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London’s political expert praises Duterte and explains why he is the best President of the Philippines has ever had
English political commentator and expert Adam Garrie praised President Rodrigo Duterte and labeled him as the ‘best President that the Philippines has ever had’ for doing his best so his country will never be treated like a colony again.In his article in “The Duran”, Garrie praised ‘uniquely patriotic’ President Rodrigo Duterte’s ironclad leadership in the Philippines.“Duterte wants dignity, freedom and safety for his country. He isa uniquely patriotic and devoted individual who deserves support.” Garrie said in the article titled “PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY: Duterte is the best President in the country’s history that he wrote on Monday.He narrated how the Philippines became dependent to the colonizers and despite of being fully independent, the country still relied on a relationship with America.But now, Garrie said that Philippines has now a ‘strongly independent President’ who wanted his country to be not treated like a colony of any country and would not accept any aid with conditions’” President Rodrigo Duterte has pursued a foreign policy independent of US edicts and one which disregards the neo-clonial attitude of US funded NGOs.” Garrie wrote.The political expert also believed that President Rodrigo Duterte declared war in Mindanao not because he wanted war with the Moros, but because he wanted a long lasting peace in the southern island of the Philippines.He also believed that the Islamic State already knew how President Rodrigo Duterte trying to destroy illegal drugs in the Philippines that made the IS so worried.“ISIS also knew that if Duterte was successful in crushing the violent drugs trade in Philippines, they would be deprived of a major source of revenue, generated from the cultivation, sale and trafficking of drugs.” he said.Garrie also expressed his concern how the U.S military entered the battlefield in Marawi without informing President Rodrigo Duterte, he said “It is a deeply dangerous scenario if military commanders in Philippines are acting unilaterally, without the permission let alone consent of their President”The political commentator also said that the people and the lawmakers must support their President amid the time of crisis in Mindanao.“The very independence celebrated on the 12th of June is better represented by Duterte than any previous Philippine leader in the modern age,” he said.“President Rodrigo Duterte wants for his people that which a subservient post-colonial/neo-colonial attitude could never possibly achieve: dignity,” he added.Garrie also said that President Rodrigo Duterte understands the ‘modern realities of a multi-polar world’ and he added that ‘it is not realistic in the 21st century for an East Asian country to continue to act as a post-colonial satellite of declining American power,”He also said that forming new regional partnership together with China which closer to Philippines than the United States is ‘essential’Garrie also believed that President Rodrigo Duterte still willing to work with America on important issues after he said that he has a good relationship with the new President of U.S Donald Trump. But he said that President Rodrigo Duterte doesn’t like to the Philippines to be treated by Americans as slave.“President Duterte is a man uniquely moved by a patriotic purpose and uniquely guided by the hand of destiny. If his plans are embraced, Philippines stands the real chance to enter into a new, more peaceful and more prosperous age. If Duterte is rejected, the Philippine people will have rejected their best chance at achieving true independence in every sense: political, military, economic and even spiritual,” he said“On this day, one must celebrate not only achievements of the Philippine past but the prospects of a better Philippine future, a future which Duterte can guide the country towards better than any of his rivals.” he added.
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2017-06-15 12:40:26+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
San Francisco’s Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center, a non-profit health organization serving the needs of San Franciscans, including A&PI LGBTs, recently received a surprise gift in the mail: a cake with an inscription, “We really do love you.”The gift came from Sweet Cakes by Melissa, owned by Melissa and Aaron Klein, who were recently ordered by the Oregon Labor Commission to pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple for whom they refused to make a wedding cake.The Kleins cited their Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage in denying the services. The Commission ruled they discriminated against the women on the basis of their sexual orientation.Apparently, A&PI Wellness Center was among the ten West Coast LGBTQ organizations that would be receiving a cake from the Kleins.It would have been a sweet gesture from Sweet Cakes by Melissa, except that the package came with a DVD of Audacity, an anti-LGBTQ film created by New Zealand televangelist Ray Comfort. The DVD is about the work of Christians to “save” doomed LGBT people.As of press time, the Wellness Center was still deciding what to do with the cake.This could very well be a classic case of “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”We suggest a bake sale.
['Pol Pinoy']
24/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Actor Dingdong Dantes Beats Mar Roxas And Jojo Binay In New Poll; And He’s Not Even A VP Candidate
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is leading in an ongoing poll conducted by The Adobo Chronicles on who Filipino voters want to be their next president. Duterte has so far gained 33% of the votes.But what is surprising is that actor Dingdong Dantes is beating administration candidate Mar Roxas and Vice President Jejomar Binay, and he’s not even a candidate.Dantes is in a statistical tie with Senators Miriam Defensor-Santiago and Grace Poe. The three are tied at 22%.Roxas and Binay are currently at 0%.You can still vote in the poll HERE.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
WATCH: 40 Barangay Captain allies of Mayor Parojinog surrender themselves to Chief Espinido
Because of the 24 hours ultimatum given by Ozamiz City C/Insp. Jovie Espenido to the sympathizers of the Parojinog family, 40 Barangay Captains of the said city surrendered themselves to the authorities.According to the interview of RMN to Lam-An Barangay Captain Romeo Raagas, they said that their fear to Espenido made them to surrender themselves and talk to the top cop of Ozamiz.“More or less 40 kaming barangay captain ang nandito upang hamarap at makipag-usap kay Espenido”, pahayag ni Raagas.40 out of 50 Barangay Captains of Ozamiz surrendered to Espinido to clear their names to the police chief of the said city.Espenido clarified that the appearance of the Barangay Captains was voluntary and he didn’t forced the Barangay Captains to surrender.“Lilinawin natin kusa silang sumuko at hindi ko sila pinatawag” sinabi ni Espenido.Espenido also warned the people who still sympathized the alleged drug lords of Ozamiz.Last Saturday, the members of Philippine National Police and CIDG led by Chief Espenido conducted the biggest anti-drug raid in the history of Ozamiz City.Espenido only came back from work after his 90 day suspension was canceled, 8 days before the bloody raid.15 people were killed during the raid including Mayor Reynaldo “Aldong” Parojinog, his wife Susan and BM Octavio Parojinog.The authorities also arrested Vice Mayor Nova Parojinog Echavez and other people linked to the illegal drug business of the Parojinog family.Shabu and heavy firearms were confiscated by the authorities, even the Vice Mayor tried to hide an evidence while the authorities searching their house.
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2017-08-02 00:01:19+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Kris Aquino Willing To Pay For A Two-Bedroom Jail Suite For Her And Brother NoyNoy
If she is charged and convicted for election law violation, presidential sister and talk show host Kris Aquino says she is willing to pay for a new two-bedroom jail suite for her and brother NoyNoy.Kris’ use of the presidential chopper in campaigning for Liberal Party standard-bearer Mar Roxas is now being looked into by the Ombudsman of the Visayas.Lawyer Ma. Corazon Naraja, spokesperson of the anti-graft office based in Cebu City, said they were gathering facts about the incident and would determine the legal issues concerning the matter.According to Naraja, the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines prohibits the use of government-owned vehicles and other government resources in election campaigns . “Let me remind everyone that using government resources to promote the candidacy of any person is an election offense,” Naraja said.When asked by The Adobo Chronicles what she thought of her possible jail sentence, Kris said she will take full responsibility of her actions, but that she will pay to build a two-bedroom jail suite that she and her brother could share in case he is also jailed.President Aquino faces possible criminal charges for the unconstitutional use of government (DAP, PDAF) funds, once he steps down from the presidency. (Incumbent presidents are immune from law suits).“Being one of the top taxpayers in the country, I’m sure I will have no problem getting approval for a request to build the jail suite,” Kris said.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
China Visit: Philippine President Duterte Plans To Trade Manila’s Chinatown For Scarborough Shoal
Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte begins a three-day official visit to Beijing Tuesday, armed with a solid proposal to resolve once and for all the territorial dispute between his country and China over Scarborough Shoal in the West Philippine Sea, a.k.a. South China Sea.Malacañang told The Adobo Chronicles that Duterte will propose to the Chinese government a deal in which China will give up its claim over Scarborough Shoal in exchange for the Philippines relinquishing ownership of the entire area on which Manila’s Chinatown now stands.China is reportedly very interested in having full jurisdiction over the world’s oldest Chinatown.The Chinese government plans to convert Manila’s Chinatown into a Hong Kong style enclave and make it a world-famous shopping and tourist destination.The Philippines, on the other hand, will have full ownership of Scarborough Shoal, including all the benefits that will be derived from its oil-rich resources.U.S. Secretary of State was reported to be scratching his head over this shocking news from Beijing.
['Pol Pinoy']
18/10/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Maria Ressa Gives Up On Rappler, Publishes Her Personal Newspaper
She had hoped to raise five million pesos to fund the operations of Rappler, but with just days left, CEO Maria Ressa is very disappointed that only 13% of her goal has been achieved. That’s barely enough to fund an online news company.So, Ressa is throwing in the towel, and is shutting down Rappler for good as of December 31.Instead, Ressa is publishing her very own personal newspaper The Tweeted Times.She made the announcement today on her Twitter page.
['Pol Pinoy']
26/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Netizen reveals possible reason why Senator Trillanes and VP Robredo flies to South Korea
Netizen claims that he knows why Vice President Leni Robredo and Senator Antonio Trillanes IV is in Seoul South Korea at the same time.Ryan Aaron Lumbera Suguitan, an OFW in Singapore revealed the possible reason why the two key members of opposition visited South Korea at the same date during holy week.He said that Robredo and Trillanes might visited Edelman Korea, a big public relations company located in Seoul.“EDELMA[N] korea just 12 minutes away from myondon Cathedral, Isa lamang bigating PR Marketing Company,” Suguitan said.Pro-Duterte bloggers said that PR companies are allegedly part of the demolition job against President Rodrigo Duterte.Even MJ Quiambao Reyes noticed that the two senators both spotted in a place near Edelman Korea.Edelman New York is the mother company of Edelman Korea.“Mrs. Robredo & Mr. Trillanes were both spotted in South Korea, at the same time? In a place very near Edelman Korea? How is this connected with Edelman New York & Lewis? Coincidence?” Quiambao said.The OFW also said that Filipino-American Businesswoman Loida Nicolas-Lewis is connected with the public relations company.Senator Antonio Trillanes and Vice President Leni Robredo is not yet revealing why they visited South Korea.Their supporters said that the two politicians is only enjoying their holy week vacation.But some of Pro-Duterte bloggers questioned the purpose of the two members of opposition in visiting South Korea without informing the public.
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2017-04-16 16:31:24+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Nearly a third of all businesses around the world are now owned or managed by women, according to a new study by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Philippines is among the top countries where women are the boss.Even in the world of politics, the Philippines is among the handful of countries that have or have had women heads of state (the late President Cory Aquino and the incarcerated President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo).The ILO survey showed the Philippines in the No. 4 spot, next only to Jamaica, Colombia and Saint Lucia. Forty-seven percent of workplace managers in the Philippines are women.In a local household survey conducted by The Adobo Chronicles, the results are even more impressive.In the poll, conducted among 100,000 married Filipino women, 85 percent of respondents said they were the boss in the home, not their husbands.The poll results give credence to the revered Filipino saying, Under the Saya (underneath the skirt) which refers to husbands who are submissive to their wives.Oh dear. Yes, dear.
['Pol Pinoy']
10/02/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Why Duterte Would Fail In A Qualification Test For A U.S. Visa
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has said that he has been denied a U.S. visa in the past when he sought to visit a girlfriend in America.Now that he’s president, it would be very easy for him to secure a U.S. visa, right? Wrong! Not with Donald Trump’s proposed policy limiting legal immigration.The Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, or RAISE Act, favors people between the ages of 26 and 30 with a doctorate, high English proficiency and a job offer with a high salary.In a simulated test (courtesy: Time magazine), one must earn a minimum of 30 points in order to qualify to apply for a U.S. visa.Let’s see how Duterte fares in this test:So there you have it, Duterte scores a total of 15 points, not even half of the minimum required to apply for a U.S. visa.But it doesn’t matter, Duterte thinks the U.S. is a “lousy” country anyway.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/08/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
A tale of two women. Former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Janet Lim-Napoles. Both in detention, one in a government hospital in Manila and the other in a special bungalow suite inside a military compound in Santa Rosa, Laguna, south of the Philippine capital.Arroyo is under hospital arrest for corruption and plunder charges committed while she was president while Napoles is the suspected mastermind of a multi-billion peso pork barrel scam which siphoned taxpayer money into phony non-governmental organizations .This week, lawmakers aligned with President Noynoy Aquino demanded that both women be transferred to a regular jail to dispel suspicions that they were being given special treatment despite the gravity of the charges against them.However, for security reasons, Aquino came up with a compromise. Arroyo will be transferred to Napoles’ bungalow in Santa Rosa. In other words, the women will be roommates.One question remains: which woman will take the bedroom and which will take the couch?
['Pol Pinoy']
24/01/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Pulong Duterte may hamon kay Bam, Risa, Kiko, dilawan
May hamon ang dating bise mayor at panganay na anak ng Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte na si Paulo ‘Pulong’ Duterte sa mga dilawan lalong lalo na sa mga kritikong senador na sina Sen. Risa Hontiveros, Franklin Drilon, Bam Aquino, Antonio Trillanes at iba pa na ipagtanggol nito ang sino mang pumatay sa 2 year old na bata sa Tagum City na pinaniwalaang ginahasa bago pinaslang.Ayon kay Pulong, tanging adik lang ang makakagawa sa ganitong krimen at ang mga ito ay ang mga pinoprotektahan diumano ng Commission on Human Rights dahil may karapatang pantao din daw ang mga kriminal.“Nananawagan ako sa mga nagtatanggol sa karapatan ng mga kriminal at mga adik, lumabas kayo” anya ni Pulong na pinost nya sa kanyang official facebook account.“Sa Karapatan, sa mga kampon ni Joma Sison na mga nagbabalat-kayong human rights defenders gayong mga NPA naman pala at isa ring mamamatay-tao, saan na po kayo? Sa mga kampon ng Yellow. Si Gascon at ang CHR, ano na? Saan na kayo. It’s your time to shine. Kay Trillanes at kay de Lima. At si Bam Aquino at si Kiko Pangilinan at Risa Hontiveros. Si Drilon. Banat na. Ipagtanggol ninyo ang may kagagawan ng pagpatay sa batang ito. May karapatan sila diba? Hinahamon ko kayo — ipagtanggol ninyo. Sabihin ninyo na kawawa naman ang may kagagawan nito. Kailangang mabigyan ng tulong at suporta ang gumawa ng krimen na ito.”Ang pamilya ng biktima ay humingi ngayon ng katarungan at tulong sa pagpapalibing ng bata. Kumalat din sa social media ang litrato ng biktima na nasa kabaung na pero hindi pa na iimbalsama. Isang netizen naman ang nagkawang loob at umako sa pag iimbalsama ng bata.” Ako na bahala ang mag papa imbalsama sa bata” comment ni Tuarian Ledi sa Brigada News Davao na nag post ng balita.Bumuhos naman ang tulong mula sa netizen. May isang netizen din na willing naman magbigay ng P20,000 para sa pamilya ng biktimaWhat can you say about this? Leave your comments below!
2018-02-14 15:33:22+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
PNP Chief Bato Dela Rosa order transferring corrupt cops in Sulu
Philippine National Police Director General Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa ordered the corrupt cops in Makati City to be sent in Jolo, Sulu.PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa received reports that a Singaporean National was extorted P350,000 by a retired police Major who was a former security officer in the residential buildin in Makati City where the foreigner lived.The Makati policemen denied asking money from the foreigner“According naman sa mga pulis natin, in fairness, hindi sila tumanggap at lumalabas na sinabi nung Singaporean na binigay niya yung pera sa isang pulis major na retired security officer nung building saan siya nago-office at nakatira sa Makati, so hindi pa natin nakuha yung police major na nagretire”Dela Rosa warned the retired cop to surrender, otherwise the PNP would hunt him down.“He has to appear and explain his side. Otherwise, ha-huntingin natin yang pulis na yan kung ayaw niyang magpakita sa police station, dahil allegedly sa kanya napunta yung pera. Siya yung nag transact sa victim na nagbayad daw sa pulis”Dela Rosa also confirmed yesterday that he ordered that the corrupt cops get sent to Sulu.“I issued an order transferring them to Jolo, Sulu. Hindi ko alam pangalan nila basta may isang chief inspector at apat na PNCO”Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte released an order for the transfer of Chief Inspector Sherwin Cuntapay, chief of Makati police intelligence division to ARMM where Jolo, Sulu is located.On November 1, President Rodrigo Duterte already warned the corrupt cops to resign or they would be transferred to Basilan.
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2016-11-03 23:20:08+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
WATCH: CCTV footage taken during RWM attack clearly shows robbery and not terrorism
The most awaited CCTV footage of Resorts World Manila (RWM) showed the activities of the still unidentified gunman was released by the Philippine National Police in a press conference on Saturday.NCRPO Chief Oscar Albayalde, presented the CCTV footage to the public so that they can know for themselves what happened inside the Resorts World Manila during the tragic incident.The CCTV footage shows how the gunman entered the building and how he burned the gambling room. It also showed how he opened the storage room and stole worth P113-M of casino chips.It also showed the bloodied suspect climbing upstairs after exchanged fire with the security personnel of the casino.“We have not seen any indication of a terror attack” Albayalde told the press.Even President Rodrigo Duterte said in his speech in Cagayan De Oro city, that the suspect in the RWM attack is clearly not a member of ISIS.He believes that the style of ISIS is more cruel and brutal compared on what the lone gunman did inside the RWM.The footage also proved that only one person committed the crime, debunked the claims of the critics of the government that there are more gunmen entered the building.CNN Philippines posted the footages presented by PNP to the public:On Friday midnight, a gunman entered the Resorts World Manila and set the whole gambling hall on fire. The thick smoke made 37 people trapped and died due suffocation.
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2017-06-03 21:03:56+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Fishball and Kwekwek Vendors To Boycott All Yellow Rallies
After yet another disappointing turnout at an anti-Duterte rally in Quezon City last night, the National Association of Fishball and Kwekwek Vendors (NAFKV) has passed a resolution to boycott all Yellow rallies going forward.The disappointing turnout was in connection with the ‘Press Freedom’ rally held at the Boy Scout Circle along Timog Avenue in Quezon City. It was a protest against the SEC decision to revoke the media license of Rappler after the latter was found to have violated the Constitutional provision on foreign ownership of media.Estimates put the crowd at a maximum of 300, including the news media, peace-keeping police and the statues of the boy scouts. Oh, and yes, the fishball and kwekwek vendors of course.A spokesperson for NAFKV told The Adobo Chronicles that what used to be lucrative business for their members during protest rallies has turned into a losing proposition, whenever the rallies were sponsored by the Yellows.”We have therefore decided to boycott all future Yellow rallies. No more fishballs or kwekwek.”Fishballs and kwekwek (fried, breaded quail eggs) are a favorite street food in the Philippines.
['Pol Pinoy']
19/01/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
President Duterte to bring home 1 Trillion pesos of investments and credit facilities from China
The Philippines is expected to bring home $24 Billion or PHP 1-Trillion from his four-day state visit of President Rodrigo Duterte in China.This was confirmed by Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez on Friday.“Iyong bagong number na nabubuo ngayon, in terms of investments and credit facilities opened, $24 billion – $15 billion noon are investments and iyong $9 billion will be in the form of credit facilities,” he told reporters in an interview in Beijing.“Iyong private-to-private, iyon ang $15 billion. And about $4 billion are MOUs[memoranda of understanding] to be signed later today,” he added.This investment would estimately give two million jobs in the Philippines.Netizens were happy that President Duterte’s visit gave a positive result.
