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wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-2.wav|Joyce L. Messier. I represent the board of Wild Pines, the owners of the harbour. You must be from the RCM...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-10.wav|Leyton, my maiden name.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-12.wav|I'm glad to see you here.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-12-0.wav|I'm glad to see you here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-17.wav|I'm glad to see you here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-18.wav|None taken, officer.. Either way, I'm glad you're both here now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-23.wav|I'm glad to see you here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-25.wav|I was dispatched to handle a strike, not a lynching. Anything I can do to assist the RCM in this matter, I will, gladly.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-28.wav|Of course, detective, take care.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-32.wav|You're back. Good.. What can I help you with, not an umbrella, I hope. I don't need one myself, you see...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-37.wav|Joyce L. Messier. I represent the board of Wild Pines, the owners of the harbour. You gentlemen must be from the RCM...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-40.wav|Nothing, honestly. I've said it to every drunk in town and you're the first one who's responded.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-41.wav|Why, yes I am...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-51.wav|Good afternoon, officer, I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-53.wav|Uhm.... I meant you, the Revachol Citizens Militia. The police.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-55.wav|The information I'm to share with you includes sensitive trade secrets. For the sake of my employer, I have to ask for your name and badge number.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-55-0.wav|The information I'm to share with you includes sensitive trade secrets. For the sake of my employer, I have to ask for your names and badge numbers.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-62.wav|How curious.. Why is that, detective?
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-62-0.wav|More curious by the minute.... Why is that, detective?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-70.wav|Oh. And what happened to yours, detective?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-75.wav|You mean someone stole your badge?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-83.wav|Of course there are.. We are on an archipelago. How else are you supposed to get around?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-87.wav|We are. And the city of Revachol is on the island of Le Caillou.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-89.wav|Okay.. If you want to get technical. The point is we're all on islands here. And sail is still the most expedient way to get from one island to another. Especially when you're in a hurry to resolve a strike.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-91.wav|I haven't seen anyone else drive a souped-up Coupris Kineema motor carriage either.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-99.wav|Neither is this.. A toy, I mean. It's a machine for crossing long distances in the bay of Revachol. Between the city and the islands.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-99-0.wav|Neither is that.. A toy, I mean. It's a machine for crossing long distances in the bay of Revachol. Between the city and the islands.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-105.wav|No matter whose it is. A motor carriage is just a tool. You need it to do your job, as I do mine. It's just a means of getting where you need to go.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-108.wav|Pardon me, it's not especially relevant.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-110.wav|Hmm, I suppose that one does have a rather loud electrical engine.. A specific drone. In any case....
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-113.wav|In any case...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-116.wav|What a surprise,. That is one disadvantage of a motor carriage relative to a sloop like this one.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-124.wav|Of course. The situation is precarious.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-125.wav|Good,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-127.wav|I mean we are on Le Caillou, are we not?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-128.wav|Yes, we are.. We are on Le Caillou.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-132.wav|Officer, I assure you I'm a highly qualified pleasure craft operator.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-134.wav|I just renewed its safety inspection last month, officer. It is completely seaworthy. In fact, it's taken part in not one, but two Insulindic regattas, and finished once.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-134-0.wav|I just renewed its safety inspection last month, officers. It is completely seaworthy. In fact, it's taken part in not one, but two Insulindic regattas. Even finished once.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-148.wav|The other time I would have finished the race were it not for an urgent work matter, much like the one I'm on now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-153.wav|Why wouldn't it be? This is Revachol. Wayfarer act and all. Anyone can drive a boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-168.wav|The boat? No. It is called Cor-de-Leite '19, because that's the type of sloop it is.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-169.wav|Of course.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-170.wav|Of course. Any more questions about the boat, sir?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-180.wav|My husband is. I have dual citizenship. A Vespertine is handier when travelling.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-191.wav|Hmm. Well, it means nothing to me. I think I'll stick with the factory name. But thank you for the suggestion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-192.wav|My sloop? I like it a lot.. It's the eel's hips, baby.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-198.wav|Technically speaking, you don't.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-199.wav|Surely you're aware that under the Wayfarer Act the RCM doesn't have the authority to demand anyone's operator license. Freedom of movement and all that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-201.wav|Then certainly you must know that under the Wayfarer Act the RCM doesn't have the authority to demand anyone's operator license. Freedom of movement and all that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-203.wav|You may still ask for my passport.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-207.wav|You may still ask to see my passport,. That I'm obliged to share with you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-210.wav|Oh my, the E-word.. You mean to say that it's a symbol of conspicuous consumption? That I'm a member of the ruling class.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-235.wav|Think nothing of it, officer.. What's a little class conflict between friends?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-242.wav|Yes, anyway.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-260.wav|You mean eel's hips, but point taken. I am a bourgeois woman and this is my fast, light, interminably bourgeois boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-264.wav|Okay. It is Antecentennial.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-264-0.wav|It is Antecentennial.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-265.wav|I assure you, they drove quite the hard bargain for this space, but you're right.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-266.wav|I am a bourgeois woman and this is my long, incredibly lightweight, interminably bourgeois boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-268.wav|I assure you, they drove quite a hard bargain for this space, but you're right.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-269.wav|I am a bourgeois woman and this is my fast, lightweight, interminably bourgeois boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-274.wav|Okay.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-278.wav|My.... It's as if there is a tiny spinner on the side of his head, and he's reeling thoughts out.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-300.wav|I can see your hand is getting tired now, there is no need to continue. No one is keeping score.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-301.wav|No worries.. We can just go back to discussing my fast, large, interminably middle class boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-308.wav|You're marbles on glass, dear. Don't worry.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-310.wav|Oh no...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-312.wav|It was quite a while ago, but I think.... Yes. We were discussing my fast, large, ineluctably middle class boat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-316.wav|Lieutenant, I truly don't understand what is happening here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-320.wav|Officer, I am so sorry for the whole pier situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-327.wav|Of course.. You have my full cooperation, and the cooperation of the Wild Pines Group.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-328.wav|Of course. You have my full cooperation, and the cooperation of the Wild Pines Group.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-329.wav|Officer, I don't mean to be rude but are you sure your recent medical episode wasn't a stroke?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-334.wav|You stood there for the longest time! And it looked like you were having trouble forming a sentence.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-335.wav|Oh, dear, that is serious. If this is in any way dangerous for your health, we can always resume our conversation later.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-341.wav|My mother had a stroke. She exhibited similar problems, although not quite like yours.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-342.wav|Of course.. Please accept my apologies. What can I help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-346.wav|If you have doubts about your brain's blood supply, well... that's what we call a serious matter.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-347.wav|A stroke could partially explain the memory trouble you've been experiencing.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-359.wav|You have my full cooperation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-360.wav|Drinking less sounds like a great start!. Go on, you have my full cooperation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-364.wav|Such a tough guy.. You have my full cooperation, tough guy, and that of the Wild Pines Group.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-365.wav|Everything.. Right up to, but not including, trade secrets.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-370.wav|First you'd have to repeal the Emergencies Act of Trade and Aliments that gives me the right to silence. It's quite the octopus.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-372.wav|Why, by throwing off half a century of foreign domination under the Coalition! Unfortunately for you, the Coalition also leases you the right to police West Revachol...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-375.wav|Good luck, It's only kept in place by the vested interests of half the civilized world, including your own.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-377.wav|I hope I can be of help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-378.wav|Heavens, no. There have been two prior strikes. Both times the Union won significant concessions, including overtime pay and a medical plan. This time their demands are more... I guess you could say aggressive.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-379.wav|I wasn't the original negotiator here. I took over after Mr. Gaumont hit a wall with Mr. Claire, the Union boss. Mr. Claire refused to speak with Gaumont, despite concessions he'd granted the Union in prior negotiations.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-381.wav|Let's say I was not making the kind of progress I'd hoped for when I first arrived...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-383.wav|Charmed, enchanted, put under his spell.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-388.wav|I believe the official title is Senior Labour Negotiator. In practice I'm a grocery clerk. I relay the Union's demands to Wild Pines, and return with Wild Pines' counter-offer...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-399.wav|Yes, Jean-Luc Measurehead.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-400.wav|They're nonsense, a load of tripe.. But we were on the subject of the talks I believe.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-401.wav|Oh, so you've met him.. Has he beguiled you with his inane theories?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-403.wav|What can I say? The Union employs a giant covered in tattoos.. A racist giant. I guess that's part of their big tent organization now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-414.wav|I arrived three weeks ago.... Yes, in the middle of February, the bay was still partially frozen then. I prefer to do these things on-site. Like the RCM.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-415.wav|Funny, I could think of a few ways to dispute them.. But we digress.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-417.wav|They're not. That's the problem. The Union stopped all negotiations a week ago. After that awful lynching took place.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-418.wav|Of course. To each their own.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-429.wav|I am glad you see it that way. To repeal the act would mean repealing the Coalition government. The one that leases you the right to police West Revachol...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-431.wav|I'm afraid the Emergencies Act was put in place by the same Coalition government that leases the RCM the right to police West Revachol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-441.wav|But, I am derailing us. You wanted to know about the strike.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-443.wav|I imagine a man like you can take quite the lashing.. But I believe we were talking about the strike.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-450.wav|Of course.. How else can I help?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-452.wav|There are leaflets everywhere, and banners... what did they say again? Oh, yes...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-458.wav|Then you might also like their other slogan: 'DEMAND DEMOCRACY!'
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-459.wav|Fortunately they explained it. Every time the Wild Pines Group makes a decision, about anything, it needs the signature of each of the 2,200 workers in its Martinaise terminal.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-460.wav|In its defence, another said DEMAND DEMOCRACY. Pretty tame stuff compared to EVERY WORKER, A MEMBER OF THE BOARD.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-461.wav|Personally, I agree, It lacks the pizzazzo of EVERY WORKER, A MEMBER OF THE BOARD.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-465.wav|It's quite simple, you see. Every time the Wild Pines Group makes a decision, about, what? About anything really, it needs the signature of each of the 2,200 workers in its Martinaise terminal.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-466.wav|Just so you understand, this is but one of twenty-two terminals owned by Wild Pines. Essentially, not only are they kings of the company, they are also kings of the 72,000 employees of Wild Pines Group.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-467.wav|Personally, I don't think it has the same pizzazzo as EVERY WORKER, a MEMBER OF THE BOARD.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-475.wav|So I hoped.. But this type of opening is usually followed by a more reasonable offer. I have yet to hear one, just the same nonsensical slogan repeated over and over again...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-476.wav|I'm not sure. Naturally I assumed that was just their opening position, a hard-nosed tactic with a side of mockery. But there's been no follow up, just the same nonsensical slogan repeated over and over again...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-484.wav|That may well be. It's not up to me to decide who is king. But as negotiations go, it's not a swell start.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-485.wav|They are having a blast, but how can they afford it? After four months my assumption was they would prefer a more practical solution.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-486.wav|What we do, I'm afraid I don't speak for Wild Pines as a whole. It's a giant undertaking.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-491.wav|The Pines' core competency is logistics, container shipping, freight, that sort of thing.. See those airships there, blinking? Those are the shipping side of things...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-499.wav|And that is the terminal. Another subdivision deals with energy, oil and gas exploration. Offshore platforms.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-504.wav|They started as an exploration and cargo fleet conducting trade between the Samaran and Insulindian isolas, 250 years ago, when Pines' ships explored the South-Semenese and charted Lo Manthang on behalf of the suzerain.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-506.wav|Why, thank you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-516.wav|It's a number, officer, a big one.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-518.wav|It's made of one thousand millions, a million is made of a thousand thousands.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-520.wav|And to think, there are years when the group books losses in the billions...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-520-0.wav|And to think, there are years when the group runs a loss of billions...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-521.wav|Twenty billion is a large number, but the conglomerate employs 72,000 people. They all need to be paid. Then there are capital improvements, interest payments...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-521-0.wav|Twenty two billion is a large number, but consider this, the conglomerate employs 72,000 people. They all need wages...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-523.wav|Yes, past a certain point numbers begin to seem imaginary. But they are quite real for the 72,000 employees who depend on Wild Pines for their pay checks...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-523-0.wav|I was not trying to impress you, I swear. The conglomerate employs 72,000 people, wages cover most of the revenue...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-525.wav|A conglomerate the size of Wild Pines is like a shark, if it stops moving and growing it will die. Then what becomes of those 72,000 families? It is a tremendous responsibility.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-526.wav|A conglomerate the size of the Wild Pines is like a shark, if it stops moving it will die. Then what becomes of those 72,000 families? It's a tremendous responsibility.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-527.wav|Wild Pines employs 72,000 people, all of whom have families that depend on their salaries. It is a tremendous responsibility.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-532.wav|We built this district,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-533.wav|All the best parts of it. Rue de Saint-Ghislaine with its bastions, the plaza's Meteoran mosaic. Even some of the old street lamps have been put back thanks to investments from the WP.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-535.wav|You know more than you let on.. Certainly it helped, but most of the original indotribes have failed or been absorbed. To survive Wild Pines had to grow and adapt. No suzerain did that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-536.wav|You mean aside from being the terminal's legal owners?. Who are responsible for moving eight percent of the world's cargo?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-540.wav|Before Martinaise was swallowed by the industrial harbour, even before it was part of Revachol, long before Terminal B was erected here, the Pines built it as a resort for its Revacholian employees.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-541.wav|A company getaway. For a weekend or a summer holiday. Then came the Revolution, but that's another matter.... I'm here to make sure the Pines can fulfil their responsibilities to the place they built.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-545.wav|Of course not. Evrart is fantastically corrupt. I imagine he has a thick, viscous goo where you and I have blood.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-547.wav|He is the most corrupt individual I have ever seen. And I deal with men like him for a living. If there is anyone more venal, more irredeemably nepotistic, then it's his twin brother, Edgar.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-548.wav|Yes. Edgar looks exactly like his brother, except for that lazy eye. He also talks exactly like Evrart does. And when one's term as foreman is up, the other takes over.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-549.wav|It's how they circumvent the term limits, you see. With a funny little switcharoo. While in office they've embezzled god knows how much of their workers' dues.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-557.wav|Oh heavens no! We get along just fine... Yet now that you mention it, I can't stop imagining that black treacle... Just dribbling down his double chin...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-561.wav|Have you seen him?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-565.wav|Of course.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-566.wav|Edgar looks exactly like his brother, except for that lazy eye. He also talks exactly like Evrart does. And when one's term as foreman is up, the other takes over.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-572.wav|Organized labour at its best, as they say. Then something happened in the local chapter elections. The Brothers Claire came and transformed it into a... how do you say?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-573.wav|Refreshingly honest, officer.. The company has tried appeasing in the past, but I'm afraid our concessions have only emboldened Evrart and his brother.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-578.wav|Why do you think so?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-580.wav|Thank you for being candid,. Sadly, Wild Pines have cooperated with what amounts to a crime syndicate for two decades. However much you feed the wolf, the wolf always hungers.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-582.wav|Of course, officer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-584.wav|Or a mob.. Sadly, Wild Pines have cooperated with what amounts to a crime syndicate for two decades. However much you feed the wolf, the wolf always hungers.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-584-0.wav|Indeed. And a hungry one.. Sadly, Wild Pines have cooperated with what amounts to a crime syndicate for two decades. However much you feed the leech, the leech always hungers.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-588.wav|Well.... I suppose that's one way to look at it, they're an interesting composition, albeit vile. But enough about Evrart, what else can I do for you?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-589.wav|Ha!. I suppose you are, officer. All-Revachol. But enough about Evrart, what else can I tell you about?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-590.wav|Point taken.. But enough about Evrart, what else can I do for you?
