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wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-4.wav|Don't you mean Frissel the Fun?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-9.wav|Life... mnjam-mnjam... doesn't need to be a struggle.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-2.wav|Of course, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-3.wav|Let me think.... I heard someone was hanged and left on a tree for a week, but that's all I know really.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-92.wav|'In Guillaume's time you'd have been shot without a trial'. That's what he said to me.. He lived a cunt and he died a cunt. Let's leave it at that.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-70.wav|Thank you officer,. For being a consummate professional. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-70-0.wav|No, thank you,. For being consummate professionals. You'll have this case wrapped up in no time.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-6.wav|Oh.... You're right of course, officer. It can't be good for my health. Please, take it off my hands.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-2.wav|Mon dieu,. Good job, officer. That was an excellent throw!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-11.wav|Now, now.... I'm sure the officer means it figuratively. Like a forensic technique or something, right?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-32.wav|He saved some maudit princeling who foolishly strolled into the front line in his gown of velvet and gold.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-37.wav|Oh no, you have to get shot.. Repeatedly. And you need to get your hands bloody too. Really really bloody.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-46.wav|And that even whilst crawling with a mangled half-dead prince on his back, he still managed to murder three rebels on his way.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-47.wav|What Monseigneur Modestie is not telling you is that he crawled over seven kilometres before the cavalrymen found him and Drysant. Two days later that was.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-111.wav|The lady is Jeanne-Marie Beaulieu.. And she sure as hell wasn't a nobody.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-126.wav|You were like a dark cloud sucking the joy out of every living thing around you, and you.... You... hurt her.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-192.wav|Ah, mon dieu! The pain in my back is unbearable. I can't even say if it's in my back or hip anymore. Feels like it's in both!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-260.wav|Oh absolutely.... At the mercy of a cocaine-snorting tyrant who emptied the treasury so he could sleep on a bed of gold?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-272.wav|Oh, old Filippe was a big fan of the purple nose candy the nobility loved so much. A cocaine-connoisseur of sorts.. His egocentricity is borderline legendary.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-283.wav|Don't get started on that again. What happened, happened.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-314.wav|But it wasn't the revolutionaries that sullied the idea for you, was it?. She gave them to me too and your jealous little heart just couldn't accept it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-330.wav|Merci beaucoup, Capitaine Arnoux!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-374.wav|It was quite funny, officer.. I thought it was very funny.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-426.wav|How did you find the story to be, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-435.wav|Already forgotten, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE-488.wav|Oh, I didn't mean to imply there's something wrong with that,. I do it too. Everyone does it. It's an excellent side-thing.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-17.wav|Officer.... Care to play a game with a lonely old man?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-18.wav|Actually never mind... Wouldn't be the same...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-19.wav|Oh, sweet Jeannie.... She was the finest woman in all of Revachol. Maybe the entire world.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-27.wav|We knew her, alright.... Lived on the same street our entire lives, just two houses apart. The three of us have been best friends since we were four.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-31.wav|Oh, officer.... It already got ugly nearly eighty years ago when the three of us were just learning to walk and talk.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-36.wav|Well... technically you stole her from me, because we'd been pretty close ever since you two had that falling out over the ink you spilled over her pretty yellow dress...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-42.wav|She died of pneumonia two winters ago. It was a quiet passage. Peaceful.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-45.wav|Departed,. Until the very end she couldn't decide between us. The most indecisive woman I've ever met.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-49.wav|We've hated each other our entire lives. So much in fact that...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-52.wav|She could never make up her mind about anything. What to have for breakfast, favourite colour or which one of us to marry.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-53.wav|She was always leaving one of us for the other, but never long enough to actually get married.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-54.wav|Heck,. Technically we're both still engaged to her.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-59.wav|Of course, officer,. Memories are all we have left.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-62.wav|Mon dieu, officer!. It is worse than I thought! Believe me, I know all about that kind of pain, I've had hip trouble for the past... week.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-63.wav|The prick is gone,. I... I can barely believe it, but he's really gone.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-67.wav|Hell, most likely. He was an absolute cunt...