class WebSocket(object): @classmethod def is_socket(self, environ): if 'upgrade' not in environ.get("HTTP_CONNECTION").lower(): return False if environ.get("HTTP_UPGRADE") != "WebSocket": return False if not environ.get("HTTP_ORIGIN"): return False return True def __init__(self, environ, socket, rfile): # QQQ should reply Bad Request when IOError is raised above # should only log the error message, traceback is not necessary self.origin = environ['HTTP_ORIGIN'] self.protocol = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL', 'unknown') self.path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['HTTP_HOST'] self.key1 = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1') self.key2 = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2') self.socket = socket self.rfile = rfile self.handshaked = False def __repr__(self): try: info = ' ' + self.socket._formatinfo() except Exception: info = '' return '<%s at %s%s>' % (type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), info) def do_handshake(self): """This method is called automatically in the first send() or receive()""" assert not self.handshaked, 'Already did handshake' if self.key1 is not None: # version 76 if not self.key1: message = "Missing HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1 header in the request" self._reply_400(message) raise IOError(message) if not self.key2: message = "Missing HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2 header in the request" self._reply_400(message) raise IOError(message) headers = [ ("Upgrade", "WebSocket"), ("Connection", "Upgrade"), ("Sec-WebSocket-Origin", self.origin), ("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", self.protocol), ("Sec-WebSocket-Location", "ws://" + + self.path_info), ] self._send_reply("101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake", headers) challenge = self._get_challenge() self.socket.sendall(challenge) else: # version 75 headers = [ ("Upgrade", "WebSocket"), ("Connection", "Upgrade"), ("WebSocket-Origin", self.websocket.origin), ("WebSocket-Protocol", self.websocket.protocol), ("WebSocket-Location", "ws://" + + self.path_info), ] self._send_reply("101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake", headers) self.handshaked = True def _send_reply(self, status, headers, message=None): self.status = status self.headers_sent = True towrite = ['HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n' % self.status] for header in headers: towrite.append("%s: %s\r\n" % header) towrite.append("\r\n") if message: towrite.append(message) self.socket.sendall(''.join(towrite)) def _reply_400(self, message): self._send_reply('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Length', str(len(message))), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')], message) self.socket = None self.rfile = None def _get_key_value(self, key_value): key_number = int(re.sub("\\D", "", key_value)) spaces = re.subn(" ", "", key_value)[1] if key_number % spaces != 0: self._reply_400('Invalid key') raise IOError("key_number %r is not an intergral multiple of spaces %r" % (key_number, spaces)) return key_number / spaces def _get_challenge(self): part1 = self._get_key_value(self.key1) part2 = self._get_key_value(self.key2) # This request should have 8 bytes of data in the body key3 = challenge = "" challenge += struct.pack("!I", part1) challenge += struct.pack("!I", part2) challenge += key3 return md5(challenge).digest() def send(self, message): if not self.handshaked: self.do_handshake() if isinstance(message, str): pass elif isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf-8') else: raise TypeError("Expected string or unicode: %r" % (message, )) self.socket.sendall("\x00" + message + "\xFF") def close(self): # XXX implement graceful close with 0xFF frame if self.socket is not None: try: self.socket.close() except Exception: pass self.socket = None self.rfile = None def _message_length(self): # TODO: buildin security agains lengths greater than 2**31 or 2**32 length = 0 while True: byte_str = if not byte_str: return 0 else: byte = ord(byte_str) if byte != 0x00: length = length * 128 + (byte & 0x7f) if (byte & 0x80) != 0x80: break return length def _read_until(self): bytes = [] while True: byte = if ord(byte) != 0xff: bytes.append(byte) else: break return ''.join(bytes) def receive(self): if not self.handshaked: self.do_handshake() while self.socket is not None: frame_str = if not frame_str: self.close() break else: frame_type = ord(frame_str) if (frame_type & 0x80) == 0x00: # most significant byte is not set if frame_type == 0x00: bytes = self._read_until() return bytes.decode("utf-8") else: self.close() elif (frame_type & 0x80) == 0x80: # most significant byte is set # Read binary data (forward-compatibility) if frame_type != 0xff: self.close() break else: length = self._message_length() if length == 0: self.close() break else: # discard the bytes else: raise IOError("Received invalid message") def getsockname(self): return self.socket.getsockname() def getpeername(self): return self.socket.getpeername()
(environ, socket, rfile)
def __init__(self, environ, socket, rfile): # QQQ should reply Bad Request when IOError is raised above # should only log the error message, traceback is not necessary self.origin = environ['HTTP_ORIGIN'] self.protocol = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL', 'unknown') self.path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['HTTP_HOST'] self.key1 = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1') self.key2 = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2') self.socket = socket self.rfile = rfile self.handshaked = False
(self, environ, socket, rfile)
def __repr__(self): try: info = ' ' + self.socket._formatinfo() except Exception: info = '' return '<%s at %s%s>' % (type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), info)
def _get_challenge(self): part1 = self._get_key_value(self.key1) part2 = self._get_key_value(self.key2) # This request should have 8 bytes of data in the body key3 = challenge = "" challenge += struct.pack("!I", part1) challenge += struct.pack("!I", part2) challenge += key3 return md5(challenge).digest()
def _get_key_value(self, key_value): key_number = int(re.sub("\\D", "", key_value)) spaces = re.subn(" ", "", key_value)[1] if key_number % spaces != 0: self._reply_400('Invalid key') raise IOError("key_number %r is not an intergral multiple of spaces %r" % (key_number, spaces)) return key_number / spaces
(self, key_value)
def _message_length(self): # TODO: buildin security agains lengths greater than 2**31 or 2**32 length = 0 while True: byte_str = if not byte_str: return 0 else: byte = ord(byte_str) if byte != 0x00: length = length * 128 + (byte & 0x7f) if (byte & 0x80) != 0x80: break return length
def _read_until(self): bytes = [] while True: byte = if ord(byte) != 0xff: bytes.append(byte) else: break return ''.join(bytes)
def _reply_400(self, message): self._send_reply('400 Bad Request', [('Content-Length', str(len(message))), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')], message) self.socket = None self.rfile = None
(self, message)
def _send_reply(self, status, headers, message=None): self.status = status self.headers_sent = True towrite = ['HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n' % self.status] for header in headers: towrite.append("%s: %s\r\n" % header) towrite.append("\r\n") if message: towrite.append(message) self.socket.sendall(''.join(towrite))
(self, status, headers, message=None)
def close(self): # XXX implement graceful close with 0xFF frame if self.socket is not None: try: self.socket.close() except Exception: pass self.socket = None self.rfile = None
This method is called automatically in the first send() or receive()
def do_handshake(self): """This method is called automatically in the first send() or receive()""" assert not self.handshaked, 'Already did handshake' if self.key1 is not None: # version 76 if not self.key1: message = "Missing HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1 header in the request" self._reply_400(message) raise IOError(message) if not self.key2: message = "Missing HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2 header in the request" self._reply_400(message) raise IOError(message) headers = [ ("Upgrade", "WebSocket"), ("Connection", "Upgrade"), ("Sec-WebSocket-Origin", self.origin), ("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", self.protocol), ("Sec-WebSocket-Location", "ws://" + + self.path_info), ] self._send_reply("101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake", headers) challenge = self._get_challenge() self.socket.sendall(challenge) else: # version 75 headers = [ ("Upgrade", "WebSocket"), ("Connection", "Upgrade"), ("WebSocket-Origin", self.websocket.origin), ("WebSocket-Protocol", self.websocket.protocol), ("WebSocket-Location", "ws://" + + self.path_info), ] self._send_reply("101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake", headers) self.handshaked = True
def getpeername(self): return self.socket.getpeername()
def getsockname(self): return self.socket.getsockname()
def receive(self): if not self.handshaked: self.do_handshake() while self.socket is not None: frame_str = if not frame_str: self.close() break else: frame_type = ord(frame_str) if (frame_type & 0x80) == 0x00: # most significant byte is not set if frame_type == 0x00: bytes = self._read_until() return bytes.decode("utf-8") else: self.close() elif (frame_type & 0x80) == 0x80: # most significant byte is set # Read binary data (forward-compatibility) if frame_type != 0xff: self.close() break else: length = self._message_length() if length == 0: self.close() break else: # discard the bytes else: raise IOError("Received invalid message")
def send(self, message): if not self.handshaked: self.do_handshake() if isinstance(message, str): pass elif isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf-8') else: raise TypeError("Expected string or unicode: %r" % (message, )) self.socket.sendall("\x00" + message + "\xFF")
(self, message)
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
from builtins import str
class YandexMapsRequester(object): def __init__(self, user_agent: str = None): """ :type user_agent: set user agent for data requester """ self._config = CONFIG if user_agent is not None: CONFIG['headers']['User-Agent'] = user_agent self.set_new_session() def get_stop_info(self, stop_id): """" get transport data for stop_id in json """ self._config["params"]["id"] = f"stop__{stop_id}" req = requests.get(self._config["uri"], params=self._config["params"], cookies=self._config["cookies"], headers=self._config["headers"]) return loads(req.content.decode('utf8')) def set_new_session(self): """ Create new http session to Yandex, with valid csrf_token and session_id """ ya_request = requests.get(url=self._config["init_url"], headers=self._config["headers"]) reply = ya_request.content.decode('utf8') self._config["params"][CSRF_TOKEN_KEY] ='"{CSRF_TOKEN_KEY}":"(\w+.\w+)"', reply).group(1) self._config["cookies"] = dict(ya_request.cookies) self._config["params"][SESSION_KEY] ='"{SESSION_KEY}":"(\d+.\d+)"', reply).group(1)
(user_agent: str = None)
:type user_agent: set user agent for data requester
def __init__(self, user_agent: str = None): """ :type user_agent: set user agent for data requester """ self._config = CONFIG if user_agent is not None: CONFIG['headers']['User-Agent'] = user_agent self.set_new_session()
(self, user_agent: Optional[str] = None)
" get transport data for stop_id in json
def get_stop_info(self, stop_id): """" get transport data for stop_id in json """ self._config["params"]["id"] = f"stop__{stop_id}" req = requests.get(self._config["uri"], params=self._config["params"], cookies=self._config["cookies"], headers=self._config["headers"]) return loads(req.content.decode('utf8'))
(self, stop_id)
Create new http session to Yandex, with valid csrf_token and session_id
def set_new_session(self): """ Create new http session to Yandex, with valid csrf_token and session_id """ ya_request = requests.get(url=self._config["init_url"], headers=self._config["headers"]) reply = ya_request.content.decode('utf8') self._config["params"][CSRF_TOKEN_KEY] ='"{CSRF_TOKEN_KEY}":"(\w+.\w+)"', reply).group(1) self._config["cookies"] = dict(ya_request.cookies) self._config["params"][SESSION_KEY] ='"{SESSION_KEY}":"(\d+.\d+)"', reply).group(1)
Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str``, ``bytes`` or ``bytearray`` instance containing a JSON document) to a Python object. ``object_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decode (a ``dict``). The return value of ``object_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting). ``object_pairs_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decoded with an ordered list of pairs. The return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders. If ``object_hook`` is also defined, the ``object_pairs_hook`` takes priority. ``parse_float``, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal). ``parse_int``, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON integers (e.g. float). ``parse_constant``, if specified, will be called with one of the following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN. This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers are encountered. To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls`` kwarg; otherwise ``JSONDecoder`` is used.
