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wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-59.wav|Of course, officer,. Memories are all we have left.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-98.wav|You're describing prison food, officer. I like different, better food. Fine dining, not jailtime. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-71.wav|No, I'm sorry, officer.. I don't even have a keycard. Evrart usually sends someone to get me, when he wants to talk.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-46.wav|I don't want to,. Look, officer, I like different, classic food. Fine dining, not soil. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-34.wav|Eh... I don't think that's gonna happen.. Why would you even...?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-46.wav|And that even whilst crawling with a mangled half-dead prince on his back, he still managed to murder three rebels on his way.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-27.wav|We knew her, alright.... Lived on the same street our entire lives, just two houses apart. The three of us have been best friends since we were four.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-112.wav|Thank you, officer.. This is really something... Honestly I think it's better than our old boule even!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-174.wav|Is there anything I can do for you right now?. Maybe to speed the whole process up a bit?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-83.wav|The other one I took for myself.. No one knew him better than I did, and I want to remember that old cunt by something.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-66.wav|I would rather just have this one, officer.. It's really good.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-111.wav|The lady is Jeanne-Marie Beaulieu.. And she sure as hell wasn't a nobody.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-36.wav|Well... technically you stole her from me, because we'd been pretty close ever since you two had that falling out over the ink you spilled over her pretty yellow dress...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-184.wav|Apocalypse?. I uh... I don't know, what this means, officer. I'm sorry. But thank you! I'm here to cooperate any way I can.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-72.wav|But not with a monetary pension unfortunately,. What can I do for you, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-41.wav|Not in the technical sense.... I don't have a vote or a membership card. But Evrart keeps me on the payroll. Just for the little things.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-70-0.wav|No, thank you,. For being consummate professionals. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-84.wav|No, officer.. We can't help you with that, maybe there's something else we can help you with?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-192.wav|Ah, mon dieu! The pain in my back is unbearable. I can't even say if it's in my back or hip anymore. Feels like it's in both!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-260.wav|Oh absolutely.... At the mercy of a cocaine-snorting tyrant who emptied the treasury so he could sleep on a bed of gold?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-67.wav|Hell, most likely. He was an absolute cunt...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-330.wav|Merci beaucoup, Capitaine Arnoux!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-435.wav|Already forgotten, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-21.wav|Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers,. I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-58.wav|Uh.... Then there's measuring the distance between the boule and the cochonnet. I always measure ours, but usually it's done by the player who threw last.
wavs/alternative-1-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-1.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-248.wav|What is... actually never mind.. I'm sure there's something I can help you with, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Now the joke's on him, 'cause he's gonna be buried without it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-332.wav|It is such a pleasure to see you again, officer. How may I aid the Citizens Militia on this fine day?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-172.wav|Ee... okay, sure sure,. Everybody wins, but is there anything I can help you with right now to speed up the process?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-49.wav|Then the players aim to throw their boules as close to the cochonnet as possible. They must stay in the circle and keep both feet planted.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-160.wav|I guess you don't really need taste buds for police work.. Is there anything else, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-161.wav|Ugh... thank you, officer.. Please tell me there wasn't anything else?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-89.wav|Yes. I... I loved that angry prick. He didn't deserve it, but I did.. You know what his last words to me were?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-188.wav|Sorry, officer, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way,. But the sandwich is mine, I'm not gonna share it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-97.wav|I don't eat worker-food!. Look, officer, I like different, classic food. Fine dining, not worker backs. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-78.wav|Officer, I have a vivid imagination.. And like I said, I have a way with words. That's enough. No need to sink into politics.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-149.wav|Officer.... I just can't do this right now. The Union... it just doesn't matter anymore.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-18.wav|Wait... But I thought.... I'd really like to get back to the game now, if there isn't anything else?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-37.wav|What a prick,. The officer was addressing me, not you, capitaine. Where were we?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-63.wav|The prick is gone,. I... I can barely believe it, but he's really gone.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-229.wav|I'm glad to assist you if I can, officer,