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2016-10-21 14:05:20+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Television host and actress Kris Aquino just can’t keep her mouth shut. Even her brother NoyNoy, president of the Philippines, has had it with her.Kris’ latest public comment about her brother was that newly-crowned Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach ‘didn’t like Noy.’Shortly after being crowned Miss Philippines-Universe earlier in the year, Kris invited Wurtzbach to her television show and tried to pin her down about the rumored ‘date’ between her and her brother.“Are you dating my brother?” Kris asked, to which Wurtzbach diplomatically evaded giving a direct answer. Then Kris promised that she would be a nice “sister-in-law” to the beauty queen.Fast forward to December, 2015. Wurtzbach won the much-coveted Miss Universe title. Naturally, the gossip circles started re-visiting the supposed “romance” between the president and Wurtzbach.The president himself refused to give any comment about the new Miss Universe. But Kris, being Kris, had to bring up the issue (or non-issue) about her brother and Wurtzbach, finally admitting that the beauty queen does not like her brother.Today, inside sources at Malacanang Palace, told The Adobo Chronicles that an angry and visibly annoyed President Aquino called his sister as she was about to go on the air for her TV show.The president reportedly screamed at his sister and said that she needs to stop humiliating him. “For once, can you just shut up and mind your own show business,” the president was quoted saying to Kris.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/12/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Mayor Tommy Osmeña And The Dopesickness of Cebu City
A friend in law enforcement says the Duterte Administration’s war on illegal drugs has caused a number of areas in the country to experience a violent sort of dope sickness.Unlike the kind of dope sickness that drug addicts go through when they are starved of their drug of choice, the dope sickness he refers to plays out more violently. Some episodes result in deaths where either the drug traffickers decide to shoot it out with law enforcement or where criminal syndicates purge their ranks, silencing those they suspect might squeal.In other instances, the deaths are those of local government officials named in the administration’s illegal drugs watchlist. In 2016 came the deaths of Rolando Espinosa Sr, the mayor of Albuera, Leyte, and Samsudin Dimaukom, the mayor of the southern town of Saudi Ampatuan. Then in 2017, came the death of Ozamiz City Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog.This year, deaths of other local officials became headline news but official government news sources discounted the possibility of these being linked to the anti illegal drugs war.In the list of local officials to be killed were Tawi-Tawi Vice Mayor Al Rashid Mohammad, Tanauan City mayor Antonio Halili, Gen. Tinio, Nueva Ecija mayor Ferdinand Bote, and Trece Martires vice mayor Alex Lubigan last July 7.It is against this backdrop that detractors of the Duterte administration might be expected to rally to the side ofCebu city Mayor Tommy Osmeña after was seen on posting on Facebook claiming that he believed his life was in danger.But, so far, it seems the usual rallying crowd hasn’t turned up in the streets of Cebu City. Don’t they care about Mayor Tommy?A news report says that Osmeña posted a message with a number of missing words saying that if “something happened” to him, he would reveal the missing words. His post reads:“(Redacted) I’m a concerned (redacted) here in PRO7. Please advise the mayor to be extra careful. There are plans to eliminate him-Cadungog and Coun Dave Tumulak. There is a conspiracy to link them to drugs just tell them to please be careful alway(s). The group of PO3 (Eugene) Calumba are behind this and top officials of PRO7 and CCPO are sactioning (sic) this,”If Osmeña seriously thinks his life is in danger, then he should seriously seek protection. But where would he go to for protection?Two days later, he was seen in an interview accusing Cebu City police chief Senior Superintendent Royina Garma and Central Visayas top cop Chief Superintendent Debold Sinas of being behind killings in his city. However, when pressed repeatedly as to why he thought Garma and Sinas were behind the killings, Osmeña couldn’t offer any reason in particular.“It (rise in killings) definitely started when they came in the picture,” Osmeña said…In the last two months, those reportedly killed include a barangay councilor, a couple, two PDEA agents, and a 4-year-old child killed by a stray bullet.It is strange that for a man whose life is under threat and whose city is in the grips of “terror” from half a dozen killings, Osmeña hasn’t been reported being seen at the Department of Interior and Local Government, National Police Commission, or National Bureau of Investigation. Neither has he been seen seeking help from his friends in the Senate, like Richard Gordon, or even his senator allies in the Liberal Party.It would only be normal to assume that these law enforcement agencies would give the highest priority to ensuring Osmeña’s safety and national politicians, especially Osmeña’s allies or friends, would spare hours in a privilege speech to denounce any threat on his life.But it seems Osmeña hasn’t reached out to them. Or at least, not yet.Of course, that isn’t to say that Osmeña’s fears are unfounded or merely the product of delirium.In several other interviews and on his Facebook page Osmeña portrays his bravery and willingness to sacrifice saying he had put off having surgery in the US so that he could continue to “guard” his people from threats.“It is getting a little too hot here. I don’t want to make it appear that I am just running away,” he told reporters on Wednesday. Osmeña is scheduled to leave the country this week to undergo an operation. “I’m going to the United States to have an operation on my hernia because it opened up the abdominal muscle and it’s coming out. That’s why I can’t carry weights and I’m not allowed to go jogging and I have to do some of that,” Osmeña had previously said.Perhaps a hernia is really, indeed, a minor thing compared to the cancer he says he beat a year ago — the treatment for which, according to an affidavit submitted to the Department of Justice, was financed by drug lords.In late March 2018, then Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II disclosed an affidavit executed in November 2016 by Reynaldo “Jumbo” Diaz, cousin and alleged bagman of slain drug lord Jeffrey “Jaguar” Diaz. The affidavit listed Osmeña among Cebu officials who allegedly received payola from their drug syndicate. The mayor was supposed to have received a total of P7 million: P2 million for hospitalization expenses in 2013 and P5 million during the 2016 elections.Going back to the present, Osmeña says he is postponing his hernia surgery (the forth time he has done so, according to a news report) to be the close in security of Tejero barangay captain and now Councilman Jessielou Cadungog, who is now facing murder charges for the death of PO3 Eugene Calumba.“I am Cadungog’s security — close in. I will protect him and protect my people,” Osmeña said during the filing of murder and frustrated murder charges against Cadungog and his bodyguard, William Macaslang Jr.This would appear to be a noble sacrifice on Osmeña’s part, except that Cadungog’s name is in the illegal drugs watchlist for being presumably possessing illegal firearms.Moreover, the “ambush” perpetrated against Cadungog appears to be a shoot out with the police where at least one account says he was the attacker.It was initially reported that Cadungog survived an ambush attempt but was later tagged as the suspect in the killing of the apparent assailant PO3 Eugene Calumba.Police Regional Office-Central Visayas Director Chief Supt. Sinas disclosed that there was no ambush. He tagged the side of Cadungog as responsible for the death of Calumba. “Actually, si Cadungog wala gipusil. Siya ang gapusil (Cadungog was not shot. He did the shooting),” Sinas said.Calumba was detailed to the drug enforcement unit of Parian police station in Cebu City.What is Cebu city Mayor Osmeña doing by siding with someone accused of killing a cop?Moreover, is he really afraid for his life or is he using the Cadungog’s fake “ambush” story to manipulate the PNP to assign him police officials whom he can control?It will be remembered that in 2016, the National Police Commission revoked his authority to supervise the local PNP.This happened after Osmeña’s withdrew financial rewards and logistics support for the Cebu City Police Office. It was explained that this signified his disapproval of the series of revamps in the police leadership in the city and in Central Visayas.Camp Crame had removed Senior Supt. Benjamin Santos as head of the Cebu City Police Office and Chief Supt. Patrocinio Comendador Jr. as police director for Central Visayas.PNP chief Director General Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa apologized to Osmeña for replacing the local police chiefs without prior consultation: “I’m sorry, Sir, if you felt slighted that we removed your city director and your police officers who were identified in the drug trade.”” … na-identify sila na sangkot sa illegal drug trade. Prangkahan na ito,” Dela Rosa said. He shared that some of the recently relieved police officials had been suspected of accepting money from personalities in the illegal drug trade.Nevertheless, this was in line with President Rodrigo Duterte’s warning that mayors who do not cooperate with his administration’s drug war would lose their deputization over police forces if they fail to “perform their supervision functions.”The PNP had determined that Osmeña’s reaction withdrawing support for the police would have a “negative impact on the effectiveness of the peace and order campaign.”In a resolution, NAPOLCOM indicated Osmeña “had decided to stop giving allowances and rewards” to newly assigned police officials in the city, “ceased in supplying gasoline” to police service vehicles, and barred the release of 15 patrol cars and three vans to the current city police leadership.Osmeña was unhappy that the PNP ignored his request to allow Santos and Comendador to remain in their posts for 30 more days so as not to disrupt the momentum in the fight against illegal drugs.“Being denied the chance to choose someone to work with was the very reason for my protest to begin with,” Osmeña stated, adding that he managed to get 9 of the 10 wanted drug pushers in Cebu City because he worked with men he could trust.“It’s now all up to them [PNP]. I won’t do anything. Sila na ang bahala ana. Let them take over everything. We have other problems on traffic, garbage, drainage,” Osmeña said. “Apparently, somebody up there has no trust and confidence in our own commander so sila na ang magbuot.”Oddly enough, the “other problems” that Osmeña said he would focus on continue to bedevil his city.A friend who regularly circulates within circles composed of politicians and power brokers remarked, “Why is it that these Liberal Party people and assorted dilawans act like superstar celebrities and a good number of them turn out to have links with the illegal drug trade?”
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-08-13 05:55:42+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Carrot Man the overly photogenic farmer goes viral
Carrot Man whose real name is Jeyrick Sigmaton, a farmer, has taken the Filipino social media space with his good looks. The young man was photographed by a tourist in Sagada Mountain Province where he lives.The said photos which includes him loading carrots to a truck was then uploaded to social networking site where it went viral gathering tens of thousands of likes. The photos of Sigmaton was also re-posted by various FB pages which amplified its popularity to greater magnitudes.The Philippine mainstream media has also picked it up and ran stories on the young farmer going viral after they saw it trending. In case you've been living under a rock, here'sfrom Sagada.
['Vic Patnugot']
30/09/2018 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Senate Lascanas and Motabato Show an LP ploy to create more ammo for int'l media vs Duterte
I think Lascanas really did have a murder-for-hire racket going on with Matobato. So all those murders he said he committed are most probably true. The question is, did Duterte order those murders? Can it be proven that he ordered them?Not likely. Those charges against Duterte have been around for thirty years and no one has been able to prove them. It's not likely they can be proven now. And it doesn't matter, because that's not the real goal of the Liberal Party. The real goal of the LP-sponsored Lascanas/Matobato Show at the Senate is to produce new anti-Duterte content for the international media. Why do you think the "diary" of Lascanas is in perfect English with not a single Tagalog or Bisaya word in it?What the LP doesn't realize is that no matter what Lascanas says, it won't change people's minds about Duterte. If anything, Lascanas's berdugo stories will just strengthen Duterte's legend as the Punisher. Most people I know voted for Duterte because he was willing to spill blood to clean up the country. That set him apart from the wimps and softies like Mar Roxas and Grace Poe.The LP may get their fresh helping of anti-Duterte stories in the international press, but the propaganda is only working on one side of the world. In Asia and Latin America, where people face harsher realities compared to the pampered citizens of the US and Europe, Duterte is building a strong following. As Duterte said during the campaign, you can't be president if you can't kill. Unfortunately for the yellows, people have shown by voting overwhelmingly for Duterte that they can live with that.----------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
09/12/2016 0:00
Cayetano challenges Pnoy through an Open Letter
An open letter in reply to statements of former President Benigno Aquino IIIFrom DFA Secretary Alan Peter CayetanoMr. President Aquino,Good Day, Sir. It’s regrettable that you chose to play with words, including comparing our haircuts, in responding to an immensely important issue and addressing people’s main questions about the situation at the WPS.While we both lost some of our hair, your administration lost control of Scarborough and a great opportunity to expand tourism, infrastructure and agriculture. We also lost many opportunities for cooperation in fields like science and technology, protection of the environment, among others, all because of the approach you, together with former Sec. Del Rosario and Senator Trillanes, chose to adopt and implement.Rather than debate which administration is more transparent and/or mislead people on many facets of this complicated situation, may I respectfully request that you answer the questions on people’s minds and help enrich public discussion on the issue.1. How did we lose control of Scarborough Shoal in 2012 during your watch?2. Who made the decision to end the stand-off by ordering Philippine ships to leave, and on who’s advice?3. Who was in command of the situation? Was it you, or Sec. Del Rosario or Sen. Trillanes?4. Why didn’t you order the Philippine ships to return to the area when the Chinese ships did not leave as expected?5. What exactly was Sen. Trillanes role and mandate? He made 16 trips to China as your emissary. Where are the reports and what were the agreements reached?6. Who did Sen. Trillanes negotiate with in the back channel talks? Who else did you authorize for this mission?7. Sen. Trillanes had refused to reveal the purpose and nature of his trips when asked during a senate session by then Sen. Enrile. Instead he walked out and invoked presidential prerogative so he would not be compelled to respond. Since then, nothing has been heard of his secret trips. Why? How can you say it was transparent when the Embassy report was about only on one meeting?8. We note that there seems to be a denial all around of any negotiated joint withdrawal of both Chinese and Philippine vessels from the shoal. Was there an agreement? Brokered by who?9. What was the US commitment on the WPS issue, if any? And how was this relayed to you or was this discussed with you directly when you sat down with President Obama at one point in time?10. What did you discuss with President Obama? He reportedly affirmed to Japan that the mutual defense treaty will be put into action if the Senkaku islands are threatened. Did Mr. Obama tell you that the US does not get involved with territorial disputes like in the WPS? How did you respond to that?11. What are your plans or proposals for oil and gas exploration in the WPS? Do you agree that oil and gas exploration and development will be very beneficial to all Filipinos?Our people await your response to these questions in earnest, to be fully informed finally of the background of our complicated situation. Your response will help us decide on how to proceed further in shaping our policy with China.If, indeed, transparency is important to you as you claim, then consider your early response to these questions as crucial.Thank you, Sir. We will be awaiting your reply.P.S. You often reminded our people that we need solutions and not just plain criticism. You are right about it. May we have your alternatives or proposals instead of merely criticizing the government today? Thank you.This open letter is in response to the statement of Pnoy published on RAPPERAquino hits Cayetano: ‘I hope your politics is as transparent as our hair’LINK: https://www.rappler.com/nation/208641-noynoy-aquino-hits-cayetano-politics-transparent-as-hair
2018-08-03 17:46:41+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
The Queen Of All Media Is Baaaack, With A Difference
After almost a year, the Queen of All Media Kris Aquino is back to claim her reign on TV, or so says her new TV network, GMA.‘Trip Ni Kris’ is the title of her new show.No, it has nothing to do with drugs — not that kind of trip. Rather, it is a travel-themed, lifestyle special TV show produced by APT Entertainment and broadcast via GMA Network.Already, Aquino has taken to social media to complain about her rigorous schedule, having to take public transportation via Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines since she is no longer entitled the use of her ex-President brother’s helicopters.She also misses the swarm of security that accompanied her everywhere she went as the unofficial First Lady.In exclusive interview with The Adobo Chronicles, Ms. Aquino belied rumors that she will be promoting her Chowking business franchise in her show. “Just authentic Filipino food,” she said.
['Pol Pinoy']
09/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Equality California Announces Historic Name Change
Equality California (EQCA), the nation’s largest statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization dedicated to creating a fair and just society, announced today it was changing its name to better reflect its mission to achieve and maintain full and lasting equality, acceptance, and social justice for all people in the diverse LGBT communities.No details of the decision for the name change were revealed other than a graphic (see image) which EQCA released to the media. “It should be self-explanatory,” a spokesperson said.Henceforth, the organization will be known as Equity California.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Filipino Cardinal Criticizes Gown Donations To Hurricane Victims
The “throw-away culture” has been prevalent among Filipinos even during disasters, according to Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.After the supertyphoon Yoland (Haiyan) hit the Philippines two years ago, Tagle recalls how someone donated a wedding gown to the relief efforts.Yolanda was the strongest typhoon recorded to hit land, which claimed more than 6,000 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in Central Visayas.“Imagine, during the time of Haiyan or Yolanda, as we were unpacking some of the donations, there was a wedding gown. Who would use a wedding gown? They were just throwing unused clothes to the poor,” he said.Apparently, it wasn’t just a wedding gown that was donated to the typhoon victims.The Adobo Chronicles just learned that the evening gown worn by Miss Philippines MJ Lastimosa at a previous Miss Universe pageant was also donated.Lastimosa’s gown resembled a giant wedding cake and many believed that the Colombian-designed gown cost her the crown.
['Pol Pinoy']
28/01/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Most Americans who watched almost eleven hours of yesterday’s Congressional committee hearing on Benghazi felt sorry for the Republicans who failed miserably in their mission to take down Hillary Clinton and derail her campaign for the presidency.But there is no reason to feel sorry for the former First Lady and Secretary of State. She enjoyed the free airtime to promote her presidential quest.But that’s not all.Clinton was also able to promote her book, thanks to this exchange with committee chair, Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy:GOWDY: Madam Secretary, you’re welcome to answer the question if you’d like to.CLINTON: Well, I wrote a whole chapter about this in my book, “Hard Choices.” I’d be glad to send it to you Congressman.”We can’t wait to see the results of the next presidential poll, as well as an update on The New York Times’ “Best Seller” list.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Leni Robredo’s vindictiveness and false humility a turnoff to voters
Congresswoman and Vice Presidential candidate Leni Robredo insists that she doesn’t have any ambition to seek the Presidency. She said it like harboring such an ambition is a bad thing. She brags about being the only one among the candidates who does not aspire to seek any post higher than the vice presidency. I suppose Robredo thinks her statement will make her look “humble” compared to her rivals. She’s been playing this “reluctant” candidate act from the very beginning and her tactic is starting to get old. People are starting to think she is exhibiting false modesty.For one, we’ve heard it all before. Prior to agreeing to be Mar Roxas’s running mate, Robredo kept saying on record that she didn’t have any ambition to be Vice President. Now that she is in the thick of the campaign trail for her VP bid, she is saying the same thing about the Presidency. Somebody ought to tell her to quit saying things she might have to take back later on. It’s so easy for anyone to go back to what she said in the past about her stand on issues and call her out on it. She has to be consistent. Consistency is not a very common trait among Filipino public servants and she’s looking more and more like a typical one. Someone even made a comment saying that the fresh-faced Leni is starting to look like a trapo (traditional politician) because of her hypocritical statements.Second, she’s not making any sense. Does she even know why there is a vice president to begin with? The vice president is someone mandated to act in place of the president in the event of the president’s death, resignation or incapacity. What if something happens to the President and Robredo happens to be the Vice President? Since she keeps saying she does not want to be President, she won’t be able to fill in for the President because she does not want to be in his shoes. The Philippines will be in a dilemma because of her “reluctance”. As someone asked me on Twitter, how can one aspire to be vice-president and never consider the possibility of becoming president even accidentally? I can only scratch my head on that one.It seems Robredo cannot think too far ahead and lacks foresight. That’s not good for someone seeking the second highest government post in the land. She thinks that as the VP, she can continue doing what she wants, like continue pushing her advocacies as if she was still in Congress. But if she becomes VP, she will have to answer to the President. At this stage, if popularity surveys are to be believed, Mar Roxas won’t win the Presidency so the future Philippine President will not be from the Liberal Party. Therefore, Robredo won’t be free to bring her advocacies to a national level if she ever wins the VP post. This was even confirmed by some of Roxas’s supporters.Because a lot of people who will vote for Robredo won’t be voting for Roxas, the latter’s supporters are reduced to begging Robredo’s supporters to vote for Roxas as well and warning them that Robredo won’t be able to implement her policies if Roxas doesn’t win. They are effectively saying that it is useless to vote for Robredo without Roxas as the President. But even if Roxas wins, he has his own agenda and it won’t necessarily be in line with Robredo’s agenda. The two running mates may appear united during their campaign sorties but the truth is, they were just forced to run together by bizarre circumstances. It is like a marriage of convenience for them. If they do not have anything in common, their relationship will break down soon enough. The campaign platform they crow about is only good on paper and will not likely be implemented just like what happened to BS Aquino’s platform in 2009.Besides, we’ve seen enough Philippine Presidents and Vice Presidents whose relationships eventually went pear-shaped in the past. The most recent break-up is between incumbent President Benigno Simeon Aquino and Vice President Jejomar Binay. Binay was even considered a close family friend of the Aquinos but that didn’t stop members of the Liberal Party from mounting an attack on Binay in an attempt to derail his bid for the Presidency. Binay then attacked the BS Aquino administration, which he is still a part of, in retaliation.Another President and Vice President pair who went their separate ways were the late Cory Aquino and Salvador Laurel respectively. Laurel even wrote a scathing letter to Cory venting his frustration at their “fundamental differences” and the way Cory renege on the promise to be “servants of the people’s will and the people’s well being.”The point is, the same thing can happen to Roxas and Robredo especially since they don’t have a lot in common. I can imagine Roxas must be resenting the fact that, from being plucked from obscurity, Robredo has now overtaken his popularity with the voters. The Liberal Party’s plan to use Robredo to pull Roxas’s popularity up did not work. They did not consider the fact that the voters can choose the President and Vice President separately and not as a team.Robredo’s supporters are insisting that she is a modest and humble person and their proof is in how she uses public transport in travelling to and from her hometown. But there are people who think this is a shallow reason and are not easily impressed by that especially since she travels in luxury using jets and helicopters to campaign sorties out of town.Robredo’s supporters need to get real. There is no such thing as a humble politician. Politicians tend to be narcissists and are full of themselves. They have to be, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to sell themselves effectively. Robredo definitely exhibits narcissistic tendencies whenever she promotes her bid for the VP post. She puts her rivals down in order to pull herself up. She doesn’t believe in winning based on her merits. She thinks she has to badmouth her rivals in order to win.Robredo’s supporters also think she is pious. But a truly pious person will not turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed during the present administration. If she does not have the courage to speak out against BS Aquino and his cabinet members who are not performing their duties as expected of them, then she is not going to be effective in the VP post. She will not be able to “draw national attention to advocacies that need to be pushed”. The BS Aquino government has ignored a lot of the things that need attention in the provinces. The farmers suffering from drought is one of them. We have yet to hear Robredo criticize the BS Aquino government for neglecting the farmers even after the deadly riots in Kidapawan. Robredo’s silence on that matter can be considered tantamount to her condoning the government’s criminal negligence there.It boggles the mind when one thinks of why Robredo is still sucking up to BS Aquino. He didn’t even want to confirm her husband Jesse as Department of Interior and Local Goverment (DILG) Secretary when he was alive. He died with the title “acting” DILG Secretary. BS Aquino made no secret about their fundamental differences in governance and even cited it as a reason for unnecessarily delaying his confirmation.“There are various reasons kung bakit acting. In the case of Jesse, we had some differences during the campaign as to style. We want to make sure we can really work with each other well. It does no good to get him through the whole process of the CA only at the end of the day to find out that there might be difficulties in our working style, among others, our core philosophy, so we did agree na acting na muna,” Aquino said.In short, BS Aquino did not believe in Jesse Robredo. It was even reported that he was about to file charges against BS Aquino’s buddy former DILG undersecretary Rico Puno for various complaints that reached Robredo. Puno was also criticized for breaking into his apartment as soon as news broke that Jesse’s plane was missing. It was rumored that Puno wanted to get “sensitive” documents containing information pertaining to an investigation on Puno and some Philippine National Police officials. Leni even had to ask the Justice Department to secure her husband’s condominium after the break-in:Robredo’s wife, Atty. Leni Robredo, admitted to the press in Naga that she herself had made the request that their apartment be secured. According to a report by ABS-CBN’s Anthony Taberna on TV Patrol Thursday, September 6, Leni Robredo had asked for heightened security after she was notified that Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Undersecretary Rico Puno tried to enter Robredo’s condominium and offices in the National Police Commission and the DILG, both in Quezon City.It was only after Jesse died that the President and the rest of the Liberal Party members started praising Jesse Robredo’s name. This was after they observed the public’s growing sympathy for Jesse. The Liberal Party have certainly made up for their past indiscretions against Jesse by elevating his widow’s status. I guess all is forgiven now that the Liberal Party is helping Leni become Vice President. It turns out she wants the power associated with the post. She thought she’d have us all fooled when she said she is not ambitious.
2016-04-15 23:15:37+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Philippines President Duterte Says He’d Burn Down The United Nations And The News Media Believed Him
Rodrigo Duterte offered his latest controversial remarks on Thursday, attacking the U.N.’s high commissioner for human rights for suggesting the organization should open a murder investigation against the Philippines president, describing Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein as an “idiot” and claiming he’d “burn down the United Nations.”And the news media believed him.Even the United Nations has taken the threat very seriously by increasing security measures in and around its headquarters in New York.Among the new security measures:Photos of Duterte were posted on all entrances, elevators, restrooms and parking structures at the U.N. buildingAll Filipino diplomats, UN employees and visitors will be subject to a second and third screening before being allowed entry to the buildingLighters and matches will be confiscated at the security gatesAny one heard cussing while in the UN premises will be arrested, especially if they are, or look, FilipinoProper attire is now required of all people entering the UN building. The wearing of Barong Tagalog, especially with folded sleeves and denim pants is now strictly prohibited.Meanwhile, the Departmen of Homeland Security has raised the threat level against Duterte from blue (guarded) to red (severe).Ah, the power of the news media!
