python dict: get vs setdefault
[ "Use cases for the 'setdefault' dict method" ]
[ "python dict setdefault, confused", "How to set two keys for dictionary using setdefault", "setdefault - add more than one value to the key", "Possible to concatenate a list with setdefault in Python?", "Why does setdefault evaluate default when key is set?", "C#: Does a dictionary in C# have something similar to the Python setdefault?", "Is multiprocessing.Manager().dict().setdefault() broken?", "Can I get the default value set by setdefault", "Python: List vs Dict for look up table", "List vs Dict for list of objects with an ID", "[] and {} vs list() and dict(), which is better?", "How does .setdefault() work?", "How to implement a lazy setdefault?", "Append to list in a dictionary after setdefault", "dict.setdefault(key, []).append() --> get rid of additional list", "python error AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'setdefault'", "Problems with setdefault and Integers", "setDefault for Nested dictionary in python", "How does dict.setdefault() count the number of characters?", "Why doesn't setdefault work inside a dictionary comprehension?", "Ruby hash equivalent to Python dict setdefault", "Python dict.setdefault uses more memory?", "python setdefault(key,set())).update(... returns None", "setdefault() in nested dictionary?", "In python, is there a setdefault() equivalent for getting object attributes?", "Is there is 'dict.setdefault' equivalent for sets?", "Equivalent of setdefault in Go?", "Why does this python dictionary get created out of order using setdefault()?", "setdefault() takes no keyword arguments" ]
Python combine two lists of unequal length in alternating fashion
[ "Pythonic way to combine two lists in an alternating fashion?" ]
[ "select elements from two unequal length numpy arrays", "Zip up alternating elements", "Create function to compare unequal lists", "create a DataFrame from dict of unequal length lists", "Combine two 2D Lists of unequal length to create one new list", "Reshape list of unequal length lists into numpy array", "Combine numerous lists of different length in python in an alternating order", "how to match two numpy array of unequal length?", "Incorporate string with list entries - alternating", "Create list with alternating values", "Python List comprehension to create unequal length lists from a list using conditional", "How to generate an alternating range?", "Python program to split a list into two lists with alternating elements", "Alternating between variables each run", "comparing two list of lists with unequal size of each element list", "How to iterate unequal nested lists to create a new list Python", "Python: read text file into array - unequal row distrubution", "Program to check if list is in alternating form", "alternating values in numpy", "Python - alternating lists", "How can I get an array of alternating values in python?", "Python alternating input and output", "create a dictionary with duplicate elements from two unequal length of lists", "Compare unequal lists", "Python reference to an new instance alternating", "Alternating sort column", "Creating an alternating dictionary with a loop in Python", "Alternating 1's and 0's in a table - Python", "Pandas: split column of lists of unequal length into multiple columns" ]
How to inherit and extend a list object in Python?
[ "Python: How can I inherit from the built-in list type?" ]
[ "Inherit self from another class file", "How could a class inherit from another class?", "Python - inherit a method from a class but with a different name", "Python: how to inherit from two classes?", "Can a class inherit the __init__() function? (Python)", "How to Inherit a list of python class object into a class?", "How to inherit Class attributes Python", "Python: find all classes which inherit from this one?", "What should the view inherit from?", "How to correctly inherit class from another file", "How to inherit class from different file?", "Python/django inherit from 2 classes", "class variable update/inherit in instance method", "The value of 'form' must inherit from 'BaseModelForm'", "How to inherit a python base class?", "Why can't I inherit from dict AND Exception in Python?", "How should I inherit from a built-in?", "How to inherit _init_ from an instance of a class?", "How do I inherit a class in python?", "Python inherit the property of one class to another", "Inherit a sub method in Python", "Should I add methods to my classes that inherit db.Model, or should I inherit those classes into a new class?", "How to correctly inherit from str?", "How to inherit from Python None", "Python - Does a class method inherit the class parameters?", "How to access string value from new class that inherit string type", "How do inherit list items in Python?", "How to Inherit objects in django?", "How to inherit from an exception to create a more specific Error?" ]
Python: rewinding one line in file when iterating with f.next()
[ "rewinding multiple lines when iterating with f.next()" ]
[ "Iterating through list (Python)", "Iterating a list in a list", "python: iterating through array", "Iterating through a list in python to check file line lenghth", "Iterating over a string in Python", "Iterating through a list in Python", "Iterating each character in a string using Python", "Iterating through a class python", "Python Iterating over a list", "Iterating through array", "Iterating over list", "Iterating with Python", "'x' not in list while iterating over list", "Iterating through list in python 2.7", "Iterating class object", "Iterating list python", "Iterating inside a class or iterating the class instance?", "Iterating through list of list in Python", "python iterating over list", "Iterating through file read", "Rewinding iteration", "Iterating over an array in python", "Iterating over list Python", "output error iterating through list", "Error iterating through file - Python", "Why is my function iterating through a list (Python)?", "Iterating through a list - Python 3", "Iterating on a file using Python", "Iterating and for function - Python" ]
Python Naming Conventions for Dictionaries/Maps/Hashes
[ "Python naming conventions for modules" ]
[ "Operations on Python hashes", "Python naming conventions in decorators", "naming dictionaries after list items", "Python naming conventions for functions that do modify the object or return a modified copy", "Typical Naming Conventions for Python Directories in Packages", "Naming conventions for function arguments in python", "one-to-one hashes in python", "Efficient look-up without the use of hashes?", "Comparing Python Hashes", "Python naming conventions for interfaces and abstract classes?", "Geohashing returns the same position for different hashes", "Python - question about hashes and `None`", "Django model naming conventions", "Naming conventions for Python scripts without classes", "Parameter Naming conventions for function in python", "Matching hashes in a file", "Python __init___: Is this against conventions?", "how to combine hashes in a list of hashes?", "Python method calls in constructor and variable naming conventions inside a class", "Python naming conventions", "Is there an equivalent pop method in Ruby for hashes similar to Python dictionaries?", "Working with Hashes", "How to change end-of-line conventions?", "How can I create multiple hashes of a file using only one pass?", "Can use of multiple naming conventions be consistent?", "Python: Naming conventions for modules & variables when they could conflict", "What is best naming conventions for long class name?", "Naming Conventions for Class Methods and Attributes", "Conventions for 'import ... as'" ]
Django Blob Model Field
[ "Django Binary or BLOB model field" ]
[ "Store BLOB data with django and sqlite", "Getting error: Could not find session for *blob_key*", "Read MySQL blob in python", "How to add a field in Django model?", "Blob object for python (ctypes), C++", "How to convert blob to integer in python?", "Return blob from azure blob storage without saving it", "Use python running in HDI to access blob storage", "Blob detection not working", "reconstituting a class full of data from MySQL BLOB object in python", "Converting blob data into CSV file", "Django models \"blob\" field", "Writing blob from SQLite to file using Python", "Append block in blob service python", "List Field in Model-- Django", "Store uploaded file data in Blob", "BLOB field in database or directly in the file systeme for 1Go files?", "django get values from a model field", "SQLAlchemy JSON as blob/text", "Write file from BLOB mysql python", "python + sqlite3 - Can't get blob data to work", "Download file from Blob URL with Python", "python how to convert blob to string", "Set Django model field with a method", "django model get field method", "How to check to make sure that blob_service.put_block_blob_from_path() was successful in python?", "What does an image look like as a Blob?", "How to get the values in django model field?", "How to ensure Blob metadata is kept when copying blob in Python App Engine" ]
Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data
[ "ValueError: Extra Data error when importing json file using python" ]
[ "json.loads not working in django", "json.loads() doesn't keep order", "How to json.loads as list instead of dictionary in Python", "Why does json.loads() work on some strings?", "Python ValueError", "How to get error location from json.loads in Python", "json.loads with wrong format input string", "Issue in using json.loads() in python", "What format does data input have to be for Python's json.loads?", "json.loads only works for nonunicode JSON", "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'loads', json.loads()", "Read JSON file in python: ValueError", "Python json.loads not able to parse json string", "For loop with json.loads issue", "Python \"ValueError\"", "ValueError in python.", "Json.load() , Json.loads() is not working in python 2.7", "Python json.loads doesn't work", "python json.loads on str", "The result of json.loads(string) is still a string", "Python - JSON ValueError: Extra data", "ValueError in Python", "Python - json loads request parameter", "Python: read in an Array of json objects using json.loads()", "Python string json.loads error", "ValueError: Extra data: Importing multiple JSON frame from JSON file in python", "ValueError while json.loads", "Python load JSON only loads part of a file" ]
Python: Referencing another project
[ "Referencing another project" ]
[ "Python class attribute referencing", "Referencing a list from list of lists", "Referencing a class' method, not an instance's", "How does Python referencing work?", "Self-referencing classes in python?", "python referencing json array", "Self-referencing lists", "Default variable referencing own class in python", "Python: Why is scope of variable referencing a List is different than a variable referencing any other data structure or data type?", "Class Referencing", "Referencing my own data type in class parameter", "Referencing value and values after it", "Python object referencing", "referencing list object by data python", "Referencing index of List -1", "Referencing an item in a list", "When a class is created in Python, and an object referencing it is used, how would you use the name of the object in the class?", "django model referencing object from other class", "Python Referencing a name of a class object in a function", "Referencing a list element by it's name", "Referencing a variable inside another module/.py file", "Python not referencing to same list", "Referencing classes in Python", "Python: Referencing multiple values to a key", "Python variable referencing", "Referencing a variable from a different thread/class in python?", "Self-referencing class variable in Python", "Python Class Objects Attribute Referencing", "OpenedX url referencing" ]
Force python to not output a float in standard form / scientific notation / exponential form
[ "Print a float number in normal form, not exponential form / scientific notation" ]
[ "Python Pandas Scientific Notation Iconsistent", "Out put format should be according to scientific notation", "Convert to scientific notation in Python (A × 10^B)", "Convert float to string without scientific notation and false precision", "How to force a ndarray show in normal way instead of scientific notation?", "How to set float values as scientific notation in matplotlib?", "numpy block scientific notation", "Matplotlib.pyplot: force exponential axis label notation", "Python numpy exponential notation", "How do I force Python to keep an integer out of scientific notation", "String formatting, scientific notation to float in Python", "Regex to match scientific notation", "Convert scientific notation string into int", "Python scientific notation using D instead of E", "Convert to scientific notation, Python 2.7", "How do I force matplotlib to write out the full form of the x-axis label, avoiding scientific notation?", "python with scientific notation EXY", "matplotlib figure with logarithmic axis but ticks without scientific/exponential notation", "Move scientific notation exponential to right side of y axis in matplotlib", "Generate random scientific notation float in python", "How do I import data in scientific notation for a plot?", "Python, code a number with exponential decimal notation", "Fixing scientific notation in json to float", "Pandas convert float in scientific notation to string", "Regex scientific notation", "Pandas read scientific notation and change", "Assign scientific notation to variable in Python", "Convert Scientific Notation to Float", "Convert 2-d array of strings to float in python_removing scientific notation" ]
pytz.timezone shows weird results for Asia/Calcutta?
[ "Weird timezone issue with pytz" ]
[ "pytz - Converting UTC and timezone to local time", "Python pytz timezone conversion returns values that differ from timezone offset for different dates", "EWS Python API issue: No Windows timezone name found for timezone \"Asia/Kolkata\"", "Issue with python/pytz Converting from local timezone to UTC then back", "Using pytz to convert from a known timezone to local", "pytz timezone conversion performance", "Timezone Information Missing in pytz?", "How can I remove a pytz timezone from a datetime object?", "Datetime Timezone conversion using pytz", "Weird behavior on when replacing timezone using pytz timezones vs timezone strings", "Python pytz timezone function returns a timezone that is off by 9 minutes", "python incorrect timezone conversion using pytz", "pytz timezone tags to adjust date printed in templates", "Create New Timezone in pytz", "Python pytz Converting a timestamp (string format) from one timezone to another", "pandas, pytz - simple timezone convert", "Pytz Python Timezone Conversion Not Working", "Get locale from timezone -python, django, pytz", "when does `datetime.now(pytz_timezone)` fail?", "First call to pytz.timezone is slow in virtualenv", "Is there a simplified pytz common_timezone list?", "How to get system timezone setting and pass it to pytz.timezone?", "python timezone conversion issues using pytz", "Python datetime not including DST when using pytz timezone", "Get country code for timezone using pytz?", "pytz.timezone('Asia/Chongqing') is behaving strangely", "Python pytz timezone gives just same as UTC time", "python: pytz package installation issue: ImportError: No module named pytz", "Python: Weird behavior with signs of pytz timezones" ]
How to check if a number is a number when it is a 'string'?
[ "How to check if string input is a number?" ]
[ "how to check if the number is in the list", "How to know if a number is in another number python", "Narcissistic number", "Return a list of number to list of string", "How can I check if my python object is a number?", "How to get number from string", "How do I add every number from a list to a number?", "python 3 How to append number to number", "Number is not being added to number in list", "How to add each number to list in python?", "Find a number in a another number", "Find a number on a string using python", "Python - How to find a number in a list", "How do I check if input is a number in Python?", "Check each number python", "How to check if an element of a list is a number?", "how to number each line of a file on python", "Check if a number is in a range of a list", "Autobiographical number in python?", "how to get the number in a python string", "Text file number to Python number how?", "How do I check a string for any number?", "python String to number", "Check if a string contains a number", "How do I find one number in a string in Python?", "Python how to add number to string", "Get the number of same string in a list", "Check if a number is just after or just before a number", "How to check that the number is even?" ]
How to allow Python.app to firewall on Mac OS X?
[ "Add Python to OS X Firewall Options?" ]
[ "How to install Python 3.1.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.4?", "Django path in Mac OS X", "Parsing firewall rules in Python", "Create python app for mac", "Is it possible to write a firewall in python?", "How to convert a MAC number to MAC string?", "Error Install Pandas for Python on Mac OS X", "Getting error using Tkinter in python on mac OS X", "New line on mac in python", "Python on Mac OS X", "Can you create an Mac OS X Service with Python? How?", "multiple numpy version on Mac OS X", "Use python 2 module in python 3 in mac OS", "how to use json on mac os", "Mac OS X 10.6 Python 2.7 pytidylib utidylib could not find libtidy", "Why can't I find a file in Python 2.7 on Mac OS X 2.7.5?", "Python install issue on Mac OS X", "Add to python path mac os x", "read error on Python in mac", "Mac OS X app/service and stdin?", "How to open compute engine firewall", "Install Python 3.2.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8", "web application firewall development", "Can't run python on Mac", "python and mysql on mac os x", "How to use CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent in Python on Mac?", "How to find a folder path in mac os x using python?", "Python 3.2.3, easy_install, Mac OS X", "The best way to install python 3 on Mac OS X" ]
Creating a numpy array of 3D coordinates from three 1D arrays
[ "Creating a numpy array of 3D coordinates from three 1D arrays, first index changing fastest" ]
[ "Numpy 1d Array CumSquare of the values", "creating numpy 2D array from list of numpy 1D array", "numpy 1D array to numpy arrays", "Creating a 3D plot from a 3D numpy array", "Make 3D array with 1D arrays with zero padding depending on index of 1D array numpythonically", "Reshape 1D numpy array to 3D with x,y,z ordering", "How to convert a 2 1d arrays to one 1d arrays but both values should be inside one element", "3D Numpy array to 3D Numpy array", "making a 3d python array from three 1d arrays", "NumPy: 1D interpolation of a 3D array", "How should I multiply 1d-array in 3d-array by 2d-matrix with numpy", "Find 1D array from 2D NumPy arrays?", "Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy", "Python numpy sort 1D array", "Interpolation of 1D array into a 3d in python", "Convert 1D numpy.array([]) to numpy.array([[]])", "Fill 2D numpy array from three 1D numpy arrays", "Extracting 1d arrays from 3d numpy array using 2d boolean", "Numpy array of numpy arrays has 1D shape", "Getting the position of a value inside a dataset that has three 1D numpy arrays", "Access 1D array with array of lists or arrays", "python from 2D array to 3D coordinates array", "Efficient conversion of a 3D numpy array to a 1D numpy array", "How convert 3d world coordinates to 3d camera coordinates", "How to change 1D numpy array from keras layer output to image (3D numpy array)", "Is there a method to load a 2D array into three 1D arrays?", "Numpy list of 1D Arrays to 2D Array", "Numpy reshape array of arrays to 1D", "How to convert arrays of x,y,z coordinates to 3D path in numpy" ]
How can I put all twill commands together into one piece of code in a .py file?
