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Do #Filipinos even know HOW to behave like an independent people?
Ako Muna – Me FirstMañana Habit – Do tomorrow what should be done todayBahala Na – Whatever happens happensFunny thing about all these horrible traits of the Filipino is it happens mostly AT HOME in the Philippines!You take a Filipino out of the country, put him or her in a country that doesn't put up with any of that $hit and guess what? They become productive as hell!!! Why?Simple: they are kept in line! Follow the rules or else face whatever consequence whether it's work related or society related. They are FORCED to abide, which is more than you can say about what happens in-country!I like to remind people that there is NO LAW in the Philippines! There might be the APPEARANCE of law but not the ENFORCEMENT of it! What this does is it makes people in the society use anarchy as their means of navigating society. "Me first" works because nobody complains when someone cuts someone off in line so unless a fight breaks out or someone disciplines the perps, nothing changes. "Bahala na" works because they will fall back on something provided by someone else whether lawfully or not. Mañana habit is simple – why bother?Here's how I see it: The Filipinos don't know how to be an independent society. For about 500 years, the Philippines was occupied by foreign powers who DICTATED to the locals who did what, when and where. You take that mindset, etched in the identity of the people then, without any kind of grace period, let them loose and run wild and free and you have what is happening today. People INSIDE the country who have no idea how to act as civilized people! It's just my theory and I really have no data to back it up but in my mind it makes sense because how else can you explain totally selfish, rude and uncouth the people can be? It's a mind bender and unless something drastic happens, the society will continue to march into chaos and disarray.Unless you leave.------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/07/the-philippines-me-first-attitude-results-in-a-backward-society/#comment-1235966
30/07/2018 0:00
Senator Grace Poe Files Bill Banning Filipino Politicians From Traveling To Jerusalem
Saying that political dynasty in the Philippines is akin to a “Trip to Jerusalem,” Senator Grace Poe filed a bill that would ban Filipinos from seeking elective office if they have close relatives who are incumbents.The proposed anti-political dynasty bill will ban politicians from traveling to Jerusalem if they are related up to the second degree of consaguinity or affinity to an incumbent elected official.In her privilege speech defending her bill, Poe said that the Bureau of Immigration (BOI) will be tasked to implement the ban.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Cops in ‘woman in a drum’ murder explains why Duterte leads
The killing of a woman, whose body was recently found in a plastic drum floating in a river in Metro Manila, provides a graphic explanation on why tough-talking Presidential frontrunner Rody Duterte is now the top choice of Filipino voters with less than a month to go before the elections.The involvement of policemen, led by a police lieutenant, in the killing of the woman identified as Aurora Lazatin and the subsequent theft of her money through ATM withdrawals has resulted in a feeling of helplessness among ordinary citizens.The sense of helplessness and the anger of the people have led them to look at the man once called by Time magazine as “The Punisher” as the answer to the problems of drugs, criminality and corruption.From the day the stories about how Duterte successfully handled the campaign against drugs and criminality in his city started spreading nation-wide by word of mouth, interest of people on the Davao City mayor heightened.In fact, a close look at the ratings of Duterte in the different pre-election surveys would show a continuing increase in his popularity owing to his consistent message of how he would handle drugs, corruption and crime.With less than a month to go before people choose the next President of the country, Duterte has succeeded in delivering a clear message which people could relate to events happening around them.Every time the media report incidences of the rape of young girls by drug addicts, the robbery and rape of helpless victims inside taxicabs, killings and corruption, Duterte’s popularity surges.His political opponents have realised a bit too late that Duterte was delivering a message which people understood.Independent candidate Grace Poe Llamanzares whose popularity has plummeted in spite of a favourable ruling by the Supreme Court on her citizenship and residency issues, has attempted to change gear in her campaign by copying Duterte’s message in her latest public speeches.Vice President Jejomar Binay and former Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas III have adopted a different tact by attacking Duterte’s alleged human rights record and his strong-handed approach in solving crime and drugs.It is a bit too late for them.Besides, every time they attack Duterte’s methods in addressing crime and drugs, they only further emphasise one thing – the Davao City Mayor has a proven track record and they don’t.Poe’s “Galing at Puso,” Binay’s “Nognog at Pandak,” and Roxas “Daang Matuwid” message failed to address the fear and feeling of helplessness of the Filipino people.No amount of attack on Duterte would help boost their ratings anymore.The Filipino people have found a champion and his name is Rodrigo Duterte.
2016-04-13 22:08:12+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Trump, Duterte Named TIME’s Persons Of The Year
It’s that time of year when TIME magazine names its ‘Person of the Year.’ This year, however, it’s going to be ‘Persons of the Year.’U.S. President Donald Trump and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte tied for the annual recognition for being the persons who most influenced the news events of 2017.TIME editors told The Adobo Chronicles that they had a difficult time choosing just one person.”Both are controversial, but they are also contrasting,” the editors said.”Case in point, Duterte enjoys a high approval rating of 80 percent, while Trump is at a low 38 percent.”Both leaders met in person for the first time during the ASEAN Summit held recently in Manila. Before leaving the Philippines, Trump said of Duterte, “I like him very much.”
['Pol Pinoy']
25/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Malacañang Announces More New Appointees
Before the Yellowtards could even cry “Tama na, sobra na,” Malacañang today announced additional appointees under the Duterte administration.Today’s announcement follows yesterday’s awe-inspiring appointment of Duterte supporter and social media blogger Mocha Uson as Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO).The new set of appointees represents both sides of the aisle — the Yellows and Dutertards. “It shows the president’s commitment to serve all Filipinos, not just his supporters,” the announcement said.The new appointees are:Thinking Pinoy , Assistant Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission, an attached agency of the Department of Information and Communications Technology responsible for the supervision, adjudication and control over all telecommunications services throughout the country., Assistant Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission, an attached agency of the Department of Information and Communications Technology responsible for the supervision, adjudication and control over all telecommunications services throughout the country. Sass Rogando Sasot , Philippine Ambassador to The Netherlands, based in The Hague, Philippine Ambassador to The Netherlands, based in The Hague Agot Isidro, to replace the position vacated by Mocha Uson at the Movie and Television Ratings and Classification Board (MTRCB)to replace the position vacated by Mocha Uson at the Movie and Television Ratings and Classification Board (MTRCB) Loida Nicolas-Lewis, new Philippine Ambassador to the United Statesnew Philippine Ambassador to the United States Atty. Jesus Falcis, Assistant Solicitor GeneralThe new appointments come a year after Duterte won in the May Philippine presidential elections.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#PNoy needs to take leadership lessons from Ser Alliser Thorne! #Philippines
"Do you know what leadership means, Lord Snow? It means that the person in charge gets second guessed by every clever little twat with a mouth. But if he starts second guessing himself, that's the end. For him, for the clever little twats, for everyone. This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot do your duty for however long it takes to beat them back. And then you get to go on hating me, and I get to go on wishing your wildling whore had finished the job."―Ser Alliser Thorne to Jon SnowIt is lonely at the top but Noynoy really has never been there. Until 50 avoided all responsibility or simply had no ability or desire for it. Then mommy dies. Of course he went from little or no to criticism to an avalanche of it. Somebody tell him it is part of the territory. But he can't even realize that.----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/07/president-noynoy-aquino-and-criticism-cant-live-with-it-cant-live-without-it/comment-page-1/#comment-612669
2018-03-02 00:02:04+00:00
Portrayal of Duterte by Gaviria on @TIME overly simplistic and superficial
It's quite easy to discern the forced narrative of Time magazine in drawing parallelism between Colombia and the Philippines in the war against illegal drugs. Exactly why they chose former Colombian president Cesar Gaviria to write that seemingly indicting profile of Duterte.The problem is that we all know what the war on drug here is all about, and it is one of rampant use and abuse. On the other hand, Colombia's issue is that it is an established narco state controlled by very powerful drug cartels which exports its main product of cocaine, primarily to its biggest market - the US.Thus, that simplistic and superficial portrayal of Duterte by Gaviria clearly reveal the glaring ignorance of Time on the true story of our nation.Couple that with another discombobulating profile of Leila de Lima where there is an obviously deliberate attempt to ignore the reason why the senator was jailed, while outrageously painting her struggle as a fight against human rights and misogyny.Indeed, the two profiling make for an interesting indictment and testament of an international magazine lazily kowtowing to the whim of a powerful PR lobby designed to neuter an unbelievably popular presidency.It's disconcerting whyand other MSM continue to peddle the notion that they still have that kind of captive influence over us so much so as to insist on ramming these false narratives. Are they still that clueless, or are they trying in desperation to bring up their own kind of reality distortion field so as to remain relevant?Ironically, this latest100 list of influential people in the world will probably go down in the magazine's history as its least influential issue.And with it, its decline and eventual demise.It's time is up.--------------------------Mark Lopez as posted on Facebook
2017-08-18 22:55:54+00:00
He did it twice. First at the MTV Music Awards, then at the Grammys Rapper Kanye West took to the stage, unscripted, to grab the limelight from Taylor Swift and Beck, respectively.The rest is history. West has been banned from attending all televised awards shows including the Grammys, MTV Music Awards, and even the Oscars, and has been out of a job since.The Adobo Chronicles caught up with the husband of reality show star Kim Kardashian at the latter’s home, baking some cookies for the night’s dessert.“This is my new role, a stay-at-home husband since I have not had any performance or recording contracts for months now,” West said. The rap artist was remorseful and apologetic for his shenaningans at the awards shows and says he hates the idea of Kim being the sole breadwinner in their household.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#Philippines is structurally designed to fail and Rizal may have thought so too!
After 20 years of working as a professional, i decided to partial teaching at college university just for the love of knowledge. I am very disappointed with today's young generation. I have my conclusions: THE FILIPINO psyche is a very wounded and a very crippled psyche.I am not still so sure if this was due to our history being colonized by Spain. I was a bit disturbed to read somewhere that some colonized people in the past, indeed became progressive today. And so I began to study this aspect carefully from time to time. I also began to decipher what Jose Rizal meant when he said "The Filipino can be great". It seems that statement is loaded with a very deep insight into the true status quo and it's true meaning is still ambivalent. Spain have described us with a word starting with letter "I". And Spain, being advanced and merely subjective on their findings, it is very difficult to counter argue that description.I am afraid to concur, it must be true.We are not capable of true revolution, and the last one i heard was headed by this guy but then he later cowardly thwarted and i think that gentleman is now a senator. Too bad.My conclusion, is that the cause of the Filipino corruption is rooted deep in the syntax and structure of the Filipino language itself. The Filipino language must be eliminated and we must adapt to the rigorous syntax of another form of expression, the immediate closest and for practical purposes that would be the English language.A Language dictates what we can think of, and shapes thoughts. If the language is of inferior structure, it leads to several loop holes in the reasonings of the people. Now, I know Rizal's disposition on this issue. But you must take note, he himself is not completely against this notion, and even I think that he recognizes this possibility. Rizal only said, that whoever can conceived such notion of not loving the Filipino language is a smelly fish. He is not disagreeing. He is only describing, that it takes a very deep thinking to have find out this ultimate solution and such person must have been in lengthy seclusion in the process of such discovery…-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/07/filipinos-need-to-end-their-love-affair-with-mediocrity-and-pwede-na-yan-mentality/comment-page-3/#comment-714842
18/10/2018 0:00
#Filipino men: Too EMO and harbour flawed notions of masculinity! #ASEAN
One of the reasons why I prefer to remain single. As a Filipina woman frustrated with the low-quality of Filipino male species being churned out everyday (which I would love to rebutt to those always defensive,pseudo-macho Flips here), all the folks in my four walks of life always wonder why do I have high standards with men?WTF-as much as I don't want to explain myself to them why, I want these people to know that as a human being who has dreams, who works hards to achieve what she wants in life and is open-minded to change and new things, I believe the Filipino man is not for me. They're too emo, they have these wrong perceptions about masculinity, they hate being pointed out of their mistakes, they treat you like an extenstion of their moms and *insert Ilda's article here*.Most of all, and this is what I hate the most, they're possesive in love. VERY POSSESIVE (thanks telenovela basuras for this). They don't treat you as an equal partners in love, but something they won over like a trophy, some kind of manly badge of honor. What I want is a man who sees me as a human being, his equal, someone who he can share his love and hate in this world, someone who he can share his passion for learning new things, celbrates life and loves to challenge himself in improving himself. in short someone who is the antithesis to the da Pinoy.Now tell me if that's high standard. To da Pinoy, I wouldn't be surprised, that's why if your a da Pinoy who complains my standards are high, go get a mediocre woman whose mediocre standards your mediocre mentality can reach. And don't bother me. :/P.S.Makes me wonder, I think that 'I love my country' article was made in response to that 'I hate my country' they published last two weeks ago. The previous article has much more substance and technically not a hate article, in fact it was written just like Ilda's article here. But Flipnoys and their terrible reading comprehension skills failed to get the message of that previous article, which by the way perfectly described a Filipino's everyday frustration with his/her country. I'm not surprised while reading the comments section it is again flooded with that annoying Pinoy Pride chicken pride. -_----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/07/filipinos-need-to-end-their-love-affair-with-mediocrity-and-pwede-na-yan-mentality/comment-page-1/#comment-580828
18/10/2018 0:00
The National Media’s Basic Guide to Rody Duterte
