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Leni Robredo peddles fake "international opinion" about Duterte government
The fake vice-president is spreading fake information about fake “7,000” summary killings supposedly committed by police, at a fake “UN” plenary. Leni Robredo’s “” video is not being endorsed by the UN. It is only being aired at a side session organized by an NGO called DRCNet Foundation during the UN conference on narcotics. You wouldn’t know that though, from the way the mainstream media is reporting this as if the UN itself is endorsing Robredo’s harebrained video.The Liberal Party and their accomplices in the mainstream media like to namedrop ICC, EU, and UN to create the illusion that they’re supported by these international organizations. They do this so they can convince people in government, military, and business to turn against the President.For example, the UNwho keeps tweeting about the drug war, Agnes Callamard, is portrayed in Philippine media as a high-ranking UN official. But UNdon’t speak in behalf of the UN. They’re not even salaried employees of the UN. They’re like “partners” of the UN, to use a pet term of Leni Robredo. They’re only consultants.Another example, look at this latest headline from GMA news: “ European Parliament calls for De Lima’s release ”.It sounds like the EU itself is demanding that De Lima should be freed. But if you read the details of the article, it actually involves only a few members of the EU parliament, and their resolution has not even gone through first reading. It was only “submitted for discussion”. Yet GMA news reported this as if the EU itself already demanded that De Lima should be released.(In case you’re wondering why some EU parliamentarians are siding with the yellows, there’s a global network of liberal elites who like to control everything in the world. For years, the yellows were their foot soldiers in the Philippines, and they got everything they wanted. Military access, mining concessions, etc. Duterte changed all that. These global elites have also been losing badly in other parts of the world in recent months, so they’re starting to panic. Anyway, that’s another story.)It’s all smoke and mirrors. Robredo the “vice-president” releases “UN” video, then “EU parliament” calls for “senator” De Lima release, and then now Trillanes’s stooge files an “impeachment complaint” against Duterte in Congress. Conveniently timed, and just a day after 50+ congressmen who voted against the death penalty were removed from their committee chairmanships. Expect “Impeachment raps filed against Duterte” and “Philippine vice-president calls for Duterte resignation” to be the next international headlines. Even if the yellows know impeaching Duterte won’t work, this is all for show, for international media mileage. Trollanes needs to earn his monthly retainer, so he needs to keep producing stunts for the media to write about.But Robredo’s video is her big mistake. It may be used to start building a case against her for incitement to sedition. Robredo was unmistakably calling for international intervention in her video. It just didn’t have that kind of impact, because she is so useless she couldn’t deliver her lines properly. She was actually smiling while talking about mass murders and summary killings, and she was struggling to pronounce very basic English words (i.e. palit ulo “skim” daw, like skim milk, instead of scheme). This woman makes Sarah Palin look like a genius.President Duterte, time to play hardball. This isn’t about protecting your reputation, which we know you don’t care about. This is about protecting the reputation of the country. Start by purging the DFA and PCOO. The yellows are getting away with their international shenanigans because these two government agencies are sleeping on the job (or are they infested by LP residuals?). We, the Filipino people, give you a free hand to do whatever is necessary to eliminate Robredo, Trillanes, and De Lima. Please go ahead and crush them. You’ll be doing us all a big favor.-------------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
31/01/2017 0:00
#KungAkoSiRody: Duterte and the Political Game of Thrones
(In the #KungAkoSiRody article series, ThinkingPinoy attempts to “play the political Game of Thrones” by pretending to be President Rodrigo Duterte.)1: Stop whining. I indeed am the Presumptive President-elect.2: I am shrewd. Extremely, undeniably, shrewd.You idiots! This is NOT Davao City.Hindi ako si Naruto para ipaliwanag sa inyo ang bawat galaw ko.3: I am not beyond blackmail.To be continued in " #KungAkoSiRody: Duterte and Cabinet Choices ".This will be fun! *wink*It’s Monday, 23 May 2016, and I am presumptive President-elect Rodrigo “Roa” Duterte. A lot of people, especially my staunchest critics, are having a field day right now. But what these idiots still deny is the fact that I have always been at least one step ahead.But first, let me clarify one thing to my over-eager supporters: I really am the Presumptive President-Elect, so please stop whining and focus on more important issues. Yes, “presumptive” sounds a lot like “presumptuous”. However, that string of words is the correct and most accurate term to describe my situation.“Presumptive” means I am presumed to be the president-elect, which is correct because I am not even the president-elect yet. The PPCRV quick count is unofficial, and I officially become the president-elect only after congressional canvassing is over. People use the word “presumptive” because they also presume that the congressional canvassing will reflect PPCRV quick count results.“President-elect” is also correct because even after Congress declares my victory in late May or early June, PNoy will stay in Malacañan until June 30th. That is, from the congressional declaration up to my June 30 oath-taking, I am not the president: I am just the president elect.In short, “Presumptive president-elect Rodrigo Duterte” means “we assume Duterte to be the next president based on unofficial PPCRV results showing Duterte will be the person that Congress will declare the president-elect.”So don’t get your panties in a bunch. Sorry, Republicans, Obama is right this time [ JT ].You call me a mayor of “a remote, dusty city”[ ST ], as if Mad Max was shot in Davao. However, this is the same mayor who, despite having no political machinery and a shoestring campaign budget, managed to rise from the bottom of the pit [ Inq ], blindside all of my rivals [ Huff ], and win by landslide [ Inq ] on May 9th. Don’t you even see that party PDP-Laban is Senator Pimentel and virtually no one else?Even if you accuse me of economic idiocy [ CNBC ], I think that at this point, you should already take my political genius into account when interpreting my every move. The sooner you recognize this fact, the better for my political opponents who may have you on their payrolls.So listen and learn.Since May 10th, you wanted me to explain my every move. I usually tell you the “what”, but I seldom explain the “why” and the “how”.Why would I do that? Kids, I am not an idiot. This is not a manga series.Luckily for you, however, ThinkingPinoy was there to blow my cover. To my dismay, that imbecilic blabbermouth explained why I chose Villar for the DPWH post [ TP ]. After a million hits on that article, a bajillion Filipinos are suddenly awed by my ability to play the political Game of Thrones.But did you seriously think that that’s it?You already understand why I chose Villar, but just because you don’t understand my other cabinet choices doesn’t mean I am wrong: I just happen to be smarter than you. Nothing more, nothing less.I have been an extremely successful politician for over two decades. Past presidents, including this one right now, have offered me national-level positions. I declined their offers time and time again, because I do not like fighting wars that I can never win, because I know how to play the game.Kids, I was not born yesterday: I am 71 years old, so how in the world can you expect to read my mind when I surpass your wisdom by decades? Everybody thinks I am not a TraPo [ Inq ], so why are pundits like you evaluating my decisions as if I am a TraPo? Do yourself a favor by not insulting your education.Yes, I have managed to avoid “Plan B” through Villar’s appointment, but what gave you the idea that I am stopping at just that?Via the Villar appointment, I now know that the worst-case scenario in the near future is a congressional stalemate. Now that I have overcome the biggest obstacle (impeachment), it’s time to deal with the smaller ones. That is, traditional politicians who will attack me as soon as I start my crusade against corruption.Haven't you watched my durian store interview a couple of days back? That should’ve already given you a clue. To refresh your memory, I said“Kayo, you ask so many favors, even from me! I can show you the letters! Gusto niyong i-public ko ito? (You want me to show these letter to the public?)”Here, you can see that I pretty much blackmailed the Catholic Church to force them to respect the Separation of Church and State. After doing that to the Roman Catholic Church itself, what made you think that I won’t do that to anybody else?I have graciously received every turncoat politician who visits Matina Enclaves, not because I like them, but because interacting with them increases my political arsenal and provides me with more chess pieces, making it easier for me deal with them if and when they turn their backs on me.The more TraPos visit Matina Enclaves, the fatter my blackmail war chest becomes. If one of those TraPos threaten me a year or so from now, I can simply remind them of what they told me last week. That should shut them up for good.And no, I have not forgotten Quiboloy. He’s my friend, but I need to distance myself from him right now. How can I speak against the Catholic Church when I appear to coddle another denomination? Come on.Now, let me tell you how that relates to the elephant in the room: my cabinet choices.Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
31/01/2017 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
#Filipino #basketball shows promise as long as lessons are learned from experience in int'l meets
Agreed on all your points but you need to cut our basketball team some slack. I don't know if you did some background check but our basketball affairs have been wrought with terrible leadership and corruption beginning as far back in the 70′s and grew at its peak around the 90′s. When the country placed 15th out of 16 teams in the 2003 Asian Championships, that was when the Philippine olympic committee decided it was no longer going to tolerate the mismanagement of the Basketball Association of the Philippines (BAP).The formation of the Samahang Basketball ng Pilipinas (SBP) in 2007 was pretty much the rebirth of Filipino basketball in international competitions. We went from 9th place to 2nd place in the Asian championships and eventually succeeded in 1 of 2 goals that is to participate in the World Cup (I hope we can qualifiy in the Olympics). The point I'm trying to make is that our basketball team can be competitive if we continue our NT programs with some improvements in leadership, coaching, and system. From the looks of it, we are gradually doing so every year. We need our team to compete in these world tournaments in order to improve. Experience will do you wonders and this why Iran is the best Asian team right now because they keep competing amd their players have absolute commitment to their flag.I am positive that we can come back in the world stage and play better basketball. If there's one thing this world cup has shown, it is that we can compete globally if we are, as you said, willing to do things differently.-------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/09/continued-loss-suffered-by-gilas-pilipinas-in-the-2014-fiba-wold-cup-mirrors-philippine-history/comment-page-1/#comment-681690
31/01/2017 0:00
Davao-based American writes open letter to netizens, priests who celebrated in the middle of the flood & fire tragedies that struck Davao City
An expat living in the Philippines, slammed the netizens and a priest who celebrated the misfortunes happened in Davao City.Jonathan A. Watson, a writer working in Davao City, expressed his anger towards the people that spreading ‘toxic comments’ on the twin tragedies happened in the said city by writing an open letter addressed to them.Amid the mourning of the whole Davao City on the death of their fellow Dabawenyos, Watson read several comments from the netizens who hated President Rodrigo Duterte, celebrating and laughing over the victims of NCCC Mall tragedy.The expat said that he don’t know the victims personally, but he cried after reading the statements from the relatives of the call center agents who got trapped inside the burning building.In his open letter, he said that while the President was waiting patiently together with the families of the NCCC fire victims, the anti-Duterte’s were only sitting behind their computers while ridiculing and celebrating the tragedy happened in Davao City.Watson’s post became more interesting after he mentioned a Davao-based priest who made a laugh emoticon over an article about the NCCC Fire.He didn’t named the priest, but he hinted that the priest taught at Ateneo, but originally living in Manila.This is his whole open letter:Dear people outside of Davao, I understand some of you hate Duterte. If that’s your opinion, okay, that’s fine. But all of us are mourning right now over the flood and fire, and we do not appreciate you laughing at him for crying over the victims. Just because you perceive someone to be a bad politician, doesn’t mean that he/she doesn’t have a sense of human empathy. All of us Dabaweynos mourn in solidarity. Could they be fake tears like you say? Sure, let’s call your perception a possibility, but do you really think it’s the time to do that? I’m not a Leni fan, but I wouldn’t even do that to her. I don’t even know these victims and I cried reading after the statements of their loved ones. I found out all about it after working from midnight to six this morning helping pack relief goods for the flood evacuees. When I woke up, I was sore, not just from working my arse off to at least help do something, but sore inside from all the toxic comments. While some of us are doing something about the problems that hit our city- even Duterte, who didn’t have to be there- you sit behind your computers and laugh. I know for some of you it’s just concerning him, and not the victims, but we’ve also gotten people laughing at anything tragic that happens to us merely out of hate for a leader out from our land. If you can’t pack goods, put out fires, console evacuees and victim’s families, then I advise you to shut up. It’s Christmas and we don’t need anymore of your negativity. I was also appalled to see a certain individual make a laugh emoticon over the article- someone who taught at Ateneo here but is originally from Manila. He’s a priest. For the sake of mercy, the greatest Christmas gift given to us by our Lord, I won’t reveal names. But you know who you are. I’ve no problem with you disliking the President, but if you’re going to be a priest, act like it. Please. That being said, to all of those making fun of the President, the situation, or both, I don’t hate you. I believe you can turn around and stop. And I hope you all have a lovely Christmas. But please, for our sake here, stop with the negativity. God bless, and Merry Christmas.The post of Watson received thousands of reactions and shares from the netizens who were also shocked and disturbed on how the anti-Dutertes reacted on the tragedies happened in Davao City.“Wow!i can fully understand some trolls for hating the president but a priest?!!can’t believe a priest can do such thing!!what happen to catholic priest in the philippines??instead of uniting the people, they are a source of hate and division in our country..unbelievable” Netizen Ivy Garcia said.“Some people forget that if a tragedy happens to another city, Davao is always there to help!We will rise again!” Rizza Pioquinto-Sabid remarked“Hindi ko inilahat but sana nman mga taga manila respetuhin nyo kaming mga taga mindanao wag niyo kaming ilolookdown na parang hindi niyo kami kalahi iba-iba language natin pero pareho tayong mga pilipino. Respect us tulad ng pag respeto namin sainyu pag dumayo kayo dito sa mindanao. Porket taga mindanao presidente natin gaganyanin na ninyu? Why? Duterte is a filipino too hindi porket ang manila ang capital city ng pilipinas dapat taga diyan rin nakatira ang magiging presidente. I’m not saying this sa lahat ng taga manila this is for those who disrespect us for being a “taga mindanao.” Donica Dela Torre Rivas wrote.The year-end celebration of Davao City was cancelled by two tragedies, first is the typhoon Vinta that ravaged Mindanao and second is the NCCC mall fire which killed 37 people.On Tuesday President Rodrigo Duterte promised to get the truth about a blaze in his home city.“I assured them… that the truth will — let the truth come out,” Duterte said. “That is what they are asking for. Just the truth of what happened.”
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2017-12-26 23:13:49+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
The New Adobo Chronicles : Separating Fact From Fiction
This is no April Fools’ joke. Effective immediately, The Adobo Chronicles will have a new look!As it reaches its third anniversary, attracting close to 22 Million viewers worldwide, the Chronicles, known for its up-to-date news stories based — mostly — on facts, will now let its followers and readers discern which part of its posts is fact and which is fiction.All statements and paragraphs that are based on fact — historical and current events — will be written in italics. The rest will remain in regular font, to represent fiction.The publishers hope that with this new format, viewers will continue to enjoy and be entertained by our stories, while enabling netizens to weigh in and debate on current events happening around the globe.Here’s to many more years of Adobo!P.S. We forgot to type this entire story in italics. We apologize for our error.Another P.S. The Adobo Chronicles is a registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office | Registration # 4711386. And THAT is a fact!
['Pol Pinoy']
30/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Crooked traditional #Filipino politicians are products of the #Philippines' culture of mendicancy
In the case of Mary Jane Veloso, nobody should take credit in the first place. You do what you got to do. If it's your job, you do it because it's your job. If you care, you do it because you care. That's just that. Bakit kailangan magbuhat ng sariling bangko? Will it prove MJ Veloso's innocence and free her from death row or jail?People who are dependent on their government, sorry, but they won't go anywhere. They are simply puppets, same as with the people who are crazy with what the media is showing them. My mom has this to say about Pinoys in general who has nothing but grievances, "Hetong mga taong 'to wala ng ginawa kundi sisihin ang gobyerno. Kagagawan ba ng gobyerno lahat ng misfortunes nila? Why won't they work hard to get out from their poor state? The government has no control with what they want to do with their life." Her point being there a lot of ways to improve one's life or family and the government is not the major contributor for that. She herself is planting food and raising poultry and livestock so she doesn't have to be dependent on anyone and instead will be useful to others, and her plants and fruit-bearing trees help with cleaning the air and beautifying the environment and everyday she wakes up early and make herself busy.Most Pinoys are just too lazy to save themselves from the rot they are in or put themselves in. The more unproductive and unthinking people we have, the more the Trapos and Philippine media will play them for a puppet. People who see their worth won't allow themselves to be exploited and will make those who wanted to exploit them pay. But then again the Phil media and our government already have a collection of people to keep their hold on power, to keep the rotten system they control going. Unless poverty is addressed in a right way, it would continue to breed poverty the reason for more children in a poor family, more people not getting good education, more parents working as helper abroad, more people relying on government dole-outs, more people escaping their poor situation with the offers of entertainment by Philippine media, more burden by tax from the better earning Filipinos, and more selfish leaders and oligarchs taking advantage of them all. And the cycle goes on.Walang delikadeza ang oligarkiya at mga Trapo is a known fact. Each individual should help themselves and rising from poverty and lack of education, they could collectively put those awful leaders in their right places. Dependency on the government and selfish affluent people is what's hurting the people more.-------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/05/a-culture-of-exploitation/comment-page-1/#comment-1153541
05/03/2017 0:00
Future of the #Philippines is in #DeepShit thanks to politics
A little boy goes to his Dad and asks, "What is politics?"Dad says, "Well, son, let me try to explain it this way:I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me Capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the People. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense.So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has soiled his diaper, so the little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now."The father says, "Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about."The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored, and the Future is in Deep Sh1t."Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/03/senator-sergio-osmena-is-right-pnoy-is-an-awful-manager-but-we-all-already-knew-that/comment-page-1/#comment-228172
13/01/2018 0:00
Toni Fowler dancing Horn Challenge breaks the internet
Toni Fowler is out again to try and break the internet like she did a few weeks ago when she did the Trumpets and Wiggle Wiggle challenge. Now she's doing Horn dance challenge it's making everybody so horn.. err, happy.Last month she did another dance craze challenge called Controlla it also made a dent on the Filipino interneting space. So.. Yeah. As much as I want to be articulate in this blog post, well, I can't. Watching the newest video of Toni Fowler had somehow affected my once concentrated zen-like focus. Here's a screenshot first:And now, make your rolls of tissues ready because the dance form shown in this video will surely move you to happy tears. Here'sto make your day right.
['Vic Patnugot']
2017-05-26 21:11:25+00:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Just call me Rody
President Ordinary! A funny thing happened Monday night when I made a presentation before the Cabinet on the planned preparation for the expected onslaught of La Niña, the climatic phenomenon which brings unusually heavy rains.Following protocol, I started my presentation with the usual courtesies for President Rody Duterte and the members of the Cabinet.“You Excellency, members of the Cabinet …,” I said as I began to explain why, in the face of the unpredictability of climate, the country must strive to attain not only rice self-sufficiency but establish a 6-month buffer stock.Halfway through my presentation and as I kept repeating “Your Excellency” to address President Duterte, I noticed that he pulled a piece of paper and a ballpen from Finance Secretary Sonny Dominguez.Sec. Dominguez sits between me and the President.After scribbling something on the piece of paper, President Duterte pushed it to Sec. Dominguez who passed it on to me.Pausing from my presentation to read the Presidential note, I saw the message:“Stop addressing me Your Excellency. Just call me Rody,” the note from the President said.I chuckled and told him: “Sorry, Mr. President.”While he simply wanted me and the other members of the Cabinet to call him “Rody,” protocol dictates that we address him using his title “Mr. President.”This is how simple this President is.This is the President who told airport authorities not to suspend commercial flights whenever he uses the airport.This is the President who has instructed his Cabinet members to travel economy class and to use ordinary vehicles without the No. 6 plate reserved for Department Secretaries.He leads by example in living a simple lifestyle.President Duterte is President Ordinary.Actually, by being very ordinary he has in fact become President Extra-Ordinary. BY MANNY PIÑOLAny words about this story? Leave your comments below!
2016-07-14 21:33:40+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Trillanes Press Corps refutes Trump’s “narco” comment?
