navagg's picture
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import os
import re
import warnings
import dlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skvideo
from matplotlib import patches
from .pyramid import *
from ..utils import printutils
from ..utils.SkinDetect import SkinDetect
class Video:
Basic class for extracting ROIs from video frames
facePadding = 0.2 # dlib param for padding
filenameCompressed = "croppedFaces.npz" # filename to store on disk
saveCropFaces = True # enable the storage on disk of the cropped faces
loadCropFaces = True # enable the loading of cropped faces from disk
def __init__(self, filename, verb=0):
self.filename = filename
self.faces = np.array([]) # empty array of cropped faces (RGB)
self.processedFaces = np.array([])
self.faceSignal = np.array([]) # empty array of face signals (RGB) after roi/skin extraction
self.verb = verb
self.cropSize = [150, 150] # param for cropping
self.typeROI = 'rect' # type of rois between ['rect', 'skin']
self.detector = 'mtcnn'
self.time_vid_start = 0
self.doEVM = False
self.EVMalpha = 20
self.EVMlevels = 3
self.EVMlow = .8
self.EVMhigh = 4
self.rectCoords = [[0, 0, self.cropSize[0], self.cropSize[1]]] # default 'rect' roi coordinates
self.skinThresh_fix = [40, 80] # default min values of Sauturation and Value (HSV) for 'skin' roi
self.skinThresh_adapt = 0.2
def getCroppedFaces(self, detector='mtcnn', extractor='skvideo', fps=30):
""" Time is in seconds"""
# -- check if cropped faces already exists on disk
path, name = os.path.split(self.filename)
filenamez = path + '/' + self.filenameCompressed
self.detector = detector
self.extractor = extractor
# -- if compressed exists... load it
if self.loadCropFaces and os.path.isfile(filenamez):
self.cropped = True
data = np.load(filenamez, allow_pickle=True)
self.faces = data['a']
self.numFrames = int(data['b'])
self.frameRate = int(data['c'])
self.height = int(data['d'])
self.width = int(data['e'])
self.duration = float(data['f'])
self.codec = data['g']
self.detector = data['h']
self.extractor = data['i']
self.cropSize = self.faces[0].shape
if self.detector != detector:
warnings.warn("\nWARNING!! Requested detector method is different from the saved one\n")
# -- if compressed does not exist, load orig. video and extract faces
self.cropped = False
# if the video signal is stored in video container
if os.path.isfile(self.filename):
# -- metadata
metadata =
self.numFrames = int(eval(metadata["video"]["@nb_frames"]))
self.height = int(eval(metadata["video"]["@height"]))
self.width = int(eval(metadata["video"]["@width"]))
self.frameRate = int(np.round(eval(metadata["video"]["@avg_frame_rate"])))
self.duration = float(eval(metadata["video"]["@duration"]))
self.codec = metadata["video"]["@codec_name"]
# -- load video on a ndarray with skvideo or openCV
video = None
if extractor == 'opencv':
video = self.__opencvRead()
video =
# else if the video signal is stored as single frames
else: # elif os.path.isdir(self.filename):
# -- load frames on a ndarray
self.path = path
video = self.__loadFrames()
self.numFrames = len(video)
self.height = video[0].shape[0]
self.width = video[0].shape[1]
self.frameRate = fps ###### <<<<----- TO SET MANUALLY ####
self.duration = self.numFrames/self.frameRate
self.codec = 'raw'
# -- extract faces and resize
print('\n\n' + detector + '\n\n')
self.__extractFace(video, method=detector)
# -- store cropped faces on disk
if self.saveCropFaces:
np.savez_compressed(filenamez, a=self.faces,
b=self.numFrames, c=self.frameRate,
d=self.height, e=self.width,
f=self.duration, g=self.codec,
h=self.detector, i=self.extractor)
if '1' in str(self.verb):
if not self.cropped:
print(' Extracted faces: not found! Detecting...')
print(' Extracted faces: found! Loading...')
def setMask(self, typeROI='rect',
rectCoords=None, rectRegions=None,
skinThresh_fix=None, skinThresh_adapt=None):
self.typeROI = typeROI
if self.typeROI == 'rect':
if rectCoords is not None:
# List of rectangular ROIs: [[x0,y0,w0,h0],...,[xk,yk,wk,hk]]
self.rectCoords = rectCoords
elif rectRegions is not None:
# List of rectangular regions: ['forehead', 'lcheek', 'rcheek', 'nose']
self.rectCoords = self.__rectRegions2Coord(rectRegions)
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_adapt' and skinThresh_adapt is not None:
# Skin limits for HSV
self.skinThresh_adapt = skinThresh_adapt
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_fix' and skinThresh_fix is not None:
# Skin limits for HSV
self.skinThresh_fix = skinThresh_fix
raise ValueError('Unrecognized type of ROI provided.')
def extractSignal(self, frameSubset, count=None):
if self.typeROI == 'rect':
return self.__extractRectSignal(frameSubset)
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_adapt' or self.typeROI == 'skin_fix':
return self.__extractSkinSignal(frameSubset, count)
def setEVM(self, enable=True, alpha=20, levels=3, low=.8, high=4):
"""Eulerian Video Magnification"""
#rawFaces = self.faces
#gaussFaces = gaussian_video(rawFaces, levels=levels)
#filtered = temporal_ideal_filter(gaussFaces, low, high, self.frameRate)
#amplified = alpha * filtered
#self.faces = reconstruct_video_g(amplified, rawFaces, levels=levels)
self.doEVM = enable
if enable is True:
self.EVMalpha = alpha
self.EVMlevels = levels
self.EVMlow = low
self.EVMhigh = high
def applyEVM(self):
vid_data = gaussian_video(self.faces, self.EVMlevels)
vid_data = temporal_bandpass_filter(vid_data, self.frameRate,
vid_data *= self.EVMalpha
self.processedFaces = combine_pyramid_and_save(vid_data,
def getMeanRGB(self):
n_frames = len(self.faceSignal)
n_roi = len(self.faceSignal[0])
rgb = np.zeros([3, n_frames])
for i in range(n_frames):
mean_rgb = 0
for roi in self.faceSignal[i]:
idx = roi != 0
idx2 = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(idx[:, :, 0], idx[:, :, 1]), idx[:, :, 2])
roi = roi[idx2]
if len(roi) == 0:
mean_rgb += 0
mean_rgb += np.mean(roi, axis=0)
rgb[:, i] = mean_rgb/n_roi
return rgb
def printVideoInfo(self):
print('\n * Video filename: %s' %self.filename)
print(' Total frames: %s' %self.numFrames)
print(' Duration: %s (sec)' %np.round(self.duration,2))
print(' Frame rate: %s (fps)' % self.frameRate)
print(' Codec: %s' % self.codec)
printOK = 1
f = self.numFrames
except AttributeError:
printOK = 0
if printOK:
print(' Num frames: %s' % self.numFrames)
print(' Height: %s' % self.height)
print(' Width: %s' % self.height)
print(' Detector: %s' % self.detector)
print(' Extractor: %s' % self.extractor)
def printROIInfo(self):
print(' ROI type: ' + self.typeROI)
if self.typeROI == 'rect':
print(' Rect coords: ' + str(self.rectCoords))
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_fix':
print(' Skin thresh: ' + str(self.skinThresh_fix))
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_adapt':
print(' Skin thresh: ' + str(self.skinThresh_adapt))
def showVideo(self):
from ipywidgets import interact
import ipywidgets as widgets
n = self.numFrames
def view_image(frame):
idx = frame-1
if self.processedFaces.size == 0:
face = self.faces[idx]
face = self.processedFaces[idx]
if self.typeROI == 'rect':
plt.imshow(face, interpolation='nearest')
ax = plt.gca()
for coord in self.rectCoords:
rect = patches.Rectangle((coord[0],coord[1]),
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_fix':
lower = np.array([0, self.skinThresh_fix[0], self.skinThresh_fix[1]], dtype = "uint8")
upper = np.array([20, 255, 255], dtype = "uint8")
converted = cv2.cvtColor(face, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
skinMask = cv2.inRange(converted, lower, upper)
skinFace = cv2.bitwise_and(face, face, mask=skinMask)
plt.imshow(skinFace, interpolation='nearest')
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_adapt':
sd = SkinDetect(strength=self.skinThresh_adapt)
skinFace = sd.get_skin(face, filt_kern_size=7, verbose=False, plot=False)
plt.imshow(skinFace, interpolation='nearest')
interact(view_image, frame=widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=n, step=1, value=1))
def __opencvRead(self):
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)
frames = []
retval, frame =
while retval == True:
frames.append(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
retval, frame =
return np.asarray(frames)
def __extractRectSignal(self, frameSubset):
""" Extract R,G,B values on all ROIs of a frame subset """
assert self.processedFaces.size > 0, "Faces are not processed yet! Please call runOffline first"
self.faceSignal = []
i = 0
for r in frameSubset:
face = self.processedFaces[r]
H = face.shape[0]
W = face.shape[1]
# take frame-level rois
rois = []
for roi in self.rectCoords:
x = roi[0]
y = roi[1]
w = min(x + roi[2], W)
h = min(y + roi[3], H)
# take all rois of the frame
i += 1
def __extractSkinSignal(self, frameSubset, count=None, frameByframe=False):
""" Extract R,G,B values from skin-based roi of a frame subset """
assert self.processedFaces.size > 0, "Faces are not processed yet! Please call runOffline first"
self.faceSignal = []
cp = self.cropSize
skinFace = np.zeros([cp[0], cp[1], 3], dtype='uint8')
# -- loop on frames
for i, r in enumerate(frameSubset):
face = self.processedFaces[r]
if self.typeROI == 'skin_fix':
assert len(self.skinThresh_fix) == 2, "Please provide 2 values for Fixed Skin Detector"
lower = np.array([0, self.skinThresh_fix[0], self.skinThresh_fix[1]], dtype = "uint8")
upper = np.array([20, 255, 255], dtype = "uint8")
converted = cv2.cvtColor(face, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
skinMask = cv2.inRange(converted, lower, upper)
skinFace = cv2.bitwise_and(face, face, mask=skinMask)
elif self.typeROI == 'skin_adapt':
if count == 0 and i == 0: = SkinDetect(strength=self.skinThresh_adapt)
if frameByframe and i > 0:
skinFace =, filt_kern_size=0, verbose=False, plot=False)
def __extractFace(self, video, method, t_downsample_rate=2):
# -- save on GPU
# self.facesGPU = cp.asarray(self.faces) # move the data to the current device.
if method == 'dlib':
# -- dlib detector
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
if os.path.exists("resources/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"):
file_predict = "resources/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"
elif os.path.exists("../resources/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"):
file_predict = "../resources/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(file_predict)
self.faces = np.zeros([self.numFrames, self.cropSize[0], self.cropSize[1], 3],
# -- loop on frames
cp = self.cropSize
self.faces = np.zeros([self.numFrames, cp[0], cp[1], 3], dtype='uint8')
for i in range(self.numFrames):
frame = video[i, :, :, :]
# -- Detect face using dlib
self.numFaces = 0
facesRect = detector(frame, 0)
if len(facesRect) > 0:
# -- process only the first face
self.numFaces += 1
rect = facesRect[0]
x0 = rect.left()
y0 =
w = rect.width()
h = rect.height()
# -- extract cropped faces
shape = predictor(frame, rect)
f = dlib.get_face_chip(frame, shape, size=self.cropSize[0], padding=self.facePadding)
self.faces[i, :, :, :] = f.astype('uint8')
if self.verb: printutils.printProgressBar(i, self.numFrames, prefix='Processing:', suffix='Complete', length=50)
print("No face detected at frame %s",i)
elif method == 'mtcnn_kalman':
# mtcnn detector
from mtcnn import MTCNN
detector = MTCNN()
h0 = None
w0 = None
crop = np.zeros([2, 2, 2])
skipped_frames = 0
while crop.shape[:2] != (h0,w0):
if skipped_frames > 0:
print("\nWARNING! Strange Face Crop... Skipping frame " + str(skipped_frames) + '...')
