# default_test.cfg - default test configuration file for TestSuite class ## Default parameters # # winsize = Duration of the time window to process the video (in seconds) # winsizeGT = Duration of the time window to process the ground truth signal (in seconds) # timeStep = Time step of the estimation (in seconds) # methods = A list of methods to test (['CHROM','Green','ICA','LGI','PBV','PCA','POS','SSR']) # ## Video signal Preprocessing # # zeroMeanSTDnorm = Apply Zero Mean and Unit Standard Deviation (0/1) # detrending = Apply detrenting algorithm (0/1) # detrMethod = Detrenting algorithm (tarvainen/scipy) # detLambda = If detrending = 1, regularization parameter of detrending algorithm # BPfilter = Apply band pass filtering (0/1) # minHz = If BPfilter = 1, the lower cut-off frequency (in hertz) # maxHz = If BPfilter = 1, the upper cut-off frequency (in hertz) [DEFAULT] winSize = 5 winSizeGT = 5 timeStep = 1 methods = ['POS','CHROM'] zeroMeanSTDnorm = 0 detrending = 0 detLambda = 10 BPfilter = 1 minHz = 0.75 maxHz = 4.0 ## Video signal # # dataset = Name of the dataset to test ('PURE', 'UBFC1', 'UBFC2', 'LGI-PPGI', 'COHFACE', 'MAHNOB') # videoIdx = A list of IDs reffered to the videos to test (eg. [0,1,2,...]) # or the string 'all' to test on the whole database # detector = Method used for face detection (mtcnn, dlib, mtcnn_kalman) # extractor = Preferred library to read video files (opencv/skvideo) # startTime = Process video file from start time (in seconds) # endTime = Process video file until end time (in seconds). If < 0: process until (video length - endTime) [VIDEO] dataset = lgi_ppgi videodataDIR= ../sampleDataset/ BVPdataDIR = ../sampleDataset/ videoIdx = [0] detector = mtcnn extractor = skvideo startTime = 3 endTime = -3 ROImask = skin_fix skinFix = [40, 60] skinAdapt = 0.2 rectCoords= [[0, 0, 150, 150]] evm = 0 stat = mean ## Method specific configurations [CHROM] zeroMeanSTDnorm = 0 detrending = 1 detrMethod = scipy BPfilter = 0 [POS] zeroMeanSTDnorm = 0 detrending = 0 BPfilter = 0