Ooohhh, did Trillanes himself tacitly admit that we should doubt mainstream media?TRILLANES, YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT.You know, I was hoping that Trillanes statement includes his now-infamous "Anyway, here’s my reply. Part of Trillanes's statement said, “a significant remark like that would've been captured by mainstream media and not released through bloggers, fake news websites and tabloid columns.”You know, I was hoping that Trillanes statement includes his now-infamous " Gentlepersons ."Anyway, here’s my reply.That “tabloid” Pilipino Star Ngayon At 12:00 AM of 30 October 2017, veteran columnist Al G. Pedroche, through his Pilipino Star Ngayon column “Aksyon Ngayon”, published “’Little Narco’ met with Sen. Marco – Trump”, part of which reads:“Habang pasakay sa Air Force I na siyang ginamit ng Pangulo ng Amerika, tinanong daw ng isang reporter si Trump tungkol sa pagbisita ni Trillanes at ang eksaktong sagot daw ni Trump ay: ‘The Litte Narco met with Sen. Marco.’” Pedroche’s column was published both in print and online and I have read that column, as I read most major newspapers every morning to prepare for “Karambola sa DWIZ 882 AM”, where I am a co-producer and regular co-host. A snapshot of the print version is shown below: At 12:00 AM of 30 October 2017, veteran columnist Al G. Pedroche, through his Pilipino Star Ngayon column “Aksyon Ngayon”, published “’Little Narco’ met with Sen. Marco – Trump”, part of which reads:Pedroche’s column was published both in print and online and I have read that column, as I read most major newspapers every morning to prepare for “Karambola sa DWIZ 882 AM”, where I am a co-producer and regular co-host. A snapshot of the print version is shown below:A snapshot of Pedroche's Pilipino Star column published on 30 October 2017. A screenshot of the online version is also shown below: A screenshot of the online version is also shown below:A snapshot of Pedroche's Pilipino Star column (online version) published on 30 October 2017.What is Pilipino Star Ngayon?Originally known as Ang Pilipino Ngayon, Betty Go-Belmonte thought of coming up with a tabloid that would cater to society segments that aren’t being targeted by national dailies [In 2013 and 2014, Pilipino Star NGAYON was awarded "Newspaper of the Year" by Gawad Tanglaw (Gawad Tagapuring mga Akademisyan ng Aninong Gumagalaw), an award-giving body in the Philippines composed of critics, scholars, historians, and professors from different colleges and universities [The 2014 Gawad Tanglaw award was received by no less than PSN editor-in-chief Al Pedroche, the same person who wrote that “Little Narco” column piece. Pilipino Star Ngayon (PSN) is the leading tabloid newspaper of daily nationwide circulation in the Philippines. It is published in Filipino, and it’s owned and operated by PhilStar Daily, Inc., which also owns and operates the major broadsheet Philippine Star. According to the Philippine Star , PSN is “a wholesome tabloid in Filipino that came to be noted for its commitment to responsible journalism for the mass-based readership”. The paper goes by the slogan "Diyaryong Intelihente ng Masang Intelihente!".Originally known as Ang Pilipino Ngayon, Betty Go-Belmonte thought of coming up with a tabloid that would cater to society segments that aren’t being targeted by national dailies [ Philstar ].In 2013 and 2014, Pilipino Star NGAYON was awarded "Newspaper of the Year" by Gawad Tanglaw (Gawad Tagapuring mga Akademisyan ng Aninong Gumagalaw), an award-giving body in the Philippines composed of critics, scholars, historians, and professors from different colleges and universities [ Star ].The 2014 Gawad Tanglaw award was received by no less than PSN editor-in-chief Al Pedroche, the same person who wrote that “Little Narco” column piece.PSN editor-in-chief Al Pedroche and provincial editor Mario Basco receive the trophy, medal, and citation from Gawad Tanglaw President Norman Llaguno at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran in March 2014.Jarius Bondoc, the guy who broke the Roxas Campaign Planes story.Tony Calvento of “The Calvento Files”Noli de Castro, former vice presidentBen Tulfo, you know himKorina Sanchez, you know herAtty. Jose C. Sison of “Kapag Nasa Katwiran, Ipaglaban Mo!”Dr. Loi Estrada, former senator and former first lady By calling PSN a mere tabloid, is Trillanes questioning the credibility of these columnists?More specifically, is Trillanes questioning the credibility of his own ally, Korina Sanchez-Roxas?Hilarious.ThinkingPinoy posts At 1:55 PM of 31 October 2017 and in reaction to Pedroche’s column, I published a photo on ThinkingPinoy that originally included the following caption:“TRUMP CALLS TRILLANES A DRUG LORDUS President Donald J. Trump reportedly called Senator Antonio ‘Sonny’ Trillanes IV a ‘Narco’, a colloquial word for a ‘drug baron’ or ‘drug lord’. DOES TRUMP'S GOVERNMENT KNOW SOMETHING?” Initially, my original post didn’t explicitly cite Pedroche’s column as I felt it’s unnecessary, with Pilipino Star Ngayon being a newspaper of national circulation. Here are some of the names of current and former columnists for Pilipino Star Ngayon:At 1:55 PM of 31 October 2017 and in reaction to Pedroche’s column, I published a photo on ThinkingPinoy that originally included the following caption:Initially, my original post didn’t explicitly cite Pedroche’s column as I felt it’s unnecessary, with Pilipino Star Ngayon being a newspaper of national circulation.PSN, however, did not issue a retraction or even an erratum, so it’s safe to conclude that PSN stands by what PSN editor-in-chief Pedroche wrote. Moreover, the mere deletion of its online version does not in any way affect the fact that PSN has published the column on paper.If a news site deletes an article without an accompanying erratum, does that mean it also retracts that article?No. It doesn’t.For one, I highly doubt that PSN has recalled or will recall all the newspapers it printed on October 30th. Hence, Pedroche’s claim still stands.I checked for cached copies of Pedroche’s column, and I archived it. To read the archived cached copy of Pedroche’s column,Trillanes reacts At 4:37 PM of 01 November 2017, Sen. Antonio TrillanesThe graphic has an accompanying caption that reads:"That's fake news. They can't even cite the news outfit that conducted the interview. In the first place, those senior US government officials would not meet with me if I had dubious credentials. It goes to show that this RJ Nieto a.k.a Thinking Pinoy is not thinking after all. Moreover, a significant remark like that would've been captured by mainstream media and not released through bloggers, fake news websites and tabloid columns. Let us be more discerning about these things." Let’s break it down.In light of the previous sections, Trillanes basically said three things:Pilipino Star Ngayon publishes fake news because it “can’t even cite the news outfit that conducted the interview”. Senior US government officials would not meet with Trillanes if he had dubious credentials. A significant remark would’ve been captured by mainstream media and not through bloggers, fake news websites, and tabloid columns.First, Pilipino Star Ngayon as “Fake News” One thing is clear at this point:Now, I’m curious as to how PhilStar Daily Inc. will defend Pilipino Star Ngayon’s Al Pedroche.After all, a newspaper that has been given Gawad Tanglaw awards for “Newspaper of the Year” for two consecutive years (2013 and 2014) cannot be considered “fake news”, as that would imply that there’s something anomalous about Gawad Tanglaw.Surely, the “Moreover, it’s hypocritical for Trillanes to demand such standards when he himself is guilty of forwarding dubious claims in the very recent past.Take, for example, the “BPI Julia Vargas” issue , where he claimed that then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte amassed over a billion pesos in ill-gotten wealth. Asked for his source, he executed an affidavit stating that he got the information from a certain “Joseph de Mesa” who, in turn, got it from an unnamed AMLC official [Mister Trillanes, should I have cited Joseph de Mesa too? Tigilan mo nga ako.Second, Trillanes’ credibility “Joseph de Mesa”. Enough said.Partida, hindi ko pa diyan sinama si Matobato.Third, “captured by mainstream” Is Pilipino Star Ngayon, a “ Best Filipino Newspaper ” awardee, not good enough for you?ThinkingPinoy did not break that news: it was Pilipino Star Ngayon. Hence, the question should be whether Pilipino Star ngayon is part of “mainstream media”. Some readers, however, requested for my source, so I tried to retrieve Pedroche’s column and voila! I discovered that the PSN took it down.PSN, however, did not issue a retraction or even an erratum, so it’s safe to conclude that PSN stands by what PSN editor-in-chief Pedroche wrote. Moreover, the mere deletion of its online version does not in any way affect the fact that PSN has published the column on paper.For one, I highly doubt that PSN has recalled or will recall all the newspapers it printed on October 30th. Hence, Pedroche’s claim still stands.I checked for cached copies of Pedroche’s column, and I archived it. To read the archived cached copy of Pedroche’s column, click here At 4:37 PM of 01 November 2017, Sen. Antonio Trillanes published the graphic shown below:The graphic has an accompanying caption that reads:Let’s break it down.In light of the previous sections, Trillanes basically said three things:One thing is clear at this point: ThinkingPinoy published the “narco” comment based on Pedroche’s PSN column.Now, I’m curious as to how PhilStar Daily Inc. will defend Pilipino Star Ngayon’s Al Pedroche.After all, a newspaper that has been given Gawad Tanglaw awards for “Newspaper of the Year” for two consecutive years (2013 and 2014) cannot be considered “fake news”, as that would imply that there’s something anomalous about Gawad Tanglaw.Surely, the “ critics, scholars, and academicians ” behind Gawad Tanglaw will beg to disagree.Moreover, it’s hypocritical for Trillanes to demand such standards when he himself is guilty of forwarding dubious claims in the very recent past.Take, for example, the “BPI Julia Vargas” issue , where he claimed that then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte amassed over a billion pesos in ill-gotten wealth. Asked for his source, he executed an affidavit stating that he got the information from a certain “Joseph de Mesa” who, in turn, got it from an unnamed AMLC official [ TP: BangkoSerye ].“Joseph de Mesa”. Enough said.ThinkingPinoy did not break that news: it was Pilipino Star Ngayon. Hence, the question should be whether Pilipino Star ngayon is part of “mainstream media”.While there is no strict definition of what belongs to mainstream media or not, it must be recalled that Pilipino Star Ngayon’s Ely Saludar was made president of the Malacañang Press Corps, replacing Tony Velasquez of ABS-CBN [ Star ].If that’s not mainstream enough for Trillanes, I do not know what else is.And surely, the tabloid reporters belonging to the Malacañang Press Corps will refute Trillanes’ claim that tabloids publish fake news.But wait, there's more!Today, broadsheet columnist Mary Ann Reyes of the Philippine Star, on“While onboard Air Force One, Trump was reportedly asked by a reporter about Trillanes’ visit to the US and this is what the President said: ‘The little narco met with Senator Marco (referring to US Senator Marco Rubio).’” So now, Mister Trillanes, is the broadsheet Philippine Star still not mainstream enough for you? But wait, there's more!Today, broadsheet columnist Mary Ann Reyes of the Philippine Star, on her 01 November 2017 column , wrote:So now, Mister Trillanes, is the broadsheet Philippine Star still not mainstream enough for you?Wow! Ang taas ng standards ni Kuya. Wish ko lang e inapply niya ‘yang standards na ‘yan sa sarili niya.But the story doesn’t end here because I noticed something really fishy.Sneaky! Sneaky! This afternoon, [Both articles contain the following basic talking points and basically in the same order:A reference to Mary Ann Reyes’ 01 November Philippine Star column. Quotes from Trillanes’ denial stament. References to 31 October 2017 Adobo Chronicles’ satirical article about the same issue. References to 31 October 2017 ThinkingPinoy’s “Narco” post. Interestingly, both articles DID NOT mention Pedroche’s 30 October 2017 PSN column, which pre-dated the Adobo Chronicles article.Now, the two reporters could have argued that they didn’t get to read Pedroche’s PSN piece because it was deleted.The two reporters’ apparent omission of the Pilipino Star Ngayon column could have been an honest mistake. After all, Hanlon’s Razor [“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” But surely, neither of the reporters will admit to being stupid, so malice, though not yet a certitude at this point, could have been present. But the story doesn’t end here because I noticed something really fishy.This afternoon, [ GMA News ] and the [ Philippine Star ] published news articles about Trillanes’ statement-slash-denial, and I saw a very interesting pattern.Both articles contain the following basic talking points and basically in the same order:Interestingly, both articles DID NOT mention Pedroche’s 30 October 2017 PSN column, which pre-dated the Adobo Chronicles article.Now, the two reporters could have argued that they didn’t get to read Pedroche’s PSN piece because it was deleted.The two reporters’ apparent omission of the Pilipino Star Ngayon column could have been an honest mistake. After all, Hanlon’s Razor [ University of California ] states:But surely, neither of the reporters will admit to being stupid, so malice, though not yet a certitude at this point, could have been present.On 31 October 2017, or a day before the two articles were published, veteran journalist Jojo Robles of the [“According to the columnist, Trump told the reporter during a chat aboard Air Force One that, indeed, ‘the little narco met with Senator Marco.’” That is, the two reporters seemingly ignored not only the original PSN piece, but also another column piece from another mainstream publication.Did the two reporters commit the same “honest mistake” twice? But wait, there's more!On 31 October 2017, or a day before the two articles were published, veteran journalist Jojo Robles of the [ Manila Standard ], another mainstream broadsheet, talked about Pedroche’s piece when he wrote:That is, the two reporters seemingly ignored not only the original PSN piece, but also another column piece from another mainstream publication.Did the two reporters commit the same “honest mistake” twice?I don’t know, but any self-respecting beat reporter should read all the major stories in the major dailies before she goes to work.As far as I can see, they either acted with malice, or they’re simply incompetent and lazy.But who would admit to being incompetent and lazy?A Possible Damage Control Plan To help get a better grasp of what’s going on, let me summarize the basic chain of events:October 30th: Pilipino Star Ngayon publishes article claiming Trump called Trillanes a “narco”. October 31st : ThinkingPinoy, using PSN as a source, reported that Trump allegedly called Trillanes a "narco”. October 31st: Manila Standard cites the Pilipino Star column piece. October 31st: Adobo Chronicles satirizes the “narco” story. November 1st: Broadsheet Philippine Star picks up the “narco” story. Now, the two news articles did not mention steps 1 and 3, so that their timeline will only include Steps 2, 4, and 5.In short, a possible public relations damage control plan for the Trillanes camp could be inspired by what happened to Manila Times columnist Yen Makabenta last month, where the latterTrillanes' potential strategy can be described using the following steps:First , find a way to get the Pedroche’s PSN column deleted, making it appear that the column piece never existed., find a way to get the Pedroche’s PSN column deleted, making it appear that the column piece never existed. Second , make it appear that Adobo Chronicles broke the news, which would basically discredit the story because Adobo Chronicles is widely known to be a satirical news site., make it appear that Adobo Chronicles broke the news, which would basically discredit the story because Adobo Chronicles is widely known to be a satirical news site. Third , with the Adobo satirical article up, discredit any further mention of the “narco” quote by making it appear that whoever will write about it got duped by Adobo., with the Adobo satirical article up, discredit any further mention of the “narco” quote by making it appear that whoever will write about it got duped by Adobo. Fourth , to stave off claims that PSN broke the news, discredit PSN by calling it a mere tabloid, without directly naming PSN so Trillanes can avoid incurring the wrath of the Philstar Group., to stave off claims that PSN broke the news, discredit PSN by calling it a mere tabloid, without directly naming PSN so Trillanes can avoid incurring the wrath of the Philstar Group. Fifth, focus the attention and blame on ThinkingPinoy. After all, finding mainstream media outlets to join in this attack against ThinkingPinoy will be easy. In short, the strategy revolves around the premise that ThinkingPinoy and Adobo Chronicles broke the story, even if it’s Pilipino Star Ngayon that did and even if the Manila Standard has referred to PSN’s column a day later.Just likeIf the Little Narco story is fake news, why can't Trillanes confront PHILIPPINE STAR about it? Bakit si ThinkingPinoy ay pinag-iinitan niya, eh Philippine Star ang nag-publish? But there’s one fatal flaw in this possible plan: Trillanes’ initial choice of mainstream allies. To help get a better grasp of what’s going on, let me summarize the basic chain of events:Now, the two news articles did not mention steps 1 and 3, so that their timeline will only include Steps 2, 4, and 5.In short, a possible public relations damage control plan for the Trillanes camp could be inspired by what happened to Manila Times columnist Yen Makabenta last month, where the latter got duped by Fake News about a supposed quote from United States Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.Trillanes' potential strategy can be described using the following steps:In short, the strategy revolves around the premise that ThinkingPinoy and Adobo Chronicles broke the story, even if it’s Pilipino Star Ngayon that did and even if the Manila Standard has referred to PSN’s column a day later.Just like what my friend Sass Sasot said But there’s one fatal flaw in this possible plan: Trillanes’ initial choice of mainstream allies.Inday Sara Duterte reveals Trillanes Press Corps? Trillanes initially found two (unwitting?) allies:Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez of GMA news Kristine Joy Patag of the Philippine Star.These two reporters wrote the two denial-articles published yesterday.Now, let’s simplify the question:Did the two reporters (Star’s Patag and GMA’s Alvarez) intentionally omit two crucial sources (PSN and Standard) of the “little narco” comment? I checked theYes, Alvarez and Patag appear to be in the Senate Beat, i.e. they are focused mainly on news coming from or about the Senate of the Philippines.Now, recall that presidential daughter and Davao City mayor Inday Sara Duterte earlier this month Now, let’s simplify the question:I checked the list of Philippine Star news articles authored by Kristine Joy Patag and I found out that a vast majority of them are about or are sourced from the Senate, suggesting that Patag is a Senate beat reporter. I also checked the list of GMA News articles and found out the same about Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez, i.e. she appears to be another Senate beat reporter.Yes, Alvarez and Patag appear to be in the Senate Beat, i.e. they are focused mainly on news coming from or about the Senate of the Philippines.Now, recall that presidential daughter and Davao City mayor Inday Sara Duterte earlier this month wrote a Facebook comment , shown below:Part of that comment reads:“Wala si Trillanes pag weekend, walang mainstream media for a presscon kung weekend. Ang bayad ke Trillanes, Monday to Friday before evening news cut-off. Most people watch news and read newspapers Monday to Friday.”It's worthy to note that NO ONE among the senate beat reporters, where Patag and Alvarez belong, reported about Inday Sara's comment, even if it directly concerns them.News blackout much?Well, one thing’s for sure: Patag’s and Alvarez’s respective articles made the evening news cut-off.And did I say that neither of them attempted to contact me for my side of the story?Well, what's new?Bam Aquino, ikaw ang makulit sa pagkuha kamo dapat ng both sides, so papaluin mo kaya yung dalawang ungas na yan?Trillanes' payroll?It's funny how some mainstream outlets claimed during the #CocoyGate senate hearing that they have internal ombudsmen who check for abuses within their their ranks. However, I have never heard, seen, or read anybody among them getting fired for corruption.Should we start canonizing a number of mainstream journalists?At this rate, yeah, I think we should!Are Kristine Joy Patag of the Philippine Star and Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez of GMA News part of Trillanes’ alleged payroll? I can’t say for sure, and I leave that job to the “internal ombudsmen” of the concerned news outlets, assuming that such “internal ombudsmen” exist. Now, wouldn’t it be fair to ask the question:I can’t say for sure, and I leave that job to the “internal ombudsmen” of the concerned news outlets, assuming that such “internal ombudsmen” exist.But I am a nice guy, so let me help these theoretically existent “internal ombudsmen” a bit.Who is GMA News’ Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez? GMA’s Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez drew flak last month when she broke the news about Senator Trillanes’ visit to a Singaporean Bank.On 19 September 2017, Alvarez wrote “No such account, Singapore bank tells Trillanes [Alvarez’s article was accompanied by a [That is, unless the Alvarez is based in Singapore, she must have flown to Singapore to cover Trillanes’ trip.Supporting this theory is a line from Alvarez’s article that reads:“The branch manager then talked to Trillanes for about 10 minutes.” From this, we can say that Alvarez was there to witness the event, as this appears to be Alvarez’s direct observation of events as they unfolded.So who paid for Alvarez’s trip to Singapore? The Philippine Star? Antonio Trillanes? Who?Trillanes has his own Press Corps? Kinabog si Duterte?! Taray!Is Alvarez one of the reporters on the Trillanes’ payroll that Inday Sara Duterte alleged?GMA News “Internal Ombudsman”, GO!!!But wait! We’re not done yet.Who is Philippine Star’s Kristine Joy Patag? According toShe was promoted to Presidential Staff Officer III in May 2014, and left the Office of the President when her principal, President Benigno “PNoy” Aquino III stepped down in June 2016.As a presidential staff officer, she said her tasks include:Drafting messages and correspondence for the signature of the President.Drafting action letters, transmittal memorandums, and referrals to other units for the signature of the Head of Office.Researching, verifying, and coordinating with concerned offices accordingly.Editing and proofreading diplomatic correspondences sent to Heads of States for the signature of the President. That is, for the first six years of her work life and using the standards of today’s political oppositon, Patag was officially a government propagandist, similar to the Mikael de Lara Co, whom I wrote about in April 2016 when he lamely defended the Aquino Government for the Kidapawan Carnage [But I digress. GMA’s Kathrina Charmaine Alvarez drew flak last month when she broke the news about Senator Trillanes’ visit to a Singaporean Bank.On 19 September 2017, Alvarez wrote “No such account, Singapore bank tells Trillanes [ GMA News ]”.Alvarez’s article was accompanied by a [ Twitter video ] showing Trillanes entering the Alexandra, Singapore branch of DBS bank. Alvarez did not attribute this video to anyone else, so she must have taken the video herself.That is, unless the Alvarez is based in Singapore, she must have flown to Singapore to cover Trillanes’ trip.Supporting this theory is a line from Alvarez’s article that reads:From this, we can say that Alvarez was there to witness the event, as this appears to be Alvarez’s direct observation of events as they unfolded.So who paid for Alvarez’s trip to Singapore? The Philippine Star? Antonio Trillanes? Who?Is Alvarez one of the reporters on the Trillanes’ payroll that Inday Sara Duterte alleged?GMA News “Internal Ombudsman”, GO!!!But wait! We’re not done yet.According to her own LinkedIn account , Kristine Joy Patag graduated with a BA Communication Arts degree from the University of the Philippines in 2010. Straight out of college, she joined the Office of the President of the Philippines as a Presidential Staff Officer II.She was promoted to Presidential Staff Officer III in May 2014, and left the Office of the President when her principal, President Benigno “PNoy” Aquino III stepped down in June 2016.As a presidential staff officer, she said her tasks include:That is, for the first six years of her work life and using the standards of today’s political oppositon, Patag was officially a government propagandist, similar to the Mikael de Lara Co, whom I wrote about in April 2016 when he lamely defended the Aquino Government for the Kidapawan Carnage [ TP: BigasHindiBala ], or when the Aquino government shot starving farmers in Mindanao.But I digress.Going back to topic, where did Patag go right after she left Malacañang?After leaving the Palace in June 2016, Patag joined Businessworld in August 2016.Businessworld is a sister publication of Pilipino Star Ngayon and the Philippine Star.With that said, here’s a question:Judging from her resume, Patag’s career is so far defined by her lengthy stint at the Office of PNoy, so just how much influence does her former Liberal Party allies exert on her today? More importantly, it is to be noted that Patag and Pedroche essentially belong to the same organization today so...How would the senior columnist Al Pedroche, who has been a part of Philstar Inc since its inception in the 1980s, react to junior reporter Kristine Patag’s seemingly willful snobbing of his article? What would I give to have a peek at the Philippine Star’s conference rooms tomorrow! [DONT FORGET TO SHARE!Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help! Just click the link below! :-) Follow @iMthinkingPinoyRELATED POSTS: Businessworld is a sister publication of Pilipino Star Ngayon and the Philippine Star.With that said, here’s a question:More importantly, it is to be noted that Patag and Pedroche essentially belong to the same organization today so...What would I give to have a peek at the Philippine Star’s conference rooms tomorrow! [ TPSenator Trillanes attacked my credibility earlier when he refuted reports saying that US President Donald Trump called him a “narco”.
07/03/2017 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
The Light-A-Fire Movement was not Heroic
One nearly forgotten chapter of Martial Law history was revived with the recent death of a controversial figure of the time: Steve Psinakis, one of the leaders of a terrorist group called the Light-A-Fire Movement. It was a group of upper class people who decided that violence was the solution against Martial Law abuse, and they perpetrated a lot of terrorist acts, including a bombing of the prestigious mall Rustan’s Makati, leading to around 70 people injured and one American death.Some articles looking at the history of this group tend to lionize the members are “freedom fighters” or “heroes,” simply because they were anti-Marcos. It’s based on the logic that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and that “the enemy of a villain is always a hero.” It’s twisted logic that leads to questionable alliances and impunity.Simply put, the guys were terrorists. Even the articles that call them “freedom fighters” admit that that they operated in a way similar to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups: the buying of weapons and explosives, training in terrorist methods, and risking innocent people’s lives just to destabilize a regime. American investigators found evidence of these activities. To use a commenter’s words, they were fighting evil with evil.Some people would say, Martial Law was abusive, so there is a reason for violence. Fight fire with fire (perhaps similar to the politicially correct rationale of Weather Underground in the 1960s). However, this is where the end does not justify the means. The use of bombings is terrorism, and even if not intended to kill people, what if an innocent suddenly gets caught in the blast? And indeed, one American innocent was claimed and others hurt. So Light-A-Fire has blood on its hands.It also becomes clear why my alma mater, Ateneo, engaged in a transfixed anti-Marcos agenda. Several of the Light-A-Fire members were Jesuits, and one member is the mother of Apo Hiking Society stalwart and eminent GRP antagonist Jim Paredes. Alfonso Yuchengco, owner of the recently money laundering-embroiled RCBC, was also a member. And Psinakis was married to a Lopez. Connect the dots.This is also another example of history being written by the victors. After Marcos was ousted in 1986, some members of the group became government officials, such as Heherson Alvarez (who I wrote about before as chasing a silly case against the Filipino chocolate product in Spain). Sadly, the charges to be pressed against the Light-A-Fire group were not pursued, despite knowledge being so openly common about their terrorist activities. Anyway, when you wonder why the Aquino regime today is so willing to cooperate with terrorists (BBL), perhaps it’s because some of them were themselves, or were associated with, terrorists.People would complain about impunity and lack of responsibility and accountability among Filipinos, and that in Philippine society, the wrongdoers are rewarded instead of punished. The Light-A-Fire Movement seems to fit this. They apparently never paid for the American life they took or the people they injured. One hopes though that charges against them could again be pursued to set the record straight, at least for the family of the man who was killed in the Rustan’s bombing. But that would be unlikely. All we could offer is something like this write-up with the goal of informing people.It’s also a chance where we can undo the twisting of the concept of heroes. Some would say, one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. But when your methodology is to put at risk uninvolved civilians, you’re just a terrorist. Just because you hate someone, doing violence against that someone is “heroic.” Perhaps that is why in the 1970s, many action movies made with criminals as the “heroes.” This could either be an influence or a sign that Filipinos were losing faith in authority and discipline, but were also making it into an excuse to become me-first assholes. If we wonder why Filipinos became so bad-habited and uncaring about public space, we could probably see the process underway at that time. This mindset in Filipinos today needs to be turned around.
2016-03-19 19:42:56+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Two senators are dumber than a first grader like Matobato, Lacson hints
Sen. Panfilo Lacson responded to Senator Trillanes statement that Senators are smarter than a first grader.According to his post, Panfilo Lacson hinted that two Senators are dumber than the Senate witness Edgar Matobato, a self proclaimed assassin who worked in Davao City decades ago.“Some senators are smarter than a first grader. Two senators are dumber than the same first grader,” he said in his post.But Lacson didn’t gave the name of the two senator that he believes dumber than Matobato.Senator Antonio Trillanes claimed that some members of the panel bugged the witness.Some members of the panel were not convinced by the testimony of Matobato.Sen. Lacson, one of the members of the Justice and Human Rights Committee said that he does not find Motabato’s claims credible.
