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wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1111.wav|I was... just wondering.. If you found pinball machines there...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-99.wav|Not bad,
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-156.wav|Fine, I'll take it off the bill! Sleep in a post-apocalyptic hell-hole if you want to. Just know I won't give you another room.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-162.wav|And I don't like the dead body that's been hanging out there for a week!. No one wants to work in these conditions!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-685.wav|I mean, you're a detective, perhaps you can track them down? Shouldn't be that hard...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-452.wav|I'm sorry, but he has to pay, I can't let him stay here any longer if he doesn't. If he doesn't have the money by tonight, then...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-65.wav|Well, you're not getting it!. Asshole!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-714.wav|You're already set for the night. Your door is unlocked.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1047.wav|Everyone knows of it.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-833.wav|I'm glad she got out of here before all that. Bullets flying and stuff... people inside were quite terrified you know. I had to take action and step outside too...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-379.wav|What about them?. One is a basement dive frequented by chain-smoking communists. I can't tell you how sick I am of Kras Mazov and Ignus Nilsen and all those old ghosts...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-721.wav|Another thing, great. I love those.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-305.wav|Why would I have a problem with you? You're a hero cop.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1489.wav|Anything else I can do for you, officers?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-494.wav|The ledger does! The ledger has a memory!. The drinks are non-negotiable, there's no way your station will pay for them.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-194.wav|Oh, yes, that door, sure. There's nothing mysterious about it. It's just a door.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-451.wav|She broke the bird, you know. The great skua. I found it on the ground with a broken wing. On the morning she left.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-608.wav|The drinks are on the house, okay? There were a lot of drinks on the tab. I still have to charge you for three nights and the broken window, though, that's 100 square.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-944.wav|Does it mean you talked to her? What else did she say about me?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-209.wav|Behind this building, there's a courtyard.. They hoisted him up on a tree there.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-126.wav|Uhm... yes. I'm going to unplug the microphone, okay?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-218.wav|What are you, crazy? Of course I didn't kill him.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F2 TEQUILA DOOR-56.wav|What's going on up there?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-215.wav|I don't know who killed him, I'm not the police. That's your job.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-322.wav|Do I look like I'm laughing? Do you see a smile on my face? I know what this is about. This is about the electronic lock not letting you in your room, and it's anything but funny to me.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-335.wav|Anything else I can do for you, officer?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-55.wav|What kind of question is that?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-251.wav|That's a real pity.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-73.wav|Oh, well, in that case, let me pour you a nice big refreshing Marinella. Do you want that out of a glass or a pineapple?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1139.wav|But this establishment only takes cash. Now, do you have that cash, Mr. Novelty Cheque Man?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1479.wav|Right... I'll tell you what. I'll find out if you like, and can send them on to him. What do you think?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1055.wav|What's that supposed to mean? Fuck you, buddy, she's not my taste. Good thing she pays for her stuff on time, I'll forward her the bill and be done with it.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-180.wav|They probably fucking killed that guy or something, that's why.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-682.wav|Ah, them! Nice people, but no. Lena said they were going back to Jamrock. I saw them pass by, outside.. This was before the fight started.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-655.wav|Cool.. Now, what can I do for you?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-364.wav|Yeah.. It's slowly growing on me again. It's beautiful, in its own way, especially for this neighbourhood. I've been trying to keep it that way...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-TRIBUNAL WHERE IS KLAASJE-8.wav|She LEFT! Her room's cleaned out, right before these assholes showed up!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1430.wav|No, it hasn't. I'll let you know if anything arrives for you. Anything else?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-889.wav|The Return of what? Some commie bullshit? The Return of the king? I don't concern myself with paranoid political rumours. I have a real place to run.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-583.wav|The Whirling doesn't need more sad style. That's one of the styles it can do without right now.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-332.wav|You can't arrest me, I haven't done anything.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1480.wav|Happy to help, officer. Anything else I can help you with?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-260.wav|Okay, you got me. She went away because of the dead body out back, and because I asked for her number. That's why Sylvie went away. I hope you appreciate that...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-224.wav|Do I have to answer him?. Is this mandatory?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1263.wav|Too bad,
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-242.wav|Wonderful. Try to do that. I'll have to call you an ambulance.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1433.wav|No, your package isn't here yet,. I told you I'd let you know.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-756.wav|This is a culinary establishment, not a morgue, you don't have to ask me why you can't store a dead body in my kitchen.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-554.wav|And for god's sake watch out for yourself.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-348.wav|I've been working here for a long time, and that intercom has never been used by the Whirling.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-166.wav|They're probably getting drunk. Or protesting something somewhere. Or laying low after the, you know, lynching.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-463.wav|Alright.. Did she say anything else? About me, you know.. Did she say anything about me?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-6.wav|What are you doing? I told you it was for customers only. I'm not turning on the karaoke carousel unless you pay your bills.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING SLEEPING DOCKWORKER-85.wav|Fine, fine! Finger-bang him then, I don't care.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-584.wav|The Whirling's not a charity or a musical therapy clinic, it's a commercial establishment. You're going to scare away the customers.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-159.wav|What is this, a joke to you? There's a dead body out back, and it's been there for a week now! No one wants to work in these conditions!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-35.wav|Oh no,. You're a hero. A real hero cop.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-12.wav|Am I wearing a little bow tie? Am I wearing a bow tie and doing this?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-56.wav|They're not going to give you anything, can't you see?! I can't have a police interrogation in here. People are trying to eat...