DEFINITION: Modus vivendi (noun), an arrangement that helps people, groups, or countries work together peacefully even though they do not agree with each other [MW]Everything Duterte said in that 1.5-hour speechThinkingPinoy feels that everyone, especially national media, will need a bit of time to adjust when it comes to “understanding” presumptive president Rodrigo Duterte’s quirks. TP wanted to discuss this during the campaign period, but he felt that there was neither time nor incentive for National Media to understand him.However, now that he's the presumptive president, media practictioners have no other choice but to do so, so let TP list down Rody Duterte's five basic quirks:, Duterte is not fond of finishing his sentences, forcing reporters to always add context to whatever he says. Readers will understand what TP means when they see how much parenthesized content TP adds into quotes., Duterte loves to insert jokes and other off-the-cuff remarks within his speeches. This is inconvenient for time-constrained media people, but they just have to live with it: it is what it is and it is unlikely to change., Duterte is always brutally frank when answering reporters. Some will find this refreshing, while some will find this disconcerting, especially since most officials love going ‘round the bush. Basically, he says what he means and he means what he says 95% of the time, and it takes a bit of time for a media person to learn when the other 5% happens., Duterte sometimes inserts unrelated but important remarks in the middle of something that’s also important. Yesterday, for example, Duterte was talking about separation of powers then he talked about intra-departmental red tape, then he went back to separation of powers. It’s just a matter of getting used to., Duterte gives long-winded, censorship-free speeches all the time, to both the media’s delight and horror. The one-and-a-half hour speech he gave yesterday was that long not because he had many things to say after his one-week vacation. Instead, it’s because he really gives long speeches ALL THE TIME. Note, however, that while Duterte takes time to get his points across, there are some occasions when he's unnervingly concise, such as when he issued a de facto disclaimer yesterday when he said he has "awith the communists".TP guesses it’s because he wants to say everything in one sitting just to get things over with. He’s not the kind of guy who likes to explain himself all the time. But for what it’s worth, these long winded speeches usually results into five or more articles that allow field reporters to reach their “daily quota” more easily.Again, these five basic Duterte quirks will require some time for the reader to get used to, that’s why TP decided to start a series called DDS (Duterte Digest Service), which provides chronologically-arranged bullet points that list down everything he says in every long-winded speech.First, here’s the full video “clip” of Duterte’s press conference yesterday, 17 May 2016, in Davao City’s Matina Enclave.Now, TP will list down everything the old man said plus quotes, whenever available.“I do not want too much adulation given to me. I don’t want that kind of rapport with the Filipino people. I discourage that kulto-kulto na Duterte – it doesn’t fit into my paradigm in life… Nako-kornihan ako, that’s why I don’t want it.”“I will control drugs, I am willing to control crime, but the predicate of it all is I’m willing to lose the presidency, my life, or honor. This is my promise to the people. I intend to do it.”Cabinet Positions“I hope Sonny Dominguez reconsiders Finance Deparment”Because of ban on appointments for 2016 election candidates, an acting secretary will serve as a placeholder. In this case, it may be Perfecto Yasay. Duterete asked Yasay to take furlough and be acting DFA sec.“Open ‘yung DAR, DENR, DOLE, or DWSD but those are the only departments I can concede to them, maganda na ‘yan.”“I will offer cabinet’s undersecretaries – the workhorses – allowances so that I can bring in the parity with the private sector. I can’t bring in talent if ganoon kababa ang sweldo. Maybe I can increase the emoluments by way of allowances.”: “PNP – seniority. Nobody will get the edge. Si Apolinario, de la Rosa, Espera… They are honest, not corrupt, and they follow orders.” [ CNN : “All applicants in bureaus and GOCCs must agree that their names will be published. I will give my staff a limit (deadline) to publish the names, especially those who apply to GOCCs. It will go to the best and the brightest, no political (padrino system)... Huwag kayong manghingi ng endorsement sa politicians. If it comes with one, your application is automatically rejected…If you want an assignment, it should be based on merit…If you’re a smart, then apply. But it doesn’t always work that way because some summa cum laudes are suman-suman (duds). If I can instill in you love of country, then I will know you’ll do your job…You be willing to have your name published in the newspaper. Do not get recommendations from anybody. After all, if something doesn’t work, it’s the president who will have to answer... As long as there’s no parity, you’ll never get good people to work for government.”“I am selling The Pangulo, it’s obscene. Proceeds to go to buildings for military and police, raise parity with private sector, CT Scan machines, kung di masyado marami pera, refurbish veteran’s hospital.”“…Board of generals, as long as you don’t exceed authority, I will not interfere.”“Sa government, puro junkets. Yung mga seminar costs lots of money and it not necessary. Pure junket. No more out of town seminars. Bring resource speakers lecturers come to people. No more Lakbay-Aral.”“[PNP] weren’t free to go around because of assassins… [the left]. We used to lose around 3-4 policemen a day. I had to be there just to let them (the left and PNP) know of my presence. There’s a modus vivendi between us (NPA and Duterte). There was a time nagalit talaga ako, I went to the mountain, nagyakyak ako don. That was about… three weeks ago?”No more new permits to carry heavy firearms as these are used to equip insurgents (NPA) and there was only one time that he knew arms were procured from outside sources. “I do not begrudge NPA for looking for ams, there’s a war. If God wills it that I reach my oath-taking days, they (CPP-NPA) have to realize that I am with the government, I am the enemy also, but I offer my hand in peace to [Jose Maria] Sison and to the rest and we can talk… I have mentioned the positions available to you… we can talk… provided you are qualified… provided you have the education bearing to hack your job. “"Heinous crimes committed with heavy firearms, rape, drug pushing, kidnapping with ransom at pinatay, robbery homicide with rape..."“…Release of papers, people are made to wait ‘til they die. (My) proposal(, to be implemented) in all government insitutions…(is that) clearances, electrical connections, business permits (and the like, should be provided at most) 72 hours (after request). After that window, you’re not allowed to release, give it to me and explain why you’re late… Departments, defense or whatever, 30 days. NEDA, that’s about 47 days, 5 signatures, I do not give how you configure hiring authority… CSC should come up with seminars on punctuality on attendance and on release of papers.”: “‘Di ko pakikialam ang congress and judiciary, separation of powers. Hindi pwede ako makialam sa kanila.”“Corrupt policemen and soldiers, resign now before I take oath. Yung mga may kaso ngayon, get out now even if a decision is still pending.”Senate investigations are okay, but show courtesy. Be civil."Civil Service Commission and CHR you may disagree with what I say but you have to defend my right to say it."He plans to adopt a policy of suspending abusive, erring local government officials: Duterte cited the case where a certain mayor got a KFC employee fired just because the latter didn’t recognize him.“Inutility of Barangay captains cause of drugs. I will recruit people a la CHDF for every captain give them guns so they can defend themselves. CHDF stands for Civilian home defense units [ Mannheim ]” Duterte said armed personnel will be supervised and held accountable by local police chiefs.“Those who destroy the lives of my people will be destroyed. No middle ground.”because of weak immune system after months of campaigning. He said he will be okay after 2 more days of rest.“Minors violating curfew will not be arrested, arrest parents instead. Will suspend captains who don’t comply.”“Drunk driving – take it out from the provision law – right now 6 years max, easy to get probation… drunkenness makes them prone to overspeeding, 60 kph max, pag hindi ka hinabol ng pulis, pulis ang hahabulin ko.”Kapitans, mayors, governors should enforce no videoke after 10 pm.“I will get the best economic minds. To MBC do not be cynic about your officials, because I never pretended to be one.”“No drinking in all public places, lalo na sa mga plaza. Do not occupy streets.”“(DOFW) may be (housed in) the post office. (We can) convert (the) post office to become (more) functional, beneficial to people…Illegal recruiters will be arrested kahit wala pang victim…I will do to you what you will do to your fellowman. Period.”Wala nang school uniforms. Ayoko ng K-12 pero noong nagexplain sa akin, pinag-isipan ko. Let me take until the end of the month, I will talk to the secretary of Education.: "Otherwise, it’s estafa.""For police abuses committed in line of duty, I will take full legal responsibility""I want to know why/how we lost Scarborough Shoal. I want to ask anyone from current executive. Trillanes went there 16 times. After the 16th time, we lost Scarborough Shoal."He plans to release (pardon) all political prisoners as a gesture of peace.He wants 2 years then send the issue for plebiscite or referendum.He was supposed to say more but Villar's Nacionalista Party delegation arrived for some contract signing.So that's pretty much everything Rody Duterte said in his entire one-and-a-half hour speech. Yes, the public is used to hearing short snippets from public officials, but Duterte is not your everyday politician. He's weird and quirky, and you will need time to adjust.TP wishes you,"Good Luck and Godspeed!" (Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
18/10/2018 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
Netizen writes open letter to Senator Bam Aquino for credit grabbing on free tuition fee in all SUC next year
Bam Aquino blasted by the youth and netizens after the Senator joined the celebration of the Filipino students on the free tuition fee in all SUC next year.He believed that Aquino don’t have any role in the approved P8-B additional budget for SUC’s.Lorca Caiña said that Aquino must not claimed that he was the one who advocating the free education in the Philippines because they believe that the Youth Sector was the one who advocated it.He also told Bam in his post that the Aquinos don’t like free education because of fear that the private schools may lose their profit.“Bam Aquino ‘wag kang umepal diyan, matagal kinampanya ng youth sector ang free education for all sa panahon ni Noynoy, wala kayong ginawa, hinarang niyo pa sa pamamagitan ni Patricia Licuanan ng CHED.Takot na takot kayong gawing libre ang edukasyon dahil ayaw niyong mawalan ng kita ang private schools.” Caiña wrote.Caiña criticized the past administration for doing nothing to make the tuition free to all state universities and colleges students.“Ilang kabataan ang pinatay ng sistema ng edukasyon sa ilalim ng nakaraang administrasyon hindi niyo nagawang libre ang tuition sa SUCs, ngayong naipasa sa pangunguna ng kabataan tsaka ka eepal? Uweee!Tatakbo pa ‘to sa 2019 guys, alam niyo na huh!” He added.
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2016-12-18 00:15:04+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
the closest ever in any reality show viewer voting.While Dean was gracious in defeat, his fans were not. They have collected one million signatures asking for a recount of the votes.In politics, recounts are not uncommon in electoral contests where the difference between the two top candidates is less than one percent of votes cast.Many Americans will recall the 2000 U.S. presidential elections in which a recount was ordered to determine whether George W. Bush or Al Gore won the Florida vote. In the end, the election was settled in favor of Bush, by a margin of only 537 votes out of almost 6 million cast. That’s when the term “hanging chads” became a household word in America.The X Factor Australia producers have not received a copy of the recount petition and they have no clue on how to deal with it.In political elections, optional recounts are usually paid for by the losing candidate or his or her political party. Dean’s fans have not said whether they are willing to pay for the recount if the show’s producers decide to do it.There are no hanging chads to deal with, but a recount in this case would involve a review of all phone calls and text messages, or proof that there was a computer glitch in the final vote tally.If a recount does happen, an Aussie TV producer has already said he will make an entire reality show out of the recount. Do we hear cash registers going ka-ching?
['Pol Pinoy']
20/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
COMELEC Debacle: ENTIRE cast of Liberal Party 'winning' candidates in deep SH1T!!!
Macalintal and LP are clutching at straws if they will insist that late filing is allowed and that it is meted simply a fine. They will have to argue their case at the Supreme Court, for I have a feeling that this issue will reach the High Court.On the argument that RA 7166 provides for fines, this does not in any way negate forfeiture of seats for both can be imposed on a non-filer. Furthermore, it must be pointed out that the law imposes fines on the act of failure to file SOCE, and not on its late filing.On the argument that RA 7166 has downgraded non-filing of SOCE as no longer an election offense but just an administrative offense, unfortunately the same law did not downgrade the penalty for non-filing which is still forfeiture of seats.On the argument that the law intended for allowing late filing, if that is the case then the law should have granted the COMELEC the power to extend the 30 days it specified. Unfortunately, RA 7166 does not empower the COMELEC to do so, and any extension of the 30 days will amount to an amendment of the law which only Congress has the power to do. This is precisely why COMELEC through Rule 10 repealed all previous Rules it issued in past elections which allowed for late filing beyond the 30 days, for such were blatant encroachments into the powers of Congress to legislate.If the law did not authorize the COMELEC to extend to a new deadline, then having a late filing becomes a legal fiction for it can become an inordinate act without a reckoning end time that would define the treshold for late filing.So, for now LP, Robredo, the 5 LP Senators-Elect and all winning LP candidates are in deep deep poop!----------------------Antonio Contreras as posted on Facebook:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10205506288450770&id=1658231410
2016-09-13 03:02:52+08:00
President Duterte asked clemency to Pres. Widodo, but he said that he will respect the law of Indonesia
According to Department of Agriculture Secretary MannyPiñol, President Duterte never said “YES” to execute the Mary Jane Veloso who was in Death Row inmate in Indonesia.The DFA Secretary witnessed the meeting of President Duterte and Widodo and he saw the the President was trying to save Veloso, but he would accepted the law and the decision of the Indonesian Government.“We respect your laws. We will not interfere with your judicial processes but we are asking for clemency.” President Duterte said to Indonesian President Joko Widodo.A local media outlet in Jakarta published a news that the President of the Philippines gave the “green light” to execute the convicted Filipina drug trafficker, but the palace denied the said reports.DFA Secretary Perfecto Yasay already confirmed that Veloso’s execution was postponed because she was set to testify against her illegal recruiter.
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2016-09-13 03:02:52+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Manny Pacquiao Asks President Aquino For Use Of Presidential Chopper For His Senatorial Campaign
Boxing champion and senatorial candidate Manny Pacquiao today asked President NoyNoy Aquino to lend him the presidential helicopter to use during his campaign sorties.Pacquiao made the request as Aquino defended his sister, Kris, after photos of her alighting from the presidential chopper went viral on the Internet. Critics questioned Kris’ use of the chopper in one of the campaign events for Liberal Party standard bearer Mar Roxas.In defending his sister, the president said that Kris is one of the biggest taxpayers and occasionally, he wants to show the biggest “investors” the progress of the government’s tax-funded projects.Pacquiao, who is running under a rival party headed by Vice President Jejomar Binay, says that he, like Kris, is entitled to the use of the presidential chopper because is also among the biggest taxpayers.As a matter of fact, Pacquiao is No. 1 on the list of the top 500 taxpayers, according to records of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Kris is No. 16 on the list.Sources close to Aquino have confirmed that the president is regretting opening his big mouth. There is now no reason for him to deny Pacquiao’s request.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
A chance to rebuild once-beautiful Marawi City...
Marawi City in the 1960s (I was told, I'm not that old) was such a beautiful city by Lake Lanao that of all places in the country, Enrique Zobel chose to build a hotel there.They say the billionaire Zobel found the place so beautiful. The rise of the MNLF and the subsequent fighting with government ruined the place, Zobel reportedly became disgusted over the turn of developments (some Datus were also giving him a lot o headaches) that he just abandoned the resort, which subsequently was taken over by MSU.I got to visit Marawi in the early 1980s, and the echoes of its former beauty still lingered: the mists over the lake, the bucolic scenes of Muslim house at the lakeside, the forests that surround it.The destruction of Marawi City I hope would be an opportunity to rebuild it with a plan that would be strictly followed. Marawi could be the most beautiful city in the country -- what other city has such a huge and beautiful lake surrounded by forests.(Image Bella: Marawi before its troubles)
31/12/2017 0:00
BREAKING: Supreme Court Extends President Duterte’s Term By One Year
While everyone was focused on the Manila visit of UN Rapporteur Agnes Callamard and the Court of Appeals acquittal of Janet Napoles of the serious illegal detention charge, the Supreme Court handed down a historic decision extending the 6-year term of President Rodrigo Duterte by one year.Duterte, who was elected president exactly a year ago today will finish his term in 2022 in accordance with the Philippine Constitution.But the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, ruled that Duterte’s term does not officially start until his Cabinet is complete.The Commission on Appointments (CA) has been dilly dallying on the confirmation of several key Cabinet appointees, including Rafael Mariano of Agrarian Reform, Paulyn Ubial of Health and Judy Taguiwalo of Social Welfare and Development.The CA has been bypassing their appointment confirmations.It was only recently that the CA finally rejected the appointment of DENR Secretary Gina Lopez. One other Cabinet nominee, Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay, Jr. was rejected because of issues regarding his citizenship.In its decision, penned by no less than Aquino-appointed Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, the Supreme Court said that it is extending Duterte’s term until 2023 and has not ruled out another extension if the CA fails to confirm the president’s Cabinet appointees by June 30 of this year.Malacañang was elated over the SC ruling, saying this gives the president an extra year to fully accomplish his campaign against illegal drugs and government corruption.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Hawaii Missile Threat: This Is Not ‘Not A Drill’
Now we know that the alert message received by Hawaii residents regarding an incoming missile was sent in error.Cell phones went buzzing Saturday all over the Rainbow State with an emergency alert message for residents to seek shelter. It was taken very seriously because it ended with ‘This is not a drill.’The US Pacific Command has confirmed that it was a message sent in error, and promised to immediately send a corrected alert. It will read:”This is NOT a not a drill.”Muy claro!
