wavs/Eugene-TRIBUNAL THEY DID NOT DO THIS!-141.wav|Fuck this... |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-126.wav|If that's the case then it's not right.. But it's not the case, right? |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-161.wav|I wouldn't go that far, but you have a home here if you need it. And two busted up Union men who are grateful to you. So take care, okay? |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-82.wav|I ain't gonna stick around for that.. I only stayed because of Titus. There was a man born to lead. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-76.wav|Me? No, man... I'm not a leader.. You know Titus only recruited me 'cause I play the guitar? Said the team could use the morale boost. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-80.wav|Yeah, with us, drinking. Near the stage there. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 RHETORIC WC-122.wav|Yeah, we're all very focused. What does it mean? |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-315.wav|They don't know, man. They weren't here.. We had three shootings a week, kids dead, fuckin' graffito everywhere... You cops haven't shown up since the Thirties. |
wavs/Eugene-TRIBUNAL THIRD GUY-60.wav|T, let's fucking do it, |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE WC MODIFIERES-215.wav|Yeah, there's always gonna be little sprouts. People find a way to make coin. But that's the little picture... Hardie boys are taking care of the big picture! |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-74.wav|Alain? He won't be leading anything.. I mean, look at him, the man's broken through and through. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-313.wav|They don't know, man, they weren't here.. We had three shootings a week, kids dead, fuckin' graffito everywhere, you cops haven't shown up since the Thirties. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-38.wav|Yeah, aren't you listening? It's done. Finito! |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 ADDITIONAL CONTENT-24.wav|Sure enough!. We're the real heroes on these streets! |
wavs/alternative-0-Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-24-0.wav|He wasn't, that's the thing.. Titus, Theo, Dennis, Angie, Lizzie... They're all gone, but he got away without a scratch. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-65.wav|Look, what do you want from us, man? Things are pretty tough right now. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-185.wav|If it's true.. But it's not, right? |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-256.wav|It's not bewildering, it's, like, whatever, man.. Guys, I'm not the only one who knew right? |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 RHETORIC WC-321.wav|It wasn't for your fucking entertainment, Dennis. She... |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-131.wav|Let's not get ahead of ourselves.. We'll see what he does with the whole Shanky business. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-403.wav|I'm on it, boss. Right when the law clears, me and Angus are going up there. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 RHETORIC WC-112.wav|Boss, I think he's just gonna keep saying cock carousel. |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 MERC TRIBUNAL WARNING-31.wav|We're not bees, we're men. We're socialists! |
wavs/Eugene-WHIRLING F1 LOGIC WHITE CHECK-63.wav|Yeah, exactly. Why not, man? |