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wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-77.wav|His angry little heart finally gave out.. The dockworkers found him in the guard booth this morning. Wasn't even supposed to be working for another week, but he just had to prove how tough he is...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-135.wav|Ghost of the past.. Everyone in this story is already dead, officer. I don't wanna talk about them.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-39.wav|The opponent has a right to re-measure if he has doubts about the result and...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-182.wav|Oh, okay.... It's perfectly alright. No harm done and it's really none of my business anyway.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-6.wav|Oh.... You're right of course, officer. It can't be good for my health. Please, take it off my hands.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-21-0.wav|Evrart Claire. Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers,. I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-118.wav|Yes...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-3.wav|Let me think.... I heard someone was hanged and left on a tree for a week, but that's all I know really.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-32.wav|He saved some maudit princeling who foolishly strolled into the front line in his gown of velvet and gold.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-272.wav|Oh, old Filippe was a big fan of the purple nose candy the nobility loved so much. A cocaine-connoisseur of sorts.. His egocentricity is borderline legendary.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-2.wav|Mon dieu,. Good job, officer. That was an excellent throw!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-374.wav|It was quite funny, officer.. I thought it was very funny.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-36.wav|That's the cochonnet.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-208.wav|Oh, that's good, that's very good.. You must have other business then?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-310.wav|Oh, he would have liked that.. Violent lives ending violently... That's how he wanted to go. Sadly it was not the case.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-283.wav|Don't get started on that again. What happened, happened.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-372.wav|I uh.... That's nice. Uh... If I'm in your way, I'll move! Or can I help in any way?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RIVER CRATER-89.wav|Well, it's your own damn fault,. You, we, the Coalition, Revachol, whoever you wanna blame, never finished the job. Officially the Party never surrendered. Of course they still hold influence.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-122.wav|Mon dieu, you set it on fire!. What kind of a policeman are you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-31.wav|Oh, officer.... It already got ugly nearly eighty years ago when the three of us were just learning to walk and talk.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-49.wav|I really don't understand how my sandwich could...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-299.wav|Sure, officer.. They are the good guys around here. What do you need?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-190.wav|FUCK OFF, it's mine!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-14.wav|Ee... okay, sure sure, I'm not worried. We're here all the time. Every day. Impossible to miss us, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-2.wav|Of course, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-32.wav|Oh? The goal is to throw your boule.... ... as close to the cochonnet as you can.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-101.wav|I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. You do what you have to, like the rest of us... So how can I help?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-296.wav|Sweet sweet Jeannie.... Ask away officer, I knew her all my life.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-24.wav|Yes, yes. I'm sorry, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-47.wav|What Monseigneur Modestie is not telling you is that he crawled over seven kilometres before the cavalrymen found him and Drysant. Two days later that was.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-53.wav|She was always leaving one of us for the other, but never long enough to actually get married.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-116.wav|So.... Is there something I can help you with instead or...?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-82.wav|I took them for myself. Took them to remember that old cunt. Nobody knew him better than I did, and I want to remember that old cunt by something.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-137.wav|Oh.... You went through all that trouble for my sandwich? I'm flattered, officer, but my answer is no. Now how else can I help you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-68.wav|What do you mean, officer?