wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-86.wav|Another trip to the reeds... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-176.wav|Why don't you try convincing Morell his hypothesis is invalid? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-201.wav|FINALLY! Someone's talking sense! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-202.wav|Finally, you're being sensible! I'll start packing right now. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-224.wav|DID HE SAY WE CAN GO BACK NOW? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-285.wav|DID HE SAY WE CAN GO BACK NOW? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-293.wav|MAYBE THE WATER LOCK IS FIXED! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-326.wav|Well, I see you've got all the help you need.. I'll see you tonight at my place, let's play 'Suzerainty', but no more field trips for me. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-584.wav|Lena, I'm sorry, but you're not getting anywhere, it was some kids. I know the little mutants around here, leave anything out in the open and they'll steal it. Even if it's bugs. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-585.wav|Morell, it's been fun, really. But I need a bath and I have deliveries to handle. When this tea is done, I gotta run. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL-698.wav|Thanks, |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-2.wav|Hello! I'm Gary. How do you do, officer? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-7.wav|Always a pleasure to see an officer of the law! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-20.wav|No-no... I help Morell with research sometimes and I've learned some things along the way. But I don't usually go in for picnics like this on my own. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-24.wav|Oh, yes! The Burning Rhino. Morell doubts he's real, but I don't much care, because I won't be the one looking for him out in Safre Serai. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-26.wav|Yellow Man!. I mean... officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-30.wav|Oh, this and that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-32.wav|Not many Seolites here, or anywhere, other than Seol. I meant no offence, truly. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-36.wav|A rhinoceros that looks ordinary during the day, but burns brightly by night. Well, at least the males do. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-39.wav|They have special ducts just above their shoulder blades that secrete a combustible fluid. When the rhino is just beginning to light itself, it looks as though it has wings of fire. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-41.wav|The rhino starts running very fast to build heat, then stops, raises its head, and sparks fly from its neck, setting its back ablaze. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-53.wav|Perhaps we should have more such decisive action in Revachol. You know, this city used to be flaming rhino once, a long time ago... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-55.wav|Yeah, well, Revachol used to be flaming rhino once, a long time ago.... That seems unlikely too, doesn't it? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-56.wav|The flames are not just for decoration. They are an integral part of the beast's mating behaviour. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-58.wav|During the Burning Rhino's mating season, herds of male rhinos, all aflame, encircle herds of female rhinos, forming a fiery ring as they begin to copulate, loudly. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-64.wav|Local peasants call it the Passion Ring. They fear the rhinos. As, perhaps, they should. Anyway... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-71.wav|I just didn't want to bore you with unnecessary detail, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-72.wav|Officer, I would never. I just didn't want to bore you with unnecessary detail. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-73.wav|I'm doing all I can in this economy, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-81.wav|No, no problem at all. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-84.wav|That's not what I was implying at all.... But, of course, you're just kidding, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-86.wav|Oh, yes, of course he is. I was just speaking about his... connections.. Let's change the subject, okay? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-87.wav|Yes, officer. I'm very glad we're getting a chance to speak about it candidly, man to man. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-87-0.wav|Yes, officer. I'm very glad we're getting a chance to speak about it candidly, despite the trouble I caused Mr. Claire, and I will never do anything of the sort again, I assure you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-92.wav|Well, the Seolites, they're a very smart people. Smart and secretive. Most think they have isolated themselves on their landmass because they disdain to mingle with the rest of us... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-93.wav|I'm not saying that you think that too. You seem like an incisive man, officer. You must be, being a detective. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-98.wav|Right, of course you are. Well, as I was saying... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-99.wav|Those who are best at their job are almost always the most humble. But, as I was saying... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-101.wav|It's a shame, too. What would we all do without law enforcement. But, as I was saying... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-102.wav|Even as Seol remains closed off from the world, Seolite agents have been slowly advancing through the echelons of power on the other isolae. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-103.wav|Perhaps I was presumptuous to suggest I knew anything about you, as we've only just met. My apologies. But, as I was saying... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-104.wav|They come as apparently well-meaning immigrants. Sometimes students, they learn our violin and cello. But more often tech workers in cybernetics and similar advanced industries. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-110.wav|Yes, but consider: Seol is famous, or shall I say, infamous, for its spy tech. Don't you find it... convenient? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-112.wav|Consider, though: Seol is famous, or shall I say, infamous, for its spy tech. Don't you find it... convenient? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-113.wav|Precisely. Seol is famous, or shall I say, infamous, for its spy tech. Don't you find it... convenient? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-117.wav|Yes, it's the perfect way to create a false sense of security. They sell us fancy technology and then send in their experts, who pretend not to be experts... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-118.wav|They play their violin and cello, oh, we like your music!, or work in unrelated fields, like, say, law enforcement, where they have access to a lot of sensitive data... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-119.wav|...and use their superior technology to blackmail, mislead, and manipulate, turning high-ranking people in government and corporations into Seolite agents. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-120.wav|Yes. They sell us fancy technology and then send in their experts, who pretend not to be experts... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-122.wav|Well, you see... They sell us fancy technology and then send in their experts, who pretend not to be experts... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-125.wav|I work as a special courier. You know, urgent deliveries, overnight deliveries, deliveries to out-of-the-way locations. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-127.wav|Oh, I don't know the contents, officer. Part of my job is discretion. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-131.wav|No, no, that's far too dangerous. Besides, dealing drugs isn't for people like me and you, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-132.wav|No, nothing like that. I leave that to companies with hundreds of years of tradition in arms manufacturing. No need for an amateur like me cutting in. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-140.wav|Okay, fine, you got me. I'm a special topping pie delivery courier. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-142.wav|You heard me. I deliver topping pies. It's temporary. I'm looking for another job. Not many jobs for good men out there these days. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-143.wav|They're wheat-free. And vegan. And... huge. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-144.wav|Sure. If you want, I could get you one for free if we ever meet in the city, officer. Wheat free. Just ask me later. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-146.wav|What do I look like, a pansy? Besides, that kind of cavorting goes against the community values that would strengthen our city. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-158.wav|Just do your part as an officer of the RCM. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-159.wav|Most people don't... until it's too late. You have been warned. Do with this warning what you will. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-160.wav|Terrifying, right?. But we've gotta keep doing the good work, officer. One day, when we're stronger... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-161.wav|Officer, believe me, it's the Seolites who are the racists. They consider themselves superior to the rest of us, and, thus, entitled to pull the strings of power around the world. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-164.wav|Better things than take over the whole world on the sly? Sure you tell yourself that.. Our talk here is concluded. It's not safe to discuss this anymore. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-165.wav|Please, be careful!. Don't let on that you know about the Seolite Conspiracy. Who knows what he might do to you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-168.wav|My... mug? Why would you think that? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-171.wav|And keep an eye on that partner of yours.. Good talk. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-173.wav|In the meantime, keep an eye on that partner of yours.... Good talk. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-181.wav|Really? I hear it all the time. All in jest, of course. No offence meant to anyone. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-182.wav|Oh, no, that's not... why would I be calling to a broken mug? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-183.wav|I may have had a similar-looking mug in the past, that's all. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-187.wav|Maybe... okay, yes. I did. I know I shouldn't have, and I am very sorry, officer.. You're not going to fine me, are you? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-188.wav|Okay, okay, I admit it. I threw the mug away in the trash container behind the hostel. I know I shouldn't have, and I am very sorry, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-189.wav|You're not going to fine me, are you? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-190.wav|How do you mean? Forgive me, officer, but we've only just met. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-197.wav|I know a guy who works with trash collection services, CS Municipal. He gave me a master key for the trash containers of Martinaise. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-198.wav|Officer, please.... Let me explain. It's not like that... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-200.wav|So I can use the Whirling's trash compactor to store my own stuff,. Garbage disposal is expensive as hell, the damn Himeans run it like a mob... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-210.wav|I haven't the slightest. There's lots of weird stuff out here in the reeds, though, insects, trash. Could be the wind shifting some garbage nearby. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-210-0.wav|I haven't the slightest. There's lots of weird sounds in a bar like this, though, pinball, glasses clinking. Could be someone playing pinball? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-211.wav|Really? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-212.wav|There's lots of weird stuff out here in the reeds, though, insects, trash. Could be the wind shifting some garbage nearby. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-212-0.wav|There's lots of weird sounds in a bar like this, pinball, glasses clinking. Could be someone playing pinball? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-225.wav|Hello! I'm Gary. Very generous of you to help us out, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-242.wav|In my home, yes, when I was going to.... How did you know? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-243.wav|How...? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-244.wav|Mr. Evrart...? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-254.wav|Mr. Claire unlocked my apartment? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-255.wav|Mr. Claire unlocked my apartment? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-256.wav|But... why were you in my apartment, officer? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-264.wav|So you work for Evrart Claire!. Officer, please tell him we're good. No, no, tell him I'll make it up to him... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-267.wav|What have I done? He'll send the muscle after me... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-281.wav|Why would I do that, officer? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-290.wav|Of course, of course. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-296.wav|Good one. Yeah, good one officer.. You really have a courageous sense of humour. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-296-0.wav|Good one. Good one. Joking around again, officer.. You really do have a courageous sense of humour. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-297.wav|I knew you'd figure it out, officer.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you at once. I was... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-299.wav|I took the hanged man's cuirass. I... I didn't mean to. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-310.wav|I thought you'd forgotten! I happen to have one on me right now.. It should still be warm. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-312.wav|Meatless bacon, avocado, glazed figs, basil, and tiny chunks of pineapple, seasoned with lime zest, freshly ground pepper, and just a pinch of paprika for the officer! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-316.wav|Not devilry, just Revachol's best topping pie! |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-316-0.wav|Not devilry, just Revachol's best topping pie. It's the least I can do for an officer, and a Union man too! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-317.wav|Enjoy. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-317-0.wav|Enjoy. It's the least I can do for an officer, and a Union man too! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-318.wav|Revachol's protectors ought to enjoy Revachol's best topping pie! |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-318-0.wav|Revachol's protectors ought to enjoy Revachol's best topping pie. It's the best I can do for an officer, and a Union man too! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-320.wav|Dark times will do that to good men. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-322.wav|I like nature, just not this bloody coast. It's mostly drunks and degenerates that come here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-326.wav|Oh, I've been tempted.. But someone has to stay strong for Revachol. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-327.wav|I'm just waiting for my friend Morell to finish up with his insect traps so we can return to civilization. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-327-0.wav|I'm just waiting for my friend Morell to finish up with his insect traps,. so we can return to civilization. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-337.wav|Always a pleasure to see an officer of the law! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-341.wav|I mean... officers. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-345.wav|Very generous of you to help us out, officer. I'm sure glad to be back from that little excursion. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-346.wav|Hello again! Very generous of you to help us out, officer. I can't wait to get out of here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-353.wav|Hello, officer! Name's Gary. Boy, am I ever so grateful to you! But I'm not the only one who wants to thank you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-354.wav|Very generous of you to help us out, officer. I'm sure glad to be back from that little excursion. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-355.wav|Boy, am I ever so grateful to you, officer! But I'm not the only one who wants to thank you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-361.wav|Yellow Man!. I mean... officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-378.wav|Hello again! Very generous of you to help us out, officer. I can't wait to get out of here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-382.wav|Hello again! How do you do, officer? I'm still waiting for Mr. F-ing Field Research over there to be done with his traps. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-384.wav|YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-398.wav|Oh, uh... I didn't mean it in any scientific way. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-400.wav|I've been tempted on occasion. But someone has to stay strong for Revachol. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-402.wav|I really owe you one for getting us out of those reeds, officer. Finally got all that soot out of my hair. Name's Gary. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-407.wav|Oh, I've been tempted.. But someone has to stay strong for Revachol. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-409.wav|I've been tempted on occasion.. But someone has to stay strong for Revachol. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-410.wav|Dark times will do that to good men. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-411.wav|I like nature, just not this bloody coast. It's mostly drunks and degenerates that come here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-414.wav|Oh, uh... I didn't mean it in any scientific way. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-425.wav|That's basically it. I'm a pie delivery man. How about we change the subject? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-448.wav|NOTHING! Nothing... just answering some questions. Helping out the law... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-449.wav|Nothing! Nothing... just answering some questions. Helping out the law... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-451.wav|Armour? No.. I mean, yes, of course. I know he was wearing armour. But I don't know anything about it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-452.wav|Oh, so that's what the RCM in Martinaise is about? Great.. Great to hear someone's finally taking care of that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-456.wav|I told you everything I know, sir. I'm truly sorry for the mug, but I have nothing to do with that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-457.wav|I told you everything, I just took the cuirass that's all. I promise. I don't know anything else. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-462.wav|Revachol used to be flaming rhino once, a long time ago... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-464.wav|Okay, I work as a special courier.. You know, urgent deliveries, overnight deliveries, deliveries to out-of-the-way locations. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-481.wav|Hey, man.. All I meant was there are not many Seolites around here. I'm just stating a fact. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-483.wav|I don't know who that is.... But all I meant was there are not many Seolites around here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-488.wav|I was saying, even as Seol remains closed off from the world, Seolite agents have been slowly advancing through the echelons of power on the other isolae. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-489.wav|So, keep an eye on that partner of yours.... Our talk here is concluded. It's not safe to discuss this anymore. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-492.wav|Is this about... the Union? Did the big man open the door? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-499.wav|The article about the businesses? How does he know.... No way in hell I'm writing it now. Tell him I'm silent as the grave. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-508.wav|Whatever it is, tell him I'm silent as the grave.. I was probably talking too loud in the Whirling the other night, about some theories... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-509.wav|I won't do it again.. If there's anything I can do to assist you, or the Union, just ask, okay? I'll try to help if I can. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-510.wav|I was probably talking too loud in the Whirling the other night, about some theories... Stupid... Shouldn't have run my mouth loud like that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-511.wav|What could it be about?. I probably talked too loud. In the Whirling. About some theories I had. Whatever it is, I'm done with it. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-512.wav|Of course. Of course.. I won't do it again. If there's anything I can do to assist you, or the Union, just ask, okay? I'll try to help if I can. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-524.wav|I was ashamed of what I did. And I didn't want you to know. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-531.wav|LATER, MORELL! I'VE GOT APOLOGIZING TO DO. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-550.wav|Everyone was picking those pieces off him and I was watching them do it. And they scattered his clothes all over the yard, everything was smelling... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-551.wav|So I went there to take out my trash and started cleaning up. All those rags on the ground, him swinging up there, and.... I had a lapse of honour, sir. I thought: He's a foreigner. They all say he wasn't from here. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-552.wav|Only the cuirass was left, so I stripped it off him. It was early in the morning, no one saw me. I took it with me. It was a mistake. Had I known it'd give you guys' trouble, I wouldn't have.... Fuck... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-554.wav|Because I was weak.. I should have told you the moment I saw you, but... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-559.wav|I'm so fucking sorry I called you Yellow Man.. Seolite officers commanded the Suzerain's navy. Most of them sided with the King, when... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-574.wav|I'll explain later... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-576.wav|Yes. Absolutely. I will never do anything like this again. |
wavs/alternative-0-Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-576-0.wav|Yes. Absolutely. I will never do anything like this again.. I won't mess with Mr. Claire either, you have my word. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-577.wav|Man, I don't wanna talk about that... I was wrong to bring it up at all. Shouldn't have said those things about your partner... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-578.wav|Most of the Seolites may be shifty, but the ones in Revachol have always been loyal to Revachol, and the Suzerain too. I... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-590.wav|I always thought it was the Union, but... I sure as hell won't go around saying that anymore. You have my word. I don't know, and I won't be running my mouth on this subject anymore. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-592.wav|I always thought it was the Union... some Union hard-asses. Lynched him because of the strike. But almost everyone in town knows that. I wish I could tell you more... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-609.wav|Maybe I can help you with something else? I keep my nose out of affairs like that. I'm a decent man. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-611.wav|No, no,. Nothing. He was some kind of mercenary, but everyone here knows that... I'm just glad to hear you're looking into it, that's all. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-616.wav|There is no need, officer, I won't do it again. Besides, my pay, it's... I'm barely getting by as it is with those Kojkos edging on the delivery business, sir. Please... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-620.wav|Okay, I deserve that, and I won't do it again.. You have my word. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-621.wav|Oh god, 250? How am I gonna pay that?. Okay. I'll work harder. I'll pay it off, I promise. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-622.wav|And I'll never do it again. I don't know what got into me, really... work has been stressful lately. Damn Kojkos price dumping us out of competition. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-623.wav|Whooh,. Thank you, you won't regret this. I won't use another man's property to dump my garbage ever again. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-624.wav|I don't know what got into me, really... work has been stressful lately. Damn Kojkos price dumping us out of competition. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-625.wav|I don't know what got into me. Stuffing my garbage in another man's property, it's... I've been having trouble at work lately. The Kojkos are price dumping us out of competition. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-626.wav|I'm sorry, okay? I thought I could cut costs. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have disgraced myself. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-628.wav|I was only cleaning up. I live right across the yard from where he was hanged and I saw him stripped naked. All the clothes lying around in the yard, smelling... People are animals, you know... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-631.wav|Then I came out to clean up the rags because no one else would. I put them into the Whirling's trash, along with a broken mug, admittedly... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-632.wav|Okay, I was coming to throw the mug away and, well, I threw the mug there and the clothes too. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-637.wav|Exactly! That's exactly what it was, civic duty. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-646.wav|I hope I could help your investigation, in my small way. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-649.wav|I'm sorry for what I said, |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-671.wav|Okay, but... I told you everything. What else can I say? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-675.wav|All right. Of course, officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-678.wav|Of course. Of course. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-683.wav|Sure. If you want, I could hook you up with some topping pie no problem. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-691.wav|Oh no. Nothing like that. Definitely not scheming. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-709.wav|Mhm, I imagine it's quite a sight, |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-726.wav|Yellow Man!. I mean... officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-733.wav|Yellow Man!. I mean... officer. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-741.wav|I like to pronounce it the hard way. The old way. The Vespertine way. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL CRYPTIDS-55.wav|Those people were on a different rung of the ladder of civilization, that's all. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL CRYPTIDS-57.wav|And I realize that their hygiene habits were completely appropriate for a nascent culture... I just didn't feel comfortable. Let's change the topic. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST MORELL CRYPTIDS-119.wav|THEY'RE A NASCENT CULTURE. I just didn't feel comfortable, and... Let's change the topic, okay? Talk about your critters or whatever... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-3.wav|Do I know how to turn back time...?. Is that a trick question? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-28.wav|Ugh... yeah, yeah. I guess. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-36.wav|Make what quick?. You're asking me about time travel. Is this some kind of a trick? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-44.wav|Phew.... I don't know what to tell you. I mean of course there are theories out there... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-47.wav|Well, there's a very interesting cryptid known as the Semper Maa. And a certain tribe of ancient kipts who practiced 'digital castigation,' though frankly I don't know how compelling you'll find that theory... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-51.wav|And then you hear rumours.... ... that the Seolites possess technology that actually lets them move through time like it's a corridor. Back and forth, you see. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-52.wav|But then, there are rumours going around that the Seolites have developed a technology that allows them to move through time like it's a corridor. Back and forth, you see. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-60.wav|I don't know what to tell you, officer. I got all my information straight from 'Truth Hunt'. If you can't believe a radio programme called 'Truth Hunt', who can you believe? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-63.wav|Pale-related.... An interesting idea, but I can't say anything really comes to mind, no. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-64.wav|Cryptids, actually. It's a so-called 'colonial animal', presenting as a large singular body, when in actuality, it's a congregation of tiny organisms working in unison. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-67.wav|Yes, it blends in with the jungle floor. Unsurprisingly, it's become the subject of many local myths, some have even described it as an angry forest spirit or a manifestation of the forest itself. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-84.wav|I once heard a story about a whole village disappearing overnight, without a trace. Can you imagine that?. Just a large patch of mud where the settlement was. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-85.wav|Whole area is completely abandoned now. Locals won't even go near it. They swear the mud writhes and occasionally grows strange shapes. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-90.wav|Ahm.... That's... yes, that's also horrible. I mean in a much grander scale. Exactly what happened to that village. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-98.wav|Now, here's where it gets really interesting. It's believed that the mechanism by which the Semper Maa reverts actually reverses the flow of time itself... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-106.wav|I haven't really heard of any time-travel pills, officer... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-108.wav|It's true that every expedition up to now has failed, and that several have vanished without a trace, but the potential is there, officer. It just can't be denied... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-110.wav|Well, first we'd need to secure funding for an expedition, then assemble a team, gather supplies... There's probably a million other little things, but with the resources of the RCM behind you.... It could be feasible. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-111.wav|Well, you see, the fascinating thing about it is that this temporal reversion is said to extend to anything touching the Semper Maa at the moment of reversal. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-114.wav|Well, if you cover yourself in it first, then attack it, you could theoretically basically punch your way back to the Franconigerian era! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-124.wav|... and attack it over and over again, you could theoretically punch your way back to the Franconigerian era! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-129.wav|Assuming you survive the encounter... But that's way down the line of course... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-131.wav|Well.... How else did they get so far ahead of everyone in the tech-race? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-135.wav|Oh, definitely!. Definitely. How else did they get so far ahead of everyone in the tech-race? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-148.wav|Everything's cool. Nothing wrong with a little speculative inquiry.. But really, officer, how do you explain how the Seolites developed such a lead over the rest of us? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-171.wav|Sure, they got the place locked down tighter than a Himean asshole, but that alone?. No way, I don't buy it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-175.wav|Isn't it obvious? Someone's been feeding them a little trickle of tech down from someplace no-one else can reach... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-179.wav|The blue...? No, the future. The Seolites are helping themselves from the future. And every little incremental improvement they receive in the present has major ripples all along the timeline... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-180.wav|That creates a loop, right? The more advanced tech they send here, the more advanced they become in the future, which means that by smuggling ever more advanced tech down to the past... I'm sure you can see where this is heading. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-187.wav|Sure, the Seolites are hard workers, everyone knows that.... But hard work alone? I don't buy it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-188.wav|Permission to laugh, officer?. No way, I don't buy it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-189.wav|Absolutely!. That definitely helps, but that alone? I don't buy it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-190.wav|C'mon, officer, you know that's not it. No way! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-191.wav|I've personally never witnessed a Seolite commit corporate espionage,. However there are rumours, articles, respected opinions... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-193.wav|That's actually peas, nothing, no amount of corporate espionage would ever would ever put them so far ahead of everyone else... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-195.wav|From the void?. I don't think that's it. I think there's a much more sinister explanation... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-197.wav|Could be, could easily be.. I mean it definitely helps, but the market alone? I don't buy it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-198.wav|Officer,. the average consumer is a moron. Leave it to them and we'd all be living in fake-bamboo huts, burning carcinogenic incense and playing the bongos. No way that's the reason! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-199.wav|Officer, wake up.. No way that's the reason why they're winning the race! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-200.wav|Like clockwork, I'm sure, no doubt about it. But is that really enough to take such an astronomical lead? I don't think so... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-201.wav|I don't know... Sounds a bit incestuous to me, but sure, none of my business, I'm not a Seolite.. But no way that's the reason they're winning the race... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-203.wav|Save it for the phyrro-heads,. No way that's the reason! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-204.wav|You know, I don't think that's it.. I bet there's plenty of beauty over there, art and inspiration too, but that's not why they're winning... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-205.wav|I can tell you it isn't something easy and immediately obvious, that's for sure. No way, that would be too easy... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-206.wav|Come on, officer, everybody knows about it.. The stuff they've got, most people here can't even dream of it... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-209.wav|You think that's crazy, just wait till you learn how they've managed to get so far ahead of us... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-210.wav|No, why would they be... No, I'm talking about the future! The Seolites are helping themselves from the future. And every little incremental improvement they receive in the present has major ripples all along the timeline... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-211.wav|Exactly, officer.. The Seolites are helping themselves from the future. And every little incremental improvement they receive in the present has major ripples all along the timeline... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-214.wav|Believe me, it's there. Technology so advanced it defies description... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-215.wav|Oh, you know like... uhm.... Stealth aerostatics, blaasma-powered weaponry, all kinds of deep-secret projects... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-216.wav|But that's nothing. Just wait till you learn how they've managed to get so far ahead of us... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-219.wav|I don't know officer... I think Future-Revachol might also have a few aces up its own sleeve. The people are starting to wake up, you see. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-220.wav|Hey man.... No one likes to hear it, but I'm not here to give you a false sense of security. It is what it is. People are starting to wake up and take notice. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-221.wav|Now that is a paradox, |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-224.wav|I'm telling you,. The truth can't be contained, people are starting to wake up and take notice. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-243.wav|Hahaha.... I mean I'm basically just repeating what I heard on 'Truth Hunt' or read in 'Paradox B.' I'm just a messenger, and not even that, really! |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-244.wav|And I suppose none of this would help you manipulate time personally, in any case. So why don't we just forget this whole business? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-250.wav|Well,. Essentially it's a grief ritual practiced by certain ancient Semenese tribes. Traditionally, after the death of a village leader, the bereaved are supposed to cut off a segment of their own fingers... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-251.wav|Essentially it's a grief ritual practiced by some old kipt tribes. Traditionally, after the death of a village leader, the bereaved are supposed to cut off a segment of their own fingers... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-252.wav|The really sick bit is that they bite off bits of their children's fingers too. Even babies.. Imagine that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-253.wav|What makes it really disturbing is the fact that they bite off bits of their children's fingers too. Even babies.. Imagine that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-264.wav|I'm getting there. See, the practice is derived from Semenese finger counting. Each segment of the finger represents one hour, so they count up to 12 with one hand, disregarding the thumb, of course. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-266.wav|By removing one segment from their fingers, they remove the corresponding hour from their life, that's what they believe, anyway. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-270.wav|No-no.... There's a discrepancy between how these Semenese tribes count and how they tell time. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-274.wav|No-no.... There's a discrepancy between how the kipts count and how they tell time. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-275.wav|As I explained, they count up to 12 on their fingers, but they divide the day into 15 parts. But that's a whole other discussion... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-288.wav|That old thing...? No, the future. The Seolites are helping themselves from the future. And every little incremental improvement they receive in the present has major ripples all along the timeline... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-290.wav|Hey, you asked me, officer.. These are barbaric people and barbaric times we're talking about. Dark magic. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-301.wav|Oh.... Well, this is embarrassing, but I'm really not sure what else to tell you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-302.wav|Oh.... Well, I suppose there's still the deep-secret Seolite technology to consider. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-303.wav|Oh.... Well, there's still the Semper Maa to consider. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-304.wav|Listen, there's no problem, officer. There's still the Semper Maa to consider, as well as this advanced Seolite technology. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-318.wav|Unfortunately, I suppose this still doesn't help you manipulate time personally.. Sorry about that. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-319.wav|That said, if you're interested in manipulating time personally, I suggest you consider the Semper Maa or digial castigation. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-320.wav|Though I suppose this still doesn't help you manipulate time personally. Perhaps you should consider digital castigation? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-321.wav|Though I suppose this still doesn't help you manipulate time personally. Perhaps you should consider the Semper Maa? |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-332.wav|And speaking personally, arranging an expedition seems like the most promising option overall, so I'm not really sure what else to tell you... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-333.wav|And personally, it seems easier than accessing deep-secret Seolite technology and more civilised than digital castigation, but to each his own. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-334.wav|And personally, it seems easier than, say, accessing deep-secret Seolite technology, but to each his own. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-335.wav|And personally, it seems more civilised than, say, digital castigation, but to each his own. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-344.wav|Listen, officer. I know it sounds like quite the task, but the potential, it just can't be denied... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-737.wav|I'm so fucking sorry I kept calling you yellow man in my head.. Seolite officers commanded the Suzerain's navy. Most of them sided with the King, when... |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-65.wav|It's found in the subtropical jungles of Samara. Extremely difficult to spot as it appears to the untrained eye like common mud. It's thought to be impossible to catch and very dangerous. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-284.wav|I don't pray, officer. Faith in non-existent helpers is a sign of weakness. Not for proper Revacholian men such as ourselves. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY-500.wav|I won't cause any more trouble,. I'll be Mr. Cooperation. The Union doesn't have to worry about me, they're honest Vacholieres. Honest men. |
wavs/Gary, the Cryptofascist-WESTCOAST GARY FASCHA DQ-280.wav|Hey, don't blame me, officer.. These are barbaric people and barbaric times we're talking about. Dark magic. |