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-590-0.wav|Point taken.. But enough about Evrart, what else can I do for you?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-593.wav|Ha!. A real Man of the Left. What else can I tell you about?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-594.wav|Quite a few things, I'm afraid...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-599.wav|I just can't go around telling confidential information to strangers. I've signed a contract.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-606.wav|Of course.. But before we do, officer, let me be perfectly clear...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-606-0.wav|Of course.. But before we do, officers, let me be perfectly clear...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-607.wav|A pleasure to meet you, Harry, what happened to your badge?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-610.wav|The situation is extremely volatile. The sooner we can speak about this lynching business, the better for all of us.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-612.wav|What happened to it, detective?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-613.wav|Pleased to meet you, lieutenant,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-616.wav|It is a relief to see a double-yefreitor here. The situation is precarious to say the least. It needs a quick solution, or we will have a blood bath on our hands.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-622.wav|How can I forget?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-624.wav|I was hoping your condition was rhetorical, detective. A questioning technique.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-628.wav|You mean someone stole your badge?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-631.wav|I don't, in fact.. I'm afraid what I need to tell you is wholly unrelated to art. I really need to discuss it, however. With the RCM, and I need your badge for that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-632.wav|Some arlecchinos you say?. I'm afraid what I need to tell you is anything but fun I really need to discuss it, however. With the RCM, and I need your badge for that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-633.wav|I... see.... So are you saying you lost your badge during the course of this episode?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-635.wav|Oh, dear.... Some kind of encephalopathic amnesia? I don't even know how to respond...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-639.wav|Oh, dear.... I suppose this does explain some of the more curious turns in our conversation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-640.wav|I do believe you, naive as that may sound. I simply can't imagine what you'd gain by faking such a condition.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-646.wav|I have sympathy for your highly unusual conundrum, sir. And I believe you. But as it stands I cannot share any confidential information until I've seen a badge.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-646-0.wav|I have sympathy for your highly unusal condition, sir. And I believe you. But as it stands I cannot share any confidential information until I've seen both your badges.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-651.wav|I'm afraid not, lieutenant. These are my employer's orders...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-653.wav|However,. This isn't about my feelings. There's also protocol to consider. I'm afraid I can't say any more until I've seen that badge.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-659.wav|I'm afraid I can't say any more until we've taken care of formal protocol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-680.wav|Officer...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-682.wav|Trust me, officer, I am fully committed to resolving this impasse. This isn't some side gig for me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-684.wav|I will be frank with you.. If I'm going to break protocol I need to be able to justify it to my superiors. They're going to want to see something very tangible.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-685.wav|Reports from inside Terminal B suggest it's a hub for the local drug trade. This is an open secret in Martinaise. The Union controls the terminal, so it goes to reason...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-687.wav|Or.... You can recover your badge, though if I may be blunt with you, it sounds like that may be a lost cause.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-700.wav|It's quite straightforward. Someone is using Terminal B to smuggle raw ingredients from the Samaran isola into Revachol with the Union's blessing. Wild Pines has suspected it for years.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-706.wav|Yes, I believe there is a connection, but that's a subject for later.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-714.wav|Meth- and dextro-amphetamine, GBL and various synthetic psychedelics. Honestly, it might be quicker to say what you can't make from the stuff.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-720.wav|Yes. But you won't get anything out of Evrart and the Dockworkers' Union. Still --. every chain has its weak link.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-726.wav|The lorries,. Someone needs to move the ingredients from the harbour into the city. Once they reach Jamrock they're distributed to a network of local manufacturers, well beyond our grasp. But in transit they are vulnerable.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-727.wav|Precisely. Someone needs to move the ingredients from the harbour into the city. Once they reach Jamrock they're distributed to a network of local manufacturers, well beyond our grasp. But in transit they are vulnerable.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-735.wav|I'll be explicit: if you find this driver, I will share company secrets with you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-736.wav|We did, on more than one occasion. Apparently there's some sort of inter-precinct disagreement about whose jurisdiction this area falls under.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-741.wav|Well,. here's your chance, officers.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-742.wav|No. We asked East Motor Tract to raise the drawbridge. The road company is a partner of one of our subsidiaries. However...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-743.wav|This is a limited-time opportunity. Once the complaint has been processed by the trade committee they'll have no choice but to lower the drawbridge, and the operation will continue.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-744.wav|Thousands of litres of raw ingredients will pour onto the streets of Revachol. Not the East, across the river, but the West. The vulnerable, the weary...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-745.wav|How do you think they're financing this strike? There are thousands of unpaid dockworkers going strong for the fourth month straight.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-750.wav|With all due respect to these desert cacti, the contents of a few cash registers cannot provide for two-thousand men. The local businesses can scarcely provide for themselves.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-756.wav|It's true they drove a number of the local businesses to bankruptcy preparing for this venture. I've talked to a few business owners, it was quite the shakedown. But the contents of a few cash registers cannot provide for two thousand men.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-758.wav|Precisely. Smuggled out of that very gate at night, most likely. Then loaded onto lorries and driven to Jamrock. You simply need to find one driver who'll open up to you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-766.wav|A lot of it,. It comes in from large Samaran factories. In South Safre, Siigay and Hsin-Yao. The literage they must get from this terminal alone must be oceanic.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-767.wav|The lorries are still stuck at the roundabout, if the police is asking, one of the drivers might admit to it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-772.wav|The two might even be connected.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-777.wav|As eager as I am to share it, lieutenant, once the job is done.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-780.wav|I am very sad to hear that, officer.. If you change your mind, please let me know. If not, good luck finding your badge, and your memory.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-781.wav|In the meantime, I'll still try to assist you any way I can. This disagreement is peanuts compared to what happens if you fail your main investigation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-782.wav|It may come to nothing, or it may just blow the case wide open. I can keep the drawbridge up for a few more days at least. You should have the time you need.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-783.wav|In the meantime, let me know if there's any other way I may be of assistance.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-789.wav|Until you come up with something at that intersection I'm afraid I have little else to tell you, but I'll try. Ask.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-794.wav|On the contrary, officer,. There are yet camionneurs you have not talked to. And don't look so surprised. In a time like this it would be strange if Wild Pines didn't have eyes on the harbour.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-798.wav|Word has travelled, yes, but nothing of real substance has surfaced yet, I gather?. Wild Pines has eyes on the intersection, but not ears.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-806.wav|Yes, my eyes on the harbour have sent word to that effect, what have you discovered?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-807.wav|In any case, it's a relief to know someone has looked into it. If I may ask, will there be an official investigation? I assume you discovered there is an operation...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-810.wav|It doesn't really matter, and I do apologize for the surveillance. Wild Pines can't afford to be blind at a time like this.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-811.wav|Yes, and? Will you start an official investigation?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-815.wav|I've kept my eye on the camionneurs, even tried to get to know one. It's a mystery I'm already invested in: which one of them, if any, could organize such a complex operation?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-823.wav|Of course, detectives,. In any case, you've held up your end of our arrangement. I trust you with the rest. Now it's my turn...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-824.wav|I wouldn't normally break protocol like this, but the situation demands it. If you don't solve this murder I'm afraid we may have a blood bath on our hands.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-825.wav|I don't believe that for one moment, officer.. I'm just going to assume that departmental regulations prevent you from saying anything more...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-827.wav|In any case, you've held up your end of our arrangement. Now it's my turn...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-828.wav|Okay. I thank you for sharing that much with me.. My employer thanks you as well...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-840.wav|The... scabs?. You mean the huddled masses of Jamrock, come to plead for work where the Union refuses to?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-845.wav|If they were organized by Wild Pines or its affiliates then it would be a company secret. I could not share it with you, not right now at least...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-854.wav|Yes. They were organized by Wild Pines. The contractors picked them up from Jamrock and drove them over. This is standard practice. The company reserves a right to man its stations.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-865.wav|If these workers were organized by Wild Pines or its affiliates, then it would be a company secret. I could not share it with you, not yet, at least.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-866.wav|If these strikebreakers were organized by Wild Pines or its affiliates, then it would be a company secret. I could not share it with you, not yet, at least.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-867.wav|Ha!. If the workers were organized by Wild Pines then it would be a company secret. I could not share it with you , not yet, at least...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-868.wav|To answer your question, yes. They were organized by Wild Pines. The contractors picked them up from Jamrock and drove them over. This is standard practice. The company reserves a right to man its stations.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-876.wav|Of course,. Anything to help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-877.wav|That's the man who was killed.... I'm afraid this is a discussion for once we've cleared the lynching question.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-880.wav|Better not to tie the forestay to the backstay on this. I hope there is something else I can help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-888.wav|I fear I've told you all I know.. It's an Oranjese Map of the Waterways, or some version of it. It depicts the travels this man made while he was still alive.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-892.wav|Yes, but please don't call me that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-895.wav|Joyce is much more efficient.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-918.wav|As I was saying.... If there's any way I may be of assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-938.wav|Excuse me, I didn't hear you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-939.wav|Excuse me, I didn't hear you.. Did you say money?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-942.wav|My..... Why do you say that?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-945.wav|Of course.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-947.wav|That's garbage! You're a police officer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-951.wav|Shall we talk about something else maybe?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-959.wav|Why yes, I am rich. How much money do you need? Hopefully not too much, I couldn't bring all of it with me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-969.wav|Of course.. How much do you need.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-970.wav|Ah yes, of course, I'm sad to hear that.. How much do you need?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-973.wav|I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you,. The wind is a bit strong, could you repeat that?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-981.wav|Come now. Nobody carries that much cash on their person, particularly in a place like Martinaise... I'd get robbed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-984.wav|That was the annual revenue of the entire Wild Pines Group, not my personal fortune...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-985.wav|Try again, dear. A little lower this time.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-989.wav|It is. Fast and silent.. Try again, but lower.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-990.wav|I like high fidelity anything, sir.. Now try again, but lower.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-995.wav|So would I, but woe! There is no such denomination.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1001.wav|That's a reasonable sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1001-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1011.wav|Uhm.... I really did bring as little cash as possible, to avoid attention. So here you are, the last of bit of filthy lucre I can share.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1017.wav|It's all right, lieutenant.. I really did bring as little cash with me as possible, to avoid attention. So here you are, the last bit of filthy lucre I can share.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1018.wav|So,. I hope I didn't just bribe you, officer. It may not be technically illegal under the Emergency Act, but still...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1019.wav|So,. I hope I didn't just bribe you, officer. It may not be technically illegal under the Emergency Act, but still...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1023.wav|That's a good sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1023-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1025.wav|That's a good sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1025-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1027.wav|That's a good sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1027-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1029.wav|That's a good sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1029-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1040.wav|Which he most certainly will do.. Now, how else can I help the RCM today, besides supplementing its salaries?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1042.wav|That's heartening to hear. There are too few honourable men in Revachol.. Now how else can I help the RCM today, besides supplementing its salaries?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1043.wav|Au contraire, officer. I also feel queasy about the pittance the Coalition calls your salary. Now is there something else I can do for you, or did you want to chat about dialectics some more?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1045.wav|Of course.. Now how else can I help the RCM today, besides supplementing its salaries?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1059.wav|Now, how else can I help the RCM today, besides supplementing its salaries?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1064.wav|What would you like to know?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1075.wav|The performative experience has ended. Good, what can I help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1078.wav|More lessons in basic reality?. My favourite part of the day! Go ahead, ask me anything.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1083.wav|Well, technically speaking I'm not on it right now...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1088.wav|By love, you did!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1089.wav|Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor Du Bois. I am glad to see a man of high qualification, the situation is precarious.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1092.wav|What can I help you with, lieutenant-yefreitor?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1093.wav|Good morning, officer. I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1094.wav|Good evening, officer, I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1097.wav|Ah, good to hear. I wouldn't want to pry into a confidential police matter. But, in the event you'd like to share more... I would like to know who it was.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1104.wav|What is La Puta Madre?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1111.wav|Nevertheless, he sounds terribly dangerous. I urge you to take care, officer. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1113.wav|High intensity microwave frequencies? They're used for navigational purposes, to compress the interisolary space. They may use it to communicate with incoming freighters...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1116.wav|What is... speedfreaks FM?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1120.wav|A runaway? Good work, this is a tangible lead towards solving the whole mystery.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1121.wav|That speaks of the vastness and sophistication of the operation. Were you able to examine the radio?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1123.wav|We contain multitudes, do we not? It might not be pertinent to her... profession, but who knows? It may help you find her yet.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1129.wav|Well, he sounds very dangerous. I urge you to take care, officer. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Not with what's coming...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1133.wav|I appreciate you placing your trust in me. Thank you again for looking into this matter. You have my gratitude, and the gratitude of Wild Pines Group...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1135.wav|I... fail to see the relevance of this station, but.... I'll defer to your judgement. Was there anything else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1136.wav|Taking it out of commission will deal a blow to the smuggling network. Excellent work.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1138.wav|Sensible for her to disable access to such essential information.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1139.wav|A first-rate find, that should tell you all you need to know about their network, I would imagine.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1140.wav|Now's neither the time nor the place to discuss such matters. What else did your investigation turn up?