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-950.wav|I should have known, it was her way of telling me to piss off. I should stuff it up my ass.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-280.wav|Good luck trying to use it.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1349.wav|Right. Is there anything you wanted?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-134.wav|Never mind? Gloaming? What is this? Is this what you get when you call the police now?. This guy? Lieutenant, we've been waiting for a week here!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-52.wav|For god's sake, stop SHOUTING!. Stop breaking things in my establishment! Stop provoking those oafs!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-883.wav|No, I completely failed to notice that. It's only in front of the entrance to the establishment I manage. Though, maybe,. it's still better than just the blood.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-560.wav|See that door there?. Go out and turn right. There's a.... There's a big hole in the fence. No need for a key, just go through that hole and you'll be in the courtyard.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-477.wav|Really? I should... I should give her a call then.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-104.wav|Look, your buddy is over there.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1348.wav|Now, is there anything you wanted?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-907.wav|I get it. You were purposefully shit. So original. I'm not letting anyone up there again, ever. Now what did you want?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-394.wav|Absolutely not.. Fuck you for even implying it. It wasn't me, it wasn't my staff. The establishment will look at it and ascertain what it was.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-596.wav|Isn't it a bit too late for that?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-973.wav|What, the interior-decorating kind?. You know, I'm sorry. This is actually a nice bird. A competent piece of taxidermy.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-879.wav|Yes, well.... At least nothing bad happened, yet.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-845.wav|Sure. Anyway, I can't help you there. A lot of women come and go here.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-271.wav|It's good you paid before 21.00, or your door would have been locked electronically.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-110.wav|Was there something you wanted?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-803.wav|Also!. You and your partner are staying here free now. I'm not gonna let you ruin it for him. This establishment supports cops. Even cops like you.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-88.wav|I'm not a fishing-teacher.. That is not why we keep our trash locked. Any place with a kitchen does it, it's not political, I assure you.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1417.wav|No. I don't feel bad enough to give you a refund. Now, is there anything else you want?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1296.wav|Not at all, officer.. It's true. You don't have to pay me anything.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-514.wav|Fine, fuck this. I'll do it myself, I'll call your station... what was it, 41? I'll ask them to pay for the room. The drinks and the window you still have to pay for. That's 70. Are we done, officers?
wavs/alternative-0-Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-111-0.wav|What for, Mazov? Are you planning to nationalize my trash container?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-119.wav|Yes,
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-250.wav|Thank you ever so much.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-552.wav|For survival, to pay me. Unless you want to become a hobo? Do you want to become a hobo? There's nowhere else to stay in Martinaise and it's a cold spring outside. Money doesn't make you happy but it lets you be unhappy for a bit longer.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-180.wav|What? Of Martinaise, no. I live in Jamrock. I only sometimes come here to keep an eye on the place. This is just one of the many, many cafeterias I manage.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-135.wav|What is this, a joke to you? Is this what you get when you call the police now? This guy?. We've been waiting for a week here!
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-576.wav|Well?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1157.wav|I have no idea what you're talking about.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING LENA MAIN-107.wav|The closest phone booth is down the coast. Sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1253.wav|Do you have money tonight?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-988.wav|A lot of people got killed because some asshole wanted to sing karaoke.
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-168.wav|What thing?
wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-793.wav|You know, I was about to congratulate you on your great aim, but seeing as you're already so special, I'm not going to. Someone has to be pedagogical around here.