['Pol Pinoy']
13/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Taiwan Clarifies Visa For Filipinos
The Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines has issued a clarification regarding the news on Filipinos being visa-free.TECO confirmed that beginning this November, Filipinos visiting Taiwan will not need an entry visa. But it also denied that it was offering free visa cards to Filipinos.Businesses in Taiwan accept all types of credit cards — Visa, Mastercard, American Express and all othger major cards.Now you know.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Earlier this week, The Adobo Chronicles reported that it was raining spiders in Goulburn, Australia. It seems the Aussies had it much better than residents of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.A Levittown family says their daughter’s Sweet 16 birthday party was ruined when a passing airplane dropped human waste on the celebration Sunday evening.Joe Cambray, the birthday girl’s stepfather, said he was playing some horseshoes in the backyard when out of nowhere, something nasty rained down on the gathering, according to Fox 29 Philadelphia. Thankfully, a canopy erected for the party shielded most of the guests.“Out of nowhere from the sky comes a bunch of feces, lands hard on the canopy,” Cambray told the station.“We’d just gotten done with the cake, thank God,” Cambray’s sister, Kristie Rogy, said. “Because within two minutes something fell from the sky. It was brown. It was everywhere. It got on everything… It was gross!”The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is now investigating the incident and is ready to file charges against the aircraft responsible for being a party pooper.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Perverted governance in the #Philippines behind its decrepit #infrastructure
Manila' s public transport system is embarrassing from any angle you look at it. It is reflective of national and local leaders who are perverts. Yes, perverts, because every govt project is decided on the basis of how much tongpats they can milk out of it. And they need tongpats for two reasons: (a) to fund their political war chest so they could persists in their various positions, elected or appointed, and (b) in 80% of cases, to maintain their amorous, more likely gold-digging, "mistresses", or "toy boys", they have in their not so secretive lives. So, the end objective, the driving force really, is about fucking somebody in bed, the kitchen top, or what have you. Thus, more often than not, the govt end up with projects that are fucked.What else can you expect? You are looking at low lives in London tailored suits and exclusive designer's barongs running around town in Mercs and Bimmers and the like, and I do not understand why they could even show their faces in public without any sign of shame. And, that is an indictment on all Pinoys for there is not enough opprobrium when in fact it should be simmering, boiling and bursting, as the case would be if it was a more civilized society, or a more educated and more demanding kind of consumers. Tell me how much tongpats an official normally demands, and I will tell you how many, or how big spending, the mistress/es there surely is/are.Do not forget that ADB estimates 40% of the national budget of PHL is lost to corruption annually. I have the gut feeling that with PNoy's govt you are looking at possibly 50%, judging from the way he is reckless with PDAF, DAP, Malampaya, PAGCOR and PCSO, or the way he protects his KKK from scrutiny. It is normal for govt projects, particularly the big ones, to end up 2 to 3 times the actual cost. We should have had 6 or 9 lines of LRT, instead of the present 3. We should have had 2 to 3 new avenues from that Macapagal Ave, which is the most expensive road in the world dollar-wise per kilometer. We should have had 2 to 3 times the capacity of our present airport. Etc etc. But alas we can't have them because some mistress is waiting to go to New York for a jog in Central Park, or shop in Rodeo Drive in LA, or she needs to move to that newer condo down the block, etc. (That is why Binay is dumbfounded by the accusations when what he has done is Standard Operating Procedure in govt — almost everybody is doing the same thing he does.) With 2016, more tongpats are needed for war chest so they can retain their positions and maintain their lifestyle.That I tell you is the reason why sometimes I prefer China occupying or bombing PHL. Maybe that is one way of starting anew. Pinoys can start thinking again, and Metro Manila and other cities need a total makeover after all.PS, But, a number of projects are from PPP? Yes, but do not forget the regulators are still from govt. Private sector can't have these projects if they don't wine and dine these govt guys at the minimum. The maximum, I leave to your imagination and speculation. Just think. We have the most expensive, yet pokey, internet; the costliest electricity, water, etc.-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/05/manilas-primitive-public-transport-system-a-national-embarrassment/#comment-1164251
2016-11-20 23:38:29+08:00
By the numbers: Duterte's awesome War on Drugs in the Philippines
THE BIGGER FISHRecently, the big news was the admin's latest illegal drug campaign score wherein a staggering P6B in street value, high grade Shabu were seized by the NBI in San Juan.Again, P6 BILLION worth of illegal drugs that were supposed to be circulated nationwide!It was the BIGGEST drug bust in the history of this country.If not caught, and the syndicate assigns P10,000 worth of the drug to one pusher, there would be 600,000 pushers plying the trade across the archipelago!Allow me now to raise an issue.Somehow, somebody seem to be flying under the radar in our current scrutiny of who in government perpetuated the rise of the narco trade in our country.It seems we are missing out on one big fish, who actually was the one who was in full control of the law enforcement agencies and local government units when this destructive trade was prospering.It seems that we have been too obsessed with a frail woman but we are conveniently ignoring a most heinous man who even had the temerity to run for president.Riddle me this -- who was the most powerful man from 2011 to 2015 after Pnoy? He was practically given all the high profile assignments in local governance, peace and order, disaster management and other plum missions primarily to prop him up for the presidential race.Of all people, this is the man who should be made answerable to this monster of a problem called narcotics.This is the man whose track record of incompetence in disaster management and infrastructure would pale in comparison if we are now to bring to fore his most dastardly and despicable crime of complicity with drug syndicates and protectors.People of the Philippines, our country almost veered into being a full blown narco state!All under the deceptive cover of decency and supposedly straight path.And I want you all to realize this ---#ForTheMotherland-----------------------Mark Lopez as posted on Facebook
2016-11-20 23:38:29+08:00
Gordon believes that Cabinet members isn’t on the same side of Duterte on Marcos burial should resign
Senator Richard Gordon believed that Cabinet members who opposed President Duterte in his position on the burial of Late dictator Ferdinand Marcos should resign from their positions.“Resign from your post if your conscience isn’t on the same side as President Rodrigo Duterte.” Richard Gordon said during a radio interview Sunday.He believes that a Cabinet member should be on the side with the President and if she or he can’t agree with Duterte’s decisions anymore, she or he should resign.“Kung ikaw ay cabinet member you have to side with the president kung hindi mo na kaya na mag-side sa pangulo at ng prinsipyo mo, you resign,”Gordon criticised the members of Duterte Cabinet who always opposed the decision of the President, Gordon expected that if the relationship of Duterte and the Cabinet members goes bitter, the President may kick her or him out.“Yun ang mangyayari kasi you are the President, cabinet kasama kayo, kapag ikaw ay kokontra at hindi na kayo magka-igihan ng president you resign or the president fires you,” Gordon said without mentioning any names from Duterte cabinet.Some Cabinet members of President Duterte including Vice President Leni Robredo opposed the surprise burial of Former dictator Ferdinand Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayani.When the interviewer asked Gordon if he was referring to the Vice President, the Senator refused to answer.Gordon urged the politicians to follow their conscience if they cannot agree with the President’s decision.Vice President Leni Robredo is the first Cabinet member of President Duterte who opposed the burial of Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayani. She described the burial of the late dictator as “thief in the night”.DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo, a torture victim during Martial Law said that Marcos will never be a hero however, she don’t want a rift between her and Duterte because he is her President.
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2016-11-20 23:38:29+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
The rumor mill is overflowing with lots of speculation that Apple will unveil its next series of its popular iPhone this August, a month earlier than its usual schedule in announcing its new products.After speaking with very reliable sources inside Apple’s Cupertino headquarters, The Adobo Chronicles can now confirm that the Silicon Valley tech giant will indeed unveil the next generation iPhone on August 1, but it will not be an iPhone 6.Sources said that Apple is skipping the iPhone 6 and will instead come out with the iPhone 7. The reason? Apple executives realize that the number ‘6’ is bad for business and that the company wants to be politically correct and sensitive to the religious and superstitious beliefs of its loyal customer base.To add the number 6 to its smartphone, given that the current operating system (iOS) is version 10.66, Apple fears that it may be accused of promoting the Anti-Christ or the devil. In the bible and other literature, the Anti-Christ and devil are represented by the numbers 666.The good news for iPhone fans is that the new version of the smartphone is thinner, bigger, faster and transparent ( see photo).In less than 24 hours since announcing the new iPhone 7, Apple said that the backorder and waiting time for the iPhone 7 is now estimated to be 666 days.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump today accused Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a ‘copycat.’Israel has begun building a fence along part of the country’s eastern border with Jordan as Syrian civil war refugees and other migrants flee their countries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday: “We see today what happens when countries lose control of their borders. Earlier in the day, Netanyahu bemoaned the “human tragedy” of Syria’s civil war and said Israel has helped out victims. However, he said Israel isn’t large enough to do much more.Trump told reporters that “The Israeli prime minister needs to be more original in his pronouncements and policies instead of copying my ideas.”Trump had proposed building a ‘great wall’ along the entire U.S.-Mexico border as a way to stop illegal immigration. He fell short of asking Netanyahu to pay him royalty fees for stealing his idea.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
BREAKING: GlaxoSmithKline Announces New Powerful Weight Loss Pill
The U.K.-based pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) — the world’s fifth largest — announced today that it has developed the most powerful weight loss pill ever.GSK expects to start marketing the new drug in the next few weeks, starting in Europe.The new drug, called Brexit, is said to guarantee significant loss of pounds.
['Pol Pinoy']
29/06/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH LIVE: President Rody Duterte Inauguration
Duterte was the mayor of Davao City for more than two decades. He ran for president on an anti-crime and anti-corruption platform before taking victory in the May vote. The new president will be sworn in by Supreme Court Associate Justice Bienvenido Reyes at the Rizal Ceremonial Hall in the Malacanang Palace with over 600 guests and diplomats in attendance.What can you say about this historical event? Leave your comments below!
2016-06-30 09:34:50+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
‘I Won’t Be Back,” Kris Aquino Says On Boy Abunda’s TV Show As She Walks Out
TV host Boy Abunda calls Kris Aquino ‘Love,’ but there seems to be love lost between the two entertainment pals.In an episode of Abunda’s show, the retired Aquino seemed at first to be ignoring all of Abunda’s questions. Then all hell breaks loose. The former presidential sister started screaming then walks out of the live set.Aquino is heard off camera saying, ‘No, I am not coming ack!’The Adobo Chronicles caught up with Aquino on her way out of the TV studio and we asked her if she really meant what she said.”It’s true, no? I will never be back on TV, especially on Boy Abunda’s show. Very intrigero siya. But I will be back in the limelight, not on TV but as senator. Itsura lang ng Mocha Uson na yan,” she said.(Uson is rumored to being groomed as a senatorial candidate for Duterte’s PDP-Laban Party in 2019.)
['Pol Pinoy']
25/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Justice Department Prepares For Senator Leila De Lima’s Return To The Philippines
Senator Leila De Lima is set to return to the Philippines following her travel to the United States to receive an award and to Germany to speak at an international conference.Here’s what awaits her homecoming.On Wednesday, December 21, the Philippines Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a criminal case against her for allegedly ignoring the summons from the parliamentary committee and subcommittees. The department also accused her of obstruction of justice by stopping her former driver from testifying in front of a panel probing illegal drug trade inside a prison facility.DOJ has also prepared a welcome ceremony fit for a returning VIP. She will disembark from her plane to a tube that takes her directly to the national penitentiary.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH: Inday Sara delivers good news in her State of City Address
Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte delivered her State of City Address at the Sanggunian Panglungsod in Davao City, late afternoon today.The Mayor highlighted the rising economy of the city. She also mentioned that the Presidency of Digong boosted the numbers of tourists in the city which made the local government save extra from tourism and promotions budget.She also revealed future plans that the LGU will be implementing in the coming years. It’s gonna be a NEW DAVAO. Watch the video below!Any thoughts? Leave your comments below!
2017-09-12 22:16:17+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
thus making it easy to carry around anywhere for those instant selfie moments. At one end of the pole is a custom adjustable clip that can hold a smart phone or tablet. It is bluetooth-enabled so that the selfie taker can click the camera wirelessly from his or her end of the pole.The Adobo Chronicles has learned that smartphone giants Samsung and Apple are competing to be the exclusive manufacturer and distributor of this new device.Stay tuned. In the meantime, go get a ‘selfie.’Related Story: American Psychiatric Association Makes It Official: Selfies Is A Mental DisorderRelated Story: Samsung, Apple To Kill Front-Facing Camera On Their Smartphones
['Pol Pinoy']
30/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leni Robredo: If I’m President, I Will Stand Up To China
Unlike incarcerated Senator Leila De Lima, Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo rejects the notion on the “frailties of a woman.” In fact, Robredo says if she becomes President, she will stand up head to head with China in order to protect the country’s claim over territories in the South China Sea.President Rodrigo Duterte has been quoted as saying the Philippines is no match to China 🇨🇳 in as far as military power is concerned. He would rather deal with the dispute diplomatically rather than risk going to war with its giant nation neighbor.Robredo disagrees.The VP says that the Philippines 🇵🇭 has the necessary assets to wage a war, citing resources that can be utilized in challenging China.“China may have more military personnel and firepower, but the Philippines is rich in supernatural power,” Robredo said.Among the Philippine assets cited by Robredo: aswangs, tikbalangs, kapres, malignos, sangres and mulawins.In addition, Robredo said that the Philippines keyboard warriors now number one million compared to China’s zero.“We even have more than enough trolls to defeat China,” the VP said.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte to start Bicol Intl. Airport after 11 years:South Luzon gateway to bring millions of tourist a year
Former Governor of Albay and the current Representative of ALbay’s 2nd District Joey Salceda praised President Rodrigo Duterte for giving green light to the most awaited Bicol International Airport.According to Salceda, President Duterte was able to do in four months what the previous administration didn’t do in the past three years.He thanked the President for his actions that would boos the tourism in Albay.“We thank President Duterte for this decisive action and we are confident that an international airport will sustain the gains of Albay tourism,” said Salceda.The groundbreaking of the Bicol International Airport on December 8 was expected to attend by the President.He also amazed after President Duterte proven that he really cares for his people.“Duterte is a good man who genuinely cares for his people – his heart is in the right place so his guts and gut feel honed by years as local chief executive is fit for the challenges for nation building‎,” said Salceda.‎Because of the efforts of the Salceda to boost the tourism in Albay, the 8,700 foreign tourist in 2007 exploted to 339,000 in 2015. But Salceda believes that Albay has still a potential to push it to millions of foreign tourist every year.He believes that because of the projects like the 171 Billion South Line of the North-South Railway Project, tourist arrivals are expected to tripled to 1.2 million by 2025 and may also made the Albay as an economic powerhouse.The dreamed Bicol Airport of Salceda started in April 2005, but when the Aquino administration entered, the building of the airport was neglected.Now because of the new administration, after 11 years the Bicol Airport that Salceda dreamed would be built soon.
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2016-12-07 17:47:54+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
TRILLANES' INTERVIEW MAY KANTA NA! PALPAK NA BBC INTERVIEW SONG FT. TRILLANES!So what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
2017-08-30 20:00:23+00:00
News Media PH
De Lima Police Escorts Diagnosed With Tuberculosis
“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.” These are the famous words of President Rodrigo Duterte whenever he addresses the issue of free speech.But somewhere along the way, Duterte’s words got lost in translation. At the Philippine National Police (PNP).In a video which captured incarcerated Leila De Lima being escorted by police, the escorts seemed to have been engaged in some synchronized coughing which all but muted the Senator’s responses to questions by the media.The Adobo Chronicles sought Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque’s comment on the incident.His response: “Unfortunately, the police escorts assigned to De Lima have all been diagnosed with tuberculosis.”Hence the coughing.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte critics who wish him dead have no respect for human rights
Members of the Philippine Liberal Party and their supporters are feeling a sense of schadenfreude lately. They delight in the thought that President Rodrigo Duterte could be sick. Some of them even claim that he is in a coma. Apparently, someone has been spreading the rumor that he is in a coma. This was after Duterte decided to skip the Independence Day rites this week. Since they haven’t heard from Duterte for a few days, they assume the worse and think that he is ill. For people who are against fake news, they spread fake news really fast.There’s just no pleasing his critics. When Duterte goes on a tirade, they complain that he is rude and lacks manners. When he is quiet, his critics go on imagination overdrive and assume his cabinet is hiding the real state of his health and well-being. It’s as if Duterte doesn’t have the right to rest anymore. They seem to forget that Duterte is 70 years old, not 20.Duterte’s critics are contradicting themselves. They act like they are advocates of human rights, but wish harm on their enemies. They make a lot of noise and accuse Duterte of perpetuating extra-judicial killings, but they wish death on Duterte. When you see their posts on social media, you will lose faith in humanity. Some of them wish Duterte is dead already. It would have been different if they wish Duterte was prosecuted for what they accuse him of. At least that would give Duterte a chance to clear his name or provide justice to those killed in the war on drugs. But, no. His critics simply want him gone. They have no respect for human rights at all.Yes, Duterte’s critics, some of whom are from the Liberal Party and their supporters do not want to give Duterte the presumption of innocence. They claim to be advocates of the rule of law, but do not want to give Duterte his right to due process.The Liberal Party and their supporters think they own righteousness. They act like they have a monopoly on being right. They blame all the current woes on Duterte and ignore the fact that the Liberal Party was at the helm for six years. They expect Duterte to fix, over a short period of time, all the problems that former President BS Aquino left behind. This just proves that they are vindictive and apply double standards. They did not complain about problems when BS Aquino was in charge, but magnify all the problems now even when they were neglected during his term.An example of a major problem that BS Aquino government neglected is the management of the Metro Rail Transit. Despite a budget of 3.8 billion pesos, the train system did not improve. It didn’t help that the previous administrators purchased new train coaches that are too wide for the existing train tracks. This was a major blunder that seems to fly above their supporters’ heads. Obviously, the current coaches cannot accommodate the growing number of passengers who use the MRT. In other words, the incompetence of the previous administration is affecting the current administration today.It would take miracle for the Liberal Party and their supporters to admit that the previous BS Aquino government was neglectful and should take accountability for the current woes today. Unfortunately, taking accountability is not their greatest trait. Even when they were in power, they blamed other people like the previous administrators. Now, blaming the previous administrators only worked when they were still new, but the public got tired of the blame game when BS Aquino still blamed his own shortfalls on former President Gloria Arroyo and sometimes even on the late Ferdinand Marcos.The Liberal Party and their supporters don’t seem to learn. Their tactic of using negative propaganda is only exposing their own hypocrisy. They should have noticed by now that Duterte doesn’t even play the blame game. Indeed, the only people who spread hatred in Philippine society are ironically the ones who are complaining about human rights abuses.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-06-16 15:07:28+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Filipino Children Sue For Compensation And Royalty From Political Ads
Desperate times call for desperate measures.With just days before the May 9 Philippine presidential elections, candidates are racing against the clock to make their last minute appeal for votes. The political campaign ends Sunday, the day for the elections.Realizing none of their media ads have improved their ratings in the polls, some candidates have resorted to child abuse, using Filipino children to be their spokespersons in their political ads.Flipping from one TV channel to another, viewers can’t help but notice the flurry of political ads featuring children, many of whom are under the age of puberty.But the children just have had it. They no longer want to remain silent while the candidates benefit from their superb acting.Today, more than a dozen children who are featured in various political ads are suing the candidates and the television networks for just compensation for their work, as well as royalty fees every time their ad is shown on TV.The Adobo Chronicles could not independently confirm whether or not the kids were paid for their ad appearance or how much in royalty fees they are demanding.The candidates and ABS-CBN and GMA 7 networks have not returned our calls for comment.
