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PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux rigidus, left foot.,2. Elevated first metatarsal, left foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux rigidus, left foot.,2. Elevated first metatarsal, left foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Austin/Youngswick bunionectomy with Biopro implant.,2. Screw fixation, left foot.,HISTORY: , This 51-year-old male presents to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient states that he has had degenerative joint disease in his left first MPJ for many years that has been progressively getting worse and more painful over time. The patient desires surgical treatment.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported from the operating room and placed on the operating room table in the supine position with the safety belt across his lap. Copious amount of Webril was placed around the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 7 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a Mayo-type block. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was then inflated to 250 mmHg. The foot was lowered to the operating table, the stockinet was reflected, and the foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge.,Attention was then directed to the left first metatarsophalangeal joint. Approximately a 6 cm dorsomedial incision was created over the first metatarsophalangeal joint, just medial to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. The incision was then deepened with a #15 blade. All vessels encountered were ligated for hemostasis. The skin and subcutaneous tissue was undermined medially, off of the joint capsule. A dorsal linear capsular incision was then made. Care was taken to identify and preserve the extensor hallucis longus tendon. The capsule and periosteum were then reflected off of the head of the first metatarsal as well as the base of the proximal phalanx. There was noted to be a significant degenerative joint disease. There was little to no remaining healthy articular cartilage left on the head of the first metatarsal. There was significant osteophytic formation medially, dorsally, and laterally in the first metatarsal head as well as at the base of the proximal phalanx. A sagittal saw was then used to resect the base of the proximal phalanx. Care was taken to ensure that the resection was parallel to the nail. After the bone was removed in toto, the area was inspected and the flexor tendon was noted to be intact. The sagittal saw was then used to resect the osteophytic formation medially, dorsally, and laterally on the first metatarsal. The first metatarsal was then re-modelled and smoothed in a more rounded position with a reciprocating rasp. The sizers were then inserted for the Biopro implant. A large was noted to be of the best size. There was noted to be some hypertrophic bone laterally in the base of the proximal phalanx. Following inspection, the sagittal saw was used to clean both the medial and lateral sides of the base. A small bar drill was then used to pre-drill for the Biopro sizer. The bone was noted to be significantly hardened. The sizer was placed and a large Biopro was deemed to be the correct size implant. The sizer was removed and bar drill was then again used to ream the medullary canal. The hand reamer with a Biopro set was then used to complete the process. The Biopro implant was then inserted and tamped with a hammer and rubber mallet to ensure tight fit. There was noted to be distally increased range of motion after insertion of the implant.,Attention was then directed to the first metatarsal. A long dorsal arm Austin osteotomy was then created. A second osteotomy was then created just plantar and parallel to the first osteotomy site. The wedge was then removed in toto. The area was feathered to ensure high compression of the osteotomy site. The head was noted to be in a more plantar flexed position. The capital fragment was then temporarily fixated with two 0.45 K-wires. A 2.7 x 16 mm screw was then inserted in the standard AO fashion. A second more proximal 2.7 x 60 mm screw was also inserted in a standard AO fashion. With both screws, there was noted to be tight compression at the osteotomy sites.,The K-wires were removed and the areas were then smoothed with reciprocating rash. A screw driver was then used to check and ensure screw tightness. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. Subchondral drilling was performed with a 1.5 drill bit. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. Closure consisted of capsular closure with #3-0 Vicryl followed by subcutaneous closure with #4-0 Vicryl, followed by running subcuticular stitch of #5-0 Vicryl. Dressings consisted of Steri-Strips, Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. A total of 10 cc of 1:1 mixture of 1% lidocaine plain and 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected intraoperatively for further anesthesia. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well. The patient was transported to PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the right foot. The patient was given postoperative pain prescription for Vicodin ES and instructed to take 1 q. 4-6h. p.o. p.r.n. pain. The patient was instructed to ice and elevate his left lower extremity as much as possible to help decrease postoperative edema. The patient is to follow up with Dr. X in his office as directed. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , YAG laser capsulotomy, right eye.,INDICATIONS: , This patient has undergone cataract surgery, and vision is reduced in the operated eye due to presence of a secondary capsular membrane. The patient is being brought in for YAG capsular discission.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was seated at the YAG laser, the pupil having been dilated with 1% Mydriacyl, and Iopidine was instilled. The Abraham capsulotomy lens was then positioned and applications of laser energy in the pattern indicated on the outpatient note were applied. A total of | Surgery |
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Youngswick osteotomy with internal screw fixation of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint of the right foot.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux limitus deformity of the right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hallux limitus deformity of the right foot.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with 15 mL of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 10 mL.,HEMOSTASIS:, Right ankle tourniquet set at 250 mmHg for 35 minutes.,MATERIALS USED: , 3-0 Vicryl, 4-0 Vicryl, and two partially threaded cannulated screws from 3.0 OsteoMed System for internal fixation.,INJECTABLES: ,Ancef 1 g IV 30 minutes preoperatively.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position. After adequate sedation was achieved by the anesthesia team, the above-mentioned anesthetic mixture was infiltrated directly into the patient's right foot to anesthetize the future surgical site. The right ankle was then covered with cast padding and an 18-inch ankle tourniquet was placed around the right ankle and set at 250 mmHg. The right ankle tourniquet was then inflated. The right foot was prepped, scrubbed, and draped in normal sterile technique. Attention was then directed on the dorsal aspect of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint where a 6-cm linear incision was placed just parallel and medial to the course of the extensor hallucis longus to the right great toe. The incision was deepened through the subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped, and cauterized. The incision was deepened to the level of the capsule and the periosteum of the first right metatarsophalangeal joint. All the tendinous and neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, all the capsular and periosteal attachments were mobilized from the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe and head of the first right metatarsal. Once the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe and the first right metatarsal head were adequately exposed, multiple osteophytes were encountered. Gouty tophi were encountered both intraarticularly and periarticularly for the first right metatarsophalangeal joint, which were consistent with a medical history that is positive for gout for this patient.,Using sharp and dull dissection, all the ligamentous and soft tissue attachments were mobilized and the right first metatarsophalangeal joint was freed from all adhesions. Using the sagittal saw, all the osteophytes were removed from the dorsal, medial, and lateral aspect of the first right metatarsal head as well as the dorsal, medial, and lateral aspect of the base of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe. Although some improvement of the range of motion was encountered after the removal of the osteophytes, some tightness and restriction was still present. The decision was thus made to perform a Youngswick-type osteotomy on the head of the first right metatarsal. The osteotomy consistent of two dorsal cuts and a plantar cut in a V-pattern with the apex of the osteotomy distal and the base of the osteotomy proximal. The two dorsal cuts were longer than the plantar cut in order to accommodate for the future internal fixation. The wedge of bone that was formed between the two dorsal cuts was resected and passed off to Pathology for further examination. The head of the first right metatarsal was then impacted on the shaft of the first right metatarsal and provisionally stabilized with two wires from the OsteoMed System. The wires were inserted from a dorsal distal to plantar proximal direction through the dorsal osteotomy. The wires were also used as guidewires for the insertion of two 16-mm proximally threaded cannulated screws from the OsteoMed System. The 2 screws were inserted using AO technique. Upon insertion of the screws, the two wires were removed. Fixation of the osteotomy on the table was found to be excellent. The area was copiously flushed with saline and range of motion was reevaluated and was found to be much improved from the preoperative levels without any significant restriction. The cartilaginous surfaces on the base of the first right metatarsal and the base of the proximal phalanx were also fenestrated in order to induce some cartilaginous formation. The capsule and periosteal tissues were then reapproximated with 3-0 Vicryl suture material, 4-0 Vicryl was used to approximate the subcutaneous tissues. Steri-Strips were used to approximate and reinforce the skin edges. At this time, the right ankle tourniquet was deflated. Immediate hyperemia was noted in the entire right lower extremity upon deflation of the cuff. The patient's surgical site was then covered with Xeroform, copious amounts of fluff and Kling, stockinette, and Ace bandage. The patient's right foot was placed in a surgical shoe and the patient was then transferred to the recovery room under the care of the anesthesia team with her vital signs stable and neurovascular status at appropriate levels. The patient was given instructions and education on how to continue caring for her right foot surgery at home. The patient was also given pain medication instructions on how to control her postoperative pain. The patient was eventually discharged from Hospital according to nursing protocol and was advised to follow up with Dr. X's office in one week's time for her first postoperative appointment. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Open wound from right axilla to abdomen with a prosthetic vascular graft, possibly infected.,2. Diabetes.,3. Peripheral vascular disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Open wound from right axilla to abdomen with a prosthetic vascular graft, possibly infected.,2. Diabetes.,3. Peripheral vascular disease.,OPERATIONS,1. Wound debridement with removal of Surgisis xenograft and debridement of skin and subcutaneous tissue.,2. Secondary closure of wound, complicated.,3. VAC insertion.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After obtaining an informed consent, the patient was brought to the operating room where a general anesthetic was given. A time-out process was followed. All the staples holding the xenograft were removed as well as all the dressings and the area was prepped with Betadine soap and then painted with Betadine solution and draped in usual fashion.,The xenograft was not adhered at all and was easily removed. There was some, what appeared to be a seropurulent exudate at the bottom of the incision. This was towards the abdominal end, under the xenograft.,The graft was fully exposed and it was pulsatile. We then proceeded to use a pulse spray with bacitracin clindamycin solution to clean up the graft. A few areas of necrotic skin and subcutaneous tissue were debrided. Prior to this, samples were taken for aerobic and anaerobic cultures.,Normal saline 3000 cc was used for the irrigation and at the end of that the wound appeared much cleaner and we proceeded to insert the sponges to put a VAC system to it. There was a separate incision, which was bridged __________ to the incision of the abdomen, which we also put a sponge in it after irrigating it and we put the VAC in the main wound and we created a bridge to the second and more minor wound. Prior to that, I had inserted a number of Vesseloops through the edges of the skin and I proceeded to approximate those on top of the VAC sponge. Multiple layers were applied to seal the system, which was suctioned and appeared to be working satisfactorily.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the ICU for recovery. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Visually significant posterior capsule opacity, right eye.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: ,YAG laser posterior capsulotomy, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Topical anesthesia using tetracaine ophthalmic drops.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , This patient was found to have a visually significant posterior capsule opacity in the right eye. The patient has had a mild decrease in visual acuity, which has been a gradual change. The posterior capsule opacity was felt to be related to the decline in vision. The risks, benefits, and alternatives (including observation) were discussed. I feel the patient had a good understanding of the proposed procedure and informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified and the procedure was verified. Pupil was dilated per protocol. Patient was positioned at the YAG laser. Then, *** of energy were used to perform a circular posterior laser capsulotomy through the visual axis. A total of ** shots were used. Total energy was **. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. The lens remained well centered and stable. Postoperative instructions were provided. Alphagan P ophthalmic drops times two were instilled prior to his dismissal.,Post-laser intraocular pressure measured ** mmHg. Postoperative instructions were provided and the patient had no further questions. | Surgery |
TITLE OF OPERATION:, A complex closure and debridement of wound.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY:, The patient is a 26-year-old female with a long history of shunt and hydrocephalus presenting with a draining wound in the right upper quadrant, just below the costal margin that was lanced by General Surgery and resolved; however, it continued to drain. There is no evidence of fevers. CRP was normal. Shunt CT were all normal. The thought was he has insidious fistula versus tract where recommendation was for excision of this tract.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and willing to be inducted with a laryngeal mask airway, positioned supine and the right side was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Next, working on the fistula, this was elliptically excised. Once this was excised, this was followed down to the fistulous tract, which was completely removed. There was no CSF drainage. The catheter was visualized, although not adequately properly. Once this was excised, it was irrigated and then closed in multiple layers using 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layers and 4-0 Caprosyn and Indermil with a dry sterile dressing applied. The patient was reversed, extubated and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. Multiple cultures were sent as well as the tracts sent to Pathology. All sponge and needle counts were correct. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Wrist ganglion.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Wrist ganglion.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: , Excision of dorsal wrist ganglion.,PROCEDURE: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and general anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with an Esmarch and tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg. I made a transverse incision directly over the ganglion. Dissection was carried down through the extensor retinaculum, identifying the 3rd and the 4th compartments and retracting them. I then excised the ganglion and its stalk. In addition, approximately a square centimeter of the dorsal capsule was removed at the origin of stalk, leaving enough of a defect to prevent formation of a one-way valve. We then identified the scapholunate ligament, which was uninjured. I irrigated and closed in layers and injected Marcaine with epinephrine. I dressed and splinted the wound. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Placement of right new ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts Strata valve and to removal of right frontal Ommaya reservoir.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is a 2-month-old infant, born premature with intraventricular hemorrhage and Ommaya reservoir recommendation for removal and replacement with a new VP shunt.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Hydrocephalus.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Hydrocephalus.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room, underwent induction of general endotracheal airway, positioned supine, head turned towards left. The right side prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Next, using a 15 blade scalpel, two incisions were made, one in the parietooccipital region and. The second just lateral to the umbilicus. Once this was clear, the Bactiseal catheter was then tunneled. This was connected to a Strata valve. The Strata valve was programmed to a setting of 1.01 and this was ensured. The small burr hole was then created. The area was then coagulated. Once this was completed, new Bactiseal catheter was then inserted. It was connected to the Strata valve. There was good distal flow. The distal end was then inserted into the peritoneal region via trocar. Once this was insured, all the wounds were irrigated copiously and closed with 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Caprosyn as well as Indermil glue. The right frontal incision was then opened. The Ommaya reservoir identified and removed. The wound was then also closed with an inverted 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Caprosyn. Once all the wounds were completed, dry sterile dressings were applied. The patient was then transported back to the ICU in stable condition intubated. Blood loss minimal. All sponge and needle counts were correct. | Surgery |
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After appropriate operative consent was obtained the patient was brought supine to the operating room and placed on the operating room table. After intravenous sedation was administered a retrobulbar block consisting of 2% Xylocaine with 0.75% Marcaine and Wydase was administered to the right eye without difficulty. The patient's right eye was prepped and draped in sterile ophthalmic fashion and the procedure begun. A wire lid speculum was inserted into the right eye and a limited conjunctival peritomy performed at the limbus temporally and superonasally. Infusion line was set up in the inferotemporal quadrant and two additional sclerotomies were made in the superonasal and superotemporal quadrants. A lens ring was secured to the eye using 7-0 Vicryl suture. | Surgery |
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After appropriate operative consent was obtained the patient was brought supine to the operating room and placed on the operating room table. Induction of general anesthesia via endotracheal intubation was then accomplished without difficulty. The patient's right eye was prepped and draped in sterile ophthalmic fashion and the procedure begun. A wire lid speculum was inserted into the right eye and a limited conjunctival peritomy performed at the limbus temporally and superonasally. Infusion line was set up in the inferotemporal quadrant and two additional sclerotomies were made in the superonasal and superotemporal quadrants. A lens ring was secured to the eye using 7-0 Vicryl suture. | Surgery |
VITRECTOMY OPENING,The patient was brought to the operating room and appropriately identified. General anesthesia was induced by the anesthesiologist. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A lid speculum was used to provide exposure to the right eye. A limited conjunctival peritomy was created with Westcott scissors to expose the supranasal and separately the supratemporal and inferotemporal quadrants. Hemostasis was maintained with wet-field cautery. Calipers were set at XX mm and the mark was made XX mm posterior to the limbus in the inferotemporal quadrant. A 5-0 nylon suture was passed through partial-thickness sclera on either side of this mark. The MVR blade was used to make a sclerotomy between the preplaced sutures. An 8-0 nylon suture was then preplaced for a later sclerotomy closure. The infusion cannula was inspected and found to be in good working order. The infusion cannula was placed into the vitreous cavity and secured with the preplaced suture. The tip of the infusion cannula was directly visualized and found to be free of any overlying tissue and the infusion was turned on. Additional sclerotomies were made XX mm posterior to the limbus in the supranasal and supratemporal quadrants. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Epiretinal membrane, right eye. CME, right eye.,PROCEDURES: , Pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, 23-gauge, right eye.,PREOPERATIVE FINDINGS:, The patient had epiretinal membrane causing cystoid macular edema. Options were discussed with the patient stressing that the visual outcome was guarded. Especially since this membrane was of chronic duration there is no guarantee of visual outcome.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled to the OR table. Local anesthesia was delivered using a retrobulbar needle in an atraumatic fashion 5 cc of Xylocaine and Marcaine was delivered to retrobulbar area and massaged and verified. Preparation was made for 23-gauge vitrectomy, using the trocar inferotemporal cannula was placed 3.5 mm from the limbus and verified. The fluid was run. Then superior sclerotomies were created using the trocars and 3.5 mm from the limbus at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Vitrectomy commenced and carried on as far anteriorly as possible using intraocular forceps, ILM forceps, the membrane was peeled off in its entirety. There were no complications. DVT precautions were in place. I, as attending, was present in the entire case. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T11 compression fracture with intractable pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T11 compression fracture with intractable pain.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Unilateral transpedicular T11 vertebroplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, Local with IV sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,SUMMARY: , The patient in the operating room in the prone position with the back prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. The patient was given sedation and monitored. Using AP and lateral fluoroscopic projections the T11 compression fracture was identified. Starting from the left side local anesthetic was used for skin wheal just lateral superior to the 10 o'clock position of the lateral aspect of the T11 pedicle on the left. The 13-gauge needle and trocar were then taken and placed to 10 o'clock position on the pedicle. At this point using AP and lateral fluoroscopic views, the needle and trocar were advanced into the vertebral body using the fluoroscopic images and making sure that the needle was lateral to the medial wall of the pedicle of the pedicle at all times. Once the vertebral body was entered then using lateral fluoroscopic views, the needle was advanced to the junction of the anterior one third and posterior two thirds of the body. At this point polymethylmethacrylate was mixed for 60 seconds. Once the consistency had hardened and the __________ was gone, incremental dose of the cement were injected into the vertebral body. It was immediately seen that the cement was going cephalad into the vertebral body and was exiting through the crack in the vertebra. A total 1.2 cc of cement was injected. On lateral view, the cement crushed to the right side as well. There was some dye infiltration into the disk space. There was no dye taken whatsoever into the posterior aspect of the epidural space or intrathecal canal.,At this point, as the needle was slowly withdrawn under lateral fluoroscopic images, visualization was maintained to ensure that none of the cement was withdrawn posteriorly into the epidural space. Once the needle was withdrawn safely pressure was held over the site for three minutes. There were no complications. The patient was taken back to the recovery area in stable condition and kept flat for one hour. Should be followed up the next morning. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Insertion of a VVIR permanent pacemaker.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,SITE:, Left subclavian vein access.,INDICATION: , This is an 87-year-old Caucasian female with critical aortic stenosis with an aortic valve area of 0.5 cm square and recurrent congestive heart failure symptoms mostly refractory to tachybrady arrhythmias and therefore, this is indicated so that we can give better control of heart rate and to maintain beta-blocker therapy in the order of treatment. It is overall a Class-II indication for permanent pacemaker insertion.,PROCEDURE:, The risks, benefits, and alternative of the procedure were all discussed with the patient and the patient's family in detail at great length. Overall options and precautions of the pacemaker and indications were all discussed. They agreed to the pacemaker. The consent was signed and placed in the chart. The patient was taken to the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, where she was monitored throughout the whole procedure. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual manner for permanent pacemaker insertion. Myself and Dr. Wildes spoke for approximately 8 minutes before insertion for the procedure. Using a lidocaine with epinephrine, the area of the left subclavian vein and left pectodeltoid region was anesthetized locally.,IV sedation, increments, and analgesics were given. Using a #18 gauge needle, the left subclavian vein access was cannulated without difficulty. A guidewire was then passed through the Cook needle and the Cook needle was then removed. The wire was secured in place with the hemostat. Using a #10 and #15 scalpel blade, a 5 cm horizontal incision was made in the left pectoral deltoid region where the skin was dissected and blunted down into the pectoris major muscle fascia. The skin was then undermined used to make a pocket for the pacemaker. The guidewire was then tunneled through the pacer pocket. Cordis sheath was then inserted through the guidewire. The guidewire and dilator were removed. ___ cordis sheath was in placed within. This was used for insertion of the ventricular screw and steroid diluted leads where under fluoroscopy. It was placed into the apex. Cordis sheath was then split apart and removed and after the ventricular lead was placed in its appropriate position and good thresholds were obtained, the lead was then sutured in place with #1-0 silk suture to the pectoris major muscle. The lead was then connected on pulse generator. The pocket was then irrigated and cleansed. Pulse generator and the wire was then inserted into the ____ pocket. The skin was then closed with gut suture. The skin was then closed with #4-0 Poly___ sutures using a subcuticular uninterrupted technique. The area was then cleansed and dried. Steri-Strips and pressure dressing was then applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. there was no complications.,These are the settings on the pacemaker:,IMPLANT DEVICE: , Pulse Generator Model Name: Sigma, model #: 12345, serial #: 123456.,VENTRICLE LEAD:, Model #: 12345, the ventricular lead serial #: 123456.,Ventricle lead was a screw and steroid diluted lead placed into the right ventricle apex.,BRADY PARAMETER SETTINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS:, Amplitude was set at 3.5 volts with a pulse of 0.4, sensitivity of 2.8. The pacing mode was set at VVIR, lower rate of 60 and upper rate of 120.,STIMULATION THRESHOLDS: ,The right ventricular lead and bipolar, threshold voltage is 0.6 volts, 1 milliapms current, 600 Ohms resistance, R-wave sensing 11 millivolts.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. There was no complications. The patient went to recovery in stable condition. Chest x-ray will be ordered. She will be placed on IV antibiotics and continue therapy for congestive heart failure and tachybrady arrhythmia.,Thank you for allowing me to participate in her care. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact. | Surgery |
DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room and appropriately identified. Local anesthesia was obtained with a 50/50 mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.75% bupivacaine given as a peribulbar block. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A lid speculum was used to provide exposure to the right eye.,A limited conjunctival peritomy was created with Westcott scissors to expose the supranasal and, separately, the supratemporal and inferotemporal quadrants. Calipers were set at 3.5 mm and a mark was made 3.5 mm posterior to the limbus in the inferotemporal quadrant.,A 5-0 nylon suture was passed through partial-thickness sclera on either side of this mark. The MVR blade was used to make a sclerotomy between the pre-placed sutures. An 8-0 nylon suture was then pre-placed for later sclerotomy closure. The infusion cannula was inspected and found to be in good working order. The infusion cannula was placed in the vitreous cavity and secured with the pre-placed sutures. The tip of the infusion cannula was directly visualized and found to be free of any overlying tissue and the infusion was turned on.,Additional sclerotomies were made 3.5 mm posterior to the limbus in the supranasal and supratemporal quadrants. The light pipe and vitrectomy handpieces were then placed in the vitreous cavity and a vitrectomy was performed. There was moderately severe vitreous hemorrhage, which was removed. Once a view of the posterior pole could be obtained, there were some diabetic membranes emanating along the arcades. These were dissected with curved scissors and judicious use of the vitrectomy cutter. There was some bleeding from the inferotemporal frond. This was managed by raising the intraocular pressure and using intraocular cautery. The surgical view became cloudy and the corneal epithelium was removed with a beaver blade. This improved the view. There is an area suspicious for retinal break near where the severe traction was inferotemporally. The Endo laser was used to treat in a panretinal scatter fashion to areas that had not received previous treatment. The indirect ophthalmoscope was used to examine the retinal peripheral for 360 degrees and no tears, holes or dialyses were seen. There was some residual hemorrhagic vitreous skirt seen. The soft-tip cannula was then used to perform an air-fluid exchange. Additional laser was placed around the suspicious area inferotemporally. The sclerotomies were then closed with 8-0 nylon suture in an X-fashion, the infusion cannula was removed and it sclerotomy closed with the pre-existing 8-0 nylon suture.,The conjunctiva was closed with 6-0 plain gut. A subconjunctival injection of Ancef and Decadron were given and a drop of atropine was instilled over the eye. The lid speculum was removed. Maxitrol ointment was instilled over the eye and the eye was patched. The patient was brought to the recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment, right eye.,NAME OF PROCEDURE: , Combined closed vitrectomy with membrane peeling, fluid-air exchange, and endolaser, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with standby.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, and an equal mixture of Marcaine 0.5% and lidocaine 2% was injected in a retrobulbar fashion. As soon as satisfactory anesthesia and akinesia had been achieved, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual manner for sterile ophthalmic surgery. A wire lid speculum was inserted. Three modified sclerotomies were selected at 9, 10, and 1 o'clock. At the 9 o'clock position, the Accurus infusion line was put in place and tied with a preplaced #7-0 Vicryl suture. The two superior sites at 10 and 1 were opened up where the operating microscope with the optical illuminating system was brought into position, and closed vitrectomy was begun. Initially formed core vitrectomy was performed and formed anterior vitreous was removed. After this was completed, attention was placed in the posterior segment. Several broad areas of vitreoretinal traction were noted over the posterior pole out of the equator where the previously noted retinal tears were noted. These were carefully lifted and dissected off the edges of the flap tears and trimmed to the ora serrata. After all the vitreous had been removed and the membranes released, the retina was completely mobilized. Total fluid-air exchange was carried out with complete settling of the retina. Endolaser was applied around the margins of the retinal tears, and altogether several 100 applications were placed in the periphery. Good reaction was achieved. The eye was inspected with an indirect ophthalmoscope. The retina was noted to be completely attached. The instruments were removed from the eye. The sclerotomy sites were closed with #7-0 Vicryl suture. The infusion line was removed from the eye and tied with a #7-0 Vicryl suture. The conjunctivae and Tenon's were closed with #6-0 plain gut suture. A collagen shield soaked with Tobrex placed over the surface of the globe, and a pressure bandage was put in place. The patient left the operating room in a good condition. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: , Placement of left ventriculostomy via twist drill.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Massive intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Massive intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a man with a history of massive intracranial hemorrhage and hydrocephalus with intraventricular hemorrhage. His condition is felt to be critical. In a desperate attempt to relieve increased intracranial pressure, we have proposed placing a ventriculostomy. I have discussed this with patient's wife who agrees and asked that we proceed emergently.,After a sterile prep, drape, and shaving of the hair over the left frontal area, this area is infiltrated with local anesthetic. Subsequently a 1 cm incision was made over Kocher's point. Hemostasis was obtained. Then a twist drill was made over this area. Bones strips were irrigated away. The dura was perforated with a spinal needle.,A Camino monitor was connected and zeroed. This was then passed into the left lateral ventricle on the first pass. Excellent aggressive very bloody CSF under pressure was noted. This stopped, slowed, and some clots were noted. This was irrigated and then CSF continued. Initial opening pressures were 30, but soon arose to 80 or a 100.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. The wound was stitched shut and the ventricular drain was then connected to a drainage bag.,Platelets and FFP as well as vitamin K have been administered and ordered simultaneously with the placement of this device to help prevent further clotting or bleeding. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic venous hypertension with painful varicosities, lower extremities, bilaterally.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic venous hypertension with painful varicosities, lower extremities, bilaterally.,PROCEDURES,1. Greater saphenous vein stripping and stab phlebectomies requiring 10 to 20 incisions, right leg.,2. Greater saphenous vein stripping and stab phlebectomies requiring 10 to 20 incisions, left leg.