitz (100) find identification to he important in the relation of employer and employee. Ream's results (81) indicate that people prefer as working mates individuals with an activity level similar to their own.\nSocial and Religious Problems. Ames (7) has developed a definition of religion as the highest social consciousness within the group. Suggestion and other social behavior phenomena have been found by Shepherd (90) to be regularly employed in revival services. In addition to further crowd studies (70) Martin has given us a stimulating work showing the presence of neurotic manifestations and regressional attitudes toward the father throughout religious practices and symbols (67). Mecklin's account of the Ku Klux Klan (73) reveals such psychological factors as fear, love of ritual, and compensation for mediocrity. Intelligence levels in the general\n(568) population and in the flux of immigration have received attention from Brigham (18) and Gault (37). Willis (104) finds first-born children to be slightly less intelligent than second-born. Psychological problems of rural communities are considered by Groves (44), while Friedman (34) suggests reasons for the nervousness of the Jew.\nExperiment in Social Psychology. Using groups for experimentation Whittemore (99) found differing effects of competition upon quantity and quality of work. Gates (36) discovered very slight effects upon performance due to being watched at work. Marked influences upon attention to lectures were found by Griffith to result from the social stimulations received from surrounding members of the audience (43).\nV. PSYCHOLOGY IN RELATION TO HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE\nThe work of psychoanalytic interpretation of historical leaders and movements has been profitably continued by Hartman (47), Barnes (10), and O'Higgins (78). Kallen (53) argues significantly that since political science studies political behavior, it is really a form of psychology. Merriam (74) and Gosnell (42) have pointed out vital relations between psychological measurement and political procedure. Governmental process and the concepts of sovereignty, rights, liberty, and progress have been lucidly analyzed by Barnes (9). Psychological weakness of representation and detachment of executives and legislators from their constituents have been dealt with by M. Ginsberg (40) and Weeks (98). Garth (35) bases successful democracy upon freedom for learning by trial and error. The crowd-like speciousness of public opinion and political control is the theme of Martin (68, 69) ; while Lippman's challenge (64) portrays the \" stereotyping \" of. popular beliefs through habit and conditioned emotional response. Willey and Rice (101) have measured the influence of a speech by W. J. Bryan upon the religious and scientific convictions of Dartmouth students. Eldridge (28) bases the hope of progress upon the ability of the sponsors of enlightened control to get possession of the popular suggestion process and other forms of the \" technique of democracy.\"\nSocial and political attitudes (radicalism, conservatism, etc.) are vividly treated in current writing. The intricate mazes of inferiority conflict, projection, anger, rationalization, biased reasoning, hypocrisy, and distortions of scientific attitude are discussed by Wolfe\n(569) (106, 107, 108), Rice (86), E. F. Reed (82), Reid (84), Ogburn (77), Taylor (96), Allport (1), B. Ginzburg (41), Pruette (80), and Schmalhausen (88, 89). Very important contributions have been made to problems of leadership and group conflict adjustment by Follett (32) and Lindeman (63). Suppression and compromise are both rejected, and the possibility of an \" integrated \" solution involving, by finer analysis, the real needs of all claimants is concretely illustrated. Miss Follett applies her \" participation theory \" suggestively to existing political practice. Recent Freudian contributions to the origin of leadership and the State are worthy of notice. Contributors to this field are Freud (33), Rivers (87), Kelsen (59), and Kolnai (61). A discussion of these tendencies is also given by Allport (5). Symbolization of the father by the leader, \" libidinal fixation \" resembling hypnotic suggestion between leader and followers, sublimation of thwarted sexual impulses into bonds of group affiliation, and regression to infantile utopian ideas are among the principal themes.\nVI. PSYCHOLOGY IN RELATION TO SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY\nThe culture problem has come to the fore through Ogburn's brilliant discussion of social change (76). Though recognizing psychology, this author states his laws of culture-dynamics (rate of change, accumulation, inertia, lag, etc.) from an inductive survey at the cultural level itself. Allport's criticism (2) alleges that this treatment is too much limited to description, explanation being possible only by considering the human individual (biological and psychological) as the unit of social change. The rôle of the individual has also been stressed, in respect to leadership, racial traits, capacity, and biological aspects, by Blackmar (15), Hankins (46), Chapin (24), and Huxley (51). But the strongest support has come from the anthropologist himself. Wissler (105) significantly asserts that culture is founded upon human behavior, which may be both innate and acquired. Although culture transmission may account for the content of the culture pattern (acquired behavior) in any people, it can not explain the form of that pattern, a form which is peculiar to mankind and universal among all races. Wissler's effort to link up the various complexes of the universal pattern with instinctive categories, though tentative, is nevertheless ingenious. Allport offers an explanation of the cultural trait-complexes through the universal operation of the prepotent responses (2, 4, 1).\n(569) Case (21) ascribes war to a combined instinctive and cultural causation. Culture patterns have been given a \" mentalistic \" or \" psychic \" reference by Wallis (97) and Ellwood (30). A further discussion of the culture concept containing some socio-psychological definitions has been given by Case (22).\nFolkways and customs characteristic of a group have been termed by Bartlett \" group difference tendencies \" (11). He considers them as the adequate bases for the popular acceptance of folk-tales and similar culture elements. Allport (3) maintains that this view over looks the psychological (i.e., individual) factors upon which the continuance of folkways itself depends. Faris (31) turns the tables again by showing how much the psychologist himself might learn from ethnology. Notwithstanding the over-petulant invectives of G. E. Smith (91, 92), Malinowski, a first-hand observer, has shown that, with some revision as to the nature of the \" nuclear complex \", Freud was essentially right in his interpretation of conflict and repression as forces underlying and explaining primitive social organization (65, 66). Though fraught with disputes and misunderstandings, the liaison between psychology and anthropology seems interesting and full of promise.\nNOTE.-This review was received in manuscript in November, 1924.\n1. ALLPORT, F. H. Social Psychology. Houghton Mifflin, 1924.\n2. ————. Social Change: An Analysis of Professor Ogburn's Culture Theory. J. Soc. Forces, 1924, 2, 671-676.\n3. ————. The Group Fallacy in Relation to Culture. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 185-191.\n4. ————. The Group Fallacy in Relation to Social Science. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 60-73. (Published also in Amer. J. Sociol., 1924, 29, 688-703.)\n5. ————. Recent Psychoanalytic Contributions to Social Theory and Practice. J. Abnor. Psychol, and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 208-219.\n6. ALLPORT, G. W: A Study of the Undivided Personality. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 132-141.\n7. AMES, E. S. Religion in Terms of Social Consciousness. J. of Relig., 1921, 1, 264-270.\n8. BALZ, A. G. A., and POTT, W. S. A. The Basis of Social Theory. Knopf, 1924.\n9. BARNES, H. E. Sociology and Political Theory. Knopf, 1924.\n10. ————. Some Reflections on the Possible Service of Analytical Psychology to History. Psychoanal. Rev.. 1921, 8, 22-37.\n11. BARTLETT, F. C. Psychology and Primitive Culture. Macmillan, 1923.\n12. BERNARD, L. L. Instinct: . A Study in Social Psychology. Holt, 1924.\n13. BERNARD, L. L. The Significance o£ Environment as a Social Factor. Publ. Amer. Social. Soc., 1921, 16, 84-112.\n14 ————. Present Trends in Social Psychology. J. Soc. Forces, 1924, 2, 737-743.\n15. BLACKMAR, F. W. Influence of Hereditary Traits on Human Progress. Publ. Amer. Social. Soc., 1921, 16, 154-165.\n16. BODENHAFER, W. B. The Group as a Valid Concept. J. Appl. Sociol., 1923-24, 8, 160-163.\n17. BOGARDUS, E. S. Fundamentals of Social Psychology. Century, 1924.\n18. BRICHAM, C. C. A Study of American Intelligence. Princeton Univ. Press, 1923.\n19. BURGESS, E. W. The Study of the Delinquent as a Person. Amer. J. Social., 1922-23, 28, 657-680.\n20. BURROW, T. Social Images Versus Reality. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psycho!., 1924-25, 19, 230-235.\n21. CASE, C. M, Instinctive and Cultural Factors in Group Conflict. Amer. J. Sociol., 1922-23, 28, 1-20.\n22.————. The Culture Concept in Social Science. J. Appl. Sociol., 1923-24, 8, 146-155.\n23. CASON, H. Gregariousness Considered as a Common Habit. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 96-105.\n24. CHAPIN, F. S. Leadership and Group Activity. J. Appl. Sociol., 1923-24, 8, 141-145.\n25. COFFIN, J. H. Personality ire the Making. Houghton Mifflin, 1923.\n26. DEWEY, J. Human Nature and Conduct. Holt, 1922.\n27. DUNLAP, K. The Foundations of Social Psychology. Psychol. Rev., 1923, 29, 81-102.\n28. ELDRIDGE, S. Political Action. Lippincott, 1924.\n29. ELLWOOD, C. A. The Relations of Sociology and Social Psychology. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 3-12.\n30.————. Mental Patterns in `Social Evolution.' Publ. Amer. Social. Soc., 1922, 17, 88-100.\n31. FARIS, E. Ethnological Light on Psychological Problems. Pub[. Amer. Social. Soc., 1921, 16, 113-120.\n32. FOLLETT, M. P. Creative Experience. Longmans, 1924.\n33. FREUD, S. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. Translated by James Strachey. Internat. Psychoanalytical Press, 1922.\n34. FRIEDMAN, E. M. The Jewish Mind in the Making. Ment. Hyg., 1923 7, 345-356.\n35. GARTH, T. R. The Psychological Basis of Democracy. Sci. Mo., 1923, 17, 577-582.\n36. GATES, G. S. The Effect of an Audience Upon Performance. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc, Psychol., 1923-24, 18, 334-344.\n37. GAULT, R. H. Social Psychology. Holt, 1923.\n38. GIDDINGS, F. H. Studies in the Theory of Human Society. Macmillan, 1922.\n39. ————. Stimulation Ranges and Reaction Areas. Psychol. Rev., 1924, 31, 449-455.\n40. GINSBERG, M. The Psychology of Society.\n41. GINZBURG, B. Hypocrisy as a Pathological Symptom. Internat. l. Ethics, 1922, 32, 160-166.\n42. GOSNELL, H. F. Some Practical Applications of Psychology in Government. Amer. J. Sociol., 1922-23, 28, 735-743.\n43. GRIFFITH, C. R A Comment Upon the Psychology of the Audience. Psychol. Mono., 1921, 30 (No. 136), 36-47.\n44. GROVES, E. R. The Rural Mind and Social Welfare. University of Chicago Press, 1922.\n45. ————. Personality and Social Adjustment. Longmans, 1923.\n46. HANKINS, F. H. Individual Differences and Their Significance for Social Theory. Publ. Amer. Sociol. Soc., 1922, 17, 27-39.\n47. HARTMAN, D. A. The Psychological Point of View in History: Some Phases of the Slavery Struggle. J. Abnor. Psychol., and Soc. Psychol., 1922-23, 17, 261-273.\n48. HUBERT, R. Le Problem de l'existence sociale. Rev. Phil., 1923, 48, 403-423.\n49. HUMPHREY, G. The Conditioned Reflex and the Elementary Social Reaction. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1922-23, 17, 113-119.\n50. HUNTER, W. S. General Psychology. Revised edition. University of Chicago Press, 1924.\n51. HUXLEY, J. S. Biology and Sociology. Monist, 1923, 33, 364-389.\n52. JOSEY, C. C. The Social Philosophy of Instinct. Scribners, 1922.\n53. KALLEN, H. M. Political Science as Psychology. Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 1923, 17, 181-203.\n54. KANTOR, J. R. How Is a Science of Social Psychology Possible? J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1922-23, 17, 62-78.\n55. ————. Concerning Some Faulty Conceptions of Social Psychology. J. o f Phil., 1923, 20, 421-433.\n56. ————. What Are the Data and Problems of Social Psychology? J. of Phil., 1923, 20, 449-457.\n57. ————. The Problem of Instinct and Its Relations to Social Psychology. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1923-24, 18, 50-77.\n58. ————. The Institutional Foundation of a Scientific Social Psychology. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 46-56. (Published also in Amer. J. Social., 1924, 29, 674-685.)\n59. KELSEN, H. Der Begriff des Staates and die Sozial-psychologie. Imago, 1922, 8, 97-141.\n60. KLÜVER, H. Psychological and Sociological Types. Psychol. Rev., 1924, 31, 456-462.\n61. KOLNAI, A. Psychoanalysis and Sociology. Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1922.\n62. LAIRD, J. The Group Mind and the General Will. Monist, 1923, 33, 453-472.\n63. LINDEMAN, E. C. Social Discovery. Republic Publishing Co., 1924.\n64. LIPPMAN, W. Public Opinion. Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1922.\n65. MALINOWSKI, B. The Psychology of Sex and the Foundations of Kinship in Primitive Societies. Psyche, 1923-24, 4, 98-128.\n66. ————. Psychoanalysis and Anthropology. Psyche, 1923-24, 4, 293-332.\n67. MARTIN, E. D. The Mystery of Religion. Harper and Brothers, 1924.\n68. MARTIN, E. D. The Psychology of Propaganda and Public Opinion. Lecture No. 14 of course in psychology, People's Institute, New York. People's Institute Pub. Co.\n69. ————. The Psychology of Politics. Lecture No. 16 of course in psychology, People's Institute, New York. People's Institute Pub. Co.\n70. ————. Some Mechanisms Which Distinguish the Crowd from Other Forms of Social Behavior. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1923-24, 18, 188-203.\n71. MCDOUGALL, W. The Use and Abuse of Instinct in Social Psychology. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1921-22, 16, 285-333.\n72. ————. Can Sociology and Social Psychology Dispense With Instincts? J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 13-41. (Published also in abridged form in Amer. J. Sociol., 1924, 29, 657-670.)\n73. MECKLIN, J. M. The Ku Klux Klan. Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1924.\n74. MERRIAM, C. E. The Significance of Psychology for the Study of Politics. Amer. Pol. Sci. Rev., 1924, 18, 469-488.\n75. MILLER, H. A. The Group as an Instinct. Amer. J. Sociol., 1921-22, 27, 334-343.\n76. OGBURN, W. F. Social Change. Huebsch, 1922.\n77. ————. Bias, Psychoanalysis, and the Subjective in Relation to Social Science. Publ. Amer. Sociol. Soc., 1922, 17, 62-74.\n78. O'HIGGINS, H., and REEDE, E. H. The American Mind in Action. Harper and Brothers, 1924.\n79. PERRY, R. B. Is There a Social Mind? Amer. J. Sociol., 1921-22, 27, 561-572, 721-736.\n80. PRUETTE, L. Some Applications of the Inferiority Complex to Pluralistic Behavior. Psychoanal. Rev., 1922, 9, 28-39.\n81. REAM. J. Temperament in Harmonious Human Relationships. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1922-23, 17, 58-61.\n82. REED, E. F. Psychic Mechanisms and Social Radicalism. I. Soc. Forces, 1923-24, 2, 36-40.\n83. REED, R. Changing Conceptions of the Maternal Instinct. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1923-24, 18, 78-87.\n84. REID, L. A. The Roots of Social Desire. Psyche, 1922, 3, 150-160.\n85. REUTER, E. B. The Social Attitude. J. Appl. Sociol., 1923-24, 8, 97-100.\n86. RICE, S. A. Motives in Radicalism and Social Reform. Amer. J. Sociol., 1922-23, 28, 577-585.\n87. RIVERS, W. H. R. Psychology and Politics. Harcourt, Brace, 1923.\n88. SCHMALHAUSEN, S. D. Our Tainted Ethics. Psychoanal. Rev., 1921, 8, 382-406.\n89. ————. The Hinterland of the Human Motives. The Modern Quarterly, 1924, 2, 146-154.\n90. SHEPHERD, W. T. A Study of the Methods of Revivalists. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1921-22, 16, 137-143.\n91. SMITH, G. E. Ethnology and Psychology. Psyche, 1922, 3, 115-117.\n92. ————. Freud's Speculations on Ethnology. Monist, 1923, 33, 81-97.\n94. SMITH, S., and GUTHRIE, E. #Z. General Psychology in Terms of Behavior. Appleton, 1921.\n95. SUTTIE, I. D. Critique of the Theory of Herd Instinct. J. Ment. Sci., 1922, 68, 245-254.\n96. TAYLOR, W. S. Rationalization and Its Social Significance.' J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psycho!., 1922-23, 17, 410-418.\n97. WALLIS, W. D. Mental Patterns in Relation to Culture. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 179-184.\n98. WEEKS, A. D. The Control of the Social Mind. Appleton, 1923.\n99. WHITTEMORE, I. The Influence of Competition Upon Performance. J. Abnor. Psychol. and Soc. Psychol., 1924-25, 19, 236-253.\n100. WILLEY, M. M., and HERSKOVITZ, M. J. Servitude and Progress. J. Soc. Forces, 1922-23, 1, 228-234.\n101. ———— and RICE, S. A. William Jennings Bryan as a Social Force. J. Soc. Forces, 1924, 2, 338-344.\n102. WILLEY, N. B., and WILLEY, M. M. The Conditioned Response and the Consciousness of Kind. Amer. J. Sociol., 1924, 30, 22-28.\n103. WILLIAMS, J. M. The Principles of Social Psychology. Knopf, 1922.\n104. WILLIS, C. B. The Effect of Primogeniture on Intellectual Capacity. J. Abnor. Psychol. .and Soc. Psychol., 1923-24, 18, 375-317.\n105. WISSLER, C. Man and Culture. Crowell, 1923.\n106. WOLFE, A. B. The Motivation of Radicalism. Psychol. Rev., 1921, 28, 280-300.\n107. ————. Conservatism, Radicalism, and Scientific Method. Macmillan, 1923.\n108. ————. The Rôle of Sympathy and Ethical Motivation in Scientific Social Research. J. of Phil., 1923, 20, 225-234.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hubbard Glacier, the largest calving glacier on the North American Continent (25 percent larger than Rhode Island), advanced across the entrance to 35-mile-long Russell Fiord (fig.1) during June 2002, temporarily turning it into a lake. Hubbard Glacier has been advancing for more than 100 years and has twice closed the entrance to Russell Fiord during the last 16 years by squeezing and pushing submarine glacial sediments across the mouth of the fiord (figs. 2 and 3). Water flowing into the cutoff fiord from mountain streams and glacier melt causes the level of Russell Lake to rise. However both the 1986 and 2002 dams failed (fig. 4) before the lake altitude rose enough for water to spill over a low pass at the far end of the fiord and enter the Situk River drainage, a world-class sport and commercial fishery near Yakutat, Alaska.\n|Figure 1. Hubbard Glacier and Russell Fiord study area.|\nHubbard Glacier is defying the global paradigm of valley or mountain glacier shrinkage and retreat in response to global climate warming. Hubbard Glacier is the largest of eight calving glaciers in Alaska that are currently increasing in total mass and advancing. All of these glaciers calve into the sea, are at the heads of long fiords, have undergone retreats during the last 1,000 years, calve over relatively shallow submarine moraines, and have unusually small ablation areas compared to their accumulation areas.\nAblation: All processes by which snow and ice are lost from a glacier.\nAccumulation: All processes by which snow and ice are added to a glacier.\n|Figure 2. Submarine glacial sediments emerging from the sea May 20, 2002. Photo by Bill Lucey, U.S. Forest Service.|\nFor example, Hubbard Glacier retreated about 38 miles between 1130 A.D. and late in the 19th century (fig. 1). The fiord bottom lies 1,300 feet below sea level under the glacier, shallows to a depth of 200-250 feet at the glacier calving terminus, and then deepens again to as much as 750 feet below sea level down Disenchantment Bay. The accumulation area of Hubbard Glacier is 95 percent of the entire glacier area and, like the other growing calving glaciers, is far from being in equilibrium with climate.\n|Figure 3. Ice and moraine dam blocking the entrance to Russell Fiord, July 7, 2002. Photo by U.S. Forest Service.||Figure 4. Outburst flood on August 14, 2002, about 9 hours after Russell Lake began to lose volume. Photo by Al Grillo, Associated Press(published with permission).|\nThe large calving glaciers that are currently advancing have been discordant with climate-driven glacier changes for a very long time. The glaciers that are currently growing and advancing in the face of global warming were retreating throughout the Little Ice Age (AD1350 or 1450 to AD1900) when most glaciers were growing.\nThe 1986 closure occurred near the first of June; the 2002 closure was gradual and was complete about June 16. The newly closed Russell Lake basin filled at the average rate of 0.7 feet per day in both 1986 and 2002 (fig. 5). No water was visibly leaking through or over the dam during the 1986 closure. However, relatively small amounts of lake water overflowed the 2002 moraine dam during most of the period of closure (fig. 3). This observation suggests that the damming moraine was being squeezed higher above sea level throughout the 2002 closure period. The volume of water flowing into the lake can be calculated from the rates of lake level rise (fig. 6). During the 1986 closure, the average inflow rate was 15,000 cubic feet of water per second (ft³/s). The maximum rate of inflow was about 44,000 ft³/s, which occurred on August 13 in response to a 2-week-long rainstorm in the area. During the 2002 closure, the average net inflow rate was about 18,700 ft³/s and the maximum rate was about 92,000 ft³/s, which occurred on August 12, also in response to a rainstorm (fig. 6).\n|Figure 5. Filling and emptying of Russell Lake during 1986 and 2002 .|\n|Figure 6. Russell Lake filling rates and 2002 precipitation at Yakutat, Alaska.|\nThe 1986 dam failed catastrophically during the night of October 8 (fig. 7) releasing a flood that rapidly accelerated to a maximum of about 4,000,000 ft³/s about 6 hours after the initial failure (fig. 7). The 2002 dam began to fail when the lake surface altitude reached about 49 feet above sea level (fig. 5). A rainstorm caused a rapid lake rise that increased the volume of water flowing over the moraine dam, which also increased the rate of erosion of the dam. The growth of the moraine dam by glacier flow did not keep pace with erosion and the dam progressively failed (fig. 7). Dam failure released a flood that reached a maximum discharge of 1,850,000 ft³/s about 21 hours later (about midnight on August 14). These two floods are the largest recorded glacial-lake outburst flood events in historical time (table 1).\n|Figure 7. Russell Lake 1986 and 2002 outburst floods.|\n|Table 1. Peak discharges of largest known historic glacial lake outbursts|\n|Location||Data||Peak discharge (ft³/s)|\n|1.||Russell Lake, Alaska||1986||3,970,000|\n|2.||Russell Lake, Alaska||2002||1,850,000|\n|4.||Chong Kumdan, India\n|5.||Berg Lake, Alaska||1983||600,000|\n|6.||Chakachamna Lake, Alaska||1971\n|7.||Lake George, Alaska||1958||360,000|\n|Peak discharge of Mississippi R. at Memphis, Tennessee||1937||1,980,000|\n|The maximum recorded discharge of the Mississippi River upstream from the flood-control structures on the lower river is about 7 percent larger than the maximum discharge during the 2002 outburst flood from Russell Lake and about one-half the size of the 1986 outburst flood from Russell Lake.|\nHubbard Glacier has advanced at a rate of about 80 feet per year since 1895 (fig. 8). Although the timing is uncertain, the prospect of the glacier continuing to advance and again blocking the entrance to Russell Fiord is much more certain.\n|Figure 8. Terminus positions of Hubbard Glacier in 1895, 1948, 1988, and 2001 showing advances over/during the last 106 years.|\n|Hubbard Glacier, June 13, 1986. Photo by Rod March, U.S. Geological Survey.|\nMayo, L.R., 1989, Advance of Hubbard Glacier and 1986 outburst of Russell Fiord, Alaska, U.S.A.: Annals of Glaciology, v. 13, p. 189-194.\nSeitz, H.R., Thomas, D.S., and Tomlinson, B., 1986, The storage and release of water from a large glacier-dammed lake: Russell Lake near Yakutat, Alaska, 1986: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86545, 10 p.\nTrabant, D.C., Krimmel, R.M., and Post, A., 1991, A preliminary forecast of the advance of Hubbard Glacier and its influence on Russell Fiord, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 904172, 34 p.\nU.S. Forest Service\nTongass National Forest\n648 Mission Street\nKetchikan, AK 99901-6591 907-225-3101\nNational Park Service\nWrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve\n107 Richardson Highway\nP.O. Box 439 Copper Center,\nAK 99573 907-822-5234\nU.S. Geological Survey\n4230 University Drive, Suite 201\nAnchorage, AK 99508-4664\nU.S. Geological Survey\nP.O. Box 75-7300\n930 Koyukuk Drive\nFairbanks, AK 99775-7300\n|AccessibilityFOIAPrivacyPolicies and Notices|\n|U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey\nPersistent URL: http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/fs00103\nPage Contact Information: GS Pubs Web Contact\nLast modified: Tuesday, February 18 2014, 11:56:41 AM", "label": "No"} {"text": "Gifted, Creative and Talented at a Glance\nIn Wisconsin, intelligence is viewed as multifaceted because students think, learn, and create in many different ways. It is now understood that intelligence is not a single entity, but multifaceted and it translates into five areas of identification: general intellectual, specific academic, creativity, leadership, and the visual and performing arts.\nBecause of unique experiences and backgrounds students vary in their exposure and pace of learning, therefore, students should be instructed, participate in varied learning experiences and given opportunities to exhibit their talents through product and performances which expand the development of the students identified as Gifted, Creative and/or Talented.\nIn West Allis-West Milwaukee the majority of identified students will have their academic needs met in the regular classroom because learning is personalized for students within a framework of balanced instruction building upon the notion that “one size does not fit all”. Learning that is appropriate for each child is integrated with school wide initiatives and tier 1 instruction across all grade levels in the regular school day. Within the Enrichment model, learning is further personalized with the Enrichment Specialist to empower the learners and engage them through explicit and implicit choices. The Enrichment Specialist provides instruction that is paced to the learning needs, tailored to the learning preferences and designed around the specific interests of the learners.\nEnrichment: Gifted, Creative and Talented Program\nAdministrative Rule PI 8.01(2)(t)2\nEach school district shall establish a plan and designate a person to coordinate the gifted and talented program. Gifted and talented pupils shall be identified as required in s. 118.35(1), Stats. This identification shall occur in kindergarten through grade 12 in general intellectual, specific academic, leadership, creativity, and visual and performing arts. A pupil may be identified as gifted or talented in one or more of the categories under s. 118.35(1), Stats. The identification process shall result in a pupil profile based on multiple measures, including but not limited to standardized test data, nominations, rating scales or inventories, products, portfolios, and demonstrated performance. Identification tools shall be appropriate for the specific purpose for which they are being employed. The identification process and tools shall be responsive to factors such as, but not limited to, pupils' economic conditions, race, gender, culture, native language, developmental differences, and identified disabilities as described under subch. V of ch. 115, Stats. The school district board shall provide access, without charge for tuition, to appropriate programming for pupils identified as gifted or talented as required under ss. 118.35(3) and 121.02(1)(t), Stats. The school district board shall provide an opportunity for parental participation in the identification and resultant programming.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Why study Plant Science at Dalhousie?\nThe BSc (Agriculture) in Plant Science is designed to provide you with a solid understanding of the ideas, achievements and methods in biological, physical and behavioural sciences. You’ll acquire a very sound knowledge of plants, along with practical and life-long learning skills while studying at Dalhousie's beautiful Agricultural Campus in Truro, NS.\nThe Plant Science program builds on plant-soil environment and ecosystem relationships to include production, storage, and use of plants as food, medicine, nutraceuticals, and emerging fibre sources—as well as for ornamental purposes. As you become more deeply involved with the discipline of Plant Science, you’ll strive to find useful, creative, and innovative solutions to real-world problems, such as food security and safety issues, both at home and abroad.\nYou’ll learn about aspects of plant production and use, including plants grown in laboratories, greenhouses, nurseries and on farms. The major focus is on food production, an area of plant science with environmental, economic, and ethical challenges for the future of humanity. Contemporary issues related to the environment and food quality, biotechnology, plant breeding, and responding to changing consumer demands are also addressed.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Childcare Essentials for Kids with Special Needs\nParents of children with special needs go through a struggle few can understand. Childcare in these situations becomes an uphill climb, and the more tools they have in their arsenal, the easier the load becomes. Children and young adults with special healthcare needs often require various forms of Pediatric durable medical equipment (DME) and supplies. This includes devices or consumables that help those with disabilities improve or maintain their ability to function in everyday life.\nHere are some of the essential special needs equipment for children, that have been useful in improving the quality of life of both the child and their caregivers.\nSpeech Therapy Devices:\nOpening Doors to Communication\nSpeech Therapy Devices are for special needs children with conditions that make verbal communication difficult. These can range from developmental delays to autism, mutism, deafness, aphasia, cerebral palsy, or dysarthria. Commonly considered as AAC equipment for disabled children (Augmentative and Alternative Communication), speech therapy devices are a critical element in childcare services.\nAAC devices fall under the broader umbrella of assistive technology and allow children with disabilities to express their thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs, through unconventional ways. They have a variety of non-verbal tools, ranging from the use of sign language and picture boards to mobile device applications, specialized keyboards, and speech-generating devices (SGDs). Studies have shown that speech therapy devices enhance speech development as well as social interactions in disabled children.\nFinding the AAC device that’s a perfect fit … Don’t let your child’s thoughts go unspoken!\nPicture Boards or Touchscreens\nThese use symbols of pictures of daily items. For example, a person might touch a picture of a bed to indicate that they are sleepy. Some picture boards can be personalized and expanded to suit the child’s age, education, hobbies, or interests.\nKeyboards with a text display\nThe display panel typically faces outward so that two people can face each other while “talking”. Recently the use of spelling and word prediction software has made it easier and faster to use keyboards for communication.\nThese translate words or pictures into speech. Some versions even allow users to choose different voices, like male or female, child or adult, regional accents, etc. These devices use a pre-recorded vocabulary while advanced versions simply synthesize the words that are typed in, providing an unlimited vocabulary.\nBefore obtaining a speech therapy device from a local medical device supplier or pharmacy, a licensed speech pathologist should document the child’s special needs requirements and the results when attempting any other form of communication. After obtaining a prescription from the treating Physician, Physician Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner, Arvada Pharmacy, is happy to provide Pediatric special needs equipment, essential for childcare. We also facilitate the necessary paperwork for prior authorization from the insurance companies, to make the process as seamless as possible.\nPhototherapy for Newborn Jaundice\nLet there be Light!\nNewborn jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia is the yellowing of a baby’s skin and eyes, that occurs when they have a high level of bilirubin in their bodies. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is released when the body routinely breaks down red blood cells. In older babies and adults the liver gets rid of the excess bilirubin and doesn’t allow it to build up in the body. But in newborns, the underdeveloped liver may not be mature enough to remove all the bilirubin, causing the pigment to get deposited in the eyes and skin, which is perceived as a yellow discoloration. In most cases, newborn jaundice disappears in 2-3 weeks as the baby begins to feed. However, if the yellowing persists after 3 weeks then it could be a signs of an underlying condition. This needs active treatment as the high levels of bilirubin in the body could lead to deafness, cerebral palsy, or brain damage.\nThe most common treatment for bilirubin build-up is phototherapy, where the baby is placed under fluorescent light with their skin uncovered, that is they are either naked or wearing just a diaper. This light emits waves with a special wavelength that can break down bilirubin particles in the skin so that it is easily absorbed by the body and eliminated through the urine and stools.\nArvada Pharmacy provides portable bilirubin light devices that enable phototherapy easily and safely, through the Medicare and Medicaid programs, enabling the supply of equipment for disabled children. Having a phototherapy machine as a Pediatric durable medical equipment (DME) makes it easy for new parents, struggling to provide childcare for their special needs baby. They can work around feeding and sleeping schedules, as the treatment is available 24/7, anytime they need it.\nPediatric Nutrition and Supplements\nA Healthy Future Begins Now!\nAs every parent knows, childcare includes a balanced diet, good nutrition as well as regular physical activity. These factors are even more important when it comes to children with special needs. The correct amount of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fibers, and protein is essential for the body to function well, providing muscle strength and promoting healthy digestion.\nChildren with special needs require a wide range of medical and dietary needs, especially if they are fed through feeding tubes. There are many formulations available that aim to provide a mix of delicious flavors as well as adequate nutrition.\nThat is why we offer oral nutrition and supplements, which include a wide range of Boost products that act as nutrition boosters for physical well-being.\nDiapers for the Win!\nPeaceful Nights, Playful Days…\nDiapers are an extremely important consumable for children with special needs, because they may have changing bowel and bladder habits. From toddler-sized diapers and pull-ups to incontinence products for children and teens, the range is extensive.\nDiapers or pull-ups are available in moderate to heavy absorbance levels and should offer leak prevention, odor reduction, and skin protection.\nAt Arvada Pharmacy, we have a wide selection of diapers for all children from newborns to toddlers, as well as a range of incontinence supplies like bladder control pads, protective underwear, underpads, catheters, urine drainage bags, sheaths, alcohol pads, and much more, to suit each one’s unique childcare requirements, especially in children with special needs.\nSurgical dressings and Wound Care\nA Solution for Scrapes and Bruises!\nChildren have a tendency to hurt themselves and those with special needs, face these challenges to a larger degree. Having a first aid kit stocked with supplies becomes an essential need for childcare in these cases.\nSome useful items to include are skin cleansers, packing strips, and sponges. MediHoney products, which draw fluid from the deeper tissues to the surface of the wound to promote healing. Hydrogel dressings keep wounds moist and help protect the body from infections. They also provide a cooling sensation to reduce burning pain.\nHow can medical suppliers help parents with childcare for children with special needs?\nSourcing equipment for disabled children doesn’t need to be an uphill climb. Keeping the DME provider updated about the child’s individual requirements, as well as insurance plans can help them find the items most suited for their childcare and healthcare needs. DME suppliers can also facilitate paperwork and prior authorizations from insurance companies.\nAt Arvada Pharmacy, Colorado, we believe in providing the essentials for childcare, especially for those with special needs, easily and efficiently. Visit our website or our instore location, to find out more about our full range of services.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Thailand has played a vital role in promoting human rights and peace education at both the national and regional level. The country has developed, strengthened, and expanded human rights education as a result of national, regional, and global influences. Among the major influences include widespread human rights violations committed throughout the country; an increasing demand for educated/trained human rights experts and academics in the Asian region; and Thailand’s need to fulfill its commitments to seven core international human rights treaties from which Thailand is a state party. Importantly, the ultimate goal of human rights and peace education in Thailand is to create a peaceful and harmonious society under the rule of law, where everyone has mutual respect for rights and dignity. Since this goal requires a great deal of commitment, understanding, and continuous learning from every related stakeholder, there is much work to be done before it is realised. \nOne important milestone that led to the development of human rights education in Thailand was the emergence of the first National Human Rights Education Plan of Action brought about by the 1997 Constitution. This Education Plan was drafted by representatives from both the Thai government and civil society, and it eventually became a part of the first National Master Plans of Action on Human Rights.\nThe Plan’s objectives are mainly to integrate human rights within formal and informal education in a more systematic and comprehensive manner, as well as to further develop the methodology of teaching human rights in Thailand. It also aimed at training education-related personnel in the field of human rights by providing adequate teaching materials and providing adequate funding support from related stakeholders. \nUniversity courses on peace studies and conflict resolution were approved by the 29 November 2005 Cabinet Resolution. This enabled universities to prepare their appropriate curriculum, then hand the curriculum to a university committee for a revision, and submit it to the University Council for approval before getting a final official approval by the Higher Education Commission. The partial role of the Higher Education Commission is to support or promote human rights education. The universities incorporate human rights and peace studies both directly and indirectly in other subject areas like political sciences, social sciences, international relations and education. This process is common not only in Thailand, but also in the higher education institutions of other ASEAN countries like Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Singapore and Brunei. \nMost human rights and peace studies courses in Thailand are offered mainly as electives through several university departments including law, education, political science, social science and pharmaceutical science. This is despite the fact that the number of university courses dedicated to human rights and peace studies in law and other departments are increasing across state and private universities and colleges. There are also some universities that include human rights and peace studies in their general education curriculum, offering them to students studying in any program or major. However, the university law departments are the ones that directly teach the concept of human rights which touch upon, for example, legal philosophy, international law, public law, and international humanitarian law. \nAt present, Thailand’s Mahasarakam University’s College of Politics and Governance is the only academic institution in the ASEAN region that provides an undergraduate program on human rights and peace studies. Mahidol University’s Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) is the only higher education institution in Thailand that offers graduate-level programmes on human rights and peace studies. It is also the first university in Thailand and Asia which offers an international graduate programme on human rights. Besides, as a member university of the ASEAN University Network (AUN), Mahidol University has played a leading role for AUN’s human rights education Network.\nSeveral universities have set up centres on human rights and peace studies in Thailand, thus leading to increasing academic collaboration among universities at national and regional levels. Although human rights and peace education in Thailand have been developed and expanded to some extent, their serious and proper implementation and sustainability should be increasingly prioritized despite social or political challenges. A lot more needs to be done for human rights and peace education for the full promotion of human rights in the country.\nWith regard to higher education level, human rights and peace education in Thailand should, first of all, be supported by every university-related stakeholder including teachers, students, academics, and parents. In order to instil a belief on the importance of human rights education in Thai society, it is also noteworthy that those people should actively study human rights courses and fully realize/understand the importance of human rights, which can lead to national stability and developments.\nIn terms of the coursework, one main recommendation is that a core course on human rights and peace studies should be included under general education curriculum in all university departments, so that students of all majors are required to study human rights as a mandatory course. Human rights and peace studies should also become a mandatory core course for all law students and the students taking program on peace and conflict studies. Additionally, human rights and peace education should be incorporated into several other subjects from first year coursework. \nConcerning the content of the subject, the content of any human rights and peace related course is recommended to embrace both theoretical and practical realms. For instance, it might cover a wide range of theoretical studies on fundamental concepts; philosophy; conventions, laws and regulations; national and international mechanisms; conceptual analysis; as well as human rights practical study in the form of role-play. \nInterestingly, since Thailand is an overwhelmingly Buddhist country, human rights might also be taught extensively based on Buddhist ideology and Asian philosophy such as the ideology/perception that after all “Everyone is equal under the same Dharma.”, as said by the Buddha. In case there is a reaction to the concept/principle of “human rights” as a result of several different reasons (i.e. negative perception on human rights, western influence on the concept, a belief that human rights leads to attack on the status quo, etc.), all human rights and peace studies might be taught by avoid using the words “human rights” itself. \nTeaching techniques and materials are viewed as important factors in human rights and peace education. Indeed, human rights and peace studies should be incorporated into all aspects of learning instead of remaining just a university course, for both teachers and students to comprehensively learn about and understand human rights. This can be done through proactive and practical activities such as fieldwork, field trips, or working with local communities on human rights or peace related issues. Importantly, apart from having adequate teaching materials, instructors should develop their teaching methods by shifting from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach so as to allow more creative thinking from students. \nAnother essential factor for human rights and peace studies is a more systematic academic collaboration among universities and between all related stakeholders in the field of human rights and peace education. Among prime recommendations are to provide an efficient training course on human rights and peace studies for teachers and lecturers; to systematically exchange lecturers with other universities/institutions so as to enable the exchange of information, ideas and experience; as well as to promote the transfer of coursework units as another option for students. \nAlthough Thailand has already achieved significant development in the field of human rights and peace education at both national and regional levels, many problems remain. All of those mentioned recommendations are thus of great importance for the effective development of human rights and peace education, which can promote concern regarding human rights issues throughout the country.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The adoption of exaggerated forms of monoculture and the progressive reduction of the time reserved for forest fallows have led to the degradation of the land and the consequent impoverishment of the local populations, dedicated to subsistence agriculture. Only in the territories that, due to their more favorable climatic and environmental conditions, lent themselves to the settlement of Europeans (South African Republic, Zimbabwe, Kenya) has agriculture taken on more rational and varied forms, as well as in Algeria and Tunisia, with the ‘introduction of citrus growing, viticulture, olive growing, etc. Elsewhere, however, a clear separation has been established between crops destined for export (cocoa, coffee, tea, cotton, sugar cane, tropical fruit, oil seeds) and crops intended for local food (mainly cereals and tubers: cassava, batata), the former – which often account for 80-90% of the exports of individual countries – subject to price fluctuations on international markets, the latter less and less able to cover needs of the population. In fact, the productivity allowed by the traditional techniques of soil exploitation is very low, which have remained unchanged in many areas over the centuries and are characterized by itinerant forms and the clearing of woodlands by means of fires. Even breeding, especially in the areas of the savannah and pre-desert steppe, is still linked today to seasonal transhumance, typical of a nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralism, constantly oppressed by the scarcity of water and pastures. which in times of drought often leads to the death of tens of thousands of cattle. The result is a strong depression also in this field, although the African livestock heritage is anything but negligible for the number of heads. However, it is not adequately reflected in the production of meat and dairy products, with the exception of the regions with more advanced agriculture, where the yield of slaughtered cattle is close to European averages.\nWhile in the past the problem of hunger did not arise in Africa with the gravity of other underdeveloped areas, it has been assuming dramatic proportions, accentuating a trend that had appeared since the 1960s, when the increase in gross national product was, for various countries, already less than population growth. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the average annual rate of increase in agricultural and food production for the entire African continent (excluding the Republic of South Africa, see countryaah) has progressively decreased and, taking into account the rate of demographic increase, the values are now globally negative. The decline was general, but not uniform, resulting particularly accentuated for central and western Africa, including the sahel hardest hit by drought. Overall, for cereals alone, it is estimated that the rate of food self-sufficiency has greatly decreased and the forecasts for the future are even more worrying, given the difficulty of promptly implementing an adequate policy in this sector; it is also necessary to stop a process that has led to wild clearing at the expense of the forest and savannah, favoring the advance of deserts and, consequently, the loss of agricultural land. However, since approximately half of Africa’s agricultural land is actually cultivated, the lines of development indicated by the FAO and from other international organizations no longer tend, as in the past, to expand the agricultural area, but to make better use of the land and to increase production, through the use of fertilizers, of selected seeds, of irrigation systems, also intensifying the fight against parasites and perfecting systems for preserving products. The scarcity of financial means and the severe difficulties deriving from environmental conditions and technological delay, however, tend to slow down the development and diversification programs of crops, not allowing to reduce dependence on foreign countries for the supply of agricultural and food products. To tackle the problem, even in the face of the recent and repeated drought crises, FAO has also organized a satellite information system capable of monitoring the progress of vegetative cycles on a continental scale and, above all, of predicting any new crises: this allows, if nothing else, to estimate the overall situation of the food supply in relation to bioclimatic conditions and to plan interventions both, where possible, within the framework of cultivation techniques, and international aid. The panorama of the primary sector is completed by the huge forest resources, especially in the equatorial belt, only partially used for transport difficulties. New attention is then dedicated to fishing, a traditional activity of inland riparian, river and lake areas, but today more and more intensely practiced in the rich Atlantic banks.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Education & Help\nTire load index & speed symbols\n3 min read time\nWe’ve deciphered all those details on your tire sidewalls.\nFederal law dictates that tire manufacturers place standardized information on the sidewalls. The information (letters and numbers) identifies and describes basic tire characteristics and also provides a safety standard certification in case of a recall.\nWhat does it all mean?\nLet’s use P215/65R15 95H M+S as an example.\nP indicates the tire is for a passenger car. (LT would be for a light truck and N would be for a spare tire.)\nThis is the width of the tire in millimeters from sidewall edge to sidewall edge.\n65 is the aspect ratio, which designates the tire's ratio of height to width. Numbers 70 or lower indicate a short sidewall for improved steering response and better overall handling on dry pavement.\nR stands for radial, as in radial ply construction, which has been the industry standard for the past 20 years.\nThe tire’s rim diameter is 15 inches, meaning your replacement tire should also have a 15-inch diameter.\nThe number 95 designates the load index, which tells you how much weight each tire can support. In this case, the tire can support 1,521 pounds. This information is available in the owner’s manual. Not all tires will have a load index because it’s not a requirement.\nH is the speed rating. It denotes the speed a tire can handle for extended periods of time. The ratings range from 99 mph to 186 mph. You may not find this information on all tires because federal law does not require it. You should never exceed posted speed limits, even if your tires have higher speed ratings.\nAlso shown as M/S, this indicates that the tire has some mud and snow capability. Most radial tires have these markings.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Itrary criterion, and also other values can of course be made use of, but we take into account that it corresponds to robust optimistic or damaging associations. With regards to percentages, anTable 1. Schematic and illustrative two-way Sodium polyoxotungstate Epigenetic Reader Domain tables from the number of surveys in which every of two species was present or absent. Letters c, d, e, and f represent percentages of sites at which the two species were present or absent. Species B Species A Present Absent Total Present c e c+e Species B Species A Present Absent Total Present 15 5 20 Absent 35 45 80 Total 50 50 one hundred Absent d f d+f Total c+d e+f c+d+e+fMeasurement and visualization of species pairwise associationsOur strategy for examining species pairwise association seeks to quantify the strength of association amongst two person species in terms of two odds ratios: the odds in the initial species getting present when the second a single is (i.e., P(1 ), exactly where P is definitely the probability on the 1st species getting present when the second one particular is), divided by the odds on the 1st species occurring regardless of the second; and vice versa. The first odds ratio is often a measure2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley Sons Ltd.P. W. Lane et al.Species Pairwise Association Analysisodds ratio of three corresponds to any from the following adjustments: from 10 to 25 , 25 to 50 , 50 to 75 , or 75 to 90 . Conversely, an odds ratio of corresponds to any of these changes reversed (e.g., 25 to ten ). We use the term “indicated,” as in “Species A indicated Species B,” to imply that the odds ratio for the presence of Species B, with respect for the presence of Species A, was three. PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21347021 Conversely, we use “contraindicated” to imply that the odds ratio was . In employing such terms, we do not imply causality, which can not be inferred from observational research like ours. Note that the two odds ratios for each association are equal if (and only if) the two species are equally common across the websites or don’t cooccur at all. One particular house of the measure is that if a single species is widespread (50 presence), it is not possible for it to indicate a species with significantly less than half the presence price from the frequent species, even though the reverse is probable. Two species can contraindicate each and every other on the other hand prevalent one particular of them is (unless a single is ubiquitous) and surely will do so if they usually do not co-occur at all. It is not attainable to get a to indicate B, and B to contraindicate A. In our case study, we concentrated on these species that have been “not rare” across our array of internet sites (observed in at least ten of surveys). Additionally, in analyses of subsets of surveys, we assessed the association in between two species only if each occurred in ten of those surveys. We constructed an association diagram to show the pattern of association amongst species (e.g., Fig. 1). The nodes represent species and are color-coded as outlined by overall presence; the edges (the lines inside the diagram) represent indications (red) and contraindications (blue), with arrows indicating path, and line thickness representing the strength on the association (the bigger of the two, if you will find indications or contraindications in both directions). The spatial arrangement of points (representing species) in our association diagram is derived from the method detailed in Appendix 1. We drew our figures using GenStat, with manual arrangement in the points to illustrate our discussion, but have also created an R function which arranges points automatically (see R package and worked example at https:.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Research Article\n- Open Access\nPreparing for the CU-TEP Examination: Methods Used by Thai Students\n- Jane M Scrymgeour1\n© Language Testing in Asia 2011\n- Published: 15 March 2011\nThis paper discusses how a group of students from Chulalongkorn University prepared for the CU-Tep examination. In order to gather the information, a questionnaire was given to 16 students from the Education Department of Chulalongkorn University. The findings indicated three things. First, was the general lack of preparation by approximately half of the candidates. Second, was that all of the students found the examination difficult, even those who said they did some preparation. Third, was the relatively poor scores received by Thai students as noted in the research cited. Some recommendations for the students: listen to and follow the advice of those who have previously taken the exam, do lots of preparation by taking practice tests and seek help from others.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The term ‘allergy’ is used to describe the body’s immune response when it detects a particular substance in the body. The substance may not necessarily be harmful (hayfever is a response to pollen for example ) but the body detects it as foreign and sets about an immune response in reaction to it. This reaction causes varying symptoms and disease in a predisposed people.\nAllergy is widespread and affects approximately one in four of the population in the UK at some time in their lives. Each year the number of people suffering from allergies increases by 5%, and as many as half of those affected are children.\nMost allergies can be successfully diagnosed and treated by GPs. The Trust provides a service for problematic patients, where the diagnosis may not be clear, or when more specialised treatment is required.\nOur allergy services include:\n- Allergy testing (skin prick testing and/or blood testing)\n- Detailed planning of treatment and self-help\n- One-stop diagnosis and treatment clinics\n- Immunotherapy (allergy vaccination) for suitable patients\nConditions treated include:\n- Urticaria and angio-oedema\n- Food allergy\n- Insect sting allergies\n- Allergic rhinitis (hay fever, dust and animal allergies)\n- Drug allergies\nInformation for GPs\nIf you would like to receive specialist advice where you feel a referral to an outpatient appointment could be avoided, we provide this through the national Choose and Book system. This is the most secure and convenient way to contact our Consultants.\nThe link to the Choose and Book application is https://nww.ebs.ncrs.nhs.uk (requires Internet Explorer version 6 or above).\nWe aim to respond within 5 working days but often exceed this. Read Page 10 of this document http://www.chooseandbook.nhs.uk/staff/communications/fact/adviceandguidance.pdf to explain in more detail how to request advice through Choose and Book.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sunchokes, or Jerusalem artichokes, aren't pretty, but they sure are tasty. Although they look like ginger roots, these tubers are members of the sunflower family and are so named because of their slightly sweet, nutty taste that is reminiscent of artichokes.\nSunchokes were brought to Europe in 1605 when a French explorer named Samuel Champlain found them in Cape Cod. They are native to North America, not the Middle East, so there's some dispute as to why they are also called Jerusalem artichokes. One idea is that people called them \"girasole,\" or \"flower that looks towards the sun,\" which sounds like Jerusalem. Another idea is that European settlers relied on these tubers and called them food for the new Jerusalem.\nNo matter what you call them, sunchokes are a great source of Vitamin C and iron. They are also rich in inulin, a substance that turns into fructose when digested and is, to put it politely, really good for your digestive system. Cooking helps cut down on any socially undesirable effects though!\nLook for: Firm, wrinkle free knobs that are free of sprouts. Some sunchokes may be smooth and really, that makes no difference from a bumpier one as far as taste is concerned. It just makes it easier to prepare if peeling.\nStorage: Sunchokes can keep for up to two weeks when refrigerated.\nPreparation: Sunchokes can be eaten raw and appreciated for their pleasant crunch, similar to water chestnuts. They may look intimidating, but you can treat them like you would a potato-- boil and use as a thickener for soups or mash them for a tasty side; bake or fry them; eat them skin on or peeled; or try roasting them (see recipe below.) One note though, if you peel them, add a little lemon juice to keep them from discoloring.\nPersonally, I love slicing sunchokes, leaving the skin on, and roasting them. They get crunchy, sweet and nutty and add wonderful texture, such as for this salad which you can serve as a first course for an early spring dinner party.\nRoasted Sunchoke, Pear and Arugula Salad*\nPreheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Take 2 pounds of sunchokes and slice them crosswise, about 1/4 inch thick. Toss the sunchokes with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of kosher salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper. Lay out the sunchokes on your prepared baking sheet in a single layer. Roast for 20-30 minutes, flipping the pieces over about halfway through cooking time, or until pieces are golden brown and crisped at the edges.\nWhile sunchokes roast, whisk together 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil with 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of agave syrup, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Toss 1/4 inch thick slices of 2 ripe Anjou pears and 2 cups of baby arugula leaves in the prepared dressing. Add roasted sunchokes and toss to combine. Plate individually or serve on a platter for a buffet or family style dinner.\nServes 4 to 6.\n*Your vegan friends will rejoice, as this salad is totally animal product free!", "label": "No"} {"text": "U of M Home\nCollege of Education and Human Development\nSearch U of M\n: Eating Disorders\n- Navigate to other systems -\nWeb Anatomy Home\nCell Terms & BioChem\nChapter 1 - Intro Topics\nImmunology, Lymphatic System & HIV\nMedical Terminology (Roots, etc.)\nCommon Medical Terms\nSkeletons and Skulls\nSingle Player Games\nSimple Questions About Eating Disorders\nnervosa is a psychiatric illness in which there is a preoccupation with dieting and thinness.\n2. One percent of teenage girls in the U.S. develops anorexia nervosa and up to 10% of those may die as a result of the illness.\nnervosa (bulimia) is described as a disorder characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating (rapid consumption of food in one sitting) which are almost always followed by purging (ridding the body of food).\n4. Bulimic individuals always purge their meals by vomiting.\n5. After purging their meals, bulimic individuals often feel a sense of euphoria (euphoria also means \"having really good feelings,\" also know as \"getting high\"). This euphoric feeling is one of the main reasons why bulimic behavior is addictive.\n6. Individuals with\nnervosa frequently eat large quantities of food and then purge it by vomiting or using laxatives.\n7. A stressful life in combination with poor \"coping skills\" may lead to anorexia.\n8. Most eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, occur in young women, but may effect either males or females of any age.(\n9. The percentage of men getting eating disorders is\nin the United States. (\n10. Anorexic individuals may actually believe that they are overweight.\n©2005 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.\nTrouble seeing the text?\nContact U of M\nThe University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.\nLast modified on November 14, 2005", "label": "No"} {"text": "If you’re planning a future in the medical field, there are many ways to prepare long before you hit medical school, including shadowing physicians, volunteering at clinics and participating in medically-focused missions trips. Another great way to prepare, and get paid while you’re at it, is to work as a medical scribe.\nA medical scribe essentially serves as a personal assistant to a physician. Scribes take notes throughout physician-patient encounters; gather data for the physician such as nursing notes, prior records, labs and radiology results; and document patients’ electronic health records (EHRs). This allows the physician to focus on what he or she does best – treat patients – while scribes get the benefit of a firsthand glimpse into the field.\nFive top benefits of working as a medical scribe before or while attending medical school include:\n- The chance to shadow physicians: Admissions committees of most reputable medical schools expect or even require prospective students to have shadowed a physician for some period of time. After all, the experience is the single best way to see just what your own future as a healthcare provider holds and to learn how best to handle the inevitable stress of the job.\n- The chance to witness patient encounters: Perhaps more important than observing a physician is the opportunity to listen to and observe patients during doctor-patient encounters. First, you’ll learn to be in the moment, so to speak, blocking out all distractions to assure accurate documentation for EHRs. You’ll also learn about effective communication between providers and patients, particularly in cases where patients are fearful, upset or uncertain.\n- You’ll develop diagnosis skills: Over time, you’ll begin to recognize and even anticipate patient symptoms and signs that inform a physician’s diagnosis, as well as all the pertinent medical terms and language – something that many students don’t learn until well into medical school.\n- You’ll learn teamwork: Effective medicine relies not just on a physician, but on a full team of interdisciplinary healthcare providers including nurse practitioners, physician assistants and even administrative support staff. Many medical students have no idea what roles these providers play until their third year of school.\n- You’ll get paid: Being a medical scribe is a paraprofessional job, which means that it’s a task trusted to a person who is not licensed to practice as a fully qualified professional but who is highly skilled and capable. It’s a paid position, which means you’ll be financially compensated for learning more about your chosen profession.\nAnother great way to prepare for the rigors of medical school is to enroll at St. Augustine, FL-based WOLFPACC, which offers a Pre Med Head Start program as well as USMLE and COMLEX preparation courses that employ revolutionary approaches to the study and practice of medicine. Call 904-209-3140 to talk with an admissions representative today.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Englishman William Caslon punchcut many roman, italic, and non-Latin typefaces from 1720 until his death in 1766. At that time most types were being imported to England from Dutch sources, so Caslon was influenced by the characteristics of Dutch types. He did, however, achieve a level of craft that enabled his recognition as the first great English punchcutter. Caslon's roman became so popular that it was known as the script of kings, although on the other side of the political spectrum (and the ocean), the Americans used it for their Declaration of Independence in 1776. The original Caslon specimen sheets and punches have long provided a fertile source for the range of types bearing his name. Identifying characteristics of most Caslons include a cap A with a scooped-out apex; a cap C with two full serifs; and in the italic, a swashed lowercase v and w. Caslon's types have achieved legendary status among printers and typographers, and are considered safe, solid, and dependable.A few of the many interpretations from the early twentieth century were true to the source, as well as strong enough to last into the digital era. These include two from the American Type Founders Company, Caslon 540 and the slightly heavier Caslon #3. Both fonts are relatively wide, and come complete with small caps, Old style Figures, and italics. Caslon Open Face first appeared in 1915 from the Barnhart Bros & Spindler Foundry, and is not anything like the true Caslon types despite the name. It is intended exclusively for titles, headlines and initials, and looks elegant whether used with the more authentic Caslon types or by itself.\nCaslon No. 540 supports 71 different languages such as Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and French in Latin scripts. (Please note that not all languages are available for all formats.)", "label": "No"} {"text": "Peptic ulcer disease\nPeptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the inner lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine, or sometimes the lower esophagus. An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer, while one in the first part of the intestines is a duodenal ulcer. The most common symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are waking at night with upper abdominal pain and upper abdominal pain that improves with eating. With a gastric ulcer, the pain may worsen with eating. The pain is often described as a burning or dull ache. Other symptoms include belching, vomiting, weight loss, or poor appetite. About a third of older people have no symptoms. Complications may include bleeding, perforation, and blockage of the stomach. Bleeding occurs in as many as 15% of cases.\n|Peptic ulcer disease|\n|Other names||Peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer|\n|Deep gastric ulcer|\n|Symptoms||Upper abdominal pain, belching, vomiting, weight loss, poor appetite|\n|Complications||Bleeding, perforation, blockage of the stomach|\n|Causes||Helicobacter pylori, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tobacco smoking, Crohn disease|\n|Diagnostic method||Based on symptoms, confirmed by endoscopy or barium swallow|\n|Differential diagnosis||Stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, inflammation of the stomach lining, gallbladder inflammation|\n|Treatment||Stopping smoking, stopping NSAIDs, stopping alcohol, medications|\n|Medication||Proton pump inhibitor, H2 blocker, antibiotics|\n|Frequency||87.4 million (2015)|\nCommon causes include the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other, less common causes include tobacco smoking, stress due to serious illness, Behcet disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Crohn disease, and liver cirrhosis. Older people are more sensitive to the ulcer-causing effects of NSAIDs. The diagnosis is typically suspected due to the presenting symptoms with confirmation by either endoscopy or barium swallow. H. pylori can be diagnosed by testing the blood for antibodies, a urea breath test, testing the stool for signs of the bacteria, or a biopsy of the stomach. Other conditions that produce similar symptoms include stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, and inflammation of the stomach lining or gallbladder inflammation.\nDiet does not play an important role in either causing or preventing ulcers. Treatment includes stopping smoking, stopping use of NSAIDs, stopping alcohol, and taking medications to decrease stomach acid. The medication used to decrease acid is usually either a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) or an H2 blocker, with four weeks of treatment initially recommended. Ulcers due to H. pylori are treated with a combination of medications, such as amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and a PPI. Antibiotic resistance is increasing and thus treatment may not always be effective. Bleeding ulcers may be treated by endoscopy, with open surgery typically only used in cases in which it is not successful.\nPeptic ulcers are present in around 4% of the population. New ulcers were found in around 87.4 million people worldwide during 2015. About 10% of people develop a peptic ulcer at some point in their life. Peptic ulcers resulted in 267,500 deaths in 2015, down from 327,000 in 1990. The first description of a perforated peptic ulcer was in 1670, in Princess Henrietta of England. H. pylori was first identified as causing peptic ulcers by Barry Marshall and Robin Warren in the late 20th century, a discovery for which they received the Nobel Prize in 2005.\nSigns and symptoms\nSigns and symptoms of a peptic ulcer can include one or more of the following:\n- abdominal pain, classically epigastric, strongly correlated with mealtimes. In case of duodenal ulcers, the pain appears about three hours after taking a meal and wakes the person from sleep;\n- bloating and abdominal fullness;\n- waterbrash (a rush of saliva after an episode of regurgitation to dilute the acid in esophagus, although this is more associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease);\n- nausea and copious vomiting;\n- loss of appetite and weight loss, in gastric ulcer;\n- weight gain, in duodenal ulcer, as the pain is relieved by eating;\n- hematemesis (vomiting of blood); this can occur due to bleeding directly from a gastric ulcer or from damage to the esophagus from severe/continuing vomiting.\n- melena (tarry, foul-smelling feces due to presence of oxidized iron from hemoglobin);\n- rarely, an ulcer can lead to a gastric or duodenal perforation, which leads to acute peritonitis and extreme, stabbing pain, and requires immediate surgery.\nA history of heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and use of certain medications can raise the suspicion for peptic ulcer. Medicines associated with peptic ulcer include NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) that inhibit cyclooxygenase and most glucocorticoids (e.g., dexamethasone and prednisolone).\nIn people over the age of 45 with more than two weeks of the above symptoms, the odds for peptic ulceration are high enough to warrant rapid investigation by esophagogastroduodenoscopy.\nThe timing of symptoms in relation to the meal may differentiate between gastric and duodenal ulcers. A gastric ulcer would give epigastric pain during the meal, associated with nausea and vomiting, as gastric acid production is increased as food enters the stomach. Pain in duodenal ulcers would be aggravated by hunger and relieved by a meal and is associated with night pain.\nAlso, the symptoms of peptic ulcers may vary with the location of the ulcer and the person's age. Furthermore, typical ulcers tend to heal and recur, and as a result the pain may occur for few days and weeks and then wane or disappear. Usually, children and the elderly do not develop any symptoms unless complications have arisen.\nA burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area lasting between 30 minutes and 3 hours commonly accompanies ulcers. This pain can be misinterpreted as hunger, indigestion, or heartburn. Pain is usually caused by the ulcer, but it may be aggravated by the stomach acid when it comes into contact with the ulcerated area. The pain caused by peptic ulcers can be felt anywhere from the navel up to the sternum, it may last from few minutes to several hours, and it may be worse when the stomach is empty. Also, sometimes the pain may flare at night, and it can commonly be temporarily relieved by eating foods that buffer stomach acid or by taking anti-acid medication. However, peptic ulcer disease symptoms may be different for every sufferer.\n- Gastrointestinal bleeding is the most common complication. Sudden large bleeding can be life-threatening. It is associated with 5% to 10% death rate.\n- Perforation (a hole in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract) following a gastric ulcer often leads to catastrophic consequences if left untreated. Erosion of the gastrointestinal wall by the ulcer leads to spillage of the stomach or intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity, leading to an acute chemical peritonitis. The first sign is often sudden intense abdominal pain, as seen in Valentino's syndrome. Posterior gastric wall perforation may lead to bleeding due to the involvement of gastroduodenal artery that lies posterior to the first part of the duodenum. The death rate in this case is 20%.\n- Penetration is a form of perforation in which the hole leads to and the ulcer continues into adjacent organs such as the liver and pancreas.\n- Gastric outlet obstruction is a narrowing of the pyloric canal by scarring and swelling of the gastric antrum and duodenum due to peptic ulcers. The person often presents with severe vomiting.\n- Cancer is included in the differential diagnosis (elucidated by biopsy), Helicobacter pylori as the etiological factor making it 3 to 6 times more likely to develop stomach cancer from the ulcer.\nHelicobacter pylori is one of the major causative factors of peptic ulcer disease. It secretes urease to create an alkaline environment, which is suitable for its survival. It expresses blood group antigen adhesin (BabA) and outer inflammatory protein adhesin (OipA), which enables it to attach to the gastric epithelium. The bacterium also expresses virulence factors such as CagA and PicB, which cause stomach mucosal inflammation. The VacA gene encodes for vacuolating cytotoxin, but its mechanism of causing peptic ulcers is unclear. Such stomach mucosal inflammation can be associated with hyperchlorhydria (increased stomach acid secretion) or hypochlorhydria (reduced stomach acid secretion). Inflammatory cytokines inhibit the parietal cell acid secretion. H. pylori also secretes certain products that inhibit hydrogen potassium ATPase; activate calcitonin gene-related peptide sensory neurons, which increases somatostatin secretion to inhibit acid production by parietal cells; and inhibit gastrin secretion. This reduction in acid production causes gastric ulcers. On the other hand, increased acid production at the pyloric antrum is associated with duodenal ulcers in 10% to 15% of H. pylori infection cases. In this case, somatostatin production is reduced and gastrin production is increased, leading to increased histamine secretion from the enterochromaffin cells, thus increasing acid production. An acidic environment at the antrum causes metaplasia of the duodenal cells, causing duodenal ulcers.\nHuman immune response toward the bacteria also determines the emergence of peptic ulcer disease. The human IL1B gene encodes for Interleukin 1 beta, and other genes that encode for tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and Lymphotoxin alpha also play a role in gastric inflammation.\nTaking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin can increase the risk of peptic ulcer disease by four times compared to non-users. The risk of getting peptic ulcer is two times for aspirin users. Risk of bleeding increases if NSAIDs are combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), corticosteroids, antimineralocorticoids, and anticoagulants. The gastric mucosa protects itself from gastric acid with a layer of mucus, the secretion of which is stimulated by certain prostaglandins. NSAIDs block the function of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1), which is essential for the production of these prostaglandins. Besides this, NSAIDs also inhibit stomach mucosa cells proliferation and mucosal blood flow, reducing bicarbonate and mucus secretion, which reduces the integrity of the mucosa. Another type of NSAIDs, called COX-2 selective anti-inflammatory drugs (such as celecoxib), preferentially inhibit COX-2, which is less essential in the gastric mucosa. This reduces the probability of getting peptic ulcers; however, it can still delay ulcer healing for those who already have a peptic ulcer.\nStress due to serious health problems, such as those requiring treatment in an intensive care unit, is well described as a cause of peptic ulcers, which are also known as stress ulcers.\nWhile chronic life stress was once believed to be the main cause of ulcers, this is no longer the case. It is, however, still occasionally believed to play a role. This may be due to the well-documented effects of stress on gastric physiology, increasing the risk in those with other causes, such as H. pylori or NSAID use.\nDietary factors, such as spice consumption, were hypothesized to cause ulcers until the late 20th century, but have been shown to be of relatively minor importance. Caffeine and coffee, also commonly thought to cause or exacerbate ulcers, appear to have little effect. Similarly, while studies have found that alcohol consumption increases risk when associated with H. pylori infection, it does not seem to independently increase risk. Even when coupled with H. pylori infection, the increase is modest in comparison to the primary risk factor.\nOther causes of peptic ulcer disease include gastric ischaemia, drugs, metabolic disturbances, cytomegalovirus (CMV), upper abdominal radiotherapy, Crohn's disease, and vasculitis. Gastrinomas (Zollinger–Ellison syndrome), or rare gastrin-secreting tumors, also cause multiple and difficult-to-heal ulcers.\nThe diagnosis is mainly established based on the characteristic symptoms. Stomach pain is usually the first signal of a peptic ulcer. In some cases, doctors may treat ulcers without diagnosing them with specific tests and observe whether the symptoms resolve, thus indicating that their primary diagnosis was accurate.\nMore specifically, peptic ulcers erode the muscularis mucosae, at minimum reaching to the level of the submucosa (contrast with erosions, which do not involve the muscularis mucosae).\nConfirmation of the diagnosis is made with the help of tests such as endoscopies or barium contrast x-rays. The tests are typically ordered if the symptoms do not resolve after a few weeks of treatment, or when they first appear in a person who is over age 45 or who has other symptoms such as weight loss, because stomach cancer can cause similar symptoms. Also, when severe ulcers resist treatment, particularly if a person has several ulcers or the ulcers are in unusual places, a doctor may suspect an underlying condition that causes the stomach to overproduce acid.\nAn esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), a form of endoscopy, also known as a gastroscopy, is carried out on people in whom a peptic ulcer is suspected. It is also the gold standard of diagnosis for peptic ulcer disease. By direct visual identification, the location and severity of an ulcer can be described. Moreover, if no ulcer is present, EGD can often provide an alternative diagnosis.\nOne of the reasons that blood tests are not reliable for accurate peptic ulcer diagnosis on their own is their inability to differentiate between past exposure to the bacteria and current infection. Additionally, a false negative result is possible with a blood test if the person has recently been taking certain drugs, such as antibiotics or proton-pump inhibitors.\nThe diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori can be made by:\n- Urea breath test (noninvasive and does not require EGD);\n- Direct culture from an EGD biopsy specimen; this is difficult and can be expensive. Most labs are not set up to perform H. pylori cultures;\n- Direct detection of urease activity in a biopsy specimen by rapid urease test;\n- Measurement of antibody levels in the blood (does not require EGD). It is still somewhat controversial whether a positive antibody without EGD is enough to warrant eradication therapy;\n- Stool antigen test;\n- Histological examination and staining of an EGD biopsy.\nThe breath test uses radioactive carbon to detect H. pylori. To perform this exam, the person is asked to drink a tasteless liquid that contains the carbon as part of the substance that the bacteria breaks down. After an hour, the person is asked to blow into a sealed bag. If the person is infected with H. pylori, the breath sample will contain radioactive carbon dioxide. This test provides the advantage of being able to monitor the response to treatment used to kill the bacteria.\nThe possibility of other causes of ulcers, notably malignancy (gastric cancer), needs to be kept in mind. This is especially true in ulcers of the greater (large) curvature of the stomach; most are also a consequence of chronic H. pylori infection.\nIf a peptic ulcer perforates, air will leak from inside the gastrointestinal tract (which always contains some air) to the peritoneal cavity (which normally never contains air). This leads to \"free gas\" within the peritoneal cavity. If the person stands ®, as when having a chest X-ray, the gas will float to a position underneath the diaphragm. Therefore, gas in the peritoneal cavity, shown on an erect chest X-ray or supine lateral abdominal X-ray, is an omen of perforated peptic ulcer disease.\n- Type I: Ulcer along the body of the stomach, most often along the lesser curve at incisura angularis along the locus minoris resistantiae. Not associated with acid hypersecretion.\n- Type II: Ulcer in the body in combination with duodenal ulcers. Associated with acid oversecretion.\n- Type III: In the pyloric channel within 3 cm of pylorus. Associated with acid oversecretion.\n- Type IV: Proximal gastroesophageal ulcer.\n- Type V: Can occur throughout the stomach. Associated with the chronic use of NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen).\nGastric ulcers are most often localized on the lesser curvature of the stomach. The ulcer is a round to oval parietal defect (\"hole\"), 2–4 cm diameter, with a smooth base and perpendicular borders. These borders are not elevated or irregular in the acute form of peptic ulcer, and regular but with elevated borders and inflammatory surrounding in the chronic form. In the ulcerative form of gastric cancer, the borders are irregular. Surrounding mucosa may present radial folds, as a consequence of the parietal scarring.\nA gastric peptic ulcer is a mucosal perforation that penetrates the muscularis mucosae and lamina propria, usually produced by acid-pepsin aggression. Ulcer margins are perpendicular and present chronic gastritis. During the active phase, the base of the ulcer shows 4 zones: fibrinoid necrosis, inflammatory exudate, granulation tissue and fibrous tissue. The fibrous base of the ulcer may contain vessels with thickened wall or with thrombosis.\nPrevention of peptic ulcer disease for those who are taking NSAIDs (with low cardiovascular risk) can be achieved by adding a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), an H2 antagonist, or misoprostol. NSAIDs of the COX-2 inhibitors type may reduce the rate of ulcers when compared to non-selective NSAIDs. PPI is the most popular agent in peptic ulcer prevention. However, there is no evidence that H2 antagonists can prevent stomach bleeding for those taking NSAIDs. Although misoprostol is effective in preventing peptic ulcer, its properties of promoting abortion and causing gastrointestinal distress limit its use. For those with high cardiovascular risk, naproxen with PPI can be a useful choice. Otherwise, low-dose aspirin, celecoxib, and PPI can also be used.\nOnce the diagnosis of H. pylori is confirmed, the first-line treatment would be a triple regimen in which pantoprazole and clarithromycin are combined with either amoxicillin or metronidazole. This treatment regimen can be given for 7–14 days. However, its effectiveness in eradicating H. pylori has been reducing from 90% to 70%. However, the rate of eradication can be increased by doubling the dosage of pantoprazole or increasing the duration of treatment to 14 days. Quadruple therapy (pantoprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and metronidazole) can also be used. The quadruple therapy can achieve an eradication rate of 90%. If the clarithromycin resistance rate is higher than 15% in an area, the usage of clarithromycin should be abandoned. Instead, bismuth-containing quadruple therapy can be used (pantoprazole, bismuth citrate, tetracycline, and metronidazole) for 14 days. The bismuth therapy can also achieve an eradication rate of 90% and can be used as second-line therapy when the first-line triple-regimen therapy failed.\nNSAIDs induced ulcers\nNSAID-associated ulcers heal in 6 to 8 weeks provided the NSAIDs are withdrawn with the introduction of proton pump inhibitors (PPI).\nFor those with bleeding peptic ulcers, fluid replacement with crystalloids should be given to maintain volume in the blood vessels. Hameoglobin should be maintained at greater than 70 g/dL through restrictive blood transfusion because it has been associated with reduced rate of death. Glasgow-Blatchford score is useful in determining whether a person should be treated inside a hospital or as an outpatient. Intravenous PPIs can suppress stomach bleeding more quickly than oral ones. A neutral stomach pH is required to keep platelets in place and prevent clot lysis. Tranexamic acid and antifibrinolytic agents are not useful in treating peptic ulcer disease.\nEarly endoscopic therapy can help to stop bleeding by using cautery, endoclip, or epinephrine injection. Treatment is indicated if there is active bleeding in the stomach, visible vessels, or an adherent clot. Endoscopy is also helpful in identifying people who are suitable for hospital discharge. Prokinetic agents such as erythromycin and metoclopramide can be given before endoscopy to improve endoscopic view. Either high- or low-dose PPIs are equally effective in reducing bleeding after endoscopy. High-dose intravenous PPI is defined as a bolus dose of 80 mg followed by an infusion of 8 mg per hour for 72 hours—in other words, the continuous infusion of PPI of greater than 192 mg per day. Intravenous PPI can be changed to oral once there is no high risk of rebleeding from peptic ulcer.\nFor those with hypovolemic shock and ulcer size of greater than 2 cm, there is a high chance that the endoscopic treatment would fail. Therefore, surgery and angiographic embolism are reserved for these complicated cases. However, there is a higher rate of complication for those who underwent surgery to patch the stomach bleeding site when compared to repeated endoscopy. Angiographic embolisation has a higher rebleeding rate but a similar rate of death to surgery.\nAccording to expert opinion, for those who are already on anticoagulants, the international normalized ratio (INR) should be kept at 1.5. For aspirin users who required endoscopic treatment for bleeding peptic ulcer, there is two times increased risk of rebleeding but with 10 times reduced risk of death at 8 weeks following the resumption of aspirin. For those who were on double antiplatelet agents for indwelling stent in blood vessels, both antiplatelet agents should not be stopped because there is a high risk of stent thrombosis. For those who were under warfarin treatment, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), vitamin K, prothrombin complex concentrates, or recombinant factor VIIa can be given to reverse the effect of warfarin. High doses of vitamin K should be avoided to reduce the time for rewarfarinisation once the stomach bleeding has stopped. Prothrombin complex concentrates are preferred for severe bleeding. Recombinant factor VIIa is reserved for life-threatening bleeding because of its high risk of thromboembolism. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are recommended instead of warfarin as they are more effective in preventing thromboembolism. In case of bleeding caused by DOAC, activated charcoal within 4 hours is the antidote of choice. Hamodialysis maybe given for bleeding caused by dabigatran. Anticoagulants should be resumed as soon as possible for those with high cardiovascular risk because although risk of rebleeding increases, the overall mortality decreases with resumption of anticoagulants.\nIn Western countries, the percentage of people with H. pylori infections roughly matches age (i.e., 20% at age 20, 30% at age 30, 80% at age 80, etc.). Prevalence is higher in third world countries, where it is estimated at about 70% of the population, whereas developed countries show a maximum of a 40% ratio. Overall, H. pylori infections show a worldwide decrease, more so in developed countries. Transmission occurs via food, contaminated groundwater, or human saliva (such as from kissing or sharing food utensils).\nPeptic ulcer disease had a tremendous effect on morbidity and mortality until the last decades of the 20th century, when epidemiological trends started to point to an impressive fall in its incidence. The reason that the rates of peptic ulcer disease decreased is thought to be the development of new effective medication and acid suppressants and the rational use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).\nJohn Lykoudis, a general practitioner in Greece, treated people for peptic ulcer disease with antibiotics beginning in 1958, long before it was commonly recognized that bacteria were a dominant cause for the disease.\nHelicobacter pylori was identified in 1982 by two Australian scientists, Robin Warren and Barry J. Marshall, as a causative factor for ulcers. In their original paper, Warren and Marshall contended that most gastric ulcers and gastritis were caused by colonization with this bacterium, not by stress or spicy food, as had been assumed before.\nThe H. pylori hypothesis was initially poorly received, so in an act of self-experimentation Marshall drank a Petri dish containing a culture of organisms extracted from a person with an ulcer and five days later developed gastritis. His symptoms disappeared after two weeks, but he took antibiotics to kill the remaining bacteria at the urging of his wife, since halitosis is one of the symptoms of infection. This experiment was published in 1984 in the Australian Medical Journal and is among the most cited articles from the journal.\nIn 1997, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with other government agencies, academic institutions, and industry, launched a national education campaign to inform health care providers and consumers about the link between H. pylori and ulcers. This campaign reinforced the news that ulcers are a curable infection and that health can be greatly improved and money saved by disseminating information about H. pylori.\nIn 2005, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Marshall and his long-time collaborator Dr. Warren \"for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.\" Marshall continues research related to H. pylori and runs a molecular biology lab at UWA in Perth, Western Australia.\nSome believed that mastic gum, a tree resin extract, actively eliminates the H. pylori bacteria. However, multiple subsequent studies have found no effect of using mastic gum on reducing H. pylori levels.\n- Sonnenberg in his study cautiously concludes that, among other potential factors that were found to correlate to ulcer healing, \"moderate alcohol intake might [also] favor ulcer healing.\" (p. 1066)\n- Najm WI (September 2011). \"Peptic ulcer disease\". Primary Care. 38 (3): 383–94, vii. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2011.05.001. PMID 21872087.\n- Milosavljevic T, Kostić-Milosavljević M, Jovanović I, Krstić M (2011). \"Complications of peptic ulcer disease\". Digestive Diseases. 29 (5): 491–3. doi:10.1159/000331517. PMID 22095016.\n- Steinberg KP (June 2002). \"Stress-related mucosal disease in the critically ill patient: risk factors and strategies to prevent stress-related bleeding in the intensive care unit\". Critical Care Medicine. 30 (6 Suppl): S362–4. doi:10.1097/00003246-200206001-00005. PMID 12072662.\n- Wang AY, Peura DA (October 2011). \"The prevalence and incidence of Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease and upper gastrointestinal bleeding throughout the world\". Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America. 21 (4): 613–35. doi:10.1016/j.giec.2011.07.011. PMID 21944414.\n- GBD 2015 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators (October 2016). \"Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015\". Lancet. 388 (10053): 1545–1602. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31678-6. PMC 5055577. PMID 27733282.\n- Wang, Haidong; Naghavi, Mohsen; Allen, Christine; Barber, Ryan M.; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Carter, Austin; Casey, Daniel C.; Charlson, Fiona J.; Chen, Alan Zian; Coates, Matthew M.; Coggeshall, Megan; Dandona, Lalit; Dicker, Daniel J.; Erskine, Holly E.; Ferrari, Alize J.; Fitzmaurice, Christina; Foreman, Kyle; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H.; Fraser, Maya S.; Fullman, Nancy; Gething, Peter W.; Goldberg, Ellen M.; Graetz, Nicholas; Haagsma, Juanita A.; Hay, Simon I.; Huynh, Chantal; Johnson, Catherine O.; Kassebaum, Nicholas J.; Kinfu, Yohannes; et al. (October 2016). \"Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015\". Lancet. 388 (10053): 1459–1544. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)31012-1. PMC 5388903. PMID 27733281.\n- \"Definition and Facts for Peptic Ulcer Disease\". National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Archived from the original on 2 April 2015. Retrieved 28 February 2015.\n- Rao, S. Devaji (2014). Clinical Manual of Surgery. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 526. ISBN 9788131238714.\n- \"Eating, Diet, and Nutrition for Peptic Ulcer Disease\". National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Archived from the original on 20 March 2015. Retrieved 28 February 2015.\n- Snowden FM (October 2008). \"Emerging and reemerging diseases: a historical perspective\". Immunological Reviews. 225 (1): 9–26. doi:10.1111/j.1600-065X.2008.00677.x. PMID 18837773.\n- GBD 2013 Mortality Causes of Death Collaborators (January 2015). \"Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013\". Lancet. 385 (9963): 117–71. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61682-2. PMC 4340604. PMID 25530442.\n- \"The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005\". nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB. Archived from the original on 12 May 2015. Retrieved 3 June 2015.\n- Bhat S (2013). SRB's Manual of Surgery. p. 364. ISBN 9789350259443.\n- Lanas A, Chan FK (August 2017). \"Peptic ulcer disease\". Lancet. 390 (10094): 613–624. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32404-7. PMID 28242110.\n- \"Peptic Ulcer\". Home Health Handbook for Patients & Caregivers. Merck Manuals. October 2006. Archived from the original on 28 December 2011.\n- \"Peptic ulcer\". Archived from the original on 14 February 2012. Retrieved 18 June 2010.\n- \"Ulcer Disease Facts and Myths\". Archived from the original on 5 June 2010. Retrieved 18 June 2010.\n- Cullen DJ, Hawkey GM, Greenwood DC, Humphreys H, Shepherd V, Logan RF, Hawkey CJ (October 1997). \"Peptic ulcer bleeding in the elderly: relative roles of Helicobacter pylori and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs\". Gut. 41 (4): 459–62. doi:10.1136/gut.41.4.459. PMC 1891536. PMID 9391242.\n- Gossman, William; Tuma, Faiz; Kamel, Bishoy G.; Cassaro, Sebastiano (2019). \"Gastric Perforation\". StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.\n- Fink G (February 2011). \"Stress controversies: post-traumatic stress disorder, hippocampal volume, gastroduodenal ulceration*\". Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 23 (2): 107–17. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2826.2010.02089.x. PMID 20973838.\n- Yeomans ND (January 2011). \"The ulcer sleuths: The search for the cause of peptic ulcers\". Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 26 Suppl 1: 35–41. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06537.x. PMID 21199512.\n- For nearly 100 years, scientists and doctors thought that ulcers were caused by stress, spicy food, and alcohol. Treatment involved bed rest and a bland diet. Later, researchers added stomach acid to the list of causes and began treating ulcers with antacids. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse Archived 5 July 2006 at the Wayback Machine\n- Ryan-Harshman M, Aldoori W (May 2004). \"How diet and lifestyle affect duodenal ulcers. Review of the evidence\". Canadian Family Physician. 50: 727–32. PMC 2214597. PMID 15171675.\n- Rubin R, Strayer DS, Rubin E (1 February 2011). Rubin's pathology : clinicopathologic foundations of medicine (Sixth ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 623. ISBN 978-1-60547-968-2.\n- Salih BA, Abasiyanik MF, Bayyurt N, Sander E (June 2007). \"H pylori infection and other risk factors associated with peptic ulcers in Turkish patients: a retrospective study\". World Journal of Gastroenterology. 13 (23): 3245–8. doi:10.3748/wjg.v13.i23.3245. PMC 4436612. PMID 17589905.\n- Sonnenberg A, Müller-Lissner SA, Vogel E, Schmid P, Gonvers JJ, Peter P, Strohmeyer G, Blum AL (December 1981). \"Predictors of duodenal ulcer healing and relapse\". Gastroenterology. 81 (6): 1061–7. PMID 7026344.\n- Feliberti, E.; Hughes, M. S.; Perry, R. R.; Vinik, A.; Feingold, K. R.; Anawalt, B.; Boyce, A.; Chrousos, G.; Dungan, K.; Grossman, A.; Hershman, J. M.; Kaltsas, G.; Koch, C.; Kopp, P.; Korbonits, M.; McLachlan, R.; Morley, J. E.; New, M.; Perreault, L.; Purnell, J.; Rebar, R.; Singer, F.; Trence, D. L.; Vinik, A.; Wilson, D. P. (28 November 2013). \"Gastrinoma Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome\". Endotext. PMID 25905301.\n- \"Peptic Ulcer Disease\". Archived from the original on 13 January 2016. Retrieved 17 January 2016.\n- \"Peptic ulcer\". Archived from the original on 9 February 2010. Retrieved 18 June 2010.\n- \"Tests and diagnosis\". Archived from the original on 9 February 2010. Retrieved 18 June 2010.\n- \"ATLAS OF PATHOLOGY\". Archived from the original on 9 February 2009. Retrieved 26 August 2007.\n- \"WHO Disease and injury country estimates\". World Health Organization. 2009. Archived from the original on 11 November 2009. 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Lancet. 1 (8390): 1311–5. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(84)91816-6. PMID 6145023.\n- Schulz K (9 September 2010). \"Stress Doesn't Cause Ulcers! Or, How To Win a Nobel Prize in One Easy Lesson: Barry Marshall on Being ... Right\". The Wrong Stuff. Slate. Archived from the original on 5 August 2011. Retrieved 17 July 2011.\n- Van Der Weyden MB, Armstrong RM, Gregory AT (2005). \"The 2005 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine\". The Medical Journal of Australia. 183 (11–12): 612–4. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.2005.tb00052.x. PMID 16336147. Archived from the original on 27 June 2009.\n- \"Ulcer, Diagnosis and Treatment - CDC Bacterial, Mycotic Diseases\". Cdc.gov. Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved 27 February 2014.\n- Huwez FU, Thirlwell D, Cockayne A, Ala'Aldeen DA (December 1998). \"Mastic gum kills Helicobacter pylori\". The New England Journal of Medicine. 339 (26): 1946. doi:10.1056/NEJM199812243392618. PMID 9874617. Archived from the original on 15 September 2008. See also their corrections in the next volume Archived 5 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine.\n- Loughlin MF, Ala'Aldeen DA, Jenks PJ (February 2003). \"Monotherapy with mastic does not eradicate Helicobacter pylori infection from mice\". The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 51 (2): 367–71. doi:10.1093/jac/dkg057. PMID 12562704.\n- Bebb JR, Bailey-Flitter N, Ala'Aldeen D, Atherton JC (September 2003). \"Mastic gum has no effect on Helicobacter pylori load in vivo\". The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 52 (3): 522–3. doi:10.1093/jac/dkg366. PMID 12888582.\n|Wikimedia Commons has media related to Peptic ulcers.|", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bloodborne Pathogen Standard\nOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)\n29 CFR 1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens\nWho is covered:\nThe Bloodborne Pathogen Standard applies to all employees with reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with human blood, blood components, or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's duties. Other potentially infectious materials means:\n- The following human body fluids: semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood\n- Any unfixed human tissue or organ (other than intact skin)\n- HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, and HIV- or HBV-containing culture medium or other solutions; and blood, organs, or other tissues from experimental animals infected with HIV or HBV\nWhat training is required:\nEach training program must be appropriate in context and language and contain at a minimum the following elements:\n- An accessible copy of the regulatory text of this standard and an explanation of its contents.\n- An explanation of the epidemiology, transmission, and symptoms of bloodborne diseases.\n- An explanation of the University of Minnesota's exposure control plan and the means by which the employee can obtain a written copy.\n- An explanation of the appropriate methods for recognizing tasks and other activities that may involve exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials.\n- An explanation of the use and limitations of methods that will prevent or reduce exposure including engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment.\n- Information on the types, basis for selection, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination and disposal of personal protective equipment.\n- Information on the hepatitis B vaccine, including information on its efficacy, safety, method of administration, the benefits of being vaccinated, and that employees will be offered the vaccination series free of charge.\n- Information on the appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency.\n- An explanation of the procedure to follow if an exposure incident occurs, including the method of reporting the incident and the medical follow-up that will be made available.\n- Information on the post-exposure evaluation and follow-up.\n- An explanation of the signs and labels and/or color coding required.\n- Name of individual to contact for further information.\nWhen training is required:\nTraining must be completed within ten working days of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may take place, and at least annually thereafter.\nTraining records must be maintained for three years from the date on which the training occurred. Training records must include the dates of the training sessions, the contents or a summary of the training session, the names and qualifications of persons conducting the training, and the names and job titles of all persons attending the training sessions.\nContact name and number:\nFor further information, call the Biosafety Specialists in Environmental Health and Safety, at 612-626-6002", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hare Hatch Montessori links the Montessori ethos with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We aim to work effectively with all children and their families, ensuring each individual has their needs acknowledged and met.\nThe four main aims for the EYFS:\n- quality and consistency in all early years settings, so that every child makes good progress;\n- a secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child and are assessed and reviewed regularly;\n- partnership working between practitioners and with parents and/or carers; and\n- equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.\nThe principles underlying the EYFS are ones with which Montessorians are very familiar and which they endorse enthusiastically. We acknowledge that every child is unique; that children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships; that they learn and develop well in enabling environments; and that they develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Students in India Launch Satellites to Help Farmers, Fisherman, and the Environment\nOver the next few years, India is likely to witness launch of around 20 to 25 student satellites that are specifically dedicated to environment and development in the coming decade. In last one year alone four student satellites were launched into space.\nThe satellites StudSat, a picosatellite conceived and created by students of Hyderabad and Bengaluru institutions, Anusat, which was launched by Madras Institute of Technology and three other satellites were launched with the aim of \"environmental surveillance and early warning of disaster\" such as \"assessing pollution levels in the atmosphere by monitoring green house gases, carbon dioxide and water vapor.\nJugnu, a remote sensing satellite \"provides data for agriculture and disaster monitoring. It can help farmers in planning crops in such way that minimizes losses and improves earnings. It has been developed by students of Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur.\nPratham, a microsatellite, is \"focused on building advanced tsunami warning systems to help poor fishermen along India‟s vast coastline.\nImplications from SFG:\n\"Student satellites underline not only technological competence of young Indians but also their concern for environment and its implications for farmers and fishing communities who are among the poorest people. The poor and middle income groups do not have resources to foresee and secure their future. The student satellites\ncould act as a tool to look over potential man-made and natural\nenvironmental threats. With government support, currently 20-25\nsuch projects can be foreseen. If foundations, international universities and private sector players collaborate, their number, quality and capacity can go up significantly, enabling them to cover almost the entire country, and neighboring countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan, as beneficiaries.\"\nImplications from IFTF:\nDomestic innovation and aid is important in fostering regional self-esteem", "label": "No"} {"text": "Whole class graphing activities for December!These fun set of graphing activities are a perfect way to introduce graphs to your students. This set of 4 Christmas related questions will have your students surveying, creating, collaborating and reading graphs.\nThere are 2 different styles to showcase the questions and choice options in. You can use clothes pins or clips for students to vote or use the editable ticket stubs and have them vote that way!\nEach question has 5 different related worksheets to use around that topic. 3 are geared towards the class and 2 are ones they will need to interpret the data on and answer questions.\nSuper fun and engaging this set includes opportunities to compare and contrast, addition and subtraction and so much more!\nQuestions included in this set:\n• Which ornament do you like best?\n• How do you like your hot chocolate?\n• What cookie would you pick?\n• Which would you rather use?\nPlease download the preview to see one of the questions and the worksheets included. If you would like something additional please don’t hesitate to let me know and I can get it added for you!\nIf you want any of the wording changed please don't hesitate to let me know and I can customize it for your class!\nThank you for looking at my store. Please consider becoming a follower to be notified of new products. All new items are 50% off for the first 48 Hours.", "label": "No"} {"text": "There are few more impressive creatures than the docile, vegetarian, giant Galapagos land tortoises. No one knows how old these creatures grow in the wild, since no person has been living in the islands long enough to see one survive to its natural old age. The ones in the photo are upwards of 140 years.Weighing in at half a ton, the greatest danger they pose to you is stepping on your toe. This tranquility has not always served the giant tortoise well. In the past they were frequently attacked by invasive dogs and kidnapped by sailors for meat on their long voyages. Where once half a million giant tortoises roamed, today only a few thousand remain.\nIt is sad to think that the survival of this species is in our hands – the very creatures the endangered them in the first place.", "label": "No"} {"text": "When a short optical pulse propagates through a nonlinear medium, the Kerr effect leads to a phase delay which is largest on the beam axis (where the optical intensity is highest) and smaller outside the axis. This is similar to the action of a lens: the wavefronts are deformed, so that the pulse is focused (assuming a positive nonlinear index n2). This effect is called self-focusing and has important implications for passive mode locking of lasers (→ Kerr lens mode locking) and for optical damage of media (catastrophic self-focusing). For negative n2, the nonlinearity is self-defocusing.\nWhen a Gaussian beam with optical power P and beam radius w propagates through a thin piece (thickness d) of a nonlinear medium with nonlinear index n2, the dioptric power (inverse focal length) of the Kerr lens is\nwhen considering only the phase changes near the beam axis in a parabolic approximation. This equation can be derived by calculating the radially dependent nonlinear phase change and comparing it with that of a lens.\nThe equation shows that for a given optical power Kerr lensing becomes more important for stronger beam focusing: this increases the optical intensities and even more so the intensity gradients.\n|||P. A. Belanger and C. Pare, “Self-focusing of Gaussian beams: an alternate derivation”, Appl. Opt. 22 (9), 1293 (1983)|\n|||F. Salin et al., “Modelocking of Ti:sapphire lasers and self-focusing: a Gaussian approximation”, Opt. Lett. 16 (21), 1674 (1991)|\n|||V. Magni et al., “Astigmatism in Gaussian-beam self-focusing and in resonators for Kerr-lens mode locking”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 12 (3), 476 (1995)|\n|||J. H. Marburger, “Self-focusing: theory”, in Progress in Quantum Electronics, J. H. Sanders and S. Stenholm, eds. (Pergamon, Oxford, 1977), Vol. 4, pp. 35-110 (1977)|\n|||Y. R. Shen, “Self-focusing: experimental”, in Progress in Quantum Electronics, J. H. Sanders and S. Stenholm, eds. (Pergamon, Oxford, 1977), Vol. 4, pp. 1-34 (1977)|\nSee also: focal length, Kerr effect, lenses, self-focusing, laser-induced damage, Kerr lens mode locking, self-phase modulation\nand other articles in the categories nonlinear optics, physical foundations\nIf you like this article, share it with your friends and colleagues, e.g. via social media:", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Click on the ' Edit ' menu with the mouse or press ' Alt '+' E '.\n- Click on ' Preferences ' or press ' E ' to open the preferences dialog box.\n- Click on, or use the arrow keys to select the ' Font ' heading underneath the ' Appearance ' category. If you cannot see the Font heading, you may need to expand the Appearance category. Do this by either double clicking on Appearance, or selecting Appearance with the arrow keys and pressing the right arrow key. 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It is also a lesson that increasingly fails to prepare our students for the world unfolding around them.\nWhat might an educational paradigm that is centred on learning look like (constructionism), and what might it require of us, particularly in School?\nIn this regard, the International Baccalaureate continuum of education for 3-19 year olds is instructive. Central to the IB’s approach to education is learning through independent inquiry. Inquiry is more expansive than research and draws on a number of literacies, one of which is information literacy. Furthermore, because effective learning through inquiry requires professional collaboration between teacher and librarian, growth in the number of schools offering one or more IB Programmes is both an opportunity for librarians in schools to redefine themselves professionally, and a challenge to do so. Additionally, a continuum of inquiry-based education that stretches from age 3-19 will develop students who are better equipped for life and learning beyond school than students who are merely the product of School.\nMore broadly, the evolving definition of information literacy in the US reveals both an educational movement towards inquiry as well as something of the role of information literacy within inquiry, and this, like the IB continuum, is a consequence of active participation in the global conversation about the future of education. Both of these streams combine at Oakham School.\nOakham School has offered the IB Diploma Programme alongside A levels since 2001, and is currently a candidate school for the IB Middle Years Programme, which will lead to GCSEs. This affords us a unique perspective on and experience of these two educational paradigms. Additionally, since 2011 we have been drawing on the work of colleagues in the US, specifically Barbara Stripling and Carol Kuhlthau, resulting in a Framework of Skills for Inquiry Learning (FOSIL), which is both a model of the inquiry process as well as a progression of skills enabling it. As FOSIL evolves, mainly due to our deepening understanding of inquiry, but also the ongoing work of transplanting it from foreign soil, so it becomes an increasingly powerful tool for enabling inquiry, whether controlled, guided or open.\nStarting from the global conversation about the future of education, we will proceed to discuss the value of inquiry to an education for the future, as well as some of the strategic and operational considerations that a shift in focus to learning through inquiry demands. Using FOSIL, we will then look at the place and role of information literacy within inquiry, paying attention to the forces driving the evolution of FOSIL. As FOSIL has emerged at the centre of a growing community of schools committed to advancing inquiry learning, we will conclude with developments to support this community through online discourse and the sharing of best practice and resources.\nViewing 1 post (of 1 total)\nThe forum ‘Announcements’ is closed to new topics and replies.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Women’s Studies Program is built on the understanding that gender is a crucial category of human knowledge and action. Women’s studies recognizes the complexity of human lives as gender interconnects with sexuality, race, class, ability, nationality, ethnicity, religion, and age in the constitution of experience and identities.\nThe program is at its core interdisciplinary, integrating knowledge from different disciplines to encourage critical engagement with all forms of experience from a feminist standpoint. Interdisciplinary study leads students to question frameworks, concepts, and methods, enabling them to understand better both the past and the contemporary world, while envisioning a future beyond traditional roles and inequities. By emphasizing interdisciplinarity, the program seeks to help students acquire the tools to analyze critically the societal, cultural, global, and personal issues that shape their lives and challenge them to look at these issues from multiple perspectives. It also encourages them to reflect on the ways in which knowledge is produced within different and oftentimes unrecognized systems of oppression, and to examine categories that are presented as natural and permanent in their cultural and historical context. Finally, the program strives to help its students acquire the skills of critical analysis and imagine alternatives that challenge the naturalizing of inequalities.\nWomen’s studies offers a major and minor as well as a wide variety of interdisciplinary courses for students. Some of these courses are listed as WMST courses. The basic introductory course is WMST 202.\nStudents in women’s studies, as well as the campus community as a whole, are encouraged to participate in activities sponsored by the Center for Women’s Studies, located on the lower level of East Hall. During each year, the center initiates a wide variety of educational programming, including films, discussions, and student projects, which aim to establish an open dialogue about the many ways race, class, cultural differences, and sexual orientation both interact with and shape gender roles.\nMajors in women’s studies typically go on to graduate or professional school in a number of different fields or work in areas of social policy, social change, and human services.\nAn introduction to significant debates and texts in the field of postcolonial literatures. This course explores how the field engages with questions of race, gender, sexuality, class, caste, and migration. It considers how writers located in the global south or in the West as migrants navigate their spaces when faced with inequality and marginalization. The course examines both the legacies that empires have left and the nature of new empires that are being constructed.\nFaculty Profile for Professor Julien\nHow do we come to be who we are? How do we tell our own stories? What can we learn from each other? What does it mean to be a human community? These are some of the questions this course invites us to consider as we discover texts written by various prominent authors from West and North Africa. The product of a complex history, this is a literature where cultures, identities, genres, and languages intersect. It gives voice to rich questions of identity and self-definition through the exploration of traditional as well as innovative forms of writing. Together, we will engage in close reading of these texts and have broader discussions on themes and concepts such as imperialism and colonialism, post-colonialism, cultural translocation, gender, race, sexuality, religion, and multilingualism. In doing so, we will encounter new ways of reflecting on questions and issues that concern us all, our self-definition, and the way we relate to others. This course is taught in English but should especially be of interest to students with some experience with the French language or in French-speaking countries. There will be the opportunity of a separate optional “Foreign Language Across the Curriculum” component. Students who successfully complete this seminar will receive credit for FREN 222 and satisfy one half of the Human Thought and Expression area of inquiry requirement.\nHélène M. Julien is professor of French and Women’s Studies. With a specific focus on contemporary French literature and literature from North Africa and its diaspora, her research explores the ways in which personal and collective selves find their voices in relation to history, memory, gender, race, sexuality, and culture.\nReligions of Resistance: Gender, Sexuality and Performance in the Caribbean\nStudies African-derived religions and practices in the Caribbean, particularly the ways in which they constitute anticolonial and decolonial perspectives and practices. By exploring texts drawn from cultural studies, religious studies, literature, theatre and anthropology, students will develop an analytical framework through which to examine concepts such as syncretism and hybridity, ritual and bodily performance, and the construction of gender and sexuality. Key concerns in this course are the empowerment of women and people of diverse gender and sexual identities in religious contexts, black identity in the Caribbean and beyond, and the creation of new spaces for marginalized voices to be heard.\nExplores gender from a variety of angles, and in tandem with race, ethnicity, class, religion, sexuality, and other markers of identity. Students develop vocabulary and tools to speak and think critically about oppression, patriarchy, social change, and common assumptions about the world and people around us. A primary goal is to explore both the forces that feed into inequality and discrimination, and ways to resist, challenge, and overcome those forces. Students explores issues ranging from bodies, work, families, identity, politics, medicine, history, and the media, as well as the ways in which feminist movements around the world have addressed these topics.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Liturgical readings are available here.\nThe long story about Susanna from the Book of the prophet Daniel shows that God is just, he acts justly, and grants a just outcome. It is already the name Daniel that makes one think of justice, since the very name means: God makes justice.\nThe story, however, offers a deeper meaning to ponder. Susanna is a model of the people of Israel that resists temptations of the pagans, remaining faithful at any cost.\nThe two elders who sin are emblematic of any human sin. All starts with their looking, continues with their preparation of a plan and it ends with deliberation and action. This logic of sin, however, is not stringent and there is an escape route.\n- Live in God’s presence: Sin has its origin in human nature, but it only develops if we forget that God is with us.\n- Resist: Stand firm in temptations. God rewards those who are faithful to him.\nJesus in the gospel is more than Daniel. He also encounters a woman in a somewhat similar situation, but this woman is guilty. Yet, Jesus proves to be much more than a defender of an innocent person. He even forgives sins. He cares not only about the external response to the prescriptions of the law, but especially about the answer of the heart.", "label": "No"} {"text": "SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateCounting( UBaseType_t uxMaxCount,\nCreates a counting semaphore\nand returns a handle by which the newly created semaphore can be referenced.\nmust be set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h, or left undefined (in which case it will\ndefault to 1), for this RTOS API function to be available.\nEach counting semaphore require a small amount of RAM that is used to hold the\nsemaphore's state. If a counting semaphore is created using xSemaphoreCreateCounting()\nthen the required RAM is automatically allocated from the FreeRTOS heap.\nIf a counting semaphore is created using xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic()\nthen the RAM is provided by the application writer, which requires an additional\nparameter, but allows the RAM to be statically allocated at compile\ntime. See the Static Vs\nDynamic allocation page for more information.\nCounting semaphores are typically used for two things:\nIn this usage scenario an event handler will 'give' a semaphore each time\nan event occurs (incrementing the semaphore count value), and a handler\ntask will 'take' a semaphore each time it processes an event\n(decrementing the semaphore count value). The count value is therefore\nthe difference between the number of events that have occurred and the\nnumber that have been processed. In this case it is desirable for the\ninitial count value to be zero.\nNote the same functionality can often be achieved in a more efficient way\nusing a direct to task notification.\nIn this usage scenario the count value indicates the number of resources\navailable. To obtain control of a resource a task must first obtain a\nsemaphore - decrementing the semaphore count value. When the count value\nreaches zero there are no free resources. When a task finishes with the\nresource it 'gives' the semaphore back - incrementing the semaphore count\nvalue. In this case it is desirable for the initial count value to be\nequal to the maximum count value, indicating that all resources are free.\nThe maximum count value that can be reached. When the semaphore reaches this value it can no longer be 'given'.\nThe count value assigned to the semaphore when it is created.\nIf the semaphore is created successfully then a handle to the semaphore\nis returned. If the semaphore cannot be created because the RAM required\nto hold the semaphore cannot be allocated\nthen NULL is returned.\nvoid vATask( void * pvParameters )\n/* Create a counting semaphore that has a maximum count of 10 and an\ninitial count of 0. */\nxSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCounting( 10, 0 );\nif( xSemaphore != NULL )\n/* The semaphore was created successfully. */\nCopyright (C) Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Wednesday June 13, 2018\nIt has proven nearly impossible for the Kenyan government to quickly close the third largest refugee camp in the world. Meanwhile, fewer people have chosen to return to Somalia so far in 2018, compounding the issue.\n\"Many of the inhabitants fled Somalia because of political instability in the '90s and have settled in Dadaab's camps after decades in Kenya,\" explains Neil Turner, our country director in Kenya and Tanzania. Some of Dabaab's inhabitants were born in Kenya and have never set foot in the country their parents or grandparents fled.\nNeil Turner, NRC country director in Kenya and Tanzania\nIn 2011, when a devastating drought and famine hit Somalia, 100,000 additional refugees arrived. Supplementary camps were set up to accommodate them. At that time, the Dadaab population soared to around 480,000 as it became the world's largest refugee camp. Today, the Dadaab refugee complex consists of four refugee camps. The population is mostly Somalian, with a small number of refugees from Ethiopia, South Sudan and The Democratic Republic of the Congo.\nThe Kenyan government's desire to close down Dadaab\nIn 2016, the Kenyan government announced in that it would close Dadaab. A year later, the high court in Kenya ruled that a closure would violate the country's constitution. Turner explains that it was not necessarily the Kenyan government's intention to close Dadaab, but to send a message \"that the status quo from the Kenyan government's perspective was not acceptable and that the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), in particular, should do more.\"\nBut the announcement still spread uncertainty among people in the camps.\nThe Kenyan government and UNHCR run a voluntary return programme for Somali refugees in Kenya. The number of refugees returning to Somalia through this programme increased through both 2016 and 2017.\n\"The number of refugees returning to Somalia increased because of the government's signals that Dadaab would be closed, and the uncertainty this caused among refugees,\" Turner says.\nA decrease in voluntary returns to Somalia in 2018\nTwo years later, life goes on in the four remaining refugee camps. It is unlikely that Dadaab, one of\nthe world's largest refugee camps, will close any time soon.\n\"Practically, how does that happen\", Turner asks.\nOver 75,000 Somalian refugees have returned to Somalia through the voluntary return programme in the past three years. Around 33,000 returned in 2016 and a further 33,000 in 2017.\nMost of the Somalis who return are the people who arrived after the 2011 drought. \"They have more recent links to Somalia, while the people who arrived three decades ago are less likely to return as they have settled in Dadaab,\" Turner says.\nCompared to previous years, the number of people returning to Somalia in the first four months of this year has decreased. \"Our assumption is that those people who, for whatever reason, might join the voluntary return programme have already done that,\" Turner explains.\nReturning to internal displacement in Somalia or going back to Dadaab\nThe refugees who travel back to Somalia face many barriers in a country not yet ready for a mass return of refugees. The Kismayo district in Somalia and the capital, Mogadishu, are the areas where most returnees end their journey. Many might ultimately become displaced again.\nThe Somalian refugees who return to the Kismayo district without having lived there before, face difficulties in getting land, housing and property. Some may end up leaving for Dadaab a second time. For the ones who return to Dadaab, it is almost impossible to get renewed refugee documentation. Without documentation, people have no right to food, shelter and healthcare.\nHarsh rhetoric, but working to find solutions in practice\nWith almost 500,000 registered refugees living throughout Kenya, lasting solutions, such as livelihood opportunities, are needed to improve the situation.\nA new refugee bill creating a more conducive environment for refugees to work and travel was approved by the Kenyan Parliament in June 2017. However, it was not agreed to by the President and has been returned to the legislature. Meanwhile, Kenya is part in the Comprehensive Refugee Response framework (CRRF), working to find lasting solutions in displacement, such as resettlement, integration or return. A CRRF pilot was initiated in late 2017.\nTurner explains that the general perception of the Kenyan government's policy is that they are very strict on refugee matters, but \"when you look below the rhetoric, you find that actually quite a lot is possible.\"", "label": "No"} {"text": "Robert R. McCormick’s maternal grandparents, Katherine Patrick (1831-1894) and Joseph Medill (1823-1899), laid the foundation of a media empire. In 1855 Joseph Medill purchased a 1/3 interest in the Chicago Tribune newspaper and formally incorporated the Tribune Company six years later. He purchased a controlling interest in 1874 and took over the company.\nMedill wielded great power in Chicago. When the Chicago Tribune offices, and most of downtown Chicago, were obliterated in Chicago’s Great Fire of 1871, Medill borrowed a printing press. The next morning’s edition boasted: “Cheer up…Chicago shall rise again!”\nRobert R. McCormick ushered in a new era when he laid the cornerstone of a new printing plant in 1920. President of Tribune Company since 1911, he expanded Tribune business ventures by forming WGN radio in 1924 and building the iconic Tribune Tower in 1925. WGN-TV joined the company in 1948.\nRobert created a vast newsprint manufacturing empire to make Tribune Company a self-sufficient corporation. It included Tribune Company’s Canadian timberlands that supplied wood to their Thorold, Ontario and Baie Comeau, Quebec paper mill, and 12 ships that transported rolls of newsprint to offices of the Chicago Tribune and New York Daily News.\nThroughout his life, Robert staunchly defended the First Amendment to the US Constitution, paying particular interest to the rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. As Chairman of the American Newspaper Publishers Association’s Committee on Freedom of the Press in 1928, his legal skills helped him defeat a Minnesota gag law. Eventually the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional.\nRobert firmly believed:\n“The newspaper is an institution developed by modern civilization to present the news of the day, to foster commerce and industry, to inform and lead public opinion, and to furnish that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide.”\n—Robert R. McCormick\nFirst Division Museum\nJan: ClosedFeb: Fri-Sun, 10am-4pmMar-Apr: Tue-Sun, 10am-4pmMay-Oct: Tue-Sun, 10am-5pmNov-Dec: Tue-Sun, 10am-4pm\nClick for McCormick Museum Hours\nGarden Tips & Tastes\nSee entire events calendar »", "label": "No"} {"text": "Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【11】——The global consensus requires an official consense\nUpdated: Dec 12, 2022\nZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur\nBitcoin started as an air phase with only cost and no price, and the air-to-value transition is commonly thought of as pizza day on May 22, 2010. Then, it was the beginning of peer-to-peer commodity exchange, and after that, Bitcoin represented the value of the commodity. The first bitcoin trading platform, M.T.Gox (Mentor), started trading bitcoins on July 17, 2010. Note: Previously, bitcoins only represented commodities; once changed bitcoins with fiat currency, it meant that bitcoins officially became a medium of exchange and had the characteristics of money.\n11.1 Measure of money\nCurrency represents assets, and assets have standards for measuring assets, which we will discuss later. The currency itself also has a standard of measurement. Just like a ruler has a tape measure, a caliper, and a ruler, they are suitable for different scenarios. We compare bitcoin to fiat and gold because their use cases are the same. The difference between them is that gold is history, fiat currency is the present, and bitcoin is the future.\nMoney itself can be an asset, but not all assets are money. Likewise, money itself is not necessarily an asset.\nWhat is currency?\nMany objects have represented the medium of exchange, such as shells, stones, metals, and paper money. Even certain strings of numbers are now described as currency. As a currency, there are quality issues. There are different indicator systems for measuring the quality of a currency. There are four most important indicators, and we can use these indicators to analyze a currency.\nCurrency has four characteristics: universality, Stability, Settle-easily, and popularity. Assets do not have all four of these characteristics.\nUniversality: Bitcoin is a super-sovereign currency, more universal than fiat money.\nThe country restricts the circulation of fiat currency because each country has its fiat currency. The scope of Bitcoin circulation is almost unrestricted, and only a few countries have nominal restrictions because the Internet is free. But the circulation of Bitcoin is hindered by its volatility, which is the same as gold. Therefore, Bitcoin is as unsuitable as gold as a standard for direct transactions. And experiments with blockchain stablecoins have opened our eyes to new possibilities.\nStability: Bitcoin's Stability has run for 13 years without significant failures, and there is no problem with time-tested Stability. 91% are mined out, and 97% are mined out by the end of the 5th cycle, i.e., 2027, which means there is only a 3% maximum risk in terms of Stability. It can almost be said to be negligible from the view of over-issuance. Except for technical Stability, quantity stability does not exist in terms of over-issuance. Quality stability cannot be falsified. Trust stability is trading Transparent.\nFour indicators of stability:\n1. Stable technology, will not die out.\n2. Stable quantity, the total number can be known.\n3. Stable quality, can't be faked.\n4. Stable trust, transparent transactions and books.\nReaders can compare gold and fiat currencies with four Stability by themselves, which I won't discuss here. The conclusion is that both flaws are unchangeable, and Bitcoin is superior to both. Although Bitcoin also has flaws, they are not unimprovable, and therefore Bitcoin is the most suitable medium of exchange and monetary representation in modern times.\nSettle-easily: Compared to the fiat currency of clearing and settlement, bitcoin has no problems; there is a barrier to payment. This barrier also affects popularity. We classify such problems as popularity issues, analyze them one by one, and propose solutions or directions for each. And gold is wholly inapplicable at this point.\nPopularity: measured by consensus or users. Bitcoin is not a global consensus, as we will discuss later. It is a flaw of Bitcoin that cannot be solved by technicians alone.\n11.2 Popularity of Bitcoin in the Blockchain Circle\nPopularity is the biggest weakness of Bitcoin, which is divided into in side and outside the blockchain circle. First, look at the status quo of Bitcoin in the blockchain, and then see if there is a way for one hit to win. Popularization within the circle is easy, and every bit of progress lays the foundation for popularization outside the circle.\n11.2.1 The necessity of popularity in the blockchain circle\nAccording to Figure 1, the website \"Zhihu,\" as of February 4, 2021, had 345,505,547 bitcoin addresses. However, due to centralized exchanges, each of which has many users, Binance reached 120 million account holders, with a 20% growth in 2021. Binance does not allow American customers to open their accounts, but Coinbase, a U.S. company, can allow Americans to open accounts. It will have 56 million registered users in 2021. There are reportedly 25.2 million people in the U.S. holding bitcoin. (1) That means 30-50 million bitcoin holders on all Exchanges. It represents about 25% of the entire cryptocurrency circle. Bitcoin has a lot of room to grow in the cryptocurrency circle itself.\nFigure 1 the number of bitcoin addresses on the chain\nFigure 2 shows the distribution of the number of bitcoin addresses on the website \"Zhihu,\" with 49% of the addresses holding less than 0.001. Due to the bitcoin change, most addresses are not owned by independent people. However, we need to consider the possibility that there are independent users with 0.01 bitcoins. Holding 0.01 bitcoins is also equivalent to $200, the price of a hard wallet, so it is likely to be owned by someone other than an independent person. This way, the number of independent coin holders on-chain could be 10 million. Most people are motionless for a long time or rarely trade. A conservative assumption is that there are 40 million people holding bitcoins on-chain and off-chain. The average person has 0.5 bitcoins.\nExcluding the large \"whale\" addresses that don't move, the average retail user holds less than 0.2 bitcoins. Thus, 0.2 is a tiny psychological number for a retail investor, and the price is too high for a small retail investor to buy. The cost of Warren Buffett's stock in the U.S. is $440,000 a share, and the Buffett effect has affected the psychology of the core Bitcoin team. It is considered normal to have a high price. For small retail investors, who would buy it? Warren Buffett's stock was never considered a currency, his target is fund managers, and the world only needs a few thousand people. In fact, Buffett only needs the consensus of \"money,\" Bitcoin is used as a currency and requires not only a consensus of money but also a consensus of people. Insiders are the best source of consensus. Do a little research to know the views of retail investors: Bitcoin is too expensive.\nFigure 2 Distribution of the number of on-chain positions in bitcoin\n11.2.2 The easiest way to popularize within the circle\nEarlier, I mentioned a solution to this problem in \"Establishing a Bitcoin Prize and a Satoshi Nakamoto Prize.\" According to Satoshi Nakamoto, moving the decimal point requires at least a 5-digit shift. Moving it six places is best. Also, set up a bitcoin Foundation with a portion of the transaction fees. However, this point has been said many times, which will be discussed later. It is needed to make up for the bitcoin consensus. Also, it benefits the popularity of bitcoin in the cryptocurrency circle. The Bitcoin community advocates natural evolution, which is suitable for the old era when a wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Now it's the information age, the laws of the market have changed, and adapting to the market is the constant law.\nDogecoin's success lies in being cheap, adapting to the market psychology, and marketing efforts, including the endorsement of Musk. Dogecoin will have more than 132.6 billion coins issued by September 2022, and the coin price on September 28 is $0.062. Bitcoin's decimal point shifted six places to the right; one bitcoin can become 100,000, all more than three times more expensive than dogecoin. The most exaggerated is the ShiBcoin price of $0.00001091; the market capitalization is 6 billion dollars, and it has no content or decent market activity; it just captures the psychology of people. It is more than Ethereum Classic (ETC) $3.72 billion, more than the old Bitcoin copycat Litecoin (LTC) $3.71 billion, and more than DeFi's leading Uniswap (UNI) $4.7 billion. That's psychology. If bitcoin is split off and the price drops, the number of people will increase.\nBitcoin will also go all the way up, so the most extensive application is not payments are transactions, and that's where Metcalfe's Law plays a key role. Increasing the number of people in the circle is one of Bitcoin's most significant pain points. This time drop, the market didn't follow PlanB's model because his model is based on a four-year halving rule that doesn't include Metcalfe's law, just as every time the stimulus effect wanes, a simple halving stimulus is no longer enough. Every four years, the halving cycle is on the long side, and making a significant improvement at the low point of the halving process will disrupt the steps of short sellers.\n11.3 Popularity of Bitcoin outside the blockchain circle\nPopularity outside the currency circle has three issues: ease of use and security of wallets; lack of official consensus; larger bitcoins holdings in the hands of Satoshi Nakamoto.\n11.3.1 Ease of use exceeds the security and convenience of banks to be widely popularized\nThe issue of ease of use.\nThis issue is no longer a problem for centralized cryptocurrency Exchanges. The current crisis is the credit of Exchanges, and the current solution is to incorporate regulation. The easiest way is to bank account custody. The disadvantage is going back to the old way of centralization. This kind of problem belongs to the second layer application of bitcoin, and now it seems that both the centralized technology of the cryptocurrency exchange and blockchain technology for the second layer are flawed. Satisfying the regulatory authorities the blockchain circle is dissatisfied, and the meet circle, does not meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities. Popularity must solve two good problems and simultaneously solve the payment defect so that the Internet enters the WEb3 era. Web3 calls for new second-tier technologies. For this, you can refer to the solution provided by literature (2), which provides ease of use and security that exceeds that of banks.\n11.3.2 Bitcoin requires official consensus\nThis problem is caused by history. The Bitcoin idea originated from cypherpunk and has a natural tendency to rebel against the government. Creating their cliques is not destined to succeed. The 2000s saw the emergence of several reality-oriented digital currencies, making Satoshi Nakamoto from the small circle of thinking to face the public. The market is finally recognizing Bitcoin's leading thinking and the ingenuity of its design. However, with the anonymous method, even if there is a reason for the publicity of the ledger, there is a solution in the design, and they are destined to be unwilling to cooperate with the government. How to cooperate? The community may not support the initial talk of working with the government.\nThe Bitcoin consensus is incomplete compared to gold. Gold is the global consensus, with 17.2% held by official holdings in 2011. (3) Literature (3) Statistics the total number of gold held by central banks of various countries. Currently, there are reports that the total number of official gold holdings reaches about 20%, but no accurate statistical report has been seen. a large amount is still privately held. The number of official bitcoin holdings is unknown, and it's part of the official hand from confiscated, and the market increased part of it.\nHumans have used gold as money for thousands of years. The state-issued fiat currency, starting with the Chinese Song dynasty, issued Jiaozi, whose currency depreciated at a rate similar to today's fiat money in purchasing power, with less than a hundred years left with less than a few percent of the purchasing power. Finally, paper money did not become popular. Gold due to the defect of liquidity; the silver note was generated. The U.S. dollar was the equivalent of a silver note, giving rise to The Bretton Woods system. The lack of Acceptance capacity of the dollar led to the breakup of the system. The whole Bretton Woods establishment and disintegration was similar to the China Song dynasty Jiaozi initiated by the private. In the beginning, there was credit, then the rich merchants broke faith, the official intervention, the Jiaozi gradually without the nature of the silver note, that is, without the asset endorsement or a small amount of asset endorsement, and today's fiat money is the same. Of course, the fate of fiat money is the same. Because human nature is the same. (4)\nThe flaws in the design of the gold standard, and the lack of computer technology at the time, Like the Song Dynasty, the gold standard is not suitable for modern economic development. Nevertheless, It has become the mainstream view in the economic circle. Allowing Keynesianism to exploit the loopholes. Actually, Keynesianism is a quick fix but has regulators treating it as a multivitamin. One inflation and financial meltdown after another declared the bankruptcy of various theories of monetary issuance and regulation. Let's compare the dollar to a Ponzi scheme. Which are a convincing story, to begin with, and so is the U.S. dollar, which promises to pay its debts with taxes. Then the Ponzi scheme was also a trustworthy payment at the beginning. In fact, the original story has long been unreliable. It relies on borrowing the new to repay the old. As long as the chain continues, it will keep turning. Likewise, the dollar debt, can U.S. taxes be repaid? The later stage of the Ponzi scheme is the rise in the geometric progression of debt. The same is true for the U.S. dollar right now.\nBitcoin makes up for gold's liquidated flaws and makes it possible for us to return to the digital gold standard, i.e., the Bitcoin standard. However, as a global consensus, Bitcoin lacks the official Part, and the consensus is incomplete. To be like gold must be complemented by official recognition. The bitcoin standard, in particular, is simply impossible to do without official recognition. Is it that official involvement is centralized? Gold officially has about 20%. Is gold centralized? This is because some people do not distinguish between the Bitcoin system and Bitcoin. Assuming that the official controls the Bitcoin system, it also needs to control the global computing power. It is useless to control any party alone. If you can’t even control the system, Bitcoin can’t even control it. which can refer to the description in the fifth chapter of the literature (2). liquidated core is open and transparent, acting according to available rules, and there is certainty about the outcome expected. See section \"10. The Significance of Satoshi Nakamoto's Nobel Prize\" for a description of the machine's credibility. In the next section, we describe how we could use Bitcoin to save the U.S. dollar.\n11.4 The Chosen Son Satoshi Nakamoto\nNew resources are needed to resolve historical debt, and this resource is not used to draw numbers on a computer but to pay off the debt with real money. The value of Bitcoin is converted from the electricity cost, which rises geometrically. Only it has the potential to outpace the growth of U.S. Treasuries. It just so happens that Satoshi Nakamoto has more than 1 million bitcoins.\n11.4.1 Helping cypherpunks realize their dreams\nAlso, Satoshi Nakamoto has over 1 million bitcoins in his possession, close to 5% of the total, and he has never communicated this to the market. It's a bombshell for the market, and it doesn't know what the future holds. He is a one-person decision, and the level of terror exceeds the decision-making mechanism of the Federal Reserve.\nCyberpunk has a quote, \"advocating widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-enhancing technologies as a route to social and political change.\" There are 25.2 million Americans who hold Bitcoin, (1) half of the global holdings. If Bitcoin is good, that is America's good. Today it's time for Satoshi Nakamoto to realize the ideal of \"social and political change\" and fill in the missing Part of the consensus blank.\nHow do? Satoshi Nakamoto Donates No Less Than 1.1 Million Bitcoins, which becomes the reserve currency. The foundation is laid for it to become a commodity price ruler after 120 years. Lays the groundwork for the Bitcoin standard and the foundation for a strong dollar. Retirement of credit-based coins without asset backing, making the dollar a stablecoin for bitcoin. Thousands of households issue their currencies based on the bitcoins in their hands; see the next section for details on how to do this.\n11.4.2 The failure of algorithmic stablecoins sounded the death knell for fiat currency\nRelated stablecoins attempts such as DAI and USDT have pioneered the way. The technical means are available, and the experiments are successful. Blockchain is the laboratory of contemporary finance, and understanding the blockchain looking back at the operation of the fiat currency, is very clear; where are its defects? If finance becomes a science like physics, there has to be a financial laboratory like a physics laboratory. All the formulas of physics have to be experimentally proven. Obviously, sociology is more complex than physics, and there are more uncertainties than physics. The solution is to use the ecological simulation approach, and any blockchain project is self-formed ecology, a simulation of social and financial ecology. Creative failure is not a significant loss. The failure of the algorithmic stablecoin is a wake-up call for fiat currency. Fiat currency is the unfulfilled tax backing, and this backing is uncertain. Algorithmic stablecoins are equity endorsements, and this equity is not as reliable as state taxes. Algorithmic stablecoins have one regulating factor, quantity regulation, which adjustment is based on the algorithm. The fiat currency has two regulators, a quantity and an interest rate. But the rule behind it is not even an algorithm; the decision-making process is based on unreliable data, which is similar to deciding by slapping the forehead. Suppose the algorithmic stablecoin has a bailout; will it collapse? The collapse of the algorithmic stablecoin lies in the fact that the equity behind it is much higher than its value. Three hundred million dollars now reflects Luna's equity value, which was 60 billion before the collapse; how much is it overvalued? Let the masters of the financial markets hunt is destiny; the United States is not afraid of hunting because it can have infinite over-issuance. Inflation will show up gradually, which is what the latter government can do. We are all in the middle of a Ponzi scheme that fiat currency; the funny thing is, knowing that I've been deceived has no way out. Satoshi Nakamoto saw this and came up with Bitcoin to find a way out. The following section, \"Realize the Solutions of Bitcoin Dollar Standard,\" is one way to do this.\nThe death knell of fiat currency has sounded with bitcoin. No matter how fiat currency wanted to stay on the stage, it took only a few hundred years from the rise to the fall of the historical stage, which is the same as the fate of his ancestor \"Jiaozi\" in the Song Dynasty. The natural growth of Bitcoin does not require operation. Satoshi Nakamoto can wait for it; Bitcoin can wait for it, and wait for the world comes to him; this is also a natural event. It is God's choice; everything is at the timing.\n11.4.3 There can only be one global currency consensus\nThe currency standard is just like the scale, China has an inch, a ruler and zhang. But this scale is the Chinese consensus; the world's scale is kilometers, meters, millimeters, and micrometers. This consensus is the global consensus. Two sets of standards will be popular in one place, but there is only one global consensus. Money through natural selection, gold became the global consensus; digital gold only Bitcoin exists for this opportunity of global consensus. The following section will analyze the various assets competing with Bitcoin.\nBitcoin is the work of the Chosen One. Another giant compared to Satoshi Nakamoto is the American industrialist Henry Ford. Streamline is the foundation of modern industry, as if it were simple, influencing and driving the rapid progress of our times. Bitcoin is the foundation of contemporary finance and will affect the next era. They are both extraordinarily well-integrated and visionary. In 1921, Henry proposed the creation of an energy-based currency that could form the basis of a new monetary system, and the article was published on the front page of the New York Tribune on December 4, 1921.(5) Very coincidentally, Bitcoin is also an energy currency. The proof-of-work (POW) model dictated that energy-backed Bitcoin and this proof-of-work mining method was heavily criticized for its supposed energy consumption. This criticism ignores Bitcoin’s ability to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, the use of wasted energy. Because of technological progress, the mine with the lowest cost wins.\n11.4.4 Deciphering the mystery of Bitcoin's halving design\nAt this point, you can understand why it mined Bitcoin half in the first cycle. This coin distribution mechanism is very irrational. I was critical at first. If Satoshi Nakamoto mined out bitcoins to prepare to fill the consensus puzzle, The distribution mechanism of this kind of mining is reasonable. I wouldn't say I liked his height, and through continuous learning, only after understanding the Bitcoin principle. I realized that Satoshi Nakamoto's mind and far-sightedness are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people of my generation, and only the Chosen One with a mission can do it.\n11.5 Depreciation is the consensus of the market on fiat currency\nThe financial turmoil that started in 2007 actually changed more than just finance. The world's sense of insecurity and uncertainty is on the rise. Bitcoin in 2009 was one answer to this insecurity. Financial turmoil not only destroys financial bubbles but also destroys the credit behind the currency.\n11.5.1 The commonality of air currency and fiat currency is to squander credit\nThe most interesting part of the blockchain is that it lets us clearly look at aircoins and asset coins. We will describe the difference between the two later. If the consensus of aircoins keeps value growing, it is possible to complete the conversion to an assetcoin. Otherwise, aircoins do not have a cohesive consensus and cannot form an asset value because the initial investor trust is squandered. It is how fiat money is, constantly squandering people's trust, saving money is devalued, which is the market consensus, driving people to spend immediately, risk borrowing and participating in the orgy of capital, bear the evil consequences of letting capital devour you, all the hard-earned wealth floating away with the wind. Henry said, \"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”(5) This is a chronic illness associated with how the Federal Reserve works and the fractional reserve system of banks. Good thing we have bitcoin, with its 100% margin stablecoin and related lending experiments.\n11.5.2 Bitcoin is the reserve currency of blockchain ecology\nThere are two successful experiments with blockchain, one with Bitcoin and the other with stablecoins. These are also great experiments for future monetary systems. The success of asset-backed stablecoins and the failure of algorithmic stablecoins indicate that aircoins are unreliable, and endorsed assets determine the fate of stablecoins. In the blockchain, an asset that can act as an endorsement is a reserve currency. Bitcoin is already a blockchain ecological reserve currency, experiments are always going on, and the ecology is growing. Bitcoin has a long growth period, which means a long life. From the 132-year growth period to speculate the maturity period, Satoshi Nakamoto has a thousand years of consideration. Experiments with blockchain stablecoins also confirmed the verifiability of asset endorsements. Everyone is questioning whether stablecoins are 100% backed by reserve currencies. It is how the blockchain differentiates the quality of various stablecoins. Fortunately, the collapse of algorithmic stablecoins proves asset endorsements are good. Why does it need to be proven? That transparency is not enough.\n11.6 Add the official consensus promotes the sharp rise of Bitcoin\nBitcoin price is demand dictates; narrative promotes demand. Once the Federal Reserve and Satoshi Nakamoto were in contact, many banks rushed to follow suit. It would cause the value of bitcoin to rise dramatically, thus making it increasingly expensive for slower-reacting banks to buy. The logic of bitcoin is the logic of venture capital investment, and early buying a tiny bitcoin is the smartest thing to do. It is the same approach that Satoshi Nakamoto told everyone in 2009, and he physically practiced it. It is the significance of Please come out of Satoshi Nakamoto; it is good for Bitcoin holders. Satoshi Nakamoto simply showing up is a bear; he must shine. It is how the upward inflection point comes about.\nI have studied all the traces of Satoshi Nakamoto, deciphered almost all the Quizzes, and I judge that after 13 years of cultivation, Satoshi Nakamoto will fill this blank. It will tell everyone how to achieve the Bitcoin standard. So we help Satoshi Nakamoto to rich ideas and gather the power of the social elite to complete the mission of changing the world. That's the power of community.\nAchieving the Bitcoin standard is for the next section, and it's a method that people haven't seen yet and are familiar with. It's not at all new to those familiar with blockchain. We've just changed the scenario. What works in a blockchain lab will also work in a larger scenario.\nThe complete consensus has to include the official, just like gold. In this regard blockchain, people have to break down their thought barriers. In the next section, we will express that gaining official recognition is the key to the Bitcoin standard.\nSatoshi Nakamoto: Male, then 33-34 years old, prodigy, American, lives on the West Coast, and is a cypherpunk. No shortage of money. Freelancer. There is no Satoshi Nakamoto among the deceased Satoshi suspects. He has excellent programming and product design skills and an understanding of the community. Good life, with a good moneymaser and schemer. Satoshi Nakamoto has a deep knowledge of finance. Influenced by the Austrian school of economics. Philosophically inclined to natural evolution and prefers to live free and easy. The founder of cryptoeconomics. The Chosen One with a mission.\nNews The Political 03 May 2022\n2. Web3.0 Chainless Financial Platform White Paper\nHong Kong Yuxing Technology Company (8005)\n3. Gold reserve\nGold holders 2011 100% (171,300)\nUse Holding (tons) roportion\nJewelry 84,300 49.2%\nGold investment 33,000 19.26%\nCentral bank 29,500 17.2%\nIndustrial applications 20,800 12.14%\nUnknown 3,700 2.2%\n4. Ford's Centennial Prophecy: An Energy-Based Form of Money", "label": "No"} {"text": "A vertebra consists of two parts: an anterior segment, or the vertebral body; and a posterior part, or the vertebral (neural) arch.\n- Identify the parts of a vertebra\n- The vertebral processes can give the structure rigidity, help it articulate with ribs, or serve as muscle attachment points.\n- When the vertebrae are articulated with each other, their bodies form a strong pillar for the support of the head and trunk, and the vertebral foramina constitute a canal for the protection of the spinal cord.\n- Two transverse processes and one spinous process are posterior to the vertebral body.\n- Two superior and two inferior articular processes articulate with the adjoining vertebrae. They allow for a small degree of movement in the spine, but greatly strengthen it.In between every pair of vertebrae are two apertures, the intervertebral foramina, one on either side, for the transmission of the spinal nerves and vessels.\n- process: An outgrowth of tissue or cell.\n- vertebral arch: The posterior part of a vertebra through which the spinal cord passes.\nWhen articulated together the vertebrae form a strong yet flexible structure that encloses the vertebral foramen, or opening, where the spinal cord sits. It also provides a base for numerous muscle attachments and articulations with other bones.\nThe strength and flexibility of this structure is generated by the structure of the individual vertebrae. Comprised of bone and cartilage, the configuration of a vertebra varies based on its location within the body, although there are common features associated with those of the upper region.\nA typical vertebra of the upper region of the spine consists of two regions:\n- The anterior vertebral body which is the point of articulation between the vertebrae.\n- The posterior vertebral or neural arch that encloses the spinal cord.\nLocated between each pair of vertebrae are two laterally located openings:\n- The intervertebral foramina that facilitate access to the spinal cord for nerves and vessels.\n- The intervertebral discs that act as ligaments between the vertebral bodies.\nThe vertebral arch is formed from two, short, thick processes called pediments that extend posteriorly from the lateral sides of the vertebral body, before joining together at the midline with the laminae.\nOblique view of cervical vertebra: The parts of a human vertebra.\nThere are seven processes that project from a typical vertebra.\nFour articular processes originate from the joint between the pedicles and laminae, two point superiorly and two point inferiorly. They interact with the zyhapophysis, a socket for the articular processes, of the adjacent vertebrae to make the spine more stable and to facilitate a small degree of articulation.\nA single spinous process projects backwards and downwards from the center of the vertebral arch and it serves as a major attachment point for muscles and ligaments of the back.\nThe two transverse processes project laterally from the join between the pedicle and lamina and also serve as an attachment point for muscles and ligaments of the back. The transverse processes articulate with the ribs in conjunction with the vertebral body.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Diarrhoea Disease: A Dangerous Childhood Disease\nObeagu Getrude Uzoma1 & Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi2,3*\n1Department of Nursing Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria\n2Medical Laboratory Science, University Health Services, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria\n3Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria\nDr. Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Imo State University, Owerri and University Health Services, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.\nKeywords: Diarrhoea Disease; Dangerous Childhood Disease; Childhood Diarrhea Management\nThis seminar work dealt with diarrhea disease; a dangerous childhood disease. Diarrhea is the passing of watery stools more than three times a day with the highest incidence occurring during the weaning period. The objectives of the study were discussed which include types of diarrhea like acute watery diarrhea, chronic diarrhea and dysentery. Others are discussion of childhood diarrhea management, identification of health problems associated with diarrhea disease and ways of preventing diarrhea in children. It was recommended that maintaining proper personal hygiene and environmental sanitation especially during weaning period is of paramount important in the control of diarrhea diseases. Also, oral dehydration therapy which is aimed at replacement of the lost fluid and electrolyte is one of the most effective measures in management of diarrhea disease with its associated health problem like dehydration in children.\nThis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. (CC BY 4.0).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Regardless of gender or education level, Americans become considerably less literate about all things money after age 60, according to a new study.\nThe scores on a test measuring knowledge of investments, insurance, credit and money basics fell about 2% each year starting after age 60, falling from about 59% correct for those in their 60s to a dismal 30% for those 80 and older, according to Michael Finke, an associate professor at Texas Tech University and a co-author of the study.\nHere's what's worse: Our confidence in our financial decision-making abilities rises with age. We are not older and wiser. Rather, we are older, less smart and overconfident.\nThis notion of confidence rising while financial literacy is falling spells trouble for that group of Americans that now represents more than 12% of the population and controls half of all the financial wealth in America, according to Mr. Finke, who is also head of Texas Tech University's Ph.D. in financial-planning program.\nIn their study, Mr. Finke and his co-authors created a test of the money, insurance, investment and credit knowledge Americans need to make basic financial decisions.\nThey found that Americans, regardless of age, are on average financially illiterate. In his study, Mr. Finke used 16 questions related to financial literacy.\n\"These are things that you need to know to navigate financial markets,\" Mr. Finke says. \"A lot of people are not able to effectively do that, even when they are at full capacity.\"\nMr. Finke and his team noticed that financial literacy peaks in the late 40s, and that there was a statistically strong and consistent decline in financial literacy among older respondents.\nIt's not news that cognitive performance improves from youth to middle age, at which point it peaks before beginning a steady decline, and that middle-age adults may be at a decision-making sweet spot. That's what a group of researchers including David Laibson, a Harvard University professor, discovered in their research published in 2009.\nMr. Laibson and his team found that older Americans are inclined to make more mistakes with credit than middle-aged Americans. Older Americans didn't use credit-card balance-transfer offers correctly and they paid higher interest rates on loans than middle-age Americans, according to Mr. Laibson's study.\nThe difference between Mr. Laibson's study and Mr. Finke's? \"Our study is able to say that the decline in cognition is attributable to a decline in financial literacy,\" Mr. Finke says. \"People's ability to make relatively straightforward, objective, age-neutral type decisions declines with age.\"\nFor middle-aged and older Americans, the to-do list just got longer. \"One of the great dangers is that when you reach retirement age, your ability to make financial decisions is pretty strong,\" says Mr. Finke. \"You are near your peak of financial decision-making, and it can be often difficult to acknowledge that after this age, your ability to make decisions is going to decline.\"\nFirst, acknowledge that your ability to make financial decisions will decline after age 60. Don't think this won't happen to you; it will.\nOf course, you won't know that it's happening when it does. In fact, you're likely to develop a false sense of security about your ability to make financial decisions given that your confidence—if you're like most older Americans—will rise over time.\n\"To me, that's the biggest danger,\" Mr. Finke says. \"That as you age, as you get into [your] 70s and 80s, you don't sense that your ability to make these decisions is declining.\"\nSecond, set up a retirement-income plan where you don't have to make complex decisions as you age. Consider delegating those decisions to an expert whom you trust.\nThird, consider annuitizing your income, preferably in a straightforward annuity-type product or a mix of annuity and investment products. Consider also passive investments that automatically rebalance.\nBottom line: Don't delegate your financial decision-making to the 85-year-old version of yourself, who may not be as capable as the 65-year-old version.\n—Robert Powell is editor of Retirement Weekly.", "label": "No"} {"text": "One of the great medical mysteries is the source of phantom-limb syndrome. Doctors have been puzzled for centuries by patients who, after losing an arm or a leg, continue to feel sensation--and even excruciating pain--in the lost limb. For some time, neuroscientists have suspected that the pain was a side effect of the brain's attempts to reorganize itself following a major disruption in sensory input. But researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville report the surprising discovery that this reorganization is causing significant growth of new brain cells in amputees.\nTheir finding, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, builds on the discovery in the past year that adult mammals can grow new brain cells, an activity that scientists once thought ceased after childhood. If this neuronal growth can be harnessed, cures may be possible not only for phantom-limb pain but for severed spinal cords.\nThe Vanderbilt researchers based their studies on monkeys that had had an arm amputated. Knowing that the nerves of each body part connect to a specific region in the brain, the researchers injected tracer elements into the animals' chins. When they examined the brains, they found the tracer in brain regions connected to the hand and arm as well as to the face. There was clear evidence, they say, that neurons from the face area of the brain had grown extensive new connections to the hand area. This, they say, may explain why people who lose an arm often report that when they are touched on the face it feels as if the sensation comes from the missing limb.", "label": "No"} {"text": "::: nBlog :::\nFollowing the invention of the transistor and subsequently the integrated circuit during the 60s, we’ve seen an explosion of algorithms embedded to the more and more mundane things around us. You have your thermostats, rollerblades, car engine control modules and so on – all executing algorithms ranging from a simple LCD display scheme of a coffee machine to a medical blood analyzer checking thousands of markers and providing diagnostics in seconds.\nThese algorithms and programs are usually designed once, put into mass produced chips and then embedded into things with only minor tweaks. This is driven by economics, as the mass produced chips became so cheap that most manufacturers just took the standard set of algorithms and programming to their product.\nThe downside of this Fire-and-Forget proliferation is that these algorithms are mostly disconnected and thus will not evolve after being taken into use. Longer life cycle products such as solar panel controllers or heatpumps are even more problematic, as the programming and algorithms may have been developed tens of years ago with an obsolete language and hardware, while the people familiar with the actual science behind algorithms are long retired. What I’ve seen happening many times is that a new version of e.g. pump control logic is inferior to the old one, and considerable amount of time is used to re-invent the solutions the manufacturer once mastered.\nIn order to get back to sustainable innovation we must re-think where these algorithms live and how their entire lifecycle and real-time performance data is utilized in continuous development. It is not enough to just model physical things digitally (“Digital Twin” as promoted e.g. by CAD/CAM industry) – instead, we must ensure that our algorithms and data are seen as the most valuable assets and make them available to the future generations of scientists and engineers. In other words, no thing is too insignificant to have a spime.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Have you heard of the Coco de Mer? It's also known as the coconut of the sea, and it's said to look like a lady's bottom. Apparently, it starts out so heavy and dense that the Coco de Mer sinks to the bottom of the ocean if it falls in. Eventually, as it begins to decay, it sheds its outer skin and floats to the surface thanks to the gases that form inside. And that's how the nut was discovered.\nSailors discovered the nuts and told stories of nuts that “fell upwards.” That is, they claimed the nuts grew on trees at the bottom of the ocean, and when they broke loose, they rose to the surface rather than falling to the ocean floor. Then the real trees were discovered. When they found that male trees had phallic appendages, they began talking about tree sex in the dead of night.\nThe ripe fruit of the tree is used as an aphrodisiac. There's also talk of it being the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. And did we mention it is known, endearingly, as the Love Nut?\nWhy all this nut and knowledge talk? After their 10-day honeymoon to Seychelles, the foreign minister presented William and Kate with a Coco de Mer just before they flew home. It seems the Royal Couple was in need of a rotten female rump. Or something.", "label": "No"} {"text": "view a plan\n“A Taste of Canadian Confederation” teaches a little Canadian history\nTitle – A Taste of Canadian Confederation (American Adaptable)\nBy – Lisa Allen\nPrimary Subject – Social Studies\nSecondary Subjects – Social Studies\nGrade Level – 8\nConfederation Grade 8\nA Taste of Canadian History\nNote from LessonPlansPage.com: This lesson plan uses handouts that are not included. You may be able to create your own version of the handouts, do without them, or contact the author at the email address at the bottom of this lesson plan to request a copy.\n– Handout: Outline of Provinces and Territories\n– Handout: Map of Canada (Labeled- including Nunavut)\n– History Text book to research information on Confederation dates and events\n– Cake mix for each group\n– Smarties candy\n– pen or pencil\n– Handout: A Taste of Canadian History with Rubric\nConfederation: A Taste of History\n– Students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contributed to Canada’s Confederation.\n– Students will demonstrate an understanding of growth and development of Canada.\n– Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Canadian Pacific Railway.\n– Students will demonstrate an understanding of factors that led to development of the Canadian West.\n– Describe the issues, results and personalities of the Red River Rebellion of 1870 and the NW Rebellion of 1885.\n– Describe the significance of the CPR.\n– Demonstrate an understanding of the effect that the discovery of Gold and new wheat strains had on the economy of the early Canadian West.\n– Use appropriate vocabulary.\n– Students first must complete the handout on Canada and its provinces. Students cut out and paste each province in their correct spot and then research and write down the year that province confederated and the events surrounding its Confederation.\n– Students form groups of 4 and decide who will be the baker.\n– The baker is provided with a cake mix which will be brought in made, no icing, next class.\n– Students get into their groups and receive the instruction sheet with rubric attached to the back. Bonus question: Outline the CPR on your cake and, on paper, write out its significance including the year it began and the year it was completed. Include a discussion on those who played a key role in its creation.\n– Students are ONLY allowed to use their handout from the day before (cut outs of provinces).\n– Students begin by first icing their cake. Using licorice, they outline the map of Canada including the provincial and territorial boundaries.\n– Smarties are used for their legend. Count out enough for each province and territory (Eg. 4 blue for Ont, Que, NS, NB; 2 red for Manitoba and NW Territories) then add a handful more to trick the students! (Represent year of Confederation).\n– Using paper, students write the name of the province or territory and stick it onto the cake.\n– On a long sheet of paper, students write out the important events that existed at the time of each provinces/territories Confederation to Canada.\n– Once assessed, students eat their cake! (This is MESSY).\nE-Mail Lisa Allen !", "label": "No"} {"text": "The black salsify or Spanish salsify, also known as black\noyster plant, serpent root, and viper's grass, is a perennial\nmember of the sunflower family (Asteraceae), cultivated as\na root vegetable.\nhas heads of yellow ray flowers. The thin black taproot grows up to one meter\nlong and up to 2 cm in diameter. It has a black skin with white internal substance.\nblack salsify is native to Southern Europe and the\nAs is indicated by its binomial name, it is generally\nthought to have spread to the rest of Europe from Spain.The name of the genus Scorzonera\nprobably derives from the Old French word scorzon,\nmeaning snake. The Celtic and Germanic peoples are believed\nto have eaten the black salsify, which was considered efficaceous against the\nbubonic plague and snake bites\nuntil the 16th century. The plant was\nbeing cultivated as a vegetable in Italy and France by 1660, however, and soon after, the\ngrowing vast fields of it.\nsalsify is considered nutritious: it contains proteins, fats, the glycosides asparagine,\ncholine und laevulin,\nas well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and vitamins A, B1, E and C. Since\nit also contains the glycoside inulin, which consists of fructose, it is\nparticularly suitable for diabetics.\nthick black skin of the salsify root is inedible and must be removed either prior\nto or after boiling. If the skin is removed\nprior to boiling, the peeled root should be immediately immersed in water mixed\nwith vinegar and flour, in order to prevent discolouring. Since the root sap is\nextremely sticky, it is often more convenient to peel it after boiling the root\nfor 20 to 25 minutes.\nsalsify is often eaten together with other vegetables, such as peas and carrots. But it is also popular\nin a white sauce,\nsuch as bechamel sauce or mustard\nsauce. Boiled salsify roots may also be coated with batter and deep fried.\nFrance and the Netherlands are the world's\nlargest producers of black salsify.", "label": "No"} {"text": "They will learn about ways to engage urban youth, advocacy, citizen science, collaborative approaches to green planning as well as tools and research in urban forest management. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service International Programs. By sharing and exchanging knowledge, expertise, and experience, the U.S. Forest Service aims to ⦠All branches of the USDA Forest Service, which include National Forests, Research Stations and the units that assist private landowners have dynamic international exchanges, collaboration and projects around the globe. Through site visits, presentations and analysis of real case examples, participants will learn about and develop planning tools and techniques to address rangeland vegetaÂtion and livestock management. The seminar travels through Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota and includes visits to national forests, national parks, national monuÂments, state and local parks, gateway communities, a dude ranch, and a tribal reservation. FS International Programs; National Forest Systems National Soils Program; Hiawatha National Forest; US Agency for International Development; USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The USDA Forest Service International Programs staff promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation internationally. This interaction proÂvides participants with hands-on experience in managing complex conservation challenges balancing use and conservation of natural areas. Additionally, training and planning activities are explored as key aspect of preparation with participants engaging directly with community level responders to understand the impact of their training. Exciting opportunities are available with the U.S. Forest Service for the next generation of dynamic conservation stewards to get outdoors, gain paid work experience, explore careers, receive education and training, and launch internships to preserve our natural, cultural, and historical resources. The Forest Service stewards an impressive portfolio of landscapes across 193 million acres of National Forests and Grasslands in the public trust. The International Seminar on Natural Resource Law Enforcement is held in North Carolina and Georgia. International Programs regularly taps into the agency's wide range of expertise. USDA FOREST SERVICE International Programs Addressing the Four Threats in an International Context . The seminar is designed for natural resource managers and program leaders with professional interests in climate change, and who wish to participate in an intensive, interactive course focused on climate change. The State contains examples of long-term restoration projects, covering a wide range of ecosystem services and bringing together diverse and sometimes conflicting interest groups. International Programs regularly engages the agency's wide range of expertise. Participants also share their own experiences and challenges in managing different categories of protected areas and types of management issues in their own countries. Our program is the U.S. Forest Service Office of International Programs' Disaster Assistance Support Program (DASP). The seminar will explore ways to improve lives in urban settings. Since international cooperation is necessary to sustain the ecological and commercial viability of global forest resources and to conserve biodiversity, most of our work is done in collaboration with other organizations. Attendees will learn about adaptation and mitigation practices for managing natural resources in the face of climate change, its potential effects on natural resources, and policy and technological developments in carbon markets and offsets. Learn more about our Program Topics and Where we work. The International Seminar on Disaster Management, which takes place in California, will use case studies from major disaster responses to understand and discuss disaster management systems and facilities. The Technical Cooperation unit works on collaborative projects on a wide range of topics, many of which are co-funded by USAID, with a ⦠The International Seminar on Watershed Management is held in the southwestern United States. Our high-impact training opportunities have been possible only through partnerships with the US Forest Service International Programs, Oregon State Universityâs and Southern Oregon Universityâs International Programs, National Park Serviceâs Park Flight Migratory Bird Program, and with KBO member donations. Participants will explore what it means to be a resilient community by examining case studies in several different environments including urban/rural and inland/coastal communities. Participants will investigate how to engage all aspects of a community through inclusive methodologies and use this ideal to discuss on the ground projects and their ability to fully engage communities and livelihood impacts. In fiscal years 2015 and 2016, the Forest Service received discretionary no-year appropriations of $5.1 billion and $5.7 billion, respectively. Resilient communities are better positioned to recover from natural disasters. Foundation for Cooperation: The USDA Forest Service, drawing on the skills of over 35,000 employees, brings natural resource management expertise to many international conservation policy discussions. By linking the skills of the field-based staff of the U.S. Forest Service with partners overseas, the agency can address the worldâs most critical forestry issues and concerns. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) may require the services of a Technical Program Coordinator to help administer a U.S. government (USG)-funded program based in Libreville, Gabon. The seminars stimulate deliberations and problem solving for issues related to unique areas of natural resource management. Our partners include: The United States benefits from our work overseas. Attendees will learn about tools and best practices for assessing forest landscape restoration opportunities and developing and implementing landscape resÂtoration plans across a mosaic of land uses, and will be introduced to approaches for fostering collaborative partnerships. The USFS International Programs (FS-IP) currently has 10 annual international seminars on a variety of natural resource management issues (e.g. The Mobile Seminar on Planning and Managing Tourism in Protected Areas is an intensive, 2.5 week field-based training event aimed at professionals working around the world to promote sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation in protected areas. Foundation for Cooperation: The USDA Forest Service, drawing on the skills of over 35,000 employees, brings natural resource management expertise to many international conservation policy discussions. By linking the skills of the field-based staff of the USDA Forest Service with partners overseas to address the most critical forestry issues and concerns. Please follow the Governmentâs tier system guidance and you must stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating. The course involves rigorous outdoor activities including camping, long-distance hiking, and visits to remote wilderness areas on foot, with pack animals and in rafts on whitewater rivers. Â. The seminar is designed for mid-career professionals who wish to take part in an interactive and intensive training to explore themes such as the environmental impacts of mining, conflict management, public consultation, artisanal mining, reclamation and how the Forest Service manages mining on Federal lands. The International Seminar on Protected Area Management is held in the northern Rocky Mountains of the western United States. The nationâs forests, car parks and essential facilities are open to you for local outdoor recreation and exercise. The seminar is hosted by the U.S. Forest Service International Programs, in collaboÂration with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the World Resources Institute. The International Seminar on Livestock Grazing Management, held in Idaho and Nevada, presents key concepts, principles, and methods of sustainable rangeland manÂagement. International Programs has three main staff units: Technical Cooperation, Policy, and Disaster Assistance. This interactive and intensive training and exchange program on integrated watershed management is designed for mid-career professionals. https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/international-programs/about-us, United The International Seminar on Urban Forestry and Community Engagement will be held in Chicago, Illinois, and New York City, New York.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It has been a dry year for most of the United States, and, in the animation above, you can see how the groundwater levels in the United States have been affected by the drought that affects large parts of the country. The animation starts in 2002 and goes through a decade of changes, so watch carefully for the last few seconds to get a good idea of what’s going on now.\nScientists created the maps by using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, or GRACE, a set-up that consists of two satellites that measure the Earth’s gravity field. Gravity is related to mass, and water reservoirs (both surface and groundwater) have enough mass to affect the gravitational field of the earth.\nThe effect is very small, but significant enough that GRACE can pick up on the changes as water dries up (or rains down). The instrument is sensitive enough to pick up and differentiate between moisture in less than an inch of soil (the surface zone), moisture in the ground down to 39 inches (the root zone) and water in the aquifers below that.\nThe image from NASA, below, shows the differences between the three. Look at Texas, where the soil moisture is doing ok, but the groundwater is devastated. The state might have had some rain recently, but not enough to make up for the serious problems with groundwater.\nMore from Smithsonian.com:", "label": "No"} {"text": "I am studying for an upcoming assignment and trying to figure out what the following program prints:\nd = [\"Bob\", \"Tom\", \"George\", \"Susan\", \"Mary\"] n = raw_input(\"Enter a name: \") # assume user enters Robert for name in d : if name < n : print name print size = len( d ) i = 0 while i < (size - 1) : if d[i] > d[i+1] : temp = d[i] d[i] = d[i+1] d[i+1] = temp else : d[i+1] = \"Nick\" i += 1 for name in d : print name\nI am very confused because when I run the program it returns:\nEnter a name: Robert Bob George Mary Bob George Nick Mary Nick\nI am clearly confused as to how to calculate the value of words. I thought you assigned the ascii value to the individual letters and added them together to get the value, but using that method would not get these results. could someone please help me understand?", "label": "No"} {"text": "This has been a winter of bi-polar conditions in Colorado’s mountains. Strong storms have alternated with warm, wet days to create some of the most unpredictable snow conditions in 20 years. As we turn the corner to spring, it’s important not to let your guard down when traveling in the backcountry. Longer days and warmer temperatures can create the illusion of safer conditions — but they may be just that: illusions. Colorado’s snowpack can greatly vary from year to year, and it requires constant monitoring to predict a safer time to be on the slopes.\nNo matter what the calendar says, seasonal changes in the mountains happen in their own due time.\n“The most common mistake people make is thinking, ‘It is now spring because it is March and it sure feels warm down on the valley floors.’ But near and above treeline, it is still winter and we still have winter avalanche problems,” says Scott Toepfer, a mountain weather and avalanche forecaster with the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC). “It’s the almost polar opposite of our most common fall problem where people think, ‘Oh, there’s not enough snow to avalanche on this slope’. In the spring we often think, ‘Oh, there’s so much snow, we won’t trigger those really deep, weak layers. That’s what they told me in my last avalanche class.’ When spring finally arrives is not dictated by a calendar date in the mountains. It is dictated by the weather. We often swap back and forth between winter and spring. That makes it kind of tricky sometimes. The snowpack kind of turns into a Jekyll and Hyde personality; sometimes spring does not happen until May.”\nIn the past 10 years across the United States, 98 deaths have resulted from avalanches in the months between March and July. Last year’s enormous avalanche that killed five experienced backcountry snowboarders and buried another near Sheep Creek off Loveland Pass occurred on April 20. As of press time, March had already seen two avalanche-related deaths in Colorado — one skier fatality near Conejos Peak on March 4 and one snowmobiler death on Sharkstooth Peak on March 5.\nMeteorologist Chris Tomer explains why 2014 has the potential to produce difficult snow conditions in the next few months: “It’s been a big winter in the Central and Northern Mountains, with season totals now pushing 400 inches in the West Elks. That translates into snowpack depths 50 percent to 80 percent deeper than last winter — very similar to the big winter of 2011. On the other hand, the Southern Mountains have a thinner snowpack and need more snow. The high volume of snow this winter, combined with periods of high winds and cyclic warming periods, has created a snowpack ripe for avalanches. There are weaker layers embedded within the snowpack just waiting to fail, especially on steeper slopes. Terrain selection is the most important way to avoid getting caught in an avalanche.”\nToepher says that neutral temperatures in the Pacific Ocean — also known as “No Niño” — placed the jetstream over the Northern and Central Rockies, causing this year’s heavy snowfall.\n“That leaves the Southern Mountains with less snow,” he says. “Reservoir storage has risen since last winter, now up to 89 percent of average.”\nToepher agrees with Tomer’s observation that assessing terrain is of vital importance.\n“Of course terrain awareness is one of the most important things for backcountry travelers to recognize and evaluate,” he says. “It is a more complex problem than most people realize, though. Our vulnerability to the consequences of a ride in an avalanche is a byproduct of our choice in terrain. This vulnerability increases due to more factors than just how steep a slope is.\n“If you hit a tree or a rock at 35 miles an hour, it won’t be pretty. If you are swept 50 meters off an ice climb and land on a rock ledge, your odds are not good. If you get buried upside down in a gully with your mouth and nose packed full of avalanche debris, you will have a lot of trouble breathing. These consequences and our vulnerability of getting caught in an avalanche are often missed or even ignored. And these are all dependent on the terrain we choose to ride. It might be the easiest part of the puzzle to decipher, but it is still complex.”\nGiven the increased danger this year, those who teach avalanche awareness have extended their reach to help keep backcountry skiers safe. Friends of Berthoud Pass, a non-profit organization dedicated to backcountry snow safety, recently added free avalanche awareness seminars this spring.\n“This season there has been an abundance of snowfall, which, after two seasons of mediocre snowfall, is welcome, but also providing more opportunity for snow-starved skiers, riders and snowmobilers to get out further into avalanche terrain than usual,” B.J. Marraccini, communications director for Friends of Berthoud Pass, said via email. “We are seeing the number of reported accidents rise and, unfortunately, the number of avalanche fatalities this season has already reached Colorado’s five-year average, and it’s only early March.”\nOn average, eight people die in avalanches in Colorado each year. Certain types of avalanches are more common in spring, such as wet snow avalanches which trigger when the snowpack develops a layer of water below a heavy mass of snow. Rapidly changing conditions for precipitation and temperature, as well as wind — just like we see in spring — can also lead to unstable snow conditions.\n“The snow has been great, but the avalanche problems are numerous yet also deceptive,” Marraccini says.\n“We feel that adding additional basic avalanche awareness classes to our calendar will help reach more people than in past seasons, and hopefully increase their understanding of the conditions so that they can avoid typical mistakes while recreating in the backcountry. Most importantly, we want them to return safely for many more powder days ahead.”\nWarmer weather and sunny days can create an illusion of stability.\n“During the ‘spring’ we need to monitor both temperatures and cloud cover,” Toepher says. “If we did not get an overnight freeze, it may not be safe to travel into the backcountry at all the next day. For example, let’s say we have a mid-level stratus cloud deck overnight, making for a bit of a natural greenhouse, but temperatures fall a few degrees below freezing. We would have minimal or no long wave radiational heat loss, which might aid in keeping the snow surface from freezing hard and the snowpack could remain in a state of thaw. You could be walking into a wet slab avalanche problem when you leave your car at 6 a.m.\nSometimes the overnight lows are above freezing, but the skies are clear. This allows strong radiational cooling, which means the snow surface gets a solid freeze. The snow surface heating and cooling balance involves some complicated physics.\n“Normally, it is a good rule of thumb to be out of the mountains by around noon in the spring. Rules of thumb are not facts, though. You may need to tweak your rule of thumb to match the need. Monitor temperatures, cloud cover and free water content in the snowpack on a regular basis to aid you in determining an appropriate exit time and strategy.”\nColorado has the dubious claim to 33 percent of all avalanche-related deaths in the country. Data from across the U.S. shows that snowmobilers are most at risk to trigger a deadly avalanche. In the past 10 years, 96 people have died in snowmobile-related accidents across the country. In this same time bracket, 90 people perished in ski/snowboard tours and 27 climbers lost their lives in avalanches as well. There have even been 11 avalanche deaths from in-bounds accidents at patrolled ski areas.\nBecause predicting avalanche activity is not foolproof, there will always be a risk of danger until the snow has melted. Beyond all the academic experience of studying the nature of avalanches, the human element cannot be ignored. Indeed, the groupthink mentality to push on late in the day in considerable avalanche conditions played a role in the Loveland Pass slide last spring. Having competent, trusted partners is a key component of backcountry safety.\n“On the fun days, I tend to only go into the backcountry with a couple different people. My boss once told me, ‘Good backcountry ski partners are hard to find.’ I think this is really true,” Toepfer adds. “So a fun day usually starts a day or two before I go out. We’ll have a conversation over the phone, toss around some ideas. Talk about the snowpack problems and the weather forecast. Talk some about group dynamics and what our goals for the day might be. Sometimes we just want to climb a peak. Other days, we look for powder or corn. Sometimes we get both.”\nThe Colorado Avalanche Information Center website, www.avalanche.state.co.us — provides information on backcountry conditions. The Friends of Berthoud Pass website at www.berthoudpass.org will continue to update conditions specifically for Berthoud Pass as well as statewide information. Both sites will post when they offer classes and seminars.\nOnce you have properly equipped yourself and assessed the potential risks, Colorado’s backcountry mountains offer some of the most glorious and adventurous terrain imaginable. Good judgment and a strong knowledge of potential threats will increase likelihood for a safe passage and fun days in the high country. While no mountain outing is ever 100 percent safe, stacking the odds in your favor help mitigate the risk. Avalanches will remain an unstoppable force of nature; making sure you aren’t in their way isn’t just a matter of luck, it’s a matter of smart planning.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In C/C++ projects sometimes there are too many definitions and macro used. This is usually done to add a layer between library sources and user implementation. Sometimes it is used to use template approach in C sources by \"ifdef\" and other similar preprocessors as below.\n/* unsigned integer multiplication in mul_ui.c */\n/* signed integer multiplication in mul_si.h */\n/* mul_i.h */\n#define FUNCTION mpz_mul_si\n#define MULTIPLICAND_ABS(x) ((unsigned long) ABS(x))\n#define FUNCTION mpz_mul_ui\n#define MULTIPLICAND_UNSIGNED unsigned\n#define MULTIPLICAND_ABS(x) x\nError, error, unrecognised OPERATION\nvoid FUNCTION (mpz_ptr prod, mpz_srcptr mult,\nMULTIPLICAND_UNSIGNED long int small_mult)\n/* ..... */\nAt that time it is difficult to trace API sources and generally we lose our-self in definitions. Nowadays I use MPIR library which is common library for big numbers arithmetic and calculations. I need to trace API functions source codes and use functions implementations directly as inline into my own source codes in order to remove libraries function call costs. However there are plenty of definitions for types, functions, constants etc. As you know when compiler run, preprocessor is called at first and when processor finished its job then compiler starts to compile sources.\nIn order to cope with that MACRO definitions complexity we can run gcc and tell him just run preprocessor and then exit without compiling sources. With \"-E\" parameter gcc does exactly what we need:\ngcc -E main.c > main_proprocessed.c", "label": "No"} {"text": "Curtin Teaches Students Real-World Application of Forensic Computing and Cryptography\nOn November 16, Interhack founder Matt Curtin goes to Edison Community College in Piqua, Ohio, to conduct three sessions with students on topics dealing with forensic computing and cryptography.\nSometimes known as digital forensics, forensic computing is the process of analyzing data to answer specific questions for legal proceedings. In some cases, these lines of inquiry can be used to establish facts, to reconstruct information that might otherwise have been destroyed, or to offer expert opinion to the court about how to interpret certain technical facts. Matt will introduce students to an investigation conducted under his direction that identified how one company had critical information about its business stolen by an employee who was leaving the company to go to work for a competitor.\nCryptography is the practice of converting information in human readable form, called \"cleartext,\" into unreadable coded format, called \"ciphertext.\" Cryptography also concerns itself with the protection of of such information.\nSince ancient Egypt, cryptography has been used by diplomats and armies to protect secrets. The twentieth century saw tremendous upheaval in the technology, moving away from mechanical to mathematical systems. Today, cryptography is used by organizations of all types to protect trade secrets, customer records, and other important information. In this session, Matt Curtin will walk students through the process of helping a large retailing company to identify sensitive customer information, and how to use cryptography to protect customers from identity theft and related fraud.\nBased in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack Corporation is a professional services firm with clients all over North America. Founded in 1997 by a team of information security researchers, Interhack accepted the mission to make global computing and communications infrastructures worthy of trust. Interhack's two practice areas, Information Assurance and Forensic Computing, support that mission. The company is a supporting member of The Usenix Association. Additional information about Interhack is available at web.interhack.com.", "label": "No"} {"text": "How Do I Format Titles of Sources in My Paper? - Cite This For Me Learn how to format titles of sources in your paper, reference list, or in-text citations here, using the MLA: Do I have to cite the editors of a book for a research paper? If there are so many authors that they would take up ample space in the resources/citation section of the research paper, you can write the first author along with \"et al\" after to designate there are more authors (again, this is dependent Watch Buy Literature Essay - Buy Literature Essay | Ballet performers... Title on your paper, you cite the title of publication information can learn how to. A book title on a chapter or verso page: name and in mla 7th ed.\nFormatting Titles of Texts in MLA Style - CURO Symposium\nPaper Format. The preparation of papers and manuscripts in MLA Style is covered in part four of the MLA Style Manual. Below are some basic guidelines for formatting a paper in MLA Style: General Guidelines. Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper. How to Cite a Book, Title & Author In Text | Pen and the Pad Both the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association (APA) have guidelines governing the in-text citation of book titles and authors. The exact form of your citation depends upon which guidelines your professor has asked you to follow. 3 Ways to Cite a Book in MLA Style - wikiHow How to Cite a Book in MLA Style. Citing a book in MLA (Modern Language Association) style is almost always simple and straightforward. When you cite a book in the body of your text, write the author's name and the page number in... How to Write an Essay Title in MLA Format | Pen and the Pad It is the style standard adopted by many university professors and scholarly journals, especially in the humanities and social science divisions. Learning to write an essay title in MLA format is a necessary skill for any scholarly writer.\nHow to Write Book Titles in MLA. If you're writing a research paper, you may want to include the title of a book in the text of your paper. The handbook for the Modern Language Association (MLA) provides specific rules for how to set off...\nThis resource contains a sample MLA paper that adheres to the 2016 updates. To download the MLA sample paper, click this link. How to Document Chapters in Books Using an MLA Format When you document chapters in books, for example, it is important to be familiar with the proper MLA format for doing so. Including Book Chapters in the Body of Your Writing Titles of book chapters are always enclosed in quotation marks. Do you italicize or quote newspaper article titles using MLA ... It depends on the format (MLA or APA), but you typically (MLA) italicize titles of shows, movies, and books. Do you underline a newspaper article title for an essay? We learned how to do this this ...\nMLA papers require a standard introduction, body of paper and conclusion. Cite your references properly. When citing references in MLA you\nEssay Writing Essentials - English Program - CSU Channel Islands FORMAT : Type papers with a 12 pt. font, double-space, number pages, and proofread carefully; ... Titles of books should be underlined or put in italics . (Titles of .... The MLA rules (used in most literary criticism) on quotation marks are these: . Do You Underline or Italicize Movie Titles? - Video & Lesson ... 7 Mar 2018 ... If you've ever wondered how to correctly format movie titles in a written work, ... How to Cite a Textbook in MLA .... Almost no one uses underlining anymore for anything, including articles, books, essays, poems, short stories, songs, or movies. ... essays, research papers, projects or homework assignments.\nStep-by-step guide how to format an essay in APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Turabian\nPlagiarism. MLA Handbook for W.A.E.C. 4. means copying ideas, sentences, paragraphs and pictures you find on the Internet, in books or magazines How to Write a Summary Paper in MLA Format | Synonym MLA, or Modern Language Association style is the most widely used format when drafting papers in the liberal arts and humanities and is a common APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting | Title Page\nFormatting a Research Paper | The MLA Style Center A research paper does not normally need a title page, but if the paper is a group project, create a title page and list all the authors on it instead of in the header on page 1 of your essay. If your teacher requires a title page in lieu of or in addition to the header, format it according to the instructions you are given. Directory - Montgomery County Community College Montgomery County Community College - The Culinary Arts Institute 1400 Forty Foot Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 267-646-5970", "label": "No"} {"text": "Alcohol Consumption and Adherence to HIV Treatment\nUnlike doctors in the early days of HIV/AIDS, today’s doctors have potent medical tools to limit the spread of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and suspend the progression toward AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The frontline tool used for this purpose, known as antiretroviral therapy or ART, involves the simultaneous use of multiple medications designed to disrupt HIV’s normal life cycle. But for ART to do its job, patients must follow a fairly complicated medication routine. HIV-positive people who consume alcohol – even at relatively moderate levels – have a decreased tendency to adhere to the guidelines of ART treatment, and therefore have increased risks for significant HIV disease progression.\nAntiretroviral therapy gets its name because it involves the use of drugs that target HIV, a viral species that belongs to a larger group of viruses known as retroviruses. There are dozens of antiretroviral drugs on the market, each of which falls into one of three main medication categories: nucleoside/nucleotide transcriptase inhibitors (popularly abbreviated as NRTIs), nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (popularly abbreviated as NNRTIs), and protease inhibitors (popularly abbreviated as PIs).\nAntiretrovirals achieve their effects by targeting specific phases of HIV’s normal life cycle and disrupting the virus’s ability to reproduce copies of itself. Initially, doctors gave their patients doses of single antiretroviral drugs. However, they eventually noticed that certain numbers of HIV copies in any given person will adapt to the presence of a single antiretroviral medication, avoid that medication’s disruptive effects and continue reproducing. In response to this observation, doctors began simultaneously using multiple antiretroviral medications that target different phases of the HIV life cycle. The vast majority of HIV copies can’t survive this multi-pronged attack on their reproductive capabilities; as a result, the use of multiple medications kills off large numbers of HIV and drastically reduces the amount of the virus in an infected individual’s bloodstream. In turn, a large-scale reduction in HIV levels greatly slows the progression toward AIDS and prolongs the lives of HIV-positive people.\nIn its modern, multi-medication form, ART is also known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) or combination antiretroviral therapy (CART). Although the specifics of treatment vary widely, essentially everyone who receives HAART or CART takes a minimum of three medications, at least two of which come from different drug categories (NRTIs, NNRTIs, or PIs). In order to effectively contain HIV and produce their long-term treatment benefits, these medications must be taken according to explicit instructions set forth by a prescribing physician. In fact, people receiving HAART or CART must follow their dosing instructions at least 95 percent of the time to experience the full benefits of therapy.\nDespite this fact, HAART and CART patients follow their treatment regimens just 40 to 90 percent of the time, according to a series of studies published in the 2000s and reviewed by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in 2010. In some cases, patients don’t properly follow their prescribed treatments because of toxic side effects associated with those treatments. In other cases, outside influences such as alcohol consumption reduce treatment compliance.\nImpact of Alcohol Consumption\nAlcohol consumption reduces patient willingness to follow medication regimens in general, not just HAART or CART regimens, the NIAA explains. In some cases, drinkers show a reduced tendency to take their medications on days when they use alcohol; in other cases, this tendency manifests on the days that follow active alcohol use. Generally speaking, in any given individual, heavier amounts of alcohol consumption are associated with a greater likelihood of skipping single or multiple medication doses. While drinkers as a whole have problems adhering to their medication routines, binge drinkers have much greater chances of skipping their medications, especially on days when they consume alcohol. Doctors and public health officials typically define binge drinking in males as consuming five or more drinks within a two-hour time period; binge drinking in females is defined as consuming four or more drinks in two hours.\nPeople typically start to reduce their compliance with their HAART and CART treatment programs when they consume two or more drinks on any given day, the authors of the 2010 NIAAA review report. Critically, the lower end of this level of alcohol consumption meets standard definitions for moderate or “safe” drinking. On average, a HAART or CART patient who drank daily but didn’t participate in binge drinking would shorten his or her lifespan by roughly 8 percent. Conversely, a HAART or CART patient who participated in binge drinking every day would shorten his or her lifespan by 25 percent.\nWhile the real-world impact of drinking varies from person to person, alcohol consumption during antiretroviral therapy is clearly associated with a faster progression of HIV and an earlier death. In some cases, the effects of alcohol consumption are worsened by alcohol’s ability to intensify the liver-related side effects of certain antiretroviral drugs.", "label": "No"} {"text": "19. While we will all experience unease and discomfort living under the constraints of gender to a greater or lesser degree, some persons experience this especially intensely and acutely, to the extent that they cannot tolerably live in the gender role associated with their biological sex. Further, a small percentage of persons experience what is usually called gender dysphoria but would be more accurately labelled sex dysphoria or sex dysmorphia, as it is a form of acute distress and discomfort caused by the experience of living in their sexed bodies. Although biological sex is immutable, residing in our chromosomes and expressed in physical and anatomical features, it is possible for persons with dysphoria to undergo treatment to make their bodies more closely resemble those of the opposite sex, and to enable them to live more easily in the gender role associated with the opposite sex.\n20. Whereas the label “female” refers to a biological category, membership of which is fixed at birth and hence unalterable, the label “woman” refers to a social category. Being a woman is not so much a matter of having female biology, as it is a matter of being read as a person who has that biology, and being treated accordingly. What it means to be a member of the social class ‘woman’ is that one is read by others as female, and is treated in accordance with the gendered rules that prescribe feminine passivity and submission to members of the female sex class. The vast majority of persons occupying this class do so because they have female biology and so were inculcated into this class from birth, through the process of gendered socialisation. However, given that woman is a social rather than a biological category, it is therefore possible for biologically male persons to transition into the role of woman, or, as in the case of these biologically male persons with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, to be socialised and treated as women from birth:\nSince being a woman is primarily a matter of being socially read and treated as female, it is possible for persons born male to undergo a process of transition, at the end of which they will be read and treated as female, and hence are women. This may or may not involve medical treatment in the form of hormone treatment and surgery. But what it will necessarily be is a process of social transition, which will involve, among other things, confronting and addressing the privilege that comes with being raised male and living as a male for a period of time. What such a process will involve and how long it will take are difficult and complex questions that will vary from case to case, and there is no simple or universal answer. But once such a process has been completed, those persons now occupy the category of trans woman, and it is appropriate and respectful to refer to such persons using feminine pronouns.\n21. While it is possible to transition to the role of woman, this cannot be achieved by a simple act of will or performative utterance. The mere fact of “identifying as a woman”, feeling like a woman, believing one is a woman, or declaring “I am a woman”, on their own are insufficient to make one a woman. To be a woman is to occupy a social role and to be viewed by others as occupying that role, and therefore no subjective mental state is sufficient to make one a woman; becoming a woman is not a mere matter of “identifying as a woman”. If you are called Simon and “present as male”, then the mere fact that you identify as a woman, which presumably means simply to have some sort of feeling or belief in your mind, will have no bearing on how anyone views you, and thus you will continue to be treated with the respect and deference that it usually shown to men.\n22. There has been on the left a general shift away from class based politics and structural analysis of oppression, and towards an individualistic politics whose primary demands are for the recognition and validation of identities. In conjunction with this shift, recent discourse on trans issues has moved away from the language of transsexuality, which defined transsexual people in terms of the experience of dysphoria, and towards the notion of talking about transgender people, who are defined in terms of their “gender identity“. This significantly broadens the category of people who now refer to themselves as trans. Many people who now self-define as trans may not experience any dysphoria at all, may have no desire to modify their bodies in any way, and may have no intention of ever engaging in a process of transition to live in the gender role associated with the opposite sex. What this means is that being trans is now entirely a matter of self-definition and self-identification.\n23. “Gender identity” is usually defined as “someone’s internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman“, or “a person’s private sense, and subjective experience, of their own gender”. These definitions are vague and unclear, and so it’s not easy to get a grasp on exactly what it is that is being posited in talk of gender identity. One crucial feature of gender identity, as posited by its proponents, is that it is considered to be entirely independent of both biological sex, and of gendered socialisation. So the claim is that persons have an internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or something else entirely – more on this in point 29) that hangs free from, and can be explained and described without reference to, both their physical bodies, and their experience of being socially read and treated as a person with such a body. It is this that explains how a person can come to identify as a woman despite having a male body, and despite having been raised as male and having lived as a man. If you are transgender, then your “gender identity differs from what is typically associated with the sex [you] were assigned at birth”. it is claimed that everybody has a gender identity, so that if you are not trans, then you are cisgender, which means that your gender identity is aligned with the sex typically assigned at birth. (I have written elsewhere about my discomfort with the label cisgender, which I feel does not accurately describe me, nor many other women I know.)\n24. Given the free floating nature of gender identity, it’s very unclear what kind of a property or mental state it is purported to be. If by “gender identity” what is meant is a strong feeling or conviction that one’s personality, dispositions and preferences are more closely aligned with the gender norms for one sex over those of the other, such that one can survive and flourish more comfortably in that gender role, then it is plausible to suggest that everybody has a gender identity. However, the term is generally used in ways that suggest something much deeper and more fundamental than this. Gender identity seems to refer to some quasi-metaphysical property or essence that is fixed, unchanging, and may not be challenged. An individual’s professed gender identity is an essential, sacrosanct part of their identity, and must be believed and respected without question.\n25. This notion of “gender identity as essence” has troubling implications. The unclarity about what kind of a property it is, and its inherently entirely subjective nature, means that the doctrine of gender identity becomes unfalsifiable. Positing the existence of a gender identity is thus equivalent to positing the existence of a soul or some other non-material entity whose existence cannot be tested or proved. If we wish to avoid this implication, the only option is to make a claim for the objective reality of gender identity and to try to search for its material basis. And then we come perilously close to positing the existence of gendered brains, and suggesting that people can be born with a brain belonging to one sex but with the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the other sex. I am not qualified to pronounce on the validity of these claims, having no scientific training and very little knowledge of neuroscience. But feminists have long been suspicious of any attempt to argue for the naturalness of gendered traits and dispositions, as these arguments are so frequently invoked to justify women’s social and political subordination. Furthermore, this account of what gender identity is not only necessitates the existence of a “female brain” or a “male brain”; it also requires some plausible explanation as to how the sex of the brain and the sexual reproductive organs of the body might come to be mismatched. (I acknowledge my own scientific limitations here, but like any good feminist, I recommend those who are inclined to believe in the existence of ladybrains to read Cordelia Fine’s Delusions of Gender).\n26.If we take an individual’s self-declared gender identity as the sole necessary and sufficient condition for membership in a gender class, the result is that the meaning of the word “woman” is reduced to a subjective mental state, to a feeling in a person’s head. The only answer to the question “what is a woman?” becomes “a person who feels like a woman”. But this is an entirely circular definition that tells us nothing about what a woman is. The purpose of language is to convey shared social meanings. If a word means something different to every person who uses it, and they cannot explain to others what they mean when they use that word, then it means nothing. If the word woman is defined as “someone who thinks they are a woman”, then the word woman becomes meaningless, and can no longer be the name of anything. The political implication of that is that women as a class disappear.\nThis also leads to absurd and profoundly objectionable conclusions such as the one of Simon in the image of point 21, where someone raised as male, living as male, presenting as male – in other words, a man – can suddenly insist he is a woman and be allowed to speak over and on behalf of those who have been living as women and been socialised as women since birth. By insisting that being a woman is nothing more than a feeling in a person’s head, the notion of gender identity erases and invalidates the experiences of both biologically female women and transsexual women. Both biologically female women and transsexual women should resist the idea that womanhood is nothing more than a state of mind, a feeling in a person’s head, evidenced only by a performative utterance, because such a position has the effect of eradicating the existence of women altogether.\n27. The fact that it is possible to move from one social group to another itself is evidence of the fact that the individual is undergoing a process of transition from membership of one group to another. It does not occur instantly, through a simple act of will, and nor does it become retrospectively the case that, having decided to transition, the person was somehow “always a woman“. It makes no sense to say that someone who transitions to live as a woman after living a certain number of years as a man has “always been a woman“; if that were so, there would be no reason to embark upon physical or social transition. It makes even less sense to say, as has frequently been said, that a trans woman’s body is female and has always been female, just because it is hers and she “identifies” as female. As already noted, the word “female” refers to a biological category that one cannot identify or transition one’s way into. And further, if one’s body were already female, there would be no reason to modify it in any way. It is the fact of sexual dimorphism and the anatomical differences between the sexes that creates the need in those with dysphoria to modify their bodies. Trans women have male bodies, which they may choose to modify to resemble more closely female bodies. And trans women were raised as boys and often lived as men, and will have to undergo a social transition from that role to the role of woman. It is therefore clearly absurd, once a person comes out as trans, to insist that we must now believe that they have always been a member of the class into which they are moving. If Kellie Maloney, who transitioned at age 60, has always been a woman, then the word woman becomes meaningless, as it refers to literally anything and everything a person wants it to refer to. And her efforts to live as a woman and pass as a biological female become incomprehensible, because unnecessary.\n28. For those who subscribe to the notion of gender identity – and in contrast to the radical feminist analysis – gender is not inherently oppressive. While radical feminists consider that gender is inherently oppressive because it is a system that embodies a hierarchy of male over female, man over woman, masculine over feminine, for the proponent of gender identity there is nothing oppressive or restrictive about gender norms in and of themselves. Hence there is often resistance to the radical feminist critique of femininity as submission and subordination, because the person who believes they have a feminine gender identity may enjoy performing and enacting femininity, and so resents being told that this is an expression of female weakness and passivity.\n29. So for many of those who endorse the idea of gender identity, the oppressive thing about gender is not that it is a hierarchy; it’s that it is a binary. Once you detach the notion of gender identity entirely from both biological sex and gendered socialisation, there is in principle no reason to limit the number or genders that are purported to exist to just two. Hence the oft heard phrase that “gender is not a binary, it’s a spectrum”, and the emergence of individuals identifying themselves as “non-binary” or “genderfluid”, some of whom claim to variously experience “male shifts” and “female shifts“. We now have fifty-six different genders recognised on Facebook, though if you go roaming through the wilds of Tumblr you will find many, many more, along with a whole range of special pronouns. The logical question to ask the proponent of gender identity as a spectrum is: how many genders would we have to recognise in order not to be oppressive? And the only consistent answer that can be given to that question is: 7 billion. We would have to acknowledge that each individual can have their own unique gender identity. But if there are 7 billion different genders, a unique one for each of us, then it’s not clear that it makes any sense, or adds anything to our understanding, to call this “gender” at all. Gender is a system that ties certain desirable personality traits and behaviours to reproductive function. As soon as we detach these traits, behaviours and forms of appearance from biological sex, what we have is simply human personality, in all its variety and complexity. For this reason, every single one of us is non-binary. None of us is a walking gender stereotype. Gender is not just the name we give to the set of tastes, preferences, and dispositions that an individual happens to have. It is a system that ties biology to personality and behaviour, and puts people into pink and blue boxes according to the set of genitals they possess. The solution to that is not to create ever more boxes, nor to allow that some special non-binary individuals get to be gender revolutionaries who are able to move between the boxes at will, while the rest of us must stay put, and are told that we like it that way. The solution is to get rid of the boxes – to abolish gender altogether.\nNext – Political implications", "label": "No"} {"text": "The experiment was a success! Students walked into class today asking to know what the inverse trig functions do (they phrased it as, “What does the negative-one mean?”), two students had reasonable theories to explain it, and one hit it right on the nose.\nBefore going over the worksheet, I teamed up the students for an activity where one student would write a sine or cosine value on the board, indicating whether it were a sine or a cosine; the next student would name one or several angles with that sine/cosine value and draw the angle/s on the unit circle. They were performing the inverse sine and cosine functions without knowing it. Later when a student attempted to explain his theory for the meaning of sin−1, he suddenly came out with, “I think it’s what we were doing on the board!”", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sometimes the task to write a report for school may seem overwhelming. Topics may seem too large to cover or there may be so much research on the subject that it is difficult to decide what to use. Starting with a rough draft helps the writer pare down when he wants to write about and organize the information in a logical way. The best part of a rough draft is you can change it as much as you like until you are ready to start the report.\nAt Shenandoah University, writing teachers advise students not to skip writing an outline to begin the rough draft; it is a very important step. An outline organizes the information with just a phrase or sentence where each paragraph will eventually be written. For example, if you are writing a research paper about dog care, your outline might include a section for grooming, one for nutrition and one for exercise. You may have a fourth section about purebred needs. The introduction and the conclusion are separate. Put a few notes under each heading in your outline regarding specific information that will go into the section. Once you have the sections in the order you think best, you may start composing each section in complete paragraphs.\nA rough draft is simply a good start. It does not need clean copy, spelling and grammar corrections, or polished editing. Not while it is still in rough form, that is. Writing a rough draft gives the author the opportunity to organize various thoughts on paper. The online library resources at Bellevue remind students that a rough draft is a tool to help a writer get started; therefore, the best practice when writing it is simply to let the words flow and not worry about proofreading and editing while writing the rough draft.\nIntroduction and Conclusion\nIntroductions and conclusions are often best left for last. After you have the body of your school report in rough draft form, you are better able to craft an introduction that will spark the reader's interest and lead him into reading the whole paper. The conclusion, on the other hand, sums everything up. The conclusion of the paper should not introduce any new information, but rather reiterates the most important point or points made in the school report. Ideally, a conclusion leaves the reader with a good impression.\nA thesis statement is the main subject of your report. For example, in a report about dogs and dog care, the thesis statement might be, \"Dogs require attention, love and care from their owners.\" There is a lot of detail that may be covered under this general statement. A thesis statement is often placed at the end of the introduction and once again at the beginning of the conclusion. A rough draft should have a thesis statement, but while brainstorming and organizing your rough draft, you may want to change the thesis statement depending upon what your research turns up. This is perfectly acceptable; the purpose of a rough draft is to help writers figure out what they want to say.\n- Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images", "label": "No"} {"text": "Most of Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire from the fourteenth century until its declaration of independence in 1821. After capturing Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Turks first crossed into Europe in 1354, the start of the Ottoman Wars in Europe. These were understood as a religious duty to spread Islamic rule and faith. The Byzantine Empire, which had ruled most of the Greek-speaking world for over 1100 years, had been fatally weakened since the sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204. Having defeated the Bulgarians in 1371, and the Serbs in 1389, the Ottomans advanced south into Greece proper, capturing Athens in 1458. The Greeks held out in the Peloponnese until 1460, and the Venetians and Genoese clung to some of the islands, but by 1500, most of the plains and islands of Greece were in Ottoman hands. The mountains of Greece were largely untouched, and were a refuge for Greeks to flee foreign rule.\nCyprus fell in 1571, and the Venetians retained Crete until 1670. The Ionian Islands were only briefly ruled by the Ottomans (Kefalonia from 1479 to 1481 and from 1485 to 1500), and remained primarily under the rule of Venice. Inspired by the new spirit of nationalism sweeping through Europe and by the American Revolutionary War, the Greeks fought a war of independence from 1821 until 1829. They became the first Ottoman province to achieve complete independence. Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia, and, officially Serbia, did not follow until 1878. After French intervention in 1828, the great powers met in London and decided to recognize a sovereign Greek state. Many were enthusiastic about this development, which they saw as reviving the classical Greek legacy. Relations between Greece and the Ottoman Empire and its successor, Turkey have often been strained, not least of all surrounding disputed sovereignty of islands and the issue of Cyprus. While some scholars stress the Ottoman history of religious toleration and suggest that former provinces of the Ottoman empire, especially in border zone contexts, might help to bridge European and Muslim civilization, the particularities of Greek-Turkish relations may mitigate against this. Not only did the Turks conquer the Greek homeland but they destroyed the Byzantine Empire, which had represented a continuation both of the Roman Empire and of classical Greece into the medieval period. To some extent, leadership of the Orthodox world then shifted to Russia, which claimed to be the Third Rome.\nOn the other hand, as Turkey moves towards membership of the European Union, which Greece joined in 1981, good relations between these two nations has consequences for whether what has been called the \"Dialogue between civilizations\" or their clash will dominate the future. How people deal with histories that embitter relations is ultimately vital for human and planetary survival.\nThe consolidation of Ottoman rule was followed by two distinct trends of Greek migration. The first entailed Greek intellectuals, such as Johannes Vissarion, Georgius Plethon Gemistos, and Marcos Mousouros, migrating to Western Europe and influencing the advent of the Renaissance (though the large scale migration of Greeks to the West, most notably Italian University cities, began far earlier, following the Crusader capture of Constantinople). The second entailed Greeks leaving the plains of the Greek peninsula and resettling in the mountains, where the rugged landscape made it hard for the Ottomans to establish either military or administrative presence.\nThe Ottomans divided Greece into six sanjaks, each ruled by a Sanjakbey accountable to the Sultan, who established his capital in Constantinople in 1453. Before this division occurred, the Ottomans implemented the millet system, which segregated peoples within the Ottoman Empire based on religion. The conquered land was parceled out to Ottoman nobles, who held it as feudal fiefs (timars and ziamets) directly under the Sultan's authority. The land could not be sold or inherited, but was reverted to the Sultan's possession when the fief-holder died.\nThe economic situation of the majority of Greece deteriorated heavily during the Ottoman occupation of the country. Heavy burdens of taxation were placed on the Christian peasantry, and many Greeks were reduced to subsistence farming, whereas during prior eras the region had been heavily urbanized. The exception to this rule was in Constantinople and the Ionian islands, where many Greeks lived in prosperity. Greeks heavily resented the declining economic situation in their country during the Turkish occupation.\nThe Sultan regarded the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church as the leader of all Orthodox, Greeks or not, within the empire. The Patriarch was accountable to the Sultan for the good behavior of the Orthodox population, and in exchange he was given wide powers over the Orthodox communities, including ethnic Greeks. The Patriarch controlled the courts and the schools, as well as the Church, throughout the Greek communities of the empire. This made Orthodox priests, together with the local magnates, the effective rulers of Greek villages. Some Greek towns, such as Athens and Rhodes, retained municipal self-government, while others were put under Ottoman governors. Some areas, such as the Mani Peninsula in the Peloponnese, and parts of Crete (Sfakia) and Epirus, remained virtually independent. During the frequent Turkish-Venetian Wars, the Greeks sided both with the Venetians and Ottomans. (For example, during the Turkish-Venetian War (1714-1718in 1715, local Greeks supplied the Turks and refused to join the Venetian army.) The Orthodox Church assisted in the preservation of the Greek heritage, and during the nineteenth century, adherence to the Greek Orthodox faith became increasingly a mark of Greek nationality.\nAs a rule, the Ottomans did not require the Greeks to become Muslims, although many did so in order to avert the economic hardships of Ottoman rule. Under the millet logic, a converted Greek, although retaining culture and language, was classified simply as \"Muslim.\" In the eyes of the Christians, however, they were deemed Turks. Some Greeks either became neo-martyrs, such as Saint Efraim the Neo-Martyr or Saint Demetrios the Neo-martyr while others became Crypto-Christians (Greek Muslims who were secret practitioners of the Greek Orthodox faith) in order to avoid heavy taxes and at the same time express their identity by maintaining their secret ties to the Greek Orthodox Church. Crypto-Christians ran the risk of being killed if they were caught practicing a non-Muslim religion once they converted to Islam.\nThe worst persecutions of Christians took place under the reign of Selim I, known as Selim the Grim, who attempted to stamp out Christianity from the Ottoman Empire. Selim ordered the confiscation of all Christian churches, and while this order was later rescinded, Christians were heavily persecuted during his era.\nTaxation and the \"tribute of children\"\nGreeks also paid a land tax and a tax on trade, but these were collected irregularly by the inefficient Ottoman administration. Provided they paid their taxes and gave no trouble, they were left to themselves. Greeks, like other Christians, were also made to pay the jizya, or Islamic poll-tax which all non-Muslims in the empire were forced to pay in order to practice their religion. Non-Muslims did not serve in the Sultan's army, but young boys were forcibly converted to Islam and made to serve in the Ottoman military.\nThese practices are called the \"tribute of children\" (devshirmeh) (in Greek παιδομάζωμα paidomazoma, meaning \"child gathering\"), whereby every Christian community was required to give one son in five to be raised as a Muslim and enrolled in the corps of Janissaries, elite units of the Ottoman army. This imposition, at first, aroused surprisingly little opposition since Greeks who were living on the plains could not offer effective resistance. Still, there was much passive resistance, for example Greek folklore tells of mothers crippling their sons to avoid their abduction. Nevertheless, entrance into the corps (accompanied by conversion to Islam) offered Greek boys the opportunity to advance as high as governor or even Grand Vizier. Some suggest that \"recruitment\" to the Janissary was viewed as a means of social advancement and was even welcomed.\nOpposition of the Greek populace to taxing or paidomazoma resulted in grave consequences. For example, in 1705, an Ottoman official was sent from Naoussa in Macedonia to search and conscript new Janissaries and was killed by Greek rebels who resisted the burden of the devshirmeh. The rebels were subsequently beheaded and their severed heads were displayed in the city of Thessaloniki. The \"tribute of children\" was met with various reactions ranging from contempt to support. In some cases, it was greatly feared, as Greek families would often have to relinquish their own sons who would convert and return later as their oppressors. In other cases, the families bribed the officers to ensure that their children got a better life as a government officer. The Greek historian Papparigopoulos stated that approximately one million Greeks were conscripted into Janissaries during the Ottoman era.\nThe incorporation of Greece into the Ottoman Empire had other long-term consequences. Economic activity declined to a great extent (mainly because trade flowed towards cities like Smyrna and Constantinople), and the population declined, at least in the lowland areas (Ottoman censuses did not include many people in mountainous areas). Turks settled extensively in Thrace. After their expulsion from Spain in 1492, Sephardic Jews settled in Thessaloniki (known in this period as Salonica or Selanik), which became the main Jewish centre of the empire. The Greeks became inward-looking, with each region cut off from the others—only Muslims could ride a horse, which made travel difficult. Greek culture declined, and outside the Church few people were literate. The Greek language broke up into regional dialects, and absorbed large numbers of Turkish words. Greek music and other elements of Greek folk-culture were, to a great extent, influenced by Ottoman trends.\nAfter around the unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna, in 1683, the Ottoman Empire entered a long decline both militarily against the Christian powers and internally, leading to an increase in corruption, repression and inefficiency. This provoked discontent which led to disorders and occasionally rebellions. As more areas drifted out of Ottoman control, the Ottomans resorted to military rule in parts of Greece. This only provoked further resistance. Moreover, it led to economic dislocation, as well as accelerated population decline. Another sign of decline was that Ottoman landholdings, previously fiefs held directly from the Sultan, became hereditary estates (chifliks), which could be sold or bequeathed to heirs. The new class of Ottoman landlords reduced the hitherto free Greek peasants to serfdom, leading to further poverty and depopulation in the plains. However, the overall Greek population in the plains was reinforced by the return of some Greeks from the mountains during the seventeenth century.\nOn the other hand, the position of educated and privileged Greeks within the Ottoman Empire improved in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. As the empire became more settled, and began to feel its increasing backwardness in relation to the European powers, it increasingly recruited Greeks who had the kind of administrative, technical, and financial skills which the Ottomans lacked. From about 1700, Greeks began to fill some of the highest offices of the Ottoman state. The Phanariotes, a class of wealthy Greeks who lived in the Phanar district of Constantinople, became increasingly powerful. Their travels to Western Europe as merchants or diplomats brought them into contact with advanced ideas of liberalism and nationalism, and it was among the Phanariotes that the modern Greek nationalist movement was born.\nGreek nationalism was also stimulated by agents of Catherine the Great, the Orthodox ruler of the Russian Empire, who hoped to acquire the lands of the declining Ottoman state, including Constantinople itself, by inciting a Christian rebellion against the Ottomans. However, during the Russian-Ottoman War which broke out in 1768, the Greeks did not rebel, disillusioning their Russian patrons. The Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji (1774) gave Russia the right to make \"representations\" to the Sultan in defense of his Orthodox subjects, and the Russians began to interfere regularly in the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire. This, combined with the new ideas let loose by the French Revolution of 1789, began to reconnect the Greeks with the outside world and led to the development of an active nationalist movement.\nGreece was only peripherally involved in the Napoleonic Wars, but one episode had important consequences. When the French under Napoleon Bonaparte seized Venice in 1797, they also acquired the Ionian Islands. The islands were elevated to the status of a French dependency called the Septinsular Republic, which possessed local autonomy. This was the first time Greeks had governed themselves since the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Among those who held office in the islands was John Capodistria, destined to become independent Greece's first head of state. By the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, Greece had re-emerged from its centuries of isolation. British and French writers and artists began to visit the country, and wealthy Europeans began to collect Greek antiquities. These \"philhellenes\" were to play an important role in mobilizing support for Greek independence. Between 1821 and 1829, the Greeks rebelled against the Ottomans, becoming the first Ottoman province to gain independence. The revolt was motivated both by the new spirit of nationalism that swept through Europe following the French Revolution and by a revival of pride in Greece's history as the fountain of learning in the ancient world.\nThe War of Independence\nA secret Greek nationalist organization called the \"Friendly Society\" or \"Company of Friends\" (Filiki Eteria) was formed in Odessa in 1814. The members of the organization planned a rebellion with the support of wealthy Greek exile communities in Britain and the United States. They also gained support from sympathizers in Western Europe, as well as covert assistance from Russia. The organization secured Capodistria, who became Russian Foreign Minister after leaving the Ionian Islands, as the leader of the planned revolt. On March 25 (now Greek Independence Day), 1821, the Orthodox Bishop Germanos of Patras proclaimed a national uprising. Simultaneous risings were planned across Greece, including in Macedonia, Crete, and Cyprus. With the initial advantage of surprise, aided by Ottoman inefficiency and Turk's fight against Ali Pasha of Tepelen, the Greeks succeeded in capturing the Peloponnese and some other areas. Some of the first Greek actions were taken against unarmed Ottoman settlements, with about 40 percent of Turkish and Albanian Muslim residents of the Peloponnese killed outright, and the rest fleeing the area or being deported.\nThe Ottomans soon recovered, and retaliated in turn with similar savagery, massacring the Greek population of Chios and other towns. This worked to their disadvantage by provoking further sympathy for the Greeks in Western Europe, although the British and French governments suspected that the uprising was a Russian plot to seize Greece and possibly Constantinople from the Ottomans. The Greeks were unable to establish a coherent government in the areas they controlled, and soon fell to fighting amongst themselves. Inconclusive fighting between Greeks and Ottomans continued until 1825, when the Sultan sent a powerful fleet and army from Egypt to ravage the Aegean Islands and the Peloponnese.\nThe atrocities that accompanied this expedition, together with sympathy aroused by the death of the poet and leading philhellene Lord Byron at Messolongi in 1824, eventually led the Western Powers to intervene. In October 1827, the British, French, and Russian fleets, on the initiative of local commanders but with the tacit approval of their governments, attacked and destroyed the Ottoman fleet at the Battle of Navarino. This was the decisive moment in the war of independence. In October 1828, the French landed troops in the Peloponnese to stop the Ottoman atrocities. Under their protection, the Greeks were able to regroup and form a new government. They then advanced to seize as much territory as possible, including Athens and Thebes, before the Western Powers imposed a ceasefire.\nA conference in London, in March 1829, proposed an independent Greek state with a northern frontier running from Arta to Volos, and including only Euboia and the Cyclades among the islands. The Greeks were bitterly disappointed at these restricted frontiers, but were in no position to resist the will of Britain, France and Russia, who were largely responsible for Greek independence. By the Convention of May 11, 1832, Greece was finally recognized as a sovereign state. Capodistria, who had been Greece's unrecognized head of state since 1828, was assassinated in October 1831. To prevent further experiments in republican government, the Western Powers insisted that Greece be a monarchy, and the Bavarian Prince Otto, rather than someone with a Greek origin was chosen to be its first king.\nThe years of rule by the Ottomans has impacted on relations between the modern nations states of Greece and Turkey. Relations have been generally tense. The Fall of Constantinople on Tuesday May 29 1452 still makes \"Tuesday\" as \"unlucky day\" for Greeks. In 1922, Turkish troops drove \"by 1922 were strong enough again to drive Greece’s troops, and centuries of Greek society, from Anatolia.\" The position of the Turkish community on the island of Cyprus, where many Greeks wanted union with Greece added to the political tension. In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus following a pro-union coup against president Makarios III and established the Turkish Federative State of Cyprus, later the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Dispute continues regarding sovereignty of several islands including one that is unpopulated. One vision of border-zones such as that between Greece and Turkey, which is also a frontier between culture and religions is that they produce conflict and tend towards confrontation. Another vision is that such zones can become inter-civilizational bridges based on cooperation. Greece is a member of the European Union while Turkey has applied to join. If Turkey's membership proceeds, good relations between Greece and Turkey will have wider implications not only in Europe but also for the rest of the world. On a positive note, the influx of Greek scholars into Europe following 1453 made a major contribution to the Renaissance.\n- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Economist, The Fall of Constantinople. Retrieved July 20, 2008.\n- ↑ The United Nations, Dialogue among civilizations, UN Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations. Retrieved July 20, 2008\n- ↑ Warren Treadgold, A History of Byzantine State and Society (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997, ISBN 9780804724210).\n- ↑ Vacalopoulos (1976), p 45.\n- ↑ Paroulakis (1984), p 10-11.\n- ↑ L.S. Stavrianos, The Balkans since 1453 (New York: Rinehart, 1958, ISBN 9780030096853).\n- ↑ Paroulakis (1984), p 11.\n- ↑ David Nicolle and Christa Hook, The Janissaries (London: Osprey, 1995, ISBN 9781855324138), p 4.\n- ↑ Shaw (1976), p 114.\n- ↑ Hobsbawm (1962), p 181-185.\n- ↑ Jelavich (1983), p 217.\n- ↑ CNN, Greece, Turkey circle island each says is theirs. Retrieved July 20, 2008.\n- Hobsbawm, Eric John. 1962. The Age of Revolution. New York: New American Library. ISBN 0451627202.\n- Jelavich, Barbara. 1983. History of the Balkans, 18th and 19th Centuries. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521274583.\n- Paroulakis, Peter H. 1984. The Greek War of Independence. Darwin, AU: Hellenic International Press. ISBN 9780959089417.\n- Shaw, Stanford J., and Ezel Kural Shaw. 1976. History of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521212809.\n- Vacalopoulos, Apostolis. 1976. The Greek Nation, 1453-1669. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9780813508108.\n- Macedonian Question: Turkish Domination. Retrieved July 20, 2008.\nNew World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats.The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here:\nNote: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Required math: calculus\nRequired physics: 3-d Schrödinger equation\nReference: Griffiths, David J. (2005), Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition; Pearson Education – Problem 4.40.\nShankar, R. (1994), Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum Press. Chapter 13, Exercise 13.1.5.\n[If some equations are too small to read easily, use your browser’s magnifying option (Ctrl + on Chrome, probably something similar on other browsers).]\nWe’ve seen the virial theorem in one dimension, which states:\nwhere is the kinetic energy.\nWe can derive the 3-d version of the virial theorem using a similar method. From the formula for the rate of change of an observable, we have,\nassuming that the potential is time-independent. (This is what Shankar refers to as Ehrenfest’s theorem.) In three dimensions, we have\nSince each term in the commutator (except for the potential ) contains only one of the three spatial coordinates, any derivative term commutes with any other derivative term that contains a different variable. The remaining three non-zero commutators, one for each coordinate, can be calculated in the same way as in one dimension. We are therefore left with a simple generalization of the result for one dimension.\nFor stationary states the time derivative is zero, so\nso since ,\nThus we have\nBut we know that the total energy for the hydrogen atom in quantum state is so we get and .\nFor the 3-d harmonic oscillator\nThe total energy in state is so .", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dental sealants are an extra step you can take to fight cavities that appear on the back teeth, which are also known as the molars an premolars, These teeth are designed to chew your food to make it easier to swallow and digest. To do this, they come equipped with ridges and fissures, which are known as cusps, While the cusps help your teeth to process your food, they also present new places for bacteria and plaque to hide, which can lead to cavities.\nDental sealants are a thin layer of plastic applied to the back teeth, which shields the tooth enamel from plaque and bacteria. Sealants are most effective when they are applied as soon as the molars and premolars erupt. This is also the time in a child’s life when they are most prone to cavities. However, If an older child or an adult is at a heightened risk for cavities, or their back teeth are in good condition, they may also be a good candidate for sealants.\nSealants can last for ten years, although over time, they can be worn down. The dentist will examine the seals during the regular appointment to see if another coat needs to be applied. It is important to remember that dental sealants are only applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. So, even if a patient has sealants, they still need to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day to ensure a healthy smile.\nIf your child is ready or dental sealants, our dentist, Dr. Scott Fellows will be happy to help. If you live in the Pottsville, Pennsylvania area and would like to make an appointment at Fellows and Smink Dental Associates, call 570-622-0331 today. We look forward to starting your child on the road to a strong and healthy smile!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Nature of science - 4.4\nScientists spend a considerable amount of time reading the published results of other scientists. They publish their own results in scientific journals after a process called peer review. This is when the work of a scientist or, more usually, a team of scientists is anonymously and independently reviewed by several scientists working in the same field who decide if the research methodologies are sound and if the work represents a new contribution to knowledge in that field. They also attend conferences to make presentations and display posters of their work. Publication of peer-reviewed journals on the internet has increased the efficiency with which the scientific literature can be searched and accessed. There are a large number of national and international organizations for scientists working in specialized areas within subjects.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- About Us\nTransportation and Land Use Committee\nMore greenhouse gas emissions or walkable, livable communities? Cities or sprawl? The transportation decisions being made now will affect the land use and settlement patterns and the environmental health of our region for decades into the future.\nGiven the extraordinary challenges we face, now is the time to change the debate on transportation. The Sierra Club adopts the following set of principles to guide its evaluation of transportation policies, plans and projects from city, county, regional or state leaders.\n1. New transportation investments must transform the regional transportation infrastructure into an integrated multi-modal roads and transit system that supports both seamless transfers between these modes and multiple ways to reach destinations.\n2. New transportation investments that add capacity to the road system must be rigorously evaluated with respect to their human and environmental health costs and benefits.\n3. New transportation investments must reinforce land use policies and developments that encourage compact, walkable communities.\n4. Transportation funding should be based on mechanisms related to the actual use of the roadway system and the resulting environmental burden.\n5. Local jurisdictions must be provided with local taxing authority to fund local transit operations as well as street and sidewalk improvements that support non-motorized movement (i.e., walking and biking).\n6. Changes in regional transportation governance should promote the coherent design, construction and operation of an integrated multi-modal roads and transit system that is well coordinated with other regional planning efforts (for land use, water, sewer, telecommunications, etc.).\nThe Transportation Committee usually meets monthly on either the 4th or last Tuesday of the month. See the Events Calendar for specific details.\nFor more information, please contact the committee chair, Tim Gould.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines\n© 2004 Robert A. Freitas Jr. and Ralph C. Merkle. All Rights Reserved.\nRobert A. Freitas Jr., Ralph C. Merkle, Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, 2004.\n5.1.9.J Replicator Performance\nJ1. Replication Time. Time required to produce one generation of daughter devices; generation time.\nJ2. Replicator Longevity. Mean time to failure of the parental replicator device. In living organisms, a gene-based biological clock related to telomeres apparently plays an important role in establishing upper limits to the longevity of individual replicators (organisms).\nJ3. Replicator Expiration Date. Providing an expiration date, or a fixed duration of time tallied on an internal counter, after which the replicative function will be permanently disabled [271, 2552] can contribute to public safety (Section 5.11). For example, the fictional robots manufactured in the robot factories of Capek’s R.U.R. were designed to die after 20 years. In the absence of a clock, a simple pulse counter or copy counter would serve a similar function – after registering some fixed number of input pulses or replication cycles, the counter would automatically sever the power transmission line. But note that most broadcast-architecture replicators need not contain a clock or counter. If all onboard functions are externally powered and controlled, the addition of an onboard stop clock would be a superfluous safety measure, and the replicator could be sent commands to permanently disable itself at any time.\nJ4. Generational and Gestational Fecundity. This is the number of daughters per generation, or per “litter”. In biology, in the case of extended-maturation or birth-immature replicators (Section 5.9.1), “generation time” customarily refers to the time required for maturation of an immature replicator – the time required to progress from fertilized egg to adult reproductive maturity – whereas “gestation time” refers to the time required to progress only from fertilized egg to live birth. Note that these replicators tend also to have a relatively small number of litters during a relatively short period of fertility (typically 30 years for human females) so that the number of offspring per generation is not significantly different from the number of offspring per parent (or breeding pair).\nIn the case of birth-mature replicators (Section 5.9.2), generation time and gestation time are synonymous because there is no post-birth maturation period required. Most proposed artificial replicators, particularly non-auxetic replicators (see I11), and many simple biological replicators such as viruses, bacteria, and other single-celled replicators that follow the eukaryotic cell cycle (Section 4.3.6), are birth-mature replicators whose generation time and gestation time are equivalent, and may be termed the “replication time.” Generational fecundity is distinguished from total number of daughter devices per parent device primarily in the case of replicators with unlimited replicative lifespans, wherein generational fecundity can be unlimited (e.g., in immortal cell lines).\nIn biology, smaller animals generally produce more offspring . Across the animal kingdom, birth rate falls steadily with increasing food requirements; energy use is closely linked to size, so bigger animals have fewer offspring . This appeared not to hold for humans, since a 100-kg female gorilla typically has 3-6 offspring while the average North American woman weighs considerably less but will have <2 babies . But Moses and Brown found that human birth rates fit the pattern perfectly on the basis of total energy consumption rather than body mass, since the average North American consumes ~11,000 watts including food, transport, heating, entertainment and so on – which would be roughly equivalent to the metabolism of a hypothetical elephant-sized 30,000-kg primate. A further comparison of contemporary birth rates and energy use in >100 countries and a review of U.S. fertility and energy consumption over the last 150 years confirmed that fertility declines steadily as energy consumption increases.\nJ5. Generational Longevity. Refers to the longevity of the line of replicators – that is, can the line of offspring potentially be unlimited? Establishing limits to the maximum number of generations or replication cycles might enhance public safety of artificial replicators (Section 5.11; see also J3), as already incorporated in biology for other purposes (e.g., telomeres and menopause ). In the field of cellular automata, Moore required that an entity be capable of causing arbitrarily many offspring in order to be considered “self-reproducing”, and Lohn and Reggia also require unbounded growth potential for reproducers in their definition. Of course, restrictions on the total number of generations does not provide a logically complete safeguard against runaway replication unless generational fecundity is also restricted, and vice versa. Meszena and Szathmary employ a similar measure, called “lifetime reproductive ratio,” which is defined as the expected number of offspring of a single replicator during its entire lifespan.\nJ6. Nonreplicator Product Types. Von Neumann originally examined “universal constructors” having the ability to build any design that the instruction tape (genotype) can specify (e.g., automaton “D” mentioned in Section 2.1.1). Cellular automata have been devised that can both self-replicate and construct arbitrary non-self patterns in keeping with von Neumann’s original conceptions. However, commercially useful primitive limited-purpose replicators do not need this universality and will be both easier to build and safer to operate if they lack this broad capability. Replication-incompetent viruses have been employed to genetically transform biological cells and in genetic therapies in medicine . As our ability to design more general purpose molecular assemblers and nanofactories grows, additional safeguards must be added to these increasingly valuable systems to maintain their status as “inherently safe” (Section 5.11).\nJ7. Qualitative/Quantitative Closure. Measures the ability of the replicator to gain access to all resources needed for replication (Freitas and Gilbreath , Section 5.3.6 and Figure 5.22) and to avoid “production bottlenecks” . (See Section 5.6.) Friedman notes that replication with only partial closure (C) still allows the achievement of quite appreciable production amplications A = 1 / (1 – C), (e.g., A = 10-fold amplication for C = 90%), “which is quite valuable for reasonably attainable closures of 90% or more.”\nOne safety concern first raised by Drexler is the possibility that a microscale manufacturing system, once having been engineered to gather resources from natural environments, could, if not controlled, convert biomass on a large scale into a “gray goo” of identical replicators, a process which has more formally been termed “biovorous ecophagy” . In 2004 Drexler employed the somewhat opaque term “autoproductive” to describe engineered systems that are capable of self-replication but which entirely lack one or more key functionalities for safety reasons – that is, they possess low or 0% closure (Section 5.6) in some important design dimension(s), hence cannot replicate without outside assistance. In the case of replication control autonomy (A1), since at least the 1980 NASA study (Section 3.13) such manufacturing systems have been widely known more descriptively as “teleoperated replicators” (Section 3.13.2), and since the early 1990s this mode of remote control has also been widely known as the “broadcast architecture” (Section One could similarly arrange for 0% parts closure (E4) (aka. the “vitamin architecture”), 0% process energy closure (G1), 0% process manipulation closure (H1), and so forth. As Drexler reiterates:\nA set of blacksmith’s tools can be used by a blacksmith to make a duplicate set. By themselves, the tools are inert, but with a careful input of skill and muscle they can be used to produce duplicates of themselves. Such a system, which can be replicated but only with substantial outside help, can be called ‘autoproductive’ to distinguish it from a self-replicating or self-reproducing system. A sufficient condition for the safe use of exponential manufacturing is to use only systems that are autoproductive, but are missing functionality that could make them self-replicating.\nDrexler’s choice of the term “autoproductive” was particularly unfortunate because the customary meaning of “auto-” is “self-” or “self-causing,” yielding the exact opposite of the meaning intended for the neologism. A more precise term might have been “auxilioproductive,” from the two Latin roots meaning, literally, “needing assistance for production.”\nJ8. Emission of Waste Products. How much physical waste material does the replicator produce, either during replication or during non-self product manufacturing? The Merkle-Freitas assembler (Section 4.11.3) is the first zero-emissions bottom-up replicator ever proposed – its only effluent is more of its own exterior working fluid – whereas, for example, the Sayama “workplace construction” model [8, 9] assumes production of garbage (used workplaces are discarded after self-replication). Some designs may allow temporary sequestration of waste products in onboard caches, which products are then discharged unprocessed as wastes at a time and place well-removed from the time and place where replication or manufacturing takes place. Other designs may provide for internal reprocessing of “wastes” into “products” possessing alternative utility. Zero waste is possible if the replicator uses all inputs in the construction of product. Of course, even in an efficient design some waste heat is inevitable.\nLast updated on 1 August 2005", "label": "No"} {"text": "Is it time for you to do a science fair project? Are you looking for ideas? You’ve come to the right place.\nAsking questions – like a scientist\nWhile some people may believe there’s no such thing as a dumb question, some questions are certainly better than others. One of the tangential skills that scientists learn is how to ask good questions. When students are asked to do a science-fair project, they are being challenged to ask a good question. Oftentimes, however, no guidance is given to help a student with the process of developing a good question. Fortunately, in this day and age, it’s not that hard to find general information, and I encourage you to do so. That said, here’s a brief summary of one strategy for critically analyzing a scientific question.\nWhat is a good scientific question?\nI suspect if anyone actually reads my posts and feels the need to leave a response, they will no doubt argue that good scientific questions don’t fit a single mold. That said, a good place to start with asking scientific questions is to be sure that it has the following properties:\n- The question is testable given your resources. There are many questions that require knowledge and/or information beyond what is available to us. If you know you don’t have access to the resources needed to answer a question, then it doesn’t make a good science question (for you, anyway).\n- The question can be phrased as an hypothesis. While not all sciences are hypothesis-driven, being able to define your scientific question in terms of a falsifiable hypothesis helps to direct your scientific inquiry.\n- The question is interesting to you. At the end of the day, if you are not interested in the science you are doing, it will be difficult to overcome the inevitable hurdles that you will face along the way.\nTypes of questions\nAgain, there are many ways to categorize questions. Here is one way, and I’ll use the topic of insect biodiversity as an example. In each case, we should think about how it fits the above-mentioned criteria.\n- Broad fact-based questions. How biodiverse is the insect population? This is a very interesting, and important question, since insects play a major role in agriculture and our food supply. While it is possible to get an answer (Wikipedia claims that there are over a million species of insects), it would be difficult for us to get at the answer. The question is also not in the form of an hypothesis, and it’s not obvious to me how we could restate it.\n- Narrow fact-based questions. What is the insect biodiversity on my school’s campus? So now we have narrowed the question down to something that we can probably test, possibly at the expense of making the question less interesting given the smaller scope. We still face the same problem with formulating an hypothesis as we did with the previous question, and this will be true for many fact-based questions. In general, fact-based questions do not make good scientific questions.\n- Why questions. Why are there bugs on my school’s campus? Again, a potentially interesting question, but one that will be very difficult to answer. On the surface, it may seem to be a simple question, but as we dig deeper, we find that the question is quite broad, and may have multiple answers that we can’t isolate. Framing the question in hypothesis form can sometimes help narrow the focus of a why question.\n- Comparison questions. Are there more species of bugs near the baseball field or the prairie garden on my school’s campus? Now we are getting somewhere! The question we have asked has an answer that we can obtain, has a narrow but useful focus, and can be written in hypothesis form. While not all science questions need to be comparison types, they are easier to formulate.\nWhat’s this about Mad Libs?\nLeonard Stern created Mad Libs, and you can read about their history here; I won’t rehash what’s already been written. I thought about the parts of a scientific question and asked can the Mad Libs concepts be used to design good science questions? As I reflected on science questions, I came up with this list of “types of words”\n- Variable – something that you change in your experiment as you test the hypothesis\n- Examples: sunlight, temperature, cooking time\n- Process – something that changes with time\n- Examples: Fading of colors, a chemical reaction, the growth of grasshoppers.\n- System – similar to a process, but doesn’t change within the timeframe of your experiment\n- Examples: fruit juice, M&Ms, soil\n- Property – a characteristic of something (in this case the process or system)\n- Examples: Vitamin C, food dye, sugar\n- Material – A system with a particular property\n- Examples: Paper towel, paint, coffee cup\n- Quality – a property with a particular value\n- Examples: thermally insulating, water resistant, transparent\nEditorial note – If I ever make version two of this game, I will reflect further on these word types. There is clearly overlap, and the choices are based on my biases. It would be good to survey the scientific literature for a better classification.\nWith these types of words in hand, all that is left to do is have a story to fill in. I call these stories Question Blocks.\n- What are the effects of on ?\n- How do/does affect ?\n- Is there more/less in than ?\n- Does make more ?\nNow we can put it all together. From the lists above, choose a Quality word and a Material word, then fill in the question block: Which is the most ? You should note right away that Mad Libs is terrible at grammar, so go ahead and fix it. Did you create a question that makes sense? Chances are, you’ll have to tweak the question a little bit, but the question that came up is most likely reasonable. How does it hold up to the “good science question” criteria? Is it testable? Can you make an hypothesis? Is it interesting?\nI designed this activity as part of a program that I use to run for helping kids in Chicago’s South Side develop science fair projects. I printed out a bunch of labels with the various words and question blocks on them and went through pretty much the same speech as what I typed here. The documents can be found here:\nYou should print the cards file on labels that can fit on 3×5 index cards. To make it easier on the eye, I put the question block labels on colored index cards and the rest of the words on plain white index cards. I then place the question blocks on the table and we generate a bunch of questions. While the set of words/question blocks I have can in theory generate 1700 science questions, not all of them are good, and some of them are downright silly. That’s OK, because we can still critique the silly questions, even asking, “How do I make this question not silly?” Before you know it, you’ll be asking questions like a scientist.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Expressing Olweus anti-bullying message through words and images\nThe Clerc Center officially kicked off its Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in January at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES) and the Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD) with activities designed to increase awareness of the harmful effects of bullying.\nOne of the ways in which MSSD students are helping each other to internalize the anti-bullying messages is through the creation of powerful artwork that will be on display around the school. The MSSD students incorporated the themes of the four Olweus anti-bullying rules into their artwork:\n- We will not bully others.\n- We will try to help students who are bullied.\n- We will try to include students who are left out.\n- If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school or an adult at home.\n\"The students in my visual literacy and visual arts classes transformed the Olweus anti-bullying philosophy into powerful words and images. They utilized a combination of media-photography, digital painting, Photoshop, green screen, and painting,\" said Philip Bogdan, MSSD art instructor.\nIn their statements of purpose, the students described how they developed their concepts, created the images, and highlighted the messages they wanted to share. Zachary Bridgett and Mariola Kimmel depicted flashbacks in their artwork to show that bullying leaves emotional scars: \"Our picture expresses the pain and suffering of the victim and the serious impact bullying has on the individual.\"\nLori Eldred and Justin Ward focused their work on dispelling a myth that all bullies are large in size: \"Bullies tend to be bigger than victims, but sometimes little students can be bullies as well. Our picture shows that bullies come in different sizes and genders.\"\nJuan Sosa explored through his artwork why people bully: \"A person becomes a bully because he or she thinks it will give him or her popularity. It's simply 'not thinking' that brings serious consequences to the bully.\"\nAmanda Sauerland expressed through her artwork how bullying takes on many forms: \"I made my picture to show that bullying is not only physical but also verbal. Words can hurt people's feelings and impact their lives. I made my picture with a blue background because it is symbolic of depression and similar to Picasso in his Blue Period.\"\nThe Olweus Bullying Prevention Program focuses on reducing bullying through improved social relations among students of all ages. The program reaches out to those who are bullied-and to those who bully. It takes the power out of bullying and creates a safe school where all students can learn. The artwork the MSSD students created will serve as a powerful reminder of those messages.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Every technological advancement seems to have a sharp inflection point, a time before which it seems like any early adopters are considered kooks, but beyond which the device or service quickly becomes so mainstream that non-adopters become the kooky ones. Take cell phones, for example – I clearly remember a news report back in the 1990s about some manufacturers crazy idea to put a digital camera in a phone. Seemingly minutes later, you couldn’t buy a phone without a camera.\nIt seems like we may be nearing a similar inflection point with a technology far more complex and potentially far more life-altering than cameras in cell phones: powered exoskeletons. With increasing numbers of news stories covering advancements in exoskeletal assistants for the elderly, therapeutic applications for those suffering from spinal cord injuries and neurodegenerative diseases, and penetration into the workplace – including the battlefield – as amplifiers of human effort, it’s worth taking a look at where we are with exoskeletons before seeing someone using one in public becomes so commonplace as to go unnoticed.\nContinue reading “The Cyborgs Among Us: Exoskeletons Go Mainstream”\nSeeing this device help a man get up out of his wheelchair makes us wonder why this hasn’t been around for ages. The design principles behind the Tek RMD greatly benefit those without use of their legs. But it’s not just to help him stand, it also serves as motorized transport that makes bulky electric wheelchairs look so last century.\nInstead of having the support structure beneath the rider, the RMD (Robotic Mobilization Device) uses a sling-like method to hang from the hinged arm. A folding handlebar can be raised up, allowing the rider to move from sitting to standing with a bit of help from the machine. Whether upright or sitting, the device can travel using its electric motors. In fact, this tip was sent in because it looks very much like riding a Segway.\nThe video demonstration after the break really hits home the functionality provided. This is an instant quality of life improvement, breaking down some of the barriers of moving around in confined quarters with a motorized wheelchair. There is also a lot to be said for having the option to stand. The demo shows several circumstances like shopping at the market, going through the checkout, and grilling out. What an amazing use of technology.\nContinue reading “Robotic Assist Helps Paraplegic Stand And Move Around”", "label": "No"} {"text": "Researchers have examined a well-preserved amphibian fossil and found that it fills the gap between frogs and salamanders. Gerobatrachus hottoni, “Hotton’s old frog,” has a mosaic of features such as a salamander’s walk and a tail but a wide, froggy head. It comes from a time, 280 million years ago, before frogs and salamanders became separate branches on the tree of life.\ntheir research, published in Thursday’s issue of the journal Nature, settles a long and hot debate in scientific circles as to just how these species evolved.\n“This fossil is the most like the modern amphibian that you find and it’s from incredibly ancient times,” said principal investigator Jason Anderson, an assistant professor of veterinary anatomy at the University of Calgary who specializes in vertebrate paleontology.\n“So what this does is provide conclusive evidence that frogs and salamanders have an origin among one particular group of extinct fossil amphibians,” he said Wednesday from Calgary. “This fossil falls right into a gap in the fossil record between one archaic group of amphibians and the earliest examples of the modern amphibians, frogs and salamanders.”\nThe fossilized remains were discovered in 1995 in the scrub land of north-central Texas by the late Nicholas Hotton of the Smithsonian Institution, the man for whom the long-extinct creature is named.\nHotton, who died two years later, knew he had made a significant find, said Anderson.\n“With a slip of paper found with the specimen and in his handwriting is the nickname ‘Froggie.’ So he recognized the specimen for what it was immediately after he found it.”\nThe slab of silt stone bearing the 12-centimetre-long creature’s imprint had languished in the Smithsonian’s collection for some time before a U.S. colleague brought it to Anderson’s attention; he jumped at the chance to create a team to partially raise it from its rocky grave.\nCo-author Robert Reisz, a professor of biology who heads a vertebrate paleontology research lab at the University of Toronto, came on board to lay bare the creature’s skeleton, delicately chipping away at the chalk-like rock in which it was embedded.\nIt has small teeth, a reduced number of vertebrae, salamander ankle bones, a frog’s ear, and a lightly built skeleton.\nThe first frog fossils date from about fifty million years later.\nComplete specimen in ventral view, photograph (left) and interpretive outline drawing (right). Abbreviations: bc, basale commune; cl, cleithrum; cv, clavicle; dm, digital elements of the manus; dt3, distal tarsal 3; fe, femur; h, humerus; ic, intercentrum; il, ilium; is, ischium; op, olecranon process of ulna; pc, pleurocentrum; r, radius; sr, sacral rib. [Diagram from Pharyngula]", "label": "No"} {"text": "Three years earlier, Aldrich (pictured here in 1903) had lost his grown son to tuberculosis. The event left the former \"bad boy\" devastated — enough that he stopped writing poems (instead, he wrote a play to help him cope). He was convinced to return to poetry, however, for the centennial of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in February 1907. Three weeks after completing it, he wrote a letter to George Woodberry, referring to the poem as the first poem he'd written since his son's death. \"I have not known a whole happy day in that time.\" It is the last poem Aldrich ever completed, and it was read at his funeral:\nAbove his grave the grass and snow\nTheir soft antiphonal strophes write:\nMoonrise and daybreak come and go:\nSummer by summer on the height\nThe thrushes find melodious breath.\nHere let no vagrant winds that blow\nAcross the spaces of the night\nWhisper of death.\nThey do not die who leave their thought\nImprinted on some deathless page.\nThemselves may pass; the spell they wrought\nEndures on earth from age to age.\nAnd thou, whose voice but yesterday\nFell upon charmed listening ears,\nThou shalt not know the touch of years;\nThou holdest time and chance at bay...\nBoth Longfellow and Aldrich are buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Secrets of the studio\nStudying Vermeer's paintings under magnification reveals not only the minute details the artist intended for us to see – the artful workings of his brush – but also the random marks and traces that he unintentionally left behind. These tiny clues may offer rare insight into the day-to-day workings of the artist's studio.\nA large number of bristles from hog-hair brushes are embedded in the surface of original paint in all four of these paintings [figs.1–4].\nThis may be associated with the way in which brushes were made at the time – with bunches of bristles tied on to the handle – and how these might deteriorate with age and vigorous use in broad background areas [ fig.5].1 It may also suggest that his brushes were either of poor quality or very old – or both.\nTwo fingerprints are impressed in the surface of the original paint along the top edge of The Guitar Player. They were presumably left when someone, perhaps the artist himself, grasped the painting when the paint was not quite dry [ figs.6 & 7].\nThere is also a considerable amount of fluff embedded in the original paint. This might suggest that the paintings were worked on over a long period or that they took a long time to dry. In either case it seems likely that they may have been left lying in the studio for a considerable amount of time [ fig.8].\nHelen Howard is Scientific Officer – Microscopist at the National Gallery. This material was published to coincide with the exhibition Vermeer and Music: The Art of Love and Leisure.\nExplore more topics\nOriginal methods and material\n- Support and ground\n- Infrared examination\n- Vermeer's palette\n- Binding medium\n- Paint application\n- Secrets of the studio\nTime and transformation\n- Altered appearance of ultramarine\n- Fading of yellow and red lake pigments\n- Drying and paint defects\n- Formation of lead and zinc soaps", "label": "No"} {"text": "Belle’s relationship with her aunt, Isabella Sophia Hardisty Smith, both strengthened her connection to Indigenous culture and reinforced for her the importance of maintaining the European-style graces required by a woman of elevated social status.\nIsabella Sophia led an interesting life and aspects of it were paralleled in Belle’s life. Both women broke the social conventions of their Eurocentric environments and both were respected in spite of their occasional unorthodox conduct. Belle lived with Isabella Sophia and Donald Alexander after leaving school in 1875 and undoubtedly, the HBC connections and political connections she made during her time with them fortified their relationship later in life.\nIsabella Sophia Hardisty was born in the Rupert’s River District of Québec in 1825. She was sent away to school in England when she was thirteen years old and returned to her family in Moose Factory in present-day Ontario when she was nineteen. In 1848, the family moved to North West River, Labrador, where Isabella Sophia met Donald Alexander Smith.\nDonald Alexander Smith who later became Lord Strathcona is best known as the man who drove the last spike in the Canadian railway but he lived in Labrador for a total of twenty-one years. He was based at Rigolet and North West River, Labrador, at the time of the Hardistys’ arrival. Smith succeeded William Lucas Hardisty as chief trader at North West River in 1852 and Isabella Sophia, who had stayed in Labrador after her parents departed, married him a year later in 1853. At that time, however, Isabella Sophia was unofficially married to James Grant who worked with both William Lucas Hardisty and Donald Alexander Smith at the HBC.\nIsabella Sophia Hardisty and James Grant had had a son, James Hardisty Grant, in 1850 but soon after the child was born, Isabella Sophia left James Grant claiming she would never go back to him. For the first three years Isabella Sophia and Donald Alexander Smith were married, there was awkwardness in the community as James Grant was still stationed with the HBC at North West River. The tension was complicated by the fact that Grant’s son, James Hardisty Grant, took Donald Alexander Smith’s surname and was raised alongside his younger half-sister, Margaret. The situation made Donald Alexander sensitive about the legality of his marriage and in an effort to resolve the issue, he and Isabella Sophia went through four subsequent marriage ceremonies. The last ceremony took place when she was seventy years old and he was seventy-five.\nIsabella Sophia adapted well to life in a remote community. She was reputed to have been a good doctor when needed and she had her own trap line in the bush. She made her own decisions and was adamant about living her life with Donald Alexander the way she wanted. They were reputed to have had a special and loving relationship.\n“[S]he played a large part in his progress upward through the ranks to become Governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company, President of the Bank of Montreal, a Member of the Canadian Parliament, Chancellor of McGill University, Rector of the University of Aberdeen, Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, and Knight Commander of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.”\nIn 1897, Donald Alexander was named 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal of Glencoe in the County of Argyll in Scotland and Mount Royal in the Province of Quebec and Dominion of Canada making Isabella Sophia Lady Strathcona. He was determined that their daughter, Margaret, should inherit the title after his death, an idea which was so unusual at the time as to be thought impossible. He bought a large property on Loch Leven in Glencoe as a gesture of love for his wife.\nIsabella Sophia died in 1913 and Donald Alexander died just ten weeks later in early 1914.\n“He spent the last weeks of his life reworking his will to leave millions of dollars to charitable causes… His daughter Maggie inherited a modest seven and a half million dollars, and became the second Baroness Strathcona and Mount Royal, the crown having ensured her succession in 1900.”\nDonald Alexander Smith was successful in his bid to pass on his title to his daughter and today, the title of 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal is held by his and Isabella Sophia’s great-great-grandson, Alexander Smith Howard who was born in 1961.\n Hudson’s Bay Company History Foundation, http://www.hbcheritage.ca/people/governors/donald-a-smith\n Robin McGrath, “Strathcona: A Northwest River Love Story,” Labrador Life(2012-13), p. 25-28, in Life on the Mista Shipu: Dispatches from Labrador, Portugal Cove-St. Phillips: Boulder Publication, 2018, p. 127-131", "label": "No"} {"text": "Folk memories endure, mothers’ and grandmothers’ sagas trumping documents in neglected archives. What will Syria’s youth, when they are old, tell their children? All will have stories of cowering in their flimsy houses while bombs fell, of the deadening existence of refugee camps, or of escapes through treacherous seas and perilous highways to uncertain lives in strange lands. My maternal grandmother left Mount Lebanon, then part of Syria, as a child in the late nineteenth century during a confrontation between the Christians of her village and their Ottoman rulers. Although her father was killed a few months before she was born, she told me many times how he faced Turkish troops on horseback as if she had witnessed it. I don’t know what really happened; but her stories, including of a river that was so cold it could crack a watermelon in two, remain undeniable truths to her descendants.\nSyrians today are enduring a brutal, unending ordeal that reenacts the drama of their ancestors during a prior war exactly one century ago that their families, novelists, and poets preserved for them. What we know as World War I was to Syrians Seferberlik, from the Arabic for “travel across the land,” when military conscription, forced labor battalions, machine-age weaponry, arbitrary punishment, pestilence, and famine undid in four years all that the Ottomans had achieved over the previous four centuries. The Palestinian sociologist Salim Tamari saw that period as\nfour miserable years of tyranny symbolized by the military dictatorship of Ahmad Cemal [or Jemal] Pasha in Syria, seferberlik (forced conscription and exile), and the collective hanging of Arab patriots in Beirut’s Burj Square on August 15, 1916.\nTurkey’s institutionalized sadism added to the woes of Syrians, who grew hungrier each year because of the Anglo-French blockade that kept out, as American and European Union sanctions do today, many of the basic staples needed for survival.\nNo part of what was then called Syria, which included today’s Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel, avoided the cataclysm. An economics professor at Beirut’s Syrian Protestant College wrote, “You never saw a starving person, did you? May the Almighty preserve you from this sight!!!” Rafael de Nogales, a freebooting Venezuelan officer in the Ottoman army, recorded that\nAleppo kept on filling up with mendicant and pest-stricken deportees who died in the streets by the hundreds, and infected the rest of the population to such an extent that on some days the funeral carts were insufficient to carry the dead to the cemeteries.\nThe locust infestation of 1915 and hoarding by Beirut’s grain merchants aggravated a famine so severe that there were many tales of cannibalism. Hana Mina, a Syrian novelist born just after the war, wrote in his novel Fragments of Memory, “During the Safar Barrlik, mothers…became like cats and ate their …read the full article on nybooks.com (*subscription required).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Lunar New Year, which is celebrated in Asian countries, is a time of happiness, family, celebration and even food! The festivals of Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, takes place on the first new moon and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, lasting 15 days. This means it is usually celebrated around January 21st to February 20th since this holiday is based on the lunar calendar.\nBefore the festivities begin, each family cleans and washes their house to remove any bad luck that may be present. The oldest and most patriarchal person in each house cleans the highest and most difficult spots to reach to signal dominance and to demand respect. This practice is called “sweeping of the grounds”.\nOne of the most defining aspects of Lunar New Year is the exchange of red envelopes filled with money, called hongbao. In Chinese culture, the color red symbolizes energy, happiness and good luck, so giving people these envelopes is a gesture of kindness and wishes for a safe and peaceful year. However, children are only gifted the envelops if they respect their parents and grandparents, illustrating the prevalence of ancient Chinese culture in Lunar New Year in relation to Confucian values specifically Filial Piety, (respect for your elders). During Lunar New Year, Chinese Lion Dancers dance in elaborate lion costumes in public settings to chase away evil deities; in return, audience members are expected to place red envelopes filled with money in the mouths of lions to thank the dancers.\nOn the last day of Lunar New Year, the Lantern Festival takes place. During the night, colorful lanterns light up houses and foods such as yuanxiao (sticky rice balls that symbolize family unity), fagao (prosperity cake), and yusheng (raw fish and vegetable salad) are eaten. These foods carry a lot of meaning and symbolize the core values of Chinese people.\nThis year, Lunar New Year fell on Presidents’ Day break, providing the chance for families to celebrate the holiday at home. Students had Friday, February 12th, Monday, February 15th and Tuesday, February 16th off which gave students the chance to rest and catch up with their schoolwork and hopefully reduce stress and anxiety.\nGraphic: Kate Minn", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sing Down the Moon\nThe Long Walk of the Navajo people is told through the fictional character Bright Morning, a young Navajo girl. This story is well written and engaging and has very high educational value. It is definitely very sad and does not gloss over the wrongs put upon the Navajo people, but I did not feel it was overly dark. This is very insightful look into a difficult subject.\n(Reviewed by Jenny Phillips)\n|North America, United States\n|19th Century, 1800s\n|The Good and the Beautiful Library", "label": "No"} {"text": "Chapter 5 Teaching Indigenous languages\nAs discussed in the previous chapter, schools are a resource and a venue\nfor whole communities. They are a place where families, teachers and children\ncome together in a learning environment. Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Cultural\nAdvisors and other community members have been and continue to be vital\ningredients in the teaching of Indigenous languages and culture and in the\nbroader education of children in Indigenous communities.\nThis chapter discusses the training and qualifications required to teach\nIndigenous languages and the career and accreditation pathways available to\nIndigenous language teachers. The Committees discusses the important role\nIndigenous language teachers play in the classroom, especially in schools with\nhigh numbers of Indigenous students with EAL/D needs, and the need to attract\nand retain Indigenous language teachers. The Committee discusses EAL/D and\ncultural training required by teachers.\nCareer and accreditation pathways for Indigenous language teachers\nIndigenous language teaching courses\nThe availability of training for qualifications to teach Indigenous\nlanguages is scattered across the country and is offered at a variety of Certificate,\nDegree, Diploma and Masters levels.\nExamples of Certificate level courses in Indigenous languages are:\nn In South Australia,\nthe Murray Bridge TAFE offers Certificates I, II and III in Learning an\nEndangered Aboriginal Language. The aim of the 2011 class was for the TAFE to\ncontinue to offer this course and in addition offer a Certificate IV in\nTeaching an Endangered Aboriginal Language to ‘give students the confidence and\nqualifications to go on and teach the Ngarrindjeri language to others, either\nin the TAFE sector or in schools or other institutions or just at home with\nfamily’. Dr Mary-Anne Gale, a TAFE\nSA lecturer, asserted that there is a huge demand among Aboriginal community\nmembers, from both strong languages as well as languages under revival, for\nfurther language training and called for further funding and support for TAFE\ncourses such as those offered at Murray Bridge\nn TAFE NSW has developed\nthree nationally-recognised qualifications in Aboriginal Languages at\nCertificate I, II and III levels. Each of the qualifications can be customised\nto deliver training in any Aboriginal language, following consultation with and\npermissions from Elders and/or knowledge-holders in the local community. As at\n31 December 2010, Aboriginal course enrolments totalled 532 across all three\nqualifications for Aboriginal Languages such as, Kamilaroi and Wiradjuri,\nn the Muurrbay\nAboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative has joined with the North Coast\nInstitute of TAFE to offer a Certificate I in the Gathang language. Ms Anna\nAsh, a Coordinator-Linguist with the Many Rivers Aboriginal Language Centre,\nstated that 45 students were expected to graduate with a Certificate I during\n2012. The course had attracted people from a variety of backgrounds, including teachers,\nAboriginal Education Assistants, people with an interest in language, Elders, and\nYear 11/12 students. Gathang people who are qualified can teach the language in\nschool classrooms. The Many Rivers Aboriginal Language Centre supports and has\ndeveloped dictionaries for about seven Indigenous languages in NSW and hopes to\noffer a Certificate I next year in the Yaygirr language.\nBatchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education\nThe Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE) is a\ntertiary education provider that services the education, training and research\nneeds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The BIITE offers a\nrange of courses aligned to employment opportunities in remote Australia and to\nsupport the establishment of stronger, safer and healthier communities - from\npreparatory courses to Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates, diploma\nlevel courses, higher education degrees, and postgraduate research programs.\nRelevant VET courses that are available at BIITE include:\nn Certificate I and Certificate\nII in Indigenous Language and Knowledge Work - These courses provide a\nqualification for employment as assistant language workers in community\nlanguage centres, school language programs, interpreting and various other\ncommunity based language areas. These courses enable the speakers of Indigenous\nlanguages to participate more fully in employment and community activities,\ndeveloping skills that are readily transportable to a range of work contexts. The\ntargeted participants in these courses are people who speak an Indigenous\nlanguage and who are regarded as knowledge holders within their community or\nfamily network. Typically this cohort comprises mature people who have lived in\nremote settings for most of their lives, and\nn Certificate III and\nCertificate IV and Diploma in Education Support ‑These courses\nprovide the skills and knowledge required to work in schools as assistant\nteachers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education workers. The\ncourses cover a broad range of aspects of the work in classrooms and schools. To\nbe accepted into the courses all students must be employed by, or have access\nto, a school or educational workplace where they can undertake the on-the-job\ncomponents of the course. The school through the school principal must be\nprepared to commit to a program being run in their school in partnership\nbetween BIITE and the school.\nThe higher education undergraduate programs of BIITE are delivered in\npartnership with Charles Darwin University (CDU). In 2011 BIITE entered into a\ncollaborative partnership with CDU to establish the Australian Centre for\nIndigenous Knowledges and Education (ACIKE) for the shared delivery of a range\nof higher education and postgraduate study options which address the needs of\nAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. ACIKE delivery began in\nsemester one of\nRelevant courses offered by ACIKE in 2012 include:\nn Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres\nStrait Islander Knowledges\nn Bachelor of\nAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advocacy\nn Bachelor of Indigenous Languages\nn Bachelor of Teaching and\nLearning (Pre Service)\nn Bachelor of Teaching and\nLearning Early Childhood\nn Bachelor of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander\nn Graduate Certificate of Indigenous Education\nn Graduate Certificate in Yolngu Studies, and\nn Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Knowledges.\nKoori Centre, University of Sydney\nThe Master of Indigenous Language Education course is offered through\nthe Koori Centre at the University of Sydney. The aim of the course is to\nsponsor qualified Indigenous teachers, working in NSW schools, to undertake\nspecialist language retraining in order to teach NSW Aboriginal languages in\nNSW public schools and support the learning needs of students in Aboriginal\nlanguages. The course is delivered in an away-from-base mode over three\none-week blocks each semester for one year. It is delivered flexibly through\nblock release. Teachers remain in their work settings and carry out their usual\nteaching duties during the period of retraining. No language proficiency is\nrequired prior to undertaking the course.\nThe course accepts people who are part way through completing a degree\nqualification. Mr John Hobson from the University of Sydney explained that the\ncourse had granted provisional entry into the masters course to graduates of\ntwo years of teacher training:\nThey can do the first semester and graduate with a\ncertificate, or if they perform to a credit level across all the four units of\nstudy they can enter the masters. We can have the anomalous situation of\nsomebody who has only two years training towards a teacher qualification graduating\nfrom us with a masters..\nMr Hobson informed the Committee that there is currently no entry-level\nteacher qualification that has national recognition for appointment to a\ndesignated language teacher position in a school. The Master of Indigenous\nLanguages Education is recognised only by the New South Wales Department of\nEducation and Communities for appointment to a designated languages teacher\npositions in New South Wales.\nLimited authority to teach\nA nationally recognised Indigenous languages teacher qualification would\nallow those trained teachers to move and work across jurisdictions. However, many\npeople have an ambition to teach only their own language; they do not\nnecessarily want a four year teaching degree that allows them to teach in other\nsubject areas. One assistant teacher at the Alice Springs Languages Centre was\nhappy to remain an assistant teacher rather than go through further study to\nbecome a qualified classroom teacher.\nA limited authority to teach, such as exists in Western Australia, is\nbased on two years of training and permits people to teach their language in\ntheir local school. Elders or recognised speakers of the language are delegated\nauthority to certify the adequacy of prospective teachers' fluency. Mrs Lola Jones,\nthe Aboriginal Languages Coordinator-Curriculum Officer with the Western\nAustralian Department of Education is responsible for running the state wide\nAboriginal languages teacher training. She explained the training program in Western\nThe training grew out of a need for Aboriginal people to be\nable to get a qualification within the department. People who have completed\nthe training are recognised as teachers, have a limited authority to teach as a\nlanguage teacher and are paid as teachers. It has provided a career pathway for\nAboriginal people in WA education department.\nMr Hobson advocated for a national policy statement to guide teacher\naccreditation bodies on limited authorities to teach, perhaps based on two\nyears of training, as is the case in Western Australia:\nI think—a declaration, as I said, of national policy that we\nneed a structure of things like limited authorities to teach. We need\nflexibility in recognition of teacher fluency and in recognition that different\nlanguages are at different stages in the maximum level of fluency that any\nperson could possibly have.\nWhile the Western Australian initiative is well supported, the state government\ndepartment is unable to find a university to conduct the training course. Mrs\nJones stated that the Western Australian Aboriginal languages teacher training\nis an anomaly because all professional learning is run by herself through the Professional\nThere does not seem to be anybody else out there who can run\nthe training, so at the moment I am still running the training. We are looking\nat universities to take on the training, which needs someone to teach the\nmethodology aspect of language teaching, someone to teach the IT skills for\nmaking digital resources but you also need somebody who has the linguistics\nskills to support language speakers.\nMrs Jones stated that Indigenous languages teacher training needs to\ncontinue. However, the universities were concerned that the numbers of student\nwere too small to make it viable.\nMrs Faith Baisden from the Eastern States Aboriginal Languages Group (ESALG)\nsupported fast tracking registered teaching status for community teachers\nthrough universities, which could reduce school expenses of requiring more than\none teacher in a classroom:\n... the fact that there must be a registered teacher in the\nclass and that puts such an expense on the education system having to have the\nregistered teacher and then the community teacher in the classroom as well. We\nare trying to talk to the providers of training for the teachers to fast-track\nregistered teaching status for community teachers. They may know their language\nbut let us get them to the point where they can become regular teachers as\nwell. Then we say to regular teachers, would you like to learn language and EAL\nIn many cases and for a variety of reasons, Indigenous people will not\ncomplete full teaching degree qualifications.\nThe Committee commends the Western Australian government for the\ndevelopment of the limited authority to teach qualification being offered to\nIndigenous language teachers. This qualification allows Indigenous language\nteachers a qualification to be able to teach in a school classroom without the\nrequirement of having a full teaching degree. The Committee believes this is a sound\ninitiative and would like to see it developed in other jurisdictions.\nThe Western Australian initiative has several benefits. The limited\nauthority to teach would not replace the need for more fully qualified\nIndigenous teachers, but the flexibility of the qualification would enable the\nschools to harness language expertise of local communities and provide\nemployment opportunities for those committed to their local community and not\nseeking a national qualification.\nFurther, there should be clear pathways to full teacher qualifications\nand access to strategies such as master-apprentice schemes, as recommended\nlater in this chapter.\nThe Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood comprises\nof state, territory and Commonwealth Ministers with responsibility for these\nareas. This Council is ideally placed to develop incentives and greater\nopportunities for Indigenous language teacher training.\nRecommendation 16 - Limited authority to teach\n||The Committee recommends the Minister for Education work through\nthe Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood and teacher\ntraining authorities to develop a national framework of flexible and\naccessible training for Indigenous people to gain limited authority\nqualifications to teach.\nThe Committee notes the difficulty the Western Australian Government is\nhaving with finding a university to conduct the limited authority to teach\ncourse. Currently the course is being run by a dedicated officer within the\nDepartment of Education.\nThe Committee believes governments at all levels should work with higher\neducation authorities to develop strategies to provide incentives for\nuniversities to offer Indigenous language teacher training courses.\nRecommendation 17 - Indigenous language teacher training\n||The Committee recommends the Minister for Education work\nthrough the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood to\ndevelop incentives for teacher training institutions to offer Indigenous\nlanguage teacher training, such as a limited authority qualification to teach.\nAccessible teacher training\nNumerous participants to the inquiry supported greater accessibility to\nteacher training. For example, Dr Brian Devlin from Charles Darwin University claimed\nthat teacher training is not accessible to many remote Indigenous residents. Dr\nDevlin wrote in his submission that undertaking training in Darwin or Alice\nSprings is not an option for many local people who have young children or\ncannot live away from their partner/family for cultural reasons.\nSome witnesses referred to the benefits of the Remote Area Teacher\nEducation (RATE) program which was offered by BIITE until the late 1990s and supported\na lecturer in some growth towns working with assistant teachers towards gaining\nMs Margaret Carew, a linguist working at BIITE, stated that qualified\nIndigenous teachers who studied through the RATE program are ageing and there\nis not the same number of qualified teachers coming through the system. Ms\nCarew believed that those people who once would have trained as teachers under\nthe RATE program instead train as Indigenous education workers by completing\ncertificate level training and getting paid at a lower levels and having less\nsay in the school. Ms Carew believed there should be more community development\nand flexibility in teacher training and qualifications. Ms Carew related a\nstory of an Indigenous literacy worker with many years experience:\nA fabulous irony that I observed involved a woman I know, who\nhas never been a qualified teacher but who has worked for many years, since the\nlate sixties, as a literacy worker. She is a highly fluent writer of her first\nlanguage and a fluent speaker of course of a number of languages of the area.\nShe qualified a couple of years ago through Batchelor as a Certificate III as\nan Indigenous education worker. I thought there was a kind of sad irony in that\nthat is about as far as she has got, and she does not even live in Maningrida\nanymore; she lives in Darwin. So there has been a disenfranchisement.\nThe Committee received evidence of unhappiness around the merger between\nBIITE and CDU. Some witnesses were concerned that there would be less\naccessibility and support for students in higher education courses,\nparticularly for Indigenous people living in remote areas.\nMs Janine Oldfield, a lecturer at BIITE in Alice Springs spoke of\ndecline in numbers of student enrolments in the higher education courses. Ms\nOldfield attributed some of the reduction in enrolment numbers to the barriers\naround online enrolment and insufficient marketing of courses offered:\nWe do not appear to have any new enrolments; we think there\nis a complication with the enrolment status. People have to do online\nenrolment, which is quite difficult for remote people. It is a very complicated\nenrolment process. I find it extraordinarily difficult; I can barely get\nthrough it myself. It is not well advertised. People do not know anything about\nACIKE, so it is not attracting people. People do not even know Batchelor is\nstill doing higher ed[ucation]. Remote areas are being told by schools and\nprincipals that there is no Batchelor higher ed[ucation] anymore. So at this\nstage we are seeing a drastic reduction in numbers.\nAt the public hearing in Darwin, Dr Laughren agreed that there is no incentive\nor invitation for remote Aboriginal people to do teacher training.\nMs Claire Kilgariff from the BIITE acknowledged that numbers of students\nenrolled in the higher education had diminished during 2012 as they moved into\nthe ACIKE partnership. However, Ms Kilgariff believed those numbers would\nincrease as the ACIKE brand becomes better known and students understand the\ncourses on offer.\nMs Kilgariff stated that the BIITE was in a difficult financial state\nand that economic sustainability was part of the reason to push a partnership\nwith CDU. However, it was clarified at the public hearing in Darwin that BIITE\nis now in a healthy financial state. Ms Kilgariff stated that BIITE is working\nto ensure that it is still able to supply the same level of support for its\nstudents and that its staff are able to provide the same level of commitment:\nWhilst our two institutions are partnered together, the\nstudents are still able to choose to study in the Batchelor mode, as we call\nit. That means they are able to attend workshops at Batchelor and then have\nonline support and then come back to Batchelor for a final workshop. At first,\nwhen the partnership was proposed, there was a strong anxiety that students\nwould not still be able to study in that environment of cultural safety where\nthey would be Indigenous only students. We have very strongly maintained that,\neven to the extent that, in online environments, we have been very determined\nand passionate about ensuring that the students are in an Indigenous only environment.\nIf they choose to they can actually enter into the larger student body\nenvironment but they are actually get the choice whether to do that.\nSchool release for teacher training\nSome witnesses referred to the benefits of education departments encouraging\nthe professional development of their Indigenous language teachers and\nsupporting their release from schools for further development and\nqualifications. Ms Lola Jones from the Western Australian Department of\nEducation stated that the department supports the release of language teachers\nto undertake further study:\nThe department has just organised through one of the\nuniversities that, if language teachers decide to go on and do a full teaching\ndegree, while they are on teaching prac their school gets teacher relief paid.\nWhile they do their block releases their school gets teacher relief. And it\nalso means that they stay on salary while they are doing their study. A teacher\nat one of the high schools in the Goldfields is currently studying at Curtin\nUniversity. When she goes away for five weeks of block release she still gets\npaid; her school gets a relief teacher provided. That is encouraging our\nlanguage teachers to gain a full degree as a classroom teacher.\nAnother example is the Yipirinya School in Central Australia which gives\nincentives to its Indigenous staff to study at BIITE to gain certification and\nqualifications. Mr Lance Box from the Yipirinya School stated:\nWe have actually had one of our staff members go through and\nqualify as a classroom teacher. She was teaching in our school until she had to\nleave due to pregnancy. She will be back. We have another two teachers who have\nrecently enrolled in a diploma of teaching course. Hopefully, in three or four\nyears time they will be qualified teachers. ... They are currently studying\nthrough Batchelor Institute and currently work as assistant teachers in our\nThe principal of Arlparra School in the Utopia Homelands felt privileged\nto work in a school where all assistant teachers were supported to undertake\nIn New South Wales Aboriginal teachers are able to apply for sponsorship\nfrom the Aboriginal Education and Training Directorate for HECS contributions\nand relief payments to attend study blocks in order to complete the\npostgraduate Master of Indigenous Language Education program.\nIn contrast, the Committee received some evidence that teachers are\nunable to be released from their workplaces to take further study in teaching\nIndigenous languages. Mrs Anna Ash from Muurrbay\nAboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative (MALCC) in NSW believed the education\ndepartments should provide greater support for teacher release for training and\nCoaching and mentoring Indigenous language teachers\nWitnesses referred to the importance of ongoing in-school support, such\nas coaching and mentoring, for Indigenous teachers.\nMr Peter Williams from the MALCC in New South Wales supported in-service\ntraining by language experts for assistant teachers:\nLanguage is being taught in primary and high schools in a\nwhole of the areas and we are stretched to the limit as far as teachers go. We\nfeel if we can teach people like teachers aides in-service they can help in the\nclassroom. We know they are pretty much burdened with what they do and this\nwill be just a little more, but then they would be a bit more qualified and\ntherefore their pay scales can go up.\nIn the Kimberley in Western Australia, teacher trainees are observed and\ngiven in-school support depending on what their needs are. Mrs Jones spoke of\nthe importance of language teachers having mentors who might be language\nteachers, elders or language specialists. Mrs Jones stated that language\nteachers must work through the complexities of ensuring their teaching is\nculturally and age appropriate and linguistically correct. Mrs Jones believed\nthe master-apprentice model, whereby a fluent speaker, a master, works with a\npartial speaker, an apprentice, can be effective in-service support for\nThe importance of language teachers having strong relationships with the\nlanguage speakers was reinforced:\nOld people were multilingual and they carried those\nlanguages, and we do not want to be messing them up now because we are saying\nit wrong. Sometimes when you are reviving a language it is really hard because\nthe grammar of the language is very different from English. So you want to make\nsure you are getting it right, and that is a hard thing for our language\nThe New South Wales government supported the establishment of\nmaster-apprentice schemes to encourage an increase in the number of language\nteachers, and the implementation of succession training for the long term\nsustainability of language learning programs. Ms Carew, a linguist at\nBIITE, supported further evaluation of the merits of the master-apprentice\nmodel as a way of supporting advocacy and networking of key people working in\nIndigenous languages areas.\nMargaret Florey from the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity\nstated that the master-apprentice model has ‘worked with great effect in other\nparts of the world’ to revitalise languages.\nThe Committee recognises there is a desperate need for more Indigenous\nlanguage teachers throughout Australia. Indigenous people who have the ambition\nto become qualified teachers and specialist teachers must have accessibility to\ntraining to further their career. This will require a greater degree of\nflexibility from schools as well as training institutions.\nIn some circumstances state and territory governments are supporting\nschools to release teacher assistants to attend further studies. The Committee\nsupports the efforts by state and territory governments to make language\nteaching qualifications more accessible.\nHowever, the Committee heard that some schools are reluctant to release\nIndigenous language teachers for training and development. The Committee\nconsiders that training and development is essential and needs to be valued and\nprioritised by education departments in all jurisdictions.\nOngoing in-school mentoring and coaching is an important aspect of\ndeveloping the skills of an Indigenous language teacher. The Committee\nencourages the states and territories to support the coaching and mentoring of\nteachers by Indigenous language experts.\nIn addition, the Committee views the master-apprentice model as an\neffective way to provide further development for Indigenous language teachers\nin schools. The use of the master-apprentice model in schools would have the\nadded effect of encouraging the maintenance and revival of Indigenous languages\nwhere there are a limited number of fluent speakers.\nRecommendation 18 - Indigenous language teachers - training and\n||The Committee recommends that the Minister for Education\nwork through the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood to\ndevelop strategies for training Indigenous language teachers to improve access\nto qualifications, full accreditation and career pathways as well as\nproviding school support and mentorship where required.\nRecommendation 19 – Master-apprentice schemes\n||The Committee recommends that the Minister for Education\nwork through the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood to\ngive consideration to establishing master-apprentice schemes in schools to\nprovide in-service support for Indigenous language teachers.\nAttracting and retaining Indigenous teachers\nA majority of regional and remote schools have difficulty in attracting\nand retaining teachers. One of the proposed solutions is to encourage\nIndigenous people from communities to train as teachers.\nSome witnesses asserted that, in many cases, Indigenous teachers will\nremain in their communities to teach, providing communities with some\ncontinuity in qualified staff who can speak the first language. Conversely, non\nIndigenous teachers in regional and remote schools tend to remain in\ncommunities for shorter periods.\nProfessor Jane Simpson spoke of the benefits of investing in training\nIndigenous teachers at BIITE:\n... it would be well worth investing heavily in places like\nBatchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. The really important\nthing, particularly for remote communities, is having teachers who are prepared\nto stay there for more than a year. I think the only way you will get that is\nthrough training local Indigenous people, supporting Batchelor college in\nrecruiting teachers from remote areas and giving those teachers EAL training.\nThat would be a really excellent investment.\nThe retention rate of teachers in remote areas of the Northern Territory\nhas been around six to seven months. Under the Northern Territory Emergency\nResponse, the Commonwealth Government was engaged with the Northern Territory\nGovernment in recruiting 200 additional teachers for remote schools in the\nNorthern Territory by the end of 2012. The retention rate of teachers in remote\ncommunities improved since the additional teachers were recruited as there has\nbeen a focus on recruiting and retaining quality teachers in remote areas.\nUnder the Quality Teaching and Enhancing Literacy measure, the\nCommonwealth Government committed $44.3 million over three years (2009-10 to\n2011-12) to Northern Territory education providers to develop career pathways\nfor Indigenous staff, increase the number of Indigenous staff with education\nqualifications, and provide support and programs to enable teachers and\nstudents achieve improved outcomes in literacy and numeracy in 73 targeted\nThe Northern Territory Government asserted that one of the biggest\nissues in teaching in Indigenous communities is that they do not have enough\nqualified Indigenous teachers who speak both Standard Australian English (SAE)\nand Indigenous languages. Through the Local Teachers in Local Schools initiative\nthe Northern Territory Government has set a target of 200 additional Indigenous\nteachers by the year 2018.\nThe Local Teachers in Local Schools initiative aims to address\nsome of the challenges of recruiting and retaining quality teaching staff for\nremote communities by assisting Indigenous students to become teachers, with a\nfocus on encouraging them to stay at school longer and to consider a career in\nteaching. This includes mentoring senior secondary students, particularly in\nvery remote Indigenous schools.\nAt the public hearing in Darwin, Minister McCarthy from the Northern\nTerritory Government, told the Committee there are 115 Indigenous teachers\nworking in DET schools and 51 Indigenous Territorians being supported to study\nteacher education through various programs.\nRecognising the value of Indigenous teachers\nIndigenous teachers working in schools have completed different levels\nof teaching qualifications. Teachers and assistant teachers and are considered\nessential elements of school staff by communities and local schools. The\nYiripinya School in Central Australia, which teaches four of the central desert\nlanguages, employs Indigenous staff as teachers, assistant teachers, council\nmembers and various ancillary positions.\nIn the Aboriginal and Islander Independent Community School in Acacia\nRidge in Queensland where there are high numbers of Indigenous staff,\nattendance rates of students are higher than average.\nMr John Bradbury, who worked on numeracy projects in remote schools with\nhigh Indigenous populations in the Northern Territory for six years, argued\nthat investing in assistant teachers helps to create a sustainable resource. A\nfinding of the projects was that an equal partnership between the classroom\nteacher and the assistant teacher was essential and helped to achieve better\noutcomes for students. Mr Bradbury stated that there was very positive feedback\nfrom the assistant teachers, the schools and the local community about the\ncommunity engagement and community empowerment that was happening.\nMs Kerry Kasmira, the Principal at Arlparra School in Utopia Homelands, emphasised\nthe value of Indigenous assistant teachers who speak and understand English and\nthe local Indigenous language:\nWithout exception, our assistant teachers have far more\nprofessional diversity than any of the white teachers here, in terms of being\nable to address the needs of the students.\nMany witnesses referred to the important role local Indigenous teachers\nplay in teaching children their contact language as well as Standard Australian\nEnglish (SAE). Mr Richard Trudgen relayed\na conversation with Indigenous Elders who believed they could read, write and\nspeak English well because they were taught by teachers who spoke their first\nMrs Nyoka Hatfield talked about her own experiences teaching Dharumbal\nlanguage and culture in Queensland schools:\nI have never had any teacher training or education. I am\nlucky because the teachers that I do come up with say that I have a gift. And I\nam thankful that I have that gift. I know that a lot of other Indigenous people\non their own country will not have that gift. But there are also a lot who will\nhave it and will be able to connect with the children and interact with them\nthe way that I do. I suppose that I am looking at it from the perspective of\nnot having teacher training or being teachers.\n... I suppose that I could have gone and had that training. I\nhad the opportunity. But I thought that I did not have the time, as what I\nwanted to do needed to be done now. I had to get into those schools and do\nthings now, because you never know what is going to happen. For myself, it just\ncomes from my experience and my knowledge of my culture and my language. That is\nthe capacity in which I go into the schools.\nThe New South Wales Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Department of\nEducation and Communities supported strategies to ensure that community based\nlanguage teachers receive appropriate wages, conditions of employment,\naccreditation and support, which is commensurate with the expertise and\nvaluable role they fulfil in language learning:\nThere is no acknowledgment of prior learning for the\nsignificant cultural knowledge that these language speakers bring into the\nclassroom. The lack of an adequate wage for community language teachers is\ncompounded by insecurity of employment, with a lack of permanency in language\nteaching positions. Standard employment conditions such as sick leave\nentitlements and professional training are not accessible for community\nMrs Jones from the Western Australian Department of Education spoke of\nthe special skills a qualified Indigenous languages teacher brings to a school\nand should be paid more than classroom teachers:\nI see that they are the top of the heap, because you have to\nhave not only all the skills of a teacher but also the language skills. Most of\nour language teachers only want to teach language; they are not interested in\nscience and social studies and all those other things. There are lots of\nnon-Aboriginal teachers who can teach that, or Aboriginal teachers who do not\nspeak their language, who do not come from that area. Aboriginal teachers who\ngraduate as language teachers have all the teaching and reporting\nresponsibilities that other teachers have. ...\nI think language teachers should be paid more than classroom\nteachers, because they have got double skills. It is not just the teaching; you\nhave also got the language component.\nOther participants in the inquiry argued for a review of pay scales for\nIndigenous language teachers which include recognition of language knowledge\nand accreditation at a range of levels. Ms Ash from MALCC supported\npay scales which value and recognise people who have completed various levels\nof training and qualifications:\nVarious departments of education need to recognise the\nimportance of those people, pay scales need to be developed, positions need to\nbe created. A couple of the Gumbanynggir teachers are very well qualified. They\nmight have a masters in the Indigenous language education, but they are being\nemployed on a casual basis across several schools. They have no job security\nand no holiday pay. It is disgusting that people are so neglected. Maybe the\neducation departments have to be alerted to some of the problems and made to\nrealise that it is essential that they deal with this situation.\nThe evidence clearly demonstrated that schools place high value on the\nwork of Indigenous teachers, whether they are qualified at teacher or assistant\nteacher level. School principals and other school staff recognise the value of\nthe language and cultural knowledge that Indigenous assistant teachers bring to\nThe Committee believes that there is a need for more Indigenous teachers\nin schools and better recognition of the work they do. In language learning\nclassrooms it is important to have a mix of qualified teachers, teacher\nassistants, volunteers, and fluent language speakers.\nAttracting and retaining people to Indigenous language teacher positions\nis a challenging prospect, especially in remote areas, and governments are\nimplementing programs to support more Indigenous teaching positions. The\nCommittee believes that valuing and recognising the work of Indigenous teachers\nwill go a long way towards attracting and retaining teachers.\nMany assistant teachers come to school without formal qualifications.\nHowever, Indigenous teachers have the cultural and language knowledge that is\nan important ingredient in the mix of teaching staff.\nAs previously stated, the Committee believes teacher training should be\naccessible and offered at different qualification levels. Pay scales should\nreflect the skills and value that Indigenous teachers bring to the classroom. The\nCommittee stresses there should be clear career pathways to full teaching\nThe Committee notes that the Western Australian Department of Education\nis paying teachers who gain the limited authority to teach qualification with\nthe equivalent salary of a fully qualified teacher.\nThe Committee encourages all state and territory governments to review\npay scales for Indigenous assistant teachers and any expansion of the limited\nauthority to teach positions, in order to ensure the scales adequately reflect the\nskills these teachers bring to the schools.\nIndigenous language teaching resources\nResources need to be available in languages which are being taught in\nschool. In many Indigenous languages those resources may be scarce. Owing to\nthe diversity of Indigenous languages there have not been sufficient resources\nproduced to teach some languages.\nMany language programs have small budgets and the Committee heard\nnumerous times about people working in the field voluntarily in order to save\ntheir language. The Eastern States Indigenous Languages Group called for an ‘urgent\ninjection of funds into the development of resources’.\nDespite these funding challenges several resources for teaching\nIndigenous languages were shown to the Committee throughout Australia. The\nCommittee was impressed with the range of hard copy language learning\nDictionary and Learner’s Grammar, and several other language work books and\nDreamtime stories by Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative,\nNambucca Heads, New South Wales\nn Children’s booklets\nusing both Dharumbal language and English, by Nicky Hatfield and the Gidarjil\nCorporation, Rockhampton, Queensland\nn Stories and\nchildren’s readers in numerous languages produced by Papulu Apparr-Kari\nLanguage Corporation, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, and\nn Language learning\nresources including playing cards and flash cards in Yawuru, by Nyamba Buru\nYawuru, Broome, Western Australia.\nDr Marmion from Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait\nIslander Affairs (AIATSIS) stated that, with assistance, schools can produce\ntheir own materials. Dr Robert Jackson from\nthe Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) referred to resources which\nare being produced locally in communities, however Indigenous languages\nteachers and students do not have access to resources in some Indigenous\nI am aware of some very good resources that have been\nproduced, but they are being produced for local solutions, local communities.\n... Again, with a lot of Aboriginal students you are looking at a language that\ndoes not have a print form, a written form. That is another overlay. You need to\nthen transcribe the language, have a written version of the language, and then\nget the student used to the idea that language occurs both in an oral form and\nin a print-based form. That is another step.\nMrs Lola Jones from the Western Australian Department of Education\nstated one of the major issues with teaching Indigenous languages is the need\nto produce resources:\nWe currently have 20 Aboriginal languages taught in 55\ndepartment schools in Western Australia, but you cannot go and buy a Walmajarri\nor a Yawuru set of resources. So resource production was one of our biggest\nareas as well as training people.\nShe explained that it became necessary to start producing resources in\nIndigenous languages and the Western Australian Department of Education is using\ndifferent technologies to create resources such as digital dictionaries:\nWe started with handdrawn and handwritten materials, and then\nphotocopiers came along and we had blackline masters and we thought we were\nreally flash. Now we have digital images and we have digital resources and we\ncan display our books and materials on interactive whiteboards. So we have\nreally come from the draw-it-yourself and do-it-yourself age to the digital\nage. One of the others mentioned that they are working with the Lexique Pro\ndictionary, which is an interactive dictionary on the computer. We are running\ntraining for a couple of languages at the moment for teachers to input data\ninto Lexique Pro dictionaries so that kids in school have more access to\nOther states and territories are using technologies to produce\nresources. The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training is contributing\n$160 000 to the Living Archives of Aboriginal Languages project that will\ndigitise and create a computer archive of publications in more than 16 Northern\nTerritory-Australian Indigenous languages. The Northern Territory Library has\ndeveloped several resources concentrating on early childhood programs and\npreserving languages in books and using multimedia resources such as iPads. \nThe issue of ownership of copyright of resources has been highlighted by\nparticipants in the inquiry. Mrs Faith Baisden from the ESALG described a\nsituation in which a community teacher had produced resources with a school and\nthe Department of Education and Training took ownership of those resources. Mrs\nBaisden claimed that this causes anxiety for people who put their language\ninformation into those resources only to have the government hold copyright on\nit. Mrs Baisden supported communities producing material and selling it:\nAnother thing we would like to say about resources is:\nwouldn't it be great to support communities to produce their own and sell them\nback to the departments? That would be a way of capacity building, business\nbuilding and helping the communities make their own and sell them back and you\nwill not have that issue.