['Pol Pinoy']
25/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Look: Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe do the duterte fist
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe did the Duterte fist during President Duterte visit in Japan Wednesday.The photo was posted by Christopher Go, the aide of President Duterte since 1998 and the current head of the Presidential Management Staff of the Philippines.The photo has gone viral on Facebook and the Netizens were surprised that the Prime Minister did the ‘Duterte fist’After the bilateral meeting, the Prime Minister of Japan expressed his support for a peaceful way of solving the maritime disputes in the west philippine sea.The Philippine President expressed described Japan as the Philippines’ special friend who is closer than a brother.Prime Minister Abe also accepted the invitation of President Duterte to visit the Philippines sometimes.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-10-27 00:04:10+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
DSWD Assistant Secretary shares unfortunate incident with CHR headed by Chito Gascon
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Assistant Secretary Lorraine Marie T. Badoy shared a story in her Facebook page about the leadership of Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Chairman Chito Gascon in the said office.According to her, she seek some help to the CHR when she got informed that the Lumad/TBoli farmers were trafficked by Hacienda Luisita, only getting 38 pesos a week in exchange of their hard labor.Badoy said that despite that the case in Hacienda Luisita was a clear human rights violation, the Commission on Human Rights didn’t helped her or even released a statement condemning the actions of the owners of the said Hacienda.She never expected that the CHR didn’t condemned the treatment of the Hacienda Luisita owners to the indigenous people that they allegedly trafficked from Mindanao.Badoy met with Chito Gascon to asked him to investigate the situation of the farmers in Hacienda Luisita, but the chairman of CHR refused and gave her a long-winded no.Because of that, she realized that Gascon prioritized his political buddies and not the poor people allegedly oppressed by the powerful family.The owner of the Hacienda Luisita is the relatives of former Presidents Cory Aquino and Benigno Aquino III.In her post, she also posted a photo of Gascon who wore a yellow tie dotted with Ninoy Aquino eyeglasses printed on it. Badoy also pointed out that Gascon even didn’t wore a Philippine flag during his attendance in an international conference.Commission on Human Rights Chairman Chito Gascon, spotted wearing a color yellow tie dotted with Ninoy Aquino glasses. Photo: Lorraine BadoyShe compared Gascon to former DSWD Secretary Dinky Soliman who was accused by being a corrupt during her term.Badoy said that she’s still respected the CHR, but she feared that it might lose its reputation if Gascon stayed as the chairman of the commission.This is her whole post:About the CHR headed by Chito Gascon. When Lumad/TBoli farmers were trafficked by Hacienda Luisita and then made to work for 38 pesos a week, enduring all sorts of abuse,the CHR didn’t breathe a word in their defense. Not one word. I spoke to one of their lawyers because I wanted so badly for the CHR to add to the voices of government agencies that had spoken out in outrage against Hacienda Luisita —the DSWD, DOLE, DAR,etc. We had a back and forth—this lawyer and I. And she gave reasons replete in legalese for why they couldn’t get on board. I still have our chat and reading through it continues to anger me. Because basically what I heard her say was, “Sorry, that is not our job now.” It got to the point where I was reduced to just asking if they could issue a statement that was in clear solidarity with the farmers because it would help so much, them lending their weight to this horrific injustice. You’d think they would have said yes. You can’t get any closer to the violation of human rights than modern day slavery does, right? But no.. The answer she gave me was a long-winded “no” and not the clear, unequivocal answer one would expect from a truly impartial CHR. It was the answer of a CHR headed and prostituted by Chito Gascon–someone who owes his allegiance to his political buddies far more than to the country he is supposed to serve. Someone who attends international conferences with a bright yellow tie dotted with Ninoy Aquino eyeglasses printed on it. Who doesn’t even have it in him to pin the Philippine flag on his lapel. (And what’s more, it was an international conference that had, at its very goal, the takedown of a duly elected President of the Republic of the Philippines.) And that speaks volumes to me. He’s in an international conference and yet he’s not there as a Philippine representative but as an LP representative out to further the agenda of his party. It’s just so stark where his loyalties lie. He’s the CHR equivalent of Donkey Soliman who used the DSWD as political machinery –its resources, its manpower to try to make Mar Roxas, the monumental loser, win. With all the odds rigged in favor of this elitist brat, still, he lost. MASSIVELY. Susmeh. Loser. At yan ang galit ko kay Donkey—how she compromised the integrity of the people under her—faithful, hardworking, principled public servants—to do her evil bidding. So. I continue to hold the CHR in high esteem. I know its revered institutional history and I don’t think Chito Gascon has irreversibly damaged it. But if he continues to hang on to it, it would lose its’ respectability and venerated reputation. Already, Filipinos sneer and jeer at it for all the damage done on it by Chito Gascon. If he still has an ounce of love for this institution he heads and for all that it stands for, he should resign. Fat chance though. Therein lies the dilemma of the CHR –held hostage by someone perceived by many as nothing more than an attack dog of his political party and who has used precious government resources to overthrow the very government it owes its life to. Then reduced a respected institution that’s supposed to do important work for the Filipino people into nothing more than a rubber stamp of the political foes of the President.Source:
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2017-09-17 05:24:50+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Ping Lacson lambasts a Senator “Bakit kailangan lahat kaming kasama niyang Senador magalit sa Presidenteng ayaw niya?”
Senator Ping Lacson lambasted unnamed Senator on his Twitter Account Thursday night.Lacson referring to a Senator who hates Rodrigo Duterte so much and labeled his colleague who decided to support the President as ‘worthless’.Photo: Politiko“Bakit kailangang lahat kaming kasama niyang senador magalit din sa presidenteng ayaw niya at kapag hindi, walang kwenta lahat kami? Ano yun?”— PING LACSON (@iampinglacson) 7:44 AM – 3 Nov 2016Senator Leila De Lima and Senator Antonio Trillanes are the known members of the Senate who criticised President Duterte in his war against drugs.Recently, Trillanes called other senators as Duterte apologists and called them as the puppies of the current administration.“Bakit ba kayo tumakbo, para maging tuta ng isang administrasyon? Or para sabihin ‘yung tama, itulak ‘yung tama?” Trillanes said during a press conference yesterday.Trillanes also claimed that there are more than 10 Senators who are unhappy with Duterte’s Presidency, but he didn’t named them.Some followers of his tried to guess the Senator that Lacson referred.@iampinglacson panggulo po talaga yang si Mr. trillanes Senator Ping. Papansin lang din. Di bale hanggang 2019 na lang sya sa senate. — Avinag Leon (@_noelgavina) November 3, 2016
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-11-04 02:07:26+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Filipinos are not safe while current VP Leni Robredo is in power
Women who use The Woman Card – the act of claiming they are being victimised because of their gender – so liberally are disappointing and do not help advance the real issues rational women are fighting for. One woman who quite often use The Woman Card is current Vice President Leni Robredo. She claims that today’s world is not safe for women anymore:Attacks and harassment on social media, including threats of rape and bodily harm, are just as painful as attacks in real life. But on social media, we are a lot more vulnerable. Safety and protection are a lot more difficult to find in the digital arena.While I don’t condone “threats of rape and bodily harm”, Robredo made it sound like it was only women who receive violent threats online. There are actually men from the pro-Duterte supporters who have received death threats from rabid Liberal Party supporters. One person who was publicly threatened on Facebook was public prosecutor Darwin Cañete.Someone threatened to enter Cañete’s home and massacre his whole family recently. The troll even posted Cañete’s home address for everyone to see and yet Cañete did not cry foul and claim to be a victim of gender inequality. He just went straight to the process of prosecuting the troll who made the threats. That is not something we can say about Robredo. It seems all she does is complain about her critics online and cry foul that she is being unfairly persecuted. Never mind that she produced a video persecuting President Rodrigo Duterte and the members of the Philippine National Police for the world see in the hope that the European Union and United Nations would do something to topple the current government.Robredo did not realise that there are also women in the police force and by maligning the agency, she inadvertently put everyone, including the female officers, in a bad light. There are women and men who work tirelessly and quietly, but Robredo lumped them all with the others who are supposedly rotting the system. It seems both men and women are not safe against Robredo’s speculative and reckless remarks. What’s unfair about this sorry situation is Robredo is the one crying foul after she received backlash from the public after she painted a very bad picture of the Philippines to the international community. She made it look like the country has become the wild, wild West – where people cannot walk the streets safely anymore. Her picture is far from the result of the latest survey that found that 82% of Filipinos feel safer with the ongoing Duterte government’s war on drugs.Speaking of trolls, Robredo and her camp are very quiet about the woman troll who threatened to “plant” bombs during a pro-Duterte rally and who also planned to assassinate Duterte if the impeachment bid against him doesn’t succeed.“LYN Ouvrier threatened to bomb the Luneta on April 2, and swore to plot the assassination of President Rodrigo Duterte in the event that the impeachment complaint against him does not prosper. She thought she could get away with this. She is dead wrong. Lyn Ouvrier is not her true name. It is an alias that she uses as she inflicts her vitriol on Duterte supporters. Lyn is also a certified Leni troll. In fact, she is even willing to commit a crime in her name. After all, only a loyal and committed follower would publicly state this in Facebook: “We are going to plant bombs at the Luneta Park on April 2nd, 2017 in order to protect the Vice President and disrupt the rally to be organized by fanatics of Duterte.” It is strange that she can label supporters of the President as fanatics, without thinking that only fanatics would plant bombs in a rally to protect a public figure. In fact, people who would do so are not just fanatics, but are also terrorists.”A woman terrorist is not good for women’s image, indeed. Robredo should be outraged. It shouldn’t matter that the troll is her supporter, what matters is Robredo should help fast-track her prosecution because the troll is willing to murder people for her ideology.While Robredo is claiming that women are not safe in today’s world anymore, the truth is, Filipinos are not safe while Robredo is in power because she is using her position to destabilise the Philippines and she is inspiring her supporters to harm innocent people.During a radio interview with commentator Ted Failon, Robredo admitted that she asked herself “What have I gotten myself into?” Damn…the public including her supporters should ask her why she ran for the Vice Presidency in the first place if she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Did she think it was going to be peachy being in the second most powerful position in the land? Did she expect everyone to agree with her views all the time? She must have been in a daze when she was campaigning – intoxicated by all the attention from the Liberal Party supporters who deluded themselves into believing she was the second Cory Aquino.If only Robredo listened to her own daughters who begged her not to run for Vice President. They had more wisdom than her to foresee (in that instance) they would be embroiled in the bitterness of politics the higher up the food chain you go.In her attempts to blame others for her current woes, Robredo also admitted in the same interview with Failon that she sometimes blames her dead husband, former Department of Interior and Local Government Undersecretary Jesse Robredo, for the situation she is in. She said that if he hadn’t died, she would never have entered politics. She inadvertently admitted that her motivation is not to serve the people, but to continue the so-called “legacy” of her late husband. And you might ask, what legacy? There are people close to the Robredos who are coming out now saying that Jesse wasn’t as squeaky clean as his supporters claim him to be. But these are all loose talk by people who want to remain anonymous online. You also wonder why they didn’t come out with the “truth” prior to the election. That could have helped bring down Robredo to earth. Instead, we have to deal with a Vice President who is so delusional to think that she is the answer to the Philippines’ problems.In another speech during the Belle du Jour Women’s Summit, Robredo encouraged women to “speak the truth all the time”. She should follow her own advice and stop lying to the people. She should start backing her claims with facts and stop denying her own statements when critics are calling her out for spreading false information. It is kinda depressing to watch Leni speak in public. She lacks charisma and wisdom. It’s hard to imagine how she got the VP post without foul play and it’s even harder to imagine her as the President just in case. The only thing going for her is her skill at playing the woman/victim card.The fact is, Robredo is adding to the division in Philippine society. After releasing unsubstantiated claims, she would then spend a lot of time defending herself from critics like the time she denied that she said there were more than 7,000 victims of extra-judicial killings due to the war on drugs, which contradicts the PNP’s much lower figure of over 2,000. Robredo also insisted that she wrote a letter to the DILG and the PNP asking about the palit-ulo scheme — a letter that PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa denies he had received. The letter she showed the public did not even state she was inquiring about the palit-ulo scheme.Instead of apologising for her errors, Robredo stubbornly sticks to her guns and denies them even when what she said was on record. It goes to show that she is more concerned about her image and her ego than serving the people. This is not just bad for the women she claims to represent; it is bad for the entire population of the Philippines.[Photo courtesy ABS-CBN News.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-03-30 10:14:38+00:00
Get Real Philippines
LGBT Community Angry About The Message Of The Super Bowl Halftime Show
Sunday’s Super Bowl 50 Halftime show closed with Beyoncé, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, and the entire stadium audience sending the message: “Believe in Love,” and a lot of heterosexual people took to social media to complain that the show was an attempt to advance the gay agenda.But members of the LGBT community diasagree and are, in fact, angry.“Everyone knows what the gay colors are — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These are the colors of the rainbow flag,” a spokesperson for the Human Rights Committee told The Adobo Chronicles. “Anyone who watched the haftime show didn’t see the rainbow colors. What people saw were disgusting and mismatched colors of yellow, pink, orange, white and blue-green.”HRC, the largest LGBT advocacy organization in the country, said that as a matter of fact, the show was an attempt to discredit and mock the gay agenda.“What a shame they did it in the gayest place in America, the San Francisco Bay Area.”
['Pol Pinoy']
08/02/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
NFA Will Get A New Name And Logo
Some Senators have called for the resignation of NFA Administrator Jason Aquino while NFA Council Chair, Cabinet Secretary Jun Evasco wants the food agency abolished. Both were triggered by the recent short supply of affordable NFA rice.But neither is going to happen. Instead, Malacañang, Congress and the NFA Administration have come up with a compromise: change the name of the agency.Henceforth, NFA will be known by its name in the vernacular.The former Pambansang Pangasiwaan ng Pagkain will henceforth be known as Pambansang Pangasiwaan ni Evasco.The NFA logo will also be turned clockwise so that the red-colored symbol will be positioned on the right instead of the left. Following the proper vertical display of the Philippines’ tri-colors, the blue color must always be on the left during peace time and on the right during a time of war.Quite symbolic: new name; no more war at NFA.
['Pol Pinoy']
04/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Contrary to widespread public perception, Philippine President NoyNoy Aquino has a Ferdinand E. Marcos-like brilliant mind, capable of authoring a grand design that could lead to his becoming a lifetime head of state.Under the constitution, Aquino is limited to a six-year term as president, ending in 2016. But he has come to enjoy his presidency so much and the power that comes with the office.So, he has urged his allies in the Philippine Congress to immediately convene a constitutional convention, the only legitimate process to amend the law of the land.Aquino is proposing two major amendments to the Philippine Constitution:Lift the term limit for the president, suggesting that an elected president can run for as many reelections, six-year terms at a time.Create a fourth branch of government in addition to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The fourth branch would be the Catholic Church, to be headed by the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).Aquino said that creating a fourth branch would prevent potential clashes among the existing three branches. “The fourth branch will act as mediator, and who is in a better position to do that than the CBCP,” he added.Back to Aquino’s brilliant mind, the head of the CBCP, Archbishop Socrates Villegas, is known to be a very close ally and adviser to the president. In other words, Aquino can be assured that CBCP will always align with him in all conflict. His continued reelection will also be assured, considering the great influence of the Church among voters in this predominantly Catholic country.
['Pol Pinoy']
16/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Baby Sleeping Upside Down Freaks the Internet
Source: Twitter / Mikaela Long"This is my first time babysitting and idk where I went wrong but my niece is currently asleep on her head. Do I call the parents of the exorcist," she wrote on her tweet."She's been quite acrobatic lately," she said."I think it's just her settling down and getting comfortable," the mother said.A social media personality Mikaela Long had a very unusual experience when she babysit her niece on evening. She checks the baby monitor and what she saw was like a scene in a horror movie.The baby was sleeping standing up on her head with the legs stretched out upward and arched over the bars of the crib. As one who haven't seen anything like that, she freaked out and like any of us who's in that kind of situation she snapped a photo of the moment and tweeted about it.Babies are known to be nimble allowing them to do acrobatic moves that are seemingly impossible to grown adults. But most babies do their yoga like poses when they're awake and playing and not during bedtime.The photo of the upside down baby has since gone viral on social media after it was shared many times by Long's followers.In an interview with web portal BuzzFeed News , the mother of the unbelievably nimble child, who doesn't want to be named, confirmed that her daughter had been doing the upside down pose while sleeping lately.While all of us firmly believe tha lying on your back is the safest position while sleeping, the mother believes that there's no reason to worry as the pose that her baby does while sleeping isn't dangerous.There was not mention of whether they called an exorcist to make sure there are no malicious spirit coercing the baby to do those things or not.
['Vic Patnugot']
14/12/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
BREAKING: Canadians Demand Vote Recount Of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People
TIME Magazine has named its 2017 100 Most Influential Persons in the World, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t one of them. Now the Canadians want a recount.Trudeau was among the top choices in TIME’s online poll, coming in second with 3% of the votes to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte who garnered 5% to take the sole lead. Trudeau shared second place with other celebrities like Pope Francis, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.“How did Philippine Senator Leila de Lima even make it to the list, when she wasn’t even in the original names included in the TIME online poll,” the Canadians asked. They claimed that there was a poll irregularity that somehow put de Lima in the magic 100.With their national pride hurt, the Canadians demanded a recount of the votes with special attention focused on de Lima.In an earlier TIME article prior to the announcement of winners, the magazine suggested that the reason Duterte led in the polls was because he was known to compensate people in order to boost his popularity.The Canadians now suspect it was de Lima, not Duterte, who may have paid people to vote for her.TIME’s a mess!
['Pol Pinoy']
21/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The @CHRgovPh is presently a legal fiction, has no legal basis even to call itself a Commission
Yen Makabenta, whom I respect being one of our best columnists, claims the CHR is in "suspended animation" because of lack of an enabling law to legitimize it. Like so many people, I had assumed the CHR had a legal basis. So I went back to the 1987 Constitution which was ratified by plebiscite on Feb.2, 1987.Article IX of the 1987 Constitution created three constitutional commissions: the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Elections, and the Commission on Audit.Article XIII Sec.1 states that "Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity..."Sec.17 states "There is hereby created an independent office called the Commission on Human Rights. Until this Commission is constituted, the existing Presidential Committee on Human Rights (located in the Office of the President) shall continue to exercise its present functions and powers."What Sec.17 means is that the Commission on Human Rights will have to be constituted. Before that, it continues as a presidential committee in the Office of the President. Now who is given the power to constitute the Commission? Go back to Sec.1 of Article XIII. It is Congress that has to enact the measure. Did Congress enact a measure? No. It did not enact an enabling law to create a Commission. Therefore, there is no Commission on Human Rights but a presidential committee. Can the president create the Commission? No, it's very clear it is only Congress that can only do it.Therefore, Yen Makabenta raised a valid legal point in his column. The CHR is presently a legal fiction. It has no legal basis even to call itself a Commission. It remains as a presidential committee.Having no legal basis, Congress must first pass a law to create a Commission before it can appropriate a budget to it. Being a presidential committee under OP, any appropriation for human rights must be made to OP. Congress cannot appropriate a budget to an entity which calls itself CHR because CHR does not exist. It is a legal fiction.Being a legal fiction, all appointees who claim to be CHR appointees can be prosecuted as usurpers of public office. Being a presidential committee, appointees to it serve at the pleasure of the president and can be fired by him at any time.If Congress appropriates a budget to a non-legal entity its members can be charged with violating the Constitution which they swore to uphold. If the president signs an Appropriations bill into law that contains a budget for a non-existing entity, he, too, will be culpable under the Constitution.The previous president Noynoy Aquino can be charged with negligence in approving previous budgets for a non-existent CHR. Ignorance of the law excuseth no one, says the Civil Code.This is what happens when nobody follows or is ignorant of the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land.
2017-07-19 12:10:28+08:00
WATCH: Pres Rody’s PSG ambushed by NPA in N.Cotabato
The advance party of President Rody Duterte which is composed of his Presidential Security Group personnel was ambushed by the New People’s Army, early morning, July 18 in Davao-Bukidnon road Brgy. Gambudes, Arakan North Cotabato.The rebels stormed two of the PSG vehicles injuring several people. As of this writing, the PSG members were rushed to the hospital and the casualty remains unknown.Click to Watch Video Below:While the peace talk is on going, it was reported that the government and NPA agreed for bilateral ceasefire as sign of the rebels support to the government while fighting the Maute in Marawi.Video Courtesy: Brigada News FMYour thought on this? Leave your comments below!
2017-07-19 12:10:28+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Earlier this week, The Adobo Chronicles reported that the Republicans in Congress have finally agreed to support comprehensive immigration reform through a bill that would grant amnesty to the estimated 11 Million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.Today, we have learned about additonal details of the almost identical bills in the Senate and the House of Representatives.A key provision of the bills spells out who will be given priority in legalization or citizenship.Undocumented immigrants whose last names correspond to the top 25 most common American surnames will be given priority in applying for a green card and eventual citizenship. The provision does not make any distinction among surnames acquired by birth, marriage or through court-approved petitions.Hispanic, Latino, Chinese and Filipino immigration advocates immediately hailed the proposal considering that the list of top 25 most common American surnames includes : Garcia, Martinez, Rodriguez and Lee.
['Pol Pinoy']
25/03/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Buoyed by an earlier approval to include in November’s ballot a proposed two-cent tax per ounce of sodas, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed another measure in its war against sugar.The new measure, which passed 6-4, will ask San Francisco voters to approve a new city law that would ban Starbucks and other coffee outlets from serving or offering sugar or whipped cream with their coffee. Tall, grande or venti, only black coffee will be be sold at these outlets, and no sugary enhancements, according to the proposed regulations.“We want San Francisco to take the lead in the fight against obesity and diabetes,” said board president David Chiu.Asked by The Adobo Chronicles how far the city is willing to go in this healthy obsession, Chiu said: “This is just the beginning. If the two measures are approved by voters in November, we will go after cake shops and ice cream parlors next. We are very confident that with voter support, San Francisco can go totally sugar-free by 2020.”