['Pol Pinoy']
05/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Massive deterioration of #MRT system happened under #PNoy administration!
Before Mar Roxas ran for public office, he served at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). At the time he was living in his family's house in Cubao, Quezon City. His office was on Gil Puyat (Buendia) in Makati City. He would often make a big deal about how easy it was to get to work using the MRT — a fifteen minute commute when the shortest bus ride would take anywhere between thirty to forty-five minutes.Ironically, under Roxas' watch, the DOTC presided over the massive deterioration of the MRT system, culminating in the derailment last Wednesday, 13 August 2014. He also failed to move on any other transportation infrastructure project. In fact, he (and his boss, Penoy Aquino) caused several projects approved by the previous administration to be retarded.Being able to empathize with their fellow men — 'walking a mile in their shoes,' as it were — doesn't magically transform a buffoon into a competent bureaucrat.----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/08/how-can-metro-manila-ever-improve-if-filipino-politicians-do-not-take-public-transport/comment-page-1/#comment-642569
12/03/2018 0:00
Who could forget those live television moments when Oprah Winfrey gave away free cars and paid Australian trips to the live audience of her The Oprah Winfrey Show?The show ended in 2011 and Winfrey established her own television network soon thereafter -the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).Today, Winfrey taped a new television special that is reminiscent of the defunct Oprah Show, complete with a live audience and a surprise give-away item.During the show, Winfrey asked the audience members to look under their seat for their free gift. They found a pack of weed (marijuana). “Everybody gets love,” she announced. Pandemonium ensued.How times have changed.The TV special airs on April 1st on OWN. Click HERE to watch the video segment.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#Filipino #parents feel "disrespected" by kids' "talking back" w
Lagi kaming nagkaclash ng mama ko dahil lang sinasabi ko ang totoo or by simply voicing out an opinion that is different from hers.When I voice out my opinion or inform them that certain things don't happen like this or that, my mom always regard that as a sign of disrespect. She tells me "matalino ka nga, nawawalan ka naman ng respeto sa kin. Sinasagot mo na ako."And in my mind, I'm like "what??! When did telling the truth disrespectful?" tapos pag nagsasalita ako mahinahon pa. Yung tipong nag eeducate.And then I told her "mama, when I clarify something, it's not my way of disrespecting you. Makinig ka rin sa opinyon ko para magets mo ang point ko." And no matter how hard I try to make her understand my point, she will still get hurt over my "talking back moments. Parang may mahalaga ang act kesa sa meaning ng opinyon ko.Sometimes, I wish my parents are more open minded than they are today. I wish they treat their children as people who can think for themselves and reason. Minsan kasi it seems selfish na rin, To not let your children voice out their opinion just because they have diff. principles and perspectives. Kasi diba dapat ang mga parents nakikinig talaga? Dapat sila yung number 1 na nakikinig sa mga anak nila eh. Pero kadalasang nangyayari is that parents are regarded as higher beings who sat on a pedestal. Para silang tipong mga hari at reyna na hindi pwedeng salungatin or else your head will be on a spike. Ganung tipo.It's kinda sad because my younger siblings cannot even say what they want to say just so they won't be deemed as disrespectful or whatever labels elders call it. Nakakaloka ang ganung mindset but I have learned my lessons na. I just don't clarify things. I let them believe what they want to believe.Nakakapagod rin kasi. Tsaka choice nila yun. Mahirap kasing tulungan ang mga taong ayaw magpatulong.--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/12/law-abiding-filipinos-are-getting-sick-of-law-breaking-filipinos/comment-page-1/#comment-1021781
06/07/2017 0:00
Hundreds of firearms surrendered to President Duterte in his visit in Ozamiz City
Hundreds of firearms confiscated by the Ozamiz City PNP were going to be presented to President Rodrigo Duterte in his visit in the said city Thursday.Philippine National Police Director General Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa was also reported to be there to witness the ceremony.The visit was scheduled, one day after the remains of former Mayor Aldong Parojinog who got killed in the anti-drug raid conducted several weeks ago was buried in Ozamiz City.Heavy and small firearms confiscated in different people connected to the Parojinog family were presented to the media before President Rodrigo Duterte arrived in the place.Several firearms that presented came from the surrendered Barangay Captains of Ozamiz City.According to Senior Inspector Jovie Espenido, the firearms surrendered by the public official of Ozamiz came from the Parojinogs to hide their weapons from the government.President Rodrigo Duterte is also scheduled to talk to the troops in Ozamiz City and award seven medals to the cops who joined the biggest anti-drug raid in history of the said city that resulted to the death of former Mayor Aldong Parojinog Sr. and Board Member Octavio Parojinog.The anti-illegal drug raid that led by the controversial cop Senior Inspector Jovie Espenido also resulted to the arrest of several public officials of Ozamiz City including Vice Mayor Nova Princess Parojinog Echavez who currently detained in Manila.Last week, President Rodrigo Duterte and PNP Chief Dela Rosa gave an special award to Jovie Espenido for his big contribution in war against illegal drugs of the government.
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2017-08-17 14:29:54+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Photos : Kris Aquino uses gov’t helicopter to campaign Roxas
Sister of President Benigno Aquino III, Kris Aquino was seen in Delaguete, Cebu onboard a Philippine government helicopter which angered netizens for using the government facilities for election related activities.In photos, Philippine Coast Guard personnels are seen escorting the LP dignitaries with 5 more helicopters.The actress is believed to have been joining the campaign rally of LP presidential bet Mar Roxas.The TV host has resigned last month in her morning show on ABS-CBN for health reason. It is surprising that people are seeing the actress in a more strenous job than hosting. Is she really rick?Your thoughts? Leave your comments below!
2016-04-20 04:31:23+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
President Duterte denied that Bong Go calls PNP Chief Bato to reinstate CIDG 8 Chief Marcos
President Duterte denied that the current head of the Presidential Management Staff Christopher ‘Bong’ Go was the higher official who called PNP Chief Director General Roland ‘Bato’ Dela Rosa to reinstate CIDG Region 8 Chief Marvin Marcos.President Duterte urged everyone to not believe the allegation of Senator Leila De Lima during his speech at the Graduation Ceremony of the Motorcycle Riding Course (MCRC) Class 06-2016 at the Felis Resort Complex Convention Hall, Matina Aplaya, Davao City on December 2, 2016.“Wag kayo maniwala na si Bong Go ang tumawag” President said in his speech.The President also revealed that he already knew that Marcos did suspicious things during his term.“Si Dolina malinis. Si Marcos talagang may tama” he added.Yesterday, Senator Leila De Lima accused Bong Go as the ‘kumpare’ who called PNP Chief Bato to reinstate Marcos.The long time assistant of President Duterte denied the accusations of Senator Leila De Lima and labeled it as “pure hearsay”
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2016-12-02 19:40:04+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Filipinos behind Duterte on 'war on drugs' and criminal-coddling oligarchy!
Duterte's obsession with destroying the vast network of the illegal drugs industry–even it means resorting to violent means—is right on the money, since their influence affects all levels of society.However, illegal drugs' immediate impact is most felt on everyday people like you and me: they keep us in a continuous state of confusion, vigilance, and disparity on how to keep their influence out of our doorsteps through their sale and use.Our country's oligarchs know very well that, in order to keep society in a constant state of delirium while they fleece the country's wealth, they have to keep the people pre-occupied on how to eke out a living and entertained with brainwashing methods every single moment of the day.Injecting our society with mind numbing propagandas (media "tele-basura" programs), rampart consumerism, and sale and use of illegal drugs are all effective strategies the oligarchs employ to take the masses' attention away from what they're actually doing: rob the nation of its wealth while the people's way of life are kept in a constant state of chaos.Duterte understands that if he were to engage in a direct attack on these oligarchs, by uprooting all of them at the same time behind their walled fortresses, he would surely lose.Instead, the president is employing a classic "guerilla tactic" of winning the hearts and minds of everyday people–including allying with members of the PNP and armed forces—by addressing their everyday battles of trying to survive in an oligarch-controlled economy and illegal drug industry.It's apparent the majority of the Filipinos people—in this country and abroad—supports President Duterte's "War on Drugs," including ending graft and corruption, wholeheartedly.--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/08/wrestling-with-pigs/#comment-1712596
2017-09-12 23:59:29+00:00
Described as a destination of unmatched natural beauty located off the eastern coast of Luzon in the Philippines, Balesin Island Club, Alphaland Corporation’s flagship project, is a 500-hectare tropical island paradise with 7.3 kilometers of pristine white-sand beaches. It is a members-only, private leisure getaway located 60 miles east of Manila that boasts of a clientele composed of the who’s who in politics, business, arts & entertainment, and the Philippines’ millionaires circle.(The resort was the venue of the recent wedding of Senator Chiz Escudero and actress Heart Evangelista.)What is little known about this exclusive resort is that it discriminates against the very customers that it is trying to attract: the rich people.On Saturday, fashion designer and model Maggie Wilson-Consunji said that her mom was discriminated against by the resort. It happened during breakfast when the waiter refused to serve her mom the same delicious chicken adobo meal that her son Conner’s yaya (nanny) ordered. The waiter said the adobo was a ‘yaya meal’ and was not available to the rich clients of the resort.Consunji informs us she will file a formal complaint against the resort before the Philippine Commission on Human Rights on Monday for discriminating against rich people and for giving preferential treatment to nannies.Here’s her story as posted on her Facebook page:
['Pol Pinoy']
04/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
on Monday.Lately, television networks have come under fire for airing events that happen on the West Coast live to viewers on the East Coast, yet those on the West Coast get to see the events three hours later.ABC executives explained that the network is making it up to West Coast viewers by giving them the first crack at the Oscars. “For too long, West Coasters have endured spoiler moments when outcomes are already known by East Coast viewers because of the three-hour difference in what is called “prime time TV,” they said. “For example, television audiences on the East Coast already know who the new American Idol is before the supposedly live show even airs in the West. Yet Idol happens in Hollywood,” they added.
['Pol Pinoy']
27/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine Senate Releases Packed Schedule Of Hearings
If you think Philippine senators are just focused on investigating the police killing of teen Kian Delos Santos during a recent drug operation in Caloocan City, think again.In a released calendar, the Senate is clearly headed for a backlog of hearings ‘in aid of legislation.’But it will be a great opportunity for some senators to experience their three minutes of fame.Also, think of the revenue that will be earned by ChowKing, Jollibee , McDonald’s or whichever fastfood chain is contracted to prove the free lunches to all attendees to the hearings.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
In a move that shocked both his critics and supporters, Vice President Jejomar Binay today announced that he was withdrawing from the 2016 Philippine presidential race.Until recently, Binay was the only declared candidate to succeed President NoyNoy Aquino whose six-year-term expires in 2016. The vice president had consistently held the lead in all polls among all likely presidential candidates. Until this week.The most recent polls now show that Senator Grace Poe has overtaken Binay’s lead.Embarrassed that a woman and neophyte in politics has displaced him from the lead, Binay said that he is no longer interested in becoming president. Instead, he announced that he would be seeking reelection as mayor of Makati City when the current term of his son, JunJun, expires.“It would be a great honor on my part to once again become the chief executive of the richest city in the country. I know I can easily win a reelection because my family has practically established itself as the unbeatable political dynasty in Makati.”The vice president is a former mayor of Makati and so was his wife, Elenita.Critics, however, are speculating that once he becomes mayor again, he will secede from the Philippines and declare Makati as an independent Republic.Talk about not just ‘wall street ‘ but ‘walled country.’
['Pol Pinoy']
21/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
LOOK: Complete list of brgy officials in PDEA drug list
President Rody Duterte ordered the PNP to release the list of barangay captains and councilors who are into drug trading so the masses would know to vote their next leaders in the coming barangay election.The list contains names, designation and the officials’ barangay. about 207 barangay officials nationwide have been linked to illegal drugs based on a list the PDEA released on Monday.Out of the 207 in the Narco List, 117 are barangay kagawads while 90 are barangay chairmen.Of the total, 70 were identified as coming from Bicol, followed by Caraga with 34 and the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) with 13. Look at the complete list below!Any thoughts on this? Leave your comments below!
2018-04-30 17:22:34+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
In response to viral posts and videos showing that the new iPhone 6 Plus can easily bend when pressure is applied to it, Apple issued the following guidelines to its customers and potential buyers when using the 5.5-inch smart phone:Don’t put them in your front pocket if you’re wearing tight pants. Really tight pants. Don’t put them in your back pocket and sit on it. Duh! Don’t try to be a smart ass by posting a video of yourself on YouTube forcefully bending your new iPhone 6 Plus. Even your Apple Care subscription will not cover the damage. Don’t be a bully by using your phone to beat up other people. Drinking and texting with your iPhone 6 Plus don’t mix. Leave your phone at home when you go to the gym. Especially when you’re into lifting weights. Never ever get into a debate with Android phone owners (Samsung, Nexus, HTC , etc.) on which phone is more superior. Always keep your phone at least 10 feet away from a barbecue grill. Especially during tailgate parties where alcohol is served. Don’t ever lend your phone to an angry wrestler. If you have tiny hands, make sure to wear traction gloves when using your phone . That will prevent the phone from slipping off your hands.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
When the figure skating competitions begin a day before the actual Winter Olympics opening ceremonies, athletes and spectators will go through what may seem like security metal detectors. But lo and behold, they are actually ‘gaydars.”These special detectors, the first if its kind in the world, will be installed at all entrances to the Iceberg Skating Palace, the 12,000-seat venue of the ice skating competitions.Everyone knows by now that Russia has strict anti-gay laws in place, prohibiting any public display of homosexuality. While the Putin government has said that no foreigner will be arrested under these laws during the duration of the winter games, it is nevertheless taking extreme measures to discourage public display of homosexuality.The gaydar technology, developed in China by Apple, will detect even the slightest trace of gayness by scanning the retina of the eyes and flagging any abnormal flickering of the fingers.Russian officials said that any athlete or spectator who fails the high-tech test will be denied enty into the competitions. It wasn’t clear if the figure skating competitors are exempted from the screening. “I think the skaters will be exempted,” said one official, “otherwise we might not have any competition to watch if any of the skaters are banned from the skating arena.”The men’s short program kicks off the figure skating competitions on February 6 and the Opening Ceremonies will be held February 7.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Jim Paredes got schooled again by the Pro-Duterte bloggers after he boasts that PNoy didn’t declare martial law during his time
Jim Paredes criticized President Rodrigo Duterte’s decision to declare martial law in the whole island of Mindanao after the Marawi City terrorist attack.According to his tweet, former President Benigno Aquino III didn’t declared Martial Law during the three-week siege in Zamboanga on 2013 which resulted to hundreds of casualties.He also boasted that the former President personally head the operation in Zamboanga.“Remember Zamboanga Siege? PNOY did not declare Martial Law anywhere. And he was THERE to head ops.” Paredes tweeted.Pro-Duterte bloggers quickly responded to Paredes’ tweet and they lectured the OPM artist on the difference of the situation between Marawi City terrorist attack and Zamboanga Siege.Mark Lopez, labeled the tweet of Paredes as the ‘most idiotic tweet of the Universe for May 2017’ after he boasted the decision of PNoy to avoid declaring martial law during the siege in Zamboanga.Lopez listed the damages caused by Zamboanga Siege that lasted for almost three weeks.“Kaya pala inabot ng 3 weeks, at mahigit 200 ang patay, 100,000 ang na displace, 6,000 ang bahay na sinunog, at ang overall epekto sa ekonomiya ay pumalo ng P3.2B!” Mark Lopez said.Atty. Bruce V. Rievera also responded to the tweet of Paredes and explained the difference between the location of Zamboanga and Marawi.In his post, Rivera showed the map of Marawi City and Zamboanga City as an explanation to Paredes why President Rodrigo Duterte must declare martial law.According to the map posted by the pro-duterte blogger, Marawi City is surrounded by many provinces and the rebels who escaped to Marawi can still spread chaos in the places near Marawi.It’s different to the location of Zamboanga Siege where the place is surrounded by water and the rebels will have a hard time to travel in another province if they decided to escape.On Wednesday, President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law during his visit in Russia after the Maute Terrorist Group successfully occupied Marawi City.Several critics of President Rodrigo Duterte opposed the decision of President Rodrigo Duterte and they accused the punisher of planning to abuse the power of martial law.
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2017-05-25 06:09:12+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
On many occasions, the Philippines has been on the receiving end of international financial and humanitarian aid following devastating natural disasters like 2013’s Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan).Now, the country, most recently described as Asia’s ‘Rising Tiger,’ is poised to be on the giving end, providing much-needed relief to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian nations experiencing a region-wide haze brought about by agricultural fires in East and South Sumatra.The haze has been blamed for deaths in Indonesia and respiratory illnesses in around 500,000 people. Elsewhere, it has prompted school closures, flight cancellations and virtual shutdowns of towns and cities.President NoyNoy Aquino, in one of his proudest moments in office, announced to the world that his government is donating One Million portable electric fans to be distributed among the affected countries in Asia. In addition, Aquino said the Philippines will be shipping twenty containers of surgical face masks to these countries.“This is our way of reciprocating the generosity of our Asian neighbors and other foreign governments when it was the Philippines that was needing help and humanitarian relief,” Aquino said.“The fans will help blow away the haze and the masks will prevent further respiratory illnesses.”Indeed, a great gesture from the Rising Tiger. No long the ‘Sick Man of Asia.’
['Pol Pinoy']
26/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Why are Filipinos so stupid when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle?
Every time I am out on the roads I see the WORST driving I have ever seen in the world. I tell everyone that while Filipinos might know how to make the vehicle move, they certainly cannot DRIVE.They pull into a giant, empty parking lot and rather than turn around INSIDE the parking lot, they BACK into traffic. How stupid is that? The answer is, “It is Pinoy stupid.”Down the street from my house is a giant house with a pull through driveway and 2 gates. Just a couple days ago as I walked past, somebody opened the gate and directed a car out as it backed into the street. The gate was open and I had a clear view of an empty drive almost the size of a basketball court, so why on earth did the asshole need to back out? Stupid is as stupid does I guess.Why are you Pinoys so damn stupid once you get behind the wheel of a car? If you drove in America the way you drive here almost all of you would have lost your licenses by now. Traffic violations also come with hefty fines and are ALWAYS enforced. The police there will always pull you over, give you a ticket and expect you to pay the court eventually. Get a couple tickets and your insurance may very well be too expensive for you to renew and it is a crime to drive without insurance.----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
2018-10-01 00:02:19+00:00
Mark Zuckerberg Responds To Ari Melber And Maria Ressa’s Attack On Facebook
In an MSNBC commentary by Ari Melber, Facebook came under fire for allegedly allowing the proliferation of fake news in the U.S. and elsewhere. The piece focused on what Melber says is the social media giant’s support for ‘authoritarian’ governments like that of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.In that piece, Melber used quotes from Maria Ressa, CEO of the Philippine online news source, Rappler.Ressa, who has been desperately campaigning to “take back the Internet,” said that:Facebook needs to moderate its greed, clean up the toxic waste, and be accountable for its role as the new gatekeeper to information.Today, Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally responded to both Melber and Ressa. His response was short and sweet: “GO FACT YOURSELVES!”End of story.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Watch: OFW, nagprotesta sa labas ng New York Times para ipakita ang suporta kay President Duterte
Naglunsad ng protesta ang ilang mga Pilipino na nagtatrabaho sa United States sa labas mismo ng New York Times building para ipakita ang hindi nila pagsang-ayon sa kanilang ginagawang paninira at propaganda laban kay Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte.Hinihikayat ng mga tagasuporta ng Pangulo na humingi ito ng paumanhin dahil sa sinulat nila sa kanilang editoryal na pahayagan, kung saan nanawagan sila sa buong mundo na huwag kundenahin ang kasalukuyang administrasyon.Advertisement"We are not gonna allow them to bully us and our president, New York Times please stop inciting world to condemn our President, we do not appreciate what you are doing and we demand that you make an apology for what you have written in your editorial page," saad ni Joel Inocencio of I Am Pinoy, Proud Ako na nanguna sa rally.Naniniwala sila na ang isinulat ng New York Times laban sa Pangulo ay kasiraan sa lahat ng mga Pilipino at sa bansang Pilipinas.Samantala, hinihikayat naman nila ang iba pang local at international media na itigil na ang paninira at pag-atake sa Pangulo at sa kanyang administrasyon.SponsorSo what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
21/10/2018 0:00
News Media PH
Watch: President Duterte invades Basilan
President Rodrigo Duterte visited Basilan and delivered an inspiring messages to the troops of the WestMinCom on Thursday by assuring them a salary increase.In his message, Duterte hoped to have a peaceful future with the soldiers and even with the Abu Sayyaf themselves. There is an ongoing battle between the government troops and rebel group.The Chief Executive also visited the families who were victims of the said war. Duterte personally handed out the relief goods to the families and joined with them in one talk.Watch the video below:Here’s another video of President’s Duterte’s visit where the President gives medals to the wounded soldiers.What can you say about this? Leave your comments below!
2016-07-21 22:42:36+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
St. Scholastica’s College To Lose Accreditation As An Educational Institution
If shoes were made for walking, then schools are there for learning.With this in mind, the Philippines’ Department of Education today stripped St. Scholastica of its accreditation on the grounds that it has failed in its mission as a learning institution.St. Scho, as it is more popularly known, has been fielding its young students to various political protests and rallies, allowing them to skip their classes and be the “face” of Filipino youth fighting for their f*cked up future.Whether it is to protest the Marcos burial or Duterte’s war on drugs, the ever-smiling, seemingly innocent teenagers have been in the forefront, supporting the political agenda of the Opposition, notably St. Scho alumnus Senator Risa Hontiveros.Parents of the students have consistently complained that their kids seem to be regressing instead of progressing in their knowledge since enrolling at the previously all-girls Catholic school.Meanwhile, the Bureau of Internal Revenue is considering issuing an order to the school to pay back taxes that it had previously been exempt from as a nonprofit, religious organization.This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
['Pol Pinoy']
19/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord God Ninoy Aquino in vain
Tit for tat. There was context behind the kiss between Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and Bea Kim in South Korea, and there was context behind the kiss between Ninoy Aquino and the ladies in the plane he was about to disembark before he was shot dead in 1983. Thing is, both polar ends of Philippine political chatter took those incidents out of context for their political ends. That makes everything fair now, doesn’t it?This is, after all, is the Philippine political discourse where sound bytes rule and the big picture gets buried. Ninoy Aquino was, as Filipino historians would have it, on his way to meet his glorious destiny. It’s been decided and it’s on record in the school books shoved down the throats of three generations of Filipino kids. In the case of Duterte’s kiss, the jury is still out, but unlike criminal trials, the media have access to the jurors.If we actually watch the video, a split second peck that followed a few minutes of playful banter between the president and Kim told a multi-layered story of Filipino culture. But what went really viral is not this moving picture story but a still photo of The Kiss frozen in time. Thanks to bad and expensive Internet in the Philippines, most Filipinos will have that frozen kiss burnt into their pointed heads by now and may never be bothered to watch the video. A still of a kiss tells a different story to that of a video showing a split-second peck.Aquino, being a family-appointed “national hero” enjoys a vast portfolio of similar stills, but ones that capture him in glorious moments — that statue of him in Makati coming down from the plane to meet his maker, that one of him sprawled on the tarmac that the Yellowtards had turned into a logo, and many more. In Philippine society, those images may as well be hung up right next to crucifixes. The name, the face, and the icons are untouchable.Suffice to say, it helps that Aquino has a celebrity daughter with a vast following thanks to her mega-stardom. Queen of All Philippine Media Kris Aquino packs a powerful media punch. Her fans, however, are predominantly entertainment fans and not political in nature. But that does not really matter when the game is all about social media mileage. That said, Aquino is an easy sell. He is a fashion statement amongst the fashionable chi-chi crowd of private Catholic school-educated disentes. Duterte is the crass street thug who took Malacanang away from Filipinos’ traditional lords. And that makes him the bad guy.But Filipinos love the bad guy and the underdog. We see this in Philippine cinema. Guy from da home on da riles woos the fair-skinned collegiala from the gated village. Conyo boyfriend who drives daddy’s car is plotting bad things for the guy. Mom and Dad are fuming as they pace the marble-floored sala of their Forbes Park mansion evaluating their next move. We know that overused plot.The Opposition, however, don’t seem to get it. Therein that cliché plot lies the narrative they need to beat. In a democracy, it’s not about what is “right” to whatever camp that wins. What is popular is what wins. For as long as the Opposition continue to pontificate from their ivory towers about notions alien to the Filipino mind — like feminism, “human rights”, and personal choice — they will continue to slide into irrelevance. And that is the bigger picture here.Ninoy once came across as a “victim”. Now he is an untouchable god. That is why he loses today.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-06-05 20:52:05+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Bongbong Marcos was a class act in #PiliPinasDebates2016 Episode 2
It was a fine battle of brains and wit the likes of which had not been seen in Philippine politics for years! But it was not a battle amongst equals. As my colleague Ilda had earlier pointed out, vice presidential candidate Bongbong Marcos was a clear standout in last night’s vice presidents’ debate (dubbed #PiliPinasDebates2016) hosted by CNN Philippines.Marcos was a standout because he exhibited remarkable grace and dignity fending off the infantile loaded questions flung at him by the other candidates, notably Chiz Escudero, Alan Peter Cayetano, and the trailer amongst the majors, Liberal Party candidate Leni Robredo. The accusations and zingers issued by these three against Marcos were nothing new. Even hakot “activists” dragged straight out of their Grade 1 class and onto various street rallies have for years been parroting the trite anti-Marcos drivel delivered by Escudero, Cayetano, and Robredo on national television.The candidates were, of course, playing to the balasubas Filipino audience. This is, after all, a Philippine election — essentially a popularity contest. And to be popular in the Philippines, you need to pander to mass audience tastes. Filipino tastes and manners were all on exhibit on Sunday, the 10th of April. Listening to the hoots, jeers, and screams of the audience, you’d think you were watching a cock fight. In such a crowd, simply mouthing a familiar slogan will rouse the audience. That, essentially, is what the vice presidential candidates did throughout the night. They were not really addressing one another, they were addressing the audience. When you are a hammer, everything you see is a nail. When you are a politician everyone is a voter.Marcos is, of course, a politician. But unlike his rivals who stooped to the masa and assumed that position permanently, Marcos struck a fine messaging balance during the debate. Like an excellent episode of Sesame Street or Spongebob Square Pants, Bongbong delivered finely-crafted soundbytes that were exquisitely-multiplexed to appeal to both educated and uneducated, young and old, rich and poor, urbane and bakya. In short, what came out of his mouth was a multi-channeled orchestra of ideas that appealed to all levels of audience sophistication.This is true statesmanship. Real statesmen address entire nations.Compare this to current President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III and his sidekick Mar Roxas with their tired and exceedingly annoying habitual use of Tagalog peppered with street lingo like “eh di wow” and the like. The reason the Philippines remains a blight on the intellectual landscape of southeast Asia is beause of “leaders” like these — rather than seek to uplift their people’s political discourse, they’d rather pander to their low-class humour and addiction to slapstick entertainment.It is therefore no wonder that Bongbong Marcos resonates the strongest amongst the A, B, and C crowds — because he represents class and dignity. Perhaps this is something all Filipinos who aspire to be looked up to by their barrios and spend afternoons sipping lattes at Starbucks and rubbing elbows with the peninsulares at Glorietta should take note of. You don’t climb the Philippines’ social ladder by acting like buffoons — something politicians like Aquino, Roxas, Escudero, Cayetano, and Robredo have branded themselves around. Ask no less than boxing champ Manny Pacquiao whose vast wealth was virtually useless in his efforts to gain membership in the Manila Polo Club.The Philippines’ financial impoverishment is but a mere symptom of its more profound social and cultural impoverishment. Because Filipinos routinely fail in their civic duty to conduct themselves with grace and dignity and exhibit basic courtesies to one another, they have woven a foundation of dysfunction into the very fabric of their society — one where distrust and envy reign instead of mutual support and collaboration.Perhaps the grace Bongbong Marcos has shown during these debates, more than anything else, could serve as a reminder of the subtle leadership qualities and the nature of world-class statesmanship that Filipinos had somehow lost in the last 30 years. Since 1986, Yellow thinking had all but convinced an entire generation of Filipinos that being crass and stupid were virtues to be aspired to. It is time we change that squatter mentality culture and look to leadership that we could truly be proud of.
2016-04-11 03:41:29+00:00
Get Real Philippines
The real point of inviting foreign investment seems lost
My feeling is that we've lost sight of the real point of inviting foreign capital into the country, which is to *seed* the economy with a capital base and provide *initial* stimulus to consume (presumably from those that come to be employed by the businesses that said foreign capital creates).We forget that there is a second stage to that initial one where the ground work laid by the above seed and initial stimuli become the fertile breeding grounds for *domestic* enterprise to take root.My skepticism surrounding all this rah rah over foreign investment lies in both (1) the above second stage no longer being highlighted giving the impression that foreign capital will single-handedly sustain the economy, and (2) the iffy assumption that, given the opportunity, Filipinos will exploit the groundwork laid to engage in their part of the deal, which is to create and accumulate capital domestically.
02/09/2018 0:00
Critics and political opponents of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton found what they were hoping for in the State Department’s newly-released personal emails from the former Secretary of State: something really fishy.The newest trove of more than 7,000 of Clinton’s emails were released Monday night, showcasing more of the mundane political notes and scheduling requests that have been released earlier.The emails show Clinton was a little obsessed with criticism from Fox News and was eager to check out NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” and CBS’ “The Good Wife.” In addition, a series of emails surfaced that could all but damage Clinton’s candidacy for president. It’s all about Gefilte fish.Gefilte fish is a Jewish dish made from a poached mixture of ground boned fish which is typically eaten as an appetizer. The dish is popular on Shabbat and Holidays such as Passover, although they may be consumed throughout the year. Some versions of Gefilte fish are baked in a Bundt cake pan and made with Matzo meal and carrots. The dish usually uses white fish, but it could be made with other fish like salmon.Now, whoever is anointed Republican nominee for president in the 2016 elections will have enough amunition to wage a strong campaign against the presumed Democratic nominee, Hillary. Thanks to the fishy emails.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Everyone who lives in, or has visited Manila and other parts of the Philippines knows that metal detectors and security checkpoints are all too common in hotels, government buildings and shopping malls. It has become a way of life post 9-11. But wait, metal detectors and security checks in Catholic churches too?Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle on Saturday warned wedding couples and their guests to be wary of strangers posing as a relatives or friends from one side or the other of the newly united family. They are actually thieves.Tagle said these shady characters usually strike during photo sessions following the church ceremony. “When family members of the bride or groom are invited to pose for photographs with the newly-wedded couple, they tend to leave their purses and belongings in the church pews,” Tagle said. “When they return to their seats, everything’s gone.”Nuptials are not the only target of these wedding crashers, they also victimize people attending church funerals, according to Tagle.In a move designed to protect its church-going constituents, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has required all churches and parishes in the country to install metal detectors and implement security checks to weed out wedding and funeral crashers. CBCP also advised especially women to keep their cash and credit cards in their bras, as is the old custom among elderly women in the Philippines. “They’re safer there than inside their bags and purses,” the bishops said.
['Pol Pinoy']
16/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
VP Spokesperson Georgina Hernandez Defends Leni’s Wardrobe At PMA Graduation
In a hastily-called press conference in the summer capital of the Philippines, Vice Presidential spokesperson Georgina Hernandez defended her boss’ wardrobe at last weekend’s graduation ceremonies of the Philippine Military Academy.”There was a bit of a misunderstanding with the organizers of the ceremonies,” Hernandez said. “We were given the impression that the Vice President would be helping serve lugaw to the graduates and guests at the reception following the graduation program. That’s why Robredo wore an apron.”Mystery solved!
['Pol Pinoy']
19/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Angry Asian Man Picks A Fight With White Girl Asian Food (Truck)
AUSTIN, Texas (The Adobo Chronicles ) –A local food truck in Austin called White Girl Asian Food recently came under fire when blogger Angry Asian Man called out the trailer for what he deemed an offensive name and its “oblivious tone-deaf white privilege.”The white girl, Bobbie Jo Rice, explained on her Facebook page the rationale behind the provocative name:“The original name, Com Bun Yeu, implies traditional Vietnamese fare. When rebranding, I wanted to get the point across that our goal was not to make traditional Asian food. I am a white girl cooking my rendition of Asian cuisine. Couldn’t think of a name that was more honest and straight to the point.”So there.Would Angry Asian Man be happier if the food truck had a different name, like Rice Truck?What do our readers think? Big deal, or No Big deal?
['Pol Pinoy']
26/01/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Why Solons Voted No On The Appointment Of Judy Taguiwalo
Senators and Representatives who voted against the appointment of Judy Taguiwalo are finally breaking their silence.The rejection of Duterte’s nominee for Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) was met with a lot of anger and criticism, especially on social media.Many netizens can’t understand why the obviously efficient secretary would be rejected by the Commission on Appointments (CA).Several of the solons told The Adobo Chronicles that CA members didn’t find Taguiwalo ‘sosyal’ enough. (‘Sosyal’ is a Filipino slang that refers to someone who is part of the ‘high society’ or the upper class.). Taguiwalo is known to be a quiet worker who is more identified with the grassroots community.“We were looking for someone who is like former DSWD Secretary Dinky Soliman who presents herself publicly in respectable — even high fashion — manner, like constantly dying her hair with colorful streaks,” one solon said.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Talitay Vice Mayor Abdul Wahad Sabal denies involvement in Davao Night Market Bombing
Camp of Talitay Vice Mayor Abdul Wahad Sabal denied his involvement in the Davao Night Market Blast that happened on September 2.The alleged suspect in the Davao Night Market is in inquest right now, but the authorities clarified that Sabal was inquest because of his involvement in illegal drug trade.Assistant State Prosecutor Gino Santiago and Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Clarissa Koung leads the questioning to the Vice Mayor.PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa also didn’t confirmed if Sabal’s arrested was also because of his involvement in Davao Bombings.Napangalanan siya ni presidente, kasama siya sa listahan ng mga narco-politicians… Pero ito ngayon, sa particular na bomb blast ng Davao, hindi pa natin na-establish,” the PNP chief announced during his visit at the MIMAROPA regional headquarters in Mindoro.PNP Spokesman Senior Superintendent Dionardo Carlos clarified that the arrest of the vice mayor had no connection with the police’s operation to arrest the people behind the Roxas Night Market Bombing.According to the reports, an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was seized from the Maguindanao vice mayor at Awang Airport on Saturday when he got arrested in Cotabato Airport.They also seized from Sabal’s group were two pieces of .45 pistols, an M16 rifle, and 12 plastic sachets of illegal drugs.
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2016-09-10 20:45:51+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
On Monday, July 28, President Aquino will deliver his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA), the Philippine equivalent of the U.S. State of the Union (SOTU).Here are the top ten things to expect from this year’s SONA to be delivered at the House of Representatives Building (Batasang Pambansa).Aquino has officially renamed it ‘State of NoyNoy Address.’ Only senators and congressmen wearing yellow ribbons will be allowed in the assembly hall. Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Bong Revilla, Jr, and Jinggoy Estrada will be participating by skype from their jail cells. Aquino will begin his address by apologizing to Noranians for snubbing their idol Nora Aunor in the naming of National Artists. In an unprecedented move, Aquino’s showbiz sister, Kris, will be seated at the dais, next to the podium where the president will be speaking from. All the justices of the Supreme Court will be seated in the back row of the assembly floor as punishment for ruling that Aquino’s Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) is unconstitutional. Vice President Jejomar Binay will be watching via closed ciruit TV in his senate office; Aquino wants to let Filipinos know that he is sill in charge. When Aquino talks about the pork barrel scandal, TV networks will show Janet Lim-Napoles via live cam from her jail cell. Because Aquino has no accomplishments to report, the SONA will only last for 10 minutes, the shortest presidential SONA ever. Aquino will declare a recess 5 minutes into his speech for a cigarette break.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
BBC’s Stephen Sackur Interviews Ousted Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno (Part 1)
Ousted Philippine Supreme Court Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno is taking her case to the news media, making the rounds of television shows both in the Philippines and abroad.She was interviewed by BBC’s Stephen Sackur on the latter’s ‘Hard Talk’ program.While the interview is still scheduled to be aired at an undisclosed date, The Adobo Chronicles was able to obtain a copy of the broadcast’s transcript, thanks to our man in London, Crispulo Bacud Tappa.Here’s Part 1 of the interview:SACKUR: Welcome to HARDTALK….Madam Maria Lourdes Sereno.SERENO: Thank you, Mr. SACKUR. It’s a pleasure to be here on HARDTALK.SACKUR: Let’s get to the point as we have only 15 minutes airtime. How has it affected you that you have been ousted as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines?SERENO: Before we go any further, can we pray and invoke the presence of the Lord in this episode? (Hearing this, Sackur makes the sign of the cross as Madam Sereno mumbles a prayer.)SERENO: In my Christian belief, we don’t make the sign of the cross. In fact, in my Chamber, whenever we met, I did not allow that practice among my colleagues.To answer your question, I insist that it was not legal for my co-equals to judge me via Quo Warranto as my case was best handled by the Senate being an impeachable officer.SACKUR: Well, it looks like the justices knew what they were doing applying the rule of ab initio, finding that you were not qualified from the start. That implies that you usurped the position of Chief Justice. You arrogated unto yourself the powers and authority that was not yours from day one of your asumption into office.SERENO: Well, that was their opinion but certainly the Senate would probably have a different opinion given a chance to try my case.SACKUR: You were a classmate of Ex PNoy. Did that have any bearing at all in your appointment as Chief Justice?SERENO: I don’t deny that. We have what we call an informal grouping called KKK.SACKUR: (Surprised) You mean KU KLUX KLAN?SERENO:KABARILAN, (we shoot together)KACLASSMATE, (we are classmates)KAKURAKUTAN (We are Corrupt Altogether)SACKUR: I don’t understand. Please elaborate.SERENO: In school where we came from, we were trained to be businessmen first and foremost. So, even if PNoy and I had different educational backgrounds, our primordial goal was to make hay while in the government service. We scratched each other’s back. As a lawyer, I gave PNoy sound legal advise to protect his family’s business interest and in return he gave me a lot of opportunities to make my own dough such as when he assigned me to lawyer for the government in the PIATCO case. And later, he arm-twisted JBC, which broke all rules, and made sure that I got appointed as the youngest Chief Justice.SACKUR: I see, but there is a time in your life that you should be able to say no to corruption, isn’t it?SERENO: Politics in the Philippines is like swimming in a river. You have a choice to swim with or against the current. Once you are in it, it is a battle for survival. If you want to survive, you need to cling to those who are in power. Resistance will not save you. It will leave you politically and economically dead.For Part 2 of the interview, click link below:https://adobochronicles.com/2018/05/20/bbcs-stephen-sackur-interviews-ousted-chief-justice-maria-lourdes-sereno-part-2/
['Pol Pinoy']
20/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Another World Record For The Philippines: Blacklisted For Lack Of Transparency In Foreign Aid
Under the administration of President NoyNoy Aquino, the Philippines has received numerous accolades and has made it to the top of world records — from the economy to the Internet, not to mention several Guinness records.The Philippines has just made the list of 17 countries blacklisted by the French government for lack of transparency on foreign aid and non-cooperation in investigating fraud. As a result, the country will not benefit from French banks in as far as the distribution of development funds are concerned.Aside from the Philippines, other countries blacklisted by the French government include Botswana, Brunei, Nauru, Guatemala, Switzerland, Lebanon, Panama, Costa Rica, the United Arab Emirates, Dominica, Liberia, Trinidad and Tobago and Vanuatu.A spokesperson for President Aquino told The Adobo Chronicles that “thanks to the efforts of this administration, the Philippines is becoming well known in the international community, and we’re not just talking about boxing and beauty pageants.”
['Pol Pinoy']
05/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
News about cats affection
You pet cat licks you to show you that they adore you, or that they just want to eat you, depending on the cat really. Anyway, have you ever...
['Vic Patnugot']
2018-02-09 23:54:08+00:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Philippine President Duterte Was Serious When He Asked Obama ‘To Go To Hell’ But…
When Rodrigo Roa Duterte last week said that Barack Obama can “go to hell,” the Philippine president was dead serious. But what he said wasn’t offensive.Duterte was merely extending an invitation to the U.S. President to come visit the Philippines, particularly Manila the capital.You see, Manila was described by best-selling American author Dan Brown as “the gates of hell” in his latest novel ‘Inferno.’So, Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said that “President Duterte was just using Brown’s description of Manila in inviting Obama to come visit again. (Obama was in the Philippines last year during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC summit.)“Duterte’s critics and the news media are just trying to sensationalize everything they hear from our president,” Andanar said. “If Obama was offended, he should complain to Dan Brown.”Coincidentally, the film version of ‘Inferno’ is currently showing in theaters in the Philippines and Ron Howard’s new masterpiece makes no mention of Manila or the Philippines as “the gates of hell.”Perhaps Howard didn’t want to further offend the Filipinos?
['Pol Pinoy']
15/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Malacañang Clarifies Half-Naked Ban
The Duterte Administration has been in the headlines recently for public statements supporting local ordinances that ban tambays (loiterers) in streets and public places. It has also been criticized for uplholding a ban on Filipino men who go half-naked outside of their residences.Today, Spokesperson Harry Roque clarified that the half-naked ban only applies to men who do not have a fit body or six-pack abs. “The beauty of Filipino men is part of our inherent natural resource,” Roque said.So go ahead — if you have the body like Zac Efron, don’t be afraid to flaunt it. You are part of our tourist attractions.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine President Duterte Challenges Donald Trump To A Fistfight; Republican Candidate Calls Filipinos ‘Animals’
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may have finally met his match in Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte. The two have often been likened to each other, but they are thousands of miles apart, literally and figuratively.Today, Duterte publicly challenged Trump to a fistfight — gloves off — after the American businessman-turned-politician called for the banning of Filipinos from entering the United States.Campaigning in Maine on Thursday, Trump called for restrictions on immigrants from the Philippines and other countries with high rates of terrorism.In his speech, Trump listed several immigrants, mostly from Muslim majority countries — Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen — who were arrested for conducting or threatening to carry out violent attacks, teaching bomb-making to recruits, and otherwise supporting terror groups. He called them ‘animals.’Trump had proposed the immigration ban previously but this was the first time that he specifically mentioned the Philippines.Upon learning of Trump’s statement, Duterte went on national state television, inviting Trump to Manila so that the two could engage in a boxing match, ‘man to man.’“I will not take any insult on my Filipino people sitting down,” Duterte said. “Let’s settle this once and for all, extra-judicially.”Addressing Trump directly, Duterte said, “If you are too scared to come to Manila, I can come meet you in Las Vegas, at the Trump Towers or at the MGM Grand Arena.”The Trump camp has yet to respond to Duterte’s challenge.UPDATE: Philippines Voids Building Permit Of Trump Tower In Makati City
['Pol Pinoy']
05/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine President Duterte Now A Fashion Trendsetter
In a short span of thirty days, Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has surprised his countrymen — supporters and critics alike — with the speed with which he has implemented visible changes towards his campaign promise of reducing crime, drugs, government corruption, and improving the lives of ordinary citizens.But Duterte has also started what others are calling a fashion revolution, one that has veered away from the glitz and glamour usually reserved for the rich and famous. He has disappointed the socialite members of the political world as well as artists who dress them up in Hollywood-style fashion by canceling the traditional red carpet that has been the distracting hallmark of the presidential State of the Nation Address (SONA).On a personal level, he has started what can be described as a rebellious fashion trend that has all but demolished the very concept of formal and executive wear.On this photo spread, Duterte shows off his comfy version of the traditional formal wear for men — the barong tagalog. Many have called it the maong tagalog, consisting of the traditional barong, albeit with rolled up sleeves and the shirt unbuttoned at the neck, matched with denim pants and broen shoes. In the other photo, he sports a short-sleeve shirt with sockless shoes. Finally he is also seen in his signature checkered polo shirt.Will the rest of his cabinet and other elected officials follow suit?
