Statistics for FINLIT_SHUFFLED_CLEANED_TEXT_COMPLETION.jsonl ------------------------------------------- File Name: FINLIT_SHUFFLED_CLEANED_TEXT_COMPLETION.jsonl Number of Records: 353090 Number of Characters: 450787318 Number of Tokens: ~112696829.5 Vocabulary Size: 1583720 Average Tokens per Record: 319.17 Max Record Length (Tokens): 25341.5 Min Record Length (Tokens): 1.5 25th Percentile Record Length (Tokens): 217.25 50th Percentile Record Length (Median) (Tokens): 278.0 75th Percentile Record Length (Tokens): 344.25 Most Frequent Words (excluding common words): & (413838 times), market (202655 times), price (169086 times), would (167811 times), * (157697 times), time (155710 times), one (151559 times), new (148886 times), trading (139547 times), thesis (137970 times)