[ "How can I start using twill?", "Using Twill from Python to open a link: \" 'module' object has no attribute 'Popen' \" What is it?" ]
[ "Documentation for Twill", "Twill - how do choose multiple selects with same name", "Is there a Python function for this piece of code?", "How to use unix commands and python together", "Using twill's builtin mechanize distribution throws AttributeError on _debug?", "How to click a button by twill?", "Twill doesn't show forms", "What is this piece of Python code doing?", "Is there any library which provides similar functions as twill and mechanized but has better quality", "How to combine twill and python into one code that could be run on \"Google App Engine\"?", "how to make the below piece of code work", "Twill alternative for integration testing", "Using Twill or other http tool on https", "Elegantly suppress Twill output in Python", "Python twill: download file accessible through PHP script", "Functional Testing a Flask App: Weird Twill Traceback", "Run commands on python", "Running Commands in Python", "How to deploy this \"Python+twill+mechanize\" combination to \"Google App Engine\"?", "Why does Python (with twill) not want to log me in to a Yahoo mail box here?", "Why is this piece of simple code not working", "Using Twill's submit function when website's submit button is localized(Python)", "Using show() with twill spams the console with HTML", "How to log in to a website using installed twill?", "What is wrong with this piece of code [Python]?", "Python 2.7 using twill, saving downloaded file properly", "Why is this piece of code not working?", "What is this piece of code doing, python" ]
Pandas: Shift down values by one row within a group
[ "Pandas Shift values within group for subset of groups" ]
[ "Text Shift function in Python", "pandas shift date using values from another column", "How to shift row values with condition in a Pandas dataFrame", "How to use pandas to shift the last row to the first", "How to shift down columns row and re-assign column values in Pandas Dataframe?", "how to shift single value of a pandas dataframe column", "pandas: how do I select first row in each GROUP BY group?", "Group by pandas", "group by within group by in pandas", "Pandas dataframe shift column by date", "How does pandas.shift really work?", "pandas shift time series with missing values", "make a shift by index with a pandas dataframe", "Variable shift in Pandas", "How to shift a column in Pandas DataFrame", "Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?", "Pandas Get Other Row in Group", "Why can't I apply shift from within a pandas function?", "Python: List shift", "Pandas: using shift to dataframe", "How to filter shift +/- 1 day in Pandas?", "Variable shift in a pandas dataframe", "Move/shift values in Pandas Data Frame", "Pandas: how shift all dataframe", "Row operations within a group of a pandas dataframe", "How to group by column and copy all values of a group to one row in pandas?", "How to shift values in list of lists python?", "How does the shift \"1<<i\" work in Python?", "Python pandas shift dataframe with time index value" ]
pydot and graphviz error: Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible
[ "Error using python pydot", "Python program can not import dot parser", "Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible" ]
[ "Keras: \"RuntimeError: Failed to import pydot.\" after installing graphviz and pydot", "How to differentiate lines with one dot and two dot?", "How to use a dot in Python format strings?", "Read Dot Files in Python", "How to create a DOT file in Python?", "ImportError: No module named pydot ( unable to import pydot)", "How do I run \"dot\" as a command from Python?", "How can python write a dot file for GraphViz asking for some edges to be colored red?", "python parse and print text before .(dot)", "Python graphviz - pydot.Dot.write_png doesnt work (windows)", "How to add dot's graph attribute into final dot output", "make a program return True if there is more than one dot in the string?", "Loading .dot file in graphviz", "Graphviz dot layout type error", "Numpy dot in a for loop", "Remove dot at the end of number", "What is `1..__truediv__` ? Does Python have a .. (\"dot dot\") notation syntax?", "dot_module and dot_dot_module when import module", "Line up the heads of Dot graph using PyDot?", "Graphviz: write result to file", "Regex not start with dot or end with dot", "Python: How to count dot dot dot pattern at the end of strings?", "How to call an R function with a dot in its name by pyRserve?", "Python - np.dot in for loop", "Import with dot name in python", "pydot: is it possible to plot two different nodes with the same string in them?", "How to replace a dot with a string in a python list" ]
How to efficiently get the correlation matrix (with p-values) of a data frame with NaN values?
[ "python - how to compute correlation-matrix with nans in data-matrix" ]
[ "Plot only one or few rows of a correlation matrix", "Pandas: How to drop self correlation from correlation matrix", "Correlation Matrix: Extract Variables with High R Values", "Python pandas empty correlation matrix", "Pandas Data Frame correlation with Series", "Rolling mean of correlation matrix", "Correlation matrix in NumPy with NaN's", "Correlation coefficients and p values for all pairs of rows of a matrix", "create graph with correlation matrix", "Convert vertical matrix to correlation matrix. Python", "Intraclass Correlation in Python Module?", "correlation between arrays in python", "Correlation between columns in DataFrame", "How to time-efficiently remove values next to 'NaN' values?", "Python) parsing data from correlation matrix file", "Numpy Correlation Error for Python", "Correlation matrix of two Pandas dataframe, with P values", "DataFrame correlation produces NaN although its values are all integers", "Pandas correlation", "Display correlation matrix using axes", "how to find the correlation between two images", "How to efficiently pass an array to a data frame?", "List Highest Correlation Pairs from a Large Correlation Matrix in Pandas?", "Convert correlation dataframe to dictionary {key = (sample_x,sample_y), value = correlation}", "Plot correlation matrix using pandas", "How to efficiently generate this matrix in python", "correlation matrix of one dataframe with another", "Correlation matrix for two Pandas dataframes", "how to calculate correlation between rows in python pandas data frame" ]
How to remove all characters before a specific character in Python?
[ "How to remove specific characters in front of another specific character?" ]
[ "How can you remove the new line characters in python?", "Remove the first character of a string", "How to remove all characters after a specific character in python?", "To remove characters in python", "Want to overwrite specific character on a specific line in a text file with new characters in Python", "How to remove the first few characters of a string?", "Python - Remove a specific after a specific character?", "See if *any* characters are in string and remove them", "Python: remove any character that comes directly after a specific set of characters from a string", "Remove specific characters from a string in Python", "Remove specific characters from list python", "How to remove characters from a specific place in a string(not by index) in Python", "Remove character from string if its not in a list...?", "Remove specific characters from a string", "Python: remove characters from a string?", "How do I remove a character once from a string [python]?", "how do i remove the first characters of a string [python]", "remove specific characters from text file string", "Python, Remove word start with specific character", "How to remove characters from list", "Remove specific characters from String List - Python", "Remove character between two characters in Python", "How to remove nonalphanumeric character in python but keep some special characters", "remove characters from a python string", "Add/remove characters in python?", "how to remove specific character in numpy?", "How to you remove characters before and after a string in python?", "Remove nonalphabet characters from a string", "Remove characters not in a set in Python" ]
Pandas to_html() truncates string contents
[ "Writing full contents of Pandas dataframe to HTML table" ]
[ "CSV Writer truncates characters in sequence in Excel 2013", "Python csv writer truncates number format", "python doctest truncates expected output", "Google App Engine urlFetch truncates page text", "Calling rst2pdf through subprocess in Django app truncates file", "How do get Python to print the contents of a file", "Python setproctitle + numpy truncates title at 11 characters in Linux", "python json.loads / json.load truncates nested json objects?", "Set contents to string", "Python: Writing output to text file, but text file does not contain the entire string and truncates randomly?", "Pandas: read_html", "(Python) Can't Print all the Contents of the Text File", "search contents of one file with contents of a second file using python", "pandas to_sql truncates my data", "How to print the contents of a pygit object in python", "Google Autocomplete Script Truncates Results Based on Input String in Python 2.7.12", "Generate a table of contents from HTML with Python", "Python make list of list contents", "lxml truncates text that contains 'less than' character", "How to read the file contents from a file?", "Print only the contents of a string", "How can I take an integer input from user and store it to an array?", "Python truncates a valid regex pattern string", "Django File Field Truncates request.POST Data", "Django UUIDField Truncates from varchar(36) to char(32)", "How can I read the contents of all the files in a directory with pandas?", "Python Django truncates the response", "BeautifulSoup truncates table", "Python CSV writer truncates long numbers" ]
UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode
[ "Python unicode equal comparison failed", "python UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison. How to solve this error?" ]
[ "How to convert list to unicode list", "Unicode() in python 3", "SQLAlchemy showing a UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed", "how to convert unicode string on unicode format with python?", "Unicode in python", "Python's unicode", "UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode", "Does print convert the string to unicode in python?", "Python giving UnicodeWarning when calling remove() on a list containing unicode strings", "Base.py: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode in", "UnicodeWarning when comparing unicode strings to unicode results from os.walk command", "Python - Unicode", "How can I fix this warning:UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed", "Convert unicode to a list of string?", "UnicodeWarning: special characters in Tkinter", "unicode class in Python", "Python unicode error", "UnicodeWarning fired only once", "Python Unicode Warning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode", "convert unicode into list", "OpenERP - UnicodeWarning: Unicode unequal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode", "Convert a unicode input to string for comparison", "how to convert a unicode value string to unicode in python 2.7", "Where is the unicode?", "Python and Unicode", "Python Unicode and MIMEE", "How to convert a string with unicode in it to unicode using python", "Unicode in Python" ]
Algorithm to generate (not quite) spanning set in Python
[ "Algorithm to generate spanning set", "Algorithm to generate (not quite) spanning set in Python with no set longer than 5" ]
[ "Create a Pandas dataframe with counts of items spanning a date range", "replace an item in a html tag spanning multiple lines", "SQLAlchemy equivalent of Django ORM's relationship-spanning filter", "How do you create a date range spanning multiple days with only some intra-day values in pandas?", "Spanning tree of directed graph with networkx", "Enable VLAN Spanning with Python API", "ReportLab table with a column spanning all rows split across PDF page?", "Most efficient Django query to return results spanning multiple tables", "Byte string spanning more than one line", "How can I read in a csv file as a MultiIndexed DataFrame when the spanning column header isn't repeated?", "Pandas: efficiently exclude rows basing on criteria spanning all columns", "Tkinter Canvas - how to create event over an area spanning multiple objects (Python2)", "Improving Implementation of Finding a Minimum Spanning Tree", "Computing daily minimum and maximum of columns in pandas dataframe spanning multiple days", "Aggregating timestamps spanning multiple days in Pandas dataframes", "Cell spanning multiple columns in table using python-docx", "Python: Trying to Deserialize Multiple JSON objects in a file with each object spanning multiple but consistently spaced number of lines", "Python: how to visualize the Minimum Spanning Tree of a network?", "Representing a minimum spanning tree using an adjacency list", "Put list of datetime objects spanning multiple days into 2-hourly bins", "Clustering after minimum spanning tree cut", "igraph (maximum) spanning tree is disconnected", "Networkx: all Spanning Trees and their associated total weight", "How to calculate a rolling mean from a series of dates spanning years?", "matplotlib: drawing a horizontal line spanning over multiple subplots, with interactive mode", "How do i make a Histogram spanning multiple files?", "Method to split a SciPy minimum spanning tree based on greatest edge weight?", "Matplotlib title spanning two (or any number of) subplot columns" ]
Discontinuous timeseries plot with dates on x-axis
[ "Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?" ]
[ "Is there a discontinuous range class for Python?", "How to do a timeseries join in pandas when dates don't match?", "Matplotlib timeseries plot from numpy matrix", "timeseries database to use with python", "Solve ODEs with discontinuous input/forcing data", "Interpolate a discontinuous function with Scipy", "Pandas selecting discontinuous columns from a dataframe", "Convert List to Pandas Timeseries", "python: How to plot 2D discontinuous node-centered data?", "Assignment to discontinuous slices in python", "How to search for discontinuous characters in Python list?", "how to solve discontinuous line when drawing with python", "Finding dates with identical values in two pandas-timeseries", "Pandas select discontinuous dataframe date slices?", "How to use discontinuous index to form a new list in python?", "Discontinuous slice in python list", "scipy.integrate.trapz and discontinuous functions", "How to make matplotlib draw discontinuous line segments?", "Converting (and back) discontinuous values to continuous values in Python 2", "Why does dataframe object convert to TimeSeries Object", "Fix up shapely polygon object when discontinuous after map projection", "Pandas way to find discontinuous data", "Plot bar graph and timeseries plot on different axis using pandas", "Dataframe: group with an discontinuous column", "Can't convert a Python List to timeSeries", "Adding hetrogenous TimeSeries to a DataFrame", "Python: Sending discontinuous data with mpi4py", "Seaborn timeseries plot", "adding zero/Nan rows to discontinuous index in pandas python" ]
Error Installing Scikits.audiolab
[ "Python audiolab install, unable to install (or find) libsndfile on Mac OSX", "Error installing scikits.audiolab when using python setup.py egg_info" ]
[ "Error installing coremltools", "python, scikits-learn: which learning methods support sparse feature vectors?", "Missing values in scikits machine learning", "How to obtain features' weights", "Trying to install Python audiolab module, module not found", "Error installing PyMVPA2", "Mac: Error importing scikits while it has been installed", "Scikits learn define max-iter", "Python scikits - Buffer has wrong number of dimensions (expected 1, got 2)", "How to extract info from scikits.learn classifier to then use in C code", "What is return type of read_frames() scikits audiolab?", "Error installing pydns", "Scikits-learn svm SVC simple issue", "scikits.learn clusterization methods for curve fitting parameters", "Scikits-learn: Use custom vocabulary together with Pipeline", "Python scikits learn - Separating Hyperplane equation", "scikits.audiolab on Ubuntu Oneiric - ImportError: No module named _sndfile", "Python scikits SVM grid search and classification", "Confused Using scikits.cuda.cula", "Can't import audiolab in python", "How to load the datset using scikits", "create single perceptron with scikits MLPregressor", "scikits confusion matrix with cross validation", "Scipy/Numpy/scikits - calculating precision/recall scores based on two arrays", "Cannot import scikits-learn even though it seems to be installed", "beep sound in python audiolab", "Does Scikit-learn release the python GIL?", "Importing sound files into Python as NumPy arrays (alternatives to audiolab)" ]
gnuplot vs Matplotlib
[ "Make pyplot faster than gnuplot" ]
[ "How do I set font size of the figure title in gnuplot-py?", "python: Gnuplot - variable parameter in 'set key' (for example)", "Gnuplot command to matplotlib", "File input to gnuplot through python", "Multiplot in Gnuplot via Python", "How do I do image plots in the gnuplot module for python?", "Gnuplot python with 2 list", "Use gnuplot via python (python-gnuplot) to plot all files at once", "plot using gnuplot or python", "Gnuplot: line 0: function to plot expected", "How can I plot a style like gnuplot's 'with impulses' with matplotlib?", "gnuplot: line 1: invalid command", "ImportError for Gnuplot in python terminal", "Passing Python functions to Gnuplot", "Calling gnuplot from python", "GNUplot 4.2 syntax errors when trying to use set style line", "Newline in Gnuplot-Py?", "How to change x interval labels in GNUPlot for python?", "Invoking Gnuplot from Python", "GNUplot stdin, how to plot multiple lines?", "Is there a way to run grid.py without running gnuplot?", "Can't specify x range using gnuplot.py", "error with Xyce Gnuplot.py", "Gnuplot sending newline and \",\\\" from python", "gnuplot-py error with datetime chart", "Can Gnuplot take different arguments at run time? maybe with Python?", "gnuplot to gnuplot.py", "gnuplot.py - plotting time vs distance graph - multiple lines", "Plotting lines with gnuplot python" ]
Python Chunking CSV File Multiproccessing
[ "Chunking data from a large file for multiprocessing?" ]
[ "Buying ram to avoid chunking for 30-50Gb plus files", "Pandas - why is read_csv with chunking 'on' faster than without for small files?", "Chunking new sentences in Tagger Based NLTK Chunker", "python: is there a library function for chunking an input stream?", "Relation extraction via chunking using NLTK", "Chunking for Tamil language", "Transefrring .CSV file to a list in Python", "Chunking with nltk", "chunking list by delimiter in Python", "Chunking, processing & merging dataset in Pandas/Python", "Restrict request to only ask for HTTP/1.0 [to prevent chunking error]", "xrange as an iterator and chunking", "nltk custom grammar for chunking dates using RegexpParser", "Restructing a CSV file?", "Uneven chunking in python", "Python multiprocessing pool not chunking properly", "Chunking with Python-Treetaggerwrapper", "CSV file to a list in Python", "What is \"_csv\" in Python?", "Writing python chunking loops with reference to another txt", "Chunking Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER) outputs from NLTK format", "Chunking bytes (not strings) in Python 2 and 3", "csv file to list in python", "Elegant way of chunking data", "Reading Data by Chunking with HDF5 and Pandas", "CSV manipulaions with python", "NLTK Chunking Error", "Heroku terminates worker performing http chunking (streaming)", "Chunking dates into mangeable groups w/ python" ]
How to allow unverified packages in requirements.txt
[ "Fresh deploy on Heroku fails with \"use --allow-unverified PIL to allow\"" ]
[ "Disk cache of Python packages from requirements.txt", "pip fails to find any packages from requirements.txt", "pip fails to install packages from requirements.txt", "Format a requirements.txt file for pip where one or more packages have a different index-url", "Can not install requirements.txt", "setup.py doesn't see my requirements.txt", "Installing selected packages from requirements.txt", "Reverse requirements.txt", "In Python, `pip -r requirements.txt` doesn't install packages *recursively*?", "Installing requirements.txt", "How to create a requirements.txt?", "Automatically create requirements.txt", "pip group packages in requirements.txt", "How to install packages using pip according to the requirements.txt file from a local directory?", "Suppress InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made in Python2.6", "How do you add a link to requirements.txt?", "What to add in requirements file", "Upgrade python packages from requirements.txt using pip command", "Requirements.txt on Google Appe Engine", "Installing external or unverified packages with Pip on Elastic Beanstalk", "Using \"-t\" option inside a requirements.txt file", "how to check what packages are used to include in a requirements.txt file?", "requirements.txt depending on python version", "Picklingtools requirements on python version", "Include python version in requirements.txt?", "Packages installed by `pip install -r requirements.txt` are not found", "Django requirements.txt FIle in root", "Install-time dependencies in requirements.txt", "Can't install requirements.txt with pip" ]
How do I access Meteor's MongoDB from another client, while Meteor is running?