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2016-09-25 14:19:40+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
We say again: It’s More Fun in the Philippines.In the U.S., citizens returning from Ebola-stricken countries in West Africa are quarantined in tents and isolated in hospitals. In the Philippines, they are offered a three-week luxury vacation in a resort island just off Manila Bay.An island hosting a Philippine Navy installation will serve as home for three weeks for 112 Filipino peacekeepers returning from Ebola-stricken Liberia. The members of the Philippine contingent will be quarantined on Caballo Island, located 2.6 miles east of Corregidor, when they return to the country on Nov. 11.“The peacekeepers will enjoy their stay in that island,” Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) public affairs chief Lt. Col. Harold Cabunoc told reporters at Camp Aguinaldo yesterday. He said the soldiers can go fishing and nature tripping. If they choose to stay indoors, the peacekeepers can surf the Internet or watch their favorite cable channel.Cabunoc said the island stay is a fitting reward for the Filipino troops who risked their lives to maintain peace in Liberia.Meanwhile, Philippine Senator Miriam Santiago proposed a new bill designating Caballo Island as a quanrantine island for all corrupt politcians convicted of or facing graft and corruption or plunder charges. “Nothing is a more appropriate punishment than isolating all evil people in the same small island,” Santiago said. “I know they can’t stand each other, so that would be a better option than locking them up in individual prison cells,” she added.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH! Father Chito na Bihag ng Maute Group, May Gustong Iparating na Mensahe Kay Pres. Duterte
Isang Pari na bihag ng Maute group saMarawi City ang humihingi ng tulong kay President Rodrigo Duterte.Pahayag ni Father Chito sa isangvideo na dapat ay pabayaan na ang mga terorista sa Marawi upang matigil na anggyerang nagaganap sa lugar.Si Father Chito ay binihag ng GrupongMaute sa Marawi habang kasalukuyang nagaganap ang gyera sa naturang lugar.Ayon sa Pari, wala siyang ibanghinihiling kung hindi itigil na ang pag-atake sa Maute at itigil na ang airstikeat iwanan na ang lugar.Kamakailan ay nagdeklara na siPangulong Duterte ng 60 araw na martial law sa Mindanao, kaugnay sa engkwentrona nagsimula sa pagitan ng isang grupong iniuugnay sa Islamic State (ISIS), atmga puwersa ng gobyerno sa Marawi City.So what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
2016-10-05 13:51:18+00:00
News Media PH
Journalism is not a crime but some ‘journalists’ are downright crooked
Much as it may have pained the editors of mainstream news sites like the Inquirer.net, a Get Real Post comment featured on GRPundit on the 1st October 2016, Reporters Karen Lema and Manuel Mogato of @Reuters LIED about the Duterte “Hitler” quote, was consistently cited as the place where it all started. They refer to what is purported to be a full-scale attack on Reuters “veteran reporters” Lema and Mogato by an “online lynch mob”.The account of the purported attack was first revealed in a statement issued by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) on the 3rd October 2016 and picked up by a handful of news sites. A certain Kara Patria Constantino David published the statement verbatim in a Facebook post…In a short while, [the GRPundit article had] become a meme featuring the photos of our colleagues that has been widely circulated by the President’s followers, often with added comments expanding on the call for violent punitive action, and calling for controls on freedom of the press and of expression. Mr. Duterte’s injunction to his supporters not to harm journalists and leave them to pursue independent reporting about his government seems to have fallen on deaf ears, drowned by the overflowing zeal of an army of social media warriors who are quick to deflect the slips in judgment and pronouncements he has made as if he is infallible.The statement, as evident in the excerpt above, stopped short of insinuating that GRP was the instigator of the troll attack on Mogato and Lema. Indeed, political blogger Ellen Tordesillas gave that distinction to a certain Yolly Reyes Junto who, posted the content of that GRPundit article (and, it seems, not citing her source in the post) on Facebook along with what is likely to be the meme refered to in the NUJP statement. Throughout her blog post, Tordesillas attributed the “tirade” to Junto herself…Once again, warped thinking was on full display when a Yolly Reyes Junto posted on Facebook her rant against Reuters reporters Manny Mogato and Karen Lerma over the story of President Duterte comparing himself with Adolf Hitler. Junto’s Oct. 1 post started with a purported disclaimer: “I am no Duterte fanatic. I criticize him more scathingly than anyone when his mouth is out of line. But this time, Duterte really didn’t say anything wrong.” Then her tirades against the Reuters reporters: “The real culprits behind the fuss over his Hitler comment are Karen Lerma and Manuel Mogato, two Filipino reporters of the Reuters news agency, who wrote this article: ‘Philippines’ Duterte likens himself to Hitler, wants to kill millions of drug addicts’.”To be fair, the NUJP resisted the temptation to suggest that it was the intent of GRP to instigate these threats of violence against Mogato and Lema. Get Real Post writer Paul Farol makes it clear that he stands with the NUJP “against Dutertard Attacks” and that GRP, and its broader GRP Community members, do not condone threats and attacks against anyone. Farol was (and is) himself the recipient of vicious online attacks…Personally, what really got my goat is GRP being labelled by the Inquirer.net as a “pro-Duterte” site. Our writers will attest to the fact that GRP and its administrators do not prescribe any specific position on any particular issue nor do we prescribe any partisan affiliation. Every GRP writer is at full liberty to express any position on any matter. Indeed, we rely on our broader community of readers and commenters, both on-site within our Web assets and in our Facebook communities to keep us honest.While it may be true that many of our articles (specifically mine, in particular) can be construed as Duterte-leaning, the arguments and positions taken are, like all GRP articles, firmly grounded on sound principles. In short, if there are compelling arguments against what we write, they are in our comment sections. If there are positions to be taken counter to what many claim to be “the collective GRP position” (for argument’s sake, imagining there is such a thing), we haven’t seen any compelling enough to change the general views of any one GRP writer (for now).My biased opinion starts with this: The Yellow Camp has been discredited after 30 years of No Results and, four months into the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, are yet to prove that their camp had and could have done things better. More importantly, they have yet to prove that these “extrajudicial killings” (which they have conned the world’s “journalists” into writing about rabidly) are directly linked to Malacanang or even to the police. Prove me wrong.Flaws notwithstanding, the Duterte Way continues to earn the confidence of a broad swathe of Philippine society. Could Duterte do better? Yes. Personally, I think he should shut up 80 percent of the time, stay on-script with his speechwriters, and leave the nuanced technical talk to his staff. For that matter, his staff should step up and be better at managing their boss and protect him from the crooked way Filipino and foreign journalists conspire to “interpret” his words in a way preferred by their editors.[Photo courtesy The Guardian.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-10-05 13:51:18+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Nostradamus Predicted the Duterte Presidency
A Netizen shared on social media that Nostradamus one of the famous prophet predicted the Presidency of Rody Duterte in the Philippines.This is what the prophecy says:NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECY ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES “The Peace and Justice and the Blood of Love” From the Blessed Land Of Promise of the South Eastern…“The SUN of divinity holding the 8th fire will burn all nations having the power of the 3 stars (Philippine Flag)“Blessed are you Land of Promise, the golden 8 sunbeams shine (Philippine Flag) as noon day will shine from you”“At the Southern area He (Duterte) will be born in the Year of the SERPENT” (1989, started his might in Davao)”“And will start his work at the year of the TIGER (2010, He will be known all over the Philippines)“Land of Promise! (Philippines) the place where the Greatest Lover will arise” Glory to the Moon who became SUN!!!” (From murder capital to now safest city)“This is the Glory of all Glory, the Hope of all Ages is born at the City of Eagle (Davao)…and will end his final missiom at the Largest City”…“Blessed are you Land of Promise! (Philippines) the restorer of the Universe!!!”“Thanks of all Thanks to you, SUN OF MEN (Son of Man) Thanks for your light.”(c) Credits to the ownerThe prophecy is not yet confirmed if its really from Nostradamus.
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2016-05-12 07:20:15+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Yellow Bloggers Turn Their Backs On Kris Aquino
It didn’t take long since Kris Aquino praised President Rodrigo Duterte for the Yellow bloggers to turn their backs on the ex-President’s sister.It all started when Aquino ranted on her Instagram Account following a taped segment aired by Korina Sanchez on her TV show. The segment featured Aquino’s ex-husband James Yap.Not only did Aquino call the segment a slap on her face by the Missus of former presidential candidate Mar Roxas whom Kris campaigned for; she also was all praises for Duterte’s kindness.To her surprise, Aquino was instantly blocked from the Twitter accounts of her former Yellow army friends, including Jim Paredes, Cynthia Patag, Maria Ressa and Raissa Robles.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Mocha Uson Receives International People’s Choice Award!
‘Tis the season for awards. Incarcerated Senator Leila De Lima has received yet another award from Amnesty International, while Rappler’s Maria Ressa has been given a journalism award by the Knight Foundation.Not be be left behind, PCOO Assistant Secretry Mocha Uson has just received the International ‘People’s Choice Award’ for the blogger with the most number of followers and engagements. Uson has about 5 Million followers as compared to Rappler’s 2 Million (and declining.)Uson’s recognition is a testament to the power of the people, and to the fact that what matters most is not corporate or political influence, but whom the Filipinos trust and believe in.And it’s looking like Filipinos trust and believe in Uson, rather than Ressa and De Lima.Congrtatulations to Mocha!
['Pol Pinoy']
05/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
This, according to a confirmed report from The Huffington Post. Coming out in support of Edward Snowden and against the NSA’s domestic spying, that is.
['Pol Pinoy']
09/08/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
3 Big Reasons Former President Ferdinand Marcos Should Be Buried Among Heroes
There’s been a lot of talk since soon-to-be president Mayor Rodrigo Duterte announced that he would finally allow former president Ferdinand Marcos to be buried among heroes. Indeed, hardcore Marcos supporters see this as a chance to vindicate their dear leader in the annals of history and show that there was indeed some good that he had done for the country. On the other hand, there are a lot of hardcore anti-Marcos partisans who see this as an insult to history as they remember it (or are taught to remember it) and simply will not stand for the move.All in all though, Mayor Duterte only stated that he would allow it. It’s still far from official whether or not he’ll actually go through with the idea. Indeed, the man isn’t even president yet and already just about everyone already has their undies in a bind, but I digress. Thing is, there are people who are outright saying that his decision to allow former president Marcos to be buried in the “Libingan ng mga Bayani” (Graveyard of Heroes) may decide whether or not people will be endeared to him in the upcoming six years that he will be president of our beloved country.If you ask me though, I will say that burying former president Marcos with heroes is certainly a good idea and this is not just because I am a Marcos supporter mind you. Well, yes, I am indeed a supporter of the Marcos family and a pureblood Ilocano to boot (if that actually means anything) but I’m not just saying this to promote them. Indeed, despite being a Marcos supporter myself, I am often rather leery of Imelda Marcos as she brings rather questionable implications to my mind but I think I’ll just reserve said implications for another article. Still, the idea of former president Marcos being buried among heroes brings me hope and here’s why:It Will Finally Bring Closure To The Whole WorksLook, I may support the Marcos family and their efforts but I also think it’s time we moved on from the past. Truth be told, while I doubt the Marcos regime is far from perfect, the presidents that followed them were either no better or possibly even worse. That is why I think it would be better for all if he was buried among other heroes and leaders of the past to prove to the Filipino people that his reign during Martial Law and the troubles that came along with it are finally over.Being a Marcos supporter, I can’t help just how both hardcore pro and anti Marcos supporters at one another’s neck. It hurts me on a deep level how the country can’t seem to heal because of petty political issues. This isn’t just about one’s political party anymore ladies and gentlemen, this is about finally uniting the country for the future.By allowing former president Marcos a right and proper burial we can finally put the ghosts of the pasts at peace and move on to a much brighter future. Indeed, I think that one of the biggest reasons the Philippines never progresses is because we are all collectively stuck in the past. People keep talking about the atrocities of Martial Law but even after thirty years of being free from their alleged “tyranny”, has anything even improved? Some even go as far as to say things have only gotten worse in the thirty years since former president Marcos was ousted.Ladies and gentlemen, this is no longer about just the Marcoses and the Aquinos. This is about us, as a people. Let us bury the past and move on as it will only prevent us from making the best of the present and preparing ourselves for a better future.It Will Show That We Can Finally Put Our Divisiveness AsideThing is, even a traitor like Emilio Aguinaldo who, from my own observation, looks like our version of Benedict Arnold is buried among the heroes of our history. By burying former President Marcos with them, it will show that we can finally put our petty issues aside.Ladies and gentlemen, I think it really is time that we put our squabbles aside because they cause us more trouble than they worth. Indeed, if one looks back at the Yolanda Crisis, Mar Roxas was quick to bring up the feud between the Marcoses and the Aquinos which resulted in delayed disaster relief and continued suffering of the Yolanda survivors. By laying former president Marcos to rest, we can prove to ourselves that petty politics and our clannish ways no longer have any kind of hold on us.It means that we have essentially “buried the hatchet” and that we can finally work together as one people for the betterment of our nation and the following generation.It Will Knock Sense Into President AquinoYes, I am one of President Aquino’s many detractors but, to be really honest, I haven’t really given up on him. Why? Because, truth be told, I wasn’t at all that different from him a few years back. However, something happened, or rather a series of things happened, that changed me thoroughly. And yes, the changes were very painful but I will say that they made me a better person since then. I realize now that it had to be painful because, if it wasn’t, I doubt I would’ve changed at all.So I hope that allowing former president Marcos to be buried among heroes will cause President Aquino untold amounts of grief so that he can finally wake up to reality. I pray that the pain will be enough for him to fully realize that no, his “Straight Path” has not really helped anyone and that his term has only caused his people misery and suffering. With his delusions finally gone, perhaps he can finally put himself back together as a man, start over and finally find a woman who will actually love him for who he is rather than just his money.
['Oratio Imperata']
03/05/2016 0:00
Get Real Philippines
Philippine citizens may have a hard time visiting the United States on business or tourism, but the Filipinos are better off than U.S. citizens when it comes to the 2016 Summer Olympics to be held next year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Philippine citizens need a visa to enter the United States and thousands are denied their visa applications year after year. This, despite the fact that U.S. citizens do not need a Philippine visa when traveling to the island nation as long as they do not stay beyond 30 days.But when it comes to Brazil, Filipinos have an advantage over U.S. citizens. Philippine citizens do not need a visa to enter Brazil, but U.S. citizens do.So when it comes to the 2016 Summer Olympics, Filipinos will have the last laugh, while U.S. citizens will be scratching their heads trying to complete and submit the strict visa application requirements.Oh, did we already mention the visa processing fee of $160?Last June, Brazil’s tourism minister said that the country may lift its visa requirements so that Americans can come to see the 2016 Rio Olympics, but nothing has yet been made official.
['Pol Pinoy']
08/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Raissa Robles’s MISGUIDED “report” on how Cambridge Analytica inlfuenced the 2016 Philippine elections
An article on the role “Cambridge Analytica’s parent company” supposedly played in the victory of current President Rodrigo Duterte in the 2016 elections is making the rounds. The “report” published on the South China Morning Post and authored by renowned Filipino “investigative journalist” Raissa Robles insinuates that the firm helped “rebrand” Duterte as “a strong, no-nonsense man of action”.This, according to the snippet quoted by Robles off the firm’s website…“In the run up to national elections the incumbent client was widely perceived as both kind and honourable, qualities his campaign team thought were potentially election-winning,” the SCL web content said. “But SCL’s research showed that many groups within the electorate were more likely to be swayed by qualities such as toughness and decisiveness. SCL used the cross-cutting issue of crime to rebrand the client as a strong, no-nonsense man of action, who would appeal to the true values of the voters.”Then again, this supposedly brilliant bit of analytics insight delivered to the mystery Duterte support effort (which may not have existed) that may (or may not) have contributed to building the successful campaign that catapulted Duterte to the presidency in 2016 is a no-brainer. Crime and indecisive no-action politicians have long been a scourge of Philippine politics. Campaign strategists who apply a bit of traditional brain to their craft would have spotted this opportunity straightaway. And in Duterte, they found a person who could simply remain consistent with his proven track record spanning decades as mayor of his southern Philippine city and be outright winnable at the same time.In short, Duterte could simply have happened to be the right person who was in the right place at the right time coming into an election to be decided by voters who evidently have had enough of 30 years of Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards) bullshittery. So, this is really more a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Did the analytics result in the win? Or did the analytics simply validate the candidate? Either way, sinister corporate forces were not at work here as Robles “reports”.Robles is only too quick to give too much credit to these sorts of Big Data consulting services. She recklessly assigns a cause-and-effect relationship between a merely inferred “involvement” of Cambridge Analytica’s “parent company” in Philippine politics and the victory of Duterte in the 2016 elections. And even if it was true that such a consulting service was provided to the Duterte campaign, how big a contribution it had on the success of the campaign remains debatable just the same.Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology asserts that Cambridge Analytica Is Not The Problem…I conduct scientific research on online manipulation, and, at this point, I probably know more about it than anyone else in the world. Online manipulation of our thinking, opinions, purchases and votes is real, powerful and scary; the numbers are mindboggling, in fact. But Cambridge Analytica is not the problem, mainly because the methods it uses to manipulate are not very powerful. Compared with the real threats out there, they are, in fact, trivial.It simply means that these new technologies and new tools of the influencing trade are widely accessible and that the use of science to target influence campaigns are things everybody does…During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton had far more powerful digital tools at her disposal than Trump did. To give you just one example, in 2015, Google czar Eric Schmidt — who, at one point, had offered to oversee Hillary’s digital campaign — set up a secretive tech company called The Groundwork, the sole purpose of which was to make Hillary president. It was staffed by many of the same people who served on Obama’s 2012 tech team, which was also supervised by Schmidt. 5,000 data points? P’lease. The Groundwork had access to Google’s entire data base — hundreds of thousands of digital facts about each of us, including our search histories and emails — so much information, in fact, that Google could likely have computed the election results days before Election Day. (Although Google obviously screwed up on its Electoral College calculations, Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million, almost certainly with Google’s help.)In comparison, Dr. Epstein points out, “Cambridge Analytica’s manipulations are trivial”. Dr. Epstein then asserts where the real power to influence minds resides…So who has the power to change minds and flip elections? It’s the platforms: and that means Google, Facebook, and, to a much lesser extent, Twitter. This is because no matter what content people are generating — and when Cambridge Analytica is placing ads, it is a content provider — Google and Facebook have complete control over what people will see (“filtering”) and in what order information will be displayed (“ordering”).It is quite laughable to watch as the depleted minds of the corporate media mouthpieces of the Yellowtards continue to scrounge around for little morsels of information (or mere notions) to serve as fodder for their flaccid “Opposition” to the Duterte administration. Rather than compete on strategy, the Yellowtards are merely sniping with rubber bullets.Filipinos do not deserve this sort of idiotic political Opposition. They deserve a real one that could deliver true strategic challenge to the wildly-popular government of President Duterte. Insulting the intelligence of an entire electorate is so 1980s-era Philippine politics. As is evident today, that tired old excuse of an opposition “strategy” no longer works.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-04-06 00:31:34+00:00
Get Real Philippines
both as best actor/actress and best supporting actor/actress.In justifying the new rules, the Academy said that in films with single actors or actresses,“they are basically interacting with themselves and that takes some acting ablity; so they need to be recognized for such great skill.”Will we see Sandra Bullock nominated for Best Actress and Supporting Actress, and Robert Redford for Best Actor and Supporting Actor?
['Pol Pinoy']
28/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
North Korean general Cho Young Ja, played by Margaret Cho.She was solemn and quiet at first, holding up her freelance magazine, Movies Wow, and wanting only to take a picture with Meryl Streep. Cho kept reappearing during the three-hour telecast as the North Korean general who is obsessed with American entertainment.In a statement, the State Department said that the extradition is part of Washington’s ongoing efforts to re-establish diplomatic relations with North Korea. “It’s a good faith effort to show the Pyongyang government that America is sincere in wanting conciliation with the communist country,” the statement said.The U.S. does not have an extradition agreement with North Korea.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
BREAKING! Trillanes nanawagan ng Panibagong Edsa People Power Laban sa Duterte Administration!
Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has called for another people power to put an end to the “era of darkness” perpetuated by President Duterte. ”Using politics of impunity, fear, hatred and death, Duterte has brought back the demons that EDSA and its heroes have triumphed over. Now, more than ever, we need another EDSA,” Trillanes wrote on Facebook during the 31st commemoration of the popular revolt last February 25.AdvertisementHe said Filipinos united to oust a dictator and restore democracy during the uprising in February 1986. Today, he said the commemoration of EDSA struggle and victory has become “more relevant as the country is again plunged into an era of darkness by Rodrigo Duterte.”SponsorSo what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
2018-08-05 00:02:05+00:00
News Media PH
This is the US' Response to Duterte's Statements Against Obama
Following the pronouncement of President Duterte to cut alliances with the world's giant, United States, another statement from the President has stirred an international commotion. This is when he told U.S President Barack Obama to "go to hell" and would prefer kneeling down before the king of Brunei and Malaysia than him. He also reiterated how the US has criticized him in the alleged extrajudicial killings which he described us "riding on garbage"thrown by his political rival. The president then pointed out that the US should have been supportive in his goal to end the chronic drug problem in the country.These are the exact statements of the President directed towards the US:"Instead of helping us, the first to hit back was the State Department, so you can go to hell. Mister Obama, you can go to hell,""EU better choose purgatory because hell is full.""If this is what happens now, I will be reconfiguring my foreign policy. Eventually I might, in my time, I will break up with America. I would rather go to Russia and to China. At least even if we do not agree with the ideology, they have respect for the people."
2016-03-24 10:18:10+00:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
Duterte and Poe: one promises radical change and the other represents the status quo
If popularity surveys are to be believed, it is going to be a close race between Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Grace Poe for the Presidency. Some people’s prediction that Poe’s popularity would surge after the Supreme Court decided to allow her to run did not come true. While she still maintains the lead against her rivals, Duterte’s popularity stats are closing in on her.It probably has something to do with the fact that the Supreme Court’s supposed majority decision to reverse the Commission on Election’s disqualification cases against Poe is still in doubt. Some claim that there was no majority decision on the question of whether Poe is a natural-born citizen or not in the first place. To get a majority vote, eight justices out of 15 should rule in favour of Poe but only seven justices voted in her favour. However, Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno overruled that claim by insisting that the seven justices already constitute a “majority”. Likewise, some say that Sereno ignored the fact that out of the 15 justices, only 12 participated in that particular question.It’s either Sereno is not good in math or she’s just good at dismissing dissenting opinions. Either way, the Supreme Court’s decision has not resulted in the boost in numbers Poe and her supporters were hoping for. If we were to be honest, the only reason she is popular is because of her father, the late actor Fernando Poe, Jr. Unfortunately, using her father’s popularity is also turning a lot of voters off. Her use of Poe alone instead of her married name Llamanzares is already an insult to the voters. As a writer, I still get confused about which of her names I should use. I just stick to the shorter one anyway. But it is still annoying because I am conscious of the fact that that’s not the name she uses in official documents anymore and it makes one realise that she is being dishonest in using a popular name just to get an edge over her rivals.During the second Presidential debates, Poe and Duterte were also the audience favourite. Poe came across as articulate and expressive at first but if one were to listen to what she said again very carefully after all the excitement had subsided, one would realise that her words did not have any substance. They were mostly motherhood statements. One example was when she was asked what she would do if she was woken at four in the morning with the news that the Chinese have sunk two of the country’s navy ships. She replied by saying that she would rise up and not complain about the earliness of the hour. The audience probably gave her brownie points for being confident in providing a quick rebuttal even when her answer was not really a valid one.Poe also showed her feisty side in her responses to her rivals Vice President Jejomar Binay and Liberal Party bet Mar Roxas who are both part of the current administration. Binay was even said to have been “hurt” by her bluntness considering Binay and Poe’s late father were close chums when FPJ was still alive. It is a good sign that she is not one to back down when it comes to criticising other public servants. However, it also highlights the fact that she still refuses to criticize President Benigno Simeon Aquino even when she openly blames some of the President’s cabinet members for their incompetence.A lot of people have noticed that she has been very careful not speak ill of BS Aquino even when he is very protective of his staff and cabinet members including those who are useless at their jobs. They see this as a sign that Poe is already into patronage politics even before she wins the Presidency. This is the reason why some conspiracy theorists are saying Poe is BS Aquino’s spare tire. Meaning, if Poe wins over the President’s bet Roxas, BS Aquino is still safe from prosecution. That theory is on the assumption that the President has control over the justice system including the Supreme Court justices. In the Philippines, that theory is not too far-fetched considering some justices were handpicked by the President and may have to return some “favours”. Some of them are also a bit star-struck and could be beholden to popular names like Aquino and Poe. Why else would some of them declare Poe qualified to run and disqualify others in the past who did not meet the residency criteria like she did? Maybe it’s because they are not as telegenic as she is.If the race comes down to a toss-up between Duterte and Poe, it will be like choosing between a suitor and a single mother. Duterte is like a suitor who can sweep his love interest off her feet by promising the moon and the stars without bothering to say how he will do it. It sounds romantic but the love interest also needs to be practical. People should be careful in falling for sweet nothings. Having said that, Duterte’s confident demeanour, especially in the way he says he can solve criminality within three to six months, probably turns a lot of people on – those who are sick of escalating crime rates in the country. But still, there are people who are really interested in the details of how he is going to do it though.I suppose Duterte doesn’t want to reveal his secret plan so the crooks won’t get a chance to pre-empt his strike. It’s up to the people if they will allow themselves to fall head over heels for Duterte just like what that old romantic line says “come what may”. It is always tempting to let yourself go and trust in the man who looks like he can take care of you. You just have to be prepared for the consequences just in case he fails to deliver on his promise.Poe, like a single mother, would have to rely on doing anything to survive even if it means selling her principles to the highest bidder. That’s what some people are saying of her when she accepted campaign funds from one of the Philippines’ most powerful businessman. She insist that she is not a puppet but as the old mafia saying goes “I do a favour for you, you do a favour for me”. That’s just how it works. In other words, only the gullible crowd would fall for her motherhood statements.One thing is for sure, while Duterte promises radical changes like the introduction of a federalized government, which could see the end of Imperial Manila dictating the terms for the different regions in the country, Poe will continue the status quo – with the ruling class comprising of few elites calling the shots in the country’s economy. No wonder Duterte is starting to become appealing to more voters.
2016-03-24 10:18:10+00:00
Get Real Philippines
One of the biggest criticism about the newly-released film, ‘Aloha,’ is the casting of Emma Stone as a ‘hapa,’ a Hawaiian term that refers to someone who is of mixed heritage.Stone plays the role of Allison Ng (pronounced ‘ING’), a U.S. Air Force pilot who is a quarter Chinese, a quarter Hawaiian, and a quarter Swedish. (Stone, in real life, is part Swedish.)Asian American groups have protested the fact that the character was not played by an actress of Asian or Pacific Islander heritage.The film’s director, Cameron Crowe (‘Jerry McGuire’) maintained that because of her Swedish heritage, Stone was a perfect fit for the role.Critics, however, continue to be puzzled by a missing link to the character of Allison Ng. “If Ng is supposed to be a quarter Chinese, a quarter Hawaiian, and a quarter Swedish, what race or ethnicity is the remainding quarter? ” the critics asked.Crowe could not give a response and referred media questions to the film’s writer.Oh wait, Crowe IS the writer.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/05/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Raissa Robles’ New Book On Martial Law Now Available
Now that the Congress of the Philippines has approved a one-year extension of Martial Law in Mindanao, Raissa Robles’ book, “Marcos Martial Law: Never Again,” has been rendered moot and academic.But Robles is not one to easily give up.Today, she announced that she has quickly written a sequel to her book to make it more relevant to recent developments.The title of the new book is “Marcos Martial Law: Forever and Ever.”National Bookstore has refused to carry the new book because the old book didn’t sell very well.To get a copy of the new book, check your street corner newstands.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
20% Of The Country Above All Else, Senator Pangilinan Tells Sara Duterte
“May hangganan din ang tumanaw ng utang na loob.” (Debt of gratitude has its limitations.)This was how Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan responded to Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte’s attacks that he was “opportunistic.”In her Facebook page, Duterte this week accused Pangilinan and Senators Risa Hontiveros and Antonio Trillanes IV of having presidential ambitions. She also recounted how they asked for help from her and President Rodrigo Duterte regarding endorsements in the previous elections.‘Twenty percent of tbe country above all else “ Pangilinan told The Adobo Chronicles.He was apparently referring to the latest Pulse Asia survey that shows President Duterte enjoying an overwhelming 80% approval rating among Filipinos.Pangilinan — advocate of the 20% minority. Or less. But nevertheless above all else.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Atenean laments how the Philippines went NOWHERE after the 1986 EDSA Revolution
I was 10 when Edsa 1 took place, classes were suspended, F-4 jets were flying overhead, but first and foremost, what counted to me and my sister was that there were no classes for that week.We, as a nation had a "bloodless revolution" - we had ousted the Marcose's and put into power Cory Aquino.Apparently she was robbed of her mandate during the election count, where NAMFREL had declared her as the winner and COMELEC said otherwise, where we saw the walkout happen during the quick count, and the rest was history.I feel that a lot of the things that we went through as a nation during EDSA 1 has taken us nowhere.Most of the key players during the MARCOS regime weren't made accountable for their actions, and the roles they played during the Martial Law period...such as Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Valdez Ramos, Defense Minister and Police Constabulary chief respectively.Basic discipline has gone to the dogs - where before we had bit of discipline when we had Marcos in power. I believe we handled with kid gloves plenty of things when Cory took over, same goes for the succeeding administrations...FVR, Erap, GMA and Pnoy.Crime was going up, heinous crimes to be exact, and correct me if I'm wrong, the only one who suffered the death penalty after Edsa 1 was Leo Echegaray, for the alleged rape of his step daughter.Now people are wondering why Pres. Duterte enjoys so much support.We, as a nation had dropped the ball.We had the chance to elect Jovito Salonga, but we opted for FVR, who sold huge tracts of Fort Bonifacio to supposedly modernize the military, but we ended up with nothing.We elected Erap who wasn't any better, then he got himself ejected from Malacanang because of that Jose Pidal fiasco.GMA took over and then we had all those controversy, notable is the "Hello Garci" incident & the NBN ZTE deal, courtesy of Jun [Lozada].Then we had Pnoy, who was well liked when he came into the office, riding the wave of sympathy brought about by the death of her mother, but took the same route as his predecessors.We kept on electing the same local officials, politicians who are political butterflies, that moved from one political party to the next dominant one or whatever was politically expedient at the time.We had allowed basic discipline to got the dogs, where shirtless men could walk the streets, where drugs ruled supreme, where crime was so rampant, that law abiding citizens were afraid to walk the nighttime streets.I guess we had lost track of what really counted, and now that we have Duterte in power, why am I not surprised that a majority of our populace is happy with the results.And please, again, we've had people "Salvaged" before, we just didn't call them EJK's, but we are so easily swayed by mainstream media.So many "disente" folks who are up in arms over all of these things, when they sat silent in all the previous administrations who basically had the same things, except we used different terms back then.And no, I'm not a die hard Duterte supporter, I only support those actions that he takes that makes me feel safer, makes me feel that my family is safer.