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , After obtaining the informed consent, the patient was taken to the operating room where she underwent a general endotracheal anesthesia. A time-out process was followed and antibiotics were given.,Then, both legs were prepped and draped in the usual fashion with the patient was in the supine position. An incision was made in the right groin and the greater saphenous vein at its junction with the femoral vein was dissected out and all branches were ligated and divided. Then, an incision was made just below the knee where the greater saphenous vein was also found and connection to varices from the calf were seen. A third incision was made in the distal third of the right thigh in the area where there was a communication with large branch varicosities. Then, a vein stripper was passed from the right calf up to the groin and the greater saphenous vein, which was divided, was stripped without any difficultly. Several minutes of compression was used for hemostasis. Then, the exposed branch varicosities both in the lower third of the thigh and in the calf were dissected out and then many stabs were performed to do stab phlebectomies at the level of the thigh and the level of the calf as much as the position would allow us to do.,Then in the left thigh, a groin incision was made and the greater saphenous vein was dissected out in the same way as was on the other side. Also, an incision was made in the level of the knee and the saphenous vein was isolated there. The saphenous vein was stripped and a several minutes of local compression was performed for hemostasis. Then, a number of stabs to perform phlebectomy were performed at the level of the calf to excise branch varicosities to the extent that the patient's position would allow us. Then, all incisions were closed in layers with Vicryl and staples.,Then, the patient was placed in the prone position and the stab phlebectomies of the right thigh and calf and left thigh and calf were performed using 10 to 20 stabs in each leg. The stab phlebectomies were performed with a hook and they were very satisfactory. Hemostasis achieved with compression and then staples were applied to the skin.,Then, the patient was rolled onto a stretcher where both legs were wrapped with the Kerlix, fluffs, and Ace bandages.,Estimated blood loss probably was about 150 mL. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to recovery room in satisfactory condition. The patient is to be observed, so a decision will be made whether she needs to stay overnight or be able to go home. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: , Elective male sterilization via bilateral vasectomy.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Fertile male with completed family.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Fertile male with completed family.,MEDICATIONS: ,Anesthesia is local with conscious sedation.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,INDICATIONS: ,This 34-year-old gentleman has come to the office requesting sterilization via bilateral vasectomy. I discussed the indications and the need for procedure with the patient in detail, and he has given consent to proceed. He has been given prophylactic antibiotics.,PROCEDURE NOTE: , Once satisfactory sedation have been obtained, the patient was placed in the supine position on the operating table. Genitalia was shaved and then prepped with Betadine scrub and paint solution and were draped sterilely. The procedure itself was started by grasping the right vas deferens in the scrotum, and bringing it up to the level of the skin. The skin was infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine and punctured with a sharp hemostat to identify the vas beneath. The vas was brought out of the incision carefully. A 2-inch segment was isolated, and 1-inch segment was removed. The free ends were cauterized and were tied with 2-0 silk sutures in such a fashion that the ends double back on themselves. After securing hemostasis with a cautery, the ends were allowed to drop back into the incision, which was also cauterized.,Attention was now turned to the left side. The vas was grasped and brought up to the level of the skin. The skin was infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine and punctured with a sharp hemostat to identify the vas beneath. The vas was brought out of the incision carefully. A 2-inch segment was isolated, and 1-inch segment was removed. The free ends were cauterized and tied with 2-0 silk sutures in such a fashion that the ends double back on themselves. After securing hemostasis with the cautery, the ends were allowed to drop back into the incision, which was also cauterized.,Bacitracin ointment was applied as well as dry sterile dressing. The patient was awakened and was returned to Recovery in satisfactory condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desire for sterility.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desire for sterility.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: , Vasectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the suite, where after oral sedation, the scrotum was prepped and draped. Then, 1% lidocaine was used for anesthesia. The vas was identified, skin was incised, and no scalpel instruments were used to dissect out the vas. A segment about 3 cm in length was dissected out. It was clipped proximally and distally, and then the ends were cauterized after excising the segment. Minimal bleeding was encountered and the scrotal skin was closed with 3-0 chromic. The identical procedure was performed on the contralateral side. He tolerated it well. He was discharged from the surgical center in good condition with Tylenol with Codeine for pain. He will use other forms of birth control until he has confirmed azoospermia with two consecutive semen analyses in the month ahead. Call if there are questions or problems prior to that time. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Aqueductal stenosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Aqueductal stenosis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: ,Endoscopic third ventriculostomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube anesthesia.,DEVICES:, Bactiseal ventricular catheter with an Aesculap burr hole port.,SKIN PREPARATION: ,ChloraPrep.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , CSF for routine studies.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,Triventricular hydrocephalus most consistent with aqueductal stenosis. The patient having a long history of some intermittent headaches, macrocephaly.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was administered, the patient was positioned on the operating table in supine position with the head neutral. The right frontal area was shaven and then the head was prepped and draped in a standard routine manner. The area of the proposed scalp incision was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. A curvilinear scalp incision was made extending from just posterior to bregma curving up in the midline and then going off to the right anterior to the coronal suture. Two Weitlaner were used to hold the scalp open. A burr hole was made just anterior to the coronal suture and then the dura was opened in a cruciate manner and the pia was coagulated. Neuropen was introduced directly through the parenchyma into the ventricular system, which was quite large and dilated. CSF was collected for routine studies. We saw the total absence of __________ consistent with the congenital form of aqueductal stenosis and a markedly thinned down floor of the third ventricle. I could bend the ventricular catheter and look back and see the aqueduct, which was quite stenotic with a little bit of chorioplexus near its opening. The NeuroPEN was then introduced through the midline of the floor of the third ventricle anterior to the mamillary bodies in front of the basilar artery and then was gently enlarged using NeuroPEN __________ various motions. We went through the membrane of Liliequist. We could see the basilar artery and the clivus, and there was no significant bleeding from the edges. The Bactiseal catheter was then left to 7 cm of length because of her macrocephaly and secured to a burr hole port with a 2-0 Ethibond suture. The wound was irrigated out with bacitracin and closed using 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layer and a Monocryl suture for the scalp followed by Mastisol and Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema due to severe brain injury.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema due to severe brain injury.,PROCEDURE:, Burr hole and insertion of external ventricular drain catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , Just bedside sedation.,PROCEDURE: , Scalp was clipped. He was prepped with ChloraPrep and Betadine. Incisions are infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:200000. He did receive antibiotics post procedure. He was draped in a sterile manner.,Incision made just to the right of the right mid pupillary line 10 cm behind the nasion. A self-retaining retractor was placed. Burr hole was drilled with the cranial twist drill. The dura was punctured with a twist drill. A brain needle was used to localize the ventricle that took 3 passes to localize the ventricle. The pressure was initially high. The CSF was clear and colorless. The CSF drainage rapidly tapered off because of the brain swelling. With two tries, the ventricular catheter was then able to be placed into the ventricle and then brought out through a separate stab wound, the depth of catheter is 7 cm from the outer table of the skull. There was intermittent drainage of CSF after that. The catheter was secured to the scalp with #2-0 silk suture and the incision was closed with Ethilon suture. The patient tolerated the procedure well. No complications. Sponge and needle counts were correct. Blood loss is minimal. None replaced. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Vitreous hemorrhage, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Vitreous hemorrhage, right eye.,PROCEDURE: ,Vitrectomy, right eye.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was prepared and draped in the usual manner for a vitrectomy procedure under local anesthesia. Initially, a 5 cc retrobulbar injection was performed with 2% Xylocaine during monitored anesthesia control. A Lancaster lid speculum was applied and the conjunctiva was opened 4 mm posterior to the limbus. MVR incisions were made 4 mm posterior to the limbus in the *** and *** o'clock meridians following which the infusion apparatus was positioned in the *** o'clock site and secured with a 5-0 Vicryl suture. Then, under indirect ophthalmoscopic control, the vitrector was introduced through the *** o'clock site and a complete vitrectomy was performed. All strands of significance were removed. Tractional detachment foci were apparent posteriorly along the temporal arcades. Next, endolaser coagulation was applied to ischemic sites and to neovascular foci under indirect ophthalmoscopic control. Finally, an air exchange procedure was performed, also under indirect ophthalmoscopic control. The intraocular pressure was within the normal range. The globe was irrigated with a topical antibiotic. The MVR incisions were closed with 7-0 Vicryl. No further manipulations were necessary. The conjunctiva was closed with 6-0 plain catgut. An eye patch was applied and the patient was sent to the recovery area in good condition. | Surgery |
DIAGNOSIS:, Desires vasectomy.,NAME OF OPERATION: , Vasectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , Patient, 37, desires a vasectomy.,PROCEDURE: , Through a midline scrotal incision, the right vas was identified and separated from the surrounding tissues, clamped, transected, and tied off with a 4-0 chromic. No bleeding was identified.,Through the same incision the left side was identified, transected, tied off, and dropped back into the wound. Again no bleeding was noted.,The wound was closed with 4-0 Vicryl times two. He tolerated the procedure well. A sterile dressing was applied. He was awakened and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
DESCRIPTION:, The patient was placed in the supine position and was prepped and draped in the usual manner. The left vas was grasped in between the fingers. The skin and vas were anesthetized with local anesthesia. The vas was grasped with an Allis clamp. Skin was incised and the vas deferens was regrasped with another Allis clamp. The sheath was incised with a scalpel and elevated using the iris scissors and clamps were used to ligate the vas deferens. The portion in between the clamps was excised and the ends of the vas were clamped using hemoclips, two in the testicular side and one on the proximal side. The incision was then inspected for hemostasis and closed with 3-0 chromic catgut interrupted fashion.,A similar procedure was carried out on the right side. Dry sterile dressings were applied and the patient put on a scrotal supporter. The procedure was then terminated. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Voluntary sterility.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Voluntary sterility.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, Bilateral vasectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, Local.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,A gentleman who is here today requesting voluntary sterility. Options were discussed for voluntary sterility and he has elected to proceed with a bilateral vasectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, and after appropriately identifying the patient, the patient was prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion and placed in a supine position on the OR table. Then, 0.25% Marcaine without epinephrine was used to anesthetize the scrotal skin. A small incision was made in the right hemiscrotum. The vas deferens was grasped with a vas clamp. Next, the vas deferens was skeletonized. It was clipped proximally and distally twice. The cut edges were fulgurated. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained. Then, 4-0 chromic was used to close the scrotal skin on the right hemiscrotum. Next, the attention was turned to the left hemiscrotum, and after the left hemiscrotum was anesthetized appropriately, a small incision was made in the left hemiscrotum. The vas deferens was isolated. It was skeletonized. It was clipped proximally and distally twice. The cut edges were fulgurated. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained. Then, 4-0 chromic was used to close the scrotal skin. A jockstrap and sterile dressing were applied at the end of the case. Sponge, needle, and instruments counts were correct. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,2. Uterine fibroids.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in the usual manner for a laparoscopic procedure. A speculum was placed into the vagina. A single tooth tenaculum was utilized to grasp the anterior lip of the uterine cervix. The uterus was sounded to 10.5 cm. A #10 RUMI cannula was utilized and attached for uterine manipulation. The single-tooth tenaculum and speculum were removed from the vagina. At this time, the infraumbilical area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and infraumbilical vertical skin incision was made through which a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Aspiration was negative; therefore the abdomen was insufflated with carbon dioxide. After adequate insufflation, Veress needle was removed and an 11-mm separator trocar was introduced through the infraumbilical incision into the abdominal cavity. Through the trocar sheath, the laparoscope was inserted and adequate visualization of the pelvic structures was noted. At this time, the suprapubic area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine. A 5-mm skin incision was made and a 5-mm trocar was introduced into the abdominal cavity for instrumentation. Evaluation of the pelvis revealed the uterus to be slightly enlarged and irregular. The fallopian tubes have been previously interrupted surgically. The ovaries appeared normal bilaterally. The cul-de-sac was clean without evidence of endometriosis, scarring or adhesions. The ureters were noted to be deep in the pelvis. At this time, the right cornu was grasped and the right fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected without difficulty. The remainder of the uterine vessels and anterior and posterior leaves of the broad ligament, as well as the cardinal ligament was coagulated and transected in a serial fashion down to level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. A similar procedure was carried out on the left with the left uterine cornu identified. The left fallopian tube, uteroovarian ligament, and round ligaments were doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The remainder of the cardinal ligament, uterine vessels, anterior, and posterior sheaths of the broad ligament were coagulated and transected in a serial manner to the level of the uterine artery. The uterine artery was identified. It was doubly coagulated with bipolar electrocautery and transected. The anterior leaf of the broad ligament was then dissected to the midline bilaterally, establishing a bladder flap with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. At this time, attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The laparoscope was removed and attention was made to the vaginal hysterectomy. The RUMI cannula was removed and the anterior and posterior leafs of the cervix were grasped with Lahey tenaculum. A circumferential injection with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was made at the cervicovaginal portio. A circumferential incision was then made at the cervicovaginal portio. The anterior and posterior colpotomies were accomplished with a combination of blunt and sharp dissection without difficulty. The right uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl sutures. The left uterosacral ligament was clamped, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The parametrial tissue was then clamped bilaterally, transected, and ligated with #0 Vicryl suture bilaterally. The uterus was then removed and passed off the operative field. Laparotomy pack was placed into the pelvis. The pedicles were evaluated. There was no bleeding noted; therefore, the laparotomy pack was removed. The uterosacral ligaments were suture fixated into the vaginal cuff angles with #0 Vicryl sutures. The vaginal cuff was then closed in a running fashion with #0 Vicryl suture. Hemostasis was noted throughout. At this time, the laparoscope was reinserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was reinsufflated. Evaluation revealed no further bleeding. Irrigation with sterile water was performed and again no bleeding was noted. The suprapubic trocar sheath was then removed under laparoscopic visualization. The laparoscope was removed. The carbon dioxide was allowed to escape from the abdomen and the infraumbilical trocar sheath was then removed. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 Vicryl in subcuticular fashion. Neosporin and Band-Aid were applied for dressing and the patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Estimated blood loss was approximately 100 mL. There were no complications. The instrument, sponge, and needle counts were correct. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. A 40 weeks 6 days intrauterine pregnancy.,2. History of positive serology for HSV with no evidence of active lesions.,3. Non-reassuring fetal heart tones.,POST OPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. A 40 weeks 6 days intrauterine pregnancy.,2. History of positive serology for HSV with no evidence of active lesions.,3. Non-reassuring fetal heart tones.,PROCEDURES,1. Vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery of a third-degree midline laceration and right vaginal side wall laceration.,2. Repair of the third-degree midline laceration lasting for 25 minutes.,ANESTHESIA: , Local.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 300 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,FINDINGS,1. Live male infant with Apgars of 9 and 9.,2. Placenta delivered spontaneously intact with a three-vessel cord.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient and baby remain in the LDR in stable condition.,SUMMARY: , This is a 36-year-old G1 woman who was pregnant since 40 weeks 6 days when she was admitted for induction of labor for post dates with favorable cervix. When she was admitted, her cervix was 2.5 cm dilated with 80% effacement. The baby had a -2 station. She had no regular contractions. Fetal heart tones were 120s and reactive. She was started on Pitocin for labor induction and labored quite rapidly. She had spontaneous rupture of membranes with a clear fluid. She had planned on an epidural; however, she had sudden rapid cervical change and was unable to get the epidural. With the rapid cervical change and descent of fetal head, there were some variable decelerations. The baby was at a +1 station when the patient began pushing. I had her push to get the baby to a +2 station. During pushing, the fetal heart tones were in the 80s and did not recover in between contractions. Because of this, I recommended a vacuum delivery for the baby. The patient agreed.,The baby's head was confirmed to be in the right occiput anterior presentation. The perineum was injected with 1% lidocaine. The bladder was drained. The vacuum was placed and the correct placement in front of the posterior fontanelle was confirmed digitally. With the patient's next contraction, the vacuum was inflated and a gentle downward pressure was used to assist with brining the baby's head to a +3 station. The contraction ended. The vacuum was released and the fetal heart tones remained in the, at this time, 90s to 100s. With the patient's next contraction, the vacuum was reapplied and the baby's head was delivered to a +4 station. A modified Ritgen maneuver was used to stabilize the fetal head. The vacuum was deflated and removed. The baby's head then delivered atraumatically. There was no nuchal cord. The baby's anterior shoulder delivered after a less than 30 second delay. No additional maneuvers were required to deliver the anterior shoulder. The posterior shoulder and remainder of the body delivered easily. The baby's mouth and nose were bulb suctioned. The cord was clamped x2 and cut. The infant was handed to the respiratory therapist.,Pitocin was added to the patient's IV fluids. The placenta delivered spontaneously, was intact and had a three-vessel cord. A vaginal inspection revealed a third-degree midline laceration as well as a right vaginal side wall laceration. The right side wall laceration was repaired with #3-0 Vicryl suture in a running fashion with local anesthesia. The third-degree laceration was also repaired with #3-0 Vicryl sutures. Local anesthesia was used. The capsule was visible, but did not appear to be injured at all. It was reinforced with three separate interrupted sutures and then the remainder of the incision was closed with #3-0 Vicryl in the typical fashion.,The patient tolerated the procedure very well. She remains in the LDR with the baby. The baby is vigorous, crying and moving all extremities. He will go to the new born nursery when ready. The total time for repair of the laceration was 25 minutes. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Umbilical hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Umbilical hernia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Repair of umbilical hernia.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. An infraumbilical incision was formed and taken down to the fascia. The umbilical hernia carefully reduced back into the cavity, and the fascia was closed with interrupted vertical mattress sutures to approximate the fascia, and then the wounds were infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine. The skin was reattached to the fascia with 2-0 Vicryls. The skin was approximated with 2-0 Vicryl subcutaneous and then 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular stitches, dressed with Steri-Strips and 4 x 4's. Patient was extubated and taken to the recovery area in stable condition. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy with removal of food impaction.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 92-year-old lady with history of dysphagia on and off for two years. She comes in this morning with complaints of inability to swallow anything including her saliva. This started almost a day earlier. She was eating lunch and had beef stew and suddenly noticed inability to finish her meal and since then has not been able to eat anything. She is on Coumadin and her INR is 2.5.,OPERATIVE NOTE: , Informed consent was obtained from patient. The risks of aspiration, bleeding, perforation, infection, and serious risk including need for surgery and ICU stay particularly in view of food impaction for almost a day was discussed. Daughter was also informed about the procedure and risks. Conscious sedation initially was administered with Versed 2 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. The scope was advanced into the esophagus and showed liquid and solid particles from mid esophagus all the way to the distal esophagus. There was a meat bolus in the distal esophagus. This was visualized after clearing the liquid material and small particles of what appeared to be carrots. The patient, however, was not tolerating the conscious sedation. Hence, Dr. X was consulted and we continued the procedure with propofol sedation.,The scope was reintroduced into the esophagus after propofol sedation. Initially a Roth net was used and some small amounts of soft food in the distal esophagus was removed with the Roth net. Then, a snare was used to cut the meat bolus into pieces, as it was very soft. Small pieces were grabbed with the snare and pulled out. Thereafter, the residual soft meat bolus was passed into the stomach along with the scope, which was passed between the bolus and the esophageal wall carefully. The patient had severe bruising and submucosal hemorrhage in the esophagus possibly due to longstanding bolus impaction and Coumadin therapy. No active bleeding was seen. There was a distal esophageal stricture, which caused slight resistance to the passage of the scope into the stomach. As this area was extremely inflamed, a dilatation was not attempted.,IMPRESSION: , Distal esophageal stricture with food impaction. Treated as described above.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, IV Protonix 40 mg q.12h. Clear liquid diet for 24 hours. If the patient is stable, thereafter she may take soft pureed diet only until next endoscopy, which will be scheduled in three to four weeks. She should take Prevacid SoluTab 30 mg b.i.d. on discharge. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , A 10-1/2 week pregnancy, spontaneous, incomplete abortion.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, A 10-1/2 week pregnancy, spontaneous, incomplete abortion.,PROCEDURE: , Exam under anesthesia with uterine suction curettage.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS:, None.,CONDITION:, Stable.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 29-year-old gravida 5, para 1-0-3-1, with an LMP at 12/18/05. The patient was estimated to be approximately 10-1/2 weeks so long in her pregnancy. She began to have heavy vaginal bleeding and intense lower pelvic cramping. She was seen in the emergency room where she was found to be hemodynamically stable. On pelvic exam, her cervix was noted to be 1 to 2 cm dilated and approximately 90% effaced. There were bulging membranes protruding through the dilated cervix. These symptoms were consistent with the patient's prior experience of spontaneous miscarriages. These findings were reviewed with her and options for treatment discussed. She elected to proceed with an exam under anesthesia with uterine suction curettage. The risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed with her and knowing these, she gave informed consent.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where she was placed in the seated position. A spinal anesthetic was successfully administered. She was then moved to a dorsal lithotomy position. She was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for the procedure. After adequate spinal level was confirmed, a bimanual exam was again performed. This revealed the uterus to be anteverted to axial and approximately 10 to 11 weeks in size. The previously noted cervical exam was confirmed. The weighted vaginal speculum was then inserted and the vaginal vault flooded with povidone solution. This solution was then removed approximately 10 minutes later with dry sterile gauze sponge. The anterior cervical lip was then attached with a ring clamp. The tissue and membranes protruding through the os were then gently grasped with a ring clamp and traction applied. The tissue dislodged revealing fluid mixed with blood as well as an apparent 10-week fetus. The placental tissue was then gently tractioned out as well. A size 9 curved suction curette was then gently inserted through the dilated os and into the endometrial cavity. With the vacuum tubing applied in rotary motion, a moderate amount of tissue consistent with products of conception was evacuated. The sharp curette was then utilized to probe the endometrial surface. A small amount of additional tissue was then felt in the posterior uterine wall. This was curetted free. A second pass was then made with a vacuum curette. Again, the endometrial cavity was probed with a sharp curette and no significant additional tissue was encountered. A final pass was then made with a suction curette.,The ring clamp was then removed from the anterior cervical lip. There was only a small amount of bleeding following the curettage. The weighted speculum was then removed as well. The bimanual exam was repeated and good involution was noted. The patient was taken down from the dorsal lithotomy position. She was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. The sponge and instrument count was performed and found to be correct. The specimen of products of conception and 10-week fetus were submitted to Pathology for further evaluation. The estimated blood loss for the procedure is less than 10 mL. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: , Urgent cardiac catheterization with coronary angiogram.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought urgently to the cardiac cath lab from the emergency room with the patient being intubated with an abnormal EKG and a cardiac arrest. The right groin was prepped and draped in usual manner. Under 2% lidocaine anesthesia, the right femoral artery was entered. A 6-French sheath was placed. The patient was already on anticoagulation. Selective coronary angiograms were then performed using a left and a 3DRC catheter. The catheters were reviewed. The catheters were then removed and an Angio-Seal was placed. There was some hematoma at the cath site.,RESULTS,1. The left main was free of disease.,2. The left anterior descending and its branches were free of disease.,3. The circumflex was free of disease.,4. The right coronary artery was free of disease. There was no gradient across the aortic valve.,IMPRESSION: , Normal coronary angiogram., | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Obstructive sleep apnea.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tonsillectomy.,2. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 50 cc.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 41-year-old gentleman with a history of obstructive sleep apnea who has been using CPAP, however, he was not tolerating used of the machine and requested a surgical procedure for correction of his apnea.,PROCEDURE: , After all risks, benefits, and alternatives have been discussed with the patient, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operative suite where he was placed in supine position and general endotracheal tube intubation was delivered by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was rotated 90 degrees away and a shoulder roll was placed and a McIvor mouthgag was inserted into the oral cavity. Correct inspection and palpation did not reveal evidence of a bifid uvula or submucosal clots. Attention was directed first to the right tonsil in which a curved Allis forceps was applied to the superior pole. The needle-tip Bovie cautery was used to incise the mucosa of the anterior tonsillar pillar. Once the tonsillar pillar was identified and the superior pole was released, the curved forceps with a straight Allis forceps and the dissection was carried down inferiorly, dissecting the tonsil free from all fascial attachments. Once the tonsil was delivered from the oral cavity, hemostasis was obtained within the tonsillar fossa utilizing suction cautery.,Attention was then directed over to the left tonsil in which a similar procedure was performed. Once all bleeding was controlled, the mucosa of both the hard and soft palate was anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:50000 epinephrine solution. Now attention was directed to the posterior pillars. A hemostat was used to clamp the posterior pillar, which was then taken down with Metzenbaum scissors. The posterior pillar was then approximated to the anterior pillar with the use of #3-0 PDS suture so as to create a box shaped soft palate. Now, the uvula was reflected onto the soft palate and #12 blade scalpel was used to incise the mucosa of the soft palate extending down onto the uvula. The mucosa was dissected off with the use of Potts scissors. Now the uvula was reflected onto the soft palate and sutured down in place with use of #3-0 PDS suture approximated with deep muscle layers. Now the mucosa of the soft palate and the uvula were approximated with interrupted #3-0 PDS sutures. Finally, #4-0 Vicryl sutures were placed intermittently between the PDS to further secure the uvula, which had been reflected onto the soft palate. A final #3-0 PDS suture was used to further approximate the anterior and posterior tonsil pillars. Final inspection did not reveal any further bleeding. The mouth was then irrigated with saline and suctioned. At this point, the procedure was complete. He was awakened and taken to recovery room in stable condition. He will be admitted as an observation patient to the Telemetry Floor for routine postoperative management. Of note, IV Decadron was administered during the procedure. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Umbilical hernia repair.,PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operative suite and placed supine on the operating table. The patient was sedated, and an adequate local anesthetic was administered using 1% lidocaine without epinephrine. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner.,A standard curvilinear umbilical incision was made, and dissection was carried down to the hernia sac using a combination of Metzenbaum scissors and Bovie electrocautery. The sac was cleared of overlying adherent tissue, and the fascial defect was delineated. The fascia was cleared of any adherent tissue for a distance of 1.5 cm from the defect. The sac was then placed into the abdominal cavity and the defect was closed primarily using simple interrupted 0 Vicryl sutures. The umbilicus was then re-formed using 4-0 Vicryl to tack the umbilical skin to the fascia.,The wound was then irrigated using sterile saline, and hemostasis was obtained using Bovie electrocautery. The skin was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. The skin was prepped with benzoin, and Steri-Strips were applied. A dressing was then applied. All surgical counts were reported as correct.,Having tolerated the procedure well, the patient was subsequently taken to the recovery room in good and stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Blighted ovum, severe cramping.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Blighted ovum, severe cramping.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Vacuum D&C.,DRAINS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,HISTORY: , This 21-year-old white female gravida 1, para 0 who was having severe cramping and was noted to have a blighted ovum with her first ultrasound in the office. Due to the severe cramping, a decision to undergo vacuum D&C was made. At the time of the procedure, moderate amount of tissue was obtained.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in a supine position, at which time a general form of anesthesia was administered by the anesthesia department. The patient was then repositioned in a modified dorsal lithotomy position and then prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A weighted vaginal speculum was placed in the posterior vaginal vault. Anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with single tooth tenaculum, and the cervix was dilated to approximately 8 mm straight. Plastic curette was placed into the uterine cavity and suction was applied at 60 mmHg to remove the tissue. This was followed by gentle curetting of the lining as well as followed by suction curetting and then another gentle curetting and a final suction. Methargen 0.2 mg was given IM and Pitocin 40 units and a 1000 was also started at the time of the procedure. Once the procedure was completed, the single tooth tenaculum was removed from the vaginal vault with some _____ remaining blood and the weighted speculum was also removed. The patient was repositioned to supine position and taken to recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE:, Subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A curvilinear incision was made over the medial elbow, starting proximally at the medial intermuscular septum, curving posterior to the medial epicondyle, then curving anteriorly along the path of the ulnar nerve. Dissection was carried down to the ulnar nerve. Branches of the medial antebrachial and the medial brachial cutaneous nerves were identified and protected.,Osborne's fascia was released, an ulnar neurolysis performed, and the ulnar nerve was mobilized. Six cm of the medial intermuscular septum was excised, and the deep periosteal origin of the flexor carpi ulnaris was released to avoid kinking of the nerve as it was moved anteriorly.,The subcutaneous plane just superficial to the flexor-pronator mass was developed. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained with bipolar electrocautery. The nerve was transposed anteriorly, superficial to the flexor-pronator mass. Motor branches were dissected proximally and distally to avoid tethering or kinking the ulnar nerve.,A semicircular medially based flap of flexor-pronator fascia was raised and sutured to the subcutaneous tissue in such a way as to prevent the nerve from relocating. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed with simple interrupted sutures. Marcaine with epinephrine was injected into the wound. The elbow was dressed and splinted. The patient was awakened and sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy with foreign body removal.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Esophageal foreign body.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Penny in proximal esophagus.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the pediatric endoscopy suite. After appropriate sedation by the anesthesia staff and intubation, an upper endoscope was inserted into the mouth, over the tongue, into the esophagus, at which time the foreign body was encountered. It was grasped with a coin removal forcep and removed with an endoscope. At that time, the endoscope was reinserted, advanced to the level of the stomach and stomach was evaluated and was normal. The esophagus was normal with the exception of some mild erythema, where the coin had been sitting. There were no erosions. The stomach was decompressed of air and fluid. The scope was removed without difficulty.,SUMMARY:, The patient underwent endoscopic removal of esophageal foreign body.,PLAN:, To discharge home, follow up as needed. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic otitis media with effusion.,2. Conductive hearing loss.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic otitis media with effusion.,2. Conductive hearing loss.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Bilateral tympanostomy with myringotomy tube placement _______ split tube 1.0 mm.,ANESTHESIA: ,Total IV general mask airway.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient is a 1-year-old male with a history of chronic otitis media with effusion and conductive hearing loss refractory to outpatient medical therapy. After risks, complications, consequences, and questions were addressed with the family, a written consent was obtained for the procedure.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operative suite by Anesthesia. The patient was placed on the operating table in supine position. After this, the patient was then placed under general mask airway and the patient's head was then turned to the left.,The Zeiss operative microscope and medium-sized ear speculum were placed and the cerumen from the external auditory canals were removed with a cerumen loop to #5 suction. After this, the tympanic membrane is then brought into direct visualization with no signs of any gross retracted pockets or cholesteatoma. A myringotomy incision was then made within the posterior inferior quadrant and the middle ear was then suctioned with a #5 suction demonstrating dry contents. A _____ split tube 1.0 mm was then placed in the myringotomy incision utilizing a alligator forcep. Cortisporin Otic drops were placed followed by cotton balls. Attention was then drawn to the left ear with the head turned to the right and the medium sized ear speculum placed. The external auditory canal was removed off of its cerumen with a #5 suction which led to the direct visualization of the tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane appeared with no signs of retraction pockets, cholesteatoma or air fluid levels. A myringotomy incision was then made within the posterior inferior quadrant with a myringotomy blade after which a _________ split tube 1.0 mm was then placed with an alligator forcep. After this, the patient had Cortisporin Otic drops followed by cotton balls placed. The patient was then turned back to Anesthesia and transferred to recovery room in stable condition and tolerated the procedure very well. The patient will be followed up approximately in one week and was sent home with a prescription for Ciloxan ear drops to be used as directed and with instructions not to get any water in the ears. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and chronic otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and chronic otitis media.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tympanostomy and tube placement.,2. Adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, prepped and draped in the usual fashion. After induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity and a tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll placed on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction.,Attention was directed to the nasopharynx. With the Bovie set at 50 coag and the suction Bovie tip on the suction hose, the adenoid bed was fulgurated by beginning at the posterosuperior aspect of the nasopharynx at the apex of the choana placing the tip of the suction cautery deep at the root of the adenoids next to the roof of the nasopharynx and then in a linear fashion making serial passages through the base of the adenoid fossa in parallel lines until the entire nasopharynx and adenoid bed had been fulgurated moving from posterior to anterior. The McIvor was relaxed and attention was then directed to the ears.,The left external auditory canal was examined under the operating microscope and cleaned of ceruminous debris.,An anteroinferior quadrant tympanostomy incision was made. Fluid was suctioned from the middle ear space, and a tympanostomy tube was placed at the level of the incision and pushed into position with the Rosen needle. Cortisporin ear drops were instilled into the canal, and a cotton ball was placed in the external meatus.,By a similar procedure, the opposite tympanostomy and tube placement were accomplished.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Bladder cancer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder cancer.,OPERATION: ,Transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT), large.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 82-year-old male who presented to the hospital with renal insufficiency, syncopal episodes. The patient was stabilized from cardiac standpoint on a renal ultrasound. The patient was found to have a bladder mass. The patient does have a history of bladder cancer. Options were watchful waiting, resection of the bladder tumor were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE were discussed. The patient understood all the risks, benefits, and options and wanted to proceed with the procedure.,DETAILS OF THE OR: ,The patient was brought to the OR, anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A 23-French scope was inserted inside the urethra into the bladder. The entire bladder was visualized, which appeared to have a large tumor, lateral to the right ureteral opening.,There was a significant papillary superficial fluffiness around the left ________. There was a periureteral diverticulum, lateral to the left ureteral opening. There were moderate trabeculations throughout the bladder. There were no stones. Using a French cone tip catheter, bilateral pyelograms were obtained, which appeared normal. Subsequently, using 24-French cutting loop resectoscope a resection of the bladder tumor was performed all the way up to the base. Deep biopsies were sent separately. Coagulation was performed around the periphery and at the base of the tumor. All the tumors were removed and sent for path analysis. There was an excellent hemostasis. The rest of the bladder appeared normal. There was no further evidence of tumor. At the end of the procedure, a 22 three-way catheter was placed, and the patient was brought to the recovery in a stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left cubital tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve entrapment.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left cubital tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve entrapment.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Decompression of the ulnar nerve, left elbow.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,FINDINGS OF THE OPERATION:, The ulnar nerve appeared to be significantly constricted as it passed through the cubital tunnel. There was presence of hourglass constriction of the ulnar nerve.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and once an adequate general anesthesia was achieved, his left upper extremity was prepped and draped in standard sterile fashion. A sterile tourniquet was positioned and tourniquet was inflated at 250 mmHg. Perioperative antibiotics were infused. Time-out procedure was called. The medial epicondyle and the olecranon tip were well palpated. The incision was initiated at equidistant between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle extending 3-4 cm proximally and 6-8 cm distally. The ulnar nerve was identified proximally. It was mobilized with a blunt and a sharp dissection proximally to the arcade of Struthers, which was released sharply. The roof of the cubital tunnel was then incised and the nerve was mobilized distally to its motor branches. The ulnar nerve was well-isolated before it entered the cubital tunnel. The arch of the FCU was well defined. The fascia was elevated from the nerve and both the FCU fascia and the Osborne fascia were divided protecting the nerve under direct visualization. Distally, the dissection was carried between the 2 heads of the FCU. Decompression of the nerve was performed between the heads of the FCU. The muscular branches were well protected. Similarly, the cutaneous branches in the arm and forearm were well protected. The venous plexus proximally and distally were well protected. The nerve was well mobilized from the cubital tunnel preserving the small longitudinal vessels accompanying it. Proximally, multiple vascular leashes were defined near the incision of the septum into the medial epicondyle, which were also protected. Once the in situ decompression of the ulnar nerve was performed proximally and distally, the elbow was flexed and extended. There was no evidence of any subluxation. Satisfactory decompression was performed. Tourniquet was released. Hemostasis was achieved. Subcutaneous layer was closed with 2-0 Vicryl and skin was approximated with staples. A well-padded dressing was applied. The patient was then extubated and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noted. The patient tolerated the procedure very well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Benign prostatic hyperplasia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Benign prostatic hyperplasia.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Transurethral electrosurgical resection of the prostate.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS FOR THE SURGERY:, This is a 77-year-old man with severe benign prostatic hyperplasia. He has had problem with urinary retention and bladder stones in the past. He will need to have transurethral resection of prostate to alleviate the above-mentioned problems. Potential complications include, but are not limited to:,1. Infection.,2. Bleeding.,3. Incontinence.,4. Impotence.,5. Formation of urethral strictures.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was identified, after which he was taken into the operating room. General LMA anesthesia was then administered. The patient was given prophylactic antibiotic in the preoperative holding area. The patient was then positioned, prepped and draped. Cystoscopy was then performed by using a #26-French continuous flow resectoscopic sheath and a visual obturator. The prostatic urethra appeared to be moderately hypertrophied due to the lateral lobes and a large median lobe. The anterior urethra was normal without strictures or lesions. The bladder was severely trabeculated with multiple bladder diverticula. There is a very bladder diverticula located in the right posterior bladder wall just proximal to the trigone. Using the ***** resection apparatus and a right angle resection loop, the prostate was resected initially at the area of the median lobe. Once the median lobe has completely resected, the left lateral lobe and then the right lateral lobes were taken down. Once an adequate channel had been achieved, the prostatic specimen was retrieved from the bladder by using an Ellik evacuator. A 3-mm bar electrode was then introduced into the prostate to achieve perfect hemostasis. The sheath was then removed under direct vision and a #24-French Foley catheter was then inserted atraumatically with pinkish irrigation fluid obtained. The patient tolerated the operation well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Open angle glaucoma OX,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Open angle glaucoma OX,PROCEDURE:, Ahmed valve model S2 implant with pericardial reinforcement XXX eye,INDICATIONS: ,This is a XX-year-old (wo)man with glaucoma in the OX eye, uncontrolled by maximum tolerated medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: ,The risks and benefits of glaucoma surgery were discussed at length with the patient including bleeding, infection, reoperation, retinal detachment, diplopia, ptosis, loss of vision, and loss of the eye, corneal hemorrhage, hypotony, elevated pressure, worsening of glaucoma, and corneal edema. Informed consent was obtained. Patient received several sets of drops in his/her XXX eye including Ocuflox and Ocular. (S)He was taken to the operating room where monitored anesthetic care was initiated. Retrobulbar anesthesia was then administered to the XXX eye using a 50:50 mixture of 2% plain lidocaine and 0.05% Marcaine. The XXX eye was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile ophthalmic fashion. A speculum was placed on the eyelids and microscope was brought into position. A #7-0 Vicryl suture was passed through the superotemporal limbus and traction suture was placed at the superotemporal limbus and the eye was rotated infranasally so as to expose the superotemporal conjunctiva. At this point, smooth forceps and Westcott scissors were used to create a 100-degree superotemporal conjunctival peritomy, approximately 2 mm posterior to the superotemporal limbus. This was then dissected anteriorly to the limbus edge and then posteriorly. Steven scissors were then dissected in a superotemporal quadrant between the superior and lateral rectus muscles to provide good exposure. At this point, we primed the Ahmed valve with a #27 gauge cannula using BSS and it was noted to be patent. We then placed Ahmed valve in the superotemporal subconjunctival recess underneath the subtenon space and this was pushed posteriorly. We then measured with calipers so that it was positioned 9 mm posterior to the limbus. The Ahmed valve was then tacked down with #8-0 nylon suture through both fenestrations. We then applied light cautery to the superotemporal episcleral bed. We placed a paracentesis at the temporal position and inflated the anterior chamber with a small amount of Healon. We then used a #23 gauge needle and entered the superotemporal sclera, approximately 1 mm posterior to the limbus into the anterior chamber away from iris and away from cornea. We then trimmed the tube, beveled up in a 30 degree fashion with Vannas scissors, and introduced the tube through the #23 gauge tract into the anterior chamber so that approximately 2-3 mm of tube was extending into the anterior chamber. We burped some of the Healon out of the anterior chamber and filled it with BSS and we felt that the tube was in good position away from the lens, away from the cornea, and away from the iris. We then tacked down the tubes to the sclera with #8-0 Vicryl suture in a figure-of- eight fashion. The pericardium was soaked in gentamicin. We then folded the pericardium 1x1 cm piece onto itself and then placed it over the tube and this was tacked down in all four quadrants to the sclera with #8-0 nylon suture. At this point, we then re-approximated the conjunctiva to its original position and we closed it with an #8-0 Vicryl suture on a TG needle in a running fashion with interrupted locking bites. We then removed the traction suture. At the end of the case, the pupil was round, the chamber was deep, the tube appeared to be well positioned. The remaining portion of the Healon was burped out of the anterior chamber with BSS and the pressure was felt to be adequate. The speculum was removed. Ocuflox and Maxitrol ointment were placed over the eye. Then, an eye patch and shield were placed over the eye. The patient was awakened and taken to the recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: ,Laparoscopic tubal sterilization, tubal coagulation.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Request tubal coagulation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Request tubal coagulation.,PROCEDURE: ,Under general anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual manner. Manipulating probe placed on the cervix, changed gloves. Small cervical stab incision was made, Veress needle was inserted without problem. A 3 L of carbon dioxide was insufflated. The incision was enlarged. A 5-mm trocar placed through the incision without problem. Laparoscope placed through the trocar. Pelvic contents visualized. A 2nd puncture was made 2 fingerbreadths above the symphysis pubis in the midline. Under direct vision, the trocar was placed in the abdominal cavity. Uterus, tubes, and ovaries were all normal. There were no pelvic adhesions, no evidence of endometriosis. Uterus was anteverted and the right adnexa was placed on a stretch. The tube was grasped 1 cm from the cornual region, care being taken to have the bipolar forceps completely across the tube and the tube was coagulated using amp meter for total desiccation. The tube was grasped again and the procedure was repeated for a separate coagulation, so that 1.5 cm of the tube was coagulated. The structure was confirmed to be tube by looking at fimbriated end. The left adnexa was then placed on a stretch and the procedure was repeated again grasping the tube 1 cm from the cornual region and coagulating it. Under traction, the amp meter was grasped 3 more times so that a total of 1.5 cm of tube was coagulated again. Tube was confirmed by fimbriated end. Gas was lend out of the abdomen. Both punctures repaired with 4-0 Vicryl and punctures were injected with 0.5% Marcaine 10 mL. The patient went to the recovery room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Right cubital tunnel syndrome.,2. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,3. Right olecranon bursitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, ,1. Right cubital tunnel syndrome.,2. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,3. Right olecranon bursitis.,PROCEDURES:, ,1. Right ulnar nerve transposition.,2. Right carpal tunnel release.,3. Right excision of olecranon bursa.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , Thickened transverse carpal ligament and partially subluxed ulnar nerve.,SUMMARY: , After informed consent was obtained and verified, the patient was brought to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. After uneventful general anesthesia was obtained, his right arm was sterilely prepped and draped in normal fashion. After elevation and exsanguination with an Esmarch, the tourniquet was inflated. The carpal tunnel was performed first with longitudinal incision in the palm carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The palmar fascia was divided exposing the transverse carpal ligament, which was incised longitudinally. A Freer was then inserted beneath the ligament, and dissection was carried out proximally and distally.,After adequate release has been formed, the wound was irrigated and closed with nylon. The medial approach to the elbow was then performed and the skin was opened and subcutaneous tissues were dissected. A medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve was identified and protected throughout the case. The ulnar nerve was noted to be subluxing over the superior aspect of the medial epicondyle and flattened and inflamed. The ulnar nerve was freed proximally and distally. The medial intramuscular septum was excised and the flexor carpi ulnaris fascia was divided. The intraarticular branch and the first branch to the SCU were transected; and then the nerve was transposed, it did not appear to have any significant tension or sharp turns. The fascial sling was made from the medial epicondyle and sewn to the subcutaneous tissues and the nerve had good translation with flexion and extension of the elbow and not too tight. The wound was irrigated. The tourniquet was deflated and the wound had excellent hemostasis. The subcutaneous tissues were closed with #2-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed with staples. Prior to the tourniquet being deflated, the subcutaneous dissection was carried out over to the olecranon bursa, where the loose fragments were excised with a rongeurs as well as abrading the ulnar cortex and excision of hypertrophic bursa. A posterior splint was applied. Marcaine was injected into the incisions and the splint was reinforced with tape. He was awakened from the anesthesia and taken to recovery room in a stable condition. Final needle, instrument, and sponge counts were correct. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left canal cholesteatoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left canal cholesteatoma.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:,1. Left canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy with ossicular chain reconstruction.,2. Microdissection.,3. NIM facial nerve monitoring for three hours.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,FINDINGS:, There is an extremely large canal cholesteatoma, which eroded most of the posterior and superior canal wall. There was a significant amount of myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. There is some mild erosion of the lenticular process of the incus. The facial nerve was normal. We removed the incus, removed the head of the malleus, and placed a titanium-PORP from the stapes capitulum to a cartilage graft.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed under general anesthetic and intubated without difficulty. The NIM facial nerve monitoring electrodes were positioned and monitoring was performed throughout the procedure. There was no abnormal activity during this case. We inspected the ear canal, identified the huge defect, which was completely filled with cerumen. Through the ear canal, we removed as much as we could and then infiltrated the canal and postauricular area with 1:100,000 of epinephrine.,We prepped and draped the ear in a sterile fashion. We reopened the previously used postauricular incision and dissected down the mastoid cortex. We reflected the soft tissues anteriorly to the level of the ear canal and identified where the ear canal skin entered the defect in the mastoid bone. A #6 cutting bur was used to drill down the mastoid cortex and identified this cholesteatoma which was then carefully dissected out. We went all the way to the mastoid antrum. We finished a complete mastoidectomy with identification of the tegmen, sigmoid sinus. We removed the lateral aspect of the mastoid tip. We lowered the facial ridge. The incudostapedial joint was already membranous in nature, we went ahead and used the joint knife and removed the incus. We separated the incus from the stapes and then removed it. We used a malleus head nipper to remove the head of the malleus and then we continued to saucerize the entire mastoid cavity.,There was no cholesteatoma within the middle ear space, but there was roughly 40% surface area perforation. The remaining portion of the tympanic membrane was extremely calcified and myringosclerotic; this was removed. There was also a large focus of tympanosclerosis between the stapes crura, which was impinging the ability of the stapes to move. We carefully dissected this out. This did seem to improve the mobility of the stapes somewhat. At this point, there was a near total perforation. There was only a minimal amount of anterior remnant of the drum left. We tried to go ahead and harvest the temporalis fascia, but there was really only wisps of this fascia in place. He had already had a previous tympanoplasty, but even outside the areas where the graft was taken, the temporalis muscle was quite atrophied and lumpy, and I suspect this was due to his chronic disease and long history of corticosteroid usage. We harvested a few pieces as best as we could. We went ahead and did a meatoplasty by making a canal incision in the 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions. We excised cartilage posteriorly and inferiorly to enlarge the meatus. This cartilage was thin and used for cartilage tympanoplasty. We placed some Gelfoam in the middle ear space and placed the cartilage on the top of it. We did cut a titanium-PORP of the proper side and placed on top of the stapes capitulum to interface with the cartilage cap. A few other small pieces of temporalis fascia were used to bulge through the surrounding edges of the cartilage and make sure that it was medial to any remnant of ear canal and tympanic membrane remnants. We placed a layer of Gelfoam lateral to the graft, closed the postauricular incision in layers and put 2 Merocel packs in the ear. Glasscock dressing was applied. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and taken to the recovery room in stable condition. He will be given antibiotics and pain medicines and he will be given instructions to follow up with me in one week. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic tubal ligation, Falope ring method.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: ,A 35-year-old female, P4-0-0-4, who desires permanent sterilization. The risks of bleeding, infection, damage to other organs, and subsequent ectopic pregnancy was explained. Informed consent was obtained.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Normal appearing uterus and adnexa bilaterally.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After administration of general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position, and prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The speculum was placed in the vagina, the cervix was grasped with the tenaculum, and a uterine manipulator inserted. This area was then draped off the remainder of the operative field.,A 5-mm incision was made umbilically after injecting 0.25% Marcaine, 2 mL. A Veress needle was inserted to confirm an opening pressure of 2 mmHg. Approximately 4 liters of CO2 gas was insufflated into the abdominal cavity. The Veress needle was removed, and a 5-mm port placed. Position was confirmed using a laparoscope. A second port was placed under direct visualization, 3 fingerbreadths suprapubically, 7 mm in diameter, after 2 mL of 0.25% Marcaine was injected. This was done under direct visualization. The pelvic cavity was examined with the findings as noted above. The Falope rings were then applied to each tube bilaterally. Good segments were noted to be ligated. The accessory port was removed. The abdomen was deflated. The laparoscope and sheath was removed. The skin edges were approximated with 5-0 Monocryl suture in subcuticular fashion. The instruments were removed from the vagina. The patient was returned to the supine position, recalled from anesthesia, and transferred to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Sponge and needle counts correct at the conclusion of the case. Estimated blood loss was minimal. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Clinical stage Ta Nx Mx transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Clinical stage Ta Nx Mx transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Cystoscopy, transurethral resection of medium bladder tumor (4.0 cm in diameter), and direct bladder biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: , General laryngeal mask.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 59-year-old white male, who had an initial occurrence of a transitional cell carcinoma 5 years back. He was found to have a new tumor last fall, and cystoscopy in November showed Ta papillary-appearing lesion inside the bladder neck anteriorly. The patient had coronary artery disease and required revascularization, which occurred at the end of December prior to the tumor resection. He is fully recovered and cleared by Cardiology and taken to the operating room at this time for TURBT.,FINDINGS: , Cystoscopy of the anterior and posterior urethra was within normal limits. From 12 o'clock to 4 o'clock inside the bladder neck, there was a papillary tumor with some associated blood clot. This was completely resected. There was an abnormal dysplastic area in the left lateral wall that was biopsied, and the remainder of the bladder mucosa appeared normal. The ureteral orifices were in the orthotopic location. Prostate was 15 g and benign on rectal examination, and there was no induration of the bladder.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the cystoscopy suite, and after adequate general laryngeal mask anesthesia obtained, placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and his perineum and genitalia were sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. He had been given oral ciprofloxacin for prophylaxis. Rectal bimanual examination was performed with the findings described. Cystourethroscopy was performed with a #23-French ACMI panendoscope and 70-degree lens with the findings described. A barbotage urine was obtained for cytology. The cystoscope was removed and a #24-French continuous flow resectoscope sheath was introduced over visual obturator and cold cup biopsy forceps introduced. Several biopsies were taken from the tumor and sent to the tumor bank. I then introduced the Iglesias resectoscope element and resected all the exophytic tumor and the lamina propria. Because of the Ta appearance, I did not intentionally dissect deeper into the muscle. Complete hemostasis was obtained. All the chips were removed with an Ellik evacuator. Using the cold cup biopsy forceps, biopsy was taken from the dysplastic area in the left bladder and hemostasis achieved. The irrigant was clear. At the conclusion of the procedure, the resectoscope was removed and a #24-French Foley catheter was placed for efflux of clear irrigant. The patient was then returned to the supine position, awakened, extubated, and taken on a stretcher to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carcinoma of the left breast.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , True cut needle biopsy of the breast.,GROSS FINDINGS: ,This 65-year-old female on exam was noted to have dimpling and puckering of the skin associated with nipple discharge. On exam, she has a noticeable carcinoma of the left breast with dimpling, puckering, and erosion through the skin. At this time, a true cut needle biopsy was performed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to operating room, is laid in the supine position, sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The area over the left breast was infiltrated with 1:1 mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% Xylocaine. Using a #18 gauge automatic true cut needle core biopsy, five biopsies were taken of the left breast in core fashion. Hemostasis was controlled with pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well, pending the results of biopsy. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Low Back Syndrome - Low back pain with left greater than right lower extremity radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Nerve root decompression at L45 on the left side.,2. Tun-L catheter placement with injection of steroid solution and Marcaine at L45 nerve roots left.,3. Interpretation of radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: , Severe and excruciating pain in the lumbar spine and lower extremity. MRI shows disc pathology as well as facet arthrosis.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was admitted to the operating room, consent was obtained and signed. The patient was taken to the Operating room and was placed in the prone position. Monitors were placed, including EKG, pulse oximeter and blood pressure monitoring. After adequate IV sedation with Versed and Fentanyl the procedure was begun.,The lumbar sacral region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and four sterile towels. After the towels were places then sterile drapes were placed on top of that.,After which time the Epimed catheter was then placed, this was done by first repositioning the C-Arm to visualize the lumbar spine and the vertebral bodies were then counted beginning at L5, verifying the sacral hiatus. The skin over the sacral hiatus was then injected with 1% Lidocaine and an #18-gauge needle was used for skin puncture. The #18-gauge needle was inserted off of midline. A #16-gauge RK needle was then placed into the skin puncture and using the paramedian approach and loss-of-resistance technique the needle was placed. Negative aspiration was carefully performed. Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected through the #16-gauge RK needle. The classical run off was noted. A filling defect was noted @ L45 nerve root on the left side. After which time 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine/Triamcinolone (9/1 mixture) was then infused through the 16 R-K Needle. Some additional lyses of adhesions were visualized as the local anesthetic displaced the Omnipaque 240 dye using this barbotage technique.,An Epimed Tun-L catheter was then inserted through the #16-gauage R-K needle and threaded up to the L45 interspace under continuous fluoroscopic guidance. As the catheter was threaded up under continuous fluoroscopic visualization lyses of adhesions were visualized. The tip of the catheter was noted to be @ L45 level on the left side. After this the #16-gauge RK needle was then removed under fluoroscopic guidance verifying that the tip of the catheter did not migrate from the L45 nerve root region on the left side. After this was successfully done, the catheter was then secured in place; this was done with Neosporin ointment, a Split 2x2, Op site and Hypofix tape. The catheter was then checked with negative aspiration and the Omnipaque 240 dye was then injected. The classical run off was noted in the lumbar region. Some lyses of adhesions were also visualized at this time with barbotage technique. Good dye spread was noted to extend one level above and one level below the L45 nerve root and bilateral spread was noted. Nerve root decompression was visualized as dye spread into the nerve root whereas prior this was a filling defect. After which time negative aspiration was again performed through the Epimed® Tun-L catheter and then 10 cc of solution was then infused through the catheter, this was done over a 10-minute period with initial 3 cc test dose. Approximately 3 minutes elapsed and then the remaining 7 cc were infused (Solution consisting of 8 cc of 0.25% Marcaine, 2 cc of Triamcinolone and 1 cc of Wydase.) The catheter was then capped with a bacterial filter. The patient was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any complications.,Interpretation of radiograph revealed nerve root adhesions present with lysis of these adhesions as the procedure was performed. A filling defect was seen at the L45 nerve root and this filling defect being significant of fibrosis and adhesions in this region was noted to be lysed with the insertion of the catheter as well as the barbotage procedure. This verified positive nerve root decompression. The tip of the Epimed Tun L catheter was noted to be at L45 level on the left side. Positive myelogram without dural puncture was noted during this procedure; no sub-dural spread of Omnipaque 240 dye was noted. This patient did not report any problems and reported pain reduction. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Multiparity requested sterilization and upper abdominal wall skin mass., ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,Multiparity requested sterilization and upper abdominal wall skin mass.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Postpartum tubal ligation and removal of upper abdominal skin wall mass.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,DRAINS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,INDICATION: , This is a 35-year-old white female gravida 6, para 3, 0-3-3 who is status post delivery on 09/18/2007. The patient was requesting postpartum tubal ligation and removal of a large mole at the junction of her abdomen and left lower rib cage at the skin level.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in a seated position with spinal form of anesthesia administered by anesthesia department. The patient was then repositioned in a supine position and then prepped and draped in the usual fashion for postpartum tubal ligation. Subumbilical ridge was created using two Ellis and first knife was used to make a transverse incision. The Ellis were removed and used to be grasped incisional edges and both blunt and sharp dissection down to the level of the fascia was then completed. The fascia grasped with two Kocher's and then sharply incised and then peritoneum was entered with use of blunt dissection. Two Army-Navy retractors were put in place and a vein retractor was used to grasp the left fallopian tube and then regrasped with Babcock's and followed to the fimbriated end. A modified Pomeroy technique was completed with double tying of with 0 chromic, then upper portion was sharply incised and the cut fallopian tube edges were then cauterized. Adequate hemostasis was noted. This tube was placed back in its anatomic position. The right fallopian tube was grasped followed to its fimbriated end and then regrasped with a Babcock and a modified Pomeroy technique was also completed on the right side, and upper portion was then sharply incised and the cut edges re-cauterized with adequate hemostasis and this was placed back in its anatomic position. The peritoneum as well as fascia was reapproximated with 0-Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissues reapproximated with 3-0 Vicryl and skin edges reapproximated with 4-0 Vicryl as well in a subcuticular stitch. Pressure dressings were applied. Marcaine 10 mL was used prior to making an incision. Sterile dressing was applied. The large mole-like lesion was grasped with Allis. It was approximately 1 cm x 0.5 cm in size and an elliptical incision was made around the mass and cut edges were cauterized and 4-0 Vicryl was used to reapproximate the skin edges and pressure dressing was also applied. Instrument count, needle count, and sponge counts were all correct, and the patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
A 1 cm infraumbilical skin incision was made. Through this a Veress needle was inserted into the abdominal cavity. The abdomen was filled with approximately 2 liters of CO2 gas. The Veress needle was withdrawn. A trocar sleeve was placed through the incision into the abdominal cavity. The trocar was withdrawn and replaced with the laparoscope. A 1 cm suprapubic skin incision was made. Through this a second trocar sleeve was placed into the abdominal cavity using direct observation with the laparoscope. The trocar was withdrawn and replaced with a probe.,The patient was placed in Trendelenburg position, and the bowel was pushed out of the pelvis. Upon visualization of the pelvis organs, the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries were all normal. The probe was withdrawn and replaced with the bipolar cautery instrument. The right fallopian tube was grasped approximately 1 cm distal to the cornual region of the uterus. Electrical current was applied to the tube at this point and fulgurated. The tube was then regrasped just distal to this and refulgurated. It was then regrasped just distal to the lateral point and refulgurated again. The same procedure was then carried out on the opposite tube. The bipolar cautery instrument was withdrawn and replaced with the probe. The fallopian tubes were again traced to their fimbriated ends to confirm the burn points on the tubes. The upper abdomen was visualized, and the liver surface was normal. The gas was allowed to escape from the abdomen, and the instruments were removed. The skin incisions were repaired. The instruments were removed from the vagina.,There were no complications to the procedure. Blood loss was minimal. The patient went to the postanesthesia recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
DIAGNOSIS: , Multiparous female, desires permanent sterilization.,NAME OF OPERATION: , Laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation with Falope rings.,ANESTHESIA: , General, ET tube.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: ,Normal female anatomy except for mild clitoromegaly and a posterior uterine fibroid.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the table in the supine position. After adequate general anesthesia was obtained, she was placed in the lithotomy position and examined. She was found to have an anteverted uterus and no adnexal mass. She was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The Foley catheter was placed. A Hulka cannula was inserted into the cervix and attached to the anterior lip of the cervix.,An infraumbilical incision was made with the knife. A Veress needle was inserted into the abdomen. Intraperitoneal location was verified with approximately 10 cc of sterile solution. A pneumoperitoneum was created. The Veress needle was then removed, and a trocar was inserted directly without difficulty. Intraperitoneal location was verified visually with the laparoscope. There was no evidence of any intra-abdominal trauma.,Each fallopian tube was elevated with a Falope ring applicator, and a Falope ring was placed on each tube with a 1-cm to 1.5-cm portion of the tube above the Falope ring.,The pneumoperitoneum was evacuated, and the trocar was removed under direct visualization. An attempt was made to close the fascia with a figure-of-eight suture. However, this was felt to be more subcutaneous. The skin was closed in a subcuticular fashion, and the patient was taken to the recovery room awake with vital signs stable. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Bowel obstruction.,2. Central line fell off.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Bowel obstruction.,2. Central line fell off.,PROCEDURE: , Insertion of a triple-lumen central line through the right subclavian vein by the percutaneous technique.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , This lady has a bowel obstruction. She was being fed through a central line, which as per the patient was just put yesterday and this slipped out. At the patient's bedside after obtaining an informed consent, the patient's right deltopectoral area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Xylocaine 1% was infiltrated and with the patient in Trendelenburg position, she had her right subclavian vein percutaneously cannulated without any difficulty. A Seldinger technique was used and a triple-lumen catheter was inserted. There was a good flow through all three ports, which were irrigated with saline prior to connection to the IV solutions.,The catheter was affixed to the skin with sutures and then a dressing was applied.,The postprocedure chest x-ray revealed that there were no complications to the procedure and that the catheter was in good place. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right trigger thumb.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right trigger thumb.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:, Trigger thumb release.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon with local.,COMPLICATIONS:, | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Foraminal disc herniation of left L3-L4.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Foraminal disc herniation of left L3-L4.,2. Enlarged dorsal root ganglia of the left L3 nerve root.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Transpedicular decompression of the left L3-L4 with discectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,SPECIMEN: , None.,HISTORY: , This is a 55-year-old female with a four-month history of left thigh pain. An MRI of the lumbar spine has demonstrated a mass in the left L3 foramen displacing the nerve root, which appears to be a foraminal disc herniation effacing the L3 nerve root. Upon exploration of the nerve root, it appears that there was a small disc herniation in the foramen, but more impressive was the abnormal size of the dorsal root ganglia that was enlarged more medially than laterally. There was no erosion into the bone surrounding the area rather in the pedicle above or below or into the vertebral body, so otherwise the surrounding anatomy is normal. I was prepared to do a discectomy and had not consented the patient for a biopsy of the nerve root. But because of the sequela of cutting into a nerve root with residual weakness and persistent pain that the patient would suffer, at this point I was not able to perform this biopsy without prior consent from the patient. So, surgery ended decompressing the L3 foramen and providing a discectomy with idea that we will obtain contrasted MRIs in the near future and I will discuss the findings with the patient and make further recommendations.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to OR #5 at ABCD General Hospital in a gurney. Department of Anesthesia administered general anesthetic. Endotracheal intubation followed. The patient received the Foley catheter. She was then placed in a prone position on a Jackson table. Bony prominences were well padded. Localizing x-rays were obtained at this time and the back was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline incision was made over the L3-L4 disc space taking through subcutaneous tissues sharply, dissection was then carried out to the left of the midline with lumbodorsal fascia incised and the musculature was elevated in a supraperiosteal fashion from the level of L3. Retractors were placed into the wound to retract the musculature. At this point, the pars interarticularis was identified and the facet joint of L2-L3 was identified. A marker was placed over the pedicle of L3 and confirmed radiographically. Next, a microscope was brought onto the field. The remainder of the procedure was noted with microscopic visualization. A high-speed drill was used to remove the small portions of the lateral aspects of the pars interarticularis. At this point, soft tissue was removed with a Kerrison rongeur and the nerve root was clearly identified in the foramen. As the disc space of L3-L4 is identified, there is a small prominence of the disc, but not as impressive as I would expect on the MRI. A discectomy was performed at this time removing only small portions of the lateral aspect of the disc. Next, the nerve root was clearly dissected out and visualized, the lateral aspect of the nerve root appears to be normal in structural appearance. The medial aspect with the axilla of the nerve root appears to be enlarged. The color of the tissue was consistent with a nerve root tissue. There was no identifiable plane and this is a gentle enlargement of the nerve root. There are no circumscribed lesions or masses that can easily be separated from the nerve root. As I described in the initial paragraph, since I was not prepared to perform a biopsy on the nerve and the patient had not been consented, I do not think it is reasonable to take the patient to this procedure, because she will have persistent weakness and pain in the leg following this procedure. So, at this point there is no further decompression. A nerve fork was passed both ventral and dorsal to the nerve root and there was no compression for lateral. The pedicle was palpated inferiorly and medially and there was no compression, as the nerve root can be easily moved medially. The wound was then irrigated copiously and suctioned dry. A concoction of Duramorph and ______ was then placed over the nerve root for pain control. The retractors were removed at this point. The fascia was reapproximated with #1 Vicryl sutures, subcutaneous tissues with #2 Vicryl sutures, and Steri-Strips covering the incision. The patient transferred to the hospital gurney, extubated by Anesthesia, and subsequently transferred to Postanesthesia Care Unit in stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hyperpyrexia/leukocytosis.,2. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,3. Acute pancreatitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hyperpyrexia/leukocytosis.,2. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,3. Acute pancreatitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Insertion of a right brachial artery arterial catheter.,2. Insertion of a right subclavian vein triple lumen catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , Local, 1% lidocaine.,BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 46-year-old Caucasian female admitted with severe pancreatitis. She was severely dehydrated and necessitated some fluid boluses. The patient became hypotensive, required many fluid boluses, became very anasarcic and had difficulty with breathing and became hypoxic. She required intubation and has been ventilator-dependent in the Intensive Care since that time. The patient developed very high temperatures as well as leukocytosis. Her lines required being changed.,PROCEDURE:,1. RIGHT BRACHIAL ARTERIAL LINE: ,The patient's right arm was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. There was a good brachial pulse palpated. The artery was cannulated with the provided needle and the kit. There was good arterial blood return noted immediately. On the first stick, the Seldinger wire was inserted through the needle to cannulate the right brachial artery without difficulty. The needle was removed and a catheter was inserted over the Seldinger wire to cannulate the brachial artery. The femoral catheter was used in this case secondary to the patient's severe edema and anasarca. We did not feel that the shorter catheter would provide enough length. The catheter was connected to the system and flushed without difficulty. A good waveform was noted. The catheter was sutured into place with #3-0 silk suture and OpSite dressing was placed over this.,2. RIGHT SUBCLAVIAN TRIPLE LUMEN CATHETER: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% Xylocaine was used to anesthetize an area just inferior and lateral to the angle of the clavicle. Using the anesthetic needle, we checked down to the soft tissues anesthetizing, as we proceeded to the angle of the clavicle, this was also anesthetized. Next, a #18 gauge thin walled needle was used following the same track to the angle of clavicle. We roughed the needle down off the clavicle and directed it towards the sternal notch. There was good venous return noted immediately. The syringe was removed and a Seldinger guidewire was inserted through the needle to cannulate the vein. The needle was then removed. A small skin nick was made with a #11 blade scalpel and the provided dilator was used to dilate the skin, soft tissue and vein. Next, the triple lumen catheter was inserted over the guidewire without difficulty. The guidewire was removed. All the ports aspirated and flushed without difficulty. The catheter was sutured into place with #3-0 silk suture and a sterile OpSite dressing was also applied. The patient tolerated the above procedures well. A chest x-ray has been ordered, however, it has not been completed at this time, this will be checked and documented in the progress notes. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Need for intravenous access.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Insertion of a right femoral triple lumen catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , Includes 4 cc of 1% lidocaine locally.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimum.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 86-year-old Caucasian female who presented to ABCD General Hospital secondary to drainage of an old percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy site. The patient is also ventilator-dependent, respiratory failure with tracheostomy in place and dependent on parenteral nutrition secondary to dysphagia and also has history of protein-calorie malnutrition and the patient needs to receive total parenteral nutrition and therefore needs central venous access.,PROCEDURE:, The patient's legal guardian was talked to. All questions were answered and consent was obtained. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped. Approximately 4 cc of 1% lidocaine was injected into the inguinal site. A strong femoral artery pulse was felt and triple lumen catheter Angiocath was inserted at 30-degree angle cephalad and aspirated until a dark venous blood was aspirated. A guidewire was then placed through the needle. The needle was then removed. The skin was ________ at the base of the wire and a dilator was placed over the wire. The triple lumen catheters were then flushed with bacteriostatic saline. The dilator was then removed from the guidewire and a triple lumen catheter was then inserted over the guidewire with the guidewire held at all times.,The wire was then carefully removed. Each port of the lumen catheter was aspirated with 10 cc syringe with normal saline till dark red blood was expressed and then flushed with bacteriostatic normal saline and repeated on the remaining two ports. Each port was closed off and also kept off. Straight needle suture was then used to suture the triple lumen catheter down to the skin. Peristatic agent was then placed at the site of the lumen catheter insertion and a Tegaderm was then placed over the site. The surgical site was then sterilely cleaned. The patient tolerated the full procedure well. There were no complications. The nurse was then contacted to allow for access of the triple lumen catheter. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: , Trigger finger release.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made over the digit's A1 pulley. Dissection was carried down to the flexor sheath with care taken to identify and protect the neurovascular bundles. The sheath was opened under direct vision with a scalpel, and then a scissor was used to release it under direct vision from the proximal extent of the A1 pulley to just proximal to the proximal digital crease. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained with bipolar electrocautery.,The tendons were identified and atraumatically pulled to ensure that no triggering remained. The patient then actively moved the digit, and no triggering was noted.,After irrigating out the wound with copious amounts of sterile saline, the skin was closed with 5-0 nylon simple interrupted sutures.,The wound was dressed and the patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE: ,Trigger thumb release.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A transverse incision was made over the MPJ crease of the thumb. Dissection was carried down to the flexor sheath with care taken to identify and protect the neurovascular bundles. The flexor sheath was opened under direct vision with a scalpel, and then a scissor was used to release the A1 pulley under direct vision on the radial side, from its proximal extent to its distal extent at the junction of the proximal and middle thirds of the proximal phalanx. Meticulous hemostasis was maintained with bipolar electrocautery.,The flexor pollicis longus tendon was identified and atraumatically pulled to ensure that no triggering remained. The patient then actively moved the thumb and no triggering was noted.,After irrigating out the wound with copious amounts of sterile saline, the skin was closed with 5-0 nylon simple interrupted sutures.,The wound was dressed and the patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, Impending open heart surgery for closure of ventricular septal defect in a 4-month-old girl.,Procedures were done under general anesthesia. The patient was already in the operating room under general anesthesia. Antibiotic prophylaxis with cefazolin and gentamicin was already given prior to beginning the procedures.,PROCEDURE #1:, Insertion of transesophageal echocardiography probe.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE #1: , The probe was well lubricated and with digital manipulation, was passed into the esophagus without resistance. The probe was placed so that the larger diameter was in the anterior-posterior position during insertion. The probe was used by the pediatric cardiologist for preoperative and postoperative diagnostic echocardiography. At the end, it was removed without trauma and there was no blood tingeing. It is to be noted that approximately 30 minutes after removing the cannula, I inserted a 14-French suction tube to empty the stomach and there were a few mL of blood secretions that were suctioned. There was no overt bleeding.,PROCEDURE #2: , Attempted and unsuccessful insertion of arterial venous lines.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE #2:, Both groins were prepped and draped. The patient was placed at 10 degrees head-up position. A Cook 4-French double-lumen 8-cm catheter kit was opened. Using the 21-gauge needle that comes with the kit, several attempts were made to insert central venous and then an arterial line in the left groin. There were several successful punctures of these vessels, but I was unable to advance Seldinger wire. After removal of the needles, the area was compressed digitally for approximately 5 minutes. There was a small hematoma that was not growing. Initially, the left leg was mildly mottled with prolonged capillary refill of approximately 3 seconds. Using 1% lidocaine, I infiltrated the vessels of the groin both medial and lateral to the vascular sheath. Further observation, the capillary refill and circulation of the left leg became more than adequate. The O2 saturation monitor that was on the left toe functioned well throughout the procedures, from the beginning to the end. At the end of the procedure, the circulation of the leg was intact., | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder tumor.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder tumor.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Transurethral resection of a medium bladder tumor (TURBT), left lateral wall.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,SPECIMEN TO PATHOLOGY: , Bladder tumor and specimen from base of bladder tumor.,DRAINS: , A 22-French 3-way Foley catheter, 30 mL balloon.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This is a 74-year-old male who presented with microscopic and an episode of gross hematuria. He underwent an IVP, which demonstrated enlarged prostate and normal upper tracts. Cystoscopy in the office demonstrated a 2.5- to 3-cm left lateral wall bladder tumor. He is brought to the operating room for transurethral resection of that bladder tumor.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After preoperative counseling of the patient and his wife, the patient was taken to the operating room and administered a spinal anesthetic. He was placed in lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Using the visual obturator, the resectoscope was then inserted per urethra into the bladder. The bladder was inspected confirming previous cystoscopic findings of a 2.5- to 3-cm left lateral wall bladder tumor away from the ureteral orifice. Using the resectoscope loop, the tumor was then resected down to its base in a stepwise fashion. Following completion of resection down to the base, the bladder was _______ free of tumor specimen. The resectoscope was then reinserted and the base of the bladder tumor was then resected to get the base of the bladder tumor specimen, this was sent as a separate pathological specimen. Hemostasis was assured with electrocautery. The base of the tumor was then fulgurated again and into the periphery out in the normal mucosa surrounding the base of the bladder tumor. Following completion of the fulguration, there was good hemostasis. The remainder of the bladder was without evidence of significant abnormality. Both ureteral orifices were visualized and noted to drain freely of clear urine. The bladder was filled and the resectoscope was removed. A 22-French 3-way Foley catheter was inserted per urethra into the bladder. The balloon was inflated to 30 mL. The catheter with sterile continuous irrigation and was noted to drain clear irrigant. The patient was then removed from lithotomy position. He was in stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Respiratory failure.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Respiratory failure.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , Tracheotomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General inhalational.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed supine on the operating table. General inhalational anesthesia was administered through the patient's existing 4.0 endotracheal tube. The neck was extended and secured with tape and incision in the midline of the neck approximately 2 fingerbreadths above the sternal notch was outlined. The incision measured approximately 1 cm and was just below the palpable cricoid cartilage and first tracheal ring. The incision area was infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. A #67 blade was used to perform the incision. Electrocautery was used to remove excess fat tissue to expose the strap muscles. The strap muscles were grasped and divided in the midline with a cutting electrocautery. Sharp dissection was used to expose the anterior trachea and cricoid cartilage. The thyroid isthmus was identified crossing just below the cricoid cartilage. This was divided in the midline with electrocautery. Blunt dissection was used to expose adequate cartilaginous rings. A 4.0 silk was used for stay sutures to the midline of the cricoid. Additional stay sutures were placed on each side of the third tracheal ring. Thin DuoDerm was placed around the stoma. The tracheal incision was performed with a #11 blade through the second, third, and fourth tracheal rings. The cartilaginous edges were secured to the skin edges with interrupted #4-0 Monocryl. A 4.5 PED tight-to-shaft cuffed Bivona tube was placed and secured with Velcro ties. A flexible scope was passed through the tracheotomy tube. The carina was visualized approximately 1.5 cm distal to the distal end of the tracheotomy tube. Ventilation was confirmed. There was good chest rise and no appreciable leak. The procedure was terminated. The patient was in stable condition. Bleeding was negligible and she was transferred back to the Pediatric intensive care unit in stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Open angle glaucoma OX,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Open angle glaucoma OX,PROCEDURE:, Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C, XXX eye 0.3 c per mg times three minutes.,INDICATIONS: ,This is a XX-year-old (wo)man with glaucoma in the OX eye, uncontrolled by maximum tolerated medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: ,The risks and benefits of glaucoma surgery were discussed at length with the patient including bleeding, infection, reoperation, retinal detachment, diplopia, ptosis, loss of vision, and loss of the eye, corneal hemorrhage hypotony, elevated pressure, worsening of glaucoma, and corneal edema. Informed consent was obtained. Patient received several sets of drops in his/her XXX eye including Ocuflox, Ocular, and pilocarpine. (S)He was taken to the operating room where monitored anesthetic care was initiated. Retrobulbar anesthesia was then administered to the XXX eye using a 50:50 mixture of 2% plain lidocaine and 0.05% Marcaine. The XXX eye was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile ophthalmic fashion and the microscope was brought in position. A Lieberman lid speculum was used to provide exposure. Vannas scissors and smooth forceps were used to create a 6 mm limbal peritomy superiorly. This was dissected posteriorly with Vannas scissors to produce a fornix based conjunctival flap. Residual episcleral vessels were cauterized with Eraser-tip cautery. Sponges soaked in mitomycin C 0.3 mm per cc were then placed underneath the conjunctival flap and allowed to sit there for 3 minutes checked against the clock. Sponges were removed and area was copiously irrigated with balanced salt solution. A Super blade was then used to fashion a partial thickness limbal based trapezoidal scleral flap. This was dissected anteriorly with a crescent blade to clear cornea. A temporal paracentesis was then made. Scleral flap was lifted and a Super blade was used to enter the anterior chamber. A Kelly-Descemet punch was used to remove a block of limbal tissue. DeWecker scissors were used to perform a surgical iridectomy. The iris was then carefully reposited back into place and the iridectomy was visible through the clear cornea. A scleral flap was then re- approximated back on the bed. One end of the scleral flap was closed with a #10-0 nylon suture in interrupted fashion and the knot was buried. The other end of the scleral flap was closed with #10-0 nylon suture in interrupted fashion and the knot was buried. The anterior chamber was then refilled with balanced salt solution and a small amount of fluid was noted to trickle out of the scleral flap with slow shallowing of the chamber. Therefore it was felt that another #10-0 nylon suture should be placed and it was therefore placed in interrupted fashion half way between each of the end sutures previously placed. The anterior chamber was then again refilled with balanced salt solution and it was noted that there was a small amount of fluid tricking out of the scleral flap and the pressure was felt to be adequate in the anterior chamber. Conjunctiva was then re-approximated to the limbus and closed with #9-0 Vicryl suture on a TG needle at each of the peritomy ends. Then a horizontal mattress style #9-0 Vicryl suture was placed at the center of the conjunctival peritomy. The conjunctival peritomy was checked for any leaks and was noted to be watertight using Weck- cel sponge. The anterior chamber was inflated and there was noted that the superior bleb was well formed. At the end of the case, the pupil was round, the chamber was formed and the pressure was felt to be adequate. Speculum and drapes were carefully removed. Ocuflox and Maxitrol ointment were placed over the eye. Atropine was also placed over the eye. Then an eye patch and eye shield were placed over the eye. The patient was taken to the recovery room in good condition. There were no complications. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Tracheostomy.,2. Thyroid isthmusectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal, less than 25 cc.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 50-year-old gentleman who presented to the Emergency Department who had had multiple massive strokes. He had required ventilator assistance and was transported to the ICU setting. Because of the numerous deficits from the stroke, he is expected to have a prolonged ventilatory course and he will be requiring long-term care.,PROCEDURE: , After all risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed with multiple family members in detail, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the Operative Suite where he was placed in supine position and general anesthesia was delivered through the existing endotracheal tube. The neck was then palpated and marked appropriately in the cricoid cartilage sternal notch and thyroid cartilage marked appropriately with felt-tip marker. The skin was then anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. The patient was prepped and draped in usual fashion. The surgeons were gowned and gloved. A vertical skin incision was then made with a #15 blade scalpel extending from approximately two fingerbreadths above the level of the sternum approximately 1 cm above the cricoid cartilage. Blunt dissection was then carried down until the fascia overlying the strap muscles were identified. At this point, the midline raphe was identified and the strap muscles were separated utilizing the Bovie cautery. Once the strap muscles have been identified, palpation was performed to identify any arterial aberration. A high-riding innominate was not identified. At this point, it was recognized that the thyroid gland was overlying the trachea could not be mobilized. Therefore, dissection was carried down through to the cricoid cartilage at which point hemostat was advanced underneath the thyroid gland, which was then doubly clamped and ligated with Bovie cautery. Suture ligation with #3-0 Vicryl was then performed on the thyroid gland in a double interlocking fashion. This cleared a significant portion of the trachea. The overlying pretracheal fascia was then cleared with use of pressured forceps as well as Bovie cautery. Now, a tracheal hook was placed underneath the cricoid cartilage in order to stabilize the trachea. The second tracheal ring was identified. The Bovie cautery reduced to create a tracheal window beneath the second tracheal ring that was inferiorly based. At this point, the anesthetist was appropriately alerted to deflate the endotracheal tube cuff. The airway was entered and inferior to the base, window was created. The anesthetist then withdrew the endotracheal tube until the tip of the tube was identified. At this point, a #8 Shiley tracheostomy tube was inserted freely into the tracheal lumen. The balloon was inflated and the ventilator was attached. He was immediately noted to have return of the CO2 waveform and was ventilating appropriately according to the anesthetist. Now, all surgical retractors were removed. The baseplate of the tracheostomy tube was sutured to the patient's skin with #2-0 nylon suture. The tube was further secured around the patient's neck with IV tubing. Finally, a drain sponge was placed. At this point, procedure was felt to be complete. The patient was returned to the ICU setting in stable condition where a chest x-ray is pending. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Laryngeal edema.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Laryngeal edema.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Tracheostomy change. A #6 Shiley with proximal extension was changed to a #6 Shiley with proximal extension.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 60-year-old Caucasian female who presented to ABCD General Hospital with exacerbation of COPD and CHF. The patient had subsequently been taken to the operating room by Department of Otolaryngology and a direct laryngoscope was performed. The patient was noted at that time to have transglottic edema. Biopsies were taken. At the time of surgery, it was decided that the patient required a tracheostomy for maintenance of continued ventilation and airway protection. The patient is currently postop day #6 and appears to be unable to be weaned from ventilator at this time and may require prolonged ventricular support. A decision was made to perform tracheostomy change.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was seen in the Intensive Care Unit. The patient was placed in a supine position. The neck was then extended. The sutures that were previously in place in the #6 Shiley with proximal extension were removed. The patient was preoxygenated to 100%. After several minutes, the patient was noted to have a pulse oximetry of 100%. The IV tubing that was supporting the patient's trache was then cut. The tracheostomy tube was then suctioned.,The inner cannula was then removed from the tracheostomy and a nasogastric tube was placed down the lumen of the tracheostomy tube as a guidewire. The tracheostomy tube was then removed over the nasogastric tube and the operative field was suctioned. With the guidewire in place and with adequate visualization, a new #6 Shiley with proximal extension was then passed over the nasogastric tube guidewire and carefully inserted into the trachea. The guidewire was then removed and the inner cannula was then placed into the tracheostomy. The patient was then reconnected to the ventilator and was noted to have normal tidal volumes. The patient had a tidal volume of 500 and was returning 500 cc to 510 cc. The patient continued to saturate well with saturations 99%. The patient appeared comfortable and her vital signs were stable. A soft trache collar was then connected to the trachesotomy. A drain sponge was then inserted underneath the new trache site. The patient was observed for several minutes and was found to be in no distress and continued to maintain adequate saturations and continued to return normal tidal volumes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient tolerated the procedure well. 0.25% acetic acid soaks were ordered to the drain sponge every shift. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,Airway obstruction secondary to severe subglottic tracheal stenosis with foreign body in the trachea.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,Airway obstruction secondary to severe subglottic tracheal stenosis with foreign body in the trachea.,OPERATION PERFORMED,Neck exploration; tracheostomy; urgent flexible bronchoscopy via tracheostomy site; removal of foreign body, tracheal metallic stent material; dilation distal trachea; placement of #8 Shiley single cannula tracheostomy tube.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY,The patient is a 50-year-old white male with history of progressive tracheomalacia treated in the National Tennessee, and several years ago he had a tracheal metallic stent placed with some temporary improvement. However developed progressive problems and he had two additional stents placed with some initial improvement. Subsequently, he developed progressive airway obstruction and came into the ABC Hospital critical airway service for further evaluation and was admitted on Month DD, YYYY. He underwent bronchoscopy by Dr. W and found to have an extensive subglottic upper tracheal and distal tracheal stenosis secondary to metallic stent extensive granulation and inflammatory tissue changes. The patient had some debridement and then was hospitalized and Laryngology and Thoracic Surgery services were consulted for further management. Exploration of trachea, removal of foreign body stents constricting his airway, dilation and stabilization of his trachea were offered to the patient. Nature of the proposed procedure including risks and complications of bleeding, infection, alteration of voice, speech, swallowing, voice changes permanently, possibility of tracheotomy temporarily or permanently to maintain his airway, loss of voice, cardiac risk factors, anesthetic risks, recurrence of problems, upon surgical intervention were all discussed at length. The patient stated that he understood and wished to proceed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in the supine position. Following adequate monitoring by Anesthesia Service to maintain sedation, the patient's neck was prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. The neck was then infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine and 1000 epinephrine. A collar incision approximately 1 fingerbreadth above the clavicle, this was an outline incision, was carried out. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, platysma, subplatysmal flaps elevated superiorly and inferiorly. Strap muscles were separated in the midline, dissection carried down to visceral fascia. Beneath the strap muscles, there was dense inflammation scarring obscuring palpable landmarks. There appeared to be significant scarring fusion of soft tissue at the perichondrium and cartilage of the cricoid making the cricoid easily definable. There was a markedly enlarged thyroid isthmus. Thyroid isthmus was divided and dense inflammation, attachment of the thyroid isthmus, fusion of the thyroid gland to the capsule to the pretracheal fascia requiring extensive blunt sharp dissection. Trachea was exposed from the cricoid to the fourth ring which entered down into the chest. The trachea was incised between the second and third ring inferior limb in the midline and excision of small ridge of cartilage on each side sent for pathologic evaluation. The tracheal cartilage externally had marked thickening and significant stiffness calcification, and the tracheal wall from the outside of the trachea to the mucosa measured 3 to 4 mm in thickness. The trachea was entered and visualized with thickening of the mucosa and submucosa was noted. The patient, however, was able to ventilate at this point a #6 Endo Tube was inserted and general anesthesia administered. Once the airway was secured, we then proceeded working around the #6 Endo Tube as well as with the tube intake and out to explore the trachea with ridged fiberoptic scopes as well as flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy to the trach site. Examination revealed extrusion of metallic fragments from stent and multiple metallic fragments were removed from the stent in the upper trachea. A careful examination of the subglottic area showed inflamed and thickened mucosa but patent subglottis. After removal of the stents and granulation tissue, the upper trachea was widely patent. The mid trachea had some marked narrowing secondary to granulation. Stent material was removed from this area as well. In the distal third of the trachea, a third stent was embedded within the mucosa, not encroaching on the lumen without significant obstruction distally and this was not disturbed at this time. All visible stent material in the upper and mid trachea were removed. Initial attempt to place a #16 Montgomery T tube showed the distal lumen of the T tube to be too short to stent the granulation narrowing of the trachea at the junction of the anterior two thirds and the distal third. Also, this was removed and a #8 Shiley single cannula tracheostomy tube was placed after removal of the endotracheal tube. A good ventilation was confirmed and the position of the tube confirmed it to be at the level just above the metallic stent which was embedded in the mucosa. The distal trachea and mainstem bronchi were widely patent. This secured his airway and no further manipulation felt to be needed at this time. Neck wound was thoroughly irrigated and strap muscles were closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl. The skin laterally to the trach site was closed with running 2-0 Prolene. Tracheostomy tube was secured with interrupted 2-0 silk sutures and the patient was taken back to the Intensive Care Unit in satisfactory condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complication. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Thyroid goiter with substernal extension on the left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Thyroid goiter with substernal extension on the left.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Total thyroidectomy with removal of substernal extension on the left.,THIRD ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 200 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient is a 54-year-old Caucasian male with a history of an enlarged thyroid gland who presented to the office initially with complaints of dysphagia and some difficulty in breathing while lying supine. The patient subsequently then had a CT scan which demonstrated a very large thyroid gland, especially on the left side with substernal extension down to the level of the aortic arch. The patient was then immediately set up for surgery. After risks, complications, consequences, and questions were addressed with the patient, a written consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operative suite by Anesthesia and placed on the operative table in the supine position. The patient was then placed under general endotracheal intubation anesthesia and the patient then had a shoulder roll placed. After this, the patient then had the area marked initially. The preoperative setting was then localized with 1% lidocaine and epinephrine 1:100,000 approximately 10 cc total. After this, the patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A #15 Bard-Parker was then utilized to make a skin incision horizontally, approximately 5 cm on either side from midline. After this, a blunt dissection was then utilized to dissect the subcutaneous fat from the platysmal muscle. There appeared to be a natural dehiscence of the platysma in the midline. A sub-platysmal dissection was then performed in the superior, inferior, and lateral directions with the help of a bear claw, Metzenbaum scissors and DeBakey forceps. Any bleeding was controlled with monopolar cauterization. After this, the two anterior large jugular veins were noted and resected laterally. The patient's trachea appeared to be slightly deviated to the right with identification finally of the midline raphe, off midline to the right. This was grasped on either side with a DeBakey forceps and dissected with monopolar cauterization and dissected with a Metzenbaum scissors. After this was dissected, the sternohyoid muscles were resected laterally and separated from the sternothyroid muscles. The sternothyroid muscles were then bluntly freed and dissected from the right thyroid gland. After this, attention was then drawn to the left gland, where the sternothyroid muscle was dissected bluntly on this side utilizing finger dissection and Kitners. The left thyroid gland was freed initially superiorly and worked inferiorly and laterally until the gland was pulled from the substernal region by blunt dissection and reflected and pulled anteriorly. After this, the superior and inferior parathyroid glands were noted. The dissection was carried very close to the thyroid gland to try to select these parathyroids posteriorly. After this, the superior pole was then identified and the superior laryngeal artery and vein were cross clamped and tied with __________ undyed Vicryl tie. The superior pole was finally freed and a small little feeding branched vessels from this area were cauterized with the bipolar cautery and cut with Metzenbaum scissors. After this, the thyroid gland was further freed down to the level of the Berry's ligament inferiorly and the dissection was carried once again more superiorly. The fine stats were then utilized to dissect along the superior aspect of the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the left side with freeing of the connective Berry's ligament tissue from the gland with the bipolar cauterization and the fine stat. Finally, attention was then drawn back to the patient's right side where the gland was rotated more anteriorly with fine dissection utilizing a fine stat to reflect the superior and inferior parathyroid glands laterally and posteriorly. The recurrent laryngeal nerve on this side was identified and further dissection was carried superiorly and anteriorly through this nerve to finally free the right side of the gland to Berry's ligament. The middle thyroid vein and inferior thyroid arteries were cross clamped and tied with #2-0 undyed Vicryl ties and also bipolared with the bipolar cauterization bilaterally. The Berry's ligament was then finally freed and the gland was then passed to scrub tech and passed off the field to Pathology. The neck was then thoroughly irrigated with normal saline solution and further bleeding was controlled with bipolar cauterization. After this, Surgicel was then placed in the bilateral neck regions and a #10 Jackson-Pratt drain was then placed within the left neck region with some extension over to the right neck region. This was brought out through the inferior skin incision and secured to the skin with a #2-0 nylon suture. The strap muscles were then reapproximated with a running #3-0 Vicryl suture followed by reapproximation of the platysma and subcutaneous tissue with a #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The skin was then reapproximated with a #5-0 Prolene subcuticular along with a #6-0 fast over the top. After this, Mastisol Steri-Strips and Bacitracin along with a sterile dressing and a __________ dressing were then placed. The patient intraoperatively did have approximately 50 cc of bloody drainage from this area within the JP drain. The patient was then turned back to Anesthesia, extubated in the operating room and transferred to Recovery in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well and remained stable throughout. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left thyroid mass.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left thyroid mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Left total thyroid lumpectomy.,ANESTHESIA,: General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient is a 76-year-old Caucasian female with a history of a left thyroid mass nodule that was confirmed with CT scan along with thyroid uptake scan, which demonstrated a hot nodule on the left anterior pole. The patient was then discussed the risks, complications, and consequences of a surgical procedure and a written consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient is brought to the operative suite by Anesthesia. The patient was placed on the operative table in supine position. After this, the patient was placed under general endotracheal intubation anesthesia and the patient was then placed upon a shoulder roll. After this, the skin incision was marked approximately two fingerbreadths above the sternal notch. It was then localized with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:1000 approximately 7 cc total.,After this, the patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and a #10 blade was then utilized to make a skin incision. The subcutaneous tissue was then bluntly dissected utilizing a Ray-Tec sponge and a bear claw was then utilized to retract the upper incisional skin with counter retraction performed to allow a subplatysmal plane of skin flaps to be performed in superior and inferolateral directions. After this, the midline was then identified and grasped on either side with a DeBakey forceps. The raphe was noted and Bovie cauterization was utilized to cut down into this region. The fine stats were utilized to further open this area with exposure and bisection of the sternothyroid muscle. It was separated on the left side from the patient's sternothyroid muscle. After this, the sternothyroid muscle was identified, grasped with the DeBakey forceps and infiltrated initially through its fascial plane with the Metzenbaum scissors. Blunt dissection was then utilized to free the sternothyroid muscle from the thyroid gland in superior and inferior directions and laterally with the help of Kitners. After this, the plane was rotated more anteriorly with the superior and inferior parathyroid glands identified. The fat cap was noted to be attached on the superior parathyroid to the posterior aspect of the thyroid itself. It was freed from the thyroid gland and reflected laterally and posteriorly. The inferior parathyroid gland actually appeared to be attached also to the inferior aspect of the thyroid itself and was reflected laterally. After this, the patient's thyroid gland was palpated noting a thyroid nodule in the posterior inferior aspect along with the calcification laterally. The nodule appeared to be sort of rubbery in consistency and approximately 1 cm diameter. As the gland was rotated more anteriorly, the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the left side was identified and further dissection along Berry's ligament on the medial aspect was performed. The middle thyroid vein and inferior thyroid artery were both cauterized with a bipolar cautery and bisected. After this, the gland was easily rotated anteriorly with further dissection carried up to the superior pole. The superior pole was exposed with the help of a Richardson and Army-Navy retractors with cross-clamping and tying of the superior laryngeal artery and vein. Further, the small bleeding vessels were identified and bipolared, and cut with the Metzenbaum scissors. The superior pole was finally freed and the gland was rotated more anteriorly onto the anterior aspect of the trachea. Berry's ligament was finally freed and the gland was cross-clamped on the opposing thyroid isthmus with a mosquito. After this, the gland was cut with a Metzenbaum scissors and tied with a #3-0 undyed Vicryl tie. The defect on the neck now was thoroughly irrigated with normal saline solution and further bleeding was controlled with bipolar cauterization. Surgicel was then cut in small strips and three replaced in the lateral part of the neck.,The opposing side of the thyroid gland on the right was palpated with no noticeable nodules or masses. The strap muscles were then reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl on a SH, followed by reapproximation of the subcutaneous tissue with #4-0 Vicryl, followed by reapproximation of the skin by running subcuticular #5-0 Prolene and a #6-0 fast absorbing gut. Mastisol, Steri-Strips, and bacitracin were placed followed by a sterile 4 x 4 dressing. The patient was then turned back to Anesthesia, extubated in the operating room, and transferred to Recovery in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well and will be admitted to hospital for 23-hour observation and will be followed up in one week afterwards. | Surgery |
PROCEDURES: , Total knee replacement.,PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION:, The patient was bought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. After induction of anesthesia, a tourniquet was placed on the upper thigh. Sterile prepping and draping proceeded. The tourniquet was inflated to 300 mmHg. A midline incision was made, centered over the patella. Dissection was sharply carried down through the subcutaneous tissues. A median parapatellar arthrotomy was performed. The lateral patellar retinacular ligaments were released and the patella was retracted laterally. Proximal medial tibia was denuded, with mild release of medial soft tissues. The ACL and PCL were released. The medial and lateral menisci and suprapatellar fat pad were removed. These releases allowed for anterior subluxation of tibia. An extramedullary tibial cutting jig was pinned to the proximal tibia in the appropriate alignment and flush cut was made along tibial plateau, perpendicular to the axis of the tibia. Its alignment was checked with the rod and found to be adequate. The tibia was then allowed to relocate under the femur.,An intramedullary hole was drilled into the femur and a femoral rod attached to the anterior cutting block was inserted, and the block was pinned in appropriate position, judging correct rotation using a variety of techniques. An anterior rough cut was made. The distal cutting jig was placed atop this cut surface and pinned to the distal femur, and the rod was removed. The distal cut was performed.,A spacer block was placed, and adequate balance in extension was adjusted and confirmed, as was knee alignment. Femoral sizing was performed with the sizer, and the appropriate size femoral 4-in-1 chamfer-cutting block was pinned in place and the cuts were made. The notch-cutting block was pinned to the cut surface, slightly laterally, and the notch cut was then made. The trial femoral component was impacted onto the distal femur and found to have an excellent fit. A trial tibial plate and polyethylene were inserted, and stability was judged and found to be adequate in all planes. Appropriate rotation of the tibial component was identified and marked. The trials were removed and the tibia was brought forward again. The tibial plate size was checked and the plate was pinned to plateau. A keel guide was placed and the keel was then made. The femoral intramedullary hole was plugged with bone from the tibia. The trial tibial component and poly placed; and, after placement of the femoral component, range of motion and stability were checked and found to be adequate in various ranges of flexion and extension.,The patella was held in a slightly everted position with knee in extension. Patellar width was checked with calipers. A free-hand cut of the patellar articular surface was performed and checked to ensure symmetry with the calipers. Sizing was then performed and 3 lug holes were drilled with the jig in place, taking care to medialize and superiorize the component as much as possible, given bony anatomy. Any excess lateral patellar bone was recessed. The trial patellar component was placed and found to have adequate tracking. The trials were removed; and as the cement was mixed, all cut surfaces were thoroughly washed and dried. The cement was applied to the components and the cut surfaces with digital pressurization, and then the components were impacted. The excess cement was removed from the gutters and anterior and posterior parts of the knee. The knee was brought into full extension with the trial polyethylene and further axially pressurized as cement hardened. Once the cement had hardened, the tourniquet was deflated. The knee was dislocated again, and any excess cement was removed with an osteotome. Thorough irrigation and hemostasis were performed. The real polyethylene component was placed and pinned. Further vigorous power irrigation was performed, and adequate hemostasis was obtained and confirmed. The arthrotomy was closed using 0 Ethibond and Vicryl sutures. The subcutaneous tissues were closed after further irrigation with 2-0 Vicryl and Monocryl sutures. The skin was sealed with staples. Xeroform and a sterile dressing were applied followed by a cold-pack and Ace wrap. The patient was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Uncontrolled open angle glaucoma, left eye.,2. Conjunctival scarring, left eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Uncontrolled open angle glaucoma, left eye.,2. Conjunctival scarring, left eye.,PROCEDURES: , Short flap trabeculectomy with lysis of conjunctival scarring, tenonectomy, peripheral iridectomy, paracentesis, watertight conjunctival closure, and 0.5 mg/mL mitomycin x2 minutes, left eye.,ANESTHESIA: ,Retrobulbar block with monitored anesthesia care.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Negligible.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operating suite where the Anesthesia team established a peripheral IV as well as monitoring lines. In the preoperative area, the patient received pilocarpine drops. The patient received IV propofol and once somnolent from this, a retrobulbar block was administered consisting of 2% Xylocaine plain. Approximately 3 mL were given. The operative eye then underwent a Betadine prep with respect to the face, lids, lashes, and eye. During the draping process, care was taken to isolate the lashes. A screw type speculum was inserted to maintain patency of lids. A 6-0 Vicryl suture was placed through the superior cornea, and the eye was reflected downward to expose the superior conjunctiva. A peritomy was performed approximately 8 to 10 mm posterior to the limbus and this flap was dissected forward to the cornea. All Tenons were removed from the overlying sclera and the area was treated with wet-field cautery to achieve hemostasis. A 2 mm x 3 mm scleral flap was then outlined with a Micro-Sharp blade. This was approximately one-half scleral depth in thickness. A crescent blade was then used to dissect forward the clear cornea. Hemostasis was again achieved with wet-field cautery. A Weck-Cel sponge tip soaked in mitomycin was then placed under the conjunctival and tenon flap and left there for two minutes. The site was then profusely irrigated with balanced salt solution. A paracentesis wound was made temporarily and then the Micro-Sharp blade was used to enter the anterior chamber at the anterior most margin of the trabeculectomy bed. A Kelly-Descemet punch was then inserted, and a trabeculectomy was performed. Iris was withdrawn through the trabeculectomy site and a peripheral iridectomy was performed using Vannas scissors and 0.12 forceps. The iris was then repositioned into the eye and the anterior chamber was inflated with BSS. The scleral flap was sutured in place with two 10-0 nylon sutures with knots trimmed, rotated, and buried. The overlying conjunctiva was then closed with a running 8-0 Vicryl suture on a BV needle. BSS was irrigated in the anterior chamber and the blood was noted to elevate nicely without leakage. Antibiotic and steroid drops were placed in the eye as was homatropine 5%. The antibiotic consisted of Vigamox and the steroid was Econopred Plus. A patch and shield were placed over the eye after the drape was removed. The patient was taken to the recovery room in good condition. She will be seen in followup in the office tomorrow. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Oxygen dependency.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Oxygen dependency.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Tracheostomy with skin flaps.,2. SCOOP procedure FastTract.,ANESTHESIA: , Total IV anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 55-year-old Caucasian male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and O2 dependency of approximately 5 liters nasal cannula at home. The patient with extensive smoking history who presents after risks, complications, and consequences of the SCOOP FastTract procedure were explained.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to operating suite by Anesthesia and placed on the operating table in the supine position. After this, the patient was then placed under total IV anesthesia and the operating bed was then placed in reverse Trendelenburg. The patient's sternal notch along with cricoid and thyroid cartilages were noted and palpated and a sternal marker was utilized to mark the cricoid cartilage in the sternal notch. The midline was also marked and 1% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 at approximately 4 cc total was then utilized to localize the neck. After this, the patient was then prepped and draped with Hibiclens. A skin incision was then made in the midline with a #15 Bard-Parker in a vertical fashion. After this, the skin was retracted laterally and a small anterior jugular branch was clamped and cross clamped and tied with #2-0 undyed Vicryl ties. Further bleeding was controlled with monopolar cauterization and attention was then drawn down on to the strap muscles. The patient's sternohyoid muscle was identified and grasped on either side and the midline raphe was identified. Cauterization was then utilized to take down the midline raphe and further dissection was utilized with the skin hook and stat clamps. The anterior aspect of the thyroid isthmus was identified and palpation on the cricoid cartilage was performed. The cricoid cauterization over the cricoid cartilage was obtained with the monopolar cauterization and blunt dissection then was carried along the posterior aspect of the thyroid isthmus. Stats were then placed on either side of the thyroid isthmus and the mid portion was bisected with the monopolar cauterization. After this, the patient's anterior trachea was then identified and cleaned with pusher. After this, the cricoid cartilage along the first and second tracheal rings was identified. The cricoid hook was placed and the trachea was brought more anteriorly and superiorly. After this, the patient's head incision was placed below the second tracheal ring with a #15 Bard-Parker. After this, the patient had a tracheal punch with the SCOOP FastTract kit to create a small 4 mm punch within the tracheal cartilage. After this, the patient then had a tracheal stent placed within the tracheal punched lumen and the patient was then had the tracheal stent secured to the neck with a Vicryl strap. After this, the cricoid hook was removed and the patient then had FiO2 on the monitor noted with pulse oximetry of 100%. The patient was then turned back to the anesthesia and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well and will stay in the hospital for approximately 23 hours. The patient will have the stent guidewire removed with a scoop catheter 11 cm placed. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Osteoarthritis, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Osteoarthritis, right knee.,PROCEDURE:, Right total knee arthroplasty.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the Operating Room and after the successful placement of an epidural, as well as general anesthesia, administration 1 gm of Ancef preoperatively, the patient's right thigh, knee and leg were scrubbed, prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The leg was exsanguinated by gravity and pneumatic tourniquet was inflated to 300 mmHg.,A straight anterior incision was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Unilateral flaps were developed and a median retinacular parapatellar incision was made. The extensor mechanism was partially divided and the patella was everted. Some of the femoral bone spurs were resected using an osteotome and a rongeur. Ascending drill hole was made in the distal femur and the distal femoral cut, anterior and posterior and chamfer cuts were accomplished for a 67.5 femoral component.,At this point the ACL was resected. Some of the fat pad and synovium were resected, as well as both medial and lateral menisci. A posterior cruciate retractor was utilized, the tibia brought forward and a centering drill hole made in the tibia. The intramedullary guide was used for cutting the tibia. It was set at 8 mm. An additional 2 mm was resected because of a moderate defect medially.,A trial reduction was done with a 71 tibial baseplate. This was pinned and drilled and then trial reduction done with a 10-mm insert.,This gave good stability and a full range of motion.,The patella was measured with the calibers and 9 mm of bone was resected with an oscillating saw. A 34-mm component was drilled for.,A further trial reduction was done and two liters of pulse lavage were used to clean the bony surfaces. A packet of cement was hand mixed, pressurized with a spatula into the proximal tibia. Multiple drill holes were made on the medial side of the tibia where the bone was somewhat sclerotic. The tibia baseplate was secured and the patella was inserted, held with a clamp. The extraneous cement was removed. At this point the tibial baseplate was locked into place and the femoral component also seated solidly.,The knee was extended, held in this position for another 5-6 minutes until the cement was cured. Further extraneous cement was removed. The pneumatic tourniquet was released, hemostasis was obtained with electrocoagulation.,Retinaculum, quadriceps and extensor were repaired with multiple figure-of-eight #1 Vicryl sutures, the subcutaneous tissue with 2-0 and the skin with skin staples. A sterile, bulky compression dressing was placed. The patient was stable on operative release. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Degenerative arthritis of the left knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative arthritis of the left knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Total left knee replacement on 08/19/03. The patient also underwent a bilateral right total knee replacement in the same sitting and that will be dictated by Dr. X.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 76 minutes.,BLOOD LOSS: , 150 cc.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,IMPLANT USED FOR PROCEDURE:, NexGen size F femur on the left with #8 size peg tibial tray, a #12 mm polyethylene insert and this a cruciate retaining component. The patella on the left was not resurfaced.,GROSS INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Degenerative ware of three compartments of the trochlea, the medial, as well as the lateral femoral condyles as well was the plateau. The surface of the patella was with a minimal ware and minimal osteophytes and we decided not to resurface the patellar component.,HISTORY: ,This is a 69-year-old male with complaints of bilateral knee pain for several years and increased intensity in the past several months where it has affected his activities of daily living. He attempted conservative treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory medications as well as cortisone and Synvisc. This has only provided him with temporary relief. It is for that reason, he is elected to undergo the above-named procedure.,All risks as well as complications were discussed with the patient, which include, but are not limited to infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, need for further surgery, and further pain. He has agreed to undergo this procedure and a consent was obtained preoperatively.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled back to operating room #2 at ABCD General Hospital on 08/19/03 and was placed supine on the operating room table. At this time, a nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the left upper thigh, but not inflated. An Esmarch was then used to exsanguinate the extremity and the left extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for this procedure. The tourniquet was then inflated to 325 mmHg. At this time, a standard midline incision was made towards the total knee. We did discuss preoperatively for a possible unicompartmental knee replacement for this patient, but he did have radiographic evidence of chondrocalcinosis of the lateral meniscus. We did start off with a small midline skin incision in case we were going to do a unicompartmental. Once we exposed the medial parapatellar mini-arthrotomy and visualized the lateral femoral condyle, we decided that this patient would not be an optimal candidate for unicompartmental knee replacement. It is for this reason that we extended the incision and underwent with the total knee replacement. Once the full medial parapatellar arthrotomy was performed with the subperiosteal dissection of the proximal tibia in order to evert the patella. Once the patella was everted, we then used a drill to cannulate the distal femoral canal in order to place the intramedullary guide. A Charnley awl was then used to remove all the intramedullary contents and they were removed from the knee. At this time, a femoral sizer was then placed with reference to the posterior condyles and we measured a size F. Once this was performed, three degrees of external rotation was then drilled into the condyle in alignment with the epicondyles of the femur. At this time, the intramedullary guide was then inserted and placed in three degrees of external rotation. Our anterior cutting guide was then placed and an anterior cut was performed with careful protection of the soft tissues. Next, this was removed and the distal femoral cutting guide was then placed in five degrees of valgus. This was pinned to the distal femur and with careful protection of the collateral ligaments, a distal femoral cut was performed. At this time, the intramedullary guide was removed and a final cutting block was placed. This was placed in the center on the distal femur with 1 mm to 2 mm laterally translated for better patellar tracking. At this time, the block was pinned and screwed in place with spring pins with careful protection of the soft tissues. An oscillating saw was then used to resect the posterior and anterior cutting blocks with anterior and posterior chamfer as well as the notch cut. Peg holes were then drilled.,The block was then removed and an osteotome was then used to remove all the bony cut pieces. At this time with a better exposure of the proximal tibia, we placed external tibial guide. This was placed with longitudinal axis of the tibia and carefully positioned in order to obtain an optimal cut for the proximal tibia. At this time with careful soft tissue retraction and protection, an oscillating saw was used to make a proximal tibial osteotomy. Prior to the osteotomy, the cut was checked with a depth gauge in order to assure appropriate bony resection. At this time, a _blunt Kocher and Bovie cautery were used to remove the proximal tibial cut, which had soft tissue attachments. Once this was removed, we then implanted our trial components of size F to the femur and a size 8 mm tibial tray with 12 mm plastic articulating surface. The knee was taken through range of motion and revealed excellent femorotibial articulation. The patella did tend to sublux somewhat laterally with extremes of flexion and it was for this reason, we performed a minimal small incision lateral retinacular release. Distal lateral patella was tracked more uniformly within the patellar groove of the prosthesis. At this time, an intraoperative x-ray was performed, which revealed excellent alignment with no varus angulation especially of the whole femur and tibial alignment and tibial cut. At this time, the prosthesis was removed. A McGill retractor was then reinserted and replaced peg tibial tray in order to peg the proximal tibia. Once the drill holes were performed, we then copiously irrigated the wound and then suctioned it dry to get ready and prepped for cementation of the drilled components. At this time, polymethyl methacrylate cement was then mixed. The cement was placed on the tibial surface as well as the underneath surface of the component. The component was then placed and impacted with excess cement removed. In a similar fashion, the femoral component was also placed. A 12 mm plastic tray was then placed and the leg held in full extension and compression in order to obtain adequate bony cement content. Once the cement was fully hardened, the knee was flexed and a small osteotome was used to remove any extruding cement from around the prosthesis of the bone. Once this was performed, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound and the wound was then suctioned dry. The knee was again taken through range of motion with a 12 mm plastic as well as #14. The #14 appeared to be a bit too tight especially in extremes of flexion. We decided to go with a #12 mm polyethylene tray. At this time, this was placed to the tibial articulation and then left in place. This was rechecked with careful attention to detail with checking no soft tissue interpositioned between the polyethylene tray and the metal tray of the tibia. The knee was again taken through range of motion and revealed excellent tracking of the patella with good femur and tibial contact. A drain was placed and cut to length.,At this time, the knee was irrigated and copiously suction dried. #1-0 Ethibond suture was then used to approximate the medial parapatellar arthrotomy in figure-of-eight fashion. A tight capsular closure was performed. This was reinforced with a #1-0 running Vicryl suture. At this time, the knee was again taken through range of motion to assure tight capsular closure. At this time, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the superficial wound. #2-0 Vicryl was used to approximate the wound with figure-of-eight inverted suture. The skin was then approximated with staples. The leg was then cleansed. Sterile dressing consisting of Adaptic, 4x4, ABDs, and Kerlix roll were then applied. At this time, the patient was extubated and transferred to recovery in stable condition. Prognosis is good for this patient. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Degenerative arthritis of left knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative arthritis of left knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , NexGen left total knee replacement.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,TOURNIQUET TIME: Approximately 66 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 50 cc.,COMPONENTS: , A NexGen stemmed tibial component size 5 was used, 10 mm cruciate retaining polyethylene surface, a NexGen cruciate retaining size E femoral component, and a size 38 9.5 mm thickness All-Poly Patella.,BRIEF HISTORY:, The patient is a 72-year-old female with a history of bilateral knee pain for years progressively worse and decreasing quality of life and ADLs. She wishes to proceed with arthroplasty at this time.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the Operative Suite at ABCD General Hospital on 09/11/03. She was placed on the operating table. Department of Anesthesia administered a spinal anesthetic. Once adequately anesthetized, the left lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. An Esmarch was applied and a tourniquet was inflated to 325 mmHg on the left thigh. A longitudinal incision was made over the anterior portion of the knee and this was taken down through the subcutaneous tissue to the level of the patella retinaculum. A medial peripatellar arthrotomy was then made and taken down to the level of the tibial tubercle. Care was then ensured that the patellar tendon was not violated. The proximal tibia was then skeletonized both medially and laterally to the level of the axis through the joint line. Again care was ensured that the patellar tendon was not avulsed from the insertion on the tibia. The intramedullary canal was then opened using a drill and the anterior sizing guide was then placed. Rongeur was used to take out any osteophytes and the size of approximately size E. At this point, the epicondyle axis guide was then inserted and aligned in a proper orientation. The anterior cutting guide was then placed. Care was checked for the amount of resection that the femur would be notched and the oscillating saw was used to cut the anterior portion of the femur. After this was performed, this was removed and the distal femoral cutting guide was then placed. The left knee placed in 5 degrees of valgus, guide was then placed, and a standard distal cut was then taken. After the cuts were ensured further to be leveled and they were, and we proceeded to place the finishing guide size E and distal femur. This was placed slightly in lateral position and secured in position with spring tense and head lift tense. Once adequately secured and placed in the appropriate orientation, the alignment was again verified with the epicondyle axis and appeared to be externally rotated appropriately. The chamfer cuts and anterior and posterior cuts were then made as well as the notch cut using the reciprocating and oscillating saws. After this was performed, the guide was removed and all bony fragments were then removed. Attention was then directed to the tibia. The external tibial alignment guide was then placed and pinned to the proximal tibia in a proper position. Care was ensured if it is was a varus or valgus and the appropriate. The femur gauge was then used to provide us appropriate amount of bony resection. This was then pinned and secured into place. Ligament retractors were used to protect the collateral ligaments and the tip proximal tibial cut was then made. This bony portion was then removed and remaining meniscal fragments were removed as well as the ACL till adequate exposure was obtained. Trial components were then inserted into position and taken the range of motion and found to have good and full excellent range of motion stability. The trial components were then removed. The tibia was then stemmed in standard fashion after the tibial plate was placed in some degree of external rotation with appropriate alignment. After it was stemmed and broached, these were removed and the patella was then incised, a size 41 patella reamer blade was then used and was taken down, a size 38 patella button was then placed intact. Again the trial components were placed back into position. Patella button was placed and the tracking was evaluated. They tracked centrally with no touch technique. Again, all components were now removed and the knee was then copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. Once adequately suctioned dry, the tibial portion was cemented and packed into place. Also excess cement was removed. The femoral component was then cemented into position. All excess cement was removed. A size 12 poly was then inserted in trial to provide compression at cement adhered. The patella was then cemented and held into place. All components were held under compression until cement had adequately adhered all excess cement was then removed. The knee was then taken through range of motion and size 12 felt to be slightly too big, this was removed and the size 10 trial was replaced, and again had excellent varus and valgus stability with full range of motion and felt to be the articulate surface of choice. The knee was again copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. One last check in the posterior aspect of the knee for any loose bony fragments or osteophytes was performed, there were none found and a final articulating surface was impacted and locked into place. After this, the knee was taken again for final range of motion and found to have excellent position, stability, and good alignment of the components. The knee was once again copiously irrigated, and the tourniquet was deflated. Bovie cautery was used to cauterize the knee bleeding that was seen until good hemostasis obtained. A drain was then placed deep to the retinaculum and the retinaculum repair was performed using #2-0 Ethibond and oversewn with a #1 Vicryl. This was flexed and the repair was found held securely. At this point, the knee was again copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. The subcutaneous tissue was closed with #2-0 Vicryl, and the skin was approximated with skin staples. Sterile dressing with Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Kerlix rolls was then applied. The patient was then transferred back to the gurney in a supine position.,DISPOSITION: , The patient tolerated well with no complications, to PACU in satisfactory condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Severe degenerative joint disease of the right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe degenerative joint disease of the right knee.,PROCEDURE:, Right total knee arthroplasty using a Biomet cemented components, 62.5-mm right cruciate-retaining femoral component, 71-mm Maxim tibial component, and 12-mm polyethylene insert with 31-mm patella. All components were cemented with Cobalt G.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , Less than 60 minutes.,The patient was taken to the Postanesthesia Care Unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 51-year-old female complaining of worsening right knee pain. The patient had failed conservative measures and having difficulties with her activities of daily living as well as recurrent knee pain and swelling. The patient requested surgical intervention and need for total knee replacement.,All risks, benefits, expectations, and complications of surgery were explained to her in great detail and she signed informed consent. All risks including nerve and vessel damage, infection, and revision of surgery as well as component failure were explained to the patient and she did sign informed consent. The patient was given antibiotics preoperatively.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,The patient was taken to the operating suite and placed in supine position on the operating table. She was placed in the seated position and a spinal anesthetic was placed, which the patient tolerated well. The patient was then moved to supine position again and a well-padded tourniquet was placed on the right thigh. Right lower extremity was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. All extremities were padded prior to this.,The right lower extremity, after being prepped and draped in the sterile fashion, the tourniquet was elevated and maintained for less than 60 minutes in this case. A midline incision was made over the right knee and medial parapatellar arthrotomy was performed. Patella was everted. The infrapatellar fat pad was incised and medial and lateral meniscectomy was performed and the anterior cruciate ligament was removed. The posterior cruciate ligament was intact.,There was severe osteoarthritis of the lateral compartment on the lateral femoral condyle as well as mild-to-moderate osteoarthritis in the medial femoral compartment as well severe osteoarthritis along the patellofemoral compartment. The medial periosteal tissue on the proximal tibia was elevated to the medial collateral ligament and medial collateral ligament was left intact throughout the entirety of the case.,At the extramedullary tibial guide, an extended cut was made adjusting for her alignment. Once this was performed, excess bone was removed. The reamer was placed along on the femoral canal, after which a 6-degree valgus distal cut was made along the distal femur. Once this was performed, the distal femoral size in 3 degrees external rotation, 62.5-mm cutting block was placed in 3 degrees external rotation with anterior and posterior cuts as well as anterior and posterior Chamfer cuts remained in the standard fashion. Excess bone was removed.,Next, the tibia was brought anterior and excised to 71 mm. It was then punched in standard fashion adjusting for appropriate rotation along the alignment of the tibia. Once this was performed, a 71-mm tibial trial was placed as well as a 62.5-mm femoral trial was placed with a 12-mm polyethylene insert.,Next, the patella was cut in the standard fashion measuring 31 mm and a patella bed was placed. The knee was taken for range of motion; had excellent flexion and extension as well as adequate varus and valgus stability. There was no loosening appreciated. There is no laxity appreciated along the posterior cruciate ligament.,Once this was performed, the trial components were removed. The knee was irrigated with fluid and antibiotics, after which the cement was put on the back table, this being Cobalt G, it was placed on the tibia. The tibial components were tagged in position and placed on the femur. The femoral components were tagged into position. All excess cement was removed ___ placement of patella. It was tagged in position. A 12-mm polyethylene insert was placed; knee was held in extension and all excess cement was removed. The cement hardened with the knee in full extension, after which any extra cement was removed.,The wounds were copiously irrigated with saline and antibiotics, and medial parapatellar arthrotomy was closed with #2 Vicryl. Subcutaneous tissue was approximated with #2-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed with staples. The patient was awakened from general anesthetic, transferred to the gurney, and taken into postanesthesia care unit in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,PROCEDURES:,1. Removal of antibiotic spacer.,2. Revision total hip arthroplasty.,IMPLANTS,1. Hold the Zimmer trabecular metal 50 mm acetabular shell with two 6.5 x 30 mm screws.,2. Zimmer femoral component, 13.5 x 220 mm with a size AA femoral body.,3. A 32-mm femoral head with a +0 neck length.,ANESTHESIA: ,Regional.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS: , Hemovac times one and incisional VAC times one.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 66-year-old female with a history of previous right bipolar hemiarthroplasty for trauma. This subsequently became infected. She has undergone removal of this prosthesis and placement of antibiotic spacer. She currently presents for stage II reconstruction with removal of antibiotic spacer and placement of a revision total hip.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room by anesthesia personnel. She was placed supine on the operating table. A Foley catheter was inserted. A formal time out was obtained in identifying the correct patient, operative site. Preoperative antibiotics were held for intraoperative cultures. The patient was placed into the lateral decubitus position with the right side up. The previous surgical incision was identified. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in standard fashion. The old surgical incision was reopened along its proximal extent. Immediately encountered was a large amount of fibrous scar tissue. Dissection was carried sharply down through this scar tissue. Soft tissue plains were extremely difficult to visualize due to all the scarring. There was no native tissue to orient oneself with. We carried our dissection down through the scar tissue to what seemed to be a fascial layer. We incised through the fascial layer down to some scarred gluteus maximus muscle and down over what was initially felt to be the greater trochanter. Dissection was carried down through soft tissue and the distal located antibiotic spacer was exposed. This was used as a landmark to orient remainder of the dissection. The antibiotic spacer was exposed and followed distally to expose the proximal femur. Dissection was continued posteriorly and proximally to expose the acetabulum. A cobra retractor was able to be inserted across the superior aspect of the acetabulum to enhance exposure. Once improved visualization was obtained, the antibiotic spacer was removed from the femur. This allowed further improved visualization of the acetabulum. The acetabulum was filled with soft tissue debris and scar tissue. This was removed with sharp excision with a knife as well as with a rongeur and a Bovie. Once soft tissue was removed, the acetabulum was reamed. Reaming was started with a 46-mm reamer and carried up sequentially to prepare for 50-mm shell. The 50 mm shell was trialed and had good stability and fit. Attention was then turned to continue preparation of the femur. The canal was then debrided with femoral canal curettes. Some fibrous tissue was removed from the canal. The length of the femoral stem was then checked with this canal curette in place. Following x-rays, we prepared to begin reaming the femur. This femur was reamed over a guide rod using flexible reaming rods. The canal was reamed up to 13.5 mm distally in preparation for 14 mm stem. The stem was selected and initially size A body was placed in trial. The body was too tight proximally to fit. The proximal canal was then reamed for a size AA body. A longer stem with an anterior bow was selected and a size AA trial was assembled. This fit nicely in the canal and had good fit and fill. Intraoperative radiographs were obtained to determine component position. Intraoperative radiographs revealed satisfactory length of the component past the distal of fractures in the femur. The remainder of the trial was then assembled and the hip was relocated and trialed. Initially, it was found to be unstable posteriorly. We changed from a 10 degree lip liner to 20 degree lip liner. Again, the hip was trialed and found to be unstable posteriorly. This was due to reversion of the femoral component. As we attempted to seat the prosthesis, the stent continued to attempt to turn in retroversion. The stem was extracted and retrialed. Improved stability was obtained and we decided to proceed with the real components. A 20 degree liner was inserted into the acetabular shell. The real femoral components were assembled and inserted into the femoral canal. Again, the hip was trialed. The components were found to be in relative retroversion. The real components were then backed down and the neck was placed in the more anteversion and reinserted. Again, the stem attempted to follow in the relative retroversion. Along with this time, however, it was improved from previous attempts. The femoral head trial was placed back on the components and the hip relocated. It was taken to a range of motion and found to have improved stability compared to previous trialing. Decision was made to accept the component position. The real femoral head was selected and implanted. The hip was then taken again to a range of motion. It was stable at 90 degrees of flexion with 20 degrees of adduction and 40 degrees of internal rotation. The patient reached full extension and had no instability anteriorly.,The wound was then irrigated again with pulsatile lavage. Six liters of pulsatile lavage was used during the procedure.,The wound was then closed in a layered fashion. A Hemovac drain was placed deep to the fascial layer. The subcutaneous tissues were closed with #1 PDS, 2-0 PDS, and staples in the skin. An incisional VAC was then placed over the wound as well. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the close of the case.,DISPOSITION:, The patient will be weightbearing as tolerated with posterior hip precautions. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Degenerative osteoarthritis, right knee.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right knee total arthroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , The procedure was done under a subarachnoid block anesthetic in the supine position with a tourniquet utilized.,TOTAL TOURNIQUET TIME: , Approximately 90 minutes.,SPECIFICATIONS: , The entire procedure is done in the inpatient operating suite in the Room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. The following sizes of NexGen system were utilized: E on right femur, cemented; 5 tibial stem tray with a 10 mm polyethylene insert, and a 32 mm patellar button.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 58-year-old white female suffering increasing right knee pain for number of years prior to surgical intervention. She was completely refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. She had undergone two knee arthroscopies in the years preceding this. They were performed by myself. She ultimately failed this treatment and developed a collapsing-type valgus degenerative osteoarthritis with complete collapse and ware of the lateral compartment and degenerative changes noted to the femoral sulcus that were proved live. Medial compartment had minor changes present. There was no contracture of the lateral collateral ligament, but instead mild laxity on both sides. There was no significant flexion contracture preoperatively.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table after receiving a subarachnoid block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department. Thigh tourniquet was placed upon the patient's right leg. She was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The limb was elevated and exsanguinated and tourniquet placed 325 mmHg for the above noted time. A straight incision was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Medial parapatellar arthrotomy was created and the knee cap was everted. The ligaments were balanced. A portion of the fat pad was removed and the ACL was completely removed. Drill hole was made in the distal femur. The size to an E, right. Care was taken to make up for the severe loss of articular cartilage on the posterior condyle in the lateral side. This was checked with the epicondylar abscess and with three degrees of external rotation, drill holes were made. Intramedullary guide was then placed, pegged, and anterior cut carried out. There was excellent resection. It was flat. Distal cutting guide was then placed in five degrees of valgus. Appropriate cuts were carried out. The standard cut was utilized.,The finishing guide for E was held with pins as well as screws. Cutting was carried out posterior to anterior, then posterior chamfer and anterior chamfer, femoral sulcus cut was carried out and drill holes for pegs were made. The cutting guide was then removed. The bone was removed. Excess bone was taken out posteriorly. The posterior capsule was loosened up. There were two different fabellas in the posterolateral compartment and they were loosened. Posterolateral corner was then anchored with osteotome and was taken around the posterolateral corner. An extramedullary tibial cutting guide was then placed, pinned, and held. A cut was carried out parallel to the foot. Hard copy ________ was obtained, deemed to be satisfactory after evening up the edges. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. It was necessary to perform a lateral retinacular release to the patella. The patella was isolated. Approximately 10 mm to 11 mm were reamed off. The size to 32 mm button and drill hole guide was placed, impacted, and drilled. Trial range of motion was satisfactory. The tibial guide was then pinned. Drill hole was placed, broached, and utilized. Copious irrigation was carried out. Methylmethacrylate was mixed and was sequentially placed from the femur to the tibia to the patella. The implants were sequentially placed in tibia to femur to patella. Once excess methylmethacrylate was removed and cured, 10 mm Poly was placed. There was excellent ligament balancing. A separate portal was utilized for subcutaneous drain. Tourniquet was deflated and hemostasis was controlled with electrocoagulation. Interrupted #1 Ethibond suture was utilized for parapatellar closure, running #1 Vicryl suture was utilized for overstitch.,Trial range of motion was satisfactory. Interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and skin staples were placed to the skin. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were pink and warm with brawny pulses distally at the end of the case. The patient was then transferred to PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is fair. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left hip degenerative arthritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left hip degenerative arthritis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Total hip arthroplasty on the left.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,BLOOD LOSS: , 800 cc.,The patient was positioned with the left hip exposed on the beanbag.,IMPLANT SPECIFICATION: , A 54 mm Trilogy cup with cluster holes 3 x 50 mm diameter with a appropriate liner, a 28 mm cobalt-chrome head with a zero neck length head, and a 12 mm porous proximal collared femoral component.,GROSS INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,Severe degenerative changes within the femoral head as well as the acetabulum, anterior as well as posterior osteophytes. The patient also had a rent in the attachment of the hip abductors and a partial rent in the vastus lateralis. This was revealed once we removed the trochanteric bursa.,HISTORY: ,This is a 56-year-old obese female with a history of bilateral degenerative hip arthritis. She underwent a right total hip arthroplasty by Dr. X in the year of 2000, and over the past three years, the symptoms in her left hip had increased tremendously especially in the past few months.,Because of the increased amount of pain as well as severe effect on her activities of daily living and uncontrollable pain with narcotic medication, the patient has elected to undergo the above-named procedure. All risks as well complications were discussed with the patient including but not limited to infection, scar, dislocation, need for further surgery, risk of anesthesia, deep vein thrombosis, and implant failure. The patient understood all these risks and was willing to continue further on with the procedure.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled back to the Operating Room #2 at ABCD General Hospital on 08/27/03. The general anesthetic was first performed by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was then positioned with the left hip exposed on the beanbag in the lateral position. Kidney rests were also used because of the patient's size. An axillary roll was also inserted for comfort in addition to a Foley catheter, which was inserted by the OR nurse. All her bony prominences were well padded. At this time, the left hip and left lower extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for this procedure. At this time, an anterolateral approach was then performed, first incising through the skin in approximately 5 to 6 inches of subcutaneous fat. The tensor fascia lata was then identified. A self-retainer was then inserted to expose the operative field. Bovie cautery was used for hemostasis. At this time, a fresh blade was then used to incise the tensor fascia lata over the posterior one-third of the greater trochanter. At this time, a blunt dissection was taken proximally. The tensor fascia lata was occluded with a hip retractor. At this time, after hemostasis was obtained, Bovie cautery was used to incise the proximal end of the vastus lateralis and removing the partial portion of the hip abductor, the gluteus medius. At this time, a periosteal elevator was used to expose anterior hip capsule. A ________ was then inserted over the femoral head purchasing of the acetabulum underneath the reflected head of the quadriceps muscle. Once this was performed, Homan retractors were then inserted superiorly and inferiorly underneath the femoral neck. At this time, a capsulotomy was then performed using a Bovie cautery and the capsulotomy was ________ and then edged over the acetabulum. At this point, a large bone hook was then inserted over the neck and with gentle traction and external rotation, the femoral head was dislocated out of the acetabulum. At this time, we had an exposure of the femoral head, which did reveal degenerative changes of the femoral head and once the acetabulum was visualized, we did see degenerative changes within the acetabulum as well as osteophyte formation around the rim of the acetabulum. At this time, a femoral stem guide was then used to measure proximal femoral neck cut. We made a cut approximately a fingerbreadth above the lesser trochanter. At this time, with protection of the soft tissues an oscillating saw was used to make femoral neck cut.,The femoral head was then removed. At this time, we removed the leg out of the bag and Homan retractors were then used to expose the acetabulum. A long-handle knife was used to cut through the remainder of the capsule and remove the glenoid labrum around the rim of the acetabulum. With better exposure of the acetabulum, we started reaming the acetabulum. We started with a size #44 and progressively reamed to a size #50. At the size #50 mm reamer, we obtained excellent bony bleeding with good remainder of bone stalk both anteriorly and posteriorly as well as superiorly within the acetabulum. We then reamed up to size #52 in order to get bony bleeding around the rim as well as anterior and posterior within the acetabulum. A size 54 mm Trilogy cup was then implanted with excellent approaches approximately 45 degrees of abduction and 10 to 15 degrees of anteversion dialed in. Once the cup was impacted in place, we did visualize that the cup was well seated on to the internal portion of the acetabulum. At this time, two screws were the placed within the superior table for better approaches securing the acetabular cup. At this time, a plastic liner was then inserted for protection. The leg was then placed back in the bag. A Bennett retractor was used to retract the tensor fascia lata and femoral elevator was used to elevate the femur for better exposure and at this time, we began working on the femur. A rongeur was used to lateralize over the greater trochanter. A Box osteotome was used to remove the cancellous portion of the femoral neck. A Charnley awl was then used to cannulate through the proximal femoral canal. A power reamer was then used to ream the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter in order to provide maximal lateralization and prevent varus implantation of our stem. At this time, we began broaching. We started with a size #10 and progressively worked up to a size #12 mm broach. Once the 12 mm broach was inserted in place, it was seated approximately 1 mm below the calcar. A calcar reamer was then placed and the calcar was reamed smoothly. A standard neck as well as a 28 mm plastic head was then placed and a trial reduction was then performed. Once this was performed, the hip was taken to range of motion with external rotation, longitudinal traction as well as flexion and revealed good stability with no impingement or dislocation. At this time, we removed 12 mm broach and proceeded with implanting our polyethylene liner within the acetabulum. This was impacted and placed and checked to assure that it was well seated with no loosening. Once this was performed, we then exposed the proximal femur one more time. We copiously irrigated within the canal and then suctioned it dry. At this time, a 12 mm porous proximal collared stem, a femoral component was then impacted in place. Once it was well seated on the calcar, we double checked to assure that there was no evidence of calcar fractures, which there were none. The 28 mm zero neck length cobalt-chrome femoral head was then impacted in place and the Morse taper assured that this was well fixed by ________.,Next, the hip was then reduced within the acetabulum and again we checked range of motion as well as ligamentous stability with gentle traction, external rotation, as well as hip flexion. We were satisfied with components as well as the alignment of the components. Copious irrigation was then used to irrigate the wound. #1 Ethibond was then used to approximate the anterior hip capsule. #1 Ethibond in interrupted fashion was used to approximate the vastus lateralis as well as the gluteus medius attachment over the partial gluteus medius attachment which was resected off the greater trochanter. Next, a #1 Ethibond was then used to approximate the tensor fascia lata with figure-of-eight closure. A tight closure was performed. Since the patient did have a lot of subcutaneous fat, multiple #2-0 Vicryl sutures were then used to approximate the bed space and then #2-0 Vicryl for the subcutaneous skin. Staples were then used for skin closure. The patient's hip was then cleansed. Sterile dressings consisting of Adaptic, 4 x 4, ABDs, and foam tape were then placed. A drain was placed prior to wound closure for postoperative drainage. After the dressing was applied, the patient was extubated safely and transferred to recovery in stable condition. Prognosis is good. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE:, Total hip replacement.,PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION:, The patient was bought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. After induction of anesthesia, the patient was turned on the side and secured in the hip table. An incision was made, centered over the greater trochanter. Dissection was sharply carried down through the subcutaneous tissues. The gluteus maximus was incised and split proximally. The piriformis and external rotators were identified. These were removed from their insertions on the greater trochanter as a sleeve with the hip capsule. The hip was dislocated. A femoral neck cut was made using the guidance of preoperative templating. The femoral head was removed. Extensive degenerative disease was found on the femoral head as well as in the acetabulum.,Baseline leg-length measurements were taken. The femur was retracted anteriorly and a complete labrectomy was performed. Reaming of the acetabulum was then performed until adequate bleeding subchondral bone was identified in the key areas. The trial shell was placed and found to have an excellent fit. The real shell was opened and impacted into position in the appropriate amount of anteversion and abduction. Screws were placed by drilling into the pelvis, measuring, and placing the appropriate length screw. Excellent purchase was obtained. The trial liner was placed.,The femur was then flexed and internally rotated. The extra trochanteric bone was removed, as was any leftover lateral soft tissue at the piriformis insertion. An intramedullary hole was drilled into the femur to define the canal. Reaming was performed until the appropriate size was reached. The broaches were then used to prepare the femur with the appropriate amount of version. Once the appropriate size broach was reached, it was used as a trial with head and neck placement. Hip range-of-motion was checked in all planes, including flexion-internal rotation, the position of sleep, and extension-external rotation. The hip was found to have excellent stability with the final chosen head-neck combination. Leg length measurements were taken and found to be within acceptable range, given the necessity for stability.,The real stem was opened and impacted into position. The real head was impacted atop the stem. If cement was used, the canal was thoroughly washed and dried and plugged with a restrictor, and then the cement was injected and pressurized and the stem was implanted in the appropriate version. Excess cement was removed from the edges of the component. Range of motion and stability were once again checked and found to be excellent. Adequate hemostasis was obtained. Vigorous power irrigation was used to remove all debris from the joint prior to final reduction.,The arthrotomy and rotators were closed using #1 Ethibond through drill holes in the bone, recreating the posterior hip structural anatomy. The gluteus maximus was repaired using 0 Ethibond and 0 Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissues were closed after further irrigation with 2-0 Vicryl and Monocryl sutures. The skin was closed with nylon. Xeroform and a sterile dressing were applied followed by a cold pack and Ace wrap. The patient was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition, having tolerated the procedure well. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right hip osteoarthritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right hip osteoarthritis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Total hip replacement on the right side using the following components:,1. Zimmer trilogy acetabular system 10-degree elevated rim located at the 12 o'clock position.,2. Trabecular metal modular acetabular system 48 mm in diameter.,3. Femoral head 32 mm diameter +0 mm neck length.,4. Alloclassic SL offset stem uncemented for taper.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was brought into the operating room and was placed on the operative table in a lateral decubitus position with the right side up. After review of allergies, antibiotics were administered and time out was performed. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 15 cm to 25 cm in length, an incision was made over the greater trochanter. This was angled posteriorly. Access to the tensor fascia lata was performed. This was incised with the use of scissors. Gluteus maximus was separated. The bursa around the hip was identified, and the bleeders were coagulated with the use of Bovie. Hemostasis was achieved. The piriformis fossa was identified, and the piriformis fossa tendon was elevated with the use of a Cobb. It was detached from the piriformis fossa and tagged with 2-0 Vicryl. Access to the capsule was performed. The capsule was excised from the posterior and superior aspects. It was released also in the front with the use of a Mayo scissors. The hip was then dislocated. With the use of an oscillating saw, the femoral neck cut was performed. The acetabulum was then visualized and debrided from soft tissues and osteophytes. Reaming was initiated and completed for a 48 mm diameter cap without complications. The trial component was put in place and was found to be stable in an anatomic position. The actual component was then impacted in the acetabulum. A 10-degree lip polyethylene was also placed in the acetabular cap. Our attention was then focused to the femur. With the use of a cookie cutter, the femoral canal was accessed. The broaching process was initiated for No.4 trial component. Trialing of the hip with the hip flexed at 90 degrees and internally rotated to 30 degrees did not demonstrate any obvious instability or dislocation. In addition, in full extension and external rotation, there was no dislocation. The actual component was inserted in place and hemostasis was achieved again. The wound was irrigated with normal saline. The wound was then closed in layers. Before performing that the medium-sized Hemovac drain was placed in the wound. The tensor fascia lata was closed with 0 PDS and the wound was closed with 2-0 Monocryl. Staples were used for the skin. The patient recovered from anesthesia without complications.,EBL: , 50 mL.,IV FLUIDS: , 2 liters.,DRAINS: , One medium-sized Hemovac.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition. She will be weightbearing as tolerated to the right lower extremity with posterior hip precautions. We will start the DVT prophylaxis after the removal of the epidural catheter. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Abnormal uterine bleeding.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Total abdominal hysterectomy with a uterosacral vault suspension.,ANESTHESIA: , General with endotracheal tube as well as spinal with Astramorph.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 150 cc.,URINE OUTPUT: ,250 cc of clear urine at the end of the procedure.,FLUIDS:, 2000 cc of crystalloids.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,TUBES: , None.,DRAINS: ,Foley to gravity.,PATHOLOGY: , Uterus, cervix, and multiple fibroids were sent to pathology for review.,FINDINGS: ,On exam, under anesthesia, normal appearing vulva and vagina, a massively enlarged uterus approximately 20 weeks' in size with irregular contours suggestive of fibroids.,Operative findings demonstrated a large fibroid uterus with multiple subserosal and intramural fibroids as well as there were some filmy adnexal adhesions bilaterally. The appendix was normal appearing. The bowel and omentum were normal appearing. There was no evidence of endometriosis. Peritoneal surfaces and vesicouterine peritoneum as well as appendix and cul-de-sac were all free of any evidence of endometriosis.,PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained and all questions were answered to the patient's satisfaction in layman's terms, she was taken to the Operating Room where first a spinal anesthesia with Astramorph was obtained without any difficulty. She then underwent a general anesthesia with endotracheal tube also without any difficulty. She was then examined under anesthesia with noted findings as above. The patient was then placed in dorsal supine position and prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion.. A vertical skin incision was made 1 cm below the umbilicus extending down to 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. This was made with a first knife and then carried down to the underlying layer of the fascia with the second knife. Fascia was excised in the midline and extended superiorly and inferiorly with the Mayo scissors. The rectus muscle was then separated in the midline. The peritoneum identified and entered bluntly. The peritoneal incision was then extended superiorly and inferiorly with external visualization of the bladder. The uterus was markedly evident upon entering the peritoneal cavity. The uterus was then exteriorized and noted to have the findings as above. At this point, approximately 10 cc of vasopressin 20 units and 30 cc was injected into the uterine fundus and multiple fibroids were removed by using the incision with the Bovie and then using a blunt and the sharp dissection and grasping with Lahey clamps. Once the debulking of the uterus was felt appropriate to proceed with the hysterectomy, the uterus was then reapproximated with a few #0 Vicryl sutures in a figure-of-eight fashion. The round ligaments were identified bilaterally and clamped with the hemostats and transacted with the Metzenbaum scissors. The round ligaments were then bilaterally tied with the #0 tie and noted to be hemostatic. The uterovarian vessels bilaterally were then isolated through a vascular window created from taking down the round ligaments. The uterovarian vessels bilaterally were #0 tied and then doubly clamped with straight Ochsner clamps and transacted and suture tied with a Heaney hand stitch fashion, and both uterine and ovarian vessels were noted to be hemostatic. At this time, the attention was then turned to the vesicouterine peritoneum, which was tented up with Allis clamps and the bladder flap was then created sharply with Russian pickups and the Metzenbaum scissors. Then the bladder was bluntly dissected off the underlying cervix with a moist Ray-Tec sponge down to the level of the cervix.,At this point, the uterus was pulled on traction and the uterosacral ligaments were easily visualized. Using #2-0 PDS suture, the suture was placed through both uterosacral ligaments distally with a backhand stitch fashion throwing the sutures from lateral to medial. These sutures were then tagged and saved for later. The uterine vessels were then identified bilaterally and skeletonized, then clamped with straight Ochsner clamps balancing off the cervix, and the uterine vessels were then transacted and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl and noted to be hemostatic. In a similar fashion, the broad ligament down to the level of the cardinal ligaments was clamped with curved Ochsner and transacted and suture ligated and noted to be hemostatic. At this point, the Lahey clamp was placed on the cervix and the cervix was tented up. The pubocervical vesical fascia was transacted with long knife. Then while protecting posteriorly, using the double-pointed scissors, the vagina was entered with double-pointed scissors at the level of the cervix and was grasped with a straight Ochsner clamp. The uterus and cervix were then amputated using the Jorgenson scissors and the cuff was outlined with Ochsner clamps. The cuff was then copiously painted with Betadine soaked sponge. The Betadine-soaked sponge was placed in the patient's vagina. Then the cuff was then closed with a #0 Vicryl in a running locked fashion to make sure to bring the ipsilateral cardinal ligaments into the vaginal cuff. This was accomplished with one #0 Vicryl running stitch and then an Allis clamp was placed in the midsection portion of the cuff and tented up and a #0 Vicryl figure-of-eight was placed in the midsection portion of the cuff. At this time, the uterosacral ligaments previously tagged needle was brought through the cardinal ligament and the uterosacral ligament on the ipsilateral side. The needle was cut off and these were then tagged with the hemostats. The cuff was then closed by taking the running suture and bringing back through the posterior peritoneum, grabbing part of the uterosacral and midsection portion of the posterior peritoneum of the uterosacral and then tying the cuff down to bunch and cuff together. The suture in the midportion of the cuff was then used to tie down the round ligaments bilaterally to the cuff. The abdomen was copiously irrigated with warm normal saline. All areas were noted to be hemostatic. Then the previously tagged uterosacral sutures were then tied bringing the vaginal cuff angles down to the uterosacral ligaments. The abdomen was then once again copiously irrigated with warm normal saline. All areas were noted to be hemostatic. The sigmoid colon was replaced back into the hollow of the sacrum. Then the omentum was pulled over the bowel. After the myomectomy was performed, the GYN Balfour was placed into the patient's abdomen and the bowel was packed away with moist laparotomy sponges. The GYN Balfour was then removed. Packing sponges were removed and the fascia was then closed in an interrupted figure-of-eight fashion with #0 Vicryl.,Skin was closed with staples. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. The sponge from the patient's vagina was removed and the vagina was noted to be hemostatic. The patient would be followed throughout her hospital stay. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Aortic stenosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Aortic stenosis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED,1. Insertion of a **-mm Toronto stentless porcine valve.,2. Cardiopulmonary bypass.,3. Cold cardioplegia arrest of the heart.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 300 cc.,INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS: , 1200 cc of crystalloid.,URINE OUTPUT: , 250 cc.,AORTIC CROSS-CLAMP TIME: , **,CARDIOPULMONARY BYPASS TIME TOTAL: , **,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After obtaining informed consent from the patient, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, patient was taken to the operating room and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered. Next the neck, chest and legs were prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion. We used a #10-blade scalpel to make a midline median sternotomy incision. Dissection was carried down to the left of the sternum using Bovie electrocautery. The sternum was opened with a sternal saw. The chest retractor was positioned. Next, full-dose heparin was given. The pericardium was opened. Pericardial stay sutures were positioned. After obtaining adequate ACT, we prepared to place the patient on cardiopulmonary bypass. A 2-0 double pursestring of Ethibond suture was placed in the ascending aorta. Through this was passed an aortic cannula connected to the arterial side of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. Next a 3-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the right atrial appendage. Through this was passed our venous cannula connected to the venous portion of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. A 4-0 U-stitch was placed in the right atrium. A retrograde cardioplegia catheter was positioned at this site. Next, scissors were used to dissect out the right upper pulmonary vein. A 4-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the right upper pulmonary vein. Next, a right-angle sump was placed at this position. We then connected our retrograde cardioplegia catheter to the cardioplegia solution circuit. Bovie electrocautery was used to dissect the interface between the aorta and pulmonary artery. The aorta was completely encircled. Next, an antegrade cardioplegia needle and associated sump were placed in the ascending aorta. We then prepared to cross-clamp the aorta. We went down on our flows and cross-clamped the aorta. We backed up our flows. We then gave antegrade and retrograde cold blood cardioplegia solution circuit so as to arrest the heart. The patient had some aortic insufficiency so we elected, after initially arresting the heart, to open the aorta and transect it and then give direct ostial infusion of cardioplegia solution circuit. Next, after obtaining complete diastolic arrest of the heart, we turned our attention to exposing the aortic valve, and 4-0 Tycron sutures were placed in the commissures. In addition, a 2-0 Prolene suture was placed in the aortic wall so as to bring the aortic wall and root up into view. Next, scissors were used to excise the diseased aortic valve leaflets. Care was taken to remove all the calcium from the aortic annulus. We then sized up the aortic annulus which came out to be a **-mm stentless porcine Toronto valve. We prepared the valve. Next, we placed our proximal suture line of interrupted 4-0 Tycron sutures for the annulus. We started with our individual commissural stitches. They were connected to our valve sewing ring. Next, we placed 5 interrupted 4-0 Tycron sutures in a subannular fashion at each commissural position. After doing so, we passed 1 end of the suture through the sewing portion of the Toronto stentless porcine valve. The valve was lowered into place and all of the sutures were tied. Next, we gave another round of cold blood antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia. Next, we sewed our distal suture line. We began with the left coronary cusp of the valve. We ran a 5-0 RB needle up both sides of the valve. Care was taken to avoid the left coronary ostia. This procedure was repeated on the right cusp of the stentless porcine valve. Again, care was taken to avoid any injury to the coronary ostia. Lastly, we sewed our non-coronary cusp. This was done without difficulty. At this point we inspected our aortic valve. There was good coaptation of the leaflets, and it was noted that both the left and the right coronary ostia were open. We gave another round of cold blood antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia. The antegrade portion was given in a direct ostial fashion once again. We now turned our attention to closing the aorta. A 4-0 Prolene double row of suture was used to close the aorta in a running fashion. Just prior to closing, we de-aired the heart and gave a warm shot of antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia. At this point, we removed our aortic cross-clamp. The heart gradually regained its electromechanical activity. We placed 2 atrial and 2 ventricular pacing wires. We removed our aortic vent and oversewed that site with another 4-0 Prolene on an SH needle. We removed our retrograde cardioplegia catheter. We oversewed that site with a 5-0 Prolene. By now, the heart was de-aired and resumed normal electromechanical activity. We began to wean the patient from cardiopulmonary bypass. We then removed our venous cannula and suture ligated that site with a #2 silk. We then gave full-dose protamine. After knowing that there was no evidence of a protamine reaction, we removed the aortic cannula. We buttressed that site with a 4-0 Prolene on an SH needle. We placed a mediastinal chest tube and brought it out through the skin. We also placed 2 Blake drains, 1 in the left chest and 1 in the right chest, as the patient had some bilateral pleural effusions. They were brought out through the skin. The sternum was closed with #7 wires in an interrupted figure-of-eight fashion. The fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl. We closed the subcu tissue with 2-0 Vicryl and the skin with 4-0 PDS. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Severe menometrorrhagia unresponsive to medical therapy.,2. Anemia.,3. Symptomatic fibroid uterus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Severe menometrorrhagia unresponsive to medical therapy.,2. Anemia.,3. Symptomatic fibroid uterus.,PROCEDURE: , Total abdominal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 150 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDING: ,Large fibroid uterus.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for an abdominal procedure. A scalpel was used to make a Pfannenstiel skin incision, which was carried down sharply through the subcutaneous tissue to the fascia. The fascia was nicked in the midline and incision was carried laterally bilaterally with curved Mayo scissors. The fascia was then bluntly and sharply dissected free from the underlying rectus abdominis muscles. The rectus abdominis muscles were then bluntly dissected in the midline and this incision was carried forward inferiorly and superiorly with care taken to avoid bladder and bowel. The peritoneum was then bluntly entered and this incision was carried forward inferiorly and superiorly with care taken to avoid bladder and bowel. The O'Connor-O'Sullivan instrument was then placed without difficulty. The uterus was grasped with a thyroid clamp and the entire pelvis was then visualized without difficulty. The GIA stapling instrument was then used to separate the infundibulopelvic ligament in a ligated fashion from the body of the uterus. This was performed on the left infundibulopelvic ligament and the right infundibulopelvic ligament without difficulty. Hemostasis was noted at this point of the procedure. The bladder flap was then developed free from the uterus without difficulty. Careful dissection of the uterus from the pedicle with the uterine arteries and cardinal ligaments was then performed using #1 chromic suture ligature in an interrupted fashion on the left and right side. This was done without difficulty. The uterine fundus was then separated from the uterine cervix without difficulty. This specimen was sent to pathology for identification. The cervix was then developed with careful dissection. Jorgenson scissors were then used to remove the cervix from the vaginal cuff. This was sent to pathology for identification. Hemostasis was noted at this point of the procedure. A #1 chromic suture ligature was then used in running fashion at the angles and along the cuff. Hemostasis was again noted. Figure-of-eight sutures were then used in an interrupted fashion to close the cuff. Hemostasis was again noted. The entire pelvis was washed. Hemostasis was noted. The peritoneum was then closed using 2-0 chromic suture ligature in running pursestring fashion. The rectus abdominis muscles were approximated using #1 chromic suture ligature in an interrupted fashion. The fascia was closed using 0 Vicryl in interlocking running fashion. Foundation sutures were then placed in an interrupted fashion for further closing the fascia. The skin was closed with staple gun. Sponge and needle counts were noted to be correct x2 at the end of the procedure. Instrument count was noted to be correct x2 at the end of the procedure. Hemostasis was noted at each level of closure. The patient tolerated the procedure well and went to recovery room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Pelvic pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarged fibroid uterus.,2. Pelvic pain.,3. Pelvic endometriosis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Total abdominal hysterectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and spinal with Astramorph.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 200 cc.,FLUIDS: ,2400 cc of crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT: , 100 cc of clear urine.,INDICATIONS:, This is a 40-year-old female gravida-0 with a history of longstanding enlarged fibroid uterus. On ultrasound, the uterus measured 14 cm x 6.5 cm x 7.8 cm. She had received two dosage of Lupron to help shrink the fibroid. Her most recent Pap smear was normal.,FINDINGS: , On a manual exam, the uterus is enlarged approximately 14 to 16 weeks size with multiple fibroids palpated. On laparotomy, the uterus did have multiple pedunculated fibroids, the largest being approximately 7 cm. The bilateral tubes and ovaries appeared normal.,There was evidence of endometriosis on the posterior wall of the uterus as well as the bilateral infundibulopelvic ligament. There was some adhesions of the bowel to the left ovary and infundibulopelvic ligament and as well as to the right infundibulopelvic ligament.,PROCEDURE:, After consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room where spinal anesthetic was first administered and then general anesthetic. The patient was placed in the dorsal supine position and prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. A Pfannenstiel skin incision was made and carried to the underlying Mayo fashion using the second knife. The fascia was incised in midline and the incision extended laterally using Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the fascial incision was grasped with Kocher clamps, tented up, and dissected off the underlying rectus muscle both bluntly and sharply with Mayo scissors. Attention was then turned to the inferior aspect of the incision, which in a similar fashion was grasped with Kocher clamps, tented up and dissected off the underlying rectus muscles. The rectus muscles were separated in the midline and the peritoneum was identified, grasped with hemostat, and entered sharply with Metzenbaum scissors. This incision was extended superiorly and inferiorly with good visualization of the bladder. The uterus was then brought up out of the incision. The bowel adhesions were carefully taken down using Metzenbaum scissors. Good hemostasis was noted at this point. The self-retaining retractor was then placed. The bladder blade was placed. The bowel was gently packed with moist laparotomy sponges and held in place with the blade on the GYN extension. The uterus was then grasped with a Lahey clamp and brought up out of the incision. The left round ligament was identified and grasped with Allis clamp and tented up. A hemostat was passed in the avascular area beneath the round ligament. A suture #0 Vicryl was used to suture ligate the round ligament. Two hemostats were placed across the round ligament proximal to the previously placed suture and the Mayo scissors were used to transect the round ligament. An avascular area of the broad ligament was then identified and entered bluntly. The suture of #0 Vicryl was then used to suture ligate the left uterovarian ligament. Two straight Ochsner's were placed across the uterovarian ligament proximal to the previous suture. The ligament was then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. Attention was then turned to the right round ligament, which in a similar fashion was tented up with an Allis clamp. An avascular area was entered beneath the round ligament using a hemostat and the round ligament was suture ligated and transected. An avascular area of the broad ligament was then entered bluntly and the right uterovarian ligament was then suture ligated with #0 Vicryl.,Two straight Ochsner's were placed across the ligament proximal to previous suture. This was then transected and suture ligated again with #0 Vicryl. The left uterine peritoneum was then identified and grasped with Allis clamps. The vesicouterine peritoneum was then transected and then entered using Metzenbaum scissors. This incision was extended across the anterior portion of the uterus and the bladder flap was taken down. It was sharply advanced with Metzenbaum scissors and then bluntly using a moist Ray-Tec. The Ray-Tec was left in place at this point to ensure that the bladder was below the level of the cervix. The bilateral uterine arteries then were skeletonized with Metzenbaum scissors and clamped bilaterally using straight Ochsner's. Each were then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. A curved Ochsner was then placed on either side of the cervix. The tissue was transected using a long knife and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. Incidentally, prior to taking down the round ligaments, a pedunculated fibroid and the right fundal portion of the uterus was injected with Vasopressin and removed using a Bovie. The cervix was then grasped with a Lahey clamp. The cervicovaginal fascia was then taken down first using the long-handed knife and then a back handle of the knife to bring the fascia down below the level of the cervix. A double-pointed scissors were used to enter the vaginal vault below the level of the cervix. A straight Ochsner was placed on the vaginal vault. The Jorgenson scissors were used to amputate the cervix and the uterus off of the underlying vaginal tissue. The vaginal cuff was then reapproximated with #0 Vicryl in a running locked fashion and the pelvis was copiously irrigated. There was a small area of bleeding noted on the underside of the bladder. The bladder was tented up using an Allis clamp and a figure-of-eight suture of #3-0 Vicryl was placed with excellent hemostasis noted at this point. The uterosacral ligaments were then incorporated into the vaginal cuff and the cuff was synched down. A figure-of-eight suture of #0 Vicryl was placed in the midline of the vaginal cuff in attempt to incorporate the bilateral round ligament. The round ligament was too short. It would be a maximal amount of stretch to incorporate, therefore, only the left round ligament was incorporated into the vaginal cuff. The bilateral adnexal areas were then re-peritonealized with #3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The bladder flap was reapproximated to the vaginal cuff using one interrupted suture. The pelvis was again irrigated at this point with excellent hemostasis noted. Approximately 200 cc of saline with methylene blue was placed into the Foley to inflate the bladder. There was no spillage of blue fluid into the abdomen. The fluid again was allowed to drain. All sponges were then removed and the bowel was allowed to return to its anatomical position. The peritoneum was then reapproximated with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The fascia was reapproximated also with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The skin was then closed with staples.,A previously placed Betadine soaked Ray-Tec was removed from the patient's vagina and sponge stick was used to assess any bleeding in the vaginal vault. There was no appreciable bleeding. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. She will be followed immediately postoperatively within the hospital. | Surgery |
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Chronic adenotonsillitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal tube.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimum, less than 5 cc.,SPECIMENS:, Right and left tonsils 2+, adenoid pad 1+. There was no adenoid specimen.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 9-year-old Caucasian male with history of recurrent episodes of adenotonsillitis that has been refractory to outpatient antibiotic therapy. The patient has had approximately four to five episodes of adenotonsillitis per year for the last three to four years.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was properly obtained from the patient's parents and the patient was taken to the operating room #3 and was placed in a supine position. He was placed under general endotracheal tube anesthesia by the Department of Anesthesia. The bed was then rolled away from Department of Anesthesia. A shoulder roll was then placed beneath the shoulder blades and a blue towel was then fashioned as a turban wrap. The McIvor mouth gag was carefully positioned into the patient's mouth with attention to avoid the teeth.,The retractor was then opened and the oropharynx was visualized. The adenoid pad was then visualized with a laryngeal mirror. The adenoids appeared to be 1+ and non-obstructing. There was no evidence of submucosal cleft palate palpable. There was no evidence of bifid uvula. A curved Allis clamp was then used to grasp the superior pole of the right tonsil. The tonsil was then retracted inferiorly and medially. Bovie cautery was used to make an incision on the mucosa of the right anterior tonsillar pillar to find the appropriate plane of dissection. The tonsil was then dissected out within this plane using a Bovie. Tonsillar sponge was re-applied to the tonsillar fossa. Suction cautery was then used to adequately obtain hemostasis with the tonsillar fossa. Attention was then directed to the left tonsil. The curved Allis was used to grasp the superior pole of the left tonsil and it was retracted inferiorly and medially. Bovie cautery was used to make an incision in the mucosa of the left anterior tonsillar pillar and define the appropriate plane of dissection. The tonsil was then dissected out within this plane using the Bovie. Next, complete hemostasis was achieved within the tonsillar fossae using suction cautery. After adequate hemostasis was obtained, attention was directed towards the adenoid pad. The adenoid pad was again visualized and appeared 1+ and was non-obstructing. Decision was made to use suction cautery to cauterize the adenoids. Using a laryngeal mirror under direct visualization, the adenoid pad was then cauterized with care to avoid the eustachian tube orifices as well as the soft palate and inferior turbinates. After cauterization was complete, the nasopharynx was again visualized and tonsillar sponge was applied. Adequate hemostasis was achieved. The tonsillar fossae were again visualized and no evidence of bleeding was evident. The throat pack was removed from the oropharynx and the oropharynx was suctioned. There was no evidence of any further bleeding. A flexible suction catheter was then used to suction out the nasopharynx to the oropharynx. The suction catheter was also used to suction up the stomach. Final look revealed no evidence of further bleeding and 10 mg of Decadron was given intraoperatively.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient tolerated the procedure well and the patient was transported to the recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent tonsillitis.,2. Deeply cryptic hypertrophic tonsils with numerous tonsillolith.,3. Residual adenoid hypertrophy and recurrent epistaxis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent tonsillitis.,2. Deeply cryptic hypertrophic tonsils with numerous tonsillolith.,3. Residual adenoid hypertrophy and recurrent epistaxis.,FINAL DIAGNOSES,1. Recurrent tonsillitis.,2. Deeply cryptic hypertrophic tonsils with numerous tonsillolith.,3. Residual adenoid hypertrophy and recurrent epistaxis.,OPERATION PERFORMED,1. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.,2. Left superficial nasal cauterization.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room. Endotracheal intubation carried out by Dr. X. The McIvor mouth gag was inserted and gently suspended. Afrin was instilled in both sides of the nose and allowed to take effect for a period of time. The hypertrophic tonsils were then removed by the suction and snare. Deeply cryptic changes as expected were evident. Bleeding was minimal and controlled with packing followed by electrocautery followed by extensive additional irrigation. An inspection of the nasopharynx confirmed that the adenoids were in fact hypertrophic rubbery cryptic and obstructive. They were shaved back, flushed with prevertebral fascia with curette. Hemostasis established with packing followed by electrocautery. In light of his history of recurring nosebleeds, both sides of the nose were carefully inspected. A nasal endoscope was used to identify the plexus of bleeding, which was predominantly on the left mid portion of the septum that was controlled with broad superficial cauterization using a suction cautery device. The bleeding was admittedly a bit of a annoyance. An additional control was established by infiltrating slowly with a 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine around the perimeter of the bleeding site and then cauterizing the bleeding site itself. No additional bleeding was then evident. The oropharynx was reinspected, clots removed, the patient was extubated, taken to the recovery room in stable condition. Discharge will be anticipated later in the day on Lortab plus amoxicillin plus Ponaris nose drops. Office recheck anticipated if stable and doing well in three to four weeks. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy with chronic recurrent pharyngitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy with chronic recurrent pharyngitis.,SURGICAL PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal technique.,SURGICAL FINDINGS: ,A 4+/4+ cryptic and hypertrophic tonsils with 2+/3+ hypertrophic adenoid pads.,INDICATIONS: , We were requested to evaluate the patient for complaints of enlarged tonsils, which cause difficulty swallowing, recurrent pharyngitis, and sleep-induced respiratory disturbance. She was evaluated and scheduled for an elective procedure.,DESCRIPTION OF SURGERY: ,The patient was brought to the operative suite and placed supine on the operating room table. General anesthetic was administered. Once appropriate anesthetic findings were achieved, the patient was intubated and prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner for a tonsillectomy. He was placed in semi-Rose ___ position and a Crowe Davis-type mouth gag was introduced into the oropharynx. Under an operating headlight, the oropharynx was clearly visualized. The right tonsil was grasped with the fossa triangularis and using electrocautery enucleation technique, was removed from its fossa. This followed placing the patient in a suspension position using a McIvor-type mouth gag and a red rubber Robinson catheter via the right naris. Once the right tonsil was removed, the left tonsil was removed in a similar manner, once again using a needle point Bovie dissection at 20 watts. With the tonsils removed, it was possible to visualize the adenoid pads. The oropharynx was irrigated and the adenoid pad evaluated with an indirect mirror technique. The adenoid pad was greater than 2+/4 and hypertrophic. It was removed with successive passes of electrocautery suction. The tonsillar fossa was then once again hemostased with suction cautery, injected with 0.5% ropivacaine with 1:100,000 adrenal solution and then closed with 2-0 Monocryl on an SH needle. The redundant soft tissue of the uvula was removed posteriorly and cauterized with electrocautery to prevent swelling of the uvula in the postoperative period. The patient's oropharynx and nasopharynx were irrigated with copious amounts of normal saline contained with small amount of iodine, and she was recovered from her general endotracheal anesthetic. She was extubated and left the operating room in good condition to the postoperative recovery room area.,Estimated blood loss was minimal. There were no complications. Specimens produced were right and left tonsils. The adenoid pad was ablated with electrocautery. | Surgery |
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and prepped and draped in the usual fashion after induction of general endotracheal anesthesia. The McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity, and a tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll placed on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction.,The nasopharynx was inspected with a laryngeal mirror. The adenoid tissue was fulgurated with the suction Bovie set at 35. The catheters and the dental gauze roll were then removed. The anterior tonsillar pillars were infiltrated with 0.5% Marcaine and epinephrine. Using the radiofrequency wand, the tonsils were ablated bilaterally. If bleeding occurred, it was treated with the wand on coag mode using a coag mode of 3 and an ablation mode of 9. The tonsillectomy was completed.,The nasopharynx and nasal passages were suctioned free of debris, and the procedure was terminated.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate with deviation of nasal septum.,OPERATION:, Tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General anesthetics.,HISTORY: , This is a 51-year-old gentleman here with his wife. She confirms the history of loud snoring at night with witnessed apnea. The result of the sleep study was reviewed. This showed moderate sleep apnea with significant desaturation. The patient was unable to tolerate treatment with CPAP. At the office, we observed large tonsils and elongation and thickening of the uvula as well as redundant soft tissue of the palate. A tortuous appearance of the septum also was observed. This morning, I talked to the patient and his wife about the findings. I reviewed the CT images. He has no history of sinus infections and does not recall a history of nasal trauma. We discussed the removal of tonsils and uvula and soft palate tissue and the hope that this would help with his airway. Depending on the findings of surgery, I explained that I might remove that bone spur that we are seeing within the nasal passage. I will get the best look at it when he is asleep. We discussed recovery as well. He visited with Dr. XYZ about the anesthetic produce.,PROCEDURE:,: General tracheal anesthetic was administered by Dr. XYZ and Mr. Radke. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils and a cottonoid soaked with Afrin was placed in each side of the nose. A Crowe-Davis mouth gag was placed. The tonsils were very large and touched the uvula. The uvula was relatively long and very thick and there were redundant folds of soft palate mucosa and prominent posterior and anterior tonsillar pillars. Also, there was a cryptic appearance of the tonsils but there was no acute redness or exudate. Retraction of the soft palate permitted evaluation of the nasopharynx with the mirror and the choanae were patent and there was no adenoid tissue present. A very crowded pharynx was appreciated. The tonsils were first removed using electrodissection technique. Hemostasis was achieved with the electrocautery and with sutures of 0 plain catgut. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. There already was more room in the pharynx, but the posterior pharyngeal wall was still obscured by the soft palate and uvula. The uvula was grasped with the Alice clamp. I palpated the posterior edge of the hard palate and calculated removal of about a third of the length of the soft palate. We switched over from the Bayonet cautery to the blunt needle tip electrocautery. The planned anterior soft palate incision was marked out with the electrocautery from the left anterior tonsillar pillar rising upwards and then extending horizontally across the soft palate to include all of the uvula and a portion of the soft palate, and the incision then extended across the midline and then inferiorly to meet the right anterior tonsillar pillar. This incision was then deepened with the electrocautery on a cutting current. The uvular artery just to the right of the midline was controlled with the suction electrocautery. The posterior soft palate incision was made parallel to the anterior soft palate incision but was made leaving a longer length of mucosa to permit closure of the palatoplasty. A portion of the redundant soft palate mucosa tissue also was included with the resection specimen and the tissue including the soft palate and uvula was included with the surgical specimen as the tonsils were sent to pathology. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The soft palate was also injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The posterior tonsillar pillars were then brought forward to close to the anterior tonsillar pillars and these were sutured down to the tonsil bed with interrupted 0 plain catgut sutures. The posterior soft palate mucosa was advanced forward and brought up to the anterior soft palate incision and closure of the soft palate wound was then accomplished with interrupted 3-0 chromic catgut sutures. A much improved appearance of the oropharynx with a greatly improved airway was appreciated. A moist tonsil sponge was placed into the nasopharynx and the mouth gag was removed. I removed the cottonoids from both nostrils. Speculum exam showed the inferior turbinates were large, the septum was tortuous and it angulated to the right and then sharply bent back to the left. The septum was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine using a separate syringe and needle. A #15 blade was used to make a left cheilion incision.,Mucoperichondrium and mucoperiosteum were elevated with the Cottle elevator. When we reached the deflected portion of the vomer, this was separated from the septal cartilage with a Freer elevator. The right-sided mucoperiosteum was elevated with the Freer elevator and then with Takahashi forceps and with the 4 mm osteotome, the deflected portion of the septal bone from the vomer was resected. This tissue also was sent as a separate specimen to pathology. The intraseptal space was irrigated with saline and suctioned. The nasal septal mucosal flaps were then sutured together with a quilting suture of 4-0 plain catgut. I observed no evidence of purulent secretion or polyp formation within the nostrils. The inferior turbinates were then both outfractured using a knife handle, and now there was a much more patent nasal airway on both sides. There was good support for the nasal tip and the dorsum and there was good hemostasis within the nose. No packing was used in the nostrils. Polysporin ointment was introduced into both nostrils. The mouth gag was reintroduced and the pack removed from the nasopharynx. The nose and throat were irrigated with saline and suctioned. An orogastric tube was placed and a moderate amount of clear fluid suctioned from the stomach and this tube was removed. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The mouth gag having been withdrawn, the patient was then awakened and returned to recovery room in a satisfactory condition. He tolerated the operation excellently. Estimated blood loss was about 15-20 cc. In the recovery room, I observed that he was moving air well and I spoke with his wife about the findings of surgery. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Chronic tonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic tonsillitis.,PROCEDURE: ,Tonsillectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Under general orotracheal anesthesia, a Crowe-Davis mouth gag was inserted and suspended. Tonsils were removed by electrocautery dissection and the tonsillar beds were injected with Marcaine 0.25% plain. A catheter was inserted in the nose and brought out from mouth. The throat was irrigated with saline. There was no further bleeding. The patient was awakened and extubated and moved to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Tonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Tonsillitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Tonsillectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and prepped and draped in the usual fashion. After induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity and a tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction. The nasopharynx was inspected with the laryngeal mirror.,Attention was then directed to the right tonsil. The anterior tonsillar pillar was infiltrated with 1.5 cc of 1% Xylocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine, as was the left tonsillar pillar. The right tonsil was grasped with the tenaculum and retracted out of its fossa. The anterior tonsillar pillar was incised with the #12 knife blade. The plica semilunaris was incised with the Metzenbaum scissors. Using the Metzenbaum scissors and the Fisher knife, the tonsil was dissected free of its fossa onto an inferior pedicle around which the tonsillar snare was placed and applied. The tonsil was removed from the fossa and the fossa packed with a cherry gauze sponge as previously described. By a similar procedure, the opposite tonsillectomy was performed and the fossa was packed.,Attention was re-directed to the right tonsil. The pack was removed and bleeding was controlled with the suction Bovie unit. Bleeding was then similarly controlled in the left tonsillar fossa and the nasopharynx after removal of the packs. The catheters were then removed. The nasal passages and oropharynx were suctioned free of debris. The procedure was terminated.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,OPERATIONS:, Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , The patient is 5-1/2 years old. She is here this morning with her Mom. She has very large tonsils and she snores at night and gets up frequently at night and does not sleep well. At the office we saw the tonsils were very big. There was a rock in the right ear and it was very deep in the canal, near the drum. We will remove the foreign body under the same anesthetic.,PROCEDURE:,: Natalie was placed under general anesthetic by the orotracheal route of administration, under Dr. XYZ and Ms. B. I looked into the left ear under the microscope, took out a little wax and observed a normal eardrum. On the right side, I took out some impacted wax and removed the rock with a large suction. It was actually resting on the surface of the drum but had not scarred or damaged the drum. The drum was intact with no evidence of middle ear fluid. The microscope was set aside. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils. The neck was gently extended and the Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted. The tonsils and adenoids were very large. The uvula was intact. Adenoidectomy was performed using the adenoid curette with a tonsil sponge placed into the nasopharynx. Tonsillectomy accomplished by sharp and blunt dissection. Hemostasis achieved with electrocautery and the tonsils beds injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Sutures of zero plain catgut next were used to re-approximate the posterior to the anterior tonsillar pillars, suturing these down to the tonsillar beds. Sponge is removed from the nasopharynx. The suction electrocautery was used for pinpoint hemostasis on the adenoid bed. We made sure the cautery tip did not come into the contact with the soft palate or the eustachian tube orifices. The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned. Excellent hemostasis was observed. An orogastric tube was placed. The stomach found to be empty. The tube was removed, as was the mouth gag. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The child was then awakened and prepared for her to return to the recovery room. She tolerated the operation excellently. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic tonsillitis with symptomatic tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic tonsillitis with symptomatic tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,FINDINGS: , The tonsils were 3+ enlarged and cryptic.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, Under general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube, the patient was placed in supine position. A mouth gag was inserted and suspended from Mayo stand. Red rubber catheter was placed through the nose and pulled up through the mouth with elevation of the palate. The adenoid area was inspected. The adenoids were small. The left tonsil was grasped with a tonsil tenaculum. The tonsil was removed with the Gold laser. The apposite tonsil was removed in a similar manner. Hemostasis was secured with electrocautery. Both tonsillar fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with adrenaline. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Thyroid goiter.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Thyroid goiter.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Total thyroidectomy.,ANESTHESIA:,1. General endotracheal anesthesia.,2. 9 cc of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PATHOLOGY: , Thyroid.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a female with a history of Graves disease. Suppression was attempted, however, unsuccessful. She presents today with her thyroid goiter. A thyroidectomy was indicated at this time secondary to the patient's chronic condition. Indications, alternatives, risks, consequences, benefits, and details of the procedure including specifically the risk of recurrent laryngeal nerve paresis or paralysis or vocal cord dysfunction and possible trach were discussed with the patient in detail. She agreed to proceed. A full informed consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE: , The patient presented to ABCD General Hospital on 09/04/2003 with the history was reviewed and physical examinations was evaluated. The patient was brought by the Department of Anesthesiology, brought back to surgical suite and given IV access and general endotracheal anesthesia. A 9 cc of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 of epinephrine was infiltrated into the area of pre-demarcated above the suprasternal notch. Time is allowed for full hemostasis to be achieved. The patient was then prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A #10 blade was then utilized to make an incision in the pre-demarcated and anesthetized area. Unipolar electrocautery was utilized for hemostasis. Finger dissection was carried out in the superior and inferior planes. Platysma was identified and dissected and a subplatysmal plane was created in the superior and inferior, medial and lateral directions using hemostat, Metzenbaum, and blunt dissection. The strap muscles were identified. The midline raphe was not easily identifiable at this time. An incision was made through what appeared to be in the midline raphe and dissection was carried down to the thyroid. Sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles were identified and separated on the patient's right side and then subsequently on the left side. It was noted at this time that the thyroid lobule on the right side is a bi-lobule. Kitner blunt dissection was utilized to bluntly dissect the overlying thyroid fascia as well as strap muscles off the thyroid, force in the lateral direction. This was carried down to the inferior and superior areas. The superior pole of the right lobule was then identified. A hemostat was placed in the cricothyroid groove and a Kitner was placed in this area. A second Kitner was placed on lateral aspect of the superior pole and the superior pole of the right thyroid was retracted inferiorly. Careful dissection was then carried out in a very meticulous fashion in the superior lobe and identified the appropriate vessels and cauterized with bipolar or ligated with the suture ligature. This was carried out until the superior pole was identified. Careful attention was made to avoid nerve injury in this area. Dissection was then carried down again bluntly separating the inferior and superior lobes. The bilobed right thyroid was then retracted medially. The recurrent laryngeal nerve was then identified and tracked to its insertion. The overlying vessels of the middle thyroid vein as well as the associated structures were then identified and great attention was made to perform a right careful meticulous dissection to remove the fascial attachments superficial to the recurrent laryngeal nerve off the thyroid. When it was completed, this lobule was then removed from Berry's ligament. There was noted to be no isthmus at this time and the entire right lobule was then sent to the Pathology for further evaluation. Attention was then diverted to the patient's left side. In a similar fashion, the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles were already separated. Army-Navy as well as femoral retractors were utilized to lateralize the appropriate musculature. The middle thyroid vein was identified. Blunt dissection was carried out laterally to superiorly once again. A hemostat was utilized to make an opening in the cricothyroid groove and a Kitner was then placed in this area. Another Kitner was placed on the lateral aspect of the superior lobe of the left thyroid and retracted inferiorly. Once again, a careful meticulous dissection was utilized to identify the appropriate structures in the superior pole of the left thyroid and suture ligature as well as bipolar cautery was utilized for hemostasis. Once again, a careful attention was made not to injure the nerve in this area. The superior pole was then freed appropriately and blunt dissection was carried down to lateral and inferior aspects. The inferior aspect was then identified. The inferior thyroid artery and vein were then identified and ligated. The left thyroid was then medialized and the recurrent laryngeal nerve has been identified. A careful dissection was then carried out to remove the fascial attachments superficial to the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the side as close to the thyroid gland as possible. The thyroid was then removed from the Berry's ligament and it was then sent to Pathology for further evaluation. Evaluation of the visceral space did not reveal any bleeding at this time. This was irrigated and pinpoint areas were bipolored as necessary. Surgicel was then placed bilaterally. The strap muscles as well as the appropriate fascial attachments were then approximated with a #3-0 Vicryl suture in the midline. The platysma was identified and approximated with a #4-0 Vicryl suture and the subdermal plane was approximated with a #4-0 Vicryl suture. A running suture consisting of #5-0 Prolene suture was then placed and fast absorbing #6-0 was then placed in a running fashion. Steri-Strips, Tincoban, bacitracin and a pressure gauze was then placed. The patient was then admitted for further evaluation and supportive care. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was transferred to Postanesthesia Care Unit in stable condition. | Surgery |
OPERATIVE PROCEDURE,1. Thromboendarterectomy of right common, external, and internal carotid artery utilizing internal shunt and Dacron patch angioplasty closure.,2. Coronary artery bypass grafting x3 utilizing left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending, and reverse autogenous saphenous vein graft to the obtuse marginal, posterior descending branch of the right coronary artery. Total cardiopulmonary bypass,cold blood potassium cardioplegia, antegrade and retrograde, for myocardial protection, placement of temporary pacing wires.,DESCRIPTION:, The patient was brought to the operating room, placed in supine position. Adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was induced. Appropriate monitoring lines were placed. The chest, abdomen and legs were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The greater saphenous vein was harvested from the right upper leg through interrupted skin incisions and was prepared by ligating all branches with 4-0 silk and flushing with vein solution. The leg was closed with running 3-0 Dexon subcu, and running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular on the skin, and later wrapped. A median sternotomy incision was made and the left internal mammary artery was dissected free from its takeoff at the subclavian to its bifurcation at the diaphragm and surrounded with papaverine-soaked gauze. The sternum was closed. A right carotid incision was made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and carried down to and through the platysma. The deep fascia was divided. The facial vein was divided between clamps and tied with 2-0 silk. The common carotid artery, takeoff of the external and internal carotid arteries were dissected free, with care taken to identify and preserve the hypoglossal and vagus nerves. The common carotid artery was double-looped with umbilical tape, takeoff of the external was looped with a heavy silk, distal internal was double-looped with a heavy silk. Shunts were prepared. A patch was prepared. Heparin 50 mg was given IV. Clamp was placed on the beginning of the takeoff of the external and the proximal common carotid artery. Distal internal was held with a forceps. Internal carotid artery was opened with 11-blade. Potts scissors were then used to extend the aortotomy through the lesion into good internal carotid artery beyond. The shunt was placed and proximal and distal snares were tightened. Endarterectomy was carried out under direct vision in the common carotid artery and the internal reaching a fine, feathery distal edge using eversion on the external. All loose debris was removed and Dacron patch was then sutured in place with running 6-0 Prolene suture, removing the shunt just prior to completing the suture line. Suture line was completed and the neck was packed.,The pericardium was opened. A pericardial cradle was created. The patient was heparinized for cardiopulmonary bypass, cannulated with a single aortic and single venous cannula. A retrograde cardioplegia cannula was placed with a pursestring of 4-0 Prolene into the coronary sinus, and secured to a Rumel tourniquet. An antegrade cardioplegia needle sump was placed in the ascending aorta and cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted. The ascending aorta was cross-clamped and cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given antegrade, a total of 5 cc per kg. This was followed sumping of the ascending aorta and retrograde cardioplegia, a total of 5 cc per kg to the coronary sinus. The obtuse marginal 1 coronary was identified and opened, and an end-to-side anastomosis was then performed with running 7-0 Prolene suture. The vein was cut to length. Antegrade and retrograde cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given. The obtuse marginal 2 was not felt to be suitable for bypass, therefore, the posterior descending of the right coronary was identified and opened, and an end-to-side anastomosis was then performed with running 7-0 Prolene suture to reverse autogenous saphenous vein. The vein was cut to length. The mammary was clipped distally, divided and spatulated for anastomosis. Antegrade and retrograde cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given. The anterior descending was identified and opened. the mammary was then sutured to this with running 8-0 Prolene suture. Warm blood potassium cardioplegia was given, and the cross-clamp was removed. A partial-occlusion clamp was placed. Two aortotomies were made. The veins were cut to fit these and sutured in place with running 5-0 Prolene suture. The partial- occlusion clamp was removed. All anastomoses were inspected and noted to be patent and dry. Atrial and ventricular pacing wires were placed. Ventilation was commenced. The patient was fully warmed. The patient was weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass and de-cannulated in a routine fashion. Protamine was given. Good hemostasis was noted. A single mediastinal chest tube and bilateral pleural Blake drains were placed. The sternum was closed with figure-of-eight stainless steel wire, the linea alba with figure-of-eight #1 Vicryl, the sternal fascia with running #1 Vicryl, the subcu with running 2-0 Dexon and the skin with a running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular stitch. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right lateral base of tongue lesion, probable cancer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right lateral base of tongue lesion, probable cancer.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Excisional biopsy with primary closure of a 4 mm right lateral base of tongue lesion.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,FINDINGS: , An ulceration in the right lateral base of tongue region. This was completely excised.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 5 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid only.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS:, None.,CONDITION:, Stable.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient placed supine in position under general anesthesia. First a Sweetheart gag was placed in the patient's mouth and the mouth was elevated. The lesion in the tongue could be seen. Then, it was injected with 1% lidocaine and 1:100,00 epinephrine. After 5 minutes of waiting, then an elliptical incision was made around this mass with electrocautery and then it was sharply dissected off the muscular layer and removed in total. Suction cautery was used for hemostasis. Then, 3 simple interrupted #4-0 Vicryl sutures were used to close the wound and procedure was then terminated at that time. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, L4-L5 and L5-S1 degenerative disk disease/disk protrusions/spondylosis with radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, L4-L5 and L5-S1 degenerative disk disease/disk protrusions/spondylosis with radiculopathy.,PROCEDURE:,1. Left L4-L5 and L5-S1 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF).,2. L4 to S1 fixation (Danek M8 system).,3. Right posterolateral L4 to S1 fusion.,4. Placement of intervertebral prosthetic device (Danek Capstone spacers L4-L5 and L5-S1).,5. Vertebral autograft plus bone morphogenetic protein (BMP).,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,SPECIMENS:, Portions of excised L4-L5 and L5-S1 disks.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 300 mL.,FLUIDS GIVEN:, IV crystalloid.,OPERATIVE INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 37-year-old male presenting with a history of chronic, persistent low back pain as well as left lower extremity of radicular character were recalcitrant to conservative management. Preoperative imaging studies revealed the above-noted abnormalities. After a detailed review of management considerations with the patient and his wife, he was elected to proceed as noted above.,Operative indications, methods, potential benefits, risks and alternatives were reviewed. The patient and his wife expressed understanding and consented to proceed as above.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS:, L4-L5 and L5-S1 disk protrusion with configuration as anticipated from preoperative imaging studies. Pedicle screw placement appeared satisfactory with satisfactory purchase and positioning noted at all sites as well as satisfactory findings upon probing of the pedicular tracts at each site. In addition, all pedicle screws were stimulated with findings of above threshold noted at all sites. Spacer snugness and positioning appeared satisfactory. Electrophysiological monitoring was carried out throughout the procedure and remained stable with no undue changes reported.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, After obtaining proper patient identification and appropriate preoperative informed consent, the patient was taken to the operating room on a hospital stretcher in the supine position. After the induction of satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia and placement of appropriate monitoring equipment by Anesthesiology as well as placement of electrophysiological monitoring equipment by the Neurology team, the patient was carefully turned to the prone position and placed upon the padded Jackson table with appropriate additional padding placed as needed. The patient's posterior lumbosacral region was thoroughly cleansed and shaved. The patient was then scrubbed, prepped and draped in the usual manner. After local infiltration with 1% lidocaine with 1: 200,000 epinephrine solution, a posterior midline skin incision was made extending from approximately L3 to the inferior aspect of the sacrum. Dissection was continued in the midline to the level of the posterior fascia. Self-retaining retractors were placed and subsequently readjusted as needed. The fascia was opened in the midline, and the standard subperiosteal dissection was then carried out to expose the posterior and posterolateral elements from L3-L4 to the sacrum bilaterally with lateral exposure carried out to the lateral aspect of the transverse processes of L4 and L5 as well as the sacral alae bilaterally. _____ by completing the exposure, pedicle screw fixation was carried out in the following manner. Screws were placed in systematic caudal in a cranial fashion. The pedicle screw entry sites were chosen using standard dorsal landmarks and fluoroscopic guidance as needed. Cortical openings were created at these sites using a small burr. The pedicular tracts were then preliminarily prepared using a Lenke pedicle finder. They were then probed and subsequently tapped employing fluoroscopic guidance as needed. Each site was "under tapped" and reprobed with satisfactory findings noted as above. Screws in the following dimensions were placed. 6.5-mm diameter screws were placed at all sites. At S1, 40-mm length screws were placed bilaterally. At L5, 40-mm length screws were placed bilaterally, and at L4, 40-mm length screws were placed bilaterally with findings as noted above. The rod was then contoured to span from the L4 to the S1 screws on the right. The distraction was placed across the L4-L5 interspace, and the connections were temporarily secured. Using a matchstick burr, a trough was then carefully created slightly off the midline of the left lamina extending from its caudal aspect to its more cranial aspect at the foraminal level. This was longitudinally oriented. A transverse trough was similarly carefully created from the cranial point of the longitudinal trough out to the lateral aspect of the pars against the foraminal level that is slightly caudal to the L4 pedicle. This trough was completed to the level of the ligamentum flavum using small angled curettes and Kerrison rongeurs, and this portion of the lamina along with the inferior L4 articular process was then removed as a unit using rongeurs and curettes. The cranial aspect of the left L5 superior articular process was then removed using a small burr and angled curettes and Kerrison rongeurs. A superior laminotomy was performed from the left L5 lamina and flavectomy was then carried out across this region of decompression, working from caudally to cranially and medially to laterally, again using curettes and Kerrison rongeurs under direct visualization. In this manner, the left lateral aspect of the thecal sac passing left L5 spinal nerve and exiting left L4 spinal nerve along with posterolateral aspect of disk space was exposed. Local epidural veins were coagulated with bipolar and divided. Gelfoam was then placed in this area. This process was then repeated in similar fashion; thereby, exposing the posterolateral aspect of the left L5-S1 disk space. As noted, distraction had previously been placed at L4-L5, this was released. Distraction was placed across the L5-S1 interspace. After completing satisfactory exposure as noted, a annulotomy was made in the posterolateral left aspect of the L5-S1 disk space. Intermittent neural retraction was employed with due caution afforded to the neural elements throughout the procedure. The disk space was entered, and diskectomy was carried out in routine fashion using pituitary rongeurs followed by the incremental sized disk space shavers as well as straight and then angled TLIF curettes to prepare the front plate. Herniated portions of the disk were also removed in routine fashion. The diskectomy and endplate preparation were carried out working progressively from the left towards the right aspect of the disk across the midline in routine fashion. After completing this disk space preparation, Gelfoam was again placed. The decompression was assessed and appeared to be satisfactory. The distraction was released, and attention was redirected at L4-L5, where again, distraction was placed and diskectomy and endplate preparation was carried out at this interspace again in similar fashion. After completing the disk space preparation, attention was redirected to L5-S1. Distraction was released at L4-L5 and again, reapplied at L5-S1, incrementally increasing size. Trial spaces were used, and a 10-mm height by 26-mm length spacer was chosen. A medium BMP kit was appropriately reconstituted. A BMP sponge containing morcellated vertebral autograft was then placed into the anterior aspect of the disk space. The spacer was then carefully impacted into position. The distraction was released. The spacer was checked with satisfactory snugness and positioning noted. This process was then repeated in similar fashion at L4-L5, again with placement of a 10-mm height by 26-mm length Capstone spacer, again containing BMP and again with initial placement of a BMP sponge with vertebral autograft anteriorly within the interspace. This spacer was also checked again with satisfactory snugness and positioning noted. The prior placement of the spacers and BMP, the wound was thoroughly irrigated and dried with satisfactory hemostasis noted. Surgicel was placed over the exposed dura and disk space. The distraction was released on the right and compression plates across the L5-S1 and L4-L5 interspaces and the connections fully tightened in routine fashion. The posterolateral elements on the right from L4 to S1 were prepared for fusion in routine fashion, and BMP sponges with supplemental vertebral autograft was placed in the posterolateral fusion bed as well as the vertebral autograft in the dorsal aspect of the L4-L5 and L5-S1 facets on the right in a routine fashion. A left-sided rod was appropriated contoured and placed to span between the L4 to S1 screws. Again compression was placed across the L4-L5 and L5-S1 segments, and these connections were fully secured. Thorough hemostasis was ascertained after checking the construct closely and fluoroscopically. The wound was closed using multiple simple interrupted 0-Vicryl sutures to reapproximate the deep paraspinal musculature in the midline. The superficial paraspinal musculature in posterior fashion was closed in the midline using multiple simple interrupted 0-Vicryl sutures. The suprafascial subcutaneous layers were closed using multiple simple interrupted #0 and 2-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was then closed using staples. Sterile dressings were then applied and secured in place. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. | Surgery |
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,Total thyroidectomy for goiter.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,This is a 41-year-old woman who notes that compressive thyroid goiter and symptoms related to such who wishes to undergo surgery. Risks, benefits, alternatives of the procedures were discussed in great detail with the patient. Risks include but were not limited to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, injury to nerve, vocal fold paralysis, hoarseness, low calcium, need for calcium supplementation, tumor recurrence, need for additional treatment, need for thyroid medication, cosmetic deformity, and other. The patient understood all these issues and they wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Multinodular thyroid goiter with compressive symptoms and bilateral dominant thyroid nodules proven to be benign by fine needle aspiration.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Multinodular thyroid goiter with compressive symptoms and bilateral dominant thyroid nodules proven to be benign by fine needle aspiration.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , After identifying the patient, the patient was placed supine in a operating room table. After establishing general anesthesia via oral endotracheal intubation with a 6 Nerve Integrity monitoring system endotracheal tube. The eyes were then tacked with Tegaderm. The Nerve Integrity monitoring system, endotracheal tube was confirmed to be working adequately. Essentially a 7 cm incision was employed in the lower skin crease of the neck. A 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine were given. Shoulder roll was applied. The patient prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 15-blade was used to make the incision. Subplatysmal flaps were raised to the thyroid notch and sternal respectively. The strap muscles were separated in the midline. As we then turned to the left side where the sternohyoid muscle was separated from the sternothyroid muscle there was a very dense and firm thyroid mass on the left side. The sternothyroid muscle was transected horizontally. Similar procedure was performed on the right side.,Attention was then turned to identify the trachea in the midline. Veins in this area and the pretracheal region were ligated with a harmonic scalpel. Subsequently, attention was turned to dissecting the capsule off of the left thyroid lobe. Again this was very firm in nature. The superior thyroid pole was dissected in the superior third artery, vein, and the individual vessels were ligated with a harmonic scalpel. The inferior and superior parathyroid glands were protected. Recurrent laryngeal nerve was identified in the tracheoesophageal groove. This had arborized early as a course underneath the inferior thyroid artery to a very small tiny anterior motor branch. This was followed superiorly. The level of cricothyroid membrane upon complete visualization of the entire nerve, Berry's ligament was transected and the nerve protected and then the thyroid gland was dissected over the trachea. A prominent pyramidal level was also appreciated and dissected as well.,Attention was then turned to the right side. There was significant amount of thyroid tissue that was very firm. Multiple nodules were appreciated. In a similar fashion, the capsule was dissected. The superior and inferior parathyroid glands protected and preserved. The superior thyroid artery and vein were individually ligated with the harmonic scalpel and the inferior thyroid artery was then ligated close to the thyroid gland capsule. Once the recurrent laryngeal nerve was identified again on this side, the nerve had arborized early prior to the coursing underneath the inferior thyroid artery. The anterior motor branch was then very fine, almost filamentous and stimulated at 0.5 milliamps, completely dissected toward the cricothyroid membrane with complete visualization. A small amount of tissue was left at the Berry's ligament as the remainder of thyroid level was dissected over the trachea. The entire thyroid specimen was then removed, marked with a stitch upon the superior pole. The wound was copiously irrigated, Valsalva maneuver was given, bleeding points controlled. The parathyroid glands appeared to be viable. Both the anterior motor branches that were tiny were stimulated at 5 milliamps and confirmed to be working with the Nerve Integrity monitoring system.,Attention was then turned to burying the Surgicel on the wound bed on both sides. The strap muscles were reapproximated in the midline using a 3-0 Vicryl suture of the sternothyroid horizontal transection and the strap muscles in the midline were then reapproximated. The 1/8th inch Hemovac drain was placed and secured with a 3-0 nylon. The incision was then closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl and Indermil for the skin. The patient has a history of keloid formation and approximately 1 cubic centimeter of 40 mg per cubic centimeter Kenalog was injected into the incisional line using a tuberculin syringe and 25-gauge needle. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was extubated in the operating room table, and sent to postanesthesia care unit in a good condition. Upon completion of the case, fiberoptic laryngoscopy revealed intact bilateral true vocal fold mobility. | Surgery |
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , History of compartment syndrome, right lower extremity, status post 4 compartments fasciotomy, to do incision for compartment fasciotomy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , History of compartment syndrome, right lower extremity, status post 4 compartments fasciotomy, to do incision for compartment fasciotomy.,OPERATIONS:,1. Wound debridement x2, including skin, subcutaneous, and muscle.,2. Insertion of tissue expander to the medial wound.,3. Insertion of tissue expander to the lateral wound.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,TOURNIQUET: , None.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,INDICATIONS: , This patient developed a compartment syndrome. She underwent 4 compartment fasciotomy with dual incision on medial and lateral aspect of the right lower leg. She was doing very well and was obviously improving.,The swelling was reduced. A compartment pressure had obviously improved based on examination. She was therefore indicated for placement of tissue expander for ventral wound closure. The risks of procedure as well as alternatives of this procedure were discussed at length with the patient and he understood them well. Risks and benefits were all discussed, risk of bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, damage to nerve roots, need for further surgery, chronic pain with range of motion, risk of continued discomfort, risk of need for further reconstructive procedures, risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and risk of death were discussed. She understood them well. All questions were answered, and she signed the consent for the procedure as described.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE:, The patient was placed on the operating table and general anesthesia was achieved. The medial wound was noted to be approximately 10.5 cm in length x 4 cm. The lateral wound was noted in approximately 14 cm in length x 5 x 5 cm in width. Both wounds were then thoroughly debrided. The debridement of both wounds included skin and subcutaneous tissue and nonviable muscle portion. This involve very small portion of muscle as well as skin edge and the subcutaneous tissue did require debridement on both sides. At this point adequate debridement was performed and healthy tissue did appear to be present. Initially on the medial wound I did place the DermaClose RC continuous external tissue expander. On the medial wound the 5 skin anchors were placed on each side of the wound and separated appropriately. I then did place the line loop from the tension controller in a lace like manner through the skin anchors and the tension controller was attached to the middle anchor. I then did place adequate tension on the sutures. Continued tension will be noted after engaging the tension controller. At this point I performed the similar procedure to the lateral wound. The skin anchors were placed separately and appropriately on either side of the skin margin. The line loop from the tension controller was placed in lace like manner through the skin anchors. The tension controller was then attached to the mid anchor and appropriate tension was applied.,It must be noted I did undermine the skin edges both sides of flap from both incision site prior to placement of the skin anchor and adequate mobilization was obtained. Adequate tension was placed in this region. A non thick dressing was then applied to the open-wound region and sterile dressing was then applied. No complications were encountered throughout the procedure and the patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition. | Surgery |
Subsets and Splits