[ "Best way to get python and meteor talking" ]
[ "Send socket from python to Meteor (node.js)", "How do you check if the client for a MongoDB instance is valid?", "Django + MongoDB", "Meteor modularity and access protection — is everything 'global'?", "Python processing how to link with Meteor", "How to use '*' in Mongodb?", "Using a scatter plot and world map image to display meteor impacts on a map, Aspect ratio problems", "Uploading files to Meteor via DDP", "Using Tor and Meteor DDP", "Meteor / python / mongoDB - How do I update the mongoDB from a backround running process?", "Get Value just once in MongoDB", "MongoDB object - PYTHON", "How to Query this in MongoDB?", "See real time changes in data using python meteor", "Django with MongoDB", "How to add data to mongoDB in python", "Mongodb with Python's \"set()\" type", "MongoDB \"$or\" update", "Can't connect to Meteor with Pymongo", "How do I incorporate Skulpt into my Meteor.js webapp?", "Calling Python scripts in Meteor", "Scraping Meteor with Python", "How to Implement Turtle in Skulpt (in Meteor)?", "How to use variable in mongodb with python", "Python mongodb create_index error", "mongoDB: python code issue", "Python-requests and Meteor / MongoDB collectionapi update not working", "Find values in mongodb with array", "MongoDB - Print" ]
Upgrade python packages from requirements.txt using pip command
[ "How to install packages using pip according to the requirements.txt file from a local directory?" ]
[ "Python: command \"python -m pip install --upgrade pip\" doesn't work", "pip fails to find any packages from requirements.txt", "pip fails to install packages from requirements.txt", "Format a requirements.txt file for pip where one or more packages have a different index-url", "Upgrade the pip to the specified version", "Why does pip install requirements.txt install extra packages?", "`pip: error: No command by the name pip install -r requirements.txt` after running", "In Python, `pip -r requirements.txt` doesn't install packages *recursively*?", "Upgrade package from script using pip", "Warning: cannot find svn location for distribute==0.6.16dev-r0", "pip requirements.txt with alternative index", "How to upgrade a pip-installed module but not Django?", "How to create a requirements.txt?", "what to do with non-pip requirement in requirements.txt", "pip group packages in requirements.txt", "Upgrade packages with pip from inside code", "Can't upgrade my version of pip. Something is wrong with my setup", "pip check from requirements but not install", "Split requirements files in pip", "pip doesn't work after upgrade", "how to check what packages are used to include in a requirements.txt file?", "Can't install requirements.txt with pip", "Install a package and write to requirements.txt with pip", "Error when running 'pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade'", "Can I add comments to a pip requirements file?", "Packages installed by `pip install -r requirements.txt` are not found", "Is there a way to list pip dependencies/requirements?", "I am getting an error after trying to upgrade my pip", "How to use pip with python3.5 after upgrade from 3.4?" ]
Python: Using minidom to search for nodes with a certain text
[ "How to get whole text of an Element in xml.minidom?" ]
[ "Parsing XML using Python minidom", "Python minidom look for empty text node", "python minidom xml parser 3", "Minidom - extracting sub-nodes", "Get Element value with minidom with Python", "Python minidom can't parse xml", "How to extract data from XML using python minidom", "Find element with attribute with minidom", "python minidom read xml", "Get node name with minidom", "Python XML Processing in minidom", "Parsing XML with minidom", "Python minidom: How to access an element", "Parsing XML Using minidom", "XML minidom parsing error", "XML Parsing with python minidom", "Python xml minidom. generate <text>Some text</text> element", "Python 3.5 Can't write xml using via minidom", "How to get element value using minidom in python and store them into a list?", "Python Minidom Parsing File Objects", "using minidom to parse xml", "Python list index out of range - minidom", "Python minidom extract text from XML", "Parsing XML in python using minidom", "Modify XML using Python minidom", "Python minidom/xml : How to set node text with minidom api", "Error: List index out of range in Minidom Python", "how to parse xml data by the text value name? By python minidom", "Python Minidom : Change Value of Node" ]
What is the use of "assert" in Python?
[ "Best practice for Python assert" ]
[ "How do you assert something is not true in Python?", "How to assert two list contain the same elements in Python?", "How to use Mock.ANY with assert_called_with", "How to properly use (assert) in this case with Python?", "How can I assert from Python C code?", "Can not assert type of an object?", "how to write a custom assert Python", "Python : Assert that variable is instance method?", "Assert/VerifyElementPresent with Python and WebDriver?", "Assert without the traceback in Python", "design of python: why is assert a statement and not a function?", "how to use assert and == in python?", "Example use of assert in Python?", "Implementing C-like assert", "assert wrapper function", "Assert an integer is within range", "How to use Assert in this instance?", "Python how to assert that a method has been called", "Proper way to assert type of variable in Python", "Assert fails in Python", "When should I use 'assert' in Python?", "Python assert on property set", "What does assert equal to empty parentheses (assert x == ()) mean?", "Why is the assert not getting imported here", "Use assert in normal code", "pandas assert error for empty column", "Python: Assert that all objects in a list have a specific attribute values", "Assert that a method was called with one argument out of several", "assert JSON response" ]
Apply Border To Range Of Cells Using Openpyxl
[ "Openpyxl - Apply Borders to Cells" ]
[ "Python openpyxl loop data in cells", "Why is the iteration over this loop not adding cells in openpyxl?", "How to find cells that contain images with openpyxl", "Losing merged cells border while editing Excel file with openpyxl", "Delete cells in Excel using Python 2.7 and openpyxl", "python - fill cells with colors using openpyxl", "openpyxl: assign value or apply format to a range of Excel cells without iteration", "Python: Openpyxl outputs \"None\" for empty cells", "Compare multiple cells in openpyxl", "Select specific cells for range function in openpyxl package of Python", "Openpyxl: Removing Duplicate cells from a column", "How do you use srgbClr in openpyxl ColorChoices", "Writing multi-line strings into cells using openpyxl", "Openpyxl: write cells with different format", "openpyxl merged cells: Formatting issue", "Use OpenPyXL to iterate through sheets and cells, and update cells with contantenated string", "Apply 'wrap_text' to all cells using openpyxl", "Apply color to specific cells with openpyxl", "Openpyxl iterating through cells, can't compare cells to string", "Openpyxl deleting cells", "Checking for empty cells with OpenPyXl", "openpyxl color cells based on value from another column", "How to read range of cells using column=numbers instead of letters in OpenPyXL?", "Assign cells to a variable with Openpyxl", "Openpyxl adjust image between two cells", "Finding hidden cells using openpyxl", "Python openpyxl error", "Reference multiple cells with openpyxl", "openPyXL - assign value to range of cells during unmerge" ]
Pickle figures from matplotlib
[ "Saving interactive Matplotlib figures" ]
[ "Saving multiple figures to one pdf file in matplotlib", "How to show two figures using matplotlib?", "Get the list of figures in matplotlib", "Matplotlib not displaying figures", "How to pickle yourself?", "Can matplotlib add metadata to saved figures?", "How to use for loop to plot figures saved to different files with matplotlib?", "How to Iterate a dictionary of references to matplotlib figures", "Show select matplotlib figures", "Create a grid from figures python", "Matplotlib condenses two separate figures into one upon saving them", "Saving multiple matplotlib figures with multiprocessing", "Matplotlib figures not moving with frames", "Matplotlib figures not working after Tkinter file dialog", "Keeping multiple figures open with matplotlib after script is executed", "Remove top and right axes of all Matplotlib figures", "Python -Two figures in one plot", "Pickle in Python", "Saving all open matplotlib figures in one file at once", "Multiple figures in a single window", "How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures", "Python with matplotlib - drawing multiple figures in parallel", "matplotlib: plt.show() shows three figures", "Python: why pickle?", "Keeping matplotlib figures open after program ends", "How can I show figures separately in matplotlib?", "Python - Overlap of figures with matplotlib", "Do all matplotlib figures have to be square?", "matplotlib sequence of figures in the same window" ]
What happens when we edit(append, remove...) a list and can we execute actions each time a list is edited
[ "What happens when you call `append` on a list?" ]
[ "How to execute something if any exception happens", "Trying to append a list in its own list... what happens?", "Python Repeated Actions", "Multiple list comprehension actions in a single line", "Actions with strings, python", "Django admin actions form that working", "print edited list without actually editing the list", "Getting when a text file is edited by another program", "What happens if you append a list to itself?", "add link to Actions in Django Admin", "multiple actions in list comprehension python", "Python 3 does not run, I edited the system variables", "Time actions in Python", "How to write two similar django admin actions", "Global variable in python is not edited", "How to implement the abolition of actions?", "writing edited xml content to another file issue - python", "invoking OpenWhisk actions from a Python app?", "Default parameters to actions with Django", "MongoDB with python - two actions in one query", "What happens in this code?", "ImportError: cannot import name actions", "What happens in this class?", "Django 1.9 - Update or create, return added/edited id", "Python adding an exception (edited)", "Python list remove append", "python comprehension for loop with if statement and other actions following that", "How to save edited content in html", "Actions before close python script" ]
clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]
[ "clang error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd' (python package installation failure)" ]
[ "Python - How to 'set' an argument?", "Python clang does not search system include paths", "pip install salt returns 'clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]", "How to get list of methods in C++ header using python with clang binding?", "How to print the name of an argument", "Call a Python function in a file with command-line argument", "Alternatives of fused type in cython", "Cython: Passing multiple numpy arrays in one argument with fused types", "python method as argument", "how to create a command-line-argument in python", "Errors installing Matplotlib - clang", "Installing Pillow, getting -Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future", "Python should return more than 1 argument", "python: use command line argument from file A in file B", "How to check for clang presence in Python?", "Cython fused can not casting", "list as command line argument in python", "Python class argument error", "MySQLdb Clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd'", "Python Function Argument", "Have command line argument as a default function argument", "Casting Cython fused types to C++ pointers", "how to catch for/while statement with clang in python", "Psycopg2 Error: clang: error: unknown argument: '-mno-fused-madd' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]", "How do I read a command line argument from Python?", "Argument Error in Python", "python-clang: Getting Template Arguments", "Python - Need to get argument on command line", "Function as argument in python" ]
Getting more granular diffs from difflib (or a way to post-process a diff to achieve the same thing)
[ "Comparing HTML with difflib" ]
[ "Computing diffs within groups of a dataframe", "Python difflib take new data and append to old file", "Django: RadioSelect more granular control", "How does the python difflib.get_close_matches() function work?", "difflib with more than two file names", "The difference results about difflib in python", "Using difflib.diff_bytes to compare two files in python", "Cannot Import Difflib in python. How can I solve?", "TypeError: object of type 'float' has no len() , difflib", "Python difflib for 2 files, with incorrect line numbers", "ImportError :No module named difflib_data", "How to understand/use the Python difflib output?", "In Python, compare row diffs for multiple columns", "C++ string diff (a la Python's difflib)", "Comparing two files using difflib in python", "Why after using difflib on unicode string I get KeyError", "Python Difflib - How to get diff sequneces like PHP Diff Class format", "python difflib comparing files", "How to avoid to common lines in the output file using diffLib in python", "Python 2.7 - Pygame - move_ip() too granular", "difflib.get_close_matches() - Help getting desired result", "Generating and applying diffs in python", "Ignore case with difflib.get_close_matches()", "Python difflib How it works on list?", "How to get difference between two *.sql files using difflib", "Comparing two .txt files using difflib in Python", "No module named difflib", "difflib on Ruby", "How to apply the output of python's difflib.unified_diff to the original string?" ]
How to Install M2crypto on Windows
[ "Installing M2Crypto on Windows" ]
[ "error in importing M2Crypto Mac OS X", "Usage of M2Crypto package", "M2Crypto: Override Post Connection Check of HostName", "Encrypt file using M2Crypto", "Python M2Crypto load_pub_key from string", "Reference M2Crypto from within Jython", "M2Crypto Error Installing on Windows", "pip install m2crypto failing with swig", "python_d 2.7 will not load __m2crypto_d.pyd", "pip install m2crypto error", "Python cannot import M2Crypto on Windows", "Is there an M2Crypto installer for Windows 7 64-bit?", "Unable to install M2Crypto package in Windows 8.1 64 bit machine", "Where should I store M2Crypto files", "Turn SSLchecking off in M2Crypto in Python", "M2Crypto causes a core dump", "M2Crypto, Encrypt and Sign at once?", "importing m2crypto to google app engine", "Error when importing M2Crypto in Python on Windows x64", "M2Crypto RSA Alternative method for read key", "pip install M2Crypto failing", "M2Crypto - import keys from non-standard file?", "How do I install M2Crypto on Ubuntu?", "M2Crypto's AES key", "Python 2.7 and M2Crypto - ImportError", "M2Crypto: AttributeError for load_dynamic_engine()", "How to get Python m2Crypto to work with virtualenv?", "Install m2crypto on a virtualenv without system packages", "Error in import M2Crypto" ]
What does `Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread` mean?
[ "Swig Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread Abort trap: 6 with Python 2.7.5" ]
[ "pip install SQLAlchemy Results in \"fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory\"", "Fatal error during Py_Finalize in embedded Python application", "Is the PyThreadState* of the main python thread expected to be NULL?", "Postgres FATAL database does not exist Django", "matplotlib fatal error ft2", "Fatal Python error when using a dynamic version of Python to execute embedded python code", "What does this error mean?", "Catch bash/git fatal in python", "print current thread in python 3", "KIvy GL fatal error", "Fatal Python error when trying to run an executable Python script", "Throws Fatal Python error using command 'python3' in cmd", "fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory", "What does my error mean?", "Fatal error while installing keras", "Fatal Python error when using SWIG under OSX", "Python making a file produces fatal error only on boot?", "fatal error: yara.h: file not found when installing yara, for ubuntu", "How to I catch and handle a fatal error when Py_initialize fails?", "how to catch a non-fatal error in python", "Python test framework with support of non-fatal failures", "fatal error: ots/libots.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated", "Pip - Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '\"'", "Fabric put command gives fatal error: 'No such file' exception", "Fatal error while installing nltk", "Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize()", "Cython Fatal Error: Python.h No such file or directory", "Fatal Python error when attempting to upgrade pip", "pyinstaller one file --no-console does not work \"Fatal Error\"" ]
Get python-markdown extension to output html tags with a specific class attribute in Django?