['Pol Pinoy']
27/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Sa tama lang tayo, Trillanes: Koko says Matobato should seek protection from DOJ, CHR, Ombudsman, not Senate
Senate President Koko Pimentel said Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV should not be surprised why the Senate could not provide protective custody to self-confessed Davao Death Squad hitman Edgar Matobato.“Dapat nga na predict na nga nila na hindi ipapasailalim sa protective custody si Matobato. Siguro di nila alam na wala namang witness protection program ang Senado. Kung magbibigay ka ng protection sa witness, special case na yun, special treatment,” said Pimentel in an interview with Nimfa Ravelo of DZBB.Pimentel said Matobato should apply under the witness protection program of the Department of Justice, Commission on Human Rights, and Office of the Ombudsman.“Ano na yun, gagawa na on the spot witness protection program para sa isang tao o testigo na hindi naman mahalaga sa mata ng Senado. Kung mahalaga ang testimonya niya sa ibang kaso, lumapit siya doon sa tamang ahensiya ng gobyerno lalo na yung may executive functions,” said Pimentel, a political ally of the President.Pimentel said Matobato’s testimony on the 1,000 DDS killings allegedly ordered by President Rodrigo Duterte from 1998 to 2014 has no relevance to the Senate committee on justice and human rights’ probe on the 3,000 alleged summary killings in the last three months.“Dapat nga di siya (Trillanes) magulat, kasi fair tayo na tao. Ang gawin lang natin yung tama,” said Pimentel.Trillanes criticized Pimentel for having double standard on allowing witnesses to speak during Senate hearings. He said Pimentel was lenient, as chair of the Senate Blue Ribbon sub-committee, in allowing witnesses to speak on broad topics in the Binay corruption case but was not supportive of Matobato continuing his testimony in the Senate.
03/05/2016 0:00
Pilipinas Online Updates
Manny Pacquiao vs Bong Go fist fight inside a plane
Manny Pacquiao got into an unexpeted fist fight with president Duterte's executive assistant Bong Go aboard a plane. The Filipino boxing champ was undoubtedly outboxed but only because he was caught unawares.But it was only a gag video most likely the idea of the Pambansang Photobomber probably to fight off boredom during their long flight. Both boxer and executive assistant are part of president Duterte's entourage in his visit to Singapore and Cambodia.The 14 second clip of their fist fight has been viewed tens of thousands of times within minutes of its posting on Go's Facebook account and has since been going viral.At one point in the video, Pacquiao can bee seen passed out while Go rain down phantom punches on him and DTI secretary Mon Lopez. Here'svideo to lighten up your day, or not, depending on your political inclination.
['Vic Patnugot']
03/05/2016 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Subic Bay Freeport Zone: a 'Little America' where things work #subic
Anybody ever been to the Subic Bay Freeport Zone? I'm not saying it's perfect, but WOW! What a difference. I have nicknamed it Little America. I mean that both in a good and also cynical way. (And, yes, I'm from 'Murica so I think I have a valid reference point.)For the good part, it seems that some retraining of the Pinoy mind has begun to take place. Jeepneys and trikes are mostly banned. I see the occasional jeepney drive through there, but it's always empty so it's not like it was picking up customers.The traffic is manageable. Sure it gets crowded on the weekends, but everybody still manages to drive like normal people. Cops will actually do their job there if you decide to drive like a typical asshat Pinoy. Dare I say, driving in the SBFZ is actually pleasant, especially Mon-Thurs.The waterway between SM Olongapo and Harbor Point needs help, but the place is otherwise quite clean.People there also tend to act differently. You know, like… normal. Sure, you'll still get the random jackhole once in a while, but I'd say the jackhole frequency is no greater than any other suburb back in the USA. The frequency is certainly much less than in the rest of the Philippines.Long story short, I am quite impressed with the SBFZ. Like I said, it's not perfect, but I really don't want to hammer on the negatives since so much good is going on.My question is this: How do the Pinoys look upon the SBFZ? Is it just some sort of anomaly to them? Is it just "that place near Olongapo" where you shop for stuff?I'm just surprised that more Pinoys don't say: "Hey, if Subic's Freeport can look world class, so can the rest of the Philippines."Instead, most Pinoys just seem to flip a switch and accept going back to the crapper upon exiting the Freeport Zone. Weird.Oh, and as for the cynical portion of nicknaming the SBFZ as Little America, it seems that they also copied the vapid and banal nature of American commercialism. Oh well. It looks nice, smells nice, and it seems like it's making money. Can't be that bad. Pinoys can work on being artsy fartsy AFTER they get a world class economy and infrastructure.Source:http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2013/07/rule-of-law-cannot-be-implemented-in-the-philippines-until-filipinos-learn-to-follow-simple-guidelines/comment-page-1/#comment-114586
03/05/2016 0:00
BREAKING: President Aquino Concedes Philippine Presidential Election To Mayor Duterte
It was supposed to be a campaign rally to appeal to voters to elect administration candidate Mar Roxas. Instead, President NoyNoy Aquino, in a fiery speech on May 3, conceded the presidential elections to frontrunner Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. The president had finally given up all hope for Roxas.Despite his concession, Aquino said that he wouldn’t stand idly by if President Duterte becomes a dictator and throw away the freedom fought for by his martyred father. He said he was willing to lay down his life to stop the country from going back to the failed martial law experiment.This is a first in world politics, where a non-candidate concedes an election on behalf of a candidate even before the actual vote happens.“I’m just being realistic about it,” Aquino told The Adobo Chronicles.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Filipinos need to respond in solidarity with Davao City following the Night Market Bombing
It is in times of national tragedy that the character of a people and the society they form become most evident. Last night, a bomb detonated in the midst of a crowded night market in Davao City that reportedly killed 14 people and injured 67. Whilst there was general solidarity expressed across the country in condemning this cowardly atrocity, there is cause for concern over the response taken by some camps in the Opposition to the event.The following tweet from a certain Netizen who goes by the name “JR Castillo” on Twitter captures the general sentiment of a noisy clique of critics of the government of Duterte…In essence, Duterte’s most rabid critics, many of whom remain staunchly loyal to the camp of former President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III and his endorsed candidate who failed in his bid for the presidency in this year’s election, Mar Roxas, would be quick to use a tragedy such as this to further their agenda.The way these rabid anti-Duterte fanatics think follows an over-simplified narrative that can be summarised in three points:(1) This recent tragedy is likely to be part of a government conspiracy to invoke state emergency powers that could ultimately lead to a declaration of Martial Law;(2) The bombing is evidence that the Duterte government — after just over two months in power — has failed in its “all out war” against crime and lawlessness; and,(3) The fact that the tragedy happened in Duterte’s hometown in Davao proves that the President is really in no position to protect anyone nor make good on his promises to win his war against crime.The trouble with this sort of thinking is that it deliberately sidesteps the crux of situations such as terrorist acts like these — that they happen because of the actions of bad people like terrorists. If there was any negligence involved on the part of the Philippine Government that led to this tragedy, it was certainly not because of any lack of foresight in efforts to make Davao City capable of taking care of its own people. The Queen City of the South is famous for the quality of the emergency response systems it has in place that is the envy of city governments across the Philippines. IBM Philippines which had worked with the Davao City government to implement many of the support technologies essential to its legendary Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) cited all this as a “first in the world”.Much of the noise being added to the chatter also originates from the supposed “national trauma” suffered by Filipinos during the Marcos years — a sentiment that was manufactured by the Philippines’ corporate news media industry over the last 30 years. But then, what is the alternative to a strong government response that may possibly come at a cost to a cherished way of life? In the aftermath of the bombings in Bataclan theatre in Paris, France in 2015, French President Francois Hollande was unequivocal in his condemnation, calling the attack “an abomination and a barbaric act”. More importantly he used strong words to rally his people…“France will stand firm,” he said. “We are going to fight and our fight will be merciless.”In contrast, many Filipinos seem to be unable to let go of their liberalist position on matters that touch on the issue of “human rights” in the Philippines. A deep fear of “a return to Marcosian authoritarianism” remains raw thanks to a 30-year-long conditioning of the national psyche by the post-1986 power structure that filled the void left by former President Ferdinand Marcos following his ouster.The fact that terrorist groups such as the Abu Sayyaf, which has since reportedly claimed responsibility for the Davao attack, has flourished over those 30 years points to the culpability of previous post-1986 governments that erred towards excessive “freedom” at the expense of greater security.It is high time Filipinos face the reality that things need to be done differently in the Philippines if we are to realistically expect different results in the future. Much of the fear spun by Duterte’s critics around his different methods owe their potency to an unwillingness of many Filipinos to embrace change. What separates the men from the boys will be an ability to mount the courage to face the obvious changes that need to be implemented to lend real substance to the “hope” we aspire to regard the future with.[Photo courtesy International Business Times.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2016-09-03 04:04:28+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Strange Product Lets You Lick Your Cat
You pet cat licks you to show you that they adore you, or that they just want to eat you, depending on the cat really. Anyway, have you ever wanted to do the same - lick your cat?I'm pretty sure you have. All cat persons have thought about it. Well now you can finally fulfill that thought (or fetish, depending on your relationship to your cat). Seriously, you can now lick your feline friend using this special product. It's called the Licki Cat Hair Brush and it is a real product that you can order from every online stores on the web.On Amazon, it is listed with a price of $24 dollars plus free shipping. That's a good deal if you ask me. I mean not me. I'm more of a dog person. But I'm sure cat lovers will find the price fair if it's what it would take to be able to lick back their cat.What do you think of this product? Would you use it so that you can let your cat know that you love him, too? Share us your thoughts!
['Vic Patnugot']
16/09/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Let President Duterte prove himself as a leader and stop quibbling over his relationship with the Media
I was asked why am I not posting anything about [President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte (Digong)] and the apparent tension with media. Through our program, #BannerStory, on DZIQ RadyoInquirer, I have articulated my stance and shared my thoughts. On social media, well here's mine, posting for the first time.The dynamics you see now is what exactly the relationship between subject and the media should be--adversarial in nature so that the inherent role of asking and probing of journalists could continue and remains uninterrupted, protected even.As long as the right to report and to write what we find out to be true is protected, I am OK with that.It must be clear that the adversarial relationship should not be misconstrued as a reflection of an individual or a group's prejudices and biases. The probing and the investigation of journalists should only be based on the task of telling the truth to a story no matter who gets hurt to the point of risking your own security or in some instance your own life.Yes, no story is worth dying for, but as we have seen in the past, death came to many of our colleagues who spoke, wrote and reported about the truth that they found out.Let the new president be who he really is. He presented himself to the people as he is now and there is no way he is going to change his ways for there is really no template on how a president should lead or behave. The ideal behavior only exists in the mind, dictated by society and is in a way a reflection of our own standards, sensibilities and choices.Rodrigo Duterte is now president. How he behaves, how he curse left and right should be the least of our problems and concerns. What we should be concerned about is his actual governance. Duterte should be judged not by his behavior as a person or as an individual but by the kind of leadership and governance that he will do starting Day 1 of his presidency.If we focus on reporting on this, then we remain true to our calling as journalists.Duterte promised Change.His ways are unique, never before experienced by many journalists, more than out of the box, but this is precisely the change that he had been saying all along. He will not be like any other president. He is not your ideal man. He will be his own man. Duterte is the 'Change'.The success of his presidency depends on him and the men and women he has chosen to join him in governance. He was given the mandate, let him be the leader and the kind of president he wants to be.As for us journalists, there is only one thing that we should take seriously and that is not ourselves or our feelings when faced or to some extent, mishandled or disrespected by a person, an individual, a president who behaves like Duterte.We entered this profession with the full awareness that this is not an easy profession. This is a dangerous profession. The glamor that is attached to the profession is only on the surface.We should not expect pampering or accommodation. If for example, we are not allowed or prevented to do our job, we do not complain, but rather we find ways to still report and do our jobs. That is what is expected of us.I am a product of mentors in the past who told me, "Hindi puwedeng, hindi puwede. By all means get that story".His mandate is to lead, serve and govern.Our calling is to tell the truth. He may like or not like what we will report in search for what is true or not. That should not be our problem.We simply go on and do our task just as he should not be bothered by his personal relationship with media.We are after all, on two different sides of the fence.-------------------Arlyn Dela Cruz as posted on Facebook:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1016876411730468&id=100002243572452
16/09/2017 0:00
Catholic Church Declares Holyday On September 21 In Metro Manila
There’s a holiday, then there’s a holyday.Amid reports that Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is mulling the idea of declaring Thursday, September 21 a non-working holiday in government offices and no classes in all schools in Metro Manila, the Catholic Archdiocese is set to proclaim its own — a holyday. Both the holiday and the holyday are to commemorate the proclamation of Martial Law by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos.The holiday is meant to reduce any inconvenience Metro Manilans might encounter during a planned protest rally by the Liberal Pushers (LP).The holyday, on the other hand, is to celebrate the courage and heroism of the men and women of the Catholic clergy who stood up against Marcos and who continue to stand up against the administration of Duterte.As a fitting observance of the special holyday, Church leaders are asking all devout Catholics in Metro Manila to gather in their respective parishes and hold an all-day vigil instead of braving the heat and adverse weather conditions that may prevail during the LP rally at Luneta.Parish priests are also encouraging the faithful to contribute generously to the first, second and third collections that will be taken up during the all-day vigil at the churches.So don’t leave home without your cash on Thursday.
['Pol Pinoy']
16/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Espenido to Kerwin Espinosa’s case dismissal: “Maganda para sa labas ko nalang abangan.”
The chief of Ozamiz City, C/Insp. Jovie Espenido expressed his disappointment over the decision of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss the drug case against Kerwin Espinosa, son of former Albuera, Leyte Mayor Rolando Espinosa.Yesterday, DOJ has junked the drug-related complaint filed against alleged drug lords Peter Lim and Kerwin Espinosa and several others for lack of evidence.Like the others, Espenido, in an interview with DZMM said that he was also clueless about the decision of the DOJ.“Kaming mga pulis, bago mag file ng kaso, nag ga-gather ng ebidensiya para hindi masayang. I don’t really know the reason why, bakit yung kinahinatnan eh nasayang lang.” Espenido said who’s also the former Chief of Police of Albuera Leyte.He also pointed out that Espinosa already ‘admitted that he is a drug lord’.In another interview, Espenido gave more reaction on the dismissal of Espinosa.Espenido revealed that his two witness who planned to testify against Kerwin Espinosa was murdered by still unidentified assailant.He also claimed that despite of being imprisoned, Kerwin Espinosa still operating his illegal drug business in Albuera and Ormoc, Leyte.The police chief hoped that his star witness, Marcelo Adorco who’s also imprisoned in Albuera must be given a Witness Protection Program because he might be the next person to be assassinate.However, Espenido said that he also saw a good thing on the dismissal of Espinosa.“Mabuti pa nga ma acquit na siya para sa labas ko na lang sya abangan.” Espenido said.Before the dismissal happened, Kerwin Espinosa’s two lawyers were killed in an ambush, while his right-hand man was killed by the cops in a raid yesterday.Espenido was the former Chief of Albuera and during his leadership, he claimed that they dismantled the drug operation of the Espinosas.He also led one of the most bloody anti-illegal drug raid in history where former Ozamiz City Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog, and other high ranking officials of the said city was killed.Rolando Espinosa, the former mayor of the said city and alleged drug lord was also killed inside his cell in Albuera under his watch by the members of Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG).As of writing President Rodrigo Duterte is not yet giving any comment on the latest decision of the DOJ.
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#BigasHindiBala: Mar Roxas' own Speechwriter admits Gov't Incompetence
Before we go into his statement, let Thinking Pinoy give you a brief background on Co.Senior Presidential Speechwriter and Assistant Executive Secretary at the Office of the President/PCDSPO since June 2010. He was also Mar Roxas’ official speechwriter when the latter was still a senator. That’s what he said in his After a bit of sleuthing, I found out that this he is actually Jan Mikael dL Co, thesince June 2010. He was also Mar Roxas’ official speechwriter when the latter was still a senator. That’s what he said in his LinkedIn AccountRowie, feel ko dapat mas maraming makabasa, post ko ito as status ha. In response to "is aid reaching farmers" and other...Posted by Mikael De Lara Co on Saturday, April 2, 2016Ongoing Aid from DA Direct Food Aid Presence of Alternatives Fear of COA Police Deployment NPA Angle Protesters’ Impatience1: Ongoing Aid from DA“Co: There are ongoing DA interventions for this, primarily cloud-seeding, and aid re: drought-resistant crops. Maraming nakakuha nito. Since February, ongoing yan, may dialogues, etc. Maraming natulungang farmers at talagang maling sabihin na "walang tinulong" at hinayaan lang sila.”El Nino hit Mindanao in October 2015 and at least Php 90 million worth of crops have been destroyed in South Cotabato alone [MindaNews].The government took the first concrete step when the Department of Agriculture (DA), in cooperation with PAGASA, started its Central Mindanao cloud-seeding project on 26 January 2016 [Inquirer].PAGASA, however, decided to suspend cloud-seeding operations on 02 March 2016 because of safety concerns [Philstar].Moreover, as of 17 February 2016, DA has yet to start distributing drought-resistant crops [Mindanews].FOOD2: Direct Food Aid“Co: The way I understand it, choke point seems to be at LGU level. NFA is the steward of rice it can't just release. LGUs and even DSWD must transact with NFA. Sa LGU side, ang basa ko, if no appropriated funds for this, answer is calamity fund. Which needs state of calamity to be tapped. Which needs local bureaucracy green light.In any case, ang basa ko sa Kidapawan: State of calamity, kaya si Gov Mendoza was able to procure. BUT only for her own constituency. Yung mga dayo, it can't be justified (mako-COA siya) na basta ibigay lang. Kaya may nag-disperse before yesterday, e. Yung mga natira, dayo from other provinces, along with other cause-oriented organizers.”North Cotabato was placed under a state of calamity on 22 January 2016 [CNN], four months after El Nino struck. At this point, over Php 238 million worth of crops were already destroyed. By March 2016, the crop damage has amounted to Php 1 billion. [Inquirer] TP has tried searching for incidences of food aid distribution in Cotabato prior to 20 March 2016, but there’s none. The only mention was when Mayor Arthur Davin “prepared food aid”, but Davin is a mayor in Davao del Sur, not North Cotabato [Inquirer]. The most severely North Cotabato towns were Alamada, Pigcawayan, Kabacan, Matalam, Aleosan, Mlang, Magpet, Pikit, Tulunan, Carmen and Kidapawan [Inquirer]. As of 10 Feb 2016, Tulunan residents were reported to be leaving for other areas to look for ways to feed their families [Inquirer]. The drought has wrought severe despair among common people. In February, a man committed suicide because he was "so worried about where to look for food for his family as his crops had all died" [Inquirer]. Maguindanao is right beside North Cotabato. The best the LGU can offer is Three (3) KILOGRAMS of rice per Three (3) months. Kalokohan.[Interaksyon]. So basically, THERE IS NO OFFER OF FOOD AID.Roger Imuy 48, from Antipas, North Cotabato Leo Deyong, 28, from Magpet, North Cotabato Darwin Madiao, 18, Mapget, North Cotabato Roland Jampas, 26, Arakan, North Cotabato Mario Ansabo, 47, Arakan, North Cotabato Alce Awi, 35 (hometown still unidentified) Ejay Salaber, 54, Arakan North Cotabato Ricky Maat, 23, Magpet, North Cotabato Rodolfo Tanyo, 61, Arakan, North Cotabato3: DSWD Cash-for-Work“CO: So paano kung walang state of calamity? DSWD cash-for-work ang puwedeng mechanism. But this has to happen at the farmers' own barangay level. Yan ang sinabi nila sa farmers -- may cash-for-work, uwi na kayo, coordinate with your barangay and LGU. This kind of thing ang dapat i-accelerate. LGUs must be proactive. Hindi abang, kundi dadayuhin nila ang mga El Nino hit areas, among others.”4: LGU fears COA“CO: Which brings me to the sentiment which prompted me to post the Vicky G status. The lens from which most people are viewing this is humanitarian. Totoong may aspect namang ganun-- pero kung yun lang ang aspect, dapat ang daling mag-usap, di ba? Engage, find ways to work within rules, find compromise or workable solution.Pero yun nga, hindi lang humanitarian ito: May dahilan kung bakit hindi lang North Cotabato residents ang isinama sa mobilization (dineceive na sumama?) Kasi nga alam na tali ang LGU sa pagrespond -- hindi puwedeng basta mamigay ka ng bigas sa hindi mo constituents. Ang mga nasa gobyerno, gets na gets yan. Nakakatakot ang COA. Nakakatakot mag-realign nang basta-basta.”5: Police Deployment“Co: May opinyon ako, pero may mga tanong din na dapat masagot. Sa videos, naka-M16 ang ibang pulis. Rubber bullets ba yan? Kung hindi, what prompted their deployment? May imminent threat ba? Pinaputukan ba ang pulis? In that case, out the window ang protocol na unarmed dapat tumugon. Hindi kaya ng Civil Disturbance Management Units kung sila mismo pinapaputukan. Ito ang dapat masagot ng investigation.UPDATE 1: I note that initial reports say na hindi gunshot wounds ang cause of death ng casualties. But then again, yun pa rin ang tanong: Proportional ba ang use of force, excessive ba, maximum tolerance ba, dispersal pa rin ba ang naging mission objective, o may kasama bang pagka bad trip galing sa mga pulis?UPDATE 2: May bullet wounds daw pala sa cause of death as per updated info.”Policeman: Naga-appeal kami sa inyo na itong area [ay lisanin niyo na].Negotiator: Instead of [you] appealing to us,...Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Friday, April 1, 2016NoCot LGU blames farmers' "propaganda"N. Cotabato Gov Lala Mendoza claims more police were wounded and hurt than farmers.Learn more: http://www.thinkingpinoy.net/2016/04/bigashindibala-duterte-roxas-kidapawan.html #BigasHindiBala #StopLumadKillings#PHVote #Halalan2016 #BilangPilipino #Duterte2016 #Roxas2016 #Poe2016 #Binay2016 #Miriam2016Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Saturday, April 2, 2016Kidapawan City MassacreNanlilimos ng bigas ang mga gutom na gutom na magsasaka. Imbes na palamunin ng kanin, pinalamon niyo ng bala.Ang bayan ko, ang bayan ko!Nanginginig ako sa galit. Putangina, sige, Roxas pa. #BigasHindiBala #Roxas2016 #LiberalParty #Duterte2016 #Poe2016 #Binay2016 #Miriam2016 #PHvote #Bilangpilipino #Halalan2016Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Friday, April 1, 2016Now, here's another 16-minute unedited video taken by media crew from DXCD - EDGE 101.5 FM:Kidapawan Massacre: 16-minute unedited videoKidapawan Massacre: 16-minute unedited video From: DXCD - EDGE 101.5 FM RADIO Learn More: http://www.thinkingpinoy.net/2016/04/bigashindibala-mar-roxas-own.html#BigasHindiBala #DaangMatuwid #StopLumadKillings #Poe2016 #Duterte2016 #Binay2016 #RoxasRobredo #Roxas2016 #Halalan2016 #PHVote #BilangPilipinoPosted by The Thinking Pinoy on Saturday, April 2, 2016Clearly, the EDGE crew said police were firing guns, not the other way around.Fourth, to make matters worse, that 16-minute video showed the police requesting the protesters to hand over pregnant women and kids to the DSWD and DOH before the dispersal, but one minute after that statement, before the farmers can even decide on what to do with their women and kids, the police started their dispersal operation.There were children and pregnant women among that crowd, but the police did not even give the protesters ample time to ensure the safety of their most vulnerable members. Kung i-water cannon ang anak mo o ang asawa mong buntis, hindi ka rin ba magwawala?Fifth, let's assume that some protesters did fire bullets. The entire premise of Co's argument rests on the claim that farmers had guns before the dispersal. But we know that a large number policemen were injured during the dispersal, so what are the chances that a farmer is able to pick up one of the downed cops' guns and use it?Aba, kung ikaw ang farmer at binabaril ang pamilya mo? Hindi mo ba pupulutin ang baril ng isang tumumbang pulis para gumanti? Alam kong hindi ito tama, pero given the situation, would it be totally unforgivable? I do not think so.For those farmers, those are the moments where their instinct for self-preservation becomes more important than anything else. That is human nature. That is Natural Law.6: NPA Involvement “CO: Again, hindi lang humanitarian, pero dapat silipin ang political aspect. Orchestrated mobilization ito. Yung mga alam ang diskarteng Kaliwa, gets ito. Agitate, Organize, Mobilize. Hanapin ang choke points ng bureaucracy. Kailangang idiin na ang motivations nito ay at least equal parts political and humanitarian, perhaps the former even more so than the latter.Coincidence ba na ang NPA anniversary ay March 29, at nagsimula ang blockade ng madaling araw ng March 30? Annual ritual na ang mass mob pag anniversary nila; don't get me started on that. May mga police reports na-- I think they're collating lang for a single narrative statement-- na isa sa mga casualties, positive for paraffin. May reports ng putok galing sa side ng rallyists. May slugs ng .38 at .45 sa area; 9mm ang standard issue sa police. May nahuling NPA commander.” Point being: I think unfair sa lahat ang simplistic "Bigas hindi Bala" sentiment, kasi sa totoo lang, ginagawa naman ang lahat para ibigay ang "bigas" e. Higit pa. Sino ba talaga ang nagdala ng pangyayari sa "bala"? Kapag hinubad ang drought assistance aspect nito, doon tayo mauuwi: There are political agendas at work behind this. Vicky G's post doesn't even begin to paint the entire picture.”First, talagang sa NPA mo isisisi dahil kung hindi, si Boss Mar mo ang tatamaan.A. PNP said one of the casualties tested positive for gunshot residue, i.e. the dead guy fired a gun, presumably before he died.B. A large part of the blame for this incident is directed at the police. That is, the PNP is on the defensive.C. Who conducts the paraffin test and the investigation? The PNP.Given these three, it boils down to one side’s word against the other. On one hand, the dead guy could have actually fired a gun during the dispersal. On the other hand, the police could have planted gunshot residues on the cadaver for the latter to test positive. The same logic applies for the .38 and .45 slugs.This is the problem when the accused also conveniently happens to be the investigator.Parang nagsumbong ka na lang rin sa rapist na na-rape ka.The fact remains that the LGU has not even engaged the farmers in dialogue at any point prior to the dispersal. Authorities did not even tell them – even in passing – that help is on its way. Tapos, ang gusto ng pulis e basta mag-uwian na lang sila.Second, the question remains: what’s so special about Protest Day 4? Why did the police decide to disperse them on that day? Why not on Day 2 or Day 3? Dahil daw they have been receiving formal complaints from Kidapawan residents?Any self-respecting LGU will not require the receipt of complaints to realize that a blockage of a national road is a pressing issue. If they really wanted to disperse the rallyists on those grounds, they would’ve done it sooner.O baka dahil nasa kabilang bayan na si Senyorito Mar Roxas at walang dadaanan ang convoy niya?While farmers and lumads were demonstrating on Kidapawan National Highway, here's North Cotabato Governor Lala Mendoza...Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Friday, April 1, 2016Third, as for the NPA anniversary angle, that sounds more like a conspiracy theory than anything else. Kailangan bang humanap na ng NPA ng auspicious date para sa ganitong aksyon? Ano yan, parang Chinese New Year? Kung terorista ako o rebelde, I will strike at every opportunity, hindi ako ‘yong itatapat pa sa kung anong special date ang atake. Aarte.But let's set things straight: Yes, there may be an NPA angle, pero kung tinulungan agad ng LGU/Nat'l Gov't ang mga nagugutom, will the NPA have seeds of discord to capitalize on?I think not.Fourth, that there are political agenda at work behind this.You see thousands of hungry farmers begging for food, and you still have the balls to consider politicking as a credible defence? Yes, a political motive may be present, but is it the most pressing concern? The farmers weren’t asking for the legalization of divorce, gay marriage, or marijuana. They were asking for food. Kesehodang NPA, MILF o MNLF yan, Pilipino yang nagugutom.I do not support Roxas, pero if a Roxas supporter knocks on my door, begging for food, I’ll fucking feed him first before saying a word.Susmaryosep, you did not forget to post on facebook, but you forgot your humanity.Fifth, I will believe the investigation if PNP can show impartiality.On Saturday, however, GMA News correspondent Saleema Refran reported "SILG Sarmiento, ginawaran ng Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting ang mga sugatang pulis sa Kidapawan".SILG Sarmiento, ginawaran ng Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting ang mga sugatang pulis sa Kidapawan. pic.twitter.com/y8quL0vROA April 2, 2016This was just a few hours after the bloody incident, the investigation is still underway, hindi pa alam kung sino may kasalanan, tapos aawardan niyo na agad ang mga pulis? Tapos, gusto niyong maniwala kami sa imbestigasyon niyo?Lakas makaloko ha.7: Protesters' Impatience “CO: Alam ko: The best answer here is, "Ganito ang kulang, gets namin kayo, next week meron na" kung ganoong kadali lang, di ba? Hindi e. Ganito nag-evolve ang government, dahil sa history natin -- cumbersome, ang daming checks and balances, na-oobscure na ang intention na tumulong dahil sa buhol-buhol na shit ng burukrasya, dahil ang daming nagnakaw dati. Hindi siya parang, as you say, Globe na may call center tapos madaling magdemand na, "Sagutin mo ang concern ko now na."Siguro dapat minsan sa buhay ng lahat ng tao makaramdam silang magtrabaho sa gobyerno, para magets nang solid ito. Pero may nagta-try, sa kabila ng lahat, sa kabila ng open hostility from some quarters, sa kabila ng agenda na ang strategic objective naman talaga e itumba ang lahat ng ito para mag-install ng isang world order na feel nila okey. Sa huli, tama ang natutuhan ko diyan sa Katipunan:Padayon lang.”Again, with the preface "alam ko", he attempts to sound like a disinterested party, despite being Mar Roxas' speechwriter from 2008 to 2010.Going back to the issue... it was clear in one of the videos posted above that the police wanted the crowd to disperse without any clear promise of food aid.As for the massive red tape, yes, Co is right. However, how bad could this red tape be when we already know in early 2015 at the latest that El Nino is coming? El Nino hit North Cotabato and it took four months before Mendoza declared a state of calamity. Six months have passed and there was still no food aid. With over a year and half of nothing, is red tape still a satisfactory alibi?Now it’s funny that Co mentioned the problem of bureaucratic red tape being so entrenched in the system and with the same breath, demonized NPA. Has it not occurred to him that that exact kind of government incompetence turns poor hardworking people into rebels?TP does not agree with communist ideologies, but I sure do understand why they’re there.So many Filipinos are so busy giving the government the benefit of the doubt.Why don't they, for once, give that to powerless, disenfranchised, and impoverished citizens?Despite that, I am happy that he still mentioned it.Why? Because now, it’s clear to me that it’s time to end this “cumbersome” government.Considering that Mar Roxas is Co's boss, it's safe to say that "the cumbersome bureacracy" will again be their alibi next time a crisis hits our country.Just like Mar's excuse for the botched Yolanda rehab.Just like Mar's excuse for the MRT mess.Just like Mar's excuse for the non-passage of Freedom of Information.Don't forget: this admission of incompetence comes from Mikael Co, Mar Roxas' own speechwriter.PERFECT .[ThinkingPinoy]_____UPDATE:The blaming game started right after the Kidapawan Massacre. Farmers blame the government, the latter blames NPA...Posted by The Thinking Pinoy on Monday, April 4, 2016[ThinkingPinoy]_____Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!Clearly, the EDGE crew said police were firing guns, not the other way around., to make matters worse, that 16-minute video showed the police requesting the protesters to hand over pregnant women and kids to the DSWD and DOH before the dispersal, but one minute after that statement, before the farmers can even decide on what to do with their women and kids, the police started their dispersal operation.There were children and pregnant women among that crowd, but the police did not even give the protesters ample time to ensure the safety of their most vulnerable members. Kung i-water cannon ang anak mo o ang asawa mong buntis, hindi ka rin ba magwawala?, let's assume that some protesters did fire bullets. The entire premise of Co's argument rests on the claim that farmers had guns before the dispersal. But we know that a large number policemen were injured during the dispersal, so what are the chances that a farmer is able to pick up one of the downed cops' guns and use it?Aba, kung ikaw ang farmer at binabaril ang pamilya mo? Hindi mo ba pupulutin ang baril ng isang tumumbang pulis para gumanti? Alam kong hindi ito tama, pero given the situation, would it be totally unforgivable? I do not think so.For those farmers, those are the moments where their instinct for self-preservation becomes more important than anything else. That is human nature. That is Natural Law.Given these three, it boils down to one side’s word against the other. On one hand, the dead guy could have actually fired a gun during the dispersal. On the other hand, the police could have planted gunshot residues on the cadaver for the latter to test positive. The same logic applies for the .38 and .45 slugs.This is the problem when the accused also conveniently happens to be the investigator.The fact remains that the LGU has not even engaged the farmers in dialogue at any point prior to the dispersal. Authorities did not even tell them – even in passing – that help is on its way. Tapos, ang gusto ng pulis e basta mag-uwian na lang sila., the question remains: what’s so special about Protest Day 4? Why did the police decide to disperse them on that day? Why not on Day 2 or Day 3? Dahil daw they have been receiving formal complaints from Kidapawan residents?Any self-respecting LGU will not require the receipt of complaints to realize that a blockage of a national road is a pressing issue. If they really wanted to disperse the rallyists on those grounds, they would’ve done it sooner.O baka dahil nasa kabilang bayan na si Senyorito Mar Roxas at walang dadaanan ang convoy niya?, as for the NPA anniversary angle, that sounds more like a conspiracy theory than anything else. Kailangan bang humanap na ng NPA ng auspicious date para sa ganitong aksyon? Ano yan, parang Chinese New Year? Kung terorista ako o rebelde, I will strike at every opportunity, hindi ako ‘yong itatapat pa sa kung anong special date ang atake. Aarte.But let's set things straight: Yes, there may be an NPA angle, pero kung tinulungan agad ng LGU/Nat'l Gov't ang mga nagugutom, will the NPA have seeds of discord to capitalize on?I think not., that there are political agenda at work behind this.You see thousands of hungry farmers begging for food, and you still have the balls to consider politicking as a credible defence? Yes, a political motive may be present, but is it the most pressing concern? The farmers weren’t asking for the legalization of divorce, gay marriage, or marijuana. They were asking for food. Kesehodang NPA, MILF o MNLF yan, Pilipino yang nagugutom.I do not support Roxas, pero if a Roxas supporter knocks on my door, begging for food, I’ll fucking feed him first before saying a word.Susmaryosep, you did not forget to post on facebook, but you forgot your humanity., I will believe the investigation if PNP can show impartiality.On Saturday, however, GMA News correspondent Saleema Refran reported "SILG Sarmiento, ginawaran ng Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting ang mga sugatang pulis sa Kidapawan".This was just a few hours after the bloody incident, the investigation is still underway, hindi pa alam kung sino may kasalanan, tapos aawardan niyo na agad ang mga pulis? Tapos, gusto niyong maniwala kami sa imbestigasyon niyo?Lakas makaloko ha.Again, with the preface "alam ko", he attempts to sound like a disinterested party, despite being Mar Roxas' speechwriter from 2008 to 2010.Going back to the issue... it was clear in one of the videos posted above that the police wanted the crowd to disperse without any clear promise of food aid.As for the massive red tape, yes, Co is right. However, how bad could this red tape be when we already know in early 2015 at the latest that El Nino is coming? El Nino hit North Cotabato and it took four months before Mendoza declared a state of calamity. Six months have passed and there was still no food aid. With over a year and half of nothing, is red tape still a satisfactory alibi?Now it’s funny that Co mentioned the problem of bureaucratic red tape being so entrenched in the system and with the same breath, demonized NPA. Has it not occurred to him that that exact kind of government incompetence turns poor hardworking people into rebels?TP does not agree with communist ideologies, but I sure do understand why they’re there.Despite that, I am happy that he still mentioned it.Why? Because now, it’s clear to me that it’s time to end this “cumbersome” government.Considering that Mar Roxas is Co's boss, it's safe to say that "the cumbersome bureacracy" will again be their alibi next time a crisis hits our country.Just like Mar's excuse for the botched Yolanda rehab.Just like Mar's excuse for the MRT mess.Just like Mar's excuse for the non-passage of Freedom of Information._____Did you like this post? Help ThinkingPinoy.com stay up! Even as little as 50 pesos will be a great help!A Facebook user named “ Mikael De Lara Co ” wrote an analysis of the Kidapawan Massacre. It was written as if he’s a disinterested party, despite the fact that he’s one of Malacanang’s spin doctors. His post has made rounds over social media, and is slowly becoming the textbook explanation for government apologists.Now, let’s scrutinize his Malacanang-flavored defense.Co raised seven points:Hindi ako pala-patol sa mga random facebook posts. However, this comes from Malacanang's own spin doctor / spit writer / propaganda machine, so sige, pagbigyan natin.Let’s discuss these points one by one., for a period of almost four months from October 2015 to late January 2016, there was no rain in Central Mindanao. Now, we all know that farmers usually live hand-to-mouth, i.e. we cannot expect them to have enough food supplies to last for more than a few months., the cloud seeding project lasted for barely over a month. Under ideal conditions, rice takes at least 4 months to reach maturity while corn takes at least 2. That cloud seeding operation did little to nothing in helping Mindanao crops grow.And did Roxas' minion miss the memo that cloud seeding as drought mitigation is ineffective to begin with?, drought-resistant crops were introduced late February 2016, there is no way anyone can turn them into food by late March., I will agree that it’s technically wrong to say “walang itinulong”, but it’s absurd for C to insinuate that farmers should somewhat be contented with whatever trivial or sorely late aid they received. Remember that the Kidapawan farmer-rallyists weren’t asking for seeds or rain, they are already asking for food.People are already starving. The government provides "solutions", but all the solutions (which happen to be trivial so far) are long- or medium-term. Now, what were the protesters asking for?A short-term, immediate, temporary solution:Now, let’s list down the facts., Gov. Mendoza did declare a state of calamity in late January 2016, but what’s important is what happened after that fact. It is clear that North Cotabato residents, like those from Tulunan, are very hungry as of late February 2016.TP has done a Google search for “North Cotabato Food Aid” articles dated between 01 February 2016 and 30 March 2016, and there was none. Politicians in general love to gain publicity when they conduct such projects, so the absence of any mention about North Cotabato food aid distributions since mid-February 2016 likely implies that there was none.In short, no food aid was provided to date., 7 out of 8 of those who were identified injured are from North Cotabato and one is probably too injured to say where he came from. Those identifed injured were [ Interaksyon ]:How can North Cotabato Governor Mendoza claim that these are not her constituents? Sa dami ng ipinutok na bala ng mga pulis, walang tinamaan ni isang hindi taga-Cotabato?, let’s assume that there were non-constituents among the protesters and that Mendoza said she can’t release food to non-constituents.Just because they aren’t under her doesn’t mean she can just disregard their concerns. Before being a governor, one has to be a human being. And even if she’s the devil incarnate, she should’ve thought about the ramifications of her stupidity on Mar Roxas’ desperate presidential ambitions., the farmer rallyists have been there for at least 4 days as of morning 01April 2016, yet there was no mention of Gov. Mendoza reaching out to the LGUs where the non-Cotabato rallyists belong. If this isn’t gross negligence, this is gross incompetence.Ridiculous. We are faced with thousands of starving farmers with their families in tow, desperately begging for food and their last meal was from god-knows-when. And you want to make them work before you feed them?Kaugali mo ang amo mong si Mar, may haciendero mentality. Namamatay na sa gutom ang tao, tapos bago mo bigyan ng tinapay, gusto mo magbanat muna ng buto?Did someone hit you in the head when you were a baby? Kung hindi, ako na ang mag-uuntog sa iyo., let’s ask the question about why some rallyists could have been “na-deceive na sumama”. The answer is simple: they’re hungry too. Would you seriously think that random impoverished Filipinos will bother to join a rally for no reason or worse, for propaganda? Gutom na nga, ibibilad pa sa araw ng ilang araw, mababalya pa? Kung ako yung gutom na magsasaka, gago ba ako para makisimpatya pa sa NPA?, it’s true that LGUs can’t give rice to non-constituents, but the fact remains that these non-constituents are Filipinos too. Why hasn’t the national government taken over? The starving protesters have been there for 4 days, and the government is more afraid of COA’s wrath than the people’s anger? Jesus Christ, what have we become?, was there are imminent threat? No, there wasn’t. News about the protest have been circulating since Day 1 and there was no mention of armed protesters. That is, until shit hit the fan and the PNP had to find an alibi., Gov. Mendoza didn’t even bother to negotiate with the protesters, and the best the LGU can come up with is “you have to disperse because you’re inconveniencing people with your blockade.” No promises of rice, no nothing. One of the protesters even told the police, “Don’t appeal for our voluntary dispersal, appeal to the government for rice subsidies.”PNP and AFP proceeded with the dispersal anyway, using water cannons. See the video below:, imagine you’re a hungry farmer, protesting under the scorching heat of the sun for days, with your kids in tow because there’s no one to look after them and there’s no food at home. Then the government decides it won’t help you, so you and your loved ones are faced with the prospect of death from starvation. To add insult to injury, they bombard you using water cannons, what would you do?The least you can do is throw rocks at them fucking idiots.And when other LGUs like Davao's sent food aid, this is what Mendoza had to say:, some argued that the police were fired upon first.Now, refer to the following video:
21/05/2017 0:00
Thinking Pinoy
Senator Hontiveros Proposes Amendment To Anti-Distracted Driving Law
Republic Act No. 10913 or the Anti-Distracted Driving Act officially took effect Thursday, May 18, about 10 months after it became law in July 2016.The law defines “distracted driving” as using telecommunication or entertainment devices while in motion or when temporarily stopped at a red traffic light.But for Senator Risa Hontiveros, the new law does not go far enough, saying that there are many other distractions that plague motorists. She is proposing amendments that would make driving in the Philippines much safer.Hontiveros has revealed her amendments, as follows:Take down all advertising billboards along thoroughfares and streets all over the country, starting with Chowking, Dunkin’ Donuts, and all fashion ads featuring scantily-clad men and women.Eating Jollibee and McDonald’s burgers while driving will be strictly prohibited. Kentucky Fried Chicken may only be consumed by drivers if being fed to them by someone on the passenger side.Putting make-up while driving will also be outlawed.Car manufacturers will recall all vehicles to remove factory-installed video monitors.Only classical music will be allowed to be played on car stereos.Kissing will not be allowed while a motorist is driving or is stopped at a traffic light.Only lightly-tinted sunglasses may be used by drivers, and only if manufactured in the Philippines. Oakley and Ray-ban brands are specifically banned.Both supporters and critics of Hontiveros say that this proposal is probably the first and only common-sense legislation she has thought of since being elected senator.We agree!
['Pol Pinoy']
21/05/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Mar Roxas Throws In The Towel, Endorses Mayor Rodrigo Duterte For President
Realizing that his chances to win the presidency of the Philippines is getting slimmer by the day, Liberal Party and Aquino administration candidate Mar Roxas has thrown in the towel and endorsed Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Dueterte.In a speech before supporters, the former Interior Secretary was all praises for Duterte, commending the latter’s governance of Davao City as well as his views on federalism.“The time has come for us to come together as a people and unite behind the candidate most qualified take our nation to greater heights,” Roxas said, as he took off his familiar yellow t-shirt and donned a striped one, signifying his endorsement for Duterte.Here’s Mar Roxas, in his own words.
['Pol Pinoy']
14/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Is God showed signs to a Preacher that Duterte is the “Chosen One”?
Is the heaven sent a sign that Mayor Duterte is the chosen one? A post of Roland Tan has gone viral on the internet after he shared the story of his friend pastor who is really not convinced by Mayor Duterte, but everything changes when the pastor saw a sign that he believes came from God.This is the story:I have a friend who is a preacher at the JMCIM who is initially a supporter of MDS. Since MDS is not well, he preferred Mar Roxas. I really tried hard to convince him that it is not Mar Roxas that he should support but I failed. Until….. God showed him a sign that Duterte is the “Chosen One”. When he boarded a plane, he got a ticket showing “D30”. He now had a change of heart. He also talks to the Police and Military, both choices are for Duterte. He hopes that Duterte will accept the invitation he sent and the first to arrive so that the Church lay their hands to annoint and pray for him.Duterte supporters believes that the Pastor was enlightened by God to choose Duterte and they are praying that god will bless his government if he ever wins the presidency.
