wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-231.wav|Of course.. Always happy to have officers from the RCM as guests. Anything else I can do for you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1045.wav|So if you didn't have anything else to tell me, about my establishment, can we, you know, wrap it up? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-924.wav|God... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-82.wav|Okay. Yes. I'm going to unplug the microphone, so you can get off the stage now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-983.wav|I should have known Sylvie wouldn't accidentally break things here.... Okay. This is actually a nice bird. A competent piece of taxidermy. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-391.wav|What wall? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-589.wav|I could if I were a bartender. But I'm not, I'm the cafeteria manager. So I won't. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-145.wav|That's wonderful! Really. I think so. But there's a dead body out back. No one wants to work in these conditions! It's been a week! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING SLEEPING DOCKWORKER-86.wav|Yeah, sure! I don't care. Just don't finger-bang his stuff, okay! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1437.wav|Oh my god, the package, I forgot, yes, yes it did arrive, when you were... wavs/alternative-0-Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-579-0.wav|No, you don't. It's not happening. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-190.wav|If you had a warrant, you'd be shoving it in my face right now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-810.wav|Oh?. So cool. Cool-cop strikes again. Well, I didn't expect someone in your line of work to notice the lowly efforts of the service industry anyway, so... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-656.wav|You're right, you didn't. And it's only taken you three days not to. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-871.wav|Where was I? How do you think I know the crazy shit you pulled off out there? I was there, out on the balcony, protecting my establishment. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-222.wav|I didn't.. I don't appreciate this. What is this? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-146.wav|What's that supposed to mean, probably? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1396.wav|And... I'm sorry about the other night. I'm sorry I told you to sleep in the trash. That was wrong of me. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-279.wav|Anything else I can do for you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-937.wav|What?. What does that mean, cock carousel? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1305.wav|Oh, sorry, I think you misunderstand. Let me explain.. I didn't say I'd give you a free room. I just said you don't have to pay me. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1476.wav|Right.... I'll tell you what. I'll find out if you like, and can send them on to him. What do you think? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-411.wav|Who told you that? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1004.wav|Okay, what is back there? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-873.wav|So yeah.. I guess I'm what you call a bad ass. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-341.wav|Real mature, man! Real mature. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-493.wav|Fine, I'll take it off the bill! You want to sleep in a post-apocalyptic shit-hole, go ahead! But I'm not giving you another room. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-337.wav|By the way, if you hadn't paid before 21.00, your door would have been locked electronically. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-821.wav|I give credit where credit is due and that, sir, was an honest effort. I was watching until it went down. Crawled inside then. Bullets started flying. Anyway... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-624.wav|No, I'm not the bartender. I'm the cafeteria manager. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1343.wav|Right. Well, there you are. Now, was there anything else you wanted? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1068.wav|Anyway, I'll forward that woman her bill and be done with it... Now, was there anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-484.wav|Now. I still have to charge you for three nights and the broken window, that's 100 square. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-986.wav|It's for the.... It's for no one. It's a prop. I'm not letting anyone use it after the Great Karaoke Catastrophe of '44. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-10.wav|Can I help you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-55.wav|Good, good,. Are we ready? I want to unplug the microphone now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-41.wav|I was merely clearing up the difference. What did you want with it? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1033.wav|You look surprised? What? It's a great name, I know. Cafeteria managers come up with great names too. It's from a song. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-500.wav|You still owe me 70. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there, wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-511.wav|What are you, brain-damaged? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1043.wav|Luck has got nothing to do with it.. I need to think about where I'm gonna place those pinballs, I have a feeling they're gonna help. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-71.wav|Stop yelling about the god damn law in my establishment!. We get it, you're all the law! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-50.wav|No, I haven't seen you around. I'm not always here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-658.wav|Oh, you're up.. It's good to see you back on your feet. Did you like your room? I cleaned it for you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-678.wav|Oh, you know.... People don't tend to stick around after shoot-outs. Turns out they're not good for business. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-472.wav|Why on Earth did you have to break the skua?! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1147.wav|Oh, lieutenant, we're done here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-984.wav|Okay.... Okay. Well. This is actually a nice bird. A competent piece of taxidermy. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-654.wav|It was all right.. Subdued. I might start letting people up there again... Now, what can I do for you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-517.wav|I'll call them for recompensation for the room. But you still owe me 70 for the drinks and the window. And I do not think women are mentally inferior to men. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-232.wav|Forgive me for saying this, but your colleague seems more committed to drinking and... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-413.wav|It's not strange, it's inconvenient. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1459.wav|Happy to help, officer. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-478.wav|Thanks, I guess.... Was there anything else you wanted, or... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-858.wav|Yeah, I don't know.... Clients were panicking. And also, I guess I sort of found out that I don't give a shit if I die. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-380.wav|The other is a kebab cart. It's very successful in its way, but... it's nothing like the Whirling. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1368.wav|All yours.. Anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-597.wav|It's not for bands, it's for clients. Some clients, okay? Not you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-46.wav|No, you see, actually you didn't. You haven't done anything even remotely useful since you got here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1269.wav|Here. A new room key.. It's the key to the trash container outside. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1009.wav|Yes. Ha ha. What's actually behind there? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-439.wav|The Trash Collection Service? CS Municipal. I don't see why they would put anything in the trash, though. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-488.wav|Okay, you'll only have to pay for the window. And the drinks. That's 70. I'll get the rest from your stupid station. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-197.wav|Yes, yes, he means do you have questions for me. Like a police officer would. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-89.wav|So now you're a cop? Forget it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1312.wav|You don't have to give me any money at all. If you want a room, yes, you'll need to pay me, but you don't have to just give me money. Giving me money for a room is your choice. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-70.wav|Now, was there anything else you needed? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-435.wav|I think fugue states are more your forte, officer. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-235.wav|The locals. Customers, the people who eat here. A lot of dockworkers eat here. Sylvie told me everyone knows the dockworkers did it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1394.wav|Thank you... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-166.wav|As a matter of fact, I do. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-652.wav|No, I haven't seen you around. I just got here, remember?. Was there anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-577.wav|Well? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-243.wav|Evidence being money. You can't stay here without money. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1167.wav|Stop yelling. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-51.wav|Just bring them back once you're done, please. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-692.wav|No problem.. They'll come back. They always do. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-514.wav|Are you serious? From your work, I don't know... you can take bribes, I guess.. I'm sorry. I don't think cops take bribes. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-451.wav|What are you, a philosopher? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1204.wav|You've heard wrong. And you're not putting a dead body into my fridge. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1402.wav|Anything else I can do for you, then? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-804.wav|I hope at least your partner is recovering quickly. Also!. You're staying here for free now. That's right. This establishment supports cops. Even cops like you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-76.wav|I really don't know what to say to that. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-371.wav|Whatever.. Was there anything else? Because I need to think, about how I'm gonna get those pinballs in here... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-482.wav|Good luck. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1123.wav|Especially when you're so busy doing nothing to stop psychopaths. How could you just stand there? Still, you did risk your life... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-580.wav|Are you kidding me? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1137.wav|This again?. You just won't let it go, will you? Real funny. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-205.wav|No. But we could... diversify the entertainment options. Seeing as you've opened the door back there... The machine we have in the corner now is broken. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-389.wav|What are you, brain-damaged? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-39.wav|Yes, you are! A real decorated hero. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1058.wav|Yeah, neither do I. Thank you for telling me I guess. Good thing she pays for her stuff on time, I'll forward her the bill and be done with it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-47.wav|You're right, you didn't. And it's only taken you three days not to. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-6.wav|Do I have a shaker in my hand? Is this.... Is this a shaker? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-507.wav|Don't thank me. You still owe me 30 for the drinks! If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-282.wav|Oh.. I meant the Union dockworkers. You know, the guys who everyone is saying killed him. Which no one is saying about me, because I didn't. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-333.wav|I'll unlock the electronic lock to your room.. All the doors lock automatically at 21.00. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1027.wav|Well, it sure as hell wasn't the real estate company. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-191.wav|Besides, the RCM doesn't do search warrants. I know the law. You'll just have to wait for the kitchen to open, if you have to get in there. Which you don't. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-258.wav|Game? Everything is just a game to you, isn't it? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-799.wav|You know, I was about to not mention the clown circus you did out there, throwing petroleum bombs and whatnot, but since you feel entitled to nice things, here's the truth: you sucked. It was reckless. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-327.wav|Great, perfect, I hope you enjoy your freezing cold room with the window you broke yourself. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-320.wav|Is that so? Mr. Feminist... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-469.wav|I see.. Well, thank you for the intel anyway. Shame about the bird. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-999.wav|It wouldn't hurt to get a little life in here. Other than the hellish karaoke machine. That one's always causing trouble. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-54.wav|Why? To keep the hobos and drunks out, that's why. And the neighbours too. They put their trash there and they don't pay for the garbage company. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-586.wav|By causing more trouble? I think we're good. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-196.wav|No, I don't have a key, I don't know how to get there. And I don't care either. It's not like I've been wondering about it for ten years. It's just the Frittte warehouse probably. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-666.wav|You must be joking, right? You come here, trash everything, and now you try to pay with a novelty cheque? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-13.wav|Am I smiling? Do you see me smiling and shaking my little shaker? No? Do you know why? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-401.wav|It is. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-498.wav|Well? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1301.wav|You can sleep in the trash container outside. I know you don't need a key, since you tore it open. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1435.wav|I'm not dignifying that with a response. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1024.wav|For 14 years, man, that's how long I've worked here. I've kept this place up through hail and through sleet. Fuck me, if some Doom Ghost... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-255.wav|Yeah, good luck with that. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-425.wav|If you run out of money, you die. It's like that for all of us, me too. That's why I need you to pay me.. I'm not an asshole. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-765.wav|Lieutenant, you too?. You're asking too?! No. The answer is no. I will not turn this place into some kind of macabre circus. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1065.wav|We were just paying you a compliment. And finding out a degenerate from room 3 nicked the phone line. Everything is okay here! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1035.wav|Hail Holy Queen by The Etenniers. 'Hail holy queen of the sea,'. 'You're whirling in rags, you're vast and you're sad. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-600.wav|Is this what you get when you call the police now? We've been waiting for a week here! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-945.wav|God... does it mean you talked to her? What else did she say about me? wavs/alternative-0-Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-962-0.wav|The bird you brought me a replacement for.. The skua I had, remember? I found it lying on the floor with a broken wing the morning she left. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1425.wav|That was you? Of course it was. The man behind every new misery in my life.. But let's get back to the topic of the money you owe me. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-128.wav|I have no idea what that means. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1419.wav|No, of course it's not cool.. What am I supposed to do with your net worth? I need cash, moron. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1049.wav|Why?. No. Fuck it. I don't wanna know. I don't want to know why these degenerates do what they do. I thought we had one good guest in the building... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-620.wav|Oh, that's so sad to hear,. I'd totally let you sing karaoke, if you only had a tape. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-82.wav|I have three cafeterias to manage. Three. Sylvie tends the bar here, not me, I'm only standing in. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-469.wav|I'm sorry, but I can't let him stay here if he doesn't pay... He's three days on the slip. If he doesn't have the money by tonight, he'll have to work this from home. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-266.wav|I asked an employee out. She didn't want to come, but felt obliged to. It was a bad idea. Now what is so god damn fascinating about that for you? It's got nothing to do with the lynching. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-482.wav|Okay, the stupid drinks are on the house, Mr. Athlete. I still have to charge you for three nights and the broken window, that's 100 square. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-423.wav|Thanks. I hope you found what you were looking for. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-183.wav|What are you, a cook now? That's none of your business. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-255.wav|Haven't you asked me that already? What is it with you and this woman? She has nothing to do with this. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-429.wav|How... strange. I certainly didn't put them there. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1060.wav|Yeah, well, she's not a guest, is she? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-150.wav|You know what? The stupid drinks you've had are on the house. You know why? Because I know you can't pay for them. Not because you ran away. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-213.wav|What?. Why would you say that? We're at a completely different address from that whole thing. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-61.wav|Well, yes, us and the garbage disposal company. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING LENA MAIN-110.wav|The closest phone booth is down the coast. Sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-111.wav|What do you need them for? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-386.wav|Money is what grown up people use to pay for things. Things like this hostel room or.... ...or eight bottles of 'Potent Blend' and nine packs of 'Royal Extra'. We use it for everything, really. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1066.wav|Good thing that guest pays for her stuff on time, I'll forward her the bill and be done with it. Was there anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-145.wav|Uhm... I'm gonna unplug the mic now, okay? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-600.wav|You're a bad client. You haven't paid your bills yet. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-994.wav|Fine. Okay. The kitchen is closed until 13:00 because the cook is working. You can snoop around after that, if you must. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-26.wav|That's right, I'm THE CAFETERIA MANAGER.. I'm glad we cleared that. Was there anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-186.wav|And want me to make an exception for you? You're not even a hostel guest till you pay your outstanding bills... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F2 TEQUILA DOOR-28.wav|What's going on up there? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-238.wav|I don't really know. You'll have to ask her. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-70.wav|Are you serious right now? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-62.wav|I don't know. Am I? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-81.wav|That period of my life is over. Not everyone who stands behind a counter is a bartender, okay? I'm the cafeteria manager. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-56.wav|Yes, well.... I'm just doing my job, that's all. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-211.wav|Fine, okay. A little.. But my job doesn't leave me time for wondering about one locked door in one of the cafeterias I manage... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-315.wav|I have three cafeterias I manage. Three. Get over it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-468.wav|You broke the skua?! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-798.wav|You know, I was about to not mention the petroleum bomb you used, to grill that man alive, but since you're a psychopath anyway. Fuck it. Nice grilling. Insane, but effective. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-409.wav|Yes, and the phone company is taking its sweet time sending someone to fix it.. Losers. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-653.wav|Oh, it's not?! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-957.wav|No. It was her.. She's off to ride that carousel you told me about. Heh.... Cock carousel, I understand now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-140.wav|Real mature, man. What exactly were you trying to accomplish?. You do understand you still owe me money, right? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1455.wav|What? Oh, yes! Something did come addressed to the 'Wildest Cop in Revachol'. One moment... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-111.wav|Why don't you go and talk to him, okay? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-967.wav|Anyway, thank you for clearing it up. Now, if there isn't anything else... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING SLEEPING DOCKWORKER-80.wav|Stop finger-fucking him, officer!. I'm responsible for these oafs and their stuff. Even Sleepy there... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1187.wav|Nope. No idea, don't want to either. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-342.wav|The electronic lock to your room has been disabled till 21.00 tomorrow. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-506.wav|Don't thank me. You still owe me 70. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there, wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-508.wav|Money is what grown up people use to pay for things. Things like this hostel room or.... ...or eight bottles of 'Potent Blend' and nine packs of 'Royal Extra'. We use it for everything, really. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-278.wav|The electronic lock to your room will remain disabled till 21.00 tomorrow. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-44.wav|For god's sake, stop SHOUTING!. Stop crashing into people in my establishment! Stop provoking those oafs! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-794.wav|You know, I was about to congratulate you on your great aim, but seeing as you're so special already, I'm going to tell you the truth instead. You missed. And you suck. It was an awful shot. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1310.wav|Anything else you need? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1328.wav|You already have the key to your new room. I gave it to you earlier, to unlock the trash container, remember? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1012.wav|Hah! I knew it. I've always wondered where those machines by the door came from, and they told me there was some kind of pinball thing here too... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-352.wav|Obviously it hasn't.. Look at the pre-revolutionary tile work. This is an old, proud building. So what if there was a little pinball hall here before? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F2 TEQUILA DOOR-82.wav|What the hell is going on up there? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-716.wav|There never will be a right time, believe me. That karaoke system is only there for show. I'm not going to let anyone use it anymore. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-512.wav|Are you trying to frighten me now?. What is this? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AUTHORITY WC-68.wav|Of course it concerns me if you make this kind of... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-27.wav|Because I'm not a bartender. I'm a cafeteria manager. Is there anything else you wanted? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-378.wav|Oh, so apparently I'm a bitch now. Okay, I'll be the 'bitch', and you'll be the broke cop who owes me money, and no one will arrest anyone because that's insane. How's that? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1403.wav|I understand. Is there anything else you want? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1082.wav|Like what? I was really enjoying talking about the money you owe me... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-56.wav|Am I? Or did you ride in, take the body down, solve the murder, and not trash my hostel room? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1376.wav|No. I know you just broke it open. You don't need the key and I'm not giving it to you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-173.wav|Yes, not the whole damn Union, thank god. Just the nastiest and loudest faction. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1110.wav|No, I was... just wondering.. If you found pinball machines there... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1458.wav|Happy to help, officer. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-475.wav|I can't believe it... I was so sure it was Sylvie. Even worse, I thought she was trying to send me a message. Symbol of hope and all... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-826.wav|I wish you a quick recovery. Also!. You and your partner are staying here free now. This establishment supports cops. The stay is free, the drinks are not,. Just felt I needed to specify that. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-689.wav|I don't remember everyone who comes here.. And, many people wear sunglasses inside lately. Must be a fad. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1124.wav|'Defended' may be putting it a bit generously, though. I had a great view of you doing nothing to stop those psychopaths. Then I crawled inside. Bullets started flying. Anyway... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-566.wav|Sure. That's it then. You're not getting into the room. Sort your shit out elsewhere. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-601.wav|Okay, yes, it's for some clients, wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-750.wav|I don't care. You're not putting a dead body into my fridge. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1307.wav|You want a free place to sleep? Fine. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-TRIBUNAL WHERE IS KLAASJE-9.wav|What am I doing?! My fucking establishment is UNDER FIRE!. You know how much windows cost? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-974.wav|I can fix it to the plaque and have a... new bird in the establishment I guess?. So, I don't know... thank you? I'm gonna go with thank you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1262.wav|Then you really don't need a free room, do you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-749.wav|Well, I have a fridge and you're not putting it here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1264.wav|It is though. Right now, it literally is my business... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-212.wav|So I haven't opened it. I have cleaned the whole place a hundred times over, though, after the animals. And I haven't found a key. So good luck with that. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-754.wav|Because this is a culinary establishment, not a morgue. I can't believe you even asked me. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-686.wav|Yes. You know. And I went outside and took care of it. Everybody calmed down. Felt like the right thing to do. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-126.wav|They come here in the evenings. Dumb, unruly types. Think they're Big Shit. But they're good customers, they place big orders, and always pay on time. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-244.wav|All the locks have an electronic component. They have to be unlocked down here, with a master key before your guest key will open the lock. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-959.wav|Now, let me have a drink and think about this shit for a moment, on my own. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1076.wav|Yes. I absolutely will.. Sorry. It's been a bit of a day, and now a hole in the wall. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-16.wav|Oh!. You don't owe me shit? Well, officer, you're right, you don't owe me shit, you owe me MONEY. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1283.wav|Right. Well, there you are. Now, was there anything else you wanted? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-353.wav|Does this look like part of a Doomed Commercial Area?. This pre-revolutionary tile work? These high ceilings? The nice rooms? Well, most of the rooms... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AFTER TALKING TO KLAASJE-213.wav|Why don't we make it FORTY, huh?. Why don't we make it A HUNDRED beers, you're not loud enough! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-239.wav|I would suppose it's because they have nothing better to do. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-419.wav|Fine, yeah, it looked like someone had messed with the wiring. It was shortly after the hanging, but I don't know if it's at all related... Plenty of assholes around here who aren't murderers. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-960.wav|Heh.... Cock carousel, I think I understand now. It's what they ride. Until, like, 39. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-586.wav|No,. you cannot. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-906.wav|Good. It's good you're sorry. I'm not letting anyone up there anymore. Now what did you want? wavs/alternative-0-Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-280-0.wav|Good luck trying to use it after 21.00. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-227.wav|I mean no offence. It's really nothing personal. I just have to protect the interests of this establishment. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-820.wav|I give credit where credit is due and that, sir, was a nice shot. I was watching until you hit him, crawled inside then. Bullets started flying. Anyway... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-259.wav|She went away because none of your business. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-159.wav|That's it, I'm unplugging it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-238.wav|As a police officer, you must understand that I cannot take you at your word, without evidence. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-366.wav|Some real estate management company. They never come around here, just collect money from afar. Honestly, I think some money laundering might be involved. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-483.wav|Oh, well, if that was Sam Bo style, then let me wipe that debt, sir! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-583.wav|It's you, it's obviously you. You smell like liquor. And you're orange. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-50.wav|An omen?. Whatever... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-233.wav|Oh.. People are saying it was the Union dockworkers. That it was a lynching. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-TRIBUNAL WHERE IS KLAASJE-3.wav|She left! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-153.wav|Yes, of course. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-882.wav|Looked pretty hot to me.... At least nothing bad actually happened, wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-510.wav|What in the name of God... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-229.wav|Yes, have you got it? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-486.wav|But it's not inane, I just... you owe me money. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-462.wav|Why didn't she just tell me that?! I don't care about stuffed birds, I care about my employees... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-438.wav|Sylvie had the keys before I got here, and, as I've said before, I can vouch for all my staff. None of us would tamper with a crime scene. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-809.wav|Well, anyway... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-34.wav|Mine? No, it belongs to the Whirling-in-Rags. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-602.wav|Hah! Well!. We don't have any tapes. They all got stolen. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-639.wav|Yes, you are!. A real decorated hero. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1380.wav|But you know what? You're in luck. Because you don't have to ever pay me again. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1118.wav|Oh, fine, hero-cop. Lena left a forwarding address. 1113 Tabernacle Road, in Jamrock. If you see them again... do give them my best. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-124.wav|Then why are you wasting my time... and yours? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-459.wav|Wait, what?. But what about the bird? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-331.wav|Great, perfect, I hope you enjoy your freezing cold room with the window you broke yourself. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-227.wav|What are you, an idiot?! I told you I haven't killed anyone! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-59.wav|But uh, are you done now? Can I unplug the microphone? I'd like to unplug the microphone. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-604.wav|Technically, okay, yes. But we don't have any tapes. They all got stolen. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-251.wav|What about what I have been through, huh? You're not the goddamn protagonist of this story, I am. This is my hostel-cafeteria and I need my money. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-42.wav|What did you not do? First you took the body down, then you solved the murder, then you didn't trash my hostel room. Maybe you even negotiated the strike... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-407.wav|No, we don't hire staff like that. Thank you for letting me know, and it will be taken care of as soon as possible. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-742.wav|Yes, yes. For the dead body. You want to put a dead corpse into my fridge, right? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-901.wav|How can I forget about it?. It was unforgettable... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-569.wav|Yeah... that's not my problem anymore. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-630.wav|I hope it is. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-575.wav|Well? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-45.wav|May I ask why? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-966.wav|Yeah... I do have a lot of cafeterias to manage. And a lot of employees there. I can't make this part of my work practice, it was... unprofessional of me. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-241.wav|Yes, the strike,. The man they hanged was a security guard for the harbour company, I hear, a mercenary. The unionistas probably thought they'd send a message. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-628.wav|I have three cafeterias I manage. Three. Get over it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-303.wav|Good for you. Was there something else? I'd like to get back to what I was doing. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1431.wav|Speedfreaks FM? I, no, you don't have any packages waiting for you here. Anything else? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE barks-2.wav|Yeah, it will be another week before the phone company gets around to sending a repair guy. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-568.wav|What are you, a chauvinist then? Hah! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-420.wav|If you do find out who cut the line, though, let me know so I can forward them the repair bill. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-748.wav|Because you haven't taken it away yet, and it must be stinking hard about now. Well, you're not putting it here. Rest assured. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-206.wav|Those machines are Whirling property. But, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not planning to sell them. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-641.wav|Is there something I can do for you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING SLEEPING DOCKWORKER-84.wav|Yes. Sure. A criminal. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1114.wav|Oh? Okay. Well.. I did hear you make noise back there. So, good for you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-852.wav|Yeah, I was, yeah.. That's because I'm a bad ass. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1193.wav|You're not. You're a menace.... Fine, okay, the kitchen is closed until 13:00 because the real cook is working. You can snoop around after that, if you must. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-272.wav|I'll unlock the electronic lock to your room.. All the doors lock automatically at 21.00. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-515.wav|Okay, okay.... I know what is going on, and okay. I'll call your station... what did you say it was? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-990.wav|Oh, that's so sad to hear,. I'd totally let you sing karaoke, if you only had a tape, and you'd paid your bills. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-15.wav|So, are you ready for your... thing now? Let me know when I should turn on the karaoke carousel. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-93.wav|Fine. Was there something you wanted? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-526.wav|Yeah, that's not enough. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-72.wav|Even more reason for me not to serve you, sir. Was there anything else you needed, other than alcohol? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-388.wav|Anyway, I thought we were talking about the Whirling. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-220.wav|Great, thank you officer, that's all I wanted, payment for services rendered. If you continue to stay here, I just ask that you please pay your nightly bill in advance, starting tomorrow. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-454.wav|What is this thing? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-422.wav|Are you serious? From your work, I don't know... you can take bribes, I guess.. I'm sorry. I don't think cops take bribes. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1170.wav|Absolutely out of the question. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-131.wav|What is this, a joke to you? Is this what you get when you call the police now? This guy?. We've been waiting for a week here! wavs/alternative-0-Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-451-0.wav|She broke the bird, you know. The great skua, not the grouse you brought. I found it on the ground with a broken wing. On the morning she left. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-736.wav|Was there something else? Because I have coasters to stack. And glasses to clean. Apparently that's what I do now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-270.wav|Great, thank you officer, that's all I wanted, payment for services rendered. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 KARAOKE STAND-46.wav|No, you're not. The bills, remember? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1372.wav|You've already unlocked your new room. The trash container outside is ready and waiting. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-982.wav|Cool. Okay.. I was really hoping not to think about the cock carousel any longer, because it made me feel like shit, but this is a competent piece of taxidermy. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-548.wav|Okay, fine. I'll take it off your bill! Sleep in a post-apocalyptic hell-hole if you want to. Just know I won't give you another room. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-916.wav|Sure. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe the end has begun? Fuck it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-393.wav|I'll have it fixed at once. Thank you for letting me know. I assure you, the Whirling does not abide spying on its guests. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-646.wav|Hey.. Was there something you needed? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1138.wav|You must be kidding, right?. Yeah, good one, officer. Real funny. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-296.wav|He wasn't pan-fried. He was lynched. What could the kitchen possibly have to do with... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-324.wav|You know why? Because unpaid bills are not funny, when you have to run four service establishments.. Now. We can talk about a solution to this problem. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1290.wav|Perfectly serious.. You don't have to pay me anything. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-197.wav|Or some boring storage space with a bunch of old junk... and dust. Junk and dust. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-545.wav|What are you, a philosopher? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-163.wav|No, I only just got here. It was probably Sylvie who called you. She usually works the bar here. I'm only temporarily taking over her duties. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-343.wav|The electronic lock to your room will remain disabled till 21.00 tomorrow. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-995.wav|Fucker?. Lay off the swear words, they don't make you cool. This isn't kindergarten. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-914.wav|Mhm. Before it reaches the Whirling, hopefully... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-437.wav|I vouch for my staff as I would for myself... and I certainly wasn't the one making holes in our walls. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-48.wav|Oh, it's not?! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-71.wav|It is, isn't it? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-426.wav|As it should be. Anyway. Thank you for returning my key. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-256.wav|Not until you bring me the money. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1265.wav|As a matter of fact, you already have the key to your new room, the trash container, remember? You said you'd give the key back and didn't... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-415.wav|If you say so. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1383.wav|I don't care what you do. Sleep in the trash or pay for a room, I don't care anymore. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-962.wav|Yes, the bird. I found it lying on the floor with a broken wing the morning she left. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-55.wav|Callous? What are you, Kras Mazov? Almost all establishments in Revachol keep their trash locked. The Whirling-in-Rags is not special in that regard. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-613.wav|Fine. Fine. After you've paid your bills you can climb that stage and do whatever the hell you need to do. After.. Damn this karaoke machine... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-53.wav|If it's a personal matter, why in the name of god should I.... Okay, whatever. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-338.wav|Always happy to have officers from the RCM as guests.. Anything else I can do for you? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-822.wav|I give credit where credit is due and that was a crazy move, crazy effective. Petroleum bomb, never seen anything like that... I was there until it struck him, crawled inside then. Bullets started flying. Anyway... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F2 TEQUILA DOOR-30.wav|What the hell is going on up there? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-609.wav|Fine. Fine. Climb on that stage and do your thing, just get out of my hair.. I'll plug it in for you. Damn this karaoke machine... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-404.wav|Thank you, I'll patch it up personally. Was there something else about the establishment? I hope not... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-893.wav|This is about your room being locked, isn't it? It's about the electronic lock?. Unpaid bills are no laughing matter to me, sir. I assure you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-471.wav|You can look, but... the Union squeezed most people out of business to fund the strike. So, I don't know... your best shot is just going home. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-574.wav|Well? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-246.wav|Does that arrangement include... you paying me what we already agreed you owe me? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-651.wav|No, you see, actually you didn't. You haven't done anything even remotely useful since you got here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-58.wav|Fine. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-277.wav|The electronic lock to your room has been disabled till 21.00 tomorrow. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-675.wav|Really cool man, yeah.. Entitlement. Everybody likes that, everybody likes an entitled person who doesn't know how to say thank you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1384.wav|I don't care what you do. Sleep in the trash or pay for a room, I don't care anymore. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-876.wav|Yes. Very responsible. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-54.wav|No, I'm not the bartender. I'm the cafeteria manager. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-898.wav|Good for you. I'm not letting anyone up there again, ever. Now what did you want? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-958.wav|They ride the cock carousel until the clock runs out. Here. Have the rest. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-541.wav|It is. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-374.wav|I don't really need you to say anything, I just need the money. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-632.wav|I could if I were a bartender. But I'm not, I'm the cafeteria manager. So I won't. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-547.wav|If you run out of money, you die. It's like that for all of us, me too. That's why I need you to pay me.. I'm not an asshole. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-373.wav|Even if it is part of the damn Doomed Commercial Area... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-181.wav|The Union guys think they're untouchable. They probably fucking killed that guy or something... and now think they can hide out till it all blows over and it's fair weather again in Martinaise. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-499.wav|No, not cool. You still owe me 30 for the drinks. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-890.wav|Now what the hell did you want? I assume you wanted something to come back here... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1471.wav|Maybe you could send the shoes to him? In the hospital. Maybe it'd cheer him up. Do you know where he is? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-436.wav|Sylvie had the keys before I got here, and I can vouch for her. I can vouch for all my staff. None of us would tamper with a crime scene. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-645.wav|Am I? Or did you ride in, take the body down, solve the murder, and not trash my hostel room? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-480.wav|Good luck. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-291.wav|Does she? Maybe she does... maybe she pertains to the apocalypse.. Sylvie is not here because I asked for her number. The dead body out back didn't help either, but it was mostly me. I hope you appreciate that... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-640.wav|Wow.. Just wow. I hope you really enjoyed yourself up there, had a cathartic experience. Because for the rest of us... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-842.wav|Anyway, I can't help you there. A lot of women come and go here. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-627.wav|That period of my life is over. Not everyone who stands behind a counter is a bartender, okay? I'm the cafeteria manager. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1190.wav|Capitalist plot.. The pinball we have in the corner now is broken, I want to diversify the entertainment options. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-177.wav|I don't. I'm simply providing a service, or, really, facilitating the offering of services to paying customers, and.... It doesn't matter. I don't have to explain myself to you. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-445.wav|Nope. There's nothing more mysterious than the Martinaise Trash Collection Service, never know who's coming, or when... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-424.wav|For survival, to pay me. Unless you want to become a hobo? Do you want to become a hobo? There's nowhere else to stay in Martinaise and it's a cold spring outside. Money doesn't make you happy but it lets you be unhappy for a while longer. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-536.wav|Sir, I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry, this has always been a cop-friendly place... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-401.wav|Absolutely not. That would be idiotic. I have no idea why you're even saying this right now... wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-646.wav|What did you not do? First you took the body down, then you solved the murder, then you didn't trash my hostel room. Maybe you even negotiated the strike? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-857.wav|Yeah, well.... Fuck you too then. You have any more questions, or stylistic pronunciation advice? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1056.wav|Now was there anything else? I have, like, four thousand coasters to stack and then I need to wash dishes because it turns out I have to do that too now. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-667.wav|This isn't a game show. I'm not going to accept it. You owe me cold hard money... I want to see that money in the palm of my hand. Every single cent. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-456.wav|You mean somewhere else to run up a huge debt? I don't think so. The Union squeezed most places out of business to fund the strike. You're better off home. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-577.wav|Oh my god! What is your obsession with this Sylvie person? Get over it! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-356.wav|It's a sign of the Whirling-in-Rags not being part of the Doomed Commercial Area. If anything, we're revitalizing this neighbourhood. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-376.wav|Yes, your police skills have delivered. I'm sure you'll get a commendation. Maybe even a promotion. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1008.wav|There is no gaping maw. If you don't want to tell me you don't have to. It's okay. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-TRIBUNAL THEY DID NOT DO THIS!-52.wav|What the FUCK?. What are you DOING?! wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-613.wav|Ma'am, are you alright? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1013.wav|I knew it.. Were there any back there? In working order I mean? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1427.wav|You're expecting a package? To arrive for you here? wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-295.wav|Is it? Because I thought you were supposed to be investigating the lynching, not my employer conduct. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-77.wav|Don't be an imbecile, I'm not going to serve you a Marinella. I have work to do, and broken things to fix, if that was all, I'd like to return to it. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE-182.wav|Yes, I know where some things are. But, as I said, I don't live here. I just used to work here. And I'm not going to start working here again, if that's what you think. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-57.wav|Sir, I'm sorry the RCM is having financial trouble, but it's not this establishment's problem. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-751.wav|You're lying.. You're not putting a dead body into my fridge. wavs/Garte, the Cafeteria Manager-WHIRLING F1 GARTE MAIN-1346.wav|Now, is there anything you wanted?