['Pol Pinoy']
03/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The difference between Duterte’s words and the Opposition’s
Essentially, a politician’s job is to convince his constituents to buy into his words. This usually involves convincing the voters that he best has their interests in mind. Or to be blunt about it, that his self-interests most closely align with their concerns.As I pointed out from the start of president Rodrigo Duterte’s term, his opponents will be so eager to capitalize on any opportunity to distort and take out of context his ramblings, tirades, and his tongue-in-cheek and tell-it-like-it-is pronouncements. He makes it so easy for them to do so. The opposition has also used these same opportunities to sow fears of the return of Marcos-era type martial law, and of threats to the “democracy” of Filipinos.Actually, what members of the opposition really refer to, and fear losing, is their ability to do anything they want, without scrutiny. But I digress…When it comes to Duterte’s pronouncements, one recent example that comes to mind was his administration’s initiative to close down and clean up Boracay, the preferred beach getaway of your hippie and high-society crowd. The opposition had a lot of room to denounce it as a “dictatorial move”; some even likened it to a “dry run” for Martial Law. As usual, concern was thrown around the livelihood of those who would be affected by the closure, maybe some of it genuine, but also some of it rather opportunistic and exploitative, and politically-motivated, dare we say.Boracay was closed sometime April or May 2018, and just recently re-opened. While your opposition was busy wracking their minds looking for “a better way”, Duterte’s administration just went ahead and DID it. His opponents, while pre-occupied with giving feel-good motherhood statements in response to him, were also busy giving everyone who didn’t agree with them pieces of their supposedly “decent and enlightened” minds – whether they could spare them is another matter.And the opposition – whose voice is currently dominated by the Liberal Party and the Yellowtards, are still wondering why fewer people are listening to them nowadays.It would have been easy for the opposition to make Filipinos listen to them for alternatives to Duterte’s iron-fisted (from a soft, forgiving Pinoy point of view) way of doing things, if they had them in the first place. And that’s the problem; they don’t have any. Collectively, all the opposition can muster is “not Duterte”, and yet at the same time, this group of people is hobbled by the LP’s and Yellowtards’ lack of results from all the time they were the dominant force.Those who work in the corporate world are very familiar with the kind of problem-solving mindset that is emphasized in it: “don’t just stop at telling me what I can’t do; tell me what I can!” Employees are expected to bring proposals or solutions to the problems they elevate to their bosses.If you think about it, to conclude that the opposition’s lack of action is analysis-paralysis is rather inaccurate. It is more fittingly characterized by focus on saying something, with little or no intent to follow through. This is the most important realization that Duterte’s opponents have yet to come to: that words not backed up with action mean absolutely nothing. This applies not only to them, but also to Duterte’s outbursts that they claim “espouse violence, or a culture of rape”. To attribute such cause-and-effect to Duterte, without taking into consideration the bigger context of Filipino culture’s “do what I want” component, is to be intellectually dishonest.[Photo courtesy: BBC]
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-10-31 12:59:03+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Actress Maria Isabel Lopez’ driver’s license might get revoke for ‘ASEAN lane breach’
Actress and Beauty Queen Maria Isabel Lopez might her license got revoked due to her viral post which admitted that she drove her car along ASEAN lane without permit.The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) recommended to suspend the driver’s license of Lopez for committing a serious traffic violation and security breach.“That lane has been the subject of a series of [meetings] ng security. [W]e are the host country, mabuti at walang nangyaring banggaan otherwise the Philippine government particularly MMDA will be hit and not the beauty queen, who is also a [representative] of the country,” LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said in a text message to reporters.“LTO has been informed of her violation,” she added. “[S]he is not a good role model as a beauty queen.”Lopez post was angered thousands of netizens after she boasted that she successfully breached to the ASEAN lane without being noticed by the authorities.She also admitted that she removed the yellow cones blocking the entrance of the ASEAN lane.Several motorists also followed her car to escape the traffic along EDSA.The motorists who followed Lopez car might also lose their license once identified.“Driving with hazards ‘on’ at the #aseanlane. I removed the divider cones!! Then all the other motorists behind me followed! MMDA thinks I’m an official ASEAN delegate! If you can’t beat ‘em, join them! #nosticker #leadership,” Lopez said on her Facebook post.Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa also ordered to investigate the possible ‘security breach’ committed by Lopez.ask Group Commander on Route Security and National Capital Region Police Office chief Director Oscar Albayalde also ‘strongly support’ the suspension of Lopez driver license.“A person of her stature should be an example to the Filipino community but she did just the contrary,” Albayalde said.The ASEAN lane was ordered to ensure the security and fast transportation of the foreign leaders who would visit the Philippines for the 31st ASEAN Summit held in the country.
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2017-11-12 16:21:00+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Dozens of athletes, mostly from the United States and Canada, were sickened just minutes after checking in at their designated quarters at the Sochi Olympic Village. Eyewitness reports indicate that the Olympians were being transported by ambulances to the nearest hospitals in the area. Many were suffering from nausea, vomiting and stomach flu.Agents from Russia’s Ministry of Health immediately rushed to the scene to investigate the incident in the hopes of containing what was initially thought of as an epidemic.It turned out that most of hospitalized athletes drank bottles of mouthwash provided in each of their living quarters. The labels on the bottles were written in Russian, and the athletes thought they were bottles of complimentary vodka.As of press time, most were released from the hospitals and are expected to make it okay in time for Friday’s opening ceremony.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/02/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Trillanes shows evidence that Duterte knows the Boracay Casino plan
Senator Antonio Trillanes IV during a press conference on Tuesday insisted that President Rodrigo Duterte is aware in the plan of the Macau-based Galaxy Entertainment to build a 500-M pesos Casino in Boracay island.To prove his claims, Trillanes showed a news clipping from Politics.ph which contains the photo of President Rodrigo Duterte’s meeting with the members of the Galaxy Entertainment Group limited led by its Chairman Dr. Lui Che Woo.The photo which the politics.ph was originally published in the website of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO).However, the press release of the PCOO didn’t disclose what the President and the investors talked about aside from their interest in investing in the Philippines.“Kahapon nagsabi si Duterte na wala siyang masterplan sa Boracay rehab, wala siyang alam sa casinong itatayo. Maliwanag sa picture na kinakamayan niya ‘yung may ari ng casino. Nag-courtesy call sa kanya,” he said.“Nakita niya ‘pag medyo mainit ang tama saka siya aatras at magsasabi ng diversion. His statement was an outright lie,” he said.According to Trillanes, the meeting between President Duterte and Dr. Lui was an evidence that the government already accepted the proposal of the Galaxy Entertainment to build the controversial Casino in Boracay Island which scheduled to be closed for six months as part of the rehabilitation program.“Hindi naman papayagan ‘yan kung hindi tuloy ang project kasi ini-screen lahat ng nagko-courtesy call,” he said.Several days ago, Trillanes claimed that the government ordered the closure of Boracay island to hasten the construction of the mega casino and not really to rehabilitate it.“I maintain my position na kaya sinara ang Boracay ay para sa construction ng casino. They would need the port and road network for the transport of the materials. Hindi nila magagawa iyan habang may turista,” he said.He even urge the residence of Boracay to file a petition to stop the closure of the tourist spot.“I encourage them to file a petition for TRO sa Supreme Court nang mahinto itong kabalbalan na ito ni Duterte. So maliwanag ito na hindi ito para sa kalikasan. Para sa magsasaka daw, hindi ‘yan totoo dahil wala namang mapagtataniman doon,” Trillanes said.Before the President flew to China to attend the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2018, Duterte said the government was no plan to approve the construction of the mega casino in Boracay.“Wala akong plano diyan [na] casino-casino. Tama na ‘yan kasi sobra na. Casino dito, casino doon. Give it to the people who need it most,” he said.“In the meantime, there’s no plan. My order was to clean it up. So mag-clean, sarado. There’s one way in, one way out,” he added.
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2018-04-10 22:01:34+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
On Independence Day
As I start writing this article’s first draft it is already the day after Independence Day in the Philippines. It is also only hours after a horrific event in which a bigot armed with an easily-purchased semi-automatic rifle entered an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and embarked on a murderous rampage that left 50 people dead, including himself.Naturally, social media blew up with sympathy and condolences for the victims. As someone who considers himself gay, I believe this was the natural end result of the kind of verbal and physical abuse suffered by people who refuse to fit into crabbed and outdated social norms.But there was another side that reared its ugly head – insofar as ugly heads raise themselves like wildfire in the cesspool of internet comments. This was the side of those that argued that if people were armed, the shooting would have stopped early or never happened at all. It’s the easiest solution to the problem, they say.Now, I could go into any number of reasons why a country with an excessively-armed populace (legally or otherwise) would actually have more mass shootings, as opposed to those developed countries that address the root causes of gun-related violence above and beyond just “taking muh guns away.” The kind of systems that limit multiple firearms-related death incidents to once or twice every other year as opposed to, say, weekly.But in light of waking up to this tragedy on Philippine Independence Day, I came to realize that this “easy way out” that afflicts America so negatively is probably one of the biggest burdens of their legacy on the Philippines.As someone who spent his formative years in the Philippines, as well as someone who has read GRP since before the Second Aquino Administration, the most common retort I got for expressing concern was “You don’t know what we’ve been through.” It’s the same retort with slightly different wordage that I’ve read on innumerable Facebook comments when people from international bodies call him out for his notorious off-the-cuff remarks.And quite frankly, it’s this kind of retort that signifies how much Filipino society has become almost slavishly dependent on this kind of exceptionalism.The Philippines has a massive problem with clan-fed corruption and its violent offspring. I’m not going to argue this. But the incoming administration not only legitimately embodies the anger of the Filipino people – but has smartly campaigned to embody their mentality to find the easy way out and stay there. President-elect Rodrigo Duterte has very proudly pointed to the bodies he’s left in the streets (1,700 by his own personal count) as the foundation upon which Davao’s newfound and so-called prosperity rests.His campaign maneuvers were a master-stroke of genius: because his so-called “vigilantes” are so “effective” at what they do against the demographic of people that really cannot fight back, the only people that can question it without having to fear for their very lives are people with the clout to protect themselves. And these people are also from the exact same institutions his campaign criticizes. If you find something wrong with what he’s done, you are part of the problem and more than likely a – deep breath now – sycophantic oligarchy-loving Flip Yellowtard.Yet the international community is right to wonder why it’s mostly alleged (key word – alleged) small-time peddlers and pickpocketers getting gunned down on the streets, rather than the cartel kings and their subtenientes that can find ten more poor teenagers where they came from. They’re right to wonder why a journalist has to weigh when to sacrifice their integrity to extend their lifespan – and yes, that’s a question of when, not if.And whether they like it or not, any word that comes out of the mouth of the officials that the Filipino people willingly chose to elect will be scrutinized as is required of any public figure on the world stage. These officials will stand in that spotlight for the next six years regardless of how dodgy they will be with people that “just don’t understand what we’ve been through!”So as long as the alleged scumbags are swept out of sight and into the alleys by the milicias taking root in cities across the Philippines, those who trumpet their victimhood as law-abiding citizens can do as they please (see below). They’ll sleep easier at night with the simple assumption that the people who died deserved it for one reason or another, their grieving loved ones will just have to deal with it (meme sunglasses included), and most importantly, that they’ll never worry about getting their own hands dirty over it when some ex-NPA gunman gone legit and/or helpful neighborhood tanod can do that for them and find someone to pad the “crimes solved” stats with.As long as the privileged who were somehow victimized by some small-time peddler halfway across the province think they’re safer, and their brand-new emergency response vehicles aren’t tainted with the foul corpse of some poor Rugby-sniffer that happened to piss off a man with a gun for one reason or another, all’s good in their little world.Wading into the muck and find out why they’re being called out for allowing this takes Filipino society out of their closed-minded comfort zone, much like the American gun nuts and simple-minded action heroes they idolize. They believe that throwing more of what is easy at the problem – in their case, handing out guns to everyone down to barangay tanods – will solve their problems with government inaction. They’ll cover their ears and cling to their guns and their own take on the War on Drugs – much like many Americans and their duly-elected government still do – rather than perhaps wondering if it is in fact possible to have a system at least on the city level that can find a way to reduce crime without having to resort to summary executions.Out of sight, out of mind, and anybody who thinks otherwise can buzz right off. It’s truly an American exceptionalist way of thinking, and instead of finding a way to break their dependence on easiness Filipino society has instead resolved to up their dosage of this mentality, for better or worse.If there is a seed of hope left in the Pandora’s Box that opened the moment that Rajah Humabon sent Magellan over to Mactan to carry out what was basically a hired hit, it’s that people have started to realize that change must start within themselves, not just in the people they elect. They will need to break out of that guaranteed route to insanity: believing that doing the same thing, only more intensely, will give better results.That kind of change is what will make Independence Day a holiday worth celebrating.
2016-06-15 03:28:09+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Newly-sworn-in California Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco) just stepped out of the closet.He wants to become a member of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus.Formed in June 2002, the caucus’ role is to present a forum for the legislature to discuss issues that affect LGBT Californians and to further the goal of equality and justice for all. The formation of the caucus made California the first state in the nation to recognize an official caucus of openly-LGBT state legislators.Caucus members include Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco/San Mateo), and Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) . It is currently chaired by Assemblymember Richard Gordon (D-Menlo Park).The caucus recently welcomed it newest member, Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell).It remains unclear if the LGBT Caucus will revise its rules to allow membership for either a straight legislator, or a legislator who comes out at lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender AFTER being elected. Whichever is the case for Chiu.The Adobo Chronicles is closely monitoring this developing story.UPDATING: San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos commended Chiu for wanting to join the LGBT caucus. He said : “That’s awesome. Maybe he can join the African American, Women’s and Latino caucuses as well.” Maybe Chiu will.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
During an interview this week with Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, FOX news commentator Megyn Kelly declared she was an Independent, having voted for both Democrats and Republicans. During a phone interview with Glenn Beck, CNN anchor Don Lemon admitted he was a conservative.Today, both news cable networks said they have had it with their star news anchors. They’re making a swap: Kelly moves to CNN and Lemon moves to FOX News.In a joint statement, CNN and FOX said that they each wanted to be consistent with the politics and ideologies of their respective networks and that the swap is a move in the right direction.In her programs, Kelly is known to ask tough questions of Republicans and is not afraid to call them out if she thought they were out of line or out of their mind.Lemon, on the other hand, Lemon is famous for his ridiculous theories and antics about the news, including suggesting that the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was kidnapped by a higher power. Just last night, the openly-gay anchor opened his show by holding up the confederate flag and a sign that said “NIGGER,” in a failed attempt to try to stimulate discussion about news developments in South Carolina and the White House.So, the next time you turn on to your favorite cable news program, don’t panic if you see an unfamiliar face. You are still tuned to CNN or FOX.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Expat HAPPY to leave the Philippines after 13 miserable years of doling out $$ to Filipinos! 😱
After 13 long, miserable years here I am taking my money and getting out. The extra people, not related to me, that I supported will now have to fend for themselves. When I get back to the US I will be almost 66 years old but I will not be denied a car loan because I am too old.I will have 50 Mbps of internet service for half what I now pay for 10 Mbps. It will be at least a year or more before I hear the English language version of “no stock sir” because what I want WILL BE IN STOCK! I won’t have to download a picture of a common item to show to a hardware store clerk in order for them to know what I’m asking for.This is a GRP Featured Comment. --------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
16/12/2016 0:00
U.P. Students Stage Protest Rally Demanding Revocation Of Tuition-Free Status For The State University
It’s been a week of rallies at the main campus of the University of the Philippines, the country’s most notorious state-funded educational institution.First, students, faculty and alumni staged a protest against an earlier decision by the university’s Board of Regents to grant President Rodrigo Roa Duterte an honorary doctorate degree, Honoris Causa, during its forthcoming commencement exercises. The protest quickly fizzled out when Duterte himself rejected the honor, saying that the highest honor he could ever receive was his election to the presidency.Yesterday, several dozen protesters — mostly the same people who rallied against Duterte’s honorary degree — picketed the Oblation statue at the Diliman campus, demanding that Duterte and Congress revoke the tuition-free status of U.P.One of Duterte’s significant moves in his first six months in office was to institute free tuition at all state colleges and universities, not just U.P.“We want to be an independent educational institution, free from politics and government intervention,” the group’s manifesto stated. “We don’t want taxpayer money to support our activism and quest for a free and democratic Philippines,” it added.If approved, the revocation of the free-tuition status of U.P. will result in huge tax savings for the Duterte administration and will provide additional funds to establish more drug rehabilitation centers throughout the country.
['Pol Pinoy']
19/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The next Philippine presidential election will not happen until 2016 but already, incumbent Vice President Jejomar “Jojo” Binay has made clear his intention to run for the top position in this nation of almost 100 Million people.In fact, Binay has already finalized his campaign meme which he will officially launch in June this year. The meme? “Bring the government closer to the people, but away from the maddening crowd (read: Manila’s traffic nightmare).Pressed by The Adobo Chronicles to provide a concrete example on how he plans to pursue this campaign promise, Binay said that his first official act as president would be to transfer Malacañang, the official residence of the Philippine president, from its current location in Manila to Boracay Resort in Central Philippines.Boracay is a world-famous beach town considered one of the best, if not the best in the world. Few beaches can compare to Boracay’s immaculate white sand.Binay said Boracay makes the most sense as the center of government because it is in the center of the Philippines. He added that Boracay is traffic-free and would enable the president to move around efficiently without the need for “wang wang.” “Wang wang” is the term used by Filipinos to refer to sirens used by government officials in their limousines to help get through congested traffic.Binay also said that Boracay is the ideal place for the president to host foreign leaders and dignitaries because of its breath-taking views and world-class accommodations. The vice president is finalizing plans to build an international airport in Boracay to be named “The Binay Family International Airport.”Binay’s political dynasty includes son Junjun who is mayor of Makati City and daughters Nancy and Abigail, senator and congresswoman, respectively.