frame = video[skipped_frames, :, :, :]
detection = detector.detect_faces(frame)
if len(detection) > 1:
areas = []
for det in detection:
areas.append(det['box'][2] * det['box'][3])
areas = np.array(areas)
ia = np.argsort(areas)
[x0, y0, w0, h0] = detection[ia[-1]]['box']
[x0, y0, w0, h0] = detection[0]['box']
w0 = 2*(int(w0/2))
h0 = 2*(int(h0/2))
#Cropping face
crop = frame[y0:y0+h0, x0:x0+w0, :]
skipped_frames += 1
self.cropSize = crop.shape[:2]
if skipped_frames > 1:
self.numFrames = self.numFrames - skipped_frames
new_time_vid_start = skipped_frames / self.frameRate
if new_time_vid_start > self.time_vid_start:
self.time_vid_start = new_time_vid_start
print("\tVideo now starts at " + str(self.time_vid_start) + " seconds\n")
self.faces = np.zeros([self.numFrames, self.cropSize[0], self.cropSize[1], 3], dtype='uint8')
self.faces[0, :, :, :] = crop
#set the initial tracking window
state = np.array([int(x0+w0/2), int(y0+h0/2), 0, 0], dtype='float64') # initial position
#Setting up Kalman Filter
kalman = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0)
kalman.transitionMatrix = np.array([[1., 0., .1, 0.],
[0., 1., 0., .1],
[0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]])
kalman.measurementMatrix = 1. * np.eye(2, 4)
kalman.processNoiseCov = 1e-5 * np.eye(4, 4)
kalman.measurementNoiseCov = 1e-3 * np.eye(2, 2)
kalman.errorCovPost = 1e-1 * np.eye(4, 4)
kalman.statePost = state
measurement = np.array([int(x0+w0/2), int(y0+h0/2)], dtype='float64')
for i in range(skipped_frames, self.numFrames):
frame = video[i, :, :, :]
if i%t_downsample_rate == 0:
detection = detector.detect_faces(frame)
if len(detection) != 0:
areas = []
if len(detection) > 1:
for det in detection:
areas.append(det['box'][2] * det['box'][3])
areas = np.array(areas)
ia = np.argsort(areas)
[x0, y0, w, h] = detection[ia[-1]]['box']
[x0, y0, w, h] = detection[0]['box']
not_found = False
not_found = True
prediction = kalman.predict() #prediction
if i%t_downsample_rate == 0 and not not_found:
measurement = np.array([x0+w/2, y0+h/2], dtype='float64')
posterior = kalman.correct(measurement)
[cx0, cy0, wn, hn] = posterior.astype(int)
[cx0, cy0, wn, hn] = prediction.astype(int)
# Cropping with new bounding box
crop = frame[int(cy0-h0/2):int(cy0+h0/2), int(cx0-w0/2):int(cx0+w0/2), :]
if crop.shape[:2] != self.faces.shape[1:3]:
print("WARNING! Strange face crop: video frame " + str(i) +" probably does not contain the whole face... Reshaping Crop\n")
crop = cv2.resize(crop, (self.faces.shape[2], self.faces.shape[1]))
self.faces[i, :, :, :] = crop.astype('uint8')
elif method == 'mtcnn':
# mtcnn detector
from mtcnn import MTCNN
# from utils.FaceAligner import FaceAligner
detector = MTCNN()
print("\nPerforming face detection...")
h0 = None
w0 = None
crop = np.zeros([2, 2, 2])
skipped_frames = 0
while crop.shape[:2] != (h0, w0):
if skipped_frames > 0:
print("\nWARNING! Strange Face Crop... Skipping frame " + str(skipped_frames) + '...')
frame = video[skipped_frames, :, :, :]
detection = detector.detect_faces(frame)
if len(detection) == 0:
skipped_frames += 1
if len(detection) > 1:
areas = []
for det in detection:
areas.append(det['box'][2] * det['box'][3])
areas = np.array(areas)
ia = np.argsort(areas)
[x0, y0, w0, h0] = detection[ia[-1]]['box']
nose = detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['nose']
r_eye = detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['right_eye']
l_eye = detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['left_eye']
[x0, y0, w0, h0] = detection[0]['box']
nose = detection[0]['keypoints']['nose']
r_eye = detection[0]['keypoints']['right_eye']
l_eye = detection[0]['keypoints']['left_eye']
w0 = 2*(int(w0/2))
h0 = 2*(int(h0/2))
barycenter = (np.array(nose) + np.array(r_eye) + np.array(l_eye)) / 3.
cy0 = barycenter[1]
cx0 = barycenter[0]
# Cropping face
crop = frame[int(cy0-h0/2):int(cy0+h0/2), int(cx0-w0/2):int(cx0+w0/2), :]
skipped_frames += 1
# fa = FaceAligner(desiredLeftEye=(0.3, 0.3),desiredFaceWidth=w0, desiredFaceHeight=h0)
# crop_align = fa.align(frame, r_eye, l_eye)
self.cropSize = crop.shape[:2]
if skipped_frames > 1:
self.numFrames = self.numFrames - skipped_frames
new_time_vid_start = skipped_frames / self.frameRate
if new_time_vid_start > self.time_vid_start:
self.time_vid_start = new_time_vid_start
print("\tVideo now starts at " + str(self.time_vid_start) + " seconds\n")
self.faces = np.zeros([self.numFrames, self.cropSize[0], self.cropSize[1], 3], dtype='uint8')
self.faces[0, :, :, :] = crop
old_detection = detection
for i in range(skipped_frames,self.numFrames):
# print('\tFrame ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(self.numFrames))
frame = video[i, :, :, :]
new_detection = detector.detect_faces(frame)
areas = []
if len(new_detection) == 0:
new_detection = old_detection
if len(new_detection) > 1:
for det in new_detection:
areas.append(det['box'][2] * det['box'][3])
areas = np.array(areas)
ia = np.argsort(areas)
[x0, y0, w, h] = new_detection[ia[-1]]['box']
nose = new_detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['nose']
r_eye = new_detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['right_eye']
l_eye = new_detection[ia[-1]]['keypoints']['left_eye']
[x0, y0, w, h] = new_detection[0]['box']
nose = new_detection[0]['keypoints']['nose']
r_eye = new_detection[0]['keypoints']['right_eye']
l_eye = new_detection[0]['keypoints']['left_eye']
barycenter = (np.array(nose) + np.array(r_eye) + np.array(l_eye)) / 3.
cy0 = barycenter[1]
cx0 = barycenter[0]
#Cropping with new bounding box
crop = frame[int(cy0-h0/2):int(cy0+h0/2), int(cx0-w0/2):int(cx0+w0/2), :]
if crop.shape[:2] != self.faces.shape[1:3]:
print("WARNING! Strange face crop: video frame " + str(i) +" probably does not contain the whole face... Reshaping Crop\n")
crop = cv2.resize(crop, (self.faces.shape[2], self.faces.shape[1]))
self.faces[i, :, :, :] = crop.astype('uint8')
old_detection = new_detection
#if self.verb:
printutils.printProgressBar(i, self.numFrames, prefix = 'Processing:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50)
raise ValueError('Unrecognized Face detection method. Please use "dlib" or "mtcnn"')
def __rectRegions2Coord(self, rectRegions):
# regions 'forehead'
# 'lcheek'
# 'rcheek'
# 'nose'
assert len(self.faces) > 0, "Faces not found, please run getCroppedFaces first!"
w = self.faces[0].shape[1]
h = self.faces[0].shape[0]
coords = []
for roi in rectRegions:
if roi == 'forehead':
if self.detector == 'dlib':
x_f = int(w * .34)
y_f = int(h * .05)
w_f = int(w * .32)
h_f = int(h * .05)
elif (self.detector == 'mtcnn') or (self.detector == 'mtcnn_kalman'):
x_f = int(w * .20)
y_f = int(h * .10)
w_f = int(w * .60)
h_f = int(h * .12)
coords.append([x_f, y_f, w_f, h_f])
elif roi == 'lcheek':
if self.detector == 'dlib':
x_c = int(w * .22)
y_c = int(h * .40)
w_c = int(w * .14)
h_c = int(h * .11)
elif (self.detector == 'mtcnn') or (self.detector == 'mtcnn_kalman'):
x_c = int(w * .15)
y_c = int(h * .54)
w_c = int(w * .15)
h_c = int(h * .11)
coords.append([x_c, y_c, w_c, h_c])
elif roi == 'rcheek':
if self.detector == 'dlib':
x_c = int(w * .64)
y_c = int(h * .40)
w_c = int(w * .14)
h_c = int(h * .11)
elif (self.detector == 'mtcnn') or (self.detector == 'mtcnn_kalman'):
x_c = int(w * .70)
y_c = int(h * .54)
w_c = int(w * .15)
h_c = int(h * .11)
coords.append([x_c, y_c, w_c, h_c])
elif roi == 'nose':
if self.detector == 'dlib':
x_c = int(w * .40)
y_c = int(h * .35)
w_c = int(w * .20)
h_c = int(h * .05)
elif (self.detector == 'mtcnn') or (self.detector == 'mtcnn_kalman'):
x_c = int(w * .35)
y_c = int(h * .50)
w_c = int(w * .30)
h_c = int(h * .08)
coords.append([x_c, y_c, w_c, h_c])
raise ValueError('Unrecognized rect region name.')
return coords
def __sort_nicely(self, l):
""" Sort the given list in the way that humans expect.
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
l.sort( key=alphanum_key )
return l
def __loadFrames(self):
# -- delete the compressed if exists
cmpFile = os.path.join(self.path, self.filenameCompressed)
if os.path.exists(cmpFile):
# -- get filenames within dir
f_names = self.__sort_nicely(os.listdir(self.path))
frames = []
for n in range(len(f_names)):
filename = os.path.join(self.path, f_names[n])
frames.append(cv2.imread(filename)[:, :, ::-1])
frames = np.array(frames)
return frames