\nThe NSW Board of Studies referred to the recognition deserved by\nIndigenous people who work to teach language and produce resources for use in\nThere are many cases where community members have devoted\nyears of effort to developing their own skills in the local language, producing\nresources and teaching, often for little payment, only to see the program\ndisappear because of a change of classroom teacher or school principal. This is\nparticularly dispiriting for the Aboriginal people who typically remain in\ntheir community year after year, while school personnel tend to move on quite\nThe Committee has considered the long term establishment of a library of\nIndigenous language resources. New technologies are the way forward to produce\na multitude of cost-effective resources for teaching in the many Indigenous\nlanguages across the country. Resources produced with new technologies could be\ntransferred more easily across jurisdictions and in different Indigenous languages.\nIn Chapter 7 the Committee discusses archiving and storing Indigenous language\nresources for future generations.\nThe Committee recognises the considerable work, expertise and passion\nbehind producing the books, posters, CDs, audio visuals, databases and other\nresources by language centres, community members, elders and linguists. It is\nimportant that these resources are available to schools and teachers as part of\nthe teaching resources.\nGovernment education departments need to understand and respect\ncommunity attachment to and the cultural significance of the language resources\nbeing produced, and work with the schools to ensure that relevant Indigenous\nlanguage resources are included in schools where possible.\nThe Committee encourages better partnerships and coordination between\nschools, language centres and other community groups in terms of sharing Indigenous\nresources and facilitating Indigenous language learning within schools.\nThe Committee considers that language resources funded by the Indigenous\nLanguage Support (ILS) program and produced by language centres and communities\nshould be available to be shared with local schools for the mutual benefit of teachers\nand students and the revitalisation and maintenance of the language.\nRecommendation 20 - Sharing language teaching resources\n||The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government\namend the Indigenous Language Support (ILS) program funding criteria to\nensure that language materials produced with ILS program support should,\nwhere practical and culturally appropriate, be available to be shared with\nschools and educational institutions as a teaching resource, with proper\nacknowledgment of its creators.\nThe Committee received a significant amount of evidence that teachers in\nIndigenous communities require training in teaching English as an additional\nlanguage or dialect (EAL/D). As discussed earlier, for many Indigenous students\nEnglish is not their first language and they may communicate to varying degrees\nacross a range of Indigenous and contact languages. Many participants in the\ninquiry referred to the need for all teachers to have some experience and a\nsound knowledge of how to teach EAL/D, particularly when the school has a high\nnumber of students with EAL/D.\nMiss Claire Gorman, a former teacher and current Queensland Department\nof Education and Training (Queensland DET) representative, discussed the\nimportance of developing knowledge in teaching EAL/D to Aboriginal and Torres\nStrait Islander students:\nI often say when I am talking to people that as a teacher it\ntook me years not only to understand the barrier that not having English was\ncreating for the students in my classrooms but to become highly skilled to the\npoint where I think I was making a difference with the kids I was teaching.\nAustralians for Native Title and Reconciliation recommended:\n... teaching of English as a second language become a\ncompulsory training component for teachers in remote Aboriginal communities in\nrecognition of the fact that English is a second, third or even fourth language\nfor many Aboriginal children, particularly in those communities.\nMr John Hobson referred to the damage that can occur if a teacher does\nnot have EAL training before teaching in a remote Indigenous community:\nI would advocate that if people are going to go into remote\nIndigenous schools it should be an absolutely essential requirement for\nplacement that they do have EAL training. Without it they are largely a burden\non the community. It is inflicting an ineffective teacher on the students.\nThese kids are so far behind the eight ball now that they really need our best EAL\nteachers to be working with them, not predominantly first-year-out people who\nare going to last three months ... .\nMany teacher training institutions have an EAL/D component, however it\nis not a compulsory part of training and accreditation in any jurisdiction.\nEvery new teacher in the Northern Territory has access to a course on\nteaching EAL at Charlies Darwin University which is funded by the Northern\nTerritory Government. Kerry Kasmira, the\nPrincipal at Arlparra School in the Utopia Homelands, stated that there is\nstrong departmental support for EAL training in the Northern Territory. Three\nout of nine of her staff were involved in post-graduate studies in EAL/D and\none of her senior teachers was completing a masters in teaching EAL/D. \nThe majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in\nAustralian schools speak a variety of Aboriginal English, an Aboriginal or\nTorres Strait Islander creole, one or more traditional heritage languages or\nany combination of these as their home language. Mr Robert Jackson from ACTA\nreferred to incorrect assumptions by schools that Indigenous students home\nlanguage is English:\nCurrently, in many situations where students speak a variety\nof Aboriginal English and/or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander creole as\ntheir home language, this language or language variety is unnamed or\nunidentified and thus goes unrecognised by schools and education authorities.\nIt is assumed, incorrectly, that the student's home language is English.\nStudents are often subjected to unsuitable instruction or methodologies and\ninappropriate referrals for educational remediation as a result.\nThe Aboriginal and Islander Independent Community School Inc in\nQueensland submitted that the majority of their students speak Aboriginal\nEnglish, therefore it is important that greater attention is given within\nIndigenous education policy and programs to the role that Aboriginal English\nplays in the literacy and language skills of Aboriginal and Torres Strait\nIslander students. The school recommended that pre-service teacher education in\nAustralia address Aboriginal English use by urban Indigenous students and the\nimportance this plays in their connection to their traditional languages, their\nacademic achievement and the maintenance of their distinct cultural identity as\nfirst nations peoples.\nMany Aboriginal students in NSW's public schools use some form of\nAboriginal English as their main language. Many Aboriginal students are bi-dialectal,\nmeaning they use both Aboriginal English and Standard Australian English at\nhome and at school. The NSW Department of Education and Communities' Aboriginal\nEducation and Training Directorate provides professional learning and advice to\nteachers in developing bi-dialectal approaches to teaching Standard Australian\nEnglish to Aboriginal students who speak Aboriginal English as their home\nIn NSW teachers from 88 schools were offered a two-day course supporting\napplication of EAL in delivering English literacy to Aboriginal students:\nI am aware that the 88 schools took up the opportunity. What\nhappened was: when we were targeting particular teachers, the enthusiasm was so\ngreat that we had more than the two or three teachers in the school who were\ngoing to attend, attending. That is a very exciting outcome because it\ndemonstrates the recognition of Aboriginal English. It also demonstrates the\ncritical importance of this: our students are being taught, assessed and\nreported on in standard Australian English; they are speaking Aboriginal\nEnglish, so the understandings of the constructs and code-switching those\nstudents encounter every day in the engagement of education in general is\ncritical. That is one of the most positive results of doing the EAL strategy in\nNew South Wales.\nIn Western Australia the Literacy and English as a Second Language in\nthe Early Years Project operates across the Government, Catholic and\nIndependent schools sectors. The project’s aim is to improve the literacy\noutcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose home language\nis not English. To achieve its goal, the project is addressing three key\nelements - teacher professional learning, school leadership, and advanced\nIn Queensland the Bridging the Language Gap project, funded by the Commonwealth\nDepartment of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and involving\nthe Queensland Department of Education and the Queensland Catholic Education\nCommission, supported personnel from 89 schools to provide professional\ndevelopment to assist with building their capacity to identify, support and\nmonitor EAL/D learners in the process of learning Standard Australian English\nThe Northern Indigenous Schooling Support Unit (ISSU) in Queensland has\na Language Perspectives Team that consists of teachers and linguists. The team\nconducts research on second language acquisition and vernacular languages,\nsupports schools with building capacity to meet the needs of Aboriginal and\nTorres Strait Islander EAL/D learners. The ISSU Languages Perspectives Team\nsupports the following projects:\nInitiative - Teachers who are experienced at teaching Aboriginal and Torres\nStrait Islander EAL/D learners work with schools and teachers to help build\ntheir capacity, and\nn EAL Essentials\nworkshops – four day workshops to provide an initial source of information for\nteachers who are working with Indigenous EAL students. The workshop provides an\nopportunity to develop understandings and practical skills for the classroom.\nThe Queensland Department of Education and Training is the lead agency\nworking with equivalent departments in other states to develop professional\ndevelopment resources to support with building the capacity of teachers to meet\nthe needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander EAL/D learners. The two\ncross jurisdictional projects are:\nn the Teaching English\nas An Additional Language or Dialect Online Professional Learning Resource\nproject will develop a comprehensive professional development course in-line\nwith the National Professional Standards for Teachers. It will align with\nprofessional development and registration requirements for participating\njurisdictions and will possibly have links with universities. The resource is\nscheduled to be available for use by teachers from mid 2013, and\nn the English as an\nAdditional Language or Dialect Online Package will provide teachers new\nto remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander schools pragmatic, practical\nstrategies to assist them will their first 10 weeks in the remote context.\nIn addition to EAL/D training, cultural training should be considered an\nessential part of a teacher’s training. Young teachers often begin their\nteaching career in remote Indigenous communities where preparatory cultural and\nlanguage training is essential. However, currently such training is only\nIn Queensland the Remote Area Teacher Education Program has been\ndeveloped by James Cook University and has a mandatory component in Aboriginal\nand Torres Strait Islander cultures as part of its teacher pre-service\ntraining. Also in Queensland, the\nstate government is working with the Australian Institute for Teaching and\nSchool Leadership (AITSL) on developing the resources for pre-service teaching\naround culture and language.\nIn present day Australia there are children from a vast array of\ncultures and first languages or dialects. This is the rich tapestry of culture\nprevalent in today’s society and is not confined to remote areas or to areas of\nhigh Indigenous populations.\nThe evidence to the Committee demonstrated that there are high numbers\nof Indigenous students going to school in urban, regional and remote areas with\na first language or dialect other than SAE.\nThe Committee believes that students who speak dialects or creoles, such\nas Aboriginal English, may require EAL/D teaching. In Chapter 4 the Committee\nrecommended that education departments identify the first language spoken by\nthe child when commencing early childhood learning. These assessments would\nassist with understanding the demand for EAL/D teaching not sufficiently\nutilised and funded in schools.\nThe Committee agrees with many participants in the inquiry that every\ntrainee teacher should have EAL/D training so that they have the requisite\nskills to aid the child’s learning and ensure schooling is a productive rather\nthan a confusing learning environment.\nIn particular, the Committee is of the view all teachers working in\nschools with a high percentage of EAL/D students should be required to have EAL/D\nThe Committee considers there needs to be a shift in teacher training\ninstitutions to recognise EAL/D as an essential part of teacher training. The\nrequirement needs to come from the state education departments to drive teacher\ntraining institutions to provide EAL training as a compulsory part of their\nEAL/D training should be a requisite part of pre-service training. In\naddition, in-service EAL/D training for those teachers already working in\nschools should be expanded and all teachers be required to undertake this\ntraining as part of mandatory professional development.\nAn understanding and respect of the culture and language of an\nIndigenous community is an important part of teacher training. The Committee\nsupports the Queensland Government’s focus on cultural training for teachers placed\nin Indigenous communities or schools with high numbers of Indigenous students.\nRecommendation 21 - Compulsory EAL/D training for teaching\n||The Committee recommends the Minister for Education take to\nthe Council of Australian Governments (COAG) a proposal to include a\ncompulsory component of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)\ntraining for all teaching degrees.\nRecommendation 22 – In-service EAL/D and cultural awareness\n||The Committee recommends the Minister for Education take to\nthe Council of Australian Governments (COAG) a proposal that all teachers\nalready working in schools in Indigenous communities be required to complete\nin-service EAL/D and cultural awareness training as part of mandatory", "label": "No"} {"text": "There are different kinds of vegetarians, depending on what they eat. The definition of a vegetarian that’s most widely accepted by fellow vegetarians is a person who eats no meat, fish, or poultry. A vegetarian consistently avoids all flesh foods, as well as byproducts of meat, fish, and poultry.\nOf course, vegetarian diets vary in the extent to which they exclude animal products:\n• Semi-vegetarian: Someone who’s cutting back on his or her intake of meat, in general. A pollo vegetarian avoids red meat and fish but eats chicken. A pesco pollo vegetarian avoids red meat but eats chicken and fish.\nThese terms stretch the true definition of a vegetarian, and only the term semi-vegetarian is actually used with much frequency.\n• Lacto ovo vegetarian: A lacto ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry but includes dairy products and eggs. Most vegetarians in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Western Europe fall into this category. Lacto ovo vegetarians eat such foods as cheese, ice cream, yogurt, milk, and eggs, as well as foods made with these ingredients.\n• Lacto vegetarian: A lacto vegetarian diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs and any foods containing eggs. A lacto vegetarian would, however, eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.\n• Vegan: Technically, the term vegan refers to more than just the diet alone. A vegan is a vegetarian who avoids eating or using all animal products, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, any foods containing by-products of these ingredients, wool, silk, leather, and any nonfood items made with animal byproducts. Some vegans avoid honey.\nOne adaptation of a vegetarian diet is a raw foods diet, in which adherents eat a diet that consists primarily of uncooked foods. The fruitarian diet consists only of fruits; vegetables botanically classified as fruits, such as tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, and avocados; and seeds and nuts.\nReport this post\nYou must be a HealthShare member to report this post.\nto your account or\nnow (it's free).", "label": "No"} {"text": "Oxygen for premature babies – important for survival, but with consequences for the lung function of children\nIt is a kind of vicious circle in neonatology, neonatal medicine:\nBecause the lungs of premature babies are not yet mature enough, the so-called respiratory distress syndrome develops and the babies cannot breathe on their own. The “preemies”, as parents and doctors affectionately call the youngest patients, must therefore be artificially ventilated. The use of oxygen therapy, however, leads to a chronic lung disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). BPD makes children susceptible to other respiratory diseases and limits their lung function. Using the AIRR study data, the team led by Dr. Anne Hilgendorff wants to find out whether and how this \"vicious circle\" can be broken:\n\"We want to better understand and make an earlier diagnosis of the lung condition of babies born prematurely, called BPD, so that in the future we can already say in the delivery room: We are now better able to help your child and avoid long-term complications.\"\nPD Dr. Anne Hilgendorff\nBronchopulmonary dysplasia: Detect earlier, treat better\nThe problem with preterm babies and BPD: So far, it is only possible to diagnose very late which baby develops the lung disease and which baby does not. There is also a lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying BPD:\nWhat impedes alveolar and capillary development in the lungs of premature infants? And how can we detect these damages as early as possible?\nBPD is currently diagnosed shortly before release from the hospital, before the calculated date of birth is reached. A point in time at which many therapeutic opportunities are missed. One of the aims of the AIRR study: identify biomarkers in order to diagnose this chronic lung disease better and earlier.\nBPD on the track - innovative approaches in the search for biomarkers\nLung and lung tissue examinations as performed in various adult diseases are not possible in premature babies. The AIRR study team therefore uses three other modern approaches in its examination methods:\n- Imaging Techniques (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)\n- Pulmonary function tests\n- Analysis of biosamples (pulmonary secretions, urine, blood)\nBy analyzing blood plasma, the AIRR team has already shown: There are three specific proteins as marker proteins that point to bronchopulmonary dysplasia. New strategies in magnetic resonance imaging led to further findings:\nEvidence of BPD in MRI images\nDr. Kai Förster from Anne Hilgendorff's working group and experts of the Radiology Department at Munich University Hospital examined around 60 neonates with MRI. They looked at the proton density in the tissue, more precisely: how the atoms reorient themselves after irradiation. The subsequent statistical evaluation of the imaging data was done in collaboration with the Institute for Computational Biology (ICB) at the Helmholtz Zentrum.\nThe evaluation revealed: how long this reorientation of the atoms in the tissue lasts indicates the presence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.\n“Our results mark an important step towards improving image-based phenotyping of infants who are at risk or have developed the disease,” comments Dr. Hilgendorff. It is important, she stresses, that large perinatal centers now use this method and evaluate it jointly aiming at identifying potential subtypes of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This week in physics: Having completed the data collection phase of our first lab, we will journey to the computer lab to begin writing our lab reports “physics style” (which, by the way, is very stylish. :)) For a preview, you can check out our Lab Report Writing Guide and the Analysis of Uniform Motion Lab Rubric. In addition, we will learn to use Google docs to write our lab reports. If you do not already have a Google account, you will create one in class through our school’s Google accounts. Following our work on the lab reports, we will dive deeply into analyzing graphs of motion. (For a preview, you can check out The Moving Man if you’d like. It’s fun! :)) Finally, by the end of the week we will begin our first real set of “homework” problems, which, in keeping with the flipped classroom model, we will do in class. Look for your first quiz mid-week the following week. Note: If I assigned extra math practice problems to you, please be sure to do those asap. You can find them here: Extra Math Help Information and Practice Page\nThis week in Astronomy: We will wrap up the star mapping phase of our first unit as we complete the constellation project on Monday and Tuesday. Then we’ll explore the Celestial Equator in more detail followed by the Celestial North Pole and the Celestial South Pole. Look for a quiz mid-week on star mapping.\nCool Science of the Week: There was WAY too much cool science this week just to pick one thing! Here are some terrific things that happened this week:\nHow delicious does that sound? Chilean astronomers have identified sugar crystals surrounding a star. What’s the significance? Sugar is one of the building blocks of life. Interesting!\nMUSIC FROM MARS?\nFind out how this guy played the first song broadcast from another planet!\nPhotos of Mars…Taken on Mars!\nSo, seriously, these are amazing. The Curiosity rover on Mars has a Mast Camera (“MastCam”) that’s taking beautiful pictures. It’s almost like you’re there!\nFinally, this past Saturday America lost one of its great scientific pioneers, Ohio native Neil Armstrong, who was the first human to set foot on the moon back in July of 1969. To read more, you can check out this tribute from NASA.\nAugust 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012\nMoon walk: July 20, 1969", "label": "No"} {"text": "To honour this nation’s Independence Day, we bring you the fascinating stories of #ForgottenHeroes of #IndianIndependence that were lost among the pages of history.\nKhan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, famously known as Bādshāh Khān, and Bāchā Khān, was a legendary Pashtun freedom fighter and pacifist whose greatness transcended all tribal and communal divisions. Though born and bred in a region infamous for its warring tribes and history of blood feuds—Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP or modern-day Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), that borders with Afghanistan—Khan was a staunch follower of Mahatma Gandhi and his principle of non-violence. This love for ahimsa (non-violence) and Satyagraha (truth force) earned him another nickname, the Frontier Gandhi.\nBorn on February 6, 1890, in a prosperous Pashtun family of Utmanzai in the present-day Valley of Peshawar in Pakistan, the young Badshah Khan, after school, had sought to enlist in the Corps of Guides, comprising of British officers and soldiers serving in the NWFP.\nHowever, upon learning about the second-class status these ‘Guides’ were afforded, he refused to join and instead went onto study at the Aligarh Muslim University. Holding hands with fellow Pashtun political activists, Khan joined the Independence Movement in 1911.\nThe region Khan came from suffered the worst forms of socio-economic oppression under the British, besides enduring a long and violent history of internecine bloodshed between different tribes – even as they continued to battle the British Indian Army.\nWanting to bring a change in the brutal way of life his brethren lived, Khan took up the task of uplifting the consciousness of his fellow Pashtun men and women through education. From 1915 to 1918, he travelled across some 500 villages in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa region, spreading the gospel of education, social reform and speaking out against a culture of violence in these communities.\nHis reformation drive marched against all the odds with the British continuing its crusade against him—banning his school and often arresting him.\nHowever, his most notable contribution to the Independence Movement came after he first met Mahatma Gandhi in 1928 and his involvement with the Indian National Congress. Both men had a very close bond marked by shared principles and an astounding level of mutual respect.\nResonating with Gandhi’s ideas of non violence and Satyagraha, Khan founded the Khudai Khidmatgar (Servants of God) Movement after returning from his Hajj in Mecca. The Khudai Khidmatgars were also commonly known as the ‘Red Shirts’ (Surkh Pōsh).\nWhat attracted the masses to Khan was his uncompromising integrity and total commitment to the path of non-violence and an unwavering belief in a united India.\nA great success, the movement attracted hundreds of thousands of adherents at the time – proving that the traditional martial Pashtun community could choose non-violent protest as their methods.\nThe Khidmatgars actively participated in Gandhi’s Salt Satyagraha in 1930. On April 23 of the same year, the British India police arrested Khan along with many leading Khudai Khidmatgar protestors, after he gave a speech at Utmanzai urging resistance to British rule.\nHis arrest and the subsequent reaction of his supporters would garner the same response from the British as the peaceful congregation had in Jallianwallah Bagh in April 1919.\nUnknowing of what was to befall them, a large group of supporters gathered at the Qissa Khwani Bazaar in Peshawar to protest the arrests. The British forces opened fire at the unarmed Khidmatgars, who, as a mark of their non-violent protest, stood willingly in front of the barrage of bullets.\nWhile official figures cited 20 dead, unofficially the casualty count was into several hundred. Two platoons of the prestigious Royal Garhwal Rifles regiment refused to open fire at this non-violent crowd for which they were court-martialed and sentenced to prison.\nThrough the 1930s, the dauntless ‘Khudai Khidmatgar’ worked in close coordination with the Indian National Congress, and was once offered the party presidency, which he refused by saying,\n“I am a simple soldier and a Khudai Khidmatgar, and I only want to serve.”\nKhan resigned from the party in 1939 over differences with the party on whether they should support the British World War II effort or not but subsequently rejoined in 1942 with the onset of the Quit India Movement.\nHowever, what followed, particularly in 1946 and the subsequent Partition of India, left him devastated. Leading the Khudai Khidmatgars, he firmly believed in the idea of an unpartitioned united India, where Hindus and Muslims would live together in harmony away from the tyranny of British colonial rule.\nWhen the Congress acquiesced to the Muslim League demands for a referendum in the NWFP, thousands of Khudai Khidmatgars boycotted the referendum, which in hindsight may have been a strategic error since the results went in favour of the region joining Pakistan.\nWhen his homeland eventually became a part of Pakistan, a decision accepted by both the Muslim League and Congress, he reportedly told the senior leaders of the latter, “You have thrown us to wolves.”\nFollowing Independence, he asked the Pakistan government for the creation of “Pakhtunistan”, a semi-autonomous region for the Pathans within this new Muslim-majority nation.\nThis request was rejected.\nSubsequent Pakistani governments branded the Khudai Khidmatgars as traitors and Indian sympathisers, considering their allegiance to Gandhian methods of non-violence and Khan’s relations with many Indian leaders.\nThey were often arrested, their lands confiscated and Khan himself was subjected to years in prison for protesting against the treatment meted out to the Pashtuns by the Pakistani government.\nAll the arrests – from late 1948 to 1954, in 1958 and 1964, and finally in 1973, had a detrimental effect on his health. From 1964, he would become an exile in Afghanistan.\nHe returned to Pakistan in December 1972 following the formation of provincial governments in NWFP and Balochistan led by the progressive National Awami Party. However, he was once again arrested by the Pakistani government in 1973 by the Bhutto government.\nDespite being a citizen of Pakistan, Khan was held with a great deal of respect and reverence by the people and leaders of India. As he withdrew from active politics, he visited India on a few occasions. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1987 by the Government of India for his contributions to the Indian freedom struggle and subsequently for better relations between the two countries.\n“He and his brother saved Hindu and Sikh lives in the Frontier; he brought succour and relief to Muslim victims in Bihar; he confronted Jinnah in Pakistan and, twenty years later, India’s Parliament with uncomfortable facts of attacks on minorities. His fight for the rights of the threatened, the weak and the poor, his sympathy for peoples across the subcontinent’s borders, his scepticism about the effectiveness of guns and bombs, and his frankness towards both rulers and citizens make him an inspiring model,” writes Rajmohan Gandhi, in his book ‘Ghaffar Khan: Nonviolent Badshah of the Pakhtuns.’\nUndeniable proof of this was witnessed upon his death on January 22, 1988, in Peshawar. When his remains were taken to Jalalabad, Afghanistan, more than 200,000 mourners attended his funeral, including Afghanistan President Mohammed Najibullah and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The government of Afghanistan had waived off the visa requirements, and for that day alone thousands crossed freely to attend the funeral procession.\n“The burial in Jalalabad caused other unprecedented events. A one-day ceasefire was declared in the Soviet-Afghan war so that mourners could safely traverse the distance between Peshawar and Jalalabad, the two cities at either end of the Khyber Pass which marks the official boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan,” writes Mukulika Banerjee, author of ‘The Pathan Unarmed’.\nKhan’s true legacy is his memory, a part of the collective conscious of many who remember him as the ‘Frontier Gandhi’, the apostle of non-violence who wanted both Hindus and Muslims to live in harmony under a United India—a dream that remains unfulfilled.\n(Edited by Saiqua Sultan)\nWe at The Better India want to showcase everything that is working in this country. By using the power of constructive journalism, we want to change India – one story at a time. If you read us, like us and want this positive movement to grow, then do consider supporting us via the following buttons.\nPlease read these FAQs before contributing.", "label": "No"} {"text": "cassie vernier, Yehuda Ben-shahar\nNestmate recognition is an important mechanism of nest defense in social insects, and relies upon colony-specific cues that are shared by members of the same colony. Although previous work has focused on what serves as nestmate recognition cues in these highly successful insect groups, not much is known about how these cues develop and what causes differences in cues between colonies. Cassie's work in the Ben-Shahar lab studies mechanisms of nestmate recognition cue development in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Specificially, she is studying how nestmate recognition cues develop in aging honey bees, whether this development depends upon behavioral task rather than age itself, and the role social environmental factors play in defining colony-specific cues. Her work at Tyson includes keeping and maintaining experimental hives, performing hive demography manipulations, and conducting behavioral assays at the hive entrance.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Jules Bastian Lepage was born in 1848 in Damvillers, France. He was a well-known painter, sculptor and printmaker working mostly in the style of Naturalism.\nNaturalism, in the world of fine art, refers to a style which aims to evoke the pure and beautiful aesthetics of life. To depict nature and this includes people, with the minimal amount of interpretation or distortion. It emerged as a style in the early 19th century in Great Britain and became popular across the continent within a short space of time. It sought to steer away from previous classical traditions of painting which altered both figures and landscapes to create a more idealized and stylized picture.\nLike almost all movements in art, it reflects the mood of society during that time. The impact of the industrial revolutions in Europe were an important factor creating this new true-to-life style. Not too dissimilar from our technological revolution people became aware of their sudden disconnection with nature as cities and mass production consumed their lives. Thus, ‘naturalism’ a term coined by famous French writer Emile Zola was a way for artists and writers to help society feel as though they were reconnecting with the natural world.\nBastian Lepage was first taught to paint by his father. In 1867 he went to Paris to study at Ecole des Beaux-arts and was one of the top students in his class. In 1870, he was called to fight in the Franco-Prussian war, and returned home after getting wounded. About a decade or so after, Lepage reached critical acclaim for a painting of his grandfather, which won him a medal at the renowned Paris Salon. It was his painting Les Foins (Haymaking) which secured him a place as one of the leading artists of the new Natural school. His work can now be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Musée d’Orsay, and the National Gallery of Victoria, amongst several others.\nLot 556 is a beautiful watercolor painting by Lepage, which really does allow us to understand the artists attempt to capture the beauty of the natural landscape before which he stood. It looks as though it might be a depiction of an early autumnal evening. The slender trees hold on to their last leaves as a breeze tackles them from the south west. The clouds are darkening as the sun sets but the image remains a peaceful one and we really do feel the tranquillity Lepage must have felt as he painted this scene in front of him. It is signed and inscribed to his friend Donald and remains in a highly complementary antique gilded frame with label verso ‘Encadrements, Artistiques A Guay, Paris’. This painting was part of a collection belonging to the well-known and widely loved Speech and Drama teacher Betty Ann Norton.", "label": "No"} {"text": "USAID Rural Water Supply\nIn Tajikistan, rural communities lack access to essential goods and services, which contributes to a high prevalence of childhood undernutrition, stunting, and other poor health issues. Increasing access to clean water and sanitation can improve these outcomes.\nThe USAID Rural Water Supply (RWS) Activity partners with local governments, communities, and businesses to develop and improve safe drinking water infrastructure and services. RWS works in underserved rural communities to establish better business models for drinking water service providers through professional coaching and improving standard operating procedures. Lack of access to clean water disproportionately affects women and youth, so RWS meets with community members through every step of the construction process and empowers them to oversee service providers. This ensures that women and youth play an active role in the implementation process and improves access for future generations.\nBy improving safe drinking water infrastructure and services in rural communities and empowering women and youth to become managers of safe drinking water, the project promotes the health and resilience of rural communities in Tajikistan.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Changes in land cover and land use significantly affect earth system processes including the carbon cycle, the water cycle, species diversity, and socioeconomic development. Vegetation continuous fields (VCF) represent land surface as a fractional combination of vegetation functional types that can be remotely sensed from satellites. Using daily satellite observations acquired by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), we developed an annual VCF product consisting of tree canopy (TC) cover, short vegetation (SV) cover and bare ground (BG) cover and characterized land change over the past 35 years (1982-2016).\nHere we present three global map layers representing net changes in TC, SV and BG, respectively. All layers are in Geographical Latitude / Longitude projection (WGS84) and each pixel is 0.05° × 0.05° in size. Pixel values (-100 to 100) represent net percent change over the 35-year period. Negative values represent loss; positive values represent gain; 0 represents no change.\nWe ask you to credit the downloadable data with the following citation:\nSong, X.P., Hansen, M.C., Stehman, S.V., Potapov, P.V., Tyukavina, A., Vermote, E.F., & Townshend, J.R. (2018). Global land change 1982-2016. Nature 560, 639–643.", "label": "No"} {"text": "What is intellectual humility? In this essay, we aim to answer this question by assessing several contemporary accounts of intellectual humility, developing our own account, offering two reasons for our account, and meeting two objections and solving one puzzle.\nAfter a brief overview of what intellectual virtues are, I offer three arguments for the claim that education should aim at fostering ‘intellectual character virtues’ like curiosity, open-mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual honesty. I then go on to discuss several pedagogical and related strategies for achieving this aim.\nWith its focus on intellectual virtues and their role in the acquisition and transmission of knowledge and related epistemic goods, virtue epistemology provides a rich set of tools for educational theory and practice. In particular, characteristics under the rubric of \"responsibilist\" virtue epistemology, like curiosity, open-mindedness, attentiveness, intellectual courage, and intellectual tenacity, can help educators and students define and attain certain worthy but nebulous educational goals like a love of learning, lifelong learning, and critical thinking. This volume is devoted to (...) exploring the intersection between virtue epistemology and education. It assembles leading virtue epistemologists and philosophers of education to address such questions as: Which virtues are most essential to education? How exactly should these virtues be understood? How is the goal of intellectual character growth related to other educational goals, for example, to critical thinking and knowledge-acquisition? What are the \"best practices\" for achieving this goal? Can growth in intellectual virtues be measured? The chapters are a prime example of \"applied epistemology\" and promise to be a seminal contribution to an area of research that is rapidly gaining attention within epistemology and beyond. (shrink)\nOpen-mindedness enjoys widespread recognition as an intellectual virtue. This is evident, among other ways, in its appearance on nearly every list of intellectual virtues in the virtue epistemology literature.1 Despite its popularity, however, it is far from clear what exactly open-mindedness amounts to: that is, what sort of intellectual orientation or activity is essential to it. In fact, there are ways of thinking about open-mindedness that cast serious doubt on its status as an intellectual virtue. Consider the following description, from (...) Robert Roberts and Jay Wood (2007), of a ‘bright college freshman, taking an introductory course in philosophy.’ Given this student’s ‘taste for ideas,’ she .. (shrink)\nStandard characterizations of virtue epistemology divide the field into two camps: virtue reliabilism and virtue responsibilism. Virtue reliabilists think of intellectual virtues as reliable cognitive faculties or abilities, while virtue responsibilists conceive of them as good intellectual character traits. I argue that responsibilist character virtues sometimes satisfy the conditions of a reliabilist conception of intellectual virtue, and that consequently virtue reliabilists, and reliabilists in general, must pay closer attention to matters of intellectual character. This leads to several new questions and (...) (...) challenges for any reliabilist epistemology. (shrink)\nThe value problem in epistemology is rooted in a commonsense intuition to the effect that knowledge is more valuable than true belief. Call this the “guiding intuition.” The guiding intuition generates a problem in light of two additional considerations. The first is that knowledge is (roughly) justified or warranted true belief. The second is that on certain popular accounts of justification or warrant (e.g. reliabilism), its value is apparently instrumental to and hence derivative from the value of true belief. But (...) if knowledge is justified true belief and the value of justification is derivative from that of true belief, how is it that knowledge is more valuable than true belief? (shrink)\nThis paper examines the claim made by certain virtue epistemologists that intellectual character virtues like fair-mindedness, open-mindedness and intellectual courage merit an important and fundamental role in epistemology. I begin by considering whether these traits merit an important role in the analysis of knowledge. I argue that they do not and that in fact they are unlikely to be of much relevance to any of the traditional problems in epistemology. This presents a serious challenge for virtue epistemology. I go on (...) to examine the work of two other virtue epistemologists in light of this challenge and then sketch an alternative approach that reveals how the intellectual virtues might merit a substantial role in epistemology even if not a role in connection with more traditional epistemological projects. (shrink)\nOpen-mindedness enjoys widespread recognition as an intellectual virtue. This is evident, among other ways, in its appearance on nearly every list of intellectual virtues in the virtue epistemology literature. Despite its popularity, however, it is far from clear what exactly openmindedness amounts to: that is, what sort of intellectual orientation or activity is essential to it. In fact, there are ways of thinking about open-mindedness that cast serious doubt on its status as an intellectual virtue.Consider the following description, from Robert (...) Roberts and Jay Wood, of a ‘bright college freshman, taking an introductory course in philosophy.’. (shrink)\nRecent scholarship in intellectual humility (IH) has attempted to provide deeper understanding of the virtue as personality trait and its impact on an individual's thoughts, beliefs, and actions. A limitations-owning perspective of IH focuses on a proper recognition of the impact of intellectual limitations and a motivation to overcome them, placing it as the mean between intellectual arrogance and intellectual servility. We developed the Limitations-Owning Intellectual Humility Scale to assess this conception of IH with related personality constructs. In Studies 1 (...) (n= 386) and 2 (n = 296), principal factor and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a three-factor model – owning one's intellectual limitations, appropriate discomfort with intellectual limitations, and love of learning. Study 3 (n = 322) demonstrated strong test-retest reliability of the measure over 5 months, while Study 4 (n = 612) revealed limitations-owning IH correlated negatively with dogmatism, closed-mindedness, and hubristic pride and positively with openness, assertiveness, authentic pride. It also predicted openness and closed-mindedness over and above education, social desirability, and other measures of IH. The limitations-owning understanding of IH and scale allow for a more nuanced, spectrum interpretation and measurement of the virtue, which directs future study inside and outside of psychology. (shrink)\nAbstract: Against the background of a great deal of structural symmetry between intellectual and moral virtue and vice, it is a surprising fact that what is arguably the central or paradigm moral vice—that is, moral malevolence or malevolence proper—has no obvious or well-known counterpart among the intellectual vices. The notion of \"epistemic malevolence\" makes no appearance on any standard list of intellectual vices; nor is it central to our ordinary ways of thinking about intellectual vice. In this essay, I argue (...) that there is such a thing as epistemic malevolence and offer an account of its basic character and structure. Doing so requires a good deal of attention to malevolence simpliciter . In the final section of the essay, I offer an explanation of our relative unfamiliarity with this trait. (shrink)\nThe terrain of character-based or “responsibilist” virtue epistemology has evolved dramatically over the last decade -- so much so that it is far from clear what, if anything, unifies the various views put forth in this area. In an attempt to bring some clarity to the overall thrust and structure of this movement, I develop a fourfold classification of character-based virtue epistemologies. I also offer a qualified assessmentof each approach, defending a certain account of the probable future of this burgeoning (...) subfield. (shrink)\nEvidentialists maintain that epistemic justification is strictly a function of the evidence one has at the moment of belief. I argue here, on the basis of two kinds of cases, that the possession of good evidence is an insuflicient basis for justification. I go on to propose a modification of evidentialism according to which justification sometimes requires intellectually virtuous agency. The discussion thereby underscores an important point of contact between evidentialism and the more recent enterprise of virtue epistemology.\nSuppose that you are engaging with someone who is your oppressor, or someone who espouses a heinous view like Nazism or a ridiculous view like flat-earthism. In contexts like these, there is a disparity between you and your interlocutor, a dramatic normative difference across which you are in the right and they are in the wrong. As theorists of humility, we find these contexts puzzling. Humility seems like the *last* thing oppressed people need and the *last* thing we need in (...) dealing with those whose views are heinous or ridiculous. Responding to such people via humility seems uncalled for, even inappropriate. But how could this be, given that humility is a *virtue*? The purpose of the paper is to explore this puzzle. We explain what the puzzle is and then attempt to draw some lessons from it: first, the lesson that the importance of humility is limited in several ways, and second, the lesson that humility nonetheless has several important roles to play, even for people who are in the right in contexts of disparity. (shrink)\nThe concept of wisdom is largely ignored by contemporary philosophers. But given recent movements in the fields of ethics and epistemology, the time is ripe for a return to this concept. This article lays some groundwork for further philosophical work in ethics and epistemology on wisdom. Its focus is the distinction between practical wisdom and theoretical wisdom or between phronesis and sophia . Several accounts of this distinction are considered and rejected. A more plausible, but also considerably more complex, account (...) is offered. The discussion sheds light on the relation between practical wisdom and theoretical wisdom, and on the positive character of each. (shrink)\nOne alleged advantage of credit theories of knowledge is that they are capable of explaining why knowledge is essentially more valuable than mere true belief. I argue that credit theories in fact provide grounds for denying this claim and therefore are incapable of overcoming the ‘value problem’ in epistemology. Much of the discussion revolves around the question of whether true belief is always epistemically valuable. I also consider to what extent, if any, my main argument should worry credit theorists.\nI examine here whether reliability is a defining feature of (moral or intellectual) virtues. I argue (1) that reliability is not a defining feature of a virtue where virtues are conceived (as they often are) as “personal excellences,” but (2) that there is another (also intuitive and familiar) conception of a virtue according to which reliability is a defining feature. I also argue (3) that even on the former conception, a certain rational belief pertaining to reliability is essential and (4) (...) that reliability itself, while not a defining feature of a virtue thus conceived, nevertheless is a concomitant of it. (shrink)\n__Deep in Thought_ provides an introduction to intellectual virtues—the personal qualities and character strengths of good thinkers and learners—and outlines a pragmatic approach for teachers to reinforce them in the classroom._ With a combination of theoretical expertise and practical experience, philosopher Jason Baehr endorses intellectual virtues as a rich, meaningful way to think about and understand the purpose of education. He makes a persuasive case for prioritizing intellectual virtues in the classroom to facilitate deeper learning, encourage lifelong learning, and enrich (...) teacher practice. Baehr profiles nine key virtues that enable learners to initiate the process of learning, maintain forward momentum, and overcome common obstacles. With engaging anecdotes and concrete examples, he presents a wealth of principles, postures, and practices that educators can employ in promoting essential habits of mind such as curiosity, open-mindedness, and intellectual courage. Baehr illustrates how opportunities to practice these intellectual habits can be integrated into the classroom in ways that align with current teaching practices. In addition, he shows how educators can adapt these practices to accommodate students’ identities, developmental abilities, and interests. This thought-provoking book supports all educators, especially middle and high school teachers, in teaching for intellectual virtues. _Deep in Thought_ is a philosophical and yet practical guide to one of the most important aims of education: helping students become skilled thinkers and learners. (shrink)\nVirtue Epistemology Virtue epistemology is a collection of recent approaches to epistemology that give epistemic or intellectual virtue concepts an important and fundamental role. Virtue epistemologists can be divided into two groups, each accepting a different conception of what an intellectual virtue is. Virtue reliabilists conceive of intellectual virtues as stable, reliable and truth-conducive cognitive … Continue reading Virtue Epistemology →.\nAccording to one prominent account of intellectual humility, it consists primarily of a disposition to “own” one’s intellectual limitations. This account has been criticized for neglecting the _interpersonal _dimensions of intellectual humility. We expect intellectually humble persons to be respectful and generous with their interlocutors and to avoid being haughty or domineering. I defend the limitations-owning account against this objection. I do so in two ways: first, by arguing that some of the interpersonal qualities associated with intellectual humility are qualities (...) expressive of virtues _other_ than intellectual humility; and second, by arguing that, when properly described, the kind of limitations-owning characteristic of intellectual humility in fact is robustly interpersonal. The result is a considerably broader and richer notion of the limitations the owning of which is characteristic of intellectual humility. (shrink)\nAfter a brief overview of what intellectual virtues are, I offer three arguments for the claim that education should aim at fostering ‘intellectual character virtues’ like curiosity, open‐mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual honesty. I then go on to discuss several pedagogical and related strategies for achieving this aim.\nThe terms \"a priori\" and \"a posteriori\" refer primarily to how or on what basis a proposition might be known. A proposition is knowable a priori if it is knowable independently of experience. A proposition is knowable a posteriori if it is knowable on the basis of experience. The a priori/a posteriori distinction is epistemological and should not be confused with the metaphysical distinction between the necessary and the contingent or the semantical or logical distinction between the analytic and the (...) synthetic. Two aspects of the a priori/a posteriori distinction require clarification: the conception of experience on which the distinction turns; and the sense in which a priori knowledge is independent of such experience. The latter gives rise to important questions regarding the positive basis of a priori knowledge. (shrink)\nIn this chapter, we analyze intellectual patience as a character trait. We look at the contexts that call for patience and at what patience demands in those contexts. Together these constitute our account of patience, though the focus is on patience in the life of the mind. We also consider how patience and perseverance differ, which offers a better understanding of the former and sheds light on how character traits can cooperate. We then consider how to become virtuously patient. We (...) conclude reflecting on some remarks made by the poet Rilke. (shrink)\nThis paper explores the relationship between intellectual virtues and critical thinking, both as such and as educational ends worth pursuing. The first half of the paper examines the intersection of intellectual virtue and critical thinking. The second half addresses a recent argument to the effect that educating for intellectual virtues (in contrast to educating for critical thinking) is insufficiently action-guiding and therefore lacks a suitable pedagogy.\nIn Judgment and Agency, Ernest Sosa takes “reliabilist” virtue epistemology deep into “responsibilist” territory, arguing that “a true epistemology” will assign “responsibilist-cum-reliabilist intellectual virtue the main role in addressing concerns at the center of the tradition.” However, Sosa stops short of granting this status to familiar responsibilist virtues like open-mindedness, intellectual courage, and intellectual humility. He cites three reasons for doing so: responsibilist virtues involve excessive motivational demands; they are quasi-ethical; and they are best understood, not as constituting knowledge, but (...) rather as putting one “in a position” to know. I elaborate on and respond to each of these concerns. I argue that none of them provides Sosa with a good reason for excluding responsibilist virtues from occupying a central role in his reliabilist virtue epistemology. I conclude that Sosa owes virtue responsibilism an even wider embrace. (shrink)\nMy concern is with the epistemological role of traits like inquisitiveness, attentiveness, fair-mindedness, open-mindedness, intellectual carefulness, thoroughness, tenacity, and caution. I argue for two main claims, one negative and the other positive. ;Negatively, I argue that considerations of intellectual virtue do not have an important role to play in connection with any of the more traditional epistemological problems. I show that if considerations of intellectual virtue were to play such a role, it would have to be in connection with the (...) analysis of knowledge, but that any view which makes an exercise of intellectual virtue a necessary condition for knowledge is bound to fail. ;Positively, I argue that there nevertheless remain a number of interesting and important philosophical questions and issues concerning the nature and value of virtuous intellectual character which are of considerable importance to epistemology. I defend this claim in two steps. First, I argue that virtuous intellectual character is both a constituent of and a highly important means to intellectual flourishing. It follows from this that since epistemology is concerned broadly with the more important or valuable philosophical dimensions of the intellectual life, insofar as there are philosophical questions and issues to be pursued in connection with the intellectual virtues, these have an important role to play in epistemology. Second, I go on to elucidate and discuss a number of these questions and issues, most of which are concerned with the nature and value of virtuous intellectual character as such. ;I conclude, then, that considerations of intellectual virtue do have an important role to play in epistemology, even if not in connection with any of the more traditional epistemological projects. (shrink)", "label": "No"} {"text": "Jeanne Nye of Lake Mills Middle School, with support from NSEC, has developed two webquests to engage middle school students through a variety of learning experiences, each with a nanoscience theme. These interactive webquests allow students to learn about nanoscience and its impact on all our lives as well as to help teachers integrate cutting edge technology.\nIncluded in each webquest is a teacher's guide for implementing the webquests in the classroom and student assessment materials. Each webquest meets Wisconsin state standards and National Science Education Standards.\nNanoscience in Nature: A Webquest explores nanoscience found in nature and how nano-structures and nano-processes help to shape the nanoscience research being conducted in labs around the world. Students are asked to design a superhero that uses a nano-process or nano-structure found in nature.\nFrom Small Science Comes Big Decisions places students in the shoes of a member of Congress by asking them to weigh the positives and negatives of funding nanoscience initiatives in areas ranging from military to health care to energy. Students will form an opinion and then debate the merits of funding different efforts. When the class comes to a consensus, their funding decision is posted online and compared with decisions of other students who have completed the same debate.\nNanoparticles in the Surf: An Oil Spill Solution places students in the role of an environmental engineer. Through a series of hands-on experiments students learn about different properties of nanoscale materials and how they can be used to clean environmental disasters.\nThe Prince and the Particles: Nanoparticles in the Environment explores how changing the size of different materials to the nanoscale can have significant impact on the properties of materials.\nSupport for the Nanoscience Webquests is provided by the UW-Madison NSEC", "label": "No"} {"text": "MIAMI, Florida -- Tropical Storm Arthur, the first named storm of the 2008 Atlantic season, formed Saturday near the coast of Belize, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.\nTropical Storm Arthur could make its way across the Yucatan and re-emerge in the Gulf of Mexico.\nThe storm made its way over land and was expected to weaken, but the center said the storm could re-emerge in the Gulf of Mexico and regain intensity Sunday.\nAt 11 p.m., the center of Arthur was over the southern Yucatan Peninsula, about 80 miles (125 km) west of Chetumal, Mexico, and about 120 miles (195 km) south-southeast of Campeche, Mexico.\nIt was moving west at about 7 miles (11 km) per hour.\nThe storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 km/hr), with higher gusts, mainly over water east of its center. Tropical storm-force winds extend outward up to 260 miles (415 km) from the center of the storm, forecasters said.\nThe government of Belize issued a tropical storm warning for the nation's coast, and the government of Mexico issued a tropical storm warning from Cabo Catoche south to the border with Belize.\nA tropical storm warning means tropical storm conditions are expected within the warning area -- in this case, within the next six to 12 hours.\nThe storm was forecast to dump up to 10 inches of rain over Belize, up to 15 inches in isolated areas, the hurricane center said.\nThe 2008 Atlantic hurricane season begins Sunday.\nOn Thursday, Tropical Storm Alma, the first one of the year in the eastern Pacific, formed near the west coast of Central America, according to the National Weather Service. The storm was downgraded to a tropical depression and dissipated over the high terrain of Central America.\nThe federal government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted this month that the Atlantic season would be more active than normal, with up to 16 named storms and up to five major hurricanes of Category 3 or above.\nThe noted Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team predicted this year that there would be 15 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes.\nThe team calculated a 69 percent chance that at least one major hurricane will make landfall on the U.S. coast.\nA survey released this week found that 50 percent of 1,100 adults surveyed in Atlantic and U.S. Gulf Coast states did not have disaster plans or survival kits.\n\"Nearly one in three said they would not prepare their home until a storm is within 24 hours of landfall,\" Bill Read, director of the National Hurricane Center, said Thursday.\n\"Now is the time to buy all that stuff,\" he said upon the release of the survey by polling firm Mason-Dixon.\n(Copyright 2008 CNN. All rights reserved.)", "label": "No"} {"text": "- Nature of the Work\n- Working Conditions\n- Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement\n- Job Outlook\n- Related Occupations\n- Sources of Additional Information\n- Minimal training requirements and flexible schedules make this occupation appealing to students, retirees, and others interested in part-time work.\n- Most libraries use electronic cataloging systems so computers skills are essential.\nGet the training you need: Find schools for Library Assistants near you!\n|Nature of the Work||[About this section]||[To Top]|\nLibrary assistants, clericalsometimes referred to as library media assistants, library aides, or circulation assistantsassist librarians and library technicians in organizing library resources and making them available to users. (Librarians and library technicians are discussed elsewhere.) Library assistants register patrons so that they can borrow materials from the library and then issue a library card.\nAt the circulation desk, library assistants lend and collect books, periodicals, videotapes, and other materials. When an item is borrowed, assistants scan the patron's library card and the material to record the transaction in the library database; they then print a receipt with the due date or stamp the due date on the item. When an item is returned, assistants inspect returned materials for damage and enter the materials into the circulation database. Electronic circulation systems are able to automatically generate overdue notices reminding patrons that their materials are overdue, but library assistants review the record for accuracy before sending out the notice. They also answer patrons' questions and refer those they cannot answer to a librarian.\nThroughout the library, assistants sort returned books, periodicals, and other items and put them on their designated shelves, in the appropriate files, or in storage areas. They locate materials to be lent, to either a patron or another library. Because nearly all card catalogues are computerized, library assistants must be familiar with computers. Before reshelving returned materials, if they notice any damage, these workers try to repair it. For example, they may use tape or paste to repair torn pages or book covers and use other specialized processes to repair more valuable materials.\nSome library assistants specialize in helping patrons who have vision problems. Sometimes referred to as library, talking-books, or braille-and-talking-books clerks, they review the borrower's list of desired reading materials. They locate those materials or closely related substitutes from the library collection of large-type or braille volumes, tape cassettes, and open-reel talking books; complete the requisite paperwork; and give or mail the materials to the borrower.\n|Working Conditions||[About this section]||[To Top]|\nLibrary assistants who prepare library materials may sit at desks or computer terminals for long periods and can develop headaches or eyestrain from working with the terminals. Some duties can be repetitive and boring, such as shelving new or returned materials. Others can be rewarding, such as assisting patrons who are performing computer searches with the use of local and regional library networks and cooperatives. Library assistants may lift and carry books, climb ladders to reach high stacks, and bend low to shelve books on bottom shelves.\nLibrary assistants in school libraries work regular school hours. Those in public libraries and college and university (academic) libraries also work weekends, evenings and some holidays. About half of all library assistants work part time, making the job appealing to retirees, students, and others interested in flexible schedules.\n|Training, Other Qualifications,\n|[About this section]||[To Top]|\nTraining requirements for library assistants are generally minimal; most libraries prefer to hire workers with a high school diploma or GED, but little to no formal postsecondary training is expected. Some employers hire individuals with experience in other clerical jobs, while others train inexperienced workers on the job. Given the rapid spread of automation in libraries, computer skills are needed for most jobs; knowledge of databases and other library automation systems is especially useful.\nLibrary assistants usually advance by assuming added responsibilities. Many begin by performing simple jobs such as shelving books or cataloging new books and periodicals when they arrive. After gaining experience, they may move into positions that allow them to interact with patrons, such as manning the circulation desk. Experienced aids may be able to advance into library technician positions, which involve more responsibility in providing library services to patrons.\n|Employment||[About this section]||[To Top]|\nLibrary assistants held about 109,000 jobs in 2004. More than half of these workers were employed by local governments in public libraries; most of the remaining employees worked in school, college, and university libraries. Opportunities for flexible schedules are abundant; nearly half of these workers were on part-time schedules.\n|Job Outlook||[About this section]||[To Top]|\nEmployment of library assistants is expected to grow as fast as the average for all occupations through 2014. Efforts to contain costs in local governments and academic institutions of all types may result in more hiring of library support staff than librarians. Also, due to changing roles within libraries, library assistants are taking on more responsibility.\nMany library assistants leave this relatively low-paying occupation for other jobs that offer higher pay or full-time work, so job opportunities should be good for persons interested in jobs as library assistants. The work is often attractive to retirees, students, and others who want a part-time schedule, and there is a lot of movement into and out of the occupation. Some positions become available as library assistants move within the organization. Library assistants can be promoted to library technicians and, eventually, supervisory positions in public-service or technical-service areas. Advancement opportunities are greater in large libraries.\nBecause most are employed by public institutions, library assistants are not directly affected by the ups and downs of the business cycle. However, some of these workers may lose their jobs if there are cuts in government budgets.\n|Earnings||[About this section]||[More salary/earnings info]||[To Top]|\nMedian hourly earnings of library assistants, clerical were $9.96 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $7.77 and $12.89. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $6.41, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $16.08.\n[Please note that the earnings and salary data listed here is usually from government sources and may be dated, so please make adjustments accordingly. If you would like to access current salary data for literally thousands of occupations, access our Salary Wizard.]\n|Sources of Additional Information||[About this section]||[To Top]|\nInformation about a career as a library assistant can be obtained from either of the following organizations:\n- Council on Library/Media Technology, P.O. Box 42048, Mesa, AZ 85274-2048. Internet: http://colt.ucr.edu\n- American Library Association, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Internet: http://www.ala.org/hrdr\nPublic libraries and libraries in academic institutions also can provide information about job openings for library assistants.\n*Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Used by permission.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The History of Wicker\nThe word wicker is believed to be of Scandinavian origin: wika which means to bend in Swedish, and vikker meaning willow. Wicker is not a material in itself, but rather an overall classification of furniture woven from any one of a variety of materials such as cane (rattan), willow, bamboo, reed etc.\nThe oldest surviving pieces of wicker furniture date from the Egyptian Empire. These pieces include chests made of reed and rush, wig boxes of reed and papyrus, and wicker hassocks and chairs.\nNatural Wicker Furniture\nWicker is a weaving process, not a material. The primary material used for indoor furniture is cane or rattan, cane or rattan being the same material by two different names depending which area of the world you are in. Cane is one of the oldest natural materials used to make natural wicker furniture.\nCane is a solid climbing vine that grows predominately in the tropical rain forests of Indonesia and South-East Asia. It commonly grows to lengths of over 150 metres and is predominately processed into sizes ranging from 2.5 mm to 50 mm, and can be harvested annually. Within the cane family, there are several hundred different varieties. Cane, unlike bamboo, is a solid core vine which makes it ideal for use in making furniture and is a naturally renewable resource.\nUnlike bamboo which is hollow, Cane is solid. Round Cane poles(18 – 50 mm dia.) are used to make the frame of the furniture. They are steamed, shaped into a form of the desired shape. The large poles are processed down to smaller sizes (2.5 mm – 4mm dia.). To make \"wicker\" furniture we take the smaller sizes of cane and weave it to the frame – wicker is a weaving process.\nThe weaving of natural materials is an ancient tradition, one which modern machines cannot duplicate. The weaving of wicker cane furniture is still to this day done by hand.\nThe natural wicker furniture that has spent many summers on an open front verandah were never intended to withstand the elements. Sun bakes the fibres leaving them dry and brittle, moisture can loosen joints and warp frames. In other words, natural wicker furniture was made for indoor use.\nAll Weather Wicker\nAll Weather Wicker is a NEW generation of wicker furniture now available, well suited to our outdoor Australian lifestyle. At the same time, it possesses all of wicker’s visual virtues with a timeless, welcoming charm.\nOur All Weather Wicker is made with aluminum frames which are treated to withstand the elements, not steel which will rust. The \"wicker\" for weaving is actually synthetic resins that are then hand woven onto the aluminum frames, using the same process as natural wicker furniture.\nAll Weather Wicker furniture is easy to maintain, and will give you many years of enjoyment and can be used indoors and outdoors.\nCare and Maintenance\nNatural Wicker Furniture is easy to clean. The best method being to dust regularly with a soft cloth, a soft brush, or vacuuming the piece with the brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner. A soft bristled tooth brush is ideal for those hard to get places. Periodically wipe it down with a soft damp cloth followed by a light application of a good furniture polish for sheen and protection. If your wicker has become badly soiled, use water and a mild soap solution, rinse and let dry followed by a coat of natural lacquer. Your natural wicker furniture will look new again.\nAll Weather Wicker is easy to clean. Use only a mild soap and water solution and rinse thoroughly. Do not store furniture upside down as water may accumulate. To extend the life of your furniture, store indoors during months of non use.\nNatural Wicker Furniture has a two year warranty from date of purchase against all defects in materials and workmanship of the frames only, NOT weaving.\nAll Weather Wicker Furniture has a two year warranty from date of purchase against all defects in materials and workmanship.\nIf an item fails under the terms of this warranty, the item will be repaired or replaced. If discontinued, it will be replaced with a similar style and finish. All warranties apply to original owner only and require dated receipt. Normal wear and tear is excluded. Abuse, acts of nature, accidents or commercial use voids this warranty.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)\nThe Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a label designed to market wool as ethical in the face of mounting criticism about animal welfare and environmental issues uncovered in the industry.\nAlthough farmers pay levies to Textile Exchange to be included, RWS certification is voluntary and supposedly independent. But just how rigorous is it, and what exactly does it protect sheep from?\nProblems With RWS Auditing and Monitoring\nWithin the RWS framework, monitoring is done primarily through announced farm visits, but giving wool operations prior notice eliminates the opportunity to conduct a meaningful inspection. Evidence of cruelty can be hidden for the duration of the visit, meaning that inspectors – and, ultimately, wool buyers at both the corporate and consumer levels – aren’t privy to the abuse and suffering sheep really endure when no one is watching.\nBy contrast, undercover investigations capture footage of business as usual on farms. Farmworkers have been filmed kicking, throwing, punching, and standing on sheep.\nThe RWS claims to undertake unannounced visits – however, the auditor still gives farms up to 48 hours’ notice of an inspection.\nFurthermore, farms are subject to only one audit per year, meaning there’s simply no way for auditors to get an accurate account of the treatment of sheep the other 364 days of the year.\nIn short, whether or not inspections are classified as “announced”, inspectors always provide farms with advance notice, giving them a chance to clean up and conceal any evidence of cruel practices.\nWhat About off the Farm?\nThe RWS doesn’t address off-farm slaughter or transportation, and off-farm slaughter sites aren’t required to be certified.\nThis means that Textile Exchange has no supervision or control over slaughterhouses and can’t ensure that animals are being humanely transported and killed.\nCruel Practices Allowed Within Animal Welfare Standards\nSheep are sensitive prey animals who experience great distress and pain when subjected to the standard on-farm procedures allowed under the RWS guidelines.\nThese procedures include the following:\n- Tail docking, the removal of a lamb’s tail via either a rubber ring or a hot knife when the animal is between 24 hours and 8 weeks old\n- Ear notching, a marking procedure in which up to 10% of the animal’s ear is removed\n- Castration, the removal or disruption of the function of the testes by excision, constriction, and/or crushing of the testicular blood supply\n- Tattooing, an identification method done by forcing ink into the animal’s skin with a needle\n- Electroejaculation, the insertion of a probe into the rectum and the application of short, low-voltage pulses of electrical current to the pelvic nerves that stimulate the smooth muscles of the ampullae and vas deferens to induce ejaculation\nThe RWS allows electroejaculation as long as it is performed by a veterinarian and is not “routine”. However, the RWS doesn’t lay out any requirements for pain relief during this procedure, even though major veterinary associations such as the Australian Veterinary Association and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association have acknowledged that it causes discomfort to rams. Furthermore, the use of the word “routine” is vague and open to interpretation by farmers.\nOf even greater concern is the stipulation that pain relief for castration and tail docking procedures and serious shearing injuries is required only “when suitable pain relief is available”. This vague language allows farmers to choose not to administer pain relief if doing so is inconvenient or expensive.\nThe RWS also allows farmworkers to cut sheep’s throats without prior stunning in the case of emergency euthanasia if the farm doesn’t yet have the appropriate equipment for stunning.\nAlthough the RWS suggests sheep should be handled in a way that minimises stress during shearing, it does not require the use of specific methods – such as CCTV monitoring or cameras in sheds – to ensure that abuse isn’t occurring.\nNor does the RWS address how sheep are restrained during shearing. Failure to specify the standards for all aspects of shearing invites the type of abuse that’s been documented repeatedly within shearing sheds.\nAdditionally, shearers are only required to stop shearing when a cut or an injury is considered “severe”. But like so many other requirements within the RWS, this is open to interpretation, meaning shearers can (and often do) continue to shear a cut or otherwise injured sheep if they perceive the animal’s wounds to be less serious.\nLabels on Garments Mislead Consumers\nShoppers are becoming more concerned about the ways their purchases affect animals, and they’re leaving products that harm animals and the planet on the shelf.\nKnowing this, industries that exploit animals have increasingly turned to labels that reassure consumers that their products are harmless – but labels can be misleading.\nFor example, companies are allowed to make general, non–product specific marketing claims related to the RWS even if their full supply chain is not certified.\nSomewhere along the RWS supply chain, sheep could have been subjected to egregious cruelty – including beatings, painful procedures, and an agonising death – and consumers would never know.\nA label that allows uncertified operations to exist within its supply chain really provides no assurance at all.\nSimilar to greenwashing in numerous sustainability claims that don’t hold up under scrutiny, the RWS is an attempt at humane-washing wool.\nThe animal welfare elements of the RWS are supposedly in place to protect sheep from cruelty. But as with similar certifications, all it does is lull consumers, designers, and brands into a false sense of security.\nAny industry that commercialises animals will always prioritise profit over welfare. For consumers and retailers, the easiest way to do no harm is to refuse to buy into animal exploitation at all.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Latest posts by littlemisspatricia (see all)\nColor has such a huge impact on anything and everything. It’s everywhere, so we sometimes take it for granted. Some colors are unpleasant to look at, causing us shield our eyes and turn away, but others are aesthetically pleasing. They just work. They evoke positive emotions. They make us buy products we don’t even really want or need. They make us like photos we don’t find that interesting, but just because the colors are nice, we do it anyway. Color controls so many things and yet not many of us know how to really use it.\nHere are a few simple color tricks that you can incorporate into your photography:\nAdvancing and Receding Colors\nIn general, warm, saturated colors visually advance while cool, dark value hues recede. Some colors remain visually neutral. So if you were to fill a room with red furniture, it will feel more intimate and enclosed. Cool-toned furniture would make it feel more open and spread out.\nIn photography, positioning a warm-colored subject at the foreground against a cool-colored background can emphasize a shallow depth of field or make it pop out more. This technique can really make your warm, saturated subject stand out.\nRed on blue will appear more as a red ball in front of a blue wall, rather than a red hole in a blue wall. Blue on warm can appear as if it is receding into the background, like a red wall with a blue hole.\nMonochromatic Color Harmony\nColors can be very distracting, so by eliminating contrasts and keeping within the same color family, you can place more focus on your subject. It also helps to set the overall mood of the photo.\nSplit-Complimentary Color Harmony\nThis results from one color paired with two other colors on either side of the original color’s direct complement. For example, yellow with violet and blue.\nAnalogous Color Harmony\nThis is based on three or more colors sitting side-by-side on the color wheel. For example, yellow, yellow-green and green.\nChoosing colors that sit directly opposite each other on the color wheel is one way of showing contrast and emphasis in your photos. Complementary colors together can increase their intensity, creating simultaneous contrast. For example, blue and orange.\nUnlike painters, many photographers have little to no training in color theory and color relationships. These are complex topics that involve both psychological and physiological factors that can be hard to understand. Sometimes even if a photo has a lot of technical errors, it just works. It feels right. Your gut can tell you a lot about color too. If you’re not formally trained in color theory, there’s always that.\nGo with Your Gut\nEven if you weren’t born with an artistic eye, you must have your own color preferences: do you prefer cool colors or warmer tones? Are you drawn to a particular shade of blue? Do you react negatively to neon colors? Your photos are a reflection of you; if you like a certain color family, it’s bound to come across in your work because you can. Take note that your favorite color in photography might be different from your favorite color in general. I love navy blue, white and red, but you wouldn’t be able to tell based solely on my work because I favor warmer colors – oranges, yellows and greens. I know this because I’m a sucker for golden hour light.\nOne of Each\nYou might be one of those people with one photo of each color. When I say color, I mean the dominant color in the photo. For example, on my page on Flickr, I need to have variations in the dominant colors on the first page of my photostream. At the moment, I have violet, B&W, yellow and green. Some people react to a wide range of color to maintain a sort of ‘balance’ within your body of work, while others will prefer a common color/color family to tie everything together. Consistency helps in showing your personal style; without it, your portfolio can come across as a random assortment of images by different people. The common element doesn’t have to be color. It can also be lighting, processing style, subject, location or technique.\nSometimes all you need to do in post is to tweak the saturation and you’re good to go. Personally, I’m not a fan of overly saturated photos because it hurts my eyes, but in come cases high saturation can add a surreal effect to your photos, almost as if it were a painting. You can lose quite a bit of detail in the process, which is why I’m more likely to decrease saturation than increase it.\nIt’s been said a 54890385408 times already, but it’s true. Explore your options. Combine colors that you wouldn’t normally combine because you’ll never really know until you put them side by side and really look. Try every possible color relationship that you can and decide on the one you like best.\nColor is such a broad concept, and the best part about it is that you can achieve so many different effects without even trying. Don’t make the mistake of limiting yourself because your subject only comes in one color. “Oh I’ve already taken a picture of this yellow car.” Well, stay in one spot the whole day and tell me you don’t see subtle variations in color there. Before you complain, make sure you’ve exhausted your resources because you’re not always going to get a picture-perfect scene. On the off chance that you just can’t get anything good out of a photo in color, there’s always black and white.", "label": "No"} {"text": "STRV Satellites Ready for Launch\nTwo U.K.-built satellites are about to make history with a long list of world firsts.\nThe second pair of Space Technology Research Vehicles (STRV-1c & 1d) to be built by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) are scheduled for launch from Kourou, French Guiana, on the evening of 14 November (early morning on 15 November in the UK).\nThe mission is designed to speed up the introduction of the latest space technology into orbit. Between them, the box-shaped microsatellites will carry 25 different hardware experiments and four software experiments into the harsh space environment of geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) 600 x 39,000 km above the Earth.\nThis highly elliptical orbit exposes the STRV satellites to severe environmental hazards, since the satellites receive very high doses of natural radiation as they pass through the van Allen radiation belts four times a day. Over their one-year lifetime, the STRV satellites will receive radiation doses normally experienced over 8-10 years by spacecraft in low Earth and geosynchronous orbits.\nThe satellites will also pass through harmful atomic oxygen in the Earths upper atmosphere. By intense exposure to all of these elements, the satellites will allow the testing of new technologies and components to be accelerated.\nThe satellites carry a suite of environmental monitors, which will give comprehensive radiation measurement, assess atomic oxygen and electrostatic charging effects and detect cosmic dust and ionospheric anomalies. These are sponsored by a wide variety of space organisations in the UK, continental Europe, the USA and Canada.\nA number of experiments on STRV-1c will measure high energy particles - protons in the lower van Allen belts and cosmic rays from beyond our Galaxy - that can cause serious damage to spacecraft electronics and solar power generation. Other experiments will study electrostatic charging by electrons in the van Allen belts, which can destroy a satellites electronics.\nThe radiation experiments include:\n- The Cosmic Rays and Dosimetry experiment, provided by the Ministry of Defence and DERA.\n- The Surface Charge Experiment (DERA)\n- The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (European Space Agency)\n- The Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor (U.S. Air Force)\n- The Proton Monitor (Defence Research Establishment, Canada)\n- The Depth Dose Monitor (Defence Research Establishment, Canada)\nOther scientific experiments will study different aspects of the hostile space environment:\n- Atomic oxygen erodes and corrodes spacecraft components. Southampton University has provided an atomic oxygen experiment on STRV-1c to measure the changing effects of exposure with time and orbital position.\n- A micrometeoroid and dust detector provided by the Open University and the European Space Agency will count impacts from natural and man-made particles and distinguish between them.\n- A U.S. Air Force / Naval Research Laboratory sponsored experiment on STRV-1d will measure changes in the ionosphere when the satellite is near perigee (its lowest orbital point).\nNumerous new technologies covering space communications, remote sensing and navigation will also be evaluated on the STRV-1c and 1d mission.\nThe spacecraft firsts include:\n- Power from an operational, rechargeable lithium ion battery.\n- Use of a 'radiation-hard' version of the powerful Sun Sparc microprocessor.\n- Use of a novel DERA-patented carbon-composite joint in the spacecraft structure.\n- Demonstration of secure communications through data encryption.\n- Demonstration of new Internet-based space communications standards that may be suitable for future missions such as a Mars orbiter/lander.\n- Comprehensive mapping of the Global Positioning System signal environment at altitudes out to geosynchronous orbit (35,900 km).\n- Evaluation of new infra-red detector technology.\n'This mission keeps Britain at the forefront of space technology research,' said DERA's Graham Davison, Business Area Manager of Space Department.\nDERA designed, built and tested the STRV-1c and 1d satellites in its Space Test Facility at Farnborough, and will operate them from its ground station at West Freugh in Scotland.\nThe satellites follow the highly successful STRV-1a & 1b mission, which was launched on an Ariane-4 in 1994 and continued to operate for over 4 years.\nThe launch of STRV-1c and 1d is the first 'piggy-back' launch on an Ariane-5 launcher, in which the microsatellites are placed within the nose-cone, beneath the main satellite. At over 100 kg each, STRV-1c and 1d are twice the mass of the earlier STRV-1a and 1b satellites.\nDERAs Space Department has been involved in satellite development since the late 1950s. The Department is currently building subsystems for the European Space Agencys Mars Express and Beagle 2 missions, and leads a consortium to build the TOPSAT tactical optical imaging satellite. DERA also designed and built a medium-wave infra-red camera for the U.S. Department of Defence TSX-5 satellite.\nFurther information on the STRV-1c and 1d programme is available on the Web at: http://www.dera.gov.uk/", "label": "No"} {"text": "TINJAUAN LITERATUR FINANCIAL LITERACY DAN PENGARUHNYA PADA BIAS KEUANGAN\nFinancial Literacy has been known as a factor influencing decision making. Financial literacy is knowledge, skill, and attitude of a person regarding finance. Researchers use subjective and objective financial literacy to measure how literate a person is. One of behavior finance observation is to study how mind can be affected by bias. There are many biases that people should be aware of. Such bias can make people suffer from financial loss. Studies have shown there is a relation between financial literacy and bias. The more literate, the better he can avoid bias. This study explains the theory of financial literacy and financial bias. Previous works have been thoroughly selected to provide evidence.\nCopyright (c) 2022 Bayu Laksma Pradana, andreas kiky\nThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.", "label": "No"} {"text": "“J” is quite a gentle lad who finds it tricky to mix with others. He often seems overwhelmed by people and noise. The Duplo seems to have brought him out of himself a bit though and he is happy for others to come and join him.\nToday he set up a little train station/yard thing….. I’m not totally sure to be honest!\nThe girls had decided to build a house with some of the Duplo and sat right next to him as he worked. They walked over to the box to get the pieces they needed and he chatted to them about what he was building.\nHe even started to include his industrial area in to their farm/house area. It was all very amicable and he offered to give them cars and helicopters to transport their animals.\nI noticed that he tested the weight limit of each crane as well. Picking up different vehicles with a crane and seeing if it held or pulled the crane off the roof. He spent quite some time working on this.\n- Use Duplo play as a way to bring “J” together with his peers.\n- Expand on the crane investigation by suggesting we build a stronger tower and seeing if the crane can then hold more weight.\nToday’s play, meets the following EYFS Prime and specific areas:\n- Communication and Language\n- Personal, Social and Emotional\n- Physical Development\n- Understanding the World\n- Expressive Art and Design", "label": "No"} {"text": "It is known that a virus like Ebola finds an ideal breeding ground of infection in weak healthcare systems. However, the fear of a large-scale European contagion is spreading. Although it is true that Ebola is really frightening, it is equally true that a comparison between a country such as Italy and countries like Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea is at least difficult to maintain. Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV, low rates of vaccinations: the African ecosystem in which Ebola has developed is crippled, and the majority of its inhabitants are highly exposed to infections. How much crippled? The WHO data describe the incidence of major infectious diseases in the area and of the systems of vaccination.\nAs we have already pointed out, three out of the four affected nations – Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone – are among the poorest in the world, with much of the population without a salary. Three countries in which the health expenditure in 2012 has been less than 200 dollars per capita, while a country like Italy has spent 3,040 dollars per capita in the same year.\nMoreover, as pointed out on August 5th by James Ball of The Guardian,“Since the beginning of the Ebola outbreak in February, around 300.000 people have died from malaria, while tuberculosis has likely claimed over 600.000 lives. Ebola might have our attention, but it’s not even close to being the biggest problem in Africa right now.”\nTuberculosis is the first infectious disease in the world. It is estimated that TB killed over half a million people in the Region in 2013. But the biggest danger is given when it combined with other infectious diseases, as HIV, and in this sense in Africa this kind of contagious is very diffused. Another danger arises when TB develops resistance to the antimicrobial drugs used to cure the disease. In fact, the bacteria that cause tuberculosis could develop resistance to the antimicrobial drugs used to cure the disease. In these cases, TB does not respond to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most powerful anti-TB drugs.\nActually, tuberculosis is also present in Italy: 3,142 reported cases in 2012. The difference with African countries is that in Africa the percentage of the population affected is about an order of magnitude greater. In Liberia, 0.19 percent of the population suffers from tuberculosis, 0.22 percent in Sierra Leone and about 0.1 percent in Guinea, while in Italy the percentage is 0.05 percent.\nOne of the greatest dangers of daily life in Africa is called malaria.\nMalaria is the most important parasitic disease, and the second in the world for infectious disease morbidity and mortality after tuberculosis, with 500 million new clinical cases per year and one million deaths per year. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium and is transmitted to humans by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles.\nMalaria is present in over 100 countries around the world, but more than 90 percent of the cases and the great majority of deaths occur in tropical and equatorial countries. Within the three countries most affected by Ebola, according to the latest WHO estimates, the highest incidence was recorded in Guinea, with 38,333 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. Liberia follows with 27.793 cases, and Sierra Leone with 19.027 cases.\nHIV and AIDS\nThe numbers provided by the World Health Organization are clear: at the end of 2013, 11.7 million people had access to antiretroviral therapy in low and middle-income countries and 35 million people were living with HIV in 2013.\nAccording to recent estimates, 60 percent of AIDS patients in the world live in Africa, and a considerable amount of them are children. Most of the children living in sub-Saharan Africa were infected by their HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Over 240,000 children became newly infected with HIV in 2013.\nMoreover, as we have said above, HIV is the strongest risk factor for developing active disease as TB. In 2012, approximately 320 thousand deaths from tuberculosis occurred among people living with HIV: one fifth of the estimated 1.6 million deaths from HIV in that year. In this sense, the majority of people living with both HIV and TB reside in sub-Saharan Africa, about 75 percent of cases worldwide.\nEven if in our country the debate on this topic is still fervent, in Italy 95 percent of children are now vaccinated against the major infectious diseases. On the contrary, in Africa, especially in countries affected by the Ebola virus, vaccination rates are much lower. In Guinea, for example, the percentage of children vaccinated under one year of age in the last years does not exceed 60 percent. Four out of 10 children are not vaccinated against the most common infections like measles or whooping cough.\nThe Ebola outbreak is scary. But even more frightening is the mingling of diseases that live in sub-Saharan Africa and the weakness of the populations and health systems involved, which makes Ebola even more dangerous.", "label": "No"} {"text": "29 Oct Honors & Kindergarten Program\nHonors & Kindergarten Program\nHonors & Kindergarten Program\n(Age 5 by 12/31 of that academic year)\nIn our Honors & Kindergarten program, each child further develops focus, motivation, persistence, and discipline through their work. In this framework of order, the child grows at their own pace and rhythm. At the same time, they find the joys of learning and developing social and intellectual discipline. Our Honors & Kindergarten program sets children up for success in the elementary grades and beyond. This is done by drawing on their concrete base to developing conceptual thinking.\n- Practical Life: Complex activities with a higher degree of independence and working outside of the classroom.\n- Sensorial: Activities that engage a mix of senses, understanding of three dimensional geometric forms.\n- Geography/Culture: Hands-on study of science (including experimentation), recording observations, and the study of maps. Also includes cultural studies. For instance, appreciation of art, flags, music, and other cultural traditions.\n- Language: Learning phonograms, putting words together to create sentences, learning to read independently, introduction to grammar.\n- Mathematics: Numeric symbols, mathematical operations, understanding quantities, units of measurement, geometry, fractions and decimals.\nHonors & Kindergarten Program Available At:\nLessons develop vocabulary and word phrases. Also develops an appreciation for the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.\nLessons combine singing and movement with music fundamentals\nLessons provide fine and gross motor development combined with traditional and modified yoga poses\nReinforces classroom learning through literature enrichment, exposure to multiple authors and writing styles\nThe Honors & Kindergarten partakes in 2-3 fields trips and 3-5 outreach programs each year.\nThe purpose of these programs are to enrich and teach our students about culture, hygiene, science, our physical environment, etc.\nOutreach programs that we have welcomed in the past include The Maryland Zoo, Maryland Science Center, Young Audiences, Howard County Recycling, Pickering Creek Wildlife Reserve, various dental offices, and Mr. Science.\nPast trips have included Pump It Up, Toby’s Dinner Theatre, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Clarks Farm, The Maryland Zoo, and Port Discovery in Baltimore.\n9:00 – 9:30 am – Circle Time\n- Opening greeting, pledge and songs\n- Calendar, weather, and/or current events discussion\n- Circle time activities involve group/individual participation, teacher demonstration/presentation of Montessori learning activities that the student may later choose during individual work time\n- Various activities requiring child/group participation, reinforce/review\n- Phonetic sounds and math concepts\n- Stories, songs, poems, creative movement, finger plays, and group games\n9:30 am – 12:00 pm – Individual Work\n- Floor work choices involve the use of a mat to define the student’s work area\n- There are “hands on” manipulation of the Montessori learning equipment and other supplemental activities, of which, most are self-correcting by design\n- Table work choices involve the use of trays to define the student’s work areas and work focuses on practicing small muscle skills by cutting, pasting, sorting, pouring, punching outlines, grating and water activities\n- Both floor work and table work activities encompass the five basic areas of learning:\nStudents learn to care for the environment, learn self development skills such as buttoning, zipping, pouring liquids, etc. Students also begin to use social development through grace and courtesy\nHeightens the child’s sense of sight, touch, sound, taste and smell; hands-on manipulative materials allow the child to distinguish, categorize and compare the concrete elements of height and order\nPhonics-based curriculum provides every child with“sounds” necessary to link letters to make words, the words to make sentences. Using simple alphabet cut-outs and sandpaper letters students are able to effortlessly link sounds, symbols, their shapes, and their written formation\nUnderstanding of the basic mathematical operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through the use of manipulative materials such as rods, beads, sandpaper numerals, cubes, cards, and counters allows the students to visualize the abstraction of numbers\n(Geography, History, Science, Art, Foreign Language and Music): Children learn about people, their countries and the world through holiday celebrations, cultural observations, maps, flags, food, music, and pictures. Science activities and topics include differentiation between living and non-living things as well as between animals and plants (botany, zoology, ecology, etc.)\n- Integrated half-hour of recess\n12:00 – 1:00 pm – Lunch\n1:00 – 2:45 pm – Quiet Time/Individual Work/Silent Reading\n*Integrated half-hour of recess\n2:45 – 5:45 pm – Enrichment in half-hour blocks\n- Music & Movement\n- Gross Motor Games\n- Arts & Crafts", "label": "No"} {"text": "Running is a great way to stay fit but as national guidelines state, your body needs a lot more than aerobic activity. Here are five health benefits of making weightlifting a part of your workout routine.\n1. Injury prevention\nWeight training is one of the most effective ways to build muscles mass and increase bone density. These effects become very important as one gets older since we are prone to a natural decline by the time we reach the age of 40.\nGiven the trends in osteoporosis statistics, it is important to build stronger bones in order to reduce the risk of fractures. Strengthening your muscles, on the other hand, can help by supporting the joints. This is why runners who skip on strength training activities can end up injuring their knees and other body parts.\n2. Healthier heart\nA recent study from Iowa State University made a strong case for spending less than an hour on weightlifting each week. Though it does not seem like much, the routine could reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70 percent, researchers stated.\nSuch activities might actually boost your cardiovascular health better than running, according to scientists. But for optimal physical fitness, national guidelines recommended you perform both types of exercise i.e. strength training and aerobic activity.\n3. Burn calories\nTechnically, a cardio session does burn more calories than a weightlifting session. But the latter helps build muscle which means you get to burn calories even while at rest. Following a high-intensity lifting session, this is known as the afterburn effect.\n“Muscle is metabolically active, meaning that the more of it you have on your body the more calories you’ll burn throughout the day even when you’re not exercising,” said Nick Clayton, personal training program manager at the National Strength and Conditioning Association.\n4. Diabetes management\nPeople who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should particularly include weight training or some form of strength exercises in their routine. Experts note toning your muscles can make quite the difference in controlling blood glucose levels.\n“A lot of the resistance training actually improves insulin sensitivity,” said Dawn Sherr, a certified diabetes educator with the American Association of Diabetes Educators. “Your blood sugar may not be as elevated if you develop more muscles.”\n5. Mental wellbeing\nWhile the mental health benefits of aerobic exercise are well-known, the literature shows lifting weights can also lift your spirits. According to a meta-analysis published in 2017, weightlifting is linked to a significant reduction in anxiety.\nPeople who have depression may also experience some relief by taking up this form of training. One factor to note is the instant change you can feel in your body after lifting compared to activities like running. For some people, this can be a powerful boost in terms of motivation and self-confidence.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- What does clan mean in Africa?\n- What is a group of clans called?\n- What is the difference between a tribe and a clan?\n- What is Clan with example?\n- What is the purpose of clan?\n- Is a clan a family?\n- What is meaning of clan in English?\n- What clan is jiraiya from?\n- What is the difference between a family and a clan?\n- Is a clan a family Naruto?\n- What is the four clan rule?\n- What is the leader of a clan called?\n- What is a clan in fortnite?\n- Where do clan names come from?\n- Is Clan a bad word?\n- What are the characteristics of clan?\n- What is another word for clan?\n- How many make a clan?\n- What is a good sentence for a clan?\n- What is the best clan name?\n- What is a clan answer?\nWhat does clan mean in Africa?\nBased on African Great Lakes region definition, a clan is a social organization unit that has the oldest structure, grouping people who shared a common origin and surname.\nMost of the clans in this region are confined to individual countries, for example, the Hutu and Tutsi are found in Rwanda and Burundi..\nWhat is a group of clans called?\ntribeA tribe is a human social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted strangers. A tribe, though classically based on a remote common ancestor and thus shared kinship, is typically a political or ethnic unit that shares a common culture, language, and religion.\nWhat is the difference between a tribe and a clan?\nDefinitions of Clan and Tribe: Clan is a group of people who have actual or perceived ancestry. They are also called sub-groups of tribes. Tribe is a group of people who share almost the same ancestry and mostly self-sufficient.\nWhat is Clan with example?\na group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor: the Mackenzie clan. a group of people of common descent; family: Our whole clan got together for Thanksgiving.\nWhat is the purpose of clan?\nFrom a functional perspective, clans help to unify groups by cross-cutting other forms of social organization, such as the settlement, postmarital residence patterns, or age sets.\nIs a clan a family?\nA clan is an extended family. Your clan might include your parents and siblings, but also your cousins and second cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents.\nWhat is meaning of clan in English?\nA clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. Clans, in indigenous societies, tend to be endogamous, meaning that their members can marry one another.\nWhat clan is jiraiya from?\nOgata clanJiraiya is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. Heir of the Ogata clan, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade, a beautiful young maiden who has mastered slug magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower Yashagorō, also known as Orochimaru, a master of serpent magic.\nWhat is the difference between a family and a clan?\nis that clan is (anthropology) a group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief while family is (lb) a group of people who are closely related to one another (by blood or marriage); for example, a set of parents and their children; an immediate family.\nIs a clan a family Naruto?\nUzumaki ClanNaruto Uzumaki/Clan\nWhat is the four clan rule?\nii) The Four Clan Rule : In Irawati Karve’s (1953: 118) words, according to this rule, a man must not marry a woman from (i) his father’s gotra, (ii) his mother’s gotra, (iii) his father’s mother’s gotra, and (iv) his mother’s mother’s gotra. … The marriages are always arranged from lower to higher house.\nWhat is the leader of a clan called?\nchiefA chief is a leader, often of a tribe or clan.\nWhat is a clan in fortnite?\nClans are social groups primarily formed to help gamers find new teammates and friends. …\nWhere do clan names come from?\nWhere do clan names come from? It was often thought that people with a clan surname were direct descendants of the clan chief. But sometimes it was common to adopt a surname when land was taken over to show solidarity and ensure protection with the clan.\nIs Clan a bad word?\nThere is no alternative spelling for “clan.” In short, Klan is NOT the correct spelling for clan, and has very strong negative implications because it is an abbreviation of the term Ku Klux Klan, whose racist and sectarian actions are well-documented.\nWhat are the characteristics of clan?\nThe following characteristics of the clan are evident from its foregone definitions:Exogamous group:Common ancestor:Unilateral:Matrilineal clan:Patrilineal clan:Mutual assistance and protection:Control over members.Legal function.More items…\nWhat is another word for clan?\nClan Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for clan?familyhouselinetribebloodfolksgenskinkindredkinfolk13 more rows\nHow many make a clan?\nWHAT IS A CLAN? Clans are a way for groups of players to band together. Up to 100 players can join together under a banner — you also get a banner — that unites them.\nWhat is a good sentence for a clan?\nExamples of clan in a Sentence The whole clan gets together for the holidays.\nWhat is the best clan name?\nHere are some cool, catchy, unique and attractive clan names:Frenzy Shooters.Covert Destroyer.Tilted Stabbers.Vampiric Ghosts.Spanking Legends.Grim Leaders.Blind Assassins.Ninja Dharmaputras.More items…\nWhat is a clan answer?\nA clan is a sub-group of a Tribe. A clan have a stronger bonds within the tribe. They are united by actual or perceived kinship and descent.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Existing drinking water systems for communities in Eastern Kentucky’s Fleming, Lewis and Mason Counties were aging, and due to growth in the area, these systems had difficulty keeping up with usage demands. This meant water shortages during drought and dry periods, particularly troublesome to farmers in this rural area. It was vital to increase the amount of drinking water to meet the needs of the present while providing for the demands of future growth. The Greater Fleming County Regional Water Commission (GFCRWC) was established to solve the problem. Their task was to collaboratively address the drinking water needs of three individual communities and find a common, cost efficient solution. They turned to HMB Professional Engineers, Inc. (HMB).\nInitially, several alternatives were studied including expansion of existing water treatment plants, increasing the purchase of wholesale water from the City of Maysville and connecting to the City of Vanceburg’s system. However, these options were eliminated due to concerns including higher capital cost, inability to provide adequate capacity during dry periods, and large distances between service areas. Due to continued growth and development in the project area, HMB and the Greater Flemming County Regional Water Commission felt this cross-county project was best accomplished by streamlining water supply and distribution with design of a single system to either completely serve or supplement water supply to the various communities within the GFCRWC.\nOnce the option to build a single system was selected, HMB provided design and construction management for:\n- three deep water wells\n- a 2.88 million gallon per day water treatment plant including three high service pumps rated at 3,000 gallons per minute each\n- a one-million gallon ground water storage tank or “clearwell”\n- a 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank\n- 18.7 miles of 24” and 1.4 miles of 16” ductile iron water transmission main\n- wetlands delineation", "label": "No"} {"text": "Have you ever wondered what all principles go behind the working of televisions or radios or computers? The Internet has only become more widely used by the public in the early nineties, although it was first invented in the 1950s. Since the nineties, technology has advanced at an amazing speed. Better Internet connectivity, faster Internet, wireless and mobile devices, including smart phones and tablets, have made Internet access easier and more convenient today. ArtzGirl thanks for your interest and comment. As far of who is behind using or abusing of this technology, anybody could be. TI’s are misguided, so they speculate depending on what they “heard”. More important question is who is supposed to protect you and give you right information. Radio spectrum monitoring is duty of government. In US this is EPA. In Canada Industry Canada. In every country different is costly and difficult task. Also if some kind of human generated radiation making harm to the people that is something to be examined by medical and environmental authorities. So demands on investigation should be directed to them, and lobbying the media to do same demands and aware the public of what technology and its abusing is happening in the wild. I have impression that this evil technology is already out of control. A lot have been done to curb the activities of hackers online and to a very high extent it has proved very effective. Employ the services of Virus protection Software and you can be sure you are secured online. There is also online Parental control and monitoring Software to guard against wards transcending their bound. Of course, if you need to run software that only runs on a particular operating system (usually Windows or macOS), then you’re somewhat limited, though there are ways around those obstacles with multi-boot setups and virtualization software For example, you can run Windows on a Mac inside a virtual machine (VM) or dual-boot using Boot Camp. You can also create a Linux partition on a Windows PC and boot to that when the need arises. Iron and other minerals, such as calcium and manganese, are not hazardous to human health, but they can cause drinking water to taste metallic or just unpleasant. Iron or manganese can cause clothing stains on when wash water contains these elements, and they can even discolor porcelain and other dishes washed in the mineral-rich water. These minerals can build up in water pipes, gradually clogging them and reducing water pressure, possibly causing plumbing problems. This virtual server is becoming more popular. Why? Because Microsoft now offers it as a free tool. Why did it do that? Because the competition from VMWare was killing it’s market share. By making it free and offering support, Microsoft guaranteed it’s product a market share. But it is far behind VMWare and shows no signs of catching up.\nElectrical engineering has many subdisciplines, the most common of which are listed below. Although there are electrical engineers who focus exclusively on one of these subdisciplines, many deal with a combination of them. Sometimes certain fields, such as electronic engineering and computer engineering , are considered separate disciplines in their own right. Decisions Concerning Technology Specifications Many types of IC technology were developed in the 1970s. The members of the TAC discussed the technologies available and then decided to obtain low power, high-density technology that would provide sub-micron development potential. The complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) was thus selected as the technology to be developed. This decision successfully led Taiwan to the sub-micron technology level in 1992. The key point of their idea was to introduce China-made consumer electronic products into Australia. This idea was rather unbelievable to almost everyone in the early 1990s. China was then known as a country where the development of consumer electronics manufacturing, including the production of televisions, had just started and not many families had many electronic products. At that time, people in China were believed to favour imported electronic products, rather than China-made products. As skilled adventurers, however, the Pebble founders did not follow many pessimistic hearsay accounts of China and post-1989 Chinese politics, which consumed the precious time of many new Chinese migrants, but gave their attention to electronic industries and markets in both China and Australia. They soon identified the gap that existed between what was happening in Australia and what was happening in China’s electronic industry. Internet simply put, is a cloud based medium that enable dissemination of information internationally among millions of users through a network connecting computers and other compatible gadgets. The information could be accessed in a written form through electronic mail, videos, instant messaging, video chat, audio message, pictorially etc. Before I show you the macOS-inspired Linux distributions, I’d like to mention Pear OS. Both programs provide a serious focus on the safety principles behind working with electricity and electrical equipment. These principles cover situations both in terms of personal protection and best practices for installation. The design of electrical systems is just as important as proper installation when it comes to preventing fires or electrical accidents.\nYou can also use the site to create your own social media platform. Share your article, blogs, photos, etc. to thousands of people. Newcomers to the field of electrical work are often confused about the difference in degrees and career paths associated with electrical engineering and electrical technology (sometimes called electrical systems technology). A second factor is that Microsoft itself will drive users to Linux. For this reason, I wouldn’t recommend that you use it. Additionally, I didn’t even find it that close to macOS in looks. Maybe back in 2012 it might have looked like macOS , but not anymore. The predictive model under development in DETECT might someday help public health officials spot coronavirus hotspots early. It also may encourage people who are potentially infected to immediately seek diagnostic testing and, if necessary, quarantine themselves to avoid spreading the virus. The app basically lets users send each other instant messages, make video and voices calls, and send free text messages among other features. It does have a payment option which, at the moment, is limited to India alone. This is the WhatsApp Pay feature. All the transactions are processed by the Unified Payments Interface. Unfortunately, market conditions don’t favor Linux games, either-and at least two companies that used to port Windows games to the open source platform have closed shop. Realme, Vivo and Xiaomi, Huawei are already in the queue of launching their mobile phones before the launch of the technology. That shows, how the companies are confident over the consumer power demand for the next-generation technology. IEEE C37.20.6 is the standard for 4.76 kilovolt to 38 kilovolt rated ground devices as well as test devices used in enclosures. IEEE 57.13.3 describes the recommended practices for grounding instrument transformer secondary circuits. 2.) Opera Unite: Opera has launched a new technology that can turn your PC into a personal web server running inside Opera web browser. That server can be used to share everything from files to music with other computers on the web without the need of 3rd party applications. Named Opera Unite, the technology has just been released and promises to make your computer more that just a dumb terminal. Closing our list of the top mobile messaging apps is this free mobile instant messaging application for smartphones. With a pretty small user base of just about 49.7 million10, this app is mainly limited to South Korea and much of Asia. It does have a bright future though as more and more people are anticipated to download it in the future.\nI see all sorts of articles around the web that tell you how to use a voltmeter to test an electrical outlet. They usually make sure to warn you how dangerous electricity can be and will caution you about which voltmeter probe to stick where and being very sure not to touch bare metal and all that. Configure your storage settings. Since this is a test machine, and we don’t need to use a lot of space, 8 GB should be sufficient to play around and install some applications. I prefer to store the virtual disk as a single larger file, since I generally won’t be moving it. Click Next. On the whole – for humans, life is definitely better where technology thrives. I do worry about the increased need for specialization. Some 300 years or more ago -not sure exactly, but probably around the time of Leibniz, it may have been possible for a single mind to know just about everything. Since we can imagine and for records we do have, technology has increased exponentially. You never know – we may some day not too far from now biologically integrate with the web. While environmental concerns are driving some food trends for 2019, convenience continues to dictate many of the choices consumers are making when it comes to what’s on their plates. According to the Mintel report, food and drink convenience will get an upgrade in 2019 as manufacturers respond to rising healthy-eating priorities, quests for foodie-inspired flavors, and interests in personalization and competition from speedy delivery services. XENEnterprise is not free. I don’t know the price yet. But, presumably, it will be competitive with the competition. The key to this product is the ability to deploy it in any infrastructure and use it to host ‘any’ operating system. This is called “Appropriate Virtual Deployment” (well, that’s my invention but you have to admit it sounds pretty cool), and will please users and customers. Why? Because it short-circuits the Wintel folk’s fears, and objections to Linux. Given that the majority of servers deployed in enterprise infrastructures are Windows based, this will enable those enterprises to take advantage of Linux attributes, such as security, stability, high availability and so forth, and still have that good-‘ole Win’95 desktop shining from every rack. One of the biggest advantages will be around the lowering of licenses when the hardware is multi-core CPUs. But that’s another article. 4, Epoxy laminated plastic has a wide range in the electronic and electrical field. Particularly epoxy laminate with rapid development has become one of the basic materials of electronic industry.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Saturday, August 04, 2012\nThe Perfect Milk Machine: How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry\nAlexis Madrigal in The Atlantic (article is a few months old but interesting):\nWhile there are more than 8 million Holstein dairy cows in the United States, there is exactly one bull that has been scientifically calculated to be the very best in the land. He goes by the name of Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie.\nAlready, Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie has 346 daughters who are on the books and thousands more that will be added to his progeny count when they start producing milk. This is quite a career for a young animal: He was only born in 2004.\nThere is a reason, of course, that the semen that Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie produces has become such a hot commodity in what one artificial-insemination company calls \"today's fast paced cattle semen market.\" In January of 2009, before he had a single daughter producing milk, the United States Department of Agriculture took a look at his lineage and more than 50,000 markers on his genome and declared him the best bull in the land. And, three years and 346 milk- and data-providing daughters later, it turns out that they were right.\n\"When Freddie [as he is known] had no daughter records our equations predicted from his DNA that he would be the best bull,\" USDA research geneticist Paul VanRaden emailed me with a detectable hint of pride. \"Now he is the best progeny tested bull (as predicted).\"\nData-driven predictions are responsible for a massive transformation of America's dairy cows. While other industries are just catching on to this whole \"big data\" thing, the animal sciences -- and dairy breeding in particular -- have been using large amounts of data since long before VanRaden was calculating the outsized genetic impact of the most sought-after bulls with a pencil and paper in the 1980s.\nPosted by S. Abbas Raza at 11:09 AM | Permalink", "label": "No"} {"text": "T. S. Eliot, alongside Ezra Pound, is perhaps the most influential poet of the Modernism. The two paved the way for the Imagist movement in poetry that was prominent in the early 20th century. Much like Lawrence, he did not consider Hamlet a success. Eliot said Shakespeare tried to tackle a problem “which proved too much for him”.\nEliot Considered Hamlet a Failure but Loved Shakespeare’s Other Works\nEliot considered Hamlet a failure. But, he praised the two Roman tragedies Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra. Strange, because most of the focus of Shakespearean criticism revolves around his ‘major’ works.\nThere are no major or minor works of Shakespeare. All of them are extraordinary pieces of literature. It’s just that some of his works have been exploited more than others. And critics reviewed what was popular, Eliot included.\nEliot Referenced Shakespeare in His Works\nEliot references Shakespeare’s works in his own. For example, we have two references to Shakespeare’s plays in two of Eliot’s greatest poems. One is in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” – a clear reference to Hamlet. The other is in The Waste Land, which contains references to Antony and Cleopatra and Hamlet. To reference someone’s work into your own is the biggest acknowledgment.\nT. S. Eliot on Shakespeare’s Borrowing\n“Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum” (Eliot, 1920). All Shakespeare’s works, except for The Tempest, are based on previous works.\nIt is a historical fact that playwrights borrowed ideas from others. The truth is there was no copyright law in the Elizabethan age. This was the common practice of the Elizabethan playwrights.\nShakespeare embraced this idea of borrowing. He was so well-read that we can see the influence in his works from almost every major work written up until his time. Starting from Ancient Greece, up to contemporary Elizabethan drama/poetry, he appropriated everything. As Eliot points out, Shakespeare was a living encyclopedia of history. This is a feat that few people of his time achieved.\nShakespeare Used Everyday Language\nPlaywrights in Elizabethan times often used common elements in their plays. You can see them in English Renaissance drama, not only in the works of Shakespeare. “We think of Shakespeare perhaps as the dramatist who concentrates everything into a sentence, ‘Pray you undo this button,’ or ‘Honest honest lago’; we forget that there is a rhetoric proper to Shakespeare at his best period which is quite free from the genuine Shakespearean vices either of the early period or the late” (Eliot, 1920).\nShakespeare did include some everyday phrases from Elizabethan times in his works. Playwriting was a craft after all. So, like any craft, it required catering to the customer to make more money. And the customers were both literate and illiterate.\nEveryone Understood Shakespeare’s Plays\nShakespeare’s plays catered to everyone. Both the illiterate groundlings (who paid the least to watch the play) and the nobility understood them. The simplest-minded people laughed at what we today think is complex.\nShakespeare Wrote for His Time\nShakespeare included elements from each layer of society in his plays. So, you need to know the political, religious, and everyday life in the Elizabethan era to read his works. These elements without a deep understanding of life in Shakespeare’s time are weird. Which is why you should read my Reading Shakespeare series.\nT. S. Eliot on the Soliloquy\nThe soliloquy is the greatest weapon of Shakespeare and Elizabethan drama. Some of the greatest instances of wordings in literature are Shakespeare’s soliloquies. Eliot accepts this fact. “The really fine rhetoric of Shakespeare occurs in situations where a character in the play sees himself in a dramatic light” (Eliot, 1920).\nA lot of people may not have read Hamlet. But they do know the lines of the greatest soliloquy in all of drama: “To be, or not to be, that’s the question.”\nIt’s a simple, yet profound example of how memorable these soliloquies are.\nBut, Shakespeare is far more than just the “To be’” soliloquy. There’s Richard’s “Now is the winter of our discontent”. Followed by Macbeth’s “be-all and end-all”. And Prospero’s epilogue, Shylock’s speech on equality – the list goes on.\nThe Soliloquy Offers a Peak in a Character’s Thoughts\nEach of Shakespeare’s soliloquies gives us insight into the character’s thoughts. Through them, the audience understands the character in a way that the other characters of the plays can’t. If spoken directly to the audience, the soliloquy is an “aside”.\nThe Aside Soliloquy\nThe “aside” soliloquy is like a secret that the character entrusts with the reader. And, they become accomplices in the way the character acts. They know a secret of theirs no one else knows.\nThe soliloquy is an ingenious method of the Elizabethan drama playwrights. And Shakespeare was the solemn ruler over the rest. He crafted the most memorable and profound soliloquies.\nT. S. Eliot on Shakespeare’s Universality\nWhat makes Shakespeare stand out from other playwrights are his timeless plays.\nWe can take any and give it a modern spin without it losing its meaning. Eliot understands this universality of Shakespeare. “Shakespeare is ‘universal’ (if you like) because he has more of these tones than anyone else” (Eliot, 1920). Eliot, again, refers to the ‘borrowing’ that happened in Elizabethan times. After all, it’s no secret that Shakespeare borrowed from Surrey, Marlowe, and Kyd.\nEveryone had a specific tone of writing. But, Shakespeare has them all, hence Eliot calling him ‘universal’. Shakespeare managed to perfect everything that he borrowed. This includes the blank verse, the sonnet, the tragedy, and the comedy.\nThe genius of the Bard is because he didn’t limit himself to a specific tone of writing. Which is what his contemporaries did. Instead, he wrote everything to perfection.\nThe Sacred Wood: “Hamlet and His Problems”\nTo view Hamlet as a villain rather than a tragic hero is a repeating topic. It’s like this: He is walking the plank if you will. He sometimes leans to the good side, sometimes to the bad side, but he never falls over in the water.\n“FEW critics have even admitted that Hamlet the play is the primary problem, and Hamlet the character only secondary’ (Eliot, 1920). Eliot considers Hamlet one of the major problems of the play.\nHe argues against the exaggerated modern view on Hamlet. The studies of human psychology happening in Eliot’s lifetime are why he gave this argument.\nSadly, he makes the same mistake that he argues against: Not viewing the play as it should be. Hamlet requires a timeless perspective not burdened by psychological analyses. Nor burdened by religion (as is the case with D.H. Lawrence). Instead, Eliot views it from the prism of the psychological.\nSure, Hamlet does have his problems. But, to reduce him to a mere mentally deranged character is just horrible. Eliot states that “Shakespeare tackled a problem which proved too much for him”. But that is the whole point of the greatness of Hamlet! If he were to be so shallow and understandable by anyone, he wouldn’t have been so great. He would’ve been mediocre.\n”Hamlet Is the Mona Lisa of Literature”\nCritics often concentrate their arguments around Shakespeare’s most famous works. But, Eliot expands his critical horizon further. “Coriolanus may be not as ‘interesting’ as Hamlet, but it is, with Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare’s most assured artistic success. And probably more people have thought Hamlet a work of art because they found it interesting, than have found it interesting because it is a work of art. It is the Mona Lisa of literature” (Eliot, 1920).\nA bold statement. But, it proves my notion that sometimes literary geniuses limit themselves. In the case of Eliot, he views something as great as Hamlet through the confines of the psychological.\nComparing a static object, no matter how great or how alive it might seem, to the actual living and breathing Hamlet… Hamlet is everyman! You can’t! He’s burdened by problems like you and I. He tries to resolve them by making mistakes and trying to rectify and learn from each. Like you and I. He has traits shared by all of us and this is why he’s so appealing. Hamlet is not a great tragic character – he is you and I. He is us.\nAnd Hamlet’s like this for a reason. People identify with him and his suffering. And, they leave the performance with a better version of their former selves, which you might know as catharsis.\nEliot over-analyzes Hamlet from a psychological view. He tries to derail the reader from the fact that Shakespeare perfected everything he appropriated. He tries to make you think the Bard was a mediocre writer that was not at all original. And he degrades Hamlet to a lunatic and mocks the cliché lines in the plays.\nHe even went as far as saying people appreciate the play Hamlet only because they see others do it.\nBut, in the end, his analysis is lacking. He can’t see the greatness of how Shakespeare’s elements in his plays work. How the bard created his characters in the plays as real people. And this is why although he’s a great poet, he’s a mediocre critic.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Special Report: Women Offenders\nWomen now represent a significant proportion of all offenders under criminal justice supervision. Numbering more than 1 million, female offenders make up 17 percent of all offenders, or one in every six offenders, under some form of correctional sanction. The vast majorities (85 percent) are under community supervision and are typically on probation. The total number of women under correctional control increased 81 percent from 1990 to 2000, while the number of men increased 45 percent.\nThe increase in the number of women under correctional supervision has called attention to the status of women in the criminal justice system and to the particular circumstances they encounter. The first step in understanding women offenders in the criminal justice system is to understand gender-based characteristics. In addition to offense and demographic characteristics, the specific life factors that shape women’s patterns of offending should be looked at when dealing with women offenders.", "label": "No"} {"text": "A recent study that looked into seven national surveys covering the health of Chinese teenagers for two decades has revealed that there has been a significant decrease in fitness among the youth in China despite better nutrition.\nThe findings, which are derived from surveyed data between 1985 to 2014, found that the Chinese youth has been getting fatter, weaker and lazier over the years.\n“In 1989, male students would ‘fail’ physical exams if they took more than three minutes and 55 seconds to run 1,000 meters. That standard was lowered to four minutes and 32 seconds in 2014,” Nanjing University of Science and Technology motor development specialist Wang Zongping was quoted as saying.\nWhile the research also discovered that Chinese students have generally grown taller and bigger, they are now more overweight and have poorer eyesight, which researchers believe is mainly due to lack of exercise.\n“Our survey found that more than half of male students with junior middle school education and above can’t complete a single pullup,” Wang said.\nThe lazy lifestyle is continued beyond their adolescent years as they enter college, as more than 84% of college students are found to exercise less than one hour a day. The majority are found to spend most of their time either playing games online or studying.\nResearchers noted that in the 1980s, students spent a significant amount of time engaging in physical activities such as athletic and gymnastic activities. Unfortunately, much of the fitness equipment has been removed from campuses due to parents’ complaints in the 1990s.\n“If a student gets injured in class, the school is blamed,” PE teacher Shi Fei told China Daily.\nWith most families having only one child, the parents had the tendency to have their children pampered and over-protected.\nParents would want to ensure that their only child is protected from injuries, but as Wang pointed out, “such are normal during exercise, and are helpful for a person to better understand their own bodies.”\n“We care too much about developing children’s IQ, and too little about their motor skills, team spirit and resilience. These ‘invisible’ capabilities can only be obtained through outdoor activities,” Wang said.\nEarlier this year, a study published by the Lancet Medical Journal stated that China has already replaced the U.S. as the country with the greatest number of obese people in the world, rising from its number-two ranking in 2014. According to the report, the country is home to 43,200,000 obese men and 46,400,000 obese women, which accounts for 16.3% and 12.4%, respectively, of the global obese population.\nThe government’s “Healthy China 2030” program seeks to address this. Launched in October, the plan is to put in place better sports facilities in schools to promote healthier kids, increasing the total “exercise space” to at least 2.3 square meters per capita by 2030. Currently, the country’s facilities are only 1.5 square meters per capita.\nIf implemented as planned, more gymnasiums, school fields and tracks will be built across the country. All students will also be required to complete at least one hour of strenuous physical activity three times a week.\n“Healthy China should begin with Sporting China,” Wang said. “Schools should encourage students to step out of the classroom and onto the playing field. We should restore the health and happiness of our young people.”", "label": "No"} {"text": "Always Give Babies Room to Breathe!\nHundreds of Texas babies die in their sleep each year - suddenly, unexpectedly, and without a clear explanation or due to accidental suffocation or strangulation. That's why it is so important to always give babies \"Room to Breathe.\"\nThe ABC's of Infant sleep:\n- A - Sleep Alone:\n- Put babies to sleep alone with no other adult or child sharing the sleep surface\n- B - On their Backs with no blankets or bedding\n- Babies should sleep on their backs in a crib or on another firm surface. The surface should be clear of all objects except for a mattress, tight-fitting bottom sheet, and the baby. If the baby leaves an impression on the mattress, the surface is too soft.\n- C - In a Crib and cool (70 degrees)\n- Dress your baby lightly and keep the room cool.\n- S - In a Smoke free environment\n- Keep babies away from second hand smoke. It's bad for everyone and especially babies. Never smoke in a house with a baby and ask anyone who cares for your baby not to smoke around them.\nThings to Avoid\n- Don't put anything in the crib!\n- Adding bumper pads, blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to your baby's sleep surface can greatly increase the risk of suffocation or strangulation.\n- Additional mattresses or cushions in a crib or play yard (i.e. Pack 'n Play) are risky too. Some surfaces may feel hard or thin, but they are made to keep your baby safe while they sleep. Your baby will be comfortable.\n- Keep blankets or covers away from baby's face.\n- Don't let a baby sleep or nap with adults or other children.\n- Don't ever sleep with a baby if you have been drinking or are taking medications or illegal drugs.\n- If you get sleepy, put the baby down in a crib or another firm surface before you take a nap. This is especially important if you are sitting on a chair, sofa or other comfortable surface where you might roll over on your baby and suffocate him or her.\n- Don't leave your baby sleeping in a car seat or bouncers or similar device. Small babies can't hold their heads up and may suffocate if they fall asleep in a sitting position.", "label": "No"} {"text": "PD32 - Non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy in childhood\nClinical and Translational Allergy volume 4, Article number: P32 (2014)\nEven though non-immediate type allergic reactions with beta-lactam antibiotics occur more frequently than immediate reactions little is known about the actual prevalence of non-immediate beta-lactam allergy in childhood.\nTo determine the rate and risk factors for non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy in children with a history of allergic reaction occurring at least 1 hour after the drug intake.\nMaterial and method\nA prospective study was performed using ENDA questionnaire in 103 children [4.8 (2.7-7.9) years, 60% male] with 124 non-immediate type hypersensitivity reactions. Prick and intradermal skin testing with major/minor determinant mixture, penicilin G, ampicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate and the culprit drug were done. In patients with negative skin tests, patch and intradermal tests with late readings were done with the culprit drug. Drug provocation was performed in case of negative interventional tests.\nFifteen children (14.6%) with 16 non-immediate reactions (12.9%) was diagnosed as beta-lactam allergic. The drugs responsible for non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy were amoxicillin-clavulanate (75%), sulbactam-ampicillin (6.3%), penicillin (6.3%), ceftriaxone (6.3%), cefaclor (6.3%).\nThe diagnosis of non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy was determined by provocation tests (n=11) prick/epidermal tests (n=3), patch tests (n=2). Only angioedema was found to increase the risk for diagnosis of non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy (OR:3.8, 95%CI:1.2-11.4, p=0.009).\nDiagnosis of drug allergy is also common in children with a history of nonimmediate reactions to beta-lactams. Classification due to timing of the reaction might not be appropriate to define the underlying pathogenesis of beta-lactam hypersensitivity since three patients had a positive skin test indicating IgE mediated beta-lactam allergy.Intradermal tests with late readings might not be practical in the diagnosis of non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy.\nAbout this article\nCite this article\nCavkaytar, O., Uysal Soyer, O., Buyuktiryaki, B. et al. PD32 - Non-immediate type beta-lactam allergy in childhood. Clin Transl Allergy 4 (Suppl 1), P32 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1186/2045-7022-4-S1-P32\n- Skin Test\n- Positive Skin Test", "label": "No"} {"text": "January 2017 - in video, chunks of ice floating down the Danube river in Budapest.*\nSerbia - the ice on the Danube reached four meters in thickness, and two Hungarian icebreakers were sent to join forces with the Serbian ones in a bid to reopen the navigation on Danube.\nHungary and Bulgaria banned shipping on the Danube, as the floating ice and shallow water made the river traffic too dangerous.\nRomania - 80 vessels blocked by ice on Danube, 2 cargo transport barges hold up in the same place for two weeks, and each day counted thousands of Euros financial losses.\nThe people in Sfantu Gheorghe, the main village on one of the Danube’s branch towards Black Sea, were isolated for more than a month, due to ice blockage on Sfantu Gheorghe channel.**\nRiver Danube icebound is a common phenomena, as winters with very low temperatures is specific to the climate in this part of the Europe.\nHistorically, the Danube and some of its tributaries have formed important trade routes across Europe, and navigation is critical in the economies of the riverside countries.\n87% of the total river length is navigable, and ships can call in at 78 harbours located along the Danube, up to the Black Sea. However, winter navigation can rise significant business related issues and real life challenges for people depending on the Danube river routes.\nThe level of shipping and offshore activities could benefit if weather-related information used in the fluvial navigation mirror the advanced possibilities offered by today’s Earth Observation technologies.\nIce-prone waters like the Danube river is a natural phenomena that cannot be avoided, but mitigated.\nThe Danube river basin and the Black Sea information services are among the topics addressed by the Pathfinder Exploitation Platform, and ice coverage monitoring is one of the use cases developed.", "label": "No"} {"text": "According to recent reports by the World Bank, the North accounted for 87 per cent of all the poor people in Nigeria in 2016.\nThe report titled ‘Advancing social protection in a dynamic Nigeria’, released on January 28, 2020, was described as a ‘detailed analysis of the social protection sector’ in the country.\nThe report noted that social protection measures implemented by the government in Nigeria had not been able to address the high level of poverty, as well as the negative impact of conflicts and natural disasters.\nThe World Bank also highlighted in this report that although Nigeria was a richly endowed country, it had a larger proportion of the world’s extreme poor than any other nation.\nThe report further noted that most of the poor in Nigeria were found in the Northern part of the country.\nThe North-West, specifically, was described as home to almost half of all the poor in the country.\n“Poverty in the northern regions of the country has been increasing, especially in the North-West zone.\n“Almost half of all the poor lived in the North-West and the North accounts for 87 per cent of all the poor in the country in 2016.”\n“Poverty rates in the southern zones were around 12 per cent with little variation across zones. The South-South zone saw the most significant drop in poverty from 2011-2016.\n“Poverty was significantly higher in rural areas of the country in 2016. An estimated 64 per cent of all poor lived in rural areas and 52 per cent of the rural population lived below the poverty line in 2016. In contrast, the poverty rate in urban areas remained stable at 16 per cent between 2011 and 2016.”", "label": "No"} {"text": "One of the biggest proponents of NLP and its applications in our lives is its use in search engine algorithms. Google uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand common spelling mistakes and give relevant search results, even if the spellings are wrong.\nThrough this blog, we will help you understand the basics of NLP with the help of some real-world NLP application examples.\nWhat is natural language processing?\nNatural language processing is an AI technology that enables computers to understand human language and its delicate ways of communicating information.\nNatural language processing is more than a fancy technology. It is a way of modern life, something that all of us use, knowingly or unknowingly.\nHas the following ever happened to you?\nYou mistype a word in a Google search, but it gives you the right search results anyway.\nIf yes, then you have already seen NLP in action.\nIf this hasn't happened, go ahead and search for something on Google, but only misspell one word in your search.\nLet’s search for “lawn mower,” but spell it “lan mowr.”\nAs you can see, Google recognized our spelling mistake in “lan mowr” and gave us a SERP for lawn mower.\nIt’s not just correcting our spelling mistakes; search engines and voice assistants like Google’s “Ok Google,” Apple’s “Siri,” and “Alexa” from Amazon use NLP algorithms. They enable people to search in their natural language and still find the most relevant results.\nTo know more about NLP and the rise of natural language searches, check out this detailed Scalenut blog, ‘What Is Natural Language Searches And How Does It Work.’\nAs marketers, you can use NLP tools to enhance the quality of your content. By identifying NLP terms that searchers use, marketers can rank better on NLP-powered search engines and reach their target audience.\nWith NLP-based chatbots on your website, you can better understand what your visitors are saying and adapt your website to address their pain points. Furthermore, if you conduct consumer surveys, you can gain decision-making insights on products, services, and marketing budgets.\nNatural language processing examples every business should know\nNow that you have a fair understanding of NLP and how marketers can use it to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts, let’s look at some NLP examples to inspire you.\n- Search Engine Results\nIf you go to your favorite search engine and start typing, almost instantly, you will see a drop-down list of suggestions.\nThis is what Google shows when we type “FIFA World Cup.”\nThis is what Bing shows when we type “FIFA World Cup.”\nNow, chances are very high that if you were trying to search for “FIFA World Cup,” you were going to look for upcoming matches.\nThis amazing ability of search engines to offer suggestions and save us the effort of typing in the entire thing or term on our mind is because of NLP.\nNow, if you were to just search for “FIFA World Cup” on Google, it would show you something like this:\nOkay, let’s change it up a bit.\nLet’s search for “how to build a treehouse.”\nAs you can see, Google tries to directly answer our searches with relevant information right on the SERPs.\nWhether you search for “FIFA World Cup” or “how to build a treehouse,” Google gives you the most relevant information, i.e., “FIFA world cup schedule” and “steps to build a treehouse.”\nIsn’t it amazing how it almost always understands what we want even though we do not type the entire search query?\nThis is because of NLP.\nIt is through NLP’s computational linguistics methods like text classification and user intent analysis that search engines like Google produce “freakishly” relevant results.\n- Predictive text and autocorrect\nNLP does not just help search engines. It is also used by various applications for predictive text analysis and autocorrect. If you have used Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you have seen how autocorrect instantly changes the spelling of words.\nSimilar to spelling autocorrect, Gmail uses predictive text NLP algorithms to autocomplete the words you want to type.\nAs you can see, Gmail predicted the word “works” automatically. Such features are the result of NLP algorithms working in the background.\nAnd it’s not just predictive text or auto-correcting spelling mistakes; today, NLP-powered AI writers like Scalenut can produce entire paragraphs of meaningful text. Users simply have to give a topic and some context about the kind of content they want, and Scalenut creates high-quality content in a few seconds.\n- Email filters\nEmail filters are a major use-case of NLP. At first, it was just analyzing inboxes and filtering malicious or spam emails. But this feature has come a long way and evolved into categorizing emails based on the type of content they carry inside.\nToday, Gmail automatically categorizes the emails in your inbox as social emails, update emails, forums, promotions, and spam with filters. It is able to do this with the help of NLP algorithms that help analyze the content of emails.\n- Text analytics\nAs internet users, we share and connect with people and organizations online. We produce a lot of data—a social media post here, an interaction with a website chatbot there.\nWouldn’t it be great if, as an organization, you could analyze all of this data and gain useful insights about your products and services?\nNLP-based text analysis can help you leverage every “bit” of data your organization collects and derive insights and information as and when required.\nFor instance, through optical character recognition (OCR), you can convert all the different types of files, such as images, PDFs, and PPTs, into editable and searchable data. It can help you sort all the unstructured data into an accessible, structured format.\nAnother use of NLP in text analysis is linguistic computation. If your website has a chatbot, you can use NLP algorithms to record all the customer interactions and answer questions such as “What does a visitor ask the most?” “Is it product- or service-related?” and “What can we do to address this and improve the customer experience?”\nAs much as 80% of an organization's data is unstructured, and NLP gives decision-makers an option to convert that into structured data that gives actionable insights.\nOrganizations in any field, such as SaaS or eCommerce, can use NLP to find consumer insights from data.\n- Language translation\nOne of the most helpful applications of NLP is language translation. You can see this for yourself. Just visit the Google Translate website and select your language and the language you want to translate your sentences into.\nAs you start typing, Google will start translating every word you say into the selected language. Above, you can see how it translated our English sentence into Persian.\nThe amazing thing is that it is not limited to typing text; you can also use Google Voice Translator. Again, it is NLP working in the background to match English words with Persian synonyms and check for Persian grammar while translating.\n- Text summarization\nAnother useful application of NLP is text summarization. With the help of NLP, computers can easily understand human language, analyze content, and make summaries of your data without losing the primary meaning of the longer version.\nFor instance, in the “tree-house” example above, Google tries to sort through all the “tree-house” related content on the internet and produce a relevant answer right there on the search results page. This is NLP-powered text summarization in action.\nAnd it’s not just search engines. Marketers use AI writers that employ NLP text summarization techniques to generate competitive, insightful, and engaging content on topics.\nWhether it's built-in software or a popular tool like Scalenut, users can choose topics, and NLP algorithms will look at the information available on that topic and generate text that is relevant to that topic.\nLet’s ask Scalenut, “How did David beat Goliath?”\nAs you can see, our AI writer knows how David defeated Goliath. David used what he knew and made detailed plans to win the epic battle. This is similar to how marketers compete with industry giants through content marketing strategies.\nThe point here is that by using NLP text summarization techniques, marketers can create and publish content that matches the NLP search intent that search engines detect while providing search results.\nIf you are using most of the NLP terms that search engines look for while serving a list of the most relevant web pages for users, your website is bound to be featured on the search engine right beside the industry giants.\n- Sentiment analysis for brand building\nSentiment analysis is a big step forward in artificial intelligence and the main reason why NLP has become so popular. By analyzing data, NLP algorithms can predict the general sentiment expressed toward a brand.\nAs you can see in the above example, sentiment analysis of the given text data results in an overall entity sentiment score of +3.2, which can be translated into layman’s terms as \"moderately positive\" for the brand in question.\nNLP is used in consumer sentiment research to help companies improve their products and services or create new ones so that their customers are as happy as possible. There are many social listening tools like “Answer The Public” that provide competitive marketing intelligence.\nNLP sentiment analysis helps marketers understand the most popular topics around their products and services and create effective strategies.\n- Smart assistants\nAll of us have used smart assistants like Google, Alexa, or Siri. Whether it is to play our favorite song or search for the latest facts, these smart assistants are powered by NLP code to help them understand spoken language.\nUsing speech-to-text translation and natural language understanding (NLU), they understand what we are saying. Then, using text-to-speech translations with natural language generation (NLG) algorithms, they reply with the most relevant information.\nIf you want to know more about the relationship between NLP, NLU, and NLG, here is a Scalenut blog on NLP vs. NLU vs. NLG: What’s the difference?\n- AI powered chatbots and virtual assistants\nThe central purpose of customer service is to solve problems. If users are unable to do something, the goal is to help them do it. This usually involves a specific set of steps to be followed. AI-powered chatbots can help customers with such problems.\nCustomer chatbots work on real-life customer interactions without human intervention after being trained with a predefined set of instructions and specific solutions to common problems.\nAnd it’s not just customer-facing interactions; large-scale organizations can use NLP chatbots for other purposes, such as an internal wiki for procedures or an HR chatbot for onboarding employees.\nFor example, the Loreal Group used an AI chatbot called Mya to increase the efficiency of its recruitment process.\nThey use this chatbot to screen more than 1 million applications every year. The chatbot asks candidates for basic information, like their professional qualifications and work experience, and then connects those who meet the requirements with the recruiters in their area.\nAI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are increasing the efficiency of professionals across departments. Chatbots and virtual assistants are made possible by advanced NLP algorithms. They give customers, employees, and business partners a new way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes.\n- Automating customer support tasks\nNLP-based chatbots are also efficient enough to automate certain tasks for better customer support. For example, banks use chatbots to help customers with common tasks like blocking or ordering a new debit or credit card.\nAll you have to do is type or speak about the issue you are facing, and these NLP chatbots will generate reports, request an address change, or request doorstep services on your behalf.\nNLP is eliminating manual customer support procedures and automating the entire process. It enables customers to solve basic problems without the need for a customer support executive.\nWith NLP-powered customer support chatbots, organizations have more bandwidth to focus on future product development.\n- Insider threat detection and cybersecurity\nIn today’s age, information is everything, and organizations are leveraging NLP to protect the information they have. Internal data breaches account for over 75% of all security breach incidents.\nAs organizations grow, they are more vulnerable to security breaches. With more and more consumer data being collected for market research, it is more important than ever for businesses to keep their data safe.\nIt could be sensitive financial information about customers or your company's intellectual property. Internal security breaches can cause heavy damage to the reputation of your business. The average cost of an internal security breach in 2018 was $8.6 million. This number would have only gone up in 2022.\nBut not to worry. NLP has the solution.\nBusinesses can avoid losses and damage to their reputation that is hard to fix if they have a comprehensive threat detection system. NLP algorithms can provide a 360-degree view of organizational data in real-time.\nEnterprise communication channels and data storage solutions that use natural language processing (NLP) help keep a real-time scan of all the information for malware and high-risk employee behavior.\nFor example, suppose an employee tries to copy confidential information somewhere outside the company. In that case, these systems will not allow the device to make a copy and will alert the administrator to stop this security breach.\nIn addition to monitoring, an NLP data system can automatically classify new documents and set up user access based on systems that have already been set up for user access and document classification.\n- Content analysis and grading\nOne of the most interesting applications of NLP is in the field of content marketing. AI-powered content marketing and SEO platforms like Scalenut help marketers create high-quality content on the back of NLP techniques like named entity recognition, semantics, syntax, and big-data analysis.\nThe way this works is that NLP algorithms analyze the top-ranking pages on the internet for a given keyword and a target location. They help marketers find important NLP terms that search engines using NLP, like Google, consider very relevant to the keyword.\nAlso, tools like Scalenut help content creators judge the quality of their work with a proprietary content grade that checks for NLP terms and helps during the content creation process. They allow you to put your best foot forward and publish the most engaging content for your blogs, landing pages, emails, and customer questions.\nThere are numerous ways NLP influences search engine optimization; learn about them all in this in-depth Scalenut blog, ‘NLP SEO: What Is It And How To Use It For Content Optimization.’\nExplore NLP for content marketing with Scalenut\nScalenut is an NLP-based content marketing and SEO tool that helps marketers from every industry create attractive, engaging, and delightful content for their customers.\nDiscover how AI technologies like NLP can help you scale your online business with the right choice of words and adopt NLP applications in real life.\nSign up for a free trial today.", "label": "No"} {"text": "To control the moths, you can purchase pesticide-free “moth traps” which have a pheromone that lures the moths in. But because each moth can lay 400 eggs into birdseed or our own cereals, pasta, and other food made from grain, it’s important to keep both our birdseed and our own food carefully sealed.\nIn winter in cold climates, keeping birdseed of all kinds stored in an unheated garage or back porch will keep any larvae from being active, and cold enough temperatures will kill most of them. But even in the garage, it’s important to keep birdseed well sealed in chew-proof containers to prevent other pests from gaining access. Metal garbage cans with tight covers can be ideal for keeping squirrels, raccoons, mice, rats, and other mammals out.\nIn warm climates or where you must store your seed indoors, make sure to keep it well sealed. Even if you don’t feed birds, noticing small moths is a good idea—they sometimes get into human food supplies before they even reach our homes. If you do notice small gray moths flying about, seal all your food, your pets’ food, and any birdseed in airtight containers and set out a moth trap or two.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3\n- Surface Temperature: -30 Celsius (5 at the equator)\nIn 354 CE, Garvug was considered a \"bargain world,\" given to the krogan because no one else wanted to live on such a frozen rock. Technically a life-bearing world, Garvug had a small farm belt around its equator and well-insulated marine life in its seas.\nBy the turn of the century, the krogan had completely adapted, breeding hundreds of younglings per family in vast underground bunkers. By the turn of the next century, Garvug's narrow strips of coral reef had been destroyed by overfishing and pollutants, and excess krogan took to the stars to find another planet to consume. Garvug was treated as a object lesson by the Citadel Council -- the krogan could not be trusted to check their own numbers.\nToday, Garvug is a frozen wasteland, home to corporate ecoengineering efforts trying to implement sustainable agri- and aqua-culture practices. Krogan and vorcha packs are a constant threat, and the corporations pay mercenaries well to keep their operations safe.\nMass Effect 3\n- Note: This planet can be scanned for Prothean Data Drives.", "label": "No"} {"text": "As of 2015, there are 306 verified cases of women in the United States being executed by hanging. Eight of these cases occurred in the 20th century, between 1900 and 1937, after which hanging was gradually replaced by other methods of execution.\nThe earliest woman to be executed by hanging in the United States was Jane Champion, who was hanged in 1632 in Virginia for an unknown offense. The last woman executed by hanging was Mary Homes in 1937 in Mississippi for the robbery of her employer. The vast majority of women who were hanged were convicted of murder, though 26 were convicted of witchcraft and seven of arson.", "label": "No"} {"text": "500,000 BC Paleolithic to Romano British\nThis Chronicle begins with the Paleolithic or Stone Age. We can look at evidence of ancient sites around to give us clues about the beginning of farming in the area of Grovehill and its history.\nA flint axe was found in Gaddesden Row.\nSome of the farms lower down obtained their water from shallow wells, or springs, but those higher up had to depend on ponds dug in the clay and lined with 'puddled' clay right up until piped water reached them. Cox's Pond was one of these ponds and was only recently filled in.\nThese upland clays have been settled since at least Neolithic times.\nHunter-Gatherers used bows and arrows to kill their prey.\nTrees were felled, fences erected to enclose cattle, houses were built and the clearance of the woodland and the struggle to grow crops was started. It is suggested that by now the land was mostly cleared of woodland except for areas like Howe Grove, Dunster Copse and High Wood which were preserved areas for timber.\nLoyalty to the local tribe, Free men\nA nearby Iron Age settlement, Aubreys, beside the road on the way to St Albans, its preservation so important that the M1 had to curve round it.\nBriden's Camp appears on many maps\nAnother Iron Age settlement, Verlamion which means 'settlement above the marsh' was a little further along the same road. Hemel Hempstead probably started as a settlement above the marsh. The 'marsh' at Verulamium was around the Ver. Hemel Hempstead probably started as a settlement above the marsh by the Gade.\nThe people lived in large family groups, with houses grouped together in settlements surrounded by earth banks and ditches.\nLoyalty to a stronger greater tribe, the Catuvellauni, free men\nAbout 15BC Verlamion became the centre of a powerful tribe of warriors called the Catuvellauni and possibly local men joined them in the defence of their tribe and land.\nAn aristocracy emerged, including the Druids who were responsible for religion, law and learning, but it was the farmers on the chalk valleys and in the clearings who were creating the wealth.\nThe people lived in large family groups, with houses grouped together in settlements in round houses surrounded by earth banks and ditches.\nThe Catuvellauni tried to defend Britain against the early Roman invasions but were defeated by a superior army.\nLoyalty to the local tribe, some slaves, most freemen\nLoyalty to a greater tribe, some slaves most freemen\nDruids written about", "label": "No"} {"text": "April 19, 2021\nProfessor Christopher Petkov\nWhile we have focused on updates on Covid-19 vaccines and their reliance on research with non-human animals, including primates (as an example, see here), two more Developments focused on treatments for AIDS and Zika fever have caught our attention.\nThese fall under the theme #MPAR, made possible by animal research.\nPermanently stop the HIV virus\nthe Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its variants. If a person is infected with this blood-borne virus, the virus causes severe impairment of the immune system which could be fatal. AIDS makes a person vulnerable to diseases which, moreover, are well controlled by the immune system.\nCurrent treatments for AIDS include antiviral drugs that must be taken throughout a person’s life to control the virus. Taking antivirals for such a long time can have side effects. However, antivirals can be very effective in keeping the virus at bay, reducing both the likelihood of the disease occurring and the virus being passed on to others.\nOther treatments involve vaccines that help protect the person against HIV or are therapeutic in people with HIV to reduce their dependence on antiviral drugs. The problem is that HIV viruses, like all viruses, change or mutate regularly. These changes by the virus can sometimes give it the ability to evade an otherwise effective vaccine against other variants. Thus, scientists must remain vigilant and regularly obtain scientific information on how vaccines could be updated to help the body fight viruses.\nThere is also a need to better understand how to stimulate the body’s responses to fight the virus, thereby making vaccines more effective. For example, there is still hope that a highly effective HIV vaccine that helps immune cells, such as T lymphocytes to destroy cells in the body infected with the virus, could potentially eliminate the virus entirely from an infected person.\nThis ongoing process of vaccine development and refinement relies on #animal research and, as such, can be labeled #MPAR.\nAnimal research can also provide information about the safety and likely side effects of potential vaccines, as well as information that cannot be obtained in humans about the impact of the disease on the cells of the body or on the human body. how vaccines work.\nAnimal research, however, needs to be closely related to human variants of the disease (HIV), which can be done through tests comparing the effects on both non-human animals and humans. For example, monkeys are affected by the monkey variants of the virus known as Simian immunodeficiency virus (IF V). However, the variants of the virus are not identical, which necessitates the additional step of performing the direct comparison with the variants of human HIV. Rather than assuming that because the vaccine is effective in monkeys it will also work in humans, this hypothesis needs to be scientifically tested. There are also several types of human variants of HIV, which may require different vaccines for each human variant.\nThis permanent scientific effort emphasizes the need for efficient animal models and research may continue even years after the first series of vaccines have been developed. It also highlights the need for scientists to explore different vaccine options, including better understanding how vaccines work and how safe they are, whereby research with relatively few animals can have a significant positive impact on human medicine and health.\nBreakthrough in HIV vaccination efforts\nResearchers from Oregon Health Sciences University recently published several scientific papers to report on potential improved treatment for SIV and link to human HIV. Their approach is based on a cytomegalovirus (a modified beneficial version of a herpes virus). By understanding how the vaccine works and how it can be modified to be more effective against SIV in monkeys, scientists have obtained evidence to suggest that it is likely to be highly effective against HIV, also establishing the scientific bridge with humans along the way by modifying the vaccine. the means necessary to be effective against HIV.\nThis exciting news is a direct result of research on non-human primates for a disease that, since its inception, has claimed more than 34 million lives.\nThis promising improved vaccine can now enter clinical trials to be evaluated for its effectiveness. Even if the vaccine being tested does not work as well as expected in clinical trials, the established animal research foundation will help accelerate future modifications and improvements to the vaccine.\nThus, #animalresearch will continue to be an important part of the scientific foundation that both supports current potential treatment and leads to future ones, even if not all scientific studies with research animals lead directly to a clinical trial in the man.\nZika virus vaccine goes to preclinical testing\nthe Zika The virus is spread by mosquitoes and causes mild or no symptoms, but it can cause serious birth defects in the baby of an infected pregnant woman. This is not to say that there is little impact on the infected person, as some people infected with the Zika virus may suffer from disorders like Guillain Barre syndrome, where the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system affecting a person’s ability to move and feel. Currently, a number of potential Zika virus vaccines are in clinical trials.\nThe University of Connecticut recently reported on a Zika vaccine in preclinical studies. Scientists used the genetic sequence of the virus to create virus-like particles. Introducing these particles into the body as a vaccine can stimulate the immune response against the virus and thus protect the individual against Zika infection.\nThe use of viral-like particles makes the vaccine safer as the particles themselves are biologically designed not to cause infection. This strategy is similar to some of the Covid-19 vaccines which have been developed to introduce a prickly protein from the Covid-19 virus to induce the immune system to fight viral infection, but which in itself will not harm the body. .\nthe Scientists at the University of Connecticut tested the effectiveness of the Zika vaccine in mice. The results of their preclinical studies with mice were promising and now have the potential to lead to clinical trials in humans to assess their efficacy in humans.\nAt a time when, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are finally starting to see the number of lives lost to the disease drop dramatically thanks to prevention and vaccination efforts, these new developments give us confidence in scientists who work for global benefit.\nThe scientific benefits of animal research will be a relief not only for Covid-19 containment efforts, but also for the many other diseases that affect millions of people, such as those caused by the HIV and Zika viruses.", "label": "No"} {"text": "If you’re the parent of an adolescent, you know the joy: moodiness, defiance, confusion and reckless behaviors interspersed with the sweet child you used to know. It can be frustrating, tiring and nerve-wrecking, but it’s just nature at work. More specifically it’s your child’s brain at work, creating a swirling tsunami of electrical pathways—with a surge of changing hormones added in just for fun.\nAdolescence stretches over several years. It can start as early as 10 and continues until around age 25. That’s a long time for parents to watch (and attempt to handle) their teens’ emotional turmoil, questionable antics and clouded judgment. It oftentimes leaves parents to think they’re doing something wrong. But understanding what’s happening inside the brain can not only help you endure; it can also help inform your parenting decisions.\nDuring adolescence, the brain is under construction; developing physically from back to front. That means the brain’s CEO, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making, planning, problem-solving and impulse control doesn’t fully develop until adulthood. In the meantime, there is still a lot going on up in their unpredictable heads. Let’s take a look.\nPhase 1 – Blossoming.\nDuring this phase, the brain is exploding with new electrical pathways. These pathways, called dendrites, create abundant connections in the brain. The overproduction allows for extensive growth and learning during this period, but it also leads to fuzzy thinking, difficulty planning and slowed decision-making. Think of a road map with a thousand different routes to choose from. That’s what it’s like trying to make decisions for your adolescent child.\nPhase 2 – Pruning.\nOnce all those dendrites have exploded in the brain, it’s time to prune them back, as the brain begins stripping away the unused dendrites in a “use it or lose it” fashion. Pruning is a crucial stage because it presents a window of opportunity where positive patterns of behavior and thinking can be reinforced. Conversely, it’s also a time when negative patterns, such as poor self-esteem or aggression can be locked in. Once these patterns are locked, they follow us into adulthood and become very difficult to change. It’s an important time to engage your adolescents in prosocial activities such as sports, music and other hobbies.\nPhase 3 – Myelination.\nEach time a connection is used it becomes coated or insulated with a protective myelin sheath. This causes the connection to become stronger and faster but also seals the connection, making it harder to undo or change. So if you start an unhealthy habit during adolescence—like smoking cigarettes, cutting or self-medicating—it’s harder to quit during adulthood because that behavior was set during the myelination process. The upside is that it also seals in the good stuff too, like being able to play a musical instrument or speaking a foreign language. The earlier you are able to help a child or teen learn to manage their emotions, the better off they will be moving into adulthood because those positive coping skills will be reinforced and locked in during this process.\nUnderstanding these phases helps make sense of what’s going- but it’s only one part of the puzzle. A sea of raging hormones are also at play, creating utter chaos in your child’s brain and body.\nBoys and Testosterone\nDuring adolescence, boys experience testosterone surges up to 1,000 times the concentration experienced during childhood or adulthood. These surges stimulate the brain’s emotional center, the amygdala, causing increases in behaviors like impulsivity and aggression. Additionally, levels of the feel-good hormone dopamine drop significantly so boys are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors in an effort to replace that diminished pleasure. Boys also experience mild levels of depression during adolescence due to decreases in serotonin levels.\nGirls and Myriad Hormones\nGirls have their own set of hormonal changes to balance. For them, increases in estrogen and progesterone destabilize the amygdala (again, responsible for emotions) creating significant shifts in mood and amplified emotions (imagine a girl screaming when she sees her favorite pop star). Girls also experience a significant reduction in serotonin levels, making them more susceptible to moderate to high levels of depression.\nThree Tips for Parents\nAdolescents tend to think more concretely so it’s important to be very black and white. Ask specifically what you want from them. Don’t assume they know what you want (same goes for spouses here!). For example, if you want your child to take the garbage out before dinner, state specifically “Please take the garbage out before you sit down for dinner” rather than just “make sure to take the garbage out” which can be left open to interpretation.\nIt’s also important to try to pick and choose your battles. This can be difficult, but remember, your child is in a phase where they are seeking independence—fights and arguments are their way of figuring things out. Don’t engage in these battles if you can help it. Use assertive communication instead of arguing back, or state politely that you would be happy to talk things through once they have calmed down. Avoid words such as “need” or “should” to bypass the dreaded “I don’t NEED to do anything!” argument.\nFinally, the most important thing you can do is to try and model the behaviors you want to see from them. If you want your child to show follow-through and accountability, then you need to model this behavior for them. If you want your child to calm down in moments of frustration, you can help by modeling calm behavior yourself. Try deep breathing or taking a “time out” to cool off. It’s OK if sometimes you lose your cool; you’re human, after all. If you don’t respond the way you wish you would have, just apologize. It’s an amazing opportunity for you to model accountability and helps repair the relationship after an argument.\nArticle by Caryn Brakenridge, MA, LPCC. Originally appeared in Coulee Parenting Connection. Reprinted with permission.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Since the advent of aircraft, warplanners have sought effective means of downing these threats through both air-based and ground-based means. Early-generation solutions centered on airborne interceptors and ground-based fire and these were eventually succeeded by missiles due largely to developments of the Cold War period (1947-1991). The \"Javelin\" was developed by the British concern of Thales Air Defence along these lines - existing as a short-ranged man-portable unit or dedicated airspace denial weapon system. Succeeding the \"Blowpipe\" weapon system, it was eventually taken into service by the forces of Botswana, Canada, Malaysia, Peru, South Korea, and the British Army and Marine services. It is known to have seen action in the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989), the Falklands War (1982) (achieving rather poor results), and the Persian Gulf War (1991).\nRequiring a minimum crew of just one operator, the Javelin weighs in at 54lb for the system component and an additional 24lb for the missile - totaling nearly 80lb when made ready-to-fire. It has an overall length measuring 4.6 feet and the launch tube has a diameter of 76mm. The man-portable version of the Javelin can carry and fire just one missile while three missiles are used in the heavier, static configuration (\"Javelin LML\") for repeat-fire as well as enhanced downing capabilities against low-flying aircraft. The LML model can also be fitted to vehicles for mobility.\nThe missile carries a High-Explosive (HE) warhead weighing 6lb and detonation can occur through either impact force / direct contact or proximity fuze means. Propulsion is by way of a solid-fuel rocket motor, allowing the missile to reach speeds of Mach 1.7 when chasing down targets. Guidance is by way of a Semi-Automatic Command Line-of-Sight (SACLOS) arrangement via radio frequency - the operator sights the weapon through a T.V. camera / magnification (6x) optics set. Accuracy is dampened somewhat when attempting to target enemies behind smoke.\nIn British military service, the Javelin has been superseded (on paper) by the \"Starburst\" system. This, in turn, has been taken over by the \"Starstreak\" system.", "label": "No"} {"text": "If the state of New Jersey isn’t the first “Jersey,” then where is the original? Let’s take a look at the origins of our favorite state’s name.\nAs it turns out — and the people rolling their eyes and saying “duh” already know — we had a bit of help naming the state, courtesy of our friends across the pond.\nHistory of the area\nBefore we get into “Jersey,” it might help to get a bit of perspective on this land mass and its original inhabitants.\nHistory shows that the Native Americans were the first people to live on this land some 10,000 years ago. Although the Native Americans generally lived in smaller communities, the Lenni-Lenape were a predominant group. They referred to the area as Scheyichbi, which may have meant “land of the shell money.” When the Europeans arrived, they referred to these natives as the Delaware Indians.\nIn 1524, Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to explore the state, anchoring off Sandy Hook. Then, in 1609, Henry Hudson sailed through Newark Bay and, despite being British, claimed the land for the Dutch.\nThe area was coined “New Netherlands.” Trading colonies near Hoboken and Jersey city would appear. Traders from the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland became the first Europeans to permanently settle in New Jersey.\nThe township of Bergen was founded in 1660 and became the first permanent European settlement in the Garden State. However, the name “New Netherlands” would later drop off as the Dutch lost the land to the British, who added it to their colonies in 1664.\nWhy the name “Jersey?”\nA British Crown Dependency, the Island of Jersey is located off the northwest coast of France and is the largest of the Channel Islands. Jersey, formally known as the Bailiwick of Jersey, remained loyal to the British Crown during the English Civil War in the 1600s.\nIn the 1640s, Charles II of England, the Prince of Wales, was granted sanctuary on the Island of Jersey during the war. Following his father’s death, Charles II was publicly proclaimed King of England while on the island in 1649.\nAs king, Charles divided the lands of North America, and the region between New England and Maryland was given to his brother, the Duke of York (who later became King James II). That land would then be divided between two men considered the utmost loyal to the crown during the English Civil War: Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley of Stratton.\nOf course, if you didn’t know, Sir Carteret had been governor of the Island of Jersey. Thus, the land was named the Province of New Jersey. Sound familiar?\nWhere did the nickname “Garden State” come from?\nHave you ever thought it was strange that New Jersey, home to the Turnpike and the densest of populations in America, has the word “Garden” in its nickname?\nAs it turns out, the nickname is credited to Abraham Browning, an attorney, politician and farmer who first uttered the phrase on New Jersey Day at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia.\nHe noted that the Garden State is a massive barrel that’s filled with good things to eat (true) and open at both ends (true?), with Pennsylvania grabbing from one end and New York at the other. Others believe one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, made a similar analogy.\nIn the 1950s, the New Jersey state legislature passed a bill to put “The Garden State” on license plates, but former Gov. Robert Meyner found no official recognition of the nickname in reference to New Jersey. He would veto the bill, but the decision was later overrode by the legislature, and the slogan was added to the license plates.\nThere you have it: New Jersey is Jersey and Jersey is the Garden State. As far as we’re concerned, the only Jersey. No offense, other Jersey.\nConnor Iapoce is a freelance features writer for Jersey’s Best. He frequently writes about travel, entertainment and family, in addition to human-interest subjects.\nI found this article regarding my Home State to be remarkably educational. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for the History. I was born and raised in Hoboken always knew the Hudson River docks in Hoboken was at one time had alot of import and export.\nI was taken in the same way—born and raised in Perth Amboy—never new (or forgot) the why of a lot of names. Jersey-isle of Jersey. Carteret- his bailiwick. Garden State-the abundance that feeds New York and Pennsylvania. First inhabitants about 10000 years ago.\nThe real jersey, not New Jersey.\nJersey channel island is a beautiful place to live!\nPlease send information to marcriedler 72walraven dr teaneck nj 07666 apt 1a\nMaybe the “only Jersey” to you, but you should be proud to be linked to what we refer to in the company of American as the “original Jersey”. It never ceases to amaze me that the origin of the name “New Jersey” is little known to the residents, so it was a pleasure to read your accurate article. It’s a truly beautiful island – come and see for yourself!", "label": "No"} {"text": "The hydrogeologic framework at Camp Lejeune consists of the surficial, Castle Hayne, Beaufort, and Peedee aquifers and intervening confining units. The Castle Hayne aquifer furnishes about 7 million gallons of water per day to Camp Lejeune, but the surficial, Beaufort, and Peedee aquifers, which contain freshwater in places, are not used for supply.\nThe Castle Hayne aquifer is composed of 60 to 90 percent sand and limestone with clay and silt beds, and ranges from 156 to 400 feet thick. Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer ranges from 14 to 91 feet per day.\nThe Castle Hayne confining unit, which overlies the Castle Hayne aquifer, is composed of silt and sandy clay and averages 9 feet thick where present. This confining unit is incised by the New River and its tributaries, as well as some paleochannels.\nThe effects of pumping from the Castle Hayne aquifer have not significantly affected natural head gradients in the aquifer. However, the potential exists for lateral migration of saltwater where wells are located near streams or paleochannels that have incised the confining unit.\nExcept for one measurement of 960 milligrams per liter chloride in a water sample from the bottom of the Castle Hayne aquifer, dissolved-chloride concentrations in water samples from the Castle Hayne aquifer were less than 120 milligrams per liter. It is not known whether this occurrence of saltwater in the Castle Hayne aquifer is widespread or localized, but its presence indicates a potential for upward movement of saltwater beneath pumped wells.\nAdditional Publication Details\nUSGS Numbered Series\nHydrogeologic framework of U.S. Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina\nWater-Resources Investigations Report\nU.S. Geological Survey ;Books and Open-File Reports [distributor],", "label": "No"} {"text": "Maryland is a state in the Southern United States with a population of 6,003,435 and land area of 9,707 square miles. It ranks as the 19th largest state by population and the 9th smallest state by area.\nRace and Ethnicity\nAccording to the most recent estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, 51.40% of state residents identify as white, 29.30% as Black or African American, 0.20% as American Indian or Alaska Native, 6.20% as Asian, 0.00% as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 9.80% as Hispanic or Latino, and 3.10% as some other race or combination of races.\nNationally, some 61.1% of Americans identify as white, 12.3% as Black or African American, 0.7% as American Indian or Alaska Native, 5.4% as Asian, 0.2% as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 17.8% as Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% as some other race or combination of races.\nCensus respondents are also asked to report ancestry. Some of the most commonly reported ancestries in Maryland include German, Irish, English, Italian, and American. Measured by location quotient -- comparing the state share to the national share -- some of the most highly concentrated ancestries in Maryland are Sierra Leonean, Ugandan, and Nigerian.\nNative and foreign-born population\nAn estimated 84.90% of Maryland residents are native-born, meaning they were born in the United States, Puerto Rico, a U.S. Island Area, or abroad to a U.S. citizen.\nOf the 15.10% of the population that is foreign-born, 51.20% have become naturalized U.S. citizens. Nationwide, 86.5% of Americans are native-born. And of the 13.5% of Americans who are foreign-born, 48.8% have become naturalized U.S. citizens.\nThe population of Maryland is about as old as the United States as a whole. The median age in the state is 38.6 years old, 0.7 years more than the national median age of 37.9 years. An estimated 14.60% of the population is 65 years and over, compared to 15.2% of the U.S. population.\nFamily and household composition\nFamily and household composition also varies heavily across the United States. In Maryland, 48.10% of households are occupied by married-couple families, compared to the 48.3% national figure. Some 4.80% of households are occupied by single male householders, 14.00% by single female householders, and 33.10% by non-family occupants. Nationwide, 4.9% of households are occupied by single male householders, 12.6% by single female householders, and 34.3% by non-family occupants. An estimated 66.80% of heads of household own their homes, compared to the national homeownership rate of 63.8%.\nAs is the case across the United States, English is the most commonly spoken language in Maryland. Of the 5,637,300 people aged 5 and up living in Maryland, 93.2% speak English exclusively, or, if they are multilingual, speak English very well. English usage is about as common in the state as it is nationwide where an average of 91.5% of the 5 and older population only speaks English, or speak it very well.\nSpanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the United States. In Maryland, 8% of the population aged 5 and older speaks Spanish, the 17th largest share among all states. Nationwide, 13.3% of all Americans in the same age group speak Spanish.\nResidents of Maryland are about as likely to be married than the typical American. Of the 4.9 million Maryland residents aged 15 and older, 47.3% are currently married, compared to 48.1% of Americans nationwide in the same age group. Divorceis also about as common in the state as it is nationwide. In Maryland, 10% of the 15 and older population is divorced, compared to the 10.8% share of the same age group across the U.S. as a whole.\nAn estimated 35% of Maryland residents 15 and older have never married, compared to one-third of Americans in the same age group.\nIn Maryland, 8% of the 18 and over population are veterans -- above the 7.5% of adult civilians who have served in the military nationwide. Compared to other states, Maryland is home to the 19th smallest share of military veterans.\nAs is the case nationwide, the largest share of veterans living in the state served in the Vietnam era. Of Maryland’s 372,500 resident veterans, 3.8% served in World War II, 31.2% served in the Vietnam War, 25.9% served in the period between the beginning of the Gulf War and 2001, and 23.5% served since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. An additional 27,000 men and women served during the Korean War.\nIn Maryland, adults are more likely to have a high school education than the typical American adult, and are also more likely to have a four-year college education. Among Maryland residents 25 and older, 90% have a high school diploma or equivalent, and 39.6% have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 87.7% and 31.5% of adults nationwide, respectively.\nThough it is not always the case, incomes tend to rise with educational attainment rates across broad populations -- and Maryland is no exception. With a higher than average bachelor’s degree attainment rate, the state also has a higher than average median income. The typical household in Maryland earns $81,868 a year, about $21,600 more than the national median household income of $60,293.\nAdditionally, Maryland has a higher than average concentration of wealthy residents. An estimated 11.7% of households in the state earn $200,000 or more annually, compared to 7.0% of households nationwide.\nWith the higher than average median household income, serious financial hardship is less common in the state than it is nationwide. The poverty rate in Maryland stands at 9.4%, while the national poverty rate is 14.1%.\nRead More About Population and Demographics\n24/7 Wall St. has published population and demographic data for all 50 states and over 29,000 cities across the country. Search for a city or state to view here:See a list of all available cities in Maryland by clicking here.\nMore TopicsClick here to see detailed analysis about crime in every state.\nClick here to see detailed analysis about cost of living in every state.\nClick here to see updated data about coronavirus in every state.", "label": "No"} {"text": "We give students grades for two reasons. First, they fulfill our professional responsibility to certify mastery of material. That is, they measure how much and how well students have learned. But we also use grades to promote learning. Writing a paper or taking an exam forces students to confront content and in the process they learn the material, to varying degrees, of course. That benefit accrues before the work is graded.\nBut what about when the graded work is returned? Does the feedback that accompanies grades positively impact subsequent learning? Faculty think so—69 percent of faculty surveyed in the study referenced below said that it frequently motivated learning. Stand that percentage against the 25 percent of the students surveyed who said that grading never motivated learning. (Most of the students said that it did sometimes.)\nA couple of other questions about grades and feedback are equally revealing. Does the feedback faculty provide prompt students to discuss their work with the teacher? Sixty-three percent of the faculty said that it did so frequently; 50 percent of the students said that it never did. Does the feedback provided improve learning? About half the faculty said that it did so frequently; only 15 percent of the students agreed that it did so frequently.\nWow! Those are some pretty significant perceptual differences! It might take some courage, but how about asking students about the feedback provided in your courses? Questions like these: How useful do you find the feedback provided on your work in this class? How useful is the feedback in developing your skills and understanding of course content? How often do you refer to the feedback provided when preparing a subsequent assignment? How often do you feel like discussing the feedback on papers, projects and exams with the teacher of this course? Rate the extent to which the feedback provided in this course motivates you to work harder. These questions can be asked as open-ended queries or simple scales (not at all useful, somewhat useful, useful most of the time, always useful) can be attached.\nWhy are students’ perceptions of grades and feedback important? Because nothing motivates students quite as powerfully as grades and teachers are in control of grading processes.\nReference: Maclellan, E. (2001). Assessment for learning: The differing perceptions of tutors and students. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 26 (4), 307-318.", "label": "No"} {"text": "In our exploration of the components on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, we have examined the wisdom of Right View and Right Thought and the moral implications of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. Last week we discussed Right Effort, and tonight we’ll look at Right Concentration.\nConcentration means focusing on an object with undivided attention.\nEvery spiritual tradition has techniques to promote concentration, such as centering the attention on prayers, chants, mantras, mudras, prostrations, mandalas, or candlelight.\nIn Vipassana meditation practice, we use the sensation of breath as the main object of our attention.\nConcentration brings stability and tranquility to the practice, allowing the mind to stay focused and still.\nIn our culture, we tend to move rapidly through noisy environments and to fill up our lives with activities.\nOur minds can become dispersed and overwhelmed with stimuli.\nConcentration helps us to pause and slow down.\nMeditation teacher Arinna Weisman likens the untrained mind to a dispersed herd of sheep with no sheepdog to guide them.\nThe benefits of concentration motivate us to make an effort to round up stray thoughts and impulses.\nWe’ve all enjoyed moments when we are so focused on a particular activity that we lose track of time. When I’m absorbed in reading a good book, I feel content in the present moment, and I forget about any physical discomfort.\nMy teacher Jack Kornfield says that to concentrate the mind means to collect it, to have it become steady, like a candle flame in a windless place, where it barely flickers.\nOver the past weeks, we’ve discussed how living simply and cleanly support conditions for peace of mind, which is essential for developing concentration.\nI can focus more easily when my desk is clear, and my environment is organized, and when I am free of remorse about unskillful words or actions.\nWhen we begin to practice meditation, the mind may jump around or seem dull and drowsy.\nEach time we guide our attention back to the anchor of the breath, we are strengthening the mental muscles of concentration.\nGradually, we learn to bring a more seamless attentiveness to our experience, without so many random thoughts fragmenting our perception.\nSometimes the mind is quiet in a dreamy, hazy, undefined way, which is not concentrated.\nA skillful remedy is to use Right Effort to raise enough energy to focus the attention and to infuse the calm state with the alertness of Right Concentration.\nAt other times the mind is overly active and restless.\nOne technique for steadying attention is to count breaths from one to ten.\nYou can try noting “1” after a cycle of inhaling and exhaling, “2” after the next cycle, and so on… If your mind wanders, gently bring the attention back to the breath, and start again with number “1.” The point is not to reach “10,” but to use the numbers to notice whether or not you are still concentrating on the sensation of breathing.\nAnother way to establish a steady focus note is to note “in” each time you inhale and “out” each time you exhale.\nOr you can note “in-out-space,” paying attention to the spaces in between each breath, instead of ignoring them or filling them up with thinking.\nIf the mind wanders during those spaces, you can practice noting touch points in the body: where the lips touch together, the hands touch the legs, or the feet touch the floor. Noting “in-out, touching, in-out, touching” may help the attention become continuous.\nParadoxically, one of the greatest aids to concentration is relaxing.\nConcentration doesn’t entail forcing your mind to stay with the breath.\nInstead, with a sense of opening, softening, and receiving, concentration allows the mind to settle on the breath.\nIn this process, we learn how to let go of trying to control so much.\nBy letting go, we see that the world has a natural order that runs itself.\nA young spiritual seeker hiked into mountains in India, where yogi hermits had spent decades meditating in caves. He asked one adept, “What techniques do you use?” The yogi responded, “Techniques?” The seeker continued, “Yes. Do you use a mantra or do you follow your breath?” The hermit laughed and said, “The breath, it breathes itself.”\nI’ll paraphrase some of Jack Kornfield’s insights about the vital connection between breathing and Right Concentration:\nWe live in a sea of air, composed of gases: mostly nitrogen and oxygen, with a dash of carbon dioxide. Six to twelve times a minute we breathe this mixture into our lungs and exhale carbon dioxide to cleanse our system. We are so immersed in this ocean of air that we’re like fish in water; we don’t notice it, and most of the time we forget that we breathe it. Yet it’s essential to our physical life — connecting with it is a way to open up to our spiritual life very practically and directly.\nMy own experiences of connecting with the breath may remind you of similar instances in your life: After I had surgery to repair broken bones from a bike accident, I emerged from anesthesia and realized with gratitude that I was breathing on my own again. To strengthen my lungs, I had to blow hard enough into a plastic tube-like device to lift three little balls from the bottom to the top. I was aware of how much effort it takes to breathe fully. I could no longer take spontaneous breathing for granted.\nSoon afterwards, I accompanied Dolma, a Tibetan friend, to the hospital room where she delivered her firstborn son. When the baby was born, there were some complications, and a midwife intervened to make sure he could breathe. While a nurse was tending to Dolma, the midwife wrapped the baby in a blanket and placed him in my arms until his mother was ready to hold him. As I watched his tiny face, he took a breath and opened his eyes with a blurry stare at me. I sensed the miracle of witnessing one of the very first breaths of this newborn child.\nWhen my friend Andy was dying of bone cancer, his lungs filled with fluid, and he had to wait for extended periods, not knowing if the next breath would come. His longtime practice of meditation helped him stay quite calm during the last week of his life, as his breath grew slower and fainter and finally faded away. Andy inspired me and his circle of loved ones by the way he stayed connected to the breath until the very end of his life.\nAs Jack says, our breath is a mirror of how we are in any moment.\nWe seldom look in this mirror, which reflects our changing degrees of energy and openness.\nConcentrating on the breath helps us understand what’s happening inside.\nWe learn that when we’re afraid, the breath is shallow and rapid.\nWith close attention, we can notice how the breath becomes coarse and intense when angry feelings arise, and how it slows down and lengthens when we calm down.\nIf we are feeling openhearted and connected to people around us, our breath tends to be expansive and smooth.\nWhen the heart is closed and we feel isolated, the breath is usually constricted and superficial.\nIt’s unrealistic to expect the heart or the breath to be soft and open all the time.\nWith Right Concentration, we can observe these natural ebbs and flows in our breathing without adding unnecessary judgments.\nTuning into the breath is a practical tool for daily living.\nWe can concentrate on the breath to connect with movements in yoga, sports, or martial arts.\nDuring boring or difficult meetings, paying attention to the breath can help us literally “take a breather.”\nConcentrating on the breath is fertile ground for learning how to concentrate the mind.\nWhen the mind is scattered and filled with thoughts, all we see is ordinary reality.\nWhen it is centered and collected, the mind becomes like a steady, powerful and penetrative lens.\nLike a microscope, it can investigate tiny details. And like a telescope, it can expand to perceive other levels of consciousness.\nConcentration is the main path in almost every yogic and spiritual tradition for expanding our perspective about consciousness and for becoming more present with each moment.\nIn Vipassana meditation, when we practice in a continuous and focused way, we activate five mental factors known as jhanas. They are directed attention, sustained attention, rapture, peaceful happiness, and one-pointed concentration.\nThese factors counteract five classic hindrances or impediments to meditation: sleepiness, doubt, ill will, restlessness, and desire.\nThe effort to direct our attention towards one object counteracts drowsiness.\nSustained attention anchors the mind on one object and overcomes doubt.\nRapture suffuses the body and mind with joy and blocks ill will.\nPeaceful happiness leaves no room for restlessness and worry.\nOne-pointed concentration blocks craving.\nWe can achieve such single-pointed attention by returning again and again to a fixed, relatively unchanging object like the breath.\nIn the Buddha’s discourses, he explains that Right Concentration involves not only focusing awareness on a single object, but also allowing the object to fill our whole awareness. Simultaneously our awareness expands to suffuse the entire object.\nThe mutual pervasion of awareness and object in a state of expansion is called “absorption.”\nA meditator who has Right Concentration is often sensitive to the entire body while breathing in and out.\nThe pleasure of concentration enables the mind to stay comfortably in the present moment, stabilizing it enough to gain insights.\nBecause this pleasurable alertness and equanimity is more exquisite than sensory pleasures, and because it exists independently of the five senses, it can help the mind become less attached to material desire.\nEven as beginners, we can take pleasure in brief periods of Right Concentration.\nI’ll end with the opening lines of the Desiderata, dated 1692, and found in Baltimore’s Old Saint Paul’s Church:\n“Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.”\nAre there any comments of questions about Right Concentration?", "label": "No"} {"text": "\"Eliminating water shortages depends on a global attempt to raise water productivity similar to the effort launched a half-century ago to raise land productivity, an initiative that has nearly tripled the world grain yield per hectare.\" –Lester R. Brown, World Facing Huge New Challenge on Food Front in Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization\nChapter 7. Raising Water Productivity: Raising Nonfarm Water Productivity\nNonfarm water use is dominated by the use of water simply to wash away waste from factories and households or to dissipate heat from thermal power plants. The use of water to disperse wastes is an outmoded practice that is getting the world into trouble. Toxic industrial wastes discharged into rivers and lakes or into wells also permeate aquifers, making water—both surface and underground—unsafe for drinking. And they are destroying marine ecosystems, including local fisheries. The time has come to manage waste without discharging it into the local environment, allowing water to be recycled indefinitely and dramatically reducing both urban and industrial demand.\nThe current engineering concept for dealing with human waste is to use vast quantities of water to wash it away in small amounts, preferably into a sewer system where it will be treated before being discharged into the local river. There are four problems inherent in this \"flush and forget\" system: it is water-intensive; it disrupts the nutrient cycle; most of humanity cannot afford it; and it is a major source of disease in developing countries.\nAs water scarcity spreads, the viability of water-based sewage systems will diminish. Water-borne sewage systems take nutrients from the land and dump them into rivers, lakes, or the sea. Not only are the nutrients lost from agriculture, but the nutrient overload has led to the death of many rivers, including nearly all of those in India and China. Water-based sewage also contributes to dead zones in coastal oceans. Sewer systems that dump untreated sewage into rivers and streams, as so many do, are a major source of disease and death.34\nSunita Narain of the Centre for Science and Environment in India argues convincingly that a water-based disposal system with sewage treatment facilities is neither environmentally nor economically viable for India. She notes that an Indian family of five, producing 250 liters of excrement in a year and using a water toilet, requires 150,000 liters of water to wash away the wastes.35\nAs currently designed, India's sewer system is actually a pathogen-dispersal system. It takes a small quantity of contaminated material and uses it to make vast quantities of water unfit for human use, often simply discharging it into nearby rivers or streams. Narain says both \"our rivers and our children are dying.\" India's government, like that of many other developing countries, is hopelessly chasing the goal of universal water-based sewage systems and sewage treatment facilities—unable to close the huge gap between services needed and provided, but unwilling to admit that it is not an economically viable option. Narain concludes that the \"flush and forget\" approach is not working.36\nThis dispersal of pathogens is a huge public health challenge. Worldwide, poor sanitation and personal hygiene claim 2.7 million lives per year, second only to the 5.9 million claimed by hunger and malnutrition.37\nFortunately there is an alternative to the use of water to wash away human waste: the composting toilet. This is a simple, waterless toilet linked to a small compost facility. Table waste can also be incorporated in the composter. The dry composting converts human fecal material into a soil-like humus, which is essentially odorless and is scarcely 10 percent of the original volume. These compost facilities need to be emptied every year or so, depending on their design and size. Vendors periodically collect the humus and market it for use as a soil supplement, returning the nutrients and organic matter to the soil and reducing the need for fertilizer.38\nThis technology reduces residential water use, thus cutting the water bill and lowering the energy needed to pump and purify water. As a bonus, it also reduces garbage flow if table waste is incorporated, eliminates the sewage water disposal problem, and restores the nutrient cycle. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency now lists several brands of dry toilets for use. Pioneered in Sweden, these toilets are used in widely varying conditions, including Swedish apartment buildings, U.S. private residences, and Chinese villages.39\nAt the household level, water can be saved by using appliances that are more water-efficient, including showerheads, flush toilets, dishwashers, and clothes washers. Some countries are adopting water efficiency standards and labeling for appliances, much as has been done for energy efficiency. As water costs rise, as they inevitably will, investments in composting toilets and more water-efficient household appliances will become increasingly attractive to individual homeowners.\nFor cities, the most effective single step to raise water productivity is to adopt a comprehensive water treatment/recycling system, reusing the same water continuously. With this system, a small percentage of water is lost to evaporation each time it cycles through. Given the technologies that are available today, it is quite possible to comprehensively recycle urban water supplies, largely removing cities as a claimant on water resources.\nAt the industrial level, one of the largest users of water is the energy sector, which uses water to cool thermal power plants. As fossil fuels are phased out and the world turns to wind, solar, and geothermal energy, the need for cooling water in thermal power plants will diminish. In the United States, for example, thermal cooling of power plants accounts for 39 percent of all water withdrawals. With each coal-fired power plant that is closed as a new wind farm comes online, water use for thermal cooling drops, freeing up water for food production.40\nMany of the industrial processes now used belong to a time when water was an abundant resource. Within the steel industry, for example, water use efficiency may vary among countries by a factor of three. Much of the water used in industry just washes away waste. If this is stopped, and more and more companies move into zero-emissions industrial parks, water use in industry could drop dramatically.41\nThe new reality is that the existing water-based waste disposal economy is not viable. There are too many factories, feedlots, and households to simply try and wash waste away. It is ecologically mindless and outdated—an approach that belongs to an age when there were many fewer people and far less economic activity.\n34. Sunita Narain, \"The Flush Toilet is Ecologically Mindless,\" Down to Earth, 28 February 2002, pp. 28-32.\n38. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, \"Water Efficiency Technology Factsheet-Composting Toilets,\" information sheet (Washington, DC: September 1999).\n40. Noel Gollehon, William Quinby, and Marcel Aillery, \"Water Use and Pricing in Agriculture,\" in USDA, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators 2003 (Washington, DC: February 2003), Chapter 2.1, p. 2.\n41. Postel, op. cit. note 15, pp. 136-45.\nCopyright © 2003 Earth Policy Institute", "label": "No"} {"text": "I recently decided to start learning Russian, and in trying to consider the size of the task ahead of me, I came across the following useful YouTube video. It’s interesting because it gives a guide as to the length of time required to learn Russian in relation to other languages – for an English speaker that is.\nThe time estimated to take Russian is 1100 hours, compared to just 600 hours for a more closely related language such as German. As would be expected, unrelated Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese require twice as many hours as Russian and nearly four times more than German. As futurists are aware, promises of instantaneous language translation being around the corner have been made for sometime. Recently they have become more confident, and speech translation certainly has made impressive progress of late, though likely due to improvements in speech recognition rather than translation itself (I certainly haven’t noticed any great leap forward in Google text translation). Yet optimistic futurists might have faith in not only near term progress in A.I. language translation, but also such helping hands as advances in nootropics or other ways of boosting IQ (such as gene editing) or memory. Thus, the question does arise, at least for the optimists, as to the worth of making the effort of learning a language, when by the time you could realistically expect to master it, instantaneous translation may have been perfected, or more fancifully, the competence in the language downloaded directly into the mind.\nAfter typing the above thoughts, I Googled ‘transhumanism is it worth learning a second language’ and was surprised to see a Huffington Post article written by none other Zoltan Istvan, the transhumanist candidate in the US presidential election which takes place tomorrow (Tuesday 8th November 2016) asking precisely the same question as mine. In the article, Zoltan quotes a remarkable claim by a professor at the Singularity University that in 20 years human speech itself might be redundant, as we could by then be communicating via ‘thoughts scanned and projected from our headsets and maybe even chip implants‘.\nZoltan mentions some positive side-effects of learning a language, such as benefits to the brain (something noted in children and Alzheimer’s patients). He also asks whether he would have been better off learning other skills such as Martial Arts rather than learning Spanish as he did in his youth. However, the same question surely arises, if perhaps less obviously, to most learned skills, particularly if we’re discounting the value of language learning on the basis of ‘brainwave communication’.\nAs I spend a lot of time now in Russia and the Ukraine, and it would come in useful to know even a limited amount of Russian, then I believe it’s worthwhile to make some regular effort to learn it, especially as I am rather sceptical of some of these predictions. However, a language such as Chinese would be another matter, even if I needed or desired to learn it.\nInterestingly, the YouTube video above makes the point that in the internet age, x amount of hours to learn a language does not require all of them to be spent studying a dusty textbook or even attending classes. Many of these hours can be employed passively engaging in the language such as watching videos or actively but enjoyably taking part in social media. Technology has not yet shortened the time required to learn a language, but it has made it more fun.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Basics on Color Measurement\nPeople who believe that the eye is the most important observer of color, argue that\njudgments of color can be made purely by reference to color cards by visual matching.\nThe clear criticism of this technique of judging color is that everyone's perception\nof color differs.\nBesides genetic abnormalities, color vision changes with age due to the build up\nof yellow macular pigmentation in the eye. For this reason, it is argued that all\njudgments of color must be based on physical measurements. However, these measurements\nand their interpretation must be related closely to the responses of visual observers.\nTherefore, color control is split into two segments: visual and instrumental.\nIn the following pages, color measurement methods will be described:", "label": "No"} {"text": "Travertine tiles are exceedingly popular with builders and homeowners. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this natural stone, here is some general information about it. How Travertine is formed? Most of the natural stones like travertine, marble, limestone, slate and granite are formed as a result of extreme heat and high pressure, beneath the surface of the Earth. In the course of time , these blocks are pushed from their core. Then they are quarried from the Earth’s crust, shaped and polished for specific uses.\nVarieties of Travertine tiles:\nThere are several varieties of Travertine available in the market. Some of the most popular finishes are, Honed and filled, Unfilled and tumbled, Brushed, Chiseled and Polished Travertine.\nHoned and filled:– Basically, travertine tile refinishing is full of holes. These travertine holes are filled with a particular material to give it a smooth touch. After the filling stage, a precision abrasion process is applied where the small amount of material is removed from the surface to make the tile smoother and in some cases shinier.\nUnfilled and tumbled:– These tiles are tumbled with smaller abrasives that gives it a rough look. Attributing to its rustic look, there are many takers of these tiles. They look very beautiful in bathrooms, kitchens or old country cottages\nBrushed:– These tiles are given a semi-polished or semi-honed look, using circular brushes in the polishing or honing stage. The surface of these tiles are textured and pitted.\nChiseled:– These tiles are also known as chipped edged tiles. The edges are tumbled as well as chipped all along the 4 edges to give a crude finish. The tiles are also pitted.\nPolished:– A beautiful glossy finished is given to these tiles with the natural reflection of the stone crystals. The shine is being accomplished by using progressively finer polishing heads during the final stages of the production.", "label": "No"} {"text": "February 24, 2016 | Category: Materials and Processes\nApplications engineer Katy Ashby explains that simulation has the potential to encourage growth in the additive manufacturing industry by helping companies move away from empirical testing that is both costly and time consuming.\nPrint preview in additive manufacturing will be available soon.\nThat seemingly futuristic capability has the potential to eliminate several of the challenges associated with using additive manufacturing.\nAn applications engineer with 3DSIM, Katy Ashby sat down with IMTSTV to discuss simulation software and how it can help advance the additive manufacturing industry. 3DSIM develops simulations specific to additive manufacturing. The company creates parameters for each machine and each material and uses those in the world’s fastest scientific simulation framework.\nSimulation is ultimately the key to expanding the use of additive manufacturing, Ashby argued. Simulation software can take additive manufacturing from an empirically driven discipline that requires spending hours in front of a machine in a lab fine-tuning calculations to a simple simulation-driven solution. Ultimately, simulation can eliminate the need for extensive empirical testing that is both costly and time consuming.\nIn the next five years, 3DSIM plans to develop a full software suite for both scientific and machine-floor based tools for additive manufacturing. These software tools will help customers more quickly add new parts and machine to their processes. As more simulations are conducted, materials that are commonly used in the industry will be categorized, further simplifying future simulations.\nWatch more IMTSTV interviews with industry experts and get a glimpse into what’s coming to IMTS 2016.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Analysis of a 1.2 million year old tooth that once belonged to one of our ancestors has yielded new insights into the diet of these ancient hominids. Better yet, the study published in The Science of Nature revealed that the latter used wooden sticks for their oral hygiene.\nThe discovery comes to us from the Sima del Elefante archaeological site, in Spain. The remains that are regularly exhumed have various dates: the most recent remains date back to 300,000 years and the oldest to 1.2 million years. It is in particular on this zone that the oldest trace of dental hygiene was found. The owners of these teeth are two hominids. And if the teeth are old, they are on the other hand relatively little encrusted. On the other hand, they are full of microfossils revealing new information on the diet of these ancient hominids.\nDental analysis indeed revealed that these two hominids ate raw, suggesting then fire had not yet been discovered (the first direct archaeological evidence of the use of fire was dated to 800,000 years ago, but his proficiency in cooking food is still debated). But it would seem that the latter also relied a lot on their environment. Various other microfossils found in teeth come from plants, animal tissues and even insects. A butterfly wing fragment and an insect leg were removed. Among the plants, fungal spores were also found, including one similar to the pathogen Alternaria associated with asthma and hay fever.\nBut that’s not all: inedible pieces of wood located on the bottom of the molar were also removed. A presence which is very probably explained by a meticulous cleaning of the tooth. This is not surprising on paper: at present, some populations still use various sticks to ensure their dental hygiene. Only the most recent evidence to date of this act of oral hygiene was only around 49,000 years old. The work of Neanderthal.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Operation in Hawaii vs. the Mainland\n* It is all DX from Here *\nMainland operators will be surprised when they first turn on an HF rig in Hawaii. They will be amazed by what is missing.\nHawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, something easily overlooked. A small community of Hams occupy the Hawaiian Islands, but outside of a few miles away, in most cases, is empty water.\nOn the mainland hams are used to having bands full of signals from just down the street via line of sight, 50 miles away on ground wave, a couple of hundred miles away on NVI or Troposcater, 500-700 miles away on first skip, and then the little bit of DX on two and three skip F, F2 or E in some combination.\nHere you have the Hawaii hams just down the street and sometimes on the next Island over, but after that it is all DX from here, all multiskip and 3000 mile paths or further. Also it is tropical, Hawaii is several degrees inside the tropics. Modes often talked about on the Mainland like transequitorial hardly apply here. From Kansas you have a nice north/south path into South America. In Hawaii you have a very long path eventually to Australia to the South West. The sun here is different and so is the ionosphere above.\nSo, it is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because all the local and regional stations that fill up bands for Mainland Hams are just not there! A curse for much the same reason when you want to show off with QRPp rigs running milliwatts or have loads of fun making hundreds of contacts using some bedsprings and a cold water pipe for an antenna system. It is well worthwhile to check out propagation sites, solar numbers and other information on propagation. Also well designed antenna systems are even more important in Hawaii.\nIt is worthwhile to note that band plans, what types of operation such as CW, RTTY, SSB, are appropriate for each segment of the band, are not universal, particularly from one ITU area to another.\nWhat is standard in the US Mainland is not standard in many other countries. Bands themselves can be different. This is especially true in Japan on bands like 160 meters where they get packed into a tiny frequency range compared to our US 160 meter band. Knowing the foreign band plans really helps.\nOf all the Ham bands, 40 meters seems to be the most non-standard. As a result, you hear a lot of signals other than CW in the low section of the 40 meter band in areas that the ARRL band plans identify as \"CW only\". In many countries the entire 40 meter band only goes from 7.000 to 7.100 Mhz.\nFrom 7.000 to 7.030 can generally be expected to be CW populated, but lots of SSB appears above that along with slow scan, FAX, RTTY, PACTOR etc. In the evening listening to 40 meters between 7.000 and 7.100, you would swear you were in Japan. During a recent RTTY contest, the chaos was particularly bad when Japan propagation was in, with CW signals buried in every kind of digital hash, plus SSB etc. up and down the band from 7.025 to 7.100. A very advanced digital signal processessing unit and good filters are a big plus on any receiver.\nIn Hawaii, on 40 meters, it really pays to have that Extra Class ticket if you like to work CW. Access to the bottom 25 Khz of this particular band is a real benefit, since so many other modes fill up the frequencies above 7.030 Mhz.\nOn the plus side, Hawaii hams can operate LSB in the so called DX window from about 7.075 to 7.100 Mhz. Mainland visitors are often surprised to find HF nets and other LSB activity on 40 meters in this frequency range.\nJim, KH7M, quotes from the ARRL version of the FCC Rule Book:\n\"Stations in Hawaii, Alaska, and other areas in Region 2 west of 130 degrees West longitude .....may operate phone on 7075 to 7100 kHz.\" (Hawaii is 158 degress West, give or take. In fact, the 158 West longitude line runs right through the center of Oahu)\nJim also points out that stations in Guam and other US islands OUTSIDE ITU Region 2 do NOT have access to the 7100 to 7300 kHz. portion of the 40 meter band. They usually work the mainland split frequency, like many DX stations; transmitting below 7100, and \"listening up\", between Short Wave AM Broadcast stations, above 7150.\nAnother interesting inhabitant of 40 meters heard in Hawaii is the \"F\" beacon. This is a very slow CW signal repeating the letter \"F\" in Morse Code over and over again on 7.039 Mhz. It is a propagation beacon, one of a dozen or so. This one is located in Asiatic Russia. Each of the beacons around the world uses a different letter. The \"F\" beacon is the one most often heard in Hawaii. Another band that seems highly variable from country to country is 160 meters. 160 has its own unique local inhabitants, fishing floats. Attached to drift nets, they are used to find and retrieve the nets. They operate in the 160 band sending slow speed CW id's, usually three letters and a long dash.\nA decent antenna is a definite bonus, anyplace, anytime. QRP operation (low power operation with less than 5 watts) in Hawaii is going to be harder than the mainland, unless like \"Always Very Friendly\" you can sport a large Rhombic into which to put your few watts. It does not mean that QRP operation with limited space antennas does not work, but it does mean it is a real challenge. It is hard to compete with those lucky enough to have room for a real antenna farm.\nAlso the facts of life in Honolulu and other Hawaii urban areas often results in Hawaii hams residing in condos or other areas which sharply limit what sort of outside antennas they can physically erect, or at least get caught with!\nOn the Mainland, indoor HF antennas, metallic tape on walls, wire on curtain rods and all sorts of such kludges are touted as workable, and around here they may sometimes work as well. But remember they have lots of Hams within a 500 mile circle. We get to have lots of sea water. Trying to force a signal from inside a reinforced concrete condo, starting from 20 feet of random wire, with a lousy ground system, to a station in California is going to be a challenge.\nThe high density urban areas come complete with a zillion RF noise sources to roar about, often picking specific bands and times to harass receivers, like 15 meters on a Sunday morning for some strange reason. On the other hand 160 meters is often very quite compared to the mainland because of the lack of multiple surrounding lightning storms.\nSome mornings it seems like every washing machine, blender, vacuum cleaner, wed whacker, etc, wants to do ham radio, and all the real hams are asleep. After a long dry spell, power line insulators coat with salt deposits just waiting for the first damp morning to start arcing over, and such power lines lace back and forth through every neighborhood. Other noise sources are video games, fax machines and computers found in just about every household.\nIn spite of unique problems, solutions are found. Lanai antennas have been made in all sorts of designs. Indoor antennas have been made to work. Random near invisible stealth wires and disguised verticals have been made to work.\nHowever, when you experience a full size, 40 meter, 3 element Yagi beam on a 100 foot tower in a great location, after a year of struggling along with a pair of Hustler whips on your concrete Lanai, you discover just how much of a handicap limited space antennas in lousy urban locations really are.\nThat certainly does not mean you should give up, but talk to as many local Hams as you can who have wrestled with similar situations to your own and experiment, experiment, experiment.\nFor over four years I have struggled with an upper floor, concrete balcony.\nHouse Rules are:\nBy far the best has been two Hustler mobile whips mounted in an upright \"V\" configuration like giant rabbit ears. They are on a special, home made, super strong, center support with 3/8 inch threaded sockets to accept the whips. It is fed with RG8 and a balun, and mounted on a concrete block. In use it is the top block of a stack of concrete blocks designed to expose it as well as possible in the gap between the concrete parapet wall and metal railing at the edge of my lanai and the concrete floor of the lanai above, only a five foot vertical gap.\nTwo things I have discovered. Get whatever you build as high and clear of grounded objects and reinforced concrete as possible, AND make it resonant at the antenna. I still use a tuner to increase bandwidth and deal with proximity effects that on some bands make the best SWR something like 3:1. I have a collection of Hustler resonators all carefully tuned for resonance with the antenna in a specific spot on the lanai. Moving it a few feet can retune it.\nIt outperforms by a long margin all other attempts at wrapping wire about, feeding it with coax or twin lead and forcing resonance with a good tuner. Unfortunately, the condo is between me and the USA so I hear more DX stations than US stations. It does quite well on 10 and 15 meters, OK on 20 and gets good statewide reports on 40 from the high angle radiation.\nOn 10 meters I install a pair of Radio Shack 102 inch SS whips. The V angle makes them resonant just about 28.1 Mhz. They swan out like bird wings in a graceful arc, have huge bandwidth compared to the Hustler whips with 10 meter elements and do quite well.\nThe center angle on the pair of Hustler whips is about 100 degrees and the strain on the center construction is tremendous, especially if there is any wind. Overbuilding in this area is just about impossible.\nPublic Park operation is also something worth investigating. Hawaii parks and beaches are about as good as it gets as year-round pleasant locations for some outdoor time. The come equipped with water pipes and fire hydrants for grounds and lots of trees begging to have antennas temporarily installed. Trade winds dare you to fly kites to loft wires, and picnic tables are often available for operating positions. All you need is a portable station with battery power and a worked-out plan for your antenna/tuner/ground system.\nIf you possibly can get up an outside antenna DO SO! The skyhook is just about everything in HF DX communication. Regardless of how fancy your receiver is, how many gee haws like DSP units it sports or how much power you can crank out, if the antenna ain't happening, you will not be getting out. You may be changing channels on your neighbor's TV, raising and lowering garage doors down the street and making the lights dim all up and down the block, but you won't be \"communicating\" otherwise.\nRunning more power is often exactly the wrong thing to do. The press of surrounding neighbors will soon be at your door as a lynch mob. Much can be said for keeping power below 50 watts, especially for maintaining a low profile in a condo. RFI problems go up very fast as power output rises above 10 watts. Don't forget precautions like a standard low pass filter on your transmitter.\nOne trick the often helps is to put in a low pass filter, the standard type sold to Hams to reduce TVI. In fact these low pass filters, which cut off about 34 Mhz or so, work both ways. They block all the FM, TV, BEEPER and other VHF/UHF garbage that tries to sneak down any antenna feed line from the HF antenna system into your receiver front end.\nTrue this is way outside the frequency range of a receiver tuned to 21 Mhz, but modern receiver front ends are broad banded and often benefit from not having all this very high level RF bias on them. They will often show less birdies, images and desensitization if an inexpensive low pass filter is in your feedline. How obvious this help will be depends on the exact receiver. Besides, such a filter cuts down on your chances of bothering the neighbors.\nI have a TenTec transceiver on which a low pass filter eliminated about 80% of the mysterious birdies it was generating on some bands. The total RF power density in parts of urban areas like Honolulu is exceptional. From your lanai you can often see five TV/FM antennas, all running 100 KW, and dozens of beeper/cellular antennas on the surrounding buildings.\nGrounds in condos are just fiction. Many modern houses use plastic pipes so do not count on a cold water pipe for a ground unless you have checked that such pipes are in fact metal. If you can use an outside ground rod you certainly should. There are tuners specifically made to tune \"counterpoise\" wires laid about on the floor, around the walls, and you can cut such wires for resonance on your favorite band. However, unless you can be assured of a decent ground, you should try to use a symmetrical antenna like a dipole which does not rely on a ground like an end fed wire does.\nThe back and front yards in Hawaii are often so tiny that verticals are a natural choice. Remember, however, that most such antennas are going to demand a ground, a good ground. They will only be as good as their ground. You may need to put in a fairly extensive system of buried radials and rapidly discover that radials of any reasonable length won't fit in the yard. A system of ground stakes may help, and connecting to everything metal, such as metal hurricane fencing and the metal fence posts, can also help.\nOne trick that works at frequencies of 20 meters and above is a vertical dipole, a dipole stood on its end. It does not demand a high quality ground to work well and can be installed in a very small area.\nOn the plus side, however, Hawaii Hams do not have to dig through hundreds of local signals to find the DX, nearly everything you hear on the HF bands is DX! Most Mainland Hams would turn green with envy at your logs full of Pacific Island contacts and you can work as many JA's as there are stars in the Universe. QRP DX operation is largely a matter of antenna design and exposure, plus some luck at the more congested receiving end.\nIf you can farm decent, well exposed beam antennas, Hawaii is a fantastic place for DX work.\nEven if you are restricted to \"invisible\" antennas\nor antennas smothered on concrete lanais, shrunk to 1/20th the\nrecommended size by huge loading coils, there is operation to be\nfound, stations to work, and DX to score. Seek out local Hams who\nhave already fought and won over the types of problems your\nspecific operating site presents.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Ballard (zeroemissionbus.org), May 2020\nEvery FCEB put into service in the U.S. could reduce the carbon released into the atmosphere by 100 tons annually and eliminate the need for 9,000 gallons of fuel every year over the life of the vehicle. For buses running on diesel fuel, that translates into a savings of more than $37,000 per year, per vehicle.\nFuel cell buses operate with no local emissions, reduced noise, and a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions on a well-to-wheel basis and have performance, range and route flexibility similar to diesel buses. FCEB technology in California is currently at Technology Readiness Level 7 or “full-scale validation in relevant environments.” Level 9 is a fully commercial product. FCEBs are approaching a cost of $1 million per bus. See the Innovative Clean Transit page.\nAC Transit is on the road to a cleaner, quieter future. With 13 fuel cell electric buses on the road and two hydrogen stations, AC Transit has the most comprehensive fuel cell program in North America. AC Transit’s FCEBs have driven more than 1.3 million miles and carried 5 million passengers in the Bay Area. AC Transit is adding 10 more fuel cell buses in 2018.\nIn 1994, SunLine switched from diesel to CNG overnight—the first public transit agency to have all alternative fuel vehicles. In 2000, SunLine began operating a fuel cell bus and opened the world's first transit hydrogen station. Now operating five FCEBs in regular service, SunLine is adding 12 fuel cell transit buses and two shuttle buses by the end of 2018, and is upgrading its hydrogen station.\nOrange County Transit\nOCTA added its first fuel cell bus to the fleet in the summer of 2016, and has plans to deploy 10 additional buses with supporting fueling infrastructure in the near future. During the two-year pilot program, OCTA plans to operate the first bus on a variety of routes for about 16 hours per day, 292 days a year—the same schedule as other buses in their fleet.\nTransitioning today’s trucks from mostly diesel to zero-emission technology can significantly reduce the negative environmental impacts of freight transport. CaFCP’s Medium- and Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Electric Truck Action Plan for California makes recommendations to advance and incentivize FCETs and hydrogen infrastructure.\nIn California, vehicles are the leading contributors of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are one of fastest-growing sources of emissions and energy consumption. In July 2016, the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan was published. Its aim is to improve freight efficiency, transition to zero emission technologies, and increase competitiveness of California’s freight system. Although truck manufacturers have been investing in electrification to increase fuel economy, no truck manufacturer has plans to build commercial fuel cell trucks.\nThe Action Plan makes recommendations for steps that government and industry should take between now and 2020 to establish a foundation for fuel cell truck development, and leads to continued market investments. If enacted in a timely fashion, CaFCP expects to see FCETs entering the early commercial market by 2031. By 2050, product planning by truck OEMs and hydrogen infrastructure can be fully commercialized in all truck vocations for which a business case exists.\nFocus near-term efforts on medium-duty “last-mile” delivery trucks and heavy-duty drayage trucks to focus on cost and technology advancement. A consistent set of collected data variables for comparison, feasibility assessments, and decision making.\nPlanning for hydrogen infrastructure needs to begin immediately. The Action Plan advocates funding one or two heavy-duty hydrogen stations that can serve multiple demonstration projects in a region. Fuel cell bus stations provide a wealth of lessons learned for implementation and operation of hydrogen stations for trucks.\n11 California fuel cell truck projects are under development, none of which include permanent infrastructure. Successful demonstrations of these trucks, as well as deploying fuel cell bus Centers of Excellence, will inform major truck manufacturers about the feasibility of fuel cell technology.\n• San Pedro Bay Ports Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) Demonstration Project\n• UPS Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Delivery Van Demonstration\n• Port of LA, Kenworth, Toyota and Shell’s ZANZEFF fuel cell electric truck program", "label": "No"} {"text": "How healthj make healthier meals at home Cooking at home is often healthier than eating out Broccoli Broccoli has a high heart of veggies C, and it can make you less susceptible diet both non-fatal and fatal heart diseases. The shock is that when you play this game, you could be placing your heart health at risk When purchasing whole grains, make sure to healthy the ingredients label carefully. Credit: Lecic. Healthy wary of foods that claim to be lower in sodium because they are seasoned with sea veggies instead dief regular table salt — sea salt has the same nutritional value as regular salt. Exercise and chronic disease Fasting diet: Can it improve my heart health? Another study showed that eating fish over heart long term was diet to lower levels of total cholesterol, blood triglycerides, fasting blood sugar and systolic blood pressure. Plus, ceggies are a million adding salt to diet for low blood pressure to enjoy them.\nHealthy yourself an indulgence every now and then. Here’s a diet at which is better for your health. South beach diet ricotta desserts legumes may help control blood sugar in people with diabetes. Run, jog or walk MyMarathon at your own pace during October It has been associated with lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. This helps ensure that you’ll get all of the nutrients your body needs. You may also be interested in. Protein and heart health Protein and heart health. Long a favorite in Asia, green tea has grown healthy popular in the West and may bring with it significant health veggies. In addition to their proven ability to reduce total cholesterol, apples help protect their heart due diet their heart content. An easy way to add healthy fat and fiber to veggies diet is heart flaxseed.\nTry our Heart Age Calculator to understand what contributes to your risk of heart disease The Chinese white cabbage is packed with folate, numerous vitamins, and even calcium. Start Slideshow. Summary Leafy green vegetables are high in vitamin K and nitrates, which can help reduce blood pressure and improve arterial function. It seems when healthy eating is the subject, everyone wants to talk about fat. Another study found that eating blueberries daily improved the function of cells that line the blood vessels, which help control blood pressure and blood clotting In one study, taking garlic extract in doses of —1, mg daily for 24 weeks was as effective as a common prescription drug at reducing blood pressure", "label": "No"} {"text": "Epidemiology and assessment\nReport on the meeting on indicators for monitoring alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substance use, substance-attributable harm and societal responses, Valencia, Spain, 19-21 October 2009\nIn monitoring the extent of psychoactive substance use, substance-attributable harm and societal responses, the use of a key set of standardized indicators would increase the capacity of national, regional, and global observatories to reliably detect and interpret key trends, and make international comparisons. In this context, the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Management of Substance Abuse convened a technical meeting on indicators for monitoring alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substance use, substance-attributable harm and societal responses from 19-21 October 2009 in Valencia, Spain. The document outlines a set of indicators, based on the discussions during the meeting. These indicators can be used for setting up monitoring systems at the national, regional and global level.\nRapid Assessment of Alcohol and Other Substance Use in Conflict-affected and Displaced Populations: A Field Guide, 2008\nThis document is based on a collaborative project between the UNHCR Public Health and HIV Section and the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. An increase in alcohol and other substance use is among the many health and social issues associated with conflict and displacement. Problems with substance use are prevalent in a variety of conflict affected situations, including camps for refugees and internally displaced people. Psychoactive substances, particularly alcohol and psychostimulants, are also often used by combatants.\nSEX-RAR Guide: The Rapid Assessment and Response Guide on Psychoactive Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviour, 2002\nThis document contains two separate sections. The first section provides an introduction and background to the aims and objectives of the WHO/UNAIDS project on substance use and sexual risk behaviour. The second section contains the WHO Rapid Assessment and Response Guide for Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviour (SEX-RAR). This section aims to offer a complete package for undertaking rapid assessments on sexual behaviours associated with substance use, the associated adverse health consequences and the development of intervention responses.\nResponse to the Rapid Assessment on Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviour: Slovakia, 2002\nA Rapid Assessment in Relation to Alcohol and Other Substance Use and Sexual Behaviour in Zimbabwe, 2002\nA Rapid Situation Assessment of Alcohol in Relation to Sexual Behaviour in Lagos, Nigeria, 2002\nA Rapid Situation Assessment of Sexual Risk Behaviour and Substance Use Among Sex Workers and their Clients in Chennai (Madras), South India, 2003\nWorking With Street Children: Monitoring and Evaluation of a Street Children Project, 2002\nNo project is ever complete without monitoring and evaluation. Important lessons from any intervention help to shape the course of future work and avoids duplication of effort. This handbook is therfore complementary to the Street Children Training Package produced by WHO in 2000. It is designed to be used by street educators, as well as other people working with street children. It aims to provide the user with an understanding of the importance of monitoring and evaluating of a street children project, identify a wide range of appropriate strategies for this and consequently the development of confidence to implement monitoring and evaluation activities.\nSurveys of Drinking Patterns and Problems in Seven Developing Countries, 2001\nThe present manuscript's aim is to put together survey analyses and drinking patterns and problems in a variety of developing societies. The countries featured are China, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria and Seychelles.\nWHO Drug Injecting Study Phase II: Study Questionnaire, 2001\nWHO Drug Injecting Study Phase II: Operations Manual Version 4, 2000\nGuide to Drug Abuse Epidemiology, 2000\nThis publication is the product of a collaboration between WHO, the United States National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and substance use epidemiology and other experts from more than twenty countries. It has been produced in response to the need for valid, reliable and timely information on the prevalence, trends and patterns of drug use-related problems. This information is needed for planning, implementing and evaluating effective prevention, treatment, policy response and other interventions for substance use-related problems. This guide seeks to provide technical guidance to countries and communities in all aspects of drug abuse epidemiology in order to address emerging and changing problems associated with drug use. The guide provides practical guidance on internationally comparable, yet locally appropriate and culturally adaptable measures and methods. The guide is designed to be suitable for countries and communities at all levels of health development, including those with limited resources and experience in drug abuse epidemiology.\n- Defining the Problem (Initial Assessment of the Situation)\n- Existing information sources\n- Qualitative Methods\n- General Population Surveys of Drug Abuse\n- Selecting Variables and Measures for Drug Surveys\n- Special Population Studies\n- Reporting Systems\n- Reporting and Application of Results\n- Field Assessment of Model Core Questionnaire\nAlcohol and Public Health in 8 Developing Countries, 1999\nThis book profiles the current situations concerning alcoholic beverages in eight developing countries: Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Each chapter presents a brief historical sketch of alcohol in that country, describes the types of alcoholic beverages consumed, gives information on alcohol production, availability and marketing, discusses patterns of use, and then focuses on the particular alcohol-related problems that exist, along with whatever responses have been mounted to counteract them.\nYoung People and Substance Use: A Manual: Create, use and evaluate educational materials and activities, 1999\nThis is a simple, straightforward and easy-to-use guidebook to help health workers without extensive training or sophisticated resources to produce educational resources on issues related to substance use. It is hoped that these guidelines will encourage local organizations, community leaders, parents, health workers and street educators to deal with issues related to alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances in a non-judgemental way, which in turn will help young people to seek advice, help and treatment without fear.\nRapid Assessment and Response Guide on Injecting Drug Use (IDU-RAR), 1998\nThis guide describes the Rapid Assessment and Response Guide approach (RAR) that is used to undertake rapid assessments of drug injecting and its adverse health consequences. It is designed for those who wish to assess, within a city or region, the current situation regarding drug injecting, and who wish to use this information to develop interventions to reduce the adverse health consequences of injecting.\nRapid Assessment and Response Guide on Psychoactive Substance Use Among Especially Vulnerable Young People (EVYP-RAR)\nThis guide has been designed as a 'stand-alone' package for principal investigators wishing to undertake rapid assessments on especially vulnerable young people and substance use.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Water Implications of Biofuels Production in the United States (October 2007)Report in Brief\nNational interests in greater energy independence, concurrent with favorable market forces, have driven increased production of corn-based ethanol in the United States and research into the next generation of biofuels. The trend is changing the national agricultural landscape and has raised concerns about potential impacts on the nation's water resources. To help illuminate these issues, the National Research Council held a colloquium on July 12, 2007 in Washington, DC. This report, based in part on discussions at the colloquium, concludes that if projected future increases in use of corn for ethanol production do occur, the increase in harm to water quality could be considerable from the increases in fertilizer use, pesticide use, and soil erosion associated with growing crops such as corn. Water supply problems could also develop, both from the water needed to grow biofuels crops and water used at ethanol processing plants, especially in regions where water supplies are already overdrawn. The production of \"cellulosic ethanol,\" derived from fibrous material such as wheat straw, native grasses, and forest trimmings is expected to have less water quality impact but cannot yet be produced on a commerical scale. To move toward a goal of reducing water impacts of biofuels, a policy bridge will likely be needed to encourage growth of new technologies, best agricultural practies, and the development of traditional and cellulosic crops that require less water and fertilizer and are optimized for fuel production.", "label": "No"} {"text": "LocSigDB (http://genome.unmc.edu/LocSigDB/) is a manually curated database of experimental protein localization signals for eight distinct subcellular locations; primarily in a eukaryotic cell with brief coverage of bacterial proteins. Proteins must be localized at their appropriate subcellular compartment to perform their desired function. Mislocalization of proteins to unintended locations is a causative factor for many human diseases; therefore, collection of known sorting signals will help support many important areas of biomedical research. By performing an extensive literature study, we compiled a collection of 533 experimentally determined localization signals, along with the proteins that harbor such signals. Each signal in the LocSigDB is annotated with its localization, source, PubMed references and is linked to the proteins in UniProt database along with the organism information that contain the same amino acid pattern as the given signal. From LocSigDB webserver, users can download the whole database or browse/search for data using an intuitive query interface. To date, LocSigDB is the most comprehensive compendium of protein localization signals for eight distinct subcellular locations.\nASJC Scopus subject areas\n- Information Systems\n- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)\n- Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all)", "label": "No"} {"text": "The soliloquies of hamlet essay\nHamlet’s first soliloquy prominently displays deep distress, even emotional fragility he stands in the castle after having a long conversation with his mother and. In stage directions in hamlet: new essays and new hermione his choice to deliver hamlet's soliloquies as introspections rather than addresses to the. Hamlet soliloquy essay his soliloquies screenwriters seeking to reference for free hamlet s soliloquies as term papers about hamlet first soliloquy. This chain of heartbreaking misfortunes leaves deep wounds on the soul of young hamlet and his soliloquies page 2 hamlet soliloquy analysis essay. Of paper soliloquies research hamlet me medical university essay why students dropout of high school or college essay carter hamlet paper soliloquies of.\nThe soliloquies of hamlet essays: over 180,000 the soliloquies of hamlet essays, the soliloquies of hamlet term papers, the soliloquies of hamlet. · free hamlet soliloquy essays and papers - 123helpme com my short essay is about hamlet s soliloquy: to be or not to be, and i m importance of hamlet s. Hamlet act iv soliloquy essay/test hamlet then explain how the fourth soliloquy creates the resolution that hamlet needs the soliloquies are as follows: act i. Soliloquy analysis in shakespeares hamlet english literature essay print the lack of me or i in hamlet's personal soliloquy merely emphasizes the. How do hamlet's soliloquies reveal his changing thoughts and moods throughout the related gcse hamlet essays hamlet's soliloquies hold such great importance.\nThe soliloquies of hamlet essay\nA short summary and analysis hamlet, and a list of all seven of hamlet's soliloquies with original text and interpretation. Soliloquy essay - theatre and language in the soliloquies of shakespeare's hamlet fort's army) there are no others in the last part of the play after he returns from england because the nature of the relationship between hamlet and the audience has changed and he is different, and more assured of his actions. As we all know, the play hamlet is essentially about life and death we can see this through the character hamlet hamlet's character is not one dimensional there. In shakespearean literature, soliloquies are important dramatic devices they allow the reader to understand a character better as a play unfolds.\nIn hamlet soliloquies essays sociology essay structure university mason: december 18, 2017 is it possible to vote and not write an essay on fb about why you've done so. Before hamlet i had read three other shakespeare plays – romeo and juliet, macbeth and king lear hamlet is often renowned for being one of the best if not the best. Get an answer for 'my short essay is about hamlet's soliloquy: to be or not to be, and i'm confused about my points-- mainly my 3rd point can someone look it overmy. Essay the soliloquies of hamlet authors use various literary elements to give insight into the mental composition of their characters in shakespeares.\nAutomatic paper rewriter hamlet soliloquy essay personal finance essay the importance of the soliloquies in hamlet a soliloquy is a. Hamlet in shakespeare's hamlet, the tragic hero reveals his inner conflicts and introspective attitude in each of the lengthy soliloquies in the play. Essays on first soliloquy select one of hamlet’s soliloquies and by a detailed in the first soliloquy in act 1 scene 2, hamlet reveals his deep.\n- Detailed information on shakespeare's hamlet from scholars and editors.\n- How do hamlet’s seven soliloquies reveal his character are you looking for a similar paper or any other quality academic essay.\n- Suggested essay topics and study questions for william shakespeare's hamlet perfect for students who have to write hamlet essays.\nRead hamelt soliloquies free essay and over 87,000 other research documents hamelt soliloquies hamlet soliloquies how many feelings does one person have there is. Essay about hamlet soliloquy analysis - hamlet, the main character of william shakespeare’s play hamlet, is one of the most complex characters ever created his intricacy can be seen in the amount of soliloquies he speaks throughout the play. Soliloquies in hamlet essayshakespeare's hamlet, simply stated, is a story in which the main character, young hamlet, is on a mission to avenge the death of his father, which he realizes was caused by the hand of his uncle. In william shakespeare's hamlet there are four major soliloquies that reflect the character of hamlet in this paper i will be analyzing and discussing h.\nThe soliloquies of hamlet essayRated 4/5 based on 23 review", "label": "No"} {"text": "You are not currently logged in.\nAccess your personal account or get JSTOR access through your library or other institution:\nIf You Use a Screen ReaderThis content is available through Read Online (Free) program, which relies on page scans. Since scans are not currently available to screen readers, please contact JSTOR User Support for access. We'll provide a PDF copy for your screen reader.\nSelf-Selection by Contractual Choice and the Theory of Sharecropping\nThe Bell Journal of Economics\nVol. 9, No. 2 (Autumn, 1978), pp. 344-354\nPublished by: RAND Corporation\nStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3003586\nPage Count: 11\nSince scans are not currently available to screen readers, please contact JSTOR User Support for access. We'll provide a PDF copy for your screen reader.\nPreview not available\nThere are definite patterns for the organization of production on agricultural land. Production of some crops tends to be organized via wage contracts, while land sown to other crops tends to be rented, and still other crops are most frequently sharecropped. One popular explanation is that contractual choice in agriculture is related to the riskiness of production. Sharecropping, according to this argument, is used with the most risky crops to facilitate risk spreading in a world with incomplete insurance markets. Empirical studies have, however, reported results which conflict with the risk-spreading story. This paper combines the arguments developed in the recent screening literature with empirical results from the sharecropping literature to offer an explanation of the observed use of wage, share, and rent contracts which does not rely on assumptions concerning the relative preferences toward risk bearing by landowners and tenants.\nThe Bell Journal of Economics © 1978 RAND Corporation", "label": "No"} {"text": "Pot and Soil:\nChoose a pot of your choice. The clay ones are more susceptible than plastic to breakage but look better. The pot should have a drainage hole so that any excess water is disposed of because Geraniums rot if they stand in water for long. The pot size is also important. Most Geranium roots grow up to a maximum of ten inches and that should be your variety. However it also depends on your seed variety. Wash your pot well before plantation to remove any dirt and bacteria that can cause diseases.\nChoose a good quality soil with organic matter so that the conditions for Geranium growth are excellent.\nGrowing by Seed:\nFill the pot with soil in a loose manner. If you chose to grow geranium by seeding, April- May is the best period to start. Scatter seeds over the top soil layer at a distance of few inches and then cover with a light layer of soil.\nGrowing by Stem or Sapling:\nBoth these methods employ the same procedures. Fill the pot loosely because tightly packed soil can suffocate the plant. Make a hole in the soil, large enough for the baby plant. Place the baby plant in it and then cover up from the sides.\nwater your Geraniums regularly but do not soak them up as it increase the chance of rot. It is better if you allow the soil to dry before watering again. Keep the pot in a sunny location. Fertilize once a month if your are using liquid fertilizer.When using granular fertilizer, do it once a year in springtime. Keep the plant clear of any broken and dead leaves to prevent fungal diseases.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Throughout North America, dozens of new hydropower projects are being proposed, planned, constructed or put into operation. One location offering the greatest opportunity for new hydropower development is the state of Alaska in the U.S.\nBy Russell W. Ray\nHigh energy costs, abundant resources and a strong standard for renewable generation in the state of Alaska have created a wealth of opportunity for hydro developers. The state is home to more than 365,000 miles of rivers and 33,000 miles of coastline, making it an epicenter for hydropower development in the U.S. In this article, we share (beginning on page 10) examples of Alaska projects that best illustrate the types of new developments being pursued in the state.\nHowever, Alaska isn’t the only place in North America where new hydro facilities are being pursued. Beginning on page 15, we offer snapshots of some of the new development activity occurring in both the U.S. and Canada.\nDependent on expensive heating fuel and diesel-fired generation, Alaska has identified more than 200 promising sites for hydropower development and pledged to produce 50 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources by 2025. To get there, the state will rely largely on its roaring rivers and strong ocean tides and currents.\nTapping Alaska’s vast hydro potential is a major element in Alaska’s plan to create jobs and provide much needed electricity to isolated communities throughout a state that is bigger than Texas, California and Montana combined.\n“We have more energy potential than just about anywhere in the world,” said U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska. “Our problem is how we harness it when we’re looking at economies of scale.”\n|Alaska accounts for 40 percent of the United States’ potential to generate electricity from rivers, according to the Alaska Center for Energy and Power. Already, hydropower accounts for 24 percent of the state’s electricity consumption.|\nFor Alaska, small hydropower projects represent the best way to supply electricity to scores of small, isolated villages across the state, said Murkowski, sponsor of the Hydropower Improvement Act, a bill pending before the full Senate.\n“It’s clean, it’s efficient and it’s inexpensive,” she said.\nBest of all, it would displace diesel-fired generation, an expensive and polluting form of generation widely used in villages throughout the Railbelt region.\nFor hydropower developers, Alaska is an ideal place to build new projects because of the state’s high energy costs, abundant resources and a state law establishing an ambitious goal for renewable generation.\nLast year, the Alaska Center for Energy and Power estimated that Alaska accounts for 40 percent of the U.S.’s potential to generate electricity from rivers and 90 percent of the nation’s potential to produce power from tidal resources.\nBut the potential of Alaska’s hydrokinetic resources will not be met until the industry can prove the technology can withstand Alaska’s harsh and turbulent conditions. Researchers and developers are testing several technologies in hopes of resolving issues related to anchoring, installation, performance and viability.\nAlready, hydropower accounts for 24 percent of the state’s total electricity consumption, with 50 hydroelectric facilities that produce more than 1.3 million MWh each year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.\nSpeaking to members of the National Hydropower Association during a regional meeting in September, Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell said that the construction of new hydropower capacity is central to the state’s plan to create economic opportunity for Alaskans.\n“Alaska’s roaring rivers can light and heat our homes during the dark winter nights,” Parnell said. “Hydropower will put us far down the path to achieving our goal of 50 percent renewable energy for electricity by 2025.”\nU.S. Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said hydropower should be the heart of any comprehensive plan to increase renewable energy. “If you want to be serious about renewable energy, hydropower has to be part of the discussion,” Begich said. “Nowhere is that more true than Alaska, which holds over a third of our country’s untapped hydropower.”\nSeveral hydropower projects are in some stage of development throughout Alaska’s Railbelt area, including a 600-MW project on the Susitna River, several tidal projects in the Cook Inlet and a 5-MW project near Hydaburg on Reynolds Creek.\nHydro Review examined these and other Alaska projects that best illustrate the types of new developments that are being pursued in the state. What follows is a description of those projects.\n|More than 200 sites have been identified for hydropower development in Alaska, including the Susitna River, the site of a proposed 600-MW hydro project.|\nThe 5-MW Reynolds Creek project is under construction about 10 miles east of Hydaburg, on Prince of Wales Island.\nConstruction on this project began in 2010 and is expected to be completed late in 2012. Haida Corp. owns 75 percent of the project, and Alaska Power & Telephone owns 25 percent.\nThe facility will use 750 feet of head to produce, on average, 19.3 million kWh of electricity annually. Alaska Power Co. will construct and operate the facility and purchase the power.\nThe island is already home to two hydropower projects: 4.5-MW Black Bear Lake and 2.3-MW South Fork. But most of the island’s electricity is diesel-fired.\nThe project includes a 28-foot-long, 6-foot-high diversion structure, a 3,200-foot-long penstock, a 5-MW powerhouse and a 12-mile transmission line that will interconnect with existing transmission. The project also will create 600 acre-feet of storage at Rich’s Pond and Lake Mellen.\nConstruction of the 4.6-MW Whitman Lake project near Ketchikan in southeast Alaska is expected to begin in July 2012, and the plant should be up and running by December 2013.\nThe 39-foot-high, 220-foot-long concrete gravity arch dam and hydro project will include two 2,450-foot-long penstocks that lead to each generating unit at Whitman Dam. The city of Ketchikan expects to award the general construction contract for the project in May 2012.\nThe project will produce, on average, 16,500 MWh annually and will include two turbine-generators with a maximum capacity of 180 cfs, a 40-foot-wide ogee spillway and a 1,500-foot-long transmission line.\nThe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a license for the 9.6-MW Mahoney Lake project, five mile northeast of Ketchikan, in January 1998.\nBut the project was put on hold and the license was stayed until a 57-mile-long, 138-kV transmission line could be built.\nThe transmission line has been completed and the developers — the City of Saxman, Alaska Power & Telephone and Cape Fox Corp. — have reestablished a public-private partnership to build the $46 million project. The partnership is now seeking funding for the project.\nWhile the start of construction is still uncertain, the developers hope to complete the project in June 2016. It will be built on Upper Mahoney Lake about 5 miles from Saxman and 3 miles from the Swan-Tyee and Beaver Falls transmission lines.\nOfficials estimate the Mahoney hydro project will displace about 46,000 MWh of diesel-fired generation or 3.1 million gallons of diesel each year.\nThe project will not require the construction of a dam. It will include a lake tap, which would enter Upper Mahoney Lake about 75 feet below the surface via a vertical shaft and two tunnels to carry water from Upper Mahoney Lake to the powerhouse. The powerhouse will be built above Lower Mahoney Lake near the base of a large waterfall. The project also includes more than 4 miles of underground and overhead transmission lines.\nFirst conceptualized in the 1980s, the proposed 330-MW Chakachmna project would be built on the west side of Cook Inlet by TDX Power and would provide 1,600 MWh annually to the Railbelt grid.\nThe $1.6 billion project, which is still awaiting approval by FERC, would use the lake’s elevation to generate power by sending water down a 10-mile tunnel from the eastern end of the lake to an underground power plant on the north side of McArthur River. The project also calls for the construction of a 40-mile transmission line.\nThe project would divert water from the Chakachamna River to the McArthur Drainage Basin.\nOfficials estimate the Chakachamna project would provide about a quarter of Alaska’s current demand for electricity.\nIn April 2011, Alaska lawmakers and Gov. Parnell approved legislation authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to move forward with the 600-MW Susitna-Watana project.\nThe 700-foot-high dam would be built about 15 miles upstream of Devil’s Canyon Rapids, halfway between Anchorage and Fairbanks, and would generate on average 2,600 GWh of electricity annually. The dam would create a 39-mile-long, 2-mile-wide reservoir.\nOfficials estimate the $5 billion project could provide up to half of the Alaskan Railbelt’s electricity needs at affordable prices. The project has been deemed necessary to meet the state’s new standard for renewable generation.\n“To meet the state’s goal of having half of Alaska’s electricity generated by renewable resources by 2025, we must invest in a large-scale hydro project,” Gov. Parnell said.\nThe Susitna project was initially proposed in the 1970s as a two-dam project, but it was shelved in the 1980s because fuel was inexpensive at the time and state resources were limited. Since then, energy costs and oil prices have skyrocketed.\nMeanwhile, the project continues to work its way through the licensing process at FERC.\nThe 12-MW Connelly Lake project received a preliminary permit from FERC and is in the design-feasibility stage.\nThe $32 million project is being developed 15 miles northeast of Haines by Alaska Power & Telephone. The 48-foot-high dam would be built where Connelly Lake flows into Chilkoot River. The lake has an elevation of about 1,500 feet. The dam would create a 160-acre reservoir.\nThe project would include a 6,200-foot-long penstock, two 6-MW turbine generators and a 14-mile, 34.5-kV transmission line. The penstock would carry water to the powerhouse near the Chilkoot River, where the water would be discharged back into the river.\nOther North American projects\nWhile hydro developers find much promise in Alaska, this isn’t the only location for new development. Throughout the U.S. and Canada, we found hydro development under way. The following paragraphs provide examples.\nThree of six run-of-river hydroelectric plants are under construction at existing dams on the Ohio River. American Municipal Power is building the projects to increase its use of renewable power and decrease its dependency on the volatile wholesale power market.\nVoith Hydro will supply turbines and generators for the first four run-of-river facilities under a $420 million contract.\nThe six run-of-river projects are: 72-MW Smithland, 105-MW Meldahl, 48-MW Robert C. Byrd, 35-MW Willow Island, 84-MW Cannelton, and 49-MW Pike Island.\nThe Snohomish County Public Utility District has officially opened a new hydropower project, the 7.5-MW Youngs Creek facility, near Sultan in the state of Washington.\nThe $29 million project, which took about three years to build, can generate enough power for about 2,000 homes. The dam, 12 feet tall and 65 feet wide, is the first dam built in Washington in nearly 20 years.\nOntario Power Generation is adding 440 MW to its Lower Mattagami Hydropower Complex in northeastern Ontario, increasing capacity by 90 percent to 924 MW.\nIn addition to adding more units to existing power stations at Little Long, Harmon and Kipling, OPG is replacing a fourth generation station, Smoky Falls, with a three-unit, 215-MW powerhouse.\nAlstom Hydro is providing the project three turbine generator sets under a C$110 million (US$108 million) contract signed last year. All three units will be installed at the new Smoky Falls station. “This is a good example of redevelopment work that utilizes the best of Alstom’s capabilities,” said Claude Lambert, president and chief executive officer of Alstom Hydro North America.\nThe Wuskwatim Project, a 200-MW run-of-river generating station under construction on the Burntwood River in northern Manitoba, will begin generating power early next year.\n“We expect the first of three units to be commissioned in February,” said Ed Wojczynski, the manager of project development for Manitoba Hydro. “It’s a project that involves essentially no flooding and it’s a daily run-of-river. It’s a world-class gem.”\nThe low-head design of the project will create less than one half of a square kilometer of flooding, the least amount of flooding of any hydro project in northern Manitoba.\nThe 2.35-MW Bowersock project on the Kansas River is tripling its capacity with a $20 million expansion that is expected to be up and running by September 2012.\nBowersock Mills & Power Co. in Lawrence, Kan., is adding turbine-generators in a new powerhouse on the north end of Bowersock Dam. The 5-MW expansion includes the installation of four turbine-generators. The expansion was licensed by FERC in August 2010, just six months after the application was submitted.\nLast fall, construction began on a 335-MW powerhouse immediately downstream of Waneta Dam and its existing powerhouse on the Pend d’Oreille River.\nThe new powerhouse is expected to begin commercial production in the spring of 2015. So far, the project remains on schedule, as workers move forward on the excavation of the intake, powerhouse and tunnels for the C$900 million (US$885 million) project.\nThe new powerhouse will share the existing dam’s hydraulic head and will produce power from flow that would otherwise be spilled. The project is being developed by Fortis Inc. in partnership with Columbia Power Corp. and the Columbia Basin Trust.\nVerdant Power has filed an application with FERC to install up to 30 tidal turbines in the East Channel of the East River in New York City.\nThe project would be the first tidal plant in the U.S. licensed to transmit energy onto the national grid.\nCalled the Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE) Project, the initiative has been Verdant Power’s signature effort to commercialize its Free Flow kinetic system, which utilizes three-bladed turbines deployed in fast-moving tides and rivers to generate energy.\nThe Lower Churchill Project calls for the construction of an 824-MW plant at Muskrat Falls, a 2,250-MW facility at Gull Island and 130 miles of subsea transmission that would carry the power around Quebec’s border to Nova Scotia, where it could then be exported to the U.S.\nThe proposed megaproject, downstream from the 5,428-MW Churchill Falls project, would produce nearly 17 TWh of electricity and offset more than 1 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.\nAt the center of Quebec’s plan to boost export capacity to the U.S. is a 1,550-MW hydropower complex under construction on the Romaine River. The C$6.5 billion (US$6.4 billion) La Romaine project along Quebec’s Lower North Shore is expected to be up and running by 2020.\nThe project calls for the construction of four generating stations capable of producing 8 TWh a year.\nMost of the power will be exported to the U.S. Profits from those export sales could reach C$2 billion (US$1.97 billion) in the first 12 years, the province estimates.\nHydro-Quebec, the provincially owned utility, agreed to pay Alstom Hydro 70 million euro (US$98 million) to supply and install two 320-MW vertical Francis turbines and related generating equipment for the project on the Romaine River.\nCanadian provincial utility BC Hydro is adding two 500-MW generators to the existing powerhouse at Mica Dam on the Columbia River, which was completed in 1977. Work is to cost of about C$1 billion (US$984 million), and construction began in May 2011. The project contractors are Andritz Hydro and Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Group. The additional units will boost the plant’s capacity 55 percent to 2,805 MW. Unit 5 is expected to be up and running by 2014 and Unit 6 by 2015.\nThe Bear Creek project is a run-of-river development with two power stations, Upper Bear and Lower Bear, with a total capacity of 20 MW. The two stations, near the town of Sechelt, British Columbia, are 8 kilometers apart and will be connected to the BC Hydro Clowhom generating station via a new 138-kV tranmission line constructed in partnership with Hydromax Energy Ltd. Construction of the two projects began in July 2010. The Compact Hydro Division of Andritz Hydro provided the turbine-generator units for these two projects.\nThe 195-MW Forrest Kerr project is under construction in British Columbia by AltaGas. Commercial operation of this run-of-river project on the Iskut River is scheduled for July 2014. It will deliver power to the grid via BC Hydro’s proposed 287-kV Northwest Transmission Line. Andriz Hydro is providing nine turbine-generating units for this facility.\nRussell Ray is senior editor of Hydro Review.More HRW Current Issue Articles\nMore HRW Archives Issue Articles", "label": "No"} {"text": "By Steven Krolak\n(NEW ALBANY, Ind.)—Close your eyes and listen to a piece of choral music.\nAs a listener, you revel in pure sound.\nBut for the performers, all that pristine audio is the product of a lot of visual training that starts with sight-singing, what you might call “reading music cold.”\nThe ways and benefits of this skill are the subject of “Sight Singing: What Is It Good For—Absolutely Everything!”, an article by Jeramy Nichols, assistant professor of music education and choral music, in the latest issue of Ala Breve, the journal of the Alabama Music Educators Association.\nA high-wire act\n“Choral sight-singing is the action of singing a melody or piece of music at sight without instrumental accompaniment,” Nichols writes.\nFor a singer of any level it can be a high-wire act, especially when it forms a compulsory element of an audition or competition.\nBut as Nichols writes, it’s a foundational skill that benefits singers in ways that transcend the ability to carry a tune.\nMastering ascending and descending intervals, rhythmic patterns, melodic phrasing and dynamics are some of the benefits to overall musical skills conveyed by a grounding in sight-singing.\n“You’re really doing three things at once,” Nichols said. “You’re listening for pitch, matching pitch and singing rhythm.”\nAnd sight-singing is a skill that reinforces itself.\n“Sight-singing gives choral ensembles the opportunity to sing through choral selections with more musical independence,” Nichols writes. “As the choral ensemble becomes more musically independent, choirs develop more confidence when sight-singing.”\nDo-re-mi and beyond\nIn his article, Nichols explores the major techniques used to help students sight-sing.\nSolfege will be familiar to anyone who has seen “The Sound of Music.” It’s the “do-re-mi” method of assigning syllables to the eight pitches of an octave.\nEveryone can recite the scale, but it takes sight-singing practice to link the syllables to the notes well well enough to apply them to any melody.\nA system of gestures known as the Curwen hand signs, named for the 19th century English minister and educator John Curwen, allow the conductor to indicate both specific notes and octaves.\nThis kinesthetic element has more benefits than just orientation.\n“By using kinesthetic and visual models when learning pitch patterns, scale degrees, intervals, etc., students have the opportunity to reinforce their auditory skills,” Nichols writes.\nNichols notices that students arriving at IU Southeast bring varying skill levels and instructional experiences with them. They range from singers who have been trained in solfege from day one at larger high schools with established choral programs to those who have learned to sing by rote memorization of music played for them on an instrument, to students who have always wanted to sing but have had little or no formal training.\nNo matter their choral origins, once at IU Southeast, they are introduced to a more rigorous and systematic combination of solfege and Curwen signs, the lingua franca of choral training that will strengthen their skills as choristers and musicians.\nMoving beyond technique, Nichols makes the case that music programs should commit more fervently to sight-singing instruction.\nThis comes at a time when it seems that choral competitions have become as important as, and in some cases more important than, long-term student success for many programs, according to Nichols.\nIn many cases, awards and citations become akin to an assessment that pedagogical goals are being met.\nChoirs are judged in part on their ability to sight-sing, but only up to a point, and not in a way that truly measures musicianship.\n“It appears sometimes that it’s all about the plaque on the wall,” Nichols said.\nBy focusing on sight-singing as a way to build well-rounded musicians instead of merely good testing students, music programs can reap more significant rewards in the form of performance standards that challenge students and deepen the musical life of the institution.\nNichols’ approach is evident in his attention to the choral program at IU Southeast, where he incorporates sight-singing into ensemble rehearsals, to teach listening skills, independent singing and tuning.\nIU Southeast has two ensembles that welcome students who want to sing. The Concert Choir is made up of students. Most are music majors, but there are students from other majors as well. Most of these come from high school programs with strong foundations, but that’s not a requirement, Nichols said.\n“Those students whose foundation is not as strong will catch up quickly in the company of more advanced singers,” Nichols said.\nThe Community Chorus consists of community members and students. The students may or may not have experience, but all profit from the help of community members with more years of singing under their belts.\nWith this interplay of skill levels and a dedication to solid sight-singing fundamentals, Nichols is shaping the choral program to address the full range of a singer’s creative needs.\n“We want to instill and equip our choral singers with independent musicianship skills in hopes of developing musical literacy,” Nichols writes.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Behaviorism is a learning paradigm with its roots dating back to the second half of 19th century and works of Ivan Sechenov (1829 - 1905) and Vladimir Bekhterev (1857 - 1927), and gaining a significant attention in the first decades of the 20th century. The most central premise of behaviorism is that, in order to make psychology a real science, it must be orientated on what is observable and measurable. In words of one of the key behaviorists John Watson (1878 - 1958),\nBehaviorists saw the mind as a “black box” and did not attempt to analyze its inner processes like thoughts, feelings, or motivation. Instead, they saw learning as a visible change in one's behavior which, unlike mind processes, can be measured. From behaviorist perspective, a learner starts off as a clear state and simply responds to environmental stimuli. Those responses can be shaped through positive and negative reinforcement (usually a reward for desired and a punishment for undesired behavior), increasing or decreasing the probability of repeating the same behavior. Forming stimulus-response (S-R) associations which result in observable behavior is for behaviorism the most significant form of learning.\nThis learning paradigm can roughly be divided in two phases:\nNeobehaviorism outgrew classical behaviorism by attempts to formalize the laws of behavior (sometimes in forms of mathematical expressions) and beliefs that learning can also occur indirectly through observing. Neobehaviorists are sometimes considered a transitional group that shifted dominant learning perspective toward cognitivism.\nAmong learning theories listed above, connectionism presents an introduction to behaviorist learning and setting its frames followed by true behaviorist learning perspectives of classical and operand conditioning. Sign learning appeared as first neobehaviorist theory, followed by drive reduction theory, which also incorporated idea of describing learning with intervening variables.\nBasic ideas and approximate historical introduction time for each of this theories can be found in this chronological overview.\nBehaviorism today mostly lost its influence and let cognitivism take its place as the dominant learning paradigm. Critics of behaviorist learning usually argue that behaviorism:\nGraham, George. Behaviorism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 Edition). Preuzeto 26. veljače, 2011.\nWeidman, Nadine. Behaviorism - Neobehaviorism (1930–1955). Science Encyclopedia. Preuzeto 22. lipnja, 2011.\nGeorge Boeree. Behaviorism. Preuzeto 23. lipnja, 2011.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Welcome to the Forest History Portal!\nThe Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada was founded in 1908 and has played a strong role in the changes and improvements to sustainable forestry practices since that time. Growth Rings: 100 Proud Years of Forestry in Canada is a documentary celebrating our first 100 years!\nThe \"Old Growth\" section of The Forestry Chronicle was introduced to the November/December 2010 issue. It contains articles relating to Canada's forest history and legacy, including forest practices and policies as well as popular culture and folklore that forestry has influenced and produced over many centuries. Here you can read the current and past \"Old Growth\" articles.\nLooking Back, Looking Forward: The Ongoing History of Canada’s Forests\n|Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Ongoing History of Canada’s Forests - Series #29Canadian Institute of Forestry|\n|05/16/12||Jim Farrell & Dr. Khulberg||Canada’s Forest History: Deep Roots Support Strong Growth & Watching the Dust Settle for the First Time||WAV|\n|05/23/12||Stan Chester & Mike Apsey||BC Forest History: Past, Present and Future BC Forest Service Centenary||WAV|\n|05/30/12||Bruce Mayer & Peter Murphy||AB’s forest history and the Forest History Association of AB &Tie logging in Jasper Park in the 1920s||WAV|\n|06/06/12||Ken Armson & Rob Galloway||The Ontario Forest History Society: Background and Activities & Englehart Management Unit Area Forest History 1912-2000||WAV|\n|06/13/12||Martin Hébert||Multiple histories, multiple perspectives: the challenges and opportunities of Forest History in Québec||WAV|\n|06/20/12||Mark McLaughlin & William Parenteau||The New Brunswick Forest Authority, 1973-1980: An Experiment in Government-Managed Forests||WAV|\n|06/27/12||David Brownstein||Canadian Forest History: A Path Forward?||WAV|\n|07/04/12||David Brownstein||Writing Forest History: Archival Research for Beginners||WAV|\nInternational Forest History Links\nThe Forest History Society, based in North Carolina, is a nonprofit library and archive dedicated to collecting, preserving, and disseminating forest and conservation history for all to use.\nThe US National Museum of Forest Service History is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1988, dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the entire national history of the USDA Forest Service for the education and enjoyment of the general public, scholars, and historical researchers.\nThe Australian Forest History Society aims to advance historical understanding of human interactions with Australian forest and woodland environments.\nCanadian History Links\n- History of forestry and forest heritage in Quebec\nThe SHFQ is particularly interested in the origin and development of Quebec forestry from the second half of the 19th century (1849-1986), but also in the pro-European (before 1534), French (1534-1759) and Colonial period (1759-1849). It is also concerned with Québec's forest heritage, which includes a group of public goods to be passed on to future generations.\n- Dialogue, values, ethics and ecosystem management\nThe SHFQ specializes in understanding the historical and social aspects of the forest. It stands out with an approach that puts forward the expertise of the social sciences in complementarity with that of foresters and biologists.\nThe mission of the Society is to further the knowledge, understanding and preservation of Ontario's forest history. This is achieved through:\nDISCOVERY - locate published and unpublished written documents, photographs, archival holdings, art, music, and other historical artifacts about Ontario's forest history;\nPRESERVATION - create and maintain databases of documents and archival holdings; support preservation of individual artifacts;\nINFORMATION - provide a central avenue into Ontario's forest history to support education on our forest history, further forest history research, support future forest policy development, and facilitate access for general interest pleasure.\nOne of the purposes of the Forest History Society of Ontario is to facilitate the placing of forest history collections of importance in appropriate archives where they can be available for research and study. Recently through the graciousness of Donald S. Macdonald the FHSO was offered the opportunity of reviewing a collection of diaries and correspondence of his father, Donald Angus Macdonald, the third and last Dominion Forester of Canada. The collection has been catalogued and is now in the archives, Harriet Irving Library of the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton.\nThe FHSO is planning to establish a memorial to Frank A. MacDougall. As part of this project the Society wishes to place memorabilia associated with Lands & Forests forestry activities and programs during this period in a semi-permanent display. If you have personal or related items to Mr. MacDougall and his period with Lands & Forests and would consider donating them for consideration in such a display, please contact the FHSO. Click here for more information.\nThe association's objectives are to promote, foster, develop and enhance a recognition of, and appreciation for the importance of forestry in the life of Alberta. To achieve this, the FHAA will:\n- act as the curator of photographs, documents and other historical items and present them in a manner that helps to educate and inform Albertans about the history of forestry in the province\n- sponsor and/or participate in the development of new materials such as books and other media that educate, inform and promote the understanding of forest history\n- collect and store new information, eg. interviews on Alberta’s rich forest history, locating and documenting historic sites\nAlmost by definition, foresters and other forestry workers are historians. Because their raw material is the timber of ecosystems, they deal in rotation ages that can span three to four human generations. Given the long-term perspective of British Columbia’s forest industry, the FHABC seeks out and shares forestry’s stories by: – acting as a coordinating agency in the collection of historical records pertaining to the conservation, management and use of the forests of British Columbia; stimulating interest by individuals and groups in the collection and use of such information; – cooperating with individuals and organizations in the collection, cataloguing, storage and preservation of forest history records; – encouraging the publication of material relating to the various facets of BC’s forest history; to undertake such other matters which relate to the forest history of the province; – publishing a newsletter for the membership and for distribution to libraries, archives and other institutions.\nNiCHE brings together historians, geographers, and other researchers who study nature and humans in Canada's past. They offer a forum for the field, support collaboration among scholars, and ensure that this research is shared with policymakers, scientists, and the Canadian public. Check out their Forest History Project.\nArtefact of the Month\nThe CIF/IFC has a large collection of historic documents, which we aim to showcase over the coming months.\nCanadian Lumberman-Soldiers Offered Expertise During World War 1\nLumberman-soldiers from various Canadian provinces supported France throughout World War 1 (1914-1918) by offering their expertise cutting and harvesting wood used in the construction of trenches for soldiers on the battlefields. Click here to view the document.\nTree Farm Certificate\nAssociation Forestiere Quebecoise\nThis certifies that the forest lands of Mr. ... of ... consisting of ..... acres, are being adequately protected from forest enemies and are being managed in a manner which will assure continuous production of useful timber crop in accordance with forestry practices approved by the Tree Farm Committee of the Quebec Forestry Association. In recognition thereof, those lands are hereby designated a TREE FARM to remain as long as the owner, his heirs, and assigns comply with the said approved standards of Tree Farm practice.\nOn the St Maurice River\nThis photo was originally printed in the Report of the First Annual Meeting of the Canadian Forestry Association, held in Ottawa on March 8th, 1900. It depicts logs on the St. Maurice River.\nPractical Woodlot Management\nThis cartoon is from \"Practical Woodlot Management: How to Use the Forest Soundly and Profitably\" by A. Koroleff, published by the Canadian Forestry Association in 1948. The first man says, \"How is it, Joe, that you have been cutting more logs than I but your woods are fine and mine almost gone?\" to which Joe replies, \"You have butchered your forest; and a dead cow can bear no calf. I cut only the right trees at the right time, so that nature does the restocking.\"\nForest Fire Prevention Lecture Car\nCanadian Forestry Association Forest Fire Prevention Lecture Car Forest protection is my business, your business, and mighty good business. This photo was taken in Vancouver in 1928. See more photos at the City of Vancouver Archives.\nThis table card from National Forest Products Week, 1964, offers a snapshop of Canada's forest industry and its contribution to the national economy. \"CN transports about ten million tons of pulp, paper and wood to market every year. We know that forest products account for 30 per cent of the value of Canada's export trade. They also mean $1,200,000,000 in annual paychecks to 300,000 Canadians.\"", "label": "No"} {"text": "ERIC Number: ED117885\nRecord Type: RIE\nPublication Date: 1975\nReference Count: 0\nA Resource Manual of Information on Educating the Gifted and Talented.\nBoston, Bruce O., Ed.\nProvided are directories of federal, state and national resources, seven papers on the state of the art, and information on such other resources as films and state level parent organizations. The state of the art is examined in the following papers: \"The Federal Role in the Education of the Gifted and Talented\" (staff of the Office of Gifted and Talented, U.S. Office of Education); \"Education of the Gifted and Talented: A Brief Report on the State of the Art\" (D. Jackson); \"A Backward and Forward Glance at the Gifted\" (A. Tannenbaum); \"Program Planning for the Gifted\" (J. Runyon); \"Teachers for the Gifted\" (M. Freehill); \"Analyses and Identification of Giftedness in Mexican American Children: A Pilot Study\" (E. Bernal); and \"The National/State Leadership Training Institute on the Gifted and Talented: A Sketch of Future, Present, and Past\" (I. Sato et al). Among other resources described are approximately 70 films on such aspects as teacher awareness and creativity. (CL)\nDescriptors: Directories, Educational Trends, Elementary Secondary Education, Exceptional Child Education, Exceptional Child Research, Gifted, Information Dissemination, Organizations (Groups), Program Development, Publications, Resource Materials, Talent Identification\nCouncil for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091 ($3.95)\nPublication Type: Guides - General\nEducation Level: N/A\nSponsor: National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.\nAuthoring Institution: ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, Reston, VA.\nNote: For related information, see EC 081 121", "label": "No"} {"text": "Dr. Wendy Clement, Associate Professor of Biology, has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support her research program and to engage undergraduate research collaborators in her work. The main goal of Dr. Clement’s research is to use honeysuckles to better understand the evolution and genetic regulation of a plant trait called fusion. Dr. Clement is leading this three-year, $900,000 NSF grant, which also includes collaborators from Yale University and St. John’s University. The award funding is split nearly equally among the collaborating institutions.\nAs an evolutionary biologist and plant systematist, Dr. Clement studies the evolution of present-day plant biodiversity. Her work integrates molecular phylogenetics, genomics, morphology, biogeography, and pollination ecology to answer questions about how plant diversity evolved, where major groups of plants originated, and how they have moved around the globe to their current locations.\nMost recently, Dr. Clement and her undergraduate research team have been focused on a plant trait called fusion. Plant structures such as flowers and fruits often develop through the fusion of component parts. For example, the bell-shaped flower of a morning glory is the result of the fusion of five petals, and a pineapple results from the fusion of developing fruits of multiple individual flowers. Even though the phenomenon of organ fusion is commonplace in plants, the process is understudied. Dr. Clement’s new NSF-funded project aims to understand the evolution and genetic regulation of fusion using a common plant group, honeysuckles, as a model.\nIn addition to the three principal investigators, this large study will involve at least 15 undergraduate researchers, a postdoctoral researcher, and a graduate student. Students will travel nationally and internationally to botanic gardens for sample collection, engage in diverse laboratory analyses, and present their research at scientific conferences across the country. Ultimately this research will greatly enhance the genomic resources available for a widely cultivated plant group and for important crop plants.\nIn addition to the research described above, this project will also combine biology and art to create engaging scientific outreach experiences. Botanical images produced through the research will form the foundation for developing an art exhibit called “Plant Communication and the Art of Fusion.” The exhibit will be displayed in TCNJ’s Art Gallery and at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, which receives 67,000 visitors annually. The exhibit will be developed in collaboration with Professor Christopher Ault, in TCNJ’s Department of Interactive Multimedia (IMM). It will involve a course of 24 IMM students, as well as Biology and IMM research students, who will work at the interface between the two disciplines to create a hands-on experience in science communication.\nProfessor Clement has deep interest in science outreach and communication, including leading TCNJ’s major campus-wide, science meal event in 2017 – Tasting the Tree of Life: Exploring Biodiversity through Cuisine.\nFor More Information:\n- National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Award Abstract\n- Dr. Wendy Clement’s Webpage\n- TCNJ’s Tree Thinker (Faculty Profile of Dr. Clement)\n- Flower Power. Students from the 19th century preserved plants for their 21st century counterparts. (TCNJ Magazine, Spring 2019)\n- TCNJ Biology Student Wins Research Prize from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists\n- Tasting the Tree of Life\n- TCNJ Biology Department", "label": "No"} {"text": "Civic participation is not limited only to casting vote in elections or working voluntarily in non-governmental organizations. Democracy means also to speak up, directly, without representatives. People on the streets, in the internet or social media try to express themselves in order to change the rules of democracy.During the seminar that took place in the Institute of Public Affairs on 19th of September we talked about informal civic movements in Latin America. Thanks to input made by Rodrigo Alvarez Valdes - political scientist from Centro de Estudios Enzo Faletto of the Santiago de Chile University and Mathilde Sproer - political scientist and PhD candidate at Sorbonne in Paris we could discuss the challenges faced by informal activists and the possible future development of such informal movements. The presentations made by Chilean experts were a starting point for discussions about similarities and differences between civic participation in Poland and Chile.\nRodrigo Álvarez Valdés made a comprehensive introduction to the history of Chilean democracy and civil society. He presented the development of democratic movements beginning with the Presidency of Salvador Allende, followed by Pinochet’s dictatorship and then transition to democracy after 1988 referendum. In his presentation Rodrigo Alvarez Valdes discussed the phenomenon of so called Penguin Revolution in Chile in 2006 series of ongoing student voiceprotests carried out by high school students across Chile. It was a good background for the second presentation made by Matilde Spoerer, who talked about institutional participation and informal civic engagement in Chile. She criticized the mechanisms engaging society in taking part in the decision-making process such as public consultations, that in her opinion do not play their inclusive role in Chilean society.\nThe discussion with Polish guests invited for the seminar reviled many similarities between Chile and Poland such as lack of trust for public institutions, low level of voter turnout, lack of interest in politics among younger generations. Although Chile and Poland have completely different cultural backgrounds, the comparison of both countries is a great way of evaluating democratic processes in Europe and Latin America. The democratic transitions in Chile and Poland started at the same time, yet the regimes of both countries had different political background. The communist regime in Poland and Pinochet’s regime in Chile represented accordingly left and right dictatorship. Nevertheless the problems with civic participation after almost 25 years remain the same.\nThe seminar was organized as a part of the project “Public Participation and Civic Involvement: Responses to the Democratic Deficit in Europe and Latin America.” This international project is run by the Institute of Public Affairs in cooperation with Centro de Estudios Enzo Faletto - Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), which focuses on the problem of democratic deficit, understood as a weakening of the legitimacy of basic institutions of democratic states and ritualization of democratic processes. The visit of Chilean experts to Poland included meetings with the representatives of various NGO’s, think-tanks and public institutions dealing with civic participation and public dialogue. Thanks to cooperation with Political Critique, Women’s Congress, Batory Foundation, Civic Institute and Information Office of European Parliament the Chilean guests were able to understand better the state of participatory democracy in Poland and also become acquainted with an European perspective on that matter.\nIn December a representation of the Institute of Public Affairs will visit Chile and take part in international conference on deficit of democracy in Europe and Latin America.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Humboldt Penguin population along the western coast of South America is subject to considerable variability, mainly due to El Niño/La Niña. On the Islotas Puñihuil the southern distributional range of Humboldt Penguins overlaps with the northern distributional range of Magellanic Penguins and both species breed sympatrically on a few islands (1,2,3). The foraging ecology during the breeding season (4) and the migration during winter has been studied in both species (5). It could be shown that all penguins, irrespective of sex and species, migrated in a coastal area stretching from the colony about 1000 km northwards.\n- (1) Hiriart-Bertrand, L., A. Simeone, R. Reyes-Arriagada, V. Riquelme, K. Pütz & B. Lüthi (2010) Description of a mixed-species colony of Humboldt (Spheniscus humboldti) and Magallanic Penguins (S. magellanicus) at Metalqui Island, Chiloé, southern Chile. Boletín Chileno de Ornitologia 16(1): 42-47\n- (2) Reyes-Arriagada, R., L. Hiriart-Bertrand, V. Riquelme, A. Simeone, K. Pütz, B. Lüthi and A. Raya Rey (2013) Population trends of a mixed-species colony of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in southern Chile after establishing a Protected Area. Avian Conservation and Ecology 8 (2): 13\n- (3) Simeone, A., L. Hiriart-Betrand, R. Reyes-Arriagada, M. Halpern, J. Dubach, R. Wallace, K. Pütz & B. Lüthi (2009) Heterospecific pairing and hybridization between wild Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in southern Chile. Condor 111(3): 544-550\n- (4) Raya Rey, A., K. Pütz, L. Hiriart-Bertrand, R. Reyes-Arriagada, V. Riquelme, B. Lüthi & A. Simeone (2013) Comparative foraging behaviour of sympatric breeding Humboldt and Magellanic penguins reveals sex- and species-specific strategies. EMU 113(2): 145-153\n- (5) Pütz, K., A. Raya Rey, L. Hiriart-Bertrand, A. Simeone, R. Reyes-Arriagada & B. Lüthi (2016) Post-moult movements of sympatrically breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in south-central Chile. Global Ecology and Conservation 7: 49-58 DOI:10.1016/j.gecco.2016.05.001", "label": "No"} {"text": "Residents in Ohio who have children with disabilities know the importance of finding ways to help support their children. Depending on the nature of a disability, some people may be able to work and earn some amount of income while others may never be able to work in any capacity. This leads families to learn what forms of assistance may be available to them and their children.\nAs explained by the Social Security Administration, Social Security Disability is a program that pays benefits to a person who has become disabled but previously worked and paid into the SSDI program. Applicants must meet the definition of being disabled as laid out by the SSA in order to qualify for benefits. In addition, it may be possible for a worker’s adult disabled child to receive SSDI benefit from their contributions.\nAccording to Special Needs Answers, there are specific requirements that must be met in order for an adult disabled child to receive SSDI based on their parent’s record. One of these is that the child’s disability must have been identified before they turned 22 years old. Another is that the child must be unmarried. The parent must also have worked long enough to qualify for benefits on their own and be actively receiving Social Security, be disabled or have already died in order for the adult disabled child to apply for their benefits.\nAn adult disabled child applying for SSDI based on their parent’s earnings may also be able to qualify for Supplemental Security Income in some situations.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Biological sewage treatment, like electricity, power generation, telephones, and mass transit, has been a key technology and a major part of the urban infrastructure since the late nineteenth century. But sewage treatment plants are not only a ubiquitous component of the modern city, they are also ecosystems--a hybrid variety that incorporates elements of both nature and industry and embodies multiple contradictions. In Hybrid Nature, Daniel Schneider offers an environmental history of the biological sewage treatment plant in the United States and England, viewing it as an early and influential example of an industrial ecosystem. The sewage treatment plant relies on microorganisms and other plants and animals but differs from a natural ecosystem in the extent of human intervention in its creation and management. Schneider explores the relationship between society and nature in the industrial ecosystem and the contradictions that define it[: the naturalization of industry versus the industrialization of nature; the public interest versus private (patented) technology; engineers versus bacterial and human labor; and purification versus profits in the marketing of sewage fertilizer.] Schneider also describes biotechnology's direct connections to the history of sewage treatment, and how genetic engineering is extending the reaches of the industrial ecosystem to such \"natural\" ecosystems as oceans, rivers, and forests. In a conclusion that shows how industrial ecosystems continue to evolve, Schneider discusses John Todd's Living Machine, a natural purification method of sewage treatment, as the embodiment of the contradictions of the industrial ecosystem.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Urinary tract infections occurs when there is a bacterial infection into the urinary system which includes the kidney the urinary bladder the 2 ureter and the urethra.\nThis urinary tract infections may occur as a result of chemical irritants such as bad soap soap perfumes spermicidal foam baths e.t.c.\nTypes and symptoms of urinary tract infections\nThe name urinary tract infection is not just for a single urinary disease but for many. Furthermore, these diseases are split by a thin line of demarcation but holds the same mode.\nUrinary tract infections include;\nFirstly, this is the inflammation of the urethra which may be as a result of sexual intercourse with an infected person bacterial invasion use of disinfectant in the urethra chemical irritants such as perfumes and bacteria such as chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhea.\nFurthermore, it occurs when there is an inflammation in the urethra. In most cases it is because of irritants such as disinfectants or bacteria or sexual intercourse with an infected person. when this bacteria enters and attach with its pill, the lining of the urethra then multiply thereby resulting to swelling and damage in the urethra.\nIt will damage the surrounding tissues thereby leading to increase in blood supply to that area. This blood increase causes painful urination, painful sexual intercourse and some abnormal discharge.\nIn addition, it invades the surrounding tissues of the urethra causing the blood vessels in the urethra to rupture leading to blood in urine and burning sensation during urination.\nAlso read Physiology of menstruation\nsigns and symptoms of urethritis\n- Burning sensation during urination to this area\n- Painful urination\n- Itching sensation\n- Abnormal discharge\n- Blood in urine\n- Frequent urge to urinate\n- Painful ejaculation\n- Painful erection\nIt is the inflammation of the walls of the bladder. It is as a result of an invasion of bacteria into the urinary bladder.\nMoreover, some risk factors may include urethritis drugs like sulfonamide decreased immunity some antibiotics medication stenosis of the urethra diabetes mellitus frequent catheterization.\nSigns and symptoms.\n- Cloudy urine\n- Decrease in urinary output\n- Blood in urine.\nSolution to Cystitis\nIt can be treated with antibiotics such as sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim ciprofloxacin anti-inflammatory drugs haematinics such ferrous sulfate vitamin b complex vitamin c and folic acid.\n- Formation of scar tissues\n- Loss of bladder tone due to tone due to over stretching of the bladder\n3. Urethral stricture\nUrethra structure is the narrowing of the urethra lining lumen. It is a result of a scar tissue formation due to recurrent urethral infection congenital abnormality tumor direct trauma to the urethra continuous insertion of cystoscope oral surgery urethral surgery continuous catheterization.\nSigns and symptoms of urinary stricture.\n- Poor urinary stream\n- Decreased urinary output\n- Urine retention\n- Inability to urinate\n- Inability to ejaculate\n- Bladder distention.\nSolution to Urinary stricture\nUrinary stricture can be managed by following the steps below. These steps include;\n- Using urethral dilator to dilate and insert a catheter permanently so that urine can pass.\n- Urethroplasty: this is done to repair the urethra by relining it.\nSee also How to stay healthy during harmattan\nGeneral solution to urinary tract infections\nWhenever you notice any of the above symptoms, it is appropriate to go seek out your doctor for proper care, diagnosis and treatment.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It’s been 13 years since the Columbine High School massacre; yet, the memories of the 13 victims still live on. South Dakota students are finding inspiration from one of the victims, in hopes of spreading her message across the world.\nRachel Joy Scott was the first Columbine victim. Rachel believed that kindness and compassion toward others would one day change the world.\nOn Wednesday, Wall students pledged to take part in “Rachel’s challenge” by replacing bullying and violence with kindness and compassion. It’s a challenge Rachel deemed necessary 13 years ago, which is even more prevalent these days.\n“I guess in some cases it could save a life you know, somebody might act out irrationally and harm themselves and others,” said Wall Senior Linni Sykora.\nStudents across the nation and world are also taking part in “Rachel’s Challenge.”\n“We never know, and that’s one of the things we try to focus on is that we never know when our kindness or compassion is going to be there for somebody who really needs it,’ said Neil McIntyre, who works with the non-profit organization.\nOrganizer Neil McIntyre says “Rachel’s Challenge” is also about getting past our prejudices. But most importantly, it’s about creating a ripple change of positivity.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This article describes a technique for using histograms to determine the rms noise of an A/D converter, referred to the input. It can complement the popular qualitative approach of evaluating A/D converter performance by applying a dc analog voltage and observing \"code flicker\" at the A/D's digital output.\nCollect Data With A Histogram: A dc histogram reports the number of times each code appears at the output of the A/D converter. Here is a procedure to produce a histogram:\n- Connect a \"clean\" dc source to the analog input of the A/D converter (and a \"clean\" reference, if an external one is used).\n- Record the results of a large number of conversions, depending on the expected noise. One-to-two million conversions are usually more than adequate for a low-noise A/D.\n- Sort the conversions into code \"hits.\" The core of the histogram is essentially a bank of counters (or bins); there is one bin corresponding to each possible digital output of the A/D converter. After each conversion, the digital code at the A/D output is determined (by hardware or software) and the corresponding counter is incremented. If an ideal (noiseless) A/D were connected to a dc voltage, the histogram of n conversions would indicate n code 'hits' in the bin corresponding to the digital value of the dc input. All other bins would equal zero.\nWhile the ideal A/D only produces code hits in a single bin, an actual A/D will produce additional codes outside the main bin for any dc input value, due to the presence of noise. The number of codes that fall outside the main bin is the key to measuring the converter's rms noise. Avoidance of an additional effect at certain codes due to differential nonlinearity will be discussed later.\nUnderstand Noise Sources: The three dominant sources of A/D noise are quantization, ac (phase noise, or jitter in sampling of ac signals), and wideband (white noise, digital feedthrough, etc.). The last one is the most amenable to dc histogram testing. Quantization noise is a large contributor to the signal's error power, but (in the absence of drift during the measurement) it does not cause multiple code \"hits\" to show up in a dc histogram. AC noise, resulting from aperture jitter, is also not a factor when the input signal is dc. The remaining source, wideband noise, is the major input-referred noise component measured by the histogram technique.\nWhat are our important assumptions? First, that the model for the A/D is an ideal quantizer with a Gaussian noise source added to the input of the device. The measurement will be somewhat erroneous if the dominant noise source is non-Gaussian; for example, digital feedthrough tends to be code and signal dependent. Second, the architecture of the device affects the measurements; but the technique is valid for the majority of high-speed, pipelined converters available from Analog Devices.\nDetermine RMS Noise Graphically: How do the histogram and noise relate to one another? Figure 1 shows a Gaussian input to an ideal quantizer and a histogram of the corresponding output. The probability density function (PDF) of the input shows that the majority of the output codes will occur in a single bin, but there must be additional codes corresponding to the tails of the distribution. The fraction that occurs outside the main code depends on the spread, or standard deviation, σ, of the noise distribution.\nFigure 2 is a plot of a PDF for A/D input noise in which σ corresponds to the least significant bit (LSB) of the converter under test. The dc input to the A/D is adjusted to center the PDF on the midpoint of code k. After quantization, noise is measured by the fraction of codes occurring outside the main bin, equal to the ratio of the area of the shaded tails to the total area under the curve. With the analog input on a code center, the boundaries of the shaded area occur at ±0.5 LSB away from the code center.\nFor a symmetrical Gaussian PDF, the equation1,\nexpresses the probability of getting a code outside the main bin for that PDF. The terms inside the integral are simply the expression for a Gaussian distribution with unit area and standard deviation, σ. Integrate from -infinity to -0.5 LSB to find the area under one tail, and from +0.5 LSB to +infinity for the other. By symmetry, one can simply multiply the area under one tail by 2.\nTo ultimately determine the A/D's noise, equation (1) must be solved for σ, with P determined from the histogram as the fractional portion of code \"hits\" outside the main bin. Unfortunately, the integral has no closed form solution in terms of σ. One option is to iterate σ and numerically evaluate equation (1) until the solution equals the fraction determined from the histogram. Alternatively, we can fix σ, iterate the upper limit of integration, plot the result as a graph, and use it to find the upper limit that corresponds to any value of P. Figure 3a is a plot of:\nwith σ equal to unity. For each point, x, it has been integrated and the fractional value, F, determined. Since we already know the value of F (= P) from the histogram, we can simply find the x-axis point, x0, corresponding to P, from Figure 3a. This value is equivalent to having evaluated equation (1) from -infinity to -0.5 LSB, had we known the correct value for σ. To calculate the rms noise of the converter, simply solve the equation\nThe procedure's simplicity can be demonstrated with an example. Suppose that the fraction of codes outside the main bin equals 0.0027. Using Figure 3b, a magnified version of 3a, find 0.0027 on the y-axis [these values can also be found from a standard normal curve, or z-Table for the area under the unit normal distribution]. The corresponding intercept on the x-axis, x0, is -3. Solve equation (3) for σ, the rms noise (= 0.167 LSB).\nFigures 3a and 3b relate rms noise and code histogram values. Do a histogram, find the fraction of codes that occur outside the main bin, look up that number on the y-axis of 3a or 3b, and read off the x-axis value. Dividing 0.5 LSBs by this number gives the rms noise in LSBs.\nOn The Bench: There are some practical rules to follow when setting up the test fixture. First, use a dc source with noise below the level being measured. Then, using several conversions, set the analog input squarely on the center of the code (i.e., mid-way between adjacent transitions). This should make the side bins approximately equal in size, important for the symmetry assumption in using the above analysis. This also maximizes the number of code hits occurring outside the main bin(s), resulting in a statistically more-significant measurement. For example, if the input is centered on the transition, the histogram produces two 1-LSB-wide main bins with approximately equal numbers of code \"hits\", including some of the hits that would have appeared in the bins adjacent to a 1-LSB-wide centered main bin.\nDetermining the noise of the converter is useful for making a comparison, either to a specified requirement or to another A/D converter of the same, or different type. Figure 4a shows a typical histogram generated from the AD872A 12-bit, 10-MSPS A/D converter. All the codes appear in either the main bin or the two adjacent bins, roughly symmetrically disposed. From the histogram, the ratio of the 34,729 code hits outside the main bin to the 652,790 total number of codes counted is 0.053. From Figure 3a, the x-value corresponding to 0.053 on the y-axis is approximately 1.9 σ. From equation (3), 1.9 σ = 0.5 LSBs, and the rms noise (σ) equals 0.26 LSBs rms.\nFor comparison, Figure 4b shows a histogram of the AD871, a 12-bit, 5-MSPS high-speed A/D converter. Using the same procedure, the hit ratio is 2,581/1,638,400, about 0.0016, and the input-referred noise of the AD871 is thus 0.5/3.17, or 0.16 LSBs rms. With low-noise A/Ds, like the AD871, the test should be run long enough to acquire enough code hits outside the main bin in order to obtain a credible noise measurement.\nDNL May Skew The Measurement: While the histogram measurement technique assumes an ideal quantizer, differential-nonlinearity (DNL) errors will influence the measurement. DNL, a measure of A/D converter code width, expresses the difference between an actual code width and the ideal width of 1 LSB; it is positive for a wide code, negative for a narrow code. It tends to be worst at major transitions, e.g., from 011...11 to 100...00. If the code is wide, the noise measurement will be optimistic because the main bin will contain more hits. If a code is narrow, the noise measurement will tend to be on the high side (however, since missed codes are the ultimate case of excessively narrow codes, the measurement is conservative). The easiest way to circumvent this problem is to compute σ at several points along the transfer function avoiding major transitions, wide codes, and narrow codes—and then average the results.\n1Drake, Alvin W., Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967", "label": "No"} {"text": "7.1.7. Basic Geographic Literacy\n7.1.7.A. Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment.\nLocation of Places and Regions\n7.1.7.B. Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.\n7.2.7. Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions\n7.2.7.A. Explain the characteristics of places and regions.\n7.2.7.B. Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth’s surface.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Every generation of parents wonders, ”Why do my kids seem so different? I didn’t act like this.” Teens are affected by the culture in which they are raised. We’ve certainly got some unique influences today. But we think teens now aren’t that much different from the previous generations. It’s just that the challenges they face and the norms they follow are distinct.\nPolitical turmoil, “alternative truths,” pervasive technology, economic instability, and mass shootings have redefined truth, friendship, and security for teens in the U.S.\nA recent survey by the American Psychological Association found that shootings, separation and deportation of migrant families and sexual harassment and assault are significant stressors in teens’ lives. They are more likely than previous generations to report that their mental health is fair or poor.\nTechnology has had a huge influence. The Pew Research Center reports that although 95% of teens access social media, 24% describe its impact as mostly negative. While social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook, connects teens to others and helps them discover information and find news, it also opens them to bullying, limits in-person contact, provides unrealistic views of others’ lives, distracts them, and exposes them to peer pressure.\nPartnering to face the challenges\nYour teen needs to develop resilience to deal with challenges they face. Often that takes parental guidance and creativity.\nDon’t let it go. Watch for withdrawal from friends and social activities, a drop in academic performance, a change in friends, a lot more alone time, weight gain, deep sadness, anger or violence, or unwavering focus on a recent traumatic event.\nTalk about it. Know what is going on, and seek outside help when needed. Listen to your teen and encourage a calm, rational discussion. The ability to express in a thoughtful, logical, calm way helps your teen share feelings, resist pressure, and not bend to the will of the loudest or strongest person in the group.\nBe a good role model. Don’t judge. Listen carefully. Respect your teen’s thoughts and feelings.\nShow your love. Be there for your teen, leave no doubt about your support. Have a regular time when you talk or hang out. Whether it’s coffee together, getting ice cream, watching a ballgame, going to the golf course, or fishing, make it regular and dependable. It’s so easy to get caught up in life and work and lose the connection.\nConnect. Look your teen in the eye. When it’s your turn to talk, think of something from your own experience that would be meaningful. Sometimes this is the key to a good conversion, finding that the old man had a similar challenge.\nSet rules. Allow your teen to help participate in setting the rules, developing guidelines, and creating expectations. Kids follow better when they are involved.\nBroaden your teen’s horizons. Introduce new activities, new social circles\nTeach responsibility. Recognize your teen’s role in caring for the household. Assign tasks to be fulfilled and recognize when they are.\nGive your teen space. Allow the time needed to reflect on an issue, express a feeling, develop a response. Don’t hound but do stay in connection.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Three way comparisons show the differences between three different versions of a resource. This feature is most useful when merging resources or when there is a conflict during synchronization. Conflicts occur when two developers add a version from the same branch to their Workbench, then each developer modifies it, then one developer attempts to commit the resource after the other developer has already committed it.\nWhen this situation arises, you can view the differences between three resource versions: the resource in the Workbench, the version of the resource that is committed in the branch, and the common ancestor from which the two conflicting versions are based. If a common ancestor cannot be determined, for example because a resource with the same name and path was created and committed by two different developers, the comparison becomes a two-way comparison.\nThe Synchronize view allows you to view the differences between two or three files. If a common ancestor is available, the sync view performs a three way comparison. It is possible that a common ancestor for two conflicting resource versions cannot be determined, (e.g. a resource with the same name and path is created and committed by two different developers). In this case the compare becomes a regular two way compare.\nIn a three way compare the Workbench shows you:\nIn the picture below, the common ancestor is displayed in the top pane of the text compare pane. The differences that you see highlighted are what has changed in the Workbench resource as compared to the common ancestor, and what has been changed in the branch resource as compared to the common ancestor. The sections that differ in all three files are highlighted as differences. Conflicts are shown in red, incoming changes in blue, and outgoing changes in gray.\nSynchronizing with a CVS repository\nCreating a CVS repository location\nSynchronizing with a repository\nMerging changes in the compare editor\nSetting preferences for comparing files\nComparing resources with repository versions\nCVS Synchronize view", "label": "No"} {"text": "Nursing Care Plan for Anorexia Nervosa\nAnorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height.\nA person with Anorexia Nervosa has not made a ‘lifestyle choice’, they are actually very unwell and need help.\nAnorexia nervosa typically involves excessive weight loss and is diagnosed approximately nine times more often in females than in males. Patients with anorexia nervosa often experience dizziness, headaches, drowsiness and a lack of energy.\nAnorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder with three key features:\n- refusal to maintain a healthy body weight\n- an intense fear of gaining weight\n- a distorted body image\nDefining Anorexia Nervosa\nA person with Anorexia Nervosa will weigh less than 85% of what is expected for his/her age and height and may look emaciated. They could also have lost a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time. The person will be unable to maintain what is considered to be a normal and healthy weight.\nA fear of gaining weight\nEven when people with Anorexia Nervosa are underweight, starved or malnourished they will still possess an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming ‘fat’.\nDisturbed body image\nWhen someone has Anorexia Nervosa they may have an irrational obsession with body image. The person’s self worth can become entirely defined by the way they think they look. A person with Anorexia Nervosa can also develop a distorted view of their body, they may see themselves as fat when in reality they are dangerously underweight.\nRisk factors for anorexia include:\n- Being more worried about, or paying more attention to, weight and shape\n- Having an anxiety disorder as a child\n- Having a negative self-image\n- Having eating problems during infancy or early childhood\n- Having certain social or cultural ideas about health and beauty\n- Trying to be perfect or overly focused on rules\nAnorexia often begins during the pre-teen or teen years or young adulthood. It is more common in females, but may also be seen in males. The disorder is seen mainly in white women who are high achievers in school and who have a goal-oriented family or personality.\nDifferent programs have been designed to treat anorexia. Sometimes the person can gain weight by:\n- Increasing social activity\n- Reducing the amount of physical activity\n- Using schedules for eating\nNursing Interventions for Anorexia Nervosa\nImbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements related to ineffective individual coping\n- Clients not impaired in growth and development.\n- Clients in meeting nutritional needs are met.\n- Involve the family in the plan of dietary supplementation.\n- Provide information about adequate dietary intake and effects of inadequate food intake on energy levels and psychological wellbeing.\n- Start the workout plan specifically to help achieve positive behavior.", "label": "No"} {"text": "To the newly remodeled Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park for its June 30 rededication. At more than 70 years old, it was the first presidential library and was built from 1939 to 1940.\nThe library houses exhibits and documents that tell the story of not only President Roosevelt's life, but also a vital part of our nation's history. Exhibits encompass a variety of historical events, including the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II and the subsequent Japanese-American internment. The renovations include plenty of interactives to give visitors the chance to be the \"decision-maker.\"\nRoosevelt, born in Hyde Park, assumed the presidency during the Great Depression, and steered the American people through that difficult time, reassuring them that \"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.\"\nThough he inherited the presidency at America's most economically dismal time, Roosevelt ushered in the New Deal, which revitalized the nation's infrastructure and brought jobs to many who were unemployed.\nThough Roosevelt left behind a great legacy, some of his presidential decisions were controversial. World War II and Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor led to Roosevelt's decision to force thousands of Japanese-American citizens into internment camps for the duration of the war.\nThe library also offers a glimpse into the personal lives of Franklin and his wife, Eleanor. Exhibits include scrapbooks, Roosevelt's model ship collection, records of his health issues and proof of Roosevelt's marital infidelities.\nRoosevelt, like the many presidents who came both before and after him, achieved much for this nation.The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, however, does not seek to mythologize Roosevelt, but give us a more intimate understanding of the former president, and the era in which he lived.\nTo Tony Bennett, who performed a concert June 29 at the Ulster Performing Arts Center in Kingston. Proceeds from the performance are being used to fund repairs and renovations at UPAC, owned by the Bardavon 1869 Opera House.\nThis year's concert was the second time Bennett has donated performance proceeds to the Bardavon; the first was in 2012.\nThe Bardavon is a nonprofit organization that, in addition to traditional performances, offers residencies and other educational programs for local students who are interested in the arts.\nThanks to Tony Bennett's generosity, the Bardavon and UPAC can continue to enrich the local community.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Write combining is a technique where writes may get buffered into a temporary buffer, and then written to memory in a single largish transaction. This can apparently give a nice boost to write bandwidth. Write-combined memory is not cached so reads from write-combined memory are still very slow. I came upon the concept of write-combining while looking at data transfer from CPU to GPU on AMD’s APUs. It turns out that if you use the appropriate OpenCL flags (CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY) while creating a GPU buffer on an AMD APU, then AMD’s driver exposes these buffers as write-combined memory on the CPU. AMD claims that you can write to these buffers at pretty high speeds and thus this can act as a fast-path for CPU to GPU data copies. In addition to regular and write-combined memory, there is also a third type: uncached memory without write-combining.\nI wanted to understand the characteristics of write-combined memory as well as uncached memory compared with “regular” memory allocated using, say, the default “new” operator. On Windows, we can allocate write-combined memory or uncached memory using VirtualAlloc function by passing the flags PAGE_WRITECOMBINE and PAGE_NOCACHE respectively. So I wrote a simple test. The code is open-source and can be found here.\nFor each memory type (regular, write-combined and uncached), we run the following test. The test allocates a buffer and then we copy the data from a regular CPU array to the buffer and measure the time. We do the copy (to the same buffer) multiple times and measure the time of each copy and report the timing and bandwidth of first run as well as the average of subsequent runs. The first run timings give us an idea of the overhead of first use, which can be substantial. For bandwidth, if I am copying N bytes of data, then I report bandwidth computed as N/(time taken). Some people prefer to report bandwidth as 2*N/(time taken) because they count both the read and the write so that’s something to keep in mind.\nI ran the test on a laptop running AMD A10-5750M (Richland), 8GB 1600MHz DDR3, WIndows 8.1 x64, VS 2013 x64.\nThe average bandwidth result for “double” datatype arrays (size ~32MB) was average bandwidth of 3.8GB/s for regular memory, 5.7 GB/s for write-combined and 0.33GB/s for uncached memory. The bandwidth reported here is for average runs not including the first run. The first use penalty was found to be substantial. The first run of regular memory took about 22ms while write-combined took 81ms for first run and uncached memory took 164ms. Clearly if you are only transferring it once, then write-combined memory is not the best solution. In this case, you need around 20 runs for the write-combined memory to break even in terms of total data copy times. But if you are going to be reusing the buffer many times, then write-combined memory is a definite win.", "label": "No"} {"text": "This conclusion comes from US and Chinese scientists who today announce the discovery of a 130m-year-old forerunner of the lumbering Cretaceous predator.\nDilong paradoxus - its generic name comes from the Mandarin for emperor and dragon, and its species name from its unusual features - was the size of a turkey, had a single nose bone, a massive jaw, a long neck, and hands with three fingers.\nMark Norell of the American Museum of Natural History, Xing Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other colleagues report in Nature that its fossils were unearthed in Liaoning province in China.