wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-3.wav|If I were a real SKULL now, I'd jack it, paint it in palm tree livery, then bottom-light it neon-style! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-9.wav|You don't know? What kind of cop are you? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-14.wav|Yeah, tribal shit.... A cop-carriage like this would have proper SKULL value... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-23.wav|The nastiest bunch of psychos ever! Jacking carriages and getting into high-speed chases. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-27.wav|Oh, I can't wait to become a SKULL. Bottom-lights are wretched aggressive. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-31.wav|Yeah. Cindy the SKULL!. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck or Rietveldt. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-35.wav|Oh, man, yeah!. We're not fucking kids, man! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-47.wav|Oh, you'll see for sure once we're in, it's the last thing you'll ever see before the void consumes you. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-50.wav|This is definitely something the SKULLS would say, but we're not trying to encroach on the SKULLS brand in any way. On the contrary, we're just here to market it. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-52.wav|We think of it more like two franchises merging, you know, us two and the SKULLS. I really feel like we would add more to the table. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-58.wav|Spice things up here in Martinaise, you know. Get the old machine of pain and suffering oiled up real good. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-65.wav|Yeah, sure, we'll gladly tell you everything we know about it.. It was a man. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-66.wav|I can answer that. Many men keep searching for the one. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it. |
wavs/alternative-0-Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-66-0.wav|Like I said before, many men keep searching for the one. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-79.wav|Or a grave on top of a grave. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-88.wav|There can always be more. In the end it won't matter. 'Til then... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-100.wav|To catch a fish you need to hurl the lure many times, and even then it isn't certain that you'll get anything. If you blow up the lake, though... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-101.wav|...you get more fish in a shorter time. And, for time is of the essence and fleeting ever so quickly, one must think of a way to fuck the whole world, and not get caught up in fucking some one. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-132.wav|What... no!. SKULLS don't have kings,. I think, and we're not even in yet... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-146.wav|Look at this cute shit!. How can we become SKULLS if you go around fraternising with cops?! Let's get the fuck out of here before anyone sees us. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-149.wav|Yeah, like you said, total shit. What about it? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-155.wav|Hey, Pissft, look who it is! Shrunken cop head material! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-164.wav|I can tell you who we're not, cop. We're not snitches, fts, or SKULLS. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-175.wav|I can see it, bright as day. Oh, if we were SKULLS right now... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-176.wav|The part of this presentation you wanna take home with you, cop-man, is: We're not part of the SKULLS. Yet. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-180.wav|Hey, Pissft, look who it is! It's the bully. He ran out of people to be an asshole to. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-200.wav|Holy shit, that's even older than I thought! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-225.wav|Don't you worry about that. We're gonna make up for the deficit. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-229.wav|Yeah,. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-237.wav|Lies! Cindy's all SKULL. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-238.wav|And you believed that?. No, man, Cindy's all SKULL. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-239.wav|Hey! Stop right there! How does one know anything? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-242.wav|Exactly! How can one know shit? For example: How can one be sure that there truly is a body hanging behind the hostel? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-249.wav|Knowing. We think that we know, but where does the thought originate from? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-270.wav|Because when one fucks everything, he fucks nothing. And that, to me, feels glorious, sticking your dick into the void. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-272.wav|Exactly! How can one know shit? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-287.wav|Don't tell him that,. SKULLS don't tattle, man. Cindy wouldn't. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-291.wav|Yeah, the girl Piss blathered out, when you asked about the armour. She's a true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck or Rietveldt. A real SKULL. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-298.wav|Just don't tell her you heard it from Piss and Fuck, alright? I think she wanted those gloves for herself.. Be cool, man, okay? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-306.wav|Couldn't keep up, huh?. Sure, let's try something different then. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-317.wav|Whoa... c'mon, man.... We're just talking here. Just words, nothing wrong with that. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-327.wav|Hey uh... there's no need for that.. We're just talking here. Joking too. Stay light, man. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-358.wav|Yeah, man.... We're just talking, philosophising. No crimes are being committed. And... and you wanted to talk too, right? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-368.wav|No, no, no,. Just a bit older than us, ain't that right, Piss? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-372.wav|Yeah, man. It's like... at death's door. No wonder you know nothing about the future. You won't be there. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-377.wav|But in a non-threatening and definitely legal way, |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-407.wav|Shut the fuck up,. Are you trying to get us killed? |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-411.wav|Oh yeah, I'll forget about it alright. And you will too. Until the day the Void comes for you. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-418.wav|Oh man.... Okay,. I get it. SKULLS don't really wear slogans anyway, this was stupid. |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-449.wav|Fuck that, you're not getting mine,. My dad's a lawyer in La Delta. He'll have your badge! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-450.wav|N-no, uh.... He's like a... like a volunteer lawyer... a total bitch. Cites law and does dishes... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-456.wav|You know what, cop? Fuck you, that's not what this is about, you're not getting my jacket! |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-473.wav|Fuck you, man, take them then... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-494.wav|I don't know, Eric. It's cold out... |
wavs/Fuck the World-PLAZA PISSFLAUBERT AND FTW-442.wav|Okay, we get it. You look like total shit, we look flashy as hell. What about it? |