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2016-04-03 07:08:10+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Duterte featured in @IanBremmer’s TIME Magazine article on the world’s top “strongmen”
Heads up! A piece published today by TIME Magazine put Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin amongst others. In “What the ‘Tough Guy’ Era Means for Global Politics“, Ian Bremmer writes what comes across as a lament over what could be the end of the moral ascendancy Western liberal democracy had enjoyed over much of the 20th Century. Unlike most of his colleagues in the news media industry, however, Bremmer is not baffled by these developments as evident in his take on Duterte’s rise to power back in 2016…In the Philippines, a rising tide of violent street crime helped elect Rodrigo Duterte, a former mayor who talked more like a Mob boss than a President, on his promises to wipe out the drug trade with his own brand of justice.Bremmer’s barely matter-of-fact tone in the way he wrote this does not conceal the bigger message he presents on behalf of his professional community — that Duterte’s win (or any strongman win in democratic elections, for that matter) is a result of a clever campaign that exploits the baser sentiments and frustrations of the electorate. But, see, that is what elections actually are and that is what election campaigns seek to target. It’s just the nature of the democratic beast that Press Freedom Crybabies are launching outrage fads over today.What seems to fly over the heads of today’s liberal “activists” is that in much the same way that hierarchical top-down politics of yore was dismantled following the advent of democratic politics which led to, well, a democratisation of power, the Internet and its application in social media had also democratised what was once a top-down hierarchical structure of disseminating information. The shrill cries of an industry claiming to be in “crisis” and on the losing end of an “assault on press freedom” is just an Old Guard resisting the inevitable impact to them of this irreversible change.This too Bremmer points out in his piece writing how the “communications revolution has also had an impact in wholly democratic countries. On social media and on cable news, success depends on the ability of information providers to maximize engagement…” Indeed, this was something many liberal “thought leaders” actually cheered on in the early days since the advent of social media in the mid-2000s. The ascent to power of former President Barrack Obama in the US and former President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III in the Philippines were, in their own times, hailed as triumphs in the use of social media for “social good” (note the presumption of “goodness” in the regimes of such personalities).It is interesting, therefore, to see these very same liberal cliques and their allies in Western media now decrying the the outcome of this order they once cheered. Suddenly, to them, social media is no longer being used for “social good”. What they do not acknowledge is the fact that the very same social media management and communication techniques they prescribed to further this “social good” are precisely the same ones used to deliver the outcomes they now demonise.This is the kind of selective messaging and “activism” that cost the liberals and the traditional journalism and news media industries their credibility. Rather than compete in the new landscape, they have dug their heels in to defend the old structures of their sacred status quo. Those structures are rapidly crumbling as, indeed, Bremmer’s own employer is slowly coming to terms with. There just needs to be a new business model to replace the now obsolete structures that still frame many mainstream news media organisations. Perhaps that new model is yet to be discovered, but it is possible that they may already exist today — right under the mainstream’s and liberals’ noses.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-05-04 04:22:04+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Social media giants Facebook and Twitter jointly announced today that they are eliminating the use of hashtags (#) from all user accounts.Hashtags are used before words and phrases to expand the reach of tweets and Facebook posts. They are also a way for netizens to determine what’s trending on the Internet.The announcement came after the U.S. National Association of Schools and Universities (NASU) complained that the extensive use of hashtags is responsible for a decline in grammar efficiency among students, as well as in the national GPA average.A spokesperson for NASU said that it is time to go back to the good old grammar school and to banish all the technological advances in messaging and communications, especially hashtags and abbreviations like ‘LOL’ and ‘LMAO.’The Adobo Chronicles learned of the way in which Facebook and Twitter will eliminate hashtags:Everytime someone types in a hashtag in a tweet or message, a central computer will immediately detect the character and automatically delete it.There are rumors that Apple and Microsoft are considering eliminating the hashtag sign from their future computer and smart phone keyboards.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/06/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Kris Aquino Misread Hollywood Film Casting Call
After all the social media hype, news reports and speculation, loyal fans of former talk show host and presidential sister Kris Aquino were shocked and disappointed that their idol isn’t one of the main cast members named for an upcoming Hollywood film, “Crazy Rich Asians.” This major Hollywood film based on the novel by best-selling author Kevin Kwan, will have an all-Asian cast.IMDb, Hollywood’s official repository of film projects, reveals the names of the cast of the new film, including Constance Yu, Michelle Yeoh, Gemma Chan, Awkwafina and Sonoya Mizuno, but no Kris Aquino.Still, fans are hoping that rumors indicating that Aquino will play an Asian princess 👸 in the film are true.However, sources close to the Philippines’ Queen of All Media say that Aquino misread the casting call invitation she received. Indeed, she was invited to play the role of an Asian princess but not in Hollywood. The invitation came from Bollywood.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/04/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Filipino pride is getting in the way of cultural reform and social progress
All humans can change (although I suppose not necessarily IMPROVE) their thinking. To suggest that Filipinos can’t change is to imply that they’re not human. I refuse to accept this, as do most right-thinking people.Filipinos are criticized and ridiculed by outsiders because they’re being held up to a common standard for human behavior. The Filipino has a thousand different excuses for holding himself to some lower standard, but in doing so he implicitly lowers his status to something less than human: he disrespects himself, while the rest of the world, in fact, is simply recognizing him as an equal member of the human race, with the same inherent potential but CHOOSING not to be anything more than he is.Obviously, then, the answer is yes, the Filipino can change his thinking. But as I’ve said before, I don’t think he can change it himself. The name Lee Kuan Yew gets mentioned a lot on this blog. But LKY was ethnically Chinese, and culturally British. He was raised and educated from an early age with the upper-class English, and adopted those values. Cultural cross-pollination is the key to most development: it’s a common feature of every success story. If the Filipino can put aside his pride, stop pretending he knows everything, and import some wisdom from abroad, his children might be able to change their thinking. As long as those children are listening to Filipino teachers filling their heads with nonsense, they won’t.This is a GRP Featured Comment. -------------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
05/11/2018 0:00
Ex-President NoyNoy Aquino Rips Rappler For News Story On Deported Australian Nun
Ex-President NoyNoy Aquino ripped Rappler for the online news source’s story on the deportation of Australian nun Sister Patricia Fox.In its report, while praising Fox’s missionary life in the Philippines, Rappler resurrected the protests staged by farmers in Hacienda Luisita which is owned by the Aquino family. (Fox had participated in those rallies).“It was disrespectful and out of line for Rappler to include Hacienda Luisita in its report. It does nothing but bring back the spotlight on the land reform issues that have plagued our family for many decades now. Nakalimutan na sana ng ating mga kababayan ito, pero binigyang pansin na naman ng Rappler. Akala ko pa naman kakampi ko ang Rappler,” Aquino said from his Times Street residence in Quezon City.The Adobo Chronicles tried to send a message to Rappler CEO Maria Ressa for comment, but we have been blocked from her accounts some time ago.
['Pol Pinoy']
05/11/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte leads 12 points over Poe in new survey
The tough-talking Mayor Rody Duterte remains the frontrunner in the presidential race after he leads the new survey released by ABS-CBN’s Pulse Asia Survey where he got additional 12 points over Grace Poe.Duterte got 32% leading all the classes from A,B,C,D and E while Grace Poe got 22% followed by Vice President Jojo Binay 19%; Roxas, 18, and Santiago with 2%.The survey was conducted with 4,000 respondents last April 12-17. Duterte leads despite of the issues painted against him as the May 9 election is fast approaching.While the survey was conducted a day before the media took notice of his rape joke and got an explosive exposure, analysts are still convinced that Duterte supporters will remain loyal and that bad joke is not hard to forget and forgive.Pulse Asia did mention that the rape joke was not factored in. Last year, when Duterte made a tasteless remark by cursing the pope, the Mayor lost 12 points in the survey but recovered as days went by.Duterte camp however believes that the Filipino people are too thirsty for real change now and that attacks were just politically motivated. A traditional form of assassinating a candidate’s character during election.Any thoughts? Leave your message below!
2016-04-24 14:57:32+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
Filipinos Take Offense On Donald Trump’s Comments on Pig’s Blood
Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has flouted official histories and facts, claiming, for example, that thousands of Muslims celebrated in New Jersey on Sept. 11, and that the Department of Labor cooks the unemployment books and that the real jobless rate is 23 percent.On Friday night, Trump embraced another urban legend, claiming that an American general summarily executed terrorists with bullets dipped in pig’s blood a century ago. He presented it as an example of how brutal toughness toward terrorists was the way to safeguard the United States. Mr. Trump did not mention any context, but the unconfirmed tale is generally set in the Philippines, where American forces after the Spanish-American War faced resistance in Muslim provinces.Well, the Filipinos took offense over the statement of Trump.Not only did they question the authenticity of the legend cited by Trump. They also were greatly offended because Filipinos take pride in their authentic cuisine known as dinuguan (pictured). It is a traditional dish cooked with pig’s blood.Filipinos living in the U.S. vowed to mail Trump packages containing dinuguan as a way to let the Republican presidential frontrunner know about their sentiments.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/02/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Philippine Senator Leila De Lima: New ‘Frail Woman of Asia?’
There’s ‘Pretty Woman’ (Julie Roberts). ‘Iron Lady’ (Margaret Thatcher. Then there’s Philippine Senator Leila De Lima, ‘Frail Woman.’The lady senator, a harsh critic of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s war on drugs, has finally admitted her relationship with her former driver, Ronnie Dayan, but denied other allegations linking her to the drug trade.For the first time in months after Duterte said she was an immoral woman for having an affair with her married driver, De Lima broke her silence and confirmed that she had a relationship with the Dayan for “a few years.”Asked why she fell for Dayan, De Lima said it is due to the “frailties of a woman.”Filipina netizens immediately took to social media to denounce De Lima for perpetuating a negative stereotype of women, with some even calling her statement ‘misogynistic.’Earlier, women’s groups came to the rescue of De Lima when a congressional committee hearing looking into the illegal drug proliferation inside the New Bilibid Prison (National Penitentiary) threatened to show her alleged sex videotapes. The groups denounced what they called “slut-shaming.”But now, will the same women’s groups support De Lima’s statement on women frailty?And has the senator just earned the title “Frail Woman of Asia?”
['Pol Pinoy']
15/11/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Obsession with beauty pageants in #Philippines masks deep cultural rot
The number of OFWs is actually a symptom of a greater ailment called LACK OF OPPORTUNITY in the home country. It is not something to be applauded or admired. It is not something borne out of creativity. It is something they are FORCED to endure to SURVIVE. They leave their families and especially kids at home. Their wives or husbands meet JODY and the kids grow up without real guidance from their father. Imagine being a father and not being able to read your kid a bedtime story? Not being to kiss his boo-boo when he is hurt and hug him assuring him he is OK? Seeing him get thrilled when he sees a bird eat some bread he left out? I will not even go into the abuses OFWs endure from their foreign masters. OFWism is a sign of PINOY FAILURE. OFWism is REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE in nature.Beauty pageants – celebrating fate – reactiveCountry progress and no OFWs like Singapore – celebrating accomplishment – proactiveGETS?Pinoys do perceive themselves as ugly. Why do you think there are Likas Papaya Whitening soap? Belo whitening? Patangos ng ilong? How many actresses are like Anne Curtis or Maine Mendoza or Gerald Anderson who are mestizo or mestiza cast in protagonist roles? The only ethnic Pinoys cast in role like Rene Requiestas, Amay Bisaya, Apeng Daldal, Chiquito or Richie D'Horsey are portrayed in comical ways as dolts. How can you say that Filipinos think of themselves as beautiful if their bidas are mestizos while their ethnic Pinoys are Cheetae ganda lalake?Why do you think Pinoys are fanatical about pageants? Because they think a pageant win will MASK from the world what a "real Filipino" would look like. Kaso, hindi naman sing-bobo ng mga Pinoy ang mundo.Plastic surgery? Are you kidding me? BElo and her fellow plastic surgeons in the P.I. have business booming. Most Pinoys just could not afford it but make a mammoplasty or rhinoplasty plus skin whitening a 500 peso package and all people 18 and over will get those.-------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion!http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2015/12/three-reasons-filipinos-take-pageants-seriously/comment-page-1/#comment-1522033
06/05/2017 0:00
WATCH: Arrival of Japanese Prime Minister Shizo Abe in President Duterte’s house in Davao
Prime Minister Abe’s visit to President Rodrigo Duterte’s house in Davao became historic because the Japanese leader was the first foreign leader who visited the simple house of Duterte.A journalist from GMA Davao recorded the arrival of Mr. Abe together with the other Japanese officials, in Doña Luisa Subdivision in Matina District.You can watch the video here:
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2017-01-13 12:08:39+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Where was all the anti Martial Law "activism" over the last 30 years?? Sleeping??
Where the fuck have you all been?Where the fuck was all the outcry when Imelda Marcos became a Leyte congresswoman in 1995 after the SC ruled in her favor in a disqualification case?Where the fuck was all the outcry when she was cleared of all charges of taking money out of the country in 2008 due to "reasonable doubt"?Where the fuck was all the outcry when the Aquinos, after taking power when the Marcoses fled the country after the People Power revolution, decided to divvy up many of the confiscated lands and properties among their own cronies, further perpetuating the abuse of power they claim to be correcting and depriving farmers of the chance to earn a decent livelihood? Dahil ba na si Cory yung manok nyo noon?Where was the outcry when ALL OF YOU MORONS KNEW that the Marcoses wanted to bury him at the, yet enacted no laws to prevent this during the long, long, LONG years when lawmakers had the opportunity to do so.Where was the outcry when Ramos was elected president, when valid claims of him cheating by Miriam Santiago came to the fore, when Ramos was LITERALLY THE PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY CHIEF, of the unit responsible for arresting and torturing majority of the Martial Law victims. Where is the outcry NOW, when Ramos is literally being treated today like he's allowed to have a fucking opinion on anything. Was it because his presidential term was marked by a period of economic progress? Is that why you think he should be given a pass? You mean like a lot of the Marcos supporters who enjoyed economic prosperity during his reign and therefore also gave him a pass for his horrible atrocities? OrWhere were you all when the military men under Ramos' admin killed my friend and drowned him in the Pasig River for whistleblowing corruption in the ROTC - when I, as a frightened seventeen-year-old teen, looked around and saw no empathy? Nothing but "Where was the outcry when history books were being revised not only to put Marcos in a more flattering light, but to put Ramos, the Aquinos, etc. as paragons of virtue who can do nothing wrong, without understanding the REAL political motivations behind the People Power Revolution? That the 'revolution' was originally engineered by Juan Ponce Enrile and Ramos because Marcos was on the verge of imprisoning THEM and they wanted to find a way out? That EVERYONE, from Manuel L. Quezon down to Rodrigo Duterte (ironic that people would look up to Quezon and then demonize Duterte given their similarities, down to their womanizing ways and attempts to make peace with supposed 'enemies' - Quezon with Japan, and Duterte with China), is responsible for the shithole we're all in right now?You want to know why the orange Shitlord von Fuckface is the US president-elect right now? Because everyone, Republicans and Democrats alike, sat on their hands and refused to acknowledge their own history. It's happening all over the world because people as a race are generally shit at remembering fuck-all. History repeats itself because we are morons, because we never believe that things happen unless it happens to us personally, because we wait around and assume someone else will clean up our own shitty messes.Did you think this burial existed in some vacuum somewhere? Do you seriously believe that this burial was NOT a culmination of years of clusterfucks and blissful ignorance by legislators who sat on their hands and did nothing to ensure this bullshit does not happen, and that we were too complacent / lacked the foresight to make any earlier protests - bigger protests that would have brought this to light sooner, bigger protests that could have possibly mattered more in the legal scheme of things?But no - we like or share a political post on Facebook and we think that counts as activism, and then bitch when we realize it makes little impact. Because we attack other people for opposing opinions, block or unfriend them on Facebook so that in the end what we have left is an echo chamber where we see people agreeing with what we believe in and then think that we're the majority because of it. And then news like this happens where we're pushed out of our own personal circlejerk and realize no, we are NOT THE GODDAMN MAJORITY AFTER ALL, and then FINALLY act. Without realizing we all did it to ourselves.And now - ironically, hysterically, blissfully - we only choose to stage a protest NOW, at this point in time where we have the LEAST power to accomplish anything worthwhile.----------------------Erin Ko as posted on Facebook
17/02/2016 0:00
Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach Poses With Borrowed Fur Coat From Macy’s, Causes Traffic Jam
It was supposed to be an artistic, uneventful photo shoot for Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, but things didn’t turn out so well.On a cold night in the heart of Times Square, Wurtzbach posed for a photographer of a well known New York fashion magazine, donning a stunning black coctail dress and a faux fur coat draped over it. She looked stunning.Alas, two things went wrong:The photo shoot caused a traffic snarl in all of Manhattan which became a virtual parking lot. Every New Yorker wanted a glimpse of the Filipina beauty.Then, when the photographer downloaded the digital photos for submission to the magazine’s editors, he realized that he had forgotten to either remove or hide the coat’s price tag and laundry instructions (see photo).The Adobo Chronicles learned that the coat was borrowed from Macy’s Department Store in New York for use in the photo shoot.Now, the magazine’s editors had asked that the whole photo session be done all over again. So, brace up for another traffic snarl, dear New Yorkers!
['Pol Pinoy']
17/02/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Time for Filipinos to junk the old Martial Law narrative!
It’s time indeed. Filipino “activists” have worn the old Martial Law scarecrow to tatters. The idea that vigilance involves raising a screeching fit whenever even just a hint of the dreaded two words M-A-R-T-I-A-L L-A-W are detected in a verbal or written message is now a mere quaint relic of a peiod when “freedom fighters” were regaled as “heroes”. As is becoming evident today, while freedom’s self-anointed guardians focused this “vigilance” on the imagined threat of “another Martial Law”, a whole new threat crept up from beneath Philippine society’s underbelly and took root.Yet, it seems, certain “activists” haven’t gotten the memo yet. The issues today no longer revolve around “freedom”. The whole notion that an absence of “freedom” is the root cause of every problem in the Philippines has long been debunked. Thirty years of post-Martial-Law “freedom” has yielded hardly any change in the Philippines’ rigid feudal caste system that structurally underlies the Philippine economy. And, for those thirty years, a concerted effort by the oligarchy to indoctrinate entire generations of Filipinos with the Yellowtard “freedom-versus-authoritarianism” rhetoric effectively masked this non-change.It is therefore hardly surprising that newly-enlightened Filipinos today strongly question whether there really is any difference between being under the late former President Ferdinand Marcos’s Martial Law or not — more specifically, whether they are any freer than they were under Martial Law.This is why all the noise about President Rodrigo Duterte’s recent declaration of Martial Law over Mindanao is so ridiculous. Hipster “activists” make this declaration sound like it will herald the Philippines’ return to the Dark Ages. This noise (which emanates mostly from Manila’s Starbucks cafes) largely rings hollow and falls on jaded ears nowadays. For one thing, Filipinos no longer regard “the Martial Law years” as a dark age. The difference in “liberties” played up in the immediate couple of years following the 1986 “revolution” has been eclipsed by the sameness of the situation revealed as post-“revolution” years turned into decades.And so, now, the far bigger threat of Islamic terrorism looms in the horizon. Compared to the modus operandi of the Islamic State — an alien that gestates in a living human host and has concentrated molecular acid for blood — Martial Law is a mere mosquito bite. Nothing could save a once-thriving secular society after a fully-functional caliphate bursts out of its belly in a bloody spectacle. A mosquito bite, in comparison, can simply be scratched for relief.Individual liberties count for nothing when the challenge is to muster a collective resolve to combat an alien culture that stands for everything that modern civilised society isn’t. When Filipino “activists” branded themselves as the “decent” lot to set them apart from those who dared take a path outside their daang matuwid (“straight and narrow”) they thought that the difference between them and the “others” meant the whole world of difference. That difference between traditional Philippine politics’ polar camps, say between the so-called Yellowtards and the Dutertards, now means nothing when regarded in the context of the terrorist threat now confronting the Philippines.
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-06-02 07:20:00+00:00
Get Real Philippines
What did the women in the #WomensMarch rallies REALLY want?
Ahhh, the perenial question: What do women want?I hear a lot of my male friends ask this question. It seems we like to spend a lot of time and energy verbalizing our issues and then get upset when our partners contribute to the conversation in their usual infernal “solution mode”. The boys, of course, have still to receive the memo — we air our “concerns” not because we want a solution but because we want to be validated.So imagine the enormous headscratcher that is this big crowd of ladies who gathered yesterday to protest the ascent to the presidency of Donald Trump. No, the people in yesterday’s crowds weren’t waiting for a mall or department store to open. They were there see some sort of outcome delivered. Well at least, that is the assumption — that these women wanted some sort of outcome.Trump is, we are told by CNN, the BBC, and our very own Rappler, a misogynist who shows no respect for women and offers us, at best, patronizing attention. We get that. It’s all reiterated in the placards being waved yesterday. Read them. Some of them were even left scattered on the streets after their lot had dispersed (wow, I hope their kitchens do not reflect the untidiness they exhibit!)So, ok, the US electoral system delivered Americans — and the world — a Trump presidency. So now, ladies, what is it exactly you all want to happen from hereon?Many of my friends turned to that iconic spring of human wisdom, pop legend Madonna, for answers. Here is what she had to say.“Welcome to the revolution of love, to the rebellion. To our refusal as women to accept this new age of tyranny,” she said as she took the stage, wrapping up hours of speeches by celebrities and rights activists. “It took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the f*** up. “Let’s march together through this darkness and with each step know, that we are not afraid, that we are not alone, that we will not back down.” To their detractors, she had just two words: “f*** you”.You read it right. After “hours of speeches by celebrities and rights activists”, it was Madonna’s speech that went on to amass the lion’s share of virality and the most high-fives (“likes” and “retweets”) on social media.My my. If we gained even just one clear solution for every million fucks given, world hunger would be solved.One thing’s for sure, validation was being exchanged by the bucketloads in yesterday’s rally. As Madonna did say, “we are not alone” (yeah, the crowds proved that). In numbers comes the courage to “not back down”. Then again, since when do we back down from an argument, right? 😉[Photo courtesy ABC News.]