[ "how to pass class attribute and value to markdown syntax" ]
[ "Python markdown edge case: /* */", "Pass markdown from file to template in Django view", "Injecting special characters in python markdown parser extension", "python markdown which version has a mark method", "python markdown headerid extension custom slugify function error", "How can I use a list-like type to generate a markdown with string.Template python?", "Running Python code in Markdown", "How to use markdown for python with pycharm?", "How to create a new markdown cue extending another one using python-markdown", "Markdown previewer", "Python alternative to R Markdown", "Save markdown content in simplemde", "not getting expected result from python markdown", "how to replace markdown tags into html by python?", "How to use python markdown to process a file that is read in?", "Markdown with custom syntax?", "Handling markdown's return characters in JSON with Python", "Generate permalinks on header with python markdown library", "How can I get a list of image URLs from a Markdown file in Python?", "How to have python code and markdown in one cell", "limit Markdown in Django", "'meta' extension for Markdown not loading in Python2.6?", "Display text without markdown syntax in Django", "How do I implement markdown in Django 1.6 app?", "Check image urls using python-markdown", "Rendering html using javascript and code from markdown and django", "Error when using pip install django_markdown", "Markdown: Is there a way to specify raw text in markdown?", "Python - how to overwrite output from Markdown library" ]
How to thread wxPython progress bar
[ "Displaying Progress with wxPython" ]
[ "Writing progress bar into file", "Sending progress value to progress bar in python", "Django progress bar", "wxPython progress bar", "How to get object from right click event in wxribbon bar in wxpython?", "How to copy a file in Python with a progress bar?", "wxPython: Name error", "How to get progress bar to time Class exectution", "wxPython in Python 3.4.1", "Using a progress bar for the output", "wxPython StyleSetSpec and SetLexer not working?", "How can wxThumbnailCtrl in wxpython be used?", "wxPython: call a wxApp from another wxApp", "NSView* from wxPython", "wxPython Update Progress Dialog from separate thread", "How to update a progress bar in a loop?", "Get user input in WxPython", "Use of python progress bar in script", "How to place progress bar in specific field of status bar in wxpython?", "How to change Bitmap1 for ToolBarToolBase Object in wxPython", "How to use AddSubclassFactory from wxPython?", "How to use wxPython for Python 3?", "Using \"self\" in Python and wxPython", "How do I start and use wxPython?", "wxPython Progress bar crashes and not works as expected", "Python Progress Bar", "Progress bar for a \"for\" loop in Python script", "how to know the progress of each thread?", "How to add a progress bar in python?" ]
extract the number and name of python method arguments
[ "How can I find the number of arguments of a Python function?" ]
[ "Extract data from string in python", "Extract data from Python set", "Extract data from XML file if arguments are of certain values", "Extract number from file name in python", "How to extract a number from a string in Python?", "Extract value from string in Python?", "Extract Number from String in Python", "Python function sort and manipulate based on Arguments", "How can I extract that number from string?", "To extract a string", "How to extract data from this file?", "How to extract number from text in python?", "Extract Data from file using python", "Python Extract data from file", "extract data from file with python", "Python to extract data from a file", "How to extract data from string", "Extract class from python", "Python: extract number from String", "python how to extract a number from a variable", "Extract arguments from python script", "Split or Extract Strings into Arguments of Function?", "extract a number and the string after it", "How to extract number from end of the string", "How to extract string from python list?", "How to extract columnes from Python list?", "How to extract a number from a string in python", "Extract 2 arguments from web page", "how to extract all the data between &nbsp;" ]
Python subprocess.check_output(args) fails, while args executed via Windows command line work OK
[ "subprocess.check_output fails to execute a command but the same works in windows" ]
[ "python 2.7 and subprocess() not passing args correctly", "how to use a method with no args in python?", "subprocess and extra args", "What does int() function with 2 args do in Python", "Get number of args for function", "Subprocess module fails to run command", "Windows fails to pass the args to a python script", "How to viewthe actual command executed by \"subprocess.check_call()\"", "Call python script with args in Windows", "Python list as *args?", "Using command line args from different files in python", "Python command line args format issue", "Python Command Args", "Send args to subprocess while using stdin", "How to find a list of all **args of a function?", "How to pass args to method in java, like f(*args) in python?", "Python subprocess output on windows?", "When should I use *args in Python?", "Set *args from variable?", "Python/Django - *args as list", "How to call a python script with command line args?", "Subprocess call fails", "How to use *args in a function?", "Why does this code work only with *args in something()?", "Detemine if python script is called as subprocess and passing args", "Why should we pass args as args and not \"*args\"?", "How to use *args in python", "Python subprocess.call with args", "In Python, command line args without import?" ]
Ignore/skip first row of csv with filter
[ "Skip first line(field) in loop using CSV file?" ]
[ "How to Skip Columns of CSV file", "How to ignore very first value in a CSV file?", "Python CSV skip or delete 2nd row", "How to skip a column when reading a CSV file - Python", "What are the commands to read a .csv file and skip the first row in Python 2.4.3", "Skip rows during csv import pandas", "Skip the first line of CSV file", "How to filter csv file?", "skip an error row in a for loop", "Ignore the first row in a list python", "How to skip or ignore python decorators", "python read file and skip n lines and read again and skip", "how to skip the first line of a file in python", "Built in Python function to skip row of data", "clonedigger ignore file", "Why does python skip my function?", "Skip first row in a file", "Skip line in python", "Skip header after the first time CSV file is written into (Python)", "Python csv skip first two empty rows", "Ignore/skip a value in a numpy array?", "python - skip top lines of CSV file", "Skip rows with missing values in read_csv", "Skip the last row of CSV file when iterating in Python", "Why does my code skip to the end and ignore parts of my code?", "Skip first row in python", "Python numpy, skip columns & read csv file", "Read file from line 2 or skip header row", "Skip the first column when reading a csv file Python" ]
Corrupt files when creating HDF5 files without closing them (h5py)
[ "HDF5 file created with h5py can't be opened by h5py" ]
[ "How to differentiate between HDF5 datasets and groups with h5py?", "h5py: how to read selected rows of an hdf5 file?", "How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py", "Pass hdf5 file to h5py as binary blob / string?", "Error in reading HDF5 using h5py", "h5py causing deadlock when used together with another HDF5 module", "Use python slice objects when reading HDF5 file with h5py?", "Add raster image to HDF5 file using h5py", "How to get the memory layout of a HDF5 array with h5py?", "HDF5 file (h5py) with version control - hash changes on every save", "In h5py, what is type \"|O\"?", "Python HDF5 H5Py issues opening multiple files", "HDF5 for Python: high level vs low level interfaces. h5py", "How to use Python to retrieve HDF5 files", "h5py unable to read fast5 file", "Store datetimes in HDF5 with H5Py", "Reading hdf5 file quickly with cython and h5py", "how to export HDF5 file to NumPy using H5PY?", "How can I update arrays in h5py?", "Search for attribute value in HDF5 database with H5PY", "An XML file inside HDF5, h5py", "Cannot install h5py", "Deleting hdf5 dataset using h5py", "Close an open h5py data file", "How to read HDF5 files that have only datasets (no groups) using h5py?", "Very slow writing of a slice into an existing hdf5 datased using h5py", "hdf5 made with h5py py2 corrupted after opening with h5py in py3", "Install HDF5 and H5PY in python under Linux 2.6", "incremental writes to hdf5 with h5py" ]
How do I get a "debug" variable in my Django template context?
[ "How to check the TEMPLATE_DEBUG flag in a django template?" ]
[ "What this line doing? Django-template", "Django debug error", "Django code only works in debug", "Django template values", "Django template context not showing", "Return template as string - Django", "How to pass a variable to template in Django", "How to use a variable in a Django template between {% %}", "Error using a django template", "Python in django Template", "How can I use a variable as index in django template?", "from django.template import Template", "Django can't find template", "How can I retrieve a list from context in my django template", "Access django context variable from parent template", "How do I use context_instance in my template", "debug variable in python", "django import template from file", "How can I do this in Django template", "Purpose of a Django template context object?", "Get a variable out of a 'Model' -- Django Template", "Django 1.9 cannot pass context variable to template using {{}}", "How to use Hogan in django template", "How can i compare a context variable with a SQL ID in a Django template?", "Django - Passing template context to form", "How to get class variable to Django template", "How to get class in django template", "for loop django template tag using context", "Why does Django pass a variable to a template like this?" ]
Avoiding circular (cyclic) imports in Python?
[ "Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python" ]
[ "How do you avoid circular imports in Python?", "Python import error. Circular imports", "How to avoid cyclic import in this case?", "Why is Python more strict with circular imports when using from-imports?", "Packaging python with circular imports", "Cyclic module dependencies and relative imports in Python", "Breaking Python Circular Imports", "Circular & nested imports in python", "Model imports failing between apps in django (circular imports?)", "Cyclic imports within django subapps", "Python Circular Imports", "Python type hinting without cyclic imports", "Python Package Design And Circular Imports", "Circular imports in classes", "do I have a circular import in python", "Avoiding circular imports Python", "Detecting circular imports", "Cyclic label update in Python", "Cyclic import error", "Python: Script to detect circular imports", "Cannot import name <name_of_function> - can't see circular imports", "Circular imports and annotations", "How to avoid circular imports in Python?", "What is a cyclic data structure good for?", "How to fix a circular dependency for imports", "Python: circular imports needed for type checking", "Python circular imports with inheritance", "Python cyclic imports fail when using from package import module syntax", "Need to get set of numbers in cyclic order - Python" ]
Pandas: How to apply a function to different columns
[ "Why isn't my Pandas 'apply' function referencing multiple columns working?", "Pandas: apply different functions to different columns" ]
[ "How to use pandas apply function on all columns of some rows of data frame", "Pandas: apply a specific function to columns and create other columns", "How to apply different functions to different columns on pandas dataframe", "Python Pandas: Function doesn't work when used with apply()", "Python pandas apply on more columns", "Issues with pandas apply() function using multiple columns", "Pandas: Apply(): Return more than one value", "Pandas DataFrame: apply function to all columns", "Apply function to each row of pandas dataframe to create two new columns", "Apply function to multiple pandas columns with Args", "Apply if-then statement to multiple columns and output to new columns- Pandas", "Apply pandas to_datetime to all date columns", "Pandas Apply function on Column", "Get two return values from Pandas apply", "add the values of two columns in pandas using apply and map", "pandas groupby apply on multiple columns", "How to apply a function to pandas columns using groupby?", "python pandas .apply() function index error", "Pandas df.apply does not modify DataFrame", "python pandas- apply function with two arguments to columns", "Return multiple columns from apply pandas", "Using pandas apply", "Apply \"list\" function on multiple columns pandas", "Pandas: apply returns list", "Apply a custom function on columns in a pandas dataframe", "Pandas: Create a columns based on multiple other columns. Fail to apply()", "Pandas DataFrame.apply: create new column with data from two columns", "Apply function to different columns in pandas" ]
Fitting a vector function with curve_fit in Scipy
[ "How to properly define vector function for scipy's curve_fit" ]
[ "Correct fitting with scipy curve_fit including errors in x?", "Fitting exponential function through two data points with scipy curve_fit", "Exponential curve fitting in SciPy", "Curve Fitting in Python not fitting my curve", "scipy curve_fit not working correctly", "Fitting a curve python", "Scipy - How can I improve this curve fitting - finding the right function", "curve fitting with python", "Curve fitting in Python using scipy", "scipy curve_fit fails when fitting to curve with large values", "Scipy Curve_fit function uses initial guess values instead of actually fitting", "Using a guess with scipy curve_fit", "Strange result with python's (scipy) curve fitting", "scipy.optimze curve_fit return wrong value", "How to do Scipy curve fitting with error bars and obtain standard errors on fitting parameters?", "curve fitting with a known function numpy", "Curve fitting an exponential function using SciPy", "python curve_fit does not give reasonable fitting result", "Curve fit equation not properly fitting curve", "Python Curve Fitting", "Curve fitting using matplotlib", "python numpy/scipy curve fitting", "using curve_fit function from scipy python", "Wrong fit using scipy curve_fit", "Fitting curve: why small numbers are better?", "scipy curve fitting negative value", "Fitting a log-log data using scipy.optmize.curve_fit", "Curve fitting with python error", "Curve fitting in Scipy with 3d data and parameters" ]
How to implement conditional string formatting?
[ "conditional display of string in Python" ]
[ "Using a conditional conditional in python", "Conditional for in Python", "conditional python with", "'matrix' plot with conditional formatting based on dataframe", "Conditional formatting using ruby or python", "How does this If conditional work in Python?", "Conditional with statement in Python", "Python && And Conditional Not Working", "Django way to do conditional formatting", "Python conditional one or the other but not both", "Conditional loop in python", "Is there a way to add a conditional string in Python's advance string formatting \"foo {}\".format(bar)?", "Conditional Formatting xlwt", "How to do this conditional statement?", "python conditional check in text", "Conditional Statement in python", "python - How to make an \"if input ==\" conditional", "Conditional exception", "Conditional import in a module", "Python: How to return a result from a conditional and then have it re-enter the conditional statement", "Conditional Statement Python", "pandas: HTML output with conditional formatting", "Conditional formatting with pygsheets for google sheets api", "python string replace conditional", "Make conditional \"with\" pretier", "python - Conditional list formatting", "Conditional if statement in python", "Conditional Formatting with openpyxl based on text", "Python: Conditional OR" ]
ImportError: No module named context_processors
[ "No module named context_processors After Upgrade" ]
[ "Use context_processors variable in CustomLabelModelChoiceField", "ImportError: No module named", "ImportError: No module named *****", "ImportError: No module named fenpy.sirah", "PYQ ImportError: No module named pyq", "ImportError: No module named RDT", "ImportError: No module named bingsearch", "Django Context processors not working?", "ImportError: No module named misago", "Django: No module named context_processors, Base URL", "Django Error - No module named context_processors", "ImportError: No module named _imagingtk", "ImportError: No module named PyQt42 2015-04-24 13:32:05.520000+00:00 python|importerror|spynner", "ROS2: ImportError: No module named genmsg", "ImportError: No module named 'jsonconv'", "ImportError: No module named impyla", "ImportError: No module named", "ImportError: No module named KeenClient", "ImportError: No module named modelsinspector", "ImportError: No module named pbas", "no module named context_processors Import Exception in views.py file", "ImportError: No module named a", "Django app has a no ImportError: No module named 'django.core.context_processors'", "ImportError: No module named 'pygsheets'", "ImportError: No module named", "ImportError: No module named timeutils", "ImportError: No module named _____", "ImportError: No module named ezdxf" ]
Pyldap (to use Django Auth LDAP) install in a python3 virtualenv
[ "I can't install python-ldap" ]
[ "django-auth-ldap AUTH_LDAP_FIND_GROUPS_PERMS not working", "LDAP in Django 1.5 & Python 3", "python3 virtualenv no such file or directory", "django_auth_ldap custom AUTH_USER_MODEL IntegrityError", "django auth ldap with custom user model", "Error creating virtualenv with Python3", "install django in virtualenv python3.4 with linux os in virtualenv", "Django-Python3-LDAP Direct Bind", "Should I install python 3 in my virtualenv?", "Not able use python3 in virtualenv", "Ldap connection test using python Django", "How to install GExiv2 on a virtualenv?", "django-auth-ldap - Display user information from LDAP in custom view", "django with apache ldap backend auth, get logged in username and ldap group & hide detail based on group (mod_ldap)", "django-auth-ldap installation not working", "How do I install python-ldap in a virtualenv on Ubuntu?", "How to fix error on python django_auth_ldap", "Can't install Django on Windows in a virtualenv", "Django auth ldap is not updating users database", "How to install Python Virtualenv?", "Mapping LDAP users to Django users with Django Auth Ldap", "Virtualenv with only Python3", "django-ldap-auth user profile in django > 1.7", "How to install virtualenv for python3?", "Does Python 3 have LDAP module?", "Python3: install in virtualenv fails", "Python3-LDAP not returning expected results", "Installing python-ldap in a virtualenv on Windows", "How to install from virtualenv only?" ]
mod_wsgi: ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
[ "mod_wsgi: Unable to stat Python home and ImportError: No module named 'encodings'" ]
[ "ImportError - Django and mod_wsgi", "ImportError: No module named 'encodings'", "How do I use mod_wsgi.so to run python as an apache module?", "Flask, mod_wsgi, and Apache: ImportError", "Python 3.6 Flask with mod_wsgi on Windows : No module named queue", "time difference in python in mod_wsgi", "Converting from mod_python to mod_wsgi", "No module named wsgi", "Apache virtualenv and mod_wsgi : ImportError : No module named 'django'", "ImportError: No module named ekz.settings wsgi+apache", "set process name in mod_wsgi", "Python POST data using mod_wsgi", "Passing data to mod_wsgi", "WSGIDaemon Process syntax error - Mod_wsgi django ImportError: No module named django.core.wsgi", "No module named os found -- Django, mod_wsgi, Apache 2.2", "Django + mod_wsgi + apache2: ImportError: No module named <project>", "encodings again", "mod wsgi using apache and python", "Load module into apache + mod-wsgi", "ImportError: No module named wsgi.simple_server", "Error while configuring Django with mod_wsgi on Python inside Anaconda: \"ImportError: No module named django.core.wsgi\"", "Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls", "Python mod_wsgi is not working", "500 internal server error mod_wsgi apache \"importerror: No Module named 'django'", "static file with mod_wsgi in django", "Using Django with mod_wsgi", "mod_wsgi working directory and user", "ImportError with Django mod_wsgi", "Python Web Server - mod_wsgi" ]
Stumped by relative imports
[ "How to do relative imports in Python?" ]
[ "How to do relative imports on app engine? (python)", "Python imports relative path", "Relative imports in Python", "relative imports doesn't work, looks like can't find the module", "When or why to use relative imports in Python", "Stumped by one line of Python", "Why don't relative imports work in Python 3?", "Multiple relative Imports in python 3.5", "Problem with Python relative imports", "How do I use absolute and relative imports in python 3.6?", "Python relative imports within a package not on the path", "Python packages: relative imports", "Issue With Relative Imports In Python", "Can anyone explain python's relative imports?", "Python relative imports", "a simple program in python , I am stumped", "How to do relative imports in Python with this structure?", "Dynamic imports + relative imports in Python 3", "relative imports in python in flask app", "How to use relative imports in both, module and main", "Parsing XML in python - stumped how to do this", "Python Relative Imports Only Work With Django", "How do I make these relative imports work in Python 3?", "Absolute imports in python not working, relative imports work", "Python: relative import imports whole package", "Relative imports in Python 3", "Relative imports for the billionth time", "What are the rules for __all__ and relative imports?", "Python: How to import package root with relative imports" ]
Pandas: parse merged header columns from Excel
[ "Pandas: Reading Excel with merged cells" ]
[ "Reading an excel file in pandas", "Merged two dataframe columns with lists in order of lists", "Read excel sheet with multiple header using Pandas", "Pandas Excel Merged Cell Parsing renaming Unnamed Column", "Pandas_Pivot table - making additional columns from division of merged columns", "How can I fill in values in pandas merge when merged rows don't match", "Pandas: can not write to excel file", "Reading an Excel file in python using pandas", "Pandas read JSON into Excel", "End of merged cells in Excel with Python", "Reading strikethroughs in Excel with Pandas", "Reading data from columns in Excel", "pandas read excel: do not parse numbers", "extra rows in merged data frames pandas", "python code to create a merged file", "Pandas Excel file parse arguments", "Adding an extra column to the combined/merged Excel files", "Python pandas read excel - create index from two columns", "Avoid merged cells in pandas to_excel method", "python pandas reading excel file", "Pandas: Merged data creates object type when used", "Read merged cells in Excel with Python", "Pandas python and excel file", "parse text into different columns in pandas", "Python - comparing columns in 2 files and returning merged output", "Parse Json data to Excel", "Fix DataFrame columns when reading an Excel file with a header with merged cells", "Pandas CONCAT() with merged columns in Creation" ]
Python subprocess: wait for command to finish before starting next one?
[ "Make Popen wait for first command to finish then start next" ]
[ "Python Requests: Don't wait for request to finish", "How to wait for a list of threads to finish? (Python)", "Starting a process as a subprocess in Python", "Popen does not wait for Sandboxie to finish", "wait a process to finish in Python script", "Python: For-loop won't finish", "How to force wait() to completely wait for subprocess? wait() can not work", "Python - subprocess - Process not starting", "how to wait for a specific command to finish in selenium", "Linux command from python won't finish", "Subprocess wait expect script to finish", "Python Subprocess Command as List Not String", "How can I get the command output instead of the subprocess in python?", "How to not wait for function to finish python", "subprocess.call does not wait for the process to complete", "How do I start a subprocess in python and not wait for it to return", "python how to force subprocess.call to not wait for the called command to complete", "Wait all subprocess to complete in python", "Why do I have to use .wait() with python's subprocess module?", "Python: Start new command prompt on Windows and wait for it finish/exit", "How can i wait until a thread finish its process?", "Make the main thread wait until all threads finish", "Wait for all python processes to finish", "Python subprocess.call doesn't wait for command to execute", "wait process until all subprocess finish?", "Python subprocess command line error", "Wait for external program to finish writing to file", "Don't wait for an async function to finish", "Run a python command before a subprocess call in same function?" ]
Python zip iterator and Update with Adagrad
[ "Python iterator and zip" ]
[ "Single object iterator", "Adding data to an iterator created with zip", "How to use the iterator class?", "How Adagrad wroks in Keras? What does self.weights mean in Keras Optimizer?", "How can I see at which index my iterator is?", "Python iterator question", "How to zip an iterator with an infinite range?", "Iterator python", "Python What is difference between file iterator and list iterator?", "Using an iterator in python?", "python: iterator from a function", "Python 3 - Zip is an iterator in a pandas dataframe", "Python list iterator behavior and next(iterator)", "Converting iterator to list changes the iterator", "How can I check if an object is an iterator in Python?", "Can't set array values through iterator", "How to do something to an iterator, then something else to the next iterator in python", "Saving iterator from python's zip", "Python iterator exception", "How do I check if an iterator is actually an iterator container?", "Isn't zip object in Python an iterator?", "Index into a Python iterator", "How can I zip iterators into an (iterator[1:],iterator[0]) type structure?", "Iterator over list and change values", "Python, line iterator", "How to get the index of the the current iterator item in a loop?", "Default value for next element in Python iterator if iterator is empty?", "python iterator: why does this work?", "Why is the range object \"not an iterator\"?" ]
Very slow writing of a slice into an existing hdf5 datased using h5py
[ "Deleting hdf5 dataset using h5py" ]
[ "How to differentiate between HDF5 datasets and groups with h5py?", "h5py: how to read selected rows of an hdf5 file?", "HDF5: Is there a way to rename the column names in an existing HDF5 table?", "How to append data to one specific dataset in a hdf5 file with h5py", "Pass hdf5 file to h5py as binary blob / string?", "h5py: Correct way to slice array datasets", "Error in reading HDF5 using h5py", "Corrupt files when creating HDF5 files without closing them (h5py)", "h5py causing deadlock when used together with another HDF5 module", "Use python slice objects when reading HDF5 file with h5py?", "Add raster image to HDF5 file using h5py", "How to get the memory layout of a HDF5 array with h5py?", "HDF5 file (h5py) with version control - hash changes on every save", "In h5py, what is type \"|O\"?", "Python HDF5 H5Py issues opening multiple files", "HDF5 for Python: high level vs low level interfaces. h5py", "Store datetimes in HDF5 with H5Py", "Reading hdf5 file quickly with cython and h5py", "how to export HDF5 file to NumPy using H5PY?", "Search for attribute value in HDF5 database with H5PY", "HDF5 file created with h5py can't be opened by h5py", "An XML file inside HDF5, h5py", "Cannot install h5py", "Close an open h5py data file", "How to read HDF5 files that have only datasets (no groups) using h5py?", "hdf5 made with h5py py2 corrupted after opening with h5py in py3", "Install HDF5 and H5PY in python under Linux 2.6", "HDF5 adding numpy arrays slow", "incremental writes to hdf5 with h5py" ]
SQLAlchemy Many-to-Many Relationship on a Single Table
[ "SQLAlchemy Many-to-Many Relationship on a Single Table Error: NoReferencedTableError" ]
[ "Adding to a Many to Many relationship with SQLAlchemy", "Count number of rows in a many-to-many relationship (SQLAlchemy)", "Sqlalchemy one to many relationship join?", "SQLAlchemy relationship error with one-to-many rel", "SQLAlchemy. How to order on many to many relationship?", "SQLalchemy: Select all rows which have a many-to-many relationship to another table", "SQLAlchemy relationship through 2 many-to-many tables", "Why can't I run a query against my has many relationship in SQLAlchemy?", "One to Many Relationship on same table in SQLAlchemy", "SQLAlchemy, one to one relationship on the same table", "Should I use flask sqlalchemy many-to-many relationship?", "Python, SqlAlchemy: Many to many relationship, find those without", "How do you query a one-to-many relationship in an SQLAlchemy object instance?", "How can I create a many to many relationship using SQLAlchemy?", "SqlAlchemy and Flask, how to query many-to-many relationship", "SQLAlchemy Many to Many relationship parameter", "How to add object to many-to-one relationship in SQLAlchemy?", "How can I search the table of a Flask SQLAlchemy many to many relationship?", "Error when creating many to many relationship in sqlalchemy", "Many-to-one relationship in SQLAlchemy", "One to many + one relationship in SQLAlchemy?", "Query One to Many Relationship SQLAlchemy", "Why is SQLAlchemy only loading one instance from my many-to-many relationship?", "How to order by count of many-to-many relationship in SQLAlchemy?", "sqlalchemy many-to-many relationship, how to filter the collection", "Filter on many-many relationship of parent with sqlalchemy", "Performance one-to-many relationship in SQLAlchemy", "Sqlalchemy: One to Many relationship combined with Many to Many relationship", "SQLAlchemy select with all many to many relationship objects as list" ]
uploading a file to imgur via python
[ "Trouble sending a file to Imgur" ]
[ "Imgur API: Dictionary values magically turns into None?", "Python 2.7: Imgur API and getting clear text comments from a post?", "Downloading file from imgur using python directly via url", "Image is not uploading via form", "BeautifulSoup find all image links on Imgur", "Upload Image To Imgur After Resizeing In PIL", "uploading a file using django", "Upload Resized Image To Imgur Without Saving On Disk", "Correct API call to request JSON-formatted data from Imgur?", "Imgur TagVote issue python", "Not able to upload image in created album: Imgur python", "Accessing Imgur API with Python 3.4.1 and Urllib3", "Uploading files in Django", "requests post to imgur", "Getting URL of a picture on imgur", "Python Image Uploading with AjaxUpload", "Downloading the top comments for an imgur image (jpg)", "uploading a file but did not get a file name", "How to create titled Imgur Albums via the API?", "imgur_client.search_gallery doesn't yield many images", "Android app uploading data to a python server via post", "Imgur API won't remove image from album", "How to upload image to imgur as a specific user?", "Uploading image using pyimgur to imgur, using images link", "Python - Display only a certain amount of results from a query in the Imgur API", "403 error while getting data from Imgur api. Where am I going wrong?", "Authentication With Imgur API", "How do I check whether an imgur URL is a gif or an image?", "Python Imgur API JSON output to CSV" ]
Configuring Pydev Interpreter in Eclipse to use Enthought Python Distribution
[ "Eclipse wont import my enthought modules" ]
[ "Pydev/eclipse : After import from GIT, can not set as pydev project", "Eclipse PyDev import error", "Eclipse and Pydev Python", "Should I uninstall Python 3.2 when installing Python 2.7 from the Enthought Python Distribution?", "python pydev error", "Eclipse, PyDev \"Project interpreter not specified”", "Eclipse and PyDev", "Which enthought canopy distribution should I install?", "Configuring App Engine path for PyDev on Mac", "How to create a python distribution package in Eclipse pyDev", "Cannot run Enthought python", "Ipython auto-complete in Enthought Python Distribution", "How to Install openCV into Enthought python distribution on Mac", "Which Enthought EPD distribution should I use?", "Configuring Python project in eclipse", "PyDev with Virtualenv: Interpreter not found", "Linking Python Interpreter to PyDev Project in Eclipse", "biopython import in Enthought Python Distribution?", "Configuring the working directory in Eclipse 3.8.1 with PyDev-project", "Connection strings using pyodbc module not working with Enthought Python Distribution", "Open source Enthought Python alternative", "Configuring Python in Eclipse", "eclipse pydev: unable to create pydev project", "enthought python distribution wx", "PyDev doesn't work with Python 3.2", "Running python command line interpreter inside PyDev", "Eclipse, PyDev and Python configuration error", "Configuring PyDev for Eclipse in Mac X Lion", "python 3.1 with pydev" ]
Running javascript in Selenium using Python
[ "Getting the return value of Javascript code in Selenium", "How to execute a Javascript function in python with selenium" ]
[ "Can't turn off Javascript using Selenium", "How to use javascript with selenium python", "Python Selenium: How to get text generated by JavaScript in input field", "Javascript with Selenium", "click javascript button using selenium Python", "Call back Selenium from JavaScript", "Cannot select options with Python Selenium (javascript?)", "Python selenium", "Python Selenium Enable Javascript Issue", "python selenium iewebdriver", "Selenium is misclicking", "Python Selenium UnexpectedAlertPresentException", "How to click Javascript button using selenium and python?", "How do I get javascript results using selenium?", "Selenium and Javascript", "creating and executing a Javascript function with Selenium", "selenium python function not running", "Get JavaScript function call value using Selenium", "Upload image python selenium javascript", "Python Selenium UnicodeEncodeError", "What is the class of this javascript button for use with selenium?", "by.cssContainingText in Python/Selenium", "Python Selenium Javascript Login", "Select Javascript created element in Selenium Python", "Pass value to a javascript function using Selenium in python", "How can I get html content written by JavaScript with Selenium/Python", "Click on a javascript link with selenium", "Selenium using python" ]
How can I add post-install scripts to easy_install / setuptools / distutils?
[ "using setuptools with post-install and python dependencies" ]
[ "How to install scripts to sbin with python's distutils?", "python: how to install and use setuptools in virtual python", "How install Crawlera via setuptools", "How do I install pysvg using easy_install?", "What's distutils' equivalent of setuptools' `find_packages`? (python)", "python easy_install failed because of wrong setuptools version", "How to require and install a package using python 3.x distutils?", "Is there a method to find out if a package is to be installed with distutils instead of setuptools?", "Why setuptools does not copy my files while distutils does?", "Can't install setuptools (python)", "setuptools easy_install mac error", "How to extend distutils with a simple post install script?", "Python setuptools install_requires error", "After install using easy_install, still get import error", "Setuptools error when trying to install a package", "how to install setuptools in mac", "How to install a Python module without root, pip, setuptools, or easy_install", "how to install python distutils", "How do I install a Python extension module using distutils?", "How to use setuptools to install in a custom directory?", "Python easy_install in a virtualenv gives setuptools error", "Python Setuptools, easy_install setup mac", "Accessing data files before and after distutils/setuptools", "How to trigger post-build using setuptools/distutils", "How do I get easy_install to use the right version of setuptools?", "distutils setup install --build-base doesn't work", "can not install DjangoSEO with easy_install", "Execute a Python script post install using distutils / setuptools", "python setuptools and easy_install numpy question" ]
numpy array subclass unexpedly shares attributes across instances
[ "Values of instance variables of superclass persist across instances of subclass" ]
[ "TypeError: __new__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'shares' and 'price'", "Unable to connect to windows shares", "Python subclass loses subclass attributes", "Get first numeric value from csv where all the first column shares same value in Python 2.7", "import arcpy results in ImportError: cannot import name shares_memory", "Mount multiple shares using python", "Access column in data frame that shares a name with other columns", "Python subclass does not display parent class attributes", "Get subclass name?", "Numpy: Array of class instances", "I want to get the class of a subclass", "One session across multiple instances of a class", "How to make an Python subclass uncallable", "How do you subclass the file type in Python?", "Print python List in subclass", "List in a Python class shares the same object over 2 different instances?", "How to group all labels (index) which shares at least one \"1\" in the same column?", "Why is this class variable the same across different instances?", "Python: how to get subclass's new attributes name in base class's method?", "Using class attributes/methods across different threads - Python", "Python subclass that doesn't inherit attributes", "How to create a synchronized function across all instances", "What is the difference between numpy.shares_memory and numpy.may_share_memory?", "python import shares common values?", "Comparing instances of a dict subclass", "Create a Subclass from a String", "class variables is shared across all instances in python?", "How to subclass a subclass of numpy.ndarray", "python class subclass or instances" ]
How to limit a number to be within a specified range? (Python)
[ "Python make a number loop within a range" ]
[ "python how to set a thread limit?", "python loop for i in range(n) exceeding specified limit n", "How to find number is between some specified range in python?", "Setting a row limit for python code within for loop?", "Do A Limit on the Output of a Function in Python", "Limit on the number of values returned by a Python function/method", "Run .py file until specified line number", "Python - How to add then limit a number in python", "How to check limit range from csv file in python script", "Python memory limit", "How to get the rows within a time limit using Python?", "How do I determine if current server time isn't within a specified range using Python ?", "File size limit for read()?", "Limit a method to be called only through another method?", "python - Size limit of set data type", "Python - Count elements of a list within a range of specified values", "Is there a limit to the number of values that a python set can contain?", "How to limit the number of Thread objects created?", "python search file within specified range", "Python in range within list", "How to call a system command with specified time limit in Python?", "Comparing the values within a specified range", "How to limit the number of Threads", "Python Number Limit", "Python loop limit error", "Python time limit", "Python 3.4 How do you limit user input", "Python confining within a range", "Limit length of list python" ]
Can someone write a simple example of python old style class and new style class?