2017-07-02 22:36:47+00:00
The interesting timing of Pia Wurtzbach’s homecoming
All the big events seem to have come together on this day, the 25th January. It’s the birth anniversary of the late Corazon ‘Cory’ Aquino, mother of current President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III. On this day also, exactly 12 months ago, 44 elite police officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Special Action Force (SAF) were massacred by members of the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mamasapano.Today is also the much-anticipated homecoming of newly-crowned Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach who ended a 42-year title drought since Margie Moran won the crown in 1973. An interesting theory making the rounds in social media is that the Philippine government had something to do with the timing of Wurtzbach’s triumphant return to the Philippines. Theorists speculate that today was specifically chosen to schedule her arrival to distract Filipinos from the Mamasapano incident which, to this day, the Aquino government is still to convincingly address head-on. As if confirming this conspiracy theory, Senate President Franklin Drilon, during a courtesy call paid by Wurtzbach to the Senate reportedly quipped, “Your presence here has generated more interest than the Mamasapano hearing…”Indeed, there is much that Filipinos need to be distracted from. The Aquino government needs to distance itself from Mamasapano even as it struggles in vain to desperately wash the murdered 44 SAF officers’ blood off its hands. At stake is the candidacy of the ruling Liberal Party bet (and Aquino minion) Mar Roxas who as Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary at the time of the massacre himself also has a lot to answer for.Wurtzbach also publicly supports United States military presence in the Philippines under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) recently upheld by the Philippines’ Supreme Court.“I think that the United States and the Philippines have always had a good relationship with each other. We were colonized by the Americans and we have their culture and our traditions even up to this day and I think that we’re very welcoming with the Americans. And I don’t see any problem with that at all,” she said during the top 5 contestant’s question-and-answer portion of the pageant which she eventually won.Obviously, Miss Universe’s immense star power lends credibility to these words, so much so that no less than a Philippine Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago herself (a staunch critic of the EDCA and related military agreements with the US) has expressed an interest to discuss the matter with Wurtzbach.If indeed Wurtzbach had succeeded at overshadowing Mamasapano and Cory Aquino’s birthday today, there is irony in that achievement considering that she is, as the other two were, once again pitched by the country’s noted opinion shapers as the quintessential Filipino “hero”.Unfortunately, the substance beneath what being a “hero” is really all about routinely flies over Filipinos’ heads. The important common denominators — the gruelling training that earns SAF troopers their special place in the police and armed forces, the “sacrifice” of Cory Aquino that propelled her to the presidency in 1986, and the hard work in Wurtzbach’s long journey to the top — are all key to how Filipinos should be regarding their heroes. When Filipinos begin to understand the true essence of what it means to be a “hero” to a people, the aspiration to emulate these heroes becomes a bit more realistic and even practical — and the hollow idolatry ends.Perhaps then it is fitting that the Philippines’ third Miss Universe share this important day with the 44 fallen SAF troopers and former President Cory Aquino as one to commemorate every year. Collectively, they are perfectly aligned to highlighting the juxtaposition of rare beauty, preventable tragedy, and emo politics that are constant features of the bewildered character of Philippine society.[Photo courtesy Emirates247.com.]
2016-01-25 13:22:51+00:00
Get Real Philippines
LOOK: List of senators who express their support to Rappler
Several senators mostly from the minority bloc expressed their support to Rappler after the news website slapped by revocation of license to operate by Securities and Exchange Commission.In a tweet, Senator Risa Hontiveros slammed the government over their decision against Rappler and called it ‘pure harassment’ and an act of dictator.“The revocation of Rappler’s registration is pure harassment and a clear attack on press freedom. It is also Marcosian. It’s a move straight out of the dictator’s playbook. I urge the public and all media practitioners to defend press freedom & the right to speak truth to power.” Hontiveros said in a tweet.The revocation of Rappler's registration is pure harassment and a clear attack on press freedom. It is also Marcosian. It's a move straight out of the dictator's playbook. I urge the public and all media practitioners to defend press freedom & the right to speak truth to power. — risa hontiveros (@risahontiveros) January 15, 2018In a seperate interview, Minority leader Franklin Drilon called decision “worrisome.”“That’s worrisome but let me read the resolution first.” Drilon told the press.Senator Francis Pangilinan, chairman of Liberal Party (LP) said that his party expressed their support to Rappler which he dubbed as the ‘truth tellers’.“Our party leaders are likewise determined to speak out; over the next few days, you will hear more from us, and we ask that you spread the message: We stand with Rappler and all other truth-tellers,” Pangilinan said.Our party leaders are likewise determined to speak out; over the next few days, you will hear more from us, and we ask that you spread the message: We stand with Rappler and all other truth-tellers. We stand for freedom— the very essence of liberalism. — Kiko Pangilinan (@kikopangilinan) January 15, 2018“We stand for freedom — the very essence of liberalism. We offer a platform where we can come together and determine what we can do to rise to the challenges to our freedoms and our constitutional democracy. We are here,” he added.We offer a platform where we can come together and determine what we can do to rise to the challenges to our freedoms and our constitutional democracy. We are here.#holdtheline #defendpressfreedom #standwithrappler — Kiko Pangilinan (@kikopangilinan) January 15, 2018Senator Antonio Trillanes condemned the decision of SEC and he said that it’s a clear evidence that Duterte is moving to silence the freedom of the press.“I strongly condemn the SEC’s revocation of the registration of Rappler. It is a clear attempt by Duterte to muzzle the few remaining independent media outfits in the country. It would also send a chilling message to other media entities to force them to tow the Administration’s propaganda lines,” Trillanes said in a statement.Senator Bam Aquino expressed his disappointment in a short tweet and he said: @rapplerdotcom shutdown, fake news wins. DefendPressFreedomSenator Leila De Lima who’s currently detained for drug charges said that she’s standing with Rappler in their fight to protect the freedom of the press.“Salute to the brave men and women of Rappler! We stand with you in this fight to preserve and defend freedom of the press.” De Lima said.Salute to the brave men and women of Rappler! We stand with you in this fight to preserve and defend freedom of the press. #StandUp4HumanRights #DefendPressFreedom — Leila de Lima (@SenLeiladeLima) January 15, 2018Chairperson of the Senate committee on public information Senator Grace Poe said the SEC decision should not be an attempt to silence media organizations that apparently Duterte critics.She said that the government should look at the mistakes did by Rappler, however the decision of SEC should not use that kind of way to silence a media outlet.“Ano ba ang kanilang naging pagkukulang? Kung meron silang hindi nagawa na required sa lahat ng media outfits o kaya sa mga website na katulad nila, kailangan natin tingnan kung saan sila nagkamali. Basta lang, huwag ito ang paraan na mapatahimik ang sinumang grupo o organisasyon na maghayag,” Poe said.
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2018-01-16 02:03:08+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Reporters Karen Lema and Manuel Mogato of @Reuters LIED about the Duterte "Hitler" quote
The oh-so-noble journalists are at it again, this time, with Duterte’s Hitler comment.I am no Duterte fanatic. I criticize him more scathingly than anyone when his mouth is out of line. But this time, Duterte really didn’t say anything wrong.The real culprits behind the fuss over his Hitler comment are Karen Lema and Manuel Mogato, two Filipino reporters of the Reuters news agency, who wrote this article: “ Philippines’ Duterte likens himself to Hitler, wants to kill millions of drug addicts ”.Lema and Mogato are Filipinos. There’s no way they could have misunderstood what Duterte really meant in his speech. I watched the video and this is what the President said:“Hitler massacred 3 million Jews. There are 3 million drug addicts. I’d be happy to slaughter them. At least, if Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have ….. my victims, all criminals, to finish a problem of my country, and save the next generation.”(See for yourself here . The Hitler part is at 14:40.)Duterte was CONTRASTING himself from Hitler, not likening himself to Hitler.He was obviously referring to past incidents where various people (including Noynoy Aquino) compared him to Hitler. Duterte’s point was, unlike Hitler, the people getting killed in his drug war are criminals, not innocents.But Lema and Mogato deliberately misrepresented what he said by using the headline “Philippines’ Duterte likens himself to Hitler”. Since Reuters is an international wire agency, Lema and Mogato knew that the foreign news outlets who pick up their story won’t be able to tell the difference between their headline and what Duterte actually said.The malicious intent is clear, judging from how these two even obtained quotes from representatives of Jewish organizations before publishing their article, instead of simply reporting what the President said as is.This cheap, pathetic stunt is yet another example why journalism should be a regulated profession. What Lema and Mogato did is no less than a criminal act. It may even be considered a terrorist act, because the intent to sow conflict, fear, and instability is clear.If lawyers, doctors, or businessmen did what Lema and Mogato did, they would be sent to jail. But since Lema and Mogato are journalists, all they have to do is cry “Martial Law!” and they get off scot free.Is this right? Is this just? Is this the meaning of democracy? Are journalists allowed to commit illegal and seditious acts, just because they’re journalists?Democracy is about respecting the will of the people, not the will of journalists.Our laws should be protecting our people, not protecting journalists who deliberately endanger the welfare and stability of our country.Over 90% of Filipinos support President Duterte and his program of government. Are we going to let a handful of disgruntled brats who call themselves journalists subvert the will of the Filipino people?NO. These malicious and irresponsible journalists are the true enemies of democracy, and they should be punished with the full force of the law.----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
16/03/2018 0:00
Vatican Delays This Year’s Easter Sunday By One Week
Because this year’s Easter Sunday falls on April 1 — April Fool’s Day — Pope Francis has decreed a one-week delay in the celeberation of Christ’s Resurrection.Speaking in his native Spanish from St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis said, “We cannot turn our believers into non-believers, especially on this joyous day in the Roman Catholic calendar. Easter is definitely not a joke.”It will be recalled that the Pope in February also urged lovers to postpone their Valentine’s celebration because it fell on Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and abstinence.We commend the flexibility of the Pope and the Catholic Faithful!
['Pol Pinoy']
16/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
2017 Toyota Model Will Include Toilet Car Seat
Giant car manufacturer Toyota has something in store for motorists that are constantly stuck in nightmarish traffic. Like in Metro Manila.Today, Toyota unveiled its 2017 sedan model that includes a toilet car seat on the driver side. Toilet seat on the passenger side is optional.The Japanese car maker said that this will be the perfect solution for motorists who are faced with the call of nature while stuck in traffic.Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada also said that this new car technology will eliminate cases of motorists having to relieve themselves along roads and highways which is a misdemeanor.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/09/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Rodrigo Duterte was a clear standout in the 3rd and last presidential debate #PiliPinasDebates2016
In tonight’s last presidential debtate endorsed by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) dubbed the hashtag #PiliPinasDebates2016, the candidates really did not have much to work with. They had no credible military capability to put teeth in the rhetoric they spewed about the China threat to the Philippines’ sovereignty in the South China Sea, no sharp-enough engineering minds to dissect the traffic issue plaguing Metro Manila, and no clear enough vision for the Philippines.In that setting, former Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte stood out, mainly because he had direct experience and results to show for in the running of Davao City — a major city in Mindanao that, in the words of renowned social media maven and noted tour guide Carlos Celdran “is one of the friendliest and one of the most hospitable cities in the Philippines.”Unlike other big Philippine cities where Filipinos live in fear for their lives and property day to day, Davao City is one where sustainable economic growth on the back of a strong foundation of safe and reliable public transport infrastructure is actually possible.Do not be afraid to take public transportation in this town. Thanks to strong laws, you have some of the most polite, and some of the most honest taxi drivers in the country.Celdran assures his viewers…No one here will rip you off.Note the key enabler Celdran credits in his gushing review of Duterte’s crowning achievement: strong laws.Strong laws are a primary feature of Duterte’s pitch to Filipino voters. During tonight’s debate, Duterte cited this as the cornerstone of his assurance to Filipinos that when he says “stop” he means it and means to enforce it. Laws, of course, are not something the Philippines lacks and there is ample legislation to support the strong anti-crime focus that many crime-weary Filipinos have been clamouring for. In that regard, strength is something that Duterte projected really well in tonight’s debate.On this alone, Duterte stood in stark contrast to rival candidates who had lots of promises to make but little actual promise to demonstrate before the audience. Platitudes and motherhood statements flowed in abundance. Perhaps, to be fair, there were some candidates who lent substance to their rhetoric. Unfortunately, #PiliPinasDebates2016 is not a Senate inquiry. It is reality TV. In that setting, Duterte’s skill at throwing emotional hooks into his audience shone through.Pity Mar Roxas, the Liberal Party bet who otherwise seemed to have much to offer in the way of intellect and administrative chops to the presidency. Like Duterte, Roxas enjoys a solid government service record. Unlike Duterte, however, Roxas’s administrative record is all messed up. Roxas squandered years of golden opportunity to accomplish a lot of things in the Cabinet of incumbent President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III. Instead, he dropped the ball on several crucial occasions with fatal consequences. The Haiyan disaster response fiasco in 2013 which resulted in the preventable loss of tens of thousands of Filipino lives, the massacre of 44 Special Action Force officers in Mamasapano in 2015, and the handling of various high-profile infrastructure failures, not to mention the PR gaffes, over the last six years irrevocably taints Roxas’s record.As such, even with the articulate promises and vision statements he managed to get in during tonight’s debate, Roxas is dead in the water. He cannot possibly win the 2016 presidential elections without resorting to a massive state-sponsored cheating project.Overall, the debate did not really add any new insight as far as anyone’s guess around what’s in store for the Philippines over the next six years. It likely did not help move the swing vote and, in all likelihood, merely solidified the support of the decided voters. In the homestretch leading to the May elections, this non-event may be the sad defining moment that did not make it happen for the majority of candidates in this race.
2016-04-24 15:42:30+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Like a kid in a candy store, presidential sister and TV personality Kris Aquino excitedly posted photos on her Instagram account of her ‘private’ meeting with visiting Pope Francis during the latter’s first stop in Malacañang, the Philippine presidential palace.It wasn’t really a private meeting as hundreds of other dignitaries and guests with Malacañang connections were there as well, as seen in the photos.She took the opportunity to show Pope Francis the rosary that she claimed was given by the pontiff to her son Josh during a previous visit to the Vatican.What Kris didn’t say in her Instagram post was that after she kissed the Pope’s ring and showed him the rosary, Francis said, “And who are you again?”
['Pol Pinoy']
16/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
On Wednesday, the Philippines became the 69th country included in Google’s Street View, which shows not just maps and routes but also actual photos of street addresses.Boxing icon Manny Pacquiao and tourism officials say images of the Philippine capital and the country’s main tourist spots on Google’s Street View could help attract more visitors to the country.Google country marketing manager Ryan Morales said the images captured over six months last year include panoramic street views of Manila and 39 other cities, 30 historic and heritage sites as well as Pacquiao’s southern hometown where he began his career as one of the world’s most popular boxers.But in less than 24 hours since the Street View launched in the Philippines, tourism officials asked the Supreme Court to issue a restraining order to stop Google from including Street View on Google Maps.Apparently, the Department of Tourism (DOT) has been receiving thousands of emails from irate potential tourists from all over the world, complaining that the street images they were seeing on Google Maps are a very far cry from the scenic photos and majestic videos that have been featured in Philippine tourism promos.Instead, Google searches are showing photos of slum areas and other images that are not representative of DOT’s own exotic view of the Philippines.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Roxas and Corruption: Campaign Planes, Election Spending, Mining Interests
Quid pro quo. Whether we want to admit it or not, this phrase defines the game of life. This same rule applies to every electoral campaign: something for something, this for that.Even if I felt something just doesn’t add up, I just can’t seem to put my finger on it, so the Roxas August TV ads news came and went without me giving a damn. Why? Because I don't really subscribe to half-baked truths.Then follow-up reports came in. Oh, boy.This is the part where I tell myself to calm down and examine the situation objectively, so let’s do just that.I would like to warn the reader that this is much longer than the usual Thinking Pinoy article, but I assure you that your ten-or-so minutes will be time well spent.Election Spending CapsThe Manila Times reported that Roxas spent ₱ 774 million from January to December 2015 on TV, radio, and newspaper ads. The Philippine Star even reported that Roxas has the money to pay for Anti-Binay ads .₱ 774 million does not even include the expenses he incurs during out-of-town events, where he gives out motorcycles and bags of food to all attendees. This does not include the gargantuan costs of running his fleet of private jets that he uses to transport his entire team from province to province. It also does not include the online ad spending: I check my Facebook wall everyday and sponsored Roxas-Robredo ads – run through Roxas’ official page – pop up left and right.The amount of money Roxas has hemorrhaged so far is mind-boggling, especially since ₱ 10-per-voter cap limits presidential campaign spending at about ₱ 545 million, based on 54.5 million registered Filipino voters .At this rate, Roxas should’ve already been disqualified, as any elementary school student will agree that 774 is a lot more than 545. We don’t need a Wharton degree to figure that out.Roxas SALN vis-a-vis Election Spending SpreeAmid the over-spending allegations, YACAP Party-list Rep. Carol Jane Lopez and Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, were quick to defend Roxas. They said Roxas “used his own money”.Roxas 2014 Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN) indicates a net worth of ₱ 202 million, according to the Inquirer . No other details were made public about his 2014 SALN declaration.TV 5 was somehow able to secure a copy of Roxas’ 2012 SALN that showed a net worth of ₱ 183.1 million, approximately 10% less than the 2014 figure.In this 2012 SALN, Roxas stated that his cash and time deposits in 2012 were ₱ 9.5 million. Even if the ₱ 19 million increase from 2012 to 2014 was in pure cash, it still won’t allow him to afford this degree of election spending.Even in the extreme scenario where he liquidated all his assets, there’s no way ₱ 202 million can pay for ₱ 257 million in TV ads, let alone that ₱ 774 million figure that he purportedly spent from January to December 2015.Roxas cannot “use his own money” because according to Roxas SALN, even if he’s one of the richest cabinet members, the kind of election spending he’s doing is on an entirely different level.With this said, it’s safe to say that he relied heavily on campaign donors, and this leads to the next question: who are his donors?That is, Thinking Pinoy asks: What kinds of people are funding Roxas’ ascent into the presidency?Roxas and the Mining IndustryA closer look at Roxas’ 2012 SALN shows that Roxas has a personal interest in the mining sector. His stockholdings, officially amounting to ₱ 120 million, include shares in seven mining companies, namely:Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company, Manila Mining Corporation, Philex Mining Corporation, Marinduque Mining and Industrial Corporation, Mindanao Mother Lake Mines, Samar Mining Company, Western Minolco Corporation.Being a stockholder in these seven wealthy firms indicate that he should have a lot of wealthy friends and wealthy acquaintances in the mining industry. And when in a pinch, such as when he needs campaign contributions, wouldn’t it be reasonable to say that his group of wealthy friends would be the first ones he’ll run to?Thinking Pinoy had no way of verifying who among these miner friends are helping Roxas fulfill his presidential ambitions.I needed leads. Luckily, the Philippine Star’s Jarius Bondoc gave me just that.Roxas and his Campaign PlanesBondoc of the Philippine Star reported Friday that private Cessna planes Roxas uses for his campaign sorties are wrapped in various anomalies. The aircraft are registered under Air Juan Aviation Inc. , owned by a certain Francis Eric Gutierrez. These planes are also used to fly VP candidate Leni Robredo and the Liberal Party (LP) senatorial lineup.A 2013 PCIJ report showed the billionaire Gutierrez is 2013’s 87 th highest taxpayer in the country.To give the reader an idea of Gutierrez’s net worth, GMA Network’s Jimmy Duavit is 83 rd and SM Prime Holding’s Henry Sy Sr. is 85 th . Their corresponding tax returns differ by less than a million pesos.Bondoc’s sources said that the planes comprising the Air Juan fleet were acquired with VAT and import duty exemptions , privileges that were never given any other aviation company.Signed for Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima by Usec. Carlo Carag, the tax exemptions were granted on the basis “that said importation is necessary in the operation of its business.”If we go by that logic, jeepney drivers should also be exempted from VAT on diesel, right? After all, diesel is necessary in the operation of a jeepney business.But no, lowly jeepney drivers won’t be exempted. As to why, it’s best to ask Purisima.Then came the lead I was looking for: Bondoc cited Gutierrez’s illegal mining activities in Mindanao. Bondoc explained how Gutierrez skirted tough laws to exploit the rich nickel ore reserves of Tubay, Agusan del Norte.When asked about it, Roxas’ camp said Mar leased the aircraft from from SR Mining Inc. (SRMI) owner Francis Eric Gutierrez and that the said transactions were "above-board".My subsequent research on Roxas' mining links and its implications terrified me so much, I actually fervently prayed that I am wrong.Gutierrez owns San Roque Metals Inc. (SRMI) , one of the largest mining companies in the country.Interestingly, reports indicate that LP Spokesperson Edgar Erice is a business partner at SRMI and that Erice’s son is an SRMI shareholder. LP’s Erice also served as SRMI’s chairman in the mid-2000’s.Through a memorandum of agreement with the Lumads of Tubay , SRMI engaged in “small scale mining” of 572 hectares of land in Tubay, Agusan del Norte.With the “small scale” tag, SR Metals was able to bypass severe environmental and legal restrictions imposed on large scale mining operations.Small scale miners are allowed to extract no more than 50,000 metric tons of ore annually, as opposed to large scale miners that are given higher limits, albeit with more financial, legal, and bureaucratic restrictions.Small-scale permit, large-scale miningA decade or so ago, environmental non-profit Caraga Watch formally sued SRMI for vastly exceeding its extraction limits, causing massive environmental damage.A simple Google satellite image shows the extent of SRMI’s over-extraction and its effects on the otherwise pristine Tubay environment:SRMI's Tubay Mining Site: 5 square kilometers, twice the size of Pateros.The yellow area surrounded by lush green forests, equivalent to about 570 hectares, shows the extent of SRMI’s “small scale” mining activities.That’s twice the size of the municipality of Pateros.The Small Scale Mining Act (RA 7076) defines small scale mining as "mining activities which rely heavily on manual labor using simple implement and methods and do not use explosives or heavy mining equipment". This is the same definition used in the RA 7942, the Philippine Mining Act .However, using Google maps and zooming a bit further into the yellow area reveals several intriguing objects:Small scale mining is supposed to rely mainly on manual labor, but SRMI's Tubay Mine appears to rely on heavy equipment and facilities commonly found in large-scale mining operations. Clockwise from Top-left: an excavator; an office building or a processing facility;three tailings ponds; a convoy of dump trucks; another dump truck; yet another pair of dump trucks.Eventually, DENR ordered the closure of the three mining sites in 2006. The agency also ordered the collection of ₱ 7 million in fines, or 0.25% of ₱ 2.9 billion that SRMI earned in 2006-2007, a mere slap on the wrist.Some reports indicate that SRMI earned ₱ 29 billion instead of ₱ 2.9 billion, but to give SRMI the benefit of the doubt, let’s just consider the smaller amount.Kung baga, partidahan na natin.Despite the DENR order, SRMI continued mining operations in Tubay, pending a Supreme Court (SC) decision.That’s why in 2010, Agusan del Norte provincial officials and Tubay townsfolk urged PNoy to halt SRMI’s Tubay operations on the following grounds:SRMI failed to pay municipal taxes and business fees ( ₱ 100 million).SRMI did not pay extraction fees ( ₱ 120 million)SRMI did not pay 1% royalty fees to the lumads, identified as Accredited Tribal Sectoral Leaders of Indigenous Cultural Communities of Tubay.LP Spokesperson Edgar Erice, SRMI’s chairman at the time, argued that SRMI, as a “small scale miner”, is “exempted from paying extraction fees under the Mining Act or R.A. 7942.A little more math reveals a different and even more disturbing story.Based on Mining and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) data, SRMI earned ₱ 2.9 billion in the 15 months leading to December 2009. Hence, the royalties due (1%) is about ₱ 29 million.The 2007 market rate for nickel ore is US$ 30 per metric ton . Using Jan 2 2007 USD:PHP exchange rate of 1:48.86 , Php 2.9 billion translates to about 1.98 million metric tons of nickel ore.That is, aside from non-compliance with financial obligations, SRMI appears to have over-extracted ores from Tubay, mining almost 40 times their annual 50,000 metric ton limit.SRMI continued its Tubay operations and on an even larger scale. The SC affirmed DENR’s 2006 order in June 2014 . However, the SC did not penalize SRMI for its operations from 2007 to 2014.To make matters worse, Bondoc’s sources said the SRMI mines still operate today.PNoy and MiningSince 2010, the PNoy’s LP administration did nothing to contain SRMI , despite incessant calls from genuine indigenous peoples’ groups.For example, MGB reported that for the year 2014, SRMI paid ₱ 45.3 million in royalties to Tubay’s Lumads, representing 1% of SRMI’s total mining review for that fiscal year. That is, SRMI 2014 revenues from their Tubay site were at ₱ 4.53 billion. The 2014 market rate was US$ 41 per ton. Using the Jan 2 2014 USD:PHP exchange rate of 1:44.49 , ₱ 4.53 billion translates to about 2.48 million tons of ore mined in 2014.Again, that’s almost 50 times the 50,000-ton annual limit for small-scale miners.Moreover, in 2012, while the Lumads (David) battle SRMI (Goliath), President Noynoy Aquino issued Executive Order (EO) No. 79 , which forbids granting of new large-scale mining contracts, pending the passing of a new law that would overhaul revenue sharing of revenue between mining companies and the government.The caveat: As of May 2015, Congress, dominated by the Liberal Party, has yet to conduct a single hearing on this mining bill.EO 79 covers only new mines, and not the old ones. That is, contracts held by SRMI, along with the contracts held by Roxas’ mining companies, were left untouched. Hence, this EO allowed existing mining companies to collectively hold a de facto monopoly on because of the lack of new competition.Again, quid pro quo: SRMI is an avid supporter of the PNoy administration from start to finish.In 2010, then-Presidential candidate Noynoy Aquino used a Gutierrez-owned plane for his campaign sorties, said Bondoc.In 2012, Rappler reported that Gutierrez accompanied President Aquino in his official 2012 US and UK trips, where he was included in the group of “Top 26 Filipino businessmen” that comprised official Philippine delegation.In 2013, Former PCDSPO Secretary Ricky Carandang, who served the PNoy administration, was reported to have plans of becoming the Head of Corporate Communications for either one of Gutierrez’s companies after his resignation from his cabinet-level position in 2013, according to The Manila Times . A recent report suggests that Carandang currently works for Air Juan .In 2014, aerial footage of SunChamp’s Batangas farm was captured using a Gutierrez-owned helicopter, according to the United Nationalist’s Alliance. The footage was used in the senate hearings concerning corruption allegations against Vice-President Jejomar Binay.And here came 2016, when Gutierrez leased his entire Air Juan fleet to Roxas and the rest of Daang Matuwid.Former Cabinet Sec. Ricky Carandang, now reportedly working for Air Juan, a Gutierrez-owned company.Future of Mining in a Roxas PresidencyThe story of Gutierrez’s SRMI is just a glimpse at how cozy the LP’s relations are with mining companies. Add the fact that LP’s Roxas is a shareholder in at least 7 mining companies , the future seems brighter in a Roxas presidency for SRMI and friends.How exactly will a Roxas presidency benefit SRMI and friends?First, Roxas runs on a platform of continuity , i.e. he's bent on preserving the new status quo created by the PNoy administration. Roxas has never criticized PNoy’s decisions, and this includes EO 79. In a Roxas presidency, there is no reason to speculate the reversal of EO 79. Coupled with chronic absenteeism in Congress, we can expect the mining monopoly to last until 2022.In particular, despite falling nickel prices in the past few years, this monopoly will come in handy as nickel prices are expected to shoot up after Indonesia decided to implement a nationwide export ban on mineral products. Bloomberg says this is great news for Philippine nickel miners like SRMI.Second, Roxas isn't likely to pass FOI . LP has never been able to pass Freedom of Information (FOI) under PNoy and there’s no reason to believe that Roxas, who’s weaker than Aquino, will manage to rally congress to pass this during his term. Roxas and PNoy dropped FOI like a hot potato as soon as Congress insisted on the right of reply provision. They didn't fight for it. They didn't even certify it as urgent.This way, the common people, including citizen journalists like Thinking Pinoy, will still find it extremely difficult to discover anomalies like SRMI’s Tubay operations. For example, it took Thinking Pinoy several days of research for this article. If FOI existed, Thinking Pinoy could have just requested documents from the SEC, the MGB, the BIR, Customs, and every other related government agency and consequently write a more detailed, more authoritative report. But it isn’t the case.Third, the final version of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is morely likely to favor SRMI and Friends under a Roxas presidency. Under the original version of BBL, the Bangsamoro government will have jurisdiction over mining permits in their area ( House Bill 4994, Art. V, Sec. 3, Item 29 ). This doesn’t sit well with SRMI and Friends whose owners hail from either Luzon or the Visayas.The ARMM has significant oil and natural gas reserves . Major deposits have been discovered in Liguasan Marsh in Central Mindanao, and various points in the the Sulu Sea. Of course, Guttierez and friends want a stake in that, and of the four presidentiables, LP’s Roxas is their best shot.If Binay wins, he will want revenge : SRMI will have hell to pay. If Poe wins, she will obviously want revenge too, after the LP-led disqualification cases that she’s still battling right now, where she even had to dig up graves just to prove she's qualified to run. If Duterte wins, his Federalism will work in a similar way as the original version of BBL in as far as Bangsamoro mining is concerned. That is, SRMI and Friends will lose their throne.And these benefits just came off the top of my head. There may be other more sophisticated benefits, and I leave it to the reader to figure them out, if any.Regardless, it's quid pro quo: Gutierrez helps Roxas become president, Roxas helps Guttierez in his business. Quid pro quo, to the detriment of the regular Filipino.Another presidential candidate asked, If this is not corruption, what else do we call it?Let me answer that: if isn't corruption, it's sheer stupidity. If coddling the corrupt is Roxas' intent, then it's corruption. If it isn't his intent, then he's a moron.Plane and simple.Pun intended. ( Thinking Pinoy )UPDATE:As pointed out by one of my readers, Bayan Muna's Rep. Zarate of the Makabayan Bloc is not administration stalwart. Zarate is one of the solons who had raised banners of protest inside the House during the SONA. Zarate was also one of the first to ask for Roxas's resignation from the DILG, and said it was a matter of delicadeza especially as there was speculation on where he is getting campaign funds. Article content has been corrected to reflect this clarification.Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up!Web content development, web maintenance, and online promotion of TP articles are expensive. Would you like to help TP spread the word?Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!