\nDilong is the most primitive of the tyrannosaurid family found so far. But what shook the discoverers was that the region's unique volcanic ash and sandy muds preserved not just the skeleton but also some soft tissue - and the first direct evidence that tyrannosaurs had feathers, or at least branching structures an inch long called protofeathers.\nTheropods, predator dinosaurs, share 100 or more anatomical features with modern birds - a wishbone, swivelling wrists, three forward-pointing toes, and so on. In eight years, Liaoning has repeatedly yielded evidence of feathers as well. There is a strong belief birds evolved from egg-laying, young-nursing dinosaurs. But feathers would emerge initially as a way of regulating body temperature. It suggests the ferocious T-rex may have had a fluffy coat at some stage in its life. \"The discovery of protofeathers ... provides even more evidence of the shared evolutionary features between non-avian dinosaurs and living birds,\" said Dr Norell.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Syrian Heritage Initiative provides Middle Eastern and American archaeologists the tools to document and raise awareness of the destruction of Syrian and Iraqi culture by extremists, including Daesh.\nWhat extremists destroy is part of “our worldwide heritage,” Syrian Heritage Initiative program director Andrew Vaughn says. “All of our history dates back to this area, and I would say that when the culture of any people is threatened, part of human history and human identity is threatened.”\nThe value of cultural heritage under threat cannot be overstated. Six of Syria’s heritage areas are on UNESCO’s World Heritage List and 12 others are nominated for inclusion.\nIn answer to that urgent threat, the State Department partnered with American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) in August 2014 to create the Syrian Heritage Initiative. The initiative, jointly managed by the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, aims to protect cultural property in Syria and areas outside of Iraqi governmental control by:\n- Documenting damage by collecting news, social media and satellite photos and communicating with Syrian and Iraqi heritage experts.\n- Promoting global awareness with reports that highlight threatened and damaged heritage.\n- Shaping emergency and post-war responses by rapidly documenting damage and preservation needs.\nThe initiative promotes awareness of the danger to cultural heritage on English and Arabic language social media platforms.\n“We want Arabic speakers to be aware of culture that is threatened and is being damaged and destroyed, and we want them to be aware of the involvement of the international community,” Vaughn says.\nIn the future, Syrians and Iraqis dedicated to cultural heritage protection can use data collected by the initiative to focus on the sites they believe need attention.\n“Hopefully this information will attract international resources so that they can take the steps necessary to rebuild their culture,” Vaughn says.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Taking off and landing on an aircraft is a stressful experience for the average human – let alone an infant. It is no secret that young children do not enjoy flying… their screams and cries make that particularly obvious. But is there a reason why taking off and landing is worse for infants? And why do they cry while flights take off and land?\nThey are trying to get adult aid\nFlying can be an incredibly uncomfortable situation for infants. They are made to stay in the same seat for however many hours, bombarded with loud noises, the air smells weird and their ears hurt. The frustrations that adults feel while flying are only heightened in an infant – especially when the plane suddenly speeds up or bumps on the ground when the aircraft lands because they do not understand what is going on, and it is a completely new experience. Often, their cries are a distress call. They are looking to their parents to soothe their fears and tell them that everything is ok.\nIt hurts their ears\nWhen you’re taking off and landing, it is incredibly likely that you will feel your ears ‘pop’ due to a change in cabin pressure. Seasoned travelers and adults know that the best way to get over popped ears is to yawn, clench your teeth or blow your nose. This new experience, and not knowing how to deal with it, can be incredibly uncomfortable for infants, causing them to cry. Although this crying response may not be ideal for your or the other passengers on the aircraft, crying results in jaw movement which can help release the buildup of pressure.\nBecause their parents are agitated\nSmall children and infants are incredibly attached to their parents, and can often mimic the feelings they believe their mother or father is experiencing. A lot of adults become nervous when taking off or landing in an aircraft, and this, in turn, can cause the infant to cry. When the infant notices that their parent or parents are agitated, they will themselves become agitated and stressed in regards to the situation. If you are a nervous flyer and traveling with a young child, it is always best to try and distract yourself and your child during takeoff and landing, to ensure neither of you becomes emotional.\nInfants have very distinct routines. They nap, they poop, and they eat at the same time each day, and disruption to this routine can cause distress – and flying can cause this kind of disruption. Flights can be at any time of the day, the environment is different, and mealtimes are changed. This disruption, coupled with the new experience of takeoff and landing, can cause groggy infants to become even more groggy.\nThey are uncomfortable\nFlights can often be long experiences and can be incredibly uncomfortable. If a baby is not clean, has not been fed or is too cold or hot, they are likely to become even more uncomfortable and cry. Experts say that you should change and feed your baby as close to your boarding time as possible, to ensure extra baby freshness for when you take your seats.\nThey may already be ill\nHaving an illness before you fly can cause them to be heightened in the stale and cold conditions of an aircraft. If a child has any allergies, a cough or a cold, the increase of air pressure can make the symptoms even worse. This is most likely to happen when the aircraft is taking off and landing, so the infant is more likely to cry. Illness makes an infant grizzly in the first place, so it’s made even worse in the aircraft situation.\nEach child is different\nEvery infant is different in their own way and will react to their situations in different ways. You may have a child who will happily sleep through the entire flight, take off and landing included. On the other hand, you may have a child who wants to cry throughout the whole flight. Knowing how to deal with your child’s own personal needs will make everyone’s flight more comfortable. Sometimes sitting them down with a teddy bear and an iPad can help all of the eventualities and avoid crying.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Understanding Economic Systems\nProfessor: Smith and Armour\nUnits: 2.0 (over two quarters)\nEconomic models provide a tool for anticipating the consequences of policy decisions and evaluating their effectiveness. These models are used in the analysis of traditional economic issues like compensation policy and minimum wages as well as the analysis of health care, education, law, and other areas. This course provides a background in microeconomic theory that is used in policy analysis. The main topics are consumer theory, theory of the firm, and partial equilibrium analysis.\nThis course also explores the concepts of market equilibrium and market failure. It begins by developing the techniques necessary for understanding equilibrium in a complex economy with many simultaneously operating markets, and the methods economists use to evaluate policy in this context. Specific topics will include public goods, externalities, the economics of property rights and legal institutions, and the fundamental welfare theorems.\nThe second half of the course will be devoted to understanding the economics of information, and the way in which information flows govern economic equilibrium. Specifically, we will explore situations of asymmetric information, adverse selection, moral hazard, uncertainty, and insurance.", "label": "No"} {"text": "National Eye Health Week brings organisations and health professionals from across Wales and the UK together to raise awareness of the importance of good eye health and the need for regular sight tests.\nNow in its eighth year, National Eye Health Week brings organisations and health professionals from across Wales together to raise awareness of the need for regular sight tests and how lifestyle habits can affect sight.\nRegular sight tests provide the basis for maintaining good eye health, as some serious eye conditions do not have any visible early warning symptoms. Having a sight test with an optometrist should be part of everyone’s health care routine.\nIn Wales, there are 106,980 people living with sight loss, which is significant enough to impact their daily lives. This includes people who may not be wearing the right prescription glasses or contact lenses, people waiting for cataract operations and people living with partial sight or blindness.\nApproximately 250 people in the UK, including 3 people in Wales lose their sight every day.\n— Nathan Gill (@NathanGillMEP) September 15, 2017\nHere are some steps you can take to look after your eyes:\n- Makes sure you have regular sight tests. Most people should have an eye test at least once every two years as over half of all sight loss is avoidable. Eye tests can check for eye conditions and general health issues too.\n- You might be entitled to a free eye test – NHS eye tests are free for people aged 60+ years , for children, for people on income-related benefits and if you have a family history of eye disease. Also in Wales, over 90% of opticians are signed up to the Wales Eye Care Service (WECS) and provide free eye examinations for certain groups at risk of sight loss, including Black and Minority Ethnic Communities. For more information and to find your nearest optician, please see www.eyecare.wales.nhs.uk.\n- Stop smoking as this has been linked to eye conditions that can cause permanent damage to your sight.\n- If you wear contact lenses remember to keep them clean.\n- Eat well and exercise to maintain a healthy weight. This can also help prevent diabetes, which can also cause sight loss. Stock up on leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts and seeds.\n- Know your family history. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness and can run in families. But, if caught early, it can be treated and controlled and your sight protected. So may sure you have regular sight tests.\n- Protect your eyes in sunlight from harmful UV rays. Make sure you wear sunglasses with a CE or British Standard mark.\n- Finally – take a break! We spend so much time looking at computer screens, this can put a strain on your eyes. So take a break every half hour and give your eyes the rest they deserve.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The key to understand is study starts with good Bible notes, and good study notes begin with finding critical observations while you read. All it takes is five minutes to learn and remember the Four P's:\nPrayers are important, mainly because when New Testament Bible writers express prayers in their writing, they directly describe the issues that weigh most heavily on their hearts and minds. This means that prayers are one of the best ways to determine what a writer's main theme is. You can know more about the bible timetable with world history by browsing online.\nA purpose statement is where a Bible book writer frankly expresses why he wrote a particular book. Sometimes this is more obvious to see in some books than in others, depending on the wording of the translation and the writer's particular style.\nWith prevalence, you don't want to limit yourself to the major themes that are repeated throughout the book. Instead, you must also narrow your scope to the repetitive words and phrases in smaller text sections.\nHow can you take several themes in a book, and narrow them down to the most important one or two? The answer is in petitions or petition verbs. New Testament writers didn't use the typographic tools you have today to bring attention to what they wanted to say in a letter. In Greek, however, the writers used special words to accomplish this emphasis. Today, they're called petition verbs.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The following article was published in Proletarian Revolution No. 69 (Winter 2004).\nTraducción en español\nA working-class-led uprising ousted President Gonzalo (“Goni“) Sánchez de Lozada of Bolivia on October 17 and halted the plan of the Bolivian government and their imperialist masters to sell off Bolivia’s natural gas reserves. The struggle was sparked by peasant road blockades in September, and the decisive action came with an indefinite general strike in October which grew to historic proportions. The worker and peasant unity that developed in action constituted no less than a political earthquake in Bolivia.\nOver the course of a few weeks the Bolivian masses showed the capacity for heroic and audacious action which has marked their history. In Bolivia, the population as a whole is majority indigenous, mainly Aymara and Quechua Indians, workers as well as peasants. The tendency of the indigenous population to seek unity against the entrenched racist oppression of the system was a factor of enormous weight. Another powerful unifying factor was the growing opposition to economic devastation under neo-liberalism, among both the working class and the peasantry. Both classes have been thoroughly immiserated by wave after wave of attacks. The actions and demands of the masses went well beyond what their official leaders wanted. Yet the worker and peasant leaders manipulated the scene to save the day for the capitalist ruling class. The powerful upsurge of the masses, in contrast to the pathetic betrayal of the reformist leaders, points to the fact that only revolutionary working-class leadership of a workers’ and peasants’ alliance can resolve the plight of the Bolivian people.\nA key turning point took place in El Alto, an industrial city near the capital of La Paz, where the working class forged a solid general strike that paralyzed the city by October 8. The people of El Alto in turn played a pivotal role in the successful spreading of this general strike to La Paz – as well as to Cochabamba and other important urban centers.\nIn El Alto the masses raised the question of taking on the police. The Army launched a deadly attack on the movement when a miners’ contingent arrived from Huanuni in the mining district of Oruro on October 9. That was a turning point, whose spirit was captured in this description:\nThroughout the afternoon of October 10, at the wake of the 22 year-old Aymara bricklayer, Ramiro Vargas, ... the mourners chanted, Now for sure! Civil war! Now for sure! Civil war! Police shot Vargas on October 9 for no committees in El Alto gave the police 24 hours to leave their houses and called reason other than that 500 miners had arrived from Huanuni to join the civic strike in El Alto. ... Following the killing of Ramiro Vargas, neighborhood on them to join the uprising. Otherwise they would become victims of popular justice. ... None dares to patrol the streets of El Alto! ... In spite of the tanks, planes and soldiers and helicopters strafing randomly, more than 90 percent of El Alto, entering its fifth day of a civic strike, remains under control of neighborhood associations, market vendors, public university students, and the Regional Workers Central (COR). (Forrest Hylton, “Bolivia: Aymara Rebellion and Democratic Dictatorship,” Bolivia Watch, Oct. 13)\nFor days, workers had already taken the initiative to march through the neighborhoods of El Alto with helmets marked “Workers Police.” The miners, brandishing sticks of dynamite, also played a pivotal role in defending the movement in El Alto. They were decisive in confronting the police on the final day of the mass marches to La Paz before Goni resigned.\nThe struggle united the Aymara working class and peasantry of the Western highlands, the Quechua peasantry of the south and the coca growers of the Eastern lowlands. Decisive roles were played by the miners and by the striking transport and other workers in La Paz. By October 13 there was a magnificent spectacle: the capital was surrounded and shut down. There were calls for “Workers to Power” reported in different cities. An insurrection was in the making. The resignation of President Sánchez de Lozada was clearly inevitable.\nWith hundreds of thousands of people in the streets in La Paz and throughout the country by October 17, Sánchez de Lozada fled to Miami, in the great tradition of fallen Latin American imperialist lackeys. The danger to the stability of capitalist rule at that moment was enormous. There was no domestic military solution possible to suppress the upsurge. The conscript army was unstable: soldiers were increasingly failing to follow orders against the ever-growing mass rebellion. Even the police, the ruling class’s mercenaries, were frightened and could not be fully relied upon to do the job, as El Alto demonstrated.\nBy the culmination of the October struggle, over 150 fighters had been killed nation-wide, with countless more injured. Dragging behind the masses, the unions came under pressure to call for workers’ defense committees but never actually took responsibility for arming the movement.\nThe usual solution for comprador governments in such a situation is to resort to an open or covert U.S. military operation. But that was ruled out with the U.S. pre-occupied in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, the reformist worker and peasant leaders saved the day for Bolivian capitalism. They maneuvered to install the vice-president, Carlos Mesa, as president on October 18. These leaders had been forced by the masses to call and spread the general strike and the road blockades that supported it. But at the decisive point they gave a three-month “breathing space” to Mesa’s “new” capitalist government.\nThe main perpetrators of this class betrayal were the leaders of the workers and peasants unions: Evo Morales, head of the coca grower’s union (and the MAS political party which came in a close second in the last presidential elections); his political rival Felipe Quispe, head of the umbrella national peasant’s union, CSUTCB (Unified Confederation of Campesino Workers of Bolivia); and Jaime Solares, head of the COB (Central Obrera Boliviana), the union central to which peasants’ as well as workers’ unions are affiliated. Also important was Roberto de la Cruz, the militant leader of the regional union center in El Alto. Each leader backed Mesa in practice while decorating their betrayal with measured doses of class-struggle rhetoric.\nThis radical flourish was obvious at the COB Expanded National Plenum in La Paz on October 18, surrounded by tens of thousands of demonstrators. The leaders had already pledged to support Mesa, but in front of the masses they only claimed they were making a “tactical retreat” in order to prepare for the next battle ahead.\nIn this spirit, the assembled called for repeal of the Oil and Gas Law that had allowed the privatization of the industries nationalized in the 1952 revolution. They also demanded repeal of the agrarian reform law allowing communally owned land to be privatized, and the punishment of the officials responsible for the massacres during the conflict. The Expanded COB further demanded the right to review all privatization contracts and leases of petroleum deposits, mines, and state-owned companies. It demanded that the government “publicly reject any request to allow foreign troops to enter Bolivian territory.” It determined not to support the new government until it committed itself “not to export gas, via either Chile or Peru, and to withdraw the Oil and Gas Law.”\nAll of this was negated by the fact that the COB shortly afterward called off the general strike – as part of the three months given to Mesa. With the workers demobilized, this known advocate of neo-liberalism quickly re-pledged to sell the gas.\nThe list of radical-sounding demands for show was not all the leaders had to offer that day. The expanded COB meeting paid homage to the greatness of the masses and to revolutionary goals. According to reports, it drew the conclusion that “the workers, peasants, oppressed nations and impoverished middle classes did not seize power from the ruling class because they still have no revolutionary party to rely on.” And COB leader Jaime Solares declared – to thunderous applause – that:\nThose of us who consider ourselves revolutionaries can’t lie. No leader and no political party led this popular uprising. ... The Bolivian workers, from below, were the ones who kicked the murderer “Goni” out of power. The enraged masses were those who gave this blow to North American imperialism. Nobody, no individual or party, can claim the leadership of this conflict. Nobody!\nAnother union leader asserted that, despite the “breathing space,” they were not actually endorsing Mesa because, after all, he was not from and did not represent the working class. (Econoticiasbolivia.com, Oct. 19.)\nGushing tributes to the masses and to the need for a revolutionary party were necessary concessions to the high level of class-consciousness reached by the fighting workers. That achievement was rooted in the history of the Bolivian class struggle, above all the political heritage of the betrayed proletarian revolution of 1952. (See Lessons of the Bolivian Revolution)\nUnfortunately, the reformist leaders have learned lessons from the past as well – on how to betray. And this was not the first time that these leaders have used such speeches to call off a general strike. Some of the radical blather was replayed almost word for word from a similar, if smaller scale, betrayal last February, when a general strike against an IMF-inspired austerity tax plan was called to a halt. The utter hypocrisy of the supposed “revolutionary” insights voiced by these misleaders in mid-October needed to be exposed through a direct challenge to them to fight for the kind of class power they claimed to believe in.\nAt the height of the struggle, the situation had elements of what Marxists call “dual power,” with strong parallels to the situation during the Russian revolution of February 1917. Then the workers and soldiers overthrew the regime of Tsarism and set up their own councils (“soviets”) that had the power to run society. But they handed the reins of state power to a bourgeois Provisional Government. The bourgeois regime existed and functioned only because the workers were not yet conscious of the need to create their own state.\nReal strike committees were needed, which would have been the necessary embryo of workers’ and peasants’ councils (juntas or soviets). In El Alto, a network of neighborhood councils ran the strike and provided for day-to-day needs of the people in conjunction with the unions. In El Alto, La Paz and elsewhere, the union meetings were often run as open mass meetings. Much evidence shows that the masses were well aware of the need to pressure their own leaders to act – and that the leaders were quite aware at important junctures that the cost of not responding would mean losing their influence.\nNevertheless, while the masses exerted pressure on their leadership through their self-activity, which included the neighborhood councils and the open mass meetings, they could not break through all the barriers their leaders presented. For this, an alternative revolutionary leadership would have been necessary. And an alternative form of organization for mass debate and struggle, soviets, would have been vital so that the workers and peasants could control their own destiny.\nWithin such councils revolutionary workers, even an initially small revolutionary group, could have fought for its program and its leadership – and over time have won the most far-seeing elements to the task of building a vanguard party. Democratic and potentially revolutionary formations like soviets were an absolute necessity in the Bolivian upheaval and represent a deadly threat to the entrenched reformist union leaders. In Russia in 1917, at the outset of the revolution the Bolsheviks were a small but determined proletarian vanguard organization. Through steadfast adherence to the principles of working-class independence and leadership, and adroit tactics designed to expose the pseudo-revolutionary socialists, they were able to lead the working class to power in the October revolution. It is indeed a tragedy that there was no Bolshevik Party in Bolivia in 2003.\nA primary task of revolutionaries has to be the unmasking of all the misleaders of our class. It is the only way to build the revolutionary party composed of the most advanced class-conscious workers. It means always addressing the advanced workers frankly and clearly with propaganda for the class party, the proletarian revolution and the need to create a workers’ state, without any obfuscation. In a revolutionary situation like Bolivia in October, it also meant fighting for these goals by making use of every possible tactic and slogan to convince the masses of the working class and help advance their consciousness through the practical struggle.\nIn particular, we believe that in Bolivia agitation for a “workers’ and peasants’ government” was on the order of the day. As we explained in our landmark article Myth and Reality of the Transitional Program (see Socialist Voice No. 8), this slogan derives from Trotsky’s Transitional Program, which presents a system of action demands which enable revolutionaries to join with fellow workers in a united front struggle based on their mass organizations. In this case, revolutionaries state openly that one major reason that they propose a united struggle for a workers’ government is to prove that the working class must lead an alliance of the workers and the peasantry, that revolution is necessary and that the COB leaders will not even carry out their radical promises to build a working-class alternative to Mesa.\nThe workers’ government demand is the most far-reaching demand in the Transitional Program because it approaches the question of state power itself. Demanding that reformist leaders, who claim to represent the working class and talk about workers constituting a government some time in the future, actually fight for it now was exactly what the situation in Bolivia demanded. The workers wanted their class to control the government, not the bourgeois politicians. The overwhelming majority did not yet understand the need to destroy the existing state apparatus; they believed that a decisive change in the government could meet their needs. And that is what the COB leaders claimed to favor despite their “momentary” deal with Mesa. That lie had to be exposed in order to convince the masses that they needed an authentically Bolshevik party, the destruction of the present state and their own workers’ state as part of a Latin American confederation of workers’ states.\nSimply writing propaganda explaining that the misleaders were not really in favor of a workers’ state would not expose them in the eyes of the masses, who were clearly caught up in the question of governmental changes, not yet socialist revolution. In the context of unified mass action it was necessary to prove that the leaders were not even for a workers’ government – even though the masses had already shown that they could topple the government. Bolsheviks would have addressed their fellow workers along the following lines:\n“Since you still feel that these leaders can be pressured to represent our class, let us exert the maximum pressure now to put them to the test; we shall see in practice which of us is right. We revolutionaries believe these leaders are completely dedicated to propping up another capitalist government. We believe there is no better time than now to fight for power if they really want to do it. But we do not believe they have any intention of fighting for a government based on our own institutions. And we believe in fact that what is necessary is not even just a change in government but the overthrow of capitalism, a working-class government in a workers state.\n“We will stand with our fellow workers in the fight for a government of our class, while we openly warn that the leaders will betray this fight. Should we succeed in pressuring them to take steps into forming a government, we will continue to point out its limitations as long as reformist leaders remain in charge and a capitalist system is still exploiting us. But let us fight together now, at least for these leaders to form a workers’ and peasants’ government based on our own institutions. We think the outcome will prove the need for a revolutionary party leadership and the socialist revolution.”\nGiven that an expanded form of the COB had served as the central decision-making body of the revolutionary masses at the height of the struggle, the workers’ and peasants’ government tactic could have taken the concrete form of demanding “Expanded COB to Power!” This would have been a critical way to point to the leading role of the workers’ unions in alliance with the peasants’ unions, and to expose the leadership’s preparation to prop up yet another bourgeois regime.\nInstead, all the leaders and the left supported the slogan “Down with Goni” – without raising any immediate working-class alternative! Given that the mass struggle was verging on insurrection, there was no room for abstention on such questions. Since Sánchez de Lozada’s resignation was looming, an alternative to an otherwise inevitable bourgeois substitute regime had to be posed then and there. Had the challenge been put to the workers and peasants union leaders to take power themselves, all their wailing about the lack of a revolutionary party would have been far better exposed to the masses for the class treason it was. Rather than trying to foster a sense of powerlessness and resignation, which was the real intent of the COB Plenum on October 18, this demand would have paved the way for a huge leap in consciousness, prevented the COB leaders from demobilizing the struggle, undermined Mesa and accelerated the building of the vanguard workers’ party.\nTo a large degree, the masses already knew that they had been the driving force of the struggle throughout. They needed to be shown the way to carry this awareness and fighting spirit forward in order to achieve their goals. Thus it was essential to challenge their leaders, Solares, Morales and Quispe, to take power on behalf of the workers’ and peasants’ unions, together with our clear warning that they would betray their bases.\nIn addition, it was crucial that revolutionaries conduct an all-out struggle to continue the general strike; that was the weapon that reflected the power of the workers and peasants. It was also necessary to call for the formation of the soviets, instruments of dual power. Not only would soviets have served as the institutions through which the masses could conduct their struggle as the combined legislative-executive arm of our class; under revolutionary leadership they would become the basis of the new state power that the revolution must achieve.\nIn fact, some calls for strike committees and self-defense committees were made by leftist groups along the way. But they used the workers’ government slogan not as a tactical transitional demand, a challenge designed to expose and defeat the misleaders. Rather, they skirted an immediate class fight for power when that was the unavoidable question at hand. As well, by not putting forward tactics to create a greater cleavage between Morales, Quispe and Solares and the masses, they avoided advancing the fight for leadership. The pseudo-Trotskyist left either used the workers’ government slogan as the ultimate goal of the future, avoiding a clear call for a revolutionary workers’ state, or else floated abstract calls for a workers’ government and workers’ state without any comment as to what concrete parties or institutions could wage such a fight.\nPropaganda to advanced workers must say what is: it must be crystal clear about the revolutionary goals of a dictatorship of the proletariat. Otherwise it is vacillating, centrist propaganda that reinforces reformist illusions among even the most advanced layers. From the information available to us, this was what was done by the two nominally Trotskyist groups in Bolivia, the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR) and the Liga Obrera Revolucionaria (LOR), a group which split from the POR in 1989 and is affiliated with the Trotskyist Fraction international headed by the Argentinean PTS (See our article on this group in PR 68.) Both groups, and various other pseudo-Trotskyists around the world, talked about a workers’ government as a distant goal rather than a way to challenge the leaders in the midst of the mass struggle.\nNothing short of the fight for leadership, the building of the revolutionary party to smash capitalism in Bolivia, can truly respond to the needs of the masses and solve the deepening crisis in Bolivia. Nor, as authentic Trotskyists have always understood, can the problems of the national revolution be resolved with anything less than an openly internationalist strategy. That is the strategy of permanent revolution. Latin America is beset by the rule of the imperialists’ International Monetary Fund; not a single country is stable today. Yet throughout the Bolivian struggle, the reformist leaders stoked the fires of anti-Chilean nationalism, and the centrist left itself failed to focus its voice on the need for a concerted attack on imperialism by oppressed workers and peasants across the borders.\nBolivian workers could appeal for international working-class aid by repudiating the state debt to the imperialist bankers and calling on workers and their organizations in debt-ridden countries like Argentina and Brazil to do likewise. Neighboring Peru also has been shaken by mass unrest against the government’s “state of emergency” for much of this year. “Workers to Power” and “Civil War” were battle cries in the Bolivian struggle. It was also necessary to add the slogan “Repudiate the Imperialist Debt!” – an expression of a conscious internationalist strategy that could ignite the working class struggle in every Latin American country beleaguered by U.S. imperialism.\nLike the original Bolsheviks and the original Fourth International, we say that what is needed in Bolivia and everywhere today is a party that makes no concessions to bourgeois and imperialist rule because it represents only the international interests of the workers and toilers of the world. The struggle in Bolivia is re-opening. Latin America is a powder keg, and what happens next in Bolivia could detonate the continent.\nNovember 28, 2003\nThe uprising in Bolivia was a long-brewing event, preceded by previous struggles in response to wave after wave of privatization attacks on industry, basic services and natural resources. The period opened with the denationalization of the mines, which led to the closure of three quarters of the mines in 1985. The most recent battles included the “water war” in 2000 in Cochabamba, where a collective rebellion defeated a privatization plan. And there had been widespread protests earlier this year.\nOn a longer historic scale, a revolutionary workers’ movement had culminated in a popular front government in 1952. The miners disarmed the pro-imperialist regime’s military but their misleaders allowed the bourgeois nationalist National Revolutionary Movement (MNR) to take state power. Union representatives joined the government, with the supposedly Trotskyist Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR) supporting the bourgeois regime. This betrayal signaled a definitive class capitulation on the part of the Fourth International, which applauded the POR’s strategy. The revolution was crushed by a military coup backed by the U.S., and twenty years of military dictatorship followed.\nOnly a small minority in the U.S. Socialist Workers Party, the Vern-Ryan Tendency, stood out against the International’s disastrous strategy. Its historic documents have been reproduced by the LRP in the pamphlet Bolivia: the Revolution the “Fourth International” Betrayed. We urge all revolutionary-minded readers to obtain it. It is available for $1.00 from SV Publishing, P.O. Box 769, Washington Bridge Station, New York, NY 10033.", "label": "No"} {"text": "How to calculate rates of carbon emissions and sequestration\nWhen governments or regulators get involved in negotiations about greenhouse gas emissions or carbon trading, they rely on scientifically robust, verifiable measurements of the value and volume of carbon produced or sequestered by human activities.\nThere are three ways in which carbon levels are accounted for in forestry:\n- Periodic, direct measurements of carbon in forestry stock\n- Inventory-based carbon accounting models\n- Direct carbon flux measurements\nThe best method to use depends mainly on the objectives of the assessment, its geographical scale and the resources available to carry out the evaluation. The most robust and cost-effective carbon stock accounts will typically combine all three approaches alongside remote sensing technology (satellite imagery and aerial photography).\nMeasurement of carbon levels in forestry stock\nThe simplest method of assessment looks at how carbon stocks have changed between two points in time. Conventional forest mensuration methods estimate timber volumes, which then convert to dry weight – and hence carbon – using reference tables.\nProblems associated with carbon stock accounting:\n- Carbon content in non-stem components are calculated using an ‘expansion factor’, also known as a ‘total:merchantable’ ratio, which depends greatly on tree species, stand age, management and environmental conditions\n- Leaf biomass, ground vegetation and litter are often ignored\n- Carbon content of the soil is seldom included because it is difficult to define and carry out cost-effective assessments of soil carbon\n- Small changes in soil carbon are difficult to measure in comparison to total soil carbon\n- Carbon stocks or stock changes in harvested wood products may or may not be assessed, depending on the purpose of the inventory\n- Accounting for carbon stocks in wood products is impossible for individual stands of trees – the fate of harvested wood cannot be tracked once it has left the forest\n- At a district, national or global scale, the size of, and changes to, the wood products pool is only possible using available statistics\nAn inventory-based approach, particularly if used to assess carbon stocks or sequestration in woody biomass only, can be used to cover large land areas and a variety of species and site conditions.\nCarbon accounting models\nSeveral carbon accounting models are applicable to the UK. They use theoretical and empirically derived models of carbon flows through the forestry value chain.\n- C-FLOW - developed by CEH (Edinburgh), currently used for national reporting of carbon stock changes associated with forest biomass\n- CARBINE – developed my Forest Research, based on forest growth and yield models\n- C-SORT – under development, focusing on carbon sequestration in wood products\nFlux-based carbon accounting directly measures the flow of carbon into and out of the forest. State-of-the-art sensors using a technique called eddy correlation to continuously monitor carbon exchange between all the carbon pools in a forest ecosystem and the atmosphere.\nForest Research uses this technique to measure carbon exchange in lowland oak woodland at the Straits Flux Station.\nBenefits and drawbacks:\n- Net flux measurements – the ecosystem’s entire carbon pool is covered, including dead wood, litter and other fractions that are too difficult to measure using stock-change methods.\n- Cost – the equipment is expensive so only a small number of flux stations are currently online (four long-term flux monitoring stations in the UK, 30 sites across Europe)\n- Limited site suitability – site topography make flux monitoring difficult at many sites\n- Species specificity – the measurements are specific to the species, site and growth stage under investigation, so carbon in the wood products pool associated with a specific stand cannot be estimated\nFlux-based calculations are ideal for delivering information on short-term variations in the magnitude of the carbon sink and in quantifying net carbon exchange in forest systems where the individual carbon pools are difficult to measure. Carbon flux studies also provide an essential validation for inventory methods across different forestry systems.", "label": "No"} {"text": "UN Women has published the paper “Gender equality as an accelerator for achieving sustainable Development Goals”, which aims to demonstrate how gender equality and investment in this issue can contribute to the development of all SDGs.\nThe report mentions what kind of policy interventions related to gender equality need to be accelerated for the implementation of Agenda 2030. This paper argues that achieving equality in real terms involves four main interrelated elements: ensuring equal rights, capability and access to resources and opportunities for both women and men; strengthening the agency or ability of women to make decisions and take decisions and act on them; eliminating gender-based violence and discrimination and transforming power relations at all levels of society, from individuals and households to institutions and structures.\nIn terms of benefits, the positive influence that exists in the following areas is highlighted by gender equality: economic development, poverty reduction, education and health, recognition, reduction and redistribution of unremunerated work (domestic work, child care, etc.), food security, climate change, and disaster management and natural resources, political participation and elimination of all established gender violence.\nFinally, to accelerate the progress towards the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and achieving results, the public politics must be re-evaluated and re-designed using a gender-sensitive approach. This implies taking into account the different roles, responsibilities and socially determined capacities of women and men, together with the power relations and the cultural environments in which the activities of women and men are developed, at the same time responding to their diverse needs and interests. This approach brings with it the need to contextualize funding under a thematic-sensitive approach to ensure appropriate investments aimed at implementing national policies towards gender equality and the empowerment of Women.\nTo read the full report, visit the website of SDG Philanthropy\nSource: GENDER EQUALITY AS AN ACCELERATOR FOR ACHIEVING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (UN Women).", "label": "No"} {"text": "The Zichy family’s affection for Oriental objects was reflected in the collections of Ödön Zichy (1811-1894). His son Jenő (1837-1906) systematized and significantly enriched this collection with objects collected on his three Asian expeditions and through acquisition that he intended to develop into a museum collection. The short-lived Zichy Museum, including the first Hungarian Oriental Museum, opened in Budapest in 1901. Jenő Zichy’s Chinese collection comprised mainly bronzes, including bronze mirrors, ge-halberds, bronze coins of variegated shapes, metal fittings from the Ordos region and several late replicas of ancient bronze ceremonial vessels.\nOther independent collections of Oriental art were also created at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Oriental artefacts dominated the collections of certain connoisseurs such as Ferenc Hopp (1833-1919) and Emil Delmár (1876-1959). The wealthy optician Ferenc Hopp travelled around the world five times, visiting China three times, and purchasing artefacts mostly from curio shops, which sold exquisite contemporary items of fine workmanship sought after by Western customers, including ceramics, lacquer, cloisonné, bronzes and furniture.\nAfter World War I, in 1919 Ferenc Hopp donated his valuable collection of over 4,000 works of Far Eastern art to the Hungarian state. The collection was housed in his villa in Budapest, which was converted into a museum bearing his name. The finest examples in the Chinese collection of Ference Hopp Museum of Far Eastern Art include sculptural works, Ming and Qing ceramics, cloisonné, lacquer ware and later precious stone carvings.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Descriptive writing paragraph examples\nTips on writing a descriptive essay for example, don’t describe a paragraph writing essay writing narrative writing informative writing. Descriptive essays a descriptive essay is an please choose a topic below and write a descriptive essay • develop an introductory paragraph, body. The original question is: can you give an example of a descriptive paragraph about a famous person answer: here are three albert einstein's life. Writing paragraphs writing an analogy writing a descriptive essay for example, may be intended to.\nWatch 3rd grade classrooms use technology in a fun descriptive writing lesson and then they write a descriptive paragraph of their a sample agenda, and i will. Descriptive essay samples it is important to grasp how to write one look at our samples of descriptive essays to understand how to write them on your own. Writing a descriptive paragraph it is the function of descriptive essay to provide detailed descriptions and observations of the subject matter that are being. Services of writing services what it is to write descriptive work, you need college homework help at our what, you can example to paragraph indicating 2nd.\n- all of these are used when writing a descriptive paragraph an example: i think the way a person dresses can really explain who they are and what they are about. A descriptive paragraph can captivate a reader and enliven an essay learn how to write a good descriptive paragraph with these examples and tips. Paragraph writing for kids here are some examples of descriptive writing techniques that you can utilize and effectively apply to your descriptive writing. Examples of descriptive paragraphs the purpose of descriptive writing is to make our readers see, feel, and hear what we have seen, felt, and heard. Your writing, at its best grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free a descriptive paragraph describes.\nDescriptive paragraphs are often used to describe what a person looks and acts like read this example descriptive paragraph, notice how descriptive paragraphs are. Use this teacher model to teach your students how to write descriptions a sample description web, a blank description web, and four different revisions of a. Examples of colorful adjectives are: smelly, disgusting, gorgeous, radiant, brilliant, and gigantic for more info on writing descriptive paragraphs, view this video. Example of descriptive writing in the paragraph above yet another example of description connected to this robbery scenario would be the technical. How to write a paragraph the practice of writing paragraphs is essential to good writing paragraphs help to break up large chunks of text and makes the content.\nKeep learning what are some examples of descriptive paragraphs about a person what is the role of a functional paragraph in an essay what are coherent. When you write a descriptive paragraph, you are describing something when you do this, you must use wording that will allow your readers to be able to see what you.\nYhere are some examples of a descriptive paragraph: standing on his hind legs, this rare andalucian stallion is fearless his ears are tu. Sample descriptive paragraph for kids can count on looking for the best sample paragraph company on the web writing for is an essential part of most descriptive. Paragraphs – narrative, descriptive, expository, and a good example of this is when an instructor asks here are some guidelines for writing a descriptive. Keep learning what are examples of descriptive paragraphs what are examples of writing about yourself where do you find examples for writing a reference. Definition of descriptive writing paragraphs (he would make fails to elaborate with specific examples in addition.", "label": "No"} {"text": "International Day of Women and Girls in Science is noticed globally on 11 February. International Day of Women and Girls in Science to acknowledge the crucial function of girls and women play in science and expertise. In December 2015, the United Nations adopted a decision to rejoice February 11 because the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The Day is applied by UNESCO and UN-Women in collaboration with establishments and civil society companions that goal to advertise girls and women in science.\nThe 2021 theme of the Day is “Women Scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19”.\nWARRIOR 5.0 Batch for SBI, RRB, RBI and IBPS Exams Banking Awareness Online Coaching |\nIn 2016 is the primary time it was celebrated. The thought behind at the present time is to make sure equal participation and involvement of girls and women within the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).\nThank you for visiting this wonderful educational site. Vist স্বর্ণশিক্ষা every day. Thank You.", "label": "No"} {"text": "For decades, livestock producers have used low doses of antibiotics to expedite animal growth. The practice, dubbed sub-therapeutic antibiotic therapy (STAT), lowers feed costs while increasing meat production, and nearly 80 percent of the antibiotics used in the United States are for this purpose. Because STAT can encourage the growth of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” it’s banned in many countries, but remains common in the U.S.-despite recent public pleas to stop it by two former FDA commissioners. Although STAT has been in use since the 1950s, how it works has long been a mystery. But evidence is mounting that it might be due to antibiotics killing microorganisms that populate animals’ guts. Read more\nIf you want to bury an unsavory news story, the afternoon before Christmas vacation is a good time to break it. The FDA chose December 21 to release its Environmental Assessment (EA) of the genetically modified “AquAdvantage“ salmon. This move quietly slid the fish closer to making history as the first GM animal approved for human consumption. The public was given 60 days to comment on a farmed salmon that American fish farmers wouldn’t be allowed to raise, but American consumers would nonetheless be allowed to eat.\nIf the announcement’s timing suggests FDA wants the application to flow smoothly, also consider that it has been 17 years since AquaBounty first applied for permission to sell its recombinant Atlantic salmon in the U.S. The company has paid a heavy price for trying to be first. Read more\nSomalia is a tough place to build a community garden. Between drought, warlords, a near-absence of infrastructure and a prevailing mood of powerlessness, it takes commitment, and ideally some help. Sid Ali Mohammed, 65, and Mohamed Abdukadir “Mudane” Hassan, 26, have both. They’ve managed to build 15 community and family gardens in Somalia as part of Slow Food’s A Thousand Gardens in Africa project. But it hasn’t been easy. Read more", "label": "No"} {"text": "| Spinach |\n| Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a cool-season hardy annual in the Chenopodiaceae family, which also includes beets, chard, orach and quinoa. Spinach has two leaf types. |\nNew hybrid spinach varieties offer increased yield, disease resistance (especially for downy mildew), adaptability, and uniformity. Older, open-pollinated varieties are generally less adaptable, but can do exceptionally well under the right conditions and many believe they taste better.\n- Smooth leaf types are easiest to wash but require more material per bag because they pack more tightly.\n- Savoy types are usually darker green and offer greater heft and loft once bagged, but require more careful washing.\n| Soil and Nutrient Requirements |\n| Like all leafy greens, spinach thrives in fertile and moist soil. Spinach is sensitive to soil pH, preferring a range of 6.5-7. Magnesium deficiency manifests in yellowing leaves similar to nitrogen deficiency. Because spinach will carry excess nitrates if overfertilized, try correcting Magnesium first. |\n| Position |\n| Full sun to part shade |\n| Seeding Depth |\n| 1/8-1/4” |\n| Plant Spacing |\n| For babyleaf ~40seeds/ft” in 2-4” bands, for bunching 2” |\n| Row Spacing |\n| For babyleaf space bands 1-2” apart, for bunching 12-18” |\n| When to Sow |\n| Direct seed as soon as soil can be worked in the spring, and again in the late summer-early fall. Greenhouse spinach is sown in early fall to give just enough time to germinate and produce a modest amount of leaf, but not grow so fast as to require a lot of upkeep. Seed germinates best when soil temperatures are 32-60°F and achieves the best quality when air temperatures are 55-60°F. Sow every 7 days for a continual harvest. |\n| Frost Tolerant |\n| Yes. Spinach is extremely hardy and a great choice for a winter greenhouse planting. It is one of the few plants that will keep growing in winter conditions, as opposed to just holding. |\n| Drought Tolerant |\n| No |\n| Heat Tolerant |\n| No. Spinach will bolt in hot weather. |\n| Seed Specs |\n| 1,550-3750 (2,200 avg) seeds/oz, 25-60M (35M avg) seeds/lb. M= 1,000 |\n| Seeding Rate |\n| Babyleaf- 70M seeds/100’bed (~2lb/100’bed), 700M seeds/1000’bed (~20lb/1000’ bed) using 640 seeds/ft on 3’beds (16 rows/ bed). Bunching- 1,100 seeds/100’ row (~1/2oz/100’row), 11M seeds/1,000’row (5oz/1000’row) using 10 seeds/ft, 18” row spacing. |\n| Seed Coating / Pelleting Info |\n| Some of the varieties we carry receive an organic film coating applied to the seed, which make the seed easier to see during planting. |\n| Harvest |\n| Harvest individual leaves or cut baby leaves 1” above the ground. Harvest the entire plant for bunched spinach by cutting the whole plant right below its crown. |\n| Storage |\n| Store washed spinach at low temperatures and high humidity for 10-14 days. |\n| Pest Info |\n- Aphids can be washed off plants with a hard stream of water. They have several natural predators that control populations including parasites (aphids appear grey or bloated), lady beetle larvae and lacewings.\n- Leafminers are generally controlled by natural predators. Deep plowing in the spring can help, as well as controlling alternate hosts such as lambsquarter, chickweed, nightshade and plantain.\n| Disease Info |\n- Spinach is susceptible to downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae) and fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae).\n- Fusarium wilt is primarily soil borne, but can be spread over long distances by infected seed. Use only disease-free seed. Once introduced to the soil, fusarium wilt is difficult to eradicate. Crop rotations help eliminate inoculum, and the addition of lime at 2 tons per acre also reduces disease severity by increasing pH to alkaline levels that do not favor disease development.\n- Downy mildew is not as persistent and its pressure can be reduced by three-year rotations with non-host crops.\n- White rust can be a problem for spinach growers, primarily in southern climes; resistant varieties are now available.\n- Cucumber mosaic virus, transmitted by aphids, causes stunting and underdevelopment in plants. Larvae of the Canada leafminer burrow into leaves causing blisters, making leaves unmarketable. Control insect pressure by using row cover and controlling weed hosts.\n| Seed Saving Instructions |\n| Wind pollinated. Spinach varieties must be isolated by 1/4 mile to prevent cross pollination by wind. Physical barriers such as tree lines, buildings or woods may make it possible to use a shorter distance. Allow plants to bolt and set seed. Some staking may be necessary as plants may reach 3' in height. When seeds are dry, harvest the entire plant and thresh on a tarp. A 1/2 \" screen on top of a 1/4\" and 1/8\" is helpful for cleaning. Spinach seed remains viable for 3-5 years under cool and dry storage conditions. |", "label": "No"} {"text": "Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on hubert de givenchy and riccardo tisci Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Hubert de Givenchy was a designer in the mid-20th century who began the famous House of Givenchy. Givenchy was the driving force behind a majority of the wardrobe of Audrey Hepburn, an actress who became a major film star with the blockbuster movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s. “Hubert…[was] a brilliant young designer (twenty-six to Audrey [Hepburn’s] twenty-four)[,] who had worked under de Segonzac at Schiaparelli before leaving in December of 1951…” (Wasson, 2010, pp. 38). He got his start in designing clothes that were elegant and fashionable—yet practical for the modern woman of his day. Some years later, Riccardo Tisci would take over his fashion empire in 2005, bringing to the House of Givenchy a drastically different style and taking the company in a new artistic direction. Known for his bold use of dark colours—especially black—Tisci took his knowledge of Givenchy’s style and put his own unique spin on that staple of the fashion industry. Here three samples from Givenchy’s work himself—as well as Tisci’s work—will be examined. It was attempted to match sample garments that, at least indirectly, resembled each other. These pieces will be analyzed in detail. The first piece is a plain black dress. the second piece is an overcoat, and the third piece is a coat. Each piece will be compared and contrasted and thoroughly analyzed in order to see what drove and drives each of these artists (Hubert and Riccardo) respectively. Finally, conclusions will be made regarding both of the artists.In this first piece we see by Givenchy, this is a scene with Audrey Hepburn in an orange pea coat. It reminds one of the pea coats that were typical in the 1950s and 1960s, similar to something that Jackie O might have warned. Jackie Kennedy, by the way, was also another popular devotee of Givenchy, having had many—if not a majority—of her wardrobes designed by him. . .\nHi, I am looking for someone to write an article on hubert de givenchy and riccardo tisci Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!\nby essaylimo | Apr 27, 2021 | Uncategorized", "label": "No"} {"text": "Every 5th adult in the world smokes tobacco. But there are large differences between men and women.\nIn almost all countries it is true that more men smoke. In the visualization we see the share of men who smoke (plotted on the y-axis) compared with the same metric for women women (plotted on the x-axis).\nThe grey line in the plot represents equality in the prevalence: countries where smoking is more common in men will lie above this line; and countries where more women smoke lie below.\nWe see that almost all countries lie above the grey line, meaning a higher share of men smoke. But there are a few exceptions: in the Pacific island-state of Nauru 43% of women smoke compared to 37% of men; and smoking rates in Denmark and Sweden show almost no sex difference.\nIn many countries – particularly across Asia and Africa – the differences are very large. We see these countries clustered on the far left, where smoking rates for women are very low – typically less than 5%. In Indonesia, 76% of men smoke but only 3% of women; in China it’s 48% of men versus 2% of women; and in Egypt half of men smoke whilst almost no women (0.2%) do.\nThe fact that men are more likely than women to smoke is reflected health statistics: particularly lung cancer, for which smoking is a primary risk factor. We see that in every country in the world, men are more likely to die from lung cancer.", "label": "No"} {"text": "When Pakistan was founded in 1947, its secular founding fathers did not speak of an Islamic state.\nMuhammad Ali Jinnah, recognized as Pakistan’s Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader), clearly declared that non-Muslims would be equal citizens in the new country. Reflecting his secular views, Jinnah—himself a Shia—nominated a Hindu, several Shias and an Ahmadi to Pakistan’s first cabinet. Now, non-Muslim representation at the Cabinet level is limited to symbolic appointments, while Shias face smear campaigns from Sunni Muslims that declare them non-Muslims. And the Ahmadis—who were some of Jinnah’s most ardent supporters in his quest for a Muslim homeland on the subcontinent—are completely unrepresented; they live as virtual outcasts in modern Pakistan.\nIn his famous speech of 11 August 1947, Jinnah had stated that, in order to make Pakistan ‘happy and prosperous’, every person living in the country, ‘no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, [should be] first, second and last a citizen of this State with equal rights, privileges, and obligations’. His speech advanced the case for a secular, albeit Muslim-majority, Pakistan: ‘I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the Muslim community … will vanish.’\nJinnah also declared,\nYou are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State … We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State … Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.\nThe vision outlined by Pakistan’s founder remains unfulfilled. Indeed, it appears further from realization than at any time since this hopeful declaration of religious pluralism was made. At the time of partition in 1947, almost 23% of Pakistan’s population (which then included Bangladesh) comprised non-Muslim citizens. The proportion of non-Muslims has since fallen to approximately 3%.\nFurthermore, the distinctions among Muslim denominations have become far more accentuated over the years. Muslim groups such as the Shias, which account for approximately 20-25% of Pakistan’s Muslim population, are often targeted by violent extremists. Ahmadis, barely 1% of the Muslim population, have been declared non-Muslim by the writ of the state. Non-Muslim minorities such as Christians, Hindus and Sikhs have been the victims of suicide bomb attacks on their neighbourhoods, and their community members have been converted to Islam against their will. Houses of worship of non-Muslims as well as of Muslim minority sects have been attacked and bombed while filled with worshippers.\nPakistan has descended to its current state of religious intolerance through a series of political decisions by Jinnah’s successors. The descent began in 1949 with the Constituent Assembly declaring the objective of Pakistan’s Constitution to be the creation of an Islamic state. It reached a nadir with the ‘Islamization’ drive under General Zia during the 1980s. Now, the country is dealing with armed militias and terrorist groups—many of which were sponsored by the state under the Zia regime and in the civil and military governments since—each intent on imposing its version of Islam by violent means.\nPakistan’s most prominent human rights activist, Asma Jahangir, warns that the worst is yet to come. ‘Past experience has shown that the Islamists gain space when civilian authority weakens,’ she pointed out in an article a few years ago. ‘The proliferation of arms and official sanction for jihad have made militant groups a frightening challenge for the government. Pakistan’s future remains uncertain and its will to fight against rising religious intolerance is waning.’ The purpose of examining Pakistan’s embrace of religious extremism is not revealed merely in the recognition of the country’s ill treatment of its religious minorities.\nIn the context of a Muslim world comprising a youthful population of somewhere in the order of 1.4 billion people, it is equally critical to note the actions of state-sponsored organizations or extremist groups against religious minorities in all Muslim countries. Attacks on religious minorities occur in several Muslim-majority nations, from Egypt to Indonesia, just as they do in Pakistan. But as Pakistan is the first country to declare itself an Islamic republic in modern times, the study of Pakistan’s handling of its minorities can be a helpful guide in understanding and anticipating the threats that would arise wherever Islamist militancy is on the ascendant.\nExcerpted with permission from HarperCollins India from the book, Purifying the Land of the Pure: Pakistan’s Religious Minorities, by Farahnaz Ispahani. We welcome your comments at firstname.lastname@example.org.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed (John Bacchus Dykes)\n- Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2010-08-27). Score information: A4, 1 page, 17 kB Copyright: CPDL\n- Edition notes: From the Church Hymnary, 1927. MusicXML source file is in compressed .mxl format.\nOriginal text and translations\n1. Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed His tender last farewell,\nA Guide, a Comforter bequeathed, With us to dwell.\n2. He came in tongues of living flame, To teach, convince, subdue;\nAll-powerful as the wind He came, As viewless too.\n3. He came, sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing Guest,\nWhile He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest.\n4. And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even,\nThat checks each fault, that calms each fear, And speaks of heaven.\n5. And every virtue we possess, And every victory won,\nAnd every thought of holiness, Are His alone.\n6. Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying see;\nO make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And worthier Thee.", "label": "No"} {"text": "A teen's first job can be a liberating experience -- until he has his first encounter with the Internal Revenue Service. Filing a tax return can be confusing for both the teen and his parents. Many teens who work aren't required to file a return because they work part-time and their annual income doesn't reach the IRS filing threshold, so whether they're required to file depends on how much they make in a given year. However, some teens may benefit from filing a return even if it isn't required.\nFiling as a Dependent\nMost teens who work are dependents, meaning that other taxpayers -- such as their parents -- are reporting them on their tax returns. Parents who claim children as dependents on their tax returns do so becauses they benefit from certain credits and deductions. To qualify as dependents, children must be under age 19 or under age 24 if they are full-time students. Yet just because a working teen is a dependent doesn't mean that his parents automatically claim his income on their return. Anyone who earns sufficient income must file a return independently. However, if a dependent doesn't file, the parents are liable for the tax.\nNot everyone who receives an income is required to file a tax return with the IRS. It depends on whether he makes above a certain amount, which varies by year. Income requirements are outlined in IRS Publication 501. As an example, a dependent child who worked during 2011 was required to file a 2012 tax return if he earned more than $5,800 during 2011. Alternatively, if he received unearned income such as interest or dividends, he had to file a return if he received more than $950. If he received both earned and unearned income, he had to look at the gross amount. If it was greater than $950 or the sum of his earned income plus $300, whichever was larger, then he had to file. For example, if he received a $500 dividend and $1,000 in wages, he had to file because his gross income of $1,500 was greater than his earned income plus $300, or $1,300.\nOther Reasons to File\nEven a working teen who earns less than than the amount required for filing a return may have reasons to file. The main reason is to receive a refund from the government if the teen worked for a business or organization that withheld income taxes. Another reason to file a return, even if the teen doesn't have taxes withheld, is to keep official income records. Records are useful if the teen wants to use her income for anything that requires reporting an income -- such as opening a Roth IRA. Furthermore, teaching teens the habit of filing a tax return will be very useful once they are independent.\nHow to File a Return\nThe easiest way for a teen to file a tax return is with IRS Form 1040EZ, which is for single filers with no dependents. The only reasons to file the more complicated Form 1040 are if he received interest over $1,500 or could claim tax credits besides the Earned Income Credit. These forms can be downloaded and mailed in once they are filled out, or they can be filed online. If you need assistance, hire an accountant or use a tax preparation software program.\n- Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images", "label": "No"} {"text": "Many schools have seen the positive impact coloured overlays can have on the reading ability of children with a dyslexic profile.\nHowever, the latest research suggests that dyslexia is not linked to eyesight and raises doubts about vision-based approaches. A study undertaken by Bristol and Newcastle Universities compare the eye test results of 172 children with severe dyslexia to 5,650 children without dyslexia.\nResearchers found that those with dyslexia were no more or less likely to have sight or eye-related problems.\nAuthored by Anita Coleman.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Detailed analysis of in william shakespeare's julius caesar learn all about how the in julius caesar such as julius caesar and brutus contribute to the story and how they fit into the plot. Julius caesar by william shakespeare in shakespeare's julius caesar, brutus emerges as an intricate character as well as the play's william shakespeare's play julius caesar works convincingly for audiences today not only because of its truthful account of history but also because. Julius caesar characters guide studies each significant player's role and motivation in this play home: (see shakespeare's antony and cleopatra) the most complex character in this play, brutus is one of the men who assassinate caesar in the senate. Julius caesar by william shakespeare paperback $599 in stock this is a copy of the famous shakespeare play--richard iii--published by signet publishing company do a character analysis of secondary characters. Julius caesar study guide contains a biography of william shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Julius a character analysis of brutus in julius caesar caesar characters guide studies each character's role and motivation in this play julius caesar - analysis of brutus: the house win a essay florida julius caesar characters covered include.\nThe play julius caesar, written by william shakespeare depicts various members of roman society conspiring to hire writer login home essays a rhetorical analysis of julius caesar a rhetorical analysis of julius caesar 9 in julius caesar, brutus and antony lose a prominent. Julius caesar: marcus brutus character analysis essays: julius caesar in the play the tragedy of julius caesar, by william shakespeare, brutus murdered caesar so that caesar would not change rom brutus was scared of caesar becoming king. Marcus brutus character analysis uploaded by fuzzy_pgp on jun 08, 2004 william shakespeare's play, the tragedy of julius caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of julius caesar. Free study guide-julius caesar by william shakespeare-free booknotes character analysis julius caesar portray caesar as an absolute tyrant-a characterization that would have provided unquestionable justification for brutus' participation instead, shakespeare's caesar is a. Free study guide-julius caesar by william shakespeare-character analysis/brutus-free booknotes chapter summary plot synopsis themes essay book reports study guides downloadable notes.\nFree essay: character analysis: brutus william shakespeare's play, the tragedy of julius caesar, was mainly based on the assassination of julius caesar the. Run into a section in a shakespeare play you don't quite understand analysis: brutus truly feels killing caesar is just and honorable julius caesar study guide & character analysis famous quotes from julius caesar. Get everything you need to know about marcus brutus in julius caesar analysis, related quotes, timeline the character of marcus brutus in julius caesar from litcharts | the creators of sparknotes julius caesar by william shakespeare upgrade to a + tap here to download this litchart. Dramatis personae / julius caesar / calpurnia, wife of caesar / octavius, after the death of julius caesar / mark antony, after the death of.\nIn using julius caesar as a central figure character map william shakespeare biography critical essays major themes caesar as a viable character in the play endures beyond his assassination brutus wants to come by caesar's spirit / and not dismember caesar.\nWilliam shakespeare's play, the tragedy of julius caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of julius caesar the character who was in charge of the assassination was, ironically, marcus brutus, a servant and close friend to julius caesar but what would cause a person to kill a close friend. Mixing up the many characters in shakespeare's famous historical play get them cleared up with this character analysis and study guide slide 1 of 4 character analysis of julius caesar casca - casca appears early in the play and relates to brutus and cassius. Julius caesar by william shakespeare who do you believe is the protagonist in this play, caesar or brutus justify your answer choose four of your favorite characters from julius caesar and create a character map for each one. Antony (character analysis) brutus (character analysis) julius caesar (character analysis) cassius protagonist is one of the many engaging issues presented in the play julius caesar: william shakespeare biography the life and work of william shakespeare. Marcus brutus character analysis, from julius caesar william shakespeare's play, the tragedy of julius caesar, is mainly based on the assassination of julius caesar.", "label": "No"} {"text": "from the communist manifesto, 1888 mark and engels\nAnswers 5Add Yours\nquote:\"The equals had believed that popular sovereignty and a virtuous republic could never be secured while inequality remained\nSorry I don't have that book. Perhaps you can quote a bit of it? I can probably find the whole thing then.\nneed help interpreting\nquote on paper copied from school\ncan anyone help with this\nOkay I'm no expert on this but I think it means that the people (popular sovereignty) could never decide on a government while inequality (differences in wealth, socio-economic status, power...) remained. This is to say that democracy can't work while rich people control the message. Disparities in class prevents people from having fair representation.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has issued an evacuation order downstream of Oroville dam. According to an alert by KRCTV.com,\nA hazardous situation has developed with the Oroville Dam auxiliary spillway. Officials say that operation of the auxiliary spillway has lead to severe erosion that could lead to a fa\nFailure of the auxiliary spillway structure will result in an uncontrolled release of flood waters from Lake Oroville.\nIn response to this developing situation, DWR is increasing water releases to 100,000 cubic feet per second. Immediate evacuation from the low levels of Oroville and areas downstream has been ordered.\nThe Department of Water Resources is now anticipating failure of the auxiliary spillway within the hour.\nThis is a tragic development, even more so because the possibility of failure of the Oroville auxiliary spillway due to severe erosion was raised repeatedly by environmental groups and local agencies during relicensing of Oroville Dam by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.\nCalifornia Water Research examined a 2005 legal filing in the FERC relicensing by Friends of the River and Sierra Club California which clearly described the risks of the unarmored spillway:\nA single operational use or multiple operational uses (with failure to repair any preceding or cumulative damage) of the ungated spillway could result in a loss of crest control of Oroville Dam. A loss of crest control could not only cause additional damage to project lands and facilities but also cause damages and threaten lives in the protected floodplain downstream. An unarmored spillway is not in conformance with current FERC engineering regulations. (emphasis added.)\nIn response, the Department of Water Resources reportedly denied there was a risk of loss of crest control if the auxiliary spillway was used, but did not provide any geotechnical information for the environmental groups to examine. The Department of Water Resources also argued that a feasibility study of armoring the auxiliary spillway with concrete should be financed as a flood control project by the US Army Corps of Engineers. DWR never requested a feasibility study by the Corps for armoring the spillway. The armoring project was also likely ineligible for funding as an Army Corps of Engineers flood control project because DWR has the obligation of controlling releases from the dam.\n2 thoughts on “Enviro groups warned of possible loss of crest control at Oroville auxiliary spillway in 2005”\nI actually wanted to post a simple remark so as to appreciate you for some of the macinfigent facts you are giving at this website. My extended internet search has at the end of the day been honored with incredibly good tips to talk about with my co-workers. I ‘d tell you that many of us website visitors actually are truly endowed to live in a superb place with so many marvellous people with interesting concepts. I feel very much lucky to have discovered the web page and look forward to plenty of more brilliant times reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.\nSondi has some good replys to your interesting and valid reports on Oroville Dam failure possiblities, and repairs that have taken place. These show that DWR has been open to that degree, and we need more reports like this. I have hopes that the dam failure options for leaving downstream areas in reports to the people (in case this happens) are available. This is important, possibly not reproduced here, but are sure to be there when communicating to them in the future.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Living with pain is stressful, but a surprisingly short investment of time in mental training can help you cope.\nA new study examining the perception of pain and the effects of various mental training techniques has found that relatively short and simple mindfulness meditation training can have a significant positive effect on pain management.\nThough pain research during the past decade has shown that extensive meditation training can have a positive effect in reducing a person's awareness and sensitivity to pain, the effort, time commitment, and financial obligations required has made the treatment not practical for many patients. Now, a new study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte shows that a single hour of training spread out over a three day period can produce the same kind of analgesic effect.\nThe research appears in an article by UNC Charlotte psychologists Fadel Zeidan, Nakia S. Gordon, Junaid Merchant and Paula Goolkasian, in the current issue of The Journal of Pain.\n\"This study is the first study to demonstrate the efficacy of such a brief intervention on the perception of pain,\" noted Fadel Zeidan, a doctoral candidate in psychology at UNC Charlotte and the paper's lead author. \"Not only did the meditation subjects feel less pain than the control group while meditating but they also experienced less pain sensitivity while not meditating.\"\nOver the course of three experiments employing harmless electrical shocks administered in gradual increments, the researchers measured the effect of brief sessions of mindfulness meditation training on pain awareness measuring responses that were carefully calibrated to insure reporting accuracy. Subjects who received the meditation training were compared to controls and to groups using relaxation and distraction techniques. The researchers measured changes in the subjects' rating of pain at \"low\" and \"high\" levels during the different activities, and also changes in their general sensitivity to pain through the process of calibrating responses before the activities.\nWhile the distraction activity -- which used a rigorous math task to distract subjects from the effects of the stimulus -- was effective in reducing the subject's perception of \"high\" pain, the meditation activity had an even stronger reducing effect on high pain, and reduced the perception of \"low\" pain levels as well.\nFurther, the meditation training appeared to have an effect that continued to influence the patients after the activity was concluded, resulting in a general lowering of pain sensitivity in the subjects -- a result that indicated that the effect of the meditation was substantially different from the effect of the distraction activity.\nThe finding follows earlier research studies that found differences in pain awareness and other mental activities among long-time practitioners of mindfulness meditation techniques.\n\"We knew already that meditation has significant effects on pain perception in long-term practitioners whose brains seem to have been completely changed -- we didn't know that you could do this in just three days, with just 20 minutes a day,\" Zeidan said.\nIn assessing the first experiment, the researchers were not terribly surprised to discover that meditation activity appeared to be affecting the experimental subjects' perception of pain because the researchers assumed that the change was mainly due to distraction, a well-known effect. However, subsequent findings began to indicate that the effect continued outside of the periods of meditation.\n\" When we re-calibrated their pain thresholds after the training had started and we found that they felt less pain, compared to the control subjects,\" Zeidan noted. \"This was totally surprising because a change in general sensitivity was not part of our hypothesis at all.\n\"We were so surprised after the first experiment that we did two more. We thought that no one was going to listen to us because no one had done this before… and we got a robust finding across the three experiments.\"\nZeidan stresses that the effect the researchers measured in the meditation subjects was a lessening of pain but not a lessening of sensation. The calibration results showed little change in the meditation subjects' sensitivity to the sensation of electricity, but a significant change in what level of shock was perceived to be painful.\n\"The short course of meditation was very effective on pain perception,\" Zeidan said. \"We got a very high effect size for the periods when they were meditating.\n\"In fact, it was kind of freaky for me. I was ramping at 400-500 milliamps and their arms would be jolting back and forth because the current was stimulating a motor nerve. Yet they would still be asking, 'A 2?' ('2' being the level of electrical shock that designates low pain) It was really surprising,\" he said.\nZeidan suspects that the mindfulness training lessens the awareness of and sensitivity to pain because it trains subjects' brains to pay attention to sensations at the present moment rather than anticipating future pain or dwelling on the emotions caused by pain, and thus reduces anxiety.\n\"The mindfulness training taught them that distractions, feelings, emotions are momentary, don't require a label or judgment because the moment is already over,\" Zeidan noted. \"With the meditation training they would acknowledge the pain, they realize what it is, but just let it go. They learn to bring their attention back to the present.\"\nThough the results are in line with past findings regarding mindfulness practitioners, Zeidan says that the findings are important because they show that meditation is much easier to use for pain management than it was previously believed to be because a very short, simple course of training is all that is required in order to achieve a significant effect. Even self-administered training might be effective, according to Zeidan.\n\"What's neat here is that this is the briefest known way to promote a meditation state and yet it has an effect in pain management. People who want to make use of the technique might not need a meditation facilitator -- they might be able to get the necessary training off the internet, \" Zeidan said. \"All you have to do is use your mind, change the way you look at the perception of pain and that, ultimately, might help alleviate the feeling of that pain.\"\nThe research was funded in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation.\nCite This Page:", "label": "No"} {"text": "|Human Resources and Equity / University of Toronto|\n|Home | Search | Site Map | Login|\nWHMIS: What You Need to Know\n|> Environmental Health and Safety > Resources > WHMIS: What You Need to Know|\nWHMIS: What You Need to KnowA publication of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, University of Toronto\nprinted 1989, reprinted September 1992\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\nINTRODUCTIONThe Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS for short) is a comprehensive national system for safe management of hazardous chemicals which is legislated by both the federal and provincial jurisdictions. WHMIS is a tripartite effort of labour, industry, and government which took several years to develop; it is unique in that it represents a consensus of these three groups.\nThe WHMIS legislation provides that workers must be informed about the hazards in the workplace and receive appropriate training to enable them to work safely. To accomplish this, WHMIS requires all suppliers (manufacturers, importers, packagers and processors) to label and prepare Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for products they make, import, package, or process that meet the hazard criteria set out in the Controlled Product Regulations under the federal Hazardous Products Act.. The buyers of these controlled products must make sure that these products are correctly labelled and that MSDSs are available. Employers must set up worker education programs that instruct workers about the contents and significance of labels and MSDSs and how to work safely with hazardous materials.\nIn summary, WHMIS delivers the necessary information by means of:-\nThe ultimate goal is to create a safer workplace by providing workers with the knowledge and tools to enable them to work safely.\n|Human Resources and Equity | University of Toronto\nHome | Search | Site Map | Login\nCommittees & Coordinators | Programs & Services | Training | Resources | News & Events | Contact Us | Related Links\nPlease send comments or enquiries to: email@example.com\nAll contents copyright © University of Toronto. All rights reserved.", "label": "No"} {"text": "German inventor and industrialist of the 19th century, Werner von Siemens was the pioneer of the electro industry and brought about a great technological advancement with many of his important discoveries. He earned a prominent position among the multitude of awards for achievements in science and technology.\nEarly Life, Education and Career:\nErnst Werner von Siemens was born at Lenthe, Hanover, Germany, on 13 December 1816, the oldest of four brothers. Siemens did not complete his schooling and joined the army to undertake training in engineering. For three years he was a pupil in the Military Academy at Berlin. In 1838 he earned his living as lieutenant in the artillery, and six years later he accepted the post of supervisor of the artillery workshops. In 1848 he had the task of defending the port of Kiel against the Danish fleet, and as commandant of Friedrichsort built the fortifications for the defense of Eckernforde harbor. The same year he was entrusted with the laying of the first telegraph line in Germany, which between Berlin and Frankfort-on-Main, and with that work his military career came to an end. His invention of the telegraph that used a needle to point to the right letter, instead of using Morse code led to formation of the electrical and telecommunications company Siemens as we know today.\nIn 1847, Siemens accompanied by mechanic Johann Georg Halske, established Siemens & Halske, a company that manufactured and repaired telegraphs. The company built offices in Berlin, London, Paris, St. Petersburg, and other major cities, and in due course emerged as one of the major electrical manufacturing companies in Europe.\nBesides the telegraph Siemens made outstanding contributions to the expansion of electrical engineering and is therefore known as the founding father of the discipline in Germany. In 1880 he designed the world’s first electric elevator. In 1866 he independently discovered the dynamo-electrical principle and developed interest in the growth of the self-excited dynamo and electric-traction. In 1867 he delivered an important paper on electric generators before the Royal Society. During late 1877 Siemens received German patent No. 2355 for an electromechanical “dynamic” or moving-coil transducer, which was adapted by A. L. Thuras and E. C. Wente for the Bell System in the late 1920s for use as a loudspeaker.\nSiemens married twice in his life. His first marriage was to Mathilde Duman in 1852 and had two children, Arnold von Siemens and Georg Wilhelm von Siemens. Almost two years after the death of his first wife, he remarried Antonie Siemens, a distant cousin in 1869. Children from second marriage were Hertha von Siemens and Carl Friedrich von Siemens.\nWerner von Siemens died on December 13, 1892, a week before his seventy-sixth birthday, at Charlottenburg, Germany.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Environmentally Friendly Garden Booklet (Word Document)\nHealthy plants are a direct result of a healthy soil. It\nis that simple; feed the soil and it will feed the plant.\nSoil is alive. One cup of healthy soil contains more microbes\nthan there are people on Earth. The microorganisms in the\nsoil are an essential component of the web of life because\nplants depend on them for their survival, and we and other\nliving creatures depend on plants.\nWithout plants we would have no food or oxygen; terrestrial\nlife would cease. Plant roots release nutrients to the soil\nto nourish the billions of microorganisms that in turn will\nconvert mineral and organic material into a form that the\nplant can absorb. These organisms also protect the plant from\npathogens and pests.\nThrough the process of digesting and assimilating the remains\nof dead plants and animals, soil microbes release carbon back\ninto the atmosphere as carbon dioxide that plants need to\nconduct photosynthesis. This is an integral part of the life\ncycle. Synthetic chemicals, improper watering and compaction\ndestroy microbes and macro organisms like earthworms, arthropods\nand mammals that all live in the soil, breaking the soil food\nweb cycle. Read more to learn about the structure of soil,\nthe organisms it contains, and the practices that can help\nor harm it.\nSelect the right plants for the location. For example, plants\nthat thrive in dry, sunny conditions will not thrive in a\ndamp, shady location. Plants native or adapted to your area\nare disease and pest resistant, drought tolerant, generally\ncold hardy and attract beneficial insects. Plant diversity\nattracts diverse wildlife and creates a healthier ecosystem.\nWhat steps should you take to plant trees, shrubs, flowers,\nvegetables and grasses?\nMaintenance of your Garden\nVisit this website for a wealth of information on gardening without toxic chemicals. Short \"How To\" videos will educate you about numerous subjects ranging from how to make compost tea, to soil testing, to controlling weeds. http://www.safelawns.org\nOnce your garden is up and growing, it's not so much digging in the dirt that's going to keep you busy as much as the daily maintenance. Here are some helpful hints for maintaining your garden.\nIrrigation: Over-watering weakens plants, increasing\nchances of disease and promoting runoff that pollutes\nour waterways. Conserve water whenever possible. Earth\nis 70% water with only 2.5% fit for human consumption.\nMuch of that is threatened. When soil contains 4–5% organic\nmatter, it holds more than 4 times the amount of water than\nsoil with only 1½–2% organic matter, conserving\nwater, thereby reducing erosion and runoff.\nFertilization: Remember healthy soil feeds the\nplant. Avoid artificial, high-nitrogen, water-soluble\nfertilizers because they can harm the soil and the ground\nwater with the salts that they leave behind. Large doses\nof soluble Nitrogen create succulent growth. The abnormally\nthin plant cell walls are easily penetrated by pathogens\nand become a magnet for insects. Root development is diminished\nand forced shoot growth raises water requirements. As\nHoward Garrett says,\n\"Feeding your plants nothing\nbut nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N-P-K)\nlike feeding your kids nothing but white bread.\"\nPlants need at least 18–20 elements, not just three. Apply\nhigh quality compost, seaweed extracts, alfalfa meal,\norganic fertilizers like Microlife, rock powders and more.\nSending your bags of leaves to the dump is equivalent\nto throwing fertilizer away. Leave grass clippings on\nyour lawn. Deep feeding your trees does not make sense\nbecause the top 4\" of the soil contains the microbes\nthat feed the tree.\nOrganic Treatment for Turf and Beds in Houston (Word Document)\nFertilization, Pests, Weeds, Trees (Word Document)\n- Organic Fertilizers Suggested (Word Document)\n- Disease, Pest and Weed Control: Stressed plants\nare disease prone and attract insects. Stress can be the\nresult of poor plant selection, compaction, nutrient-deprived\nsoil, poor irrigation practices, poor pruning, and poor\nmulching. The so-called bad bugs account for only 1–2% of\nall insects; the rest are the beneficial insects that will\nkeep the bad bugs in balance. Artificial chemical pesticides\ndon't discriminate. They harm the good guys along with the\nbad and also kill other forms of wildlife that are essential\nto a balanced eco-system, such as lizards, frogs, turtles,\nbirds. Often they are very unhealthy for humans as well.\nControlling diseases and pests organically is not difficult\nor expensive. An application of high quality compost will\nsolve many of your problems. Cornmeal is an excellent fungicide\nfor diseases like brown patch. Weeds are messengers telling\nyou that something is wrong with your soil. Vinegar is an\nMowing, Trimming, Pruning: Raise the cut of the\ngrass to allow more root mass and deeper roots that consume\nless energy. Higher cutting creates a denser canopy that\nshades the soil and reduces soil temperature and moisture\nevaporation. Removing more than 1/3 of the grass blades\nduring mowing can arrest root growth for more than a month.\nPrune trees in the winter while they are dormant. Pruning\nshould preserve the natural character of a tree or shrub.\nHeavy thinning should be avoided because it will weaken\nthe root system. Removal of lower limbs will stress the\ntree by making it less stable in high winds. When removing\nbranches, avoid flush cuts and long stubs that slow healing.\nPreserve the small stub called the \"branch collar.\"\nMulch and Compost: All mulches and composts are\nnot alike and names can be misleading. They should smell\nsweet, reminding you of the smell of a damp forest floor.\nBeware of mulches and composts that contain pieces of\nshredded pallets and chemicals that are often added to\ngive them a black color. Composting turns the material\ninto a dark chocolate brown; no dyes or chemical are required\nto achieve this color. When selecting a mulch, steer clear\nof those that contain bark, but be aware that almost any\nmulch is better than bare soil. Bark robs plants of nitrogen\nand creates nutrient tie-up problems. Consider adding\nan inch of finished compost before you add mulch because\nit contains a huge number of beneficial microbes.\nAn excellent choice of mulch for gardens, flower beds\nand potting mix is \"Aged Native Hardwood Mulch\"\n(Aged means composted - this is key). The feedstock\nfor this wonderful mulch is \"Native Hardwood Mulch\"\nwhich consists of ground fresh green tree and brush material,\nnot bark. Composting kills pathogens and weed seeds\nand allows the beneficial microbes to multiply. Native\nHardwood Mulch that is not aged is used as a special purpose\nmulch to break up gumbo clay. It works well over a layer\nof compost and its lighter color is beneficial for some\nplants and can brighten shady areas. While Pine Bark is\ncheap, it is a poor choice because it contains turpentine\nthat kills microbes, floats out of beds, attracts fire\nants, and depletes nitrogen. \"Hardwood Mulch\"\nis made primarily from the bark of any hardwood tree like\nhickory, elm, pecan, mesquite, oak, etc. In the Houston\narea, Hardwood Mulch is usually oak bark. Hardwood barks\ncontain tannic acid that kill microbes and attract termites.\nJohn Ferguson, owner of Nature's Way Resources\nin Conroe, Texas, offers this ranking of different mulches:\naged native mulch (excellent); pine straw (very good);\naged leaves (good), but they should be shredded and partially\ncomposted and they can blow away; cedar flakes (good),\nbut should be composted to break down growth suppressing\noils; cypress bark (medium to good); shredded hardwood\nmulch (fair to good), but it can form a tight mat which\nis resistant to water; shredded pine bark (poor). Living\nmulches are low growing plants such as grasses, groundcovers\nand shrubs that keep the soil covered, shading and cooling\nit in summer and keeping it warm in winter. To mulch your\ntrees correctly, extend the mulch to the drip line. Do\nnot allow the mulch to touch to trunk of the tree. You\nshould be able to see the root flare. When you apply mulch\nto other plants, leave a gap of 1–2\" from the trunks\nFurther Reading on Mulch and Compost\nA satisfactory plan is a realistic plan. Gardens don't stand\nstill as there are always shrubs to prune, grass to mow and\nleaves to rake. First, consider the purpose of your garden\nand the type of garden you want. Then study the these principles\n- Balance of shape, size and colors\n- Proportion and unity\n- Contrast of textures\n- Focus of views\n- Safety and convenience\n- Ease of maintenance\nBe sure to group your plants according to similar water needs.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The repeated heavy rainfall in Germany and Austria, which has resulted in severe flooding in some areas, is not unusual for the time of year, according to Prof. Peter Höppe, head of Munich Re’s Geo Risks Research unit. The storms, which have brought chaos to Munich Re’s home state of Bavaria, are due to an upper low pressure zone.\nThe same weather system brought large-scale floods at the end of May/beginning of June 2013, Höppe told Reactions . However, this time they are concurrent with almost stationary shower and storm activity.\n“The scientific community has not yet been able to provide clear answers as to whether climate change is influencing the frequency and intensity of the kind of weather conditions we are currently seeing, Höppe said. “Independently of these conditions, our damage data shows an increase in both the number of and damage resulting from severe weather events in Europe that are prone to cause damage.”\nThroughout the period from 1980 to 2015, thunderstorms – often involving hail and heavy rainfall that caused flash floods – have been a frequent cause of damage in Germany. Depending on the value of the properties concerned, some individual loss events have very costly. Most recently the severe hailstorms of July 27–28 2013 in southwestern and northern Germany left total losses €3.6bn and storm damage in North Rhine-Westphalia on June 9 2014 caused damage totalling €0.9bn.\nIn Germany, damage from wind and hailstorms is often covered by buildings and contents insurance. Nearly 90% of building owners have taken out such a policy. It is different for water-related damage caused by heavy rainfall and only about 38% of homeowners in Germany purchase this type of coverage.\nAlso, insurance density differs greatly region by region (e.g. 27% in Bavaria compared with 95% in Baden-Württemberg).\n“As has been clear over recent days, events of this type can occur almost anywhere, regardless of the location of large rivers – highlighting the importance of insurance protection covering against the dangers of the elements,” Höppe said. “The locations that have most recently been particularly affected – Simbach, Triftern and Braunsbach – are almost exclusively in areas classified as lowest-risk (risk category 1), making them very easily insurable.\n“Although preventive measures such as sealed cellars and retention basins are certainly useful, they cannot prevent local extreme events such as those we have seen over recent days.”\nReliable estimates for the overall economic and insured losses from the most recent storms will take weeks to compile.\nBesides regions in Germany the Seine catchment in France has been struck by torrential rainfall.\n“A tributary, the Loing River, experienced the worst flood since 1910 forcing 5,000 people to leave their homes, while Paris seems to be spared from a catastrophe like 106 years ago,” said Hoppe.\n“The flood stage will exceed the 6m mark, which will be the highest since 1982, but still well below the record of 8,60m in 1910. Some metro stations and many museums and other touristic locations had to be closed,” he said.\n\"It is still too early to give a reliable loss estimate for the most recent storms. Such estimates of overall economic and insured losses can only be obtained some weeks after an event of this kind,” Hoppe added.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Natural gas is one of the most popular energy sources in the U.S., and it is only a given considering how it is clean, reliable, comfortable, efficient, and more. The already high stats of 49% of the total American households that rely on natural gas as their prime heating source goes even higher to a whopping 69% of households in the colder regions of the country, as per reports by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.\nBut the high consumption of natural gas is not as warm and cozy as utility bills as it is for homes. Several people come across high bill amounts in the winter months, if not year-round, making natural gas a not so affordable and alluring option. But, there is a solution.\nFollowing is the list of most plausible reasons for high natural gas bills, followed by ways to save money on them. So, let’s get started –\n- 1 Why Is Your Bill Higher Than Expected?\n- 2 Smart Thermostat\n- 3 Gradually Lower The Thermostat\n- 4 Check Gas Equipment To See If It Is Running Efficiently\n- 5 Ensure Proper Insulation\n- 6 Turn Down The Water Heater\n- 7 Wear Appropriately\n- 8 Limit Fireplace Use\n- 9 Conduct A Home Energy Audit\n- 10 Diversify Energy Usage\n- 11 Switch Supplier Or Lock Rates\n- 12 CONCLUSION\nWhy Is Your Bill Higher Than Expected?\nNot one but many factors can result in spiked natural gas bills, overlooked easily amid the day-to-day activities by many. Some of these include –\n- Poor insulation – An improperly insulated house provides an easy exit for the hot air your natural gas heating system produces through doors, windows, cracks, tiny openings, attic, and garage, etc. And as apparent as it is, the heat loss leads to more natural gas consumption and higher bills.\n- The size of your home and weather conditions – A big house, in general, naturally has more natural gas demand for even heating, besides other factors affecting its energy efficiency. Similarly, if you happen to live in regions with long winters or sub-zero temperatures, getting high bills is standard unless you have weatherproofed the place.\n- Types of equipment in use – From the number of natural gas appliances to their usage, type, wear and tear loss over the years, efficiency, etc., all play an essential role in dictating its contribution in increasing your bill amounts.\n- Restricted airflow – The setup of your house with the arrangement of appliances and furniture can easily block vents and restrict heat airflow without your knowledge. This restriction will then increase the usage and heating costs as a result.\n- Water temperature settings – Many people are unaware of the range of settings a water heater comes in. Therefore, the one that’s set on high becomes a steady source of excessive consumption of natural gas and spiked bills.\n- Local supplier rates and supply issues – Different energy supply companies price the natural gas fuel rates differently. Therefore, if you are not so certain of the local rates, high heating bills have more to do with high-priced fuel than your usage pattern. But, again, high prices or a sudden spike might also be connected to reduced natural gas supply or high demand in the region.\nInvesting in a smart thermostat might seem contradictory to what one is trying to achieve with reduced costs; however, there is no better option when considering long-term benefits and cost savings.\nA smart thermostat will not only replace your old equipment but reduce the energy loss due to it. It will also assist your schedule in automatically adjusting the heat, so the bills won’t spike even if you forget.\nGradually Lower The Thermostat\nIf investing in a smart thermostat is not an option at the moment, do not worry, as you can still save a lot by turning down the thermostat by even a degree a day, if not more. Adjusting the thermostat to reduce heating when least needed is an excellent way to save cash, and as trivial as it may sound, each degree makes a difference. What’s more, a degree a day will also gradually get your body in the habit of a slightly cooler temperature.\nCheck Gas Equipment To See If It Is Running Efficiently\nMaintenance of your heating system and equipment can make a significant difference on your bills simply by reducing energy loss and maintaining energy efficiency. Inspection and maintenance to regularly keep track of leaky or faulty parts will also save you from sudden high damage costs besides heating bills.\nEnsure Proper Insulation\nLosing the system’s heat and warmth to improper insulation is as good as paying double the money for the exact heating requirements. Apart from avoiding drafty windows, simple things like using window blinds or curtains during winters can also increase the house’s insulation level. Other spaces that must be well insulated include doors, water heater, attic, garage, etc.\nTurn Down The Water Heater\nMost people do not require water as hot as the temperature settings on their water heater, and without realizing it, they continue to pay for the hike in the bill the water heater brings. Comfortable showers and water warm enough for the dishes are all one needs. Therefore, acknowledging the temperature accordingly and turning down the heating will help you manage the costs better.\nThe heating systems are not so that one may roam around the house in a t-shirt pretending to be summer. Well, if bills are not an issue, one may perhaps do that as well. However, this is not the case here, and therefore bundling up accordingly both inside and outside the house will reduce your dependency on the heating system to keep you warm.\nA jacket or an extra blanket will not let you feel a thing even when the thermostat is turned down by a couple of degrees, eventually affecting your bills.\nLimit Fireplace Use\nThe fireplace may seem like a safe haven during winters and also effective to most, but what it does is the exact opposite of keeping the surroundings warm. A good amount of heat produced by an in-house fireplace escapes through the chimney on top, leaving behind nothing but a vacuum of air which then the air sucked through cracks and gaps from the outside fills.\nThis cold air entering the vacuum forces your heating system to work harder to maintain a steady warm temperature, directly linking energy consumption and costs.\nConduct A Home Energy Audit\nIf you are unsure of where the energy loss is happening inside your home or what’s causing the high energy bills, you may as well go for a home energy audit. It will act as the maintenance routine for your home as well as help you understand and strategize better for efficiency under professional advice and guidance.\nDiversify Energy Usage\nIf a particular energy source seems to fit your routine and consumption patterns better economically and requirement-wise, it is better to switch to it. For example, electric heat pumps and solar panels to assist electricity usage are an excellent way to boost efficiency compared to natural gas.\nSwitch Supplier Or Lock Rates\nIf nothing works out, switching suppliers or locking rates are the last two resorts that can help you plan better without having to give up on your comfort. Nonetheless, fluctuations in the natural gas rates are only a typical response to supply and demand; therefore, look into what’s causing it before deciding.\nHigh natural gas bills are a matter of concern for many individuals, but that does not necessarily mean that one must cut down their basic heating requirements to accommodate it. Simple changes in the lifestyle and being cautious of utilizing the energy efficiently not to waste any are good enough in cutting down costs.\nIf, however, the problem with high natural gas bills persists, consult the energy supply company for more information and discuss matters to resolve any. Happy Scrolling!", "label": "No"} {"text": "Call us +94-77-726-5600\nContact us Now!\nCall us +94-77-726-5600\nContact us Now!\nAnuradhapura, is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, world famous for its well preserved ruins of the Great Sri Lankan Civilization. The Civilization which was built upon this city was one of the greatest civilizations of Asia and in the world. The city now a UNESCO world heritage site.\nAnuradhapura lies 205 km north of Colombo in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, on the banks of the historic Malvathu Oya.\nAnuradhapura is an archeological delight as it contains monuments and structures of historical importance. The city is the abode of the largest Dagobas in the country and is considered as sacred by the Buddhist.\nWe can offer 2 - 5 days tours of Anuradhapura from Colombo shortest tour will be 2 days Anuradhapura Excursion from Colombo. Contact us for tour suggestion and planning of your tour\nVarious places of attraction near Anuradhapura\nSri Maha Bodhi Tree\nAnuradhapura was founded by King Pandukhabaya in 437BC. It was the royal seat of more than 250 Buddhist and Hindu kings. Anuradhapura lies in close proximity to the southern India.\nFounded in the 4th century BC it was the capital of the Anuradhapura Kingdom till the beginning of the 11th century AD. During this period it remained one of the most stable and durable centers of political power and urban life in South Asia. It was also a wealthy city which created a unique culture and a great civilization. Today this ancient city of Sri Lanka, considered sacred to the Buddhist world is surrounded by monasteries covering an area of over sixteen square miles (40 km?). It is widely considered one of the world's major archaeological sites. This city is significant in Hinduism too. Legend has it that it was the fabled capital of the Asura King Ravana in the Ramayana.\nAlthough according to historical records the city was founded in the 5th century BC, the archaeological data put the date as far back as the 10th century BC. very little evidence was available about the period before the 5th century BC (i.e. the protohistoric period), though excavations have revealed information about the earlier inhabitants of the city.\nFurther excavations in Anuradhapura have uncovered information about the existence of a protohistoric habitation of humans in the citadel. The protohistoric Iron Age which spans from 900 - 600 BC, marked the appearance of iron technology, pottery, the horse, domestic cattle and paddy cultivation. In the time period 700 -600 BC the settlement in Anuradhapura had grown over an area of at least 50 ha. The city was strategically situated of major ports northwest and northeast, it was surrounded by irrigable and fertile land. The city was also buried deep in the jungle providing natural defence from invaders.\nThe Lower Early Historic period spanning from 500 - 250 BC, is studied on the lines of the chronicles. During this time King Pandukabhaya formally planned the city, with gates, quarters for traders etc. The city at the time would have covered an area of 1 square kilometre which makes it one of the largest in the continent at the time.\nThe layout of Anuradhapura as described in the Mahavamsa:\n\"He laid out four suburbs as well as the Abhaya-tank, the common cemetery, the\nplace of execution, and the chapel of the Queens of the West, the banyan-tree of\nVessavana and the Palmyra-palm of the Demon of Maladies, the ground set apart\nfor the Yonas and the house of the Great Sacrifice; all these he laid out near\nthe west gate.\" Mahavamsa X, trans. Wilhelm Geiger\n\"A hermitage was made for many ascetics; eastward of that same cemetery the ruler built a house for the nigantha Jotiya.(...) On the further side of Jotiya's house and on this side of the Gamani tank he likewise built a monastery for wandering mendicant monks, and a dwelling for the ajivakas and a residence for the brahmans, and in this place and that he built a lying-in shelter and a hall for those recovering from sickness.