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1140-0.wav|Right.. It's really not the time or place to discuss such matters. What else did you find in your investigation?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1144.wav|An ominous vision.... At least you understand the gravity of the situation. And the maps should prove very valuable indeed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1145.wav|So this goes beyond Jamrock... she looks inland. .
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1156.wav|The Union won significant concessions, including overtime pay and a medical plan. This time their demands are more... I guess you could say aggressive.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1157.wav|The literage the local producers must get from this terminal alone must be oceanic.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1159.wav|Well,. here's your chance.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1160.wav|The company has tried looking into this matter before, to no avail. Perhaps someone with your authority and resources might turn over the right stones?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1167.wav|About the boat?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1169.wav|About the boat?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1171.wav|Now they won't even let me into the harbour. There's a 2.20 m racist behemoth blocking the gates.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1174.wav|Mr. Claire told him to, how did he put it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1175.wav|'Fuck off, midget.' Gaumont is short of stature, you see.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1177.wav|And now people are getting lynched, I hear. Behind the Whirling-in-Rags... a disastrous situation if there ever was one.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1178.wav|You know.... I don't mean to sound cold, but if you want something, you have to give something back. More than just guilt.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1180.wav|We're in logistics. It's our business to know, and no. As far as the company knows, the Union does not produce it. They transport the ingredients. For a cut.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1183.wav|Unlikely, officer. I'm talking about the lorries. Once the ingredients reach Jamrock they're distributed to a network of local manufacturers, well beyond our grasp. But in transit they may be vulnerable.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1184.wav|Perhaps you've noticed that a number of lorries are tangled in a traffic jam at the roundabout just now? Interview the drivers who are still hanging about. One of them might be waiting for a crucial shipment.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1189.wav|I assure you, officer, these are not the sort of parties you'd want to attend.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1190.wav|Excellent.. According to my reports there are at least three lorry drivers lingering near the roundabout. Hopefully one of them will know something.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1191.wav|I suggest you go back and canvas for more suspects.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1199.wav|Now, per our original agreement, it's time for me to share company secrets with you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1212.wav|Thank you for the suggestion. I see the word has emotional resonance for you. For me, sadly, none. So I will stick with the factory name.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1213.wav|Okay. How about Cor-de-Leite '19. Why?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1215.wav|The Ex- something? The Ex- what?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1218.wav|Very absurd,. Thank you for the suggestion. I will stick with the factory name for now, but thank you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1219.wav|Oh, I do like the sound of that.. It sounds so decisive, so...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1222.wav|I'm not really big on moralist symbols. I think I'll stick with the factory name. But thank you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1225.wav|It's a pleasure craft. A nineteen-pacer. It also happens to be rated for Category 1 racing. Though these days I mainly use it for business...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1227.wav|Then what does that say?. Does it say docking reserved for residents of Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 33A?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1238.wav|Good morning, officers. I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1239.wav|Good evening, officers, I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1240.wav|Good afternoon, officers, I'm Joyce.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1242.wav|Of course you're not. It was only a joke.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1243.wav|How interesting.. I wish you a swift recovery. In the meanwhile, you have my full cooperation. And the full cooperation of the Wild Pines Group.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1256.wav|You're back. Good.. What can I help you with, at this late hour?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1257.wav|You're back. Good.. What can I help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1266.wav|Of course. That's what I'm here for.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1267.wav|Matter of fact, I don't.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1273.wav|I have a medical condition of my own, nothing unusual, though. I'm old you see.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1274.wav|It's a medical thing. It's called... old. I'm old you see.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1278.wav|Don't worry. It's curable, with questions. Ask me some, it'll help pass this night.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1280.wav|Thank you, I do what I can to remain presentable. Now, ask me some questions. It'll help us pass the night.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1286.wav|Very keen of you, officer. I do also have saudetic syndrome from overexposure to the pale. It makes me roost in the night. Like an owl.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1287.wav|I almost never sleep anymore... if I do it's for an hour, four tops. Go ahead, ask me some questions. They are the only cure.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1295.wav|Sadly I need this one myself. It's hydrophobic, repels water, almost magically. The company makes them for offshore platform personnel. Very sturdy.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1296.wav|What I can do for you is answer some questions. Nothing like talking to pass a rainy day.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1297.wav|Very rugged,. Good choice. Now, I suspect you had questions, nothing like talking to pass a rainy day, am I right?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1298.wav|Yes. Keep in mind, this is a negotiator Mr. Claire has worked with before, and who was more than fair with him and the Union.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1300.wav|Yes, extremely. Keep in mind, this is a negotiator Mr. Claire has worked with before, and who was more than fair with him and the Union.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1304.wav|I'm glad you asked. There was a woman, the previous forewoman of the Union. She disappeared.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1309.wav|Yes. On the last day of the local chapter elections her daughter phoned in and said she wasn't running anymore, or coming to work. Ever. End of story.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1315.wav|Downright haunting if you ask me. The Wild Pines suspected foul play, but what could they do? It was a Union matter.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1316.wav|Does it?. The company suspects foul play, but there's nothing they could do, it was a Union matter.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1317.wav|Sadly, the company records do not even give a name. She's just forewoman, in private correspondence: Holly. I don't even know if it's a sur- or given name. And I don't have access to the Unions' files.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1320.wav|Indeed. The company suspects foul play, but there's nothing they could do, it was a Union matter.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1321.wav|The point of the presentation is, these kinds of things happen around the Claires. Watch out when you're dealing with him.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1330.wav|I'm afraid I can't say any more until we've taken care of formal protocol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1333.wav|Did you? Wonderful!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1338.wav|Because it was manufactured in Revachol East by a company called Cor-de-Leite, and it's hull is '19 paces long.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1341.wav|I think I'll stick with the factory name. But thank you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1344.wav|33A, this old proletarian haunt here.. As I said, plenty of people drive boats. Of all social strata.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1355.wav|Of course. I sympathize. But I'm afraid I simply can't share anything more until I've seen that badge...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1360.wav|I assure you it is no small matter for me either. We all share the responsibility for disarming this situation, I hope you have a badge for me as soon as possible.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1363.wav|I'll be frank with you. If I'm going to break protocol, I need to be able to justify it to my superiors. They're going to want to see something tangible.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1365.wav|The Union is conducting drug trade out of the harbour. It's an open secret in Martinaise. Surely it must not come as a complete surprise to the RCM either. Perhaps it's time to look into it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1367.wav|Or you can find your badge, which, honestly, seems like a lost cause.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1381.wav|Clever. Few suspect a woman in this sort of skulduggery. Good move on their part.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1394.wav|Oh no, not a problem at all.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1417.wav|Oh. And what happened to it, detective?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1434.wav|Keep in mind, this is a negotiator Mr. Claire has worked with before, and who was more than fair with him and the Union.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1439.wav|I can't hear you, darling... speak up, please.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1440.wav|Yes. After they clear the terminal we lose track. The actual production is taking place at various sites in and around Jamrock Quarter. North of here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1447.wav|What is that lieutenant?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1449.wav|I am sorry for the inconvenience, Lieutenant Kitsuragi. But we need them trapped here. This is a unique opportunity. I'm sure you understand.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1453.wav|It may come to nothing, or it may just blow the case wide open. I suspect the traffic jam won't disperse for a few more days. You should have the time you need.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1460.wav|That's a good sum, not too small, not fantastically large.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1460-0.wav|That's a good sum. Not too small, not fantastically large like a billion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1497.wav|The goal posts have moved, lieutenant. In the absence of the badge I have informed my employer there will be a probe.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1498.wav|I cannot rescind that promise.. To my knowledge, the drivers are still at the roundabout. I will tell you everything I know, when you've finished with them.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1502.wav|I can't see why it wouldn't be okay. Now, what can I do for you?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1506.wav|My plan is to share information. The only way to do that now is by telling my employers you've kept your end. Which I hope you will, because let me tell you: we are in dire waters.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1507.wav|I am glad to hear that. Because let me tell you: we are in dire waters. The sooner the probe is finished the sooner I can share crucial information with you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1508.wav|The sooner the probe is finished the sooner I can share crucial information with you.. Now, is there anything I can do for you in the meanwhile? Tea, perhaps?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1512.wav|Now, is there anything I can do for you in the meanwhile? Tea, perhaps?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1518.wav|Frighten me?. I'm not frightened easily, but I understand, some things are best for the police to keep to themselves.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1525.wav|I'm glad to hear, officer. I'm sure you'll find out just what that means, soon enough.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1530.wav|Evrart Claire is a man of the utmost integrity. If you can say one thing about him, it's that he always puts the interests of the workers first.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1542.wav|Then what is this positively destitute jetty doing here?. And what about that fleet of skiffs?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE INTRO-1543.wav|This unmistakably proletarian fleet of skiffs.. As I said, plenty of people drive boats. Of all social strata.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-2.wav|Good for you.. Now back to the impending blood bath.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-4.wav|I think I know where you found it, Officer Du Bois, in that motor carriage protruding from the ice over there.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-11.wav|You found it the motor carriage you drove into the sea.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-15.wav|Do not gloat, officer. These are grave matters.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-21.wav|Yes. I'm afraid this strike may descend into a small scale civil war. With possible consequences for all of Revachol West.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-23.wav|It doesn't matter. What matters is, you found it. And not a moment too soon.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-24.wav|That is exactly what it means. What I am about to tell you is more pressing, I assure you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-29.wav|I have an indirect role to play, I'm sad to say. My employer experienced a momentary lapse of faith in me. In that moment they elected to deploy a private military contractor. As an insurance measure. They called it my 'security detail'.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-32.wav|They were dispatched after I relayed the Union's initial offer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-40.wav|...a member of the board,. I tried to convince my employer it was simply a piece of rhetoric, or a joke. They did not appreciate the humour.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-40-0.wav|...a member of the board,. I tried to convince my employer it was simply an opening gambit, like you suggested, or a joke even. They did not appreciate the humour.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-42.wav|Absolutely not. These mercenaries are muscle, pure and simple. They are meant to intimidate the Union into surrendering.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-43.wav|'Every worker a member of the board'. I tried to convince my employer it was simply a piece of rhetoric and not a serious demand. But the... stridency of it seems to have spooked them.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-49.wav|Krenel, an Oranjese military company. As far as I know three arrived in Martinaise. They report to me sporadically, but they do not answer to me. To be frank, our relationship is deteriorating.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-50.wav|No, no, no, we need to discuss this now. There isn't time to waste. Blood bath, remember?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-51.wav|They wear ceramic armour, have semi-automatic weapons and years of combat experience. They also have Trauma-and-Stressor Disorder and no idea how to conduct themselves in an urban civilian environment.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-52.wav|The story is, one of them, the colonel, I don't know his real name, sexually assaulted a local woman. While he was drunk and separated from his unit. This allowed some of the more militant Union members to subdue him.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-57.wav|He was taken out behind the Whirling-in-Rags and lynched. Last Sunday night.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-59.wav|Nothing. Mr. Claire refuses to let me into the harbour. I have not been able to discuss this matter with anyone there. The remaining two Krenel contractors carry out their orders, for now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-60.wav|It's a smokescreen. In secret, they are conducting an independent military tribunal into the lynching. Once this investigation is concluded, executions will follow.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-66.wav|Whether to execute one, some, or all of the Union militants.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-69.wav|My only hope is that yours provides a single, concrete suspect, before they indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-69-0.wav|My only hope is that yours provides a single, concrete suspect, before they indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-70.wav|If you don't pin this on someone good, and do it fast, they will identify and execute everyone present at the lynching. This, in turn, will force the Union to respond.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-76.wav|Have you ever seen a hornet invade a beehive, lieutenant?. It's not pretty.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-76-0.wav|Have you ever seen a hornet invade a beehive, detective?. It's not pretty.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-78.wav|It was the Union who strung him from that tree.. My hope is that you provide a single, concrete suspect before Krenel indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-78-0.wav|It was the Union who strung him from that tree.. My hope is that you provide a single, concrete suspect before Krenel indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-79.wav|Surely you're joking. These people are killers. My only hope is that yours provides a single, concrete suspect, before they indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-79-0.wav|They won't. My only hope is that yours provides a single, concrete suspect, before they indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-88.wav|These men work in tandem using semi-and fully automatic firearms. Their armour is virtually impenetrable to muzzle-loaded weapons, even yours. Most Union workers don't have guns at all...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-91.wav|As I said, a blood bath.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-102.wav|It will not be a pretty sight.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-103.wav|Clean, yes. Nothing will grow here for twenty years. Krenel will send in gunships and the Coalition Government will follow suit.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-106.wav|Too many things have already gone wrong.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-106-0.wav|Too many things have already gone wrong.. Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor Du Bois...
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-106-1.wav|Too many things have already gone wrong.. Nameless, badge-less detective of the Citizens Militia...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-107.wav|Many bleak scenarios have already come to pass to lead us here...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-107-0.wav|Many bleak scenarios have already come true.. Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor Du Bois...
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-107-1.wav|Many bleak scenarios have already come true.. Nameless, badge-less detective of the Citizens Militia...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-108.wav|It doesn't have to be like this.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-108-0.wav|It doesn't have to be like this.. Lieutenant Double-Yefreitor Du Bois...
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-108-1.wav|It doesn't have to be like this.. Nameless, badge-less officer of the Citizens Militia...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-109.wav|All we can do is keep that which has not from following suit. One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-113.wav|All we can do is keep the rest from going the same way. One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-120.wav|One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, a good one, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-123.wav|I am sorry to confirm it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-125.wav|All we can do is keep the little that has not from following suit. One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-126.wav|All we can do is keep the rest from following suit. One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-127.wav|One single, concrete suspect delivered into Civil Court, and I may be able to defuse this situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-132.wav|I am sorry to have been the bearer of bad news. If there is anything else I can help you with, please ask.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-138.wav|It is very far from disco.. My only hope is that you provide a single, concrete suspect before the mercenaries indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-138-0.wav|It is very far from disco.. My only hope is that you provide a single, concrete suspect before the mercenaries indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-142.wav|If you still have access to the ICP's database, you could run a better background check than I ever could. It may take some time, though...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-147.wav|Not much. Their public resume is relatively good, as far as private military contractors go. I believe they were once called... Downwell.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-148.wav|They boast a long list of clients: Saint-Batiste, Welchman-Lorentz, Eendracht... A warning sign, however, the operations concerned all take place in third- or fourth-world countries. Guarding facilities, escort missions, and such.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-154.wav|I wouldn't go as far as to use that term detective.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-155.wav|Yes. All the good conflict corridors: Supramundi, Yeesut, the Semenese islands. Countries that don't have a good record reporting atrocious military conduct on their soil.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-158.wav|Sadly, no. Before this happened I had little interest in them. Now that I do, I don't have the resources.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-170.wav|Paramilitary death squad is a bit rich.. But yes, were it up to me I would have at least vetted them more thoroughly.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-177.wav|In my line of work it pays to do your research. I was prepared to deal with the RCM. I did not think I would be dealing with a group like Krenel.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-181.wav|Ah yes, your condition. The International Collaboration Police maintains a database for these sorts of things. Perhaps you should consult it. It was just a suggestion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-182.wav|Perhaps the arrangement no longer stands... excuse me, it's not my place to pry. If it does you should take advantage of it. Just a suggestion.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-184.wav|Or he didn't.. This is information passed on to me from some teenagers loitering around the canal. I cannot testify by it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-187.wav|That the man was killed because he assaulted a local woman. I've asked around a bit, this seems to be the accepted story around Martinaise.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-189.wav|Last Sunday night, at the Whirling-in-Rags, the hostel by the gates. Supposedly the colonel was drunk, maybe on narcotics too.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-191.wav|If you mean did I see him alive, yes. But I did not know him.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-195.wav|Liked is a bit strong,. He... he was the most charismatic among them. He handled all the talking. His departure left a major gap in the group's communication skills.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-196.wav|Lely. His service name, a nom de guerre most likely. He wouldn't divulge his full name. Only one of them did, a bad sign if there ever was one.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-199.wav|One is a man, Korty they call him. A nickname as well. The other a woman, Phillis de Paule. Korty is... the gunner, I believe. De Paule is a radio operator.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-205.wav|I can't remember.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-207.wav|He was forty. Or fifty. It's hard to say which, he had a combat injury on his lower jaw. It made it difficult to estimate his age, or gauge his facial expressions.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-214.wav|He was Occidental I think. Light brown hair, a mix accent. Oranjese, or Messinian maybe? His injury gave him an accent all his own...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-215.wav|In a way it was humanizing. He had to learn to speak through it, through the injury.. That's all I know, I guess. I only met him once.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-231.wav|They've gone to ground, as it were. I don't recommend seeking them out.. For one, they're almost certainly armed to the teeth.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-231-0.wav|They've gone to ground, as it were. I don't recommend seeking them out.. For one, they're likely to be armed to the teeth...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-232.wav|They don't have the same respect for the Revachol Citizens Militia as I do. To put it bluntly they think you're vigilantes, ghetto savages. It will not be a fruitful meeting.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-241.wav|You're likely to run into them eventually. When that happens, I'll be in a better position to mediate if I don't appear involved.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-242.wav|That's wise,. Our goal is to avert catastrophe. Besides,. You're likely to encounter them sooner or later.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-243.wav|That is a bad idea, one I won't be a party to.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-244.wav|Somehow I doubt that lecturing them on the legitimate use of force will persuade them to stand down.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-256.wav|Sorry,. I was trying to see if I can read the web of interdependencies between these points, the stars.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-257.wav|I can't. But that's how you read this story. The points themselves don't have letters, numbers, anything. Their size, location on the body and distance from each other tells you what they represent.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-258.wav|Close,. Port cities. This is an Oranjese Map of the Waterways, a sailor's tattoo worn by wayfarers of the Dolorian century, over 300 years ago. The sailors would mark their bodies to map their travels.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-260.wav|Quite a few. Vredefort, the Oranjese capital, traditionally stands on the right shoulder.. He started somewhere near here, I think.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-261.wav|Revachol,. Those are the two constants: Vredefort on the shoulder and Revachol in the heart. They started the tradition of these maps right after the discovery of Insulinde, at the dawn of the Interisolary Age.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-266.wav|Until the executions start? Truthfully, I don't know. It depends on their progress identifying the members of the lynch mob. And their impatience.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-271.wav|Not on this matter. I'm afraid they consider this a personal initiative.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-278.wav|Port cities. On the oceans. This is an Oranjese Map of the Waterways, a sailor's tattoo worn by wayfarers of the Dolorian century, as early as 300 years ago. The sailors would mark their bodies to map their travels.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-281.wav|I can't. This man was no sailor, and these are no ports. I can understand geographic fragments, but not their meaning.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-286.wav|The sailor's soul would use it to fly back home if they should die abroad. This is a sort of... contraption. To be reeled back in by. The silver cord, they would call it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-291.wav|The times have changed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-292.wav|That is precisely what the sailors feared when they drew these maps. A fear of drowning, within one's own corpse.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-293.wav|I would say he's near the Arcade Islands by now, ready to exit the Insulindian and enter the pale. If I've read his home address correctly.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-304.wav|It's a matter of days, not weeks.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-306.wav|Whatever I can help you with. We need to contain the situation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-311.wav|Then he made his way to the Preto Grande, through what I think must be Staadskanaal, an artificial channel through the Occident. From the Preto he sailed to the Insulindic ocean. First the Semenese islands, then this...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-326.wav|Is that all?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-327.wav|That makes sense to me. We have no more use for a Map of the Waterways. Just like we don't need sailors the way we used to. This is what the custom would morph into on the Occident, mercenary tattoos.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-330.wav|His platoon members? The other contractors, though I do not suggest you go and show them that picture. This man was their friend and comrade.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-336.wav|Do what you have to do, detective. I don't think deciphering that tattoo should come before public security. But if you should wade into the mob to find out, I couldn't stop you.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-336-0.wav|Do what you have to do, detective Du Bois. I don't think deciphering that tattoo should come before public security. But if you should wade into the mob to find out, I couldn't stop you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-337.wav|I am relieved you think so. I don't think deciphering that tattoo should come before public security.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-342.wav|Is there anything else I can help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-358.wav|I'm not trying to reassure you, officer. Quite the opposite, in fact.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-367.wav|Krenel, an Oranjese military company. As far as I know three arrived in Martinaise. They report to me sporadically, but they do not answer to me. To be frank, our relationship is deteriorating.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-369.wav|Good. Then you've made progress. It's imperative that you move fast. The tribunal will not be patient.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-394.wav|That would afford a good vantage point.. Still, I hope you heed my advice. There's no need to kick the hornet's nest.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-406.wav|That may be so.. I still hope you heed my advice, there's no need to kick the hornet's nest.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-407.wav|I hope I can answer it better.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-409.wav|That would afford a good vantage point,. In any case, it's practically inaccessible.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-413.wav|Heavens no, I'm not an undercover agent. There's a shortwave at the ship's wheel,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-415.wav|Of course it bothers me, lieutenant, but my hands are tied. How would my employer react if it appeared I were intervening on behalf of the Union?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-423.wav|I have. And they will. However, these orders take time to reach what is basically a rogue unit out in the field, here. Until they do, it's all on us.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-425.wav|The remaining contractors. Their tribunal. It's what they believe.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-437.wav|Either way, he's alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman. Sometime later a group of dockworkers got their hands on him...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-439.wav|That's a good question, officer. I don't have the slightest idea. As I said, it's a rumour, about a rumour. In any case, it's what the colonel's remaining... colleagues... believe.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-445.wav|I can't. This man was no sailor, and these are no ports. I can understand geographic fragments, but not their meaning.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-446.wav|Then we're on the same page, as grim as it may be.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-448.wav|It's not good, no,. My only hope is that you provide a single, concrete suspect before the mercenaries indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-448-0.wav|My only hope is that yours provides a single, concrete suspect, before they indiscriminately pick theirs. Simply put...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-449.wav|Not a terribly good actor that one. Still...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-3.wav|Why of course, we're talking duke-out central. Full-swing intraspecies warfare.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-8.wav|No. I would say the apes were neutral.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-9.wav|The Zone of Control is the third incarnation of Revachol. After the failure of the Suzerain and the Commune.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-14.wav|Then you would have died fighting against them. Long before the Beachhead... our time is a shadow cast by that day.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-15.wav|On the other hand.... Maybe you're right.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-15-0.wav|On the other hand.... Maybe you're right.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-16.wav|On the other hand...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-16-0.wav|On the other hand...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-23.wav|Yes, an acute thiamine deficiency can be exacerbated by alcoholism.. Exacerbated means 'made worse.'
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-24.wav|I see, yes. A deluge of geopolitical questions.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-36.wav|Him and tens of thousands of his wonderfully fascist kingsmen. It was a wild time.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-39.wav|Yes, King Guillaume had a nose for bad PR. He ran before it, what is the expression, went down? Anyway, Gil got out alive and his nephew Frissel got shot in his place...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-40.wav|I prefer the term risk averse. King Guillaume was nobody's fool, he could smell a PR disaster brewing. So he got out alive and his nephew Frissel got shot in his place...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-45.wav|The real king abdicated and lived out a long and productive life as a venture capitalist in Graad.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-54.wav|Oh, lots of people. Even the king got shot in the head, or thrown beneath a horse. Or drowned. Accounts differ. It was unceremonious.. Just as well, he wasn't actually the king. Just the king's nephew.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-65.wav|The Twenties saw a decade of urban war: West of the river levelled, offshore platforms in flames... Still, it's regarded as an improvement on what came before: '08 to '19 was simply hell...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-67.wav|The Thirties? Things settled down in the Thirties. Revachol East transformed itself into the world's largest tax haven, with the international community's blessing. For the first time in a long time it seemed like things were going somewhere.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-70.wav|Don't worry, Kras Mazov shot fifteen million people in the head. But that was all the way over in Graad.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-74.wav|Yes. The Insulindian Deluge they call it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-84.wav|Yes, the red deluge. The Insulindian Deluge they call it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-89.wav|No. It was a market mirage fuelled by cocaine and quantitative easing. The Forties dispelled it like a cold splash. An isola-wide hangover, you might say. And here we are...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-92.wav|Yes. And quantitative easing. It was a market mirage, unfortunately. The Forties dispelled it. An isola-wide hangover, you might say. So, here we are...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-98.wav|Welcome to reality, baby.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-108.wav|Forever?. In twenty years Revachol went from a king to a commune to a Zone of Control. She is forever. But the next thing she will be is something else.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-114.wav|We could have had so much more. Every one of us, if only we'd played it right.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-116.wav|We could have had so much more. Every one of us, if only we'd played it right.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-117.wav|All yours?. That's been the motto of many an indotribe. There is something clarifying about that strain of ultraliberalism...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-118.wav|Over?. That's entropolism, the very height of late Modernity: evacuate this world. You may prove a truly Modern Man yet.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-127.wav|Good. Not that it would have mattered, in the end, the Commune forced everyone to the barricades.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-131.wav|Believe it or not, Wild Pines isn't even the most notorious example, that would be Saint-Baptiste. You can go quite far with that attitude.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-134.wav|Oh, and the anarchists too! They shot them well. So well one forgets they even existed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-135.wav|Then you would have died, most likely. Not far from here, maybe even right here, during the Beachhead, defending the coast the day the Coalition took the city.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-138.wav|Anxious to hear more about mineral rights or who got shot in the head?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-139.wav|So a quarter of humanity.... ...simply lost their minds? And how would you stop a prion, a complex folding protein; un-life, with the technology 50 years ago?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-141.wav|Those would be the communists. Generally speaking, 40 million people got shot in the head during the World Revolution. But the communists, they all got shot in the head.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-142.wav|Modernity. They developed the marvels of interisolary communication, telematic milieus, radiation, coloured plastics. Meanwhile, in Revachol West, the aftermath continues for the fifth decade.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-144.wav|Capital is finished. But understand this, its end won't free anyone. It will only lead to more suffering.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-147.wav|No doubt, but we share the same time and position on the planet's crust. That counts for more than you'd think.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-149.wav|Of course not. It was a highly infectious microorganism that destroyed brain tissue. The actual causes of the Revolution were material. The pandemic only provided the spark.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-161.wav|That's not Coupris, dear. It's just a brand name, snatched up by a Vespertine holding company. No, the real Coupris is as dead as the king they bet on.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-163.wav|Good hygiene, really? A very moderate solution to an extreme problem. It's those sort of half-measures that doomed the authorities in Graad...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-164.wav|Liquidate?. That's what King Filippe kept screaming from the Sol Aurum. Liquidate, liquidate!
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-171.wav|It made people overthrow their governments.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-173.wav|A poor remedy for prion disease,. That was the attitude of most of the more moderate indotribes, particularly those who supported the king...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-174.wav|A city state divided into free market zones. Under the everlasting interregnum of the Coalition of Nations. And you, of course, the Citizens Militia.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-184.wav|No, almost certainly. The Commune would have forced you. Such was the fate of the undecided.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-189.wav|And what is your official position, lieutenant?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-191.wav|Forty-three years. Hard to fathom, I know.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-201.wav|They picked the winning side. That's why they're here and others are not.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-204.wav|The Turn-of-the-Century Revolution?. Don't answer it, it's a trick question.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-205.wav|Always,. That's the can't-do-attitude that truly defines Late Modernity. You may prove a Modern Man yet.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-209.wav|Perhaps it wouldn't have turned out that way had I been in charge. I might've bet on the king and led the Pines to doom.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-210.wav|They are what they are, who knows, an afterbloom may yet come...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-211.wav|The Revolution began in '02, on the isola of Graad, though by the end nearly the whole world had gotten involved.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-213.wav|You and everyone else. But that's got nothing to do with preventing the Revolution. Ah, well... What was was, I guess.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-222.wav|I would have sided with the cannons. If you'd seen the calibres of the things, you might've, too... . Perhaps it's better I was born when I was...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-226.wav|Good question.. What would you have done differently?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-241.wav|And I asked you, past-less detective of the Citizens Militia. What insight has acute encephalopathy given to you?
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-241-0.wav|And I asked you, past-less detective of the Citizens Militia. What insight has acute encephalopathy given to you?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-251.wav|And I asked you, philosopher-detective of the Citizens Militia.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-260.wav|Coupris, Resplendent... both gone now. Those that survived mended their ways. They're all ultras now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-261.wav|Ten of the fourteen indotribes got it wrong: Feld, Coupris, Tricentennial... So I suppose I would have been in good company.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-265.wav|In the end they liquidated the Sol Aurum. Melted the palace cube down to gold and platinum and sold it for bullets. Strange times,
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-266.wav|From Revachol and Graad? Not far. The world managed to cauterize itself. Mazov's government was overthrown in '08, and the Coalition crushed the Revachol commune two years later. It was The End.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-267.wav|Why, you and I, officer--. Our lives in the Zone of Control.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-269.wav|I see, a tenth of humanity.. The key of History is in the lock, keep turning, at any cost?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-270.wav|It wasn't a who, but a what. A pandemic of tzaraath, a particularly virulent prion disease, which the authorities in Graad proved unable to contain. Then Mazov came along and overthrew the government.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-271.wav|Understandable,
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-272.wav|Anyway, enough sentimentality. Is there anything else you want to know?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-273.wav|When they failed to step up, Mazov and his party stepped in. In this particular case, maybe a more robust state response might have been appropriate...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-280.wav|I don't know about that...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-280-0.wav|I don't know about that...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-283.wav|Indeed. They piled them in mass graves in Ozonne and, well, that's the last anyone heard of those people.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-285.wav|Did they ever. Before they got shot themselves, they shot two million people.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-288.wav|The liberals got the mineral rights.. And by mineral rights, I mean everything.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-288-0.wav|The liberals got the mineral rights.. And by mineral rights, I mean everything.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-290.wav|Liberals are usually middle-class people, detective. Or the remaining gentry. The beneficiaries of the pre-revolutionary arrangement.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-291.wav|Some were rich enough to stay with the Constitution; with monarchy, big mistake. Others bet on the Revolution, they were called the Ultras, or ultraliberals. They fared well.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-293.wav|They didn't win so much as survive. We were the last ones standing when the war ended, everyone else got shot in the head, remember?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-295.wav|To foreign intervention, the Coalition. Those people really took the mineral rights.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-297.wav|The liberals took everything that wasn't nailed to the ground, the Coalition took the ground,. The ocean, the laws and the people.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-299.wav|The Coalition of Nations. Graad, Mesque, Vesper, Messina, Oranje and Sur-La-Clef, the armed centre of the world. They landed here and ended the Revolution. It was the moralist thing to do.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-302.wav|The moralists believe in keeping everything exactly the way it is. They believe in mineral rights, and not shooting people in the head...
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-303.wav|At least not in the same manner and volume as the others do. They are the long-standing provisional rulers of Revachol now, the Coalition Government.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-304.wav|This is their Zone of Control. They embolden the RCM with crumbs of the same law they took. Technically speaking, you are a moralist.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-310.wav|An almost endearingly moralist standpoint,. It must be hard to take a moderate approach to head-shooting in your line of work.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-311.wav|Of course,. Not easy to be moderate about head-shooting in your line of work.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-312.wav|A devout man of the centre,. Hard to come by. It's good to have someone who takes a moderate approach to head-shooting, in your line of work I mean.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-319.wav|That's the way of History.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-332.wav|Voracious,. I'm up for it. What'll it be?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-333.wav|Too much reality at once can prove too much,. There's plenty of time later. For now, is there anything else I can help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-337.wav|About head-shooting?
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-339.wav|Indeed. Tzaraath is a highly infectious microorganism that destroyed brain tissue. The actual causes of the Revolution were material. The pandemic only provided the spark.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-343.wav|Welcome to reality, baby.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-3.wav|I'll just keep the Cor-de-Leite in the channel, if that's okay. It's too shallow near the pier...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-6.wav|Of course. Jetty. I prefer a good jetty to a pier any day. Jet-jet-jetty...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-11.wav|Oh jetty, oh jetty....
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-14.wav|It's good to see you here. I only just arrived myself.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-15.wav|Hello, detective.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-21.wav|Godspeed, detective.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-31.wav|...maybe there is something else I can assist you with? While you're hot in pursuit?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-32.wav|Nothing, really... I've had my eye on this jetty for weeks now. So I decided to investigate it personally. This cluster of buildings isn't on any of the official maps, as far as I can tell.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-33.wav|I hear you have singled out a suspect and are in pursuit. This is cause for cautious optimism, I would not want to delay you...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-34.wav|It's good to see you here, detective. I only just arrived myself.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-38.wav|It's good to see you here, detectives. I only just arrived myself.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-43.wav|I knew you would sympathize.. Most Revacholians will never know what this place means, our home, this island of matter. Or why they were ferried over in the first place...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-50.wav|I'm guessing you don't know then...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-58.wav|Hello, detectives.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-61.wav|Hmh... How do I like it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-66.wav|'Spying' has such a negative connotation. I did track your progress along the coast, however, and decided I would be better able to assist you from here...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-67.wav|No matter, Lilienne and I are getting on much better. For one, she appreciates the concept of rent.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-68.wav|Remind me to tell you one day.. For now, how can I assist you in this new location?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-75.wav|It's pornographically poor. The street has no name, all the men are dead or missing... and is that the carcass of a motor carriage over there?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-76.wav|Of course. I hear you have singled out a suspect and are in pursuit, this is cause for cautious optimism. How can I help you at this juncture?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-80.wav|It's a pity. Most of these people will never know what this place means, this island of matter. Or why they were ferried over in the first place...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-83.wav|Maybe...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-84.wav|Of course, how fortuitous that I'm so close at hand. What do you need?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-93.wav|Oh, I'm not frightened, officer. I'd never...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-97.wav|She could easily just...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-115.wav|Godspeed, detectives.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-122.wav|No need, Lilienne and I are getting on much better. For one, she appreciates the concept of rent.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-125.wav|Then there's the matter of that little scamp in old-lady clothes. She threatened to paint the Cor-de-Leite red. Like blood, you see. Well, I like it the way it is, white.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-126.wav|No, the Insulindian isola.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-129.wav|Have I told you how they discovered this place?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-130.wav|You're not alone. Neither do most of these people, the literacy rate is around 45% west of the river. Fifty years of occupation have left these people in an oblivion of poverty.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-130-0.wav|Well, your condition has left you no worse off than most of these people, the literacy rate is around 45% west of the river. Fifty years of occupation have left these people in an oblivion of poverty.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-131.wav|I'm surprised that woman hasn't put me to the sword yet. Maybe she will? You should ask your questions while you can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-132.wav|Do you know how they discovered this place?
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-138.wav|That they don't...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-139.wav|So am I, and I do know how to use one...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-2.wav|This... reality?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-14.wav|How truly curious, a sort of philosopher-detective!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-21.wav|What?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-27.wav|Why not?. I've heard the analogy made by a blindingly modern school of philosophy called karperie. It may not be as far fetched as it sounds.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-30.wav|Actually,. I've heard the analogy made by a blindingly modern school of philosophy called karperie. It may not be as far fetched as it sounds.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-36.wav|There may be some detectives who are not philosophers.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-38.wav|A deep synthesis,. I'll assist you however I can then. Go ahead. Ask.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-43.wav|Ah, yes, the episode. Sounds like an acute case of encephalopathy now that I think of it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-49.wav|But then, I'm no doctor.. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-51.wav|Such an acute encephalopathy... just doesn't seem possible.. Surely you're joking...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-53.wav|We may be here awhile, then.. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-58.wav|Oh?. Then why?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-77.wav|A sort of... spiritual quest? Something of ancient Iilmaraan origin?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-100.wav|I've never heard of an apocalyptic medical condition, but then reality is a strange place. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-101.wav|I've never heard of a nationalistic medical condition, but then reality is a strange place. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-110.wav|Nothing wrong with ancient ways,. Our modern ones aren't necessarily better. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-124.wav|A bird?. A sphenicid, a flightless bird of the polar regions?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-127.wav|Some sort of... krill hunter? No, wait.... You're an ancient ruin, a symbol of hubris and decay, half-submerged in some salty sea.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-129.wav|Ah!. This is the pier of Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 33A, where the tenants have been kind enough to rent me a slot...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-130.wav|Of course you're not, my dear. I'm just terrible at guessing games.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-132.wav|Of course,. Ask me anything.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-136.wav|A pre-revolutionary tenement. Old buildings are called tenements, you see, and new buildings batiments, after les batiments noveau. But 33A and 33B are not noveau, they're old.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-137.wav|This one used to be eight to ten stories tall, a real high rise by the standards of the last century. Built to mirror the skyscrapers across the bay in the Delta. That was before the war, of course.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-139.wav|Mostly the urban middle class, I believe. This was once primo real estate. Before the cannons lopped four or five stories off...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-142.wav|We may be here awhile, then.. Ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-143.wav|No. You're not joking at all, are you?. Well, ask away, officer, I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-144.wav|We're in Martinaise, baby.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-148.wav|Yes. We are on an island in an ocean. The world's largest body of water, the Insulindic.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-150.wav|Martinaise is a district of Revachol.. A very small district tucked away near the Industrial Harbour. North of the 8/81 and Jamrock.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-151.wav|You would be excused for not knowing about it. Unimportant, they say. Forgotten even, shelled to smithereens during the Revolution.. It has its charms, just not this time of year.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-155.wav|Oh, we're quite a way off. About...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-157.wav|It's not really a sea. It's the Bay of Revachol. And the bay feeds into the ocean.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-160.wav|I think it's fair to say so. Martinaise is about...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-161.wav|I'm not a good ambassador. I've only been here once before, as a teenager. Not a lot has changed.... There are ruins, a terminal, fishing boats, reeds. Boys with boxy shoulders.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-164.wav|A casual term of endearment popular among the 50+ crowd. It's a disco holdover, pay it no heed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-165.wav|Caillou.. Imagine a pebble, a smoothed over pebble amidst a great blue sea. Mis-shapen, cracked. The cracks are the River Esperance. We're in the delta of this river, on the sixth branch, the Martinaise distributary.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-173.wav|This place used to be a province, a workers' resort before the city swallowed it and the artillery did its work. The reeds are the real star of the show here now. The further down the coast, the wilder it gets.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-173-0.wav|As I told you: Martinaise used to be a province, a workers' resort before the city swallowed it and the artillery did its part. Now the reeds are the real star of the show here. The further down the coast, the wilder it gets.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-176.wav|Yes, I was slumming it with some girlfriends of mine. We had boats and.... Don't hold it against me, the boys certainly did not.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-181.wav|I would be happy to. What is a preposterously expensive education for if not sharing.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-184.wav|Perhaps.. My intellectual vanity will be my undoing.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-185.wav|Ah, yes, back to the low-down.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-193.wav|A smart boy getting smarter, one basic term of reality at a time...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-198.wav|Speak for yourself, officer. I'm well known in certain parts. As to the place, you're right. We are...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-200.wav|The girl in the old-lady rags?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-204.wav|Ah, yes. There's something very satisfying about discussing the fundamental facts of reality. Go ahead.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-205.wav|Looks like a sullen and rebellious member of a teen infraculture.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-207.wav|Yes, you and I belong to the supraculture. We're common, the herd. The music on the radio, the food in the chain restaurant, those are all too popular for the girl in the old-lady rags.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-208.wav|She prefers a fantasy world, an infraculture with its own dress code and vernacular. It is an illusion, I'm afraid. There is no refuge from the supraculture.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-212.wav|Young people who dye their hair funny colours and wear old people's clothes are stupid and their little rebellion is self-defeating...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-213.wav|I can't. That's how simple it is. One may dye their hair green and wear their grandma's coat all they want. Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-221.wav|And what would that be?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-230.wav|Ha! I can see that, yes. I dabbled in those dark arts myself, not so long ago.. I assure you, it was a thoroughly supracultural phenomenon. All-permeating. Downright mandatory.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-231.wav|Nothing infra about disco, baby.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-233.wav|Yes, let's...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-237.wav|Those days are long behind me.... And even in the early Thirties I would say I was more of a New girl. Disco was a minor, but still enjoyable facet of the whole thing for me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-239.wav|Be my guest.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-241.wav|The New, a cultural era, and the name of the decade it ravished, the Thirties. It came out of post-revolutionary Revachol. It was... ultraliberal.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-242.wav|It involved lots of partying, as you might imagine. And champagne coloured everything. By the looks of it, that would have been when you came of age. Now...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-249.wav|Of course. You're much more grounded, a serious detective on a case called reality. Speaking of, is there anything else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-250.wav|Wasn't it Guillaume le Million who said: If you can remember the New, you weren't there?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-251.wav|Maximum brio, officer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-257.wav|Ah, yes.... This is not very central to reality, is it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-259.wav|I can't be one hundred percent sure, but I believe he died due to complications from venereal disease.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-261.wav|I'm afraid no, but then again, one can't be entirely sure. It's all part of his mystique. Ask someone else and you may get a more champagne-coloured take...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-264.wav|You? You are an officer of the RCM,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-266.wav|Anyway,. What other basic facets of reality should we discuss?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-269.wav|Nothing more nor less than the de facto law enforcement body of post-revolutionary Revachol, detective.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-271.wav|Precisomundo!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-273.wav|It stands for Revachol Citizens Militia.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-278.wav|Yes. That means: not de jure. The RCM acts in what is poetically called the twilight of international law; both at the behest of the Coalition Government, and to its chagrin.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-280.wav|The RCM's responsibilities are defined by the Emergency, Wayfarer, and Aliments Acts, three pieces of legislation keeping the city in a, let's be honest, laissez-faire stasis to the benefit of foreign capital.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-287.wav|Truly moralist of you. The Coalition Government would applaud you for staying out of politics. And yet...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-288.wav|There's nothing basic about your role, detective. It's true that the RCM keeps everything the way our seemingly permanent provisional rulers like it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-297.wav|Permit me to conclude with this: who you are, to me, is the police. The only legitimate law enforcement authority in Revachol...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-301.wav|And if those authorities drink so hard they need help recalling the basic terms of reality, well, I am here to help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-302.wav|...and if the law officials of our nation need help with the basic terms of reality, well, then I am here to help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-306.wav|Glad to have been of assistance, the little that I know.... anything else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-310.wav|Glad to have been of assistance, the little that I know. Anything else I can do?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-312.wav|Yet on the other hand, I know these people. I deal with them daily. Let me tell you, dear, they are not fans of you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-314.wav|The post-revolutionary decade was a disaster for the Coalition Government. Revachol in the Twenties was hell, especially on the west side of the river: gang warfare, a botched privatisation scheme, a nuclear pile meltdown...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-315.wav|They called it the International Zone, because no nation wanted to claim responsibility. The RCM restored peace where the Coalition failed. A true-blue citizens' initiative,. They will never forgive you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-321.wav|These are... unimportant times, detective.. You and I were born after the dust had settled, a thousandth of a second too late.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-324.wav|For the Big Time.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-325.wav|The Revolution,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-327.wav|It's a neurological disorder, caused by a lack of vitamin B in the brain. Symptoms include retrograde amnesia. It's... quite serious, you should get yourself checked out.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-331.wav|Well, it's either bariatric surgery, or long term alcohol use.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-344.wav|It's not just me, detective. All of Martinaise has placed its chips on your success. I pray we've all bet wisely.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-357.wav|Of course,. Well, I'll be here if you need me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-359.wav|Unimportant, as I said. The mineral rights were all distributed during the Revolution, as were the bullets to the heads.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-364.wav|All men are predators, dear. Nothing much to be done about that. It's all a matter of where you get to file your teeth...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-370.wav|An ultraliberal, it's a type of liberal. From the Revolution. It's... not the moderate kind.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-371.wav|What I am not is a basic term of reality,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-374.wav|I am an ultra.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-377.wav|I am the vilest of the vile,. A traitor, a devourer of nations and infants...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-384.wav|Yes,. I am the nether creature of the forbidden swamp. I pushed the king under a shitwagon and betrayed the Revolution. My kind surrendered the nation to financial colonists...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-385.wav|No,. Not like me. I am the nether creature of the forbidden swamp, who pushed the king under a shitwagon and betrayed the Revolution...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-386.wav|Haven't you heard?. I am a nether creature of the forbidden swamp, one of those who pushed the king under a shitwagon and betrayed the Revolution...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-387.wav|Perhaps you thought we'd gone extinct. After all, no sane person identifies as an ultra anymore. Not in broad daylight.. Tell me, now that I've uncoiled myself, are you repulsed?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-388.wav|Are you liberated enough to offer up your home on a plate for financial colonists?. No, I think not. Tell me, now that I've uncoiled myself, do you find me frightening?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-390.wav|We surrendered the nation to financial colonists. No sane person identifies as an ultra anymore. Not in broad daylight.. Tell me, now that I've uncoiled myself, are you repulsed?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-400.wav|A Deuill,. Who being of great Charme and Guille, sneaketh into the homes of the Godlie.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-401.wav|That's a pity,. I hope we can remain collegial despite my monstrousness. The ultras didn't have anything against the king or the Commune, you see. It was just business.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-401-0.wav|That's a pity,. I hope we can remain collegial despite the fact that I'm a high priestess of capital. Don't take it personally, it was only business, as they say.
