import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import re |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import scipy.stats as ss |
import scikit_posthocs as sp |
from .stattests import friedman_aligned_ranks_test as ft |
import Orange |
class StatAnalysis(): |
""" Statistics analysis for multiple datasets and multiple VHR methods""" |
def __init__(self, filepath='default'): |
if os.path.isdir(filepath): |
self.multidataset = True |
self.path = filepath + "/" |
self.datasetsList = os.listdir(filepath) |
elif os.path.isfile(filepath): |
self.multidataset = False |
self.datasetsList = [filepath] |
self.path = "" |
else: |
raise("Error: filepath is wrong!") |
self.__getMethods() |
self.metricSort = {'MAE':'min','RMSE':'min','CC':'max','PCC':'max'} |
self.scale = {'MAE':'log','RMSE':'log','CC':'linear','PCC':'linear'} |
def FriedmanTest(self, methods=None, metric='MAE'): |
if methods == None: |
methods = self.methods |
else: |
if set(methods) <= set(self.methods): |
raise("Some method is wrong!") |
else: |
self.methods = methods |
self.metric = metric |
self.mag = self.metricSort[metric] |
if self.multidataset: |
Y = self.__getData() |
else: |
Y = self.__getDataMono() |
self.ndataset = Y.shape[0] |
t,p,ranks,piv = ft(Y) |
self.avranks = list(np.divide(ranks, self.ndataset)) |
return t,p,ranks,piv,self.ndataset |
def SignificancePlot(self, methods=None, metric='MAE'): |
if methods == None: |
methods = self.methods |
else: |
if set(methods) <= set(self.methods): |
raise("Some method is wrong!") |
else: |
self.methods = methods |
self.metric = metric |
self.mag = self.metricSort[metric] |
if self.multidataset: |
Y = self.__getData() |
else: |
Y = self.__getDataMono() |
methodNames = [x.upper() for x in self.methods] |
Ypd = pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=methodNames) |
ph = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(Ypd) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', |
'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.85, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) |
sp.sign_plot(ph, cbar=True, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('p-vals') |
fname = 'SP_' + self.metric + '.pdf' |
plt.savefig(fname) |
plt.show() |
def computeCD(self, avranks=None, numDatasets=None, alpha='0.05', display=True): |
""" |
Returns critical difference for Nemenyi or Bonferroni-Dunn test according |
to given alpha (either alpha=”0.05” or alpha=”0.1”) for average ranks and |
number of tested datasets N. Test can be either “nemenyi” for for Nemenyi |
two tailed test or “bonferroni-dunn” for Bonferroni-Dunn test. |
See Orange package docs. |
""" |
if not numDatasets: |
numDatasets = self.ndataset |
if not avranks: |
avranks = self.avranks |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranks, numDatasets, alpha=alpha) |
if self.mag == 'min': |
reverse = True |
else: |
reverse = False |
methodNames = [x.upper() for x in self.methods] |
if display: |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranks, methodNames, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=reverse) |
name = 'CD Diagram (metric: ' + self.metric +')' |
plt.title(name) |
fname = 'CD_' + self.metric + '.pdf' |
plt.savefig(fname) |
plt.show() |
return cd |
def displayBoxPlot(self, methods=None, metric='MAE', scale=None, title=True): |
if methods == None: |
methods = self.methods |
else: |
if set(methods) <= set(self.methods): |
raise("Some method is wrong!") |
else: |
self.methods = methods |
self.metric = metric |
self.mag = self.metricSort[metric] |
if scale == None: |
scale = self.scale[metric] |