11/04/2017 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
BREAKING: Adobo Chronicles Awarded A Pulitzer Prize!
Champagne started flowing at The Adobo Chronicles headquarters in San Jose, California, after the last of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize winners were announced today.AdoboChron was proclaimed winner of this year’s Best Unbelievable News, besting other finalists like The New York Times, TIME Magazine, and CNN.The three news giants had hoped that their entries which all depicted chaos, death and anarchy in the streets of Manila as a result of President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs would land them the much-coveted prize.In the end, the Pulitzer jury decided against the news giants in favor of a relatively new start-up news source, The Adobo Chronicles.Publishers of The Adobo Chronicles announced an open-to-the-public celebration for this great honor at its headquarters on Good Friday. There will be lost of chicken and pork adobo to go around.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Over 100M-peso cost of #DongYanWedding shouldered by GMA Network as publicity investment!
I was correct with my gut feelings. My friendly butiki, who listens to everything inside the executive offices of GMA7, confirmed that it was the network that paid for everything (repeat, everything) in the so called 'royal wedding'. It was over Php100m on the wedding day alone, not including other expenses in the pre-nuptial activities. This is an eye-popping amount if it is just a wedding expense (as I am one of those who think that a 20m wedding is already stupid and insensitive in a Third World setting, even if one could afford a 500m one). Over 100m, however, is a justifiable amount, even cheap vis-a-vis the ROI, if it is accounted as marketing and advertising expense of a large corporation that regularly spends much more anyway in their ads and promos.If the network has been able to project that their signature stars are bigger than those from competition, then they would have been able to deliver the message that GMA7 is the bigger kid in the block (don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong in being number one in a very competitive business). It appears they have achieved this objective, and the network executives are happy. In fact, they are very happy as some foreign media picked up on the event, like the CBS morning show and that already mentioned above, etc. There were also other side messages that were delivered in the process, like they control the other "stars" in politics and entertainment (no less than Pres BS Aquino attended… almost a dozen bishops and priests, and the competitors' signature stars were also there. ….Ateneo and La Salle were also united since the groom is an Atenean; the bride, a La Sallian).. and other corny things and spins, which were debated, but were eventually dropped so that the main message would remain uncluttered.The unexpected bonus for them were the articles from GRP and how the event went viral in social media, as this extended the discussion of the event beyond the 24-hour news cycle. This came free (though, GRP might want to think of collecting some fee from GMA as it has helped in the PR blitz in a big way. I understand some of the lesser known stars were paid their PF, professional fees, for their attendance in the wedding). GRP, of course, could choose to be untainted by GMA's money; afterall GRP had their own bonus — those who normally don't pay attention to more important issues than a royal wedding finally visited the site. (Ilda should be congratulated.)We are all caught in the spider web of media, and as I make my comments now, I am very much aware that I am allowing myself to be entangled in the web of GMA7 — they want us to talk about the wedding. GRP and some commenters here know this as well. The point is that if we know we are in the web, we should know how to get out of the web. Unfortunately, it seems a good many don't know this, and it is easy to spot who these were; their operative words in the comboxes: inggetera.. ano ba paki-alam nyo.. it's their own money.. they worked hard for it… this is democracy… etc. Well, knowing what was said earlier, can these comments be considered moot and academic now? (It was not the couple's money; it was a marketing expense of a large company. And, even if one had all the money in the world, one simply can't go against decency, good taste, and all such principles that might enhance, improve, or elevate the culture and society at large.)We have a good many damned, or dumb, suckers of whatever media dishes out. They buy the media products, events, shows, etc, without even pausing to think. Well, this was expected of the D and E demographics, and that must be why GMA went ahead with the project, even building the anticipation to the event in their daily news. I would like to think it was not expected of the middle class that populate the social media — how could these guys who have all the access to knowledge thru Google and the like be buying a fake imitation of royalty? Ganun na ba tayo kababaw, that all we need is "kilig" and cheezy things? So, does PHL have a bigger problem with the mentality of the middle class than poverty? Would it be able to solve poverty in a more efficient way if it addresses the mentality of the middle class first? Or, did we already know that Education should have been the priority and the focus all this time?More than the code against extravagance, I think there is a more forceful code, written or unwritten, related to truth in advertising. If you sell a royal wedding, was there truth in it if there was no body in attendance who had a blue blood? Or, is the government afraid of media? Is this the reason why they have allowed Education to deteriorate in quality since media has more influence than the teachers? and investment in schools, teachers, and books would just be negated by the ubiquitous noontime and showbiz tsismis TV shows? Or, are they afraid of a well-educated populace because this would be a threat to the well-entrenched corrupt government officials? and it might as well that media churns out programs after programs on TV and radio that make people uncritical, if not really dumb? Or, is an educated populace simply a threat to anything? Or, is an educated populace the only way PHL could progress?Even then, congratulations to GMA7 (and ABS-CBN and Channel5 as well) for your fantastic bottom lines, but I ain't buying your lousy products. Still, you deserve your multi-billion profits; you have studied and know your respective audiences well; they will follow you wherever you go. Sige, continue with your ratings war; it is exciting for Pinoys.But, "Royal Wedding"? I had hope you would have spared even just a billion more to have at least Kate Middleton, or the Sultan of Brunei, as guest — that would have been a real royalty present, not a fake one. It would have kilig to the max even China who might have dropped their claim on Spratleys right there and then. ……. But, a royal #DongYan, go tell that to the Marines.----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/01/7m-peso-12-foot-high-wedding-cake-of-dingdong-dantes-and-marian-rivera-baffles-the-world/comment-page-2/#comment-1038824
06/09/2017 0:00
#Poverty and #hunger not strong enough motivators for #Filipinos to change
The article [on the seemingly outrageous extravagance of the DongYan wedding] drives a point on extravagance in the face of poverty and serving public servants as opposed to public servants serving the public. The other problem is that we have become so used to how things are for example poverty, bribery (sponsorship) and celebrity mentality just to name a few, that it is accepted and we don't know the difference. The people will just have to suck it and go about their business of finding the next meal while there is somebody out there spending spending million for wedding and closing up a major thoroughfare for his convenience at the expense of the public.The gap between poverty and the rich is so big and the rich have no sense of sensitivity for the poor. No, a 35,000 peso pair of shoes may not be extravagant to somebody or to maybe 50% of Filipinos but it is extravagant to the person next to you who can only afford a pair of tsinelas, that is if you tell him how much your shoes cost. Yes, a 2 million peso dress is extravagant to 99.99% of Filipinos.When will our mentality change? Seems like poverty and hunger are powerful motivators for change but for us it is barely making a difference. Our Filipino mentality is a screwed up mentality and what we are seeing and how we are reacting are just the sings of how screwed up it is. The sad thing is we may never be able to change and we are getting left behind.-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/12/did-the-dingdong-dantes-marian-rivera-wedding-violate-the-philippine-civil-code-against-thoughtless-extravagance/comment-page-45/#comment-1048754
13/12/2017 0:00
Oprah Winfrey is the undisputed “Queen of All Media, with a career spanning many decades, and personal accomplishments that would put Donald Trump to shame.The 60-year old Winfrey is not only a talk show host, but an actress, producer and philanthropist. She is acclaimed as the most influential woman in the world. When Oprah cries, everybody cries! One of her latest career milestones was the establishment of her own television network, OWN, or Oprah Winfrey Network.The Adobo Chronicles has learned that Winfrey is very nervous about the recent launching of the Sarah Palin Network. “Tired of media filters? Well, so am I,” the former Alaska governor proclaimed Sunday on her Facebook page. “So let’s go rogue and launch our own member-supported channel. “Palin’s internet video channel is accessible to both fans and critics at a subscription rate of $9.99 a month. The former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor described her new channel as a “community” where she and viewers can share ideas. “I want to talk to directly to you on our channel on my terms and no need to please the powers that be,” she says, promising to go beyond soundbites and to “cut through the media’s politically correct filter.”Winfrey told The Adobo Chronicles that she has never been so challenged by anyone in her entire life, much less from a rifle-carrying hockey mom. She is running scared that the launch of the Palin channel will be the beginning of the downfall of the Winfrey media empire. “When you have Americans believing the unintelligible soundbites and wacky opinions from the likes of Palin, America has a big problem,” Winfrey said. “And when such wackery is given a bully pulpit via the ever-expanding world of social media, the threat to America’s sanity becomes even more real.”Asked if she had any plans to counter Palin’s latest move, the billionaire Winfrey said she will purchase all available subscription spots on the Palin network, then block all content from reaching its intended audience. “In effect, Palin would be broadcasting only to me,” Winfrey added.Now we know who the real diva is!
['Pol Pinoy']
28/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Maine Mendoza Sex Scandal
Eat Bulaga host and actress Maine Mendoza was caught on camera being swarmed by fans (or haters) resulting her being pushed back against a c...
['Vic Patnugot']
07/11/2018 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Baguio City Ordinance: The Adobo Chronicles’ List Of Alternative Cuss Words
You’ve heard by now about the new Baguio City Ordinance prohibiting the use of profanity in local schools and businesses that cater to the youth. But no worries, we have great news for you.Thanks to the help of our readers and followers, we have compiled a list of alternative cuss words that won’t get you in trouble with Baguio authorities.Let’s get right into it:Fake you!Puto ni Inang (Mother’s rice cake. Yum!)Anak ng Tokwa (Son-of-a-Tofu)Ukis ti Saba (Banana peel)Anak ng Pato (Son-of-a-Duck)Pautang Ina! (Can I get a loan, Mother?)Duck headAsh Whole (Be sure to enunciate the ‘h’)SIYETe (Why, the number 7 of course)Bull Sheet (Remember, long ē)LECHugas (They’re aplenty in the Baguio City Market)Putahe ng Ina Mo (Your mother’s recipe)Cooking ng Ina Mo (Your mother’s cooking)PAKYUt (Trying to be cute)Poinsettia Ka!Pakangkongan (Spinach field)Pakingking (Why, the male version of course. Very Royal!)Lady GAGA (Make sure not to forget ‘Lady.’)DiGUNGGONG (Our apologies, Mr. President)PHUC (My Vietnamese friend)PukeManFake an American accent: PukiMoe, TitiMoeOh, and the Ordinance only prohibits verbal utterances. There’s always sign language:(Please add your own in the Comments section)
['Pol Pinoy']
07/11/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Why is it so hard for some people to apologise?
Why is it so hard for some people to apologise? They would rather pretend everything is okay and claim that they are not party to the fiasco in an effort to appear "cool". They even shift the blame on others instead of owning up to their mistake.Sometimes all it takes is a simple statement like, "We apologise for the oversight" and then people can move on.Unfortunately, when people are not willing to admit their mistakes, they do not learn from it.
2017-03-31 07:59:44+08:00
Pulong Duterte blasts Atty. Falcis: “Yung oxygen, ginagamit namin para mabawasan ang stress namin sa mga katulad mo”
Davao City Vice Mayor Paolo “Pulong” Duterte lambasted Attorney Jesus Falcis for his speculations that President Rodrigo Duterte had a serious illness.Falcis wrote a post on his social media account on March 29 about the viral photos of President Rodrigo Duterte where his grandchildren surprised him.The lawyer noticed that there’s a machine that placed near the bed of the President, giving him an idea that Duterte had a serious illness.He said that the machine was only used by people who suffered in severe respiratory illness.The lawyer also mentioned Article VII, Section 12 which tells that the President must inform the public about his true state of health.Falcis was unsure if the machine was used in Oxygen or for Dialysis.2 days after the post of Falcis, Vice Mayor Pulong Duterte answered the question of the lawyer and informed him about the true purpose of the machine.Duterte asked Falcis if he wanted to point out that the health condition of the President can be used as ground for impeachment.He also said that Falcis might absent in his science lesson and he explained that the Oxygen Tank that President Duterte used is a stress-reliever.Pulong believes that Falcis only passed the bar because of his penmanship.“Atty Jesus Falcis, kung d ka ba naman abugok maraming purpose ang oxygen palibhasa absent ka sa Science.. eto ginagamit namin para mabawas bawasan ang stress sa kagaya mong ABUGOK at sa mga kasama mong CONG-GOK at SENADOR NA UGOK na puro impeachment lng ang laman ng utak! Sa tingin ko pumasa ka lang sa Bar exam dahil sa penmanship mo,” Vice Mayor Duterte wrote.Pulong Duterte’s also included a picture of him using the oxygen concentrator of his father while showing his middle finger for the yellows.Yesterday, President Rodrigo Duterte also explained that he need to use the machine when sleeping because of lack of oxygen.He also gave an advice to the members of the Philippine Councilor’s League that if they wanted to relieve their stress and to become look younger, they must use an oxygen concentrator.
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2017-03-31 07:59:44+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Marawi mayor tells residents: Stay indoors, remain vigilant
ADVERTISEMENTMANILA - The mayor of Marawi City is advising residents of the city to stay indoors as government troops continue to pursue the Maute terror group who occupied parts of the city.Marawi Mayor Majul Gandamra said on Wednesday that while the firefight appears to have eased this morning, it will be better if residents stay indoors until the situation has completely normalized."Pinalabas ko po ang aking mga tao to observe the situation meron pong mga tindahan na nagbubukas. Pero we are advising them to be vigilant and extra careful," he said, adding that classes will remain suspended for now.The mayor also confirmed the local government had advanced knowledge of a possible terror attack but did not expect the large number of extremists attacking the city."Alam po namin na merong mangyayari. That's why palagi po namang alert but we did not expect na ganoon karami ang papasok dito," he said.SPONSORShare this story!Visit and follow our website: Duterte Hot News© Duterte Hot NewsAs I've said, una pong una pong nag-operate ang military... After that, may reports na sa mga barangay na may sightings na ng members of the group," he added.Gandarma said there are an estimated 100 Maute and Abu Sayyaf extremists behind the attack.Lt. General Carlito Galvez Jr., chief of the Western Mindanao Command, earlier told ANC that they pursuing up to 80 terrorists. He added that as far as he knows, the Maute group has not gained total control in any establishments in the city.Despite a declaration of martial law, Gandamra said operations of the Marawi government remain the same. The mayor said he has yet to discuss details of the martial law declaration with the military."The declaration of Martial Law ay napapanahon naman po. Ang hinihingi lang po ng gobyerno ay marespeto ang human rights ng mga civilian," he added.The mayor said he will not leave the city hall to prevent the terrorists from taking over Marawi's seat of power. Authorities are also waiting for reinforcements from the Philippine National Police.Source: #http://news.abs-cbn.com/news/05/24/17/marawi-mayor-tells-residents-stay-indoors-remain-vigilant
['Hot News Philippines']
17/11/2016 0:00
Hot News Philippines
Philippine Presidential Elections: Mar Roxas Leads In New Poll!
Mar Roxas has every reason to be very happy these days. The former Interior Secretary is leading by a wide margin in a new poll on the Filipinos’ top choice to be their next president.For many months now since the election campaign began, Roxas has fared very poorly in the polls, oftentimes taking the bottom slot.This new poll, which comes just about a month till election day on May 9, shows Roxas in the top spot at 37.5%, or more than 12 % ahead of second placer Vice President Jejomar Binay. Binay got 25% while Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Senators Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor-Santiago were all tied for third place with 12.5% each.The poll was conducted jointly by ABS-CBN, GMA-7 and the Philippines Daily Inquirer. It was a single-question poll which asked likely voters: “If elections were held today, which of the five presidential candidates would you least want to win?”
['Pol Pinoy']
04/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
#Filipinos' uncivilized behaviour hinders #Philippines' progress
I often wonder why Filipinos can't behave in a "civilized" way in their own home country.It is known that we are striving to become a first world country, yet at the same time the behavior of our countrymen betrays this aspiration.IF you are striving for first world status, you won't be:1. rude, undisciplined and inconsiderate-The opposite would be true.2. overly emotional;-we would think before we acted and tried to base national stands and decisions off good information.3. lack a sense of self-responsibility;– instead we would choose national leaders who are deserving of that position and patronize media that give us good quality programming.4. rely heavily on external factors and forces for validation;– instead we should develop indigenous capabilitites to create capital and defense materiel.5. take criticism and alternative approaches/points of view very poorly;– we shouldn't follow our current national leaders who would go on "beast mode" over perceived slights.6. set abominably low standards for themselves;– Why not set out to completely eradicate poverty, sytematize transportation, expand manufacturing to the provinces? Most of all, why not set out to rebuild our armed forces and make it capable of displaying power thousands of kilometers away from Manila.– Get rid of that "Bahala na" mentality.7. lazy and unimaginative;– We need more scientists and researchers to reinvent/create processes, materials and things. We also need entrepreneurs and industrialists to make it work. For too long we have focused on retail and services.8. harbor a skewed concept of freedom;– while technically we are free, we currently live under the dictatorship of the oligarchy.It is small, niggly things that make me feel ashamed of our people and myself by extension.----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/05/why-i-am-not-proud-to-be-filipino/#comment-1169954
18/01/2018 0:00
Leni Robredo Hires Blogger Drew Olivar As Spokesperson For ‘Angat Buhay’
Leni Robredo has changed her mind about suing ‘Pepedederalismo’ blogger Andrew Olivar for the latter’s previous videos accusing the Vice President of, among others, traveling to South Africa just to have sex.Instead, realizing the potential of having Olivar on her side, Robredo is hiring the ‘boklo’ as spokesperson for her ‘Angat Buhay’ program.Robredo told The Adobo Chronicles that spokesperson Georgina Hernandez has not been effective in creating a favorable public image for the Vice President. With the instant fame of Olivar because of that viral video with Mocha Uson, Robredo thinks that the blogger could be a great asset to her office.Congratulations to Drew!
['Pol Pinoy']
09/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Hawaiian Airlines tops the competition, airing a commercial promoting its regular flights from the U.S. Mainland to the Philippines.Many have read novelist Dan Brown’s most recent book, ‘Inferno’ in which he described Manila as the “Gates of Hell.”Hawaiian Airlines’ commercial hit the bull’s eye with its tag line, “Fly to the Gates of Hell, with a stopover in Paradise.” It is a promotion for its flight from the U.S. Mainland to Manila with a stopover in Hawaii.Philippine Airlines is reportedly very upset because the Hawaiian Airlines commercial is sure to negatively impact its ticket sales.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine President Duterte A Rock Star In Japan
When Shinzo Abe met Rodrigo Roa Duterte in Laos, the first thing that the Japanese prime minister told the Philippine president was, “You’re famous in Japan!“. He wasn’t kidding.Duterte is considered a rock star in Japan. His unconventional ways and tough talk have gained the admiration of the Japanese — both young and old.One famous concert venue in Tokyo advertised that it would freature the Filipino leader in a satellite feed from his hometown of Davao City where he just arrived from a state visit to Indonesia.The drug-free concert sold out just hours after the show’s organizers announced Duterte’s video appearance.As soon as Duterte came on the satellite feed, the concert crowd cheered and lit glow sticks, bringing the packed hall into a state of pandemonium.In his video message, Duterte encouraged the concert crowd to stay away from illegal drugs.Other concert venues and dance clubs throughout Japan are planning to hold similar events featuring Duterte’s live message from the Philippines.Many Japanese are looking forward to Duterte’s state visit to their country after learning that the Filipino leader has accepted the invitation from Abe.