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-401-1.wav|That's a pity,. I hope we can remain collegial despite my affection for regicide and multiculturalism. We didn't mean to kill the king, I assure you.
wavs/alternative-2-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-401-2.wav|That's a pity,. I do hope we can remain collegial despite it all. Tell me, when you look in the mirror, do you not see a monster staring back at you?
wavs/alternative-3-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-401-3.wav|That's a pity,. I hope we can remain collegial despite it. Remember, we were partners, whether you like to admit it or not. There's blood on many hands, I assure you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-402.wav|Honestly.... I may have even preferred it, had the communards won. Who knows? They might really have built something better. But they didn't, because they lost.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-403.wav|When the dust settled, the liberals were the only ones left to clean up the mess. By virtue of their survival they were handed enormous power to shape the future.... This was all our last generation managed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-404.wav|I do hope so,. I hope we are able to remain collegial despite my monstrousness. The ultras didn't have anything against the king or the Commune, you see. It was just business.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-404-0.wav|I hope you do. I hope we are able to continue as friends despite my scales and my need to infiltrate and betray your precious Revolution.
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-404-1.wav|I do hope so,. I hope we can remain collegial despite my affection for regicide and multiculturalism. We didn't mean to kill the king, I assure you.
wavs/alternative-2-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-404-2.wav|I do hope so,. I do hope we're able to remain collegial despite it all. Tell me, when you look in the mirror, do you not see a monster staring back at you?
wavs/alternative-3-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-404-3.wav|I do hope so,. I hope we are able to remain collegial despite it. Remember, we were partners, whether you like to admit it or not. There's blood on many hands, I assure you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-411.wav|I'm afraid you'll find that every woman is a Devil Woman, detective. There are only aesthetic differences between one and the other.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-413.wav|Ah, you know more than you let on.... Philosopher-Detective of Precinct 41.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-413-0.wav|Ah, maybe you remember more than you let on.... Despite whatever brain damage the alcohol may have inflicted.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-418.wav|Nothing's settled. It simply fades away.... Like a lover who has lost their faith. Now, shall we return to reality?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-419.wav|...steal, kill and destroy?. That they say we've been doing for over four decades now. Perhaps regrettably, I've had my fill for this century...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-424.wav|In any case, I'm glad we can remain collegial despite my scaly bulk. And my perverse need to infiltrate and betray both Kingdom and Revolution.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-425.wav|With due respect to our overlords, the eternal caretaker government that keeps Martinaise a monument to the efficacy of its artillery...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-437.wav|I would not have relinquished sovereignty to the Coalition. Not here in Martinaise, and not in the Stella Maris or Delta beachheads either. If not for my own sake...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-440.wav|... then for my daughters'. We had an obligation to defend our sovereignty. We should have burned the whole isola down rather than let them have it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-443.wav|Yes, whatever else I am, I'm also a mother. And a wife.. Now, shall we return to reality?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-446.wav|Yes, I suppose I am. But I wouldn't be a patriot anywhere but here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-451.wav|What world?. The only one, I suppose, the world of matter and its pale antipode...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-452.wav|There is a term of endearment they coined for it. In the Dolorian century, when humanity was high on this world, discovering more and more of it, these archipelagos included...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-453.wav|You have mis-imagined it. I don't have the power to convey to you the effect and geometry of the images that depict our world from below low orbit. It's...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-457.wav|We used to think it was a sphere, but that is beginning to look less and less likely by the day. You wouldn't know it from the tabloids, but the ORG nations have been launching weather balloons into the lower ionosphere since the Thirties.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-462.wav|It does. There are those who would call it Hell...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-463.wav|There are those who would call it Hell...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-464.wav|Not in this case, no. That sounds more like something the Mesque petrofascists might say...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-466.wav|It isn't enough to call us animals. Even animals aren't animals.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-469.wav|But yes, you'll be fine, don't worry.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-471.wav|They're like you and I, I suppose. Living organisms don't identify with abstractions. Elysium is for particular beings.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-472.wav|I don't know about things of that scale, my expertise lies in nations and trade routes, one or several layers below everything.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-474.wav|But, this is one of the great questions of our time. Maybe when they get the complete set together it will jolt us out of our rut, bring us together. However naive it may sound.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-475.wav|A term of hatred that originates, like many such things, with the Mesque petrofascists.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-476.wav|I am sorry, dear,. It must sound quite terrifying through the acute encephalopathy. Even scientific positivism isn't entirely convinced about what we're dealing with here...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-477.wav|See? Everyone finds something worth holding onto in this world, however wasted its opportunities.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-479.wav|They say there is a rarefied envelope of matter surrounding the darkened disc of our planet. That is, if we are still living on a planet. Or, to speak more plainly, imagine vast swathes of land disrupted by nothingness.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-482.wav|You may have mis-imagined it. I don't have the power to convey to you the effect and geometry of the images that depict our world from below low orbit. It's...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-483.wav|That's looking less and less likely, detective. You wouldn't know it from the tabloids, but the ORG nations have been launching weather balloons into the lower ionosphere since the Thirties.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-486.wav|Yes.. Pale covers 72% of the surface. There are grey flares and prominences, even arcs above entire isolas... The images are blurry, but if there was a sphere in there it certainly looks like it fractured a long time ago.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-489.wav|But you already have,. And you're doing just fine, despite the rubble.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-491.wav|You seem to be spooked. Please don't be.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-493.wav|There's a steadily increasing trickle of images. Between the big three they're piecing together a dark grey corona.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-494.wav|There's a steadily increasing trickle of images. Between the big three scientific contributors, they're piecing together a dark grey corona.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-504.wav|This place is an unmarked microsettlement on the coast of Martinaise...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-505.wav|It's lovely, really. I'm thinking of buying it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-511.wav|Yes, so I can spite Evrart and spoil his plans for this place. I'm a petty person, I admit.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-512.wav|Actually, yes. The thought did cross my mind when Mademoiselle Lilienne over there told me about the fresh produce these women sell to restaurants on the Delta.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-513.wav|Don't worry, I'll never get around to it, the information you pass to me will remain confidential,. Let's get back to reality, shall we?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-515.wav|This place could use a competent manager. There's so much to be done. But then, I'll never get around to it, will I?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-517.wav|Doubtless I'll be off some place, keeping social classes from each other's throats.... Let's go back to the basics of reality, shall we?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-520.wav|Great bodies of water, forest-covered surfaces... clusters of light where the cities lie. You've seen the montage, we all have, this world is enough,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-526.wav|Of bodies of water and forest-covered surfaces, clusters of light where the cities lie. You've seen the montage, we all have, this world is enough,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-540.wav|Let's. I am, after all, bourgeois and female, hardly the perfect ambassador for the world.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-541.wav|Oh, you want a picture of the world?. There is no complete set yet, dear. They're having some trouble reaching orbit.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-548.wav|Great things are difficult to achieve. For now, we're viewing the world from the inside, sideways.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-554.wav|I am sorry, detective,. Philosophically speaking, it must sound quite terrifying. Even scientific positivism isn't entirely convinced about what we're dealing with here...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-555.wav|It's like the crowning of the world. It's insane. Very disco. You'd love it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-557.wav|See? Everyone finds something worth holding onto in the world, however wasted its opportunities.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-565.wav|Yes!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-575.wav|The pale is not, technically speaking, part of reality...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-579.wav|Of course, lieutenant,. Let's try something else.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-592.wav|I don't think your colleague would appreciate that, he has already been so patient with this whole... exercise.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-593.wav|Let's continue with something else, alright?. You can ask about anything else in the world. Anything.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-594.wav|The lieutenant's right, let's change topics?. What do you want to know? Anything!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-605.wav|Go ahead, officer, ask me something else.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-606.wav|Are you sure you're sure? Your colleague seemed adamant...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-607.wav|It is the opposite of reality.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-610.wav|Of course, ask away.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-612.wav|Okay.. The pale is the most dominant geological feature of the world, detective, the separative tissue between the isolas. It is the interisolary mass.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-616.wav|Isola is a Messinian word for a continent of matter, enveloped on all sides by the pale. Also: isolation, or land mass. We used to believe there was only one. In the last four centuries we have discovered seven...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-617.wav|Mundi, Seol, Samara, Iilmaraa, Graad, Katla, and this, Insulinde.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-620.wav|An oceanic isola. It comprises mostly of water. Mundi is the largest, Katla the coldest, Insulinde the bluest. What can I say.... Each is perishing and dear.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-623.wav|Twenty-two kilometres from the centre of the world. That soldering iron is the Bank of the World building. The bottom floors are INSURCOM, Coalition Government Insulindian Mission Command.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-644.wav|Was there something else you wanted to know? I remember something about a low-down...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-649.wav|I hope we are able to continue as friends despite my scaly bulk. And the treacheries committed by my people against the Suzerain and the Commune.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-649-0.wav|I hope we are able to continue as friends, despite my deeply felt need to infiltrate and betray the Revolution. And then ensnare you to financial seruice.
wavs/alternative-1-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-649-1.wav|I hope we are able to remain friends despite my scaly bulk and my love of regicide and homo-sexuality. The loss of sovereignty was not our plan all along, I assure you.
wavs/alternative-2-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-649-2.wav|I hope we are able to continue as friends despite my scaly bulk. And my intimidating liberal credentials. This was not the plan all along.