['Pol Pinoy']
04/03/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
U.K ANALYST TINAWAG NA HERO SI PRES. DUTERTE PAGSUGPO SA MAUTE!So what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
27/08/2017 0:00
News Media PH
Raïssa Robles To Sue Vice President Leni Robredo For Plagiarism
Remember when now Senate President Tito Sotto was accused, no less than by the Kennedy Estate, of plagiarism for copying a speech of Robert Kennedy?Well now, Vice President Leni Robredo is being sued for plagiarism by self-proclaimed investigative journalist Raïssa Robles.Robles, who authored a book titled ‘Marcos Martial Law: Never Again,’ calls Robredo a copycat and a plagiarist.Robredo, in a speech commemorating the imposition of Martial Law by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, mimicked Robles’ copyrighted phrase, “Never Again.””She didn’t even have the common courtesy to ask my permission to use the phrase in her speech” Robles told The Adobo Chronicles.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leni: We Should Have Preserved The Marcos Bust
Social media exploded with angry criticism of Vice President Leni Robredo when she said that the ruins of Marawi City should be preserved to remind the Filipino people of the heroism of the soldiers and the devastation brought about to the residents by the terrorist siege.In an exlusive interview with The Adobo Chronicles in Baguio City, Robredo seemed to be coherent and consistent with her ideas and comments.”And yes, we should have preserved the Marcos bust in Pugo, La Union, to remind the Filipinos and tourists about the late president’s Martial Law. A mere book by Raissa Robles does not do justice to this significant era in our history,” the VP said.The monument was a 30 m (98 ft) concrete bust of the late president erected along Marcos highway leading up to Baguio City. It was blown up in 2002 under suspicious circumstances.
['Pol Pinoy']
25/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Reports of LP’s P2M deal with Kian delos Santos’s parents explode!
Reports that the Liberal Party (LP) had offered two million pesos to Saldy and Lorenza delos Santos, parents of murdered teenager Kian, to join protest rallies against Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte are making the rounds! There are even reports that the plan was hatched in the Aquino residence at Times Square Street in New Manila. Some even say that part of the deal may have even involved postponing Kian’s burial so that his body (or parts of it) may be paraded around during these anti-Duterte rallies.Much of the information underlying these reports come from reputable sources. But, see, that is not the point. The more interesting point that can be gleaned from the discussions surrounding these revelations is how persistent they are. That’s because most people wouldn’t really put it past the LP and its broader community of Yellowtards to engage in such nefarious wheeling and dealing.The LP after all has quite the track record of using sneaky and underhanded methods to get its agenda across. Over the term of former President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III, there were many such covert operations that were exposed. The purported use of “small ladies” as mules for illegally-obtained evidence against the late former Chief Justice Renato Corona was the earliest example of this expertise. The Aquino government also conspired with a terrorist organisation, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, to carve up a “Bangsamoro nation” off Mindanao. While doing this, they dealt with a certain “Mohagher Iqbal” who at various times had the veracity of his name and citizenship questioned.Even in dealing with China, the Aquino government was not as transparent as one would have expected it to be with regard to such an important undertaking. Aquino lackey “senator” Antonio Trillanes back then was outed for engaging in back-channel talks with Chinese officials — an act seemingly endorsed by President BS Aquino himself that clearly undermined the official efforts of then Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario. Trillanes was even accused of then Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile of compromising the sovereignty of the Philippines as a result of his covert activities.Last but not least was the under-the-table deployment of Police Special Action Force (SAF) officers into areas controlled by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and within coverage of Philippine military firepower. The disastrous outcome of the botched operation in which then Interior Secretary Mar Roxas was left outside of the loop in favour of then police chief Alan Purisima (who at the time was suspended over corruption allegations) left 44 elite police personnel dead.In all of the above incidents, the common denominator that accounted for the scandalous nature of the circumstances was a lack of a sense of accountability in Aquino evident in the silence or delays in responding to public clamour that he consistently exhibited whenever the proverbial brown stuff hit the fan.In hindsight, it is easy to see how the tradition of duplicity and dishonesty of the LP is what lost them not just the 2016 elections but also the Cult of Yellow narrative that likely cost billions of pesos in PR and marketing to prop up for 30 years through television and radio advertising and even through re-writing of school textbooks. What is even more astounding, however, is how little they have learned from these failures. It is evident in how, even today, they and their Yellowtard minions continue to spend millions to buy favours and engineer PR spectacles.Small wonder why not many Filipinos are surprised by this latest report of big bucks being spent on crooked activism. Crookedness, quite simply, has become a recognised character trait of the Liberal Party of the Philippines.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-08-30 08:19:45+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WATCH:President Duterte slams media for believing garbages and asking nonsense questions
President Rodrigo Duterte during his visit in Quezon City Wednesday, criticized the mainstream media for being dishonest and asking non sense questions to him.“Kaya wag kayong masyadong mag[papaniwala]… ayang media media [wag kayong] maniwala dyan” President Duterte said during his speech.He also mentioned U.S President Donald Trump views on mainstream media for allegedly being ‘dishonest’ with their reports.Duterte gave an example how media almost destroyed his image during the presidential campaign period last year and singled out a big news company for believing in garbage that the President is hiding P211-M pesos in his bank account.He also believes that the media was being intended to destroy his image.“Parang talagang sinasadya, pati ngayon iniiba nila… tignan niyo nakikinig kayo.. gaganon yan[lilihis],” President Duterte said.The President also became frank to the Malacañang Press Corps who sometimes asking unimportant questions to him.“Biro mo galing akong Laos.. it was a long haul.. pagdating ko doon sa presscon.. ang tinanong sakin is stupid na media..na ikaw ba ay may ano na decision na hindi ka magmura..” Duterte said.He expressed his annoyance to the media who didn’t asked more important questions that related in his foreign trip.“T— i–..kabiyahe biyahe ko yun ang tatanungin mo sakin?.. di ka magtanong kung anong nangyari sa laos.. anong development,” President Duterte said in anger.Duterte also mentioned Francis “Kit” Tatad who spread rumors that he went to China for cancer threatment.“Tignan mo si Tatad mauna pang mamatay sakin..” President Duterte said in jest.In his anger of the rumors that Tatad spread, he admitted that he went to China to be circumcised again.
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2017-02-08 20:00:01+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Palit-Bise Rally Attendance Debate Finally Settled
It’s been two days since that Palit-Bise rally was held at Luneta by Duterte supporters, but the debate still rages on as to what the actual number was of total attendees. Was it 4,000, 50,000, 100,000?To settle the issue once and for all, The Adobo Chronicles has come up with this infographic to put in perspective the number of attendees at the April 2 Luneta rally compared with the EDSA commemoration held earlier this year.The blue represents the Luneta rally and the yellow, the EDSA commemoration.Editor’s Note: The yellow graphic already includes Jim Paredes, but the blue does not yet take into account Mocha Uson since the ANC TV reporter said that the MTRCB Board Member was not able to attend the Luneta event.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
A proposed bill banning the taking of selfies in public passed on first reading in the Philippine House of Representatives, and the residents of Makati City, recenty named the selfie capital of the world, are not happy.The proposed law is meant to discourage paparazzis and others from taking their own photos in parks and other public venues because it could possibly invade the privacy of others. The bill also aims to stop the spread of selfitis, the mental disorder associated with selfies, as declared just a few months ago by the American Psychiatric Association.Makati Mayor Junjun Binay, son of Vice President Jejomar Binay, annouced that the local government is organizing a million people’s march to protest the proposed law. “I call upon one milllion Makati residents to unite and take to the streets on September 1st to show our national lawmakers how we feel about this infringement of our freedom,” the young Binay said, not realizing that his city only has a population of 500,000.Binay encouraged every participant to bring their smart phones so that “at the appointed time during the march, we will all simultaneously take selfie photos. We are aiming at the Guinness World Record for the most number of selfies taken in a single venue.”Another feather in the cap for Makati City?
['Pol Pinoy']
29/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Poll: Which Presidential Candidates Should Play Lead Roles In The Senakulo?
It’s Holy Tuesday in the Roman Catholic calendar and preparations for the Senakulo (passion play) are at fever pitch.For the first time ever, presidential candidates in the upcoming Philippine elections will be playing major roles in the play. Famous actor Dingdong Dantes will play the role of Jesus, but the casting director needs help in determining which roles each of the candidates will play, so he is asking for the help of Filipino netizens.Who do you want to play the roles of Judas, Magdalena, Pontio Pilato, Magnanakaw?The play will be held at the Philippine Arena (which, ironically, is owned by Iglesia Ni Cristo) and will be telecast live on CNN Philippines starting at 12 noon on Good Friday.Please help by participating in the poll below: (you can vote for several candidaters at a time)
['Pol Pinoy']
21/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Donald Trump Calls For An End To All Beauty Pageants
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has run out of controversial campaign statements and has turned his attention to beauty pageants.The former owner of the Miss U.S.A. and Miss Universe pageants is now calling an end to all international beauty contests.Riding on the coattails of the recent Miss Universe fiasco in which pageant host Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner (Miss Colombia) only to correct himself later saying it was Miss Philippines who had won the title, Trump says beauty pageants are degrading to women.Trump’s comments came after an op-ed piece in salon.com argued that the great Miss Universe mixup offers an excellent moment to call for an end to beauty pageants. “Once upon a time, feminists openly condemned such contests, and with good reason. But then, somehow, it became unfashionable to object to parading young women around and assigning them numerical ratings like cattle at the marketplace,” the article said.Asked by The Adobo Chronicles if it wasn’t hypocritical of him to call for a total ban of beauty contests considering he himself owned pageants in the past, Trump said, ‘that was pure business. I am a businessman.’‘Don’t get me wrong. I love beautiful women, and beautuful women love me,’ he added.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Full Set CEU Video and Download Links Spreads On Social Media
A video featuring an alleged student of CEU is now making the rounds in social media. The said video had been on the internet for at least 2 months but only gained attention after it was passed around by certain people who found time because of the long holiday being observed in the country.Such is the power of long non-working holidays in the country; stale videos are made to resurface to find new fame. Sending the general populace of Philippine social media into a wild fit of sharing (via download links and clips).The video was posted and re-posted on different 'fun' pages on Facebook but was taken down shortly, thanks to efforts of concerned netizens and the immediate actions Facebook itself. However, it was not enough to prevent the video from spreading as more and more people became more intrigue by the said clip.People who have already watched the video commenting on every thread where screenshots are posted of how it was pinkish or very pink did not help to quell the fires of curiosity and instead inflamed it even more.In the video, which seems to be self-shot, a fair-skinned woman is shown doing things people would not normally do during the lenten season. Without preamble, (walang intro intro) the video starts to where busy people would normally skip to. After a few seconds, a rather comely face of a woman move into frame and gently smiles at the camera. And just like a vlog montage, it skipped into another angle, another time but same girl. This time though, she's wearing a school uniform believed to be that of Centro Escolar University's.Names had been put forward but none has been positively confirmed so far.Meanwhile, scammers saw the popularity of the said video as an opportunity to, well, scam people. Luring people eager to watch the elusive full set of CEU student videos to shady websites where the unsuspecting visitors are robbed off of their money and had their device or computer infected by malicious software.As we have been telling our readers over and over, tread carefully when searching for content like this on the internet for there will always be risk every step of the way. Risks including but not limited to, having your phone or computer infected by a virus as I mentioned above; having your significant other find out about what you look for on the internet; God forbid, having your parents find out what you watch on your phone; and/or ending up in the jail for violating the laws of the land which prohibits any person for spreading such content on the internet.Again, tread carefully when searching foron social media.
['Vic Patnugot']
12/11/2016 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
PhilStar And The Adobo Chronicles: A Recap
On October 30, 2017, Philippine Star published a column by Al Pedroche in its Pilipino edition in which he narrated a supposed conversation between U.S. President Donald Trump and an unnamed reporter from an unnamed news organization. Among other things, Trump reportedly called Philippine Senator Antonio Trillanes a ‘narco.’ (At some point after the publication, PhilStar pulled the column from its online site, but the printed edition, of course, remained intact.)On November 1, 2017, Philippine Star published another column, this time by Mary Ann LL Reyes, in which she also narrated the same unconfirmed conversation between Trump and the unnamed reporter.On October 31, 2017 — or a day after the PhilStar column came out — The Adobo Chronicles published a satirical article based on the column of Mr. Pedroche. In that satirical article, we referenced the unconfirmed report about Trump calling Trillanes a ‘narco.’ Then we added a fictional response by Trillanes, calling Trump a ‘Wacko.’published a satirical article based on the column of Mr. Pedroche. In that satirical article, we referenced the unconfirmed report about Trump calling Trillanes a ‘narco.’ Then we added a fictional response by Trillanes, calling Trump a ‘Wacko.’ On November 1, PhilStar published a news report by Kristine Patag regarding Trillanes’ assertion that the alleged conversation between Trump and the unnamed reporter as narrated in the PhilStar opinion column was ‘fake.’ The news reporter ‘researched’ the source of the ‘fake’ report online which, Patag said, led to Adobo Chronicles as the source.On November 2, Adobo Chronicles publisher sent an email to the editor of PhilStar. Here is the email and the subsequet response from PhilStar:Our focus at The Adobo Chronicles is writing and publishing satirical news and memes. We are not in the business of being the subject of news.And so while we are not convinced about the alibi stated by PhilStar in its response to our email, we content ourselves with the correction of the story and the expression of regret over the erroneous reference to The Adobo Chronicles in the original November 1 news report by Ms. Patag.There are other parties that may have been offended by PhilStar’s erroneous report and so we leave it up to them to take the necessary action that they see as appropriate.
['Pol Pinoy']
01/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH: Little Girl Cries For Her Dead Chicken
A little girl cries hard when she found the body her lifeless pet chicken lying on the ground. No amount of consolation can stop such grief, not even a bucket of chickenjoy. That is how devastating losing a pet is as a child.According to the mother of the child who posted the grieving video of her kid on social networking site Facebook, the chicken was just chilling outside their home when a very bad cat, like a ninja assassin suddenly emerging from the shadows, jumped out of nowhere and assaulted the bird with fangs and claws killing it right where it was standing.Mother and daughter went to rescue the bird and manage to shoo away the cat that was then trying to haul the chicken to some dark alley to probably feast on it. But it was too late for their poor pet. The bird is already breathing his final breath.The poor kid stayed with her pet on his final moments even cradling him one last time as she cries over the dead body of her pet chicken remembering their happy memories as pet and hooman.
['Vic Patnugot']
2016-08-03 09:47:38+08:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Spotted:Kids offer to guard PNP Chief “Bato” at Makati Square
Even kids who are used to be afraid of the police before is now loving the current PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa.The PNP Chief was spotted by the Netizens walking at the Makati Square with his little guards who voluntarily offered to guard him.Because of the popularity of PNP Chief Dela Rosa, many kids is now dreaming to become a police to fight criminals like him, the image of the PNP is also becoming clean again because of the hard-working leader of the police.“He is very humble and very confident that no one will harm him because everyone loves him” One of the fan of PNP Chief Bato said to our source.Despite of tremendous amount of death threat the he may received from the drug lords, he is not afraid to go in public places like Makati Square to have some me time.To also lessen the fear of the kids to the authorities, PNP created a puppet and mascot version of Bato
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2016-08-03 09:47:38+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
PNP Chief Bato to De Lima “Who is more handsome, me or secretary aguirre?”
PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa posted a photo on Saturday, wearing a wig and asked Senator Leila De Lima “Who is more handsome, me or Secretary Aguirre?”Netizens reacted on the post of the PNP Chief who successfully reduced the user, pusher and supply of illegal drugs in his first 100 days.“Senator delima, you may or may not answer this question: Who is more handsome me or secretary aguirre?” The PNP’s director general said on his Facebook post.They also lauds the PNP Chief for being cool and funny despite of criticisms that he received from the supporters of Leila De Lima.People are also contented to what the PNP’s director general did during his first 100 days.Last month, Senator Leila De Lima slammed the Justice Secretary, comparing the evidence that the Department of Justice presented against De Lima to Agurre’s wig.But the Justice Secretary responded to De Lima’s tirade “I might be losing my hair, but you might losing your mind”
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2016-10-13 17:23:36+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista