wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE WC MODIFIERES-63.wav|Titus has already given you a cause of death. Hanging. Why is it so hard for you to understand? wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-58.wav|Titus, you don't have to clarify anything. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE AFTER TALKING TO KLAASJE-40.wav|Please try to control yourself in the presence of visitors, Titus. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-10.wav|Officer Discotheque.. Still wondering if we listen to disco? We don't, by the way. We don't listen to disco anymore. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-54.wav|Hjelmdallermen. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-62.wav|I don't need privatization paeans from a rent-a-cop.. Just do your job. Ask your questions. Then get out of Martinaise. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-17.wav|Are you deaf? There will be no singling anyone out. You can't arrest a Hardie boy without arresting all Hardie boys. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE-317.wav|Let him go, Titus.. I'm sure he doesn't need it. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-104.wav|Sure, you were curious... I'm not a gardener, by the way, I'm a legal counsellor for the Dockworkers' Union. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-237.wav|I am not, wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-556.wav|What you can do right now is go back to your station and write a report. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-58.wav|I will. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-243.wav|No. You did not get an answer. Titus does administrative work. He pushes paper. Fills out forms, the others can't read. But on that night they all acted as one man. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-127.wav|Anodic dance music, you wouldn't get it. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-231.wav|I have heard about your medical condition. People talk. And I have no patience for it. Or pity. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-117.wav|I've got nothing to say to you. Why are you wasting your time? wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-232.wav|When Titus Hardie says he runs the Hardie boys,. he means that in an administrative capacity. On that night everyone acted as one man. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE-239.wav|TITUS HARDIE! wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE TELLS YOU ABOUT LYNCHING-179.wav|No, you don't. What you have is seven honest men, who thought it forthcoming to tell you what happened, so that you don't waste any more of your time. wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 THE GARDENER MAIN-205.wav|I'm being aggressive?. Listen, you Moralintern lackey, you're part of a mob, enforcing the unlawful privatization of Revachol. Twenty fat men in the Occident are stealing it all, and you are their body guard. wavs/Elizabeth-TRIBUNAL THEY DID NOT DO THIS!-73.wav|Listen, please!. This cop and this drumhead court martial won't decide who... wavs/Elizabeth-WHIRLING F1 HARDIE WC MODIFIERES-98.wav|Before? After? During?. I seriously advise you to stop testing these men. They're getting agitated.