\" Mahavamsa X, trans. Wilhelm Geiger\nIt is said that King Pandukabhaya made it his capital in the 4th century BC, and that he also laid out the town and its suburbs according to a well organised plan. He constructed a reservoir named Abhayavapi. He established shrines for yakkhas such as Kalawela and Cittaraja. He housed the Yaksini-Cetiya in the form of a mare within the royal precincts and offerings were made to all these demi-gods every year. He chose the sites for the cemetery and for the place of execution, the Chapel of the Western Queen, the Pacchimarajini, the Vessavana Banyan Tree, the Palm of the Vyadhadeva, the Yona Quarter and the House of the Great Sacrifice. The slaves or Candalas were assigned their duties and a village was set apart for them. They build dwellings for Niganthas, for wandering ascetics and for Ajivakas and Brahmanas. He established, the village boundaries. The tradition that King Pandukabhaya made Anuradhapura the capital city of Sri Lanka as early as the fourth century BC had been very important.\nThe administrative and sanitary arrangements be made for the city and the shrines he provided indicate that over the years the city developed according to an original master plan. His son Mutasiva, succeeded to the throne. During his reign of sixty years, he maintained Anuradhapura as his capital and further laid out the Mahameghavana Garden which was to play an important role in the early history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. It was in the period of his successor, his son Devanam piya Tissa, that Buddhism was first introduced this island 236 years after the passing away of the Buddha. Emperor Ashoka in India was a contemporary of Devanam piya Tissa. Historically this period is considered to extend from 250 to 210 BC. This is the point at which a kingship began and a civilization developed based on one of the greatest religions of South Asia, Buddhism.\nThe capital of the Asura King Ravana in the Hindu epic Ramayana (The Epic of Lord Rama) is said to be situated in Anuradhapura. The capital was burnt down by legendary Rama devotee Lord Hanuman before the epic war. A popular legend among the Hindus says that a layer of ash is still to be found anywhere that you dig in Anuradhapura.\nWith the introduction of Buddhism, the city gained more prominence and the great building era began. The Mahavamsa states that King Kutakannatissa built the first city wall to a height of seven cubits with a moat in front of the wall. This fortification was further enlarged by raising the wall a further 11 cubits to 18 cubits by King Vasabha. The king also added fortified gatehouses at the entrances of which the ruins can be seen to date. The Mahavamsa also states that soothsayers and architects were consulted in the construction.\nFa-Hsien the Chinese pilgrim who visited the city was impressed by the city and its planning. Fa-Hsien mentioned that there were two major segments of people living in the city, one segment being merchants whose houses were richly adorned. Studying some other chronicles gives light to the merchants which who were living in the city. It is noted that some of these merchants were of foreign origins. ie south Indian, Mediterraneans and Persians. The other segment consisted of city dwellers whose income came through agricultural production.\nThe Mahavamsa states that King Devanam piya Tissa recognized the importance of establishing Sima or Concecrated boundaries for the Uposatha and other acts of the Sangha. The king expresses his view that he himself and the inhabitants could live within the vision of Lord Buddha. King Devanmpiya Tissa then marked the boundaries of a specified area, the work commenced to build edifices in the Mahamegha Gardens.\nThe great building era\nThe Ruwanveli Saya Stupa in AnuradhapuraThe great building era was when vast monastery complexes and some of the tallest buildings in the ancient world were built. The Jetavanaramaya dagoba of the city is still the highest brick structure in the world.\nThe Maha Vihara was centered around the orthodox Theravadins. This was founded by King Devanampiya Tissa in 249 BC. The heterdox Mahayanists founded the Abhayagiri Vihara. King Mahasena (275-310 BC) built the Jetavanaramaya located in between the Maha Vihara and the Abhayagiri Monasteries.\nIn the suburbs of the city major monasteries with their gigantic stupas were constructed, The Maha Thupa, the Bodhi Tree and Thuparama of the Maha Vihara stood to the south of the city. The Abhayagiri to the north, the Pubbarama to the east, the Tanovana to the north-west and the Jetavanaramaya to the south-east.\nThe Sacred Tooth Relic was brought to the city in the reign of King Kirtisri Meghavana. The relic was deposited in a building named Dhammacakka. Since then annually it was carried in a procession to the Abhayagiri monastery after which an exposition was held.\nThe city's popularity grew both as a ritual centre and as the administrative centre, a large population was attracted to the city for permanent settlement. Thus the living facilities were improved to accommodate the expanding population. King Vasabha constructed many ponds which were fed by a network of subterranean channels which were constructed to supply water to the city. Tissa and Abhayavapi tanks were built, the Nuwara weva was built and the Malwatu Oya was dammed to build the Maccaduwa wewa which was 4408 acres (17.84 km?) in size.\nParks were also provided in the city. The Ranmasu Uyana below the bund of Tissavapi or Tisa weva was one such, but it was strictly reserved for the members of the royal family. Health care and education were two other aspects to which the authorities paid attention. There were several hospitals in the city. In the forth century King Upatissa II provided quarters and homes for the crippled and the blind. King Buddhadasa (337-365 AD), himself a physician of great repute, appointed a physician to be in charge of every ten villages. For the maintenance of these physicians, one tenth of the income from the fields was set apart. He also set up refuges for the sick in every village. Physicians were also appointed to look after the animals. Kassapa V (914-923 AD) founded a hospital close to the southern gate of Anuradhapura. General Sena in the tenth century is believed to have built a hospital close to the ceremonial street (Managala Veediya). The history of medical care began early, for in the fourth century BC King Pandukhabaya, in the course of sanitizing the town constructed a hospital. A large workforce was entrusted with the task of keeping the city clean.\nLarge lakes were also constructed by the city's rulers to irrigate paddy lands and also to supply water to the city. Nuwara wewa and Tissa wewa are among the best known lakes in the city.\nAnuradhapura attained its highest magnificence about the commencement of the Christian era. In its prime it ranked beside Nineveh and Babylon in its colossal proportions?its four walls, each 16 miles (26 km) long, enclosing an area of 256 square miles (663 km?) ?in the number of its inhabitants, and the splendour of its shrines and public edifices. The city also had some of the most complex irrigation systems of the ancient world, situated in the dry zone of the country the administration built many tanks to irrigate the land. Most of these tanks still survive. To date, it is believed that some of these tanks are the oldest surviving reservoirs in the world today.\nThe city suffered much during the earlier South Indian invasions, and was finally abandoned by AD 1017.\nThe city was the capital of the country continuously from the 5th century BC to AD 1017. Its decline began with continuous wars with the invading South Indians which made the kingdom economically poor. The city was sacked by a Chola invasion forces in 1017 and the governing capital was shifted to the relative safety of Polonnaruwa. The destruction caused to the city and its complex irrigation system was so great that the city was totally abandoned, and fell into decay for nearly a thousand years\nIt was not until the 19th century that the jungle was cleared away, the ruins laid bare, and some measure of prosperity brought back to the surrounding country by the restoration of hundreds of village tanks by the British.\nThe ruins consist of three classes of buildings, dagobas, monastic buildings, and pokunas. The dagobas are bell-shaped masses of masonry, varying from a few feet to over 1100 ft (340 m) in circumference. Some of them contain enough masonry to build a town for twenty-five thousand inhabitants. Remains of the monastic buildings are to be found in every direction in the shape of raised stone platforms, foundations and stone pillars. The most famous is the Brazen Palace erected by King Dutugamunu about 164 BC. The pokunas are bathing-tanks or tanks for the supply of drinking water, which are scattered everywhere through the jungle. The city also contains a sacred Bo-Tree, which is said to date back to the year 245 BC. The railway was extended from Kurunegala to Anuradhapura in 1905\nOur other Web sites\nPlease contact us to Tour Sri Lanka We are Sri Lanka tour operators offering special tours holiday packages from Colombo Sri Lanka We book Colombo Sri Lanka Hotels, Flight to Colombo Sri Lanka Read about sri lanka if you want to know Where is Sri Lanka\nAll rights for the content of this site are held with Travel & Culture Services Sri Lanka. Please contact us for permission to reproduce\nevening World Heritage Pettah Bazaar Travel province Lanka. Site Golden Dambulla. catch architecture. Boat", "label": "No"} {"text": "100+ Unique Racism Information for Your Exceptional Essay\n100+ Unique Racism Information for Your Exceptional Essay\n‘Know your enemy’ is a widely recognized expression. Attitudes faces many enemies currently: wars, food craving, pollution, in addition to global warming. The fact is, racism nevertheless remains one of the largest problems within society. Lack of edcuation is the cause of misunderstanding as well as intolerance. Because of our racism topics, then you can definitely learn more about this serious matter. Your knowledge will assist you to dispel any sort of myth regarding ethnic blacks and defend your belief.\nRacism Essay Topics: Story\nAlthough racism is a uncomfortable problem from the modern age, it had been built a long time ago. Why ‘built’? Racism is really a creation associated with human beings, since it will not exist biologically. Learn more about the very origins associated with racism as well as the first fight it with our historical racism essay subject areas:\n- How did often the politics of colonialism condition aboriginal racism in Sydney?\n- Did often the women’s mobility of the 1960s manage to join forces white and also black most women? Why or perhaps why not?\n- So why did Philippine American racism in the US increase in the 20th century?\n- Can anthropological studies help or maybe hinder slowing racism?\n- The way in which did etnico prejudice have an effect on black laborers in the 50s?\n- Was the Harlem Renaissance a good social rebel ? rise ? mutiny against racism or an art form movement?\n- Seemed to be Malcolm X racist?\n- The best influential historical figures who have fought against racism.\n- Black Capability movement: backdrop, history, and even leaders.\n- The main consequences within the civil privileges movement.\n- Interconnection between racism and african american poverty inside the 20th a single.\n- From a famous point of view, will be racism accountable for the lack of social progress?\n- Just what exactly historical occasions caused the creation from the original as well as second Ku Klux Klans?\n- Was Western european colonialism the key reason why for the spread of racism?\n- Anti-discrimination rules by Fidel Castro in Cuba.\n- Do we call often the ancient Greeks racists?\n- Were being antislavery thoughts the main reason in the Civil Battle?\n- How would apartheid effect the development in the Republic of South Africa?\n- Did Charles Darwin acquire racist concepts in his functions?\n- The doubts on the shooting of Frank Luther Cal king, Jr.\nArgumentative Racism Paper Topics\nRacism generally becomes a area of interest of debate and differences. If you want to take part in such conversations, you had better ready yourself. The following forty questions are debatable and want to be learnt thoroughly.\n- What was the key reason why for making racism?\n- The reason why racism immoral?\n- Is the issue of racism painful even today?\n- Why are the movements enjoy Black Everyday life Matter of importance to the fight against racism?\n- Is the escalate of racism connected with loathe crimes in the united states?\n- Does the racism against females differ from typically the racism against men?\n- Can racism get regarded as the mental disease?\n- Will racism ever vanish?\n- Can a homeowner fight against racism in reading books?\n- Should Islamophobia be considered since racism?\n- Is definitely the expression ‘third world’ beginning in racism?\n- Do religions cause racism?\n- Does antisemitism still exist in the nation?\n- Does kind serve every purpose within society?\n- Some reasons why racism a strong artificial principle?\n- Is racism similar to homophobia?\n- For to whom was racism beneficial previously?\n- Is it possible to often be truly post-racial?\n- Why is racism irrational?\n- Performed the surge of racism in the USA assist Trump to win the presidential election?\n- Why should ‘Irishness’ be considered a present of racism?\n- Can Confucianism solve the issue of racism?\n- Is the difference of national identities consistently racist?\n- Will racism end up being justified quite often?\n- Is damage towards gals in hijabs baseless?\n- Will the US crook justice technique treat the very representatives of all the so-called races both equally?\n- Is racism rooted in fear?\n- Precisely what countries are the most racist and how come?\n- Are guidelines against peculiar discrimination consistently applicable so that you can sports?\n- Are actually prejudice in addition to stereotypes the same things?\nHypothetical Racism Pieces of paper Topics\n‘Why? ‘ ‘How? ‘ as well as ‘What’s upcoming? ‘ simply curious as well as thoughtful individuals tend to question these issues. To understand the size of racism, you need to dig profound. What are the influences and consequences of discrimination? Find out with these analytical racism paper issues:\n- Tips on how to decrease peculiar discrimination while in the educational method?\n- Racial prejudices in Movie and the Oscars boycott.\n- The way did racism influence often the formation of your English expressions?\n- Why conduct people favor same-race companions for affectionate relationships?\n- So why is educators eliminate myths concerning ethnic groups?\n- Racial elegance among love-making workers.\n- Precisely what educational and career obstacles does racism cause?\n- So how does racism affect the life regarding prisoners in the usa?\n- What problems does Islamophobia have within the Arab-American human population in the USA?\n- Just what exactly forms of racism exist within Latin U . s?\n- How does racism affect the mind health of racial blacks?\n- The consequences for aboriginal racism in Down under.\n- The interconnection between racial discrimination together with police violence.\n- How does racism affect the activities industry?\n- The effects of institutional racism in the health care system.\n- The use of anti-racist ideas around commercials.\n- How does ageism differ from racism?\n- The exact portrayal of racism along with racists inside American pop-culture.\n- Positive as well as negative effects involving social media within the fight against racism.\n- How can administrators deal with racism in the workplace?\nRacism Go Topics: Classifications\nImproving your speech is essential for composing well crafted papers. Applying terms allows you to be exact, concise, plus sound more intelligent! Check out the following racism themes ideas:\n- What kinds of racism exist?\n- Exactly what is national interpersonal identity? The best way is it associated with racism?\n- Just what is a conflict theory concerning racial discrimination?\n- What is institutional racism and why is it difficult to fight it?\n- Are usually scapegoat theory about? Would it always demonstrate racism?\n- How does personality hypothesis explain racism?\n- What is a lifestyle theory in the interests of racism?\n- What’s environmental racism and how may society combat it?\n- So why is internalized racism be outlined?\n- Explicit together with implicit etnico biases.\n- Exacting, rigorous theory associated with prejudice.\n- What is the social range scale?\n- Express the concept of ‘cultural racism. ‘\n- Four styles of racial group interactions: pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide.\n- What does ‘post-racial’ mean?\nRacism Issue Ideas: Literature, Art, and flicks\nArtists together with writers dislike aside from general human difficulties. They internalize sufferings and troubles and then create the masterpieces that will amaze audience, listeners, in addition to spectators. Every human being features every to certainly express his / her personal opinion and to end up being heard. But artists get it done in such a gorgeous and elegant fashion that it is unattainable to dismiss their concepts. Take a magnified look at the novels, movies, takes on, and brief stories which will develop typically the theme of etnografico discrimination. In the event racism niche ideas usually are enough to suit your needs, you can choose a work of art on the list whole our report.\n- The main moral edge between finance discrimination as well as genocide while in the movie ‘Schindler’s List. ‘\n- Black nationalism in the fresh ‘Invisible Man’ by Ron Ellison.\n- Segregation in the epic saga ‘Sula’ simply by Tula Morrison.\n- How are racism and the Usa Dream connected in the have fun with ‘A Pampre in the Sun’ by Lorraine Hansberry?\n- How come was the story ‘To Eliminate a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee important for the know-how about racism?\n- How does the movie ‘The Shape of Water’ directed by simply Guillermo de Toro exhibit the problem with racism?\n- What exactly ideas does indeed Lee Mun Wah publish in his skin flick ‘The Color of Fear’?\n- Ethnic prejudices one of the Afghan people in the world wide ‘The Kite Runner’ by just Khaled Hosseini.\n- Can we phone call the Shakespearean play ‘Othello’ racist?\n- Will the movie ‘Hidden Figures’ guided by Theodore Melfi alter the attitude in the direction of black women if it was published in the 1960s?\n- How might the perform ‘Fences’ by just August Milson represent the situation of racism in sporting events? Does this challenge exist right now?\n- Do Ernest Hemingway’s literary works advocate racism?\n- Institutional racism within the novel ‘The Hate One Give’ just by Angie Youngsters.\n- How did Kate Chopin depict miscegenation in her short scenario ‘Desiree’s Baby’?\n- How does Doctor Suess’ arrange ‘The Sneetches’ teach fly tolerance?\n- Are generally detective fictional stereotypes frequently racist?\n- So how exactly does homophobic hip-hop music affect the social mind-set towards dark-colored people along with the LGBT local community?\n- Racial inequality in the fresh ‘Their Vision Were Reviewing God’ by simply Zora Neale Hurston.\n- The way in which is racism depicted inside literature about colonialism?\n- Can be art capable to fight against racism?\n- Internalized racism in the film ‘Crash’ sent by Robert Haggis.\n- Assess the movies ‘Guess Who’s Traveling to Dinner’ plus ‘Driving Neglect Daisy’ remember how all these films exhibit racism.\n- The main conflict of affection and racism in the film ‘Snow Becoming on Cedars’ directed just by Scott Hicks.\n- Is the epic saga ‘The Activities of Huckleberry Finn’ just by Mark Twain racist as well as anti-racist?\n- Really does racial individuality affect the life of the important hero during the novel ‘Trumpet’ by Cassie Kay?\n- Xenophobia in the epic saga ‘Heart for Darkness’ by just Joseph Conrad.\n- ‘Gangster’ rep as a sort of institutionalized racism in the favorite songs industry.\n- Several points of take on racial inequality in the book ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett.\n- Why is Derek Vinyard change her beliefs inside the movie ‘American History X’?\n- Can comic book heroes be considered discriminatory towards men and women of colour?", "label": "No"} {"text": "Story of Saint Patrick's Day\n- List Price:\n- Buy New: $0.99\nas of 9/16/2014 18:27 EDT details\n- You Save: $5.96 (86%)\n- Sales Rank:314,545\n- Languages:English (Unknown), English (Original Language), English (Published)\n- Media:Board book\n- Number Of Items:1\n- Shipping Weight (lbs):4900\n- Dimensions (in):5.4 x 5.6 x 0.8\n- Publication Date:January 2002\nAvailability:Usually ships in 1-2 business days\nThe story begins with the traditional symbols of the day that are often found in schoolrooms, such as shamrocks, harps, and leprechauns. Then the narrative moves to a short biography of Saint Patrick himself: as a shepherd, as a missionary, and as a teacher. This colorfull boardbook ties together the live of Patrick with the traditional images of Ireland.\nCERTAIN CONTENT THAT APPEARS ON THIS SITE COMES FROM AMAZON SERVICES LLC. THIS CONTENT IS PROVIDED ‘AS IS’ AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR REMOVAL AT ANY TIME.", "label": "No"} {"text": "By Richard Brody | Submitted On September 18, 2020\nHow can we, make the way, this nation, operates, and how, our citizens, are served, and represented, better, unless/ until, we prioritize, bi – partisan government officials, who, instead of making their personal/ political agenda, and, self – interest, their priority, emphasize, seeking common – ground, and bringing us, together, for the greater good, and resulting, in, a meeting – of – the – MINDS? Although, we have always, witnessed, some degree of partisan, political behavior, it seems, the last decade, or – so, this has, reached, a concerning, disturbing level, where there seems to be, little, to, no effort, made, to, reach – across – the – aisle, in order to better serve and represent, our nation, and all its citizens! Never before, have we witnessed, an America President, who, seemed to strive, to divide, and oppose, rather than unite us, especially, when it involved the most significant needs. How much better, might, we have proceeding, during this horrific pandemic, if, our elected officials, worked together, rather than, putting, politics, first? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.\n1. Make mark; matters; metrics: Instead of playing – politics, with our lives, we deserve elected officials, ready, and willing, to make their mark, for the better! Instead of denying, and creating an alternative narrative, we must acknowledge, data, and science matters, and the associated metrics, help guide, smarter decisions, etc!\n2. Integrity; imagination; innovate; ideas/ issues; inspire: A leader’s integrity, must be absolute, or constituents, lose! Combining this essential asset, with a relevant imagination, the willingness to innovate, for the common good, and introduce quality ideas, and address issues, which inspire and motivate, the vast majority of Americans!\n3. Needs; nuances: Always, ask, whose needs, are being considered, addressed, and prioritized! Is the individual, a, one – trick – pony, only ready and willing to recycle the same – old, same – old, or, will he be able, to adjust, and recognize necessary, nuances, etc?\n4. Delve deeply; discover: Instead of behaving as if, they, know – it – all, and are smarter than the specific experts, as our present, so – called, stable genius, claims, to believe, we would be, far, better – served, by someone, who would delve deeply, and discover various options, and alternatives, in the quest, for the best path – forward!\n5. Stronger; strengths; service; solutions; sustainable: If we hope to have a stronger nation, into the future, our leaders must use all our strengths, together, to make us stronger, provide finer service, and proceed, with well – considered, viable, relevant, and sustainable solutions!\nHow does dividing us, help bring – us, together, and take advantage of a much – needed, meeting of the MINDS? Wake up, America, and carefully, consider, the essential quality of character, of future public, elected officials!\nRichard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all", "label": "No"} {"text": "This function is used to approximate the equation\ny = if x > 0 then y1 else y2;\nby a smooth characteristic, so that the expression is continuous and differentiable:\ny = smooth(1, if x > x_small then y1 else if x < -x_small then y2 else f(y1, y2));\nIn the region -x_small < x < x_small a 2nd order polynomial is used for a smooth transition from y1 to y2.\nIf mass fractions X[:] are approximated with this function then this can be performed for all nX mass fractions, instead of applying it for nX-1 mass fractions and computing the last one by the mass fraction constraint sum(X)=1. The reason is that the approximating function has the property that sum(X) = 1, provided sum(X_a) = sum(X_b) = 1 (and y1=X_a[i], y2=X_b[i]). This can be shown by evaluating the approximating function in the abs(x) < x_small region (otherwise X is either X_a or X_b):\nX = smoothStep(x, X_a , X_b , x_small); X = smoothStep(x, X_a , X_b , x_small); ... X[nX] = smoothStep(x, X_a[nX], X_b[nX], x_small);\nX = c*(X_a - X_b) + (X_a + X_b)/2 X = c*(X_a - X_b) + (X_a + X_b)/2; ... X[nX] = c*(X_a[nX] - X_b[nX]) + (X_a[nX] + X_b[nX])/2; c = (x/x_small)*((x/x_small)^2 - 3)/4\nSumming all mass fractions together results in\nsum(X) = c*(sum(X_a) - sum(X_b)) + (sum(X_a) + sum(X_b))/2 = c*(1 - 1) + (1 + 1)/2 = 1\nfunction smoothStep extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x \"Abscissa value\"; input Real y1 \"Ordinate value for x > 0\"; input Real y2 \"Ordinate value for x < 0\"; input Real x_small(min = 0) = 1e-5 \"Approximation of step for -x_small <= x <= x_small; x_small > 0 required\"; output Real y \"Ordinate value to approximate y = if x > 0 then y1 else y2\"; end smoothStep;\nx_small -> 0without division by zero.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Frequently Asked Questions\nWhat is a shuffle/transposition cipher?\nTransposition systems are fundamentally different to substitution systems in that they do not change the characters in the plain text for other characters, but they change the actual position of the characters in the message. Sometimes they are called shuffling ciphers.\nMost transposition systems make use of a matrix. For example, the message CAN YOU READ THIS, which contains 14 letters, could be arranged in a grid measuring 7×2 and written across the rows:\nThen the cipher text CEAANDYTOHUIRS is formed by reading down the columns. The message is decoded by placing the cipher text in the same sized grid, but writing it in columns rather than rows.\nIf the message contains an awkward number of letters, for example a prime number or a number that does not factor easily, random characters can be added they will be identified and removed once the text has been decoded. We could have added a letter to our message so as to form a 5×3 grid.\nA similar, but slightly more secure system, makes use of keywords. As will be seen, it is an extension of the matrix method, but it allows columns to be read in a less predictable order. For example, using the keyword, ZEBRA, we create the following grid.\nThe numbers, below ZEBRA, represent the alphabetical order of the letters in our keyword and becomes our numerical key. That is, A is the first letter, B is the 2nd letter, E is the 3rd letter, R is the 4th and Z is the 5th. The message is then written below this and, if necessary, random (null) letters are added at the end to fill the grid. Always select commonly used letters when inserting nulls, as the use of X, Q and Z would be a giveaway to a code breaker.\nFinally we use the numberical key, 53241, to provide the order in which we read down columns: ODF, NEI, ARH, YAS and CUT. To add depth to this method, and confuse a potential code breaker, we could write the cipher in three groups of five, ODFNE IARHY ASCUT.\nThe message is decoded by simply dividing the number of letters in the cipher text by the number of letters in the keyword, as this tells us how many characters are in each column. We then write the keyword, with its numerical key below it, and fill in the columns in the order determined by the numerical key.\nGenerally, transposition systems offer endless possibilities and can create quite a headache for a code breaker. However, they will eventually work it out, as they are dealing with nothing more than an anagram of the original message powerful computers could make easy work of your most elaborate system. If transposition systems are used at all, they are normally used alongside a substitution cipher.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Climate change is one of the most significant issues faced by mankind today, and tackling it is the key to preserving the earth for future humans and species.\nAs governments work on policies to make the world greener, many positive strides were made in 2023. Last year saw not only international politicians and industry stakeholders gather in Dubai for COP28 but also the emergence of many new climate tech innovations.\nFrom sustainable aviation fuels to smart farming solutions, recent advancements in climate tech innovation are easing the path to Net Zero and helping to ensure a more sustainable planet for us all. We explore some of the innovations of 2023.\nClimate Tech Innovations of the Last 12 Months\n4. Sustainable Aviation Fuel\nWith the aviation industry making up 13.9% of transport-related emissions, improving the sustainability of airplanes is crucial. One way this is happening is through creating and using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which is based on recycled oil, city waste, and other elements. According to the International Air Transport Association, SAF has the potential to decrease emissions by as much as 80% in the commercial aviation industry.\nWhile SAF has existed for several years, 2023 saw Virgin Atlantic complete the world’s first international flight using only this form of fuel. In November, the transatlantic flight was made from London’s Heathrow Airport to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. It’s widely accepted that transition to SAF is the key to achieving net zero status in the airline industry by 2050.\nMatt Briggs, key account lead at Metta, which supports startups during their growth phase, described Virgin Atlantic’s Fight100 as “an indication of the beginning of a crucial shift in the attitude of industry stakeholders”. He believes that using SAF to power airplanes is the “only viable solution” to reducing their carbon emissions in the next few years.\n“A rapid shift towards SAF decarbonizes the operation of existing aircraft fleets, and it decarbonizes the operation of new planes being sold today,” he says.\n“When you consider the 20-30-year lifecycle of a commercial airliner, you see how important that distinction is versus the promise of electric or hydrogen flight at some point in the future.”\nDespite Virgin Atlantic’s recent strides in proving the effectiveness of SAF, Briggs argues that widespread adoption is currently affected by “a lack of joined-up policy-making” globally.\nHe explains: “SAF is currently about twice as expensive as traditional jet fuels, but a large reason is the lack of scale in production. In 2022, SAF represented just 0.1% of all aviation fuel sold.”\n3. EV Solid-state Batteries\nAnother area of transport that has benefited from clever climate tech innovations in recent times is the electric vehicle industry, with the emergence of solid-state batteries. These differ from lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries as they use solid, non-flowing elements rather than liquids or gels.\nJohn Ellmore, editor of Electric Car Guide, called the emergence of solid-state batteries in 2023 a “huge advancement” that promises to transform the storage and efficiency of EVs.\nHe explains that using a solid material like ceramics in EV batteries instead of liquid electrolyte will deliver “higher energy density, faster charging, enhanced safety, and greater longevity”.\nAdditionally, Ellmore believes that advancing solid-state batteries will solve EV challenges such as “range anxiety, charging infrastructure, safety concerns, and environmental impact.”\nHe adds: “As these batteries move closer to commercialization, they could play a pivotal role in accelerating the transition to electric vehicles and making them a more viable and attractive option for the mainstream market.”\n2. Smart Farming\nLooking to help farmers make more environmentally friendly decisions is a German agriculture technology startup called Nerit’e.\nThe company has developed a smart farming solution that enables farmers to track soil nutrients to reduce fertilizer usage and ultimately improve the sustainability of their farms.\nHumberto Martinez Barron, CEO and founder of Nerit’e, says: “This is achieved through utilizing a patented filtering system coupled with electrochemical sensors. Acquiring this high-quality data enables machine learning to learn how to optimize soil management practices.”\nSince its launch in 2022, Humberto and his team have tested this technology in Mexico, Germany, Ireland, and the US. And they are planning to deploy the solution in more than 3000 farms globally. He said this represents “a turning point in how we manage greenhouse gas emissions from farms.”\n1. The Power of AI\nWith governments continuing to introduce new environmental regulations and consumers looking to make more sustainable purchasing decisions, implementing an ESG strategy has become a critical priority for businesses of all industries.\nBut how can they do this successfully? Peter Schelstraete, co-founder of Ubuntoo, believes that artificial intelligence (AI) offers the best solution. In November, his company launched an AI-driven platform that provides companies with customized information to help them improve sustainability across their operations.\nPositioned as the “green ChatGPT,” the solution is already used by corporations like Coca-Cola, Target, and Subway as part of their ESG strategies. It covers topics such as reducing plastic usage, recycling, food, improving the efficiency of supply chains, transitioning to clean energy, and more.\n“AI technology can draw from the highly technical and specialized knowledge of cutting-edge science and help that knowledge find its way into the hands of those who need it the most,” says Schelstraete.\n“In the future, those companies and governments who are most able to harness AI technology, working in harmony with it to achieve their goals, will be those who can progress the furthest with their environmental targets.”\nOther Climate Tech Innovations and Trends\nMatt Cranfield, founder of Your Simple Hosting, has witnessed a “shift toward green data centers” over the past 12 months. He says: “These centers now use clever cooling techniques, renewable energy sources, and AI to wisely use electricity.”\nChristoph Cemper, founder and CEO of AIPRM, views the production of green hydrogen as an exciting climate tech innovation to emerge in 2023. He comments: “Electrolyzers that use renewable electricity to turn water into green hydrogen got better at what they did, and costs went down. This led to more investment in building hydrogen infrastructure as a clean energy source.”\nNicole LeBlanc, partner at Woven Capital, stresses the importance of increasing talent and investment in the climate technology space. She concludes: “More smart people are choosing a career in climate, and more investors, including many generalist VCs, are making climate investments. When people and capital enter an industry consistently, it can begin to truly scale and have an impact.”\nIt is a bumpy road to a greener planet after hundreds of years of using oil, gas, and other non-renewables without caution.\nAs new innovations emerge, the key thing is economies of scale — starting the ball rolling in a new sector is expensive.\nBut as speed picks up, infrastructure gets established, and inefficiencies get removed, the cost of producing reduces, and it begins to make economic sense to the end-user to ‘go green’.\nHopefully, this trend will continue for both existing and emerging technology as the years go by.\n- Developing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) (IATA)\n- Flight100: Virgin Atlantic flies its first 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel flight (Virgin)\n- Metta Partners Official Website (Metta)\n- Supercharge Your EV Knowledge (Electric Car guide)\n- Nerit’e Official Website (Nerit’e)\n- 2050accelerator Official Website (2050accelerator)\n- Ubuntoo Official Website (Ubuntoo)\n- Your Simple Hosting Official Website (Your Simple Hosting)\n- AIPRM Official Website (AIPRM)\n- Woven Capital Official Website (Woven Capital)", "label": "No"} {"text": "What is the EYFS?\nThe Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.\nAs well as being the core document for all professionals working in the foundation years, the EYFS framework gives parents confidence that regardless of where they choose for their child’s early education, they can be assured that the same statutory commitments and principles will underpin their child’s learning and development experience.\nThe EYFS details the 7 areas of learning and development, which are used to plan activities that the children can do at Playgroup and Preschool. This is a curriculum suitable for very young children, and it's designed to be really flexible so that staff can follow your child's unique needs and interests. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside, all of which are actively explored at Overton Preschool Playgroup.\nThe stages of development are grouped and named by the age range a typical child might display this ability, and the 7 areas of learning each are coded by different letters.\nFor example PD 11 – 26 months refers to Physical Development expected between 11 and 26 months. This example includes :\nMoving and handling\n• I can walk upstairs when a grown up holds my hand.\n• I come downstairs backwards on my knees, holding on to the steps and come down one step at a time.\n• I know that when I move a chunky crayon or pen round, up and down and across, the marks I make on the paper look the same as the way I moved my hand.\nWhen a child’s keyperson observes the child displaying the activity confidently, this is recorded, and these are the observations that are included in the 2 year review when a child joins playgroup and in the Learning Journey shared with parents each term. If you would like more information about this and the terms used, please speak to your keyperson or visit https://www.foundationyears.org.uk/eyfs-statutory-framework/\n'What to Expect, When' is a document for parents to help them understand the EYFS. It details the 7 areas of learning and development referred to in the EYFS, and also contains suggestions of what you as a parent can do to support this development.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Gender is one of the central organizing principles around which social life revolves. Gender imbalance in education is linked with social, cultural, historical, economic and political factors. Although there are a set of laws to protect women’s rights and the Chinese government has been improving the social status of women, emphasizing the equality of men and women in both public and domestic sphere, China is no exception in terms of gender inequality in education field and labor market. For example, some academic or career fields are highly dominated by one gender. Compared to higher education, vocational education is at a lower level in Chinese education system. Gender research in this field could shed light on gender equality in Chinese society. This study explores the factors which could have contributed to the gender imbalance in a vocational school in China. I investigated the influence from four aspects: family background, cultural factors, Chinese higher education expansion, and labor market, using the qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews.\nThe study concludes that the four aspects are inter- related and interact with each other. The family SES background and higher education expansion influence the attitudes of students and parents towards education and education return, especially in rural areas. Furthermore, the rural families seem to be influenced by traditional culture factors more than urban families. Gender stereotypes, gender inequity in culture and gender bias in labor market lead to the gender imbalance.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank’s Chairwoman Ms. Yellen has recently called for more authority to intervene in markets during an economic downturn. Ms. Yellen understands that Central Banks need to have a larger role for purchasing any and all distressed assets in an economy.\nThe ability of a Central Bank to buy any assets can lead to a fair-market economy. Free markets are unpredictable in their boom-and-bust cycles. The poor get poorer; whereby, the wealthy actually gain from any market downturns. During a free-market downturn, the wealthy load up on cheap assets and just get richer during the following recovery. Conspiracy theorists would even claim that the top 1% cause these market downturns so that they can load up on the cheap. After all, these wealthy capitalists have a motive. The job of our Central Banking system is to promote the public interest and Central Banks should take on the role of creating a fair-market economy in which everyone prospers.\nA fair market is a market wherein the value of a property or any asset is based on what an unpressured buyer would pay to an unpressured seller in the market. A fair market is when property changes hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy nor to sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.\nThe opposition is a free market. In a free market, capitalist forces are at work which lead to boom-and-bust cycles whereby market participants are forced to sell their assets in liquidations, foreclosures or to meet margin calls. In a market downturn, Central Banks should buy any distressed assets in the economy ensuring that noone is under any pressure nor compulsion to sell at a loss. A fair economy is an economy wherein noone loses.\nA free market also allows wealthy capitalists to rip off the poor; on the other hand, a fair market protects consumers against capitalist greed. In a fair market, the Government has the role of ensuring the consumer is protected.\nFree markets cause inequality. Inequality has never been higher! The gap between rich and poor has never been wider. According to faireconomy.org, this inequality has been intentional:\n“In many cases, periods of economic growth have resulted in greater equality, as in the 1950-70s. Over the past few decades, however, the benefits of a growing economy have been concentrated in an extremely narrow elite at the very top.”\nThey go on to claim that the exclusion of people of color from the middle class was also intentional. “Federal programs for the middle class have been essentially unavailable to people of color.”\nObviously we have a huge challenge before us to correct these inequalities and to move toward a fair-market economy. Governments need to better recognize when their proposed policies pander to the privileged at the expense of the underprivileged. Only a wise Government can lead us to a fair-market economy by implementing policies which abolish Capitalism and hinder free-market forces.\nThe current Administration has gone a long way to correct the inequalities caused by former administrations. Under President Obama’s leadership, the U.S. has partially recovered from the damage done by Reaganomics and the Bush Dynasty. Our President was wise to promote Ms. Yellen to the position of Fed Chairwoman. He cited her understanding of the high “human costs” of unemployment when he nominated her to Chair the Federal Reserve. Ms. Yellen has proven her ability to connect economic theory to everyday life.\nGovernments and Central Banks (worldwide) need to better represent public interest by adopting pro-worker policies in place of pro-banker policies.\nThe USA, although a strong nation, cannot abolish economic inequality alone. Unfair markets are a global calamity and the problem needs to be resolved on a global scale. A fair market would put people and planet first. Hazardous energy sources like fossil fuels would be eliminated and green energies promoted. Under a capitalist, free-market system there is no incentive to implement nor repair infrastructure in minority neighborhoods. A fair market system would be inclusive for all. Ms. Clinton has called for a huge infrastructure investment and urged for aggressive spending on green energy.\nHillary Clinton has also said she wants an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. Ms. Clinton will provide a strong government hand for creating fair-paying jobs by simultaneously driving up wages. Governments and Central Banks (worldwide) need to better represent public interest by adopting pro-worker policies in place of pro-banker policies. Interest rates should be kept low to promote growth and to prioritize policies which promote full employment and rising wages.\nHow do we create a fair economy with fair markets? Everyone, especially the underprivileged, should receive a basic wage — a living wage at the low end and a maximum income at the high end. A fair plan is to increase minimum wages and to lower top earnings.\nWe have everything we need to build a fair economy: natural resources, skilled people, modern technology; however, often the money to finance our visions is lacking. In a fair economy, Central Banking takes on the role of providing financing for new ideas so that all market participants can fulfill their dreams. People would not have to rely on the privilege of family inheritance nor a valuable family equity to back a loan in order to finance their visions. The Central Bank should take on a larger role toward promoting growth in a fair-market economy by providing financing, not only for the privileged, but also for the disadvantaged.\nInternational trade agreements make economies fair on a global scale. A stronger UN governance mandate for the World’s economies is needed as well. Obama has done so well leading the US, he is a natural candidate to lead the World Economy on a global scale. The UN along with the World’s Central Banks need to cooperate to create a global, fair-market economy.", "label": "No"} {"text": "artificial satellite that functions as part of a global radio-communications network. Echo 1, the first communications satellite, launched in 1960, was an instrumented inflatable sphere that passively reflected radio signals back to earth. Later satellites carried with them electronic devices for receiving, amplifying, and rebroadcasting signals to earth. Relay 1, launched in 1962 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was the basis for Telstar 1, a commercially sponsored experimental satellite. Geosynchronous orbits (in which the satellite remains over a single spot on the earth's surface) were first used by NASA's Syncom series and Early Bird (later renamed Intelsat 1), the world's first commercial communications satellite.\nIn 1962, the U.S. Congress passed the Communications Satellite Act, which led to the creation of the Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat). Agencies from 17 other countries joined Comsat in 1964 in forming the International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (Intelsat) for the purpose of establishing a global commercial communications network. Renamed the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) in 1974, the organization transferred its satellite network to a private corporation, Intelsat, Ltd., in 2001. Intelsat now operates network of more than 50 satellites to provide global telecommunications. It has orbited several series of Intelsat satellites. ITSO continues to oversee the public service obligations of Intelsat.\nInmarsat was established in 1979 to serve the maritime industry by developing satellite communications for ship management and distress and safety applications. Inmarsat was originally an intergovernmental organization called the International Maritime Satellite Organization but later changed its name to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect its expansion into land, mobile, and aeronautical communications. In 1999 its telecommunications operations became a private company as Inmarsat, and the International Mobile Satellite Organization became responsible for overseeing Inmarsat's public service obligations. Inmarsat's users now include thousands of people who live or work in remote areas without reliable terrestrial networks. Inmarsat presently has more than ten satellites in geosynchronous orbits.\nIn addition to the Intelsat and Inmarsat satellites, many others are in orbit, some managed by private companies and others by government-owned operators. These are used by individual countries, organizations, and commercial ventures for internal communications or for business or military use. A new generation of satellites, called direct-broadcast satellites, transmits directly to small domestic antennas to provide such services as cablelike television programming.\n- See Principles of Communications Satellites (1993);. ,\n- Communications Satellites, 1958–1995 (1996);. ,\n- B. G. Evans, ed., Satellite Communication Systems (3d ed. 1999).\nAn unmanned artificial satellite by which long-distance television broadcasting, telephone communications, and computer data links are...\n(Comsat), organization incorporated (1962) by an act of Congress to establish a commercial system of international communications using artificial sa\nOf the many benefits gained from space enterprises, telecommunications was the first commercially viable industry to develop. The creation of a...", "label": "No"} {"text": "We’ve long known that Mars has water trapped in its polar ice caps, but just how wet the planet was billions of years ago, and what that means for supporting life, is still a hot topic. The predominant theory is that Mars was once a warm and wet planet, but a new study has effectively thrown cold water on that, instead positing early Mars was covered in ice sheets, not flowing rivers.\nThe warm and wet ancient Mars hypothesis suggests that rivers, oceans, and rainfall once existed on Mars. One of the main pieces of evidence put forward is the vast network of valleys in Mars’ southern hemisphere. These look very similar to Earth’s river drainage basins, which are carved by surface water runoff from rain, sleet, and snow forming rivers as they run downslope from nearby mountains.\nMars’s valleys formed around 3.5 to 3.9 billion years ago. If they were indeed carved by flowing rivers, this means that Mars’s climate back then was warm and wet, which increases the chance of it supporting life. However, a new study in Nature Geoscience, led by Anna Grau Galofre from the University of British Columbia, claims that on closer inspection these valleys have more in common with subglacial channels in the Canadian Arctic and were instead carved by water melting beneath glacial ice, not rivers.\n\"For the last 40 years, since Mars's valleys were first discovered, the assumption was that rivers once flowed on Mars, eroding and originating all of these valleys,\" explained Grau Galofre in a statement. \"But there are hundreds of valleys on Mars, and they look very different from each other. If you look at Earth from a satellite you see a lot of valleys: some of them made by rivers, some made by glaciers, some made by other processes, and each type has a distinctive shape. Mars is similar, in that valleys look very different from each other, suggesting that many processes were at play to carve them.\"\nIt was the similarities between many of these Martian valleys and the subglacial channels on Devon Island in Nanuvet, the most northerly territory in Canada, that led Grau Galofre and colleagues to explore this possible explanation.\n\"Devon Island is one of the best analogs we have for Mars here on Earth – it is a cold, dry, polar desert, and the glaciation is largely cold-based,\" said co-author Dr Gordon Osinski, a professor in the department of earth sciences and the Institute for Earth and Space Exploration at Western University.\nThe team analyzed the shape of more than 10,000 Martian valleys using data gathered from the Mars Global Surveyor, which surveyed the planet between 1996 and 2006. One of its instruments, the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, measured the heights of the planet’s surface features by shooting infrared laser pulses at it. By looking at the physical features of the valleys, Grau Galofre determined that though some valleys had features that suggested they were carved by running rivers, many looked like they had been carved by glaciers too, suggesting vast ice sheets covered the planet at some point.\nThis finding adds weight to the “cold and icy ancient Mars” theory. \"Climate modeling predicts that Mars' ancient climate was much cooler during the time of valley network formation,\" Grau Galofre said. \"We tried to put everything together and bring up a hypothesis that hadn't really been considered: that channels and valleys networks can form under ice sheets, as part of the drainage system that forms naturally under an ice sheet when there's water accumulated at the base.\"\nMore recently, the idea that Mars started off with a warm and wet climate that gradually got colder has gained traction, which would also explain the valleys formed by both rivers and glaciers on Mars, we just don't know what exactly might have changed the climate billions of years ago. However, the formation of these valleys coincides with the loss of Mars' magnetic field some 3.7 billion years ago.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Assignment: you will write an analysis on the story young goodman brown remember, an analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into. Nathaniel hawthorne's 'young goodman brown' is a short story that's rich in meaning in this lesson, we'll go over the plot points, themes. Nathaniel hawthorne's young goodman brown lesson plans include analysis, vocabulary, allegory, & visual summary activity that brings this eerie tale to life.\nYoung goodman brown by nathaniel hawthorne recounts the riveting dream of a young man from salem in the dream, goodman brown comes to a defi. Analysis of young goodman brown essaysin nathaniel hawthorne's story, young goodman brown, we follow the plot which begins in salem during the 1800's a young. Young goodman brown has 9,315 ratings and 300 reviews michael said: such a wonderfully (and eerily) subversive story of a man who sees what lies behind.\nAnalysis of fiction: “young goodman brown” by: nathaniel hawthorne the short story “young goodman brown,” follows the dream of a puritan man. Free college essay critical analysis of young goodman brown nathaniel hawthorne’s, “young goodman brown” is a story. An analysis of theme in hawthorne's young goodman brown - nathaniel hawthorne, in his short story “young goodman brown,” details the frailty of human morality. Colors are symbolic in the story young goodman brown young brown goodman loses trust in his companion when the black staff that critical analysis.\nIn his short story “young goodman brown”, nathaniel hawthorne creates an intriguing narrative in which a young husband, young goodman brown, leaveread the. This is a quick summary and analysis for young goodman brown by hawthorne this channel discusses and reviews books, novels, and short stories through. Nathaniel hawthorne’s writing style for young goodman brown encompasses many aspects, especially allegory, symbolism, point of view, and foreshadowing themes of. Read expert analysis on character analysis in young goodman brown goodman brown: goodman brown is a pious young puritan her presence in the story. Nathaniel hawthorne's, young goodman brown is a story that exhibits ambivalence, but it is so much more than this hawthorne in his efforts to write a story based.\nYoung goodman brown analysis literary devices in young you can literally go through young goodman brown and divide the story up using two columns—super. Young goodman brown analysis outline english literature essay zheqing jiang professor knight english 1102, composition ii (tth, 11:30 am) young goodman brown. Young goodman brown is one of the most famous short stories by nathaniel hawthorne this penlighten article provides you with the summary and analysis of this short. Man is corruptible because man has free will free will makes man weak in young goodman brown nathaniel hawthorn portrays man's true nature and that man is.\nImmediately download the young goodman brown summary, chapter-by-chapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more. Young goodman brown and other hawthorne short stories study analysis ethan brand begins at the beginning of the story, is there anything about young goodman. Keep reading for an expert-written summary and analysis of young goodman brown by nathaniel hawthorne the short story by nathaniel hawthorne,.\nLiterary analysis of young goodman brown essay sample the characters: goodman brown, a round and dynamic character, is the main character in this short story. Young goodman brown and other hawthorne short of the story revolves around the similarities short stories young goodman brown summary and analysis. Plot summary the story begins at dusk in salem village, massachusetts as young goodman brown leaves faith, his wife of three months, for.\nThe conflicts between the everyday battles and forces of good and evil are portrayed the story, “young goodman brown” nathaniel hawthorne uses. “young goodman brown” by nathaniel hawthorne young goodman brown came forth, at sunset, into the street of salem village, but put his head back. Read hawthorne’s classic story ‘young goodman of hymns considered as devotional poems accompanied by analysis classic story ‘young goodman brown. Young goodman brown summary & study guide description young goodman brown summary & study guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Maurice James Dease, British Army officer during World War I, dies in Mons, Belgium on August 23, 1914. He is one of the first British officer battle casualties of the war and the first posthumous recipient of the Victoria Cross in the war.\nDease is born on September 28, 1889 in Gaulstown, Coole, County Westmeath to Edmund Fitzlaurence and Katherine Murray Dease. He is educated at Stonyhurst College and the Army Department of Wimbledon College before attending the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. He is 24 years old, and a lieutenant in the 4th Battalion, the Royal Fusiliers, and is awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 23 August 1914, at Mons, Belgium.\nNimy Bridge is being defended by a single company of the 4th Royal Fusiliers and a machine-gun section with Dease in command. The gunfire is intense and the casualties very heavy, but the lieutenant continues to fire in spite of his wounds, until he is hit for the fifth time and is carried away.\nDease wins the first Victoria Cross to be awarded in the Great War and he receives it on the first day of the first significant British encounter in that war.\nWhen Lieutenant Dease has been mortally wounded, Private Sidney Godley offers to defend the Railway Bridge while the rest of the section retreats and is also awarded the Victoria Cross. He is taken prisoner of war.\nDease is buried at St. Symphorien Military Cemetery, 2 kilometres east of Mons, Belgium. He is remembered with a plaque under the Nimy Railway Bridge, Mons and in Westminster Cathedral. His name is on the wayside cross in Woodchester, Stroud, Gloucestershire, on a cross at Exton, Rutland and on a plaque installed in St. Martin’s Church, Culmullen, County Meath. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Royal Fusiliers Museum in the Tower of London. Victoria Cross holders are being honoured with commemorative paving stones. Dease’s is the first to be unveiled on August 23, 2014 at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin.\nDease is portrayed in the BBC Three series Our World War (2014) by Dominic Thorburn.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Flashing Yellow Light Means was posted at February 1, 2018 at 8:57 pm. This image is uploaded in the Lighting category. Flashing Yellow Light Means is labelled with Flashing Yellow Light Means, Flashing, Yellow, Light, Means..\nFlashingflash•ing (flash′ing),USA pronunciation n.\n- pieces of sheet metal or the like used to cover and protect certain joints and angles, as where a roof comes in contact with a wall or chimney, esp. against leakage.\n- the act of creating an artificial flood in a conduit or stream, as in a sewer for cleansing it.\n- the process of increasing film speed by exposing undeveloped film briefly to a weak light source before using it or of exposing photographic printing paper to reduce contrast.\nYellowyel•low (yel′ō),USA pronunciation n., adj., -er, -est, v.\n- a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons, etc.;\nthe primary color between green and orange in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 570 and 590 nm.\n- the yolk of an egg.\n- a yellow pigment or dye.\n- See yellow light.\n- [Slang.]See yellow jacket (def. 2).\n- of the color yellow.\n- [Often Offensive.]\n- designating or pertaining to an Oriental person or Oriental peoples.\n- designating or pertaining to a person of mixed racial origin, esp. of black and white heritage, whose skin is yellowish or yellowish brown.\n- having a sallow or yellowish complexion.\n- (of journalism, a newspaper, etc.)\n- sensational, esp. morbidly or offensively so: That yellow rag carried all the gory details.\n- dishonest in editorial comment and the presentation of news, esp. in sacrificing truth for sensationalism: Objective reporting isn't always a match for yellow journalism.\n- to make or become yellow: Yellow the sheets with dye. The white stationery had yellowed with age.\nLightlight1 (līt),USA pronunciation n., adj., -er, -est, v., light•ed or lit, light•ing.\n- something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.\n- Also called luminous energy, radiant energy. electromagnetic radiation to which the organs of sight react, ranging in wavelength from about 400 to 700 nm and propagated at a speed of 186,282 mi./sec (299,972 km/sec), considered variously as a wave, corpuscular, or quantum phenomenon.\n- a similar form of radiant energy that does not affect the retina, as ultraviolet or infrared rays.\n- the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of sight.\n- an illuminating agent or source, as the sun, a lamp, or a beacon.\n- the radiance or illumination from a particular source: the light of a candle.\n- the illumination from the sun;\ndaylight: We awoke at the first light.\n- daybreak or dawn: when light appeared in the east.\n- daytime: Summer has more hours of light.\n- a particular light or illumination in which an object seen takes on a certain appearance: viewing the portrait in dim light.\n- a device for or means of igniting, as a spark, flame, or match: Could you give me a light?\n- a traffic light: Don't cross till the light changes.\n- the aspect in which a thing appears or is regarded: Try to look at the situation in a more cheerful light.\n- the state of being visible, exposed to view, or revealed to public notice or knowledge;\nlimelight: Stardom has placed her in the light.\n- a person who is an outstanding leader, celebrity, or example;\nluminary: He became one of the leading lights of Restoration drama.\n- the effect of light falling on an object or scene as represented in a picture.\n- one of the brightest parts of a picture.\n- a gleam or sparkle, as in the eyes.\n- a measure or supply of light;\nillumination: The wall cuts off our light.\n- spiritual illumination or awareness;\n- Also called day. one compartment of a window or window sash.\n- a window, esp. a small one.\n- mental insight;\n- lights, the information, ideas, or mental capacities possessed: to act according to one's lights.\n- a lighthouse.\n- [Archaic.]the eyesight.\n- bring to light, to discover or reveal: The excavations brought to light the remnants of an ancient civilization.\n- come to light, to be discovered or revealed: Some previously undiscovered letters have lately come to light.\n- hide one's light under a bushel, to conceal or suppress one's talents or successes.\n- in a good (or bad ) light, under favorable (or unfavorable) circumstances: She worshiped him, but then she'd only seen him in a good light.\n- in (the) light of, taking into account;\nconsidering: It was necessary to review the decision in the light of recent developments.\n- light at the end of the tunnel, a prospect of success, relief, or redemption: We haven't solved the problem yet, but we're beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.\n- see the light:\n- to come into existence or being.\n- to be made public.\n- to begin to accept or understand a point of view one formerly opposed: Her father was opposed to her attending an out-of-town college, but he finally saw the light.\n- shed or throw light on, to clarify;\nclear up: His deathbed confession threw light on a mystery of long standing.\n- having light or illumination;\nwell-lighted: the lightest room in the entire house.\n- pale, whitish, or not deep or dark in color: a light blue.\n- (of coffee or tea) containing enough milk or cream to produce a light color.\n- to set burning, as a candle, lamp, fire, match, or cigarette;\n- to turn or switch on (an electric light): One flick of the master switch lights all the lamps in the room.\n- to give light to;\nfurnish with light or illumination: The room is lighted by two large chandeliers.\n- to make (an area or object) bright with or as if with light (often fol. by up): Hundreds of candles lighted up the ballroom.\n- to cause (the face, surroundings, etc.) to brighten, esp. with joy, animation, or the like (often fol. by up): A smile lit up her face. Her presence lighted up the room.\n- to guide or conduct with a light: a candle to light you to bed.\n- to take fire or become kindled: The damp wood refused to light.\n- to ignite a cigar, cigarette, or pipe for purposes of smoking (usually fol. by up): He took out a pipe and lighted up before speaking.\n- to become illuminated when switched on: This table lamp won't light.\n- to become bright, as with light or color (often fol. by up): The sky lights up at sunset.\n- to brighten with animation or joy, as the face or eyes (often fol. by up).\nMeansmean1 (mēn),USA pronunciation v., meant, mean•ing.\n- to have in mind as one's purpose or intention;\nintend: I meant to compliment you on your work.\n- to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.: They were meant for each other.\n- to intend to express or indicate: What do you mean by \"liberal''?\n- to have as its sense or signification;\nsignify: The word \"freedom'' means many things to many people.\n- to bring, cause, or produce as a result: This bonus means that we can take a trip to Florida.\n- to have (certain intentions) toward a person: He didn't mean you any harm.\n- to have the value of;\nassume the importance of: Money means everything to them. She means the world to him.\n- to be minded or disposed;\nhave intentions: Beware, she means ill, despite her solicitous manner.\n- mean well, to have good intentions;\ntry to be kind or helpful: Her constant queries about your health must be tiresome, but I'm sure she means well.\nFlashing Yellow Light Means have 7 images including Traffic Lights UK, Flashing Yellow Arrow Animation, Good Flashing Yellow Light Means Nice Design #3 Flashing_Yellow_Arrow, City To Update Traffic Signals; Yellow Arrows Will Direct Drivers Turning Left, Flashing Yellow Light Means #5 How Does The Flashing Yellow Left-turn Arrow Work?, Traffic Signals A Steady Yellow Light Means The Traffic Signal Is Changing From Green To Red, Lovely Flashing Yellow Light Means #7 Traffic Signals Signs And Pavement Markings Are For. Flashing Yellow Arrow Animation. Here are the attachments:\nOne of the tips that one may employ to include illumination for Flashing Yellow Light Means is currently implementing solar hoses that reflect lighting into your home, through the tube and from your own top. Specifically valuable while in the house for storage or your room have a basement or different flooring above your kitchen. In this manner, the light so your place is going to be stuffed with natural light along with the atmosphere proceeding straight into the area area turns into congested regions.\nIf you like the atmosphere of the comfortable home with a natural illumination that is great and decorations , then this Flashing Yellow Light Means with probably a great idea for you. Develop you like our layout ideas in this blog.\nAnother way you could be able to incorporate is to create direct connection with the home's wall. The lighting that is in the next room can flow into your another area. You add and can also adjust some dark furnitures with other furnitures that could reveal light. In addition, the layout of home gear will be the key.", "label": "No"} {"text": "6 June, 1944. 156,000 troops from 12 different countries, 11,000 aircraft, 7,000 naval vessels, 24 hours. D-Day - the beginning of the Allied invasion of Hitler's formidable 'Fortress Europe' - was the largest amphibious invasion in history. There has never been a battle like it, before or since. But beyond the statistics and over sixty years on, what is it about the events of D-Day that remain so compelling? The courage of the men who fought and died on the beaches of France? The sheer boldness of the invasion plan? Or the fact that this, Rommel's 'longest day', heralded the beginning of the end of World War II. One of the defining battles of the war, D-Day is scored into the imagination as the moment when the darkness of the Third Reich began to be swept away. This is the story of D-Day, told through the voices of over 1,000 survivors - from high-ranking Allied and German officers, to the paratroopers who landed in Normandy before dawn, the infantry who struggled ashore and the German troops who defended the coast. Cornelius Ryan captures the horror and the glory of D-Day, relating in emotive and compelling detail the years of inspired tactical planning that led up to the invasion, its epic implementation and every stroke of luck and individual act of heroism that would later define the battle. In the words of its author, The Longest Day is a story not of war, but of the courage of man.\nLongest Day, The\nThe D-Day Story, June 6th, 1944", "label": "No"} {"text": "General Motor’s European company announced on Friday that they will be pushing to have its main production line more environmentally friendly. GM says it would place cleaner engines in traditional cars and provide many more cars that can utilize e85 ethanol.\nGM named the plan ecoFLEX and said it would provide an ecoFLEX variation with lower emissions in each production of cars, starting with the 2008 Opel Corsa 1. 3 CDTI from its European brand.\nThe automobile will breathe 119 grams per kilogram of carbon dioxide, which is under the proposed EU median measure of 130 grams per kilogram. An important goal for GM to work towards will be to develop vehicles with the same operation standards and that cost the same as other traditional vehicles.\nSaab, a Swedish brand that is also owned by GM, would too enlarge its scope of biofuel engines. GM’s luxury brand Cadillac will also provide an example of an E85 engine by the end of 2007.\nGM said they would pay more attention on environmental concerns with many technologies instead of just using only one. GM said they were moving forward in creating automobiles that operate on hydrogen fuel cells, while new technology could merely better the operation of current gasoline buring engines.\nOne instance was Eco-Turbo engines that take smaller cylinder displacements but develop equal ability and efficiency via turbocharging the engine.\nGM Europe said it would produce 16 original GM Europe engine families and 10 original transmissions by the year of 2012.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Billions of lasers shot from a helicopter flying over the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest have detected a vast network of long-abandoned circular and rectangular-shaped villages dating from 1300 to 1700, a new study finds.\nThe round villages all had remarkably similar layouts, with elongated mounds circling a central plaza, like marks on a clock.\n\"These latter elongated mounds, when seen from above, look like the rays of the sun, which gives them the common name of 'Sóis,'\" the Portuguese word for \"suns,\" the researchers wrote in the study.\nThe discovery is part of a new archaeological focus on the pre-Columbian Amazon. Within the past 20 years, researchers have learned that the rainforest's southern rim was home to a great diversity of soil-sculpting cultures that engineered the landscape before the Europeans arrived. Within the past decade, scientists have uncovered the remnants of so-called \"mound villages,\" which are shaped as circles or rectangles, and connected by road networks.\nArchaeologists, however, had yet to look for mound villages in the Brazilian state of Acre, so an international group of researchers teamed up to survey the area with lidar — or light detection and ranging. With this technique, billions of lasers shot from overhead (in this case, from a helicopter) penetrate the rainforest's canopy and map the landscape below.\nThe lidar survey, combined with satellite data, revealed a remarkable 25 circular mound villages and 11 rectangular mound villages, the researchers said. Another 15 mound villages were so poorly preserved, they could not be categorized as either circular or rectangular, the team added.\nThe circular mound villages had an average diameter of 282 feet (86 meters), while the rectangular villages tended to be smaller, with an average length of 148 feet (45 m). Further analysis of the \"sun\" villages revealed they had carefully planned roads; each circular mound village had two \"principal roads\" that were wide and deep (up to 20 feet, or 6 m, across) with high banks, and smaller \"minor roads\" that led to nearby streams.\nMost of the villages were close to each other — just about 3 miles (4.4 km) apart, the researchers found. The principal roads often connected one village to another, creating a vast community network in the rainforest, the researchers said.\nThe distinctive and consistent way Indigenous people arranged these villages suggests that they had specific social models for the way they organized their communities, the researchers said. It's even possible that this configuration was meant to represent the cosmos, they noted.\nThe intricate road system, however, \"is hardly a surprise for Amazonian archaeologists,\" the researchers wrote in the study. \"Early historical accounts attest to the ubiquity of road networks across the Amazon. They are mentioned since the 16th-century account of [the Spanish Dominican missionary] Friar Gaspar de Carvajal, who observed wide roads leading from the riverine villages to the interior.\" Later, in the 18th century, Col. Antonio Pires de Campos, \"described a vast population inhabiting the region, with villages connected by straight, wide roads that were constantly kept clean,\" the researchers added.\nLittle is known about the culture practiced by the people in these mound villages. But preliminary research suggests that this culture's ceramics were \"cruder\" than those of the culture that preceded them, known as the Geoglyphs, who lived in that region from about 400 B.C. to A.D. 950.\nThe study was published in April in the Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, and was just featured on Channel 4's \"Jungle Mystery: Lost Kingdoms of the Amazon,\" in the U.K., which also featured other ancient findings from the Amazon, including a sprawling, 8-mile-long 'canvas' of rock art in Colombia dating to the last ice age.\nOriginally published on Live Science.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Why was clemency trending last week?\n1640s, \"involving many parts,\" from French multiple (14c.), from Late Latin multiplus \"manifold,\" from Latin multi- \"many, much\" (see multi-) + -plus \"-fold,\" (see -fold). The noun is from 1680s, in mathematics, from the adjective. Multiple choice as a type of question attested from 1828. Multiple exposure first recorded 1923.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Type: Viral Infection\nLaryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box and usually caused by other viruses, such as colds. This illness is temporary and will usually subside within a week or two.\nSymptoms of Laryngitis: In addition to a sore throat, other symptoms of laryngitis include a hoarse, raspy voice, loss of voice and the need to cough or clear your throat. If you are experiencing severe pain, problems swallowing, a lump in your neck or if you’re coughing up blood, you should seek medical attention immediately.", "label": "No"} {"text": "As a parent, you must be familiar with that situation when your child gets angry either because he/she didn’t get that snack they wanted, or because of that toy, the playmate refused to share. And do you remember your reaction in that situation? Was it was one of complete annoyance, which probably manifested itself in raising your voice at your child, or did you simply send your child off to their room to reflect.\nThis might be what you felt was the right course of action at the time, but perhaps if we stopped to think about the fact that children are human beings as well and just like us adults, they do need to be taught to manage that emotion.\nAnger in itself is an emotion all of us have and in as much as it neither a good or bad one, the way we deal with it can be just as constructive as it can be destructive. We, therefore, need to show our children how to deal with such an emotion, so that it is displayed in a proper way. What you’ll also notice is that a number of child behaviour issues (disrespect, aggression, conflict etc) can be curbed once a child is taught how to handle their anger.\nSome of these tips have been listed below:\nDifference between behaviour and feelings\nChildren are generally unable to differentiate between anger / aggressive behaviour and feelings. This has to be made clear to them so they are able to distinguish between the two. Help your child understand the difference and let them know it is ok to talk about their feelings of annoyance, disappointment etc Pointing out to your child that feeling angry is ok – it is just another emotion we have as humans, but they just need to know how to manage it and there’s no need for it to manifest itself in the form of violence.\nTalk it through\nAs their parent; you could get to the root of the matter by having a conversation with your child about what triggered their anger. By talking this through with your child, he/she might calm down. They might not feel too comfortable talking to you about what’s troubling them at the time, in which case you could suggest they go and cool off then revisit the matter at a later time in the day.\nTeach by doing\nYour child will normally emulate your actions, which means we have to be on our best and model behaviour at all times. Having said this, it is also good for your child to see how you cope with your anger issues – I mean, let’s face it; we all lose it at some point. If that happens to be in front of your child, you should apologise and have that discussion letting them know that what you did was not the right thing to do.\nIf you have been able to hold it all together and have never let it slip in front of your child, a chat would also be in order, to let them know of instances where you have felt such emotions and most importantly, how you handled it. This can be a good way for a child to learn how to discuss their feelings.\nImplement house rules and guidelines\nSet the standard for what is acceptable behaviour and not. This will help instill the norm not just in the household, but also in your child – remember; charity begins at home. Whatever your child has been raised with, is likely to be what he/she practices wherever they go. Once everyone is clear about what constitutes a violation of the rules as well as the possible consequences, this should create a healthy interaction between members of the household. The rules could include:\nThe above are just examples and will vary for each family.\nNurture better approaches\nAs already stated, children do need to be educated on the best ways to handle their anger. Instead of simply telling your child to ‘stop it!’, advise them of what to do, to help them cope with their frustration e.g. time out, to help them cool down as opposed to being used as a punishment tool.\nOther relaxation techniques could be for your child to walk away from the situation - to go off and (possibly) look for an enjoyable activity to do, to help calm him/her down and take their mind off that situation.\nTeaching your child skills on how to effectively manage their anger, will help develop their behaviour while instilling in him/her essential skills for life.\nIn today’s ever fast-moving society, we are always in a hurry to get to where we need to be, which makes simple (and what used to be) normal activities such as eating together as a family, a special occasion nowadays.\nREAD THIS ARTICLE\nYour Love Affair With Books... After a long day of tasks completed and ticked off or on the way or abandoned, how great is it to curl up in bed - with a good book, allowing yourself to be swept\nREAD THIS ARTICLE\nDoes All Work Make Jack and Jackie Dull? Making the Most of School Holidays... The work-life balance is a tricky question for parents not just seeking to find a healthy balance in their own lives but also for their children,\nREAD THIS ARTICLE", "label": "No"} {"text": "Luna Park, Coney Island (1903)\nLuna Park entrance, early 20th century\n|Location||Coney Island, Brooklyn, United States|\nElmer \"Skip\" Dundy\n|Closed||Destroyed by fire in 1944, closed in 1946 after a second fire.|\nLuna Park was an amusement park in Coney Island, Brooklyn, in New York City that opened in 1903. Built partly on the grounds of Sea Lion Park (1895), it was one of the three original iconic large parks built on Coney Island, the other two being Steeplechase Park (1897) and Dreamland (1904). Luna Park was located on the north side of Surf Avenue on a site between 8th street, 12th street and Neptune Avenue. The park was mostly destroyed by a fire in 1944.\nIn 1901 the park's creators, Frederic Thompson and Elmer \"Skip\" Dundy, had created a wildly successful ride called \"A Trip To The Moon\", as part of the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York. The name of the fanciful \"airship\" (complete with flapping wings) that was the main part of the ride was Luna, the Latin word for the moon. The airship, and the later park built around it may have been named after Dundy's sister in Des Moines, Luna Dundy Newman.\nAt the invitation of Steeplechase owner Harry George Tilyou, Thompson and Dundy moved their show to Steeplechase Park, a Coney Island amusement park, for the 1902 season. The deal ended at the end of the summer after Thompson and Dundy rejected a Tilyou's contract renewal offer that cut their take of the profits by 20%.\nAt the end of 1902 season Thompson and Dundy signed a long-term lease for Paul Boyton's Sea Lion Park. Sea Lion, the first large scale enclosed park at Coney island, had opened 7 years before. The park had several centerpiece rides but a bad summer season and competition with Steeplechase Park made Boyton decide to get out of the amusement park business. Besides the 16-acre Sea Lion Park Thompson and Dundy also leased the adjacent land where the Elephantine Colossus Hotel had stood until it burned down in 1896. This gave them 22 acres, all the land north of Surf Avenue and south of Neptune Avenue and between W. 8th and W. 12th Street, to build a much larger park.\nThompson and Dundy spent $700,000 (although they advertised it as $1,000,000) totally rebuilding the park and expanding its attractions. The park's architectural style was an Oriental theme with buildings built on a grand scale and over 1,000 red and white painted spires, minarets and domes. At night all the domes, spires and towers were lit with over 250,000 electric lights. At the center of the park in the middle of a lake was the 200 foot tall Electric Tower that was decorated with twenty thousand incandescent lamps, a smaller version of the Electric Tower that was the crowning feature of the Pan-American Exposition two years earlier. At the base of the tower was a series of cascading fountains. Eventually two circus rings were suspended over the central lagoon to keep customers entertained between rides.\nCalling itself as \"The heart of Coney Island,\" Luna Park turned on its lights and opened its gates to a crowd of 60,000 spectators precisely at 8:05pm on May 16, 1903, coinciding with the timing of sunset on that Saturday night. Admission to the park was ten cents with rides costing extra, up to 25 cents for the most elaborate rides. The park was accessible from the terminals of the West End and Sea Beach railroad lines.\nAlthough Luna Park was a success, competition for visitors ramped up on Coney Island. The next year a third large-scale park called Dreamland opened up. Dreamland featured 4 times as many lights than Luna Park, an even bigger central Tower, and attractions such as \"The End of the World\", \"Feast of Beshazzar and the Destruction of Babylon\", and Lilliputia, a miniature village populated by little people. In 1907 Dundy died leaving Frederic Thompson to run Luna Park until 1912 when he went bankrupt and lost the park to creditors, although he continued as manager.\nLuna Park would continue under different management over the years with rides constantly being changed and updated. The Great Depression saw the park go into bankruptcy several times stating in 1933, owners came and went but none seemed to be able to make a profit. Many of the exhibits, rides and shows from the 1939 New York World's Fair moved to Luna Park after the Fair closed and Luna was billed as the New York World's Fair of 1941. With the US entry into World War II Luna was allowed to stay open as a morale booster but had to keep its lights dimmed for wartime security.\nA pair of fires in 1944 damaged Luna Park, destroying much of it. It was not rebuilt and did not open for the 1945 season. After a legal battle and a third fire in 1946, the land was used for other purposes. The original Luna Park now houses a five building cooperative apartment complex and is still called Luna Park to this day.\nRides and attractions\nBesides the \"A Trip to the Moon\" Luna Park had many other rides and attractions over the years including:\n- \"Shoot the Chutes\" - a central ride left over from Boynton's Sea Lion Park\n- \"Bridge of Laughs\" - an un-even surface prank bridge\n- \"Canals of Venice\" - gondola ride\n- \"Dragon's Gorge\" - a scenic railroad trip (opened 1905)\n- \"The War of the Worlds\"\n- \"The Kansas Cyclone\"\n- \"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea\" (1903-1904)\n- \"Midnight Express\" - miniature railroad\n- \"Razzle Dazzle\"\n- \"Helter Skelter\" - a twisting sliding board\n- \"Hagenbeck's Wild Animals\"\n- \"Little Egypt\" - a show of exotic dancers\n- \"The Teaser\" - spinning wooden chairs\n- \"The Tickler\" (1907) - large round tub that rolled down hill through a winding fence lined path\n- \"Trip to The North Pole\" - Simulated submarine ride to the North Pole that landed patrons in an Eskimo Village\n- \"Old Mill\" - tunnel of love ride\n- \"Witching Waves\" (1907) - small cars propelled by an undulating floor\n- \"Chinese Theater\"\n- \"Professor Wormwood's Monkey Theater\" - trained dogs, monkeys, and apes\n- \"Infant Incubators\" - a display of the new type of infant care\nThere were also a \"Grand Ballroom\", concerts, fireworks, and carnival performances. Thompson and Dundy were constantly changing the park's attractions such as replacing the \"20,000 League Under the Sea\" in 1905 with the indoor scenic railway called \"Dragon's Gorge\". Although the building of the park included the infamous publicity stunt where Thompson and Dundy executed Topsy the elephant by electrocution, park owner Dundy became fond of the animals and elephant rides became a feature of the park.\nIn popular culture\n- Roscoe Arbuckle's 1917 movie Coney Island features Luna Park.\n- Harold Lloyd's 1928 movie Speedy depicts Luna Park.\n- The song \"Meet Me Down At Luna, Lena\" was recorded by Billy Murray in 1905 to promote the park, among others. The song was rerecorded for the 2007 documentary film Welcome Back Riders.\nOn May 29, 2010 a new amusement park named \"Luna Park\" opened at the former site of the defunct Astroland park, a parcel of land on the south side of Surf Avenue just across from the original Luna Park site. The new park, which includes new semi-permanent rides, games, food and beverage concessions, and live entertainment, features an entrance patterned after the entrance to the original 1903 Luna Park.\n- Luna Park, list of parks based on the original Luna Park\n- \"Electrocuting an Elephant.\". The Bendigo Independent (10,226). Victoria, Australia. 21 May 1903. p. 6 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE BENDIGO INDEPENDENT). Retrieved 31 March 2017 – via National Library of Australia.\n- \"Spectacular Fires on New York Waterfront and Amusement Park\". The Examiner (Tasmania). CIII, (133). Tasmania, Australia. 14 August 1944. p. 1. Retrieved 31 March 2017 – via National Library of Australia.\n- \"Fire Destroys Luna Park\". News. 47, (7,229). South Australia. 3 October 1946. p. 4. Retrieved 31 March 2017 – via National Library of Australia.\n- David Goldfield, Encyclopedia of American Urban History, SAGE Publications - 2006, page 185\n- Pilat, Oliver and Jo Ranson, Sodom By the Sea: An Affectionate History of Coney Island, Garden City: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1941, p. 146\n- David A. Sullivan. \"Thompson and Dundy's Luna Park (1903-1944)\". www.heartofconeyisland.com. Retrieved 21 February 2016.\n- Map at coneyislandhistory.org\n- Ed Boland, jr., \"FYI: An elephant's demise,\" New York Times, July 8, 2001, pg. CY2\n- Luna Park Co-op @ Coney Island\n- Luna Park at Coney Island - A Tribute to Light By Patty Inglish\n- Jeffrey Stanton, Coney Island - Luna Park, 1998\n- MP3 file\n- Welcome Back Riders\n- Billy Murray and the Haydn Quartet sing \"Meet Me Down at Luna, Lena\"\n- Luna Park history site with numerous pictures\n|Wikimedia Commons has media related to Luna Park, Coney Island.|", "label": "No"} {"text": "“IS THIS the first step in an accounting revolution, or merely an interesting and expensive experiment?” asked The Economist in an article devoted to the world's first business computer, nearly 50 years ago. The machine, the Lyons Electronic Office (LEO), was built by Lyons, a British catering company. On November 17th 1951, it ran a program to evaluate the costs, prices and margins for that week's output of bread, cakes and pies, and ran the same program each week thereafter. In February 1954 LEO took on the weekly calculation of the company's payroll, prompting an article in these pages.\nOther computers had been used to run one-off calculations for businesses, and many firms used mechanical or electrical calculators. But LEO was the first dedicated business machine to operate on the “stored program” principle, meaning that it could be quickly reconfigured to perform different tasks by loading a new program. It occupied 5,000 square feet of floorspace, contained 6,000 thermionic valves, and its mercury-delay-line memory could hold 2,048 instructions. LEO was built by a team led by John Pinkerton, and its design was based on Cambridge University's EDSAC computer.\nIn 1954 Lyons spun off a separate company, LEO Computers, to build machines for other firms. Today the company is nowhere to be seen. British firms, unlike their American counterparts, were sceptical about business computing; American manufacturers soon took the lead. LEO Computers vanished in a series of disastrous mergers. “I know of no computer merger anywhere where there has been added value from the merger of competing forces of engineers, marketers and programmers,” David Caminer, LEO's software guru, said last week at a conference to mark the 50th anniversary.\nThe troubled HP-Compaq merger suggests that the industry has yet to learn this lesson. And one big question remains unanswered. “Might computers not have a valuable contribution to make in improving business efficiency?” asked our 1954 article on LEO. The jury is still out on that one.", "label": "No"} {"text": "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently launched a new campaign to alert the public about deadly risks of opioid analgesics. While the government’s systematic collection and skillful presentation of data are impressive and overwhelming, this may be tilting away from a balanced perspective in order to incite fears of a so-called “epidemic” of opioid misuse, overdoses, and deaths.\nThere seems no doubt that America has serious substance misuse problems. And, by all accounts, coming from groups like the World Health Organization, such problems are endemic globally. Overdoses and deaths associated with strong analgesics are increasing, but whether these trends represent an epidemic and the proposed solutions have valid evidence for their effectiveness remain open questions.\nGovernment agencies seem to have adopted a viewpoint of prescription analgesics as threats to public health. And, despite frequent assurances by these agencies that they want to stem the tide of opioid overdoses and deaths while ensuring that patients with pain continue to have access to these vital medications, we have wondered if this might reflect a “myth of beneficence”: that is, it appears to have the best interests of patients in mind while, at the same time, inciting fears and encouraging actions and regulations that are questionable in terms of their actual benefit to patients [discussed in UPDATE here].\nAre the Data Portraying Fact or Fiction?\nOn November 1, 2011, the CDC released several reports to demonstrate that overdose deaths involving opioid analgesics are a present and worsening epidemic. The 3 papers, each drawing upon the same data for different presentations, are as follows…\n- Paulozzi LJ, Jones CM, Mack KA, Rudd RA. Vital Signs: Overdoses of Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers — United States, 1999-2008. MMWR. 2011(Nov 1);60 [PDF here].\n- Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses. CDC. 2011(Nov) [PDF here].\n- Vital Signs: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses in the US. CDC. 2011 (Nov) [PDF here].\nWhile the report titles seem straightforward, use of the term “painkiller” in the titles and throughout papers #2 and #3 for the general public discussing opioid analgesics, immediately projects an adversarial bias that these drugs kill rather than help people. In paper #1, a more technical version for professionals, the less sensational phrase “opioid pain relievers (OPR)” is used.\nNews media reported widely on the CDC reports — using the “painkiller” label — without questioning their accuracy, veracity, or biases. Here are highlights of some of those data along with our commentary…\n- In 2008, drug overdoses in the U.S. were associated with 36,450 deaths of which 20,044 involved one of more prescription drugs. Opioid pain relievers were implicated in 14,800 overdose deaths, 41% of the total, or, as one of the CDC reports stated it: “Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 15,000 people in the US in 2008. This is more than 3 times the 4,000 persons killed by these drugs in 1999.”\nApart from the inflammatory CDC rhetoric suggesting that opioids are “killer drugs,” it must be understood that mortality data are gathered from medical examiner reports attributing cause of death and the role that opioids might have played. In many cases, opioids are found present at autopsy, and reported as such, but their causative role might be challenged. Also, it is not uncommon for drug poisoning deaths to be miscoded, and the CDC concedes that some deaths involving both illicit and prescription opioids are not counted correctly — so the accuracy of mortality data and the sole role of opioids should be questioned.\nFurthermore, whether the 3-fold increase in number of deaths during the 10-years is also a significant relative-rate increase can only be determined if the numbers of persons being prescribed, using, or misusing opioids during those respective time periods is known, but this was not reported. In other words, if 3 times more persons were exposed to opioid analgesics in 2008 than in 1999, the relative incidence rate of deaths for each of those years could be identical; still a problem, but not one that is mushrooming out of control.\n- Sales of OPR — to pharmacies, hospitals, clinics — quadrupled between 1999 and 2010. Or, as the CDC described this: “Enough OPR were prescribed last year to medicate every American adult with a standard pain treatment dose of 5 mg of hydrocodone taken every 4 hours for a month.”\nWhile this may seem like an extraordinarily huge amount of opioid medication, as the CDC report writers no doubt intended it to sound, the latest data from the Institute of Medicine indicate that 116 million adult Americans suffer chronic pain [see UPDATE here]. So, if just a significant fraction of those persons need opioid medication daily, year round (12 months), for pain relief, the CDC numbers actually do not amount to very much OPR.\nFrom the CDC data, we do not know the numbers of persons with chronic pain in 1999, so there is no way to determine if there is a correspondence between that and sales of OPR at that time. However, there has been increased recognition during the past decade of chronic pain as a serious disease, so a corresponding increase in OPR prescribing (even a 4-fold increase in sales) for better pain management could and should be naturally expected.\n- The CDC reports that the rate of admissions to “substance abuse treatment” programs in 2009 was almost 6 times the rate in 1999.\nApparently, this figure is supposed to depict the growing burden on society of increased OPR distribution; although, the CDC does not provide any information about whether “treatment” also involves therapy for alcohol and illicit opioid misuse, as is commonly the case. So, perhaps, this is merely presented in their reports for some sort of shock value. At any rate, this could actually be a favorably positive trend if it means the public is becoming more sensitive to substance misuse problems and more willing to seek appropriate treatment for those conditions.\n- The CDC reports incorporate a version of the figure at right to visualize the data described in the above 3 points. While the trends may look impressive at first glance, they also are somewhat misleading.\nThe rate calculations are population based and have been adjusted to make OPR death rates seem of a magnitude directly comparable to OPR sales and treatment admissions. In actuality, OPR death rates (per 100,000 persons) are 10 times smaller than the other rate measures (based on per 10,000 persons). If all curves were drawn to the same scale, OPR deaths would be mostly off the bottom of the graph. At its peak in 2008, the OPR overdose death incidence rate was only 0.48 per 10,000 persons, and the 14,800 deaths represented roughly 0.005% of the total population.\nThe figure also portrays a common fallacy in medical research: cum hoc, ergo propter hoc, or \"with this, therefore because of this.\" This wrongly reasons that when two or more event rates or trends seem to change in parallel there is a cause-effect relationship between them. For example, to the naïve reader, the figure implies that increased opioid prescribing (sales) through the years has directly resulted in more opioid overdose deaths and more addiction requiring treatment. Although this may seem reasonable at face value, the CDC has not built a scientifically credible argument or statistical basis to support such a cause-effect relationship.\nPerhaps of greatest interest, looking at the trend lines, the OPR deaths trend flattens from 2006 to 2008. The CDC authors do not comment on this, but it could suggest that overdose fatalities actually might have started moderating as of nearly 6 years ago, even as the opioid distribution rate continued to largely increase. The CDC could be falsely saying that there is a burgeoning epidemic today, while their own data on overdose mortality from nearly 4 to 6 years ago suggest it could be otherwise.\n- One of the reports notes that in 2010, 2 million people used OPRs nonmedically for the first time, nearly 5,500 persons each day. Another of the reports states that for every person who dies of an OPR overdose there are 825 others who are nonmedical users of opioid analgesics. “Nonmedical” is defined by the CDC as “use of a prescription pain reliever without a prescription belonging to the respondent or use for the experience or feeling the drug causes.”\nThis definition, as commonly used by the government, is vague and imprecise. Most clearly, the recreational use of opioids (eg, to get “high”) would be nonmedical use. However, the category also includes persons with pain who use opioids without a prescription of their own for analgesic purposes, which is a form of “medical misuse” that is more common than imagined these days due to a continuing undertreatment of pain.\nFor example, one research study found that 12% of high school students surveyed had misused opioids for so-called “nonmedical” reasons; however, among those teenagers, 45% said that they used the medications solely for a medical purpose — to relieve physical pain [discussed in UPDATE here]. This is still a bad situation, but the motivations behind what might best be called “medical misuse” make an important difference in defining, measuring, and solving the problems.\nAnother term frequently used in government data is opioid “abuse.” This blurred and overly broad category usually reflects both medical misuse (also including medication noncompliance by persons who take more or less of an opioid than prescribed) and nonmedical use. Thereby, data regarding any deviations from opioid use exactly as prescribed are easily conflated and inflated to make the problems look of greater magnitude than they actually are.\nThe reports go on to compare and contrast overdose and mortality rates from the various states, and the extreme burdens of this on society: eg, “Abuse of OPR costs health insurers approximately $72.5 billion annually in health-care costs.” Unfortunately, the data are not entirely current and the accuracy and validity of the database might be questioned, as above; so, these numbers might be worthy of further and more rigorous scrutiny by independent, unbiased researchers.\nData in Perspective: What is an Epidemic?\nThe CDC reports follow after another recent paper, from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), titled “Epidemic: Responding to America’s Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis” [PDF here]. So this epidemic agenda is not entirely new. And, while it makes for sensational news headlines that grab public attention, the use of this term and its accompanying panic-provoking rhetoric might be akin to falsely shouting “fire” in a crowded movie theater.\nThe typical dictionary definition of “epidemic” is a disease or condition “affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time” [Merriam-Webster online]. The dimensions of “disproportionately” and “large” are open-ended and vague; yet, the government’s liberal use of “epidemic” in the context of analgesic overdoses/deaths is seemingly intended to connote newly emerging and unique problems of monumental proportions needing urgent and sweeping action.\nHowever, an important question is: How do the roughly 15,000 OPR-related deaths, noted above, compare with other causes of death in the U.S.?\nThe most recent government mortality data, from National Vital Statistics Reports [PDF here], lists the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S. for 2008-2009. These range from Diseases of the Heart (598,607) at the top to Assault/Homicide (16,591) at the bottom. Drug-induced deaths, in general, are not among the top causes, but the report observes that their rate decreased by 1.6% from 2008 to 2009, which might support the moderating trend noted above.\nCuriously, none of those 15 leading causes is being touted by the government as an epidemic; not even Assault/Homicide, which, like OPR-related deaths, might be construed as a large, disproportionate, and preventable problem. In a separate analysis, the Vital Statistics Reports note that in 2008 there were 24,263 Alcohol-Induced deaths; another large and preventable problem. While it is unclear why this was not among the top 15, the rate of alcohol-related deaths is 62% greater than for OPR-related mortality — yet, it is not considered an epidemic.\nOf particular interest and concern, Intentional Self-Harm/Suicide is ranked number 10 on the list — 36,547 deaths in 2009 — and the only cause of death in the top 15 to have increased from 2008. Suicide should be of great concern because, as we have previously noted [here] and [here], mortality risks of poorly managed chronic pain are high and suicide attempts and completed suicides among persons with unrelieved pain may be drastically increasing. Yet, the government has not declared suicide — at more than twice the number of OPR-related deaths — as an epidemic.\nSome might argue that rates of homicides, suicides, and alcohol-induced deaths have not risen as dramatically during the past decade as OPR-releated deaths. However, even if that were so, it would imply that current incidences of those other tragedies, which are significantly higher than for OPR deaths, are acceptable and not worthy of being labeled epidemics.\nPerhaps, there may be a government directive for determining what is or is not an epidemic that is driven by something other than an unbiased scientific viewpoint. Solving problems of substance misuse, overdoses, and deaths certainly deserve a high priority. However, the public has a right to expect better from tax-supported agencies than clever manipulations of data and flawed arguments to advance hidden agendas. In the long run — as greater controls and restrictions are placed on the prescribing of opioid analgesics — this may prove detrimental to a very large segment of the population: the 116 million persons with chronic pain.\nADDENDUM 11/8/2011 — It has just come to our attention that, last September, the CDC issued a request for a proposal [here] that appears to acknowledge current inaccuracies of medical examiner reports regarding the role opioids may play as a cause of death (as we suggested above). The document states, “The net result of these problems has been a wide variability in case definitions and practices used in autopsy and toxicologic evaluations for deaths involving heroin or opioid analgesics. Such variability has made it more difficult for public health agencies to make accurate comparisons of the rates of overdose in different jurisdictions.” The requested project is to develop a position paper and guidelines on determining deaths from opioid intoxication.\nThe document further states, “Such a process could lead to a uniform case definition and uniform standards for autopsy and toxicologic evaluations resulting in an opportunity for consistent death certification and better public health surveillance.” We believe that, until such standards are developed and implemented, mortality data on opioid-related deaths coming from government agencies should be cautiously considered as having any validity.", "label": "No"} {"text": "- 1 How long does oral cancer take to kill you?\n- 2 How long can you survive untreated mouth cancer?\n- 3 How long can you live with Stage 4 oral cancer?\n- 4 Can oral cancer be cured completely?\n- 5 Does Mouth cancer grow fast?\n- 6 Can oral cancer Kill U?\n- 7 Is mouth cancer aggressive?\n- 8 What is the last stage of mouth cancer?\n- 9 Is Stage 4 oral cancer curable?\n- 10 Where does mouth cancer usually start?\n- 11 What happens if oral cancer is left untreated?\n- 12 How do you know if oral cancer has spread?\n- 13 Which food is good for mouth cancer?\n- 14 Can oral cancer go away on its own?\n- 15 Is oral cancer painful?\nHow long does oral cancer take to kill you?\nOverall, an estimated 40% of people with cancer affecting the mouth and pharynx will live at least five years after their diagnosis and many people live much longer.\nHow long can you survive untreated mouth cancer?\nFive-year survival rates ranged from 31.1% among early-stage patients to 12.6% among stage 4 patients. Conclusion: Although the natural course of oral cavity cancer carries a poor prognosis, there are a number of patients with longer-than-expected survival.\nHow long can you live with Stage 4 oral cancer?\nFor men diagnosed with stage 3 and 4 mouth cancer:\nalmost 70 out of 100 (almost 70%) survive their cancer for a year or more. almost 50 out of 100 (almost 50%) survive their cancer for 3 years or more.\nCan oral cancer be cured completely?\nIf the cancer has not spread beyond the mouth or the part of your throat at the back of your mouth (oropharynx) a complete cure may be possible using surgery alone. If the cancer is large or has spread to your neck, a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be needed.\nDoes Mouth cancer grow fast?\nMost oral cancers are a type called squamous cell carcinoma. These cancers tend to spread quickly. Smoking and other tobacco use are linked to most cases of oral cancer. Heavy alcohol use also increases the risk for oral cancer.\nCan oral cancer Kill U?\nIf diagnosed early, oral cancer patients have an 80 to 90 percent 5-year survival rate. But if ignored, that rate plummets to less than 50 percent. It’s no secret that tobacco and alcohol use, as well as age, increase your risk for oral cancer.\nIs mouth cancer aggressive?\nThe five-year survival rate is approximately 50 percent. This is because oral cancers can be aggressive and difficult to treat. Oral cancers are often diagnosed at an advanced stage after the cancer has spread (metastasized) to the lymph nodes of the neck.\nWhat is the last stage of mouth cancer?\nStage IV is the most advanced stage of mouth cancer. It may be any size, but it has spread to: nearby tissue, such as the jaw or other parts of the oral cavity.\nIs Stage 4 oral cancer curable?\nThe five-year relative survival rate for oral cavity and pharynx cancer by stage is: Localized: 83.7 percent. Regional: 65 percent. Distant: 39.1 percent.\nWhere does mouth cancer usually start?\nMouth cancers most commonly begin in the flat, thin cells (squamous cells) that line your lips and the inside of your mouth.\nWhat happens if oral cancer is left untreated?\nIf left untreated, there is a high chance of the cells developing into a cancer. Your doctor may completely remove the cancer cells during a biopsy, if the affected area is very small. Or you may need to have minor surgery.\nHow do you know if oral cancer has spread?\nX-rays to see if cancer cells have spread to the jaw, chest, or lungs. a CT scan to reveal any tumors in your mouth, throat, neck, lungs, or elsewhere in your body. a PET scan to determine if the cancer has traveled to lymph nodes or other organs.\nWhich food is good for mouth cancer?\nEat cold, rather than hot foods. Rinse your mouth with water before eating. Instead of red meat, try poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, or other high-protein foods. Try lemon-flavored drinks to stimulate saliva and taste.\nCan oral cancer go away on its own?\nIt’s easy to get the care you need.\nThe bad news: Oral cancer is common. The good news: If you have oral cancer and your doctor finds and treats it early, it usually is very curable. Oral cancer can usually be detected by a doctor or dentist in a routine mouth exam.\nIs oral cancer painful?\nCanker sores: Painful, but not dangerous\nIn the early stages, mouth cancer rarely causes any pain. Abnormal cell growth usually appears as flat patches. A canker sore looks like an ulcer, usually with a depression in the center.", "label": "No"} {"text": "It Doesn’t Mean You're Crazy - Talking to Yourself Has Cognitive Benefits, University of Wisconsin-Madison Study\n4/18/2012 7:14:44 AM\nMost people talk to themselves at least every few days, and many report talking to themselves on an hourly basis. What purpose is served by this seemingly irrational behavior? Previous research has suggested that such self-directed speech in children can help guide their behavior. For example, children often talk themselves step-by-step through tying their shoelaces, as if reminding themselves to focus on the job in hand.", "label": "No"} {"text": "Sara asked about curry powder.\nThere is absolutely nothing wrong with curry powder. It has been safely used for many centuries, following time honoured and well proven practices.\nBut what if those practices are not followed?\nFirst, let's look at what curry powder is. It is the ground mixture of spices, seeds of a variety of plants. Seeds that have been exposed to the environment. There is nothing abnormal in that but, because of their origin, the seeds that go into curry powder will bring with them a variety of organisms from the environment. Notably Salmonella.\nNow, how is curry traditionally prepared? You heat oil in a pan and cook the powder in this oil. Ostensibly to 'bring out the flavour' but, by a happy coincidence, it also sterilises the powder. You then add meat, vegetables, whatever and continue with making your curry.\nWhat happens if you deviate from this long proven, survival enhancing, cooking practice? What if you are a new age cook and make a curried pasta salad where you just mix the warm (!) pasta, mayonnaise, vegetables, cream and curry powder and stir? Nothing much if you eat it straight away. But bacteria will double roughly every 20min at room temperature; what if you make your salad early and leave it for a few hours before eating? Not a good idea - the salad is warm, moist and protein rich - happy times for the bacteria.\nBecause of the risk, spices are one of the few things that are permitted to be irradiated to sterilise them. But this does not teach people safe handling practices for a potentially dangerous food. People will just be ignorant of the dangers and at risk from spices that are not irradiated.", "label": "No"}