wavs/alternative-3-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-649-3.wav|I hope so. I hope we are able to continue as friends despite my scaly bulk. And the insanity, bloodshed, and transfer of wealth that took place here. It was not the plan all along.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-652.wav|Alright, what next?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-655.wav|Nothing, nothing, it's just.... True, that's all. The uniforms, the language... Let's have another question about reality, shall we?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-656.wav|Ah, yes. That is what counts, I suppose. For my part, I was more of a New girl.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-660.wav|Revachol, Revachol is what you call a city.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-666.wav|Well then. Reality is a strange place, getting stranger by the day. Ask away, officer. I'll help however I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-667.wav|The Great kind.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-670.wav|History, detective. They built this city to resolve History, our part in it at least, our centuries.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-672.wav|The nations of the Occident. Or migrant workers from Semenine and Iilmaraa, depending on your creed.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-674.wav|In the Dolorian century, 380 years ago.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-675.wav|We are standing on a fertile, self-sufficient island able to sustain up to 200 million people; in the middle of the Insulindic ocean, the world's connective tissue.... It's where the money is.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-677.wav|By that I mean conflicts. Ideological conflicts. The stuff of men.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-679.wav|They say it's where the terrible questions of our time will be answered, the tensions are highest, the faultlines deepest.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-698.wav|You can't get a venereal disease from that, can you?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-716.wav|Indeed. There is a term of endearment they coined for it. In the Dolorian century, when humanity was high on this world, discovering more and more of it, these archipelagos included...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-726.wav|Of course.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-729.wav|Achromatic, odourless, featureless. The pale is the enemy of matter and life. It is not like any other, or any thing in the world. It is the transition state of being into nothingness.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-732.wav|That's right, the negation of being.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-744.wav|No, detective, we're safe.. It begins there, 6,000 kilometres to the north, and even more to the south, east, and west. You are in the middle of the isola.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-749.wav|Yes, that is enough. Many cities are built much closer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-750.wav|An uproar of matter, darling, rising into the pale. Rolling. Evaporating even, a great vision. The area of transition between the world and the pale is called porch collapse.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-751.wav|Imagine a grey coronal mist, cold vapour, marked by spores of an opportunistic microorganism, a mould that's adapted to grow at the edge of the unrest. It's...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-752.wav|It's difficult to describe, or even measure, something whose fundamental property is the suspension of properties: physical, epistemological, linguistic...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-753.wav|The further into pale you travel, the steeper the degree of suspension. Right down to the mathematical, numbers stop working. No one has yet passed the number barrier. It may be impossible.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-758.wav|Pale when it's particular, this territory of pale, the pale when it's pale in its entirety. Once you've seen it.... Language balks at the difference.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-759.wav|Oh, it is.... difficult for us.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-761.wav|It is possible to force dimensions on the pale, in modern times we can even compress its latitude, bouncing radio waves from one end to the other. Shortening the path.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-762.wav|But it is still hard for humans to navigate the pale without getting lost. Or having our minds damaged.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-763.wav|... the most disco thing you will ever see.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-766.wav|Some say the damage stems from extreme sensory deprivation. Others argue that pale somehow consists of past information, that's degrading. That it's rarefied past, not rarefied matter.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-767.wav|They call it the blend-over of the self. The pale does not only suspend the laws of physics, but also the laws of psychology, maybe History, even... The human mind becomes over-radiated by past.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-770.wav|The logical positivists say, the dialectical materialists argue.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-772.wav|It feels terrible. Absolutely terrible. International standards strictly limit civilian travellers to six days of pale exposure per year...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-774.wav|Up to my gills, officer.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-778.wav|No, nameless detective of the Citizens Militia. I am a member of the Entroponetic Business Class. I'm cleared and trained for 22 days of pale transit annually.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-795.wav|No, Lieutenant Du Bois. I'm 'Entroponetic Business Class.' I'm cleared, and trained, for 22 days of pale transit annually.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-797.wav|Entroponetics,. is the scientific study of the pale. Or a recent iteration of it, by way of Graad. The study of the pale reaches back 6,000 years, the Perikarnassians called it the Western Plain.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-800.wav|There are signs of pretermodern crossings. Successful navigation of the pale relies not just on technical know-how, but intensive psychological preparation. Some of these tactics have been known for thousands of years.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-802.wav|Nothing. We remain powerless before the pale. The only real advance in pale transit is the speed with which an aerostatic craft can pierce it. Less exposure leads to less... effects later.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-804.wav|Hybrid airships, detective. Conventional rotors or jet engines no longer add velocity after the point of reference for motion is suspended, once you've crossed from near pale to far pale...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-805.wav|In essence, we throw them in and they come out the other end, if we throw them precisely.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-809.wav|The pale outweighs reality two to one, there is more pale than there is matter. And the ratio is slipping.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-811.wav|What do you think, detective?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-814.wav|Oh no, detective, it's not. One of the few measurable effects of the pale is that it is expanding at an unknown rate.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-815.wav|Precisely. One of the few measurable effects of the pale is that it is expanding at an unknown rate.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-816.wav|An intuitive conclusion of that development is that one day the pale will cover everything, but this sort of talk is mostly left to extremists.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-819.wav|Most people, and indeed most private and government sector organizations; entire civilizations and religions even, find handy ways to ignore, or downplay that knowledge.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-820.wav|I suggest you do the same.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-822.wav|Yes, sweet reality,. But before we do, tell me detective...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-826.wav|Is this the first time you're hearing this? Do you really not remember anything?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-827.wav|This isn't really an inquiry, is it? You can't remember a single thing, this is the first time you're hearing about any of this.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-831.wav|Of course, how silly of me. Another basic term perhaps?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-834.wav|Of course, pardon my prying, another basic term perhaps, or...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-839.wav|Then tell me, what do you think of the pale?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-840.wav|Beyond curious... Tell me, what do you think of the pale?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-850.wav|Hmhm...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-852.wav|You really didn't know. This does not spell good for the investigation, detective. If you don't know even this, then...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-857.wav|Your colleague, Lieutenant Kitsuragi, is competent. I checked up on him. And you have me, I will try to assist you in any way I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-858.wav|I hope so, I truly do. If I may suggest, hold on to your colleague Kitsuragi. I ran a check on him and he is very competent. In the meanwhile...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-861.wav| have me, I will assist you in any way I can. Even if we have to do it one basic term at a time.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-862.wav|Even if we have to do it one basic term at a time.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-868.wav|Yes. Carried in the hulls of airships,. It's a horrific job. Automation will abolish it, soon.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-871.wav|One and all,. They say pale is death, but for the Universe.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-882.wav|It doesn't look like you're doing the same. The suggestion was meant in earnest, detective. Live life.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-895.wav|Yes?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-926.wav|No, but... please. A little context. We're not in such a hurry.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-929.wav|We are where we are. I have no truer answer to give, unfortunately.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-931.wav|It's quite easy: every hundred years or so our species gets together to decide what's next: who gets shot in the head and who gets the mineral rights, it's a real kerfuffle.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-945.wav|I am happy to oblige.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-946.wav|Good luck, detectives.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-954.wav|Yes, lieutenant. Permit me to conclude with this, who you are, to me, is the police. The only legitimate law enforcement authority in Revachol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-955.wav|So, permit me to conclude with this, who you are, to me, is the police. The only legitimate law enforcement authority in Revachol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-956.wav|Steel yourself, officer,. Your colleague, Lieutenant Kitsuragi, he is competent. I checked up on him. And you also have me, I will try to assist you in any way I can.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-968.wav|Absolutely, my commitment here is long term.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-979.wav|Indeed. I am always at your service.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-987.wav|Actually, yes. The thought did cross my mind when Mademoiselle Lilienne earlier told me about the fresh produce these women sell to restaurants on the Delta.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-993.wav|And if those authorities drink so hard they need help recalling the basic terms of reality, well, I am here to help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE REALITY HUB-997.wav|...and if the law officials of our nation need help with the basic terms of reality, well, then I am here to help.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-3.wav|Until after years of trial and error, and the development of a strict psychological regime imitating the creation process of poetry...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-4.wav|The eighth expedition returned, sane and intact. They told of a new continent of matter. They told the queen and her councillor, Dolores Dei, that the pale had begun to condense, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-5.wav|The nations who colonized this isola called theirs Mundi. The World. It was all they knew, all they thought would be. That there would be something more was a gamble. Akin to another world, or life after death.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-7.wav|But they could not. They were sane and conscious, as islands began to appear on the horizon... There are 78,000 uninhabited islands in the Insulindian archipelago, officer. The freckled face of god,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-11.wav|On the second day, a great skua was shot down above the flagship Lysergique. The bird was preserved and brought back. Along with pollen.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-17.wav|Hmh,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-23.wav|Which isn't to suggest our talks constitute corporate espionage. Even if they did, it would be fine. But they don't, since you logged the money as a donation and this is clearly just gossip between friends.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-31.wav|Of course, detective,. Should something come up, later down the road, don't be afraid to drop by for a chat.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-33.wav|Oh!. That's so helpful of him...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-39.wav|So very, very helpful,. And how is that going? Do you have any leads on that gun?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-44.wav|Ah yes. As you said.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-49.wav|Of course. Thank you for the advice, I'm glad you were here to assist.. Your other dealings with Evrart are still of considerable interest to me...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-51.wav|Your gun, yes, do you want to talk about something else now?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-57.wav|What is happening?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-65.wav|Sweetheart, please stop repeating that now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-71.wav|Yes, yes, Mr. Evrart... this gossiping idea was terrible on my part, I take it back.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-83.wav|Do you want me to take you to a hospital, sir?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-86.wav|Officer?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-94.wav|That's beautiful...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-96.wav|A Villiers 9mm, front loaded? Two or three barrelled...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-99.wav|Villiers and La Salle was one of the original 14 indotribes of Revachol, did you know? Artillery and ballistics. Before the Revolution of course, they belong to some Gottwalders now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-100.wav|Mhm,. Villiers and La Salle was one of the original 14 indotribes of Revachol, did you know? Artillery and ballistics. Before the Revolution of course, they belong to some Gottwalders now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-103.wav|What else? It helps to sometimes hold inventory of the things you've achieved, you know.. Clears the soul.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-105.wav|Well, maybe he's not as helpful as you thought then? Is there anything else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-106.wav|Did he now?. Well, then it should be any day now. Unless, of course, he's lying to you. Anyway, was there anything else you've heard?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-108.wav|Did you now?. What sort of borscht is he making?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-115.wav|The strike brew,. That's a classic. And by turn up the heat I presume you mean put more alcohol in it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-117.wav|Why, if I may ask? Why make them more drunk? Aren't they corked enough already?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-126.wav|Very curious.. A very curious thing to do.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-134.wav|A referral, you mean? I take it this was for someone in the RCM.... Don't answer that.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-138.wav|Such referrals may sometimes get you information from a man like Evrart,. Did it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-139.wav|Oh my, a real door?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-148.wav|Of course. The RCM has the right to inspect any premises.. How else would you catch the bad guys? The information was useful I hope?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-149.wav|That's good to hear, detective. Police work is rarely pretty, but it sounds like you did what you had to do.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-150.wav|My-my! What I'm hearing is.... You inspected a premises because you suspected that it was involved in the narcotics trade...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-165.wav|Misinformation.... This is all because we haven't shared information on the lynching yet. See, already the adversary uses it to their advantage. Don't let him.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-167.wav|I wouldn't have taken Evrart for a sabre-rattler. Was he surrounded by Union men he wanted to impress?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-168.wav|Yes,. That's the talk about town. The Hardie boys they're called.... I find the name rather amusing, honestly.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-171.wav|Or he wants you and me to believe he wants to go to war.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-185.wav|I'll think it over, detective. Thank you for relaying this information to me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-194.wav|What? Yes, of course. Everything's fine. Perhaps there's more gossip you'd like to share?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-196.wav|How benevolent,. Hopefully they'll help you sort this whole business out... if they haven't already?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-202.wav|What you've said is quite enough. You have given me a lot to consider, and may have helped me prevent this conflict from escalating.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-203.wav|That is only fair.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-206.wav|It looks like you may untie this knot yet!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-208.wav|Oh my... very interesting. So the militant wing is protecting one of their own...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-211.wav|Well, I hope it yields something. Otherwise you'll have opened that door for naught.. Anything else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-217.wav|Naturally, detective. There are lighter topics to gossip about.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-219.wav|Sounds like he has you running errands, detective. A well-established dominance ritual.... Where did he have you deliver it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-225.wav|Ah yes, I've been meaning to go there...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-226.wav|Here?. Oh no... what does that bloated hellbat want with my little cinder block town?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-228.wav|No, don't tell me. I don't want to know what he has in store for this place... Probably a statue. It's a statue, right?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-229.wav|A giant statue of him or, better yet, his twin brother. Practically the same thing, but makes him seem less like a psychopath.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-234.wav|A youth centre with Edgar Claire's statue on top of it!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-238.wav|Go ahead, help him. Make it so. I have no power to stop him.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-239.wav|A youth centre with Edgar Claire's statue on top of it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-247.wav|What?. Thirty-five, I think. Why? I have mutant's feet. Very small.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-249.wav|Yes. I'm sad I will never have the time, detective, I've always wanted a dilapidating fishing village.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-258.wav|Yes, I was slumming it with some girl-friends of mine. We had boats and.... Don't hold it against me, my paramour certainly did not.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-259.wav|Hah! I think I was in my twenties actually. I'm ashamed to say I wasn't a teen anymore. It must have been my early twenties, because I remember a particularly vile disco track.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-260.wav|I'm over-radiated, detective,. I do silly things sometimes, out of pale-related sickness. Like sail over here. The moral of the story is...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-260-0.wav|I'm over-radiated, Harry,. I do silly things sometimes, out of pale-related illness. Like sail over here. The moral of the story is...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-264.wav|I'm glad to see your short-term memory appears intact. In any case, I wasn't a teen anymore, I would have been in my early twenties. I remember a distinctly vile disco track...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-265.wav|Not overly so. It's not like this was the only place we visited, me and my girlfriends from Ozonne with our shiny boats, like reavers...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-281.wav|He's probably dead by now, even his shack is long gone... not that it matters. These buildings are all carbon copies of one another.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-282.wav|Do not spend 22 days a year in pale transit, don't waste your twenties slumming it with your stupid friends, and don't deliver Evrart Claire's mail.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-284.wav|Are you satisfied, detective? What else can you tell me about your mail delivery quest for Evrart? Do you think it will improve the place?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-285.wav|Full of ghosts and ancient memories.. Has this errand yielded you any... information?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-287.wav|Until then, is there anything I can help you with?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-295.wav|Not as vile as me...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-295-0.wav|Not as vile as me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-296.wav|It is, but not as vile as me...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-296-0.wav|It is, but not as vile as me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-302.wav|If they're taking it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-304.wav|They most certainly are not.. Krenel has a thousand men on their payroll. The next batch will be a platoon of twenty men and a gunship.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-308.wav|Taking it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-309.wav|Then we're talking about a war. Evrart needs to let me into the harbour at once. We need to talk about this.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-310.wav|An insane goal.. Krenel has a thousand men on their payroll. The next batch will be a platoon of twenty men and a gunship. You can't simply trick them.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-312.wav|An insane goal.. Krenel has a thousand men on their payroll. The next batch will be a platoon of twenty men and a gunship, the one after that, a hundred.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-314.wav|No,. It's naive of me. He sent you, this is the negotiation now.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-316.wav|And if he does not change course it will be a war negotiation, detective.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-316-0.wav|And if he does not avert his course it will be a war negotiation, detectives.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-326.wav|You think Krenel is the only contractor Wild Pines employs? They'll only be the start. More will come. The question is how many years and lives will it take?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-327.wav|What do you suggest I do?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-328.wav|They have the support of Revachol West. They have the position... this will be a prolonged and bloody conflict. The only question is how long, and how bloody.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-341.wav|Everything affects the decision making process, detective.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-351.wav|I'm afraid we won't disco our way out of this one...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-352.wav|Like the previous leaders of the Union were assassinated? I suspect by Evrart and Edgar themselves...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-353.wav|I admit there's some poetry in the idea. And like poetry, it's also useless. There would still be Edgar. They've factored it in. The Union is them and they are Martinaise.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-354.wav|They will last as long as the drug trade in Jamrock provides them with support. With all due respect, that will be a long and bloody time.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-354-0.wav|But it is not a bluff. I assumed so before. That you're part of his ploy even, telling me this... to keep assuming would be wishful thinking at this point.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-359.wav|Of course. Your job is to clean up after them. And it looks like there will be a lot of cleaning to be done in the near future.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-360.wav|Do you think it's within my authority to give it to them? Do you think I can control the board and the shell-shocked mercenaries they've sent?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-361.wav|There will be no gloaming. There will be slow, simmering, hideous civil war. The beginnings of a failed state. No rapture, just ugliness.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-367.wav|He's right. There will be slow, simmering, hideous civil war. The beginnings of a failed state. No apocalyptic rapture, just ugliness.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-374.wav|Such a thing isn't in my character.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-376.wav|I will take your advice, detective. I will surrender Terminal B to the Union.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-376-0.wav|I will take your advice, lieutenant-yefreitor. I will surrender Terminal B to the Union.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-377.wav|I will surrender Terminal B to the Union.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-388.wav|What happens will happen.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-397.wav|What will I do...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-398.wav|Did I ever tell you how they discovered this isola? During our talks?
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-398-0.wav|Did I ever tell you how they discovered this isola? During our... reality low-down?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-400.wav|It may be the only break we've ever caught as a species. The last one for four hundred years.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-404.wav|Typically arrogant of me.... Absent-minded as well. Interisolary travel has left holes in my consciousness, I'm afraid.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-412.wav|We do for this,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-415.wav|It was anything but normal. There was no precedent, people thought she was punishing the admirals, or had gone mad, or both...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-421.wav|Slowly raining down until it formed a vast ocean.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-435.wav|A total shift,. In human comprehension of reality. On the second day, a great skua was shot down, above the flagship Lysergique. The bird was preserved and brought back. Along with pollen.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-438.wav|There was no precedent for such an undertaking. People thought she was punishing the admirals, or had gone mad, or both...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-445.wav|On Caillou.... The Pebble, the largest of the fertile, uninhabited islands of the northeast Insulindian archipelago. Four centuries and two revolutions later.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-446.wav|The first living, autonomous organism. Proof of reality. It's the symbol of Insulinde, detective, the coat-of-arms of the Suzerain and the wings on the crest of the Commune.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-448.wav|In your defence, it is a nasty creature, who plucks food from the throats of lesser birds. Yet much like Revachol, it is also magnificent. And rare. Imagine the suzerain of seagulls.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-452.wav|The nations of Mundi proceeded to discover five more isolae, or they discovered us, all in the rush of the great interisolary reconnection...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-453.wav|But these others weren't uninhabited. We had to kill people there, wipe out indigenous populations, gunboat economies. Or they came to do the same for us. Or had done to each other. But here...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-454.wav|There was no one but the skua. The Liliacea. And the blood beech and the River Esperance. It was the New New World. The Mondials used it to amass the greatest concentration of wealth mankind has ever seen, Revachol the Suzerain.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-455.wav|Revolution, poverty, and the mercurial rise of capitalism,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-458.wav|But what was done exactly? Revolution, the rise and crash of capital, international intervention...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-459.wav|It is.. Soon it will be spring and everything will blossom.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-466.wav|The age of capital has only begun. I will talk to my employers in person. We will amputate and cauterize Martinaise, if you handle the situation on the ground.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-472.wav|Yes. Mr. Claire has a two-month head start. I can't let it grow any bigger. And I've exhausted all my options from here.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-479.wav|You are the Citizens Militia. There are no superiors.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-488.wav|That's right. We're all answerable to someone.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-492.wav|I am.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-493.wav|Here I am. I am the face and I'm here to answer, Rejoyce Leyton.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-494.wav|I have not deceived you. I told you who exactly who I was, Rejoyce Leyton.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-494-0.wav|I have not deceived you. I showed you who I was, Rejoyce Leyton.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-503.wav|I will try to do so, detective. If not for you, then for Revachol.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-503-0.wav|I will try to do so, Harry.. If not for you, then for Revachol.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-504.wav|In short, detective, we will revoke the pigment standard. Your money will no longer need to be black like chitin, and there will be so much more of it.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-504-0.wav|In short, Harry, we will revoke the pigment standard. Your money will no longer need to be black like chitin and there will be so much more of it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-506.wav|I know.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-507.wav|I don't want to do that, detective.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-507-0.wav|I don't want to do that, Harry.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-508.wav|I do not want to shoot myself in the head.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-512.wav|I will try keep the interests of the Moralist International in mind during our talks, detective.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-512-0.wav|Harry, I will try keep the best interests of the Moralist International in mind during our talks.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-513.wav|Is it?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-515.wav|Keep the peace, and I will keep my end of the bargain.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-516.wav|One last thing, Lieutenant Du Bois.. I've given the matter much thought and come to this conclusion: You're not an amnesiac. You're insane.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-517.wav|I know, because I, too, am insane. I just hide my illness better. And I'm rich.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-519.wav|I'm over-exposed, baby. My travels take me through the pale dozens of times a year. I've got the longing, and I've got it bad.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-520.wav|The same strict psychological regimen the eighth admiral developed when he crossed the pale and discovered this isola, the Volta do Mar. It's used by interisolary travellers and other troubled souls even to this day.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-525.wav|Watch out for yourselves. They will strike soon.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-525-0.wav|Watch out for yourselves. They will strike soon.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-527.wav|Watch out for yourself. They will strike soon.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-527-0.wav|Watch out for yourself. They will strike soon.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-528.wav|No, detective, no one's as insane as you.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-528-0.wav|No, detective, no one's as insane as you.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-543.wav|A confrontation is imminent. They have followed in your footsteps...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-544.wav|As your investigation reaches a climax, so does theirs. They are your shadow. Arm yourselves. Armour yourselves...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-545.wav|Protect their targets. Violence may be unavoidable, but we can limit the casualties.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-550.wav|Soon. I do not know precisely. They have cut off all communication, you see. They know I've been feeding you information.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-561.wav|One last thing, nameless detective.. I've given the matter much thought and come to this conclusion: You're not an amnesiac. You're insane.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-570.wav|First, there won't be a youth centre, whatever he's told you or the residents. It'll be something horrific. Perhaps even worse than a statue, so yes, I do.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-571.wav|A fishery. I've been speaking with Lilienne here. She gave me the idea. The infrastructure is all here, and with my connections...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-572.wav|Sadly, it's just one of the million things I'll never get around to. I just have to accept that I'll never be the rich candy-girl who goes around solving people's problems with money.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-585.wav|I disagree. It sounds like a strike brew, and you made them more drunk? Aren't they corked enough already?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-586.wav|Weird? Oh no. One of the positive things to come from the Revolution is the unhindered exchange of information, you see, even when it comes to trade secrets...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-599.wav|Lieutenant Du Bois? HARRY!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-603.wav|Harry! Are you alright?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-604.wav|Detective? Is everything alright in there?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-608.wav|I'm much better now that you're back. You seemed to be caught in some sort of loop.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-609.wav|I'm not sure, exactly, but you seemed to be caught in some sort of loop.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-610.wav|No, not at all, I'm afraid. You seemed to be caught in some sort of loop.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-611.wav|Never mind the details, we've wasted enough time as it is. What matters is that you seem to have got out of it...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-615.wav|Now please, ask me something else before it happens again. Something that preferably doesn't include the words mister or Evrart.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-618.wav|And in the process you turned up some information relevant to your investigation. Only from Evrart, surprisingly!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-619.wav|Yes. Evrart is a showman at heart.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-620.wav|I should be.. In my youth I had a brief dalliance here in Martinaise. He was an older man, with impossibly broad shoulders...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-621.wav|We told ourselves we were the worst thing to happen to the coast since the Coalition landed in '08. Imagine!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-626.wav|You misunderstand, detective. We're all answerable to someone.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-627.wav|On the contrary, detective.. It's a real drag.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-642.wav|Oh,
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-646.wav|You have?. And how did you like Mr. Claire?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-656.wav|Oh, come on now! He has his uses, how else would he have stayed in power all these years? Or wait, actually...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-666.wav|Of course, he must have his practical uses, how else could he have kept his position all these years... Or wait, actually...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-670.wav|What?!. I am afraid you have mis-read the situation, detective. This is not some feudal conflict, it is a negotiation.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-680.wav|Of course, detective. Excuse me for implying otherwise.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-694.wav|Of course. Some of them, at least. The ones who work for him, how else would he have stayed in power all these years... no wait, actually...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-695.wav|Of course. How else would he have stayed in power all these years if it were not for ethnic nationalism... or wait...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-697.wav|Huh!
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-714.wav|Of course,. You are an honourable man, way above the money I could offer, so I won't even try. And of course...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-715.wav|I will. I've always wanted a side-shifting class knight on my side, sir,. Now, of course...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-722.wav| could I stop you? Are we not human? Are we not curious to hear another person's take? It's only natural. We would only be.... gossiping.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-725.wav|Incredible,. Simply incredible, and how is it going? Has this detecting produced a gun?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-727.wav|Thank god, and indeed Mr. Evrart as well. In this investigation one may have use for a firearm, you wouldn't want to get caught with your pants down...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-730.wav|Oh!. That's so helpful of him...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-734.wav|Stupendous!. I didn't think he'd pull through.
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-734-0.wav|I have a bad feeling about this, please just say you have it. No loops, darling.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-738.wav|Beyond curious. I will choose to interpret that as you turning the alcohol in the strike brew down, for the sake of our professional relationship.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-740.wav|And because I don't like the idea of them any more drunk than they already are.. What else?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-753.wav|Precisely,. Don't worry about that article, regional papers are useless anyway. You probably spared the man his kneecaps. And I can be sure that the local shops have a bone to pick with Evrart.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-758.wav|That would explain why the Whirling-in-Rags, where the Union congregates, is the only bar left open in Martinaise. Well that and Frittte because...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-758-0.wav|That would explain why the Whirling-In-Rags, where the Union congregates, is the only bar left in Martinaise. Well that and Frittte, but Frittte has an army of security guards...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-763.wav|Don't worry about that one article, dear, regional papers are useless anyway. You probably spared the man his kneecaps. And I can be sure that the local shops have a bone to pick with Evrart.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-768.wav|Brinkmanship, or sabre-rattling... Was he surrounded by Union men he wanted to impress?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-770.wav|Well, of course he would, that still doesn't mean he's not benefiting from the arrangement, the lorries, the harbour, all of it. It just means he doesn't outright admit to it.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-775.wav|Well, of course he would, I really hope you and I get to talk about this drug trade matter in the future. The company has been suspecting foul play for years. Anyway...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-780.wav|Or he wants you and me to believe he's calm and in control. He's a politician.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-784.wav|Of course, to other matters you've discussed perhaps?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-789.wav|I'm over-radiated, detective,. I do silly things sometimes, out of pale-related sickness. Like take this job. The moral of the story is...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-789-0.wav|I'm over-radiated, Harry,. I do silly things sometimes, out of pale-related illness. Like take this job. The moral of the story is...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-793.wav|Of course, detective,. You can always drop by later, should something come up, now, what else can I do you for?
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-852.wav|That's great. For the investigation, I mean.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-857.wav|A she...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-859.wav|I hope she wasn't a serious suspect then, as to the suicide, that must be difficult. Yet, in your line of work...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-861.wav|A she.... I hope she wasn't too serious a suspect. If she got away...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-866.wav|Naturally. I completely understand. But... you mentioned something about Mr. Claire? Or something in conjunction with the Union even? I might have gotten the wrong idea, but...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-867.wav|But, I won't pry further about the case. You mentioned something about Mr. Claire, I believe? Or something in conjunction with the Union? I might have gotten the wrong idea, but...
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-873.wav|Oh, we humans just like to discuss things, it's absolutely normal. I won't pry further. If anything regarding the Union has come up.... They won't talk to me.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-876.wav|Unfortunate.. I won't pry further into the details of your investigation, but let me just say, I have full trust in your competence.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-878.wav|This thing is what you call a.... clusterfuck. I am saddened to hear the news, of course. But we must continue. Lest the situation worsens.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-884.wav|And you too, lieutenant,. The situation is perilous, but I am sure you're dedicated to avoiding further loss of life. Unlike the Union, who won't even let me talk to them.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-902.wav|The company did not 'send mercenaries after the Union'. I told you, in great detail, about the mistakes my side made. And of course I accept them completely.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-903.wav|I just hope you don't share Evrart's view on things. After all, as he said: one's dead now. The Pines certainly hasn't killed any of theirs.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-906.wav|Hurry up on that probe. The moment you tell me you're finished at the traffic jam, I will gladly tell you the company's side of the story.
wavs/Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE ON EVRART-920.wav|It may be the only break we've ever caught as a species. The last one for four hundred years.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-348.wav|Which one? Actually, it doesn't matter. King Guillaume has always been my favourite. He could smell a PR disaster brewing. So he got out alive and his nephew Frissel got shot in his place...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-155.wav|Perhaps you shouldn't have. I sort of liked it on her...
wavs/alternative-0-Joyce Messier-PIER JOYCE LYNCHING AND TATTOOS-246-0.wav|Of course, excuse my hesitation before.
wavs/Joyce Messier-JOYCE REALITY TIMES-115.wav|Past?. That's what Dobreva, the leader of the communards said, before she got a bullet in her head. Don't get me wrong...
wavs/Joyce Messier-VILLAGE JOYCE-127.wav|It's just as well, Lilienne and I are getting on much better. For one, she appreciates the concept of rent.