wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-22.wav|Quit pushin' the blame on the metal piggo. Metal's fine. It's your arm that's shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-39.wav|Task force. Cool. I'm the Cuno. We just came from the fucking island. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-58.wav|Good luck with that.. Sounds like you're in some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-103.wav|Wait for fucking what? I'm Cuno. We come from Death Island. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-143.wav|Cuno's liking this tense shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-176.wav|We're all pigs here. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-267.wav|Cuno knew dress-up-pigs were in town. Cuno meant to dust them, Cuno pig-duster, but didn't, 'cause Cuno cares. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-306.wav|Fuck, pig.... The name's Kuuno, not Cuno. It's... lamer. My name's lamer than I said it was. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-306-0.wav|Fuck, pig... As you snooped out, the name's Kuuno, not Cuno. Let's get on with our lives. I'm Kuuno. It's known now. Stop staring at me. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-307.wav|Just try not to shit yourself, please. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-337.wav|You talking about Cuno?. Major Cuno wasn't abducted, you fucking fat dink! Fuck outta here... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-572.wav|Wow, you're being brutalized... Pig on pig violence. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-861.wav|Pig's lying. He's clearly got something real fucked up going on up in here. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE-863.wav|Aw, c'mon, you gotta cut him some slack. Pig's been working hard. Digging through the guts of corpses and shit. Getting shot and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-195.wav|Yo, Imma stop you right there, fuck-face. It's Cuno-time. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-196.wav|No.. Cuno's going all in. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-203.wav|No.. You've explained enough, pig. Cuno takes care of this shit now. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-204.wav|First of all, yo, those guys were all fts. The guys in the armour? Fts. The Union guys? Fts. So yeah --. Suck Cuno's dick. You don't know me. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-205.wav|You don't know what happened here. You don't know this shit. Automatic fucking weapons. Urban battleground shit. Battle lines drawn in blood. Blood Meridian. You don't know this shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-206.wav|Now, Cuno wasn't there. Right, you getting this? Cuno was breaking it up with Cuno's main bitch C. Parting-of-the-ways shit. But when Cuno got there, pig had fucking cleaned up. Blood and ruin. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-207.wav|Smoked all those dinky fuckers. Saved this shit, Martinaise shit. I see he's mournin' and shit.... His main pig got semi-wasted. Sent to the boo-boo-mobile, Cuno steps up. Cuno fucking FILLS those shoes. Big boy shoes, Detective Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-209.wav|Yo, Cuno feels like you weren't really listening to Cuno.. You were hearin', but you weren't listenin'. Fy fg and the armour boys came to Martinaise to fuck shit up. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-211.wav|Hardie boys or whatever the fuck they are, they were tellin' everyone and their mom how they wasted one of those armour fucks. It was always gonna go down like that. My pig stepped up, got fucked in the leg for it. Sacrifice style. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-213.wav|Second, you dinky fucking asshole. This pig right here,. this oink-oink motherfucker solved that shit. On Death Island. Case solved. Go home, or fuck off. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-219.wav|Yeah, some fucked up grandpa did it. Fuckin' grandpa in the woods or some shit. Old shit. Cuno doesn't know about that. Look, the REAL shit here is... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-222.wav|I'll make it tight, pig. Don't worry, the Cunn is on it. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-227.wav|Yeah-yeah, straggler, sure.. You getting this smart shit? The old fuck killed him. Confessed to it too. We got him snitchin' on himself, popo style. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-232.wav|Yeah, spin that real shit, pig. Murder weapon, big boy shit. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-232-0.wav|Mmmhm.. Murder weapon, big boy shit. My piggo tried to show you, but you shit the bed. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-233.wav|Yeah, big shit. We taking them all down. We cleaning this shit up.. Now listen up suit-fuck. You're gonna shit yourself, because it's gonna get wacko-natural. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-234.wav|Yeah, smoked a ton of people, unsolved shit.. Now listen up, suit-fuck. You're gonna shit yourself, because it's gonna get wacko-natural. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-236.wav|Yeah, and solved that shit. Fucking... grandpa in the woods did it. Old shit. Cuno doesn't know about that. Look, the REAL SHIT here is... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-240.wav|Yeah, fucko. He's on the island right now. In a coma or some shit. Oh, and we also got the gun. Gun-of-the-killer shit. You know what I mean. Now let's get our big boy shit on... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-245.wav|Too late, we're in this. There's a fucking FOUR-TON MANTIS on the island. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-247.wav|This case, this fucking grandpa shit.... this ugly shit? It's nothing. We saw a ghost. A real life ghost. Like he fucking proved ghosts are real, it's that big, popo. It's fucking... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-248.wav|There's a fucking FOUR-TON MANTIS on the island. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-251.wav|Yo, this is like the biggest moment in history right now. You wanna fucking listen to what's coming out of Cuno's mouth. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-252.wav|This fucking old popo discovered it. Me and the pig-bacon discovered a new species. It was beautiful. It was.... You ain't seen this kind of animal before. Fucking miracle shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-254.wav|We saw a giant insect. White as fuck. Literally the Insulindian phasmid or some shit. Praying mantis-style. It was three metres tall, and this pig right here... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-256.wav|Why are you not fucking shitting yourselves, what's wrong?! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-263.wav|Why are you not fucking shitting yourselves, what's wrong?! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-264.wav|Why are you not fucking shitting yourselves, what's wrong?! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-267.wav|You aren't fucking listening! The bum is nothing. This is science history here. It was the Insulindian phasmid. It's connected to this shit.. Tell him! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-272.wav|WHAT?! I can't fucking believe this shit... He's lying!. He's fucking lying. We were just there, he went up to it. He fucking touched it! |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-272-0.wav|WHAT?! I can't fucking believe this shit... He's lying!. He's fucking lying. We were just there, he went up to it. He touched it! He fucking talked to it! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-284.wav|POOR kid?! Fuck you, ft! Cuno's loaded!. Can't believe you're not believing me... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-425.wav|Stop squealing on yourself. Cuno needs to get out of this shithole.. Pig's talking whack to impress you. It didn't go down like that. He done good. Tell them! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-434.wav|Get off the church-shit. It's making you sound crazy. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-466.wav|This pig helps people, okay? He's a fuckin' handy helper, he does that shit. He finds insects and solves side-shit. It's his style. Side-style. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-519.wav|This narrow-minded pig,. I can't fucking... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-521.wav|Alright, yeah.. Cuno's in it. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-534.wav|Yeah, suit. Check this shit out, the merc was bangin' some chick he wanted to bang. So he shot him. Chick's called Klaasje. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-539.wav|Fucking snitch binoclard.... Yeah, that chick. Get over it pig, she didn't do it. It was grandpa on the island. Merc was fuckin' her and he couldn't hack it. Cuno can hack it. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-543.wav|Yeah. Politics shit. My pig also connected, like... the weapon to him... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-554.wav|Yeah. Check this shit, he's like some fucking old school warrior. Man From Hjelmdall shit. Only against rich people and... pederasts I think? Cuno doesn't know what a pederast is, Cuno's not a university... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-555.wav|But he did that shit. To get the Union fucks killed, so they'd get the other fucks killed. Boom! Giant kill-storm. Mastermind shit, only, like, a really old mastermind who's fucking stupid. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-560.wav|You were just up his asscrack for the mass murder shit. Now it's nothing? Why do you think that shit happened? |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-562.wav|You ain't saying shit, because you don't got shit to say. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-566.wav|Yeah, like... the ballistics too, pig. We got him knee deep in popo shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-574.wav|Fucking... listen to him, pig! Grandpa's deranged. Cuno knows you don't believe this phasmid shit, but he was hatin' rich people, some kind of pederasts too... fuckin' hating everything. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-575.wav|Worse than Cuno's violent dad. Shakes like a pig, eyes like saucers. Wavin' at nothing. That's some dark shit, and he's been with that bug for like, ever. Don't close your mind to this shit! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-578.wav|Yeah, he was like a fuckin' assassin, tell him... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-587.wav|Pig, what the fuck is wrong with you?! Why you choking? Lay it on them! We have it! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-597.wav|Snitch binoclard.... Yeah. Klaasje, that chick. But she didn't do it. It was this old fuck. Grandpa on the island. Merc was fucking her and he couldn't hack it. Cuno can hack it. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-666.wav|There's a fucking FOUR-TON MANTIS on the island. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-683.wav|Suit, we have a shitload of proof. Spin it on them, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-690.wav|Yeah, and it had like these... tufts of reeds on it. Even after it unfolded. And bitch, it unfolded like crazy! It was fucking beautiful. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-691.wav|Large?!. Gimp, it was fucking gigantic! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-692.wav|Fucking gimp... it's more than interesting. Cuno's pig's laying down science here. Shit's legit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-716.wav|Shit was there, display the shit, pig. The shit! It's the proof. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-736.wav|Fucking... Cuno doesn't have a photo camera 'cause Cuno is fucking POOR, okay?! That sucks about the Cuno. So Cuno didn't take a fucking PHOTO. And Cuno didn't paint a fucking picture. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-737.wav|But it's in my head. In here. Cuno's eyes took the picture. It's RIGHT FUCKING HERE. I can't BELIEVE you're not getting this... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-739.wav|It will NEVER be seen again! It wasn't seen for a hundred years. Fuck Cuno and let's all pretend there was no miracle. We don't need a giant insect, everything is so good without it in this fuck-hole... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-752.wav|I knew it! The bitch sees it. Bitches are fucking smart. But you dicks are dumb as fuck! It's real, I told you. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-771.wav|The fuck, you puss? This'll send shit flying. Trust Cuno. Grandpa laid down some real shit. Conspiracy-style. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-815.wav|You fucking twisting his words again! My pig's not dirty. This is fucking paladin shit. He don't bend like that. Tell em -- |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-849.wav|Yeah, he really fucked the Cuno on that,. But that's old shit. Cuno's now. Pig's just being a good pig. That's cool to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-896.wav|You fucking twisting his words again! My pig's wasn't duped. This pig's fucking mastermind shit. He doesn't do like that. He doesn't get fucked. Tell em -- |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-904.wav|Yeah, big shit.. Now listen up suit-fuck. You're gonna shit yourself, because it's gonna get wacko-natural. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 2-911.wav|Yeah,. Cuno's been around, seen shit, real shit, he's not a fucking toddler! |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-43.wav|Listen to this shit, man... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-176.wav|Cuno fucking knew there had to be something wrong if you can run like that... |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-195.wav|No, pig, that explains everything.. The running. The jumping. The shot-put. Your whack moustache... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-195-0.wav|No, pig, that explains everything.. The running. The jumping. The guns on your arms. Your whack moustache... |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-195-1.wav|No, pig, that explains everything.. The running. The jumping. The guns on your arms. Your whack moustache... Cuno liked that crazy face-action. |
wavs/alternative-2-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-195-2.wav|No, pig, that explains everything.. The running. The jumping. The shot-put. Your whack moustache... Cuno liked that crazy face-action. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-208.wav|Your lame-ass pants before. Like this... fucking retro shit that's going on. Cuno's seen all this before, in gym class... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-208-0.wav|Your lame-ass pants before. Like this... fucking retro shit that's going on. Cuno's seen all this before, in gym class... How you spin-kicked the kipt out, gymnast style. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-209.wav|Your lame taste in music. Like from, the Forties. Even the way you stand and stretch and shit... Cuno's seen this shit before. In gym class. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-209-0.wav|How you spin-kicked the kipt out, gymnast style... Cuno's seen this shit before. In gym class. |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-209-1.wav|How you jumped that shit, climbed to the roof... Cuno's seen this shit before. In gym class. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-320.wav|What?! Bitches dream of the 41st. Why you think Cuno's in this shit? Word is it's fucking violent. Your Captain Pryce dusted like... a thousand people. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-332.wav|Cuno's likin' this shit. Jamrock is the real shit, Martinaise is fucking white as balls. Sea-shit. This ain't a real ghetto. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-334.wav|Yeah, that shit is fucking famous on Channel 8. Cuno hears this shit. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-409.wav|THE FUCK?!. Cuno's been seen with you, out in the open. He's free game right now. Singin' to the popophone. Fuckin' informant shit. Got pig all over me, smoked pig. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-412.wav|Fuck do you think? Gonna rock that law enforcement shit with you guys, Detective Cuno.. Like you promised. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-417.wav|You gonna lie after what we just been through? Let Cuno refresh you: Cuno said he'd take your crippled ass to the island, if you take Cuno to Jamrock. Boatman Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-421.wav|Cuno's fuckin' nineteen. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-422.wav|Hey, ft! You don't get it. Cuno's got pig all over him, Cuno smells of bacon grease. Been seen with you. Fuckin' informant shit. You think no one sees this? |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-424.wav|They're gonna hang me by the nuts if you leave me here. You want that on you? A dead kid?. Or you want Cuno at your station, solving shit? Like we just did. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-430.wav|You don't have to make them cops, only Cuno. Cuno's an asset. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-433.wav|Not POSSIBLE is me staying here. Fucking understand that. I'm not dying here, ft. I'm coming with you. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-435.wav|Cuno's fuckin' nineteen. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-437.wav|Hey, ft! Understand this, they're gonna hang me by the nuts if you leave me here. You want that on you? A dead kid? Or you want the Cuno at your station, solving shit? Like we just did? |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-438.wav|I won't say it! I won't say it anymore. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE POSSE 3-442.wav|I promise I won't say it.. I won't say any of it anymore. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BOOTS-31.wav|Whoah. Cuno's little sneak-pig's back for the booty... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-31.wav|Cuno's gotta say, man, that was unimpressive. The fuck were you trying to do? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-40.wav|We should find his gun and kill someone with it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-53.wav|Yeah, I know but what were you trying to do pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-56.wav|No you weren't. If you were you'd stick that shitto.... In that staple or some shit. That little ring that has the lock in it. Then twist that shit, it's the weak spot. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-161.wav|Cuno can hear you, cop, and Cuno don't know shit about the rags, okay? You don't have to come asking about them again like some bitch. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-195.wav|You askin' me now? It's some shit, copper. How should I know? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD TRASH-228.wav|Fuck yourself, binoclard! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-46.wav|Man up, pig. You're embarrassing Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-192.wav|Pigs gonna have sex? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-221.wav|Pig's messed up. Cuno feels pity. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-276.wav|Bitches are at it. This pleases Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-340.wav|Fucking low velocity!?. You think Cuno doesn't know what you're talkin' bout? Velocity was FUCKING MAX! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-342.wav|Talkin' shit about Cuno's velocity... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-362.wav|C, my pig is gonna fuck his head off! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-365.wav|You are,. You're Cuno's pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-379.wav|Told you my pig was hard core. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-413.wav|My pig's so FUCKIN' ILL right now... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-538.wav|Pigs requestin' semen like it's no big deal. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-620.wav|C, these pigs are fucking corrupt. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-679.wav|At MAXIMUM velocity, fucko! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-688.wav|Fucking fatal as SHIT, Seol-man! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-690.wav|I do what I want, C.. Learn it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-738.wav|You are,. This pig is Cuno's. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-904.wav|The fuck are they on about? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN AUTOPSY-928.wav|Fuck are you talking to, clown? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-210.wav|I hear you, ft cop. Talking shit 'bout the Cuno. Come here and say it to Cuno's face! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-212.wav|What are you tryin'a ignore me now, fuck face? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-214.wav|You wanna fuck me, huh? You wanna FUCK the Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-275.wav|Pig's gonna pull his head off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-291.wav|I don't know, baby,. I don't know why he's such a fg. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-392.wav|The fuck he sayin'? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-395.wav|Pig said he's a ft. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-438.wav|Stop talking in riddles, coin slot. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-757.wav|The fuck are these pigs talking about? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-767.wav|Pig, why you gotta disrespect my girl? This shit makes Cuno sad. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-789.wav|C, you're only making them do those things less. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-810.wav|Yeah, now we're talkin'. Entertain the Cuno with some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-823.wav|Yeah, take the shot, Cuno wants some of that shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-841.wav|Cuno could've hit it easy, but then, Cuno's not fucking handicapped, is he? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-847.wav|Cuno's sorry too. Cuno feels sorry for the binoclard. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-851.wav|Bitches fighting. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-864.wav|This is the sorriest pair of pigs Cuno's ever seen. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-900.wav|Intense shit, copper. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-919.wav|This is the sorriest pair of pigs Cuno's ever seen. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-950.wav|Nice shot, though. Fucked him up good... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-955.wav|Actually it was fted. Cuno just said that because he felt sorry for you, pig. It's not your fault you can't shoot, it's your pig-hands. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-961.wav|What did he say? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-982.wav|It's not the gun's fault you can't shoot. It's your pig-hands. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-984.wav|Cuno has hands.. Cuno can shoot that shit down for you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1024.wav|Whoah, C.... Pig tried to shoot you. You're alive. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1089.wav|I knew these guys were fts. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1141.wav|The fuck are they on about? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1168.wav|The fuck have you got against comedy, pigs? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1186.wav|Fucking talkin' about underpants... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1269.wav|Bitch-fight, C. Bitches are at it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1288.wav|I hear you, ft! Talking shit 'bout the Cuno. Come here and say it to Cuno's face! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN-1437.wav|Yeah, don't go bein' someone else's bitches. You're Cuno's bitches. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-25.wav|Fuckin' CAVITY C... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-77.wav|My pig's fucking got it! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-100.wav|The fuck is he doing? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-213.wav|I can't believe the pig is stroking him again... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-224.wav|Fts can't get enough of that dick... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD HANGED MAN BULLET-342.wav|Fuck are you looking at bino-man? You wanna piece of the Cuno? Wanna get fucked? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-6.wav|Just kidding, piggo,. The boo-boo wagon took the binoclard away. He's probably gonna live. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-8.wav|To the hospital, fucktard. Try to keep up with Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-11.wav|Cuno just told you your friend is dead! And you're crying about pain? That doesn't seem right to Cuno.. The binoclard was alright, he didn't deserve that shit... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-12.wav|Nah, Cuno's just lying to you. The fucking boo-boo wagon took four-eyes away. He's probably gonna live. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-16.wav|They say you burned half the city down. Thousands dead. That's very cool to Cuno. I thought I'd stick around. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-20.wav|They say you shot that fucker in the face. That's fucking cool to Cuno.. So I thought I'd stick around. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-21.wav|They say you got a lot of people killed. Like half the town. They say you didn't do shit.. I guess that's cool, so I thought I'd stick around. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-25.wav|Nah... Cuno's just off speed for a few days... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-26.wav|Being off speed makes Cuno sad. Makes Cuno think about shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-27.wav|Now's not the time to shit the bed, pig.. C'mon, baconman, Cuno's gonna help you hold your shit in. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-29.wav|Sure, Cuno's gonna help you with that. Cuno's in a giving mood right now. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-38.wav|Babybeard was in here. Was probably a bitch to clean this shit up... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-41.wav|You tore some shit up there, pig.. Got shot too. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-49.wav|Pretty fucking bad, Cuno thinks.. But you're one lucky pig. The doc took the bullet out and said you'll live. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-50.wav|Cuno thinks you got shot twice. In the shoulder and in the leg. The leg's pretty fucking nasty, but a doctor looked you over and took the bullet out. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-51.wav|How would Cuno know? Cuno's not a fucking doctor. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-52.wav|Pretty fucking bad, Cuno thinks.. But you're one lucky pig. The doc took the bullet out and said you'll live. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-54.wav|You got shot in the shoulder too, but luckily you were wearing that fancy teapot and it took the hit for you. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-55.wav|The shoulder's fine, probably... The doc didn't seem too worried about it, said the bullet went right through. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-57.wav|Are your legs attached to Cuno? Can the Cuno move your legs? The fuck should I know... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-73.wav|That's pretty cool to Cuno. Cuno's also a psycho. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-75.wav|You keep asking all this weird shit from Cuno that the Cuno has no way of knowing about. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-83.wav|Yeah... Some cunt from your station came over and knife fucked you, when you were sleeping. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-85.wav|It's cool.. Just remember, Cuno doesn't save shit for free. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-86.wav|Some doctor your pig friends sent over. Nix Fucklieb, I think. Total cunt.. Came in here and knife fucked you, when you where sleeping. Then fucked off and told me to phone him if you shit yourself. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-88.wav|Why in the name of fuck would Cuno be hurt? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-89.wav|Cuno's fucking smart, Cuno wasn't in that fuck-pile. Cuno knows when shit goes south, unlike you. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-95.wav|Cuno can see you're trying to shit him, but Cuno's unshittable, so fuck does Cuno care? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-96.wav|Cuno's got zero patience for this weepy shit. Cuno's been through way worse than this. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-97.wav|So how is it? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-99.wav|Go easy, pig. You wanna lean on the Cuno or something? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-103.wav|Yeah... you got lucky there, pig. Maybe now Cuno can show you what real brutal hard music is. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-115.wav|Nix Fucklieb, I think he was called,. Said he was a doctor. Then fucked off and told me to phone him if you shit yourself. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-116.wav|Two days,. Cuno's been out longer, sleepin' off the speed train. Two days is nothing. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-120.wav|Yeah, it was a fucking massacre,. You and Cuno are the only ones left here. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-128.wav|Titus died,. Some of his goons too. The whole fucking harbour is in lockdown right now. Even Cuno can't get in. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-129.wav|Some of those Union goons got fucked,. Now the whole harbour is in lockdown. Even Cuno can't get in there. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-139.wav|No.. She was dead when the Union doctor arrived. Cuno saw them put her in a bag. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-142.wav|No problem. Cuno shares the info. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-144.wav|She's gone, pig. Cuno saw her take off before you started all that violent shit. Had a suitcase and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-150.wav|Yeah, that's what Cuno said. No one goes in or out. Shit's paranoid now. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-151.wav|Rich bitch? Yeah, probably. Boat's gone. Cuno'd be fucking fine too if Cuno had a boat... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-152.wav|The big fuckhole?. Yeah, he's drinking downstairs. Cuno's not into that. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-155.wav|The fuck you askin' Cuno for?. How would Cuno know? Cuno's fucking twelve! |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-158.wav|Tough shit, pig.. All Cuno knows is the harbour is in lockdown, town's fucked now. Half the Hardie bitches are dead and even your company bitch left. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-159.wav|Oh really?. You can't get to that fat fuck Evrart anymore, 'cause the harbour's locked down. Half the Hardie bitches are dead and your company bitch sailed off. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-160.wav|Cuno thinks you're fucked,. But I can help you. What'cha got? Bounce that shit off Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-162.wav|Yeah? What? What bells? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-168.wav|Yeah? What? What bells? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-172.wav|Sure, pig. Sure.. You better have more than some fuckin' roses if you wanna bust this. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-176.wav|Yeah that sounds real to Cuno. Forensics-shit. True crime shit.. Let's check out some crime scenes and assess shit. Pig-style! Anything else? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-177.wav|Huh?. That could've been there for years. Cuno thinks it's a dead end. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-178.wav|There are fuckin' footprints everywhere, pig. Pigs are too into this footprints shit.... Cuno just saw footprints outside on the sidewalk. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-188.wav|Yeah, like what? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-190.wav|So... you're gonna go after this Communism, or you wanna bounce something else off the Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-203.wav|Shit.... Playing the Cuno like that... You better have something else for me. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-204.wav|Is that like a fucking street name or something?. It's pretty cool to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-205.wav|C'mon, pig.... Thoughts didn't kill Cuno's gimp. It was a person. Even Cuno can figure this shit out. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-209.wav|You're starting to lose the Cuno.. Sounds like you ain't got shit to go by here. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-210.wav|Miracle? Shit... What is this weak shit? You gotta watch your own back, miracles don't fuckin' happen in Martinaise. Get real. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-214.wav|Will-pig.. You ready to walk, will-pig? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-216.wav|Fuck off, Cuno's not into this old man piss-drinker shit.. You ready to walk now? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-217.wav|What, you mute now? Are you ready to walk? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-219.wav|So, listen, pig.... Cuno's been thinkin' about shit and, uh... Cuno's coming with you. Help you wrap this shit up. Final-style. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-226.wav|Fuck, pig.... Cuno doesn't know about this flower shit. Cuno's not feelin' it. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-228.wav|Shit, pig... You better have some more shit than fuckin' roses or something. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-232.wav|Shit ain't nothing to Cuno,. What now? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-239.wav|This scene is dead.. Cuno's outta here, might as well be a pig, big-up fucky-fingers on my way out. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-255.wav|Accepted the Cuno like a motherfucker.... What are we gonna do now? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-256.wav|Thanks, pig.. Now get your crippled ass up and tell Cuno, what are we gonna do now? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-265.wav|Yeah, debrief Cuno. Let Cuno know the plan. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-266.wav|That sounds like a hella shit plan. You askin' Cuno to come along to your shit-show and you don't even know what to do? Fuckin' check your pig journal or something. C'mon... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-267.wav|Bitch next door? That's what Cuno's thinking too,. Good call. Let's rock it, pig-man. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-275.wav|That's Klaasje, right? Bitch next door? Cuno's thinking the same thing,. Let's rock it, pig-man. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-282.wav|Final-style,. You fucked everything up. Now Cuno's all you got. Terminal Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-284.wav|What?. You don't believe the Cuno? You don't believe the Cuno knows this shit? Fuck you, Cuno keeps tabs. Bitch is outta town. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-293.wav|Yeah, fuckin' babybeard. Cleaned all your shit up. He's like your fuckin' mom now or something. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-294.wav|Two days is nothing to the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-296.wav|Yeah, fuckin' dead. Died in the hospital, I hear. Union's all weepy and shit.... It's probably your fault. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-302.wav|Yeah, she's way gone pig. Cuno's been here for two days and babybeard and you are the only fucks in the building. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-304.wav|Was nothin'.. Cuno's gonna go into a bag too. We all are. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-314.wav|Walls are full of holes in here, pig. Even Cuno knows that. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-315.wav|You want Cuno to be your yes-man, or you want me to tell it like it is? Walls are full of holes here, pig. Even Cuno knows that. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-334.wav|You askin' Cuno to come along to your shit-show and you don't even know what to do? Fuckin' check your pig journal or something. C'mon... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-340.wav|Don't get all hung up on that yesterday's shit, piggo,. That was then, this is now. Cuno's all about being in the moment. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-344.wav|Listen-listen, Cuno's just big like that. Doesn't need that bitch-ass melodrama. Cuno fires and forgets. Cuno forgives and moves on. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-346.wav|Yeah, Cuno's letting you off the hook, piggo.. It's a one time boon, from Cunn to pig. The next time you're a dead man. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 CUNO WAKEUP-348.wav|Yeah, that's what Cuno's fuckin' saying, piggo. He's letting you off the hook.. A one time boon, from Cunn to pig. There won't be a next one. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-53.wav|'The Child', 'Dom's Unfinished', 'Dom's Unfinished 2', 'The Man With the Hole in His Head'... Boring ass shit, |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-55.wav|Oh... 'Motorcycle Emptiness', that's a cool case. Cuno can solve that shit for the bino. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-58.wav|Pig.... It's cool for Cuno to rip on the 'clard, but he took a bullet for you. You gonna shitmouth Cuno too if he falls in battle? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-59.wav|No one tells Cuno what to call something, but the bino was alright in Cuno's book.. Cuno's pig. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-63.wav|Now, let's get a move on, pig. Cuno's itching to crack this case. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-64.wav|That's cold, Pig. Sub-zero. Cuno ain't like that. Cuno's got heart.. You're done with these or...? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KIM PAPERWORK-65.wav|For you, maybe,. But take it from the Cunn: Binos don't always get that. They get their feelings hurt. Cuno doesn't want this for your pal. He's alright in Cuno's book. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KLAASJE'S NOTE-37.wav|Yeah-yeah.. Fugitive on the run shit. Cuno's seen this shit before. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KLAASJE'S NOTE-38.wav|A trap, probably.. But don't sweat it. You got the Cuno spotting you. Let's go in. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 KLAASJE'S NOTE-43.wav|A gift, huh... ?. That's fucking suspicious to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-194.wav|You killed half the town,. Remember? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-202.wav|Those guys are what Cuno calls the fg army,. They think they're a big deal around here. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-206.wav|Situation defused, |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-211.wav|Careful. Looks like we got a situation here. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 TITUS ALAIN AND EUGENE-254.wav|We don't have time for that grief shit,. Cunn and Pig are gunning it. We got a case to solve. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-93.wav|Oh no.... You fly solo on this one. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-111.wav|Those guys have been going around town,. Crying about their new asshole. Cuno can't handle this emotional shit when he's off the lightning. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-126.wav|What a fucking pussy... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EUGENE AND ALAIN-160.wav|Hear that, detective Pig? You're a fuckin' hero now. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-2.wav|Fucking island is spooky as fuck. Cuno never liked it here. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-3.wav|Cuno is present on the scene. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-4.wav|Talk to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-5.wav|A fucking giant stick insect... |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-6.wav|Cuno's a pig now. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-7.wav|Shoot,. Cuno knows this shithole better than anyone. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-8.wav|Uh.... Well you know, pig... Shit's fucked. And like... Cuno's got no time for this small time shit. Cuno's got enterprises to run. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-9.wav|What do you mean, what's going on? This is good shit.. You wouldn't believe the crap Cuno's getting from the trucks. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-11.wav|Cuno used to hang there sometimes. It's a real shit-hole. Everyone is old or a fucking drunk or dead, except... |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-13.wav|Yeah, pig... yeah.. It's a... seafort. For... It's for defence, pig. Don't bore Cuno with this historic shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-15.wav|It's Cuno's, |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-25.wav|Oh, pig.... Cuno's done with that shit. Cuno's a pig now. Living the pig-life. That reaver shit's behind him. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-27.wav|Wha-what?!. Are you fucking crazy, pig?! Cuno doesn't give two shits about that bird. Why do you even...? |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-31.wav|You know... break shit, throw shit into the sea, throw shit into the windows, throw shit at the seagulls. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-38.wav|Yeah, yeah.... Of course Cuno's been there, but that was a long time ago and I was fucked. Been on the train for fucking days. Can't remember shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-41.wav|You bet, pig!. Cuno lives the life to the max. Lives every day to the mega. Cuno's in the moment like that. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-52.wav|Cuno ain't spoiling this shit for you.. You gotta climb in there yourself and check it out. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-54.wav|Goddamnit.... Cuno can't believe you're making up shit about him. This needs to stop. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-56.wav|If you know that history buff shit, then why are you fucking Cuno with this?. Cuno's a pig now. Has important shit on his mind. Pig shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-57.wav|Cuno's been everywhere, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-64.wav|Cuno had some business ventures set up in the neighbourhood. Had money coming in... But not anymore.. Cuno's a straight-ass pig now. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-65.wav|Cool place. Lot's of shit to do there. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-66.wav|Except nothing.. That shit is behind Cuno. Keep your nose out of it. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-74.wav|Cuno doesn't want to talk about this shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-75.wav|That toxic shit's behind Cuno now. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-78.wav|Here pig, we both FALN now. Performance Pigs. Let's try not to shit ourselves. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-81.wav|Oh fuck, he's practically dyin' to big up how he did it. Just get him to cough it up. Cuno's got your back. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-89.wav|Okay, so, we've got the old fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-96.wav|Yes, Cuno can see that. You got this. Think of like.... ... what other shit he's done too. Cuno can tell he's a killer. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-98.wav|Good.. I think it's going really fucking well.. Just cut it with the punching shit, alright? Makes us look like we got nothing. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-99.wav|He's into some ancient warrior shit. Hate shit. Pressure cook him. Push it on him, like, motive shit. Pig style. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-108.wav|Well. There's the gun,. Why you still haven't picked it up and used it against him is beyond Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-112.wav|Cuno's in the game. Let's fucking do this, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-118.wav|Also, the gun.. Why you still haven't picked it up and used it against him is beyond Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-119.wav|Yeah, Cuno can see that,. So can fuckin' murderoonie here. You should stop, it's weird as fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-122.wav|Tell 'em Cuno sent you. They'll know what it means. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-123.wav|Ah, Cuno's not into that hallucinogenic shit, that's for pussies. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-125.wav|If you wanna take a real blasto, go down the coast to the old church, where the speedfreaks hang. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-129.wav|You gotta hit Magnesolam, when you get off the train, pig. I always hit it to get the mag back. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-130.wav|Totally, pig. Cuno's in the same shit every time he's coming off speed.. You need to medicate that shit. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-137.wav|Whose side's Cuno on?!. Cuno's on fucking Cuno's side, pig! This is beneath the Cuno. Don't talk to me about this playground bullshit. You're getting shit in Cuno's head. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-150.wav|Well I don't,. Cuno's got no time for this shit. He's a pig now. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-153.wav|You fuckin' better, pig!. We're partners now. You got to be professional with the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-154.wav|What fucking secret?! You gotta stop this shit with me!. Cuno's a pig. We're partners now. You got to be professional with the Cuno. Talk sense to him. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-155.wav|She's okay,. I mean... With all the fucking drunks and relics around, she's like the only one who isn't a walking shit hole. She's okay. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-158.wav|Yeah? |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-182.wav|We never did that ballistics shit here.. Let's check out where he shot my gimp. You should know that shit, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-184.wav|We can take another look in the mini-tower, where the bed was.. Let's check out where he shot my gimp. Ballistics shit. You should know that, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-188.wav|Cuno's in the game. Let's fucking do this, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-195.wav|Locust city?. Cuno dropped that art shit coz Cuno's fucking poor and has shit for brains. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-197.wav|You better not make Cuno fucking cry about his art-shit, okay? Change the subject, Cuno doesn't do that shit no more. Fuck that shit, fuck everything. |
wavs/Cuno-PARTY CUNO MAIN-203.wav|Makes you proud to be a pig,. Oink oink. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-55.wav|I mapped the place out and uh... it looks like both of us aren't gonna make it. This is death island. The hell maw. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-57.wav|I don't know. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-60.wav|Yes... finally. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-62.wav|Maybe Cuno's just pessimistic because of the massive speed hangover. I did scout the place out. I can fill you in. |
wavs/Cuno-VILLAGE BOAT-63.wav|Good. You made it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNOESSE-41.wav|What's going on there? Fuck are you trying to pull, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNOESSE-42.wav|Get the fuck out of her face! You got something, talk to me! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNOESSE-46.wav|Don't be traumatizing her. Get the fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-4.wav|Alright.. Entertain the Cuno! Show me whatcha got. Whatcha got there? Whatcha got, huh?! Show me whatcha got! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-13.wav|Cuno doesn't fucking care. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-14.wav|Fuck does Cuno care? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-24.wav|Fts love it in the dick. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-26.wav|Shoot that shit at Cuno, piggonaut. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-27.wav|Cuno's got this. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-31.wav|Ft shit himself. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-33.wav|The fuck does Cuno know what a rake is. Cuno's not a gardener. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-42.wav|You missed a good show before. A kipt came by and completely fucked the tree to pieces. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-47.wav|Yeah, like a fucking volcano!. Fucking pathetic. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-52.wav|Wish Cuno could,. That shit was vile. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-53.wav|Or what? You'll fucking vomit on Cuno too, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-54.wav|What are you... like, eighty, right? Maybe you should stop embarrassing yourself in front of a fucking kid. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-55.wav|Yeah, Cuno's got some advice for you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-60.wav|Cuno cares now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-66.wav|What?! You wanna fuck Cuno now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-68.wav|Can't talk, pig. Shit's coming up strong. Throwing rocks. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-75.wav|Cuno's riding it, C. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-77.wav|Can't you see I'm throwing rocks?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-78.wav|So you tried to kill Cuno's girl... What's up with that? You wanna talk about it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-79.wav|Everyone says you started crying in the middle of a firefight and then bled like a pig.. I guess that was cool. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-80.wav|Cuno saw you wield that can,. Sweet graffito action, pig. Cuno likes that delinquent shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-81.wav|Necromancer pig,. That shit was dark... going in there like that... brutal shit. Tell me: |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-82.wav|Cuno's like Cuno's dad, Cuno doesn't give a fuck about anything. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-89.wav|That's it?! That's all you've got, Noooooo? Got your ass handed to you by the Cuno?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-90.wav|What's the matter? Cuno's got you cornered? Nothing to say? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-92.wav|Fuck no! Cuno doesn't buy that shit. Fucking entrapment shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-106.wav|You're still a dink,. Now what's your case with Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-108.wav|Cuno's pa is. You're just shit at life,. Now what's your case with Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-109.wav|Fuck no! Art's shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-115.wav|That's right, pig.. Shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-121.wav|People. They say you kind of died for a moment. That you let your shit out already, but then came back. So I guess that's what's cool now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-123.wav|Cool, cool, cool.. That's very cool to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-129.wav|Do this shit again and Cuno's gonna climb in your room at night, with a knife. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-132.wav|No one's moving anywhere. Do this shit again and Cuno's gonna climb in your room at night, with a knife. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-140.wav|Fuck no, Cuno still doesn't give a shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-152.wav|Who's the man now, huh? Cuno's the man!. You wouldn't believe the pussy Cuno tears up. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-153.wav|Nothing, C, nothing.. Just slicing some bacon. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-199.wav|Shit, pig.... You got torn up bad there. Bled like a... like a fucking pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-203.wav|Cuno hopes you learned your lesson and Cuno doesn't have to send his guys after you again.. Now, what do you want from Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-207.wav|The fuck are you talking about? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-218.wav|Cuno dies, you're gonna pick one out of his brain like that too? Cuno's gonna go out in a hail of bullets. Gonna look like a fucking porcupine. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-220.wav|Yeah... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-222.wav|Pigs... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-225.wav|You're such a bummer, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-235.wav|Cuno knows which kipt Cuno meant. Cuno knows all the kipts. Cuno's dad's a kipt-expert, says kipt every day! A hundred times a day!! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-243.wav|Watch out, pig. It's a dangerous world out there. But Cuno's got his eyes on you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-245.wav|Who knows?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-260.wav|Here, pig. We FALN now. Performance buddies. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-261.wav|Cuno can already see you soaring through the air like a fucking eagle.. Pig's in Cuno's debt now. Money-debt. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-266.wav|So?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-271.wav|Yeah, so?. Cuno did sic the pigs on him. Cuno's a man of his word. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-274.wav|Uh... fuck... okay. Cuno's a giver like that, yes. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-275.wav|Uh... North Jamrock,. Cuno meant everything north of 8/81. The rooster fucked Cuno's words up. Cuno doesn't do South. Doesn't fuck with the Madre. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-276.wav|Uh what?. Don't be playin' Cuno off as a snitch-bitch. The oldest trick in the book, people! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-278.wav|This is some ancient bullshit, people!. Cuno would rather take ten than snitch! Pig's full of shit! Get the fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-286.wav|Look, pig.... Cuno sent you to rough some people up. Cuno played you. That happened. Now you and Cuno should move on. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-292.wav|Yeah, that's what Cuno said. Don't be saying what Cuno said back to Cuno.. Get the fuck out of here, parroting Cuno... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-293.wav|You got fucked.. You got fucked, pig. Fucked bad. Of course you're gonna remember this. Now get the fuck out of here, griefin' the Cuno... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-294.wav|What is this, tryin'a be cool with your new asshole? Cuno was just being nice to you.. You got fucked bad. Now limp the fuck out of here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-296.wav|After this shit you better have something real interesting to say if you wanna stay in Cuno's face. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-300.wav|Just don't think coz you got half your dick shot off, and you're an invalid now, Cuno's gonna treat you different. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-301.wav|Cuno doesn't reward weakness,. It's business as usual with Cuno. Cuno's cold like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-303.wav|It's not art, it's fucking brutal. Nothing pussy about it! The fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-305.wav|Look bitches, Cuno's gonna wrap it up for you.. Talk business or fuck off. Enough 'bout this art shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-315.wav|Cuno wants to like reckless shit.... But then you almost kill Cuno's girl. Cuno's conflicted and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-316.wav|Stop bending Cuno's mind and stop waving your gun around kids. What the fuck is wrong with you? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-321.wav|Whatcha fuckin' noddin' at there, 'clard?! Cuno sees that shit.. Let's just talk shit, Cuno needs to calm down. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-324.wav|Cuno knows where you sleep, the pig who fucked his window up. I'm gonna climb in through that balcony, put the fucking knife in you... yeah,. I've been in your room. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-325.wav|But you and Cuno are good for now. Pals. Shoot that shit at Cuno, let's have a jolly time. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-334.wav|Okay. The fuck do you want from Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-338.wav|One word out of you, pigshit, and you're locked out of the Cuno experience forever, you hear me? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-342.wav|You and Cuno are fucking done. Get the fuck out of Cuno's sight. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-344.wav|Aaaaaand you're back in business with the Cuno. Now what is it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-348.wav|Can't tell Cuno what words to use. Fucking kipt. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-351.wav|Fuck you, Cuno says kipt if he wants to. Cuno's dad says kipt all the time. Kipt's a cool word. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-354.wav|... kipt kipt kipt.. Alright, shut it down, C, the Cunn has business to do. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-356.wav|Yeah, kipt's a cool word. Cool men say kipt. Cuno's dad says it all the time, they say kipt on the radio. Cops say kipt. Even kipts say kipt. Cuno's cool. Cuno's a kipt. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-358.wav|Now lay that shit at Cuno.. You got your fuck bag down from the tree, fuck more do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-359.wav|Kh...ff... Cuno's not fucking choking. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-366.wav|Cuno's back to full power now, he doesn't give a shit about kipts and retards.. Let's talk normal shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-368.wav|Fuck did you want anyway, you got your fuckbag down? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-372.wav|Yes, yes, Cuno wants a normal conversation!. Ask normal shit please. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-373.wav|Like fuck you did.... Cuno's gonna keep saying kipt forever now. Kipt, kipt, kih.. cough. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-374.wav|Shit.... The fuck did you want anyway? You got your fuckbag down, now let's talk normal shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-376.wav|Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit about anything. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-379.wav|Yeah, the fuck did you want anyway? You got your fuckbag down. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-381.wav|What is this shit?. Talk normal to Cuno. You got your fuckbag down. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-403.wav|Cuno's cruising his bitch on the town and the bitch comes back griefin' to the Cuno? What is up with that? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-406.wav|Pig.... Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-415.wav|Cuno gives you hot fucking leads... snitch-bitch style, and you come back griefin' the Cuno? The fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-433.wav|You're dreamin' pig. That's not how this shit works. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-443.wav|What, bitch?! You fuckin' making EXCUSES for yourself now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-470.wav|That was before you took a bullet to the dick,. Now it's back to business with Cuno. Cuno's adult like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-475.wav|Cuno is the Big C, pig, and Cuno doesn't have fucking diaper rats, does he? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-479.wav|Write Cuno down as a FUCK YOU, pencil pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-481.wav|Cuno isn't a fucking communist, bacon man, he's a fucking Cunoist. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO-483.wav|Fuck out of here with your commie propaganda. There's only Cunoganda in the Kingdom of Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-2.wav|Cuno's Cuno, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-6.wav|Cuno doesn't do that smart shit.. Don't throw that book shit at Cuno. Cuno knows you're lying. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-8.wav|Stay the fuck away from Cuno! You smell like bum shit!. Cuno's not a bum. Cuno doesn't touch that shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-9.wav|You fucking with Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-10.wav|That's right. Just fuck off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-11.wav|Really? Shit... let Cuno sample it then, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-12.wav|Fucker! Cuno ain't buying that entrapment shit. Takin' kilo from the pigs... what, you think Cuno's green shit? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-19.wav|Too late, pig! Thanks. I... fucking thanks! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-30.wav|Yeah? How are you going to make it up to Cuno, pigshit? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-31.wav|Oh, so that's what this is about. You need a snitch-bitch. You need Cuno --. , to be your sweaty little snitch bitch. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-47.wav|You don't fucking matter, book-gimp! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-48.wav|You need to rethink your tribute to Cuno. Cuno's not taking the cage just because you fucked yourself in the face! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-49.wav|Ease off, C!. Thanks, pig, we're cool now. You punching yourself in the face worked out real good for everyone. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-54.wav|Reminisce with Cuno: first you try to fiddle this, then you punch yourself in the face? What was up with that? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-60.wav|You can pay tribute to Cuno with drugs. Or cigarettes... or some wheels. Cuno could use some wheels. Motorized carriage shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-61.wav|You better come up with a way to make Cuno forget you tried to fucking hit him, piggo. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-62.wav|We're cool now. But don't be pulling this shit on Cuno, or Cuno's gonna have to beat the shit out of you, again. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-64.wav|How are you gonna make Cuno forget that shit, huh? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-65.wav|Okay, porkson.... Tar keeps Cuno sharp, helps Cuno think. Cuno likes that brain-boost shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-72.wav|Class-A fucker.... Blind fucks are always ruining it for everybody. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-74.wav|You can pay tribute to Cuno with drugs or cigarettes.... Gets Cuno to like you again... Some giant-ass wheels would be nice too. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-97.wav|Okay, porkson.... Tar keeps Cuno sharp, helps Cuno think. Cuno likes that brain-boost shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-100.wav|Back off, fuck-eyes. Cuno is a man.. Cuno can smoke if he wants. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-102.wav|MAN! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-105.wav|Fuck you too, piggo! Fuck you and your four eyed friend!. Thought you wanted to make this right with Cuno... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-110.wav|Cuno's Cuno!. You already know that, slow-shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-115.wav|Cuno thinks you have brain damage or some shit.. Cuno cares. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-116.wav|Ease off, C. Don't be telling Cuno what Cuno can do!. What else you want, pigman? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-122.wav|The fuck are you calling a third person?! Cuno's the fucking FIRST person. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-129.wav|Help! He's digging his dick out!!! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-133.wav|Yeah, Cuno's in a fucking gang. In a bang gang. Cuno bangs for Madre, bangs for the Mazda, bangs for Revachol... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-134.wav|Yeah!. Think about it. Think about that rabid Cuno shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-138.wav|Trying to get Cuno hooked on the book... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-140.wav|Yeah, get out of here before the Cuno beats the shit out of you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-142.wav|Baaang! Got fucked by the Cuno.. We alright. You wanna get fucked again, come back. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-152.wav|Everybody! PLEASE!!! He's digging his dick out!!! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-170.wav|No one,. Cuno's doing this because he likes it, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-176.wav|You did this to yourself, when you antagonized the Cuno.. POLICE VIOLENCE! RAPE!!! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-178.wav|NOOOO!!!. Get off Cuno, you sick fat fuck! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-185.wav|Listen to your ft friend. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-193.wav|Help, people!. The RCM is trying to fuck Cuno in the ass! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-194.wav|Cuno owns the fatass,. Help, the RCM is trying to FUCK Cuno! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-197.wav|HELP!. The RCM is trying to fuck us! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-198.wav|Help, the RCM is trying to fuck Cuno in the ass! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-201.wav|Help, misters! HELP! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-204.wav|He's flashing Cuno, he's showing his genitals! If you don't help Cuno now it will be too late! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-221.wav|Fucking logical?. HELP! The logical pig is fiddling Cuno! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-228.wav|Okay, pig... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-236.wav|Phe... whht... fuuh... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-241.wav|Cuno knows to respect that violent shit. You should see Cuno's dad, Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit about anything, |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-247.wav|Okay, pig. Talk to Cuno. We're back in this shit.. The fuck do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-248.wav|Cuno can't believe this shit!. Can no one stop the Cuno?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-249.wav|Cuno's just gonna beat the shit out of you again. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-254.wav|Cuno beat the shit out of popo!. Beat your fucking knee off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-302.wav|That's what you get if you fuck with the Cuno. You get fucked up. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-305.wav|Cuno made you his fuck-gimp! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-310.wav|Pig, Cuno thought you had this. What happened? Cuno can do anything now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-315.wav|Pig's tryin' not to cry. Cuno can't believe this shit!. Can no one stop the Cuno?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-316.wav|Pig's biting down on his knuckles. Cuno can't believe this shit!. Can no one stop the Cuno?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-321.wav|Yeah, you deserve this. Trying to show your dick to Cuno. Cuno was scared. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-327.wav|Look, fg... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-331.wav|Look, fg... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-332.wav|I know you wanted to hit me.... You got that 'I'm gonna fuck that Cuno up' look that Cuno's dad gets. The murder look... the rage look... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-337.wav|It's good you said that, here it is! Here we go... Cuno likes this... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-347.wav|I know what you thought: 'I'm gonna fuck that Cuno up, I'm gonna shut that shit down...' You know what? You should've, because now... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-349.wav|You're NOTHING! You're a joke to Cuno. Cuno LAUGHS at you!. KING CUNO! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-360.wav|I can.. Cuno can smell that violence shit. I know what you were thinking... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-361.wav|'I'm gonna fuck that Cuno up. I'm gonna shut his shit down...' You know what? You should have hit the Cuno, because NOW... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-376.wav|Okay, Cuno is kind to his bitch. Ask your questions, but remember.. This changes shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-379.wav|Oh no, you pussied out again. Shouldn't have done that, Cuno's gonna bitch you out now. Cuno's gonna sub let you... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-380.wav|Pass you around like Candy, fat boy! Pass your fat ass AROUND!. KING CUNO! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-381.wav|Don't listen to the blind fuck, piggo, you're doing the right thing here, trying to get Cuno to like you again. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-387.wav|Look, C, it's the fucking war-pig! Try not to knock yourself out, ft! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-388.wav|Have you come to make your offering to Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-397.wav|Whoah-whoah!. What's this psycho shit? You gonna pretend like nothing happened? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-399.wav|Cool what? What the fuck is wrong with you? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-401.wav|You lost your shit in the booth, tried to beat a confession out of Cuno... and pissed yourself? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-403.wav|What, do you think Cuno's fucking eighty years old? Tryin'a bring me bum juice... make the Cuno paranoid! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-407.wav|Just because you get high off that shit doesn't mean Cuno has to fuck himself with that fermented,. piss and shit mix. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-408.wav|Tryin'a get a get a twelve year old hooked on the shit-shake... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-418.wav|Oh, Cuno knows. Cuno knows shit,. Expensive shit. Mysterious shit. Killer shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-431.wav|Not this dreamer shit again.... Why do Cuno's bitches always try and bring Cuno that lame sha-la-la-la-bang shit? Cuno's not a fucking witch doctor! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-432.wav|No, I didn't.... It's fucking Cuno. Say it right, bitch, say it like it's said. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-435.wav|Anyway.. Cuno doesn't do that radioactive shit. Makes Cuno's dick fall off. Cuno's got a huge dick. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-441.wav|Bitches slapping each other, fighting for Cuno's attention. Cuno likes this pole dancing shit, but it's not good enough. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-442.wav|What a fucking pooper.... Bitch doesn't have the pump for it. Old bitch, pump's bust. Cuno has the pump for it. Cuno has a giant pump. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-459.wav|Uh... Cuno doesn't fucking read!. Fucking book shit, fucks with your mind... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-460.wav|Cuno knows this four-eyed fuck, totally hooked on the book, can't get enough of this shit. Fucking sad really... Cuno could make mad money off him, exploit his disease. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-462.wav|A guy Cuno knows!. Martin. From out of town. From Graad or some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-467.wav|Fine... Cuno's gonna take it off your fat ass. At least he's gonna make some paper off this shit.... Now, what do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-471.wav|Fine... Cuno's gonna take it off your fat ass. At least he's gonna make some paper off this shit.... Now, what do you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-472.wav|The fuck do you know what Cuno wants or knows, huh?. Shove that book-hook in your fat ass and find something worthy to bring to the Cuno! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO WHO IS CUNO-474.wav|Shove that shit in your fat ass and stop wasting Cuno's time if you ain't got anything to offer to the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-2.wav|Shitload, pig, what's your question? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-3.wav|You're testing Cuno's patience here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-20.wav|Just a lone pig trying to sugar-talk some kids. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-23.wav|Probably climbed? Cuno was busy down the road when that shit went down. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-24.wav|Told you, pig bacon. Cuno doesn't do regional. Cuno's been to places you wouldn't dream of. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-26.wav|You heard Cuno, Cuno wasn't even in Martinaise. Cuno wasn't in Revachol.. Cuno wasn't regional. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-30.wav|Just a couple of pigs sniffing around in the dirt. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-44.wav|I don't know, some fucking... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-45.wav|Mesque, or... or I don't know. Some other place... Night City! Cuno was in fucking Night City. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-49.wav|Why you gotta be riding Cuno's ass? You haven't been where Cuno's been. You haven't been in Cuno's head. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-51.wav|You wanna know where Cuno was? You wanna know what Cuno's been fucking up to? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-53.wav|It's not fucking lame! Cuno's building Cuno's city, Night City, Rage City, the City of Rage. That's it. And it's not lame! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-60.wav|That's the name of Cuno's city, bitch! Get the fuck off Cuno's back. This shit ain't about that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-66.wav|Fuck are you talking about? What is this con-tush-on shit? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-70.wav|Oh, did Cuno make your shit-sniffing harder? Obstruction of shit-sniffing?. This is Cuno's Kingdom. Cuno fucking rules here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-94.wav|Words are fucking shit, make you stupid!. Cuno's got his own words now, Cuno-words. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-104.wav|That's the past, pig. Cuno's not there anymore. Cuno did his time.. Now ask about that pig corpse shit and don't go sniffing into Cuno's past! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-107.wav|Cuno doesn't give a shit about your handicap. Get a wheelchair or something. Cuno doesn't care. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-111.wav|Cuno's fuck-gimp.. Cuno uses the fuck-gimp for target practice. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-118.wav|Cuno knows all kinds of shit. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all.. Tryin'a make the Cuno sing into the popophone... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-119.wav|Cuno knows what you meant. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all.. Tryin'a make Cuno sing into the popophone... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-121.wav|Cuno knows shit. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all.. Tryin'a make Cuno sing into the popophone... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-127.wav|Yeah it's fucking okay!. Gotta have a gimp for rock practice... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-132.wav|Yeah? Cuno didn't smoke him, if that's what you mean. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-138.wav|Cuno gives this info out on a need-to-know basis. And you don't need to know.. Cuno didn't smoke the gimp, if that's what you meant. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-142.wav|Get the fuck out of here, calling Cuno stupid? Pigs come to Cuno for guidance, then say he's stupid? The fuck is up with that? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-145.wav|Why don't you figure your shit out yourself, before you come to Detective Cuno for help? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-152.wav|Cuno's fuck-gimp's got one big thing wrong with him. He's a fucking mutant. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-152-0.wav|That fuck-gimp had one thing majorly wrong with him, he's a fucking mutant. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-153.wav|Shoot that shit at Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-156.wav|Cuno doesn't give a shit about the armour. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-158.wav|Look at him!. Fucking growth hormone shit. He's a giant. The armour's too big for any man. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-160.wav|Cuno doesn't give a shit about that freak armour. Cuno threw that shit away. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-166.wav|Get the fuck out of here, tryin'a fuck on me with that midget shit? Cuno's twelve! He's huge! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-167.wav|What are you... fucking eighty? When Cuno's eighty, Cuno can fit four of you in Cuno! Fuck outta here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-170.wav|Cuno tried to get the helmet on. It was too big. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-171.wav|Cuno kicked that shit in the sea. Rugby style. That shit means nothing to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-172.wav|Yeah, that shit means nothing to Cuno,. Cuno doesn't give a shit about material shit. Cuno's a fucking monk! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-173.wav|You wanna fuck on someone 'bout that armour? Go fuck the moustached Union fuck, the jolly troubadour shit at the gates. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-174.wav|Yeah, Cock-in-Boots. You know that jolly Union cow fucker? Came around talking about cows or some shit. Came around pretendin' like he cares about cows. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-184.wav|So yeah, he's the one you wanna talk to. He's fucking crazy about that armour shit. Coming here, pretending like he likes cows, tryin'a catch a peep at Cuno's armour... Go to the gates, ask him yourself. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-189.wav|Yeah, he's the one you wanna talk to. He's fucking crazy about that armour shit. Coming here, pretending like he likes cows, tryin'a catch a peep at Cuno's armour. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-196.wav|Yeah, Cuno's doing charity today. Cuno Day. Cuno feels sorry for you two loser-pigs. Cuno's doing pity now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-203.wav|Yeah, Cuno's doing charity today. Cuno Day. Cuno feels sorry for you, loser-pig. Cuno's doing pity now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-206.wav|The fuck about it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-207.wav|Fucking Mesque, or I don't know. Some other place... Night City! Cuno was in fucking Night City. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-211.wav|Do you remember how he looked?! Fucking growth hormone shit. He's a giant. The armour's too big for any man. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-215.wav|Cuno doesn't give a shit about that freak armour. Cuno threw that shit away. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BODY-222.wav|Remember Night City, pig fuck? Cuno was in fucking Night City getting shit done. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-6.wav|You gotta get in that shit.. In there deep. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-7.wav|Whatever, don't fuck back at the Cuno.. You gotta get in that shit. In there deep. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-10.wav|And you didn't notice the fucking ice bear fridge?. Pig, you need a new pair of eyes. This is fucking embarrassing. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-11.wav|You didn't hear it from Cuno, pig.. But don't forget where you heard it from. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-13.wav|Cuno knows all kinds of shit. Cuno gets around. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-15.wav|Listen to Cuno, always check the basement.. Cuno always checks basements. Deep style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-16.wav|There's a giant fridge down there. Fuck-gimp will fit, no problem.. It looks like a white bear or some shit. Try not to piss yourself when you see it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-18.wav|All right. Cuno hears you. See that shit house over there? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-19.wav|The fuck are you doing right now?. The fuck is this shit?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-20.wav|Cuno's clock's not doing shit.. Cuno's got a fuckload of time. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-21.wav|For the fuck-gimp? Good thing you asked The Cunmeister.. Cuno knows a fridge, perfect for freezing fts. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-33.wav|Baconman's in a rush. But what's in it for the Cuno?. What's the return on Cuno's investment? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-35.wav|Cuno's got everything Cuno needs. All civics and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-41.wav|Wasn't going to.. Cuno's not into bacon-charity. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-43.wav|Check the fucking basement, pig. Don't you know anything?. Always check the fucking basement. Recon style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-57.wav|Cuno's never seen anything so lame.... Listen, pig... If you were Cuno, the fuck would you care? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-61.wav|Stop shitting yourself in front of the Cuno. Cuno thought you were some kind of big shit, what is this... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-62.wav|See, Sadshit.... Cuno doesn't fucking care about this sad shit. Your sad shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-63.wav|Now how about you at least try to entertain the Cuno, or get the fuck off his crime scene? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-73.wav|But you see,. Cuno wants for it to decompose. Cuno digs that cadaver shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-91.wav|Through the book-store. You gotta beg the book-bitch. Used to be you could get in there through the doorbell, jam that shit. Bookbitch changed that. Cuno doesn't beg, so Cuno doesn't go there anymore. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-93.wav|Yeah. Book-bitch. Beg her. You stupid or something? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-98.wav|See? The 'clard gets it,. Listen to your four-eyed friend. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-113.wav|See? It wasn't that hard, pissmidget! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO FRIDGE-116.wav|Then try again! Cuno's not your brain slave, think for yourself, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-2.wav|Right, pig, this is where Cuno plays with his little wooden choo-choo. Fuck do you want with it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-4.wav|Yeah, whatever. Cuno doesn't give a shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-7.wav|Don't be wondering about Cuno's shit, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-9.wav|No, it's not fucking Cuno's, it's ancient, look at it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-13.wav|Dunno.. Kipt-ass gardener used to work there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-20.wav|Fuck does Cuno care about your hunch? That's your shit. You figure it out. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-25.wav|What do you want Cuno to do about it? Cuno's fucking twelve! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-31.wav|Yes, yes, absolutely, absolutely... Why the fuck are you telling this shit to Cuno?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-37.wav|Of course you do, fuckface. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-45.wav|Yeah, Cuno doesn't know shit about that. That shit is beneath Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-47.wav|Whatever. Cuno was trying to help you. But you're too fat for FALN anyway, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-51.wav|Look, Cuno ain't seen shit lying around, 'cept for that ft up there.. Now you want performance gear or not, grandpa? |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-51-0.wav|Look, Cuno ain't seen shit lying around, 'cept for that ft you took away. Now you want performance gear or not, grandpa? |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-51-1.wav|Look, Cuno ain't seen shit lying around, 'cept for that ft there.. Now you want performance gear or not, grandpa? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-58.wav|All right, piggo!. Shit's rolling. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-59.wav|We need the money, C! Cuno knows what he's doing.. Right when this body-shit is discussed Cuno will sell 'em to you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-60.wav|As you can see.... Cuno and C don't trust you. Can't do business without trust. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-69.wav|Shoot that shit at Cuno, dumpster diver. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-70.wav|You respected the Cuno. Ten times discount to Cuno's personal pig.. Now let's get this weird shit done. Trash container shit, or something... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-74.wav|The fuck? A mug in the trash? Is this about the fucking clothes again? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-76.wav|Pig, these are FALN Modulars! Liquid fit, performance crotch, urban survival shit! Made in Mirova... by scientists. Pants scientists. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-77.wav|Yeah, back out of this shit with Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-79.wav|Listen! Listen!. Cuno doesn't care about this small-time shit. Just listen, Cuno saw what you did there. Dumpster diving. Sad shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-82.wav|Believe it, you need this shit... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-85.wav|Yeah, the Kingdom of Cuno, the fuck do you want with it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-89.wav|Look at that fucking shit?. You tryin'a get Cuno killed? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-91.wav|Fuck does Cuno know? Cuno's not a fucking acrobat! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-98.wav|Get the fuck out of here, pig! Cuno doesn't have a magic tree house! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-102.wav|Yeah, that's what Cuno said. She couldn't handle the heat, so she took off. Cuno can take it.. Shit's nothing to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-105.wav|Look it up in the library. Cuno's not a fucking dictionary.... Fuckin' small-brain. Cuno means the gardener, alright? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-113.wav|Look, Cuno doesn't explain shit, Cuno just says shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-122.wav|The fuck are you staring at with your mouth open? Ask Cuno a question or get the fuck out of here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-124.wav|The fuck does this have to do with the Cuno? Cuno doesn't give a shit who she is. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-129.wav|That's just some shit roofing-gimps left behind. Lazy dinks. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-138.wav|Pig... if Cuno was hiding something, it would be hidden, |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-149.wav|The fuck are you talking about? Cuno doesn't know what-handed gimps they were. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-153.wav|Inner eye?! Fuck are you talking about?!. Ask me a normal question, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-159.wav|Are you having a seizure in Cuno's yard now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-164.wav|The fucking wellll... ?! The fuck are you talking about?! Ask me a normal question, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-167.wav|Yeah, Cuno sees where this is going. Cuno's got that fast-brain,. You saying you pigs are after the mug fucker, coz he's the clothes fucker... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-176.wav|Shit, that's tense.... Someone's going to the beatdown-basement, huh? Mug-guy gonna get tied to the radiator. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-177.wav|Cuno doesn't know who put that shit in there. And if he did, he wouldn't squeal. But if you find out, maybe you can... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-180.wav|Yeah!. Get your bacon shit away! Cuno doesn't like to be seen with the popo. Get your shit done and out of Cuno's face! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-195.wav|Cuno doesn't know who lives there. And if he did, he wouldn't squeal. But if you find out, maybe you can... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SCENE-199.wav|You need these pants. But you ain't gonna get these pants, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-7.wav|Tryin'a fuck at the Cuno! Tryin'a fuck at me! Tryin'a fuck!. Cuno only gets HIGHER! It's faster-faster-faster! Can't take the Cuno, stay out of the reactor! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-8.wav|Get your snout out of Cuno's ass!. Cuno knows how hard Cuno pushes it. Cuno pushes it hard-level... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-9.wav|You hear that, C? Porko wants to talk about how he can't hack this shit. Porko wants to move in with Cuno! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-10.wav|You should give up, popo. Or the Cunn will keep fucking it out of you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-38.wav|The city's not fucking lame, you are lame! Cuno's tired of defending Rage City from.... Just fuck off, alright. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-39.wav|And fuck you too,. Putting Cuno on the spot like that. Cuno doesn't need to fucking explain his shit, Cuno's KING, he rules here, fuck did you want? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-49.wav|Fuck no!. What are you, fucking... mentally handicapped? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-51.wav|Ease off, C. Cuno always takes the bullet over the hammer. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-71.wav|Fuck you whispering about? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-72.wav|If Cuno wants to whisper, he's gonna fucking whisper, okay?!. Let's whisper, pig! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-80.wav|Crazy?. You don't know the half of it. She's not crazy, she's insane. Dangerous. She smoked a man. She's done people in, probably even pigs... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-81.wav|She's not fucked up!. Everyone's fucked up. Stop judging shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-84.wav|It's okay!. The pig's trying to pit us against each other. Not gonna let him do that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-85.wav|Yo, C?. Did Cuno not tell you?! Cuno told you, CUNO TALKS TO WHOEVER HE WANTS. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-86.wav|Talk, pig. Cuno's got it under control. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-95.wav|Fuck knows, she says it's the song of her people or some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-114.wav|Suruese, like that Man-From-Hjelmdall shit?. She could be... She could be that Hjelmdall shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-126.wav|Cuno means she killed someone. That's right, C's a killer.. Like, actually a killer. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-133.wav|Are you getting this? You think I'm fucking telling you a joke here? How hard do you think it is to kill a fat-ass?. Sweet talk 'em, then knife 'em. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-134.wav|She's probably killed a pig too. I mean, I'm pretty sure she has. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-135.wav|Killing is serious shit. Cuno's always serious about the four-eighty-eight. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-137.wav|Fuckin' yeah. Cuno knows you don't want to face this right now. This dark shit. Cuno faces this shit every day, makes Cuno's skin crawl. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-147.wav|I knew you pigs were too naive for this shit. Good thing Cuno's got her under control. Cuno keeps her calm. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-149.wav|Forget Cuno said that. Cuno was just shitting. Cuno was just running his mouth. Cuno's stupid like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-162.wav|Yeah, she would've liked to fuck him up. But she didn't. Cuno wasn't around. And C was with Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-166.wav|Look, Cuno's gonna put you at ease. We didn't do it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-167.wav|Cuno wasn't around. And C was with Cuno. Told you this already. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-171.wav|Fuck no, she's not my sister. She's just a stray who got in. Like a mad dog or some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-172.wav|Yeah, she's psycho.. None of that kiddy-psycho, cat-burning shit, she does the real deal. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-174.wav|Snuff radio shit... Believe me, pig, you don't wanna know. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-177.wav|Yeah. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-182.wav|Yeah, she was just there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-183.wav|She was in the hallway, dripping wet.. By the fucking shoe rack. In the dark. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-185.wav|Cuno's got no fucking idea. Her hair was all wet. I think she pissed on the floor too. She was there for three days, in the corner. Every time Cuno went out. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-189.wav|I don't know... someone left the door open. Cuno comes home and she's sleeping under the desk, under a pile of clothes. Like a dog. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-197.wav|Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit. Doesn't even see her there. Or thinks it's fucking Cuno.... Shit's all on Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-201.wav|Cos' she fucking looks like Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-203.wav|No one knows her name. Cuno calls her C. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-203-0.wav|No one knows her name, Cuno told you this shit was psychokiller. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-205.wav|Yeah that's the place. She was just balled up near the closet. Psycho-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-219.wav|I don't know.... Someone left the door open. Cuno comes home, she's sleeping under the desk, under a pile of clothes. Like a dog. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-222.wav|How's Cuno dealing? Cuno's dealing just fine, he doesn't need you fucking with any of it. C doesn't either. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-222-0.wav|How's Cuno dealing with this? Cuno's dealing with it just fine, he doesn't need you fucking with this, waving your gun, mad dog shit... Cuno remembers what you did there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-223.wav|Cuno's got this shit under control. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-226.wav|Listen! Listen!. C is Cuno's go-to, Cuno's protecting her. You fuck with C, you fuck with Cuno. You threaten her, you threaten to take her away... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-226-0.wav|Listen! Listen!. C is Cuno's go to; Cuno's protecting her. You fuck with C, you fuck with Cuno. You threaten her, you wave your gun around her one more time. Try to take her away... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-229.wav|Alright.. Now we can do business. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-233.wav|No it's not okay.. C is Cuno's go-to, Cuno's protecting her. You fuck with C, you fuck with Cuno. You threaten her, you threaten to take her away... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-233-0.wav|Listen! Listen!. C is Cuno's go to; Cuno's protecting her. You fuck with C, you fuck with Cuno. You threaten her, you wave your gun around her one more time. Try to take her away... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-237.wav|You made a big fucking mistake there.. A huge mistake. Say goodbye to all the shit Cuno would've hooked you up with. You and Cuno are done. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-238.wav|Professionally. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-244.wav|Yeah, what do you want? Cuno can hook you up with -- |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-246.wav|C, relax, he respects the Cuno. Cuno made him respect the Cuno. You respect the Cuno.... You get all kinds of shit! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-247.wav|Remember when you tried to get Cuno to hook you up? We can get on that now, if you run a little errand for the Cuno. Me and you. Cuno's gonna hook you up with illegal narcotics. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-248.wav|Cuno's gonna get you hooked on illegal narcotics, if you run a little errand for the Cuno, get you hooked, pig. Get his hook in you. Then Cuno gonna get you hookin' for more. Cash in big-style. Pig hooker. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-249.wav|See, it's tension and release with Cuno. Now we releasin'.. The pant buying shit. That's on now too. Ninety-percent discount for Cuno's pig. Cuno can flex. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-253.wav|Cuno flexes for hobos. Cuno sees you're in need. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-261.wav|And, shit, you can even fuck back in Cuno's kingdom! Cuno saw you sniffin' around that fuckin' pile of eternite. It's a secret door, okay?! Just pull it off, and fuck back in there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO BEFRIEND WC-266.wav|That's right. Cuno's a candy store for pigs now. Get ready to be rewarded, |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-11.wav|You're not getting this, pig! It completely takes away the hangover. It's like you didn't do anything! Like you stayed home playing with your choo-choo. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-12.wav|Uh.... Yeah! To the both of you. Watch your ass in Cuno's town or Cuno's gonna fuck your head off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-13.wav|Good call pigmeister. Don't come and talk to Cuno about his Kingdom. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-15.wav|That's where Cuno gets his daily hit of electric, Cuno's shazam. Cuno rides the fucking lightning in there, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-17.wav|Oh that?. Cuno decapitates pigs. That's just a Cuno demo-tape. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-22.wav|Is it?. You got pretty fucked. Cuno's surprised you've still got your head after all that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-23.wav|'Course you fucking can. How do you think Cuno made all the docky boys his gimps? Just gotta fly, pig. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-23-0.wav|'Course Cuno knows. How do you think Cuno made all the docky boys his gimps? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-24.wav|Yeah, Cuno saw you barely making it... shit was pathetic. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-31.wav|Not for you, pig! Cuno can't wait to see you get all scared and shit your pants. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-32.wav|Not everyone can fly like Cuno. You're old, you'll never make it.. Moose piss has made you scared in the head. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-36.wav|Don't sweat it, drunk-pig.. Cuno will keep your nasty secrets. Cuno's not snitchin'. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-41.wav|You found Cuno's secret door to Cuno's secret shack?! It was closed for five thousand years. How the fuck did you get in? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-45.wav|Pig, that's the past. You and Cuno are now. Let's talk about how you opened the secret door, fucking at Cuno's kingdom. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-46.wav|Yeah? Did you fuck in there? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-47.wav|And then what? You fuck in there? You fuck in Cuno's kingdom? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-48.wav|Shit... get the fuck out of here! You can't do that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-51.wav|Pigs can't displace, can't do that teleport shit... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-53.wav|Yeah, Cuno plays on snuff radio. Fucks pigs. Live. Fucks their heads off.. Cuno's a cop killer. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-55.wav|Uh.... What is this shit... Fuckin' on yourself? This is weird-level shit, Cuno doesn't go there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-57.wav|Too brutal for you, huh? Cuno fuck your tongue off? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-66.wav|F'course you want back in there. Everyone wants back in there. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-67.wav|Uh.... Why you fuckin' on yourself in front of Cuno? Talk Kingdom to Cuno or fuck off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-68.wav|It's a vitamin, pig. Don't you know anything? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-69.wav|Yeah, it's the Mag! You fucking need that shit to stay on top of your game. Cuno goes through like a tube a day, rips Mag like a motherfucker. And you could use a barrel. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-72.wav|Okay? Whatever?! You fucking need that shit to stay on top of your game. Cuno goes through like a tube a day. And you look like you could use a barrel. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-88.wav|Cuno knows. Cuno and C saw you shit yourself. It's okay, pig. Not everyone can face the fear, Cuno style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-95.wav|The fuck do you want with it? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-100.wav|Uh.... Yeah! Watch your ass in Cuno's town or Cuno's gonna fuck your head off. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SHACK-101.wav|How did you like it in there, piggo-boy? Cuno's got a lot of cool shit there, right? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-3.wav|No. Cuno doesn't give a fuck about bugs. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-12.wav|Cuno's not gonna say anything without his lawyer present. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-31.wav|Stop it, C! No one's gonna make anyone lame. Cuno's got this under control. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-36.wav|Yeah,. Cuno took the bugs. So what? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-42.wav|It's not Bug Town, it's the City of Locusts,. Locusts aren't just bug-shit. They come out of the sky like a fucking shadow. Shit descends. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-47.wav|You stop! It's like they're fucking night. Locust City, Night City. City of Rage... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-48.wav|Yeah. Locust City, City of Rage, City of Lights... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-49.wav|They're not pets.. Don't you know what locusts are, when they come out of the fucking sky? Fuckin' descend and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-51.wav|You stop! It's like they're night. Locusts are like this huge shadow... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-57.wav|An artist?. Maybe I am an artist? You hear that everyone, I'm a fucking artist now. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-58.wav|Maybe I am, |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-62.wav|Cuno made Cuno. Cuno says whatever the fuck he wants! There are no rules here, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-64.wav|Yo, fuck you, C. Cuno can be what Cuno wants to be. Cuno's his own man, Cuno's free! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-75.wav|It don't mean anything. It's shit. Cuno just likes to focus. Cuno likes to concentrate on shit, build shit when he's zipping hard. Fuck... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-75-0.wav|It don't mean anything. It's shit. Cuno just likes to focus. Cuno likes to concentrate on shit, build shit when he's zipping hard. Fuck... |
wavs/alternative-1-Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-75-1.wav|It don't mean anything. It's shit. Cuno just likes to focus. Cuno likes to concentrate on shit, build shit when he's zipping hard. Fuck... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-76.wav|I don't give a shit, I don't need the locusts anyway. Shit is all lame now.. C was right. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-78.wav|Cuno's gonna let the fucking locusts die. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-80.wav|The fuck are they trying to catch anyway?. With the traps? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-82.wav|Huh... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-87.wav|Pig,. you really shouldn't have fucked with Cuno's city. Now it's all fucking lame. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-90.wav|Bitches think Cuno doesn't know shit.... The fuck outta here, Cuno's tired of this shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-92.wav|The fuck outta here.... Cuno's tired of this shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-98.wav|You don't have a brain for this shit, no one has the brain to take Cuno's shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-102.wav|I fucking say 'I' when I wanna and 'Cuno' when I wanna. Cuno's free. Cuno's free to fucking die, bitch. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-103.wav|Cuno made himself into Cuno. Cuno can make himself into anything. Cuno can make himself into a pig if he wants, Cuno can make himself into a ft. Cuno doesn't give a shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-126.wav|I am who I am, C, fuck you! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO LOCUSTS-130.wav|Cuno's not gonna say anything without his lawyer present. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-2.wav|Cuno gets it from his dad. Cuno and his dad are major suppliers!. That's where Cuno gets his lightning on. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-3.wav|Fucking right, pig. Cuno's filling bath tubs with that shit. Cuno's a kingpin. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-6.wav|Don't be yankin' your shit in front of the Cuno. Cuno's always serious. Always rollin'. Big kilo, but you ain't gettin' any. Get the fuck off! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-7.wav|Fuck no, pig. Cuno ain't dealing to the popo. Not doing the pork pen for your sad speed habit! You don't know Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-11.wav|Did Cuno not tell you? Cuno doesn't do that entrapment shit. King Pin Cuno ain't going to the pork pen. Get the fuck out of here! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-16.wav|Problem is, Cuno and his dad had a little falling out. Now junkies clawing at Cuno's door. Streets going mad. Cuno's gotta throw his dirty popo-man at it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-20.wav|Dirty popo-man is you.. In there is Cuno's violent dad. On steroids. Cuno's dad does steroids and speed. If you can take him, you can have half the speed. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-25.wav|Cuno's dad is a fucking monster,. He's the most violent man in Revachol. He doesn't give a shit about a single thing. He drinks too. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-26.wav|Like half. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-28.wav|A baggie... but like in this vial. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-31.wav|Yeah.. Half a G. Want it or not? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-33.wav|Fuck you talkin' about. Half a G?! This shit is giant, grade A shit. So clean you can barely see it! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-51.wav|Okay, Cuno's listening? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-57.wav|Cuno sees you're too pussy to face Cuno's dad. It's okay. Come back when your balls are big-time. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-58.wav|Alright, pig... you can plug him, but you can't stop him. It'll only buy you time. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-65.wav|Sure, whatever. If you survive, make sure to bring that shit back to Cuno. Cuno's almost out. You wouldn't like the Cuno when he's out. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-66.wav|Sure.. Confiscate it. For Cuno. And you can have half. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-76.wav|Just get in the apartment building. Cuno knows you already fucked your way in. Cuno knows everything. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-77.wav|Cuno's violent dad's got Cuno's key, so you need to fuck your way in there. Go to the pier-side. Bang on the door till the cleaning gimp lets you in. That's how Cuno does it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-78.wav|Then you go to Room #12 and kick down the door. Police-violence-style. That's what Cuno does. And then it's action time: You're locked in the room with violent fuck head. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-79.wav|That's it.. Next time Cuno sees you, you better have his shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-80.wav|Go to Room #12, first floor, and kick down the door. Police-violence-style. Cuno-style. And then it's action time: You're locked in the room with violent fuck head. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-88.wav|All right, so you got Cuno's kilo.. Here is how we do it. First, you give Cuno Cuno's kilo. Then Cuno gives you half back. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-91.wav|Fuck right Cuno's dad was sleeping like a bum,. Cuno told you, Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit about anything. Fucking breaking-and-entering shit, that's nothing to Cuno's dad. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-95.wav|Fuck are you talking to Cuno about that kiddy shit? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-96.wav|That's how we split it, it's the best way. Street way. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-97.wav|Fuckin' tryin'a talk about Cuno's dad then can't handle it. Typical ft shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-101.wav|All right, now we talkin'. Same shit as before. You give Cuno Cuno's kilo, Cuno gives you half a kilo back. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-104.wav|Fuck right I am.. Get your nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think coz you brought Cuno one gram of speed you're friends now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-112.wav|Cuno knows what Cuno means. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-115.wav|This is about you and Cuno. You mismanaged this shit. Now everything is fucked between us, again. How are you gonna make this up to the Cuno, huh? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-116.wav|Whooh that's heavy... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-117.wav|Word on the street is you sent your little friend in dressed as a hooker. Distracted him. That's some sick shit. Tell your little slanty-eyed friend, respect from the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-122.wav|Word on the street is you sent your little friend in dressed as a hooker. Distraction-style. That's some sick shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-123.wav|Cuno's gonna go out like that too. Gonna be just like Cuno's violent dad. Speed shit, crime shit, fucking on the bed, go out West Revachol-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-124.wav|Fuck are you talking, sad?. Cuno's got hard shit.. Death shit. Nothing shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-125.wav|Cuno wants to hear all about it, but first we split the kilo.. Then we shoot the shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-130.wav|Turn into.... Cuno ain't turning into shit! Cuno is! CUNO IS THAT SHIT. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-134.wav|All right.... Cuno knew you'd try that sneaky pig shit on him. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-135.wav|All right, you fucking druggie.... Cuno knew you'd try that sneaky pig shit on him. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-138.wav|Fuck right I am.. Now get your nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think 'cause you brought Cuno one gram of speed you're friends now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-139.wav|Cuno's got brains. This shit doesn't surprise Cuno.. So Cuno's gonna give you one more chance. Know this, pig, shit is major. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-145.wav|Cuno won't take this shit lightly. The pieces are moving, pig. This is fucking domino shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-156.wav|Cuno believes in second chances, Cuno doesn't believe in third chances. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-169.wav|Fuck right there were. Fuckin' three years or some shit. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-170.wav|The fuck outta here, pig! You better have a baggie on you the next time Cuno sees you. You can't advance with the Cuno when you tryin'a play him like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-173.wav|That's right. Fucking nothing. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-174.wav|Here you go, more than half in there. Cuno's fuckin' honourable like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-181.wav|'Turn into...'. Cuno ain't turning into shit! Cuno is! CUNO IS THAT SHIT. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-182.wav|Now tell me, how the fuck are you still alive, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-183.wav|Get your fucking nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think 'cause you brought Cuno one gram of speed you're friends now? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-185.wav|Get your fucking nun ass out of here before Cuno fucks it dead.. Ft. You think 'cause you took Cuno's speed, Cuno's gonna sob like a fg? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-190.wav|The fuck are you talkin' about? Gettin' Cuno all worked up for nothing... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-191.wav|Relax C. We got plenty of kilo, kilo underground, in the tree, this ain't about that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-193.wav|Fuck that shit. Cuno's gonna move underground. Le Royaume shit, ancient shit. Cuno's gonna live in a fucking catacomb. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-201.wav|That didn't change shit, pig. That only made things worse.. Cuno knows you only took 'em to get fucked up yourself. Pigs always be pretendin' about shit like that. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-203.wav|That didn't change shit, pig. That only made things worse. Fucking social worker shit... It doesn't work pig. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-208.wav|Cuno's gonna go out like that too. Gonna be just like Cuno's violent dad. Fuck on speed, do crime shit, go out fast, Revachol West-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-209.wav|Cuno's gonna have one too. Gonna be just like Cuno's dad. Speed shit, crime shit, fucking on the bed, Cuno's gonna go out like Cuno's dad. Revachol West-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-211.wav|Tik-tik-tik-tik.. Decision time. What's it gonna be? You gonna fuck the Cuno? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-214.wav|Yeah, that's right.. Cuno's dad doesn't give a shit about that electricity and light shit. Just wants to pound on people and drink. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-217.wav|Should've sent you in when he was there pushing 'roids in his ass. Thievin', double-crossin' liar-pig. Cuno got sentimental. That shit won't happen again. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-221.wav|Alright, alright.... You fucked the Cuno! Everybody, Cuno got fucked by his pocket pig, just when we getting our business on, the pig throws it all away! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-222.wav|All right, now we're talking. Whooh that's heavy... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-224.wav|Fuck outta here, Cuno knows it's fucking lame. That's why Cuno changed it. Cuno can change his name into anything. Gonna change my name into ft. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-227.wav|Yeah, you do some Sam Bo shit, sneak in?. Is the hooker thing real? |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-227-0.wav|Yeah, you do some Sam Bo shit, sneak in? Was the binoclard hooker thing real? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-228.wav|This is about you and Cuno. You mismanaged this shit. Now everything is fucked between us. How are you gonna make this up to the Cuno, huh? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-230.wav|Yeah, how are you still standing, pig? You sneak past him? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-234.wav|That's right, it's a shit hole. Cuno's gonna move underground. Le Royaume shit, ancient shit. Cuno's gonna live in a fucking catacomb. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-236.wav|Yeah, pig. This shit is done.. Now get the fuck outta Cuno's face, Cuno needs to drop the bomb. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-240.wav|You got lucky, pig. Cuno knew this.. Cuno's fucking violent fiend dad's been drinking hard lately. Cuno knew you have a way in. Narrow window. Cuno window. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-241.wav|Yeah, how the fuck are you still alive, pig? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-243.wav|Cuno knows it's fucking lame. That's why Cuno changed it. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-246.wav|Stop trying to give Cuno your pity shit.. Cuno knows what that shit is. Cuno's dad's gonna be a fucking vegetable. Stroke shit, stomach fucked up, and... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-251.wav|What?! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-252.wav|Cuno's not fuckin' trying to be tough!. This shit is real. Cuno's fucking violent dad's gonna be a vegetable, Cuno knows that shit. Stroke shit, stomach fucked up, and... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-253.wav|Fuck outta here... Cuno made that shit up to demean you. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-254.wav|Yeah, Cuno's dad is fucking nothing!. Fucking coma shit. Stroke shit. Cuno's dad is so fucking violent he's had a stroke many times. Shit... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-255.wav|What is this shit? He's fucked up on 'roids to drink more, you can't kill him. Cuno's dad says he'll die by his own hand. Die suicide-style. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-256.wav|Yeah?. So fucking what? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-257.wav|Fuck you tryin'a do... get the Cuno to stop? Cuno's just getting it on! |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-260.wav|Look, pigs. Cuno gets it. You don't wanna talk about it. Close-quarters combat shit, Cuno doesn't wanna talk about it either... |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-264.wav|You got lucky. Cuno's dad was out getting more drink. Cuno knew that. That's why he sent you... Cuno cares about his pig. Doesn't want his pig to get hurt. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-266.wav|You got lucky pig. Cuno's dad was out getting more drink. Cuno knew you'd have a window there. Now that Cuno thinks about it, it was a mistake. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-270.wav|Combat trauma shit, |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-271.wav|Cuno's got that shit under control. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-274.wav|Don't take for fucking ever, Cuno's got wheels turning everywhere. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-276.wav|The fuck do you know about Cuno's life? Cuno's got plans. Get the fuck out of here. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-287.wav|Been waitin' for you to fucking man up.. In there is Cuno's violent dad. On steroids. Cuno's dad does steroids and speed. If you can take him, you can have half the speed. |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-301.wav|Fuck outta here... Cuno made that shit up to demean you pigs, but.... Is that why your hooker-friend isn't here? Too ashamed to face the Cunn? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-302.wav|Look, Cuno's not judging. Cuno gets it. Tactical approach and shit. Hooker-style, covert ops, combat trauma shit. Whatever it takes, right? |
wavs/Cuno-YARD CUNO SPEED-309.wav|Fuck outta here... Cuno made that shit up to demean you. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-8.wav|Cuno's gonna scram now.. Can't be seen with pigs. Can't shit on Cuno's good name. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-9.wav|So yeah, see you on the seafort island. Try not to get shot or drunk again. Cuno's counting on your ass. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-19.wav|Hold up, piggo. There's something you gotta understand about the Cuno first.. Cuno's gotta protect the Cuno name. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-20.wav|The gimps out there ain't gonna think we a thing. Cuno will follow you, but don't expect anything extra okay, pig? Cuno's silent, like a fucking vegetable. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-24.wav|Listen up, pig! Cuno's gonna scram now. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-25.wav|See you on the seafort island, try not to get shot again or drunk or shit. Cuno's counting on you. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 EXIT DOOR-26.wav|And don't forget about that bitch's window. Scope that shit. Cop Cuno's telling you, that's the break in the case. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 MEDICINE CABINET-142.wav|Nah, pig.... That'd been too easy. Let's keep looking. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F2 MEDICINE CABINET-143.wav|Smart chick.. Cuno never leaves shit behind either. Cuno's a pro. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-286.wav|Oh, oh!. Cuno knows this shit, ballistics shit, Science Radio shit. Shows where the shot came from. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-287.wav|Does Cuno look like a fucking bino to you? Cuno doesn't know this shit. Fucking book-shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-314.wav|Won't work? Sounds like you're avoidin' the truth, pig... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-314-0.wav|Sounds like you're avoidin' the truth, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-320.wav|Pig.... You're really fucking on to something there. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-323.wav|Cuno's got no fucking clue.. You need to pig this shit. Cop-style. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-328.wav|Yeah, Cuno's seen that shit. Crazy shit. Ain't nothing to Cuno, but lots of places to hide there. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-330.wav|Oh.... The village on the coast. Yeah, you do that. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-331.wav|There's this lady in the village... she.... Uh, yeah, there are boats there... You go. Do shit there, you'll get one. On the coast. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-333.wav|Cool shit, sub-zero shit. Cuno's listening. You got his attention.. So what's next? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-336.wav|How are you gonna get to the island? Cuno has his ways, but that ain't for your fat old ass. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-340.wav|Totally what a sniper would use.. Aircraft gun. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-352.wav|To do, you mean? Nothing. Harbour's closed, everyone's dead. This scene is dead, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-358.wav|Yeah, why fucking not?. Just one question, though -- |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-362.wav|Fuck yeah I'm in. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-363.wav|Aw, fuck, pig. We totally gotta go to the island now.. Tryna not go to the island... Just one Q. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-365.wav|The island?. Cuno ain't afraid of fucking anything, pig. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-454.wav|Oh, oh!. Cuno knows this shit, ballistics shit, Science Radio shit. Shows where the shot came from. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-472.wav|Shit I know this.... Cuno gets this shit. Ballistics shit, science shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 CLEAR WINDOW VISCAL DIFFICULT-492.wav|Islet? Like a gimp-island?. I think you're on to something. The shot could've come from there... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-693.wav|You can get that big shiny fucking plate.... ...and draw Cuno a line. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-703.wav|I'll have a big fat one, bartender. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-705.wav|You still haven't drawn Cuno a line, the fuck's up with that? |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-709.wav|Fucking cleaned it... |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-846.wav|Yeah, Cuno doesn't know what the fuck this is about, but you should chill down, pig. You'll get this Lena fuck. On false charges. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1448.wav|The fuck?. Pig's selling out for Speedfreaks FM now? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT BOAT-16.wav|Are you sure? There's shit we need to do, sheriff... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT BOAT-25.wav|Oh yeah.. We did good shit here, detective. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB quiet on the island-94.wav|Spooky-ass island. That's how it is on spooky-ass islands. Silent and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB quiet on the island-95.wav|Yeah. Spooky-ass island. That's how it is on spooky-ass islands. Silent and shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB quiet on the island-96.wav|Fuckin' spooky, yeah. Is what it is. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB quiet on the island-97.wav|Is that why we're stopping? So you can bitch about the bandage? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB chain afterthought-45.wav|Cool fucking chain. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB chain afterthought-49.wav|Fuck does Cuno know?. Cuno would use it to bring shit to the island. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB chain afterthought-55.wav|Dunno, pig, doesn't look like we behind a door right now, just Cuno's 2 cents of course. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-57.wav|Dunno. Maybe. Sorta looks like stars to Cuno. Or, like, islands maybe? Fuck does Cuno know... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-63.wav|Who the fuck's gonna move it? The island janitor? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-66.wav|Is this a case for Detective Cuno?. Idiot Cat Moon. Inside Car Motors. Is Cuno Magic? He is, case solved. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-67.wav|Shit looks upside down to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT ORB ICM logo questions-68.wav|Yeah, pig. That's letter shit for you. The alphabet. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-81.wav|Dunno, looks like downstairs somewhere... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-81-0.wav|Downstairs into that console we saw. And then to the rest of the room. Yeah. Electrical shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-82.wav|Smells like mazut.. Heavy fuel shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-83.wav|This shit's cold. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-88.wav|We're in. We're doing this, |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-91.wav|Fuck does Cuno know? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-97.wav|Probably because it's winter. Some bums who camp here don't wanna freeze to death? Maybe? Probably. Cuno's probably right... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-98.wav|Yeah, Cuno's fucking wise like that. Cuno's gonna be a real wise pig. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-116.wav|All right.. We're on to something, Cuno meant fire guy too. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT MICROGRID GENERATOR-121.wav|Yeah, no.. Cuno doesn't come here, I told you. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-71.wav|What, you wanna like... live on this fucking island now?. Go sleep in your own bed. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-72.wav|I'm gonna say it again, Cuno doesn't feel like carrying your corpse off this island, so maybe you should fucking crash? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-73.wav|Hey... Cuno doesn't wanna hurt your feelings, but you look like shit. Maybe you should lie down in the bed, like recover. Before you die. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-74.wav|Check this shit. Someone's been squatting here.. Cuno knows because this shit looks like Cuno's place. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT SPRING MATTRESS-96.wav|Cool, whatever. Cuno doesn't really give a shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-111.wav|Yeah. Yeah. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-112.wav|Been readin' shit here,. Hooked on the book. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-114.wav|Cuno doesn't give a shit. Cuno's not hooked on the book. Tryna get me hooked on it, teachers and shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-135.wav|Mhm, yeah. Cool. Detective shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-136.wav|Mhm, yeah. Cool. Detective shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT READING MATERIALS-161.wav|Yeah. Yeah.. Man's hooked on the book. Gotta get his fix. Cuno's seen this shit before. Cuno's never getting hooked on that Hjelmdall shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-54.wav|Another part of Death Island? Some secret hidden shit, Cuno thinks. Important shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-55.wav|We fuelled the generator, didn't we?. What do you think that shit's for? Let's press some buttons. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-56.wav|Cuno don't know how to pick this lock. This one's... military shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-60.wav|What do you think that shit's for? Let's press some buttons. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-74.wav|Fuckin' A, let's get this shit open. Get to the secrets behind. Secret style. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-75.wav|Yeah, the console over there?. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get this big shit open. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-SEAFORT INT BLAST DOOR-75-0.wav|Yeah, the console over there. Remember?. Buttons and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get this big shit open, seems like the best plan. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-71.wav|No, no, no.... We gotta juice this thing first. Power it up! Pow-pow-power it up, get it? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-74.wav|Cuno's gonna stop you right there. This.... ain't gonna work.. Not without the juice. You gotta fuel that shit if you want it to work. Let's look outside maybe? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-208.wav|Old hardware.. From the big power-box upstairs. Circuit-bender shit. Military-grade. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-215.wav|Try fucking with that one. It's red. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-218.wav|Fuckin' right! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-219.wav|Whoa... Told you. Military mega grade. Also, like, four hundred years old, I think? A thousand? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-220.wav|Who the fuck is Soona?. Never mind. It won't work. This is fucking... military mega-grade shit, you know? It's also, like, four hundred years old. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-233.wav|Why? The door is open, we can just fuck on now. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-238.wav|Cuno doesn't know, but Cuno wants to know. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-239.wav|Cuno knows. This place is spooky as fuck. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-241.wav|Fucking great. Spooky island shit is gonna shit on us and we can't even shoot it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-244.wav|Are you?. Are you? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-246.wav|Fucking great news, cop. Scare away whatever shit out there's gonna spook on us with an empty fucking gun. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT FELD INSULAR CONSOLE-258.wav|It's sweet you got government fuel, way sweet, but there ain't shit left in there. You need, like, a full load. Let's check outside when you're done with this. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-903.wav|I told you not to play shitty rock. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-904.wav|Whoa... massive gun. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-905.wav|The fuck?! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-907.wav|No fucking way, not on Cuno's life... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-909.wav|Officer Cuno's got his Kiejl A9 pointed at your fucking head and he's gonna blow it clean off if you don't drop your weapon right now! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-913.wav|Fucking old man... couldn't keep his rock in... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-916.wav|Ssssssh! You're making us look like shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-922.wav|Oh yeah... that's hard core, Cuno's gonna like this. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-923.wav|Fuck yeah, this is happening, |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-938.wav|Supercool. What's it say? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-939.wav|This guy's smoked a lot of people with this, huh? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-940.wav|Looks like old shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-941.wav|Wait-wait!. Like the fucking... ancient army? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-958.wav|Cuno's dad has this shit. Wine belly.. The cops can take care of this, right? Medicine shit. With, like, facilities. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-962.wav|Cuno could do this shit. Live all alone like this. Cuno could hack it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-967.wav|Hey.... You go to Martinaise lately? Cuno hasn't seen you around... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT THE DESERTER-1045.wav|My pig asked you a question. Quit spazzin' out and tell him about the... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-737.wav|...the Insulindian phasmid, |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-737-0.wav|The Insulindian phasmid, |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-741.wav|Everybody does. It's the fucking Insulindian phasmid. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-747.wav|Yeah.... I don't have a camera. That sucks about Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-760.wav|Wait, we have to do something! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-761.wav|This is so sick. It likes you... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-762.wav|Fuck. Where did it go? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-769.wav|A nest?. We can't get to it yet, don't scare it off. Maybe later... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-770.wav|Whoah... maybe it's poison? Fucking hell... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-772.wav|Doesn't look like you're spazzin' out. Cuno knows all about seizures. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-775.wav|No, quit frontin'. What's up with you? We're a team, cop. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-776.wav|You're just staring at the giant insect. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-779.wav|Cool. So's Cuno, Cuno's also having a vision of a giant insect. And it's real. Back off before it eats you... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-781.wav|It's gone.... Between those reeds there. Fucking hell it can... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-786.wav|The fuck.... Is that ceramic? And more stuff, like a nest in the reeds. We should peep it... fucking hell... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-787.wav|Like a water spider, or like, one of those water walkers.... This cop shit is insane |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-817.wav|Yeah, real normal. There's a giant stick insect there. Back off, before it eats you... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-857.wav|Yo, our suspect's not looking so good. We need to check on him, also, |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-858.wav|It looks like the phasmid had some kind of nest there, look. Like a hoard, man... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-859.wav|Yeah, grandpa's not looking so good. We need to check on him... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-867.wav|Yo, we just saw a giant fucking insect, okay? Focus on that, not some.... Where'd it go? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-874.wav|Yeah, yeah right there, it doesn't like bein' out in the open. Shifty fuck. It's gone now, but.... Wow. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-878.wav|Cuno doesn't know what that means, Cuno just knows it was FUCKING GIANT. Holy hell... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-881.wav|Man, quit beatin' yourself down, we just discovered a GIANT INSECT. Ain't no one done that... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-882.wav|Yeah, cryptologist, exactly! Those are the fucks who study them. This is unreal, man... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-890.wav|Between the reeds there, it doesn't like bein' out in the open. Shifty fuck... I saw it slip in there. It's gone now, but.... Wow. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-892.wav|The fuck, pherone? Man, this ain't about no phermone! This is about the phasmid. Did you see the size of that?! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-893.wav|We fucking saw it, yo, it was real. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-896.wav|Damn right, we just discovered a GIANT INSECT. Ain't no one done that... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-901.wav|Damn... Cuno's read about that shit in a book. Cuno's booked that shit. That was, like, a secret animal. Like one of those they think is real but haven't seen. The Insulindian phasmid... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-910.wav|Yeah, it walked on water, like a water spider, or like, one of those water walkers.... This cop-shit is insane. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-917.wav|Everyone, yo! We gotta tell the world about this. Case solved, insect found. We're fuckin'... master detectives or some shit. We're good. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-921.wav|Our suspect's not looking so good. We need to check on him, also, man... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-923.wav|It looks like the insect had some kind of nest there, look. Like a hoard, or some shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INSULINDIAN PHASMID-931.wav|Cuno doesn't know anything about it, though. Except you stink bad, which is why it left you. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-36.wav|Whoa there, man. You've been squealing and thrashing around, crazy. And now, you're bleeding too... again. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-38.wav|Yeah, Cuno saw that. A nightmare about bitches. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-42.wav|Sure, sure. That's why you mumbled about bitches. Real fine. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-43.wav|Cuno knows that shit. All the worst dreams are about bitches, you wouldn't believe the shit Cuno sees about C... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-44.wav|Right. Pig takes it like a man. Good for you. Bitches always tryna' damage you with psi weapons. Psi style, you wouldn't believe the shit Cuno sees about C... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-47.wav|Now let's get this shit back on the road, yo. Just make sure you don't die.. Cuno's no fucking mortician. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT INT AFTERDOLORES TALK-57.wav|Yeah. No biggie, don't shit yourself. All the worst dreams are about bitches, you wouldn't believe the shit Cuno sees about C... |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-78.wav|Fuck if I know... maybe it's collecting shit? Like an octopus can get, like, curious? |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-89.wav|Okay. So what? Loop Cuno in on this. |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-109.wav|Cool. Got lied to. Double-lied to. I get it. You cops need the Cuno on stuff like this. No one lies to the Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-110.wav|Yeah, okay. Don't loop Cuno in. Leave the Cuno in the dark. Fine. |
wavs/Cuno-INVENTORY KLAASJE PASSPORT-144.wav|Cuno's gonna say it's not any of the things you think it is. Cuno'd have to get deep into this shit, but whatever it is, you got played here. That's for sure. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-61.wav|Killing people? Like straight offin' them? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-499.wav|We ain't with them yo,. This is fuckin' Revachol West representin' here. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-614.wav|Did you kill him?. Fucking tell this cop. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-616.wav|You mean like... lately? After the War? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-617.wav|Well? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-618.wav|Got nothing to say about that boomstick, huh? You chokin'? That's the stick that did it! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-628.wav|Whatever, man... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-637.wav|Bet you've been sneaking around a lot... hidden.. Know any secret paths? Cuno knows paths... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-649.wav|Yo, people change shoes.. You were sneaking around, right? Casing the joint or what? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-652.wav|Fuckin' hell... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-658.wav|...then you pull the trigger? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-659.wav|You always creepin' on people through your scope like that? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-672.wav|And if you don't like what you see... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-733.wav|Yo, a word... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-751.wav|Yo, a word... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER MURDER-779.wav|Yo, detective Dick, a word... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-386.wav|It was about bitches. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-516.wav|Yeah.. The lightning gets shit going. Speedfreaks fuckin' in the bushes... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-524.wav|You've been through some secret route shit, huh? Inside the Whirling-in-Rags, creepin' around? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-526.wav|Yeah, but that one too, right? Secret Whirling shit? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER REASONING-530.wav|We can totally get more out of him.... He's squeelin'... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER BONUS-701.wav|Walterschlong? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER BONUS-705.wav|Slippery fuck didn't keep his word... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER BONUS-729.wav|Yo, Cuno doesn't understand what's goin' on here. Get a hold of it, detective Dick, let's move on, okay? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER BONUS-737.wav|Sometimes Cuno likes to look at the baggie before he does it. Just look at that fat baggie... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-306.wav|You sure?. You sure we got it all? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-307.wav|Hey.... You sure we got all this shit? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-311.wav|Right.. Give him his rights. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-334.wav|We don't need your permisson,. We do need to talk about that boat though. How are we gonna take him? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-335.wav|Do you understand? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-343.wav|Maybe there is room for three on the boat... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-343-0.wav|Maybe there is room for three on the boat... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-350.wav|Maybe we could all fit in there... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-357.wav|I can see it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-359.wav|Be very careful.... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-361.wav|Yeah, I can fuckin' see it! |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-540.wav|Yeah, this fried him. We gotta bring him to a doctor. Good news, this solves our boat-and-piggies problem. He's not going anywhere. He's trapped here... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-547.wav|Yeah, old man. Hang tight.. Let's slowly start shufflin' off Death Island, okay? We're about done here... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-553.wav|He's old and fried. Cuno's seen this... like, after a massive bender. Cuno's dad... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-564.wav|Yeah and then there's that shit.... Gramps couldn't take it. It was too much. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-565.wav|I mean, getting arrested as a fucking GIANT stick insect jumps up behind you.... That shit would break any man. Even a Cuno Man. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-569.wav|Yeah-yeah, you see that too?. Got a little jumpy there didn't you? I know that vibe. I'm off my lightning too... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-574.wav|Told you? When you were doing your long staring thing?. You're one crazy cop, you know? Cuno digs it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-578.wav|Talked, huh? You sure it didn't have a strange effect on, you? You looked, like, hypnotized. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-581.wav|Yeah? Just talking. Sure. You were deep in some trance shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-582.wav|Yeah, man, I don't know. I don't know what degradation means. And I don't know about getting close to it like that, and staring at it for five minutes... You're one crazy cop. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-587.wav|You mean like horny? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-592.wav|I mean, he was perving on that Klaasje party lady weirdly hard.... Yeah... maybe? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-593.wav|I don't see how bugs help with that shit... Like? How? Anyway... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-599.wav|Like, hooked on the lightning? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-600.wav|True.... He's got those gurn eyes doesn't he? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-601.wav|Whoah, like love?. Yeah, no, I don't know... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-611.wav|Uh... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-612.wav|Yeah-yeah. Because, look at him now. Not so sharp is he? And it's gone, left. Perhaps it's, like, kept him going like the drink and the lightning keep my old man... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-613.wav|Fuck it, why not? A big ghost insect like that is probably going to fuck all your shit. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-619.wav|Yeah,. Cuno knows hobos. And Cuno has never seen a hobo sharp like this, after so many years of hoboing. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-629.wav|Then how the fuck do we see it?. Or, wait! The longer it's there. Like it needs time to sink in and if you spend time with it... |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-629-0.wav|Then how the fuck did we see it?. Or, wait! The longer it's there. Like it needs time to sink in and if you spend time with it... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-631.wav|Yo, you ever seen a giant fucking insect? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-637.wav|How? Like, it's pretty fucking huge.... How? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-644.wav|I can't believe that helmet, man. I kicked it into the fucking ocean and it washed up here. Or... do you, do you think the phasmid brought it here? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-645.wav|About that.... Me and C kicked that shit into the ocean. She took it off the corpse and kicked it, rugby style. How'd it wash up here.... I don't know. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-647.wav|Hey, hey.. You took the shot, bang!, and got rid of the evidence. Bug brought it back. Sound about right? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-669.wav|Yeah, no.. Only two are gonna fit in that fucker. I guess you could take him back, but... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-670.wav|You fuckin' with me? Coz I can. I can take him. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-677.wav|Fuck, it's the three piggies and a boat problem... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-679.wav|Watch this killer? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-681.wav|Uhm, how about the Cuno comes back for you? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-687.wav|Yeah, actually, no.. It would go down. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-688.wav|This is a problem,. Cuno's literally had this problem. In a fuckin' textbook. When he went to kiddie school. This is that three piggies and a boat shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT DESERTER ARREST-689.wav|Cuno understands what's wrong. Who watches this fuckin' killer in the village, while you come back for me? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-149.wav|Someone been hidin' here like a bitch,. Maybe jerkin' off too? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-155.wav|Where? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-159.wav|Motherfucker?. You seein' the window or not? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-160.wav|There what is, the window? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-161.wav|You see the window or not? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-164.wav|Cuno fucking knew it. This a sniper's nest, right? Fuckin' assassin action... Cuno barely understands what's happening, but he likes the shit out of it. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-168.wav|Yeah, detective Cuno thinks it's some local asshole too. These people are rats... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-169.wav|Right fucking on. |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-170.wav|You see someone here?. Fuckin' invisible shooter? Spooky shit... |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-177.wav|No, but what about.... What's out there? |
wavs/Cuno-SEAFORT MATTRESS NEST-179.wav|Let's get a move on. We're out in the open here... |
wavs/Cuno-LIFELINE GIVING UP-25.wav|Too late for that. So whatcha gonna do now? Skewer yourself? |
wavs/Cuno-LIFELINE GIVING UP-26.wav|Cuno don't give a shit about your shits. |
wavs/Cuno-LIFELINE GIVING UP-27.wav|That you are a loser, Cuno doesn't doubt, but why go around whining about it? |
wavs/Cuno-LIFELINE GIVING UP-28.wav|Cuno knew the pig was a ft. |
wavs/alternative-0-Cuno-WHIRLING F3 GURDIS GOATS-144-0.wav|Cuno doesn't fucking care,. That shit's nothing to Cuno. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 GURDIS GOATS-122.wav|Whatever. Cuno doesn't give a shit. |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 GURDIS GOATS-135.wav|Shit that's tense, |
wavs/Cuno-WHIRLING F3 GURDIS GOATS-171.wav|Fuck does Cuno care,. Cuno doesn't fucking care. |