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wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-3.wav|If I were a real SKULL now, I'd jack it, paint it in palm tree livery, then bottom-light it neon-style!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-9.wav|You don't know? What kind of cop are you?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-14.wav|Yeah, tribal shit.... A cop-carriage like this would have proper SKULL value...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-23.wav|The nastiest bunch of psychos ever! Jacking carriages and getting into high-speed chases.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-27.wav|Oh, I can't wait to become a SKULL. Bottom-lights are wretched aggressive.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-31.wav|Yeah. Cindy the SKULL!. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck or Rietveldt.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-35.wav|Oh, man, yeah!. We're not fucking kids, man!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-47.wav|Oh, you'll see for sure once we're in, it's the last thing you'll ever see before the void consumes you.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-50.wav|This is definitely something the SKULLS would say, but we're not trying to encroach on the SKULLS brand in any way. On the contrary, we're just here to market it.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-52.wav|We think of it more like two franchises merging, you know, us two and the SKULLS. I really feel like we would add more to the table.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-58.wav|Spice things up here in Martinaise, you know. Get the old machine of pain and suffering oiled up real good.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-65.wav|Yeah, sure, we'll gladly tell you everything we know about it.. It was a man.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-66.wav|I can answer that. Many men keep searching for the one. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it.
wavs/alternative-0-Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-66-0.wav|Like I said before, many men keep searching for the one. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-79.wav|Or a grave on top of a grave.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-88.wav|There can always be more. In the end it won't matter. 'Til then...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-100.wav|To catch a fish you need to hurl the lure many times, and even then it isn't certain that you'll get anything. If you blow up the lake, though...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-101.wav| get more fish in a shorter time. And, for time is of the essence and fleeting ever so quickly, one must think of a way to fuck the whole world, and not get caught up in fucking some one.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-132.wav|What... no!. SKULLS don't have kings,. I think, and we're not even in yet...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-146.wav|Look at this cute shit!. How can we become SKULLS if you go around fraternising with cops?! Let's get the fuck out of here before anyone sees us.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-149.wav|Yeah, like you said, total shit. What about it?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-155.wav|Hey, Pissft, look who it is! Shrunken cop head material!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-164.wav|I can tell you who we're not, cop. We're not snitches, fts, or SKULLS.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-175.wav|I can see it, bright as day. Oh, if we were SKULLS right now...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-176.wav|The part of this presentation you wanna take home with you, cop-man, is: We're not part of the SKULLS. Yet.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-180.wav|Hey, Pissft, look who it is! It's the bully. He ran out of people to be an asshole to.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-200.wav|Holy shit, that's even older than I thought!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-225.wav|Don't you worry about that. We're gonna make up for the deficit.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-229.wav|Yeah,. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-237.wav|Lies! Cindy's all SKULL. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-238.wav|And you believed that?. No, man, Cindy's all SKULL. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-239.wav|Hey! Stop right there! How does one know anything?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-242.wav|Exactly! How can one know shit? For example: How can one be sure that there truly is a body hanging behind the hostel?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-249.wav|Knowing. We think that we know, but where does the thought originate from?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-270.wav|Because when one fucks everything, he fucks nothing. And that, to me, feels glorious, sticking your dick into the void.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-272.wav|Exactly! How can one know shit?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-287.wav|Don't tell him that,. SKULLS don't tattle, man. Cindy wouldn't.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-291.wav|Yeah, the girl Piss blathered out, when you asked about the armour. She's a true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck or Rietveldt. A real SKULL.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-298.wav|Just don't tell her you heard it from Piss and Fuck, alright? I think she wanted those gloves for herself.. Be cool, man, okay?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-306.wav|Couldn't keep up, huh?. Sure, let's try something different then.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-317.wav|Whoa... c'mon, man.... We're just talking here. Just words, nothing wrong with that.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-327.wav|Hey uh... there's no need for that.. We're just talking here. Joking too. Stay light, man.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-358.wav|Yeah, man.... We're just talking, philosophising. No crimes are being committed. And... and you wanted to talk too, right?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-368.wav|No, no, no,. Just a bit older than us, ain't that right, Piss?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-372.wav|Yeah, man. It's like... at death's door. No wonder you know nothing about the future. You won't be there.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-377.wav|But in a non-threatening and definitely legal way,
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-407.wav|Shut the fuck up,. Are you trying to get us killed?
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-411.wav|Oh yeah, I'll forget about it alright. And you will too. Until the day the Void comes for you.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-418.wav|Oh man.... Okay,. I get it. SKULLS don't really wear slogans anyway, this was stupid.
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-449.wav|Fuck that, you're not getting mine,. My dad's a lawyer in La Delta. He'll have your badge!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-450.wav|N-no, uh.... He's like a... like a volunteer lawyer... a total bitch. Cites law and does dishes...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-456.wav|You know what, cop? Fuck you, that's not what this is about, you're not getting my jacket!
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-473.wav|Fuck you, man, take them then...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-494.wav|I don't know, Eric. It's cold out...
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-442.wav|Okay, we get it. You look like total shit, we look flashy as hell. What about it?