[ "What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?" ]
[ "How do I implement this python old style class as a new style class", "c style loop for in python", "Use different style for each figure", "Why isn't __new__ in Python new-style classes a class method?", "Removing items in list, python style and c++ style", "One Line if in Python Code Style", "Python inheritance old style type in a new style class", "Python - How to style this line of code?", "Style not working in class for any object?", "Convert a C style long to a Python style integer", "python style question", "Why do new style class and old style class have different behavior in this case?", "Python style", "How do I use a C-style for loop in Python?", "'C-style' strings in Python", "How to format text with style", "Why does setter behave differently in new-style class and old-style class", "old-style and new-style classes in Python 2.7?", "How write this example in python style?", "Difference between import style", "Why is Django's Meta an old-style class?", "An old-style class works, new-style class broken", "How to change the dict to string with own style?", "Python - do I need to learn about old style classes?", "Is it safe to make an old-style class into a new-style class using Multiple Inheritance?", "Python : method resolution order of old-style (or classic) and new-style objects", "from matplotlib import style ImportError: cannot import name 'style'", "Print a list with the original style", "Python with statement - is there a need for old-style file handling any more?" ]
Yield ValueError: Too many vaues to unpack (expected 2) in python
[ "Tensorflow ValueError: Too many vaues to unpack (expected 2)" ]
[ "ValueError: too many values to unpack python error", "ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) errors", "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack python", "Python ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)", "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack (Python)", "ValueError too many values to unpack", "How do i fix \"ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)\" in Python", "Python: Why am I getting ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Why am I getting 'ValueError: too many values to unpack'?", "ValueError: Too many values to unpack Django", "How to create a new derived column in a pandas dataframe new column using only notnull vaues", "ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) in Django", "ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Need help on this error: ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Django: ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Why am i getting ValueError: too many values to unpack -Python", "ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Python - ValueError: too many values to unpack - why?", "ValueError: too many values to unpack in a list", "Python ValueError: Too many values to unpack", "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack", "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack", "ValueError: too many values to unpack in python", "Python ValueError: too many values to unpack", "Python ValueError: too many values to unpack in a While loop", "Python ValueError : too many values to unpack, solution?", "python valueerror : too many values to unpack", "Python exception \"too many vaues to unpack\" thrown when assigning a string of numbers to a dictionary", "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack python" ]
How to tweak the NLTK sentence tokenizer
[ "which tokenizer is better to be used with nltk" ]
[ "getting alphabets after applying sentence tokenizer of nltk instead of sentences in Python 3.5.1", "Combining a Tokenizer into a Grammar and Parser with NLTK", "Python nltk is giving me multiple instances of the sentence in result", "NLTK: How can I extract information based on sentence maps?", "Strange behaviour with nltk sentence tokenizer and special characters", "How to use nltk sentence tokenizer in case of bulleted-data or listed data?", "I am having trouble downloading nltk's punkt tokenizer", "How to avoid NLTK's sentence tokenizer splitting on abbreviations?", "NLTK Sentence boundary error", "How do I use NLTK's default tokenizer to get spans instead of strings?", "How do I tokenize a string sentence in NLTK?", "NLTK Sentence Tokenizer, custom sentence starters", "Writing a tokenizer in Python", "Why can't I import nltk?", "Extracting two names from same sentence in nltk python", "Nltk french tokenizer in python not working", "nltk sentence tokenizer gives AttributeError", "How to create the negative of a sentence in nltk", "Simple tokenizer for C++ in Python", "NLTK regexp tokenizer not playing nice with decimal point in regex", "stopwords in sentence tokenizer", "nltk sentence tokenizer, consider new lines as sentence boundary", "nltk regular expression tokenizer", "Correct Regexp for japanese sentence tokenizer- python", "NLTK tokenizer and Stanford corenlp tokenizer cannot distinct 2 sentences without space at period (.)", "What are `lexpr` and `ApplicationExpression` nltk?", "How to tweak the NLTK Python code in such a way that I train the classifier only once", "How can I get pairs of words from a sentence with NLTK?", "Custom word tokenizer" ]
OpenCV TypeError: contour is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
[ "Opencv : TypeError: contour is not a numpy array, neither a scalar" ]
[ "TypeError: dst is not a numpy array, neither a scalar - resize jpg python", "Base on Opencv and Grip vision machine [TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar]", "What is a \"scalar\" in numpy?", "reprojectImageTo3D() typeError, OpenCV Python", "Contour matchshapes in openCV", "Find Area of a OpenCV Contour", "Convert contour to 2d point list in opencv", "OpenCV - body contour artmpits detection", "How to complete/close a contour in python opencv?", "TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar", "Python OpenCV - ConvexHull error \"Points is not a numpy array, neither a scalar\"?", "TypeError: Scalar value for argument 'color' is not numeric in openCV", "Python OpenCV Contour tree hierarchy", "Opencv TypeError: points is not a numpy array, neither a scalar", "Get levels (contour) of a scalar field (Matplotlib / Python)", "Convert contour (MatplotLib or OpenCV) to image of the same size as the original", "TypeError: dst is not a numpy array, neither a scalar", "Python contour plot from numpy array", "How to save OpenCV image with contour", "How to convert a contour list into a numpy array?", "OpenCV: How can I find the color inside a contour/polygon?", "Creating your own contour in opencv using python", "OpenCV createCalibrateDebevec.process is giving me \"dst is not a numpy array, neither a scalar\"", "OpenCV/numpy: Quickly comparing a large number of contour objects using numpy", "get mask from contour with OpenCV", "How can i know if a contour is open or closed in opencv?", "How to put an image or video in the same position of a contour line, python + opencv", "How to access opencv contour point indexes in python?", "Checking contour area in opencv using python" ]
unittest: increase module's verbosity when tested
[ "How to increase verbosity in python unittest?" ]
[ "Run unittest in a Class", "UNITTEST in Python is not working", "Unittest not Running", "Process redirect standard output verbosity issue", "Error in unittest of Python 3.6.1", "Python unittest ModuleImportFailure", "Python Log Level with an additional verbosity depth", "Do I need to create an instance of class to be tested with unittest?", "Python unittest import module with nostest", "How to unittest assertDictNotEqual?", "Verbosity pandas apply", "Unittest example not working", "Is there a need to return on unittest in Python?", "how to do Python unittest for while loop?", "For loop in unittest", "Control the verbosity of Flask's tests", "No such test method for python unittest", "Python unittest not running", "Can you polymorph a python unittest test case?", "Increasing logging verbosity of class being unit-tested in Python", "why is my unittest not running", "How can a test in Python unittest get access to the verbosity level?", "Python Unittest and import error", "Having an issue with Python's unittest", "UnitTest in Python", "Running unittest.main() from a module?", "Python unittest not running", "Cassandra cqlengine increase logging verbosity", "python unittest methods" ]
How does __slots__ avoid a dictionary lookup?
[ "Usage of __slots__?" ]
[ "Django / Python : group results by time slots", "A class with __slots__ defined inherits from a class without __slots__ defined", "Built-in function to read __slots__", "JSON dictionary lookup", "How to port `__slots__` from Python 2 to 3", "Multiprocessing slots in python", "Lookup value inside dictionary-of-dictionary", "Is it possible to add __slots__ in decorator of class that already defines __slots__?", "Python __Slots__ (Making and Using)", "Python - finding time slots", "setting fields by name on a class that have __slots__", "Python property lookup with custom __setattr__ and __slots__", "create dictionary from lookup table", "python, __slots__, and \"attribute is read-only\"", "Custom dictionary lookup in Python", "Understand how slots work with dictionary class", "How is __slots__ implemented in Python?", "Python - Algorithm find time slots", "Attribute access in Python: first slots, then __dict__?", "change __slots__ dynamically", "How can I convert python class with slots to dictionary?", "Why is using __slots__ in my class not making a difference in size?", "If an object doesn't have `__dict__`, does its class must have a `__slots__` attribute?", "I don't know how to make __slots__ work", "__slots__ of `property` type", "Is it a good idea to use slots in python?", "python: what's the point of adding`__dict__` to `__slots__`", "Using A Python List or String in Dictionary Lookup?", "Compare time slots in python" ]
How to find perfect squares in a range efficiently when the inputs are large numbers in Python
[ "Python Program on Perfect Squares" ]
[ "Perfect numbers program python", "Trying to create a list of squares of even numbers in a matrix, getting error", "Finding the squares of numbers in a .txt", "List of numbers whose squares are the sum of two squares", "Output squares using a while loop", "How can I more efficiently search a large list in python?", "Efficiently find the range of an array in python?", "Calculating the number of perfect squares, perfect cubes,etc in a given range?", "Python least squares with scipy.integrate.quad", "Printing all the value of perfect squares before the inputted number", "Least Squares: Python", "How to process a large text file to get part of this file more efficiently?", "Counting and generating perfect squares", "Creating perfect squares", "Python Sum of Squares Function", "How to EFFICIENTLY remove the first line of a LARGE file in Python 3?", "How to efficiently enumerating all perfect squares?", "Python Squares Function", "Check for perfect squares in a list", "Python squares and lists", "Sum of all the perfect squares", "Python - sum of squares", "how to write a code about perfect numbers in python?", "Python Homework - sum of perfect squares", "Python Perfect Numbers", "How to make a large numpy array efficiently", "Perfect numbers in python", "sum of squares in a list in one line?", "How to make this code handle big inputs more efficiently?" ]
Mock open() function used in a class method
[ "How do I mock an open used in a with statement (using the Mock framework in Python)?" ]
[ "How to mock a class in Python?", "Mock variable in function", "Mock function from other module", "Mock module.__dict__ using Python Mock", "the way to mock module", "Mock call to write()", "Why do I need to call my mock like a method?", "to mock a list using mock library 1.0.1", "Mock in python 'open' of two files", "Python mock return value", "How do I mock a class's function's return value?", "Mock an import from an import", "python mock.mock_reset() returns mock instead of resetting the mock", "Mock attributes in Python mock?", "How to mock a list in Python?", "Using Mock() in Python", "Mock function called on import", "mock file open in python", "Python – How to mock a single function", "Dillemma with using mock objects", "in python how to mock only the file write but not the file read?", "python how to mock a method?", "Testing if mock was called with other mock", "How to mock a base class with python mock library", "How to mock an import", "python mock what is return_value in the following", "Test with mock for a function in python", "How to mock python's read()", "I can't get mock to work" ]
Python will not recognize MacPorts installed packages
[ "Locate MacPorts package?" ]
[ "additional python installed upon installing matplotlib with macports", "virtualenv command not found after installed with MacPorts", "Getting PyGame to import in Python interpreter after MacPorts install", "MacPorts doesn't install Python module in right place for virtualenv", "Error using python with terminal after installing python 3.6 using macports", "Mac OS X 10.10 MacPorts Python select", "Python, Macports, and Buffer Problems", "How to: Macports select python", "Why does my system python get run when I've selected a different python using Macports?", "Using MacPorts to install modules via a certain path", "How many installations of macports do I need", "Removed MacPorts, now Python is broken", "OpenCV install with MacPorts, already have python2.7 installed but cannot 'import cv'", "Error while installing Py.test via macports", "Use external Portfile for local MacPorts", "Django Python Macports", "Macports caffe wrong python", "MacPorts says I still have Python 2.7 when \"python --version\" is run", "How to make macports python use its own packages over another installation's?", "macports use python install", "Macports Port Select Commands", "Use python 2.7 on mac osx using macports", "Error when trying to uninstall Macports", "PyCharm throwing an error when I try to use macports python", "Python 3.1 installed from Macports on 10.5.8 - shelve error (bug or not?)", "Error installing python packages that require .so files after upgrading to macports python 3.5", "MacPorts for Python on Leopard", "MacPorts manual port location", "Installing pygame using Macports" ]
Python: simple ctypes dll load yields error
[ "could not load c++ DLL in python" ]
[ "ctypes load a dll without error message, but nothing happened", "ctypes in python, problem calling a function in a DLL", "Python ctypes: loading DLL from from a relative path", "How to debug ctypes call of c++ dll?", "Loading .dll with ctypes", "Load a .so library into ctypes", "Python ctypes and DLL that uses a COM object", "load dll from python", "Python | accessing dll using ctypes", "python using ctypes to work with dll - structure OUT argument", "Python ctypes identifying dll function result", "Strange function result when accessing a DLL via ctypes?", "How do I properly pass a hex value into a C dll in Python ctypes?", "ctypes DLL with optional dependencies", "C DLL and Python CTypes - Different Return in Release / Debug", "How to load a C# dll in python?", "python ctypes failed when importing a dll file", "Cannot pass parameters to dll with ctypes (Python)", "Passing arguments to functions from a dll loaded with ctypes", "Use a DLL with python (using ctypes), not working", "Problem running functions from a DLL file using ctypes in Object-oriented Python", "Python: accessing DLL function using ctypes -- access by function *name* fails", "Python ctypes in_dll string assignment", "How to pass a python list to C function (dll) using ctypes", "How do I load a C DLL from the SXS in Python?", "Python ctypes - Memory read Error when calling a function in a DLL", "Can I prevent a C++ dll from loading in Python Ctypes?", "Using ctypes in python to access a C# dll's methods", "Loading dll using Python Ctypes" ]
Duplicate items in legend in matplotlib?
[ "Matplotlib has duplicate legend entries" ]
[ "Adding information to a legend with Matplotlib", "Matplotlib Legend in a Loop?", "Matplotlib legend, add items across columns instead of down", "Python - legend values duplicate", "How to modify matplotlib legend after it has been created?", "How is order of items in matplotlib legend determined?", "Python legend in 3dplot", "Show only certain items in legend Python Matplotlib", "How to get legend location in matplotlib", "matplotlib legend location numbers", "Title for matplotlib legend", "Is it possible to add a string as a legend item in matplotlib", "matplotlib - wrap text in legend", "offset one of matplotlib's legend items", "How to dynamically re-order items in matplotlib legend?", "Create matplotlib legend out of the figure", "Matplotlib 1.3.0, legend line and text do not match", "Why did i get twice legend from matplotlib?", "How to view legend next to matplotlib?", "How to show ℃ in the legend of matplotlib, python?", "handle legend in matplotlib?", "Table legend in matplotlib", "Legend using PathCollections in matplotlib", "How to make custom legend in matplotlib", "Get Matplotlib legend location?", "How to add more items to the matplotlib legend?", "Legend in matplotlib", "Add a legend (like a matplotlib legend) to an image", "Text in legend for matplotlib plot" ]
Python: download a file over an FTP server
[ "how to read a file on ftp with python?" ]
[ "One line ftp server in python", "FTP and python question", "Python ftp bruteforcer not working", "How to download file from ftp?", "List user of FTP in Python", "Download ftp file with auth", "Python - download a file from a ftp server to a different local name", "Download Files From FTP Server Using Regular Expression", "Using Python FTP Server (pyftplib) - create HTML file on log in", "Python FTP download not working", "FTP'd Text file using Python 3 is empty", "Delete files from ftp after download", "Download big files via FTP with python", "Create a CSV file directly on an FTP server", "FTP request error. Django, FTP, Python", "parallel files download from ftp", "FTP server breaks connection before download is complete", "Change text from a FTP server to string (Python)", "Getting TypeError when trying to download .zip from FTP server", "Python FTP query", "Python script to download file from FTP site", "How to download FTP file using its full FTP path?", "Python FTP code sample", "ftp read() Memory Error in python", "Download files from an FTP server containing given string using python", "ftp directory in Python 3", "Using python to find the file size of files on a ftp", "Simple code for FTP Server in python", "Cannot connect to FTP server" ]
Fully transparent windows in Pygame?
[ "Transparent Window in Pygame or Python" ]
[ "Python Pygame Call Function", "error in a pygame code", "Pygame with Multiple Windows", "Having issues with making Sprites transparent in pygame! (image included inside)", "How to make the background of a pygame sprite transparent", "How to install Pygame on Windows 7?", "pygame import error with imageext", "Error while import pygame", "Pygame sprites overlapping not being transparent", "Python pygame Detect if mouse is over non transparent part of surface", "Draw a transparent rectangle in pygame", "object error in pygame", "Install Pygame for Python 3.4 on Windows", "Keeping transparent pixels through rotozoom in pygame, Python 3", "I can't get my class to work in pygame", "Pygame: Surface.set_at() Transparent Color", "Trouble with making background of image transparent in python using pygame", "KEYLEFT not working pygame", "Is There a Way to Make a Rect Transparent in Pygame?", "Pygame - Import Error", "creating a transparent surface to draw pixels to in pygame", "Transparent PNG in PIL turns out not to be transparent", "Pygame function error", "How to make a surface with a transparent background in pygame", "Fully transparent mask -> fully opaque widget", "How to make a circle semi-transparent in pygame?", "How to create a pop-up in pygame with transparent background and how to control loop as a line is been drawn?", "Creating a transparent inactive button - pygame" ]
os.path.getsize Returns Incorrect Value?
[ "os.path.getsize() is not giving the true size of the file on OSX" ]
[ "os.path.getsize() returns negative filesize for large files (for > 3GB file size)", "Python os.stat(file_name).st_size versus os.path.getsize(file_name)", "Python. Incorrect result", "Incorrect data format for value - OrdType", "Python : getsize not defined", "After writing to a file, why does os.path.getsize still return the previous size?", "Using os.path.join with os.path.getsize, returning FileNotFoundError", "How to use os.path.getsize() with * in python?", "Os.path.getsize goes back to the folder of .py file in a for loop", "Why os.path.getsize() throw error in python?", "ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?", "Why sys.getsizeof is not equal to os.path.getsize?", "os.path.getsize gives wrong size of .dll file in windows 10", "os.path.getsize(path) or os.stat", "Python function returns incorrect value", "os.path.join giving incorrect result", "Python: getsize can't find file location from itunes xml", "Why can't \"os.path.getsize\" work with a regular string", "os.path.getsize Invalid syntax error", "len() return incorrect value", "Unable to use getsize method with os.walk() returned files", "Python incorrect result", "How can I getsize different files in a listdir?", "Getting incorrect output from code in Python", "Error with my code, returns incorrect result", "python os.path.getsize different than len(f.read())", "os.path.getsize reports a filesize with an L at the end, why?", "Why does os.path.getsize() return a negative number for a 10gb file?", "Python call function again if incorrect input" ]
Image.open() cannot identify image file - Python?
[ "Django / VersatileImageField: IOError - cannot identify image file" ]
[ "after PIL.Image.tostring() \"cannot identify image file\"", "Is it possible to identify the graphics program from the image?", "How to identify a function with just one line of code using python", "Create Image through Python", "Identify Thread in Python", "StringIO Cannot Identify Image File Error", "Skeletonizing an image in Python", "Image in Image with cvMatchTemplate - but how?", "How to open up an Image in Python", "Image foveation in Python", "PIL.Image.open() IOError: cannot identify image file", "Trying to get an image with python", "open image from the web with python image library", "Python, IOError: cannot identify image file", "Get image from image url: IOError: cannot identify image file", "Is there way to identify Class and object", "adding an image to the Turtle Screen", "Python - IO:Error Cannot Identify Image File", "How to identify a \"NoSuchObject\" in Python?", "Identify all Substantives in a Text", "re to identify range from string", "How do I deinterlace an image in Python?", "Pillow not loading image -cannot identify image file", "PIL: image from url, cannot identify image file", "Identify if a name is in a list", "Identify string values in between a text", "How to make this code identify what has been input before?", "Open Image Error Python" ]
How can I prevent OrderedDict inserting an element rather than adding it to the end?
[ "How to sort OrderedDict of OrderedDict - Python" ]
[ "Why is Python adding key and function to OrderedDict?", "Inserting text to end of line python", "Replacing an element in an OrderedDict?", "How can I prevent Python from inserting a new line after taking user input?", "How to create an OrderedDict in Python?", "How to convert the OrderedDict to the normal dict but keep the same order as the OrderedDict?", "Write Python OrderedDict to CSV", "Convert OrderedDict to set in python", "OrderedDict with specific order in Python", "How do you get the first 3 elements in Python OrderedDict?", "Store OrderedDict Values to Set in Python", "Json to OrderedDict in Python", "How to just get a result without OrderedDict in skfuzzy", "getting the key index in a Python OrderedDict?", "Why OrderedDict has this behavior", "Custom OrderedDict that returns itself", "Inserting an element before each element of a list", "Python inserting into list", "Is OrderedDict a tree?", "Why doesn't OrderedDict use super?", "OrderedDict in Python", "csv to OrderedDict", "Inserting element Python", "Last element in OrderedDict", "How to add an element to the beginning of an OrderedDict?", "Convert from OrderedDict to list", "How to Parse an orderedDict?", "Element 'html_block' was not found in OrderedDict", "can we access key and value in the ordereddict in python.?" ]
How To Calculate days Between Two Dates In Django
[ "How to calculate number of days between two given dates?" ]
[ "Calculate difference of 2 dates in a pandas groupby object of the same 2 dates", "How can I calculate days between two dates separated into days per month in pandas", "Python Pandas Calculate average days between dates", "Calculating the days between two given dates", "No of Days between two dates in python 2.4", "Days Between Dates (Python)", "Days between dates", "Calculate Duration between two dates using python", "How to get values between two dates", "Days/dates in a given week", "finding difference in days between two dates", "Count of days of each month from a list of dates python", "calculate dates in python", "Return data between two dates", "How to calculate the number of days between two given dates", "Calculate Average Number of Days Between Multiple Dates", "Number of days between two user input dates", "Calculate difference between 2 dates in python dataframe", "How to Calculate the number of days in the year(s) between 2 dates in python", "Add days to dates in dataframe", "Pandas get days in a between two two dates from a particular month", "Python How to calculate number of days between 2 dates?", "Select between two dates with Django", "How to find the number of days between two dates in format %Y%m%d if one of the day is the list element?", "Calculate number of days between two dates inside Django templates", "Days between two dates?", "How to calculate diff between two dates in django", "Do not need the 'days' part for difference between dates field in Python Pandas", "Calculating days using string dates in Python" ]
Python: extrapolate a trend using 2 or more data points
[ "Is there easy way in python to extrapolate data points to the future?" ]
[ "How to extrapolate curves in Python?", "Define trend pandas/python", "How to extrapolate a periodic time serie in Pandas?", "Python: Finding a trend in a set of numbers", "Extrapolate values in Pandas DataFrame", "Pandas: let two lines auto scale to view the trend clearly", "Average trend curve for data points in Python", "Extrapolate 2d numpy array in one dimension", "Python Matplotlib axis is blank for date with trend line", "Is this the most efficient and accurate way to extrapolate using scipy?", "Why does matplotlib extrapolate/plot missing values?", "Extrapolate with LinearNDInterpolator", "How do I recreate an Excel formula which calls TREND() in Python?", "see trend change by group (python pandas dataframe)", "timeseries fitted values from trend python", "Interpolate (or extrapolate) only small gaps in pandas dataframe", "interpolate/extrapolate between two x-values for a given number of steps python", "Google Trend Crawler code 429 error", "interpolate/extrapolate missing dates in python?", "Quadratic trend line equation on plot?", "using more than one linestyle in the same trend line with matplotlib", "Extrapolate python array with unequal spacing between elements", "how to capture the start and end of a trend from a group of elements in python dataframe?", "How to calculate numerical trend lines in python", "Extrapolate time series data based on Start and end values, using Python?", "String trend-analysis (suggestions for data structure)", "Is there a way to retrieve tweets in a specific trend?", "Finding increasing trend in Pandas", "Extrapolate using interp2d from scipy python" ]
How do you uninstall a python package that was installed using distutils?
[ "How remove a program installed with distutils?" ]
[ "How to use Python distutils?", "How to uninstall Python site-package which was installed using \"python setup.py develop\"?", "Distutils - Where Am I going wrong?", "How to uninstall dependencies introduced by a Python package installed with Pip?", "Distutils can't find Python.h", "How to require and install a package using python 3.x distutils?", "how to uninstall all python packages", "OS X Uninstall a distutils installed project", "Python Distutils Package Distribution", "How do I access distutils version number?", "Pip can't uninstall this package", "Is there a method to find out if a package is to be installed with distutils instead of setuptools?", "How to extend distutils with a simple pre uninstall script?", "How do you uninstall the package manager \"pip\", if installed from source?", "Can't get distutils working", "I cannot uninstall a package by pip (Python)", "Can't uninstall Python on Windows (3.4.2)", "how to install python distutils", "How to uninstall pip packages which are installed from a *.txt file?", "How to uninstall a package installed with pip install --user", "How to uninstall Python and all packages", "python setup.py uninstall", "Should I uninstall Python 2.7.10?", "How to uninstall a package which can't be found in /usr/local/lib", "Unable to uninstall Python", "Unable to uninstall package installed by easy_install", "python distutils does not include data_files", "python uninstall and update packages", "can't uninstall package with pip" ]
Simple way to add text at the beginning of a script (file) in Python
[ "write() at beginning of file?" ]
[ "Add some characters at the beginning of each line", "Python lines beginning with '@'?", "How to append a null value to the beginning of a list?", "How to reloop program back to beginning", "Insert string at the beginning of each line", "Python- Look for string only in the beginning of a string", "Python Requests - add text at the beginning of query string", "Add import statements to the beginning of new file", "Python add new column to the beginning of file", "python: re.search doesn't start at beginning of string?", "Python: How to time script from beginning to end?", "How to take input in beginning of the program in python?", "Do something at the beginning & end of methods", "Want to add string once at beginning", "How do I get the numbers at the beginning of each line of a text file?", "Importing in functions instead of at the beginning or the script?", "Add line at the beginning and end of a file in python", "How would I get numbers from the beginning of a line of text, split them and print them out", "Beginning MySQL/Python", "Beginning python for the web", "how to add a character at the beginning of each element of a string list", "Add 0's at the beginning of each integer", "Regex not beginning with number", "Trying to insert a character $ for beginning and end of a string using python, but i got them just in the beginning", "Adding \"\"\" at the beginning and end of a string?", "Python class read only variable without '_' at beginning of the name", "Errors with path beginning with \"~\" in Python", "Pandas TimerGrouper: Index with beginning", "Beginning (python) regex question" ]
Compare datetime with Django birthday objects
[ "How to query from the DB by age in Django when birthday is stored as year/month/day fields" ]
[ "How to compare datetime in Django?", "how to obtain a birthday list between two dates with django", "Tuples birthday paradox", "Add and Compare Datetime in Python", "How to compare next datetime in a list with the current one", "Birthday Paradox List is nonetype", "How to compare objects in Django?", "How can I compare a date and a datetime in Python?", "Python compare a datetime with a str with the same format", "Convert string to datetime in python and compare to current time", "Python 3.3: Birthday Probability", "How to compare two datetime by day in Django?", "can't compare datetime.datetime to datetime.date", "How do I verify if a birthday is passed or not?", "Probability birthday as me", "How does Django compare objects?", "'The Birthday Paradox'", "Queryset of people with a birthday in the next X days", "facebook api python get birthday", "Convert string array to datetime and compare", "String to datetime django", "Sorting a list of names and dates according to birthday", "Django import datetime", "Compare date and datetime in Django", "Automated Action Birthday =19", "Sort list of Person based on Birthday from current date python?", "How to compare datetime in django template", "Sorting list by comparing datetimes", "Compare unicode and datetime.datetime in python" ]
How to configure Python Kivy for PyCharm on Windows?
[ "kivy with pycharm import error" ]
[ "I am getteing an error in kivy python", "Pycharm Kivy Serial Port Read", "trying to install kivy on windows 8.1", "Python kivy text input", "Using while loop in Pycharm and Kivy", "Error When Trying to Run Simple Kivy Program (Windows)", "Kivy: ScrollViewApp example in Kivy Language", "Kivy: Variable in a class?", "How to convert a kivy file with windows", "Kivy - Create package on Windows", "PyCharm File Number Denotation", "Kivy: how to display a list of Objects in Kivy?", "How to make Kivy works with Pycharm on Windows 7? Stuck with Interpreter", "how run kivy program?", "Kivy ToggleButtonBehavior", "How do I have multiple windows in Kivy?", "How do you configure PyCharm to run py.test with command-line options like -s?", "Kivy-Python with a database", "Using graphframes with PyCharm", "Why and by whom is this method called in kivy", "Kivy Multiple windows", "How do I install Kivy with Python 3.4 on Windows 8.1?", "pycharm “”“:return:”“” in a Python", "Run python script from PyCharm. Import in Pycharm", "Trying to run KIVY, for the first time", "Kivy Refractoring", "Kivy - Make a class", "How do I configure PyCharm to run py.test tests?", "PyCharm Nagivate to Function" ]
Compute pairwise distance in a batch without replicating tensor in Tensorflow?
[ "Doing pairwise distance computation with TensorFlow" ]
[ "Replicating this design in Python", "How can I convert a tensor into a numpy array in TensorFlow?", "In Tensorflow, what is the difference between a Variable and a Tensor?", "How to loop through the elements of a tensor in TensorFlow?", "Tensorflow: How to compute the square error between a tensor and a sparse tensor", "Print the value of a tensor in Tensorflow", "Pairwise operations (distance) on two lists in numpy", "tensorflow, How to index the true value of a tensor?", "TensorFlow: using a tensor to index another tensor", "Python - Creating self-replicating class-object instance", "How do I index from another array into a tensor tensorflow", "Replicating elements in numpy array", "Python 3 Self replicating file into random directory - then running file", "Replicating YEARFRAC() function from Excel in Python", "Tensorflow - Making tensor untrainable", "Tensorflow: How to modify the value in tensor", "How can I use the data in a tensor in Tensorflow?", "python numpy pairwise edit-distance", "Adding information into a tensor in TensorFlow", "how to get data type of a tensor in tensorflow?", "Replicating python string behavior in C", "How to print the value of a Tensor object in TensorFlow?", "Python Self Replicating Class", "How to use a tensor for indexing another tensor in tensorflow", "Repeat NumPy array without replicating data?", "Get original value of Tensor in Tensorflow", "Python, Pairwise 'distance', need a fast way to do it", "Tensorflow: How to get a tensor by name?", "Replicating SQL's 'Join' in Python" ]
Python: Send command to mplayer under slave mode
[ "writing commands to mplayer subprocess with python 3 in windows" ]
[ "Mode of a List - Python", "tkinter - grid_slave configurate a slave", "Python command-line mode error", "Python: Installation of MPlayer/MEncoder for Windows", "mplayer.py works fine in interactive python shell, but not in script", "One-To-One relationship, put foreign key in master table or slave table?", "Avoiding visual artifacts when embedding MPlayer in PyGTK", "python-mplayer not opening mp3 file", "Python import problem in command line mode", "Run mplayer using subprocess in Python erro", "Reading the stdout from slave nodes with ipcluster", "Can't connect to slave with Python's modbus_tk", "Change the \"send code to interpreter\" (C-c |) command in python-mode", "mplayer - How can I detect EOF in Python", "Raspberry ALSA sound output / input slave", "Python: Parse stream title with mplayer", "read slave , read-write master setup", "XENAPI VLAN not getting flown to slave node if created on master node", "Using Python 3 on a Raspberry Pi, how to call MPlayer and passing a URL", "Characters not making it from a master to a slave pseudo-terminal", "Passing an array to a slave python script", "mplayer does not work when Python script run in background", "python : Mode of a List", "extracting payload from slave in minimalmodbus python", "Get record from master table if alteast one record exists in slave/child tables using django api", "Communicate with multiple slave processes (one multiprocessing.Queue instance per slave)", "Which display manager for a non interactive Python app and mplayer?", "How to run a Kivy EventLoop in slave mode?", "Play m4a in python script with mplayer" ]
import pyttsx works in python 2.7, but not in python3
[ "ImportError: No Module named 'driver' in pyttsx" ]
[ "list problemo in python3", "OWSLib and python3", "python3.0: imputils", "nontype object has no function python3", "Python3 How to call to method from one class in other class", "pyttsx - loop makes runAndWait() cut off", "How do I combine these two py2exe programs. They are pygame2exe and a pyttsx.exe", "How to TTS Chinese using pyttsx", "Using python3.4 and opendap - import error", "error with pyttsx code from their website", "python3: numpy works, but numpy.integrate doesn't", "print function in Python3", "Python3 import error", "new line in for multiplcatoin (python3)", "Import module in python3", "Python pyttsx is blocking the program in Tkinter", "python: Change pyttsx abbreviations", "ImportError: No module named pyttsx", "Use pyttsx in PyQt", "Pyttsx not saying all text when using non default voice", "Python3 Print Function", "Changing the voice with PYTTSX module in python", "Python pyttsx, how to use external loop", "How to save the output of PyTTSx to wav file", "Why python3.3 can not use goagent?", "fetch data from text file in pyttsx python", "python3 print to string", "No module named Win32com.client error when using the pyttsx package", "Geektool not working with python3" ]
how i can restore sessions old in telethon telegram and connect this again(without send again code))
[ "Add new contact in api telegram python telethon", "how i can send message to my contact whit telethon API python telegram" ]
[ "Although I install python-telegram-bot, error of no module named 'telegram'", "Getting one message using the telegram python API?", "Telethon: where does it store the credentials?", "(python) Telegram bot- how to send messages periodically?", "Download Image Python Telegram API", "How to get a User object from a message in group at Telegram Bot", "Python Telegram bot as a package", "Telethon, how to get an entity?", "How to make a press on a button in ReplyKeyboardMarkup not to send a message (python-telegram-bot)", "How to receive file_id through python-telegram-bot?", "is there any command to \"terminate all other sessions\" in telegram-cli?", "Error handling Telegram bot", "Regular expression in Telegram bot not working", "How to manage more users in a telegram bot?", "How To Obtain Username, First Name Or Last Name Of A Telegram User With Python-Telegram-Bot?", "How i can add my contact in my channel with telethon API python", "who are click on my Deep Links in telegram?", "How to send message with @ID telegram using telethon library", "How to use sendAudio in Telegram bot (Python)", "How to send an image from a telegram bot", "How can I get information from the user telegram bot?", "Telethon: Where are the common methods like GetDialogsRequest", "Telegram API files uploading", "How do i send mp3 file with python using telegram bot", "Telegram BOT -- Implementing the search in a dictionary", "sending message to contacts in telethon python telegram", "How to restore a model with tensorflow without using sessions?", "Python Telegram pytg post content to a channel" ]
Reading utf-8 escape sequences from a file
[ "Process escape sequences in a string in Python" ]
[ "Count all sequences in a list", "Evaluate UTF-8 literal escape sequences in a string in Python3", "Python find similar sequences in string", "How can I check for unicode or escape sequences in a string?", "parsing strings with escape sequences to another software with python", "Remove escape sequences from parsed HTML", "Python Sequences Example", "Filter sequences", "Convert a string with escape sequences to their original character representation in python", "Unable to load json containing escape sequences", "How can I convert literal escape sequences in a string to the corresponding bytes?", "finding sequences from small length sequences", "How can I remove the ANSI escape sequences from a string in python", "In programming, why are escape sequences for regex and escape sequences for string literals different?", "Converting characters to their python escape sequences", "Detecting escape sequences in Python 3", "number of sequences in a list", "Remove all escape sequences in specific code block", "Python some escape sequences do not work", "How to pass escape sequences to python's ord() function?", "escape sequences while importing csv file into list", "Python - string of binary escape sequences as literal", "text with unicode escape sequences to unicode in python", "How to remove all the escape sequences from a list of strings?", "How do I use pycogent to create ancestral sequences in python 2.7?", "Python Formatting ASCII Escape Sequences with Format Method", "Print stdout in Python without shell escape sequences", "Python - how to get rid of escape sequences in sql query execution", "python mixed single and double unicode escape sequences" ]
Can I make matplotlib sliders more discrete?
[ "Discrete slider in matplotlib widget", "Discrete sliders for multiple sliders, python" ]
[ "matplotlib fill between discrete points", "tkinter scale with two sliders?", "Matplotlib: plotting discrete values", "matplotlib - Add sliders to a figure dynamically", "how to use scipy.stats.discrete.expect to calculate discrete expected value?", "How do you make linked sliders in Qt?", "Matplotlib discrete colorbar", "How to make two sliders in matplotlib", "Calculate a discrete mean in python", "How to plot 4D array with 2 sliders using PyPlot?", "How to plot discrete f(x,y) output", "Check if discrete signal is periodic (or close to), given discrete event times", "Discrete then linear colormap in matplotlib", "Sliders and checkbtton in python 3 and tkinter", "2D Map in matplotlib with discrete values", "Interactive matplotlib plot with two sliders", "Map discrete columns to the index of their unique values", "Matplotlib dependent sliders", "Find global minimum for discrete function", "Discrete Integration if List of Values", "Map discrete value to color", "Drawing a diagram using sliders from Tkinter - Program has no output", "Using Matplotlib sliders with multiple plots on the same axes", "Creating a model/view interface with sliders using PyQt", "2D discrete colour plot using discrete variables", "wxPython Sliders that influence each other", "Link two matplotlib sliders together", "Setting a matplotlib sliders label position" ]
What is logits, softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?
[ "Why is doing softmax and crossentropy separately produce different result than doing them together using softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?" ]
[ "Tensorflow - Does Weight value changed in tf.nn.conv2D()?", "TensorFlow: Error with tf.where()", "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() error: logits and labels must be same size", "What is the difference between `tensorflow.nn.np` and `numpy`?", "Softmax function in Tensorflow not displaying correct answer", "Tensorflow softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits versus tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y*tf.log(yhat), reduction_indices = 1))", "What is the difference between 'SAME' and 'VALID' padding in tf.nn.max_pool of tensorflow?", "Does tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits account for batch size?", "Tensorflow softmax_cross...() function float type error", "What is the essential difference between `tf.contrib.layers.max_pool2d` and `tf.nn.max_pool`?", "NaN from sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits in Tensorflow", "What does tf.nn.embedding_lookup function do?", "TensorFlow - Difference between tf.VariableScope and tf.variable_scope", "How to multiply each row of the softmax by a specific matrix in tensorflow?", "Tensorflow \"Don't use softmax cross-entropy\" with softmax output? Why?", "np.split() with output from tf.nn.softmax", "How to Have Multiple Softmax Outputs in Tensorflow?", "tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits weights", "TensorFlow how to make results reproducible for `tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss`", "getting error with softmax and cross entropy in theano", "How to use tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax correctly", "regexp for [nn.nn] or [nn] with corrected groupping", "What do the functions tf.squeeze and tf.nn.rnn do?", "Tensorflow softmax evaluation", "sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits results is worse than softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits", "Tensorflow: Where is tf.nn.conv2d Actually Executed?", "Convert output of tf.nn.top_n into a sparse matrix", "How to implement the Softmax function in Python", "tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits companies about arguments from documentation" ]
Python argparse: Insert blank line between help entries
[ "Python argparse: How to insert newline in the help text?" ]
[ "Python argparse: Does it have to return a list?", "Python argparse with -- as the value", "How to add %d to argparse help text", "Python argparse input file error", "argparse: How to call a method instead of a function?", "Python argparse a list input", "python import of script with argparse", "Python argparse errors with '%' in help string", "Using Argparse in python", "Python ArgParse", "Python argparse error", "Call methods from argparse", "Python argparse as a function", "Using argparse to create output file", "Default class values and argparse", "Python argparse example?", "python argparse with time format", "Python argparse help-like option", "python argparse - passing list to argparse without command line", "Error with argparse", "How do you get the name of the program using argparse?", "How to open file using argparse?", "How to import the module which using argparse", "Get version string from argparse", "How can I get argparse in Python 2.6?", "Python 2.7 argparse", "Python: How to get all default values from argparse", "argparse module not working in Python", "python argparse input error" ]
Create a matplotlib mpatches with a rectangle bi-colored for figure legend
[ "using mpatches.Patch for a custom legend" ]
[ "Python: Write colored text in file", "Matplotlib Legend in a Loop?", "Python Pandas Matplotlib Plot Colored by type value defined in single column", "pyplot legend for scatter plot colored by values", "How to get legend location in matplotlib", "How can I draw a rectangle around a colored object in open cv python?", "Title for matplotlib legend", "How to send a colored text message?", "matplotlib legend guide example using mpatches not working", "Is it possible to add a string as a legend item in matplotlib", "How app can find colored characters", "Colored output in python", "Removing duplicate mpatches from a list", "Python Pandas MultiIndex Plot has incorrectly colored legend", "matplotlib mpatches.FancyArrowPatch is too short", "Create matplotlib legend out of the figure", "How to show ℃ in the legend of matplotlib, python?", "handle legend in matplotlib?", "Table legend in matplotlib", "Legend using PathCollections in matplotlib", "How to make custom legend in matplotlib", "Matplotlib Multi-Colored Graph Python", "Matplotlib legend relative to figure in multiplot", "Get Matplotlib legend location?", "How to add more items to the matplotlib legend?", "Legend in matplotlib", "Matplotlib : making a colored markers legend from scratch", "Add a legend (like a matplotlib legend) to an image", "How to Return a MatPlotLib Figure with its corresponding Legend" ]
Running a specific test case in Django when your app has a tests directory
[ "Django 1.8 - How do I test a specific file inside a tests folder?" ]
[ "boilerplateless tests", "How do I see stdout when running Django tests?", "How to use AssertRaisesMessage() in Django tests", "Django not running tests with manage.py test", "Django: tests.py as a module", "Why does django not see my tests?", "py.test does not find tests under a class", "logging file not found when running from tests directory", "How to test a Django app", "pyresttest run all tests in directory", "Get view used in Django tests", "Django, Tests and multidatabases", "How to run tests in django using database with data?", "Django user not in request object when running tests", "Installed app in Django not found when running tests", "TypeError while running Django tests", "Django Tests User Object", "How to run tests django rest framework tests?", "How can I run Django application tests together with other tests?", "Why are my App tests not being recognized by Django tests?", "Running Tests From a Module", "Running all selenium tests inside a test case", "Django run all tests at once", "Running a python file in a directory", "running tests against a json string python", "Django App Tests Won't Run Specifically (But Will Run With All Tests)", "Django tests - patch object in all tests", "Django and tests in docfiles", "Running Django MySQL tests in memory" ]
Python Twisted JSON RPC
[ "Json RPC Python Client" ]
[ "Twisted and starpy error (python)", "JSON-RPC server via Python", "Python twisted: where to start", "Django JSON_RPC doesn't work", "Python twisted issue", "Twisted RPC message aggregation", "Python json-rpc help, how to extract data", "createResolver() in twisted not working", "Python Twisted's DeferredLock", "How to return a json response in twisted?", "Python 2.7.1 can't see Twisted", "Twisted Python - How to create list of acceptableCiphers for CertificateOptions?", "Python and Secpay (paypoint) xml-rpc call", "Database for Python Twisted", "XML-RPC C# and Python RPC Server", "xml-rpc python doesn't print output", "Python error when import Twisted", "can I return data in python twisted's dataRecieved method", "Parsing JSON-RPC using Python", "Why is there a need for Twisted?", "Python Twisted twisted.internet", "Send from Twisted client to Twisted server, only this one way", "allow_none in twisted XML-RPC server", "My own API Key to my RPC server", "Start Python from Twisted", "Working with Twisted", "Twisted server-client interconnecting XML-RPC and REST services", "python/twisted - what is wrong with this code?", "Twisted XML-RPC error" ]
What are all possible pos tags of NLTK?
[ "NLTK - Get and Simplify List of Tags" ]
[ "use java in python 3.4 with nltk", "How to output NLTK pos_tag in the string instead of a list?", "Trying to use MEGAM as an NLTK ClassifierBasedPOSTagger?", "NLTK PoS tagging", "Add POS tags as attribute to xml element", "How to provide (or generate) tags for nltk lemmatizers", "How to call the ClassifierBasedTagger() in NLTK", "How can I remove POS tags before slashes in nltk?", "How to search for a specific POS-tag while in nltk?", "Nominalisation using nltk", "import nltk ununderstandable error", "Convert NLTK LazySubsequence to a list", "error in nltk udhr module", "Lemmainser using NLTK", "Why can't I import nltk?", "nltk pos tag expletives", "How to use Python nltk's ProbDistI class", "CFG using POS tags in NLTK", "Using Syntaxnet POS tags in python?", "Not able to Import in NLTK - Python", "what is wrong with this code of nltk python", "Python 3 not working with NLTK 3", "NLTK Python error at running", "NLTK import Error Python", "NLTK POS tags extraction, tried key, values but not there yet", "What are `lexpr` and `ApplicationExpression` nltk?", "Python: map NLTK Stanford POS tags to WordNet POS tags", "NLTK can't open files (UnicodeDecoreError)", "How to override the POS tags assigned to a text by nltk's pos_tag?" ]
Tornado Coroutine - Custom function
[ "Tornado coroutine" ]
[ "Calling coroutine from coroutine in python", "Why does the order of asynchronous and gen.coroutine matter in Tornado?", "Run code on coroutine close()", "In Tornado, How to 'decorate' a coroutine GET function", "How to execute Tornado coroutine inside of synchronous environment?", "Using regular Python generator in Tornado coroutine", "How to explain coroutine in Tornado and Python?", "Tornado Coroutine : Return value and one time execution", "Tornado asynchronous job in tornado gen coroutine", "why my coroutine blocks whole tornado instance?", "Does python tornado RequestHandler coroutine safe?", "how to implement coroutine lock in tornado", "How to return coroutine or dict(some object)?", "Python's logging issue in Tornado coroutine", "Direct call Python's coroutine from coroutine", "Python loop in a coroutine", "In a no-coroutine function, how do you get a return value from coroutine function of Tornado TCP?", "@gen.coroutine not defined in python with tornado", "Tornado: Thread does not start using @run_on_executor in coroutine", "Is yield-based coroutine is REAL coroutine?", "How is this a coroutine?", "how to use coroutine in custom decorator when working with db operations in tornado", "How to use Tornado.gen.coroutine in TCP Server?", "Write a tornado coroutine that also yields normal values", "Where is Python's coroutine type defined?", "Correct use of coroutine in Tornado web server", "Raise exception or return gen.Return object in Tornado coroutine", "Running a coroutine function from a noncoroutine function in Python?", "Converting web.asynchronous code to gen.coroutine in tornado" ]
Pandas groupby and qcut
[ "Assignment of qcut as new column" ]
[ "Pandas: using groupby", "Pandas set value in groupby", "sorting the quintile output from qcut in pandas python", "Python Pandas Create New Bin/Bucket Variable with pd.qcut", "pandas qcut not putting equal number of observations into each bin", "Pandas If function or groupby", "Python pandas: type error in groupby", "Python Pandas groupby and qcut doesn't work in 0.14.1", "Pandas groupby function", "pd.qcut - ValueError: Bin edges must be unique", "Applying pandas qcut bins to new data", "What is the difference between pandas.qcut and pandas.cut?", "pandas - add a column with value based on exisitng one (bins, qcut)", "Looping over two arrays with qcut in python", "Python Pandas qcut behavior with # of observations not divisible by # of bins", "What's the equivalent of cut/qcut for pandas date fields?", "apply pandas qcut function to subgroups", "Use qcut pandas for multiple valuable categorizing", "select/filter bins after qcut decile", "Why use pandas qcut return ValueError: Bin edges must be unique?", "pd.qcut with values that are inf (infinity) ValueError: Bin edges must be unique:", "How to groupby and collpase with pandas?", "How to use pandas.qcut to make deciles out of values in a column", "How to get integers out of QCUT while creating Categories for DataFrame Series", "python bin data and return bin midpoint (maybe using pandas.cut and qcut)", "pandas groupby + list", "Pandas: groupby", "Pandas groupby method", "Pandas Groupby: How to get the first string" ]
How can I tell if a python variable is a string or a list?
[ "how to tell a variable is iterable but not a string" ]
[ "How can I tell if I have a file-like object?", "how do I tell cutplace about this check class", "python print a variable as a string from a list", "How To Tell if An Element In A List Is Itself A List? [Python]", "How can I tell if a class has a method `__call__`?", "How to tell if a function will be returning a value to a variable?", "How do I tell python to NOT print an item in a list?", "How can I tell if an undefined variable is in a Python list?", "please tell me what is wrong with my code?", "i have this error can anyone tell me the solution", "How do Python tell “this is called as a function”?", "python Variable in a string", "how to get tell() to work", "How to tell what is a method and what is an object constructor in this class in Python?", "How can I tell which python implementation I'm using?", "How to tell if something can be split python", "What does the output of pymetrics tell me?", "How can i make python tell me when i open a file?", "Is there a way to tell where your python file is?", "How do I tell what type of data is inside python variable?", "How do I tell a file from directory in Python?", "I need user input to tell the program which list to use?", "How to tell if the last function was called in a class: Python", "How can I tell if a function and class instance method are the same?", "Tell python to write something at every line", "python string and variable", "How can I tell python to edit another python file?", "Python won't tell my name. How can I make it to tell my name?", "My first python program: can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?" ]