wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-159.wav|Oh really?. You can't get to that fat fuck Evrart anymore, 'cause the harbour's locked down. Half the Hardie bitches are dead and your company bitch sailed off. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-658.wav|...then you pull the trigger? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-26.wav|And don't forget about that bitch's window. Scope that shit. Cop Cuno's telling you, that's the break in the case. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-37.wav|Of course you do, fuckface. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-645.wav|About that.... Me and C kicked that shit into the ocean. She took it off the corpse and kicked it, rugby style. How'd it wash up here.... I don't know. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-81.wav|Oh fuck, he's practically dyin' to big up how he did it. Just get him to cough it up. Cuno's got your back. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-413.wav|My pig's so FUCKIN' ILL right now... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-709.wav|Fucking cleaned it... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-227-0.wav|Yeah, you do some Sam Bo shit, sneak in? Was the binoclard hooker thing real? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-23.wav|Probably climbed? Cuno was busy down the road when that shit went down. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-52.wav|Cuno ain't spoiling this shit for you.. You gotta climb in there yourself and check it out. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-362.wav|C, my pig is gonna fuck his head off! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-147.wav|I knew you pigs were too naive for this shit. Good thing Cuno's got her under control. Cuno keeps her calm. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-666.wav|There's a fucking FOUR-TON MANTIS on the island. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-612.wav|Yeah-yeah. Because, look at him now. Not so sharp is he? And it's gone, left. Perhaps it's, like, kept him going like the drink and the lightning keep my old man... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-255.wav|What is this shit? He's fucked up on 'roids to drink more, you can't kill him. Cuno's dad says he'll die by his own hand. Die suicide-style. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KLAASJE'S NOTE-38.wav|A trap, probably.. But don't sweat it. You got the Cuno spotting you. Let's go in. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-291.wav|I don't know, baby,. I don't know why he's such a fg. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-672.wav|And if you don't like what you see... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-164.wav|Cuno fucking knew it. This a sniper's nest, right? Fuckin' assassin action... Cuno barely understands what's happening, but he likes the shit out of it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-569.wav|Yeah-yeah, you see that too?. Got a little jumpy there didn't you? I know that vibe. I'm off my lightning too... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-47.wav|You stop! It's like they're fucking night. Locust City, Night City. City of Rage... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-219.wav|I don't know.... Someone left the door open. Cuno comes home, she's sleeping under the desk, under a pile of clothes. Like a dog. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-260.wav|Here, pig. We FALN now. Performance buddies. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-323.wav|Cuno's got no fucking clue.. You need to pig this shit. Cop-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-474.wav|Shove that shit in your fat ass and stop wasting Cuno's time if you ain't got anything to offer to the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-22.wav|Is it?. You got pretty fucked. Cuno's surprised you've still got your head after all that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-111.wav|Cuno's fuck-gimp.. Cuno uses the fuck-gimp for target practice. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-246.wav|Stop trying to give Cuno your pity shit.. Cuno knows what that shit is. Cuno's dad's gonna be a fucking vegetable. Stroke shit, stomach fucked up, and... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-492.wav|Islet? Like a gimp-island?. I think you're on to something. The shot could've come from there... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-847.wav|Cuno's sorry too. Cuno feels sorry for the binoclard. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-190.wav|The fuck are you talkin' about? Gettin' Cuno all worked up for nothing... |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-188.wav|Cuno's in the game. Let's fucking do this, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-155.wav|She's okay,. I mean... With all the fucking drunks and relics around, she's like the only one who isn't a walking shit hole. She's okay. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-24.wav|Fts love it in the dick. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-786.wav|The fuck.... Is that ceramic? And more stuff, like a nest in the reeds. We should peep it... fucking hell... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-907.wav|No fucking way, not on Cuno's life... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-358.wav|Now lay that shit at Cuno.. You got your fuck bag down from the tree, fuck more do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-45.wav|Pig, that's the past. You and Cuno are now. Let's talk about how you opened the secret door, fucking at Cuno's kingdom. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-904.wav|Whoa... massive gun. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-160.wav|Cuno thinks you're fucked,. But I can help you. What'cha got? Bounce that shit off Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-272.wav|WHAT?! I can't fucking believe this shit... He's lying!. He's fucking lying. We were just there, he went up to it. He fucking touched it! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-197.wav|Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit. Doesn't even see her there. Or thinks it's fucking Cuno.... Shit's all on Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-41.wav|You tore some shit up there, pig.. Got shot too. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-867.wav|Yo, we just saw a giant fucking insect, okay? Focus on that, not some.... Where'd it go? |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-771.wav|The fuck, you puss? This'll send shit flying. Trust Cuno. Grandpa laid down some real shit. Conspiracy-style. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 MEDICINE CABINET-143.wav|Smart chick.. Cuno never leaves shit behind either. Cuno's a pro. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-380.wav|Pass you around like Candy, fat boy! Pass your fat ass AROUND!. KING CUNO! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-376.wav|Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit about anything. |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-109.wav|Cool. Got lied to. Double-lied to. I get it. You cops need the Cuno on stuff like this. No one lies to the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-348.wav|Yeah, that's what Cuno's fuckin' saying, piggo. He's letting you off the hook.. A one time boon, from Cunn to pig. There won't be a next one. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-331.wav|Look, fg... |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-195-1.wav|No, pig, that explains everything.. The running. The jumping. The guns on your arms. Your whack moustache... Cuno liked that crazy face-action. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-350.wav|Maybe we could all fit in there... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-278.wav|This is some ancient bullshit, people!. Cuno would rather take ten than snitch! Pig's full of shit! Get the fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-89.wav|Okay, so, we've got the old fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-7.wav|Fuck no, pig. Cuno ain't dealing to the popo. Not doing the pork pen for your sad speed habit! You don't know Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER BONUS-737.wav|Sometimes Cuno likes to look at the baggie before he does it. Just look at that fat baggie... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-587.wav|You mean like horny? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-86.wav|Some doctor your pig friends sent over. Nix Fucklieb, I think. Total cunt.. Came in here and knife fucked you, when you where sleeping. Then fucked off and told me to phone him if you shit yourself. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-82.wav|Smells like mazut.. Heavy fuel shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-160.wav|There what is, the window? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-22.wav|Quit pushin' the blame on the metal piggo. Metal's fine. It's your arm that's shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-116.wav|Then try again! Cuno's not your brain slave, think for yourself, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-112.wav|Cuno knows what Cuno means. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1089.wav|I knew these guys were fts. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-54.wav|You got shot in the shoulder too, but luckily you were wearing that fancy teapot and it took the hit for you. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-409.wav|THE FUCK?!. Cuno's been seen with you, out in the open. He's free game right now. Singin' to the popophone. Fuckin' informant shit. Got pig all over me, smoked pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-82.wav|Huh... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-31.wav|Cuno's gotta say, man, that was unimpressive. The fuck were you trying to do? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-62.wav|Cuno made Cuno. Cuno says whatever the fuck he wants! There are no rules here, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-614.wav|Did you kill him?. Fucking tell this cop. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-357.wav|I can see it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-919.wav|This is the sorriest pair of pigs Cuno's ever seen. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-38.wav|Yeah, Cuno saw that. A nightmare about bitches. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-123.wav|Cool, cool, cool.. That's very cool to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-230.wav|Yeah, how are you still standing, pig? You sneak past him? |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-182.wav|We never did that ballistics shit here.. Let's check out where he shot my gimp. You should know that shit, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-241.wav|Yeah, how the fuck are you still alive, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-112.wav|Been readin' shit here,. Hooked on the book. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-2.wav|Fucking island is spooky as fuck. Cuno never liked it here. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-599.wav|Like, hooked on the lightning? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-202.wav|Those guys are what Cuno calls the fg army,. They think they're a big deal around here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-97.wav|Okay, porkson.... Tar keeps Cuno sharp, helps Cuno think. Cuno likes that brain-boost shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-14.wav|Fuck does Cuno care? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-332.wav|I know you wanted to hit me.... You got that 'I'm gonna fuck that Cuno up' look that Cuno's dad gets. The murder look... the rage look... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-56.wav|Cuno don't know how to pick this lock. This one's... military shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-31.wav|You know... break shit, throw shit into the sea, throw shit into the windows, throw shit at the seagulls. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-4.wav|Talk to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-55.wav|Uh.... What is this shit... Fuckin' on yourself? This is weird-level shit, Cuno doesn't go there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-129.wav|Help! He's digging his dick out!!! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-303.wav|It's not art, it's fucking brutal. Nothing pussy about it! The fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-74.wav|Fuckin' A, let's get this shit open. Get to the secrets behind. Secret style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-368.wav|Fuck did you want anyway, you got your fuckbag down? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-218.wav|Fuckin' right! |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-111.wav|Those guys have been going around town,. Crying about their new asshole. Cuno can't handle this emotional shit when he's off the lightning. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-119.wav|Yeah, Cuno can see that,. So can fuckin' murderoonie here. You should stop, it's weird as fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-779.wav|Cool. So's Cuno, Cuno's also having a vision of a giant insect. And it's real. Back off before it eats you... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-900.wav|Intense shit, copper. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-9.wav|So yeah, see you on the seafort island. Try not to get shot or drunk again. Cuno's counting on your ass. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-195.wav|You askin' me now? It's some shit, copper. How should I know? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-12.wav|Uh.... Yeah! To the both of you. Watch your ass in Cuno's town or Cuno's gonna fuck your head off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-49.wav|They're not pets.. Don't you know what locusts are, when they come out of the fucking sky? Fuckin' descend and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-93.wav|Yeah. Book-bitch. Beg her. You stupid or something? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-47.wav|You don't fucking matter, book-gimp! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-287.wav|Been waitin' for you to fucking man up.. In there is Cuno's violent dad. On steroids. Cuno's dad does steroids and speed. If you can take him, you can have half the speed. |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-110.wav|Yeah, okay. Don't loop Cuno in. Leave the Cuno in the dark. Fine. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-161.wav|Yeah. Yeah.. Man's hooked on the book. Gotta get his fix. Cuno's seen this shit before. Cuno's never getting hooked on that Hjelmdall shit... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-199.wav|You need these pants. But you ain't gonna get these pants, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-173.wav|You wanna fuck on someone 'bout that armour? Go fuck the moustached Union fuck, the jolly troubadour shit at the gates. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-153.wav|You fuckin' better, pig!. We're partners now. You got to be professional with the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-31.wav|Stop it, C! No one's gonna make anyone lame. Cuno's got this under control. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-183.wav|She was in the hallway, dripping wet.. By the fucking shoe rack. In the dark. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-122.wav|Word on the street is you sent your little friend in dressed as a hooker. Distraction-style. That's some sick shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-11.wav|Cuno used to hang there sometimes. It's a real shit-hole. Everyone is old or a fucking drunk or dead, except... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-183.wav|Get your fucking nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think 'cause you brought Cuno one gram of speed you're friends now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-70.wav|You respected the Cuno. Ten times discount to Cuno's personal pig.. Now let's get this weird shit done. Trash container shit, or something... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-760.wav|Wait, we have to do something! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-263.wav|Why are you not fucking shitting yourselves, what's wrong?! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-284.wav|POOR kid?! Fuck you, ft! Cuno's loaded!. Can't believe you're not believing me... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-24.wav|Told you, pig bacon. Cuno doesn't do regional. Cuno's been to places you wouldn't dream of. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-60.wav|What do you think that shit's for? Let's press some buttons. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-17.wav|Oh that?. Cuno decapitates pigs. That's just a Cuno demo-tape. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-892.wav|The fuck, pherone? Man, this ain't about no phermone! This is about the phasmid. Did you see the size of that?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-127.wav|Yeah it's fucking okay!. Gotta have a gimp for rock practice... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-47.wav|And then what? You fuck in there? You fuck in Cuno's kingdom? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-57.wav|Dunno. Maybe. Sorta looks like stars to Cuno. Or, like, islands maybe? Fuck does Cuno know... |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-98.wav|Good.. I think it's going really fucking well.. Just cut it with the punching shit, alright? Makes us look like we got nothing. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-208-0.wav|Your lame-ass pants before. Like this... fucking retro shit that's going on. Cuno's seen all this before, in gym class... How you spin-kicked the kipt out, gymnast style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-40.wav|We should find his gun and kill someone with it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-467.wav|Fine... Cuno's gonna take it off your fat ass. At least he's gonna make some paper off this shit.... Now, what do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BOOTS-31.wav|Whoah. Cuno's little sneak-pig's back for the booty... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-817.wav|Yeah, real normal. There's a giant stick insect there. Back off, before it eats you... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-39.wav|Task force. Cool. I'm the Cuno. We just came from the fucking island. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-304.wav|Was nothin'.. Cuno's gonna go into a bag too. We all are. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-336.wav|How are you gonna get to the island? Cuno has his ways, but that ain't for your fat old ass. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-138.wav|Cuno gives this info out on a need-to-know basis. And you don't need to know.. Cuno didn't smoke the gimp, if that's what you meant. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-177.wav|Huh?. That could've been there for years. Cuno thinks it's a dead end. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-13.wav|Cuno doesn't fucking care. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-98.wav|Get the fuck out of here, pig! Cuno doesn't have a magic tree house! |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-25.wav|See you on the seafort island, try not to get shot again or drunk or shit. Cuno's counting on you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-296.wav|After this shit you better have something real interesting to say if you wanna stay in Cuno's face. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-66.wav|Fuck are you talking about? What is this con-tush-on shit? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-296.wav|Yeah, fuckin' dead. Died in the hospital, I hear. Union's all weepy and shit.... It's probably your fault. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-151.wav|Rich bitch? Yeah, probably. Boat's gone. Cuno'd be fucking fine too if Cuno had a boat... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-42.wav|You missed a good show before. A kipt came by and completely fucked the tree to pieces. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-530.wav|We can totally get more out of him.... He's squeelin'... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-51.wav|Ease off, C. Cuno always takes the bullet over the hammer. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-30.wav|Just a couple of pigs sniffing around in the dirt. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-61.wav|Killing people? Like straight offin' them? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1186.wav|Fucking talkin' about underpants... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-115.wav|That's right, pig.. Shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-20.wav|They say you shot that fucker in the face. That's fucking cool to Cuno.. So I thought I'd stick around. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-171.wav|Fuck no, she's not my sister. She's just a stray who got in. Like a mad dog or some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-233.wav|Yeah, big shit. We taking them all down. We cleaning this shit up.. Now listen up suit-fuck. You're gonna shit yourself, because it's gonna get wacko-natural. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-861.wav|Pig's lying. He's clearly got something real fucked up going on up in here. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-72.wav|I'm gonna say it again, Cuno doesn't feel like carrying your corpse off this island, so maybe you should fucking crash? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-224.wav|Fts can't get enough of that dick... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-159.wav|Motherfucker?. You seein' the window or not? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-212.wav|What are you tryin'a ignore me now, fuck face? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-129.wav|Some of those Union goons got fucked,. Now the whole harbour is in lockdown. Even Cuno can't get in there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-76.wav|I don't give a shit, I don't need the locusts anyway. Shit is all lame now.. C was right. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-206.wav|Situation defused, |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-587.wav|Pig, what the fuck is wrong with you?! Why you choking? Lay it on them! We have it! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-236.wav|Yeah, pig. This shit is done.. Now get the fuck outta Cuno's face, Cuno needs to drop the bomb. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-859.wav|Yeah, grandpa's not looking so good. We need to check on him... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-77.wav|Yeah, back out of this shit with Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-78.wav|Cuno's gonna let the fucking locusts die. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-62.wav|We're cool now. But don't be pulling this shit on Cuno, or Cuno's gonna have to beat the shit out of you, again. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-8.wav|Stay the fuck away from Cuno! You smell like bum shit!. Cuno's not a bum. Cuno doesn't touch that shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-239.wav|Cuno knows. This place is spooky as fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-182.wav|Now tell me, how the fuck are you still alive, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-80.wav|Crazy?. You don't know the half of it. She's not crazy, she's insane. Dangerous. She smoked a man. She's done people in, probably even pigs... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-168.wav|Yeah, detective Cuno thinks it's some local asshole too. These people are rats... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-156.wav|Cuno believes in second chances, Cuno doesn't believe in third chances. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-193.wav|Help, people!. The RCM is trying to fuck Cuno in the ass! |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-275.wav|That's Klaasje, right? Bitch next door? Cuno's thinking the same thing,. Let's rock it, pig-man. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-116.wav|Two days,. Cuno's been out longer, sleepin' off the speed train. Two days is nothing. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-63.wav|Good. You made it. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-89.wav|Cuno's fucking smart, Cuno wasn't in that fuck-pile. Cuno knows when shit goes south, unlike you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-247.wav|Okay, pig. Talk to Cuno. We're back in this shit.. The fuck do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-13.wav|Cuno knows all kinds of shit. Cuno gets around. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-116.wav|Ease off, C. Don't be telling Cuno what Cuno can do!. What else you want, pigman? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-328.wav|Yeah, Cuno's seen that shit. Crazy shit. Ain't nothing to Cuno, but lots of places to hide there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-20.wav|Just a lone pig trying to sugar-talk some kids. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-36.wav|Yeah,. Cuno took the bugs. So what? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-896.wav|Damn right, we just discovered a GIANT INSECT. Ain't no one done that... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-254.wav|We don't have time for that grief shit,. Cunn and Pig are gunning it. We got a case to solve. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-57.wav|An artist?. Maybe I am an artist? You hear that everyone, I'm a fucking artist now. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-208.wav|Old hardware.. From the big power-box upstairs. Circuit-bender shit. Military-grade. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-424.wav|They're gonna hang me by the nuts if you leave me here. You want that on you? A dead kid?. Or you want Cuno at your station, solving shit? Like we just did. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-130.wav|Cuno's not gonna say anything without his lawyer present. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-770.wav|Whoah... maybe it's poison? Fucking hell... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-193.wav|Fuck that shit. Cuno's gonna move underground. Le Royaume shit, ancient shit. Cuno's gonna live in a fucking catacomb. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-363.wav|Aw, fuck, pig. We totally gotta go to the island now.. Tryna not go to the island... Just one Q. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-562.wav|You ain't saying shit, because you don't got shit to say. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-28.wav|A baggie... but like in this vial. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-905.wav|The fuck?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-26.wav|Like half. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-207.wav|Smoked all those dinky fuckers. Saved this shit, Martinaise shit. I see he's mournin' and shit.... His main pig got semi-wasted. Sent to the boo-boo-mobile, Cuno steps up. Cuno fucking FILLS those shoes. Big boy shoes, Detective Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-83.wav|Yeah... Some cunt from your station came over and knife fucked you, when you were sleeping. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-688.wav|Fucking fatal as SHIT, Seol-man! |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-89.wav|Okay. So what? Loop Cuno in on this. |
wavs/Cuno-LIFELINE GIVING UP-25.wav|Too late for that. So whatcha gonna do now? Skewer yourself? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-237.wav|You made a big fucking mistake there.. A huge mistake. Say goodbye to all the shit Cuno would've hooked you up with. You and Cuno are done. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-401.wav|You lost your shit in the booth, tried to beat a confession out of Cuno... and pissed yourself? |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-75-1.wav|It don't mean anything. It's shit. Cuno just likes to focus. Cuno likes to concentrate on shit, build shit when he's zipping hard. Fuck... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-435.wav|Anyway.. Cuno doesn't do that radioactive shit. Makes Cuno's dick fall off. Cuno's got a huge dick. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-214.wav|Will-pig.. You ready to walk, will-pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1141.wav|The fuck are they on about? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-751.wav|Yo, a word... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-73.wav|But you see,. Cuno wants for it to decompose. Cuno digs that cadaver shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-133.wav|Yeah, Cuno's in a fucking gang. In a bang gang. Cuno bangs for Madre, bangs for the Mazda, bangs for Revachol... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-170.wav|You see someone here?. Fuckin' invisible shooter? Spooky shit... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-442.wav|What a fucking pooper.... Bitch doesn't have the pump for it. Old bitch, pump's bust. Cuno has the pump for it. Cuno has a giant pump. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-222.wav|How's Cuno dealing? Cuno's dealing just fine, he doesn't need you fucking with any of it. C doesn't either. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-644.wav|I can't believe that helmet, man. I kicked it into the fucking ocean and it washed up here. Or... do you, do you think the phasmid brought it here? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-360.wav|I can.. Cuno can smell that violence shit. I know what you were thinking... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-185.wav|Get your fucking nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think 'cause you took Cuno's speed, Cuno's gonna sob like a fg? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-7.wav|Tryin'a fuck at the Cuno! Tryin'a fuck at me! Tryin'a fuck!. Cuno only gets HIGHER! It's faster-faster-faster! Can't take the Cuno, stay out of the reactor! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-134.wav|She's probably killed a pig too. I mean, I'm pretty sure she has. |