--- license: cc-by-4.0 language: - en pretty_name: MT-Mind2Web tags: - web navigation - conversation --- # MT-Mind2Web Dataset MT-Mind2Web is constructed by using the single-turn interactions from [Mind2Web](https://huggingface.co/datasets/osunlp/Mind2Web), an expert-annotated web navigation dataset, as the guidance to construct conversation sessions. ## Statistics | | Train | Test-Task | Test-Website | Test-Subdomain | |--------------------|-------|-----------|--------------|----------------| | # Conversations | 600 | 34 | 42 | 44 | | # Turns | 2,896 | 191 | 218 | 216 | | Avg. # Turn/Conv. | 4.83 | 5.62 | 5.19 | 4.91 | | Avg. # Action/Turn | 2.95 | 3.16 | 3.01 | 3.07 | | Avg. # Element/Turn| 573.8 | 626.3 | 620.6 | 759.4 | | Avg. Inst. Length | 36.3 | 37.4 | 39.8 | 36.2 | | Avg. HTML Length | 169K | 195K | 138K | 397K | ## Dataset Structure - "task_id" (str): unique id for each task - "website" (str): website name - "domain" (str): website domain - "subdomain" (str): website subdomain - "turns" (list[dict]): list of subtasks - "annotation_id" (str): unique id for each subtask - "confirmed_task" (str): subtask description - "action_reprs" (list[str]): human readable string representation of the action sequence - "actions" (list[dict]): list of actions (steps) to complete the subtask - "action_uid" (str): unique id for each action (step) - "raw_html" (str): raw html of the page before the action is performed - "cleaned_html" (str): cleaned html of the page before the action is performed - "operation" (dict): operation to perform - "op" (str): operation type, one of CLICK, TYPE, SELECT - "original_op" (str): original operation type, contain additional HOVER and ENTER that are mapped to CLICK, not used - "value" (str): optional value for the operation, e.g., text to type, option to select - "pos_candidates" (list[dict]): ground truth elements. Here we only include positive elements that exist in "cleaned_html" after our preprocessing, so "pos_candidates" might be empty. The original labeled element can always be found in the "raw_html". - "tag" (str): tag of the element - "is_original_target" (bool): whether the element is the original target labeled by the annotator - "is_top_level_target" (bool): whether the element is a top level target find by our algorithm. please see the paper for more details. - "backend_node_id" (str): unique id for the element - "attributes" (str): serialized attributes of the element, use `json.loads` to convert back to dict - "neg_candidates" (list[dict]): other candidate elements in the page after preprocessing, has similar structure as "pos_candidates"