['Oratio Imperata']
2017-01-23 00:49:54+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Mark Zuckerberg Rescinds Partnership With Rappler As A Fact-Checker
For CEO Maria Ressa, being designated as a fact-checker of news on social media by no less than Facebook, is quite a feather on Rappler’s cap.But Ressa’s pride and prejudice are about to abruptly end.Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told The Adobo Chronicles that he was rescinding Facebook’s partnership with Rappler.It all started when Rappler published a fact-check article describing as false news an Adobo Chronicles’ post claiming that Ressa was elected president of the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP). It was, of course a satirical piece, a spoof on Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque’s statement that Rappler, whose media license was revoked by the Securities and Exchange Commission, could still cover Malacañang as a member of FOCAP, since it was partly foreign-owned.But when Zuckerberg saw the Rappler fact-check post, he squirmed in his seat at his FB office because he knew that The Adobo Chronicles was a satire site, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.“I can’t believe Rappler didn’t do its homework,” Zuckerberg said. “What kind of fact-checker did we just partner with?”
['Pol Pinoy']
14/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Give Donald Trump your finger and he’ll go after your entire arm.Encouraged by his continued surge in the polls as a result of his anti-immigrant rants, the leading Republican presidential candidate has gone from attacking Mexicans, Chinese and citizens of U.S. territories to proposing an English-only America.Trump has said that if foreign nationals want to live in America as legal residents or citizens, they should be speaking only in English. He made the comment after criticizing fellow presidential candidate Jeb Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail. “Bush should set the example by speaking English only while in America,” he told reporters.Today, Trump declared that if elected president, he would ask the Department of Homeland Security to deport all immigrants who are openly and publicly biligual, trilingual or multilingual. “If they speak a second, third or fourth language other than English, well and good, but when in America, they should only speak our official language which is English, ” he said.Si Donald Trump es elegido presidente , Adobo Chronicles no publicará nada en tagalog o español.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/09/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
What to expect from today’s September 21 Luneta “Grand Rally”…
Something one could reasonably expect of yet another “grand rally” organised by the Yellowtards at the Luneta is an answer to this long-posed question:What next after the rally?As the late comedy great Dolphy said about running for office in an election, “Madali lang tumakbo, paano kung manalo?”Indeed, it is easy to “hit the streets” to “protest” whatever. But it is harder to envision how one would use a victory wisely. This was proven way back in 1986 when the mother of all rallies, that year’s EDSA “Revolution”, ousted then President Ferdinand Marcos. Filipinos are now acutely aware of what happened next after all that.Essentially, what happened next after that “revolution” was nothing. Nothing changed.If even such a big “revolution” could not change Philippine society and its politics at a fundamental level, what more a rally that is clearly composed of an even smaller subset of the poltical landscape, the Yellowtard-led clique of “activists” who fancy themselves as this era’s “Opposition”?The key to a successful poltical coup is not in preaching to a choir of rabid supporters. Success lies in converting the unconvinced. To do that you need a clear path forward underpinned by a lucid vision.Unfortunately the current Philippine Opposition proposes neither vision nor roadmap. It merely proposes to continue to imprison Filipino minds in an irrelevant historical blip and define their nationhood on that rather than on an otherwise promising future.It’s time Filipinos seek real change — by embracing a narrative focused on the future and ditch a long dysfunctional tradition of fixation in the past.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-09-20 22:33:52+00:00
Get Real Philippines
WATCH:Lawmaker urged De Lima to voluntarily resign or get ousts after Dayan’s revelation
Activist lawyer and Party list representative Harry Roque urged Senator Leila De Lima to resign during the Congress probe on proliferation of illegal drugs in National Bilibid Prison Thursday.Harry Roque expressed his anger towards De Lima after Dayan revealed that the former Justice Secretary urged her former boyfriend to not attend the Congress hearing and hide from the authorities to conceal the truth.After the revelation of Ronnie Dayan, the former boyfriend and bodyguard of Senator De Lima, Harry Roque urged the former Secretary of Justice to resign.He also asked the Senate to remove the Senator if she refused to resign to protect the integrity of the Congress of the philippines.“So if this lady Senator Leila De Lima will not voluntarily resign from her post after this revelation…. I hope our colleagues in the Senate will protect the integrity of Congress of the Philippines, consisting of two houses and in fact remove her” fuming Roque told the committee.The Congress of the Philippines also lamented the refusal of Senator Leila De Lima to attend the congress probe despite of many invitations that she received.
['View All Posts Pinoytrending']
2016-11-25 13:24:41+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Beginning in 2016, a valid U.S. passport may be a required as the only acceptable identification document when traveling on domestic flights while the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may be given the power to request a non-issuance, or cancellation, of a passport for individuals owing taxes.Encouraged by this new development, the state of Kentucky — yes the same state where a Rowan County clerk refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples — is proposing new regulations regarding the issuance of marriage licenses, gay or straight.The new rules, reportedly the brainchild of county clerk Kim Davis and widely supported by state Republican lawmakers, will require marriage license applicants to show proof of U.S. citizenship through a valid U.S. passport.So, if you’re planning to get married in Kentucky, it is wise to start securing your U.S. passport or passport card if you don’t already have one, or if you do, to make sure it is unexpired.The Adobo Chronicles contacted all of the Republican candidates for president and all have expressed full support for the measure. That means it may become the law not just in Kentucky, but in the entire U.S. of A!
['Pol Pinoy']
27/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The two Philippine presidents before this current administration both faced jail time, and NoyNoy Aquino seems headed the same path as his predecessors.Joseph Estrada was jailed for plunder but was subsequently released by his successor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who herself is in hospital arrest for charges of electoral sabotage and misuse of lottery funds.On Wednesday, Aquino said that if necessary, he is willing to be put in jail for the decisions he made during his term.Asked about his opinion on threats by his critics to charge and arrest him for the implementation of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) and the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), parts of which were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, Aquino said that going to jail will be a “necessary consequence.”(Update: President Aquino was accused yesterday before the Office of the Ombudsman of illegal use of public funds through DAP and PDAF).Because of this consistent pattern with the Office of the President, lawmakers are gearing up for a charter change (locally known as ‘cha-cha’) that would amend the qualifications for the presidency. In addition to citizenship, residency and age qualifications, the lawmakers want every candidate for president to be “able and willing” to go to jail after his or her term of office. A few senators are even proposing that the elected president should not be immune from lawsuit during his or her term.
['Pol Pinoy']
23/10/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte to head a new religion?
President-elect Rody Duterte is now in a word-war with the Catholic Church bishops after he received continues critics from the institution for being an anti-life and immoral. Ever since the campaign period, bishops of the church were active on campaigning against Duterte.On Monday, Duterte blasted the church again. The tough-talking President said that he will impose the 3-child policy in the country as one of the mitigating factors in dealing with massive poverty and overpopulation.With the policy, he will be expecting the catholic church to hinder his plan. The church has opposed the reproductive health bill before. Despite of the opposition, in 2012, the reproductive bill was passed into a law which Duterte wanted to enhance and enforce by introducing the three-child policy.“I’m a Christian, but I’m a realist so we have to do something with our overpopulation. I will defy the opinion or the belief of the Church.” Duterte said.Duterte called the bishops as hypocrites who continuously become rich in the expense of the poor. In his recent press conference, Duterte jokingly invited the reporters to join his new religion.“Alis na kayo dyan. Sama nalang kayo sa bago kong religion. May ginawa ako, Iglesia ni Duterte” said Duterte. Of course, it was a joke.The 16th President also called the church as hypocrite and ‘son of the whores’ for keep on meddling the political culture in the country.“Panahon ni Arroyo naghingian kayo That is graft and corruption, hindi niyo ba alam ‘yan? Iyung ibang tao sa Pilipinas walang makain, walang medisina, and you were enjoying the money of the goddamn people of the Philippines by riding on that. Hindi na kayo nahiya n’yan? Putangina kayo (Didn’t you feel any shame? You sons of whores)!” Duterte said.Will you join the Iglesia ni Duterte? 🙂 Leave your comments below!
2016-05-24 17:47:12+08:00
Duterte Daily Stories
WATCH! : Actress na si Odette Khan may Mensahe kay Pres. Duterte: "Saludo ako sa inyo! You've done a Good Job!"
Aktres na si Odette Khan, nagbigay ng mensahe para kay Duterte via live video ng facebook account ng kanyang coworkmate na si Ryza Cenon sa isang break ng kanilang show.Nagpasalamat ang batikang aktres kay Pangulong Duterte at humanga pa ito dahil sa ginawa ng pangulo para sa bansa.So what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
2017-08-09 21:39:16+00:00
News Media PH
After Dropping Manny Pacquiao, Nike Picks up Mar Roxas And Leni Robredo
Weeks after it severed its product endorsement relationship with Manny Pacquiao for his public comments about the LGBT community, Nike today announced that it has entered into a similar endorsement contract with Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo.Roxas and Robredo are the Philippines’ Liberal Party candidates for president and vice president, respectively, in the coming May 9 elections. (Pacquiao is running for senator under a different political party).As it unveiled its first Roxas-Robredo running shoes, Nike officials told The Adobo Chronicles that they liked the fact that the tandem is promoting Daang Matuwid (straight path) as part of party’s campaign platform against government corruption. “Nike, as a responsible corporate entity, hates corruption,” they said.The new Nike product, which picks up the signature yellow color of the Liberal Party, is equipped with a special sensor designed to prevent the users from walking or running a crooked path, Nike said.The right shoe has Roxas’ name on it, while the left has Robredo’s.
['Pol Pinoy']
07/04/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Publicity matters to Leni Robredo even in times of tragedy such as the Davao bombing
Leni Robredo flew to Davao today to visit the victims of the Friday night bomb blast. People are now arguing about whether or not her visit was yet another PR stunt. Let us analyze.1) This morning, the picture below of Robredo at a party was circulating on Facebook According to the post, the photo was taken on September 3, Saturday (one day after the blast), at a hotel in Naga City. The caption says, “Early on, partygoers were requested not to take photos of the VP but in the age of selfies and social networking, who could stop them?”Assuming the above info is accurate, was it wrong for Robredo to have been at a party one day after the blast, while a sleepless President Duterte was still working to look after the victims in Davao and supervise the investigation?Not necessarily. Nobody knew the blast would happen last Friday, and the party could have been scheduled way before.2) This afternoon, the Leni Robredo Media Bureau released the pictures below of Robredo visiting the blast victims in Davao.(scroll down to 6th or 7th spot to see pix from media bureau)Robredo did not give any interviews, saying the visit was private.What can we infer from 1) and 2) ?I think it’s fair to say that Robredo did not want to be seen partying in Naga one day after the blast, but she was more than willing to be seen visiting the victims in Davao two days after the blast.So what’s the conclusion?We cannot discount that Robredo’s sympathy for the victims might have been genuine, but it is very clear that publicity was one of the goals of her visit as well. Why? Because if she really wanted the visit to be private, she could have arranged not to have photos taken or released to media, as with 1).On a side note, if you compare Robredo’s behavior while visiting the victims with that of Duterte, you will see a distinct difference. Duterte’s pain and grief were palpable even when he was just standing by the hospital beds and not touching the victims. Robredo, on the other hand, seemed very conscious of the cameras, and did not quite have the same depth of emotion as Duterte even when she was going out of her way to touch the victims.In fact, as you can see from these photos , she kept smiling.While Duterte’s face was grim and pained when he was going around visiting the victims, Robredo was going around with her campaign-trail smile.You can judge for yourself how real her grief was. One thing’s for sure, don’t be surprised if the photos of her visiting the victims end up on the front page of the Inquirer tomorrow.------------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
02/07/2018 0:00
Filipinos need to believe in “Satan” because they need a scapegoat for their failures
Nowadays we see a lot of references to “Satan” and the “evil” this character of Medieval yore supposedly creates. Filipinos, the superstitious lot that they are, make liberal reference to these notions because they lack a strong tradition of evaluating cause-and-effect when confronting the many problems that beset their society.The trouble with this habit of deferring to superstition is that it assures habitual failures that their failures are a result of forces outside of their control and, worse, that the solutions depend on an equally superior force that can vanquish their “Satan” and remove the cause of the “evil” that is supposedly at the root of their problems.This is a cognitive disease that needs to be eradicated from Philippine society. More importantly, the political discourse needs to be purged of such primitive lines of thinking to make way for a more modern logic-based discourse to take root. Only when Filipinos take personal accountability for both their individual and collective problems and use their intelligence rather than their prayers to solve them will they prosper and achieve in the modern world.The biggest roadblock to achieving the goal of modernising Filipino thinking is the ascendancy of a political class that continues to encourage Medieval thinking. The Philippine Opposition led by the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards) embodies many of the traits of Medieval ruling classes, ones that have historically not only allowed themselves to be entwined with powerful religious organisations but also prop up irrational notions of a birthright to political power and moral ascendancy.The interesting thing about Philippine society is that it is supposedly beholden to democratic ideals. Yet many poltical “activists” decry outcomes of the very democratic processes they supposedly embrace. But, under a democracy, cause-and-effect is far more transparent than systems in which shamans make their followers believe that theirs is the voice of a god, so the idea of people being “shocked” by the quality of Filipino politicians and the outcomes of their public “service” is ludicrous at best.Unfortunately for Filipinos, the Yellowtards continue a tradition of this sort — propping up perceptions that they are the favoured political bloc of God and asserting a birthright, no, ownership over the “right” practice of “democracy”. It is ironic that “thought leaders” of this political bloc would presume to be the first to point fingers at their enemies and call them “Satan”.It is high time Filipinos wake up to the reality that “thought leaders” who habitually drop names of supernatural beings cooked up by shamans of antiquity are not really thought leaders. They are mere wannabe religious leaders. And more religion is the last thing Filipinos need if they are to be truly serious about aspiring to be a modern society.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-08-28 22:35:57+00:00
Get Real Philippines
For far too long, white people have been absent from films, television shows, news anchor desks, advertising billboards and product labels. But finally, they are taking the spotlight away from people of color, thanks to a new MTV show, “White People.”The documentary, produced by Filipino undocumented immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas, tackles the sensitive and delicate issue of white privilege in America.“Its about time we see white faces on television, and not always people of color that have dominated both daytime and primetime slots,” said 23-year-old John Smith, a mass communications student at Harvard University.Even the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) endorsed the documentary, saying that “the colored community has had a long history of privilege in America. It is time we shift the attention to white people. After all, they are Americans just like us.”The forward-looking documentary airs tonight and can be viewed online starting at 8PM Eastern time. Dozens and dozens of viewing parties have been scheduled in white neighborhoods across the country.It’ll surely be tomorrow’s hot topic around workplace water cooler stations and in break rooms.
['Pol Pinoy']
22/07/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Woman Who Is Worse Than Manny Pacquiao
again. The 69-year old Baptist was delivering her retirement address and her colleagues did not object or interrupt.“Yes in 2008 I did say that the homosexual agenda is worse than terrorism,” Kern admitted in her speech Wednesday. “Now we all know that terrorism destroys lives, property and brings devastation. Just look at where we are today in our society. A man who feels like a woman can go into a ladies’ restroom now. A florist, a baker, a photographer are being ruined financially because they wouldn’t participate in a same-sex wedding, since it goes against their sincerely held religious beliefs. Same-sex marriage has been forced on every single state by the courts,” Kern lamented.She claimed that “in schools all across the nation children are being encouraged to try the homosexual lifestyle and even to play-act being the opposite sex, because they could be a transgender. And homosexuals are even wanting churches to be punished for just sharing what the bible says if it contradicts what they want,” she claimed. Kern did not offer any proof.“I didn’t apologize in 2008 and I don’t apologize today either because God’s word has not changed. Things are worse today than they were then and I’m afraid they’re going to just get worse.”Let’s just say that either legislator is no better than the other, period.And happy retirement, Madam Kern. Good riddance!
['Pol Pinoy']
12/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
making them unable to reproduce. This, according to scientists, will eventually wipe out the world’s supply of fish.The culprit for this phenomenon? The birth control pill.Flushed down toilets, poured down sinks and excreted in urine, a chemical component in the pill wafts into sewage systems and ends up in various waterways where it collects in fairly heavy doses. That’s where fish soak it up.A recent survey by the U.S. Geological Survey found that fish exposed to a synthetic hormone called 17a-ethinylestradiol, or EE2, produced offspring that struggled to fertilize eggs. The grandchildren of the originally exposed fish suffered a 30 percent decrease in their fertilization rate.Immediately after the news came out, the Republican members of Indiana’s Legislature convened a caucus to draft a bill that would totally ban birth control pills as a way to protect the fish population.Governor Pence vowed to sign the bill as soon as it comes to his desk.“This is no longer a matter of religious belief,” Pence said. “Rather, it is a matter of protecting the environment.”“We’re not necessarily a fan of gender-bending,” Pence added.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/03/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Rodrigo Duterte may inspire Filipinos, but he cannot change them
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is already two years into his term. While he is not the first presidential candidate to be elected on the promise of change, he is possibly one of the few under whom Filipinos feel that it is genuinely happening.Duterte has done quite a few things differently from his predecessors. He has adopted a foreign policy that is not defined primarily by being Uncle Sam’s loyal terrier. As the first president from the Mindanao region, he gives more due attention, and not just lip service, to its development. The way he openly criticizes “untouchable” institutions like the Catholic church and the mainstream media is considered unheard of.While Duterte may be indeed rocking the boat, so to speak, if there is any change that is occurring, it is relegated to the political and economic aspects of life in the Philippines. But how far can the momentum of president Duterte’s drive for change go?For long-lasting change to take place, it must reach all the way to the root of Filipino dysfunction: the Filipino culture. The way things are going, Duterte’s “change”, while it may inspire Filipinos to think that a better tomorrow is possible (pwede naman pala), will ultimately fail to have any real effect on Filipinos.He cannot unite them.The greater good, all-encompassing concept of the Filipino does not exist, not in the way that, for example, America and Americans are defined beyond the fifty states that make up the Union. Instead, Filipinos have remained regionalist, tribal, and ultimately loyal only to their self-interests.The current opposition to president Duterte’s administration is composed of people and groups who lost the previous presidential election (and still can’t get over it). Also added to the mix are communist/socialist groups who are interested only in the overthrow of those whom they don’t like. What further complicates things is that the opposition is more interested in ousting Duterte through whatever means possible, rather than presenting a clear, rational, and realistic alternative to the way he’s running the country now.The underlying culprit, however, the reason there is inability to unite, is the way Filipinos approach unity. Most of them simply cannot put their egos aside; the way they regard unity is that others must submit to them. You will be hard-pressed to find the “win-win” mindset among Filipinos. Although there are Filipinos who can practice the delicate art of winning enemies over through gentle persuasion, a lot of others view engagement with non-allies as a zero-sum game – “only I must win; everyone else must lose.”No matter how hard Duterte tries to reach out to all Filipinos, some of them (including he and his supporters) are just plain stubborn, insufferable, and incorrigible. And they would rather stay that way.He cannot instill an appreciation for the rule of law.As has been pointed out in Get Real Post many times before, Filipinos have this baseless sense of being more important than everyone else. The rule of law is as close to a logical, rational method of ensuring fairness among people as you can get. Unfortunately, this doesn’t sit well with many Filipinos because not having an undue advantage over others is simply unacceptable to them.As it stands, Filipinos will not abide by the rule of law by themselves. Most of them will do so only under the threat of forces stronger than them. And even then, they will pull out the victim card, cry foul, and use their “pitiful” state to make excuses as to why they should be “special”.He cannot wean them from their meek, deferential, subservient, and submissive collective character.President Duterte recently made headlines when he criticized the Catholic Church in the Philippines. The church, and primarily the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), have widely been perceived to be meddlesome in political affairs, and to hold politicians by the neck with the prospect of “votes”. He has also made headlines for criticizing the West for the way developing countries are “shamed” for not towing the liberal/politically correct line.It is fairly obvious that without a figurehead like Duterte at the helm, Filipinos would never have thought of criticizing the CBCP and the church for their hypocrisy. They would never have thought of revisiting just why religion has such a deep stranglehold on the Filipino psyche. And they would have never thought of criticizing the West for their hypocritical and lopsided regard towards developing countries who don’t tow liberal lines.Filipinos are known for being an enduring people – “matiisin” in the vernacular. Being enduring doesn’t mean that it’s good that they can outlast discomfort; it means that they would rather bear the indignity of the problem, than confront it. It doesn’t help that Filipinos are an emotional people who easily capitulate to the loudest voice in the room.While a powerful figurehead is a great help to any movement for change, it must not be dependent on that alone. The Filipino fixation on personalities, instead of ideas, is truly one of the biggest hindrances to deep-rooted change and enlightenment.The challenge to Filipinos is simple: they need to show themselves that they can overcome their cultural inertia, and keep the momentum of change going, even after president Duterte’s term ends.
['Oratio Imperata']
2018-06-30 13:59:33+00:00
Get Real Philippines
Alternative Media 16: The Witcher
Whenever the fantasy genre is mentioned in the Philippines, the first things that come to most people’s minds is stuff like Enteng Kabisonte or Panday. Of course, there’s the crowd who still remembers Encantadia well, but these are few and far between nowadays as there are more and more “pantaseryes” (fantasy soap operas) that come out on a near annual basis on Philippine TV. Unfortunately, despite being marketed as fantasy, typical pantaseryes don’t differ all that much from the usual teleserye with your damsel and distress who gets rescued by a prince charming who solves all her problems for her without her having to lift a finger.Anyway, today, I’m gonna tell you a nice, true-to-life story…Once upon a time, there was this guy named Andrzej Sapkowski, a Polish man who took an interest in the sci-fi and fantasy genre. A marketing expert, he sought to popularize his own brand of fantasy which was notably quite dark and began with the title The Witcher. Then, much to his surprise, his stories flourished not just in his home country of Poland but overseas as well thanks to being adapted into several video games. Indeed, the success of The Witcher franchise is so profound that it’s often been compared to other memorable fantasy franchises like Berserk and The Elder Scrolls series.But enough of Mr. Sapkowski, I’m sure the lot of you just want to know what all this hullabaloo about The Witcher is all about. Well then, I suppose there’s no helping it now…The Witcher focuses on the story of Geralt of Rivia, the titular “Witcher” of the franchise. Witchers, as explained in the book, were once ordinary humans who, through a series of genetic and chemical modification as well as grueling training were transformed into the ultimate monster hunter. Geralt is not the only one of his kind (indeed, there are others which include his mentor throughout most of the series) and their main purpose in the world is simply to hunt monsters that are plaguing their lands.However, the land they live in isn’t your typical fantasy setting though, what with corrupt nobles reigning over fiefdoms like they were their own backyard with the locals being nothing more than their pet dogs. Worse, said nobles couldn’t care less about the threats so long as they stay in power regardless whether they’re a foreign army bent on pillaging the populace or otherworldly monsters seeking to devour the souls of innocent people. It is all too often up to hardened individuals like Geralt, other Witchers similar to him or simply common people fed up with being victimized, to defend others too weak to defend themselves.An Unconventional HeroTruth be told, Geralt is a very interesting character on his own which makes him similar to what ChinoF mentions as a self-made hero. Of course, there are his physical modifications that render him stronger, faster and resistant or even human to various poisons compared to your basic human but one can see his often pragmatic approach to solving problems and fighting monsters. It is very rare for him to fight just with strength and relies more on well-prepared traps and meticulously devised strategies rather than just solely on his superhuman abilities.Geralt, as well as his fellow Witchers are interesting because of how their bodily changes affect them and how they see the world. For one thing, their higher emotions are often paralyzed or slowed, creating the often wrong impression that they are psychotic killers. While they certainly do not flinch from doing dirty work like brutally killing monsters, majority of them still have their consciences intact and sometimes have greater morals than the nobles who more or less treat their own people like garbage. That said, Witchers will often do what is right but do not expect them to show any overt emotion over it and they will sometimes demand pay especially if the job is particularly difficult or dangerous but usually only when there is a noble nearby to demand from.Moral AmbiguityThe people of the setting aren’t your typical side characters in a story, as you may well notice. They are rarely flat and easy to understand. For instance, in one game, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, there was this military officer who was actually more than a little understanding of the common people. While he was an officer of some kind, he was quite gracious and once told a common peasant that he was no different from him and that he could speak freely in his presence. Unfortunately, when the same peasant didn’t uphold his end of their deal, the said officer ordered the man to be flogged for his troubles. When Geralt confronted the officer about it, all he had to say was that it was law and that he was expected to fulfill it.You’ll find a wealth of characters similar to the military officer mentioned above which isn’t at all that different from the way people are in real life. While people try to be good, we cannot always expect them to be perfect and, more often than not, they fall too easily to temptation. In a world of morally ambiguous characters, the only way to survive and make a difference is to live one’s life the way they want to and make decisions for themselves no matter how hard or perilous they may seem.An Honest SettingWhile the world of The Witcher might seem like your typical fantasy setting, it presents a rather bleak deconstruction of what can often be found in typical fairy tales. It is a world wherein happy endings might be possible but only attainable if one is willing to fight for it. They are very seldom what they seem to be and a lot of characters often meet gruesome ends for simply thinking that they can solve all their problems by marrying a handsome prince or doing a given favor for a feudal lord. While certainly fantastic, The Witcher presents a world that is all too real and believable.
2016-01-02 11:05:23+00:00
Get Real Philippines
#DollarParaKayLeni Launched In San Francisco
It’s been a almost a year since a fundraising campaign was launched to help Leni Robredo shoulder the costs of former Senator Bongbong Marcos’ electoral protest questioning the legitimacy of the Vice President’s win in last year’s elections.Previously, the Supreme Court required both Marcos and Robredo to pay a deposit in order to make the vote recount happen. Marcos had to pay P66 million, while Robredo, P15 million.Unconfirmed reports show that since the launch of “PisoParaKayLeni,” the total amount raised has only been about P400,000, a long ways to the P15 million Robredo needed to come up with.And so, Leni’s FilAm supporters are coming to the rescue, launching a new campaign, “DollarParaKayLeni.” The goal is to raise the rest of the P15 million Robredo needs.Launched in San Francisco’ s Union Square, the stateside fundraising campaign hopes that kind-hearted Leni supporters will contribute at least a dollar each.“A dollar goes a long way,” organizer Rodel Dimagiba said, “since the current U.S. Dollar-PH Peso exchange rate is almost 50 to 1. That’s 50 times more that we can raise for Leni than the one peso contribution by Leni’s supporters in the Philippines.”The Supreme Court, acting as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal will start the preliminary conference on Marcos’ petition on Tuesday, July 11.Related: Did ‘PisoParaKayLeni’ Violate the Philippine Constitution? READ
['Pol Pinoy']
09/07/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Law restricting subtitles enforced
2)Republic Act 10905 Mandatory Subtitles This mandates all networks and producers of TV shows to put subtitles in their programs for the deaf community. This excludes public service anouncements below 10 minutes and programs which airs from 1am to 6am.Violation of this law would have to pay the fine of Php50,000-Php100,000 or would serve 6months-12months jail time. Their license to operate might be confiscated as well.3) Republic Act 10906 Stronger measures for the Anti-mail-order Bride Law This prohibits the business of sending Filipinas overseas to wed foreign nationals. They can be convicted to 15 years of jail time and would have to pay Php500,000-Php1 Million fine. This might increase depending on the number of offenses made. This also include foreigners staying in the country. They will be deported back to their country once found guilty.4) Republic Act 10909 Exact Change This mandates all merchandising stores to give exact change and not offer candies in exchange. This act can now be reported as a violation. This law also mandates stores to put price tags so customers would immediately know the price of the items. Fines for violation are as follows:-P500 o 3% ng gross sales for 1st offense.-P5,000 o 5% ng gross sales for 2nd offense.-P15,000 o 7% ng gross sales and 3 months business suspension for 3rd offense.-P25,000 fine and business termination for 4th offense.
['Hot News Philippines']
06/06/2017 0:00
Hot News Philippines
"CBCP YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHORITY TO DECIDE WHAT'S FAKE NEWS! FAKE KAYO!" - Kellogs Dayag #FakeNewsSo what can you say about this one? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this post to your family and friends online. And also, visit our website more often for more updates.
25/09/2017 0:00
News Media PH
a continuing fall out from the business mogul’s derogatory comments about Mexicans during his announcement of his candidacy for president of the United States. He called Mexicans “rapists, drug addicts and criminals.”As a result of his insensitive remarks, the Spanish-language television network, Univision, severed its business relationship with Trump, saying it will not be airing the July 12 Miss USA or Miss Universe pageant later this year. Trump is suing Univision for $500 Million.Soon after, NBC Universal also announced that it is “firing” Trump by not airing the two pageants and canceling the Donald’s “Celebrity Apprentice” television series. No lawsuit has yet been filed against NBC, but that’s obviously coming in the next few days.Today, Mexico announced that it will not be sending a representative to the Miss Universe pageant this year, and there are strong indications that many other Spanish-speaking countries in South America and Europe will follow suit.The absence of the western countries that are in solidarity with Mexico will create a noticeable void in Trump’s international pageant. (Latin countries have fared extremely well in the pageant .)In a desperate attempt to prevent the total demise of the Miss Universe Pageant, Trump, speaking from his penthouse suite at the Trump Towers in Las Vegas, announced that he was renaming the Miss Universe Pageant the “Miss Eastern Universe Pageant” to better reflect the demographics and representation of candidates that will result from the Western countries’ boycott of his pageant.
['Pol Pinoy']
30/06/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Colangco confirms that De Lima gets 3 Million every month to allow illegal drug trade in Bilibid
A four page affidavit obtained by the STAR, explained the amount that Senator De Lima received from the cartels inside the National Penitentiary to continue their illegal activities even they are already imprisoned.Colangco said that P50,000,000 estimated amount of illegal drugs circulating inside the whole Bilibid Prison every month during De Lima’s term as Secretary of Justice.
['Hot News Philippines']
01/10/2017 0:00
Hot News Philippines
Trillanes Wants To Be Duterte’s Finance Secretary
Saying he does not want to be a “party pooper,” Senator Antonio Trillanes has vowed to give Mayor Rodrigo Duterte “all the latitude” he needs to fulfill his promises, especially his promise to end crime and corruption within 3-6 months after becoming president.At the same time, the senator who unsuccessfully ran for vice president in the May 9 elections, offered himself to be Duterte’s Secretary of Finance.Trillanes said that he has the credentials to head the Finance Department and that he has shown his financial expertise and brilliant mind when he tried to expose Duterte’s alleged secret bank accounts.“I will retract all my allegations about Duterte’s bank accounts if he makes me Finance Secretary,” Trillanes told The Adobo Chronicles.
['Pol Pinoy']
17/05/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Photos of Michelle who abused by her 28 year old teacher is circulating on social media
Photos of the 15 year old victim Michelle who allegedly abused by her 28 year old teacher is now circulating on social media.Michelle received criticisms from the Netizens because they believed that the victim is not telling her true relationship to the suspect who named Kurt Patrick Ferrer, a 28 year old PE teacher from an exclusive school.The suspect is also the coach of Michelle and the Netizens believed that there is a romantic relationship between them and the victim is just trying to save herself from the wrath of her parents after being caught of having a relationship with her 28 year old teacher.“We really don’t believe that the victim was forced or abused by her teacher, she must tell the truth or else she will ruin the life of Kurt” One of the Netizen who support the suspect said to our source.Netizens also believed that the court will favor the side of Kurt after some evidence that will prove that the suspect and the victim is in a relationship when the alleged abuse happens was discovered on the internet.Meanwhile supporters of Kurt Ferrer are busy in gathering more evidence that will prove the innocence of the suspect.but some Netizens are already accepted the sad fate of the 28 year old teacher
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2016-06-25 03:29:28+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
Attention To All Women! Do NOT Do This When You're On Your Period. It Can Kill You
At the age of puberty, males and females both will start to see physical change to their body. But females undergo a more serious matter that their male counterparts don't have to go through: the menstruation period.When going through this monthly period, women have a number of important precautions to consider. For example, you can't do as much active work as you regularly do without period. Aches at different body parts specially at lower extremities are most common.Although the symptoms brought by menstruation are different for every woman, it is very important to be aware of the signs.Medical records shows that menstruation symptoms varies differently for every woman. Some experience tremendous pain while some lucky ones have it smooth or with minimal discomfort. Studies suggest that this is because of one's diet and lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and consuming enough liquid before the period starts is believed to be one of the greatest factors in terms of lessening the discomfort during the female's monthly period.What you mustdo when you are on your monthly period:Fasting or not eating enough during your period can cause some serious damage to your body. Food is your body's source of energy and not having enough energy can only worsen the discomfort of your monthly period.You are bleeding. And bleeding people must certainly not lift heavy objects at any given time or situation.A balanced food diet at all times is always a good habit in any situation. But when you're having your period, you must align yourself on the healthy food only diet and completely avoid junk foods. Your body becomes vulnerable when on period specially your excretory organs. By avoiding the salty and preservatives laden foods, you are giving your organs some sort of rest while it deals with your period.There is a saying that sleep is for the weak. Apparently, it is also for those who are having their periods. For sleep is the one time that your body can recuperate from all the stress that your body is going through during these bloody days. If sleep is neglected, it can cause damage not only to your body but also to your brain. There's a reason why they say you can go crazy from having a bad period.While it's probably the safest day to do it if you are not planning on getting pregnant, it can also be dangerous to both female and male. Period blood is a good source of infection and it can easily transfer to your male partner so if you can't help yourself to do the deed during menstruation, experts advise you to do it with protection and as much as possible under the shower to minimize the chances of infection.Remember all these period health tips and you will see improvements during your monthly menstruation.
['Vic Patnugot']
16/05/2017 0:00
Pinoy News Blogger
Leni Robredo is politically-dead, yet the Opposition continue to coddle her
The Opposition can’t afford to purge the yellows just yet because the yellows hold the purse strings.The Liberal Party lost the 2016 presidential elections because Mar Roxas insisted on being the standard bearer. Why was Mar, who was so obviously unwinnable, allowed to become the party’s candidate for the top position? Because Mar brought in the money (where the money came from is another story).Why was another unwinnable personality, Leni Robredo, who was not only unwinnable (in a clean election), but unknown and grossly unqualified, able to become the party’s candidate for the second-highest position? Because she is Mar’s kumare and the widow of Mar Roxas’s bosom buddy Jesse, and Mar could trust her not to betray him. Remember, it was Mar who got Jesse Robredo appointed to DILG. Mar and the Robredos go way, way back.My point is, the members of the Liberal Party committed the same mistake the Democrats did in the US. They let an unwinnable personality bully them into letting him/her become standard bearer and call the shots, because he/she had access to resources. They let this one unwinnable personality promote his/her personal interests, at the expense of the whole party. So they all ended up in the kangkungan. Bernie Sanders had a better chance of winning against Trump than Hilary Clinton, but Clinton elbowed him out. So when she sank, she took the whole party down with her.Same with Mar.The ones who bailed out of the Liberal Party after Duterte won were the smart ones. They’ll live to fight another day. The ones who are still in LP, especially the frontline attack dogs like Bam Aquino, Kiko Pangilinan, Risa Hontiveros and Edcel Lagman, are the really dumb ones (Trillanes should be on the list too, except LP is too ashamed to admit he’s one of them). They’re so tainted now that no other party will touch them, not even groups who might challenge Duterte in the future, because the stench of yellow is just so bad now, and the smell on them can no longer be washed off.Now Edcel Lagman says he’s going to challenge Congress’s approval of the extension of martial law in Mindanao before the Supreme Court. He knows it’s a lost cause, but he’s going to do it anyway, just so he can squeeze more anti-martial law media mileage out of the issue, and keep the SC justices tied up so they won’t have time to discuss the Bongbong Marcos VP electoral protest.There should be a law against habitual filing of cases at the SC. Lagman, Leila de Lima, Leni Robredo, and all the yellows should be given a limit so they stop wasting the SC’s time with their self-serving motions and filings. What about the cases of ordinary people and other important cases that have been pending at the SC for years? When will the SC resolve those? Why is CJ Sereno always prioritizing the cases filed by her yellow cohorts?Sereno should shape up. She may think she has security of tenure, but today, we witnessed over 90% of the upper and lower houses of Congress support the President without one cent of pork barrel to “incentivize” them. Sereno’s backer, Noynoy Aquino, had to spend billions to get those same mercenaries to vote to impeach and convict Chief Justice Corona, and by a much lesser margin. Duterte won’t need to spend a cent. Not with today’s awakened Filipino citizenry.So, dear children, learn your Mar lesson. Stop coddling Leni Robredo and the yellows, unless you want to go down with them. No amount of manipulated survey results will change the reality on the ground that the kumare who nominally chairs your party is politically dead.This is a GRP Featured Comment. --------------------------This is a GRP Featured Comment. Join the discussion
05/12/2017 0:00
201) and the Senate is controlled by Democrats by a slim majority (53-45, with two independents caucusing with the Democrats).
['Pol Pinoy']
06/09/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
NATIONAL ID to be push in Duterte administration
Sample Design of National IDDuterte supporters and the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEF) are hoping that the National ID system will implement soon under Duterte’s administration.According to them, they are already tired carrying many ID’s and they believe that having only one multi purpose id is more convinient and cheap.The National ID System can also lessen the crime because every Filipino citizen is required to get this ID.“Many countries are already implementing this kind of ID” One of the Duterte supporters said to our source.This One only ID System already proposed by Senators many years ago but there is no progress in this proposal.The proposed National ID System is full of security features like biometrics that is almost impossible to fake it.Under Duterte’s administration, they believe that the National ID System is going to happen, because many people are already asking for it.“We also call on the incoming Duterte administration to work with Congress to immediately pass a national ID system bill that would not only provide each Filipino with an official government ID, but also address serious and valid concerns with respect to security, integrity and privacy of personal information,” the FEF said in a statement.
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2016-05-11 21:09:29+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
U.S. President Barack Obama is just one of the many dignitaries confirmed to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit to be held this month in Manila, Philippines.Recent developments at Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) have sent chills to the international community and has prompted the U.S. State Department to issue a travel advisory to Americans traveling to the Philippines, including Obama.NAIA has been in the headlines recently because of a scheme called laglag bala or tanim bala in which incoming and outgoing passengers at NAIA are being detained for bullets found in their luggage as they pass through airport security. It is alleged that the bullets are being planted by airport personnel with the intent of extorting money from the unsuspecting passengers.Obama is known to want to carry his own overnight bag and briefcase whenever he travels to other countries.The State Department has therefore advised Obama to wrap his briefcase with plastic when he arrives in and departs from Manila so that he is not victimized by the laglag bala schemers.Many passengers flying in and out of NAIA have resorted to wrapping their luggage and carry-on bags with plastic to prevent the schemers from planting bullets without their knowledge.
['Pol Pinoy']
02/11/2017 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
The Daily Breeze, a small newspaper in Torrance, California, with just 63,000 subscribers and seven metro reporters, was a surprise winner at Monday’s Pulitzer Prize ceremony, taking home the local reporting award for its investigation of corruption in a poor school district that brought down an exorbitantly paid superintendent and led to changes in state law.The award is shared among Rob Kuznia, Rebecca Kimitch and Frank Suraci.The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States.The Pulitzer win is a nice reminder that local newspapers can really make a difference in the world. But it’s also a grim reminder of just how wretched the business of metro journalism truly is, and how unaffordable housing can kill many respectable professions.Kuznia, whose work on the education beat started the whole effort, left journalism last year in order to actually support himself. He didn’t earn enough money at the newspaper to make ends meet while renting an apartment in Los Angeles. He’s now in public relations.Shortly after being informed of his Pulitzer, Kuznia said he wants to go back to journalism. That’s when the publisher of The Adobo Chronicles offered him the position of chief correspondent . The Silicon Valley-based online publication has a worldwide following of more than 15 Million. Kuznia readily accepted. “I’ve always wanted to live in the Silicon Valley,” he said.Both Kuznia and the publisher refused to disclose the negotiated salary and benefits, except to say that the new star reporter will be provided rent-free housing.
['Pol Pinoy']
21/04/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
British expat predicts the incoming plan of the opposition to destabilize the Duterte administration
A British living in Cebu, Philippines warned his followers on Facebook about an alleged plan of the opposition to destroy the image of President Rodrigo Duterte.In his post, Nigel Locke, believes that the members of the Liberal Party have been already formed an alliance with the communist to commit extreme measures to lessen the popularity of President Duterte.According to him, the opposition would commit crimes then put the blame on the President.Locke said that the final plan of the opposition is to put Vice President Leni Robredo in Malacañang before the Presidential Electoral Tribunal’s decision on the Vice presidential results protest filed by former Senator Bongbong Marcos.The expat urged the people to be vigilant and pray for the safety of the President because he believes that the opposition is already “desperate” in getting back in power.You can read his whole post below:We can expect some very nasty news here in the Philippines over the next few months, so brace yourselves.Why is this? The tiny minority of Liberals, communists, and allies are desperate to oust the most popular, most successful President in the world and install their puppet Leni Robredo before she is kicked out of that VP position by the PET recount. They will conspire to commit various acts of violence, bombs, shootings even assassinations just to spread fear and panic. No target is off limits. They may even sacrifice their own. They will shout and scream through their pet media that it is all Duterte’s fault. There is a word for this. Terrorism. Be vigilant and stand firm.Pray for the safety of us all and the President. May their evil plans are thwarted and their actions revealed to the world so that they might face justice.Some of his fans agreed with his theory and they pointed out that the killings of some government officials is one sign of the destabilization plot against Duterte.“The rash of killings of LGU officials is one sign of intensified destabilization. Even the price increase of several commodities not affected by the TRAIN LAW are being manipulated by traders so as to blame the president.” Netizen Alfredo Nataba said.“Let us be vigilant because these are the same groups that brought Marcos’ down and made our country the basket case in Asia. Let the people unite and protect our president,” he added.Thoughts?
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2018-07-11 06:45:51+08:00
Pinoytrending Altervista
This fight of BBM is also a very personal one for me
David Yap and I were the very first to post in social media about the anomalous data trends in the VP race during the May 2016 elections.And the insult and trolling we got were severe and relentless. We have been caricatured and demeaned. Our academic credentials were questioned.Friends unfriended me. Colleagues laughed at me. People who knew me to be a thorough academic suddenly joined the mob. Others even questioned my sanity.Even my family was not spared. The legal problems of a relative was shamelessly outed even if he had nothing to do with my politics. My alleged plagiarism case from UPLB was resurrected and used against me. People invented lies about me having sexual harassment cases.Many believed I was a paid Marcos lackey.But while I voted for him and openly endorsed him in social media, I did not actively campaign for Senator Bongbong Marcos. His campaign manager Jonathan Dela Cruz can attest that I was never involved in his campaign.When the existence of a 4th server was revealed, I almost cried. This is it. David and I were on the right.And now that the election protest of Senator Marcos is making progress, I know deep in my heart that this is good enough.And I am waiting for the day that we will be completely vindicated.
2018-01-25 00:05:22+00:00
Amid conflicting reports that Zimbabwean lion Cecil’s brother was either killed or is still alive, CNN has confirmed that Jericho was indeed killed.In a news flash aired on Don Lemon’s show tonight, CNN announced that Jericho, Cecil’s brother, “who is also a lion,” was killed in yet another unfortunate hunting incident.The Adobo Chronicles® appreciates CNN for confirming the news about Jericho’s mortal life, and that he was indeed a lion just like his brother Cecil.
['Pol Pinoy']
03/08/2018 0:00
Adobo Chronicles
Duterte, Robredo, De Lima, Marcos Sign Unity Accord!
In a rare and unexpected development, the Philippines’ top political adversaries have banded together and signed a unity accord, virtually dismantling what was once known as the “opposition.”It shocked even the closest allies of Duterte, but it was devastating news for the likes of former President NoyNoy Aquino, defeated presidential candidate Mar Roxas, Senator Alfonso Trillanes and FilAm millionaire Loida Nicolas-Lewis.The unity accord all but crushed the “oust Duterte” movement and paved the way for six years of harmony and understanding which many saw as the key to the country’s progress.President Rodrigo Duterte, VP Leni Robredo, Senator Leila De Lima and former Senator and VP candidate Ferdinand “BongBong” Marcos agreed to set aside their differences after unconfirmed reports indicated that former U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg authored a blueprint aimed at destabilizing and discrediting the Duterte administration. Political observers are calling it a case of “blood is thicker than water.”As part of the unity accord, all investigations on the alleged extrajudicial killings under Duterte’s war on drugs will be stopped; all charges filed against De Lima will be dropped; VP Robredo has agreed to a gag order; and Marcos, though reluctantly, will withdraw his electoral protest case for the vice presidency.Is the Philippines on its way to being the Lion King of Asia?
['Pol Pinoy']
30/12/2016 0:00
Adobo Chronicles