['Pol Pinoy']
11/09/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Watch: 3 Generals tagged in drug trade meet PNP Chief Bato
WATCH THE VIDEO BELOWMeeting of PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa with Chief Superintendent Bernardo Diaz, former director of the Police Regional Office 6; Chief Superintendent Edgardo Tinio, former director of the Quezon City Police District; and Director Joel Pagdilao, former chief of the National Capital Region Police Office at 11:50am today held at Office of the Chief PNP, National Headquarters Bldg., Camp Crame. The three are among the five ‘Police Generals’ tagged earlier by Pres Rody Duterte who are allegedly involved in illegal drugs.What can you say about this clip? Leave your comments below!
2016-07-06 15:50:16+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
UST Takes Back Mocha Uson’s Diploma
Asec Mocha Uson was very gracious in returning the Thomasian Award given to her by the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Alumni Association.Uson made the move after the USTAAI received intense public criticism for its decision to honor her for government service.But alas, UST has decided to take back Uson’s diploma after she mistakenly said that Mayon Volcano was in Naga City.A UST spokesperson said that university standards dictate that graduates should at least know their basic Philippine geography.
['Pol Pinoy']
25/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Dialing Senator De Lima’s Cell Phone Number: All Circuits Are Busy
While Senator Leila De Lima was delivering her privilege speech attacking Senators Alan Peter Cayetano and Manny Pacquiao, and President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, her cell phone registered thousands of incoming calls. Her phone was, of course, on silent mode.The calls came in soon after National Bilibid Prison inmate Herbert Colangco testified at today’s Congressional hearing on drug business proliferation at the national penitentiary that he had spoken by phone to De Lima, revealing the cell phone number he dialed to do so.Colangco and other witnesses testified that De Lima, then the Secretry of Justice, benefited from drug deals inside the prison.The incoming calls included several from Deputy House Speaker Gwen Garcia who tried to call De Lima’s supposed cell phone number to verify the truth and accuracy of Colangco’s testimony. To Garcia’s surprise, the number she dialed corresponded with a saved cell phone number she had on her phone’s address book which belonged to De Lima.Others who tried to call De Lima’s cell phone number merely got a recorrded message saying, “All circuits are busy. Please try your call later.”The cell phone number is 0917-842-19**
['Pol Pinoy']
20/09/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
President Duterte to Cayetano “You are still my Vice President”
ScreengrabPresident Rody Duterte is still considering Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano as his Vice President despite of getting low numbers on the Vice Presidential Elections.The Davao City Mayor that soon is going to become the 16th President of the Republic of the Philippines is showing his full support to his tandem.He also offered Alan Cayetano to become the DFA or DOJ Secretary.Many supporters of DUTERTE-CAYETANO is very happy that the two candidates didn’t broke their promise to help each other after the election, win or lose.The Presumtive President is also not speaking about the two leading candidates in the Vice Presidential Race.Photo Credits: Hernel TocmoMeanwhile Presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte, Manny Villar, and Koko Pimentel led the signing of coalition partnership between PDP-Laban and Nacionalista Party.
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2016-05-16 16:29:57+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
that means two or three in every block or corner of Waikiki’s major thoroughfares like Kuhio and Kalakaua Avenues. Effective February 1, 2014, all ABC Stores will become Starbucks Coffee Shops. Starbucks has , however, assured everyone that it will add Kona coffee to its regular menu to keep the Aloha spirit in their business. It will also offer spam sushi as part of its breakfast menu, as well as macadamia nuts for its snacks. In place of its iced coffees, Starbucks will offer shaved ice coffees.
['Pol Pinoy']
04/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Maria Sofia Love possibly becomes ‘Persona Non Grata’ and ‘passport cancellation’ as punishment for disrespecting the national anthem
Yesterday, a viral video of Pinay transgender Maria Sofia Sanchez also known for her screen name as Maria Sofia Love sparked outrage on social media.The video of Sofia Love showed the Pinay Transgender danced the National Anthem of the Philippines sexually. She placed her hand on her crotch instead of her chest while laughing and dancing dirtily an action which is very illegal in the country.Because of her disgusting actions, she might not allow to enter the Philippines anymore.In an interview of News5 journalist Raffy Tulfo to Teddy Atienza, Chief of Heraldry Section on National Historic Commission of the Philippines, they shared that they already studying possible punishments to the Pinay Transgender for disrespecting the national anthem of the Philippines.Being declared ‘Persona non Grata’ or cancellation of passport might be the best possible punishment to Maria Sofia Love, according to Atienza.Atienza also informed Tulfo, that despite of being living overseas, Sofia Love might not escape her responsibilities for doing the disgusting act because she uploaded her infamous video on social media which already watched by millions of netizens.NHCP urged the Department of Foreign Affairs to cancel the passport of Maria Sofia Love and also asked the Bureau of Immigration to help them trace the location of the Pinay transgender.“Kung Pilipino siya, maaring kanselahin ang kanyang passport at kung siya po ay iba na ang citizenship niya ay maaring mai ban po natin siya sa tangapan ng immigration,” Atienza said during the interview.Blogger RJ “Thinking Pinoy” Nieto posted the letter wrote by NHCP to Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, asking the DFA to cancel the passport of Maria Sofia Love for disrespecting the national anthem of the Philippines.According to the letter, NHCP also asked the DFA to trace the real identity of the Pinaytransgender.Atienza also has a message to the Filipino citizens:“Nananawagan po kami sa lahat na ang pambansang sagisag, lalo na po itong ating National Anthem, Lupang Hinirang.. ito po ay nabuo dahil sa pagmamahal ng ating mga bayani sa ating bayan hindi po ito ordinaryong kanta na ginagawa ang kanyang pambabastos dito,” Atienza said.“Iwasan po natin yang mga bagay na yan at mayroon pong kaukulang kaparusahan sa mga taong gumagawa niyan,” he added.Most of the netizens agreed that Sofia Love must face consequences for what she did in the National Anthem of the Philippines.Maria Sofia Love became an instant Facebook celebrity because of her one-liners like “Pak” and “Para sa Ekonomiya”But several of her former fans noticed that the Pinay transgender is acting strangely in some of her videos, that made them to unfollow Sofia Love on Facebook.Defenders of Maria Sofia Love also explained that the Pinay Transgender didn’t disrespected the national anthem intentionally.What can you say about this controversy faced by Maria Sofia Love, do you think she deserved a penalty for what she did? Share your thoughts below!
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2017-09-11 18:54:29+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Justin Trudeau’s Scented Candle Outsells That Of Donald Trump And The US President-Elect Is Not Happy
It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas, and the shopping for gifts and Christmas tree stocking fillers are in full swing.Scented candles are among the more popular items during the holidays and two new products have been introduced to the market. One bears the scent of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the other, the scene of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.The numbers are in, and Trudeau’s scented candles have far outsold Trump’s. As expected, Trump is not happy.The Adobo Chronicles has just learned that Trump fired his scented-candle promo team for doing a lousy job.We wonder though, if any advertising or marketing group will ever succeed in promoting the Trump scented candle.Incidentally, Trudeau hasn’t even employed a promo team for his scented candle. The sales just keep going and going.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leila de Lima and her supporters working hard to bring down a legit elected government
THE ANGER GAMESI am already sated and inundated with anything that has got to do with Leila de Lima. To my mind she is already kaput, and her jailing is but a mere formality. And I have it on good authority that her arrest and incarceration is just a matter of time...What bothers me more are the forces behind her. Looking at her presscon yesterday reminds me of the LPheld last May 7 at the Quezon Memorial Circle. She is surrounded by the same coterie that has campaigned hard for Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo. Foremost is Karina Constantino David, who is the chief strategist of the "" slogan of RoRo.Obviously, these people are not fighting for truth, justice or the perceived harassment and shaming of de Lima.These people are working to bring down a legitimate government with a clear mandate. Why? Because they are the ones affected by the cleansing and purging that the present administration is valiantly pursuing.Because they are the elite and the oligarchy who lorded it over the past 30 years, and would not easily give up the power, wealth and influence they immensely enjoyed, at the expense of the ordinary citizenry.They are the same bunch who made our mundane lives more miserable.They are the ones who corrupted the system to milk it dry while we ended up with poor infrastructure and a perpetual cycle of mess and patch up remedy. Note that the remedy is always shortsighted and temporary because this is where they earn more.They are the leadership who manipulated the system so craftily to look good on the outside, but so hollow on the inside, like the favorite "" we like to munch but will have problems later with indigestion and tooth decay.They are the ones who drove our skilled workers to migrate elsewhere because they did not offer jobs here with decent wages.These are the same group of incompetent and uncaring leaders, headed by two pedigreed scions of landlords and political bigwigs who are so clueless of the true state of the nation, even as one of them became president out of sheer luck while the other and his mother was so desperate to become one but can't make the grade despite the billions they threw away.Aside from de Lima, we also have to be wary of other, and actually more sinister, lieutenants of this political machinery, that hides under the majesty of the legislature. We have to watch out for Franklin Drilon, Antonio Trillanes, Risa Hontiveros, Francis Pangilinan and Bam Aquino.They would like nothing more than to bring back the status quo, especially because their ineptitude as lawmakers are now unravelling.No matter how subtle they try to appear, their appearance and pronouncements betray their motives and intent, particularly their stance on the war on drugs and corruption, which they are vehemently opposing under the guise of human rights violation.The hypocrisy of their acts can't be denied, when they even attempt to legislate information dissemination and curtail the phenomenon known as social media.This is how brazen they are, not because they care for the republic and its citizens.All they care about is their self preservation, and to continue to provide a governance that perpetuates mediocrity, illiteracy and poverty.The subterfuge is so cunning that we keep on electing them. They want us to remain to be dumb, to be poor, and to be miserable because they are like vultures who want to feast on our carcasses.In a way, they are a dictatorship that do not dictate, but simply to govern in such a way as to foster apathy and indifference.In the last 3 decades, they have succeeded.Until now.Because the tipping point has arrived, this country is ready for an authentic upheaval. There is great sense of engagement never before embraced by a citizenry that has reached its peak tolerance and patience.It would be a gross mistake to ignore or to dismiss this outrage and to belittle it by the traditional manipulation that worked before.This time, it is vastly different.When the siren calls out, you can bet your life that change is not coming.It is already here.And we will fight to let it in completely.-----------------------Mark Lopez as posted on Facebook
03/06/2017 0:00
Last year, Miley Cyrus sparked outrage with her Bangerz tour when she groped backup dancers and encouraged the audience to smoke marijuana. But on Thursday night, the former Disney star upped her on-stage antics, kicking off her Dead Petz club gigs in Chicago with a big bang.In one number, Cyrus appeared on stage at The Riviera Theater practically topless with a prosthetic penis protruding from her bottom front.While most of the audience members went wild and cheered her on, a woman who came to the concert with teenage daughters called 911 to complain about the nudity and sexual content of the show. Chicago police responded immediately and tried to stop the concert.Rather than ruin the entire show and disappoint adoring fans, concert producers asked Cyrus to cover up. The closest thing to a cover-up that stage managers could get hold of was an iPad Pro that belonged to one of the musicians.Cyrus did cover up with the iPad Pro (see photo) and the show went on without any further interruption.Yet another feature of your iPad Pro that Apple didn’t tell you about!
['Pol Pinoy']
21/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH: Leni namulot ng basura sa Amerika?
Vice President Leni Robredo said in a radio station that she came from the US to help her daughter prepare for the first day of her class in the prestigious Harvard University.“Nagpa ka nanay ako doon for two days” said Robredo who was very proud that she did something motherly.She then added that they went outside, in the streets, picking up garbage that are still useful. Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice President of the Philippines is a scavenger in America. Click Below the Watch the Video:What can you say about this video? Leave your comments below.
2017-06-27 00:39:53+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
6 traits that should automatically disqualify a candidate
1. IgnoranceNot the bigotry kind, I'm talking about the dictionary definition of ignorance:Ignorance: lacking knowledge, training, or awareness in general.It's a quality most businesses would do well to avoid in their employees. Ignorant employees are less suited to the task, harder to train, and less focused while at work. And even the most menial of tasks can be disrupted by employee ignorance.Lack of training aside, it's always more desirable to find employees who show an interest in the products they represent, whether manufacturing, selling, or anything in-between. Workers who show effort to remain well informed and current within their industry or perhaps are even passionate customers themselves not only tend to be better suited for their jobs, but they're generally more confident and proactive as well.How to avoid ignorant employees: screen resume's carefully by strict minimum education & experience requirements as the position requires. For entry level jobs, look at relevant education or personal interest. Interview candidates who have additional training/certification.In the interview: see what they know about the company & its products. An ignorant person would have done little to no research before the interview, even if they did, they might not fully understand it enough to discuss it.2. ApathyApathy is the ugly cousin of ignorance and it's arguably just as bad – if not worse. In fact, in most cases, I'd rather hire a person who cares about doing a good job but is under-trained than a person who is qualified but doesn't care about their work.An apathetic employee is just in it for the paycheck. They're extremely difficult to motivate, and can act generally inconvenienced by doing their job – let alone anything above and beyond. Apathy is the killer of motivation, a detriment to quality, and a catalyst for poor customer service. But worst of all, apathy is contagious. A virus that can spread from a single employee to the entire staff in the matter of a single work day. It's something most companies should avoid at all costs.How to avoid hiring an apathetic employee: Look at their work history. Do they seem to jump from job-to-job without any clear career path? Have they never received a promotion?In the interview: Ask them why they applied for this position in this company. Gauge their response on the relative passion for the work, company, or industry they express. Also, can they demonstrate how they've ever improved anything at a job, a product, process, etc. or went above and beyond their normal duties?3. Dishonesty"Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it's true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy." ― Warren BuffettThere may be a place in business for those who can spin a story, those who are good on their feet, and those can talk their way out of anything. I'm thinking sales, here…mostly – that person who can sell ketchup to a woman in white gloves [as the saying goes].But something that simply can't be tolerated, in any way, is flat out dishonesty.A dishonest person is generally only feels bad for the bad things they do when they get caught. Otherwise, they really don't care who they're getting the better of, be it their employer, co-workers, or (worst of all) your customers. They tend to overstate their abilities, can be lazy in the most unproductive ways, and are generally a liability within just about any company. There's a time and a place for rule breakers in any company. But when you're doing the good kind of rule breaking, you shouldn't need to lie about it.How to avoid hiring a dishonest employee: 40% of employees distort information on resumes and applications. Do your research: follow up on employee's claims and you can rule out a good amount of dishonest candidates.In the interview: ask them about their most impressive claims, see how convincing they are. You might be surprised how many lies you will catch.4. InconsistencyA short step up from the employee who consistently under-performs is the one who performs brilliantly only so often. Few worker traits frustrate managers more than inconsistency. Especially when it's an employee who's potential is clear during their rare spans of brilliance.An inconsistent employee is generally unreliable. They might miss work regularly or show up late, they can be full of excuses and personal problems, and they only seem to do their best work when it's on their terms. In a pinch, they're the last person you will be able to lean on and they can even become the cause of the pinch themselves. Depending on the employee, it may be something you can put up with for a while, but the irony is that inconsistency tends to be the most consistent trait on this list.How to avoid hiring an inconsistent employee: This one is tough. They can be well educated and have an extensive work history. In fact, one red flag might be too many breaks in work and a lack of length from any single position.In the interview: Inquire about punctuality/absences from previous employers if possible.5. SelfishnessGreed can sometimes be good. Commission and performance based employee's especially. There needs to be the hunger for more and in these situations, it's a mutually beneficial trait. But with these situations sometimes comes a more sinister sin: selfishness. Those that think only of themselves.Selfish employees may sometimes work hard when there's a payday in it, but beyond that, there's little that will motivate them. It's not that they're lazy, they just don't see what's in it for them. They'll do almost anything to get a sale, but once the commission is in, they couldn't care less.Selfish workers also tend to be terrible in team situations. They'll go out of their way to do as little as possible while claiming the maximum credit for the group project. It's another trait for those who are just in it for the paycheck. The last person you really would want as an ambassador of your brand, and a cancer in the workplace. Greed can be good if it lead to drive, but beware of selfish candidates.How to avoid hiring a selfish employee: selfish people tend to gravitate towards performance based incentives and are generally overlooked for management positions. They also tend to have little career aspirations or have little true passion for their industry beyond the paycheck. Look for this lack of focus.In the interview: Ask the candidate why they left their previous positions. A selfish person will talk less about the work or company and more about the benefits (or lack thereof).6. LazinessWhenever there is a hard job to be done I assign it to a lazy man; he is sure to find an easy way of doing it. "Walter Chrysler"A certain type of laziness can be an asset, I suppose, if you're looking for an easier way to get a specific task done. But as fun as this quote is, and as true as it can be in a very limited capacity, true laziness is perhaps the most debilitating trait to have in an employee.Truly lazy employees won't just find an easier way to do things (which may not necessarily be a good thing, FYI) they'll look for a way to not do anything at all, if they can. They happen to be great at re-assigning tasks, but often make terrible managers. Lazy workers use up their vacation days early and take "personal" and "sick" days (often without pay). Yet they might even be the first person in the office and the last to leave, their defining trait is that they do the least amount of work in the time between. Another candidate for 'in it just for the paycheck' type – perhaps the worst one.How to avoid hiring a lazy employee: Lengthen your application process. Include a questionnaire towards the end with yes or no opinion questions. Leave a large space for the answers: those who put only YES or NO without an explanation, eliminate from the talent pool.In the interview: Ask what they know about the company. Like ignorance, a lazy person would have done little to no research on the company before the initial interview.-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/12/3-big-reasons-mar-roxas-just-disqualify/comment-page-1/#comment-1511672
06/12/2015 0:00
Even Manny Pacquiao needed to master English to be world-class!
English is the lingua franca of business and travel worldwide. Yes, the spread of English was the result of colonialism, but not of the Americans, but of the British who at one time said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire."Regardless of how or why English came to The Philippines, it IS the language of international business and tourism. To ignore it and lose competence for the sake of some childish "national identity" is simply stupid. The English used here is abysmal & even for someone like myself who has been here for 12 years (I teach English), I often find myself trying to make myself understood.English is just a more varied and colorful language than almost any other. The possible exceptions would be Russian and Farsi, so learn English properly if you want to get ahead in life. This stands true for the entire nation, not just the "elite" or the children of politicians.Take a look at Manny Pacquiao for an example. When he first fought in America he could not communicate, but he quickly learned that if he wanted to capture the American (money) market he had to be able to speak English so interviews did not need to be translated.----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/10/should-filipinos-go-back-to-pursuing-excellence-in-english/#comment-1353481
26/06/2018 0:00
In this modern Internet age, one should always exercise critical thinking when reading or listening to the news. That applies to FOX News, CNN, or The Onion.Yesterday, The Onion reported that its long-time CEO, Steve Hanna, is stepping down.And that’s the truth, and nothing but. No, really, even if you’re reading it here on The Adobo Chronicles ® .
['Pol Pinoy']
26/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
United Airlines To Charge For Use Of Overhead Bins, Philippine Air Lines To Ban Dried Fish In Cabin
United Airlines just announced a new ticket option called “Basic Economy,” banning the use of overhead bins for luggage.With the new policy, passengers in the main cabin are stuck with paying for a checked bag, or paying for a more expensive ticket to bring it on board as a carry-on.Across the Pacific Ocean, Philippine Air Lines (PAL) also announced that it will no longer allow passengers to bring dried fish as carry-on items. The Philippines’ flag carrier said that the new rule is in response to a customer survey in which many passengers, especially non-Filipinos, have complained about the aroma of dried fish that Filipinos bring on board.So if you’re planning to bring dried fish as a gift to your relatives in the U.S. or other countries, be prepared to pack them as checked-in luggage.Or fly first class on United!
['Pol Pinoy']
06/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Before today, a search on Google Maps would point you to an island in the South China Sea called Zhongsha.Its international name is Scarborough Shoal and is one of disputed territories in the Spratly Islands, a group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atols, cays and islands in the South China Sea. The Spratly archipelago lies off the coasts of the Philippines, Malaysia and southern Vietnam. All three countries plus China claim part of the archipelago as part of their respective territories.With the click of the mouse, Google erased the island from the map after an outcry from Filipinos who maintained that naming the island Zhongsha would suggest that it belongs to China, when in fact, it belongs to the Philippines, or so it is claimed.“We’ve updated Google Maps to fix the issue. We understand that geographic names can raise deep emotions which is why we worked quickly once this was brought to our attention,” Google’s office in Manila said in a statement.China, meanwhile, has accused Google of taking sides on a territorial dispute that should be settled by the governments involved, not by a private company. Furthermore, China says that Google’s action is in retaliation for the Chinese government’s crackdown on gmail and the Google search engine in the Chinese mainland.So, if there is a name of an island or body of water anywhere in the world that you are not happy about, don’t despair. All you need is to start a petition for Google to erase it from the map. Or at least change its name.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippines: Starbucks To Serve San Miguel Beer And Sisig After 5 P.M.
Five Starbucks locations in Washington, D.C. began serving wine, beer and other small plates Tuesday afternoon. It is part of the Seattle-based coffee company’s strategy to increase sagging revenue by trying to capture the happy hour adult crowd.Not to be outdone, Starbucks Philippines has announced that effective this Friday, its locations across the country will start serving San Miguel Beer, along with a Filipino favorite appetizer, sisig. The new menu will be available every day after 5 p.m.As part of its initial promotional period, Starbucks will serve complimentary sisig for every bucket of San Mig Light purchased by customers.Customers under the age of 21 will not be allowed to purchase beer, but senior citizens will be entitled to the usual 20% off.
['Pol Pinoy']
12/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Senate President Koko Pimentel on Duterte's way of speaking: 'I want the president to be effective. let him be himself'
Senate President Koko Pimentel praised President Rodrigo Duterte for his humility in apologizing to the Jewish community which was hurt by ‎ his statement that he would happily slaughter 3 million ‎drug addicts like Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jews.Pimentel said that all persons including him make mistakes and they learn from these.“Basta lahat tayo, lahat ng tao ay natututo sa mga past experiences, di ko sinasabi pagkakamali ha, basta past experiences. Ganoon din po ang pangulo, ganoon din ako. We learn from all our pass experiences,” said Pimentel.But Pimentel said Duterte’s faux pas on the Hitler allusion should not force him to be overly cautious in his future speeches.
2017-09-12 04:48:58+00:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
Will the next anti-Duterte rally be AWESOME enough for Millennials?
According to various sources, there will be (yet another) protest rally against the government of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in the coming days. What are these rallyists going to protest? Duterte’s purported authoritarianism? Martial Law in Mindanao? “Killings” related to his “war on drugs”?So what else is new?This is, after all, the era of the millennial A.D.D. generation. There must be something new on offer. The goal of a protest rally after all is to attract attention. Given today’s young attention-deficited electorate, attention is a fleeting asset for players in the attention-seeking industry. Millennials are always in search of the next awesome thing that will interrupt the din of highly-perishable content flooding their social media timelines. In short, this next “big” anti-Duterte rally will perish if it fails the Millennial Awesome Test.As far as has been observed, the “killings” circuses and violence porn the Opposition has been serving through their various media channels has failed to move nor impress the majority of Filipinos. The media stunts have, in short, not been awesome enough for a generation who rely on Facebook and Google algorithms to tell them what to plant their eyeballs upon and click on “Like” or “Retweet”. The venues, and props of these rallies have, thus far, failed to provide awesome enough backdrops for selfies and poetic enough slogans and sound bytes to quote in status updates.To be fair, selling violence porn to a people long desensitised to violence is a tough pitch to sustain. Tabloids and TV Patrol have dominated that niche for decades and propaganda campaigns based on politicising “victims” have been worn to tatters over 30 years of Yellow necropolitics and Martial Law Crybabyism. Quite simply, expecting different results whilst doing the same thing over and over again is a fool’s project.More importantly: To come up with something new and awesome requires imagination.Unfortunately, because many of the Opposition’s key “influencers” prefer to spend their online days cocooned in their echo chambers, preaching to their choirs of like-minded “followers”, and blocking or “muting” people who disagree with them, they have lost touch with the pulse of the broader audience they should have been chasing. This explains why their rhetoric has failed to evolve from the snoozefest it has become to the awesome propaganda hooks the A.D.D. generation demand. When you are constantly told you are correct, spot on, and awesome by your cherry-picked audience, your creative faculties become deluded and atrophied.The trouble with Opposition “thought leaders” is that they want their audience to assure them that they are right. They lost the whole point of the game — which is to publish your views so that they are tested by a skeptical audience. The real game in this business is to stress-test one’s points of view. The call to the audience of a truly cluey thought leader is “prove me wrong” rather than “tell me I am right”. You cannot stress-test your points of view when you limit your engagement to within your clique of like-minded folk.The coming anti-Duterte rallies will likely exhibit again and again the products of liberal and left-leaning activists’ inbred thinking. Indeed, the oxymoronic quality of a protest rally intended to persuade people that Duterte’s government is an authoritarian one flies over the pointed heads of these “activists”. That one can freely rally on Manila’s streets without fear of being arrested, by itself, invalidates that notion even before the placards and pumping fits come out. The Opposition needs to come up with something new to replace the old red herrings that have, for so long, been fodder to their tired rhetoric and street sloganeering. The thing with herrings is that they quickly begin to stink when left out in the sun. And that is not awesome.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-09-12 04:48:58+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Mar Roxas’s fatal campaign error: Selling continuity to a people who wanted change
It should have been obvious from the onset. Filipinos are not happy with the status quo under which they slog through life in the Philippines. Day-to-day, they are beaten down by rampant crime, imprisoned by gridlocked traffic, cowed by Islamic terrorism, and deeply embarrassed by an inability of their own armed forces to protect their country’s sovereignity. Underneath all that is the vast foundation of systemic problems that continue to hinder progress at the grassroots — galloping population growth, intractable unemployment, and shifting weather patterns wreaking havoc on agriculture and public safety.But despite these obvious issues that impact ordinary Filipinos everyday, the administration of Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III had consistently trumpetted “achievements” that fly way above ordinary Filipinos’ heads. “Improved” economic indicators (like GDP annual growth) and credit rating “upgrades” are the stuff macroeconomists’ wet dreams. But for ordinary Filipinos working on scraping together a day’s earnings everyday those “sound economic fundamentals” mean nothing.Unfortunately for Wharton boy Mar Roxas, those nebulous economic numbers formed the foundation of his ill-fated presidential campaign. Perhaps, as many have observed, because Roxas is hopelessly out of touch with ordinary Filipinos, Roxas had grossly mis-read the sentiment of the public he was pitching himself to. Unhappy people generally want change. Roxas, instead, sold to them continuity.Huu-wwwhattt?! Continue what is clearly broken??This seems to have been the collective gasp of Filipino voters looking to the president’s Anointed One for answers upon finding out he had none such — which possibly explains why voters had now abandoned Roxas and Robredo and crushed the Liberal Party’s hopes of maintaining that much cherished but now-irrelevant status quo.Filipinos have always been an emotional lot, which is quite ironic because the original Yellow Horde that won current President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III the presidency in 2010 knew this well. Against the cool rationality of seasoned executives like Gibo Teodoro and Dick Gordon who espoused relatively well-thought-through visions and platforms back then, Aquino rose to power on the back of the vacuous sentimentality that erupted following the death of his mother, former President Cory Aquino.Indeed, one of the casualties of that battle that pitted Aquino’s emo campaign against the Vulcan reasoning of his rivals and detractors is none other than Mar Roxas himself. Roxas had to “sacrifice” his presidential bid to make way for the sweeping — but ultimately empty — promises of The Pedigreed One.It seems that the lessons of that one-time Liberal Party victory failed to make its way into Roxas’s quaint campaign. The situation has now been reversed in a twist of tragic fate. Roxas is now regarded as the most rational amongst a line-up of candidates who, within their respective followings, have successfully pitched an emotional campaign. Indeed, nowhere else is this successful tapping into strong public sentiment more evident than in the campaign (or, shall we say, non-campaign) of frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte.Duterte’s campaign is hardly rational. But it worked. The gaping hole of irrationality left by Roxas’s pitch to the Filipino voter was the niche grabbed by the Duterte campaign. Roxas’s continuity tagline, though logical in many aspects, merely highlighted the numerous failures of the administration that he served for six years — a government that left a legacy of crumbling infrastructure, unresolved plunder allegations at the highest levels, and botched emergency and military responses that resulted in thousands of preventable deaths.All of these failures plus Roxas’s foolish promise to continue the administrative approach that had underlain these failures paved the way for Duterte’s irrational but wildly-successful campaign. From being an undecided and even reluctant candidate from Mindanao voted least likely to succeed just a few months ago, Duterte had risen to the top and is now poised to ace these elections.With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to see now that Roxas was — and is — the face of failure for the Liberal Party. The insult of being beaten to the vice presidency by Jejomar Binay in 2010 was added to the injury of having to step back to allow his chum Noynoy to run for president. The appalling PR disaster that was his role as the face of the Philippine government response to Supertyphoon Haiyan in 2013 had reduced Wharton’s child to a national laughingstock. The degeneration of the MRT, the jewel of Metro Manila’s public transport crown, into an international punchline had all but dealt a fatal blow to Roxas’s ability to issue new promises to his people. Most tragic insult of all is his being left out of the command loop by his own boss even as 44 of the Philippines’ most elite crack police commandos under his charge were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in early 2015.Yet Roxas’s supporters remain baffled as to why their bet is losing at the polls. Perhaps it is because, like Roxas, the Yellow Horde fail to or, worse, will not see the obvious situation before them — that ordinary Filipinos just want a change in their personal circumstances — a piece of that “economic growth” pie Roxas and his camp had myopically talked about ad infinitum but failed to make relevant to the Filipino voter.