def loads(s, *, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw): """Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str``, ``bytes`` or ``bytearray`` instance containing a JSON document) to a Python object. ``object_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decode (a ``dict``). The return value of ``object_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting). ``object_pairs_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decoded with an ordered list of pairs. The return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders. If ``object_hook`` is also defined, the ``object_pairs_hook`` takes priority. ``parse_float``, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal). ``parse_int``, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON integers (e.g. float). ``parse_constant``, if specified, will be called with one of the following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN. This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers are encountered. To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls`` kwarg; otherwise ``JSONDecoder`` is used. """ if isinstance(s, str): if s.startswith('\ufeff'): raise JSONDecodeError("Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig)", s, 0) else: if not isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError(f'the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, ' f'not {s.__class__.__name__}') s = s.decode(detect_encoding(s), 'surrogatepass') if (cls is None and object_hook is None and parse_int is None and parse_float is None and parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None and not kw): return _default_decoder.decode(s) if cls is None: cls = JSONDecoder if object_hook is not None: kw['object_hook'] = object_hook if object_pairs_hook is not None: kw['object_pairs_hook'] = object_pairs_hook if parse_float is not None: kw['parse_float'] = parse_float if parse_int is not None: kw['parse_int'] = parse_int if parse_constant is not None: kw['parse_constant'] = parse_constant return cls(**kw).decode(s)
(s, *, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw)
Retrieve cookies from Chrome/Chromium on OSX or Linux. Args: url: Domain from which to retrieve cookies, starting with http(s) cookie_file: Path to alternate file to search for cookies browser: Name of the browser's cookies to read ('Chrome' or 'Chromium') curl_cookie_file: Path to save the cookie file to be used with cURL password: Optional system password Returns: Dictionary of cookie values for URL
def chrome_cookies( url: str, cookie_file: t.Optional[str] = None, browser: str = "Chrome", curl_cookie_file: t.Optional[str] = None, password: t.Optional[t.Union[bytes, str]] = None, ) -> dict: """Retrieve cookies from Chrome/Chromium on OSX or Linux. Args: url: Domain from which to retrieve cookies, starting with http(s) cookie_file: Path to alternate file to search for cookies browser: Name of the browser's cookies to read ('Chrome' or 'Chromium') curl_cookie_file: Path to save the cookie file to be used with cURL password: Optional system password Returns: Dictionary of cookie values for URL """ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme: domain = parsed_url.netloc else: raise urllib.error.URLError("You must include a scheme with your URL.") # If running Chrome on OSX if sys.platform == "darwin": config = get_osx_config(browser) elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): config = get_linux_config(browser) else: raise OSError("This script only works on OSX or Linux.") config.update( {"init_vector": b" " * 16, "length": 16, "salt": b"saltysalt"} ) if cookie_file: cookie_file = str(pathlib.Path(cookie_file).expanduser()) else: cookie_file = str(pathlib.Path(config["cookie_file"]).expanduser()) if isinstance(password, bytes): config["my_pass"] = password elif isinstance(password, str): config["my_pass"] = password.encode("utf8") elif isinstance(config["my_pass"], str): config["my_pass"] = config["my_pass"].encode("utf8") kdf = PBKDF2HMAC( algorithm=SHA1(), iterations=config["iterations"], length=config["length"], salt=config["salt"], ) enc_key = kdf.derive(config["my_pass"]) try: conn = sqlite3.connect("file:{}?mode=ro".format(cookie_file), uri=True) except sqlite3.OperationalError: print("Unable to connect to cookie_file at: {}\n".format(cookie_file)) raise conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # Check whether the column name is `secure` or `is_secure` secure_column_name = "is_secure" for ( sl_no, column_name, data_type, is_null, default_val, pk, ) in conn.execute("PRAGMA table_info(cookies)"): if column_name == "secure": secure_column_name = "secure AS is_secure" break sql = ( "select host_key, path, " + secure_column_name + ", expires_utc, name, value, encrypted_value " "from cookies where host_key like ?" ) cookies: list[Cookie] = [] for host_key in generate_host_keys(domain): for db_row in conn.execute(sql, (host_key,)): # if there is a not encrypted value or if the encrypted value # doesn't start with the 'v1[01]' prefix, return v row = dict(db_row) if not row["value"] and ( row["encrypted_value"][:3] in {b"v10", b"v11"} ): row["value"] = chrome_decrypt( row["encrypted_value"], key=enc_key, init_vector=config["init_vector"], ) del row["encrypted_value"] cookies.append(Cookie(**row)) conn.rollback() if curl_cookie_file: with open(curl_cookie_file, "w") as text_file: for c in cookies: print(c.as_cookie_file_line(), file=text_file) return { c.value for c in cookies}
(url: str, cookie_file: Optional[str] = None, browser: str = 'Chrome', curl_cookie_file: Optional[str] = None, password: Union[bytes, str, NoneType] = None) -> dict
Retrieve cookies from Chrome/Chromium on OSX or Linux. Args: url: Domain from which to retrieve cookies, starting with http(s) profile_name: Name (or glob pattern) of the Firefox profile to search for cookies -- if none given it will find the configured default profile browser: Name of the browser's cookies to read (must be 'Firefox') curl_cookie_file: Path to save the cookie file to be used with cURL Returns: Dictionary of cookie values for URL
def firefox_cookies( url: str, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, browser: str = "Firefox", curl_cookie_file: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Retrieve cookies from Chrome/Chromium on OSX or Linux. Args: url: Domain from which to retrieve cookies, starting with http(s) profile_name: Name (or glob pattern) of the Firefox profile to search for cookies -- if none given it will find the configured default profile browser: Name of the browser's cookies to read (must be 'Firefox') curl_cookie_file: Path to save the cookie file to be used with cURL Returns: Dictionary of cookie values for URL """ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme: domain = parsed_url.netloc else: raise urllib.error.URLError("You must include a scheme with your URL.") if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): os = "linux" elif sys.platform == "darwin": os = "osx" elif sys.platform == "win32": os = "windows" else: raise OSError( "This script only works on " + ", ".join(FIREFOX_OS_PROFILE_DIRS.keys()) ) profiles_dir = _get_profiles_dir_for_os(os, browser) cookies: list[Cookie] = [] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: db_file = _load_firefox_cookie_db( profiles_dir, Path(tmp_dir), profile_name ) for host_key in generate_host_keys(domain): with sqlite3.connect(db_file) as con: con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row res = con.execute(FIREFOX_COOKIE_SELECT_SQL, (host_key,)) for row in res.fetchall(): cookies.append(Cookie(**row)) if curl_cookie_file: with open(curl_cookie_file, "w") as text_file: for c in cookies: print(c.as_cookie_file_line(), file=text_file) return { c.value for c in cookies}
(url: str, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, browser: str = 'Firefox', curl_cookie_file: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, str]
This predicate will succeed if the specified expression matches current input.
class And(SyntaxPredicate): """ This predicate will succeed if the specified expression matches current input. """ def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position for e in self.nodes: try: e.parse(parser) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos raise parser.position = c_pos
(*elements, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs): if len(elements) == 1: elements = elements[0] self.elements = elements self.rule_name = kwargs.get('rule_name', '') self.root = kwargs.get('root', False) nodes = kwargs.get('nodes', []) if not hasattr(nodes, '__iter__'): nodes = [nodes] self.nodes = nodes if 'suppress' in kwargs: self.suppress = kwargs['suppress'] # Memoization. Every node cache the parsing results for the given input # positions. self._result_cache = {} # position -> parse tree at the position
(self, *elements, **kwargs)
Clears memoization cache. Should be called on input change and end of parsing. Args: processed (set): Set of processed nodes to prevent infinite loops.
def _clear_cache(self, processed=None): """ Clears memoization cache. Should be called on input change and end of parsing. Args: processed (set): Set of processed nodes to prevent infinite loops. """ self._result_cache = {} if not processed: processed = set() for node in self.nodes: if node not in processed: processed.add(node) node._clear_cache(processed)
(self, processed=None)
def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position for e in self.nodes: try: e.parse(parser) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos raise parser.position = c_pos
(self, parser)
def parse(self, parser): if parser.debug: name = if name.startswith('__asgn'): name = "{}[{}]".format(, self._attr_name) parser.dprint(">> Matching rule {}{} at position {} => {}" .format(name, " in {}".format(parser.in_rule) if parser.in_rule else "", parser.position, parser.context()), 1) # Current position could change in recursive calls # so save it. c_pos = parser.position # Memoization. # If this position is already parsed by this parser expression use # the result if parser.memoization: try: result, new_pos = self._result_cache[c_pos] parser.position = new_pos parser.cache_hits += 1 if parser.debug: parser.dprint( "** Cache hit for [{}, {}] = '{}' : new_pos={}" .format(name, c_pos, text(result), text(new_pos))) parser.dprint( "<<+ Matched rule {} at position {}" .format(name, new_pos), -1) # If NoMatch is recorded at this position raise. if result is NOMATCH_MARKER: raise parser.nm # else return cached result return result except KeyError: parser.cache_misses += 1 # Remember last parsing expression and set this as # the new last. last_pexpression = parser.last_pexpression parser.last_pexpression = self if self.rule_name: # If we are entering root rule # remember previous root rule name and set # this one on the parser to be available for # debugging messages previous_root_rule_name = parser.in_rule parser.in_rule = self.rule_name try: result = self._parse(parser) if self.suppress or (type(result) is list and result and result[0] is None): result = None except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking # Memoize NoMatch at this position for this rule if parser.memoization: self._result_cache[c_pos] = (NOMATCH_MARKER, c_pos) raise finally: # Recover last parsing expression. parser.last_pexpression = last_pexpression if parser.debug: parser.dprint("<<{} rule {}{} at position {} => {}" .format("- Not matched" if parser.position is c_pos else "+ Matched", name, " in {}".format(parser.in_rule) if parser.in_rule else "", parser.position, parser.context()), -1) # If leaving root rule restore previous root rule name. if self.rule_name: parser.in_rule = previous_root_rule_name # For root rules flatten non-terminal/list if self.root and result and not isinstance(result, Terminal): if not isinstance(result, NonTerminal): result = flatten(result) # Tree reduction will eliminate Non-terminal with single child. if parser.reduce_tree and len(result) == 1: result = result[0] # If the result is not parse tree node it must be a plain list # so create a new NonTerminal. if not isinstance(result, ParseTreeNode): result = NonTerminal(self, result) # Result caching for use by memoization. if parser.memoization: self._result_cache[c_pos] = (result, parser.position) return result
(self, parser)
Base class for arpeggio errors.
class ArpeggioError(Exception): """ Base class for arpeggio errors. """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return repr(self.message)
def __init__(self, message): self.message = message
(self, message)
def __str__(self): return repr(self.message)
This decorator defines pexpression that represents a lexeme rule. This rules will always return a Terminal parse tree node. Whitespaces will be preserved. Comments will not be matched.
class Combine(Decorator): """ This decorator defines pexpression that represents a lexeme rule. This rules will always return a Terminal parse tree node. Whitespaces will be preserved. Comments will not be matched. """ def _parse(self, parser): results = [] oldin_lex_rule = parser.in_lex_rule parser.in_lex_rule = True c_pos = parser.position try: for parser_model_node in self.nodes: results.append(parser_model_node.parse(parser)) results = flatten(results) # Create terminal from result return Terminal(self, c_pos, "".join([x.flat_str() for x in results])) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking raise finally: parser.in_lex_rule = oldin_lex_rule
(*elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): results = [] oldin_lex_rule = parser.in_lex_rule parser.in_lex_rule = True c_pos = parser.position try: for parser_model_node in self.nodes: results.append(parser_model_node.parse(parser)) results = flatten(results) # Create terminal from result return Terminal(self, c_pos, "".join([x.flat_str() for x in results])) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking raise finally: parser.in_lex_rule = oldin_lex_rule
(self, parser)
Used for rule reference resolving.
class CrossRef(object): ''' Used for rule reference resolving. ''' def __init__(self, target_rule_name, position=-1): self.target_rule_name = target_rule_name self.position = position
(target_rule_name, position=-1)
def __init__(self, target_rule_name, position=-1): self.target_rule_name = target_rule_name self.position = position
(self, target_rule_name, position=-1)
Mixin class for adding debug print support. Attributes: debug (bool): If true debugging messages will be printed. _current_indent(int): Current indentation level for prints.
class DebugPrinter(object): """ Mixin class for adding debug print support. Attributes: debug (bool): If true debugging messages will be printed. _current_indent(int): Current indentation level for prints. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.pop("debug", False) self.file = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) self._current_indent = 0 super(DebugPrinter, self).__init__(**kwargs) def dprint(self, message, indent_change=0): """ Handle debug message. Print to the stream specified by the 'file' keyword argument at the current indentation level. Default stream is stdout. """ if indent_change < 0: self._current_indent += indent_change print(("%s%s" % (" " * self._current_indent, message)), file=self.file) if indent_change > 0: self._current_indent += indent_change
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.debug = kwargs.pop("debug", False) self.file = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) self._current_indent = 0 super(DebugPrinter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
(self, **kwargs)
Handle debug message. Print to the stream specified by the 'file' keyword argument at the current indentation level. Default stream is stdout.
def dprint(self, message, indent_change=0): """ Handle debug message. Print to the stream specified by the 'file' keyword argument at the current indentation level. Default stream is stdout. """ if indent_change < 0: self._current_indent += indent_change print(("%s%s" % (" " * self._current_indent, message)), file=self.file) if indent_change > 0: self._current_indent += indent_change
(self, message, indent_change=0)
Decorator are special kind of parsing expression used to mark a containing pexpression and give it some special semantics. For example, decorators are used to mark pexpression as lexical rules (see :class:Lex).
class Decorator(ParsingExpression): """ Decorator are special kind of parsing expression used to mark a containing pexpression and give it some special semantics. For example, decorators are used to mark pexpression as lexical rules (see :class:Lex). """
(*elements, **kwargs)
def EOF(): return EndOfFile()
This predicate will always succeed without consuming input.
class Empty(SyntaxPredicate): """ This predicate will always succeed without consuming input. """ def _parse(self, parser): pass
(*elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): pass
(self, parser)
The Match class that will succeed in case end of input is reached.
class EndOfFile(Match): """ The Match class that will succeed in case end of input is reached. """ def __init__(self): super(EndOfFile, self).__init__("EOF") @property def name(self): return "EOF" def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position if len(parser.input) == c_pos: return Terminal(EOF(), c_pos, '', suppress=True) else: if parser.debug: parser.dprint("!! EOF not matched.") parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser)
def __init__(self): super(EndOfFile, self).__init__("EOF")
def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position if len(parser.input) == c_pos: return Terminal(EOF(), c_pos, '', suppress=True) else: if parser.debug: parser.dprint("!! EOF not matched.") parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser)
(self, parser)
Parse comments.
def _parse_comments(self, parser): """Parse comments.""" try: parser.in_parse_comments = True if parser.comments_model: try: while True: # TODO: Consumed whitespaces and comments should be # attached to the first match ahead. parser.comments.append( parser.comments_model.parse(parser)) if parser.skipws: # Whitespace skipping pos = parser.position ws = i = parser.input length = len(i) while pos < length and i[pos] in ws: pos += 1 parser.position = pos except NoMatch: # NoMatch in comment matching is perfectly # legal and no action should be taken. pass finally: parser.in_parse_comments = False
(self, parser)
def parse(self, parser): if parser.skipws and not parser.in_lex_rule: # Whitespace skipping pos = parser.position ws = i = parser.input length = len(i) while pos < length and i[pos] in ws: pos += 1 parser.position = pos if parser.debug: parser.dprint( "?? Try match rule {}{} at position {} => {}" .format(, " in {}".format(parser.in_rule) if parser.in_rule else "", parser.position, parser.context())) if parser.skipws and parser.position in parser.comment_positions: # Skip comments if already parsed. parser.position = parser.comment_positions[parser.position] else: if not parser.in_parse_comments and not parser.in_lex_rule: comment_start = parser.position self._parse_comments(parser) parser.comment_positions[comment_start] = parser.position result = self._parse(parser) if not self.suppress: return result
(self, parser)
Error raised during parser building phase used to indicate error in the grammar definition.
class GrammarError(ArpeggioError): """ Error raised during parser building phase used to indicate error in the grammar definition. """
A specialization of StrMatch to specify keywords of the language.
class Kwd(StrMatch): """ A specialization of StrMatch to specify keywords of the language. """ def __init__(self, to_match): super(Kwd, self).__init__(to_match) self.to_match = to_match self.root = True self.rule_name = 'keyword'
def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_match == text(other)
(self, other)
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.to_match)
def __init__(self, to_match): super(Kwd, self).__init__(to_match) self.to_match = to_match self.root = True self.rule_name = 'keyword'
(self, to_match)
def __str__(self): return self.to_match
def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__()
def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position input_frag = parser.input[c_pos:c_pos+len(self.to_match)] if self.ignore_case: match = input_frag.lower() == self.to_match.lower() else: match = input_frag == self.to_match if match: if parser.debug: parser.dprint( "++ Match '{}' at {} => '{}'" .format(self.to_match, c_pos, parser.context(len(self.to_match)))) parser.position += len(self.to_match) # If this match is inside sequence than mark for suppression suppress = type(parser.last_pexpression) is Sequence return Terminal(self, c_pos, self.to_match, suppress=suppress) else: if parser.debug: parser.dprint( "-- No match '{}' at {} => '{}'" .format(self.to_match, c_pos, parser.context(len(self.to_match)))) parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser)
(self, parser)
Base class for all classes that will try to match something from the input.
class Match(ParsingExpression): """ Base class for all classes that will try to match something from the input. """ def __init__(self, rule_name, root=False, **kwargs): super(Match, self).__init__(rule_name=rule_name, root=root, **kwargs) @property def name(self): if self.root: return "%s=%s(%s)" % (self.rule_name, self.__class__.__name__, self.to_match) else: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.to_match) def _parse_comments(self, parser): """Parse comments.""" try: parser.in_parse_comments = True if parser.comments_model: try: while True: # TODO: Consumed whitespaces and comments should be # attached to the first match ahead. parser.comments.append( parser.comments_model.parse(parser)) if parser.skipws: # Whitespace skipping pos = parser.position ws = i = parser.input length = len(i) while pos < length and i[pos] in ws: pos += 1 parser.position = pos except NoMatch: # NoMatch in comment matching is perfectly # legal and no action should be taken. pass finally: parser.in_parse_comments = False def parse(self, parser): if parser.skipws and not parser.in_lex_rule: # Whitespace skipping pos = parser.position ws = i = parser.input length = len(i) while pos < length and i[pos] in ws: pos += 1 parser.position = pos if parser.debug: parser.dprint( "?? Try match rule {}{} at position {} => {}" .format(, " in {}".format(parser.in_rule) if parser.in_rule else "", parser.position, parser.context())) if parser.skipws and parser.position in parser.comment_positions: # Skip comments if already parsed. parser.position = parser.comment_positions[parser.position] else: if not parser.in_parse_comments and not parser.in_lex_rule: comment_start = parser.position self._parse_comments(parser) parser.comment_positions[comment_start] = parser.position result = self._parse(parser) if not self.suppress: return result
(rule_name, root=False, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, rule_name, root=False, **kwargs): super(Match, self).__init__(rule_name=rule_name, root=root, **kwargs)
(self, rule_name, root=False, **kwargs)
Exception raised by the Match classes during parsing to indicate that the match is not successful. Args: rules (list of ParsingExpression): Rules that are tried at the position of the exception. position (int): A position in the input stream where exception occurred. parser (Parser): An instance of a parser.
class NoMatch(Exception): """ Exception raised by the Match classes during parsing to indicate that the match is not successful. Args: rules (list of ParsingExpression): Rules that are tried at the position of the exception. position (int): A position in the input stream where exception occurred. parser (Parser): An instance of a parser. """ def __init__(self, rules, position, parser): self.rules = rules self.position = position self.parser = parser def eval_attrs(self): """ Call this to evaluate `message`, `context`, `line` and `col`. Called by __str__. """ def rule_to_exp_str(rule): if hasattr(rule, '_exp_str'): # Rule may override expected report string return rule._exp_str elif rule.root: return rule.rule_name elif isinstance(rule, Match) and \ not isinstance(rule, EndOfFile): return "'{}'".format(rule.to_match.replace('\n', '\\n')) else: return if not self.rules: self.message = "Not expected input" else: what_is_expected = OrderedDict.fromkeys( ["{}".format(rule_to_exp_str(r)) for r in self.rules]) what_str = " or ".join(what_is_expected) self.message = "Expected {}".format(what_str) self.context = self.parser.context(position=self.position) self.line, self.col = self.parser.pos_to_linecol(self.position) def __str__(self): self.eval_attrs() return "{} at position {}{} => '{}'."\ .format(self.message, "{}:".format(self.parser.file_name) if self.parser.file_name else "", (self.line, self.col), self.context) def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__()
(rules, position, parser)
def __init__(self, rules, position, parser): self.rules = rules self.position = position self.parser = parser
(self, rules, position, parser)
def __str__(self): self.eval_attrs() return "{} at position {}{} => '{}'."\ .format(self.message, "{}:".format(self.parser.file_name) if self.parser.file_name else "", (self.line, self.col), self.context)
Call this to evaluate `message`, `context`, `line` and `col`. Called by __str__.
def eval_attrs(self): """ Call this to evaluate `message`, `context`, `line` and `col`. Called by __str__. """ def rule_to_exp_str(rule): if hasattr(rule, '_exp_str'): # Rule may override expected report string return rule._exp_str elif rule.root: return rule.rule_name elif isinstance(rule, Match) and \ not isinstance(rule, EndOfFile): return "'{}'".format(rule.to_match.replace('\n', '\\n')) else: return if not self.rules: self.message = "Not expected input" else: what_is_expected = OrderedDict.fromkeys( ["{}".format(rule_to_exp_str(r)) for r in self.rules]) what_str = " or ".join(what_is_expected) self.message = "Expected {}".format(what_str) self.context = self.parser.context(position=self.position) self.line, self.col = self.parser.pos_to_linecol(self.position)
Non-leaf node of the Parse Tree. Represents language syntax construction. At the same time used in ParseTreeNode navigation expressions. See for examples of navigation expressions. Attributes: nodes (list of ParseTreeNode): Children parse tree nodes. _filtered (bool): Is this NT a dynamically created filtered NT. This is used internally.
class NonTerminal(ParseTreeNode, list): """ Non-leaf node of the Parse Tree. Represents language syntax construction. At the same time used in ParseTreeNode navigation expressions. See for examples of navigation expressions. Attributes: nodes (list of ParseTreeNode): Children parse tree nodes. _filtered (bool): Is this NT a dynamically created filtered NT. This is used internally. """ __slots__ = ['rule', 'rule_name', 'position', 'error', 'comments', '_filtered', '_expr_cache'] def __init__(self, rule, nodes, error=False, _filtered=False): # Inherit position from the first child node position = nodes[0].position if nodes else 0 super(NonTerminal, self).__init__(rule, position, error) self.extend(flatten([nodes])) self._filtered = _filtered @property def value(self): """Terminal protocol.""" return text(self) @property def desc(self): return @property def position_end(self): return self[-1].position_end if self else self.position def flat_str(self): """ Return flatten string representation. """ return "".join([x.flat_str() for x in self]) def __str__(self): return " | ".join([text(x) for x in self]) def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__() def __repr__(self): return "[ %s ]" % ", ".join([repr(x) for x in self]) def tree_str(self, indent=0): return '{}\n{}'.format(super(NonTerminal, self).tree_str(indent), '\n'.join([c.tree_str(indent + 1) for c in self])) def __getattr__(self, rule_name): """ Find a child (non)terminal by the rule name. Args: rule_name(str): The name of the rule that is referenced from this node rule. """ # Prevent infinite recursion if rule_name in ['_expr_cache', '_filtered', 'rule', 'rule_name', 'position', 'append', 'extend']: raise AttributeError try: # First check the cache if rule_name in self._expr_cache: return self._expr_cache[rule_name] except AttributeError: # Navigation expression cache. Used for lookup by rule name. self._expr_cache = {} # If result is not found in the cache collect all nodes # with the given rule name and create new NonTerminal # and cache it for later access. nodes = [] rule = None for n in self: if self._filtered: # For filtered NT rule_name is a rule on # each of its children for m in n: if m.rule_name == rule_name: nodes.append(m) rule = m.rule else: if n.rule_name == rule_name: nodes.append(n) rule = n.rule if rule is None: # If rule is not found resort to default behavior return self.__getattribute__(rule_name) result = NonTerminal(rule=rule, nodes=nodes, _filtered=True) self._expr_cache[rule_name] = result return result
(rule, nodes, error=False, _filtered=False)
Find a child (non)terminal by the rule name. Args: rule_name(str): The name of the rule that is referenced from this node rule.
def __getattr__(self, rule_name): """ Find a child (non)terminal by the rule name. Args: rule_name(str): The name of the rule that is referenced from this node rule. """ # Prevent infinite recursion if rule_name in ['_expr_cache', '_filtered', 'rule', 'rule_name', 'position', 'append', 'extend']: raise AttributeError try: # First check the cache if rule_name in self._expr_cache: return self._expr_cache[rule_name] except AttributeError: # Navigation expression cache. Used for lookup by rule name. self._expr_cache = {} # If result is not found in the cache collect all nodes # with the given rule name and create new NonTerminal # and cache it for later access. nodes = [] rule = None for n in self: if self._filtered: # For filtered NT rule_name is a rule on # each of its children for m in n: if m.rule_name == rule_name: nodes.append(m) rule = m.rule else: if n.rule_name == rule_name: nodes.append(n) rule = n.rule if rule is None: # If rule is not found resort to default behavior return self.__getattribute__(rule_name) result = NonTerminal(rule=rule, nodes=nodes, _filtered=True) self._expr_cache[rule_name] = result return result
(self, rule_name)
def __init__(self, rule, nodes, error=False, _filtered=False): # Inherit position from the first child node position = nodes[0].position if nodes else 0 super(NonTerminal, self).__init__(rule, position, error) self.extend(flatten([nodes])) self._filtered = _filtered
(self, rule, nodes, error=False, _filtered=False)
def __repr__(self): return "[ %s ]" % ", ".join([repr(x) for x in self])
def __str__(self): return " | ".join([text(x) for x in self])
Return flatten string representation.
def flat_str(self): """ Return flatten string representation. """ return "".join([x.flat_str() for x in self])
def tree_str(self, indent=0): return '{}\n{}'.format(super(NonTerminal, self).tree_str(indent), '\n'.join([c.tree_str(indent + 1) for c in self]))
(self, indent=0)
Visitor pattern implementation. Args: visitor(PTNodeVisitor): The visitor object.
def visit(self, visitor): """ Visitor pattern implementation. Args: visitor(PTNodeVisitor): The visitor object. """ if visitor.debug: visitor.dprint("Visiting {} type:{} str:{}" .format(, type(self).__name__, text(self))) children = SemanticActionResults() if isinstance(self, NonTerminal): for node in self: child = node.visit(visitor) # If visit returns None suppress that child node if child is not None: children.append_result(node.rule_name, child) visit_name = "visit_%s" % self.rule_name if hasattr(visitor, visit_name): # Call visit method. result = getattr(visitor, visit_name)(self, children) # If there is a method with 'second' prefix save # the result of visit for post-processing if hasattr(visitor, "second_%s" % self.rule_name): visitor.for_second_pass.append((self.rule_name, result)) return result elif visitor.defaults: # If default actions are enabled return visitor.visit__default__(self, children)
(self, visitor)
This predicate will succeed if the specified expression doesn't match current input.
class Not(SyntaxPredicate): """ This predicate will succeed if the specified expression doesn't match current input. """ def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position old_in_not = parser.in_not parser.in_not = True try: for e in self.nodes: try: e.parse(parser) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos return parser.position = c_pos parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser) finally: parser.in_not = old_in_not
(*elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): c_pos = parser.position old_in_not = parser.in_not parser.in_not = True try: for e in self.nodes: try: e.parse(parser) except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos return parser.position = c_pos parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser) finally: parser.in_not = old_in_not
(self, parser)
OneOrMore will try to match parser expression specified one or more times.
class OneOrMore(Repetition): """ OneOrMore will try to match parser expression specified one or more times. """ def _parse(self, parser): results = [] first = True if self.eolterm: # Remember current eolterm and set eolterm of # this repetition old_eolterm = parser.eolterm parser.eolterm = self.eolterm # Prefetching append = results.append p = self.nodes[0].parse sep = self.sep.parse if self.sep else None result = None try: while True: try: c_pos = parser.position if sep and result: sep_result = sep(parser) if sep_result: append(sep_result) result = p(parser) if not result: break append(result) first = False except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking if first: raise break finally: if self.eolterm: # Restore previous eolterm parser.eolterm = old_eolterm return results
(*elements, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs): super(Repetition, self).__init__(*elements, **kwargs) self.eolterm = kwargs.get('eolterm', False) self.sep = kwargs.get('sep', None)
(self, *elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): results = [] first = True if self.eolterm: # Remember current eolterm and set eolterm of # this repetition old_eolterm = parser.eolterm parser.eolterm = self.eolterm # Prefetching append = results.append p = self.nodes[0].parse sep = self.sep.parse if self.sep else None result = None try: while True: try: c_pos = parser.position if sep and result: sep_result = sep(parser) if sep_result: append(sep_result) result = p(parser) if not result: break append(result) first = False except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking if first: raise break finally: if self.eolterm: # Restore previous eolterm parser.eolterm = old_eolterm return results
(self, parser)
Optional will try to match parser expression specified and will not fail in case match is not successful.
class Optional(Repetition): """ Optional will try to match parser expression specified and will not fail in case match is not successful. """ def _parse(self, parser): result = None c_pos = parser.position try: result = [self.nodes[0].parse(parser)] except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking return result
(*elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): result = None c_pos = parser.position try: result = [self.nodes[0].parse(parser)] except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking return result
(self, parser)
Will match one of the parser expressions specified. Parser will try to match expressions in the order they are defined.
class OrderedChoice(Sequence): """ Will match one of the parser expressions specified. Parser will try to match expressions in the order they are defined. """ def _parse(self, parser): result = None match = False c_pos = parser.position if is not None: old_ws = = if self.skipws is not None: old_skipws = parser.skipws parser.skipws = self.skipws try: for e in self.nodes: try: result = e.parse(parser) if result is not None: match = True result = [result] break except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking finally: if is not None: = old_ws if self.skipws is not None: parser.skipws = old_skipws if not match: parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser) return result
(*elements, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs): super(Sequence, self).__init__(*elements, **kwargs) = kwargs.pop('ws', None) self.skipws = kwargs.pop('skipws', None)
(self, *elements, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parser): result = None match = False c_pos = parser.position if is not None: old_ws = = if self.skipws is not None: old_skipws = parser.skipws parser.skipws = self.skipws try: for e in self.nodes: try: result = e.parse(parser) if result is not None: match = True result = [result] break except NoMatch: parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking finally: if is not None: = old_ws if self.skipws is not None: parser.skipws = old_skipws if not match: parser._nm_raise(self, c_pos, parser) return result
(self, parser)
Dictionary that remembers insertion order
class OrderedDict(dict): 'Dictionary that remembers insertion order' # An inherited dict maps keys to values. # The inherited dict provides __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, and get. # The remaining methods are order-aware. # Big-O running times for all methods are the same as regular dictionaries. # The internal self.__map dict maps keys to links in a doubly linked list. # The circular doubly linked list starts and ends with a sentinel element. # The sentinel element never gets deleted (this simplifies the algorithm). # The sentinel is in self.__hardroot with a weakref proxy in self.__root. # The prev links are weakref proxies (to prevent circular references). # Individual links are kept alive by the hard reference in self.__map. # Those hard references disappear when a key is deleted from an OrderedDict. def __init__(self, other=(), /, **kwds): '''Initialize an ordered dictionary. The signature is the same as regular dictionaries. Keyword argument order is preserved. ''' try: self.__root except AttributeError: self.__hardroot = _Link() self.__root = root = _proxy(self.__hardroot) root.prev = = root self.__map = {} self.__update(other, **kwds) def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__, proxy=_proxy, Link=_Link): 'od.__setitem__(i, y) <==> od[i]=y' # Setting a new item creates a new link at the end of the linked list, # and the inherited dictionary is updated with the new key/value pair. if key not in self: self.__map[key] = link = Link() root = self.__root last = root.prev link.prev,, link.key = last, root, key = link root.prev = proxy(link) dict_setitem(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key, dict_delitem=dict.__delitem__): 'od.__delitem__(y) <==> del od[y]' # Deleting an existing item uses self.__map to find the link which gets # removed by updating the links in the predecessor and successor nodes. dict_delitem(self, key) link = self.__map.pop(key) link_prev = link.prev link_next = = link_next link_next.prev = link_prev link.prev = None = None def __iter__(self): 'od.__iter__() <==> iter(od)' # Traverse the linked list in order. root = self.__root curr = while curr is not root: yield curr.key curr = def __reversed__(self): 'od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)' # Traverse the linked list in reverse order. root = self.__root curr = root.prev while curr is not root: yield curr.key curr = curr.prev def clear(self): 'od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.' root = self.__root root.prev = = root self.__map.clear() dict.clear(self) def popitem(self, last=True): '''Remove and return a (key, value) pair from the dictionary. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false. ''' if not self: raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') root = self.__root if last: link = root.prev link_prev = link.prev = root root.prev = link_prev else: link = link_next = = link_next link_next.prev = root key = link.key del self.__map[key] value = dict.pop(self, key) return key, value def move_to_end(self, key, last=True): '''Move an existing element to the end (or beginning if last is false). Raise KeyError if the element does not exist. ''' link = self.__map[key] link_prev = link.prev link_next = soft_link = link_next.prev = link_next link_next.prev = link_prev root = self.__root if last: last = root.prev link.prev = last = root root.prev = soft_link = link else: first = link.prev = root = first first.prev = soft_link = link def __sizeof__(self): sizeof = _sys.getsizeof n = len(self) + 1 # number of links including root size = sizeof(self.__dict__) # instance dictionary size += sizeof(self.__map) * 2 # internal dict and inherited dict size += sizeof(self.__hardroot) * n # link objects size += sizeof(self.__root) * n # proxy objects return size update = __update = _collections_abc.MutableMapping.update def keys(self): "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys" return _OrderedDictKeysView(self) def items(self): "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items" return _OrderedDictItemsView(self) def values(self): "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values" return _OrderedDictValuesView(self) __ne__ = _collections_abc.MutableMapping.__ne__ __marker = object() def pop(self, key, default=__marker): '''od.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. ''' if key in self: result = self[key] del self[key] return result if default is self.__marker: raise KeyError(key) return default def setdefault(self, key, default=None): '''Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary. Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. ''' if key in self: return self[key] self[key] = default return default @_recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): 'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)' if not self: return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.items())) def __reduce__(self): 'Return state information for pickling' inst_dict = vars(self).copy() for k in vars(OrderedDict()): inst_dict.pop(k, None) return self.__class__, (), inst_dict or None, None, iter(self.items()) def copy(self): 'od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od' return self.__class__(self) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): '''Create a new ordered dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value. ''' self = cls() for key in iterable: self[key] = value return self def __eq__(self, other): '''od.__eq__(y) <==> od==y. Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive. ''' if isinstance(other, OrderedDict): return dict.__eq__(self, other) and all(map(_eq, self, other)) return dict.__eq__(self, other) def __ior__(self, other): self.update(other) return self def __or__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, dict): return NotImplemented new = self.__class__(self) new.update(other) return new def __ror__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, dict): return NotImplemented new = self.__class__(other) new.update(self) return new
Base class for all parse tree visitors.
class PTNodeVisitor(DebugPrinter): """ Base class for all parse tree visitors. """ def __init__(self, defaults=True, **kwargs): """ Args: defaults(bool): If the default visit method should be applied in case no method is defined. """ self.for_second_pass = [] self.defaults = defaults super(PTNodeVisitor, self).__init__(**kwargs) def visit__default__(self, node, children): """ Called if no visit method is defined for the node. Args: node(ParseTreeNode): children(processed children ParseTreeNode-s): """ if isinstance(node, Terminal): # Default for Terminal is to convert to string unless suppress flag # is set in which case it is suppressed by setting to None. retval = text(node) if not node.suppress else None else: retval = node # Special case. If only one child exist return it. if len(children) == 1: retval = children[0] else: # If there is only one non-string child return # that by default. This will support e.g. bracket # removals. last_non_str = None for c in children: if not isstr(c): if last_non_str is None: last_non_str = c else: # If there is multiple non-string objects # by default convert non-terminal to string if self.debug: self.dprint("*** Warning: Multiple " "non-string objects found in " "default visit. Converting non-" "terminal to a string.") retval = text(node) break else: # Return the only non-string child retval = last_non_str return retval
(defaults=True, **kwargs)
Args: defaults(bool): If the default visit method should be applied in case no method is defined.
def __init__(self, defaults=True, **kwargs): """ Args: defaults(bool): If the default visit method should be applied in case no method is defined. """ self.for_second_pass = [] self.defaults = defaults super(PTNodeVisitor, self).__init__(**kwargs)
(self, defaults=True, **kwargs)
Called if no visit method is defined for the node. Args: node(ParseTreeNode): children(processed children ParseTreeNode-s):
def visit__default__(self, node, children): """ Called if no visit method is defined for the node. Args: node(ParseTreeNode): children(processed children ParseTreeNode-s): """ if isinstance(node, Terminal): # Default for Terminal is to convert to string unless suppress flag # is set in which case it is suppressed by setting to None. retval = text(node) if not node.suppress else None else: retval = node # Special case. If only one child exist return it. if len(children) == 1: retval = children[0] else: # If there is only one non-string child return # that by default. This will support e.g. bracket # removals. last_non_str = None for c in children: if not isstr(c): if last_non_str is None: last_non_str = c else: # If there is multiple non-string objects # by default convert non-terminal to string if self.debug: self.dprint("*** Warning: Multiple " "non-string objects found in " "default visit. Converting non-" "terminal to a string.") retval = text(node) break else: # Return the only non-string child retval = last_non_str return retval
(self, node, children)
Abstract base class representing node of the Parse Tree. The node can be terminal(the leaf of the parse tree) or non-terminal. Attributes: rule (ParsingExpression): The rule that created this node. rule_name (str): The name of the rule that created this node if root rule or empty string otherwise. position (int): A position in the input stream where the match occurred. position_end (int, read-only): A position in the input stream where the node ends. This position is one char behind the last char contained in this node. Thus, position_end - position = length of the node. error (bool): Is this a false parse tree node created during error recovery. comments : A parse tree of comment(s) attached to this node.
class ParseTreeNode(object): """ Abstract base class representing node of the Parse Tree. The node can be terminal(the leaf of the parse tree) or non-terminal. Attributes: rule (ParsingExpression): The rule that created this node. rule_name (str): The name of the rule that created this node if root rule or empty string otherwise. position (int): A position in the input stream where the match occurred. position_end (int, read-only): A position in the input stream where the node ends. This position is one char behind the last char contained in this node. Thus, position_end - position = length of the node. error (bool): Is this a false parse tree node created during error recovery. comments : A parse tree of comment(s) attached to this node. """ def __init__(self, rule, position, error): assert rule assert rule.rule_name is not None self.rule = rule self.rule_name = rule.rule_name self.position = position self.error = error self.comments = None @property def name(self): return "%s [%s]" % (self.rule_name, self.position) @property def position_end(self): "Must be implemented in subclasses." raise NotImplementedError def visit(self, visitor): """ Visitor pattern implementation. Args: visitor(PTNodeVisitor): The visitor object. """ if visitor.debug: visitor.dprint("Visiting {} type:{} str:{}" .format(, type(self).__name__, text(self))) children = SemanticActionResults() if isinstance(self, NonTerminal): for node in self: child = node.visit(visitor) # If visit returns None suppress that child node if child is not None: children.append_result(node.rule_name, child) visit_name = "visit_%s" % self.rule_name if hasattr(visitor, visit_name): # Call visit method. result = getattr(visitor, visit_name)(self, children) # If there is a method with 'second' prefix save # the result of visit for post-processing if hasattr(visitor, "second_%s" % self.rule_name): visitor.for_second_pass.append((self.rule_name, result)) return result elif visitor.defaults: # If default actions are enabled return visitor.visit__default__(self, children) def tree_str(self, indent=0): return '{}{} [{}-{}]'.format(' ' * indent,, self.position, self.position_end)
(rule, position, error)
def __init__(self, rule, position, error): assert rule assert rule.rule_name is not None self.rule = rule self.rule_name = rule.rule_name self.position = position self.error = error self.comments = None
(self, rule, position, error)
def tree_str(self, indent=0): return '{}{} [{}-{}]'.format(' ' * indent,, self.position, self.position_end)
(self, indent=0)
Abstract base class for all parsers. Attributes: comments_model: parser model for comments. comments(list): A list of ParseTreeNode for matched comments. sem_actions(dict): A dictionary of semantic actions keyed by the rule name. parse_tree(NonTerminal): The parse tree consisting of NonTerminal and Terminal instances. in_rule (str): Current rule name. in_parse_comments (bool): True if parsing comments. in_lex_rule (bool): True if in lexical rule. Currently used in Combine decorator to convert match to a single Terminal. in_not (bool): True if in Not parsing expression. Used for better error reporting. last_pexpression (ParsingExpression): Last parsing expression traversed.
class Parser(DebugPrinter): """ Abstract base class for all parsers. Attributes: comments_model: parser model for comments. comments(list): A list of ParseTreeNode for matched comments. sem_actions(dict): A dictionary of semantic actions keyed by the rule name. parse_tree(NonTerminal): The parse tree consisting of NonTerminal and Terminal instances. in_rule (str): Current rule name. in_parse_comments (bool): True if parsing comments. in_lex_rule (bool): True if in lexical rule. Currently used in Combine decorator to convert match to a single Terminal. in_not (bool): True if in Not parsing expression. Used for better error reporting. last_pexpression (ParsingExpression): Last parsing expression traversed. """ # Not marker for NoMatch rules list. Used if the first unsuccessful rule # match is Not. FIRST_NOT = Not() def __init__(self, skipws=True, ws=None, reduce_tree=False, autokwd=False, ignore_case=False, memoization=False, **kwargs): """ Args: skipws (bool): Should the whitespace skipping be done. Default is True. ws (str): A string consisting of whitespace characters. reduce_tree (bool): If true non-terminals with single child will be eliminated from the parse tree. Default is False. autokwd(bool): If keyword-like StrMatches are matched on word boundaries. Default is False. ignore_case(bool): If case is ignored (default=False) memoization(bool): If memoization should be used (a.k.a. packrat parsing) """ super(Parser, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Used to indicate state in which parser should not # treat newlines as whitespaces. self._eolterm = False self.skipws = skipws if ws is not None: = ws else: = DEFAULT_WS self.reduce_tree = reduce_tree self.autokwd = autokwd self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.memoization = memoization self.comments_model = None self.comments = [] self.comment_positions = {} self.sem_actions = {} self.parse_tree = None # Create regex used for autokwd matching flags = 0 if ignore_case: flags = re.IGNORECASE self.keyword_regex = re.compile(r'[^\d\W]\w*', flags) # Keep track of root rule we are currently in. # Used for debugging purposes self.in_rule = '' self.in_parse_comments = False # Are we in lexical rule? If so do not # skip whitespaces. self.in_lex_rule = False # Are we in Not parsing expression? self.in_not = False # Last parsing expression traversed self.last_pexpression = None @property def ws(self): return self._ws @ws.setter def ws(self, new_value): self._real_ws = new_value self._ws = new_value if self.eolterm: self._ws = self._ws.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') @property def eolterm(self): return self._eolterm @eolterm.setter def eolterm(self, new_value): # Toggle newline char in ws on eolterm property set. # During eolterm state parser should not treat # newline as a whitespace. self._eolterm = new_value if self._eolterm: self._ws = self._ws.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') else: self._ws = self._real_ws def parse(self, _input, file_name=None): """ Parses input and produces parse tree. Args: _input(str): An input string to parse. file_name(str): If input is loaded from file this can be set to file name. It is used in error messages. """ self.position = 0 # Input position self.nm = None # Last NoMatch exception self.line_ends = [] self.input = _input self.file_name = file_name self.comment_positions = {} self.cache_hits = 0 self.cache_misses = 0 try: self.parse_tree = self._parse() except NoMatch as e: # Remove Not marker if e.rules[0] is Parser.FIRST_NOT: del e.rules[0] # Get line and column from position e.line, e.col = self.pos_to_linecol(e.position) raise finally: # At end of parsing clear all memoization caches. # Do this here to free memory. if self.memoization: self._clear_caches() # In debug mode export parse tree to dot file for # visualization if self.debug and self.parse_tree: from arpeggio.export import PTDOTExporter root_rule_name = self.parse_tree.rule_name PTDOTExporter().exportFile( self.parse_tree, "{}".format(root_rule_name)) return self.parse_tree def parse_file(self, file_name): """ Parses content from the given file. Args: file_name(str): A file name. """ with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: content = return self.parse(content, file_name=file_name) def getASG(self, sem_actions=None, defaults=True): """ Creates Abstract Semantic Graph (ASG) from the parse tree. Args: sem_actions (dict): The semantic actions dictionary to use for semantic analysis. Rule names are the keys and semantic action objects are values. defaults (bool): If True a default semantic action will be applied in case no action is defined for the node. """ if not self.parse_tree: raise Exception( "Parse tree is empty. You did call parse(), didn't you?") if sem_actions is None: if not self.sem_actions: raise Exception("Semantic actions not defined.") else: sem_actions = self.sem_actions if type(sem_actions) is not dict: raise Exception("Semantic actions parameter must be a dictionary.") for_second_pass = [] def tree_walk(node): """ Walking the parse tree and calling first_pass for every registered semantic actions and creating list of object that needs to be called in the second pass. """ if self.debug: self.dprint( "Walking down %s type: %s str: %s" % (, type(node).__name__, text(node))) children = SemanticActionResults() if isinstance(node, NonTerminal): for n in node: child = tree_walk(n) if child is not None: children.append_result(n.rule_name, child) if self.debug: self.dprint("Processing %s = '%s' type:%s len:%d" % (, text(node), type(node).__name__, len(node) if isinstance(node, list) else 0)) for i, a in enumerate(children): self.dprint(" %d:%s type:%s" % (i+1, text(a), type(a).__name__)) if node.rule_name in sem_actions: sem_action = sem_actions[node.rule_name] if isinstance(sem_action, types.FunctionType): retval = sem_action(self, node, children) else: retval = sem_action.first_pass(self, node, children) if hasattr(sem_action, "second_pass"): for_second_pass.append((node.rule_name, retval)) if self.debug: action_name = sem_action.__name__ \ if hasattr(sem_action, '__name__') \ else sem_action.__class__.__name__ self.dprint(" Applying semantic action %s" % action_name) else: if defaults: # If no rule is present use some sane defaults if self.debug: self.dprint(" Applying default semantic action.") retval = SemanticAction().first_pass(self, node, children) else: retval = node if self.debug: if retval is None: self.dprint(" Suppressed.") else: self.dprint(" Resolved to = %s type:%s" % (text(retval), type(retval).__name__)) return retval if self.debug: self.dprint("ASG: First pass") asg = tree_walk(self.parse_tree) # Second pass if self.debug: self.dprint("ASG: Second pass") for sa_name, asg_node in for_second_pass: sem_actions[sa_name].second_pass(self, asg_node) return asg def pos_to_linecol(self, pos): """ Calculate (line, column) tuple for the given position in the stream. """ if not self.line_ends: try: # TODO: Check this implementation on Windows. self.line_ends.append(self.input.index("\n")) while True: try: self.line_ends.append( self.input.index("\n", self.line_ends[-1] + 1)) except ValueError: break except ValueError: pass line = bisect.bisect_left(self.line_ends, pos) col = pos if line > 0: col -= self.line_ends[line - 1] if self.input[self.line_ends[line - 1]] in '\n\r': col -= 1 return line + 1, col + 1 def context(self, length=None, position=None): """ Returns current context substring, i.e. the substring around current position. Args: length(int): If given used to mark with asterisk a length chars from the current position. position(int): The position in the input stream. """ if not position: position = self.position if length: retval = "{}*{}*{}".format( text(self.input[max(position - 10, 0):position]), text(self.input[position:position + length]), text(self.input[position + length:position + 10])) else: retval = "{}*{}".format( text(self.input[max(position - 10, 0):position]), text(self.input[position:position + 10])) return retval.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '') def _nm_raise(self, *args): """ Register new NoMatch object if the input is consumed from the last NoMatch and raise last NoMatch. Args: args: A NoMatch instance or (value, position, parser) """ rule, position, parser = args if self.nm is None or not parser.in_parse_comments: if self.nm is None or position > self.nm.position: if self.in_not: self.nm = NoMatch([Parser.FIRST_NOT], position, parser) else: self.nm = NoMatch([rule], position, parser) elif position == self.nm.position and isinstance(rule, Match) \ and not self.in_not: self.nm.rules.append(rule) raise self.nm def _clear_caches(self): """ Clear memoization caches if packrat parser is used. """ self.parser_model._clear_cache() if self.comments_model: self.comments_model._clear_cache()
(skipws=True, ws=None, reduce_tree=False, autokwd=False, ignore_case=False, memoization=False, **kwargs)
Args: skipws (bool): Should the whitespace skipping be done. Default is True. ws (str): A string consisting of whitespace characters. reduce_tree (bool): If true non-terminals with single child will be eliminated from the parse tree. Default is False. autokwd(bool): If keyword-like StrMatches are matched on word boundaries. Default is False. ignore_case(bool): If case is ignored (default=False) memoization(bool): If memoization should be used (a.k.a. packrat parsing)
def __init__(self, skipws=True, ws=None, reduce_tree=False, autokwd=False, ignore_case=False, memoization=False, **kwargs): """ Args: skipws (bool): Should the whitespace skipping be done. Default is True. ws (str): A string consisting of whitespace characters. reduce_tree (bool): If true non-terminals with single child will be eliminated from the parse tree. Default is False. autokwd(bool): If keyword-like StrMatches are matched on word boundaries. Default is False. ignore_case(bool): If case is ignored (default=False) memoization(bool): If memoization should be used (a.k.a. packrat parsing) """ super(Parser, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Used to indicate state in which parser should not # treat newlines as whitespaces. self._eolterm = False self.skipws = skipws if ws is not None: = ws else: = DEFAULT_WS self.reduce_tree = reduce_tree self.autokwd = autokwd self.ignore_case = ignore_case self.memoization = memoization self.comments_model = None self.comments = [] self.comment_positions = {} self.sem_actions = {} self.parse_tree = None # Create regex used for autokwd matching flags = 0 if ignore_case: flags = re.IGNORECASE self.keyword_regex = re.compile(r'[^\d\W]\w*', flags) # Keep track of root rule we are currently in. # Used for debugging purposes self.in_rule = '' self.in_parse_comments = False # Are we in lexical rule? If so do not # skip whitespaces. self.in_lex_rule = False # Are we in Not parsing expression? self.in_not = False # Last parsing expression traversed self.last_pexpression = None
(self, skipws=True, ws=None, reduce_tree=False, autokwd=False, ignore_case=False, memoization=False, **kwargs)
Clear memoization caches if packrat parser is used.
def _clear_caches(self): """ Clear memoization caches if packrat parser is used. """ self.parser_model._clear_cache() if self.comments_model: self.comments_model._clear_cache()
Register new NoMatch object if the input is consumed from the last NoMatch and raise last NoMatch. Args: args: A NoMatch instance or (value, position, parser)
def _nm_raise(self, *args): """ Register new NoMatch object if the input is consumed from the last NoMatch and raise last NoMatch. Args: args: A NoMatch instance or (value, position, parser) """ rule, position, parser = args if self.nm is None or not parser.in_parse_comments: if self.nm is None or position > self.nm.position: if self.in_not: self.nm = NoMatch([Parser.FIRST_NOT], position, parser) else: self.nm = NoMatch([rule], position, parser) elif position == self.nm.position and isinstance(rule, Match) \ and not self.in_not: self.nm.rules.append(rule) raise self.nm
(self, *args)
Returns current context substring, i.e. the substring around current position. Args: length(int): If given used to mark with asterisk a length chars from the current position. position(int): The position in the input stream.
def context(self, length=None, position=None): """ Returns current context substring, i.e. the substring around current position. Args: length(int): If given used to mark with asterisk a length chars from the current position. position(int): The position in the input stream. """ if not position: position = self.position if length: retval = "{}*{}*{}".format( text(self.input[max(position - 10, 0):position]), text(self.input[position:position + length]), text(self.input[position + length:position + 10])) else: retval = "{}*{}".format( text(self.input[max(position - 10, 0):position]), text(self.input[position:position + 10])) return retval.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')
(self, length=None, position=None)
Creates Abstract Semantic Graph (ASG) from the parse tree. Args: sem_actions (dict): The semantic actions dictionary to use for semantic analysis. Rule names are the keys and semantic action objects are values. defaults (bool): If True a default semantic action will be applied in case no action is defined for the node.
def getASG(self, sem_actions=None, defaults=True): """ Creates Abstract Semantic Graph (ASG) from the parse tree. Args: sem_actions (dict): The semantic actions dictionary to use for semantic analysis. Rule names are the keys and semantic action objects are values. defaults (bool): If True a default semantic action will be applied in case no action is defined for the node. """ if not self.parse_tree: raise Exception( "Parse tree is empty. You did call parse(), didn't you?") if sem_actions is None: if not self.sem_actions: raise Exception("Semantic actions not defined.") else: sem_actions = self.sem_actions if type(sem_actions) is not dict: raise Exception("Semantic actions parameter must be a dictionary.") for_second_pass = [] def tree_walk(node): """ Walking the parse tree and calling first_pass for every registered semantic actions and creating list of object that needs to be called in the second pass. """ if self.debug: self.dprint( "Walking down %s type: %s str: %s" % (, type(node).__name__, text(node))) children = SemanticActionResults() if isinstance(node, NonTerminal): for n in node: child = tree_walk(n) if child is not None: children.append_result(n.rule_name, child) if self.debug: self.dprint("Processing %s = '%s' type:%s len:%d" % (, text(node), type(node).__name__, len(node) if isinstance(node, list) else 0)) for i, a in enumerate(children): self.dprint(" %d:%s type:%s" % (i+1, text(a), type(a).__name__)) if node.rule_name in sem_actions: sem_action = sem_actions[node.rule_name] if isinstance(sem_action, types.FunctionType): retval = sem_action(self, node, children) else: retval = sem_action.first_pass(self, node, children) if hasattr(sem_action, "second_pass"): for_second_pass.append((node.rule_name, retval)) if self.debug: action_name = sem_action.__name__ \ if hasattr(sem_action, '__name__') \ else sem_action.__class__.__name__ self.dprint(" Applying semantic action %s" % action_name) else: if defaults: # If no rule is present use some sane defaults if self.debug: self.dprint(" Applying default semantic action.") retval = SemanticAction().first_pass(self, node, children) else: retval = node if self.debug: if retval is None: self.dprint(" Suppressed.") else: self.dprint(" Resolved to = %s type:%s" % (text(retval), type(retval).__name__)) return retval if self.debug: self.dprint("ASG: First pass") asg = tree_walk(self.parse_tree) # Second pass if self.debug: self.dprint("ASG: Second pass") for sa_name, asg_node in for_second_pass: sem_actions[sa_name].second_pass(self, asg_node) return asg
(self, sem_actions=None, defaults=True)
Parses input and produces parse tree. Args: _input(str): An input string to parse. file_name(str): If input is loaded from file this can be set to file name. It is used in error messages.
def parse(self, _input, file_name=None): """ Parses input and produces parse tree. Args: _input(str): An input string to parse. file_name(str): If input is loaded from file this can be set to file name. It is used in error messages. """ self.position = 0 # Input position self.nm = None # Last NoMatch exception self.line_ends = [] self.input = _input self.file_name = file_name self.comment_positions = {} self.cache_hits = 0 self.cache_misses = 0 try: self.parse_tree = self._parse() except NoMatch as e: # Remove Not marker if e.rules[0] is Parser.FIRST_NOT: del e.rules[0] # Get line and column from position e.line, e.col = self.pos_to_linecol(e.position) raise finally: # At end of parsing clear all memoization caches. # Do this here to free memory. if self.memoization: self._clear_caches() # In debug mode export parse tree to dot file for # visualization if self.debug and self.parse_tree: from arpeggio.export import PTDOTExporter root_rule_name = self.parse_tree.rule_name PTDOTExporter().exportFile( self.parse_tree, "{}".format(root_rule_name)) return self.parse_tree
(self, _input, file_name=None)
Parses content from the given file. Args: file_name(str): A file name.
def parse_file(self, file_name): """ Parses content from the given file. Args: file_name(str): A file name. """ with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: content = return self.parse(content, file_name=file_name)
(self, file_name)
Calculate (line, column) tuple for the given position in the stream.
def pos_to_linecol(self, pos): """ Calculate (line, column) tuple for the given position in the stream. """ if not self.line_ends: try: # TODO: Check this implementation on Windows. self.line_ends.append(self.input.index("\n")) while True: try: self.line_ends.append( self.input.index("\n", self.line_ends[-1] + 1)) except ValueError: break except ValueError: pass line = bisect.bisect_left(self.line_ends, pos) col = pos if line > 0: col -= self.line_ends[line - 1] if self.input[self.line_ends[line - 1]] in '\n\r': col -= 1 return line + 1, col + 1
(self, pos)
class ParserPython(Parser): def __init__(self, language_def, comment_def=None, syntax_classes=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructs parser from python statements and expressions. Args: language_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the grammar. comment_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the comments grammar. syntax_classes (dict): Overrides of special syntax parser expression classes (StrMatch, Sequence, OrderedChoice). """ super(ParserPython, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.syntax_classes = syntax_classes if syntax_classes else {} # PEG Abstract Syntax Graph self.parser_model = self._from_python(language_def) self.comments_model = None if comment_def: self.comments_model = self._from_python(comment_def) self.comments_model.root = True self.comments_model.rule_name = comment_def.__name__ # In debug mode export parser model to dot for # visualization if self.debug: from arpeggio.export import PMDOTExporter root_rule = language_def.__name__ PMDOTExporter().exportFile(self.parser_model, "{}".format(root_rule)) def _parse(self): return self.parser_model.parse(self) def _from_python(self, expression): """ Create parser model from the definition given in the form of python functions returning lists, tuples, callables, strings and ParsingExpression objects. Returns: Parser Model (PEG Abstract Semantic Graph) """ __rule_cache = {"EndOfFile": EndOfFile()} __for_resolving = [] # Expressions that needs crossref resolvnih self.__cross_refs = 0 _StrMatch = self.syntax_classes.get('StrMatch', StrMatch) _OrderedChoice = self.syntax_classes.get('OrderedChoice', OrderedChoice) _Sequence = self.syntax_classes.get('Sequence', Sequence) def inner_from_python(expression): retval = None if isinstance(expression, types.FunctionType): # If this expression is a parser rule rule_name = expression.__name__ if rule_name in __rule_cache: c_rule = __rule_cache.get(rule_name) if self.debug: self.dprint("Rule {} founded in cache." .format(rule_name)) if isinstance(c_rule, CrossRef): self.__cross_refs += 1 if self.debug: self.dprint("CrossRef usage: {}" .format(c_rule.target_rule_name)) return c_rule # Semantic action for the rule if hasattr(expression, "sem"): self.sem_actions[rule_name] = expression.sem # Register rule cross-ref to support recursion __rule_cache[rule_name] = CrossRef(rule_name) curr_expr = expression while isinstance(curr_expr, types.FunctionType): # If function directly returns another function # go into until non-function is returned. curr_expr = curr_expr() retval = inner_from_python(curr_expr) retval.rule_name = rule_name retval.root = True # Update cache __rule_cache[rule_name] = retval if self.debug: self.dprint("New rule: {} -> {}" .format(rule_name, retval.__class__.__name__)) elif type(expression) is text or isinstance(expression, _StrMatch): if type(expression) is text: retval = _StrMatch(expression, ignore_case=self.ignore_case) else: retval = expression if expression.ignore_case is None: expression.ignore_case = self.ignore_case if self.autokwd: to_match = retval.to_match match = self.keyword_regex.match(to_match) if match and match.span() == (0, len(to_match)): retval = RegExMatch(r'{}\b'.format(to_match), ignore_case=self.ignore_case, str_repr=to_match) retval.compile() elif isinstance(expression, RegExMatch): # Regular expression are not compiled yet # to support global settings propagation from # parser. if expression.ignore_case is None: expression.ignore_case = self.ignore_case expression.compile() retval = expression elif isinstance(expression, Match): retval = expression elif isinstance(expression, UnorderedGroup): retval = expression for n in retval.elements: retval.nodes.append(inner_from_python(n)) if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) elif isinstance(expression, _Sequence) or \ isinstance(expression, Repetition) or \ isinstance(expression, SyntaxPredicate) or \ isinstance(expression, Decorator): retval = expression retval.nodes.append(inner_from_python(retval.elements)) if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) elif type(expression) in [list, tuple]: if type(expression) is list: retval = _OrderedChoice(expression) else: retval = _Sequence(expression) retval.nodes = [inner_from_python(e) for e in expression] if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) else: raise GrammarError("Unrecognized grammar element '%s'." % text(expression)) # Translate separator expression. if isinstance(expression, Repetition) and expression.sep: expression.sep = inner_from_python(expression.sep) return retval # Cross-ref resolving def resolve(): for e in __for_resolving: for i, node in enumerate(e.nodes): if isinstance(node, CrossRef): self.__cross_refs -= 1 e.nodes[i] = __rule_cache[node.target_rule_name] parser_model = inner_from_python(expression) resolve() assert self.__cross_refs == 0, "Not all crossrefs are resolved!" return parser_model def errors(self): pass
(language_def, comment_def=None, syntax_classes=None, *args, **kwargs)
Constructs parser from python statements and expressions. Args: language_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the grammar. comment_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the comments grammar. syntax_classes (dict): Overrides of special syntax parser expression classes (StrMatch, Sequence, OrderedChoice).
def __init__(self, language_def, comment_def=None, syntax_classes=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructs parser from python statements and expressions. Args: language_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the grammar. comment_def (python function): A python function that defines the root rule of the comments grammar. syntax_classes (dict): Overrides of special syntax parser expression classes (StrMatch, Sequence, OrderedChoice). """ super(ParserPython, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.syntax_classes = syntax_classes if syntax_classes else {} # PEG Abstract Syntax Graph self.parser_model = self._from_python(language_def) self.comments_model = None if comment_def: self.comments_model = self._from_python(comment_def) self.comments_model.root = True self.comments_model.rule_name = comment_def.__name__ # In debug mode export parser model to dot for # visualization if self.debug: from arpeggio.export import PMDOTExporter root_rule = language_def.__name__ PMDOTExporter().exportFile(self.parser_model, "{}".format(root_rule))
(self, language_def, comment_def=None, syntax_classes=None, *args, **kwargs)
Create parser model from the definition given in the form of python functions returning lists, tuples, callables, strings and ParsingExpression objects. Returns: Parser Model (PEG Abstract Semantic Graph)
def _from_python(self, expression): """ Create parser model from the definition given in the form of python functions returning lists, tuples, callables, strings and ParsingExpression objects. Returns: Parser Model (PEG Abstract Semantic Graph) """ __rule_cache = {"EndOfFile": EndOfFile()} __for_resolving = [] # Expressions that needs crossref resolvnih self.__cross_refs = 0 _StrMatch = self.syntax_classes.get('StrMatch', StrMatch) _OrderedChoice = self.syntax_classes.get('OrderedChoice', OrderedChoice) _Sequence = self.syntax_classes.get('Sequence', Sequence) def inner_from_python(expression): retval = None if isinstance(expression, types.FunctionType): # If this expression is a parser rule rule_name = expression.__name__ if rule_name in __rule_cache: c_rule = __rule_cache.get(rule_name) if self.debug: self.dprint("Rule {} founded in cache." .format(rule_name)) if isinstance(c_rule, CrossRef): self.__cross_refs += 1 if self.debug: self.dprint("CrossRef usage: {}" .format(c_rule.target_rule_name)) return c_rule # Semantic action for the rule if hasattr(expression, "sem"): self.sem_actions[rule_name] = expression.sem # Register rule cross-ref to support recursion __rule_cache[rule_name] = CrossRef(rule_name) curr_expr = expression while isinstance(curr_expr, types.FunctionType): # If function directly returns another function # go into until non-function is returned. curr_expr = curr_expr() retval = inner_from_python(curr_expr) retval.rule_name = rule_name retval.root = True # Update cache __rule_cache[rule_name] = retval if self.debug: self.dprint("New rule: {} -> {}" .format(rule_name, retval.__class__.__name__)) elif type(expression) is text or isinstance(expression, _StrMatch): if type(expression) is text: retval = _StrMatch(expression, ignore_case=self.ignore_case) else: retval = expression if expression.ignore_case is None: expression.ignore_case = self.ignore_case if self.autokwd: to_match = retval.to_match match = self.keyword_regex.match(to_match) if match and match.span() == (0, len(to_match)): retval = RegExMatch(r'{}\b'.format(to_match), ignore_case=self.ignore_case, str_repr=to_match) retval.compile() elif isinstance(expression, RegExMatch): # Regular expression are not compiled yet # to support global settings propagation from # parser. if expression.ignore_case is None: expression.ignore_case = self.ignore_case expression.compile() retval = expression elif isinstance(expression, Match): retval = expression elif isinstance(expression, UnorderedGroup): retval = expression for n in retval.elements: retval.nodes.append(inner_from_python(n)) if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) elif isinstance(expression, _Sequence) or \ isinstance(expression, Repetition) or \ isinstance(expression, SyntaxPredicate) or \ isinstance(expression, Decorator): retval = expression retval.nodes.append(inner_from_python(retval.elements)) if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) elif type(expression) in [list, tuple]: if type(expression) is list: retval = _OrderedChoice(expression) else: retval = _Sequence(expression) retval.nodes = [inner_from_python(e) for e in expression] if any((isinstance(x, CrossRef) for x in retval.nodes)): __for_resolving.append(retval) else: raise GrammarError("Unrecognized grammar element '%s'." % text(expression)) # Translate separator expression. if isinstance(expression, Repetition) and expression.sep: expression.sep = inner_from_python(expression.sep) return retval # Cross-ref resolving def resolve(): for e in __for_resolving: for i, node in enumerate(e.nodes): if isinstance(node, CrossRef): self.__cross_refs -= 1 e.nodes[i] = __rule_cache[node.target_rule_name] parser_model = inner_from_python(expression) resolve() assert self.__cross_refs == 0, "Not all crossrefs are resolved!" return parser_model
(self, expression)
def _parse(self): return self.parser_model.parse(self)
def errors(self): pass