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-314.wav|But it wasn't the revolutionaries that sullied the idea for you, was it?. She gave them to me too and your jealous little heart just couldn't accept it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-19.wav|What?!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-344.wav|I have really outdone myself.... This is divine.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-76.wav|No, officer.. Please let it go, It's making me really uncomfortable.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-61.wav|I could, but I'd rather not.. I don't want to take up your time with trivial details, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-277.wav|It is what it is... part of life,. But to know someone for 79 years, then one day they're just gone...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-181.wav|I uh.... That's nice. Uh... better somehow. Can I help in any way?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-16.wav|I hope you are not just tricking an old man out of the little he has left.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-140.wav|But you probably had some official business too?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-69.wav|That's just the way things work around here,. No reason to feel bad about it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-87.wav|The only people who could stand to be around him were Jeannie and me.... She saw something in him when we were just kids, and...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-126.wav|You were like a dark cloud sucking the joy out of every living thing around you, and you.... You... hurt her.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-305.wav|Guess he was about to head home. The dockworkers found him in his civilian clothes and not the cockatoo uniform you... ugh... confiscated.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-67.wav|On the Union-track?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-142.wav|The prick survived all the bullets, swords and explosions just to die of a heart attack.... Ironic, isn't it, even his own bitter little heart couldn't stand him.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-271.wav|I just don't know anymore... about anything really.. But you... you must need something?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-154.wav|Oh.... All that for a sandwich? I'm flattered, officer, but you can't have it. It's mine.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-89.wav|It's okay, officer. Forgotten completely. It was my boule and I have a spare.. Everything is good and we're ready to assist any way we can!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-426.wav|How did you find the story to be, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-9.wav|I wish I could, but I just don't know anything.. I always keep my nose clean and don't gossip. Everyone knows and respects that.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-0.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-45.wav|Departed,. Until the very end she couldn't decide between us. The most indecisive woman I've ever met.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-325.wav|Mhmh,. That's their old name, dating back to the time of kings and crests and all that other stuff he loved so much.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-11.wav|Now, now.... I'm sure the officer means it figuratively. Like a forensic technique or something, right?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-269.wav|It is what it is, part of life really,. But to know someone for 79 years, then one day they're just gone...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-11.wav|That would certainly have been an improvement.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-15-0.wav|No, no-no,. I'm not holding anything back. I swear. I'm not even anyo---
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-80.wav|Enough, officer,. We can't help you. Not with this. Such an emotional topic...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-138.wav|Uh... everything really. I probably knew him better than.... You meant the teacup in the tree, didn't you? I don't know anything about him.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-42.wav|She died of pneumonia two winters ago. It was a quiet passage. Peaceful.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-17.wav|Officer.... Care to play a game with a lonely old man?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-337.wav|Hello, officer.. How might I be of assistance on this fine day?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-7.wav|What do you mean, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-213.wav|Oh.... Of course. I didn't think of it. Good job officer!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-5.wav|Of course, officer, I mean I hope I can.. What's on your mind?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-86.wav|I repeat, an absolute cunt.. Even his old army buddies didn't want him around. He was like an old viper.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-155.wav|What a waste...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-52.wav|She could never make up her mind about anything. What to have for breakfast, favourite colour or which one of us to marry.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-18.wav|Actually never mind... Wouldn't be the same...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-333.wav|Officer!. The mere sight of police in Martinaise makes me feel safer already. How can I help you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-151.wav|Well, officer, what did you think?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-50.wav|Huh?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-179.wav|I understand the situation,. Please... just take it slowly. Give her the attention she deserves.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-211.wav|Oh, uh... Well thank you, officer. It certainly lightened the mood.. Very cosy, like a little street fair almost.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-70.wav|Thank you officer,. For being a consummate professional. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-19.wav|Like what, officer?. This is as good as they come in Revachol, I assure you.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-57.wav|Oh, nothing official, I assure you. Just essays for the newspapers. About Martinaise and how things are and how they could be. Evrart and I have these long talks where...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-162.wav|Coming from an officer of the law, this appraisal means an awful lot to me.. Thank you.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-81.wav|Well, you took one of them.. Still can't believe he gave it to you, but that's how rigid he was. Once the offer carelessly left his lips it was irrefutable...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-37.wav|Oh no, you have to get shot.. Repeatedly. And you need to get your hands bloody too. Really really bloody.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-92.wav|'In Guillaume's time you'd have been shot without a trial'. That's what he said to me.. He lived a cunt and he died a cunt. Let's leave it at that.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-359.wav|Yes.... in peace.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-54.wav|Heck,. Technically we're both still engaged to her.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-189.wav|Believe me, officer, I wish I could help you, but I need this sandwich to keep my blood sugar stable.. In my age you need to pay attention to these things.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-18.wav|Lately my eyes just aren't the same and even getting out of the bed is pretty difficult...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-180.wav|Please... just take it slowly. Give her the attention she deserves.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-326.wav|There were many reasons, but mostly it was the communards. They called them 'The Bells of Revolution'.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-9.wav|Life... mnjam-mnjam... doesn't need to be a struggle.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-169.wav|Or god of sandwiches maybe?. But in the meanwhile, what can I do for you here and now officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-34.wav|You'll put that knowledge to good use in twenty... I mean fifty years. I'm sure of that officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-158.wav|Mon dieu, that is an excellent idea!. That would virtually negate the component loss.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-99.wav|No, everything would fall off,. Look, officer, I'm not a miner. I like different, tasty food. Fine dining, not coal. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-37.wav|Well... first you draw a circle about a half a metre in diameter. We made ours out of rope,. Then the order of play is determined by a coin toss. You win it, you get to throw the cochonnet.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-488.wav|Oh, I didn't mean to imply there's something wrong with that,. I do it too. Everyone does it. It's an excellent side-thing.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-52.wav|That sounds horrible.. You really don't know your way around the kitchen, officer. Food and politics don't mix.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-263.wav|I'm sorry, officer, I just.... Thank you, thank you for this little memorabilia. It really means the world to me.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-193.wav|I'm sorry, officer, but I really don't share food,. Nothing personal, it's just a principle.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-7-0.wav|No, I'm sorry. And I really would like to assist,. You are a good guy, officer. I can see that.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-19.wav|Oh, sweet Jeannie.... She was the finest woman in all of Revachol. Maybe the entire world.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-327.wav|I guess in the end the Insulindian Lillies were just another piece of the Old Insulinde, the royalists had to surrender to the Mazovian insurgents. It doesn't really matter anymore.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-78.wav|Guess he was about to head home, 'cause when the dockworkers found him he was wearing civilian clothes and not the cockatoo uniform I saw him in all the time.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-166.wav|Yes, yes... and the taste?. How was the taste?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-55.wav|Writing work mostly,. Occasionally he needs something written and I happen to have a way with words, people say.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-73.wav|I prefer highly-adaptable myself,. Has a better ring to it, don't you think?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-90.wav|Alright.. Let's hear them, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-23.wav|I know what you mean, officer,. Then there's the blood sugar and don't even get me started on the bladder troubles...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-183.wav|Oh, okay.... Well I certainly have full confidence in your competence. And the future,
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-367.wav|Real shame...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-43.wav|Yes, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-83.wav|So weird... what was that, officer?. Actually, please, let's talk about something else.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-20.wav|Uh... thanks. Is there something we can help you with, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-98.wav|Maybe it's time to slow down, enjoy life a bit?. Anything I can do to assist you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-12.wav|Ugh... it's not very good, officer. I'm an old man and sciatica is gnawing on my joints.. Some days the pain is almost too much...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-49.wav|We've hated each other our entire lives. So much in fact that...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-7.wav|No, officers, I'm sorry. And I really would like to assist,. You are both good guys. I can see that.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-127.wav|We all got to go some time, officer. Everyone I love is already there. Probably waiting for me.. I'm not afraid to die. It's been a good run and I really miss my friends...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-93.wav|Of course, officer, I hope I can help you.. What's on your mind?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-80.wav|I believe everyone has the right to think and do whatever they want. Even if it's nothing at all. I'm very adaptable.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-75.wav|I don't even consider myself a regular socialist. Politics is not really something I involve myself in, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-62.wav|Mon dieu, officer!. It is worse than I thought! Believe me, I know all about that kind of pain, I've had hip trouble for the past... week.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-13.wav|Well yes, I mean... uh... no need to.... I'm not sure I understand what's happening here, officer.
wavs/alternative-2-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-2.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-88.wav|...a-and she never lost sight of it. And I thought if the most beautiful being in the world can love him, then there must be something worth holding on to...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-4.wav|Don't you mean Frissel the Fun?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-146.wav|I'm listening, officer.