2016-05-02 07:54:25+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Demonizing political enemies is a tradition of the Aquino gov’t that De Lima was a part of
After being ousted as chairman of the Senate Justice Committee, Leila De Lima is, predictably, playing the victim card, claiming that she no longer “feels safe”…De Lima said she was not confident whether Philippines security agencies would protect her. “Can I rely on the government and (Philippines National Police) for safety or (National Bureau of Investigations) for my security? Can I rely on the (Armed Forces of the Philippines) to give me security? What is my choice?”Perhaps.But in issuing a blanket indictment of all of the Philippines’ state security and law enforcement agencies, De Lima merely puts up a mirror to her own face. The Philippines’ police and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), after all, constitute components of a system that De Lima was, herself, a key part of — over the term of her former boss, former President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III and even beyond that in various posts in previous governments.It may fly right over De Lima’s head but it is ironic that De Lima would not trust a system that, for six long enough years, she had every opportunity to reform.Now, as a Philippine senator, De Lima has even more opportunity at her disposal, this time as a legislator whose job it is to craft laws and propose improvements to existing laws. But what is De Lima doing with her precious time as senator instead? We’ve been seeing it all on TV and on our social media timelines in recent weeks. De Lima chooses to waste her taxpayer-funded time in the Senate to organise these circuses and perform tele-dramas before the cameras.To begin with, it is hard to see what aid to legislation the probe into those alleged “extrajudicial killings” (EJKs), will deliver. Is De Lima going to take ownership and follow through with a legislative agenda that takes into full account what lessons (if any) are learned from her EJK probe? That remains to be seen. Many observers doubt that there is any bigger purpose to De Lima’s EJK probe beyond it being a mere channel through which anti-Duterte rhetoric is broadcast.The trouble with Yellow camp politicians like De Lima is they remain disinclined to shedding their now-tired old penchant for painting the police as the enemy and the Establishment as a usual suspect. That sort of stance sounds ok when one only has street rallies as a means to exert influence. But when one is a Philippine Senator (or even, once, a Justice Secretary), making demons of state forces and state institutions becomes moronic at best. As Senator, De Lima should act the part — that of a Philippine Government official.Her latest stunt, inviting the United Nations to investigate EJKs and demanding that Malacanang accede to this — what is tantamount to a meddling in Philippine domestic affairs by an international body — is nothing short of an affront to the mandate granted to her by the Filipino voters…De Lima’s resolution said the call for the investigation by the United Nations came amid perceptions “that our local institutions of law enforcement and justice, including domestic mechanisms of accountability of public officials appear to be either inadequate, compromised or weak.” She said the Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of Investigation “cannot be expected to even initiate—much more sustain—an independent investigation into the killings.”De Lima should ask herself this confronting question: Whose fault is it that things are today as she had described above? Most Filipinos know the answer. And it is that knowledge of the answer to that important question held by a big enough section of the electorate that catapulted current President Rodrigo Duterte to power in the 2016 elections. It’s time De Lima and her ilk learn how to handle The Truth.[Photo courtesy ABS-CBN News.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-09-24 13:33:51+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Leni Robredo Protests Reduction of 2019 OVP Budget By P95 Million
Leni Robredo is not happy about the P95 Million reduction in the 2019 Budget of the Office of the Vice President, and she is filing a formal protest.Under the P3.757 Trillion national budget proposed for 2019, the OVP will receive P447.6 Million which is almost P100 Million reduction from its 2018 budget.In lodging her protest, Robredo said: “Paano na yung pa-merienda ko sa mga reporters or my foreign speaking enagements? Naunsyami tuloy yung plan to revisit the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.” (What happens now for the refreshments I offer to reporters, my foreign speaking engagements and my plan to revisit the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin?)
['Pol Pinoy']
29/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
In Case You Were Wondering, This Is How The VP Debate Moderator Looks Like
You knew someone was asking questions. You heard her voice and heard her name mentioned by both VP candidates. But if you tuned in right after last night’s vice presidential debate started (introductions not included), you were probably thinking the questions were coming from a television studio or by Skype. So did millions of CNN viewers.Not once did the cameras show the face of the debate moderator. IN ALL OF 90 MINUTES!Her name is Elaine Quijano, the first Asian American to moderate a major U.S. political debate. She is a woman of Filipino heritage.We’re not suggesting racism or sexism, or CNN bias (Quijano is with CBS). Ironically, before joining CBS, she was with CNN.So in the interest of public service, we’re now showing you how she looks like. You’re welcome!
['Pol Pinoy']
04/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Liquor Lovers Upset Over Suspension Of Tequila’s Twitter Account
It’s Thanksgiving week and most people have started planning their traditional dinner menu including their choice of wine, champagne or liquor.For many, tequila is their choice of liquor. They can’t do without it for their margarita, tequila sunrise or long island iced tea.So it is no surpise that they were extremely upset to wake up this morning to find that the Twitter account of their favorite liquor has been suspended.The complaints line of the San Francisco-based social media portal was overwhelmed with angry tequila lovers.Twitter staff spent most of the day today fielding calls and explaining to their irate customers that the Twitter account that was suspended was for a different Tequila. Tina Tequila, that is.The Twitter account of Tequila, reality TV-turned social media star, was suspended following a string of neo-Nazi tweets that drew increased attention over the weekend, when she attended a conference of “alt-right” white nationalists in Washington, D.C.At the conference, the 35-year-old Vietnamese-American model posed for a photo in which she and two other individuals performed the Nazi salute. She shared it on Twitter, writing the caption, “Seig [sic] heil!”So relax, real Tequila (the liquor) fans, you’re good to go. Tweet and Re-Tweet away!Cheers!
['Pol Pinoy']
22/11/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) , has issued a “pastoral guidance” prohibiting priests from receiving or blessing religious images made of ivory and any material derived from protected and endangered species.However, he said that those statues and images of ivory already in use prior to the issuance of the pastoral guidance, should be safeguarded, and may remain in use for purposes of devotion and in recognition of their historical value.“The Catholic Church must do its part. No matter the beauty of a work of art, it cannot justify the slaughter of wildlife, the use of endangered organic forms and the lending of a seal of approval to the threat posed to biodiversity by poachers and traffickers,” Villegas said.Citing Pope Francis’ acclaimed encyclical on the environment, Villegas said: “Every instance of beauty is a reflection of the infinite beauty of the Creator. We cannot, without offending the Creator, deface his creation.”Asked by reporters why the pastoral guidance did not include wooden crosses which are mostly derived from trees, the uprooting and cutting of which cause deforestation, which ultimately harms both animal and human species, as well as the environment, Villegas simply said, “next question, please!”Talk about opening a Pandora’s box!
['Pol Pinoy']
05/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Five Routes to the Presidency in the Philippines
With Mayor Rody Duterte’s trail-blazing ascent to the presidency, we may have to rewrite the books on the ins and outs of politics in the country. He was from a marginalized region of the country way down South with a thick Visayan accent, had no pocket money of his own to launch a national campaign, came into the race late, left-leaning, gun-wielding and hardly resembling your typical showbiz mestizo from Imperial Manila that Filipinos are head-over-heels beholden to. How he pulled off such a feat is up for historians and analysts to chew on for many years to come.There is no clearly defined equation or formula on how to get to the top in Philippine politics, but it’s very much like romance; you can’t really tell which combination of traits a man or woman would consider of critical weight in choosing a partner. But one underlying common denominator for all politicians in the Philippines to making it big is a good mix of popularity (name recall), competence (abilidad) and charisma (mass appeal).Five Routes to MalacañangIf Jesus claimed “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” in the case of the top government post in the land, there are various routes that one can take to get there. For all wannabe future presidents of the Philippines, listen well and plan accordingly.1. Political Dynasty RouteThis is the widely traveled traditional hiker’s trail to the apex. Just look at the number of people trying to seek public office by riding on the established political brand name of their politician parents or ancestors. We saw Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and NoyNoy Aquino; and now Mar Roxas and Bongbong Marcos are banking on their famous last names to get to higher office. It works most of the time, but not all the time. This usually involves being long entrenched in a powerful political clan or party with a vast machinery, strong elaborate connections, and a huge war chest to spend millions on a nation-wide campaign.Along this route goes the tried and tested “corporate ladder” of getting to the top. Start as a mayor or governor, then move to be a congressman or senator, and finally to the top national post. After a stint in congress, Abby Binay recently won as Makati mayor; we will likely find her further following in her father’s footsteps.2. Showbiz RouteBeing on national TV or the big screen is about the most effective way to becoming a famous hit household name and talk of the town anywhere in the country. Let’s lump together all the action/romance/comedy actors/actresses, news casters, talk/game show hosts, basketball players, boxers, singers and every variant of the entertainment and sports industry. The rule is easy:maximum visibility = popularity = votesAfter the anti-meritocracy Yellow camp came into power, we have seen a relentless barrage of people retiring from showbiz and entering into the political scene. Even people like Erap and FPJ with hardly any credentials for the office were emboldened to pursue their national wet dream. Now it looks like Manny Pacquiao is on the way. But it is a comfort to see that the electorate is maturing and evolving as the likes of Edu Manzano and Alma Moreno didn’t make it to the Senate’s magic 12, which is like being just 2 steps away from the top post. Dream on guys, but it looks like Filipinos are finally waking up.3. Controversial Headline News RouteVirtual nobodies can become instant one-day superstars by finding a way to be on the headline news; and what’s more effective than stirring controversy or inducing trouble? Look at how military rebels like Honasan and Trillanes (following their idol FVR) are now big political names, with the latter even getting more media limelight by attacking other big-fish politicians. Having your name flashed on prime-time news or highlighted in bold on the headline of our national dailies is the most cost effective way for people with no pocket money to reach the top. The often unsolicited service of the hounding flies of the news/media industry is free – so why not avail of it? This is an effective route for people with wild imaginations who have nothing better to do than look for trouble.4. Necropolitical Narcotics RouteStarting with Cory, who we may suspect had her heart-ailment-stricken dead-dog-anyway husband assassinated on the airport tarmac that fateful day, we have had a long string of copycats on this avenue of using their deceased relative as some kind of powerful drug to capture the heart of emotional gullible sympathy-voting Filipinos.What was effective for India’s Ghandi family was discovered as a new open crack into Malacañang Palace. Cory used it, and so did her son PNoy. Like some virtual domino effect, who knows? They might have PNoy killed so Kris can win by a landslide in the next elections. Grace and Leni used the technique recently, showing enormous success. Watch out Mar; Korina might someday find your casket handy.5. “Champion of Radical Change” RouteIf you recall, Obama rode on the slogan of CHANGE (with a matching book he authored “The Audacity of Hope”). This sells well for a disgruntled populace who are tired of all the bullshit they see in the incumbent and his administration. With Obama’s skin color symbolizing a new era of a radical shift in America, his hope of change swept the country in a wave of euphoria as he barreled his way to the Oval office.Likewise, Cory sold us the idea of freedom, hope and people-power-driven change, and the Filipino gladly bought it – hook, line and sinker (to many people’s regret). Du30 is now the symbol of radical change, as he does everything that is opposite to the political-correctness rule book, much to the masses’ surprise, amusement and delight.Even this early into the transition stage, we are already seeing him drawing up the plans for a Constitutional Convention (for his pet project, a federal government setup, and fixing the 60/40 ownership rule) and warning all to get ready for radical changes in lifestyle with curfews, time limits for drinking/karaoke, and smoking bans. In stark contrast to PNoy, he is just so radically fast that he even plans to bypass Congress by issuing an Executive Order rather than to wait for a bill to effect the long overdue “freedom of information.”Life is a sinusoidal wave, and we will keep on seeing that 180-degree U-turn take turns alternating up and down on the curve of human existence. We are now offered change from incompetence to meritocracy, from apathetic ivory-tower rule to inclusive growth, and from a polished-demeanor statesman to a care-free cussing iron-fisted rogue. After 3 decades of sham democratic freedom, we are back to a strongman.After yet another 30 years, will Filipinos (tired of discipline-imposing restrictions) come back begging and clamoring for the return of the Yellow camp’s anything-goes leadership? Only time will tell.
2016-05-14 11:22:28+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Dancing Tindera Finally Performs On Gandang Gabi Vice
After her dance video got millions of views on social media and being featured on a Thailand news program, Dancing Tindera Mary Rose Ditsos finally had the opportunity to perform on Gandang Gabi Vice, a leading late night entertainment show in the country. As expected, she slayed it on GGV's dance floor with her signature moves.Together with another social media popular dance group Mastermind, the once sari-sari store dancer finally graced a proper dance floor in front of the camera with her killer dance moves. It would have been an ordinary dance number if not for the Dancing Tindera's participation which brought the performance into a different level - a feat only a few of her kind can achieve.Hailing from Cebu, Mary Rose was always a dancer and would often burst into dancing while on duty in their thrift store. For her, dancing has always been a great way to beat the boredom at work.If you haven't watched the video which catapulted her to online fame, please go ahead and watch her slay inside the store all the while attending to store customers from time to time:Some of our staff who used to be dancers in highschool, Mary Rose's uses a technique that mimics the movements of reptiles particularly those of king cobras' and their ancient predecessors, the dinosaurs. But according to the Dancing Tindera herself, her style is 'random moves'.Be that as it may, we are certainly grateful that she's now a meme that would soon become a legend we can tell to our grandchildren in the future. Watch Dancing Tindera's performance on GGV here
['Vic Patnugot']
16/10/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
A televised debate between the candidates for Florida governor was almost called off Wednesday night because of a fan. A fan fan.As the debate coverage went live, neither incumbent Governor Rick Scott (R) nor challenger and former Governor Charlie Crist showed up on stage. The moderating panel panicked.Minutes later, Governor Crist took to the podium but the moderators announced that Governor Scott will not be participating in the debate because there was an electric fan underneath the podium designated for Crist.Scott’s campaign insisted that per the agreed-upon debate rules, fans were not allowed on stage.The Crist campaign, however, said that it was their understanding that what was prohibited were human fans or political followers of the candidates in the audience, and not electric fans on stage.Scott eventually showed up and the debate went on as scheduled.The debate will forever be known as fangate!
['Pol Pinoy']
16/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
MUST WATCH: Nabisto ang milyon milyong sweldo at allowances ng mga maestrado ng Korte Suprema
Nabisto ang milyon milyong sweldo at allowances ng mga maestrado ng korte soprema kasunod ng paggawang pandinig ng Committee of Appropriations sa Camara higil sa panukalang budget ng hudikatura para sa susunod na taon.Bakay sa report ng Commission on Audit noong 2015 nauna sa listahan si Associate Justice Diosdado Peralta na may 7.8 million sweldo at allowances. Pareho naman ng tinatanggap si Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio at Teresita Leonardo De Castro na may 4.9 na Milyong Piso.Isang daang libong piso ang lamang ni Carpio at De Castro sa sweldo ni Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno na may 4.8 Milyong Piso. Habang 4.5 Milyong Piso naman ang tinatanggap ni Associate Justice Arturo Brion.
11/04/2017 0:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
a man and another man older than the specified age as backrider CANNOT ride in tandem, except if they are father-son But ordinary Filipinos are smarter than the politicians. Many have eluded law enforcers by dressing up as women so that an adult man can ride in tandem with another man who is not his relative. Others have put on mickey mouse and other children’s costumes to look like 10 year-old backriders. Last week, The Adobo Chronicles reported that Philippine Senator Tito Sotto III has proposed a similar law that would apply to the entire country.
['Pol Pinoy']
13/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine Politics: The New And Improved Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
Will the real Rodrigo Duterte please step forward?Just like that famous commercial for a soap detergent, there is a new and improved presidential candidate and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte — prim and proper, no profanities and an image of a rebel standing up against the elite and the biased media.In a speech at his alma mater, the Lyceum of the Philippines, where he did not utter a single profanity, Duterte said he is actually taking “the posture of a radical” when speaking in a brutally frank manner. This is to challenge the ruling class and the public officials who seem to only care for the elite.“I am testing the elite in this country because, historically, we are fundamentally a feudal country,” he said. “I am testing the waters of radicalism. (I act) as if I am irreverent, (but) it’s not really true. I pray to God always.Duterte also took a swipe at Manila-based media, saying he does not have such a bad mouth in reality. He said he just uses foul language because he is fed up with journalists who twist his statements. “In this country, (the ruling class) wants everything to be prim and proper. They control the media, they control television and all, and they want to do governance in accordance with their interest. That’s how it is,” he said.So, as an estimated 54 Million Filipinos troop to the voting booth on May 9th, they will be choosing between two Duterte’s: the foul-mouthed mayor and the God-fearing, prim and proper candidate for president.Many will probably vote for both.Stay tuned for The Adobo Chronicles’ extensive coverage of the 2016 Philippine presidential elections, brought to you by the new and improved Tide detergent.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
U.S., China Simultaneously Unload Aid, Donations To The Philippines At Clark
In an unusual display of international cooperation, both the United States and China yesterday unloaded their respective government aid and donations to the Philippines at ceremonies held at Clark Airbase in Pampanga.The Chinese and American planes parked side by side on the tarmac and it was a sight to behold.China 🇨🇳 turned over P370 million worth of arms and ammunition to President Rodrigo Duterte, along with a P5 million donation for the families of slain soldiers in Marawi City. This is on top of the P15 million it earlier donated to the Philippine government for the rehabilitation and relief operations in the conflict-torn city of Mindanao.The United States 🇺🇸 , on the other hand, unloaded its generous donation to the Marawi siege victims — 300 cases of SPAM. (Unknown perhaps to the Donald Trump administration, most of the victims of the Marawi siege practice the Muslim Faith and do not eat pork.)Duterte expressed the Filipino people’s gratitude to both governments. “Change has indeed come,” he said.
['Pol Pinoy']
29/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
In Philippine politics, women should NOT “woman up”. They should MAN up.
“Tought leaders” of the Philippine Opposition don’t do their cause any favours by constantly playing the Woman Card whenever they feel offended. Real feminists, after all, fought hard for “gender equality”. By that, we presume, women would like to be on equal footing with men. I wonder if they really know the core essence of what that means.Men are competitive by nature — which is why sport is dominated by men and still remains widely-regarded as a “guy thing”. Video games are even more dominated by men and this considers, perhaps, the fact that most video game themes involve winning by crushing an enemy. In short men like games, particularly contests where there are clear victors and where becoming a victor entails beating the other guy. A decisively beaten enemy by that definition no longer poses a threat to the winner — which is why the definition of a winner in a man’s vocabulary is elegantly simple.In that regard, there are really clear differences between men and women. Men like beating people and dominating a realm. Women, on the other hand, prefer to get along with one another and share their realm. Bringing this context to the Internet and, specifically, the Philippines’ online political discourse raises some interesting things. It is evident that much of the chatter surrounding a “need” for a strong and congenial “social media community” is dominated by women’s voices. Yet despite years of trying to come up with a “united” community of Netizens focused on using social media for “social good”, the digital landscape remains a fragmented wasteland of cliques battling one another for ascendancy. Interestingly, within these cliques are even more vicious catfights between certain types of people (I’d get in trouble if I were even a wee bit more descriptive than “certain types”) scratching each others’ faces out with bared claws.The short of it is that men relish a fight and walk into battles expecting to be perceived to be strong and deserving of a decisive win. This is different from the trademark notion of Laban (also literally “fight”) associated with the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtard) leadership of today’s Opposition. Yellowtards go to battle under their Laban banner wanting to be perceived to be weak but righteous and expecting to be made victims of and then, as a result of that victimhood, come out as some sort of perverse “winner”. Compare a man’s notion of a fight (the earlier) and the Yellowtards’ notion of a “fight” (the latter). The striking difference lies in just how logically-convoluted the latter narrative is. The Yellowtard definition of “winning”, in that regard, is not elegantly simple.What does all this have to do with feminism? Well, it’s simple really. The worst thing for a man is to find out he won because his enemy pulled punches. That would make winning in such a fight (in the real sense of the word) a hollow victory. Consider, in that regard, the way “feminists” play the Woman Card whenever something in politics doesn’t quite go their way. Oppostion “thought leaders” have, of late, been highlighting that Duterte takes issue with or, we are told, is even “frightened” of strong women. So far, several prominent “heroes” have been set upon a pedestal by the Yellowtards for all to worship — they are (somewhat in chronological order of elevation), presumptive “vice president” Leni Robredo, jailed “Senator” Leila De Lima, bullied “blogger” Jover Laurio, failed “CEO” Maria Ressa, and banned “reporter” Pia Ranada.Hey, look, all of them are women!Yes, they happen to be women. That they happen to be women, to be fair, should neither make them more entitled to heroic veneration nor accord them special treatment. They are people who happen to be women — at least that is, how I understand, real feminists ought to be regarding them. Extend that logic further and it becomes evident that highlighting the gender of these bozos (i.e. playing the Woman Card on their behalf) only serves to undermine the true essence of gender equality. Habitual highlighting what gender a person happens to be runs counter to a key pillar of the feminist cause: gender neutrality.In short, bozos who habitually play the Woman Card in the midst of a fight should be asked this question:Is it because you want punches to be pulled?What kind of victory do women want in the battles they walk into emboldened by 21st Century feminism? Politics is a battlefield and the fact that cannot be changed about that battlefield is, it had traditionally been (and still is) dominated by men. Do women expect men to pull punches when faced with an adversary who happens to be female. The answer to that question depends on how substantial people want their victories to be.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-03-07 03:10:51+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Now It Can Be Told: Duterte Was, Indeed, In A Comma
Rumormonger Carlos Celdran and others were correct after all in spreading on social media that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s absence from public view in past days, including from the Independence Day rites last June 12, was because he was in a coma.Except that it was more of a comma — not coma. He needed a little pause from all his hard work and lack of sleep. He had to re-energize and recoup.But now he’s baaaaack!Celdran and company must now be in a comatose themselves from embarrassment.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Comparing to San Francisco: No excuse for lack of disaster preparedness in the Philippines #YolandaPH
Try this one for size... I'm from San Francisco (Born & Raised). There, so long as I can remember, we experienced Earthquakes very very frequently. Most were "tremors" but one, in 1989, scared the shit out of me. Here's the thing. In the San Francisco Bay Area, because we live in a place which is PRONE to Earthquakes, education on the subject of and what to do during and after is mandatory starting from a very young age. When the Loma Prieta Earthquake struck, the entire population knew exactly what do to during and after.That being said, it was Game-One of the World Series which saved thousands of lives (most poeple stayed home to watch the SF Giants play the Oakland As). SFO experiences far less (significant) Earthquakes and Tremors than the Philippines does Typhoons. So how is it that SFO was, is & will be prepared for "The Big One" yet the Philippines is far from being prepared for any Typhoon (of any size) which occur with such regularity that you can set your watch by it? That's a rhetorical question but you get my point...The Fact is, no matter what Aquino and his Student Council say, it is abundantly clear that they do not know what to do before, during or after a sever weather event or any disaster. In the past three years, as this article points out, we have heard the same thing over and over again; "now is not the time to criticize", "we will learn for this and do better next time", blah blah blah. And for some reason unknown to me, people still eat the shit that the palace is shoveling! To make matters worse, that cheese-dick-yellow-ribbon-retard STILL has the audacity to pass blame on the victims in Tacloban and its local government!NO comparison! NO excuses! Aquino, once again, has and continues FAIL!Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2013/11/hurricane-katrina-comparison/comment-page-1/#comment-160268
2018-06-12 00:02:12+00:00
Filipino American Millionnaire To Donate All Her Money To Build Drug Rehabilitation Centers In The Phlippines
She’s Filipina American, multi-millionaire, chair of the US Pinoys for Good Government, and a staunch supporter of the Yellow Liberal Party. Her name is Loida Nicolas Lewis, chief campaigner for defeated presidential candidate Mar Roxas.And she has it both ways. Once, she said some very kind words about Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.Then, she signed a letter to the Miss Universe Organization to cancel the Miss Universe pageant scheduled to be held in the Philippines next January. The letter cited an unfavorable atmosphere under the Duterte presidency.But she is also a philanthropist.So, because of her love of her homeland, she announced today that she was divesting herself of her millions — $600 Million as a matter of fact.She wants to donate all her money to build drug rehabilitation centers in the Philippines, to complement Duterte’s war on drugs which saw more than half a million Filipino drug dealers and users voluntarily surrender. It’s her way of continuing the Aquino administration’s “Daang Matuwid.”Wishful thinking.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Ireland’s President To Bill O’Reilly : You Are Not Welcome Here
Conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly promised that if Democratic Bernie Sanders is elected president of the United States, he will move to Ireland. O’Reilly traces his roots to Ireland.Upon learning of O’Reilly’s plan, the president of Ireland, Michael. D. Higgins, said that the American pundit is not welcome in Ireland. “If he thinks his conservative views are much better off in our country, he is absolutely wrong,” Higgins said.Today’s Ireland is closer to being socialist than conservative, with policies on taxation, immigration, health care and gun control — the issues O’Reilly fears about socialist Sanders — flourishing and flourishing well.And O’Reilly may not be aware that Higgins and Sanders are brothers, separated at birth but with very similar political and social leanings. They even look like identical twins.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/01/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Watch: VP Leni visits Pres Rody in Palace
During the first meeting with Vice President Leni Robredo and President Rodrigo Duterte in the AFP event, the former asked the latter if she can have a courtesy visit at the Malacañang.Today, President Duterte flew to the Palace from Davao City for a work to be done including the meet-up with the Vice President. As to what they were talking about, no one knows. The conversation was offline. Stay tuned for updates.Watch the video below now!What can you say about this video? Leave your comments below!
2016-07-04 18:12:21+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
IATROGENICS: Why Rappler is Becoming a Victim of Its Own Medicine
Hashtags: #TakeBackMariaRessa #OmidyarNetworkI can only feel for Maria Ressa. Her motherly interest to defend her team from criticism resulted in more harm rather than good. Nassim Nicholas Taleb comes to mind. He coined the the term “naive interventionism”, from iatrogenics in the medical field. Iatrogenics is a case wherein a doctor/medicine administers unnecessary treatment that will do more harm than good.In his book, Antifragile, Mr. Taleb shared this story…In 1930’s, 389 children were presented to New York City doctors; 174 were recommended for tonsillectomy. 215 were presented to a second set of doctors, and 99 were said to need surgery. The remaining 116 were shown to a third set of doctors; 52 were recommended for surgery. Note that there is a morbidity rate of 2-4% for each case. Every child who underwent an unnecessary operation has shortening of her life expectancy. The intent to do good caused more harm.The deaths of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and George Washington were all suspected to be partly due to iatrogenics as well. The excessive use of medicine to hasten their recovery and ride back to battle resulted in their deaths.The Sick and the Impatient VictimIn my “Rashomon Effect” piece, I hope Maria Ressa finally understood that even she is not immune from human flaws. The best she can do as a journalist is to not get distracted, quit justifying herself, focus on REPORTING the facts, and most importantly, STOP moderating us. Expect criticism, expect hate. As journalists, that is the burden the job carries. Let the people be. Sometimes, not intervening is the cure . As the master once said:So other people hurt me? That’s their problem. Their character and actions are not mine. What is done to me is ordained by nature and what I do by my own. – Marcus AureliusIf they are free from any political agenda, someone in their team needs some SPANKING. Their efforts to “intellectually” justify themselves resulted in increased perceived intellectual snobbery which drew more wind to the fire and got them all burned.Anybody who can’t take the heat will be unable to separate themselves from their emotions. Heightened emotions amplify bias and cloud objectivity. We cannot deny that this happened in the mass Duterte movement. Sad thing is, the same thing happened to Rappler as well! As I mentioned in my first article that as the fifth estate- it is our responsibility to challenge the media. If the media, as the fourth estate, need to hold the public servants accountable; we, the fifth estate, also need to hold the media accountable. This! Yeah, this. This.Maria Ressa could have stopped the public animosity before it caught fire, but I was very surprised that she took the ride. Although I unfollowed Rappler years ago when they started writing clickbait titles, my confidence in her remained intact. But all that changed when Rappler started moderating comments—that was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. They got impatient with public opinion and decided on an unnecessary treatment.They took unneeded medicine. #TakeBackMariaRessaKeeping my Zen-like peace, I let it be. I kept silent because I felt it is useless to argue, and there will always be someone such as the likes of ThinkingPinoy, Sass, and GRP to represent. Much respect to these guys, listen.However, the “Weaponizing the Internet” series was my wake-up call. I breathe through the internet and the lies were as clear to me as sunrise. Worse, she talked of cognitive bias like it was a one-way thing, like she was immune to it. That was ALARMING to me. The samurai’s self-deception is getting worse and I felt the need to break the silence. In his seclusion, the monk is out on a peaceful rage. **Om Mani Padme Hum**If Symptoms Persist, Consult your DoctorIt is NOT too late for Maria Ressa to save her beloved Rappler. But she cannot do it with her team’s elitism and intellectual snobbery. She is SPOILING them by NOT pointing out these pervasive behaviors. This TEAM CULTURE breeds PUBLIC distrust. The media cannot distance itself from its people. By that, they need to stop treating Rappler’s FB comments as a forum section, where deleting comments and demeaning people is becoming a normality. In a democracy, the people is NOT the enemy. #TakeBackMariaRessaAs an anonymous paid troll with unquestionable credentials, I sincerely offer you my prescription:Pride Chicken is Expensive. Listen to those who matter, the people.Stop demeaning people. We know you’re an elite. STAHP already.We are NOT bots. We have emotions. We have feelings. #JoneeehhlDon’t moderate us. The comment section is therapeutical to us.Stop justifying yourself. We don’t need your customer service.Do your job. REPORT the facts until Mocha Uson shares your posts.Stop sensationalizing yourself. We had enough of De Lima already.Accept your humanity- and your bias. Reevaluate your interest.Practice humility. Intellect does not win you women. Trust me!Stop being an elitist. Study Siddharta and the KardashiansDo NOT be distracted. Trolls love attention, don’t give them that.Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.**cough**carlos***cough**celdran**Hospital Admission: Time to Reevaluate Options and ReorganizationIf the Rappler team will be unable to adapt these prescriptions, their primary stakeholder (Omidyar) will need to step in. They’ll have to reevaluate their options. They need to check if the team’s behavior is in alignment with their intended VISION and, Company Culture. Because even if Rappler is saying they are doing well overall, search engine traffic still drives majority of their revenue stream. Social media is TOO BIG of a business chunk to miss out on—just look at the FB engagement data, for God’s sake. Rappler may not be losing money, but they are missing SERIOUS GROWTH opportunities. Investors should NOT be happy. Businesses exist for revenue. Or if it should be for the cause, then it should be for the people, otherwise, whose interest is it?Unless Omidyar is gunning for being one for “Elite Media”, a TOUGH reorganization needs to be made. The team culture apparently seems to be corrupted by elitism. As a Venture Capitalist, I take it that Omidyar are very familiar with the concept of the Diffusion of Innovation. With that snobby team culture, there’s no way Rappler can reach the critical mass in comparison to their competitors, they are keeping the early majority for themselves. Learn from us, your so called TROLLS. Our reach covers the whole scope of people: from innovators to laggards, from thought leaders to Mocha Uson. There is no separation of classes with us. The stakeholders need to be involved, Maria Ressa is now obviously too attached to shake the tree for everyone. #TakeBackMariaRessaThe Naive Interventionism of the Rappler SupportersLastly, whoever is running the FollowRappler campaign must stop. Please stop. I know your intention is to help Rappler but you are actually doing them more harm. Iatrogenics. Naive intervention. Do not make the same mistake. You are giving the people hints on who’s behind you and further linking yourselves with political agenda. It is not looking good, take it down.MARIA RESSA BADLY NEEDS TO FIRE SOMEONE! Someone got burnt and is getting restless. I can smell it.Remember antifragility—the more you hit, the stronger it gets. That is Mother Nature’s design. The arrogance is making the people stronger. This should not be the case.Stop. If you are wounded, let it heal or it will only complicate itself.Much love,MarcusPS,In my effort for deliberate anonymity, my Facebook profile got ejected hours after my post against Rappler went live. Facebook is requiring my full name and proof of identification. Against FB’s guidelines, I had my name structured in a way that my network of friends would be able to distinguish my full name yet remain unsearchable. I am NOT famous; I just bent the rules (just like the rest of the others) and got targeted specifically.Looks like the Rappler team got the wrong ninja skills. I commend your efforts of finding my account and getting it reported. You need not intervene. We cannot afford for you to get distracted, the stakes are HIGH.PPS,I have nothing but love for you Maria Ressa. Much like ThinkingPinoy, Sass, GRP and others, I would value your word to a higher degree if you go independent and unfunded. It will help free you from the bias and self-absorbed surroundings. It will free you from the burden of BUSINESS. It will free you from your shackles.It will bring back the inspiring, uncompromising Maria Ressa that moved the hearts of the Filipinos.It’s time to take back the respect you once had. It’s to take back the old MARIA RESSA! TAKE BACK MARIA RESSA! #TakeBackMariaRessaIn case we can’t bring you back, at least, listen to our indignation. Do not argue but listen. As the fourth estate, it’s the honorable thing to do.PPPS,And to you, the reader, a Filipino. Gather your friends, your family, anyone. Let your voice be heard. Let our voice be heard. If they won’t listen, then let us SHOUT. If they SILENCE us, then the system already failed. We are no longer a democracy. #TakeBackMariaRessaBe passionate but let us try to be objective. But since you reach the bottom of this piece, you are no headliner and probably smart enough to not do that. Just remind those that are not, explain in the language they’ll understand.PPPPS,To my teammates who probably know me based on my series of arguments, yes it is me. Forgive me, I lied. I was not sick for 4 days. I’m just away on a philanthropic mission.—Uncopyrighted: No permission needed to copy, distribute, or modify the content of this article. Do whatever the hell you like.
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-10-20 06:34:32+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Members of Congress represent what is wrong with Philippine society
Most Filipinos are accustomed to receiving bad news. It’s like a part of life to live with sad endings and also tragedies. Perhaps it has something to do with the Catholic mantra “if someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also” or perhaps some people are simply not the master of their own fate. But, whatever the case, Filipinos in the Philippines seem to be living in a perpetual nightmare. This is evident in the horrendous traffic Filipinos have to endure every day. This is also evident in the way Filipinos tolerate the abuse they get from their public servants since the country was granted “independence” by their colonial masters.Take the case of Judy Taguiwalo. She was handpicked by President Rodrigo Duterte to head the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Over more than a year of holding that role, she did not receive complaints even from the harshest critics of the current administration. As a matter of fact, Taguiwalo was very much lauded and well-praised by people from all camps. They said she doesn’t just do her job, she does it well too, which is a rarity for a public servant in the Philippines. Despite that, members of the Commission on Appointments, comprised of members of Congress, rejected her appointment.A lot of Filipinos were baffled as to why their representatives in Congress are not in tune with their sentiments about Taguiwalo. The people want her in DSWD so why did they reject her? There was no valid reason not to confirm her in the post. Her rainbow haired predecessor was so incompetent and was infamous for callously burying relief goods underground because she failed to distribute them before the expiry date, but was confirmed to her post without a hitch.Tuguiwalo’s rejection as Secretary of DSWD was disappointing to a lot of people. The worse part was, the members of the Commission on Appointments did not feel obliged to explain their decision. They deliberated behind closed doors and those who said “no” to her remained unnamed. That has to be one of the ruthless things members of Congress had done to the people they supposedly represent. There is no way for the public to know who among the politicians are playing politics. How can the voters tell which one among their representatives betrayed them? How can they avoid voting the wrong candidates in the next election?There’s talk that members of Congress rejected Judy as DSWD Secretary because they want to use her department’s dole outs in the form of Conditional Cash Transfers (as traditionally done) to buy votes – a scam she didn’t want to be a part of. It seems members of Congress from both the lower and upper house want a piece of the action from the DSWD to fund their next election campaign. Some say that some congressmen prefer that the DSWD course its projects through them instead of delivering these directly to recipients. They must miss their pork barrel funds that much.Tuguiwalo’s rejection is proof that Duterte can only do so much to effect real change in the Philippines. It seems lawmakers themselves don’t want change. The CA’s rejection of Duterte’s cabinet appointees is also proof that the Philippines is not the dictatorship some of his critics insist it is. The system, although broken, still works for members of Congress. It works for their own interests especially. As a friend pointed out, “everyone else is still the same corrupt, incompetent, treasonous scumbag waiting to enrich him or herself at the expense of the Filipino people who, by and large, are too hungry to care.”I did not realise the DSWD is very important to lawmakers. Neither did a lot of people. These “lawmakers” are supposed to be busy crafting laws, not dipping their fingers in DSWD affairs. But as another astute observer pointed out, the DSWD is the source of election war kitty because of the cash and goods coming out of the department. The “Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) is the biggest vote buying programme”.What happened to Taguiwalo proved a lot of things about Philippine society. While she touched a lot of people with her sincerity and dedication to her work, I also think that being considered a rarity in government is a tragedy and a reflection of how dysfunctional the society has become. There are only a handful of public servants who can be trusted to do their jobs and sadly, they do not last very long in a corrupt system.This situation cannot be blamed on the uneducated or members of the lower and middle class in Philippine society alone. A lot of members of the elite promote mediocrity and patronage politics. Their allies in media help build the image and profile of friends who are unfit to lead. This is to entice the gullible members of society. We can see that a lot of these elites support the Aquinos who they see as “saints”. The Aquino family and their allies have influenced politics in the Philippines for more than three decades. Three decades of bad management has been exposed today now that the current administrator does want to sweep problems under the rug.Will the voters remember what the lawmakers did in the coming election? Will these politicians get punished in the polls and booted out? The irony here is that it is the people who keep electing the corrupt public servants again and again. They may be “pork barrel-obsessed lawmakers” but they were elected by the Filipino people nonetheless and get away with it. In other words, the people are in on the scam without realising it. Unless the people realise their fate is in their hands and that they have power to boot the scumbags out of government, things will not change for the better. That is the real tragedy.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-08-18 15:06:20+00:00
Get Real Philippines
The murdered Filipino opposition leader must be turning and twisting in his grave as the international airport named after him has gained the reputation as the worst in the world. Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) has been the subject of ridicule in recent months not only for overcrowding, confusing signage or lack thereof, clueless airport personnel, and most of all, non-functioning airconditioning units.As of press time, new airconditioning units have reportedly arrived but it is no guarantee that incoming and outgoing passengers will keep their cool.As a stop-gap measure, the Philippines’ Airports Authority issued a travel advisory recommending the top ten things traveling passengers will need upon disembarkation:1. Anahaw (wicker) fans. They’re relatively inexpensive. Foreigners can easily borrow these from their Filipino friends and neighbors. They are also sold at NAIA concession stands.2. If you want to go high tech, you can purchase battery-operated personal fans from almost every mall in America and elsewhere.3. Cotton towel, to wipe your sweat and keep you dry at all times, especially while in line at the immigration, customs and baggage claim areas.4. Plastic spray bottle. Make sure to fill it up with water before de-planing. You will need to squirt some mist on your face every minute or so.5. Deodorant. Be courteous to your fellow incoming passengers.6. Perfume. Make it a Prada. Filipinos love designer stuff7. Face mask. It will not only protect you from airborne viruses, but from the stench of sweat all around you.8. Bikini top for women. Think of it as entering a dry sauna. And make it Victoria’s Secret. Filipinos love designer stuff.9. Bikini bottom for men. Make it Calvin Klein. Filipinos love designer stuff.10. Ice-cold bottled water. Not just any bottled water. Make it a Fiji. Did we already mention Filipinos love designer stuff?Mabuhay! Welcome to Manila, you know, the place novelist Dan Brown calls “the gates of hell.”
['Pol Pinoy']
26/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
How President BS Aquino impoverished the #Philippines with pork
The money that the administration funneled into DAP (and its predecessor, the PDAF) was supposedly aggregated from 'savings' in the national budget. What happened in 2011 when this horrifying plunder scheme was set in motion was that funding for several public works projects (initiated by the Arroyo administration) were cancelled for no apparent reason. The funds that were NOT used as a result of these arbitrary cancellations were declared 'savings' and pooled into a massive, unaccountable fund under the control of Penoy Aquino. This is NOT a 'glitch' as you call it; it was a MALEVOLENT act to re-allocate taxpayer money and increase the President's personal pork barrel.Furthermore, one of the direct results of these cancellations was a huge DROP in public spending. This in turn caused a massive drop in the GDP growth rate (down to 3% from around 6% the previous year) and a moribund economy. Penoy Aquino's idea to create 'savings' instead caused a serious downturn in the economy. It worsened the jobless rate and destroyed valuable opportunities for local business. We still live with the consequences of that stalled economy to-day.--------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/12/finished-or-not-finished-pass-your-papers/comment-page-1/#comment-1005503
17/11/2013 0:00
President Barack Obama has nominated CNN’s Anderson Cooper to be the next U.S. ambassador to the Philippines. The White House announcement on the nomination came on the heels of Cooper’s live reporting on the aftermath of super typhoon Haiyan which has devastated many cities and towns in Central Philippines. He is the host of the popular CNN news program, AC 360. His reports from Tacloban, the worst-hit among the cities in the province of Leyte, gained both praise and criticism.Many Filipinos, including expatriates from all over the world, have praised Cooper’s early coverage of the devastation in Tacloban and the Philippine government’s rescue and relief efforts which he described as lacking in coordination and clear strategy. On the other hand, Cooper earned the ire of Philippine President Noynoy Aquino who asked for “greater accuracy” in reporting on his government’s relief efforts and to focus on the strong spirit of the Filipino people in facing this calamity. Cooper responded on his news program that accuracy has been his hallmark as a journalist and that his reporting had always pointed to the enormous strength and fighting spirit of the Filipino people.A Filipino news anchor, Korina Sanchez, speaking from her air-conditioned broadcast studio in Manila, also criticized Cooper for his reporting on the government’s less than stellar response to the needs of Haiyan survivors. Sanchez said Cooper did not know what he was talking about. Cooper then challenged Sanchez to do her own reporting at “ground zero” in Tacloban. Sanchez is the wife of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas who is supposed to lead government relief and rescue operations.In nominating Cooper, Obama said that the CNN journalist is fully qualified for the job and brings with him extensive knowledge and experience with political, social and other issues plaguing foreign governments, including the Philippines. Obama said that Cooper has also proven himself to be fearless, independent, and sensitive to the interest and needs of both the U.S. and its long-time ally the Philippines.There seems to be bipartisan support in the Senate for Cooper’s nomination. That in itself is a rarity in America.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/11/2013 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Bam Aquino Says Abolition Of NFA Council Will Affect Income Of Council Members
Reacting to President Rodrigo Duterte’s announcement that he wants to abolish the NFA Council, Senator Bam Aquino expressed deep concern about the presidential decision.In an exclusive interview with The Adobo Chronicles, Aquino said the the abolition of the NFA Council will severely affect the income of the Council members.”It is so unfair for the President to abolish the Council because it cuts down the overall take home pay of the members. The members are citizens who are trying to make ends meet in order to provide for their families.,” Aquino said.”I urge the President to reconsider his decision. It is the right thing to do,” Aquino added.
['Pol Pinoy']
06/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leila de Lima: a package of Ambition, Impunity, Delusion, and Sex
Saw the video of Leila de Lima's press conference today with Senate reporters whom she was feeding cake and pancit because her birthday is coming up.While she was denying Duterte's latest accusations against her, I was reminded of the time she defied a Supreme Court order and arrested the sick Gloria Arroyo at the airport years ago.I remember wondering at that time, what kind of person is capable of doing something like this?Even if, granting for the sake of argument, Arroyo was guilty, how can a government official—the Secretary of Justice, no less—flout a Supreme Court order so flagrantly, on live national TV, and not care about the consequences?People didn't know much about De Lima back then, but after all the revelations that have come out about her in the past days, and after hours of psychoanalysis with friends who are equally hooked on this teleserye, here's our theory on why De Lima is capable of extreme brazen acts.We call it the "AIDS" hypothesis. AIDS stands for Ambition, Impunity, Delusion, and Sex.(No offense to actual AIDS sufferers. This acronym is purely coincidental.)AMBITIONWe've seen in the two-day senate hearings that just ended that no one would mistake De Lima for a genius. But she was able to become head of CHR, head of DOJ, and now senator out of sheer ambition and chutzpah. Could it be that it wasn't even Noynoy Aquino who ordered her to defy the Supreme Court order and arrest Arroyo at the airport? Noynoy seems too weak to be capable of something like that. Could it be that De Lima did it on her own, to make pakitang-gilas to her boss and prove to him that there was no line she wouldn't cross? And in return for her loyalty, he got her elected senator.IMPUNITYDe Lima seems to sincerely believe she is untouchable and indestructible. No matter what she says and does, even if untrue or illegal, she honestly believes she can't be held accountable. This might be part of the reason why she was able to rise to the upper echelons of government despite minimal talent. People who are willing to take big risks and make huge gambles often become more successful than talented people who are risk-averse and worry too much about consequences.DELUSIONIn the case of Steve Jobs, this was called a reality-distortion field. Jobs's creativity was due to him not seeing reality for what it is, but for what it could be. In De Lima's case, her self-image seems to be quite different from how we ordinary folk see her. For example, she has no qualms carrying on like a femme fatale with her driver and the MMDA motorcycle guy despite her advanced age and appearance. She even said in the birthday press con, "I'm about to turn 57, I'm still young." Clearly she sees herself very differently from how we see her. In her mind, she is a young and desirable vixen.BTW, she admitted in the press con that the MMDA motorcycle guy Warren is still part of her security staff.SEXThe Bible says money is the root of all evil. But sex is also another root of evil. Duterte said De Lima's "urges" caused her to become entangled in the illegal activities of the men she had "sex escapades" with. I feel kind of sorry for her in this aspect. How many times have we seen old, lonely, sex-starved women taken advantage of by devious men who f*ck them for their money, power, connections, etc? Even her sex video might have been recorded by one of the men she got involved with for future leverage against her.I wonder why no one from the yellow camp seems to be speaking out to defend De Lima now. She sold her soul to the devil to do their dirty work for them, and now that she's in a bind, they're nowhere to be seen.De Lima said in her press con that despite all the things happening to her, her spirit can't be broken. This is the AIDS talking, as explained above. She needs to believe that she can't be broken, otherwise she won't be able to go on.-----------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://www.getrealphilippines.com/blog/2016/08/filipinos-abandon-yellow-narrative-embrace-duterte-way/#comment-1714749
23/03/2016 0:00
Starbucks Will Donate All Of Its Leftover Coffee To America’s Needy
Coffee giant Starbucks today announced an unprecedented move to help feed America’s hungry population.The Seattle-based company is parterning with the Food Donation Connection and Feeding America in a program known as FoodShare that will allow the company to donate all of its leftover brewed coffee to food banks. With this program, FDC and Feeding America will pick up the coffee at 7,600 Starbucks-operated U.S. locations redistribute it.Other coffee companies like Peet’s and Seattle’s Best are expected to follow suit.It’s American corporate responsibility at its best!
['Pol Pinoy']
23/03/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Matt Damon Defends His Role in “The Great Wall” Saying He Indeed Is Quarter Chinese
You’ve seen it many times before — the whitewashing of Hollywood where Asian roles are played by white actors. For example: Emma Stone playing a quarter-Hawaiian in the movie ‘Aloha’ or Tilda Swinston playing a Tibetan Monk — The Ancient One — in Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange.’Now, a white actor has been cast to play the role of a warrior out to protect China’s Great Wall from attacking dragons. That actor is none other than Matt Damon.Naturally, Asian American groups have criticized Damon’s casting in a film, pointing out the ridiculousness of having a white warrior in ancient China.But today, Damon came to his own defense saying that he, indeed, is a quarter Chinese, something that he has revealed for the very first time since he started his acting career.Well, in that case, his casting is justified.The film opens in 2017.
['Pol Pinoy']
29/07/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles