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873 Bytes
wavs/Chester McLaine-PIER CINDY-623.wav|You mean, like, is he out there right now, sleeping in a storm drain, chasin' down rats for leads?
wavs/Chester McLaine-KINEEMA STATION CALL-220.wav|Ask him to describe it! His gun! Not his fun, just the gun will do...
wavs/Chester McLaine-KINEEMA STATION CALL-583.wav|Yeah, Mack's right, that was some gnarly shit there...
wavs/Chester McLaine-BOOKSTORE CRIME-47.wav|Again? Man, I tell that one at least once a month. It's not that interesting,
wavs/Chester McLaine-PIER CINDY-626.wav|Doesn't mean Harry isn't givin' it a good try, though.
wavs/Chester McLaine-KINEEMA STATION CALL-580.wav|Ask him.... Ask him to check his hand, the one without a wine bottle, I bet that's where his badge is!
wavs/Chester McLaine-BOOKSTORE CRIME-49.wav|Yeah, sure came close,. Alright, so I was tailing this guy called 'Francis the Shoe'...