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-77.wav|His angry little heart finally gave out.. The dockworkers found him in the guard booth this morning. Wasn't even supposed to be working for another week, but he just had to prove how tough he is...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-78.wav|Guess he was about to head home, 'cause when the dockworkers found him he was wearing civilian clothes and not the cockatoo uniform I saw him in all the time.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Now the joke's on him, 'cause he's gonna be buried without it.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-0.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/alternative-1-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-1.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/alternative-2-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-79-2.wav|Sometimes I thought he was wearing it just to piss me off.. Guess the joke's on him now. Won't even be buried in it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-81.wav|Well, you took one of them.. Still can't believe he gave it to you, but that's how rigid he was. Once the offer carelessly left his lips it was irrefutable...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-82.wav|I took them for myself. Took them to remember that old cunt. Nobody knew him better than I did, and I want to remember that old cunt by something.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-83.wav|The other one I took for myself.. No one knew him better than I did, and I want to remember that old cunt by something.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-86.wav|I repeat, an absolute cunt.. Even his old army buddies didn't want him around. He was like an old viper.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-87.wav|The only people who could stand to be around him were Jeannie and me.... She saw something in him when we were just kids, and...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-88.wav|...a-and she never lost sight of it. And I thought if the most beautiful being in the world can love him, then there must be something worth holding on to...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-89.wav|Yes. I... I loved that angry prick. He didn't deserve it, but I did.. You know what his last words to me were?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-98.wav|Maybe it's time to slow down, enjoy life a bit?. Anything I can do to assist you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-101.wav|I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. You do what you have to, like the rest of us... So how can I help?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-118.wav|Yes...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-122.wav|Mon dieu, you set it on fire!. What kind of a policeman are you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-127.wav|We all got to go some time, officer. Everyone I love is already there. Probably waiting for me.. I'm not afraid to die. It's been a good run and I really miss my friends...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-135.wav|Ghost of the past.. Everyone in this story is already dead, officer. I don't wanna talk about them.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-138.wav|Uh... everything really. I probably knew him better than.... You meant the teacup in the tree, didn't you? I don't know anything about him.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-140.wav|But you probably had some official business too?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-142.wav|The prick survived all the bullets, swords and explosions just to die of a heart attack.... Ironic, isn't it, even his own bitter little heart couldn't stand him.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-149.wav|Officer.... I just can't do this right now. The Union... it just doesn't matter anymore.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-151.wav|Well, officer, what did you think?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-155.wav|What a waste...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-160.wav|I guess you don't really need taste buds for police work.. Is there anything else, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-161.wav|Ugh... thank you, officer.. Please tell me there wasn't anything else?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-162.wav|Coming from an officer of the law, this appraisal means an awful lot to me.. Thank you.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-166.wav|Yes, yes... and the taste?. How was the taste?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-181.wav|I uh.... That's nice. Uh... better somehow. Can I help in any way?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-182.wav|Oh, okay.... It's perfectly alright. No harm done and it's really none of my business anyway.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-183.wav|Oh, okay.... Well I certainly have full confidence in your competence. And the future,
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-184.wav|Apocalypse?. I uh... I don't know, what this means, officer. I'm sorry. But thank you! I'm here to cooperate any way I can.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-188.wav|Sorry, officer, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way,. But the sandwich is mine, I'm not gonna share it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-189.wav|Believe me, officer, I wish I could help you, but I need this sandwich to keep my blood sugar stable.. In my age you need to pay attention to these things.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-190.wav|FUCK OFF, it's mine!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-193.wav|I'm sorry, officer, but I really don't share food,. Nothing personal, it's just a principle.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-208.wav|Oh, that's good, that's very good.. You must have other business then?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-211.wav|Oh, uh... Well thank you, officer. It certainly lightened the mood.. Very cosy, like a little street fair almost.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-213.wav|Oh.... Of course. I didn't think of it. Good job officer!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-229.wav|I'm glad to assist you if I can, officer,
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-248.wav|What is... actually never mind.. I'm sure there's something I can help you with, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-263.wav|I'm sorry, officer, I just.... Thank you, thank you for this little memorabilia. It really means the world to me.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-269.wav|It is what it is, part of life really,. But to know someone for 79 years, then one day they're just gone...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-271.wav|I just don't know anymore... about anything really.. But you... you must need something?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-277.wav|It is what it is... part of life,. But to know someone for 79 years, then one day they're just gone...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-296.wav|Sweet sweet Jeannie.... Ask away officer, I knew her all my life.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-299.wav|Sure, officer.. They are the good guys around here. What do you need?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-305.wav|Guess he was about to head home. The dockworkers found him in his civilian clothes and not the cockatoo uniform you... ugh... confiscated.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-310.wav|Oh, he would have liked that.. Violent lives ending violently... That's how he wanted to go. Sadly it was not the case.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-325.wav|Mhmh,. That's their old name, dating back to the time of kings and crests and all that other stuff he loved so much.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-326.wav|There were many reasons, but mostly it was the communards. They called them 'The Bells of Revolution'.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-327.wav|I guess in the end the Insulindian Lillies were just another piece of the Old Insulinde, the royalists had to surrender to the Mazovian insurgents. It doesn't really matter anymore.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-332.wav|It is such a pleasure to see you again, officer. How may I aid the Citizens Militia on this fine day?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-333.wav|Officer!. The mere sight of police in Martinaise makes me feel safer already. How can I help you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-337.wav|Hello, officer.. How might I be of assistance on this fine day?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-344.wav|I have really outdone myself.... This is divine.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-359.wav|Yes.... in peace.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-367.wav|Real shame...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON-372.wav|I uh.... That's nice. Uh... If I'm in your way, I'll move! Or can I help in any way?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-7.wav|What do you mean, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-12.wav|Ugh... it's not very good, officer. I'm an old man and sciatica is gnawing on my joints.. Some days the pain is almost too much...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-18.wav|Lately my eyes just aren't the same and even getting out of the bed is pretty difficult...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-19.wav|What?!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-20.wav|Uh... thanks. Is there something we can help you with, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-23.wav|I know what you mean, officer,. Then there's the blood sugar and don't even get me started on the bladder troubles...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-24.wav|Yes, yes. I'm sorry, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-32.wav|Oh? The goal is to throw your boule.... ... as close to the cochonnet as you can.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-34.wav|You'll put that knowledge to good use in twenty... I mean fifty years. I'm sure of that officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-36.wav|That's the cochonnet.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-37.wav|Well... first you draw a circle about a half a metre in diameter. We made ours out of rope,. Then the order of play is determined by a coin toss. You win it, you get to throw the cochonnet.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-39.wav|The opponent has a right to re-measure if he has doubts about the result and...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-49.wav|Then the players aim to throw their boules as close to the cochonnet as possible. They must stay in the circle and keep both feet planted.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-58.wav|Uh.... Then there's measuring the distance between the boule and the cochonnet. I always measure ours, but usually it's done by the player who threw last.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-61.wav|I could, but I'd rather not.. I don't want to take up your time with trivial details, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-72.wav|But not with a monetary pension unfortunately,. What can I do for you, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CHEATING-83.wav|So weird... what was that, officer?. Actually, please, let's talk about something else.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-5.wav|Of course, officer, I mean I hope I can.. What's on your mind?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-7.wav|No, officers, I'm sorry. And I really would like to assist,. You are both good guys. I can see that.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-7-0.wav|No, I'm sorry. And I really would like to assist,. You are a good guy, officer. I can see that.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-9.wav|I wish I could, but I just don't know anything.. I always keep my nose clean and don't gossip. Everyone knows and respects that.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-15-0.wav|No, no-no,. I'm not holding anything back. I swear. I'm not even anyo---
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-21.wav|Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers,. I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium.
wavs/alternative-0-Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-21-0.wav|Evrart Claire. Everyone in Martinaise knows the Claire brothers,. I taught these boys human studies and history in the gymnasium.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-37.wav|What a prick,. The officer was addressing me, not you, capitaine. Where were we?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-41.wav|Not in the technical sense.... I don't have a vote or a membership card. But Evrart keeps me on the payroll. Just for the little things.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-55.wav|Writing work mostly,. Occasionally he needs something written and I happen to have a way with words, people say.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-57.wav|Oh, nothing official, I assure you. Just essays for the newspapers. About Martinaise and how things are and how they could be. Evrart and I have these long talks where...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-67.wav|On the Union-track?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-69.wav|That's just the way things work around here,. No reason to feel bad about it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-71.wav|No, I'm sorry, officer.. I don't even have a keycard. Evrart usually sends someone to get me, when he wants to talk.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-73.wav|I prefer highly-adaptable myself,. Has a better ring to it, don't you think?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-75.wav|I don't even consider myself a regular socialist. Politics is not really something I involve myself in, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-78.wav|Officer, I have a vivid imagination.. And like I said, I have a way with words. That's enough. No need to sink into politics.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-80.wav|I believe everyone has the right to think and do whatever they want. Even if it's nothing at all. I'm very adaptable.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON CASE-93.wav|Of course, officer, I hope I can help you.. What's on your mind?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-11.wav|That would certainly have been an improvement.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-13.wav|Well yes, I mean... uh... no need to.... I'm not sure I understand what's happening here, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-14.wav|Ee... okay, sure sure, I'm not worried. We're here all the time. Every day. Impossible to miss us, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-16.wav|I hope you are not just tricking an old man out of the little he has left.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-18.wav|Wait... But I thought.... I'd really like to get back to the game now, if there isn't anything else?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-19.wav|Like what, officer?. This is as good as they come in Revachol, I assure you.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-34.wav|Eh... I don't think that's gonna happen.. Why would you even...?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-43.wav|Yes, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-46.wav|I don't want to,. Look, officer, I like different, classic food. Fine dining, not soil. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-49.wav|I really don't understand how my sandwich could...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-50.wav|Huh?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-52.wav|That sounds horrible.. You really don't know your way around the kitchen, officer. Food and politics don't mix.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-66.wav|I would rather just have this one, officer.. It's really good.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-68.wav|What do you mean, officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-76.wav|No, officer.. Please let it go, It's making me really uncomfortable.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-90.wav|Alright.. Let's hear them, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-97.wav|I don't eat worker-food!. Look, officer, I like different, classic food. Fine dining, not worker backs. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-98.wav|You're describing prison food, officer. I like different, better food. Fine dining, not jailtime. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-99.wav|No, everything would fall off,. Look, officer, I'm not a miner. I like different, tasty food. Fine dining, not coal. Please, just drop it.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-116.wav|So.... Is there something I can help you with instead or...?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-137.wav|Oh.... You went through all that trouble for my sandwich? I'm flattered, officer, but my answer is no. Now how else can I help you?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-146.wav|I'm listening, officer.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-154.wav|Oh.... All that for a sandwich? I'm flattered, officer, but you can't have it. It's mine.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-158.wav|Mon dieu, that is an excellent idea!. That would virtually negate the component loss.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-169.wav|Or god of sandwiches maybe?. But in the meanwhile, what can I do for you here and now officer?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-172.wav|Ee... okay, sure sure,. Everybody wins, but is there anything I can help you with right now to speed up the process?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-174.wav|Is there anything I can do for you right now?. Maybe to speed the whole process up a bit?
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-179.wav|I understand the situation,. Please... just take it slowly. Give her the attention she deserves.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA GASTON SANDWICH WC-180.wav|Please... just take it slowly. Give her the attention she deserves.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-89.wav|It's okay, officer. Forgotten completely. It was my boule and I have a spare.. Everything is good and we're ready to assist any way we can!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE PETANQUE-112.wav|Thank you, officer.. This is really something... Honestly I think it's better than our old boule even!
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RIVER CRATER-89.wav|Well, it's your own damn fault,. You, we, the Coalition, Revachol, whoever you wanna blame, never finished the job. Officially the Party never surrendered. Of course they still hold influence.
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-80.wav|Enough, officer,. We can't help you. Not with this. Such an emotional topic...
wavs/Gaston Martin-PLAZA RENE TURNING BACK TIME-84.wav|No, officer.. We can't help you with that, maybe there's something else we can help you with?