if self.multidataset: |
Y = self.__getData() |
else: |
Y = self.__getDataMono() |
self.boxPlot(methods, metric, Y, scale=scale, title=title) |
def boxPlot(self, methods, metric, Y, scale, title): |
k = len(methods) |
if not (k == Y.shape[1]): |
raise("error!") |
offset = 50 |
fig = go.Figure() |
methodNames = [x.upper() for x in self.methods] |
for i in range(k): |
yd = Y[:,i] |
name = methodNames[i] |
if metric == 'MAE' or metric == 'RMSE': |
med = np.median(yd) |
col = str(min(200,5*int(med)+offset)) |
if metric == 'CC' or metric == 'PCC': |
med = 1-np.abs(np.median(yd)) |
col = str(int(200*med)+offset) |
fig.add_trace(go.Box( |
y=yd, |
name=name, |
boxpoints='all', |
jitter=.7, |
fillcolor="rgba("+col+","+col+","+col+",0.5)", |
line_color="rgba(0,0,255,0.5)", |
marker_size=2, |
line_width=2) |
) |
gwidth = np.max(Y)/10 |
if title: |
tit = "Metric: " + metric |
top = 40 |
else: |
tit='' |
top = 10 |
fig.update_layout( |
title=tit, |
yaxis_type=scale, |
xaxis_type="category", |
yaxis=dict( |
autorange=True, |
showgrid=True, |
zeroline=True, |
gridcolor='rgb(255,255,255)', |
gridwidth=.1, |
zerolinewidth=2, |
titlefont=dict(size=30) |
), |
font=dict( |
family="monospace", |
size=16, |
color='rgb(20,20,20)' |
), |
margin=dict( |
l=20, |
r=10, |
b=20, |
t=top, |
), |
paper_bgcolor='rgb(250, 250, 250)', |
plot_bgcolor='rgb(243, 243, 243)', |
showlegend=False |
) |
fig.show() |
def saveStatsData(self, methods=None, metric='MAE', outfilename='statsData.csv'): |
Y = self.getStatsData(methods=methods, metric=metric, printTable=False) |
np.savetxt(outfilename, Y) |
def getStatsData(self, methods=None, metric='MAE', printTable=True): |
if methods == None: |
methods = self.methods |
else: |
if set(methods) <= set(self.methods): |
raise("Some method is wrong!") |
else: |
self.methods = methods |
self.metric = metric |
self.mag = self.metricSort[metric] |
if self.multidataset: |
Y = self.__getData() |
else: |
Y = self.__getDataMono() |
I = ss.iqr(Y,axis=0) |
M = np.median(Y,axis=0) |
Y = np.vstack((Y,M)) |
Y = np.vstack((Y,I)) |
if printTable: |
methodNames = [x.upper() for x in self.methods] |
dataseNames = self.datasetNames |
dataseNames.append('Median') |
dataseNames.append('IQR') |
df = pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=methodNames, index=dataseNames) |
display(df) |
return Y |
def __getDataMono(self): |
mag = self.mag |
metric = self.metric |
methods = self.methods |
frame = self.dataFrame[0] |
Y = [] |
for method in methods: |
vals = frame[frame['method'] == method][metric] |
if mag == 'min': |
data = [v[np.argmin(v)] for v in vals] |
else: |
data = [v[np.argmax(v)] for v in vals] |
Y.append(data) |
return np.array(Y).T |
def __getData(self): |
mag = self.mag |
metric = self.metric |
methods = self.methods |
Y = [] |
for frame in self.dataFrame: |
y = [] |
for method in methods: |
vals = frame[frame['method'] == method][metric] |
if mag == 'min': |
data = [v[np.argmin(v)] for v in vals] |
else: |
data = [v[np.argmax(v)] for v in vals] |
y.append(data) |
y = np.array(y) |
Y.append(np.mean(y,axis=1)) |
return np.array(Y) |
def __getMethods(self): |
mets = [] |
dataFrame = [] |
N = len(self.datasetsList) |
self.datasetNames = [] |
for file in self.datasetsList: |
filename = self.path + file |
self.datasetNames.append(file) |
data = pd.read_hdf(filename) |
mets.append(set(list(data['method']))) |
dataFrame.append(data) |
methods = set(mets[0]) |
if N > 1: |
for m in range(1,N-1): |
methods.intersection(mets[m]) |
methods = list(methods) |
methods.sort() |
self.methods = methods |
self.dataFrame = dataFrame |